HENDERSON'S Handbook of Plants AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. BY PETER HENDERSON, AUTHOR OF •'GARDENING FOR PROFIT," "PRACTICAL FLORICULTURE/' "GARDENING FOR PLEASURE," ETC., ETC., AND JOINT AUTHOR OF "HOW THE FARM PAYS." NEW EDITION. NEW YORK : PUBLISHED BY PETER HENDERSON & COMPANY, 35 AND 37 CORTLANpT STREET. 1910. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1890, by PETER HENDERSON & CO., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. CS, Press of John C. Kankin Co., New York. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITIOI. "7^ LTHOUGH I have every reason to be satisfied with the flattering reception / % given to the first edition of the Handbook of Plants, issued in 1881, yet I >L % have ever believed that its scope was too limited; that the requirements ^»^^ of the thousands of amateurs, young florists and gardeners, needed some- thing having a wider range. To meet that want there is not only added in the present edition all the new genera of any importance up to date, but there is specified in many instances the more important and useful species and varieties of the genera described, together with brief instructions for propagation and culture. The botanical and technical terms, and a very full list of the best-known English or popular names, are also given, and great care has been exercised to have all the generic names accentuated according to the latest authorities. Nearly one thousand engravings of the various plants described in the body of this work are shown. The natural system of arrange- ment being now generally used, is adopted in the descriptions instead of the Linnsean or artificial system. Very full instructions are given for the culture and forcing of all Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables of importance, such as Grape Vines, Strawberries, Roses, Bulbs of all kinds. Celery, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Mushrooms, etc. ; in short, I believe that there is sufficient matter given on all gardening subjects to allow me to claim for this book that it is an A9IHR.ICAX Gardener's Dictionary. A series of tables and memoranda on horticultural and agrictdtural subjects, such as Seeds, Crops, Stock, Forestry, Measures, Weights, Temperature, etc., is also added, which, together with a carefully compiled glossary of the technical terms used in describing plants, and a monthly calendar of operations for the green-house and window garden, flower, fruit and kitchen garden, will undoubtedly render this edition valuable as a book of reference. The name of the book will now be " The Handbook of Plants and General Horti- culture," and I beheve that for all practical purposes it wiU be better adapted to the wants of American horticulturists than any of the more costly British works on garden- ing, and at one-third of their cost; for though from a foreign standpoint these are all ihey claim to be, yet for the American climate much of the information, and especially the gardening instructions, are not only useless, but actually misleading. In the first edition of this work I was largely indebted to the following books as authorities : Loudon's Encyclopfedia of Plants; Paxton's Botanical Dictionary; Paxton's Magazine of Botany ; Johnson's Gardener's Dictionary ; Mcintosh's Book of the Garden ; Ehind's Vegetable Kingdom ; Lindley's Treasury of Botany ; Orchid Grower's Manual ; Miller's Gardener's Diction- ary ; Gerarde's Herbal (1597) ; Parkinson's Garden of Pleasant Flowers (1629) ; Dodoen's Plants (1587) ; Gray's Manual of Botany ; Chapman's Southern Flora ; American Agriculturist, of New York; The Gardener's Monthly, of Philadelphia, Pa. ; and The Garden, London, England. In addition to the above, I am indebted for plants of late introduction to — Nicholson's Dictionary of Gardening, The Garden Oracle, Eobinson's English Flower Garden, The Gardener's Chronicle, Journal of Horticulture (London), and the various American horticultural journals. In compiling this edition, I have been most ably assisted by Mr. Wm. J. Davidson, of Brooklyn, N. Y. , who not only is a thorough botanist, but is perhaps the peer of any man in the United States to-day in his all-round knowledge of garden work. PETER HENDERSON. Jersey City, N. J., January, 1890. Il^DEX. Although this work is alphabetically arranged, yet as a quicker means of looking up cultural directions of important plants and matters pertaining to general horticulture, we give the follow- ing Index : Page Alfalfa 15 Alpine Plants 17 Annuals 2i Asparagus 35 Avenues 39 Bark 42 Bedding 46 Binding Plants 50 Blackberry 384 Blight 61 Borders, Flower 53 Bouquets, etc 54 Budding 69 Cauliflower 75 Celery 76 Cisterns 88 Club Root 92 Coffee 94 Cold Frames iuul Pits 96 Color in Flowers 97 Conseryatory 100 Coral Tree 144 Cotton Plant 172 Cranberry 204 Cultivator Ill Damping off 120 Designs 123 Draining 133 Egg Plant 137 Ferns 152 Ferf llizcrs 163 Florists' Flowers 156 Forcing Fruits, Flowers and Vege- tables ". 156 Fountains 157 Frozen Plants 159 Oas Lime aiid Oas Tar 163 Ginkgo Tree 390 Gladiolus 166 Glass and Glazing 167 Grafting 173 Grape Vine 482 Grasses 173 and 174 Green-bouse 176 Hand Glass 180 Hanging Baskets 180 Heating by Flues, Hot-beds, Dot Water, etc 181-183 Hedges 184 Herbaceous Plants 186 Page Herbarium 188 Horse-radish 193 Hjbridization 197 Immortelles 185 Insecticides 201 Insects 202 Johnson Grass 210 Lawn 219 Lilies 225 Lily of the Valley 101 Magnolia 238 liauures 242 Marker 244 Mildew 253 Moles 256 Mulching 2H0 Mushrooms 261 Narcissus 269 Orchard 286 Orchid Culture 287 Ornamental Planting 290 Paper Plants 302 Parlor Gardening 303 Pearl Millet 309 Pitcher Plants 273 Planting 330 Planting, Evil of Deep 330 Plant Protectors 331 Plan's in Rooms 331 Plants for Shady Places 331 Plants for Sea Side 404 Plant Stove 331 Plants, Unhealthy 832 Poisonous Plants 337 Potting ^ 344 Propagation by Cuttings 350 Propagation by Layering . 352 Propagation by Seeds, etc 349 Pruning 353 Rake, use of 363 Raspberry 384 Rhubarb 367 Rock Garden 373 Rock Work 374 Rollers 375 Roman Hyacinth 195 Rose 376 Rose, culture of the 380 Rotation of Crops 383 Bust 386 Paox Rustic Work 38» Sainfoin . . 288 Screens 402 Sea Kale 403 Seeds, where grown 406 Shading 411 Soil 417 Sorghum 419 Sowing, use of the feet in 422 Smilax 267 Strawberry 436 Strawberry Forcing 436 Stock Gilliflower 245 Subsoiling 440 Sub-tropical Garden 440 Table, Stage and Bench 444 Temperature 448 Transplanting 463 Trenching 460 Tuberose 338 Vases 474 Ventilating 474 Violets 480 Walks 487 Wardian Case 488 Water Cress 270 Waterfall 48» Watering 489 Water Lilies 278 and 478 Water Plants 490 Weeds 492 Winter FlowerlDg Plants 495 Working Roots 497 Glossary 504-610 Calendar of Garden Operations (Monthly) 511-518 Tables on Temperature 519 Soil, Memoranda on 520 Manures, " 62(/ Fertilizers, " 620 Crops, " 521 Seeds, " 521 Stock, " 522 Forestry, " .. 523 Masonry, etc., 523 Weights and Measures 624 Foreign Money 525 Measuring Trees and other Mis- cellaneous Information 626 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. AAR Aaron's Beard. Hypericum calydnum. aron's Club. Verbascum Thapsus. Aba'ca, a popular name given to one of the Mvsas or Bananas of the Philippine Islands, which yields Manilla hemp. Abe'le. The White Poplar, Populus alba, of Eu- rope ; a tree that has been extensively planted as an ornamental tree, but discarded because of its tendency to sucker and spread beyond control. Abe'lia. After Dr. Abel, physician to the embas- sage of Lord Amherst to China. Nat. Ord. Caprifoliacece. A. small genus of green-house shrubs, found in India, China, Mexico, and Japan. They are of a slender branching habit, bearing opposite leaves and terminal bunches of tubular rose- colored or dark crimson flowers. A. rupestris, a native of China, is of dwarf habit, and flow- ers profusely in autumn or winter. The flowers are in compact clusters, very fragrant. A. rupestris grandifiora, a seedling of Italian origin, has larger flowers, and the whole plant is more robust. A. floribunfla, a Mexican species, has dark-colored flowers, produced from the axils of the leaves. All the species are inci'eased by cuttings. Introduced in 1844. Abelmo'schus esculentus. The modern botan- ical name for Okra. See Hibiscus. Abe'ria. A genus of Flacourtiacece, consisting of a few species, mostly natives of tropical Af- rica, the Cape, and Ceylon. The fruits of A. Caffra, the Kei apple of the Cape, are of a golden-yellow color, about the size of a small apple, and are used by the natives for making a preserve. They are so exceedingly acid when fresh, that the Dutch settlers prepare them for their table as a pickle, without vin- egar. The plant is also much grown for hedges; being densely clothed with strong, dry spines, it forms an impenetrable fence. Aberrant. Something which differs from the customary or usual structure, or deviates from the natural or direct way. Also, a group of plants which stands intermediate, as it were, between two other groups ; e. g., Fuma- riacece, which are by some regarded as an aberrant group of Papaveracem. AHbies. Spruce, Fir. The classical Latin name, Nat. Ord. Coniferoe. An extensive genus of hardy evergreen trees. Most of the species are orflamental, and are ABE extensively planted for hedges around large grounds, or for single specimens on the lawn. A. excelsa, the Norway Spruce, is the most commonly planted, and is one of the most graceful and popular species. A. alba is the White Spruce; A. balsamea, the Balsam Fir; and A. nigra, the Black or Double Spruce. The correct name of A. Canadensis, the Hem- lock Spruce, is Tsuga Canadensis, which see. A. Douglaasii, syn. Pseudotsuga Douglaaii, is a noble species, common west of the Eocky Mountains. It attains a height of two hun- dred feet, and a diameter of ten feet, and is entitled to a place among the "great trees" of California. Abnormal. Opposed to the usual structure. Thus, stamens standing opposite to petals are abnormal, it being usual for stamens to be alternate with petals if equal to them in num- ber. Leaves growing in pairs from the same side of a stem, as in Atropa Belladonna, and flower stalks adherent to the midrib of a bract, as in Tilia, are also abnormal. Abo'bra. Its Brazilian name. Nat. Ord. Cu- curbitacecB. A. viridiflora is a very pretty climber, suita- ble for planting out during summer. Foliage dark green and glossy ; flowers insignificant, but the small scarlet fruit makes the plant very effective. Eoot tuberous, perennial. Keep during winter like the Dahlia. Abortive. Imperfectly developed ; as abortive stamens, which consist of a filament only; abortive petals, which are mere bristles or scales. Abro'ma. From a, privative, and broma, food ; unfit to be eaten. Nat. Ord. Sterculiacece. Handsome, free-flowering species of easy culture, growing readily in common loam, and propagated by seeds or offsets. The flowers are in terminal or axillary clusters, yellow or purple. A. sinuosa, from Madagascar, intro- duced in 1884, is a very pretty plant of slender habit. The bark of A. augusta, a na-tive of the East Indies, furnishes a very strong white fiber, used in the manufacture of cordage that is not liable to be weakened by exposure to wet. Of easy culture ; propagated by seeds or cuttings. Introduced to cultivation in 1770. Abro'nia. Sand Verbena. From abros, deli- cate ; referring to its involucrum. Nat. Ord. Nyctaginacece. These charming annuals are natives of Cal- ifornia. A. umbellata, introduced in 1826, is a HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS ABR handsome trailing plant, well adapted for rock-work, suspended baskets, or beds, flow- ering freely during the autumn months. Flowers in trusses, like the Verbena, of a rosy-lilac color, very fragrant. They succeed well also in the garden border. Seed should be sown as soon as the ground is in order. They may with profit be started in a hot-bed or frame, and transplanted to any desired sit- uation. A'brus. Wild Liquorice. From abroa, soft ; in allusion to the delicacy of the leaves. Nat. Ord. Leguminofice. A. precatorius, the only species, is found in India, the West Indies, and the Mauritius. It is chiefly remarkable for its small, egg-shaped seeds, which are of a brilliant scarlet color, with a black mark, indicating the place where they were attached to the pod. These seeds are much used for necklaces and other orna- mental purposes, and are employed in India as a standard of weight, under the name of Rati. The weight of the Koh-i-noor diamond is known to have been ascertained in this way. The specific name is from precatorius, prayer, the seeds being used for rosaries. Absinth. See Artemisia absinthium. Abu'tilon. Chinese Bell-flower. Arabic name for a plant like a Mallow. Nat. Ord. Malvacece. A highly interesting genus of free-growing and free-flowering shrubs, excellent both for the green-house and for garden decoration in summer. They produce white, rose, yellow, or orange-colored flowers, all except the white being veined or striped with red and crimson. They grow rapidly when planted in sandy loam, and are readily propagated by cuttings. Aca'cia. From akazo, to sharpen, on account of the prickliness of the species first noticed. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. An extensive group of really handsome plants, many of them assuming in their native positions the character of timber trees ; but with us are easily accommodated in a good conservatory, where their bright yellow flow- ers, produced in winter and early spring, are highly ornamental. The species best deserv- ing of cultivation are all natives of Australia, New South Wales, and other temperate re- gions, and are among the hardiest and most easily cultivated of green-house plants. They succeed best when planted out in the green- house, but may be satisfactorily managed in pots, if grown in a sandy loam. Cuttings may be struck in a gentle heat under glass, though young plants are more easily obtained from seed. Acae'na. From Akaina, a thorn ; in allusion to the thorns or bristles on the calyx or fruit. Nat. Ord. Rosac&je. A small genus, natives of Australia and Tas- mania. A. micrnphulla is a dwarf-growing plant, with dark brown pinnately-divided leaves, growing freely in light soil ; flowers in globular heads in August and September. It is chiefly remarkable for the crimson-colored spines that protrude from the angles of the calyx. Propagation by cuttings. Introduced 1854. Syn. A. Novce Zealandicn. Aca'lypha. From akaloa, unpleasant, and aphe, touch. Nat. Ord. EuphorbiacecB. This genus comprises over two hundred species, widely distributed over the warmer ACA regions, several being extra-tropical Ameri- can. A. tricolor is a handsome green-house shrub with coppery-green foliage, curiously blotched, mottled, and splashed with red and crimson. It is a native of the New Hebrides. Introduced in 18G6. A. Macafeeana, A. Mar- ginata, and others of the hybridized varieties, when well grown have highly-colored leaves, and as they stand the sun well, are desirable for vases, rustic designs, or garden decora- tions. They are increased by cuttings. Acantha'ceae. A large order of soft-wooded herbaceous plants with monopetalous axillary flowers. In tropical regions they are very common, constituting a large part of the herb- age. One genus, however, the Acanthus, is found in Greece, and two, Dianthera and Ruellia, are natives of this country. The greater part are mere weeds, but some are plants of great beauty, especially the species of Justicia, Aphelandra, Cyrlanlhera, and Ruellia. For the most part they are mucilag- inous and slightly bitter, and some are used in dyeing. Acantholi'mon. From Acanthos, a spine, and limon, sea-lavender; referring to its leaves and bracts. Nat. Ord. PlumbaginacecB. A. glumaceum, the only species of interest, is a dense, tufty, prosti-ate plant, with needle- shaped leaves and pink flowers, closely re- lated to Statice, and formerly grown under the name of S. Ararati; it is well adapted for rock-work ; blooms in July and August. Na- tive of Armenia. Introduced in 1851. Acanthopa'nax. From acanthos, a spine, and Panax ; alluding to the spiny stems and Panax- like aspect of the plants. Nat. Ord. AraliaceiB. A genus of green-house shrubs, natives of Japan, China, and tropical Asia, differing bo- tanically from Aralia, from which genus they are removed. There are about eight species, of which the most desirable are A. ricinifolia (syn. Aralia Maximowiczii) and A. spinosum, better known as Aralia pentaphylla. Acanthophip'pium. A genus of terrestrial or- chids allied to Bletia, with large fleshy, tubu- lar flowers growing almost at the base of the leaves. The flowers are rather pretty and fi'agrant, remaining a long time in bloom. There are, however, so many more desirable orchids that they are rarely seen in collections of these popular plants. Acanthophoe'nix. A genus of Palms, estab- lished for two species, closely allied to Areca, from the Mascaren Islands. They do not ap- pear to differ from that genus except in habit. The stems are shorter, and the petiole and midrib of the leaves are armed with long fili- form prickles. Introduced in 1868. Acanthorhl'za. A small genus of Palms, closely allied to Chamcerops, from which, how- ever, they differ in having their leaves divided into broad segments, and the peculiar spiny roots which surround the base of the stem. These plants are very ornamental, either for the conservatory or the sub-tropical garden. Acan'thus. From akanthos, a spine ; some of the species being spiny. Nat. Ord. Acan- thacece. A group of stately ornamental perennial plants, mostly hardy, remarkable for their vig- orous growth and beautiful foliage. It is con- ADONIS ^STIVALIS. ABUTILON. AGBOSTEMMA CORONABIA, ACROCLINIUM. ^THIONEMA. ''■""^^^3^ AOEBATUM (DWARF). ACHILLEA MILLE FOLIUM. ASONTS VEBNALIS. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. ACA jectured that the leaf of A. spinosus furnished the model for the decoration of the capitals of the columns in the Corinthian style of archi- tecture. Propagated by seeds or division of the roots. Acaulescent. With apparently no stem. Accessory. Something additional, not usually present. Acclimatize. To accustom a plant to live in the open air without protection, in a country where it is not indigenous. We give the meaning attached to the term, though we question the popular belief. Plants may be- come acclimatized in the course of ages, but not perceptibly in anj- one generation. It is true we can temporarily and gradually harden off a plant so that it will stand a great degree of cold, but the product of that plant, whether from cuttings or seeds, will not be hardier than the original individual. Accumbent. Lying against anything ; used in opposition to incumbent, or lying upon some- thing ; a term employed in describing the em- brj-o of Crucifers. A'cer. Maple. From acer, hard, or shai'p ; the vrood is extremely hard, and was formerly much used for making pikes and lances. Nat. Qj'd. Aceracece. A genus comprised for the most part of handsome deciduous shrubs and trees, well adapted for forming shrubberies, and used ex- tensively as shade trees. Several of the spe- cies produce very valuable timber. Sugar is one of the constituent parts of the sap in all of the species, and in this country large quan- tities of excellent sugar and syrup are manu- factured from the sap of the Sugar Maple, A. Saccharatum. The beautiful varieties of A. Japonicum and A. palmatum, introduced by Mr. Thomas Hogg from Japan, form strikingly handsome objects for lawn decoration. The leaves of some of them are beautifully dis- sected, rivalling fern fronds in beauty, while many others have the richest tints of yellow, pink, red and brown, giving them during the entire summer a rich autumnal appearance. They are perfectly hardy, and are increased by grafting on a dwarf Japanese species. A. negundo, or Box Elder, is now called Negundo aceroides, or N. fraxinifolium, which see. Acera'cese. A natural order of trees and shrubs inhabiting Europe, the temperate parts of Asia, the north of India, and North America. The order is unknown in Africa and the southern hemisphere. The bark of some is astringent, and yields reddish-brown and yellow colors. The order only contains three genera, and rather more than fifty species, of which the Maple and Sycamore are well-known repre- sentatives. A'ceras. Man Orchis. From a, without, and Keras, a horn ; the lip having no spur. A very interesting genus of terrestrial orchids, the most singular of which is the Green Man Orchis, indigenous to dry, chalky pastures in the southeast of England. Acera'tes. Green Milkweed. A genus of ^scfe- pediacem, natives of America and Mexico. The leaves of A. Viridiflora, one of the most com- mon species, are singularly variable in form, ranging from obovate to lanceolate, or linear. ACI Acerose. Needle pointed ; fine and slender, with a sharp point. Acha'nia Malvaviscus. A synonym of Malva- viscus arboreus, which see. AcMlle'a. Yariow. Named in honor of Achilles, a pupil of Chiron, who first used it in medi- cine. Nat. Ord. Compoaitce. Free-flowering, hardy herbaceous plants, particularly suited to plant among rock-work, or in situations refused by more tender plants. They are chiefly European plants, and the pre- vailing colors of the flowers are yellow and white. A. millefolium, or Milfoil, the common Yarrow, is common on our roadsides and neg- lected fields. A. tomentosa, of dense habit, is one of the best and brightest yellow flowei's for the herbaceous border, or rock-garden. A. Ptarmica flore-pleno is another most useful hardy perennial, producing a wealth of its double white flowers all summer. It is also very useful for cutting. Called erroneously by some A. alba flora-plena. Achime'nes. From cheimaino, to suffer from cold, and a prefixed as an augraentive ; allud- ing to the tenderness of the genus. Nat. Ord. GesneracecB. One of the finest of modern introductions, the whole of the species being splendid sum- mer ornaments of the greon-house or conserv- atory. Flowers of all shades, from white to crimson. The scaly bulbs or tubers require to be kept perfectly dormant in winter, and about January to be potted in light loam and leaf-mould, plunged into a moderate hot-bed, and encouraged with a warm, genial atmos- phere. When they have attained a few inches in height they may be placed several together in a shallow pan, or repotted separately, and by the end of April gradually inured to the temperature of the green-house, where they afford a blaze of beauty the whole of the sum- mer. They are mostly natives of Mexico and Guatemala, though a few have been received from the West Indies. Achyra'nthes. From acTiuron.chaff, and anthoa, a flower; in allusion to the chaffy nature of the floral leaves. Nat. Ord. Amaranthacece. Most of this genus are of but little value. Some of the species are very beautiful, and largely employed in ribbon-gardening, or any situation where plants need to be "trained," as they can be made to grow in any desired shape or form. They require the full sunshine to develop their intense color. Propagated by cuttings. Syns. Ireaine and Chamissoa. Acine'ta. From akineta. immovable; the lip being jointless. Nat. Ord. Orchidacem. A small genus of curious epiphytal Orchids from Mexico. Flowers yellow, crimson and yellow, and chocolate and crimson, borne on slender spikes about one foot long. They are of easy culture, requiring a house of medium temperature, and to be grown in baskets of moss. Introduced in 1837. Aciphy'Ua. From ake, a point, and phyllon, a leaf; referring to the sharply-pointed seg- ments of the leaf. A remarkable genus of UmbellifercB . differing only by its curious habit and spinescent char- acter from Ligusticum. A. Colensoi, a native of New Zealand, forms a circular bush five or six feet in diameter, of bayonet-like spines, having flowering stems six to nine feet high, HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS ACI covered with very long spinous leaflets. Two species are known, both of which are called Spear Grass and Wild Spaniard by the settlers. Propagated by seeds or divisions in spring. Introduced in 1875. A'cis. After Acts, a Sicilian shepherd. Nat. Ord. AmaryllidaceoE. A genus of hardy bulbs closely allied to the Snowtiake ; propagated readily by offsets. They should have a sandy soil, and not be often divided. Acme'na. A small genus of green-house ever- gieen shrubs of the Nat. Ord. Myrtaceat green-house plant, somewhat resembling the Gazania in foliage and shape of flower. As it blooms profusely, and the color is a rare and beautiful shade of blue, which contrasts rinely with the golden yelloTT AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 13 AGA disk, it is much valued as an ingredient in winter bouquets. It is a neat plant, and the peculiar color (mazarine blue) is very unusual in this class of plants. Propagated by cut- tings. A'gathophy'Uuna. Madagascar Nutmeg. From agatlios, pleasant, and phyllon, a leaf. Nat. Ord. LauraceoR. A. aromaticum is a warm green-house evergn^en shrub of economic value only. The fruit is aromatic, but en- closes a kernel of an acrid, caustic taste, known as Madagascar Clove Nutmeg. Aga've. American Aloe. Century Plant. From ugmios, admirable, referring to the stately form in which some of them flower. Nat. Ord. Amaryllidactm. This genus is described by B. S. Wil- liams as follows: "They ai'e noble, mas- sive growing plants, and form magnificent ornaments in the green-house or conserva- tory; whilst, from their slow growth they do not rapidly get too large, even for a small green-house. Indeed some of the real gems of this genus are neat, compact-growing plants, seldom exceeding two feet in height. Besides being fine ornamental plants for in- door decoration, the larger growing kinds are unquestionably the finest objects for the em- bellishment of terrace walks, or surmounting flights of steps in the oisen air during the siuu- mer season, and also for plunging in rock- work, or about any rustic nooks in the pleas- ure grounds, as, in such situations, they are quite in keeping, and thrive admirably. As is well known, they attain maturity very slowly; but when this condition is reached, the plant sends up a flower-spike, and after perfecting this, dies." Auumber of the dwarfer growing species, such as A. applanata, A. attenuata, A. Celsiana, A.fiUfera, A. Salmiana. A. VictorioB Regina, and many otliers, are much used in sub-tropical gardening, and for bedding out on lawns, et'., during summer. A. Americana, is a splendid decorative plant, a native of South America introduced to cul- tivation in 1640. The varieties with striped foliage are considered the most desirable as ornamental plants. It was at one time a pre- vailing idea that this plant only flowered once in a hundred years ; but this is found now to be a popular error. If given sufficient heat, it will flower when ten or twelve years old. The flower stem rises from the center of the phmt to a height of about thirty feet, bearing an immense number of yellowish-green flowers, after perfecting which the plant perishes. New plants are formed around the base of the old one in the fonn of suckers. It furnishes a vaiiety of products ; the plants form impen- etrable fences; the leaves furnish flbers of various qualities, from that used in the finest thread to tliat in the strongest rope cables; the juice, when the watery part is evaporated, forms a good soap, and will mix and form a lather with salt water as well as fresh ; a verj- intoxicating drink is also made from the juice, as well as other preparations of a similar nature ; the leaves are made into razor- strops, and are also used in scouring all sorts of culinary utensils. Over one hundred spe- cies have been described, but according to Bentham and Hooker, not over fifty are suf- ficiently distinct to rank as such. They are AGR distributed over South America, Mexico, and the Soutliern States. Agera'tum. From a not, and geras, old ; in reference to tlio flowers being always clear. Nat. Ord. CompoHitcR. A. Mexicanum, the type of this genus is a Avell known occupant of our flower boi'ders. It bears a profusion of lilac- blue flowers all season, and is very useful for cutting. Several very dwarf varieties of it have originated under cultivation which are very useful in ribbon and carpet bedding. A variegated form is also cultivated for its pretty foliage. Syn. Coslestina. Agglomerate. Collected into a heap or head. Aglai'a. From Aglaia, one of the Graces. Nat. Ord. MeliacefB. A genus of evergreen trees or shrubs, hav- ing very small flowers, borne in axillary pani- cles. The leaves are showy and finely divided. It contains about nineteen species, natives of China, and the Malay and Pacific Islands. A. odorata has small yellow flowers, very sweet- scented, said to be used by the Chinese to scent their teas. Aglamo'rpha. From aglaos, beautiful, and mor- 2)ha, a form. Nat. Ord. Polypodiacece. A. Meyeniana, the only species, is a beauti- ful herbaceous Fern, a native of the Philip- pine Islands. It is propagated by division or from spores, and I'equires the same treatment as Polypodium, under whielx genus it is in- cluded by some authors. Aglaone'ma. From aglaos, bright, and nema, a thread ; supposed to refer to the sliining sta- mens. Nat. Ord. Aroidem. A genus of stove-house plants, allied to Arum, with entire leaves and wliite fragrant flowers. Agnes, St., Plo'wer. See Leucqjum. Agno'stus. A synonym of Stenocarpus, which see. Ago'nis. From agon, a gathering, a collection ; in allusion to the number of the seeds. Nat. Ord. MyrtacecB. A genus of evergreen shrubs or small trees, natives of Western Australia. The flowers are white, rather small, in dense globose axil- lary, or terminal heads. The species are still rare in cultivation, and will undoul>tedly prove hardy south of Washington. Propagated by cuttings. Agrimo'nia. Agrimony. A corruption of ^r^e- mone. Nat. Ord. Rosacece. A small genus of yellow-flowered, Aveedy plants, coranu)n throughout the United States. The larger flowered, or common Agrimony, is a native of Europe, but lias become pretty generally naturalized. They are plants of but little interest. Agroste'mma. Rose Campion. From agros, a field, and strmma, a crown ; referring to the beauty of the flower. Nat. Ord. Caryophyl- lacece. A. coronaria is a hardy perennial, introduced from Russia in 1834. Suitable for border plants, their showy white and red flowers con- trasting finely with shrubbery. Propagated by division of roots or by seeds. A . coRli-rosea, or Rose of Heaven, is a favorite annual spe- cies, with delicate rose, white or purple flow- ers. It should be grown in groups. 14 HENDERSONS HANDBOOK OF PLANTS AGE, Agro'stis. Bent Grass, Bed Top. This is the Greek name for all grasses, from agros, a field. Nat. Ord. Graminacece. A well-known genus of grasses, including A. canina, the Bhode Island Bent Grass; A. stolonifera, the Creeping Bent Grass, and A. vulgaris, the common Bed Top. These species have all been introduced from Europe, but are now thoroughly naturalized in this country. A. pulchella and A. nebulosa are both very del- icate, feather-like annual grasses, valuable for bouquet-making and for winter decorative purposes. Ague Root. A common name tor Aletrisfarinosa. Ague Tree. Laurus Sassafras. Ague Weed, Indian. Ewpatorium perfoliatum. Aila'ntus. From ailanto, Tree of Heaven, refer- ring to its lofty growth. Nat. Ord. Xantho- xylacecB. Deciduous trees of rapid growth, natives of China. They were at one time extensively planted as street treeg, and should not now be so generally discarded, as they will thrive well in cities and barren soils, making a beautiful shade tree, as well as valuable timber. The only objection that has ever been made to them is the unpleasant odor of their flowers. That objection can be easily avoided. This tree is dioecious, and is rajudly increased bj' root-cuttings. By taking cuttings from the female plant, the flowers of which are inodor- ous, they can be increased to any extent. Ai'ra. Hair Grass. The Hair Grass is named from the Greek, and signifies to desti-oy ; but why it has received this unwelcome n*ime is apparently uncertain. Nat. Ord. Graminacece. There are several species common to this country and Europe. A. caspilosa is typical of the genus, a very handsome Grass, the flowers of wliich are well adapted for decoration, being very graceful. It will flourish in almost any situation, but prefers damp fields, where it forms large tufts, known as "hassocks," and as it is not eaten by cattle except when nothing else can be procured, a field in which it abounds has a singularly unsightly, and to farmers un- welcome appearance. Air Plants. These are plants that grow on trees, or other objects, and not in the earth, deriving their nutriment from the atmosphere. The term was formerly, and is still to some extent, applied to epiphj'tal Orchids. There are, howevei", many other families of air plants. The class is to be distinguished from the various parasites that have no roots in the earth, but derive tiieir nourishment di- rectly from the plants on which they grow. Aito'nia. In honor of W. Ailon, once Head Gardener at Kew. Nat. Ord. Meliacea:. A small and interesting evergreen shrub from the Cape of Good Hope, bearing pink flowers. Introduced in 1777. A'jax. A subdivision of the genus Narcissits, including the common Daffodil, and other spe- cies having a long trumpet-shaped cox'onet to the flowers. Aju'ga. Bugle. From a, privative, and sttgron, a yoke ; in reference to the calyx being one- leaved. Nat. Ord. Labiatce. A small genus of hardy annual and peren- nial herbaceous plants. A. reptans (common Bugle) has been introduced into the garden. ALE and given a position in massing and ribbon bordei's of plants for its dark-colored foliage. The species were at one time highly esteemed for the medicinal properties they were sup- posed to possess. "Euellus writeth that thej' commonly said in France, howe he needeth neither physician nor surgeon that hathe Bugle and Sanicle, for it not only cureth woundes, being inwardly taken, but also applied to them outwardly." — Gerurde. They aie propagated readily from seed. Akaz'za. The name of an ordeal poison used in the Gaboon country, supposed to be the product of a species of Strychnos. Ake'bia. The name it bears in Japan. Nat. Ord. LardisabalacecB. A. quinala was introduced from China, in 1844, by Eobert Fortune. It is a hardy climber, of rapid growth, suitable for large arbors or trellises, in sunny or shady situa- tions. It will twine around old trees, com- pletely covering the branches, from which it will hang in graceful festoons. The color of the flower is dark brown, and it is very sweet- scented. In a light, I'ich soil it will grow to the height of thirty feet. It is propagated readily by layering or cuttings. Alatus. Furnished with a thin wing or expan- sion. Albi'zzia. Named after an Italian. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. A small genus of ornamental green-house plants, very like Acacias, to which they are often referred. The plant so well known as Acacia lophantha is placed under this genus. Albu'ca. From albus, white, referring to the prevalence of wnite flowers in tlie genus (not a very happy allusion, though, because the flowers are mostly green). Nat. Ord. Liliacece. This is a genus of but little beauty, closely allied to the Ornithogalum, introduced from tlie Cape of Good Hope about 1750. They ai-e tender bulbous plants, easily cultivated in the green-house, grown in pots in light, sandy soil. They flower in May and June. Albumen. The matter that is interposed be- tween the skin of a seed and the embryo. It is of a farinaceous, oily or horny con- sistency, and surrounds the embryo wholly or in part, and affords nourishment to the young plant during the eai'liest stages of germination. Alburnum. The white and softer part of wood, between the inner bark and heai't-wood, com- monly known as sap-wood ; the young wood before it comes to a proper consistence. Alchemi'lla. A genus of herbaceous annual or perennial plants, belonging to the natural or- der Rosacece. All the species liave lobed leaves and inconspicuous yellow or greenish flowers. A. vulgaris, the commo.n Lady's Mantle, is fre- quent in English woods and wet pastures. Alder. See Alnus. Alder, Black. The popular name for Prinos verlicillata. Alder, Red. Cunonia Capensis. Alder, "White. The popular name for Clethra alnifolia. Ale-cost. An old English name for Pyrethrum Tanacetum, commonly known as Balaamita vul- garis, the Costmary of Gardens. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 15 ALF Ale'tris. Colie-root. Star-grass. From aletron, meal ; referring to the powdery appearance of the whole plant. Nat. Ord. H(x,modoracecB. There are but two species included in this genus, both natives of the United States, and pretty generally distributed. A. farinosa is highly esteemed for its medicinal properties, and is a very pretty plant for the border. It is a herbaceous perennial, the leaves growing in a close tuft, from which arises a flower-steiu from one to three feet high, terminating in a spiked raceme of small, white, oblong, bell- shaped flowers. Propagated by division or by seeds. Aleuri'tes. From the Greek word, signifying flour, all the parts of the plant seeming to be dusted with it. Nat. Ord. Ewphorbiacece. A. triloba is a handsome evergreen tree, with small white clustered flowers. It is a native of the Moluccas and the Southern Pacific Islands, andiscommonlycultivated in tropical countries for the sake of its nuts, which, when dried, are stuck on a reed and used as candles, and as an article of food in New Georgia. It is of easy culture, and is propagated freely by cut- tings. Aleurito'pteris. A genus of Ferns, now joined Avith Cheilanihes. Alfalfa or Lucerne {Medicago Sativa). Though this has been a favorite forage plant in some parts of the Old World for hundreds of years, it is not surprising that in a country so wide- spread and diversified as the United States, a crop that is so valued in some localities is un- known in others. The great value of Alfalfa is in its enormous yield of sweet and nutritious forage, which is highly relished by stock either when green or cured into hay. It will grow and yield abun- dantly in hot, dry sections, and on poor, light and sandy land, where no grasses can be grown, for it sends its roots down to enormous depths, they having been found in sandy soil 13 feet long ; consequently it con- sumes food, moisture, and the leach of fer- tilizers from depths entirely beyond the action of drought or heat, and which have been for years beyond the reach of ordinary plants. Alfalfa greatly enriches the soil even more than ordinary Clovers, as it derives a very large portion of nutritive material from the atmosphere. It aerates the land to a great depth, and a large portion of its great fleshy roots, equalling small carrots in size, annually decay from the outside and keep growing larger from the center, and are constantly increasing the fertility of the ground. Alfalfa is not considered perfectly hardy in our more Northern States, yet experiments made by some of our Northern Agricultural Experimental Stations prove it of more value North than previously supposed. The soil best suited for the growth of Alfalfa is that which is deep and sandy ; hence the soil of Florida and many other portions of the cotton belt is eminently fitted for its culture. When Alfalfa is to be grown on a large scale, to get at the best results, the ground chosen should be high and level, or if not high, such as is entirely free from under water. Drainage must be as nearly perfect as possible — either naturally or artificially. This in fact is a primary necessity for every crop — unless it be such as is aquatic or sub-aquatic. ALF Deep plowing, thorough harrowing and level- ing with that valuable implement, the "smooth- ing harrow," to get a smoolli and level surface, are the next operations. This should be done in the Southern States from 1st to 20th October — or at such season in the fall as would be soon enough to ensure a growth of four or five inches before the season of growth stops. Draw outlines on the prepared land twenty inches apart (if for horse culture, but if for hand culture fourteen inches), and two or three inches deep. These lines are best made by what market gardeners call a "marker," which is made by nailing six tooth-shaped pickets six or eight inches long at the required distance apart to a three by four inch joist, to which a handle is attached — which makes the marker or drag. The first tooth is set against a garden line drawn tight across the field, the marker is dragged back- wards by the workman, each tooth marking a line ; thns the sis teeth mark six lines, if the line is set each time ; but it is best to place the end tooth of the marker in a line already made, so that in this way only five lines are marked at once, but it is quicker to do this than move the line. The lines being marked out, the seed is sown by hand or by seed-drill, at the rate of eight to twelve pounds per acre. After sowing — and this rule applies to all seeds if sown by hand — the seed must be trodden in by walking on the lines, so as to )iress the seed down into the drills. After treading in, the ground must be levelled by raking with a wooden or steel rake along the lines length- ways — not across. That done, it would be ad- vantageous to use a roller over the land so as to smooth the surface and further firm the seed, but this is not indispensable. When seeds are drilled in by machine, the wheel presses down the soil on the seed, so that treading in with the feet is not necessary. After the seeds germinate so as to show the rows, which will be in from two to four weeks, according to the weather, the ground must be hoed between, and this is best done by some light wheel-hoe, if by hand, such as the "Planet, Jr." On light sandy soil, such as in Florida, a man could with ease run over two or three acres per day. The labor entailed in this method of sowing Alfalfa in drills is somewhat greater than when sown broadcast in the usual way of grasses and clover, but there is xio question that it is by far the best and most profitable plan, for it must be remem- bered that the plant is &hardy perennial, and is good for a crop for eight to ten years. More- ovei", the sowing in drills admits of the crop being easily fertilized, if it is found necessary to do so ; as all that is necessary is to sow bone dust, superphosphates, or other concentrated fertilizer between the rows, and then stir it into the soil by the use of the wheel-hoe. Because Alfalfa fiourishes on poor and worn out lands, it should not be thought unadapted to good soils. In the latter, its yield almost exceeds belief. At the New Jersey State farm, seed of it sown, April 28th, in drills, and the plants cultivated, had grown forty inches tall, when cut on July 7th, 70 daj-s from sow- ing, yielding (green) 7%, tons per acre ; the second cutting made on August 18th, yielded (green) 8)^ tons per acre ; the third cutting was made September 27th, and yielded (green) 4 « tons per acre ; a total of 20 tons of green 16 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS ALG fodder per acre the first year sown, which would equal at least five tons of cured hay. If sown on light, dry soils during a dry spell, or if sown broadcast, not much, if any, crop can be expected the first year, as the roots have to get a vigorous hold of the soil ; the second year it can (if sown under such conditions) be cut two or three times, but it is not until the third year that it develops into full vigor, and after that it yields magnificent crops for ten or fifteen years. Alfalfa will not flourish on land where water stands a short distance below the surface, nor in heavy, sticky clays. It attains its highest perfection on mellow, well-drained or roiling land where water readily passes away. A'lgae. A large and important tribe of Crypto- ganiia, the greater part of which live either in salt or fresh water. They are related on the one hand to Funguses, and on the otlier to Lichens their distinctive characters being more easily derived from their respective liabits, than from differences of structure. Some of the species, as the Dulse and Pepper Dulse, are edible and are used in Britain as a condiment, while the Carrageen or Irish Moss, besides its value in cattle-feeding when boiled and mixed with other nutritious matters, forms an excellent dessert something like curds when boiled in milk. Algce, best known as "Sea weed," have long been used as manure by the farmers along the coasts of Long Island, New England, etc., im- mense quantities being thrown ashore in the faU of the year. It is generally composted with barn yard manure and is often used as a covering for Strawberries and Asparagus for winter. Algaro'ba Bean, or Carob. The fruit of Cer- atonia Siliqua, which see. Alha'gi. The Arabic name of the plant. Nat. Ord. LeguminoscB. A small genus of shrubby plants, Avith simple leaves and spiny fiower-stajks, inhabit- ing Southern Asia and Western Africa. A manna-like substance is produced from some of these plants in Persia and Bokhara, and is collected by merely shaking the branches. The secretion is supposed by some to be iden- tical with the Manna by which the Israelites were miraculously fed. Ali'sma. Water Plantain. A. Plantago var. Americana, is a native aquatic with small white or rose-colored flowers, arranged in a loose, compound, many-flowered panicle. Alisma'ceae. A small order of aquatic or marsh plants, with three-petaled flowers, on leafless scapes, and simple, radical leaves. The genera best known are Alisma, Butomus and Sagit- taria. A'lkanet, or Hoary Puccoon. The common name of Lithospermum canescens ; also, a name applied to the roots of Anchusa tinctoria, ex- tensively used as a dye, which is also called "alkanet." Allama'nda. Named in honor of Dr. Allamand, of Leyden. Nat. Ord. Apocynacece. This genus consists principally of handsome climbing green-house shrubs. A. Schottii, a native of Brazil, produces immense numbers of large, funnel-shaped flowers, which are of a full yellow, with a deeper yellow throat. A. ALO nobilis, A. Chelsoni and other species are all most desirable flowering plants for green- house decoration. They delight in a warm, moist situation, and should have a light, fibrous soil. Propagated by cuttings. First introduced from Brazil in 1846. Allanto'dia. From allantos, a sausage ; in refer- ence to the cylindrical form of the indusium. A genus of Ferns now reduced to one species, A. Brunoniana, which is a very pretty plant, Avith fronds one to two feet in length. It is a native of the Himalayas, at an elevation of 6,000 feet, and is of easy culture in the green- house. Syn. Asplenium Juvanicum, Alleghany Vine. See Adlumia. Ail-Heal. Valeriana officinalis. AUigator Apple. See Anona palustris. AUigator Pear. See Persea gratissima. Alligator "Wood. The timber of Guarea grandi- folia, a West Indian tree. A'Uium. From the Celtic all, meaning hot or burning ; referring to the well-known qualities of the genus. Nat. Ord. Liliacem. Of the one hundred and fifty species of this tribe, but few are considered ornamental ; in- deed, the family, probably from prejudice, has been much neglected, where many far less showy plants have found favor. A. Moly pro- duces large trusses of golden yellow flowers in June. A. Neapolitanum is a fine species, bearing pui-e white fiowers in a large umbel. The former is perfectly hai-dy, and worthy a place in the garden. The latter is tender, re- quiring the protection of the green-house. Propagated readily by offsets. The various species of Allium, as Onion, Leek, Garlic, Chives, etc., are described under their respective names. Allople'ctus. A small genus of interesting green-house shrubs, belonging to the order GesneracecB, and requiring the same treatment. Alloso'rus. From alios, diverse, and soros, a heap ; in allusion to the changing of the sori. Nat. Ord. Polypodiacece. A small genus of very beautiful dwarf Ferns. A. crispus, a British Fern, sometimes called the Mountain Parsley Fern, is a beautiful plant for rockeries. Two or three exotic spe- cies are favorites in the green-house. Tliey are propagated from spores. Allspice. Carolina. Calycanthus floridvs. Allspice-Tree. See Pimenta. Almond. See Amygdalus communis. Almond, Double-Flowering, Dwarf. Amyg^ daliis nana, which see. Almond, Earth or Chufa. Cyperus esculentua. Al'nus. The Alder. From al, near, and Ian, the bank of a river ; in reference to the situation where the Alder delights to grow. Nat. Ord. BetulacecB. An extensive genus of shrubs or small trees common throughout North America and Europe. The pi-incipal use of the Alder is for charcoal, which is highly valued in the manu- facture of gunpowder. Aloca'sia. A slight alteration of Coiocosia. Nat. Ord. AroidecB. This name is applied to a section of the genus Colocasia; by some considered a distinct genus. Natives of India, the Indian Archi- AND GENERAL HORTICULTUEE. 17 ALO pelago, &c. A. metallica is a magnificent spe- cies from Boi'neo, producing very large oval leaves, having a rich bronze-colored surface, making it a conspicuous ornament for the hot- house. The leaves look like large polished metal shields. Many other species, some of them of great beauty, with large and hand- somely variegated, usually peltate, leaves, are highly-prized occupants of our plant stoves. A'loe. From alloeh, its Arabic name. Nat. Ord. LiliacecB. The name Aloe is so frequently applied in conversation to the American Aloe, or Agave, that many persons are not aware that the true Aloe is not only quite a different genus, but l-elongs to a different natural order, the Amer- ican Aloe being one of the Amaryllis tribe, while the true Aloe belongs to the Lily tribe. The qualities of the two plants are also essen- tially different, the American Aloe abounding in starchy, nourishing matter, while every part of the true Aloe is purgative. The true Aloe also flowers every year, and the flowers are tube-shaped, and produced on a spike ; Avhile each plant of the American Aloe flowers but once, sending up an enormous flower-stem with candelabra-like branches and cup-shaped flowers. The true Aloes are succulent plants, natives of the Cape of Good Hope, and grow best in this country in green-houses or rooms, in a light, sandy soil. To this, when the plants are wanted to attain a large size, may be added a little leaf-mould. When grown in rooms, a poor soil is, however, preferable, as it keeps the plants of a smaller and more manageable size, and makes them less easily affected by changes of temperature. The colors of the flowers will also be richer when the plants are grown in poor soil. The drug called aloes is made principally from the pulp of the fleshy leaf of the A. socotrina, the flowers of which are red, tipped with green ; but it is also made from several other species. A'loe, Partridge-Breast. Aloe variegata. A'loe, Pearl. Aloe margaritifera. A'loes-Wood. See Aquilaria. Alo'na. From nola, a little bell (letters trans- posed) ; in allusion to the shape of the flowers. Nat. Ord. Nolanacece. A genus of pretty evergreen shrubs, A. Cte- lestis, has pale-blue, large flowers ; an excel- lent plant for growing out-of-doors during summer. Propagated by cuttings. Intro- duced from Chili in 1845. Alonso'a. The Mask Flower. Named after Za- nomi Alonso, a Spaniard, by the authors of Flora Peruviana. Nat. Ord. Scrophulariaceoe. The species are low under-shrubs, or herba- ceous plants, natives of Peru, and two of them — A. incisifolia and A. linearis — are very orna- mental, either in the green-house or grown as annuals in the open border during summer. They thrive well in any light, rich soil, and are readily increased by seeds or cuttings. They are very desirable for flower-gardens, on account of the brilliant scarlet of their flow- ers ; and where there is no green-house, the plants should be raised from seeds sown on a hot-bed in February, or struck from cuttings early in spring, and brought forward in a frame or pit, and turned out into the open air in May. Alopecu'rus. The generic name of the Foxtail Grass ALS Aloy'sia. Lemon Verbena. Named in honor o! Maria Louisa, Queen of Spain. Nat. Ord. Ver- benacece. The only known species of this genus is A. citriodora, introduced from Chili in 1784, and formerly called Verbena triphylla, or the Lemon- scented Verbena. Under this name it is gen- erally sold, and is a universal favorite, readily propagated from cuttings, and planted in the open border in May. If taken up after a light frost and put in a cold frame or cool cellar during winter, the plants will keep well ; and, planted out in spring again, they make large and pleasing shrubs. The leaves, when dried, will retain their odor for many years. Syn. Lippia citriodora. Alphabet-plant. Spilanthes acmella. A'lpine. Strictly speaking, this term refers to the higher part of the Alps, in contradistinc- tion to "mountainous," which designates the middle portion of the higher Alps, or tops of inferior mountains. Plants found in very high elevations are called Alpine Plants. Alpine Azalea. The popular name for Loisleu- ria procumbenB. A'lpine Plants. This very interesting class con- sists mostly of plants nativesof high elevations, and, although they are naturally exposed to the full influence of the sun and wind, they require in our hot, dry summers shade and and shelter more than exposure. Wherever a Eock Garden or Bockery is constructed, a portion of it should be devoted to the culture of Alpines, for as a rule they floui'ish better on a properly-constructed Kockery than in any other position, because thorough drainage is effected, and the long, flne roots can run down in the crevices where the soil is cool and moist. It should, however, be so arranged that all aspects are secured, shady and sunny, fully, or in a degree only. Many Alpines are easily grown in the ordinary border in a sheltered, well-drained situation. Excavate to the depth of eighteen inches, put in a layer of stones or rubble six inches deep, and fill up with a mixture of good fibrous loam and leaf- mould, adding sand enough to keep it porous. When the desired subjects are firmly planted, the surface may be covered with small stones or rough gravel, which, while allowing the rain to penetrate the soil, checks evaporation, keeping it moist and cool, as well as giving the surface an appearance more in keeping with the plants. Alpi'nia. In memory of Prosper Alpinus, an Italian botanist. Nat. Ord. Zingiberacece. A genus of tropical herbaceous perennials, mostly natives of the East Indies, requii-ing to be grown in great heat and moisture. A. vittata is an ornamental-leaved species of small growth. The plant throws up numerous stems from the underground rhizomes, bear- ing lance-shaped leaves, pale green in color, stiiped with creamy white. A. alba bears a fruit known as Ovoid China Cardamoms ; others, as A. nutans, are remarkable for the exceeding beauty of their flowers. They are increased by division of their roots. Alseuo'smia. From alsos, a grove, and euosmia, a grateful odor ; alluding to the powerful fra- grance of the flowers. Nat. Ord. CaprifoliaceoR. A small genus of highly-glabrous shrubs, with greenish or red flowers, and generally 18 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS ALS alternate leaves. A. Macrophylla, the only species yet introduced to cultivation, has small, very fragrant, dull-red flowers, some- times streaked with white. It forms a neat green-house shrub, and is propagated by cut- tings of the half-ripened wood. Introduced from New Zealand in 1881. Alsike. See TrifoUum hyhridum. Also'phila. From atsos, a grove, and phileo, to love ; in reference to tlie situation best suited to tlie plants. Nat. Ord. Polypodiacem. This genus contains some of our most beau- tiful green-house Tree Ferns A. Australia, the type, is a native of Australia, and one of the most ornamental of the order. In the or- dinary' green-house it thrives finely, produc- ing its graceful fronds from three to four feet long and one and a half wide. There are sev- eral species, all tropical, and all worthy a place in the fern- house. They are incieased by division or from spores. Introduced in 1833. Alstroeme'ria. In honor of Bai-on Alstramer, a Swedish botanist. Nat. Ord. Amaryllidacece. This is a genus of tuberous-rooted plants, with beautiful flowers, natives of South Amei"- ica, and capable of being grown to a high de- gree of perfection in the hot-house, green- house or open air, according to the species. The soil which suits all the Alstropmerias is a mixture of sandy loam and leaf-mould, or well-rotted manure. Of all the hot-house species, A. Ligtu, with wliite and scarlet flow- ers, is tlie most difficult tt flower; but by giv- ing it abundance ot water during the summer, and a strong heat in December, it will flower in February : and one plant ■will scent a whole house with fragrance like that of Mignonette. A. edulis is another hot house species, which climbs to the height of ten or twelve feet, and, like all other climbers, thrives best when turned out into the open border. Propagation is effected by separation of the tubers, or by seeds ; the latter is apt to produce new varieties, as they are by no means constant from seed. Alternanthe'ra. Alluding to the anthers being alternately fertile and barren. Nat. Ord. Amaranthacecc. This useful little green-house perennial for ribbon beds and edgings is a native of Buenos Ayres, introduced in 1732. Propagated read- ily from cuttings. The variegated-leaved varieties, of which new and striking sorts are constantly being introduced, alone are culti- tivated, the flowers being inconspicuous. A recent variety, A. paronychioidps major, is now known as the Rainbow plant. Alternate. Placed on opposite sides of an axis, on a different level, as in alternate leaves. Althae'a. Marsh Mallow. From altheo, to cure ; in reference to its medicinal qualities. Nat. Ord. Malvacpct:. Theie are many annuals in this family, some of them of much merit. The Marsh Mallows are hardy perennials, and formerly much used as border plants. A. rosea, the common Hollyhock, is one of our most splen- did ornamental biennials. It grows to the height of from five to eight feet, and there are varieties of almost every color, including white, and purple so deep as to be alpiost AMA black. The seeds of the Hollyhock, should be sown in March or April. When the plants come up, they should be thinned out, and then suffered to remain till September, when they should be transplanted to the place where they are to flower. Introduced from China in 1573. The hardy shrub commonly known as Althaia, is Hibiscus Syriacus. Alum Root. The common name of Heuchera Americana, the roots of which are very as- tringent. Aly'ssum. Derived from o, privative, and lyssa, rage ; from a notion among the ancients that the plant possessed the power of allaying an- ger. Nat. Ord. Cruciferce. Dwarf hardy perennials, or sub-shrubby plants, with cruciferous flowers. A. saxatile is very suitable for rock-work, or the front part of a flower border, and forms a beautiful spring-blooming bed in the flower garden. Flowers produced in large clusters, of a deep, pure yellow. It is increased by cuttings and seeds. The herbaceous species are propa- gated by division, the sub-shrubby ones by cuttings. Vigorous two-year-old plants are the best for flowering; the others are unim- portant. The plant commonly called Sweet Alyssura is not of this genus; it is Koniga marilima, which see. Amarabo'ya. The native name. Nat. Ord. MeXastomacece. A small genus (three species) of evergreen shrubs, natives of New Grenada The branches are thick, bluntly four-angled, with large, prominently nerved leaves, green above and reddish-carmine beneath. The white or carmine flowers are borne in tprminal cymes, and are very showy. Introduced in 1887. Amarantha'ceae. An extensive order of herbs or (rarely) shrubs with inconspicuous apetal- ous flowers, almost in all cases of a scarious or shrivelled texture. The majority of this order are weeds, though many of the species of Amaranthus and Gomphrena (Globe Ama- ranth) are beautiful border plants and are well known. Amaranth Globe. See Gomphrena. Amara'nthus. Amaranth. Derived from a, not, unA miaraino, to wither; in reference to the length of time some flowers retain their color. Nat. Ord. Amaranthaceo!.. Ornamental foliaged plants, of an extremely graceful and interestingcharacter, producing a striking effect, whether grown for the deco- ration of the conservatory or the out-door flower gai'den. If the seeds are sown early in a warm hot-bed and planted out the last of May or in June, in rich soil, they make ex- ceedingly handsome specimens for the center of beds, or mixed flower or shrubbery bor- ders. Most of the varieties are natives of the East Indies, and were introduced into Eng- land about 1(500. The well-known A. tricolor, or "Joseph's Coat," is one of the most beautiful of ornamental-leaved plants. A. caudatus, "Love lies Bleeding," is another showy spe- cies, and A. salicifolius, "The Fountain Plant,"" makes a lovely specimen for lawni decoration or for the centre of a " foliage bed." Amaryllida'ceae. A large Natural Order, con- sisting for the most part of bulbous plants, but occasionally forming a tall, cylindrical, woody stem, as in the genus Agave. They AND GENEEAL HORTICULTURE. 19 AMA differ from Irisos in having six introrse sta- mens, and from Liliaceous plants in their ovai-y being inferior. A few species of Nar- cissus and Galanlhus are found in the north of Europe and the same parallels. As we pro- ceed south they increase. Pancratium ap- pears on the shores of the Mediterranean, and on our own Southern coasts ; Crinuin and Pancratium in the West and East Indies ; HcBmaiithus is found for the first time, with some of the latter, on the Gold Coast ; Hip- peastra show themselves in countless num- bers in Brazil and across the whole continent of South America ; and, finally, at the Cape of Good Hope the maximum ot the order is be- held in all the beauty of Hcemanthus. Crinum, Clivia, Cyrtanthus and Brunsvigia. A few are found in New Holland, the most remarkable of which is Doryanthes. Poisonous properties occur in the viscid juice of the bulbs of £tt- phane toxicaria and Hippeastrum ; those of Leucojum vernum, the Snowdrop, and Daffodil and other kinds^ of Narcissus, are emetic. Nevertheless, the Agave, or American Aloe, as it is called, has an insipid, sweet juice. Others are detergent, and a few yield a kind of arrow-root. Between 300 and 400 species are known. Amary'Ilis. The name of a nymph celebrated by the poet Virgil. Nat. Oi'd. Amaryllidacece. Bulbous plants, chiefly natives of the Cape of Good Hope and South America, but which have been increased in number tenfold by hy- brids and varieties raised in England and on the Continent. All the kinds are eminently ornamental, and they are all of easy culture, the great secret being to give them alternately a season of excitement and a season of re- pose. To do this effectually, the plants should be abundantly supplied with water and heat, and placed near the glass when they are coming into flower, and water should be withheld from them by degrees when they have done flowering, till they have entirely ceased growing, when they should be kept quite dry and in a state of rest. When in this state they may be placed in any obscure part of a green-house where it is drj', and of a tem- perature not under forty or fifty degrees. If kept in such a situation during winter, some kinds may be turned out into a warm border in spring, where they will flower ; and If the season be fine, they will renew their bulbs in time to be taken up before the approach of frost. The chief value of these plants, how- ever, is to produce flowers in the winter sea- son which thej' readily do if they are kept dry and dormant during the latter part of the summer and autumn. Indeed, by having a large stock of these bulbs, a regular succes- sion of flowers may be procured during every month in the year. When the dormant bulbs are intended to be brought Into flower, they should be freshly potted in sandy loam and leaf-mould, and put in a hot-house or hot- bed, the heat beginning at flfty degrees, and ascending to sixty or seventy degrees ; and "When the , leaves appear, they should be abundantly supplied with water. Where seeds are wanted the watering must be con- tinued, though somewhat less abundantly, after the flowei's have faded, till the seeds are ripe; and when these are gathered, they ought to be sowji immediately in light, sandy loam. AMH and placed in a frame, or near the glass, in a moist part of the hot-house. If the young plants are potted off as soon as they are an inch or two in height, and shifted frequently in the course of the growing season, they will attain a flowering size in from fifteen to twenty months. The pots in which these and all other bulbs are grown ought to be thoroughly drained by a handful or more of potsherds (broken pots) laid in the bottom of each pot, and covered with turfy loam, and tne mould used should also be turfy, in order the more freely to admit the passage of water. Our long and warm summers enable us to culti- vate many of these beautiful bulbs in the open air, merely protecting the roots in the winter in the same manner as those of the Dahlia, See Hippeastrum. Amary'Ilis formosissima. A synonym of Spre- kelia, which see. Amaso'nia. Named in honor of Thomas Ama- son, an American traveller. Nat. Ord. Ver- benacecB. A genus of South American shrubs found chiefly in Brazil ; closely allied to Cler- odendron, from which they differ chiefly in habit. A. calycina, better known as A. puni- cea, is particularly striking, in having a series of the richest Poinsettia-like, vermilion-crim- son, spreading bracts, arranged along the en- tire length of the racemes, which are a foot long. These bracts are four inches in length, and remain in perfection fully two months. Syn. Taligalea. Ambro'sia. The botanical name of Ragweed, Bitterweed, etc. Amela'ncMer. June Berry, Shad Berry, Ser- vice Berry. From Amelanchier, the popular name of one of the species in Savoy. Nat. Ord. RosacecB. A. Canadensis (the only American species) and its numerous varieties are low trees, com- mon in the woods in the Northern States, re- markable for their numerous white flowers, which appear about the middle of April, com- pletely covering the tree before the foliage or flowers of the neighboring trees have com- menced their growth. The foliage resembles that of the Peai", and changes to a bright yel- low in autumn. The fruit is a dark-purple berry, ripe in July or August, and has an agreeable flavor. American Aloe. Agave Americana, which see. American Centaury. The popular name for Sabbatia. American Columbo. See Frasera Carolinensis. American Ccwslip. See Dodecatheon Meadia. American Cranberry. See Oxycoccus macro- carpus. American Cress. Barbarea proicox. American Frog s Bit. Limnobium spongia. American Ivy. Ampelopsis quinquefolia. American Pitcher Plant. See Sarracenia. American Wood Lily. See Trillium. Amhe'rstia. In honor of the Rt. Hon. Countess Amherst and her daughter Lady Sarah Amherst ; the zealous friends and promoters of every branch of natural history, but espe- cially of Botany. Nat. Ord. LeguminosoE. A. nobilis, the only species is an East Indian tree, said to be one of the most magnificent 20 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS AMI blooming trees in existence, bearing in Spring large racemes of vermilion-colored flowers diversified with three yellow spots. The Burmanese name of the plant is Thoca, and handfuls of the flowers are offered before the images of Buddha. The tree is to be found in some of the larger English collections ; but requiring so much space it is rarely grown. Ami'cia. This pretty Leguminous green-house perennial is valuable on account of its flower- ing late in the fall, flowers yellow splashed with purple, branches and petioles pubescent. Introduced from Mexico in 1S26. Ammo'biiun. From amnios, sand, and bio, to live ; in reference to the sandy soil in which it thrives. Nat. Ord. Compositce. Pretty aimuals of hardy character from New Holland, producing white everlastmg flowers. The seed may be sown in the open border, in almost any situation, between the middle of March and the end of May. Anunobro'ina. From am?nos, sand, and bromos, food; a name given by Dr. Toirey to a leaf- less plant of parasitic habit, native of Northern Mexico. The plant has the habit of an Oro- banche. the scaly roots being buried in the sand, its roots parasitic on the roots of an unknown plant. Colonel Grey, the original discoverer of this plant met with it in the country of the Papigo Indians, a barren, sandy waste, where rain scarcely ever falls but "where Nature has provided for the sustenance of man, one of the most nutritious and palatable of vege- tables." The plant is roasted upon hot coals, and ground witli mesquit beans and resem- bles in taste the sweet potato, " but is far more delicate." Ammo'charis. A genus of Amaryllidacem, usu- ally included in Brunsvigia. ' Ammo'phila. Beach Grass. From ammos, sand, and phileo, to love; in allusion to its native habitat. Nat. Ord. Graminacece. A genus of coarse growing, reed-like grasses common on the sea-shores of this country and Europe. A. arundinacea, Syn. Calamagrostis Arenaria, is the best known species; as an agricultural grass it is of no value, but its value as a natural sand-builder cannot be over- estimated ; many thousand acres of land on various parts of our coast are preserved from being overwhelmed with the drifting sand solely by its agency. It seems to have been provided for this special purpose, having very strong rhizomes, or creeping roots, from 30 to 40 feet long, with many small tubers, about the size of peas, wliich prevent the drifting of the sand from the action of the wind and waves tlius forming a barrier against the en- croachments of the ocean. In speaking of the importance of this grass in protecting our coasts, Flint, in his book on grasses says, — "The town of Provincetown, once called Cape Cod, where the pilgrims first landed, and its harbor, still called the harbor of Cape Cod, — one of the best and most im- portant in the United States, sufliclfiit in depth for ships of the largest size, and in ex- tent to anchor three thousand vessels at once, owe their preservation to this grass. To an inhabitant of an inland country, it is difficult to conceive the extent and the violence with which the sands at the extremity of Cape Cod are thrown up from the depths of the sea, and AMO left on the beach in thousands of tons, by every drifting storm. These sand-hills when dried by the sun, are hurled by the winds into the liaibor and upon the town. Beach grass is said to have been cultivated here as early as 1812. Before that time, when the sand driftnd down upon the dwelling-houses — as it did whenever the beach was broken — to save them from burial, the only resort was to wheeling it off with barrows. Tiius tons were removed every year from places that are now perfectly secure from the drifting of sand. Indeed, were it not for the window-glass in some of the oldest houses in these localities, you would be ready to deny this statement; but the sand has blown with such force and so long against this glass, as to make it perfectly ground." Congress appropriated, between the years of 1826 and 1839, about twenty-eight thousand dollars, which were expended in setting out beach-grass near the village of Provincetown, for the protection of the harbor. Other ap- propriations have since been made, which, to- gether witii the efforts of the town committee, whose duty it is to enter any man's enclosure, summer or winter, and set out the grass, if the sand is uncovered and movable. By this means they are now rid of sand-storms, which were once the terror of the place, and the coast appears a fertile meadow. Amo'niuin. From a, not, and momos, impurity ; in reference to its supposed quality of counter- acting poison. Nat. Ord. Zingiber aceoe. This genus of aromatic herbs furnishes the Grains of Paradise and the Cardamom Seeds, which are aromatic and stimulant. The plants grow readily in the green-house, and are prop- agated by division of the root. Introduced in 1820 from the East Indies. Amo'rpha. False Indigo. Fi'om a, not, and morpha, f.)rm ; in reference to the irregularity of the flowers. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. A small genus of large, spreading shrubs, natives of North America. The leaves are compound, resembling the Locust, only the leaflets are finer. The flowers are dark-purple or violet, spangled with yellow, disposed in long panicles on the tops of the branches. A fruti- cosa is a very ornamental shrub for the 1 iwn, and is readily propagated from suckers, which are produced in abundance. A. canescms is a small-growing species, common in the Western and Southern States. It has received the local name of Lead Plant, on account of the white, hairy down with which it is covered. Amo'rphopha'llus. From amorphos, disfigured, Sindphallos, a mace ; form of spadix. Nat. Ord. Aroidece. These plants were formerly in the genus Arum, from which they are distinguished by their spreading spathes. They are natives of India and other parts of tropical Asia, where they are cultivated for the abundance of starch that is found in their root-stocks. Most varie- ties are ornamental plants for the green-house or garden. A. Rivieri, called the Umbrella Plant, is particularly so, having large, solitary decompound leaves three to five feet in diam- eter, on a thick, tall, marbled stem, very orna- mental, either as a solitary plant or in groups on the lawn. After planting, the first appear- ance is the flower stalk, which rises to the AMARYLLIS BELLADONNA. AHMOBIUM. AUABTIiLIS F0BM08ISSI1IA. AMARYLLIS VITTATA HYBR1D>. ANEMONE COBONABIA. ANEMOKE JAPONICA. AMABANTHU8 GIBBOSUS. AND GENEKAL HOKTICULTUKE. 21 AMO height of two feet. As it expands, the fetor it exhales is overpowering and sickening, and so perfectly resembles that of carrion as to in- duce flies to cover the club of the spadix with their eggs. Propagated by offsets. Amorphous. Without definite form. Ampelo'psis. Woodbine. From ampelos, a vine, and opuis, resemblance : in reference to its re- semblance to the Grape vine. Nat. Ord. VUa- cecB. A. quinquefolia is well known by its common names of Virginia Creeper and Five-leaved Ivy. Its flowers have no beauty, but it is worth cultivating as an ornamental plant, from the brilliant scarlet and orange which its leaves assume in autumn, and which look particularly well at that season, when in- termingled with those of the common Ivy, from the fine contrast they afford. The plant is of very rapid growth in any kind of soil, and it is propagated by layers or cuttings. The Virginia Creeper is one of our finest indig- enous climbers. It grows very rapidly, at- taches itself firmly to wood or stone buildings, or to the trunks of old trees, and soon covers these objects with a fine mantle of rich foliage. Nothing can bo more admirably adapted than this plant for concealing and disguising the unsightly stone fences which are so common, and so great a deformity in many parts of the country. A. tricuspidata (syn. A. Veitchii), with its sub- variety A. t. Royalii, is one of the most valuable of hardy climbing plants, and is now planted in immense quantities. It was first extensively used in this country in Boston, Mass., where it is now to be seen covering some of the finest public and private build- ings in the city. It clings with great tenacity to wood, as well as brick or stone, and in summer the leaves lapping over each other resemble a coat of mail, and form a dense sheet of rich, glossy green, changing in au- tumn to the most gorgeous shades of crimson, scarlet and yellow. It is also used largely on rocky and shaly railroad cuts and embank- ments, where its clinging tendency helps greatly to keep the rocks from dropping on to the track. ]t is perfectly hardy, and is prop- agated by cuttings, layers, or most generally from seeds. Introduced from Japan in 1868. Ampely'gonum. The name is an allusion to the grape-like fruit. Nat. Ord. Polygonaceoe. This interesting species from China is one from which the finest quality of indigo is ob- tained. It is an herbaceous perennial, obtained readily from seed. Amphicarpae'a. Hog Pea Nut. From amphi, bolh, and Karpos, a fruit ; in allusion to the two kinds of pods ; those of the upper flowers being scimitar-shaped, three to four-seeded ; those of the lower, pear-shaped, fleshy, usu- ally ripening but one seed. These lower pods bury themselves in the ground after fertiliza- tion. Nat. Ord. LeguminoscB. Ornamental annuals, with herbaceous twin- ing stems, of easy culture. Allied to Wistaria. Amphi'coine. From amphi, around, and Kome, hair ; in allusion to the structure of the seeds. Nat. Ord. Bignoniaceoe. This genus consists of two species of verj- elegant perennial herbs, natives of the temper- ANA ate regions of North-western India. A. Emodl is a remai'kably handsome plant, and well de- serves a place in choice collections. It ii about one foot high, and the flowers, which are large for the plant, stand erect when ex- panded. The fruits are about the length and thickness of a small quill, and their seeds are provided with a tuft of hairs at each end, a circumstance which gave rise to the name. Axnplezicaul. Stem-clasping ; as when the base of the leaf surrounds the stem, as in Oestrum auriculatum, Lonicera, etc. Amso'nia. In memory of Charles Amson, a cel- ebrated traveler. Nat. Ord. ApocyiiacecB. A small genus of herbaceous perennial plants, with beautiful blue flowers produced in ter- minal panicled clusters. The several species are natives of the United States. A. Tabern(z- montana, one of the more beautiful species, is common on low grounds in the Southern and Western States. Ainy'gdalus. Almond. From amyaso, to lacer- ate ; in reference to the fissured cliannels in the stone of the fruit ; but some suppose from a Hebrew word signifying vigilant, as its early flowers announce the return of spring. Nat. Ord. Rosacece. A. nana is the common Flowering Almond of gardens, of which there are several varie- ties, the double white and double pink alone being desirable. Native of Russia. Intro- duced in 1683. Propagated readily by suck- ers. A. communis bears the sweet, and .A. am- arus the bitter Almonds of commerce. They are supposed to be natives of Western Asia, and are mentioned in sacred history as among the best fruits of the land of Canaan. The Almond is plentiful in China, in most Eastern countries, and also in Barbary. It is exten- sively cultivated in Italy, Spain and the South of France. The several varieties, such as hard, soft or paper shelled, have all originated from A. communis. Amyrida'ceae. With the appearance of Oranges, and sometimes with the dotted leaves of that order, these plants differ in their fruit, form- ing a shell whose husk eventually splits into valve-like segments. The tropics of India, Africa and America exclusively produce the species. Their resinous juice is of great importance, forming an ingredient of frankin- cense and other preparations demanding a fragrant combustible matter. Anacanthous. Spineless. Anacardia'ceae. When trees or bushes have a resinous, milky, often caustic juice, dotless leaves, and small, inconspicuous flowers, with an ovary containing a single ovule, suspended at the end of an erect cord, it is pretty certain that they belong to this order, of which nioi'e than 400 species are described, inhabiting the tropics both north and south of the equator, but not known to occur in Australia. PLstacia and some kinds of Rhus inhabit temperate latitudes. Among the products of tlie order are the Mango fruit, and that called in the West Indies the Hog Plum ; the nuts named Pistachios and Cashews, the Black Varnish of Burmah and elsewhere, Mastic, Fustic, etc. These varnishes are extremely acrid, and pro- duce dangerous consequences to persons who use them incautiously. 22 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS ANA Anaca'rdium. From ana, like, and kardia, the heart; in reference to the foi-m of the nut. Nat. Ord. Anacardiacem. Ornamental evergreen trees, natives of the East and West Indies, remarkable for their beautiful, fragrant flowers, and for their fruit, known as tiie Cashew-nut. The trees are too large for introduction into the green-house. Anacy'clus. A genus of Compositm comprising about ten species of hardy or half-hardy annual herbs, natives of Southern Europe and Nortli- ern Africa. A. radiatus purpurem, a very pretty and free-flowering hardy annual, is the only species in general cultivation, and thrives ■well under ordinary cultivation. Anaga'llis. Pimpernel. From anagelao, to laugh; fabled to possess a virtue to remove sadness. Nat. Ord. Primulacece, A genus of pretty dwarf annual and biennial plants. The former have given place to the many seminal improvements of the the latter, insomuch as to be rarely met wiLli. They are universal favorites for planting in the beds of the flower garden, where their numerous blue or red flowers, expanded when- ever the sun shines, are very effective. They are propagated by seeds or cuttings. "When seed is desired, the branch or plant on which it is growing should be taken entire, a little before the autumn frosts begin, and hung up in a dry, sunny place, such as before the windows of a shed, allowing the pods to remain upon it until wanted in the spring for sowing as it requires a long time to become properly ripened ; afterwards it vegetates freely if sown in a gentle hot-bed. The garden varieties are hybrids. The species under cultivation were introduced from Southern Europe in 1830. A. arvensis, the common Pimpernel, is plenty in waste, sandy places in the United States, having been introduced from Europe and become thoroughly natural- ized. Analogy. Resemblance to a thing in form, but not in function, or in function, but not in form. Corresponding with a thing in many points, but differing in more, or in points of more importance. Thus the flowers ot Potent- ilia and Ranunculus are analogous. Anami'rta. A genus of plants inhaljiting Ceylon, Malabar, and the Eastern Isles of India, and belonging to the natural order Menwpermaceo}. The most important, if not the only plant of this genus, is the A. cocculus, the plant which produces the seeds known as Cocculus Indicus, whicli were formerly used in the adulteration of malt liquors ; it is also used to poison fish. It is a climbing plant, with ash-colored corky bark ; not in cultivation. Anana'ssa Pineapple. From nanas, the Guiana name. Nat. Ord. Bromeliacece. A. sativa, the common Pineapple, is universally acknowledged to be one of the most delicious fruits in existence. More than three hundred years ago it was described by Jean de Lery, a Huguenot priest, as being of such excellence, that the gods might luxuriate upon it, and that it should only be gathered by the hand of Venus. It is a native of Brazil, and was first introduced into Europe in 1555, having been sent there by Andre Thevet, a monk, from Peru. The plant is perennial, not unlike the Aloe, but the AND leaves are much thinner, and of a hard fibrous texture, with numerous shoi-t, sharp spines on the edges; the variegated form is highly prized as one of the most valuable plants for decorative purposes. The fruit varies like most other species, there now being nearly fifty varieties in cultivation. Auasta'tica. From anastatls, resurrection, in reference to its hygroiucLrical property. Nat. Ord. Crucifera. An annual plant, indigenous to the Egyptian deserts, and called the Rose of Jericho. When full grown it contracts its rigid branches into a round ball, and is then tossed about by the wind. When it alights in water, or damp ground, the branches relax and open out, as if its life were renewed ; hence its name of Resurrection Plant. Among the super.stitious tales told of it is, that "it first bloomed on Christmas Eve, to salute the birth of the Redeemer, and paid homage to His resurrec- tion by remaining expanded until Easter. " This curious annual can readily be grown from seed, but will not stand the severity of our winters ; they can, however, be taken up and kept dry in a house. When wanted to expand, put them in a saucer of water. Anceps. Two edged, as the stem of an Iris. Ancho'manes. A remarkable and beautiful stove aroid allied to Amorphophallus. A. Hookeri, has a pale purple spathe appeai-ing before the leaf which when fully developed is much divided and toothed. Introduced from Fernando, Po., in 1832. A'nchovy Pear. See Grias. Auchu'sa From anchousa, a cosmetic paint made from one of the species ; used for stain- ing ihe skin. Nat. Ord. Boraginacece. Hardy herbaceous plants, suitable for deep shrubbery borders or any unfrequented place. Most of the species have purple flowers. Ancylo'gyne. From ankylos, curved, and gyne, a female ; the pistil is curved. Nat. Ord. AcanthacecB. A small genus of tropical under-shrubs, with terminal spikes or racemes of showy flowers. A. longiflora. from Guayaquil, is a valuable species for the green-house. It produces large, drooping panicles of rich purple, tubulose flowers, two inches long, and of a most attractive character. Propagated by cuttings. Introduced in 1866. Andrew's (St.) Cross. Ascyrum CruxAndreoB. Andro'gynous. Producing male and female flowers on the same plant, or on the same spike or head. Andro'meda Kill Calf. A classical name, after the daughter of Cepheus and Cassiope, king and queen of Ethiopia. Nat. Ord. Ericacece. A. Mariana, Stagger-bush, so common on the plains of Long Island, is a beautiful represen- tative of this genus, one much sought after in Europe, where it is considered one of the finest American plants. They are beautiful shrubs, growing about two feet high, with leaves similar to those of the privet ; flowers white, in spikes or racemes three to eight inches long, produced in June. They are conspicuous throughout the season on account of their form and foliage. The foliage is said to poison lambs and calves. AND GENEKAL HORTICULTURE. 23 AND Andropo'gon. Beard grass. A genus of grasses of but little value, either for agricultural purposes, or as objects of interest in the garden. They have the widest geographical range ; several of the species are common on our coasts, growing in dry sandy soils. Andro'sace. From aner, a man, and sakos, a buckler, in reference to the resemblance of the anther to an ancient buckler. Nat. Ord. PrimulacccB. The species forming this genus (which is nearly allied to the Primula) are elegant little plants f I'om the Alps. They consist of annuals, biennials, and perennials, all perfectly hardy, and well adapted for rock-work on partially exposed spots. Pi-opagated by cuttings, or from seeds. Aneile'ma. A genus of green-house perennials belonging to the Nat. Ord. CommelynacccB. They are generally of a trailing or creeping habit and are useful for hanging baskets, etc. Natives of New Holland and China. Flowers blue. Ane'mia. From aneimon, naked ; in reference to the naked inflorescence. Nat. Ord. Poly- podiacecB. An extensive genus of tropical Ferns. There are numerous species in the West Indies and South America, some of which are of an ornamental character, and are much prized in collections. A. adiantifolia is one oi the most beautiful. The genus is more interesting to the botanist than the florist. Propagated by spores or division. Anemidi'ctyon. Included now with the genus Anemia. Anemo'ne. Wind Flower. From anemos, the wind ; inhabiting exposed places. Nat. Ord. RanunculacecB. The species are showy flowering plants, valued for their hardy nature, and also because they will flower at any required season, accord- ing to the time the roots are kept out of the ground. The I'oots of A. coronaria are solid, flattened masses, closely resembling ginger. They should be planted in the garden as early in the spring as possible, in very rich soil and in partial shade. When the tops are dead, take up and store in a dry, airy place, or in boxes of dry sand until the planting season. For indoor cultivation they can be planted at any time in very rich soil in pots or boxes. The prevailing colors are red, white and blue ; flowers double or semi-double. A. Japonica is one of the most beautiful of garden flowers giving a profusion of bloom from August till November, and even Liter if protected. The flowers of A. Japonica alba are two to three inches across, pure white, with a centre of deep lemon-colored stamens, and are invaluable for cutting. Introduced from Japan in 1844. One of the earliest spring flowers is A. nemorosa, the white Wind Flower of our woods. A. Pulsatilla and its varieties, with whitish, violet and purple flowers, are known in English gardens as Paaque Flowers. Ane'thum. See Dill. Angels' Eyes. Veronica Chamcedrys. Angels' Trumpets. A popular name for the flowers of Brugmansia auaveolens. Ange'lica. The name was given in reference to ANI the supposed angelic medicinal virtues of some species. Nat. Ord. Umbelliferm. One of the species, A. Curtisii, is common in moist places, from Pennsylvania southward. The "intrinsic virtues" that it was once supposed to possess are entirely lost, its great virtue now consisting in its efticacy as a trap for earwigs. If the stem be cut in short pieces and thrown among plants, those pests will creep into the hollow stems, and their de- struction is simple and easy. Ange'lica-tree. See Aralia spinosa. Angelo'nia. From angelon, its local name in South America. Nat. Ord. Scrophulariacece. A genus of very handsome herbaceous perennials, growing from one to three feet high, and producing dense terminal racemes of deep violet colored and blue flowers. Natives of South America ; propagated by cut- tings of the young shoots. Introduced in 1846. Angio'pteris. From aggeion, a vessel, and pteris, a wing. Nat. Ord. Polypodiacem. A small genus of noble tropical ferns, com- mon in Ceylon, India and the islands of the Eastern Archipelago. It is a remarkably hand- some genus, but the plants are too large to be of use in the green-house. Augrae'cum. From angurek, the Malayan name for air plants. Nat. Ord. Orchidacem. An extensive genus of tropical Orchids, embracing a number of classes that are mere weeds^nd a few very rare and beautiful spe- cies. Among the latter is A. sesqiiipedale, a magnificent plant, a native of Madagascar, where it grows in great profusion, covering trees from top to bottom. The stems are three to four feet high, the foliage about a foot long, dark, shining green ; flowers six inches in diameter, ivory white, Avith a tail from ten to eighteen inches long. Unlike many of this order, the plants flower when quite small. The flowers have a powerful fra- grance, particularly at night. There are about forty species, nearly all natives of tropical or South Africa and the Mascarene Islands. Angulo'a. In honor of Angulo, a Spanish natur- alist. Nat. Ord. Orchidacece. A small genus of very remarkable terrestrial Orchids, inhabiting the forests of ^opical America. They have broad, ribbed^eaves, short, leafy scapes, bearing a single large, fleshy flower, white, yellow, or spotted with crimson, on a pale yellow ground. There are several of the species under cultivation. Thf^y are increased by division. Introduced in 1845. Angu'ria. One of the Greek names for the Cucumber. Nat. Oi'd. Cucurbitacecz. A genus of climbing plants allied to Momor- dica. They have a somewhat four-angled fruit, and some of the species are well worth cultivating. Natives of South America. Auigoza'nthus. From anoigo, to expand, and anthos, a flower ; in reference to the branching expansion of the flower-stalks. A curious and handsome genus of HcBmodo- racecB from the Swan River district of Austra- lia, including some very distinct and peculiar species. They are perennial tufted-growing plants, with erect stems, clothed with short, thick, persistent, velvety down, which, as it contrasts with the rather large, yellow or dark purple flowers, makes them desirable plants for green-house decoration. 24 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS ANI Animated Oats. See Avena. Anise. Pimpinella anisum. Aniseed Tree. See Ulicium. Annuals. These include all plants which spring from the seed, flower and die within the course of a year. Many, however, which are not strictly of annual duration, but which are sown every year, in preference to housing the roots over winter, are generally classed under the head of Annuals. To produce the best results where such seeds are to be sown in the open border, the soil should be enriched with stable manure or other fertilizer, just as for a crop of vegetables or fruits ; thoroughly dug, and raked level and smooth. The location for nearly all kinds of Annual flowers should be free from shade, though many sorts will suc- ceed well where they get sunlight for half the day only. Hardy Annuals are those which require no artificial aid to enable them to develop, but grow and flower freely in the open air. All such may be sown in the open ground as soon as the soil is dry enough in spring to work. Tender Annuals are generally of tropical origin, and should not be sown in the vicinity of New York until the first week in May. Indeed, the best rule for all sections of the country, from Maine to Florida, is not to sow the tender kinds until such time as the farmers begin to plant Corn, Melons and Cucumbers. Many seeds of Annuals may be sown thickly and transplanted, thinning tliem out suSiciently to allow the plants to develop and exhibit their true character. Successive sowings of many of the showy species will be found to prolong their flowering season. They are usually sown in rows from six to twenty- four inches apart, or in circular patches of from one to two feet in diameter, each circle being from one to two feet apart, according to the growth of the variety. But whether sown in rows or in circular patches, the soil should be first loosened, so that the seed may be cov- ered from one quarter of an inch to one inch iij depth. After the seed is sown, shake over it fine soil, suSi^:ient to cover the seeds, lighter ' or heavier according to their size. It is a good plan to place a label in the centre of each circular patch or at the end of each row, so as to mark where the seed has been sown, for in nearly all soils there are the seeds of weeds, which spring up often quicker than the flower seeds do ; therefore it .'s necessary to know exactly where the seeds have been sown, so that the weeds can be pulled out or hoed up, and not crowd and smother the young seed- lings. Some of the more tender Annuals require to be started in the green-house or hot-bod, and, after being potted off into small pots, and gradually hardened off, planted out where they are to remain. Annular. Having a ring-like form. Anoe'ctochi'lus. From anoiktos, open, andchei- los, a lip ; the apex spreading. Nat. Ord. Orchidacece. These admired little plants have small, white, rather inconspicuous flowers, but the want of beauty here is fully compensated for, in the rich and lovely markings of the leaves, which are covered with a gold network on a choco- late-colored or olive-green velvet like ground. They should be potted in a mixture of leaf- mould, sphagnum and silver sand, and a bell- ANO glass kept continually over them, in the warmest part of the hot-house, in order to assimilate their present condition with their native one in the hot, humid jungles of the East, whence they have been derived. First introduced from Java in 1836. Anomalous. Irregular, unusual, contrary to rule ; as where a plant is very unlike the great majority of those to which it is most nearly allied. Anomathe'ca. From anovioa, singular, and theca, a capsule or seed pod. Nat. Ord. Irid- acem. Interesting little bulbous-rooted plants from the Cape of Good Hope. A. cruenta is useful for planting in masses, as it produces its blood-colored flowers in great profusion. They may be increased to almost any extent from seed, and the young plants will bloom the same season if sown in a gentle heat about the early part of March, and afterward removed to the open air. Auo'na. Custard Apple. From Menona, its Banda name. Nat. Ord. Anonacece. A South American and West Indian genus of shrubs and trees, where several of the species are cultivated for the sake of their fruits. A. muricata, the rough Custard Apple, is a middle- sized tree, growing abundantly on the savan- nahs in Jamaica, and bearing a large, oval fruit of a greenish yellow color, covered with small knobs on the outside, and containing a white pulp, having a flavor compounded of sweet and acid, and very cooling and agree- able. It is, however, too common to be much esteemed by the wealthier people, though it is much sought after and relished by the negroes. The odor and taste of the whole plant is simi- lar to that of the black currant. This fruit is called by the natives Sour-sop. A. squamosa is a low-growing tree or shrub, common in both the East and West Indies. The fruit is nearly the size of the head of an artichoke, scaly, and of a greenish yellow color. The rind is strong and thick ; but the pulp is deli- cious, having the odor of rose-water, and tast- ing like clotted cream mixed with sugar. It is, like many other fruits, said to liave a much finer flavor in the Indian Archipelago than in the West Indies. The local name for this fruit is Sweet-sop. A. cherimolia, a South American species, is known as the Cherimoyer in Peru, where it is accounted one of their best fruits. The tree which produces this fruit has a trunk about ten feet high ; the leaves are oval, and pointed at both ends ; the flowers are solitary, very fragrant, and of a greenish color; the fruit is large, heart-shaped, rough on the out- side, and greyish-brown, or nearly black, when ripe. The flesh, in which the seeds are con- tained, is soft, sweet and pleasant, and highly esteemed both by natives and foreigners. A. jjalustris yields the Alligator Apple, which fruit is shining and smooth in appearance, sweet and not unpleasant to the taste ; but it is a strong narcotic, and therefore not generally eaten. The wood of the Alligator Apple tree is so soft and compressible, that the people of Jamaica call it cork-wood, and employ it for stoppers. Ano'pterus. From ano, upward, and pleron, a wing ; in reference to the seeds, which are winged at the apex. Nat. Ord. Saxifragaceee. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 25 ANS A. glandiilosa, the only species introduced into our green-houses, is a very beautiful shrub, remarkable for its large, handsome leaves, and axillary panicles or spikes of large white and pink flowers. Introduced from Van Diemen's Land in 1846. Propagated by cut- tings. Anse'llia. In honor of Mr. Ansell, the botanical collector who accompanied the ill-fated Niger expedition. Nat. Ord. Orchidacece. A small genus of epiphytal Orchids. A. Afri- cana is a very beautiful plant, found growing on oil-palm trees in the island of Fernando Po. It has a tall stem resembling the sugar cane ; broad, strap-shaped leaves, and large, drooping panicles of greenish flowers, blotched with purple. The plant flowers in January, and keeps in perfection for several months. Propagated by division. Introduced in 1844. Antenna'ria. From antennce, feelers ; in refer- ence to the downy heads of the seeds. Nat. Ord. Cotnpositce. A genus of herbaceous perennials, widely disseminated throughout this country and Europe. Some of the species are used as bed- ding plants. A. Margaritacea, a native spe- cies, popularly known as Pearly Everlasting, is a favorite garden plant in Europe Anterior. Placed in front, or outwards. A'nthemis. Chamomile. From anthemon, a flower; in reference to the great number of flowers produced. Nat. Ord. Compositor. The genus of plants to which the Chamomile belongs, the flowers of which are much valued as a tonic, and for other medicinal properties. A. tinctoria furnishes a yellow dye. A. Pyre- thrum, the Pellitory of Spain, is a pretty little perennial, with large white flowers, stained with lilac on the back. Miller raised this plant in a rather curious way in 1732, finding its seeds among some Malaga raisins to which they had adhered. Anthe'ricum. From anthos, a flower, and herkos, a hedge ; in reference to the tall flower stems. Nat. Ord. Liliacece. A. Liliastrum, avery pretty hardy herbaceous plant, has broadish grassy leaves, and a flower stalk one and a half to two feet high, bearing many large, pure white, sweet-scented flow- ers, marked on each segment with a green dot. This is commonly called St. Bruno's Lily. A. vittatum variegatum, a species of recent intro- duction, from the Cape of Good Hope, has folia.ge of a bright grassy green color, beauti- fully striped and margined with creamy white. In variegation and habit it closely resembles Pandanus Veitchii, but is of more rapid growth and easy of cultivation. It has a hardy con- stitution, not as against cold, but as against the dry atmosphere and gases of the drawing- room, which makes it a valuable plant for the conservatory or for filling in baskets, jardin- ieres, or rustic designs. The method of prop- agating this species is both interesting and peculiar. Buds or short shoots are formed on the flower stems, which, put in as cuttings in the ordinary way, root rapidly. It is also propagated by seeds or division of roots. In- troduced from the Cape of Good Hope in 1824. Antheri'dia. The reproductive organs in crypto- gamic plants, analogous to anthers in flower- ing plants. ANT Antholy'za. From anthos, a flower, and rage ; in reference to the opening of the flower like the mouth of an enraged animal. Nat. Ord. Iridacece. A pretty genus of Cape bulbs, like the Ano- matheca, but of sti'onger habit. They should be 'grown in light, rich earth, and have the protection of a frame, or some other cover- ing, in winter, to exclude frost. Scarlet and orange are the prevailing colors of the flowers. Introduced from the Cape of Good Hope in 1759. Propagated by offsets. Anthospe'rmum. Amber Tree. From anthos, a flower, and sperma, a seed. Nat. Ord. Rubi- acecB. An ornamental evergreen shrub, from the Cape of Good Hope. A. ^thopicum is an inter- esting plant, with verticillate spikes of green and white flowers, thriving best in peat, loam and sand. Increased by cuttings. Anthoxa'nthum;, Sweet-scented "Vernal Grass. From anthos, a flower, and xanthus, yellow. Nat. Ord. Graminacece. A small genus of grasses found in nearly all the temperate portions of the globe. A. odor- atum, the best known species, is a native of Europe, but has become thoroughly natural- ized in this country, so much so that it is gen- erally supposed indigenous. This is one of the earliest spring grasses, as well as one of the latest in autumn, and is almost the only grass that is fragrant. It possesses a property said to be peculiar to this species, known as coumarin, which not only gives it its aromatic odor, but imparts it to other grasses with which it is cured. Professor Johnstone says the fragrant resinous principle which occurs in this grass is the same which gives fragrance to the Tonka Bean, to the Faham Tea of the Mauritius, and to the Melilotus Alba. The vapor of coumarin is stated to act powerfully on the brain, and it is supposed by many that hay fever, to which many persons are liable, may be owing to the presence of this substance in unusual quantities during the period of hay-making. This grass possesses but little value of itself, as its nutritive properties are slight ; nor is it much relished by stock of any kind. A slight mixture of it with other grasses is sometimes used because of its early growth. Anthri'scus. Chervil. Derivation of name uncertain, but said to have been given by Pliny. Nat. Ord. UmbellifercB. A small genus of mostly uninteresting plants, common throughout Europe. There are but two species under cultivation. A. cerefolium, the common Chervil, an annual plant indigenous to various parts of Europe, is sometimes naturalized in and around old gar- dens. It rises to nearly two feet in height, the leaves are of a very delicate texture, three times divided, and the flowers, which are of a whitish color, appear in June. The tender leaves are much used in soups and salads, and those of a curled variety in garnishing. It is easily grown from seed, which should be sown early in May. A. bulbosus {syn. Chmrophyllum bulbosum), the tuberous-rooted Chervil, is a native of France, where it is cultivated to some extent as a vegetable. In size and shape the root attains the size of a small carrot. It is outwardly of a grey color, but when cut the flesh is white, mealy, and by no means 26 HENDEESON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS ANT unpleasant to the taste. "When boiled the flavor is intermediate between that of the chestnut and potato, in consequence of which it has been recommended by English horti- culturists for cultivation as a substitute for the latter root. Anthu'rium. From antkos, a flower, and oura, a tail ; referring to the inflorescence. Nat. Ord. Aroidece. This very large genus of stove and green- house plants, natives of Central and Tropical America, for the most part growing upon trees or in their forks, is remarkable both for the peculiar inflorescence, and often noble and beautifully veined and colored leaves, and is distinguished in structure from all the Europe- an members of the family in the flowers being hermaphrodite. Of tnose species most admired for their flowers, A. Andreanum and A. Scherzerianutn, are the most noticeable. The singular form and intense coloring of the flowers, together with the gracefully-curved foliage, and long duration of the flowers, render them most valuable plants for the decoration of the warm green-house. A. Splendidum, A. Regale, A. Crystallinum, and many other beautiful species are grown for their magnif- icent foliage and are indispensable in a collection of stove plants. Anthy'llis. From, anthos, a flower, and ioulos, down ; literally downy flower. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. A genus of trailing herbs or shrubs, annuals and perennials. About twenty species are known, chiefly from the countries bordering on the Mediterranean Sea, most of which are uninteresting plants. A. vulneraria, is a native of Great Britain, and is frequently met in dry pastures near the sea. The leaves are large, of a bluish tinge and downy. The flowers are yellow, and grow in crowded heads, mostly in pairs. Its popular name is Kidney Vetch, or Lady's Fingers. A. Barba- Jovis, is an evergreen shrub, a native of the South of Europe. It has pinnate leaves, and yellow flowers, and the whole plant has a silvery appearance, from which it has derived its name of Jupiter's Beard and tlie Silver- bush. This is a very handsome shrub, but not hardy north of the Carolinas. Antia'ris. Upas Tree. From antja, its Java name. Nat. Ord. ArtocarpacecB. A. toxicaria is the fabled Upas Tree of Java, which furnishes a deadly poison in the foi-m of a milky juice that exudes when slightly bruised or cut. The exaggerated accounts, that no other plants, or animals, or birds could live near the tree ; that the death penalty was satisfied if the criminal would cut from the tree a branch or collect some of its juices, wei-e effectually dispelled by Mr. Davidson, author of Trade and Travel in the Far East, who, with a number of friends, climbed up into the tree, took lunch, smoked their cigars, and enjoyed a few hours socially in its branches. The Upas has undoubtedly derived its evil ' reputation chiefly fx-om its having been found growing in the celebrated valley of Java, where, through volcanic agency, there is a constant evolution of carbonic acid gas, fatal to air-breathing animals, and where both man and beast frequently fall victims to this invisible danger. " As if to prove the sajang that reality is more strange than fiction, at ANT least in botany, the A-ery nearest plant in affinity, to this deadly poisonous tree, is the Cow Tree of South America, whose milky juice is as wholesome as that of an ' Alderney,' and that the Bread Fruit Tree is also closely allied to the Upas." Antigo'non. From anti, against or opposite, and gonia, an angle. A splendid genus ot green-house climbing plants, belonging to the Nat. Ord. Polygonacece. A. leptopus, a native of Nicaragua, is a magnificent climber for the stove-house, rival- ling tlie Bougainvillea in the color and abund- ance of its flowers. The chief attraction of the flowers is afforded by the sepals, Avhich are half an inch long, of a bright rose color. A^ the flowers are produced in such great pro- fusion, the plant in its season of flowering presents a brilliant and extremely showy appearance. Its discoverer. Dr. Seeman, writes respecting it : "I am well acquainted with the contents of our gardens and the vegetation of most parts of the world, but I have no hesita- tion in giving it as my deliberate opinion that there is no more graceful or beautiful climber than Antigonon leploputt." Antigra'mme. From anti, like, and gramma, writing. Alluding to the arrangement of the sori. Nat. Ord. Polypodiacem. This genus is composed of two species of tender ferns, natives of Brazil. A. Brasiliensis, is a simple-fronded Fern, with something of the habit of the Bird's-nest Fern, Asplenium Nidus, but, in a mature state of a glaucous opaque green-color, and remarkable in the young plants, for having a broad band of silvery-gray on each side of the central midrib of the frond, giving it a variegated appearance. Propagated by seeds. Introduced in 1780. This genus is now included under Scolopen- drium, by some authors. AntirrM'num. Snapdragon. Derived from anti, similar, and rhin, nose. The flowers of most of the species resemble the snout of some animal. Nat. Ord. Scrophulariacece. Annual and perennial plants, natives of the middle and south of Europe, and of which one species, A. majits, the common Snapdragon, is in every garden. There are many varieties of this species, the finest of which, A. m. cary- ophylloides, has the flowers striped like those of a flaked Carnation. All the species of Snap- dragon grow in any soil that is tolerably dry, and they are readily increased by cuttings; for though they produce abundance of seeds, yet the varieties can only be perpetuated with certainty by the former mode of propa- gation. The beautiful carnation-like variety will, indeed, very seldom produce striped flow- ers two years in succession from the same root ; and thus a person who has purchased a plant with beautifully-striped flowers will gen- erally have the mortification, the second year, of finding it produce nothing but flowers of the common Snap-dragon, unless cuttings have been made from the young shoots of the plant, and the old root thrown away. As this plant, in its wild state, is very commonly found growing on the tops of old walls, it may be considered as one of the most ornamental plants for placing in such a situation. Ants. See Insects. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 27 AOT Ao'tua. From a, not, and ous, ear ; the ear-liko appendages to the calyx are wanting. Nat. Ord. Legmninosce. A somewhat extensive genus of small ever- green slirubs from New Holland They are tilender plants, with heath-like leaves, arranged in whorls around the stem. The tiowers are pea-shaped, bright yellow, on short stalks. A. gracillima, a native of West Aus- tralia, is a favorite species for the green-house. It is a slender shrub, with copious yellow flowers, which are so thickly set on the stems as to hide the leaves from view. Botanists report several very beautiful species not yet in cultivation. Propagated by seeds or cut- tings. Introduced in 18-14. Apetalous. Without petals. Aphela'ndra. From apheles, simple, and aner, a male ; the anthers being one-celled. Nat. Ord. Acanthacem. A small genus of dwarf shrubs from tropical America, allied to the Justicia. A. cristata is a remarkably handsome hot-house plant, pro- ducing large spikes of orange-scarlet flowers. A. aurantiaca has no less handsome flowers of Ught orange color, and grows freely in the green-house. A. Margaritce has bright orange or apricot-colored flowers, growing in short, terminal spikes. The leaves are barred with w^hite on each side of the midrib ; underneath they are of a clear, rose color ; a very showy species, introduced from Central America in 1884. They are increased by cuttings. Aphele'xis. From apheles, simple, and exis, habit. Nat. Ord. CompositcB. Green-house evergreen shrubs, from the Cape of Good Hope, having much resemblance to that class of everlasting flowers known as Helichrysum. The genus is composed of five species, all of them having very small leaves, which are closely pressed to the stem like those of club- moss. The flowers are solitary, of a pink or yellow color, in small clusters of two or three. A. humilis and its varieties are most showy and valuable green-house plants. When in bloom they remain in per- fection for six or seven weeks. Propagated by cuttings, or from seeds. Introduced in 1796. Aphides. See Insects. Aphylla'nthes. Its stems are like a rush, and bear on their summits a little tuft of flowers ; hence the name, from aphyllos, leafless, and anthos, a flower. Nat. Orel. Liliacece. A small genus of hardy, herbaceous, rush- like perennials, common in Southern Europe. The flower scape is very slender and grass- like and bears a cluster of small blue flowers, that are of but short duration. This plant is of considerable interest to the botanist, but not of the slightest use to the florist or gar- dener. Aphy'llon. Naked Broom Rape. A genus of Orobanchacece, comprising two species, both natives of this country. They are character- ized by their solitary bractless flowers, regu- larly five-cleft calyx, and almost regular corolla. The flowers are perfect, purplish, on long, naked scapes or peduncles. The plants are brownish or yellowish. Aphy'Uous. Destitute of leaves. It sometimes signifies their partial or imperfect produc- tion. APO Api'cra. A division of succulents allied to the Aloe, and comprising along with Haworlhia a group of species of very different aspect from the great cylindrical or tubular-flowered Aloes more commonly associated with the name. The present ai-e dwarf or stemlcss plants, with very crowded leaves and slender flower scapes, bearing erect greenish-white flowers. Apiculate. Terminated in a little point. A'pios. From apion, a pear , in reference to the form of the roots. Nat. Ord. Leguminosoe. A. tuberosa, the only species, is found in the woods and hedges from Massachusetts to the Carolinas. It is an elegant climbing plant, allied to the Wistaria. It bears large clusters of brownish-purple, sweet-scented flowers in July. Readily propagated by division of tubers, which are edible. Commonly known as Ground-nut, and erroneously as Tuberous Wistaria. A'pium. From apon, Celtic for water ; in refer- ence to the habitat of the genus. Nat. Ord. UmbeUiferce. Though this genus contains but a few spe- cies, two of our best known vegetables belong to it, viz.: The "Celery," A. graveolens, and "Parsley," A. petroselinum, for culture of which, see under their respective names. Aple'ctnim. Putty Root. Adam and Eve. From a, not, and plektron, a spur ; the flower without spurs. Nat. Ord. Orchidacece. A. hyemale, the only species, is a hardy bulbous Orchid. The flowers are produced in summer in a raceme a foot or more high, and are of a dingy color, more curious than beau- tiful. The plant is occasionally found in the Northern and Eastern Slates. Aplopa'ppus. A synonym of Haplopappus, a genus of Compositce, of but little interest. Apocyna'ceae. A large natural order of trees, shrubs and herbs, with simple, opposite, some- times alternate or whorled leaves. Most of the species inhabit tropical countries ; the northern forms are the Vinca or Periwinkle, Nerium or Oleander, and a few more. In gen- eral the species form a poisonous, acrid, milky secretion, which renders them dangerous ; but others are mild enough in their action to be useful in medicine, and in a few cases the milk is bland enough to form a palatable beverage. Well-known genera belonging to this order are Allamanda, Nerium, Taberncemontana, and Vinca. About 600 species are known, distri- buted through about 100 genera. Apo'cynum. Indian Hemp. From apo, from, and kyon, a dog; poisonous to dogs. Nat. Ord. Apocynacece. A genus of hardy herbaceous perennials, in- digenous throughout the United States. A. cannabinum is commonly called Indian Hemp, from the fact of the Indians using the fibrous bark as a substitute for hemp in making their fishhig-nets, mats, clothing, and various other articles for which tli(! true Hemp is generally used. A. androsmmifolium is termed by Eng- lish botanists the "Fly Trap of North Amer- ica," and is cultivated as an object of curiosity. They do not class it as insectiverous further than tliat its flowers catch and kill the flies, but do not feed upon them. None of the spe- cies possesses suflicient beauty to warrant its introduction into the garden. 