Nortlj (Earnlina BUU This book was presented by B. B. Brandt QK47 G25 \ NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES S01 904996 ^o^ ^o ^ rr^: K47 25 234 uager Fundam^ botany DATE This book may be kept out TWO WEEKS ONLY, and is subject to a fine of FIVE CENTS a day thereafter. It is due on the day indicated below: MAR 1 3 196: jiOV l^Vf65 jm 15 ... 60M— 048— Form 8 FUNDAMENTALS OF BOTANY GAGER THE LARGEST AND OLDEST LIVING THING The General Sherman "big tree" {Sequoia gigan- tea). This tree was about 1,200 yrs. old when Christ was born. At the time of the Trojan wars and the Exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt, under the leadership of Moses, the tree was a sapling 20-30 ft. high. It has been alive during all of mediaeval and modern history. Its height is 279.9 ft., circumference of the trunk at the base 102.8 ft., greatest diameter 36.5 ft., diameter 100 ft. from the ground 17.7 ft. Note that its lowest branches are at about the level of the tops of the conifers surrounding it. (Photo by Pillsbury.) S-ik^ i^'"#^- ' ^^^s I^JffiyJ^B^S^alJiiBSrliWSal ^ ^M mlK^^mrf^f^^^^^^'jHB^'' ' ' vJy*/'Tip*^ '^KMhiiTii WsL^^^W^^^^SB^ssBtMi *^*3 ^mk u^' JHp*' JlwiijEI hhW ' I^r^^^^^^Si^Bi |:^-' ^Rif ^''^-^^^^^^^^ai H j M'.'T^ ~ ..j^HSlll^Bfl^S^I p| V^■^^-yi^?^^■-^: (Frontispiece) FUNDAMENTALS OF BOTANY BY C. STUART GAGER DIRECTOR OF THE BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN WITH 437 ILLUSTRATIONS /S S PHILADELPHIA BLAKISTON^S SON & CO 1012 WALNUT STREET Copyright, 1916, by P. Blakiston's Son & Co. PRINTED IN U. S. A. BY THE MAPLE PRESS COMPANY, YORK, PA. TO M. K. G. AND L. J. P. PREFACE An introductory course of study in botany should do at least six things for the student: 1. Teach him the fundamental elementary facts con- cerning plant life. 2. Acquaint him with the broad, illuminating generaliza- tions, and with the theories and working hypotheses which have been formulated on the solid basis of observed fact. An intelligent comprehension of these fundamental con- cepts is far more important for purposes of general culture and a liberal education, and also for more advanced study, than an intimate acquaintance with the facts alone on which the generalizations are based. 3. Familiarize him with the methods of thought and work by means of which the science has been and is being advanced. 4. Give him some acquaintance with the great names in the history of the science, so that he may view our present body of knowledge in true perspective. The student should be made to realize that what we now know was not obtained ''ready made," but only by painstaking investi- gation and search. Therefore, brief references are made in the following pages to a number of pioneers in the un- explored fields of botanical discovery. From an educa- tional point of view it is quite as important to understand that our present body of knowledge has been a gradual X PREFACE possession of the human race, and to know how we came to acquire it, as to possess the information which is our rich heritage. 5. Impress upon him the present Hmitations of our knowledge, and acquaint him with some of the more important problems awaiting solution. 6. Enlist his interest in the science by so presenting it as to make him sense its importance and value to human life in general, and to his own life in particular, and thereby stimulate him to pursue the study further, and, may be, to the point of making his own original contributions. A class that is properly taught can never inquire, at the end of the course, "What is the use of knowing all that?" Outside of technical and professional schools, no intro- ductory course in any subject should ever be planned or presented on the supposition that its main purpose is to pave the way for more advanced courses. The main func- tion of all introductory courses is, as the name implies, to introduce the pupil to a new realm of thought, to acquaint him with a possible new interest in life. If he be led to discover himself in this new realm — well and good; if not — well and good also; he will find himself elsewhere, but will always be enriched and liberalized from the widening of his mental horizon by contact with another discipline than his major interest in life. In presenting an elementary course, the aim should not be to make the subject simple — to remove all difficulties — but to make it really interesting, that is, significant to the pupil in his own life, and to make it as rich as possible as a revelation of those broad basic principles which are fun- damental to all true culture, but which are to be amplified and more deeply investigated only in more advanced PREFACE xi courses. The presentation should be made as simple as possible, consistent with the realization of these aims. From the standpoint of pure science, the most funda- mental problem of botany is that of the development of the individual plant; the ultimate problem that of the development of the kingdom of plants. In other words the foundation and the ultimate goal are, respectively, ontogeny (hfe-history of the individual) and phylogeny (life-history of the race). Ontogeny is fundamental because without a knowledge of its processes the processes of phylogeny cannot be com- prehended. Phylogeny is the ultimate problem because its complete solution involves an orderly description of all the phenomena of plant life, and their relation to each other. Thanks to the nature-study movement, most students have nowadays acquired some knowledge of the parts and a few of the functions of a flowering plant before they take up the study of formal botany; for such, Chapter II will serve only as a timely review; for others, as an essential preparation for the subsequent chapters of Part I. From an educational point of view, the most rapid progress and the most substantial results are to be ob- tained by an order of topics so arranged that each will throw the greatest amount of light on those that follow. It is also an immense gain for the pupil to be introduced to the broad generahzations of the science by being led to meet them for the first time in that type where their concrete embodiment is most clearly defined and most easily discerned. In the author's mind, acceptance of these two postulates points unmistakably to the fern as, par excellence, the best plant with which to begin the study Xll PREFACE of life-histories. A successful teacher of zoology once declared that frogs were created for the express purpose of serving as the introductory type in the study of that science; as strong a claim may be made for the fern in botany. Such concepts as alternation of generations, sexual vs. asexual reproduction, fertiliza<"ion, heredity, adjustment to environment, life-cycle are nowhere more clearly illus- trated than in the fern; the essence of them all may be clearly comprehended by anyone who has carefully studied its life-history. And with what a rich equipment may the Hfe-histories of all other forms, both higher and lower, be then undertaken! As Athene sprang full armed from the imperial head of Zeus, so, from a study of the fern, do all the essentials of alternation, sex, life-cycle, et cetera, leap clearly defined into the mind of the beginning student, there to remain throughout the course, illuminating all subsequent studies of life-histories. During the past fifteen or twenty years it has been the general, if not universal, custom to study in the laboratory the same forms as those treated in the text. Part II of the present book has been planned with the idea of having, for the most part, different sets of forms discussed in the laboratory and the lecture room. This plan not only gives the pupil acquaintance with a wider range of types, but also tends to insure greater independence in the laboratory work. It has been tacitly assumed that, in connection with the use of this text, substantially the same classic types will be studied in the laboratory as have formed the basis of laboratory work for two decades. They are not only types for which material may be obtained with com- parative ease in quantity, but also forms which have been PREFACE xiii demonstrated by twenty years of trial to possess large teaching value. Thus, for example, we have Ascophyllum Sphagnum, Anthoceros, Cycas, and Erythronium in the text, to be supplemented by Fucus, Polytrichum, Marchan- tia, Zamia, and Trillium in the laboratory. By this plan the laboratory work can never degenerate into merely having the student pretend to ''verify" the statements in the text. It is anticipated that a laboratory guide, planned to accompany this text and carry out the idea just outlined, may soon become available. In the matter of illustrations, the author has been most fortunate in being able to command the services of Miss Maud H. Purdy for the preparation of all original draw- ings, and of Mr. Louis Buhle, photographer at the Brook- lyn Botanic Garden, in making most of the photographic negatives and prints not otherwise acknowledged in the legends. For those so acknowledged the author expresses here his best thanks to authors and publishers who have freely granted permission to reproduce copyrighted as well as uncopyrighted illustrations. The collections of living plants, photographs, and drawings at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden have been freely at the disposal of the author, and grateful recognition is here made to that insti- tution for the exceptional opportunities which it has afforded. Special appreciation is here recorded for permission from Prof. David M. Mottier and Prof. Harlan H. York to reproduce, in advance of their own publication, Figs. 8 and 263, respectively. Specifically, acknowledgment is made to authors and publishers, for permission to reproduce illustrations as XIV PREFACE follows: Prof. W. L. Bray and the New York State College of Forestry (Syracuse University), Fig. 266; Dr. N. L. Britton and Charles Scribner's Sons, Figs. 341 and 379; Prof. D. H. Campbell and The Macmillan Co., Figs. 275, 283, 140, 141, and 146; Prof. F. E. Clements and Henry Holt and Co., Fig. 27; Mr. Frederick V. Coville and the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Publications, Fig. 336; Prof. H. H. Dixon and The Macmillan Co., Fig. 35; Doubleday Page & Co., Fig. 225; Prof. H. Garman and the Kentucky Agric. Exp. Station, Fig. 228; Prof. William F. Ganong and Henry Holt and Co., Fig. 69; Prof. Patrick Geddes and John Murray, Fig. 240; Geological Survey of Ohio, Fig. 581; Prof. W. D. Hoyt and the Bureau of Fisheries, Washington, D. C, Fig. 177; the Ohio Geological Survey, Fig. 412; Prof. A. C. Seward and The Cambridge University Press (Lon- don), Figs. 413 and 414; Prof. D. H. Scott and A. & C. Black, Figs. 415 and 418; Dr. Albert Schneider and Willard N. Clute & Co., Fig. 238; Prof. Hugo de Vries and The Open Court Publishing Co., Figs. 401 and 402; Prof. G. R. Wieland and the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Figs. 421-427; Prof. S. W. Williston, Fig. 432. The conception of diagramning life-cycles, as in Figs. 321, 329, and others, appears to have originated with Prof. John H. Schaffner, of Ohio State University. These diagrams possess admirable teaching value. It is a pleasure for the author to acknowledge a large indebtedness to his colleagues on the staff of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, and especially to Dr. E. W. Olive, whose careful and critical reading of the entire manuscript and proof has robbed the reviewer of much that would have been rightfully his, and has added much of fundamental PREFACE XV value. Special acknowledgment is made of Dr. Olive's interest and assistance in supervising the preparation of the drawing for Fig. 198, on the wheat rust, and for sup- plying the microscopical preparations from which a number of illustrations have been made, as indicated in the legends. A similar valuable service was rendered by Dr. O. E. White in reading and discussing the manuscript and proof of Chapters XXXII-XXXVIII, and in reading all of the galley proof and part of the page proof; and by Mr. Norman Taylor, in reading manuscript and proof of Chapters XXVII-XXX. The author is indebted to Prof. E. C. Jeffrey, of Harvard University, and Prof. E. W. Berry, of the Johns Hopkins University, for suggestions and criticisms in connection with the genealogical trees (Figs. 433 and 434), and especially to Prof. G. R. Wieland, of Yale University, who critically read the manuscript of Chapters XXXVII and XXXVIII, and to whose stimulating comments is due much of whatever value these chapters may possess. For any imperfections and inaccuracies, of whatever sort, in the subject matter, the author alone is responsible. C. Stuart Gager. Brooklyn Botanic Garden. July 19, 1916, CONTENTS PART I INTRODUCTION Chapter Page I. Fundamental Notions i II. The Parts of a Flowering Plant 7 III. The Cell 14 PART II THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS IV. Loss of Water 21 V. Absorption of Water 47 VI. The Path of Liquids in the Plant 61 VII. Nutrition 69 VIII. Fermentation 94 IX. Respiration 103 X. Growth 113 XI. Adjustment to Surroundings 125 PART 111 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES XII. Life History of a Fern 147 XIII. Life History of a Fern (concluded) 168 XIV. Fundamental Principles 179 XV. Life History of a Moss 193 XVI. Life History of a Liverwort 209 Anthoceros , 212 Other Forms 222 XVII. Life Histories of Algae 227 Ascophyllum 227 xvii XVlll CONTENTS Chapter Page XVIII. Life Histories of Algae (concluded) 242 Dictyota dichotoma 242 Ulothrix 250 Pleurococcus 252 XIX. Life Histories of Fungi 256 An Alga-like Fungus (Rhizopus) 256 A Sac-fungus (Microsphaera) 268 A " Rust " Fungus (Wheat Rust) 272 A Fleshy Fungus (Agaricus) 276 Other Non-green Plants 284 XX. Economic Importance of Fungi 288 Fungi that cause Plant Diseases 290 Molds 304 Cold Storage 305 Yeasts 306 Bacteria 306 Helpful Bacteria 316 XXI. Saprophytism and Symbiosis 321 Saprophytism 322 Symbiosis 324 XXII. The Problem of Sex in Plants 344 XXIII. From Alga to Fern 362 XXIV. Calamites and Lycopods 368 I. The Horsetails (Equisetales) .368 II. The Club-mosses (Lycopodiales) 376 III. Little Club-mosses (Selaginellales) 382 XXV. Seed-bearing Plants 390 The Cycads 390 XXVI. Seed-bearing Plants (continued) 412 Gymnosperms 412 Life History of the Pine 412 Reproduction 416 XXVII. Seed-bearing Plants (continued) 433 Life History of an Angiosperm 433 XXVIII. Seed-bearing Plants (continued) 446 Angiosperms 446 Archichlamydeas 457 Apetalae 457 Polypetalae 459 XXIX. Seed-bearing Plants (continued) 473 Metachlamydeae (Sympetalae) 473 CONTENTS XIX Chapter Page XXX. Seed-bearing Plants (concluded) 489 Monocotyledons 489 Types of Monocotyledons 491 XXXI. Evolution 502 XXXII. Darwinism 510 XXXIII. Experimental Evolution 520 XXXIV. Heredity 541 XXXV. Experimental Study of Heredity 549 XXXVI. The Evolution of Plants 569 XXXVII. Paleobotany 578 XXXVIII. The Evolution of Plants (concluded) 502 Appendix 621 PART I INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I FUNDAMENTAL NOTIONS 1. What is Botany? — The names of most sciences merely tell what they are about. Thus the term zoology (from the Greek, zoon^ animal, + logos, discourse) indicates the study of animals, geology the study of the earth, mineralogy the study of minerals. A similar name for the study of plants would be phytology, from the Greek phyton {(pvTov), a plant, and this word is, indeed, sometimes used. But the generally accepted name, botany j tells more than what the science is about; it points back to why mankind ever came to study plants. The reason was because plants are so intimately and fundamentally related to our own lives that it becomes, not only interesting, but absolutely essential to know about them, and under- stand them. The word botany comes from a Greek word, hosko {^b(TKoy), meaning, ''I eat." Botany, then, was originally the science of things good to eat, and the term recognizes the fact that for all of our food we are either directly or D. a HILL LIBRARY North Carolina State College 2 INTRODUCTION indirectly dependent upon plants. The earliest "botan- ical" interests were naturally in plants as food. But it must have been discovered early in the history of man- kind that some plants were not only not good to eat, but positively poisonous, causing sickness or even death; while others produced marked physiological effects, acting some on one part of the body, some on another, like medi- cine, and thus was early developed the study of plants in order to ascertain their medicinal properties, and their value in the treatment of diseases. This interest is still reflected in the Spanish name for a drug store — hotica. 2. Relation of Plants to Man. — Thus we see that the primary reason for our being interested in plants at all was because they are intimately related to our physical existence and well-being. As civilization advanced, other uses for plants and plant products were discovered, and thus other reasons for being interested in them. They furnish all the wood of the world, and one has only to consider for a moment how absolutely dependent we are on wood, to realize still more vividly the intimate relation between the life of plants and that of man him- self. Our houses and furniture are of wood, our food (the product of plants) is shipped in wooden boxes, crates, and barrels, over rails supported by wooden ties; most of the paper in use is made of wood pulp, and innumerable articles in daily use — lead pencils, tool handles, many musical instruments, et cetera — are made largely of wood. Surely, it would be rather strange if we did not have some interest, at least, in objects so closely related to our daily lives, our welfare, and our happiness. FUNDAMENTAL NOTIONS 3 3. Relation of Botany to Other Sciences. — It is not possible to study any one science in disregard of all the others. Plants are related not only to man, but to the air and soil in which they live; their life processes are chemical or physical in nature; they are distributed in space over the earth's surface, and in time, in the layers of rocks of various geological ages; and so the study of botany touches meteorology, chemistry, physics, geography, climatology, geology, the science of soils, and other branches of science. 4. Biology. — The science which deals with life in general is biology, and all the sciences which deal with living things are biological sciences. Zoology, human anatomy and physiology, bacteriology, and botany are some (but not all) of the biological sciences, and they are all more or less closely related to each other. There is no hard and fast boundary line between any of the sciences; they represent, rather, different points of view of nature. But it is convenient to subdivide our knowledge more or less arbitrarily for purposes of study. 5. Systematic Botany. — Just as the various ''sciences" or ''knowledges" represent different points of view of nature, so each science may have subdivisions, repre- senting different points of view of its phenomena. The study of plants for the primary purpose of ascertaining their genetic relationships is systematic botany. The ultimate aim of this study is to disclose the course of the evolution of the plant kingdom; this aim can never be fully realized, because most of the necessary data have been lost forever in the course of the geological evolution of the earth. Systematic botany includes: (a) Classification, or the arrangement of the various 4 INTRODUCTION kinds of plants according to some system (whence the term, systematic). (b) Taxonomy, or the principles of classification, based upon the facts observed and their interpretation. (c) Nomenclature, the principles and rules adopted for the formation and assignment of plant names. 6. Morphology. — If, in our study, our attention is centered chiefly on structure and form, our point of view is that of morphology, and we recognize external and internal anatomy, microscopic anatomy {histology), com- parative morphology, experimental morphology (which attempts to ascertain, by experiment, the causes of form and structure), embryology (the study of embryos), and other subdivisions. 7. Physiology. — If we are interested primarily in w^hat the various parts of the plant are doing, rather than in their form and structure, our point of view is that of physiology. We shall find, as we study, that the facts of form cannot be understood or explained except in the light of the physiological work of the given part; and conversely, that physiological work cannot be explained unless the structure is also understood. 8. Ecology. — Every plant lives in a certain place, with certain external surroundings; in other words it has a home, or, as we usually say, a habitat or environment. In order to live and keep healthy the plant must be favorably adjusted to the various features (factors) of its environment — the range of temperature, amount of light and moisture, components of the soil, the earth's at- traction (gravity), and surrounding animals and other plants. The science of the relation of living things to their environment is Ecology. FUNDAMENTAL NOTIONS 5 9. Plant Geography. — The study of the present dis- tribution of plants over the earth's surface, and of the causes and consequences of this distribution, is plant geography (sometimes called phy to geography). 10. Fossil Botany.— The oldest known rocks contain the remains of plants that lived thousands — probably millions — of years ago. These remains often, though not always, of stone, are fossils, and their study constitutes the study of fossil botany, or paleobotany. This study is not only interesting in itself, throwing much light upon our knowledge of plants, but is also of great value to the geologist, often helping him to interpret correctly the rock-layer, and to decide to what geological age it belongs. By means of fossils, we may also learn much of the climate of past ages, and the great changes that have since taken place. Thus, when we find fossil re- mains of tropical plants, such as palms, in the rocks of the present arctic regions, we know that there must have been a. tropical climate in that latitude at the time the plants, now fossils, were living and growing there. 11. Educational Value of Botany. — From the preced- ing paragraphs it is evident that a study of plants will not only give us valuable information that may be used to advantage in every day life, but that it will give us a broader outlook than w^e might otherwise obtain over the past and present of the world in which we live; it may not only suggest to us the vocation we would prefer to follow, but may give us a breadth of view and a wealth of ideas that will help to increase both our usefulness and happiness. 12. Plan of Study. — We shall first review the structure of a familiar type of plant, and then make an elementary study 6 INTRODUCTION of the fundamental life-processes involved in the nutri- tion and growth of the individual. The second part of the book will be devoted to studying the various kinds of plants, and the different ways in which they solve the same life problems of nutrition and reproduction. CHAPTER II THE PARTS OF A FLOWERING PLANT 13. Fundamental Terms. — The plants with which we are most familiar (flowering plants) are composed of various parts, such as leaves, roots, tendrils; and each H|i^> ^^'_y^^ Fig. I. — A cactus plant {Rhipsalis pachyptera) with leafless stem. The branches are flattened, thus exposing more green tissue to the light in the absence of leaves. part has its special work to perform. The various parts of a plant having their own special work are called organs, and the special work of an organ is its function. Since 7 8 INTRODUCTION they are composed of organs plants (and animals also) are said to be organized, and are called organisms. For a similar reason, the kingdom of living things is called the organic kingdom, or the organic world. Fig. 2. -Kohlrabi, showing the stem modified as an organ for the storage of food, and a well developed tap-root. 14. Root and Shoot. — Everyone knows that the plants with which we are best acquainted have roots in the THE PARTS OF A FLOWERING PLANT 9 ground, and a stem with leafy branches above ground. It is well, however, to recall this elementary knowledge and to get clear ideas of these commonly recognized parts. The botanist recognizes leaves as merely appendages of the stem or branches, and branches as merely subdivisions of the stem. Stems may or may not have branches (Figs. Fig, 3. — Fibrous roots on cutting of sugar cane. I and 305). The stem, with its branches and leaves, constitutes the shoot. The shoot, therefore, is all the plant except the roots. In broad outline, the structure of any common plant is made up as follows: f Root (with or without branches) Plant body \ ( Stem (with or without branches) Shoot 1 Leaves lO INTRODUCTION 16. The Root. — When a plant has more than one root, there may be a main or tap-root with branches (Fig. 2), or there may be no clearly recognized main root, but numerous roots of equal value, each attached directly to the stem (Fig. 3). The root-system frequently subdi- Fig. 4. — Aerial fibrous roots of the royal palm. vides into smaller and smaller branches or rootlets, and these may ramify (branch and spread) extensively in all directions. Roots never bear leaves, but the surface of the finer, active roots is covered, for a short distance THE PARTS OF A FLOWERING PLANT II back from the tip with innumerable fine hair-Hke out- growths, root-hairs (Fig. 36). 16. The Functions of Roots. — The functions of roots all have to do with maintaining the life of the individual plant to which they belong, either by holding the plant I'iG. 5. — Portion of root-system of a yellow birch {Betiila lutca), showing roots serving to anchor the plant to the substratum. (Photo by Elsie M Kittredge.) firmly fixed in the ground (anchorage) (Figs. 4 and 5), where food elements are abundant, by taking in these food elements from the substratum (absorption), or by storing up, for future use, food that has been made by the plant. 12 INTRODUCTION Fig. 6. Fig. 6. — Leaf of a willow {Salix ^p.). b, blade; p, petiole; s, stipules. Fig. 7. — Diagram to show the essential parts of a "flower- ing" plant. /.r., tap-root ; b .r . , branch root; cot. seed-leaf (cotyle- don); i, internodc; a.l, leaf-axil; n, node; a.b, axillary bud; r, receptacle of floral organs; ca, calyx; per, perianth; co, corolla; st, stamens (androecium); pi, pistil (gynoecium). Fig. 7. THE PARTS OF A FLOWERING PLANT 13 17. The Shoot. — As stated above, the shoot is composed of a branched or an unbranched stem, usually, but not always, bearing leaves (Figs, i and 57). The leaves are commonly composed of a flat, expanded, and usually green part (the blade), which may or may not be borne on a leaf-stalk {petiole). The portion of the leaf attached to the stem is the leaf-base, the edge of the blade is the margin, the tip of the blade is the apex, and the portion of the blade attached to the petiole is the base of the blade (Fig. 6). These parts may be tabulated as follows: f Stem Shoot < Branches ' Blade Leaves Petiole Leaf-base Stipules Apex Margin Base of the blade Veins The main functions of leaves are: (i) to elaborate plant food in the presence of sunlight; (2) to help regulate the water content of the plant. In these two functions hes the significance of the fact that the leaf-blade is flat, expanded, thin, and green. This will be explained in Chapters IV and VII. Leaves also have other important functions, to be mentioned later. The branches serve to support the leaves, to hold them up into the hght and air, and to connect them with the root-system. 18. The Flower.— The interpretation of the flower is not essential at this point, and is reserved for a future chapter (Chapter XXIX), when it may be better under- stood. It is sufficient here to state that the chief function of the flower is the production of seed. The essential parts of a flowering plant are shown in the diagram (Fig. 7). CHAPTER III THE CELL 19. Historical. — The advancement of our knowledge of nature has often depended upon the invention of some new instrument that made possible observations that could not have been made without its aid. The balance did this for chemistry, the telescope for astronomy, the thermometer for medicine. The possibiUties for under- standing plant life were more than doubled by the in- vention of the compound microscope. By its aid the study of the finer internal structure of plants was made possible. 20. Robert Hooke. — One of the earliest to employ the microscope in this way was Robert Hooke (163 5-1 703) of England. He was at first interested in demonstrating the powers of the microscope on various objects. Among them he tried thin sections of cork, and found the cork to be composed of little compartments, which he called cells, since they roughly resembled the cells of a honey- comb. Marcello Malpighi (1674), an Italian, and Nehe- miah Grew, an EngHshman (1682), greatly extended the microscopic study of plants, adding so much to our knowl- edge that they are now often referred to as the fathers of plant anatomy. 21. Protoplasm. — At first the attention of botanists was devoted almost exclusively to the walls of these cell- like compartments, and to their shape and arrangement. 14 THE CELL 15 The walls were considered the important feature, and the term cell meant the space enclosed by the wall. All this was very natural, for botanists had quite generally, up to this time, devoted their best energies to studying the form and structure of plants, paying relatively little at- tention to their hfe functions, or physiology. Gradually, however, it came to be recognized that the really impor- tant part was the substance that filled the little compart- ments in all living tissues} It finally came to be under- stood that this is the only living substance in plants (and in animals as well), and that the cell- walls, and in fact the entire organism, are built up by the activity of this remarkable substance. It was first called by several different names, but Hugo Von Mohl, a noted German botanist, called it protoplasm,'^ considering it as the first organic substance formed from the inorganic materials taken in by the plant. This name was generally adopted by both botanists and zoologists. 22. The Cell-theory.— The idea that all living things are composed of cells, that the cell is the unit of plant and animal structure, and that the essential thing about the cell is the protoplasm, was elaborated by Schleiden (1838) (for plants) and by Schwann (1839) (for animals), and was accepted as generally correct by all students of plants and animals. This doctrine became known as the cell- theory of Schleiden and Schwann. The term cell is now used in biology chiefly to designate the protoplasm comprised within the cell-wall. A cell, then, is not a compartment containing something, but is a structural unit of living 1 An intimately connected layer, group, or body of similar cells, all having like functions, is a tissue. » Greek protos (first) + plasma (thing formed). i6 INTRODUCTION matter. Many biologists now use the term protoplast (instead of cell) to designate the units of protoplasm. 23. Structure of the Cell. — Painstaking microscopic study of cells has revealed the fact that they have a wonder- fully beautiful and complex structure (Figs. 8 and 9). The protoplast is composed of two clearly defined parts, a denser, more or less globular portion, the nucleus, sur- rounded by cytoplasm {i.e., cell-plasm). Nucleus and r^Wl^mk--^^ Fig. 8. — Cross-section of a cell from the root of a marrow-fat pea. w", nucleolus; n.p nucleoplasm; n.m, nuclear membrane; a.m, starch- forming plastid; st, starch grain; c.w, cell-wall; c.p^ cytoplasm; ch, chon- driosomes; they are scattered throughout the cytoplasm. (After D. M. Mottier.) cytoplasm together constitute protoplasm. The nucleus was discovered by Robert Brown, in 1831. The sub- stance of the nucleus is designated nucleoplasm, and there is generally a still denser body in the nucleus — the nu- cleolus (plural, nucleoli). Sometimes there is more than one nucleolus within the nucleus. The most important chemical substance in the nucleus is chromatin, a very complex protein, rich in phosphorus. The name chromatin refers to the dense color it acquires when treated with THE CELL 17 certain stains. The cytoplasm of many, possibly of all, })lant cells contains, scattered through it, numerous tiny, deeply staining granules, called chondriosomes. {a) The cytoplasm appears net-like, or reticular, in structure, and the spaces between the meshes are vacuoles. Each vacuole is filled with an aqueous solution of various Fig. 9. — Diagram of a plant cell in perspective, with portions of adja- cent cells. Note the nucleus. The lighter areas are vacuoles in the cytoplasm. substances, known as the cell-sap. Insoluble solids of various nature, such as crystals and starch grains, com- monly occur in the vacuoles. (6) At every free surface, such as the outer surface and the walls of the vacuoles, the cytoplasm is specially organ- ized into a limiting membrane (or plasma-membrane). The structure of this membrane is not well understood, i8 INTRODUCTION although it is one of the most important parts, and much study is now being given to it, in an endeavor to under- stand it better. ¥ r I k ^ r i Mi^^^^ [ ■ ■ ".•^'»^ v ^^^^II^^^^^^^^^^^^^Hb Fig. 10. — Robert Brown (i 773-1858). One of the greatest of English botanists. He discovered the nucleus in cells, and also the gymnospermy of Conifers and Cycads. {c) The structural elements of a cell may be concisely tabulated as follows: Cell Nucleus (nucleoplasm) Nuclear membrane Nucleolus Cytoplasm Limiting membrane Vacuoles Vacuolar membranes Cell-sap Other contents (inclusions) Cell-wall THE CELL 19 id) Quite commonly, in plants, adjacent protoplasts are joined together by strands of cytoplasm passing through minute pores in the cell-wall. 24. Peculiar Properties of Protoplasm. — More is known of the structure of protoplasm than is indicated above, but a more detailed treatment is reserved until Chapter X. Quite as important as the structure of protoplasm are the physiological or functional characteristics, or properties, that distinguish it from every other known substance. The most significant and wonderful of these is its ability to reproduce itself. By the vital activities of animals and plants, their living substance undergoes a continual destruction, which is accompanied by continual construc- tion. Parts which are destroyed are constantly replaced, and new protoplasm is continually being formed. No other known substance can do this. If a crystal, for ex- ample, of salt, is suspended in a saturated solution of salt in water, some of the salt particles in solution will attach themselves to the crystal in a regular manner, so as to enlarge it, while preserving its characteristic shape. But here, as is readily recognized, the crystal itself is entirely inactive. It does not change another kind of matter into salt, but merely serves as a center of deposit for more salt. Protoplasm, on the other hand, entirely alters the nature of the substances which enter into it, and recombines them into a substance like itself, with entirely new properties — in fact converts the non-living into the living. 25. Secretions. — In the course of its continual de- struction and reconstruction, protoplasm gives off or secretes other substances, unlike itself and unlike the material of which it was formed; these are called 20 INTRODUCTION secretions. Such is the origin of the cell-wall. It is secreted by the protoplast which it encloses. Sugar (as in the sugar-cane), starch (as in corn and nearly all plants), fats (as in Brazil nuts), and green coloring matter and other pigments, are among the substances secreted by protoplasm. 26. Complexity of the Cell. — A recent writer, after describing the minute details of cell-structure, states that, ''The vital processes exhibited by a cell indicate a complexity of organization and a minuteness in the details of its mechanism which transcend our compre- hension and bafHe the human imagination, to the same extent as do the immensities of the stellar universe." 