•n » ■*; #y*f>l'/^^^ ^f/ I V \ '' ■ .' ■ - '.^■■i m^^ ' IH ^^ ' ^ 41' VH ^'' ^^^'^^^'^^V^l')?^ iVSQ^^^S^BH ^^^^HHL^^^^^^HfiS^^L-'^-^''''' '' ^W^^H^^^Ifibx B^^ttP^ 2 ,:'mvK'-^'m '-iW^F' ' '■ ' '^^^H^I uBfl FOEEIGN INSECTS. WORKS BY THE REV. J. G. WOOD. HOMES WITHOUT HANDS ; a Description of the Habi- tations of Animals, classed according to the Principle of L'oi.struc- tion. With 140 Illustrations. 8vo. 10s. 6ii. INSECTS AT HOME ; a Popular Account of British Insects, their Structure, Habits, and Transformations. With 700 Illustrations. 8vo. lof. 6d. INSECTS ABROAD ; a Popular Account of Foreign Insects, their Structure, Habits, and Iransformations. With Coo 1 Lustrations. 8vo. 10s. 6d. BIBLE ANIMALS ; a Description of every Living Creature mentioned in the Scriptures. With 112 Illustrations. 8vo. 10s. dd. STRANGE DWELLINGS ; a Description of the Habitations of Animals, abridged from ' Homes without Hands.' With 60 Illustra- tions. Crown 8vo. 3^. 6(/. OUT OF DOORS ; a Selection of Original Articles on Practical Natural History. With 11 Illustrations. CrownSvo. 34-. td. PETLAND REVISITED. With 33 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 3i. 6d. London : LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO. FX..A.TE III. INSECTS ABEOAD BEING A POPULAR ACCOUNT OF FOREIGN INSECTS STRUCTURE, HABITS, AND TRANSFORMATIONS EEV. J. G. WOOD, M.A. F.L.S. &c. AUTHOR OF ' INSECTS AT HOME,' ' HOMES WITHOUT HANDS,' * BIBLE ANIMALS,' ETO. ILLUSTRATED WITH SIX HUNDRED FIGURES, BF E. A. SMITH AND J. B. ZWECKER, ENGRA TM) BY G. PEARSON NEW EDITION LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO AND NEW YORK: 15 EAST 16'" STREET 1892 Ths right of translation is reserved PREFACE. The object of this work is two-fold ; first to show the great and important part played by Insects in the economy of the world, and the extreme value to mankind of those insects which we are accustomed to call Destructives ; and next to note the wonderful modifications of structure which enable the insects to fulfil their mission, and the surpassing beauty with which many of them are endowed. Incidentally, many interesting points connected with insect life are described, as, for example, the manner in which many of them directly support human life by furnishing food, or being themselves eaten. Thus Bees not only furnish honey, but in several countries are themselves eaten while in the state of grub-dom, together with the " bee-bread " which has been laid up in the cells. Several Wasp larvse share the same fate. Then, there are the Locusts, which, although they destroy vegetable life, are in many parts of the world invaluable in preserving animal life, by furnishing food, not only to man, but to beasts, birds, and reptiles. Termites, again, form a favourite article of food in almost every country where they are found ; while in Australia, the fat-bodied Butterfly popularly called the "Bugong Moth," affords nourishment to thousands of the natives, and in a few weeks changes them from starvelings into plump and contented beings. Tlie Dragon Flies are employed in the same manner in the same country. VI rHKl-ACF.. Even in civilized lands insects are utilized for food. Put- ting aside the cheese mites and "hoppers" vi^ith which we are all familiar, we find the Mexicans employing a certain honey- gathering ant for the purpose of making mead. In Europe the common Wood Ant is much used in the manufacture of vinegar, and in the South of France the same insect is pressed into the service of the pastry-cook, being used to flavour a certain sort of cream called "crime aux fourmis." By way of retaliation, the voracious Mosquitos are themselves eaten in some parts of the world. It is related by Livingstone, that the insects swarm in such vast multitudes on the banks of the Nyassa Lake, that they are gathered in bags and pressed into circular cakes about an inch thick and seven or eight inches in diameter. These cakes, called " kungo," somewhat resemble caviare in flavour. Larvte, especially those of the larger beetles, form an im- portant branch of food in many countries, and in some, as in certain parts of Australia, are absolute necessities. Among them may be mentioned the celebrated Gru-gru grub of the West Indies. It is the wood-boring larva of a gigantic Weevil, and when taken from the tree is held by the head and eaten alive. However repulsive the notion may appear, it has been found that when Europeans have once been induced to try the Gru-gru, they have always held it as one of their best dainties. Perhaps the most curious article of insect-food is the egg of one of the Mexican Water- boatmen (Corixa). These eggs are laid in countless numbers upon bundles of reeds which are sunk for the purpose. In a fortnight the reeds are covered with eggs, which are scraped ot!" and made into cakes under the name of " haoutle." Some of the insects are useful to man in a secondary manner by producing articles which are almost necessary adjuncts to civilization, such as the wax of the Bee, the irritant juices of the Blister Beetle, the dye of the Cochineal, and the "lac" of its near relative the Lac Insect. pni-.i'ACE. vii r ].astly, as to the book itself. Eight hundred and sixty insects have been described, six hundred of which have been figured, the illustrations and descriptions having all been made from the actual specimens. In order to ensure accuracy in rendering the "texture," the engraver has taken the trouble to inspect the insects themselves before touching the block on which they were drawn. The reader may form some idea of the labour which has been expended in the work, when I mention that more than three thousand drawers of insects have been ex- amined, each drawer containing, on an average, some fifty specimens. I now have the pleasing task of thanking most heartily the officers attached to the Insect Koom in the British Museum, for the kind assistance which they rendered through some three years, and the generous manner in which they afforded infor- mation that could have been obtained from no other source. Belvederk, S.E. May 9th, 1874. CONTENTS. COLEOPTERA, OR BEETLES— Ch. I. — Intropxtctiox 1 II. — Tiger Beetles, or Cicindelid^e 6 III. — Ground Beetles, or Carabid^ 28 IV. — Ground Beetles, or Carabid^ — continued .... 46 V. — Hydradephaga, or Predacious "Water Beetles . . 65 VI. — Paussid^ and Brachelytha, or Rote Beetles ... 72 VII. — Kecrophaga, or Carrion-eaters 81 A^'III. — Pectinicornes, or Comb-horned Beetles .... 91 IX. — Lamellicorn, or Lsaf-horned Beetles, sometimes called PETALeCERA 109 X. — Lamellicorns — contiimccl . 129 XL — Sternoxi, or Skipjack Beetles .... ■ . 146 XII. — Malacodermi, or Soft-skinned Beetles .... 166 XIII. — Heteromera, or Party^^egged Beetles . . . .173 XIV. — Rhynchophora, or Weevils 193 XV. — Weevils — continued. . . . . . . . .215 XVI. — LONGICORNES, OR LONG-HORNED BEETLES .... 229 XVII. — Phytophaga, or Plant-eaters 253 XA'III. — Pseudotrimera 267 EARWIGS— Ch. I.^Dermaptera, or Euplexoptera 277 ORTHOPTERA— Ch. I. — Blattid^, or Cockroaches 285 II. — MANTiDiE, OR Leaf Insects 290 III. — Ambulatoria, or Walking-stick Insects .... 300 IV. — Saltatoria, or Crickets, Grasshoppers, and Locusts . 317 THYSANOPTERA— Ch. I.— THRIPID.B 347 % CONTENTS. PAOK NEUROPTERA— CH. I, — LlBELLULIDiE 35$ II. — MyKMELEONID^, SiALLD^, MaJS'TISPID^, and TEKMITIUiE , 365- HYMENOPTEEA— Ch. I.— Saw Flies 385- II. — Entomophaga, ok Ichneumons and Gall Flies . . . 394 III. — ACULEATA. — MuTILLAS AND SCOLIAS 417 IV. — FoRMiciD^, OR Ants 427 V. POMPILIDjE, SPHEGID>E, and BEMBECIDiE ..... 451 VI. — Solitary and Social Bees 50ft LEPIDOPTERA; OR, BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS— Ch. I. — Papilionid^ 535 II. — Butterflies — concluded 698- III.— Moths 632 HEMIPTERA; OR, HETEROPTERA 70& HOMOPTERA 73a DIPTERA 74& DESCRIPTION OE PLATES. PLATE I. To face 'p. 11 1. Tetracha punctata. 2. Tetracha punctata, larva. 3. Calochroa princeps. 4. Mormolyce phyllodes. 5. Anthia sex-guttata. 6. Moiiliotia glorissa. PLATE II. To face, 'p. 125 1. Eucheirus Macleayi. 2. Dynastes Hercules. 3. Golofa hastatus. PLATE IIL Front. 1. Goliathus Druryii. 2. Dicranocephalus Bowringii. 3. Kliamphorhina Petersiana. 4. Entimus splendidus. 5. Cyphus Linnsei. PLATE IV. To face p. 243 1. Acrociuus longiraanus. 2. Batocera Celebiana. PLATE V. To face p. 290 1. Mantis tinctipeunis. 2. Mantis tinctipeunis. 3. Deroplatys desiccata. PLATE VI. To face p. 325 1. Sanaa imperialis. 2. Acridoxena Hawaiiana. PLATE VII. To face p. 356 1. Palpopleura marginata. 2. Palpares Caffer. 3. Ascalaphus Kolyranensis. 4. Ascalaphus Kolyranensis, larva. PLATE VIII. To face p. 476 1. Trypoxylon rejector. 2. Parapison rufipes. 3. Eumenes esuriens. 4. Rhynchium uitidulum. Xll DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. PLATE IX. To face 2). 458 1. Pepsis heros. 2. Pelopseus laetus. 3. Vespa maiidarinia (female). PLATE X. To face p. 51 S 1. Chrysautheda frontalis 2. Xylocopa morio. 3. Centris denudans. 4. Euglossa romandi. PLATE XI. To face p. 543 1. Papilio Brookeanus. 2. Papilio Panthons. PLATE XII. To face p. 557 1. Papilio Joesa, 2. Papilio Euchenor. PLATE XIII. To face p. 585 1. Hestia Idea. 2. Charaxes Eudamippus. PLATE XIV. To face p. 595 1. Caligo Euriloclius (upper side). 2. Caligo Eurilochus (under side). PLATE XV. To face p. 6^4 1. Cfequosa Australasise. 2. Cyclosia sanguifera. PLATE XVL To face p. 663 1. Attacus Jorulla. 2. Phyllodes consobrina. PLATE XVII. To face p. 676 1. Tropaea Leto. 2. Ginaiiisa Jsis. PLATE XVIII. To face p. 732 1. Cicada adusta. 2. Hotinus maculatus. 3. Pcecilopteva circulata. PLATE XIX. To face p. 716 1. Diactor bilineatus. 2. Dalader acuticosta. 3. Pygoplatys lancifer. 4. Oncomeiis flavicornis. PLATE XX. To face p. 752 1. Pangonia longirostris. 2. Acanthomera niagnifica. 3. Mydas giganteus. 4. Phellus glaucus. INSECTS ABROAD. /? CHAPTEK I. INTRODUCTION. TN this our favoured country the insect tribes play apparently - -^ so insignificant a part in the economy of the world, that few except professed entomologists have the least idea of their real importance, their vast, silent, and unseen armies, and the enormous power which they wield. I say unseen, because none but a practical entomologist ever sees one insect in ten thousand, even when they have attained their perfect state ; and the most skilful naturalist can but con- jecture as to the countless hosts of grubs and caterpillars that are hidden among the foliage, buried in the ground, submero-ed beneath the waters, burrowing under the bark or into the solid wood of trees, or leading a parasitic existence within the bodies of living animals. Insects pervade the whole of Nature, and the functions which they perform are so important, that they deserve from man far more attention than he generally condescends to bestow. Individually an insect is small, feeble, and, in the eyes of most persons, contemptible. Collectively, the insect tribes are a mighty host, exercising over our world an influence that excites equal wonder and admiration in the minds of those who can appreciate it. Still, important as are the insects in this country, those of tropical lands have infinitely more influence, and that for a very B 2 INSECTS ABROAD. evident reason. They have more work to do. By dint of daily increasing and improving agriculture, and by the rapid growth of population, we have so completely altered the surface of our land, that many species which were formerly abundant have utterly perished, and many others are becoming scarcer year by year. Insects do not now play nearly so conspicuous a part as they used to do, and in consequence they do not attract the notice of persons unaccustomed to observe. It is otherwise in many other parts of the world, especially those which lie be- tween the tropics; and the natural consequence is, that when inhabitants of more temperate climates travel in hot countries, the insects force themselves upon their attention. Unfortunately for science, however, the average traveller never thinks of observing insects for their own sakes, and only takes notice of those which annoy him. Unless they bite him, sting him, spoil his clothes, attack his cattle, or eat his provisions, he passes them by with utter indifference, and seems not to be aware that such creatures as insects exist. As to searching for the work which they, like all created beings, have to do in the world, such an idea never enters his mind, and he seems to look upon insects merely as if they were made for the especial pur- pose of being either avoided or destroyed. Yet, taking even the many insects which are most trouble- some to travellers, we can see how important are the tasks which they have to perform, and how great is their influence upon the face of Nature. Take the first insect of which travellers unite in complaining, the hated and dreaded Mosquito. In its perfect, or winged state, it is about as annoying a creature as can be, but then it must be remembered that the traveller is but a casual intruder in the natural domain of the mosquito, and must expect the conse- quences of his intrusion. Devouring travellers is not the normal occupation of the mosquito, for hundreds of successive generations may live and die, and not one of them ever see a human being. Their real object is a beneficent one. In their larval state they live in the water, and feed upon the tiny particles of decaying matter that are too small to be appreciated by the larger aquatic beings, and, by devouring them, purify the water and convert death into life. Even in our ponds at home, we are much indebted to the gnat larvae for saving us from THE MOSQUITO AND THE ANT. 3 miasma ; while the vast armies of mosquito larvae that swarm along the edges of tropical lakes and feed upon the decaying substances that fall from the herbage of the banks, purify at the same time the water and the atmosphere, and enable human beings to breathe with safety the air in which without their aid no animal higher than a reptile could have existed. The next insect plague of which a traveller complains is generally summed up in the word Ants. He seldom troubles himself to ascertain the species of the ant, to preserve specimens for the benefit of science, or to obtain the least insight into their habits. All he knows or cares is, that some ants, which were very small, stung him, each sting feeling like the prick of a red- hot needle. Some, which were very large, bit him even through his clothes, and held on with such more than bull-dog tenacity, that after the bodies were torn away, the heads not only retained their hold, but went on biting. Then, multitudinous ants, large, small, and middle-sized, swarmed into his room or tent, and ate up his provisions almost before his very eyes. If he put the legs of the table into water, they made extemporised pontoon bridges of their bodies and extended legs, and so enabled the ant-armies to scale the citadel, despite of the moat. If he hung his shelves from strings, the ants crawled down the strings. And, if he did succeed in isolating a table by putting the legs in saucers full of oil, the ants crawled up the walls, then on the ceiling, and then dropped on the table. They ate his food, they swarmed into his drink, and they tore to pieces all his birds and other specimens that he had collected. Of course this conduct was anything but agreeable, and it was very natural that the traveller, looking at everything as it affected himself individually, should feel aggrieved, and wonder why such mischievous creatures should have been made. But if we put aside the temporary and individual inconvenience caused to the traveller or colonist, and look to the real mission of these detested insects, we shall find that they play on the land a part like that of the mosquitos on the water, and rank among the most important of the scavengers of the earth. Their presence is undoubtedly disagreeable to individual men, but mankind %vould suffer severely if the Ant tribes were to be extinguished. B 2 4 INSECTS ABROAD. Take two more insects, which are beyond measure annoying to man, — namely, the wood-boring beetles and the termites, other- wise, but very wrongly, called white ants. Nothing can be more disheartening to a planter than to have his trees and canes devoiired by the beetles, and every bit of timber in his house destroyed by the termites. We shall in the course of this work .see examples of the ravages of both insects, so that we need not go into details now. Yet, strange as it may seem, but for the effects of these wood-destroying insects there would be no forests at all. Suppose, for example, that all these insects were immediately exterminated, the results would be much as follows. A vast tree, one of the giants of the forests, dies, and is blown down in one of the fierce hurricanes of tropical climates. Where the tree fell, there it lies, and where it lies it cumbers the earth, and prevents other trees from springing up in its place. Years roll on and become centuries, tree after tree falls, and slowly but surely arrives the time when the jjlace of the towering forest, with all its wealth of life, is taken by a vast wilderness of dead and fallen tree-trunks. How different is the beneficent operation of Nature under the present conditions. Scarcely has a tree fallen than the insect hosts are at work on it. First come the large and powerful wood-boring beetles and deposit their eggs upon it. Armed with their sharp and strong jaws, which act like bone-nippers, the larvae bore through and through the trunk, making tunnels like auger-holes, and so rendering the tree permeable to air and wet. Smaller beetles soon follow in the wake of the large, and bore out the softened wood, and a host of other insects set to work on tlie now decaying trunk, many using it as food, and others carrying it off as material for their nests. The rapidity of their work is astonishing, and in an exceedingly short time the entire tree is reduced to mere dust. " Put thy foot," writes Waterton, in his " Wanderings," " on that large trunk thou seest to thy left. It seems entire amid the surrounding fragments. Mere outward appearance, delusive phantom of what it once was ! Tread on it, and, like the fuzz-ball, it will break into dust." And this dust serves as a fertilizer to the soil, and enables it to produce fresh trees in the place of that which had fallen. Take the white ants again, even apart from their wood-eating propensities, and see what good service they do even by the VALUE OF INSECTS. 5 siiuple act of building their wouderful nests. They are per- petually engaged in transferring to the surface of the earth the soil which they have taken from beneath it, and so continually renewing and fertilizing it with fresh soil. These insects indeed play very much the part that our much-despised mole and worm do at home. It would be easy to multiply examples indefinitely, but I have chosen these insects in order to show how even the very creatures which are most detested by man, and do him the most direct damage, are indeed, though indirectly, among his best benefactors. Apart from direct benefit or injury to man, the whole of the insect tribes are wurking towards one purpose, namely, the gradual development of the earth and its resources. The greater number are perpetually destroying that which is effete, in order to make way for something better ; while others, whose business seems chiefly to be the killing and eating of their fellow-insects, act as a check to their inordinate increasCj and so guard against the danger of their exceeding their proper mission. CHAPTER II. TIGER BEETLES, OR CICINDELID^. At the head of the insect race are by common consen; placed the .mtdtitudinous species wliich are collected under the common title of Geodephaga. This very appropriate title is formed from two Greek words, signifying devourers of the earth, and is given to the large group of carnivorous Beetles which live on the ground, in contradistinction to another great group of carnivorous Beetles which live in the water, and are called Hydradephaga, oi* devourers of the water. In both these groups, the larva or grub, and the perfect insect, agree in their general habits, so that the larvee of the first group are always found on land, and those of the second group as invariably in the water. Equally by common consent of entomologists, the Tiger Beetles have been placed at the head of the Geodephaga. For- merly they were all classed under one family, the CicindelidsB, but of late years, in accordance with the ever-growing mania for subdivision and over-refining, they have been split up into a number of families, the first of which are the Mantichoridse, a group of which we have no British representative. The name is a very curious one, and I will explain it before describing the insect which is our representative of the tribe to which it belongs. Some 2,300 years ago, there lived a certain Greek historian named Ctesias, who was taken prisoner by Artaxerxes Mnemon at the battle of Cunaxa, so celebrated for the retreat of Xeno- phon's famous " Ten Thousand." Profiting by his honoured cap- tivity of seventeen years, during which time he M^as the physician of Artaxerxes, he wrote a history of Assyria and Persia, in which he introduced accounts of sundry remarkable animals. There THE MANTICHORA. 7 were ants, for example, as large as foxes, and, above all, there was the Martichora, a Grecized form of the Persian word Mard- hhora, or Man-slayer. This Martichora, a portrait of which is now before me, had the body of a lion, the head of a man, and the tail of a scorpion, armed at the tip with a bunch of porcu- pine's quills, which the Martichora used as missile weapons, flinging them at its enemies by a jerk of its tail. Although the beast's mouth was armed with three rows of triangular teeth (evidently borrowed from the shark), the armed tail formed its principal defence ; so that when hunters caught a young Martichora, they bruised its tail between two stones, so that it should never grow any more quills. Corrupted — probably for the sake of euphony — into Mantichora, this name was fancifully given to the present group of insects, in consequence of their size, strength, and ferocity. Fig. 1.— TMantichora mygaloides. The species which has been selected for our example of this family is the Mantichora (not Manticora, as it is generally, but wrongly, spelled) mygaloides. It is a most extraordinary looking Beetle, and may well puzzle entomologists as to the place which it holds in the insect world. There is something about it that shows its connection with the Tiger Beetles, whose terrible jaws are absolutely exaggerated in the Mantichora. There is some- thing about it that looks like a Carabus, or Ground Beetle, and the general shape of the body bears such a curious resemblance to that of the well-known Bird Spider of South America, that it 8 INSECTS ABROAD. has received on that account the specific name of mygaloides, i.e. like the Mygale. Its colour is black and shining, and the creature has a singu- larly menacing air, so that it well merits the fanciful name that has been bestowed on it. Generally, the Tiger Beetles are fur- nished with powerful wings, but the Mantichora is entirely wingless, the elytra or wing-cases being soldered together, so that the insect is unable to leave the ground. The part of this Beetle which most strikes the eye is the head, with its armature of crooked and most powerful jaws. In the illustration the jaws are represented as they appear when open. When they are closed, they cross each other nearly as far as do the fingers of the clasped hands, so that a bite from one of these formidable insects is no joke, even to a human being. Most, if not all, of the Tiger Beetles have their jaws thus crossing each other at the tips, — a provision, as I imagine, for retaining in their grasp the insect prey on which they feed. In this insect the jaws are not regularly curved, as is generally the case with insects, but take a sharp and almost angular bend at about one-third of their length from its base. The side of each jaw, or mandible, as it is scientifically called, is strongly toothed at the base, and altogether the insect possesses a prehensile appa- ratus that has few parallels among its many kinsfolk. The habits of the Mantichora are just those which might be inferred from its appearance and structure. It is swift of foot, quick and active in general movements, and, living in the dry sandy plains of Southern Africa, has a way of hiding beneath stones from the fierce glare of the sunbeams, and of darting quickly from its place of concealment when any creature passes by on which it can pounce. The insect is represented of the natural size. This tribe, the Mantichorides, is separated from the Cicin- delides on account of the structure of the fore-legs, which have the tarsi similarly shaped in both sexes, and with cylindrical joints. The present species was called by Thunberg Cicindda gigantea. Another tribe of the Tiger Beetles is that which is called Megacephalides, or Big-headed Tiger Beetles. In these, as the name implies, the head is very large, so as to give the insects OUOUK OF TIGER BKETLES. 9 rather a clumsy look. 'Their legs are exceedingly long, ami, indeed, it is not easy to say whether the large head, or the long and slender legs, first catch the eye. They are winged, ])ut their wings are not nearly so long or so strong as those of our Eritish Tiger Beetles, so that they are more to be found on the earth than in the air. There is one species, indeed, Megacepliala sejmlchralis, a native of Brazil, which appears never to take to the wing, but runs very swiftly through the grass that grows on sandy soil in the forests. Most of the Tiger Beetles have a similar habit, and these insects are therefore often called by the popular name of Sand-runners, or Sand Beetles. This species gives out a per- fume which much resembles attar of roses, but which changes after death to a very fo3tid and disagreeable odour. The reader may perhaps remember that our common British Tiger Beetle exhales a strong and pleasing scent like that of crushed verbena plants, but happily, unlike the Brazilian insect, the odour does not become unpleasant after death. The accompanying illustration represents the largest of these insects, a very giant among its kin, drawn of its natural size. Its name is Mega- cephala Senegalensis, and, as the latter word implies, is a native of Senegal. As is often the case with Tiger Beetles, Fjg. 2.— Megacephala SenegalensIs. there is considerable variation in colour. The thorax, however, is always green and shining, and the elytra are always roughly punctated, i.e. covered Avith tiny holes as if the point of a blunt needle had been slightly pressed into the surface. There are very few Beetles which are entirely without these punctures, whose use, I believe, has never yet been ascertained or even conjectured ; but in some species they assume a very decided importance, the interior of each puncture being brightly coloured, while the general surface is simply dull brown or black. We shall soon 10 INSECTS ABROAD. see examples of these coloured punctures, none of which, as far as I know, are to be found in our insects at home. The colours of the elytra in this species are strangely variable, some specimens being brown, some green, and some blue, the two latter colours being often interchangeable in insects, whether British or foreign. The head is always coloured like the thorax, and the legs are pale yellow-brown. The habits of some species of Megacephala are not only terrestrial, but subterranean. There are in the tropical regions sundry Beetles belonging to the same group as our common Dor Beetle, which make burrows in the ground under animal refuse. There is a Brazilian species of Megacephala, which has an odd habit of taking possession of such burrows, and, like the knights-errant of old, defending them against all comers. Gene- rally it remains near the mouth of the hole, menacing all foes, real or fancied, with its powerful jaws ; but, should it find itself overmatched, it takes refuge at the bottom of the burrow. Even then it does not abandon its combatant character ; for if a blade of grass be pushed down the hole, the Beetle is sure to seize it with its jaws, and hold on with such tenacity that it can be drawn out of the hole, still clinging to the end of the grass-blade. I have often wondered whether insects are capable of retain- ing their memory throughout their changes, so that a dragon-fly on the wing can recollect its sub-aquatic existence, and the butterfly, while sipping the sweet juice of flowers, remember its caterpillar banquet on the cabbage-leaf. If such be the case, we may readily understand how the Tiger Beetle comes to resort to the earth-burrow. It is, in fact, a return to the habits of its larva-hood. All the Tiger Beetles live, when larvae, in burrows under a loose soil, remaining with their sickle-like mandibles expanded at the entrance, just like the jaws of a steel-trap, ready to seize any passing insect and carry it down to the bottom of the burrow, where it can be eaten in peace. And the mode of action when attacked is exactly the same in both cases, for, as all practical entomologists know, the recognised mode of obtaining the larvse of Tiger Beetles without hurting them, is by poking a straw or grass-blade into their burrows, and pull- ing them out gently while they cling to the supposed enemy FL-ft-TE I LARViE OF TIGER BEETLES. 11 by their strong jaws. Field Crickets are taken in just the same manner. On Plate I. Fig. 1, is seen a very pretty Beetle which belongs to the same tribe as the preceding insect. It has no popular name, however well it may deserve one, but is known to ento- mologists as Tetracha punctata. It is a singularly beautiful insect, and, lovely as it is, to describe it is no easy matter. Many of these Tiger Beetles are coloured in such a manner that it is utterly impossible to define their leading hue. It all depends on the direction of the light, and in many cases, as in the present instance, the real ground hue of the insect is a matter of considerable doubt. The chameleon is nothing to the Tiger Beetle. I have made plenty of experiments on both creatures, and come to the conclusion that all the ground colour of a chameleon may be defined; that of many a Tiger Beetle defies all definition. And the more pains that are taken, the more the microscope is set to work, the less defined is the ground colour. In the present species there are only two points of colour which may be considered as fixed. One is a yellovv^ patch at the end of the elytra, and the other is the yellowness of the legs and antennae. As to the upper surface of the body, it may be said to be almost any colour. I have tried these Beetles in various lights, and have ascertained that the leading colour is blue, fiery crimson, green, or bronze, exactly as the light happens to fall upon the insect, not to mention the intermediate colours of purple and violet which ripple over the surface as the light is shifted. As the name implies, the elytra are deeply and boldly punctured. The insect is found along the banks of the great Amazon river. At Fig. 2 of the same illustration is given the larva of this Beetle, for the purpose of showing the peculiar apparatus by which it is able to travel up and down the perpendicular tunnel in which it lives, and to maintain its place at the mouth of its burrow without fatigue. On the back may be seen a bold hump-like process, and on the hump are two small but strong horny hooks, set upon the eighth ring of the body, counting from the head. These hooks are boldly curved backwards, and it is chiefly by their help IL' INSECTS ABROAD. that the larva is able to scuttle up and down its tuuuel with such rapidity. I never had the opportunity of seeing the larvae of these exotic Tiger Beetles alive ; but if their habits resemble those of our British species as much as their forms, there can be no difficulty in understanding the mode of their existence. Perhaps some of luy readers may be, or may have been, mighty bird-nesters, and been forced to climb trees which ran to some thirty or forty feet without a' branch, and were far too large to be clasped by the arms and legs. Boys cannot carry ladders about with them, and the tree is absolutely inaccessible by ordinary means. But there is a hawk's nest on the topmost branches of the tree, and it is clearly impossible to allow the eggs to be hatched without j)aying a fair toll to the discoverer of the nest. So, out come the " climbing spurs," iron stirruj)S strapped to the foot, and having on the inside of each foot a sharp hook, with point downwards. A long withy is now cut — or in default of the withy a stout piece of iron wire will do — and is passed round the tree-trunk. The nest-hunter takes the ends of the withy in his hands, raising the loop as high as he can, and then jumps at the tree, supporting his body by tiie withy, and driving his climbing-irons well into the bark. By a judicious shifting of feet, the young climber very soon finds himself among the branches, where his spurs are worse than useless, and he hangs them on a branch while he goes after the eggs. Now, except that the Tiger Beetle grub has to climb the inside of a cylinder instead of the outside, the mode of climbing is exactly the same. The larva stretches its body so as to raise itself as high as possible, and slightly bends its back, so that the points of the hooks hitch into the side of the tunnel. It then contracts its body, so as to haul itself up, and so, by re- peating the process, rapidly reaches the mouth of the burrow. When there, the hooks which raised it serve to keep it in posi- tion; and when it wishes to descend, it has only to unhitch the hooks and straighten the body, when it slides down by its own weight. The larva seen in the illustration is drawn from a specimen in the British Museum. Mr. W. Bates, in his " Naturalist on the Amazons," describes sundry species of Tetracha, and gives much curious and valu- COLOUR OF INSECTS. 13 able infonnation as to their habits, mode of life, and variety of colouring: — " On the sandy beach I found two species of Tetracha, a genus of Tiger Beetles, which liave remarkably large heads, and are found only in hot climates. They come forth at night, in the daytime remaining hid in their burrows several inches deep in the light soil. Their powers of running exceed everything I witnessed in this style of insect locomotion. They run in a serpentine course over the smooth sand, and when closely pur- sued by the fingers in the endeavour to seize them, are apt to turn suddenly back, and thus baffle .the most practised hand and eye. " I afterwards became much interested in these insects on several accounts, one of which was that they afforded an illus- tration of a curious problem in natural history. One of the Caripi species {Tetracha nocturna of Dejean) was of a pallid hue, like the sand over which it ran ; the other was a brilliant copper-coloured kind {Tetracha palUpes of King). Many insects M'hose abode is the sandy beaches are white in colour ; I found a large earwig and a mole cricket of this hue very common in these localities. " !N"ow, it has been often said, when insects, lizards, snakes, and other animals are coloured so as to resemble the objects on which they live, that such is a provision of Nature, the assimila- tion of colours being given in order to conceal the creatures from the keen eyes of insectivorous birds and other animals. This is no doubt the right view, but some authors have a diffi- culty in the explanation on account of the assimilation of colours being exhibited by some kinds and not by others living in com- pany with them ; the dress of some sj)ecies being in striking- contrast to the colours of their dwelling-place. " One of our Tetrachas is coloured to reseml)le the sand, whilst its sister species is a conspicuous object on the sand ; the white species, it may be mentioned, being mucli more swift of foot than the copper-coloured one. The margins of these sandy beaches are frequented throughout the fine season by fiocks of sandpipers, who search for insects on moonlit nights as well as by day. If one species of insect obtains immunity from their onslaughts by its deceptive resemblance to the sandy surface on which it runs, why is not its sister species endowed in the same way? 14 INSECTS ABROAD. "The answer is, that the dark-coloured kind has means of protection of quite a different nature, and therefore does not need the peculiar mode of disguise enjoyed by its companion. When handled it emits a strong, offensive, putrid, and musky odour, a property which the pale kind does not exhibit. Thus we see that the fact of some species not exhibiting the same adaptation of colours to dwelling-places as their companion species, does not throw doubt on the explanation given of the adaptation, but is rather confirmatory of it," The problem which Mr. Bates endeavours thus partially to solve is a very curious and interesting one, and certainly is not settled by Mr. Bates's explanation. Were it true that all these insects were protected in one way or another, none of them would ever be eaten by other creatures. It is perfectly true that many insects are coloiired so as to resemble the spots wherein they hide, and therefore escape the observation of birds and other insect-eaters. fSome, again, resemble in shape as well as in colour the vegetation on which they live, such as the well- known caterpillars of the Geometrse, or Loopers, which so exactly resemble twigs that none but an entomologist could detect them. So far so good, but, I think, no further, I am inclined to demur to Mr. Bates's theory of the protection afforded by the evil odour of which he writes, and for this reason. Odours are grateful or the reverse according to the constitution of the smeller. For example, even in our own sense the apprecia- tion of odours varies extremely. The close, filthy, foetid atmo- sphere of an Irish cabin, which almost chokes an average Englishman, is like the breath of Paradise to the peasant owner. Put him in a large, clean, bright room, and he will complain of the cold, and make for himself a cabin in one corner, where he can be dirty and warm. Then, our nostrils are generally offended at the smell of rancid grease and un- washed humanity, which to a Kaffir are delightful as the perfume of the rose. To us, the stench of a putrefying animal is inexpressibly odious, and even hurtful, while to the vultures, and to whole tribes of insects, it is the delight of their lives. Therefore, though the odoar of these highly-coloured, sand- loving Tiger Beetles be very detestable to human nostrils, it does not follow that it should be equally unpleasant to insect- eatino birds. THE GOLD CROSS. 15 Most of the dusky Beetles which Mr. Bates mentions have been formed into a separate genus called Phaaoxantha. This term is formed from two Greek words, the former signifying dusky, and the latter yellow. The largest of them is called Phccoxantha Khigii, and is a curious-looking creature, quite unlike our English Tiger Beetles, except in the long, slender legs, and the sharp, sickle-like jaws with which the large head is armed. The general colour is dull, pale, yellowish Lrown, barred with a blacker hue. If this insect were running on ordinary sand, it would be difficult to track its progress, in consequence of the sandy colouring of its body, while, if it remained still, it would be almost impossible to distinguish the body amid the yellow sand and brown stones with which it M'ould be surrounded. There is a very small species of this genus, Phceoxantha laminata, which is found in Brazil. It is almost uniformly pale brown, and the hooks which arm the back of the larva are exceedingly long, stout, and boldly curved. We now come to the typical tribe of this beautiful and interesting group of Beetles called Cicin- delides, which are distinguished by the structure of the tar- sus, or foot. In all these Beetles the males have the three Fig. 3.— Oold cross (CicindeJaauro/cwcmto). first joints of the tar- sus widened and flattened, while the corresponding joints of the female are uniformly cylindrical. There are so many species of Cicindelides, that we must content ourselves with a selec- tion of one or two examples, the first of which is the Gold Cross (Cicindela aurofasciafa) of India, one of the most striking, though by no means the most brilliant of the group. This very remarkable Beetle forms quite a type among its relatives, as in all of them there is a tendency to form a light-coloured cross on a dark ground, and in all, more or less, this cross is made by a V-shaped mark upon each of the elytra. Such is the case with the present insect. The general hue of IG INSECTS ABROAD. the body is deep velvety black, and upon each of the wing- cases there is a V-shaped mark of golden yellow ; the apex of the V being towards the suture of the elytra, so that the two Vs form a St. Andrew's cross of yellow on a black ground. As a rule, the lower limbs of this cross are twice as wide as the upper, but there is a wonderful amount of variety in the cross-mark, not only in width, but in shape and colour. I have examined many specimens of this insect, and never found two which were exactly alike in the hue and form of their markings. Perhaps the most variable of all the Tiger Beetles is that lovely insect the Chinese Tiger Beetle {Gicindela Sinensis — or, as it is sometimes but wrongly spelled, Chinerisis). Owing to its extreme variableness, it is not an easy insect to describe, and it is a remarkable fact that certain recognisable varieties are found in different districts of China, so that the boundaries of such districts cannot be merely arbitrary, but must have some geographical foundation. As it is so variable, I have selected an average specimen from my collection, and describe it as an example of the ordinary colouring. Just as in our common Tiger Beetles green is the leading colour, so blue takes the chief part in the Chinese Tiger Beetle. The ground hue of the elytra is deep, velvet azure, and they are edged with glittering golden yellow, which spreads over the shoulders so as to form a bold cross. Two bands of rich cream colour cross each elytra, near the tip, and there are two little spots of the same colour near the outer edge. Under successive powers of the microscope a wonderful sight is revealed. On placing the insect under a moderate power — say about thirty diameters — the whole of t>e surface is seen to be broken up into innumerable shining points, all of which have a golden sheen when the direction of the light is changed. Those portions which are not touched favourably by the light look absolutely brown, and it is most interesting to shift the lioht in various directions, and see the dark brown spots flash suddenly into violet, purple, green, and gold, and change back again to their dull brown, according as the angle of light is altered. Doubling the magnifying power adds to the revelation of this COLOUE. 17 insect's beauty, and shows that the glittering points are the edges of innumerable pits or depressions with which the entire surface is covered. It is not, however, until a power of some two hundred diameters is employed tliat the real nature of these points and the cause of their changeful beauty are shown. Not in the minutest spot is there a smooth portion, but the elytron is completely covered with an elaborate series of six-sided pits or shallow cells. In fact, when viewed with a high power and a favourable light, the upper surface of the elytron looks very much like a honeycomb, the cells with which it is covered being perfectly hexagonal. The sides, however, of the cells are not equal as in the honeycomb, but two opposite sides are twice the length of the others, so as to elongate the cells without altering their hexagonal form. Tlie shape of the cells is best seen in the creamy spots, as the dazzling blue and green of the other parts rather distract the eye. Each of these cells has its surface furnished with countless dented lines set parallel to each other, and producing, by means of their power of decomposing the light, the wonderful effects of colour which have been mentioned. The gorgeous metallic plumage of the Imnmiiug-bird's breast owes its splen- dour to a similar cause, and so does the changeful purple of our " Purple Emperor" Butterfly. The opal and the pearl also owe their colours to this system of parallel lines, Mdiich can now be produced artificially on almost any substance. Delicate parallel lines can be ruled on steel or glass, giving to them a flickering brilliance of colour that seems quite foreign to the material, which, indeed, appears to be of secondary importance. As long as the lines are there, the material seems to be of little consequence ; and if a piece of soft cobbler's wax be pressed on the ruled glass' or st-" ;1, the lovely iridescence will at once be evident on its surface, despite the apparent incongruity of the dull black material and the splendid colours which play over it. Such are some of the revelations of the microscope with regard to the colouring of the velvet-like surface of the elytra. Now, to the unaided eye, the vivid green and azure of the head are much more brilliant than the same hues in the elytra, while they are not so bright when placed under the microscope. The reason is this. The surface of the head is covered with a double series of wrinkled folds, which are so large that they can be c 18 INSECTS ABROAD. detected by tlie eye alone, Mobile the innumerable cells of the filytra cannot be seen without a microscope. The arrangement of these folds or wrinkles is worth notice. A line runs along the centre of the head, from which the wrinkles sweep in curves on either side, much like the lines of hair parted in the middle. Thus much can be seen with the naked eye ; but if the microscope be used, it will be seen that each wrinkle is regularly and elaborately waved throughout its length, thus, • — ; so adding to the richness of the effect. Still taking the human hair as our illustration, the waved structure of these wrinkles produces a similar effect to that which is obtained by ladies when they crimp their hair by artificial means. I have already mentioned that the upper surface of this magnificent insect is entirely covered with wrinkles or cells, so as to give it a satiny or velvety appearance. The violet under surface is quite smooth, and looks like burnished metal, affording a fine contrast to the softly brilliant hues of the upper surface. The one dazzles and startles the eye, the other soothes and satisfies it. The principle which is so perfectly carried out in this insect is followed imperfectly by ourselves. When a draper shows a piece of silk, satin, or velvet to a lady, he does not spread it out flat, but gathers it into folds and artistic wrinkles. The reason is evident enough. Supposing that a yard of silk or satin be spread flat, there is a certain amount of colour, with a tolerably uniform distribution of light and shade. But, let three yards of the same material be gathered into the same space, it is evident that three times the amount of colour is obtained, while each fold gives different gradations of hue according to the depth of shades. This is one of the many instances where man unconsciously borrows from Nature, and complacently thinks that he has invented something quite new. Of the habits of this Beetle I know nothing by practical experience, but the specimen which has been most imperfectly described gives a curious proof that it must be quite as fierce as our British Tiger Beetles. The jaws of this species are long, sickle-shaped, deeply toothed on the inner edge, crossing each other when closed, and very conspicuous from their shining yellow colour. The jaws of this specimen are firmly closed, and hold in their grasp the fore-leg of another Beetle of the same species. THE EIGHT-SPOT TIGER BEETLE. 19 Two pieces of infonnation are thus given. The first is, that the bold tootli on the inner edge of the jaw most effectually prevents the escape of any insect that may be seized. Let the reader imagine a pair of sickles, each having a sharp tooth some three inches long on the inner edge and about four inches from the base. Suppose the handles of the sickles to be joined at their ends by a rivet on which they can play, and we shall have a very tolerable imitation of the Tiger Beetle's jaws. Tlie reader will at once see that if the sickles are closed so as to bring the handles together, the points will cross each other, and tha t if the leg or arm of a man be clasped in them the two teeth will give an additional hold, and, being nearer the base, will have a more powerful leverage than could be given to the points alone, how- ever sharp they may be. A familiar illustration of this principle is afforded by the schoolboy in cracking a nut. He does not place it between his front teeth, but as far back as he can, so as to add as much as possible to the leverage. The second piece of information is, that the insect was not killed as soon as caught, but was placed alive in confinement with others of its own kind. After the habits of such insects, the fello"w-prisoners set to fighting, and this particular specimen succeeded in wrenching off the leg of its antagonist. The force required for such an act is wonderfully great. There are many insects that shed their limbs without seeming any the worse for it, but the Tiger Beetle is not one of them. It is predacious, and wants its legs for the purpose of chasing its prey. Consequently, these limbs are firmly jointed to the body, and the insect must have exerted very great strength to tear away the entire limb as it has done. Fig. 4— Eight-spot Tiger Beetie. (Cicindela octonotata.) (Blue-green and yellow.) Another lovely species is the Eight- spot of India (Cicin- dela octonotata), which is shown in the accompanying illustration. The colours of this most beautiful insect are much the same as those of the Chinese species, but their arrangement is more C 2 20 INSECTS ABROAD. decided and very different. The ground colour of tlie elytra is the deepest and richest velvet-blue, edged with emerald green over which plays a golden glitter. The thorax is golden bronze at the edges, while the centre is metallic red or bronze, shot with green. The head is coloured like the thorax, and the spots are golden yellow. The legs of this species are very long, slender, and give a sort of spidery look to the creature. On Plate I., Fig. 3, is shown a very conspicuous example of the exotic Tiger Beetle. Its scientific name is Calochroa prin- ceps, but we may safely call it the Belted Tiger Beetle, on account of the three bold bars or belts which run across the body. The ground colour of the insect is velvet-black, and the bars are bright " king's yellow," as a painter would term them. It is a native of India. There are nine species of this genus at present known, and all of them are remarkable for their very long and very slender legs, which give to the insects a spidery sort of look. The name Calochroa is formed from two Greek words, signifying " beautifully coloured," and is very appropriate, as the colours of the insect, though not so vivid and rich as those of the Chinese Tiger Beetle, are very striking, and con- trasted in an exceedingly bold manner. In all these Beetles the tendency in the markings to form a cross is very notable, and much more so when the wings are closed than when they are spread as if in flight. The pretty Beetle which is shown m the accompanying illus- tration is one of a group which has rather peculiar habits. Mr. Bates, who allowed few insects to escape his notice, makes the following remarks on these Beetles : — " A variety of beautiful insects basked on the foliage where stray gleams of sunlight glanced through the canopy of broad green leaves. Numbers of an elegant, long-legged Tiger Beetle fOdontocheila) ran and flew over the herbage. It belongs to a sub-genus peculiar to the warmest parts of America, the species of which are found only in the shade of the forest, and are seen quite as frequently pursuing their way on trees and heibage as on the ground. " The typical Tiger Beetle, or Cicindela, inhabits only open and sunny situations, and are wholly terrestrial in their habits. SOUTH AMERICAN TIGEK BEETLES. 21 They are the sole forms of the family which occur in the northern and central parts of Europe and North America. In the Amazons region the shade-loving and semi-arboreal Odonto- cheilse outnuinber in species the Cicindelae as twenty-two to six. All but one of this number are exclusively peculiar to the Amazonian forests, and this affords another proof of the adapta- tion of the fauna to a forest-clad country, pointing to a long and iminterrupted existence of land covered by forests on this part of the earth's surface." Excepting that these Sontli American species prefer the foliage to the ground, their habits iire much the same as tliose of the ordinary Tiger Beetles. They prey upon other insects, luid are able to catch even the swift-winged flies by pouncing on them as they settle on the leaves. I have seen the com- mon gTeen shore-crab catch bees and flies in a similar fig. 5.— odontocheiiadeGandii. manner, watching them as they ^^""^''''^ "'*^ ^'''''" '^^^'> alight on the sand, and fliyging itseK on them before they could re-open their just-furled wings. The name Odontocheila is formed from two Greek words signifying " toothed lip," and is given to this genus in conse- quence of the form of the upper lip, which is rather long and toothed. The colour of this insect is very conspicuous. Most of the species are green, blue, or brown, but this little Beetle is shining metallic crimson bronzed with green, so that it blazes out like a red star amidst its duller companions. There is a small S-like white mark on the elytra. We now come to a most extraordinary group of Tiger Beetles called Collyridge, in which the whole body is elongated, and the head and thorax are drawn out into a definite neck. One of these Beetles, named Therates labiata, is a native of the K6 Islands, in the Malay Archipelago. Its colour is deep purple-black glossed with green, and its "labium" or upper lip is very conspicuous, being broad, and of a bright yellow 22 INSECTS ABROAD. colour. It is owing to this peculiarity of the labium that the insect has gained the specific name of Idbiata. Its habits are rather peculiar. Unlike our own Tiger Beetles, which are notable for their love of bright sunny spots, this Therates, though in the climate of the Ke Islands it might have as much sunshine as it liked, prefers damp and gloomy situa- tions. Yet, even in these localities it displays the well-known characteristics of the Tiger Beetle, running and flying restlessly from spot to spot with a fussy eagerness, and evidently on the look-out for prey as it darts from leaf to leaf, and then quickly scurries over the broad foliage. As is the case with our common Musk Beetle, its presence may be detected by the nostril before the eye can take cogni- zance of it. It gives out a powerful and pleasant odour some- thing like that of roses, which Mr. Wallace conjectures to be used for the purpose of decoying the insects on which it feeds. I very much doubt, however, whether this can be the case. I have already shown that odours which are disagreeable to us are not necessarily so to other beings, and therefore that we ought not to assume that they are used for the purpose of protection. By parity of reasoning, though an odour may be grateful to us, it does not follow that it should be equally gratefid to other beings ; and I therefore find much difficulty in believing that one Beetle repels its foes by an odour which is disagreeable to man, and that another attracts its prey by an odour which is pleasant to him. Mr. Wallace, to whom I am indebted for the foregoing infor- mation, remarks that in the forests of the Ke Islands, this and another Tiger Beetle, Tricondyla aptera, which will be presently described, were the only two common and conspicuous insects. The name Therates is a Greek word signifying " a hunter," and is very appropriately given to these quick, active Beetles, which apparently spend their whole time in the chase. It is rather remarkable that the only two common insects in the forest should be not only Tiger Beetles, but even belong to the same family, the Collyridae. The name of the second species is TricoTidyla aptera, and, according to Mr. "Wallace's descrip- tion, it looks when alive very much like a large black ant, about an inch in length. At first sight it appears to be quite black. THE TRICONDYLA. 23 but a closer inspection shows that the black is, in fact, a very deep purple. It has no wings, as indeed is implied by its name "aptera," i.e. wingless, but its swiftness and quickness of foot compensate for its inability to fly. It is mostly found on trees, but it seems to prefer the trunks and branches to the foliage. Like our common creeper, the squirrel, and other tree-loving creatures, the Tri- condyla has a habit of dodging behind the branches when approached, and, if the intending captor goes round the tree, the Tricondyla goes round also, and is so adroit in keeping the tree between itself and its enemy, that it can only be captured by a sudden run and quick snatch of the fingers. Like most of its kin, the Tricondyla emits a strong odour, which is, however, not at all pleasant, but bears some resemblance to the well-known and very repulsive odour of the cockroach. A very good example of these curious Tiger Beetles is given in the accompanying illus- tration, which represents Collyris acrolia, an ex- ample of the typical genus. Its coloiir is the deep- est indigo, so deep that at first sight it looks black, just like the colour of our familiar Oil Beetle. The long thorax of this insect is boldly curved, and is globular in the middle. The creature has no wings, and the elytra are firmly soldered together to the very end of the body, as is often the case with wingless Beetles. The name Collyris refers to this structure, being composed of two Greek words signifying *' glued tail." There are many species of Collyris, all very much alike in colour and general form, and all having the otherwise small head boldly developed on either side, so as to leave room for the large and prominent eyes. Fig. 6. — Collyris acrolia. (Deep indigo.) This is the last of the Tiger Beetles of which description can be given. They are, however, so numerous and so important 24 INSECTS ABROAD. that they must not be dismissed without a few parting words. On a review of British and foreign insects, we cannot but be struck with some remarkable phenomena. It might naturally be expected that the insects of tropical climates very far sur- pass in number and beauty those which inhabit the temperate zones. And, in comparing the insects of a tiny island like England with those of the vast tract which lies within the tropical belt, it is but natural to suppose that the disproportion of territory would be represented by an equal disproportion in • the number, size, and beauty of the insect tribes. In a certain degree this theory is carried out by fact, but there are cases where it entirely fails, as we shall presently see. With the Tiger Beetles, however, the increase in the number of species is commensurate with the area of surface. In England we have bat seven species of Tiger Beetle, all belonging to the typical genus, Cicindela. Several of them are very rare, and the most plentiful species, common though it may be, is seldom seen except by professed entomologists, who know where to look for it. The reason is evident enough. Agriculture does not agree with the Tiger Beetle, and, when cultivation comes in, the Beetle goes out. There is no help for it, and the consequence is, that in places where the lovely beetles used to flash their blue and green armour in the sunbeams, like living sapphires and emeralds, as long as the land remained uncultivated, not a single specimen can now be seen, and the Tiger Beetle has been forced ignominiously to resign its place to the turnip-fly and the cabbage caterpillar. No Tiger Beetle can exist in cultivated ground. They all love loose sandy soils, in which their burrows can be made without the likelihood of disturbance. Some prefer the sea- shore, and others the sandy, sheltered banks of inland districts. But in no case does a Tiger Beetle larva make its burrow in cultivated land. Its instinct teaches it to avoid such localities ; and, if any adventurous individual did choose a garden or a corn- field, it would have no chance of attaining maturity, inasmuch as its burrow would be repeatedly filled up by the gardener or the labourer, and the insect starved before it could get its tuimel USE OF THE TIGEK BEETLES. 25 iuto working order. All carnivorous creatures require a con- stant supply of nourishment. The internal fire fed by animal fuel "burns fast and fiercely, so that a Tiger Beetle larva would die of hunger through a temporary deprivation x)f food which would little affect the turnip grub or the cabbage caterpillar. Then, Tiger Beetles cannot exist in cold countries, because they could not obtain the needful supply of insect food. But when, as in the great tropical belts of the world, they find vast tracts of uncultivated land swarming with insect life, it is evident that all the surroundings are favourable to their de- velopment, and that therefore they may be expected to increase and multiply to the very utmost. Their mission is evidently twofold. As carnivorous insects, they form part of the "balance-wheel" of creation which has already been mentioned ; and, as burrowing larvae, they aid in developing the power of the soil. Not only do they drill the surface of the earth with their perpendicular tunnels, thus admitting the light, air, and moisture on which the fertility of the soil so much depends, but they leave at the bottom of the burrows the rejected portions of the insects which they have slain and eaten, together with the whole of their own refuse, and therefore manure as well as lighten the gTound. In culti- vated land both these duties are performed by human labour, and the spade, the fork, and the plough do the work which was formerly left to the Tiger Beetles. The work being done, the Beetles are needless, and so perish from off a soil on which they have no duties to perform. Though the indirect services which they render to man are thus evident, their direct services have scarcely been acknow- ledged. Yet there is at least one species which is used by man, though its use is very limited. This is a Mexican species called Cicindela curvata, which has a way of burrowing in moist sand. The natives have an idea that, like the Cantharis, or " Spanish tly," with which we are all familiar, it possesses medicinal properties, and so they prepare an infusion of the Beetles either in water or spirits. I am not aware that any other species of Tiger Beetle has been in any way utilized by man. On seeing a fair collection of these insects, the most super- ficial observer must be struck with their marve/lous beauty of form and colour. Even when placed in formal rows in a "26 INSECTS ABROAD. ■cabinet, and disfigured by the graceless and lifeless attitudes in which entomologists will persist in setting all insects, without the least reference to their habits when living, they never fail to command attention even from those who know nothing of insects. Excepting the dull-coloured Phteoxanthas, which have already "been mentioned, the Tiger Beetles seem to concentrate in them- selves every beauty of the insect race. Their colours are so brilliant as almost to pain the human eye. Flashes of the most resplendent azure, crimson, gold, emerald, purple, and every shade of every colour, meet the eye as it glances over the insects, and one which is not quite so dazzling as the others gives quite a sense of repose. There is, for example, one species, a native of Madagascar, which would when taken by itself command admi- ration. Its name is Eurymorpha cyanipes, and its colour is to the naked eye deep, dull green, except on the thorax, which is covered with a quantity of long snowy white hair. It is rather remarkable, on looking over the collection in the British Museum, how the eye finds itself instinctively resting on tliis insect, the cool green and white giving a feeling of repose to the sense of sight, which becomes absolutely fatigued with the gor- geous hues which meet it on every side. Should any of my readers be a classical scholar and not an entomologist, he will probably be much surprised, and a little scandalized, that the name of Cicindela is applied to these Beetles. If we tarn to the old classic authors, Ave shall find that the word Cicindela was originally used as the name of the glow-worm, and was probably applied to any luminous insect. Unfortunately, the earlier entomologists, when they first began their formidable task of classifying the insect tribes, fell into various errors regarding the relationships of the different groups. One of these mistakes was made by Linnaeus, wdio considered the glow-worm to be related to the Blister Beetle, and so gave it the name of Cantharis, while to the Tiger Beetles he applied the name of Cicindela, which by right belongs to the glow- worm. Subsequently he corrected several such errors, but persisted in retaining the name of Cicindela for the Tigoi Beetles, and the result has been that, entomologically, the name NOMKXCLATUIIE. 27 -of Cicindela is now applied to the Tiger Beetle, and that of Ijampyris to the glow-worm. As to the arrangement of this large and important group of insects, there have been, and are still, many conflicting opinions. Some entomologists divide them into a number of distinct families, while others gather them all into one family under the common name of Cicindelidre, but subdivide that rather unwieldy family into a number of tribes. I certainly think that the latter plan is the most in accordance with zoological i"act, and I have therefore followed it in this work. CHAPTEE III. GROUND BEETLES, OR CARABIDM This great family of Beetles is quite equal in importance to the preceding, but in one point of view it presents a curious contrast to the Cicindelidse. In England we possess but very few Tiger Beetles, none of them being brilliantly coloured, whereas the exotic Tiger Beetles outnumber ours by some twenty times, and exhibit a brilliancy and variety of colouring which none of the English varieties possess. Our seven little soberly-clad species look very insig- nificant beside the array of exotic Cicindelidse, with all their flashing suits of azure, green, gold, and crimson. But when we come to the Carabidae, the case is nearly reversed. None of the tropical countries can produce any species that can surpass our familiar violet Ground Beetle, and the handsomest of all the foreign Carabidse is one that is a comparatively near neighbour of ours, being an inhabitant of Italy. Altogether, some three thousand species are known to entomologists, so that we can only select a few of the most conspicuous examples. The first is called Procerus tauricus, and lives, as its specific name implies, on the banks of the Bosphorus. It is an example of the genus to which belong the largest and handsomest speci- mens of this family, and which have been separated from the rest, not on account of their size, but on account of the structure of their feet. In the generality of the Carabi, the joints of the front tarsi are flattened and widened in the males, while they are cylindrical in the females. The Beetles, however, of which we are treating, have the joints cylindrical in both sexes, and they are on that account grouped together in tlie genus called Procerus. This word is Greek, signifying " a herald," and is given THE ADONIS BEETLE. 29 tlie Proceri because they arc?, so to speak, the heralds or fore- runners of the true Carabi. The accent, by the way, is laid on the second syllable, thus, Procerus. This fine insect measures about two inches in length, and at first sight looks rough and black. All specimens indeed are black on the under surface, and some are black entirely. But many, such as the specimen from which the drawing is taken, are of the richest violet, with a tendency to purple, and a greenish sheen round the edges of the thorax and elytra. The whole of the upper surface is deeply and largely granulated and punctured, this structure giving increased richness to the . splendid violet and purple with which it is adorned. V Fig. 7.— Procerus tauricus. (Deep purple.) It will be seen, on reference to the illustration, that the pro- jecting tubercles which are formed of the granulations are arranged in nearly regular longitudinal rows, as is the case with several of our own Ground Beetles. This insect is spread over the eastern and southern parts of Europe, the Caucasus, and Asia Minor. It does not seem to flourish near the sea, and is found in best condition on the mountainous districts. We now take an example of the typical genus, the singularly beautiful Carabus Adonis, an insect which well deserves its name, 30 INSECTS ABROAD. being both elegant in shape and splendid in colour. Moreover,, its chief residence is Mount Parnassus. Indeed, so gorgeous is- the colouring, that it really looks like a tropical insect. As is often the case with Ground Beetles, this insect i& exceedingly variable both in size and details of colour. Some specimens are scarcely as large as our common violet Ground Beetle, while others are fully twice as large. Then, the hues with which the body is adorned are equally variable. Usually, however, the middle of the body and elytra are deep black, which, melts almost imperceptibly into green bronze, becoming fiery r(id along the edges of the thorax and elytra, the former of Fig. S.—Carabus Adonis. (Bronze-green, red edges.) which is much flattened on the outer edges. In some specimens- the whole of the thorax is bronze. There is, I believe, scarcely one species of Carabus which does not develop colour of some kind, and such colours are invariably deep and metallic, so deep, indeed, that unless ex- amined closely and with a favourable light, they really seem to be black. A good collection of Carabi is quite as splendid a sight as one of Tiger Beetles, and it is interesting to compare the two families, and see how differently the same colours can be developed. The very same hues of blue, green, gold, bronze, violet, purple, and crimson, which are found in the Tiger Beetles, are also found in the Carabi, the principal distinction being, that in the former insects the colours all have a vel- vety or satiny aspect, while in the latter they are shining like- polished metal. ODOUR OF INSECTS. 3t All these insects are carnivorous, and possess the power of emitting a very strong odour when handled or alarmed. This odour is not sweet and flower-like, as is the case with most of the Tiger Beetles, but is very foetid, repulsive, and persistent, so that it clings tightly to the fingers of anyone who incautiously seizes a Carabus with the hand. If, however, the insect be smartly grasped across the body, just as one picks up a live lobster or crayfish, the fingers are quite safe, and the Beetle may discharge its red-brown evil-smelling liquid as much as- it pleases without injuring its captor. All British entomologists are familiar with the splendid but rare Beetle, the Calosow.a sycophanta, with its glittering green. and gold elytra, and deep purple head and thorax. The larvae of this genus of Beetles feed upon the larvse of other insects, mostly those of social moths, and are wonderfully voracious, so that if two of them happen to meet, one is sure to devour the other. It is rather a remarkable fact, that of all the Calosomas our British species is by far the most splendid. There is one Australian species, Calosoma McLcayii, which has similar colours, though not nearly so brilliant. As to the others, they are no- where in the race for splendour of colour, and look quite dull, and dingy beside the British species. Fig. 9.