28 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS APO Aponoge'ton. "Water Hawthorn. The name is derived from the Celtic apon, water, and the Greek word geiton, near ; the species growing in water. Nat. Ord. Naiadacew. A genus of interesting aquatics, inhabiting the waters of tlie Cape of Good Hope, the East Indies and Australia. A. dintachyon is a handsome aquatic plant, remarkable for its floating branched spikes of small fragrant white flowers. This species is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, but will flourish in a lake or stream if planted at a depth of about two feet of water. In appearance it resembles a Pond weed (Potamogreton), except that it is of a clear green color, without any tinge of brown. The leaves float on the surface of the water, are oblong, about 18 inches long when full grown, flat, and have three distinct veins run- ning parallel with the main rib. A charming variety, with rose-tinted flowers, is also in cul- tivation, having been introduced in 1885. Appendiculate. Having appendages. Applanate. Flattened out. Apple. Pyrus Malus. The history of the Apple shares obscurity with all the fruits, vegetables, and flowers that were in cultivation before any records were kept ; consequently speculation must take the place of facts in connection with the early history of this valuable fruit. The general opinion is that the origin of the culti- vated Apple is the wild Crab, which is found indigenous in nearly all parts of Europe, as well as in most parts of the United States. The Apple can only be grown in small gardens as a dwarf, either kept in a bush form or trained as a pyramid or other shape. Two sorts of dwarfing stocks are used by nursery- men, the Doucin and the Paradise. Trees upon the Doucin will ultimately grow quite large ; and as the Paradise is the only stock • which makes really dwarf trees, the amateur who wishes to grow dwarf apple-trees should make sure that they are worked on Paradise stocks. Of course, trees of this kind are not advised as a source of profit; but there can scarcely be a handsomer object in the garden than a bush six feet high, and about the same through, loaded with enormous apples. The following sorts are recommended for garden culture. (For descriptions, see nursery cata- logues.) Baldwin, Gravenstein, Ehode Island Greening, King of Tompkins County, Maiden's Blush, Esopus Spitzenberg, Early Harvest, Northern Spy, Porter, Fall Pippin, Stump, Hubbardston Nonsuch and Jonathan, etc. Apple, Adam's. Citrus Limetta. Alligator. Ajiona palustris. Balsam. Momordica Balsamina. Beef. Sapota rugosa. Bitter. Cucwmis {Citrulliis) Colocynthis. Cherry. Pyrus baccata. Chinese. Pyrus (Malm) Spectabilis. Dead Sea or of Sodom. The fruit of Solanwm Sodomeum, also applied to the galls of Quercus infectoria. Devil's. Mandragora officinalis. Elephant's. Feronia elephantum. Golden, u^gle marmelos, and Spondias lutea. Kangaroo. Solanum laciniatum. Love. Lycopersicum esculentum, or Tomato. May. Passijlora incarnata, also Podophyllum peltcUum. Mamme. Mammea Americana. Monkey. Clusia Jlava. AQU Apple. N. American Crab. Pyrus Coronaria. Oak. A gall produced by insects on the leaves and twigs of the Oak. Of Jerusalem. Momordica Balsamina. Of Paradise. Citrus medica. A fruit used by the Jews at the feast of Tabernacles. Of Scripture. Probably the Apricot, Prunus Armeniaca, or the Quince, Cydonia vulgaris. Of the Earih. An old name for Aristolochia rotunda and Cyclamen. Oregon Crab. Pyrus rivularis. Paradise. Pyrus malus prcecox, much used for grafting and budding superior sorts upon. Rose. The various species of Eugenia. Sugar. Anona squamosa. Thorn. Datura Stramonium. Wild Balsam. Echinocystis lobata. Wild Star. Chrysophyllum olivcBforme. Apple-Berry. Australian. The genus Billar- diera, which see. Apple-Mint. Mentha rotundifolia. Apple-Scented Geranium. Pelargonium odor- ata. Apple-Tree of Australia. Eucalyptus Stuartiana. Apple-Tree of New South "Wales. Angophora subvelutina. Apple-Tree of "Victoria. Angophora lanceolata. Apple-"Wood. Feronia elephantum. Apricot. Prunus Armeniaca. The Apricot is a native of Central Asia, China, Japan, Armenia, and Arabia. In all these countries it is found in its native state, and is also exten- sively cultivated. The difference in the quality of this fruit in its wild and cultivated states is not so great as in most other fruits, nature having left less work for man to do in order to enjoy it in its highest condition. The fruit or pulp of the wild Apricot, however, does not compare with many of the cultivated varieties that have resulted from selections, yet it is a fair and wholesome fruit. The Apricot is extensively grown in China and Japan, and the natives employ it variously in the arts. The Persians also grow this fruit extensively ; so highly do they esteem it that they call it the "Seed of the Sun." The Apricot was introduced into England in 1524: by WooLf, the gardener to Henry VIII. Parkinson (1629) mentions eight varieties. Since then many varieties have been added to the list which is by no means so extensive as that of other kinds of fruit. The ravages of the Curculio prevent the cultivation of this excellent fruit in some parts of this country ; but for that pest it could be produced in the greatest abundance at a very low price. Apterous. Without wings. Aqua'tic Plants. The culture of Aquatic Plants is most interesting, and is yearly becoming better understood. Many of the more tender sorts can be protected during winter, and give quantities of flowers during the summer and autumn months (see Nymphma). A number of species of the following genera are well worthy of attention. Aponogeton, Butomus, Cyperus, Damasonium, Calla, Hottonia, Lim- nocharis, Menyanthes, Nelu7nbimn, Nuphar, Nymphcea, Ouvirandra, Pistia, Pontederia, Polygonum, Sagittaria, Salvinia, Thalia, Trapa, Typha, Villarsia, Victoria, etc. Aqua'ticus. Living in water. Aquatilis. Living under water. \MlKifHI>U.M ABECA BAUEBI. ABECA SAFIDA. ABBHENATHERUM (TALL MEADCW OAT GBASS). 29 AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 29 AQU Aquifo'lia'cese. The common Holly Tree Ilex Aquilfoliuin, is the type of this small natural order of shrubs and trees. The species may be said to possess in general, emetic qualities, variously modified in various instances. Bird- lime is obtained from the bark of the common Holly, and the beautiful white wood is much esteemed by cabinet-makers for inlaying. A decoction of Ilex vomitoria, called Black Drink, was used by the Creek Indians at the opening of their Councils, and it acts as a mild emetic. But the most celebrated pro- duct of the order is Mate, or Paraguay Tea, the dried leaves of Ilex Paraguariensis, which see. There are about 150 species, and the follow- ing genera Byronia, Ilex, and Nemopanlhes. The oi'der is sometimes known as Illicinete. A.quila'ria. Eagle Wood. From aquila, an eagle ; locally called Eagle-wood in Malacca, where it abounds. Nat. Ord. Aquilariacece. A small genus of tropical evergreen shrubs and trees. A. AgaUocha, a large tree inhabit- ing Silket, and provided with alternate lanceo- late leaves, furnishes an odoriferous wood called Aloes-wood, or Eagle-wood. The wood contains an abundance of resin, and an essential oil, which is separated and highly esteemed as a perfume. The Orientals burn it in their temples for the sake of its slight fragrance, on which account it was used in the palace of Napoleon the First. Aquile'gia. Columbine. From aquila, an eagle ; alluding to the form of the petal. Nat. Ord. RanunculacccB. Perennial herbaceous plants growing from one to three feet high, of which several species are very ornamental, especially, A. vtilgaris, and its varieties. A. Canadensis is the wild Columbine of the United States. A. chry- snntha, from the Rocky Mountains, has canary-colored flowers, contrasting finely with the blue A. alpina and A. ccerulea. There are also many beautiful hybrids, as Avell as species In cultivation. They are of easj' cultivation and are propagated by seeds, or by division of the root. A'rabis. Rock Cress. From Arabia ; probably in reference to the dry situations where many of the species grow. Nat. Ord. Cruciferce. An extensive genus of annual or perennial herbaceous plants, bearing white or, rarely, purple flowers. A. alpina has white flowers, which, in its native country, appear in March ; and A. albida flowers the greater part of the year, commencing in mild winters in January, and producing its large tufts of white blossoms till October. Some of the species and vari- eties, such as .A. vema, A. alpinanana, and A. hellidifolia, do not grow above three inches high, and are admirable plants for rock-work. Ara'ceae or Aro'ideae. An extensive genus of herbaceous plants with numerous unisexual or hermaphrodite flowers, closely packed upon a spadix, shielded when young by the hooded leaf called a spathe, as is seen in the common Indian Turnip, Arismma triphyllum. They are common in tropical countries, but rare in those with a cold or temperate climate. Most of them have tuberous rhizomes, but some acquire the stature of small trees, the most interesting of which is the Dumb Cane a species of Dieffenbachia, others as Philo- dendron and Monatera have scrambling stems ARA by which they attach themselves to the trunks of trees. The tuberous species all contain starch in such abundance that it may be separated in the form of arrow-root, and used as food, only however, after very careful washing to remove the acrid juices; and the Colocasias are grown as an article of food in hot countries as common field crops. Scarcely more than 200 species are known, Caladium, Richardia, Arum, AmorpJiophallxis, etc., are examples of this order. A'rachis. Peanut. From a, privative, and rachis, a branch ; a branchless plant. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce,. A. hypogma (underground), the only species, is the Peanut of our shops. It is a native of the West Indies and West'rn Africa, but has become generally cultivated in all warm climates as an article of food, to be eaten like other nuts, or as food for swine. It is also largely cultivated in the East Indies and Cochin China for the oil obtained from the seeds, which is thin and of a straw color, resembling the finer kinds of olive oil. It is said to be of a superior quality, and for table use preferable to the best olive oil. It is free from stearine, and is used by watchmakers and others for delicate machinery. The plant is an annual, of a trailing habit, with yellow, pea- shaped flowers, produced from the axils of the leaves in bunches of five or seven, close to or even under the ground. They should be grown in a light, sandy soil, and the stems covered lightly with earth when in flower, as the seeds are only ripened under ground. The peanut is profitably grown in nearly all of the Southern States. A'rachnis. Name from the Greek : a spider. Nat. Ord. OrchidacecB. A small genus of very curious and interest- ing epiphytal orchids from Java; deriving their name from their extraordinary resem- blance to a spider. A. moschifera, the best known species, is a very peculiar plant, some- what like a Renanthera in habit. The flowers are large, creamy white, or lemon-color, with purple spots ; they are delicately scented with musk, and continue in perfection a long time. Arachnoid. Resembling a cob-web in appear- ance. Ara'lia. A name of unknown meaning. Nat. Ord. AraliaccB. This genus consists of trees, herbs and shrubs, mostly of an ornamental character, but of no value as flowering plants. The roots, of A. midicaidis, one of our native species is largely sold for sarsaparilla. A. racemosa, is our beautiful Spikenard, much esteemed for its medicinal properties. A. spinosa, one of our native shrubs or low trees, is common in cultivation, and is known as the Angelica Tree and Hercules Club. A. papyrifera, which assumes a tree form, grows in great quantities in the deep, swampy forests of the island of Formosa. The stems of this species are filled with pith of a very fine texture, from which is manufactured the celebrated rice paper of the Chinese, which is chiefly used in making artifi- cial flowers. A. Sieboldi (Syn. Fatsiajaponica) has large leathery, deep green leaves and is much used in sub-tropical and window gar- dening; a veiy beautiful variegated variety of this species is in cultivation. The vari- ous species with much divided leaves in- 30 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS AEA troduced from the South Sea Islands, such as A. Veitchii, A. reticulata, A. gracillima, etc., are extremely beautiful and admirably suited for the warm green-house and for table decoration. Ara'lia'ceae. These form a small natural order closely approaching Umbellifers, from which they in reality differ in little, except in their fruit. They are also more generally arbores- cent, many of them being trees or large shrubs, and very few herbs. Several are conspicuous for their broad, noble foliage. The species are found in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world, and in some of the coldest, as in Canada, the northwest coast of America, and Japan. Aralia polaris even occurs in Lord Auckland's Islands, in 503^ ^ south latitude. Hedera, Panax and Aralia, are examples of this order. Arauca'ria. From araucanos, its name among the people in whose country the Araucaria imbricata grows in Chili. Nat. Ord. ConiferoB. The genus consists of lofty evei'green trees, none of which will bear the open air of the climate of the Northern States. The most beautiful of the species is A. excelsa, from Norfolk Island, where it is known as Norfolk Island Pine. It grows to the height of 200 feet. ■ Its symmetrical growth and deep green, finely-cut foliage give it a fern-like appear- ance. All the species are fine ornaments for the lawn during summer, but require the protec- tion of the green-house during winter. Propagation can be eifeeted by cuttings, though a slow and uncertain process. They grow readily from seed. Arauja, is given by Bentham and Hooker as the correct name of the genus Physianthus. Arborescent. Having a tendency to become a tree. Arboretum. A collection of hardy trees formed for pleasure or instruction, and which, when well managed, is a source of much interesting study. They afford shelter, improve the local climate, renovate bad soils, etc., and also by concealing or hiding disagreeable objects, heighten the effect of agreeable ones, create beauty, and add value. A properly arranged Arboretum should be constructed with a view to picturesque beauty and not systematically, as is usually the case in Botanic Gardens, although scientific purposes are best served by a systematic arrangement. Arbor Vitce. A common name for Thuja. A'rbutus. Strawberry-tree. From arboise, a Celtic word for rough fruit. Nat. Ord. Ericacew. A genus of evergreen shrubs or low growing trees, numbering about twenty species, natives of southern Europe, the Canary Islands, Chili, and in some parts of this country. A. imedo is called the strawberry-tree from its fruit resembling a strawberiy at a distance. It is a small tree from ten to twenty feet high. Flowers numerous, Avhite, appearing in September or October. Fruit scarlet, ripen- ing the second year. This fine evergreen is common in southern Europe, and is also met about the lakes of Killarney, in Ireland. The fruit of this species, when eaten in quantites is said to be narcotic. A Avine is made from it in Corsica, but it has the same property as the fruit. In Spain both a sugar and a spirit are ARE obtained from it. The bark and leaves of the same plant are used as astringents; in some parts of Greece they are employed in tanning leather. It is cultivated, where the climate will permit, as an ornamental shrub, and as it ripens its fruit the second year, it la particularly beautiful in October and Novem- ber, being covered at the same time with blossoms and ripe fruit. Archange'Uca. From arche, chief, and angelica, from its supposed virtues. Nat. Ord. Umbelli- feroR. A genus of mostly useless biennial plants; a few of the species are natives of this country. A. officinalis, is the Angelica, formerly much used in domestic medicine. Archego'nium. The female organ in ferns, etc. Analogous with the ovary in fiowering plantsi. Archill or OrcMU. A coloring matter obtained from various species of Lichens, especially Rocella tinctoria. A'rctium. A name that is now employed by some botanists for the genus Lappa, Burdock. Arctosta'phyloa. Bearberry, From arktos, a bear, and staphyle, a berry ; the Greek of the popular name. Nat. Ord. Ericacece,. A small genus of fruit-bearing shrubs, com- mon in our Northern and Eastern States. The whole plant of A. Uva-ursi is astringent, and has been used for tanning leather. The berries of the several species are a favorite food of game birds. Arcto'tis. Derived from arktos, a bear, and o^is, an ear ; shaggy fruit. Nat. Ord. Compositce. This genus consists of annuals, biennials, and green-house perennials. The annuals should be started in the hot-bed early, as they require a long season to develop their showy flowers, which are sulphur and orange. They grow freely in ordinary soil, and keep in bloom until killed by frost. Introduced from the Cape of Good Hope in 1774. Arcuate. Curved or bent like a bow ; forming an arch. Ardi'sia. From ardis, a spear head; in refer- ence to the sharp-pointed divisions of the flower. Nat. Ord. Myrsinaceoe. Handsome green-house plants from the East Indies, producing either red or white flowers. A. crenulata is admired alike for its white flowers and vermilion berries, being constantly covered with either one or the other, or both. Propagated by seeds in the green-house. Plants usually fruit when one year old, and are invaluable plants for winter decoration. There is also a pretty white-fruited variety. Ardui'na. A genus of Apocynaccm, consisting of shrubs with a milky juice. Natives of Asia, Africa and tropical Australia. A. bispin- osa is a pretty, close-growing green-house shrub, with small, box-like leaves and white, sweet-scented flowers. A. grandifiora is a native of Natal, where the fruits are much valued, and known as the Natal Plum. They have an agreeable sub-acid flavor, and are used to make an excellent preserve. Are'ca. Called areec in Malabar, when an old tree. Nat. Ord. PalmacecB. An extensive genus of lofty, magnificent Palms, natives of the East and West Indies and South America. The most prominent of the species is A. oleracca, the Cabbage Palm. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 31 ARE This Is one of the most beautiful and stately of the Palm tribe, and is called in some of the tropical islands the Royal Palmetto. The stem of a full-sized tree at the base is seven feet in circumference, and it rises to the enormous height of one hundred and thirty feet. A noted traveler, in his description of this tree, says : " Near the base, the trunk is of a brown color, hard, woody, and jointed, with a pith inside like the elder. The upper part of the trunk, from whence the foliage springs, resembles a well-turned, finely-polished bal- uster, of a lively green color, gently swelling from its pedestal, and diminishing gradually to the top, where it expands into branches, waving like plumes of ostrich feathers. These are decorated with numerous leaflets, some of which are about three feet long, and an inch and a half broad, tapering into a sharp point. The leaflets gradually decrease in size as they approach the extremities of the branches. This lofty, i-egular group of foliage, impelled by the most gentle gale, and constantly wav- ing in feathery elegance, is an object of beauty which cannot be imagined by an inhabitant of temperate climes, unused to the magnificent vegetation of a tropical sun. Within the leaves, which constitute the summit of the trunk, the portion called the cabbage lies con- cealed. This substance is white, about two feet long, of cylindrical form, and the thick- ness of a man's arm. It is composed of longi- tudinal flakes like ribbons, and so compact as to form a solid, crisp body. When eaten raw, it tastes somewhat like the almond, but more tender and delicious. When cut into slices and boiled, it is served up with meat as a vegetable. To obtain this great delicacy — growing on the veiy summit of such a stately tiunk — the noble tree must be felled to the ground. In the place where the cabbage grew, a species of beetle generally deposits its eggs, from Avhich, in due time, grubs are hatched, that have received the name of Palm-tree Worms. They are aVjout the size of a man's thumb, very fat and esteemed a great lux- ury. They are fried with a little butter and salt, and their flavor partakes of all the spices of India." A. catechu, is a handsome tree cul- tivated in all the Avarmer parts of Asia for its fruits, known as Areca or Betel nuts. These nuts are cut into narrow pieces, which are rolled up with a little lime in the leaves of the Betel pepper. The pellet is then chewed, and is hot and acrid, but possesses aromatic and astringent properties, and is considered bene- ficial rather than otherwise. The natives are so addicted to the practice that they would rather go without food than their favorite Areca nuts. Arena'ria. Sandwort. From arena, sand ; in reference to the sandy soil in which the plants grow. Nat. Ord. Caryophyllacece. A large genus of diminutive weeds, usually found growing on sandy soils. Are'nga. Name not explained. Nat. Ord. Pal- maceoR. A. saccfutrifera, is a very useful and inter- esting Palm, a native of the Asiatic islands. In its native country the fibres attached to the petioles are twisted into ropes, the me- dulla of the tnmk is used as sago, and the saccharine juice forms excellent sugar. It is said that this species alone will supply all the ARI actual needs of the native: food, clothing, and a simple hut made from the leaves, are all supplied from this species, and are all that a native's necessities require. Known also as Sagtierus saccharifer. Areolate. Divided off into distinct spaces, usu- ally more or less angular. The skin of a plant is areolate. Arethu'sa. A classical name, after one of Diana's nymphs. Nat. Ord. Orchidacecc. A. bulbosa is a beautilul species found growing in damp places and bogs, Virginia to Maine, and northward. The flowers are a bright rose-purple, from one to two inches long. One of the prettiest of our native Orchids. Arga'nia. From argam, its aboriginal name. Nat. Ord. Sapotacece. A. Sideroxylon, the Argal tree ; or Iron Wood, is a remarkable evergreen tree, a native of Morocco. It has a spiny trunk of con- siderable size, but of low stature. It gives off branches at a few feet from the ground, which incline downwards imtil they rest upon the earth; at length, at a considerable distance from the trunk, they ascend, and again reach out to a long distance. A tree mentioned in the Journal of Botany, measured sixteen feet only in height, while its circumference was 220 feet. The wood is vei-y hard, and so heavy as to sink in water. Argemo'ne. Prickly Poppy. From argema, a cataract of the eye ; in reference to its medi- cinal qualities. Nat. Ord. Papaveracecc. Highly ornamental hardy annuals and peren- nials from Mexico, with large flowers like those of the Poppy, and of the easiest culture. The plants, spreading widely, require a good deal of room to look handsome. The seed of A. Mexicana is the Fico del Inferno (Infernal Fig) of the Spaniards ; a purgative and power- ful narcotic, especiallyif smoked with tobacco. Argenteus. Silvery, a pale color resembling silver. Argyre'ia. Named in reference to the white, silvery texture of the leaves, from argyreioa, silvery. Nat. Ord. ConvolvulacecB. A fine genus of strong-growing climbers from the East Indies. They are only adapted for the green-house, and require a long time, with liberal pot room, to bring them into flower. A. cuneata is a dwarf-growing, free- flowering species, colors white and purple, resembling the Ipomcea. Pi-opagated by cut- tings. Introduced in 1822. Aril, Arillus. A fleshy groAvth which rises up from the placenta and encompasses the seed, like the Mace surrounding the Nutmeg, and the red sac the Euonymus. Arisae'ma. Indian Turnip. Dragon Arum. From aron. Arum, and sana, a standard; in reference to the close affinity to Arum. Nat. Ord. AroidecB. A genus of hardy tuberous-rooted peren- nials. Two of the species, A. tripkyllum, the Indian Turnip, and A. Dracontium, the Green Dragon or Dragon Root, are common in moist woods and along streams in most parts of the United States. They bear cultivation well, and make beautiful plants for a shady border. The flowers are popularly known as Jack-in- the-Pulpit. These are succeeded by a cluster of scarlet berries, that make a showy appear- 32 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS ARI ance until winter. The biting, acrid properties of this genus are such that the smallest por- tion chewed, cither of leaves or root, produces a feeling as if the tongue Avere pierced with needles. Aristate. Having a beard or awn, as the glumes of barley. Ari'stea. From arista, a point or beard ; in reference to the rigid points of the leaves. Nat. Ord. IridacecB. A genus of tender herbaceous perennials from the Cape of Good Hope, embracing about fifteen species. They vary in height from three inches to three feet and produce their interesting blue flowers all summer. Easily propagated by division or seeds. Aristi'da. From arista, a beard or awn. Nat. Ord. GramimtcecB. A genus of harsh perennial grasses, com- mon on dry, barren soils throughout the United States. A. dichotoma is commonly known as Poverty Grass, as it is a sure indication of poor and barren soil. A. stricta is the Southern Wiregrass. Ari'stolo'chia. Birthwort. From aristos, best, and locheia, parturition, its supposed medi- cinal character. Nat. Ord. AristolochiacecB. A genus of climbing plants natives princi- pally of South America, a few species being found in North America, Europe and India. Most of them extend their branches a long distance, though some are to be found that are neat and compact in their growth. The flowers of all are extremely curious, generally of some lurid color, and bearing a resemblance to the expanded mouth of a horn. The larger ones have, not inaptly, been compared to the ear of an elephant, while others are distinguished by a long, pendant pouch. The tender species require either the hot-house or green-house, and a few are sufficiently robust to bear ex- posure to our winters. They grow freely in rich loam and leaf mould. A. sipho (Dutch- man's Pipe) is a native of the Southern States, and one of the best climbers for covering walls or trellises; under favorable circum- stances it will grow twenty feet in a season. The foliage is large, of a deep, rich green ; it is propagated by seed, layers, or cuttings, and is perfectly hardy. A. serpentaria, the Virginian Snal- opathists, and soon after came into general use, and is considered invaluable for wounds or bruises. Arno'tto, or Ana'tto. See Bixa Orellano. Aromatic Wintergreen. See GauUheria. Aroni'cum. From arnikis, a lamb's skin ; in ref- ence to the softness of the flower-heads. Nat. Ord. Compositce. A small genus of pretty herbaceous peren- nials, inhabiting Central Europe and Asia. They have flower stalks varying from three inches to two feet high, with terminal heads of bright, yellow flowers. A. Clvsii, a pretty little Alpine species growing from three to five inches high, is well adapted for a border plant or for rock- work. They are increased by division, or from seed. Syn. Doronicum CIvmH., From arpe, a scimitar, and phyllon, a leaf ; the leaf is sword-shaped. Arpophy'Uum. Nat. Oxd. Orchidacem. A small genus of handsome Orchids from Mexico and New Grenada. They are of grace- ful habit, easy of culture, and the flowers last long in perfection. They are increased by division, and should be grown rapidly to pro- duce large bu-lbs, as small ones do not flower. Arrhena'therum. Oat-grass. From arrhen, a male, and anther, a point ; on account of awns on the male spikes. Nat. Ord. Graminacece,. A small genus of strong growing grasses, occasionally cultivated in this country as a pasture grass and for hay ; it is not supposed to be very rich in nutritive matter,, but is considered valuable in mixture with other grasses for moist meadows, as it produces a AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 33 ARR plentiful supply of early foliage, which is eaten with avidity by cattle. It is a trouble- some grass witli other crops. Arrow Cane. Gynerium saggitatum. Arrow Grass. Triglochin paliistre. Arrow^-head. Cliinese. Sogittaria Chinensia. Common. Sagittaria sagiitcpfolia. Arrow Poison. Gaboon or Trop. Africa. Stro- phanthus hu^pidns. Guiana, Curari or Curali. Strychnos toxifera. Javanese. Strychnos Tiente. Malay. Aiiiiaris toxicaria. Arrow-root. A pure liind of starch emploj'ed tor dietary and other purposes, obtained from various sources, the principal of which are the following : American. Zea mays. Bermuda. Maranta arundinacea. Brazilian or Tapioca Manihot viilissima Chinese. Nelumbmm speciosum. E. Indian. Curcuma angustifolia, and other species. English. Solamim tuberosum. Mexican. Dion edule. Portland. Arum viaculatum. Arrow- wood. American. YihumuTn dentatum. Californian. Viburyium ellipticum. Bi'itish Columbian. SjJircea Douglassi, S. opulifolia. Artane'ma. An interesting genus of plants belonging to the Nat. Ord. Scrophulariacece. A. fimbriatum (closely allied to Torenia) is a handsome evergreen shrub with large funnel-shaped, fringed, blue flowers, bloom- ing from June to November. It was intro- duced from Moreton Bay, New Holland, in 18.30, and is readily increased by cuttings or seeds. Art'anthe. Derivation of name not given. Nat. Ord. PiperacecB. A small genus belonging to the Pepper family. They are woody plants, with jointed stems, rough leaves, and spilies of flowers opposite the leaves. A. elongata furnishes one of the articles known by the Peruvians as Matico, and which is used by them for the same purpose as Cubebs, the produce of a nearly-allied plant ; but its chief value is the power it has of staunching blood. The un- der-surface of the leaf is rough, traversed by a network of projecting veins, and covered with hairs ; hence its effect in stopping hem- orrhage is probably mechanical, like that of lint, cobweb, and other commonly used ap- pliances. The species are not esteemed valu- able a^ flowering plants. Placed by some \ authors under Piper. Artemi'sia. "Wormwood. From Artemis, one of the names of Diana. Nat. Ord. ComposifcB. Shrubby or hei'baceous phmts with their leaves usually muchdivided and frequently qf a grey color. The genus is widely distributed over the temperate regions of the globe and most of them are remarkable for their strong odor and bitter taste. In certain parts of the West, as Utah, Texas, New Mexico, etc., there are large tracts almost entirely destitute of other vegetation than that afforded by various kinds of Artemisia which cover vast plains, and give them an universal greyish green hue. They are unfortunately of no value for forage. ART This genus contains amongst others the well known Southern wood or Old Man, A. Abro- tanum, the finely divided leaves of which have a fragrant aromatic odor. A. Absvilfuum,thQ common Wormwood, possesses aromatic, bitter, and tonic properties and was formerly much used as a vermifuge ; it is also in con- nection with several species growing inSwitz-. erland and used in tlie manufacture of the bitter aromatic tonic " Extrait d' Absinthe." The Tarragon, A. Dracunculus, differs from the majority of its fellows. In that its leaves are undivided, they are narrow, of a bright green color and possess a peculiar aromatic flavor much valued in Salads, etc. Native of Siberia. The Chinese Chrysanthemums are fre- quently miscalled Artemisias. Arthropo'dium. From arthron, a joint, and pous, a foot; the foot-stalks of the flowers being jointed. A genus of Australian and New Zealand Liliacece allied to Anthericum, with grass-like leaves, and purplish or white flow- ers in loose racemes. Arthroste'mma. From arthron, a joint, and stemon, a stamen, in reference to the stamens being jointed. Stove or green-house, ever- green shrubs, from Central America, belong- ing to the Nat. Ord. Melastomacece. Some of the species are very handsome, with rose or lilac flowers, resembling the Rhexias. Propagated by cuttings. A'rtichoke. The Cynara scolymiis, the Globe Artichoke of gardens, is a hardy perennial, growing from three to four feet in height, with numerous branches. The leaves meas- ure from three to four feet in length, pinnati- fid, or cut in deep, horizontal, convex seg- ments, which are covered with an ash-colored down, the whole plant resembling a large Thistle. The portion eaten is the under side of the head, before the flower opens. The whole head is removed and boiled, the leaves laid aside, and the bottom eaten, dipped in butter, with a little pepper and salt. The Artichoke is a supposed native of the south of Europe. The first account oi its cultivation was in Italy, in 1473, and from that period, when it was said to be verj' scarce, it has steadily grown in favor, and its cultivation extended. The artichoke thrives best in a light, very rich, moist soil. One containing a large propoi'tion of saline properties suits it best. Propagated by seeds or by suckers from established plants. The Jenitinlpin Arti- choke is in no sense a true Artichoke, but t he tuberous root of a species of Sunflower, Heli- anthiis tttberosus, a native of the north-western States, the north-western British Possessions and Canada. Its nativity has generally been credited to Brazil, without any' good author- ity; on the contrary, there is abundant proof that it abounds in a wild state in the localities above-named. Its cultivation is now strongly rec^ommended on dry soils, liable to excessive droughts. It is said that 1,500 bushels per acre can be produced, upon which swine will thrive finely, the tubers furnishing sufficient water to allay thirst. They also furnish excel- lent food for sheep. Some agriculturists claim that the tops, cut and properly cured, form an excellent hay, with a yield of five or six tons to the acre. Articulated. Jointed, having joints. 34 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS ART Artillery Plant. See Pilea serpillifolia and P. hertiiaricefolia. Artocarpa'ceae. A group of apetalous trees, not unlike the Plane-trees of Europe ; but for the most part inhabiting the tropics. They abound in a milliy juice, and have, for the most part, their female flowers collected into fleshy masses or heads. Moreover, they have great sheathing, convolute stipules, liiie those of a Fig-tree. This natural order presents strange anomalies : tlie invaluable Bread-fruit tree of the tropics, the useful Cow-tree of Caraccas, and the virulent poison of the Upas-tree of Java, side by side. The more important genera are Artocarpus and Antiaris. Artoca'rpus. Bread Fruit. From artos, bread, and carpos, fruit ; the fruit balied resembles bread. Nat. Ord. Artocurpacem. A. incisa, the Bread-fruit, originally found in the southeastern parts of Asia and the islands of the Pacific, though now intro- duced into the West Indies and South Amer- ica, is one of the most interesting as well as singular productions of the vegetable king- dom. The Bread-fruit is a beautiful as well as a useful tree. The trunk rises to the height of about forty feet, and, in a full-grown tree, is from twelve to fifteen inches in diam- eter ; the branches come out in a horizontal manner, the lower ones about ten feet from the ground, and they become shorter and shorter until they reach the top, giving the tree an appearance of perfect symmetry. The leaves are of a lively green, divided into seven or nine lobes, from eighteen inches to two feet long. The fruit is about nine inches long, heart-shaped, of a greenish color, and marked with liexagonal warts in clusters. The pulp is white, partly farinaceous and partly fibrous; but when quite ripe it becomes yellow and juicy. The Bread-fruit furnishes the chief sustenance of the inhabitants of the Society and South Sea Islands, and is used to a con- siderable extent in the West Indies. It is usually cut into pieces, and roasted or baked in ovens on the ground heated by hot stones. Arum. From aron ; supposed to be an ancient Egyptian word. Nat. Ord. AroideoR. There are several interesting species con- tained in this genus which may be accounted pretty additions to the collections of the hot- house and green-house, though the flowers possess a disagreeable odor. In contrast with the other species is A. Palestinum, that has flowers of deep crimson, with a delicious fra- grance not unlike the Violet. In shape it resembles the Calla Lily, Richardia ^thiopica ; in fact, when it was introduced, in 1876, into the United States, it was under the name of "Crimson Calla." Numerous offsets are annually produced, by which the species are extended. A. Sanctum, the Black Calla, a late introduction (1887) from the Holy Land, is described as "producing large, sweet-scented flowers, rising above the leaves on a slender but vigorous stalk, of a brown-red color at the lower part and green at the upper end. The spathe is from fourteen to eighteen inches long and four inches wide, of a brilliant dark purple color and green underneath. The spadix is about ten inches long, velvet-like, and quite black. The whole plant is most stately and elegant in appearance." A. Dra- cuncuhis, the Dragon Arum, deserves a place ASA in the flower garden for its large, very remark- able flowers. This species requires the same treatment as the Gladiolus^ The roots of all this natural order, when green, contain a milky fluid, which is exceedingly acrid, exciting a painful sensation of burning heat in the tongue and mouth. When cut in slices and applied to the skin, it will very quickly produce a blister. This same active principle is not confined to the roots of the various genera and species, but is found in the leaves as well. A piece of the Calla leaf, not larger than a pin's head, if taken into the mouth, will produce violent and painful burnings. Some of the species yield an excellent quality of Arrow-root. Arum Lily. Richardia u^thiopica. Spotted Leaved. Richardia maeulata. Yellow. Richardia hastata. Arundina'ria. An alteration of the word Arundo, to which this genus may be compared in refer- ence to its large size. Nat. Ord. GraminacecB. A genus of grasses of a shrubby or arbo- rescent nature, with strong-jointed stems, resembling those of the Bamboo cano. They are mostly from the warmer parts of the globe, and in some instances attain a great size. A. falcata is one of the hardiest kinds, and is very ornamental in the sub-tropical garden. This species will endure the winter without protection, from Washington, southward. A. Schomburgkii, a native of Guiana, is an import- ant species. The canes grow sixteen feet high, with a diameter at the base of from twelve to eighteen inches. It is this plant that chiefly furnishes the native Indians with the tubes from which they blow their poisonous arrows, vfhich act with such fatal effect on their vic- tims. A. gigantea and A. tecta, two species found in the Southern and Western States, from Florida to Indiana, form canes from ten to twenty feet high and are now much used by florists for plant stakes, the toughest and best of which come from Indiana. Aru'ndo. Eeed. A word of doubtful deriva- tion, perhaps from the Latin word arundo, a reed. Nat. Ord. Graminacem. A. Donax is a splendid Bamboo-looking reed, rather tender in severe winters, but which, if the season be favorable, will grow, in rich soil kept moist, to the height of ten or twelve feet in one year, producing a flne oriental appear- ance when standing singly on a lawn or near water. This variety is a native of Southern Europe, introduced in 1648, and for many years has been an inmate of our flower gar- dens. A. Donax variegata, a variety with leaves beautifully striped in different colors, similar to those of the commor Ribbon-grass of our gardens, is one of the most beautiful plants for the sub-tropical garden. It re- quires, however, the protection of the green- house during winter in our Northern States. It is propagated by division of the roots, and will succeed in ordinary garden soil. Asafoe'tida plant. Narthex asafoRtida. Asafoe'tida plant, Persian. Ferula Persica. Asaraba'cca. A common name for Asarum Europ(Bum. A'sarum. Wild Ginger. From a, private, and saron, feminine ; the application of the term unexplained. Nat. Ord. Aristolochiacem. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 35 ASC A genus of rather curious hardy herbaceous perennials, common in most parts of the United States, usually in rich, moist woods. They are highly esteemed for their medicinal properties. A. Cnnarfe«*e is the Canada Snake- root or Wild Ginger. It is recognized by its single pair of broad, kidney-shaped leaves, and a single large, brownish-purple flower on a short peduncle, sometimes nearly buried. The roots are pungent and aromatic. Ascending. Directed upwards ; as the stem, wliich is the ascending axis. Ascle'piada'ceae. The very large natural order which bears this name is known by its pollen being collected in the form of waxy masses or bags, derived from the separable inner lining of the anther cells, and by the fruit consisting most commonly of a pair of divaricating in- flated seed-pods. Fully 1,000 species are known, for the most part inhabiting the tropics of the Old and New Worlds. They vary extremely in appearance, many being leafless succulents, like Stapelia; others (and they are more numerous) consisting of twiners like Hoya; while another portion consists of upright herbaceous plants, such as Asclepias and Vincetoxicum ; a few are tropical trees. As a general rule the species are poisonous ; an acrid milk wliich pervades all their parts being eminently emetic and purgative. The genera Stapelia, Hoya, Ascle- pias, Vincetoxicum, Ceropegia and Ptriploca, ai'e good examples of the order. Ascle'pias. Milkweed. The Greek name of the ^^sculapius of the Latins. Nat. Ord. Ascle- piadacete. An extensive genus of tall-growing plants, mostly of a hardy herbaceous character, remarkable for their curious flowers and the silky substance which fills the seed-pod. The most ornamental native species is A. tuberosa, which has fine orange-colored flowers but is somewhat difficult to cultivate. A. Mexicana, white, and A. Curassavica, orange -scarlet, both tender species, are excellent plants for the mixed border in summer; the former is especially valuable for cut flowers. They are all easily raised from seeds. A'scyrum. From a, without, and skyros, hard ; that is to say, a plant that is soft to the touch. Nat. Ord. Hypericacece. A genus of elegant little herbs and sub- shrubs numbering flve species, all of them American with a distribution from the North- ern States to New Grenada. A. Crux Andrece, is called St. Andrew's Cross from the circum- ference of the four pale yellow petals approach- ing each other in pairs, they appear like a cross with equal arms. Collectively they are called St. John's-worts. Ash. American Black or Water. Fraxinus sambucifolia. Black Mountain. Eucalyptus Leucoxylon. Blue. Fraxinus quadrangulata. Cape. Ekebergia Otpen^sia. Carolina Water. Fraxinus platycarpa. Chinese. Fraxinus Chinensis. Common. Fraxinus excelsior. Flowering. Fraxinus Ornus. Gray. Fraxinus Americana var. cinerea. Ground, ^gopodium podograria, and Angelica sylvestris. Hoop. Celtis crassifolia. ASP Ash. Jerusalem. Isatis tinctoria, or Reseda luteola. Manna. Fraxinus Ornus var. rotundifolia. Movmtain or Wild. English. Pyrus aucuparia. Mountain. N. American. Pyrus Americana. Northern Prickly. Xanthoxylum Americamu/m. Oregon. Fraxinus Oregana, Poison. Rhus Venenata. Prickly. Xantfio-cylum fraxineum. Red American. Fraxinus p^cbescens. Southern Prickly. Xanthoxylum Carolinianv/m. Wafer. Ptelea trifoliata. AVater. Fraxinus sambucifolia. White. Fraxinus Americana var. alba. Ash-keys, or Ash Candles. The fruit of Fraxi- nus excelmor. Ash-leaved Maple. Acer Negundo. Asiatic Poison Bulb. Crinum Asiaticum. Asi'mina. Papaw. Named from Asijuinier of the French colonists. Nat. Ord. Anonacece. A. triloba, the only species, is a low-grow- ing ti-ee or shrub, common in the W^estern and Southern States, where it is popularly known as Papaw. The fruit is from three to four inches long, yellowish, and when fully ripe is by many highly esteemed. Aspa'ragus. From a, intensive, and spar- asso, to tear; in reference to the strong prickles of some species. Nat. Ord. Liliaceoe. Of this extensive genus of hardy herbaceous and green-house plants, the common garden Asparagus, A. officinalis, is the best known species. There are, however, several green- house climbing species, natives of Southern Africa, that have of late years been cultivated for decorative purposes, and well deserve a place in every collection, however small. Of these A. tenvissimus is the most largely cul- tivated as it is easily increased by cuttings, and its foliage is remarkable for its extreme slenderness, and delicate appearance. A. plu- mosus, and its variety A. p. nanus, are most elegant plants, with smooth stems, and grace- fully arching, fine filmy foliage, rivalling the delicate beauty of the finest Maiden-hair Ferns, while their cut sprays have the advantage of much greater persistency than an^fern, re- taining their freshness in water f roA three to four weeks. They also form excellCTit plants for the green-house, when trained in pots, and are invaluable for cutting. They are un- fortunately slow of propagation being in- creased only by seeds, or by division. They were introduced to cultivation in 1876. The Garden Asparagus, A. officinalis, is a native of Great Britain, Russia, and Poland. In many other parts of Europe it is found growing wild, but is probably an escape In many localities, and is perfectly' naturalized, as it is sparingly on our own coasts. The Aspar- agus is one of the oldest as well as one of the most delicious of our garden vegetables. It was cultivated in the time of Cato the Elder, 200 years B. C. ; and Pliny mentions a sort that grew in his time near Ravenna, of which three heads would weigh a pound. From these accounts it would appear that there is nothing new under the sun in the line of Asparagus. Many of our best gardeners con- tend that adaptation of soil, together with thorough cultivation, alone explains the differen(;e in this vegetable, as offered in our markets, but we feel satisfied that there are 36 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS ASP varietios in Asparagus, as well as in other vegetables, and such selections as Conover's Colossal, and the Palmetto, are undoubted improvements on the original sort. Its value and importance as a Vegetable can hardly be over-estimated, it is extensively grown and when properly managed produces a lucrative crop. The preparation of the Asparagus bed should be made with more care than for most vegetables, from the fact that it is a perma- nent crop, which ought to yield as well at the end of twenty-five as of five years, if the soil has been well prepared. The Asparagus bed, to start with, should be on ground thor- oughly drained, either naturally or artificially, and if choice can be had, on a rather light, sandy loam. This should be trenched and mixed with sufficient manure to form a coat- ing at least six inches thick over the bed. This manure should be worked into the soil by trenching to the depth of two feet, as the roots of the plant will reach quite that depth in a tew yeais. In setting, the crowns of the plants should be placed at least three inches below the surface. Asparagus maybe planted either in the spring or the fall. If in the spring, it should be done as early as the ground is dry enough to work ; and if in the fall, just as soon as the plants can be had, which is usually in the early part of October. We prefer fall planting on light, well-drained soils, for the reason that, if it is done then, young roots are formed which are ready to grow on the approach of spring ; but if the planting is done in March, April, or May, this formation of new roots has to take place then, and causers a corresponding delay in growth. Plants are sold by market gardeners and seeds- men ; and as it will save a year or two to pur- chase them, it is not worth while to raise them from seed in a private garden. The edible portion is the undeveloped stems, which, if cut away as soon as they appear, are followed by others, which start from the crown of the plant. The cutting, if continued too long, would finally exhaust the root; hence it is customary to stop cutting as soon as early peas become plenty, and allow the remaining shoots to grow during the rest of the season, and thus accumulate sufficient strength in the plant to allow it to produce another crop of shoots the next season. The surface of the Asparagus bed should have a top dressing of three or four inches of rough stable manure evciy fall (November), which sliould be lightly forked into the bed in the spring. The vari(>ty mostly grown is the Colossal, although the new Frencii variety, known as the Palmetto, is likely to supersede it, its merit being that the shoots grow more uniformly large than the Colossal. In some localities Asparagus is attacked by an insect called the Asparagus Beetle. The best method of getting rid of this pest, that we have found, is to coop up a hen, and let the chickens eat the insects and their eggs. Asparagus can also be forced to advantage if brought into market before March. By that time Florida begins to supply our mar- kets in quantity, and the price depreciates. Strong, healthy young plants, three to four years old, are best suited for this purpose, and should be sown yearly and grown on in succession, on the surface plan ; that is, not ASP planted deep in the ground as for permanent beds. The general management for forcing is similar to that required for Ehubarb. See article on " Forcing Vegetables." Aspa'ragus, Bath or Prussian, consists of the spikes when about eight inches long, of Omithogalum Pyrenaicum which grows abund- antly enough in hedges and pastures in that locality (Bath, England), to V^e worth gather- ing for sale. Aspa'ragus of the Cossacks. Typha latifolia. Aspa'sia. From aspazomai, I embrace ; the column embraced by the labellum. Nat. Ord. OrcMdacem. A small genus of epiphytal Orchids from Central and South America. One of the more important species, A. epidendroides, has yellow and brown sepals, the petals light purple, the lip white, with purple in the centre. The species should be grown in baskets, or on blocks of wood or cork, with plenty of moss. They do not require a high temperature, but need plenty of air. Increased by division. Introduced in 1833. A'spen. See Populvs tremula. A'spera. Bough, with hairs or points. Aspe'rula. The diminutive of a^'iper, rough ; in reference to the rough leaves. Nat. Ord. RuhiaceoB. Pretty, dwarf, hardy plants, chiefly natives of the European Continent, well adapted for shaded situations among trees. A. odorata, the common Woodruff, is esteemed for its delightful scent. This pretty little plant, when wilted, has the odor of new-mown hay, and when kept among clothes, it not only imparts an agreeable perfume to them, but preserves them from insects. Asphalt. Artificial Asphalt is used very gen- erally for foot-paths in gardens, etc. One of the best methods is the following : Lime rubbish, two parts ; coal ashes, one part, (both must be very dry and sifted very fine) ; mix them and leave a hole in the middle of the heap, wherein pour boiling hot coal-tar; mix well together. When as stiff as mortar, lay it down three inches thick, on a dry and previ- ously well-leveled surface, sprinkle with dry sifted sand and roll tlioroughly with a heavy roller. Only just enough tar to last about ten minutes must be taken from the furnace at one time, as, if it be not boiling, the walks will become soft under the action of very hot sun. This may be repeated every three years. It is imperative that the surface, lime, coal ashes, and sand, be perfectly dry, and that the days selected for the operation be very fine, the hotter the better. Aspho'deliis. Asphodel. From a, privative, and sphallo, to supplant ; the stately flowers not easily surpassed. Nat. Ord. Liliacece. Showy plants suitable for the open border, with white or yellow flowers. They may be grown in any soil, and are readily increased by separation of the roots. Most varieties are from the south of Europe, have long been in cultivation in our gardens, and are perfectly hardy. Aspi'dieae. A section of polypodineous Ferns, in which the sori are punctiform or dot-like, find covered either by reniform or peltate indusia. ABiiOHos£ (globe;. ARUM SANCTUM (BLACK CALLA). ASTTLBK JAPONICA. ASTER (SCARLET TRIUMPH). /^w/'^% ft'-' m ASTER (CBOWK). ASTER (MINIATURE BOUQUET) &SFABAGT7S TKNUISSIMU8. AVENA FLAVESCENS (YELLOW OAT GRASS.) 37 AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 37 ASP Aspidi'stra. From aspidiseon, a little round shield ; the form of the llower. Nat. Ord. Liliacece. A small genus found in China and Japan, remarkable for producing their flowers under the sui'face of the earth. They are useful house plants, and are propagated by suckers. The foliage of A. elativr variegata (green with broad stripes of wliite) contrasts finely with ornamental-foliaged plants. For the produc- tion of well-marked plants, the pots in wliich they are grown should be small, and the soil liberally mixed with sand. Introduced in 1835. Aspi'dium. Shield Fern, Wood Fern. From asijidion, a little buckler ; the shape of the iudusium. Nat. Ord. Polyjwdiacece. An extensive genus of hardy and green- house Ferns. Many of the species are com- mon in moist, shady places throughout the United States. The green-house varieties are mostly from the West Indies. All the species are of easy cultui'e. Many of them are deservedly popular in the fern-house or shady border. Asple'nieae. A section of polypodineous Ferns, in which the simple linear or oblong sori are parallel with the veins, and oblique to the midrib, produced on one side of the veins, and covered by indusia of the same form. Asple'nium. Spleenwort. From a, privative, and splen, spleen ; referring to its supposed medicinal properties. Nat. Ord. Polypodiacece. This genus, as established by Linnaeus, was a very extensive one, and the species exceed- ingly varied. So much confusion existed in regard to it, that modern botanists have divided and sub-divided it ; yet it contains a large number of hardy and tropical species, many of which are exceedingly beautiful and interesting, and ai-e commonly found in our green-houses. Some of the species have the very singular property of bearing little buds on their surface, from which young plants are formed. It is not an uncommon thing to see fifteen or twenty of these young plants, all perfectly developed, from one to two inches high, on a single frond. They are popularly known as bulb-bearing Ferns. Several of the species are indigenous throughout the United States, and there is scarcely a country in which some of the species may not be found. Aste'lma. Strawberry Everlasting. From a, not, and stelma, a crown ; in reference to the construction of the fruit. Green-house ever- green shrubs from the Cape of Good Hope. The bracts of the flowers of A. eximium are of a rich rosy tint, and are incurved so as to form close heads, bearing some resemblance to Strawberries. It has been long introduced but is comparatively rare in cultivation. A'ster. Star-wort. Michaelmas Daisy. From aster, a star. Nat. Ord. Composites. There are upward of one hundred and fifty species included in this geniis, chiefly hardy herbaceous plants, useful for ornamenting the flower borders in the autumn ; generally at- taining a height of from two to four feet, and producing white, purple or blue flowers. They are easily increased by separating the old stools. The well-known German and China Asters are now classed under Callistephns. ATA The sweet, musk-scented plant known as Aster Argophyllus is now pl&ced under Eurybia, which see. Asti'lbe. From a, privative, and stilbe, bright- ness ; flowers not very striking. Nat. Ord. SaxifragacecB. A. Juponica, sometimes called SpirmaJaponi- ca, Hoteia J(ip(»iicaand A. harbata, isa nativeof Japan, and ii perfectly hardy herbaceous plant. The dark green cut leaves form a handsome tuft, from which arise numerous crowded panicles of feathery white flowers. Excellent for forcing in pots, and fine for cutting. There is a variety with variegated foliage, green and yellow, not so vigorous in habit, but in all other respects similar. Propagated by divi- sion. See Spircea. Astra'galus. Milk Vetch. The ancient Greek name for some leguminous plant. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. An extensive genus of hardy annuals, per- ennials, and deciduous trees and shrubs. Many of the species are beautiful plants for the flower garden. They are vigorous growers, and succeed in a well-drained, sandy soil. The genus, is widely distributed, there being scarcely a country where it is not indig- enous. The flowers are pea-shaped, and mostly yellow or purple. Several of our na- tive species produce a fruit resembling green plums, that are edible. On the prairies they are called Ground Plums. A. mollissimus, popularly known as " Loco," or "Crazy Weed," is the notorious cattle-poisoning weed of Colorado and California. Cattle and horses eating it show many of the symptoms of drunkenness, and under certain circum- stances the results are fatal. The gum-like substance called Tragacanth is the produce of several species growing in Persia, Asia Minor, and Kurdistan. The gum exudes naturally from the bark in the same way that gum exudes from the bark of Cherrj^ or Plum trees. While many of the species are useful or ornamental, by far the larger number are troublesome weeds. Astra'ntia. A genus of Umbelliferce. Native of Europe and Western Asia, containing ten or twelve species. They are hardy herbaceous perennials, with black aromatic roots, and generally white or pink flowers. A. Camiola and A. Major are the most distinct and orna- mental species, easily increased by root divi- sion. Astroca'ryum. From astron, a star, and karyon, a nut; referring to the distribution of the fruit. Nat. Ord. PalmaacE. A small genus of Palms allied to Cocas, chiefly natives of the Upper Amazon. They have large pinnate leaves, and are armed with spines, sometimes a foot long, and exceedingly sharp. The fruit of some of the species fur- nishes food for cattle and swine. The young leaves of A. vulgare yield a fine thread, from which the best hammocks are woven. Ata'ccia. Malay name. Nat. Ord. TaccacecB. There are few more remarkable-looking plants than A. cristata, sometimes met in the gardens under the incorrect name of Taeca integrifolia. It has a short, conical, under- ground caudex, or rhizome, and produces from this caudex three or four large, oblong, acuminate, purplish-green stalked leaves. 38 HENDEESON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS ATA The scape is about as long as the leaves, erect, stout, angled, dark purple, terminated by a large four-leaved involucre, of which the two outer leaflets are dark purple, and the two inner much lai-ger, placed side by side, green with a deep purple base and stalk. The species are remarkable for their curious struc- ture, but are of no value as flowering plants, or for economic purposes. Atama'sco Lily. See Zephyranthes. Athana'sia. Ornamental green-house ever- green shrubs, belonging to the Nat. Ord. Compositce. They have yellow flowers, lasting a long time in perfection. Natives of the Cape of Good Hope. Atherospe'rma. Plume Nutmeg. From ather, an awn, and sperma, a seed ; the seed awned. Nat. Ord. Monimiaceoe. A beautiful green-house evergreen tree, with the aspect of a stately conifer. Flowers white, in panicles, the leaves being strongly musk-scented. A native of New Holland, readily propagated by cuttings. Introduced in 1821. Athy'rium. A small genus of ferns, until re- cently included in Aspleniiim. A. Goringianum pichim is a beautiful half-hardy deciduous va- riety from Japan. Atlee Gall. A gall nut produced abundantly by Tamarix orientalis, which is called Atl^ by the Egyptians. It is filled with a deep scarlet liquid. Atra'gene. A genus of ornamental, hardy, climbing, deciduous shrubs, closely allied to Ch^matis, and belonging to Nat. Ord. Ranun- culacece. They occur in the temperate regions of the Old and New Continent. A. Americana (Syn. Clematis verticillaris) is found in Western New England, Virginia and Wisconsin. A. alpina, blue, and its white vai'iety, are not uncommon in cultivation. Atrapha'xis. A genus of PolygonacecB. Natives of Asia and the Cape of Good Hope, consist- ing of low shrubs with rigid, much branched, often spiny stems. A few species are culti- vated as green-house plants, but the most in- teresting, A. Spinosa, is perfectly hardy and forms a dense shrub, which when covered with flowej'S is very showy. It is an excellent plant for the rock-garden, growing well in any situation. Syn. Tragopyron. A'triplex. Oraehe, Mountain Spinach. From ater, black, and plexus, woven together ; on account of the dark color and habit of some of the species. Nat. Ord. ChenopodiacecB. A. hortetisis, the only species of interest, is a tall-growing, hardy plant, annual, known in our gardens as Oraehe. It is but little grown in tills country, but very popular in France. It is a native of Tai'tary, introduced into France in 1548. It grows freely with ordinaiy garden culture. Seeds are sown in both spring and fall to secure a succession. A'tropa. Deadly Nightshade. Named after Atruiws, one of the Three Fates. Nat. Ord. Solanaccm. A small genus of hardy herbaceous perennials and evergreen shrubs, remarkable for their poi- sonous properties. A. Belladonna, one of the best known species, is a hardy herbaceous plant, indigenous to shady grounds and waste AUG places in Southern Europe and Western Asia, also in Great Britain. The root is thick, whitish and perennial, sending forth annually a strong, branched, purple-colored stem, from three to five feet high. The leaves are of un- equal size, and are entire, oval-pointed, stand- ing in pairs on very short footstalks. The flowers are large, bell-shaped, pendant, and of a brown purple hue ; appearing in June or July, and are succeeded by round, purple ber- ries, which ripen in September. All parts of the plant are poisonous. It is supposed to have been the plant which produced such re- markable and fatal effects on the Komans dur- ing their retreat from the Parthians, under Mark Antony, as recorded in Plutarch's Life of Antony. Buchanan relates the de- struction of the army of Sweno the Dane, when it invaded Scotland, by the berries of this plant. They were mixed with the drink which the Scots, according to the terms of the truce, were to supply to the Danes, which so intoxicated them that the Scots killed a greater part of Sweno's army while asleep. The extract of Belladonna is exten- sively used in the Homoeopathic practice of medicine, in cases of fever, and also as a diur- etic. Dr. Milno remarks, that nature has been more parsimonious in her Avarnings in respect to this plant, than to others of the same natural famil}^ Neither the smell nor the taste is offensive, and if the color of the flowers proves in some degree a repellant, that of the fruit, on the other hand, is in an equal degree, at least, attractive and inviting. Attale'a. From attains, magnificent ; in reference to the beauty of these Palms. Nat. Ord. Pal- macecB. A genus of very beautiful Palms allied to Cocos. With one or two exceptions, they are natives of Brazil. A. funifera yields a black fiber resembling whalebone, an article of con- siderable commercial value as a material for making brooms and brushes. It is popularly known as Piassaba Palm. The nuts of this species are very hard, about four inches long, finely mottled, dark and light brown, and are highly esteemed for turning into knobs, um- brella handles, and various other purposes. A. Cohune furnishes Cohoun nuts, from which is extracted Cohoun oil, used for burning, for which purpose it is superior to cocoanut oil. The species are too large for green-house cultivation. Attenuated. Tapering gradually to a point. Aubergine, Egg Plant. Solanum melongena var. oxngerum. Aubrie'tia. Named after M. Aubriet, a French botanical draughtsman. Nat. Ord. Criiciferm. A genus of pretty little plants, generally about three inches high, admirably adapted for pots or miniature rock-work ; the flowers are purple, and appear in March. They are readily propagated by division. Natives of the South of Europe, introduced in 1710. Au'cuba. The name of the shrub in Japan. Nat. Ord. Cornacem. A genus of hardy evergreen shrubs from Japan, useful, and highly prized for their vigorous habit, rapid growth, and capability of enduring, and even thriving in, the atmos- phere of cities. The flowers are inconspicu- ous, but since the introduction of the male AND GENEliAL HORTICULTURE. 39 AUR or pollen-bearing plant, by Robert Fortune, to England in 1861, we have been enabled to secure the beautiful coral-red berries, which are borne in profusion, and render the bushes exceedingly ornamental. Tlie conspicuously marked foliage of A. Japonica varkguta, which is green and yellow, atlniirably adapts it for the shrubbery border, or as a single plant upon the lawn. This variety is not usually hardy north of Washington. Propagated by cut- tings, which root freely in sand. Introduced in 1783. Aurantia'ceae. The Orange, Lemon, and simi- lar fruits are produced by trees belonging to this natural order. They are all bushy or woody plants, having the leaves filied with transparent oil cysts, giving them a dotted appearance, and a fruit more or less pulpy. Less than 100 species are known. The genera are almost exclusively found in the East In- dies, whence they have, in some cases, spread over the rest of the tropics. Aureus. Of a bright golden color, composed of yellow with a small portion of red. Auricle. An ear. Auricomus. A head or tuft, like hair, of a golden color. Auricula. See Primula auricula. Auriculate. Aurieled. Having ear-like ap- pendages, as in the case of many leaves, as in Jasminum auriculatum. Auriculately-sagittate, Eared at the base, so as to give the leaf the appearance of the head of an arrow. Austra'lis (Southern). This terra is frequent- ly applied to plants which grow in warm climates, without regard to their being strictly confined to the southern hemisphere. Autumn Bell Flo'wer. Gentiana Pneumon- anthe. Ave'na. Oat. A name of obscure origin. Nat. Ord. Graminacece. A genus of grasses of which the common Oat, A. sativa, is tiie best known, and which is invaluable in agricultural econ- omy. There are several species of Oats, and a vast number of varieties. The nativity of the Oat is accredited to Mesopotamia; this is, however, a matter of conjecture. The quality and appearance of the Oat vary greatly when grown on different soils and in different climates. The justly celebrated Norway Oat loses its distinctive character when grown in the warm, dry climate of the Middle New England States, and seed has consequently to be imported every season, in order to keep the crop up to the high standard claimed for it. Tlie Naked or Hull-less Oat is A. nuda, found growing wild in many parts of Europe, and considered merely a degeneration of the common Oat. A very fine variety of this species has been introduced from China, but its merits as a farm crop have not been fully tested. A. aterilis, a native of the South of Europe, is the Animated Oat of the gardens. The "animation" is produced by tiie contraction and expansion of the awns, which cause the seed to crawl a short dis- tance. Moisture from dews is sufficient to produce this slight motion. Avens. Geum urbanum. AZA Avenues in Landscape Gardening. In forming an avenue, a gi-adual winding line should above all be obtained, which must in no way interfere with the view from the house. An old authority on thia subject says that " there never should be any deviation from a straight line unless for somb real or apparent cause," so in a winding or curved line a tree, rock or building must be placed at the bends as a reason for going around such obstacles. Twelve to fifteen feet is the width usually allowed for the road, but this depends upon individual taste; this remark also applies to planting in double rows, the trees forming a series of ti'iangles ; or in single rows. The distance across the road from one row of trees to those opposite should be at least twenty-five feet. The Lime or Linden tree is extensively used for avenues, on account of its regular growth and the shade it affords. The American and English Elms are also valuable trees for this purpose. The Horse Chesnut in sheltered spots, is very ornamental, and the various species of Maples and Planes, are unsurpassed for this purpose. The Spruce and other Firs are also much used and are eminiintly suited for avenue planting. Groups of shrubs and herbaceous plants may be introduced between the trees, and so re- move any bareness that may occur. Avocado Pear. Persea gratissima. Awl Tree. Morinda citrifolia. Awl-^wort. Subularia aquatica. Axil, Axilla. The angle formed by the union of the leaf and stem or other organs ; the point on the stem from which a leaf proceeds. Aza'lea. From azaleos, dry ; in reference to the habitation of the plant. Nat. Ord. Ericacem. Beautiful flowering plants, natives of North America, Turkey, and China. The American or Hard}' Azaleas, A. calendulacfci, A.nudiflora and A. viscosa, with hosts of ganlen varieties bred from them, are inhabitants of all our best shrubberies, and have been so wonder- fully improved by seedling culture as to throw into the shade the original species ; there can now be selected twenty or thirty varieties better than the very best of the original species. Every year, too, adds to the diversity of sorts and to the size of the flowers which is one of the characteristics of the improved kinds. In many places they thrive in the common soil of the garden, but, in general, they require leaf mould to be dug in with the natural soil ; and where there is to be any quantity grown, or a nursery of them made, beds of leaf mould, or composts of the greatest part of this, must be made up. They are raised from seed sown in beds in the open air, but from its extreme diminutive- ness, many prefer sowing in pans and wide- mouthed pots. When they are large enough, they should be planted out in beds six inches apart. The second year evei-y alternate plant may be taken out and planted elsewhere, to make room ; and as they increase in size they should have more room. They are propa- gated chiefly by grafting and by layers, but cut- tings of the last year's wood will root readily in sand. A. Pontica is a native of Turkey. A. Indica (the Chinese Azalea) and its varieties are those we meet with in the green-house. The florists' catalogues abound with rare 40 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS AZA sorts, the results of careful and skillful cross-fertilization. We are largely indebted for our finer sorts to the nurserymen at Ghent, Belgium. They are increased easily in spring by cuttings of the half-ripened young shoots. Aza'ra. Named after J. N. Azara, a Spanish promoter of botany. Nat. Ord. FlacourtiacecB. A genus of evergreen shrubs, natives of Chili. A. GUliesii, is the most desirable species. Its leaves are evergreen, somewhat resembling the Holly; flowers yellow, pro- BAL duced in axillary clusters. Propagated by cuttmgs. Introduced in 1844. Azo'lla. A very curious genus of aquatic cryp- togamous plants found floating upon the water, forming green or reddish patches, throwing down rootlets on the under side, amongst which are situated, principally in the axils of the leaves, the organs of fructifi- cation. The species occur in Australia, and New Zealand. The only native species, A. Caroliniana, is found in still water, from New York to Wisconsin, and southward. B. Babia'na. From hahianer, the Dutch for baboon; in reference to the bulbs being eaten by baboons. Nat. Ord. Iridacece. A genus of Cape plants, with solid bulbs or corms, which are eaten by the Hottentots, and which, when roasted, are said to resemble chestnuts. All the species have showy flow- ers, of various colors, blue predominating. Some of the varieties are finely variegated. ■'Tliey succeed in very sandy loam, and may be grown either in pots for ornamenting the green-house, or planted in a cold frame, whei'e, if protected from frost in winter, they may be allowed to remain altogether. They increase rapidly by offsets. Introduced from the Cape of Good Hope in 1757. Babingto'nia, Named in compliment to Charles Babington, of Cambridge, England, a distin- guished botanist. Nat. Ord. MyrlacecB. B. camphorosmtB, the only species of import- ance in this genus, is a graceful green-house shrub from New Holland. It is of easy culti- vation and produces flowers freely during the summer months, in terminal clusters, color white or pinkish. The branches have a droop- ing habit, giving the plant a graceful outline. Propagated by cuttings. Introduced in 1842. Baby's Breath. See Muscari; also a local name for Gypsophila paniculata. Baccate. Having a pulpy or succulent texture ; berried, fleshy. Bac'charis. Groundsel-tree. From Bacchus, the god of wine ; referring to the spicy odor of the roots. The ancients sometimes boiled down their wines and mixed them with such spices. Nat. Ord. CompositcE. This genus consists of upward of 200 spe- cies, all South American except three, two of which are found from Massachusetts south- ward, and the third in California. They are tall-growing shrubs, and distinguished from their allies by having the male flowers on one plant and the females on another. The fertile plant of the native B. halimifolia is very con- spicuous in the autumn by its very long and white pappus. There is a singular and remark- able fact in relation to one of the species, B. Douglassi, which is found in California and in Chili, without being found in any intervening place. The medicinal pn >perties of some of the South American species are highly esteemed for fevers and rheumatism. Bachelor's Buttons. A garden name given to the flowers of Centaurea Cyanus, Globe Ama- ranthus, and to the double-flowering buttercup, Ranunculus acris, fl. pi. Ba'ctris. From baktron, a cane ; the young stems being used for walking sticks. Nat. Ord. Palmacew. A genus comprising several species of slender-growing palms, inhabiting the West Indies, Central and South America. They do not rank with the handsomest of palms, although when young they are of an orna- mental character. B. integrifolia, a native of Rio Negro, is an elegant species, with a slender reed-like stem, producing a small crown of dark-green leaves, densely armed with long, flat, black spines. It can be used with beautiful elTect for table decoration. B. Mar- aja, the Marajah Palm of Brazil, grows upon the banks of the Amazon and other rivers. It is the largest species of the genus, its t'"unk attaining the height of fifty feet. It is thickly armed with spines, and has a succulent, rather acid but agreeably-tasted fruit, from which a vinous beverage is prepared. B. minor, has a stem from twelve to fifteen feet high, and seldom more than an inch in diameter. Its stems are very smooth, and are used for walking-sticks. Bae'ria. In honor of Professor Baer of the University of Dorpat. Nat Ord. Compositce. A genus of bright yellow Californian annu- als, with solitary terminal flowers about one inch across. They are pretty and desirable, B. chrysostoma being of dwarf, slender, erect habit, and very showy. Px-opagated by seeds sown in spring. Bahi'a. Name probably from the port of Bahia in South America. Nat. Ord. Compositce. B. lanata, the only described species, is an ornamental, hardy herbaceous perennial, much branched from the base of the stem, and having a greyish appearance. It produces its large yellow flower heads in great pro- fusion, and is readily increased by seeds or division. Bala'ntiuta. A name proposed for a genus of Ferns, now considered synonymous with i>icfc- sonia. Bald Cypress. See Taxodium distichum. Balloon Vine. See Cardiospertnum. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 41 BAL Ballo'ta. Fetid Horehound. From ballo, to reject ; in allusion to its offensive odor. Nat. Ord. Labiatce. A small genus of mere weeds, occasional!}' met with in the Eastern States, having found their way from Europe, wi\ere they are natives. Ball Thistle. Another name for Globe Thistle. Balm. Melissa officinalii*. A perennial herb often used in the manufacture of a drink for sick p>ersons, and sometimes employed for culinary purposes. Bee. Monarda didyma. Field. Calamintha nepeta. Indian. Trillium pendidum. Of Gilead. Cedronella triphylla. Of Gilead Tree. Balsamodendron Gileadense, and Populus bahamifera vur. candicans. Of Heaven. Oreodapfme Californica. Balmony. One of the popular names of Chelone glabra. Balsam. Ladies' Slipper. Impatiens Balsamina. A well-known, tender annual, a native of India. It is one of the showiest and most popular of summer flowers, blooming as it does till the advent of frost. Numerous hand- some varieties are grown, the prevailing colors of which are red and white, the former extend- ing to every shade of purple, crimson, scarlet, rose, lilac, and carnation or flesh-color; but some of the most superb sorts are elegantly spotted with white. The spotted varieties form a class by themselves, and are justly regarded as among the most brilliant orna- ments of the garden ; there are the crimson, scarlet, rose, purple, and violet-spotted. Another class is striped, after the manner of Carnations, with purple, crimson, rose, scarlet on pure white grounds, some with one color, others with two or more colors, and some are curiously mottled and striped. The most improved varieties are very double, and styled Camellia-flowered by the French. Some of the flowers are almost as perfect and as double as those of the Camellia, and nearly as regular in shape. The Germans call them Rose- flowered, as many of them approach the per- fection of that flower in shape and fullness. There is a class of Dwarf Balsams that do not grow over a foot high, but very full and bushy in habit. They do not produce flowers so double as the Camellia or Rose-flowered varieties, but are desirable for the garden. They should not be planted with the tall varieties, which attain the height of two or three feet, when properly cultivated. The only way to propagate the Balsam is from seeds, which do not always produce kinds exactly the same as the parent, but approach very near, when great care has been taken to keep the different varieties by themselves, as is now practiced by those who make a busi- ness of raising the seed. Careful growers of Balsams, who wish to raise prize flowers, never use seed less than three years old ; and they are particular in saving it from the most double and handsomest flowers, the best being those which have their colors distinctly marked, like a Carnation. Introduced from the East Indies in 1596. Balsam. A name given to various gum-resinous or oleo-resinous substances. Baj-ee Balsam, a product of Balsamodendron pubescens. BAM Canadian Balsam, a product of Abies balsamea. Carpathian Balsam, a product of Pinus Cem- bra. Copalra Balsam, a product of Liquidam- bar styraciflua. Hungarian Balsam, an oleo- resinous product of Pinus Pnmilio. Balsam of Acouchi, a product of Idea Aracouchini. Balsam of Copaiva, an acrid production of various species of Copaifera. Balsam of Maria, a product of Verticillaria acuminata. Balsam of Peru, a product of Myrospermum. Peruiferum. Balsam of Quinquino, a pror male nor female organs. Barringto'nia. Named after the Hon. Dainea Barrington. Nat. Ord. MyrtaceoR. This genus consists of tropical evergreen trees, some of which are of large dimensions. They are found in many parts of India, but in the greatest numbers in the Malayan penin- sula and the islands of the India Ocean ; two species are found in N. Australia, and one on 44 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS BAR the banks of the Zambesi River, in East Africa. Without exception they are beautiful objects when in flower. B. speciosa, a native of the Moluccas, and one of the handsomest of the genus, attains a height of fifty feet, with a circumference of from ten to fifteen feet ; it is genei-ally found near the sea. From its seeds a lamp-oil is expressed ; mixed with bait they are used to inebriate fish in order to facilitate their cap- ture. The roots, bark, and seeds of the sev- eral species are much used in medicine by the native practitioners. Syn. Stravadium. Barringto'nia'ceae. A small order, now placed as a tribe of Myrtacece. Barto'nia. Named after Dr. Barton, one of our distinguished botanists. Nat. Ord. Loasacece. B. aurea, a native of California, is a splendid annual, with golden yellow flowers, which have quite a metallic luster when the sun shines upon them. The seed-pod is curiously twisted. Like all the California annuals, it is very apt to die off if the roots become at all withered by drought, or if the collar of the plant be exposed to the full heat of the sun ; and thus it does best when grown in masses, so that the ground may be quite covered with its leaves. It succeeds best in a moist situation. Introduced in 1834. Barvrood. Baphia nitida. Basal. Situated at the base of anything, or at- tached to the base of any organ or part. Base'lla. Malabar Nightshade. Its Malabar name. Nat. Ord. ChenopodiacecB. A genus of climbing plants, mostly biennial. B alba and B. cordifoUa are grown in the East Indies as pot-herbs, and are used as a sub- stitute for Spinach. Some of them are also grown in France, to furnish the Paris market with summer Spinach, and they are grown for the same purpose in China. B. niJbra, a va- riety of B. cordifoUa, yields a rich purple dye. Some of the species have tuberous roots. B. alba is suitable for a suspended pot or basket, being quite pretty when in bloom. B. ludda, when in fruit, is a very interesting plant. Propagated by division and by seed. BaseUa'ceae. A series of usually herbaceous climbers, and considered a tribe of Chenopo- diacecB. Basil, Sweet. Ocimum Basilicum. Which see. Basil, "Wild. The genus Pycnanthemum. Basil Thyme. Common name for Calamintha Acinofi. Ba'ssia. Butter Tree. Named after M. Bassi, Curator of the Botanic Garden at Boulogne. Nat. Ord. Sapoiacece. Tall trees, natives of the hottest parts of the East Indies and Africa ; the leaves are al- ternate, produced in terminal tufts. The trees are of considerable importnnce in their native countries. B. bulryacea yields a thick, oil-like butter from its fruit. It makes good soap, and is adapted for burning. From the juice of the flowers a kind of sugar is pre- pared. The flowers of B. lafifoUa, the Mah- wah Tree, are used as an article of food in India, and when dried keep good a long time. . A good sized tree will continue to shed its blossoms for fifteen days, at the rate of one hundred pounds per day, which weight is reduced one-half in the process of drying. BAU A maund (eighty pounds) of dried Mahwah will furnish a fortnight's food to a family of two parents and three childx'en. It is gener- ally eaten with the seeds of the Sal Tree {Shorea robusta) ; a small quantity of rice being sometimes added. The fruit of the Illupie Ti-ee, B. longifolia, yields oil for lamps and various other purposes ; it is also used for food. B. Parkii is the Shea Tree, or But- ter Tree, mentioned by Mungo Park in his travels. Some of the species furnish a very valuable timber for the mechanic arts. Basswood or WMtewood. Tilia Americana. Bast. A strong woody fibre, much used in some places for making brooms, brushes, etc., obtained from the leaf stalks of Attulea funifera and of Leopoldlnia Piassaba. Also the inner bark of the Lime Tree, of which the Russian mats used in gardens are made. Cuba Bast is the fibrous inner bark of Paritium elatum, much used for tying up cigars, and by gardeners for tying up plants, etc., as is also the bast of the Lime Tree. Raphia, however, is now fast superseding these materials among gardeners for tying purposes. See Raphia. Bastard, or False Acacia. Robinia Pseudo- acacia. Bastard Pennyroyal. See Trichostema dichoto- mum. Bata'tas. Its Indian name. Nat. Ord. Convol- vulacecB. A somewhat extensive genus of tubei'ous- rooted climbing plants, tender or half-hardy. Some of the species are handsome green- house climbers, with large, purple, showy flowers. As the flowers fade quickly and have no commercial value, the species are rarely cultivated. The most interesting species is B. edulis, the well-known Sweet Potato, for description of which see Potato. The several species ai-e natives of Mexico, South America and the East Indies. Batema'nnia. In compliment to James Bate- man, a celebrated English collector and culti- vator of Orchids, and author of the " Orchid- aceee of Mexico and Guatemala." Nat. Ord. Orchidacece. A small genus of epiphytal Orchids, most of which liave small, inconspicuous flowers. Batemannia Burlii is a very rare and showy plant, from Costa Rica, with flowers three inches in diameter, of a reddish brown, with yellow spots, lip white and dark purple. They require to be grown in a house with moderate heat, and to be watered with great caution. Introduced in 1872. Baue'ra. Named after two brothers, German botanical draughtsmen. Nat. Ord. Saxifra- gacece. A genus of small green-house shrubs, natives of New Zealand and Australia. Their pale red or pink flowers are produced in the axils of the leaves in great profusion. They form very neat, pretty green-house ever- green plants, flowering nearly the whole year through. Easily increased by cuttings. Bauhi'nia. Named after the brothers John and Casjjer Bauhin, botanists in the sixteenth cen- tury. Nat. Ord. Leguminosoe. The numerous species that compose this genus are extensively diffused throughout the BESSEHA ELEOANS. BELLIS (double DAISY). BABBACENIA. BEGOKIA COnALLINA. 44 BEGONIA AEGYEOSTTGMA. BEGONIA (bINGLE TUBEUULbi BEGONIA DIADEMATA. BEGONIA METAT.T.TCA. BEGONIA BEX VAB. 45 AND GENERAL HORTICULTUKE. 45 BAY tropics, particularly in Brazil and India. They are generally climbers, frequently at- taining a gigantic si'M" ; some few, however, form trees, or large shrubs. B. tomenlosa is a native of Ceylon, where it forms a small tree, growing about fifteen feet liigh, and having pale, yellow flowers, spotted with crimson, which has given rise to the superstitious idea that they were sprinkled with the blood of St. Thomas, hence the tree is called St. Thomas' Tree. B. V'aWii is the Maloo climber of India, a plant whose gigantic shrubby stems often attain a length of 300 feet, and climb over the toj)s of tiie highest trees in the forest, twist- ing so tightly round their stems that they not unfrequently strangle and cause death, the stems ultimately decaying and leaving a sheath of climbers standing in their place. The young shoots and leaves are covered with a rust-colored scurf, and are furnished with tendrils. The leaves are very large, often more than a foot in diameter, composed of two oval-shaped lobes joined together for about half their length, and heart-shaped at the base. The flowers are snowy-white, and arranged in racemes. The exceeding tough fibrous bark of this species is employed in India for making ropes, which, from their great strength, are used in the construction of the suspension bridges across the Eiver Jumna. The bark of another Indian species is used for making the slow-matches used with native guns. Bay -berry. See Myrica cerifera. Bay Oak. Quercus sessiliflora. Bay Rose. Epilohium angustifolium. Bay Tree. Magnolia glauca. Bay Tree. Poison, lllicum Floridanum. Bay Tree. Rose. Nerium Oleander. Bay Tree. Sweet. Lauriis nobilis. Beach Grass. See Ammophila. Beach Pea. The common name of Lathyrus maritimus, a species growing plentifully in New Jersey and northward. Bead Tree. See Ormosia. Bean. Phaseolus. The varieties of our com- mon Garden or Bush Bean luive their origin in P. vulgaris, which is supposed to be a native of the East Indies, though there ai-e none of the species found wild that in anyway resem- bles the varieties under cultivation. The earliest notice that we have of the Kidney Bean is that given by Pliny, who calls them Phaseoli, and says the pod is to be eaten with the seed. •'According to Diodorus Siculus, the Egj'ptians were the first to cultivate it, and to make it an article of common diet, yet they conceived religious notions concerning it which made them at length refrain from eating it. Their priests dared not either touch it or look at it. Pythagoras, who was educated among the Egyptians, derived from them theirveneration for the bean, and forbade his disciples to eat it. He taught that it was created at the same time and of the same elements as man ; that it was animated and had a soul, which, like a human soul, suffered the vicissitudes of transmigration. Aristotle explains the prohibition of Pythagoras sym- bolically. He says, that beans being the ordinary means of voting on public matters, the white bean meaning an affirmative, and BEA the black a negative, therefore Pythagoras meant to forbid his disciples to meddle with political government. The Itoman priests affirmed that the bean blossom contained in- fernal letters, referring to the dark stains on the wings, and it is probable that all the superstitions on the subject sprang from the fruit." — Am. Ency. This species was first cultivated in England in liiOd, having betm in- troduced from the Netherlands. Many varie- ties were known to Gerarde in 1590. The running or Pole Beans are of the species P. inultijlorus, introduced from South America in 1663. (See Phaseolus.) The English Bean, so called by our seedsmen, and commonly known as Broad Windsor, is Faba vulgaris var. macrosperma, a genus that has been under cultivation as long as we have any records of gardening. It is supposed to have originated in Egypt, from the fact that the early Greek Avriters mention receiving it thence. Of this class there are many varieties, none of which succeed well with us. Bean. The common name for Fabn. Bog Bean, the Buckbean, Menyanthes trifoliata. Cujumary Bean, the tonic seed of Aydendron Cujumary. Egyptian or Pythagorean Bean, the fruit of Nelumbium .uckler of wood. The time for collect- ing these nuts is in winter, when the Indians, in great numbers, ascend the rivers to obtain their harvest of nuts, upon which they depend for the year's subsistence. When the nuts are spread on the ground all the animals of the forest surround them and dispute their pos- session. The Indians say it is the feast of the animals as well as themselves, but they are angry with their rivalry. The gathering of the nuts is celebrated with rejoicings, like the "Harvest Home" of Old England. About once in live years another species or variety is seen in small quantities in a few of the fruit stores of New York. It is of a lighter color, much less angular, less oily, and very much finer in quality than the common Brazil Nut. BET It is called the Paradise Nut, and is quite dis- tinct. It is said to grow in the interior of the country, and is gathered ))y the Indians, and brought to the coast, which they visit at long intervals for the purpose of trade. Bertolo'nia. In honor of A. Bertoloni, an Italian botanist. Nat. Ord. Melastomacece. A genus of very pretty trailing or creeping plants, natives of the dense foi'ests of Brazil. B. maculata, typical of the genus, is an exceed- ingly beautiful hot-house creeper. The leaves are spotted on the surface, and purple under- neath. It requires a warm, moist atmosphere, and is readily increased by cuttings. Intro- duced in 1848. Beschorne'ria. A genus of Agave-like Amaryl- lidaceous plants, allied to LittcBa, and Four- croya. B. tubifiora, and B. yuccoides, are highly ornamental species, very useful for lawn decoration in summer. Besle'ria. Erect, dwarf, branching plants, bear- ing yellow, white, or purple flowers and scar- let or purple berries, introduced from tropical America and belonging to the Nat. Ord. Ges- neracece. They are very pretty stove shrubs, requir- ing a moist, warm atmosphere, and are readily increased by cuttings. Besse'ra. Named after Dr. Besser, professor of botany at Brody. Nat. Ord. Liliacem. A small genus of very beautiful Mexican bulbs, allied to the Squills. The flowers are scarlet, purple, or white, produced on slender scapes about a foot high. They may be grown in a frame, like half-hardy bulbs, but it is less trouble to treat them the same as the Tigridia. The bulbs must be kept warm and dry during the winter, if taken up Propa- gated by offsets. Introduced in 1846. Be'ta. Beet. From bcft, the Celtic word for red ; in i-eference to the red color of the Beet. Nat. Ord. Chenopodiacece. The several species included in this genus are natives of Europe, Northern Africa, and AVestern Asia. Four of the species are culti- vated as esculents ; the others are of no par- ticular interest. J3. vulgaris, the parent of our garden varieties, is a native of Egypt and along the whole sea-coast of the Mediterranean, and is now ft)und growing wild in those locali- ties. The Beet has been highly esteemed as a garden vegetable for more than 2,000 years, and is specially noticed by all the early writers on plants. The roots of the Beet have been much improved by cultivation, both as regards size and quality, and long ago they arrived at that state of perfection beyond which pro- gress in the line of improvement must, of necessity, be slow. The several varieties of Mangel-wurzel and Sugar Beet, now grown so extensively in Europe, belong to the species B. vulgaris var. macrorhiza. The Chard Beet, or Swiss Chard, is B. cycla, a native of Portugal, first introduced into English gar- dens in 1670. It is extensively cultivated in the gardens of Europe, and forms one of the principal vegetables of the laboring class, the leaves only being used. They are stripped off and boiled as a substitute for Spinach. The rib of the leaf, which is strong and fleshy, is sometimes dressed as Aspar- agus. Sea Beet is B. maritima, a species of easy culture, used for greens only, and one of AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. id BET toe best plants under cultivation for that use. It is a native of the British coasts. The Chilian Beet, B. ChiliensL'^, a species of recent introduction, a native of Chili, as its name implies, is becoming popular for orna- mental gardening, particularly for large rib- bon borders, tlie two varieties, one' with bright yellow, the other with crimson foliage, contrasting ttnely witli other plants. Betony. The common name of Stachys Be- toiiica. Be'tula. Birch. From its Celtic name, betu. Nat. Ord. Betulacece. An extensive genus of deciduous trees, com- mon in all the cold and inhospitable climates. Some of the species are the last trees found as we approach the snow in the most elevated districts. Thl^ genus is largely represented in our Nortuern States by B. alba, the com- mon White Binrh. which, from the tremulous habit of the foliage, is in some localities called Poplar Birch. This species is remarkable for its elegance. It seldom divides the main stem, which extends to the summit of the tree, giving out from all parts numerous slender branches, forming a very neat and beautiful spray of a dark chocolate color, contrasting finely with the wliiteness of the trunk. When grown as a single specimen, this tree assumes a beautiful pyramidal form, making a moder- ate-sized tree of great beauty. B. lenta is the Black or Cherry Birch, so named from its resemblance to the American Black Cherries. The bark of the young twigs of this species has a sweet, aromatic taste. The wood is dark rose color, fine-grained, and much used in fine cabinet work. There are several other native species common in our Northern States, all interesting, mostly low-growing trees or large shrubs. Beurre'. A general name applied to a class of dessert Pears, which have their flesh of what is called a buttery texture, as the name itself indicates. Bi. In compounds signifies twice ; as Bicolor, two-colored ; Bidentate, with two teeth. Bidens. The botanical name of the well-known Beggar's Ticks. Bid-wl'llia. Named after Mr. Bidwill, of Sydney, an ardent cultivator of bulbs. Nat. Ord. LiliacecB. A small genus of Australian and Peruvian bulbs, allied to Anthericum. The fiowers are white, borne in racemes, and differing but little from the Asphodelus. Propagated by offsets. Biennial. Lasting two years. A biennial plant requires two years to form its flowers and fruit ; growing one year, and flowering, fruit- ing and dying the next. This, however, Is not true of all climates. Many plants that are classed as biennials in England, when sown in the southern parts of the United States, or in a hot-bed In March, at the North, and planted out In summer, will flower, seed, and die just as many annuals do. Bifrena'ria. From bis, twice, and froRnum, a strap ; in reference to the double strap, or band, by means of which the pollen masses are connected with their gland. Nat. Ord. OrchidacecB. A genus of pretty orchids, closely allied to Maxillaria, differing very slightly from that genife, and succ<>oding well under the same treatjnent. B. HarrisonioR, a very beautiful whitq species, with a purple lip, is known in cultivation under the following synonyms : Colax, Dendrobium, Lycaste, and Maxillaria Harrifionict. Bigno'nia. Trumpet Creeper. Named after Abbe Bignon, librarian to Louis XIV. Nat. Ord. Bignouiacece. An e.Ktensive genus of highly ornamental plants, and the type of an order equally beauti- ful. Most of the species are hot-house climbers, though a few assume a more arbo- I'escent character. B. caprcolala, a native of ' Florida, Is sufTiciently hardy to withstand our severest weather when trained against a wall. The flowers of all are large and showy, pro- duced in panicles, and are of various colors, red, blue, white, or yellow. They should be grown in rich loam, in a suntiy position, or they will not flower well. Introduced in 1820. B. radicans, is a synonym of Tecoma radicans, which see. B. Venvtsta, one of the most beautiful of the genus, is particularly suited for large green- houses, for training on rafters, or festooning between pillars, etc. Producing its rich, orange-red flowers in clusters, in great pro- fusion, during the winter months, makes It still more desirable. B. magnifica, with flow- ers varying from delicate mauve to rich- pur- plish crimson, introduced from Columbia In 1879, is another very handsome and showy species, flowering In summer. Bignonia'ceae. A large order of trees, or twin- ing shrubby plants, with usually opposite compound leaves, and showy, often trumpet- shaped flowers. The plants are found in the tropical regions of both hemispheres, but most largely In the eastern. In America they extend from Pennsylvania in the North to Chili in the South. Some yield dyes, and others supply timber. There are forty-six genera, and over 150 known species. Bignonia, Catalpa, Tecoma and Eccrovwcarpus are rep- resentative genera. Big-Root. See Megarrhiza. Billardie'ra. Apple Berry. Named after Labil- lardiere, a French botanist. Nat. Ord. Pittoa- poracecB. A small genus of green-house evergreen climbers, natives of Australia and Tasmania. The species are not remarkable for beauty of plant or flower, but are highly esteemed for their sub-acid fruit, which is pleasant and wholesome. The fruit is a small berry, either blue or amber-colored. Propagated by cut- tings. Billbe'rgia. Namt'd after Billberg, a Swedish botanist. Nat. Ord. Bromeliacem. These are handsome plants when well grown. The colors of the flowers are at once rich, vivid, and delicate, and are usually contrasted in the highest manner by the equally bright tints of the colored bracts. They should be grown in pots of rich loam. In a warm green- house, or plunged into an active hot-bed until the growth Is completed, when a cooler and drier place, as on a shelf of the hot-house, will induce them to flower freely. Propagated by suckers. Introduced from Brazil In 1825. BiUberry. See Vaccinium. Bilstead. A common name of the Liquidambar. 50 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS BIN Binding Plants. A name that may be given to such plants, the roots of Tvhich aro useful for binding the soil on the banks of reservoirs, aqueducts, etc., as well as the loose sand- banks on exposed shores or wastes. Various species of Willows, Easpbei-ries, Blackberries, Vacciniums, and with strong spreading roots, are useful for the former. Alsike Clover is also well suited for this purpose, its long, fibrous roots holding the soil well together. The Bermuda Grass, Cynodon Daclylon, is also exceedingly valuable anywhere south of Virginia, and with Ammophila or Ca1o,magros(is arenaria, is invaluable for binding loose sand on exposed sea-shores and water-courses. (See Ammophila). Ampelopsis Veitchii, the Japan or Boston Ivy, has also been found useful for planting on railroad cuttings and embank- ments to prevent loose rocks from falling on the tracks. Bindweed. A popular name for Convolvulus arvensis. Birch. See Betula. Bird Cherry. See Cerasxis Padus. Bird of Paradise. A name applied to the flowers of the Strelitzia RegincB, from their supposed resemblance. Bird Pepper. Capsicum haccatum. Bird's Bill. Trigonella ornithorrhynchus. Bird's Foot, or Bird's Foot Trefoil. Lotus corn- iculatus. Bird's-nest. Daucus Carota, or "Wild Carrot. Bird's-nest Fern. Asplenium Nidus. Birth-root. Trillium erectum. Birth-wort. The genus Aristolochia. Bishop's Cap, or Mitre-wort. The genus Alitella. Bishop' s-^wort. Stachys Betonica. Bishop-^veed. See ^gopodium podograria. Bismarkia. In honor of the German statesman. An imperfectly-known genus of Palmacece, of which B. nobilis is the only species. It is a very ornamental plant, with the appearance and habit of a Pritchardia. Introduced from Madagascar in 1886. Bitter Almond. Amygdalus communis. Bitter Apple. Cucumis Colocynthis. Bitter Cress. The genus Cardamine. Bitter Nut, or Swamp Hickory. Carya amara. Bitter Root. Lewisia rediviva. Bitter Sweet. A popular name for Celastrus scandens; also applied to Solarium Dulcamara. Bitter Vetch. The genus Orobus. Bitter Weed Ambrosia artemisicefolia. Bi'xa. Arnatto. Its native South American name. Nat. Ord. Flacourtiacece. South American trees, or shrubs, B. Orel- hna, commonly known as the Arnatto tree, is a native of tropical America, the "West Indies, Sumatra, and Java, and is much valued because of the coloring matter which is pro- cured from the pulp that suiTounds the seeds, and which is an important article of com- merce. It seldom attains to more than twelve feet in height. The leaves are of a deeper green on one side than on the other, and are divided by fibres of a reddish-brown color; they are four inches long, broad at the base. BLA and tend to a sharp point. The stem has likewise fibres, which, in Jamacia, are con- verted into serviceable ropes. The tree pro- duces oblong, bristled pods, somewhat re- sembling those of a chestnut. These, at first, are of a beautiful rose-color; but, as they ripen, change to a dark-brown, and bursting open, display a splendid crimson farina, or pulp, in which 8.re contained thirty or forty seeds, in shape similar to raisin stones. This pulp is separated by throwing the freshly- gathered seeds into a tub of water, and stir- ring them until the red matter is detached, when it is strained oi¥ and evaporated to the consistency of putty. In this state it is made up into rolls, and is ready for market. This drug is used in coloring cheese, butter, and for inferior chocolates. It is also used by silk- dyers ; and by varnish-makers, for imparting a rich orange tint to some kinds of varnish. Bixi'neee, or Bixa'ceae. A name sometimes given to the order Flacourtiacece, which see. Black Alder, or "Winter-berry. Prinos Verti- cillata. Black-beny. See Rubus. Black -berry Lily. See Pardanthus. Black Bind- weed. Polygonum Convolvulus. Black Bryony. See Tamus. Black Gum, or Sour Gum. Nyssa multifiora. Black HaTV. Viburnum prtmifolium. Black Horehound. Balotta nigra. Black Jack, or Barren Oak. Quercus nigra. Black Moss, or Florida Moss. Tillandaia usneoides. Black Mustard. See Sinapis nigra. Black Oat Grass. Stipa avenacea. Black Oyster Plant. See Scorzonera His- panica. Black Pepper. See Piper nigrum. Black Snake Root. Sanicula Marilandica. Black Thorn. Prunus spinosa, also Cratcegus tomentosa. Black "Varnish Tree. MelanorrhcRa usitatissima. Bladder-'wort. The genus Utricularia. Bladder Catch-fly. Silene inflata. Bladder Nut. Staphylea trifoliata, and S. pin- nata. Bladder Senna. borescens. Colutea herbacea, and C. ar- Blanching. This process is effected for the purpose of obtaining crispness, and for con- verting what would, under ordinary circum- stances, be a dangerous plant — in the case of Celery especially so — into a highly popular deli- cacy. Blanching can only be accomplished by entirely excluding the light from the plants, thus depriving the coloring matters of their power to decompose water and carbonic acid gas. Blandfo'rdia. Named in honor of George, Mar- quis of Blandford. Nat. Ord. Liliaceoe. Beautiful green-house bulbs from New South "Wales. They should be grown in large pots filled with leaf mould, loam and sand, placed in the green-house, and, if properly attended to with water, will flower freely. The flowers are crimson or orange. Introduced in 1812. Propagated by seeds and offsets. iND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 51 BLA Blazing Star. ^ common name of Liatria squar- rosa, and also given to ClmmceUrium luteum. Ble'chuxun. From blechnon, a Greek name for a Fern. Nat. Ord. Polypodiacem. A considerable genus of Ferns of the same group as Lomaria, the distinction between the two consisting in tlie fructification of Lom- aria being marginal, and that of BlechrMm being within the margin. The genus contains a considerable number of species, which are abundant in tropical countries ; South America and the West Indian Islands having contrib- uted the greatest number. Bleeding Heart. The popular name of Dielytra {Diclytra, Dicentra) apectabilis. Blephi'lia. A genus of uninteresting herbs, nearly allied to Monarda, Horse-mint, common in the southern and western States. Blessed Thistle. Cnicus benedictus. A genus of Thistles, natives of the Levant and Persia. Naturalized and common on th'? roadsides in the southern States; now called by some authors, Carbenia benedicta. Ble'tia. Named after a Spanish botanist of the name of Blet. Nat. Ord. OrcMdaceiB. Pretty, tuberous-rooted, terrestrial Orchids, which produce large spikes of shaded purple flowers and require to be grown in pots of li- brous loam and leaf mould. A somewhat high temperature, say 70'' or 75", with plenty of moisture while they are growing, and a consid- erable reduction of both as soon as it is com- pleted, is necessary to cultivate them in per- fection. They are increased by means of offsets. Introduced from Mexico in 1822. B, Tankervillice, is now included under Phaivs, which see. Bli'ghia. Named in honor of Capt. Bligh, who first carried the bread-fruit to the "West Indies. Nat. Ord. SapindaceoB. This is called the Akee Tree, and is a plant much esteemed in Africa and the West Indies on account of its fruit, which is as large as a goose's egg, and of a reddish or yellow color. This fruit contains several large seeds, the coating of which is eaten ; it is said to possess an agreeable sub-acid taste, very grateful to the palate. Syn. Cupania. Blight. As used by cultivators this term is of vague significance. It is applied to those diseases of grain, etc., which usually depend upon the presence of parasitic Fungi. The Pear Blight so destructive to pear trees for many years past, is now generally believed to be owing to the presence of a Fungus, though not a few still believe that it is to be attributed to a diseased condition of the sap. There have been several theories put forth to account for this destructive disease, and the subject still remains more or less a mysteiy. Insects have also been charged with producing the disease ; but whatever the cause, all know the results to be only too fatal, and, thus far, without remedy. Blight is not confined to the field and the orchard, but also finds its way to plants in the garden. If Fungi are not the cause of the disease, they may be said to be always present as a result. Blind Shoots. A term given to such shoots as do not show fiower buds. Blood Flower. The common name for Hce- manthus. West Indian. Aaclepiaa curaaaavica. B(E Blood Root. See Sanguinaria Canadenae. Blood Wood. Austi-alian. Eucalyptus corym- boaa. E. Indian. Lageratrcemia Reginm. Blue Bella. Campanula rotundifolia, and Scilla nutana. Blue-berry. Vacciniiim Pennaylvanicum, etc. Blue-bottle. Centaurea cyanus. Blue Cohosh. A popular name of Caulophyllum thalictroides, also called the Pappoose root. Blue Curls. A popular name for the genus Trichostema. Blue Daisy. Agathea ccelestvi and Aater Tripo- lium. Blue-eyed Grass. Siayrinchium Bermudianum. Blue Flag. Iris versicolor. Blue Grass. Kentucky. See Poa pratenaia. Blue Gum. See Eucalyptus globulus. Blue Palmetto. See Rhapidophyllum. Blue Pea. See Clitoria ternatea. Blue Tangle. Dangleberry, Huckleberry. Gay- luaaacia frondosa. Bluets. Common name for Houslonia coRrulea ; also the French name for Centaurea Cyanus. Blue Weed, or Viper's Bugloss. Echium vul- gar e. Blumenba'chia. In honor of Dr. Blumenbach, of Gottingen, a distinguished comparative anatomist. Nat. Ord. Loaaacem. Elegant branched climbing or trailing, an- nual, biennial, or perennial herbs, with large white or yellow flowers, and generally covered with stinging hairs, which are very objection- able. Bocco'nia. Named after P. Bocconi, M.D., a Sicilian. Nat. Ord. Papaveraceos,. B. cordata, the only species adapted for the border, is a handsome, hardy herbaceous plant, a small clump or single specimen of which would take high rank among ornamen- tal-leaved plants, but unfortunately, it refuses to be kept within bounds, and will, when once established, not only take possession of the border, but the lawn as well ; and for this reason, notwithstanding its great beauty, it should not be planted on the lawn. Syns. B. japonica and Macleaya yedoenais. Boehme'ria. Ramee or Ramie. In memory of George Rudolph Boehmer, a German botanist. Nat. Ord. Urticacem. A genus of herbaceous plants or shrubs, allied to the true Nettles, but differing from them in not having stinging hairs. The most interesting species is B. nivea, the Chinese Grass-cloth Plant. It is a small, shrubby plant, about three or four feet high, throwing up numerous straight shoots, which are about as thick as the little finger, and covered with soft short hairs. Its leaves grow on long hairy footstalks, and are broadly heart- shaped, about six inches long and four broad. They are of a deep green color on the upper side, but covered on the under side with a dense coating of white down, which gives them an appearance like that of frosted silver. The beautiful fabric known as Grass-cloth, which rivals the finest cambric in softness of texture, is manufactured from the fiber ob- tained from the inner bark of this plant. The Chinese bestow an immense amount of care 52 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS BOG and labor upon its cultivation and the prep- aration of its fiber. They obtain three crops of its stems annually, the second being con- sidered the best. To obtain the fiber, the bark is stripped off in two long pieces and carefully scraped with a knife, so as to get rid of all useless matter, after which it is softened and separated into fine filaments either by steeping it in hot water or holding it over steam. This plant has been introduced into the Southei-n States, where it grows freely ; but the difficulty in separating the fiber so as to make its production profitable, has yet to be overcome. Bog Asphodel. See Narthecium. Bog Moss. See Sphagnum. Bog Myrtle. Myrica Gale. Bog Rush. Juncus. Common in all marshy gi'ounds or swamps. Boilers, Q-reenhouse. See Heating. Bokhara Clover. One of the popular names of Melilotua Alba; an excellent Bee-food plant all season. Bolbophy'llum. From bolbos, a bulb, and phyl- IcTii, a loaf; referring to the leaves issuing from tho apex of the pseudo-bulbs. Nat Ord. OrctiidaceiB. A genus of dwarf epiphytal Orchids from Africa and the East Indies, more curious than beautiful. Flowers large, single or in pairs ; color, yellow or white, with purple spots or stripes. Not often seen in collections. Sj'n. Bulhophyllum. Bo'Uea. Derivation of name net given. Nat. Ord. Orchidacem. A small genus of epiphytal Orchids, consist- ing of only two species, natives of New Gren- ada. They are showy plants, with radical foliage, from the base of which the flowers are produced on single scapes. The flowers are shaded pink, with a bright yellow lip. They require to be grown in pots of Moss, in rather a warm house, and are increased by division. Placed by some authors under Zygopetalum. Bolto'nia. A genus of three species belonging to the Cowpostto family, and peculiar to North America, where they extend from Canada to the Southern States. They produce an abun- dance of flower heads with whitish or purplish rays, very much like the Asters to which genus they might at first glance be referred. They are well worth a place in the mixed border. Bonia'rea. Derivation of name not given. Nat. Ord. AmaryllidacecB. A somewhat extensive genus of tuberous- rooted plants, formerly included in the genus AlstroRtneria, and differing only in the fruit. The species abound in the Peruvian Andes, and are common in other high elevations in South America. B. edulis is a West Indian species, the roots of which are eaten like those of the Jerusalem Artichoke. For culture and pi'opagation see Alstronmeria. Bo'mbax. Silk Cotton Tree. From bombax, cotton ; in reference to the woolly hairs which envelop the seed, like those of the Cotton- plant. Nat. Ord. Sterculiacece. A genus of tall growing trees, that abound in South America and the East and West Indies. B. Ceiba, a typical species, has a spiny trunk, and is one of the tallest trees of BOR both Indies, but the wood is very light and not much valued except for canoes. Their trunks are so large, that when hollowed out they make very large ones, so that in the West Indies they frequently carry from fifteen to twenty hogsheads of sugar, of from six to twelve hundred pounds each. The cotton which is enclosed in the seed-vessels is seldom used, except by the poorer inhabitant, to stuff pil- lows or chairs ; and it is generally thought unwholesome to lie upon. Bonapa'rtea. Named in honor of Napoleon Bonaparte. Nat. Ord. Bromeliacem. A genus remarkable for the gracefulness of their long, rush-like leaves. They are well adapted for growing in vases out of doors in summer. They require a warm house in winter. Propagated by seeds. Introduced from Mexico in 1828. B. juncea has been placed under the genus Agave, as A. geminijlora, by some l>otanists. Bone Dust. One of the safest and best of con- centi'ated fertilizers. When used broadcast, it should be sown on the soil after digging or plowing, just thick enoutrh to cover it with a thin layer, about as thickly as sawdust or sand is used on a floor. If used on dug ground, it should be well chopped and mixed through the soil, so as to mix it to a depth of five or six inches. If on ground that has been plowed, a thorough harrov/ing Avill mix it to the required depth. Tliis tliickuess will re- quire at the rate of from fifteen hundred to twenty-five hundred pounds per acre. If to be used in drills or "hills," or only where seed are to be sown or plants planted, and not over the whole ground, it will take only about from one hundred and fifty to three hundred pounds per acre, which should be mixed in the soil in the same manner. Boneset. See Eupatorium. Bonne'tia. Named after C. Bonnet, a disting- uished naturalist. Nat. Ord. TernstromiacecB. A small genus of Brazilian and Peruvian shrubs or low growing trees, the flowers of which are mostly white, nearly as large as those of a Camellia and are produced singly and in panicles. The leaves of B. paniculata, have an agreeable aromatic smell when bruised. Bonus Henricus, Good King Henry. Cheno- podium Bonus Henricus. Boraginaceae. A large order of herbs or shrubs, having spirally coiled inflorescence, round stems and altei'nate rough leaves. The fruit consists of distinct seeds without albumen. The plants are principally natives of northern temperate regions. They are found in southern Europe, the Levant, and Central Asia. In high northern latitudes they are less frequent, and nearly dis- appear within the trc^pics. The plants abound in mucilaginous and demulcent quali- ties. Some yield dyes, as Alkanet {Anchusa tinctoria). The common Btirage {Borago officinalis), when steeped in water, imparts coolness to it, and is used in the beverage called cold tankard. The leaves of Mertensia maritima have the taste of Oysters, whence the common name of Oyster Plant. The species of Myosotis are universally prized under the name of Forget-me-not. There are fiftj'- eight known genera of this order, and over BRUSSELS SPROUTS. BONAFABTEA. BOKASSUS (FALUTRA PAIM.) BOUVABDIA8. BBUGMANSIA SUAVEOLENS. BEAOHYCOME. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. BOR six hundred species. Myosotia, Borago, Cynoglossum, Lithospermum, Cerinthe, Symphy- tum, and Anchusa, are examples of this order. Bora'go. Borage. Altered from cor, heart, and ago, to affect ; referring to the cordial quali- ities of the herbs. Nat. Ord. Boraginacece. Hardy annual and perennial herbs, common throughout Europe. The leaves of B. officinalis are sometimes used m salads or boiled as spinach. The spikes of flowers are aromatic, and sometimes used in cooling drinks. All the species are easily cultivated and are admir- ably adapted for naturalizing in dry, stony places. They also afford excellent food for bees during the whole season. Bora'ssus. Palmyra Palm. Linnaeus applied this name to the spathe of the date-palm. Nat. Ord. Palmacoe. A genus of magnificent Palms, consisting of two species only, which have a wide geo- graphical distribution, ranging from the north-eastern parts of Arabia, through the Indian Ocean, and the southern parts of Hindostan, to the Bay of Bengal. The number of Palmyras in the Jaffua peninsula and adjacent islands alone has been estimated at nearly six million and a half, being at the rate of thirty-two trees for each of the popu- lation. The utility of the plant is commensu- rate with its extended dispersion, a providen- tial arrangement in the economy of nature, of which the food-plants afford many instructive examples. This plant is believed to yield one- fourth part of the food of about 250,000 in- habitants of the northern provinces of Ceylon, while it forms the chief support of six or seven millions of the people of India and other parts of Asia ; thus, remarks Seeman in his History of Palms, " proving itself one of the most important plants on earth, rival- ing the date-tree, and ranking only below the cocoa-nut palm in usefulness." The fronds give shelter to scores of animals by night and day, besides affording a refreshing supply of moisture, the grooves of the petioles and the construction of the leaves being peculiarly suitable for conveying and retain- ing rain. The same causes attract orchids and other epiphytes, and ferns, which find their conditions of growth on the stem ; and various species of the fig, including the true banyan-tree, are found in living embrace with the Palmyra. In the Botanic Garden at Calcutta a banyan sprang from the crown of a palm where the seed had been deposited by a bird, and, sending its roots down to the earth through tlie palm-stem, destroyed and replaced it. But in the region of the Palmyra, the banyan often becomes the foster-mother of that beautiful and serviceable plant. One of the largest banyans of Ceylon, the resort of pleasure parties from Jaffua, has two or three Palmyras growing in it, the united trees cover- ing one and one-twelfth acres of ground. The cocoa palm is celebrated for its 365 uses ; a poem in the Tamil language extols the Palmyra for 800 purposes to which it can be applied, without exhausting the catalogue. The roots yield a medicine ; the young plants are used for food, prepared in various ways ; the wood serves innumerable purposes, in building and furnishing houses, and for the manufacture of umbrella handles, walking-canes, fancy boxes. BOR and for hundreds of other small articles; fields are fenced with the mid-rib of its leaves, the decayed leaves furnish good manure for the soil ; mats are made of the leaves, and are used instead of carpets on the floors, for ceilings, for drying coffee upon ; baskets, bags, hats, caps, fans, in short, every tiling manu- factured of wood or straw, is also produced from some part or parts of this palm. The plants reach maturity about the twelfth or fifteenth year. Then they yield a toddy, "a beverage almost as famous for its use as for its abuse." The fruit of this palm is sometimes eaten raw, but more generally roasted, and is in great repute by the natives, who assemble together under the shade of a tree, light a fire, squat around it, sucking the pulp out of the fibres of the roasted fruits, tearing them asunder with nails and teeth in the most approved style, and presenting a truly oriental spectacle of gustative enjoyment. A full grown Palmyra is from sixty to seventy feet high : the trunk at the bottom is about five and a half feet, and at the top, two and a half feet in circumference. Borders. Flower. A flower-border is generally a continuous bed of greater length than width, skirting a shrubbery or fence, and containing plants of a mixed character. It should be thoroughly drained, well manured, and raised slightly above the surrounding level. No rules can be laid down as to the arrangement of the plants, which of course depends on indi- vidual taste ; all formal hues, however, should be avoided, the taller plants either singly or in groups forming the back-ground, with the dwarfer subjects in front. As the object should be to obtain a continuous succession of bloom, the best results will be obtained when the border is made up mainly, of herbaceous perennials as permanent occupants, with a liberal admixture of hardy spring-blooming bulbs, such as Narcissus, Snow-drops, TuHps, Scillas, etc., assisted by quantities of summer blooming plants, Lantanas, Geraniums, Dahlias, Heliotrope, etc. Many sorts of hardy annuals are useful to fill up vacant places, and assist largely to keep up a succession of bloom till frost comes. See Herbaceous Plants. Borbo'nia. A genus of ornamental green- house evergreen shrubs belonging to the pea- flowered section of Leguminoace, and num- bering some thirteen species, all natives of the Cape of Good Hope. The flowers are gener- ally yellow, borne in terminal heads. They require cool green-house treatment and are propagated by cuttings. Borecole. Kale. Brassica oleracea fimbriala. The chief characteristic of the Borecoles or Kales consists in their not producing heads like the Cabbage, or eatable flowers like the Cauliflower or Broccoli, and by their beauti- fully cut and curled leaves, which are of a green or purple color, or variegated with red, green, or yellov/. Several of the sub- varieties are known in our markets, and ex- tensively grown by market gardeners, the most popular being the dwarf green curled Scotch, the brown or purple German curled ; and for early spring use, the Siberian Kale or "Sprouts." The Borecole is a native of the British coasts and the north of Europe. The garden varieties are not many removes from the species. 