27. Value of the Cell-theory. — It is hardly possible to overestimate the value of the cell-theory to botany, and to all biological science. By means of it we are led to see that all the vital activities of any living thing have their seat in the protoplasts of the individual cells. If a plant or an animal grows, it does so because the individual cells of its body multiply and grow; if it respires, it is because every living cell of its body respires; if a wound heals, it is because the adjacent cells reproduce them- selves and form new tissue to replace that destroyed by the wound; sickness results because certain cells behave abnormally, or perform their normal functions out of place; reproduction is the setting free by an organism of one or more of its cells, which become the starting point of a new individual. In fact, all that a plant or animal does, physiologically speaking, is the sum total of what the cells that compose it do. Thus the cell-theory gives us a necessary, basic idea of all life-processes. PART II THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS CHAPTER IV LOSS OF WATER 28. Plants are Alive. — The most fundamental concep- tion of a plant is that it is alive, just as truly and in the same sense as is any animal. Therefore it takes in water and food, respires, grows, moves, responds when stimu- lated, reproduces, grows old, and dies. We are so ac- customed to associate life with activity that one who, for example, views a large tree, especially in winter, stripped of its leaves, and apparently motionless, except when swayed by the wind, is not always conscious of the fact that the tree really is alive. A study of p'.ants, however, teaches us the fallacy of the idea that life is always associated with evident motion. 29. Kinds of Vital Activity. — Everything a plant does affects either one of two things — either (i) the main- tenance of the individual, or (2) the perpetuation of the race to which that individual belongs. These two classes of functions are known, respectively, as (i) vegetative and (2) reproductive. This and the next five chapters will deal with the vegetative functions of plants. 30. Loss of Water Demonstrated.— If a leafy branch, cut from any plant, is laid aside for a time it will, as is 22 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS well known, become wilted. Potted plants, if not kept Fig. II. — A fern {Cyrlomium falcatum), well watered and turgid. (Cf. Fig. 12). Fig. 12. — A fern {Cyrtomiiim Jalcalum), deprived of water for 48 hours. The same plant as shown in Fig. 11. well watered, and plants growing out of doors, if not sup- plied with sufficient rain, will also wilt (Figs. 11 and 12). LOSS OF WATER 23 M C 3 3)- As transpiration proceeds, the pressure of the atmosphere will force the mercury up the glass tube as rapidly as the water passes into the plant. This experiment is some- times said to illustrate the ** lifting power" of transpira- tion, but from the explanation here given, it is seen that the mercury is not hfted, but pushed up the tube by the pressure of the outside air. This experiment should not be regarded as illustrating more that it really does; it does not, for example, explain the rise of sap in plants. 41. Ascent of Sap. — It is a well-known fact that, although living leaves deprived of water merely become wilted, dead leaves eventually dry up; they cannot supply themselves with water, although evaporation is taking place from their surfaces, and although the stem to which they are attached is abundantly supplied. We must conclude, therefore, that merely physical forces (imbibi- tion and evaporation) are not sufficient to account for the rise of liquids in stems. Recent experiments indicate that, in this connection, much importance should be attached to the secretion of substances by the leaf — a physiological process. We are familiar with such action in the secretion of nectar by the nectar-glands of flowers (Fig. 34). Some leaves (e.g., Colocasia aniiquorum) also secrete water so rapidly that it falls in drops from their tips. It is probable that, in transpiration, the protoplasm in the 44 'J^HE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS mesophyll cells of leaves first secretes a solution to the outer surface of the cells, and that this solution becomes concentrated by evaporation of the liquid solvent into the intercellular spaces. The concentrated solution, then, by osmotic action, causes more water to be withdrawn from the interior of the cells, and these, in turn, are Fig. 34. — Petal of crown imperial {Frilillaria imperialis), showing the remarkably large drop of nectar (n), secreted by the nectar gland near the base of the petal. replenished from the fibro-vascular bundles. On account of the tensile strength of the water column in these bundles the water is raised as rapidly as it is transpired from the leaves. Thus, while the physical processes of osmosis and transpiration may be factors in causing the ascent of LOSS OF WATER 45 sap, the physiological process of secretion is also of very great importance. Moreover, on this basis we are able to account for the ascent of sap in submerged aquatic plants, like eel-grass, pond-weed, and others, where tran- spiration is not possible, or in land plants in very humid tropical regions where the nearly or quite saturated air greatly reduces transpiration or even wholly prevents it for extended periods of time. In fact it may be shown, experimentally, that a leafy branch can raise water through Fig. 35. — Experiment to show that secretory action in the cells of a leaf are able to cause the rise of liquid in a branch, when evaporation from the leaf-surfaces is impossible, i, Beaker containing solution of eosin; 2, cork; 3, inverted glass bell-jar containing water; 4, iron support. In this experiment the eosin rose rapidly in the branch. (Modified from H. H. Dixon.) the fibro-vascular bundles, even when submerged. The apparatus is set up as shown in Fig. 35, where the leafy branch, immersed in water in an inverted glass bell-jar, has the cut end of the stem in a solution of eosin or red 46 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS ink. Under these conditions only secretion can operate to withdraw water from the fibro-vascular bundles, and yet the eosin will rise in the branch and into the leaves. From this and other experiments (not described here) it is evident that the withdrawal of water from the fibro- vascular bundles in the stem by the combined action of secretion, osmosis, and transpiration may account for the ascent of sap, even to the tops of very tall trees and vines. These processes are able to raise the water column on account of its great tensile strength, by which it does not separate, although gravity pulls down on its lower end, and the physiological processes in the leaves result in a pull at its upper end. CHAPTER V ABSORPTION OF WATER 42. Importance of Water. — Everyone knows that plants must have a suitable amount of water in order to live and keep healthy. Deprived of water they wilt, ^nd finally die. If they are given too much water they also suffer. The water serves many purposes. In the first place, it is needed to keep the protoplasm sufficiently moist. Pro- toplasm may keep alive though very dry, as in the case of dry seeds, but in order to be most active it must have enough water to keep it in a semi-fluid condition. In the second place, were it not for water, no food materials could reach the protoplasts, for there are, in general, no openings in the cell-walls large enough for solid matter to pass through. Therefore, all substances must reach the protoplasts in aqueous solution. Again, water is neces- sary in the transportation of materials from one part of a plant to another; and finally, it is necessary in order to keep plants from wilting, for no plant can live if it is permanently wilted. 43. Relative Water Requirement. — The amount of water required by various kinds of plants in order to reach maturity and produce seeds varies greatly. It depends in part upon the weather conditions {e.g.j sun- shine, wind, humidity, and other factors), in part upon food supply, and in part upon the species or variety of plant. Some species are so constructed that they con- 47 48 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS serve more of the water taken in than do other species. The two extremes in this respect are desert plants, such as cacti, sage-brush, and euphorbias, and water-loving plants, such as water-lilies, ferns, touch-me-not or jewel- weed, and cucurbits like pumpkin and squash. A con- venient method of measuring these differences is to com- pare the weight of water absorbed with the weight of dry matter produced. This ratio is known as the relative water requirement of the plant. Thus, if a given plant, during its growth, has taken in loo pounds of water, and the soHd matter produced, when dried out to a constant weight in a drying oven, weighs 2 pounds, the relative water requirement is (100 : 2) 50. 44. Government Experiments. — In experiments con- ducted for the United States Department of Agriculture, for the purpose of ascertaining the relative water require- ments of various plants, it was found that the weight of water taken in by hubbard squash plants amounted in some cases to over 6,000 times the weight of the fruit, and to over 900 times the weight of the total dry substance, not including the roots. Other ratios, in round numbers, were ascertained, as follows: Table I. — Water Requirements of Plants Plant Water requirement based on Grain Dry matter Rye 1,800 496 Rice. 744 Flax Cucumber. 2,800 1,600 6,400 900 891 Sunflower 705 Purslane 300 ABSORPTION OF WATER 49 45. Importance of Root-hairs. — In Chapter II attention was called to the root-hairs. Their chief function is the absorption of water and dissolved substances from the soil. This may be demonstrated by a very simple experiment. If a young seedling of bean, corn, or any other plant growing in soil, is pulled up, care being taken not to loosen the dirt from the roots, then properly transplanted in another place, and well watered, it will continue to grow, having suffered no apparent injury. If another seedling, of about the same size and vigor is pulled up, and the soil removed from the roots by means of the fingers, some of the very delicate root-hairs will be torn off with the soil, and many others will dry up owing to too prolonged exposure to the air. If this seedhng is then transplanted, it will recover with difficulty, or it will wilt and die, even though well watered, showing in a very clear manner the inability of a plant to take in water when deprived of its root-hairs. 46. Location of Root-hairs. — Root-hairs for study may be easily secured by germinating seeds in a moist chamber, formed by inverting a flower pot over a saucer of water. Small seeds, such as flax or white mustard, will readily adhere to the moistened inner surface of the inverted flower pot. Within 24 to 36 hours the roots will have developed to a length of several millimeters, and the root-hairs will appear as a delicate white "fuzz," near the end of the root, but not extending clear to the tip (Fig. 36). On older roots it may be seen that the root- hairs are confined to a relatively short zone, only a few milhmeters long. The hairs nearer the root-tip are shorter than those further back, indicating that they are younger. 50 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS The tip of the root is covered by a root-cap (Fig. 37), composed of cells that serve to protect the delicate tip as it grows through the soil. In some cases, as in the Fig. 36. — Germinating seeds of white mustard, showing development of root-hairs. water-hyacinth (Figs. 2)^ and 39), the root-cap is so well developed that it may be easily seen with the naked eye, and quite readily removed and replaced. Root-hairs are never found on the region covered by the root-cap. ABSORPTION OF WATER 51 47. Structure of Root -hairs.— The structure of root- hairs, and their relation to the root as a whole, are illus- trated in Figs. 40 and 41. It is seen at once that they are epidermal cells, elongated at right angles to the sur- face of the root, forming a thread-likfe sac, closed at both k. ^ ^ -.—re- ' Fig. 37. — Jack-in-the-pulpit (Ariscstna triphyllum) . Longitudinal section through a root, rt, root- tip; re, root- cap. (After F. L. Pickett.) Fig. 38. — Roots of the water- hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes Solms), showing removable root-caps; b, root-cap removed from c. ends. The typical cell-structure is readily recognized — cytoplasm, nucleus, vacuoles, sometimes merged into one large vacuole, cell-sap, and finally the cell-wall. It has recently been shown that the cell-wall is composed of an inner layer of cellulose and an outer layer of calcium pectate. 52 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS 48. Relation between Root-hairs and Soil. — If young, active roots are removed from the soil, thoroughly rinsed in water, and examined with a compound microscope at the zone of root-hairs, it will be seen that tiny par- ticles of soil have adhered so closely to the cell-wall of 1' .-^m^ J U ' Fig. 3q. — Water-hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes). Photomicrograph of a longitudinal section of a root, showing the mode of origin of lateral roots {i.e. endogenous), a, b, c, lateral roots; r, t, root-cap. the hair that they were not washed ofif; in fact, they can- not be removed without tearing the hair. They appear to be imbedded in the cell- wall (Fig. 42), and are firmly held by pectin mucilage, resulting from a transformation of the outer membrane of calcium pectate. Since pectin is a water-loving colloid its importance here is recognized at once, in connection with the absorption of liquids by the root-hairs. ABSORPTION OF WATER 53 Fig. 40. — Diagram Fig. 41. — Root-hairs from the root of a mus- sho wing relation of root- tard seedling, a, In state of turgor; h, be- hairs to adjacent cells of ginning of plasmolysis after immersion in weak the root, h, the oldest salt-solution; c, later stage of plasmolysis; «, of the four hairs shown, nucleus, and furthest from the root-tip. Fig. 42. — Root-hairs, with soil-particles adhering. (After Sachs.) 54 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS 49. Relation between the Water and the Soil. — Fig. 43 is a diagram, showing on a greatly enlarged scale, how the root-hairs lie in the soil, and the condition of the soil most desirable for the well-being of the plant. It is seen from the figure that the soil is not compact, but open or porous, the soil particles being separated by spaces as large or larger than themselves. Under con- ditions most favorable for the plant, the spaces are I Fig. 43. — Diagram to illustrate a root-hair (A) in the soil, and its relation to the soil-particles, the capillary film of water (w), and the air spaces (a); e, epidermal cell of the root, of which the root-hair is an out- growth, or branch. (After Sachs.) filled with air, while each particle of soil is surrounded by a thin film of water. This is the water that supplies the plant through the root-hairs. As fast as removed it is replenished by the capillary action of the soil. Roots will continue to remove the capillary water from the soil until a point is reached where the attraction of the soil- particles for the water exceeds the absorbing power of the root-hairs; then the plant will wilt unless more water is added. Plants cannot absorb all the water from the soil. ABSORPTION OF WATER 55 50. Advantage of the Air Spaces.— Living roots, like everything else alive, need fresh air for respiration. If the spaces between the soil particles were filled with water, the air would be driven out, and the root-hairs could not respire. They would soon cease to function at all, and ultimately the whole plant would die. Thus it is seen that plants may have too much water, as well as too little. Farmers' crops (notably corn) often suffer from this cause, as well as from drought. When the soil contains too much water the leaves will commonly turn yellow and die. In order to understand how the soil- water passes into root-hairs, it is necessary to understand the physical actions of diffusion and osmosis. 51. Diffusion of Gases.— If a bottle of musk, or other perfume, is opened in one corner of a room, free from all air currents, a person standing some distance away could, in time, detect the odor. Now the only way we can smell a substance is to have one or more particles of that substance, in gaseous form, touch the olfactory surfaces of the nose. Therefore, in the case of the musk, tiny invisible particles must have left the surface of the sub- stance, passed up through the neck of the bottle, out into the room, and travelled (though without any air currents) to the person detecting the odor. This illustrates diffusion of gases. 52. Diffusion of Liquids. — If a small quantity of sugar could be deposited, through a glass tube, at the bottom of a tall tumbler filled with water, the sugar would first dissolve, and the water near the bottom would become sweet. If we carefully avoided stirring the water, and if all currents in the liquid were avoided, nevertheless, within a short time the water on the surface would taste 56 THE VEGI'/iATIVE E UNCTIONS OF PLANTS sweet, showing that some of the dissolved sugar had passed, by its own motion, up through the mass of the water to the top. This simple experiment illustrates difu- sion of liquids. The dissolved sugar behaves in a manner quite similar to that of the gaseous "odor" of the musk. 53. Osmosis. — If, now, the denser sugar solution in the bottom of the tumbler were separated from the less dense water above by a porous membrane, such as a piece of bladder or parchment, the diffusion would take place through the porous membrane, and the water above would soon become sweet, as in the previous case. In other words, it is possible to have diffusion through a membrane. Di fusion through a membrane is osmosis. The conditions realized in the experiment described above are a denser liquid (in the bottom of the tumbler) , separated from a less dense liquid (at the top of the tumbler) by a porous membrane. Moreover, not only would the sugar solution pass up through the membrane, but the water above would pass in the opposite direction, and more rapidly than the sugar solution. This would continue until the solution was of the same density (equal amounts of sugar in equal amounts of water) on both sides of the membrane. Thus the action of osmosis may be stated as follows: When two fluids {liquids or gases) of different densities are separated by a porous membrane, di fusion through the membrane will take place until equilibrium results. The difusion will be more rapid from the less dense to the more dense fluid. Or, again, osmosis may be defined as the interchange oj two fluids of diferent densities when separated by a porous membrane. ABSORPTION OF WATER 57 54. Demonstration of Osmosis. — The contents of a hen's egg are enclosed by a porous membrane closely ap- pressed to the inside of the shell, except at the large end of the egg. At this end the shell, as may readily be seen, is more porous than elsewhere, so that air rea,dily enters, pressing the membrane in, and forming an air-chamber between it and the shell. With a sharp-pointed knife the shell may here be punctured, and with the aid of small scissors, removed so as to make an opening from J^ to % inch in diameter. The greatest care must be taken not Fig. 44. — Experiment with an egg to demonstrate osmosis. A, at the beginning; B, about one hour later; w, water surface; s, support; m, egg- membrane. to puncture the membrane, which at this region, lies concave (Fig. 44). The contents of the egg are the yolk, the ''white" (albumen) , and an aqueous solution of various salts, which permeates the yolk and the "white." If, now, the egg is placed upright in a glass of water, so as to be completely covered by the water, we shall have realized the condi- tions for osmosis, the two liquids being the water outside and the aqueous solution inside the egg. Within a short time the less dense water will have passed through the membrane so much more rapidly than the dissolved salts 58 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS pass out, that the membrane will begin to bulge, becom- ing convex and in a state of tension. This condition is known as turgor, and the membrane is said to be turgid. The turgor is the result of the osmotic pressure of the solu- tion within. If osmosis is allowed to continue after this condition is realized, the osmotic pressure will rupture the membrane, and allow the contents of the egg to escape. It is partly the osmotic pressure of the substances in solu- tion in the cell-sap that keeps the lining layer of cytoplasm closely appressed to the cell-wall of the root-hair, and other cells. 55. Application to Root-hairs. — The application of the experiment with the egg to root-hairs in the soil is obvious. The cell-sap in the vacuole is the denser liquid, the soil- water (a very weak solution of various substances dis- solved from the soil) is the less dense, while the two limiting membranes of the layer of cytoplasm lining the inner surface of the cell- wall constitute two porous osmotic membranes. Under normal conditions an interchange (osmosis) begins between the cell-sap and the soil-solu- tion. The latter soaks^ through the thin cell-wall, passes by osmosis through the outer limiting membrane, diffuses through the lining layer of cytoplasm until it reaches the inner limiting membrane, through which it passes by osmosis into the vacuole, and becomes a part of the cell- sap. This process is sometimes referred to as endosmosis (osmosis from without in). In reverse order, minute traces of various substances pass out, by exosmosis. Doubtless the dissolved substances that enter the cell from without are in part altered, chemically, as they ^ It is not necessary, here, to attempt to explain this process of soaking {imbibition), in the terms of physics. ABSORPTION OF WATER 59 diffuse through the cytoplasm between the two limiting or surface membranes. 66. Plasmolysis.— If the closed sac, formed by the porous membrane, contains the less dense, instead of the more dense liquid, then the reverse of turgor will take place, and the sac will collapse. This may be easily demonstrated under the microscope by irrigating root- hairs, or other plant cells, with solutions more dense than the cell-sap. For example, the root-hairs shown in Fig. 41, mounted in water on a glass slide, under a cover- glass, were found, by microscopic examination, to be turgid. Then they were irrigated with a 5 per cent, solution of common table salt. This solution is denser than the cell-sap of the root-hairs, so that exosmosis was more rapid than endosmosis, and cell-sap was withdrawn from the vacuoles faster than liquid entered from without. The salt-solution having soaked through the cell-wall, passed with difficulty through the limiting membrane of the cytoplasm, and thus began to exert an osmotic pressure from without, which loosened the protoplasm {plasmoly- sis^), and caused it to collapse. .When this results, the cell is then said to be plasmolyzed. 67. Importance of Osmosis. — No physical phenomenon is more important than osmosis. Upon it depends the life and death of every living thing. By it, not only do plants take in necessary substances from the soil, but all the food assimilated by man and the lower animals passes into their cells. It has been demonstrated that the mainte- nance of turgidity is necessary in order that cells may con- tinue to perform their normal functions. In a state of plasmolysis they cannot do so. This is illustrated in a ^ From the Greek, plasma -{- luein, to loose, or set free. 6o THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS simple manner by the well-known fact that, if a quantity of salt is placed on the soil around a plant, the plant w^ill soon die. The reason is now obvious. 68. Rigidity. — Attention has been called to the fact that water serves as the vehicle by which substances in the soil are carried into the roots and transported to all parts of the plant. But the water serves another use in helping to keep the parts of the plant rigid, and thus main- taining their form. This service is accomplished chiefly by means of the osmotic pressure which obtains in every individual cell. If every cell is turgid, tissues as a whole, and the organs of which they form a part will be rigid. This may be easily demonstrated by plasmolyzing the cells in a piece of rigid plant tissue, and then restoring their turgor. A fresh piece of a beet or turnip, about 2 inches long, 3.^ inch wide, and y^ inch thick will be found to be quite rigid, so that it cannot be easily bent without breaking. If the piece is now placed in a 5 per cent, solution of table salt for 10 or 15 minutes or longer, it will be found to have lost its rigidity, and may be bent nearly double without breaking. The salt-solution as we know, caused the plasmolysis, and consequent loss of turgor of every cell, and so the entire tissue became flabby. CHAPTER VI THE PATH OF LIQUIDS IN THE PLANT 59. The Problem Stated. — We have seen that plants are continually losing water by transpiration, chiefly from the leaves, and making good the loss by absorption through the roots. The question now arises as to how the water passes through the stem to the leaves. Does it pass through the entire tissue of the stem, or is it confined to definite regions or channels? 60. Demonstration of Channels. — It will be easy to solve our problem experimentally by placing various stems or branches in hquid containing some coloring substance which will stain the tissues through which it passes. Common red ink may be used for this. Into water, colored with red ink, may be placed young seedling corn plants, stalks of celery, seedlings of castor-oil plants, leaves of plantain and lily, parsnips with a portion of the small end cut aw^ay, or any other available material. After the stems have been allowed to stand in the ink solution over night, they should be thoroughly rinsed, to remove the stain from the surface^ and then examined by cutting off a small portion of the submerged buds. It will be clearly seen that the red coloring matter is not deposited throughout the tissue, but is confined to clearly marked channels — the fibro-vascular bundles. These bundles will be found to be distributed differently ac- cording to the kind of plant or its age, or both. Two 6i 62 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS general types of distribution will be recognized, repre- sented respectively by the corn or the lily, and by the castor-oil plant or the parsnip. 61. Internal Structure of the Corn Stem. — In the corn stalk, the fibro-vascular bundles are dis- tributed thickly and irregularly through the fundamental tissue (parenchyma) of the stem (Fig. 45). They are somewhat more numerous near the outer rind. A longitudi- nal section shows the bundles in side view, extending through the stem. The corn stalk represents a type of structure {monocotyledonous) common to all grasses^ and closely related plants, and often, though misleadingly, called endogenous. Ingrowth, the new tissue originates (with few exceptions, e.g., Yucca) only at the tip of the stem. As a rule, growth in thickness results only by the enlargement of cells already formed, without involving the formation of new ones. 62. Internal Structure of the Castor-oil Plant Stem. — A type of structure quite different from that of the corn stalk is illus- trated in the stem of the castor-oil plant (Fig. 46). Here the fibro-vascular bundles (in the young stem) are ^ The Indian corn (maize) belongs to the family of Grasses (Gramineae). Fig. 45. — Fibro-vascular bundles in a corn stalk {Zea Mays). THE PATH OF LIQUIDS IN THE PLANT 63 Fig. 46. — Diagram showing tissue-systems in young stem of castor-oil plant (Ricinus cctnmunis), as seen in cross-section, ep, epidermis; cor, cortex; p, pith or medulla; b, fibro-vascular bundle; ph, phloem; ca, cambium; x, xylem; ic, interfascicular cambium. Fig. 47, — Castor-oil plant {Ricinus communis). Cross-section of the stem of a plant about two years old. I 64 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS L_Jn Fig. 48. Fig. 49- Fig. 48. — White lupine {Lupiniis albiis). Made semi-transparent by being placed for several hours in a weak aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide. After this treatment the fibro-vascular system may be clearly seen (through the surrounding tissues) by transmitted light, cot, cotyledons; /;, hypocotyl; r, main root; br, hr^, branch roots of different ages. Note the endogenous origin of the branch roots. Fig. 49. — The system of leaf-veins in a leaf of the common rubber-plant {Ficiis elaslka). The veins are connected with the root by means of the vascular bundles extending through the stem and roots. THE PATH OF LIQUIDS IN THE PLANT 65 distributed quite regularly in a circle, surrounding the i:entral pith {medulla). This central tissue extends out between the fibro- vascular bundles, forming the pith-rays, or medullary rays. The tissue outside the zone of bundles is the cortex. In older stems of this type the bundles increase in number until a nearly continuous cylinder of vascular tissue results (Fig. 47), broken only by numerous thin medullary rays. In cross-sectional view this cylinder, of course, appears as a circle. Stems having this arrange- ment of tissues grow by the formation of cylinders of new tissue, outside of, and surrounding the older woody tissue. On this account they are called exogenous (outside growing) stems, or, preferably, dicotyledonous stems. 63. Extension of Vascular Tissue into the Roots and Leaves. — As shown in Fig. 48, the vascular bundles of the stem continue down into the roots, branching out into the smallest rootlets, and connecting with the tissue which lies next to the epidermis with its root-hairs. Thus it is seen that there is an unbroken connection of vascular tissue from the roots to the leaves. Root-hairs and leaf-veins (Figs. 49 and 50) are the opposite extremities of this sys- tem, which serves for the conduction of liquids through the plant. 64. Structure of the Fibro-vascular Bundles.— When cross-sections of the bundles of the type shown in the castor-oil plant are examined under the microscope, they appear somewhat wedge-shaped, with the smaller end pointing toward the center of the stem (Fig. 51). Three well-defined regions may be clearly distinguished, as follows: I. The xylem, at the pointed end of the bundle, and s 66 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS Fig. 50. — Photomicrograph of a portion of the system of veins in a leaf of the rubber-plant (Ficus elastica). Enlarged about six times from a portion of Fig. 49. Fig. 51. — The castor-oil plant {Ricinus communis). Portion of cross- section of young stem, co, Cortex; p, pith or medulla; e, epidermis; ph, phloem; cfl, cambium; x, xylem. The last three elements compose the fibro-vascular bundle, the cambium being continuous from bundle to bundle; the portion between the bundles is called interfascicular cambium. THE PATH OF LIQUIDS IN THE PLANT 67 occupying most of its area. The cell-walls of the xylem are thicker than those of the other cells of the bundle, and have begun to be transformed into wood, hence the name xylem. 2. The phloem, at the opposite, or blunt end of the bundle. The phloem forms part of the bark. 3. The cambium, between the xylem and phloem, com- posed of extremely thin-walled cells, and the narrowest of the three regions. The cambium is embryonic tissue, with its cells in a state of active division. The new cells formed next the xylem soon become transformed into xylem-cells; those formed next the phloem, into new phloem. The cambium itself persists throughout the life of the plant. It is perpetual embryonic tissue, never becoming entirely transformed, but giving rise to new cells on either side so long as the plant remains alive. A strand of cambium extending between the bundles {inter- fascicular cambium) gives rise to new bundles, as well as to new fundamental tissue. In time the bundles increase in thickness, and become so numerous and close together that there is an almost continuous cylinder of wood in- side the cambium, and a cylinder of phloem and other tissues outside the cambium. 65. Passage of Liquids through the Stem. — The water and dissolved mineral substances, taken in by the root- hairs, pass up through the xylem to the leaves, while the plant-food, manufactured in the leaves, passes down through the phloem, and is distributed to all living tissues. The liquids passing through the stem are popularly called "sap.'^ 66. Economic Value of Maple Sap. — In the case of the sugar-maple, a very sweet sap flows in unusually large quantities during the early spring period of alternate 68 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS thawing and freezing. During this season, in many parts of the country, it is customary to ''tap" the trees, by boring a small hole into the trunk far enough to enter the wood, and then insert a wooden or metal "spiggot" or spout, through which the sap flows out and is caught in pails. It is then ''boiled down," either in the sugar bush or in the house, until the water has passed off in large quantities as steam, leaving a thickened maple syrup in the kettle or evaporating pan. If the boiling is continued the syrup, when cooled, becomes maple sugar. The saps of the sugar-cane and of the sugar-beet are, as is well known, the source of the ordinary sugars of commerce. CHAPTER VII NUTRITION 67. Organic and Inorganic. — All substances belong to either one or the other of two classes of matter — organic or inorganic. Organic substances are, for the most part, those which compose the bodies of animals or plants, past or present, or which have been, or may be, formed by the life-processes of living things. The possibility of synthe- sizing certain organic compounds (hydrocarbons) artifi- cially in the laboratory has broken down the hard and fast distinction, formerly recognized, between organic and inorganic substances. Bone, flesh, shells, bark, wood, leaves, gums and resins formed by plants, coal, sugar, flour, starch, cellulose, plant and animal juices, and all protoplasm represent organic substances. Inorganic sub- stances are those which have never been incorporated into the bodies of plants or animals, or if so, have since lost all evidence of that fact. Water, salt, iron, oxygen, carbon, glass, sulphur, air, represent inorganic substances. Some- times the line is hard to draw. Thus a piece of wood or of bone converted into charcoal may, if carefully handled, retain unmistakable traces of having formed a part of the body of an animal or a plant, but if the piece is ground in a mortar, a fine powder may result, that has lost all trace of its organic origin. Ordinarily, however, the two kinds of matter are easily distinguished, either by their structure or their known origin. So clearly distinct and unlike are they, that one entire branch of the science 69 70 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS of chemistry, organic chemistry, is devoted to a study of organic substances, all of which are compounds of carbon. Inorganic chemistry is concerned with all other substances. 68. Nutrition of Plants and Animals. — The foods of every living thing — those substances which, by digestion and assimilation, can be incorporated into the structure Animals Non- chlorophyll bearing plarTte Chlorophyll- bearing plants Dieintegratlon by saprophytes & paraeltee Inorganic matter (Chemical elements and compounds) Fig. 52. — The organic cycle of the living body as a part of it — are all organic. In this respect animals and plants are alike; they both require organic substances as food. Thus it is evident that there must be a continual formation of organic compounds out of inorganic in order to maintain the food supply of the world. As we shall soon learn, this is the great and funda- mental role of green plants in the world's economy — to elaborate organic compounds for food out of inorganic NUTRITION 71 '*raw materials/' With a very few exceptions among the bacteria, plants that are not green (such as toad-stools, molds, and other fungi), and most animals cannot do this. Therefore we are wholly dependent upon green plants for the food supply of the world. Animals and non-green plants live, either directly or indirectly, upon green plants. The bodies of all living things are constantly giving off inorganic compounds (such, for example, as the carbon dioxide given off in respiration, and the water in trans- piration), and after death all bodies are (by the action of bacteria) gradually broken up into inorganic substances. Thus, we see, there is a kind of perpetual cycle, or cir- culation, from one realm to the other, as indicated in the diagram (Fig. 52). 