— Calosoma Indicum. (Brown, with burnished gold punctures. ) There is, however, one exception, namely, Calosoma Indicum,. which requires a quick eye to see that it is an exception, for the Beetle appears at first sight to be plain chocolate brown. If we- look at the British insect, we shall see that among the distin- 32 INSECTS ABROAD. guishiug marks are three rows of deep punctures on each of the elytra, the punctures being placed on the fourth, eighth, and twelfth strife, or fine ridges, which run parallel to each other along the whole length of the elytra. In this Beetle the punc- tures, although their sides are polished and glittering, are of the same hue as the rest of the elytra. There are similar punctures in Calosoma Indicum, but the elytra are deep chocolate brown, while the punctures are not only polished and glittering, but shine with a golden lustre ; in fact, they look as if each punc- ture had been lined with gold leaf, and then burnished to a mirror-like brightness. In some lights these punctures are not seen, and it is scarcely possible with any arrangement of light to see the polished gold on both sides at once. In order to show this peculiarity, the artist-has drawn the insect in such a manner that the glittering points are visible on one side, but not on the other. When I first saw these remarkable points, I thought that they must be lined with separate scales, like those of the weevils, but the magnifying glass soon showed that these punctures were simply gold-coloured and burnished. The whole of the upper surface of this Beetle is very finely granulated in distinct rows, the striae, or ridges, being broken up by innumerable transverse depres- sions. As its name implies, this Beetle is a native of India. The tribe of Cychrides comes next in order. In England we have but one species of this family, namely, Cychrus rostratas, a Beetle which looks so like a weevil that it is often mistaken for one of these insects. All the Cychrides have their elytra fused together, and the last joint of the labial and maxillary palpi large, flat, triangular, and hollowed underneath. The jaws, or mandibles, are strong, project boldly in front of the head, and are toothed on their interior edges. The most curious of these insects is Damastcr hlaptoidcs, a rare Japanese Beetle, which is here represented of its natural size. In this genus the mandibles have only one tooth, and that a large one, situated near the base. Each of the elytra is drawn out to a point at the end, and as they gape a little at their tips, the pointed ends are very conspicuous. Altogether, the Beetle gives an idea of having been once a stout insect, but drawn out when soft, so that it iS' feeble in comparison with its bulk. A VALUABLE CAPTURE. 33 Its limbs, together witli its mode of walking, strengthen the idea ; for instead of being, as most of the Ground Beetles are, quick, brisk, and active, it is slow and sluggish, crawling rather than running, even when it finds itself in danger. Ptg. 10. — Damaster blaptoides. (DuU black.) The following lively description of the capture of a Damaster is taken from Mr. Fortune's " Visits to Japan and China." It is part of a letter addressed from Dr. Adams to Mr. Fortune : — " I was walking solitarily — for all hands had gone on board to dinner — along the shell-strewn strand of Taleu-Sima, a jolly little island, not far from the shores of Mphon — walking along in a brown study, smoking a little clay cutty-pipe, and thinking chiefly of the contempt in which I should be held if some of my ' very particular' friends saw me in this very disreputable ' rig,' for my neck was bare, and my coat was an old blue serge ; and as for my hat, it was brown felt, and I must say ' a shocking bad one.' However, the sun was bright, the clear blue rippling sea was calm, the little island was clear and verdurous, and I smoked serenely. On a sudden my abstract downward gaze encountered a grotesque Coleopteron, in a suit of black, stalking slowly and deliberately among the drift-wood at my feet — step- ping cautiously over the spillacan twigs. At once I knew my Coleopterous friend to be Damaster blaptoides ; for although D 34 INSECTS ABROAD. my eyes are small, yet I have been assured by a young lady friend of mine — sometimes irreverently called Polly — that they are penetrating ; and my friend Adam White, when he warned me not to forget my ' Carabs,' had sent me a rough outline of the 'corpus' of Damaster. So I carefully lifted my unresisting sable friend from his native soil, and after giving him a good long stare, I deposited him in a bottle. From his name and appearance I judge him to be cousin to Blaps, and I turned over the rockwood for his brothers and other relations ; but though Helops was there, Damaster was not. Puzzled, but not baffled, I conceived his taste was more particular, so I ascended the steep green sides of the island, and cast about for rotten trees ; nor was I long in discovering a very pro- mising stump, nicely decayed, and full of holes enough to captivate the heart of any Beetle. Being, however, fatigued with my scansorial efforts, I sat down before the citadel of Damaster, and assisted my deliberations by smoking a solemn pipe. Having propitiated Mcotiana, and matured my plan of operations, I commenced the work of destruction, when, lo ! among the vegetable debris I descried a long dusky leg, anon two more, and then, buried among the ruins, the struggling Damaster. " In this manner was the rarest Beetle known captured by a wandering disciple of -iEsculapius and an eccentric Fellow of the Linnsean Society." The colour of this insect is dull, dead black, and, both in general contour and in hue, it bears so great a resemblance to the well-known Churchyard Beetles (Blaps), that the specific name of hlaptoides, i.e. like the Blaps, has been given to it. Since the above-mentioned letter was written, many other speci- mens of this curious Beetle have been taken, so that it is not now nearly so rare as it was then. Many more travellers visit Japan than was the case thirteen years ago, and the habits of the insect are better known. The second example of the Cychridae belongs to the typical genus, and is named Gychrus vidua. The shape of this Beetle is singularly elegant, as can be seen from the illustration. It is a native of North America. Both in shape and colour it presents a very decided contrast to its BOMBAllDIER BEETLES. 35 relative, the Damaster, for its outlines are all graceiul, and its colour peculiarly intense. The hue of this Beetle is the deepest purple-violet, the colour being almost painfully splendid in a brilliant light. The thorax has more blue in it than the elytra, which are deeply and rather coarsely granulated in longitudinal lines, so as to add to the vividness of the purple. On looking at this Beetle from above, it seems to be a very bulky one ; but when viewed sideways, its body is seen to be curiously flat, the depth --^-,,-^,^ _ being apparently quite -^^ disproportionate to the v^;^, width. The object of this structure is evidently to enable the Beetle to creep beneath stones, under bark, and so to hide itself where a stouter insect could not enter. The spe- fio. u.-cychms vidua. . f. .7 • T . • (Deep purple. ) cinc name vidua is Latm (the " vidder" of Mr. Weller), and has been given to the insect on account of the very dark colour of its surface. It has already been mentioned that the Carabidse have the power of ejecting a noisome liquid when alarmed. Both from the mouth and the tail proceeds this weapon of defence, and in some of the species this latter liquid is so volatile, that when it comes into contact with the air it explodes with a slight report, leaving a cloud of thin smoke. This is specially the case with the tribe of Brachinides, of which our little Bombardier Beetle {Brachinus crepitans) is a familiar example. These Beetles are very social, and it is said that at least a thousand have been seen gathered under a single fiat stone near the river's brink. On being disturbed they at once begin to eject the explosive liquid, and a smart fusUlade is kept up for some time. I remember that at one time schoolboys were in the habit of amusing themselves during the winter evenings by scattering coarse grains of gunpowder very thinly along the bars of the fire, and then waiting for them to explode singly. The little explosions of the Bombardier Beetles are exceedingly like those of the grains of powder, and, like gunpowder used in war, are D 2 36 INSECTS ABKOAD. intended to be employed against an enemy. The foe in question is generally one of the larger Carabid^, which wonld sood devour the small and helpless Brachinus were it not deterred by the repeated explosions and clouds of blue vapour that issue from its expected prey. The fluid and the apparatus which secretes it have been carefully investigated by M. L^on Dufour. Like most internal organs, the secreting apparatus is double, one on either side of the abdomen. M. Dufour describes the organ as consisting of two distinct portions, one being the "preparatory organ" in which it is secreted, and the other the " conservatory organ," in which it is reserved until wanted. The actual secreting organs are two slender fibres, which are in fact glands in their earliest condition, and which open into the preparatory organ just as the secreting organs of the bee or wasp open into the poison-bag. The preparatory organ of the Brachinus assumes two very different aspects, according to its degree of contraction or ex- pansion. When contracted, it is a soft, round, opaque, whitish body, situated under the last rings of the abdomen. When expanded, it becomes oblong, translucent, filled with air, and occupying nearly the full length of the abdomen. The reservoir, or conservatory organ, does not alter its shape, but is always small, globular, reddish-brown, tough in texture, hollow in the inside, and placed within the last ring of the abdomen. Both sexes possess this apparatus. As to the fluid itself, it is capable of staining the human skin black, and that so deeply that the stain remains for several days. Mr. Westwood, in his " Modern Classification of Insects," gives the following anecdote, which was narrated to him by the celebrated African traveller, Burchell : — " While resting for the night on the bank of one of the large South American rivers, he went out with a lantern to make an astronomical observation, accompanied by one of his black servant boys ; and, as they were proceeding, their attention was directed to numerous Beetles running about upon the shore, which, when captured, proved to be specimens of a large species of Brachinus. On being seized, they immediately began to play off their artillery, burning and staining the flesh to such a degree that only a few specimens could be captured with the THE EXPLOSIVE LIQUID. 37 naked hand, leaving a mark which remained for a considerable time. Upon observing the whitish vapour with which the ex- plosions were accompanied, the negro exclaimed in his broken English, with evident surprise, 'Ah! Massa, they make smoke.' " The explosive fluid is soluble both in water and alcohol, and after repeated explosions deposits a sort of dust on the elytra. The interior of the reservoir is coated with the same dusty deposit. The name Brachinidaj is derived from a Greek word signify- ing " short," and was given to these Beetles because most, though not all, of them have their bodies shortened and almost squared behind, as if they had been cut off abruptly with a knife or chisel. Fig. 12. — Pterosophus complanatus. Brachinus Siuensis. (Dark blue with yellow marks. ) (Brown with green gloss. ) In the accompanying illustration the left-hand figure repre- sents the Pterosophus com2ylanatits of India. It is a very pretty creature, and in its general outline and the arrangement of its colours really exhibits a curious similitude to the well-known Asparagus Beetle of this country. The ground colour of the elytra is dark, shining, violet-blue, and the patches upon them are yellow, as is the thorax. The shortened form of the elytra is shown very plainly in this insect. On the right hand of the same illustration is one of the largest of the true Brachini; namely, the Chinese Bombardier Beetle (Brachinus Sinensis). This insect really looks quite a giant among its kinsfolk ; and if it be able to eject a corresponding quantity of the volatile fluid, it must be rather a formidable antagonist to any insect foe. As is the case with many other Beetles, the colouring of this insect is rather variable. It may, however, be described as follows. The general hue is brown, slightly glossed, however, 38 INSECTS ABROAD. with green. This latter colour does not extend to the legs, which are entirely brown. The elytra are covered with bold parallel ridges, an arrangement which gives the green gloss a wider play than if the surface were entirely smooth. The tribe Lebiadae comes next in order, and we will take but one foreign example of it. This is Agra Megcera, which is represented in the accompanying illustration. The Beetles belonoincr to this genus have the last joint of the labial palpi very broad, liattish, and axe-shaped. The body is much elon- gated, and the head is narrowed behind. The name Agra is Greek, and signifies hunting, or the chase, in allusion to the predacious character of these Beetles. This is a very odd-looking insect, its thorax alone being nearly as long as the body, and its head being also elon- gated. The legs are elongated in proportion to the body, and so are the antennae. The general colour is very dark green, the elytra are squared and deeply pitted, and the thorax is covered with wrinkles interspersed with large punctures. In this genus there is a bold distinction between the two sets of palpi, the maxillary palpi being simple and thread-like, while the labial palpi have the last joint flat and axe-shaped. All the insects of this genus, which is a tolerably large one, are natives of South America. The habits of the Agree are rather remarkable. They are tree- lovers, sitting motionless on the leaves, with their long fore-legs and antennae stretched out in front of them. It is rather a remarkable fact that the leaves on which they are most fre- quently found are those which have been attacked by the leaf- rolling caterpillars, the roll forming a convenient couch whereon to sit. They are very wary Beetles, and have that habit which is so detested by entomologists ; namely, spying a foe at a distance^ and instantly dropping from the leaf to the ground, where Fig. 13. — Agra Megsera. (Dark green.) THE FIDDLER, OR MORMOLYCE. 39 they are safely hidden among the grass and other herbage. Although they use the grass as a city of refuge, they appear to be very ill at ease among it, their long heads and necks coming awkwardly in contact with the leaves among which they are crawling. Of these curious Beetles forty species are known, the largest and handsomest of which is Agra Moritrii, an insect whose colour is rich metallic gold glossed with crimson. The whole of the upper surface is deeply pitted, which gives additional richness to the colouring. Among all the Insects Abroad, there is not one which at first sight takes the attention more instantly than the strange-looking creature which is represented on Plate I. Fig. 4. ISTo matter how large, beautiful, or strange may be the other insects with which it is placed, the eye at once fixes on this flat, leaf-like creature, in spite of its comparatively dull hue. Like most of the foreign insects, it has for some time borne no English popular name. Eecently, however, it has been found in considerable numbers near Penang, w^here it goes by the popular name of Fiddler, on account of its singular form, which has some resemblance to that of a flattened fiddle. Scientifically it is termed Mormolyce ^liyllodes, the meaning of which name will presently be explained. It is a native of Java and China, and is not very scarce, being found, as might be surmised from its shape, under bark and in similar localities. It has well been said that Nature never leaves a crevice but she makes something flat to creep into it, and certainly the Mormolyce carries out this theory, for it is so flat, that if the crevice be only wide enough, its depth is of little consequence. The actual body of this beetle, though long, is not very wide, the width seeming to have been given to the elytra, or wing- cases, and the edges of the thorax. The elytra are flattened in the most extraordinary manner. They are scarcely thicker than the paper on which this account is printed, and are of a horny and translucent character, so that they permit the legs to be seen through them. Indeed, so transparent are they, that if one of these beetles be held over a book printed in bold type, and the light carefully adjusted, the capital letters can be read 40 INSECTS ABKOAD. / through the elytra, and the general shape of the smaller letters be made visible. The colour of these elytra is dark red-brown. Their surface is highly polished, like shining horn, and is covered with rounded wavings like the marks left by the sea-ripple on the sand. The general appearance and colour of these strange elytra have been happily compared to the thin, flat, shining gingerbread called "jumbles." The edges of the thorax are also flattened, just as if they had been made of some soft substance and then pinched, and they are furnished with rather formidable- looking teeth at the sides. The legs and body are much blacker than the elytra, but the blackness is evidently owing to the greater thickness, inasmuch as the thorax, which is red-brown at the sides, where it is thin, is red-black in the middle, where it is thick. If the elytra be separated, the wings can be seen snugly packed away between them and the body, so that we may consider it to be among the flying insects. In consequence of its strange and almost eccentric shape, systematic entomologists were for a time rather puzzled as to the place which it ought to hold. Some wished to place it with the genus Sphodrus, on account of the structure of the mouth and the deep notch near the tip of the front tibiae. Some ranked it with the Brachinidae, or Bombardier Beetles, because it cer- tainly has, with the exception of the flattened elytra, a decided resemblance to some of the genera of that family. Moreover, it has similar habits to the Brachinidse, being always found hiding under some substance that wiU exclude the light, just as our com- mon British Bombardier Beetles are always found hiding under stones. Some thought that it ought to come at the very head of the Beetle tribes, even taking precedence of the Tiger Beetles. However, the multitude of counsellors has found wisdom, and by degrees the Mormolyce has settled down into the place which it now occupies; namely, tlie family of the Pericalides. Although a large Beetle, it does not seem to be a strong one, and, in spite of the saw-like edges of the thorax, its general aspect conveys an impression of feebleness. The head, for example, is small in proportion to the rest of the body, and is very much elongated and slightly flattened; the jaws are in- significant, and the legs give no indications of power. Indeed. HABITAT OF THE MORMOLYCE. 41 the large and long antennae seem nearly as powerful as the legs, and quite as capable of offence. Like many of its kin, the Mormolyce is exceedingly variable in point of size, some being an inch and a half longer and two- thirds of an inch wider than others. This perhaps does not seem so very great a discrepancy on paper as it really is in fact. A quarter of an inch makes a very great difference even in a large insect. Just as an elephant of nine feet high towers like a giant over his companion of eight feet, or a man of six feet over one of five, so does a Beetle of an inch and a quarter in length look gigantic when compared with one which only measures an inch. It is for this reason that entomologists are so very careful in measuring the dimensions of insects and their several parts. Mr. W. L. Distant, during a recent visit to the British Museum, communicated the following particulars of this insect and its habits. Near Peuang there are a number of very large trees, on whose trunks grow large fungi, like the boleti that grow on birch, oak, and ash in this country, and are used for sundry domestic purposes. If one of these boleti be torn off, the Mormolyce is generally found hiding between the fungus and the bark, the crevice being so narrow that no one who was un- acquainted with the insect would think that so large a creature could find shelter there. It is much more active than might be supposed from its appearance, and as soon as it is exposed to the unwelcome light it runs off with such speed that a quick eye and hand are needed for its capture. Mr. J. C. Bowring, who took many specimens of the Mormo- lyce in 1860, tells me that both the larva and pupa are found under the same fungus. The strangest part of this curious insect's history is, that during its lifetime the flat elytra are quite soft, only attaining their hardness and stiffness after death. He took the insect both in Java and Peuang, and states that the specimens of Mormolyce phyllodes taken in Java were larger than those of Penang. Theie are now in the British Museum several specimens of the larva, pupa, and perfect insect, all caught and presented by this gentleman. Now let us pass to the name of this most singular insect. The word Mormolyce is Greek, and generally signifies " a hob- goblin." Literally, it is the exact analogue of oui" "bugbear" — 42 INSECTS AEKOAD. the word Mormo, or Mormon, bearing precisely the same signi- fication as the old English Bugge, viz. some object of terror, and the latter portion of the word signifying " a wolf." There is certainly something very spectre-like and uncanny about the look of this strange beetle, which looks as if it had been smashed flat and in some strange way contrived to survive the accident and to maintain life in its flattened condition. The name phyllodes is also Greek, and is taken from a word signifying " a leaf." Indeed, anyone who is in the least conversant with Insects Abroad must be struck with the singular resem- blance in shape between the Mormolyce and the Leaf Insects, although they belong to totally different orders, one ranking among the Beetles and the other among the locusts and grass- hoppers. Just as the leaf insects can sit among the foliage of a tree and be scarcely distinguishable, even by practised eyes, from the living leaves, so can the Mormolyce, which is one of the groundlings, sit among the brown and withered leaves which have fallen from the branches, and be equally indistinguishable from them. Whether these remarkable resemblances were in- tended for the purpose of protection is very doubtful, but there is no doubt that, whatever may be their object, they certainly perform that office when- ever the Beetle ventures by day from the shelter of the fungus-home in which it generally hides itself during the hours of sunshine. As, however, the Beetle very seldom does so venture, its convenient resemblance to a withered leaf can scarcely be in- FiG. 14. — Enceladus gigas. tip j i» (Shining black.) tended tor delence. The tribe of the Siagonides is represented by the insect which is known by the name of Enceladus gigas. This is a remarkably fine and conspicuous insect, of elegant shape, and notable for the very broad collar which separates the thick, broad head from the thorax. The colour of the insect is very shining black, and the elytra are covered with bold. DEFECTIVE NOMENCLATUEE. 43 parallel, longitudinal ridges interspersed with deep pimctations. The thorax is very shining, and on either side, near the base, is a deep and large pear-shaped pit. A narrow groove runs along the centre of the thorax between the pits. It is a native of South America. I very much regret the name that has been given to this insect, as nothing could have been more thoroughly inappro- priate. The classical reader will remember that Enceladus was not only a giant, but a giant among giants, the leader of the rebellion against Jupiter, who was at last struck down by Jupiter's thunderbolts and condemned to perpetual imprison- ment under Mount Etna, whose flames were the angry breath of the imprisoned giant. The name of Enceladus therefore carries with it ideas of gigantic size, strength, and terror, and nothing can be more absurd than to give the name to any insect, especially one that is so slightly shaped as that which is shown in the illustra- tion. It might with appropriateness be given to some new species of whale, elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, or any large and terrible animal, but there is an absolute bathos in calling by the name of the dead giant who could only be vanquished by the thunderbolt, a pretty Beetle, several of which would go in the waistcoat pocket. The Graphipterides are also represented by a single example, Graiphi'pteriis "oarugatus. All the members of this family have a rather curious aspect, and have been aptly compared by Mr. Westwood to broad Tiger Beetles. Their bodies are all short, and the abdomen is broad, oval, and much rounded, as may be seen by reference to the accompanying illus- tration. The habits of these Beetles are rather unlike Usually these Beetles are nocturnal, hiding themselves by day Fig. 15. — Graphipterus variegatus. (Dead black and white. ) those of the Carabidse in general 44 INSECTS ABKOAD. under stones, in dark crevices, and similar habitations, so that they are seldom found except by those who industriously look for them. But there is at least one species of Graphipterus, which was seen by M. Lefebre in Egypt, running about quite actively in the hottest part of the day. This occurred in March, and the insect was seen near the edge of the desert. The same observer noticed that this is one of the noise- producing insects, being able, like our common Musk Beetle, to emit squeaking or creaking sounds. In this case the sound is produced by rubbing the thighs of the hind legs against the edges of the broad elytra. There are many species of Graphipterus, the most striking of which is, in my opinion, the insect which is represented in the ilhistration. The colours are simply "dead" black and white of a rather peculiar texture, which cannot be seen without artificial aid. If a moderately powerful magnifier be brought to bear upon the insect, the M'hole of the white surface is seen to be covered with exceedingly minute longitudinal black streaks, looking like the smallest imaginable hairs, so that by them all shine and ghtter are prevented. The dulness of the black portion is obtained in precisely the same manner, the hair-like streaks being best seen by a side light. The reader will doubt- less notice the shape of the elytra, which are very wide behind, and then squared off abruptly. It is a very variable insect, both in size and colour. This species inhabits Egypt. Nearly all the species of this genus are so pretty that I should very much like to figure them all, but our space is so limited compared with the enormous number of foreign insects, that I can only give brief descriptions of one or two. Tiiere is Graphipterus melanocephalus of Southern Africa, which is entirely dull yellow. But the yellow is only a sort of powdery coat or covering to the elytra, and is almost as easily rubbed off as the down of a butterfly's wing, showing the black elytra with their delicate punctures. In consequence of this peculiarity it is scarcely possible to obtain a really perfect specimen, and I should think that the only way of doing so would be to rear the insect from the larva. From the same district also comes Graphipterus elegaiis, an insect which thoroughly deserves its name. On the top of the head there is a spindle-shaped mark of deep brown-black, a MARKINGS OF THE GRAPHIPTERI. 45 larger on the thorax, and a still larger on the middle of the elytra, aU three joining each other. These marks are sur- roimded by a narrow band of pale golden yellow, then by a broad band of buff, and lastly by a second narrow band of yellow. Tlien there is Graphipterus Westwoodii, yellow, with a large butterfly-shaped black patch on the elytra ; Grapld-pterus cordi- gera, having a similar patch, but looking like a heart suspended by a string. GrapMpt&rus Senegaknsis is striped with narrow bands of yellow and buff- brown ; and Graphipterus exclamationis is black, with a grey mark on each elytra, shaped just like a note of exclamation. The generic name Graphipterus, or " written- wing," is given to the insects in consequence of the manner in which their elytra are decorated with marks defined as clearly as if they were drawn or written with a pen. CHAPTEE IV GROUND BEETLES, OR CARABIBm (continued) The tribe of the AutMades comprehends some of the giants of the great family of the Carabidse — insects which are not only- large and powerful, but armed with jaws of enormous propor- tionate size. These jaws are, as is often the case with insects, fully developed in the male sex alone, the females having them comparatively small. From this fact we may infer that the great size, cruelly hooked shape, and sharp points of these jaws, show that, in the male at all events, they are not required so much for the purpose of obtaining food as of fighting. One of these Beetles, Anthia sex-guttata, is shown on Plate I. Fig. 5. The colour of the insect is black, and the spots are either white or cream-coloured. Both in the colour of the spots, in its general size, and in the development of its jaws, it is quite as variable as our own Stag Beetle, and it is impossible to see a series of these Anthias without being struck by the curious resemblance in these points between two perfectly dissimilar insects. The peculiar projections of the thorax are covered with pale down, sometimes nearly yellow and sometimes white. As to the habits of these insects, they can be inferred from a letter written by M. Westermann, of Copenhagen, to Mr. West- wood. The former gentleman had found in Bengal a curious larva, about three inches and a half in length, and, not knowing what it might be, sent it to M. Latreille, the celebrated naturalist. Mr. Westwood afterwards wrote to the discoverer of the larva, and received a letter, of which the following lines are an extract : — " Being on a visit in Burdwan, in Bengal, one night returning home, I observed, by the light of a lantern, the larva crawling in the road. T immediately took it to be the larva of some large HABITS OF THE ANTHLE. 47 Coleopterous insect, but had not the least idea to which it be- longed till the day after, when I observed at the foot of a large banian tree several Anthia guttata, which, however, I could not secure, as they retreated into holes when I came near them. I therefore ordered my palankin bearers to dig them out, when we at the same time obtained another of the larva found on the preceding evening. " Without being positive, as I wrote to M. Latreille, I now consider it to be that of an Anthia, and conclude it was in the habit during the night of leaving its hole and crawling about in search of worms. M. de Haan having observed to me that this larva appeared, according to his observations, to belong to an Elater, I informed him that on the very tree where we obtained the larvae from the holes at the roots, I found Elater fascipes (Fabr.) in great abundance, this being the largest Elater which ever came under my observation in Bengal." Mr. Westwood is inclined to agree with M. de Haan, saying that the larva, although found in the same locality as the Anthia, does not belong to any Carabidous insect, whereas it does present many of the characteristics of Elater larvje. To my mind, the insect which is here represented is the most striking and characteristic of the whole genus. The arch-looking jaws are of enormous proportionate size, bent rather than curved, and so long, that when they are closed their points cross each other even further than do those of any Ti^er Beetle. The thorax is developed in a most singular manner — a projecting, heart-shaped, shining-black shield guarding the junction between the thorax and the abdomen, and in front of the shield two flattened discs rendering the thorax quite as wide as the abdomen. In the specimen from which the illustration was drawn, these discs are thickly covered with yellow down, a narrow belt of white down runs along the edges of the elytra, and there is a good deal of similar down on the antennse. The rest of the insect is shining black. All the Anthias are confined to a few districts of Asia and the greater part of Africa. The hideling habits of the insect are well shown in M. Wester- maim's letter. Generally the Anthias prefer dry and sandy soils, in which they scrape small hollows as hiding-places in which they lie in wait for their prey. "In manners" (writes Mr. 48 INSECTS ABROAD. Duncan in the " ITaturalist's Library"), " and even in the figure of their bodies, they bear a greater resemblance to the Beetle named Broscus ccphaloUs, found abundantly on the sandy shores of the sea in many places both in England and Scotland, than to any other British insect. They partake of the form which prevails among Beetles accustomed to burrow in the soil, and which is best exemplified in the Scarites and Clivinse, or Mole Beetles as they are sometimes called, which live chiefly beneath the ground. Fig. 16. — Anthia thoiacica. (Shining black ; yellow down on thorax.) " The head is very thick and strong, fitted to make its way through a resisting medium, and the thorax is attached to the abdomen by a narrow neck-like portion, which admits of the anterior part of the body being easily turned in a lateral direc- tion, and therefore answers the same purpose as the flexibility of the vertebrate column in moles and other burrowing quad- rupeds. The hinder part of the body is considerably wider than the anterior, a circumstance never observed in burrowing Beetles, properly so called, as it would materially impede the insect's progress through its cylindrical excavations." It is one of the most variable of insects, and has consequently been described under several names. Some specimens are very much smaller than others, while the colour and arrangement of the down- clad patching differ so much that no one who did not thoroughly know the insect would be likely to imagine that SINGULAR ELYTRA. 49 such differently coloured creatures could be only varieties of one sjDecies. Sometimes the baud which edges the elytra is yellow instead of white, and sometimes it disappears altogether; while there are many specimens in which there is not only no white edge, but its place is taken by four large yellow spots. Most do\\'n-bearing Beetles are liable to similar variations, which in many instances are simply mechanical, the down getting rubbed off the more projecting portions and remaining in those which are hollow and therefore protected from friction. The present, species is a native of Southern Africa. The name of Anthia is scarcely appropriate when applied to this insect, or indeed to any insect whatever, as it was originally given by old Greek writers to some sort of sea-fish, and is there- fore singularly unsuitable to an insect which loves dry and sandy places. One of the most remarkable of the Anthiadae is Gypholoba Ranzonii, a native of Southern Africa. Fig. 17.— Cj^holoba Ranzonii. (Shining black ; dull rod inside the cells.) This singular Beetle has very short and powerful jaws, curi- ously short antennae, and a bold collar between the head and thorax and the thorax and abdomen. The colour is black, that of the head and thorax being rather dull, in consequence of the innumerable wrinkles with which it is covered, and which are too small to be seen without a magnifying glass. The chief peculiarity, however, lies in the elytra. These organs possess very strong longitudinal ridges, connected at V. 50 INSECTS ABEOAD. regular intervals by cross ridges, so as to form a series of bold deep cells, six rows on each elytron, each cell surrounded by a wall of strong, shining black, horny material. These cells are, as it were, stamped so deeply into the elytra that their floors are exceedingly thin and fragile, and it is scarcely possible even to touch them with the point of a needle and not to break through the floor of the cell. Each cell is paved with a dusky-looking substance of a rust- red colour. At flrst I took this substance to be formed of yellow down like that on AntMa thoracica, which has recently been described. The magnifier, however, soon showed that it was not down, and then I thought that it might be a mere powdery deposit, such as often settles on insects which have been kepi- for some years. Mr. F. Smith, of the British Museum, kindly undertook to examine the insect more thoroughly than I could venture to do with specimens not my own property, and found that, though the powder could be removed by friction, it could not be touched by either water, spirits of wine, or benzine, and was clearly a natural growth on the insect. This is the only species of its genus, but there are Beetles belonging to allied genera which are formed after the same manner, and have their elytra similarly covered with deep cells paved with reddish powder. The family of the Morionidse is represented by the insect called Hyperion Schroeteri, an inhabitant of New Holland. At a first glance this Beetle does not seem to be particularly worthy of notice, but a short inspection shows that it is too remarkable to be passed over without description. Its colour is wholly black, that of the head and thorax being of a satiny texture, owing to the innumerable punctures with which it is covered, and which are too minute to be seen by the unaided eye. There is a deep longitudinal line along the middle of the thorax, and a large, bold, deep impression on either side of the back of the head. Thei-e is also a deep impression on the forehead. The jaws or mandibles of this Beetle are very strong and powerful, and are remarkable for a very large tooth on the inner side near their bases. Like the thorax, the elytra are black, but are covered with bold longitudinal ridges, each of which is well rounded and POSITION OF THE LEGS, 51 highly polished, so that they look much like a number of ebony cylinders laid side by side. As is often the case with Beetles, a row of rather deep punctures runs along the outer edges of the elytra. The most remarkable point in this insect is the mode in which the legs are set on the body. A reference to the illustration will show that the hind legs are placed so far from the middle pair that they seem to be set quite at the end of the body. On looking at the under-side of the insect, however, it is seen that the thorax is prolonged enormously, the lower and hinder portion, caUed technically the meta-sternum, running under the Fig. is. — Hyperion Schroeteri. (Black.) abdomen almost to its end. It is to this portion of the insect that the hind legs are attached, and thus the legs, which appear from above to be actually set on the abdomen, are really in their usual place. The tibia of the hind legs are boldly curved, and in conse- quence of this peculiarity Mr. Westwood proposed a new generic name, viz. Campylocnemis, or " crooked shin." Its name would at all events have the advantage of being intelligible, whereas the name of Hyperion gives no intimation whatever as to the appearance, general form, or the structure of any part of the insect. However, the name Hyperion has the precedence, and E 2 52 INSECTS ABROAD. according to zoological custom, although not nearly so appro- priate as Mr. Westwood's name, it must be retained. All the three pairs of legs are very short in proportion to the size of the insect. As the Beetle is long-bodied, almost cylin- drical, short-limbed, and possessed of powerful jaws, it has much the look of a boring insect, something like our own familiar little Beetle, Clivinafossor, which this insect very much resembles in general form. Nothing, however, is known of its habits, as is unfortunately too often the case with foreign insects. It is very rare, and neither of the two specimens in the British Museum is perfect. The important and interesting family of the Scaritidaj is re- presented by the largest known species, which is shown of its natural size on Plate I. Fig. 6. There is some difficulty about the name of this insect. It is called by one author Scaritarchus Midas, by another Scarites gigas, by another MouJiotia glorissa, &c. These names, however, have been resolved into two, both of which were given in 1862. MouJiotia glorissa was published a few months before its rival, and therefore is retained. Still, the first of these names is infinitely the better. The word Scari- tarchus signifies " chief of the Scarites," or, to transpose the two portions of the word, " Arch-Scarites ; " while the specific name Midas is singularly appropriate, referring to the golden lustre which makes the insect so conspicuous even at a distance. In this fine Beetle the chief characteristics of the Scari tides are well shown, and almost exaggerated. These Beetles have the tibiee of the fore legs broad, strong, and notched, evidently for the purpose of enabling them to dig in the ground. In this species the legs are not only powerful, but peculiarly long, and the tibise of the front pair are armed with three formidable teeth or spikes on the outer edge, those of the middle pair having two similar teeth. In fact, the Beetle has altogether a very spiky look, and would be very disagreeable if handled carelessly. The hind legs have not the spikes, but they have sometimes a tubercle or projection marking the spot where the spikes might be expected to be. For every reason it is a very conspicuous insect. In the first place, it well deserves the name of Scaritarchus, for it looks among its kin like an elephant among Shetland ponies. It is FOKEIGN SCARITID/E. 53 thickly and stoutly built, possessed of enormously laowerful jaws, and, in consequence of its long legs, stands rather high from the ground. Its colour is equally conspicuous. The head and greater part of the thorax and abdomen are dull black, but round both abdomen and thorax runs a broad band of most brilliant metallic colours, changing its hue with every shifting light, and scarcely any two portions appearing of the same colour at the same time. It is a sort of mixture of green and blue foil, fiery copper-red, and burnished gold, and is peculiarly fascinating to the eye. I should say that if one of these insects were walking at liberty in the sunshine, it could be detected at a distance of many hun- dreds of 3'ards by the metallic gleams of this splendid border. The middle of the elytra, black though they be, is yet handsome, being covered with parallel rows of bold rounded tubercles. As a rule the Scaritides are black and dull, so that the splendour of this species is all the more conspicuous. There are, however, two exceptions which are worthy of notice, both belonging to the same genus, and being inhabitants of Yucatan. One of these is called Molobrus yurpuratus, and has a broad purple-copper band round the elytra, and a very narrow edge of the same hue to the thorax. The second is Molobrus rotundi- flanis, which has its thorax surrounded with a narrow green edge, and a broad, red-copper band round the elytra. Both insects are, however, comparatively small. The name Molohrus is Greek, signifying " a glutton," and is given to these insects on account of their voracity. The explanation of the last-mentioned name indicates the general character of the Scaritides. They are pre-eminently carnivorous, feeding mostly on living insects and larvae. For this purpose they are well fitted by their firmly mailed bodies, their powerful legs, and strong sharp jaws, which enable them to pursue their prey into their very strongholds and there to devour them. Several entomologists liave observed the habits of this species, and agree in their accounts. They say that it is accustomed to burrow under cowdung, using for this purpose its powerful palmated fore legs, after the well-known manner of the Uor Beetles. It does not, however, burrow for the purpose of laying its eggs, but for the sake of feeding upon the larvse of the 64 INSECTS ABROAD. various Beetles whicli are found in such situations. It has even been seen to fall upon the Beetles themselves, though of great size, to pull them in pieces, and devour them. Like many other Beetles which are adorned with brilliant metallic hues, this insect seldom displays its beauties to the sun, but remains hidden in some dark place during the day, and only issues from its den after dark in search of prey. It is said to feed largely on cockchafers, which, like itself, are mostly noc- turnal in their habits. The sub-family or tribe of the Panagseinse is represented by several species, the first of which is the curious and rare Tejjlus Mcgerlei of Guinea. Fig. 19— Teftlus Megerlei. (Black.) This insect is the largest of its tribe, though not the hand- somest in point of colour, as we shall presently see. Its colour is black, but of different quality in the thorax and abdomen. The former is covered with a whole network of small and intri- cate wrinkles, like those in the faces of Eembrandt's old women. The latter, which is rotund and much depressed towards the end, has the elytra covered with bold longitudinal rounded ridges, set widely apart, and having between each ridge a double row of squared knobs, rather longer than wide. These knobs break up the light in a very artistic manner, and, in spite of the uniform black of the colour, give a variety of light and shade that could hardly be expected from so simple a device. THE EUDEMA. 55 In point of colour, the two handsomest of the group are natives of Bolivia, and by far the finest of them is Brachygnathiis oxygonxLS. It is not half the size of the TeflQus, but is a most resplendent insect, its thorax being polished, shining blue, glossed with intense yellow, especially at the edges. The elytra are covered with parallel longitudinal grooves, very deeply cut and slightly punctured, and are reddish bronze, changing into green when the light falls obliquely on them. Another remarkable characteristic of this insect is the shape of the thorax, which is flattened above, and the two hinder angles lengthened into sharp points. The head is very small, and the shape of the head and thorax together is very much like that of a deeply barbed spear-head. The jaws are small in proportion to the head, thus giving rise to the generic name Brachygnathus, i.e. " short-jawed." The specific name, oxygonus, or " sharp- angled," refers to the peculiar shape of the thorax. The second brilliant species is Brachygnathus pyropterus, a Beetle coloured in a similar manner, though not so brightly, and not possessing the pointed angles of the thorax so proportion- ately long. The specific nsnae, pyropterics, or "fire- wing," refers to the fiery-red bronze of the elytra. Another species of this group is the East Indian Budema tomentosus, which is shown in the accompanying illustration. This is really a pretty, though not brilliantly coloured insect, attracting the attention of the entomologist by the strong like- ness to its little British relative, - Panagceus punctatus. The head / and thorax are black, and so are the elytra, except that near the slioulder and tip of each elytron .T • 1 n , Fio. 20. — Eudema tomentosus. there is a large yellow spot, (SlackandyeUow; Lairy.) which gives to the Beetle a look as if it were yellow, with a large black cross drawn upon it. The elytra are boldly ridged and very finely punctured, and the whole body and limbs are covered with very minute black hairs, which extend even to the tips of the antennae. The generic name, Budema (the " e " being short), signifies " beautifully banded," and the specific name, tomentosus, signifies 56 INSECTS ABROAD. " downy." Some writers employ the generic name Craspedo- phorus — i.e. " hem, or edge-bearing," — on account of the downy clothing which projects on all sides and forms a sort of edging or fringe round the body. There are several species of Eudema, and one of them, Eudema eximius, has five little round yellow &pots on each elytron, set like the number five on a die. This is in itself nothing extraordinary, but the remarkable point is, that there is a small variety of Eudema tomentosus which re- sembles the last-mentioned insect not only in size, but in having five little yellow round spots on each elytron. The many insects that belong to the group of Chlseniides are remarkable for possessing very similar shapes, colours, and habits, no matter in what part of the world they may exist. Their general shape can be seen by reference to the accompany- ing illustration. Their colour is some shade of silky green or brown, with a light edge, and their habits are to haunt moist spots. The sea-shore is the great gathering-place of these Beetles, which love to hide under heaps of decaying seaweed, where they find shelter and food. The present species is selected principally because it is nearly the largest of all the Chlseniides. It inhabits Senegal, and, when viewed among the long ranks of its kin, seems to be a very giant among them, so small are they in general. Some, indeed, may almost be ranked among the minute species, and the average size is barely one- FiG. 21. Epomis Croesus. fourth of the Epomis Crossvs. The (Green, yellow edge.) 7-, . . /-in i • name Epomis is a Greek word sig- nifying " the point of the shoulder-blade," and is given to these insects in consequence of the pointed hind angles of the thorax. This is a handsome insect, the thorax being deep polished green, and the elytra black-green, surrounded with a broad yellow edge. The legs are pale yellow, something like the colour of the band round the elytra. This is, as I have already mentioned, the typical colour of these insects ; but there are exceptions to every rule, some species being black, some entirely VARIATION, AND ITS CAUSE. 57 green, and a very few purple, while one or two are marked with a black cross on the elytra, like that of Eiulema. A MOST conspicuous example of an exception to a general rule is found in the strange Beetle which is shown below, and which seems quite out of its place, looking, in fact, as if it ought to have been among the Scaritides. Still, if the reader will compare the structure of the legs of the Scaritides with those of the present insect, he will see that they must belong to two widely different groups. The front legs of the Scari- tides are powerful, palmated, notched, and spiky, while those of the Dioctes are comparatively feeble, slender, without any palmations, and entirely spikeless. There are many other distinctions, but this is the principal. Fig. 22. — Dioctes Lehmaniiit (Black.) The chief points in the shape of this insect are the enormous development of the head and thorax, and the very small size ot the rounded abdomen. The jaws are absolutely gigantic, and look as large in proportion as the bill of the Toucan or Hornbill does to the body of the bird. Then, in order to supply attach- ment to the large muscles which move these jaws, the head must necessarily be increased in size, and that in its turn requires a strong thorax to support it. The legs of this insect are very long in proportion to its body, and are liberally supplied with hair. The colour is uni- formly black, and the elytra are only marked by rows of very faint punctures. This Beetle is a native of Central Asia, and 58 INSECTS ABROAD. the specimen which has been described was taken at Dj&n-djan. The generic name, Diodes, is Greek, and signifies " a pursuer." The name Chlaeniidse, by which the whole tribe are distin- guished, is also Greek : it signifies a soft woollen mantle of silky texture, and is applied to these Beetles on account of the peculiar silken gloss of their upper surface. Next comes the tribe of Pterostichi. This name is formed from two Greek words, the former signifying " a wing," and the latter a "row" or "rank." It is given to these insects because their elytra are covered with bold ridges, set in rows or ranks parallel to each other. We have plenty of them in this country, mostly however small, black, and seldom noticed except by professed entomologists. They are all very quick and active in their movements, and, if disturbed from beneath the stones under which they love to hide, run to find another shelter with such rapidity that it is not too easy to catch them. One or two of our British species have received names expressive of this quality, among which is the generic name Steropus, or "lightning." One of the largest and most remarkable of these insects is given in the illustration on the next page. It is a native of Java, and is known to entomologists by the name of Catadromus tenehrioides. This is altogether a big Beetle, and conveys at once an im- pression of very great strength. At first sight it appears to be nothing but shining black, but when the light falls favourably upon it, both the thorax and the elytra are seen to be decorated with a band of deep, brilliant, shining green. On each of the hinder angles of the thorax there is a large and deep im- pression, and the interior of that depression is of a similar green. The elytra, which are rather flat, are boldly ridged, and there is a sort of flattening at the ends as if they had been pinched while soft. Along the green edge is a series of rather large and moderately deep punctures. With the exception of the green edging the whole of the insect is shining black. Both the legs and jaws are exceedingly powerful, and the body is so formed, being of exactly equal diameter throughout its length, that the insect is evidently able to penetrate into places which would seem too small to conceal an insect of such BLACK, AND ITS CAPABILITIES OF CONTKAST. 59 dimensions, and to chase and destroy those insects and other living creatures on which it feeds. Its speed of foot is implied by the name Catadromus, which is formed from two Greek words signifying "running about," while the specific name of tenehrioides refers to its resemblance in point of general form to the well-known Meal Beetle {Tenebrio mnlitor), which is so prevalent in corn stores, and is the parent of the common meal-worm on which nightingales and other delicate cage-birds are fed. There is a variety of this insect in Fig. 23. — Catadromus tenebrioides. (Black, green edge.) which the colour, instead of being black, is reddish brown, the only sign of the splendid green margin being a very slight tinge of purple on the edges of the thorax. A SECOND example of this tribe is found in the insect which is called Homalosoma Vigorsii, an insect which looks as if it were made especially to show what wonderful contrasts can be got out of the deepest black. The insect is wholly black, and yet it looks quite lively, contrasting favourably with many insects that even possess positive colouring. The head and thorax are shining as if made of polished jet. The elytra are also black, traversed by bold parallel ridges of shining black like that of the thorax. The spaces between the ridges or ribs, 60 INSECTS ABROAD, if we may so call them, is soft, dull, dead black, very much like that of our common flat Silplia Beetles. The outer edges of the elytra are tiatteiied, highly polished, and fur- nished with large and deep punctures. The name Homalosoma signifies " similar bodied," and is given to the insect because its whole body is entirely black, without any admixture of colour, such as a green or coppery edge to the elytra. The specific name VyjorsU is of course given in honour of the well-known zoologist. The insect is a native of New Holland. Fig. 24. — Homalosoma Vigorsii. (Black.) OuE last example of the great family of the Carabidse belongs to the tribe of Bembidiides. The insects belonging to this group are small, and many of them are brilliantly coloured. They can at once be distinguished from the other Carabidse by the structure of the palpi, both pairs of which have the last joint pointed, and so small that a magnifier of some power is required to show it, even in the largest species. The tibise of the front legs are notched on the inside near the tip. They are semi-aquatic in their habits, some preferring the sea and others the fresh water. In our own country, plenty of them may be obtained under the hillocks of seaweed which are flung ashore by the waves during a storm, and are left to peaceful decay and to be the home of sand-hoppers and other shore-loving creatures. Even on those coasts which afford easy access inland, and where in consequence the seaweed has scarcely had time to settle on the beach before it is carted into the fields for manure, the Bembidiidre may be taken in numbers, simply by following the men who carry off the seaweed, and in so doing Fig, 25. — Pselaphanax setosus. (Reddish brown.) SHOfeE-BEETLES. 61 eject hundreds of living creatures from their hiding-places. Marshy places, especially those which edge the banks of tidal rivers, are well-known haunts of the Bernhidiid?e, which abso- lutely swarm under the dead herbage, sticks, and other floating refuse which is so plentifully scattered about such lands. Although they chiefly feed upon dead animal matter, they can seize and devour living prey, even though the animal attacked be much larger than themselves. Thus, our own little Beetle, Gillenium laterale, gets under stones and bunches of sea- weed for the purpose of preying on the sand-hoppers, which, as everyone knows who has walked along a sandy shore and used his eyes, are fond of hiding under such shelters. The sand- hopper is often twice as large as the Beetle, but yet the insect seizes it under the body, holding on tightly with its notched fore legs, and so eating its way into the very centre of the creature's life, the nerve-cord that runs along the middle of the under surface. The name Bembidiidse is taken from a Greek word which represented an insect of some kind. Its primary signification is " a whip-top," but it was also applied to some insect. Except, perhaps, that the active movements of the Bembidiidae may be thought to have some fanciful resemblance to the gyrations of a whip-top, I scarcely see the appropriateness of the name, especially as the Bembix of the ancients was an insect that buzzed, which the Bembidiidse certainly do not. The insect which has been selected as our foreign example of the Bembidiidse is a most remarkable little creature. It scarcely looks like a Beetle as it runs along, and even in a cabinet it is generally mistaken for a little brown ant by non- entomologists. In proportion to the general dimensions the head is very large, furnished with exceedingly long antennae, powerful jaws, and large, round, projecting eyes, — all these details point- ing to the carnivorous and predacious habits of the insect, small tliough it be. The head is connected with the thorax by a wonderfully thin and long neck, and that again with the abdomen in a similar manner, so that it really seems strange that the three parts do not fall asunder as the Beetle moves. The general colour of this curious little insect is shining reddish brown, excej)t its legs and antennae. The former -are yellow except the latter 62 INSECTS ABROAD, half of the thigh, which is black or green on its junction with the tibia. The long antennae are variously coloured in four tolerably equal parts. The basal quarter is reddish dun, something like the hue of the body, only lighter. Then comes a black portion, then one pure white, and the last quarter is black. The whole of the body is covered with bristles, which, though in themselves small, are quite large when compared with the size of the body. From this peculiarity the specific name of setosus, or " bristly," has been given to the insect. The generic name, Fselaphanax, has been given to the Beetle by way of a joke, on account of its very minute dimensions. It is composed of two words, the former of which signifies " feeling" or "groping by touch," and refers to the great development of the antennae or feelers, which are as long as the head, thorax, and abdomen together. The second word signifies " a king," and has been given to the insect ironically, just as the name of "General" or "Admiral" is given to a very small dwarf, and the sobriquet of " Baby" is often applied to a man of gigantic stature. As to the rest of the group, there is little of interest. They are mostly like our own species, so familiar to those who wander by the sea-shore or river brink and try to use their eyes. It is, however, worthy of notice, that not only do the Bembidiides approach the Water Beetles in their habits, but in portions of their forms. The reader will remember that the minute terminal joint of the palpi was mentioned as one of the distinguishing characteristics of this group. Now, there is a genus of the Water Beetles, called Raliplus — i.e. " a seaman" — which has the same joint of the same organ formed almost exactly like that of the Bembidiides. This necessarily brief history of the Carabidaj requires a few remarks by way of summary. In the first place, the word Carabus is apparently quite as inappropriate as is that of Cicindela. Originally it signified a " crab," which word indeed is nothing but a modified and con- tracted form of the Greek Karabos. So is the German Krehs, and so is the Latin Scarabceiis. It was also employed to desig- nate the cuttle-fish, on account of its mode oi crawling, the name being composed of two Greek words signifying "to walk on the head." By Aristotle it is applied to an insect which is evidently STTMMAllY OF THE CARABIDiE. 63 the Stag Beetle, but Linnseus was the iirst who gave it to the Ground Beetle; and though a protest was lodged against the name, it has been so universally employed that it will certainly continue to hold its place. Now as to the part which the Carabidae play in the world. They are of but very slight direct use to man. In fact, very few insects are directly utilized ; and with the exception of the Bee, the Silk Moth, the Lac Insect, the Blister Beetle, and one or two others, the hundreds of thousands of insects that inhabit the world are not converted to any direct use. With regard to the Carabidse, the only direct use that is made of them, as far as I can discover, is that in some places where they are very numerous they are collected and boiled down so as to extract the fat, of which a land of soap is made. I fancy that if the soap-makers in question were better entomologists they would not use for this purpose the perfect insects, but the larvae, these being iilled with fat which is afterwards absorbed into the complicated mechanism of the Beetle. For my own part, I think that this non-usage of insects is not so much due to the useless character of the creatures as to our inability, or perhaps negligence, in discovering their properties. I have no doubt that man had long inhabited the world before he found out that the bee which could sting him could also furnish him with sweet honey, and that he must have been many years on the earth before he discovered that wax had any other use than to hold honey. Then man must have been very far advanced when he could utilize the silken thread spun by a caterpillar; for he must not only have felt the need of clothing, but must have passed through the stages of leaf-dress, skin-dress, and cotton or linen dress, before the beauty and strength of the silken fibre could have attracted him. It is so at the present day, and there are many countries where silk- producing insects live, and yet in which no use is made of the silk, the men of those countries regarding the cocoons much as we regard those of the commonest English moths or the webs of the garden spiders. I cannot believe that the myriads of insects which surround us contain no more uses than those few which we have managed to discover and develop in so many thousand years, but think that we have neglected to look for those uses because insects 64 INSECTS ABROAD. are small and appear to be beneath our notice. Yet it is just in sucli apparently" insignificant things that the most important results are found. The steam-engine and the electric telegraph, which have altered the \vhole condition of civilized man, lay hidden for countless centuries in the bubbling of the pot and the child's amber toy; and so it may be that there lie still hidden in the insect hosts certain properties which may be as useful to man in their way as steam and electricity, and only wait for the hand of the discoverer to tear away the veil which conceals them. CHAPTER V. UYDRADEPHAGA, OR PREDACIOUS WATER BEETLES. Considering the vast wealth of insect life which is seen in the liotter countries of the world, we might readily imagine that under a tropical sun every group of insects must be developed to the fullest extent. The practical entomologist, however, knows that this is not the case. Some groups — such, for example, as the Long-horned Beetles and the Ants — swarm in such vast numbers that the insect-hunter finds almost every rood of ground add to his collection numbers of species hitherto unknown to science. And, if another collector should go over the same ground, the latter is nearly certain to find many species which his pre- decessor had missed, partly on account of the different mode of working which any two practical men must needs adopt, and partly because the numbers of the insects are so enormous that it is hardly possible for one individual to exhaust the resources of a single district, however carefully he may ransack it. But, though some groups are so enormously strong in numbers, others are strangely deficient, sadly disappointing the ento- mologist, who thinks that he may add to the present stock of insect lore, information concerning numbers of species which he hopes to discover. Such a group is that which forms the sub- ject of the present chapter. In this country, where the hottest summer heats are barely the average of a tropical temperature, where the thermometer often indicates a frost below zero, and where for months together the earth is often covered with snow and the water with a thick coating of ice, the Water Beetles thrive wonderfully. They are marvellously hardy beings, revel- ling in the full blaze of the summer sun, and yet darting about in the depth of winter, apparently quite as contented with the 66 INSECTS ABROAD. water when covered with ice as when warmed by the hot sun- beams of July and August. Yet, though they are thus hardy, they have a manifest preference for warmth ; and in any place which is kept exceptionally warm, there the Water Beetles and their larvae flourish mightily. Close hy my house there is a little pond of this character. No wind but the soft southern breeze blows over it, and throughout the whole of the year every sunbeam that passes the barrier of the clouds falls on the surface of the pond. Con- sequently it absolutely swarms with aquatic Beetles, which can scarcely swim or dive through its waters without jostling each other; and if an ordinary insect net be simply drawn once through the water, it comes up laden with a large mass of kicking and struggling Water Beetles. Such being the effect of warm temperature upon the aquatic Beetles at home, it is but natural to infer that the ponds and streams of tropical climates, which are much warmer than those of our own country, would furnish a vast number of new species to the insect-hunter. This, however, is not the case, for the whole of the tropical countries put together scarcely exceed our tiny island in the number, size, and beauty of their Water Beetles. Our common Great Water Beetle {Dyticus marginalis) is about as large and just as handsome as the finest of its tropical relatives, and among the whole of foreign Water Beetles there are very few that are in any way distinguished from our own insects. Mr. Bates, in his " Naturalist on the Amazons," makes some remarks on this subject. While at Para he was visiting a lake for the express purpose of collecting specimens of Natural History, but was much disappointed in one respect. "I was surprised to find no Coleopterous insects on the aquatic plants. The situation appeared to be as favourable for them as possibly could be. In England, such a richly-mantled pool would have yielded an abundance of Donacise, Chrysomelse, Cassidse, and other Beetles — here I could not find a single specimen. Neither could I find any Water Beetles ; the only exception was a species of Gyrinus, about the same size as Gh/rinus natator, the little shining Whirligig Beetle of Europe, which was seen in small groups in shady corners, spinning round on the surface of the water precisely as its congener does in England." WATER BEETLES. 67 After examining carefully a vast number of foreign "Water Beetles, I find that they are so exactly like our own familiar insects in size, shape, colour, and habits, that three examples wiU be quite sufficient to illustrate the whole of the Hydra- dephaga, numerous though they be. The species which is shown in the illustration, Dyticus latis- simus, is certainly the most conspicuous of these Beetles, and yet, as the reader may see, does not differ remarkably from our common Dyticus marginalis. Fig. 26. — Dyticus latissinius. (BrovvB, orange lines.) The colours are the same, though perhaps rather brighter. The ground hue is very dark brown with an infusion of o-reen, and this, besides orange, is the only colour. Eound the edoes of the thorax runs a band of orange, so as to leave a nearly square dark patch in the middle. Along the outer edge of the elytra there is a similar band, and there is another a little way inside it, running from the base of the elytron to the point, and rapidly becoming narrower as it approaches the tip. This second stripe forms the most conspicuous portion of the colour- ing, and is well shown in the illustration. There is also near the tip of the elytra a very faint and undefined stripe of orano-e drawn diagonally across, and looking as if it had been made F 2 68 INSECTS ABROAD. with a brush on a wetted surface. This streak varies somewhat in different individuals. The specific name of latissimus, or "very wide," is given to it on account of the peculiar form of the body, which is wider and flatter than our British species. The epithet, however, applies especially to the elytra, which are formed after a rather curious fashion. Although flatter than those of the British Dyticus, they are yet moderately convex as far as the second orange stripe. This forms, as it were, the crest of a ridge, from which the elytron is suddenly and boldly flattened, so that it looks very much as if it had been pressed under a heavy weight when soft, and then hardened while flat. Our second and last example of this family is an exception to the general rule among these insects. They are nearly all duU- . coloured, brown and black being the usual hues, relieved in a few species by the orange stripes which have already been mentioned in connection with Dyticus la- tissimus. As to any definite pattern, there is none what- FiG. 27.