54 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS BOE Boro'nia. Named after Boroni, an Italian attendant of Dr. Sibthorp. Nat. Ord. Rutacem. A genus of elegant green-house shrubs from New Holland. The flowers aie pink or whitish. They are very elegant and useful shrubs, requiring the same treatment as ordinary hard-wooded gref.n-house plants, being much aided by a little extra heat in spring when starting into growth. Propa- gated by cuttings. Bosside'a. Named after M. Bossier Lamartiniere, a French botanist, who accompanied the unfortunate La Peyrouse round the world. Elegant Australian green-house shrubs of the Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. Flowers yellow or yellow and purple, B. linophylla, B. rotundifolia, B. cinerea (Syn. B. tenuicaulvi), and others of the genus are highly ornamental, and no green-house collection of any pretensions is to be found without some of them. Propagation by cuttings or seeds. Boswe'llia. Olibanum Tree. Ornamental and economic evergreen trees of the Nat. Ord. Burseracem. These trees are remarkable as furnishing a gum-resin. B. glabra is used in India in place of pitch ; B. thurifera, known also as B. serrata, a very common tree in Coromandel, furnishes the resin known as Indian Olibanum, which is supposed to have been the Frankin- cense of the Ancients, and is still employed for its grateful perfumes as incense in the Eoman Catholic churches. Botry'chium. Moonwort. From botrys, a bunch ; in reference to the bunch-like form of the fructification forming a separate branch on frond. Nat. Ord. PolypodiacecB. A genus of hardy ferns, composed of about a dozen species, found in nearly all countries except Africa. B. lunaria, Moonwort, is found rarely in the North and West. B. Vir- ginica is a very beautiful and ornamental native species, easily transplanted to the hardy fernery. Many of the other species are common in x-Ich woods. Bottle-brush. Equisetum sylvaticum, E. arvense, and Hippuris vulgaris. Bottle-brush Flowers. The flowers of Beau- fortia splendens, Melaleuca hypericifolia, Metro- sideros fioribunda, and some species of Callis- ti/mon. Bottle-gourd. Lagonaria vulgaris. Bottle-grass. One of the common names of Setaria. Bottle-tree, AustraLan. Brachychiton {Dela- beehea) rupestris. Bougainvi'Uea. Named after the French navi- gator De Bougainville. Nat. Ord. Nyctagi- nactce- Gorgeous warm green-house or conserva- tory plants, comprising some of the most showy climbers in cultivation. Their beauty lies in the showy rose-colored bracts which envelop the small greenish flowers. Those of B. spectabilis, are singularly handsome. B. glabra may be grown in pots but the other species require more room and are best planted out in the green-house border. Na- tives of South America; easily increased by cuttings. Bouncing Bet. A popular name of Saponaria officinalis. BOU Bouquets, Baskets of Flov^rers, etc. Bouquet making is (or at least ought to be) the art of arranging cut flowers. Many people decry the artificial arrangement of flowers, but how shall we otherwise use them to advantage? The moment we begin to tie them together we leave nature, and ought to do so only to study art. In their simplest arrangement, form and color must be studied to produce the best effect, and whoever best accomplishes this, will surely succeed in displaying his flowers to the best advantage. Probably the simplest, easiest, and com- monly the most desirable, method of using cut flowers is arranging them in vases. The more loosely and unconfused, the better. Crowding is particularly to be avoided, and to accomplish this readily a good base of greens is required, to keep the flowers apart. This filling up is a very important part in all bouquet making, and the neglect of it is the greatest stumbling-block of the uninitiated. Spiked and drooping flowers, with branches and sprays of delicate green, are indispensable to the grace and beauty of a vase bouquet. To preserve the individuality of flowers, which is of the greatest impoitance, the placing of those of similar size and form together ought to be avoided. Thus Heliotrope, Stevia, Eupa- torium, or Alyssum, when combined, lose their distinctive beauty ; but, if placed in juxta- position to larger flowers, and those of other forms, their beauty is heightened by contrast. It may be stated as a rule, that small flowers should never be massed together. Large flowers with green leaves or branches may bo used to advantage alone, but a judicious con- trast of forms is most effective. Some years ago. Bouquets were invariably arranged in the formal style, the colors being used in consecutive rings, or alternating with each other in geometrical forms. Taste, or fashion, if you will, has changed for the better, and closely-made, mushroom-like bouquets, are now the exception rather than the rule. The flowers are now arranged quite loosely, plenty of Maiden-hair Fern and Smilax being used so as to show off each flower distinctly. Indeed the modern Bouquet, especially if composed of roses, looks as if the flowers had been picked up and tied together without any thought of, or attempt at ar- rangement. In these bunches, one color is usually chosen, with a bunch of Violets, Heli- otrope, Mignonette or other sweet smelling^ flowers, tied on one side as a contrast, and to add fragrance to the arrangement. For extra occasions, Bouquets are made of Orchid blos- soms, generally two or more sorts that har- monize in color, being used, aided by a liberal admixture of Fern fronds or sprays of the beautiful filmy South African Asparagus. Bouquets of Lily of the Valley, forced White Lilacs, Violets, etc., are often used, either alone or in combination with one or two other flowers, the colors generally massed, however, rather than mixed, fashion now leaning to- wards simplicity and naturalness of arrange- ment. Baskets and Plateaus of flowers are also arranged on the same principles, groups of different flowers or of the same flower in different shades being used in preference to an admixture of color. Bourbon Palm. See Livistona. AND GENERAL HORTICULTUEK. 55 BOU . Bousslnga'ultia. Madeira Vine. Named in honor of J. B. BoussingauU, a celebrated nat- uralist and traveler. Nat. Ord. Chenopodiaccce. The only species, B. baselloides, is an ele- gant climbing tuberous-rooted plant from the Andes, a rapid grower and profuse bloomer. The flowers are nearly white and deliciously fragrant. It grows readily in any garden soil, and is readily increased by divi- sion or by seed. Introduced in 1836. ^ Bouva'rdia. Named after Dr. Bouvard, curator of the Botanic Garden, Paris. Nat. Ord. Cinchonacece. Green-house evergreen shrubs, introduced from Mexico. They are amongst the most im- portant plants cultivated for winter flowers, owing to the yearly increasing variety of color, and their excellent adaptation for that purpose. They are also effective as bedding plants for the flower garden, beginning to bloom in August and continuing until frost. Many very superior varieties have originated in this country, notably the pure w^hite free-growing and free-flowering B. Davisoni, and the rich crimson B. elegans, both sports from B. Hogarth, a brilliant scarlet variety; the double white B. Alfred Neuner, and double red B. Pres. Garfield, with many other excellent free-flowering sorts. Propagated by rooL cut- tings, or by cuttings of young wood in sand. Bo-we'nia. In honor of W. O. Bowen, a gover- nor of Queensland. A remaikable genus of Cycadacece, consist- ing of but one species, which was discovered in Australia in 1819. The species is described in the Botanical Magazine as follows: "The most prominent character of Bowenia is the compound leaf, its general characters (all but shape), texture and venation ; the leaflets do not differ from those of Macrozamia, and are so very similar to those of the West Indian Zamia that it is difficult to distinguish them generically, except that in Bowenia the leaflet is decurrent by the petiole, acd not articulated with rachis." The fern-like aspect presented by this plant is very remarkable and interest- ing, giving it a prominent position among green-house plants. Propagated by seeds or from suckers. Box. The common name of Buxus sempervirens, a plant at one time much used for edgings in ornamental gardening. It is a native of Europe and Asia, and is readily increased by cuttings. Boxberry. A name sometimes applied to the Wintergreen, Gaultheria procumbens. Box Elder. See Negundo. Boxes for Seeds. Seeds, particularly flower seeds, when sown under glass, do much better when sown in shallow boxes than in flower-pots. A convenient size is the ordinary soap box, cut into four, making a depth of from one and a half to two inches. Or, what is even more convenient, the shallow boxes in which tin is imported. These are filled nearly full with finely-sifted soil, which is made as level and smooth as possible. On this smooth surface the seeds are sown, and then pressed down level into the soil, and over the seeds is sifted dry moss, leaf mould, or cocoanut fiber (which has been run through a sieve as fine as mosquito wire), in quantity enough to fairly cover the seeds. This, from BBA its spongy nature, retains raoisture, while its lightness offers but little resistance to the tender seed germ. The same style of box Is used for "pricking off." See "propagation." Box Thorn. See Lycium barbarum. Box-wood. West Indian. Vitex umbrosa. Brabei'um. African Almond. From brnbeion, a sceptre, in reference to the racemosed flowers. Nat. Ord. ProteacecE. An ornamental green-house evergreen, with white, sweet-scented flowers, disposed in elegant, axillary, spiked racemes. Its seeds are called Wild Chestnuts and Wild Almonds, and are both roasted and eaten, and used as a substitute for coffee. Introduced from the Cape of Good Hope in 1751. Brachychi'ton. From brachys, short, and chiton, a tunic ; plant covered with imbricated hairs and scales. Nat. Ord. Sterculiaceoe. A genus of tropical and sub-tropical trees from Australia. B. acerifolium is called the Flame Tree about Illawarra, on account of its bright scarlet fiowers, which make the tree a conspicuous object at a distance. B. Bidwillii, a native of the Wide Bay district, has bright crimson flowers, produced in axillary bunches. B. Delabechia, Syn. Delabechia rupestris, is a very interesting species, popu- larly known as the Bottle Tree of Australia. Brachyco'mc. From brachys, short, and home, hair. Nat. Ord. Compositm. This beautiful annual is found on the banks 01 the Swan River, in Australia, ajid has there the very appropriate name of Swan River Daisy, as the flower closely resembles the Daisy. The plant grows from six to ten inches high, and has a closely compact branching habit, producing an abundance of flowers. It is well adapted for small beds or rockeries. Propagated by seeds. Intro- duced in 1840. Brachyse'ma. From brachys, short, and aema, standard ; the flowers having the standard petal short. Nat. Ord. Leguminosm. A genus of handsome green-house shrubs, mostly climbing, from Australia. B. aphyllum is, as its name would imply, a leafless plant, the branches being singularly compi-essed and winged, so as to perform the functions of leaves. Small brown scales are found scat- tered over these branches, and from these the flowers grow. They are single, large, and of a bright blood-red color. B. lanceolalum is a very handsome species, and well adapted for the green-house, flowering, as it does, in winter or the early spring months. Its leaves are ovate or lanceolate in form, with a glossy upper surface, and covered with a silvery pubesence underneath. The fiowers are in axillary clusters, large and rich scarlet. Bracteae or Bracts. The leaves placed imme- diately below a calyx, if they are at all altered from their usual form. Bracted Bindw^eed. See Calystegia^ Bra'hea. Named after Tycho Bracks, the cele- brated astronomer. Nat. Ord. Palmaceae. A genus of medium-sized Palms, with fan- like leaves and spiny leaf-stalks. B.filamen- tosa, a native of Lower California, is largely cultivated in our green-houses for decorative purposes. It is of graceful habit and rapid growth, succeeding well with but little care in 56 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS BRA the green-house. This species is also known as Pritchardia Jilifera. It is now said that B, filamento8a is neither a Brahea nor a Pritch- ardia, and it is therefore proposed to call it Washingtonia, which see. Young plants are obtained from seed. B. edulis i3 now placed under Erythea, which see. Brahmin's Beads. An Indian name for the corrugated seeds of Elceocarpus, which are used by the Brahmins, for necJilaces, etc. Brai'nea. After J. C. Braine, of Hong Kong. Nat. Ord. Polypodiacem. B. i7imgnis, the only known species, is a very handsome dwarf Tree Fern, a native of Hong Kong. The stem is from three to four feet high ; the fronds about three feet long, finely pinnate, giving the plant an elegant outline. Sir W. J. Hooker says : " We have here a very remarkable, and, if I may say so, a new form among the Ferns." Brake or Bracken. The popular name of Pteris aqvAlina, one of our common strong- growing Ferns. Bramble. See Ruhua. Brassavo'Ia. Named after A. M. Brasaavola, a Venetian botanist. Nat. Ord. Orchidactm. A small genus of epiphytal Orchids, belong- ing exclusively to tropical America. Buc few of the species have merits that entitle them to a place in general collections. The few are of easy culture, and produce flowers nearly six inches across, white, or creamy white, spotted with chocolate. The plants are all dwarf, with very short flower stems. They are usually grown on a block, in a rather high temperature, and are increased by division. Introduced in 1840. Bra'ssia. Named after Mr. Brass, a traveler and botanical collector. Nat. Ord. Orchidacem. This genus of Orchids is nearly allied to Oncidium, but not so popular because of their dull-coloi'ed flowers. Some of the species are highly valued by growers, as they pro- duce, with but little care and trouble, an abundance of flowers from June to August. Flowers mostly yellow, or greenish white spotted with brown. Introduced in 1844. Bra'ssica. Cabbage. From bresic, the Celtic name for Cabbage. Nat. Ord. Cruciferm. From this genus which is found throughout Europe, more particularly in Great Britain, there has been produced a greater variety of culinary vegetables than from any other. It comprehends Cabbage, Cauliflower, Turnip, Borecole, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts and Kohl Rabi, each oi! which will be noticed under its popular name. Brassica'cese. A sub-order or tribe of Cruel- fercB. Bravo'a. Named after Bravo, a Mexican botanist. Nat. Ord. AmaryllidacecB. This genus consists of but a single species, B. geminiflora, a graceful little tuberous-rooted plant, native of Mexico. It has a small tuft of narrow leaves, from which arises a flower spike about a foot high, with a ter- minal cluster of small, crimson, Amaryllis-like flowers, in July. It will flower in the open border, but requires the protection of tbe green-house during Avinter. Propagated by division. BRO Brazilian Tea. Rex Paraguarienaia and /Sto- chytarpheta Jamaicensis. Brazil Nut. See Bertholletia. Brazil "Wood. See CcBsalpinia. Bread Fruit. See Artocarpus. Bread Nut. See Brosimum. Bre'dia. A gpuus of MelastomacecB, consisting of two species of shrubby plants from Japan and China, with unequal foliage, and terminal cymes of rose-colored flowers. B. hirsuta is a very showy plant with rosy-pink flowers, one- half inch across, and is increased readily by cuttings or from seeds. It is a native of Japan and was introduced in 1870. Bre'xia. From hrexis, rain ; in reference to the protection from rain given by the large leaves of some of the species. Nat. Ord. Saxir fragacecR. A small genus of very handsome evergreen trees, natives of Madagascar. The flowers are of a leathery texture, greenish color, and produced in axillary umbels. They have alternate leatherj' leaves, furnished with spiny teeth. The plants are readily increased by cuttings, but are too large for ordinary cultiva- tion in the green-house. Briar-root. A corruption of the French " Bruyere " of which pipes are made, Erica arborea. Bridal-'Wreath. A popular name for Spiraea prunifoliafl. pi. Brimstone (Vegetable). The inflammable spores of Lycopodium clavatum, and L. Selago, some- times employed in the manufacture of fire- works. Bristle Fern, Trichomanea radicana. Bristly. Covered with stiff hairs. Bristly Foxtail Grass. See Setaria. Bri'za. Quaking Grass. From brizo, to nod ; on account of the quaking character of the spike. Nat. Ord. GraminacecB. A handsome genus of grasses, some of which are cultivated in the garden as orna- mental plants. When dried they are highly esteemed for bouquets of dried flowers and grasses. The kinds usually grown are B. media, a perennial, and B. maxima, a larger species, an annual from the south of Europe. It is of easy culture, requiring only to be sown where it is wanted to be grown, in the open border, as early in spring as the ground can be prepared. Brizopy'rum. Spike Grass. Name compound- ed of briza, the quaking grass, and pyroa, wheat. Nat. Ord. GraminacecB. B. Spicatum, the best known species, is a salt marsh grass, with creeping rootstocks, stems from ten to eighteen inches high, in tufts. It has no agricultural value. Broccoli. Brassicaoleraceahotrytis, This vege- table somewhat resembles the Cauliflower, from which it is supposed to have originated, although there is nothing definitely known as to its origin. It is, however, more recent than most others of the genus. Miller says it was introduced into England from Italy in 1724, two varieties, white and purple, from which all the present garden varieties have been produced. AND GENEEAL HORTICULTURE. 57 BRO Brodiae'a. Named after J. J. Brodie, a Scotch cryptogamist. Nat. Ord. Liliacecs. Very curious little bulbous-rooted plants. B. Caiifomica, with blue and white flowers, is easily cultivated in sandy loam with the con- venience of a green-house or cold frame. Increase is sparingly effected by offsets. Intro- duced in 184S. Brome Grass. See Bromus. Bromelia'ceae. The Pine-apple family. A natural order, consisting of short-stemmed plants, with rigid, channeled, and often scurfy and spiny leaves and showy flowers. They are natives of the American continent and islands, whence they have been distributed to Africa and the East Indies. A7ianassa saliva, the Pine-apple or Ananas, is one of the best known and most delicious of this or any other order. The fruit is composed of the pistils and bracts of several flowers united into a succulent mass, and crowned by a series of green leaves. The fibers of the plant are used in manufactures. The Pine-apple is grown under glass very successfully in Europe, but the fine condition in which they are received here from Jamaica and other places, makes their culture under glass here unneces- sary. Some of the Bromeliads grow attached to the branches of trees, and are called Air Plants, the best known here being Tillandsia usneoides, the Tree Beard of South America. Under the name of Florida Moss it is very largely used for decorative purposes. It is also used for stuffing cushions, etc., under the name of Spanish Moss, Black Moss, or Long Moss. There are twenty-eight known genera, and 176 species of this order. Brom- elia, Ananassa, Bilbergia, ^chmea, and Til- landsia, are examples of the order. The bracts of some of the species are exceedingly beautiful. Bro'mus. Brome Grass. So called from bro- mos, the Greek name for a wild oat. Nat. Ord. Graminacece. A genus of poor, coarse -growing grasses, of little use in agriculture, and of little beauty. This is the pest of the farmer, to which he applies a significant and a justly proper name. Cheat or Chess. However much it may cheat the farmer by crowding out Wheat and Rye, we catmot excuse him for cheating him- self with the absurd delusion, so widely preva- lent, that his Wheat has turned into Chess, from some cause which cannot be explained. The species are annuals, and the seed will remain a long time in the ground, and germi- nate only when the conditions of growth are favorable. It is a native of Europe, though naturalized in many places in this country. B. Schroederi, Rescue Grass, or Australian Prairie Grass, is a valuable forage grass, remarkable for the rapidity of its growth and its productiveness. As soon as the first cut- ting is made a new growth shoots up, and this can be repeated sometimes four or five tim(>s during the season, providing it is cut before the seed matures. It thrives in almost any soil, but is better adapted to that which is wet or moist. Brongnia'rtia. Named in honor of Brongniart, a French botanist. Nat. Ord. Leguminosae. A valuable and rather scarce plant, having flesh-colored flowers. It should be treated as BRO a green-house shrub, potting it in loam and sand. A native of New Spain, introduced in 1827. Brook Limo. Veronica Bccabiingn. American. Veronica Americana. Brook Mint. Mentha hirsuta. Brook "Weed or Water Pimpernel. The popu- lar name of Samoliis, a comiuou plant in wet or marshy places. Broom. A name applied to Cytisus or Saroth- amnus scoparius, and also to Lygeum Spartum, African Broom is a common name for A>ipa- lathus. Butcher's Brootu is Rusciis airaleu.tus, and is also a common name for Rttscvs. Dyer's Broom is Genista tinctoria. New Zealand Broom is Carmichaelia an--ilralis. Hush Broom is a common name for Viminaria; it is also applied to Spartiumjunceum. Spanish liroora is Spartiumjunceum. Broom Corn is Sorgki/m vidgare, the branched panicles of whieii are made into carpet brooms and clothes brushes. Broom Grass. Andropogon scxtparius. Broom Rape. A popular name of the genus Orobanche. Broom "Weed. Corchorus siliqu/)sus. Bro'simum. Bread Nut. From brosimos, good to eat; the fruit being edible. Nat. Ord. Artocarpacece. A small genus of tall-growing trees, natives of the West Indies and South America, where they are highly esteemed for the food obtained from them, and for the valuable timber the^' furnish. 13. Alicastrum is the Bread-nut Ti'ee of Jamaica, the fruit of v*'hich is about an inch in diameter, and contains a single seed or nut, which is said to form an agreeable and nour- ishing article of food. When boiled or roasted the nuts have the taste of hazel-nuts. Snake- wood or Leopard-wood is the heart-wood of one of the species, B. Aubletti, a native of Trinidad and British Guiana. B. galactoden- dron, which is the celebrated Cow Tree of South America, yields a milk of as good qual- ity as that from the cow. It forms large for- ests on the seacoast of Venezuela, growing 100 or more feet higli, with a smooth trunk six to eight feet in diameter. Its milk, which is obtained by ma,king incisions in the trunk, so closely resembles the milk of the cow, both in appearance and quality, that it is commonly used as an article of food by the inhabitants of the localities where the tree abounds. Unlike most other vegetable milks, it is per- fectly wholesome, and very nourishing, pos- sessing an agreeable taste, like that of sweet cream, and a balsamic odor; its only unpleas- ant quality being a slight amount of stickiness. Like animal milk, it quickly forms a yellow, cheesy scum on the surface, and after a few days turns sour and putrefies. Broughto'nia. Named after Mr. Broughton, an English botanist. Nat. Ord. Orchviacem. A small genus of very handsome West Indian Orchids, soraewhat resembling the LcBlia and Cafllej/a. They commonly grow on bushes in Cuba and Jamaica. The flowers are crimson and produced from the top of the pseudo-bulb during the summer, and are of long duration. They are of easy culture, growing best on blocks of wood, and should have plenty of light and sun. Propagated by division. Introduced in 18'24. 58 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS BRO Broussoiie'tia. Named after Broiissonet,a.French naturalist. Nat. Orel. UrticacecB. A small genus of trees closely allied to the Mulberry. B. papyrifera, is the well-known Paper Mulberry, v/hich is so called on account of its fibrous innerbark being used by the Chinese and Japanese for making paper. It grows wild in China and Japan, and also in many of the islands of the Pacific Ocean, where the natives manufacture a large part of their clothing from its bark. It forms a small tree, attaining about twenty or thirty feet in height, with a trunk seldom more than a foot in diameter, and generally branching at a short distance from the ground. The young branches are covered with short, soft hairs. The bark from the young shoots onlj^ is used for making paper. In the South Sea Islands, a strong cloth is made from this bark, which is commonly used for clothing, either plain or printed, and dyed of various colors. Browa'llia. Named after J. BrowalUus, Bishop of Abo. Nat. Ord. ScrophulariacecB. The Browallias are handsome, free-flower- ing, half hardy annuals. They succeed best started in the green-house and repotted before being planted out; they can, however, be successfully grown by being started in the hot-bed ; and often groAV well when sown in the open border. The plants will be completely studded over with their beautiful blue or white flowers the whole summer. They are also excellent winter-flowering plants. B. Jamesoni, known also as Streptosolon, is a beautiful autumn flowering species, with large panicles of bright orange-colored, tubular flowers, with a lighter-colored throat. Re-in- troduced recently from New Grenada, after being lost to cultivation for over thirty years. Brown Bugle. Ajuga reptans. Bro'-wnea. Named in honor of Dr. Patrick Browne, who wrote a history of Jamaica. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. A small genus of low evergreen trees chiefly confined to Venezuela and New Grenada. The leaves are alternate, and from one to one and a half feet long, with from four to twelve pairs of entire leaflets. The flowers are rose- colored or crimson, and disposed in terminal or axillary heads. B. gra7idiccj)s has large and beautiful heads of flowers, of a pink color, ar- ranged in tiers, the outer ones expanding flrst, followed by the others until all are open, when the flower-head somewhat resembles that of a Rhododendron. A singular fact in connec- tion with this plant is, that the leaves droop during the day so as to almost hide the flowers from view, and protect them from the heat of the sun. At evening they rise up again, and remain erect during the night, and the flowers are thus exposed to the falling dew. The species are rarely seen under cul- tivation. Brugma'nsia. Named in honor of Prof. S. J. Brugmans, a botanical author. Nat. Ord. SolanaceoR. Peruvian shrubs, or low, succulent-stemmed trees, of which B. suaveolens (better known by the name of Datura arborea), B. Knightii, and B. «ansfMmeaare magnificent species. Being large plants, growing to the height of ten or twelve feet, they look best when planted in the ground in a conservatory ; but they will grow well in BRY large pots, or they maybe planted in the open garden in the summer season, and taken up and preserved in a cellar, from wliich the frost is excluded, during winter, to be replaced in the open border the following spring. The flowers, popularly called Angels' Trumpets, are trumpet-sliaped, a foot or more in length, and very fragrant. The plants grow freely in light, rich soil; and they are readily propa- gated by cuttings either of the shoots or roots. Brune'lla. Name changed from Prunella, which see. Brunfe'lsia. A name given to a genus of ScrophidariacecB, in honor of Otto Brunfels, of Metz, who pul)lished the first good figures of plants in 1530. Elegant free-flowering evergreen plants, natives of South America and the West Indies. B. calycina has large purple flowers disposed in large trusses, which are produced in succession throughout the whole year. B. conferlijlora, has light blue flowers, borne on terminal heads or cymes. All the species are fragrant, and may be propagated by cuttings. Bruns\i'gia. Named after the house of Bruns- wick. Nat. Ord. Amaryllidacece. Of this splendid genus of Cape bulbs, Sweet observes: "Some of the bulbs grow to a great size, and I'equire large pots to have them flower in perfection ; or, if planted out in the open borders in spring, there will be a better chance of their flowering, taking the bulbs up again in autumn ; or the best way to succeed well with them is to have a pit built on purpose for them, so as to occasionally be covered with the lights to keep off too much wet, and to be covered close in severe weatiier, as they cannot bear the frost. The mould must be made for them of full one-third sand, more than one-third of turfy loam, and the rest of leaf mould, all well mixed together, but not chopped too small, as the roots run better through it for being rough and hollow. When in full growth and flower they require a frequent supply of water, but none while dor- mant." B. Josephince is very seldom induced to flower in this country, though it is no un- common occurrence in its native country, where it is said to produce very large heads of flowers. Several species flower more freely, though none so grand. Propagated by offsets. Brussels Sprouts. Brasaica oleracea hullata geminifera, a variety of the Cabbage, which see. Bryo'nia. From bryo, to sprout ; in allusion to the quick growth of the stems. Nat. Ord. Cucurbitacece. A genus of climbing, hardy herbaceous per- ennials, natives of Europe, the East Indies, and the Cape of Good Hope. B. alba and B. dioica&re generally considered by botanists to be one species, the only difference being in the color of the berries. The species is what is generally known as the Common Bry- ony, and is found in the hedgerows of Great Britain. It has a very large tuberous root, from which twining stems spring, which are annual and rough. The plants climb by tendrils, and, what is very unusual, the direc- tion of the spiral is now and tlien changed, so AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 59 BRY that, after proceeding In one course for some distance, tlie tendril suddenly (changes to an opposite direction. The male and female flowers are in separate clusters; sometimes, though not always, they are on different plants. The plant has a fetid odor, and pos- sesses acrid, emetic and purgative properties, and from its elegant appearance in autumn, with its brilliant colored fruit, accidents not unfrequently occur to children and others, incautiously tasting the fruit, which is an active poison. Singularly enough, the young shoots maj' be cooked and eaten with impu- nity. When served up in the same manner as Asparagus, thej' are said to equal it in flavor. Many of the species are not poisonous, and are much valued for their medicinal prop- erties. Eryono'psis laciniosa, is a beautiful cucurbi- taeeous annual climber with palmately, five- cleft leaves, yellow flowers and very pretty fruit about the size of a cherry, green marbled with white. It was introduced from Ceylon in 1710. It is now placed under Bryonia, by some authors. Bry'ony. See Bryonia. Bryophy'llum. So named from hryo, to grow, and phyllon, a leaf ; in reference to the circum- stances of the leaf, when laid upon damp earth, emitting roots, whence arise young plants. Nat. Ord. Cra>^sulacecB. B. calycinum, a species common in the green-house, is a native of India. When in flower it is quite handsome, producing loose panicles of drooping, greenish-purple flowers. It is very easily grown. Buchii, Bucha or Buka. A name applied in South Africa to the leaves of several species of Bar OS ma. Buchne'ra. A syn. for Stephandra. Buckbean. The common name of a plant belonging to the Gentian family, Menyanthes trifoliata, common in wet places and of little interest. Buckeye. See ^sculus. Bucklandia. Named after Dr. Buckland, a pro- fessor of geology at Oxford. Nat. Ord. Ham- amelidacece. B. Populnea, the only species in cul- tivation, is one of the most beautiful trees of the forests of the Sikkim Himalayas at an elevation of 4,000 to 6,000 feet. It attains a height of one hundred feet, with a cylindrical trunk, and oblong crown of evergreen foliage. The leaves are orbicular-cordate and may be likened to those of a Dioscorea, being when young of a rosy purple color with golden-green veins. Introduced in 1875. Buckthorn. See Rhamnus. Buck^vheat. Fagopyrum escuUntum. The com- mon Buckwheat is a native of Central Asia, and has long been under cultivation. It is more extensively grown as an article of food in this country than in any other. Buckwheat cakes being purely an American institution. It thrives on a poor soil that would not sustain many other plants, and give a fair yield. Of the improvement in the quality of this grain from its native wild state we have no record. There are several varieties grown, but the quality depends largely upon soil and climate. The Japanese Buckwheat lately introduced has BUG proved to be a great improvement on the ordinary sorts, the kernels being at least twice the size of any other variety, peculiar in shape, and of a rich dark shade of brown in color. Flour made from it is equal in quality, if not superior to any other sort. It is enormously pi'oductive, yielding two or three times as much as any other sort, both in grain and straw. Buckwheat Tree. Cliftonia {MylocaryuhC) li{}va- trina. Budding. This is the practice in use of placing a bud of one variety of plant on another. The shoot or stock to be budded upon must always be in a thrifty, growing state, so that the bark can be raised freely from the wood, and the bud to be inserted must be in such a state that it shows prominently at the asil oi the leaf. Select a smooth portion of the stem of the shoot to be budded upon, strip it of leaves (or thorns, if any) sufficient to allow room for the operation ; then make a cut through the bark to the wood in length sufficient to admit the bud, with a cross cut at the top. Above this cross cut make a slight sloping cut in the bark, about a quarter of an inch in length, so as to admit the easy insertion of the bud. This custom is not general, but it will be found to be easier, and, we think, safer. Next take the shoot from which the bud to be inserted is to be cut, and selecting such as have the properly developed condition of bud, cut it from the shoot about half an inch on each side of the bud, just deep enough to get about as much thickness of the wood as the bark. If the portion of the shoot from which the bud is taken is well ripened, it is best to separate the wood from the bark ; but if not, it will do quite as well not to remove it, but insert the bud in the stock just as it is cut. The edges of the cut in the stock are lifted and slightly pressed outward by the point of the budding-knife, the bud inserted, and pushed down by the ivory handle. To keep the bud in place it is wrapped neatly round with any soft tying material, the fiber known as Raphia being the best. In two or three weeks after the bud has been put in it will be safe to remove the tying. All shoots starting below the bud must be rubbed off as soon as they start, and when the bud begins to grow, the portion of the stock above the graft must be cut off, so that the inserted bud may get the fuU benefit of growth. Buddle'ia. Named after A. Buddie, an English botanist. Nat. Ord. ScrophulariacecB. An extensive genus of herbaceous plants, shrubs, and low-growing trees. Leaves oppo- site and thickly covered with hairs. The flowers of some of the species are very beauti- ful and fragrant; they are mostly small, bright orange, purplish or lilac, and arranged in small globular heads, on long peduncles. They are natives of South America, Mexico, Africa, and tropical Asia. Some of the species are half-hardy, and would be likely to succeed well, south of Washington. Buffalo Berry. Missouri. Shephetdia argentea. Buffalo Grass, or Buffalo Clover. See Tri- folium. Buffalo Nut. Pyndaria oleifera. Bugle. See Ajuga reptans. 60 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS BUG Bugle Weed. The popular name of Lycopus Virginictts. Bugloss. Lycopsis arvensis. Bugloss. CoAvslip. Pulmonaria officinalis. Buglosa. Viper's. Echium vulgare. Bulb. An underground bud, consisting of numerous fleshy scales placed one over the other, a modifit^d form of the leaf bud. A bulb is usually placed partly or entirely under- ground. There are several kinds of bulbs, the following being the most common: A Naked Bulb is a. bulb whose scales are loose and almost separate, as in the Crown Im- perial. A Tunicated Bulb is one whose fleshy scales overlap each other, forming concentric layers, the outer ones being thin or mem- braneous, such as Hyacinths, Onions, Tulips, etc. A Solid Bulb is properly a Corm, which see. Bulbiferous. Bearing or producing bulbs. Bulbil. An axillary bulb with fleshy scales, falling off its parent spontaneously, and prop- agating it. Applied more especially to those buds on the stem, which occasionally assume the character of bulbs, as in Lilium tigrinum. Biilbi'ne. rrf)m bolbos, a bulb. Nat. Ord. Liliacere. Half-hardy plants, available for flower- gardening purposes. They are showy, frag- rant, do not require any particular care in their management, and are propagated rapidly by cuttings. Natives of the Cape of Good Hope ; introduced in 1820. Bulboco'dium. From bolbos, a bulb, and kodion, wool ; referring to the woolly covering of the bulbs. Nat. Ord. Melanthacem. Very handsome hardy bulbs, bearing purple flowers, and well deserving of attention. They should be carefully watered in dry weather. B. vemum, one of our earliest spring flowers, was introduced from Spain in 1629. The other species, B. versicolor, flowering towards the autumn, was introduced from the Crimea in 1820. Bulbophy'llum. Nat. Ord. Orchidacece. A genus of Orchids containing a number of species, few of which are worth cultivating except as curiosities. BuUace. Prunus insititia. BuUace. Jamaica. Melicocca bijuga. BuUate. Blistered, or puckered. Bull-rush, or Club-rush. The popular name of the genus Scirpus ; also Typha latifolia. Bunielia. The Greeks gave this name to the common Ash. Nat. Ord. SapotacecB. A genus of spiny shrubs, with hard wood, remarkable for the beauty of their foliage. Natives of the West Indies and the Southern United States. Our native species are locally known as Gum Elastic, Shittim-wood, Iron- wood, Saffron Plum, etc. Bunch-berry. A common name of Comus Cana- densis, Dwarf Cornel or Dog-wood. Bu'nium. A genus of tuberous-rooted umbel- liferous plants, chiefly inhabitants of southern Europe and western Asia; interesting on ac- count of their producing edible tubers. Those of B.jlexuosum, a native of Britain, are called Ar-nuts, Pig-nuts, Kipper-nuts, etc. B.ferulcB- folium, produces tubers as large as hazel nuts, BUR which are eaten by the Greeks under the name Topana. Bu'phane. A misprint (subsequently corrected by Herbert), for Buphone, from bons, an ox, and phone, destruction, in allusion to the poisonous properties of the plant, but Buphane is the name adopted by the authors of the " Genera Plantarum," and by Baker in his ♦' Amaryllidete." 'Nat. Ord. Amaryllidaceoe. A small genus of South Africa bulbs, for- merly included in the genus Brunsvigia. They are remarkable in having precocious flower- scapes, with from 100 to 2U0 flowers in a single head. B. toxicuria is called the Poison Bulb, and is said to be fatal to cattle. B. disticha has immense bulbs, the flowers of the former are flesh-colored, and quite small ; those of the latter orange-red. All this class are quite difficult to manage. They succeed best grown in a pit, and protected against cold and wet. Buphtha'lmum. Ox-eye. From boMS, an ox, and opMhalmos, an eye ; in allusion to the re- semblance the disk of the flowers bears to an ox's eye. Nat. Ord. Compositaz. A genus including many hardy annuals, perennials, and green-house evergreen shrubs. Two of the more conspicuous species are hardy perennials, natives of Central Europe. They gi-ow from a foot to a foot and a half high ; leaves narrow, flowers large, bright yellow. They have too weedy an appearance for a collection of choice plants. Burbi'dgea. Named after F. W. Burbidge, the discoverer of the genus in Borneo. Nat. Ord. Scitaminece. B. nitida, the only described species, is a very large, brilliant-flowered, stove-house herbaceous perennial, allied to Hedychium. Its flowers are bright orange scarlet, borne in many-flowered terminal panicles four to six inches long. It was introduced from N. W. Borneo in 1879, and is increased by division. Burdock. The well-known popular name for Lappa officinalis, of which there are two varieties, minor and major; the common Bur- dock being the latter. Bur Grass. Cenchrvs echinatvs. Burlingto'nia. Named after the Countess of Burlington. Nat. Ord. Orchidacece. A genus of very handsome epiphytal Orchids, inhabiting Brazil. They ai'e remarkable for their long, pendulous racemes of snow-white flowers, with the lip touched or lined with yellow. A few of the species have flowers in which yellow or lilac colors predominate. The plants of this genus are all of dwarf habit, with beautiful evergreen foliage. They will grow either on cork or in baskets, and are propagated by division. Introduced in 1824. Burma'nnia'ceae. A natural order differing principally from Orchidacece in their having perfectly regular flowers. They are all her- baceous plants bearing blue or white flowers, and inhabit marshy or shady places. With the exception of Burmannia bijlora, which is found in Virginia, they are all tropical species. Bur Marigold. One of the common names of the genus Bidens. Burnet. See Poterium Sanguisorba. Saxifrage. Pinpinella Saxifraga. BUCKWHEAT (JAPANESE). BKOMUS INEKMIS (aWNLEBS BKuME GRASS). CALANDBINIA. CALLIOPSIS (D-WAEF). CALAMPELIS. CAI.CEOLABIA. CALENDULA. CACTI (GROUP OF). CALOCHOETUS. 6i AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 61 BUR Burning Bush. Dictamnus Fraxinella. American. Euonymus atropurpureus. Burtonia. Named after D. Burton, a col- lector for the Kew Gardens. Nat. Ord. Legu- minosm. A small genus of dwarf, heath-like shrubs, natives of Australia. The flowers are pea- shaped, axillary, and often thickly gathered on the ends of the branches ; the corolla rich purple, the keel of a deeper color, and the standard generally having a yellow blotch at its base. There are only a few species under cultivation, but they are all conspic- uous objects in the green-house. They come into flower in April, and are propagated from cuttings of the half-ripened wood. Intro- duced in 1803. Bur Reed. See Sparganium. Burweed. The common name for Xanthium. Bush Clover. The popular name of the genus Lespedeza. Bush Honeysuckle. A popular name for the genus Dkrvilla. Butcher's Broom. See Riiscits. Butoma'ceae. An order of aquatic plants now generally included under Alistnacees. Bu'tomus. Flowering Rush. From bovs, an ox, and temno, to cut ; in reference to its acrid juice causing the mouth to bleed. Nat. Ord. Alisinacem. B. umbellatus is a beautiful aquatic plant, common in the marshes of Great Britain. Gerarde (1629), in speaking of this plant saj'S : •' The Water Gladiole, or Grassie Rush, is of all others the fairest and most pleasant to be- hold, and serveth very well for the decking and trimming up of houses, because of the beautie and braverie thereof." A variety with striped leaves, lately introduced, is now highly recommended for collections of aquatic plants. Butter-and-Eggs. A local name for Linaria vulgaris. CAB Butter-Bur. Petasites vulgaris. Buttercup. See Ranunculus. Butterfly Flower. The genus Schizanthus. Butterfly Orchid. Oncidium Papilio. E. Indian. Phalcenopsis atnabilis, and others. Butterfly Orchis. Habemaria chlorantha, and H. bifolia. Butterfly Pea. A name sometimes given t« Clitoria. Butterfly Weed. A popular name for Asr.kpias tuberosa. Butternut See Juglans. Butter Tree. See Bassia. Butterwort. See Pinguicula. Button Bush. Cephalanthus ocrAdentalia. Button Flower. The genus Gomphia. Button Snake-root. Liatris pycnostachya. Button "Weed. Centaurea nigra. Button Wood. See Platanus. Bu'xus. A small but important genus of Spurge- worts (Euphorbiacew), one species of which is the well know^n common evergreen Bos of our gardens, employed both as an ornamental shrub and as an edging plant for walks, etc. It is a native of both Europe and Asia, but found principally in Spain, Italy, the coasts of the Black Sea, Persia, Northern India and Japan. It varies considerably in height, some varieties growing twenty-five to thirty feet, with a trunk of eight to ten inches in diameter, while others never exceed three to four feet, and have very small stems. It is most valued for its wood, the chief character- istics of which are, excessive hardness, great weight, evenness and closeness of grain, light color, and being susceptible of a fine polish. These are the qualities that render it so valuable to the wood engraver, the turner, mathematical and musical instrument makers, and others. c. Caapeba, Pareira Brava Root, or Velvet- Leaf. See Cissampelos. Cabbage. Brasnica oleracea. For the following history of the Cabbage we are indebted to the Treasury of Botany : " The Cabb.age, in its wild state, is a native of various parts of Europe, as well as of several places near the sea in England. It is a bien- nial, with fleshy-lobed leaves, undulated at the margin, and covered with bloom ; al- together, so different in form and appearance from the Cabbage of our garden that few would believe it could possibly have been the parent of so varied a progeny as are com- prised in the Savoy, Brussels Sprouts, Cauli- flower, Broccoli, and their varieties. A more wonderful instance of a species producing so many distinct forms of vegetation for the use of man is scarcely to be met with throughout the range of the vegetable kingdom. The common, or cultivated Cabbage, B. oleracea capitata, is well known, and from a very early period has been a favorite culinary vegetable, in almost daily use throughout the civilized world. The ancients considered it lii^ht of digestion when properly dressed, and very wholesome if moderately eaten. For the in- troduction of our garden variety of Cabbage we are indebted to the Romans, who are also believed to have disseminated it in other countries. It is said to have been scarcely known in Scotland until the time of the Com- monwealth, when it was carried there from England by some of Cromwell's soldiers ; but it now holds a prominent place in every gar- den throughout the United Kingdom." From its wild state the Cabbage has ^een brought to its present state of perfection very gradually, HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS CAB by careful selotition under cultivation. The various stages of these improvements have not been sufficiently noted to enable us to award the credit where it properly belongs. All the Cabbage tribe requires the soil to be rich, deep and well drained — naturally or arti- ficially — and abundantly manured. For the early kinds plant thirty inches between rows and sixteen inches between the plants, and for late kinds plant three feet by two feet. In the improvements made within the last fifty years the market gardeners around New York have taken a conspicuous part, and to them we are indebted for our best market varieties. The three most popular kinds for market purposes are "Early Wakefield," •'Early Summer" and "Succession." The Ked Cabbage, B. oleracea rubra, is an entirely distinct variety, but its origin and early development are unknown. It has been known in Holland for several hundred .years, and the Dutch have made the growing of the seed an extensive business. The Savoy Cabbage, B. oleracea bullata, differs but little from the other kinds of Cabbage. It is distinguished by its leaves being wrinkled in such a manner as to have a netted appearance. The Savoys are remarkable for their tender, crisp leaves and excellent flavor. It would seem not to be generally known that the Savoys are the most delicious of all the Cabbages. The Brussels Sprouts, or Bud-bearing Cabbage, B. oleracea bullata geminifera, originated in Bel- gium, and has from a very early date been ex- tensively grown ai'ound Brussels, where it seems to thrive better than in most other countries. It forms a head somewhat like the Savoy, of which it is considered a sub- variety, differing in the remarkable manner in which it produces at the axils of the leaves, along the whole length of the stem, a num- ber of small sprouts resembling miniature Cabbages of one or two inches in diameter, of an excellent flavor. Cabbage. Arkansas. Streptanthus obtwiifolius. Skunk, or Meadow. Symplocarpus fcetidus. Cabbage Maggot. See Insects. Cabbage Palm. See Areca and Oreodoxa olera- cea. Caca'lia. Tassel Flower. From kakos, perni- cious, and lian, exceedingly; supposed to be hurtful to the soil. Nat. Ord. Compositm. C. cocdnea, the only species worthy of cul- tivation in the flower garden, is a half-hardy annual, that can be grown readily from seed sown where wanted to grow. Its bright scar- let blossoms are borne in profusion from July to October. Introduced from New Holland in 1792. Caca'o or Coco'a. The seeds of The,obroma Cacao, which form the chief ingredient in pure chocolate. Caccinia. Named tn honor of G. Caccini, an- Italian Savant. Nat. Ord. Boraginacece. A small genus of hardy perennial herbs, natives of the Orient. C. glauca, the only species yet in cultivation, has racemose cymes of violet-blue flowers changing to red. It grows from one to three feet high, and may be increased by seeds or division. Intro- duced from Afghanistan in 1880. Cacta'ceee. A natural order consisting of suc- culent shrubs, with remarkable spines clus- CAG tored on the stems, which are angular, round, two-edged, or leafy, and have their woody matter often arranged in a wedge-like manner. The calyx consists of numerous sepals, the petals are numerous ; the stamens are numerous, with long filaments. The fruit is succulent, and the seeds without albumen. They are natives of various parts of America, but have been introduced into many parts of the world. The fruits of the Opuntias are called Indian Figs, and are edible, having a sub-acid and refreshing juice. The stems of some of the species are eaten by cattle. These stems varj' greatly in form, some being spherical, others jointed, while stdl others are triangular, and some send polygonal shafts sixty feet or more into the air. These stems are very succulent or fleshy, and the plants are thus adapted to dry climates, or, rather, such as have a "dry sea- son." Among the tall-growing kinds may be mentioned Cereus giganteus growing sixtj' or more feet high, and from one to two feet in diameter ; C. Peruvianus, with stems thirty to forty feet high ; C. Thurberi, with stems ten to flfteen feet high, and C. Schottii, with stems eight to ten feet high. The spines on some Cacti are very formidable, and on others very numerous. The spines and bristles on a specimen ot Echinocartus plalyceras were reck- oned at 51,000, and those of a Pilocereus senilis at 72,000. Opuntia vulgaris, our common Prickly Pear, bears an edible fruit. O. cochi- nillifera (Nopalea), the Nopal plant, is very largely grown for rearing the Cochineal insect {Coccus Cacti). The number of known genera is eighteen, and there are over eight hundred species. Cereus, Epiphyllum, Phyllo- cactus, Mammillaria, Melocactus, Pereskia, etc., are examples of this order. Ca'ctus. A name applied by Theophrastus to semi-spiny plants. Nat. Ord. Cactacece. The very remarkable succulent plants, arranged by Linnaeus under the name of Cac- tus, have been distributed by modern bot- anists over numerous genera, which they are still continually changing and re-arranging. At first a few plants were left in the genus Cac- tus, but now that genus is annihilated, and seven or eight new genera substituted for it ; still, as all the plants that once composed it, and the new ones of the same nature that col- lectors are continually sending home, are known by the general name of Cacti, it has been thought advisable to give here a slight sketch of the whole family. In the time of Linnaeus very few Cacti were known, and even in the year 1807, Persoon enumerated only thirty-two; but now about 500 living species are to be found in a single collection, and numbers of new species are being sent home by collectors every year. These new species are chiefly found in the tropical regions of America, but they extend over 75° of latitude, some being found within the boundary of the United States and some near the town of Conception, in Chili. By far the greater number, however, grow in the dry, burning plains of Mexico and Brazil, where they are subjected to the alternate seasons of extreme moisture and extreme drought. In these arid plains, where all nature seems parched up for six months in the year, the Cacti have been mercifully provided to serve as AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 63 CAC reservoirs of moisture, and not only the na- tives, by wounding the fleshy stems with their long forest knives, supply themselves with a cool and refreshing juice, but even the cattle contrive to break through the skin with their hoofs, and then to suck the liquid tliey contain, instinct teaching them to avoid wounding themselves with the spines. Some of the species serve the Indians with food. The Cacti ai'e arranged by nature into several distinct groups, the first of which consists of the tree Cacti, or those kinds of Cereus which have long, slender stems, and which usually grow on the summits of the mountains of Me.xico and Brazil, forming a singular kind of crest. These are generally thirty or forty feet high, and sometimes are branched like candelabra, and sometimes consists of only one naked stem, not thicker than a man's arm, though of such enormous height. Others, again, not only grow to a height of fifty or sixty feet, but have a diameter of two or three feet. The Mamraillarias and Echinocacti, which form another group, grow in the val- leys of the temperate regions, generally in loamy soils and low grass ; and the Opuutias and Pereskias, which form two others, are also principally found in the temperate latitudes. The Melocacti, or Melon Cacti, and the Ehip- salis, which has narrow-Jointed stems, and two other groups, are found in the hottest parts of the tropics. With regard to the cul- ture of Cacti, it is found that, generally speak- ing, they ought to have a season of complete rest, followed by one of excitement. They ought to be watered sparingly while dormant, and freely when in bloom, and grown in a light, sandy soil. Several of the best known genera of Cactus, such as Epiphyllum, Cereua and Phyllocactus, will be found under their respective heads. Cactus. Cochineal. Opuntia cochinillifera and 0. Tuna. Old Man. Pilocereus senilis. Rat's Tail. Cereus flay elliformis. Turk's Cap. The genus Melocactus. Cactus Dahlia. Dahlia Juarezii. Caducous. Falling off soon ; deciduous. Caesalpi'nia. In memory of Andreas CcBsalpinus, chief physician to Pope Clement VIII. Nat. Ord. LeguininoscE. A genus of tropical trees of considerable importance in an economic point of view, but without special beauty. C. coriaria, a West Indian and South American species, yields large quantities of tannin, whicii is extracted from its seed pods. C. Braziliensis, furnishes the Brazil-wood, exceedingly valuable for dyeing purposes, and an important article of commerce. Caesius. A pale blue ; a blue metallic luster seen on some leaves, as those of Selaginella coesia. Caffre Bread. A South African name applied to various species of Encephalartos, and Zamia. Caeruleus. Blue ; the clear blue of the sky. Caespitose. Growing in little tufts or patches. Caja'nus. Pigeon Pea. From catjang, its Mala- bar name. Nat. Oid. LeguminoscB. A genus of valuable perennial shrubs, culti- vated in the tropics for their seeds, which constitute an important article of food. C. CAL indicus, is a native of the East Indies, but is now naturalized and cultivated in the West Indies, and most other tropical countries. Of this species there are two varieties, one is called the Congo Pea, in Jamaica, and fur- nishes the negroes with their principal food. The variety ^ai'M« is called in the West Indies No eye Pea, and is considered in its green state but little inferior to our garden Peas, and, when dried and split, quite as good. Pea- meal of veiy good quality is pi-epj,red from both var.eties. Horses and cattle are veiy fond of the young branches and leaves, either in a fresh or dried state. Although perennial shrubs, they are usually treated as annuals ; after the seeds are gathered the plants are used for fuel. Cajeput-tree. See Oreodaphne. Calabar Bean, or Chopnut. Phyaostigma ven- enosum. Calabash. Sweet. The fruit of Paasifl^ra mali- formis. Calabash-Tree. Various species of Crescentia. Cala'dium. A word of uncertain derivation, probably from kaladion, a cup. Nat. Ord. AroidecB. Of this genus of tuberous-rooted plants there are many rare and beautiful species and varieties that rank high as ornamental foliage plants, useful only as green-house or rather hot- house plants, as they will not succeed well with a temperature below 60°. Thej' must be kept dormant from October to April, and should never be chilled when started to grow. Those found in the swamps of the River Amazon, in the province of Para, are pre-eminent for graceful growth, and for elegant and brilliant markings. All the species are easily propagated hy division of the tuber, just as the growth begins. Introduced in 1828. The plant commonly known as Caladium esculen- tum does not belong to this genus, and will be described under Colocasia. Calamagro'stis. A genus of coarse-growing grasses, a description of which will be found under Ammophila, a division of the genus. Calamint. See Calamintha. Calami'ntba. Calamint. From kalos, beautiful, and mintha, mint. Nat. Ord. Labiatce. A genus of coarse -growing, hardy herba- ceous perennials, with purplish or whitish flowers. They are indigenous or extensively naturalized in many parts of this country. They are mostly aromatic herbs, and former- ly had important medicinal properties attrib- uted to them. C. nepeta, Basil Thyme, is one of the liest known species. None' of them has sufficient merit to warrant its introduction into the garden, either for ornament or use. Cala'mpelis. (Eccremocarpus.) From kaloa, beautiful, and ampelis, a vine. Nat. Ord. BignoniarecB. The only species, C. scabra, is a well-known, beautiful, half-hardy climbing plant. Trained to a trellis or to a south wall in the open air, it forms a very ornamental object through the summer months, its bright orange-colored flowers being conspicuous among the pleasing delicate green of the foliage. It grows tjest in rich loam, and should be protected in a cold pit through the winter. Cuttings root (64 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS CAL readily in a gentle heat. Introduced from Chili in 1824. Ca'lanius (a Reed). This word has been restricted to hollow, inarticulate stems, like those of Rushes. Ca'lamus. From kalamos, a reed, an old Greek name. Nat. Ord. PalmacecB. An elegant genus of Palms very useful in their young state for house decoration. C Rotang, C.rudentum, C.viminalis, and probably eeveral other species furnish the canes or rattans so commonly employed for the bottoms of chairs, conches and similar purposes. In the countries where these palms abound, the inhabitants make use of them for a great variety of purposes, baskets of all kinds, mats, hats and other useful articles being commonly made of them. Their most imjiortant use how- ever, is for the manufacture of the ropes and cables usually employed hj junkrf and other coasting vessels. C. Scipionum, the stems of which are much thicker than the preceeding, furnishes the weil known Malacca canes so much prized for walking-sticks. There are over two hundred species in this genus, all natives of tropical and sub-tropical regions, more especially Eastern Asia. Calamus aromaticus. An old name for the Sweet Flag, Acorus calamus. Calandri'nia. Named after Calandrini, a Ger- man botanist. Nat. Ord. PortulacacecB. Very beautiful dwarf-growing plants, uiu- ally treated as tender annuals, though of per- ennial duration if protected in winter. The seeds may be sown in gentle heat about the middle of March, and when planted in the open air in May, become a blaze of beauty whenever the sun shines upon them. The soil should be light and rather dry. The best of the species are C. speciosa, grandifora, dis- color, and umbellata. Introduced frora South America. Cala'nthe. From kales, beautiful, and anthos, a flower; literally, a pretty blos.som. Nat. Ord. Orchidacece. A large genus of stemless terrestrial Orchids, having broad, many-ribbod leaves, -and long spikes of flowers, which are of various colors, white, lilac, purple, and cop- per-colored. They require a very light house for the perfect development of flowers and to give them good color. The same general treat- ment as given the Bletia, with the exception of more careful watering, is all they require. Most species are natives of tropical Asia, and are propagated by divi-ion of the roots. In- troduced about 1820. Cala'thea. ZebraPlant. Yromkalathus,ahasket; in reference to the leaves being worked into baskets in South America. Nat. Ord. Scita- minem. A genus of interesting plants, with beauti- fully marked foliage, distinguished from Maranta by mere botanical characters. Many of the most beautiful species of the latter have been transferred to this genus. C. Veitchii, zebrina, Vanden Heckii, regalis, Makoy- ana, Massingeana, and many others ate among the most beautiful and showy of warm green-house or stove plants. They are mostly natives of Brazil, and require a high tempera- ture and humid atmosphere for perfect devel- opment. They are increased by root division. CAL Calcariform. Shaped like a spear. Calcerla'ria. Slipperwort. From calceolua, a slip])er, in reference to the shape of the flower. Nat. Ord. Scrophulariacew much stronger in loam, but do not usually produce flowers so freely, and vice versa for healthy specimens; and under ordinary cir- cumstances an addition of leaf mould seems most advisable, introducing a small propor- tion of sand, and using the soil quite rough. At this time it should be determined at what period the plants will be required to bloom in the ensuing st^ason, whether early or late, to accord with which the plants may be either forced or retarded. They will bear almost any amount of heat while growing, but after the formation of the flower-buds it must be withheld, as the slightest application then, instead of hastening their development, will infallibly cause them to fall off. Hence, the only way to "force" Camellias into early flowering in fall and winter is to keep them at a high temperature while growing in spring. A temperature of about 65° is the most proper for such as are desired to flower in the follow- ing winter ; 45° or 50° will be sufficient for the next, or those which may be said to bloom naturally, while the portion required to fur- nish flowers for the late spring months should be placed out of doors. This treatment must be continued until the new growths are com- pleted, and the incipient flower-buds can be discovered, When a cool, shaded situation 68 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS CAM should be provided for each section as they require it ; observing to supply them bounti- fully with water during the whole period of growth, with an occasional sprinkling over the foliage, and moderate shade. Any situa- tion secure from frost will preserve them through the winter, and as the flowers expand, the plants may be removed wherever their presence may be deemed most ornamental. Many of the best Camellias in cultivation have been raised from seed in this country ; several of the finest of which have originated in Boston, with Messrs. M. P. "Wilder and C. H. Hovey, and have been awarded the highest honors. The usual mode of propagation is by cuttings, or by grafting or inarching, either of which should be done as soon as the new wood is firm enough to handle. The sub- jects operated on should be placed in a close, humid atmosphere, such as is afforded by a common hand-glass placed over a tan-bark bed. The union takes place in a few weeks, and with encouragement, the scions will form fine plants in one season. The Tea Plant, known generally as Thea Bohea or Thea viridis, is now returned by many botanists to this genus under the name of C. theifera. Camoe'nsia. Named in honor of Louis Cam- oens, a celebrated Portuguese poet. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. C. maxima, the only species yet in cultiva- tion, was introduced from Angola in 1878, and is the largest-flowered leguminous plant known. It is one of the most beautiful of tropical climbers. The splendid bunches of pendulous milk-white flowers, tinged with gold on the edges of the petals, grow'in droop- ing racemes from the axils of the leaves ; the petals are white, venose, frilled at the margin, where they are tinted with golden-yellow. Propagated by cuttings. Campa'nula. Bell Flower. The diminutive of campana, a bell; literally, a little bell. Nat. Ord. Campanulacece. This extensive and well-known genus con- sists of more than two hundred species, including annuals, biennials, and perennials. Some of the hardy perennials are dwarf plants, producing a profusion of flowers, which ren- der them particularly adapted for I'ock-work or for growing in pots. C. pyramidalis is a tall-growing variety, at one time a very popu- lar plant, and some of the old gardeners still cling to it with a peculiar fondness. When grown in pots it requires frequent repot- ting, which will bring it to an enormous size. "When well grown it is a splendid plant. C. medium (Canterbury Bell) is a very ornamental garden flower of the easiest culture, with double and single varieties, bearing blue, red, purple, and white flowers. Like other bien- nials, it may either be sown where it is to remain, any time after midsummer, or may be sown in beds in spring for transplanting. C. rotundifoUa (Hairbell) is the most beautiful of our native species. Some of the species are grown in France and Italy as esculent roots. All succeed well in any good soil, and are pro- pagated freely by seeds or division. Campa'nula'ceae. A natural order of milky herbs or undershrubs, with alternate leaves, having no stipules, and usually bearing showy blue or white flowers. The plants are chiefly natives of the north of Asia, Europe, ard CAM North America, and are scarcely known in hot regions. The chains of the Alps, Italy, Greece, the Caucasus, and the Altai, are their true homes. Several are found at the Cape of Good Hope. The plants have a milky, acrid Juice, but the roots and young shoots are often culti- vated as articles of food, as, for example, the Eampion {Campanula Rapunculus). There are twenty-nine known genera, and 540 species. Some of them furnish handsome flowers for the border. Jasione, Phyteuma, Campanula, Adonophora, and Platycodon are examples of the order. Campa'nulate. Bell-shaped, as the corolla of Campanula. Campeachy Wood. The red dye-wood, better known as Logwood, obtained from Hcema- toxylon Campechianum. Camphire, or Samphire. Onthmum maritimum. Camphor. See Camphora. Ca'mphora. Camphor-tree. From Camphor, the commercial name of its chief product. Nat. Ord. Lauracem. C. officinalis, the only species constituting this genus, is an evergreen tree that grows to a considerable height, dividing into many branches covered with smooth, greenish bark. Its flowers are small, white, destitute of calyx, with a six-petalled corolla. The fruit re- sembles that of the cinnamon. This tree is a native of China and Japan, growing abundantly in the woods of the western part of the island. The roots, wood and leaves have a strong odor of camphor. This substance is found to lodge everywhere in the interstices of the fibres of the wood, also in the pith, but most abundantly in the crevices and knots. The camphor of commerce, or Chinese cam- phor, is obtained from the wood, branches and leaves, by dry distillation. It is chiefly produced in the island of Formosa, and is brought in great quantities to Canton, whence foreign countries are supplied. Campion, Moss. Silene acaulis. Hose. Lychnis coronaria, and L. Flos Jovis. Campsi'dium. From Kampsis, a curving. Nat. Ord. BignoniacecB. C. filicifolium is a beautiful climber from Chili. The foliage is of a dark shining green color, and resembles the fronds of some Ferns. The flowers are small, of a rich orange color. It is a rapid grower, well adapted for covering rafters or back walls in the green-house. In the woods, in its wild state, it grows forty to flfty feet high, cover- ing the tops of the trees in a most graceful manner. Camptoso'rus. "Walking Fern. The rather rare or local C. rhizophyllus, is the only native representative of the genus, and is remark- able for its fronds, tapering above into a slender prolongation like a runner, which often roots at the apex, and gives rise to new fronds, and these in turn to others ; hence the popular name. Syn. Asplenium. Campylobo'trys. From kampylos, a curve, and botrys, a bunch ; alluding to tlie form of the inflorescence. Nat. Ord. Cinchonacece. A genus of very beautiful green-house shrubs, natives of Brazil. They are more remarkable for their glossy foliage than for CAMPANULA PUNCTATA. 63 CAMPANULA (TALL). CAPSICUM VAE. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 69 CAM the beauty of the flowers. C. regalia has ellip- tic leaves, with a satiny luster and a rich bronzy-green color. This, with one or two other species, has been introduced into the green-house for the rare beauty of the foliage. They were introduced in 1859, and are propa- gated by cuttings. By some authors this genus is placed under Hoffmannia. Camwood. See Baphia. Canada Balsam. Abies Balsamea. Canada Rice. Zizania aquatica. Canada Tea. GauUheria procumbens. Canada Thistle, See Cirsium. Canary Bird Flower. See TropcBoluvi. Canary Grass. See Phalaris. Canava'lia. A genus of elegant twining plants of the Nat. Ord. LegurninoscB. The purple or white and red flowers are produced in racemes from the axils of the tri- foliate leaves. Well adapted for training up the rafters of a stove or warm green-house. Cancer Root. A common name applied to the genus Epiphegus, and also to Conopholis, on account of their supposed medicinal vir- tues. Cancer Root. One-Flowered. Aphyllon uni- fiorum. Cancer-'wort. Linaria spuria, and L. Elatine. Candidas. A pure white ; but not so clear as snow-white. Candle-berry Myrtle. Myrica cerifera, and M. Gale. Candle-berry Tree. Aleuriies triloba. Candle Tree. Panama. See Parmentiera cerifera. Candle Wood. Californian. Fouquiera splen- dens. Cando'Uea. Named for A. De Candolle, of Geneva, author of many botanical works. Nat. Ord. Dilleniacece. A genus of very ornamental evergreen shrubs, natives of Australia. C. tetrandra is a very compact-growing and free-flowering plant with yellow flowers, borne at the ends of the branches. Introduced in 1842. It is a valu- able addition to our fall and winter blooming plants. Propagated by cuttings, or by seeds when obtainable. Candy-tuft. See Iberis. Cane-brake. A common name for different species of Arundinaria. Cane. Dumb. Dieffenbachia seguiiie, "which see. Chair-bottom. Various species of Calamus, which see. Malacca. Calamus scipionum. Rattan. Calamus draco {C. Rotang). Sugar. Saccharum officinarum. Sugar, Chinese. Sorghum Saccharatum. Cane Stakes. The tree-like culms or stems of two species of Arundinaria, found in swamps and by the margms of rivers from Florida to Indiana. They are much used, especially by florists, for plant stakes, as they can be cut to any desired length, and are ready for use at once. Those from Indiana are considered the best, as they are tougher and more durable. Canescens. More or less gray, verging on white ; grayish-white ; hoary ; a term ap- plied to hairy surfaces. CAN Canker. A rather indeflnite term, used to denote a disease resulting in the slow decay of trees or other plants attacked by it. See Carcinodes. Ca'nna. Indian Shot. The Celtic name for a cane or reed. Nat. Ord. SdtamineoB. This is an extensive and very interesting genus of tender herbaceous perennials. Most of the species have showy crimson, orange and yellow flowers. They are usually grown for the remarkable beauty of their foliage, which is highly ornamental; hence they are favorite plants in cultivation, and produce a striking effect either singly, or grouped in beds upon the lawn in the summer months. If planted in a rich, deep soil, and freely watered, some of them will grow ten feet during the season, and from a single tuber make a clump three or four feet in diameter. A new section, introduced in 1884 by a Mr. Crozet of France, has a dwarf bushy habit. The flowers are produced in abundance from June to October when they can be lifted and flowered during winter in green-houses. This section comprises many grand varieties, the flowers of many of which are marked like orchids. Beauty is not their only claim to consideration, some of the species, as C. edulis, being grown extensively in Peru and the Sandwich Islands as a vege- table. Arrow-root is also made from this species. Propagated by seeds or more com- monly by division of tubers, which should be kept during the winter like Dahlias. Ca'nnabis. Hemp. So called from ganeh, its Arabic name, and from the Celtic appellation can, reed, and ab, small. Nat. Ord. UrticacecB. Of the two species that compose this genus, the truly important one is C. sativa, a native of India, which furnishes the Hemp of com- merce. The Hemp plant is an annual, growing •from four to eight feet high ; in very hot climates it frequently grows twenty feet high. The flowers are of separate sexes on differ- ent plants, the males being produced in racemes, and generally crowded together towards the top of the plant or end of the branches; the females are in short spikes, their calyx consisting merely of a single sepal, rolled around the ovary, but open on one side, and they have two hairy stigmas. The fruit (commonly known as "Hemp-seed") is a small, grayish-colored smooth, shining nut, containing a single oily seed. For the production of good fiber the seed is sown close, so as to produce straight stems without branches. The har- vesting takes place at two periods ; the male being pulled as soon as it has done flowering, and the female not until the seeds are ripe. After gathering it undergoes treatment sim- ilar to that given flax to separate the fiber. In Persia and other very hot countries the plant furnishes a soft resin, which is collected by the coolies, and is smoked like tobacco, or pounded into pulp, so as to make a drink, both being stimulant and intoxicating. The Asiatics are passionately addicted to the use of this means of intoxication, as the names given to the Hemp show : "leaf of delusion," " increaser of pleasure," etc. Canoe-Wood. The Tulip tree. Liriodendron tulipifera. Canterbury Bells. See Campanula m^diwrn. 70 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS CAN Ca'ntua. From Cantu, the name of one of the species in Peru. Nat. Ord. Polemoniace^. A genus of green-house evergreen shrubs from Peru. The foliage is fleshy, the flowers large and showy, produced in terminal corymbs, the colors being white, scarlet, yellow and blue. They require the same treatment as the Fuchsia. C. buxifolia is the Magic Tree of the Peruvian Indians, and was formerly used to decorate their houses on feast days. All the species are readily increased by cuttings, C. coronopifolia, a native of South Carolina, is Gilia coronopifolia of Ruiz and Pavon. Caoutchouc. The elastic, gummy substance known as Indian Rubber, which is the juice of various plants growing in tropical climates in different parts of the world. It is chieflj' obtained from the Ficus elastica, Castilloa elastica, Urceola elastica, etc. The milky juice of Siphocampijlos caoutchouc is quite different from the Caoutchouc of commerce. Cape Bulbs. A term employed to designate a large number of bulbs from the Cape of Good Hope, that require the protection of a frame to be grown in this latitude. They are not sufficiently hardy to endure our winters with- out protection. Among the class may be found Ixias, Bdbianas, Sparaxis, Tritonias, Geissorhiza, etc. Cape Figwort. See PhygeUus. Cape Gooseberry. Physalis Peruviana. Cape Jessamine. See Gardenia florida. Cape Poison Bulb. Buphane disticha (Syn. Brunsvigia toxicaria). Cape Pond "Weed. Aponogeton distachyon. Cape Treasure Flower. Gazania pavonia. Caper tree. See Capparis. Capitate. Having a head ; pin-headed, as the stigma of the Primrose. Also, growing in a head, or close terminal clusters, as the flowers of Composite, etc. Capparida'ceas. A natural order composed of herbs, shrubs, or trees with alternate leaves and solitary or clustered flowers. The order is divided into two sub-orders : Cleomece, with dry, dehiscent (splitting) fruit, and Cap- parem, with a berry fruit. The plants are chiefly tropical, and abound in Africa and India. Some are found in Europe and in North America. They have pungent and stimulant qualities, and have been used for scurvy. Tlie flower buds of Capparis spinosa furnish the well-known Capers. C. ^gyptiaca is thought by some to be the Hyssop of Scrip- ture. There are thirty-three known genera and 3^)5 species. Capparhi, Cleome, Polanisia, and Cratceva, are examples of the genera. Ca'pparis. Caper-tree. From kabar, the Arabic name for Capers. Nat. Ord. Capparidacece. An extensive genus of tend<'r or half-hardy climbing or trailing plants. The best known of the species is C. spinosa, a native of the south of Europe. In habit it resembles the common bramble. The Capers are the buds, which are gathered just before expanding, and pickled. In Italy the unripe fruit is some- times pickled in vinegar in the same manner as the buds. Capers are chiefly imported from Sicily, though they are extensively grown in the south of France. CAR Caprifolia'ceae. A natural order of shrubs or herbs, often twining, natives of the northern parts of Europe, Asia and America, found sparingly in northern Africa, and unknown in the southern hemisphere. Some are astrin- gent, and othei's have emetic and purgative qualities. Many have sho^^y and fragrant flowers. The common Honeysuckle (Lonicera) is one of the most esteemed of our climbing or twining plants. Among other plants of the order may be mentioned the Snowball or Guelder Rose ( Vibtirnum opnlus), the Snow- berry (Symphoricarpus racemosus), the Ekler (Sambucus nigra), and the Laurustinus (Vi- burnum Tinus), as well as Linnam borealis. The black berries of the species of Viburnum found on the Himalaya Mountains are eatable and agreeable. Capse'Ua. A common weed belonging to Nat. Ord. Cruciferce. C. Bursa-pastoris, Shepherd's Purse, a native of Europe, is so called from the resemblance of its pods to some ancient form of purse. It has accompanied Europeans in all their migrations, and established itself wherever they have settled. It is a troublesome weed, hence its utilitarian popular name, " Pick- pocket," is more appropriate perhaps, than the sentimental one "Shepherd's Purse." Ca'psicum. Chili Pepper. From kapto, to bite ; referring to its pungency. Nat. Ord. SolanacecB. An extensive genus of tender annual and biennial plants, natives of the East and West Indies, China, Brazil and Egypt. C. annuum is the common garden pepper, a native of India, from which many varieties have origi- nated. C. frutescens, a native of Chili, is the species that furnishes the Cayenne Pepper of commerce, and is also used in the preparation known as Pepper Sauce. C. grossum, a native of India, is the Bell Pepper of our gardens. Capsule. A dry dehiscent seed vessel or fruit. Caraga'na. Siberian Pea-tree. So called from Carachana, its name in Tartary. Nat. Ord. LeguminoscB. An Asiatic genus of shrubs or low growing trees. One of the best knowa of the species is, C. Arborescens, the Siberian Pea-tree, a low sized shrubby tree, with numerous yellow, tapering twigs, and very small, pinnate leaves of the same character as those of the Acacias, but much smaller and of a rare golden-green color ; the flowers are small, yellow, and pro- duced singly or in clusters, at the axils of the leaves. It is a tree of marked beauty in early summer, by the contrast it presents with shrubs of dark and less delicate foliage. C. Chamlagu, a Chinese species, is a low spread- ing shrub, two to four feet high, with branches at first upright and then decumbent. Loudon says: "When grafted on C. arborescens, it forms a singularly picturesque pendulous tree ; beautiful not only when it is in leaf or in flower, but from the graceful lines formed by its branches, even in the midst of winter, when they are completely stripped of their leaves." The flowers are produced freely in large clusters, yellow or reddish, in May or June. Carageen or Carrageen. Irish Moss. A name given in Ireland to Chondrus crispus and some other allied Algce. Vast quantities are col- AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 71 CAR lected for sale, and supply a useful article for feeding cattle, and making jelly for invalids. Its decided sea taste and odor are against its being a perfect substitute for isinglass. There is no doubt, however, that in the sick chamber it is a far better substitute than gelatine, as that has very small, if any nutri- tive qualities, a fact not perhaps sufficiently known. Caragua'ta A genus of BromeliacecB,, closely allied to Tillandsia ; stove-house epiphytes. Their bright scarlet bracts are very showy when in bloom. Caraway. See Carum. Carcinodes. A term applie 1 to what is com- monly called Canker in trees, which may be characterized as a slovr decay, and in regard to which the Rev. M. J. Berkeley, an excellent authority, says : " The appearances are very different in different plants, and the causes dififerent. The same plant, as the Apple, may even exhibit three or four different kinds of Canker. One form arises from the attack of the Woolly Aphis; a second from the devel- opmont of bundles of adventitious roots, whose tips decay and harbor moisture, and contaminate the subjacent tissues ; a third exhibits itseiJ without au} apparent oaufec, in the form of broad, dark, or even black patches, spreading in every direction ; while a fourth shows pale, depressed streaks, which soon become confluent, and eventually kill, first the bark, and then, as a necessary conse- quence, the underlying wood. The only remedy is to cut out completely the affected parts, and that is not ahvaj^s efficacious. The Canker of the Plum and Apricot is brought on by gtimming. In many cases Canker arises doubtless from the roots penetrating into some ungenial soil, which vitiates the Juices and induces death to the weaker cells, from which it spreads to surrounding tissue. The rugged appearance is generally due to a struggle between the vital powers of the plant and the diseased action." Cardami'ne. Ladies' Smock. Cuckoo Flower. From kardamine, a diminutive of kardamon, cress ; referring to the acrid flavor. Nat. Ord. CrucifercB. An extensive genus of hardy herbaceous perennials, common in many parts of the United States, Europe, and northern Asia. C. pratensi^, popularly known as Ladies' Smock or Cuckoo Flower, is a very pretty meadow plant, with large lilac flowers, common in Europe, but a rather rare plant in this coun- try. A double variety of this species, some- times found growing wild, is remarkably proliferous, the leaflets producing new plants where they come in contact with the ground, and the flowers, when they wither sending up a stalked flower-bud from their centers. The leaves of some of the species are used in salads. Ca'rdamon. See Amomum. Cardinal Flower. See Lobelia cardinalis. Cardiospe'rmum. Balloon Vine. Fi'om kar- dia, a heart, and sperma, seed ; in allusion to the shape of the seeds. Nat. Ord. Sapin- dacecB. Of this small genus only one species is grown as an ornamental plant, viz., C. Hali- cacabum, which is a rapid-growing, hamlsouM" CAR climber, remarkable for {in inflated mem- branous capsule, from which it receives its common name, Balloon Vine,. It grows readily from seed. Introduced from India in 150-1. Cardoon. See Cynara. Ca'rduus. Thistle. From ard, the Celtic word for a prickle or sharp point ; referring to the spines of the Thistle. Nat. Ord. Compositop,. Some of the species are very ornamental, though manj' of them are tall, robust-growing plants, which require a great deal of njom and are too large for a small garden. C. Marianus (Syn. Silybum Marianum) the Iloly Thistle, is well marked by the white veins on its large, shining leaves, fabled to have been produced by a portion of the milk of the Vir- gin Mary having fallen on them. They are annuals, growing freely from seed. Ca'rex. From careo, to want; the upper spikes being without seeds. Nat. Ord. Cjtperacece. This genus includes more than 1,000 species, widely distributed over the temj)erate and Arctic regions. They are all perennial grasses ; a few species are handsome plants for the green-house, and useful for basket work and aquariums. They are usually found growing in bogs, marshes, or moist woods, where they yield a very inferior quality of grass. C. Fraseri is the handsomest species of the genus, resembling at a short distance, when in flower, one of the LiliaceoR. The leaves of several of the species are used for seating chairs, and various other purposes for which we use the common Flag. There are more than 300 species in this country, all of which are without interest except to the botanist. Caricature Plant. See Graptophyllum. Carinate. Keel-shaped. Carludo'vioa. Named after Charlts IV. of Spain, and Louisa, his queen. Nat. Ord, CyclanthacecB. A genus of low-growing, palm-like, stove- house plants. Some of them have long, climbing stems, sending out aerial roots, which fasten upon the trunks of trees or hang down like ropes, while others are stemless and form dense thickets. C. palmata is one of the more interesting species. Its leaves are shaped and plaited like a fan, and are borne on long, slender stocks. Thoy are of tolerably large size, and deeply cut into four or flve divisions, each of which is again cut. It is from the leaves of this species that the well-known Panama hats are made. The leaves are cut when young, and the stiff par- allel veins removed, after which they are slit into shreds, but not separated at the stalk end, and immersed in boiling water for a short time, and then bleached in the sun. This species is also exceedingly useful for any orna- mental or decorative purpose. C. jjlicala is a very interesting climbing species, with foli- age similar to that of C. palmata, but with much shorter leaf-stalks. Tlrero are several other species useful for decorative purposes, and valuable from the fact that they will suc- ceed in any out-of-the-way corner, where most other plants would perish. This genus is common throughout the shady thickets of Panama, and along the coast of New Grenada and Ecuador. They are increased from suckers or from seed. Carnation. See Dianthus caryophyllvs. 72 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS CAR Cameus. Pale red, or flesh-color. Carnivorous Plants. A term applied to Dioncea miLscipula, Darlingtonia Califomica, the Dro- seras, and other insect-catching plants, on the supposition that they feed on the insects which they entrap. Carob Tree. See Ceratonia. Carolina Allspice. A popular name of the Calycanlhus, or Sweet-scented Shrub. Carolina Jasmine. See Gelsemium. Carpel. A division of the ovary; one of the roUed-up leaves of which the pistil is com- posed, whether they are combined or distinct; the small parts of which compound fruits are formed. Carpente'ria. Named after the late Professor Carpenter of Louisiana. Nat. Ord. Saxifrag- acem. An ornamental, hardy, tall-growing shrub with pure white flowers.and broadly-lanceolate pinnately-veined leaves, whitened beneath, with a minute and close pubescence. Intro- duced to cultivation from the Sierra Nevadas, California, in 1880. Carpi'nus. Hornbeam, Iron Wood. From the Celtic car, wood, and pinda, head ; the wood being used for the yokes of cattle. Nat. Ord. CorylacecB. C. Americana, the only representative of this genus in our woods, is a low-growing tree of compact form, and a very rigid trunk. It is particularly handsome in autumn, because of Its richly-colored foliage. It is found in nearly all parts of the country, but is not plentiful in any section. The wood of this tree is exceedingly hard and close-grained, and is well suited for any work requiring great hardness and strength. Carpoly'za. From karpos, fruit, and lyssa, rage ; in reference to the three-celled fruit, or seed-pod, opening like the mouth of an enraged aqimal. Nat. Ord. Amaryllidacem. A genus of South African bulbs, the only species being C. spiralis, which is a very pretty little plant. The leaves and flower scape are twisted, from which fact it derives its specific name. The flowers are white, sepals pink, tipped with green. It requires protection in winter, or may be kept dry and grown in pots, starting them about the first of February. They are propagated by offsets. Introduced in 1791. Carrion Flo'wer. Coprosmanthus herbaceus, Smilax herbacea, and the genus Stapelia. Carrot. Daucus carota. The wild Carrot, indig- enous to Great Britain and many other parts of Europe, and so extensively naturalized in this country as to become one of the most troublesome pests of the farmer, has generally been supposed to be the parent of the many varieties of the common garden Carrot, which has been under cultivation from time im- memorial. Dioscorides describes accurately the Carrot, both as a wild plant and as culti- vated as an esculent root. The parentage was not questioned until Miller, the celebrated English gardener and botanist, undertook to improve the wild Carrot by cultivation, and signally failed in his many and varied attempts. Others have experimented at dif- ferent times, with no better success. The prevailing opinion now is that the garden CAR Carrot is a distinct species, or was obtained under circumstances entirely different or unknown at the present day. The carrot was introduced into England, in about its present form, by the Dutch, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and soon thereafter became a favor- ite vegetable, and a useful as well as a profit- able field crop. Careful selection has gradually improved the quality in certain respects, of the Carrot, during the past hundred years, and good cultivation is now required to keep the varieties up to their proper standard. Cartha'mus. Safflower. From quartom, to paint, in Arabic ; the flowers yield a fine color. Nat. Ord. Compositce. This genus consists of two species only, annual plants, found in Caucasus and Egypt. C. tinctorius, the Saffron Thistle, is extensively cultivated in India, China, and other parts of Asia, for the coloring matter which its flowers yield. These flowers contain two kinds of coloring matter — the one yellow, which is soluble in water, the other red, which being of a resinous nature, is insolu- able in water, but is soluble in alkaline carbon- ates. The fruit is never converted to any use, as it dyes only dull shades of color ; the other is a beautiful rose-red, capable of dyeing every shade, from the palest rose to a cherrj'-red. It is chiefly used for dyeing silk, affording various shades of pink, rose crimson and scarlet. Mixed with finely-powdered talc it forms the well-known substance called rouge. In France this species is grown for the beauty of its flowers, and in Spain it is grown in gardens to color soups, olives and other dishes. It is readily grown from seed, which should be started in the hot-bed or green- house. Ca'rum. Caraway. From Caria, in Asia Minor, where it was first discovered. Nat. Ord. Umbelliferce. A small genus of hardy biennials, but one species of which, C. Carui, is of any special interest. This is a native of Europe, and pro- duces the Caraway seeds which contain an aromatic volatile oil, and are used in flavoring. The plants are of the simplest culture, requir- ing only to sow the seeds where the plants are wanted to grow. Ca'rya Hickory. The Greek name for the Walnut. Nat. Ord. Juglandacece. A well-known genus of hardy deciduous trees, conflned wholly to North America. C. alba is the common Shell-bark or Shag-bark Hickory, so called on account of the rough, shaggy bark of the trees, peeling off in long, narrow strips from large trees. This species furnishes the best Hickory nuts. C. olivcefor- mis is the Pecan-nut tree, common from Illi- nois southward. It is a large and beautiful tree. Its delicious nuts are well-known. C. porcina is the Pig-nut, one of the most valu- able as a timber tree, but the fruit is worth- less. C. amara is the Bitter-nut or Swamp Hickory-nut. C. sulcata is the Western Shell- bark Hickory, remarkable for the size of the nut which has a very thick shell, but is of excel- lent quality. C. tomentosa, common in the West and South, bears the largest nuts of any of the species, the size, however, being at the expense of the quality. The timber of all the species is valuable for any purpose where strength and elasticity are required. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 73 CAR Caryoph'yllaceae. An extensive order of herbs, with stems swollen at the joints, the flowers terminal, solitary, or disposed iu racemes, panicles or corymbs ; the leaves entire and opposite. The plants of this order are natives principally of temperate and cold I'egions. They inhabit mountains, rocks, hedges and ■waste places. Humboldt says that Clove- worts constitute a twenty-secondth part of the flowering plants of France, one twenty- seventh of those of Germany, one seventeenth of Lapland, and one seventy-secondth of North America. There are some very showy flowers in the order, such as the well-known and popular Pinks and Carnations ; but the grt-ater number are mere weeds. The Clove Pink {Dianthiis Caryophylliis) is the origin of all the cultivated varieties of Carnations, as Picotees, Bizari-es and Flakes. The common Chickweed {Stellaria media) and Spurry {Sper- gula arveTisis). the latter used as fodder for sheep, are other examples. There are about sixty genera and 1,100 species. Dianthus, Silene, Lychnis, Cerastium, Arenaria, Alsine, Saponaria, are examples of this order. Caryophy'llus. Clove-tree. From karuon, a nut, and phyllon, a leaf; referring to the appearance of the flower-buds. Nat. Ord. Myrtace<]B. C. aromatieus, the tree producing the well- known spice called Cloves, is a handsome evergreen, rising from fifteen to thirty feet, with lai'ge elliptic leaves and purplish flowers, arranged in terminal heads on short-jointed stalks. It is a native of the Molucca Islands, where it is not only cultivated for its great commercial value, but also as an ornamental tree. The whole tree is highly aromatic, and the foot-stalks of the leaves have nearly the same pungency as the calyxes of the flowers. A celebrated writer who had visited the islands, says : " Clove-trees as an avenue to a residence are perhaps unrivalled — their noble height, the beauty of their form, the luxuri- ance of their foliage, and, above all, the spicy fragrance with which they perfume the air, produce, on driving through a long line of them, a degree of exquisite pleasure only to be enjoyed in the clear, light atmosphere of those latitudes." Caryo'pteris. From karuon, a nut, and pteron, a wing; the fruit is winged. Nat. Ord. Ver- benacefB. C. Mastacanthus, the best known species, is a hardy herbaceous plant, of easy culture, blooming in autumn. The flowers are light azurt!-blue in color, and are borne in axillary globose heads. It grows about two feet high, and was introduced from China in 1844. Caxyo'ta. Toddy Palm. The old Greek name used by Dioscorides ; the Greeks first applied this name to their cultivated Date. Nat. Ord. Palmacece. C. urens, commonly called Fish-tail Palm, is the most prominent species of this genus. It is a beautiful tree, growing from sixty to eighty feet high, with a trunk a foot in diam- eter, producing many pendulous spikes of flowers, which are succeeded by strings of suc- culent globular berries, dark red when ripe, and are very sharp and acrid in taste. In Ceylon it yields a sort of liquor, sweet, whole- some, and no stronger than water. It is taken from the tree two or three times a day, each CAS yield from a large tree being from three to four gallons. When boiled down it makes a coarse brown sugar called jaggoiy. When the tree has come to maturity there comes out a bud from the top ; that bud the natives cut and prepare by putting salt, pepper, lemons, garlic, leaves, etc., over it, which keeps it from ripening. They daily cut off a thin slice from the end, and the liquor drops into a ves- sel, which they set to catch it. The buds are most delicious to the taste, resembling wal- nuts or almonds. The species are natives of the Indies, and are grown in the green-house, where they succeed well with the same treat- ment which other tropical Palms require. Cascarl'Ua Bark. See Croton. Cashew-Nut. See Anacardium. Cassa'ndra. Leather-leaf. C. Calyculata, the only known species, sometimes included under Androvieda, is generally distributed through- out the northern hemisphere. It is a low, much-branched shrub belonging to the Nat. Ord. Ericacece, and produces its pretty white flowers on one-sided racemes, early in spring. Cassava Bread, or Cassava Meal. See Mani- hot utilissima. Ca'ssia. Senna. From the Greek name of a plant, Kassian, of the Bible. Nat. Ord. LeguminoscB. An extensive genus of hardy herbaceous and green-house perennials, found scattered over nearly all parts of the globe. Many of the species are well known, and considered of great importance for their medicinal proper- ties. The leaflets of several of the species constitute what is known in medicine as Senna leaves. Those from C. acutifolia and C. obovata, African and East Indian species, are the most highly esteemed. The leaves of C. Marilandica, wild Senna, a native of the Middle and Southern States, have, to some extent, the same properties, and are some- times used as a substitute for the officinal Senna. This species may be justly regarded as one of our most valued plants for the border. It grows from three to four feet high ; foliage a beautiful deep green, not unlike the finer Acacias; flowers bright yellow, produced in shoi-t axillary racemes, continuing a long time in succession. Some of the roadsides of Long Island are bordered with this plant, and no public park, with all that art can bestow upon its di-ives in the way of ornamentation, can compare in simplicity and beauty with these roadsides. C. nictitans, Wild Sensitive Plant, another native species, is a very beau- tiful hard}' annual, common on our roadsides, growing about six inches high, and in appear- ance almost identical with the Sensitive Plant, Mimosa pudica, and well worth cultivating for its beautiful foliage. C. chamscrb^ta, com- monly known as Partridge Pea, is a very pretty species, common in the Southern States. Cassi'nia. Named after M. Henri Cassini, an eminent French botanist. Nat. Ord. Com- positce. A very handsome genus of shrubby plants or herbaceous perennials, natives of Australia and New Zealand. C Vauviliersii produces numerous small white flowers in compact 74 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS CAS clusters, which though pretty, are not enough to I'ecommend the plant for general culture ; but its golden coat which suffuses the back of the leaves, and still more densely the entire young stems, will always make it an object of interest. It is perfectly hardy, and is readily increased by cuttings. Casta'nea. Chestnut. From a town of that name in Thessaly. Nat. Ord. CorylacecB. The Chestnut Tree is well known because of the nuts, which are universally esteemed. There are two species indigenous to this country, the common Chestnut, C. ves- ca, found throughout the States, and C. pumila, a low-growing tree or shrub, common south- ward, which produces a smaller nut, known as the Chinquapin. The Spanish Chestnut, a variety of C. vesca, differing from our native Chestimt mainly in the size of the fruit, is a native of Asia Minor, introduced at a very early date. This tree grows to an immense size. A tree near Queens, L. I., planted nearly one hundred years ago, has a trunk almost twelve feet in circumference, and is about fifty feet high, with immense spreading branches. It is one of the noblest shade trees to be found in this countr3^ A species of late introduction from Japan promises to become one of our most useful as well as most ornamental trees, or, more properly, tall shrubs. The fruit of this species was received in New York a few years since in a consignment of goods from Japan. The merchant receiving the same, seeing the nuts were of such excellent quality, fully equal to those of our native species, and as large as the Spanish Chestnut, attempted the growing of them, and with remarkable success. In five years they commenced to fruit, and are now bearing profusely. The shrub is of an orna- mental character, suitable for the lawn. The fruit or nuts are borne within two feet of the ground. Those who have ha'l a favorable opportunity to judge of its character, predict its early adoption as a hedge plant, for which purpose it seems well adapted. In addition to its value as an ornamental hedge, it would undoubtedly prove valuable for its yield of nuts. Castille'ja. Painted-Cup. Named in honor of Don Ca»till(ja, a Spanish botanist. Nat. Ord. Scrojihiilnriacece. This genus consists of about forty species, nearlj' all of which are American, a few being found in northern Asia. They are remai-kable for their brightly colored floral leaves or bracts, the most of which are more showy than the flowers, which are commonly yellowish or greenish. C. indivisa, a beautiful perennial species, has recently been introduced into our gardens from Europe, although it is a native of Colorado. It is one of our most desirable hardy plants, producing its brilliant scarlet bracts in great profusion. This species is so cntir(>ly distinct from most other plants, and at the same tiim^ so showN-, and can be grown with as litth; diflieulty as most other herbaceous plants, that we cannot but consider it a great acquisition. Castillo'a. A Mexican tree belonging to the Nat. Ord. Urticacece., and having male and female flowers alternating one with the other, on the same branch. C. elastica, contains a milky juice yielding Caoutchouc. CAT Castor Oil Bean. See Ricinus. Casuari'na. Beef-wood. Supposed to be named from the resemblance the leaves bear to the feathers of the Cassowary. Nat. Ord. Casuri- nacecB. A genus of very curious ti-ees, constituting of themselves a distinct family. They have veiy much the appearance of gigantic Horse- tails {Equisetaceoe), being trees with thread- like, jointed, furrowed branches, without leaves. The flowers are not of a showy char- acter. These plants are met most abundantly in tropical Australia, and occasionally in the Indian Islands, New Caledonia, etc. In Aus- tralia, from their somber appearance, they are planted in cemeteries. The timber fur- nished by these trees is valuable for its ex- treme hardness and its red color, it is called in the islands Beef-wood. The several species are highly esteemed for their uses in the me- chanic and useful arts. A few of them have been introduced into green-houses for their singular appearance. Cata'lpa. Indian Bean. Cigar Tree. The Indian name of the first discovered species. Nat. Ord. Bignoniacem. A small genus of ornamental trees, natives of North America, the West Indies, Japan and China. C. bignonioides (syn. Syringmfolia), a native of the Southern States, and one of the most beautiful shade trees, has bright, yellow- ish-green, heart-shaped leaves, and is remark- able for its numerous loose panicles of white flowers, spotted with orange and purple. C. b. aurea, a golden-leaved variety, is slower growing than the parent and is golden over the entire leaf on the young growths in June, and the second growth in August and September. C. speciosa, the Western Catalpa, cultivated and now widely naturalized in southern Arkansas, western Louisiana, and eastern Te.xas, has white flowers, in rather large pan- icles and in genei'al appearance is similar to G. bigno7iioides, but may be easily distin- guished from that species by its much larger flower, fruit, and scimI. C. Bungpii, generally known as C. KcEmjjferi, is probably a small form of C. bignonioides, and is a remarkable shrub, growing from six to eight feet high, with a diameter f I om eight to ten feet. The trees when young make a rapid growth, and are particularly valuable for lawn or street decoration, being, so far, entirely exempt from the i-avages of insects and caterpillars. Catana'nche. From katanangke, a strong in- centive ; in reference to an ancient custom among the Greek women of using it in love potions. Nat. Ord. Compositm. A small genus of annuals and hardy her- baceous perennials. C. cxrulea, a perennial species, with slender stalks, long, narrow leaves, and large heads of sky-blu<^ flowers, is a native of the south of Europe. From this species several varieties have been pro- duced with white and double flowers, all very desirable for the open bcn-der and for cuttings. They are increased by division or from seeds. C. lutea, an annual species with yellow flowers, is a native of Candia. Catase'tum. From kala, downward, and sel'erring to the time of flowering. Nat. Ord. Calycanthacece. C. fragrans, the only species is a native of Japan, and is remarkable for the fragrance of its flowers, which appear in early spring, be- fore the leaves begin to unfold. It is a slen- der, much branched shrub, with flowers about an inch in diameter, made up of a large number of pale yellow waxy petals, arranged in several rows, either yellowish-red or choco- late-colored, and which last for a long time. In this latitude itretjuires a sheltered position. China Aster. See Callistephus. Chinese Bell-flower. See Abutilon. Chinese Grass-cloth Plant. See Baehmeria. Chinese Hawthorn. See Photina. Chinese Primrose. See Primula. Chinese Rose. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Chinese Sugar-cane. See Sorghum. Chi'nquapin. Castanea pumila, the most palat- able of all the Chestnut family ; indigenous to the Middle Atlantic States. Water. See Nelumhium luteum. Chiona'nthus. Fringe Tree. From chion, snow, and anthos, a flower; in reference to its long racemes of pure white flowers. Nat. Ord. OleacecB. A genus of hardy deciduous shrubs. C. Virginica, one of the best known, and com- monly grown under the popular name of Fringe Tree, is a very ornamental shrub of easy cultivation, particularly adapted for the lawn, not only for its showy flowers in spi'ing, but for its deep green glossy foliage, which, under favorable circumstances, will equal in size that of the Magnolia grandijlora, retain- ing its freshness until late in the autumn. This species is a native of Pennsylvania and southward, and is readily propagated from seeds or cuttings. It succeeds best when grafted on the common ash, being much more vigorous, and will attain a height of twenty- ftve feet. Chio'nodo'xa. Glory of the Snow. From chion, snow, and doxa, glory ; in reference to the plants flowering among the melting snows of their native habitats. A small genus of hardy Liliaceoe. C. LucillcB, which has lately been reintroduced, is praised by all as one of the most exquisite of spring flowering plants. It is also valuable for winter blooming in the house and for cut flowers. Native of Asia Minor and Crete. Chionogra'phis. From chion, snow, and graphis, a pencil ; the flower spike being like a brush of snow. Nat. Ord. Liliaceie. A very ornamental herbaceous perennial, with pure white flowers. Introduced from Japan, in 1880. It requires a slight protec- tion outside in winter, and is propagated by seeds or divisions of the roots. Chiri'ta. A small genus of Gesneracem, natives of tropical Asia. The flowers of G. lilacina are very beautiful and are produced in great abundance ; color pale blue with a white throat, ornamented with a large yellow blotch at the base. C. sinenni'i is also a very fine species. Culture similar to Gloxinia. 8-1 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OP PLANTS CHI Chiro'nia. A classical name, after Chiron, one of the Centaurs, fabled to be the father of medicine. Nat. Ord. GentianacecB. Green-house plants of short duration, and, consequently, requii'ing to be frequently raised from cuttings, which strike freely in sand. C. floribwnda, Avith rose-colored flowers, and its variety, with white flowers, are the most desirable, and, with other species, are frequently raised from Cape seeds, the plants being all indigenous to the Cape of Good Hope. Introduced in 1756. Chives. The popular name of Allium SchoE.no- prasum, the smallest of the Onion family, though one of the finest flavored. It is a hardy herbaceous perennial, native of Siberia, and of the easiest culture, growing freely in almost any soil or situation. Propagated by division, either in spring or auturan._ Chlida'uthus. From chlideios, delicate, and anthos, a flower ; alluding to the delicate tex- ture of the flowers. Nat. Ord. Amaryllidacetc. C. fragrans, the only species, a pretty, bulbous-rooted plant, which may be grown in the flower garden during the summer, when its bright yellow flowers are highly interest- ing. In winter it requires the same treatment as the Gladiolus. It is propagated freely by offsets, which should all be removed before planting, to enable the bulb to flower well. Introduced from Buenos Ayres in 1820. Chlo'ris. From chloros, green ; alluding to the color of the herbage. Nat. Ord. Graminacece. A very extensive genus of grasses, including a few desirable species for the green-house. Among them is C. radiata, a pretty little annual species, with beautiful one-sided spikes of silky flowers, wnich give it a very curious appearance. There are several other species under cultivation, all useful for basket and similar work. Chloro'galum. Soap-plant. From chloros, green, and gala, milk ; referring to their green juice. Nat. Ord. Liliacece. A genus of distinct, hardy bulbs, containing three species, all natives of California. C. pomeridianum has branched, panicled stems, with white, purplish-veined flowers, opening only after mid-day, whence its specific name, meaning "afternoon." The bulbs are some- times used in California as a substitute for soap. Syns. Phalangium pomeridianum, and Ornithogalum divaricatum. Chloro'phora. From chloros, greenish, and phoreo. to bear; alluding to the economic properties of C. tincloria. Nat. Ord. Urti- cacecB. A small genus of milky trees, consisting of two species, one native of tropical Asia, and the other of tropical Africa. C. tinctoria, the Fustic Tree, yields yellow, brown, olive, and green dyes. Syn. Maclura tinctoria. CMo'rosis. A disease to which plants are sub- ject, and often admitting no cure. It consists in a pallid condition of the plant, in which the tissues are weak and unable to contend against severe changes, and the cells are more or less destitute of chlorophyl. It is distinct from blanching, as it is also from the white color in ornamental-leaved plants, of which, how- ever, it may be a modification. Plants may be affected by chlorosis as soon as the cotyl- edons make their appearance. The best cul- CHO ture will not always restore such plants to health. The most promising remedy is to water them with a very weak solution of sul- phate of iron. An example of this condition is to be found in cases where the variegated leaves of Pelargoniums, etc., run to pure white without any green. In all such cases death is certain to ensue,, unless the leaves again become more or less green. Chloro'xylon. Satin-wood. From chloros, greenish-yellow, and xylon, wood. Nat. Ord. Meliacece. C. Swietenia, the Satin-wood tree of the East Indies, attains a large size, and is a valuable timber tree. The wood is very handsome, light-colored, with a satin-like lustre, and sometimes beautifully mottled or curled in the grain, bearing some resemblance to box- wood, but rather deeper in color. The best kind of satin-wood, however, comes from the West Indies, and is the produce of a different tree, of which we have no description. Chocolate. See Theobroma. Choi'sya. Named after M. Choisy, a botanist of Geneva. Nat. Ord. Rutacece. C. lernata, the only species, is a handsome white-flowered, sweet-scented shrub, growing about six feet high, quite hardy in the Southern States. It is a native of Mexico, an evergreen, and will succeed well with ordinary green- house treatment. It is increased by cuttings. Introduced in 1825. Choke-Berry. The popular name of the fruit of the Pyriis arbutifolia, a common shrub from two to ten feet high, found in damp thickets. Choke Cherry. See Cerasus Virginiana. Choko. See Sechium. Chondri'lla. From chondros, a lump ; the plants bear lumps of gummy matter on the stems. Nat. Ord. Cotnpositce. A genus of mostly uninteresting plant s al- lied to Lactuca (Lettuce). C.juncea, a native of southern Europe, has escaped from the garden and become naturalized in some of the Southern States. It is a straggling, many- branched plant, and almost destitute of leaves when in flower. There are more than twenty species included in this genus, mostly weedy plants. Chore'tis. From choros, to unite in chorus ; this genus Vjeingan intermediate link between Hymenocallis and Ismene. Nat. Ord. Amarylli- dacece. An interesting genus of half-hardy bulbs from Texas and Mexico, requiring a rest from November until May. They grow freely in a light, sandy soil in the open border, or they may be groAvn in pots in the green-house, and for this purpose they should be started in March in a cool house, heat and water to be increased with their growth. The flowers are very beautiful, pure white, with a green eye and a greenish stripe. Propagated by division of the bulbs. Chori'zema. Nat. Ord. Leguminosa. This interesting green-house plant was first discovered in Western Australia bj' Labillar- diere. This botanist was attached to the ex- pedition sent by the French Government in search of the lost La Perouse, and on one of his excursions suffered much, with his party, for the want of water. At last they met with «4 CHAIISCTPABIS. CHAIfSFEUCX DIACANTHA. OHBYSANTHEMUMS (CHINESE). CHEYSANTHEMUMS (JAPANESBlX CHETSANTHEMUM (MRS. AliPHEUS HAEDT), CHEYSANTHEMUM (ANEMONE FLOWEEED) CINEKAHIA MAKITIMA. CHEYSANTHEMUM (SINGLE ANNUAI.). CXNTKABTA HTBErDil- AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 85 CHR springs that furnished an ample supply, near which he found this plant, which he named Chorizema, from choron, a dance, and zema, a drink ; in allusion to the joyful feelings of the party on meeting with a supply of water. Of this really beautiful genus there are many species ; the one most commonly met is C. xarium, a rapid-growing and free-flowering kind. The flowers are of a bright orange red color, in long terminal racemes, flowering through the winter months. It is i-eadily propagated by cuttings, which should be taken in February, and grown in small pots until the weather is suitable for planting out, as they should be grown in the border during summer. Before there is danger from frost, take up anil pot in five-inch pots, in good rich loam and sand. Cut well back, and give it a warm, sunny situation, with liberal watering as soon as the new growth commences. It will begin to bloom in eight to ten weeks. Cliristinas Rose. Helleborus niger. Christopher Herb. Actcsa spicata and Osmunda regalis. Christ's Thorn. Cratcegus Pyracantha and Pallurus aculeatus. Chrysa'nthemum. From chrysos, gold, and anthos, a flower; alluding to the color of some of the flowers being yellow. Nat. Ord. Compositm. A large and important genus of herbaceous or slightly shrubby plants, of which the Ox- eye Daisy of our fields is a well known repre- sentative. Many species have been introduced from various countries of which C. grandi- Jlorum from the Canary Islands, and C. pin- natifidum from Madiera, are of a shrubby habit, and flower during a large portion of the year. C. fridescens is " the Marguerite " or Paris Daisy of the florists, the flowers of which and others of a similar description are largely used in floral decorations. The variety "Etoile d' Or," and the double yellow sort called the '-Golden Marguerite," are also very popular and are good subjects for the flower border in summer. C. coronarium from the Levant and C. carinatum called also C. tricolor, from Barbary, and their many va- rieties, are very ornamental border annuals. The species, however, which holds so high a rank, and with reason, among florists' flowers is C sinense the Chinese Chrysanthemum, the value of which as an ornament of the flower- garden, the green-house or conservatory in the autumnal months, is well known and duly appreciated. Their cultivation is exceedingly simple. If wanted to flower only in the open ground, all that is necessary is to plant them in the open border in any good ground, well enriched with manure. If possible, plant them in a warm sheltered spot, particularly in any section north of Baltimore, as, being the latest of all flowers of autumn, a better development will be had if planted in a place sheltered by a fence, hill or shrubbery. As they are usually grown in pots, they can be planted out any time from April to July, though preference may be given to May. They form an average width by October of two feet in diameter, if the tops are pinched off so as to make them bushy ; they should be set out at about two feet apart each way. The "topping" or "pinching" back, as it is called, should not be done CHR later than 1st of August, if much later it might destroy the flowering to some extent. When wanted to be grown for green-house or house culture, the best plan for amateurs is to put each plant when received in a flower pot six, seven or eight inches wide and deep ; plunge these pots to the rims in the open ground, level with the soil, treating exactly the same as recommended for planting in the open border, by pinching, etc. Care should, however, be taken to turn the flower pots round every eight or ten days, so as to prevent the roots getting through the bottom of the pot, the object being to confine the whole roots within the pot. This same plan is the best for amateurs who cultivate any kind of plant to gi'ow in the house or green-house in winter. The large flowers which are seen at the exhibitions are obtained by pinching off all the buds but one on each shoot, just as soon as the buds can be seen; "disbudded," as it is called, in this way, many kinds of Chrysanthemum flowers can be obtained six to nine inches in diameter. This is the method used to obtain all the fine flowers seen at the Exhibitions. It is deceiving, how- ever, to those unacquainted with the plan, because a flower so obtained showing six or seven inches in diameter, if grown with half a dozen flowers on the same spray, would not be half the size. Hence amateurs who have selected special kinds from the cut flower tables at Exhibitions, must not be disappoint- ed at finding them half the size when they flower, unless they use the same process of disbudding to obtain large flowers. The Chrysanthemum is classed by growers into the following sections : Incurved, Ra- nunculus flowered or Exhibition, Recurved or Reflex-flowered, Anemone or Quilled-Aster flowered, Pompone, Small ReflexedorChusan, Daisy-flowered, Quilled or Pin-feathered Jap- anese, and Large-flowered Japanese, in all of which there are many beautiful varieties. Chrysanthus. Yellow flowered. Chryse'is. A name sometimes given to Esch- scholtzia. Chrysoba'ctron. From chrysos, gold, and bac- tron, a wand ; alluding to the magnificent racemes of C. Rossii. Nat. Ord. LiliacecB. This is a small genus from the Auckland and Campbell Islands, New Zealand, closely allied to Anthei^um. They are found growing in marshy places, and will only succeed well with pot culture. Tlie soil should be a fibrous loam, and the pots in which they are grown should be partly immersed in water. The flowers are bright yellow, produced in racemes, and are very beautiful. Propagated by division of the roots. Introduced in 1848. Chrysoba'lanus. From chrysos, gold, and balanos, an acorn ; in reference to the yellow fruit of some of the species. Nat. Ord. Rosor cecB. A genus of stove or green-house shrubs, with simple leaves and white flowers borne in panicles ; fruit edible. Natives of Florida. Chryso'gonum. From ohrysos, gold, and gonu, a knee, or joint; the flowers are generally produced at the joints of the stem. Nat. Ord. CompositcB. C. Virginianum, the typical species and probably the only one in cultivation, is found in the Western States from Illinois south- 86 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS CHR ward. It is a very pretty, hardy perennial, with yellow flowers, well worth a place in every herbaceous border. Chrysophy'llum. Star Apple. From chrysos, gold, and phyllon, a leaf ; referring to the color of the underside of the leaves. Nat. Ord. SapotacecB. A genus of ornamental leaved evergreen trees. C. imperiale, a very showy and desira- ble species, is best known in cultivation as Theophrasta imperialis. Chryso'psis. From chrysos, gold, and opsus, aspect; in allusion to the golden blossoms. Nat. Ord. Compositce. A genus of hardy annual or perennial North American plants, a greater portion of the species having all their parts covered with villous or silky hairs. C. Mariana grows about two feet high, and is quite ornamental when in flower. C. villosa, with numerous yellow flower heads half an inch in diameter, is said to be one of the commonest plants on the prairies of the Saskatchawan. Chrysu'rxis. From chrysos, gold, and oura, a tail ; alluding to the compact heads of flowers. Nat. Ord. 