69. Kinds of Foods. — When we examine the bodies of plants we find that the foods elaborated are stored in various organs or tissues. These foods all belong to one of three classes of substances, viz., carbohydrates^ re- presented by starch, sugars, and cellulose; proteins, represented by protoplasm itself, the gluten of wheat, and other substances; and/a/5, represented by the various oils, such, for example, as olive and cotton-seed oil. 70. Chemical Composition of These Foods. — A chemical examination of carbohydrates reveals the fact that they are composed of the elements, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, the two latter occurring in the same proportion as in water, namely, two parts of hydrogen to one of water (H2O). Fats contain the same elements, only in different proportions, while proteins, in addition to carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen, always contain nitrogen. Other sub- stances almost universally found in plants are calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulphur, iron, and 72 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS chlorine. Calcium is not necessary for all fungi (e.^., not for Aspergillus niger), nor for all algae. Three main problems now confront us: 1. What is the source of these food elements? 2. Where, in the plant, are they elaborated into plant food? 3. How is the process accomplished? 71. Source of the Food Elements. — Since most plants are fixed for life to a certain spot they must obtain their food elements from their immediate surroundings; they cannot, like animals, go in search of them. The carbon and oxygen are obtained chiefly from the air, where the carbon appears, in combination with oxygen, as carbon dioxide. Free oxygen (as well as in combination with carbon) is also obtained from the air. About four-fifths of the air is nitrogen, and one might naturally infer that the plant could obtain an abundant supply from that source. We shall learn later, however, that most plants cannot utilize the free nitrogen of the air, but must have it supplied in chemical combination with other elements, in the form of nitrates. These are obtained from the soil. The calcium, potassium, mag- nesium, phosphorus, sulphur, and iron are also obtained from the soil in the form of soluble salts, such as phos- phates, nitrates, sulphates, and carbonates. The hy- drogen is obtained chiefly from water (H2O). 72. Seat of Elaboration of Carbohydrates. — Careful and thorough studies have established, beyond all doubt, the fact that the inorganic food elements are combined to form carbohydrates only in the green cells of plants, either in leaves, stems, or other parts. This is one of the most fundamental facts in all science. Among those NUTRITION 73 ^'""'thp'^ffr ^"Sen-Housz (1730-1799). He was the first to recognize the difiference between photosynthesis and respiration in plants Fig. 54.-Joseph Priestley (1733-1804). He discovered oxygen, and made pioneer studies of the function of chlorophyll. 74 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS entitled to credit for this discovery may be mentioned Jan Ingen-Housz (i 730-1 799), a Dutch physician, and Jean Senebier (i 742-1 809) and Nicolas Theodore de Saussure (1767-1845), two Frenchmen. Joseph Priestley an Englishman, also contributed to this work, both Fig. 55. — Leaves of the tulip tree {Liriodendron tuUpifera). At left, from a large mature tree; at right, from a young sapling. Average sized leaves were chosen from each tree. Greatly reduced. directly and indirectly, by his discovery, in 1774, of the gas oxygen, and his experiments on the purification of the air by green plants. 73. The Significance of Leaves. — While the formation of carbohydrate food may take place in any cell con- NUTRITION 75 taining the green substance, chlorophyll (leaf -green), the chief organs for this work are the leaves. This explains many facts about leaves — e.g., why they are green, why they are thin and usually broad, why they are often much larger in young, rapidly growing plants that need much nourishment, than in mature plants (Fig. 55), why they occur at or very near the tips of the branches, where they are well exposed to light (Figs. 56 and 57). There is no more important fact in botany, nor indeed in all natural science, than that all the food of the world is primarily manufactured in the chlorophyll-containing cells of plants. 74. Importance of Sunlight. — Plants and plant parts grown in the dark are, with rare exceptions, never green. This means that sunlight is necessary in order to make chlorophyll. But green plants cannot elaborate food in the dark. This means that sunlight is necessary, not alone for the formation of chlorophyll, but for food mak- ing as well. Non-green tissues, even in sunlight, cannot manufacture food; for this process both chlorophyll and sunlight are necessary. The green cell has often been likened to a factory; the chlorophyll is the machinery, the sunlight is the energy, while the product of the factory is the manufactured food. 75. Details of the Process. — The manufacture of carbo- hydrates involves three essential steps: 1. Taking in the raw materials (water and carbon dioxide) . 2. Recombining these parts into carbohydrates. 3. Giving off the waste material (chiefly oxygen). Taking in the Raw Materials. — We have seen in Chapter IV that the air spaces between the green cells of a leaf 76 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS are in direct connection with the outside air through the stomata. In the presence of sunlight the formation of carbohydrates begins in the green cells. This uses up the carbon dioxide in the cells, and the supply is renewed from the intercellular spaces. The gas passes through the cell-walls and the layer of protoplasm in solution in Fig. 56. — A tree (hornbeam), seen from ''outside," showing the dense foliage at or near the tips of the branches. The same tree as in Fig. 57- water. This results in reducing the amount (and thus the pressure) of this gas in the intercellular spaces, and as a result more carbon dioxide passes by diffusion through the stomata to the intercellular spaces. Thus, as fast as the gas is used the supply is renewed from without. 76. Photosynthesis. — Within the cell, the carbon di- oxide and water (or simple combinations of these) are finally, hy a series of steps, recombined by the chlorophyll J NUTRITION 77 in the presence of sunlight, into a carbohydrate — probably some form of sugar. // is this series of steps that is called photosynthesis.'^ Not all of the oxygen contained in the water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) used, enters into the composition of the carbohydrate. The unused por- tion is set free, and is either utilized in other processes, Fig. 57. — A tree (hornbeam), seen from among the branches (as the squirrel sees it), showing absence of leaves except at or near the tips of the branches. The same tree as in Fig. 56. or diffuses out through the stomata to the surrounding air. Thus, the taking in of carbon dioxide and the giving off of oxygen are outward indications that photo- synthesis is going on inside the green cells. 77. Starch -making. — The sugar made by photosynthe- sis is soluble in the cell-sap, and if it were not removed ^ The word means combining (synthesis) in the presence of, or by means of, light (photos). 78 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS from the solution, at least as fast as it was made, it would accumulate and thus interfere with the manufacture of more sugar. Some of it is removed at once, either by nourishing the protoplasm of the cell where it was made, or by being translocated to other parts of the plant. But some of the sugar is removed from solution by being Fig. 58. — Cell of Pellionia Daveauana, showing starch-grains. The black, crescent-shaped body on the end of each grain is the amyloplast. Greatly enlarged. (Cf. Figs. 8 and 59.) converted into starch, a substance not soluble in water. Thus the accumulation of starch in a leaf or other green tissue indicates that photosynthesis is in progress, and that the resulting carbohydrate is or has been formed faster than translocated. The conversion of sugar to starch is accomplished by certain plastids in the cell (Figs. 8 and 58). NUTRITION 79 78. Enzymes. — For a long time it has been known that during photosynthesis plants take in carbon dioxide and water and give off oxygen, but the intermediate steps have never been clearly understood. The appearance of starch in green tissues is an evidence that photosynthesis has taken place, but it was early recognized that starch was not the first organic substance to be formed. It is now known that some of the various steps in the process are accomplished by means of certain substances called enzymes, formed in every cell. Enzymes have the re- markable power of transforming other substances, with- out being thereby used up or permanently changed them- selves. They belong to the class of substances known as ferments J but their real nature and mode of action are not well understood. Each enzyme is commonly named from the particular substance in the transformation of which it takes part, and this name usually ends with the termi- nation, -ase. Thus we have oxidase, which acts upon substances to oxidize them, maltase, which acts upon mal- tose (a form of sugar), protease, which acts upon protein, and so on. 79. The Steps in Starch-formation. — Careful experi- ments have suggested that the first step in the formation of starch may be the interaction of water and carbon dioxide, under the agency of an oxidase, resulting eventu- ally in formaldehyde (CH2O). The subsequent steps may be something as follows : 2. Condensation of the formaldehyde molecules into a simple sugar, dextrose (C6H12O6), by aldehydase. 3. Transformation of dextrose into a more complex sugar, maltose, by maltase. 4. The changing of maltose into dextrine by dextrinase. So THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS 5. The conversion of dextrin into soluble starch (amylum) by amylase. 6. The conversion of soluble starch into insoluble starch by yet another ferment or enzyme, coagulase. Other analyses of the process of photosynthesis have been suggested, and it is possible that the one outlined above may become more or less modified in the light of future experiments. 80. Storage of Food. — As stated above, some of the food elaborated in the leaves is transferred to various Fig. 59. — Starch grains from a potato tuber. (After Duncan J. Reid.) other parts of the plant. Some of it is used immediately to nourish these parts, but often this food accumulates faster than needed. This is what always occurs in certain parts of the plant, such, for example, as the tubers (under- ground stems) of potatoes (Figs. 59 and 60), the roots of turnips, the seeds of beans, peanuts, and other plants, the fruits of all plants, the leaf-base of the onion (form- ing the scaly bulbs or "onions"); and all buds when NUTRITION 8l they are forming. In these storage organs the soluble sugar is generally removed from solution by being con- verted by starch-forming leucoplasts (amyloplasls) into starch, 1 and thus the storage organs finally become gorged with an excess of food. It is on this account that they are valuable as food for man. Fig. 6o. — Young potato tuber, developed (in light) as a branch of a sprout of an old seed-tuber. Part of the food elaborated and digested in the leaves of the parent plant was translocated down the leaf-stalk and stem, and stored in the older tuber, part of which is shown in the figure. After this piece was cut off, the stored food began to be digested and trans- located to the developing "eye" or bud, accompanied by the development of the latter into the young tuber. Ordinarily such changes, in the potato, occur only underground and in the dark. 81. The Need and Source of Nitrogen.— Protein foods differ from carbohydrates and fats by containing nitrogen which the latter lack. Notwithstanding the fact that four-fifths of the atmosphere is nitrogen, green plants are unable to use this free nitrogen until it has been chemically combined with other substances, such, for example, as 1 In the case of the onion, for example, the sugar is not converted into starch. 6 82 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS potassium, calcium, magnesium, ammonium, and others, forming potassium nitrate (KNO3), calcium nitrate (Ca(N03)2), ammonium nitrate (NH4)N03, and so forth. Nitrates and ammonia may result from the disintegration of plant and animal bodies, but the supply must con- tinually be renewed by drawing upon the free nitrogen Fig. 61. — Root-tubercles on yellow sweet clover {Mdilotus officinalis), caused by and containing Psciidomonas radicicola. of the air. The ability to ''fix" atmospheric nitrogen, that is, to form nitrogen compounds with the free nitrogen of the air, is possessed by several kinds of bacteria, includ- ing species of Azotobacter, Clostridium, and Pseiidomonas. There is also evidence that certain lower fungi possess NUTRITION 83 this function. Pseudomonas radicicola, lives, as its name implies, in roots, and chiefly in those of leguminous plants, such as clover, lupine, locust, peas, beans, alfalfa, and their near relatives. The presence of the bacterium causes Httle swellings or nodules on the roots, commonly known as leguminous tubercles (Figs. 61 and 228). Nitrification, or the oxidation of ammonium compounds into nitrates, was at first thought to be simply a chemical process, but early in the nineteenth century it was found to depend upon hving organisms. Numerous bacteria, molds and other fungi {Mucor, Penicillium, Botrytis) , and the yeast Torula are active in the formation of ammonium salts by the disintegration of organic compounds. Follow- ing this process nitrification results. Two important nitrifying bacteria live in the soil; one (Nitrosomonas) forms nitrites from ammonia, and the other {Nitrohactcr) forms nitrates from nitrites (Fig. 229). Root-nodules, caused by nitrogen-fixing organisms, oc- cur also on roots of certain non-leguminous plants, includ- ing Elaeagnaceae (Oleaster family), Myricacese (Bayberry family), Podocarpineae, the g&nM?>Alnus, of the Betulace^ (Birch family), and Cycadaceae (Cycas family). The roots of Cycas contain two kinds of nitrogen-fixing organ- isms, Pseudomonas radicicola and Azotohacter (Fig. 241). 82. Value of Leguminous Crops.— Because of the presence in their roots of organisms that can use the free nitrogen of the air to form compounds of nitrogen, leguminous crops are of inestimable value to agriculture. In fact, they are absolutely necessary in order to maintain the fertility of the soil. When any leguminous crops are harvested, the roots are left in the soil with their tubercles rich in compounds of nitrogen, and the com- 84 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS pounds (nitrates) are available to the next non-leguminous crop, such as oats or corn. This is one of the main reasons why good farmers always practice a rotation of crops, alternating leguminous with non-leguminous plants, for thereby the richness of the soil in available nitrogen is maintained. Thus, for example, a certain field in Illinois was planted to corn for 28 years in succession. The yield of corn for the last year was 22 bushels per acre. On a second field, planted for the same length of time with alternate crops of corn and oats, the final yield of corn was 36 bushels; while a third field in which corn, oats, and clover were planted alternately, the final yield of corn was 59 bushels — over twice the yield w^ithout rotation with a legume. This increase in yield was due chiefly to the enrichment of the soil in nitrates by the organisms that form tubercles on the roots of the clover. If the entire clover crop (tops and all) is plowed under occasionally, so as to serve as ''green manure," the results will be better than when the clover tops are always removed as hay. 83. Manufacture of Proteins. — Proteins are formed de novo only in living plant cells, by combining the prod- ucts of photosynthesis with the nitrogen supplied in the formi of nitrates. Their formation may be favored by light, but unlike the process of photosynthesis, protein- formation does -not require either light or chlorophyll. The formation of proteins occurs in large measure in foliage-leaves, but may take place in any living cell. The manner of their formation is not as well understood as is that of carbohydrates. 84. Fats. — Fats may occur in plant cells in either liquid or soKd form. We are most familiar with the liquid fats. NUTRITION 85 such as the various oils derived from plants. Fat occurs in the solid form in the cocoanut. In the tallow-tree (Sapium sehiferum) it is so abundant, as a waxy coating on the seeds, that it is used in eastern Asia for making candles. Fats commonly occur in droplets in the proto- plasm, or as an emulsion in the cell-sap, but the place 1^^^^^ ' ^^^^ifH f * 1 *" ^ ^-0^ J ^j^^^^^^^^Hl ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^iL *' ^^^^^^^^^H Fig 62 —Portion of a cross-section of a grain of Indian corn {Zea Mays) G.E, glandular epithelium of the scutellum which secretes dias- tase; G, a simple racemose gland in the tissue of the scutellum; D, duct of the latter, emptying into the starchy endosperm surrounding the embryo. and method of their formation have never been clearly determined. 85. Digestion.— We have learned above (paragraph 42) that substances can enter a plant only in solution. It is also true that substances, even when inside the cell, can- not be utilized as food by the plant unless they are in solution. In order that the protoplasm can be nourished, 86 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS therefore, all insoluble stored foods must be converted into soluble substances and dissolved. The process of converting an insoluble food into a soluble substance and dissolving it is digestion. This change, like the various processes in photosynthesis, is brought about by various enzymes, which have the power of converting insoluble -'^'"^^1 Q 1 : — ~ r^ * -I . # ^^1 i .^ ■ ^te^ ^M^ H^k- ,^!^fm ^j ^^B^ Fig. 63. — Venus's flytrap {DioncEa muscipula). Insects are captured by the rapid closing together of the two valves of the leaf-blade. When the valves come together the rigid marginal teeth interlock, making escape impossible. The digestive enzyme is secreted by glands distributed over the surface of the valves. ^ (After John Ellis.) starch, proteins, and fats, into soluble substances. Starch is converted by diastase (one of the earliest known enzymes) , proteins by proteases, and fatty substances (lipoids) by lipase. NUTRITION 87 Digestive enzymes are probably secreted by every active plant-cell. In the corn grain the corn starch (endosperm), surrounding the embryo, is digested during germination by diastase secreted by a glandular epithe- FiG. 64.— Bladderwort {Utricularia sp.). Aquatic insects are held captive in the tiny floating bladders, where they are digested and absorbed. Fig. 65.— a sundew {Drosera intermedia), showing the glandular tipped tentacles on the leaves. When an insect alights on a leaf he is held by the sticky secretion; the tentacles then bend over in contact with his body, holding him more firmly, and pouring out a protein-digesting enzyme secreted by their glands. «= & / 88 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS lium of the embryo. Often this glandular layer is in- vaginated, so as to form a true gland (Fig. 62). A special case of plant nutrition is presented by the insectivorous plants, of which there are many kinds. They are all characterized by the possession of some de- vice for capturing insects that visit them, and by the ability to secrete a proteolytic enzyme capable of digest- ing the protein tissues of their prey. These plants can also digest any meat fed to them artificially. After being digested the protein food is absorbed by osmosis. The Venus's flytrap {Dioncea muscipula), numerous species of bladderwort (Utricularia), and several species of sundew {Drosera) serve to illustrate the insectivorous plants (Figs. 63-65). Although these plants are able to digest protein, experiments have shown that a pro- tein diet is not necessary either for their life or healthy growth. 86. Assimilation. — After food has been elaborated and digested it still is not a part of the living protoplasm, but only lies within the vacuoles of the protoplast. It is no more a part of the plant than is food in our hands or stomachs a part of our bodies. One step more is nec- essary; the digested food must be incorporated into, and made part of, the living protoplasm itself. It must be transformed from lifeless matter into living matter. As in the case of enzyme action, the process by which this remarkable change is brought about is not understood. By multitudes of accurate, painstaking experiments, however, one great fundamental truth has been estabhshed, namely, that non-living matter can be converted into living matter only by the action of other living matter already existing. Proteins, sugars, and fats have all NUTRITION 89 been manufactured from simpler substances, artificially in the laboratory, without the aid of living organisms; and they may all be digested artificially in a test-tube, also without the aid of living organisms; but, although the attempt has often been made, no one has ever suc- ceeded in artificially producing even the minutest drop of living protoplasm. Only hving protoplasm, acting directly on non-living matter, can bring about that marvellous change. This fact is concisely expressed by the Latin phrase, "Omne vivum e vivo'' (All life from life). 87. Biogenesis. — That living matter is always descended from preceding living matter, and that it never arises spontaneously from the non-living is the principle of biogenesis.^ Opposed to this principle is the principle of ahio genesis,"^ which teaches that living matter may originate from non-living without the intervention of other living matter. This was formerly quite generally believed. Men thought, for example, that putrid meat might become transformed directly into the maggots (young flies) so often found in it; but we now know that maggots in decaying meat always arise from the eggs of flies that have previously visited the meat and deposited their eggs there. Thanks to the painstaking experiments and clear thinking of Redi, Pasteur, Tyndall, and others, belief in the principle of biogenesis is now practically universal among scientists. That living matter could not, under favorable condi- tions, originate from non-living matter, or that it did not in the beginning, or never does now, cannot, of course, ^ Biogenesis, from the Greek words hios {pios), life, and genesis {y^vtais) generation. ^ Abiogenesis. The prefix a (Greek alpha) deprives the remainder of the word of its meaning, or reverses the meaning. 90 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS be demonstrated; one can never, experimentally or other- wise, prove a universal negative. The principle of biogenesis affirms that, in experiments conducted with the utmost skill, and with every possible precaution to exclude all traces of living matter, no faintest manifesta- tion of life has ever been detected ; we therefore logically conclude that, however life may have been originally created, it never originates now from non-living matter, but always from living matter only. 88. Dissimilation. — Nothing is more unstable than protoplasm. No sooner is new protoplasm formed by the process of assimilation than it begins to disintegrate, forming various new substances, such as cell-walls, gums, resins, latex, coloring matters (in flowers and other plant parts), the perfumes of flowers, the poisons of poisonous plants, and the substances that give the various flavors and tastes to different kinds of plants. The process by which all such substances are formed by protoplasm is called secretion. Thus we see that protoplasm is in a state of continual formation and disintegration. The sum total of all these changes, both constructive and destructive, is called metabolism. It is metabolism, above everything else, that distinguishes living from non-living matter. We also see that death is essential to life; unless protoplasm per- ishes no new protoplasm can be formed. All life, it is true, comes from life; but only on the condition that that which is already living shall perish. 89. Economic Value of Plant Secretions. — Many of the substances secreted by protoplasm are commercial products. This is notably true of wood, all of which con- sists of lignified cell-walls; of cork, which consists of sub- erized cell-walls; of the various gums, such as gum arabic, NUTRITION 91 gum mastic, and gum tragacanth; of the resins; and of turpentine, rubber, vegetable dye-stuffs, perfumes, and various other articles of commerce. Other plant secre- tions may play an important role in practical agricul- ture, in connection with the rotation of crops, as indicated in paragraph 90(6), below. 90. Rotation of Crops. — Closely connected with nutri- tion and secretion is the question of crop rotation in agriculture. Farmers have known for ages that if one kind of plant is grown in the same soil year after year the yield is greatly diminished. Under such conditions, for example, the yield of wheat will diminish from 25 or 30 bushels to 12 or 15 bushels per acre, and also deteriorate in quality. Various hypotheses and theories have been proposed from time to time to account for this fact, but only three of these theories are here noted, as follows: (a) Nutrition Theory. — We have seen above that grow- ing plants withdraw from the soil various so-called mineral ''nutrients," in solution in the soil-water. These are essential to the healthy, vigorous growth of the plant. Different kinds of plants absorb these compounds in different proportion, and one theory of crop rotation is based upon this fact. It is argued that, by following one kind of crop with another, different demands are made on the soil, and the compound of which the soil was im- poverished or ''exhausted" by the first crop is renewed by capillary action from lower or adjacent regions. Its renewal is also hastened by the application of suitable fertilizer. Especially is this true in the case of nitrogen, which is renewed by alternating with non-leguminous plants, leguminous crops, whose root-tubercle organisms renew the nitrates, as explained in paragraph 82. This g2 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS theory was advocated by the great agricultural chemist, Liebig. Undoubtedly it is correct, as far as it goes, but a more thorough consideration of the question indicates that it is not adequate as a complete explanation. (b) Theory of Toxic Excreta. — A second hypothesis is that advanced by certain investigators in the Bureau of Soils of the United States Department of Agriculture.^ This is based on the fact that the roots of plants are known to excrete substances which are poisonous or toxic to the species producing them. These toxic substances accumu- late in the soil during a succession of the same kind of crops, and thus gradually render it toxic to that kind of plants. By following with a succession of different kinds of crops the toxic excreta of the first are either removed by seepage of soil-water, or destroyed, either by being oxidized, or by the addition of other substances which render them harmless. By this theory the function of fertilizers is not so much to renew exhausted mineral ''nutrients," as to render harmless the accumulated excreta of the previous crop. (c) Sanitary Theory. — This theory has been carefully worked out by Professor Bolley, of the North Dakota Agricultural College. By thorough studies of the wheat crop he has been enabled to make the following positive statements:^ Constant or rather constant culture of wheat on the same lands brings about wheat-sickness, or wheat-sick soil. Wheat does not thrive well in the presence of its own dead bodies, no matter how fertile the soil. Constant wheat cropping does not especially ^ A similar hypothesis was advanced by A. P. DeCandolle in his Physiologic Vegelale, Paris, 1832. 2 The phraseology of Professor Bolley (North Dakota Agric. Coll. Bull. 107), is closely followed. NUTRITION 93 exhaust or use up the mineral "nutrients" more rapidly than a succession of the different kinds of crops, nor does it introduce into the soil any permanent excrement toxic to wheat. It does, however, tend to introduce with the seed, stubble, roots, et cetera a number of kinds (at least five) of parasitic fungi that cause diseases of the wheat plants. These fungi destroy, blight, and rot off the roots of the plants, and live internally in the straw and the seeds. The accumulation of these fungi in fertile soils brings about the condition of wheat-sickness, ''wheat- tired" soil. The fungi attack the roots, leaves, stems, young developing grains, and seedlings, and the value of crop-rotation lies in growing a series of different kinds of crops that do not transmit or bear each other's diseases. Crop-rotation is not primarily to conserve the fertility of the soil, but is a sanitary measure, tending to eradicate contagious disease. The reproductive bodies {spores) of these fungi are carried from field to field and persist in the field for some time, but lose their vitality during the few seasons when other crops are being cultivated. It is thus seen that one farmer, by careless methods of agriculture, may not only suffer a loss of yield of his own crops, but may also infect his neighbors' fields. In addition to crop- rotation, this trouble may be reduced or avoided by care- fully sterilizing all seed, before sowing, by soaking them in a weak solution of formaldehyde, and also by sterilizing the soil in a similar manner. The validity of this theory is based upon extended studies of wheat, oats, barley, and flax: it doubtless holds true also for other crops. These three theories are all based upon thorough experi- mental investigation, and it is probable that all three contribute to a rational basis for the rotation of crops. CHAPTER VIII FERMENTATION 91. Importance of Fermentation. — In Chapter VII (paragraph 78) reference was made to enzymes, which have the power of causing marked chemical changes in other substances without being thereby permanently transformed or used up themselves. The number of different kinds of enzymes now known is very great, and it is probable that further investigation will reveal still others not now recognized. One of the most interesting and illuminating results of their study is the revelation of the fact that one or more kinds of ferments or enzymes are produced by every living cell (plant or animal), and that life itself involves, and is in large measure depend- ent upon, a series of fermentations. This truth, which is becoming more and more firmly established by scientific research, was recognized as early as 1839 by Schwann, one of the founders of the cell-theory.^ His famous work, '' Microscopical Researches," contains the following passage: "I have been unable to avoid mentioning fermentation, because it is the most fully and exactly known operation of cells, and represents, in the simplest fashion, the process which is repeated by every cell of the living body." In fact, a knowledge of enzymes and fermentation is necessary in order to understand some of the most ^Cf. p. 15. 94 TERMENTATION 95 /f^l fundamental processes of plant physiology. Fermen- tation is most commonly associated in our minds with yeast. 92. Yeast. — Practically everyone is acquainted with yeast, which was the earliest recognized agent of fermen- tation. We are now most familiar with it in the form of small cakes, purchased at the grocer's for use in making bread and other "raised" dough. Our grandparents bought it in liquid form from the local baker; and in brew- eries and large bakeries it is used in the liquid form in mak- ing beer and bread. If a small piece of a "compressed yeast" cake, about the size of a pea seed, is placed with a little sugar and water in a fermenta- ^ ,, ^ . / . \ • ^'^^- ^^- — Fermentation-tube, tion-tube (Fig. 66), and set in /, level of fermenting liqu|d a warm place the mixture will soon begin to "work," and tiny bubbles of gas will be seen rising in increasing numbers to the top of the tube. The process which gives rise to these bubbles is alcoholic fermentation. 93. Conditions Necessary for Alcoholic Fermentation. — If two other tubes are prepared precisely like the first one, except that ice-water is used in one and boiling water in the other, and are set, the first in a cold place {e.g., the refrigerator), and the second in a very warm place, fer- mentation will occur either very tardily or not at all. If a third fermentation-tube is set up with sugar but no space filled with gas (CO2) given off by fermentation. 96 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS yeast, and a fourth tube with yeast but no sugar, no fermentation will take place. In other words, in order to have fermentation three conditions must be reahzed: (i) a ferment, (2) something for the ferment to act upon, (3) suitable external conditions.^ 94. Products of Alcoholic Fermentation. — If we place a large quantity of the fermenting mixture in a deep glass cylinder, and cover over the top so as to hinder the escape of the gas given off, the gas will collect in quantity in the space above the liquid. If, after fermentation has been allowed to proceed vigorously for a few hours, we insert in the cylinder a lighted splinter of wood or a lighted candle, the flame will at once go out, showing that the oxygen of the air, which supports combustion, has largely disappeared and has been replaced by another gas. The test with the flame should, of course, be made also at the very beginning of the experiment, to show that the air above the Hquid will support combustion before fermenta- tion has begun. 95. Carbon Dioxide Formed. — In order to ascertain what gas has taken the place of oxygen, we may next insert a fine wire, bent into a small circular loop at the end, and dipped in lime-water. A film of lime-water will extend across the space enclosed by the loop. Lime- water has the characteristic property of turning milky in the presence of carbon dioxide, and in this test the film of lime-water will at once turn white or milky, show- ing that the gas given off by fermentation is carbon dioxide. It is the formation of bubbles of this gas in bread dough that causes the dough to become ''light" and to ''rise." ^ The student may devise an experiment of his own to ascertain whether or not light is necessary to fermentation. FERMENTATION 97 96. Alcohol Formed. — If a large quantity of fermenting liquid — as much as a pint or a quart — is boiled, and the vapor that first comes off is condensed to a liquid, this liquid will have the characteristic odor of alcohol, and will burn with a pale, almost colorless flame. It is, in fact, alcohol, and it is on this account that this kind of fermentation is called alcoholic fermentation, to distinguish it from other kinds. Carbon dioxide and alcohol are, therefore, two products of the fermentation of sugar by yeast. If the proportions of yeast, sugar, and water, and the temperature are properly adjusted, and if the fermentation is allowed to continue long enough, it will be found that nearly all the sugar has disappeared, having been converted by the yeast into carbon dioxide and alcohol. Not all of the sugar will be converted for, as Pasteur, the great student of fermentation, demonstrated, small amounts of other substances such as, for example, suc- cinic acid and glycerine, are formed by fermentation, and these finally begin to check the activity of the ferment. 97. Heat Produced. — If a delicate and accurate ther- mometer is inserted into a fermenting yeast-mixture, and the temperature recorded from time to time, it will be found that the mixture grows gradually warmer, indicating that fermentation produces heat. The experiment will succeed best if the yeast mixture is placed in a Dewar flask, or, what amounts to the same thing, in a 'thermos" bottle, which is double-walled, and thus retains more of the heat produced than does an ordinary, single-walled container. It is important to keep in mind the three major results of alcoholic fermentation: (i) the formation of alcohol; (2) the formation of carbon dioxide; (3) the in- crease of temperature. We shall see, in the next chapter, 7 98 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS that the last two are also the results of another important life-process of plants. 