-nydaticus-festivus. ^^ therefore it is some- (Yellow and black.) ' what startling to find any of the family which not only possess bright colours, but are marked with a bold and sharply defined pattern. Such is the insect now before us, a native of the East Indies. It is exceedingly variable both in the details of the pattern and in the colour, and the present example has been selected as showing the kind of pattern which predominates. The colours are so exactly balanced that it is almost impossible to say which is the ground hue and which is the colour of the pattern, but as the dark hue is most conspicuous we will take that as forming the pattern. The ground hue, then, is always some shade of yellow, in some specimens pale, but in others becoming nearly orange, and the pattern is deep, shining black, so that it must be a very conspicuous insect when darting through the water. In some specimens, however, where the ground colour is very decidedly WHIRLIGIG BEETLES. G9 orange, the pattern is dark brown. The specific name of fcstivus, or "handsome," is given to it in consequence of its beautiful colouring. The Gyrinidte, or Whirligig Beetles, of foreign countries follow the same rule as the Dyticidse, being scarcely larger than our familiar British species, and resembling them also in colour and form. There is, however, one group of Gyrinidaa which is so utterly unlike the British species that it is well worthy of description. This is the genus Porrovhyvchns. This rather crabbed word is a very appropriate one. It is composed of two Greek words, the former signifying •' forward," and the other " a snout." It is given to these insects because their heads are lengthened in front to a point which projects forward like the snout of a pig or any similar animal. The word, by the way, might have been written with equal accuracy Prosorhynchus, and so the three successive "r's" might have been avoided. In these Beetles the fore -legs, which are used for seizing their, prey, are extremely long, forming a great contrast to the short limbs of our British species. The antennse are very short, thick, and straight, and the eyes are yellowish white, showing out " 1 • I ,^ T 1 Fig. 2S. — Porrorhyuclius niarinnatu.s. conspicuously against the dark (Black-trown, with orange edge.) shining head. The colour of the insect is very dark black-brown, with a distinct olive-green gloss, and very highly polished. If the reader wiU. refer to the illustration, he will see that a stripe of lighter colour than the rest runs round the edge of the elytra. This band is yellow, sometimes pale, but in many specimens deepens into orange. The specific title tnarginatus, or " bordered," refers to this con- spicuous stripe. The general outline of these Beetles is very remarkable. The sharply-jDointed snout has already been noticed. At the shoulder the body is widest, and tlien narrows very slightly towards the end, where it is abruptly squared off. Each elytron, however, is furnished at the tips with two long and sharp spikes, the object of which is not easy to determine. If the insect be viewed 70 INSECTS ABROAD. sideways, it is seen to bear some resemblance in outline to a tortoise. The under surface is nearly flat, while the upper rises with a bold ridge in the middle, and thence flattens down to the tips of the elytra and the end of the snout. The genus Porrorhynchus is a very large one, and has repre- sentatives in many parts of the world. In the British Museum there are specimens from North and South Africa, Madagascar,. North and South America, India, and the Philippine Islands. In the whole of the Water Beetles, however diverse their size, form, colour, or habitat, one characteristic is common to all, — namely, the polished smoothness of the entire surface, the manner in which all angular projections are avoided, and the absolute closeness with which the elytra are fitted together, so as to be net only water-tight but air-tight also. This structure is absolutely needed, because, although finding their food in the water, and passing the greater part of their time beneath its surface, they are really denizens of air, and not of water. In fact, they play much the same part among the Insects as do the whales, seals, and dolphins among the Mammalia, living in the water though they do not breathe it, and imitating the fishes in mode of life though differing from them in mode of respiration. During their imperfect or larval life, they were actually inhabitants of the water, and capable of extracting the oxygen from it by means of gills, just as the fish do ; but when they attained the perfect state, the gills, or " branchiae," as they are scientifically termed, were lost, and another system of respi- ration was developed. Like all other insects, they then begin to breathe the same air as ourselves, but, instead of having the respiratory apparatus confined to the lungs, as is the case with us, they have it extending over the entire body, the tubes through which the air passes running even to the ends of the antennae, and terminating in a series of apertures called "spiracles" along the sides. Now, it is evident that if an insect has to fulfil two appa- rently opposite conditions — i.e. living beneath the water and yet breathing atmospheric air — it must possess some peculiar modi- fication of structure whereby the air is ensured admission into the spiracles and the water is kept out of them. These condi- tions are fulfilled by the structure of the elytra, which are wide EESPIRATION OF AQUATIC INSECTS. 71 enough to hang well over the spiracles, are sufficiently convex to contain air between themselves and the body, and fit so closely to each other and to the sides, that when they are closed no air can by any possibility escape. By reason of this structure the insect is enabled to take with it a sufficient quantity of air for respiration, and when it needs a fresh supply it comes to the surface, opens its elytra slightly at the tips, admits the air, and dives again in its perpetual search for food. The process by which the air is passed through the respiratory organs of sub-aquatic insects, has already been described in my " Insects at Home," and need not be repeated here. CHAPTER VI. PAUSSID^ AND BR ACH ELYTRA, OR ROVE BEETLES. According to the system which is followed in this work, we take next in order a great tribe of Beetles which have been gathered together under the common name of Rypophaga, i.e. "refuse-eaters." As their name implies, these Beetles act the part of scavengers, feeding upon various substances, whether animal or vegetable, which would otherwise be decomposed and become nuisances. The exact order of these insects is somewhat obscure, and, indeed, it is not easy to fix the precise limit which bounds them. This work, however, treats more of the offices and forms of the insects than of the characteristics by wliicli their systematic arrangement is described, and we will theretore content ourselves with selecting some of the most important examples of each group of the Eypophaga. The first family is that of the Paussidse, and a most remarkable family it is. It is a tolerably large one in point of number, but all the species are very small, and require to be examined through a lens before their extraordinary structure can be pro- perly made out. None of them exceed half an inch in length, while the greater number ordy attain half that measurement. Mr. Westwood has devoted much attention to these curious Beetles, and for further information on the subject I must refer the reader to his monograph on the Paussidae, published in his "Arcana Entomologica," and illustrated with a number of coloured plates. They are all dull and heavy in their movements, from which habit they derive their name of Paussidae, that being formed from a Greek word signifying to "rest" or "repose." They REMARKABLE ANTENNA. 73 have been taken in various localities. Some, which were captured at Sierra Leone, were caught within houses at night. They had been evidently concealed in the ceiling, and when the candles were introduced they fell on the table and so were taken. Some species have been found in ants' nests, and others under dry patches of cowdung and beneath the bark of trees. As to their habits little is known. Like most of the Eypo- phagous Beetles, they can fly well ; and several species, found in the Moluccas, the Sunda Islands, and Senegal, have been observed to possess an explosive power like that of the Bom- bardier Beetles, w^hich have already been described. Another curious property is thus described by Mr. Westwood : — " Afzelius also states that on looking at one of his specimens of Faussiis sphccroccrus (remarkable for the globular, glossy, and pale-coloured club of its antennae) in the evening, and happen- ing to stand between the light and the box in which it was enclosed, so that his shadow fell upon the insect, he observed, to his great astonishment, the globes of the antennae, like two lanthorus, spreading a dim phosphoric light. He adds, how- ever, that he w^as prevented from ascertaining the fact by reiterated experiments, as his specimen died. May not the reflected light falling upon the semi-pellucid livid-coloured balls of the antennae, give them the described appearances ? Or may it not be accounted for precisely in the same manner as the light emitted by the shining moss mentioned in Loudon's Magazine of Natural History, No. XV. p. 463, by the late Mr. Bowman?" On looking at a number of the Paussidas, the observer is at once struck with the enormous comparative size and strange shape of the antennae, which are as characteristic of these Beetles as is the proboscis of the elephant, the horn of the stag, or the long neck of the giraffe. Some antennoe look as if they were made of a number of flat discs strung together. A siniilai structure may be seen in some of our Eove Beetles, except that in them the discs are further apart. Some have their antennse composed apparently of only two joints, one very large joint at the end and a very small joint next the head. The terminal joint takes all kinds of forms. Sometimes it is globular, some- times pear-shaped, and sometimes nearly flat. Several species have the antennte looking exactly as if a pair of bill-hooks had been stuck on the head, the points outwards ; while others have 74 INSECTS ABROAD. them of a similar form, and notched like a saw below; and others, again, have them axe-shaped, and furnished with two or more long teeth. It is impossible to figure or even describe all the varieties of form assumed by the antennae, and I will there- fore select one or two of the most conspicuous insects. The first example is Homojjtcrtcs Brasiliensis, one of the few species that have been found in the New World. This little Beetle measures rather more than a quarter of an inch in length. Its colour is wholly red, without any markings, whence its name of Homopterus, i.e. " equal- wing." The whole surface is very delicately punctured, and the thorax has a channel on either side, just within the hinder angles. The legs are very short and flattened, and the thighs are grooved so that the Beetle can close its legs and shut up the tibiae into the grooves. The insect was taken on the Corcovado Mountain, near Rio Janeiro, by a negro in the employment of Mr. Miers. Tlie whole body is rather flattened, and the head, including the whitish eyes, is a trifle wider than the thorax. Fig. 29. -Homopterus Brasiliensis. (Red-dun.) The genus to which our next example of the Paussid^ belongs has been variously named. In Mr. Westwood's mono- graph it is called Platyrhopalus. This term is formed from two Greek words, one signifying " wide " or " broad," and the other a " war-club" or "mace." It is given to the insect on ac- count of the structiu'e of the antennae, the terminal joint or club of which is very wide and rather flattened, like the head of a metal war-mace. This enormous joint is so large that it is actually wider than the thorax, and indeed, if one of the antennae were detached and laid flat on the thorax, the head would be almost hidden, and the thorax completely so. The name Pherhopalus simply Fig. 30. — Flier). opalus donticni'uis. (Red; black marks on elytra.) THE PAUSSID.^. 75 signifies " club-bearing," and is scarcely so appropriate a name as Platyrhopalus. This is rather larger than the preceding insect, sometimes approaching half an inch in length, and mostly exceeding one- third of an inch. The large, flattened club of the antennae has a notch or tooth at its base, from which is derived the specific name denticornis, or " tooth-horned." There is a slight variation of form in this organ, some specimens having the club more pointed than others. It appears as if this remarkable club is formed by the fusing together of several joints ; and Mr. West- wood points out that in the present species, as well as in some others, there are slight transverse impressions which seem to denote the lines of junction. The same entomologist has examined in detail the structure of the organs of the mouth, which are quite as remarkable as the antennae, and has given many figures of them. As, however, su(3h details would scarcely be interesting to the general reader, however important they may be in a purely scientific point of view, I will only refer the entomological reader to Mr. West- wood's "Arcana Entomologica," vol. ii. Plate G8, pp. 75 — 78. The colour of this insect is bright chestnut-red, and the markings on the elytra are black, but have a slight tinge of red in them. It inhabits Bengal. The last of the Paussidae which we can mention is the Flwrlwpalus a'plustrifer , which is shown in the accompanying illustration. This singular insect may be at once recognised by the shape of the antennae, which have the outer edge developed into two long spines, the interval between them being deeply notched. The specific name ajplu&trifer refers to this peculiarity, '^^' ■^^■a"^^^"== being taken from the Latin word fig. si.-Pherhopaius apiu«trifer. o (Yellowisn red.) aplustre, which signifies a " pennon " or " streamer," the ends of which are mostly double-pointed, like the two long spines of the antennae. The transverse impressions, which have already been mentioned, are very apparent in this species, and are sufficiently bold to resemble wrinkles. The colour of the insect is yellowish red, without any markings. 76 . INSECTS ABROAD. and the upper surface of the body is covered with very minute punctures and line down. This down extends even to the antennse, and is longest towards the ends of the spines. The head is rounded in front, short, and the eyes are yellowish white. The body is flattened, and the elytra are of a rather brighter colour than the thorax and head. This is one of the small species, being under the third of an inch in length. It is a native of Bengal. BRACHELYTEA, OR ROVE BEETLES. The systematic arrangement of insects is always a troublesome matter. There are, it is true, certain groups which are tolerably well marked by Nature; such, for example, as those which have already been described. But there are many others which are vague and uncertain to the last degree, and even in the best marked groups the boundary line is very undecided, while the order in which they ought to come, and the relationship which they hold to each other, are points which it is very difficult to ascertain. Such is the case with the insects now before us. It is easy to see that there must be some connection between the Rove Beetles and the Burying Beetles, but the exact succes- sion of the connecting links has always been a matter of doubt. In this work we cannot do better than follow the example of the British Museum, and accept the arrangement of Lacordaire, who traces the succession as follows: — First come the Brachelytra, or Rove Beetles, followed by the Pselaphides, which have very short elytra, almost exactly resembling those of the true Rove Beetles. Then come the Scydmaenidse, and so to the true Burying Beetles ; the remarkable blind insect called Leptoderus being evidently the connecting link. The name Brachelytra, which is given to this group of insects, is a very appropriate one. It is formed from two Greek words, signifying " short wing-cases," and is given to the Beetles be- cause their elytra, or wing-cases, ai\e so short that they seem quite incapable of concealing wings which are large enough to sustain the insect in the air. Yet, underneath these tiny elytra ROVE BEETLES. 77 are packed a pair of broad and expansive wings, \Yhich in some of the species can be used almost as readily as those of a fly or a bee. The popular name of Eove Beetles is also appropriate. They are veritable rovers, ranging over earth, air, and even water. That they can fly well has already been mentioned. They are found in decaying animal matter, in foul or decaying vegetable substances, under the bark of trees, within the nests of ants, wasps, and even in the habitation of the formidable hornet. Some of them haunt the blossoms of flowers ; others, more darkling, hide themselves away in rocky crevices ; while some few species are actually in the habit of living on the sea- shore below high- water mark, so that they are submerged for several hours twice every day. As is the case with the groups which we have already de- scribed, the Brachelytra are but little represented in tropical countries, and, as a rule, those of temperate climates are superior both in size and colour to the inhabitants of tropical lands. I have, however, selected a few examples of foreign Brachelytra which present points of interest in which they differ from our own insects. The first insect is the Sterculia fidgens, a really splendid Beetle, outshining almost all the rest of its kinsfolk. The Sterculias are readily known by their very peculiar shape. The head is comparatively large, the an- tennae are very long, and the eyes are very small. The thorax is so narrowed in front that it looks like a thin, slender neck, and it rises in the middle into a bold ridge. Thp mflndiblp^ arp qmqll anH Fig. 3-.'.-Sterculia fulgens. ine manaiDies are smau, ana (MetaUic blue, purple, and copper.) are toothed at the base. The present species is found in various parts of the West Indies, there being specimens in the British Museum brought from Jalapa, Cayenne, Surinam, &c. There are many species of this genus, some of which have not been named at the moment of writing this account, and they range widely in point of colour 78 INSECTS ABROAD. and size, green and purple being the prevailing hues ; while in dimensions many of them are but dwarfs compared with the present species. The head and thorax of Sterculia fidgens is deep shining metallic blue, the head having a tendency to pink on the edges, and being covered with deep punctures. The elytra are also blue, but with a purple gloss, and deeply punctured, though not so boldly as the head. The abdomen is shining coppery bronze, and the whole of the under surface is blue, like that of the blue- bottle fly, and the limbs are of the same hue. It belongs to the family Xantholinidse. Another of these Beetles belongs to the typical family Staphylinidse. This is Stcqjliylinus versicolor, a native of Para. Though not as splendid as the preceding insect, it is yet far handsomer than any British species of the same genus, and I 1 deserves its name of versi- color, i.e. changeable coloiir. It is chiefly remarkable for ^"''**^ '^^^i^iif-'K ^^"^6 enormous size of the mandibles and the peculiar shape of the head, which is large, and has a bold keel running along its centre. The head of the male, indeed, is much larger and wider than Fig. 33. -Staphylinus versicolor. ,, fhorfl-x- ^'hp crrpflt dp- (Biack, with yellow hair.) ^^^ luoiax, xuc great ae- velopment of the jaws ren- dering a corresponding development of the head necessary. In the female the head is comparatively small, and the jaws feeble. The jaws themselves are black, but in their inside there is a membrane covered with yellow hair. The head is dull black, mottled with yellow down, and so are the elytra, the down on them containiDg a slightly greener hue. The abdomen is black except the tip, which is covered with bright golden down. The insect is found in wet weeds, generally in decaying vege- table manure : indeed, it has a look as if it were meant to dwell in such places, its flattened body and drooping head showing that it is one of the darkling insects, meant to crawl into narrow THE FISH-FLY. 79 recesses and there to pass away the greatest portion of its existence. Shaped strangely like the earwigs, the Eove Beetles have several similar characteristics. A Eove Beetle is hut seldom seen in the open air, any more than is an earwig. Tear decaying bark away from a fallen tree-trunk, pull to pieces a fungus, turn over stones that are lying on the ground, dig up loose soil, shake the blossoms of flowers, and in each of these localities speci- mens of Eove Beetles may be found. Excepting the smaller species, which use their wings almost as readily as gnats, and really look very like those insects when flying, the Eove Beetles seldom take to the air in the daytime, so that even the closest observer has but few opportunities of seeing the manner in which the ample wings are folded and packed away under the tiny covering. "Whether insects abroad follow in this respect the examples of insects at home, I cannot say, but I never saw either of our two largest species on the wing, and only once saw the Eed Eove Beetle {Staj^hylimts Ccesareus) in the act of alighting. Mr. Gosse, in his " Naturalist's Sojourn in Jamaica," has the following remarks on an insect of this family :—" In Helmet- shells buried for this purpose, I found a Brachelytrous Beetle, which enjoys a very wide geographical range. It is Staphylintis {Creopliilus) villosus, which is so abundant in Newfoundland as to be quite a pest, crawling about and devouring the dying cod fish ; it is there called the Fish-fly. In Canada and in Alabama (U.S.) I have also met with it, but rarely, and now I trace it to Jamaica. The Brachelytra, however, are very scarce here, as are the carrion-eating Beetles generally ; their place is probably supplied by the Aura vultures. I only on one other occasion met with this foetid and disgusting Beetle." The family of the Oxytelidas is represented by a very small, but a very singular insect, called Megaloi^s cephalotes. In length it barely reaches a quarter of an inch, and, until a magnifying glass is brought to bear upon it, appears hardly worth notice. The lens, however, at once shows the extraordinary shape which is reproduced in the illustration. The creature seems all eyes, these organs being enormous in proportion to the size of the insect, and projecting from the sides of the head very much like two round 80 INSECTS ABROAD. dDor-handles. The generic name Mcgalops, or "large -eyed/' is given to the Beetle on account of this enormous development. It is the more striking because, as a rule, the eyes of the Brachelytra are small, and scarcely project at all from the head, as may be seen by looking at our largest and commonest species, the well-known "Devil's Coach-horse." What may be the use of such huge eyes is quite uncertain. At first sight it appears as if, like those of the Dragon- flies and many other predacious insects, they are intended to aid the Beetle in chase of prey. But the jaws are so slight and feeble that such an object seems scarcely possible. The specific name of ceplialotes signifies "large-headed," and is given to the insect on account of its shape. Without the eyes the head is not remarkable in point of size, but the head and eyes together are so enormous in proportion to the rest of the body that the epithet of " large-headed " is quite appropriate. The general colour of the insect is brownish black, the head and thorax being very rough and wrinkled. The elytra are yellow, and the legs and antennae are red, the latter being tipped with a knob-like club. This curious insect is a native of Columbia. Fig. 34. — Megalops cephalotes. (Black, with yellow elj'tra, and red legs.) CHAPTER VII. NECROPUAGA, OR CARRION-EATERS. Most of the insects which we ha^■e already seen performing the office of scavengers do that duty merely for their own sakes, devouring, and devouring largely, any decaying animal matter that they may find. We now come to a large group of Beetles which frequent similar substances for a different purpose. It is true tliat they do feed on the putrefying flesh of any dead animal tliat they can find, but that is not their chief object in visiting such substances. Their real business is to bury their eggs in it, so that the young may find plenty of food. "•***i*H-, The first family of this important group is called Scydmsenidfe, from a Greek word signifying " sullen " or " dull- coloured," and the name is given to the insects ^ ^ on account of the dull and dark appearance of most of the species. In our own country, the species, which are about nineteen or tw^enty in number, are very small, the largest being scarcely the tenth of an inch long. They are all more or less hairy. The curious Beetle which forms our example of the foreign Scydmtenidse is a native of Ceylon, and, like most of its British relations, is found in moist and marshy places, where there is plenty of decaying vegetable and animal substances. As may be seen by reference to the line above the illustration, which represents the actual length of the Beetle, though not a large a Fig. 35. — Erineus iiionstrosus (Black.) 82 INSECTS ABROAD. Beetle, it is quite a giant among its family. The actual colour of its body is reddish, and the surface is rather shining. It is, how- ever, coarsely punctated, and densely covered with dead pitchy- black and very coarse hair, so that at first sight the insect appears to be a black one. These hairs even extend to the head and legs. The body is very convex, the head is much narrowed in front and broad behind, and the thorax has a very similar form, except that it is rounded and not squared behind. Altogether it is an odd-looking creature, and is valuable to English ento- mologists as being a naturally magnified example of the minute species to which he is accustomed at home. The next group of the Carrion-Eaters is popularly known by the name of Burying Beetles, because they always bury beneath the surface of the earth the substance in which they are about to lay their eggs. They themselves do not know the reason why they are impelled to this act, but there is no difficulty in understanding it. The larvae or grubs, which are developed from their eggs, can only feed on soft substances. Their scientific name is Silphidse. There are many of the Carrion-Eaters which are strong- toothed, and can eat almost any animal substance that is less hard than bone ; but those of the Burying Beetles cannot do so, and must have their food kept soft for them. For this purpose there is nothing better than burying it in the ground, where it cannot be dried up by the hot sunbeams or liquefied by the wet, and absorbed into the ground before the grubs have lived their full larval life. That wonderful substance, earth, is the best pre- servative that could be found. The body of an animal, if covered with only a few inches of earth, decays but very slowly, and preserves its softness and moistness to the last. Of this property the Beetles in question are taught by their instinct to avail themselves, and, inadequate as their bodies may seem to be for such a task, they manage to bury beneath the surface of the ground any small animal that may be lying dead upon it. This they do, not by digging a hole and putting the animal into it, but by scooping away the earth from beneath it, and so letting it gradually down. Even in our own country, where land is extensively cultivated, and where in consequence comparatively few carcases are allowed BURYING BEETLES. 83 to lie unburied, the Burying Beetles are very numerous, and their work is really valuable. It is chiefly owing to their labours that a dead bird, mouse, rat, or any similar creature is so seldom seen. In the first place, all wild creatures, on feeling the approach of death, seek out some retired spot wherein to breathe their last; and, in the second place, their bodies are mostly found and interred by the Burying Beetles before they become offensive to the nostrils. The sensitive organs of these insects detect decaying animal matter at wonderful distances, so that if a dead bird be laid on the ground and left undisturbed, it is mostly beneath the surface in four or five days. AVhen collecting these Beetles for the purpose of dissecting them throughout their various stages of existence, and watching the development of the various organs, I used to take dead birds, mice, rats, or even pieces of butchers' offal, and hide them away in fields, taking care to place them on soft ground, and always covering them wdth a flat stone so as to prevent them from being seen. The stone was no impediment to the Beetles, who are directed by their olfactory and not their visual organs, and in the course of a single summer I thus obtained as many specimens as were needed. Abroad, however, and especially in those vast tracts of land which have never been subjected to man, the Burying Beetles are, as might be supposed, larger, more powerful, and more numerous than they are with us, and perform good service in placing beneath the. ground those dead animals which would otherwise be allowed to decay upon its surface. Thus they are not only scavengers, but agriculturists, for they enrich the soil by burying beneath its surface those substances which would only be wasted if allowed to decay above ground. There is proverbially no rule without its exception, and such exceptions are found in tliis group of insects. Though the typical Beetles do bury decaying animal substances, several species do nothing of the kind, among which is the singular insect which is shown in the illustration on the next page. It is a very odd-looking creature, with exceedingly long and slender legs and antennae, and a very smooth and convex body. The creature is absolutely without eyes, so that the antenna3 prol)ably supply their place. The body is red, and the skin is 84 INSECTS ABROAD. SO translucent that when the light shines on it, it looks almost exactly like a red currant, the convexity of the body adding to the resemblance. The generic name of Leptoclerus refers to this peculiarity, being constructed from two Greek words signifying " delicate-skinned." The specific uRme sericeus signifies "silky," and is given to the insect on account of a sort of silken gloss upon the surface of its body. The habits of the Leptoderus are as remarkable as its form. As far as is known, the insect is found only in one place in the world ; namely, Carinthia, in Austria. It inhabits certain dark caves, and is found only in the deepest and darkest recesses of the caverns. The caves in question are profusely adorned with stalactites and stalagmites, and in their crevices the Lepto- derus is to be found. It walks very slowly and deliberately, standing high on its long and slender legs, look- ing, according to M. Lacordaire, as if it were walking on stilts. Being blind, it cannot see an enemy, but at the least noise it stops, crouches low upon the , , ^ substance on which it is walk- FiG. 36. — Leptoderus senceus. (Translucent red. ) ing, tucks in its legs, lays its long antennae over its back, and lies motionless until it imagines that all danger has passed away. In such a locality it might appear to dread no enemy, but it has one foe which it may well fear. This is a spider belonging to the genus Ohisium, which inhabits the same place, and, curiously enough, is also blind. The reader may perhaps be aware that there are many examples in the animal world of the absence of eyes in creatures that live in total darkness. We shall come to some more of them among the insects, and in the higher orders the most familiar examples are the Blind Proteus (Proteus anguinus) of the Adelsberg caves, and the Blind Fish (Amblyopsis spelceus) of the Kentucky caverns. Now we come to the insects that really deserve the name of Burying Beetles, the first of which is NecropJwrus grandis of North America. The genus to which this insect belongs is a COLOUR OF BUKVINU BEETLES. 8o very extensive oue, iiuinbeiing a vast number of species, of which this is the largest. In the British Museum is a very tine series of these Beetles, and the observer is immediately struck with their great similarity in shape, colour, and in fact in almost every point except size, which, as has already been explained, has very little to do with distinction of species in Beetles. In this insect the general colour is black, relieved by a red patch on the middle of the head and another on the middle of the thorax. There are also two orange patches on each of the elytra, one near the shoulder and the other at the tip. The powerful jaws are black, and so is the thorax on the edges, which are very boldly flattened, much like the brim of a hat, the middle of the thorax being much elevated and rounded. An orange line runs along the edge of the elytra. Fig. 37. — Necrophorus grandis. (Black, with orange-red marks.) One of the most striking points in this insect is the preva- lence of a beautiful golden down. Between the head and the thorax there is a sort of downy collar, but the greatest develop- ment in this respect is on the tarsi of the fore-legs. The limb itself is quite black, and is armed with a number of sharp spikes. The chief point of interest, however, lies in the abundant gold-coloured down with wdiich the tarsi are thickly €lad, and which have a sort of sheen as if made of spun glass or the glossiest of silks. 86 INSECTS ABROAD. The Beetle which is here represented eau be at once referred to its proper genus, if only by the shape of the ridges on its elytra. It is really a remarkable insect, and deserves a fuller notice than our limited space will permit. It has a considerable geographical range, as I have examined specimens that were taken in Borneo and India. The general colour is dull black, and upon the elytra tliere are large spots of a paler hue, which evidently ought to show some definite colour. If a brush charged with benzine be drawn over the elytra, there is an instantaneous change, the lighter portions showing themselves as dull red, and the rest of the Fig. 38. — Necrodes gigauteus. (Black, with dull red marks.) elytra assuming a deeper black. Benzine, by the way, is an invaluable aid in detecting colour in dark and apparently uniform insects. It can be used without the least danger. It evaporates almost as soon as applied, and does not injure the most delicate of tissues, but, on the contrary, destroys any parasites that may exist in the specimen, and makes it peculiarly distasteful to any that may happen to attack it afterwards. The antennae of this Beetle are very remarkable in their structure. I can only describe the organ by likening it to a string of birds' eggs threaded on a grass stem, and tipped with a crown piece. The antenna consists of a number of oval and nearly equal joints, and at the end is one flat, circular joint, that irresistibly suggests the simile which has been mentioned. The head and thorax are black, and the latter is boldly, not to say coarsely, granulated. The thighs of the hind legs are enormously large and powerful, like those of the grasshopper or THE SILPHAS. 87 other leaping insect. This development is more conspicuous when viewed from the under side of the insect, the polished shining surface of those joints contrasting boldly with the dull downy surface of the under side of the body. Just below the bases of the hind legs are two large squared patches of dull yellow, and a quantity of yellowish down is scattered sparingly over the under surface. Like the preceding insect, it has the tarsi of the front legs adorned with golden down, but the tarsi are not spiked, and the down is neither so long nor so briglitly coloured. There is another foreign species of this genus which seems as if it were made to show the connection which exists between these insects and the Brachelytra. Its name is Nccrodes oscu- Imis, and it is a native of India. The body of this insect is very long and narrow, closely resembling that of a Eove Beetle, and the similitude is increased by the dull black of its long body and the shining surface of its short elytra. The specific name osculans, i.e. "kissing," refers to this resemblance. Everyone who has paid any attention to our own insects knows the Silphas, those rounded flat-bodied Beetles which are found in such abundance in dead and decaying animals, old bones, and similar substances. The banks of tidal rivers are always sure haunts of the Silphas, because the drowned dogs and cats are invariably left ashore some time or other, and the water has scarcely receded from them before they are assailed by swarms of Burying Beetles, Silphas, Histers, Frc.sg.-siipha Americana. ;[ ■, ,' . , . (Black, yellow thorax. ) Kove Beetles, and their kin, not to mention the flesh-flies, blue, green, and grey, and other insects of similar habits. All our own species are dull coloured, and, as a rule, so are the foreign Silphas, with one exception, which will presently be mentioned. The fine insect which has been selected as an example of foreign Silphas is, as its name implies, an inhabitant of America, being found in Georgia. The general colour of the Beetle is dull 88 INSECTS ABROAD. black, and there is a large dark spot on the middle of the thorax, which is much raised and of a bright yellow colour. The spot is slightly punctured, and has no definite boundary, the black fading by degrees through various shades of dim and brown into the yellow of the thorax. Underneath, it is much handsomer than on the upper surface. If the insect be turned over, its actual body is seen to be quite small and narrow, the great width being obtained by the flatten- ing of the elytra and the ends of the thorax. The body itself is dark brownish black, while the thin edges of the thorax are yellow and translucent. The edges of the elytra are also flattened, and at their extreme margin are turned up into a sort of narrow fold, which is covered with bright golden down. The chief beauty of the insect lies however in the flat portion, which is deeply crinkled, and of a vivid metallic green, deeply punctured. The contrast between the dark brown body, the streak of golden down, and the vivid glittering green band is very striking, and quite takes the observer by surprise when he sees it for the first time, as the upper surface gives no indication of the hidden beauty below. I mentioned that there was an exception to the general colour of the Silphas. This is found in tlie insect which is appro- priately termed Silijlta ccelestina, a Beetle which seems to have transferred to its upper surface the splendid colouring which adorns the under surface of the preceding insect. The head of this beautiful Beetle is shining polished green, and the thorax has three distinct colours, the fore-part being red coppery bronze, the middle dark blue, and the hinder portion dark green. The boldly ridged elytra are ultramarine blue, the body itself is dark green, and the legs are dark shining blue, so that there is scarcely a more beautiful insect in existence. Many entomologists rank the group of Beetles to which our next example belongs in a separate family, under the name of Histeridse. They are all flat, square, black, hard-bodied Beetles, with skins so hard and shining that they look and feel much as if they were incased in steel armour. None of our English specimens are large, but many of them are so hard that when they are " set " the entomologist is obliged to pierce them with a needle before he can get the pin through their steely elytra. THE HISTERS. 89 Tliey freqvient similar localities with the Silphas, and indeed are mostly found in company with them. The present species has been chosen because it is a very giant among its kin. It is a native of Senegal, and its very appro- priate name is Hister gigas, or the Giant Hister. The colour of this insect is black, and, in proper condition, the surface is highly polished. An old specimen, however, is almost invariably dull-black, this eifect being produced by innumerable scratches over the whole of its surface, caused by friction against the substance in which it has been burrowing. The jaws are large and curved, and cross each other at the tip when closed. There is a good deal of golden down about their base. The thorax is smooth, but tinely punctured, and the elytra are also polished, and marked with deep punctures, set in regular lines. The fore-legs, as is the case with burrowing insects in general, have very hard and power- ful tibiae, armed with projecting spikes. The middle Ifgs are thickly haired. Altogether this is a very common insect, and scarcely looks like a Hister, It z is so big, and so rounded, that it *=' n 1 Fig. 40.— Hister gisas. much more resembles one of the (steeiwack.) Dor Beetles, more especially as the armed fore-legs of both insects are almost identical in shape. The last of the Necrophaga which can be mentioned in this work belongs to the family of the Mtidulidae. None of them are large Beetles, and, though they belong to the Necrophaga, many of them are found on flowers, under the bark of trees, and in the nests of hymenopterous insects. Of these last, our own species are mostly found in ants' nests, but that which is here represented inhabits the nest of a wild bee, called Trigona, in- habiting tropical America and New Holland. The nest of this bee is very curious. It is not placed within a hollow tree or underground, as are the nests of most social honey-sucking bees, but is hung to the end of a branch, the tough wax being plastered against the boughs so firmly that the 90 INSECTS ABROAD. nest maintains its place in spite of its weight and the tossing which it undergoes in windy weather. The honey is not de- posited in continuous combs like those of the domestic bee, but in separate cells or " honey-pots." The wax is first formed into . , strings about as thick as crow-quills, and made into a sort of loose net- work, in the interstices of which the oval honey-pots are fixed, with their mouths upwards. The wax is of dark yellow-brown colour, much like that of old leather. There is a good speci- Fio. 4i.-Brachypepiusamitus. men in the British Museum, where the Trigouas {Trigona carhonaria of New Holland) have deserted their usual trees and taken pos- session of an old box, which they have half filled with the,ir curious combs. Within this nest is found the Brachypeplus, scattered among the sponge-like congeries of honey -pots and network. Its colour is very much like that of the wax, being reddish black, tlie former colour predominating around the edges of the body. Tlie name Brachypeplus is formed from the Greek word signifying " short tunic," and is given to the insect on account of its very short elytra. The specific name auritus, or " eared," refers to the two ear-like projections from the head, which, as in all the Nitidulidse, is deeply sunk in the thorax. CHAPTEIi VilL PECTIN WORN ES, OR COMB-UORNEl) BEETLES. ACCOKDING to the system of Lacordaire, the Beetles which next corae before us are gathered into a group called Pectinicornes. This word signifies " combed horns," and is given to these Beetles on account of the rather peculiar structure of their antennae;. The tips of these organs are not pointed, nor simply clubbed, but their four last joints are furnished with flattened projections which stand apart from each other like the teeth of a comb. There is no definite number for these projections, or " lamellge," as they are scientifically termed, and there are specimens in the British Museum which show that even in the same species con- siderable varieties may exist in this respect. In that collection is a series of the common Stag Beetle {Lucamis cervus), showing a most singular variation in the num- ber and shape of the lamellfe. Some have four lamellae, some five, and some six. In some the lamellae are shortened so regularly from the tip of the antenna towards its base, that it is almost impossible to define where the ordinary joints end and the lamellae begin. In some they are all very long, while in others they are very short, while one specimen has them so large and thick that they lose altogether the comb-like appearance, and look like a thick, flattened, solid club. There is another peculiarity in these insects ; namely, the extraordinary development of the jawS in the males. Our own Stag Beetle affords an excellent instance of this development, but some of the insects which will presently be mentioned show an enlargement of jaw before which the mandible of the Stag Beetle appears almost insignificant. So different an aspect is given to the males by their large jaM'S that they scarcely seem to belong to the same species as the females, and, indeed, in the 92 INSECTS ABROAD. earlier days of Entomology the two sexes were set down as different species. Then, in these Beetles a still further peculiarity is found ; namely, the great variation in size of the males, and the differ- ence in shape as well as in size of their jaws. It often happens that two males are found in the same locality, and that one of them will be at least four times as large as the other, while the jaws of the smaller specimen shall be comparatively small and feeble, and without the bold teeth and knobs which arm that of its larger relative. It is conjectured that this difference in size and development is caused by insufficient food during the larval state, as is known to be the case with some other insects, but the reason for the constant appearance of this arrested development in the Pectinicornes is not very easy to see, Owing to their great size and remarkable development of jaw, this group of insects has always attracted attention. Dr. Thos. Mouffet, in his "Theatre of Insects," written about the year 1620, has a quaint description of Beetles belonging to the Lucanidse: — " Beetles are some greater, some less. The great ones, some have horns, others are without horns. Those that have horns, some are like Hart's horns, others like Goat's horns. Others have Bull's horns ; others have ram's horns ; some have horns on their nose : we shall speak of them all in order. " The Platycerus, or Hart's-horn Beetle, is called Lucanus by Nigidius, as Pliny witnesseth. Some call it the Bull, others the Flying Stag. . . . Amongst all the horned Beetles, for the shape of its body, length, and magnitude, it may challenge the first place, and is the most noted. It is blackish, of a dark red, especially about the outward cover and the breast. It hath two whole horns without joynts, and w4th haunches like a stag, as long as our little finger in such as are grown up, but they are less and shorter in the young ones : or (as Pliny saith) it hath long and moveable horns nicked with cloven pincers, and w^hen it will it can bite or nip with them. " For it will close them wilfully, and useth its homes for that end for which crabs and lobsters do their clawes. The eyes are hard, putting forth, and whitish : it hath fore-yards on both sides of them, one pair that are branched between the homes and the eyes, the joynt thereof making almost a right angle and two AN OLD NATURALIST. HH more breaking fortli from tlie midst of the forehead straight and plain, ending as it were in a little smooth knot : it goes upon six feet ; the fore feet are longer and greater than the rest. " Lonicerus makes this to be the male ; but I (if there be any distinction between the male and the female) shall not doubt to call it the female ; both because the other kindes of Beetles are less (for, as Aristotle observes, the males in insects are far less than the females). The male is altogether like it, but 'tis less both for body and homes, which, though they be not branched on both sides, yet, pressed together, they do more sharply prick one's finger than the female doth." The reader will doubtlessly have noticed the curious mixture of correct description and wrong theory in this passage. In the first place. Dr. jSlouffet evidently thinks that the small undeve- loped males are only young Beetles which will in time grow to a larger size ; and in the next place he mistakes the male for the female — stating, however, with perfect accui-acy, that the bite of tlie latter is sharper than that of her larger jawed mate. We \\-ill now pass to an example of these Beetles, the first of which is the Chiasognathus Grantii of Chili. I really hardly know where to begin in treating of this mag- nificent insect, which is equally surprising from its strange shape, its great size, and its marvellous colouring. "We have nothing like it in England, and it is so peculiar in its form that, together with a few other Beetles, it forms the family of Chiasognatliidai. This is a rather long word, but it is easily explained. The first portion of it signifies anything that is marked with a cross, like the Greek character ^ o^' ^^^^' ^^ anything that crosses another in like form. The latter half of the word signifies " a jaw," and we shall frequently find it as forming portions of certain insects' names. This name is given to the insect on account of the extraordinarily shaped jaws of the fully developed male, which, when closed, really do bear some resemblance to the ;^. The word, by the way, is not quite correctly spelled, the proper rendering being Chiastognathus. The form of the extraordinary jaws is shown in the illus- tration, but it is impossible by the plain black and white of printer's ink to give any idea of their colour, which is shining dark bronze green, over which plays a crimson radiance according 94 INSECTS ABROAD. to the slightest change of light. This crimson hue is strongest near the base and upon any projections. Each of the jaws has a bold curve downwards, and at the base is an enormous tooth, boldly curving forwards, and so large as almost to look like a second jaw. These teeth are never exactly of the same length, that of the right jaw being generally, though not always, larger than that of the left, and when the jaws are closed these teeth meet each other. The whole inside edge of the jaws is covered with small teeth, so that what with these little teeth and the large teeth at the base, the hold of the jaws is extremely powerful ^^ Fig. 42.— Chiasoguathus Grantii. (Green, bronze, crimson, and gold. ) Measured along the curve, the length of jaw in a fine speci- men is no less than two inches and a half, while from base to tip in a straight line it is not quite two inches. The head and throat are dark, metallic, shining green, glossed like the jaws with carmine, this gloss being very conspicuous at the hinder angles of the thorax, which project in two long and sharp spikes. There is a curious tuft of hair on the antennse, just where the lamellae begin. The legs are coloured much like the jaws, and are armed with a multitude of thorny points. USE OF THE JAWS. 95 The elytra are also green, but have a silky sort of a look. The carmine gloss also belongs to them, and is most apparent along the edges and in the suture. The under surface is also green, but is covered with a quantity of golden yellow down. The female is shaped much like the male, except in the jaws, which are very short, stout, and rounded. Still, though they do not look so formidable as the enormous jaws of her mate, I think that if I had to be bitten by either insect, I would prefer the bite of the male to that of the female. She is green in colour, but the surface is not polished as in the male, and the green is altogether of a duller quality. This splendid insect is tolerably common in forests, where it is found upon the trunks of trees, climbing them actively, and even gracefully. The great development of jaw in the males appears to be for the purpose of affording weapons whereby they may fight for their mates. During their combat they raise themselves upon their hind legs and bite fiercely, the stronger of them breaking the jaw of his weaker opponent. Nine speci- mens of this splendid genus are known to entomologists, but none of them are nearly so large and so plentiful as the present insect. The Beetle which forms our second example of this singular group is not so striking in point of form, but is much more Fig. 43. — Lamprima aurata. (Gold-green, glossed with copper. splendid in point of colour than the preceding insect. It is called Lamfrima aurata, and is a native of Southern Australia. 96 INSECTS A.BROAD. In these insects the most striking point is the colour of the jaws. Generally among Beetles, however brilliantly the head, body, and elytra may be coloured, the jaws are either brown or black, whereas in these Beetles the jaws are not only as vividly coloured as the rest of the body, but in some cases are even of brighter and more conspicuous hues. Such is the case with the present insect, the jaws of which are shining coppery red, very deeply punctured, and their basal parts are black covered with rich golden down. The thorax is gold-green, covered with large punctures, and having a large deej) pit near each of the hinder angles. If examined with a moderately powerful lens, it is seen that the spaces between the large punctures are filled with innumerable tiny punctures, much too minute to be detected by the unaided eye. It is to these multitudinous punctures that the peculiar gloss of the surface is due. The elytra are also gold-green, with a wash of coppery red, and at the shoulder of each elytron there is a large shallow pit. Like the thorax, the elytra are boldly punctured, but the lens shows that the whole of the surface is covered with the minutest imaginable furrows, drawn as if with a needle's point, from one puncture to another, in a sort of irregular pattern. The colour of the under surface is nearly the same as that of the upper. There are many species of this genus, which seems to be re- stricted to Australia. They are of all colours — azure blue, coppeiy red, emerald green, dark green, gold bronze, &c. ; so that a collec- tion of them is at first sight absolutely dazzling to the eyes. Not only does the colour thus vary, but... even in each species there is considerable variation in colours, so that in describing them it is necessary to select the average colouring of the species generally, and not that ol any individual specimen. The name of Lamprima is taken from the Greek, and signifies anyone that is adorned with gorgeous clothing, so that it is a very appro- priate title for so brilliant a genus. The name of auratus, or " gilded," which is given to the species, alludes to the conspicuous golden gloss which plays over the green surface as the light changes. Next come the Lucanides, or true Stag Beetles, of which our common British Stag Beetle is so familiar an example. One of STKUCTURE OF THE JAW. 97 the finest foreign Stag Beetles is Cladognathus giraffa, which is represented in the accompanying illustration. There is nothing remarkable in the colouring of this insect, which is very much like that of our own Stag Beetle, i.e. brown-black, with a tinge of chestnut-red on the elytra. But it is a very striking insect on accovmt of its size and the shape of its formidable jaws. Their usual form in the fully developed male is shown m the illustration. They bear some resemblance to the gnarled boughs of a leafless oak-tree, and hence have secured for the genus the name of Cladognathus, i.e. " branch-jaw." V "^ Fig. 44. — Cladognathus giraffa. Male. (Brown-black.) The reader will probably notice that the upper portion of each jaw is formed into three strong teeth, the third of which is much the largest. In no instance do these teeth exactly coincide with each other in both jaws, but in every case one is placed a little higher or lower than its companion tooth, so that when the jaws are closed the teeth cross each other, but do not meet. Beside these three principal teeth there is a row of saw-like projections on the inner side of the jaws, and at the base is a large rounded projection which seems to serve the purpose of adding to the firmness of the articulation. In colour the jaws are shining black. H 98 INSECTS ABEOAD. If examined with a lens, the soft and almost velvety surface of the head and thorax is seen to be caused by an innumerable multitude of very minute projections or pustules, all perfectly circular, and placed just so closely together as to allow a small rins: of level surface to be seen round each of them. When viewed with light that falls directly upon the surface, these rings appear to be not circles, but hexagons, just like the lenses of the insect's compound eye, or, to use a familiar example, like those glass tumblers whose outer surface is covered with small hemispherical knobs. The elytra are smooth to the naked eye, but under the lens they are seen to be profusely covered with very small punctures. The female has remarkably small jaws, which, as well as her head, are covered with large and deep punctures. As her head has not to support such enormous jaws as those of the male, it Fio. 45.— Cladognathus giraffa. Female. is small in proportion to the jaws, and in consequence gives her an aspect very unlike that of her formidable mate. There is no species of Lucanidae in which the variation in the jaws of the fully and partially developed males is so marked as in this insect. In the collection of the British Museum there is a fine series of specimens, showing an amount of variation which would make anyone but an experienced entomologist believe that insects so different in size and shape must belong to dif- ferent species. Indeed, as we shall presently see, many such varieties have actually been described and figured as different species. In one of these small males the jaws are not half as large as in the fully developed insect, and the boldly branch- VARIATIONS, 99 shaped projections from which the genus derives its name are represented by three little teeth, none of them larger than the saw-like scoopings on the jaw of the large insect. But the most conspicuous example of all is one in which the entire jaw is not much more than one-third of an inch in length, is scarcely thicker than a common worsted needle, and has only one very slight and blunt tooth near the middle. It is rather remarkable that, however small may be the insect, however feeble its jaws, and however destitute these organs may be of the branch-like teeth which render the jaws of the fully-developed insect so formidable, the rounded projection near the base is never absent. It differs in size according to the dimensions of the jaw ; but whether the latter be large or small, the rounded knob is always there. The genus Cladognathus contains an astonishing number of species. Major Parry enumerates and describes no less than fifty-four, and it is almost certain that others wiU be discovered as the habits and haunts of the Beetles become better known. In order to show how different are these species in colour, form, and size, I will briefly mention one or two of them. There is Cladognathus cinnamonca, the largest specimen of which is not half the size of the ordinary giraffa, the elytra of which are entirely of that peculiar w^arm yellow-brown which is so familiar to us in the cinnamon, the thorax and head being black-browm. Then there is Cladognathus vittatus, quite a small insect, scarcely as large as our common Ground Beetles. Like the preceding insect, it has the elytra cinnamon yellow, but upon each of them is drawn a bold black band, or vitta, in consequence of which the name vittata has been given to the species. Another is Cladognathus occipitalis, which in point of colour is perhaps the most conspicuous of the species. It is almost entirely yellow, but on the thorax there are two bold oval spots of shining black, each spot rising to a ridge ; there is a similar spot, but -diamond-shaped, on the middle of the thorax, and a black line is drawn along the sutures and round the edges of the elytra. Although not the most striking in colour, yet, in my opinion, the handsomest in that respect is Cladognathus inquinatus. In this species the head and thorax are shining black, and the elytra are warm, ruddy chestnut. But each of the elytra is H 2 100 INSECTS ABROAD. edged with deep black, and a broad belt of the same colour runs along the sutures almost as far as the tip. Indeed, if other species were not known, we should have some difficulty in deciding whether black or yellow is the ground-tint of the elytra, so evenly are the two colours balanced. There is one group of Oriental Stag Beetles which have the elytra more or less dun, upon which is a certain amount of black. They are gathered together under the generic title of Odontoldbris, a term composed of two Greek words signifying " toothed forceps," and given to the Beetles on account of the powerful teeth with which their pincer-like jaws are armed. In all the species belonging to this genus, the eyes are com- pletely divided by a horny projection technically named the " canthus," the club of the antennse is formed of three joints, and in the males the tibiae of the front pair of feet are armed with spines on their outside edges, the corresponding joints in the other limbs being smooth. It is an extremely puzzling genus, owing to the extraordinary variation of form, size, and colour which prevails throughout it, and which is so erratic that our best entomologists have been perplexed about the systematic arrangement of the insects. The insect which has been selected as an example is so variable that it has been described and figured under different names, the so- called species having been afterwards proved to be nothing more than varieties. The name of this species is Odontolahris Cuvera, and the specimen from which the drawing was taken is a good average example of the colouring. The head is large and squared, and in the front the upper edge is flattened and turned up something like the brim of a hat. The thorax is also squared, and at the hinder angles there are two sharp points, separated by a deep rounded notch. Both head and thorax are black. If the insect be turned over, each side of the head is seen to be covered with a multitude of pits about as large as those in a lady's thimble, .a few of them, how- ever, being much larger than the others. The elytra are warm yellow, and down their middle runs a large black patch, shaped as shown in the illustration. Generally, a narrow line of warm orange runs along the edge of the elytra and skirts the black patch, but the variation in the depth and A GIGANTIC BEETLE. 101 extent of colour is so great, that scarcely any two specimens are exactly alike. Some, for example, have the elytra nearly all black, some are almost entirely brown, and some have scarcely any black about them. It has already been mentioned that in the Lucanidae the males are liable to extreme variation in size, and it is rather remarkable that in this genus the females are principally varied in colour. This Beetle inhp,bits China and Northern India, and it is thought that certain well-marked varieties occur within certain geographical limits, as is the case with the Chinese Tiger Beetle. Fig. 46 — Odontolabris Cuvera. (Black and warm yellow. ) There are several acknowledged species of the genus, the largest of which is Odontolabris dux, a really gigantic insect Not only is it four inches in length, but it is broad, sturdy, and thick-set, and must be enormously powerful. When I first saw the splendid specimen in the British Museum, it recalled to my mind a saying of a well-known German physiologist, who occu- pied the table next to mine in the dissecting-room. " Ach," he muttered, sotto voce, " I wish a peetle so pig as a lopster." The incident had almost been forgotten, when the sight of this splendid insect recalled it to my mind, and I could not help thinking that if Dr. C could only have possessed the insect before it was pinned and dried, his desire for " a peetle so pig as 102 INSECTS ABROAD. a lopster " would ha^'e been gratified. The colour of this large insect is wholly black, except a slight edging of golden down on the front and hinder edge of the thorax, and a coating of similar down on the inside of the tibiae of the four hinder legs. The Beetle which is shown in the accompanying illustration is, though not so large as the preceding insect, a very conspi- cuous species, on account of its splendid metallic colouring. The colour is not easily described, for the green and red vary so much according to the light in which the insect is viewed, that the Beetle may with equal truth be called green glossed with red, or red glossed with green. The head is very large, and the thorax comparatively small. The antennae, jaws, and legs are long in proportion to the size of the body. The club of the antennae possesses four joints, and each jaw has several small Fie. 47. — Cyclommatus tarandus. (Red, glossed with gold-green.) teeth near the tip, and two much larger teeth placed so as to divide the jaw into three tolerably equal portions. The colour of the jaws is very beautiful, and arranged in a rather singular manner. As far as I can make out by careful examination, the original hue is metallic red, with a tinge of brown. But their whole surface is covered with a multitude of punctures, and the interior of each puncture is deep, shining green. Thus the reader wUl see that if lighted from above, when the interior of the punctures becomes illuminated, the green predominates over the red ; whereas, if the light falls on the insect from the side, the interior of the punctures is thrown into DORCUS BEETLES. ^ 103 shade, and so the hrown-red of the surface predominates over the green. ^ The thorax is covered with multitudinous bold punctures, between which run a vast number of tiny wrinkles, too minute to be detected by the unaided eye. The general hue of the elytra is yellowish green, with a peculiarly satiny gloss, while a narrow strip of dark metallic green runs on either side of the suture. Below, the insect is wholly green, but not nearly so bright as above. There is, liowever, considerable variation in the colour, some specimens being almost wholly brown, and their mandibles very small and without the large teeth. One such specimen has jaws only about half an inch in length. Near the tip there is a row of sixteen very tiny teeth, then a large rounded notch, and then another row of minute teeth near the base. The female is smaller than the male, has very small and com- paratively feeble jaws, and is not so brilliantly coloured as her mate. The colouring of an average specimen is as follows : — The head and thorax are brown with a cast of green, and covered with large punctures. The elytra are reddish-brown, like new mahogany, and upon them deep circular punctures are plenti- fully scattered, between which are a vast number of tiny wrinkles. The generic name of Cydommatus, given to this Beetle and its kin, is formed from two Greek words signifying " circle-eyed," or "round-eyed." It is given to them because the eyes, instead o£ being completely severed by the " ca-nthus " as in the preceding insects, so that they look rather like four than two eyes, are barely indented by it, and are therefore almost circular. The insect comes from Borneo. According to the system of Lacordaire, the Beetles of which our common Dorcus is a familiar example are separated into a distinct group called Dorcides, which is chiefly distinguished by the club of the antennae. This consists of four joints, and the projections are flatter than in the Stag Beetles. The whole body, too, is rather flattened. Our insect is a small one, measuring only an inch in length, but the gigantic Beetle which represents the foreign Dorcidse is four times that length, and correspondingly large in every respect Its name is Eurytraclielus Titan. 104 INSECTS ABROAD. Both names are appropriate. The generic name, Eurytrachelus, is formed from two Greek words signifying " broad-necked," and, as may be seen by reference to the illustration, one of the principal characteristics of the insect is its thick, sturdy form, the neck being as wide as any part of the body, and hardly any break of outline denoting the distinction between head, thorax, and abdomen. This peculiar form is the sure sign of a boring insect, and enables the creature to pass easily through passages in which any differ- ence in diameter would cause it to stick fast. The name Titan is taken from that of the well-known mythological giant, the Pig. 48. — Eurytrachelus Titan. (Black.) eldest brother and rival of Satui^n. This is indeed a very Titan among the Dorcidee, though there is one of them, Dorcus Antceus, which does not fall very far short of the dimensions of the Titan. It is scarcely necessary to remind the classical reader that Antaeus was another of the race of giants, and that his name is in consequence conferred upon a gigantic insect. When the enormous and powerful jaws of the insect are closed, their armed points cross each other considerably, the right jaw passing above the left. The formidable teeth which spring from the centre of the jaw not only cross, but one passes DIFFERENCE OF TEXTURE 106 just uuder the other, so that wlien the mandibles are tightly closed, scarcely any space is left between them. The colour of this Beetle is simply black, but it has a sort of satiny appearance which can only be explained by the magnify- ing glass. To the unaided eye both the elytra and the rest of the body have the satiny gloss, but with a difference of texture, like that of two qualities of satin. How this difference is ob- tained the lens reveals. The head and thorax are covered with myriads of raised semi-globular prominences, very similar in shape to those which stud the petal of a flower — say a geranium, and give it the peculiar softness wdiich no pencil can even approach. If we double a petal of a geranium, and place the folded portion under the microscope so as to look along it, we shall find that the edge, instead of being quite straight, is studded with a row of little semi-conical projections, thus -^^—^ ^-^.