'Graminacece. A small genus of annual grasses, natives of the south of Europe and north of Africa. C. aurea, the only species of interest, is a very ornamental border plant of free growth, and is very useful for cutting. Native of the south of Europe and north of Africa. Syn. Lamarkia. ChxiSa., or Earth Ahnond. Cyperus esculentus. A species of earth-nut used to fatten hogs, not to be confounded with Cocoa or Nut-grass, for though it belongs to the same class, Chufa is eradicated with great ease, and is never a pest. The nuts or tubers are larger and more elongated, and are very sweet and nutritious. Chy'sis. From chysw, melting ; in reference to the fused appearance of the pollen masses. Nat. Ord. OrchidacecB. A genus of very handsome Orchids, natives of Central America. The flowers are mostly white, or ereamy white, heavilj' tipped with pink, the lip being beautifully marked with carmine and yellow. C. aurea maculata, has golden yellow flowers, with a large orange spot ; lip white, with violet rays. When in a growing state they require liberal heat and moisture, and a cool, dry house when at rest. They are increased by division just as they commence a new growth. Introduced in 1830. Cibo'tium. From Mbotion, a small box ; refer- ring to the form of the spore vessels. Nat. Ord. PolypodiacecB. A small genus of very interesting Ferns re- lated to Dicksonia. They are large and very handsome, and in some cases arborescent. The fronds are bi-pinnate, and often glaucous beneath. C Barometz is believed to be the Tartarian Lamb, about which travelers have told so wonderful a tale. This " Lamb " con- sists merely of the decumbent, shaggy caudex of a kind of Fern, which is unquestionably this species. The " traveler's tale " is that on an uncultivated salt plain of vast extent, west of the Volga, grows a wonderful plant, with the appearance of a lamb, having feet, head, and tail distinctly formed, and its skin covered with soft down. The lamb grows upon a stalk about three feet high, the part by which it is CIC sustained being a kind of navel. It turns about and bends to the herbage, which serves for its food, and pines away when the grass dries up and fails. The fact on which this tale is based appears to be, that the caudex of this plant iT[iay be made to present a rude ap- pearance of an animal covered with silky, hair-like scales, and if cut into is found to have a soft inside of a reddish, flesh-colored appearance. "When the herbage of its native haunts fails through drought, its leaves no doubt die, and both perish from the same cause, and independently of each other. From these appearances, the common people believe that in the deserts of Scythia there exist creatures half animal and half plant. The species are very interesting plants for the green-house, the fructiflcation on the large bi-pinnate fronds being remarkably pretty. They are propagated by division, and by spores. Introduced in 1824. Ci'cer. Chick-pea. Egyptian Pea. Fromkykis, force or strength ; in reference to its qualities. Nat. Ord. LeguminoscR. A genus of leguminous plants, consisting of annuals, perennials and vmdershrubs, form- ing one portion of the Vetch tribe. Some of the species are included in the genus Astragalus, by some botanists. C. arietinum, commonly known as Chick, pea or Egyptian pea, is an annual plant- growing about a foot or more in height, a native of the south of Europe and India, where it is extensively cultivated for its seeds which form one of the pulses known under the name of " Gram," and which are greatly used by the natives as an article of food, being ground into meal, and either eaten in puddings or made into cakes. The leaves of this species consist of from three to seven pairs of leaflets with an odd one at the end, the leaflets being egg-shaped, and having their edges cut into very sharp teeth. Both leaves and stems are covered with glandular hairs containing oxalic acid, which exudes from them in hot weather and hangs in drops, ultimately forming crystals. In Mysore the natives collect the dew from the " Gram " plantsby means of muslin cloths, which become saturated with it. The liquid thus obtained, which is very acid, is preserved in bottles for use, and is regarded as a sure medicine in cases of indigestion, being admin- istered in water. It is stated that the boots of a person walking through a dewy Gram field will be entirely destroyed by the pun- gency of this acid given out by the leaves. Cicho'rium. Chicory or Succory. An ancient Egyptian name. Nat. Ord. Compositce. C. Intybus, the plant so extensively cultivated in Europe as a substitute for coffee, or for its adulteration, is commonly known as Wild Endive, and is found growing wild in most parts of Europe, being by far the most com- mon in England. It is also naturalized in this country, and is common in neglected fields and along roadsides in neighborhoods long settled. Its flowers are bright blue, produced in great profusion in August and September. The plant grows in its wild state from one to three feet high, but under cultivation it often reaches six feet. The roots are fleshy, not unlike the Dandelion, to which family it belongs. For the adulteration of coffee, the AND GENERAL HORTICULTUEE. 87 CIC root is dried and ground, in whicli state it closely resembles ground coffee. The use of Chicory is common and undisguised, and many consider a mixture preferable to pure coffee, and buy the two, and mix to suit their own tastes. So great is the demand for it for this purpose, that, notwithstanding its cheap- ness and ease of culture, it is often adulterated by roasted wheat, rye, acorns, carrots, and other articles of a similar nature. The plants are largely cultivated in France for their leaves, which are blanched and used as a salad. A large-leaved variety, called the " Witloof," is much cultivated in Belgium, the plants being taken up in autumn, forced and blanched in a warm, dark place, and used either cooked or as a salad, forming what is called by the French " Barbe de Capucin." C. Edivia is the Endive, which see. Cicu'ta. Cowbane, "Water Hemlock. The ancient Latin name of the Hemlock. Nat. Ord. Umbelliferce. A small genus of biennial plants, very com- mon in moist waste places. C. maculata, com- monly known as Spotted Cowbane, somewhat resembles Sweet Cicely, and is often mistaken for it. Tlie root is an active poison in its green state, but loses its virulent qualities when dried. It is a dangerous pest to the farmer, the herbage often proving destructive to cattle, when eaten by them, and many children have lost their lives by eating the roots, which they have mistaken for Cicely. C. virosa, a species common throughout Europe, furnished the poison given to Phocion and Socrates. Cienko'wskia. Named in honor of Professor L. Cienkowsky, a Russian botanist. Nat. Ord. SdtaminecB. C. Kirkii, the only described species, is a handsome and interesting plant, a native of eastern tropical Africa. Its blossoms, which are exceedingly attractive, are produced on a many-flowered scape, and are of a purplish - rose color, with a bifid golden spot in the center. It was introduced from Zanzibar in 1872. Syn. Kcempferia. Ciliae. Somewhat stiffish hairs, which form a fringe on the margin of an organ, as those on the leaf of Sempervivum lector urn. Ciliate. Fringed with hairs. Cimici'fuga. Bug-bane. A genus of Ranun- culacecB, allied to Acttea C. racemosa. Black Snake-root. The most showy and best known species is common in rich woods, from Maine to Wisconsin. It has tri-ternate leaves, and a stem three to eight feet high, bearing white flowers in elongated wand-like racemes. Several of the species, also, are natives of eastern Europe and Siberia. Cincho'na. Named after the Countess of Cin- chon, Vice-Queen of Peru, who was cured of a fever in 1638 by this remedy. Nat. Ord. Cin- chonacecB. This genus yields the well-known Peruvian bark of commerce. It requires the protection of a warm green-house to preserve it in even moderate vigor. It is the type of an extensive and highly interesting order. Cinchona'cese. A large and important order of trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants, now re- garded as a division or sub-order of Rubiaceoe, which see. CIN Cinera'ria. From cineres, ashes ; in reference to the gray down covering the surface of the leaves. Nat. Ord. CompositcB. There are upward of fifty species of this genus enumerated, varying in habit from the dwarf herbaceous plant, not rising more than half a foot, to the tall, soft-wooded, suffruti- cose species with a stature of five or six feet. The flowers of most of them are of a pale greenish yellow, though some have white, red, or purple flowers. C. cruenta, introduced from the Canary Islands in 1777, is the species from which all the florist's varieties have originated and which are among the most ornamental and useful plants that can be grown for green-house or conservatory deco- ration. A packet of seeds of a good strain will produce a great variety of colors, and as the plants are of easy culture, and do not re- quire much heat, they should be grown by every one possessing a green-house where frost is excluded during winter; the plants flourishing best in a cool, rather moist atmos- phere. The seeds may be sown from July till September, and potted off separately in a light rich soil, and are best grown in an ordi- nary garden frame or cold pit, facing north, till tht^advent of frost, when they should be brought into the green-house and repotted at different times, according to their size and forwardness, thus insuring a succession of bloom during the late winter and spring months. As the old plants are very difficult to keep over summer, and seedlings make much more vigorous plants than those sum- mered over, it is better to sow a succession annually of a good strain, and when the plants have flowered throw them away. Through- out the entire existence of the plants they should be guarded from drought, and the at- tacks of green fly, to which they are very sub- ject. Tobacco stems, cut up fine, and placed among the pots on the bench, form an excelr lent preventive for the latter. They should also be fumigated frequently, but not strongly, as although the fly may not be detected at first the plants may be infested beneath the young leaves. All Cinerarias are benefitted by applications of manure water, from the time the fiower-heads are formed until they open. C. Maritima, a native of the south of Europe, has silvery gray foliage, downy beneath ; it is much used for vases and hanging-baskets, as well as in ribbon gardening, etc. Cinnabar. Scarlet touched with orange. Cinnamo'mum. Cinnamon. Derived from the Arabic kinamon, cinnamcm. Nat. Ord. Laura- cecB. A genus of evergreen trees, well known as furnishing the Cinnamon of commerce. C. Zeylanicum is largely cultivated in Ceylon for its bark, which furnishes the best Cinnamon. The bark is stripped off the branches, when it rolls up into quills, the smaller of which are introduced within the larger, and then dried in the sun. The thinner the bark is, as a rule, the finer the quality. G. Cassia furnishes the Cassia bark, which is much like Cinnamon, but thicker, coarser, stronger, less delicate in flavor, and cheaper. It is commonly used in the adulteration of Cinnamon. Both species furnish what are known as Cassia buds, which are something like cloves, and, like them, consist of the unexpanded flower buds. 88 HENDEKSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS CIN They possess properties similar to those of the bark. There are several other species of this genus that furnish aromatic barks, which are used iu flavoring and in medicine. Cinnamon Fern. The popular name of one of our native Ferns, Osmunda Cinnamomea. Cinnamon Root. A common name for Inula Conyza. Cinnamon Tree. See Cinnamomum. Cinnamon Vine. A name given to Dioscorea batatas. Cinque-foil, or Five-Finger. One of the popu- lar names of Potentilla, which see. Circae'a. Enchanter's Nightshade. A classical name, after Circe, a celebrated enchantress, skilled in poisonous herbs. Nat. Ord. Ona- gracecB. A small genus of hardy herbaceous peren- nials, of but little interest ; natives of Europe, and naturalized in many parts of this country. Circinal. Eesembling a circle. Circinate. Bent like the head of a crosier, as in the young leaf of a Fern when it begins to grow. Cirrhope'talum. From cirrhus, a tendril, and petalon, a flower leaf; in reference to the strap-shaped petals. Nat. Ord. Orchidacece. An extensive genus of small, very curious epiphytal Orchids, natives of tropical Asia and the South Sea Islands. Their flowers are remarkable for having the lateral sepals pro- longed into narrow streamers. From this peculiar feature, and the fact that they occupy but little room, a few of the species have been introduced into the more general collection of Orchids. Propagated by division. Cirrhose. Eitherfurnished witha tendril, as the Grape-vine or the leaves of Gloriosa superba ; or assuming the form and functions of a ten- dril, as the peduncles of Clematis cirrhosa; or where the tendrils are in some way remark- able, as the Nepenthes. Ci'rsium. Common or Plumed Thistle. From kirsos, a swollen vein ; in reference to being pricked by the spines. Nat Ord. Compositce. The Thistle family is too well known to need special mention. Two of the more troublesome species, C. lanceolatum, the com- mon Thistle, and C. arvense,the Canada Thistle, are both natives of Europe, though perfectly naturalized in this country. There are many native species, the most conspicuous being C. muticum, Swamp Thistle, a perennial, common in moist woods and swamps, often growing as high as eight feet. This genus is now placed under Cnicus by some botanists. Cissa'mpelos. A genus of MenispermacecB, with the climbing character of the Ivy, kissos of the Greeks, and the clustered fruit of the vine Ampelos. The most important plant of the genus is the Velvet-leaf, or Caapeba, C. Pareira, a native of the West Indies, Central America, and India. The root of this plant furnishes the "Pareira brava " of the drug- gists, much used in medicine. Ci'ssus. From kisaos, ivy ; in reference to their scrambling habit. Nat. Ord. VUacem. A genus of climbing plants, allied to VUis. With a few exceptions, they are plants of but little interest to the florist. One of the species, however, C. discolor, is a plant remarkable for CIS the beauty of its foliage, and its adaptation to the hot-house. This species is a native of Java, and was introduced into England in 1854 by Messrs Kollison and Sons, of Tooting, and is described by Mr. Lowe as follows : " The leaves, which are six inches long and two and a half broad, are colored on the upper surface in the richest manner conceivable, the plant rivaling, in its beautiful foliage, the finest of the Ancectochilus family ; the color being a rich green, clouded with white, peach, and dark purplish crimson, and covered with a metallic luster. The under side of the leaf is a I'ich brownish crimson. No description or painting can do justice to the beauty of these superb leaves when in perfection." This plant is a rapid grower, requiring a very rich soil and humid atmosphere, together with a high temperature, to bring it to perfection. It should be grown in a shaded house, and care should be taken not to syringe the plant, as water on the leaves destroys the metallic luster. It is readily increased by cuttings. The leaves are much valued by florists for their various work in baskets, designs, etc. Cista'ceae. A natural order of shrubs or herbs, often viscid, with simple entire leaves an(i showy flowers, found chiefly in the south of Europe and the north of Africa, and rarely in North or South America. They are usually resinous, and have a balsamic fragrance. Helianthemum vulgare, the common Rock Rose of England, has remarkably irritable stamens, which in sunny weather move on being touched. There are eight genera and about 190 species in this order ; the best known of Avhich are Cistus, Helianthemum and Hudsonia. Cisterns. The superior value of rain-water for plant cultivation and general garden purposes is often overlooked when building green- houses, as it is frequently conducted to drains when accommodation for its reception should be provided in the shape of cisterns. These are generally constructed with stones or brick, and coated inside with cement. Where the ground will admit of it, an excellent and cheap method is to have the sides of the cis- tern sloped as much as the soil will allow, and coat it one inch thick with a mixture of one part cement to three of gravel, finishing with a thin coating of pure cement. This forms a wall which when dry becomes as hard as iron, and will last for years. The' size of cisterns should vary according to their intended use. If they are to furnish a daily supply of water, they need not be so large as for keeping a sup- ply for summer only. The average depth of rain which falls in this latitude rarely exceeds six to seven inches for two months. The size of the cistern therefore need not exceed that of a body of water on the whole roof of the building seven inches deep. To ascertain this amount multiply the length by the breadth of the building, reduce this to inches, and divide the product by 231, and the quotient will be gallons for each inch of depth. Multiplying by seven will give the full amount for two months' rain falling upon the roof; divide by 313^, the quotient will be barrels. Cisterns intended only for drawing from in times of drought, to hold all the water that may fall, should be about three times the preceding capacity. Ci'stua Rock Rose. From kiste, a box ; in ref- AND GENEKAL HORTICULTUKE. 89 CIT erence to the form of the seed vessel. Nat. Ord Cistacem. A genus of handsome shrubs, few of which are in cultivation. They are natives of south- ern and western Europe, north Africa, and the Canary Islands. Some of the species are elegant shrubs, having terminal flower stalks bearing one or more flowers, resembling in appearance those of the Dog Rose. They sel- dom last more than a few hours after expand- ing, and do not open except in sunny, weather. The flowers ai-e either white or rose-colored, with yellow or purplish marlis at their base. Some of the species furnish a gum that is used in Turkey as a perfume and for fumigation ; also supposed to be a specific for the plague. Propagated by seeds, layers, or cuttings. Cithare'xylum. Fiddle-wood. From kithara, a lyre, and xylon, wood ; in reference to the supposed fitness of the wood for musical instruments. Nat. Ord. Verbenaceoz. A genus of tall-growing trees, common from Florida to Brazil. It furnishes a hard, dur- able wood, suited for various purposes in tlie mechanic arts. Its supposed use in the man- ufacture of musical instruments is a mistake. One of the species is called by the French Fidele, for its durability in building. The English have corrupted the name to Fiddle- wood, by which name it is popularly known. Citrinous. Lemon-colored. Citron. (Citrus medica.) This is by some sup- posed to be the same species as the Lemon ; it is a native of the forests of the north of India, but is extensively cultivated in south- ern Europe. In its wild state the tree grows to the height of about eight feet, erect and prickly, with long reclining branches, in gen- eral appearance resembling the Lemon. The fruit is from six to nine inches in length, ovate, with a protuberance at the top. There are two rinds, the outer thin, with innumera- ble glands, full of a most fragrant oil ; the inner thick, white and f ungoiis ; it is this inner rind which is preserved and much used in confections, cake, etc. Citrone'lla. Oil Plant. Andropogon citratum. Citrullus. From Citrus, in allusion to the Orange-like fruits. Nat. Ord. Cucurbitacece. A small genus of trailing annual or peren- nial herbs. C. colocynthis furnishes the cathar- tic drug Colocynth, or Bitter Apple. C. vul- garis is the well-known Water Melon, which see. Ci'trus. Orange Tree. Derivation of name unknown. Supposed to refer to Citron, a town in Judea. Nat. Ord. Rutacece. The genus Citrus includes the Orange, Lemon, Lime, Citron, Shaddock, etc., all well deserving cultivation, both for their flowers and their fruit, but of which only a few kinds of Oranges and Lemons are generally grown. When grown for ornamental purposes in green-house or rooms, they all thrive well in a mixture of rich loam with a little rotted dung ; but great care is necessary not to over- pot them, or give them too much water when not in a growing state. The dilTerent species and varieties are generally propagated by bud- ding, grafting and inarching on the common Lemon, which grows readily from seed. Oranges are also frequently raised from seed ; but unless they are budded or grafted when CLA about two years old, it will be many years before they flower. Orange Trees may also be propagated by cuttings, which are best from the old wood, struck in sand in a gentle bottom heat, and shaded. Plants raised in this manner flower and fruit much sooner than any others, but they scarcely ever attain a large size. Both the Orange and Lemon are such favorites in this country that scarcely a cottage, where a flower-pot or tub can be put into requisition, is without one or the other of these plants. When placed in unsuitable soil and carelessly watered, they seldom remain long in a good state of health. When they become sickly and yellow they should be turned out of the pots, a large portion of the old soil should be shaken from the roots, and they should be repotted in a mixture of fine loamy soil and rotted manure, with about one- fourth of charcoal dust, or powdered charcoal. There are numerous varieties of Oranges and Lemons grown for the fruit. Our markets were formerly supplied from the south of Europe, the Azores and the West Indies. Until within a few years the "Havana" was the most highly esteemed, but the Florida Orange Is now the leading variety in the mar- kets. The cultivation of the Orange in Flor- ida commenced previous to 1820, but was carried on only to a limited extent for some years thereafter. From 1830 to 1835 many large groves were planted, nearly all of which were destroyed by the extraordinary frost of the latter year. The previous year there were trees at St. Augustine that pro- duced each 14,000 oranges— a handsome rev- enue from a single tree. The dreaded effects of a frost almost entirely discouraged further plantings for a number of years. The culti- vation of the Orange is now attracting greater attention in Florida than ever before. The Indian River country abounds in plantations that are yielding large and profitable crops. Some of the more scientific growers, from careful experiments and close observation, hold the opinion that frosts as severe as those of 1835 will not injure the trees if the precau- tion be taken to shade the trunks from the sun a short time, until the circulation of the sap is fully restored. Lemons, Limes and Shaddocks are also largely grown In Florida. In some parts of Texas and in California the cultivation of these fruits is being rapidly extended. Cladra'stis Yellow Wood. Name of obscure derivation. Nat. Ord. LeguminoscB. This genus includes several species, none of which are of special interest, excepting G. tinctoria, better known, perhaps, as Virgilia lutea, a native species indigenous in eastern Kentucky and southward. It is a small and handsome tree, with a compact, broadly rounded head, leaves compound like those of the Locust, of a light, pleasing green color, changing in autumn to a warm yellow. The flowers appear in June in pendulous racemes of great beauty, pea-shaped, white and fragrant, and are produced in such profusion as almost to clothe the tree, making it a beautiful object for the lawn. It is perfectly hardy, though of slow growth, and commences to flower when only a small shrub. Propagated by cuttings of the roots or by seeds. C. amurensis, the East Indian representative of the foregoing, is a tree reaching the height of forty feet, 90 HENDEKSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS CLA bearing pinnate leaves and long, dense racemes of whitish flowers. It is a very orna- mental tree, flowering freely in August, and being quite hardy, is a decidedly useful addi- tion to the shrubbery or lawn. It was intro- duced from the Amoor Valley in 1880. Clammy. Viscid, sticky. Cla'rkia. In honor of Captain Clarke, who accompanied Captain Lewis in his journey to the Rocky Mountains. Nat. Ord. OnagracecB. A genus of hardy annuals, mostly from Cal- ifornia. The whole of the species are indis- pensable to every flower garden where annuals are grown. The first sowing should take place in September ; a few will survive the winter, and afford an early bloom in the following 'season. The next and principal sowing should be done in March, and a few more put in about the end of April, together with those trans- planted, will continue a fine display through the whole summer. They grow in any soil, so that the situation is open or free from the drip of trees, and merely require to be thinned to about a foot from each other. This rule will apply to nearly all those that are known as "tender annuals." Clary. Salvia Sclarea. A biennial plant of the order Labiatce, a native of the south of France, Switzerland and of Italy. It has been under cultivation as a pot-herb, for seasoning soups, since early in the sixteenth century. It is grown in the same manner as the common sage, Salvia officinalis. Clavate. Club-shaped, as where any organ, slender at the base, gradually enlarges to- wards the apex, as the filaments of Thalictrum clavatum. Claw. The long, narrow base of some petals, analogous to the footstalk of leaves, as in Dianthus. Clayto'nia. Spring Beauty. Named after Dr. John Clayton, an early American botanist. Nat. Ord. Poriulacacem. A. genus of very pretty, hardy plants, of either annual or perennial duration. The for- mer only require to be sown where they are to remain, and the latter succeed when planted in loam without further trouble. Their flowers are either white or pink of various shades. Several tuberous-rooted perennial species are found in moist woods in this country from Virginia westward to California. They do not differ materially from the annual species in flowering, and ai'e worthy of cultivation. Cleavers or Clivers. See Galium. Cleiso'stoma. From kleio, to close, and stoma, a mouth ; in allusion to the mouth of the spur being closed. Nat. Ord. OrchidacecB. A genus of East Indian epiphytal orchids, the several species of which, are beautiful plants, although most of them have small flowers, a fact that renders them unpopular with orchid growers. They require the same treatment as the Aerides. Cle'matis. Virgin's Bower. From klema, a vine-branch ; in reference to their climbing like a vine. Nat. Ord. RanunculacecB. An extensive genus of handsome twining shrubs, natives of North America, Europe, Japan, and occasionally met with in Australia, Asia, and Africa. C. Virginiana is the well- CLE known Virgin's Bower, a species common in the woods and roadsides of New York south- ward. There are several other species com- mon in this country. C. .^ammuto, the sweet- scented Virgin's Bower, is much admired for its gracefulness, delicious fragrance, and poeti- cal associations. For the many large-flowering varieties we are indebted to Sieboldt and For- tune, who discovered them in Japan. From the several species introduced by them very many varieties have been produced, among which is C. Jac/cmami. a variety with large pur- ple flowers, very showy, and deservedly popu- lar. Some of the varieties are pure white, with both double and single flowers. The whole of them are quite hardy, though the young growth should be protected the flrst winter. They delight in a strong, rich soil, and for climbing up stumps of old trees, training to trellises, covering arbors or verandas, or planting to droop over amongst rock-work, no plants are more suitable or will make a more gorgeous display. Not only are they well adapted for running up all kinds of supports, festooning, etc., but many of the grand hy- brid varieties, are equally suitable for trailing over the surface of the ground, and covering beds, either alone or associated with a few distinct foliaged plants. They are pro- pagated by layering the young shoots in sum- mer or by root grafting on some of our stronger growing native varieties. The shoots of the half-ripened young wood can also be freely rooted by cuttings during the summer months. C. crispa, a native species, is very popular, and deservedly so. The flowers, of medium size, are of beautiful purple, and deliciously fragrant ; a characteristic absent from most of the class. C. coccinea, a recent introduction from Texas, presents us with a new and desirable color. Cleo'me. From kleio, to shut ; in reference ta the parts of the flower. Nat. Ord. Cappari- dacece. An extensive genus, consisting of tropical shrubs, annuals and biennials, which are not suitable for general cultivation. This genus, however, contains several very curio\is and pretty indigenous annuals, with white, rose, and purple flowers, natives of the Southern and Western States. They are all easy of cultivation. They should be started in a hot- bed, and the plants putout in the open border at the proper season for tender annuals. Clerode'ndron. From kleros, a chance, and dendron, a tree ; said to be owing to the uncertainty of the medicinal qualities. Nat. Oi'd. VerbenacecB. It is diflicult to conceive more beautiful objects than several members of this genus when well cultivated. Cuttings taken off any time during summer root readily, or in wmter in gentle heat, and should be kept in small pots through the succeeding winter, on a shelf or underneath a bench in the green- house. About the first of February repot them, giving them a liberal shift. The soil should be light and very rich. To flower freely, they require frequent shiftings from smaller into larger pots. With this treatment they can be made to bloom continually during the entire season. <.)ld plants can be grown on with occasional shiftings, and make splen- did plants for garden decoration during sum- AND GENEKAL HORTICULTURE. 91 CLE mer. They must, however, be grown in the shade. After flowering, water freely, in order that they may make a good growth ; after which they should have partial sun to ripen the wood. If not wanted for winter flowering, remove the plants in the fall to a light cellar, free from frost, giving them through the winter just enough water to sustain life. In the spring, when all danger from frost is over, remove the plants to any desired position in the garden or on the veranda for another sea- son of bloom. C. Thompsoiice, known also as C. Balfourii, introduced from Old Calabar in 1861, has bright crimson flowers disposed in large panicles, with pure white calyxes, is the best and most showy variety, and one we have seen in full oloom a number of years in succession, with the above treatment. It makes a valuable climbing plant for the green- house when so desired. Cle'thra. White Alder, Sweet Pepperbush. From kleihra, the Greek name of the Alder, which this genus somewhat resembles in foli- age. Nat. Ord. Ericacece. A genus of deciduous shrubs, several species of which are common in swamps and low places along our southern coast. C. alnifolia is common in the Middle States, and is remarkable for its sweet-scented flowers, which are borne in terminal racemes in July and August. Like many other of our native plants, it improves by cultivation, and will succeed well in a shrubbery border, however dry. It should be transplanted in early spring. Cleye'ra. Named after Andrew Cleyer, M.D., a Dutch botanist of Batavia. Nat. Ord. Tem- straimiacem. A genus comprising a few Indian and Jap- anese evergreen shrubs with Camellia-like leaves, and small axillary white or yellowish flowers, sometimes sweet-scented. C. Jap- onica tricolor is a very handsome variegated plant, with leathery, obovate, dark-green leaves, obliquely marked with bands of greyish-green, the broad, creamy-white mar- gin, tinged of a oright rose-color, being very conspicuous in the younger foliage. Propa- gated by cuttings of the half-ripened shoots. Clia'nthus. Glory Pea. From kleios, glory, and anthos, a flower. Nat. Ord. Lfguminosm. A genus of magnificent, half-hardy shrubs from Australia, remarkable for their showy flowers, which are borne in terminal or axil- lary racemes. C. puniceus, the Parrot's Bill, is a magnificent, half-hardy, shrubby climber, with bright crimson flowers, a native of New Zealand. It grows very freely in rich loam if its roots are allowed sufficient room ; and it generally thrives best when planted against the back wall of a conservatory. Cuttings planted in pots in the autumn, and kept in the shady part of the green-house, will be rooted by spring, when they may be planted in the open border. It is a plant that rarely flowers well in a pot, as it requires abundance of room for its roots, and grows rapidly, with rather succulent shoots, requiring abundance of water during the growing season, and very little at any other time. When grown in the open ground the juicy nature of its roots ren- ders it a favorite food for snails, and when kept in the conservatory or green-house it is very apt to be attacked by the red spider. If CLI these enemies be kept away, and the plant be grown in rich soil, composed of equal parts of loam and thoroughly rotted manure, and well supplied with air, light, and water, with abundance of room for its roots, the rapidity of its growth and the splendor of its flowers will almost surpass belief; but unless these points are attended to, the plant is scarcely worth growing. C. Dampieri, Gloi-y Pea, a species from the desert regions of Australia, is by far the most beautiful of the genus, either for the green-house or the border. Its cultivation is rather difficult. It does not grow to such dimensions as the former, but is of the same habit, and succeeds best when treated as an annual. The flowers are brilliant scarlet, and marked with a black blotch in the center. If the seeds are planted in May in the open border where they are to grow, in a rich, sandy loam, they will make magnificent plants, and flower freely from August until killed by frost. Five degrees of frost will not injure either the plants or the flowers. They will not at any time bear transplanting. Intro- duced in 1852. Climber. A plant that grows upright upon trees, walls, etc., and supports itself by ten- drils or by air-roots ; an example of the for- mer being the Grape Vine (Vitis), and of the latter the Virginia Creeper [Ampelopsis). Climbing Fern. See Lygodium scandens. Climbing Fumatory. See Adlumia cirrhosa. Climbiag Gentian. The genus Crmcfurdia. Climbing Hempweed. See Mikania scandens. Climbing Hydrangea. See Hydrangea scandens. The name is also applied to Schizophragma Hydrangeoides. Clinto'nia. Named in honor of De Witt Clin- ton, at one time governor of the State of New York. Nat. Ord. Liliacew. Very beautiful and interesting steraless perennials, with creeping root-stocks, admir- ably adapted for the herbaceous border. They are found in rich woods from New York, southward, along the AUeghanies ; one species, with deep rose-colored flowers is found in California. The genus very com- monly known as Clintonia (Douglas), belonging to LobeliacecB, is more properly called Dow- ningia. as the Clmtonia of Rafinesque has priority over that of Douglas. See Downingia. Clito'ria. Blue Pea, Butterfly Pea. From kleio, to shut up ; in reference to its seeding within the flower long before the flower drops off. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. Very hamlsome hot-house climbers, of graceful habit, the majority producing large, highly-colored flowers. C. ternatea, Syn. Ternatea vulgaris, introduced from India in 1739, is perhaps the finest, its lovely blue flowers receiving universal admiration. The whole of the perennial species succeed in rich loam, the annual kinds require the ordi- nary treatment of tender annuals. C. Mariana has a curious distribution, being found in the Southern States and Mexico, and appearing again in the Khasia Mountains in India, without being found in any intervening place. Propagated by cuttings or seeds. Cli'via. Named after a Ducliess of Northumber- land, a member of the Clive family. Nat. Ord. Amaryllidacece. 92 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS CLO Olivia nobilis, the only species, is a robust growing plant, which, once established, is very prolific of flowers. It grows well in sandy loam, if allowed the warmest part of the green-house, or a cool shelf in the hot- house. Its flowers, which are produced in a pendulous umbel, are of a delicate flesh color throughout the greater part of the tube, heightening to a deep red over the limb, the segments of which are bright green. It is increased by division of the roots. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Introduced in 1823. Syn. Imantophyllum Aitoni. Cloud-Berry. See Rubus Chamcemorus. Cloud Grass. A common name for Agrostis ntbulosa. Clover. The common name for Trifolium, especially applied to the kinds cultivated for hay and pasture. Cloves. The small bulbs formed within the mother-bulb of certain plants; such as garlic. Clove Tree. Caryophyllus aromaficiis. The Cloves of commerce are the dried unexpanded flower buds. Club-moss. The common name of Lycopodium clavatum. Club Root. A disease of the most destructive character, which frequently attacks Cabbage, Cauliflower, and other plants of the Brassica tribe. There is a great deal of misconception as to what is the cause of Club Root, it being attributed variously to wet land, dry land, hog manure, and several other causes that have got nothing to do with it whatever. All observ- ing horticulturists who have had experience in the cultivation of Cabbage or Cauliflower, in any vicinity where there is an oyster shell deposit, know that the Club Root is never seen in any soil wherein there is an admixture of oyster shells. Thousands of acri'S on the shores of the Atlantic coast, on Long Island and in New Jersey, have just such soils, and there Cabbage crops have been grown for upward of fifty years successively without a sign of this disease ; while in other soils only a few hundred yards distant, but having no mixture of oyster shell in the soil, it is found that Cabbages cannot be grown successively on the same soil without being attacked by Club Root. The inference is, therefore, plain, that the insect causing the disease called Club Root cannot exist in contact with the lime of the oyster shell ; for that the disease is caused by an insect is well proven, as it is found that the excrescence known as Club Root, when examined, is found to contain a small, whitish, grub-like larva. It is evident that the grow- ing crop of Cabbage invites in some way the perfect insect; for it is found, that if Cabbage is planted for the first time on new soil, it is rarely attacked by Club Root, while if planted the next year on the same soil, if lime is not present, it is almost certain to be attacked ; and for this reason it is fair to presume that the perfect insect, allured by the Cabbage crop, deposits its eggs in the soil, which re- main undeveloped until the ne.xt season, when they are hatched and attack the roots of the Cabbage plants, and thus bring on the disease. As an evidence of the correctness of this belief, we never fail to find, for example, if we plant alongside of each other, a crop of COB Cabbage and a crop of Potatoes or Beets, that if the succeeding year we plant the whole with Cabbage, the part only that was planted with Cabbage the year before will be af- fected by Club Root, and the parts planted with Potatoes or Beets will escape. From our ex- perience that Cabbage planted in soils mixed with oyster shells is exempt from Club Root, it is evident that the lime in the oyster shells is the agent destructive to the insect ; there- fore, in soils having no oyster shells, we have found if air-slacked lime is put on at the rate of 150 bushels to the acre after plowing, and well harrowed in, so as to mix it with the soil, that it in most cases will destroy the larvae which causes Club Root. We have also found, from its containing large quantities of lime, that Bone Dust, used as a fertilizer at the rate of one to two tons per acre, is another almost certain antidote against Club Root. We woulti advise the use of lime after all plowing, but the Bone Dust should only be put on be- fore the crop is planted in spring. Club-rush or Bulrush. The common name of the genus Scirpus, a common marsh plant; also applied to Typha latifolia. Clu'sia. Balsam Tree. Named in honor of Clusius of Atrois, author of Historia Plan- tarimn, and many other works, 1526-1609. Nat. Ord. GultifercB. A genus of evei-green trees or shrubs, often epiphytal, peculiar to tropical America, and growing in very humid hot places. Nearly sixty species are enumerated, many of which yield resin from the flowers, as well as from the trunks and branches. Clustered. Where numerous similar parts are collected in a close, compact manner, as in the flowers of Cuscula. Cni'cus Benedictus. Blessed Thistle. An annual herb, with smoothish, clasping, scarcely pinnatifid cut leaves, and large bracted heads of yellow flowers. Native of Europe, scarcely naturalized southwards. The genus Cirsium, is included in the genus by some botanists. Cobae'a. Named in honor of B. Cobo, a Spanish botanist. Nat. Ord. PolemoniacecB. The two known species of these plants are elegant, fast-growing climbers, which may be grown in the green-house, the conservatory, or the garden in summer, where, from their rapid mmonly called Eupatorium, from which it differs only in the receptacle, and is rapidly increased by division or from seed. Cono'pholis. Squaw Root, Cancer Root. From konos, a cone, and jyholis, a scale ; resembling a fir cone. Nat. Ord. Orobanchacece. C. Americana is a vf ry singular little plant, common in oak woods, growing in clusters among fallen leaves. Tlie plant is a fleshy herb, chestnut-colored or j'ellowish through- out, and as thick as a man's thumb. The stem is without leaves, scaly and generally simple. The flowers are in terminal spikes, and not showy. In this country it is poiiularly known as Cancer Root, from its supposed medicinal properties. Conoste'phium. Fi-ora konos, a cone, and st-phanos, a crown; referring to the disposi- tion of the flowers. Nat. Or I. EpacridaceoB. A genus of fruit bearing Epacridacem. val- ued for its beautiful flowers by gardeners who delight in growing plants that can only be grown with the greatest difficulty; to which class this plant belongs. The fruit, though wholesome, is not gent»rally liked. The Na- tive Currant of New Holland b. CUCUMBERS (VARIETIES OF). ■09 AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 109 CRO hard frosts it may be mulched two or three inches with leaves or coarse litter, which is to be talcuii off as soon in spring as the season will warrant. The mulching, however, may be omitted where it is not convenient to apply It. C. sathutH, which is the type of the autumnal-Jlowering species, should be planted in midsummer, and it will come into flower in September. All the species and varieties are increased by offsets. Their introduction into British gardens dates back as far as 1600. The named varieties bear very large flowers, and are, in ah respects, very great improve- ments upon the older kinds. Crops, Rotation of. See Rotation. Crossa'ndra. Fnmi krossos, a fringe, and aner, andros, an anther ; in reference to the anthers being fringed. Nat. Ord. Acanthacece. Beautiful evergreen free-flowering shrubs, with large flowers in teriuinal, four-cornered spikes. There are five species, one of which is a native of the East Indies ; the others are from tropical Africa and Madagascar. All are of easy culture and may be readily increased by cuttings. Cross-Wort. A common name for the genus Crucianella. Crotala'ria. From krotalon, a castanet; the seeds are inflated pods, and rattle when shaken. Nat. Ord. Leguminosm. .. This is an extensive genus, and a few of its species are particularly beautiful. The green- house kinds are to be preferred. All of them grow I'eadily in loamy soil, the chief point in their culture being to observe that the young shoots are stopped once or twice in the early part of their growth, in order to counteract their natural tendency to grow upright, and become what is technically expressed as "long- legged." One of the principal discourage- ments in growing these plants is the dilficulty of preserving them from tne attacks of the red spider. The annuals are grown from seed, and the perennial kinds are increased from cuttings. The species are pretty gen- erally found from the West to the East Indies. Some of the annuals are found in the Southern States. Cro'ton. From kroton, a tick ; in reference to the lesemblance of the seeds. Nat. Ord. Euphorb iacece . A genus of green-house evergreen shrubs of great beauty,grown for their variegated foliage, they being among the most strongly marked plants in cultivation (yellow and green, some- times red with the other colors). They are readily propagated by cuttings, with a bottom heat of not less than 75°, and require a high temperature and full sunlight to develop their markings. Leaf mould is an essential ele- ment in the compost for potting. Water should be sparingly used, particularly in winter. They do best in small pots, and as ornamental plants for decoration, they have no superior. Notwithstanding their great beauty, they are also classed with the eco- nomic or useful plants. C. Tiglium furnishes the Croton oil, a most powerful purgative. C. tinctorum is used to dye both silk and wool of an elegant blue color. The substance for this purpose is called Tumsol, and is made of the juice which is lodged between the calyx and the seeds. C. Eleuteria furnishes the Casca- CRU rilla bark, which has a pleasant, spicy odor, and a bitter, warm, aromatic taste, and it is considered a valuable medicine. The species are nearly all natives of the East Indies, and were first introduced in 1748. Syn. Codiceum, under which genus the large number of culti- vated variegated sorts are now placed. See Codiceum. Crow^-berry. Empetrum nigrum. Crow'ea. Name I after J. Crowe, a British bota- nist. Nat. Ord. Rutacece. A genus of beautiful green-house shrubs, consisting of but two species, C. latifolia and C. saligna, both lovely objects when in flower, which is nearly two-thirds of the year. They are in the greatest perfection during the win- ter months. The flowers are lily-shaped, of a beautiful purple, and borne at the axil of the leaves. They are easily propagated from cut- tings, and should be grown in a mixture of leaf mould and loam. Water should be spar- ingly given, or the plants will have a sickly, yellow appearance. Both species are natives of New South Wales, and were introduced in 1790. Crowfoot. See Ranunculvs. Crown Imperial. See Fritillaria. Cruciane'lla. Crosswort. A diminutive of crux, a cross ; alluding to the leaves being placed crosswise. Nat. Ord. Rubiacecs. A genus of hardy herbaceous and green- house plants of but little interest. C. stylosa, a native of Persia and the Caucasus, is a low- tufted herb with rose-colored flowers, which blooms during the greater part of the summer. It is a desirable plant for rockeries. Propa- gated by cuttings or from seed. Cruciate or Cruciform. Shaped like a cross. A flower is said to be cruciate, when four petals are placed opposite each other at right angles, as in any of the Brassica tribe. Cruci'ferae. A large and important order of annual, biennial or perennial herbs, rarely suffruticose. They are very generally distri- buted, but abound most in the cold and tem- perate regions, especially in Europe. They are all nitrogenous (and contain sulphur), pungent, stimulant, anti-scorbutic, often acrid. Not one of them is poisonous, but many are culinary vegetables. The order contains some well-known flowering plants, such as the Stock, Wall-flower, Rocket, etc. Brassica oleracea is the origin of the Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Savoy and Curled Kale. Brassica Rapa is the origin of the Turnip, but the Swedish Turnip is thought by some to be a variety of Brassica camj^estris, while others think it is a hybrid between B. Rapa and B. Napus, the wild Navew Eape, or Coleseed. Crambe maritima supplies Sea- Kale, which is blanched to fit it for the table. Some plants of the order are pungent, as Sin- apis nigra, Black Mustard, from the seeds of Avhich the best mustard is made ; S. alba. White Mustard, is less pungent. Other pun- gent plants are Lepidium sativum, common Cress;' JSuslurium officinale. Water Cress; Cochlearia Armoracia, Horse-Radish ; and Raphanus sativus, the Radish. Isatis tinctoria, Woad, yields a blue dye ; and /. indigolica is used as Indigo in China. Cochlearia officinalis grows on the sea-siiore, and has been used by ships' crews affected with scurvy, and lias 110 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OP PLANTS CBY hence been called Scurvy Grass. The seeds of many species yield an oil, such as oil of Mustard, Eape oil, and Camelina oil, and the cake left after pressing the oil from Rape seed is used as food for cattle. There are about 170 known genei'a, and 1,200 species. Brassica, Clieiranthiis, Erysimum, Arabis, Lunaria, Draba, Teesdalia, Hesperis, Isatis, Capsella, etc., are illustrative genera. Crypta'nthus. A genus of Bromeliads, closely allied to Billbergia and Tillandsia, and requir- ing the same general treatment. Cryptochi'lus. From kryptoPi, hidden, and chei- los, a lip ; the lip or labellum being partly hidden by the sepals. Nat. Ord. Orchidacece. An interesting genus of terrestrial Orchids from the cooler pai'ts of India. There are but two species, one producing brilliant scarlet flowers on a one-sided spike, while the other has smaller yellow flowers produced in the same manner. They require the same treat- ment as Stanhopea. Cryptoco'ryne. From kryptos, hidden, and koryne, a club; the club-shaped spadix or spike in the center of the flower is hidden by the hooded spathe. Nat. Ord. Aroidece. Allied to Arum. Herbaceous perennial marsh plants with tuberous creeping roots. They produce the same peculiar-looking flowers as the Arums, but are sweet-scented, and require the same treatment as the tropical species of Arum. Propagated by division. Introduced from the East Indies in 1S24. Cryptoga'mia. Ciyptogams. Many names have been applied to the vast class of plants comprehended under this name, such as Asexual, or Flowerless Plants, Acrogens, Agamse, Anandrse, Acotyledons, Cryptogams, Crj'ptophyta, Cellulares, Exembryonata, etc. Of these the term, Cryptogamia, has been adopted by Berkeley and others as being the least objectionable in our present state of knowledge. Under this name are included all those plants called by Linnaeus Cryptogamia, because he was unable to discover their organs of fertilization, if they had any. They compre- hend Sea- weeds, Fungi, Lichens, Mosses, Ferns and their allies. It is now known that all are multiplied by a sexual apparatus in structure wholly different from that of Pheenogamous plants, but in function the same. In the higher orders, that is to say,_ in Ferns, Lycopods, and Horsetails, the plant, properly so called, does not proceed directly from the spore or seed, but from a rudiment- ary intermediate organ, called prothallium, on which the organs of fertilization are formed, these organs not producing a spore or seed, but the very plant itself. Cryptogra'mme. A genus of hardy ferns syuouymous yv ith Alloi^orus, which see. Cryptome'ria. Japan Cedar. From kryptos, hidden, and meris, a part ; the structure of all the parts of the flower being hidden, or not easily und(;rstood. Nat. Ord. Coniferce. C. Japonica, of which there are many forms, is a splendid evergreen tree, from sixty to one hundred feet high, from the north of Japan, where it is found in moist situations. It is hardy in this country, south of Philadel- phia, and requires a rich deep soil, with plenty of moisture and protection from cutting cue winds to fully develop its beauty. It was introduced in 1846, and is increased by seeds or by cuttings. Cryptoste'gia. From kryptos, hidden, and stego, to cover ; alluding to the corona being concealed within the tube of the corolla. Nat. Ord. Asclepiadacem. A small genus of pretty twining green-house shrubs, consisting of two species C. grandiflora and C. Madagascar iensis, the one from India, the other from Madagascar. They are interest- ing plants, having opposite leaves, and produce large, reddish-white flowers in terminal cymes. Propagated by cuttings. Introduced in lhl8. Cryptoste'mma. From kryptos, hidden, and steinma, a crown ; the crown of the flower being hidden. Nat. Ord. Composilm. A small genus of tender annuals from the Cape of Good Hope. The flowers are bright golden yellow, borne on hairy stems, and are very showy. They were at one time very common, but have now fallen out of cultiva- tion. The seed should be started in a hot-bed, and the young plants pricked out the latter part of May. They require a warm situation, and a light and rather sandy soil. C. calendvr- lacgum has flowers yellow inside and a very dark purple outside, which gives it a very showy appearance. Introduced in 1731. Crypto'stylis. From kryptos, hidden, and stylos, a style. Nat. Ord. Urchidaceie. A small genus of brown-flowered terrestrial Orchids from New Holland, Java, and Ceylon. The species are more curious than beautiful. They should be grown in turfy loam and sand, in equal proportioub, in an ordinary green- house temperature. Introduced in 1822. Cte'nium. Toothache Grass. From Clenium, a small comb ; from the pectinate appearance of the spike. Nat. Ord. GraminaceoB. G. Americanum, the only species, is a strong- growing grass, from three to four feet in height with rough narrow flat leaves. The root has a very pungent taste, and in domestic medicine was used as a remedy for the tooth- ache, hence its popular name. It is common in wet pine barrens from Virginia, southward, and has no agricultural value. Cuba Bast. The fibrous inner bark of Paritium (Hibiscus) elatum. Cube'ba. Unintei-esting shrubs, indigenous to tropical Asia and Africa. C. officinalis, a native of Java, furnishes the cubeb fruits of commerce, which are like Black Pepper, but stalked. Nat. Ord. Piperacece. Cubebs. See Gubeba. Cuckoo-Flower. See Gardamine. Cuckoo Pint. Arum maculatum,. Cucullate. When the apex or sides of anything are curved inward, so as to resemble the point of a slipper or a hood, as in the lip of Gypripedium. the spathe of an Arum, etc. Cucumber. See Gucumis. Cucumber Tree. The popular name of the Magnolia acuminata, the young fruit of which resembles a small cucumber. Cu'cvmiis. Cucumber. From Gucumis, the Latin for Cucumber. Nat. Ord. Gucurbitacece. Of the several species included in this genus, G. sativis, the common Cucumber, is the best known and of the most importance. It is an AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. Ill cue annual plant, a native of the East Indies, and was first introduced into England in 1573. In the East the Cucumber has been extensively cultivated from the earliest periods, as well as most of the other species of gourds. "When the Israelites complained to Moses in the wilderness, comparing their old Egyptian luxuries with the manna upon whiciii they were fed, they exclaimed : " We remember the fish which we did eat freely, the cucumbers and the melons." Isaiah, in speaking of the desolation of Judea, says : " The daughter of Zion is left as a cottage in a vineyard, as a lodge in a garden of cucumbers." In Syria and in India immense quantities are eaten by the common people. The probabilities are, however, that their Cucumbers are Melons, though mention is made of the cultivation of both, and late travelers mention large planta- tions over which constant wat.ih is kept, and fires built at night to keep ofT the wild dogs and wolves. The many varieties under culti- vation are great improvements on the origi- nal species ; but where and when improve- ment commenced we have no record ; and in loolcmg over the field during the last thirty years, it is about as difficult to say when it will stop. Where Cucumbers are required during the winter and spring months they are generally grown in span-roofed houses, ample provision being made for both bottom and superficial heat. They are generally planted in a row on either side of the house, and trained up on trellises under the glass. Where space is limited they may 'be grown in large pots, and trained up a rafter, top-dressing occasionally with rich soil and supplying liquid or artificial manure. A temperature of about 60^ at night is found the most suitable, a higher temperature being apt to draw the plants and make them long jointed. Red Spider, Thrips and Green Fly are their worst insect enemies, and must be kept down by regular fumigating with tobacco, and careful syringing. The principal sorts grown for forcing are the two English varieties, Tele- graph and Blue Gown, both long-fruited sorts and extremely prolific and long-lived. White Spine is also forced to a considerable extent, a marked preference being accorded it in the New York markets, while the long-fruited sorts are the favorites in Boston and Phila- delphia. Cucu'rbita. Gourd. From curbita, a gourd. Nat. Ord. CucurbitacecB. This is an extensive genus of trailing annuals, producing what is commonly known as Ornamental Gourds, some of which are exceedingly curious and beautiful. They are of easy culture, requiring the same treatment as the Cucumber. Natives chiefiy of hot countries, they abound in India and South America, a few are also found in the north of Europe, at the Cape of Good Hope and in Australia. Cucurbita'ceae A natural order of succulent, climbing plants with tendrils in place of sti- pules, alternate palmately- veined, rough leaves, and staminate and pistillate flowers. They are chiefly natives of hot countries, especially of India and South America ; a few are found in the north of Europe and in North America, and some are also met with at the Cape of Good Hope and in Australia. The CUN plants of this order generally possess a cer- tain amount of acridity. The pulp of the fruit of Citrullus Colocynthis is the Colocynth of the shops ; this is supposed to be the wild gourd of the Bible. Echalium purgans or agreste (Momordica elaterium) is called Squirting Cu- cumber, on account of the elastic force with which its seeds are scattered. Cucumls sativus is the common Cucumber, C. melo is the Musk- melon, and GitniUus vulgaris is the Water- melon. Cucurbita Pepo, the Gourd, is a scrambling plant, to which belong the Vege- table Marrows, which are edible ; the Orange Gourds, which are bitter; the Egg Gourds, Crooknecks, Turk's Caps, and Warted Gourds. C. maxima is the Pumpkin, and C. Mdopepo the Bush Squash. The seeds of Hodgnonia are eaten in India. Lagenaria vulgaris is the Bottle or Dipper Gourd. The fruit of Luffa aeutangula is cut up when dry and used as a flesh brush under the name of Towel Gourd. Sechium edule yields an edible fruit called Choco or Chaca. The species of Bryonia are purgative. There are about seventy known genera and over 400 species. Cucurbita, Cu- CMmis, Citndlus, Momordica, Coccinia, Trico- santhes, Luffa, and Bryonia are examples of the order. Culm. The straw of Wheat, Rye, etc. ; a kind of hollow stem. •• Cultivator. This is the general name applied to implements for stirring the soil, other than hoes, whether used by hand or by horse- power. There are scores of kinds in use, known under different names. The one we most prefer for use in garden operations for cultivating between rows, is what is known as the Planet, Jr. This is a combined drill, wheel-hoe, cultivator and plow, and is really a most excellent and valuable implement, combining in one, three implements, all nearly as effective as any of them would be separately. It is unquestionably the most popular as it is the most perfect machine of its kind made, at present writing. In small gardens, where a horse is seldom used, it is invaluable for working the coarser crops, such as corn, potatoes, cabbage, celery, etc. Cultrate, Cultriform. Shaped like a pruning- knife, as in Crassula cuUrata. Culver s-root, or Culver's Physic. A common name for Veronica Virginica. Cumi'num. Altered from quamoun, its Arabic name. A genus of Fennel-like Umbelliferm, of little interest except C. Cyminum, the seeds of which, called Cummin, are sometimes used as Carraways, but the latter are more agree- able and efficacious. Cummin. Cumimim Cyminum. Black. The pungent seeds of Nigella saliva. Cummi'ngia. Named after Lady Gordon Cum- ming, of Altyre, near Forres, Scotland. Nat. Ord. Liliacece. A small genus of beautiful little half-hardy bulbs from Chili, which succeed in a light rich soil, and should have the protection of a frame. The flowers are bell-shaped, light blue, and borne in panicles on slender scapes. Propagated by offsets. Introduced in 1823. Cundura'ngo. The Condor Vine of New Grenada, a species of Gonolobus, named O. Cundv/rango, by M. Friana. When first intro- 112 HENDEKSONS HANDBOOK OF PLANTS CUN duced this plant became famous, owing to the reputed efficacy of the stems in the cure of cancer ; a reputation its merits would not sustain. Cuneate. Wedge-shaped ; the broadest end uppermost, tapering to the base. Cuni'la. Dittany. The derivation of this word is doubtful ; by some botanists it is sup- posed to be from touos, a coue, and by others from Ctmila, tiie name of a town. Nat. Ord. LabiatcB. Native hardy herbaceous perennials, com- mon on dry hills from New York to Illinois and southward. They produce clusters of small white or purplish flowers from July to September. Propagated by root division. Cunningha'mia. In honor of two brothers, J. and A. Cunningham, British botanists in Aus- tralia. Nat. Ord. Coniferce. C. SineTisis, the only known species, is a lofty evergreen tree, native of South China. It bears a close resemblance to the Araucarias, the foliage, however, being of a brighter green and less rigid. It is too tender for our climate, but its elegance makes it welcome in any conservatory where there is I'oom for its development. Propagated from seed. In- troduced in 1804. Cuno'nia. Named after John C. Cuno, of Amsterdam, who described his own garden in verse, in 1750. Nat. Ord. Saxifragacece. C. Capensm, the only species, is a small tree, a native of the Cape of Good Hope, where it is called, " Rood Elze," by the set- tlers. The dense racemes of small white flowers, are axillary and opposite, the leaves pinnate with oblong coriaceous serrated leaf- lets. It is quite an ornamental green-house plant, and is easily increased by cuttings. Introduced in 1816. Cup Plant. A popular name for Silphium per- foliatum. Cupa'nia. Named after Francis Cupani, an Italian monk, who wrote on botany. Nat. Ord. Sapindacece. A genus of ornamental green-house ever- green trees, chiefly natives of Mexico and the West Indies. The species vary in height from six to twenty feet, and produce beautiful white flowers. One species, C pendula, a native of tropical Australia, is a lofty-growing tree, and furnishes the beautiful wood known as Tulip Wood, so called from its Tulip-like markings. The species are increased by cuttings. Cu'phea. From kyphoa, curved ; referring to the form of the seed-pods. Nat. Ord. Lythracem. An extensive genus of green-house ever- greens, and half-hardy annuals. With a few exceptions, such as G. platycentra, commonly known as "Segar Plant "and "Fire Cracker Plant," they are of but little merit. C. platy- centra makes a beautiful border and room plant. It is propagated readily by cuttings, grows freely, and produces its scarlet and purple tubular flowers in great profusion nearly the whole year. Introduced from Mexico in 1845. Cupre'sstis. Cypress. From kuo, to produce and parisos, equal ; in reference to the sym- metrical growth of some of the species. Nat. Ord. Coniferm. CUR An extensive genus of hardy evergreen trees, widely disseminated. C. sempervirem, the common European Cypress, is a native of Persia, but has for so long a time been gen- erally planted throughout the East, that it is impossible to ascertain the section where it is indigenous. The timber of this species is highly esteemed for its durability, being con- sidered superior to cedar. The doors of St. Peter's Church at Rome, which had been formed of this wood in the time of Constan- tine, showed no signs of decay when, after the lapse of a IIUO years. Pope Eugenius IV. took them down to replace them by gates of brass. In order to preserve the remains of their heroes, the Athenians buried them in coffins of Cypress; and the chests or coffins in which the Egyptian mummies are found are usually of the same material. C. thyoides is the White Cedar or Cypress of our Southern States, a graceful and beautiful tree in its native home, but which only thrives in wet places. There are several species found in California and Oregon, some of wliich are magnificent trees ; others are graceful and ornamental shrubs. The beautiful Relinos- poras of Japan are nearly related to this genus. A number of species, known as Cu- pressus, are now placed under Chamcecyparis, by some authors. Cupreus. Of copper color, yellowish-red with considerable mixture of gray. Curcu'ligo. From curcidio, a weevil ; the seeds having a point resembling the beak of a weevil. Nat. Ord. AmaryllidacecB. A genus of green-house herbaceous plants of which the only species worthy of culti%'ation is C. recurvuta, and its variegated forms. They have large palm like ribbed leaves, beautifully recurved ; most ornamental and useful for green-house or conservatory deco- ration. They are of easy cultivation gi-owing freely in a compost of turfy loam and sand, and are readily propagated by suckers which form at the base of the stem. Introduced from Bengal in 1805. Curcu'lio. The Plum Weevil. See Insects. Cu'rcuma. Turmeric. From kurkum, its Arabic name. Nat. Oi'd. Scitaminece. An extensive genus of herbaceous peren- nials, natives of the East Indies, China and Java. Most of the species possess the same aromatic stimulating properties in the roots, or rhizomes, and seeds, as the common ginger, and are plants of considerable beauty from their colored bracts. C. longa is one of the best known species, the powdered root of Avhich is the Turmeric of commerce. This powder is used in India as a mild aromatic and for other medicinal purposes. It also enters into the composition of curry powder, and a sort of arrow-root is made from the young tubers. Turmeric is a dye of a very rich color, but it possesses no durability, nor has there been any combination of mordants found that Avould give it this quality in a sufficient degree to make it useful. Several of the species, with yellow or reddish flowers, are cultivated in the green-house. Curl. A disease of Potatoes, referable to Chlorosis. The tubers produce deformed, curled shoots, of a pallid tint, which are never perfectly developed, and give rise to AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 113 CUR minute tubers. It is a local disease, however, and its cause is not certainly known. It is distinct from the curled foliage produced by the presence of Aphides. This term is also applied to a serious disease affecting the leavos of the Peach tree, in which they are curled and blistered. Some attribute the disease to Aphides, and others to Fungi. There is no known remedy but the destruction of the tree. Curme'ria. Derivation of name not given. Nat. Ord. Aroidece. A small genus of green-house herbaceous perennials, natives of Colombia. C. WallMi is a dwarf-growing species, and of a very or- namental character. The leaves are spread- ing, and strongly marked with very irregular dark-green spots or blotches, intermixed with broad patches of very pale yellowish-green. C. picturafa has broad green leaves, with a broad central band of silvery gray. They were introduced to cultivation in 1875, and are highly esteemed in a collection of varie- gated-leaved plants. Propagated by offsets from the roots. Currant. Buffalo or Missouri. Ribes aureum. Common Red. Rihes rubrum. New Zealand. Aristotelia fruticosa. Red Flowering. Ribes Sanguineum. Cuscu'ta. Dodder. From kechout, its Arabic name. Nat. Ord. Cuscutacem. These plants are deserving of attention from their parasitical character, as they will attach themselves to, and grow on any other plant within their reach. Their long twining stems emit an abundance of small fragrant flowers towards the end of summer. Their seeds germinate in the earth, but detach themselves as soon as sufficiently grown to take hold of a neighboring plant. They are natives of South America, New Holland, other tropical countries, and the United States. The Cuscuta is becoming troublesome in the Southern States by overrunning other vege- tation. It is particularly so to Oleanders, several instances being reported where it has completely destroyed these beautiful shrubs. In California there has been much trouble in fields of Alfalfa from a species of Cuscuta, which, it is stated, was introduced with Alfalfa seed from Chili. The only cure, when it gets into a field, consists in cutting the crop before the Dodder matures any seed, and repeating the process as long as the Dodder makes its appearance. C Gronovii is veiy common in low damp grounds, especially in shady places both east and west, chiefly on coarser herbs and low shrubs ; its orange- colored stems render it very conspicuous. Cuscuta'ceae. A natural order of plants in- cluded by some as a sub-order of Convolvul- acecB. They are leafless, parasitic, twining herbs, with flowers in dense clusters. The seeds germinate in the soil in the usual way, and afterward become true parasites by at- taching themselves to plants in their vicinity, and growing at their expense. They are found in the temperate regions of both hemi- spheres and are very destructive to some kinds of plants. There are four known genera and upward of fifty species. Cuscuta, Lepi- danche, and Epilinella are examples of the order. CYA Cushion Pink, or Ladies' Cushion. Armeria maritima. Cuspidate. Tapering gradually into a rigid point. A leaf is cuspidate when it suddenly tapers to a point. Custard Apple. A popular name of Aaimina triloba, or American Papaw. Cuticle. The external homogeneous skin of a plant, consisting of a tough membrane over- lying the epidermis. The word is also used for the skin of anything, including the epi- dermis. Cutting. A portion of a young branch which, when inserted into the earth under suitable conditions, emits roots, and is developed as a distinct individual. See Propagation by Cut- tings. Cyana'nthus. From kyanos, blue, and antlios, a flower. Nat. Ord. Campanularem. C. lobatus is a delicate little hardy herba- ceous plant from the higher ranges of the Him- alayas, with a habit .similar to some species of Campanula. Its requirements are a sandy soil, with plenty of moisture during the flow- ering season, but afterward it should be kept rather dry and allowed to rest. The flowers are terminal, and light blue. Propagated by cuttings. Cyane'lla. A diminutive of kyanos blue. Nat. Ord. Liliacece. Pretty green-house bulbs, with white, blue, or yellow flowers. They grow readily in sandy loam, and, like all other plants of the same order, require to have a resting season, which, for convenience, is generally deferred to the winter. The protection of a cold frame is all they require to endure our winters. They increase freely by offsets. Natives of the Cape of Good Hope ; introduced in 1768. Cyanophy'llum. From kyanos, blue, and phyl- lon, a leaf ; referring to the color of the under surface of the leaves. Nat. Ord. Melastom- acecB. Of this exceedingly interesting plant we take the following description from Lowe's "Beautiful Leaved Plants :" " Native country, tropical America. Introduced in 1857 by Mr. Linden, a Continental nurseryman. A fine woody Melastomaceous hot-house shrub, which has not yet flowered in this country (England). The leaves are truly magnificent, growing two feet long and nine inches wide, of a long oval shape, tapering to a point. Upper surface a distinct ivory-like midrib, with a pair of veins of the same color running from the base near the margin and meeting near the point, joining near the midrib. Mat- gin irregularly serrated. Color a deep vel- vety green ; underneath the veins are visible, and the general color is a rich purplish crim- son. Habit strong growing. Nothing can possibly exceed the beautiful foliage of this truly handsome plant." The above descrip- tion of C. magnificum will apply equally well to the other species. Propagated by cut- tings. Cyano'tis. From kyanos, blue, and ous, an ear; referring to the shape of the petals. Nat. Ord. ComnwJynacem. A small genus of evergreen trailing plants, allied to Tradescantia, and requiring the same general treatment. The species are showy plants, natives of trojiical Asia. They are 114 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS CYA propagated readily by cuttings. Introduced in 1770. Cya'thea. From kyatheion, a little cup ; in ref- erence to the appearance of the spore or seed cases on the back of the leaves. Nat. Ord. J'olypodiacetB. An extensive genus of arborescent Ferns, abundant in South America and in the West Indies, in India, the Eastern Islands, and in the Pacific Islands ; a few are also met with in New Zealand and South Africa. In some the trunk is short, but in others it reaches a height of forty to sixty feet, and is crowned with a magnificent head of fronds, ■which are in many cases of gigantic size, and are always large. C. viedullaris, a native of New Zealand and the Pacific Isles, and known in gardens as a noble Tree Fern of comparatively hardy character, forms in its native country a common article of food with the natives. The part eaten is the soft me- dullary substance, which occupies the center of the trunk, and which has some resemblance to Sago. C. dealbata, another beautiful species of New Zealand, is said to be eaten in the same way. This has a trunk from ten to fif- teen feet high, crowned with a noble tuft of fronds, which are white beneath with a silvery powder. Propagated by spores. First intro- duced in 1793. Cyatho'des. From hyathos, a cup, and eido8, like ; because the nectary resembles that ves- sel. Nat. Ord. Epacridacem. An interesting and somewhat extensive genus of green-house evergreens, natives of Australia, and occasionally met in New Zea- land and the Pacific Islands. They produce small axillary white or yellow flowers. They are propagated by cuttings and require the same treatment as recommended for the Epacris. Cycadaceae. A natural order of small, palm- like trees or shrubs, with unbranched stems and pinnate leaves, usually rolled up like a crosier while in bud. They are chiefly natives of the tropical and temperate regions of America and Asia, but are also found in southern Africa and in Australia. The plants are mucilaginous and starchy. Cycas revoluta, one of the best known, is a native of Japan, and supplies a kind of starch which is used as Sago ; and a similar kind of false Sago is sup- plied by C. circinalis in the Moluccas. Caffre bread is made from the starch of a Cape spe- cies of Encephalartos. In the West Indies a kind of Arrow-root is obtained from some species of Zamia. There are seven known genera and about fifty species. Cycas, Zamia, Encephalartos, and I>ion are examples of the order. Cy'cas. The Greek name of a Palm said to grow in Ethiopia. Nat. Ord. CycadaceoB. A remarkable genus of ornamental plants, consisting of low-growing trees, with cylin- drical, usually unbranched stems, terminated at the top by a crown of handsome, deeply- cut, pinnate leaves of thick texture. C. revo- luta, the finest of the species, is grown exten- sively in China and Japan, its native countries, for the pith contained in its trunk, and which is prepared by the natives into an article of food similar to the Sago, upon which they live wholly for several months in the year. They are commonly, but erroneously, called Sago CYC Palms, as they furnish none of the Sago of commerce. Their cultivation in our houses is the same as is required for all the Palm tribe; plenty of pot room, and a strong, moist heat. C. revoluta, however, may be wintered in a low temperature, and its new growth retarded for the lawn. After the leaves have perfected their growth and are thoroughly hardened, the plants can be placed upon the lawn during summer, where tliey are most appropriate ornaments. Young plants are usually obtained from suckers, but as it takes many years to grow these to any useful size, large numbers of the trunks, minus leaves and roots, vary- ing in height from one to seven feet, are annually imported from Cuba and the West Indian Islands, which being placed in heat, soon make good plants. Several large con- signments have also been received of late years from Japan. This genus was first intro- duced into England from China in 1737. Cy'clamen. From kyJclos, circular ; referring to the round leaves. Nat. Ord. PrimulacecB. This genus contains some of our most pop- ular and desirable plants for fall, winter, and early spring flowering. They are all neat and dwarf in habit ; all have foliage of pretty form and beautiful markings, and tlie flowers, in every case, are beautiful, some exquisitely so. C. pcrsicum stands at the head of the family, and is the one in most general culti- vation. The Cyclamen should be grown from seed, which should be sown as soon as ripe, in gentle heat, in pans filled with a compost of well-rotted manure, leaf mould, and coarse sand thoroughly incor])orated. As soon as the plants have maile two leaves, prick out into thumb-pots filled with the same compost, and place upon the shelf in the green-house, near the glass, and shade from direct sunlight. Carefully water; to dry them or drown them is equally fatal. As soon as the pots are filled with roots, shift into a three-inch pot, observ- ing the same instructions in all respects. By the first of September they will require a five-inch pot. With proper care and attention, they will be in flower in December and Janu- ary following planting. They requii'e a more even temperature than is usually given to green-house plants, not above 60" nor below 50°; with it bulbs two in<-hes in diameter can be grown in one year. After flowering, they should be gradually ripened off, but never allowed to become thoroughly dry. During summer keep them in a frame, shaded, and give occasionally a little water. They should be repotted again about the first of September, reducing the old ball considerably and giving them similar treatment to that previously advised for young plants, but the flowers are generally earlier and smaller a second year. It is not advisable to save plants after this age, as seed sown every j-ear will keep up a stock, and young plants are much to be pre- ferred. This species is a native of Persia. All the species are famous for their acridity, yet in Sicily the Cyclamen is the principal food of the wild boars ; hence the common name of Sow-bread. Cyclantha'ceae. A natural order of perennial herbs or shrubs, all natives of tropical America. It is very closely allied to Pandan- acecB, and embraces four genera and about thirty-five species. Carltidovica palmata, which AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 115 CYC yields the much-valued straw from which the Guyaquil or Panama hats are manufactured, is the best known representative of the order. Cycla'nthera. A free-growing Mexican climber, belonging to the CucurbitacecB. It has hand- some foliage, and pz'etty oval-shaped fruit, ex- ploding when ripe. Cyclan'thus. From kyklos, a circle, and anthos, a flower ; in allusion to the spiral arrange- ment of the flowers. Nat. Ord. Cyclantha- cece. A remarkable genus of tropical American, perennial, stemless, milky herbs. C. discolor has bifld lanceolate leaves, with a tapering point, more or less frilled at the edges. The young leaves are streaked, of a tawny orange hue, which passes off as they become matured. Introduced from Guiana in 1882. Syn. Cyclo- santhes. Cyclobo'thra. From kyklos, a circle, and bothros, a pit ; in reference to a cavity at the bottom of each sepal. Nat. Ord. Liliaceoe. A genus of very handsome bulbous plants from California and Mexico. They are allied to the Calochortus, and I'equire the same treatment. The flowers are nodding, like those of the Fritillarias, and of white, yellow, and purple colors. They are easily propagated by the small bulbs that grow on the upper part of the stems. Cyclo'gyne. From kyklos, a circle, and gyne, a stigma, or female organ ; in reference to the disposition of the pistils. Nat. Ord. Legumi- nosce. A very beautiful green-house evergreen shrub from Swan River. It is remarkable for the appearance of the pinnate leaflets, which are clad underneath with white hairs ; and this, with the profusion of purple flowers it bears, renders it an attractive object. Propagated by seeds or cuttings. Cycno'ches. SAvan Neck. From kyknos, a swan, and auchen, the neck ; in reference to the long and gracefully curved column. Nat. Ord. OrchidaceoB. Some of the species are considered indis- pensable to the Orchid house, for the beauty and delightful fragrance of the flowers. They require strong heat and moisture. Cydo'nia. Quince. The name of Cydonia was given to this plant by the ancients, from its growing abundantly near Kydon, in the isle of Crete, now Candia. Nat. Ord. RosacecB. The common Quince, C. vidgaris, has been under cultivation from a very early period. Pliny says : "There are many kinds of this fruit in Italy ; some growing wild in the hedgerows, others so large that they weigh the boughs down to the ground." Martial, who died at Rome A. D. lOi, states that the Romans had three sorts of Quinces, one of which was called Chrysomela, from its yellow color. They boiled them with honey, as the Europeans make marmalade. Botanical re- searches show that the Quince grows spon- taneously on the hills and in the woods of Italy, in the south of France, in Spain, Sicily, Sardinia, the Crimea, and in the south of the Caucasus; it also grows abundantly on tho banks of the Danube, and in the north ol Africa. "The learned Goropius maintains that Quinces were the golden apples of Hes- perides, and not Oranges, as some commen- CYM tators pretend. In support of his argument he states that it was a fruit much revered by the ancients, and he assures us that there has been discovered at Rome a statue of Hercules that held in its hand three Quinces. This, he says, agrees with the fable which states that Hercules stole the golden apples from the gardens of the Hesperides." This species is unquestionably the parent of the several varieties under cultivation. There seems to have been but little improvement in this fruit in centuries. The great differ- ence in the quality of this fruit, as seen in our markets, is largely due to cultivation. The common practice of planting the Quince in some neglected corner results in getting small, knotty fruit, almost if not altogether worthless. The Quince should have a deep, rich soil, rather heavy, and the ground should be kept clean and free from grass. Attention should also be paid to pruning, as apreventive against slugs and other vermin. The trunks and branches should be thoroughly rubbed over with strong soft-soap every spring. With this simple precaution the failure of a crop of large, clean, healthy fruit will be very rare. The propagation of the Quince is very simple, the more rapid way being to take cut- tings from the young wood in autumn, heel them in in some protected place during winter, and plant out in spring in a shaded situation, and they will take root very readily. C. Japon- ica, Syn. Pyrics Japoiiica, is a beautiful dwarf species, remarkable for the brilliancy of its blossoms, which vary from the richest scarlet to the most delicate blush color. It is a na- tive of Japan, perfectly hardy, and well adapted for single plants on the lawn, or for planting ornamental hedges. The fruit has a delicious fragrance, but is entirely worthless for domestic purposes. This species is best propagated by root cuttings. C. Maulei, dwarfer and more compact in habit than C. Japonica, has bright red flowers and golden yellow fruit, produced in great abundance, and which makes an excellent conserve. It is one of the most beautiful plants of com- paratively recent introduction. Cylindrical. Cylinder-shaped ; approaching closely to the form of a cylinder, as the stems of grasses, etc. Cyli'sta. From kylitos, twining; referring to the habit of the plants. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. A genus of ornamental climbing plants. C. scariosa, found in the Bombay districts of India, is a very ornamental climber, requiring to be grown in a hot-house, as do most of the genus. The flowers are very showy, bright, yellow, borne on erect bracted racemes, and are remarkable for their large papery calyx, which is very conspicuous. Propagated by cuttings. Introduced in 1776. Cymbi'dium. From kymbos, a hollow recess ; referring to a hollow recess in the lip or label- lum. Nat. Ord. OrchidacecB. A genus containing both terrestrial and epiphytal Orchids, many of them of rare beauty, and all worthy of cultivation. C. Sinense, a native of China, is remarkable for its delicious fragrance. The epiphytal spe- cies require the treatment of hot-house Orchids ; the terrestrial ones do well in a green-house temperature. 116 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS GYM Cy'mbiform. Having the figure of a boat in miniature ; that is to say, concave, tapering to each end, with a keel externally, as the glumes of Phalaris Canariensis. Cyme. A form of inflorescence, resembling a flattened panicle, as in the Laurustmus and the Elder {Sambv/ms). Cy'nara. Cardoon. Artichoke. From kyon, a dog ; in reference to the spines of the involu- crum resembling dog's teeth. Nat. Ord. Com- positcB. C. cardwneulus, the Cardoon of the garden, very much resembles the Artichoke ; it is a hardy perennial, a native of the south of Europe and the northern parts of Africa. The stalks of the leaves, or ribs, as they are usu- ally termed, are blanched, and when properly cooked constitute a tender and excellent veg- etable, much used in France, but not gener- ally cultivated in other countries. The flow- ers, like those of the Artichoke, have the property of curdling milk. See Artichoke. Cyno'don. Bermuda Grass, Scutch Grass. A small genus of grasses but little known, except C. Dactylon, a native of southern Europe, and all tropical countries. It is a common pasture grass in the West Indies, and the Sandwich Islands, and has long been known in the United States, though it is only of late years that its value is becoming appreciated. It is admirably adapted for the Southern States, as it is fitted by nature to withstand drought and the scorching rays of the sun bet- ter than any other grass. In the East Indies (where it is called, Doub or Doorba, by the natives) and in all tropical countries, this grass is highly esteemed for its drought- resisting qualities, and also for the peculiar habit ol its growth ; the wiry roots of grass in running over the surface of the ground form a strong fibrous matting. It has numerous joints from each of which roots strike down and blades shoot up. This has caused it to be sown lai-gely for the purpose of binding banks of creeks and dams, etc. It makes a perfect carpet of roots, enabling it to withstand traffic which M'ould completely kill any other grass. For lawns it is also highly prized, as while all other grasses are burned up during the hot season, Bermuda Grass will look compara- tively green, and if watered and regularly mown, it will make quite a velvety carpet. The only drawback is that in winter it looks a little brown. It should be sown in the spring, as it will not germinate until warm weather comes. As a grass for hay or pasture, it matures and gives its first cutting ordinarily in June. Persons having the most experience with Bermuda Grass, place the average yield of hay for ten years at four tons per acre per annum. This is a cautious and safe estim- ate of its productiveness. It grows where- ever corn and cotton grow. On poor land Bermuda Grass is stumpy and coarse ; on rich land its growth is free, and its blades are long, tender and delicate. Properly cultivated in southern latitudes, animals prefer this grass and the hay made from it over all other varieties. Like Japan Clover, it does not succeed further north than Virginia. Cynoglo'ssum. Hound's Tongue. From kyon, a dog, and glosaa, a tongue ; referring to the shape of the leaves. Nat. Ord. Boraginacece. CYP Pretty border plants, producing flowers of almost all colors. They grow in any soil, and are not very particular as to situation, and are increased readily by division of the stools in the spring. The annuals and biennials are grown from seed. Cynosu'rus. Dog's-tail Grass. From kyon, a dog, and oura, a tail ; from its resemblance to a dog's tail, whence its common name. Nat. Ord. Graminacece. A small genus of grasses, but one of which, C. cristatus, the Crested Dog's-tail Grass, is of value to the agricidturist. This species is common in England, in dry pastures, often forming a considerable portion of the turf on gravelly soils. For such soils it is a valu- able grass, being greatly relished by sh< ep, but is not much liked by cattle. The slender straws of this grass are valuable for making hats, being far superior even to the fine wheat plant cultivated for the purpose in Italy. Cype'lla. From kypellon, a goblet, a cup ; re- feri-ing to the form of the flowers. Nat. Ord. IridacecB. A genus of very pretty half-hardy bulbs, worthy of a place in the green-house. They are multiplied by offsets. Introduced in 1823. Cypera'ceae. A natural order of grass-like, tufted plants, having solid, usually jointed, and frequently angular stems ; leaves with their sheaths entire (not split, as in Grasses) ; and very generally distributed all over the world, abounding in moist places. Some of the Sedges are demulcent, others are bitter and astringent. Some, by means of their creeping underground stems, bind together the loose sands of the sea-shore. Their cell- ular tissue is sometimes used for paper, and the underground stems of several species of Cyperus are used for food. The underground stems of Carex arenaria are used for Sarsa- parilla. The species of Eriophorum, or Cotton Grass, have long, white, silky hairs surround- ing the fruit. Papynts antiquorum (also called Cyperus) appears to be one of the plants called Bulrush in the Bible. It formerly grew abund- antly at the mouth of the Nile, which was hence called papyriferous by Ovid, but it is now gone. The cellular tissue of its stems was used in place of paper. Scirpus lacustis, the Bulrush, is used for making mats, baskets, and the bottoms of chairs. In South America it is used for making balsas or boats, and a similar use is referred to in Isaiah, xvii., 1, 2. There are 120 known genera and upward of 2,000 species. Cyperus, Pajyyrtis, Carex, Scir- jnts, Eriophorum, and Cladium are examples of the order. Cype'rus. Supposed to be derived from Cypris, a name of Veims, from their supposed medi- cinal qualities. Nat. Ord. Cyperacece. A genus of sedge plants, of but little merit for the garden or green-house. C. altemifolius is grown as a basket plant ; it is of the easiest culture, and will thrive in any soil or situation, but prefers a moist one. A variegated variety of this species is very beautiful, but not con- stant. They are natives of Madagascar, first introduced in 1781. C. rotundus (Nut Grass) is a common and troublesome weed in the Southein States. Cy'phia. From kyphos, curved; referring to the shape of the style and stigma. Nat. Ord. CampanulaceoB. CYCLAMEN PEESICTTM. CTSOBUBVB (dog's-tail GBAfiS). CTNAKA (CAEDOON). DACTTLIS (ORCHARD GRASS) AND GENERAL HOKTICULTURE. 117 CYP A small genus of herbaceous twiners from South Africa. They produce small blue or red bell-shaped flowers, of but little interest. The species are rarely met, -excepting in botanical collections. Cyphoma'ndra. From kyphoma, a hump, and aner, a man ; the antliers form a hump. Nat. Ord. Solanacece. A genus of shrubby plants with showy foliage, natives of South America. C. betacea, is the Tree Tomato, a handsome shrub, a native of Peru, the small, deep red, egg-like fruit of which is used in the same way as Tomatoes. Propagated by seeds or cuttings. Introduced in 1887. Cypress. See Cupressus. Black or Deciduous. Taxodium distachyum. Chinese Deciduous. Taxodium sitiense. Funeral. Ciipressii^funebris. Japan. The genus Retinospora ; especially R. ohtusa. Monterey. Cupressvs macrocarpa. Nootka Sound. Cupressus Nutkcensis. Oregon. Cupressus Lawsoniana. Cypress Vine. See Quamoclit. Cypripe'dium. Ladies' Slipper, or Moccasin Flower. From Cypris, one of Venus's names, and podion, a slipper. Nat. Ord. Orchidacece. A somewhat extensive genus of terrestrial Orchids, producing flowers of the most sin- gular structure, combined with elegance and beauty. It is remarkable that a family with such marked and distinctive characteristics should find congenial homes in such a diversity of soil and climate. The species are pretty generally distributed, from our most northern States to Mexico, through South America, the Pacific Islands, and India. The State of New York furnishes six species, all beautiful and worthy of cultivation. The native species may all be cultivated in the garden by placing them in a well drained snady border; the soil of which should be liberally mixed with leaf mould. Their unique blossoms render them highly deserving of any care. The best time for transplanting them from their native localities is after they have done blooming, and they should be removed with a ball of earth attached to the roots. Some of the tropical species require the tem- perature and humid atmosphere of the hot- house, while others do best in the green-house. The motet of them however thrive admirably amongst ordinary stove-plants, flower veiy freely, and continue m perfection a long time. One most important point in their culture is drainage. This must be most thorough and effective, for as these plants have no pseudo- bulbs to sustain them, they must not be dried off, as many other orchids are, during winter, and if the drainage is defective, the roots are sure to decay and the leaves shrivel. The foliage of several of tlie species is beautifully spotted and marbled with yellow and white, which makes them atti-active at all times. There are so many species and varieties now under cultivation, and they are all so beautiful that it is almost impossible to make a selection of only a few kinds. An amateur should there- fore begin with a few of the common species, and add to his collection as his taste or fancy dictates. See Orchids. The flowers are greatly valued in the winter months for florists' work. Propagated by division of roots, CYR and by seed, which, with most of the species, is a rather delicate undertaking. Cyri'lla. Named in honor of D. Cyrillo, an Ital- ian botanist. Nat. Ord. Cyrillacece. A small genus of half-hardy and green- house flowering shrubs, with the habit of some of the larger Andromedas. C. racemi- fiora is common in sandy banks of ponds and streams from the Carolinas south and west. It is a low-growing tree or shrub, with racemes of small white flowers. Cyrilla'ceae. A small order of evergreen shrubs or trees, differing from Ericacexe, in their free petals and in the anthers opening in slits. Flowers usually racemose. The three genera are Cliftonia, Costcea and Cyrilla. There are about eight species, all confined to the warmer parts of America. Cyrta'ndra. From kyrtos, curved, and aner, andros, a male ; alluding to the curved fila- ments of the perfect stamens. Nat. Ord. Gesneracece. A genus of trees and shrubs natives of the Malayan Archipelago and the Pacific Islands. Though embracing about sixty species, only two have as yet been introduced to cultiva- tion, C. pendula, from Java in 1883, and C Pritchardii, from Fiji, in 1887. They are both interesting plants, and are increased by cut- tings. Cyrtanthe'ra. From kyrtos, curved and anthera, an anther. Nat. Ord. Acanthacece. A small genus of handsome evergreen plants from South America, which do well in the green-house. They are nearly related to Justicia; their flowers are orange, yellow, and rose in color, borne in dense terminal panicles, and they are propagated readily from cuttings. Introduced in 1827. Cyrta'nthus. From kyrtos, curved, and anthos, a flower ; the flowers bend down from the sum- mit of the scape or stalk. Nat. Ord. Amaryl- lidacecB. Very handsome green-house bulbs from the Cape of Good Hope. The flowers, which are borne in umbels on a slender scape, are red, crimson and orange, produced in summer, when they require very liberal watering ; they should be grown in pots, and are propagated by offsets. Introduced in 1774. Cyrto'ceras. From kyrtos, curved, and keros, a horn; in allusion to the curved horns of the corona segments. Nat. Ord. AsdepiadacecB. A stove-house evergreen climber Avith white flowers, tipped with buff. This is now gener- ally regarded as a section of the genus Hoya. C. multiflorus, the only species, bears the fol- lowing synonyms : Centrostemma muUiflorum, Cyrtoceras Jloribundum, C. Lindleyanum, C. refiexum and Hoya coriacea. Cyrtochi'lum. From kyrtos, curved, or concave, and cheilos, a lip ; the form of the labellum or lip. Nat. Ord. OrchMacem. A genus of small flowering Orchid? from Mexico and Guatemala. The flowers are red, yellow, spotted, purple and green. They require a high temperature, and are usually grown on blocks of wood or cork. Cyrtodei'ra. From kyrtos, curved, and deire, neck. Nat. Ord. Gesneracece. Green-house herbaceous perennials, with beautifully-colored foliage, and solitary flow- 118 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS CYR ers on short axillary stems. They make very pretty basket plants for the hot-house, the only place in which they thrive well. They thrive best in sandy loam and leaf mould, and are increased readily from cuttings, and also from seed. This genus is included under Episcia, by some authors. Cyrto'mium. From kyrtos, curved ; the shape of the spore cases or seed vessels. Nat. Ord. Polypodiacece. A small genus of robust evergreen Ferns of very ornamental character. They are natives of India, China, and Japan, and require the hot-house for perfection of growth. Syn. Aspidium. Cyrtope'ra. From kyrton, curved, and pera, a small sack ; alluding to the sack-like append- age to the labellum or lip. Nat. Ord. Orchid- acecB. A small genus of very beautiful terrestrial Oi'chids, natives of northern India. In appearance they resemble the Bletias, and are usually given th(i same treatment. Cyrtopo'dium. From kyrtos, curved, and povs, a foot ; referring to the form of the labellum or lip. Nat. Ord. Orchidaceoe. DAS. A genus of beautiful, strong-growing Or- chids from Brazil, valued alike for their lai-ge spikes of flowers, yellow spotted with red, and for their beautiful foliage. One species, with yellow flowers, has pseudo-bulbs nearly Ave feet high. The room required to grow them prevents their general cultivation. Cysto'pteris. FvomkysHs, a bladder, anidpteron, a wing. Nat. Ord. PohipodiacecB. A genus of beautiful, hardy Ferns, allied to Microlepia and Woodsia. They are admirably adapted for ferneries and rock work. C. bulbifera, a native species, produces large fleshy bulblets in the axils of the upper pinnae, which fall to the ground and become new plants. Cy'tisus. From Cythmis, one of the Cyclades, where one of the species was first found. Nat. Ord. Leguminosm. This is an extensive genus, consisting prin- cipally of hardy deciduous trees and shrubs, of which C. Laburnum (Syn. Laburmim vulgare) is a well-known species. They are all very ornamental and free-flowering, and succeed well in almost any soil or situation. They are readily increased by seeds or from cuttings. Introduced in 1596. D. Dacry'dium. From dakru, a tear; referring to the gummy exudation. Nat. Ord. ConifercB. A genus of evergreen trees inhabiting the East Indies and New Zealand. The flowers are curious, but not showy. The young branches afford a beverage of the same quali- ties as root beer. D. Franklinii, from Tas- mania, furnishes a valuable timber, very dur- able, which is used for ship and house-build- ing. Some of the wood is beautifully marked, and is used for cabinet work. Da'ctylis. Orchard Grass. From dactylos, a finger ; the head is divided so as fancifully to resemble fingers. Nat. Ord. GraminacecB. A small genus of grasses, the best-known of which is D. glomerata, a native of Europe. It is a valuable grass for pastures, as it contains much nutriment when young, and the plant is not injured by close feeding. It grows well under trees, and is, therefore, fitted for orchards, and other shaded places. Daedalaca'nthus. From dcE grow freely from cuttings. Introduced in \1771. ^ Da'rea. Named after Dar, a botanist. A genus of Ferns allied to Asplenium. Darlingto'nia. Named in honor of Dr. Darling- ton, one of our most distinguished botanists. Nat. Ord. Sarracpniaceoe. This remarkable genus consists of but one species, C. Californica, which is found in the marshy districts of California, and is com- monly known as the California Side-Saddle Flower, or Pitcher Plant. It is a perennial herb, and can be grown in an ordinary cool green-house. The plants should be potted in sphagnum, leaf-mould and sand. Propagated by division and from seed. Dr. Torrey gave the first description of this plant in 1853. Darnel. A common name for the Lolium, which see. Dar-wrinia. Named after Dr. Darwin, author of the "Botanic Garden." Nat. Ord. Myrtacew. A small genus of low-growing, heath-like, evergreen shrubs, found in the extra tropical regions of Australia. The leaves are nxarked with transparent dots. D. macroMegia, much better known as GenetylUs. or Hedaroma tidipi- fera, has numerous campanulate, tulip-like flowers, nearly one and a half inches long, borne in terminal fascicles. The petal-like inner Ijracts are pale yellow, streaked with red, the petals white. It is a very showy and ornamental plant, and is easily increased by cuttings of the half-ripened wood. Introduced in 1854. Dasyli'rion. From dasys, thick, and leirion, a lily ; the plants are succulent. Nat. Ord. LiliacecB. A small genus of green-house evergreen plants from Mexico. "The flowers, like most of this order, are quite interesting. They require similar treatment to the tender species AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 121 DAT of Yucca, and are increased by suckers. Introduced in 1830. Date. Chinese. A name given by foreign resi- dents in tiie nortiiern provinces of China to the fruit of a Zizyphus, allied to or probably an improved variety of Z. Jujuba. Date Palm. See Phaniz. Date Plum. See Diospyros. Dati'sca. A very graceful herbaceous perennial of the Nat. Ord. DatiscacecB, closely allied to the Begonias, well suited for a collection of hardy, fine-leaved plants, and also as isolated specimens. Flowers yellow, in long, loose axillary racemes. Native of Crete and west- ern Asia. Datisca'ceae. A small natural order closely allied to the Begonias. The plants consist of a few species which are scattered over North America, northern India, Siberia, the Indian Archipelago and southern Europe. There are but three genera, Datinca, Tetrameles and Tri- cerastes, and these comprise but four species. Datu'ra. Jamestown "Weed, Thorn Apple, Dev- il's Trumpet. An alteration of the Arabic name tatorah. Nat. Ord. Solanacew. Strong growing ornamental annuals, shrubs, or trees. The flowers of some of the annual species are large, very showy, and sweet- scented, D. ceratocaulon, white, tinged with purple, D. Chlorantha Jl. pi., double yellow, and D. Meteloides (Syn. D. Wrightii), bluish- violet or white are the most generally culti- vated species, and are very showy bolder annuals. The shrubby species are best known as Brugmansias, under which name they are here described. D. Stramonium, commonly known as Thorn Apple, and in some sections as Jimson Weed, is a coarse- growing, troublesome weed, that seems to delight in filthy door-yards. The seeds and stems of the Datura are powerful narcotic poisons, and many deaths have resulted from eating the seeds. They are sparingly used in medicine, and the dried root is sometimes smoked as a remedy for asthma. Daubento'nia. Named after M. Daubenton, a celebrated naturalist. Nat. Ord. Leguminosm. A genus of green-house evergreen shrubs, chiefly remarkable for their curious, quadran- gular seed pods, which are three to four inches long, stalked, pointed, and furnished with wings along the angles. Their red or yellow, flowers, resembling the Laburnum, are borne on short axillary racemes. They are natives of Texas and Buenos Ayres. Propagated by seeds and cuttings of ripened young shoots. Introduced in 1820. Syn. Sisbania. Daube'nya. In honor of Dr. Daubeny, Pro- fessor of Botany in the University of Oxford. Nat. Ord. Liliacece. A genus consisting of two species of yellow flowering bulbs from the Cape of Good Hope. They are very dwarf, the flower stalks being from three to six inches high, upon which is borne an umbel of small showy flowers. They are of easy culture, in a dry, warm situation, and with slight protection they will endure our winters. The safer way is to treat them the same as Gladiolus. Propagated by offsets. Da'ucus. Carrot. From daio, to make hot; in allusion to its supposed effect in medicine. Nat. Ord. Umhelliferoe. For description of this genus, see Carrot. DEC Dava'llia. Hare's-foot Fern. Named after Edmund Davall, a Swiss botanist. Nat. Ord. PolypodicecB. A fine and extensive genus of tropical Ferns. They have scaly, creeping rhizomes, which are covered with close brown hair, which feature has given rise to the name of Hare's-foot Fern. The genus is well marked by natural features, and is one of the most elegant to be found in our green-liouses. Propagated by division of roots and by spores. Intro- duced in 1699. Acrophorus, Humata, Leucos- tegia, Microlepia, Stenoloma,ete., are included in this genus by some botanists. Davidso'nia. Queensland Plum. Named after the discoverer of the plant, who found it in a sugar plantation. Nat. Ord. Saxifragacece. D.pruriens (Syn. pungens), the only introduced species, is a noble looking and desirable orna- mental plant, with leaves nearly two feet long. In the young state the leaves are of a bright red color, from which they pass to a deep green. It produces a succulent edible fruit and is one of the most interesting plants in Queensland. It was introduced from Austra- lia in 1877. Davie'sia. Named after Rev. Hugh Davies, a Welsh botanist. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. Handsome green-house evergreens from New Holland. Like all other plants from that countiy, they require a bountiful supply of air on all favorable occasions through the winter, and in summer they are much better placed in the open air, so that they are slightly shaded from the mid-day sun. Some of the species have a sub-scandent habit, which, with their densely-filled, drooping spikes of yellow and red flowers, gives them a very graceful appearance. Propagated by cuttings from well-ripened side shoots. Introduced in 1792. Dawn Plo'wer. Blue. A popular name for IpomoRa Learii. Day Flower. See Commelyna. Day Lily. See Funkia and Hemerocallis. Deadly Nightshade. A common name for Atropa Belladonna. Dead Nettle. A common name for the genus Lamium, a few species of which have become naturalized in this country to such an extent as to be troublesome. Natives of Europe. Dead-wort. Sambucus Ebulus. Dealbate. Covered with a very opaque white powder. Decai'snea. Named in honor of Joseph Decaisne , a distinguished French botanist, 1807-1882. Nat. Ord. Berberidacem. One of the most remarkable of Indian dis- coveries. With the habit of an Araliaceous plant it exhibits the characters of the Ber- beridacese and Lardizabalaceee. D. insignis, the only species, is an elegant tree with gi-eenish flowers borne in terminal racemes It is a native of the humid forests of Sikkim and Bhotan, whence it was introduced in 1883. Deciduous. Falling off. Leaves which are shed annually are said to be deciduous ; as are also trees that annually lose their leaves. So also the calyx and corolla of OrucifercB. Deciduous Cypress. Taxodium diatichum. Declinate. Bent downwards. 