98. What is Yeast? — For centuries men employed yeast in baking and brewing without having the remotest idea as to what it really is, or of how it causes fermentation. This was because they did not inquire into the matter. It was not until 1680 that Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch natu- ralist, discovered that liquid yeast always contains tiny floating globules. It was 150 years after this that a French scientist, Cagniard de la Tour, discovered that yeast is a living organism, and soon thereafter another observer, Turpin, demonstrated that yeast is really a plant, closely related to the fungi. Thanks to the painstaking work of many other students, and especially of Pasteur, we now have a detailed knowledge of the structure and activity of the yeast plant. It is related to the sac-fungi (Ascomycetes) . 99. Microscopic Appearance. — If a drop of yeast mix- ture that has been fermenting vigorously is examined under the microscope, the indi- vidual yeast plants may be readily observed (Fig. 67). They are seen to be unicellular plants, globular or ellipsoidal in form, of various sizes according to age, and devoid of chloro- FiG. 67.-Cells' of yeast P^l- The nucleus can be seen {Saccharoynyces sp.). Some of only after the cell is stained. the cells are budding. The ^^ c ,1 a n mi i clear spaces are vacuoles. Many of the larger cells Will be seen to have small outgrowths or buds, also of various sizes according to age. It is by the formation of the buds, that is, by budding, that the plant FERMENTATION 99 reproduces itself. When the buds reach a certain size, they separate from the parent plant, continue to take in nourishment from the surrounding liquid by osmosis, increase in size to maturity, and then give rise to other plants, by repeating the process of budding.^ Under favorable conditions new plants are formed very rapidly by budding, so that in the course of a few hours the total number of yeast plants will have enormously increased, notwithstanding the fact that some of them in the mean- time may have died. This increase in number may be noted with the naked eye, by observing the increase of turbidity or opalescence of the yeast-mixture after it has stood for an hour or more. The yeast cakes of commerce consist largely of starch and millions of tiny yeast plants, skimmed from the surface of a fermenting liquid, and then pressed together. 100. The Active Agent in Fermentation. — After it be- came recognized that the presence of the yeast plant is necessary, in order to have alcoholic fermentation, it re- quired careful study before it was discovered that if the yeast cells, after being disintegrated by grinding, are all filtered out of the mixture, the filtered liquid still re- tains the power to cause fermentation. From this it was learned that the active agent, or immediate cause of the process, is not the yeast itself, but some substance or substances produced by the yeast. These substances are the real ferments or enzymes, and are secreted by the living protoplasm of the yeast. At least three different enzymes are known to be produced by yeast. The one ^ Another process of reproduction of yeast, by the production of endospores, need not here be described. IOC THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS that is active in converting sugar into carbon dioxide and alcohol is a zymase, called alcoholase. 101. How Enzymes Work. — It has previously been stated that enzymes have the ability to cause changes in other substances without themselves being altered or consumed thereby. The mystery of this fact has never been fully explained, but the simile used by Huxley helps us to form a crude mental picture of the process. ''There can be no doubt," says Huxley, "that the constituent elements of fully 98 per cent, of the sugar which has vanished during fermentation have simply undergone rearrangement; like the soldiers of a brigade, who at the word of command divide themselves into the independent regiments to which they belong. The brigade is sugar, the regiments are carbonic acid, succinic acid, alcohol, and glycerine." We may add that the commanding officer is the enzyme, secreted by the yeast. 102. Many Kinds of Enzymes. — Two kinds of enzymes have just been mentioned — that which converts starch to sugar (diastase), and that which causes alcoholic fermentation (alcoholase). In our own bodies we are familiar with the ptyalin, or "animal diastase," of the saliva, which can also convert starch to sugar, the pepsin of the gastric juice, which can change the insoluble pro- teins of meat into soluble proteins, the pancreatic juice, and others. Among plants is found cytase, which can liquefy the cellulose of cell-walls. It is by this means that the delicate threads of fungi which grow on trees can pene- trate the hard, solid wood. The enzyme, secreted by the fungus, softens and liquefies the wood, and the delicate fungal thread may then penetrate with ease. When leaves fall in the autumn, the final stage in the process is FERMENTATION lOI the solution of a portion of the cell-walls of a layer of cells (the ahscission-layer) at the place where the leaf joins the branch. This greatly weakens the attachment, and the leaf falls, often merely from its own weight. The solu- tion of this tissue is caused by an enzyme secreted by the cells adjacent to the abscission layer. Many of the peculiar effects produced by molds and by bacteria are caused by enzymes secreted by these organisms. The ripening of cheese, the formation of alcohol in beer and wine, the changing of sweet to sour or "hard" cider, the turning brown of cut fruit, such as apples, when exposed to the air, and all processes of decay are caused by fer- mentations produced by enzymes secreted by bacteria, molds, yeast, or other living cells. 103. The Significance of Alcoholic Fermentation. — From what has just preceded, it is seen that the various processes of fermentation are useful or otherwise im- portant to mankind, but we must seek for the real sig- nificance of alcoholic fermentation in its use to the organism that secretes the ferment. In this connection we must recall the fact that all the life-processes of plants and animals require energy. The continued release of this energy within the cells usually makes necessary a supply of free oxygen from the air; but some organisms can secure the necessary oxygen by decomposing com- pounds that contain it — such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Thus we must regard alcoholic fermentation (in part, at least) as a process by which yeast and other organisms or cells secure the necessary energy for their activities when deprived of the free oxygen of the air. Alcohol and other complex compounds result because the processes of oxidation are not completed, owing to I02 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS the restricted supply of oxygen that can be obtained in the absence of air. If the oxidation processes could he completed the end products would he carhon dioxide and water. Organisms that may continue to live without a supply of free oxygen are called anaerohes} Either the entire organism may live anaerobically, or this condition may be confined to one or more of its organs, or even to a single cell or group of cells. It is possible for yeast to live in contact with free oxygen, but when this is not present it can secure sufficient oxygen for its needs by alcoholic fermentation alone.- 104. Relation of Fermentation to Our Daily Lives. — Reference has already been made to the fact that such diverse operations as the manufacture of all alcoholic drinks and the making of bread are dependent upon fermentations, and we have seen that the process funda- mental to all life — the formation of carbohydrates by photosynthesis — probably involves the action of at least six different ferments. The active principles of all the digestive juices of our own bodies are also enzymes — diastase in the saliva, pepsin in the stomach, trypsin in the intestine, and so on. We shall learn, in the next chapter, that all muscular and mental activity, even life itself, is dependent on the fermentative activity of enzymes. ^ fl + CL^^ (air) + bios (life) = living without air. 2 From a reading of Chapters VII to IX the student will learn that the transformations wrought in other substances by the catalytic agents, called enzymes, are not all of the same nature; some (as alcoholic fer- mentation, and digestive processes) are destructive, others (as the poly- merizations and other transformations in photosynthesis, mentioned on pages 79 and 8o) are constructive. The author believes that it con- tributes to simplicity, without sacrificing clear and accurate thinking, to consider "enzyme" and "ferment" as synonymous terms, and to call all activities of enzymes fermentations, whether they are analytic or synthetic. CHAPTER IX RESPIRATION 106. Anaerobes and Aerobes. — In the preceding chapter we learned that all plants require energy for their ac- tivities, and that this energy is derived by the oxidation of substances within the cell. In the case of yeast and other organisms, when living in an atmosphere devoid of free oxygen, the necessary oxygen is obtained from com- pounds which contain it, by the process of fermentation, brought about by enzymes. As is well known, many organ- isms, such as man and most other animals, and most plants, cannot live in the absence of free oxygen; such organisms, called aerobes,'^ continually take in oxygen from the air. The using up of oxygen by the cells creates the need for more, and in the case of man and other mammals, the supply is obtained through the lungs by breathing. Plants, however, have no lungs, nor any organs that correspond to lungs. ^ When oxygen is consumed by plant tissues, its pressure within the plant becomes less than its pressure outside the plant, and therefore more passes in through the stomata and epidermis by the simple physical process of diffusion. ^ aero (air) -1- be {bios, life) living in air. 2 Leaves have sometimes been called "the lungs of plants." From our study of nutrition, it will be readily recognized that leaves may much more appropriately be called the stomachs of plants. 103 I04 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS 106. Consumption of Oxygen Demonstrated. — The exchange of gases between the atmosphere and the interior of the plant may readily be demonstrated by a simple experiment, as follows. Into each of seven glass cyHnders (Fig. 68) fit a partition of wire gauze, so as to divide the space vertically into equal parts. Into the first jar place nothing, and fill the space, on one side only of the wire gauze, in each of the other six jars respectively, with germinating seeds (pea or lupine), living herbaceous stems, living roots (washed free from soil but moist and fresh), green leaves, freshly opening flower buds, and (in the last jar) fresh mushrooms or other fleshy fungi. Test the air in the empty half of each jar with a lighted taper to make sure that it contains sufficient oxygen to support combustion, and then seal all the jars air-tight with rubber stoppers, and set them side by side in any convenient place except in direct sunlight.^ At the end of 12 to 24 hours again test the air in each of the jars with the lighted taper. The air in the first jar, containing no plant material, will still support combustion, but the taper will be extinguished at once when lowered into each of the other six jars.^ This shows that the air in each of these jars has become poorer in oxygen, and that it does not now contain enough to support combustion.^ This 1 The heat of direct sunlight is unfavorable to the best results. ^ If the taper is not extinguished in the jar containing the green leaves, the student should be able, from his knowledge of other plant processes, to suggest a probable reason why, and to devise suitable modifications of th€ experiment so as to demonstrate the respiration of green leaves. In this and other tests of the air, the cork stopper should not he removed any longer than is absolutely necessary, and the lighted taper shoidd he lowered and removed quickly. ^ Does the experiment show that there is no oxygen in the jars in which the flame is extinguished? RESPIRATION 105 io6 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS observation justifies the inference that living plants take in oxygen. 107. Carbon Dioxide Given Off. — The air in each of the seven cylinders may next be tested with lime-water, by pouring in not more than one or two tablespoonfuls, and mixing it well with the air by tipping the cylinders, holding the halves with the plant ma- terial uppermost, and allowing the lime-water to flow back and forth a few times from one end of the jar to the other. Care should be taken not to dirty the lime-water by allow- ing it to rinse the plant mate- rial. After this treatment the lime-water will be found to have turned milky in all of the jars except the one containing no plant tissue. From these results we may correctly infer that carbon dioxide has been given off by the plants. 108. Heat Evolved.— That heat is evolved during the gaseous exchange above demonstrated may be illus- FiG. 69. — A simple calorim- eter for studying the tempera- ture transformations in respira- tion. Respiring seeds are placed in the Dewar bulb (double walled, with a vacuum between the walls). At the bottom of the bulb is a dish containing caustic potash; cotton wool is packed between the thermometer and the neck of the bulb. (After Ganong.) trated by placing a delicate thermometer into, say, the germinating seeds. The best results will be obtained by placing the plant material into a double- walled Dewar flask (or a thermos bottle), which RESPIRATION IO7 will retain most of any heat that may be given off (Fig. 69). If the temperature is recorded at the beginning of the experiment, and again at the end, a rise of temper- ature will be noted. In one experiment, set up with germinating pea seeds (air dry weight 80 grams) in a Dewar flask as above described, a rise of 19.3° was ob- served within 96 hours. 109. Respiration Versus Breathing. — In the case of man and other animals, the exchange of gases and evolution of heat, demonstrated by the experiments described above, are an index of respiration. The process of taking in oxygen and giving off of carbon dioxide by animals is called breathing. It is better to restrict the term breath- ing to the mechanical exchange of gases between the lungs of animals adn the external air, and to confine the term respiration to the oxidation processes of the living pro- toplasm. It will thus be recognized that respiration is a function of every living cell, and that the cells of our fingers, for example, respire just as truly as do those of our lungs and other organs. The lungs, by their mechanical expansion and contraction, merely serve to bring the oxygen of the external air into intimate contact with the blood, which carries it to all respiring tissues of the body. There is no process in plants comparable to this breath- ing. In the case of some animals without lungs, certain specialized organs (in fishes, the gills) are continually bathed with external oxygen, which passes into the blood hy diffusion. This more closely resembles the process by which oxygen from the air passes into the plant body. In other animals {e.g., earthworms) there are no special organs for breathing, and the oxygen diffuses through the moist body-walls. I08 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS 110. Stomata and Gaseous Exchange. — In Chapter IV we described the openings or stomata in the epidermis of leaves, through which water-vapor passed to the out- side. We also learned in Chapter VII that the inter- change of gases in photosynthesis takes place through the stomata. So, also, does the exchange of gases that Fig. 70. — White birch {Betiila populifolia). Portion of a branch showing the prominent lenticels. accompanies respiration. As the oxygen within the cells is consumed in respiration, more is absorbed from the intercellular spaces. Thus its pressure becomes less within the leaf than without, and consequently oxygen enters by diffusion through the stomata. At the same time the air in the intercellular spaces becomes richer RESPIRATION IO9 in carbon dioxide than the air outside, and therefore this gas passes out, also by diffusion. 111. Lenticels. — Many living cells and tissues are more deep seated than the mesophyll of leaves, and oxygen obtains access to these cells by different ways in different plants. Only one of these cases may be considered here. If any young woody twig is examined, small ''dots" or lines will be discovered on the surface. On closer exami- nation these will be found to be small openings through the bark (Fig. 70). They are known as lenticels. The outer portion of the bark, and the older, inner layers of wood are not alive, but the cambium layer, between wood and bark is alive, and therefore needs a continual supply of fresh oxygen. This is supplied through the lenticels in a manner quite analogous to that by which the supply in the leaves is maintained. 112. Respiration and Photosynthesis. — The two proc- esses of respiration and photosynthesis are often con- fused, but in reality thay have very little in common, except that both result in an exchange of gases with the external air. But it must be kept clearly in mind that the processes themselves are quite distinct from the exchanges of gases that accompany them, or result because of them. Photosynthesis furnishes carbon to the plant in a form available for use; respiration is the physiological process by which the carbon is utilized to supply the energy necessary for all life-processes. The result of the two processes is the continual income and outgo of carbon. The carbon enters and leaves the plant in the same form, namely carbon dioxide. The disintegration of carbohydrates is also accomplished by bacterial decay and other fermentative processes. We no THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS thus see that there is a continuous circulation of carbon in nature, known as the carbon cycle (Fig. 71). A com- parison between the two processes is shown in Table II. Table II. — Comparison of Respiration and Photosynthesis t. Photosynthesis Changes inorganic matter into plant- foods (carbohy- drates), which are Assimilated and used by the plant To supply energy for work, To repair waste (Nutrition), In the construction of new parts (Development), in- cluding Reproduc- tion. Photosynthesis I. Takes place only in cells contain- ing chlorophyll. Requires light. CO2 absorbed, O set free. Carbohydrates formed. Plant gains in dry weight. Kinetic energy of sunlight be- comes potential energy. All of these proc- esses are depend- ent upon Oxida- tion within the cells. This process of oxidation is called. . . . 2. Respiration, which involves The taking in of oxygen, The oxidizing of oxidizable mat- ter, The release of all products of these oxidations. Respiration 1. Takes place in all active cells. 2. Can proceed in darkness. 3. O absorbed, CO2 set free. 4. Carbohydrates consumed. 5. Plant loses in dry weight. 6. Potential energy becomes kinetic energy. 113. Plant and Animal Respiration. — There is probably no erroneous notion about plants more tenaciously held, nor more widespread, than the belief that plant respira- tion is the reverse of animal respiration. This error is due entirely to a confusion of the two processes of respira- tion and photosynthesis. From what has preceded, how- ever, it should now be clear that plants respire in the same way as animals, using up oxygen in the processes of oxida- tion within their tissues, renewing the supply from the surrounding air (or, in anaerobic respiration, from the breaking down of chemical compounds rich in oxygen), and RESPIRATION III releasing the carbon dioxide and other waste products resulting from the oxidations. Heat is developed in both plants and animals. The condensation of water-vapor from the breath shows that water is formed in animal respiration, and careful, delicate experiments have also Carbohydrates Plant proteins Pats . Fig. 71. — The carbon cycle. shown that water is formed in plant respiration. In both plants and animals respiration converts potential energy (in the form of complex chemical compounds) into kinetic energy — manifest in motion, locomotion, and the overcoming of resistance of various kinds (that is, work). The two processes are compared in the following table: 112 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS Table III. — Comparison of Plant and Animal Respiration Plant respiration Animal respiration 1. Oxidations occur within the tissue i. Ditto 2. Oxygen taken in 2. Ditto 3. Carbon dioxide given off 3. Ditto 4. Heat evolved 4. Ditto 5. Water-vapor formed 5. Ditto 6. Dry weight decreased 6, Ditto 7. Potential energy becomes kinetic 7. Ditto 8. Occurs in every living cell 8. Ditto 9. Occurs without ceasing, day and night 9. Ditto 10. Accomplished by respiratory enzymes 10. Ditto 114. Respiration and Fermentation. — Perhaps one of the most surprising and interesting of all the results of the study of respiration is the revelation of the fact that the real process of respiration (the oxidation of living tis- sues, as distinguished from the exchange of gases by breathing, or otherwise) is accomplished by enzymes known as oxidases, and is therefore, in reality, a form of jer meditation. In fact, the more deeply we study all the fundamental processes of living things, the more it seems to become evident that every chemical process in organisms, in fact, that life itself is absolutely dependent upon fermentations. We are brought face to face with the almost startling fact that such commonplace phenomena as the ripening of fruit, the raising of dough, and the decay of plant tissues, are conditioned by the same class of sub- stances (enzymes), and by the same kind of processes that underlie the digestion of food, the respiration of tissues, and the thinking of human minds. And, moreover, we seem to be led to the odd conclusion that living organisms do not respire because they take in oxygen, hut that they take in oxygen because they have respired. CHAPTER X GROWTH 115. Definition. — Growth is increase in size of either the organism as a whole or of any of its parts. By growth the individual protoplast of a cell may become more bulky, the chloroplasts or leucoplasts may become larger, the nucleus bigger, the cell-walls thicker, the cell as a whole may increase in any dimension, and, as a result of this, the tissues and organs, and finally the entire organism, may become larger. Growth does not always involve the whole organism. Cell-walls often grow thicker while the size of the plant as a whole does not alter. Growth often involves a decrease in the size of one or more of the parts; thus, when a potato ^'sprouts," the tuber itself, giving its substance to nourish the newly formed stems, becomes smaller and lighter in weight, while the stems increase in size and weight. As a whole, however, the potato plant is growing (Fig. 60). 116. Osmotic Pressure and Growth. — Growth does not always involve increase in weight. If, for example, the osmotic pressure increases within a turgid cell, and if the cell- walls are elastic, the cell will grow bigger in one or more dimensions. Not only may this growth involve no increase in weight (as, for example, when the increase in osmotic pressure within a cell is due merely to the chang- ing of starch to sugar), but may even be accompanied by loss of weight on account of waste products being given 8 113 114 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS off by the growing cell. The immediate cause of all growth is osmotic pressure. The great amount of force often exerted by young growing organs, due to the osmotic pressure within their cells, is strikingly illustrated in Fig. 72, showing the rupturing of a concrete pavement by young fern leaves. Fig. 72. — The rupturing of concrete by the growth of young leaves of the ostrich fern {Onoclea SlriUhiopteris Hoflfm.). (After Stone.) 117. Experiment in Growth. — The relation between osmotic pressure and growth may be demonstrated by a very simple experiment, illustrated in Fig. 73. P is a portion of the herbaceous stem of any convenient plant, fastened securely at one end to an iron clamp (C), lying at the bottom of a glass jar (J). The upper end of the stem is attached by a small thread to the short arm of an index (I), the opposite end of which may move up and down over a graduated scale (S). If the jar is filled with a solution of common salt water, water will pass out of the plant tissue by exosmosis. This will reduce the osmotic pressure {turgor) within, and the stem will shorten, on account of the contraction of the elastic cell- walls, GROWTH 115 causing the long arm of the index to move up over the graduated scale. If the salt-solution is now removed, and the jar filled with tap water, or better, distilled water, the water will enter the cells of the stem by osmosis, in- creasing the internal osmotic pressure and turgor of each cell. As a result the stem as a whole will elongate or grow in length, thereby causing the index to move down over the scale. Fig. 73.- — Experiment to demonstrate the relation between osmosis and growth in length. /, jar containing water, and subsequently salt- solution; p, portion of leaf-stalk of Rhubarb; /, index-lever (portion omitted at b); S, scale. Explanation in text. 118. Differential Growth. — Not all the tissues of a stem or other part grow at the same rate.^ On this ac- count, and since adjacent tissues are closely united, those which elongate or grow more slowly are stretched by those which grow more rapidly. As a result either a state of tension exists, or the organ is distorted, or both. When one epidermis of a leaf grows more rapidly than the other, distortion results, and the leaf becomes ''crisped" or crinkled. This is normally the case in some plants, but * The student should endeavor to reason out an explanation for this. ii6 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS in others the crisping may denote a diseased condition of the leaf. 119. Tissue-Tension. — If a thin surface strip of tissue is cut away for a short distance from a stalk of celery, ^^■mI' s9H VI ^^^n' -^' M^l ^^^^^^B <"^' ^^mS^^M I' 1 ^^^m '^-^^iKj^H ■f H Kl H^B U FiG.^ 74. — Longitudinal tissue-tension in leaf-stalk of rhubarb. In C the strip of outer tissues, entirely removed from the main piece, is seen to have shortened, showing that, before being removed, it was in a state of longitudinal tissue-tension, owing to the fact that, in growth, the inner tissues elongated more rapidly than the outer, thus stretching the latter lengthwise. Fig. 75. — Portion of dandelion scape, showing "curls" resulting from longitudinal tissue-tension. or the thick petiole of a burdock or other leaf, the strip at once curves outward, on account of its longitudinal GROWTH 117 tissue-tension. We are all familiar with this phenomenon (Figs. 74 and 75). When boys make whistles from young willow twigs in spring, a cylinder of bark is removed, and may be easily replaced; but if the cylinder of bark becomes split lengthwise, the edges cannot be made to come together around the wood without consider- able stretching. This illustrates transverse tissue-tension (Fig. 76). If the preceding statements in this chapter have been understood, the student should now be able to explain these phenomena without further assistance. Fig. 76. — Portion of stem of a willow, illustrating transverse tissue- tension. By gentle tapping and twisting the cambium layer has been bruised, so that a small cylinder of the bark was easily twisted oflf. 120. Elongation of Roots. — In order to ascertain the manner of growth of roots, the root of a young seedling of lupine, or other plant, may be carefully marked with dots or lines of India ink, at intervals of i millimeter, beginning about i millimeter back from the root-tip, and extending for a distance of 15 to 20 millimeters. If the root is again observed, after having been left to grow for about 24 hours, it will be found that the first six or eight marks near the tip have spread apart, those from 3 to 7 millimeters from the tip having separated more than those farther back Those marks most remote from the tip will be found to have separated very little if at all (Fig. 77). By this simple experiment we learn that the Ill THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS growth in length of roots is largely confined to a zone a few miUimeters in length directly back of the root-tip. It should also be noted in this connection that the zone of root-hairs begins just back of the zone of growth, no root-hairs being found in the region of elongation. Fig. 77. — Experiment to show the method of growth in length of a root. A, 24 hours after the condition shown in the glass. 121. Elongation of Stems. — The manner of elongation of stems may be ascertained by marking the internodes^ of a young growing stem throughout their entire length. Two or three adjacent internodes near the tip of the stem should be marked. After a period of from 24 to 36 hours the marks will be found to have separated, but, in con- trast to the behavior of the root, the marks will be found to have separated through the entire extent of the inter- node, and several adjacent internodes will be found to have elongated at the same time (Fig. 78). This con- tributes to the more rapid elongation of the stem, and is ^ An internode is the space between two successive leaves on the stem. GROWTH 119 an advantage to the plant, since the leaves are thereby more rapidly brought into positions of best exposure to air and sun- light. The growth of several internodes at the same time, and their elongation throughout their entire length, carries the tip of the stem forward with much greater force than if growth were confined to a short zone, as in the case of the grow- ing root. But a more rapid and forceful advance of the root-tip through the soil might result in serious or fatal injury, on ac- count of the resistance and ob- stacles encountered in the soil. Thus the different manner of growth of stems and roots is seen to be of direct advantage to the plant as a whole. 122. Growth of Leaves. — In tropical climates leaves that have once begun to form con- tinue to grow until they reach full size; but in temperate cli- mates, having an alteration of summer and winter, this is not the case. Here the leaves of any given season are all formed dur- ing the preceding growing sea- son, and remain over winter A Fig. 78. — Diagram showing mode of growth in length of a portion of a stem of bindweed {Convolvulus) . A, stem with in- ternodes marked off into inter- vals of I cm.; B, the same stem 24 hours later, showing the rela- tive elongation of the various internodes. (Cf. Fig. 77.) (Re- drawn from Bonnier and Leclerc du Sablon.) I20 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS in a resting state in buds. The outer coverings or scales of the bud are modified leaves or parts of leaves. They have almost or entirely lost their character as foliage organs, and while they are forming, their outer (dorsal) surfaces elongate more rapidly than their upper (ventral) surfaces. This causes them to curve together, so as to H^^^^^^^B in I. ^fl^^ ^^^^^^BbHIB^II i^^^^V^^H mm SI Fig, 79. — Opening buds of horse-chestnut {AJlsculus Hippocaslanum). (Cf. Fig. 80.) (Photo by E. M. Kittredge.) overlap, and form a protection to the embryonic stem, leaves, and other parts within the bud. With the return of warmth and moisture the following spring, the bud- scales resume their growth, but now their inner surfaces elongate more rapidly than their outer, reversing the method of their growth when forming. As a result of this, they begin to open outward. At the same time the GROWTH 121 embryonic parts within the bud begin to enlarge and this helps to force the bud-scales apart. The young stem-in- ternodes rapidly elongate, the petioles of the leaves in- crease in length, and gradually the leaf-blades expand Fig. 8o. — Sapling of horse-chestnut {Msculus Hippocastanwn), with young leaves not yet wholly expanded. (Cf. Fig. 79.) as their cells become more and more turgid (Figs. 79 and 80). 123. Permanent and Temporary Growth. — The size finally attained by stems, roots, leaves, and other parts is usually permanent; but some growth is temporary, and certain tissues may manifest various alterations in 122 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS Fig. 8i. — Sensitive plant {Mimosa pudica). B, normal position of foliage in light; A, position of foliage after the plant was slightly shaken. Fig. 82. — Oxalis buplenrifolia. p, Petiole; b, trifoliolate blade. At the left, leaflets in normal attitude in light; at the right, attitude of leaflets at night or after sudden shock. GROWTH 123 size according to circumstances. This is illustrated by the petals of flowers (such for example as the tulip), that open and close several times before they drop off. This motion is caused by temporary fluctuations of growth of the upper and lower surfaces of the petals In a similar manner is explained the change of position of the leaflets of certain plants, such as clover, oxalis, bean, and others, at night or in cloudy weather, and the more rapid motion of the leaves of the "sensitive" and other plants (Figs. 81, 82, and 96). 1 II #€ 19 i^s • • t !?• • « 1 Fig. 83. — Structure 'of seeds. Bean '{Phaseoliis), pea (Pw^^w), castor oil {.Ricinus), lupine {Lupinus), Indian corn {Zea Mays). 124. Growth and Nourishment. — When a plant or plant organ is growing, the protoplasm is constantly forming new parts, and therefore must continually be renewed or nourished. The more rapidly new parts are formed, the greater the need for food. This need is pro- 124 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS vided for in many v/ays. Young embryo plants in the seed find a rich supply of nourishment, ready made by the parent plant, stored within their tissues (as in the bean or pea), or around them (as in the corn, or castor-oil seed, Fig. 83). They do not have to manufacture their own food at first. Young and rapidly growing plants (seed- lings and young saplings) have much larger leaves than mature plants of the same species (Fig. 55). On this account food making, from the raw materials taken in by the plant, may proceed much more rapidly. Plants commonly store food in quantity where it will be needed in the future by rapidly growing new parts, and such storage organs usually become swollen by the abundance of stored food. This is illustrated by ''potatoes," which, as is well known, are underground branches (tubers) stored with food for the use of young sprouts when they begin to grow in the spring. All bulbs are to be interpreted in the same way. Farmers recognize the need on the part of growing plants for an abundance of food, when they fertilize their fields, thereby placing in the soil a rich supply of the raw materials out of which the growing crops can manufacture food to meet their needs. CHAPTER XI ADJUSTMENT TO SURROUNDINGS 126. Environment. — Not only must plants be nour- ished, and respire in order to live; they must also be in general harmony with their surroundings. The sum total of these surroundings is called the environment. Among the factors of environment are temperature, water, light, gravity, air, electricity, soil, animals, and other plants. It will not be possible, here, to study the adjustments of the plant to all of these factors, but only to the more important ones, such as gravity, water, and light, 126. Stimulus and Response. — It is the nature of the various parts of a plant to grow in a certain definite rela- tion to their environment. Thus, for example, main stems and roots normally grow parallel to the plumb-line, while their branches grow at an angle to it ; foliage-leaves grow naturally in the light, while roots grow naturally in the dark. Any change in the environment requires a re- adjustment on the part of the plant, if the latter is to remain healthy. If the readjustment cannot be made the given organ, or the entire plant, may become un- healthy, or may die. The change in the environment, considered from the standpoint of its effect on the plant, is called a stimulus; the readjustment or attempt at re- adjustment, a response. Thus, if a plant is growing at a certain rate at a certain temperature, any change in the temperature becomes a stimulus to which the plant 126 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS responds by growing either more or less rapidly, as the case may be. 127. Relation of Roots and Stems to Gravity. — It is common knowledge that, in general, roots grow downward, while stems grow upward. If a germinating seed of lupine is so placed that the axis of the emerging embryo- plant is horizontal, the position of the elongating root and shoot after a given interval of time {e.g. 48 hours) will be as shown in Fig. 84. The result is the same whether the plant is placed in diffused light or in the dark. The difference in the direction of growth may not, therefore, be attributed to the action of light. If the seedling is so placed that the only external influence is gravity — the attraction of the earth — the result is as shown in the figure. We must, therefore, conclude that the result is due to the earth's gravitational at- Fig. 84. — Seedling of white lupine {Lnpinus albus), after traction, having been placed horizon- tally in the dark for 48 hours. The hypocotyl (h) has re- sponded negatively, and the root (r) positively to the stim- The correctness of this conclu- sion may be assured by subject- ing the seedling to another influ- ulus of gravity. The portion ence than gravity, but, like it, (0) remains in the original . , , . , horizontal position. actmg on both root and shoot, at ADJUSTMENT TO SURROUNDINGS 127 right angles to their long axis. Such an influence is the centrifugal tendency produced by motion in a circle. If -^ Fig. 85.