-v-^/-^ j each being in fact a partially developed hair. Now, if we take a portion of the present insect, or of any insect which possesses a similar texture of surface, and manage to get a side view of it, we shall find that it is studded with almost similar projections, they being partially developed spines or spikes. If, however, we shift our lens to the elytra, we shall see the difference of texture at once explained ; for the surface, instead of being studded with little projections or " pustules," is covered with little hollows or punctures, each much the same size as the pustules. There are many foreign Dorcidae, one of which, Dorcus Antceus, has already been mentioned. The only other species that pre- sents any distinctive points is Dorcus Dehaanii. The elytra of the female are covered with parallel rows of shining black ridges, and between each of the ridges is a double row of very large and deep punctures. These punctures are as dull as the ridges are bright, so that there is a very bold contrast between them. There is a small British Beetle, familiar to entomologists who know where to look for it, but scarcely ever seen by others. It is called Sinodendron cylindricum, and it inhabits decaying wood, being generally found within fallen ash-trees. Its cylin- drical body points it out at once as a boring Beetle, as does that of the Dorcus, and, indeed, these two insects are often found inhabiting: the same tree. 106 INSECTS ABROAD. Just as we have seen foreign examples of the Dorcus, so the Cer%tchus striatus of Vancouver's Island appears a good example of the foreign Sinodendron. It is larger than our British species, and has the surface even more conspicuously marked. It gains its generic name of Geruchus, or " horn-bearing," from the two horn-like projections of the head, which are but slightly indi- cated in the Sinodendron. When viewed sideways, the head is seen to be bent downwards, flattened and shovel-shaped, so as to assist the Beetle in forcing its way through the material in which it lives. Both in the larval and perfect states, these insects, as well as the Dorcus, inhabit rotten wood, so that the infrequency of their appearance in the open air is easily accounted for. The surface of the insect is broken up in a very complicated fashion. The ^'^- *9.-ceruchus striatus. j^g^d is covcred with large punctures, (Shining black.) , . and so is the thorax, which has also two depressions or pits on each side, so large that they almost look as if they were injuries. The elytra are covered with bold ridges, and both they and the furrows between them are profusely covered with large punctures. According to the system of Lacordaire, this insect forms one of a group called ^salides. The next group, called Passalides, is looked upon as a link between the Pectinicorn and Lamellicorn Beetles, on account of the form of the larva, which, as we shall see, very much resembles that of a Lamellicorn Beetle. Our example of the group is the fine insect called Neleus or Passalus interruptus. It inhabits Demerara. It is really a striking insect, though the colouring is very simple. The body is shining black, but there is a wonderful quantity of silky golden down, which contrasts boldly with the otherwise uniform blacl^. The upper part of the head is thickly covered with this down, which in this place has a dash of orange in it, very much like the beautiful tuft on the head of our golden-crested wren. Tufts of similar hair project from the shoulders, and densely clothe the hind tarsi, which look like HABITS OF THE LARVA. 107 yellow brushes. Along the middle of the thorax is a deep channel, and a few very shallow pits are scattered over it. The elytra turn rather abruptly over the sides, and that portion is covered with deep punctures. Each elytron is marked with ten bold strise, and one of them, which nms from the shoulder, extends only half-way along the elytron, whence comes the specific name i7iterruptus. The habits of this insect are very similar to those of the Dorcus and Ceruchus, both larva and beetle living in rotten wood. The insects of this genus possess large wings, but the larger species appear seldom to use them. The smaller species, however, are more active, and are accustomed to fly about after dark. The larvae of Dorcus, Sinodendron, and their kin are, as is often the case with wood-boring larvae, rather deeply ringed. Fig. 5u. — Neleus iutemiptus. (Black, with golden down.) In the Passalides, however, the larvae are comparatively smooth, the rings are but slightly marked, and the general form very closely resembles that of the Lamellicorn larva. M. Lacordaire, after giving a description of the insect, makes a statement which seems absolutely astounding. "All those insects which I have observed in America are remarkable for the rapidity with which they die when pierced with a pin. The most vigorous individual scarcely survived three or four hours after that operation" (vol. iii. p. 45). From which account we gather that M. Lacordaire was accus- tomed to pin Beetles while still alive, and to allow them to remain for hours after "that operation" without killing them. There is a cool unconsciousness of cruelty about the whole state- ment which seems scarcely credible in a professed naturalist. 108 INSECTS ABROAD. especially to English entomologists, who are always searching for the best means of killing as quickly and with as little pain us possible, the insects which they need for the purposes of science. The idea of pinning living Beetles, and then being surprised to find that they died in three or four hours, would never have occurred to the least humane of our entomologists. I can but wonder how long those Beetles might have lived which did not die within four hours of the " operation." CHAPTER IX. LAMELLWORN, OR LEAF-HORNED BEETLES, SOMETIMES CALLED PETALOCERA. In most respects the Pectinicorn and Lamellicorn Beetles re- semble each other, but in many points there are decided distinc- tions. In the first place, the form of the larvae differs in both these groups, as has been mentioned in the last chapter ; and, in the second place, the antennae are differently constructed. In the Pectinicorns the club of the antennae is formed by comb- like projections, whereas in the Lamellicorns the projections are flat, like the leaves of a fan. The name Lamellicorn is formed from two Latin words, the former signifying " a little fiat plate," and the other " a horn." The second name, Petalocera, is Greek, and has precisely the same meaning, i.e. " petal-horned." The larvae of the Lamellicorn Beetles are odd-looking creatures, familiar to the practical cultivator who uses spade and fork him- self, but never seen except when turned out of the earth. They are large, fat, smooth, paly-white grubs, always doubled up, and with the hinder end very much larger than the rest of the body. In uncultivated lands it is probable, if not certain, that all these subterranean larvae perform a necessary and useful office. When, however, land is cultivated, and consequently the arrangements of Nature are altered, the office of the Lamel- licorn insects is altered too, some being doubly useful, while others are definitely injurious. Taking our own country as the locality, and two Lamellicorn Beetles as examples, namely the Cockchafer and the Dor, we find that the former has now liecome an utter nuisance, destroying the roots of grass in its larval state, and the leaves of trees in its perfect condition ; while the Dor Beetles confer singular benefits on the proprietors of pasture lands by seizing on the droppings of the cattle and 110 INSECTS ABROAD. canyiug them deeply into the earth so as to fertilize the soil and improve the crop of grass. How effectively they perform this duty is scarcely to be known except by those who watch the habits of the insects. Last year I was much struck with the amount of work done by these Beetles. Not far from my house there is a field which is used as pasture land for cattle, and which is in consequence thickly sprinkled with their droppings. There had been a succession of moderately warm and very wet days, so that the ground was quite soaked with the rain. Having to search for certain wood-boring insects, I had to pass through the field, and was greatly struck with the appearance which it presented. Its whole surface was literally riddled with the holes of the Dor Beetles, the burrows being placed so closely together that every square foot of ground contained forty or fifty of them. Here, then, we have a vast army of agricultural labourers, working without wages, and doing in a short time the work which would have occupied a strong body of men for a considerable time, and would have forced them besides to take up the turf and re-lay it. In warmer lands than ours similar Beetles also exist, but there are others who perform the same work in a different manner, as we shall presently see. The number and variety ot these insects are enormous. Some of them are quite small, soberly coloured, and smooth surfaced. Others are of huge dimensions, magnificently coloured, and furnished with the strongest imaginable projections from the head and thorax. Indeed, so important are they from their great numbers, the ofi&ces which they fulfil, the gorgeous colouring and gigantic dimensions of many of the species, that the late Y. W. Hope told me that he very much doubted whether the Lamellicorn Beetles ought not to be placed at the head of the insects instead of the Geodephaga. We will begin the history of the Lamellicoms with the Scara- beides, one of which is the most celebrated Beetle of their race — perhaps the most celebrated insect in the world. This is the Sacred Scarab^us (Ateuchus sacer), which was held in such veneration by the ancient Egyptians, and which is represented in such profusion on their tombs and even on their personal THE SACRED SCARAB^EUS. Ill ornaments. The reason for its sacred character, or at least one of the reasons, we shall presently see. The mode of depositing its eggs is very remarkable. Our British Beetles merely dig through the patch of cowdung, carry some of it to the bottom of the hole, and therein lay a single egg. In those places, however, where the Sacred Scarabaeus lives, such a proceeding is impossible, on account of the difference of the soil. The earth of our pasture lands is comparatively Fig. 51. — Ateuchus sacer. (Black.) soft and can be easily excavated, but, as a rule, in the country inhabited by the Sacred Scarabseus, the earth is hard and stony, so that the insect is obliged to search for a spot sufficiently soft to allow her to excavate. It is necessary therefore that the Beetle should be able to transport from place to place a sufficient amount of the material on which the young lai-va is to feed, and this she does in a very curious manner. Taught by instinct, she gathers together exactly so much of the material as will give to the future young an ample supply of food, places in the midst an egg, works it into a rudely globular form, and then proceeds on her travels in search of a spot in which she can burrow. The mode of progression also is very peculiar. Turning her back upon the ball, and grasping it with 112 INSECTS ABROAD. the hind legs, she works backwards, pushing the ball along much as a horse backs a cart. Her perseverance in this work is really wonderful. The task is a very hard one, for the insect cannot see where she is going, and is just as likely as not to push the ball over a steep and stony hillock which she might have skirted without the least difficulty. When quite tired out, she rests for a while and then sets off again on her travels, seldom failing in the end to bring her labours to a successful conclusion. Her work is the harder because the ball is never quite spherical. At first it is made rather at random, and by degrees becomes more rounded as it is rolled, just as a great snowball becomes rounder as well as larger while it is rolled through the snow. Still, the ball is never a smooth sphere, but is of an irregular outline, so that the difficulty of rolling it is much increased. There are two points in connection with this ball which are worthy of notice, the first being the instinctive attachment which the Beetle feels towards it, and the second the utter want of reason in such attachment. It is hardly possible to induce one of these insects to abandon the ball which contains her egg until she has laid it safely beneath the earth. But she cannot recog- nise her own ball from that of any other Beetle; and if two females be engaged in the task of depositing their eggs, and the balls be exchanged, neither insect seems to be conscious of the deception, but labours as cheerfully for the ball which contains her neighbour's egg as she did for that which held her own. For the perfectly instinctive and wdiolly irrational attachment to the egg-ball, we have a parallel in our own country. There are certain little black-brown, swift-footed spiders, which spin no webs, but keep to the ground, on which they catch their prey by fair chase. The female Wolf Spiders, as these creatures are called, may be seen in the summer-time carrying about with them a little silken bag containing their eggs. Nothing can induce them to relinquish their treasure, and the spider would sooner lose her life than her egg-sac. Yet if, as is the case with the Scarabgeus, the egg- sacs of two Wolf Spiders be ex- changed, both creatures are perfectly satisfied ; and even if a little particle of cotton-wool be rubbed up and placed in the way of a bereaved female, she will take it up and carry it about just as if it were her own egg- sac. A CURIOUS ATTITUDE. 113 It is both on account of the shape of the egg- ball made by the Scarabaius, and of the intense love which the insect bears for it, that the ancients employed it as an emblem of the Divine Creator's power. The earthen ball, with the egg in its centre, was taken as an emblem of fertility, and the attachment of the beetle to the ball was recognised as an emblem of the Creator's love towards His creatures. There are many species or varieties of this Beetle scattered over all the warmer portions of the world, and in most places they have some popular name. In many parts of America, for example, they are plentiful, and go by the popular name of Tumble-bugs, the latter word being in general use in America to designate a Beetle of any kind. In general appearance this Beetle has rather a striking appearance. It is black in colour, and furnished beneath with a quantity of long, dense, brownish hairs, to which the earth clings so firmly that I have hardly seen a specimen which had not its downy coat clogged with soil. The head is very flat and shovel- like, and is cut into deep notches so that it seems to be sur- rounded with spikes. The tibiae of the fore-legs are furnished on their outer edges with four long and powerful teeth ; and when the Beetle assumes an attitude of which it is very fond, i.e. placing its fore-legs on either side of its head, the whole front of the insect looks like a flat, spiky wheel. This attitude was very familiar to the ancient Egyptians, and in almost every case where the Sacred Scarabseus is sculptured, whether it be the gigantic gTanite image in the British Museum, or the tiny gold, glass, or porcelain figures that are strung on necklaces and bracelets, the insect is represented in the attitude of rest, crouching low upon the earth, with its fore-legs on either side of its head. The body is very rotund, and the elytra are nearly smooth, being only marked by some lines of faint punctures. The generic name Ateuchus signifies " unarmed," and is given to the insects because neither the head nor thorax possesses those horn-like projections which are so conspicuous in many of the larger Lamellicorns. The name Scarahceus has already been explained on page 62. The number of these Beetles is so very great that we must be contented with two type^ ; namely, the Sacred Scarabaeus which I 114 INSECTS ABROAD. has just been described, and the curious insect which is shown in the illustration below. The genus to which it belongs is distinguished by the hard and rounded body, the very long curved legs, and the general crab-like look of the insects. They are spread over a considerable portion of the globe, and, indeed, few of the warmer parts seem to be without them. Many species, such as our present example, inhabit Southern Africa ; one, Sisyphus Sclicefferi, is known to be European ; and others are Asiatic. The most remarkable of the latter is the smallest of the genus, called Sisyphus minutus, the body of wliich is scarcely as large as a swan-shot. All the legs of the Sisyphus are enormously lengthened, and are bent in a most singular fashion, the peculiar curvature not being properly visible unless the insect be viewed from behind and nearly at the level of the eye. This peculiar form of the leg is probably useful to the insect in rolling its egg-balls. The colour of this Beetle ^^^'^ISf^^Sic-i--- >fe^'- --u__ is dull brownish black, buL upon the elytra are a number Fig. 52 -Sisyphus mmicatu.. (^ tuftS of jet-bkck dowuy (Brown-black, with jet-black tufts.) , " •' hairs, that stand boldly from the surface on which they are planted, and are very con- spicuous. The thorax is covered with a coating of very short and very dense down of a dark -brown hue, something like the fur of the mole. All these insects fly well, and, like our common Eose Beetles, keep the elytra almost closed, instead of spreading them as most Beetles do, when they fly. The generic name of Sisyphus is given to these Beetles because their task of rolling their egg-balls has an evident analogy with that of the mythological Sisyphus. The specific name muricatus signifies "spiky," or "prickly," and is given to the insect on account of the bold spike-like hair-tufts with which its elytra are studded. The word comes from the Latin murex, a whelk, which, in the plural (murices), was employed to signify caltrops, or " crow's feet," i.e. iron spikes thrown on the ground to arrest the progress of cavalry. I cannot quit these insects without quoting a few extracts BEETLES MORALIZED. 115 from De Mouffet's quaint and elaborate treatise upon the Sacred Scarabreus, in which he compares men and beetles together, and shows, very much to his own satisfaction, that the man ought to take example by the insect : — '■'The Latines call it PilulariMS, because it turns up round pills, which it fashions by turning them backwards with its hinder feet. All your Pilularii have no females, but have their generation from the sun ; they make great balls with their hinder feet, and drive them the contrary way ; like the sun, it observes a circuit of twenty-eight daies. . . . The Beetle called Pilulariics makes a round ball of the roundness of the heavens, which it turns from east to west so long till it hath brought it to the figure of the world ; afterwards it laies it up under the earth where it breeds, and when that hath so laid it up, it lets it remain there for a lunary moneth ; when that is ended, it casts every ball out of its nest by itself, which being dissolved in water, the beetle-worm comes forth without wings, but in a few daies it grows up to be a flying Beetle. For this reason the Egyptians consecrated this to Apollo, and adored it for no small god, by the curious interpretation of Apion, whereby he collected that the likeness of the sun was given to this creature, and so he excused the idolatrous customs of his country. " They wonderfully hate roses as the plague of their family, but dung, especially of cowes, and dunghils, they love so much that, smelling the smell of them a very long way off, they will fly suddenly to it. But they go but slowly, yet they labour continually and exceedingly, and delight most of all to produce their young ones ; for ofttimes the little round bals that they make, by the injury of the winds in places, fall away, and fall from a high place to the bottome ; but this Beetle, desiring a propagation, watcheth with perpetual care, and raising this Sisyphian ball to its hold with continual striving, and that tumbling back again, at length she produceth it. And truly, unless it were endowed with a kinde of Divine soul (as all things are full of God's M'onderfulnesse), it would faint and be spent in this great contest, and would never take this pains any more. " Beetles serve divers uses, for they both profit our mindes and they cure some infirmities of our bodies. For when this living creature (and scarce a living creature, for it wants some senses), being of the basest kinde of insects, and nothing but a I 2 116 INSECTS ABROAD. crust, doth excel man in divers faculties, this should teach us modesty, temperance, labour, magnanimity, justice, and pru- dence. For, though its house be but a dunghil, yet it lives contented therewith, and is busied and delighted in it ; nor doth it more willingly eat or drink among roses than in goat's dung, which smels in its senses as sweet as marjoram. For it lives by the laws of Nature, and will not exceed her orders. " The greatest care it takes is to make the greatest bals it can, as if they were sweet bals which with wonderful labour it rolleth from her; and if it chance to roll its burden against some heap, that the bals slip away and fall down again, you would imagine that you saw Sisyphus rolling a stone to the top of a mountain, and falling back upon him, yet is it not weary, nor will it rest till it hath rolled it to its nest, so earnest is it about its work. But we poor men do nothing that is worth our labour, or as we have power to do, and we give off in the very steep entrance of vertue, and we spend all our pains and dales in idleness, following ill-counsel, till we get a habit of mischief to our own destruction. " Who doth not see the courage of the Beetle ? if he shall observe him fighting with an eagle (as 'tis related of the Beetles in India). And indeed, though the eagle, its proud and cruel enemy, do no less make havoc of and harm this creature oi so mean a rank, than our lordly storks do to the peasant frogs ; yet, as soon as it gets an opportunity, it returneth like for like, and sufficiently punisheth that spoiler. For it flyeth up nimbly into her nest with its fellow-souldiers the Scara Beetles, and in the absence of the old she-eagle bringeth out of the nest the eagle's eggs one after another till there be none left : which falling and being broken, the young ones, while they are yet unshapen, being dasht miserably against the stone, are deprived of life before they have any sense of it." After narrating many similar anecdotes showing how the Beetle ought to " profit our mindes," the author proceeds to instruct us how to use the Beetle so as to " cure some infirmities of our bodies." Among many remedies the following deserves to be quoted: — "For the awaking of such as are troubled with the dead sleep and with the lethargy (when cantharides and cauteries have done no good), two or three Dung Beetles alive, put up together under half a walnut-shell, to be made fast about A LIVE BLISTHU 117 the nape of the neck, being first well shaved, and upon the muscles of the fore-part of the arms (on every muscle one), and under the sole of each foot one, because this doth wonderfully rouze up such as are in a lethargy." I should think that it did rouse them up ! Let any of my readers take into his hand one of our common Dor Beetles, and let it try to scratch its way out. He will not be very long before he lets it go. The pain which must be inflicted by the large and powerful Scarabseus, especially when fastened on the teuderest parts of the body, which have already been blistered and cauterized, must be something almost too horrible to contemplate. The next family is that of the Deltochilidai, of which we have no example in England. These insects have the head almost Pig. 53. — Deltochilum Macleayi. (Black, with chocolate elytra. ) hexagonal, and the eyes are so completely divided by abroad band of horny substance, that a small portion of them appears on the upper part and a large portion on the lower. Indeed, the insect, like the well-known Whirligig Beetles, appears to have four eyes instead of two. The name Deltochikim is Greek, and signifies a delta-like or triangular jaw. The tibia of the fore- legs are broad, flat, strong, and armed on their outside edges with three long and sharp spikes, evidently 118 INSECTS ABROAD, used for digging purposes. It is rather remarkable that none of the specimens in the British Museum have any tarsi, and in all these Beetles the tarsus of the fore-legs is very small, and can be tucked away so as to be protected while the limb is employed in excavating the earth. Probably, in such operations the tarsus was broken off, but, as it is of such minute dimensions, the Beetles get on very well without it. The head and thorax are black, the former being roughly granulated, and the latter very finely punctured, so as to give it a sort of satiny surface. The elytra are rather curious. They are very flat, and are roughly wrinkled. At first sight the wrinkles appear to be without any order, and to be scattered over the wing-cases as vaguely as wheat-blades appear to be on a field, from almost every point of view. But just as the wheat arranges itself in regular lines when viewed from the ends oi tlie furrows, so do these wrinkles show themselves to be arranged in longitudinal rows when the eye is directed parallel to the central line of the body. The colour of the elytra is dark chocolate, and on each end they are flattened and turned up like the rim of a hat. If the insect be viewed edgewise, the elytra will be seen to be also turned downwards, so as to cover a con- siderable portion of the side. There are several species known to entomologists. They are mostly black and dull in colour, but one or two depart from the general rule, and are really brilliant insects. By far the prettiest is Deltochilum Icarus, which is of a bright metallic copper-red, slightly glossed with bronze, having the whole surface very finely punctured, and the elytra marked with bold striae, each covered with fine punctures. All these Beetles inhabit South America. Next come the Coprides, of which we have some six or seven species in England, the best-known of which is Gopris lunaris, the male of which has a long and upright horn on the head. The Coprides dig deep burrows, mostly oblique, and not perpen- dicular like those of our Dor Beetles. They have the power of making a creaking sort of noise, which is said to be produced by the friction of the tips of the elytra against the abdomen. This sound is conspicuous in the British species which has just been mentioned. The finest foreign example of these Beetles is undoubtedly THE COPRIS BEETLES. 119 the large and massive Oopris Hamadryas. This insect is a wonderfully fine one, measuring two inches and a half in lengtli, of a shining black colour, and being densely clothed in parts with long silken, gold-coloured down. It is found both in Africa and Asia. The general form of the male may be seen by reference to the illustration. The head, with its forked, upright horn, is deeply punctured and granulated, and so is the thorax, except in the middle, where it is highly polished, like black, burnished steel. The elytra are punctured in parallel Pig. 54.— Oopris Hamadryas, (Black, with golden yellow down ) rows, and are so highly polished that it is not easy to hold even a dead and dried specimen, as it persists in slipping through the fingers as though it were oiled. The female is without the formidable-looking horn of the male, and even in the latter sex there is very great variation in the size and shape of the horn. Some of the species have a curious resemblance to the Dynastidse, a family which will presently be described. The most curious of them is Oopris Lams, which has two large pointed horns on the thorax, and a very long horn on the head, curved back so as nearly to touch those of the thorax. If the insect be turned over so as to bring the under surface into view, the quantity of the golden down with which it is clothed is seen to be very great, especially in two large oval 120 INSECTS ABROAD. patches under the head. The fore-legs are exceedingly powerful, and the tibia is flat, hollowed, armed with two very bold teeth on the outside, and its under surface is covered with a vast number of slightly curved ridges, running parallel to each other, and diagonally across the limb. The tarsus is so small that hardly anyone except an entomologist would notice it. This species lives underground, at the bottom of very deep burrows, so that it would easily escape observation, even in localities where it was plentiful. As, however, like our own species, it lives under patches of cowdung, an entomologist can mostly hit upon its dwelling-place. It possesses large and powerful wings, and when it chooses to use them, which appears seldom to be the case, it makes a loud humming noise. Pro- bably it flies more by night than by day, and so its flight escapes observation. I HAVE chosen the splendid insect which is here figured, not only because it is the finest example of its genus, but because it is Fio. 55. — Phanaeus lancifer. (Purple and green, with violet elytra ) also the rarest, the British Museum only possessing a single speci- men, which was brought by Mr. Bates from Para, on the Amazon River. The length of the specimeD is an inch and three- HABITS OF THE PHAN^EUS. 121 quarters, the thickness of the body is an inch, and the horn of the head is one inch and a third in length. The colouring of this Beetle is singularly beautiful, and not very easy to describe. The head and greater part of the horn are deep purple, shot with green, or vice versd, just as the light happens to fall on it; the tip of the horn being black. The square, flat plate at the hinder portion of the thorax is deep purpL}, and is thickly and boldly punctured. The strangely curved elytra are rich violet in colour, are boldly ridged, and between the ridges their surface is deeply granulated. The eyes are divided like those of the Deltochilum. There are many species of this genus, all exceedingly variable both in colour and size. Some are quite black, and some blue, but the prevailing hue is green with a golden gloss. The generic name of Phanceus, or " conspicuous," is given to them on account of their beautiful colouring and strange form. Their habits are much the same as those of the preceding genus. Mr. Westwood mentions that one species, Phanceus melon, is found under dead fish, and yet smells strongly of musk ; and that two other species, Phanceus nigro-violaceus and sulcatits, dig holes under dead snakes and bury them in a few hours. The next family, the Geotrupidse, are so similar to our own familiar British species that I have only selected one species by way d£ example ; namely, Bolbocerus Peiehei, an insect which is spread over the greater part of Australasia. It is a thick-bodied, sturdily built Beetle, and though not large, measuring not quite an inch in length, is one of the largest of the genus to which it belongs. Its colour is a very shining yellowish brown, so that the Beetle looks very much as if it were immature and had not been exposed to the Hght long ^"'- ''(^eUoSo!^?''*'"' enough to have assumed its deeper colouring. The elytra are covered with parallel punctured strise. The most conspicuous feature in this insect is the enormous horn which rises perpendicularly from the head of the male, and which gives to it, when viewed from the front, much of the air of a rhinoceros. The length of the horn is rather more than 122 INSECTS ABROAD. half an inch. The lower surface of the insect is clothed with long and dense hair, of the same colour as the body. The name Bolhocerus is formed from two Greek words signifying " bulb- horned," and is given to this insect because the base of the horn is swollen into a sort of bulb. Like many of their kin, the Bolboceri fly in the twilight. M. le Vaillant mentions that great numbers are captured by frogs and toads, and may be found in the stomachs of these creatures. The reader may not be aware that the stomachs of toads are recognised localities for many rare Beetles. The toad is out all night engaged in insect hunting. At dawn the ento- mologist catches him, kills him, opens his stomach, and finds in it plenty of Beetles, some of which are nearly sure to be rarities. I think that the late Eev. F. W. Hope was the first entomologist who made me aware of the value of a toad's stomach to the collector of Beetles. There are plenty of other insects in the same locality, but they are generally too much damaged to be placed in a collection, while the hard and horny mail ot the Beetle suffers but little injury. One example of the Hoplidse must also suffice us. In England we have but one representative of this family, namely, Hoplia philanthus, a little dark ^^^^v Wi IL the background by the enormous development of the head. The Megaceras has the end of the head-horn ex- panded and formed into two bhmt projections, but this Beetle THE ELEPHAJS^T BEETLE. 135 has the horn doubly branched, and each branch forked. Indeed, the shape of it is exactly like that of the well-known sea-weed so familiar under the popular name of Carrageen or Irish Moss, and the scientific name of Chondrus crispus. The colour of the head and thorax is black, the former being strongly wrinkled even to the tip of the horn, and the latter both punctated and granulated, so as to give it a duller surface than that of the head. The elytra are shining chestnut brown, some specimens having more red in them than others. The fore-legs are rather powerful, and the tibia is armed with three blunt and strong projections. The generic name Xylotrwpes signifies Pig. 63.— Xyiotiupes dichotomus. (Black head and thorax, chestnut elytra.) " wood-borer," aud is given to the insect on account of its sup- posed powers of cutting branches so as to feed on the sap which exudes from the wounded places ; and the specific name dicho- torrms is also from the Greek, and signifies something that is divided into two parts. This name of course refers to the pecu- liar form of the head-horn. The insect is a native of China. The last of the Oryctidse which we can mention is the splendid Beetle which has been appropriately named the Elephant Beetle {Megalosoma eUphas). In this enormous and formidable-looking insect the head is very much lengthened and developed into two distinct horns, one projecting in front just like the horn of the white rhino- 136 INSECTS ABROAD. ceros, and the other curved forward somewhat in the shape of the letter C. The end of the first horn is boldly forked, and its length is exactly two inches in a fair specimen. The colouring of the Elephant Beetle is very remarkable. The ground colour of the whole insect is black, but, with the exception of the first horn, the entire surface is so thickly covered with dense, soft, upright fur, that in a perfect specimen Fig. 64. — Megalosoma elephas. (Black, covered with chestnut and yellow fur.) Che real colour of the Beetle cannot be seen. Such an insect, however, is very seldom found, and, as the fur comes off easily,' almost every specimen has several bare patches from which the fur has been rubbed, and which show the black hue of the surface. There is another species of the same genus, Megalosoma ActcBon, m which the surface is entirely black and wrinkled. Upon the second horn the fur is dark chestnut brown, and a THE GOLIATH BEETLES. 137 similar but rather lighter hue upon the thorax, while the fur of the elytra is bright yellow, so that the insect presents a most remarkable aspect. Its total length is five inches, and the width of the body two inches, so that it well deserves the name of Megalosoma, i.e. " big-bodied." It is a native of Nicaragua. There is a very remarkable group of Cetoniidse, known by the name of Goliath Beetles. As their name imports, they are of very large size, some of them being the most gigantic of the insect race, though some are but of moderate dimensions. They are all distinguished by the peculiar construction of the head, which is prolonged in front and developed into two horn-like projections. ' This peculiarity belongs only to the males. On Plate III. Fig. 1 is shown one of the handsomest and largest of these Beetles, called Goliathus Druryii, the latter name being given to it in honour of Mr. Drury, who figured it and first brought it into notice. Although the colours of this splendid Beetle are simple, they are very effective. The head, with its curious projections, is greyish white, except the front horns, which are black and Yery deeply punctated. The thorax is black, and upon it are drawn a number of stripes of creamy white, shaped as shown in the illustration. The elytra are warm chocolate, with a velvet-like surface, surrounded with a belt ot the same creamy white as that upon the thorax. Below it is black, with a mixture of green. The tibiae of the first pair of legs are much flattened, and very deeply granulated and punctated. They are of a reddish hue. Those of the hind pair are furnished on the inner edge with a dense clothing, or rather ridge, of long golden hairs with a silken gloss. The tarsi are black, and if the insect be turned over, the thighs of the hind pair of legs are seen to be very strong and powerful, and at the base of each is a circular white spot one-tenth of an inch in diameter. The effect of this spot on the dark surface is very remarkable. The length of the specimen is four inches and a quarter, and its breadth exactly two inches. It is therefore a very bulky insect, and even in its dried condition is exceedingly heavy. For many years this was the rarest of insects. Only one specimen was known, that which was described by Drury, and was preserved in the Hunterian Museum of Glasgow. It had 138 INSECTS ABROAD. been found dead, floating in the Gaboon River, opposite Prince's Island. Nothing was known of its habits until lately, when travellers have succeeded in capturing a tolerable number of specimens, one of which, now in the British Museum, is singularly valuable. That the Cetonia larvae enclose themselves when full fed in earthen or wooden cocoons is well known, and naturalists were therefore anxious to know what kind of a cocoon could be constructed by the enormous Goliath Beetle. The question has been set at rest by the discovery of a cocoon of the present species, which is now in the nest-room of the British Museum. It is oval, about as large as a swan's egg, and has wonderfully thin walls. The most remarkable point about it* is the thick belt with which it is encircled, probably for the purpose of Fig. 65.— Cocoons of Searabfeus and GoBatli. strengthening it. How this belt was made is to me a mystery. A larva which inhabits a cocoon must of necessity make that cocoon from the inside, and how it is possible for a creature which builds its cocoon around itself to form an external strengthening belt is a riddle that has not yet been explained. The fact is patent — the means are unknown ; and when those means are discovered, we shall have solved a very interesting problem in Natural History. The above illustration of this invaluable specimen is taken from my " Homes without Hands," published by Messrs. Longman and Co. As, on account of the size of the cocoon, it COCOOX OF THE GOLIATH BEETLE. 139 was impossible to give it of the full size, it has been reduced, and a common house-fly has been drawn upon it, so as to give some idea of its real dimensions. One end of the cocoon is broken so as to show the tips of the elytra and part of a tarsus. The best mode of realizing the real dimensions of the cocoon is to turn to Plate III. Fig. 1, on which the insect is shown of its lull size, and then to compare it with the size of the Beetle as it appears within its cocoon. The smaller cocoon, or earth-ball, is the work of a Scarabseus. Ox Plate III. Fig. 2 is shown another example of the Goliath Beetles, remarkable for the extreme development of the head-horns. Its scientific name is Dicranocephalus Bowringii, the former of the two titles referring to the structure which has just been mentioned. It is formed from three Greek words, the first signifying "double," the second "a skull," and the third "a head." This singularly pretty Beetle is a native of China. The head- horns are so curiously lengthened and curved that they much resemble those of the stag, and, as is often the case with Beetles in which there is a horn-like development of the head or thorax, the female is destitute of these appendages, while in the male they are exceedingly variable both in size and shape. The whole surface of the thorax and elytra is covered with a very short, but very thick, yellowish green down, the ground colour being black. This is shown in one or two places, such as a belt round" the edge of the elytra, a short elevated streak on the shoulder and at the tip, and a couple of rather long stripes on the thorax. As the yellow down is easily removed by friction, these bared portions look very much as if they had been rubbed ; but on examination of a series of specimens we find that the bare marks are always in the same places and much of the same shape. Three species of the Dicranocephalus are known. Our last example of the true Goliath Beetles is the Rham- phorhina Petersiana, which is shown on Plate III. Fig. 3. The generic name Bhamplioo^hina is formed from two Greek words, which may signify either "beak-nosed" or "crooked- nosed." There are many species of this genus, differing very greatly in size, some being almost dwarfs, Avhile others are com- 140 INSECTS ABROAD. paratively gia.iits. Still, though the Ehamphorhinas do belong to the Goliaths, none of them are very large ; their brilliancy ot colour, however, compensating for their lack of dimensions. At first sight this Beetle gives the observer the idea that it is made of the most brilliant green porcelain, and, indeed, it almost looks as if it were artificial rather than a real insect. The oddly- formed head is flattened and rather scooped, and in the male is deeply toothed in front, and furnished with a sharp curving horn on either side, shaped very much like the well-known horn of the chamois. The head is white, and the horns are black. The head of the female is much smaller, entirely without horns, and almost entirely without the teeth on the front edge. The thorax is rounded, very highly polished, and of the most vivid emerald green, with a sort of translucent effect about it, so that it looks very much as if it were made of the finest porcelain or enamel. The elytra are of a similar green, except that upon them is drawn a large white mark, the shape of which can be seen by reference to the figure. The legs are long in proportion to the size of the body, and the first pair are very much developed, and bear on the under side of the tarsus a bunch of long, golden yellow hair. If the insect be turned over, the under surface is seen to be quite as beautiful as the upper, though in a different way. The under side of the head, instead of being white, is rich chestnut red, and the general colour of the body is bronze, with a porce- lain-like surface, much like that of the thorax and elytra, though not so brQliant. One very curious point about this Beetle is the longitudinal projection between the middle and last pair of legs. This projection is pear-shaped, lies on the central line of the body, and is of an opaline green. It seems to have an analogy with the sharply-pointed projection in the Dyticus and other Water Beetles, though no one appears to have discovered its object. The length of the specimen from which this description was taken is one inch and three-eighths. The female, besides being unarmed, is much duller in colour, and does not possess the peculiar porcelain or enamel-like surface which distinguishes the other sex. The length of a fine specimen is nearly an inch and a half. The habits of the Goliath Beetles are very much like those of HABITS OF THE GOLIATH BEETLES. 141 our own Eose Beetles. They are mostly taken on the wing, and, as is the case with the Eose Beetles, the males are much more numerous than the females. In flight the elytra are not raised, and, indeed, are scarcely opened at all, the wings pro- jecting at the sides of the nearly closed wing-cases. They feed upon the liquid juices of various plants, mostly of trees. In some parts of Africa there is a sort of vine which climbs to the tops of trees, and is so full of sap that it affords plenty of drink for a thirsty traveller. This vine is frequented by several species of Goliath Beetles, which wound the vines with their horny jaws, and so drink the juices. Some species inhabit certain trees when they renew their buds and blossoms, the juices being then easy of extraction. Thus, as is remarked by Dr. Harris, of Harvard University, " the food of the Goliath Beetle is fluid, like that of the Trichii and Cetonice, insects belonging to the same natural family ; but the latter live chiefly on the nectar of flowers, and the former on the sap of plants. The long hooks on their maxillae and the diverging rows of hair that line their lower lips are admirably fitted for absorbing liquid food, while their horny teeth afford these Beetles additional means of obtaining it from the leaves and juicy stems of plants when the blossoms have disappeared. Thus every new discovery in N"atural History, even when least expected, serves to increase the evidence of skilful contrivance and perfect adaptation of structure in all organized beings." Some species of Goliath Beetles are eaten by the natives of the country in which they live. They are gathered together, boiled over a Are, and are said to be very sweet and good, I suspect that if entomologists could only see some of the insects which are thus ignorantly eaten instead of being preserved for the benefit of science, they would feel like that well-known naturalist who, on finding that a savage had just eaten an animal until then unknown to science, could hardly refrain from cutting the man open on the spot. We now pass to the true Cetoniides, the typical insects of this splendid family. The rare insect which is figured on the next page belongs to the sub-family, and is a native of Northern India. It is briefly described in Westwood's " Oriental Entomology" under the title of Jumnos Ruckerii. The generic name of this and 142 INSECTS ABROAD. allied insects is due to the form of the snout, Avhich is shaped something like the mathematical figure called a rhomb. The length of the male is nearly two inches. It is a very handsome and striking insect, the contrast of colours being exceedingly bold. The thorax, which is covered with very fine punctures, is shining green with a gold gloss, and the elytra are of a similar colour, but having a changeable sheen so as to appear blue in some lights. The four spots on them are orange yellow. The legs are bright green, and the tarsi of Fig. 66. — Rhomborhina Ruckerii. (Green, orange spots.) the middle and hind pair of legs are fringed with golden hair. Those of the first pair of legs are strongly toothed, especially at the junction of the tarsus. Underneath it is entirely green, glossed with coppery red. There are many species of this genus, varying much in size and colour, the generality being of moderate size and brightly coloured, while others are of small dimensions and dull brown in hue. The species which is figured is at once the largest and most beautifully coloured of all the genus. These insects are mostly captured on the wing, but many specimens have been THE INCAS BEETLE. 143 rule, all its members taken in the hollows of trees, those being evidently the spots in which they have passed their larval existence. ]SIext comes the remarkable insect called Gt/mnetis hiero- glyphica, a native of Brazil. The insects of this genus may be easily distinguished by the peculiar formation of the thorax. The scutellum is wanting, but in its stead the thorax is pro- longed in the middle into a sharp point, which takes the place of the scutellum so completely that at a hasty glance that por- tion of the insect is not missed. This is a very large genus, and, as are very boldly marked. The present species is bright " king's yellow," with a slight mixture of red. It does not shine, but has exactly that appearance which is produced in water-colours by laying on a thick coating of body- colour. The marks are deep black, so as to give the insect a sort of zebra- like appearance. These marks are exceedingly variable, so that after examining a long series of individuals it is scarcely possible to find two specimens exactly alike. Underneath it is wholly black. The insects of this genus, though they are true Cetonias, partake some- what of the nature of the Goliath Beetles, in that they frequent the young leaves of trees rather than flowers. There are very many species, differing little in size, though considerably in colour. All, however, Avhatever may be their ground colour, yellow, chestnut, brown, or grey, are covered with black marks. One of the most striking of them, Gymnetis liolosericea, has the middle of tlie body and elytra black, with boldly curved edges. Most species are black on the under surface. Fig. 67. — Gymnetis hieroglyphica. (Yellow, black marks.) We can only find space for one more example of the Cetonias, namely, the splendid insect called Inca Sommerii, the former of the names being given to it as being the Inca, as it were, or king, of the South American Cetonias, and the latter in honour 1-14 INSECTS ABROAD. of M. C. Sommer, Esq., of Altona, who forwarded the insect to Mr. Westwood for description in his beautiful work, " Arcana Entomologica." The genus Inca may faiily be considered as representing in tropical America the Goliaths of Africa and India, which so closely resemble it in the horn-like projections of the head that It might readily be taken for one of those insects. These horns only belong to the male, the head of the female being perfectly plain. In colour they are black, and they are furnished with a dense coat of orange fur, as shown in the illustration. The thorax is rich green with a velvety lustre, and has several Fig 6S.— Inca Sommerii. (Velvet green, yellow stripes and spots.) yellow stripes upon it. The elytra are also green, and covered with a number of small yellow spots. The legs are dull green, and it is of the same colour below, the thighs being sprinkled with reddish fur like that onthe head. This is an exceedingly variable insect. In the British Museum there is one specimen which is entirely without yellow spots, and another yellowish with green spots. Those which were sent by Mr. Sommer, and are described in the " Arcana Entomologica," had blue-black head and thorax with whitish stripes, the scuteUum green, and the elytra puiple green. It is as variable in size as in colour, but a fine male specimen measures about two inches in length, the female appearing smaller on account of the absence of head-horns. The Incas, of which there are a tolerable number of species, HABITS OF THE INCA BEETLE. 145 are, as a general rule, inhabitants of Mexico, though, as we shall presently see, the rule is not without its exception. They feed upon the young leaves of trees, and in the daytime may be seen flying round the trees at some height from the ground. During the early morning they sit among the foliage, resting, as do so many insects, on the under surface of the leaves, so as to be protected as much as possible from sight. The larvce are found in rotten wood, much like those of our own Eose Beetles. One species, Inca lineola, was brought from Africa, having been captured at Sien-a Leone by the Kev. D. Morgan. It is quite a small insect, not larger than our common Eose Beetle, but longer and more slender. It is curiously mottled with black, yellow, and grey, and has on each of the elytra a short black line, from which the specific name of lineola, or " little line," has been derived. CHAPTER XL STERN XI, OR SKIPJACK BEETLES. I USE the word which is placed at the head of this chapter because it is a more appropriate name than that which is some- times given to this tribe of Beetles; namely, Serricoroes, or " saw-horned." Many Beetles might be termed Serricornes, but the name of Sternoxi, or "sharp-breasted," is expressive of a characteristic peculiar to this tribe. The Sternoxi have the sternum, or under part of the thorax, prolonged into a sharp, spike-like appendage, which fits into a corresponding hollow between the bases of the middle pair of legs. This structure can be easily seen by taking any of our common Skipjack or Click Beetles and examining it with a lens. While so doing the observer will probably find that the insect will bend back the thorax, and then, with a smart jerk and a clicking sound, fling it forward. If at the time the Beetle be lying on its back, it will spring high into the air, and in most cases fall on its feet, this being evidently the object for which the structure of the thorax was intended, the legs being in many species so short, that if the insect falls on its back on a smooth surface it can scarcely ever regain its feet. Perhaps the reader may ask why the Beetle should be so much in the habit of falling on its back that a special provision should be made to enable it to get upon its feet ? The reason is, that whenever the insect is alarmed it always loosens its hold of any object to which it may be clinging, and falls to the ground, where it lies motionless as a stone, until the danger, real or imaginary, has passed away. Now, if it should happen to fall on a smooth instead of a rough surface, it would lie there until it died, the legs being so short that they could not touch the ground. The power of springing into the air, however, com- DANCING APRONS. 147 pensates the Beetle for this defect, a>^ it almost always turns over before it reaches the ground, and comes down with its feet well under it. Such a process requires also a peculiar structure of the thorax. If the three parts of which it is comi^osed are fixed tightly together the insect cannot leap, hut if they are loosely jointed it can bend itself about in the way that has been described. Although many, not to say most, of the Sternoxi have this power, such is not the case with some of them, among which are the family of the Buprestidse, to which our first few examples belong. All these Beetles have their heads sunk deeply into the thorax, and the antennae short, boldly toothed, and inserted in cavities. We have but few species of BuprestidtB in England, and they are but small and insignificant. Abroad, however, the Buprestidae attain considerable dimensions, and many of them are so magni- ficently coloured as to take rank among the most splendid of the iusect race. If anyone wishes to know what colour can do for an insect, he should visit the splendid collection of Buprestidse made by the late Eev. F. W. Hope, and now in the Oxford Museum. As a rule their surfaces are highly polished, and they glow with every imaginable hue, the colours tiitting from spot to spot as the light changes. Green and crimson are the two pre- vailing hues, but they are relieved by gold, fiery copper, azure, and purple. This being the case, it is a matter of rule that the insects should be largely used as ornaments. Sometimes they are employed entire, but generally the wing-cases alone are used. In India, for example, the green wing-cases of a Buprestis are sewn in patterns upon dresses, sometimes formed into leaf-like groups, and often running in a pattern along the edge. The same wing-cases are also used as ornaments for baskets, fans, and other similar objects. Among the savage tribes of Guiana the elytra of certain Buprestidse are in great favour. The}^ are strung loosely on the lovely feather aprons which the natives wear while executing their dances ; and as the dancers move, the hard, pendant elytra clatter together in time to the steps. Children's rattles are also made of the same materials, the elytra being hung round a little wooden hoop, and sometimes three or four such hoops being L 2 148 INSECTS ABROAD. fastened above each other, and a little gourd suspended from the middle of them. A few small stones are in the gonrd, and, to judge from analogies, such a toy must be very pleasing to a Guianan child, especially as it can easily be pulled to pieces. The first sub-family of the Buprestidae is the Julodides, a beautiful example of which is the insect shown in the accom- panying illustration. Before proceeding to the description of the various Buprestidae, we will ascertain the meaning of the name. Fig. 69.— Stemocera stemicornis. (Shming green, white spots.) It is formed from two Greek words signifying " ox-burner," from an idea that it scorched or injured oxen whenever they happened to eat it as it lay concealed in the herbage on which they fed. That some poisonous insect was signified by the Buprestis is evi- dent, because the references to it are so numerous and so specific." For example, a special law was made against its use in the Pandects of Budseus : " Qui Buprestem . . . aut mortiferi quid veneni ad necem accelerandam dederit, judicio capitali et poena legis Cornelias afficiator." (Whosoever shall administer a Buprestis or any other poison for the purpose of destroying life, shall be held guilty of a capital offence by the Cornelian law.) A LONG IMPRISONMENT. 149 The insect was said to have a very powerful odour, to be of a greenish gold colour, to be long in the body, and to have long antenu£e. Putting all these descriptions together, there is little doubt that the Buprestis of the ancients was nothing more or less than the Cantharis, or Spanish Fly, and that the insects which we scientifically call Buprestidse have nothing in common with the Buprestis except its name, which they have wrong- fully usurped. As to its manners and customs, it was a very curious Beetle indeed. According to De Mouffet, " It feedeth on flies, cankers, worms, and other the like insects, provided she kill them in fight, for those that dye of themselves, or are killed by others, she will not touch : when she liath filled herself with the car- kasses of the slain, what she leaves she drawes into her hole, and when she is hungiy again feeds on them. A great foe to the Beetle and the Lizard, aiming at their bellies (as being the softer and more penetrable part), which presently she gnaws through • and when she fears to be overcome or caught, presently she retreats and hides herself. " Other savage qualities of this little creature let Peter Turner and William Brewer (physicians for learning and integrity of conversation second to none) relate, who, together with Pennius at Heidelberg, did observe its life and manners." The larvae of the Buprestidse are wood-eaters, the eggs being laid in the chinks of tree-bark. In order to aid her in placing her eggs properly, the last segments of the abdomen are in the female formed into an ovipositor, with which she can push the egg into very narrow crevices. In consequence of this arrangement, when the insect is viewed on the under surface it seems to have only five segments to the abdomen, all the others being internal. One of these Beetles passed a most singularly lengthened life. A fij-plank was brought from the Baltic, made into a desk, and then placed in a London office. For twenty years the desk stood like any other desk, but at the expiration of that time a living Buprestis splendens was discovered in the act of extri- cating itself from the desk. In order to discover the position which the insect had occupied, the upper j^art of the plank was 2)laned away, and then the track of the larva was laid open. "Whether the twenty years had been j)assed as egg, larva, pupa, or perfect insect, is unknown. Most probably it was in the 150 INSECTS ABROAD. larval stage, as the larva always does live for several years before it becomes a pupa, and in this case development would be hindered by the dryness of the wood. Several other foreign insects have been imported in like manner, and are mostly found about the Docks. The full account of this curiously prolonged life is found in one of the early volumes of the " Linnean Transactions," and in the same " Transactions " is an account of a larva of an Indian Buprestis, which had been sent over in a bale of goods, and had eaten its way completely through fifteen pieces of muslin — the holes which it made being of course multiplied by the folds of the muslin, which I should imagine must have furnished rather innutritions diet. The present species is a native of the East Indies, and is a very beautiful insect. The whole of the body is bright shining green above, and more polished on the thorax than on the elytra. Both thorax and elytra are covered with bold punctures, the former looking very much like the pits on a lady's thimble. On the elytra the punctures are not only deep, but on a close examination are seen to be white inside. This curious colouring is most perceptible on two large circular pits on the shoulders. Besides having these punctures, the whole of the surface of the elytra is covered with very tiny granulations. The boldly- toothed antennse are covered towards their extremity with fine down. On looking at the under surface a peculiar structure is shown, which explains the generic name. The middle portion of the thorax, technically named " meso-sternum," is prolonged into a rather long, stout, and sharp spine, which projects completely beyond the base of the first portion of the thorax, or "pro- sternum." If the reader will examine the under-surface of a common Eose Beetle he will see a similar development, except that the spine of the Rose Beetle is not so stout nor so propor- tionately large as that of the Buprestis. The generic name Sternocera is formed from two Greek words signifying " breast- horn," and is therefore a very appropriate one. The specific name sternicornis is nothing more than a literal Latin rendering of the same word. The whole of the under surface is green, speckled with tiny yellow hairs. THE GIANT CATOXANTHA. 151 This is a very large genus, and has representatives from many parts of the world. They are of various sizes and various colours, most of them, however, being of brilliant hues, and the thorax the most polished part. Some are simply brown, black, or grey, while others are olive green or bright green. The most curious of them in point of colour is Buprestis feldspathica, in which the colour is purple, but highly iridescent. It comes from Western Africa. The group or sub-family of the Chalcophoridse is represented by one or two examples, the first of which is the handsome Beetle called Catoxantha gigaidea, a native of India. Fig. 70.— Catoxantha gigautea. (Green, yellow spots.) This splendid insect measures three inches in length, and seven-eighths of an inch in width. It is flatter in form than the last-mentioned species, and not so boldly punctured. The head and thorax are very dark green, and on either side of the latter there is a rounded patch, chestnut brown in colour, and covered with deep punctures. Just at the base of the thorax are two triangular depressions, one on either side of the central line. The colour of the elytra is bright, shining green, and on the 152 INSECTS ABROAD. lower third of each is a large irregular patch of orange-yellow, surrounded by an indistinct but very beautiful blue band. The under side is nearly as beautiful as the upper. In the first place, the under surface of the elytra is of the same lovely blue as that which surrounds the yellow patch. This is a most remarkable fact, because, as a rule, the under surface of elytra is duU, no matter what the upper surface may be. Take, for ex- ample, the elytra which have already been mentioned as attached to the dancing apron of the Guianan Indians. Above they are very brilliant, being of a metallic copper, glossed with green bronze ; but below they are dull olive, inclining to brown, and scarcely showing a trace of the splendid colouring of the upper surface. The body itself is bright yellow, to which is owing the generic name Catoxantha. This term is Greek, signifying "yellow beneath," and is given in consequence of the colour of the abdomen. From the end of the body project the tips of the wings as they lie folded under the elytra. If carefully removed and spread, these wings are found to be very ample, serving to convey even so heavy an insect through the air. Like our own Skipjack Beetles, the Buprestidse are much on the wing, espe- cially during the hours of sunshine. They fly with drooping bodies, and if an unsuccessful attempt be made to capture them, they close their wings, fall to the ground, fold their legs and antennae under the body, and there lay motionless. Many species of Catoxantha are known ; and though their colour is mostly green, some of them are blue, the colour of the blue baud thus extending over the whole body. The illustration on the next page represents a very beautiful Buprestis from Java. It is rather deceptive in point of colour, and, large as it is, must be examined closely before its beauties can be known. At first sight it appears to be only a yellow and black Beetle, but on a careful inspection, aided by a strong light, it is seen to be one blaze of splendour. The centre of the thorax is rich violet, and on either side is a large patch of fiery, burnished copper, very deeply and profusely punctured. The elytra are smooth and of a "king's yellow" colour, while in their middle is a large circular patch of the most splendid purple, and the last third of A BEAUTIFUL GENUS. 153 the wing-cases is of the same colour. A very strong light is needed to develop the full beauties of this splendid colour. It is so deep that in a poor light it looks black, but when properly illuminated the purple is so intense as almost to dazzle the eye ; and as it is contrasted with its complementary colour, yellow, it necessarily appears peculiarly vivid. If possible, the under surface is even more beautiful than the upper. The head and thorax are of the same coppery carmine as that Avhich adorns the sides of the thorax ; and the abdomen is shining violet, not quite so dark as the purple of the elytra. The legs are violet. The generic name of Chrysochroa, or " golden ' ^y&^'''>{/ Fig. 71. — Chrysochroa Buquetii. (Yellow and deep violet.) surface," has been given to these insects in consequence of the j)revalence of golden yellow in their colouring. This is a large genus, and is represented in the East Indies, China, &c. One of the most startling in point of colour is Chrysochroa vittata of China. The elytra of this insect are burnished green glossed with gold, while down their centre runs a band (in Latin, vitta) of brilliant carmine. Another species, Chrysochroa linibata, though small, not an inch in length, and not shining, is yet a very beautiful insect. It is deep olive green ; the elytra are boldly ridged, and round their edges runs a broad belt of golden yellow. The specific name limhata is formed from the Latin word lirabus, wihch signi- fies a hem, border, or frill, and refers to this yellow belt. 154 INSECTS ABROAD. The group of Buprestides is represented by one insect, which, however, looks as if it could do duty for many. Like most foreign insects, it has no English popular name, but its scientific title— and, as we shall presently see, a very appropriate one — is Stigmodera variabilis. The generic name is formed from two Greek words, the former signifying " a mark " or " a blotch," and the latter " a back," in allusion to the bold markings of the elytra. The specific name, variabilis, or " variable," is singularly appropriate ; for whereas there are many specimens which are perfectly plain, and have no marks at all on the elytra, there Fig. 72. — Stigmodera variabilis. (Green and chestnut, with purple markings.) are scarcely any two specimens which are precisely alike in every respect. I have looked through a long series of this extra- ordinary Beetle, and have not yet discovered two specimens which are exactly alike. As to the various divergences from the original type, whatever that may be, they are so numerous as to preclude all description. Suffice it to say that examples of this Beetle can be found which bear no more resemblance to each other than does a Newfoundland dog to an Italian greyhound ; and yet, just as we acknowledge the dog to belong to the same species, so do we with regard to the Beetle. I should very much like to give figures of some of the principal varieties of this curious Beetle, but our space is far too limited. We will begin with the specimen which is figured in the illustration, and which seems to be a fair example of the best type of this insect. The head and middle of the thorax are deep, rich, shining green, profusely and finely punctated, while the sides of the thorax are yellow. The ground colour of the elytra A VARIABLE INSECT. 155 is rich, warm chestnut, rather deeply furrowed, and each furrow being marked with a row of bold punctures. Across the elytra run four bands of the deepest purple, shaped as shown in the illustration. Below, it is bright, shining green, punctured like the thorax. Now for some of our varieties, of which I shall only describe three or four. One has the elytra chestnut, and in the middle, nearer their base, there is a square violet spot. Exactly in the middle of the elytra is another violet spot shaped like the ace ot diamonds, having a small square spot of the same colour on either side. Then comes a bar which extends nearly but not quite across the elytra, and a patch of the same hue occupies the extreme tip. Next, perhaps, we find a specimen which has markingsalmost exactly the same in point of shape and number, but deep green instead of purple or violet. Next comes a spe-- cimen where a diamond-shaped spot occupies the place of the square mark, and a chevron-shaped mark takes the place of the diamond in the middle. Some of these Beetles, indeed, would do very well to illustrate the elements of heraldry, and it would be very convenient if we could use the heraldic terms, such as " chief," " fesse," " party per pale," &c. &c., in describing colours or marks. Some specimens are wholly brown, or very dark green ; some are deep red, with one, two, three, or four bands of violet, blue, purple, black, or green. More than four bands I never saw. Some are so small as to be scarcely one-tenth the size of the specimen which has been figured, and without any marks on the elytra, which are uniform pale brown, the thorax being a few shades darker. Being so exceedingly variable a species, it is naturally a very troublesome one to entomologists, who find that colour, size, and marks absolutely go for nothing at all, and have been obliged to discard them from their calculations. In consequence, there are few insects which have been furnished with so many names as this, zoologists having not only considered the varieties as dif- ferent species, but even placed them in different genera. We now come to the group of Elaterides, which are possessed of the power of leaping when laid on their backs. If one of the large species be taken, such as those which we are about to 156 INSECTS ABROAD. examine, and held on their backs, the mode of jumping is at once seen. A very strong spine extends from the " pro-sternum," or first portion of the thorax, and projects so far backwards that its end passes into a deeply-grooved cavity formed by a projection between the middle pairs of legs. A side view of this spine shows that it is shaped just like the "pall" and ratchet in machinery ; indeed, so exact is the resemblance, that in looking at the leaping spine of a large Elater, it seems as if the pall and ratchet must have been copied from it. Now for its use. When the Beetle falls on its back, it first feels about with its legs, trying to find a foothold, and, after failing, makes up its mind to leap. It gathers up its legs closely to its body, and, in some instances, lays its antennae in two grooves which run along the under surface of the thorax. It then bends its thorax very far back, so as to arch itself com- pletely from the surface on which it is lying. This movement lifts the end of the spine just out of the notch in which it has lain, and which is so made that whereas the spine can be slipped out easily enough, it cannot be restored to its place without some force and a sharp jerk. The insect then begins to straighten its body, but is prevented by the end of the spine. Were the spine perfectly stiff, the insect would probably never straighten itself again; but being highly elastic, it bends, and then springs into its place with a sharp clicking sound, thereby jerking the shoulders — if we may so call them — against the ground, and flinging the insect high into the air. Some writers have said that the end of the abdomen and the head are struck against the ground, but I am certain that the method which I have described is that which is em- ployed by the Skipjack Beetles. The name Elater, signifying " striking " or " bounding," refers to this remarkable power of leaping. Our example of the Elaterides is the curious Beetle called Alaus mosrens, a native of India. The whole upper surface of this insect is cream colour clouded with grey, and covered with a number of black spots, streaks, and patches, too numerous to describe, and varying in different specimens. There is, however, always a large patch on the outer edge of each elytron, nearly in the middle. On a closer inspection it is evident that the real PROTECTIVE RESEMBLANCES. 