122 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS DEO Decompound, Decomposite. Having vari- ous divisions or ramifications ; a leaf is said to be decompound wiien it is twice pinnated ; a panicle, when its branches are also panicled. Decimia'ria. From decuma, a tent; referring to the ten valvate divisions of the calj'x, and the ten cells of the capsule or seed-pod. Nat. Ord. Saxifragacew. A climbing shrub of the Southern States. Allied to Philadelphus. The flowers are white, sweet-scented, and arranged in corymbs. They are well adapted for growing against walls, thriving in almost any soil or situation. Prop- agated by cuttings or from seed. Decumbent. Eeclining upon the earth and rising again from it; applied to stems when the}' recline upon the surface of the earth, but have a tendency to rise again at the extrem- ities. Decurrent. "Where the limb of a leaf is pro- longed down the stem on each side, below the point of insertion, or where the midrib quits it ; as though the leaf were partially united to the stem by its midrib. Common in the Thistles. Decussate. Arranged in pairs that alternately cross each other ; when two right lines cross each other at right angles they are said to be decussate ; leaves are often placed in this position, as in Ixora parviflora, Phlox decusscUa, etc. Deerberry. One of the popular names of Vac- ci7iiu77i slamineum. Deer-Grass. See Rhexia. Deflexed. Bending gradually downwards through the whole length. Deformation. An alteration in the usual form of an organ, by accident or otherwise. Degeneration. Some peculiarity in the condi- tion of an organ, induced by modification of the circumstances under which its more usual and healthy development is effected. Deherai'nia. Named after Pierre-Paul Deherain, assistant naturalist of the Museum of the Jardin des Plantes, Paris. Nat. Ord. Myrain- acecB. D. smaragdina, the only species, is an inter- esting warm green-house plant, remarkable for its large green Primrose-like flowers dis- posed in clusters below the leaves. It was introduced frt>rn Mexico in 1876. Syn. Theo- phrasta smaragdina. Dehiscent. Opening, gaping ; an expression applied to the mode in which the anthers or the capsule burst open and discharge their contents. Delphi'nium. Larkspur. From delphin, a dol- phin ; in leference to the supposed resem- blance in the nectary of the plant to the imaginary figures of the dolphin. Nat. Ord. Ranunculaceie. Well-known annual, biennial, and perennial plants, with curiously-cut leaves and splendid flowers, which are either scarlet, purple, pink, blue, or white, and never yellow. The Siberian Larkspurs are remarkable for the metallic luster of their flowers, the hue of which re- sembles that of silver which has been tar- nished by fire; and the Bee Larkspurs are remarkable and interesting for the curious manner in which the petals are folded up in the center of the flower, so as to resemble a DEN bee, or a large blue-bottle fly. The Larkspurs will grow in any soil or situation, but one open to the sun suits them best. They are improved by the addition of a good deal of thoroughly-rotted manure to the soil in which they grow. The seeds keep good a long time, and those of the annual kinds do best sown in autumn, as when sown in spring they are a long time before they flower. The perennials are propagated by division of the root, or by seed, which is sown in March in the green- house or hot-bed, and the plants pricked out as soon as they show their second pair of leaves, are carefully grown on until the first of June, and then turned out into the flower- garden ;they will flower finely during the au- tumn months. See "Herbaceous plants." Deltoid. Of a triangular shape, like the Greek capital /\. y Dendro'bium. From dendron, a tree, and bios, life ; referring to the way these air-plants fa -ten on trees for support. Nat. Ord. Orchi- daceoB. In this extensive genus we are presented with some truly magnificent epiphytes, which regarded either for their singular numner of growing, graceful or grotesque habits, and large, handsome, and richly-scented flowers, are perhaps unsurpassed in the entire range of vegetable forms. In a cultural sense they may be divided into two sections, the pseudo- bulbous class, and those with tall bulbous stems. Many of the former are extremely small compared with the splendid flowers they produce, and from this circumstance, are usually grown on blocks of wood or cork, lest the young shoots should receive injury from excessive moisture. Those belonging to the other section are again divisible. The upright growing species, such as D. nohile, made the best appearance when cultivated in pots, and trained into suitable forms by the aid of stakes ; those of pendent trailing habits should be grown in baskets suspended from the roof of the house ; in either case the soil should be composed of about equal parts of fibrous peat and sphagnum, with a libeial ad- dition of pieces of charcoal. The mixture should be thoroughly incorporated without breaking it fine, and an efficient drainage must be secured, or the plants will not thrive. The base of their stems should be elevated two, three or four inches, according to the size of the plant, above the top of the pot or basket, as they are liable to much injury from damp when waking their new shoots. The temperature of the house in which these plants are grown is a consideration of the first consequence to their successful culture ; it requires to be assimilated, as nearly as cir- cumstances will allow, to that of their native positions, and maj' be described as of three dis- linct phases, a dry and warm season, in which the plants produce their flowers, to be suc- ceeded by one still warmer, and in which an abundance of moisture must be present, as it is at this time that new growths are effected, and this active season must be followed by one suited to produce a state of repose in the plants, by reducing the amount of heat con- siderably, and restricting the supply of moisture to the least possible quantity. This season is that which corresponds with our winters, and for convenience should be re- AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 123 DEN ferred to that time. Thus, from December to about the end of March, or later for some species, may be regarded as the period first mentioned, the growing season commencing with each individual as soon as its flowering is over, and continuing until the growth is complete, which is usually about the end of August or some part of September, when they require the perfect rest already spoken of. It is in the variation of these seasons, the with- holding or appliance of heat, that the whole art of the management lies. If it is done correctly, and at the proper time, of course the plant progresses satisfactorily, but other- wise all is confusion ; the plant continues growing, but does not flower, becoming weaker each season. An average of 55°, with but slight alteration, should be observed for the dormant season ; increasing it gradually to 65* or 70° for the flowering period, and after this is past, the tempei-atui-e may be allowed to run up to 85°, 90°, or even more through the summer, keeping a proportionate amount of moisture in the atmosphere of the house by means of frequent steaming, syringing, etc. The genus consists of over 200 species, of which upward of eighty have been intro- duced into the green-house, and some of the species are grown to an extent that warrants their use as a cut-flower. Their appearance in the florists' windows is by no moans rare, the more common being D. nobile, which flowers freely in the green-house during the winter, and is one of the very few Orchids that will grow and flower very well in the ordinary sitting-room. They are natives of India, Australia, and the Pacific Islands. See Orchids. Dendroclii'lum. From dendron, a tree, and cheilos, a lip. Nat. Ord. Orchidacew. A small genus of East Indian Orchids, chiefly of little interest. One or two of the species are highly esteemed by those who make a specialty of Orchids. D. glumaceum is a very handsome species, of neat habit, producing graceful drooping spikes of ivory- white flowers; the leaves, resembling those of the Lily of the Valley, gives the plant an in- teresting appearance when out of flower. D. ■ filiforme is another graceful little plant, with yellow flowers. This genus requires to be grown in heat, and the plants, when at rest, should have an occasional watering, as the pseudo-bulbs are quite small, and, if allowed to shrivel, the plants would be lost. They are increased by division. Introduced in 1836. Dendrome'con. Tree Poppy. From dendron, a tree, and mekon, a poppy ; resembling that flower, with a woody stem. Nat. Ord. Pa- paveracece. D. rigidum, the only species, is a hardy small shrubby plant, with yellow flowers, a native of California. The common name is very ap- propriate, the plant having the appearance and character of the Poppy tribe, with a woody stem and branches. Increased by seeds. Dendro'pana^. From dendron, a tree, and Panax, Tree Panax. Nat. Ord. AraliacecB. Very handsome and effective warm green- house plants. There are about twenty species, natives of tropical Asia and America, as well as China and Japan. D. argentea, has oblong, entire leaves about a foot in length. DES silvery white on the upper surface — purplish beneath. It is the only species in general cultivation. Dennstae'dia. Derivation of name not given. Nat. Ord. Polypodiacem. A genus of Ferns, now merged in Dicksonia, The name is also a synonym of Sitolobiuin. Denta'ria. Toothwort. Pepper-root. From dens, a tooth ; referring to the fanged roots. Nat. Ord. CrucifercE. A genus of hardy herbaceous perennials, several of the species being common in most of the States. The roots of D. diphylla have a pungent, mustard-like taste, and are con- siderably used as a salad, under the name of Pepper-root. The plant is somewhat orna- mental, of a dwarf habit, producing short racemes of white or purplish flowers. They are increased readily by division. Dentate. Having sharp teeth with concave edges. When these teeth are themselves toothed, the part is dupUcato- dentate; not bidentate, which means two-toothed. Depa'ria. From depas, a cup, referring to the form of the involucre. A small genus of rare stove ferns, with generally bipinnate fronds. Some of the species may be propagated from the small bulblets they form on their fronds. Depauperate. When some part is less per- fectly developed than is usual in plants of the same family. Depressed. Pressed downward; having the appearance of being flattened vertically, as the tuber of the Turnip. Descending. Tending gradually downward, as some branches and leaves. Also, penetrating more or less vertically into the earth, as with the root, the descending axis of vegetation. Desfontai'nea. In honor of M. Dpsfontaines, a Frenoh botanist. Nat. Ord. Loganiacece. The few species that compose this genus are very handsome green-house evergreen shrubs, found in Peru. They have thick leaves with spiny margins, like those of the Holly. This is one of the plants that perplexes the bota- nist, as there is nothing in its external appear- ance that would lead to a knowledge of its affinities. It has been placed under three different classifications previous to the present one. D. spinosa, the only described species, has large flowers borne on terminal pedun- cles, scarlet, with a yellow limb. The elegance of its foliage and the brilliancy of its flowers make it a very desirable green-house plant. It requires about the same treatment as the Fuchsia. Introduced in 1850. Designs. According to Loudon, the art of taking plans or designs of objects, should be considered to be part of a gardener's general education, since none who aspire to any degree of eminence in their profession ought to be ignorant of the first principles of geome- try and drawing. It is just as necessary in laying out a flower-garden, or planting an intricate carpet-bed, to have the dimensions carefully measured and a design drawn to a scale, as it is to have a working plan in building a house. This not only enables the operator to arrange previously the positions and space to be occupied by the various plants, but if a colored design is made, enables him also to see that the proportions of color are 124 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS DES properly inserted. A glance at the design, when planting, will at once indicate the posi- tions assigned to all the plants, and also pre- vent much confusion and annoyance. Intri- cate carpet-bedding designs are often worked out by marking the lines with white sand ; others may be drawn out carefully on the sur- face and planted at once. Designs for glass structures vary according to tlieir position or to the requirements of the plants for which th-ey are intended, but each should show in the same proportion all the details necessary for a good working plan. Desma'nthus. From desme, a bundle, and an- thos, a flower. The flowers are collected into bundles or spikes. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. A genus of tropical and sub-tropical Indian and American herbs, of which there are about eight species, some of which have been suc- cessfully cultivated. The little brown pol- ished seeds of D. Virgahis are in Jamaica strung like beads, and used for making brace- lets, etc. Desmo'dium. Moving Plant, Tick-Trefoil. Fi-om desmos, a band ; alluding to tlie stamens being joined. Nat. Ord. LeguminoscB. An extensive genus of hardy herbaceous perennials and green-house evergreen shrubs. Most of the species are unintei esting plants, but a few are very beautil'ul and remarkably interesting. There are numerous species throughout the United States, with purple flowers produced in slender racemes. Some are herbs, others shrubs, but none of the native species are worthy of cultivation. The most interesting of the species, if not the most beautiful, is D. gyrnns, the Moving Plant, a native of India, but rarely seen under culti- vation. The singular, spontaneous rotary motion of the leaflets of this plant renders it an object of great interest. The leaves are composed of three leaflets, the terminal one being very large, and the laterals very small, but these are almost constantly in motion. They execute little jerks somewhat analogous to the movements of the seconds of a watch. One of the leaflets arises and the other de- scends at the same time, and Avith a corres- ponding force. When the first begins to de- scend the other begins to rise. The large leaflet moves also, inclining itself first to the right, then to the left, but by a continuous and very slow movement when compared to that of the lateral leaflets. This singular mechanism endures throughout the life of the plant. It exercises itself day and night, through drought and humidity. The warmer and more humid the day, the more lively are its movements. It is not unusual for the leaflet to make sixty jerks in the minute ; they will not do this, however, under artificial cul- tivation, except when the plant is subjected to great heat. These movements occur spon- taneously and without any apparent cause. The same external cause that has such a won- derful effect on the Catch-fly and the Sensitive Plant, does not affect this in the least. None of our native species has this strong peculi- arity. The plant introduced to the United States from Japan as Desmodium pendidiflorum, is now placed under the allied genus Lespe- deza, as L. bicolor, which see. Deu'tzia. Named after J. Deutz, a sheriff of Amsterdam. Nat. Ord. Saxifragacere. DIA A genus of slender branched, graceful shrubs, producing compound panicles of beau- tiful white flowers. D. crenata, Syn. D. Scabra, one of the more common species, takes its specific name from the roughness of its leaves, which in its native country, Japan, are used by the cabinet makers in polishing the finer kinds of wood. This with its double variety, are exceedingly showy when in blos- som, and are two of the most desirable shrubs in cultivation. D. gracilis in addition to its beauty and usefulness as a hardy shrub, is one of the most valuable plants for forcing in winter and spring, and is very largely used for that purpose for the cut flower trade. All the species are perfectly hardy, and are read- ily propagated by cuttings, divisions, or layers. Development. That gradual extension of parts by which any organ or plant proceeds from its nascent state to maturity. Devil in a Bush. See Nigella. Devil's Apples. Mandragora officinalis. Devil's Bit. A common name for ChamoBlirivm, liiteicm, also for Scabiosa succisa. Devil's Fig. Argemone Mexicana. Devil's Leaf. Urtica urentissima. Devil's Milk. Euphorbia Helioscopia, and other species. Devr-berry. See Rubvs. Deyeu'xia. Named in honor of Nicholas Dey- eux, a French chemist. Nat. Ord. Gramin- acecB. A large genus of grasses widely dispersed over the temperate and mountainous regions of the globe. B. elegans va/riegata introduced from New South Wales in 1884, is a very ele- gant green-house plant, with a thick root- stock from which spring numerous leaves, about a quarter of an inch in breadth and a foot or more long, of a deep bright green color, broadly edged with creamy-yellow. Syn. Lachnagrostis. Dhoura, Doura, or Durra. Guinea Corn. See Sorghum. Diane'lla. A diminutive of Diana, the sylvan goddess ; the first discovered species being found in a grove. Nat. Ord. LiliacecB. Lovely tuberous-rooted plants, chiefly from New Holland. They should be grown in pots of loam and peat, and if allowed a good situa- tion in the green-house, will produce their showy blue flowers in abundance. Propagated by division or from seed. Dianthe'ra. From dis, two, and anthera, an- ther ; in reference to the cells being more or less separated from one another. Nat. Ord. AcanthacecB. A genus of green-house or hardy, erect, or dwarf herbs, with long solitary or fascicled bracteate flowers and entire leaves. D. Amer- icana, the Water-willow of the United States, is a perennial herb growing in the bays and slow-flowing waters of the great rivers, as well as in streams and ponds. It has long narrow leaves and dense spikes of pale purple flowers upon long peduncles. -D. ciliuta is a pretty violet-colored, warm green-house shrub from Venezuela. The genus is closely allied to Juslicid. DICTAMNTJS FEAXrNT:i,LA. DELPHIKTOM FOBMOSUM. DIANTHUS GAEDNEBIANU8. DIANTHUS 8COTICUS. DIANTHUS (sweet WILLIAM). DIANTHU8 PLUMABIUS FL. PL. DIANTHtrS (florists' PINK). DICKSONIA ANTARCTICA. DIANTHT7S (TYPE OF DOUBLE ANNUAL). laS AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 125 DIA Dia'nthus. From dios, divine, and anthos, a flower ; in reference to the fragrance and the unrivaled neatness of the flowers. Nat. Ord. Caryophyllacew. Most of the species of this genus are highly valued for the beauty and fragrance of the flowers, which present a richer variety of tints of scarlet, crimson, rose, orange, etc., than is to be found, perhaps, in any other genus. The fragrance of some of them is peculiarly grate- ful, and no plant in this respect surpasses the Carnation, D. caryophyllus (Clove Pink and Carnation). Seedlings stand the winter and spring without difficulty with a light covering of leaves and evergreen boughs, and flower very well. Very many will not be considered worth saving by the florist, although they will all be interesting as single, semi-double, or irregular flowers, and i"ichly repay all the labor. Carnations are arranged by florists into three classes, viz. : Flakes, Bizarres and Picotees. Flakes have two colors only ; their stripes are large, going quite through the petals. Bizarres are variegated in irregular spots and stripes, with not less than three colors. Picotees have a white ground, spotted at the edges with scarlet, red, purple or other colors. The Clove Pink is rather more hardy than the Carnation, of which it is the parent ; the petals are more fringed and the fragrance more powerful, resembling that of the clove. In France it is called the Clove Gilly-flower. Some suppose this latter name to have been corrupted from July-flower, July .being its flowering time. The great improvement in the Perpetual Carnation (Tree or Monthly Carnation) has added an invaluable feature to this section of winter-blooming plants for the sitting-room, conservatory or green- house. The delicately rich and grateful odor, in connection with the brilliant color and good outline of the flowers now cultivated, secures for them a prominent place in the forcing department for cut flowers. D. plu- marius, the Garden Pink, Florist's Pink, or Paisley Pink, is in perfection about the last of June. The foliage is more grass-like and the plant much hardier than the Carnation. The double varieties are very desirable, and all have a clove fragrance. D. Chinenais, the China Pink, is a biennial of dwarf habit and great beauty, but without fragrance. It flow- ers from seed the first year, and being per- fectly hardy, flowers much stronger the sec- ond year. The colors are exceedingly varied and rich ; crimson, and dark shades of that color approaching to black, are often com- bined in the same flower, with edgings of white, pink or other colors. In beds where there may be a hundred plants, scarcely two will be found alike. Seed saved from double flowers will produce a great proportion of double flowers. D. G. Heddewigii and D. C. laciniatus and their numerous varieties repi'e- sent an exceedingly useful class of plants for mixed borders, many of their flowers being double and beautifully marked and fringed. D. barbatus, the Sweet William, is an old inhabitant of the flower-garden, and was much esteemed in Gerarde's time "for its beauty to deck up the bosoms of the beautiful, and gar- lands, and crowns for pleasure." It sports into endless varieties of color, white, pink, purple, crimson and scarlet self colors, and many sorts variously edged, eyed or spotted. DIG There are also many beautiful double-flowered varieties, notably the double dark crimson or blood-colored, which, of course, can only be perpetuated by division or by cuttings. Diape'nsia. Named by Linneeus from diapente, composed of five ; alluding to the flowers being five-cleft. Nat. Ord. Diapensiacece. This genus consists of two beautiful little Alpine plants, both evergreen, which grow in dense tufts, scarcely rising more than an inch above the ground. The flowers are white, bell-shaped, and about half an inch across. It was first discovered in Lapland, but has since been found in the White Mountains, in New Hampshire, and in the Adirondacks, in New York. In its native country it is continually covered with snow in winter, which is the best protection against severe dry frosts. It can be grown in small pots, and protected by a frame in winter. Propagated by seeds or division. Diapensia'ceae. A small order of perennial, prostrate, sometimes suffruticose, shrubs, inhabiting the northern parts of Europe and North America. The order includes the genera Diappnsia, Pyxidanthera, Galax, Shortia, as well as some others not yet in cultivation. Dibber. This is the pointed implement used for setting out vegetable plants that have long roots, such as Cabbage, Celery, etc., and also seedling trees and flowering plants. It is best made in the form of a pistol handle, about ten inches long, one and a half inches in diameter, and shod with three or four inches of iron tapering to a sharp point. Dice'ntra. From dis, twice, and TteMron, a spur ; in allusion to the double-spurred flowers. Nat. Ord. Fumariacece. Very ornamental, hardy herbaceous peren- nials, with generally tuberous roots. They are natives of the northern hemisphere, and have mostly pink or yellow flowers, in ter- minal racemes. They form excellent subjects for the herbaceous border or rock-garden. Diclytra or Dielytra spectabilia is placed by many under this genus. See Dielytra. Dichlamy'deous. Having both calyx and cor- olla. Dichopo'gon. From dicha, double, and pogon, a beard ; in allusion to the two appendages of the anthers. Nat. Ord. Liliacem. A small genus of green-house perennial herbs, natives of Australia and Tasmania. D. strictus, the only species yet in cultivation, is a very interesting plant, with pale, sometimes dark-blue flowers, blooming in November. It was introduced in 1883, and may be increased by division of the rhizome, or by the tubers on the root-fibres. Dicho'riza'ndra. From dis, twice, chorizo, to part, and aner, an anther; referring to the anthers being two-cleft. Nat. Ord. Commeli- naceoR. A genus of hot-house, herbaceous peren- nials from Brazil, some of the species being exceedingly ornamental and invaluable for late autumn or winter flowering. D. thyrsi- flora ranks highest, and when well grown will reach ten feet in height, branched all round, each branch terminating with a long spike of sky-blue flowers. "When the flowers begin to expand it may be removed to a warm con- servatory, where it will last in bloom for 126 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS DIG several weeks. D. musaica is a beautiful ornamental-foliaged species, with darli-green leaves, profusely penciled and veined, with zig-zag lines of pure white ; under side red- dish-purple. Propagated by division in spring, when the new growth commences, and by seeds. Dicho'tomous. Having the divisions always in pairs ; a term equally applied to branches, veins, or forks. Dickso'nia. Named after James Dickson, a famous British cryptogamic botanist. Nat. Ord. Polypodiacem. A genus of very ornamental Ferns, mostly arborescent, and including some of the most valued Tree Ferns to be found in our green- houses. D. antartica, a nalive of Australia, introduced in 1824, is the one most commonly grown, and is the most ornamental of the genus. D. arborescens, a native of St. Helena, grows about twelve feet high, bearing at its summit a number of pinnated fronds, from ten to twelve feet in length. This species grows in great abundance in St. Helena, and next to the tomb of Napoleon, is the great attraction of the island. It is remarkable that this species has not been found in any other part of the world. All the Tree Ferns should be grown in a mixture of loam and leaf mould, and require a humid atmosphere. Young plants may be raised from spores, but it takes many years for them to grow to the size of imported stems, to which method we are indebted for all our large plants. One species, D. punctilobula, a hardy herbaceous plant, is a native of this country, very common in moist, rather shady places. It is one of our hand- somest Ferns, and has an agreeable odor. Dicli'ptera. From diklos, double-doored, and pteron, a wing ; referring to the two-winged capsule or seed vessel. Nat. Ord. AcanthacecB. An extensive genus of annuals and peren- nials, allied to Justicia. The species are dis- persed over the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the New and Old World. The annuals grow readily from seed, which should be started in a hot-bed, or the green-house, in March, grown on until all danger from frost is past, and then transplanted in the open border. The perennials are increased by cut- tings. They all require a very light, rich fibrous soil. Dicotyle'dons. Plants having two seed leaves, which are called cotyledons. This is one of tlie primary divisions or classes of the vege- table kingdom, including about 7,000 known genera, and about 70,000 known species of flowering plants. The class also receives the name of Exogens, from the structure of the stems. The plants of this great class have spiral vessels; their stems are formed by additions externally in the form of zones or rings ; stomata or pores exist in the leaves, which have a reticulated or netted venation. The plants have stamens and pistils, either in the same or in different flowers. The sym- metry of the flowers is represented by five or two, or multiples of these numbers. The ovules are contained in an ovary, or more rarely are naked ; and the embryo has two, sometimes more, cotyledons. Dicta'mnus. Fraxinella, Gas Plant. An ancient name, supposed to have been given because DID the leaves resemble those of the ash ; hence the English name, Fraxinella. Nat. Ord. Rutacece. A small genus of hardy herbaceous peren- nials, and among the oldest inhabitants of the cottage garden. Johnson says: "Instances are known where D. Fraxinella has outlived father, son, and grandson in the same spot without increase, all attempts at multiply- ing it, to give away a rooted slip to a newly- married member of the family, having failed ; yet the Fraxinella is easily increased from seeds, which should be sown soon as ripe in any common garden soil. They will come up the following spring." The plant has to be three years old before it will flower. It is a native of Germany. When rubbed the leaves emit a fine odor, like that of lemon peel ; it is strongest in the pedicels of the flowers. The whole plant emits a resinous or oily matter, which may be readily ignited, especially in warm weather. Dictya'nthus. From diktyon, net work, and anthos, a flower ; the flowers are netted with veins. Nat. Ord. Asclepiadacece. Green-house climbers of considerable beauty, from Central America and Brazil. They will do well, planted out in summer, but require green-house culture during winter. The same treatment that is given the Passi- flora will suit them. The flowers are whitish- pui-ple and greenish-brown, borne on axillary peduncles. D. campanulatus somewhat re- sembles the Stapelia. Propagated by cuttings. Introduced in 1851. Dictyogra'mma. A genus of Ferns now placed under Gymnogramma. Dictyo'pterls. From diktyon, a net, and pteris, a Fern ; referring to the fronds. Nat. Ord. PolypodiacecB. A genus of Ferns from Australia, without special merit, and rarely met in collections : now placed under Polypodium. Dictyospe'rma. From diktyon, a net, and sperma, a seed ; in allusion to the raphe of the seed forming a loose net-work. Nat. Ord. Palmaecies of Drosera are remarkable for their glandular hairs, which are covered with drops of fluid in sunshine. Dio7icea muscipula is a still more remarkable plant, commonly called Venus's Fly-trap. Some include Parnassia in this order. There are seven known genera and about 100 species. Drosera, Dioncea, and Drosophyllum, are examples of the order. Drosophy'Uum. From drosos, dew, and phyllon, a leaf ; in allusion to the leaves being beset with stipulary glands, appeai'ing like dew. Nat. Ord. DroseraceoB. D. Lusitanicum (the only species), forming a dwarf, shrubby plant three to flve inches in height, is one of the most singular plants of European flora. The nature of the glandular hairs is different from that of the Droseras, their rigid pedicels not being endowed with the motive power of the British and other species of the genus just mentioned. "A still more anomalous character is to be found in the way the leaves are developed in the bud, being circinate and revolute, not involute, as in our Droseras, in Ferns, Cycads and other plants, and of this mode of development Dro- sophylbun is, so far as I know, the only exam- ple in the Vegetable Kingdom." (J. D. Hooker in Botanical Magazine.) It is a native of Spain, Portugal and Africa, introduced in 1869, and is propagated by seeds. Drupa'ceae. Formerly regarded as a distinct natural order, but now as a section of RonacecE. DUP Drupe. A kind of fruit consisting of a fleshy, suc- culent rind, and containing a hard stone in the center, like the Olives, Plums, Apricots, etc. Drya'ndra. Named after Jonas Dryander, a dis- tinguished Swedish botanist. A genus of Proteacece, allied to Banksia, containing in all about fifty species. Hand- some green-house plants, rarely seen in culti- vation, notwithstanding their great beauty. Dry'as. From Dryades, the goddesses of the woods, to whom the oak was sacred. The leaves of D. odopetala, a Scotch plant, on which the genus was founded by Linuteus, resembles small oak leaves ; and he, in play- ful mood, made Dryas the badge of Virgil's Dryades, after the manner of the Scottish clans. Nat. Ord. Rosaceoe. A delicate genus of dwarf, moderately- spreading plants, with neat evergreen leaves and strawberry-like flowers. All have white flowers except D. Drummondii, which are of a sulphur yellow. They are all of easy culture, but require a moist, shaded situation. They are natives of Great Britain and the United States, and are propagated by division and by seeds. Drymo'nia. Fi'ora drymos, an oak wood ; their habitation. Nat. Ord. GesneracecB. A small genus of South American shrubs of climbing habit, found in moist or marshy sit- uations. Flowers large, not unlike the Ges- ncra. A few species have been introduced into the green-house, and are quite orna- mental. They should be grown in baskets filled with turf and pieces of wood, in a moist, warm house, and are propagated by cuttings. Introduced in 1806. Dryna'ria. From dr^)s, a tree ; dwelling among trees. Nat. Ord. Polypodiacece. An extensive genus of green-house Ferns from India and the Pacific Islands, now included under Polypodium by some authors. Dryoba'lanops. Camphor Tree. From drys, a tree, balanos, an acorn, and ops, appearance ; in allusion to the species being a tree, bearing acorn-like fruits. Nat. Ord. Dipterocarpeoe. A large, resinous, camphor-bearing ever- green tree, native of Sumatra. D. aromatica furnishes a liquid called Camphor-oil and a crystalline solid known as Sumatra camphor. It is highly prized by the Chinese. Dry'pis. From drypto, to lacerate ; leaves armed with spines. Nat. Ord. Caryophyllacece. D. spinosa is a beautiful little trailing plant well adapted for growing upon rock-work ; its pretty pale pink or white flowers being pro- duced so as to completely cover the ground. It is increased by cuttings. This plant is a native of Italy, and was introduced in 1795. Duck's-foot. See Podophyllum. Duck-weed. Tlie genus Lemna. Tropical. PLslia istralioidis. Ducts. Tubular vessels marked by transverse lines or dots; api)arently, in some cases, modifications of spiral vessels. Dumb Cane. Dieffenbachia Seguine. Duplicate. Growing in pairs. When com- pounded with the words crenate, dentate, serrate, it implies that the incisions on the margins of leaves bearing these names are themselves crenated, dentated, and serrated. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 135 DUE Duramen. TJie heart-wood, or that part of tlie timber of a tree which becomes hardened by the matter deposited in it. It is next tlie center in Exogens and next the circumference in Endogens. Dura'nta. Named in honor of Castor Durantes, a physician and botanist. Nat. Ord. Verbenacece. A genus of free flowering evergreen slirubs, natives of South America and tlie West Indies. D. Pl-umieri, the best known species, has pretty blue flowers bome in racemes in great profusion. It was introduced in 1739, and is increased readily by cuttings. Du'rio. From Duryon, the Malay name of the fruit, and comes from dury, a thorn ; alluding to the prickly fruit. Nat. Ord. SterculiacecB. D. zibethinus, the only species, a noble tree attaining the height of from sixty to eighty feet, with somewhat the general appearance of an elm, produces the celebrated Durian fruit of the Indian Archipelago. This fruit varies in shape, being either globular or oval, and measures as much as ten inches in length ; it has a thick, hard rind entirely cov- ered with very strong sharp prickles, and is divided into Ave cells, each of which contains from one to four seeds rather larger than pigeons' eggs, and completely enveloped in a firm luscious-looking cream-colored pulp, which is the eatable part of the fruit. This tree is commonly cultivated through- out the Malayan Peninsula and Islands, where its fruit, during the period it is in season, forms the greatest part of the food of the natives. Considerable difference of opin- ion exists among epicures as to the relative merits of several well-known tropical fruits, including the Durian, the Maugosteen, the Cherimoyer, and the Pine-apple, any of which is made to occupy the foremost place, accord- ing to individual taste. The flavor of Durian, however, is said to be perfectly unique ; and it is also quite certain that no other fruit, either of tropical or temperate climes, com- bines in itself such a delicious flavor with such an abominably offensive odor — an odor liommonly compared either with putrid animal matter, or with rotten onions. It might be supposed that a fruit possessing such an odor could never become a favorite ; but it is said that when once the repugnance has been overcome, the Durian is sure to find favor, and that foreigners invariably become exti'emely fond of it. One traveler observes that "a rich custard, highly flavored with almonds, gives the best general idea of it, but there are occasional wafts of flavor that call to mind cream-cheese, onion sauce, sherry wine, and other incongruous dishes. Then there is a rich glutinous smoothness in the pulp which nothing else possesses, but which adds to its delicacy. It is neither acid, nor sweet, nor juicy; yet it wants none of these qualities, for it is in itself perfect. It pro- duces no nausea or other bad effect, and the more you eat of it the less you feel inclined to stop. In fact, to eat Durians is a new sensation, worth a voyage to the East to ex- perience." Durra. See Sorghum vulgare. Dusty Miller. Cineraria marilima. Dutch-Clover Trifolium repens. Dutchman's Breeches. Dicentra cucuUaria. DYS Dutchman's Pipe. See Aristolochia sipho. Duva'lia. Named after H. A. Duval, of Paris, a botanical author. Nat. Ord. AsclepediacecB. A genus of succulent Stapelia-like plants, all natives of South Africa. D. polita has purplish red flowers with a dull orange center, somewhat resembling a bird's head, when viewed sideways. They are produced in threes or fours and open successively. The stems and branches are two to three inches long, and about half an inch thick, somewhat clavate, and more or less decumbent and rooting. It is one of the finest plants of the genus, and was introduced in 18'74. Duva'ua. In honor of M. Duvau, a French bot- anist. Nat. Ord. Anacardiacem. Singular half-hardy shrubs from Chili. The leaves of the plants of this genus, if thrown upon water, will start and jump about in a very extraordinary manner. They have a strong smell of turpentine. The flowers are white, produced in small spikes, and are suc- ceeded by dark purple berries. They require green-house treatment. Propagated by cut- tings. Introduced in 1830. Dwarf. Of small size compared with other species of the same genus, or with other varieties of the same species. Dwarf Dandelion. Krigia Virginica, a small hardy annual, with yellow flowers resembling a small Dandelion, common in New England and southward. Dwarf Fan Palm. A common name for Cha- mcerops humilis. Dy'ckia. Named in honor of Prince Salm-Dyck, a German, author of a splendid work on suc- culents. Nat. Ord. BromelieececB. A small genus of green-house plants, resem- bling the Pine-apple in miniature, or a small Pitcairnia. D. rariflora is a very showy plant with orange-colored flowers. One or two other species of the same general character have been introduced into the green-house. Propagated by division or from seeds. Dyer's Green-Weed. See Genista tinctoria. Dyer's Rocket, or Dyer's Weed. A popular name of Reseda luteola, allied to Mignonette. Dynamis. A power. A figurative term em- ployed by Linnaeus to express the degrees of development of stamens. Thus his Didynamia signified stamens of two different lengths, or of two different degrees of development. Dypsis. From dnpto, to dip ; application not given. Nat. Ord. Palmacece. A genus of five or six species of dwarf stove- house palms, all natives of Madagascar. D. Madagascar iensis, D. Hildebrandtii, and D. pinnatifrons, the only species yet introduced, are choice sorts, and well worthy of a place in any collection. Dysodia. From dusodes, ill-smelling ; in allu- sion to the unpleasant odor of some of the species. Nat. Ord. Compositm. A genus of about ten species of erect or dif- fuse pubescent plants, closely allied to Ta- getes, and natives of Mexico, Central America, and the South-western States. D. chrysan- themoides, a dwarf annual with pinnatisect leaves, grows in great profusion over the western prairies of Illinois, and in autumn exhales so unpleasant an odor as to sicken travelers. 136 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS E. EAG Eagle Wood. An odoriferous wood containing an abundance of resin and a fragrant essen- tial oil. This is supposed to be tlie Aloes wood of Scripture. See Aquilaria agallocha. Ea'rina. From earinos, the spring; the time of their flowering. Nat. Ord. OrchidacecB. A. genus of very rare Orchids. The stems are terminated by dense oblong spikes of white flowers, which are delightfully fragrant. They were introduced from New Zealand in 1843. East Indian Rose Bay. See TabemcBmontana. Earth-nut, or Earth Chestnut. Bunium jlex- uosum. Easter Flo'wer. Mexican. Poinsettia pulcher- rima. Easter Giant. Polygonum bistortum. Easter Lily. Lilium Harrisii and L. longiflorum. Ebena'ceae. A natural order of trees or shrubs, not milky, with alternate leathery and entire leaves. The flowers are hermaphrodite (per- fect), or pistillate and etaminate. The fruit is a round or oval berry with albuminous seeds. They are chiefly natives of the East Indies, but are also found in tropical Africa, at the Cape of Good Hope, in South America, Brazil, Australia, northern Asia, and China. The trees yield a hard and durable timber. The heart-wood of different species of Diospy- ros is the Ebony of commerce, of which there are many varieties. The Keg-fig of Japan is edible fruit of Diospyros Kuki, and our com- mon Persimmon is the fruit of Diospyros Vir- giniana. There are five recognized genera and about 250 species ; Diospyros, Royena, Eiiclea, and Maba are examples. E'benus. A genus of LeguminoscB, numbering about eight species, natives of the high moun- tainous regions of eastern Europe and Asia Minor. They are elegant little shrubs, or biennial plants, bearing their bright pink or violet blossoms on dense spikes or round heads in great profusion. They are easily increased by seeds or division. Ebony-tree. See Diospyros. Jamaica. Brya Ehenus. Mountain. Bardtiiiiavariegata. Senegal. Dalbergia Melanoxylon. Eburneiis. Of the color of ivory. Ecba'llium. Squirting Cucumber. From efebaZo, to cast out ; because the seeds are violently expelled from the ripe fruit. Nat. Ord. Cucur- bitacece. The Squirting Cucumber is so called from the remarkable way in which it squirts out its seeds along with the semi-fluid contents of the fruit. When the fruit is quite ripe a very slight touch causes it to separate from its stem, and by the violent elastic contraction of the pericarp, or rind of the fruit, the whole of the contents are ejected from the opening made by its separation from the stem. It is a native of the south of Europe, where the drug known as Elaterium (a powerful cathartic) is procured from it, Syn. Momordica Elaterium. ECH Eccremoca'rpus. From ekkrem^s, pendant, and karpos, fruit ; position of seed-pods. Nat. Ord. BignoniacecB. The best known species, E. scaber, is a half- hardy climber, of exceedingly vigorous growth, producing a great profusion of orange-scarlet flowers, and ripening an abundance of seed. If cut down to the root in autumn, and covered with dead leaves, straw, or anything to preserve it from the frost during winter, it will shoot up again the following spring. It may be propagated by cuttings, but it ripens seed so freely that it is most easily raised from them. They should be sown in autumn, as soon as they are ripe, on a slight hot-bed; and the plants, which should be kept in a frame or green-house, should be shifted two or three times till they are ready for planting out in April or May. The species are natives of Peru. Introduced in 1824. Syn. Calampelis. Echea'ndia. Named after Greg. Echeandia, botanical professor at Saragossa. Nat. Ord. LiliacecE. A small genus of exceedingly rare, tender herbaceous perennials, discovered near the Real del Monte Mines, Mexico, by Mr. John Rule, and sent by him to England in 1837. It is allied to the Anthericum, which in habit of growth it resembles. The flower spike grows nearly three feet high, branching, and during July and August it produces daily several Asphodel-shaped flowers, of a bright orange- yellow color. It is increased from seeds. Echeve'ria. In honor of M. EcJieveri, author of the splendid drawings of the Flora Mexicani. Nat. Ord. CrassulacecB. The Echeverias are succulent plants, all more or less ornamental, particularly so when in flower. Some are dwarf and herb-like in their manner of growth, and others more or less shrubby in their habit. They are all free-growing plants, suitable for rockeries, edgings, or massing; where " carpet bedding" is done the Echeverias are indispensable. They require the protection of the green- house during winter, and, like most other succulents, to be carefully watered ; in fact, the soil must never approach a soddened con- dition. They must, however, be freely sup- plied with water while in a growing condition. The Echeverias are readily propagated by the leaves, especially those produced along the flower-stem, and by seeds. They are chiefly natives of Mexico, and require a very open or porous soil, consisting of loam and coarse sand. Some of the more popular kinds are of recent introduction. A number of the species are now classed with Cotyledon. Echina'cea. Purple Cone-Flower. From ec/iinos, a hedge-hog ; referring to the involucre, or scaly covering of the flowers. Nat. Ord. Com- posites. A small genus of coarse-growing, hardy her- baceous perennials, bearing large purple or reddish flowers, with a dark centre. They ar© common south and west. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 137 ECH Echinate. Furnished with numerous rigid hairs or straight prickles ; as the fruit of Castanea vesca, Amomum subulatum, etc. Eclii'noca'ctus. From echinos. hedge-hog, and cactus; sl name given by Theophrastus to a spiny plant. Nat. OrJ. CactacecB. This genus is one of the most beautiful of the order; the grotesque appearance of the plants, crowned as they are at titnes with tlieir large Howers, renders them objects of much attention among the admirers of this class of vegetable forms. The soil we prefer for their culture is a mixture of rich loam, thoroughly decomposed manure, and sand, in equal quantities. This must be well drained by mixing small lumps of charcoal and pots- herds with the earth, and by placing a layer of the same material at the bottom of the pots. Through the winter the plants shoula be kept in a reduced temperatuie. such as that of a green-house, and have little or no water, but in summer they grow and flower more freely if allowed a stove tetuperature and a liberal supply of moisture. Bright sun- light is essential to their vigor at all seasons, but most particularly so in autumn and winter. The genus comprises manj'- species; more than half of them natives of Mexico, the rest being distributed throughout South America, They are propagated by offsets, which should be dried a few days after being taken off the plant. First introduced in 1796. E'chinops. Globe Thistle. From echinos, a hedge-hog, and opts, like; referring to the spiny scales of the involucre, or covering of composite flowers. Nat. Ord. Compositor. A genus of hardy annual, biennial, and per- ennial plants, generally with blue flowers, ar- ranged in dense round clusters at the ends of the branches, so that each cluster of flower- heads has the appearance of a single head, containing many florets. They are all of easy culture, and will grow in almost any situation. For moderate-sized gardens, they are too rank growing and coarse to bo useful. They are natives of southern Europe, and are propagated by seeds or division. Echino'psis. A small genus of Cactaceos, now generally placed as a section of Cereus. Echi'tes. From echis, a viper ; referring to the snake-like coils of the twining slioots. Nat. Ord. ApocynacecB. A genus of magnificent green-house climb- ing plants, with yellow, white, red, and crim- son flowers, and richly-veined leaves. They closely resemble Dipladenia, which may be re- ferred to for culture. It is an extensive genus, pretty generally distributed throughout South America and the Ecist Indies. E'chium. Viper's Bugloss. From ecTiis, a viper ; seeds like the viper's head. Nat. Ord. Bora- ginacecB. Perennial, biennial, and annual plants gener- ally with rich dark-blue flowers ; though some of the kinds that are natives of the Cape of Good Hope and the Canaries have red, white, or violet flowers. They are easily prop- agated by seeds or division of the root. First introduced in 1683. Edelvreiss. See Leontopodium. Edged. When one color is surrounded by a very narrow rim of another color. EGY Edgeworthia. Named for M. P. Edgeworth, an East Indian botanist. Nat. Ord. Thyme- lacece. Ornamental evergreen green-house shrubs with yellow flowers, closely allied to Daphne. Natives of China and Japan. Edwa'rdsia. In honor of Sydenham Edwards, a celebrated English botanical draughtsman. Nat. Ord. LegutninoscB. Half-hardy low trees and shrubs, with pin- nate leaves and very curiously-shaped seed pods and flowers, which are of a dark golden yellow. They are beautiful plants for lawn decoration, but must be protected in winter. The species ai-e all natives of New Zealand, and are propagated by cuttings. Introduced in 1772. Syn. Sophora. Eel-Grass. See Vallismria. Effuse. Applied to inflorescence, and means a kind of panicle with a very loose ari'ange- ment. Egg-Plant. The Egg- Plant of our gardens is Solanum melongena, var. orngerum, a native of North Africa. It was first introduced into England in 1596, but for a long time was little known or used, owing much to the climate being unsuitod to the perfect development of the fruit. In India and other hot countries it is a favorite article of food, and for many years it has steadily grown in favor in this country. In India It is served up with sugar and wine, and in Italy and France it is used in stews and soups. Of this species there are several varieties, the favorite being the " Im- proved New York Purple," which is a strong grower, the plants yielding from five to eight fruits, some of which are of enormous size ; the size, however, depends much on the soil and method of culture. For perfection of growth, a very rich soil, plenty of moisture, and warm weather are required, with the ad- dition of frequent hoeings. Under such cir- cumstances, fruit seven inches in diameter and eight to nine inches long, and weighing five to six pounds, is easily obtained. There are several other species occasionally grown in our gardens, one having bright scarlet, another white fruit, each about the size of a hen's egg, which are chiefly grown as curiosities. The white variety is edible, however, and is per- haps the most delicately flavored. Seeds should be sown about March 1st, in a tem- perature at no time lower than 70" Fahr., and from the seed bed pricked out in shallow boxes, and from these, again, into small flower pots, to be planted out in the open ground when all danger from frost is past, as the plant, being tropical, is at all times sensitive to cold. Eggs and Bacon. Linaria vulgaris, and Lotus corniculatus. Eggs and Butter. Linaria vulgaris. Eglantine. Sweet Briar. Rosa rubiginosa. Egyptian Bean. See DoUchos Lablab. Of Pythagoras. Nelwmhium speciosum, Egyptian Lily. See Richardia. Egyptian Lotus. Nymphma Lotus. Egyptian Pea. See Cicer. Egyptian Rose. Scabiosa arvensis, and 8. atropurpurea. Egyptian Thorn. CratoRgus Pyracantha. 138 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OP PLANTS EHE Ehre'tia. In honor of D. G. Ehret, a celebrated German botanical draughtsman. Nat. Ord. Boraginacece. A small genus of very beautiful tropical trees and shrubs, producing large corymbs of fragrant, mostly white flowers. Introduced in 1823 ; propagated .by cuttings. Ehre'tia'ceae. A natural order, now placed as a tribe of Boraginacece. Eichho'rnia. Named in honor of J. A. F. Eich- horn, an eminent Prussian. Nat. Ord. Ponle- deriacecB. Very interesting stove aquatics, natives of South America and tropical Africa. E. cras- sipes, Syn. Pondeteria azurea, or P. crassipes, grows freely, floating on the surface of tlie water, without the roots being in the soil ; the other species are easily grown in pots filled with coarse, rather rich soil, immersed and kept in water. Elaeagna'ceae. A natural order of trees or shrubs, more or less covered with minute silvery or brown scurfy scales, and natives chiefly of the northern hemisphere. Th(>re are four known genera and about thirty spe- cies. Shopherdia, Elceagnus, and Hippophae are examples of the order. Elasa'gnus. Oleaster, or Wild Olive. From Elaia, an olive, and agnos, a chaste tree ; resemblance the tree bears. Nat. Ord. Elce- agnacece. A genus of hardy and half-hardy ornamental low-growing trees or shrubs, natives of southern Europe and Asia. E. horten^nui, is an old garden shrub, noted for the silvery white- ness of its foliage, and, on this account, is often selected to plant in a conspicuous situa- tion, or to contrast with shrubs of darker foliage. Its flowers are produced in May, are quite small, pale yellow, and fragrant. E. argentea is described by Gray, under the name of Shepherdia argentea, which see, El^'is. The Oil Palm. From Elaia, the olive ; similarity of expressing oil from tlio fruit. Nat. Ord. Palmacece. This interesting genus of Palms consists of but few species, the minor ones being na- tives of South America. E. Guineensis, the most important species, abounds on the west coast of Africa, It grows to the greatest perfection in shady places, where the trees attain a height of twenty feet. The immense groves interspersed with the larger vegeta- tion of that country, gives the landscape an indescribable beauty. The fruits in this species are borne in immense dense heads, measuring from one to two feet long, and from two to three feet in circumference, the individual fruit, or nut, being about an inch and a half long by an inch in diameter. These fruits yield the Palm Oil of commerce, the collecting of which is the principal industry of the negroes in many parts of Africa, but more particularly on the west coast. The oil is obtained by bruising the fruit, boiling in water, and skimming it off as it rises to the surface. The Palm Oil of commerce is about the consistence of butter, of a deep orange yellow, becoming lighter upon being exposed to the air, and when fresh it emits a sweet violet odor. In Africa this oil is used as butter under the name of ghen. A soup is also made of it, that forms an important ELI article of food. The vast productiveness of the plant is evident from the fact, that the importations into Great Britain alone, in 1860, amounted to more than eight millions of dol- lars. The chief uses to which this oil is ap- plied is in the manufacture of candles. Palm Oil soap, and for lubricating oil for machin- ery. Elaeoca'rpus. From Elaia, the olive, and kar- pus, fruit; resemblance of the fruits. Nat. Ord. TiliaceoR. A genus of handsome trees belonging to the Linden family. They are natives of South America, Australia, and the East Indies. The flowers are white or green, quite showy. The rough bony fruit, or stone, has a sculp- tured appearance, and is used for necklaces and other articles of ornament. The fruit is surrounded by an edible pulp, and is pickled like olives. The bark of some of the species affords an excellent dye, varying from light brown to deep black ; it is highly valued for its permanency. Elaeode'ndron. Olive "Wood. From Elaia, an olive, and dendron, a tree; alluding to the re- semblance. Nat. Ord. CelaMracece. A genus of medium-sized evergreen trees, common in Africa, India, the south of Europe, and is also abundant in the Holy Land. The trees grow from thirty to forty feet high, much branched, with rough, scraggy trunks, and furnish the Olive Wood, used so much in turning and various small works, such as boxes, charms, trinkets, and small cabi- net work. The fruit is much esteemed and yields an oil something like that of the true Olive, Olsa Europisa, though of an inferior quality. Elder. American. Sarribucua Canadensis, and the genus Iva. British. Samhucus nigra. Marsh, or Water. Viburnum Opulus. Poison. Rhus venenatum. AVild, of North America. Aralia luspida. Elecampane. See Inula Helenium. Elephant's Apple. Feronia EUphanium. Elephant's Ear. The genus Begonia, and Colo- casia esculenta. Elephant's Foot. See Testudinaria Elephan- tipes. Elephant's-trunk Plant. Martynia jjroboscidea, and Adenium namaquanum. Eletta'ria. A synonym of Amomum, which see. Eleusi'ne. Derived from Eleusis, where was a celebrated temple of Ceres. Nat. Ord. Graminac^m. A family of curious grasses, mostly inhabi- tants of the East Indies. E. oligostachya, one of the most ornamental species, is a dwarf grass, well adapted for the flower border, or to be used as a "dried grass" for winter- bouquets; it is native of China, perfectly hardy, and of perennial duration. E. coracana. is growu in Japan as a grain crop for its large farinaceous seeds. Eliohry'sum. See Helichrysum. Elise'na. Named in honor of Princess Elise, sister of Napoleon. Nat. Ord. Amaryllidacece. A small genus of strong-growing bulbs from Peru. The flowers are borne in a cluster on a AND GENERAL HOETICULTURE. 139 ELK scape nearly three feet high, pure white and fragrant, closely resembling Ismene. They require green house treatment. To bring them into flower, water should be withheld after their season's growth, until the flower spike appears, when they should have the warmest position in the green-house, with plenty of air and water. Propagated by off- sets. Introduced in 1837. Elk-Bark. Magnolia glauca. Elk's-horn Fern. Platy cerium alcicome. EUoboca'rpus oleraceus. Pod Fern. A syn- onym of Ceratopteris thulictroides, which see. Elm. American, or White. Ulmus Americana. American Cork, or Rock. Ulmus racemosa. Moose, Red, or Slippery. Ubmis fulva.. "Witch, or Wych. Ulmus Montana. Elo'dea. Water Thyme. From elodes, a marsh ; the habitation of the plants. Nat. Ord. HydrocharidacecB. A small genus of aquatic or marshy plants, natives of this country and western Asia. J^ Virginica is rather a handsome plant, with flesh or pink-colored flowers, disposed in axil- lary or terminal clusters. Elongated. Lengthened or stretched out ; when any part of an organ is in any way remarkable for its length in comparison with its breadth. E'lymus. Lyme-Grass. Wild Rye. According to Linngeus it is named from elyo, to cover. Nat. Ord. Graminacece. A genus of strong-growing grasses, inhabi- tants of both the new and the old worlds. Some of the species are grown for economic purposes, others for their ornamental charac- ter. E. armarium affords the nearest approach to a grain crop attainable by the Icelanders, and this only can be cultivated in very favor- able localities. They highly appreciate the seeds, call them Melur, and eat them raw or made into cakes. It is also useful for binding moveable sand hills, etc., by means of its long creeping rhizomes. E. histrix, is a native species, and is grown for ornamental pur- poses. It is popularly known as Bottle-brush Grass, and is referred by Gray to the genus Gymnostichum,. Emarginate. Having a small notch in the end, as if a piece had been taken out. Embossed Cypress. See Glyptostrobus. Embryo. The rudiment of a plant contained in the seed. It makes its first appearance soon after the pollen has fertilized the ovule. Fixed embryo, a leaf bud. Empetra'ceae. A natural order of shrubs with heath-like, evergreen leaves, without stipules, and small axillary flowers, which are usually imperfect. They are natives chiefly of the northern parts of Europe and America. There are four known genera and five species. Empeirum, Ceratiola and Corema are examples of the order. Empe'trum. Crake-berry, or Crow-berry. From en, upon, and petros, a rock ; in allusion to the place of growth. Nat. Ord. Empetracece. E. nigrum, a native hardy species, is an ornamental evergreen, low-spreading, heath- like shrub, bearing edible brownish-black ber- ries ; well adapted for a damp situation on a . rockery. ENG Encephala'rtos. From en, within, hephalr, the head, and artos, bread ; the inner part of the top of the trunk being farinaceous. Nat. Ord. CycadacecB. This is a small genus separated from Zamia. They are in all respects very similar plants, require the same treatment, and are natives principally of the Cape of Good Hope. Several of the species are valuable decorative plants. Enchanter's Nightshade. See Circma. Encholi'rion. A genus of Bromeliace(B, consist- ing of a few Brazilian herbaceous plants, usually referred to Vriesia, which see. Endive. Cichorium Endivia. This hardy annual is a native of the East Indies, and is consid- ered a valuable salad at a time when few other vegetables are furnished for the table. Like the lettuce, its leaves are used before its flow- ering stem begins to appear. These leaves are very hard and bitter when exposed to the air ; they are therefore blanched, and if this be properly performed they become crisp and tender, and retain only an agreeable bitter- ness. Many varieties of the Endive are included in seedsmen's lists, all of which are the results of selection and cultivation. Endive. Wild. See Cichorium. Endocarp. The lining of a carpel; the inner surface or lining of a fruit, representing at that time the upper surface of a carpellaiy leaf. The stone of a Cherry is its endocarp. Endogens. A large class of plants to which the name of Monocotyledons is also given. "They have a cellular and vascular system, the latter exhibiting spiral vessels. Their stem is endo- genous, that is to say, increases in diameter by the addition of woody vessels towards its interior, the outer part being the oldest and densest, and hence the name Endogens, inward ■ growers ; bundles of woody, spiral, and pitted vessels are scattered throughout the cellular tissue; there is no pith, no separ- able bark, no woody rings or zones, and no true medullary rays. The age of woody Endo- gens cannot be determined by counting con- centric rings, as in Exogens. The leaves are usually continuous with the stem, and do not fall off by articulations ; and when at length they separate, their bases leave marks or scars at definite intervals on the stem, as may be seen in Palms. The stems of Endogens are often subterranean, in the form of corms, rhizomes, or bulbs. The leaves have stom- ates, and their venation is usually parallel, though in a few cases it is slightly reticulated. The flowers have stamens and pistils, and three-membered symmetry. The ovules are contained in an ovary, and the embryo has one cotyledon, or seed lobe, whence they are called monocotyledonous. Endosmose. That force which causes a viscid fluid lying within a cavity to attract to itself a watery fluid through an organic membrane. Engelma'nnia. Named in honor of George EngeU mann, of St. Louis, a celebrated botanist. Nat. Ord. Compositce. E. pinnatifida, the only species, is an erect, hardy perennial herb, with golden-yellow flowers one to two inches in diameter. It grows one to two feet in height, and thrives in ordinary garden soil. It was introduced to cultivation from the westein prairies in IHSl. 140 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS ENG English Mercury. Chenqpodium Bonus Hen- ricus. Enkia'nthus. From enkoits, enlarged, and anthos, a flower ; the flowers are awollen in the middle. Nat. Ord. Ericacece. Highly beautiful objects, which, from their habit of blooming in the winter and early spring, are much esteemed for ornamenting the green-house and conservatory. They should have a shaded situation out of doors through the summer. Propagated by cut- tings, which require to be of firm, young wood. There are five species, natives princi- pally of Japan, China, and the East. First introduced from China in 1812. Ensiform. Quite straight, with the point acute, like the blade of a broadsword or the leaf of an Iris. Enta'da. The Malabar name. Nat. Ord. Legu- minosm. A genus of ornamental hot-house climbers, consisting of five species, with white or yel- low flowei's, produced either in spikes at the bases of the leaves, or in bunches at the ends of the branches. The most remarkable feature of the genus is the extraordinary length of its pods, which are flat and woody, divided into numerous Joints, each containing one large, flat, polished seed. In E. acandens, a native of the tropics of both hemispheres, the pods often measure six or eight feet in length. The seeds are nearly two inches across by half an inch thick, and have a hard, woody, and beautifully-polished shell, of a dark-brown or purplish color. In the tropics the natives convert these seeds into snuff-boxes, scent- bottles, and various other trinkets. In this country they are much worn as charms on watch-guards, and are very common in their natural state on the side-walk stands in Broadway, New York. They are natives of the West and East Indies and the South Sea Islands. The seeds are often picked up on the coast of Florida, and even as far as the coast of Finland, having been conveyed thei-e by the great oceanic currents. They are sold under the name of Sea Beans and Florida Beans. Eome'con. A genus of Papaveraceae, containing only one species, described as intermediate between Stylophorum and Sanguinaria, from both of which, however, it differs widely in its scapose habit and racemose flowers. Unlike the Poppies, also, the Eomecon holds its indi- vidual flowers for many days together, and produces them in such abundance from May to September as to merit a first place in all good collections. It is quite a novelty, and with its yellow-green cyclamen-like leaves and showy flowers forms quite a picturesque group in the herbaceous border. It was dis- covered at Kwangsi, China, in 1884, by Dr. Henry, and is readily increased by means of its numerous runners. Eope'pon. A genus of ornamental gourds, con- sisting of two species, formerly, and still, generally included in the genus Trichosanthes, which see. Epacrida'ceae. A natural order of shrubby plants, with usually simple alternate leaves, and rogulai and perfect flowers in spikes or racemes. Natives of the Indian Arcliipelago and Australia. There are thirty-two known tPH genera and over 300 species. Epacris, Sty- phelia, and Dracophyllum are examples of the oi'der. Epa'cris. From epi, upon, and akros, the top ; The Epacris grows upon the tops of hills and on rising grounds. Nat. Ord. Epacridacece. An extensive genus of ornamental shrubs from Australia, the species of which are highly valued, both for their graceful beauty and the early period at which they produce their abundant flowers. For a proper method of treatment, we quote from the Florist's Jour- nal : " The method we are about to recom- mend for the management of these lovely plants will be found to differ considerably from the ordinary course of treatment, but as we have found it so decidedly preferable, there can be no hesitation in advising its adoption. To begin, we select young, healthy plants, and in February remove them from the small pots in which tliey have been grown into others three or four sizes larger, according to the apparent strength of the individual, using a very sandy soil ; the rougher and more turfy the soil is the better the plants will thrive. Particular attention should be paid to drain- age. The plants are then cut back to within four or five joints of their last growth and are placed in a gentle heat, where they soon ' break ' vigorously. These new growths are stopped by pinching off their tops two or three times in the course of the summer, taking care, however, to discontinue it after July, so that the last shoots may have time to ripen before the winter, and, by giving proper atten- tion to watering, Uwy will attain a length of a foot or more, and make nice little specimens to bloom in the following spring. After they have then done flowering, they are again repotted, and, instead of being stopped in their after-growth, are at once cut back to very near the base of the preceding year's shoots, and are then allowed to grow as far as they please, training them into any desir- able form. Thus, instead of a few flowers on several small stems, we have long spikes full of flowers, increasing the general beauty of the plants to an amazing extent. Every year they are cut down in the same manner, ami each season more numerous spikes are pro- duced. We must observe, however, that after the first season the plants are not subjected to a high temperature, choosing in preference a shaded, airy place for them to make their new wood through the summer, removing them about August to a sunny position, in order to ripen the recent shoots ; in other respects ordinary attention is all that is required." Hardly as good results can be obtained in this country, as they suffer, like the Heath, from our long, dry, hot summers. Propagated by cut- tings of the tips of the shoots when from one to two inches in length, in spring or early summer. E. grandiflora, one of the finest species, was introduced in 1803. Ephe'dra. The Greek for the Hippuris, or Horse-tail, which it resembles. Nat. Ord. Gnetaceoe. This genus consists of evergreen trailing shrubs with numerous slender-jointed, green branches, and small, scale-like leaves. These shrubs inhabit the rocky shores of the Medi- terranean and salt plains of Asia. Some of the species are very ornamental, but are not suf- Jk. -^ ENDIVE (WHITE CURLED). EPIPHYLLUM TRUNCATUM. EBIAITTHUS. EKYTHRINA (COEAL PLANT.) «4' AND GENERAL HOKTICULTERE. 141 EPH ficiently hardy to stand the winters, unpro- tected, north of the Carolinas. One of the species, E. antisyphilitica, is said to contain large quantities of tannin. Ephemeral. Existing for, or less than, one day ; as where a corolla expands for a few hours at most, and then fades. Epide'ndrum. From epi, upon, and dendron, a tree ; the plants are usually found growing on the branches of trees. Nat. Ord. OrchidacecB. This is an extensive and, for the most part, beautiful genus of epiphytal Orchids. AH of them may be grown on billets of wood or on cork, or, where it is preferred, for the stronger growing species, pots may be used, and in the latter case it is indispensable that the soil be porous and well drained. It should consist of equal parts of sphagnum moss and fibrous peat, filling the pots for two- thirds their depths with broken potsherds, and when the plants are placed in them, the base of their pseudo-bulbs must be kept con- siderably above the rim, so that water may not lodge between them. The same rela- tive variations of temperature should be observed for these as mentioned for Dendro- bium, keeping it at an average of ten degrees lower than recommended for that genus ; and as the same principles govern the growth of each, the like changes of atmospheric influence are necessary in either case. The genus con- sists of over 300 species, distributed through- out the West Indies, Mexico, and South America. Propagated by division. The first species was introduced in 1738. Epidermis. The true skin of a plant, immediate- ly underlying the cuticle. Epigae'a. Trailing Arbutus. From epi, upon, and gaia, the earth ; referring to its trailing habit. Nat. Ord. Ericaceoe. E. repens, the only species, is one of our most beautiful native early spring-flowering plants. It is a low-growing, evergreen shrub, producing axillary clusters of small rose- colored flowers, remarkable for their rich, spicy fragrance. They are usually found in the shade of Pines or Scrub Oaks. In warm, sheltered situations they show their flowers early in April. It is commonly known on Long Island, where it grows in great abun- ance, as Trailing Arbutus, in New England as May Flower, and in many localities as Ground Laurel. It can be easily grown in the shaded border by removing the plant from the woods in autumn, being careful not to disturb the roots. After planting in a sandy soil, protect from sun and winds by a slight covei'ing of dry leaves. Clumps carefully taken up in autumn, and put in a cool green-house in February, will come into flower in March. Epigae'us. Growing on land, in contradistinc- tion to growing in the water. Also when any part of a terrestrial plant grows close to the earth. Epigynous. Upon the ovary; a term applied when the outer whorls of the flower adhere to the ovary, so that their upper portions alone are free, and appear to be seated on it, as in Umhelliferaz, etc. Epilo'bium. Willow Herb. From epi, upon, and lobos, a pod ; flowers superior or seated on a seed-pod. Nat. Ord. Onagraceit. EPI A genus of tall-growing, hardy herbaceous plants, chiefly natives of Europe, some of which have become naturalized in this coun- try. Several of our native species are showy plants, with large spikes of pink flowers, that make them conspicuous border plants. They are all of easy culture, taking care of them- selves when once planted, and are increased by division in spring, or from seeds. Epime'dium. Barrenwort. From epi, upon, akin to, and Median, a plant, said to be grown in Media ; a name from Dioscorides. Nat. Ord. Berheridaceve. Ornamental hardy herbaceous perennials, with stalked compound leaves, and flowers of A'arious colors. They form admirable, plants for rockwork and grow best in a compost of loam, and leaf mould. Propagated by division. Natives of Japan, Persia, Algeria, etc. Epipa'ctis. Very pretty hardy orchids, natives of Europe, and Russian Asia. Stem one to two feet high, leafy, bearing a loose raceme of purple, brown, or white flowers. They are of easy culture in shady borders, and form excellent subjects for naturalizing in artificial bogs, or in moist, peaty spots. Epi'phora. A pretty little terrestrial Orchid, from South Africa, with yellow flowers streak- ed with red. E. pubescens, the only species, was taken from Polystachya. Epiphyllous. Either growing upon or inserted on a leaf. Epiphy'Uum. Crab's Claw Cactus, Lobster- leaved Cactus. From epi, upon, and phyllon, a leaf ; flowers borne on the ends of the leaf- like branches. Nat. Ord. Cactacece. A genus of very beautiful Cactaceous plants, natives of Brazil, where they are generally found upon the trunks of trees. The varieties are numerous and are largely cultivated for their showy flowers. E. truncatum and its var- ieties are the kinds usually cultivated in our green-houses, and are among the most highly colored and beautiful of our winter- flowering plants. They are often grafted on Cereus triangularis, C. grandiflorus. C. serpenti- nus, and others, but do best, perhaps, on the Pereskia. A large symmetrical nead is easily formed, and with proper attention will make a plant worthy of a situation in any green- house. Their culture is of the easiest descrip- tion ; delighting in a rich, well-drained, sandy soil, they should have plenty of air, water and sunlight while they are growing and watered sparingly during the winter months until re- quired to be brought into bloom. The Epiphyl- lum is one of the best of sitting-room plants, and may be had in bloom from November to March with good management. _ There were formerly many species included in this genus, most of which are now found in Cactus, Ceretis, and Phyllocactus. Epiphytes. Plants which grow upon the surface of others, without deriving any nutri- ment from them, as many Mosses and Orchids. Epigy'nium leucobotrys. A synonym of Vac- cinium leucobotrys. Epipre'minum. From epi, upon, and premnon, a trunk ; in allusion to the species rooting upon the trunks of trees. Nat. Ord. AroidecB. A genus of about eight species of climb- ing evergreen plants from the Malayan 142 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS EPI Archipelago and the islands of the Pacific. E. Mirabile, the Tonga Plant, a native of Fiji, is thus described by N. E. Brown : " This is an ornamental climber, of rapid growth, with bold, dark green, pinnatisect leaves in the adult stage, and large inflorescences, resem- bling those of a Monstera. It is a very suitable plant for training up pillars, trunks of palms, tree ferns, ete., or the back wall of a stove ; and besides its ornamental character, it is specially interesting for the manner in which the plant changes its appeai'ance as it develops from its juvenile stage with small entire leaves, to its adult flowering stage with large pinnatisect leaves; as well as for its medi- cinal qualities, which appear to have been long known to the natives of the countries the plant inhabits." Epi'scia. From episcios, shaded ; occurring in their native habitats in shady places. Nat. Ord. Gesneracece. Green-house herbaceous perennials, with beautifully colored foliage, and solitary flowers on short axillary stems. They make very pretty basket plants for the hot-house, the only place in which they thrive well. They grow best in sandy loam, and leaf mould, and are readily increased by cuttings About thirty species have been described, all natives of Nicaragua, New Grenada, and tiie West Indies. Alsobia, Centroselenia, Cyrto- d'ira, PhysocUera and Skiophila are aow all referred to this genus. Equal. Where one part is of the same general form, disposition and size, as some other part with which it is compared ; applied to petals and sepals when they are equal in size and shape with each other. Equestrian Star. One of the popular names of Hippeastruvi. Equinoctial. Plants whose flowers expand and close at particular hours of the day. Equiseta'ceae. A natural order of the higher Cryptogams which takes its name from the genus Equit^etum, the only one the order con- tains. They are remarkable for the external resemblance which they bear in habit to Casuarina or Ephedra, and as regards the heads of fructification to Zamia. All re- semblance, however, ceases there, and the nat- ural aflinities of the plants are with Ferns. There are about twenty-five species chiefly found in temperate northern regions ; a few are sub- tropical. One of the latter group, E. Martii, attains in its native habitat (Brazil) the enormous height of thirty feet. " Dutcli Rushes," used for scouring and polishing, are the stems of E. hyemcde. Equitant. A mode ox vernation, or of arrange- ment of leaves with respect to each other, in which the sides or edges alternately overlap eaclj^^other, as in Morma iridioides. Eragro'stis. Love-Grass. From eros, love, and agrostis, grass ; in allusion to the beautiful dancing spikclets, whence the popular name. Nat Ord. Graminacece. A very extensive genus of grasses, found in nearly every part of the habitable globe. Most of the species are very handsome ; but none of them are of any value for agricultural pur- poses. E. elegans is a verj^ ornamental spe- cies, somewhat resembling the Brizan in habit and gracefulness. Itis especially adapted EEI for border culture, and is one of the most beautiful for winter or dried bouquets. Era'nthemum. From eran, to love, and anthe- mon, a flower ; referring to the beauty of the flowers. Nat. Ord. Acanthacece. A somewhat extensive genus of winter- flowering green-house plants, found pretty generally distributed throughout tropical and sub-tropical countries. The flowers are small, purple, white, blue, or rose-colored. They require the treatment of soft-wooded plants of the same class. The two species E. tricolor and E. atropurpurea, ai'e equal to Dracaenas in their beautiful crimson and carmine- colored foliage, which fits them either for massing outside or as specimens in the green- house. They are propagated by cuttings, and were first introduced in 1796. Era'nthis. Winter Aconite. From er, spring, and anthos, a flower; referring to its early flowering. Nat. Ord. Rcmunculaccce. A small genus of hardy tuberous-rooted plants, natives of Italy and Siberia. E. hye- malis is the well-known Winter Aconite. It is one of the earliest and most hardy of spring flowers, throwing up its pretty yellow blos- soms long before the snow disappears, and continuing in flower for several weeks. This is the only species under cultivation, and is freely propagated by division of the tubers. It has been under cultivation since 1596. Eremostachys. From erymos, deserted, and stachys, a spike; alluding to the flowers grow- ing in sparse verticillate spikes. Nat. Ord. Labiatoe. Very pretty hardy perennials, natives of western and central Asia. E. laciniuta, the only species in cultivation, bears yellow flow- ers in ten to twenty-flowered whorls, the upper ones approximate. Increased by divi- sion or seeds. Eremu'rus. From eremos, solitary, and oura, a tail ; referring to the flower spike. Nat. Ord. Liliacece. A genus of very pretty, hardy, herbac(>ous, large, Hyacinth-like plants, consisting of about eighteen species, natives principally of Asiatic Russia. The yellow, white, or rose- colored flowers are borne on elongated ra- cemes ; the leaves are radical and linear. They are of easy culture, and are increased by division. Ergot. A disease of Corn, Rye, etc., produced by Fungi. E'ria. From erion, wool ; referring to the down on the leaves of some of the species. Nat. Ord. Orchidacem. A small genus of pretty flowering hot-house Orchids, allied to Dendrobium, mostly from the East Indies. They require the same treat- ment as Stanhopea, and are propagated by division; introduced in 1837. Eria'nthus. Woolly Beard-Grass. From erion, wool, and anthos, a flower. Nat. Ord. Grami- nacem. A small genus of tall-growing, rood-like grasses. E. Ravenn(B, a rival to the Pampas Grass, though not so beautiful, is more valua- ble in this latitude, being perfectly hardy, and producing its graceful plumes in autumn in great abundance. It makes a magnificent lawn plant, and is propagated by root division and from seed. Introduced in 1824. AND GENEEAL HOKTICULTUEE. 143 EEI Eri'ca. Heath. From eHco, to break ; referring to the brittle nature of the wood. Nat. Ord. Ericacece. This genus comprehends a great number of species, the most of which are very beautiful and interesting plants. Several hundred of the species, including all that are desirable for indoor culture, are natives of Table Mountain at the Cape of Good Hope. They all occupy elevated ranges, enjoying a pure air, refreshed by copious dews, and exposed for a long period to a dry, arid atmosphere. The Heath, however, can never be cultivated so successfully here as in England, as our cli- mate is too dry and hot in summer. What is called the soft- wooded section, such as E. per- soluta and its white variety, E. kyemalis, E. Wilmoreana, etc., can be grown here with success, and are exceedingly valuable, not only for winter green-house decoration, but for cut flowers. They are readily propagated by cuttings of half-ripened wood, which is in proper condition when it begins to turn brown. They are easily grown from seed, an interest- ing way, on account of the varieties produced when a little care has been given in cross-fer- tilization. The seeds should be sown in pots of finely-sifted peat and sand pressed tightly into the pot, well watered before sowing, and afterward covered with a bell glass. They should then be kept in a cool house or pit, where they can have an even temperature and moisture. The Cape species were first intro- duced into England in 1774:. Erica'ceae. A natural order of shrubs or under- shrubs, with evergreen, rigid, entire, whorled or opposite leaves without stipules. Arbutus Unedo is the Strawberry Tree. Rhododendron arboreum sometimes reaches in India a height of forty feet, and some species grow at an elevation of 16,000 to 18,000 feet in the Hima- layas. Several species of Azalea, Rhododen- dron and Kalmia are natives of the United States. The plants of this order are highly prized for the beauty of their flowers. There are about fifty known genera and 900 species. Erica, Rhododendron, Kalmia, Glethr a. Arbutus, and Ledum are examples of this order. Eri'geron. From er, the spring, and geron, an old man ; some being hoary with a downy covering early in the season. Nat. Ord. Com- positcB. A genus of coarse-growing, unpretending, herbaceous plants, found common in waste places throughout the United States ; in some localities known as Fleabane. Tlie plants are of no economic value. Erino'sma. A synonym of Leu^qjum, which see. Eri'nus. Meaning unknown. (The wild Fig- tree is the Erinos described by Dioscorides. It has, however, no resemblance to the Ennos of the moderns.) Nat. Ord. Scrophulariacece. This is a small genus of hardy herbaceous Alpine plants, suitable for rock-work or other rough, uneven situations. They are low- growing plants, generally forming close tufts, producing lively purple and white flowers in early spring. Though perfectly hardy, they are impatient of water, and, consequently, should have the protection of a frame in win- ter, unless planted in a very dry situation. There are one or two evergreen species from the Cape of Good Hope, but they are little EEI known. The hardy species are propagated by root division or from seed. First introduced into the garden in 1739. Erinus. Prickly, rough. Eriobo'trya. The Loquat, or Japanese Medlar, E. {Mespilus) Japonica, one of the PomacecB, is a native of Japan and the southern part of China, and is cultivated as an edible fruit in many parts of India. It is now placed under the genus Photinia, which see. Eriocaula'ceae. A natural order of marsh plants with narrow, spongy leaves. There are ten known genera and 220 species. None are cultivated except in botanic gardens. Eriocaulon is the typical example of the order. Eriocne'ma. From erion, wool, and kneme, a knee; the joints are woolly. Nat. Ord. Melaa- tomacexB. A small genus of green-house herbaceous plants, allied to the Sonerila, and natives of Brazil. The flowers are white, produced spar- ingly in little umbels on the end of a naked stalk. E. marmoratum has beautifully varie- gated leaves, green striped with broad bands of white. Its habit is not unlike some of the Begonias. Propagated by cuttings. Intro- duced in 1850. Eriogo'num. From erion, wool, and genu, a joint; joints of the stems downy. Nat. Ord. FolygonacecB. A genus of pretty, summer-flowering hardy annuals and herbaceous or somewhat woody perennials. They are easily cultivated, and young plants may be obtained by division or from seed. The genus contains about one hun- dred species, natives of north-west America. Erio'phorum. Cotton Grass. From erion, wool, and phoreo, to bear ; in reference to the silky tails or coverings of the seeds. Nat. Ord. CyperaceoB. A very interesting genus of marsh or bog plants, commonly, but incorrectly, termed grasses. They are hardy herbaceous plants, growing in dense clumps or masses, very con- spicuous and interesting, on account of .the flowers of some of the species, the heads of which appear like tufts of cotton. One of the species is indigenous in this country, and several of them have been naturalized from Europe. Erio'psis. From eria, a well-known genus of Orchids, and opsis, resemblance ; wooUiness of flowers. Nat. Ord. Orchidacece. A small genus of Orchids, having the gen- eral appearance, while growing, of the genus Eria, but with gay, orange-colored flowers, resembling the Vandas. They are natives of Mexico and New Grenada, and are but lit- tle cultivated. Eriospe'rmum. From erion, wool, and spermoa, a seed ; woolly-seeded. Nat. Ord. Liliacem. A considerable genus of bulbs from the Cape of Good Hope, the flowers of which pre- cede the leaves. The flowers have no special beauty, and the leaves always have a deformed appearance. Erioste'mon. From erion, wool, and stemon, a stamen; referring to the woolly stamens. Nat. Ord. Rutacece. A genus of handsome green-house plants from New Holland, of neat, compact habit of growth, and free-flowering. The flowers are 144 HENDEKSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS EKI white or pinkish, produced singly at the axils of the leaves. They require plenty of air and light, and are propagated by cuttings of the young shoots in April. Introduced in 1824. Eritri'chium. From erion, wool, and thrix, trichos, hair ; plants woolly. Nat. Ord. Bora- ginacece. A genus of handsome dwarf annual or per- ennial herbaceous plants, found throughout the temperate regions of the northern hem- isphere, South Africa and Australia. E. nanum, the one most generally cultivated, has flowers of a brilliant sky-blue color, with a yellowish eye, not unlike those of Myosotis alpestris, but larger. It has been enthusiastically termed "The Glory of the Alpine Flora." £J. barbigerum, introduced to cultivation from California in 1886, is a very prettj' white-flow- ered annual species, the whole plant covered with long, spreading hairs. Increased by seeds or division. Jiro'dium. Heron's-bill. From erodios, a heron ; referring to the resemblance of the style and ovaries to the beak and head of the heron. Nat. Ord. Geraniacece. The genus Erodium differs from the Gerani- um and Pelargonium in the shape of its seed vessel. In all the three the seed-pod resem- bles the head and beak of a bird ; in Geranium it resembles a crane's bill, in Pelargonium it is a stork's bill, and in Erodium a heron's bill. The species are dwarf annuals and perennials producing mostly lilac and purple flowers. Every part of the plant, when bruised, emits a strong peculiar odor. They form admirable plants for the rock-garden, particularly in dry, sunny situations and in sandy soil. Increased by division, or by seeds. Erose, Eroded. Having the margin irregularly toothed, as if bitten by an animal ; a term used to express a particular kind of denticu- lation, as in Salvia pinnata. Erubescent. Keddish, blush-colored. E'rvum. Lentil. From erw, tilled land, in Celtic ; some of the species are pests in culti- vated ground. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. A genus justly classed as weeds, the only species of interest being E. Lens, the common Lentil, a plant of the greatest antiquity. It Avas from the seed of this that the pottage is supposed to have been made, for which Esau sold his birthright. It is held in high esteem in Egypt and Syria, and is considered an indispensable diet by the natives, who undertake long journeys. It is largely sold by druggists under the name of Ervalenta. This genus is now merged by " Hooker and Bentham " into Vicia. Ery'ngium. Eryngo. From Eryngion, a name adopted by Pliny from Dioscorides. Nat. Ord. Umbelliferce. A verj' extensive genus of hardy annuals and herbaceous perennials, the latter being common throughout Europe. E. maritimum, Sea ErjTigo, or Sea Holly, is a conspicuous plant along the English coast ; the flowers are thistle-like, of a bright blue color. E. ame- thystinum, a native of Dalmatia, is one of the best of the perennial species ; the flowers, as well as the bracts and upper part of the stems, have a beautiful blue tint. Some of the an- nual species are very beautiful border plants, ERY and if cut early, are useful as dried flowers in winter bouquets. Eryobo'trya. Japan Evergreen Plum. From erio7i, wool, and botrys, a bunch of grapes ; referring to the downy flower-racemes. Nat. Ord. PomaceoR. E. Japonica, the only species, is a half-hardy evergreen shrub closely allied to Pholinia, having large wrinkled leaves, downy beneath. The whitish flowers are borne in October and November, consequently it will not ripen its excellent, pale orange-red fruit in our north- ern States, neither will it endure the rigors of our northern Avinters. There is a variegated leaved variety, which is exceedingly orna- mental. Ery'simum. Hedge Mustard. From eryo, to draw ; it is considered a powerful cure for sore throat ; it is also said to draw and pro- duce blisters. Nat. Ord. Cruciferce. An extensive genus, mostly biennials. All of but little merit. One or two cultivated species of hardy annuals make rather effective clumps in the border. E. Arkansanum, the western Wall-flower, grows about two feet high, the stem being crowded with bright orange yellow flowers as large as those of the "Wall-flower. Propagated by seed. Erythe'a. A small genus of green-house palms from southern California, with fan-shaped, plicate, flliferous leaves much resembling the Latania ; excellent for lawn decoration or for cool-house culture. E. edidis, forms a handsome tree with a slender trunk thirty or more feet high. Each tree bears one to four panicles, blossoming late in March ; the fruit clusters are said to weigh forty to fifty pounds. Syn. Brahea edulis. Erythree'a. Centaury. From erythros, red ; the color of the flowers ot some of the species. Nat. Ord. Gentianacem. A somewhat extensive genus of biennials and annuals. The latter are of easy culture, and produce freely small pink flowers. Seed should be sown in autumn in the open border. The biennials require the protection of the frame, which their mei'its do not deserve. The annuals are natives of Europe, and have been long known in the garden. Erythri'na. Coral-tree. From erythros, red ; the color of the flowers. Nat. Ord. Legumi- noscB. A genus of ornamental flowering green- house shrubs, commonly known as Coral- trees, found pretty generally distributed throughout the tropics of both hemispheres. They all produce scarlet or crimson pea- shaped flowers in pairs at the axils of the leaves. E. Crista^galli and laurifolia, natives of Brazil, succeed well planted out in a warm sit- uation in the open border, producing flowers in the greatest abundance ; being rank grow- ers, they require considerable room. As a shrub for the lawn they have few, if any, superiors, their sJiowy flowers contrasting finely with their bright glossy foliage. E. Hendersonii, a variety of recent introduction, is one of the very finest flowers, a bright scarlet, smaller than the other species, but produced in greater abundance. As it flowers earlier it seeds freely, so that it can be grown as an annual plant. The only care requii-ed is to take the plants up, after the tops are AND GENERAL HOETICULTURE. 145 ERY killed by frost, and keep them through the winter in a warm dry room, or in the cellar, covering tlie roots well with dry sand. In spring cut well back before planting out. They are readily propagated by cuttings of tlie young shoots, or from seed which, sown in boxes about the first of January, will make flowering plants the coming summer. Erythrolae'na. Mexican Thistle. From ery- throfi, red, and IcBiia, a cloak; referring to the scarlet flowers. Nat. Ord. Composite^. E. con)s are now in cul- tivation, including double white, double yel- low, and several others. Espa'rto. The Spanish name of Macrochloa tenacissima, used for paper making, cordage, etc. E'stragon. Tarragon. See Artemisia Dracun- CldlLS. Etiolated. Deprived of color by being kept in the dark ; blanched. Euade'nia. From eu, well, and aden, a gland ; in allusion to the appendix at the base of the stamens. Nat. Ord. Capparidacem. E. eminens, the only species yet in cultiva- tion, is a striking plant with " singularly handsome inflorescence, which resembles a candelabrum in its ramification, the yellow petals looking like pairs of gas jets on each branch." Introduced from west tropical Africa in 1880. Eucaly'ptus. Gum Tree. From eu, well, and ka- lypto, to cover ; the limb of the calyx covers the 146 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS EUC flower before expansion, and afterward falls off in the shape of a lid or cover. Nat. Ord. MyrtaceoR. An extensive genus of immense evergreen trees, of the Australian and Tasmanian for- ests. E. globulus, tiie Blue Gum Tree, has been extensively planted within the past few years in the Southern States and California, for the reputation it has of absorbing malaria. The tree is very ornamental, and furnishes timber of a superior quality. Its rapid growth excites the wonder and admiration of those already accustomed to the extraordinary de- velopment of the vegetable kingdom on the Pacific coast. It will be remembered that Australia sent to the World's Fair at London, in 1863, a plank from this tree 250 feet long. Young plants are readily obtained from seed or from cuttings. The species are not hardy in the United States north of the Carolinas. Euchari'dium. From eucharis, agreeable ; in allusion to the appearance of the plant. Nat. Ord. Onagracece. A genus of pretty little annuals from Cali- fornia, allied to the Clarkias. They come into flower in six weeks after germination ; are perfectly hardy, and are extremely showy when grown in masses. They succeed best in a rich, luamy soil ; introduced in 1836. Eu'charis. Lilj' of the Amazon. From, eucharis, agreeable ; alluding to the fragrant flowers. Nat. Ord. AmaryllidacecB. Of this genus there are five species in culti- vation, all free-growing bulbous plants of rare beauty and delicious fragrance. They should be grown in the hot-house or a warm gi'een- house. The flowers are produced in a truss of from four to eight, according to the strength of the bulb and manner of treatment, and are borne on a stem that lifts them well above the leaves. They are pure waxy white and of great substance. If asked for the plant producing the best white flowers for the hot- house, for the decoration of vases, or for any other purpose where white flowers are wanted, we should unhesitatingly recommend the Eu- charis, as combining all the essentials of the perfect flower. From a general impression that they are difficult to manage, they are but little grown. As the plants are found growing by the sides of rivers, moisture and heat are of course essential to the development of their flowers. The ease with which they are now cultivated and the fact that a dozen or more large pots of it will furnish flowers nearly the whole year, make it invaluable in all collections of choice plants. The plants may be repotted at any time of the year, taking care not to damage the bulbs or roots, and removing as much of the old soil as possible. The soil should be composed of loam, leaf mould, sand, and well- rotted manure in equal proportions; and the pots liberally drained. While they are grow- ing freely they sliould have plenty of water, and liquid manure twice a week. They should be syringed twice a day. The tem- perature of the house during winter should not fall below 70°, and they should have a good share of sunshine. If wanted to flower during the winter months, water should be used sparingly from August to October. The bulbs should be disturbed as little as possible, repotting when necessary, without division. EUG Side shoots may be taken off at any time and potted in small pots, and, if well managed, they will flower in a year. Green fly and thrips which are apt to trouble them, should then be sponged off or got rid of by smoking every alternate day for a week. The three species E. grandijlora, the largest and best, E. Amazonica, and E. Candida, a small flower- ing species, are very beautiful, and all require the same general treatment. This plant was first introduced in 186-i. (Syn. Reeana.) See Zjuchla'ena Lusurians. Teosinte. Eucni'de. Derivation of name not given. Nat. Ord. Loanacece. E. bartonioides, the only species, is a native of Mexico, a tender annual, growing about one foot high, with bristly stems, and lobes, and denticulated leaves, and axillary, very large yellow flowers. It will thrive under the same treatment given tender annuals. Intro- duced 1849. Syn. Mentzelia. Eucodo'nla. A genus of Mexican plants, now included under Achimenea. E. grandijlora, the species grown for its flowers, was also called Mandirola lanata. Eu'comis. From eukomea, beautiful-haired ; re- ferring to the tufted crown of the flower-spike. Nat. Ord. LiliacecB. A genus of coarse-growing bulbs from the Cape of Good Hope, requiring green-house treatment, as they rest in summer. E. bifolia, one of the species, has only two leaves, lying flat on the ground, and a short raceme of pale green flowers. The only merit of the species is in the fragrance of the flowers. They grow with the most ordinary treatment, and are propagated by offsets ; introduced in 1774. Eucro'ma. A synonym for Castilleja. Eucro'sia. From eu, beautiful, and krossos, a fringe; referring to the cup above the inser- tion of the stamens. Nat. Ord. AmaryllidacecB. A genus of green-house bulbs from South America, mostly from the western declivity of the Peruvian Andes. E. bicolor, the only species, has bright vermilion flowers, with a purple stripe on the outside of the petals. They are borne in a terminal cluster on a scape about one foot high. They should be grown in a warm green-house ; in winter they require perfect rest. Propagated by offsets. Introduced in 1816. Eucry'phia. From eu, well, and kryphios, cov- ered ; referring to the calyptra of the flower. Nat. Ord. Hypericacece. A genus of three or four species of very handsome hardy or gi-een-house evergreen shrubs of easy culture. E. pinnatifida has large white flowers, usually borne in pairs near the upper portion of the branches, and rich deep-green pinnate leaves. Introduced from Chili in 1880. Euge'nia. Rose Apple. Named after Prince Eugene of Saxony. Nat. Ord. Myrtacece. A genus of handsome shrubs, grown as fruit trees in the East Indies, but grown in English hot-houses for their splendid white flowers, which are produced freely; they are propa- gated by cuttings of the ripe wood. Recent botanists place here E. Pimenta, which pro- duces the allspice of commerce. See Pimenta. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 147 EUL Eula'lia. From eu, well, and lalia, speech ; in reference to the high reputation of the plants. Nat. Ord. Graminacece. We are indebted to the American Agricul- turist for the following history and description of this genus : " One of the most beautiful of ornamental grasses is the variegated Eulalia Japonica, which was sent from Japan sevei'al years ago by Mr. Thomas Hogg. It was illus- trated in ' Hearth and Homo ' in 1871, and a year or two later was placed In the trade. It is a robust perennial grass, forming, when well established, large clumps, with firm, but graceful, leaves, which are marked with alter- nate stripes of creamy-white and green, much after the manner of the old ' Ribbon or Sti'iped Grass 'of the gardens, and pre.senting quite as much variety in the striping. This is taller and more erect than that, and the leaves are longer and more robust The flower stalks appear in September, and the plant at this time is from four to six feet high. The flower panicles are at first brownish, with erect branches, and not at all showy, but as the flowers open, the branches of the panicle curve over gracefully in a one-sided manner, and bear a strong i-esemblance in form to what is known as a ' Prince of "Wales' feather ;' each of the individual flowei'S, which are very numerous upon each branch of the cluster, has at its base a tuft of long, silky haii's, and these contribute greatly to the feathery light- ness of the whole When Mr. Hogg sent this, it was accompanied by another variety of the same gi-ass, which did not survive the effects of the journey. Upon a second visit to Japan, he procured other plants of this last variety, Avhich i-eached this country in good condition. This variety, whi^h it is proposed to call Eulalia Jnpcnica, var. Zebrina, the ' Zebra- striped Eulalia,' or Zebra Gra.^is, in all that relates to form, habit, and its fk-wers, is quite like the other, but differs mo.st essentially in the manner of its variegation. In the older variety the leaves, according to the usual manner of variegation in grasses, have the markings run lengthwise of the leaf, while in this Zebnna variety they run cnssnuse. The leaves present alternate bands of green and creamy white of varying width, but with the colors quite well defined, and producing a most singular effect. Japan is remarkable for the great number of plants with variegated foliage that it has contril>uled to our collec- tions, but we have not seen any variegation that interested us so much as this peculiar grass We have seen but one other plant with its variegation so singularly disposed, and that was also from the same country. In the quaint little garden attached to the Jap- anese Bazar at the Centennial Exhibition was a Bulrush (Scirp> is), the cylindrical stems of which were marked transversely, though the markings were much less positive than in the grass in question. Aside from the ornamental effect of its peculiar transverse markings, this variety has great interest for us in a physio- logical or pathological point of view. It is claimed by some that all variegation of foli- age, or at least that in which the green of tlie leaf is changed to white or yellow, is an indi- cation of disease, and this view is strongly maintained in spite of the numerous instances in which the variegated plants are moi'e vigorous and liardy than typical plain green EUP ones of the same species. To those who hold this view — that variegation is due to disease — this Zebrina variety of Eulalia presents a dif- ficult problem. As the circulation of the juices of the leaf must take place in a lengthwise dix-ection, the nutriment for each green por- tion of the leaf must pass through one of the colored sections, ana those who regard these Avhite, or whitish, bands as marks of disease, will be puzzled to account for the occurrence of green sections of the leaf which, though placed directly between two 'diseased' por- tions, remain in perfect health throughout the whole season of growth." The Eulalias are perfectly hardy in this latitude, and are valu- able acquisitions to the garden, not only for the grace and elegance of the foliage, but for the flowers as "dried grasses." They keep for years, presenting somewhat the appear- ance of an ostrich feather. Propagated by division or by seeds, which, however, do not produce variegated leaves. Eulo'phia. From eulophos, handsome-crested; referring to the handsome lip, which is fur- rowed into elevated ridges. Nat. Ord. Orchid- acece. An extensive genus, consisting of both ter- restrial and epiphytal orchids, natives of tropical Asia, Africa, and America, but occur- ring in the greatest numbers at the Cape of Good Hope. E. Dregiana, a native of the Cape, is of free habit, producing spikes of flowers which resemble little doves hanging by their beaks; the sepals and petals are chocolate color, and the lip white. They require the same treatment as the Cypri- pedium. Euo'nymus. Burning Bush. Spindle-tree. From eu, well, and onoma, a name ; litei'ally, of good repute. Nat. Ord. CelastracecB. An extensive genus of low-growing trees and shrubs, mostly of an ornamental char- acter. E. atropurpureus, a native species, is a valuable shrub for the border, on account of its handsome foliage, its abundance of purple flowers, and its copious crimson fruit in autumn. This species is Avhat is commonly called Burning Bush, or Waahoo. It grows freely in almost any soil or situation, preferring a moist one. Japan has furnished se\eral spe- cies with ornamental foliage, that are among our most useful plants for single specimens, for Ijaskets, or window gardens. E. radicans variegata has leaves of green and white, is a rapid grower, and hardy south of New York. It is readily increased by cuttings. The Japan species are evergreen, and were first inti-o- duced in 1804. Eupato'rium. Named after Mithridates Eupator, King of Pontus, who discovered one of tiie species to be an antidote against poison. Nat. Ord. Compositce. An extensive genus, consisting for the most part of native hardy heibaceous plants. A number of species are grown in the green- house for their flowers and are produced freely in winter ; of these the species known in cultivation as E. elegans, E. riparium, and E. Weinmannianum, all very graceful plants with white flowers, are the most use- ful, and are grown in large quantities for early winter use. They are natives of South Amer- ica, and are increased by cuttings. Of our native kinds, E. ageratoides. White Siaake- 148 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS EUP root, is the most valuable as a flowering plant. Tiie flowers aie pure white, borne in terminal clusters or heads. The plant grows about four feet high, is verj- branching, and prefers a thick shade. It flowers late in August, and is very siiowy for nearly a month. E. per/o- liatum, Bone-set, has, outside of the " regular practice," considerable reputation as a tonic stimulant, and is often administered in the form of a tea, made from the leaves, in cases of intermittent fevers. They are readily increased by root division or from seeds. Eupho'rbia. Milk-wort or S{)urge. Named after Euphorbus, ijhjsician to the King of Mauritania. Nat. Ord Eajthorbiacem. This is an extensive and variable genus, including species with the aspect of trees or large shrubs, and through every giadation, downward to the humblest annual weeds, all of them remarkable for an acrid milky juice. Notwithstanding the extent and variety of the genus, there are comparatively few of its members in cultivation ; the principal of them being E. npl^ndens, E. jacquinijlora (fulgentt or prunifolia) and E. Bojeri. Th^'se do best in the hot-house, and are well deserving atten- tion for their rich red or crimson lk>wers, and amply repay the little trouble occasioned. These species are all much improved by frequent stox)ping, as it induces a more dense habit, and consequently a greater display of lloweis. It is worthy of remark that the first flowers that expand in each season on E. splendens are in pairs, l>iit those which follow are each time increased in duplicate ratio, so that those which open last are commonly as many as eight t(;gether. The other perennial species require to be treated in the manner of Cacti, and the remainder respectively as they belong to the hardy or tender classes of the annual, biennial, or perennial plants. E. corollala, a native species, is a free-llowering plant, and valuable for florist's use, or for cut-Mowers. They aie small, greenish white, in general appearance like the Forget-me-not. This species is readily propagated by root division. The French sub- stitute the seeds of E. lathyrua for the English capers, which, if taken in quantity, prove highly deleterious. For E. Poinsettei, see Poiii^'iettia pulcktrrhna. Euphorbia'ceae. A very large order of trees, shrubs, c>r herbs, usually abounding in milky juice. The species are found in ail, except Arctic climates. They are generally acrid and poisonous. Some yield starch, and others oils and Caoutchouc. Castor Oil is obtained from the seeds of Ricinus communis and Croton Oil from Croton Tiylium. The seeds of Jalropha Curca.H, the Physic Nut, are purgative. Stil- lingia. Sebifera, is the" Tallow Tree of China, the fatty matter being procured from the fruit. D^es are supplied by Crozophora tinc- toria and Rottlera tinctoria. African Oak or Teak is yielded by Oldfieldia Africana. Caout- chouc by SiphoniaelaHiica, S. luten, S. brevi- folia, S. Bruziliensl^, and S. Sjirurecmd ; and the poisonous Manchineel by Hippomune Man- cinella. Janipha Manihot or Man ilwt utiliHsima furnishes Cassava and Tapioca, Avhich consist of starchy matter from its root. Colliyuaja odorifera has peculiar jumping seeds, owing to their becoming the habitation of the larva of an insect. Box-wood is the product of Buxus EUR semjitrvirena. There are other useful and curious species, some of which are cultivated for their beautiful flowers. There are 230 known genera and about 2,600 species. Euphor- bia, Phyllanthus, Croton, Jatropha, Siphonia Ricinais, and PoinseUia are examples of the order. Euphra'sia. Eyebright. From euphraino, to de- light; fabled to cure blindness. Nat Ord. ScrojyhulariacecB. E. officinalis, Eyebright, is a little annual common in dry pastures and roadsides in this country and Europe. It seldom grows more than three or four inches in height, and often not more than one or two. From the frequent mention of the Euphrasia by the poets, it would appear to have been formerly held in high repute for its medical virtues, a view which is confirmed by all the old herbalists, who recommend its use both outwardly and inwardly for complaints of the eyes. It has no value as a flowering plant. Eu'rya. From eurys, large ; erroneously applied to the flowers, which are comparatively small. Nat. Ord. TemstromiacecB. A genus of very ornamental half-hardy ever- green shrubs or low-growing trees, with white flowers borne in axillary clusters. They are natives of Japan, India, China and the Indian Archipelago. The variegated variety of E. Japonica latifolia is a most useful plant for decorative purposes, as it stands the dry heat of rooms or halls- well, and its glossy vaiie- gated leaves contrast well with Palms or other fine -foliage plants. Eu'ryale. Euryale, one of the Gorgons, repre- sented with fierce, thorny locks ; in allusion to the thorny nature of the plant. Nat. Ord. NymiJhacecB. An annual stove aquatic. Before the intro- duction of the Victoria reyia this was the noblest aquatic plant in cultivation. Its leaves ai'e circular, about two feet in diameter, with prominent spiny veins. Flowers deep violet, opening in Sei)tember. Introduced from the East Indies in 1809. Eury'bia. From euribies, wide-spreading; re- ferring to the I'oots. Nat. Ord. Compositce. A genus of evergreen trees and shrubs and a few herbaceous perennials. They are mostly tropical, natives of Tasmania, and New Zea- land. E. argophylla, syn. Aster argophyllns, a Tasmanian species, is called by the natives the silver-leaved Musk tree. It is occasion- ally seen in greenhouses, where it is culti- vated for the musky odor of its leaves. Most of the species are noted for their ornamental foliage ; they would be valuable for lawu planting in the Southern States. Eury'cles. From eurys, broad, and klas, a branch ; I'eferring to the broad leaves or branch-like foot-stalks. Nat. Ord. Amaryl- lidaceoR. A genus of strong-growing V)ulbs, found in the Eastern Archipelago and in New Holland. This genus was formerly included in Pancra- tium, from which it is distinguished by its broad, nearly heai-t-shaped leaves, and its flowers with a long cylindrical tube, with equal and regular petals. The flowers are borne in umbels, and are pure white. They are generally grown in the green-house, and must have complete rest during winter, EULAilA ZEBKINA (ZEBBA GEABS). EBYTHKONICM DENS-CANIS (DOG'S-TOOTH VIOLET.) EUCHAEI8 AMAZONICA. EULAUA GBACTTiT.TTVIA. 148 ECCHABIDIUM. EXACUM AFFINE. EUCALYPTUS. EUPHORBIA HETEKOPHYLLA FENZLIA DIANTHUXOaA. ^•'-v''!it>Nn' EUPHORBIA VARIEGATA. EEYNGIUM GIGANTEUM. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE, 149 EUR but if planted out in May they will flower finely. Propagated by suckers, which should be taken off when a new growth commences in spring. First introduced in 1821. Euryga'nia. Named after Eurygania, the wife of iEdipus. Nat. Ord. VaccinacecB. A genus of about a dozen species of orna- mental evergreen shrubs with pendant branches and bright-colored, generally red, flowers, allied to Thibaudia. All are natives of the Andes of South America. Eusca'phis. From eu, well, and skaphis, a bowl : in allusion to the persistent, bowl-like calyx. Nat. Ord. SapindacecB. A genus of two species of hardy glabrous shrubs, natives of Japan. E. staphyleoides has white or yellowish flowers, borne in terminal panicles, succeeded by red, bladdery fruit, remaining on the bush until winter. This plant is highly prized in its native country for its medicinal properties. Eu'stoma. From eustomos, of beautiful counte- nance; referring to the corolla. Nat. Ord. Gentianacece. A genus containing only two species, with bright purple or purplish-blue flowers, closely allied to Lisianthus. They ai-e elegant little plants, found from Florida and Texas to Ne- braska, and are readily increased by seeds. Euta'xia. From eutaxia, modesty ; referring to the delicate aspect of the flowers. Nat. Ord. LeguminoscB. A genus of very pretty green-house shrubs, natives of Western Australia. They are chiefly low growing and bushy, with small heath-like leaves, and pure yellow pea-shaped flowers, produced in small axillary clusters. E. myrtifoha is a popular green-house plant, whose slender stems are often seen thickly covered in the spring and summer months with its bright yellow flowers. The species are increased by cuttings. Introduced in 1803. Eute'rpe. After Euterpe, one of the nine Muses. Nat. Ord. Palmacece. A genus of Palms of extremely graceful habit, natives of South America and the West Indies. With the exception of E. montana, from the latter country, all are too tall grow- ing for the green-house. This species attains a height of about twenty feet, and has the base of the stem much swollen or bulged out. The leaf bud and the central portion of the upper stem are cooked as a vegetable or pickled by the natives, and is highly esteemed. Propagated by seed. Euto'ca. From eutokoa, fruitful ; referring to the abundance of seeds. Nat. Ord. Hydro- phyllacece. A genus of hardy annuals, with blue, pink, or lilac flowers, mostl}- from California. A few species are found in Virginia, and south and west, but are not of sufficient merit to warrant their introduction into the garden. Those from California are free-flowering, and of the easiest culture. The seed should be sown as early in spring as possible. Evening Flower. See Hesperantha. Evening Glory. See IpottKza. Evening Primrose. See (Enothera. Evergreens. A term applied to trees, shrubs, or other plants, that retain their foliage during winter. EXO Everlasting Flower. See Helichrysum. Common American. Gnaphaliumpolycephalum, and G. decurrens. Swan River. Rhodanthe Manglefiii. Yellow. Helichrysum orientate and H. arena- rium. Everlasting Pea. See Lathyrus latifolius. Evolved. Unfolded. Evo'lvulus. From evolvo, to roll out. the op- posite to Convolvulus ; referring to the plant not twining. Nat. Ord. Convolvulacece. An extensive genus of annuals and peren- nials, mostly from the East Indies and South America, a few species being found in Florida. The flowers of these plants are extremely beautiful, mostly of a large size, and of various shades of blue and white. The annuals should be started in a hot-bed or green-house, and planted out as soon as the weather will per- mit, or they may be grown in pots and trained on a balloon frame. The perennials should be kept dry and dormant through the winter, and started in a brisk heat in spring. During summer they may be grown in the green- house, or in pots, and trained on a trellis, or other suitable place for a climbing plant. The perennials may be increased by cuttings of young shoots. First introduced in 1817. E'xacum. This name was used by Pliny, and by him derived from ex, out, and ago, to drive ; in allusion to its supposed expelling powers. Nat. Ord. Gentianacece. Annual, or perennial herbs, with opposite sessile leaves, and showy blue, yellow or white flowers. This genus contains nearly twenty species, though they are not yet all in cultivation. E. macranthum from Ceylon, has rich blue-purple colored flowers, about two inches in diameter, with large bright yellow stamens. All the species are showy and de- serving of cultivation. Propagated by seeds or cuttings. Excoriate. Stripped of the bark or skin. Excretion. Any superfluous matter thrown off by the living plant externally ; the action by which a superabundance of secreted mat- ter is rejected from a secreting vessel. Also the matter itself thus excreted ; gum, resin, etc., are examples. Excurrent. Projecting or running beyond the edge of anything ; running out. When a stem remains always central, all the other parts being regularly disposed round it, as in the stem of a Fir Tree. Exocho'rda. Pearl Bush. From exo, out of, and chorde, a cord ; referring to the cords by which the seeds are suspended. Nat. Ord. RosacecB. E. grandiflora, the only species yet in culti- vation, is a beautiful hardy shrub from China, introduced a few years since, and as yet com- paratively little known. It is in substance described in the late edition of the Treasury of Botany as being remarkable for the struc- ture of its fruits, which consist of five small compressed bony carpels adhering round a central axis in a star-like manner. From the axis or growing point stand five erect placen- tary cords, which enter the carpels on their inner face near the top, suspending from the apex two thin seeds. These cords remain after the carpels have fallen, and have suggested 150 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS EXO the name of the genus. It is a smooth shrub or dwarf tree, with alternate nearly lance- shaped entire leaves, the stems terminated by racemes of handsome white flowers, which appear in May and June, and are about an inch in diameter. They have a bell-shaped calyx with a five-parted border, five rounded petals, and fifteen to twenty stamens. The plant is also known as Spircea grandiflora. It is a beautiful tall-growing shrub, worthy of a place on the lawn and in the shrubbery. It is still a rare plant in the United States, chiefly because it is difficult to propagate, and in consequence is not easy to get. It is propa- gated by seeds, layers, or suckers. Ezogens. A name given to one of the great classes of the vegetable kingdom, correspond- ing with the Dicotyledons. The name Exogen is from the Greek, and signifies outward and to grow, meaning growing outwardly, and has reference to the manner in which the woody circles are produced, viz., fi-om the center outwardly toward the circumference. The age of an exogenous tree, especially in tem- perate climates, may be determined by count- ing the number of zones or circles in the woody stem, each circle marking one year's growth, and the last formed circle being ex- ternal. The characters of the class are given under Dicotyledons, Avhich see. Exogo'nivun. From exo, external ; referring to the exserted stamens. Nat. Ord. Convolvula- cecB. The few species that are included in this genus are closely allied to, and very nearly resemble the tuberous-rooted Ipomce,as. They are desirable climbers, fiowering freely nearly FAG the whole summer. During winter the tubers should be kept dry and free from frost. E. purga, a Mexican species, has beautiful sal- ver-shaped, purplish flowers, and furnishes the true Jalap tubers of commerce. These are roundish, of variable size, the largest being about as large as an orange, and of a dark color. They owe their well-known purgative properties to their resinous ingredients. They can be rapidly increased by cuttings, or by division of tubers in spring, like the Dahlia. Exosmose. That force which causes a viscid fluid lying on the outside of an organic mem- brane to attract watery fluid through it. Exoste'mtna. From exo, external, and stemma, a crown ; referring to the exserted stamens. Nat. Ord. RubiacecB. A genus of tropical trees or shrubs, valued more for the menlicinal properties they pos- sess, than for the beauty of their foliage or flowers. They are natives of the West Indies. One of the species, E. Caribceum, has become naturalized in southern Florida. The bark possesses the same active principle as that of the Cinchona. Exotic. Plants that are brought from foreign countries. Not native. Exserted. Where one part protrudes beyond another by which it is surrounded ; as the stamens or styles beyond the mouth of some tubular corollas. Eye. A term in gardening for a leaf-bud ; also for the center or the central markings of a flower. Eye-bright. See Euphrasia. F. F a'ba. The old Latin name for the Bean, now included under Vicia, which see. FabaceaB. A sub-order of Leguminosm. Fabia'na. Namod after F. Fabiano, a Spaniard. Nat. Ord. Sokmacece. A small genus of half-hardy evergreen, heath-like shrubs. F. imbricata, the best known species, is a neat evergreen shrub of compact habit, densely covered, during the spring months, with pure Avhite tubular flowei's. Propagated by seeds or from cuttings. Fadye'nia. Named after Dr. Fadyen, author of a Flora of Jamaica. Nat. Ord. PolypodiacecE. F. proUfera, the only species, is a curious Fern, a native of the West Indies. It grows but a few inches in height ; the fronds have netted veins, and are remarbable for the large size of the sori. It was introduced from Jamaica in 1843, and is occasionally found in choice collections. Propagated by spores. Faecula. The farinaceous matter which forms starch, etc. Fage'lia. Named after Fagel, a botanist. Nat. Ord. LeguminoscB. A genus of green-house evergreen, twining, herbaceous plants, found in South Africa and Abyssinia. The leaves somewhat resemVjle those of Phaseolus, but are smaller. Their flowers are pea-shaped, yellow, and borne on long axillai-y racemes. Young plants are ob- tained from seeds. Fagopy'rum. Buckwheat. From phago, to eat, and pyros, wheat ; seeds edible. Nat. Ord. Polygonacem. F. esculentum, the only species worthy of notice, is our common buckwheat, which see. Fa'gus. The Beech. From phago, to eat ; in early ages the nuts of the B<'ech-tree were used as food. Nat. Ord. CupulifercB. A small genus of hardy deciduous trees, re- markable for their graceful and symmetrical habit of growth, and their great size and beauty, which render them objects of admira- tion, whether in their native woods, or when planted on the lawn for shade. F. ferruginea, the American Beech, is one of the tallest and most majestic of our forest trees. It grows most abundantly in the Middle and Western States.though common east of the AUeghanies, attaining its greatest size on the banks of the Ohio, where the trees are frequently found 100 feet high, with a diameter from three to four feet ; its foliage is superb, and its general appearance magnificent. The sexes are borne on different branches of the same tree. The AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 151 FAI male flowers are borne in pendulous, globular heads, the female flowers are small, and of a greenish color. It is so abundant as often to constitute extensive forests, the finest of which grow on fertile, level, or gently sloping lands, with a humid surface. The European Beech, F. sylvatica, is almost identical with our native species. The Weeping Beech, F. sylvatica pendula, is one of the most curious and beautiful of lawn trees. The original tree stands in the park of Baron de Mau, at Beersel, Belgium. "The trunk is three and half to four feet in diameter, and grows in a twisted form to a height of twelve feet to fifteen feet, with an appearance of being pressed down by an immense weight. The branches cover an area nearly a 100 feet in diameter. Its history is curious. Some sixty years ago the baron's gardener was planting an avenue of Beech trees, and the baron, ob- serving a very crooked specimen, directed to have it thrown out, but the gardener planted it in a corner of the grounds little visited, where it grew to be one of the most beautiful and singular freaks of sylvan nature." — Scott. The Purple -Leaved Beech, F. purpurea, now so popular for lawn decoration, is a sport from the common Beech, found in a German forest. The Copper-colored Beeoh, F. cuprea, is a sub- variety of the Purple Beech. The Fern and Cut-leaved Beeches are very ornamental varieties, the leaves resembling the fronds of a Fern. There are varieties with variegated foliage. They are all varieties of F. sylvatica. Fair Maids of France. Ranunculus aconitifolius fiore-pleno, Saxifraga granulata, and Achillea P tar mica. Fairy Fingers. Digitalis purpurea. Fairy Flax. Linum catharticum. Fairy Lily. See Zephyranthes. Fairy Rings. Green circles or parts of circles seen in pastures, and produced by the peculiar mode of growth of several species of Agarics and other Fungi. Falcate, Falciform. Plane and curved in any degree, Avith parallel edges, like the blade of a sickle ; as the pod of Medicago falcata. False Acacia. The common Yellow Locust, Robinia Pseudacacia. False Asphodel. A popular name of the genus Tojieldia, small flowering Liliaceous plants. False Dragon-head. Physostegia virginica. False Fox-Glove. Gerardia flava. False Hellebore. See Veratrum. False Honeysuckle. A popular name of our native Azaleas. False Indigo. See Amorpha. False Mistletoe. American Mistletoe. Pho- radendron fla vescens. False Red Top. A popular name of Poa serotina, because of its resemblance to Agrostis vulgaris, the true Red Top Grass. False Solomon's Seal. See Smilacina. False Spikenard. See Smilacina racemosa. Family. A synonym for " Order." Fan Palm See Corypha. Farada'ya. Named in honor of Michael Faraday, the celebrated chemist. Nat. Ord. Verbe7iace(B. FEN A small genus of tall climbing glabrous plants, with showy white flowers, borne in corymbose panicles, natives of Australia, Java, and the Pacific Islands. Several species have been introduced, but have not yet flowered in cultivation. Farfu'gium grande. See Ligularia. Farinaceous. Having the texture of flour, as the albumen of Wheat. Farinose. Covered with a white, mealy sub- stance, as the leaves of the Auricula, Primula farinosa. Farkle-berry. A local name for one of the Cranberries, Vaccinium arboreum. Fasciated. When a stem becomes much flat- tened, instead of retaining its usual cylin- drical figure, as in the Cockscomb, the Lilium monstrosum, etc. Fastigiate. Tapering to a narrow point, pyra- midal ; as where many like parts are parallel, and point upwards, as the branches of Populus fastigiata. Fat Hen. A popular name torChenopodium alburn^ Fa'tsia. Derived from the Japanese name of one of the species. Nat. Ord. Araliacece. A genus consisting of a few evergreen shrubs, natives of Japan, China, and north- west America. It is well represented by the Aralia Japonica or A. Sieboldii of gardens, which is now Fatsia Japonica, and Aralia papy- rifera, the Chinese Rice-paper plant, now F. papyrifera, both of which are very ornamental and useful decorative plants. Two variegated varieties of F. Japonica, one with white and the other with rich yellow markings, are highly prized for green-house and house deco- ration. Feathered Columbine. Thalictrum aquilegifo- lium. Feather Foil, or "Water Violet. Hottonia in- flata. Feather Geranium. Jerusalem Oak. Popular names for Chenopodium Botrys. Feather Grass. See Stipa pennata. Feather-veined. Where the veins of a leaf spring from the mid-rib at an acute angle. Fedia olitoria. A synonym for Valerianella olitoria (Corn Salad). Fe'ea. In honor of M. Fee, Professor of Botany at Strasburg. Nat. Ord. Polypodiacece. A small genus of interesting little Ferns found in Guiana and the West Indies. They require to be grown in a very warm, moist atmosphere. Fennel. See Fceniculum. Giant. See Ferula. Fenugreek. See Trigonella. Fe'nzlia. Named in honor of Dr. Fenzl, author of a monograph on Alsinacece. Nat. Ord. Polemoniacece. A genus of beautiful dwarf California hardy annuals. They bear a profusion of delicate, rosy-tinted flowers, with yellow throat, sur- rounded with dark-colored dots. F. dianthi- Jlora is a very dwarf and closely tufted species, keeping in flower the whole summer, making it desirable for small beds or edgings. It is also Tery pretty for window gardens. This genus is now by many botanists included under Gilia. 