— Knight's experiment, substituting centrifugal "force" for gravity. (After Knight.) seedlings are fastened to a wheel, with the root and shoot pointing in various directions, and the wheel rapidly ro- tated, the growing root will bend until it points in the di- 128 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS rection of the *'puH" (centrifugal tendency), while the shoot will curve in the opposite direction (Fig. 85). The causal relationship between gravity and the direc- tion of growth of roots and shoots was first established by the English botanist, Thomas Andrew Knight, who devised the experiment illustrated in Fig. 78. 128. Geotropism. — Careful thought about these results will make it clear that the horizontally placed root, in the first experiment, does not merely bend down because of its weight. If this were so, we would expect the shoot to bend down also. The curving is the response of the organs to the stimulus of the pull. The property of an organ by virtue of which it may detect the direction of the pull of gravity is geotropism. It is thus seen that geotropism is a particular kind of irritability. Organs which respond by a curvature in the direction of the pull are positively geotropic; those which respond by a curvature in the opposite direction are negatively geotropic. 129. Zone of Curvature. — The following simple experi- ment shows that the geotropic curvature always takes place in a definite region. A germinating bean or other seed, with the sprout Qiypocotyl) about 15 to 20 milli- meters long, is pinned to a strip of cork, fastened to the bottom of a Petri dish (Fig. 86). The sprout is marked with fine lines of India ink 2 millimeters apart, beginning 2 millimeters back from the tip, as in the study of growth (page 118). Up to this point in the operations care must be exercised to keep the sprout as nearly parallel with the plumb-line as possible. By rotating the cork, or the entire Petri dish, the sprout is now fixed at right angles to the plumb-line, and the Petri dish covered and set in ADJUSTMENT TO SURROUNDINGS 129 the dark.^ The air in the dish may be kept moist by a strip of damp filter-paper placed around the circumference of the dish, inside. Fig. 86. — Experiment to demonstrate positive geotropism in the root of a seedling of lupine {Lupinus albus). S, metal stand; P, Petri dish, with edges lined with moist filter-paper. The seedling is pinned to a strip of sheet cork. The four views are of the same seedling at the successive hours as indicated. (Apparatus after W. T. Bovie.) At the end of 12 hours, more or less, the sprout, on ac- count of its positive geotropism, will have responded to the pull of gravity by curving downward, until the por- Why set in the dark? I30 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS tion between the curvature and the tip is parallel to the plumb-line. Examination of the ink-marks will show that the zone of curvature is the same as the zone of maximum Fig. 87. — XcgaLive geotropism in a barrigona palm {C ol pothrinax Wrighlii). By some accident the palm, when younger, had been bent over. Fig. 88. — Mullein {Vcrhascum thapsus) showing geotropic recov- ery of the terminal inflorescence, after having been bent over. growth in length. The stimulus of gravity has modified the distribution of the rate of growth in such a way that the upper side of the sprout has grown more rapidly than the under side. After the sprout has become oriented ADJUSTMENT TO SURROUNDINGS 131 in a vertical line, growth takes place by equal amounts, in equal periods of time, throughout the entire diameter, thus resulting in growth directly downward.^ Geotropic response in nature is illustrated in Figs. Fig. -Negative geotropism in a fleshy fungus growing on a treetrunk. 87-89. Its value is evident in insuring good light-ex- posure and the efficient distribution of seeds and spores. 130. Problems to Solve. — Many interesting questions now arise. How does the root, for example, " detect '* ^ Granting, of course, that all environmental conditions remain uniform on all sides. 132 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS the fact that its axis is not parallel to the plumb-line? Have the root and the shoot a nervous system, or a brain? How is the bending accomplished? These questions can- not be discussed here, but they should be given careful thought. They lead us into one of the most fascinating realms of plant study. Fig. 90. — Phototropic response of a seedling of white mustard (Brassica alba), b, box, admitting light only through a narrow slit at the right; V, vial; w, water-surface; cl, cheese-cloth; sh, shoot; r, root. 131. Effect of Light on Direction of Growth.— The fact that stems ordinarily grow toward, and roots away from the light, as mentioned above, is common knowl- edge. That this is the normal response of roots and stems ADJUSTMENT TO SURROUNDINGS ^33 to the stimulus of light may be shown by a very simple experiment. A young seedling of mustard, or any other convenient plant, is allowed to develop in complete dark- ness in ordinary tap-water, until its root and stem are !.;::v. f-^ y Fig. 91. — Seedling of white mustard (Brasslca alba) showing the com- bined effect of light and gravity on the direction of growth of root and shoot. The dotted Hne figure indicates the position of root and shoot at the beginning of the experiment. The change indicated was accomplished in about 48 hours. (Cf. Fig. 84.) each about i inch long. Being subjected to only the influence of gravity, the root grows vertically downward, the stem vertically upward. If the bottle and plant are 134 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS then placed inside a covered box, to which the Kght is ad- mitted only through a narrow sht in one side, the stimulus of the one-sided illumination will be followed by a curva- ture of the root away from the light, and of the stem toward the light, as shown in Fig. 90. Fig. gj.- Mountain palm {Gaiissia sp.), growing on a steep, west-facing cliff. The stems show a phototropic curvature toward the source of most abundant light. The result of the simultaneous stimulation of root and shoot by light and gravity is illustrated in Fig. 91. 132. Phototropism. — The property of an organ by virtue of which it may detect the direction of the source of incident light rays is phototropism. Organs which respond by a ADJUSTMENT TO SURROUNDINGS 135 curvature in the direction of the source of Hght are positively phototropic; those which respond by a curva- ture in the opposite direction are negatively phototropic. Like geotropism, phototropism is a special kind of irri- tabiHty. Organs growing in the light are, of course, subject to the influence of both light and gravity at the same time. Fig. 93. — Seedlings of t\iQ whittlM^me. {Liipinus alb us). At the left, grown under normal illumination; at the right, grown in darkness. Both cultures are of the same age, Phototropic response on a large scale, in nature, is shown in Fig. 92. 133. Effect of Light on Rate of Growth. — Every one is famihar with the fact that stems grown in darkness, or in reduced light, are commonly much elongated, and 136 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS bleached to a pale yellow color, or even to white. The chlorophyll has failed to develop. This condition is called etiolation. Early studies of this phenomenon seemed to indicate that light retarded growth in length, but more thorough and more extended observations clearly showed that such is not always the case. The I"iG. 94. — Calla paliistris. -A , Normal plant, grown in daylight; B etiolated plant of the same age, grown in darkness. (After D. T. MacDougal.) stems of many kinds of plants {e.g., potato, pea, bean) undoubtedly grow much longer in darkness than in light (Fig. 93), but in other species the difference, if any, is much less (Fig. 94). A disturbance of the normal illumi- nation causes a general disturbance of the functions of the organ or of the entire plant, so that not only growth, but differentiation of tissues (development), nutrition, and metabolism in general are more or less upset, and proceed ADJUSTMENT TO SURROUNDINGS 137 138 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS in an abnormal manner.^ Under conditions of normal illu- mination (granted, of course, that all other conditions are normal), the physiological processes of the plant are regu- lated in a normal manner; but when the illumination is abnormal, healthy regulation ceases, and the organ be- haves abnormally. This abnormal behavior includes the failure of chlorophyll to develop, and irregularities of growth. With many plants the stems grow abnormally long and slender, suggesting that absence of light favors more rapid growth in length. ,^Mp^ m^'^~ ^^^km M^ji'k^ <:-^m Fig. 96. — Potted plants of an oxalis showing the position of the leaflets during the day {A) and the night {B) — the so-called "sleep" of plants. 134. Relation of Leaves to Light. — More than all other organs of the plant, the foliage-leaf is developed and ad- justed with reference to illumination. Its form, dimen- sions, and internal structure, and its attitude and posi- tion on the stem are chiefly expressions of the surround- ^ It is often stated in "popular" writings that stems grown in darkness "reach for" or "seek" the hght. A careful consideration by the student of all that these terms imply, when predicated of a plant, will lead at once to a recognition of their incorrectness, and even of their absurdity. ADJUSTMENT TO SURROUNDINGS 1 39 ing conditions of light, and clearly indicate that the chief Fig. 97. — House geranium (Pelargonium), showing back and side views of the same plant, grown with the same side always facing a window. (Cf Fig. 98.) Fig. 98. — House geranium {Pelargonium). At the left, front view of the same plant as shown in Fig. 97. At the right, about three days after having been reversed, in front of the window. Note that only the upper, younger leaves are properly adjusted to receive the light rays on their upper surfaces; the lower, older leaves were not able to change the "fixed" light position they previously assumed. function of leaves is to bring the plant into suitable rela- tion to light. Its flat expanded form makes possible the 140 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS favorable exposure to light of a large amount of chloro- phyll, upon which the plant is absolutely dependent for the manufacture of its food. Leaves that develop in reduced light-intensity (shade), ordinarily dispose of their Fig. qq. — Geotropic correlation among the branches of a young spruce tree. After the terminal bud of the sapling was destroyed one of the lat- eral branches (normally transversely geotropic) became negatively geo- tropic; ultimately it assumed a vertical position and became the "leader" of the tree. tissue in such a way as to become thinner and of larger area than when developed in more intense light. When the light-intensity is increased, the paHsade layer often becomes double (Fig. 27). If a leafy stem is bent, so ADJUSTMENT TO SURROUNDINGS 141 as to bring the leaf-blade into poor light-exposure, the leaf-stalk, in some plants, will bend and twist so as to restore the blade to a suitable light-relation. The leaves of some plants (e.g., nasturtium) remain adjustable to the direction of incident light during their active life (Fig. 95) ; the leaflets of legumes and some other Fig. 100. — Vertically growing branch of a maple, side view, showing elongation of the petioles of the lower leaves, which serves to prevent their being shaded too much by the leaf-blades above them. (Cf. Fig. loi.) plants (Fig. 96) fold together each night and on cloudy days, thus manifesting the so-called ''sleep" of plants. Whether this response is of value to the plant is not entirely certain. In other plants {e.g., the house geranium) the leaves have a fixed light- position, and after reaching maturity are not able to readjust themselves to changed conditions of illumination (Figs. 97 and 98). 142 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS 135. Correlation within the Plant. — It is of interest to note that the parts of a plant are not only sensitive to the stimulus of their surroundings, but are correlated, or ad- justed to each other. This correlation modifies their reaction to external stimulation. Thus, if the ''leader," Fig. ioi. — Adjustment of leaves, by the lengthening of the petioles, to secure the best illumination, in maple. Top view of same branch as in Fig. I GO. or main stem, of a tree is destroyed, one or more of the lateral branches will turn upward, in what appears to be an ''endeavor" to perform the functions of a leader (Fig. 99). In other words, the destruction of the leader alters the mode of reaction of the lateral branches to the pull of gravity. ADJUSTMENT TO SURROUNDINGS 143 136. Correlation among Leaves.— On a vertical and equally illuminated branch, as of maple, the petioles of the lower leaves are longer than those above them, and the stalks of opposite leaves are usually about equal in the same seedlings. ' """P""^' ^«- 95, showing other views of length (Figs. 100 and loi). But on horizontally growing branches, the attitude of the leaves is profoundly altered The length of the petioles, and their attitude is such as to msure the placing of the blades in positions for the most favorable illumination. This often results in a marked twisting and bending of the leaf-stalks. Blades 144 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS of opposite leaves often do not appear to be opposite each other, and are often of very unhke size. Such an arrange- ment of the blades forms a leaf-mosaic (Figs. 102 and 103). If a leaf is removed from a group, or even if a leaflet is t^^-7m''^\^m mx^^^ ^:^i v-^^:, Fig. 103. — Leaf-mosaic in the Boston ivy. removed from the blade of a compound leaf, the remaining leaves or leaflets will alter their positions with reference to each other so as to occupy the space most advan- tageously and economically (Fig. 104). 137. Advantages of Power of Adjustment. — Very little thought will enable one to understand at once the pro- ADJUSTMENT TO SURROUNDINGS 145 Fig. 104. — Effect of removal of a leaflet from a palmately compound leaf {e.g. Woodbine). B, normal leaf; C, after removal of upper right-hand leaflet. A, Unbroken lines represent average normal position of leaflets; dotted lines, average position of leaflets after operation; barred line, posi- tion of leaflet removed. (A, after Zeleny.) Fig. 105. — Motherwort (Lconurus Cardiaca), showing adjustment of leaves to light. This plant grew at the edge of shrubbery, receiving rela- tively little light from behind. 146 THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS found significance to the plant of its ability so to adjust its organs as to bring them into harmony with surrounding influences. If a stem, bent over, could not erect itself, if leaves could not assume positions that secure the most favorable illumination, if stems and leaves were not correlated to each other, most plants would soon be out of harmony with their environment and would sicken and die. Fully one-half the leaves of the motherwort, illus- trated in Fig. 105, would have been deprived of suitable illumination by adjacent plants, had they not possessed this power of adjustment. 138. Purpose of Part m. — Chapters I to XI have dealt with all parts of the plant except the flower, and all the activities studied have been primarily for the sake of pre- serving the life of the individual plant. Flowers function primarily for the race to which the individual plant belongs; but they can be really understood only after a thorough study of the life histories of some of the lower, non-flowering plants. The study of life histories will be taken up in Part III. PART HI STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES CHAPTER XII LIFE HISTORY OF A FERN 139. Morphology. — In the preceding chapters we con- sidered various physiological processes, the primary result of which was to maintain the life of the individual plant. Most of those processes are carried on by all plants. Every one knows, however, that plants differ widely from each other in both structure and habit of life. In other words, we recognize the fact of variation. This means that different plants solve the same problems of life in different ways. For example, some plants expose a large amount of chlorophyll to sunlight by forming thin leaf-blades of relatively large area; while others, such as the cactus, accomplish the same result by developing thick, succulent green stems, and dispensing with leaves entirely. Some leafy plants raise their foliage up to the light on strong woody stems, able to stand alone; while others secure this result by climbing up on other plants. In many cases the organs of plants are disguised, appear- ing to be what, in reality, they are not; stems may mas- querade as leaves, and leaves as stems. That phase of botany which concerns itself with a comparative study of structures, and seeks to interpret the real structural 147 148 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES nature of an organ, no matter how it may be disguised, is termed the science of form, or morphology. 140. Life History. — Every plant, in the course of its existence, passes through a series of changes in orderly sequence. Like an animal, every plant begins life as a single cell, the egg, or the equivalent of an egg. Except in some of the lower forms, the egg develops into an Fig. io6. — A fei (Afiisosorus hirsukis), showing portion of the stem above ground. embryo, and the embryo matures into an adult. By a series of more or less complicated processes the adult eventually gives rise to another egg, like the one from which it came, thus completing one life-cycle and initiat- ing another. These various changes constitute the life history of the individual. The various stages of life history common to most plants are nowhere more clearly LIFE HISTORY OF A FERN 149 Fig. 107. — Portion of the rhizome of the common brake {Pteris aquilina) showing a cross-section view at the right. The two dark areas are scler- enchyma. Fig. 108. — Cross-section of the rhizome of the bracken fern {Pteris aqiii Una), showing the tissue systems. Greatly magnified. ISO STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES illustrated than in the ferns. We shall therefore begin our study of life histories with that group of plants. 141. Description of a Fern Plant. — The more common ferns of temperate regions have underground stems or rhizomes (sometimes called root-stocks) , so that only the Fig. 109. — Tree ferns on the military road between Cayey and Caguas, Porto Rico. (Photo by M. A. Howe.) leaves appear above ground.-^ The stem may be branched or unbranched. When branched, the branches are pro- duced without reference to the insertion of the leaves, in contrast to the habit of higher plants of forming branches only in the upper angle {axil) between the stem 1 The leaves of ferns are often called fronds. LIFE HISTORY OF A FERN 151 and leaf-stalk. There is always a terminal bud at the tip of the fern-stem (and of the branches when any oc- cur) ; and the leaves are usually attached just back of this tip. The stems are commonly (though not always) covered by hairs or scales (Fig. 106), and on their older portions, at some distance back from the tip, may be seen C^Mr Fig. 1 10. — A, Upper epidermis; B, lower epidermis, of the fern, Drynaria meyeniana. (Camera lucida drawing.) the scars, or the ends of leaf-stalks, left by old leaves that have died and fallen away. The rhizome bears true roots (Fig. 107), and its tissues are differentiated into epider- mal, fundamental, mechanical, and conducting systems (Fig. 108). In tropical countries there are "tree ferns," with upright stems, and this type of fern is common among the fossil plants of earlier geological ages (Fig. 109). 152 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES 142. Two Kinds of Fern-leaves. — Careful examination of the leaves of some mature ferns will disclose the fact that they are not all alike. Some of them are merely foliage-leaves, and do not differ in any essential point from Fig. III. — Osmunda Claytoniana. Young sporophylls, showing circinate vernation. Note the spore-bearing pinnae. the foliage-leaves of higher plants, such as the maple or lily; they possess stomata (Fig. no), and also resemble the leaves of higher plants in their internal structure. All fern-leaves, however, have a very characteristic ar- rangement in the embryonic or bud condition, being LIFE HISTORY OF A FERN 153 coiled up from the tip. As the leaves grow they unroll, and in some ferns, at certain stages, they often closely re- semble the neck of a violin (Fig. in). The leaf -blade possesses veins of fibro-vascular bundles that pass down Fig. 112. — Portions of the sporophylls of two ferns to show the sori. On the left Poly podium piinctaliim (L,)Sw.; on the right a variety of Pteris longifolia, with sporangia marginal on the pinnules. the leaf-stalk and through the stem to the roots. Because of the possession of these vascular bundles, ferns (and all other plants of which this is true) are called vas- cular plants. These leaves perform all the functions 154 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES performed by the foliage-leaves of other plants, the most important of which are photosynthesis and transpiration. 143. Spore-bearing Leaves. — The second type of fern- leaf bears, on its underside, numerous "fruit-dots" or sori Fig. 113. — Sporophylls of two ferns. At the left, a species oi Poly podium (Phymatodes), having no indusium; at the right, Diplazium zelanicum. (singular sorus) (Figs. 112 and 113). These structures have to do with reproduction. A single sorus of such a fern as, for example, Polypodium irioides, is composed of a LIFE HISTORY OF A FERN 155 cluster of tiny stalked cases. The cases contain minute •unicellular reproductive bodies called spores, and the en- FiG, 114. — Cross-section through the marginal sorus of a sporophyll of the bracken fern (Pteris aquilina). I, palisade layer; /&, vascular bundle; sp, sporangium; in, indusium. (Greatly magnified.) tire structure is a sporangium. The place where the sporangia are attached to the leaf is the sporangiophore^ Fig. 115. — Cyrtomiiim falcatum. Under (dorsal) surface of a portion of a sporophyll, showing the numerous sori on the pinnae. (Fig. 114), and over all is often found a thin membranous covering, the indusium (Figs. 114 and 115). In some ferns the indusium is lacking, and the sorus is naked. Spore- 1 Also called receptacle. 156 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES bearing leaves are called sporophylls, and plants that bear sporophylls are called sporophytes. 144. Types of Foliage-leaf. — In some ferns the foliage- leaf presents a simple, unbranched blade, and petiole; but in other species the blade is variously branched. In such cases the larger, primary divisions are called pinn(Bj Fig. 1 1 6. — Fern leaves, showing various degrees of subdivision or branch- ing of the blade. A, Phyllitis; B, Polypodium; C, Pteris; D, Adiantnm. and the secondary subdivisions pinnules. Illustrations of these various types are shown in Fig. ii6. 145. Sporangia. — As noted above each sporangium con- sists of a spore-case borne on a stalk (Fig. 117). The struc- ture of the case varies considerably in various groups of ferns, but it usually possesses walls only one cell thick, with LIFE HISTORY OF A FERN 157 a clearly differentiated region, the annulus, composed of cells whose radial and inner cell-walls are greatly thick- ened. Various types of spore-cases are illustrated in Fig. 117. — Sporangia of an undetermined species of fern; //, lip-cells; an, annulus; st, stalk; sp, mature spores. Each of the four nuclei in the upper cells of the stalk is in the terminal cell of one of the four rows of cells that compose the stalk. Fig. 118. Among the group of ferns which are now most common, and to which the bracken fern (or ^' brake"), the maiden-hair fern, the common polypody, and others Fig. 118. — Types of fern sporangia. A, Loxsoma Cunninghami; B, Gleichenia circinata; C, Todea harbara; D, Thyrsoptcris elcgans; E, Matonia pectinata; F, Lygodium ja ponicum . (Redrawn from various sources.) belong, the sporangium always originates from a single epidermal cell. Ferns whose sporangia thus originate are called leptosporangiate ferns. The walls of their spore- 158 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES cases are always only one cell thick, and always possess some form of annulus. 146. Spores. — As the sporangia mature the spore-case itself becomes differentiated into two distinct kinds of tissue, namely, sterile tissue on the outside, forming the wall, and fertile tissue within. In most species of ferns the fertile tissue of each sporangium becomes organized into 16 relatively large cells, rich in protoplasm. As soon as these cells are mature they divide once, and then, with- out resting, a second time, thus giving rise to four cells each. Each group of four cells is called a tetrad; each cell of a tetrad becomes a spore. There is always an even number of spores (usually 64) formed in each spore-case, and the cells from which they are formed by the two suc- cessive cell-divisions (tetrad-divisions) are spore-mother- cells. The spores finally become separated from each other by the dissolving of the middle layer (middle lamella) of the cell-wall between adjacent spores. The solution of this middle layer is accomplished by an enzyme secreted by the cells, and which acts upon this par- ticular layer. The spores finally come to lie dry and perfectly free from each other within the spore-case. Their purpose is to reproduce the plant, and especially to multiply the number of individual plants. 147. Number of Spores. — The number of spores pro- duced by a vigorous fern is a great revelation to one who has never given such matters careful thought. Pro- fessor Bower, of Glasgow, has called attention to this fact in the following words: "a rough estimate may be made of the numerical output of spores from a large plant of the Shield fern, as follows: In each sporangium 48^ ^ Bower gives this number as the characteristic output for the species Aspidium Filix-mas. In other species the number may be 64. LIFE HISTORY OF A FERN 159 spores may be formed; a sorus wiU consist of fully 100 sporangia, usually more; 20 is a moderate estimate of the sori on an average pinna; there may be fully so fertUe pinnae on one well-developed leaf, and a strong plant would bear 10 fertile leaves. 48 X 100 X 20 X 50 X 10 = 48,000,000. The output of spores on a strong plant in the single season will thus, on a moderate estimate, approach the enormous number of fifty millions." 148. Types of Sporophylls.— In many ferns the leaves serve both vegetative and reproductive functions in about Fig. 119— The cinnamon fern (Osmunda cinnamomea), showing foliage leaves and sporophylls. (Photo by Elsie M. Kittredge.) equal degree, as in the case of Polypodium mentioned above. In some species, however, there are two kinds of leaves— one devoted entirely to vegetative functions, and another to the reproductive, or spore-producing function (Fig. 119) ; between these two extremes all grades of trans- ition are found (Fig. 120) . But however widely the sporo- i6o STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Fig. 120.— Clayton's fern {Osmunda Claytoniana), showing sporophylls in the center, surrounded by foliage leaves. phyll departs from a foliage-leaf in appearance, it must, nevertheless, be regarded as morphologically a leaf. As par- LIFE HISTORY OF A FERN i6i tial evidence of the true foliar nature of sporophylls, there may be cited the interesting experiment of Atkinson, who, by removing the true fohage-leaves just beginning to unfold r. 4 Fig. 121.-— a fern (Tectoria cicutaria) that bears bulbils on both the upper and lower surfaces of its leaves. Plantlets develop from the bulbils while they are still attached. in the spring, was able to induce developing sporophylls to alter their character, and become transformed into foliage-leaves. Similar results were also obtained by Goebel. These experiments indicate that foliage-leaves l62 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES and sporophylls are very closely related to each other, and demonstrate clearly that foUage-leaves may be Fig. 12 2— Walking fern {Camptosorus rhizophyllus). The smaller, lower plant originated at the tip of a leaf of the larger plant, and one of its leaves has, in turn, struck root. produced by the sterilization of spore-bearing leaves. The interesting question here naturally arises as to LIFE HISTORY OF A FERN 1 63 whether, in the evolutionary development of the plant kingdom, through long geological ages, foliage-leaves have in general originated by the sterilization of spore-bearing organs. 149. Vegetative Multiplication. — In addition to re- production by spores, ferns may also be propagated vege- tatively in at least four ways. By one of these methods, the rhizome is cut into several pieces, and from every Fig. 123. — A Boston fern (Nephrolepis), reproducing vegetatively by means of runners or stolons. The parent plant is in the round pot. (After R. C. Benedict.) piece that contains a bud a new plant will develop. By the second method, the plant is propagated by means of bulbils^ which occur on the foliage-leaves of several species. In the fern Tectoria cicutaria, bulbils occur on both the upper and under sides of the leaf (Fig. 121). These bulbils fall to the ground, and under suitable conditions of light, moisture, and temperature give rise to new fern- plants. One of the ferns native to the eastern United States 164 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES {Cystopleris bulbijcra) received its specific name from the fact that it bears bulbils. A third method is illustrated in the very interesting ''walking fern" {Camptosorus rhizophyllus) , where the tips of the long acuminate leaves rest upon the moist ground, take root, and develop an entire new plant at the distance of the leaf's length from the parent fern (Fig. 122). The result of several repeti- tions of this suggested the common name '^ walking fern." A fourth method is by means of stolons or "runners" (Fig. 123). 150. Dispersal of Spores. — After the spores are mature the essential need is that they become dispersed, so that Fig. 124. — Tips of two sporophylls of the fern, Drynarla mcyeniana, showing the large marginal sori. The black dots adjacent to the leaf-tips are spores projected onto white paper by the snapping of the sporangia. The specimens were covered with a bell-jar. they may find favorable conditions of moisture, tem- perature, light, and soil for development; for, with rare exceptions, such conditions do not obtain within the spore-case. Moreover, if the spores remained within the sporangia they would be so greatly crowded that only a LIFE HISTORY OF A FERN 165 very small percentage of them would be able to develop into new plants. When the spores are ripe, the spore-case opens, and by various movements the spores are expelled. That sporangia are able to throw the spores to a considerable distance may be shown in a very simple way by placing a portion of a sporophyll with mature sporangia on a sheet of white paper, with the fruit-dots uppermost, and covering it with a large bell- jar. Within a few hours the scattered spores may be seen against the white background of the paper, and the greatest dis- tance to which they have been thrown may be easily measured (Fig. 124). Before germination; b, early stage, showing protonema (pr.), and first rhizoid (rh); c, d, e, f, successive stages in the development of the prothallus. 151. Germination of Spores. — After dispersal, and under favoring conditions of temperature, moisture and light, the spore begins to absorb water, and soon commences to grow. As the internal pressure in- creases, the walls of the spore are burst apart, and a tiny l66 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES tube, the germ-tube, or protonenia (first thread), begins to develop. This process is germination. Shortly, near the wall of the spore, a smaller, slender tube develops as a branch of the germ-tube (Fig. 125 ). This is the first of innumerable root-like bodies, or rhizoids, which will help to hold the new plant firmly to the soil, and also serve to take in water and dissolved mineral nutrients. 152. The Prothallus. — Before the germ- tube has greatly enlarged, it becomes divided into two cells, and then, by Fig. 126. — Prothallus of a fern. Archegonia on the (central) cushion, near the notch; antheridia among the rhizoids, below. (After Margaret C. Ferguson.) successive cell-divisions, into an increasing number. Meanwhile chlorophyll bodies begin to appear, but never in the rhizoids. The final product of these cell-divisions and growth is a tiny, flat, green body, often (but not always) heart-shaped, with a central portion, the cushion, several cells thick, and a marginal part, the wings, of LIFE HISTORY OF A FERN 1 67 only one cell in thickness. Because of its flatness this little plant (for such it is) is called a thallus; and because it precedes, in the order of reproduction, the new sporo- phyte, it is called the prothallus (Fig. 126). It is usually possible to divide the prothallus into right and left halves, similar in shape and in other characters, and hence it is said to possess bilateral symmetry. CHAPTER XIII LIFE HISTORY OF A FERN (Concluded) The prothallus, as just described, bears little resem- blance, indeed, to the fern plant with which we are com- monly familiar. In fact the relation between the two was not understood, nor even suspected, until about 1848, when Count Lesczyc-Suminski, a Polish botanist, first gave a connected description of the life history of the fern. We shall now proceed to follow the steps which lead from the prothallus to the new sporophyte. 153. Dorso-ventral Differentiation. — The appearance of the first root-like body, or rhizoid, was noted above. As the prothallus develops the rhizoids become more and more numerous, forming a mass of fine thread-like bodies on the under side, opposite the notch, of the heart-shaped prothallus. The presence of rhizoids, and of other structures soon to be described, make it easy to dis- tinguish at once the surface that bears them from the opposite surface. Since the surface bearing the rhizoids lies normally next to the substratum it was called the dentral surface, while the opposite surface was called vorsal. As now used, the terms dorsal and ventral are morphological terms, and have no reference to the manner in which the prothallus lies. Normally the ventral surface is the under one and the dorsal surface the upper, but the application of the terms would not be changed if the differentiated prothallus should happen, by any 168 LIFE HISTORY OF A FERN 169 chance, to lie upside down. The dorsal surface would then be the under surface, and the ventral surface the upper one. Organisms or organs having two such surfaces clearly distinguishable are said to have dorso-ventral differentiation. Among many other structures thus dif- ferentiated are foliage-leaves, sporophylls, man, fishes, and other animals. 