157 colour of the elytra is black, and that the white surface, which looks just like paint, is only superficial. It is, however, stronger and attached more firmly than is generally the case, and will resist a moderate scratch of a needle. When the antennae and legs are tucked close to the body, this Beetle scarcely looks like an insect, but resembles a piece of bark covered with white lichen. I feel quite certain that if one of these Beetles were to cling to the bark of an old lichen- covered tree, the keenest eye would not detect it except by accident. Those who are practically acquainted with our own Skipjack Beetles know that there is one species, Lacon murinus, which is in colour so exactly like a piece of old bark, that if it flies to an elm or oak trunk and settles there, it will hardly ever be discovered, even though it were actually seen to settle. Fio. 73. — Alaus mcErens. (Black and white.) There are many species belonging to the genus, all of which are dressed in the same sober hues, and some are marked in a manner which is almost grotesque. One of these is Alaus oculatus, of Florida. The thorax in this insect is dark creamy grey, and on either side is a large oval spot of jetty black, surrounded by a narrow belt of pure white, so as to have an eye-like appearance reminding the English entomologist of the similar spots on the caterpillar of the Elephant Hawk Moth. Then there is another species, Alaus lymphatus, with the whole of the upper surface snowy white, relieved by a few small black spots. The generic name Alaus is Greek, and signifies " dull " or "obscure," and the specific name mcerens is Latin, signifying 158 mSECTS ABKOAD. "mourning;" both names being given to tlie insect inconse- quence of the sober black and white of its colouring. The splendid insect which is shown in the accompanying illustration belongs to another group of Elaters. If the reader will look at the figure of the Alaus and at that of our present species, he will see that the ends of the elytra are, in the former insect, blunt and rounded, and in the latter, drawn oiit into long sharp points. The name Oocynopterides, which is given to this group, signifies " sharp-winged," and refers to this formation. Fig. 74. — Oxynopterus Cumingii. (Reddish brown.) The most striking point in the appearance of this insect is the beautifully feathered structure of the antennae in the male. To each of the joints is attached a long, narrow, flat projection, or " flabellum," not unlike those of the Lamellicorn Beetles, which gives to the whole organ the appearance of a fan. The female does not possess these beautiful appendages, her antennae being only toothed, the point of each tooth showing where the flabellum would be in the other sex. So important is the antenna in the general appearance of the insect, that although the female is larger than the male, she absolutely seems to be smaller, so much THE FIKEFLY. 159 does the absence of the feathered antennse detract from her appearance. The colour of this fine Beetle is reddish brown, but there is a difference between the thorax and elytra. The former looks rather paler than it really is, because it is sprinkled with tiny, very short, yellow hairs. These hairs are not thick enough to constitute a downy coat, but are sufficiently plentiful to modify the colour of the surface. The elytra are mahogany-red, and each of them has three slight ridges extending throughout its entire length. The insect was brought from the Philippines by Mr. Cuming, whose exertions in the cause of science are of world-wide reputation. Owing to the great size of this Beetle, the structure of the leaping apparatus is beautifully shown ; and I should think that as the elastic spike is quite as large as a crow-quill, and about three-quarters of an inch in length, the leap which the insect makes must be an enormous one, and the clicking sound pro- portionately loud. The Elaterides are represented by an insect of universal celebrity, the Firefly of the Tropics {Pyrophorus noctilucus). This wonderful insect has the power of emitting a powerful greenish light from two oval spots, one on either side of the thorax, together with a differently coloured light from the under surface. The two luminous spots of the thorax are pale sliining yellow, and look very much as if a second pair of compound eyes had been placed there. This light has been so admirably described by Mr. Gosse in his " Naturalist's Sojourn in Jamaica," that I cannot do better than quote his account : — " I will now speak of one other luminous insect, the Glow-fly {Pyrophorus noctilucus). From February to the middle of sum- mer this Beetle is common in the lowlands, and at moderate elevations. Lacordaire's account of the luminosity of this Elater (known to me, however, only by the citation in Kirby and Spence's Introd. to Ent. ii. 333, 6th edit.) differs so greatly from the phenomena presented by our Jamaica specimens, that I cannot help concluding that he has described an allied but veiy distinct species, and I feel justified, therefore, in recording what I have myself observed. " The light from the two oval tubercles on the dorsal surface 160 INSECTS ABKOAD. of the thorax is very visible, even in broad daylight. When the insect is undisturbed, these spots are generally quite opaque, of a dull white hue ; but on being handled they ignite, not sud- denly, but gradually, the centre of each tubercle first showing a point of light which in a moment spreads to the circumference and increases in intensity till it blazes with a lustre almost dazzling. The colour of the thoracic light is a rich yellow green- In a dark room, pitch dark, this insect gives so much illumination as to cast a definite shadow of any object on the opposite wall, and when held two inches from a book the whole line may be read without moving it. " The under part of the thorax has a singular appearance when the tubercles are fully lighted up ; for the horny coat of skin, being somewhat pellucid, dis- plays the light within redly and dimly, as if the whole thorax were red hot, particularly at the edges, immediately beneath the tubercles. Wlien left alone, the insect soon relapses into stillness, and the tu- bercles presently fade into darkness, either total or redeemed only by a spark scarcely perceptible. " I had been familiar with this Glow-fly for some weeks, and had made the above observations on it without being aware that it pos- i, 1^'/ 7 ' \|N^ sessed any other source of light •^ " \\ than the thoracic tubercles. I had, indeed, remarked that when flying at liberty the light which it diffused was of a rich ruddy glow, and yet these individual insects, if captured and held in the hand, showed only green light. I much wondered at this, but knew not how to account for it until a friend explained it, illustrating his remarks by experiment. " On the ventral surface, when the abdomen is extended, there is seen, between its first segment and the metathorax, an oval transverse space, covered with thin membrane, which glows with orange-coloured light, totally concealed, however, when the Fio. 75. — Cuciyo, or Firefly Pyrophorus noctilucus. (Pale yellow-brown.) DOUBLE LIGHT OF THE FIREFLY. 161 abdomen is relaxed, by the overlapping of the metathorax. When the insect is placed on its back, it throws itself into the air like other Elaters ; but if it be made to repeat this many times, it appears to become weary, and endeavours to raise itself by bending the head and the abdomen back, so as to rest on the extremities, in hope to roll over. It is when thus recurved that the abdominal light suddenly appears, the oval space being un- covered. When held in the hand, the same effect is produced by forcibly bending back the abdomen with the fingers ; but this is not very easy of accomplishment, on account of the resistance of the closed elytra ; but if these be held open with one hand and the abdomen recurved with the other, it is readily shown. " As the open space, then, can be exposed only when the elytra are expanded, the reason is manifest why the red light is never displayed by the insect when walking or resting: the green thoracic light, on the other hand, may be displayed at any time ; it is, however, very rarely shown during flight. On one occasion two or three glow-flies, having entered the sitting- room in the evening, gave out the red light most brilliantly as they fl^ew round near the ceiling, the spectators being beneath them. One of these, being alarmed by my efforts to capture it, gave out the thoracic light also very brightly ; and the mingling of the red and green light in the evolutions of flight produced an effect indescribably beautiful. " That the thoracic light is subject to the will of the insect is indubitable ; but whether the same can be predicated of the abdominal light I am not assured. During flight it is every second intermitted, as far as the observer can detect; but its appearance or disappearance may depend upon whether the dorsal or ventral surface is presented to the eye. This is when, soon after dark, the insect is sweeping in rapid, headlong, irregular curves over the fields or along the edges of the forest ; when the appearance resembles that of a stick with the end on fire (but not in flame), carried or whirled along by one running swiftly ; quenched suddenly, after a course of a dozen yards, to appear again at a similar distance. When slowly flying over the grass, the progress of one may often be traced by the red glare on the ground beneath ; a space of about a yard square being brilliantly illuminated, when no light at all reaches the spectator's eye from the body of the insect. M 162 . INSECTS ABROAD. " Whether any light would appear pervading the abdomen if the segments were stretched, I cannot positively say, for I have not in my journal any note on this point. I think not, however, for in my repeated handlings of these insects and experiments on their abdomens, I could scarcely have avoided extending the segments, even unintentionally ; but I am quite certain I never saw any light except in the one ventral and the two thoracic spots. If one be trodden on, a mass of mixed light remains for some minutes among the fragments." " The story told by Peter Martyr of these Elaters having been hunted for, to eat the mosquitos, is sufficiently " amusing ; of course it is not right to contradict a statement because one has never verified it, but I may be permitted to observe that I utterly disbelieve it. That they might afford a substitute for candles in performing household operations that required no great exactness is certainly true, provided they were constantly carried in the fingers; but if put under a glass, or allowed liberty in a room, as I have abundantly .proved, they very quickly conceal their light, I have found, too, that one kept beneath a glass would display very little light the next evening, even under the excitement of being handled, and on the follow- ing night would be irrecoverably dark ; this may have resulted from the lack of food, or of exercise ; not, I think, from the lack of air or of moisture. " Peter Mart}'r asserts that the natives of Hispaniola, at the time of the discovery, were in the habit of tying one of these glow-flies to each of their great toes when they journeyed by night through the woods ; a thing not at all improbable. The two insects would throw a considerable light around the tra- veller's steps, and, if they should withhold their luminosity, might easily be replaced by others freshly caught. On this custom Southey, in the beautiful poem already quoted, has founded a pretty incident. When Coatel was guiding Madoc through the cavern — ' She beckoned, and descended, and di-ew out From underneath her vest, a cage, or net It rather might be called, so fine the twigs Which knit it, where, confined, two fire-flies gave Their lustre.' Madoc, 11, xvii," THE FlUEFLY ATTRACTED TO LIGHT. 163 •' Of the earlier stages of any of these light- bearing insects I have been able to procure little information. About the middle of May a larva of an Elateridous Beetle was brought to me which was luminous ; in the dark the whole insect was pellucid, but the divisions of the segments showed distinct light, blue and pale, not very vivid. It was impatient of being liandled, and bit fiercely at the hand, but ineffectually. 1 suspect that it was the larva of the Glow-fly. The specimen is now in the British Museum. And at Content, in the latter part of July, I found in fresh-turned earth a larva of a Lampyris, small and lengthened : the abdomen, like that of the European glow-worm, was fur- nished with a retractile brush of divergent filaments, ordinarily concealed ; but having no lens with me, I could not examine it particularly." I may here mention that the light of the Cucujo has been tested by the spectroscope, but with very little result, the spectrum being merely a " continuous " one, i.e. without any bars across it, either dark or luminous. I have tried the common glow-worm by the same test, and found the same result. It is as well with the latter insect to have several specimens together, as the light is not nearly so powerful as that of the Cucujo. It is said that the Cucujo will fly to a lamp or torch, but this statement has been denied by some travellers. That they have not succeeded in attracting the insect to a light may be true enough, but that the insect can be so attracted is perfectly true, as is shown by the following letter which I received lately from one of my brothers, who has lived for some years in Brazil, and has always taken great interest in entomology : — " There was a very strange case of the attraction of light for some species of insects. On Tuesday last, a Brazilian gentleman was with me looking out of the door after dark, and we saw a very bright light some five hundred yards off. It was moving about the trees on the side of a high hill that rises from the side of the river. " After watching it for some time, my friend said that it was a ' vagalume' and that if I put a light out at the door it would come to it. So, though rather imbelieving, I brought out a lamp, and, sure enough, the light, instead of continuing among the trees on the other side of the river, came straight to the lamp, and not two minutes from the time that I brought out the lamp M 2 164 INSECTS ABROAD. the creature was in the net. It turned out to be what in your ISTatural History is called the ' Cucujo.' " I have it still alive in a chip pill-box, through which the light is perfectly visible in a dark place. I want to try some expe- riments with the luminous spots, and, if possible, detect their nature and origin." That this habit of coming to the light was known to the earlier naturalists is evident from the same Peter Martyr, or Pietro Martire, to whom Mr, Gosse has alluded. In his " Decades of the New World " he remarks concerning the insect : " Whoso wanteth cucuij, goeth out of the house in the first twilight of the nio-ht, carrying a burning firebrande in his hande, and ascendeth the next hillock, that the cucuij may see it, and hee swingeth the firebrande about, calling cucuius aloud, and beateth the ayre with often calling and crying out, cucuie, cucuie. " Many simple people suppose that the cucuij, delighted with that noise, come flying and flocking together to the bellowing sound of him that calleth them, for they come with a speedy and headlong course ; but I rather think that the cucuij make haste to the brightnesse of the firebrande because swarmes of guattes fly into every light, which the cucuij eat in the very ayre, as the martlets and swallows do. Some cucuius sometimes followeth the firebrande, and lighteth on the grounde ; then is he easUy taken, as travellers may take a beetle, if they have need thereof, walking with his wings shut. " In sport is merriment, with the intent to terrify sucli as are afraid of every shadow, they say that many wanton wild fellowes sometimes rubbed their faces by night with the fleshe of a cucuius, being killed, with purpose to meet their neighbours with a flaming countenance ; as with us wanton young men, putting a gaping vizard over their faces, endeavour to terrify children or women who are easily frighted." Some of these insects have been brought alive to England, the bags in which they were kept being every day dipped in water. They fed upon sugar-cane, which they easily broke with their mandibles, and when the cane was exhausted they fed freely on brown sugar. Mr. Lees, who first succeeded in this attempt, remarks that when the insects were roused and in perfect vigour, the whole body seemed to be saturated with luminosity, even the back shining when the elytra and wings LARVA OF THE FIREFLY. 166 were expanded. His account is given at length in the " Zoological Journal," vol. iii. The larva as "well as the perfect Beetle feeds upon sugar-cane, and, considering the vasb numbers of the insect, it probably does much harm to the sugar crops. Mr. Hill suggests that as the sugar-cane, in order to prosper, requii-es a great amount of phos- phates in the soil, the phosphorescent light may be primarily referred to the soil. Beautiful as is this insect by night, it is by day but an ordinary brown Beetle, without a single element of beauty except a certain elegance of form. The thorax is dark brown, and the elytra apparently of a lighter colour. They are in reality black, but are covered with a pale dun-coloured down, which is but lightly attached and easily rubbed oflf. Below, it is black, rather deeply punctured, and thickly sprinkled with small yellowish hairs. There are several species of Noctilucus, but that which has been described is the best known and the most brilliant. This is by no means the only insect that is called by the name of Firefly ; some are closely allied to the Cucujo, and others more nearly related to the well-known glow-worm. CHAPTER XII MAL.ICODERMI, OR SOFT-SKINNED BEETLES The insects which are classed under the title of Malacodermi, or Soft-skinned Beetles, agree in some points with the Elaters, while in others they depart widely from them. The bodies of these insects, including the elytra, instead of being hard and firm, are soft, flexible, and generally covered with down. Indeed, the elytra are so delicate in some of these insects, that the circula- tion of the blood may be observed through their textures. It is easy enough to see the circulation in the wing itself, as any- one who has a microscope may prove ; but that the tiny, trans- parent, colourless globules should be seen through the wing-case itself, is rather startling. The antennas are long, slender, and often deeply-toothed, and the jaws are quite feeble. Our common " Soldiers " and " Sailors," and the glow-worm, are familiar ex- amples, of the Malacodermi. In this country none of the Malacoderms attain very great size, neither is there much to notice in their forms. Abroad, however, they are much larger than in England, and assume some very singular forms, one or two of which will be presented to the reader. The Lycidpe are in many of their habits like our Soldier Beetles. Tliey are fo^^nd in flowers, especially the umbelliferous flowers that grow on the borders of woods. Everyone who has watched the habits of insects knows that the Soldiers thoroughly deserve their popular name, they being, in spite of their soft exterior and harmless appearance, the most combative of insects, even the two sexes fighting Avith each other, and the victor generally eating the vanquished. The Lycidse are equally ferocious, and, from this propensity to kill and eat their fellow insects, have WOI,F BEETLES. 167 derived their scientific name, which signifies " wolf beetles." Like onr Soldiers, they are accnstomed to let themselves fall to the gi'ound when alarmed, and simulate deatli until they think that the danger has passed away. The remarkable insect which is shown in the illustration affords a good example of the exotic Lycidse. Its elytra are very broad and very flat, somewhat like those of the Mormolyce, or Fiddler, which is described on page 39. If the insect be viewed on the under surface, the elytra are seen to be exceedingly thin and almost transparent, with a sort of network texture wrinkled longitudinally, and having the edges slightly rolled over so as to form a narrow, strengthening rim. The head is lengthened, pointed, and turned downwards, so as to enable the insects to reach the flowers which are their legitimate food. The colour of this species, and indeed of nearly all the Lycidse, is orange with black marks. This Beetle is a na- tive of Africa, which is the home of the Wolf Beetles. The elytra are not quite rounded behind, but each is slightly scooped at the top, very much as if a piece had been bitten out of them. It is to this circumstance that the species owes its name oi 'prcemorsus, or "bitten." There are very many species of Lycus, one of which, Lycus scutellaris, has the elytra scarcely thicker than silver paper, and instead of being scooped at the end, the tips are drawn out into black, flattened projections, very much like the wings of the SwaUow-tailed Butterfly. Most of the species show scarcely any difference of shape in the two sexes, but some of them, such as Lycus Bremii, a native of Southern Africa, are extremely different, the male having the elytra wide and flat, while those of the female are not only narrow, but even scooped at the sides. Nearly all the Lycidse are foreign insects, but we have two British species, both belonging to the genus Dictyopterus. The best known of them is Dictyopterus Aurora, which is found in Eannoch Wood, Perthshire. It is almost always taken under Fig. 76. — Lycus praemorsus. (Orange and black.) 168 INSECTS ABROAD. felled timber, and, being very slow in its movements, is easily captured. The colour of its elytra is red, and the length of the Beetle is barely half an inch. The generic name, Dictyopterus, is formed from two Greek words signifying " net-winged," and is oiven to the insect on account of the network-like texture of the o elytra, which has already been mentioned in connexion with Lvcus prcemorsus. The very remarkable insect which is shown in the illustration belongs to a group which are appropriately named Ehipidoceridse, from the structure of their antennae. The name is Greek, signify- in^ " fan -horned," and is given to the Beetles because the antennae of the males are furnished with a number of flattened or linear appendages, which in some species radiate like the sticks of a lady's open fan. These insects are re- markable for another peculiarity. As a rule, the antennae of Beetles have eleven joints, but those of the Rhipidoceridse have from six- teen to forty joints, according to species. The present insect has, altogether, thirty - one joints ; namely, three simple joints next the head, then four toothed joints, and then twenty-four joints each furnished with a flabellum of greater or less length. In the female the number of joints is less, and they are merely toothed. The Beetle which is called Bhipidocera mystacina is a native of New Holland, and has been selected as forming an excellent type of the family. The thorax is black and hairy, and the elytra are also black, longitudinally ridged, deeply granulated, and decorated with a number of snowy white spots arranged in longitudinal rows. The legs are black, except the thighs, which are deep red. The antennae of this insect are singularly beautiful. Each of the numerous flabella with which it is adorned is formed very much like a spear, supposing the shaft to be beaten flat and more or less bent. In consequence of this formation, and the extreme regularity with which they are set on the antennae, dark Fio. 77.— Rhipidocera mystacina. (Black, speckled with white.) BEAUTIFUL ANTENNA. 169 patches seem to play among them as the light shifts, exactly as we have all seen when walking in a diagonal direction to a row of iron palings. The specific name mystacina is Greek, and signifies " moustached " — the latter word, indeed, being only a Gallicized form of the Greek, and from the French naturalized in English. Like the preceding insect, the Ehipidocera is slow and sluggish in its movements, and neither on foot nor on the wing does it move swiftly enough to make its capture difficult. It never rises to any height in the air, but, like our own Soldiers and Sailors, is found on the low plants at the edges of the forests. It does not, however, feed upon the flowers, but prefers the leaves and the young tender shoots. M. Lacordaire believes that in its larval state it feeds upon decaying wood, as he once saw a newly-disclosed specimen sitting in a burrow near the entrance, as if about to emerge into the outer world. Some allied insects are gathered together under the generic title of Gallirhipis, i.e. " beautiful fan." The males of these insects have only eleven joints in their antennae, but each of them is furnished with a very long, thread-like flabellum, in one species (Gallirhipis Childreni of Brazil) almost three-quarters as long as the entire body. Indeed, so long and so delicate are they, that the observer naturally wonders how the insect can keep them in order, a task which seems impossible without the use of a comb. Another species {Gallirhipis Dejeani) has the flabellse of the antennae much flatter, and pressed closely together, like the sticks of a lady's fan when closed. In all these insects the males are much more common than the females, not so much on account of their greater number, as by reason of their habits. The male flies abroad, and can easily be seen, while in many of the species the female never moves out of the burrow in which she passed through her trans- formations, the male having to search for a mate under these very adverse circumstances, and not even having the satisfac- tion of seeing her when he has found her. We now come to the family of the Cleridse, a group of insects which is mostly brightly coloured and banded, and generally has the body covered with hairs. In their larval state many of 170 INSECTS ABKOAD. them feed upon the larvpe of other insects, especially upon those of the solitary bees. A very pretty species of this family, Clerus formicarius, is well known to English entomologists. It is a very pretty little Beetle, red, yellow, and black in colour. Even the larva is dark pink, spotted with black. Its larva is found under bark, where it feeds on the larvte of other wood-boring Beetles. The present insect, which is found spread over a considerable portion of Asia and part of Europe, especially round the shores of the Mediterranean, is in every way an admirable representa- tive of the Cleridse. In the larval or grub state it inhabits the nests of wild bees, the larvae of which it devours. It is beauti- fully coloured. The head and thorax are of the richest blue, the colour of which is, however, rather obscured by the thick downy hairs with which it is covered. The elytra are warm dun, deeply punctated, and across them are drawn two broad bands of deep purple, a patch of the sa.me hue occupying the tips of the Fig. 7S.— Trichodes crabroniformis. a i i i (reuow and purple.) elytra. Altogether, except that it is so much larger, it is wonderfully like the British Clerus which has already been mentioned. The legs are purple, just like the bands on the elytra. There is a downy clothing on the elytra, but the hairs are neither so thick nor so long as on the thorax and head. The wings are large, and, as is the case with our own insects, a portion of them can mostly be seen towards the end of the body, as the ends of the elytra slightly diverge. The generic name Trichodes is Greek, and signifies " fine hair;" and the specific name crahroniformis is Latin, signifying " hornet-like," in allusion to the dark stripes on the yellow body, which at a little distance really do give to the Beetle a very hornet-like air. There are many species of these beautiful insects, nearly all of which have a strong family likeness. Some are very small, and some are very splendid in colour, the most striking of which is a North African species, rather larger than our common Tiger Beetle. It is very hairy, has a black thorax, and yellow elytra banded and edged with the deepest green. A CUUIOUS DISCOVKlfY. 171 The curious family of the BostrichiJce is represented by a fine and remarkable insect, Apate terebrans, a native of Western Africa. All the Bostiichida3 are cylindrical in form, and show at once by their shape that they are wood-borers. As their bodies and elytra are quite hard, it seems strange that they should be ranked among the soft-bodied Malacoderms. They are, how- ever, so evidently allied to Beetles which are acknowledged jNIalacoderms, that although the Malacoderms are, as a rule, soft- bodied and the Bostrichidre are hard-bodied, we cannot deny them their relationship. Only four British species of the Bos- trichidse are known. Others have been found in England, one of which, Dinoderus oceUaris, was discovered by Mr. Westwood floating in a cup of coffee. It was evidently an imported specimen. All the Bostrichidse may be distinguished by the shape of the thorax, which projects like a hood over the head. One of the British species has this peculiarity so well marked that it has gained the specific name of capncinus. The head cannot be retracted into the thorax, but the latter organ is so large that the nead is quite hidden under it. The species which is shown in the illustration is the largest of its genus. Although it is not very large, only about an inch in length, it is wonderfully *i<^- i'a— Apate terebrans, stout and solid, and the holes which it makes must be of corresponding diameter. It has nothing remarkable about its colour, which is simply black, but its form is so curious as to require a somewhat detailed description. Beginning at the head, we find that this portion of the body appears quite of secondary importance. It is bent downwards, and so completely concealed by the large, solid, hood-like thorax that when the insect is viewed from above the head cannot be seen at all. The jaws are small, but are yet strong and sharp, and capable of cutting their way entirely through wood. Next comes the thorax. This is also black, and the fore portion of it is covered with a number of little tubercles that gradually increase in size until near the junction of the head 172 INSECTS ABROAD. with the thorax. One of them on each side is developed into a veritable curved horn, having at its base another but shorter horn, so that the two look much like a pair of callipers with one leg rather shorter than the other. The back of the thorax is quite smooth, though profusely and finely punctated. The elytra are very curiously formed. They are deeply ridged longitudinally, and nearly at the end each ridge projects in a sharp point. After this the elytra bend downwards over the end of the body in a manner which reminds the zoologist of the Pichiciago of South America. The whole surface of the elytra is deeply granulated in rather a peculiar manner. Those of my readers who have been at Oxford must be familiar with a mode of ornamenting stone which was absolutely a passion some thirty or forty years ago. In order to break the lights, the stone-cutters were accustomed to carve the whole surface of the stone into a series of winding channels, to which they did their best to impart an air of uu- studiedness, though it was only too evident that each line was carefully arranged before it was carved. But here, in the elytra of this Beetle, and produced by natural means, is the very effect for which these masons toiled in vain, the lights being well broken up, and yet no evidence of arrangement being visible. Beneath, the Beetle is rather dull black, and is clothed with a thick coating of yellow fur. There are many other species of Apate scattered over the world, some being inhabitants of Africa, while some are found in China, and others in India. The generic name is G-reek, and signifies "deceit" or "craft." The specific name terebrans is Latin, and signifies " a borer." CHAPTER XIII. HETEROMERA, OR PARTY-LEGGED BEETLES. Now comes a group of Beetles which are but poorly represented in England, though in the warmer parts of the world they are very numerous. These are the Heteromera, a word for which it is not easy to find an English synonym, except that which I have ventured to propose. It signifies " unequal jointed," and is given to them because the tarsus of the hind legs contains only four joints, while that of the first and middle pair conjtains five joints. In point of fact, however, the missing joint really does exist, though it is so small as to be hardly perceptible, being merged in the first or basal joint, which is longer than the others. There is one foreign species which has even a less number of joints, the tarsus of the first and middle pair of legs having four joints, and that of the hinder pair only two. In fact, however, there are the same number as in the ordinary Heteromera, the apparent difference being caused by the fact that in all the legs two joints are fused together so as to appear like one. In this country the chief representatives of this group are the common Cellar or Churchyard Beetle, the Oil Beetle, the Meal Beetle, and the Cardinal Beetle. The eyes are almost invariably of a kidney-like shape. The habits of these Beetles are exceedingly diverse, and it is generally easy to tell from the shape and colour of the insect what its habits are. Some frequent dark and damp places, just as do our common Cellar Beetles, and these insects are generally dull and sombre in colour, usually, if not always, being deep dull black. Some, which are dusky brown, inhabit sandy and dry places in hot countries ; and others, again, of which our 174 INSECTS ABROAD. beautiful Cardinal Beetle is a I'aniiliar example, frequeut llowers. The larvse are as various in their habits as are the perfect insects. Some, such as the Oil Beetles (Mdoe) and the Ehipi- phorus, are parasitic in the nests of other insects, mostly those of the bee tribe, but not always. For example, there is a curious little Beetle {Symhius hlat- tarum) which, as its specific name imports, is parasitic on the bodies of cockroaches on board ship. I wish that some practical entomologist could establish the Symbius in our houses. Oddly enough, just as is the case with the insects in which it makes its larval residence, the male only is winged, the female pos- sessing neither wings nor elytra. Tlie larva of this Beetle is almost exactly like the perfect female, and might be mistaken fur it save by the greater development of the antennae in the perfect insect. Some live under the bark of trees, some in fungi ; some, sucli as the too familiar mealworm (the larva of Tenebrio molitor), in fknir, bran, meal, biscuit-casks, and similar localities. Some are found within the stems and roots of living plants, and some on leaves. It is a pity that, as the habits of the larviE are so diverse, so little should be known about them, especially as the foreign Heteromera are very numerous when compared with our own. Any entomologist whose vocation leads him to some hot portion of the earth, no matter in what country it may be, will find his labours amply repaid, and will confer an inestimable benefit to entomology if he will set himself the task of investi- gating the transformations of the Heteromera, many species of wliich he is sure to find if he looks for them. Perhaps some persons may ask, what can be the use of study- ing the habits of insects and the mode of their transformations ? 1 have already shown that, even with our limited knowledge on the subject, we know that the transformations of many insects are a great power in the development of the world. It is there- fore but reasonable to infer that if our acquaintance with the subject were more complete, we should learn that even the smallest insects have their parts to play in the world, and that in proportion as man knows their capabilities, so is he carrying out one of the objects for which he, as Avell as they, were placed in the world. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TAKSUS. 175 Our first example of the Heteroiiiera belongs to the laniily of the Anisosiidoe, and is called Anisosis caudatus. This little Beetle is very simple in colour, being dull black, with a finely punctated surface. Its chief peculiarity lies in the tarsus of the hind legs. The reader will remember that in the Beetles of this division the tarsus of the hind legs only contains four perfectly developed joints. We should naturally therefore expect this member to be shorter than those of the first and middle pairs of legs. It is therefore very remarkable to find that in spite of this small number of joints this tarsus should be of any great length. Yet, in looking at tliis insect, we are at once struck with the extraordinary development of the tarsus of the hind legs. They are necessarily very slender, and almost look like little black hairs rather than joints. The magnifying glass, however, reveals that the four joints of the tarsus are each drawn out to a very great length, the basal or first jouit p^^ so. -Anisosis uaudatus. being, as usual, the longest : indeed, (Biack.) the tarsus alone is nearly as long- as the entire body. At the end of the tibia there is a very long and very slender spine, projecting inwards, so that the appear- ance of the limb is really remarkable. The generic name Anisosis is Greek, signifying " unequal,'' and is given on account of the inequality in length of the legs. The Latin specific name caudatus signifies " tailed," and alludes to the shape of the body, which is narrowed at the end into a sort of tail. This species conies from Cape Negro. The family of the Adesmiidse is represented by an insect called Adcsmia variolaris, which may be taken as the typical form of the family. Although in its hues this insect is nothing remarkable, its colour being only soft brown, it is really a handsome Beetle, on account of the bold sculpturing Avith which the elytra are adorned. The whole body is very convex, and comes to a tolerably sharp point at the end. The elytra are very wide, folding over the sides of the abdomen so as to cover a full half 176 INSECTS ABROAD. of it. Their upper surface is covered with large knobs running in longitudinal lines and very regularly arranged. These knobs are, in fact, nothing more than partly developed ridges, and the same can be said of any Beetle whose elytra are covered with symmetrically arranged knobs. As in the last-mentioned insect, the hind legs are long, but in the Adesmia it is the tibia and not the tarsus which is lengthened. There are many species of Adesmia, nearly all of which are black, so that the present insect, which is a native of Old Calabar, looks quite hand- some among its duller relatives. The specific name variolaris signifies " pitted with small-pox," and is given to the insect in allu- sion to the knobs or pustules with which the elytra are covered. Fig. si. — Adesmia variolaris. (Brown. ) The family of the Zopheridse is represented by a member of the typical genus Zopherus Bremii. Before proceeding further. Fig. S2.— Zopherus Bremii. (Yellowish grey, with black knobs.) I may remark that some authors spell the generic name Zophorus, but wrongly. The word is Greek, signifying "gloomy," or HABITS OF THE ZOPHERUS. 177 " dusky," and is given to the insects partly on account of their dull colouring, and partly because they hate the light and are always found in dark and gloomy places. The present species is a very fine one. The head and thorax are black, but the elytra are covered with a coating of yellowish grey, which is very firmly adhesive to the surface, but can be scraped off so as to show that the natural colour of the elytra is black. The upper surfice is covered with a number of bold, rounded knobs, arranged in regular longitudinal lines, and being much larger near the suture than on the edges. If the insect be viewed sideways, these knobs, the colour of which is black, are seen to project to a considerable height from the surface of the elytra. Beneath, the colour is also dull black, but upon it are a number of round whitish spots, which on examination with a lens are seen to be formed exactly in the same manner as the white of the upper surface, and equally capable of being scraped off. The legs are black, but upon them are scattered a number of tiny white scales of the same character, only so small as to be mere specks, just as if a little of the finest flour had been dusted on them. The habits of this insect are tolerably indicated by its shape and colour. It is a very slow walker, crawling along as if half stupefied, and even when dislodged from its hiding-place it never seems capable of hurrying its deliberate pace. It is to be found in woods, chiefly hiding itself in the bark or under the trunks of felled trees, or in the heaps of chips which the woodcutters have struck off while cutting down the trees. Consequently, an ento- mologist has a better chance of capturing this fine Beetle if he searches a spot Avhere the woodmen have been at work, than if he goes into the yet untouched forest. There are many species of Zopherus, all with similar habits, and all of sombre colours, the present species being perhaps the least dull of the whole genus. One of them is rather curiously coloured. The projections on the elytra are nearly hexagonal, and are set very closely together. As in Zopherus Bremii, the knobs are black and the flat surface white, so that the surface of the elytra looks something like a white net with an ebony ball in every mesh. The present species is a native of California. N 178 INSECTS ABROAD. Most of the Beetles which we are now examining are slow, slusffish, and dull black, or at all events sombre in hue, and so constant a character is this dulness that some systematic ento- mologists have gathered them into a general group under the name of Melasoma, or " black-bodied." These insects are indeed the typical representatives of the Heteromera ; and as some of them are of considerable size, the structure of the foot can be arrived at without difficulty. The family of the Blapsidse is familiar to all English entomo- logists on account of our familiar insect the Cellar Beetle, or Churchyard Beetle {Blajps miicronata), which, as its popular name imports, is to be found in dark and damp places. Pig. 83. — Blaps polychrestos. (Dull black, washed with purple.) All the Blapsidse are so much alike in their habits that the description of one species M'ill equally serve for others, no matter what may be their country. Of their own will they are never seen in the daylight, and even in their own familiar darkness they have no liveliness, but crawl sluggishly about with great deliberation, slowly lifting one leg after another, and reminding the observer of the gait of a tortoise. With such habits it is evident that they cannot need wings, and accordingly they are entirely without organs of flight, their elytra being so firmly soldered together that they cannot be separated without injury. These Beetles emit an odour which is singularly unpleasant, and so peculiar as almost to baffle description. It is not like that of the larger Eove Beetles, of the Burying Beetles, or the Ground Beetles, but is a sort of mixture of them all, together ODOUK OF THE BLAPS. 179 witt a little asafoetida and any other odour which the reader may happen to dislike ; and as it clings very tightly, and is not easily abolished, even by several washings, the Blaps is an insect to be let alone, especially as it does no harm. The present species is found in the country through which the White Nile flows. Its colour is dull black, but when it is illu- minated by a side light a slight wash of purple is perceptible. The whole surface is very finely punctured. In appearance it differs little from our own species, except that the elytra — instead of being brought to a single sharp point, from which the Beetle has derived its specific name of mucronata, or " dagger-shaped," — diverge from each other at the ends, which are prolonged into two rather long points. In Mouffet's " Theatre of Insects" there is a quaint account of the Blaps, in which the author takes for granted that the insects are quite as disagreeable to each other as to manldnd, and are perfectly aware of the fact : — " It is of a pure black glistening colour, very slow-paced, as no creature the like, the body so framed and ordered that you would swear it were winged and had sheath-wings ; • nevertheless none of them have any wings, no, not the male itself amongst this sort of them (whatever Pliny dreameth to the contrary). " It hath thin slender long shanks ; remains in deep cellars ; it creepeth very slowly, but at the least glimpse of light and whisper of talk, she hides herself; a shamefac't creature, cer- tainly, and most impatient of light, not so much for its ill- favouredness, but the guiltiness of its conscience in regard of the stinke it leaves behind it, and of its ill behaviour, for it frequents base places, and digs through other men's wals, and doth not only annoy those that stand near it, but offends all the place thereabouts with its filthy savour. The mouth of it is forked, the back covered (as it were) with a sheath-wing ; so soli- tary a creature that you shall scarce find two of them together." It is rather remarkable that Mouffet, though he persistently calls the insect which he is describing a "'Blat," and is good enough to place it among the Moths, gives a reaUy fair figure of the Blaps and a very good description of the insect. Alluding to the then popular notion that the imperial purple dye (which was kept a profound secret by the few dyers who knew how to N 2 180 INSECTS ABEOAD. prepare it) was made from tlie Blaps, lie proceeds as follows :— • " These little creatures, though they are baleful to nature itself, to men and bees, yet God hath endued them with sundry virtues, in which they excel the Blattse Bizantine. For take off his shell or mail, which is thin between its head (called papaver) and its neck, what doth the belly contain but the ornament to dye withall, and to delight the eyes with their colour ? And be it so that princes and great men will buy it though never so dear, and by the greatness of the price make it only fit for kings to wear; yet notwithstanding when you have heard the virtues of these Blattse, otherwise so contemptible, you will say they are far more esteemed than purple." The same writer then proceeds to affirm that the Blaps is a certain cure for ear-ache if beaten up with old wine, honey, pomegranate-rind, ungitentum Syriacum, apple-juice, tar, and onion. This delightful mixture is to be boiled in a pipkin, and when cold to be poured into the ear. The reader will remember that many of the dark-bodied Heteromera are very dull and slow in their movements. In allusion to this disposition the name of Moluridce, or " sluggish," Fig. S4 — Moluris Rowleyiana. (Black.) is given to the vast family of Beetles. The particular species which has been chosen as the representative is Moluris Roioleyiana. Moluris is one of the many genera that have been made out of Pimelia, which may almost be called a genus of all work, or a refuge for destitute Heteromera, so large did it THE MOLURIS. 181 become by the additions which were perpetually being made to it. The present insect is one of the largest of its kind, the speci- men from which it was drawn being an inch and tln-ee-quarters in length. The colour of this species is black. The head and thorax are finely granulated, and if examined with a magnifier the whole surface is seen to have a peculiar gloss, caused by the edges of the granulations being highly polished, while the in- terior of the cells is dull and rough. The elytra have several curved ridges upon their surface, nob running parallel to the suture, as is generally the case with such ridges, but taking a slight and graceful double curve. These ridges do not extend throughout the entire length of the elytra, but start near the base and reach nearly but not quite to the tip. Thev are very narrow at their commencement, swell out aradu- ally in the middle, and then become attenuated again towards the end, where they join each other. Beneath, the insect is wholly dull black, and the legs are of the same hue. There is a little golden down on the under surface of the shoulders. The present species has rather a wide range of country, speci- mens in the British Museum having been taken both in East and West Africa. There are man}" species of Moluris, and it is worthy of remark that there are two distinct types of form, some of the insects being shaped like that which has just been described, while others are much thicker, more rounded, and have the thorax nearly globular. Among them may be men- tioned Moluris Boidetii, which looks almost like a black spider, the abdomen being shaped almost exactly like that of our com- mon garden spider, and the little head so overshadowed by the round globular thorax, that it scarcely seems to be a distinct part of the insect, and the two seem to be fused together, as is the case with the spiders. This species is quite smooth and shining, but others have a few waved marks on their elytra, very much like those of Moluris UowUyiana. Then there is Moluris Perreti, a very odd-looking spider-like Beetle, with curiously ornamented elytra. The upper half is tolerably smooth, but over the remainder of the surface are scattered a number of projecting knobs, while towards the tips the elytra are lengthened and flattened. Moluris alhifrons of Southern Africa has a very curiously shaped body. The elytra 182 INSECTS ABKOAD. are flattened at the top, and dull black. They are tlien suddenly folded over so as nearly to cover the sides, and are then polished, shining black, of a steely character. The legs are entirely covered with pale yellow down, and contrast boldly with the shining black of the body. In some species the body is large, round, and thick, and upon it are scattered a number of long yellow hairs, which give the insect a sort of bee-like aspect. It is said that in one of the allied species the female has a round, hard, granulated spot on the middle of the second segment of the abdomen, and that by striking this upon any hard substance she produces a sound which seems to attract the male. I very much doubt, however, whether this hard spot be used for such a purpose. In the first place, it would be no easy matter to strike hard enough to produce a sound which the male is likely to hear ; and, in the second, such sounds appear to be always produced by the male insect, such, for example, as the grasshoppers, crickets, cicadae, and the like. The family of the Amarygmidse is represented by the remark- able insect which is shown in the illustration on the next page, and which has been hitherto undescribed. It is found in Southern Africa. At first sight it looks wonderfully like a cockroach, its long and comparatively slender legs stretching far from the body just as do those of a cockroach, and the long, slender antennai of the male having a very blatta-like aspect. So great is the deve- lopment of the limbs, that, whereas the entire length of the insect is only an inch and a quarter, the hind legs measure very nearly two inches in length. The generic name, Uupezus, signifying " well-footed," refers to the great length of limb. The legs are black, and profusely punctured. The reader will notice that the length of the leg is chiefly owing to the develop- ment of the tibiae, which are slender and slightly curved. Those of the first and second pairs of legs are clothed with dense golden pile, while those of the hind pair of legs are entirely plain. The object of this down is quite a problem to entomologists. It can hardly be meant for mere ornament, inasmuch as it often appears on the under side of the insect. It certainly must serve some definite purpose, though at present that purpose is unknown. If it appeared always in one part of the body, some conjecture THE GOLDEN DOWN AND ITS OBJECT. 133 as to its use might be offered ; but it is exceedingly capricious, a|ipearing now on one part of the body, now on another, and seeming to obey no particular rule. For example, in Eupezus nigerrimus, the down exists on two pairs of legs and not on the third. In the Mohiris it occupies the shoulder and dis- appears from the limbs. In the Hercules Beetle a ridge of such hair runs along the under surface of the beak-like thorax, and in a weevil, which we shall presently see, the elongated head is surrounded with radiating golden down, so that it looks like a small bottle-brush. Now, it is evident that whatever may be the function which this yellow down exercises, it must be one which belongs equally Fio. 85.— Eupezus nigemmus. Now species. (Black.) to all the parts of the body on which it appears, and that there- fore it cannot be for the purpose of giving the insect a firmer hold, as has been suggested by those who have judged from its presence on the legs ; or for the purpose of absorbing the juices of plants, as has been said by those who judged from its pre- sence on the head ; or for the purpose of affording warmth, as has been conjectured by those who judged from its presence on the body. There can be no doubt that it does exercise some function which it can discharge in all these positions, though what that function may be is at present a mystery. To return to our present insect. The head and thorax are shiny black, and so are the elytra, which are striated and punc- 184 INSECTS ABKOAD. tured. In the male the antennae are long and slender, as shown in the illustration, hut in the female they are comparatively short, being only about one-half as long as the body. There are but a few species of Eupezus, all of which are black, though none are so jetty black, so shining, so large, or so long-legged as EujMZUs nigerrimus. Of the family of the Nycteliidse we take as our example Gyrio- soma Zeuzotii. AVith regard to this genus, Lacordaire has the following statement : — " These are large and remarkable insects, mostly black, shining, and silky, having on each of the elytra a variable number of oblique channels which are filled with short, white furry down, lying nearly flat along the furrows." The present species is a native of Chili. Its colours are pitch black and greyish white, arranged as shown in the illus- tration. The head is black, and so is the thorax, the front angles of which are rounded, and the hinder angles long and pointed. The centre of the upper surface or disc, as it is scientifically termed, is thickly wrinkled. The elytra are not punctated, but are covered with irregular striae. Eunning from the scutellum towards the tips of the elytra are several white patches. These patches are irregular, not only in shape and size, but even in number, some specimens having only five, while others have six or seven. Beneath, the insect is pitchy black. Like most of the Heteromera, this insect is of a shy and retiring disposition, hiding itself under stones and in similar localities, and is slow and sluggish in its movements. Fig. 86.— Gyriosoma Leuzotii. (Black and white.) The family of the Lagriidae is very familiar to English entomo- logists on account of the only British representative of the family, Lagria hirta, so plentiful in the summer in hedges and upon flowers. The name Lagriidae is formed from a Greek word signify- ing " a hare," and is given to these Beetles on account of the dense and long down with which many of the species are covered. FOREIGN AND BRITISH LAGKIAS. 185 Lagria basalts, which has been chosen as the representative ol the family, is a native of Northern India, and is a singularly beautiful insect. Its body is very convex, so as to be nearly cylindrical. The head and thorax are apparently black, but when viewed by a strong light are seen to be the very deepest purple, just as a so-called black coat is mostly blue, and not black. The elytra are curiously granulated, the granulations running in curves so as to produce a sort of uncertain spiral pattern, thus giving a peculiar soft richness to the surface. The colours of the elytra are so equally divided that it is not easy to say which is the ground hue. The basal half of each elytron is deep, glowing purple, to which fact the insect owes its specific name of basalis. The remainder of the elytron is yellow, the punctures or granulations being shown much more distinctly on the yellow than on the purple half. The under surface of the body is dull black. There are many species of this genus, the present being by far the largest in point of size and the handsomest in point of colour. Little seems to be known of the larvae of the various species and their habits. The larva of our own species is, like the perfect insect, clothed abundantly with long hairs, and its shape is rather cylindrical, but flattened beneath. The pupa is also hauy. Mr. Westwood mentions that he has often beaten the larva out of whitethorn hedges in the spring and autumn ; and Lyonnet states that he took the larva at the foot of oak- trees, under a quantity of fallen leaves, on which they were feeding. Their larva is, however, generally thought to be carnivorous. When disturbed they roll themselves up, and Lyonnet states that they assumed the pupal form at the beginning of July, emerging in the perfect state in the wane of the same summer. Fig. S7. —Lagria basalis. (Purple and yellow.) The Beetle wliich is represented in the illustration on the next page has never before been described. It belongs to the family Evanioceridse, and I have given to it the name of Trigonode.ra anyulata. The former of these names is Greek, and signifies 186 INSECTS ABROAD. " triangular-skinned." It is given to all the Beetles of the genus hecause, when viewed from above, the thorax appears more or less triangular. In the male insect the antennae are beautifully feathered, and the eyes are greatly developed, meeting together on the top of the head. Indeed, the head seems to be all eyes, much like the head of a blue-bottle, and it is so bent downwards under the thorax that it cannot be seen when the insect is viewed from above. In the female the antennae are comparatively simple, and the eyes are much smaller. In all the species of Trigonodera the hinder curves of the thorax are pointed, but in this species, espe- cially when viewed in profile, the curves are elongated into such sharp, angulated points, that I have Fig. 88— Trigonodera angulata. New given it the SpCCiflC name of a.nqu- species. " -"- , '^ (Reddish brown.) lata. Whether vicwcd from above or from the side, there is a curious high-shouldered appearance about the Trigonodera that is especially conspicuous in this species, it being the largest of the genus. All the Trigonoderse are soberly clad, and this insect is no exception to the rule, its colour being pale reddish brown above and below, and its surface covered with a soft, silky down. This hairy covering is easily rubbed off, and then shows the real colour of the deeper elytra beneath. Australia has been celebrated as the home of some of the most singular mammals in the world, such as the Echidna, popularly called the Porcupine Ant-eater, the various species of Kangaroo, the Tasmanian wolf (which is not a wolf at all, but a marsupial), and the Duckbill. She likewise produces plants and trees which are quite as distinct from those of the old world as are her marsupials from ordinary mammals. And, as we shall presently see, she keeps up her reputation for strange forms by producing some very odd-looking, not to say grotesque, insects. Among these are the Beetles belonging to the genus Helaeus. So remarkable are the insects which constitute the family of the Heliidae, and so bizarre are their forms, that I sincerely A FLAT BEETLE. 187 regret the necessity for selecting only one species as an example of them. The members of the genus Helseus are found throughout Australia, and, while agreeing in general form, have some remark- able varieties of detail. Among the details in which they agree is the flattening of the sides of the thorax and elytra, the abdo- men and radial thorax being rounded, as is shown in the illus- tration. As to the head, it is quite invisible when the insect is viewed from above, being completely hidden under the flattened perthorax. There are no wings. The colour of the present species is rather dark reddish brown, very much like that of the "jumbles," to which reference has been made in the description of the INIormolyce, or Fiddler Beetle, Flu. Sy. — Helseus perforatus. (Reddish brown.) on page 40. As is the case with that Beetle, the colour is darker in t^e middle of the thorax and abdomen. The sides of the elytra are very much flattened and slightly turned upwards, so as to give to the insect the form of a shallow dish. We have no British insect which is exactly like it in this respect, but the flattened body of the common Water Scorpion {Nepa cinerea) will convey a tolerable idea of the Helseus. In spite of the large size of the elytra, there is not more material in them than would be the case were they not flattened, but they are so squeezed out that they are scarcely thicker than the paper on which this account is printed. At the first glance at the insect it is evident that the middle of the elytra is covered with a dense coating of long hairs that stand boldly upwards, but have a very slight curvature at the 188 INSECTS ABROAD, tips througli their owu weight. These hairs appear, when the insect is viewed from above, to be merely planted thickly on the elytra without any particular arrangement ; but when the Beetle is viewed from either end, a really beautiful arrangement is at once visible. The hairs are set in rows running longitudinally upon the elytra and lying parallel to each other, being set, in point of fact, upon those ridges with which the elytra of so many Beetles are decorated. The extreme edges of the elytra are slightly thickened and rounded, evidently to give strength to a material so thin that the light shines plainly through it, even when the insect is in a cabinet. Proceeding from the elytra to the thorax a similar structure is visible, except that there are no hairs. There is, however, a very curious element in this part of the body. Towards the front of the thorax, and in the centre, there is an oval perforation, which seems to have been made for the purpose of permitting the head to move up and down, and the eyes to perceive objects above them, which would otherwise be hidden by the overhanging thorax. On examining the insect closely, this apparent perfo- ration is seen not to be a perforation at all. The thorax is flat and moulded in front into two flattened horns, which are curved so as to cross each other at the tips and thus to leave an oval aperture. The left horn is uppermost, and they as well as the sides of the thorax are slightly thickened at their edges. The thorax and abdomen are so formed as to present an almost unbroken outline, scarcely any line of demarcation being visible except when carefully searched for. The true shape of the Beetle can only be seen by turning it over and looking at the under surface, when the distinction between the body and the flattened sides is shown very clearly. There are many species of Helaeus, all of which have some peculiarity which is worthy of notice. I can, however, only mention one of them, Helceus echidna, which was brought from King George's Sound by Captain (irey. The thorax of this insect is black, highly polished in the raised and rounded middle and duller on the flattened sides. The elytra are also black, and they, as well as the thorax, are so boldly turned up on their flattened sides, that whereas Helceiis 'pcrforatus resembles a dish, this species is more like a boat. On the raised centre of the elytra there are no hairs, but instead of Tllh; IMMELlAb. 189 them are six rows of large, sharply-pointed spikes, those next the suture being the longest. It is in consequence of this struc- ture that the insect has received the specific name of echidna, the spikes having some analogy with those of the well-known Echidna or Porcupine Ant-eater of the same country. Below, the insect is dull black. The generic name Heloevs (which ought properly to have been written Helaios) signifies "an olive." I know not why it should have been given to these Beetles. The olive does not grow in Australia, and so the name could not have been given because the olive supplies food for the insect in any of its stages. And neither in form nor colour do the Hela^i bear the least resem- blance to olives. The specific name perforatus refers of course to the aperture in the thorax, but it would have been equally applicable to all the species, as in all the true Helsei the flattened horns of the thorax are curved over each other in a very similar fashion. The reader may remember that a reference was lately made to the great and unwieldy genus Pimelia, which has since been broken up, not only into genera, but even into families. The typical family is the Pimelidae, of which the Beetle which is called Prionotheca coronata is a characteristic example. None of the Pimelidae possess wings, and the elytra are soldered together, as is often the case with wingless Beetles. Eespecting this family, Mr. Westwood has the following observations : — " But few of this extensive family of Beetles are found in this country ; they are most abundant in Southern and Eastern Europe, and in the deserts of Africa. But little is known of their habits ; they shun the light, and reside in salt or sandy situations, many frequenting the shores of the sea, particularly the Mediterranean. " Their colours are black and obscure ; they are uncommonly sluggish, and on being alarmed they emit a disagreeably fetid fluid, which in some species produces a coating of a whitish colour upon their bodies when dried. . . . The Pimelia hijnmc- iata, observed by Latreille, inhabits the sandy shores of the Mediterranean, concealing itself in holes which it excavates with its legs. . . . Some few of the genera have only ten dis- tinct joints in the antennae." 190 INSECTS ABROAD. The present species inhabits many parts of Africa, specimens in the British Museum having been brought from Egypt, Abys- sinia, &c. The colour of the insect is black, but the thorax is so thickly covered with yellow hair that at first sight it seems to be yellow instead of black. The rather globular elytra are covered with little rounded knobs, running in parallel rows ; and just at the edge, if we may so call it, where the elytra turn over the abdomen, there is a row of spikes radiating from a common centre like the rays of a coronet. The disc or middle of the elytra is plain black, but the rest is clothed with long yellow hairs, scattered rather sparingly over the surface, and without any apparent attempt at arrangement. Fig. 90. — Prionotheca coronata. (Black, reddish down on feet." Like the body, the legs are black, and are profusely though finely granulated. There is one peculiarity about them which is at once conspicuous; namely, the presence of a quantity of orange silken down upon the tarsi of all the legs. Beneath, the insect is dull black, and over the surface a small quantity ot similar down is sparingly scattered. In the British Museum there is an insect belonging to this genus which is considered to be a new species. It has a black head and thorax, and reddish brown elytra surrounded with a row of very small spikes. It was taken out of a Sinaitic mummy by Dr. Birch, of the British Museum. Whether or not it really be a distinct species I can hardly say, because the difference of colour could easily be caused by its long sojourn in the mummy. DIGGING LEGS. 191 Our last example of this group of Beetles is Anomalipus lineatus, which belongs to the family of the Opatridte. We have two species of this family in England, the best known of which is Opatrum sabulosum, a Beetle which is foviud on the sandy shores of the southern coast. By some writers the word is spelled Hopatrum, but this is incorrect, as the Greek word, which signifies " sprung from the same father," does not contain the aspirate. The name of Anomalipus, i.e. •' anomalous foot," is given to the genus on account of the structure of the fore-legs. As the reader may see by reference to the illustration, the tibiae of this insect are very large, flattened, and armed with spikes. They very much resemble the same members in the Scarabidie, and are evidently used for the same purpose, i.e. digging. As if to show that such is really the object of these powerful limbs, the '""^■•^^t:^ Fig. 91. — Anomalipus lineatus. (Black.) specimens of the Anomalipus which are brought to this country are generally so covered with the earth in which they have been excavating, that they must be washed before the markings on the body can be distinguished. The general colour of the species is black, and its form is rather flattened. The thorax is widened, and on either side of the centre there is a large depression or pit, shaped some- thing like a pear, the large end of which is uppermost. The elytra are really black, though at first sight they appear to be lighter than the thorax. This is caused by a quantity of brownish hairs, which are set in parallel rows between the boldly 192 INSECTS ABROAD. projecting ridges which traverse the elytra. The contrast be- tween these soft brown hairs and the shining black ridges is very strongly marked, and it is in consequence of this structure that the specific name of lineatns has been given to the insect. The legs are also black, but the tibire have a decided wash of purple, and are very deeply granulated. The under surface of the thighs is thickly covered with golden red silken down, and a similar coating of down is seen upon the curved tibiae of the hind-legs. The insect inhabits Southern Africa. There is in the British Museum a Beetle yet undescribed, which evidently belongs to this genus. It was brought from South Africa by the late Captain Speke. It is shaped much like the preceding insect, but is covered with spikes and projecting angles. The elytra are surrounded with spikes much like those of the Prionotheca : there are two bold horn- like spikes on the upper part of the thorax, the hinder angles of which are long and sharp. Alto- gether it must be a very unpleasant insect to grasp in the hand when alive, as its legs, though not so powerful as those of Anovialipvs lineatus, are quite strong enough to force the spikes well into the hand. The colour of this species is dark brown. CHAPTEli XIV. RHYNCHOPHORA, OR TFEJEVILS. The hidden virtues of the Weevils have yet to he discovered. That such virtues exist there can be no doubt, but at pre- sent they are so very deeply hiilden that they are quite unknown. V/e are perfectly aware that even in this country the Weevils do an enormous amount of direct injury to man. The Corn "Weevil, for examj^le, tiny though it may be individually, is collectively a formidable enemy, attacking grain in such vast swarms that the proprietors of corn-stores are obliged to sift their grain before they deliver it, and find that the Weevils which they have separated from tlie corn may be measured by the ton. Then the Eice Weevil is just as destructive in the grain from which it takes its name, and the Apple AVeevil and the Nut Weevil do great damage in the orchards. Some Weevils attack trees, others garden plants, and others the growing crops of peas, beans, and other vegetables. Abroad, the Weevils are infinitely more destructive, because they are so much laro-er. There is, for example, the Palm Weevil, which will presently be described, which attacks the palm-trees and does much damage to them ; and the Sugar Weevil, which causes like destruction among the growing sugar-canes. None of our Weevils are large, and the most destructive of them are fortunately the smallest. Abroad, however, and espe- cially in tropical climates, the Weevils attain very great dimen- sions, and their larvse are correspondingly destructive. Yet, though some of these insects are so large, others are exceedinglv small, some being so minute that without the aid of a magnify- ing glass it is not easy even to distinguish the order to which 194 INSECTS ABROAD, they belong. Their variety in form and colour is quite as re- markable as is that of size. Many of them are among the soberest of Beetles, clad in dull browns, blacks, and greys, while others are gorgeous beyond all powers of description, and look as though they had been clothed in mail formed of diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and opals, set in a network of gold. People in general do not know it, but we have in this country many AVeevils which to the careless eye appear to be nothing more than little dull green Beetles, but which, when placed under a microscope and viewed in a strong light, blaze out with so intense a radiance of many-coloured refulgence that the eye can scarcely endure its splendour. As to form, they exhibit the most extraordinary shapes, many of them being absolutely grotesque. Some of these Beetles are round, short, and squat, while others have their bodies, heads, or elytra elongated to the most extraordinary extent. Generally the antennae of the Weevils are short, but there are some groups, examples of which we shall presently describe, that have the antennse drawn out to as great a length as can be seen in any of the Longicorn Beetles. Some are smooth, while others are covered with spikes, knobs, and sharp edges. As to their -number, I can best convey an idea of it by mentioning that in the British Museum there are one hundred and eighty drawers full of Weevils, so that to make a moderately comprehensive selection from such an array is no easy task. I have endeavoured, how- ever, to choose from them those species which fairly represent the principal groups into which the AVeevils are divided. The word Rhyncliopliora is Greek, signifying "beak-bearing," and has been given to the Weevils because in most of the species the head is elongated into a beak-like form of greater or less length. Some of them have the beak but slightly indicated, while in others the head is drawn out to a length that really seems incredible. The family of the Bruchidse are well known in England, better perhaps known than liked, except by professed entomologists. One of them, the Pea Weevil (Bruchus pisi), whose little white larvse are so plentiful in peas, is a member of this genus, but is supposed to be one of the many Weevils which have been imported from other countries in cargoes of grain. The Bed- FRUIT-EATING WEKVILS. 