152 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS FEE Fern. Adder's. Polypodium vulgare. Adder's Tongue. Ophioglossum vulgalum. American Grape. Botrichium lunarioides. Australian Tree. Dicksonia antartica. Beech. Polypodium Phegopteris. Bird's-nest. Thamnopteris nidus (Asplenium). Brake, or Bracken. Pteris aquilina. Bristle. The genus Trichomanes. Buckler. The genus Lofitrea. Chain. The genus Woodicardia. Chignon. Cibotmm regale, Christmas Shield. Aspidium acrostichoides. Cinnamon. Osmunda cinnainomea. Climbing Snake's-tongue. Lygodium scandens. Deer. Lomaria spicant {Blechnum). Elk's Horn. Platycerium alcicome. Filmy. A name applied to those kinds which have pellucid or transparent fronds, as Hy- menophyllum, Todea and Trichomanes. Haresfoot. The genus Davallia. Hartford. Lygodium pahnatum. Hart's-tongue. The genus Scolopendrium. Japan Climbing. Lygodium, scandens. Japan Haresfoot. Davallia Mariesii. Killarney. Trichomanes radicans. Lady. Afhyrium Filix-fa^mina. Maiden Hair. Many of the genus Adiantum. Maiden Hair. American. Adiantum pedatum. Moon. Bolrychium Lunaria. Oak. Polypodium Dryopttris. Oregon Cliff-Brake. Pellaa densa. Oregon Kock-Brake. Allosonis achrostichoides. Parsley. AUosorus or Cryptogramma crispus. Pod. Ceratopteris thalictroides. Sensitive. Onoclea sei^sibilis. Shield. The genus Aspidium. Stag's Horn. Platycerium grande and other species. Sweet. Myrrhis odoraia and Comptonia asplen,- ifolia. Tree. Various species of Dicksonia, Alsophila, Cyathea, etc. Virginian Rattlesnake. Botrychium Virginicum. Walking-leaf. Camplosorus rhizophyllus. Water. Osmunda regalis. Fernery. See Wardian Case. Ferna From their extreme beauty and diver- sity as well as from their general adaptability in arrangements witii flowering and orna- mental-foliaged plants, Ferns, when well- grown are indispensable and possess peculiar attractions. As their management gets better understood, their popularity increases, and the now almost universal use of plants, and especially of cut fronds, intermixed in floral decorations, has led to the production of a few of the most suitable species in immense quantities. The earlier modern botanists knew little about ferns, and Linnasus, who is regarded as the father of modern botany, seems to have supposed that in one sense they had flowers as other plants had, the little brown dots on the back of the fronds being supposed to be seeds of the same char- acter as ordinary flowering plants. During the last fifty or more years, many discoveries have been made about Ferns, most notably that these little dusty brown dots are not really seeds but little bud ferns. When they fall or are sown in damp places they open and form little flat green membranes, and in this membrane the real flowers appear, and all the processes common to flowering plants are car- ried out. FEE In scientific treatises on ferns, all these pro- cesses of fern-growth and their functions, are given diiTerent names from what they would have in other plants ; thus the germinating green blade is called a prothallium, and the mass that would be the stamens in a flowering plant is the anthevidia, while the pistil is the archegonium. There is this difference, how- ever, that while flovrering plants after fertili- zation retain the germ, in what we call a seed, for some time before it grows, in tlie fei"n the germ commences at once to grow and make a little plant. This has some bearing on the raising of hybrid ferns. New varieties are obtained by sowing the spores of different forms of the same species together, for as in flowering plants it is only in case of very close relationship that intermixture is possi- ble. Those who have experimented and ob- served closely, tell us that the chances of in- termixture is not great, still this is the only way to get new varieties. By taking the spores from the crested portion of "Crested Ferns " the certainty of getting crested seedlings is much inci-eased. Raising Fe'"ns from spores is a very inter- esting operation requiring considerable care and attention to accomplish successfully. They are best so^vn in pots or shallow pans that have been half filled with broken rubble, the remainder being filled to within half an inch of the top with a finely sifted compost of loam, peat and sand. As the fern spores are extremely minute the soil should be watered and allowed to drain before sowing as by watering afterwards the spores might be washed away. Scatter thinly over the sur- face, pieces of glass being placed over the tops of the pots which should then be stood in saucers of water thus obviating the necessity of watering overhead. They should be kept well shaded at all times, and when the spores are sufficiently grown to be visible as very minute plants, they should be taken up in small patches, and pricked off carefully, these in turn when they get established and fit to handle should be divided and potted off singly. The most popular species Adiantums, Pteris, etc., are raised from spores in immense quantities. Many others as Nephrolepis, Davallia, etc., that form several crowns or have creeping rhizomes are easily increased by division. A few species produce small bulbils along, or at the end of the frond, and these, if removed and placed on the soil eventually form plants. Trunks of Tree Ferns are imported in large numbers, both from the West Indies and Australia^ and a large proportion generally succeed. Young plants may be raised from spores, and such quick-giowing species as Dicksonia, Alsophila, etc., soon make elegant plants for decorative purposes. Hardy Ferns succeed best when planted on rock-work or in a shady situation sheltered fi-om high winds ; as there is so much diversity both in their size and habit, particular attention should be directed to their arrangement, placing the evergreen and deciduous species at irregular intervals, so that the whdle may be more or less furnished at all seasons. Fero'nia. The Wood-apple or Elephant-apple of India, closely allied to the Orange. F. ele- phantum, the only species of this genus of AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 153 FEE RutacecB, is common throughout India, Bur- mah, Ceylon and Java, and forms a large tree, yielding a hard heavy wood, of great strength, but not durable. The leaves have the odor of Anise, and the fruit is edible. Increased by cuttings of the ripe young wood. Introduced from Coromandel, in 1804. Perra'ria. Named after Ferrari, an Italian bot- anist. Nat. Ord. Iridacece. A genus of dwarf bulbs from the Cape of Good Hope, producing very curious, oddly- colored flowers, perhaps more singular than beautiful. They are of easy culture, requir- ing to be kept dry during winter. They should be started in the green-house in Feb- ruary, in small pots and as soon as they com- mence growth, given plenty of air, sunlight, and water, and they will come into flower in April. They will grow finely in a cold frame if carefully protected from frost during win- ter, and are increased freely by offsets. In- troduced in 1800. Ferruginous. Iron-colored ; rusty light brown, with a little mixture of red. Fertile. Producing fruit. Also, capable of ef- fecting the process of fertilization; or of pro- ducing perfect seeds, as the anthers when filled with pollen ; fertilized. Fertilization. The reproductive function by which the action of the pollen renders the ovule fertile. Fertilizers. This word is generally used only in connection with commercial fertilizers, or concentrated fertilizers, though, of course, in its full significance it refers to any sub- stance suitable for the food of plants. The best known fertilizers of commerce are Pe- ruvian Guano and Bone Dust, though there are numbers of others, such as Fish Guano, Dry Blood Fertilizer, Blood and Bone Fertil- izer, with the various brands of Superphos- phates, all of more or less value for fertilizing purposes. It is useless to go over the list, and we will confine ourselves to the relative merits of pure Peruvian Guano and pure Bone Dust. Guano at $65 per ton we consider relatively equal in value to Bone Dust at $40 per ton, for in the lower priced article we find we have to increase the quantity to produce the same result. Whatever kind of concen- trated fertilizer is used, we find it well repays the labor to prepare it in the following man- ner before it is used on the land : to every bushel of Guano or Bone Dust add three bushels of either leaf mould (from the woods), well pulverized dry muck, sweepings from a paved street, stable manure so rotted as to be like pulverized muck, or, if neither of these can be obtained, any loamy soil will do ; but in every case the material to mix the fertili- zers with must be fairly dry and never in a condition of mud ; the meaning of the opera- tion being, that the material used is to act as a temporary absorbent for the fertilizer. The compost must be thoroughly mixed, and if Guano is used, it being sometimes lumpy, it must be broken up to dust before being mixed with the absorbent. The main object of this operation is for the better separation and di- vision of the fertilizer, so that, when applied to the soil, it can be more readily distributed. Our experiments have repeatedly shown that FER this method of using concentrated fertilizers materially increases their value probably twenty per cent. The mixing should be done a few months previous to spring, and it should, after being mixed, be packed away in barrels, and kept in some dry shed or cellar until wanted for use. Thus mixed, it is par- ticularly beneficial on lawns or other grass lands. The quantity of concentrated fertil- izer to be used is often perplexing to begin- ners. We give the following as the best rules we know, all derived from our own practice in growing fruits, flowers, and vegetables : Tak- ing Guano as a basis, we would recommend for all vegetables or fruit crops, if earliness and good quality are desired, the use of not less than 1,200 pounds per acre (an acre con- tains 4,840 square yards, and cultivators for private use can easily estimate from this the quantity they require for any area), mixed with two tons of either of the materials recom- mended. If Bone Dust is used, about one ton per acre should be used, mixed with three tons of soil or the other materials named. When used alone without being mixed with the absorbent, it should be sown on the soil after plowing or digging, about thick enough to just color the surface, or about as thick as sand or sawdust is sown on a floor, and then thoroughly harrowed in if plowed, or, if dug, chopped in with a rake. This quantity is used broadcast " by sowing on the ground after plowing and deeply and thoroughly harrowing in, or, if in small gardens, forked in lightly with the prongs of a garden fork or long- toothed steel rake. When applied in hills or drills, from 100 to 300 pounds should be used to the acre, according to the distance of these apart, mixing with soil, etc., as already di- rected. When well-rotted stable manure is procur- able at a cost not to exceed $2 or $3 per ton, whether from horses or cows, it is preferable to any concentrated fertilizer. Rotted stable manure, to produce full crops, should be spi'ead on the ground not less than three inches thick, and should be thoroughly mixed with the soil by plowing or spading. The refuse hops from breweries form an ex- cellent fertilizer, at least one-half more valu- able, bulk for bulk, than stable manure. Other excellent fertilizers are obtained from the scrapings or shavings from horn or whale- bone manufactories. The best way to make these quickly available is to compost them with hot manure in the proportion of one ton of refuse horn or whalebone with fifteen tons of manure. The heated manure extracts the oil, which is intermingled with the whole. The manure from the chicken or pigeon house Is very valuable, and when composted as directed for Bone Dust and Guano, has at least one-third their value. Castor oil pom- ace is also valuable. Ashes. The ashes of vegetable matter con- sist of such elements as are always required for their perfect maturity, and it is evident they must furnish one of the best saline manures which can be supplied for their growth ; they contain in fact every element, and generally in the right proportions, for insuring a full and rapid growth. The annual exhaustion of salts from a large crop of grain, roots, or grass, is from 180 to 250 pounds per acre, and the aggregate of a few years will so 154 HENDEKSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS FEE far impoverish the soil in one or more of the principles necessary to sustain a luxuriant vegetation that it will cease to yield remuner- ating returns. Ashes are among the best of fertilizers for Onions; a handful to the hill before corn is hoed will give good returns. They are also excellent for top dressing grass- land, and as there is no danger of their con- taining weed-seeds they are valuable for top dressing lawns. The quantity used should be about the same as bone dust, which see. Nitrate op Soda, and Sulphate of Am- monia, are both powerful fertilizers, are used to a considerable extent, and are deemed es- pecially valuable to grain crops. Nitrate of Soda cannot be kept too dry as it attracts mois- ture the same as common Salt does and may be applied at the rate of about two and one-half hundred weight to the acre as a top dressing in moist weather or just before rain. Owing to its nature it is more suited to hot dry soils than Sulphate of Ammonia, which, though not so quick in its action, is more lasting in its effects, and is often used as a supplement- ary top dressing to the former. PouDKETTE is the name given to a commer- cial fertilizer, the composition of which is night soil and dried swamp muck or charcoal dust as an absorbent. It is sold at about $12 to $15 per ton, and at that price may be equal in value, if too much of the absorbing material is not used, to Bone Dust at $40 per ton. Salt has little or no value as a f(a-tiliz«r, ex- cept as a medium of absorbing moisture. For experience shows that soils impregnated by a saline are no more fertile than those inland out of the reach of such an atmosphere. See Manures. Fe'rula. Giant Fennel. From /erto, to strike, the stems are used as rods. Nat. Ord. Um- belliferce. A genus of very showy, hardy herbaceous plants, relatives of southern Europe, north- ern Africa, and central and western Asia. They are admirable plants for growing near water, or on banks, or margins of lawns, where their deep green elegant foliage is shown to the best advantage. The two most showy species are F. communis, and F. Tingi- tana. They are propagated by seeds, or by divisions of the root. Fescue Grass. See Festuca. Festu'ca. A genus containing some of the best pasture grasses. F. glauca is a very hand- some ornamental grass, which, though hardy, is very suitable for the green-house and the sitting-room. Fetid Horehound. See Ballota Fetticus. See Valerianella. Fever Bush. A local name of the Lindera; given for the supposed medicinal properties of the shrub. Feverfew. See Pyrethrum Parthenium. Fever Tree, or Fever Gum-Tree. Eucalyptus globulus. Fever Weed. Gerardia pedicularia. Fibre, Elementary. That thread which is turned round the interior of the tubes that are called spiral vessels, or of any similar kind of tissue. FIL Fibrous. Containing a great proportion of woody fibre, as the rind of a Cocoanut ; com- posed of fibres. Fica'ria. Fig-wort. From Jicus, a fig ; in refer- ence to the fig-shaped little tubers of the root. Nat. Ord. Ranunculacece. A hardy herbaceous perennial with bright yellow fiowers, closely resembling the Ranun- culus, to which it is allied, the only difference being in the shape of the petals. It is one of the earliest spring flowers in the English woods or waste places. Ficoi'deaae. A large natural order of small shrubs, under-shrubs, or herbs, containing over 400 species, natives chiefly of tropical and sub-tropical regions. Teiragonia (the New Zealand Spinach) and Mesembryantliemum are the best known genera ; indeed, the order is called MesembryanthemacefB by some botanists. Fi'cus. Fig-tree. The Fig-tree has nearly the same name in all the European languages, and is supposed to be derived from the Hebrew name/ey. Nat. Ord. Urticaceoe. A genus of trees, some of which require to be grown in the hot-house. It contains sev- eral valuable species, especially the India Eubber tree (F. elastica), and the Banyan tree (F. Indica) ; the foliage of all of them is very imposing, and their culture is of the easiest descripUon, i-equiringheat and plenty of water in their growing season. F. elanlica, if culti- vated in a humid atmosphere, such as that of an Orchid-house, willemitioots from its stem and branches, and attach itself to any contig- uous object, such as a wall, in the manner of an epiphyte. This is tlie India Eubber tree of commerce. It is much valued as a decora- tive plant for rooms. A very effective variety with golden-edged leaves has been lately introduced, the golden band about an inch wide, contrasting beautifully with the glossy green of the center of the leaf. F. Parcelli has bright-green serrated leaves, irregularly blotched with dark green and ivory white. It forms a very neat and ornamental decorative plant. F. Carica, the cultivated Fig, is sup- posed to be a native of Caria, in Asia. It has, however, been so long under cultivation throughout southern Europe that its nativity is lost sight of. The fruit can be grown here without artificial heat, an ordinary pit alone being sufficient protection in winter; or the plants can be laid down and covered up with six inches of soil in November and uncovered in April, and will thus withstand our severest northern winters. The Fig is generally hardy south of Washington. Propagated by cuttings or layers. Fiddle-Wood. See Citharexylum. Fig Marigold. See AIesembryanthem.um. Fig-Tree. The genus Ficus, which see. Adam's. 3Iu8a puradisiaca. Balsam, of the West Indies. Several species of Clusia. Creeping. Ficus stipulata. Devil's, or Infernal. Argemone Mexicana. Mangrove. Rhizophora Mangle. Sacred. Ficus religiosa. Fig-TRrort. The genus Scrophularia ; also Ficaria, which see. Cape. Phygelius capensia. Filamentose. Thready. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 155 FIL Filices. One of the principal groups of Crypto- gams, coiumonlj' called Ferns, consisting of herbaceous or arborescent perennial, very rarely annual, plants, with fibrous roots, or creeping root-stalks. Those of an arborescent or tree habit have trunks varying from two or three to sixty or eigiity feet in height, and formed of the consolidated bases of the fronds, surrounding a soft central mass of tissue. Many sclienies have been proposed for the classification of Ferns, but that seems to be preferable which is based on the modi- fications of the vascular system in conjunc- tion witli the fructification. All Ferns may be referred to one of tlie groups OphioglossacecB, Marattiacem, or Polypodiacece, of which the first two, sometimes called pseudo-Ferns, are very limited, while the latter, containing the true Ferns, includes the greater portion of all the known species. There are about seventy-five genera, and about 2,500 species. The follow- ing are some of the principal and most exten- sive genera : Adiantum, Asplenium, Aspi- dium, Polypodium, and Pteris. Filiform. Cylindrical and slender, like a thread. Filipendulous. Where tuberous swellings are developed in the middle or at the extremities of filiform rootlets as in Spirceafilipendula. Fimbriate. Fringed. Fiorin or Fiorin-Grass. (Butter Grass.) Agrostis stolonifera. Fir. A general name for various species of Abies, Picea, and Pinus. Balm of Gilead, or Balsam. Abies balsamea. Black Spruce. Abies nigra. Douglas Spruce. Abies {Pseudo-tsiiga)Dougla8ii. Hemlock Spruce. Tsuga Canadensis. Japan Silver. Picea firma. Norway' Spruce. Abies excelsa. Parasol, or Umbrella. The genus Sciadopitys. Pitch, or Siberian Silver. Picea Pichta. Sacred Silver. Pinus religiosa. Scotch. Pinus sylvestris. Silver. Picea pectinata. Fire Cracker Plant. See Cuphea. Fire Pink. A local name of Silene Virginica. Fire Tree. See Niiytsia. Of Queensland. See Slenocarpus. Fire-Weed. A name given to Erechites hieraci- folia, because of its appearance on new grounds, when brush has been burned. It is a coarse worthless weed, though not apt to be troublesome. Firming the Soil. See Sowing and Planting, Use of the Feet in. Fish Bone Thistle. Chamaipeuce Casabonoe. Fish Guano. See Fertilizer. Fish-Tail Palm. See Caryota. Fissus. Divided half way usually into a deter- minate number of segments. We say, bijidus, split in two, trifidus, in three, and so on ; or muUifidus, when the segments are very numerous. Fistular, Fistulous. This is said of a cylin- drical or terete body which is hollow, but closed at each end, as the leaves and stem of the Onion. Fitto'nia. Named in honor of E. and 8. M. Fit- ton, authors of "Conversations on Botany," Nat. Ord. Acanthaceoe. FLO A genus of trailing perennials with bril- liantly marked leaves, natives of Peru and requiring Stove-house treatment. They are excellent plants for the Wardian case and use- ful also for planting on the surface of pots or tubs in which large plants or other decorative plants are grown, and also for forming narrow borders to the walks in heated structures. F. argyroneura, has oval leaves of a vivid green, traversed by a net-work of pure white veins; other species have the midrib and veins deep red or carmine. They are easily increased by cuttings. Syn. Gymnostachyum. Five Fingers. See Potentilla. Flabelliform. Fan-shaped. Flacourtia. Named after Elienne de Flacourt, a botanist and director of the French East India Company in 1648. The typical genus of Flacourtiacece, comprising a few species of fruit-bearing, thorny trees or shrubs, natives of tropical Asia, Africa, and America. The fruits of several of the species are used in India, and have a pleasant sub-acid flavor, when perfectly ripe, but the unripe fruit is exceedingly astringent. The young shoots and leaves of F. cataphracta are used medici- nally by the native Indian doctors as a cure for diarrhoea. The species are I'arely seen in cultivation. Flacourtiaceae. (Bixacese.) A natural order of shrubs or small trees, with alternate leaves, often marked with transparent dots. They are natives, principally, of the East and West Indies ; a few species are found at the Cape of Good Hope, and one or two in New Zealand. Some of the plants yield edible fruits, others are bitter and astringent. The order includes about twenty-five genera and 150 species. Flag. A general name for the genus Iris. Yellow, or Water. Iris Pseudo-acorus. Flagelliform. Flexible, narrow, and tapering, like the thong of a whip, as the runners of many plants. Flame Flower. One of the popular names of Tritoma. Flame Lily. See Pyrolirion. Flame Tree, or Tree of Fire. See Nuytsia. Flamingo Plant. Popular name of Anthurium Scherzerianum. Flavescent. A pure pale yellow. Flax. See Linum. New Zealand, or Flax Lily. Phormium tenax. Fleabane. See Erigeron. Fleur-de-Luce. See Iris. Flexuose. Zig-zag; having a wavy direction, gently bending alternately inward and out- ward. Floating Heart. See Limnanthemum. Floocose. Covered with little tufts of hair, like wool. Flora. (The goddess of flowers.) The aggre- gate of all the species of plants inhabiting a particular country. Floral. Of or belonging to the flower. Floral Envelopes. The calyx and corolla, one or both. Florets. When many small flowers are collected in clusters or heads, each flower is called a floret. The florets of the dt^are those which 156 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS FLO occupy the center of the head of a Composite ; while florets of the ray occupy the circumfer- ence. Florida Bean. See Entada. Florida Moss. See Tillandsia. Florists' Flowers. These are defined as, "Flowers which, by their beauty, or fra- grance, power to produce permanent varieties, and facility of cultivation, are so largely in de- mand as to render them especially worthy of cultivation as an article of commerce." The term is most generally applied to that large section of green-house and hardy plants, which have originally descended from a limited number of species, but which, either by cultivation, careful selection, or systematic hybridization the "Florist," has caused to "break" from the original species into varieties much superior to the original, it may be in the habit of the plant or variety of color and form of the flower. The variety of plants included among Florists' flowers, is annually extending, as genera that have hitherto been neglected are being brought under the same influences with a view of ob- taining similar results. Perfection in habit of plant, and in form of flower, with distinct coloring, are points always aimed at and only those flowers which are most desirable in these respects, should be used for hybridizing or seeding purposes. Seeds having a ten- dency to produce varieties of an inferior quality, it is necessary to perpetuate those good sorts already secured, by cuttings or offsets, as the case may be ; the advantages of the improvements effected are thus available for all, in the select varieties now in general cultivation, as well as those now annually distributed. Among the best known examples of the Florist's success are the Auricula, Chrysanthemum, Carnation, Dahlia, Fuchsia, Gladiolus, Pelargonium, both show and Zonal, Tulip, Hyacinth, Verbena, Rose, etc. Flower. That assemblage of organs in a plant, of which the stamens or pistils, or both, form part. Flow^er Border. See Border. Flow^er-de-Luce. See Iris. Flow^er Fence. See Poinciana. Flower of the Holy Spirit. See Peristeria. Flowering Ash. See Ornvs. Flov^ering Fern. See Osmunda. Flov^ering Grass. Anomatheca cruenta. Flow^ering Rush. See Butomus. Flues. Single and double. See Heating. Fluitans. Floating on the surface of water. Fluvial, Fluviatile. Of or belonging to the water. Fly Honeysuckle. Lonicera Xylosteum. Fly Orchis. Ophrys muscifera. Fly Poison. Amianthium musccetoxicum. Fly-Trap. American. Apocynum androscBmi- folium. Venus's. Dioncea muscipida. Foeni'culum. Fennel. The old Latin name. Nat. Ord. Umbelliferce. F. vulgare. the common Fennel, is a native of southern Europe and western Asia, and is usually found on dry soils near the sea. FOR It is an aromatic plant of perennial duration, and is propagated both by offsets, division of the root, and by seed. F. dulce, the Sweet Fennel, is generally considered a variety of the preceding ; but it differs in being a smaller plant, producing larger seeds, and in its flow- ering earlier. The leaves are used in sauces and for garnishing, and the seeds are em- ployed in confectionary and for flavoring liquors. FoUaceous. Having the form of leaves. Foliage Plants. A popular term, though an incorrect one, given to distinguish such plants as are used for decorative purposes for the beauty of their foliage rather than for the beauty of their flowers. It is more particu- larly used for such plants as are used for massing in color ; for example, the Achyran- thes, Centaureas (Dusty Millers), Pyrethrum aureum (Golden Feather), Coleus, and plants of that class used in "ribbon line" bedding, are called "foliage" plants; though, among plants for inside decoration, the Crotons, Draccenas, Pandanads, Fancy Caladiums, etc., are sometimes so named; but the proper designation for all such plants, whether used for outside or inside decoration, is "Orna- mental-leaved Plants," or "Ornamental-foli- age d Plants." Foliate. Clothed with leaves. Foliole. A leaflet ; the secondary divisions of a compound leaf. Foliose. Covered closely with leaves. Follicle. An inflated seed-vessel; as that of the Colutea. Fool's Parsley. See u^thvsa. Fontane'sia. A Syrian shrub of the Olive fam- ily, named in honor of M. Desfontaines, an eminent French botanist. It is an orna- mental, hardy sub-evergreen shrub, resem- bling the common Privet, but with rough bark and graceful, slender drooping branches. Flowers creamy-yellow in axillary racemes. Introduced in 1787. Forbidden Fruit. Citrus Paradisi. Of London. A variety of the Shaddock. Citrus decumana. Of Paris. The sweet skinned Orange ; a variety of Citrus Aurantium. Forcing Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables. As this operation has to be conducted through- out the winter and early spring months the greatest care is necessary in practice to ob- tain satisfactory results, more especially as they have to be procured under conditions that are unnatural to the plants at the time, in consequence of their having had an insuffi- cient season of rest. The preparation of plants for forcing is one of the most important points, and only those that have the wood thoroughly ripened, should be chosen. In the early stages of the operation, heat should be applied very gradually, beginning with a little closer, warmer atmosphere than that allowed during the resting period. A temperature not exceeding 50" to 55° will suit a large num- ber of plants to start with, but even this is too high for some subjects. Most plants will bear more heat after the buds swell and have commenced growing, than they will pre- viously. In very early forcing all the sun- shine and light possible should be admitted. FBSTUCA DUKIUSCUIiA (HARD FESCITE). FESTTJOA EUBHA (RED FESCUE). FESTUCA FRATENSIS (MEADOW FESCUE) «S6 FUNKIA OVATA. FRITILLARIA IMPEBIALIS (CKOWN IMPEBIAi). FBEEBIA REFBACTA ALBA. AND TJENERAL horticulture. 157 FOE as during the winter months the sun will sel- dom be strong enough to injure the tenderest foliage. As many flowers and vegetables are of no further use after having been forced, it is necessary to raise an annual supply of strong healthy roots for this purpose. Al- most any position in a heated structure may be utilized for such, a succession crop being planted every two or three weeks as necessity may require, the old roots being destroyed as soon as the crop is over, and replaced by a new batch. In many establishments, small span roofed houses are used for forcing Cucumbers, Tomatoes, etc., a row of plants being planted on either side and trained upon trellises undor the glass. Similar structures are also used for forwarding Cauliflower, Beets, Bush Beans, Dwarf Peas, Radishes, and other salading. The new Bush Lima Bean can also be suc- cessfully forced in this manner. The method of forcing the principal Fruits, Vegetables, etc., is described under their respective names. If raised benches are used, a succes- sion of Asparagus, Sea-Kale, Rhubarb,Chicory, etc., may be profitably grown underneath them ; the stems of those vegetables being ' much more tender and succulent when blanched, than when exposed to the light. Forget-Me-Not. See Myosotis. Forked. Separating into distinct branches more or less apart. Forsy'thia, In honor of William Forsyth, royal gardener at Kensington, Eng. Author of "Observations on the Diseases of Trees." London, 1791. Nat. Ord. Oleacecp.. A small genus of ornamental deciduous, hardy shrubs, introduced from the north of China in 1845. F. viridissima is one of the earliest of spring flowering shrubs, being completely covered in early spring with tufts of rather large, pendulous, bright yellow flowers, which grow two or three together from all parts of the rod-like branches. It is easily increased by cuttings or layers. F. 8U8pe7isa is also a very graceful and free- flowering shrub with deep green foliage and brigiit yellow flowers, somewhat more droop- ing in its growth than the foregoing. It is frequently cultivated under the names of F. Fortunei, and F. Sieboldi. Fothergi'lla. A genus of the Witch-hazels HamamelidacecB, named in honor of Dr. John Fothergill, of London, an eminent physician and botanist, 1712-1780. F. alnifolia, the only species, is a low shrub with oval or obo- vate leaves toothed at the summit. The flowers are white and sweet scented, borne in spicate terminal racemes, and appearing in April and May, rather before the leaves. It is found in low grounds from Virginia south- ward, and is increased by seeds or layers. Fountain Plant. A popular name for Amaran- thus salicifolius. Fountains. These are often introduced in garden or conservatory decoration, and ai'e represented in various forms and sizes, varj'- ing from specimens of the smallest descrip- tion to an enormous display of water works, as shown in extensive public gardens and parks. The selection of an appropriate site for the Fountain, and one that is in keeping with surrounding objects, is one of the most important points in its introduction. The FRA center of an inclosed formal or geometrically arranged flower garden could not be better occupied than with a fountain and circular basin, having a walk i-ound it in connection with the other cross-walks. Intersecting points are the best in any case, on account of the means thereby supplied of utilizing the water from the basin. Either a single jet or an indefinite number, if desired, must be in connection with an elevated reservoir, or other source of supply, from which a force can be obtained, and they may be fixed so as to conduct the water in various directions, and cause it to disperse and descend in minute particles. The Jets are best arranged amongst a pile of rockwork or large stones, that help to conceal them from view when the water is stopped. A Fountain has a cooling effect in a conservatory in summer; and wlien con- structed in a prominent position, as in the center, it is invariably a source of attraction. In some of the most extensive and beautiful floral decorations, a small Fountain, with the flowers and leaves of various Nymphseas, etc., dropped in the basin underneath, forms an interesting and novel feature, and one that is generally admired. Fountain Tree. A popular name for Cedrus Deodara. Fourcro'ya. Named after M. Fourcroy, a cele- brated chemist. Nat. Ord. Amaryllidacece. A genus closely allied to Agave. Fifteen species are described, all nati^"es of Mexico. F. longcBva (long lived) throws up a magnificent flower stem forty feet high. It is branching and pyramidal, like the Yucca, though more graceful. The lower branches of the terminal pyramid are from ten to twelve feet long, and are covered with innumerable white flowers. From their great size thoy are rarely met in collections. Syn. FurcrcBa. Four o'Clocks. A popular name for Marvel of Peru. See Mirabilis. Fo-cvl Meadow Grass. See Poa serotina. Fox-Glove. See Digitalis. Fox's Brush. Centranthus ruber. Fox-Tail. Lycopodium clavatum. Fox-Tail Grass. Alopecurus pratensis. Fraga'ria. The Strawberry. From frayraris, fragrant ; in reference to the perfumed fi'uit. Nat. Ord. Rosacem. According to Sir Joseph Banks and others, the common name of StrawbeiTy was given on account of straw having bee a laid between the plants to prevent the fruit from getting soiled in wet weather. There are se\eral species of Strawberries, the principal of which are, F. Virginiana, the Virginian or Scarlet, the well-known native species ; F. grandiflora, the Pine ; F. Chiliensis, the Chilian ; F. vesca, the Wood and Alpine ; F. elatior, the Hautbois ; F. viridis, the green ; F. Indica, tlie Indian, not edible, but a pretty plant for hanging pots and baskets, its berries being veiy attractive. Like all the others, it is propagated by run- ners as well as seed. Previous to 1629, the date assigned to the introduction of the Scarlet Strawberry from Virginia, the Wood Strawberry is supposed to have been the kind generally gathered for sale in England. The varieties now gi'own are almost innumerable, especially in the United States, and they are 158 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS FEA increasing every year. The improvements effected among them, in quality, size, and pro- ductiveness, are very remarkable indeed. Berries have been exhibited in New York that measured fully twelve inches in circumfer- ence. For cultivation, forcing, etc., see Strawberry. Frames, Garden. See Cold Frames. Franci'scea. Named in honor of Francis, Emperor of Austria. Nat. Ord. Scrophularia- cece. A genus of green-house evergreen shrubs, natives of Brazil. There are several in culti- vation, most of thorn having very showy, salver-shaped, purple flowers. The roots, and, to some extent, the leaves, are employed in medicine. The tincture is bitter, purgative, and emetic, and is poisonous in large doses. From its peculiar properties it is called by the Portuguese, "Vegetable Mercury." Franco'a. Named after F. Franco, a Spanish physician and botanist of the sixteenth cen- tury. Nat. Ord. Saxifragacem. A small genus of tender herbaceous peren- nials, natives of Chili. They are found to succeed best when treated as tender annuals, as they can only be increased by seeds, which, if sown early in a hot-bed. make good flower- ing plants for autumn. The white or purple flowers are produced on long spikes, and are quite showy. Francoa'ceae. A natural order now placed as a tribe of Saxifragacem. Frangipani-Shrub. Plumieria alba, and P. rubra. Fra'ngula. A synonym of Rhamnus. Franke'nia. See Heath. Named after John Frankenius, Professor of Botany at Upsal, who first enumerated the plants of Sweden, 1638. Nat. Ord. Frankeniacece. A small genus of hardy and half-hardy ever- green trailers, growing in marshy places throughout Europe and the Canary Islands. Though very pretty, they have received but little attention from florists. The very small pink flowers are produced in axillary clusters. Propagated by division. Frankenia'ceae. A small order of herbs or sub- shrubs, chiefly natives of north Africa and the south of Europe. They possess no prop- erties of importance. Frankincense, or Olibanum Tree. Boswellia Carteri, and other species. Fra'sera. Named after John Fraser, an inde- fatigable collector in this country toward the close of the last century. Nat. Ord. Gentian- aceoe. F. Carolinensis, the best known species, is a tall-growing, showy herbaceous plant. The flowers are about one inch in diameter, of light greenish-yellow color, marked with small brown-purple dots. It is commonly known as American Columbo, and is common from southwest New York to Wisconsin and south- ward. Syn. J^. Walteri. Fraxine'Ila. See Dictamnus. Fra xinus. The Ash. From phraxis, a separa- tion ; in reference to the facility with which the wood splits. Nat. Ord. Oleacece. This genus includes some of the most com- mon forest trees throughout the United States. FEE They are also common in Europe, Asia, and in the north of Africa. The more common and important of the native species are the follow- ing: The White Ash, F. Americana, is a beautiful tree, with trunk perfectly straiglit, and usually undivided to the height of thirty to forty feet. Solitary trees are often very beautiful, being symmetrical and globular, with dense foliage of a dull bluish-green color. This species delights in a warm, rich soil, and is rarely found in its natural state in any other. The timber of this species is valuable in the mechanic arts, where strength and durability are required. The Black Ash, F. sambucifolia, is a tree of medium size, usually found in wet or swampy situations. It is of but little value as an ornamental tree, and the timber has little value except to split into rails for fencing. The other native species are of no special interest. The English Ash, F. excelsior, is almost identical with our White Ash. Fi'om it several varieties have origin- ated ; one of weeping habit, F. excelsior pen- dula, a very beautiful and desirable tree for the lawn. Some of the varieties with golden, and some with variegated foliage, are being extensively planted, and are strongly recom- mended for suburban grounds. Free. Not adhering to anything else ; not adnate to any other body. Free'oia. Derivation of name not given. Nat. Ord. Iridacece. A small genus of handsome bulbous plants from the Cape of Good Hope, introduced previously to 1815, at which time they were grown in English gardens, and included in the genus Gladiolus. The Garden says : "According to Mr. Baker, whose labors on the Iris have rendered their study compar- atively easy, the genus Freesia has been included in Gladiolus and Tritonia, as well as having a goodly number of specific names. These are all now reduced to two species, viz., Freesia refracta and F. Leichtlinii. The for- mer varies considerably, judging from the earlier illustrations of it, which, if correct, would seem to include F. Leichtlinii. F. refracta has pale yellow flowers, sometimes with a greenish, sometimes a purplish tint, while its variety, F. r. alba, has flowers of the purest white, with two orange-yel- low flowers on the lower segments. Some- times these blotches are absent." F. refracta alba is the only species much cultivated ; this, from its pure white flowers, that are produced in the greatest abundance during the winter season, is a valuable plant to grow for cut flowers. The flowers are produced on slender stalks, just overtopping the foliage, and num- ber from three to six in a loose cluster. They are tubular, thimble-shaped, about one and a half inches in length ; their perfume is deli- cious, sufficiently powerful to be perceptible at a distance from the plant. They are extremely useful as cut flowers, for which the elegant manner in which they are borne on the stalks admirably adapts them. They can be easily grown in the ordinary green-house, the only care required being to have the bulbs well ripened before drying off, after flowering. It is best to put several bulbs in a pot or pan. If the latter is used, put eight or ten in an eight-inch pan. They like a fibrous soil, moderately rich, and need considerable rest. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 159 FRE Bulbs that have flowered in January should go to rest in April, and remain dry until November. They increase rapidly by offsets, and can be grown freely from seed, which should be sown soon as ripe ; bulbs from seed will flower the second year. Fremo'ntia. Named in honor of Major-General John C. Fremont, who discovered it in the northern part of tlie Sierra Nevada. Nat. Ord. Sterculiacem. F. Californica, the only species, is a decidu- ous shrub from four to ten feet high, some- what resembling the ordinary Fig-tree. The flowers are very handsome, bright yellow, bell-shaped, and are produced on short, spur- like branches. Propagated by cuttings or from seed. Introduced in 1851. French Bean. See Bean. French Honeysuckle. See Hedysarum. French Marigold. See Tagetes. French Mulberry. Callicarpa Americana. French Willo'w. EpUobium angustifolium. Fresh-water Soldier. Stratioides aloides. Preycine'tia. Named after Admiral Freycinet, a French circumnavigator. A genus of Pan- danacecB, consisting of climbing trees, natives of the Indian Archipelago, Norfolk Island, New Zealand, etc. The species have the habit of Pandanus, and require the same general treatment. Increased by offsets. Fringed. The same as fimbriate. Fringe-Flovyer. Schizanthus retusus. Fringe-Tree. See Chionanthus. Fritilla'ria. Fritillary, Guinea-hen Flower. Fvom.fritillus, a chess-board ; referring to the checkered flowers of some species. Nat. Ord. Liliacem. Showy bulbs for the border, mostly attain- ing a height of from two to three feet, though F. meleagris and its variations are dwarf. This species, and one or two others like it, have had much attention paid them by the continental florists, who have succeeded in obtaining many beautiful varieties by seed, and now these flowers occupy a prominent place in their catalogues. Tliey delight in very rich soil, frequently dug and well pul- verized previous to planting. The bulbs should be planted early in the autumn, cover- ing them with about three inches of earth. In the blooming season, should the weather prove dry, the ground must be frequently well soaked with water, that the growth may be sufficiently vigorous, or the flowers of the following season will be deficient. When the stems begin to decay the bulbs should be taken up, but not dried to any extent, it being far preferable to preserve them till the follow- ing planting season in sand or light and par- tially dried earth. F. imperialis is the well- known Crown Imperial, a native of Persia, of which there are several varieties. They will be greatly benefitted by mulching with leaves to the depth of six inches, just before the ground freezes vip. They can remain a num- ber of years without taking up, and are prop- agated by division of the bulbs or by seeds, which, however, require from four to six years to become flowering bulbs. Frog-bit. Hydrocharis morsus-rancB and Limno- bium Spongia. FUC Frondose. Covered with leaves; bearing a great number of leaves. Fronds. The leaves of Palms and Ferns are improperly called fronds. A true frond is a combination of leaf and stem, as in many sea- weeds and liverworts. Frosted. Covered with glittering particles, as if fine dew liad been congealed upon it. Frost-Weed. Erigeron Philadelphicus and Heli- anthemum Canadense. Frozen Plants, Treatment of. "When by any mishap the plants, whether in parlor or green- house, become frozen, either at once remove them (taking care not to touch the leaves) to some place warm enough to be just above the point of freezing ; or, if there are too many to do that, get up the fire as rapidly as possible, and raise the temperature. The usual advice is to sprinkle the leaves and shade the plants from the sun. We have never found either remedy of any avail with frozen plants, and the sprinkling is often a serious injury if done before the temperat\ire is above the freezing point. In our experience witli thousands of frozen plants, we have tried all manner of expedients, and found no better method than to get them out of the freezing atmosphere as quickly as possible ; and we have also found that the damage is in proportion to the suc- culent condition of the plant and the intensity of the freezing. Just what degree of cold plants in any given condition can endure without injury, we are^ unable to state. Plants are often frozen 'so that the leaves hang down, but when thawed out aj'e found to be not at all injured. At another time the same low temperature acting on the same kind of plants may kill them outright if they happen to be growing more thriftily and are full of sap. Much depends upon the temper- ature at which plants have been growing ; for example, we find, if we have had a warm spell in fall when, for a week or so, the tempera- ture has been at sixty-five or seventy degrees at night, with ten or fifteen degrees more in the open air, that a slight frost will kill or greatly injure such half-hardy plants as Car- nations, Geraniums or monthly Roses ; but should the weather be such as to gradually get colder, so that the temperature has been lowered twenty to twenty-five degrees, a slight frost then coming will do little or no injury to such plants. When the frost is pen- etrating into a green-house or room in which plants are kept, and the heating arrangements are inadequate to keep it out, the best thing to do is to cover the plants with paper (news- papers) or sheeting. Thus protected, most plants will be enabled to resist four or five degrees of frost. Paper is rather better than sheeting for this purpose. Fructification. The parts of the flower, or, more properly, tlie fruit and its parts ; the phenomena which attend the development of the fruit from its first appearance to maturity. The distribution or arrangement of the fruit itself on any plant. Fruit. That part of a plant which consists of the ripened carpels and the parts adhering to them ; the seed vessel with its ripe contents. Pruticose, Frutescent. Shrubby. Pu'chsia. Named after Leonard Fuchs, a cele- brated German botanist. Nat. Oi"d. OnagracPCB. lf)0 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS FUG The best history we have of this interesting genus is from the pen of the Eev. C. A. Johns, in the "Treasury of Botany." He says: "A plausible story has often been i:)rinted, which attributes the introduction of the Fuchsia into England to a sailor, whose wife or mother was induced to sell it to Mr. Lee, a nurseryman, who, in the course of the following summer, made a profit of 300 guineas by the transac- tion. This is said to liave happened about the close of the last century. It was, however, a hundred years befoz-e this time that a monk named Father Plumier discovered the first specimen of the family, which he afterward dedicated to the memory of Leonard Fuehs. This first species was named Fuchsia triphylla flore coccinea, and a description of it is to be found in the works of Plumier, published in 17u3. With the exception of F. excorlicaia and F. procumbens, whicii are natives of New Zea- land, all the species belong to the central and southern regions of America, in shady, moist places, in forests, or on lofty mountains of Mexico, Peru and Chili. The number of dis- tinct species at present known is more than fifty, which have been introduced from time to time since the beginning of the present century ; but the varieties most prized by flor- ists date only from the year 1837, when F. fulgens was introduced. The introduction of this species, and soon afterward of F. corymbi- Jlora, F. cordifolia and F. serratifolia, gave to horticulturists the opportunity of hybridizing these long-flowered species with the globose kinds, and the result has been the annual appearance of varieties which, from a garden point of view have surpassed their predeces- sors, to be themselves eclipsed in their turn." The cultivation of the Fuchsia is quite simple. Stock plants should be started in the green- house in November or December, and cuttings taken off as soon as large enough, which will be in ten days or two weeks. In an ordinary propagating house they will be sufficiently rooted in two weeks to pot off; after which the growth is rapid, if given the four essential elements, viz., light, air, heat and water. They require to be re-potted often, never alk)wing them to get pot-bound if large showy plants are desired. By training up the lead- ing shoot, and keeping it tied to a straight stick, the plant will throw out side Shoots in the perfect order required for a graceful, sym- metrical outline. Plants carefidly grown in this manner will, by the first of July, fill a twelve-inch pot, which, if placed in a shady situation and liberally watered with liquid manure, will make a plant fully six feet high by autumn, and all the summer be completely covered with fiowers. Fugacious. Soon falling off, or perishing very rapidly. Fuliginous. Dirty brown, verging upon black. Fuller's Teazel See Dipsacus Fullonum. Fulvous. Tawny yellow or fox-colored. Fuma'ria. Fumitory. From fumos, smoke ; referring to the disagret^able smell of the plant. Nat. Ord. Fumariacem. A genus of hardy annuals, mostly mere weeds. One or two, however, are very pretty climbers, ornamental when grown along hedge-rows, for their delicate foliage, and small, pinkish white flowers. FUS Fumaria'ceae. A natural order of herbs with brittle stems, watery juice, alternate, cut, exstipulate leaves, and irregular, unsymme- trical flowers. They are chiefly natives of the temperate regions of the northern hemi- sphere, a few occur at the Cape of Good Hope. They possess a slight bitterness and acridity. There are eighteen known genera and about 160 species ; Fumaria, Dicentra and Corydalis are examples of the order, which is now included by Bentham and Hooker, as a tribe of PapaveracetB. Fumigating. See Insects. Fumitory. See Fumaria. Climbing. Adlumia cirrhosa. Function. The peculiar action induced hj the agfuiey of vitality upon anj' part of a living l^lant, when placed under certain influences. Fundamental. Constituting the essential part of anything ; in a plant, the axis and its ap- pendages. Fundamental organs, the nutri- tive organs essential to the existence of the individual. Funeral Cypress. A common name of Cupres- sus funebris. Fungi. Extensive groups of singular plants, known as blights, blasts, mildews and mush- rooms. Funnel-shaped. A calyx or corolla, or other organ, in which the tube is obconical, gradu- ally enlarging upward into the limb, so that the whole resembles a funnel, as in the Con- volvulus or Morning Glory. Fu'nkia. Day Lily. Plantain Lily. Named in honor of Henry Funk, a German cryptogamist. Nat. Ord. Liliacew. A handsome genus of hardy herbaceous plants, with bundled fibrous I'oots, from Japan. It is nearly allied to Hfrnerocallis, and some of the species first introduced were included in that genus, which has caused considerable confusion in names. The^' are remarkable for their neat habit, the fine character of their foliage, and the delicious fragrance of the fiowers of some of the species. F. albo-marginata and F. Sieboldiana have beautifully variegated foliage, green and white. As border plants they are very showy and attractive, and to mix with cut flowers for vases the foliage is invaluable. F. sub- cordata, or Japonica, the well-kno\vn white Day Lily, is the largest growing of the specips. In rich soils they will, in a short time, make immense clumps, that flower freely in August. This species does best in partial shade. They are readily increased by division of the roots, which should be done in early spring. First introduced in 1790. Furcate. Having long terminal lobes, like the prongs of a fork. Furcrae'a. See Fourcroya. Furfuraceous. Scurfy; covered with soft scales, which are easily displaced. Furro-wed. Marked by longitudinal channels, as the stem of the Parsnip. Fuscous. Brown, with a grayish or blackish tinge. Furze. See tle-T. Fusiform. Spindle-shaped; thick, tapering to each end, like the root of a long Radish. Sometimes conical roots are called fusiform. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 161 G. GAG Ga'gea. Named after Sir Thomas Gage, a botanical amateur. Nat. Orel. Liliacece. A genus of hardy little yellow-flowering bulbs, allied to ihe Tulip. The species are natives of Europe, temperate Asia and northern Africa. The flowers, which are large for the size of the plant, are produced in umbels on stems not more than four inches high. They flower about the same time as tlie Crocus, should occupy similar places in the garden, and are propagated by offsets. Introduced in 1759. Ga'hnia. Named after H. Gahn, a Swedish bot- anist. Nat. Ord. Cyperacece. A genus of about twenty species of green- house perennial herbs, natives of Australia, New Zealand, China, and the South Pacific Islands. G. aspera, is a very ornamental plant of Arundo-like habit, with bright green, channelled, wavy, lanceolate leaves. Intro- duced from Fiji in 1887. Gailla'rdia. Named after ilf. Gaillard de Maren- tuniieau, a French patron of botany. Nat. Ord. CompositcB. A genus of beautiful half-hardy annuals, natives of South Carolina and southward. They are exceedingly showy, and well adapted for garden decoration. The seed germinates slowly, and in order to get plants to flower the whole summer it should be sown in the green-house in February. The plants may be put out in the open border Avhen all danger from frost is over. Cuttings may be made in the fall and grown on in the green-house during the winter. G. Richard- soni, a species of late introduction, is a hardy perennial, propagated by root division. G-alactode'ndron. Cow- tree. A synonym for Brosimum Galactodendron, which see. Gala'nthus. Snow-drop. From gala, milk, and anthos, flower ; referring to the color of the flowers. Nat. Ord. Amaryllidacece. C. nivalis, the common Snow-drop, for its poetical associations as the ever-weicome harbinger of spring, is universally cultivated, and by potting and very gentle forcing maybe made an interesting ornament to the green- house in mid-winter. Snow-drops are well known and general favorites on account of the modest beauty displayed by their flowers at the early season in which they appear. G. Elwesii from Asia Minor, and G. plicatus from the Crimea are larger flowered species though still rai'e in gardens. A very distinct and much admired double form of G. nivalis, is also largely cultivated. When once planted it is best to let them take care of themselves, as if planted where the soil is suitable and left alone, they increase rapidly and annually appear in flower suddenly with the earliest approach of spring. Galax. From gala, milk ; referring to the milk- white flowers. Nat. Ord. Diapensiacece. G. aphylla, is a beautiful little native plant, with pure white flowers, particularly suitable GAL for growing on a rockwork. It will succeed best in a cool damp place. Gala'xia. From galaktos, milk; referring to the juice. Nat. Ord. Iridacem. A genus of dwarf, tender bulbs from the Cape of Good Hope. The flower stems are short, with a terminal cluster of narrow leaves and handsome funnel-shaped yellow or purple flowers. The bulbs may be planted out in early spring, like the Gladiolus, and given the same treatment during summer. They are increased by offsets and may be left in the ground during winter, if protected from frost. Introduced in 1799. Galba'nuni. The name of an aromatic gum- resin issuing from the stems of Ferula gal- banijlua, F. rubricaulis, etc. Galea'ndra. From galea, a helmet, and aner, a stamen ; referring to the crested male organ on the top of the column. Nat. Ord. Orchid- acem. A small genus of terrestrial Orchids, with pink, purple, or yellow flowers. They are from Central and South America, and require the same treatment as is recommended for the Bletia. Introduced in 1840. Gale'ga. Goat's Rue. From gala, milk ; refer- ring to an old idea that the herbage was said to increase the milk of such animals as eat it. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. A small genus of strong, robust, erect growing herbaceous perennials, with small pea-like flowers, mostly natives of the Med- iterranean region, extending eastwai-d into Persia. G. orientalis, one of the most showy species, has handsome light green leaves, and blue flowers, which are produced in June. It grows from three to four feet high ; and is increased by seeds sown in spring. Introduced from the Levant in 1801. Galeo'psis. Hemp-nettle. From gale, a weasel, and opsis, like ; in allusion to the likeness of the flower to a weasel's snout. Nat. Ord. LabiatcB. A genus of weedy plants, whose flowers are supposed to resemble the head of a weasel, and could with the same propriety be sup- posed to resemble that of most any other animal. They are common in most parts of this country ; naturalized from Europe. Gale S-weet. See Myrica Gale. Ga'Iium. Bedstraw, Cleavers. From galo, milk ; referring to the flowers of G. verum haying been used to curdle milk. Nat. Ord. RubiacecB. A genus of interesting herbs, natives of Europe, but extensively naturalized in the United States. G. aparine, vulgarly known as Goose Grass, has a great reputation in the eclectic practice of medicine as a cure for gravel in the bladder, and is considered by them invaluable as a diuretic. Galls. Excrescences of various kinds and forms produced in plants by the presence of the larva3 of different insects. 162 HENDEKSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS GAL Galto'nia. Named in memory of Francis Gallon, author of " A Narrative of an Explorer in South Africa." Nat. Ord. Liliacece. A genus of hardy bulbs, natives of south Africa. They are well adapted for growing in clumps for lawn decoration. G. candicans, is best known in cultivation as Hyacinthus can- dicans, which see. Gatna Grass. See Tripsacum. Gambler. See Uncaria Gambier. Gamboge. A gum resin that is furnished by a number of trees in the East Indies. It was at one time chiefly obtained from Xanthochymus, a native of Ceylon. Gamboge-tree. Garcinia Morella, var. pedi- cillata. Gamole'pis. From gamos, joined, and lepis, a scale. Nat. Ord. Compositce. G. tagetes, the only described species, is a tender annual, with small yellow flowers, a native of the Cape of Good Hope. The flowers somewhat resemble those of the Othonna, to which it is allied. Garci'nia. Mangosteen. Named after Dr. L. Garcin, a French botanist and traveler in the East. Nat. Ord. Guttiferce. A genus of tropical trees of medium size, highly esteemed for their delicious fruit, and for the valuable gums they furnish. The fruit of G. Mangostana is one of the most delicious that grows, and the tree upon which it is pro- duced is one of the most graceful and beauti- ful anywhere to be met with. It is a native of Sumatra and the islands of the Eastern Archipelago. The stem rises to the height of about twenty feet ; the branches come out in regular order, and give the head of the tree the form of a parabola ; the leaves are about eight inches long, and four broad at the middle, of a beautiful green on the upper side, and a fine olive on the under. The flowers resemble that of a single rose, with some dark red petals. The fruit is round, about the size of an ordinary orange. The shell of the fruit, which is at first gieen, but changes to brown, marked with yellow spots, has some resemblance to that of the Pomegranate, but is thicker and softer, and the contents are more juicy. The flavor of the pulp is said to be that of the finest Grape and Strawberry united ; but those who have tasted the fruit in perfection, and attempted to convey to others some idea of the impression that it had made on them, are not agreed as to what it resembles. Abel says that ' ' he and his companions were anxious to carry with them some precise expression of its flavor ; but after satisfying themselves that it partook of the Pine-apple and the Peach, they were obliged to confess that it had many other equally good, but utterly inexpressible flavors." The species may be grown and ripen fruit in the hot- house. They will bear fruit in two years from seed. Some of the species yield a gum resin, known as Gamboge, though not the true sort, but it is said to be nearly as good. Garden Cress. See Lepidium sativvm,. Gardener's Garters. A common name for Phalaris arundinacea variegata; applied also to Arundo Donax variegata. Garde'nia. Named in compliment of Alexander Garden, M. D., of Charleston, South Carolina, GAR a correspondent of Ellis and Linnseus. Nat. Ord. CinchonacecB. A genus of splendid green-house shrubs, remarkable for the size, number and fragrance of their flowers, and the noble character of the plant. G. jlorida and G. Fortunei are natives of China. The former was introduced into the Cape of Good Hope, in 1754, whence it received its common name. Cape Jessamine. They are usually treated as green-house plants, but if kept moderately cool during winter, their season of rest, and planted out in spring they will flower freely during the early part of the summer. They may be taken up in autumn, potted, and kept under the table in the green-house during winter. They are readily increased by cuttings made from half ripened wood. The species, often cultivated under the name of G. citriodora, is now named Mitriostigma axillare, which see. Garden Pink. The common name for Dianthus plumarius. Garden "Walks. See Asphalt and Gas Lime. Gardo'quia. Named after Gardoqui a Spaniard, who greatly promoted the publication of the " Flora Peruviana." Nat. Ord. Lahiatm. A genus of green-house, low growing shrubs, producing from the axils of the leaves bright scarlet or pink flowers. They thrive well with ordinary green-house culture. In order to make neat and compact plants they should be kept cut well back, or the plants will become straggling; they are readily increased by cuttings. Introduced in 1S12 from Peru. Garland Flo^^rer. A common name for Hedy- chium, the name is also applied to Daphne cneorum. Garlic. Allium sativum. This plant belongs to the same genus as the Onion and the Leek. It is a perennial, found growing wild in the southern parts of Europe. It is commonly cultivated in almost every country, and has been highly esteemed from a very early period, not as an article of food, but as a medi- cine. It was introduced into the English gardens in 1548. Every part of the plant, but especially the root has a pungent, acrimonious taste, and a peculiar offensive odor, that is far more penetrating and diffusive than that of the Onion. So powerful is this principle, that when Garlic is applied externally, as to the feet, the smell is said to be observed in the breath and pferspiration. The common field Garlic, Allium vineale, was supposed to have been brought into this country by the Welsh, it is now completely naturalized, and in many parts of the country is quite a nuis- ance. A. Canadense, or Wild Garlic, is indi- genous, and common in moist meadows. This differs from the field Garlic in having flat leaves, but is equally to be dreaded. Ga'rrya. Named after Mr. Garry, of the Hud- son's Bay Company, who facilitated Mr. Douglass, its discoverer, in his botanical re- searches. Nat. Ord. CornaceoB. A genus of handsome evergreen shrubs, very similar in appearance to the Viburnum. They were discovered by Mr. Douglass in north-western California, in 1828, and were considered by him as among his most valuable discoveries. The species are common from California to Texas and southward, with a single one in the West Indies. G. elliptica is AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 163 GAR a handsome shrub, with dark green leathery leaves, and catkins of yellowish green flow- ers in clusters near the tips of the bi'anches, produced from November till February. It grows from five to ten feet high, and is very ornamental in winter. Garrya'ceae. A tribe of CornacecB. Gas Lime. This is the refuse lime thrown out from the gas houses, to which has been as- cribed great qualities, not only as a fertilizer but, at the same time, as an insect destroyer. We much doubt the last quality ascribed to it, and know that it is not only worthless as a fertilizer, but that its use, particularly when it has been used fresh, is most injurious to vegetation, and would therefore advise strongly against its use on land for any pur- pose. It is, however, an excellent material for garden walks. Mixed with its own bulk or even double its bulk of sifted ashes, cov- ered with a slight sprinkling of brown sand or gravel, to deaden the color, well watered, and heavily rolled until it is quite solid, it makes a walk that if properly drained, will not be injured by frost, will last for years, and is doubly valuable, inasmuch that no weeds will grow on it. Gas Plant. Dictamnua Fraxinella. Gas Tar or Coal Tar. This has been used to a considerable extent as a preservative, on wood-work such as benches, gutters, posts, and other parts of green-house structures. We are inclined to believe it is of very little value for that purpose, unless for gutters or other outside wood-work, and then only if it is put on annually, bo as to form a skin or coating to prevent the penetration of moist- ure. Its use inside is often fraught with dan- ger, particularly whenever exposed to a high temperature, say 100 degrees, as a gas is evolved that is quickly destructive to plants. A not unusual blunder in putting hot-water pipes in the green-house or grapery is to paint them witli coal tar; and many fall into this error every season, in spite of all the warn- ings given. When the hot-water pipes have been painted with coal tar, just as soon as the pipes are heated up by firing, gas is emitted most destructive to plants, which is seen in the showers of falling leaves and flowers, after a few hours of firing. When anyone has been unfortunate enough to fall into this blunder, th«re is no remedy but to take down the pipes and build strong fires under them sufficient to drive out every particle of the gas tar. We have seen every imaginable remedy tried, but all was of no avail ; for the tar penetrates through the pores of the metal, and though the surface is scraped entirely clean, the gas is given out on the application of heat just as bad as if the surface had not been scraped. So that, as we have before said, there is no known remedy except the troublesome and expensive one of taking the pipes down, and burning the tar out of them, which is always effectual if properly done. Gaste'ria. From gaster, a belly; alluding to the swollen base of the flowers. Nat. Ord. LiliacecB. A somewhat extensive genus of succulent green-house plants, from the Cape of Good Hope, allied to the Aloe, which they closely resemble, and requiring the same treatment. GAZ The flowers of most of the species are bright scarlet or red, and very showy. Gastrolo'bium. From gaster, belly, and lobos, a pod ; inflated seed-pod. Nat. Ord. Legumi- nosoe. Handsome New Holland shrubs with bright yellow and orange-colored blossoms, requir- ing to have an airy situation in the green- house through the winter, and a shaded one out of doors in summer. Propagated by seeds or from cuttings. Introduced in 1840. Gastrone'ma. From gaster, belly, and nema, a filament; in reference to the filaments seen below the poiucs of insertion. Nat. Ord. AmaryllidacecB. A small genus of very pretty, but exceed- ingly rare bulbs, from south Africa, closely allied to Cyrtanthm. There are but two spe- cies, one with white and the other with rose- colored flowers. They are increased by off- sets and will flower freely in the open ground in summer, if planted in early spring. When the foliage shows signs of ripening, take up the bulbs, and keep in a dry place, free from frost, during winter. Introduced in 1816. Gaulthe'ria. Named after Dr. Gaulthier, of Quebec, Canada. Nat. Ord. Ericaceae. Of the several species of this genus of low evergreens, two are natives of this country, and perfectly hardy. O. procumbeiis is found throughout the Northern States, and univers- ally known as Wintergreen. In some sec- tions the berries are called Partridge Ber- ries, in others Checker-berry, Deer-berry, Tea-berry, etc. Wintergreen oil is distilled from this plant. G. nummular ioides, is an or- namental hardy evergreen, with flowers re- sembling those of Lily of the Valley, but fre- quently tinged with rosy pink, succeeded by bright scarlet fruit. It is an excellent basket plant, and was introduced from the Himalayas in 1884. Gau'ra. From gauros, superb ; in reference to the beautiful flowers of some of the species. Nat. Ord. OnagracetB. A genus of tender and half-hardy annuals, biennials and perennials, common in the Southern States, Mexico and South America. G. Lindheimeri, the only species in general cultivation, is a slender, branching, herba- ceous plant, bearing its long spikes of white or pink flowers in great abundance throughout the summer. The profusion of its spikes of graceful flowers, makes it a valuable plant for garden decoration ; and the flowers are very useful for bouquets or vases. It is a native of Texas, is propagated by cuttings or from seeds. Gaza'nia. From gaza, richness ; in reference to the large, gaudy flowers. Nat. Ord. Com^ positcB. A genus of very showy, low-growing, tender herbaceous plants, from the Cape of Good Hope. The flowers are large, yellow, or deep orange color, with almost black centers, and open only in clear sunshiny weather. They are very ornamental for the green-house, are well adapted for out-of- door culture, and are propagated readily from cuttings. Introduced in 1»12. Gazaiiio'psis. From Gazania, and opsis, like; in allusion to the resemblance to Gazania. Nat. Ord. Composite. 164 HENDEESON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS GAY G. stenophylla, the only species, a native of soutii Africa, lias large Hower-lieads three inches across, bronzy-green outside, and the richest golden yellow inside. The leaves are deep green above and snowy- white underneath. The flowers have the same habit of closing in the after part of the day, as those of the Gazania. Gaylussa'cia. Named in honor of N. F. Gay- lussac, a celebrated French chemist. Nat. Ord. Ericacece. Branching shrubs two to five feet high, common on woodlands and swamps. The Huckleberry is the fruit of several of the species ; see Huckleberry. Geisso'is. From geisson, house-tiling ; the seeds are imbricated like the tiles of a house. Nat. Ord. SaxifragacecB. A small genus of evergreen trees, natives of New Caledonia, the Fiji Islands and Aus- tralia. G. racemosa is an interesting plant of moderate growth, with very distinct leafage that may be likened to that of a Pavia. The midribs and leaf-stalks are of a fine red color, and the blade of the leaves full deep green. Introduced from New Caledonia in 1851. Geissome'ria. From geisson, a tile, and meris, a part ; the imbricated bracts fall over each other, like tiles on a roof. Nat. Ord. Acantha- cem. Evergreen pubescent or glabrous shrubs, mostly natives of Brazil. G. longlflora the the best known species, has oval or oblong entire leaves, and terminal spikes of long, scarlet, tubular, velvety flowers. It is a splendid free-llowering plant, growing in any good compost, and is propagated by cuttings. Geissorhi'za. Tile Koot. From geisson, a tile, and rhiza, a root ; referring to the dry coats which cover the fleshy roots, like tiles on a roof. Nat. Ord. IridacecB. A small genus of south African bulbs, one species of which has been found in Abyssinia. They are all remarkable for having bulbs, or, more correctly, bulbo-tubers, covered with several crustaceous or scarious skins or tunics, which lie over each other like scales, or the tiles of a house, beginning from below. It is from this peculiarity that the plants take their English name of Tile Root. They have but four leaves, all of which spring from the root, and are narrow and bristly. The stems are simple or branched, producing one or two flowers each, resembling the Ixia, very showy, of various colors, white, yellow and blue predominating. They are properly green-house bulbs, but will succeed finely in a cold frame, and are in- creased by offsets. Introduced in 1795. Gelasi'ne. From gelasinos, a smiling dimple ; referring to the flowers of these pretty bulbs. Nat. Ord. Iridacem. G. azurea, the only species, is a small bulb from the Eio Grande, producing two to four beautiful blue tulip-shaped flowers on a slender stalk, about one and a half feet high. Propagated by offsets, or from seed. Seedlings flower the second year. Introduced in 1838. Gelse'mium. From gelsemius, an Italian name of the Jasmine ; alluding to the simplicity of the flowers. Nat. Ord. Loganiacece. A small genus of climbing shrubs, with op- posite lance-shaped, shining leaves, and GEN producing axillary clusters of showy yellow flowers, very fragrant. It is indigenous to North Carolina and southward, and is popu- larly known as Carolina Jessamine. It is in- creased by cuttings. Geminate. Growing in pairs. Genety'llis. A small genus of Myrtaceop ; now united with Darwiiiia, which see. Geniculate. Where any part is bent abruptly, so as to form a decided angle, as the stems of many grasses. Geni'pa. Genip-tree. A genus of tropical American trees of the Nat. Ord. Rubiacece. Nearly allied to the Gardenia. The flowers are small, and produce a fruit about the size of an orange, greenish-white in color, and full of dark purple rather acrid juice. It is edible, and is called in the West India Islands " Genipap Fruit." Geni'sta. From the Celtic gen, a small bush. Nat. Oi'd. LeguminoscB. This genus consists of upward of seventy species, inhabiting Europe, north Africa, and western Asia. Many of the species are per- fectly hardy. G. tinctoria, or Dyer's Green- weed, an escape from Europe, has taken pos- . session of the dry waste places of southern New York and New England, with the per- sistency of a native. This species, of which there is a very pretty double-flowered form, yields a yellow dye. They aie all very hand- some, from the profusion of their bright yel- low pea-flowers, and are of the easiest culture, The green-house kinds are propagated by cuttings or seeds. Gentian. The genus Gentiana. Closed Flowered. Gentiana Andrewsii. Fringed. Gentiana crinita. Soap-wort. Gentiana Saponaria. Gentia'na. Gentian. Named after Gentius, King of Illyria, who first experienced the virtues of the plant. Nat. Ord. GentianacetB. A large genus of herbaceous perennials, in- habiting all parts of the world, from the regions of perpetual snow upon the summits of the mountains of Europe, to the hottest sands of South America. They are very com- mon in many parts of this country, some growing on dry hill-sides, others in moist and swampy grounds. All the plants of this genus are pretty, and many are extremely beautiful ; the flowers take in the extremes of color : pink, blue, yellow and white, are all exhibited, the predominating color, however, being a beautiful blue. G. Andrewsii is com- mon in moist, rich places in the Northern States, and is a very beautiful species ; the flowers are of a deep, purplish blue, striped inside, the folds whitish. G. crinita. Fringed Gentian, is another quite common species in New England and westward. The four lobes of the corolla are fringed at the margin, an ex- ceptional point of beauty of this species. The Alpine species are mostly low-growing, well adapted for rock-work or pot culture. The species are increased by seed, which should be sown as soon as ripe. The Fringed Gentian is partial to its native home. It rarely lives if transplanted, and coming into flower so late in the season, it is vei'y seldom that it ripens seed. Were it readily increased it would be a very popular plant. GAEOINIA (MANGOSTEEN). GAILLAKDIA ARISTATA. 164 GALANTHUS NIVALIS (SNOWDROP). aAlLLAKDIA LORENZIANA (DOUBLE FL'g). GEONOMA GRACILIS. OILIA CAPITATA MAJOB. i6s AND GENERAL HORTICULTCRE. 165 GEN Gentiana'ceae. A natural order of herbs, rarely shrubs, with opposite, entire, exstipulate, usually ribbed leaves, and showy flowers. They are found in almost all parts of the world, some at high elevations, and others in hot tropical plains. They are generally bitter ; some are narcotic. There are about seventy known genera and upward of 500 species. Gentiana, Lisianthiis, Menyanthes, Villarsia, Erythrcea, and Chlora are examples of the order. Gentianella. Gentiana acaulis. Genus. A family of plants agreeing in their flower and fruit ; an assemblage of species possessing certain cliaracters in common, by which they are distinguished from all others. Geo'noma. From geonomos, skilled in agricul- ture ; it was supposed that only a skillful gardener could increase these palms. Nat. Ord. PalmacecB. This genus includes something about forty species of Palms, the most of them without special interest. G. gracilis is a dwarf species of pendant habit, resembling somewhat some of the Cocos, and is very popular for decorative purposes. The species are of but little value in the useful arts, and are increased from seeds. Geraiiia'ceae. A natural order of herbs or shrubs with swollen joints, and opposite or alternate leaves, which are usually palmately veined and lobed, often stipulate. The plants are distributed over various parts of the world. The species of Pelargonium arc abundant at the Cape of Good Hope. It is this genus that has furnished the beautiful varieties that ornament the green-house in winter and the garden in summer, one class of which is commonly known as Scarlet Geraniums. The species of Geranium and .EJrodmrn are mostly natives of Europe, North America, and northern Asia. There are about twenty genera and seven hundred and fifty species in the order, the principal part of which are natives of south Africa. Geranium, Pelargonium, Erodium, and Tropceolum, are examples of the order. Gera'nium. Crane's bill. From geranos, a crane ; referring to the beak-like torus, or projection beyond the seeds. Nat. Ord. GeraniacecB. A somewhat extensive genus of herbaceous plants, most of which are hardy. Two species are common to this country, and several of the species are classed with our native plants, having been naturalized from Europe. A few of the species produce handsome flowers, while most of them are mere weeds. The well-known Scarlet or Fish Geraniums of our gardens are properly Pelargoniums, and will be found under that head. Gera'rdia. False Fox Glove. Named in honor of John Gerard, author of the famous "Herbal," 1597. Nat. Ord. Scrophulariacece. A genus of hardy annuals and perennials, common in many of the States, particularly along the seacoast. The flowers are yellow and purple, and are produced in great abund- ance. The species being more or less root parasitic, are extremely difficult of cultivation, but spread rapidly where once introduced. Germander. See Teucrium. German Greens. See Borecole. GES German Ivy. A popular name of Senecio Scandens. Germination. The first act of vegetation in a seed, commonly called "sprouting." Geropo'gon. Old Man's Beard. From geron, old man, and j)ogon, a beard ; referring to the hair-like pappus which crowns the calyx in this order. Nat. Ord. Composites. The only species of this genus is a very curious annual plant. G. glaber, a native of Italy, having a smooth stem and leaves, and growing about a foot high. The flowers are flesh-colored, and expand in the form of a star only when the sun shines upon them. The seeds are very curious, and it is from them that the plant takes its English name. They should be sown in the open border in March or April, and the plants will flower in July and August. This genus is now included by some botanists with Tragopogon. Gerrada'nthus. Named after W. T. Gerrard, a collector at Natal. Nat. Ord. CucurbitacecB. A genus of tall glabrous climbers, natives of western and eastern tropical Africa. G. tomentosus, the only species known to cultiva- tion is a stove perennial of great botanical interest. Mr. Wood, superintendent of the Natal Botanic Gardens, is recorded to have found on the top of and between large stones, tubers, one of which "measured six feet in circumference, and was nearly two feet thick, its surface was scarred, and from the centre arose a stem not more than three quarters of . an inch in diameter, thickly covered with small, round tubercles, which ascended with- out a leaf to the top of trees fifty feet high. On turning over one of the tubers, it was found to have but one fibrous root aboiit half an inch thick. * * * The natives do not appear to put the plant to any use." — "Botanical Magazine." It may be increased by seeds. Gesne'ra. Named after Conrad Gesner, a cele- brated botanist in Zurich. Nat. Ord. Gesner - acece. A beautiful and extensive genus of tuber- ous-rooted green-house plants from Mexico and South America. They are remarkable for the beauty of their foliage, which is sin- gularly marked, and soft as velvet, and for their long spikes of brilliant-colored flowers, mostly scarlet and yellow. Some of them are singularly marked or spotted. One species, G. Suttoni alba, from Brazil, has pure white flowers. With a little care in regulating their season of rest, they can be brought into flower at any desired time. They require a light rich soil, a warm situation, but little sun, and plenty of water, which should not touch the foliage. They are easily propagated by cut- tings of young shoots, or by cuttings of leaves with a bud at the base, division of the tubers, or from seeds. The latter is a very interesting and simple plan. The certainty that all your plants will be as good as the parents, and the uncertainty as to how good, or how strange they may be, furnish an addi- tional stimulant to grow them in this way. The seed should be sown in March, in pans or boxes, in fine light compost, largely composed of sand, and placed in a warm, moist at- mosphei-e. As soon as the seedlings are up, and show the second leaf, plant separ- ately, an inch or so apart, in shallow boxes, 166 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS GES and from these put in small pots as they grow, and let them grow there for the sum- mer. Allow them to go to rest in the autumn, and let them remain in the same pots during winter. As soon as they show signs of life in spring, repot in fresh soil, and many of them will come into flower during the summer. The first species were introduced in 1814. Gesnera'ceaB. A natural order of herbs or shrubs, often growing from scaly tubers, with wrinkled, usually opposite leaves and showy flowers. They are natives of various parts of the world, but chiefly the warmer regions of America. The succulent roots aj:e occa- sionally edible, and some of the species yield a dye. The leaves of some of them produce buds when laid on the soil, similar to Begonias of the K.ex type. Tlxere are upward of eighty genera and nearly 300 species. Gesnera, Gloxinia, Achimenes, Streptocarpus, and Oyr- tandra are examples. Gethy'llis. From getheo, to rejoice ; referring to the sweetness of the flowers. Nat. Ord. Amaryllidacece. A small genus of the most diminutive of this noble family of plants. They are green- house bulbs from the Cape of Good Hope, producing small white, fragrant flowers in July, singly on a scape not more than six inches high, and are propagated by offsets. Introduced in 1780. Ge'um. Avens. From geyo, to stimulate ; the roots of some of them, and of allied species, have the same properties as Peruvian Bark. Nat. Ord. Rosaom. A genus of hardy herbaceous perennials, containing some species of an ornamental character, well adapted for the shrubbery border. G. monfanum, bright golden yellow, and G. coccineum, scarlet, are very showy. Propagated by seeds or by root division. Gherkin. A small fruited variety of Cucumia saliva. West Indian. The unripe fruits of Cucumis Anguria. Giaut FenneL See Ferula. Gibbous, Gibboss. More convex or swollen in one place than another. Gi'lia. Named in honor of P. 8. Gil, a Spanish botanist. Nat. Ord. Polemoniacece. Handsome hardy annuals from California, w'itli white, lilac, and rose-colored flowers. They are low-growing, and profuse bloomers, ■ suitable for borders or rock-work. Seed should be sown in the fall, and the beds lightly covered with leaves. Fenzlia, Ipo- mopsis, and Leplofiiphon are by some botanists included in this genus. Gille'nia. Named after A. Gillenius, a German botanist. Nat. Ord. RosacecB. A genus of two species, natives of the United States. G. trifoliata or Bowman's Eoot, is a hardy perennial with white or rose-colored flowers ; it is often cultivated under the name of Spiraea trijoliata. Gilliflo-wer or Gillyflo-wer. Dianthus Caryo- phyllus, also the genus Matthiola. Gilliflower-Stock. See Matthiola. Gills. The lamellse or plates growing perpen- dicularly from the cap or pileus of an Agaric or Mushroom. GLA Ginger. See Zingiber. Wild. See Asarum Canadense. Gingerbread Tree. See Hyphmne. Gi'nkgo. Maiden-hair Tree. The Japanese name. Nat. Ord. Coniferoe. This singular tree is better known in culti- vation under the name of Salishuria, which see. Ginseng. See Panax. Gipsies' Rose. Scabiosa arvensis. Gipsy-Flo'wrer. Cynoglossum officinale. Githa'go. A genus now included under Lychnis. Glabrous. Smooth ; without hair or other covering, as the Camellia leaf, Gla'diolus. Sword Lily. The diminutive of gladius, a sword ; referring to the sword- shaped leaves. Nat. Ord. Iridacece. This extensive and well-known genus con- tains about ninety species, many of which are amongst the most popular of out-door sum- mer and autumn-flowering so-called " bulb- ous" plants. They are found in central Europe, the Mediterranean region, western Asia, and Africa, but the most of the species are natives of southern Africa. They are remarkable for their ease of culture, grace of habit, and for the beauty and intense coloring of the flowers, varying from the most bril- liant scarlet to pure white, from clear rose to pure yellow and bright purple. The habits of the species are as varied as their colors ; some delicate and light, others strong and robust, with constitutions adapted to any climate excepting the most frigid. From these species some of the most remarkable hybrids have been produced. In no branch of floriculture has the skill, the zeal, and the perseverance of the hybridizer been so liber- ally rewarded. A class with almost unlimited numbers of varieties has been produced, that, for the size of flower, beauty in form, size and strength of plant, together with the enormous length of flower spike, are entirely unknown to the species. So popular have these hybrids become that the species are only to be found in botanical collections. It is a common mistake to call our many varieties hybrids, when in reality they are all, or nearly all, cross-breeds ; and this is one of the most interesting features in Gladioli culture, that every cross between well-known varieties tends, in almost evety case, to impro\e, not only the beauty of the flower, but the vigor of the plant. We wish now to remove, as far as possible, the prevalent erroneous idea, that it is a difficult task to raise new and choice varieties from seed. The only secret, the only mystery is, that one can, with so little trouble and expense, produce flowers that will give such i itense satisfaction and pleasure. It is no more trouble to raise Gladioli fx-om seed than it is to raise the most common vegetable. With the simplest garden culture, there is an almost absolute certainty of success. Prepare your bed in spring as for any hardy annual, sow your seed, and cover to the depth of one inch. Hoe as often as needed for other crops ; keep them well weeded; take up the bulbs after a frost, or before, if they show signs of ripening; store them in a dry cellar, free from frost; plant them out again the next spring, and the ensuing summer very many of AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 167 GLA them will flower. If the precaution is taken to sow the seed in a hot-bed, close the same upon the approach of a heavy rain, which they dislike exceedingly. Very nearly all the bulbs will be large enough to give their most perfect flowers the second year. The fact that the best rarely flower first, will tend to create in the amateur a warm and lively interest. A perti- nent question is, hosv to obtain the best seed. Commence by making a careful selection of the best varieties in cultivation, keeping in view those of the best form, largest size, and of the most intense and positive colors ; wherever they are marked or variegated, have the markings bold and distinct. Plant all in a bed so that they will not be more than one foot apart each way. Without fui-ther care you will get some good seed ; but a better quality and much laiger quantity will be obtained by crossing them in all sorts of ways, which is the most effectually done on a dry day, when there is but little air stirring. It is not necessary to cross-fertilize for good varieties, though it is a more certain way; yet A'ery many of our best seedlings were acci- dentals. The Gladioli dislikes a stiff, clayey soil, but will thrive well in almost any other, its preference being for one of a moist, sandy nature, or light loam. They do best on what is termed sod-ground, with but little manure, and that well I'otted. Successive plantings in the same ground should be avoided. Change the locality of the bed every yeai-, so as not to return to the same spot for at least three years. It is much the. best plan to make the ground very rich this year, and put on some light crop ; then it will be in perfect order for the Gladioli next. Increase of desirable sorts is effected by the small bulbs or bulblets that form at the base of the new bulb, which are produced in greater or less quantities. Some varieties will have on an average a hundred in a year; others will produce scarcely any. This will, in. a great measure, account for the marked difference in prices of the named sorts ; it will also account for the rapid in- crease in the more common soits, and the sudden disappearance of those greatly prized. Choice sorts are but short-lived, unless they ^re increased by bulblets. In many of our ^lamei sorts, old bulbs will not produce good flowers, if, inde' d, they produce any; conse- quently the bulblets from all favorite sorts should be planted every spring, or at least a sufficient number of then:^ for a required stock. The bulblets should be planted in spring in any convenient out-of-the-way place in the garden, and given the same treatment as is recommended for the seed. If in rich, light soil, veiy nearly all will flower the second year. They require but little room the first year. Prepare the rows about the width of the common garden hoe, and sow the bulblets (or seeds) so clo-e that they will nearly touch each other, and they will do much better than if more scattered. During winter the bulbs, without regard to size or age, are best kept in a dry, cool cellar. Plantings should be made as early in spring as the ground can be got in order, no matter if there should be hard frosts after ; it will not penetrate the ground sufficiently to injure them. For late flowei'ing some of the stronger bulbs may be kept until the first of July, which will keep them back until about the first of October. It is now GLA also a common practice with fiorists to reserve Gladiolus bulbs until August, which are then planted in boxes, four or five inches deep, in rich soil. The boxes are kept out of doors until frost, when they are placed in a cool green-house, where they flower from Novem- ber to December, at a time when they com- mand good prices. A number of the early flowering sorts, such as John Bull, white; LaCandeur, white, striped with violet ; Shakes- peare, white, suffused with carmine ; Isaac Buchanan, yellow ; Martha Washington, light yellow ; Eugene Scribe, rose, marked with red, Brenchleyensis, scarlet, etc., are also forced, during the spring months, for their flowers, many florists finding them a paying crop between the rows of young roses, etc., as they take up but little room, and are removed before the roses require the space. Notwith- standing that most of the original species have long since been superseded by the numerous and beautiful hybrids now in cultivation, many of them are worthy of being retained for the mixed flower border, G. nafalensis, G. cardinalis, G. Jloribundus, G. trUitis, etc., the parents of the early hybrids G. Ganda- vensis, G. Colvillci, etc., are still largely culti- vated. The latter species, with its beautiful pure white variety, G. C. Alba, better known in cultivation as "The Bride," are amongst the most beautiful for pot culture. They suc- ceed admirably, and maybe had in full beauty by January, if gently forced. The two latter are, more<.)ver, perfectly hardy, and, blooming naturally about the first of June, are welcome additions to our hardy border plants. It is advisable, however, to protect them during winter with a mulching of leaves or some such material, all bulbs succeeding better when not exposed to too much frost. G. purpureo-auralus, another hardy species, the perianth limb of which is golden-yellow, with a large purple blotch on tlie two lower seg- ments, is th6 parent of an entirely new section, happily called the "Butterfiy Gladioli." They are of all shades of color, beautifully marked and shaded with large, distinct blotches of purple, maroon, or rosj'-purple, on the lower petals, similar to the markings on the Fancy Pelargoniums. G. Saundersoni, introduced about the same time as the foregoing (1872), has very showy crimson fiowers, spotted with white, and is likely to prove valuable for hybridizing purposes. Gladwyn, or Gladden. The common name for Iris fcztidissima. Glands, Wart-like swellings found on the sur- face -of plants, or at one end of their hairs, serving the purpose of secreting organs. They are extremely various in form. Glandular. Covered with hairs, bearing glands upon their tips. Glass and Glazing. If for winter forcing of either fruit or flowers, the glass should be not less than ten by twelve inches in size, laid in the twelve way, and if twelve by twentj' all the better. Even with the greatest care, some flaws in the glass will escape detection, and more or less burn the leaves after the sun becomes strong, to counteract which a slight shading had better be used on the glass from April to September. We use naphtha, with just enough white lead mixed in it to give it the appearance of thin milk. This we put on 168 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS GLA with a syringe, which sufficiently covers up all flaws in the glass to prevent burning, and at the same time tends to cool the house from the violence of the sun's i-ays. This is by far the cheapest and best shading we have ever used. It can be graded to any degree of thickness, and costs ouly about twenty-five cents per thousand square feet of glass, for material and labor. In glazing, the method now almost univer- sally adopted is to bed the glass in putty, and tack it on top with glazier's points, using no putty on the top. The glazier's points are triangular, one corner of which is turned down, so that, when it is driven in, it fits the lower edge of each pane and prevents it from slipping down. A gi-eat mistake is often made in giving the glass too much lap. It should only be given just enough to cover the edge of the pane (from one-eighth to one-fourth of an inch). If given too much, the water gets In, and when it freezes it cracks the glass. All who have had experience with green- houses know that, no matter how well the glazing has been done by bedding the glass in putty, the water gets in at the crevices sooner or later, rotting the putty, and, conse- quently, loosening the glass. A simple plan to obviate this (which h-as recently been intro- duced) is to pour along the junction of the bar with the glass a thin line of white lead in oil from the slender spout of a machine oil can, over which is shaken dry sand. This at once hardens, and makes a cement which effectually checks all leakage. This, carefully done, Avill make such a tight job that no repairs will be necessary for many years. Glassv^ort. See Salicomia. Glastonbiiry Thorn. CratcBgus oxyacantha prcB- cox. A very early flowering variety of th^ Hawthorn. Glaucescent. Having a bluish-green or sea- green appearance. Gla'ucium. Horned Poppy. From glaukos, grayish green; referring to the color of the leaves. Nat. Ord. Papaveracem. \ A genus of hardy annuals and perennials, natives of Europe. They are remarkable for their bright yellow flowers, that are produced in great abundance all the summer, and for their deeply cut leaves, that have a decided glaucous hue. G. luteum, one of the most showy and desirable species, is very common at Montauk Point, Long Island, and on the islands along the coast, having become natu- ralized from Europe. This species grows readily from seed, and makes a valuable plant for the ribbon border. Glaucous. Covered with a fine bloom, like that of the Plum or Echeveria secunda glauca, Gla'ux. Sea Milkwort. A pretty little native herbaceous perennial belonging to PrimulaceoR. O. Maritiina, the only species, grows abun- dantly on most parts of the sea-coast, just above high-water mark, and in salt marshes. The stems are clothed with oblong, fleshy, smooth, entire leaves, which are pale under- neath, and salt to the taste. The flesh-colored flowers are solitary, nearly sessile, and axil- lary. Glazing. See Glass. Glecho'ma. Now included under Nepeta, which see. GLO Gledi'tschia. Honey Locust. In honor of Gottlieb Glediisch, once a professor at Berlin; a defender of LinnsBus against Siegesbeck, and author of many botanical works. Nat. Ord. LeffuminoscB. A genus of handsome hardy deciduous trees, several of the species being common in the Middle, Southern and Western States. G. triacanthos, the Three-thorned Acacia or com- mon Honey Locust, is a common and very ornamental shade tree with elegant foliage. Its wood is heavy, hard, strong and compact, capable of a high polish, and very durable in contact with the soil. From its strong and abundant thorns it is very valuable, and is much cultivated as a hedge plant. Gleiche'nia. Named after Gleichen, a German botanist. Nat. Ord. PolypodiaceoR. An extensive genus of Ferns found widely scattered in the tropics, both of the Old and New World, and extending to Chili and the Australasian i-egions. A few only have found their way into the hot-house, some of which are among the most elegant and graceful of the cultivated Ferns. They are propagated by division or from spores. Introduced in 1823. Gleichenia'ceae. A group or sub-order of Filices. Glo'bba. Native Molucca name. Nat. Ord. ZingiberacecB. A genus of about twenty-four species of pretty plant-stove, herbaceous perennials, natives of India and the Malayan Archipelago. Flowers yellow or pinkish, very curious look- ing. Of easy culture in a warm green-house ; increased by division. Globe Amaranth. See Gomphrena globosa. Globe-Daisy. Globularia vulgaris. Globe-Flovrer. The genus Trollius, which see. Swamp. Ccphalanthus occiaentalis. Globe-Thistle. The genus Echinops, which see. Globose, Globular. Hound or spherical. Globula'ria. From globulos, a small round head ; in allusion to the form of the capitate flower. Nat. Ord. Selaginacece. A genus of hardy or green-house perennial herbs or shrubs inhabiting the Mediterranean region, etc. Flowers collected upon a com- mon receptacle surrounded by a many-leaved involucre. Pretty plants for the rock garden or herbaceous border; propagated by seeds or by division. Globule'a. From globulos, a small globe; re- ferring to the glands on the petals. Nat. Ord. C7~cissi'l(ic£(B. A genus of succulent plants, natives of the Cape of Good Hope, with flat, sickle-shaped leaves, arranged in a rosette. The flowers are small, arranged in dense clusters, and have five petals bent inward, each of them tipped with a little globule of waxy matter, whence the name of the genus, which is closely allied to Crassula. The several species are propagated by cuttings of firmish young shoots, that should be dried a day or two be- fore being put into the propagating bed. In- troduced in 1732. Glomerate. Collected into close heads or parcels. Glone'ria Jasminiflora. See Psychotria jas- minijlora. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 169 GLO Glorio'sa. From gloriosus, glorious ; because of the magnificent flowers. Nat. Ord. Liliacece. A very handsome genus of green-house bulbs, of limited climbing habit, the flowers curiously shaped, bright yellow or orange in color. They should be grown in pots of very sandy loam, and treated in the manner recom- mended for Gesnera, except that, being climb- ing plants, they will require to be supported with sticks or a trellis. Natives of south Africa, introduced in 1825. Syn. Methonica. Glory-Flower. Cliilian. Eccremocarpus scaber. Glory of the Snow See Chionodoxa. Glory-Pea. Dampier's. CUanthtin Dampieri. New Zealand. Clianthvspuniceus. Glory-Tree. Clerodendron fragrans, and other species. Glossoco'mia. From glossocomos, a money-bag ; referring to the shape of the flower. Nat. Ord. Campanidacece. A small genus of hardy herbaceous plants, with white or purple bell-shaped flowers, from northern India. They are increased by seeds or division. Introduced in 1839. Syn. Codon- opsis. Gloxi'nia Named after P. B. Gloxin, a botanist of Colmar. Nat. Ord. Gesneracece. The species that compose this splendid genus are, with one or two exceptions, natives of South America, and are usually foimd in deep ravines, on rather high mountain eleva- tions, and in damp, much-shaded situations. The species are among the greatest ornaments of our green-houses, and the richness of their foliage, and their ample, graceful, and deli- cately-tinted flowers, have gained for them a prominent place among the more choice flowering plants. Here, as in many other instances, the process of hybridizing has been largely resorted to, and the results are most satisfactory. The older kinds, with drooping flowers, have mostly given place to forms with the corolla almost regular and nearly erect, the latter peculiarity having this recommendation, that the border and throat of the corolla^ to which parts much of the beauty of the flower is owing, are presented to the eye. The hybrids are greatly improved in color as well as form, and the flowers are produced in greater abundance than with the species. The main art in growing Gloxinias well, is to give them a porous and well-enriched soil, to grow them in a warm, moist atmos- phere, and as soon as they begin to flower to remove them to a cooler house, and afterward dry them off gradually, and keep them free from moisture till they again begin to grow. To produce the richest colors the glass should be shaded, or they should be grown where there is only a northern exposure. Gloxinias are readily propagated by their leaves; all that is required is to insert the leaf, about one-half its length, in an ordinary propagating bed, keep the sand moderately wet until the leaf is completely dried up, then withhold water entirely, and leave the newly-formed tubers until the following February, at which time they will commence to grow, when they should be taken out and potted. They will flower in one year after the cuttings are put in. They are also produced easily from seed, which they ripen abundantly. On account of its very small size it should be sown on a GLY smooth surface of soil, and merely covered with a slight covering of moss laid lightly over, and kept on until germination has taken place. As soon as they are fit to handle the plants are pricked out into small pots or shallow boxes, and with careful attention they will make flowering plants the first season. In all the stages of growth, whether the plants are large or small, care should be taken, in watculng, to avoid wetting the leaves, or to have ihe earth sodden around them ; either will cause them to damp olf and rot. They require a warm temperature when growing, and are exceedingly useful if planted in a warm frame and shaded from bright sun, for growing for cut flowers during the sum- mer months. This plant was flrst introduced in 1739. Glumaceous. Plants are said to be glumaceous when their flowers are like those of grasses. Glume. The exterior series of the scales which constitute the flower of a grass. Glutinose. Covered with a sticky exudation. Glyce'ria. From glykeros, sweet; alluding to the herbage. Nat. Ord. Graminacece. An extensive genus of grasses, mostly aquatic. They are of but very little beauty or interest. A few of the species that grow in moist meadows, near the sea-coast, furnish a pasture that is relished by stock of all kinds. The species are common throughout the Northern, Eastern, and Western States. Gly'cine. From glykys, sweet ; referring to the taste of the roots of some of the species. Nat. Ord. LeguminoscB. A small genus, nearly all of which are tender climbing plants, producing axillary flowers, singly or in racemes, white, yellow, or rose ; tiiey are only adapted for green- house culture. There is one species, G. soga, that is a hardy annual, a native of Japan, that produces seeds like small kidney beans, which the Japanese use in large quantities, either ia soup, or in making a sauce called sooja or soy, this, sauce being used in many of their dishes. Th^ Wistaria was formerly incorrectly called Glycine. Glycyrrhi'za. Liquorice. From glykys, sweet, and rhiza, a root ; i-ef erring to the sweet juice of the roots of the liquorice. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. A genus of hardy herbaceous perennials, the one of principal interest being G. glabra, a native of Italy, the roots of which produce the Liquorice of commerce. None of the species are cultivated as ornamental plants. Glypto'strobus. Embossed Cypress. From the Greek words glyptos, carved or engraved, and strobos, a cone ; from the embossing on the scales. Nat. Ord. Coniferce. G. sinensis pendula, the best known species, popularly known as the Chinese Weeping Deciduous Cypress, was formerly included in the genus Taxodium. Mr. Scott says of this tree: "Though this belongs to a section of the Conifers, which are deciduous, they are in all other respects so allied in appearance with the evi'rgreens as usually to be classed with them. This variety in the neighborhood of New York is certainly the most beautiful and hardy of all the deciduous Cypresses. The tree in its whole appearance is so dis- tinct from all other trees generally cultivated 170 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS GNA in this country that it is certainly one of the most desirable novelties among trees. We have seen it only in autumn, at which time the weeping character of the foliage is not marked, and the outline is distinctly formal. The pendulousness is only in the curl and droop of the young foliage, the branches radi- ating quite rigidly. It is known in China as the water pine, and found principally in the maritime districts. The tree grows from twenty to thirty feet high, and casts its lower limbs as it rises ; so that at maturity its form is like that of the common pear tree, or some- what more slender." Like all others of the tribe, tins will thrive in almost any soil, pre- ferring a moist situation. Syn. Tuxodium. Gnapha'lium. Cudweed. From gnaphalon, soft down ; in refenmce to the woolly covering of the leaves. Nat. Ord. Composit(£. A genus known as Everlastings. Many of the species formeily included in it are now classed with Helichrysum. There are sev- ei'al species, hardy perennials, very com- mon in the Middle and Southern States,which are the only ones worth cultivating. Gneta'ceae. A small order of shrubs, natives principally of the tropics. The seeds of some of the species are edible. Welioitschia and Ephedra are the best known genera. Gni'dia. The ancient name of the Laurel. Nat. Ord. ThymelacecB. A genus of green-house evergreens, pro- ducing pale yellow flowers. In habit they resemble the Heath. They are quite pretty, but difficult of cultivation, and ai-e propagated by cuttings. They are natives of the Cape of Good Hope ; introduced in 1768. Goat's Beard. A popular name of Spircea arun- ciis and Tragopogon pratensis. Goat's-eye. See ^gilops. Goat's Rue. See Galega. Goat's Wheat. The genus Tragopyrum. Gode'tia. Named by Spach, a German botanist, resident of Paris ; it is probably a Latinized proper name. Nat. Ord. Onagracem. A genus of exceedingly handsome and showy hardy annuals from California, growing about a foot and a half high, and producing number- less rosy-lilac flowers. The seeds should be started in the hot-bed in March, and trans- jjlanted into poor soil when danger from frost is over. They require plenty of room ; close planting will draw tliem up, and weaken them, and rich soil will produce more leaves than flowers. Included by some authors under (Enothera. God'wi'nia. Derivation of name not given. G. gigas, the only species under cultivation, is a native of Nicaragua, and belongs to the Nat. Ord. Aroidece. From a laige tuberous root-stock it throws up a single leaf, with a mottled stalk ten feet high, the blade being very largely and deeply pedateiy cut. The inflorescence appears at a different time from the leaf, and consists of a stalk about ten inches high, supporting an oblong purple hood-like spathe sometimes two feet in length, which spreads open a little at the top, but elsewhere closely envelops the short spadix, which latter is completely cover- ed with hermaphrodite flowers. The stamens are twelve in number in two rows, and by this GOM circumstance Godwinia may be distinguished from the nearly allied genus Dracontium. It was supposed to be the largest Arad, both as to leaf and flower known, until the discovery of Amorphallus titanum by Dr. Beccari in western Sumatra. "The tuber dug up by the doctor measured five feet in circumference and was so heavy that ten men could scarcely carry it. From this tuber only one leaf is produced, but what a leaf, to cover an area of forty-five feet in circumference." The leaf-stalk is ten feet high, divided at the top into three branches, each as large as a man's thigh. It flowered for the flrst time under cultivation at Kew, in June of this year (1889), the spadix and flower stem together reaching to the height of seven feet. Goe'thea. Named in honor of Goethe, the cele- brated German poet. Nat. Ord. MalvacecB. A genus comprising four species of ever- green shrubs, natives of Brazil. The well known Pavonia Makoyana and P. Wyoti, are now included in this genus, the latter as O. mult (flora . Gold-Cups. Ranunculus bulbosvs. Gold-Dust. A popular name for Alyssum saxa- tile. Golden Chain. Cytisus Laburnum. Golden Club. See Orontium. Golden Cro^^rn. The genus Chrysostemma. Golden Feather. See Pyrethrum. Golden Rod. See Solidago. Golden Thistle. See Scolymus. Golden Vine. See Stigmaphyllum ciliatum. Gold Fern. Various Gymnogram7nas. Gold Leaf Plant. Aucuba Japonica. Goldfu'ssia. Named after Dr. Goldfvss, Pro- fessor of Natural History in the University of Bonn. Nat. Ord. AcanlhacecB. A genus of green-house evergreen shrubs, from Silhet. The flowers have two deciduous bracts, and are arranged in a head or spike, which, after the fall of the bracts, becomes vei-y loose and straggling. The flowers ai-e funnel-shaped, blue or purple. The plants require to be cut well back after flowering, and arc propagated by cuttings. G. ani' sophylla, is well known in cultivation under the name of RueUia. Introduced in 1838. Syn. Strobilanthus. Gold Thread. See Coptis. Goldylocks or Goldilocks, a common name for Chrysocoma Linosyris. Gombo or Okra. See Hibiscus. Go'mphia. Button Flower. From gomphos, a club ; alluding to the shape of the fruit. Nat. Ord. Ochnacece. A genus of very beautiful tender shrubs from the West Indies and South America The flowers are pure bright yellow, borne in dense panicles. They require the warmest place in the green-house ; propagated by cuttings. Gompholo'bium. From gomphos, a club, and lobos, a pod ; shape of seed vessel. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. A small genus of elegant green-house twin- ing shrubs, found in south and west Australia. Several of the species have been introduced into the green-house, where they produce their blossoms in the spring and summer AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 171 GOM months. The flowers are large, pea-shaped, yellow and crimson, and rose-purple. G. polymorphiun splendent is a profuse bloomer, opening in succession its intense crimson and yellow flowers in May. The largest flowered species is G. barbigerum, so named because of the keel petal being fringed, its pale yellow flowers are axillary, and are produced singly. Gomphre'na. Globe Amaranth. From gom- phos, a club; alluding to the shape of the flowers. Nat. Ord. Amaranthacece. This is supposed to be the Aniai-anth of the poets, which, from the durability of its flow- ers, was considered to be the emblem of im- mortality. It seems to have been used at funerals in the time of Homer, as he describes it as worn by the Thessalians at the funeral of Aciiilles. Tlie Gomphrenas are tender an- nuals. The seeds are slow to germinate, and should be sown m March in a hot-bed or in seed pans in the green-house. The plants will be greatly benefitted by pricking out, or re-potting before planting in the open border. With this treatme-nt single plants can be made to produce several hundred flowers. The flowers of the garden varieties are white, purple, and striped. If cut before fully ripe and tied in bunches, and allowed to dry in a rather dark and airy room, they will retain their colors the whole season, making them desirable for bouquets of dried flowers. G. globosa, the best known species, is a native of India ; introduced in 1714. Gomuti or Gomuto. See Saguerus. Gongo'ra. Named after a Spanish viceroy of New Grenada. Nat. Ord. OrchidacecB. A singular genus of Orchids from tropical America. They are compact growing and evergreen, producing long pendulous racemes of flowers rich in color and often grotesque in appearance. They can be successfully grown in what is termed a " cool Orchid house," or a green-house. Goiiiophle'bium. From gonia, an angle, and phlebia, a vein ; alluding to the veins of the fronds. Nat. Ord. Polypodiacece. Hot-house Ferns, found in nearly all tropi- cal countries. A few are simple-fronded spec- ies, with a creeping, ivy-like habit, and con- tracted fertile fronds ; but they have mostly stoutish, slow-creeping rhizomes, and large fronds, often of a pendulous habit, and some- times several feet in length. Some of the species are exceedingly handsome, and valued in collections, G. subauriculatum with long drooping pinnate fronds often four feet in length, being one of the most beautiful ferns for large hanging baskets in the warm green- house or plant stove. They are all propa- gated by spores or by division in sjjring. This genus is now placed by some botanists under Polypodium. Gonio'pteris. From gonia, an angle, and pteris, a fern ; referring to the leaves. Nat. Ord. PohjpodiaceoR. A genus of tropical ferns abounding in the West Indies, South America, tropical Africa and Madagascar, in India, the Pacific islands, Australia and New Zealand. In most respects this genus is similar to Polypodium, and is now placed under that genus by many botan- ists. GOR Gono'calyx. A very beautiful plant of the Nat. Ord. Ericacece, discovered by Schlim in New Grenada, at an elevation of 7,000 feet. It forms a shrub of an erect, bushy habit, tiiickly clothed with small, nearly orbicular leaves, and bearing fine bright red tubular flowers. The young leaves and shoots are of a purplish-rose color. G. pulcher, the only species, is easily increased by cuttings. Gono'lobus. A large genus of AsrhpiadaceoR, natives of tropical and North Amciica, con- sisting of twining, herbaceous or slirubby plants, with greenish or dingy purple flowers, borne in racemes or corymbs. tFpwards of sixty species have been described. Goode'nia. Named in honor of Dr. Samuel Goodenough, author of a monogiaph of the genus Carex. Nat. Ord. Goodenoviem. A genus of herbaceous plants and a few shrubs, with usually yellow, rarely blue, flow- ers. They are natives of Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. Propagated by cuttings in spring. Goodeno'vieae. A natural order of herbs, or sub-shrubs; the juice not milky, with scat- tered exstipulate leaves and distinct flowers. Natives chiefly of Australia and the islands of the Southern Ocean. There are about twelve genera and nearly two hundred species. Dampiera, Goodenia and LeschenauUia are good examples. Go'odia. Named after P. Good, a collector of plants in Australia for the Kew Gardens. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. Handsome evergreen shrubs from New Hol- land. They are all erect, symmetrical plants, with beautiful foliage. The flowers are pure yellow, produced in racemes like those of the Laburnum, but smaller. They require green- house treatment, and are propagated by seeds or cuttings. Good King Henry. Common name for Cheno- j>odium Bonus Henricus. Goo'dyera. Named after J. Goodyer, an early British botanist. Nat. Ord. OrchidacecB. A genus of terrestrial Orchids, with small white flowers like those of Spiranthes, but the spike is not spiral. It consists of very few species, all from the northern hemisphere, and mostly from high latitudes or mountain ranges. G. discolor has dark green velvety leaves with a silver stripe down the middle, and is a very handsome plant ; it requires a warm green-house. G. pubescens and G. repens, with green leaves, beautifully veined with sil- ver, and pure white and greenish-white flow- ers, are common to our woods from New York to Wisconsin, and are choice and beau- tiful plants for the rock-work or rock-garden. Gooseberry. See Ribes. Cape. Physalis Peruviana and P. pubescens. Goo.seberry Shrub. See Pereskia. Goose-foot. See Chenopodium. Goose-grass. See Galium. Gordo'nia. Named by Dr. Garden in honor of his old master, Dr. James Gordon, of Aber- deen. Nat. Ord. TernstromiacexB. A genus of half-hardy deciduous shrubs or low trees, common in the Southern States. G. lasianthus, popularly known as Loblolly Bay, has large white, showy flowers, and is common in swamps near the coast from Vir- ginia southward. 17'2 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS GOR Grorse or Goss. Names given to the "Whin, Ulex Europoeus. Gossy'pium. Cotton Plant. From goz, or gothro, an Arabic word signifying a soft sub- stance. Nat. Ord. Malracece. There are several distinct species of cotton plants, and a great manj' varieties. Some are herbaceous annuals, others shrubs three or four feet in height, and others attain a height of from fifteen to twenty feet. The stems are smooth or hairy, leaves either three or five lobed, fine shaped, cordate, blunt, or lanceo- late. The flowers are large, with yellow or white petals, and a purplish center, and are succeeded by pointed pods, which, on coming to maturity, burst, and display a profusion of "White or yellowish down that forms the cot- ton of commerce. In the center of this down are contained the seeds, varying in number from ten to thirty, according to the species, of a dark brown color, and of a very oily nature. The early history of the Cotton plant is involved in obscurity, nor can it be ascer- tained in what region of the globe it was first cultivated and applied to purposes of domes- tic use. Herodotus, who wrote about 450 B. C, and who had traveled into 'Egypt, and was familiar with its productions, does not describe the Cotton plant as existing there, but gives some obscure hints of such a plant being in use in India. The inhabitants of India, he says, possess a kind of plant which, instead of fruit, produces wool of a finer and better quality than that of sheep ; of this the natives make their clothes. When describing the corselet of Amasis, he accordingly desig- nated Cotton under the name of tree-wool, a combination of terms which the Germans use for the same substance at the present day. His particularly detailing the linen garments of the Egyptians, and their mode of Aveaving linen cloth, as differing from that of the Greeks, while he omits all mention of the manufacture of cotton garments, would lead us to suppose that the Cotton plant was unknown to the Egyptians ; and that, if they possessed Cotton cloth at all, it was imported from India. Pliny, however, in his work on Natural History, describes the Cotton plant as a small shrub growing in Upper Egypt, called by some Xylon, and by others Gossypium, the seeds of which are surrounded by a soft downy substance of a dtxzzling whiteness, and which is maniifactured into cloth much esteemed by the Egyptian priests. This was five centuries after the time in which Herodo- tus wrote, and during this period the plant may have become more common. From Pli- ny's account, it would not appear that Cotton was much used at Rome, even in the first cen- tury of the Christian era, nor for many centu- ries afterward was its use introduced into Europe. But in the ninth century the Ara- bians, who were then in possession of Egypt, appear to have used Cotton cloth for their ordinary garments ; for one of the first remarks of two Arabian travelers, who went to China at that period, Avas, that the Chinese, instead of weaving Cotton, as they and their countrj-men did, chiefly used silk stuffs. It is probable, then, that the Cotton plant first came from Persia to Egypt, whence it spread into Asia Minor, and latterly to the islands of the Archipelago. In the time of Tournefort, who visited these islands, Milo was celebrated GOU for its Cotton. The Cotton now raised in small quantities in the Cyclades possesses that dazzling whiteness which Pliny describes as the property of the Egyptian Cotton. The Cotton plant has been grown from an early period, in the West Indies, in the Southern States, and in South America. Whether any of the species are natives of this Continent, it is difficult to say ; the probability is, however, that it was introduced, soon after the dis- covery of the West Indies, into these settle- ments, from Smj-rna. It should be stated, however, that Cotton cloth has been found in the tombs of the Incas of Peru. The exten- sive cultivation of Cotton in this country is of a recent date. In 178-i, eight bags were sent from this country to England, which were seized, on the ground that so much Cotton could not be produced in the United States. Since the Revolution, the increase of produc- tion has been steady and rapid. Of the spe- cies under cultivation, G. Barbadense is the one grown in the United States, and of this there are two varieties, the Upland Cotton, or short staple, and the Sea Island Cotton, or long staple. This species is a native of India, Avhence it was transplanted into the West Indies, and from there into the United States. G. herbaceum, the herbaceous Cotton plant, is the species cultivated throughout Europe and Asia. It is an annual plant, growing to the height of about twenty inches. The Tree Cotton, G. arboreum, is a perennial species, growing from fifteen to twenty feet high, and is considerably growm in the African Colonies, but does not yield a very fine staple. A great impetus has been given of late years to the cultivation of Cotton in India, and its devel- opment has been largely increased by the opening up of railroads, etc., and by the intro- duction of American varieties, and of new forms adapted for special purposes. Among these latter may be mentioned the crossed seedlings produced by Major Trevor Clarke, a collection of which exhibited in the London International Exhibition in 1872 caused con- siderable excitement at the time. G^Bahma, Bahma, is a variety that originated in Egypt several years ago, and is said to be a hybrid between the Egyptian Cotton and Hibiscus esculentus. It differs from other Cottons in its larger size and its erect, almost unbranehed habit. It also produces more Cotton. Avery coarse growing species, G. honibyx-ceita, is common in the West Indies, said to be indig- enous there. The trunk of this species is suflQciently large to hollow out for canoes, and yields a valuable lumber; the Cotton is of a coarse, inferior quality. The general uses of this staple are too important and well known to require comment. The seed has, however, a value but little known. Near the City of New Yoi-k there is an oil mill that makes daily several thousand gallons of oil from Cotton seed, which is sent to Italy, there bottled, and sent all over the world, and sold as a very superior quality of Olive Oil, for table use. The seed is also valuable as a manure. Go-to-bed-at-noon. See Tragopogon. Goua'nia. Chaw Stick. Named after A. Gouan, once Pfofessor of Botany at Montpelier. Nat. Ord. Rhamnacece. A genus of climbing tropical shrubs, con- taining upward of twenty species. The most ADIOLUS SAUNDEl'.SONI. GLADIOLUS COLVILI.I ALBA. GTNEKIUM ABCJENTEUM (PAMPAS GRASS). lya AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 173 GOU interesting, O. Domingensis, is a common creeper in tlie We&t Indies and Brazil. In Jamaica it is called Cliaw Stick, on account of its thin, flexible stems being chewed as an agreeable stomachic, and tooth brushes are also made by cutting pieces of Chaw Stick to a convenient length and fraying out the ends ; and a tooth powder is prepared by pulveriz- ing the dried stems. It is said to possess febrifugal properties; and on account of its pleasant bitter taste is commonly used for flavoring different cooling beverages. Gout-'wreed. Common name for ^gopodium podograria. Gourd. The genus of Cucurbita. Bitter. CitruUas Culocynthis. Bottle. Lagenaria vulgaris. Dish-Rag, or Waslung. Luffa cylindrica, and L. acutungula. Oiange. Cacurbita aurantia. Scarlet-fruited. Coccinea indica. Snake. Trichosanthes anguina. Wax or White. Benincasa (Cucurbita) ceri- fera. Gove'nia. Named after J. R. Qowen, a distin- guished horticulturist and hybridizer of plants. Nut. Ord. Orchidacece. A small genus of interesting terrestrial Orchids trom Mexico. The flowers are borne on spikes from one and a half to two feet high, in the same manner as the Bletia. The colors are mostly shades of yellow, beautifully marked with crimson. Propagation and cul- . ture the same as for Bletia. Gowan, Bellis perennia or Daisy. Gracilis. Slender, applied to the parts which are long and narrow. Graft Hybrids. This is the term used by Mr. Chas. Darwin, in his work, "Plants and Animals under Domestication," to describe what he believes to be an amalgamation of the stock and the graft, so that there is a seeming blending of the individualities in some few cases Avhich he cites. This theory of Mr. Darwin's is by no means universally accepted, and it is to be regretted that it should have been propounded with such a sparse array of examples in illustrating such a novel theory. Grafting. This differs only from budding (which see), inasmuch as the operation is usually performed on deciduous plants when in a partially dormant condition, and that larger portions of the shoots are taken. The different forms of grafting are known as "wedge," "whip," 'side" grafting, etc. Wedge grafting consists in sawing off the stock to be grafted, and shaping the "cion " or " graft" like a wedge, splitting the sawed off stock an inch or two, and inserting the wedge-shaped graft, being careful to let the bark of the gi-aft join the bark of the stock. If the stock is more than an inch in diameter a graft should be placed on each side. The whip graft is used for small stocks, which are of the thickness of the cions to be grafted. The stock and cion are cut with a similar slope, an inch or more in length ; to best keep them in place before being covered with wax or wax cloth, it is well to cut what is called a "tongue" in the center of each, so that, when placed together, the cion will keep in place, the tongues being interlocked. The GRA whip system is that mostly used in root graft- ing Roses, Apples, Clematis, etc. After the cion has been attached to the stock by any of the methods of grafting, it is covered over either with a mixture of adhesive clay and cow dung or grafting wax, so as to keep it in position until it starts to grow. Grafting wax can be purchased in most seed stores, but when wanted in quantity it is made according to the following formula: four pounds resin, three pounds bees-wax, and two pounds of tallow. This, heated and mixed, will give the grafting wax of the shops. A convenient way to use the grafting wax is to dip in it thin calico or muslin cloth, which can be torn into strips readily, and wrapped around the graft so as to exclude the air. Grains of Paradise. See Amomum^ Gram or Chick Pea. See Cicer. Gramina'ceae. A natural order of annual or perennial herbaceous plants, with round, usually hollow-jointed stems; narrow alter- nate leaves, having a split sheath, and often a ligule at the summit, and flowers arranged in spikes or panicles, perfect or imperfect. The flowers are composed of a series of leaves or bracts, the outer called glumes, enclosing one or moi'e flowers. Grasses are widely dis- tributed over the world, forming about one- twenty-second of all known plants. " They contain in their herbage, and especially in their seeds, nutritious prmciples, which entitle them to the flrst rank among plants useful to man, and whi. h are of the greatest importance in an economic and political point of view. The Cerealia are : Wheat, TrUicum sativum ; Eye, Secale cereale ; Barley, Hordeunt vulgare, H. distichum, etc. ; Oats, Avena saliva, all cultivated by the Caucasian race in the northern and temperate regions. Rice, Oryza saliva, and Millet, Panicum miliaceum, origin- ated among the Asiatic races. The Sugar- cane, Saccharumqfficinarum is in all probability a native of tropical Asia ; it has been culti- vated from very ancient times in the East Indies. A considerable number of Graminaceos are medicinal, viz., TriiUcum rej^ens, T. glau- cum, T junceum, Cynodon Dactylon, Andro- pogon bicornii', Arundo Donax, Calamagrostis," etc. (Decaisne and Le Maout). The grain's of Coix LachrymcB are used as beads under the name of Job's Tears. The Tussack grass of the Falkland Islands, is Daclylis ccespitosa. Some grasses, as Calama- grostis (Ammophila) arenaria, and others, are useful in binding the loose sand on the sea- shore. Darnel grass, Lolium teinulentum, has reputed poisonous qualities, and some think that it is the Tares of Scripture. This order also furnishes numerous ornamental garden plants, some of the most striking of wliich are Arundinariafalcata, and A. m£tahe, Arundo Donax (the Provence Cane), Bambusa Arundi- nacece, Panicum plicatum variegatum, Zea Japonica variegata, etc. There are about 300 genera of grasses, and 4,000 species. Gramma'nthes. From gramma, writing, and anthos, a flower ; marks like V being on the corolla. Nat. Ord. Crassulacece. Succulent herbaceous plants, natives of the Cape of Good Hope. Seeds sown in the green-house in January will make very showy and interesting plants for rock-work during summer. The flowers closely resemble those 174 HENDEKSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS GRA of Crassula, to which it is allied.' in 1774. Introduced Grammatoca'rpus. A synonym of Scyphanthus, which see. Granunatophy'llum. From grammata, letters, and phyllon, a leaf ; referring to the markings on the leaves. Nat. Ord. Orchidacece. The species of this genus are but few in number, and are rarely seen in collections of Orchids, because of the difficulty in manage- ment. Those who have had the good fortune to flower them say that it is at the expense of years of patience and labor that their rare and curious flowers are produced. They are natives of Manilla ; introduced in 1837. Granadi'Ua. A name given in the West Indies to the fruits of different species of the genus Passiflora. Granular. Divided into little knobs and knots, as the roots of Saxifraga granulata ; covered as if with small grains. Grape. Vitis vinifera. Like many extensively cultivated plants, the native country of the Grape is unknown, or at least doubtful. It is among the plants spoken of in the Books of Moses, and it appears to have been cultivated and the fruit used then as at the present day. Noah planted a vineyard, and wine is men- tioned as a beverage among the earliest nations of the world. The oldest profane writers ascribe its introduction to their gods. According to the tradition of the Egyptians, Osiris first paid attention to the Vine, and instructed other men in the manner of plant- ing and using it. The inhabitants of Africa ascribe the same gift to the ancient Bacchus. Wine was among the first oblations to the Divinity. " Melchisedek, King of Salem, brought forth bn?ad and wine, and he was the priest of the Most High God." Humboldt says the Vine does not belong to Europe, but is indigenous in Asia between the Bla k Sea and the Caspian, on Mount Ararat and on the Taurus. In the forests on Mongrelia it flour- ishes in great magnificence, climbing to the tops of the highest trees, bearing bunches of fruit of delicious flavor. We have no authentic account of the introduction of the Vine into the present grape-growing countries, or of the origin of the many varieties now under cultivation. More than one hundred varieties have been introduced into our graperies, and into the Southern States and California, where the climate will permit of their being grown in the open air. The Grapes grown through- out the United States have their origin in the species indigenous to North America. V. lab- rfts'ca, the Fox Grape, common in swampy grounds from Maine to the Gulf of Mexico, is the parent of our best garden varieties, among others the Isabella, which originated in South Carolina, and the Concord, which originated in Massachusetts. The Catawba had its parentage in V. riparia, the common Frost Grape, or at least it is so accredited. The Diana, a seedling of the Catawba, was raised by Mrs. Diana Crehore of Boston. The introduction of new varieties, from seed, of various crossings, is being rapidly carried on by our enterprismg horticulturists. See Viiis. Grape Hyacinth. See Muscari. Graptophy'Uum. Caricature Plant. From grapho, to write, and phyllon, a leaf ; refer- GRA ring to the markings on the leaves. Nat. Ord. Acanthaceoe. A genus of tropical shrubs, inhabiting both hemispheres. A few of the species have been introduced into the hot-house for the beauty of their variegated foliage and their racemes of white flowers. G. horlense, syn. G. pictum, is properly called the Caricature Plant, from the fact that, when its leaf is held up to the light, it often presents nearly an exact profile of the human face. G. h. lurido-sanguinea, a more recent introduction, is a very distinct and beautiful species, with rich rose-colored spots or markings. Propagated bj' cuttings ; first introduced in 1780. Grass. A general name for all graminaceous plants. Arrow. Triglochin. Artificial. A name given by agriculturists to various fodder plants, as Clover, Lucerne, Sainfoin, Sorghum, etc. Awned Hair. Muhlenbergia capillaris. ■ Barnyard. Panicum Cms Galli. Bear. Yucca filamentosa. Beard. The genus Andropogon and Polypogon Monfipeliensis. Bermuda. Cynodon Dactylon. Black. Aloj)ecuru^ agrestis. Black Oat. Slipa avenacea. Blue. Poa compressa. Blue Eyed. Sisyrinchiuin Bermudianum. Bottle. Setaria glauca. Brome. The genus Bromus. Canary. Phalaris Canariensis, the grain of which is the Canary seed of commerce Cat's-Tail. Phleum pratense. China. The fibre of the Ramie, Bcehmeria nivea. Cock's-Comb. Cynosurus echinatus. Cock's-Foot. Dactylis glomerata. Cord. Sparlinia stricta. Cotton. The genus Eriophorum. Couch. Triticum repens. Crab. Panicum sanguinale, it is also applied to Eleusine, and Salicornia herbacea. Crested Hair. KoRleria cristata. Cuckoo. Luzula campestris. Darnel. Lolium temulentum. Deer. Rhexia Virginica. Dog. Triticum caninum. Dog's Tail. Cynosurus cristatus. Dog's Tooth. Triticum caninum. Drop-Seed. Sporobolus and Muhlenbergia. Eel. Zostera and Vallisneria spiralis. Elephant's. Typha elephantina. False Red-Top. Poa serotina. Feather. Stipa pennata. Fescue. The genus Festuca. Finger. The genus Digitaria. Florin. Agrostis vulgaris, and commonly ap- plied to A. alba and A. stolonifora. Flote or Float. Glyceria fiuitans. Four-leaved. Paris quadrifolia. Foxtail. Alopecurus pratensis. Frog. Salicornia herbacea. Gama. Tripsacum ductyloides. Ginger. Andropogon Nardus. Goat's beard. Galium aparine, also Potentilla anserina, and Polygonum aviculare. Great Goose. Asperugo jyrocumbens. Grip. Galium aparine. Guinea. Panicum jumentorum. Hair. Aira; also Trichochloa, and Agrostia scabra. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 175 GRA Grass. Hard. Sclerochloa; also, u^gilops, and Dadylis glomerata. Hare's-Tail. Lagurus ovatus. Heath. Triodia decumbens. Hedgehog. Echinochloa ; also applied to Cen- chrus. Herd's, of New England. Phleum pratense. » Herd's, of Pennsylvania. Agrostis vulgaris. Holy. Hierochloa borealis. Horn. The genus Ceratochloa. Horn of Plenty. Cornucopice cucullatum. Indian. A local name for Sorghum nutans. Indian Doob. Cynodon Dactylon. Knot. Triticum repens; also, Illecebrum, and Polygonum aviculare. Knot of Shakespeare. Agrostis stolonifera. Lemon. Andropogon Schae,nanthus. Lob, or Lop. Bromus mollis. Love. Eragrostis zlegans. Lyme. Elymus arenarius. Maiden-hair. Briza media. Manna. Glycerin fiuitans. Marsh. The genus Spartina. Mat. Nardus stricta; also, Ammophila aren- aria. Meadow. Poa pratensis, and P. trivialis. Millet. Milium; also, Sorghum vulgare, Pani- cum miliaceum, Setaria Italica, etc. Monkey. A commercial name for the whale- bone-like fibre of Attaleafunifera. Moor. Sesleria ccerulea. Mountain, of Jamaica. Andropogon bicomis. Mouse-ear Scorpion. Myosotis palxistris. Mousetail. Festuca Myurus, also Alopecurus agrestis. Myrtle. Acorus Calamus. Nut. Cyperus rotundus var. Hydra. Oat. Arrhenatherum avenaceum ; also various species of Avena. Of Parnassus. Parnassia palustris. Orange. Hypericum Sarothra. Orchard. Dadylis glomerata. Pampas. Gynerium argenteum. Panic. Panicum ; also Ehrharta panicea. Para. A commercial name of the Piassiba fibre of Attaleafunifera. Pepper. Pilularia globulifera; also a local name for Lepidium. Poverty. Aristida dichotoma. Quake or Quaking. The genus Briza. Quick or Quitch. Triticum repens. Rattlesnake. Glyceria canadensis. Red-top. Agrostis vulgarm. Reed. Arundo ; also Calamagrostis and Pha- laris. Reed Bent. The genus Calamagrostis. Rib. Plantago lanceolala. Ribbon. Phalaris arundinacea variegata. Rice Cut. Leersia oryzoides. Rope. The genus Restio. Rush. The genus Vilfa. Rye. Lolium perenne. Salt. Spartina juncea. Scorpion. Myosotis arvensvi. Scurvy. Cochlearia officinalis. Sea. Ruppia maritima. Sea Mat. Ammophila arenaria. Sea Oat. Uniola paniculata. Sea Spur. Glyceria distans. Seneca. Hierochloa borealis. Shave. Equisetum hyemale. Shore. Littorella lacustris. Silk. Eriocoma cuspidata. Slender. Leptochloa mucronata. Soft. Holcus mollis. GRA Grass. Sour. Panicum leucopha&um, also a local name for Rumex acetosa. Spear. Poa annua, etc. Spike. Uniola latifolia. Spiked Quaking. Brizopyrum spicatum. Squirrel-Tail. Hordeum jubatum. Star. Callitriche; also, the local name for Hypo.tis and Aletris. Striped. Phalaris arundinacea variegata. Sweet. The genus Glyceria. Sword. Arenaria segelalis, and Melilotis sege- talis. Thin. Agrostis elata and perennans. Timothy. Phleum pratense. Toad. Juncus bufonius. Tussack or Tussock. Dadylis ccBspitosa. Vanilla. Hierochloa borealis. Velvet. Holcus lanatus. Vernal. Sweet. Anthoxanthum odoratum. Viper's. The genus Scorzonera. Water Scorpion. Myosotis palustris. Water Star. Leptanthus gramineus. Wheat. Triticum. White. Leersia Virginica. Whitlow. Draba Verna and Saxifraga tridac- tylites. Wild Oat. Danthonia spicata. Wind. Apera Spica-venti. Wire. Eleusine indica, and Poa compressa. Wire Bent. Nardus strida. Wood. Sorghum (Andropogon) Nutans; also Luzula sylvatica. Wood Reed. Cinna arundinacea. Woolly. Lasiagrostis. Woolly Beard. The genus Erianthus. Worm. Spigelia; also Sedum album. Yard. Eleusine Indica. Yellow-eyed. The genus Xyris. Grass Cloth Plant. Bcehmeria nivea. Grasses. Ornamental. A number of hardy and half-hardy perennial grasses, as well as num- erous annual species are cultivated for the double purpose of rendering the mixed llower- border or shrubbery attractive during the summer and for the use of the spikes or pani- cles in a dried state for winter bouquets. The perennial sorts, such as Arundo conspicua Eulalia Japonica, E. Japonica variegata, E. zebrina, Arundo donax, and A. d. versicolor, Gynerium argenteum, Gymnothrix {Pennisetum) latifolium, Pennisetum longistyhnn, Stipa pen- nata, and others, make splendid groups for lawn decoration, either singly or in large masses. Of the annual species a good selec- tion is Agrostis elegans, A. jndchella, and A. iiebulosa, Briza maxima and B. minor, Bromus brizceformis, Hordeum jubatum, Eragrostis ele- gans, Coix lachrynuB and Lagurus ovatus. If the hardier sorts are sown in the fall and wintered over, they will make finer plants, and produce larger spikes the following sea- son. Grass Tree. Australian. The genus Xanthor- rhoca. Gra'tiola. Hedge Hyssop. A genus of Scro- phulariacecB, consisting of pretty, free-flower- ing, hardy herbaceous plants, found in central Europe North Anierica, and Australia. G. officinalis, the Hedge Hyssop of the herbalists, was in former times called Gratia Dei, on account of its active medicinal properties. Haller says that the abundance of this plant in some of the Swiss meadows renders it dangerous to allow cattle to feed in them. 176 HENDEKSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS GRA Gravel Root. A common name for Eupatorium purpureum. Graveolens. Strong-scented ; having a smell which is unpleasant because of its intensity. Grave'sia. Named in honor of C. L. Graves, a botanical collector of Madagascar. Nat. Ord. Melastomacem. A genus of dwarf, showy herbs, natives of Madagascar. The leaves of G. guttata are of a rich dark-green color, profusely dotted with rose-colored spots, arranged in lines It was introduced in 1864. There are several very beautiful varieties of this species. Propagated by cuttings in heat. Syn. Berlolonia. Grease Wood. The genus Sarcobatus. Great Celandine. Tlie common name for Chelidonium majiis. Great Laurel. A name given to Magnolia grandi- Jlora Greek Valerian. The common name of Pole- vionlum cmruleum. Green Brier. See Smilax. Green Dragon. A popular name for AriscBma Dracontium. Green Fly. See Insects. Green-house. Tlie name generally given to all kinds of glass structures. For private pur- poses the styles are so varied that it would be useless, in tliis work to give examples, as in such cases it is always economy to employ a competent green-house architect; but for commercial purposes, in our own establish- ment, we use exclusively the ridge and fur- row style ; that is, the houses are joined to each otiier by a ten or twelve-inch gutter. Each house is twenty feet wide at base, four feet high at the gutter, and eleven feet high at the apex, giving an angle to the glass roof of about thirty-five degrees, which slopes equally to east and west. When green-houses are wanted for forcing Koses or other flowers in winter, it is better not to connect them together, but to make them say twenty feet wide at base, the root forming what is known as a three-quarter span ; that is, the long slope of the roof, which must face south, is about eighteen or nineteen feet long, while the short slope to the north is six or seven feet, both at an angle of about thirty degrees. The front or south wall shoidd be four or five feet higli, and the rear or north wall seven or eight feet high, making the apex from the ground level about ten feet. Our space will not admit of details of construction, for which see our work. Practical Floriculture, pages 76 to 105. Greens. The common name for Spinach, Cab- bage, Kale, and other leafy esculents. Green Violet. See Solea. Gre'ggia. A genus of Cruciferce from New Mex- ico, discovered by Dr. Gregg, who died in California through over-exertion in scientific pursuits. G. camporum, the only species, so named from its growing on the campos, or plains, has the habit of a wall-flower, and all its parts clothed with a hoary pubescence. Its pink-and-white flowers are something like a stock (Mattkiola), and are borne in loose ter- minal racemes. Grevi'Uea. Named after C. F. Greville, a patron of botany. Nat. Ord. ProteacecB. GUI An extensive genus of green-house shrubs and evergreen trees, natives of New Holland. The species include lofty trees more than 100 feet high, and low-growing shrubs. G. rohusta, the Silk Oak, is a magnificent tree, with orange-colored flowers. G. Forsterii is a similar species with bright scarlet flowers, that are produced when the tree is young. The foliage of the species is as varied as tne size of the plants ; on some of the trees it is needle-shaped; others have leaves closely resembling those of the Acanthus. Several of the species are under cultivation in the green- house, and are considered acquisitions. Young plants are obtained by cuttings or from seed. Gre'wia. Named in honor of Nehemiah Grew, M.D., famous for his work on the " Anatomy of Vegetables." This is an extensive genus of LiliacecB, consisting of shrubs or small trees, confined mostly to the warmer regions of the Old World. Flowers yellow or I'arely purple. The wood of the Dhamnoo, G. elastica, is very strong and elastic, and is much prized by the natives for making their bows. Most of the species have a fibrous inner bark, which is commonly employed for making fishing nets, ropes, etc. Gre'yia. Named in honor of Sir George Grey, who was Governor-General of Cape Colony when the species was discovered. Nat. Ord. Sapindacece. G. Sutherlandi, the only species, is a beautiful and distinct moderate-sized tree, found in the mountains about Port Natal. Its foliage is similar to a Pelargonium. The flowers are borne in dense axillary racemes, and are of a brilliant crimson color, giving to the plant a very handsome appearance. Flowering as it does from the old wood, lull exposure to the sun is required to ripen the wood thoroughly, after which a season of rest is necessary, dur- ing which wat(>r may be withheld, giving only enough to keep the wood plump. When started into growth, it will flower freely. It was introduced in 1859, and is propagated by seeds, or cuttings of the half-i'ipened wood. Gri'as. Anchovj' Pear. From grao, to eat ; the fruit being eatable. Nat. Ord. Mijrtarece. G. caulijlora is a tall, unbranched tree, with leaves two or three feet long, and bearing large whitish flowers, which proceed from the stem. The fruit has much the taste of the Mango, and is highly esteemed in the West Indies, where it is indigenous. The tree is largely cultivated, not only for its fruit, but for its highly ornamental character. Griffi'nia. Named after W. Griffin, a patron of botany. Nat. Ord. Amanjllklacfce. A small genus of handsome bulbous plants from South America, producing large umbels of beautiful bright purple flowers. They require green-house treatment, and should have complete rest during winter. In March r<^pot them, and they will immediately com- mence growth, and will require plenty of heat, light, air, and water. They are increased by offsets ; introduced in 1822. Grinde'lia. In honor of David H. Grindel, a German botanist. A gi-nus of Compositce, containing nearly twenty species, found, most generally, in Texas and Mexico. They are biennial, or perennial, suffruticose plants, with branching stems, and yellow flower heads, solitary, at the ends of the branches. AND GENERAL HOKTICULTUEE. 177 GRI and from one to two inches in diameter. Tliey are easily cultivated, and are increased by seeds or cuttings. Griseli'nia. Named in honor of Frank Griselini, an Italian botanist. Nat. Ord. CornacecB. A small genus of evergreen shrubs, nearly allied to Aucuba which they resemble in habit. They have shining coriaceous leaves, and small inconspicuous flowers, produced in ter- minal panicles. They are natives of New Zealand, Chili, and Brazil, and are of com- paratively recent introduction. Their hardi- ness has not been tested in this country, but it is not likely they would endure the rigors of our winters, north of Virginia. Gromwell. See lAthospermum. Grono'via. Named in honor of Dr. Gronovius, a botanist at Leyden, and a friend of Linneeus. Nat. Ord. LoasacecB. G. scandens, the only known species, is a scandent herb resembling the Bryony. It is found from Texas to Venezuela, and was in- troduced in 1751, but is little cultivated. G-rosaularia'ceae. A natural order, now in- cluded by Bentham and Hooker with Saxifra- gacecB. Ground Cherry. See Physalis. Ground Hemlock. See Taxus. Ground Ivy. See Nepeta Glechoma. Ground Laurel. See EpigcBa repens. Ground Nut. See Apixis tuberosa. Ground Pine. A popular name of Lycopodium dendroideum. Ground Pink. See Phlox. Ground Plum. A popular name of the fruit of Astragalus caryocurpus. Groundsel. See Senecio vulgaris. Groundsel Tree. See Baccharis halimifolia: Gua'iacum. Lignum VitsB. The original name in South America. Nat. Ord. Zygophyllacece. A genus of ornamental trees with pretty blue flowers. G. officinale furnishes the well- known wood Lignum Vitoe, and also the drug known as Gum Guaiacum, which is procured by notching the trunk, and allowing the exuding juice to harden. It is a native of the West Indies. Guava. See Psidium. Guelder Rose. Viburnum opulus. Guernsey Lily. Nerine Sarniensis. Guevi'na. The native name. Nat. Ord. ProteacecB. G. Avellana, the only species, is a tree of medium size, a native of Chili and Peru. The flowers are in simple, erect racemes two to four inches long, and these are succeeded by round edible drupes, inclosing almond-like seeds, known as Chilian nuts. The latter have an agreeable, somewhat oily taste, while the fleshy part is made a substitute for the Pomegranate. Syn. Quadria. This tree is hardy in the Southern States. Guilie'lma. Named in honor of Queen Wilhelmine Carolina of Bavaria. Nat. Ord. PabnacecB. A genus of palms confined to the tropical regions of South America, and containing three species which have tall, slender trunks armed with exceedingly sharp black spines. The large pinnate leaves have spiny leaflets and foot- stalks. G. spedosa, the Peach Palm, is cul- GUZ tivated on the banks of the Amazon and Rio Negro. Its edible fruits, which are about the size of Apricots, and brigiit-scariet in color, are borne in large drooping bunches, and form a large portion of the food of the natives. The young plants make very handsome specimens for the green-house. Guinea Corn. See Sorghum vulgare. Guinea Grass. See Sorghum hulapense. Guinea Hen Flower. A name given to FritiU laria Meleagris. Gum. A vegetable secretion which may be detected in the sap of most plants, and which is excreted by many, and hardens on their surface. Gum Cistus. Cistus ladaniferus. Gum Guaiacum. See Guaiacum. Gum Tragacauth. Slerculia Tragacantha. Gum Tree. Various species of Eucalyptus, which see. Sour. Nyssa multiflora Sweet. Liquidambar styracijlua. Gu'nnera. In honor of J. E. Gunner, a Swedish bishop and botanist. Nat. Ord. HaloragacecB. A small genus of half-hardy herbaceous plants, natives of South America and the Sandwich Islands. G. scabra, has been intro- duced into the English gardens, and is X'e- markable for its ragged, rhubarb-like leaves, which are fully three feet across, borne on stout, thorny stems. The plant is also notable for its remarkable size ; a good specimen being from four to five feet high, and eight to ten feet in diameter, and forming an excellent subject for the sub-tropical garden. It is propagated by seeds, or careful division. Gusta'via. Named after Gu^tavus III. of Sweden. Nat. Ord. Barringtoniaceoe. A genus of fine evergreen trees and shrubs, with large, handsome, glossy leaves and showy white flowers, tinged with pink, some- times five or six inches across, and not unlike those of some Magnolias, disposed in race- mes or umbels at the ends of the twigs. The fruits are somewhat fleshy and apple-like. G. graciliima, has a smooth, slender, woody stem, and is a magnificent ornamental plant, introduced from the United States of Colum- bia by M. Roezl. The flowers grow from the axils of the leaves of the young plants, and from the leafless parts of the trunk in the older ones. They are solitary or in pairs, four inches in diameter, of a beautiful rose color, consisting of eight petals, with the yellow incurved staminal tube bearing numer- ous purple anthers in a ring of an inch or more across. This species was introduced in 1874, and is propagated by cuttings of well- ripened wood. Gutta Percha. See Isonandra. Guttatus. Spotted. Guzma'nnia. Named after A. Guzman, a Span- ish naturalist. Nat. Ord. Bromeliacece. Green-house perennials, natives of South » America. G. tricolor is a very handsome species, with flowers on a spike, concealed by the bracts, the lowermost of which are green, while the others are scarlet. It requires or- dinary green-house treatment, and is propa- gated by suckers. 178 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS GYM Gymne'ma. From gymnos, naked, and nema, a filament ; in reference to the stamens. Nat. Ord. Asclepiadacem. G. lactiferum is the Cow Plant of Ceylon, the milk of which is used ' as food by the natives. The species are green-house ever- green twiners, producing clusters of yellow flowers from the axils of the leaves. They are allied to the Stephanotis, and require the same treatment. Gymnocla'dus. Kentucky Coffee Tree. From gymnos, naked, and klados, a branch ; in refer- ence to the soft young wood, devoid of buds. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. G. Caruxdensis, the only species, is an orna- mental, hardy, deciduous tree, growing fifty to sixty feet high. It is one of our most beautiful shade trees, and is planted to a con- siderable extent on the streets in Washington, D. C. ; it is also valuable for its hard tough timber. The fresh leaves, macerated and sweetened, are occasionally used as a poison for house-flies ; the seeds were used formerly as a domestic substitute for coifee. Common from New York, south and west. Gymnogra'mma. From gymnos, naked, and gramma, writing ; in reference to the spore cases. Nat. Ord. Polypodiacece. A genus of very beautiful Ferns, requiring the warm green-house to grow them. In some of the species the under surface of the fronds is profusely covered with a rich yellow or white farinose powder, which gives them the name of Gold or Silver Ferns ; they are fre- quently seen in cultivation on account of the beauty of their fronds. This genus contains two of the very few known annual Ferns, G. chcBrophylla, a West Indian plant, and G. lep- tophylla, which is found scattered over nearly the whole of the temperate regions of the globe. Gymnosperm. Bearing naked seeds. Gymnostd'chyum. From gymnos, naked, and stachys, a spike ; probably on account of the absence of the bracteoles. Nat. Ord. Acan- ihacexB. A genus of ornamental evergreen erect herbs, natives of the East Indies, and the Malayan Archipelago. The leaves of some of the species are beautifully marked. G. venusta is in cultivation under the name of Justicia venusta. Fittonia has been placed under this genus by some authors. Gymnothe'ca. Derivation of name not given. Nat. Ord. Polypodiacece. A small genus of noble green-house ferns, formerly included in tiie genus Marratia. G. Raddiana, a native of Brazil, is a very orna- mental fern, requiring a warm house and moist atmosphere for its development. Gy'ninothrix. A genus of grasses, now united with Pennisetum. Gyne'rium. Pampas Grass. From gyne, female, and erion, wool ; the stigmas being wooly. Nat. Ord. GrammacecB. A genus of three species of hardy or nearly hardy ornamental grasses, natives of tropical and sub-tropical America. G. argenteum, the Pampas Grass, so called from its being found covering the vast plains or pampas of South America, is the best known species and forms a most noble and beautiful plant, growing from four to fourteen feet high according to the GYR strength of the plant, the soil or location. There is reason to believe that some varieties are better in habit than others and flower earlier. In such cases it would be better to divide them than to trust to seedlings. There are a num- ber of varieties, some of a delicate rosy color, one variegated, and several dwarf and neat in habit. If convenient, they should have a sheltered position on the lawn or in the flower garden so as to prevent as much as possible the constant searing away of the foliage which occurs whenever the p. ant is much exposed. Its bright silvery plumes also show off much better when backed up with shrubs or some of the finer evergreens. It should be planted about the beginning of April and mulched with rotted manure, watered copiously in hot dry weather. This splendid Grass is not sulficiently hardy at the north without a mulching of dry leaves or litter around the roots. The clumps can be taken up in the fall, and kept in any convenient place away from frost during winter. With the best pos- sible care and culture there cannot be pro- duced such magnificent plumes either north or south, as are grown in southern California, where the plumes are grown largely for the northern and European markets. This species was first introduced in 1848. G. jubatum is very well spcjken of, but as yet has not been tried much except in certain favored spots. The leaves resembles those of G. argenteum, but are of a deeper green, and droop elegantly at their extremities. From the center of the tuft and exceeding it by two or three feet, arise numerous stems, each bearing an immense loose panicle of long filamentous silvery flowers of a rosy tint with silvery sheen. It is a native of the republic of Ecuador and blooms earlier than G. argenteum. Gynu'ra. From gyne, female, and oura, a tail ; the stigma being elongated and hispid. Nat. Ord. ComposilcE. A genus of green-house herbaceous peren- nials, numbering about twenty species, the most of which are worthless, wefedy plants, natives of the East Indies. G. aurantiaca, has brilliant orange-colored fiower-heads, and the leaves and stems covered, over their entire surface, with small hairs of a rich plum- color, more especially the young leaves sur- rounding the flower-heads. It was thought to be a rival for the Coleus for bedding pur- poses, but rusts badly in our dry atmosphere and hot sun; it is easily increased by cut- tings. Gypso'phila. Trom gypsos, chalk, and phileo, to love ; in reference to the soil most suitable for them. Nat. Ord. CaryophyllacecE, The species of this genus, natives of various parts of Europe and Asia, are chai'acterized more by the grace than by the striking beauty of their flowei's. The flowers are small, but are produced in great numbers in loose, graceful panicles. They are plants that are easily cultivated, and are propagated by division and seeds, the latter in the open ground in spring. The flowers of the species are useful in making up in dried bouquets, as they retain their color perfectly during winter. They are also well adapted for rock-work. Gyrate. The same as Circinate (which see) ; curled inward like a crozier. Gyrose. Turned round like a crook. AND GENEEAL HORTICULTUKE. 179 H. HAB Habena'ria. Eein Orchis. From habena, a rein or thong; referring to the long, strap- shaped spur. Nat. Ord. Orchidacece. A weil-lcnown and somewhat extensive genus of terrestrial Orchids, pretty generally- distributed. Our native species have very curiously-shaped flowers, which are generally yellow, but sometimes purple, and occasion- ally Avhite. They grow well in moist, shady situations. Several of the species are to be found in marshy places on the south side of Long Island. Habe'rlea. Named after Karl Haberle, Professor of Botany at Pesth. Nat. Ord. Gesneracece. H. rhodopensis, the only species, is an elegant little hardy herbaceous perennial, not unlike a miniature Gloxinia. Flowers pale lilac, drooping. Admirably adapted for pot or cold-frame culture. Introduced from Rou- melia in 1880. Habit. The general appearance of a plant ; its manner of growth, without reference to details of structure. Habitat. The situation in which a plant grows in a wild state. Habra'nthus. From habros, delicate, and anthos, a flower. Nat. Ord. Amaryllidacece. Very handsome South American bulbs, which like the rest of the order, should have a decided season of rest. They grow best in a rich soil composed of loam, rotted manure, and sand, should be well-drained and have plenty of water when growing or flowering. These plants are found growing in dry, grav- elly places, and are half hardy. They will win- ter in a cold frame with slight protection ; in- troduced in 1821. A number of the plants, formerly included in this genus, are now referred by the authors of the " Genera Plan- tarum" to Hippeastrum and Zephyrantnes. Habrotha'mnus. From habros, gay, and tham- nos, a shrub. Nat. Ord. Solanacece. A genus of Mexican shrubs, closely allied to Oestrum, and one of the gayest productions of that country. The panicles of red or purple flowers are borne in abundance, and justify the name applied to them. They are propa- gated by cuttings and were first introduced in 1844:. Syn, Oestrum. Hackberry. See Oeltis. Hackmatack. A local name for Larix Ameri- cana, the American or Black Larch. Hacque'tea. In honor of B. Hacqvst, a German botanist. Nat. Ord. Umbelliferce. H. Epipactis, the only species, is a hardy herbaceous perennial plant, of very dwarf habit, having digitate three-lobed leaves, and a single umbel of small yellow flowers. It is a native of the Alps, and, like most Alpine' plants, difficult to manage here. Syn. Dondia. Haema'nthus. From haima, blood, and anthos, a flower ; referring to the color of the spathe and filaments of some species. Nat. Ord. Amaryllidacece. A genus of South American bulbous plants, producing large scarlet, orange, and yellow HAL flowers of very singular appearance. H. coccinea, a beautiful species, does well in the green-house and should be grown in sandy loam and leaf mould. It is a strong grower, requiring considerable room. After making its growth it requires a season of perfect rest, after which it tlirows up its flower stalk, and should have plenty of water. They grow in fall and winter, and rest during spring and summer. They are propagated by offsets, and were introduced in 1629. Haemato'xylon. Logwood. From haima, blood and xylon, wood ; Logwood is well-known for its red color. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. H. Campechianum, the well-known Logwood of commerce, is the only representative of this genus. It is a handsome evergreen tree, grow- ing about forty feet high, with a trunk about a foot and a half in diameter. It was first found on the Bay of Campeachy, in Yucatan, whence its specific name. It is also found in other parts of Central America, and has been introduced into and become naturalized in many of the West Indian Islands. Its impor- tance consist in its value as a dye-wood, for which purpose it forms an important article of commerce. Haemodora'cece. A natural order of perennial herbs with fibrous roots, sword shaped equit- ant leaves, and bearing wooly hairs or scurf on their stems, and flowers. Natives of the Cape of Good Hope, America and New Hol- land. The roots of-some of them yield a red color, hence the name of the order. Anigosan- thus, Aletris, Barbacenia and Hoemodorum, are well known genera. Haemodo'riim. Blood-root. From haima, blood, and doron, a gift ; probably in reference to the roots serving as food for the natives of Aus- tralia. Nat. Ord. Hcemodoracece. A genus of pretty green-house perennials, all natives of Australia, with fascicled tubers, and black, red, livid-green, or orange-colored flowers. Increased by division; first intro- duced in 1810. Hairbell See Oampanula. Hair Grass. See Air a. Ha'kea. Named after Baron Hake, a German patron of botany. Nat. Ord. Proteacece. A genus of green-house evergreen shrubs, containing more than a hundred species, all natives of New Holland. The fiowers of nearly all are white, produced in axillary clusters. None of the species has sufficient beauty, either in fiower or foliage, to give it a place in ordinary collections. Hale'sia. Silver Bell, or Snowdrop Tree. Named after Dr. Hales, author of "Vegetable Statics." Nat. Ord. Styracacece. A small genus of hardy deciduous shrubs or low-growing trees. One of the species, H. tetraptera, is found on the banks of the Ohio, from Virginia westward, usually in very poor, rocky soil. It is a free flowering shrub, or small tree with beautiful pure white, showy, drooping flowers, on long slender pedicels, much resembling the Snow-drop, whence Its 180 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS HAL name ; tho seeds are curiously winged. This species improves by cultivation, and thrives vrell in a poor soil, prefei-ring one near water. It is readily increased by layering, or from seed. Halimode'ndron. Salt-tree. From halimos, sea-coast, and dendron, a tree; referring to its native habitat. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. H. argenteum, the only species, is a very hardy shrub with silvery hairy leaves and pinkish papilionaceous flowers produced in axillary peduncles in May or June. It is a native of Siberia, in dry salt fields. It is a very elegant shrub for a bleak seacoast, and will thrive better if a little salt is mixed with the soil where it grows. This species is sent out by nurserymen under its former name, Caragana argentea. Halle'ria. Named after Albert Holler, author of several botanical works. Nat. Ord. Scrophu- lariacecB. A genus of ornamental green-house ever- green glabrous shrubs, mostly natives of the Cape of Good Hope. H. lucida, the African Honeysuckle, has large reddish drooping flowers, and is tlie species generally seen in cultivation. It was introduced in 1752, and is easily inci'eased by cuttings. Haloraga'ceae. A natural order of herbs or under-shrubs, often aquatic, with alternate opposite or whorled leaves, and small, fre- quently incomplete flowers. They are found in damp places and slow streams, sometimes submerged, in all parts of the world. The order contains nine genera, and about eighty species. Gunnera, Myriophyllum, and Hippuris, are examples. Hamamelida'ceaB. A small, natural order of shrubs or trees, with alternate, feather-veined leaves, and deciduous stipules, natives of sub- tropical Asia, south Africa, and Nortli America. There are seventeen known genera, including Hamamelis, Bucklandia, and Liquid- ambar. Hamame'lis. The Witch Hazol. From hama, together with, and mela, fruit ; referring to the flowers and fruit being on this tree at the same time. Nat. Ord. HamamelidacecB. H. Virginica is a native shrub, which will grow freely in any soil that is not too rich, though it prefers a dry stony gravel. It has the peculiarity of flowering during winter, beginning to expand its rich, deep yellow flowers just as its leaves are falling off, and dropping its flowers when its branches begin to be reclothed with leaves in spring. The shrub is celebrated for the extract distilled from its' bark and roots. Its seeds contain a quantity of oil, and are edible, and a strong decoction of its leaves is said to be a cure for mad-dog bites. Hamilto'nia. Named after William Hamilton, an eminent American botanist. Nat. Ord. RubiacecB. A genus comprising three or four species of ornamental, evergreen shrubs, natives of India, China, and the Indian Archipelago. Flowers white or blue, fascicled or umbellate ; corolla, funnel-shaped. H. suaveolens, and H. scabra, are cultivated for the sake of their white fragrant flowers. Propagated by cut- tings of the half-ripened wood. HAN Hand Glass. This is used to protect Melons, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, or other tenfler plants, on being set out early in the open ground. They are usually about twenty inches square, with a flat or conical top. A cheaper con- trivance for the same purpose is a wooden frame of about the same size, having a small sash to fit tlie top. Thousands of those are used by the London and Paris gardeners to forward Cucumbers and Melons, but they are less used here than formerly, as the growing of vegetables in the Southern States for northern markets renders their use no longer profitable. Hanging Baskets. These are made in a great variety of styles. Tiiose known as "rustic" baskets are made with a wooden bowl to hold the soil, covered with roots of grotesque shapes. They are mostly made of Laurel (Kalmia) roots, which are well fitted to give the basket the necessary rough-looking outer covering. The bowls to hold the soil are from six to fifteen inches in diameter, and of a pro- portionate depth ; the three handles form a triangle, meeting at the top, in which an eye is fixed by which to suspend it. Another form is made of wire, and these, when lined with moss to prevent the soil from being washed out, are far the best for the well-being of the plants. Many other beautiful forms are made from pottery ware to represent stumps, logs, rocks, and other natural objects. The plants used for filling hanging baskets of course vary in accordance with tlie purpose for which tliey are wanted. If for shady rooms, shady verandas, or shady places out doors, where there is not exposure to drying winds. Mosses (Selaginellas) and Ferns are sometimes used exclusively ; or, for the same places. Ivies of all sorts, Tradescantias, Moneywort (Lysimachia), Vincas, Ivy-leaved Geraniums, Smilax, Climbing Fern, Fittonias, etc., are plants suited to droop over the sides, while, for the centre, upright plants such as Dracajnas and Crotons of sorts, Caladiums, Marantas, Centaureas, Echeverias, Ferns, Sanchezia nobilis, or any other plants of striking form or foliage may be used. For baskets to be placed in the sunlight, or partial sunlight, Coleus, Begonias, or bright Geraniums should be used as center plants, with Lobelias, Tropaeolums, Petunias, To- renias, Peristrophe, Sedums, etc., to droop. It will be found of great benefit, after setting out the plants in baskets, to cover the soil with an inch or two of (Sphagnum) Moss, to prevent it drying up too quickly ; for when the basket is hung in the air, of course it dries up much quicker than when placed on a shelf in the green-house or on the ground; and one of the main reasons for success with hanging baskets is the careful attention to watering, which is quickest and most thor- oughly done by taking the basket down and immersing it in a tub of water, so that the soil is thoroughly soaked through. This will be necessary once, twice, or thrice a Aveek, according to the position the basket is placed in, the condition of the atmosphere, or the state of the plants ; for, if in a shaded posi- tion, it will require less water; if the atmos- phere is damp, less ; or if the plants have not attained vigor of growth, less ; the opposite of these conditions, more. The soil used in 7oHo l"B*«M>f_ ^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^ S C^feti* ^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^» ^^^^^^ TaSU-. GREENHOUSE. EOSE HOUSE AND POTTINCt BOOM. GREENHOUSE AND STOVE-PLANT-HOUSE WITH EQUAX, SPANS. THBEE-QUAETEB SPAN GREENHOUSE FOB EOSE FORCING, ETC. WT' GREENHOUSE, GROtTND PLAN AND SECTION, WITH FLUE UNDEB CENTRE BENCH. © ©e o ©©®® SCALEi-S 2 i-" GBEENHOUSK OB GRAPERY (DETACHED), END VIEW AND PLAN. l8l AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 181 HAP hanging baskets need in no way differ from thiat used in the general culture of plants. Haploca'rpa Leitchlini. A beautiful little south African composite plant in the way of Gazania. The plants are stemless, and form rosettes of Dandelion-shaped leaves, seven to nine inches long, glossy above, and thickly covered with white closely-pressed silky down, beneath. The flowers are two to three inches across, of a rich golden yellow color, backed with purplish brown. Seeds sown in spring, bloom from mid-summer until frost. Hardenbe'rgla. Named after the Countess of Hardenberg, in Germany, sister to Baron Hugel. Nat. Ord. LeguminoscB. A small genus of green-house evergreen climbers found in southern and western Aus- tralia. They are closely allied to Kennedya, and are desirable green-house plants from the profusion of their flowers, which are mostly purple, arranged in stalked racemes, and nearly as large as those of the pea. The plants are of easy culture and are readily in- creased by cuttings ; introduced about 1800. Hardback. A common name for SpircBa tomen- tosa. Hardy Annuals. This term applies to those plants that perfect their growth and ripen seed the same year they are sown in the open ground. See Annuals. Hardy Herbaceous Plants. See Herbaceous Plants. Hare-Bell. See Scilla nutans. Hare's-Ear. Bupleurum rotundifolium. Hare's-Foot. Ochroma Lagopus. Hare's-Foot Fern. Davallia Canariensis. Hare's-Tail Grass. Lagurus ovatus. Haricot. The French name for Kidney Beans. Harlequin Flower. African. The genus Spar- axis. Harpa'lium. From Harpalyce, daughter of Lycurgus. Nat. Ord. CompositcB. H. rigidus, the only species, is Helianthus rigi- dus of Gray, a coarse-growing perennial, with yellow flowers, common in the Western States. Harpa'lyce. Named after Harpalyce, daughter of Lycurgus. Nat. Ord. Legaminosoe. A small genus of handsome, erect, pinnate- leaved bushes from Mexico and Brazil. H. Braziliana bears handsome, scarlet pea-shaped flowers in a panicle toward the ends of the shoots. The Mexican species are smooth, and bear purple flowers. Propagated by cuttings. Hart-Berries. Vaccinium Myrtillus. Hartford Fern. See Lygodium. Hart's-tongue Fern. See Scolopendrium. Harvest-bells. Gentiana Pneurnonanthe. Hartwe'gia. Named after M. Hartweg, court gardener to the Emperor of Austria, and once a collector for the Royal Horticultural Soci- ety. Nat. Ord. Orchidacece. A small genus of epiphytal Orchids, of but little interest, except in large collections. H. purpurea is a very pretty little plant, with spotted foliage, and long, slender spikes of purplish pink flowers. It is an almost con- stant bloomer, growing freely on blocks or cork in an ordinary' green-liouse. It is a HEA native of Mexico, introduced in 1837, and is increased by division of plants in the spring. Hastate. Shaped like the head of a halbert ; enlarged at the base into two lobes directed nearly horizontally, as in the leaf of Sheep's Sorrel. Hautbois. Fragaria elatior. A species of Straw- berry. Havsrkweed. See Hieracium. Hawo'rthia. Named in honor oi A. H. Haworth, a distinguished English botanist. Nat. Ord. Liliacece. A pretty and curious genus of succulents, that offer many inducements to the admirers of that class of plants. They are natives of south Africa, and are commonly known as Aloes, from which they were separated. The plants are mostly small, but particularly interesting on account of their upright flow- ers, which are always gay, and the translu- cent leaves of some of the species. They were first introduced in 1727, require the same treatment as the Aloe, and are readily increased from suckers or from seed. Hawthorn. See Crataegus. Haylo'ckia. Named after Mr. Haylock, gar- dener to Dr. Herbert. Nat. Ord. Amaryllida- cecB. A small bulb from Buenos Ayres, allied to Zephyranthes ; flowers straw-colored, solitary. It is nearly hardy, the protection of a cold frame only being needed in this climate. Propagated by offsets. Introduced in 1829. Hazel Nut. See Corylus. Head. A close terminal collection of flowers, surrounded by an involucre, as in composite flowers. Heal-all. ColUnsonia Canadensis and Rhodiola rosea. Heal-all, or All-heal. Prunella vulgaris, which see. Heart of the Earth. Prunella vulgaris. Heart' s-ease. See Viola tricolor. Heath, or Heather. A general name for the genera Erica and Calluna American False. Hudsonia ericoides. Irish. Dabeocia (Menziesia) polifolia. Mediterranean. Erica Mediterranea. {E. camea.) Sea. Frankenia loevis. Tree. Erica arborea. Cypress. Lycopodium alpinum. Heather. Scotch. Erica cinerea and Calluna vulgaris. Heating by Flues. This is now but little done, except by beginners whose means are limited, or where a temporary green-house is erected. The objection to heating by flues is, that unless carefully constructed, there is danger from fire, or escape of gas injurious to the plants ; still, many large green-house estab- lishments are yet heated by flues, in which plants are grown quite as well as by hot- water heating. In constructing the furnace for flue heating, the size of the furnace doors should be from ten to sixteen inches square, according to the size of space to be heated ; the length of the furnace bars from eighteen to forty inches; the furnace should be arched over, the top of the inside of the arch from sixteen 182 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS HEA to twenty-four inches from the bars. The flue will always "draw" better if slightly on the ascent throughout its entire length ; it should be elevated in all cases from the ground, on flags or bricks, so that its heat may be given out on all sides. The inside measure of the bricli flue should not be less than 8x14 inches; if tiles can be conveniently procured, they are best to cover with ; but, if not, the top of the flue may be contracted to six inches, and covered with briclis After the flue has been built of brick to twenty-five or thirty feet from the furnace, cement or vitrified drain-pipe, seven, eight, or nine inches in diameter, should_be used, as they are not only cheaper, but radiate the heat quicker than the bricks ; they are also much easier constructed and cleaned. Care should be taken that no wood- work is in contact with the flue at any place. We have known cases where wood-work has caught fire after the house had been in opera- tion for years ; but an unusually strong draft intensified the heat, and the charred timber ignited and totally destroyed the green-house and its contents. It should be taken as a safe rule, that wood-work should in no case be nearer the flue or furnace than eight inches. In constructing do not be influenced by what the mechanics will tell you, as few of them have any experience in such matters, and are not able to judge of tlie dangers resulting from wood-wurk being in close contact with heated bricks. The position in which the flue is placed in the green-house depends upon its size. Presuming that the green-house to be heated is an equal span of twenty feet wide by fifty feet long, the best way is to start the furnace at the north end, so that the fines will run under the center or middle bench, the top of the furnace being inside the green- house, the fire, of course, being applied in the shed outside. A comparatively new plan of constructing flues is to have the flue run to the end of the green-house, and, returning, connect with the chimney, which is placed on the top of the arch of the furnace. By this method, as soon as a fire is lighted in the furnace, the brick-work forming the arch gets heated, and at once starts an upward draft, which puts the smoke flue into immediate action and maintains it ; hence there is never any trouble about the draft, as in ordinary flues, having the chimney at the most distant point from the furnace. It will be seen that by this plan we not only get rid of the violent heat given out by the furnace, but at the same time it insures a complete draft, and the heated air from the furnace is so i-apidly carried through the entire length of the flue, that it is nearly as hot when it enters the chimney as when it left the furnace. This perfect draft also does away with all danger of the escape of gas from the flues into the green-house, w^hich often happens when the draft is not active. Formerly the flues used to be run along one side or end of the green- house, emptying into a chimney placed there; but this method is rarely satisfactory, as the cold outside air, rushing down the chimney, throws back the heated air, particularly in high winds, so as to nearly destroy the heat ; but by the method of constructing the chim- ney on the top of the arch of the furnace, and returning the flue back into it, no such diffi- culty can occur. HEA Heating by Hot-Beds. The preparation of the heating material for the hot-bed is a matter of importance. It should be manure fresh from the horse-stable, and when they can be procured, it is better to mix it with about an equal bulk of leaves from the woods, or refuse hops. If the weather is very cold, the bulk of manure must be of good size, from five to six wagon loads, thrown into a compact round heap, else the mass may be so chilled that heat will not generate. If a shed is con- venient, the manure may be placed there, especially if the quantity is small, to be pro- tected from cold until the heat begins to rise. The heap should be turned and well broken up before being used for the hot-beds, so that the rank steam may escape, and the manure become of the proper "sweetened" condition. It is economy of the heating material to use a pit for the hot-bed. This should be made from two to three feet deep, six feet wide, and of any required length. After the heat- ing material has been packed in the pit to the depth of from twenty to twenty-four inches, according to the purpose for which it is wanted, or the season of the year (the earlier in the season the deeper it is needed), the sashes should be placed on the frame, and kept close until the heat generates in the hot-bed, which will usually take twenty-four hours. Now plunge a thermometer into the manure, and if all is right it will indicate 100° or more ; but this is yet too hot as bot- tom heat for the growth of seeds or plants, and a few days of delay must be allowed until the thermometer indicates a falling of eight or ten degrees, when the soil may be placed upon the manure, and the seeds sown or plants set out in the hot-bed. Amateurs are apt to be impatient in the matter of hot-beds, and often lose their first crop by sowing or planting before the first violent heat has sub- sided. Another very common mistake is in beginning too early in the season. In the latitude of New York nothing is gained by beginning before the first week in March, and the result will be very nearly as good if not begun until a month later. There are two or three important matters to bear in mind in the use of hot-beds. It is indispensable for safety to cover the glass at night with shut- ters or mats until all danger of frost is over ; for it must be remembered that the contents of a hot-bed are always tender, from being^ forced so rapidly by the heat below, and that the slightest frost will kill them. Again, there is danger of overheating in the daytime by a neglect to ventilate when the sun is shining. As a general rule, it will be safe in all the average days of March, April and May, to have the sash of the hot-bed tilted up from an inch to three inches at the back fi-om 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Much will, of course, depend upon the activity of the heating ma- terial in the hot-bed, the warmth of the weather, and the character of the plants in the bed, so that we can only give a loose gen- eral rule. Numbers of inexperienced amateur cultivators often lose the entire contents of the hot-bed by having omitted to ventilate their hot-bed, and on their return home from business at night find all the contents scorched up. Or the danger of the other ex- treme is, that the plants are frozen through, neglect to cover them at night. A hot-bed AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 183 HEA requires a certain amount of attention, which must be given at the right time, or no satis- factory results can be expected. Heating by Hot Water. This is now the method in use in nearly all well-appointed green-house structures. But little detail need be given, as this branch of heating is done almost exclusively by firms who make a special business of it, and who generally understand the construction and requirements necessary in heating, better than those who employ them usually do ; but there are some points which it is perhaps as well to state. In any section of the country where the thermometer falls below zero, if a green-house, ten feet high, twenty feet wide, and 100 long, is to be heated by hot water, and a night-temperature of sixty degrees is required, there should be not less than eight " runs" of four-inch pipes running the length of the house ; if fifty de- grees are required, six "runs " of pipe ; if forty degrees, four " runs " of pipe. The styles of boilers in use are so varied that we forbear to give any one in particular a preference here. If estimated by the glass surface, one foot in length of four inch pipe is necessaiy for every three and one half square feet of glass surface, when the temperature is at ten degrees below zero, to keep a temperature of fifty degrees in the green-house. For small green-houses, or such as are attached to dwellings, a simple contrivance known as the Base-burning Water Heater is very convenient. The boiler takes up no more room than an ordinary stove, and the fire requires no more skill or attention than any oi'dinary base-burning stove, being fed by coal from the top. It can be left with safety ten or twelve hours without any atten- tion. At present prices, a Base-burning Water Heater with pipes sufficient to heat a green- house 10x50 feet, will cost about $200, or for twice that size about $350. Heating by Steam. Few green-houses are as yet heated by steam, though the cost of con- struction is much less, and it is also claimed that there is greater economy in fuel ; but though we have had green-houses heated for the past forty years, both in Eui-ope and America, by hot water, steam heating for glass structures has made little progress. It has been successfully done, however, both in Philadelphia, Chicago, and the vicinity of New York, and experiments with it on a large scale are now being tried in several parts of the country. We have but little doubt that in erecting green-houses on an extensive scale at one time it is economy to use steam heat- ing ; but nearly all such structures are progres- sive, a few being added each year, and the heating by the ordinary hot-water pipes is as yet believed by the uninitiated to be the safer mode. It must be some such reason as this, whether right or wrong, that has so long caused green-houses to be heated by hot water in this age of steam. Hebecla'dus. From hebe, pubescence, and klados, a branch, in reference to the hairiness of the young shoots. Nat. Ord. SolanacecB. A genus of perennial herbs or sub-shrubs, natives of western tropical America. H. bijlorus is an interesting green-house shrub with handsome drooping purple flowers. It was .introduced from the Andes of Peru in 1884, HED and is propagated by cuttings of the half- ripened wood. Hebecli'nimn. A genus now included with Eupatorium. He'ctea. Named after J. H. G. Hecht, a Prus- sian counsellor, who died in 1837. Nat. Ord. Bromeliacem. A genus of pretty green-house plants, closely allied to Dyckia. The leaves are long, spiny, recurved, and crowded. They are all natives of Mexico. H. Ghiesbrechtii is the most orna- mental and desirable species. Hedeo'ma. Mock Pennyroyal. From hedeoma, the Greek name of Mint. Nat. Ord. Labialm. The only species of interest in this genus is H. pulegioides, the American Pennyroyal, com- mon in open, barren woods and fields. It has the taste and odor nearly of the true Penny- royal {Mentha Pulegium) of Europe. He'dera. The Ivy. The name appears to be derived from hedra, a Celtic word, signifying a cord ; and the English name. Ivy, is derived from iw, a word in the same language, signi- fying green, from its being always green. Nat. Ord. AraliacecB. This well-known plant is what botanists call a rooting climber ; that is to say, its stems climb up trees, walls, sides of dwell- ings, or any other suitable object which pre- sents a sufficiently rough surface for their roots to take hold of ; as, unless this is the case, the Ivy, whenever it is rendered heavy by rain or snow, falls down. Whenever, therefore, Ivy is wanted to cover smooth, newly-plastered walls, the Ivy should be nailed against them, or secured with copper wire. The Ivy is remarkable for undergoing a complete change in its leaves when it flow- ers. The barren, or creeping Ivy, which trails along the ground, and roots into it, rarely flowers, and its leaf is deeply cut ; but the tree Ivy, or flowering part, rears itself on high, so as to be fully exposed to the light and air, and the leaves become of an oval shape. H. Canariensm, the giant, or Irish Ivy, as it is sometimes called, though it is a native of the Canaries, is hardier and grows much faster than the common kind ; but the variegated kinds are tender, and grow much slower. Ivy requires a deep and somewhat light soil, into which its roots can penetrate easily; and when grown for any purpose in pots or boxes it should be abundantly supplied with water. Ivy is useful in all cases where a naked space is to be covered with green in a short space of time ; and it is particularly valuable in town gardens, as it will bear the smoke and want of pure air in cities better than most other plants. It should, however, in all close and crowded situations, be abundantly sup- plied with water, and occasionally syringed over the leaves. The gold and silver varie- ties are very beautiful, especially the former, when grown against the chimney of a dwell- ing-house or green-house ; but they, like nearly all variegated-leaved plants, are more tender, and require a higher temperature than the plain green-leaved kinds. Increased freely by cuttings. Hedera'ceae. A name given to the Nat. Ord. AraliacecB. Hedge Bind'weed. Calystegia aepiwrn. Hedge-hog. Ranuncidus arvensis. 184 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS HED Hedge-hog Grass. See Cenchrus. Hedge Mustard. Sisymbrium officinale. Hedge Nettle. Stachys sylvatica. Hedges. Many shrubs and plants are available for utilizing for hedges, which are often extensively planted in connection with gar- dens, either for boundary fences, screens, or wind breaks. These are generally selected to suit the special requirements for which the hedge is intended, or, perhaps, different soils or locations may have effect on the selection. The principal plants now used are (deciduous) Osage Orange, European and Californian Privet, Althaeas, Lilacs and Japan Quince ; Beech, Thorns of various sorts. Hornbeam, etc., are also excellent hedge plants, though of rather slow growth. Of evergreens, Amer- ican and Siberian Arborvitaes, Eetinosporas, and Hemlock make excellent hedges that stand cutting well, and can be kept to any desired height; Norway Spruce also, for a dividing fence or wind break, is unsurpassed. Hedge Violet. Viola sylvatica. Hedy'chium. Garland Flower. From hedys, sweet, and chion, snow; in reference to the sweet-scented, snow-Avliite flowers of some of the species. Nut. Ord. Zinyiberacem. A beautiful genus, deserving a place wher- ever space can be afforded them in the hot- house. They will attain a height of from three to five feet, and flower profusely, fully prov- ing the fitness of the term, "Garland Flower," applied to them. There are a large number of species, mostly from the East Indies. H. Gardneriaum, one of the most useful of these, grows from three to five feet high, bearing huge spikes of bright lemon-colored flowers, with long scarlet stamens and elegant Canna- like foliage. It is an admirable plant for out- door decoration in summer, and the crowns may be lifted and stored in winter similar to those of the Canna or Dahlia. They are propagated by divisions of the plants before repotting in the spring. Hedy'sarum. The French Honeysuckle. From hedysaron, the name of a papilionaceous plant described by Theophrastus. Nat. Ord. Legum- inosce. This genus includes many species of hand- some hardy annual and perennial plants, natives of Europe, north Africa, the moun- tainous parts of Asia, and North America. Their flowers are purple, white, and rarely yellow, borne in prominent racemose spikes. H. coronarium, the French Honeysuckle, the species most usually cultivated, is a perennial herb, with spikes of deep red flowers. There is also a white-flowered variety. H. Jlexuosum, a closely allied species from southern Spain, has red flowers, tinged with blue. They are all of easy culture in open, sunny gardens, and are readily increased by seeds. Hedy'scepe Canterburyana. A name given to Kentia Canterburyana. Hee'ria rosea. A synonym of Heterocentron roseum. Hei'nsia. A genus of Rubiacecs, including a few species of evergreen shrubs, natives of tropical Africa. H. jasminiflora, the only species yet introduced, is a beautiful, much branched, unarmed, glabrous shrub, with HEL pure white Jasmine-like flowers. Propa- gated by cuttings; introduced in 1824. He'lcia. From helcium, a horse-collar; in reference to the curious formation of the flowers. Nat. Ord. Orchidacece. H. sanguinolenta, the only species, is a beautiful terrestrial Orchid from the Peruvian Andes. Its flowers are produced in great profusion on single stalks from the base of the bulbs ; the sepals and petals yellowish, beautifully marked with reddish brown; lip large, white, maiked with purplish crimson. It requires to bo grown in a cold house, and is increased by division. Syn. Tricopilia. Hele'nium. Sneeze Weed. Named after the b(3autiful Hflen, the cause of the Trojan war. Nat. Ord. Compositce. A small genus of showy, hardy herbaceous plants, with a few hardy annuals. The flowers are mostly large and yellow, somewhat re- sembling those of Rudbeckia, which similarity prevents their introduction to the flower garden. H. auiumnale, the only native species, popularly known as Sneeze Weed, is a sliowy plaht, growing from two to three feet high. It is common southward. Helia'nthemum. Sun Eose. From helios, the sun, and atithemon, a flower. Nat. Ord. Cistacece. Low shrubs, generally used for planting on rock-work, and strongly resembling theCistus or Rock Rose. As most of the species are rather tender, they require protection during winter. For this reason they are either grown in pots, which are placed on the rock-work among the stones, or taken up and repotted in winter, to be planted out again in spring. They are generally increased by seeds, which ripen in abundance. Helia'nthus. The Sun Flower. From helios, the sun, and anthos, a flower; in reference to the common but erroneous opinion, that the flowers always turn their faces toward the sun. Nat. Ord. Composite. An extensive genus of hardy annuals and herbaceous perennials. The annual of this name, H. annuus, though a native of Peru, is of the hardiest of its kind, as it only requires sowing in the open border. The flowers are immense in size, averaging a foot in diameter ; color yellow with a dark disk. It is not, however, suitable for any situation, unless there be abundance of room, on account of the large size of its stalks and leaves. It is, however, much grown in marshy dis- tricts, because of its supposed virtue of absorbing malaria. Of the many varieties of this species, perhaps the finest are H. globosus fistulosus, and H. Californicus, both of which have very large, extremely double, globular flowers when fully developed. H. tuberosus, the well-known Jerusalem Artichoke is some- times cultivated for its tubers, which are in considerable demand especially in Europe, for soups, etc. The name of Jerusalem Artichoke is considered to be a corruption of the Italian Girasole Articocca or Sun-flower Artichoke, under which name it is said to have been originally distributed from the Farnese garden at Rome soon after its intro- duction to Europe in 1617. The perennial kinds are quite hardy and many of them are very ornamental. H. orgyalis, a species from Texas, forms a bush from six to ten feet ia AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 185 HEL height, with numerous narrow recurved leaves surmounted by large loose panicles of comparatively small bright yellow flower heads, forming when in bloom a veritable fountain of gold. It is one of the most striking and useful of autumnal flowering plants. H. multiflorus plenus, a variety of H. decapetalus, produces large, very double flowers, three to five inches in diameter, ex- ceedingly showy and desirable. H. rigidus and several other species are well worthy of a space in a collection of hardy herbaceous plants. Helichry'sum. Everlasting Flower. From helios, the sun, and chrysos, gold ; in allusion to the brilliant flowers. Nat. Ord. Compositce. Syn. Elich7-ysum. The genus consists of annuals, hardj' herba- ceous perennials, and evergreen shrubs, the two latter rarely seen except in botanical collections. The common yellow Everlasting, H. bracteatum, is a hardy annual that only requires sowing in the open border. H. bicolor is a very slight variety of it, merely differing in having the outer petals tipped with copper color; but H. macranthum has white flowers tipped with pink, and is very handsome. This species is a native of the Swan River colony. It may either be sown in the open ground in April, to flower in autumn, or in a hot-bed in February to plant out in May. H. orientate, the Immortelle of commerce, a native of the Island of Crete, altliough known in Europe since 1629, was not generally cultivated before 1815. At present it is chiefly grown in the south of France, where the laud gradually slopes to the Mediterranean. It comes to the greatest perfection in positions well exposed to the sun, and surrounded by dry stone walls, where it commences to bloom in June. It is propagated by division of the larger tufts, and thrives best in a light, stony or porous soil. The flowering stems are gathered before the flowers are fully expanded, by women, who make them up into small bundles which are usually placed to dry on the stone walls of the enclosure in which they grow. When properly dried, they are taken away by young girls who are employed to remove the downy covering from the stems. A pound weight of the dried plants contains about two hundred stems, each bearing on an average twenty flowers. Each tuft of the growing plants produces from sixty to seventy stems. An acre of ground contains about 16,000 tufts, which will annually yield from two to three tons weight of dried Immortelles, and a well-established and well-managed plan- tation will continue productive from eight to ten years. The flowers are sold either by the bundle or weight, the bundles ranging fi'om three to six cents each, according to size, while, if sold by weight, the price varies from three to five dollars a hundred weight, according to the state of the market. The natural color of the flowers is a deep yellow, but the manufacturers of garlands, bouquets, wreaths, etc., dye largo quantities of them in other colors also chiefly black, green, and orange-red. This last named color, said to be obtained from a preparation of borax, is very handsome, and is the favorite tint of the people of the south of Europe. Large quantities are also bleached HEL white, with a preparation of chloride of lime, and with the natural yellow flowers and those that are dyed black are used to form the wreaths and other devices devoted to the dead. Those which are dyed of brighter colors are used, either alone, or mixed with natural flowers, for bouquets, or room decoration ; in these, how- ever, the Immoi'telle takes no prominent place among other flowers. Its great distinction from them seems to consist in its possession of those peculiarities of structure which have induced a nation of sentiment and refined taste to select it as the most fitting of all to fill the office and bear the title of " The Flower of the Grave." The manufacture of Immortelle wreaths in Paris for funeral decorations engages upwards of 1,500 persons. The Immortelles are gathered in August on the arid hills of central and southern France. They are brought to the market in their natural condition, and the yellow blossoms are dyed or bleached white, green or red, in readiness for All-Saints and All-Souls days, November 1st and 2d, when all good Parisians visit their relatives' graves. On these fetes- des-morts, the gates of the cemeteries are beset with dealers in wreaths, crosses, and head- crowns. At Pere la Chaise alone it is esti- mated that more than 200,000 persons visit the cemeteries, and the sale of Immortelle wreaths reaches about 25,000. The silvery- white "Cape Flower" of the florists is Helichrysum vestitum (syn. Leucostemma) intro- duced to cultivation from South Africa in 1774. Large quantities are imported every year from the Cape of Good Hope, the lovely silvery sheen of the flowers superseding in a great measure the French or German white Immortelles. Helico'nia. From Helicon, a hill consecrated to the Muses ; from its affinity to the genus Musa. Nat. Ord. ScitaminecB. A genus of interesting plants from the "West Indies and South America. Their fruit is eaten by the natives, though inferior to the Banana. It requires the same general treat- ment as the Maranta, but is too large for gen- eral green-house cultivation. Propagated by division of plant. Helio'phila. From helios, the sun, and phileo, to love ; referring to the sunny aspect where they delight to grow. Nat. Ord. Cruciferm. Beautiful little annual plants, natives of the Cape of Good Hope, generally with blue flowers, and very long, slender stems. The seeds should be sown on a hot-bed in Febru- ary, and the plants planted out in a warm, ojjen situation in May. Helio'psis. Ox-eye. From helios, the sun, and opsis, like ; in allusion to the appearance of the flowers. Nat. Ord. Compositce. A genus comprising about six species of hardy perennials, with rather large, golden- yellow flowers. The native species, H. Icevis, is very showy and deserving of cultivation. Heliotrope. See Heliotropium, Heliotro'pium. Heliotrope. From helios, the sun, and trope, twining ; in reference to the curled or twining flower branch. Nat. Ord. Boraginacem. This genus of interesting plaiits consists of hardy and tender annuals and green-house shrubs. Of the latter H. Peruvianum is the 186 HENDEKSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS HEL well-known Heliotrope, a general favorite from its delicious fragrance. It grows freely in the open border. After the first of Septem- ber, and until killed by frost, the plant is a complete mass of bloom. It and its many varieties are also largely grown in the green- house for cut flowers in winter, and is easily increased by cuttings or from seed. Intro- duced from Peru in 1757. Heli'pterum. From helios, the sun, and pteron, a wing. Nat. Ord. Coinpositce. An extensive genus, separated from Helichry- sum, with which it was formerly classed. The species, commonly known as Ever asting Flowers, ai'e tender annuals from South Africa, Australia, and Tasmania. The name "Ever- lasting Flower " is promiscuously applied to the plants of this genus and their allies. The arrangenient of them in bouquets and floral designs is an extensive business in France and Germany. They grow freely from seed, and thrive best in a light, dry soil, made tolerably rich. Introduced from Swan Eiver in 1863. Khodantheand Astelma are placed under this genus by some botanists. Hellebore. See Hellehorufi. \\'hite or Swamp. Veratrum nigrum. Helle'borus. Hellebore. From helein, to cause death, and bora, food ; in reference to its poisonous quality. Nat. Ord. Ranunctdacece. This genus consists of hardy herbaceous perennials, growing best under the shade of trees. The "Christmas Rose," H. niger. is one of the most interesting plants belonging to this genus, on account of its flowering in winter or very early in spring, before almost every otlier flower. If grown in a frame, it will be true to its name, and flower freely during the Christmas holidays. It is increased by division of the roots ; introduced from Austria in 1596. Helmet. The hooded upper part of some flow- ers, as in the Monkshood. Helmet Flo^wer. A common name applied to Aconitum, Coryanthes, and Scutellaria. He'lmia. In honor of Dr. C. Helm, a German ecclesiastic. Nat. Ord, DioscoreacecB. A genus of handsome climbers, allied to the Dioscorea or Yam, and requiring the same treatment. Helo'nias. From helos, a marsh ; habitat of the species. A genus of Liliacem, the only species, of which H. bullata is a pretty herbaceous perennial, flowering early in spring, found sparingly in boggy places from New Jersey to Virginia. Hemero'calli'deae. A sub-division of the nat- ural order lAliacew. Hemeroca'llis. Day Lily. From hemera, a day, and hallos, beauty ; alluding to the beauty and duration of the flowers. Nat. Ord. Liliacece. Strong perennial plants, with yellow or cop- per-colored flowers. They are perfectly hardy, and thrive best in a moist, shady situation. The more common sorts are unworthy of culti- vation. H. flara, found from the south of Europe to Siberia and Japan, has beautiful clear yellow, very fragrant flowers, borne in clusters on tall scapes. If in a shady border they remain some time in flower. Propagated by division of the root. HEE Hemioni'tes. From hemionos, a mule ; supposed to be barren. Nat. Ord. Poli/jwdiace.ce. A small genus of Ferns, with simple palmate fronds, natives of tlie tropics of both the New and Old Worlds. They are exceedingly inter- esting plants for the hot-house, where they must be grown. They are increased by divi- sion ; inti'oduced in 1798. Hemite'lia. From hemi, half, and telia, a lid ; in reference to the shape of tiie indusium. A genus of about thirty species of tree ferns, belonging to the Nat. Ord. Polypodiacece. Natives of South America, and the West Indies.' They are all strong growers making beautiful specimens, but require a large green- house or conservatory to give room for their proper development. Hemlock. See Conium maculatum. Water. Ciciita viro-sa, and C. maculata. Spruce. See Tsuga Canadensis. Hemp. The common name of Cannabis saliva, also applied to various valuable fibres employed for manufacturing purposes. Bow-String of India. Sanseviera Zeylanica, and Calotropis gigantea. Canada or Indiaji. Apocynnm cannabinwn. East Indian. Cannabis saliva, and Hibiscus cannabimis. Manilla. The fibre of Musa textilis. Water. Eupaiorium cannabinum, Acnida cannabina, and Bidens tripartita. Hemp Nettle. Galeopsis Tetrahit. Hemp Weed. Climbing. Mikania scandens. Hen and Chicken Daisy. See Bellis perennis. Hen and Chickens. A popular name for one of the Houseleeks, Sempervivum soboliferum. Henbane. See Hyoscyamus. Henna Plant. Lawsonia alba. Hep, or Hip. The fruit of the Dog Eose, Rosa canina, and other species of Rosa. Hepa'tica. From hepaticos, relating to the liver ; referring to the lobed leaves. Nat. Ord. Ranunculacew. A small genus of hardy herbaceous peren- nials, one of our earliest "wild flowers," and very common in the woods throughout the Eastern and Northern States. It succeeds Avell in a shady border. Herac'leum. Cow Parsnip. Fi'om heracles, a plant consecrated to Hercules. Nat. Ord. Umbelliferce. A genus of large, coarse-growing, hardy perennials and biennials, bearing large umbels of white fiowers. They are all too weedy in appearance for the flower garden, being suit- able only for large masses in rocky places difficult to cultivate. Herb. A plant that does not possess a woody stem. Herbaceous. Merely green, or thin green and cellular, as the tissue of membraneous leaves. Also producing an annual stem from a peren- nial root. Harbaceous Plants, Hardy. W. Eobinson in " Hardy Flowers," London. 1888, says : " The culture of the finest hardy perennials need not interfere in the slightest degree with that of bedding plants, or anything else— indeed it would enhance the beauty of all, and in almost every garden there is, goodness tnows, an abundance of room for improve- AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 187 HER ment of this kind. To discuss the subject from the basis of the "mixed border," is completely to beg the question, and in most cases when people discuss this question, the old mixed border seems to represent their ideal of the highest beauty to be attained by the use of the hardy herbaceous and alpine flora of our gardens. To me it has a very different and a very much wider and nobler aspect. I have been somewhat surprised that people have spoken so encouragingly of the matter, considering their point of view. During the past eight or nine j-ears I have sought after hardy plants of all kinds unre- mittingly, and previous to that I had seen a few good old-fashioned mixed borders ; but at no time have I ever seen anything in this way that displayed a tithe of the beautiful plants which it might have had, or that was in any way worthy of a beautiful garden. Assuredly a well arranged mixed border would be one of the most interesting things ever seen in any garden. But it is not alone in that way that the plants under discussion may be made available. Many combinations of the utmost beauty and which have not yet been attempted in gardens, are quite possible with them, and "very few have any idea of the many divers waj'S in which they may be cultivated, so as to attain the happiest results." A collection of hardy plants is most interesting, and should form a feature in every garden. Their treat- ment is of the easiest description, provided due preparation is made for their reception, and ordinary attention bestowed afterwards in keeping the borders cleaned, and the plants tied up to protect them from rough winds. Some sorts are well adapted for massing in large or small beds, the majority however, most suitable for cultivation in private gar- dens may be better arranged in mixed borders, reserving the dwarf and more deli- cate sorts for special culture in the rock- garden. A general display at any particular season is not usually the rule with a varied collection of herbaceous plants, yet their flowering period extends with one or another genus nearly throughout the year; spring and autunm being the seasons when most are represented, their requirements being more fully met by a cooler temperature and moister atmosphere than those experienced in summer. Mixed borders, groups and beds of the finer perennials maybe much improved by being varied with tufts of the finer orna- mental grasses, which see. Various select- perennials, grown in quantity, afford an in- valuable supply of cut flowers especially in early autumn ; a largo number also of the bulbous section, flower very early in spring, and are additionally attractive and useful on that account. The majority of hardy plants maybe readily raised from seed, sown outside after the first of April, when germination is tolerably certain ; a large proportion however may be readily propagated by division on the commencement of the new growth in spring. The following selection embraces many of the most desirable species and varieties; as a guide in planting we give the color and the average height in feet : Achillea Eupatorium, bright yellow, 4 ft. Millefolium roseum, rose, 2 ft. Ptarmiea fl. pi., double white, 1 ft. tomentosa, iiright yellow, 1 ft. HER Aconitum Californicum, blue, 2 to 3 ft. Japonicum, flesh color, 6 ft. Napellus, blue, 3 to 4 ft. variegatum, blue, 3 to 4 ft. Acorus Japonicus variegata, l'^ ft. Adonis vernalis, yellow, ^^ to 1 ft. iEgopodium podograria variegata, white, 1 ft. iEthionema grandiflora, rose, Ij^ ft. Ajuga reptans, blue, % ft. reptans variegata, blue, % ft. Allium Moly, yellow, 1 ft. Alyssurasaxatile, yellow, 1 ft. Amsonia salicifolia, blue, 2 ft. Anchusa Italica, bright blue, 3 ft. Anemone Japonica, rosy carmine, 2 ft. Japonica alba, white, 2 ft. Anthemis tinctoria, yellow, Ij^ ft. Anthericum Liliastrum, white, IJ^ ft. Aquilegia coerulea, blue and white, 1 ft. chrysantha, yellow, 2 ft. The various varieties of A. vulgaris, both double and single, height 2 to 3 ft. Arabis albida, white, }>■£ to ^a ft. albida variegata, white, ^4 ft. Armeria vulgaris, or maritima, the variety called " Crim.son Gem," bright rose, 1 ft. Asclepias tuberosa, orange, 2 ft. verticillata, white, 1^^ ft. Asperula odorata, white, 1 ft. Aster prenanthoides, light blue, 3 ft., and many others of our native species. Astilbe Japonica (Spiraea), white, 1 ft. Aubretia, several species, light purple, very dwarf. Baptisia Australis, blue, 2 to 3 ft. Betonica grandiflora, purple, 2 ft. Bocconia cordata, buff-color, 5 to 6 ft. Boltonia latsesquaraa, light blue, 3 ft. Campanula. The species of this genus are all well worthy of cultivation. Centaurea montana, purple, 1 ft. Centranthus ruber, and its white variety, 2 ft. Cerastium tomentosum, white foliage and flow- ers, very dwarf. Chrysopsis Mariana, yellow, 1 ft. Clematis crispa, lilac, 4 to 6 ft. erecta, white, 3 ft. Colchicum autumnale, pink, 1 ft. Commelina coelestis, blue, I ft. Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-Valley). Coreopsis auriculata, yellow, 2 to 3 ft. lanceolata, yellow, 2 ft. tenuifolia, yellow, li'g ft. Coronilla varia, rose and white, 2 to 3 ft. Corydalis nobilis, yellow, 1 ft. Cypripedium spectabile, and other species. Delphinium coelestinum, light blue, 4 ft. formosum, blue and white, 3 ft. nudicaule, scarlet, 2 ft. Wheelerii, blue and purple. 4 ft. Dianthus plumarius, light purple, 1 ft. Dicentra eximia, pink, 1},4 ft. spectabilis (Dielytra), pink, 2 ft. Dictamnus Fraxinella, pink, 1\^ ft. Fraxinella alba, white, Ij^ ft. Dodecatheon Meadia, etc., pink and yellow, 1 ft. Doronicura Caucasicum and other sorts, yel- low, 2 ft. Dracocephalum, several species, blue, 1 to 2 ft. Echinacea purpurea, red, 3 to 4 ft. Echinops sphserocephalus, light blue, 3 ft. Eomecon chionantha, white, 1 ft. Epilobium augustifolium, crimson, 3 to 6 ft. Epimediura alpin\ira, red, 1 ft. violaceum, white and violet, 1 ft. 18» HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OP PLANTS HER Eranthis hyemalis, yellow, i^ ft. Eryngium amethystinum, light blue, 3 ft. Euphorbia eorollata, white, 1% ft. Punkia lanceolata, lilac, 1% ft. ovata marginata, blue, ly^ ft. subcordata, white, 2 ft. Galium moUugo, white. 3 ft. Geranium pratense, light purple, 2 ft. Geum coccineum plenum,, scarlet, 2 ft. Gillenia trifoliata, light red, 1 to 2 ft. Glaucium corniculatum, yellow, 2 ft. Gypsophila paniculata, white, 3 ft. Harpalium rigidum, yellow, 3 ft. Helianthus multiforus, yellow, 4 ft. orgyalis, yt^llow, 6 ft. Helleborus niger, white, \4 ft- Hemerocallis flava, yellow, 2 ft. rutilans, orange-red, 2 ft. Kwanso fl. pL, orange-red, 2 ft. Hesperis raatronalis, purple and white, 1)^ ft. Hibiscus grandiflora, white and rose, 4 to 5 ft. Hyacinthus candicans, white, 4 ft. Iberis correefolia, white, 1 ft. Gibraltarica, rosy-white, 1 ft. sempervirens, white, % ft. Iris fcBtidissiraa variegata, bluish, \}^ ft. Germanica, many sorts, Ij^ ft. Keempferii, many sorts, 2 ft. pumila, purple and white, }4 ft. Lamium maculatura, purple, ^ ft. Lathyrus platyphyllus (varieties), 6 ft. Liatris pycnostachys, purple, 3 ft. spicata, purple, 2 to 3 ft. Libertia ixioides, white, 1% ft. Lilium, many sorts, 1 to 5 ft. Lobelia cardinalis, scarlet, 2 ft. Lotus corniculatus, yellow, very dwarf. Lupinus polyphyllus, blue, 1 ft. Lychnis Chalcedonica fl. pi., scarlet. Chalcedonica alba, white, 3 ft. Lysimachia clethroides, white, 2 feet. nummularia, yellow, very dwarf. vulgaris, yellow, 2 ft. Lythrum salicaria, reddish-purple, 2 to 5 ft. Mertensia virginica, blue and red, 1}^ ft. Monarda didyma, scarlet, 2 ft. Bradburiana, purple,' 2 ft. Myosotis palustris, light blue, ^ ft. Narcissus, many sorts, 1 ft. (Enothera Fraseri, yellow, 2 ft. riparia, yellow, 1 ft. Missouriensis, yellow, ^^ ft. Omphalodes verna, blue, 3^ ft. Papaver orientale, scarlet, 4 ft. Phlox subulata, purple ; reptans, reddish-pur- ple, and other dwarf sorts. Garden hybrids of P. decussata, etc. Platycodon grandiflorum, blue, 1% ft. grandiflorum album, white, l)^ ft. PcEonia officinalis, many varieties and colors, 2 ft. tenuifolia fl. pi., crimson, 1 ft. Polemonium coeruleum and reptans, blue, 1 ft. Polygonum cuspidatum, syn. P. Sieboldii,white, 4 ft. Pyrethrum roseum and other species, 1% ft. Ramondia Pyrenaica, light purple, dwarf. Ranunculus aconitifolius fl. pi., white, 2 ft acris fl. pi., yellow, 2 ft. Romneya Coulteri, white, 5 ft. Rudbeckia triloba, and other species, yellow, 2 to 3 ft. Salvia pratensis, blue, 1% ft. Sanguinaria Canadensis, white, % ft. Saponaria ocymoides, pink, dwarf. HER Saxifraga crassifolia, red, 1 ft. Sedum, many sorts, principally dwarf. Sempervivum, many sorts. Silene alpestris, rose, 3^ ft. viscosa fl. pi., deep pink, 1 ft. Spiraea Aruncus, white, 4 ft. Filipendula fl. pi., white, 1 ft. lobata, red, 2 ft. palmata, red, 2 ft. Ulmaria, white, 1 ft. variegata, white, 1 ft, Stachys lanata, purple, 1 ft. Symphytum asperrimum, bluish-purple, 2 ft. officinale variegata, white, 2 ft. Tradescantia Virginica, blue and white varie- ties, 2 ft. Tricyrtis grandiflora, white and purple, 1% ft. Trifoliura incarnatum, rose colored, 1 ft. rubens, purplish red, 1 ft. Trillium grandiflorum, white, )^ ft. Tunica saxifraga, red, dwarf. Valeriana officinalis, white, 3 ft. Veronica spicata, blue and other sorts. Vinca minor, white and blue varieties, dwarf. Viola, many sorts and colors, }-^ ft. Yucca filamentosa, white, 5 ft. Herbarium. The Herbarium or Hortus Siccus, is a collection of dried specimens of plants, named and systematically arranged. It is in- dispensable to the student, as well as to the working botanist. Beginners in the study should possess, or have access to an her- barium, which should contain specimens rep- resenting all the natural orders, and as many of the genera and species of the plants of his immediate vicinity or district as possible. An herbarium, however, may be restricted to a particular family of plants, made the object of special study. There has been considerable difference of opinion as to the proper size of the sheets for the Herbarium. The principal British her- baria adopt the size of 16}/^ x 10)^ inches, which is thought rather narrow, rarely per- mitting two specimens of the same species to be placed side by side. In the United States 163^ X 11% has been adopted, and which is, perhaps, the best to follow, though we think a size of 20 x 16 inches is not too large to handle for the genus covers, the species paper being one-quarter of an inch narrower. Specimens intended to be dried should be gathered on a fine day ; if wet with rain they are liable to lose their color, the great enemy to the preservation of which is damp. In readiness there should be six or eight pieces of stout book or millboard, say twenty inches long by fifteen broad, a good supply of old newspapers folded to about the same average dimensions ; also a few quires of blotting paper, a few pieces of tissue paper cut to the size of one's hand, and half a dozen squares of cotton wadding cut to the same size as the boards. Using a board as a foundation, place upon it a couple of the folded newspapers, and then dispose the plant in the middle, let- ting it fall naturally, but keeping the leaves and other parts as little crumpled as possible; cover in turn with blotting paper, then news- papers, and so on till all are safely deposited. The extra boards are to interfere, if needful, the tissue paper is to lay, when necessary, over flowers of particular delicacy ; the cot- ton wadding is to employ when the stem of HELIANTHUS MnLTIFLOKUS, HEIXEBOKUS NIGEB (CHRISTMAS B06E). HIBISCUS BINENBIS. HIBISCUij SYKIACUS. HESPEEIS (SWEET EOCKET). HELIPTEKUM. HEMEBOCALLIS FLiATA. HIBISCUS CALIFORNICUS. HEPATICA TEILOBA. |8« AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 189 HER the specimen is inordinately thick, so that a vacuum would be caused if the wadding were not there. A stout board at the top completes the preparations. A weight of several pounds more or less, according to the height of the pile, should be placed on top for twenty-four hours, when on examination the specimens will be found to be quite flat but limp and full of moisture. Now shift them into blotting paper, with tissue paper where very tender, and newspapers between each as before. In a day or two the specimens should have a second shift, all the papers used being perfectly dry and warm. A third and fourth shift into dry and warm papers, will ordinarily suffice to dry the specimens thoroughly, and fix the colors. It is no advantage to use warm papers for the commencing process, which is merely one of compression. Drying rarely commences for at least two days, and the more rapidly this is accomplished the better the success in retaining the colors. When perfectly dry, the specimens should be laid out upon half sheets of tolerably stiff paper, and the half sheets be placed within a whole sheet. If the specimens are likely to be often handled and examined, it is desirable they should be mounted. This is best accom- plished by glueing bodily on the sheet with white glue, or by transverse strips of gummed paper. Sometimes it is preferable to keep the specimens loose. Inferior ones can then be superseded by better; the venation of the leaves'can be scrutinized when there is need, and a vast amount of labor saved. When mounted, the name, date, and locality where gathered, should be written on the contain- ing paper; if kept loose, the same particulars should be stated on a ticket and the ticket attached to the specimen. As soon as a num- ber are got together, they should be sorted, according to their natural orders, a sheet being devoted to every order, with its name in bold writing on the outside. When the orders themselves become well illustrated, the genera should be isolated in a similar manner, and when a genus becomes well illus- trated the particular species should have sep- arate sheets. By this means continual ex- pansion is provided for. "There is a place for everything, and everything in its place." The nomenclature and arrangement should be according to some published catalogue, the newer the better. Finally the sheets of spec- imens should be deposited in a suitable cabi- net, or they may be wrapped in brown paper, marked outside as to the contents. This pre- serves them fi-om dust, which is often a sad blemish to an Herbarium, where cleanliness ranks next to order and accuracy. Everything that is interesting in economic botany, useful in medicine, employed in art or science, curious in structure, or in any way identified with floriculture, is worthy of preservation. The object of the Herbarium is to illustrate the plant in the most perfect manner possible. Such plants accordingly as grasses and ferns, should be procured at dif- ferent stages. Cotyledons, root leaves, sprays showing plumules, others showing stipules; autumnal foliage, leaves bearing parasitic fungi, should all be treated as though they were flowers. Seed-pods likewise should be introduced and packets of ripe seed should be kept in envelopes. Tendril-bearing plants, HER such as the Vetch, and twiners like the Hop, should be got while clinging to their prop, and the two be dried together. Thus we see the mode of life as well as the organs. Pro- ducts also should be introduced, such as lace bark, and the bark of the paper Birch, rice paper, Brousonettia cloth, or anything that lies flat, and helps to interpret the plants. Never be content, except where unavoidable, with a fragment. Every specimen should be large and handsome, coextensive with the room given by the paper. Fragments, of course, are better than nothing, but they should be regarded as only specimens jJro tern. An Herbarium, therefore, is a life-long ex- ercise in everything implied, in oider and neatness, accuracy of scientific observation and discrimination, and in exact and logical mental work. It is an unfailing amusemeni:; it is profoundly educational alike to one's self, and to others ; it is a connnentary on one's tastes, and a history of experience. Herbe'rtia. Named after Dr. Herbert, Dean of Manchester, a distinguished investigator of bulbous plants. Nat. Ord. Iridaceas.. Very pretty species from South America, nearly hardy, requiring only the protection of the frame. It does well grown in pots. The fiowers resemble the Iris, and are of various colors, blue and white predominating. Prop- agated by offsets. Introduced in 1830. Herb Christopher. Actcea spicata, and Osmunda regalis. Herb of Grace, or Herb of Repentance. R^da graveolens. Herb Robert. Geranium Robertianum. Herbs. In every garden a piece of ground should be specially devoted to Herbs, more especially to those of which only a few plants need be kept. Part of the space should also be devoted to the annual sorts in preference to growing them in various parts of the gar- den. It is also just the place for the orderly and systematic culture of all small salading, such as Mustard and Cress, a constant success- ion of young Onions, a row of Chives, and the cultivation of Radishes, etc., throughout the season. Parsley requires special attention, as it is always of great importance for garnishing. The following are among the most useful Herbs in cultivation for flavoring purposes : Angelica, Sweet Basil, Borage, Burnet, Car- away, Anise, Chervil, Chives, Coriander, Dill, Fennel, Horehound, Lavender, Rosemary, Sweet Marjoram, Mint, Parsley, Pennyroyal, Rue, Sage, Summer and Winter Savory, Tar- ragon, Thyme, and Wormwood. Hercules Club. Aralia spinosa, and Xantho- xylum Clava- Hercules. Herd's Grass. The New England name of Phleum pratense. In Pennsylvania Agrostis vulgaris is com- monly called Herd's Grass. Herma'nnia. Named for Paul Hermann, at one time Professor of Botany at Leyden. An extensive genus of SterculiacecB, including about eighty species of twiggy undershrubs, having the stems and leaves more or less clothed with starry hairs. The pretty nodding, sometimes sweet scented, flowers, are pale yellow, orange, or reddish-colored, disposed in dense clusters, or loose racemes or panicles at the ends of the twigs. Three of the species 190 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS HER are natives of Mexico and Texas, the rest are all African. Propagated by cuttings. Hermaphrodite. Having both stamens and pistils in one bloom, as in most common plants. Heron's Bill. See Erodium. Herpe'atis. From herpestes, a creeping thing; in reference to the creeping stems. Nat. Ord. ScrophulariacecB. An extensive genus of herbaceous peren- nials, chiefly aquatics, common throughout all tropical countries. There are also several species found in marshy places in the South- ern and Western States. The species are mostly uninteresting. H. reflexn, a species of recent introduction, is a valuable plant for the aquarium. Herra'nia. Named after Gen. Herran, a Presi- dent of the Republic of New Grenada. Nat. Ord. Sterculiacaje. This genus consist of three or four species of evergreen trees, natives of South America, and one from Australia. They have palm- like heads, composed of large digitate leaves. They are very showy, but too large for general green-house cultivation. Hesperalo'e. From hesperos, western, and Aloe, alluding to the aspect of the plant, and its native liabitat. Nat. Ord. Liliacece. H. Zuccifolia is a very striking and interest- ing green-house plant, having a leafy stem, on a very short caudex. The pale rose-colored flowers are borne in loose racemes on a leafless scape, three to four feet high. It was intro- duced to cultivation from Texas in 1882. Syn. H. Engtlrnanni. Hespera'ntha. Evening Flower. From hesperos, the evening, and cmthos, a flower. Nat. Oi"d. IridacecB. A genus of Cape bulbs closely allied to the Ixia. The species are remarkable for expand- ing their sweet-scented flowers in the even- ing ; hence their name. The flowers are mostly white, sometimes stained on the out- side with purple or brown. Culture same as Ixia; introduced in 1825. He'speris. Rocket. From Ti&speros, the evening; the Rockets being sweeter toward evening. Nat. Ord. CnicifercB. These flowers, though very common, are rarely well grown, as they require a great deal of care to bring them to perfection. They are all perennials ; and as soon as they have done flowering they should be taken up and trans- planted into fresh and very rich soil, which must be of a light and friable nature. Thus treated, the double white and double purple varieties of Hesperis matronalis will attain extraordinary size, and will flower splendidly ; they are propagated by seeds or division of roots. Hesperosoo'rdum. Literally, the Onion of the West ; from hesperos, the west, and skordon, garlic. Nat. Ord. Liliacem. A small genus of California bulbs, allied to the Allium, with large and showj' flowers, blue and white. They have a strong smell of gar- lic, which is a barrier to their introduction to the flower garden. Syn. Brodicea. Hetera'nthera. From heteros, variable, and anther; the Anthers are variable. Nat. Ord. Iridacem. HIB A genus containing about eight species of ornamental aquatic perennial herbs, of which one is African and all the rest American. Flowers blue or white, produced from a spathe in the axil of a sheathing leaf stalk. H. reni- formis, the Mud Plantain, with roundish kid- ney-shaped leaves and white flowers, is not unfrequent by the muddy banks of streams in the Southern States. H. limosum, with blue flowers, is found from western Virginia to Illinois and southward. Heteroce'ntron. From heteros, variable, and kentron, a sharp point. Nat. Ord. MelastomacecB. A genus of free-flowering under-shrubs from Mexico. There are but two species, one H. album, with white, the other, H. roseum, with crimson-purple flowers, produced in axillary or terminal clusters. They make very desir- able plants for winter blooming, and are pro- pagated by cuttings. Syn. Heeria. Heuche'ra. Alum root. Named after Professor Heucher, a German botanist. Nat. Ord. Saxi- fragacecB. A genus of very handsome herbaceous peren- nials, natives of this country and Siberia. The leaves are entire, from the center of which the flower scape arises from one to three feet high, with terminal panicles of greenish or purplish flowers. The root of H. Americana is so astringent that it is called Alum-root ; propagated by division of the roots in spring. Hexace'ntris. From hex, six, and centron, a spur ; alluding to two of its stamens having one spur each, and two of them two spurs each. Nat. Ord. AcanthacecB. A small genus of green-house evergreen shrubs, of climbing habit, with dentate leaves. The flowers are purple or yellow, produced in many flowered terminal or axillary racemes in June. They are natives of India, and are pro- pagated by cuttings. This genus is now in- cluded by Bentham and Hooker under Thun- bergia. Hibbe'rtia. In honor of George Hibbert, a dls- tinguished promotor of botany. Nat. Ord. DilleniacecB. Green-house evergreen shrubs, from New Holland and the Cape of Good Hope. There are more than fifty species included in this genus. Most of them are small, heath-like, tufted shrubs, or of a slender trailing habit ; a few are climbing shrubs. Their flowers are yellow, borne at the ends of the branches, and generally give out a very unpleasant odor. H. dentata, a climbing species, is one of the most showy, and grows six or eight feet high. H. volubUis, the largest species of the genus, has a stiff clinibing stem and pale yellow flowers two inches across, but most disagree- ably scented. Propagated from cuttings of half-ripened shoots in spring; introduced in 1823. Hibi'scus. Virgil's name for the Marsh-mallow. Nat. Ord. MalvacecB. An extensive genus, consisting of annuals, perennials, and hardy and green-house shruba. AH the kinds bear very showy flowers, and deserve to be extensively cultivated. H. rosa- sinensis pleno produces large double flowers, scarlet, and yellow, or buff, requiring simple green-house treatment. A singular freak of this species is, that orange and crimson flow- ers are occasionally seen on the same plant. AND GENEKAL HORTICULTUKE. 