154. Reproductive Organs : Archegonia.^Examination of the ventral surface of a mature prothallus with a lens Fig. 127. — Archegonia of a fern {Adiantum). A, young archegonium; B, mature; C, top view, showing terminal cells of the four rows of wall cells; V, wall of venter; e, egg;, ventral canal-cell; n.c, neck-canal; sp, sperms entering the neck-canal. A and B in longitudinal section. will reveal near the notch and on the cushion, several tiny flask-shaped bodies, the archegonia. Each arche- gonium consists of a wall, one cell thick, and contents (Fig. 127). The neck projects away from the surface, and is usually slightly curved, while the remainder, the venter, is imbedded in the tissue of the cushion. As the lyo STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES archegonium approaches maturity it is seen to contain three cells; a long neck-canal cell, nearly filling the neck, an egg-cell or ovum, filling the venter, and between these two a ventral-canal cell. The egg is the female reproduc- tive cell. As it matures, the other two cells become disin- tegrated into a mucilaginous mass that fills the neck-canal. Since the archegonia contain the eggs they are the female reproductive organs. 155. Reproductive Organs : Antheridia.^ — Search among the rhizoids will reveal another class of organs, the Fig. 128. — Portion of a cross-section of a prothallus of a fern (Adian- tum), showing an antheridium (an), and sporogenous cells within. (Drawn from preparation of E. W. Olive.) antheridia, globular and also having walls only one cell thick. These are the male reproductive organs. At maturity they contain a large number of tiny motile cells, composed chiefly of a coiled nucleus, and able to swim about in water by the vigorous lashing of numerous little thread-like cilia attached to one end. These are the sperms, or male reproductive cells (Figs. 128 and 129). 156. Fertilization. — Neither the eggs nor the sperms are able, independently, to reproduce their kind. In order LIFE HISTORY OF A FERN 171 to accomplish this they must unite, and the fusion of the sperm and egg is fertilization. One of the most significant facts about fertilization in ferns is that free water is re- quired, in order that the sperms may reach the egg by their own locomotion. When the antheridia and archegonia are mature, a suitable amount of water (such as would result from a rain or a copious dew), soaking through the Fig. 129. — Fern prothallus; cross-sections showing antheridia (aw), sperms (sp), and rhizoids (rh). Below at the right is a sperm (sp) greatly enlarged. archegonial walls, will cause the mucilaginous matter in the neck-canal to swell. This in turn will rupture the archegonia at their distal ends, and a portion of the con- tents of the neck-canal will become extruded, while the egg will remain in the venter. The same conditions of moisture will cause the rupture of the antheridia, and the sperms will be set free (Fig. 129). The mucilaginous matter 172 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES extruded from the archegonia contains a substance (malic acid, in some ferns) which stimulates the sperms to swim toward it. This they are enabled to do by the free external water. On reaching the archegonia, they enter it, and swim down the neck-canal to the egg. The sperm that first reaches the egg penetrates it, and passes through Fig. 130. — Fertilization in the fern, Onoclca. A, longitudinal section of archegonium, showing the egg in the venter, and numerous sperms passing down the neck-canal. B, an egg-cell in the venter. One sperm has entered the nucleus, three sperms have failed to enter the egg. (After W. R. Shaw.) its cytoplasm until it reaches the egg-nucleus, with which it fuses, thus completing the act oi fertilization (Fig. 130). As soon as one sperm enters the egg-cell, the latter at once forms a. fertilization-membrane about itself, through which the remaining sperms cannot enter. 157. Nature of the Fertilized Egg. — It will at once be recognized that the fertiHzed egg, resulting from a union LIFE HISTORY OF A FERN 173 with the sperm, possesses a double or diploid nature.^ In recognition of its dual nature it is called the oosperm (egg and sperm). ^ The oosperm, however, like the un- fertilized Qggj is still only one cell, though its nucleus com- prises substances contributed by both egg and sperm. In some cases the Qgg and sperm that unite in fertilization may come from different parents; their fusion is then called cross-fertilization. Fig. 131. — Young embryo of a maidenhair fern {Adiantum concinnum); still surrounded by the archegonium, which has grown in size, L, leaf, S, stem; R, root; F, foot. (After Atkinson.) 158. Development of the Fertilized Egg. — After fertili- zation the egg begins to develop, undergoing a series of nuclear and cell-divisions, accompanied by increase in ^ As distinguished from the unfertilized egg, which is of a single, or haploid nature. 2 The term oospore is often used here, but this term lacks the advan- tage of indicating the real nature of the fertiUzed egg. 174 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES size. The cell-wall of the first division (in all of the family Polypodiaceae) is parallel to the axis of the archegonial neck. The second wall, at right angles to the first, di- vides the oosperm into four cells. The beginning of these divisions marks the beginning of the embryo. By further cell-divisions each of the first four cells develops a mass of embryonic tissue. The two cells on one side of the first wall formed represent, the one the embryonic stem, and the other the embryonic leaf, or cotyledon. One of the two cells on the opposite side of the first wall, develops into the embryonic root, while the other develops into an organ peculiar to the embryonic stage, and known as the foot (Fig. 131). The function of the foot is to absorb nourishment for the young embryo from the prothallus, by osmosis. The need of such an organ becomes ap- parent when it is recalled that the oosperm, and conse- quently the embryo, lie free in the venter of the arche- gonium, without any organic or structural connection with the prothallus. This necessary connection is early established by the foot. 159. Growth of the Embryo.— As the embryo continues to grow, the root develops first. The advantage of this will become evident when we remember that the primary and most fundamental need of the young plant is water, which is taken in by the roots. The next most funda- mental need is nourishment, and as plant food is manufac- tured in chlorophyll-bearing organs, and usually in leaves, we would expect the early development of leaves. Such is the case, the growth of the first leaf being second- ary only to that of the root, and in advance of the stem. The development of the stem follows, and finally spore- bearing leaves appear (Fig. 132). We then have an LIFE HISTORY OF A FERN 175 organism similar to that with which we started — a full- grown fern-plant, capable of producing spores, which can develop into prothaUia again, with antheridia and arche- gonia, producing sperms and eggs, and so on. Thus we see that the steps in the life history of a fern constitute a life-cycle. At whatever point or with whatever struc- ture we start, if we follow the course of development we are brought back again ' to the same point, or the same kind of structure with which we began. Fig. 132. — ProthaUia of a fern, i, Before the sporophyte had appeared; 2-5, with sporophytes attached; I, cotyledon or first leaf of the sporophyte; V, circinate vernation of a leaf; s, mass of soil adhering to the rhizoids and roots. 160. Simpler Ferns. — In addition to the leptosporan- giate ferns, which have served as a basis for the general- ized description given above, there is another group, having a more primitive type of organization. Repre- sentatives of this group include the ''moonworts'^ (species of Botrychium, Fig. 133), and the ''adder's tongue" {Ophioglossum vulgatunij Fig. 134). The species of 176 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Botrychiiim usually (though not invariably) possess but one foHage-leaf, and a fertile spike, both of which are Fig. 133. — Rattlesnake fern {Botrychiiim virginlanmn {h.) S\v.), more or less branched. Abnormal forms are not un- common in which the fertile spike is more or less steril- LIFE HISTORY OF A FERN 177 Fig. 134.— Adder's tongue fern {Ophioglossum vulgatum L.). R, ru or stolon. 1 78 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES ized, sometimes being entirely so; while in other cases sporangia occur on the foliage-leaf. As in the replace- ment of sporophylls by sterile leaves in the ostrich fern, Onoclea struthiopteris (paragraph 148), these abnormalities indicate the close relationship between leaves and spore- bearing organs, and clearly show that the latter may be completely transformed, by sterilization, into foliage- leaves. In Ophioglossum the foliage-leaf and spore-bearing spike are both unbranched, the latter suggesting an adder's tongue, whence the name, Ophioglossum. In both OpJdo- glossum and Botrychium the sporangia originate horn a group of epidermal and sub-epidermal cells, and are consequently imbedded in the surrounding tissue. Their walls are more than one cell in thickness, the annulus is lacking, and they open by a sHt. Ferns of this type are called eusporangiate. Their prothahia are usually fleshy and subterranean, bear the antheridia and archegonia on the dorsal instead of on the ventral surface, and are perennial, often living on after the sporophyte has died. In general the sporophyte possesses less sterile tissue in proportion to the fertile tissue than is the case with the leptosporan- glate forms. These characters mark the group as more primitive than the leptosporangiate ferns, and they are much less numerous, only about 100 species being known from the entire world, while of the leptosporangiate ferns between 3,000 and 4,000 species have been described. CHAPTER XIV FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES 161. Two Kinds of Reproduction. — In the two preced- ing chapters attention has been called to three ways of ob- taining new fern-plants, namely, by spores, by vegetative multiplication, and by fertilized eggs. The first two methods may be grouped together as asexual, while the second is sexual, as shown in the following table. Artificial (slips, f By the giving off of i cuttings, etc.). Asexual, in- | multi-cellular por- 1 Natural (tubers, volving cell- I tions or outgrowths [ bulbs, gemmae) . divisions ! of vegetative tissue, only. I By the giving off of special reproductive bodies of one or few cells, called spores. Reproduction Sexual, in- volving cell- fusions. 162. Vegetative Multiplication. — Vegetative multipli- cation may be accomplished either without or with the intervention of man. In the first case the plant produces special reproductive bodies such as tubers, bulbs, offsets and stolons, which become separated from the plant with- out assistance, and develop into new individuals. In the second case a similar result is accomplished through the removal by the gardener of portions of the parent plant, such as slips, cuttings, leaves {e.g.j in the begonia), or by bending branches over until they touch the ground, and there take root, after which the newly rooted portion may be severed from the parent plant. This is called layering. The production of new individuals by the arti- 179 l8o STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES ticial methods of the gardener is called propagation; but between these methods and the multiplication by special bodies, given off spontaneously by the plant, no hard and fast line can be drawn. Some plants, for example, be- come layered without the gardener's assistance; other plants (as the willow), by self-pruning, spontaneously give off branches from which new plants may develop; while, on the other hand, the gardener may cut a tuber, such as the "potato" into a number of pieces, from each of which a new plant will develop. In this practice artificial propagation and vegetative multiplication are combined. 163. Reproduction by Spores. — The essential fact about a spore is that it is an individual cell or small group of cells, produced primarily for reproductive purposes, given off by the plant, and capable hy itself of producing a new individual. The essence of all reproduction is the separation of the reproducing cell or body from the parent plant. If a bud or a bulb remains attached to the plant that formed it, it produces only a branch or other organ, but not a new individual. So, also, a spore must be sepa- rated from the parent plant in order to reproduce the latter. In many cases spores may germinate before they are set free, but the separation must come sooner or later. No hard and fast line can be drawn between spores and gemmae. 164. Sexual Reproduction. — In marked contrast to reproduction by spores, is the reproduction by means of sperms and eggs, involving cell- and nuclear-fusions, known as fertilization. Eggs and sperms are called gametes,'^ the egg being the female gamete, the sperm the male gamete. The diploid cell, resulting from the union of two gametes, is called a zygote, and this term is often extended ^ From the Greek word, 7d|Lios (gamos)j meaning marriage. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES l8l to apply to the resulting diploid organism through all stages of its development to maturity. 165. Two Kinds of Generivtions. — A study of the life history of the fern disclosed two distinct phases or genera- tions, one bearing spores, and therefore called the sporo- phyte (spore-bearing plant) , the other bearing gametes and for that reason called the gametophyte (gamete-bearing plant). The gametophyte of the fern was seen to be entirely independent of the sporophyte, capable of manu- facturing its own food by means of its own chlorophyll, not dependent upon any other plant, and in some groups being perennial, living on from year to year, and giving rise to sporophytes that live for only one season. The sporophyte, on the other hand, is at first, entirely de- pendent upon the gametophyte for its nutrition, living as a parasite upon the prothallus, from which it absorbs its nourishment by means of the special organ, the foot. Gradually, however, the sporophyte puts forth roots, capable of taking in water and dissolved mineral sub- stances from the soil, and chlorophyll-bearing organs (the fronds or leaves), capable of manufacturing organic food. As the sporophyte becomes independent, the gameto- phyte (with few exceptions, as noted above), perishes. A comparison of the two generations shows that the sporophyte is the much more complex of the two, being clearly differentiated into roots, and leafy shoot. The difference in the origin of these two generations results in a very fundamental difference in the nature of all the cells in each. Since the sporophyte is derived from an oosperm (zygote), formed by the fusion of the two gametes, all of its cells are diploid, containing material derived from both its male and female parentage. The l82 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES gametophyte, on the other hand, being derived from a sin- gle reproductive cell (the spore) , without nuclear or cell-fu- sions, is composed of cells of a single or haploid nature. 166. Alternation of Generations. — Our study of the fern also brought out another fact of very fundamental importance. Sporophytes do not produce sporophytes, nor gametophytes, gametophytes; but there is always an alternation of generations, sporophytes producing gametophytes, and gametophytes, sporophytes. The order of sequence in the life-cycle is as follows: sporophyte — ^•spore — ^gametophyte — ^gametes — >oosperm — >sporophyte. The order of structures and processes involved in the life-cycle is as follows: OUTLINE OF LIFE HISTORY OF A FERN Gametophyte (prothallus) Antheridium Archegonium i i Sperm (male gamete) Egg (female gamete) Fertilization Oosperm (zygote) 4.4. Embryo ii Mature sporophyte (mature zygote) 4.4. Sporophyll ii Sporangium 4.4. Spore-mother-cell Ar Ar Ar Ar Spore Spore Spore Spore i Gametophyte Reduction FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES 183 The fact of a cycle in the life history is brought out clearly in the following diagram : Fig. 135. — Diagram of life-cycle of a fern. 167. Reduction. — Since the sporophyte (descended from the diploid oosperm) has cells of a double nature, resulting from fertilization, and since the spores which give rise to the gametophyte are of a single (or haploid) nature, there must occur, at some stage in the life of the sporo- phyte, a process of reduction, restoring the cells, made diploid by fertilization, to the haploid condition. Pains- taking studies of cellular structure and processes has disclosed the fact that this reduction takes place during the two successive divisions (tetrad-divisions) of the spore- mother-cell, resulting in the formation of four spores. The diploid condition persists in all the cells of the sporophyte, and through every cell-division, up to the two divisions preceding spore-formation, just as the single or haploid condition persists in all the cells of the gameto- phyte, up to the very act of fertiHzation. i84 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES 168. Nature and Method of Reduction. — In order thoroughly to understand fertihzation and reduction one must have a knowledge of the structure and behavior of the nucleus in cell-division and cell-fusion. This subject Fig. 136.- — Diagram illustrating various stages of indirect nuclear division (mitosis). A, resting nucleus of the mother-cell; B, formation of nuclear skein or spirem; C, longitudinal splitting of the spirem; D, the chromosomes (four in number) have been formed by the transverse seg- mentation of the spirem; E, chromosomes arranged on the equator of the nuclear spindle; F andC, early and late anaphase, the chromosomes moving to the pales of the spindle; H, formation of daughter spirems; /, resting stage of the two daughter-cells. is too difficult and too extended to be thoroughly treated in an introductory study, but the sahent facts are as follows. The nucleus of all cells comprises at least four substances: nuclear sap, a threadwork of linin, and a FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES i8s ^ <^ 'cl.B -^ h <-l-H 1^ "'"^ ■*-' «J_ o a o ^^ o ;^ O S O - S i f IV \ \ \\ \ \ NE^^CT / l\\ //4 1. o (U o en s o E 2 "So o 6 V >»J3 <*>■ <4-4 w u o O i86 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES substance called chromatin;'^ all these are enclosed by a nuclear membrane. In the non-dividing nucleus the chromatin is distributed on the linin threads in the form of minute granules (Fig. 136). At one of the stages prehminary to nuclear division the linin network, with the chromatin, becomes transformed into a thickened skein, D \ VI S \0N Fig. 138. — Diagram of a cytological life-cycle, based on a hypothetical fern with four chromosomes in the sporophyte. The nuclear phenomena are based on those of the thread- worm {Ascaris). Each chromosome is designated by a characteristic mark so that it may be traced throughout the diagram. (After R. F. Griggs.) which shortly becomes split into two, throughout its entire length. The skein finally becomes divided transversely into a number of double chromatin bodies or chromosomes. The number of these chromosomes is characteristic, and always the same for each species of plant. The nuclear ^ Because it stains readily when treated with aniline dyes. J FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES 187 membrane then disappears, and, by a complicated mechan- ism, not entirely understood, the two halves of the chro- mosomes are separated and carried apart to opposite sides of the cell. After this division of the nucleus, a new cell- wall forms, dividing the entire cell into halves; new nuclear membranes develop, and the chromosomes in esich daughter- nucleus become gradually retransformed into a resting nucleus, like the one with which we started. In reduction (Fig. 137) a new resting nucleus is not organized after the first nuclear division, but this divi- sion is followed at once by a second, or reducing division, (maiosis) by which the number of chromosomes in each nucleus is reduced by one-half. This is the process of tetrad-division, by which spores are formed from the spore-mother-cells. The reduced number of chromosomes persists throughout the gametophyte-phase, including the formation of both egg and sperm. When the latter unite the nucleus of the zygote will, of course, possess the doubled number of chromosomes, which then persists throughout the body of the sporophyte (mature zygote), until the stage of spore-formation is again reached. These facts are shown diagrammatically in Fig. 138. 169. Inheritance. — It is, of course, common knowledge that men do not gather grapes of thorns, nor figs of thistles. A given species of fern always reproduces the same species, and this is true of all plants. It requires only a brief reflection to realize that this must be so, for the beginning of every living thing is always merely a piece of an antecedent organism, the parent. The off- spring would, therefore, naturally partake of the nature of its parent — it is a piece of it — was originally a part of it. Resemblance between ancestor and descendant is l88 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES commonly regarded as inheritance, but only a little careful thinking will lead us to see that, resemblance and inheritance are by no means synonymous. The real nature of inheritance is well illustrated by the inheritance of property by a son from his father. The thing inherited is not an external appearance, but a material substance (land, buildings, a business), which is handed from one to another. So it is in reproduction. That which one generation of plants inherits from another is the substance of the reproductive cells — the protoplasm of the spore, oosperm, tuber, or bulb — plus a certain characteristic organization of this protoplasm, and the effects of its past history. 170. Inheritance Versus Expression.— That inheritance and expression are not the same thing is plainly shown in the life history of the fern, for the gametophyte clearly derives its living matter by inheritance from the sporo- phyte, and the sporophyte, in turn, its living matter from the gametophyte, and yet the two generations look so little alike that men for centuries knew them both with- out recognizing the fact that they were merely two dif- ferent phases in the life history of the same species of plant. So, often, among human beings, children may bear very little if any resemblance to their parents, but may closely resemble their grandparents. Clearly we do not inherit the color of our eyes or hair, the shapes of our noses, the peculiarities of our voices, or our mental traits from our parents, nor even from our more remote ancestors. What we do inherit is a tiny particle of proto- plasm having a certain characteristic composition, struc- ture, and past history. This protoplasm is capable, under certain combinations of circumstances, of developing FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES 1 89 into a mature organism, resembling the one from which it came, but under other combinations of circumstances the external appearance — the expression — may resemble that of the parent only a very little, or not at all. In- heritance may therefore he defined as the recurrence in suc- cessive generations, of a similar cellular constitution} Ex- pression of this cellular condition is greatly modified by circumstances, which are never precisely the same for any two individuals. 171. Variation.— The preceding sentence explains, in part, why it is that no two individuals are ever precisely alike — precisely similar circumstances surrounding de- veloping organisms never occur twice ; that is, the environ- ment varies. Besides this, internal changes may take place in the reproductive cells. For either one or both of these reasons, constant variation is the rule for living things. This subject will be considered more at length in Chapters XXXII and XXXIII. 172. Adjustment to Environment. — By the term envir- onment is meant all the circumstances that surround a cell, tissue, organ, or organism at any given time, or throughout its existence. The environment of tissues and organs includes surrounding tissues and organs, and the environment of cells includes the neighboring tissues and cells. The most essential thing in the life of every plant or animal is to keep in harmony with its environment. Every change of environment neces- sitates an adjustment on the part of the plant in order to maintain this harmony. Adjustments are most easily made when the plant is young and plastic, and especially while it is developing to maturity. If the amount of water in the soil is diminished the young plant will send ^ Following Johannsen. 1 90 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES its roots deeper, if light is entirely cut off no chlorophyll will form. A leaf, or the prothallus of ferns, is bilaterally symmetrical because the environment is uniform on all sides; the same organs have dorso-ventral differentiation largely because the environment is unlike above and be- low. The motility of sperms is an adjustment to water in the environment. Thus variations in the environment may result in different expressions of inheritance, just as variations in inheritance would be followed by differences in expression, even in an unchanging environment. In order correctly to understand a plant nothing is more necessary than to remember that its characteristics are the result, not of its inheritance alone, nor of its environ- ment only, hut of the interaction between the two. 173. Struggle for Existence. — In Chapter XII atten- tion was called to the fact that a moderate-sized fern pro- duces each year about 50,000,000 spores. If each one of these spores ultimately produced a mature fern-plant, and if we allowed only i square foot of ''elbow room" for each plant, the progeny of one parent only, in one season would require at least 50,000,000 square feet, or nearly 1% square miles. If each of these plants in turn, produced 50,000,000 offspring the next season, the descendants of only one fern plant would, in only two years, cover the stupendous area of over 83,000,000 square miles, or an area equal to that of the North American Continent. It has been calculated that a single plant of hedge mustard may produce as many as 730,000 seeds. If each seed developed another full-grown plant, and if the plants were distributed 73 to each square meter, there would be enough mustard plants to cover an area equal to 2,000 times the dry surface of the earth. One may easily imagine FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES I9I the result if all the seeds produced by one of our large forest trees were able to mature. And yet the total number of any given kind of fern, of hedge mustard, or of forest tree does not appreciably change from year to year. The reason, of course, is that not all of the spores and seeds produced are allowed to come to maturity. The direct result of the enormous number of spores and seeds produced is a struggle for existence — for sufficient soil, water, light, and food to insure a healthy, mature plant. 174. Elimination of the Unfit. — As a result of variation certain individuals will succeed better than others in the struggle for existence. Those most poorly adapted to their surroundings will perish, and only the more vigorous ones — those best adjusted to their surroundings — will persist. The result of this struggle for existence was called by Herbert Spencer the ^^ survival of the fittest.'' What really takes place in nature is the elimination, by death, of the unfit. Darwin called this natural selection, implying that the result is similar to that when plant breeders select out of a progeny the best individual for further breeding. What really takes place in nature, however, is not so much the selection of the fittest, but a rejection of the unfit. Thus, among the 50,000,000 progeny of a single fern-plant, some are sure to have a weaker constitution than others; to develop a weaker root- system, less chlorophyll in their leaves, a less number of sporophylls or spores, or to be inferior in other ways. The result will be that, in the course of only a few years, the descendants of the most vigorous or otherwise superior plants will alone be left to perpetuate the race. 175. Problems to Solve. — In the preceding paragraphs we have called attention to a number of the problems 192 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES which arise from the study of so lowly an organism as a fern. Some of these have been partially solved — prob- ably none of them has been completely solved. In fact, we may say that our ignorance of life-processes greatly ex- ceeds our knowledge. Very much more remains to be ascertained than has already been found out; for example, what is protoplasm? Nobody really knows. We have analyzed the substance chemically, we have carefully examined and tried (but without complete success) to describe its structure. We know it is more than merely a chemical compound. It is a historical substance. A watch, as such, is not. The metal and parts of which a watch is made, have, it is true, a past history; but the watch comes from the hands of its maker de novo, without any past history as a watch. But not so the plant cell. It has an ancestry as a cell; its protoplasm has what we may call a physiological memory of the past. It is what it is, not merely because of its present condition, but because its ancestral cells have had certain experiences. We can never understand a plant protoplast merely by studying it; we must know something of its genealogy and its past history. What is the origin of the sporophyte, and how did there come to be two alternating generations? What is the meaning of fertilization; what the mechanism and laws of inheritance? How did there come to be on the earth such plants as ferns? What was the origin of Hfe? What is Hfe? No one can give complete answers to these questions; but the purpose of the study of botany is to help fit us to seek the answers intelHgently. To those who are interested in problems of this sort, nothing can be more fascinating, nor more profitable. CHAPTER XV LIFE HISTORY OF A MOSS 176. Variety of Mosses. — There have been described and named over 12,000 different species of Musci, or mosses. Obviously, in an introductory study, we can only get a glimpse of so large a group. A comparative study of the species has led to the recognition of three distinct orders as follows: [ I. Sphagnales (the peat-mosses) Musci 2. Andreasales (the black mosses) 1 3. Bryales (the true mosses) Of these the Sphagnales are considered the most primitive, and the Bryales most highly developed. The Sphagnales will be considered first. 177. Habitat of Sphagnum. — Peat-mosses, as the name implies, grow in swamps and lake margins,' usually in dense clumps or thick mats, in places forming the familiar peat-bogs of northern regions. They are usually of a very pale green color, often almost white, especially just below the top, and frequently with a tinge of red or yellow. 178. Description of Sphagnum. — The plant consists of an upright central axis or stem, with a central, pith-like portion of thin-walled parenchyma (Fig. 139.) The cell- walls of the outer portion, or cortex, are thicker and often tinted with a reddish pigment. The cortex varies in thick- ? 193 194 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES ness from four cells in the main stem, to one or two cells in the smaller branches. The leaves are only one cell thick, and are densely crowded on the stem, having, at maturity, what is known as the two-fifths arrangement; that is, if one starts with a given leaf and follows upward in a spiral around the stem, he will pass five leaves before he comes to one vertically above that with which he started. Fig. 139. — Sphagnum sp. Upper portions of leafy plants, showing sporogonia. and in doing this he will have passed twice around the stem. The leaves of sphagnum never have a mid-rib or other veins, and correlated with this is the entire absence of any fibro-vascular bundles in the stem. This is one of the features that marks the plant as of lower organization than the fern. The stem forms numerous branches, usually one for every fourth leaf, and glandular hairs are usually met with at the bases of very young leaves (Figs. 140 and 141). LIFE HISTORY OF A MOSS C G 195 Fig. 140. — Sphagnum cymbifolium, Ehrb. A, B, C, cells from a young leaf, X about 300; D, cells from a mature leaf; E, section of a similar leaf; F, cross-section of an old stem, showing the thick, large celled cortex, X about 25; G, Sclerenchyma cells from the central portion of the stem, X about 300. (After Campbell.) Fig. 141. — Sphagnum cymbifolium, Ehrb. A, median longitudinal section of a slender branch; x, the apical cell; B, part of a section of the same farther down, showing the enlarged cells at the bases of the leaves, and the double cortex (cor); C, cross-section near the apex of a slender branch; D, glandular hair at the base of a young leaf; all X 525. (After Campbell.) 196 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES As the leaves mature, part of their cells increase greatly in size, and the protoplasm becomes entirely transformed into thickenings of the cell-walls, leaving the cells quite empty of everything but air and water. These large, empty cells greatly mask the smaller ones containing chlorophyll, and this accounts for the pale color of the plants. The walls of the empty cells are commonly per- forated with several pores. A similar type of cell is also developed in the outer layers of the stem (Fig. 141). These cells are extremely hygroscopic, and absorb water rapidly and in large quantities, so that the entire living plant is usually thoroughly saturated with water. On account of its sponge-like nature, sphagnum is much used by florists in packing plants for shipment, and in other ways. 179. Sterile and Fertile Branches. — Two kinds of branches occur: sterile and fertile. The organs of repro- duction (antheridia and archegonia) occur only on the fertile branches, but antheridia and archegonia never on the same branch. In some species they occur on separate plants {dioecious — two households) ; in other species on the same plant {monoecious — one household). 180. Antheridial Branches. — The male branches, or antheridiophores, bear leaves that vary in color from green to yellow and red, and the antheridia occur in the axils of these leaves (Fig. 142). They consist of a rela- tively long stalk, composed of four rows of cells, or less, and bearing, at maturity, the globular capsule containing the sperms (Fig. 143). The sperms are coiled, with about two complete turns, and bear two long thread-like cilia at their anterior end. In locomotion the end bearing the cilia precedes. At the opposite or posterior end occurs a small LIFE HISTORY OF A MOSS 197 appendage composed of starch, which ultimately drops off. It will be seen at once that the sperms of sphagnum differ from those of ferns in having only two cilia instead of many. When the antheridium is ripe the cells swell, and the capsule is thus forced open. Fig. 142. — Sphagnum. Photomicrograph of a longitudinal section of an antheridial branch, showing five antheridia. (Cf. Fig. 143.) 