195 legged Weevil {Bruchvs rufimanus), the larva of which resides within beans and other similar seeds, is a genuine Briton, as aie the remaining six members of the genns. All our Bruchidse are little insects, but those of foreign coun- tries often attain a considerable size. Such is the case with our present example of the family, Caiyophagns Bcoihdi, wliicb is represented of its natural size. It is a native of Australia. Tlie generic name of this insect, signifying " fruit-eating," denotes its habits, which are like those of the Englisli Bruchidiie. In this insect the thorax is black and finely granulated, and the elytra are dark chestnut, marked with a few slightly defined longitudinal lines. They are rather curiously formed, not reaching to the end of the ab- domen, but being cut away diagonally on either side from the suture to the outer edge. The head is rather elongated and slightly curved downwards, , , , , Fio. 92. — Carpoi)liagus Bauksii. and the antennae are placed (Biack thorax, chestnut eiytia.) near its tip. The legs are strong, especially the thighs, which are pear-shaped, the smaller end being jointed to tlie body, and the larger bearing the curved tibiie. The name of Bruchidse ought not to have been used for a Beetle of any kind. It rightly signifies a larval locust, and is derived from a Greek word which signifies " biting " or " grazing." The Anthribidte are represented in this work by two examples, one of them showing the ordinary shape and appearance of the insect, and the other the extravagance, if we may so call it, of variation which is sometimes found in foreign Weevils. We have eight British examples of Anthribidie, the best known of which is the little Choragus Sheppardii, which has a habit of skipping and hopping about when disturbed. This power of jumping is the inore remarkable because the thighs of the hind legs are not thickened, as is generally the case with jumping insects. The Anthribidas are not so injurious as the Bruchidoe, some living in fungi, some in decaying wood, and others being found " o 2 196 INSECTS ABEOAD. ill flowers. Indeed, many of them are actually useful to man, inasmuch as they are parasitic on the Coccus, or Scale Insect, which is so injurious to many plants. Our first example of these Beetles is called Toplioclercs frenatus, and is a native of Madagascar. It is entirely black and white, and must be almost invisible if clinging to a lichen-covered tree- trunk. The surface is covered with variously sized and shaped tubercles, all of which are black. Along either side of the head and thorax runs a narrow yellowish white stripe, which is continued over the shoulders of the elytra. These stripes really look very much like the reins of a horse, and on their account the specific name of frenatus, or "bridled," has been given to the insect. Below, the surface is rather dull black, profusely and finely punctated. The legs, like the body, are parti-coloured, the thighs and tarsus being black, and the tibia white. The generic name of TophodercK refers to the peculiar black and white colouring of the upper surface. It is composed of two Greek words, the latter of which means " a skin " or external surface, and the other signifies a kind of mottled stone, which is known to mineralo- gists by the name of " tufa," or " tuff-stone," this being a corrup- tion of the Greek toplios. The Latin word tophus is only another form of the same word. Fig. 93.— Tophoderes frenatus. (Black and white.) On looking at the figure of the last-mentioned insect, the reader will probably notice that the antennse are much leno'thened. This elongation extends through many of the allied species, some of which are so exactly like the Longicorn Beetles that it is scarcely possible to imagine them to be Weevils. The most remarkable species at present known of these long-horned Weevils is that which is represented in the illustration on the next page, and known by the name of Xenocerus lineatus. LONG-HOllNED WEEVILS. 197 The former of the two names seems to have been composed much as Dickens' author composed his woi'k on Chinese meta- physics, by taking a cyclopicdia and reading the article " China" under the letter G, "Metaphysics" under the letter if, and com- bining his information. The author has evidently got hold of an Englisli-Greek lexicon, and, wanting an equivalent for "strange- horned," looked for the word " strange," or " stranger," under the letter ^', and found X(g;i06\ Then he looked for "horn" under the letter H, and found Kcras. Then, by combining his in- formation, he formed the word Xenocervs, not in the least seeing that Xenos signifies "a stranger," i.e. a guest, or a stranger in the house, and has nothing to do with the word "strange" in the sense of exceptional or wonderfnl, that being evidently the meaning which the writer meant to convey. / .-r-' f)), A Fig. 94.— Xenoceius lineatus. (Brown, with white stripes.) The insect which is now before us comes from the Aru Islands, and is one of the many beautiful species which have been brought to England by Mr. Wallace. The antennse of the male are of extraordinary length, and are extraordinarily slender except for the first two or three joints. The colour of the antennae is black, except the first or basal half of the fifth joint, which is white. They are arranged much in the same manner in every specimen. The first joint is short, stout, and rounded. Tiie next is long, and has a slight and somewhat variable double curvature. The third is very short ; and the fourth is the longest of all the joints. Then comes the fifth joint, which is slender, short, and has the basal half white ; and the rest of the joints are nearly equal in length and very delicate, no thicker, indeed, than an ordinary horse-hair. 198 INSECTS ABROAD. As is the case with many insects, the antennse of the female are very much shorter than those of the male, being, indeed, only about half as long as the body, and inconspicuous in every respect. In many cases the pattern of the body differs in the two sexes, so that the male and female might easily be mis- taken for different species. The eyes are extremely large in the male, and their black globular surfaces seem to occupy the whole head. The general colour of the body is chocolate brown, and \i]ion it are drawn a number of pale whitish grey stripes, very sym- mi'trically arranged. One runs along the middle of the head, and two others diverge from it on either side, the three looking very much like the well-known royal mark, the "broad arrow." Three similar stripes run down the thorax, but parallel to each other. The abdomen is adorned in like manner, one curved stripe being on each shoulder, one running along the centre, and then two more diverging from the middle stripe, so as to form a second "broad arrow." The legs are white, except the ends of the tibiae and joints of the tarsus, which are black. Beneath, the insect is white, powdered with brown scale-like marks. There are many species of this remarkable genus, some coming from the Philippine Islands and some from Ceram, Sarawak, Celebes, &c., so that it has rather a large geographical range. Their colours are not brilliant, being simple grey- brown or black, but there is always a pattern of white, so that the dark aud light portions are boldly contrasted. Considering the length and slenderness of the antenna) of these insects, it is evidently no easy task to preserve them in their integrity. Everyone who has collected insects knows h »w ditiicult it is to avoid snapping off the antennae of insects, ev\m when they are merely removed from one drawer to another. When therefore insects have to be packed for travelling, then to. undergo journeys by land and water, and then, which is perhaps the worst trial of all, to be unpacked, 2:)inned, and set the difficulty of saving these long and delicate antennse may be imagined. The mode employed by Mr. Wallace is the best that I know. He takes with him a number of hollow paper cylinders, just like squib-cases, varying considerably in diameter, so as to accommodate different-sized insects. When he has taken and PAgKING BEETLES. lyy killed one of these long-horned Beetles, he pushes it head tore- most into a suitable cylinder, talcing care to let the antenua; lie along the sides of the body. The ends are then stopped, and there is the Beetle, perfectly safe. When packed for travelling, the cylinders, eacli with a Beetle inside it, are arranged in boxes, just like cigars, and by means of a little cotton-wool, tow, or similar substance, are kept from shaking about. When tlie cases are unpacked, the stoppers are taken out of the cylinders, nnd the Beetles gently drawn out with fine forceps. They are then placed in the " relaxing" pans, and in a day or two they are as easily set as if they had only just been killed. Next come the Attelabidse, a family in which the antennse are not elbowed, as is the case with most Weevils. We have only two examples of this family in England. One of them, Attelabus curciilionoidcs, is well known for the peculiar mode in which the female attacks the young leaves of oaks, i.e.. by rolling them up in packets shaped like thimbles, and placing her eggs in the packets. It is a common insect, and most jicrsous who use their eyes must have seen these thimble-like masses on the oak-trees. The very remarkable insect T rachelophorus giraffa is a native of Madagascar, and is exceedingly rare, the specimon from whip]\ the drawing was taken being believed to be the only one known. In this insect the antennae are only of moderate length, but the head and thorax, especially the former, are in- ordinately elongated. The colour of the elytra is very dark red, and they are covered with punctures arranged in parallel rows. The body is stout ^ „ , , . "^ Fig. 95. — Trachelophorus giratta. and thick, and suddenly turned down- (Steel-Uue Lead and thorax, daik wards at about two-thirds of its length "' * ^ ^^' from the base. The head and antennie are very dark, .steely blue. The head is very movable in an up-and-down direction, and when it is bent downwards nearly at a right angle the Beetle has a most singular, not to say grotesque appearance, the attitude bearing much resemblance to that of a giraffe when trying to eat something on the ground. It is to this resemblance that the 200 INSECTS ABROAD. Specific name of giraffa is due. The generic name is Greek, and signifies " neck-bearer," in allusion to the elongated thorax. Although only one specimen of this particular species is known, there are plenty of species belonging to the genus, scattered over many hot parts of the globe. For example, there are specimens in the British Museum from Java, India, Ceylon, the Philippines, Burmah, and China. None of them are so large as that vvliich has been described, and many of them are quite small. As a rule, dusky red is the principal colour, but there is one little species from the Philippines, Trachelophorus contractus, which is quite black. \■4^^ C Of the typical genus there are not many species, and their colour is, with one or two exceptions, rather dull. One of the exceptions is Attelabus sumjjtuosus, which is really a splendid little insect, blazing out in beauty far beyond aDy of its fellows. It is, as are so many of the bril- liantly coloured Beetles, a native of Mexico. At first sight this insect re- minds the observer of the com- mon but splendid Fire-tail bees of our own country. The whole upper surface is covered with punctures, and shining as if made The head and thorax are crimson, and along the middle of the elytra runs a broad baud of ultra- marine blue. The sides of the elytra are shining crimson, and round their edges runs a narrow band of golden green. The legs are of the same gold-green as that of the elytra, and the whole of the under-surface is either blue or green according to the angle at which the light happens to fall on it, so that this insect very well deserves its specific name oi sitmptuosus. The wings of all the species are large and ample. The only other species which even approaches this beautiful insect in colour is one that was brought from China and has not yet been described. It is very small, and of a dark blue colour, much like that of some of our well-known little Chrysomelas. Why the name of Attelabus has been given to these insects J Fig. 96. — Attelabus sumptuosus. (Blue and crimson,) of burnished steel or enamel. THE ATTELABUS OF HERODOTUS. 201 cannot imagine, inasmuch as the word evidently signifies " a locust." Herodotus, by whom the name is mentioned, evidently takes it in this sense, as may be seen from a passage occurring in his Fourth Book, chapter 172 : — " The Nasamones, a very numerous people, adjoin the Auschiste westward. In the summer they leave their cattle on the coast, and go up to the region of Augila, in order to gather the fruit of the palm-trees, which grow in great numbers and of a large size, and are all productive. When they have caught locusts {atteldboi) they dry them in the sun, reduce them to powder, and, sprinkling them in milk, drink them." Moreover, another author describes certain insects as being "locust-eyed" {attelah-ophthalmus). It is a pity that such a mistake should have been made, as the word Attelahus would have answered very well as a name for a genus of locusts, and a suitable name for these Beetles could easily have been found. Aristotle also describes the habits of the Attelabus, which are precisely those of the locust ; and Mouffet remarks that " a little locust is said to be the mean between Locust and Bruchus ; it hath such little wings that it is reputed to have none, and seems rather to creep than fly ; for this cause, wheresoever it is bred, it briugeth all as it were to meal or rust, by grinding and con- suming. It seems to some to be of the kind of Bruchus, till the wings grow forth, and then it growes into the number of the locusts." From this last sentence it is tolerably clear that the Attelabus was a locust in its larval or pupal state, when it has the form of the perfect insect, but without wings in the former state, and with undeveloped wings in the latter. The derivation of the word is so uncertain that I fancy Herodotus must have taken a local name and Grecized it, as he often was forced to do. Some writers, however, give it a very far-fetched derivation from a word which signifies " absence of wings." In the family of the Brenthidte we have another example of a misapplied name, the Greek word Brcntlios signifying some un- known water-bird of a stately carriage. However, the name has so long been applied to these Weevils that the evil of retaining it is infinitely less than that of exchanging it for one that is more appropriate. In England there are no Brenthidte, and it is believed that only one species exists in Europe, namely Arrhenodes coronatus. 202 INSECTS ABKOAD, which was taken by Mr. Speuce in Italy. It has also been found in ants' nests. As far as is known, the habits of the Brenthidte are very similar in the different species. In the larval state they live under the bark of felled timber, and sometimes within the wood itself, but do not appear to injure living trees. Some of the North American species inhabit felled oak-trees, and have been found under the bark of " sleepers" on a railroad. The extraordinary insect which is figin-ed below is a native of Java. The head of the male is much elongated, and, slender as it is, would be still more slender but for the thick coating of brown scales with which it is clothed, and which gives it a roughness of surface which, when the insect is viewed through an ordinary magnifier, looks very much like the familiar maple-bark with its deep corrugations. In this insect, the head Fig. 97. — Diurus furcillatus. (Dark brown, with white spots.) of the female is very much shorter than that of her mate. The long antennse are similarly clothed, except that the seventh and eighth joints are white, and that the scales are lengthened into hairs. It is worthy of notice that the antennae are very movable, and retain their mobility after the insect is dead and quite dry. If one of these insects be taken and turned in various directions, the antennai swing about as if they had been set on hinges ; and, if a drawer full of the Diurus and its allies be moved, the effect of all the antennte swinging about is most singular, not to say striking, all the insects looking as if they had come to life a^ain, and waving their antennte as if to show that they had done so. The thorax is small and of a dark-brown colour, and has Tin: DOUBLK-TAIL BEETLES. 20!:! ziotlnng remarkable about it. The elytra, however, are well worthy of a careful examination. In the first phice, they are elongated to a most extraordinary extent, and the outer edge of each is drawn out into a long, sharp, slender appendage as long as the abdomen and thorax together. Indeed, the entire lengtli of the insect may be divided into three tolerably equal parts, the head being one, the body and thorax another, and the appen- dages to the elytra the third. These appendages are, like the head, covered with dark-brown scales, which give them a roughened outline. By the unaided eye the up|)er part of each elytron is seen to be adorned with a tiny white spot, but a tolerably powerful magnifier is needed before the nature of the spots is made clear. The whole of the surface is deeply pitted in regular parallel rows, so as to look very much like a honeycomb. Many of the cells, especially tliose near the suture, are filled Avith some white material which produces the appearance which has already been mentioned. Even near the suture itself the white material has been lost out of several cells, which then show their full depth iind assume the honeycomb-like aspect which has just been mentioned. Beneath, the insect is blackish brown, over which a number of white scales are sparingly scattered. The generic name Biurus, or " double-tail," is given to these insects on account of the elongated elytra; while the specific name furcillatus, or " forked," refers to the mode in which the antennae project from the end of the head like the prongs of a fork. Four species of Diurus are known, Sarawak and India being their homes. There are besides many allied genera, which in most respects resemble the Diurus. Another example of this most singular family is called Tera- mocerus harhicornis, and comes from New Zealand. The generic name is formed from two Greek words signifying "delicate- horned," the antennae of this genus being more slender than that of the last-mentioned insects, though they also are covered with down-like scales. In this insect, and that which wiU be pre- sently described, the elongation of the head seems to have reached the greatest possible extent. In one specimen which I have just measured, the entire length, including the elongated i-lytra, is three inches and a half, oi which the head alone 204 INSECTS ABROAD. occvipies an inch and three-quarters. If the Beetle be examined in profile, the head is seen to form a slight but graceful curve downwards, and, in order to enable it to make this curve with- out bringing the extremity of the head against the ground, the thorax takes a curve upwards. Along the whole of the under-surface of the head runs a band of long yellow hairs, which towards the extremity becomes longer and thicker, and takes a dark-red hue. It is on account of this hair that the species has received the name Fig. 9S. — Teianiocerus bjubicornis. (Black .'lud chestnut. ) of harhicornis, i.e. "bearded horn." The ridge of hair which has ji.Tst been mentioned is so narrow that it can only be seen when tlie insect is viewed in profile, being quite invisible when it is seen from above. The colour of the head is black, and so is that of the thorax, the latter having a deep central groove, and profusely wrinkled, so that it looks something like a black kid-glove that has been crumpled together when wet. The elytra are much lengthened at tlie tips, but not so much as those of the preceding insect, and diverge so that their shape somewhat resembles the pincers of a female earwig. The ground TIIR LONG-IIKADKI) WEEVILS. 205 colour of the elytra is black, and upon each of them there are four large chestnut-coloured marks shaped as seen in the illus- tration, and producing a definite tliough not conspicuous pattern of chestnut on black. The legs, especially the first pair, are very Jong and rather powerful, and in all probability the length of the front legs is needful in order to enable the insect to keep its <3longated head off the ground. As in the preceding insect, the head of the female is very much shorter than that of the male, and in consequence, though a curious-looking Beetle, she is not quite so strange and weird in appearance as the male. The elytra ai-e decorated with longi- tudinal ridges, and in the furrows between each pair of ridges is set a row of circular impressed pits something like those of the Diurus, but not possessing the white substance which dis- tinguishes that insect. This Beetle is quite as variable in point of size as our Stag Beetle, some specimens being scarcely one- third as large as that which I have described. The extraordinary insect which is shown in the accompanying illustration has a head longer in proportion to its width and the size of the owner than is the case with any known insect in the world. It is called Antliarhinus Zamicc, and is a native of Southern Africa. On ac- ^ count of the extraordinarily \;^ '' long head, with its peculiar ^* curve, the insect was at first placed in or near the genus Balaninus, of which our common Nut Weevil is so excellent an example. The head is scarcely thicker than a human hair, and is quite three times as long as the body. The antennae are placed near the base of the head instead of near the end, as in the previous examples of the Brenthidse, and the mouth is set at the extreme tip. In many Beetles where the mouth is at the end of a long " rostrum," as this peculiarly developed head is called, the tip of the rostrum is widened so as to accommodate the jaws and other Fig. 99. — Antliarhiuus Zamiae. (Reddish brown.) 206 INSECTS ABROAD. parts of the mouth. But in this Beetle there is no such enlargement, and consequently the mouth is so small, that even with a fairly powerful pocket lens it i.s no easy task to find it. In its larval state this Beetle lives on a palut-tree, Cijcas or Zamia Caffra, one of the group which furnishes sago and arrow- root, their trunks containing a large quantity of starch. Zamia furfiiracca, for example, a West Indian species, affords the finest quality of arrow-root. On the fruit-clusters of the palms the larva of this "Weevil lives, eating not only the nuts themselves, but the red, fleshy envelope which surrounds them. The larva is nearly all white and covered with stiff, white, erect hairs. The head, together with the first segment of the thorax and a patch on the last segment but one, is brown, and there are some slight longi- tudinal punctured black lines on the body. It has six true legs, and some false legs like those of a caterpillar, set upon the abdomen. The last pair are rather the largest. The colour of this species is reddish brown. The eJ.ytra are slightly hollowed at the sides, and are deeply ridged. The ridges themselves are broken into little knobs, and the spaces between them are finely punctured. There are five species of this genus in the British Museum, one of which, Antliarhinus Dregei, is very small, and has its antennte nearly as long as the head. It is brown, with a black patch in the iriddle of the elytra. The name Antliarhinus is formed from two Greek words, and refers to the long and tube- like firm of the head. The first word signifies anything by which water is drawn, and the other signifies "a snout." We nou" come to the Eutimidae, a family which contains some of the most splendid Beetles in the world. They are remarkable for their wonderful colouring, which is obtained by the iridescent scales with which their bodies are clothed. The name Enfimida' is Greek, and signifies something that is honoured or prized. One of these Beetles, Entimus splendidus, a native of Brazil, is shown on Plate III. p. 1. Green, gold, and black are the prevailing colours of this insect. The thorax has a bright green stripe running along its centre, and the sides are green-gold, except the black knobs which project plentifully from it. The elytra are THE DIAMOND BEKTLE. 207 l)!ack, but have a number of oval marks on theiu. The-^^e mai-ks are green-gold, similar to the colour of the thorax, and between several of them are two or three deep circular punctures. The best known of these insects is the celebrated Diamond IV^etle {Entimns impcriaHs), also a native of Brazil. This Beetle, magnificent as it is when the microscope is brought to boar upon it, is not to the unaided eye nearly so beautiful as many insects which are not so splendidly adorned. The elytra of this insect are black, and upon them are many parallel circular spots, each about as large as a pin's prick. To the unaided eye these spots are glittering green, but when the microscope is brought to bear on them their true beauty is disclosed. Each of these is a shallow, circular pit, set thickly with scales, which are arranged something like the tiles of a house, one pro- jecting over another. These scales are mostly green, but each of them possesses many colours as the light happens to change. One of these scales in the specimen now before me is entirely shining gold, while its immediate neighbour is gold in the centre warming into orange on its tips, and has at the base a patch of crimson on one side and azure on the other. The next scale has the basal half of a rich shining ruddy gold, and the other half deep purple. The next scale is entirely emerald green, so that the little shallow pits look as if studded with leaf-shaped gems, no two being of precisely the same colour. If even the direction of the light be changed, the colours change with it, the green shifting gradually into gold, blue, purple, orange, and crimson, just like the changing flashes of a good brilliant. Generally, but not always, a small space at the bottom of the pit is devoid of scales, its dead blackness producing a remarkable contrast with the dazzling brilliancy around it. These gem-like scales are but loosely attached to the surface, so that they can be easily removed and examined under a high power of the microscope, either as transparent or opaque objects, the latter being the best plan for bringing out their beauties, provided that a sufficiency of oblique light can be thrown upon them. The whole of the body is adorned with similar scales, though nowhere aie they so large or so beautiful as on the elvtra. 208 INSECTS ABROAD. Another example of these lovely Beetles is shown in tlie illustration below. Its name is Rhigits Schuppellii, and, like the Diamond Beetle, it is a native of Brazil. It is much more knobby — if I may use the term — than the preceding insects. On the thorax there are two rows of knobs, and there are eight much larger knobs on the elytra ; namely, two rows of three knobs in each row, and one upon each shoulder. The ground colour of the elytra is green, but the knobs are beautiful golden yellow, both colours being produced by scales somewhat similar to those which have been described when treating of the Diamond Beetle. There is a distinct gold edging to the elytra, which are punctated in parallel lines. The legs are green, and the thighs, (Gi-re:>!tittToidTnSe'^^^^^^^^ especially those of the first five, are large and powerful. This is an exceedingly variable insect in point of colour and in the comparative size of the knobs. There is in the British Museum a curious variety of this Beetle, in which the Avhole of the colour is pale yellow, and the knobs scarcely project at" all from the surface. The reason for the generic name Rhigus I cannot see, inasmuch as the word is Greek, signifying "a shivering from cold," a circumstance which is scarcely likely to happen in tropical America, and which seems singularly inappropriate to a Beetle. Perhaps the traveller Avho captured and named the first specimen took an ague, and commemorated it by the name which he gave to the Beetle. The Beetle which is represented on the next page belongs to the family of the Brachyceridse. This word signifies "short- horned," and is given to the insects because their antennae are stout and extremely short in proportion to the size of the body. There is plenty of material in them to make long and slender antennse like those of the Xenocerus, but it is utilized in width instead of length, the antennse being small at the base, and gradually increasing in diameter to the tip, which is broad and blunt. The insects belonging to this family are mostly African, though some are found on the shores of the Mediterranean. SCALES OF A BEETLE. 209 Tlie present species inhabits Southern Africa, and is perhaps the best example of the whole family. Tlie coloiir of the insect is rather dull black, with the excep- tion of some spots on the elytra which will presently be desciibed. The rostrum, or fore part of the liead, is thick, stout, and much widened towards the end, and the upper surface is deeply wrinkled. The thorax is rather curiously formed. In the centre and in front there is a projecting portion, something like a horse- shoe, or rather like the under-surface of a horse's foot, even the "frog" being represented with wonderful fidelity. Then come two small pear-shaped projections, side by side, and then a Fig. lul. — Braehycerus imperialis. (Black, red spots.) number of little pustules. On either side, the thorax is covered with small rounded projections, one of which is very large and elongated, so as to resemble a sharp horn. The elytra are rather glossy and covered with very minute pustules, which become greatly larger towards the tips, which lire much turned downwards. On each of the elytra there are eight rows of round, reddish spots, slightly depressed. If the insect be placed under a microscope, the reddish colour is seen to be produced by a number of little oval bodies, very much like grains of red corn or rice, which are fixed to the elytra by one end, and lie nearly flat upon each other. They are set much in the same way as the scales of the Diamond Beetle, but p 210 INSECTS ABROAD, whereas tliose scales are placed with much regularity, al! radiating from a common centre, these seem to be scattered without the least pretence to order. They cling tightly to the surface of the elytra, but, although they are partially protected by being sunk in their shallow pit, there is scarcely a spot in which several of the scales are not missing, and others quite loose and evidently ready to fall. On the under surface of the abdomen and on the sides of the thorax, similar scales are scattered in patches, making the insect look as if a, brush had been dipped in vermilion and dashed carelessly against it. The legs are very strong and thick, and are profusely granulated, the tibiae especially being so rough that their surface, when rubbed with the finger, feels just like that of a file. The hind thighs are curiously curved, so as to suit the rotund body, and, when the Beetle moves its hind legs back- wards and forwards, the leg passes over the rounded elytra, just as if the thigh had been moulded on the elytron. The middle legs are also curved, but not nearly so much, as they only have to pass over the shoulder of tlie elytra. As the legs of this species are thick and sturdy, they afford a good opportunity for examining the rather peculiar construction of the tarsus. To the naked eye, and even when viewed through an ordinary magnifier, the tarsus consists of only four joints. In reality, however, there is another joint ; namely, the true fourth. This, however, is exceedingly minute, and is quite hidden in the third joint, the front part of which is widened and swollen into two lobes. I mention this fact because it will explain two terms by which these insects have been mentioned. One is Tetramera, i.e. " four-jointed," which was given to them because the tarsus w^as thought by the earlier entomologists to have only four joints. Mr. Westwood, however, when he discovered the existence of the missing joint, very properly altered the name to Pseudo-tetramera, i.e. "false four-jointed." The only way of seeing this tiny fourth joint is by taking the tarsus to pieces. The present species is in great favour with the Bechuana tribe, wdio use it as an amulet. They piill off the head, legs, and thorax, cut away the lower portion of the abdomen, and remove the whole of the interior, so as to leave only an empty shell. Several of these hollow bodies are then strung on strips of leather, and hung round the necks of children. They are sup- BEETLE AMULETS. 211 posed to be very efficacious during the time of teething, and to mitigate the various ills to which juvenile humanity is liable. Deceived by the shape of these amulets, some of the earlier travellers described them as whistles. There are many species of Brachycerus, differing exceedingly in shape, size, and colour. One of these, called appropriately Brachycerus ohesus, or the "fat short-horn," is as round and smooth as a black-heart cherry, and very much of the same colour ; while another, Brachycerus ocellatus, though much resembling it in form, has the whole surface of the elytra ^adorned with parallel undulating lines of red on a black ground. On some of the insects of this genus Mr. Westwood has the following remarks : — "The species of the genus Brachycerus are found upon the ground in hot sandy situations, early in the spring. An anonymous MTiter informs us that Brachycents undatus feeds on the leaves of Arum arisarum in October. Brachycerus harharus attacks the medicinal squill, several being generally found at the heart of the leaves near the root. Bra- chycerus Algerus feeds on the leaves of a large lily growing in sea-sand. Latreille informs us, in the appendix to ' Caillaud's Voyages,' that the women in Ethiopia string these insects together, and wear them round their necks as an amulet." From the last sentence it is evident that the superstitious ideas concerning the preservative virtues of these Beetles have a very wide scope, since we find that both in Southern Africa and in Ethiopia the same insects are used in the same manner and for the same purpose. Next we come to the family of the Pachyrhyncidae. This name is formed from two Greek words, signifying " thick- mouthed," and is given to these Beetles because the rostrum is very short, thick, and rounded ; so short, in fact, that when the insect is viewed from above, no portion of the rostrum is to be seen, and a profile view is required before the real shape of the head can be made out. The species which is represented in the first of the illustra- tions on the next page is called Pachyrhynchus gemmatus, because the large green spots with which its metallic body is covered look very much like emeralds set in red gold. It is a native of the Philippines. p 2 212 INSECTS ABROAD. Fig. 102.— Pachyrhynchus gemmatus. (Copper, with green spots ) The ground colour of this beautiful insect much resembles burnished copper, with a distinct dash of carmine, and has quite a metallic look about it. On the head, thorax, and abdomen are a number of spots, arranged as shown in the figure. These spots are, like those of the Brachycerus which has already been described, slightly depressed, and their centres are filled with the most brilUant green scales, over which plays a strong iridescence as the light changes. It is rather remarkable, by the way, that while the scale-clad pits of the Diamond Beetle have the centres blank, and the scales set in a sort of broad ring, exactly the oppo- site arrangement is found in this Pachyrhynchus, The elytra are very large, and are turned far over the sides, which, if possible, are even more gorgeous than the back, the green spots being exceedingly numerous. As the legs are bright metallic red, and as they are seen very conspicuously when the insect is viewed from the side, the profile view of the Beetle has an added splendour. Another of these insects is here given as an example of the extraordinary varieties of colouring that prevail in this genus. In this insect the ground colour is black. Upon the thorax is drawn a bright green cross, and the elytra are covered with ft network of the same colour, the meshes being largest and fewest on the back, and smallest and most numerous on the sides. The legs are also thick, with a green patch on each. Although the colouring is so simple, being composed of only two hues, it is wonderfully effective, the pattern being as clear and sharp as if traced by the finest crow-quill, and the contrast between the shining jetty-black and the glittering crreen being almost startling. Even on the under-side, which is Fig. 103.— Pachyrhynchus reticulatus (Black, with green network.) A SPLENDID GENUS. 213 generally comparatively plain in Beetles, the same arrangement of green spots on a coppery ground prevails. This, like the preceding insect, is a native of the Philippines. Of these Beetles there are very many species, the greater number inhabiting the Philippines, but others being found in Australia, New Guinea, and Polynesia. Many of them have not yet received names or been entered in the catalogue of acknowledged species. There is an infinite variety of colouring among them. Black is the usual ground hue, and green the prevailing colour of the pattern. Next in frequency to green comes red, and then copper, all these colours being produced by scales which are visible with an ordinary pocket magnifier. The next family is named Gouatoceri, a term formed from two Greek words signifying "angle-horned," and given to the insect because the antennae are bent into definite elbows, whereas those of the preceding insects are only curved. The insect which is here figured is all black, rather shining above and dull below. It is a native of New Holland. r w Fig 104. — Gagatophorus SchciDlierri. (Black. ) There is scarcely any portion of the upper surface of this insect which is quite smooth, those parts which are not knobbed being grooved. The upper part of the head has a wide and rather deep groove. The thorax is rounded and covered with knobs, which are comparatively scanty on the disc, but become very numerous and crowded on the sides. These projections are Avithout any apparent order, but those of the elytra are arranged in three distinct rows. The elytra are very large, and are turned over the sides rather abruptly. On the edge where they are folded, is a row of nine knobs, so long and pointed that they 214 INSECTS ABROAD. may well be called spikes. Next comes a row of seven knobs,, and next to the suture is a third row of four knobs, these last being placed rather irregularly. The sides are nearly flat, and are quite smooth, so that when the insect is viewed in profile, the smooth, shining side and the back, which is studded with its eight-and-twenty projecting tubercles, are curiously contrasted. The legs are long, black, and deeply wrinkled. Two species of this genus are known, both of which are in the British Museum, One is the insect which has just been described, and the other is Gagatopliorus Boisduvalii. In general appearance these two insects are very much alike, but the latter is more slender in proportion to its size. CHAPTER XV. lUITNCHOPIlORA, OR WEEVILS {contlnu.'d). On Plate III. p. 2 may be seen a very curious Beetle, called Cyphus Zinncci. This belongs to the family CyphidiB, which contains more beautifully coloured species than any other family of Beetles, not even excepting the Entimidse. The name Cyphus is Greek, signifying "hunchback," and is given to these Beetles because their shoulders are very high and thick. They are natives of South America, especially the districts within the tropics. The present species is very remarkable on account of the long hair which covers the thorax, and which, together with the peculiar shape and spotted body, gives to the Beetle an air resembling the well-known wingless ants called Mutillse. This hair is deep brown, and of a peculiarly soft, chinchilla-like character. The ground colour of the elytra is black, with a velvety sort of surface, and on it are placed a number of spots arranged as shown in the illustration on the next page. The large spot over the shoulder is bright red, and all the others are yellow, so that the insect is an exceedingly handsome one. The last-mentioned species is of rather an exceptional cha- racter, so I have here taken one which is a good example of the ordinary form and colouring of this most splendid genus. Its name is Cyphus gloriandus. Viewed with the naked eye, it is a very beautiful insect, the surface being golden yellow, diversified with jetty-black marks. Its full beauty, however, cannot be appreciated without the aid of the microscope, and I shaU there- fore describe one of these insects as seen with the aid of the half-inch object glass. If the microscope be directed on the upper surface of th^* 216 INSECTS ABROAD. elytra, those organs are seen to be thickly covered with a pro- fusion of glittering scales, set closely together like those of a golden carp. Their general effect is emerald green, with a little dash of pink and gold ; but the best plan is, to take one scale and analyse its colours. Each scale will then be seen to consist of a number of colours, such as yellow, pink, blue, and green, the last hue being generally the most briUiant. Every one of the scales has one portion which is more brightly illuminated than the others, and the colour of this spot changes together with the direction of the light, casting successively every hue of the rainbow. Should the observer merely look down upon the scales, he will see the general effect of this varied colouring; but if he turns the Beetle so as to get a side view of the scales, he will perceive how that effect is j)roduced. Each scale is covered with a number of very fine parallel ridges, or striae, the effect of which Fic. 105.— Cyiilmsgloriandus. (Gold-green, with black marks.) is to break up the light that produces those wonderful opalescent effects which have been described. Indeed, the opal owes its well-known changing tints to a similar cause, the stone having multitudes of the minutest imaginable fractures which produce exactly the same effect as the striae of the scales. Glass which has been buried for a very long time becomes opalescent from the same cause, as everyone knows who has seen the glass vessels that have been taken out of Egyptian tombs and other sepulchres of ancient date. The head, thorax, legs, and under surfaces are equally covered with these scales, which in some places take a reddish hue as their ground colour. On the thorax they seem to be rather COLOURS OF THE CYPIIID^. 217 larger and to lie flatter than tlibse of the elytra. If the elytra be spread and viewed on the under side, a very remarkable appearance is presented. Even on the upper surface it is evident that the elytra are regularly striated, but on the under surface the striae are very bold, and marked by rows of round black dots on a shiuing chestnut ground. Tliese striae follow the outline of the elytra, being waved in graceful curves and converging towards the tip. Altogether, the under surface of this organ is so hand- some that were it transferred to the upper surface the Beetle would be considered a beautiful one. There are many species of Cyphus, all of them beautiful, and most of them splendid insects, especially when viewed by the ■aid of the microscope. There is, for example, Cyphus Germari, a species which is exceedingly variable, most of the specimens being green, but others a pale purple or violet. Thus one species, which is appropriately named Cyphiis azurca, is always azure blue, upon which are a number of velvety black spots which contrast beautifully with the brilliant azure of the sur- rounding scales. There are, it is true, one or two sj)ecies which do not possess the startlingly brilliant colours of their kin. Such, for example, is the Cyphus modestus, which is not only dull brown, but is very small, and therefore inconspicuous. Yet even these soberly clad creatures possess beauties which only require the aid of the microscope and properly adjusted light to show that they are really scarcely less beautiful than those which are adorned with more brilliant colours. The winjirs of all these species of Cyphus are large and capable of bearing their owners for long distances. The family which now comes before us is the Cholidae, of which the Rhinastus pcrtusus is a good example. In these Beetles the antennae are boldly elbowed, as in the last family, •and, especially when the insect is viewed from above, form a characteristic feature in its appearance. The present species, which is a native of Brazil, is rather a curious insect. The head is developed into a long rostrum, boldly curved downwards. It is black, but upon the surface are a number of yellow scales, formed much like those which have been described when treating of the Cyphus, but without the ^)arallel ridges which give to these scales their wonderful opal- 218 INSECTS ABROAD. escence. On the under surface, the rostrum is toothed and furnished with hairs. The eyes are situated close to the base, and the antenuse are set about one-third of its length from the tip. The thorax is very narrow in front, and swells out rapidly to the shoulders with a bold and graceful curve. It is yellow, but with a shade of black, the reason being that the real colour of the thorax is black, and that upon its surface are scattered a number of yellow scales between which the original colour can be seen. Whether from friction or not I cannot say, but all the specimens- which I have examined have the scales much more thinly scattered towards the basal angles of the thorax, so that there the colour is darker than on the disc. The whole thorax is rather flat. The form of the elytra is very curious. Together, they have a sort of heart-like shape, the sides being rounded, and the tips coming nearly to a point. For about one-third of an inch Flo 106. — Rliinaslus peitusiss. (Yellow. ) from the tips the elytra look as if they had been pinched flat while soft, and had then become hardened. The remarkable points in their structure are, however, at their bases. Each of them is so deeply scooped that the basal angles form bold teeth, which project well over the thorax, and are then cut into a doubly waved outline, just like a bracket { in printing. The surface of the elytra is very flat, so flat, indeed, that the tips do not seem to be very much depressed. Like the thorax, they are covered with yellow scales, but much more thickly, so that the colour is more determined, and looks something like yellow cloth. As is the case with many Weevils, the elytra are very ample, and are bent over the body at the sides so as ta cover about half the abdomen. With many of the Weevils the DISGUISE OF FORM. 219^ line where the elytra are folded over is marked in some definite manner ; in some, such as the Gagatophorus, being decorated by a row of spikes or knobs, and in others, such as the present species, by an unbroken ridge, which in this instance is highest in the middle, and decreases to a mere point towards the base and tip. The legs are rather long, and the joints of the tarsus are spread into double lobes and covered with a profusion of hair. Only three species are known. The generic name Rhinastus is formed from a Greek work signifying " a snout " (which may be- recognised in the familiar name of Khinoceros), and is given to the insects of this genus in consequence of the great develop- ment of the rostrum. The specific name of pertusus is Latin,, and signifies something that is bored or perforated. It is given to this insect because the peculiar structure of the base of the elytra makes the insect look very much as if a hole had been bored through each shoulder. Three species of Rhinastus are known, all of which are in the British Museum. The name of Cryptorhynchidce strikes upon the ear of the English entomologist with a familiar sound, inasmuch as more than eighty species of Beetles are known in England which belong to this family. The name of Cri/ptorhynchidce is formed from two Greek words signifying " hidden-beak," and is not very intelligible unless the insects are seen in a living state. If the observer merely examines specimens that are " set " and placed in a cabinet, he scarcely sees how the term can be applied to the insects, many of which have the rostrum parti- cularly conspicuous. Should he, however, come across the living insects, the meaning of the word at once becomes apparent. However long the rostrum may be, there is always on the under side of the thorax a cavity which exactly contains it. Now, in common with many other insects, the CryptorhjTichidaB are in the habit of falling to the ground when alarmed, and remaining perfectly motionless until the cause for alarm has passed away. As most of them have not only long legs, but a long beak, they would find some difidculty in disguising their forms were it not for the groove which has just been mentioned. Legs can be easily folded closely to the body, but a head with a long project- 220 INSECTS ABROAD. ing beak is not so easily hidden. If, however, the head be ■capable of being bent downwards, and there is a deep groove or channel on the under surface of the thorax into which the beak fits, it will be seen that the insect lias only to gather its legs •closely to its body, and to bend the head well under the thorax, to be transformed in one moment from a long-legged, long-nosed Beetle, into the similitude of a round pebble or a casually fallen seed. One of our best-known species, Ordbites ci/aneus, looks, when thus packed up, so like the little black seed of the wild hyacinth, that even a practised entomologist cannot detect it without a close examination. We can only take one example of this family, namely, Cratoso- mus Roddami, a native of Brazil. As is the case with several ■of our own Cryptorhynchidte, the colours of this species are so arranged that the insect must be very difficult of detection. l''iG. 107. — Cralosoiiius Rodrlami. (Yl-IIow, with lil.ick spots.) The head is nearly black, and is furnished with a rather long and curved rostrum, the eyes being at the base, and the antennae set at about the middle. The front of the thorax has a coatinsr of warm down, and the rest is grey, diversified by round spots of jetty black. The elytra are warm yellow and deeply striated. On the striae are numbers of oval black spots, which, like those of the thorax, look exactly as if they were drops of thick black ink or paint that had been suffered to dry, and in consequence project slightly from the surface of the insect. There is a narrow white edge to the elytra. The legs are black, and have a number of greenish scales scattered over them. The third joint of the tarsus is spread SCALES AND HAIRS. 221" into two very wide lobes, and is covered with a dense coatincr of thick, brush-like hairs. Beneath, the Beetle is black, and upon the surface are a number of long yellowish scales, lying nearl y flat upon the surface. These scales are rather interesting on one account ; namely, that they form a kind of transitional link between scales and hairs, showing that the latter are only developments of the former. I may here observe that the transition of scales to hairs may be observed on the wings of many Lepidoptera, specially those of the Plume Moths, our very common White Plume {Pterophorus •pentadactylus) being an admirable example. In the same way, some of the shark tribe, especially the well-known Saw-tish, ex- hibit in a singularly beautiful manner the transition from scales to teeth, the change being so gradual that it is quite impossible to say where the scales end and the teeth begin. Of this genus there are many species, all natives of Brazil. None of them are brilliantly coloured, sober greys and browns being the ground hues, which are either spotted or mottled with dark-brown and black. One curious species is Gratosomus vari- cosus, in which the thorax is very flat, and the elytra have five black knobs which are so prominent that they may almost be called horns. The last family of the Weevils is the Ehynchophoridae. This name is formed from two Greek words signifying "snout-bearing," and is given to the Beetles because their head is elongated into a long rostrum, or snout. The first example of these insects is Rhina barhicornis, which is shown in the illustration on the next page. The colour of this Beetle is black, but it is curiously adorned with hairs, ridges, and punctures, so that it is a very striking insect. The head is very long, slender, and at the end is widened, rather flattened, and cut into a sort of fleur-de-lys shape. The antennae are placed near the middle. Por the greater part of its length the head is completely surrounded with a quantity of dense, long hair of a reddish brown colour. The hairs do not lie flat, but radiate boldly from the head, which really bears a strong resemblance to a fox's brush, the similitude being increased by the colour. A quantity of similar hair, but of a yellower hue, is placed beneath the thorax. As is often the case 222 INSECTS ABROAD. with insects, this remarkable adornment is restricted to the malo sex, the rostrum of the female being quite smooth and hairless. The thorax is rounded and thickly and deeply granulated. The elytra are regularly and boldly striated, and adorned in a very curious manner. If examined by the unaided eye, the surface is seen to be striated and speckled with white ; but if a tolerably powerful magnifier be brought to bear upon it, a very ela,borate system of decoration is seen. Along the surface of the elytra run a number of bold rounded ridges, lying parallel to ■each other, and having a rather broad channel or groove between Fig. 108.- -Rhina bai'bieomis. (Black.) them. The ridges themselves are covered with deep punctures, and in the channels between them are placed a number of cir- cular pits, too large to be called punctures, and nearly as wide as the diameter of the channels, so that there is a single row of pits in each channel. As we have noticed to be the case with several of the Weevils, these pits are filled with some white substance, so as to produce the effect of a series of white speckles. In most of them the white deposit remains, but in some it is absent, and allows the eye to penetrate to the bottom of the pit. What this white deposit may be, how it gets into the pits, and what may be its •o-ffice, are mysteries as yet unknown. ■RAVAGES OF THE WEEVILS. 223 The legs of this insect are very long and slender, especially the first pair, which are armed in the tibiae with a number of slight and sharp teetli. This is a very variable Beetle, some specimens not being half as long as others. The Beetle is a native of Brazil, and specimens have been brought to this country by Mr. Bates. The Greek name Rhina signifies "a snout," and the specific name harhicornis is Latin, and signifies "bearded-horn," in allusion to the brush of hair which sur- rounds the elongated head. The enormous Weevil which is here shown is a native of Java, ■and belongs to the same family as the last-mentioned insect. Fio. UI9. — Piotx)cenis colossus. (Black thorax, yellowish elytra.) Its name is Protocerus colossus. The former of these two names is Greek and signifies "principal-horned," in allusion to the manner in which the rostrum is prolonged into a horn-like form. The latter name is given to the insect on account of its dimen- sions, which are colossal when compared with those of other Weevils. In this country we often complain, and with reason, of the depredations committed by the Weevils, our largest being to the Protocerus what a hare would be to an elephant. Of the habits of this species, nothing has, I believe, been published, but if we may judge from the depredations committed by its X 224 INSECTS ABROAD. near relatiou, the Palm Weevil (which will be presently de- scribed), it must be capable of doing great damage to those trees on which it feeds. The long, snout-like head of this Beetle is black, and moulded above into a shallow groove. On either side are five bold knobs, set opposite to each other, and apparently increasing the depth of the groove. The antennae are set at the base of the head, just by the eyes, and are rather curiously formed, their terminal joint bearing a curious resemblance to a flat-iron. The thorax is nearly black, and on its upper surface has a curious velvety or plush-like aspect, very difficult to describe. Perhaps some of my readers will understand its texture when I say that it is very like the same organ in our common Mole Cricket. On the sides the thorax loses this velvety look, and is covered with rather bold punctures. The elytra do not quite reach to the end of the abdomen, which is turned downwards very much like that of the cock- chafer. Their surface is marked with punctures disposed in such a manner as to give them an appearance as if they had been cut out of deal, the peculiar concentric lines of punctures looking strangely like the grainings of deal. In fact, they much more resemble deal than an ordinary painter's graining resembles the true grain of the oak or maple which he flatters himself that he imitates by the aid of his brush, cloth, and graining comb. The abdomen is shining black, and punctured. The legs are very remarkable. The first pair are very long, powerful, and rather flattened. The thighs are nearly straight, whereas the tibise are boldly curved and terminate in a sharp hook. They are black and shining, and under the tarsus is a good deal of golden yellow hau\ This is most conspicuous in the hind legs, the last joint of which is very long and curved, so that the yellow down of the preceding joint shows itself boldly. The wings are very large and ample. Closely allied to this species, and very much resembling it in size and general appearance, is the Palm Weevil {Rhina Ijalmarum) of the West Indies. This insect resembles the pre- ceding in almost every respect. It differs, however, in the structure of the head, which, instead of being grooved and knobbed above, is quite smooth. THE GRU-GRU. 225 This gigantic Weevil is terribly destructive both to palm-trees and sugar-canes. The lai-va of this species is popularly called " Gru-gru," and is a huge, whitish, fat, soft-bodied grub, curved, and without legs. It burrows into the palm-trees, where it is eagerly sought, not only by negroes, but by the white colonists, to be used as an article of food. To us the grub of a Beetle appears to be the very last thing that anyone would wish to eat, but those who have tried the Gru-gru mostly go on with it, and ever afterwards look upon it as one of the greatest delicacies which that fertile country can produce. Many persons are so fond of it that they are in the habit of eating the grubs alive, just as we eat oysters, holding them by the hard, horny heads, and so eating the grub as we would eat a radish. As they are of very great size, a few of them will make a sufiQcient meal for a man, and many persons have been saved from starvation because they knew where to find the Gru-gru grub. When full fed, this larva makes for itself a cocoon by tearing off strips from the stem of the palm-tree and weaving them together. When this insect attacks the sugar-cane, it always prefers the plants which have been just planted, being probably attracted by the sweet juice which exudes from the cut ends of the cane. Another species is equally damaging to the tamarind, and another, called the Sugar Weevil {Calandra Sacchari), a smaller but quite as destructive an insect, works great damage among the sugar-canes. It is rather remarkable that the insect does but little damage to the plant itself, though it utterly ruins the sugar which it secretes. The greater part of the juice is eaten by the grub, and that which is left is so injured that it can never be made into sugar, persisting in remaining as molasses in spite of aU exertions on the part of the manufacturer. Mr. King states that "no 'temper' of any kind, whether lime or any more powerful alkali, can produce sugar from it. It might be possible to desiccate it by continued boiling, but the result would be charcoal, and not sugar." And the worst of this damaged juice is, that if it should be mixed with sound juice the whole is tainted, and all that por- tion of the crop is wasted. ]\Ir. King thinks that much of the Q 226 ■ INSECTS ABROAD. damage is caused by carelessness with regard to the manure which is used for the ground. In the West Indies, the cattle are littered with cane- tops and leaves ; and if these be taken to the fields before they have been thoroughly decomposed, eggs or larvai of the Sugar Weevil will most probably be taken with them, and so placed in the very best position for damaging the crops. Vigilant sugar-planters keep a watchful eye on the young plants ; and when they see the whorl of terminal leaves begin- nino' to drop, they know at once that the Weevil-grub is there. Such plants are at once pulled up and burned, and their places supplied by healthy plants. Besides this precaution, another is taken, viz. of " trashing " the whole of the plants, i.e. removing the lower leaves, which act as a sort of cover for the Weevil. This operation should be performed at least every two months, and oftener if possible, so as to give the Weevil as little chance as possible of penetrating the cane. Loose sugar-cane leaves are known by the popular name of "trash," and hence the term " trashing" is used to express simply the removal of such leaves. We will now notice a portion of Mr. King's elaborate memoir on the Sugar Weevil, as quoted in Mr. Gosse's " Naturalist's Sojourn in Jamaica : " — "An egg the size of a small bead, in a considerable degree transparent, is deposited within the succulent vessels of the cane, where the adhering footstalk of the leaf retains the de- cayed foliage hanging to the germinating joint. " The egg deposited is hatched at the time when the growing bud, usually called the eye, exhibits the active influences of both heat and moisture. As soon as the maggot is formed, it com- mences its voracious injuries by worming its way from the verge of the footstalk where it had been hatched, into the very body of the succulent and vegetating shoot, where it grows with its growth, and strengthens with its strength. It then occupies the centre of the plant, making its way upward through the growing cane, but remaining within the sweet and perfected joints, and never ascending to the greener tops to devour the germ and destroy vegetation. It entirely exhausts the saccharine fluid in those joints in which it has lodged — filling the excavation it makes with an excrementitious deposit, extremely injurious to the cane liquor from the mill ; deteriorating it rapidly if it remain untempered while running into the pans. THE fiUGAR WEEVIL. 227 " When the canes are cut, the grub-worm has already arrived at its second transformation. It has enveloped itself within the gallery it has bored, in a shroud of decayed trash wrought with curious neatness ; the shreds being plaited and wound together, and so closely fastened at the ends, that the air is excluded ; and if exposed to the weather, no weather could injure it. I have watched the grub in the act of making this cerement. It first wraps itself all over with such of the rotting fibres of the cane as are near it. It tears the strips asunder with its forceps, and matting the pieces one within the other, it completely conceals itself within that kind of case usually called a cocoon, where it remains dormant for a little interval of time. "It has now assumed its third or beetle state, and emerges from the excavated cane a Weevil, bearing a rostrum or snout charged with fracticorn feelers, and wearing a splendid livery, striped yellow and brown — an ins6ct about the size of the nail of one's finger. If the cocoon be opened before this last transformation, the pupa found within is of a dingy brown colour, and its bulky body is well supplied with the usual milky fluid, stored for that final change in which it comes forth from its temporary sleep, to become the parent of a succession of enemies to the planter." The object of trashing the whole of the plants in the field is here given, together with directions for cleaning damaged juice : — " The sheathing footstalk is not only a shelter for this Weevil, but it hinders the outer covering of the cane from hardening, and fixing that deposition of white powdery glass which resists the puncture of its proboscis. If with all this care the planter finds himself overwhelmed by the numbers of his assailants, or by the success with which they have established themselves in his fields, nothing remains but destruction by fire. " But great as is the damage which this insect does in the field, it is a still greater calamity to have it in the mill-house. To mingle the juice of the injured cane with the uninjured, is to ruin a crop. The expedient of tempering the liquor, while running into the pans, may arrest the increase of the evil, but it does not get rid of it. "If, however, the most painstaking watchfulness has not secured the manager from an occasional bundle of infected canes getting into the mill, and if the pernicious consequences have begun to Q 2 228 INSECTS ABROAD. tell upon tlie proceeds of the boiling-house, I would recommend correcting the cold liquor with an alkaline mixture of potash and alum, in equal quantities. These, with the addition of as much boiling water as will hold them in solution, may be added to the temper lime commonly used in plain tempering. " Such a measure of this mixture should be added to the liquor in the pan as would be deemed sufficient to correct the prevailing acidity. When the liquor has been boiled into what is called first syrup, it should be racked through the cock. By this timely remedy I have secured well-grained sugar which has not deliquesced during the voyage to Europe, even when I had had the misfortune to have ground tainted canes." CHAPTER XVI. LONGICORNES, OR LONG-HORNED BEETLES. The insects wliich now come before us are mostly characterised by the structure from which they derive their name. The antennse are mostly long, and are never thickened at the ends. In many of the Longicornes, the antennae have each joint widened at the end, so as to produce a serrated appearance, the widening being always on the inside. The first, or basal joint, is always large, long, and stout, especially towards the end. The jaws are always powerful, sharp, and shear-shaped, often being so bent downwards that when the insect is viewed from above, they are hidden beneath the head. The eyes are almost invariably kidney-shaped ; but there are some instances where they are absolutely divided by the basal joint of the antennae, so that the insect appears to have four eyes instead of two. Such is the case with the Beetle called Tetrops prceustus, which is common in the London district, and has its antennae seu in the very middle of its eyes. The head is generally broad and squared, and is never lengthened so as to form a rostrum, as is the case with the Weevils. The reader may remember that in the Weevils the elytra are very large, in most instances folding over the sides, and conceal- ing half of the abdomen. This structure is not found in any of the Longicornes, the elytra being comparatively flat and not bent at the sides, so that when the insect is viewed in profile, nearly the whole of the abdomen is visible. The legs are never short, and in some instances, as for example the Harlequin Beetle, which is drawn on Plate IV., are of very great length, so as to give a very quaint aspect to the insect. The tarsus shows a similar structure to that of the Weevils, the joints being widened into two lobes in front, and the fourth joint 230 INSECTS ABEOAD. being so small as to be practically absent. The first three joints are always clothed with fur-like hair, which in many species is of a bright golden colour, and exceedingly conspicuous. In the larval state, the Longicornes are all wood-borers, and to them is appointed the chief part of the task of destroying dead timber. It has long become a mooted question whether any of the Longicorn larvse attack sound and healthy trees. At all events it is quite certain that, whether they do or not, they infinitely prefer dead timber, and that when a practised entomo- logist wants to find Longicorn Beetles in their larval or pupal stages, he always goes to dead timber, and not to living trees. Take, for example, one of our commonest and most beautiful wood-borers, the Musk Beetle. It is very true that the insect may be found in willow-trees which are in full leaf. But the willow, as we all know, is one of those trees which is perfectly content so long as its bark exists entire, and flourishes and in- creases thougb the trunk be entirely hollow. And whenever the larva of a Musk Beetle is discovered, it is invariably found in the decaying, and not in the sound wood. So again with our smaller Longicornes. The best specimens are always taken by being dug out of decaying wood, — mostly rotten stumps in which the supply of sap has not quite ceased, but no entomo- logist would waste his time by looking for them in sound and healthy trees. The larvae are white, flatfish, soft-bodied, hard-headed grubs, always larger in front than behind, so that they may pass the easier through the tunnels which they gnaw in the wood. The jaws are exceedingly sharp and powerful; made almost exactly like a surgeon's bone-nippers, and the head can be drawn back so that it is almost hidden by the thorax. They possess legs, but do not require to use them, thrusting themselves forwards by means of the rings of the body, which are very deeply cut, and furnished with a sort of hump on the upper surface. In order to enable the female to deposit her eggs in favour- able positions, she is furnished with a long, telescopic ovipositor, which can be protruded to a considerable distance, and is almost as mobile as the proboscis of the elephant or the tail of the Spider Monkey. With this instrument she can push her eggs under the bark, or into crevices, feeling about until she has satis- fied herself that the egg is in a safe position. SAWYER BEETLES. 