191 HIC Quite a number of varieties of H. rosa-sinensis have been introduced of late years that are much superior to tlie typical species. H. Syriacus (Althaea), one of our most beautiful hardy shrubs, tlie mure valuable as it is a free flowerer, will grow almost anywhere, and propagates freely by seeds, layers and cut- tings. There is a pretty variegated-leaved variety of H. Syriacus, quite hardy, introduced by the late Robert Buist, of Philadelphia, Penn. The varieties of this species are used for hedges in many places along our coast, where the soil is too poor for any other shrub to thrive. H. 3Ioscheutos is abundant in marshy places along our coasts. The flowers are a light rosy-pink color, sometimes nearly white, Ave to six inches in diameter, borne in great numbers on a scape three to four feet high. This species improves in size of plant and color of flower by removing it from its habitat to a dry situation in the border. H. Callfornica is a strong-growing species, bear- ing immense pure white flowers, and is one of the most va'uable plants of recent introduc- tion. The perennials are propagated by seeds or division of roots. The annuals are showy and gi'ow readily from seed. H. esculentvs, or Abelmoschvs esculentus of modern botanists, is the Okra ot the gardens, a tender annual from Central America and the West Indies. In the latter it is known as Gombo, and is exten- sively grown for the seed pods, which are used as a vegetable. The unripe pode are added to soups to render them more mucilaginous. Tliey are also pickled like capers, and make an excellent salad. Okra may be raised by sowing the seed in spring as soon as the ground is warm. The dwarf varieties are preferable, being more productive, and requir- ing less space for their development. The soil should be rich to make tender pods. Hickory. See Carya. Hiera'cium. Hawk weed. From hierax, a hawk; being supposed to sharpen the sight of birds of prey. Nat. Ord. Comjwsitce. A large genus of free-flowering, handsome herbaceous perennials, quite hardy and well adapted for planting among rock-work, or near the front of large groups of mixed plants ; the genus also contains a very beautiful an- nual suited for growing in masses ; this is perhaps better known by the English name of the genus, Hawkweed. The flowers of nearly all the species are yellow, several of them are indigenous and common, but not- withstanding are well deserving the little at- tention necessary to keep them in the neat order requisite in the flower garden. Most species are from Central Europe, and have long Deen cultivated as garden flowers. Hiero'chloa. Holy Grass, Vanilla Grass, Seneca Grass. From hieros, holy, and chloa, grass. Nat. Ord. Graminacece. A small genus of grasses inhabiting high altitudes, both in this country and in Europe. The species have no agricultural value, as they produce but little herbage, and have very pow- erful creeping roots, which are very difficult to extirpate, making it troublesome in cul- tivated fields. H. horealis, having been dedi- cated to the Virgin Mary, is much used in Catholic countries for strewing before their churches. In Sweden it is hung over beds in the belief that it induces sleep, because of its HIP sacred influence. In Iceland it is used to scent the clotlies and apartments of the in- habitants. The scent emitted is very similar to that of the Sweet-scented Vernal Grass. Hill. This is a term used to designate the place where Tomatoes, Corn, Potatoes, Mel- ons, etc., are planted ; and the use of the term often loads the novice to serious errors in planting, as it gives the impression that a hill or mound must be made to sow and plant on, and which is often done to the detri- ment of the crop, as in our hot and dry cli- mate, if a mound of four or five inches is raised above the general level, the plants suf- fer often severely in drj^ weather. If a "hill " is formed at all, it should only be by drawing the soil up to the plant to support it after it has well started to grow ; such a mound will then do less harm, as the foliage shades the ground. In planting then, particularly on light, dry soils, the "hills" for sowing or planting should be made nearly on the level surface. Hilum. The scar pi-oduced by the separation of a seed from its placenta. Hi'ndsia. Named after R. B. Hinds, a zealous botanist. Nat. Ord. Rubiacem. Green-house evergreen shrubs from Brazil. Some of the species are plants of great beauty. H. violacea bears clusters of ultra-marine flowers two inches long, very showy. They are propagated by cuttings ; introduced in 1844. Hippea'strum. Knight's Star Lily. From hippeus, a knight, and astron, a star ; referring to one of the species. Nat. Ord. Amarylli- dacecB. This may, with justice, be termed the most noble and showy section of the family to which it belongs. The flowers are variously colored ; some species have them entirely crimson, while others are white, abundantly streaked with red or crimson. The plants require the same treatment as Amaryllis. This genus was formerly classed with the Amaryllis, but was separated from it some years ago by the Rev. W. Herbert, who, in fact, reconstructed the whole family. They are, however, still classed by many under Amaryllis (which see), and are remarkable for the number of goi'geous and attractive hy- brids and crosses tliat have been obtained by the skill and perseverance of the hybridist. Propagated bj' offsets. First introduced from Lima in 1836. Hippo'mane. Manchineel or Manzanillo tree. From hippoi^, a horse, and mane, madness; alluding to tlie effects of the original plant. Nat. Old. EiiphorbiacecE. H. Mancinella, the only species is an ever- green one that grows to an immense size, and is very common in many of the West Indian Islands and in Venezuela and Panama, usually growing on sandy sea shores. The violent nature of the juice of the Man- chineel tree has given rise, in the western hemisphere, to nearly as wonderful stories as those associated with the Upas tree in the eastern. The fruit is beautifulj^sembling an apple, but is a virulent poisSn. The whole tree abounds with a white milky juice, which is also of an acrid noxious quality. If a single drop of this juice drops on the skin, it causes 192 HENDEKSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS HIP a sensation like the toucli of a hot iron, and raises a blister on the part. Tlie wood is beautifully variegated witli brown and white, and is highly prized for furniture and orna- ments. The wth'kmen who fell the trees first kindle a fire around the stem, by which means the juice becomes so much thickened, as not to flow out when wounds are made with their axes. Whole Avoods on the sea coast of Martinique have been burnt in order to clear the country ot such a dangerous plant. One of the most dangerous properties of this tree, is that of causing blindness, if by chance the least drop of the milk, or the smoke of the burning wood, comes in contact with the eyes. Dr. Seaman states that at Veraquas some of the ship's carpenters were blinded for several days from the juice getting into their eyes whilst cutting down the Man- chiueel trees, while he himself suffered tem- porary loss of sight from merely gathering specimens. Hippo'phae. Sea Buckthorn. From hippos, a hox'se, and pho, to kill ; in reference to the supposed poisonous qualities of the seeds. Nat. Ord. Elaagnacem. H. rhamnoides, is a strong-growing decidu- ous shrub or low-growing tree, with small foliage of a curious gi-ey-green color, and yellow, minute flowers, succeeded by bright orange-colored berries. It is a native of the east coast of Great Britain, and very suitable for planting near the sea as a slielter. It grows satisfactorily even in positions that are occasionally drenched by the sea-spray. "When in fruit, it is a Aery ornamental shrub. Hippu'rus. Mare's Tail. From hippus, a mare, and aura, a tail ; the stem resembles a mare's tail, from the crowded whorls of very narrow, hair-like leaves. Nat. Ord. Haloragacece. A very curious aquatic plant, found sparingly in ponds and springs from New York to Ken- tucky and northward. Scientists say the plant absorbs a large quantity of inflammable air, which assists in purifying the putrid air of marshes. It is a favorite food of wild ducks. Hirsute. Hairy; covered with somewhat soft hairs. Hispid. Covered with long, stiff hairs. Hoary. Covered with white down. Hoary Pea. See Tcphrosia. Hobble-bush. A common name for Vibumu7n lalanoides. \ Hoe. This consists of the "draw" and the i " push'' or "scuffle " hoe. There are a great many modifications of these. For deep hoe- ing the steel-pronged draw hoe is the best implement, being much preferable to the blade draw hoe, as it not only pulverizes the soil better, but its points penetrate the soil easier, and the work is thus made much lighter for the operator. The blade draw hoe should never be used, except when the ground is overgreen with weeds (a condition of things which, if possible, should never be allowed), or to draw earth up to plants, such as Celery or Cabbages. After the ground is new planted, before it is allowed to get hard, the 'scuffle" or "push hoe' is far more effective than the draw hoe, particularly be- tween rows ; nearly twice the amount of work can be done than with the draw hoe, but of HOP course that is simply stirring the surface ; for deep cultivation, the steel-pronged hoe is the best implement. Hoffma'nnia. A synonym of Campylobotrys, which see. Hog Plum. See Spondias. Hog-Tweed. A common name for Ambrosia artemb^iEfoUa. Hoi'tzia. A synonym of Loeselia, which see. Ho'Ious. From helko, to extract ; the original plant was supposed to possess the power of extracting thorns. Nat. Ord. GraminacecB. A genus of grasses that have soft woolly herbage, mostly natives of Great Britain, and of but little value. H. lanatus is common in our moist meadows, having become natural- ized from Europe ; it is popularly known as Velvet Grass. Holly. See Ilex. Hollyhock. See Althcea rosea. Holly, Sea.. See Erygnium. Holy Ghost Plant. See Peristeria elata. Holy Grass. A name applied to Hierocloa, a genus of sweet-scented grasses,that are strewn before the church doors on saints' days, in the north of Europe. See Hierocloa. Holy Rose. A name given to the Rose of Jericho, Anastatica. Holy Thistle. See Carduus. Holy Tree. A popular name for Melia Aze- darach. Homalome'na. From homalos, flat, and inene, moon ; a translation of the ^-native name of some of the species. Nat. Ord. Aroidece. A small genus of herbaceous plants, with heart or arrow-shaped leaves, and flowers resembling the Richardia. They ai'e natives of China. H. cordata is occasionally grown in green-houses, and requires the same treat- ment as the Richardia. H. aromatica has an agreeable aromatic odor, and its root is sup- posed by the natives to possess medicinal properties. Home'ria. From hovierio, to meet; the fila- ments are connected in a tube around the style. Nat. Ord. Iridacece. A small genus of pretty flowering bulbs from the Cape of Good H'>pe, and formerly included in the genus ^forea, They succeed well in the open border, but require tlie pro- tection of a frame during winter. Propagated by offsets, that should be taken off in Septem- ber. Honesty. See Lunaria. Honey Bean. See Robinia. Honey Flower. See Melianthus. Honey Garlic. See Nectar oscordum. Honey Locust. See Gleditschia. Honey Plant. The genus Hoya. Honeysuckle. The common name for the genus Loniccra. Honey-Awort See Cerinthe. Hoop Petticoat. A common name given to the genus Corbularia; also to Narcissus bulboco- dium. Hop. See Humulus Lupulus. Japan. A popular name for Humulus Japoni- CU8. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 193 HOP Hop Hornbeam. See Ostrya. Hop Tree. The popular name of Plelia trifo- liata. Ho'rdeuni. Barlej*. According to Bodteus, the name is derived from hordus, heavy ; because the bread made from Barley is very heavy. Nat. Ord. Graminacece. A genus of valuable, erect annual, rarely perennial grasses, natives of Europe, temper- ate Asia, northern Africa, and extra-tropical America. Tlie most useful of the species is the common Barley, H. vulgare, a grain which has been the longest in cultivation, and is more generally used than any other. The Egj'ptians have a tradition that Barley was the fii'st grain made use of by man, and trace its introduction to their goddess Isls. Pliny, in his Natural History, speaks of its great antiquity, but gives no account of its origin, which is as Jittle known as that of Wheat. Of the kinds under cultivation, H. vulgare is the common four-rowed, H. dislichon, the two- rowed, and H. hexastichon the Winter Barley, which has six rows of grain, each row termi- nating in a long beard. This is the species most generally cultivated in this country. H. jubatum. Squirrel-tail Grass, is a native species, and is common on the shores of the great lakes. It is often cultivated in collections of ornamental grasses. Horehound. See Marrubium vulgare. Horke'lia. Named after J. Horkei, a German botanist. Nut. Ord. Rosacece. Hardy herbaceous perennials, found in Cali- fornia in 1826. They are desirable plants for the garden, bearing white flowers, and having finely cut foliage, like the Potentilla, to which it is allied. Propagated by seeds or division. Hormi'num. From horminon, the Greek name. Nat. Ord. LabiatcB. H. pyrenaicum, the only species is an ele- gant hardy, herbaceous perennial, with bluish-purple flowers. It is of easy culture, and is increased by seeds or divisions. Horn. Any appendage which is shaped some- what like the horn of an animal, as the spur of the petals in Linaria. Horn-beam. See Carpinus. Horned Poppy. See Glaucium. Horn of Plenty. The common name of Fedia CornucopicE. Horse Balm. See Collinsonia. Horse Chestnut. See -Msculus. Horse Mint. A common name for Monarda punctata. Horse Nettle. A loc;d name of Solanum Caro- linense. Horseradish. Cochlearia armoracea. This plant is a native of the marshy districts of Great Britain, whence it was introduced into our gardens at an early day, and from the gardens it has escaped into moist, waste places, in various parts of the country. The generic name is derived from cochlear, a spoon ; from the spoon-like, or concave leaves of ^ome of the species. As a condiment, the Horseradish is in general use, and is con- sidered .:^timulating to the digestive organs. This root is an important crop, upwards of five hundred acres of it being grown in the vicinity of New York alone, and for the last HOR twenty years there has been nothing grown from which more profit as a second crop has been i-ealized. It is always grown as a second crop in the following manner : In preparing the roots for market during winter, all tlie small rootlets are broken off and reserved for planting, leaving nothing but the main root, which is usually from twelve to fifteen inches long, and weighing about three-quarters of a pound. The root- lets, or sets, are cut into pieces of from four to six inches in length, and from one-quarter to one-half an inch in diameter ; these are tied in bundles of from fifty to sixty, the top end being cut square and the bottom end slant- ing, so that in planting there will be no danger of setting the root upside down ; for, although it would grow if planted thus, it would not make a handsome root. The sets, when prepared, are stowed away in boxes of sand, care being taken that a sufficiency of sand is put between each layer of bundles to prevent their heating. They may either be kept in the boxes in a cool cellar, or pitted in the open ground, as may be most convenient. Horseradish is always cultivated as a second crop, and usually succeeds Early Cabbage, Cauliflower or Beets. Thus we plant Early Cabbage, lining out the ground with the one- foot marker; on every alternate line are first planted the Cabbages, which stand, when planted, at two feet between the rows, and sixteen or eighteen inches between the plants. We always finish our entire planting before we put in the Horseradish, which delaj's. it generally to about 1st of May. It is then planted between the rows of Cabbage, and at about the same distance as the Cabbage is in the rows, giving about 12,000 or 13,000 plants per acre. The planting is performed by making a hole about eight or ten inches deep with a long planting stick or light crowbar, into which is dropped the Horseradish set, so that its top will be two or three inches under the surface ; if the sets should be longer the hole should be made proportionally deep, so that the top of the set is not nearer the surface than two or three inches ; the earth Is pressed in alongside the set, so as to fill ui) the hole, as in ordinary planting. The main reason for planting the set so far under the surface is to delay its coming up until the crop of cabbage be cleared off. The Horseradish makes its main growth in the fall, so that it is no Injury to it to keep it from growing until July; in fact, it often happens that by being planted too near the surface, or too early, it starts to grow so as to interfere with the Cabbage crop ; in such cases, we have often to cut the tops off twice with the hoe bei'cn-e the cabbage is ready, but this does not injure it in the least. It is a crop with which there is very little labor during summer ; after the Cabbage has been cut off, the Hoi'seradish Is allowed to grow at win, and as it quickly covers the ground, one good deep stirring by hoe or culti- vator is all that is required after digging out the Cabbage stumps. When grown between Early Beets the cul- ture is, in all respects, the same, only it is more profitable to have the rows of Beets only eighteen inches apart ; this, of course, throws 194 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OP PLANTS HOR the Horseradish nearer, so that when grown between Beets it should be planted at the dis- tance of two feet between the plants in the rows, making about the same number of plants per acre as when planted between Early Cabbages. This manner of growing Horseradish we claim to be a great advance on the methods generally practised. All American writers on the subject, that we have seen, follow in the same track, and i-ecommend planting the crowns. This not only destroys the most sale- able part of the root, but when planted thus, the crowns produce only a sprawling lot of rootlets which are utterly unsaleable in the market. Horseradish Tree. See Moringa. Horse-tail. The genus Equisetum. Horteusis. Of or belonging to a garden ; the word is often contracted thus : hort. Hotei'a Japonioa. A synonym of Spiraea or Astilbe Japonica. Hottentot Bread. A South African name for Testudinaria Elephantijyes. Hottentot Fig. Mesembryanthemum edule. Hotto'nia. Water Violet. Named after P. Hotton, a Dutch botanist. Nat. Ord. Primv^ lacece. Hardy aquatic or marsh plants. H. inflata is common in pools and ditches from New England southward. H. palustris, the Water Violet, is a singular and beautiful plant, com- mon in pools in many parts of England. The leaves grow wholly under water; from them there arises a long flower stalk bearing a pyramid of blue or white flowers, which are disposed in whorls. It is a very interesting plant for the aquarium. Houlle'tia. Named after M. Houllet, a French gardener. Nat. Ord. Orchidacece. A small genus of very handsome epiphytal Orchids, natives of Brazil. The genus is re- lated to Stanhopea, and requires the same treatment. Hound's Tongue. See Cynoglossum. Houseleek. See Sempervivum. Housto'nia. Named in honor of Dr. W. Houston, an English botanist. Nat. Ord. Rubiucew. This elegant genus of small flowering plants is found throughout the Northern and Western States. They are well adapted for flower borders, rock-work, or shaded beds, and thrive best in a moist situation. The colors of the flowers are white, blue and pur- ple. Herbaceous perennials, popularly known as Bluets, and propagated by division of the roots. Ho'vea. Named after A. P. Hove, a Polish botanist. Nat. Ord. Leguminosce. A genus of handsome, blue-flowered ever- green shrubs from New Holland. " H. Celsii (Syn. H. elliptica), one of the best known, is a beautiful green-house plant, flowering like most of the species, in the spring. This plant exhibits the peculiarity of the flower buds of the preceding year appearing at tlie base of those expanded during the present; a common condition of leaf buds, which are always visi- ble the season preceding their expansion, but not frequently so with flower buds, which, though they may be formed several years HUG before their development externally, gener- ally remain concealed till the period of their unfolding." The flowers are pea-shaped, ax- illary, on short peduncles. Propagated by seeds ; introduced in 1818. Hove'nia. In honor of David Hoven, a Senator of Amsterdam, who contributed to the success of the travels of Thunberg. Nat. Ord. RhamnacecB. These are small fruit-bearing trees, growing to the height of eight or ten feet, and pro- ducing a fruit which is said to taste like the Bergamot pear. H. dulcis, a native of Japan, has been introduced into this country, and grown as an ornamental fruit-bearing tree. None of the other species are hardy. Ho'-wea. From Lord Howe's Island where only the genus is found. Nat. Ord. PalmaceoB. This name is now generally adopted for the two palms introduced and cultivated under the names of Kentia Belmoreana, and K. Fosleriana. Ho'ya. Wax Flower. In honor of Thomas Hoy, F. L. S., gardener to the Duke of Northumber- land at Sion House, England. Nat. Oi'd. Asclepiadaceoe. The most common species, H. Carnosa, has curious, wax-like flowers, from which drops a sweet, honey-like juice. It is a hot-house climber, which requires a light rich soil, and is propagated by cuttings, which require an average temperature of not less than 75^ to root freely. It is sometimes grown in green- houses, in a warm situation, exposed to the sun. It ma'ives an excellent plant for a warm sitting-room, as it grows freely without direct light. Introduced from Asia in 1802. The variegated-leaved variety is a very orna- mental plant ; H. hella, with beautiful waxy white flowers and dwarf shrubby slender habit, forms an excellent subject for a hang- ing basket in a warm green-house. There are many other species of much beauty, all requir- ing a warm plant-stove to bring them to per- fection. Huckleberry. Whortleberry. The popular names of the genus Gaylussacia, of which there are several species. G. dumosa, the Dwarf Huckleberry, G. frondosa, tiie Blue Huckleberry, and G. resinosa, the Black Huckleberry, are common throughout the United States, the latter being the Huckle- berry of the Northern States. Hudso'nia. False Heath. Named after William Hudson, author of "Flora Anglica." Nat. Ord. Cv^tacecE. A genus of bushy little heath-like shrubs, seldom a foot high, covered all over with small awl-shaped or scale-like persistent downy leaves, and bearing numerous small, but showy yellow flowers in May, crowded along the upper part of the branches. Found in dry sandy soil near the coast. <'rom 1\Tain3 to "Virginia. From its resemblance when not in bloom to Heather {Calluna vulgaris), it is often taken for that plant. Huge'lia. Named after Baron Hugel, of Vienna, Nat. Ord. PolemoniacecB. A small genus of hardy annuals from Cali- fornia with blue and yellow flowers, propagated by seeds. First discovered in 1833. This genus is now included under Gilia. AND GENERAL HOETICULTUEE. 195 HUM Huma'ta. Meaning unknown. Nat. Ord. Poly- podiacece. A small genus of dwarf evergreen ferns, allied to Davallia.under which genus they are now included by some authors. Humble Plant. A name given to Mimosa pu- dica. Hu'm=;a. Named after Lady Hume. Nat. Ord. Composit(£. H. elegans, the only species, is an elegant biennial plant, which should be sown on a slight hot- bed in spring, then potted off and kept in the open air during summer, and in the green-house during winter, to be finally planted in the open border in May the second year. If the plants are repotted once or twice during the course of the first summer, always into only a little larger pots, they will become so much stronger before they are finally planted out as amply to repay the ad- ditional trouble. It is a very ornamental plant - for the lawn or sub-tropical garden. It grows from four to six feet high, its brownish-red, pink, or crimson minute flower-heads being disposed in a large, loosely-branched terminal fountain-like panicle, which has a peculiar but delightful odor. It was introduced from New South Wales in 1800. Syn. Agathomeris. Humming Bird Bush, ^schynomene Montevi- densis. Humming Bird's Trumpet. See Zauschneria. Hu'mulus. The Hop. From humus, the ground ; creeping on the ground if not supported. Nat. Ord. Urticdcece. H. lupulus, the common garden Hop, has been under cultivation in Europe from a very early period. It was well known by the Romans, and is mentioned by Pliny under the name of Lupus salictarius. It was introduced from Flanders into England in 1524. Its culti- vation, however, met with violent opposition ; petitions to Parliament were presented against it, in wliich it was stigmatized as "a wicked weed that would spoil the drink and endanger the people." The Hop, like all the dioecious family, bears its flowers on separate plants ; the female plant, therefore, is alone culti- vated. The Hop is increased by cuttings from the most healthy of the old shoots ; two buds are required, one beneath the ground, from which will spring the roots, and from the other the stalk. H. Japonicus, the Japan Hop, is a rapid-growing climber, similar in appear- ance to the common Hop. Neither heat, drought, nor insects seem to trouble it, render- ing it a valuable plant for covering trellises, verandas, etc. Introduced from Japan in 1886. Hungarian Millet, or Hungarian Grass. Pani- ciim Germanicum. This is a very valuable grass for light soils, and is very early, with abundant foliage, two to three feet in height. It stands drought well, and is very popular with those who are clearing timber lands. Hunnema'nnia. Named in honor of J. Hunne- mann, a zealous botanist and botanical collec- tor. Nat. Ord. PapaveracecB. An erect-growing herbaceous, tender peren- nial, allied to Eschscholtzia. H. fumaricBfolia, the only species, is a native of Mexico; it grows to the height of two or three feet, with glaucous leaves, resembling those of the Fumatories. and bears large, solitary terminal flowers, like those of the Eschscholtzia. ' HYA Although a perennial, it can be successfully grown as an annual by starting the seeds early in spring, in the green-house or hot-bed. Huntley'a. Named after the Rev. Mr. Huntley, a zealous collecter of plants. Nat. Ord. Orchidacem. A small genus of epiphytal Orchids, natives of South America. The genus is closely related to Zygoj)etalum. H. violncea, from Demerara, is a very handsome species, its flowers being large and of an intense violet color, which is quite uncommon among Orchids. This species is also known as Bollea violacea and Pescatoria violacca. It is evergreen, and requires but a short season of rest, and should be grown in the shade and never allowed to become wholly dry. It is increased by division ; introduced in 1831. Huntsman's Cup. One of the popular names of Sarracenia purpurea, from a fancied resem- blance. Hu'ra. Sand-box Tree. The name of the tree in South America. Nat. Ord. Euphorbiacem. A small genus of tropical evergreen trees, with whitish-yellow flowers. H. crepitans, the only species, is the sand-box tree of tropical America. It is a branching tree of thiri y to forty feet high, often planted for the sake of its shade, for which it is well adapted, having a great abundance of glossy, poplar-like leaves. The flowers are inconspicuous, and are succeeded by curious rounded, hard-shelled fruit about the size of an orange, which is divided into deep furrows, in each of which is a cell containing a single flattened seed. "When the fruit is ripe and exposed to the action of a dry atmosphere, it bursts with great force, accompanied by a loud, sharp crack, like the report of a pistol, for which reason it has often been called the Monkey's Dinner-bell. The seeds are much used in medicine, and the timber in the mechanic arts. Hyacinth Bean. A common name for Dolichos lablab. Hyaci'nthus. The Hyacinth. The name of this geims originated with the fabulists of an- tiquity. It was pretended that Hyacinthus, a beautiful boy, was the son of a Spartan king, and the favorite of Apollo. Zephyrus, being envious of the attachment of Apollo and Hyacinthus, so turned the direction of a quoit which Apollo had pitched while at play, that it struck the head of Hyacinthus and slew him. The fable concludes by making Apollo transform the body of his favorite into the flower that bears his name. Nat. Ord. LiliaceoB. This genus comprises about thirty species of bulbous plants, the majority of which are natives of the Mediterranean region, and the East. H. orientalis, from which species the numerous cultivated varieties have originated, is a native of the Levant, and was first intro- duced into England in 1596, but it was known to Dioscorides, who wrote about the time of Vespasian. Gerarde, in his Herbal, pub- lished at the close of the sixteenth century, enumerates four varieties, the single and double blue, the purple and the violet. In that valuable old book on gardening, " Para- duHi in Sole Paradisiis terrestris," published by John Parkinson in 1629, there are men- 196 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS HYA tioned and described eight different varieties. He tells us " some are pure white ; another is almost white, but having a show of blueness, especially at the brims and bottoms of the flowers ; others again are of a very faint blush ; some are of as deep a purple as a vio- let; others of a purple tending to redness, and some of a paler purple ; some again are of a fair blue ; and some so pale a blue as if it were more white than blue. After the flowers are past, there rise up great three-square heads, bearing round black seed, great and shining." During the two hundi'ed and fifty years that have passed since the above was penned, there has been a steady improvement in the size, form and color of the flowers of this plant. From the eight varieties of 1629, more than four thous- and varieties have been produced and cata- logued, from which number upward of two hundred varieties are subjects of extensive commerce. The Hyacinth is a universal favorite in the most extended application of the word. The number of its varieties is now fully equal to tiiat of any other florist's flower. They are usually grown for forcing into flower in the dull, cheerless montlis of winter and early spring, when their delicately- colored flowers and rich fi-agrance lend a charm not otherwise to be found. They are equally desirable for planting in beds, or in the garden border. For forcing, the bulbs should be potted about the middle of Septem- ber in five inch pots in rich, light earth, and placed in a cold frame or under a wall, where they can be covered with wooden shuttei's, or some similar contrivance, to keep ofT heavy rains ; in either case they should be covered a foot thick with newly-fallen leaves, and being once well watered after potting, they may be left for a month to form their roots, when the most forward should be brought out, and placed in a gentle heat. Some care is necessary in the application and increase of this, or the flowers will be abortive ; it should not exceed 50° for tiie first three weeks, but afterward may be increased gradually to 60° or 65°, and if the pots are plunged into bottom heat the same careful increase should be ob- served, or the points of the roots will infal- libly be killed. One-third the depth of the pot is fully sufficient at first, and if the heat is brisk they should not be plunged more than half way at any time. When the flower stems have risen to nearly their full height, and the lower flowers of the s])ike are beginning to expand, the plants should be i-emoved to a lower temperature, usually afforded by the green-house, and when the flowers are fully expanded, the plants can be taken to the sit- ting-room or wherever their presence is de- sired, observing to protect them from sudden changes or cold draughts of air, and the water given to them should be moderately warm. Hyacinths in glasses are an elegant and appropriate ornament to the drawing- room, and for this purpose occasion little trouble. The bulbs should be procured and placed in the glasses as early in the season as possible, keeping them in the dark until their roots are well started, after which the lightest position that can be afforded is the best; the water in which they grow should be changed twice or thrice a week, and in severe weather the plants must be removed from the window. HYB so as to be seciu-e from frost. For decorating the flower garden, the bulbs should be planted in October or the early part of No- vember, in light, rich soil, at a depth of four inches from the crown of the bulb to the surface of the earth. It may be necessary to place sticks to them when in bloom, to prevent them from being broken by the wind, and this is all the attention they require till the foliage is with- ered, and the season has arrived for taking them up, when, instead of the usual practice of drying them at once in the sun, we would advise the Dutch method to be adopted, namely, to place them side by side on a sunny spot of ground, and cover them wit h about an inch of loose earth, to thon)ughly rip(>n by the subdued heat imparted to the earth which surrounds them. Left in this position for a fortnight, they will become dry and firm, and an hour or two of sunshine will finish them properly for storing. The multiplication and growth of Hyacinths for sale is principally carried on out of doors in the vicinity of Haarlem, in Holland. The sandy soil, and moisture of both soil and climate in that country, are peculiarly favorable to the growth of the Hyacinth. Hundreds of acres are there devoted to the culture of rliese and kindred plants, and the Haarlem gardens are a gay sight from the early season of the year till far on in the summer. The process of multipli- cation is carried on by sowing the seeds, or by taking offs<'ts from the parent bulb. By seeds new varieties only are obtained ; it is by offsets the already known and valued kinds are increased. The bulbs are cut cross- wise and sprinkled with sand to absorb any superfluous moisture that may exude from the incisions. After a time they are planted in the earth, when numerous small bulbs are formed on the edges of these incisions. At the expiration of one season they are again lifted from the ground, and the numerous small bulbs, still only partially developed, are separated from the parent root, and planted out agnin and again, year after year, for three or four years, before they become flowering bulbs of fine market quality. The white Koman Hyacijith is larg(>ly us(»d for forcing for winter flowers by the florists of New York and all large cities. In New York alone upward of one million bulbs are used during the winter, and the number is rapidly increasing each year. The flower spikes average four cents each at wholesale. By a succession of plantings, beginning in Sep- tember, they are had in flower from November till May, and even later. The method pur- sued is similarto that for the Lily of the Valley (See Convallaria, where the method is de- scribed). H. Candicnns, Syn. Gallonia, is a very showy species, forming a scape four to five feet high, including a raceme of from fifteen to thirty pure white, large, fragi-ant, drooping flowers, admirably adapted for grow- ing in clumps, in borders, or on lawns. Al- though a native of south Africa, it is quite hardy, more especially if slightly protected with leaves, etc. Hybrid. Hybrids are plants obtained by ap- plying the pollen of one species to the stigma of another; the common offspring of two distinct species. X96 HTACINTU (WHITE EOMAN). HYACINTH (FEATHERED). 1BEBIS (WHTTB ROCKET OANDYTtTFT). HTDRAMGEA PANTCITLATA OBANDIFLOBA. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 197 HYB Hybridization. It is to the careful, system- atic, and pains-taking efforts of the hybridizer that most of our "Florist's Flowers" have been brought to their present standard of excel- lence. The operation consists in removing the pollen by means of a camel's hair brush or otherwise, from the male parent and placing it on the stigma of the female or seed bearer. Of course unless the latter is receptive this proceeding would be ineffective. As a rule Avhen the stigma is fit to be acted upon by the pollen, it becomes more or less glutinous. This condition occurs in some plants before their own anthers are ready to discharge the pollen, and in others after the pollen has been shed. In both these cases, the arrangement is evidently to prevent self-fertilization. In most plants however the stigma and anthers are developed at the same time, and with them it is necessary to remove the anthers before they burst, and at the same time by means of fine gauze or otherwise to prevent the visits of insects which might convey pollen from another flower and thus effect an undesir- able cross. Insects doubtless perform an important part in the fertilization of flowers, for upon examination a number of plants will be found to bear flowers manifestly adapted for insect visitation. Not to mention the Orchid family which Darwin observed so closely and has described so minutely, the curious genus of Stapelia is fertilized solely by the larvae of a fly, generally the common "Blue Bottle." This fly, attracted by the offensive odor of the flower, lays its eggs as far as it can in the tube of the corolla. These eggs hatching, the larvse they produce come in contact with the pollen-granules which adhere to them and which they carry to the pistils and thus fertilize them. A similar office is performed for Ceropegia by a small fly in the perfect state. As a rule, flowers possessing much fragrance, and secreting nectar, and those of gay colors, are more or less dependent on insect agency. Herma- phrodite flowers, being provided with both stamens and pistils, pollen and ovary, one would suppose to be amply furnished with the powers of reproduction, yet it has been abun- dantly shown that flower^ fertilized by themselves do not produce such vigorous and healthy seeds and offspring as those fertilized by another flower of the same species ; hence the disadvantage of breeding in and in, the nearer the degree of consanguinity, the less prospect is there of healthy and vigorous off- spring. The hybridizer therefore finds a flower of good shape but defective in color, crosses it with another, defective perhaps in shape but of a novel and desirable color, a weakly growing variety of good habit, is cross- 'ed with a more robust variety, lacking the peculiar qualities of the former and so on. With regard to Double Flowers, if the finest colored and best shaped flowers of the single sorts are selected as in the Petunia, the anthers carefully removed before they burst, # ' and then fertilized with pollen from the best double or even semi-double flowers attainable, fifty to seventy-five per cent, of the progeny may be relied upon to produce flowers equal to, and often superior, to the parent. In a lecture before the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, the Hon. Marshall P. Wilder, a most successful hybridizer, said, "In my experi- HYD ments, I have discovered that for the pro- duction of double flowers, it is important that the pollen used for impregnation should be borne on a petaloid anther — that is, an anther bearing a small petal — and that this is still better if from a double flower. I also observed that the larger and better developed this petaloid anther, the better chance for a flne double offspring; for as might have been expected, the anthers being connected with the corolla, the number of petals would be increased by such an operation. I found also that for the most perfect and symmetrical flowers, it was better to select single flowers, which were the most perfect in their petals for seed bearers ; and that single or semi- double sorts with perfect corollas, when impregnated with petaloid pollen, will pro- duce double flowers of a regular symmetrical formation. Of this I have the most conclu- sive evidence in the Camellia Wilderii, and many other fine double varieties in my col- lection which were produced from a single red and single white Camellia, fertilized by pollen from a petaloid anther of double varieties." Mr. Wilder for many years made the hybridization of Camellias a speciality and to his efforts we owe some of the best vari- eties in cultivation. Hydra'ngea. From hydor, water, and aggeion, a vessel ; referring to the cup form of the cap- sule or seed-vessel. Nat. Ord. SaxifragacecB. A genus of showy shrubs, first introduced into England in 1790 by Sir Joseph Banks, who sent H. hortensis from China, and since then a number of species have been sent to this country from Japan, among which is a climbing variety, H. voluhilis, or scandens, that will adapt itself to almost any situation. It is slow growing and a little tender while young, and is still scarce. What has been known as the climbing Hydrangea, will be foimd described under Schizophragma. The flowers, or rather bracts, of H. hortensis are pink, but in some soils they become of a deep blue. This change is effected artiflcially by using iron fllings, incorporating them in the soil. A distinct white variety of H. hortensis, known as "Thos. Hogg," is now very popu- lar. To cultivate these plants in perfection, cuttings should be taken every season from the strongest shoots of the old plants in July or August ; and after being struck, should be potted in rich earth, and encouraged to grow vigorously. A cold pit or frame, with fre- quent applications both of manure and plain water, will usually effect this, and cause them to become thoroughly established and strong before the winter. In this state they may either be forced in a gentle, moist heat through December and the spring months to bloom early, or kept cool for the production of summer flowers ; in either case, it must be borne in mind that they require abundance of moisture when in an active state. H. pani- culata grandiflora, introduced a few years since from Japan, is among the finest of all hardy shrubs for the lawn or the border. The flowers are white, and are pi-oduced in the greatest abundance in August, and remain till mid-winter in a dried condition. H. Otaksa, also recently introduced from Japan, is of the habit of H. hortensis, but a stronger grower, and more profuse bloomer, forming a 198 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS HYD very superior sort for pot culture for decora- tive purposes. H. h. rosea is another variety with large deep rose-j)ink-colored globular trusses, very free flowering and desirable. H. stellata proUfera introduced from Japan in 1868, is a most beautiful free flowering double pink variety, with large trusses of flowers often nine inches in diameter. Hydra'stis. Yellow Eoot. Yellow Puccoon. Fioni hydor, water; referring to the marshy places where it grows. Nat. Ord. Ranuncu- lacecB. H. Canadensis, the only species, is a hardy herbaceous perennial, common in moist woods in the Northern and Eastern States, where it was foi-mei'ly esteemed in domestic medicine. It has a thick knotty yellow un- derground stem or root, which in early spring sends up a simple stem, about a foot high, bearing near the top two (or rarely three) hand-shaped leaves, the upper leaf growing close upon the stem, while the lower one has a longish stalk. The flower is solitary, incon- spicuous, and produced at the top of the stem. The fruit greatly resembles a red raspberry. The yellow root of this plant was formerly employed by the Indians for dyeing a bright yellow color, and it is occasionally used for the same purpose at the present day. The root is also used in medicine as a nar- cotic. Hydriaste'le. From hydria, a water vessel or fountain, and stele, a column ; in allusion to the tall stems growing near springs. Nat. Ord. Palmacem. H. Wendlundiana is the name now given to the beautiful Australian Palm, known in cul- tivation as Kentia Wendlandiana. Hydro'charis. From hydor, water, and charis, grace ; a pretty water plant. Nat. Ord. HydrochariducecB. A small floating aquatic giving name to the small order whicii contains the Stratioides or Water Soldier, and the curious Vallisneria or Eel Grass. H. morsus ranee, or Frog-bit is an elegant little plant inhabiting ditches, ponds, and the still back waters of rivers. It is one of the most desirable plants for the fresh water aquarium. Hydroco'tyle. From hydor, water, and cotyle, a cavity ; in reference to the plants growing in moist situations, and the leaves being hol- lowed like cups. Nat. Ord. Umbelliferm. A genus of uninteresting, marshy plants, common throughout the United States, and popularly known as Water Pennywort. There are about a dozen species. Hydrophylla'ceae. A small natural order of annual or perennial herbs or small trees, natives chiefly of north-west America. A few ai'e found in the East Indies and the Cape of Good Hope. They have usually alternate and lobed, hispid leaves, with chiefly white or blue flowers, in one-sided cymes or racemes, which are mostly bractles'^, and coiled from the apex when. young, as in the Borage family. Well known genera are Nemophila, Eutoca, Phacelia and Wliitlavia. Hydrophy'llum. Water Leaf. From hydor, water, and phyllon, a leaf; leaves loaded with water in spring-time. Nat. Ord. Hydrophyl- lacecB. HYO A genus of herbaceous perennials, natives chiefly of the Western States. The flowers are pale white or blue, bell-shaped, in cymose clusters, and the species grow generally among moist shady rocks. Hydropy'rum. Canada, or Indian Eice. A synonym for Zizania, which see. Hyema'lis. Of or belonging to winter ; gener- ally applied to plants that bloom in winter. Hynaenoca'lUs. From hymen, a membrane, and kalos, beautiful; referring to the mem- branous cup inside of the flower. Nat. Ord. AmaryllidacecB. A genus of hardy and green-house bulbs, producing large white flowers similar to the Pancratium, to which class they are closely allied, and under which name they are described in "Chapman's Flora of the South- ern States." H. rotatum, H. occidentale and other species are found in great abundance in the swamps of Virginia and southward, and are sent to market in large quantities, and sold on the streets of all our large cities as '^Spanish Lilies." They are considered poor tenants for the green-house, as they do not pay in beauty for the required room and care. The genus Ismene is included under Hymenocallis by some authors. See Ismene and Pancratium. Hymeno'dium. A synonym of Acrostichum. Hymenophy'Uum. Filmy-leaf Fern. From hymen, a membrane, and phyllon, a leaf. Nat. Ord. PolypodiacecB. A genus of very beautiful Ferns, mostly natives of Chili and New Zealand, where they grow in moist ravines. The fronds are varia- ble, some being very minute, and others of large size; some single, others compound. Several of the species are highly esteemed for cultivation in the green-house. Hymenospo'rum. From hymen, a membrane, and sporos, seed; the seeds are girded by membranous wings. Nat. Ord. Pittosporacem. H. flavum, the only species, is a handsome evergreen plant from eastern Australia. It is of bi-anching habit, with broadly obovate- lanceolate, glaucous leaves. The flowers form a compound terminal corymb, and are yellow, marked with orange-red at the mouth of the tube-like portion, and clothed outside with silky hairs. Syn. Pittosporum Jlavum. Hyopho'rbe. From hyos, a hog, and phorbus, pasturage. Nat. Ord. Palmaceoe. A small genus of Palms,inhabiting the island of Boui'bon and Mauritius, and having tall cylindrical stems, marked with circular scars, and a crown of graceful pinnate leaves. The male and female flowers grow on distinct trees, or a few males are occasionally inter- spersed among the females, the flower-spikes being simply branched and growing out from beneath the leaves, with a single spathe at their base. The fruit has a flbrous, fleshy rind, and contains a single seed. H. Versch- affeltii, formerly known as Areca Verschaffeltii, is one of the most ornamental species. Young plants are produced from seed. Hyoscy'amus. Henbane. From hyos, a hog, and kyamos, a bean ; the fruit is eaten by hogs. Nat. Ord. Solanacece. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 199 HYP H. niger is the common Henbane "vvhose virtue consists in the supposed power it has of absorbing malaria tiiat is generated around filtliy habitations. It is also culti- vated for its medicinal properties. Hyperica'ceae. A natural order of h^rbs, shrubs, or trees, with a resinous juice, opposite, rarely whorled, entire, exstipulate leaves, usually with transparent dots, and blackish glands, and regular flowers. The plants of this order are generally distributed over the world, both in temperate and warm climates. Many species yield a yellow juice and an essential oil. There are ten genera, and nearly three hundred species. Illustrative genera are Hypericum, Elodea, and Ascyrum. Hype'ricum. St. John's "Wort. The name is said to be derived from yper, over, and eicon, an image ; the superior part of the flower represents a figure. Nat. Ord. Hypericacece. The pretty, yellow-flowered shrubs And herbaceous perennials known by this name at the present day, were formerly, in ignorant communities, in high repute for driving away evil spirits ; and on this account were gen- erally planted near dwelling-houses. They were also highly valued for their medicinal properties, being believed to have a powerful effect in stopping blood and healing wounds. All the kinds will thrive under the drip of trees ; and they will grow almost anywhere, though they prefer moisture and a moderate shade. They are found in almost all the temperate climates of the world ; and are propagated by seeds and by division of the roots. Hyphae'ne. From hyphaino, to entwine ; re- ferring to the fibres of the fruit. Nat. Ord. Palmaceoe. A small genus of African palms confined to, and widely distributed throughout that con- tinent, more particularly upon the eastern side, extending from Egypt as far south as Natal. The genus is i-emarkable for having the stems branched, a peculiarity not frequent among palms, each branch terminating in a tuft of large fan-shaped leaves, from amongst which the branching catkin-like spikes of flowers are produced, the different sexes being borne on different trees. H. thebaica is the Doum Palm, or Gingerbread tree of Egypt. It seldom exceeds twenty-five or thirty feet in height, audits stem is frequently three or four times branched or forked in old trees, though when young it is always simple. The fruits which are produced in long clusters, each containingbetween one and two hundred, are beautifully polished, of a rich yellowish, brown color, and of irregular form. In Upper Egypt they form part of the food of the poorer classes of inhabitants, the part eaten being the fibrous mealy husk, which tastes almost exactly like gingerbread, but its dry liusky nature renders it unpalatable. The hard tough wood is used for making various domestic utensils ; and rosaries are cut out of the horny seed. Hypocaly'mma. From hypo, under, and kalymma, a veil ; the calyx, falling off like a veil, or hood. Nat. Ord. Myrtacem. A genus of ornamental evergreen shrubs, containing about twelve species, natives of Australia. H. robustum is a charming little HYS green-house plant, bearing a profusion of small bright rose-colored flowers, and having an odor resembling lemons. It is of easy culture, and is increased readily by cuttings. Introduced in 1842. Hypocalyptus. From hypo, under, and kalypto, to hide ; named from a covering to the un- opened flower. Nat. Ord. Leguminosm. H. obcordatus, the only specic^s is an orna- mental green-house evergreen shrub from the Cape of Good Hope. It has neat trifoliate leaves and purple flowers, appearing in June and July. It was introduced in 1823, and is propagated by cuttings of the side shoots. Syn. Crotolaria purpurea. Hypocrateriform. Salver-shaped; having a long slendertube andaflatlimb, as in the Primrose. Hypocy'rta. A genus of Gesneracem, contain- ing a few species, natives of South America. They are procumbent under-shrubs, throwing out roots from below the origin of their opposite and fleshy leaves. The flowers are axillary and solitary, or several together, generally bright scarlet in color. They were introduced in 1846, and are increased by cut- tings, or seeds. Hypoe'stes. A considerable genus of Acan- thacecB, dispersed over Africa, tropical Asia, and Australia, and remarkably abundant in Madagascar. They are shrubs or small trees, with entire or dentate leaves, and large purple or rose-colored flowers in axillary clusters or short spikes, often numerous and forming a tei'minal leafy thyrse. Nearly forty species have been described ; increased by cuttings. Hypogaeous. Growing under the earth. Hypogynous. Growing from below the base of the ovary. Hypo'lepis. From hipo, under, and lepis, a scale. Nat. Ord. PolypodiacecB. A small genus of handsome free-growing ferns, natives of tropical America, south Africa, New Zealand, etc., nearly allied to Cheilanthes. The fronds are evergreen, bi- or quadripinnate, with free veins. These are plants of easy culture, thriving best in a rough, coarse soil; they should have good drainage and plenty of water. Hypo'xis. Star Grass. From hypo, beneath, and oxys, sharp ; referring to the seed pod. Nat. Ord. Amaryllidacece. H. erecta, a vexy pretty bulb, found in meadows and Avaste places in New England, and southward. The flowers are bright yel- low inside, brownish outside, and borne on umbels on a scape about a foot high. Hyssop. See Hysnopus. Hysso'pus. From Hyssopos, the old Greek name, used by Hippocrates. Nat. Ord. Labi- atcB. The garden Hyssop is a native of Siberia, and the mountainous parts of Austria. It was early introduced into the garden in this country, and has escaped in many places to the roadsides. It is considerably grown as a medicinal herb, but is not, however, much esteemed except in domestic practice. This is not supposed to be the Hyssop mentioned in the Old Testament, and it has not been ascertained what plant is referred to. As it was one of the smallest plants, and "grew out of the wall," some have conjectured it to be one of the Mosses. 200 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS I. IBE Ibe'ris. Candytuft. From Iberia, the ancient name of Spain, where the original species abounds. Nat. Ord. CrucifercB. The genus consists of annuals, biennials and perennials, all perfectly hardy and of the easiest culture. The common name Candy- tuft was given because they flower in tufts. and the first inti'oduced species, /. umhMata, was brought from Candia. For the early flower- ing of the annual varieties, the seed should be sown in the fall, and slightly protected from the sun, during winter, bj^ leaves or any convenient dry mulching; they will come into flower in May. The plants of /. coronaria, Rocket Candytuft, should be thinned out to one or two feet apart each way ; then, if in rich soil, they will completely cover the ground. The sub-shrubby species, /. cor- recefolia, I. Gibraltarica, I. sempervirens and others, are most handsome, compact-growing plants, admirably adapted for the front rows of shrubbery or herbaceous borders. If grown in cold frames, and kept a little close towards spring, thej^ will bloom at least thi-ee weeks before those out-of-doors, and are val- uable for early decorations, or for cut flowers. Iceland Moss. See Lichen. Ice Plant. See Mesemhryunthemum. Ide'sia. Named after Y. Ides, a Dutch traveler in China. Nat. Ord. Flacourtiacece. I. polycarpa, the representative species of this genus, is a beautiful tree, found in Japan, and said to be perfectly hardy around New York. The leaf stem is from six to twelve inches long and bright red, with leaves nearly round and from six to eight inches broad. The flowers are yellowish-green, in long drooping racemes, and very fragrant. The fruit is about the size of a cherry, of an orange color, and edible. Syn. Flacourtia. I'lex. The Holly. Name originally from the Celtic, oc or ac, signifying a point ; on account of the prickly leaves. Nat. Ord. Aquifoliacem. An extensive genus of evergreen trees and shrubs, remarkable for their glossy, prickly foliage and scarlet fruit, that remains on the shrub during the winter. They are well adapted for the lawn or for hedges, and grow best in a dry loam. /. aquifolium is the Holly of the English gardens, and I. opaca is the American Holly, which grows plentifully from New York southward. It is to be regretted that the English Holly, the most beautiful of all evergreens, is unsuited to our climate, being in the Northern States too tender to withstand our winters, while the hot, dry summers of the Southern States are equally injurious to it. /. Paraguariensis, a native of Paraguay and Brazil, furnishes the Paraguay tea, or Yerba de Mate, which occupies the same im- portant position in the domestic economy of South America as the Chinese tea does in this country, and it is calculated that it is con- sumed in that country to the extent of about 8,000,000 pounds annually. It has been in use for about a century and a half, the practice having been adopted from the aboriginal peo- IMP pie. The leaves are prepared by drying and roasting, when they are reduced to a powder, wliieh is prepared for drinking by putting a small quantity into a gourd or cup, with a lit- tle sugar. The drinking tube is then inserted and boiling water poured on the Mate ; when sufficiently cool the infusion is sucked up through the tube. It has an agreeable, slightly aromatic odor, is rather bitter to the taste, and very refreshing and restorative to the human frame after enduring great fatigue. It contains the same active principles as tea and coffee, called theine, but not their volatile and empyreumatic oils. Illici'neae. A small natural order, generally placed as a sub-order of Aquifoliacem. Illi'cium. Aniseed Tree. From ilUcio, to allure ; referring to the perfume. Nat. Ord. Magnoliaceoe. A small genus of evergreen shrubs or low- growing trees, with smooth entire leaves, exhaling when bruised, a strong odor of Ani- seed. They are natives of the extreme Southern States, Japan, southern China, and Asia. /. religiosum, a Japanc-ic species, is a small tree about the size of a cherry, and is held sacred by the Japanese. The leaves of this species, like those of I. floridanum, are said to possess poisonous properties. In Ala- bama the plant has acquired the name of Poison-Bay. Ima'ntophy'Ilum. From imas, imantos, a leather thong, and phyllon, a leaf ; alluding to the shape and substance of the foliage. Nat. Ord. Amaryllidacew. Those with authority to speak of plants seem determined that the only species of this genus shall have neither name nor home. Some insist upon calling it Clivia nobilis; others want to reverse it, and have C. nobilis called /. Aitoni. Then, again, for variety's sake, some prefer the orthography Imatopkyl- lum. Most writers call Imantophyllum and Clivia synonymous. That they are closely allied we do not doubt. Having flowered them frequently, we find the flowers of I. mini- atum (the only species) to be erect, and much larger than Clivia nobilis, the flowers of which are drooping and of a darker color. This spe- cies, introduced from Natal in 1854, is propa- gated by division, and requires the same culture as the Clivia. Many beautiful hybrids, having larger and more highly-colored flowers than the type, have of late years been put in commerce in Britain and on the Continent, and are most attractive and valuable acquisitions to this genus. Imbricated. When bodies overlap each other, like the tiles or shingles on a roof. Immarginate. Having no rim or edge. Immersed. Growing entirely under water. Immortelle. The popular name for Helichry- sum orientale, which see. Impa'tiens. Balsam, Silver Weed, Jewel Weed. From impatiens, impatient ; referring to the AND GENEEAL HOETICULTURE. 201 IMP elasticity of the valves of the seed-pod, which discharge the seeds when ripe. A genus of Geraniacece, chiefly found in India, though a few species occur in Europe and North Amer- ica. Tliey are generally glabrous herbs, with thick succulent stems, enlarged at the joints, where the undivided leaves are given off. The flowers are axillary, often handsome, and so very irregular that considerable difference of opinion exists as to which parts belong to the calyx, and which to the corolla. The green- house species may be propagated from cut- tings or from seeds, when tJiese are to be obtained. /. Sultani, introduced from Zanzi- bar, is one of the most beautiful and useful flowering plants of late introduction, produc- ing its bright rose-scarlet flowers almost con- tinually. It succeeds well in a green-house in spring and summer, but requires a warm house for winter. /. Hawkerii, introduced from the South Sea Islands, has very large flatly expanded flowers of the most brilliant, rich deep carmine color, relieved by a lustrous bluish tinge round the small white eye, the spur being red and about two inches long. It is of free growth and produces its flowers in great profusion from March until October. /. Jerdonice, a dwarf species, is best grown as a basket plant, started into growth in April, and rested during winter. Our native species of this genus are gener- ally known asTouch-Me-Nots, from the sudden bursting of the pods when touched. They are interesting annuals, common in damp ground throughout the United States. The Balsam of our gardens is I. Balsamina, and is de- scribed under Balsam, which see. Imphee. See Sorghum. Incised. Regularly divided by deep incisions. Incurved, Incurvate. Bending inwards; as where the stamens curve towai'ds the pistil. Indian Bean. See Catalpa. Indian Corn. See Zea. Indian Cress. The genus Tropczolum. Indian Crocus. The genus Pleione. Indian Cucumber Root. See Medeola. Indian Currant. The common name of the fruit of the Symphoricarpus vulgaris, Indian Fig. See Opuntia. Indian Ha'wthorn. See Raphiolepis. Indian Hemp. See Apocynum. Indian Hill-Guava. See Rhodomyrtus. Indian Mallow. A common name of Abutilon Avieennce, a troublesome weed in flelds and waste places. It is a native of India, and was introduced into our gardens as an ornamental plant, but is now naturalized, and is spoken of as valuable for its fibre. Indian Millet. One of the popular names of Sorghum vulgare, to which species belong Broom Corn, Sweet Sorghum, and other cul- tivated varieties. Indian Pink. One of the popular names for Dianthus Chinensis. Indian Pipe. A common name of the Monotropa uniflora. See Corpse Plant. Indian Plantain. The popular name of the genus Cacalia, common in rich, damp woods in most of the States. INS Indian Poke. Veratrum viride, or White Helle- bore. Indian Rice or Water Rice. See Zizania. Indian Shot. See Canna. Indian Strawberry. Fragaria indica. Indian Tobacco. See Lobelia inflata. Indian Turnip. Qee Arismna. India Rubber Tree. See Ficus elastica. Indigenous. A plant which is the natural pro- duction of any country ; not exotic. Indigo. See Indigofera tinctoria. Wild. Baptisia tinctoria. Indigo'fera. From indigo, a blue dyestuff; a corruption of Indicum, Indian, and fero, to bear ; most of the species produce the well- known dye called Indigo. Nat. Ord. Legumi- nosce. An extensive genus of rather ornamental herbaceous perennials, tender annuals, and evergreen shrubs, grown almost wholly for the commercial value of the dyes they pro- duce. /. tinctoria, the species most commonly cultivated, is a native of the East Indies and other parts of Asia, but it has been intro- duced into, and become naturalized in, the Southern States, and was formerly extensively cultivated, as was /. anil, the West India In- digo, a stronger growing species, from both of which large quantities of Indigo were made. They are tender shrubs, growing from four to six feet high, with vei-y pinnate leaves, and axillary racemes of pink and purple flow- ers. The shrubby species are propagated by cuttings, and the annuals from seeds. Indusium. The membraneous covering of the spore-cases of many Ferns. Inferior. When one organ is placed below an- other; thus an inferior calyx grows below the ovary, while an inferior ovary grows, or seems to grow, below a calyx. Inflated. Thin, membraneous, slightly trans- parent, swelling equally, as if inflated with air. I'nga. The South American name of I. vera, adopted by Marcgraff. Nat. Ord. Leguminosoe. A very extensive genus of ornamental shrubs and trees, numbering upward of one hundred and fifty species, natives of the warmer parts of South America, principally of Brazil and Guiana. The flowers are white, pink, crimson, etc., and are borne in vari- ously-shaped spikes, or in nearly globular heads, growing singly or in clusters from the angles of the leaves. /. pulcherrima. a native of Mexico, is one of the most beautiful of the genus. The foliage is smaller than most of the species, and is very ornamental. The tassel like flowers ai'e of a bright crimson, and very showy. The shape of the flower- heads has given it the name of Bottle Brush. All the species are propagated from cuttings of young wood in summer. Introduced in 1822. Ink-Berry. The fruit of Bex (Prinos) glabra, an evergreen shrub, common on the Atlantic coast. Insecticides. The enormous damage done by insects to our fruits, vegetables, grains, etc., is almost beyond belief, amounting, it is claimed, to over two hundred millions of dol- lars yearly in the United States alone ; their 202 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS INS prompt destruction, therefore, immediately any are detected, is most important and essen- tial. Fortunately the extensive experiments in insecticides and the improvements in imple- ments for applj'ing them, enable us to fight them so well tliat the damage done is scarcely felt when the most is made of the opportuni- ties within i-each. In applying insecticides it should be borne in mind that "enough is as good as a feast." It is not necessary to drown the insects with solutions, or to bury them in powder, to iiill them ; tlie least parti- cle of poison is sufficient to do its deadly work, but it is necessary that "the least par- ticle " and the insect come in contact. It is much better to reach every poition of the plant or tree, underneath as well as above, with a fine spray of fluid, or a slight dusting of powder, tlian to apply liberally in some parts and carelessly overlook others, as is the too general custom. To fight insects effectually it must be done thoroughly, and every inch must be covered. Besides, tlieie is much less danger of burningor injuring the leaves and fruit by light applications. The improved implements now offered for apply- ing powders or fluids are great economizers, covering large surfaces, with less material, doing it with greater speed, and reducing the danger of injury to the plants to a minimum. Of the many insecticides recommended for general use in the garden or orchard the most serviceable are London Purple, Pans Green and Kerosene Emulsion. London PuRPLP is rapidly taking the lead. It is largely used in the public parks and on government experimental farms, and is consid- ered superior to Paris Green on account of being more soluble, there being less danger of burning the foliage with it. It is said to go furtlaer, and is certainly much cheaper, which is accounted for by its being a by-product. When used as a powder it has also the advan- tage of being more readily seen on the plants. The adulterants usually mixed with it are either land-plaster, road-dust, plaster-of-Paris or cheap flour, and it is advisable to mix thoroughly at least twenty-four hours before use, which allows the adulterant to absorb the poison, making it more effectual. When mixed with flour one pound of London Purple, to twenty to thirty pounds of Hour, is the pi'oper proportion, according to the tender- ness of the plants ; mixed with land-plaster or plaster-of-Paris, one pound of the poison to a hundred and fifty pounds of the adulterant; with dry road-dust, one pound of the poison to a bushel and a halt of the dust. In making liquid solutions mix one pound of London Purple with two hundred gallons of water, but first wet the powder and form a thin paste to prevent it from forming lumps. It should be put in the water twelve hours at least before use, for the best results. Paris Green can be mixed in the same proportions, and in the same manner. Kerosene in its natural, undiluted state is fatal to all insect and vegetable life, but prepared (emulsified) as recommended by the Entomological Divis- ion of the Department of Agriculture at Washington, may be used safely and with much benefit. Kerosene Emulsion. Add two gallons of Kerosene to a hot solution of one-half a f)ound of soap in a gallon of water, and churn the INS mixture through the nozzle of a force-pump until it forms a cream-like mass. This may be kept unchanged until needed for use. For general use reduce the emulsion thus made with nine parts of water, and apply through a force-pump or syringe, three gallons of the emulsion making thirty gallons of the spraying liquid. Besides its use as an emul- sion, Kerosene, when used with discretion, is a most valuable insecticide for the destruction of Mealy-bug, Scale, etc., in the green-house. A wine-glassful to a gallon of water is suffi- cient, only when applying the solution the water must be kept thoroughly churned by forcing every other syringeful back into the bucket so as to keep it thoroughly mixed. Small plants, such as Camellias, Azaleas, Ardisias, Palms, etc., may be safely dipped in the solution if at the same time it is kept thoroughly mixed as above. Hellebore, Per- sian and DiUmatian powders, Buhach, etc., are valuable for destroying the Cabbage- worm, etc. See Insects. Insects In the green-house or grapery, or any place where plants are grown under cover, in- sects, with few exceptions, are under control; but when in the open field or garden we are often powtu'less against their ravages, par- ticularly when they attack the roots of plants. We can manage many of them, even outside, when they attack Nranches or leaves; but with others we are as powerless as with those attacking the roots. There is no doubt that the encouragement of birds on farms and in gardens, by feeding and sheltering them, well repays in the return for the insects they destroy. In nearly all the large cities in this country, since tiie introduction of the Euro- pean Sparrow, though in part a seed-eater, there lias been a marked absence of the " Measuring Worm," " Hose Slug," and other caterpillar-like insects. The Rose Slug {Selandria rosea) is a light- green insect, which, when fully developed is about an inch in length. There are appar- ently two kinds, one of which eats only the outer skin of the leaf on the under side, the other eats it entire. The first is by far the most destructive. In a few daj s after the j)lants are attacked, they appear as if they had been burned. An excellent appli- cation for tlie prevention of the Rose Slug is whale oil soap dissolved in the proportion of one pound to eight gallons of water; this, if steadily applied daily for a week with a syringe on Rose jilaats, in early spring, before ' the buds begin to develop, will never fail to prevent the attacks of this insect. If this precaution has been omitted, and the insects are seen on the leaves, white Hellebore pow- der dusted on the plants wdl quickly destroy them, without injury to the plants. The Rose Beetle {Aramigus Fulleri) or Bug, as it is com- monly called, however, is a much more diflfl- cult insect to deal with. The Rose or Grape Vine Beetle (Melolontha subspinosa) is another pest, usually destroying the fiowers on the Rose, and both flowers and young fruit on the vine. The only certain remedy is to destroy them by hand. The Gkeen Fly, or Aphis, is one of the most common, but most easily destroyed, of almost any insect that infests plants, either indoors or out. In our green-houses, we fumi- AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 203 INS gate twice a week, by burning about half a pound of refuse tobacco stems (made damp) to every 500 square feet of glass surface, but in private green-houses or on plants in rooms, fumigating is often impracticable. But To- bacco in any form is quickly fatal to the Green Fly ; so in private green-houses or in rooms, where the fumes of Tobacco would be objectionable. Tobacco stems can be used by steeping one pound in five gallons of water, until the water gets to be the color of strong coffee. This is applied over and under the leaves with a syringe, and destroys tiie insect quite as well as by fumigating, only in either case the application should be made before the insects are seen, to prevent their coming rather than to destroy them when established ; for often by neglect they get a foothold in such legions that all remedies become inef- fectual to dislodge them, unless by brushing them off the leaves with a light brush. Another means of preventing the Green Fly is to apply Tobacco in the shape of dust or snuff. The sweepings of Tobacco warehouses can be bought in most places at a cost of five or ten cents per pound. This, applied once or twice a week to an ordinary-sized private green- house, would effectually prevent any injury from the Green Fly. No special quantity of this need be prescribed, as it is in no way hurtful to the plant ; all that is necessary is to see that it is so dusted on that it reaches all parts of the plant, and on both sides of the leaves. It is best to slightly moisten the leaves beforehand, so that the dust will adhere to them. When applied to plants out- doors, it should be done in the morning when the dew is on, or after a rain. Fruit ti-ees of many kinds, shrubs, and Roses of all kinds, out of doors, are particularly liable to injury from some species of Aphis, but the applica- tion of Tobacco in any of the forms alluded to, if made in time, will be found a cheap and effectual remedy. Ground ob Blue Aphis is another species of Aphis that gets its living from the roots down in the soil, which may have the effect of changing its color, while the Green Aphis feeds in the air on the leaves. The Blue Aphis attacks a great many varieties of plants, both flower and vegetable, particu- larly in hot, dry weather, and whenever As- ters, Verbenas, Petunias, Centaureas, Beets, Radishes, Lettuce, etc., begin to droop, it will be found on examination, in three cases out of four, that the farthest extremities of their root are completely surrounded by the Blue Aphis. The only remedy we have ever found for this pest is strong decoction of Tobacco stems, made by being boiled until it gets to the color of strong coffee, and poured on, when cold, in quantity enough to reach the extremity of the roots. There is no fear of injuring the plants by this application, as it acts as a fertilizer to some extent. The Verbena Mite, the minute cause of the "black rust" so disastrous in its ravages on the Verbena, Heliotrope, Petunia, Pelar- gonium, and various other plants, is so small that it cannot be seen b)' the naked eye ; but its ravages under certain conditions are so disastrous as to render the cultivation of the Verbena and some similar plants next to impossible. INS When this little pest has once got a foothold, all direct remedies to dislodge it seem to be powerless ; the fumes of tobacco, so dis- tructive to the aphis, or of sulphur, which is death to the spider, fall harmlessly on this microscopic insect. There is hardly a doubt but that the fumes of sulphur and tobacco would destroy it, if it had not the power of imbedding itself in the leaf. This is evidently the case, as on subject- ing affected plants to a severe fumigation with tobacco for thirty minutes no insects could be discerned on the leaves ; but after a short time they again appeared on the field of the microscope, apparently unscathed. We also find that an excellent preventive against this insect is to syringe the plants twice a week with a weak solution of fir-tree oil ; one- half pint to five gallons of water. This seems like tobacco smoke to check it somewhat, yet it is not a complete remedy and if plants are severely attacked, there is nothing for it but to throw those affected out — as there is but little doubt that it quickly spreads. Now, although we have no direct i-emedy against this insect, which produces the black rust, we have, I think, a preventive, by keeping the plants in that healthy, vigorous condition which seems to be repellant to its attack. The Mealy Bug, as it is familiarly known, from its white, mealy-like appearance, be- longs to the same family as the Cochineal insect {Coccus Cacti), from which the Cochi- neal dye is obtained. It is one of the most troublesome of all insects to dislodge. The only certain remedy we have ever been able to get to kill Mealy Bug without injury to the leaves, is a mixture known as " Cole's Insect Destroyer," the ingredients of which we do not know, as the inventor so far has been able to keep his secret. This, put on with an atomizer, never fails to destroy them. The great objection to this remedy is its price, which is entirely too high to admit of its being used on a large scale. The common method to get I'id of Mealy Bug is to brush it off the leaves with a brush, made soft enough not to scratch the leaves or stems, or by using the Kerosene Emulsion. See Insecticides. Thrips (Tettigonia) vary in color, being light green, brown, and black. It is much more active in its movements than the Gi-een Fly, and more difficult to destroy, and when it once gets a foothold is one of the most destructive enemies to the grapery or green- house. Tobacco smoke that will destroy the Aphis, has but little effect on Thrips ; but in our experiments in destroying insects in the winter of 1S81 in our green-houses, we found that Tobacco stems boiled so that the liquid from them was as dark as strong coffee or porter, was certain death to the Thrips. We had a large house of Dracaenas and other tropical plants badly affected by Thrips ; we syringed the plants freely with the Tobacco water for ten or twelve days with the most satisfactory results, as at the end of that time not an insect was to be seen, and the plants at once began to grow with unwonted vigor. The Red Spider {Acarus tellariics) is an- other well-known pest to the green-house, and, like the Thrips, seems perfectly indiffer- ent to the fumes of Tobacco. It is one of the most insidious of all our insect enemies, as it 204 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS INS works nearly always on the under part of the leaves, and often has got a firm foothold be- fore its presence has been discovered. The experienced gardener knows that the main cause of Red Spider is a dry, hot atmosphere, as it is never present to injure in a moist at- mosphere and low temperature. So the pre- ventive is at all times an atmosphere in the green-house that will prevent the attacks of the Red Spider, which at the same time is most congenial to the health of the plants, for it is certain that if the Red Spider is present in force, then the atmosphere has been too dry for the well-being of the plants. To avoid this in private green-houses, where the walks cannot be splashed with water, evap- orating pans should be placed on the pipes, or any other method that may suggest itself to increase the moisture of the atmosphere. Last season we filled the space between the rows of pipe with Sphagnum Moss, from which, when wet, a steady moisture was given out. When the Red Spider is present, the best way to destroy it is repeated forcible syringings of the leaves, with applications of a sulphur wash to the pipes, as recommended for Mildew, which see. " Carnation Twitter " is an insect but little known, and in this district only by its local name of " Carnation Twitter," given from its rapid and nervous motion. As seen by the naked eye, it is about the twentieth part of an inch in length, and of a thickness not more than that of a needle point. It is of various shades of color, from green to black. It is never very numerous on the plants, but most destructive, and evidently poisonous in its attacks on all varieties of the Carnation or Dianthus family. Its effects on plants some- what resemble those of the Red Spider, ex- cept tliat, when attacked by the "Twitter," the leaves have a cankered and twisted ap- pearance, easily distinguishable from the browning effects of the Spider; and it is far more destructive. We have often seen thous- ands of Carnation plants destroyed by it in a season. We regret to say that, so far, we have found nothing that will destroy this insect that does not at the same time injure the plant. We have tried Tobacco in all forms, lime, soot. Hellebore, Paris Green, Quassia, Aloes, and all the nostrums usually baneful to insect life, without seeming in the slightest to disturb the " Twitter." We have found, however, that its ravages are worst on light soils ; on heavy, stiff clay land we have never known it to do much injury. Brown and White Scale Insects are often troublesome on old plants of Oleanders, Orange trees, and some hot-house plants. They are best destroyed by being washed or rubbed off, or by using the Kerosene Emul- sion. See Insecticides. Slugs or Snails. These are troublesome both in the open ground and in the green- house. Salt is certain death to them, even in smallest quantities, and when in the open garden, a slight sprinkling of salt over the ground is effectual; but the sprinkling, it must be remembered, must be very slight, as salt, if put on (even as thick as sand is usually strewn on a floor) will kill almost any kind of vegetation. In our green-houses the snails usually feed at night, getting under the benches during the day. We have found a INS most effectual remedy in strewing a thin line of salt on edge of each bench ; — this makes a complete '• dead line " for the Slugs or Snails, for they cannot cross it and live. Another plan is to slice up potatoes, carrots, cabbage, or lettuce leaves, to feed on, for which they will leave all other plants. Examine these traps daily, and destroy the captives. Ants. — These are sometimes very de- structive to vegetation, particularly in dry, sandy soils. We have repeatedly suffered serious losses from them, both in our green- houses and out of doors. The most effica- cious remedy we have tried is to saturate pieces of sponge with sugar, or to place fresh bones around their haunts ; they will leave everything else to feed on these, and when they are thus trapped, can be destroyed by dipping in hot water or burning. Another method is to blow Pyrethrum or Persian Insect Powder over them with a bellows. They are killed at once if the powder strikes them in a dry state ; but it has no effect if damp, for, when strewed in their haunts, they run over it with impunity. The Angle Worm, or the common red worm, seen in nearly evei-y soil, in pots or in the open ground, is harmless as far as feeding on the plant goes, for it does not feed on the plants, but bores and crawls around in a way which seriously disturbs the roots of plants, particularly when growing in pots. Some savant has recently given it as his opinion that the Angle Worm is highly beneficial in pulverizing the soil, and that Nature has placed it there for that purpose. We are afraid that there are few cultivators that feel grateful to the Angle Worm for such service, and that most of us would rather be allowed to do our own pulverizing without this "natural" assistance. The Angle Worm is easily destroyed with the following solution : one peck of shell lime in forty gallons of water, allowing the residue to settle at the bottom, and watering the plants with the clear lime water. The caustic of the lime acts on the cuticule of the worms, and is quickly fatal to them. There are many insects that attack the Cabbage tribe, among the best known of which is that which causes the disease known as "Club Root" (which see). Another enemy of the Cabbage plant, and one that is sometimes even more destructive than the Club Root, is the Cabbage Caterpillar or Cabbage Worm. This insect is comparatively a new comer in the vicinity of New York, having been, it is believed, imported from Europe. It is pro- duced by a small white butterfly that is seen hovering over the Cabbage patches in spring. It attacks the leaves of the plant, and is such a voracious feeder that it will quickly destroy a whole plantation. We find an excellent remedy for this pest to be White Hellebore powder, which must, however, be put on in the early stage of the plant's existence, as when heading up, of course, it would not be safe to apply it. The past fall and winter our cold-frame Cabbage and Cauliflower plants were attacked by the Cabbage Worm, both in the seed bed in the open field, and also after being transplanted into the frames. One good dusting of White Hellebore powder destroyed them completely on both oocasions. IPOMOPSIS. rPOMCEA COCCINEA. IPOMCEA SUEFUEEA. rXIA VIKIDIFLOEA. rpOMCEA (CALONYCTION) GBASSIFLOBA (MOON FLOWEE OB EVENING GLOBT). IBIS GEBMAXICA. IBIS HI8PANICA. IBIS StJSIANA. IBIS ANGLICA. IRIS KJEMPFERI. aoS AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 205 INS For application when the plants are heading up nothing is more efficacious, or more easy of application, than Persian or Dalmatian insect powder. As it is practically harmless to man, and the higher animals, it can be applied by a bellows, at any stage of the plant's growth, and, if of a good grade, it is certain death to all insects which it strikes. Many southern growers say it is the only effectual, and at the same time, perfectly safe cure for the Cabbage Worm. There are three kinds of insects which attack the roots of Cabbages after being planted out in the field to head. One is a species of Wire Worm, that imbeds itself in the stem, for which, we regret to say, we can suggest no remedy that will not at the same time kill the plant. Another, of a dull gray color, resembling a caterpillar in shape, is known by the popular and expressive name of Cut-worm, based upon their practice of eating off the young plants at the level of the ground. They are the larvee of several species of NoctuidcB, and are nocturnal in their habits, lying just under the surface of the ground during the day, and feeding at night. They hatch out early in spring, and feed on grass, weeds, etc., and when tlie ground is cleared and the plants set out, their enforced fast makes them doubly dangerous. The following extract from a communication to Garden and Forest may be of service to many : "Various means have been tried to keep them from the plants — lime, salt, gas-tar and a variety of other repeliants have been em- ployed, all with a variable, usually small, degree of success. Later, as the habits of the worms became better known, traps were prepared for them. Holes were driven with a dibble, around the newly-set plants, and the Cut-worms wandering about fell into them, and, being unable to climb up the smooth sides, perished there. Traps were set in the form of chips and short pieces of board, which proved convenient hiding places for the larvte, and there they could be readily found during the day and destroyed. Still later, balls of grass and succulent leaves were scattered about the fields, and there the worms congre- gated, and were easily destroyed during the day. More recently, the grass balls were poisoned, by being soaked in a pail of water into which a teaspoonful of London Purple had been stirred, and the Cut-worms were thus killed without the labor attendant upon a daily visitation of the lures. The trapping system with the aid of poisoned lures has, on the whole, proved most satisfactory ; but, as in the case of all applications of insecticides, the element of time is a most important factor, and in many cases really determines success or failure. "There is comparatively little success from lures placed after a field has been set out and where vegetation has started, since the worms will prefer young, growing plants, to the lures, and after the larvee become full grown and ready for pupation, lures, of course, fail in attracting more than a very few belated specimens. The proper time for a Cut-worm campaign is just after the ground has been prepared for the crop to go in it, and while it is clear and free from vegetation — if possible only a day or two before planting — the poisoned lures should be spread about INS liberally, and the vast majority of all the Cut- worms in the prepared ground will be attracted and destroyed. It is, of course, not likely that the destruction will be complete, but the percentage of plants lost will be very much lessened, and will be insignificant in compari- son to the damage that would have been otherwise caused." The other is the Cabbage Maggot. One of the most destruc- tive insects we have to contend with in growing Cabbage or Cauliflower is the Cabbage Mag- got. The only remedy is prevention — which requires close observation. Just as soon as the Cabbage or Cauliflower becomes well rooted in the open field after planting out (in the latitude of New York usually about middle of May), close attention will show a small black fly hovering around the plants that deposits usually about twenty eggs, of a whitish color and about the size of a pin's head. Before the eggs hatch out each plant must be fingered around so as to displace them from the stem. This is quickly done, and it is, we believe, the only known remedy to save the crop. The CuKcuiiio or Plum Weevil. This little beetle is one of the greatest orchard pests, attacking not only the Plum, Cherry, Peach and other stone fruits, but also doing serious dam- age to the Apple. Its attacks are followed by great deformity in the fruit. The Apples are often stung many times and become so gnarled, distorted, and scarred as to be wholly worth- less. An almost certain remedy is to use a tablespoon! ul of London Purple or Paris Green to six gallons of water, syringed on the trees every other day for fifteen days, beginning the operation as the flower begins to drop, as it is just when the fruit is forming that the insect deposits its egg. No danger need be apprehended from the small quantity of the poison used, as it will be all washed from the fruit long before it ripens. Another remedy, which will effectually save a crop in the dis- tricts infested by this insect, is to jar the tree in the morning or in cool days, first spreading sheets under the trees to catch the weevils, after which they may be burned. If this is begun as soon as the Plums are formed, and persisted in every few days until they are ripe, a large share of the crop may be saved. This may be thought to be paying rather dear for a crop of Plums, but it is really the only way it can be secured. Many years ago the crop of a Plum orchard under my charge, numbering over a hundred large trees, was saved by this process, while all other Plums in the district, where the jarring of the trees was not resorted to, were completely des- troyed. This plan was recommended nearly half a centuiy ago, and no other practicable method has been presented until the recent use of London Purple or Paris Green, applied as already described. The PHYiiiiOXERA, which has been so des- tructive to the Grape vine in Europe, is, fortu- nately, mostly localized with us thus far, and its ravages have been far from alarming, though many feel apprehensive of the future. Its depredations, which are of a deadly nature, are confined chiefly to the roots, and thus far no certain means for its destruction have been discovered. The Phylloxera has, in a few places, been found quite destructive to 206 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS INS the foreign vine grown under glass, especially in parts of Ehode Island, making it necessary, in some cases, to renew both the vines and the borders. CoLORAUo Bug, or Potato Beetle, so destructive T some years ago, has now bee a well-nigh driven off by the persistent use of Paris Green by farmers and gardeners. Insertion. The manner in which one part is inserted into, or adheres to, or originates from another ; as the leaf on the branch, the branch on tlie stem, etc. Inula. A word of doubtful origin, but said to be a corruption of Helenium. Nat. Ord. Com- A genus of coarse-growing annuals and her- baceous perennials, not worth growing as flowering plants. /. Helenium is the Elecam- pane, common in the roadsides tl\roughout the States. Involucre. A ring or rings of bracts sur- rounding several flowers, such as the whorled bracts at the base of an umbel, a head, or a single hower. Involute. Rolled inward ; when edges are rolled inward on each side. lochro'ina. From ion, violet, and chroma, color ; color of the flower. Nat. Ord. Solanacem. A genus of green-house trees or shrubs, natives of western tropical America. It con- tains about fifteen species, bearing blue, violet, white, yellowish, or scarlet flowers. The fruit is succulent, tAVo-celled, and many seeded, inclosed in a bladdery calyx. /. lan- ceolata and /. tubulosa have very showy, rich, deep purplish-blue flowers, and they would doubtless prove hardy in the Southern States. lonopsi'dium. From ionopsis, Aiolet-faxjed, and eidos, resemblance; alluding to the resem- blance to some of the tufted Violets. Nat. Ord. CrucifercR. A small genus of hardy annual:^, natives of Portugal and Algeria. I. acaule, the only cultivated species, makes a beautiful little plant for rockeries or shaded situations ; its flowers are of a clear lilac, and the foliage of a delicate green. It is increased by seeds and also by runners, which root freely in the damp soil. Introduced 1815. lono'psis. From ion, violet, and opsis, like. Nat. Ord. Orchidacece. A small genus of free-flowering, low-grow- ing, beautiful little Orchids. They are difficult to manage, and are, therefore, seldom seen in collections. Ipecacua'nha. The root of Cephcelis Ipecacw- anha. A Brazilian plant, the cultivation of which has been introduced into India, The roots afford the important emetic, and the only known specific for dysentery. Ipomoe'a. Morning Glory. From ips, bind- weed, and homoios, similar; alluding to the twining habit of the plants. Nat. Ord. Con- volvulacece. A very extensive genus of twining plants, consisting of hardy and tender annuals, hard}' tuberous-rooted perennials, and green-house perennials. They are remarkable for their showy flowers of white, pink, blue and purple ' colors. I. purpurea, with its varieties, is the common Morning Glory of the garden. It is a native of South America, but has escaped IPS from cultivation and become thoroughly nat- uralized. /. pandurala, Man-of-the-Earth, a native species, having very large tuberous roots, when well established will cover a very large space, and produce an immense number of very large, pure white flowers. Thej' re- main open much longer than the annual varieties. The tuberous-rooted species are increased by division, by cuttings, or from seeds. The beautiful Moon Flosver, Ipomcea (Calonyction) grandijlora, known also in com- merce as /. noctiphiton, etc., is a tropical per- ennial species, with immense pure white, sweet-scented flowers, which, contrary to the habits of this splendid family, open at night instead of the morning. Being a free bloomer, the effect, especially, on a moon- light night, is charming, particularly when it is growing on a tree. This species requires protection during winter, and is increased by cuttings or seeds. I. Mexicana and I. Bona Nox, natives of Florida and New Mexico, etc., are also white-flowered, night- blooming species, but neither of them is so large or floriferous as the foregoing. /. Learii, the blue Dawn flower, a tender perennial species, is perhaps the most beautiful and useful of all the Ipomoeas. It is useful in the open air for rapidly covering an outbuilding, a wall, or a trellis, and will flower abundantly from midsummer till fall. In the green-house it will bloom the whole year, but it is well to cut it in rather severely in September to keep it within bounds. The flowers, whit-h are large, and of that pure sky-blue so rare among flowers, are produced in the greatest profu- sion. It is propagated by cuttings. We have tried many times to raise it from, im- ported seed, but have never found it to come true. /. Icptophylla is a hardy perennial species of half-climbing habit, with an im- mense tuberous root, and is a desirable plant. It is found from Nebraska to New Mexico, and is propagated by division and from seed. I. coccinea, or Star Ipomoea, a native of the West Indies, bears a profusion of scarlet flowers, and is a very desirable plant. Nearly- all the Ipoma?as are popular plants, especi- ally with those who have an eye for grace and beauty combined. Ipomo'psis. Standing Cypress. From ipo, to strike forcibly, and opsis, sight; alluding to the dazzling color of the flowers. Nat. Ord. Polemoniacece. I. elegans and I. picta are the only species. They are beautiful hardy biennials, natives of South Carolina and southward. They grow from four to six feet high, and are covered nearly their whole length with brilliant sear- let flowers. Seed should be sown in early summer, in a dry, sandy soil, where the water will not stand in winter ; they will be greatly benefited with a slight mulching of leaves, not as a protection against cold, but against wet and sudden changes. This genus is now included under Gilia, by some authorities. I'psea. Derivation of name unknown. Nat. Ord. OrchidacecB. This genus of Orchids is represented by /. speciosa, a beautiful and rare species from Ceylon. The flowers are clear yellow with a carmine stripe on the lip. It requires the same treatment as the Bletia, which it re- sembles in habit; introduced in 1840. AND GENEKAL HORTICULTURE. 207 IRE Iresi'ne. From eiroa, wool ; referring to the wooly aspect of the branches of some of the species. Nat. Or J. Amaranthacem. A genus of erect herbs or sub-shrubs, na- tives of Australia and tropical and sub-tropi- cal America, a single species reaching as far north as Ohio. Those best known in cultiva- tion are very ornamental plants, and are in- dispensable in all bedding-out arrangements on account of their beautifully-colored foliage. The genus is very closely allied to Achyran- thes. Iria'rtea. Named in honor of Juan Iriarte, a Spanish botanist. Nat. Ord. Palmacem. A small genus of ornamental, tall-growing palms, inhabiting tropical America. Natur- ally, they sometimes produce aerial roots, which raise the trees from the ground as if on stilts. They require the same treatment as otlier stove-palms. Iriarte'Ua setigera. A small South American palm formerly included in Iriartea. It rarely grows more than fifteen feet high, and has a perfectly straight cylindrical trunk, scarcely more than an inch thick. The In- dians on the Amazon and Rio Negro, where this palm grows, in the underwood of the forests, use its slender stems for making their blow-pipes, the weapon commonly em- ployed by them in the pursuit of game, and through which they blow small poisoned arrows with unerring accuracy, and to a con- siderable distance. These blow-pipes are usually from eight to twelve feet long, and have a bore of about a quarter of an inch in diameter. Irida'ceae (The Iris Family). A natural order of herbs with eorms, rhizomes, or fibrous roots, and mostly with equitant leaves, and flowers in sheaths. They are found in warm and temperate regions, and abound at the Cape of Good Hope. There are about fifty genera and upward of five hundred species. Iris, Gladiolus, Crocus, and Ixia are examples. I'ris. Fleur-de-Luce, or FIower-de-Luce. Iris, the rainbow deified ; an<3iently applied to this genus on account of the bright and varied colors of the blossoms. Nat. Ord. Iridacem. There are two large and distinct sections into which the Iris is usually divided, one with creeping fleshy root-stocks or rhizomes, including such species as/. Germanica, I. Flor- entina, I flavescens, I. squalens, etc., and num- berless varieties having large and iiandsome flowers, and as they are the easiest to cul- tivate, they are most largely grown, the other section includes the bulbous kinds or Xiphions, principally represented in cultivation by what are known as the English and Spanish Iris. Both are of Spanish origin, and vary chiefly in the size of the bulbs and flowers, and in the more curious combination of colors as exhibited in the flowers of the former. They should be taken up and replanted every second or third year, as the new bulbs, which are formed every season, are always directly under the old bulb ; and thus in the course of a few years the bulbs descend so low as to be out of the reach of the air, and consequently incapable of vegetation. Thus it will be . generally found that persons in the habit of growing Irises, are always complaining of ISM losing their plants, while the real fault rests with themselves for not taking up their bulbs at the proper time. The bulbous and tuber- ous-rooted Irises succeed in any light and dry soil. The splendid Chalcedbnian Iris is one of the tuberous-rooted kinds ; and it not only requires a dry soil during winter, but to be allowed plenty of pure air during the whole period of its growth, or it will be very apt to damp off. Among the species of late intro- duction is /. KcBmpferii (Syn. IcBvigata), from Japan. The plants are perfectly hardy, and are very free-flowering. The flowers are double and single, the colors pure white, purple, maroon, blue, and many with the various colors marbled with white. They grow readily in almost any situation, in full exposure to sun, or in partial shade. They are increased by division, or may be grown readily from seed, which if sown in the open border, will make plants that will flower the second year. These are really grand plants. Scarcely any plants in the flower-garden can compare with them for gorgeous beauty, and they command a prominent place in all gardens. That they do not flower until near midsummer, when the season of the common Iris is past, is an additional recommendation to most lovers of plants. Irish Heath. Dab(£Cia polifolia. Iron Tree. The common name of Parrotia Persica. Iron-weed. The popular name of Vernonia Noveboracensis, a common plant in moist grounds and along fence rows, growing from two to seven feet high, and bearing bright pui-ple flowers. Iron-wood. The popular name of two trees that furnish a hard, useful timber, the one Ostrya, which is also known as Hop Horn- beam, and tl)e other Carpinus, the common Hornbeam, or Iron-wood. Both are common in inost of the States. Iron-wood of Morocco. See Argania siderox- ■ ylon. I'satis. A genus of CrucifercB, consisting of erect annual or biennial plants, natives of southern Europe and western Asia, one being found in China. They have undivided leaves, with a bluish bloom, and generally yellow flowers, borne in long, loose, erect, terminal panicles. I. tinctoria, the Dyer's wood, is the only species of importance, being cultivated, especially in the north of China, for the blue dye, similar to indigo, obtained from it. Isme'ne. Peruvian Daffodil. After Ismene, the daughter of ffidipus and Jocasta. Nat. Ord. Ainaryllidacem. A small genus of very handsome bulbs from Peru, which req.uire to be kept perfectly dry during winter, and free from frost. Planted out in spring as soon as the ground is warm and dry, they come into fiower in June and July. /. calathina, with pure white, very fra- grant flowers, and I. amanccBS, yellow, are ex- cellent for this purpose. As the flowers last well, they are also valuable for winter forcing, and can be brought into bloom in six weeks from the time of planting, and may be had in succession all winter. The flowers are pro- duced in an umbel on a spathe about tvro feet high . This genus is included by some botanists 2U8 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS ISO under Hymenocallis, and by others under Pan- cratium. They are propagated by ofifsets, and ■were introduced in 1800. Iso'lepis. From isos, equal, and lepis, a scale ; alluding to the regularity of the scales. Nat. Ord. Cyperacece. I. gracilis is a very pretty, low-growing, fine, rush-like grass, cultivated for a basket plant, a purpose for which it is admirably adapted. Propagated by division. Sjm. Scirptia riparius. Isolo'ma. From isos, equal, and loma, a bor- der; lobes of corolla equal. Nat. Ord. Ges- neracecB. A genus comprising about sixty species of ornamental green-house and stove plants, often confused with Achimenes and Gesnera, natives of Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, etc. Flowers often scarlet, golden, or spotted ; leaves oppo- site, often slightly villous. Culture similar to Gesnera or Tydea, which see. Isolo'ma (of J. Smith). A name given to a genus of Ferns now included under hindsma. Isona'ndra. Gutta Percha Tree. From isos, equal, and ander, the male organ, or stamen ; referring to an equal number of fertile and barren stamens. Nat. Ord. Sapotaeece. I. gutta, the species which yields Gutta Percha, is a large forest-tree, growing sixty to seventy feet high, with a trunk two or three feet in diameter. It is a native of Borneo, Ceylon and Malaya, where there are immense forests of this and kindred species. They are quite ornamental trees, but, from their size, only valuable for the Gutta Percha they pro- duce. Isopy'rum. From isos, equal, and pyros, wheat. The Greeks gave this name to a plant resem- bling Nigella, the seeds of which have the same taste. Nat. Ord. Ranunculacece. A genus of dwarf, slender, hardy perennial herbs, natives of Europe and temperate Asia. I. thalictroides is a very graceful border plant, with feathery, white flowers, and foliage re- sembling a Maiden-hair Fern. It is of easy cultivation, and is increased by seeds or divis- ion of the roots. Iso'toma. From isos, equal, and toma, a sec- tion; the flowers are equal. Nat. Ord. Lobel- iacece. A small genus of annuals and herbaceous perennials, formerly included in the genus Lobelia. I. petrcea is a very showy half-hardy annual, with cream-colored flowers. I. longi- flora, a native of the West Indies, is a most venomous plant, producing dangerous cathar- tic symptoms. It proves fatal to horses that eat it. Isotro'pis. From isos, equal, and tropos, turned ; referring probably to the distinctly formed veins in the flowers. Nat. Ord. LeguminoscB. I. striaia, from Swan Eiver, constitutes this genus. It is a beautiful little green-house shrub, with a soft and slightly downy stem. The flowers are much like those of the Choro- zema, clear orange yellow, with rich, deep crimson, forked veins. It was introduced in 1838, and is propagated by cuttings of the young wood. Italian Rye Grass. Lolium Italicw.n. I'tea. The Greek name for the "Willow, applied IXO to this genus on account of its rapid growth in damp soil. Nat. Ord. Saxifragacece. I. Virginica, the only cultivated species, Is a dwarf shrub resembling a willow in habit and foliage ; flowers white, produced in great profusion towards the end of summer. In- digenous in wet places, from New Jersey southward, near the coast. Ivory. Vegetable. The hard albumen of the nuts of Phytelephas macrocarpa. Ivy. See Hedera helix. American. Ampelopsis quinquefolia. German or Parlor. A garden name for Sen- ecio Mikanioides. Ground. Nepeta Glechoma. Japan, or Boston. See Ampelopsis tricuapi- data (Syn. A. Veitchii). Kenilworth, or Coliseum. Linaria cymba- laria. Mexican. Cobma scandens. Poison. Rhus toxicodendron. I'xia. From ixia, bird-lime ; in reference to the clammy juice. Nat. Ord. Iridacece. A genus of beautiful Cape bulbs, with nar- row ensate leaves, and slender, simple, or slightly branched stems, bearing spikes of large showy flowers, various in color, and ex- ceedingly attractive when fully expanded by sunshine. These flowers have a salver- shaped perianth, with a slender tube, and six-parted, spreading, equal limb, three sta- mens inserted in the throat, with flliform fil- aments and versatile anthers, and a three- celled ovary with numerous ovules, termi- nating in a filiform style, and three narrow linear con-duplicate recurved stigmas. I. mridiflora, which has large sea-green flowers with black markings at the base of the seg- ments, is a very singular-looking, as well as very beautiful plant. There are many species and some varieties, and the greater part of them are worthy of cultivation. They are half hardy, but with us should be grown in pots in the green-house; about mid-winter they will begin to show their handsome flow- ers freely. When done flowering they should be dried off till September or October, which is the proper time to start them again. They grow well in a light loam with the addition of leaf mould and sand, and are propagated by offsets. First introduced in 1757. Ixia'nthes retzioides. A rare and beautiful plant of the Nat. Ord. Scrophulariacem, native of western South Africa. It is an erect shrub, with lanceolate leaves, densely crowded into ternary whorls. The flowers are not unlike those of a Pentstemon, but bright yellow. It grows naturally almost in the water, and in drier places becomes stunted and depauper- ated. Introduced in 1882. Ixioli'rion. From ixia, and leirion, a lily ; lit- erally, Ixia-like Lily. Nat. Ord. Amarylli- dacecB. A small genus of rare and beautiful little hardy bulbs from Asia Minor. They have simple erect stems, with terminal clusters or racemes of sky-blue flowers, and are propa- gated by seeds or offsets. Introduced in 1844. Ixo'ra. Named after Iswara, a Malabar deity, to whom the flowers of some of the species are offered. Nat. Ord. Rubiac^ce. AND GENERAL HORTICULTURE. 209 JAB A genus of Indian and tropical African shrubs, with corymbs of handsome flowers of a scarlet, pinli, or white color, and frequently having an agreeable fragrance. The history of Ixora coccinea, the best known species, is rather curious. It is a native of China and some of the East India Islands, where it is worshipped as a sacred plant, and where it is said to form a small tree about six feet high, rising with a single stem, and having its head formed entirely of clusters of bright scarlet and yellow flowers, whence it has received the name of Flamma Sylvarum, or the 3^ree of Fire. This plant was first introduced in 1690; but it was soon lost and its existence was even doubted until it was r^-introduced about" a hundred years afterward by the celebrated Dr. Fothergill. The Ixoras are really mag- nificent plants, and should be grown in a warm temperature. They are propagated from cuttings, and should be grown in a sandy loam and leaf mould. When repotted, which should be done immediately after flowering, the plants will be benefited by being plunged into a moderate bottom heat, which induces JAP them to root freely, and to form the growth quickly and with vigor, thus enabling them to become properly ripened before winter. In the spring, when the fiower heads begin to appear, a liberal regimen should be adopted, and liquid manure occasionally applied. At this time, and, indeed, throughout the sum- mer, the foliage should be frequently syr- inged, in order to keep it clear of insects, and to preserve its rich green and glossiness. As soon as the flowers are expanded, and onward till the growth is complete, the plants should be shaded from powerful light, and through the summer a moderately moist atmosphere of about 75° should be kept about them. In winter the ordinary attention required by hot- house plants will suffice. The taste for hard- wooded plants is on the increase. Among the best is the Ixora, which should be more gen- erally grown ; over twenty species varying in color, from pure white to deep orange-scarlet, are now in cultivation. I. coccinea superba, I. eminens, I. illvstris, I. decora, I. omata, I. Williamsii and others, are free flowering and easily grown species. J. Jaboro'sa. From Jaborose, the Arabic for the Mandrake, an allied plant. Nat. Ord. So- lanacecB. A small genus of South American herbaceous perennials. The flowers are funnel-shaped, white or green. None of the species has any special attractions. Jack-in-the-Pulpit. See AriscBtna. Jaca, or Jack-Tree. The native name of Arto- carpus integrifolia, the Bread Fruit of the East Indies. Jacara'nda. Its Brazilian name. Nat. Ord. Bignoniarece. A genus of very handsome, lofty evergreen trees, with the elegant habit of the fine- leaved Acacias. They have bluish flowers in terminal panicles, but their size prevents their cultivation in the green-house. Jacobae'a. A synonym of Senecio. Jacobaean Lily. See Sprekelia. Jacobi'nia. A genus of AcanthacecB, proposed to include Cyrtanthera, Pachystachys and Serico- gr aphis. Jacob's Ladder. See Polemonium. Jacquemo'ntia. Named after Victor Jacque- mont, a traveler in the East Indies. Nat. Ord. ConvolvulaceoB. A small genus of green-house evergreen .twiners, intermediate between IpomoRa and Convolvulus. They are natives of Mexico and the East Indies, and are propagated by cut- tings. Introduced in 1808. Jacqui'nia. Named in honor of N. J. de Jacquin, once Professor of Botany at Leyden. A genus of handsome evergreen bushes of the Nat. Ord. Convoltulaceoi, peculiar to America, where they range from Florida to Brazil, and are usually found near the coast. J. armillaris is known by the West Indian settlers as Brace- let Wood ; the shiny brown and yellow seeds being made into bracelets. Introduced to- cultivation in 1768. Jalap. See Exogonium. Jamaica Dogwood. See Piscidia. Jamaica Mignonette. (Henna Plant.) See Lawsonia. Jamaica Pepper. A name given to Allspice, Pimento vulgaris, which see. Jame'sia. Named after Dr. Edion James, who first discovered the plant. Nat. Ord. Saxi- fragacece. r- J. Americana, the only species, is a medium- sized hardy shrub, with opposite serrated leaves and white flowers, like a Deutzia, blooming nearly all summer. It is a native of Mexico and the Rocky Mountains, and is in- creased by seeds or cuttings of the ripened wood. Introduced in 1865. Jamestown "Weed. See Datura. Janipha. See Manihot. Japan Allspice. See C himonanthus. Japan Cedar. See Crytomeria. Japan Clover. See Lespedeza. Japan Cypress. See Retinospora. Japanese Toad Lily. See Tricyrtis. Japan or Climbing Fern. See Lygodium. Japan Lacquer Tree. Rhus vernicifera. Japan or Boston Ivy. See Ampelopsia ( Veitchii) tricuspidata. Japan Maple. Acer Japonicum. Japan Medlar, or Japan Persimmon. See Diospyros. Japan Pepper. See Xardhoxylum, Japan Plum. See Eryobotrya. ^ Japan Quince. See Cydonia. j 210 HENDERSON'S HANDBOOK OF PLANTS JAP Japan Varnish Tree. Ailantus glandulosus. Japan Yew. See Podocarpus. Jasio'ne. An ancient name used by Theophras- tus. Nat. Ord. CampanulacecB. A genus of hardy herbaceous perennials and annuals, mostly natives of Europe and North Africa. All of the species have very pretty blue flowers, though not of sufficient importance to warrant their introduction in the garden. J. montana is a pretty annual, com- mon in the healthy and moorland districts of Great Britain. It is commonly known as Sheep's Scabious, from its resemblance to the Scabious, and from its abundance in sheep- walks. Jasmine or Jessamine. See Jasminum. Cape. See Gardenia Jlorida. Carolina. Gelsemium nitidum. Jasmineae. A tribe of the Nat. Ord. Oleacem. Jasmi'num. Jasmine. From Tsmym, the Ara- bic name. Nat. Ord. Oleacece. The delicacy and fragrance of the flowers of the Jasmine have often afforded metaphor and theme to the poet. Among the species are found equally desirable subjects for deco- rating the hot-house, the green-house, arbors, or other objects in the open air, and combin- ing in every instance freedom and elegance in the gtmeral habit of the plants, with all that is desirable in floral embellishments. The hot-house and green-house species should be frequently fumigated through the summer, as they are extremely liable to attacks from aphis and other insects. The hardy kinds grow freely in almost any situation, and only require to be kept trained in the desired form, without, however, reducing them to a rigidly formal outline, to make them most ornamental objects in almost any position. Most of the species are from the East Indies. J. grandiflorum is one of our best known winter-flowering plants, and is largely used for cut flowers. It is propagated by cuttings, which root freely, and when well grown form good plants the first season. Introduced in 1629. Ja'tropha. From iatros, physician, and trophe, food; referring to its medicinal qualities. Nat. Ord. EuphorbiacecB. A widely-distributed genus of herbs and evergreen shrubs, principally of economic value, found chiefly in South America. None of the species are valuable as flowering or ornamental plants, though J. podoqraria is sometimes grown for its curious gouty stems, J. nrens, common on the coast from Virginia, southwards, from its stinging properties, is generally known by its popular names, Tread- Softly, and Spurge-Nettle. Jefferso'nia. Twin-leaf. Named in honor of Thomas Jefferson. Nat. Ord. Berberidacece. J. diphylla, the only species, is a pretty little plant, common in woods from New York to Wisconsin and southward. It is sometimes called Rheumatism Root, from its supposed medicinal properties. Jerusalem Artichoke. See Helianthus. Jerusalem Cherry. See Solanum capsicastrum. Jerusalem Sage. See Phlomis. Jerusalem Thorn. See Parkinsonia. Jessamine. A popular corruption of Jasmine. JUD Jewel "Weed. See Impatiens. Jimson Weed. See Datura. Job's Tears. See Coix lachryma. Joe-Pye "Weed. Trumpet Weed. Popular names of Eupatorium purpureum. Johnson Grass. Sorghum halepense. The name Johnson Grass, which is the one most gener- ally adopted in this country, originated from William Johnson of Alabama, who introduced the grass into that state from South Carolina about 1840. Its chief value is for hay in regions where other grasses fail on account of drought. If cut early, the hay is of good quality, and several cuttings may be made in a season. The late Mr. Howard, of Atlanta, Ga., a careful and practical farmer and investigator, said of it, after an experience of forty years, that this grass was preferable to all others that could be grown in the South. Its analysis shows it to be more nutritious than even sweet corn fodder. Its seeds are as large as those of broom corn, and its leaves are long and tender. The stem reaches a height of six feet. Its perennial growth, and the firm hold it takes of the soil, in which it spreads with great rapidity, give it a high value for a fodder grass in the South. John's, St., Bread. Ceratonia siliqvM. John's, St., "Wort. The genus Hypericum. Jointed Charlock. A name frequently given to the Wild Radish, Raphanus raphaniatrum. Joint Grass. A common name of one of our native grasses, Paspalum distichum. Joint Weed. A popular name for Polygonum articulatum. Jo'nesia. Named after Sir. W. Jones, Nat. Ord. LeguminoscB. A small genus of shrubs or low-growing trees inhabiting the East Indies. They have bright glossy leaves, about a foot long, made up of three to six pairs of leaflets. The flow- ers are bright scarlet, in terminal round clus- ters, resembling the Ixora. Some of the Jap- anese species have clusters six to eight inches across, and succeed best when grown in heat. They are propagated by cuttings, and were introduced in 1820. Syn. Saraca. Jonqixil. See Narcissus. Joseph's Coat. See Amaranthus tricolor. Jubaea. After Juba, ancient King of Numidia. Nat. Ord. Palmace