181. Archegonial Branches. — The female branches, or archegoniophoreSy usually occur near the upper end of the plant, and bear the archegonia at their tips. As in the case of the fern, each archegonium consists of a neck (slightly twisted in Sphagnum), with neck-canal, a venter, containing the egg, and a basal stalk, or pedicle, not found in the ferns. Several archegonia commonly iqS STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Fig. 143. — Sphagnum acutifoliutn, Ehrb. A, prothallus (pr), with a young leafy branch just developing from it; B, portion of a leafy plant; a, male cones; ch, female branches; C, male branch or cone, enlarged with a portion of the vegetative branch adhering to its base; D, the same, with a portion of the leaves removed so as to disclose the antheridia; E, an- theridium discharging spores; F, a single sperm; G, longitudinal section of a female branch, showing the archegonia (ar); H, longitudinal section through a sporogonium; sg^, the foot; ps, pseudopodium; c, calyptra; sg, sporogonium, with dome of sporogenous tissue; ar, old neck of the arche- gonium; /. Sphagnum squarrosum Pers.; d, operculum; c, remains of calyp- tra; qs, mature pseudopodium; cA, perichaetium. (Cf. Figs. 139 and 142.) (From Schimper.) LIFE HISTORY OF A MOSS 199 occurs together in a group on a single female branch. A number of enlarged leaves surrounding the archegonia con- stitute a perichcBtium. The antheridial and archegonial branches at first occur close together near the summit of the branch, but the branch often elon- gates in the region between the two, thus separating them. 182. Asexual Multiplication. — One of the sterile branches, near the apex of the plant, usually develops more strongly than the others, and each year the old stem below dies off, and the young branch becomes established as a new plant. Under favorable condi- tions young plantlets, called innovation branches, may develop on the sterile branches, at the tip and back from the tip, strike root, and become established as independent plants (Fig. 144). 183. Sexual Reproduction. — Fertili zation is accomplished in a manner similar to that in the fern, a film of water being required in order that the motile sperm may swim to the neck-canal, down which it passes, to the venter and into the egg, where the two nuclei unite. Fertilization probably occurs, as a rule, in winter, for young embryos are usually found in very early spring. The first division-wall of the oosperm is horizontal, or nearly at right angles to the axis of the neck, and thus at right angles to the position of the wall in the first divi- sion of the leptosporangiate ferns. As the cell-divisions follow each other in rapid succession, the upper cells Fig. 144. — Sphag- num cuspidatum, showing innovation, or short, branches. (After Schimper.) 200 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES of the developing embryo become organized into a large globular spore-case, containing a thick central column (columella), surrounded by a dome of spores, and, out- side of all, the wall of the sporangium. As the spore-case Fig. 145. — Sphagnum sp. Photomicrograph of a longitudinal section through a sporogonium and portion of the pseudopodium. op^ operculum; r, annulus; ca, wall of capsule; 5/>, spores; col, columella;/, foot; ps, pseu- dopodium. enlarges the wall of the archegonium is ruptured and the top portion of it is carried up as a cap on the spore-case, forming the calyptra. The lower cells produced by the dividing oosperm become organized into a much swollen LIFE HISTORY OF A MOSS 20I foot, imbedded in the tissues below, and connected with the spore-case by a very short stalk (Figs. 143 and 145). 184. The Sporoph3rte. — It will have been recognized already that the simple structure just described, since it bears spores, is the sporophyte stage of Sphagnum} While the sporophyte is maturing, the apex of the female branch elongates, forming a leafless stalk, a half inch or more in length. This stalk is called the pseudo podium (false foot). The development of the pseudopodium, coincident with that of the sporophyte is very interest- ing, and the question at once naturally arises, as to how this correlation is brought about. No positive explana- tion has ever been given, but it seems probable that, as the sporophyte begins to develop, the cells of the foot excrete some substance which stimulates the cells in which it is imbedded to divide and enlarge, resulting finally in the formation of the pseudopodium. The advantage of the pseudopodium in facilitating the distribution of spores by raising the spore-case higher into the air and well above the perichaetial and other leaves, is obvious. The sporophyte of Sphagnum possesses no chlorophyll, and consequently does not elaborate any food, obtaining its entire supply from the sphagnum-plant by absorption through the foot. Numerous groups of stomatal guard- cells occur on the wall of the spore-case, but they have no slit between them — no true stomata — and are there- fore functionless. There are also, underneath the guard- cells, no intercellular spaces, such as are always associated with true stomata. The presence of these functionless stomata is thought by some botanists to indicate that the ^ Such simply organized sporophytes are commonly called sporogonia (singular sporogonium). 202 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES sporophytes of the ancestors of Sphagnum possessed true stomata and the function of photosynthesis. 185. Formation of Spores. — As the spore-case develops, the inner cells become differentiated into two kinds, one composing the larger part of the tissue, and the other, larger and richer in protoplasm, forming a dome of sporo- genous or spore-forming tissue near the upper wall (Fig. 145). From this tissue, spore- mother-cells are developed, and from each of these, by reducing divisions, as in the fern, four spores. 186. Asexual Reproduc- tion. — While the spores are maturing, a circular groove {annulus) is formed near the apex of the spore-case, and the cells in this zone have thinner walls than those ad- jacent (Fig. 145). At the maturity of the spore-case these cells become dry, and are easily torn apart, thus forming a lid, or operculum^ at the summit of the spore-case. The falling away of the operculum affords an opportunity for the scattering of the spores. Under favorable conditions the spores germinate, putting forth a very short, green protonema, as in the case of fern-spores. The tip of the protonema soon broadens out, forming a prothallus, much like that of the fern in shape, but being only one cell thick (Fig. 146). Rhizoids form on the under side, and from the margin other threads develop, having chlorophyll, and resembling the Fig. 146. — Spliagnumsp. A,B, young protonemata; C, older pro- tonema with leafy bud, k; r, mar- ginal rhizoids. (After Campbell.) LIFE HISTORY OF A MOSS 203 protonema. At the tips of each of these threads a thallus may also form, and in this way vegetative multiplication is brought about. From each thallus arises an upright leafy branch — the sphagnum-plant described above. The reader has already recognized that this complex phase of sphagnum is the gametophyte. 187. Life-cycle of Sphagnxim. — The life-cycle of sphag- num may be summarized as follows: OUTLINE OF LIFE HISTORY OF SPHAGNUM Sphagnum-plant {gametophyte) — i ^ T T Anthericlial branch Archegonial branch i 4- Antheridia Archegonia 4. I Sperm (male gamete) Egg (female gamete) Fertilization Oosperm (zygote) ii Embrvo a Mature Sporophyte (mature zygote) ii Sporangium ii S pore-mother-cell Reduction 1 1 1 1 Spore Spore Spore Spore i Protonema 4- Thallus i Sphagnum-plant {gametophyte) 188. Diagram of Life-cycle. — The life-cycle of Sphag- num may be diagrammatically represented as follows: 204 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Fig. 147. — Diagram of life-cycle of sphagnum. 189. Other Mosses. — The so-called ''true mosses," with which we are perhaps more familar than with sphagnum, cannot be studied here in detail, but it may be said that, in broad outline, their life histories are closely similar to that of sphagnum. The protonema does not produce a thallus, but the leafy branches, or moss- plants, arise directly from the filamentous protonema (Fig. 148). They are both monoecious and dioecious. In the "true mosses" no pseudopodium is formed, but the stalk of the sporophyte (so very short in Sphagnum)^ elongates to form a seta, often over i inch in length. In the spore-case, or capsule, there is much less sporogenous or fertile tissue, in proportion to sterile tissue, than in Sphagnum. Moreover, at the base of the capsules, in the true mosses, occur functional stomata, opening into intercellular spaces, and surrounded by chlorophyll- LIFE HISTORY OF A MOSS 205 bearing cells. Thus photosynthesis may be carried on, though of course to a very limited degree. The sporo- phyte of the true mosses seems to occupy an intermediate position between those of Sphagnum and the fern, and, as we ascend from the lower form in Sphagnum to the higher form in the fern, the transition is largely characterised by a decrease in the amount of fertile tissue and an increase in the relative amount of sterile tissue of the sporophytes. Fig. 148. — Protonemata of a moss bearing young gametophyte buds. 190. Vegetative Multiplication. — Extensive experiments ^seem to indicate that every living cell of a moss-plant can develop protonemata — or in other words is a potential spore. These protonemata like those produced by the germination of spores, produce buds which may develop into mature plants. The production of entire plants or of parts of plants in this way, by portions of the vegetative body; is called regeneration. In some species of mosses the 2o6 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Fig. 149. — Hair-cap moss {Polytrichum commune). A, male plant; B, same, proliferating; C, female plant, bearing sporogonium; D, same; g, gametophyte; s, seta; c, capsule; 0, operculum; a, calyptra, E, top view of male plant. 207 Fig. 150.-A moss (T^^/raM^'^^^^^), showing gemmae; G, a gemma enlarged. (Cf. Fig. 151.) ^'°* ^5;.— Photomicrograph of a longitudinal section of {.letraphts), showing gemmaj (g). (Cf. Fig. 150.) 2o8 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES leafy-shoot, and in others the protonemata, may give rise to special small bodies, called genimcB, which may become separated from the parent plant and give rise to new plants (Figs. 150 and 151). Gemmae will be illustrated more fully in the liverworts to be discussed in the next chapter. 191. Comparison with the Fern. — By comparing Sphag- num with a fern several points of interest are brought out. In the first place, we learn that, while the "fern- plant" with which we are familiar is a sporophyte, the sphagnum-plant is a gametophyte. In the second place, while the sporophyte of the fern is at first dependent on the gametophyte for its nutrition, the sporophyte soon becomes entirely independent, and the simply organized gametophyte perishes; while in sphagnum the sporo- phyte is the much more simply organized, and is depend- ent upon the gametophyte for nutrition throughout its entire life. In their mode of reproduction, however, the two plants are very similar, each producing haploid gametes of two sexes, male and female, that need to fuse in fertilization; the product of fertilization (zygote) being diploid, and producing a spore-bearing phase; and the spores, haploid again, through reduction, giving rise, without nuclear and cell-fusion to the haploid gameto- phyte. In each case, in the life-cycle, gametophyte alternates with sporophyte, fertilization with reduction, gametes with spores, haploid cells with diploid. What takes place in the cells between fertilization and reduc- tion, and between reduction and fertilization? This is one of the many fascinating problems in botany still awaiting solution. There is only one way by which the answers to these problems may be ascertained; namely, by accu- rate, persistent, painstaking observation and experiment. CHAPTER XVI LIFE HISTORY OF A LIVERWORT 192. Habitat. — The group of plants ranking next below the mosses in the scale of Hfe is the liverworts (Hepaticse). They are widely distributed over the earth's surface; being found in a wide climatic range, but usually in moist situations. Some forms (e.g., Riccia natans) may grow floating on the surface of water, others {e.g., Riccia fluitans) Fig. 152. — Anlhoceros fusiformis. Portion of lamellate, cristate thallus, which easily retains water. (After M. A. Howe.) submerged; but, as in mosses, no salt-water forms have been found. A few species grow on other plants {epi- phytic), or in other situations where the water supply may at times fall very low. Such forms have various contrivances which serve to retain water. Thus, some species of Anthoceros {e.g., A. fusiformis, A. fimhriatus) possess crisped lobes, forming a fringe around the margin which helps the plant to retain water (Figs. 152 and 153). In another species {A. punctatus), water is retained 14 209 2IO STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES in little pits or depressions on the upper surface. The habitat of the Hverworts illustrates a step forward in the abandonment by plants of a wholly aquatic Hfe and the establishment of a land vegetation; but the prevailingly moist situations in which most of the species are found, ^l^M ^, ^■ ^; ,fe t --. \ i " '\ Fig. 153. — Anthoceros fimhriatus. Portion of a thallus viewed from below, with the rhizoids omitted. The one-layered crisped lobes at the margin serve to retain moisture. (After Goebel.) and the need of water for fertilization by swimming sperms (soon to be described), points to an ancestral habitat truly aquatic. 193. Description of the Plant Body. — The plant body of the liverworts shows a marked departure from that of the mosses in the direction of simplicity. There are four main groups or orders of Hepaticae, as follows: I I. Ricciales. TT 4.' J 2. Marchantiales. Hepaticae \ 3. Jungermanmales . 4. Anthocerotales. i LIFE HISTORY OF A LIVERWORT 211 In the first two and last of these orders the plant body is a thallus, either closely resembling the prothallus of the ferns, or freely branching. In the third order the plant Fig. IS4.-A leafy liverwort {Porella navicularis) . Male plant, about natural size. (After M. A. Howe.) ^ ^ ^ ^ body is leafy (Joliose), and in this respect somewhat re- sembles certain true mosses, for which it is often mis- taken (Figs. 154 and 155). In the first two and last orders the thallus always shows dorso-ventral differentiation. 212 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES ANTHOCEROS 194. The Gametophyte. — One of the most important groups is the genus Anthoceros^ including several different kinds or species. The plant body, or thallus (Fig. 156), is roughly circular or semicircular,, with numerous rhizoids growing from the ventral surface. It increases in size at numerous growing points on the margin of the thallus, and Fig. 155. — A leafy liverwort (Porella navicularis) . Female plant, about natural size. (After M. A. Howe.) is green from the presence of chlorophyll in the cells. There is only one chloroplast in a cell, in contrast to the numerous chloroplasts in each cell of the mosses and ferns. 195. Reproductive Organs. — The antheridia are found just back of the growing points, near the middle of the lobe. In some species they occur in groups (Figs. 157 and 1 59), in other species singly (Fig. 158) . They develop^ LIFE HISTORY OF A LIVERWORT 213 not from epidermal cells as in ferns, but each one from a single cell just underneath the epidermis (subepidermal), Fig. 156. — Anthoceros IcBvis, showing the lobed thallus of the gameto- phyte, bearing several upright sporogonia in various stages of develop- ment. At the right and left sporogonia dehiscing, and scattering the spores. Note the slender, thread-like columellas, and the lack of differ- entiation of the sporogonium into seta and capsule. The sheoth (calyp- tra) at the base of the sporogonium is formed chiefly from the vegetative tissues of the gametophyte, and only to a slight extent by the walls of the archegonium. Fig. 157. — Anthoceros Pearsont. Longitudinal section through a well- developed, glandular thickening, in which are embedded a number of antheridia, X 53. (After M. A. Howe.) near the dorsal surface. They remain imbedded in the surrounding tissue until mature, closely resembling, in 214 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES their location and mode of origin, the antheridia of some of the lower, or eusporangiate, ferns, such as Ophioglosum and BotrycJiium. The archegonia are also imbedded, with the tip of the neck reaching to the surface (Fig. 159). They are further concealed at maturity by the growth of Fig. 158. — Cross-section of the thallus of a horn wort (Anthoceras sp.). The oval area is an antheridium, containing sperms, or sperm-mother- cells. Fig. 159. — Anthoceros fusiformis. Vertical longitudinal section near the apex of the thallus, showing archegonia (at the left), and antheridia (at the right). X about 53. (After M. A. Howe.) a small dome of tissue over the opening where the neck comes to the surface. Both antheridia and archegonia occur on the same plant, sometimes closely intermingled. 196. Symbiosis. — A most interesting case of symbiosis occurs between Anthoceros and a much more lowly organ- LIFE HISTORY OF A LIVERWORT 215 ized plant — a blue-green alga, of the genus Nostoc (Fig. 160). On the ventral surface of the thallus slits occur in the epidermis. These are not stomata, and the intercellular spaces into which they open are fitted with a mucilaginous substance produced by a transformation of the adjacent cell-walls. This mucilage furnishes ideal conditions of food and moisture for the alga, which flourishes there. Fig. 160. — Photomicrograph of a cross-section of a liverwort {Antho- ceros fusiformis). The dark, oval area is a colony of a species of Nostoc, an alga that lives symbiotically in the tissues of the liverwort. (Micro- scopic preparation by M. A. Howe.) Whether the presence of the alga is of any advantage to the liverwort is not known, but apparently it is of no disadvantage. 197. Vegetative Multiplication. — ^Liverworts present many interesting devices for vegetative multiplication by the giving off or separation of a portion of the vegetative tissue, and the establishment of this separated piece as an independent plant. No group of plants excels the liverworts in their power to regenerate new individuals from pieces of the plant body. If the thallus is cut into 2l6 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES many small pieces with a pair of scissors, each piece can regenerate a new plant. In many species the tips of the lobes of the thallus become separated from the plant naturally, by the dying off of portions back from the tip. In such cases each tip develops an entire new individual. A thorough study of these phenomena has led botanists Fig. i6i. — A liverwort {Lunularia). Below, portions of the thallus, showing the lunar-shaped cupules, with brood-buds, or gemmae. Above a single gemma, greatly magnified. to the conclusion that every cell of a liverwort is able to reproduce an entire plant, just as effectually as though it were a spore. Some species produce little multi- cellular bodies called gemmcs (Fig. i6i). Other species produce fleshy tubers, richly stored with reserve food- materials,^ and specially valuable in helping the species ^ Analogous to tuber-formation in the potato. LIFE HISTORY OF A LIVERWORT 217 to tide over periods of drought. Tubers in liverworts were first discovered and recognized in a species of Anthoceros. At least two species {Fossomhronia tuherifera and An- thoceros tuberosus) received their specific names from their Fig. 162. — Anthoceros phymatodes. Portion of thallus showing develop- ing tubers. X about 15. (After M. A. Howe.) characteristic of forming tubers. In some species the tubers appear as swellings or outgrowths on the under- side of the thallus; in others (Figs. 162 and 163) as en- largements of the tips of thallus-lobes. The leafy liver- wort, Bryopteris filicina (Fig. 164), illustrates vegetative multiplication by stolons. Fig. 163. — Anthoceros phymatodes. Mature tuber, sprouting. X about 21. (After M. A. Howe.) 198. The Sporophyte. — After fertilization the oosperm develops a young embryo, and from the lower or basal half the foot develops, with projections reaching down into the tissue of the gametophyte (Fig. 165). After the 2l8 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES 1>^^ early stages of development the sporophyte ceases to grow at the apex, and elongates only by the formation and enlargement of new cells just above the foot {intercalary growth). Around the base of the sporophyte there develops from the tissue of the gametophyte a sheath, but, in contrast with the mosses, no seta is formed. The appearance of the sporophytes, as they appear in clusters, has been aptly likened to tufts of delicate blades of grass (Fig. 156). Spores are formed from the cylindrical archesporium, between outer and inner layers of sterile tissue. The inner thread-like layer is the colu- mella (Fig. 156). Chlorophyll develops in the sterile cells, and intercellular spaces open to the surface through true stomata (Fig. 166). The sporophyte, therefore, has the function of photosynthesis, and if only a root, or roots, would develop from the basal portion, it could well become established as an independent plant. As it is, it can live only as long as the gametophyte remains active, so as to maintain the supply of water to the sporophyte. The columella serves to conduct water up the sporophyte. 199. Formation of Spores. — As in the mosses and ferns, spores arise from spore-mother-cells by reducing divisions (tetrad-formation). In Anthoceros they do Fig. 164. — Bryopteris fili- cina, showing long shoots and short shoots. The stolons at the base, with reduced leaves, serve not only in vegetative propagation, but also to anchor the plant. (After Goebel.) LIFE HISTORY OF A LIVERWORT 219 not all mature at the same time, as in the mosses and ferns, but new spores continue to form in the region of intercalary growth so long as growth continues. As the spores mature the tip of the sporophyte splits open, and the walls spread apart progressively, as spores lower down come to maturity. i ' i " i ^ 1 I'., 'i-' ra ffl^ ^IKl". ii Fig. 165. — Anthoceros. Photomicrograph of a longitudinal section of the sporogonium, and portion of the gametophytic thallus. Note the foot of the sporogonium, and the more darkly stained spores at the center, above. 200. Distribution of Spores. — In addition to spores, a portion of the tissue of the archesporium develops sterile cells or cell-rows, called elaiers (Fig. 166). When these become dry, as the sporogonium splits open from the tip, 220 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Fig. i66. — Anthoceros. At the left, a stoma with guard-cells, right, spores and pseudo-elaters. At the Fig. 167. — Diagram of the life-cycle of Anthoceros. LIFE HISTORY OF A LIVERWOtlT 221 they twist with a jerking motion, which helps to project the spores out to a distance from the parent plant. The advantage of this is self-evident. 201. Germination.— In some, if not all, species of Anthoceros, the spores germinate best after a resting period of several weeks or months. Early in germination chlorophyll develops in a plastid contained in the spore, and a germination-tube, or protonema, forms, long in some species, shorter in others, and at the tip of this tube a thallus develops. 202. Summary of Life History. — The life history of Anthoceros is, in outline, as follows (it is illustrated dia- grammatically in Fig. 167): OUTLINE OF LIFE HISTORY OF ANTHOCEROS Anthoceros-plant {garnet ophyte) . i —I T^ Antheridia Archegonia 4. i Sperms Egg Fertilization Oosperm (zygote) I I Embryo 4- 4- Mature sporophyte (mature zygote) 4- Ar Spore-mother-cell X. 4, 4. 4, 1 Reduction Spore Spore Spore Spore J \r Protonema 4. Anthoceros-plant (gametophyte) 2 22 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES OTHER FORMS 203. Riccia. — About 4,000 species of liverworts have been described, and it is, of course, possible here to refer to only a very few of the forms, chosen because they illustrate some special idea or step in the evolutionary development of plants. In addition to the forms already mentioned, attention should be called to the genus Riccia, Fig. 168. — A IWtrwoTt {Riccia trichocar pa), X about 35. Cross-section of the thallus, showing young sporogonium in the enlarged venter of the archegonium. (After M. A. Howe.) which is of interest because of its aquatic mode of life, and also because of its extremely simple sporophyte — the simplest sporophyte, in fact, of all plants that possess archegonia (Archegonates) . The fertilized egg of Riccia develops a sporophyte which has only fertile cells (spores), except for a wall, one cell thick, enclosing the spores (Fig. 168). In fact, the sporophyte consists of only a very simple spore-case, of short duration; it never pro- jects beyond the venter of the archegonium. Spores are formed in the usual way, as described for the forms LIFE HISTORY OF A LIVERWORT ^n previously studied. Except for the sterile wall-cells, all the cells formed by the successive divisions of the oopserm ^h^M^f^ Fig. i69.~Ricciocarpus. sp., sporogonium; gam, tissue of gametophyte. Fig. 170.— Life cycle of Ricciocarpus. (After Cardiflf.) become spore-mother-cells, each of which, by the tetrad- division, gives rise to four spores. Meanwhile the wall- 224 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES cells become disorganized and their substance goes to nour- ish the spores. By this time the cells of the inner layer of the venter have also become disorganized and their sub- stance, in like manner, is absorbed by the spores (Fig. 169). Thus the tissue of the gametophyte serves as nourish- ment for the developing, primitive sporophyte. The phe- nomenon of an embryo developing into a mature sporophyte does not appear in Riccia. As we descend the scale of plant life we find the sporophyte increasingly simpler; and this simplicity consists in the diminution of the amount of sterile tissue. 204. Life History of Riccia. — The life history of Riccia is shown in outline as follows, and diagrammatically in Fig. 170. Carefully compare this history with that of Anthoceros. OUTLINE OF LIFE HISTORY OF RICCU Riccia-plant {gametophyte) Oosperm (zygote) Cell-divisions Sporophyte (transient spore-case) 44- S pore-mother-cclls \r X^ X- X ] Reduction Spore Spore Spore Spore i Protonema i Riccia-plant {gametophyte) LIFE HISTORY OF A LIVERWORT 225 205. Comparison with Mosses and Ferns. — {a) The Gametophyte. — The gametophytes of the various kinds of liverworts differ greatly among themselves, but on the whole they are more simply organized than those of the mosses, lacking especially the highly developed, leafy branches or gametophores. The moss-plant represents the highest degree of gametophytic organization known among land-plants, and the leafy branch is practically universal in that group. On the other hand, the vege- tative body of the liverworts is, in some forms, simpler than the prothallus of the fern, while in other forms it is much more complicated, becoming 'a leafy branch in the Jungermanniales, and bearing complex gametophores and other organs in the Marchantiales. But while it may be- come complex, its organization is always of a lower type than that of the moss-plant. The antheridia are much alike in both mosses and liverworts, and on the whole differ but little from that of the true ferns; but the sperma- tozoids of the former are always hiciliate, while those of the true ferns are always multiciliate. The archegonia of mosses and liverworts may or may not be stalked, but they are never stalked in the true ferns. With the ex- ception of Anthoceros they are never sunk beneath the surface in either mosses or liverworts, bi:^t in the ferns the venter is commonly sunk in the tissue of the prothallus. (h) The Sporophyte. — The typical sporogonium or sporophyte of liverworts and mosses consists of a stalk or seta, with a foot at one end, imbedded in the tissue of the gametophyte, and a spore-case at the opposite end. There are, however, all degrees of variation of this type of structure. The stalk and foot may be entirely wanting, as in the simple sporophyte of Riccia; the stalk IS 2 26 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES may be very greatly reduced, as in Sphagnum; or the spore-case may not appear as a clearly defined organ, but may appear to merge very gradually into the stalk, as in Anthoceros. In liverworts the spore-case never opens by a lid or operculum, as is universally the case in mosses, but always by valves, formed by longitudinal splittings of the sporangial walls. Elaters may or may not occur in liverworts, but never occur in mosses. The sporogonium of liverworts and mosses never possesses a leafy stem, and never possesses true roots; only one case (that of the moss, Eriopus remotifolius) has ever been reported where the sporogonium produces rhizoids from its basal end. To compare the simple sporogonium of Hverworts and mosses with the leafy plant of the true ferns, would be quite super- fluous. It should, however, be pointed out that the sporo- phyte of liverworts and mosses lives always, throughout its life, as a parasite on the gametophy te, while the sporophy te of ferns always becomes established, sooner or later, as an independent plant. Except for the very simple columella of Anthoceros and the central strand in the seta of mosses, nothing approaching a true vascular bundle occurs in the liverworts and mosses; while, as stated before, the well- developed fibro-vascular system of the ferns has caused them to be known as vascular cryptogams. CHAPTER XVII LIFE HISTORIES OF ALG^E 206. The Main Groups of Algae. — The plants that rank next in the scale of life below the liverworts are the Algae. On the basis of color they fall naturally into four main groups or phyla, as follows: 1. Blue-green algae (Cyanophyceae) 2. Green algse (Chlorophyceae) 3. Brown algae (Phasophyceae) 4. Red algae (Rhodophyceae) Associated with these differences in color are certain dif- ferences of structure, which also lead to a similar grouping. In recent years the above four groups have been further subdivided into seven phyla, on the basis of other char- acters than color. A study of one of the commoner brown algae, Ascophyllum, will serve to illustrate many funda- mental facts about the algae in general. ASCOPHYLLUM 207. Habitat of Ascophyllimi. — This plant, and the closely related Fucus, have become familiar in inland markets, because they are commonly used as a packing in the shipment of crabs and other kinds of "shell fish." Ascophyllum and Fucus, and their near relatives, consti- tute the family FucacecB. For the most part they are inhabitants of the ocean, or of brackish water, or, in rare cases, of fresh water. The two genera mentioned are 227 228 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES LIFE HISTORIES OF ALG^ 229 commonly found attached to rocks between the lines of high and low tide, where they are subjected to alternate submersion and exposure (Fig. 171). The Fucace^ have an added interest because of their economic uses. They serve as food for the inhabitants of the west coast of South America, and in other countries, and are also widely used as fertilizer, and as a source of iodine. They include Fig. 172.— Portion of plant of Ascophyllufn nodosum. X %. some of the largest plants in the ocean, and one of the genera, Sargassum, floating on the surface, helps to form the well-known - Sargasso Sea," of the middle Atlantic ocean. 208. Description of AscophyUum.— The plant body of Ascophyllum is a branched thallus, the branches being 330 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES in relatively narrow (from J^ to J-^ inch), several feet length, and interrupted at frequent intervals by swellings or nodes, which are air sacs, and add greatly to the buoy- ancy of the plant in water (Fig. 172). Many of the Fucaceae possess two kinds of branches, more or less distinct from each other — long branches and short branches, or spurs. This is a phenomenon which occurs in several groups of plants. Fig. 173. — Ascophyllum nodosum (L) Lejol. Radical longitudinal sec- tion of an old branch of the thallus. c, cortical tissue, the seat of photo- synthesis; m, central tissue, or medulla. (Redrawn from Reinke.) and notably in the pines, to be studied later. In Ascophyll- um the distinction between long and short branches is not as strongly marked as in some other forms, such, for ex- ample, as Scaheria. The short branches have enlarged tips, which somewhat resemble the swellings of the main stem. The plant has a "rubbery" appearance, with a smooth, slippery surface, and is usually attached to rocks by a "hold-fast" organ. 209. Anatomy. — A study of the internal structure (Fig. 173) reveals two systems of tissues, more or less clearly distinct: LITE HISTORIES OF ALG.E 23 1 1. The cortex, composed of several external layers of cells, somewhat resembling, in arrangement, the palisade parenchyma of the leaf and, like the latter, having the function of photosynthesis. The outer portion of this layer is further loosely differentiated into an epidermoidal tissue, but there is no true epidermis. The outer cell- walls of this layer, forming the external surface of the plant, possess a thick layer of cuticle. The cells of the cortex retain their embryonic character for a long time, and by successive divisions favor the growth of the branch in thickness. 2. The medulla, or central tissue, is composed of cells arranged for the most part in rows, so as to form filaments. This tissue serves chiefly for the conduction of liquids. The walls of its cells are mucilaginous and much swollen, except at certain small pits, the "sieve tubes," closed by a perforated membrane. 210. Photosynthesis.— The cells of the cortex possess several chromoplasts or chromatophores, each containing chlorophyll, by which photosynthesis is possible; but, in addition to chlorophyll, the chromatophores contain also a brown pigment {phycophwin) , which masks the chloro- phyll, and explains the external color that gives the name Phaeophyceae to the family. 211. Vegetative Multiplication. — Vegetative multiplica- tion does not occur in Ascophyllum, nor in most of the genera of Phaeophyceae. In the few genera where it has been observed, it is accomplished by a fragmentation of the plant body, or by the death of the older part of the thallus. The pieces thus set free may develop new plants, but these usually remain sterile. 232 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES 212. Sexual Reproduction. — The reproductive organs of Ascophyllum (Fig. 174) are borne in chambers (conceptacles) beneath the surface of the enlargements at She tips of the short branches. Since the branches bear ^.f^H'lS?-^. ^^^^^l^? Fig. 174. — Ascophyllum nodosum. A, Cross-section through a female receptacle; 5, spermagonia; C, ripe oogonium; D, eggs, freed from the oogonium, but still enclosed by the separated inner layer of the oogonial wall. (Redrawn from Thuret and Bornet.) the gametes they are sometimes referred to as gameto- phores. These chambers open to the exterior by short, narrow canals, the openings of which may be easily seen on the surface of the swollen tips. The inner surface of LIFE HISTORIES OF ALG^ 233 the conceptacles is covered with more or less branched hairs (paraphyses) , and associated with these hairs are the organs that bear the sperms and eggs. In some species of Fucaceae both sperms and eggs are borne in the same conceptacle, and the plant is, accordingly, moncscious. This is the case with one of the species of Fucus {F, platycarpus). In other species, such as those of Asco- phyllum and Fucus vesiculosus, sperms and eggs are borne in separate conceptacles, and even on separate plants, in which latter case the species are dioecious. 213. Gametangia.— The organs that bear either kind of gametes (sperms or eggs) are termed gametangia. The female gametangium differs in a very fundamental manner from the complex archegonium of the mosses and ferns, for it consists of only one cell, called the oogonium. The male gametangium, or spermagonium, is likewise unicel- lular, and the wall is composed of two layers, an inner and an outer layer. The spermagonia are in reaKty modified branches of the hairs that line the conceptacles. The oogonia are not attached to the hairs, but directly to the inner surface of the conceptacle by a short unicellular stalk. 214. Gametes.— The male gametes, or sperms, are formed by successive divisions of the protoplast of the unicellular spermagonium. Like those of the Hverworts and mosses, they bear two long ciHa, attached to the side. They also possess a pigment body, usually reddish in color. The oogonia of Ascophyllum commonly bear only four eggs, organized out of the protoplast of the oogonium, but in rare cases three or five. In some genera {e.g., Fucus) there are eight eggs. The nucleus of the oogonium cell usually divides into eight daughter-nuclei, but in 234 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Ascophyllum all except four (or the exceptional three or five) fail to organize daughter-cells about themselves, and abort. Forms having the full complement of eight eggs, are, therefore, considered more primitive than those with a less number. 