231 The first family of the Longicornes is the Prionidce, in which are comprised some of the giants of the insect race, one, indeed, being the largest insect in existence, measuring nine inches in length, and being very wide and thick of body. I should very much have liked to have it engraved, but it is so large that by no possibility could space be found for it, even if a whole page were given up to it. The name Prionidce is taken from the Greek, and is very appropriate, signifying " a sawyer," in allusion to the manner in which the larva cuts its way through timber. Some of the species are said to saw branches in two, by grasping them in their toothed jaws and then flying round and round the tree. The late Mr. Waterton showed me a branch of a tree which fell at his feet, and which had evidently been cut through in some such way. But he did not actually see the insect cut it ; and though he was assured by his companions that the Sawyer Beetle really did cut branches in such a fashion, he could not say that the branch in question had actually been severed by the insect. The particular species which is generally pointed out as the Sawyer is Prionus cervicornis, a large flattish Beetle, mostly black and yellow, having the yellow of the elytra formed into an intricate net-like pattern. Its jaws are long, powerful, and have one long tooth in the middle and about sixteen lesser teeth on each side, so that the insect deserves its popular nama of Mouche scieur de long. That the perfect insect does eat away the bark in a circular direction is perfectly true, and, as may be expected, the branch dies, so that in the first high wind it is likely to fall. But that it cuts the branch completely across is scarcely credible, nor indeed would there be any object in so doing, as the sap, for which alone the tree is wounded, belongs to the bark, and not to the solid wood. The female is said to use her jaws in biting holes in the bark, so as to make convenient receptacles for her eggs. The larva of this Beetle is very destructive, penetrating into the branches of trees, and driving tunnels so completely through the wood, that a mere shell of the branch is left in a perfect state, and so, like those that are " girdled " by the perfect insect, the branch is nearly sure to fall to the ground in tempestuous 232 INSECTS ABKOAD. weather. The mimosa trees are terribly infested with this de- structive Beetle. There is no difficulty in distinguishing the Prionidse. Their heads are squared and there is no neck, and the thorax is also squared and drawn out into a sharp, tooth-like projection on either side. The elytra are sharp and spine-like at the tips. In England there is only one species of this family, — namely, Prionus coriarius ; a large, flattish Beetle, with its surface coloured, as is expressed by its specific name, like untanned leather. The old naturalists had some very wild notions about the Prionus, as is shown in Mouffet's work, reference to which has already been made. " It hath a little broad head, great oxe-eyes, almost three fingers overthwart in length ; it hath a forked mouth, gaping and terrible, with two very hard, crooked teeth : with these, while he gnaws the wood (I speak by experience), it doth perfectly grunt aloud like a young pig. Maybe this is the reason why Hesychius hath related that they, bound to a tree, will drive away fig-gnats. " The shoulders of it are curiously wrought by nature : they seem to be a hilt made of ebony and polished. It hath six feet, distinguished with three little knees ; but they are very weak and faint, and altogether unfit for such a burden. These receive help by two horns that grow above their eyes, and are longer than their whole bodies : they are flexible, with nine or ten joynts ; not exactly round, but are rough like goat's horns, which, although it can move them every way, yet when it flies it holds them only forth directly ; and being wearied with flying, she useth them for feet : for knowing that his legs are weak, he twists his horns about the branch of a tree, and so he hangs at ease, as our Bruerus saw in the country about Heidelberg ; in that it resembles the Bird of Paradise, which, wanting feet, clings about the boughs with those pendulous nerves, and so, being tired with labour, takes its ease. " They thrust upon us some German fables, as many so say it flies only, and when it is weary it falls to the earth and pre- sently dies. These that are stories and tales, render this reason just. Terambus, a satyrist, did not abstain from quipping of the Muses, whereupon they transformed him into a Beetle called Ceramhyx, and that deservedly, to endure a double punishment, COLOUK OF THE PRIONID^E. 233 for he liatli legs weak that he goes lame, and like a thief he haugs on a tree." The Beetle which is represented in the accompanying illustra- tion is a native of Java. It is a singularly fine insect, large, boldly outlined, and standing very high on its long legs. In con- sequence of its generally handsome appearance, it has received Fig. 110. — Prionocalus Eucklcyi. (Black-brown.) the generic name of Prionocalus, i.e. " beautiful Prionus." The head is boldly scooped in front and on the sides, so as to be shaped very much like the thorax, i.e. squared and pointed at the sides. The thorax has three spikes or points on each side and, like the rest of the body, it is nearly black. The elytra are 234 INSFXTS ABROAD. oranulated ; there is a flattish edge on the sides, and on either side of the suture is a long and prominent ridge. The long legs are flattened, especially the thighs of the hind legs. Each elytron has a curved and very sharp spike on the shoulder, so that the Beetle has a sufficiently formidable aspect. The jaws are flat, powerful, strongly curved, and each is armed near the tip with a double tooth. Their colour is black, and the surface is finely granulated. Most of the Prionidffi are dull-coloured, but there are one or two exceptions. Such, for example, is Psalidognaihus Friendii, a native of Columbia. This insect is exceedingly variable. Some are brown, others blue, and others deep purple, while many specimens exhibit both colours. They also differ in size, some being one-third less than others, while some of them have their elytra shaped differently from those of their relatives. When the Prionus larva is full fed, it encloses itself in a cocoon made of little strips of the timber in which it has lived ; and, after the manner of all tunnelling insects, it always under- goes its transformation close to the bark of the tree, so that when it assumes its perfect shape, it may find its way out of the tunnel with as little difficulty as possible. For the perfect Beetle is much wider than the larva, and not so flexible, so that, in spite of the very powerful jaws with which it is armed, it would not be able to force its way through the narrow channel which it had formerly occupied. The large species to which reference has been made is Prionus giganteus, a Brazilian Beetle. Its eggs are remarkable for their size, far exceeding in dimensions those of many humming-birds ; and indeed, but for their shape, which is much elongated and similar at both ends, they might well be taken for the eggs of a bird, and not of an insect. In order to place their eggs securely, the ovipositor of some of the species is provided with a curious apparatus much resembling two short spears set side by side, each spear-head being furnished with one or more knobs on the outside, apparently for the purpose of fixing the apparatus while the egg slides along it. The larva of one of the large exotic Prionidae is used for food, and in all probability many such larvae are edible, though they do not particularly suit our own ideas of delicacies. THE PYRODES. 235 The family of the Pyrodides is entirely American, and a veiy Deautiful family it is, many of the insects being large, and most of them conspicuous in their colouring. They may be known by the sharp horn-like projections on the shoulder of the elytra. The present species, Fyrodes jpictus, is a native of Brazil, and is here represented of its natural size. The general colour of the Beetle is dark, blackish chocolate, diversified with certain mark- ings. The sides of the thorax are covered with long, almost hair like scales, of a yellow colour, and two lines of similar scales extend from the head over the thorax, meeting on the scutell\im. Fig. Ill — Pyrodes pictus. (Dark chocolate and yellow.) The deep chocolate brown surface of the elytra is profusely wrinkled and punctured, and is decorated with bold yellow marks, varying greatly in shape, size, and number in difi'erent individuals : generally there are three of those marks — a long, pear-shaped one near the base of the elytra, with its narrow end pointing towards the angular shoulder ; then a small oblong mark, and lastly a long, sharply bent stripe near the tip. In some specimens, however, the first and second of these marks 236 INSECTS ABROAD. are fused together into a single V-shaped stripe, while the third mark is rounded instead of angular. The spikes of the thorax, the first joint of the antennae^ and the thighs are black, while the rest of the antennse, and the long, slender tibise, are chestnut. Beneath, the thorax is black, with some stripes of yellow hair like that of the upper surface. The teeth are black, very powerful, and so bent downwards as to be invisible when the insect is viewed from above. I have already mentioned that many of these Beetles are exceedingly beautiful. The handsomest of them is Pyrodes marginatus. The head and thorax are rich gold-green, deeply wrinkled, and the latter being armed with sharp spikes. The elytra are of a deep purple, glossed with warm copper, and each elytron is completely surrounded by a very narrow stripe of shining gold. It is not quite so large as the species which is figured. Then we have Pyrodes Smithianus, an exceedingly variable insect, some being blue, glossed with crimson ; while others are wholly olive green, some wholly copper, and others have the centre of the elytra green, and their edges, together with tho thorax, metallic copper. Another species, Pyrodes pulcherrimus, is rich shining blue, with a single broad golden band across the elytra ; and yet another, Pyrodes columhinus, deep shining blue. The sub-family of the Torneutides form a group of long-bodied, narrow, flattish Beetles, none of them common, and most of the species being very rare. They all belong to the hotter parts of South America. The name Torneutides is Greek, and signifies anything that has been turned on a lathe. It is given to this group of insects because their bodies are so smooth and regular that they look very much as if they might have been formed on a lathe. In the genus to which our example, Phcenicocerus Dejeanii, belongs, the chief characteristic lies in the antennae of the males, which are very much like those of the Oxynopterus, which has been already described on page 158. The generic n'^me Phcenicocerus signifies " a conspicuous horn," and has been given to these Beetles in recognition of the extraordinary antennae. As is often the case where the structure of the antennsa is in any way remarkable, the male sex alone possesses it, the THE TOKNEUTIDES. 237 antennae of the female being quite plain and simple. In conse- quence of this dissimilarity, the two sexes have such a different aspect that they have been called by separate names, being thought to belong to two distinct species. Even the appearance of the surface differs in the two sexes, that of the female being more boldly punctured than in the opposite sex. The colour of our present species is black, but the whole upper surface is covered with yellow hair-like scales sprinkled rather sparingly on the thorax, but set so thickly upon the elytra that their real colour is not to be seen except in places where Pig. 112. — Phoenicoeerus Dejeanii. (Black, covered with yellow down.) they have been rubbed off by ill-usage. The whole of the sur- face is very deeply punctured, so deeply, indeed, that even through the covering of scales the punctures are plainly visible. The tips of the elytra are boldly scooped. If the antennjB be carefully examined, it will be seen that each of the joints, except that at the base, is furnished with a long, narrow, flattened appendage, so that there are ten of these curious objects on each of the antennae. This insect, although perhaps, on the whole, the best example of the Torneutides, is not the largest. This is Torneutes palli- dicornis, a native of Uruguay, the head and thorax of which are 238 INSECTS ABEOAD. without scales, so that they show themselves in their original shining blackness, while the elytra are so thickly covered with the scales that not a particle of the black can be seen. A STAKTLINGLY strange group of Beetles now comes before us, namely, the Hesthecidse, all Australasian insects. When these Beetles are first seen, it is almost impossible to believe that they belong to the Longicorns, being to all appearance neither more nor less than Brachelytra. Indeed, some of 'them are not only unlike the Longicorns, but by non-entomologists would scarcely be taken for Beetles at all, as they imitate with wondrous fidelity the forms and colours of sundry hornets and other members of the w^asp tribe. In all of them the head is sunk as far as the eyes into the thorax, and the elytra are quite as short as those of any of the Fig. 113. — Hesthesis ferrugineus. (Yellow, with black baud. ) Kove Beetles ; but whereas in those insects the wings are care- fully packed up under the elytra, so as to be quite invisible when they are folded, in the Hesthecides they are as exposed as those of a wasp or bee, except just at the base, where they are par- tially covered by the small elytra. It is worthy of notice that the left wing is always crossed over the right. Our first example of these Beetles is the largest, handsomest, and most brightly coloured of the whole group, and is called Resthesis ferrugineus. The latter of these terms signifies " iron rust," and is given to the Beetle in allusion to the reddish yellow down with which nearly the entire upper surface is decorated. AVASP BEETLES. 239 Wlietlier with wings spread or closed, this Beetle bears a most singular resemblance to a very large hornet. The thorax is bright yellow, and when examined by the aid of a magnifier, the colour is seen to be produced by a quantity of hair-like scales which look very mueli as if they had been twisted into loose ropes, coiled backwards and forwards on the insect, and then pressed flat. The centre of the thorax is always darker than the sides, and in some specimens has well-defined edges like the ace of diamonds turned black. The elytra are covered with similar scales, of a dark chestnut colour, and the greater part of the abdomen is of the same bright hue as the thorax. There is, however, a broad jetty-black belt across the middle of the abdomen, and several black spots on its sides, which are fltittened and turned up, so as to form a sort of flat ojjen box in which the wings can lie. The part of the abdomen which lies under the elytra is also black. The ample wings are shining yellow, and much resemble, both in colour and outline, the wings of a hornet united and spread for flight. Like many Longicorn Beetles, this is an exceedingly variable insect both in size and colour, some specimens being barely one- fourth as large as that from which the description was taken ; while some, instead of bright yellow scales, are clothed in a suit of dull brown. There are several species of this genus, the most remarkable of which is Hesthesis cingulatus, which is almost startlingly like one of our common sand-wasps, being black, with two yellow bars across the abdomen, which is narrowed at the base, then swells out boldly, and then tapers rapidly to a point exactly like that of the sand-wasp. Indeed, anyone not practically acquainted with entomology might be excused for thinking that it was armed with a sting. With regard to the name of these insects, I accept it because it is given by Lacordaire, whose arrangement is employed in the British Museum. But I only accept it under protest. Had the name of the group been given as Usfhesides, and that of tlie genus as Esthesis, it would have been perfectly correct. Esthesis is a Greek word signifying '' clothing," and referring to the dense coat of hair-like scales with which the body is clothed. But there is no aspirate, and the " c " in the middle of the word ought to be " s," as any of my readers may see by reference to a Greek lexicon. 240 INSECTS ABROAD. There is a family of Longicorn Beetles in which a portion of the antennae is covered with prickles, and which are therefore called Batoceridse, i.e. thorny-horned Beetles. On Plate IV, Fig. 2, is shown one of these insects, Batocera Gdehiana, which, as its name implies, inhabits the Celebes. Being a large species, it shows well the characteristic spikes with which the very long second joint of the antennae is armed. The usual spikes at the sides of the thorax are well developed, and there is a short sharp spike on each of the shoulders of the elytra. The general colour of this Beetle is black, but parts of it are covered with a secondary coating of white or red, arranged as may be seen by reference to the plate. On the upper part of the thorax are two large patches of a rust-red, looking indeed very much like splashes of actual rust. The surface of the elytra is covered with rounded tubercles of various sizes, the tubercles themselves being shining black, and the space between them filled with yellow down. On each of the elytra are four white spots. One large irregularlys-haped spot is on the middle of each elytron, sometimes being nearly oval, and sometimes having a sort of curved tail like a comma. Above it is a small circular spot, below it a similar spot, and near the tip of the elytra another, but much smaller mark. AH these marks look, when examined with a low magnifying power, as if they were made of plaster of Paris spread thinly on the surface, and are full of tiny cracks just like those of the plaster when it has been exposed to moisture. When a tolerably high power is brought to bear on these red and white spots, they are seen to be formed by a number of oblong scales laid as regularly as the tiles of a house, instead of being flung loosely over the surface like the hair-like scales of the under parts of the body. Beneath, the insect is black, thickly sprinkled with yellow down, and on each side of the thorax, just below the elytra, is a broad white stripe, very clearly defined and with jagged edges. Among the many species of this genus we may mention Batocera Icena of the Arii Islands. This is a very much larger Beetle than the preceding, and much blacker. The antennae are remarkable for having the spikes on every joint except the two last, which are very slender and delicate. The whole of the surface of the elytra is covered with tubercles. One of the most variable species is Batocera Thomsonii of A VARIABLE BKETLE. 241 Java. Not only does it vary much in size, some specimens being barely half as large as others, but it has an extraordinary scope of variety in the markings of the elytra. The general colour is brown. Some specimens have only two large white spots, which are placed in the centre of the elytra ; otliers have twelve spots ; while in some, the spots, instead of being white are rust-red, like those of the first-mentioned species. Batoccra lineolata is covered with grey down and white spots, also variable in form, size, and number. But in all the species, however much they may differ from each other, the broad, jagged white stripe along the sides of the thorax is present and is equally conspicuous. We now come to the group called Callichromides. This is a very appropriate name, as it signifies beautiful colours, and most of the insects which belong to the group are remarkable for the splendour of their hues. It is a very large group, comprising I'lu. 114. — PhyUocnema yhyllopus. (Deep velvet-purple.) some twenty-nine or thirty species, of which only one is known to inhabit Europe. This is Aromia, to which our familiar Musk Beetle belongs — the only British species of this splendid group, but one which very efficiently represents it, not only in the splendour of its coloui'ing, but in its size and the fragrant odour which it diffuses. The insect which has been selected as a representative of this li 242 INSECTS ABROAD. group is one which is well worthy of description. It is a native of Brazil. When viewed by a dull light, or when merely seen from above, it looks as if it were dull, dead black. It seems as if it must have crawled down the chimney before it could have attained such a depth of blackness, compared with which the blackest velvet seems quite brilliant. But let a gleam of sunshine touch its surface, and the insect is at once transformed. Instead of being the dull, sober Beetle that it appeared only a moment ago, it is clothed in robes of imperial purple, so rich, so deep, so piercing, that the eye can scarcely endure its splendour. It is an insect that absolutely fascinates the observer, and one is never tired of shifting it to and fro in the sunbeams, in order to watch the wonderful play of colour over its surface. As if to add to its beauty, the elytra are furnished with several broad ridges, elevated very slightly above the rest of the surface. The effect of this structure is, that when the rest of the elytron is deep, velvety purple, the ridges are of the most dazzling azure, shifting in their turn to purple when the insect is moved so as to throw the light into the furrows -between the ridges, and to develop the azure splendour of their clothing. It looks, if we may use such a simile, as if stripes of blue satin had been sewn on purple velvet. Add to this, that the wings themselves are deep, shining green, like those of our demoiselle dragon-flies, and the reader may form some very faint idea of the beauties which lie hidden in this insect until revealed by the light. The form of this Beetle is as remarkable as its colour. The head and thorax are small, the latter being boldly spiked at either side. The legs are all rather slender, and moderately long, but the hind pair are much elongated, and the tibia are developed into large flat blades, much resembling in form the head of a racket, having one side much rounded and the other comparatively straight. The similitude is increased by a thickened edge which runs round the flattened portion, like the frame of a racket. Like the elytra, the legs are purple, and have a satiny surface, which is shown by the microscope to be due to a dense clothing of very fine purple down. The name of the insect is Phyllocncma 'phyllopus. Both words have a similar meaning; the former signifying "leaf-legged," and the latter "leaf-footed." I=X.7V.TE IV »v;:i^ THE HAiiLEQUIN BEETLE. 243 This is not the only insect of the genus which possesses the tlattened tibiie. One in particular, Fhylloaiema mirijica, has them so large that each of the flattened portions would nearly cover the entire body of the insect. Indeed, they are so enormous in proportion to the size of the insect, that it is im- possible to avoid a feeling of wonder at their use, and of surprise that the Beetle can walk at all with such apparently unwieldy limbs. One of the most striking examples of the Longicorn Beetles is the Harlequin Beetle (Acroci/ius longimanas), which is given on Plate IV., Fig. 1, It belongs to the group Acrocinides. Its colours are black, red, and yellow, disposed in a very singular manner, so that they really do bear some resemblance to the corresponding colours in the tightly-fitting dress of a stage harlequin. The ground colour is black, of a velvety texture, warmed by the very short but very dense down wdth which its surface is covered. Upon the whole of the upper surface, head, thorax, and elytra included, is drawn a complicated pattern which is not easily described, but which can be understood by reference to the illustration. The long antennae are black, and so are the legs, with the exception of a broad scarlet band round the end of each of the thighs. All the legs are long, but the first pair is enormously developed, covered with very small teeth, and having ten long spines, one at the base of the thighs and the others at the end of the tibiae, which are so boldly curved n^ar tlieir extremities as to look like hooks. These very long legs are employed in traversing the branches of the trees among whicli the insect lives, and those who have seen the Beetle in motion say that its movements, though slow, can almost be called graceful as it swings itself from bougli to bough. Indeed, these long fore-limbs very strongly remind the observer of the fore-limbs of the Spider Monkeys which inhabit the same spots as the Harlequin Beetle. On the ground, the inordinate length of limb seems to be very much in the Beetle's way, and accordingly it crawls in a sluggish manner, and, like the sloth on level ground, drags itself along rather than walks. K 2 244 INSECTS ABROAD. The Harlequin Beetle is extremely fond of the juice which is secreted by the Bagasse tree {Bagassa Guianensis). This juice is white, thick, and, when newly taken from the tree, gives out a strong and penetrating odour, which the Beetles perceive at a considerable distance. The collectors take advan- tage of this predilection, and, when they go in search of the Harlequin Beetle, they attract it by wounding a Bagasse tree and allowing the sap to flow freely. Negroes, when employed in collecting, are apt, with the usual improvidence of their race, to cut down the trees so as to secure a greater number of Beetles at the time. In consequence of the fondness of the insect for this juice, it is popularly called Mouclie Bagasse. The Beetle can fly pretty well, and, like most of its kin, takes to the air in the evening, remaining quiet during the day. The long fore-legs appear to incommode the Harlequin Beetle when flying, for it seems to have but little power of directing its course, and is apt to blunder against any object that may happen to be in the way. When it does so, like our own Stag Beetle, it fall& to the ground at once. It has rather a noisy, rustling flight, and,. when walking, it makes a sort of creaking sound which betrays it to anyone who knows its customs. It is an extremely variable insect, both in size and colour. The variation in the latter, however, is often due to the effect of light, the bright scarlet and yellow fading into dull red and dusky ochre if the insect has been kept for any length of time in a case which is exposed to light. Those specimens which are obtained near the coast are said to be much more brilliant than those which are found inland. These are not uncommon insects, and as they are exceedingly handsome and imposing, and look well in show-cases, the negroes who choose to hunt after them can be sure of earning money by capturing them and selling them to the professional collectors, who are always ready to buy up any insects which are likely to have a sale in Europe. The wood-boring habits of this splendid Beetle are well shown by a specimen in the British Museum. It was fortunately secured before it had escaped from the piece of timber in which it had vmdergone its change into the perfect state, and there lies, with its long legs packed up in a most wonderful manner, so as to take up a space wliich is very small in proportion to the size of the insect and the length of its limbs. . BORJK BEETLES. 'Zi'6 There is a group of Longiconies whose exact place in the system is very doubtful. They form a M'ell-marked group, and can be at once distinguished by the peculiarity from which they derive their name. Tlie term Phrissomides is formed from two Greek Avords signifying '" spiked body," and is applied to these insects because not only the thorax but the whole of the upper surface is thickly covered with sharp spikes. The Phrissomides are natives of Southern Africa. The present species, Phrissoma horridum, is the most con- spicuous of the group. Beside the usual spikes on the sides of the thorax, there are two others on the upper surface, so that their points radiate much like those of a dog's spiked collar Un each of the elytra there are three parallel rows of similai but shorter spikes, their bases set closely together ; so that when Fig. 115. — Plu-issoma honiduin. (Blackish brown.) the insect is viewed sideways, the spikes look just like the teeth of three saws. Between them the surface is studded with a vast number of smaller spikes, or rather tubercles, their tips being blunt instead of pointed. In fact, the insect appears to be all spikes, and to be a very unpleasant one to handle. The colour of these projections is shining black at the tip, becoming dull, however, at the base. All of my readers who have paid any attention to British entomology must be familiar with the Wasp Beetle (Clytus arietis), our best-known example of the Glytides, which is so common in the hedgerows, its black body with its yellow base giving it a very wasp-like air as it slips in and out of the foliage. Neither this Beetle nor any of its relatives does much harm iu *246 INSECTS ABROAD. • this coTintry, the larva merely boring into old posts, rails, and other dead timber. But in those parts of the world where coffee is grown, one of the Wasp Beetles becomes an absolute plague, under the name of " The Borer." The female gnaws a small hole into the tree, very much like the perforation of a gimlet, and there places her eggs. As soon as they are hatched, the larvae begin to eat their w^ay through the tree, and often drive so many tunnels, upwards and downwards, that the tree dies. Mr. A. E. W. Lascelles, managing director of the Moyan Coffee Company, makes the following remarks in a little work on coffee-plantations : — "The part of the tree above their entrance generally gives at once unmistakable indications of their presence ; and if these are noticed, and the tree cut off at the place where the perforation is seen, the grub will be found inside and the lower portion of the tree be saved, and ultimately send out a sucker to supply the place of the lost stem. But it frequently occurs that large trees with heavy crops on them fall victims to this pest, and then it becomes necessary to root up the old tree and plant a fresh seedling in its place. " The Beetles may be observed flying about in numbers in the evenings after rain in March, April, and May ; and if bright fires of weeds, grass, &c. are lighted on tlie various roads and other vacant places on the estates, they will be attracted by the blaze and light, and fly into the fires. This method has been found very efficacious, and is neither expensive nor difficult of execution. " It may be remembered that the Borer is most abundant in rather dry localities, and is not so troublesome in virgin forest land as in what has been already described as ' bamboo ' land." Tills " bamboo " land, which is so favourable to the Borer, is described as gentle undulating slopes, sparsely covered with large trees and bamboo thickets ; the soil being heavy, deep, hard, and full of weeds. When properly cleared, this land suits the coffee tree admirably, but unfortunately it suits the destroyer as well as the tree. The Sternacanthides are here represented by one species • namely, Lojphonocerus larbicornis. The name Sternacanthides is Greek, signifying " thorny-breast," and, as the reader will see THOHXY-BKKAST BEETLES. 247 hy reference to the illustration, it is a very appropriate title. They have si.x spines on the thorax — namely, four long spines and two shorter — besides two small but bold spines on the collar. They are all natives of South America. The fine insect which is here represented is an excellent example of the group. In colour it is wholly black and orange, the two hues being arranged so as to form a bold pattern, as seen in the illustration. This pattern is rendered the bolder from the fact that the orange portions are raised and slightly rounded, while the black parts are depressed. The spines upon ilie thorax are shining black. Though the vivid colours and well-defined marks of the elytra render the insect a very conspicuous one, they fade into Kio. 11(5— Lopliouocerus baibicorni;. (Black and orange.) comparative insignificance before the extraordinary anteniuTe. The first four joints of these appendages are covered with thick long hairs, pointing slightly forward, but radiating equally on every side like the bristles of a bottle brush. They are black at their bases and orange at their tips, so that they carry out the colours of the elytra. The remaining joints are very slender and of a pale yellow. Both scientific names of this insect refer to the antennie. The generic name Lophonocerus is formed from two Greek words signifying "plume-horned," and the Latin word harhicornis signifies " bearded horn." There are very many species of the Sternacanthidae, of which the present is certainly the best example. 248 INSECTS ABROAD. The extraordinary little Beetle which is represented below belongs to the group called Ehopelophorides. This word signifies "club-bearer," and is given to the Beetles on account of the club-like appearance which is given to the antennae by a single large tuft of hair with which they are adorned. They are mostly Australasian, and are small insects, our present example being the largest, and one or two very tiny creatures. The word Cosmisoma signifies an adorned or decorated body, and is probably given to these insects on account of the beautiful colour of the body. The hue of the Cosmisoma scopipes is either blue or green, the insect being exceeding variable in this respect, and the surface is covered with rather bold punctures. The antennas are very long and slender, and the fourth joint is furnished towards the end with a large round tuft of long black Fig. 117. — Cosmisoma scopipes. (Blue-green, with black hair tufts.) hairs. The hind legs are equally remarkable. They are chestnut in colour, very long in proportion to the size of the insect, and the end of the thighs is much enlarged. The tibiae are slender, boldly curved, and from their outer edges radiates a fiat brush of black hairs similar to those upon the antennae. Another species of the same genus, Cosviisoma ochraceum, is very similar to this insect, except that it is smaller and has the hair-tufts yellow. There are many otlier allied insects which bear tufts on the antennae. The most remarkable of them is called Disaulax hirsuticornis, whose peculiar structure is implied by the specific name, which signifies " hairy horns." In this insect there are no tufts on the legs, but the first four joints of the antennae are wholly covered witli long black hair, which radiates equally round them, so that they appear cylindrical rather than conical, as is the case with the I-ophonocerus. VAItlAHLE ANTKXX.K. 240 The Sternotomides are represunted by the Beetle called Zoyraphiis oculator. The name of this group is formed from two Greek words signifying cut, or truncated, thorax, and is given to the insects because the thorax is wide and short, as if it had been abruptly cut off, or like a draughtsman set on its edge. They are all natives of Africa. The projections at the sides of the thorax, instead of being sharp spines, are large thick tubercles, rounded at the tip. The present species is a really handsome insect. Its colour is black, and across the head and thorax are drawn some very narrow yellow lines, their edges as clearly defined as if they Fig. lis. — Zographus oculatov. (Black, with yellow marks.) were done with a pen and ink. The elytra are covered with tiny Avrinkles, and are marked with bold ridges, boldly armed at the shoulder and running nearly parallel with the suture. Upon each of the elytra are four large yellow marks, deepening into chocolate in the centre. The name Zograjjhus, which signifies anything that is painted from life, is given to the insects on account of the lines and spots wherewith they are adorned. The specific name oculator, which is formed from the Latin word oculus, an eye, refers to the eye-like form of the marks on the ■elytra. The antennae of this insect are extremely variable in different individuals, being in some specimens fully one- third longer than 250 INSECTS ABROAD. in others. They are exceedingly beautiful, even if viewed with the naked eye, and much more so when the magnifying glass is brought to bear upon tliem. Their colour is a soft blue grey, with a sort of a chalky look about the surface. This effect, when the antennce are examined witli a mici"Oscope, is seen to be pro- duced by the grey scales with which the entire organ is covered. As if in order to break the uniformity of the antennae, the end of each joint is jetty black. There are many species of this group, and many of them are beautifully coloured. Among the more conspicuous insects we may note Sternotomus Bohemanna, a Beetle of a shining green colour, covered with a multitude of chocolate spots and stripes. Sfernotomvs hifasciata is chocolate, with blue bands on its head, thorax, and elytra. Sternotomus mirabilis is black, with green stripes and spots ; and Sternotomus regalis is black, with multi- tudinous green and chocolate marks. Its antenii?e are peculiarly long and slender. Another African group of Beetles, the Tragocephalides, now comes before us. This word is Greek, and signifies " goat- headed." There are very many species belonging to this group, all of which are remarkable for the velvet-black of their surface, upon Fig. 119.— Tragocephalus variegulus,. (Velvet-black and orange.) ^vhich are markings of sundry other hues. Our first examjale. Tragocephalus variegatus, has more of the lighter blue t.han the darker colour, and is bright orange. Two bold, black velvety .V NEW ARU BEETLE. 251 stripes run along the upper surface of the thorax, and the spines on eitlier side are also black. Upon the elytra are three bold, black marks, winch are much too complicated for description, out which can be understood by reference to the illustration. Some of the more remarkable insects of this genus are Trago- ccphalus pulchclla, which is black, with marks of vivid green and golden yellow ; Tvagocciilialusgcm maria, fully deserving its name, its velvet-black surface being studded with little azure spots, just like jewels ; Tragocephahtsphospliorus, which is vivid yellow, with a black heart-shaped mark on the elytra; and lastly, Tragoccphalus iiohilis, which is velvet-black, with a golden yellow baud round the thorax, and three belts of a similar colour across the elytra. The name Tmesisternides, by which the next group of Longi- corn Beetles is distinguished, signifies " cut-thorax," and is given to them because the thorax is narrow behind, broadening rapidly to the front, where it is suddenly truncated, as if a portion had been cut away. They have a large range of country, being found spread over the whole of Australasia and Polynesia. The present species, Fig. 1:;0. — IchthyosDina mirabilis. (Blue or green, with white marks ) Ichthyosoma mirabilis, conies from the Aru Islands, and is quite new to science, having only lately been discovered. It is the largest of the whole genus, and is a very conspicuous insect, the colours being very brilliant and boldly contrasted. The colourinc of the insect is as follows : — 252 INSECTS ABROAD. The upper surface of the head, thorax, and abdomen is shining l)lue or green, some individuals being of one tint and some of the other. Three bands of pure white are drawn across each of the elytra, two of the bands being continuous, and the last, which is close to the tip, being broken up into several small rounded portions. The legs are rather curiously coloured. The whole of the thigh and about one-quarter of the length of the tibite are deep shining blue, while the rest of the tibiae is yellow. The tarsus is of the same hue as the thigh. The antennae are entirely blue. The generic name Ichthyosoma is formed from two Greek words, and signifies " fish-bodied." I cannot, however, see any particular appropria-teness in the term, as this insect bears no more resemblance to a fish than do the other Longicornes which have already been described- CHAPTEK XVII. PHYTOPUAGA, OR PLANT-EATERS. There has been, and still is, some difficulty in the aiTangeraent of the Beetles which come next in order. As, however, this is not intended for a work on systematic entomology, there is no need for entering into any such controversies. As may be in- ferred from their title, these insects feed upon plants, and are mostly found on the leaves. The first group of these insects, the Sagrides, are almost en- tirely exotic, being represented in England only by four small inconspicuous Beetles belonging to the genus Orsodacna. Many of the exotic Sagrides are, however, exceedingly beautiful in their colours, though few of them run to any great size. They form a portion of the large family Crioceridae, of which our well-known Asparagus Beetle {Crioceris asparagi) is a familiar example. Other British examples of this family are the lovely Donacia Beetles which stud the leaves of water-flowers like living gems. The Sagrides are nearly allied to the Donacias, though the splendid colouring of the former only belongs to the exotic species. The species which is shown in the illustration on the next page, Sagra Buquetii, is at once the largest and most splendid of tlie genus. It is found in Java. In all the species belonging to the genus, the hind legs are greatly developed, and in this species they are absolutely enor- mous when compared with the body of the insect. The thighs are thick, powerful, boldly curved, and armed with a series of teeth on the inner surface. The tibise are correspondingly powerful, and continue the curve of the thighs near their tip ; the inner surface is clothed wdth rather long and thick hair, of a shining golden yellow. The tarsus is so small as to 254 INSECTS ABUOAD. appear absolutely useless. The other legs are rather small than otherwise. The colour of this Beetle is singularly beautiful.- In the first place the elytra are rich shining green, with the exception of a tiery copper-red stripe in the middle, which is wide at the base and narrows gradually to the tip. The whole surface is thickly "■ranulated. A decided golden gloss tinges both the green and the red, the golden gloss shifting with every change of light. The head and thorax are also green, and so are the legs, the surface of which is grnuulated like that of the elytra, but not so deeply. Fig. 121. — Sagra Buquetii. (Green and coppery red.) This is an exceedingly variable insect, especially in point of size, some not being one-fourth as large as that which has been figured. The Sagrides have a very wide geographical range, being found in Australasia, Java, and India. Their colours are exceedingly various, though green of some kind is generally the predominant hue. The present species, for example, is mostly green, and Sagra dvrysochlora is entirely golden-green. Sagra empurca, however, is almost entirely blue ; and Sagra nigrita, a small Cingalese species, is dull black. Now come a vast number of Beetles, with outlines more or less circular. For this reason they have been named Cyclica, this being a Greek word signifying " a circle." Xone of them are of any great size, the largest barely reaching an inch in length, and on an average being seldom more than one-third of ANT-BEETLES. 256 thai leDgth. In beauty of colour, however, they compensate for their small size, for there is scarcely a colour of the rainbow which is not represented in some of tlie Cyclica. This beauty is not attained by the iridescent hairs with M-hich many Beetles are clothed, but is due to the surface of tlie body itself. The family of the Clythridse is represented in England by only three little species, which are very seldom found, on account of the locality in which they live. They inhabit ants' nests, and their larvae contrive to make moveable cases of a tough and leathery nature, in which they conceal the greater part of their bodies. Only the head, thorax, and legs project from the narrow- end of the case, the rest of the body being concealed within it. Whether this covering be intended for a protection against the stings of the ants is a very doubtful point. That it should be supposed to serve such a purpose is natural enough, especially as it would form an effectual protection against the attacks of ants or even stronger enemies than they are. But we must remember that in most instances where Beetles are parasitic upon ants, both parties seem to live in jjerfect amity ; and, indeed, in one case, if the nest be broken open, the ants take as much care of the Beetles as of their own off- spring. A somewhat similar case is formed by Beetles belonging to the genus Poropleura, which will presently be described. Our example of this family is a very n;^-- pretty Brazilian Beetle belonging to the genus Themesia, of which there is only one species in the British Museum. The front of the thorax is bright blue, shining and punctated, and the elytra are of the same hue, the latter being sometimes green or even copper. The middle of the thorax is covered with abundant golden yellow hair, not set regularly, as is generally the case with insect hair, but laid in tufts, very like moss pressed flat. The under surface is clothed with similar hau's. I have no doubt that the specific name aurkapilla, which is Fig. 122. — Themesia aurisapilUi. (Blue and yellow ) 256 INSECTS ABllOAD. absolutely meaningless, is wrongly spelled. Had it been auri- capilla, it would have signified " golden-haired," and would have had a direct reference to this yellow down. But as the name is spelled aurisapilla in the printed catalogues, it must perforce be retained. Next to the Clythidaj come the Cryptocephalidse. This rsthei long name is formed from two Greek words signifying " hidden- head," and is given to the insects because their small heads are almost entirely sunk in the thorax, so that when viewed from above they look, but for the antennae, as if they had no head at all. The elytra do not quite cover the end of the body, and the entire form is thick, cylindrical, and looks as if it had been abruptly truncated in front. We have in England only one genus, Cryptocephalus, of wliich about eighteen species are known. They are bright little insects, and may be found on fine summer days basking in the blaze of the hottest sunbeams. Their larvae inhabit odd moveable cases, which are formed, like the covering of the Cricoeridse, from the excrement. Several of the species have been lately discovered, and it is believed that others yet remain for discovery. Indeed, every collector, when he visits a new locality, especially to the North of England or Scotland, is sure to keep a careful watch on the foliage, in hopes of detecting some species of Cryptocephalus at present unknown. And as they are small Beetles, and apt to be exceedingly variable, it is - likely that there may be in cabinets more than one species which has not been inserted in any catalogue. Fig. i23.-Poropieura monstrosa. In Order to show morc clcarly the extraordinary form of the insect which has been selected as an example of this family' it has been found necessary to magnify it, the length of an ordinary specimen being about half an inch. This is a most diflacult insect to describe. Its colour is a rich, shining violet, with a metallic glitter like that of foil. The whole surface is knobbed, and creased, and wrinkled, and channelled, and " GOCDEN APPLES." 257 punctured full of holes, so that it really looks as if a piece of violet foil had been loosely rolled between the hands, and then pinched into the rough semblance of a beetle. The generic name Poropleura, which signifies " channelled-side," refers to this extraordinary formation. In order to bring out all its peculiar beauty, the insect must be taken into a strong light, examined through a lens, and turned in every direction, so as to allow the light to reveal the multitudinous knobs and grooves and pits with which the surface is covered. To judge by the long series of specimens in the British Museum, there is but little variation, either in size or colour. Another species, Poropleura cliimoera, is about the same size and formed in much the same manner, but is green instead of blue ; while Poropleura hacca, a smaller insect, looks as if made of crimson foil, the edge of each fold and the top of each pro- jection being vivid green. Poropleura cuprea looks, as its name implies, as if it were made of copper foil. All the insects are natives of Brazil. It has been mentioned that the larvae of the Cryptocephalidae inhabit moveable cases. In the British Museum are two of the cases made by the larvae of Poropleura. They are conical and curved, looking like very thick and blunt cows' horns, being hollow at the larger end. Their texture is almost exactly like that of very fine sponge, and the colour is either yellow or brown. The splendid family of the Chrysomelides thoroughly deserves its name. The word signifies "golden apples," and is given to the insects on account of their rounded, smooth, and polished bodies, which are often decorated with golden green, crimson, blue, and in fact almost every combination of colouring. None of the species are large, by far the largest of our British Chry- somelides being tho well-known Bloody-nose Beetle {Timarcha tenebricosa) , whose round, indigo bodies are so familar to all who live in the country. They have a very wide geographical range, and, indeed, wherever the climate permits insects to live at all, some of the Chrysomelides may generally be found. The fine insect which is shown in the illustration on the next page is a native of Brazil. Its name is Dorypliora icssellata, both of which words are very appropriate, both to the genus and the individual. The generic name Doryp)hora is Greek, and 258 INSECTS ABROAD. signifies " spear-bearing." It is given to the insects because the mesosternum, i.e. the central portion of the lower side of the thorax, is lengthened into a projecting spike of a spear-like form. The reader may perhaps remember that in the Dyticus a somewhat similar spike, only fork-headed, projects from the metasternum, or third portion of the thorax. The beautiful species which is here shown is a native of Brazil. Its ground colour is yellow, and across the elytra are drawn five rows of squared black or chestnut spots. The thorax, as is the case with nearly all the species, is plain, dark chestnut. Some of the species are worthy of notice for the way in which they are coloured. Doryphora duodecim-guttata, which is found in Para, is shining green, thickly punctated, and having six round yellow spots on each of the elytra. Dory- phora testudo, of Bolivia, has five similar marks and blue surface, the lowest being heai*t-shaped. Doryphora pura is pale Pig. 124. -Doryphora tesseuata. grceu. Borypliora ceueo-yuttata is gTeen, (Yellow, with black marks.) ^ud has a T-shaped mark upon the elytra, and a spot of the same colour on each shoulder. Doryphora irrvperialis, another Brazilian insect, is yellow, variegated with green or black spots. Perhaps the most beautiful of them all is the largest of the whole genus, and so called Doryphora princeps. The colours of this fine insect are so varied that it is not easily described. The head is yellow, with a deep-blue circular spot on either side The edges of the thorax are yellow, each having a similar blue spot. On the middle of the thorax is a yellow mark much resem- bling the ace of spades, and the rest of the thorax is deep shining blue, thickly punctated. On each of the upper inner angles of the elytra there is a large rounded yellow spot, a similar spot is at their tip, a yellow band is drawn across the middle, and the rest of the elytra is deep blue, crossed with many zigzag black lines. The beautiful insect which is represented in the illustration looks very tame in the plain black and white with which its shape, but not its splendid colour, is shown. In common with most of its genus, it is a native of Brazil. THE VINE BEETLE. 259 The colour of this splendid insect is not easily described, because it varies together with the direction of the light. The surface is always brilliantly metallic, but its exact hue seems to depend entirely on the light, so that it may be green, copper, gold, or blue. Tliei'e is always a narrow bright line along the Fig. 125 — Eumolpus fulgidus. (Metallic copper and green.) edges of the elytra. There are many species, some being deep indigo blue, some purple, and a few brown. An allied insect, which inhabits Southern Europe {JEumolpus vitis), is very destructive to the vine. It is very small, but exceedingly plentiful. The larva feeds upon the young leaves and twigs, just as they are shooting forth in the spring-time, so that the proper development of the foliage is prevented. But this is not the worst of its ravages ; for as soon as the grape- bunches are fairly formed, the insect fastens upon the stems, and gnaws them all round so as to prevent the flow of sap. In form it resembles Eumolpus fulgidus. The word Eumolpus has no reference either to the qualities or the appearance of the insect, being only a classical proper namcL There is a curious genus of Chrysomelides called Metacycla, from the shape of the insects which belong to it. The name comes from two Greek words signifying any object that is capable of being rolled about. The females of these insects have the head and thorax small, but the abdomen of enormous size, being capable of becoming almost globular. The present species is called Metacyda Sallei, and is a native of Mexico, The abdomen of the female is so large, round, black, and shining, that 260 mSECTS ABROAD. Fig. 126. — Metocycla Sallei. (Black, with violet elytra. ) it looks just like a ripe black currant. The elytra are violet in colour, thickly punctated, very short and rounded, and appear like mere useless excrescences on the back of the insect. The male Metacycla is quite different in shape, the body being quite twice as long as it is wide, and the elytra reaching to its end. There are several species of this genus, among which may be mentioned Metacycla turgida, which is yellow, and has the elytra decorated with six large black spots. Also there are several allied genera, such as Meta- lej)ta and Rupilia. Some of these insects might easily be mistaken for Eove Beetles, their bodies being long and their elytra very short. One of the most notable of them is Rupilia ruficollis, a native of New South Wales. It derives its name of ruficollis, or " red neck," from the bright ruddy chest- nut of its thorax, which hue extends to its head. The elytra are blue in some specimens and green in others, and the abdomen is chestnut, like the thorax. We have in England two little Chrysomelidse which present exactly similar peculiarities. They belong to the genus Gastro- pliysa, i.e. " swollen-belly," and may generally be found in the common dock. The insect which is here repre- sented is an exceedingly variable one, especially in point of size, many specimens being so small as to look by the side of others like dwarfs be- side giants. It also varies in colour. The head and thorax are always shining yellow, but the elytra are sometimes green and sometimes black, though, as the name of the in- sect implies, they are mostly purple. This is a very large genus, containing some splendidly coloured Beetles. Aplosonyx hasalis, a species which inhabits Manilla, is curiously and boldly marked, the upper half of the elytra being shining jetty black, and the lower half yellow. Another species. Fig. 127. — Aplosonyx purpurasaeus. (Yellow and purple. ) THE TORTOISE BEETLES. 261 which has not yet been named, and which comes from Dorey, ia black, with a yellow belt ; while another, also unnamed, is yellow, with a large oval patch of black on the middle of the elytra, and a round spot on the shoulder. Some species, again, are yellow, with a blue band across the middle of the elytra. Amid all the variety of colouring, the reader will see that yellow is the hue whicli most prevails throughout the genus. The last family of these Beetles is called Cassidiidse. This name is taken from the Latin word Cassida, which signifies " an iron cap," and is given to the Beetles because their shape closely resembles that of the basin-like steel cap which has been in and out of fashion so often. Don Quixote's celebrated Helmet of Mambrino really did bear some resemblance to the peculiar head- covering called Cassida. We have but one genus of Cassidiidse in England, namely, the well-known Tortoise Beetles, all belonging to the single genus Cassida. These derive their popular name from the tortoise-like appearance of the body, the resemblance between the insect and the reptile being so close as to be at once apparent. Indeed, suppose that anyone who was w^holly ignorant of entomology were shown a number of insects and asked to pick out the Tortoise Beetles, he would do so without ever having seen a Cassida before. None of ovir species are remarkable for beauty, their colour being mostly a dull, pale green, which renders them almost in- visible when they are clinging, according to their custom, to the surface of some leaf. It is true that one or two species have golden stripes on their elytra, but this colour fades after death ■even more completely than the green, which, when the insect is perfectly dry, becomes brown or yellow, with scarcely a tinge of green in^t. The exotic Cassidas, however, are often so splendid and their colours so permanent, that several of the species, par- ticularly those from South America, are often set in gold and worn as jewels. The illustration on the next page gives a figure of a fine •Brazilian Tortoise Beetle, called Mesom2Jhalia illustris. The thorax is very flat and of a deep satiny green hue. It is covered with punctures, and on either side there is a rather deep depression. The elytra are curiously formed. They are rounded 262 INSECTS ABROAD. and dome-like in the middle, and very flat round the edges, so that the general shape is very much like that of the Helseus, which is figured on page 187. Their colour is deep green, and they are profusely punctated. On each elytron there are three rather large spots, exceedingly variable in shape and size. They always, however, occupy the same positions : one, which is more or less oval in shape, at the base, a rounded spot on the middle of the flattened edge, and another near the tip. These spots, contrary to the usual struc- ture of Beetles, are quite as brilliant on the under as on the upper surface of the elytra ; and if the elytra be opened and the insect held up to the light, the spots shine out like the red danger-lamp of a railway. The body of the insect is dark blackish green. In the British Museum there is a well-preserved specimen of the larva of this species, which admi- rably shows the very remarkable ^ characteristics of the Cassida larva- It is rather pear-shaped, with a boldly elevated back, and having the whole of the body surrounded Fig. 128. — Mesomphalia illustns. "^ (Green, with red spots.) by loug radiating filaments, just like the blazing rays with which the ancients decorated the head of Apollo when represented in his character of the Sun-god or Helios. The end of the body is turned upwards, an attitude which is natural to it, and for a very singular cause. It is now well known that leaf-feeding larvse live in reality upon the juices of the leaf, and that the only object in biting off and swallowing small pieces of the leaf is, that the digestive organs may extract the juices which the mandibles or jaws could not procure in sufficient quantity for the subsistence of the larvae. As for the pieces of leaf themselves, they pass through the digestive system almost unchanged, and, when ejected, can be easily unrolled by steeping them in warm water, just like tea- leaves. If they be then placed beneath a microscope, it is seen that they have scarcely undergone any perceptible change, and that even the delicate hairs which stud the surface remain in their places. With most leaf-eating larvse, the ejected portions LARVA OF THE TORTOISE BEETLE. 263 fall to the ground, but this is not the case with the larvae of the Tortoise Beetles and one or two other insects. Each portion as it is ejected is received upon a sort of forked appendage to the tail, which is turned over the body. It rapidly becomes dry^ and in its turn is pushed forwards by those that successively follow it. In this way a sort of cover or shield is formed, which completely covers the body, and so disguises its appeaiance that no one who was not acquainted with its appearance would recognise it. "When the cover becomes too heavy and unwieldy, it is thrown off, and another soon takes it place. There are many species of Mesomphalia, some of which are very curious insects. Such, for example, is Mesomphalia latevit- tata, in which the elytra look exactly as if they were made of the thinnest tortoiseshell, the flattened edge being black. Then there is Mesomphalia festiva, a lovely and most variable insect. The whole of the upper surface is covered with a beautiful net-like pattern, which is mostly green, but in some specimens is blue, in others copper, in others purple, and in some is composed of a mixture of these colours. Mesomphalia discoides is either green or black, but always has a row of large yellow spots across the middle of the elytra. And lastly, Mesomphalia dissecta is pale yellow, but has the elytra traversed by a few narrow red lines which divide them into eight portions, very much like the pieces of a dissected puzzle. The name Mesomphalia is Greek, and refers to the rounded shape of the centre of the elytra. It is formed from two words, one of which signifies " the middle," and the other " a boss " or rounded projection. The variety of form which is seen among insects is really endless, and, no matter how deep and practical may be the experience of an entomologist, he is perpetually discovering varieties of form where ho least expects them, and for which he cannot even conjecture the use. Such is the case with the singular genus of Tortoise Beetles, one of vt^hich is here shown. As a rule, the elytra of the Tortoise Beetles are quite smooth, but in these insects there is a most singular development of them. Close to the suture, and not very far from the base, each elytron is furnished with a single spike, which runs upwards quite perpendicularly. So upright are these spikes, and so closely 264 INSECTS ABROAD. are they set together, that if the insect be viewed from above, especially when seen through the glass of a cabinet drawer, they might easily escape observation in spite of their great develop- ment. When, however, the insect is viewed edgewise, the horn- like projections are exceedingly conspicuous, and show out as may be seen by reference to the illustration. There are several species of Bato- nota, all being Brazilian. The present insect is dark, almost black olive, and the surface is covered with deep punctures. The shape of the elytra is rather remarkable, as they run out on either shoulder into a sharp, elon- gated point, looking very much like the blade of an Indian dagger. The outline of the elytra is very graceful, forming a succession of bold curves, and very much resembling that of the well-known insects which are popularly called Bishops' Mitres, and which are so troublesome in orchards. The generic name Batonota is Greek, and literally signifies " thorn-back," so that it is a very appropriate one. Fig. 1-"J. — Batonota bidens. (Blackish olive.) There is a very remarkable genus of Tortoise Beetles, called by the appropriate name of Aspidomorpha, i.e. " shield-shaped," the particular kind of shield to which reference is made being circular and having a boss on the centre, like the target which was formerly used by the Highlanders. They are found in many parts of the world, as we shall presently see, and there are many species, the present example being at once the largest and most conspicuous in point of colouring. The sides of the elytra and of the thorax are flattened and widened, and are so delicately thin that they look just as if they were made of very pale yellow gelatine, such as is used for the ornamental cases in which hon- hons are enclosed. So translucent, indeed, are these flattened portions, that not only the legs Fig. 130. — Aspidonioi-pha Sancts Crucis. (Pale transparent yellow, with dark brown centre.) THE HISPA BEETLES. 265 of the Beetle, but even the antennae, which are very slight and slender, can be easily seen through them. The middle of the thorax and elytra is raised, somewhat like the same portions of the preceding insect, and is of a dark brown. Upon the shoulders of the elytra, and near their tip, are two rounded spots, which at first sight are of the same dark brown as the centre. If, how- ever, a strong side light be directed on them, they are seen to be of a shining metallic green, almost exactly like common green foil, and having almost the- same little crumples and wrinkles as the foil. There are very many species of this genus. The present ex- ample comes from India. There is another from New Guinea, and therefore named Aspidomorpha Novce-guineensis, which has the cross-like marks of a deep black, but not reaching each otlier in the middle of the elytra ; and Aspidomorpha mutata, of Sierra Leone, which is the palest and most glass-like of all the species, has a black Y-shaped mark instead of the usual cross. As is often the case with insects, some members of this group are so unlike their companions, that at first sight they appear to have no connection with each other. The Hispides afford a good example of this fact. They belong to the great family of the Cassidiidse, and yet their bodies, instead of being round and flattened, are oblong, and the head projecting from the thorax instead of being buried in it and hidden under it. Nearly all the Hispides are exotic, and there is not a single species which is acknowledged by modern entomologists as being truly British. Some of the species have the head prolonged into a horn, while others not only have the head horned, but the first joint of the antennae armed with a spine. The typical species of the Hispidse is Alurnus marginatus, a native of Brazil. This is one of the largest of the Phytophagus Beetles, and is indeed a very conspicuous insect, owing to the bold contrasts of its colours. The ground colour appears at first sight to be dark brown, but when illumined by a brilliant light, such as a sunbeam, it mani- fests itself in its true splendour. It then appears to be dark gxeen, glossed with purple ; and if examined with a tolerably powerful magnifying glass, the whole surface will be seen to be covered with wrinkles and punctures, each puncture seeming to 266 INSECTS ABROAD. have its own separate hue of sparkling carmine or ultramarine blue, so as to produce the beautiful colouring which has been mentioned. The sides of the thorax are mostly yellow, but sometimes red, and a band of the same colour runs completely round each of the elytra, and also across its middle, so as to form a sort of cross when they are closed. The thighs of all the legs are of the same hue as the edging of the elytra, except at their ends, which are nearly black, as are the tibise and tarsi. This is a most variable insect, some being scarcely half the size of others, and the coloured edging varying both in hue and dimen- sions. In some specimens the colour is bright king's yellow, in others it is vermilion, while in some the cross bar is wanting. All, however, possess the coloured edge of the thorax and elytra and the coloured legs. A remarkable instance of variation is found in another species of the same genus, Ahirnus tlioracicus. This insect is generally black, with a broad vermilion band across the middle of the elytra. There is, however, a well-selected series in the British Museum, in which the red band is progressively wider and wider, until, in one or two insects, it spreads over the whole of the elytra, leaving only a few little black dots scattered over the surface as an indication of its. normal hue. Fig. 131. — Alumus marginatus. CHAPTER XVII I. P S E U D O T R I M E R A. Another large section of Beetles comes next in order. This is called by the name of Pseudotrimera, or False Three-jointed lieetles, because the tarsi only appear to have three joints. In reality, however, they have four joints, but the third is very minute, and is hidden in the doubly lobed end of the second joint. The whole section is a very miscellaneous one, and receives a great number of Beetles which appear to have but slight relationship with each other. The first family, or rather group, of these insects is called Erotylidse, of which we have about five species in England, belonging to three genera. They have been also called by the appropriate name of Clavipalpi, or clubbed palpi, because those organs terminate in a large knob-shaped joint. The ends of the antennae are also clubbed and flattened. Our own species are all inhabitants of fungi, and can be obtained in the autumn by opening the various fungi that are found at that season of the year. The name Erotylides is Greek, signifying " little darlings," and has been fancifully given to the insects because they are not large and many of them are exceedingly beautiful. The antennae have the flattened club formed of three joints. The body of these insects is generally oval, and mostly raised in the middle. The surface is smooth and polished, and is almost invariably more or less covered with clearly defined marks, sometimes black, but often red and yellow. The first illustration on the next page represents a very con- spicuous example of this gTOup, called Encaustes verticalis. The name Uncaustes is Greek, signifying anything that is scorched or burned, as a hot iron burns wood, and is given to the insects on account of their rather peculiar colouring. The present species affords a good type of the genus. Its colour is yellow, in many 268 INSECTS ABROAD. specimens inclining to chestnut. The bold markings with which it is thickly covered are deep black, and the general effect is exactly that of lines traced on a board with a red-hot iron. The " poker-drawings " which were so much in vogue some twenty years ago, produced exactly the same rich tints as those of the Encaustes. Fig. 132. — Encaustes verticalis. (Yellow and black.) As is often found in boldly-marked insects, the Encaustes is exceedingly variable, the amount of the black markings being seldom precisely alike in any two specimens, while some speci- mens are very small indeed, and might be easily taken for dif- ferent species. This species belongs to Java. The remarkable Beetle which is here shown also belongs to Fro. 133.— Erotylns histrio. (Yellnw, hlar-k. .-iiifl red.) the Erotylides, and is a good instance of the typical genus. Both in shape and colour it differs so greatly from the preceding THE MOUNTEBANK BEETLE, 269 insect, that few persons who did not know them wouki think that they belonged to the same group. When viewed from above, the shape of the Beetle very much resembles the ace of diamonds, as it is sharp at either end and very broad in the middle. If viewed from the side, it is seen to be quite flat below and with its back forming a sort of hunch in the middle, and altogether slug-like in shape. The front of the flattened thorax is so scooped out as to project in a sort of crescentic horn on either side, and the hinder angles form a somewhat similar, though blunter, horn. As for describing precisely the colours of this insect, such a feat is all but impossible, inasmuch as the arrangement of the markings is exceedingly variable. Suffice it to say that the ground hue is yellow, and that upon it are drawn a vast number of bold and very complicated black marks, scattered in a pro- miscuous manner over the whole surface. The only point in which" all the specimens agree is, that a broad, jagged band of these black marks runs completely over the middle of the body, and there are three similar but shorter and narrower bands, one above and two below the central band. On each shoulder is a roundish red spot, and a similar spot is on the tips of the elytra. The name of histrio, or " mountebank," is given to this species in consequence of the jagged and irregular markinos bearing a fanciful resemblance to the many-coloured dress used by the race of mountebanks, which is nearly extinct in this country. The head and thorax are simply black, flat, and shining. Many species of Encaustes are known, all differing greatly from each other, but all possessing the characteristic jao-o-ed lines. Erotylus Guerenii, for example, is jetty-black, and is diversified with one broad yellow band and two red bands. Erotylus peregrinus has four narrow belts thus arranged : yellow, red, yellow, yellow. Another has one red and five yellow bands. Another is black, with five yellow bands, each tipped with scarlet, just at the outer edge of the elytra. Some are all ver- milion, with a few black bands, and the red has so spread itself as to oust the black as a ground colour ; and, on the other hand, one species is all black except one or two little yeUow and red spots, the only remains of the coloured bands. This genus can easily be distinguished by the shape of the 270 INSECTS ABROAD. maxillary palpi, i.e. those feelers wliich are attached to the maxillae, or inner jaws. In all the Erotylidae they are terminated by a large flattened joint, but in the typical genus this joint is boldy crescentic in its shape. That the exotic Erotylides are fungus-eaters like our British species, is evident from the observations made upon the larva of Erotylus surinamensis. The perfect insects are always to be found about boleti, and within these fungi the larvae are taken. They are rather large, white, flat-bodied grubs, with short, sharp, sturdy jaws supported on a black head, which can be withdrawn into a cavity in the front of the thorax. It is smooth, but on the first segment of the body there is a soft, fleshy tubercle, from which issues a pale, scented liquid, the object of which is quite unknown. Mr. Westwood, to whom I am indebted for the above account, gives, in his " Introduction to Entomology," a figure of the larva of an allied species, which in many respects is very much like that of our English Erotylidae, save that it is much larger. The exact position of the family of the Languriida?, and its relationship to the other families, are matters respecting which Fig. 134. — Fatua Weidraannii. (Yellow and black.) there has been much doubt. As, however, they are placed next to the Erotylidae in the British Museum, we will accept that arrangement. This species, Fatua Weidmannii, comes from China. The legs are very long, especially the first pair, which have the thighs much elongated and slightly bent, and the tibiae of moderate dimensions and rather boldly curved. The antennae are also long, and have little tufts of stiff hair at each joint. The colour of the head and thorax is yellowish and partly LADY-BIRDS. 271 translucent, so as to give them a liorny aspect. They are pro- fusely covered with punctures. The elytra are " puncto-striate," i.e. have parallel rows of punctures drawn along them from the base to the tip. In the specimen represented above, the colour is black, but there are several examples in the British Museum which are brown. In size, as well as in colour, this is an exceedingly variable insect, some specimens being so small that they hardly seem to belong to the same species. The family of the Coccinellidse is a very familiar one to us under the popular name of Lady-birds. The name of Coccinella is a diminutive of a Latinized Greek word, signifying " a round grain," or " kernel," and is given to these Beetles on account of the rounded shape of their bodies. They are very useful creatures, and in this country are beyond all price, their larvae feeding entirely upon the aphides, which occasionally do so much damage to the crops, and would do so much more, but for the Lady-birds. There is a great similarity between all the Coccinellidse, so that it is always easy to distinguish them from other Beetles. In consequence of this similarity I have only selected one exotic species as an example of them all. This is Synonycha grandis, an insect which is found in China and Japan. It is ex- ceedingly variable in colour, the ground hue being of any shade between yellow and brown. The marks upon it, which do not vary, are black. A North Indian species, Synonycha spilota, is red, with a large black cross-shaped mark and one or two black spots; and Synonycha diiodecim-punctata ^^^^^^_^^,^^^,,^^^ ^^^^^^ is yellow, with six large black spots on (Yeuow, with biack spots.) each elytron. These marks are so large that they occupy almost the entire surface, and leave only a narrow hexagonal network of yellow. Next come the Endomychides, which may easily be distin- guished from the Erotylides by the antennae, which are longer than the head and thorax, and by the shape of the maxillary palpi, which never possess the hatchet-shaped last joint, but are 272 INSECTS ABROAD. thread-like throughout. Like the preceding family, they are found on fungi of various kinds. Some of them live under the bark of trees, but even in this case they have the same habits, eating the living fungi which grow in such situations. ISTot only do they resemble the Erotylidse in their habits, but in their appearance, so that but for the distinctive character of the maxillary palpi, it is not always easy to pronounce whether an insect belongs to one family or the other. The name Endomychidce is Greek, signifying " one who in- habits the innermost parts of a dwelling," and is given to the insects on account of their habit of lurking in the interior of fungi and under bark. We have but four British examples of the Endomychides, the best known of which is Lycoperdina hovistm, an insect which, as its name implies, is found in the interior of the common puff-ball. The difficulty of placing these Beetles in their proper situation may be inferred from the fact that several of them have been placed by some entomologists among the Burying Beetles. The curious genus, an example of which is here given, has a tolerably wide geographical range. The present species, Eumor- phus marginalis, is a native of Penang, and others are found in the East Indies and part of America. In all these insects the club of the antennae is flat and three- jointed, and there is a bold notch in the front of the tibia of the fore-legs- The body is rounded, and the elytra are much expanded, and flattened at the sides so as to form a sort of rim. The PTo.i36.-Eumorphusmarginaiis. gpgcies which is uow beforc US aflfords (Purple, with yellow spots.) ^ ■,^ ^ i r j.i • i i i an excellent example oi this remarkable form, which we. now see repeated for the third time, namely, in Mormolyce, described on page 39 ; Helseus, described on page 187; and in the present genus. We shall again see a similar structure when we come to the Orthoptera. The thorax of this insect is much raised in the middle, where it rises to a blunt angle. It is curiously shaped, having a very deep scoop in front, through which the head is seen. It is rounded in front, but each of the hinder angles as lengthened into a slender spine, which projects backwards well over the A SPIKE- ARM ED BEETLE. 273 shoulders of the elytra. The colour of the thorax is black, and that of tlie elytra is a lovely rich purple, with a silky or satiny lustre. They are thickly covered with punctures, and on exa- mination with the microscope the purple is seen to be produced by means of the punctures, which are nearly equally crimson and blue, so that the l)lending of the two hues in the eye has exactly the same effect as if the colours had been mixed and laid on the insect with a brush. The silky gloss is given b}^ the punctures, wdiicli are small and set very closely together. On each of the elytra are two large round yellow spots, one near the shoulder and the other near the tip. There are several species of this genus, among which may be noticed Eumorplms dilatatus, which is yellow, with the raised portion of the elyti'a dark brown ; and Euviorphus bijntndatus, which has, as its name implies, two large black spots on a yellow ground. This is the largest of all the genus, and is a really handsome insect. The larva of one species of Endomychus was found by the late Eev. F. W. Hope feeding on fungi under the bark of the willow-tree, and by him given to Mr. Westwood. It exactly looks, but for its colour, like that of the Silpha. Tlie head is rather small, forming a curious contrast to the three segments corresponding with the thorax of the future Beetle, and which in this larva are of enormous comparative size. The remaining segments, which correspond to the abdomen, are rather flattened, and each of them is turned up at the side and produced into a.^ sort of hook. It seems strange that in- sects differing so much in ap- pearance as the last-mentioned Beetle, and that which is here shown, could belong to the same group, and yet this is the case. We have seen examples of 1 ., . , 1 , ,, - Fig. 137.— Amphisternus Satanas. several spiky insects, but this (Deep violet.) is by far the spikiest of them all. Indeed, when it' sits with its legs drawn up to the body, it is scarcely possible to distinguish, without some little trouble, 274 INSECTS ABROAD. between spikes, legs, and antennse. Its colour appears to be jetty, sliining black, but, when a strong light is directed upon it, is seen to be the deepest purple, something like that of a watch-spring, and having a similar surface. Each front angle of the thorax is armed with a long, slender spike, straight and sharp as a needle. A similar spike projects from each shoulder of the elytra, a large double, forked spike occupies the disc, and another projects from the tip, so that altogether there are ten long spikes, besides two short, sturdy points at the upper angles of the elytra. The whole surface, both of thorax and elytra, is very deeply granulated. Altogether the insect reminds the readers of Bon Gualtier of " Slingsby of the manly chest," the celebrated slayer of the snapping turtle, with his suit of spike-armed mail. The antennae are long, and so are the legs, which are rather curiously formed, the thighs being quite slender at their attach- ment to the body, and -then swelling out rapidly into a rounded knob at the tip. The tibire are long, slender, and slightly curved, and the whole of the limb is the same shining violet as the body. Altogether there is a very uncanny look about the insect, which almost justifies the very expressive specific name which has been given to it. This species comes from Borneo. There are many species of this genus, and a more extraordi- nary set of insects it is not easy to imagine. Being small, they only look grotesque ; but if they were about ten times their size, they would appear to be among the most formidable of the Beetle tribe. They are, however, despite their appearance, perfectly harmless^ and can only damage the fungi on which they feed. Of the other species we will mention two. One is Amjjhi- sternus hamatus, which is deep violet, with six red spots, three on each of the elytra. Another species, Amphisternus tuher- culatus, is brown, with four yellow spots. It has no spikes, these being modified into tubercles. EAEWIGS. T 2 \ EARWIGS. CHAPTEE I. DERMAPTERA, OR EUPLEXOPTERA. The position, and even the very name of the insects which now come before us, are by no means settled. We all know what to call a beetle, a bee, a butterfly, or a gnat ; but there is no such certainty about an Earwig — some naturalists considering them as forming an order of their own, some as coming at the end of the Beetles, and others as belonging to the Orthopterous insects, and being a link between them and the Beetles. Van der Hoeven, in his " Handbook of Zoology," makes the following remarks in favour of this arrangement : — "At all events, these insects have greater agreement with the Orthoptera than with the Coleoptera ; they differ from the last by their incom- plete metamorphosis and by many particulars of internal struc- ture. The great size of tlie under wings in comparison with tlie elytra is very common in the Orthoptera (to refer to Phasma alone), and the reflexion of the point of the wing also is not wanting in some other Orthoptera." Then there is a difficulty about their scientific name. By some they are called Dermaptera, i.e. " skin- winged," because their elytra are soft and leathery, instead of being hard and stiff, like those of most beetles. By others they are termed Euplexoptera, or " beautifully folded wings," in allusion to the wonderful manner in which their large, gauzy wings are folded beneath the tiny elytra. As if to add to the perplexity, some entomologists have given the name of Dermaptera to the grass- hoppers, cockroaches, crickets, and other insects which are better known by the title of Orthoptera. I cannot bring myself to 278 INSECTS ABROAD acknowledge that this last-mentioned arrangement can be correct; and so I shall retain the word Orthoptera as representing the grasshoppers and their kin, and give my readers the choice of Dermaptera or Euplexoptera to represent the Earwigs. There is even a difficulty about the popular names of these very plentiful insects. It has been suggested, and with much probability, that the English name " Earwig " ought rightly to be " 'Ea.vwing," because the wings are shaped very much like the human ear. Be this as it may, there is a belief, not only in Eno-land but in other countries, that the insect creeps into the ears of sleeping people, and so eats its way into the brain. Anyone who has the slightest acquaintance with the structure of the ear of course detects the utter absurdity of such a notion, but the power of ignorance is so great that this belief prevails in spite of all entomological and anatomical remonstrances. H;ow deeply rooted is the idea in this country everyone knows, and how the insect is equally feared and hated. In Germany the same notion prevails, as is evident from the popular name Ohr-icurm, or Ear- worm ; and it is expressed as strongly us possible in the French Perce-oreille, or Ear-piercer. Such are a few of the discrepancies connected with these insects, and * which we need not trouble ourselves to reconcile. We will content ourselves with the usual English name of Earwig, and will follow, as in " Insects at Home," the arrangement which forms them into a separate order under the name of Dermaptera. It might reasonably be expected that the exotic Earwigs would infinitely surpass our own insects in size, in number of species, in shape, and in extraordinary habits. Such, however, is not the case, and, like the Water Beetles, which have already been described, the foreign Earwigs are almost exactly similar to our own in size, form, and colour. As to their habits, scarcely anything seems to be known about them, so that we are left to conjecture that as they resemble our own species in form and colour, so they do in their manners and customs. So we may safely conclude that, like the English Earwigs, those of other countries are omnivorous, feeding on the petals of flowers when they can get nothing better, and choosing for their special food the larvae and pupae of solitary bees. In the collection of the British Museum are many species, among which there are only three which appear to be worthy of TWO STRANGE EARWIGS. 279 notice. The first of these is new to science, and I have given it the name of Forficula Petropolis, in honour of the spot where it was taken. This is really a curious insect. In colour it resembles our ordinary Earwig, except that the antennae have a white portion near the end, and the tibiae are light yellow. The wings are large, and pro- ject considerably from beneath ^j^ the elytra, unlike those of our -y-^x^^a^^^t f^l •^'^ British species — in which the only projecting point is the end of the principal hinge by means of which the wing is p , , J Fig. 13S. — Fovttcula Petropolis. Xi'W species. lOlded. (Reddish brown, with yellow legs.) The forceps, by means of which the wings are packed under the elytra (and, as some naturalists say, unpacked), are strangely constructed. They are very powerful in comparison with the size of the insect, and, instead of being rounded on tlie outside edges, are boldly elbowed. They have also a bold tooth near the base, and the tip is widened, flattened, and scooped so as to form a pair of teeth on each side. The strangest part of the structure, however, lies in the abdo- men. This is very wide, much flattened, and the third and two following segments project on either side, so as to form three distinct teeth, slightly curved, and sharp at their tips, like those of a circular saw. This very curious insect was captured in 1857 by Mr. H. Clark, at Petropolis, in South America. The remarkable insect which is shown in the illustration on page 280 is, like the preceding species, a native of South America. It was captured by Mr. Janson, at Choritales, a place in Nicaragua. In some respects this insect reminds the EngKsh entomologist of our Giant Earwig (Forficesila gigantea), which was formerly one of our rarest insects, only one specimen having been known for many years. Unlike that insect, it is paler in colour than the generality of Earwigs. This species is nearly black ; but in both insects the forceps of the male are of very great proportionate length. As in the Giant Earwig the forceps of the female are comparatively small, we may suppose that the same is the case with the present species. 280 INSECTS ABROAD. The forceps are quite as long as the body of the insect, and have but a very slight curve until nearly the tip, where they suddenly curve inwards so as to cross each other when closed. About a quarter of an inch from the base a strong tooth is developed on the inner surface, and between the teeth and the base is a row of very tiny teeth, too small to be detected without the use of the magnifying glass. In fact, supposing the whole of the forceps to be removed from the tip to the large tooth, there would still remain an instrument capable of pinching severely and retaining its hold firmly. Fig. 139. — Forficesila longissiiua. New species. (Black-lirowii.) The hinges of the wings project rather boldly beyond the elytra ; and as they are pale brown, they are easily seen against the shining black of the abdomen and elytra. The upper part of the elytra is covered with bold punctures, and there is a belt of similar punctures across the middle of the body. Our I'ast example of the Earwigs is the very fine insect called Forficesila Americana. There are several specimens in the British Museum, and one of them has fortunately been set with its wings expanded. There is no apparent difference in the structure of the wing when compared with that of our own species, but its great size renders the mode of folding easier of examination than is the case with the smaller species that inhabit England. The peculiar fan-like folds are well seen, togetlier with the slight transverse hinge on which the wings when furled are doubled up so as to lie under the ehtra. Very slender are these hinges, looking to the casual observer merely like a fine continuous nervure running nearly jjarallel with the edges of the wing ; and it is not until a tolerably powerful glass is brought to bear on them that their real cha- WING OF THE EARWIG. 281 racter is seen. Needs be that they must be so delicate, for the wings to which they are applied are themselves of almost in- credible delicacy. They are too delicate even to be called gauzy ; and while they have all the lovely prismatic colouring of the soap-bubble, look scarcely less fragile. By far the strongest part of the wing is the principal hinge, as from it diverge all the lesser hinges on which the wings are folded. In the illustration this part of the wing may be seen just beyond the ends of the elytra, and when the wings are closed the hinge still projects, and, as has been already stated, is very Fig. 140. — Forflcesila Americana. (Dark browu.) conspicuous. When examined with a lens, the shape of the principal hinge is seen to bear some resemblance to that of a cocked hat turned upside down, the hollow occupying the centre, and apparently forming a caxdty in which the ends of the supplementary hinges can meet. This fine insect belongs to South America, and the specimens in the British Museum were brouiiht from Jamaica. In the British jNIuseum there are many unnamed species of foreign Earwigs. One, which comes from Eio de Janeiro, is long, light brown, and slender, with such long legs that it looks very much like a "Daddy-long-legs" witiiout its wings. Another, a small species which was brought from Tejuca, is entirely black, with the exception of a yellow patch in the middle. Another Tejucan Earwig, much larger than the preceding species, is dark chestnut-brown, with the exception of the wing-hinges. 282 INSECTS ABROAD. which are bright yellow, aud project well beyond the ends of the elytra. In a moderately-sized Earwig from Petropolis, the whole of the thorax and elytra are yellow, and have a black stripe running down the centre. This is by far the most showy of all the Earwigs in point of colour, though in size it is inferior to several of those which have been already described. As to the uses of the Earwigs, this is a problem which has never been solved. We know perfectly the harm which they do in ci\dlized lands, but cannot see how that is counterbalanced by any good which they do either in this or other countries. They eat the petals of our best flowers, they have a wonderful knack of forcing their way into the ripest peaches, plums, and apricots, and lying hidden between the stone and the fruit. They certainly do destroy the larvae of solitary bees, and have been observed to eat several insects, their own species included ; but as the solitary bees do no harm, the Earwigs do no particular good by destroying them. ORTHOPTERA. ORTHOPTERA. CHAPTEE I. BLATTIBjE. There are two orders of insects which have several character- istics ill common, and which, in many instances, bear so close an external resemblance to each other, that a beginner in ento- mology is nearly certain to confuse them together. These are the Orthoptera and the Heteroptera, the Grasshoppers being familiar examples of the former, and the Water Boatmen of the latter. The word Orthoptera, which stands at the head of this chapter, signifies " straight wings," and is given to the insects because the wings are, when closed, laid straight along the body, and, though they must be folded longitudinally to enable them to be packed under the elytra, are not folded trans- versely as is the case with the Earwigs and Beetles. The elytra, if we may retain the name, are of a parchment-like consistence, and, when closed, cross each other at the tips. Now, if the structure of the wings were the only mark of distinction, there would be some difficulty in separating the Orthoptera from the Heteroptera. But the structure of the mouth is so radically different in these two orders, that the merest glance is sufficient to prevent any confusion between them. In the latter of tliese orders the mouth is formed for suction, and the insect is furnished with a sharjD proboscis, whereas in the former the mouth is formed for eating, and is furnished with powerful jaws. It is evident from the name which is given to these insects, that most of them are winged, thougli there are some species which possess scarcely the least rudiments of wings. In those 286 INSECTS ABROAD. cases where the wings are fully developed, they are always very beautiful in form, and often so in colour, having always a more or less shining iridescence, and in some cases being as brilliantly coloured as those of any butterfly. As to the arrangement of the Orthoptera, Mr. Westwood divides them into four sections. The first is the Cursoria, or Runners, so called because their legs are formed for running, and the insects are consequently swift of foot. The too-familiar Cockroach is an example of this section. Next come the Raptoria, or Snatchers, the fore-legs of which are formed for seizing and holding. The Mantis, or Praying Insect, is an example of this order. These are followed by the Ambulatoria, or Walkers, such as the Walking-stick Insects or Phasmas ; and last come the Saltatoria, or Jumpers, such as the Grasshopper, whose hind legs are greatly developed and used for leaping. We will begin with the first section, namely, the Cursoria, which consists of a single family, the Blattidte, or Cockroaches. Our indigenous Cockroaches are few in number, small, and live in the open air, the singularly unpleasant insect which frequents our dwelling-houses being a comparatively recent importation. In various parts of the world, especially those where the climate is sultry, the Cockroaches are very numerous and often very large. One of these species is well known to sailors for its predilection for ship-life. A ship thus infested is infinitely more disagreeable than a house can be ; for, in the first place, the insect is much larger than the Blatta orientalis of our houses, and, in the next place, it pervades the whole vessel, especially at night, and causes woful discomfort to the inmates. Even so experienced a sailor as the late Michael Scott, author of " Tom Cringle's Log," could not bring himself to endure the Cockroach, and writes as follows: — "For the information of those who have never seen this delicious insect, I take leave to mention here, that when full-grown it is a large, dingy-brown beetle, about two inches long, with six legs, and two feelers as lono' as its body. It has a strong anti-hysterical flavour, some- thing between rotten cheese and assafoetida, and seldom stirs abroad when the sun is up, but lies concealed in the most obscure and obscene crevices it can creep into ; so that when it is seen, its wings and body are thickly covered with dust and THE EGYPTIAN COCKROACH. 287 dirt of various shades, of which any culprit who chances to fall asleep with his mouth open is sure to reap the benefit, as it has a great propensity to walk into it, partly for the sake of the crumbs adhering to the masticators, and also apparently with a scientific desire to inspect by actual measurement, with the aforesaid antennse, the state and condition of the whole potato-trap." It is greatly to the nocturnal and light-hating habits of the insect that its safety and increase are owing. When the Cock- roaches ai'S out of their retreat, most insect-destroyers are asleep, except perhaps the hedgehog, which works great havoc among them, and, if servants can only be induced to appreciate and protect it, becomes a most desirable inmate of a house. Male. Fio, 141.— Polyphaga ^gyptiaca. (Dark brown. ) Female. In Egypt, the Cockroach attains rather formidable dimensions, as may be seen by reference to the accompanying illustration, which represents both sexes of their full size, the female being, as is usually the case among insects, much larger than the male, and being totally destitute of wings. These creatures infest the Nile boats to such an extent that, before a traveller engages a vessel for a trip up the river, he always, if he be an experienced hand, sees that the boat is sunk for several days, so as to drown out the Cockroaches and other insect plagues. Orientals are strangely indifferent to such things, and will rest in perfect con- tentment where an Englishman would be half distracted with pain and annoyance. The Egyptian Cockroach {Pohjpliaga J^gyptiaca) very much resembles our own domesticated species, except that it is much 288 INSECTS ABKOAD. larger. As with ours, tlie female has no wings, though the male is provided with those organs, and is much smaller than its mate. This species has a very wide range, and there are speci- mens in the British Museum taken from Turkey, Malta, Greece, Bagdad, Egypt, Algeria, and Asia Minor. The generic name Polyphaga is formed from two Greek words, signifying "a general eater." The rather formidable insect which is shown in the accom- panying illustration is a native of Australia. There is more colour ahout it than is generally the case with Cockroaches, dark reddish brown being their usual hue. The whole surface is finely granulated, and, though at first Fig. 142.— Polyzosteria cuprea. (Copper-brown, -with yellow marks.) sight it appears to be simply brown, a decided coppery wash is seen when it is viewed by a side light. On the front of the thorax is seen a white stripe, and on either side are two similar marks. In the insect itself these marks are bright yellow ; and if the creature be elongated, so as to separate the segments, it will be seen to have the front edge of each segment marked with the same colour, though hidden by the segment immedi- ately in front of it. The legs, too, are similarly coloured, being banded alternately with yellow and dark brown. The name Polyzosteria, which is a Greek word signifying " many-banded," refers to these alternate belts of different colours. Plain as are the generality of Cockroaches in respect of hue, COLOUKED COCKROACHES. 289 there is one genus, rather widely spread, which has a tolerable amount of colour about it. Paratropes elegans, of South America, is black, striped with yellow ; while Paratropes orientalis is black, with a yellow edge round the entire body. Paratropes pica, a Brazilian species, has a broad black stripe down the centre of the body, a large yellow spot on either side near the middle, and a similar pair of spots near the thorax. All, however, are not equally gifted with colour, Paratropes melanaria looking much like our own species, except that it is much blacker, and Para- tropes decipiens, a native of Brazil, being dark, very small, and more like a beetle than a cockroach, a peculiarity from which it has derived its specific nameof decipiens, or " deceptive." CHAPTEE II. MANTIDM. The very remarkable insects wliich now come before us form the whole of the group called Eaptoria, or Snatchers. This name is a Very appropriate one, as the insects are carnivorous in their habits, and feed almost wholly upon other insects, which they catch by means of the singular structure of their fore-legs. These limbs are very long, and when stretched out at full length project greatly in front. If the reader will refer to Plate V. he will understand the structure of the fore-legs better than by a mere description. At first sight these legs seem to have an additional joint. This, however, is not the case, the coxa, which is in most insects very shoTt and comparatively insignificant, being so greatly developed as nearly to equal the thigh in size, and so to give to the limb its required length. The thigh is very strong, flattish, slightly curved on the under side, and boldly grooved, the groove having a row of teeth or spikes on either side. Into this groove the tibia can be shut just as the blade of a clasp-knife is shut into its handle, and, as the tibia is flat and armed with spikes like those of the thigh, it is evident that an insect which is seized in so formidable a trap has but little chance of escape. Being slow of foot, the Mantis is not able to capture its prey by speed, but does so by craft. Holding the two front legs raised above its head in the attitude represented in Plate V. Pig. 1, it steals slowly and gently towards its prey until it is within reach of its stroke, when a sharp and rapid movement of the raptorial legs encloses the hapless insect in their grasp, where it is held until eaten. As in most cases, the colour THE PRAYING MANTIS. 291 of the body harmoniziug with that of the surrounding objects, the intended prey is the less cognizant of its approach. Like many other predacious creatures, the Mantis will remain motionless for hours, its fore-legs raised over its head, ready to strike at any insect tliat may come within reacli. This attitude has been strangely misconstrued, not only in Europe but in other parts of the world. The attitude, really one of menace, is mistaken for that of prayer, and accordingly one species which inhabits Southern Europe is called the Praying Mantis {Mantis religiosa). This insect is called Pric-Dicw by the French peasants, and Lomxi Bios by the Portuguese ; while, according to Sparrmann, the Hottentots worship the Mantis as a deity, and hold anyone to be a saint on whom one of these insects may alight. Mouffet, in his " Theatre of Insects," evidently inclines to the belief that the ^Mantis does possess some supernatural power. " They are called Mantes, ' foretellers,' either because by their coming (for they first of all appear) they do shew the Spring to be at hand, so Anacreon the poet sang ; or else they foretell death and famine, as Ccelius the scholiast of Theocritus has observed. Or, lastly, because it alwaies holds up its fore feet like hands, praying as it were after the manner of their Di- viners, wlio in tliat gesture did pour out their supplications to their gods. " So divine a creatm'e is this esteemed, that if a childe aske the way to such a place, she will stretch out one of her feet and shew him the right way, and seldom or never misse. Her tail is two-forked, armed with two bristly prickles ; and as she resembleth those Diviners in the elevation of her hands, so also in likeness of motion ; lor they do not sport themselves as others do, nor leap, nor play, but Avalkiug softly, she retains her modesty, and shewes forth a kind of mature gravity." The insect seems to have taken a singular hold of the super- stitious mind, for there is a well-known monkish legend that St. Francis Xavier, seeing a Mantis moving slowly forward, with its fore-legs raised, assumed it to be engaged in prayer, and ordered it to sing aloud, whereupon the insect immediately chanted a canticle. Slow as is the gait of the Mantis, the stroke of the raptorial legs is quick and sharp, and given with such force that when u 2 292 INSECTS ABROAD. two of them fight, as they are tolerably sure to do if they meet, a successful blow with the flat edge of the leg will cut the unlucky insect in two. In fact, the movements of two of these insects when fighting have been compared with those of men armed with sabres. On Plate V. two specimens of Mantis tincti- pennis are shown as they appear when engaged in combat. The lower insect has struck its blow and missed, while its antagonist is raising its legs to make its stroke in return. This species is a native of Ceram, and is a very good typical example of the Mantidas. The lengthened thorax, which is cha- racteristic of the family, is plainly shown, undisguised by the flattened appendages to the sides which are seen in many spe- cies, notably in that which is represented in the lowest figure of Plate V. This lengthened thorax, which resembles a long neck, has gained for the Mantis in some countries the popular name of Camel Cricket. The raptorial legs are boldly toothed, and if they be closed it will be seen that not only does the tibia sink deeply into the groove of the thigh, but that the sharp teeth with which the lower edges of both these joints are armed, interlock with each other, so as to make the escape of any prey almost a matter of impossi- bility. As is often the case among insects, the female is larger than the male and has more powerful fore-legs. Being also more quarrelsome, if she be sought by a male, she is much more likely to quarrel with him than to agree with him ; and in the former case she is certain to kill him first and eat him afterwards. The colour of this insect when living is a lovely leaf-green. Unfortunately, the colour is very fugitive, and, in spite of all trouble that may be taken, fades soon after death. It is remark- able that with these insects, which are green so as to resemble the leaves of the tree which they frequent, the colour changes with the season of the year, changing from green to yellow or brown towards the fall of the leaf. The same phenomenon occurs with the Leaf Insect, which will be presently described. At Fig. 2 on Plate V. is seen a rounded object fastened to a twig. This is an egg-cluster of the Mantis, these insects laying them much after the manner that is so familiar to us in the domestic cockroach, except that the outer envelope which protects them is not of so hard and tough a material, and is applied after the eggs are deposited. Indeed, considering the size and EGGS OF THE MANTIS. 293 number of the eggs, it would be absolutely impossible for the insect to deposit them within a single envelope as the cock- roach does. These egg-clusters are really remarkable objects, and worthy of a close examination. I have never been fortunate to obtain one in a recent state, but I have made vertical and transverse sections of a dried cluster. Though made of very thin and slight material, the investing membranes are so tough that much force must be used, and they are so delicate that, unless the knife be very thin and sharp, they are broken down and their shape lost. My sections were made with an amputating knife, and by means of a swift drawing-cut, the sections answered admirably, one longitudinally down the centre, another along the side, and a transverse section across the middle. These cuts show that there are four rows of egg-sacs ; and if each sac repre- sents a single egg, the group will have consisted of about one hundred and sixty eggs. When the larvse emerge they are black, long-legged little beings, looking much more like spiders than insects. The last-mentioned insect is an inhabitant of trees, and there- fore the colour is green, so as to harmonize with that of the leaves among which it lives, and to enable it to steal unobserved on its prey. The species which is now before us inhabits sandy spots, and is of a dark yellowish-brown, so exactly resembling the colour of sandy ground, that the insect cannot be detected without some difficulty, in spite of its rather large size. It is a native of Egypt, and some specimens in the British Museum were brought thence by Sir J. G-. Wilkinson. The generic name Eremiaphila is formed from two Greek words signifying " desert- lover," and is given to the insects in allusion to their habits. It is an odd-looking creature, the fore-legs being thick and sturdy, while the two remaining pairs are long and very slender. They are of a paler colour than the rest of the body. Both the elytra and wings are thick, short, and rounded, from which the insect derives its specific name of rotundipennis, or " round- winged." Even the wings themselves, which in this group of insects are generally translucent, are in this species dark and opaque like the elytra. If, however, the elytra are opened and the insect examined from beneath, a brightly-coloured metallic 294 INSECTS ABROAD. spot will be found on the under surface, the only example of bright colour in the entire insect. The groove on the under side of the fore-legs is exceedingly bold and deep, and the teeth with which each edge of the groove is fringed are very numerous, though not so spike-like as is the case with many species. The movements of the Eremia- phila are very slow. Dull-coloured as are the Eremiaphilas, there are some insects belonging to an allied genus which are of metallic brilliancy. Fro. J43.— Eremiapliila rotundipennis. (Sandy brown.) and which have given to the genus the name of Metalleuiica or Metallyticus. One of these insects, Metalleuiica splendida, which was brought from Borneo by Mr. Wallace, is a really splendid creature. The body is burnished blue or green, accord- ing to the light in which it is viewed, the elytra are glossy green washed with gold, and the translucent wings are very pale and delicate brown. The legs are also green, and the raptorial legs are remarkable for the width of the thighs and the great strength of the teeth or spikes with which the thigh and tibia are armed. THE PURPLE THESriR. 295 The remarkable insect which is represented in the illustration below is called Thespis purpurascens, the latter name being given to it on account of the splendid purple hue with which a portion of the wings is coloured. The specimen in the British Museum is, I believe, unique. It was brought from Ega, in South America, by Mr. Bates. "When the wings are closed, the creature looks much like one of the ordinary " walking-stick " insects, some of which will be presently described ; both the elytra and wings lying quite closely to the body, and the latter being only slightly darker than the general hue. The head is set cross- wise, like that of Fig. 144. — Thespis purpurascens. (Green, with yellow and purple wings.) the Hammer-headed Shark, or, to use a more familiar example, like the head of our common Demoiselle Dragon-flies. When the wings are opened and spread, a wonderful store of splendid colouring is displayed. The basal portion of each wing is very pale brown, and is covered with multitudinous tiny pen- cillings of snowy white. The rest of the wing is bright yellow, on which are two large marks of deep shining purple, rather tending to red on the upper surface and to blue on the lower, which is more brilliant than the upper. All the legs, even the raptorial pair, are very long and slender. There are several species of Thespis, but this is by far the most beautiful, though not the largest. One species, Thespis ingens, is of very great size, but has very small and absolutely useless wings ; while Thespis Bcefiea, although not brilliantly 296 INSECTS ABROAD. coloured, has very large wings wliicli can be used for flight. One of these insects, Thespis Xiphias, is remarkable for having its body nearly flat, and armed down each side with a row of small teeth. The naturalist who named it thought that its body bore some resemblance to the beak of the sword-fish, and accord- ingly gave it the name of Xiphias. Another lovely- winged Mantis is the Ear pax ocellaria, of Southern Africa. In this creature we see the germs of the curious flattening which distinguishes the well-known Leaf Insects. The head is flattened in the middle, and the large eyes protrude on either side like those of a lobster. Each side of the thorax is much flattened, and there is a flattened projection on the inner side of Fig. 145. — Harpax ocellaria. (Green ; elytra with a yellow, black, and green spot.) the two hinder pairs of legs. The body is also flattened, and three of the segments project at the sides so as to form teeth, almost exactly like those of the earwig figured on page 279. In this insect both the wings and elytra are nearly of equal beauty. If the reader will refer to the illustration, he will see- that the basal half of each wing is rather darker than the rest. This portion of the wing is opaque yellow, much like the " king's yellow " of painters, the rest of the wing being beautifully trans- lucent and of a crystalline clearness. The colour of the elytra is rather more complicated. First comes a patch of green next the base, and then, as far as the edge of the eye-like mark, the colour THE DEROPLATYS. 297 is opaque yellow, like that of the wing. The " eye " -.tself is composed of a black central spot, round which is a ring of yellow, then an interrupted circle of black, and then an outer ring of green. The end of the elytron is translucent. When the insect sits with its wings closed, these eyes have a very curious effect. The right elytron passes almost but not entirely over the left, so that the eye of the right elytron comes exactly in the middle of the back, the edge of the corresponding eye of the left elytron just showing beneath it. There is much variation in the eyes, in size, colour, and arrangement. The generic name Harpax is Greek, and signifies " a robber," in allusion to the predacious character of the insect ; while the specific name ocellaria, or " eyed," refers to the eye-like marks of the elytra. There are several other species of Harpax, one of the prettiest of which is Harpax tricolor. In this insect the elytra are green, and the translucent wings are green at the edge, and are crossed by a ruddy chestnut stripe followed by a pink band. On Plate V. Fig. 3 is a most singular insect, called iJeroplatys desiecata. The former of these two words is Greek, and signifies " broad-backed ; " while the latter signifies something that is dried up, in allusion to the general appearance of the insect, which looks very much like a ragged dry leaf. The eyes of this insect are black and very prominent, and have rather a fierce appearance. The fore-legs, too, are decidedly formidable, not only being large and powerful, but armed with long, sharp, black teeth. The middle and hind pair of legs are very slight in proportion to the rest of the insect, and at the end of the thighs have a flattened, axe-shaped projection. The thorax has a most singular aspect. In the middle it rises to a rather sharp ridge, and is then suddenly flattened and rounded, on either side. Towards the base, it is cut into a very deep and bold tooth, something like the barb of a spear, and then is finely notched like the edge of a rose-leaf. Several of the segments of the abdomen are flattened and drawn out on either side into tooth-like projections. Both the elytra and wings are ample, and, as is often the case with these insects, are more beautiful on the lower than on the upper surface. The wings have in their centre a very large patch of dark, shiumg brown, next to which comes a border of 298 INSECTS ABROAD. grey, the rest of the wing being pale brown with a yellowish tinge. On the upper surface the elytra are brown, just like a withered leaf, which they also resemble in the character of the nervures. Below, however, the elytron is boldly and beautifully marked. Its general colour is yellow-brown, but towards the tip it is adorned with a large eye-like spot, the centre of which is black, surrounded by a broad ring of grey, and com- pleted by a semicircular patch of dark brown on the side next the base. The extraordinary being called Phyllonemia 'paradoxa is a native of Natal. Even in the illustration it scarcely looks like an insect, but without the aid of colour it is absolutely impossible to give even an approximate idea of its utterly un-insectlike aspect. Take a dry oak-leaf, rub it between the hands, pinch out little bits from the sides, and there will be a very tolerable representation o{- Phyllonemia paradoxa. Its colour is just the withered brown of a dry leaf, finely granulated with black, as is a leaf that has for some time been lying on the ground. The end of the head is squared, elongated, and flat; the sides of the thorax are flat, the legs are furnished with sundry flattened projections ; while the abdomen is not only flat, but is bent upwards just as a dry leaf is curled by the heat of the sun. There is nothing straight or Fig. 146. — Phyllonemia paradoxa. (Brown.) regular about it, and it is so crum- pled, jagged, and twisted, that if it were placed among a number of dried leaves, even the most experienced eye could hardly distinguish the leaf from the insect. The generic name of Phyllonemia is a very happy one. It is composed of two Greek words, the former signifying " a leaf," and the latter "a fibre or filament," in allusion to the appearance of its body and limbs, which exactly resemble a leaf torn into jagged strips. The word paradoxa needs no explanation. THE EMPUSA. 299 Theee seems to be absolutely no limit to the extraordinary forms which are seen in these insects, each new shape appearing more strange and grotesque than its predecessors. Here is an example, yiz.,the Umpusa gongyloides of Ceylon ; an insect whose name and appearance are equally grotesque and per- fectly suitable to each other. Every peculiarity of the Mantidae seems to be exagge- rated in this species. The elongated thorax is drawn out to a wonderful length, so that the fore-legs are at a great distance from the middle pair, and, when the creature is among the branches, look almost as if they belonged to two dilTerent insects. The sides of tlie upper portion of the thorax are flattened and pointed ; the raptorial fore- legs look, with their sharp edges and deep grooves, just like a pair of dry beech-nuts armed with sharp thorns ; the other legs have circular, flat projections like patches of dry leaf stuck on the ends of the thighs ; the elytra look just like two withered but entire leaves, while the sides of the abdomen are flattened, pinched, and torn into a weird resemblance of dead leaves that have been blown about by the wind, and tattered by the thorns and stones among which they have been hurled. The word Empusa is Greek, and is the name of a terrible female goblin that was thought to haunt sleeping infants and suck their blood. Fig. 147.— Empusa gongyloides. (Brown. ) CHAPTER III. AMBULATORIA, OR WALKING-STIGK INSECTS. This group, like the preceding, is composed of a single family, called Phasmidai. The term is taken from a Greek word signi- fying a ghost or spectre, and is applied to the insects on account of the spectral appearance which many of them possess. Formerly, the Phasmidse were arranged with the Mantidse, the relationship between the two groups being easily seen. There are, however, distinctions between them which quite justify their separation. In the first place, the Phasmidae do not possess the armed raptorial legs which are so characteristic of the Mantidse. The mode of depositing the eggs is quite different ; for, whereas the eggs of the Mantidse are enclosed in a common envelope, such as has already been described, those of the Phas- midse are laid separately, and are very large and thick-walled when compared with those of the previous group. The eggs of one of the best known species will be presently described at length. From the Crickets and Grasshoppers the Phasmidse are at once distinguished by their slender hind legs, which are made, not for leaping, but for walking. Some of the Phasmidse are of enormous size — veritable giants among insects, and look so formidable, even when dead and dried, that many persons will not venture to touch them without a sort of mental shock. Many of these insects are entirely wingless, and even when these organs exist, their structure is very curious. The elytra are always very small ; and as the wings are broad, ample, and able to sustain the heavy, long-bodied insect in the au', they are utterly useless for protection. Yet the delicate, gauzy wings need some protection, which is afforded by the wing itself. In \ THE WALKING-STICK INSECTS. 301 all cases where wings are present, these organs are '-'plicated" longitudinally in a multitude of folds, each fold being very narrow towards the base, and increasing regularly in width towards the edge; so that when the wings are closed, all the folds lie exactly on each other in a single line, precisely like the folds of a fan. Indeed, it is hardly possible for an entomologist to see a fan without recognising its origin in the wing of a Phasma. Each wing thus lies along the body of the insect, and, in consequence of its neat folds, does not break the continuous outline of the stick-shaped insect. The delicate membrane of the wing, how- ever, needs some protection, and this is found in the outermost fold, which is stiff and stout, and, when the wing is closed, lies over and protects the wing just as the outermost " stick " of a fan protects the delicately-painted folds of the fan itself OuE first example of the Phasmidse is represented in the illustration on the next page, and is known to naturalists by the name of Phihalosoma pythonius. The former of these two terms is composed of two Greek words signifying " fig-bodied," perhaps because the insect bears some resemblance to the young branch of a fig-tree. The latter of the words is also taken from the Greek, and signifies the gigantic serpent of mythology which was slain by Apollo. Certainly the creature deserves its name, for it is a " big thing." One of these insects which I have measured is as thick as a man's thumb, and is fifteen inches in length when its legs are stretched out according to its custom when living. So gigantic an insect could not be represented of its full size, and the artist has therefore been obliged to reduce it considerably. But if the reader wishes to form some idea of the size of this enormous insect, let him take a rule, measure a length of fifteen inches, and draw the creature on that scale, taking care to re- present the body as thick as the thumb of an ordinary man. It is scarcely possible to get these gigantic creatures into an ordi- nary entomological drawer ; and when, after much doubling up of their legs and folding back of their antennse, they are com- pressed within the needful limits, they must be supported by a double row of pins throughout their entire length, and each limb must be separately kept in its place by pins and braces. 302 INSECTS ABROAD. lest they should break from their hold, and by their sheer weight destroy the other occupants of the drawer. This insect is in the habit of assuming an attitude which gives it so exact a resemblance to a green stick, that as it re- mains motionless it can hardly be detected. The two front legs are held straight in advance of the body, and are either stretched to their full length, or have the tibia doubled back on the thigh. The other legs are pressed closely to the body, the feet clinging tightly to the branch on which the insect is sitting. Fig. 148. — Phibalosoma pythonius. (Reduced figure.) (Green.) There is one point about the formation of the fore-legs which is worth mentioning. In order to enable them to project on either side of the head, the inner side of the thigh is deeply scooped towards the base ; so that when the legs are stretched forward, the head is almost concealed in the hollow formed by these two grooves. The figure, which is necessarily very much reduced, represents the female, which is always longer, thicker, and more powerful than the male, which is fully three inches shorter, and has a body 1N«ECT GIANTS. 303 scarcely thicker than a crowquill. The female, however, is wing- less, while the male possesses very large and beautiful wings. The wiug-cases are green, with a yellow edge, while the wings them- selves are greenish at the base, with a yellow line, and the costal area yellowish buff. There are many species of Phibalosoma in Fiji, discovered, I believe, by Mr. M'Gillivray. In the British Museum are some of the eggs of this species. They are small in comparison with the size of the insect, being scarcely as large as millet seeds, brown, hard-shelled, and rough on the surface. The insect which is shown in the accompanying illustration is of necessity much reduced in size, as, if it were drawn of its Fig. 140. — Eurycantha hornaa. (Reduced tigurt*,* (Black-brown.) full dimensions, the entire page W'Ould not contain it. The thig-h alone of the hind lecc is more than an inch and a half in 304 INSECTS ABROAD. length, and half an inch in thickness, so that the reader can easily infer how large the insect itself must be. The generic name Eurycantha is Greek, and signifies " thick- thorned" — a very appropriate title, inasmuch as the creature is one of the thorniest of insects. It has thorns on either side of the body, six on each segment, thorns on the upper part of the thorax, and thorns all over its legs. Even when dead, it is not pleasant to the touch, for one or other of the sharp curved spikes is sure to scratch or to prick. When it is alive its captor had better seize it with forceps, or at least with thickly-gloved hands, for it is enormously powerful, and has a way of driving its leg-prickles into the hand and drawhig blood. The specimen which is figured is a female. The male is easily known by the shape of the hind legs, the thighs of which are much thicker, shorter, and barrel-shaped. It is remarkable that if one of the limbs be lost during the larval state, it is replaced by another, which, however, never attains to the full dimensions. After the insect has reached its perfect stage, any such loss is irreparable. The egg of this species, which is a native of New Guinea and the adjacent islands, is a large one — quite as large, indeed, as that of one of the small humming-birds. It is oval, and gene- rally dark green in colour, covered with granulations, so that it resembles an emeu egg in miniature. Sometimes, however, it is grey, mottled with brown, or entirely brown. Another species of this genus, Eurycantha Tyrrhcea, is a native of the New Hebrides. It is much flatter than the pre- ceding species, and has an aspect very much like that of a scorpion. M. Montrouzier remarks that it swarms in marshy grounds where the sago-palms grow. Yet, although it is so plentiful, he could not succeed in keeping any of the insects alive, as they all refused to eat, no matter what food he provided for them. It is a dark-loving insect, always crouching into the shade when set at liberty, and being found mostly hidden under the parasitic vegetation that in that climate grows so thickly on the trunks of old trees. He calls it by the name of Karabidion. For some time he thought that it was only the larval form of LARVA OF EUKYCANTHA. 305 some insect, not even a trace of wings or elytra being discover- able. But, as some of his specimens laid eggs which afterwards were hatched, there was no doubt that the insects had attained their perfect stage. On an average, each female lays about one hundred eggs, and when the young larvis emerge they are about an inch long, and look like little black threads rather than insects. Fig. 150. — Eur)'cantlia Tyrrhaea. (Pale grey-biown.) The illustration represents the species about half its proper size, as a full-sized drawing would nearly occupy the entire page. There are many species of this curious genus, varying consider- ably in size and colour, and they are spread over a considerable portion of the world. There is, for example, Eiirycantlia Australis, which, is found on Lord Howe's Island, and which has the barrel- shaped hind legs of the male sex strongly developed. The other species present few points of interest, except that one, Eunj' cantha olivacea, a native of Cevlon, is green instead of brown. 306 INSECTS ABKOAD. Heee we have an insect, the male o/ which is not known. Indeed, so dissimilar are often the sexes in the Phasmidse, that it is rather difficult to avoid the danger of labelling the male and female as belonging to two different species. This insect has three distinct peculiarities, on account of which it was selected for illustration. In the first place, the sixth segment of the abdomen is much widened and flattened, so as to assume an almost heart-like shape. Fig. 151.— Pterinoxylus difformipes. (Brownish, with f;rcen elytra.) Secondly, the two front legs are fringed along the sides with flat, foliated projections, deeply notched, and looking very much like the edges of an oak-leaf The middle and hind pairs of legs are nearly simple, except that a slight projection near the end of the thigh takes the place of the foliation. It is in allusion to this structure that the species has been named " difformipes," i.e. differently formed legs. Thirdly, the wings themselves have a very curious structure, which is not seen until they are spread. When closed, as seen in the illustration, the wings look very like two sharply-pointed INSECT GIANTS. 307 plates projecting from beneath small, rounded elytra. The generic name of Pterinoxylus, or " sharp-winged insect," has been given to it on account of the appearance of the wings when closed. If, however, they be opened and spread widely, a very curious structure is seen. The upper edge of the wing is modi- fied into a green, almond-shaped, Hat, horny plate, which covers the ga^^zy portion of the wing, and is the only part which is visible when the organ is closed. At the base of the wing, and partly overlapping the horny plate, is an oval mirror-like patch, very smooth, very shining, and having no veins or other markings upon it. As nearly as possible this patch is the same size as the elytra, so that when the wings are closed, as seen in the illustration, it is wholly covered by them. Whatever may be the case with the male insect, the wings of the female are much too small to be of any use for the purpose of flight. The elytra themselves are green, patched with brown. This remarkable insect inhabits tropical America. It is drawn rather smaller than its actual size, the length from the tail to the claws of the outstretched fore-legs being about seven inches. As, in the case of several of the preceding insects, the drawing has to be made on a reduced scale, so it is with the species represented on the next page. Its length from head to tail is, in the female, about seven inches; and the fore-legs will add some three inches to this measurement. The name Gypliocrania is formed from two Greek words signifying "bowed-head," and is given to the insects of the genus because the head always droops greatly downwards. The name Enceladus is that of one of the giants of mytho- logy, and is applied to the species in consequence of its gigantic size. It is not, however, the largest of its kind, for it is far excelled in dimensions by Cyphocrania gigas, which is rather more than eight inches in length from head to tail, and its spread of wing is exactly eight inches in one of the specimens which I measured. This, therefore, may be considered as one of the three or four largest insects of the world ; and I should very much like to weigh some of them while they are still living, so as to obtain an approximate idea of the amount of material con- tained in each. X 2 308 INSECTS ABUOAD. In estimating the comparative size of animals, the best plan, next to seeing the creatures themselves, is to draw them to scale. If the reader will enlarge the illustration below, making the spread of wing eight inches, and the length of the body about eight inches and a half, he will form a very correct idea of the enormous size of the insect. Large as are the wings, they can be folded so closely and laid so neatly along the body, that they scarcely break the outline, and the insect retains its curious resemblance to a stick. When Fig. 15:2. — Cyphocrania Enceladus. (Green-brown ; wings brown, spotted with white.) the great wings, however, are opened from beneath their tiny elytra, the whole aspect of the creature is altered, and it at once exchanges its stick-like appearance for that of an active, flying insect. The wing-cases are merely brown blotched with yellow, but the wings themselves are very delicate and gauzy, and coloured a dark, blackish, shining brown, relieved by a number of pure white spots, varying greatly in shape, number, and size, according to the individual. The peculiar hollowing of the fore-legs at their bases is very WALKING-STICK INSECTS. 309 plain in so enormous an insect ; and if the first, or thigh joint, alone be examined, it will be seen to bear a most singular resem- blance to a bayonet, even to the groove along the inner surface. With the exception of a few little pointed tubercles on the upper part of the thorax, the insect is entirely unarmed. Next comes an insect which is a great contrast to the former, especially in the male sex, which is here represented. It is so stick-like in its aspect, that I really wonder how it can have been detected at all among the slender twigs and branches which it resembles so much in shape and colour. All practical ento- mologists know how difficult it is even for their skilled eyes to Fig. 153.— Bacillus Natilis. (Green-Lrown.) detect the larvae of sundry Geometridse, as they project from the branches in exact resemblance to dried and broken twigs ; and, in the case of the Bacillus, I should think that the difficulty must be infinitely increased. Eespecting the habits of this particular species, little or nothing seems to be recorded ; but in Mr. Westwood's " Intro- duction," Vol. I. p. 434, there is an abridgment of a paper by the Rev. L. Guilding on an allied species, Bacteria coriiutum, a native of the "West Indies. "This is one of the apterous species, and there is a great diversity in the size of the sexes, the male being 3| inches in length, while the female is 7^. It is very abundant in tropical America and the adjacent islands, feeding by night upon the 310 INSECTS ABROAD. leaves, whicli it greedily consumes. It walks with a very vacil- lating motion, and, when resting, extends its fore-legs along the head, so as to defend the antennae. It is tenacious of life. It occurs in the imago state throughout the year. " The female deposits twenty-two eggs from September to November. These eggs are oval and greatly resemble a legu- minous seed, having numerous scattered impressed dots and an elongated chain-like spot. Tlie operculum at one end is distinct,, and impressed like a honeycomb. The eggs are retained for n long time in the ovipositor at the extremity of the abdomen before they are relinquished by the parent insect, which rejects them without any attention. According to StoU, the eggs are deposited in the earth like those of the locusts. " The egg-state continues from seventy-nine to one hundred days ; the larva is hatched from May to August. The young larva has all the appearance of the imago, but differs in its colours. After throwing off its first exuvise, it grows rapidly until the horns of the head appear. If it lose a leg by violence, this is reproduced, but of a smaller size, in the next moulting. The pupa scarcely differs in any respect from the imago." The generic name Bacillus, or, as it ought rightly to be, Bacillum, is Latin, signifying " a little stick." The specific name Natalis refers to Natal, in which district it is found. The female of this insect is much shorter and thicker than the male. The colour is yellowish green during life, and there is a white line running along each side of the head, the thorax, and part of the abdomen. Again we are obliged to employ a reduced figure, though in this case the reduction is not so great as in one or two of the Phas- midse which have just been described. The present species, Necroscia Zeuxis, measures four inches in length from head to tail, so that it is really a large though not a gigantic insect. The genus is a very large one, comprising about ninety species, and it has rather a large geographical extent, being found in most of the islands of the Indian Ocean, and over India gene- rally. Of this species only one specimen is in the British Museum, and this was taken in Borneo. Even in its dried state it is a beautifiil insect, and when alive must have been lovely. Its beauty depends mostly upon CURIOUS ANTENNA. 311 its wings. The elytra, as may be seen by reference to the illus- tration, are so small as to be entirely useless by way of protec- tion to the wings, which are very large and beautifully coloured. The ground colour is shining black, but upon the disc of the wing is a large patch of yellow, edged with a number of bright blue spots. The antennae are of extraordinary length, reminding the observer of the same organs in the familiar Long-horned INIotlis of England. KiG. 154. — Necioscia Zeuxis. ' (Green; wiugs marked with blue and yellow.; Many species of this genus are beautifully coloured, among which may be mentioned Necroscia rosei2)ennis of Borneo, in which the hard upper edge of the wing is green, and the rest a beautiful pale pink, just like the hue of a blush rose. Another species, Necroscia annulipes, is remarkable for the bands of bright yellow which not only surround the legs, as is implied by the specific name, but even extend to the antennae, although those organs are scarcely thicker than human hair and run to a very great length. In all these insects the wings when closed lie flat along the back, protected by their hard upper edge ; and the contrast between the same insect with its wings closed and open is absolutely startling. I presume that the