216. Fertilization. — The eggs are never fertiHzed while in the oogonia, nor even while in the conceptacle. The walls of the oogonium burst, and the eggs pass out into the surrounding water. They are covered with a thick layer of mucilaginous substance, and by means of some material, not definitely known, they attract the sperms that happen to have been discharged at the same time and near the same place. No other case is known in plants where the difference in size between egg and sperm is so great as in the Fucaceae (Fig. 175). The sperms swarm about an egg, and finally one of them enters it and its nucleus unites with that of the egg, thus completing fertilization. Soon after fertilization the oosperm or zygote becomes sur- rounded by a dehcate cellulose wall, the fertilization- membrane. The setting free of the egg before fertilization marks a lower stage of development than is found in the mosses and ferns. The process of fertilization in Fucus may be easily observed by placing mature eggs and sperms together in sea-water in a watch glass, under the microscope. The sperms, attracted by the chemical stimulus of the sub- stance excreted by the egg, swim toward it, and within about five minutes large numbers of them have become attached to its surface. By the vigorous lashing of their ciha the egg is set in vigorous motion. One of the sperms succeeds in penetrating the cytoplasm of the egg, and reaches its nucleus. The fusion of the two nuclei may LIFE HISTORIES OE ALG^E 235 occur within lo minutes after the gametes have been placed together in the water. After the formation of the Fig. 175. — Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Lejol. Ay egg at the time of fertilization, surrounded by numerous sperms. X about 200; B, oosperm germinating, 6 days old; C, D, somewhat older stages than B. (Redrawn from Thuret and Bornet.) fertilization-membrane the sperms seem to avoid the oosperm, quite as though they were repelled by some substance formed at its surface. 236 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES 216. The Result of Fertilization.— (a) The immediate result of fertiUzation is physical— the formation of the fertiHzation-membrane. Just how this is accompHshed is not clearly understood. We know, of course, that the surface of the egg, as in every free mass of protoplasm, acts as a semipermeable membrane or surface, allowing some substances in solution, but not all, to pass through by osmosis. It has been suggested that, when the sperm enters the egg, chemical changes at once occur, which alter the permeability of its surface-membrane, thus per- mitting, for the first time, the exosmosis of some substance (or substances) which become transformed into the fertiliza- tion-membrane on contact with the sea-water. It may be, of course, that the substance composing the mem- brane is not formed until the sperm enters the egg. How- ever it may be caused, the formation of the membrane is a necessary antecedent to all subsequent changes in the fertilized egg; without its formation the egg dies and dis- integrates. (b) The ultimate result of fertilization, as noted in the preceding chapters, is biological — the intermingHng of the germ-plasms of the egg and sperm, involving the fusion of the two nuclei, the doubling of the chromosome number, and the combination, in one zygote, of the inheritances from two individuals.^ 217. Artificial Fertilization. — Considering that the for- mation of the fertiHzation-membrane is purely physical, biologists began to reason that it ought to be possible to induce it artificially. The experiment was first success- fully made by a zoologist, Loeb, with the eggs of sea-urchins ^ The commingling of the two inheritances was called, by Weismann, amphimixis. LIFE HISTORIES OF ALGiE 237 and other marine animals. In 19 13 it was successfully accomplished by Overton with the eggs of Fucus. The eggs were dipped for about a minute, or a minute and a half to two minutes, in a mixture of 50 cc. of sea-water plus 3 cc. of a very weak solution of acetic, butyric, or other fatty acid, and then transferred to normal sea- water. This treatment caused the formation of the fertiH- zation-membrane, quite as in natural fertilization by the sperm. If, after the formation of the membrane, the eggs are placed for 30 minutes in hypertonic sea-water (50 cc. of normal sea-water plus 8 to 10 cc. of a weak solution of sodium chloride (common salt), or potassium chloride), and then back into normal sea-water, the eggs begin to divide and continue to develop into young plants. The question as to the chromosome number in the cells of plants formed by artificial fertilization is of very great interest, but has not yet been investigated. 218. Germination of the Oosperm. — After either natural or artificial fertilization the young zygote begins at once to divide, without any period of rest. Of the two cells formed by the first division, one gives rise to the hold-fast organ, by which the new plant is attached to the rocks, while the other develops into the main body of the plant, which resembles the parent plant in all external characters (Fig. 175)- 219. Reduction. — As always in normal fertilization, the nucleus of the oosperm is diploid, and the Ascophyllum plant that develops from it is also diploid. It is therefore the sporophytic generation. At the end of the first two nuclear divisions of the spermagonia and oogonia, re- duction has been accomplished, and the four nuclei that result are haploid. They therefore belong to the haploid 238 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES or gametophytic generation. In other words they have the same value as spores, and the one-celled stage of the spermagonia and oogonia the same value as spore-mother- cells. 220. Female Gametophyte. — Each of the four cells re- sulting from the reduction-divisions in the oogonial protoplast divides again, producing a total of eight cells, which constitute a very simple gametophyte. No further divisions occur in the oogonia. In some of the Fucaceae {e.g.f Fucus vesiculosus) each of these eight daughter-cells functions as a female gamete or egg; but in Ascophyllum, and a few other species, part of the daughter-cells, as stated above, disintegrate or abort, leaving only from one to five. In Ascophyllum nodosum one-half of them abort, leaving only four eggs. The female gametophyte is thus seen to be reduced to merely its gametes. 221. Male Gametophyte. — Each of the four cells resulting from the reduction-divisions of the spermagonial protoplast undergoes four divisions in succession, re- sulting in 64 cells or a total of 256, all of which develop into a male gamete, or sperm. The four daughter-cells, therefore represent a very elementary or simple male gametophyte. 222. Simplification of the Gametophytes. — The im- portant point to note in connection with the life history of Ascophyllum is, not only the great simplicity of the game- tophyte, but the fact that it consists of nothing but fertile or reproductive cells. Each of the four spores gives rise only to gametes; no sterile cells, or gametophytic plant bodies are produced. 223. Gametophyte or Sporophyte.— In light of the facts above related, the question as to the real nature of the LIFE HISTORIES OF ALGJE 239 plant body of Ascophyllum becomes of very great interest. Its cells possess the double or sporophytic number of chromosomes, but it bears organs (spermagonia and oogonia) that ultimately contain gametes. Is it, therefore, a gametophyte or a sporophyte? For a long time it was considered a gametophyte, but a clear understanding of the divisions that take place in the gametangia, accom- panied by reduction, and the fact that the body-cells are all diploid, lead unmistakably to the conclusion that it is a sporophyte. We have seen that the protoplasts of the young spermagonium and the young oogonium are in reality equivalent or analogous to spore-mother-cells, and that, in each case, their four daughter-cells, with their reduced number of chromosomes, are functionally equiva- lent or analogous to spores. The spermagonia and oogonia, therefore, which seem at first thought to be sexual organs — simplified antheridia and archegonia — come to be, finally, more truly comparable to sporangia, from which the spores are not set free, as spores, but, while still in the spore-case, develop into either a male or a female gameto- phyte consisting of nothing but gametes. The real nature of Ascophyllum (and of the other Fucaceae, for that matter) is just opposite from what a superficial examination would lead us to infer, and we have, in this low form, a condition just the reverse from what is found in the liverworts, mosses, and ferns; in other words, a prominent sporophyte, bearing a very simple gametophyte, that lives upon it as a parasite deriving all of its nourishment from the sporophyte. 224. Alternation of Generations. — Although the game- tophytic generation is reduced to its lowest terms, the fundamental fact of alternation is not affected. As soon 240 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES as the gametes are set free fertilization takes place, pro- ducing a fertilized egg, with, of course, the double or diploid number of chromosomes. Every cell of the sporeling, resulting from the germination of the oosperm, and every cell of the mature plant into which it develops, possesses the double number, up to the first two divisions of the ■•■■^^ 1 Stage Fig. 176. — Diagram of life-cycle of Ascophyllum nodosum. young gametangia, when reduction gives rise to gameto- phytic cells. The fusion of these — egg with sperm — in fertilization restores the double or sporophytic number and so on in cycle after cycle (Fig. 176). 225. Diagram of Life History. — The successive steps in the life cycle of Ascophyllum may be briefly summarized as follows: LIFE HISTORIES OF ALG^E 24I OUTLINE OF LIFE HISTORY OF ASCOPHYLLUM Spermagonial-plant Oogonial-plant (Sporophyte) (Sporophyte) Spermagonium Oogoniun (Sporangium) (Sporangium) Protoplast of spermagonium Protoplast of oogonium (spore-mother-cell) (spore-mother-cell) 4- >l< 4^ 4^ Reduction '^ ^ ^ ^ Spore Spore Spore Spore Spore Spore Spore Spore 64 sperms 8 less 4 eggs (Reduced male gametophyte) (Reduced female gametophyte) Oosperms (rest) Spermagonial-plants Oogonial-plants (Sporophytes) (Sporophytes) 226. The Cause of Sex. — One of the many very inter- esting things revealed by a study of the life history of Ascophyllum nodosum is the fact that part of the fertilized eggs give rise to plants that bear only male gametes, and the remainder to plants that bear only female gametes. Since the fundamentally different individuals develop under identically the same environmental influences, we are forced to the inference that the difference lies in the fertilized eggs themselves. Some of them appear to be male-producing, others female-producing. In what does this fundamental difference consist? Here is a very important problem, but further consideration of it must be postponed until Chapter XXII. x6 CHAPTER XVIII LIFE HISTORIES OF ALG^ (CONCLUDED) DICTYOTA DICHOTOMA 227. Habitat. — ^Like Ascophyllum and Fucus, Dictyota dichotoma grows chiefly along the ocean margins in the zone between the lines of high and low tide. It is thus subjected to alternate wetting and drying, and to rhyth- mically alternating changes of light and temperature. It m^^'^^'^iK^TTlH ^Br\' 1 :-k , ' i ^ . ' ^jI^ ^\_ 1 \ k M^^^^^k B^S^ Fig. 177. — Dictyota dichotoma. Left, sporogonial plant; right sperma- gonial (gametophytic) plant. (After W. D. Hoyt.) is found from as far north as the middle of the Scandi- navian peninsula to about 40° south latitude. 228. Description.— The plant body (Fig. 177) is a thallus, flat, and branching profusely by forking at the 242 LIFE HISTORIES OF ALGiK 243 tips, i.e.y dichotomously (whence the nsime dicholoma) , but showing no differentiation into anything like stem and leaf. One end of the plant is differentiated into a special branching organ, the hold-fast, by which it becomes attached to rocks, shells, and other convenient solids. As in Fucus, again, the green chlorophyll is masked by a brown pigment, which indicates the relationship of the plant to the Brown seaweeds, or Phaeophyceae. There are two kinds of branches — cylindrical ones which are sterile, and others more strap-shaped, or ribbon-like, which eventually bear the reproductive organs. Vegetative multiplication may occur by the separation of portions of the thallus, which may become established as independent plants. In some species of Didyota, specially differentiated bodies have been noted, resembling the brood-buds or gemmae, such as occur in some of the liver- worts and mosses. 229. Reproduction. — With reference to reproductive organs, three kinds of plants occur : 1. Plants bearing asexual spores only (asexual). 2. Plants bearing oogonia only (female). 3. Plants bearing antheridia only (male). But the most interesting feature in this connection is that the plants of all three groups look very much alike, except, of course, for their different kinds of reproductive organs, and for unimportant individual variations. Oogonia and antheridia are both produced from surface cells. The surface cell first divides into a smaller stalk- cell, and a larger external one, rich in protoplasm, which forms the gametes. The protoplast of the oogonium does not divide, as in Ascophyllum and Fucus, but develops into only one very large egg; while the protoplast of the 244 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES antheridium continues to divide until as many as 1,500 or more sperms are formed in each one. Since the antheridia occur in groups oisori (Figs. 178 and 179), the total num- FiG. 178. — Diclyola dichotoma. Cross-section of a male thallus, show- ing the comparative development of the antheridial sori, and the tufts of hairs which are scattered over the frond, a, young sorus; h, older sorus; c, sorus opened. The sperms have been set free. There remain only the cells which form the involucre, d, tuft of very young hairs; e, tuft of older hairs; /, the same fully developed. X about 35. (After Thuret.) SoOOiOSoo SgS; Qino- Fig. 179. — Dictyota dichotoma. A, vertical section through portion of sorus, showing antheridia; B, sperms. (Redrawn from J. Lloyd Wil- liams.) ber of sperms formed on one plant, or even in one sorus, is enormous. The oogonia may occur singly or in groups (Fig. 180). LIFE HISTORIES OF ALGiE 245 230. Discharge of Gametes. — As in Ascophyllum, both kinds of gametes are set free at the same time, before fertilization. Recent studies have disclosed the very interesting fact that their discharge occurs at rhythmic intervals of about two weeks, synchronizing with the periods of high and low tide. The advantages of this, if any, are not apparent, and the periodicity persists in plants placed in jars of sea-water in the laboratory, and even with branches newly developed in the laboratory, and thus Fig. 180. — Dictyota dichotoma (Huds.) Lamx. Longitudinal section of an oogonial sorus. (After Bornet and Thuret.) never (as branches) subjected to the variations of the tide. So close, however, is che harmony between tidal periods and discharge of gametes, that the exact day of their dis- charge, at any given station, can be predicted (with an error, at most, of only one day) by consulting the tide- tables for the given station. 231. Fertilization. — From the freshly liberated eggs there diffuses through the water some unknown substance which attracts the sperms. The latter respond to this stimulus by swimming toward the egg. One of them 246 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES enters it, and makes its way through the cytoplasm to the egg-nucleus (Fig. 181), with which it fuses, thus completing the act of fertilization. The other sperms come to rest outside the egg, and finally disintegrate. If eggs liberated at different periods occur in the water together, the sperms will swim toward those liberated last, in preference to the others. As soon as fertilization has been accomplished, the oosperm begins to divide, and develops into a new plant , which finally comes to resemble externally the ones that bore the antheridia and oogonia. 4 r ,/ Fig. 181. — Dictyota dicholoma. At the left, section of newly liberated egg; «, egg; cyto, cytoplasm of egg; sp, three of the numerous sperms ap- proaching the egg to fertilize it. At the right, portion of a section of an egg after one of the sperms (shown at the right of the egg-nucleus, en) has entered; sp, sperms that have not entered. The fusion of the sperm with the egg nucleus has been delayed, and the sperm has greatly increased in size. (Redrawn from J. Lloyd Williams.) 232. Asexual Reproduction. — The plants that develop from fertilized eggs never bear antheridia and oogonia, but non-motile, asexual spores only. These are set free at irregular intervals, and never at rhythmic periods like the gametes. They are produced by two successive divisions of a spore-mother-cell, and thus occur in groups of four (tetrads) ; the plants that bear them are commonly referred LIFE HISTORIES OF ALG^E 247 to as tetrasporic plants. When the tetraspores are set free they soon become attached to some solid object, and, like the fertilized eggs, develop into plants that externally resemble, at maturity, those bearing tetraspores. Thus, the plants produced by the fertilized eggs and by the tetra- spores closely resemble each other in all vegetative characters; they differ externally only in the kind of reproductive organs they bear. 233. Alternation of Generations. — Although the Dic- tyota plants developed from zygotes and spores look alike, /. Fig. 182. — Dictyota dichotoma. A, Vertical section, transverse to the axis of the thallus, showing a polar view of the nuclear plate in the first division of the antheridium. C, Similar view of the first division of the oogonium; B, similar view of the first nuclear division of the fertilized egg. Note that the reduced (haploid) number of chromosomes in A and C is 16, while the fertilized egg (B) shows the diploid number (32). (Redrawn from J. Lloyd Williams.) it is obvious that the products of the tetraspore, since they bear gametes, and never spores, are gametophytes; and the products of the fertilized egg, since they bear spores only, and never gametes, are sporophytes. These facts have only recently been established by careful experi- mental cultures. There is thus a true alternation of generations, although, in marked contrast to the ferns and mosses, the plant bodies of the two generations are 248 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES vegetatively alike. Obviously we would expect all the cells of the gametophyte to bear the reduced or haploid number of chromosomes, and all the cells of the zygote or sporophyte, the diploid number. Such is the case. Fig. 182, C, shows a section of an oogonium with the nucleus in its first division, and the number of chromosomes (16) may be easily counted. In Fig. 182, A, is shown the divid- ing nucleus of the antheridium also with 16 chromosomes. In the fertilized egg (Fig. 182, B) the diploid number (32) may readily be counted. Since Dictyota is dioecious, we must infer that the tetraspores, though looking alike ex- ternally, are fundamentally different internally, since part of them give rise to antheridial or male plants^ and part to oogonial or female plants. 234. Reduction. — Since all the cells of the sporophyte (tetrasporic plant) contain the diploid number of chromo- somes, and all the cells of the gametophytes the reduced number, the question naturally arises, where does re- duction take place? It occurs in the two divisions that result in the formation of the tetraspores; each of the latter possess the reduced number, whereas the spore- mother-cell is diploid. From this we learn that reduction may occur at different points in the life-cycle in different forms. In Ascophyllum it occurs in the nuclear divisions immediately preceding the formation of the gametes; in Dictyota, immediately preceding the formation of the spores, while between reduction and the formation of gametes occur the innumerable cell-divisions that give rise to the body of the gametophyte. 235. Life-cycle of Dictyota. — The life-cycle of Dictyota may be diagrammed thus : LIFE HISTORIES OF ALG^ 249 OUTLINE OF LIFE HISTORY OF DICTYOTA Antheridial-plant Oogonial-plant (Male gametophyte) (Female gametophyte) 4, 4. Antheridium Oogonium 4- 4. Sperm Fertilization Oosperm (zygote) 4.4, Tetraspo ric-plant (Sporophyte) II Sporangium Spore-mother-cell \, \. \, \. \Reduction Tetra- Tetra- Tetra- Tetra- spore spore spore spore 4^ 4* 4" 4' Male Male Female Female gameto- gameto- gameto- gameto phyte phyte phyte phyte 236. Effect of Environment. — How is the similarity in external appearance of the alternating generations of Dictyota to be explained? We cannot say for certain. The two generations start from reproductive cells (zygotes and spores) that are profoundly unlike in their internal organization, but it must be borne in mind that both generations develop under practically identical external conditions — the surrounding ocean-water, with alternate exposure and immersion at low and high tides. This would tend to influence the plant bodies alike, and has been suggested by some botanists as an explanation of the resemblance of the two kinds of generations. In the case of ferns and mosses the environment of the two 250 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES generations is not alike. The sporophyte, for example, begins life as a parasite on the gametophyte, while the gametophyte leads an independent existence from the start. The reader may also recall other differences. The question we have here raised, however, is a very funda- mental one, and will be further discussed in Chapter XXII. ULOTHRIX 237. Habitat. — The genus Ulothrix occurs everywhere, from pole to pole, in fresh water. 238. Description. — The plant body (Fig. 262) is usually a simple thread of cells, though in exceptional cases the cell-divisions result in a cell-plate instead of a thread.^ All the cells are similar in appearance and structure, except the basal one, by which the plant is attached to some solid body. This cell is somewhat larger than the others, possesses less pigment, and is suitably modified to serve as an organ of attachment, or hold-fast. The protoplast of each cell possesses one nucleus, surrounded by the green, cylindrical chloroplast. No other pigment occurs, and therefore Ulothrix belongs to the Chlorophyceae, or green algae. Photosynthesis, of course, takes place, and a portion of the photosynthate may become transformed into starch, the presence of which is easily demonstrated by the usual test with iodine. 239. Asexual Reproduction. — Every cell of the plant, except the hold-fast, is capable of functioning as a re- productive cell, and two methods of reproduction are common. In one case the entire protoplast of a cell ^ These two forms of plant bodies are sometimes designated by the terms "linear aggregate" (a filament) and "superficial aggregate" (a plate). LIFE HISTORIES OF ALG^ 25 1 becomes organized into from one to eight motile spores (zoospores, or swarm-spores), each with, four cilia and a red ''eye-spot." The zoospore escapes by swimming through a small opening in the cell-wall, attaches itself by its ciliate end, and by a series of cell-divisions produces a new filament like the one from which it came. In this case it is evident that the zoospore, reproducing without cell-fusion, is an asexual spore, and that the mother-cell from which it came functioned as a sporangium. 240. Sexual Reproduction. — Other cells of the same filament that produced the asexual zoospores, may, by successive nuclear and cell-divisions, become divided into as many as 1 6 to 64, or even more, independent motile cells, each with a red "eye-spot," but. with only two cilia. Like the zoospores, they escape by swimming through an opening in the wall of the mother-cell. Occasionally one of them comes to rest and begins germination, but the process never continues far enough to produce a new plant. More commonly, two of these cells come together and fuse, showing that they are, in reality, gametes. Since the gametes are similar in size they are termed equal gametes, or isogametes. The fusion of two isogametes is called conjugation, to distinguish it from the fusion of un- equal gametes; it is essentially the same as fertilization. Whether or not reduction occurs, in the nuclear and cell- divisions that result in the formation of the isogametes, is not known. 241. Germination. — After the fusion of the gametes the zygote at once begins to increase in size, but soon its cell- wall becomes thickened, and then the protoplast divides into a number of swarm-spores, each of which, when set free, may develop into a new plant. 252 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES OUTLINE OF LIFE HISTORY OF ULOTHRIX Plant Body (Undifferentiated into gametophyte and sporophyte stages) i i i i Physiological Physiological Sporangium Gametangium 4- 4- 4, >t ) Reduction Zoospore Isogamete Isogamete I i ^^-^„^Conj ligation ^^0^ Plant Body ^"^■^-^ l^X^^ (Undifferentiated into Zygote gametophyte and sporo- I I phyte stages) Swarm-spores 4. 4. Plant Body PLEUROCOCCUS 242. Habitat. — Everyone is familiar with the green layer found on the outer surface of the bark of trees, on Fig. 183. — Individual plants of green slime {Pleurococcus vulgaris), show- ing the tendency of the cells to remain attached after cell-divisions, thus causing transitions from a one-celled to a multi-cellular plant. wooden fences, and the moist shaded surfaces of stone steps or rocks. Careful observation will show that this crool is largely due to the presence of countless numbers LIFE HISTORIES OF ALG^ 253 of a tiny green plant, called Pleurococcus, usually of the species Pleurococcus vulgaris. The individual plants are so small that they may be seen only with the aid of the microscope (Fig. 183). An examination of the trees in any given locality will disclose the fact that Pleurococcus prefers one side of the tree to the other, and that the choice of sides has a direct relation to light, temperature, or moisture — one or all. Fig. 184. — Pleurococcus vulgaris. Sections of one-, two-, and four-celled plants, showing the nuclei and the large chlorophyll bodies (chb) to which the green color of the plants is due. In D, the larger chloroplast is shown in perspective. (Camera lucida drawings from a microscopic preparation by E. W. Olive.) 243. Structure. — No plant structure could be much simpler than that of Pleurococcus, for the plant body is a single cell, the simplest organic unit capable of independent existence. The protoplast possesses a well-defined nucleus and a chloroplast, and is surrounded by a cellulose cell- 2 54 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES wall (Fig. 184). We have here, in fact, a unicellular organism. 244. Reproduction. — The reproduction of Pleurococcus consists merely of the processes of cell-division, and the final separation of the daughter-cells. The latter may adhere until several divisions have occured, but eventually the middle layer of the cell-wall common to the two adjacent daughter-cells is dissolved, probably by an enzyme. The cells then separate from one another, and become independent plants, increasing in size, and soon repeating the simple reproductive process just described. 245. Simplicity of Pleurococcus. — The structure, life- processes, and life-relationships of plants could hardly find a more simple expression than in Pleurococcus. Morphologically the green plant is here reduced to its lowest terms. There is no differentiation into parts — no hold-fast, roots, or rhizoids, no shoot, no special reproductive organs. From the standpoint of physiology, every essential function is performed by the one cell — absorption of water and dissolved nutrient substances by osmosis through the cell- wall and plasma-membrane; photosynthesis, with entrance of carbon dioxide and exit of oxygen by diffusion through the membrane and cell- wall; respiration, with the accompanying exchange of gases in the same way; digestion, assimilation, and growth, resulting finally in reproduction by the division of the entire plant body into new individuals. So far as known, such processes as cell-fusion (in fertilization or conjugation), reduction, and alternation of genera- tions are entirely absent. Pleurococcus is a generalized plant, with almost no division of physiological labor. At one time the entire plant body functions vegetatively, LIFE HISTORIES OF ALG^ 255 that is, for the maintenance of the individual; at another time the entire plant body functions reproductively, that is, for the maintenance of the race to which the individual belongs. 246. Life History of Pleurococcus. — The simple life- history of Pleurococcus may be briefly indicated as follows : OUTLINE OF LIFE HISTORY OF PLEUROCOCCUS Unicellular plant 4- Cell-divisions i Temporary cell-aggregates I Separation of daughter-cells Ar Ar Ar •\' Unicellu- Unicellu- Unicellu- Unicellu- lar plant lar plant lar plant lar plant CHAPTER XIX LIFE HISTORIES OF FUNGI 247. The Groups of Ftingi. — We are all more or less familiar with fungi, as represented by the common molds, mildews, toadstools, and mushrooms. They are all plants without chlorophyll, and are therefore dependent upon green plants for their nourishment. The Greek word for fungi is mycetes, and this word terminates the names of the various groups, as follows: 1. Phycomycetes, alga-Hke fungi; so-called because they closely resemble certain algae, except for the lack of chlorophyll. 2. Ascomycetes, sac-fungi; so-called because their asexual spores are formed in tiny sacs (asci) 3. Basidiomycetes, with spores borne on little club-shaped hy^Yidd, or basidia. In- clude the smuts, rusts, and mushrooms. AN ALGA-LIKE FUNGUS (RHIZOPUS) 248. Habitat. — Everyone is acquainted with "bread mold," a plant without chlorophyll, and having a fila- mentous plant body. There are many kinds of fila- mentous fungi, more or less closely related to Rhizopus, and growing on various substances or "substrata." They all agree in at least three points: (i) they are always filamentous; (2) they never possess chlorophyll; (3) they always grow on some organic substratum. The sub- 256 LIFE HISTORIES OF FUNGI 257 stratum is also usually moist. Partly as a result of their presence, the substratum on which they grow is usually disintegrating with decay. From these facts Rhizopus is called a saprophyte} The most common species is Rhizopus nigricans. 249. How Obtained. — Rhizopus, or almost any other filamentous fungus, may be readily obtained by sowing its spores on a suitable substratum. But, unlike the higher plants, Rhizopus may ordinarily be obtained merely by exposing moist bread, or other nutritive substance, to the air. In the course of time, without one's sowing any spores, colonies of the plant will appear, and this clearly demonstrates the very interesting fact that these spores are always floating in the air in greater or less abundance. When the moist bread is exposed, some of the floating spores come to rest upon it, and there, under favoring conditions of moisture, temperature, and light they germinate, and develop new plants. 250. Description of Plant Body. — The plant body of Rhizopus (Fig. 185) consists of a slender, thread-like filament, called the mycelium, branching freely, devoid of chlorophyll, and growing over the surface of the substratum. The threads of mycehum are termed hyphce. Careful examination with the microscope dis- closes the fact that the hyphae are largely or wholly aseptate, that is, not divided by cross-walls or septa. The plant body, therefore, consists of one cell, though there are several to many nuclei distributed through the cytoplasm; such a structure is termed a coenocyte} ^ From the Greek, sapros (aairpos), rotten, + phyton {ipvrSv), a plant. 2 Greek, koivos {koinos), common, -1- kvtos (kutos), a hollow (cell). 17 258 STRUCTURE AND LIFE feCSTORIES The protoplasm appears to be streaming in a constant current in one direction, and this is thought to be due to the evaporation of water from surfaces more exposed to the air, and the intake of more water from the substratum, by osmosis. Fig. 185. — Bread mold {Rhizopus nigricans). A, older plant; myc, mycelia; sph, sporangiophore; sp, sporangium; st, stolon produced by A, and giving rise at its tip to a new plant, B. Greatly enlarged. 251. Secretion of a Powerful Poison. — In the course of some experiments, made in order to determine the cause of sex in the mucors, Blakeslee and Gortner in- jected into the ear of a healthy rabbit some of the juice, squeezed out of the mycelium of Rhizopus nigricans. To their great surprise the animal died almost instantly, before the injection was completed. Further experi- ments clearly demonstrated that Rhizopus contains a powerful poison (or toxin) ^ which is soluble in water, but which produces its effect only when introduced into the circulatory system. When this expressed juice was fed to the rabbits, or when they ate the mycelium, no LIFE HISTORIES OF FUNGI 259 harmful result followed. The discoverers of the toxin suggest that the discovery may possibly throw light on ''pellagra" and some of the destructive diseases of cattle, such as "cornstalk-disease," and the "horse-disease," prevalent in some of our western states, and for some time thought to be due to some food-impurity. 262. Vegetative Mtiltiplication. — At various points the mycelium produces one or more upright, aerial hyphae, 15 to 20 millimeters high, and of larger diameter than the mycelial hyphae. One or more of these hyphse eventu- ally bend over and grow for a short time along the surface of the substratum, like the stolons or "runners" of such plants as strawberries. Finally, at their free ends there develop slender hyphse that penetrate the sub- stratum, like rhizoids, and another group of the larger, aerial hyphae, one or more of which may repeat the process just described. The formation of these stolons suggested a former name of the plant, viz., Mucor stolonifer. 253. Asexual Reproduction. — At the tip of each up- right hypha there develops a globular sporangium, and hence the hypha is called a sporangiophore (Fig. i86). The protoplasm is constantly streaming up the sporangiophore, getting more and more dense toward the sporangium, and contains large numbers of nuclei. Further down, to- ward the base of the sporangiophore, the protoplasm becomes thinner and thinner, and the nuclei, fewer in number, finally disintegrate. In the meantime the tip of the sporangiophore increases in size until the globular sporangium is formed, rich in cytoplasm and nuclei. By degrees the protoplasm becomes more dense toward the periphery, and gradually thinner toward the central portion, where large numbers of vacuoles develop. Soon 26o STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES a well-marked cleft separates the denser peripheral pro- toplasm from the thinner central portion, which now develops into a little column, ox columella (Fig. i86). In the Fig. 1 86. — Rhizopus nigricans, i, Young sporangium, showing cyto- plasm and nuclei streaming up the sporangiophore into the sporangium and out toward the periphery. 2, Sporangium of nearly full size. The differentiation between the dense peripheral and the looser central plasms is clearly shown. Nuclei are still passing from the central to the periph- eral regions along the fine strands of cytoplasm. X about 200. (After D. B. Swingle.) (Cf. Figs. 187 and 188.) meantime innumerable furrows develop in the denser plasm, first at the periphery and then working their way in from the columella cleft. By the time the two sets of furrows LIFE HISTORIES OF FUNGI 261 meet, the dense protoplasm has been cut up into innumer- able, more or less angular masses, each surrounded by a plasma-membrane, and containing from two to six nuclei Fig. 187. — RhizopHS nigricans, i, Full-sized sporangium, showing layer of vacuoles nearly formed along the inner surface of the denser plasm, X about 200. 2, Section passing to one side of the sporangiophore, showing columella-cleft being formed by fusion of the vacuoles shown in i, and. by a furrow from the base of the sporangium, X about 200; 3, Detail of another part of same sporangium as shown in 2, showing early cleavage furrows, X about 850. (After D. B. Swingle.) (Cf. Figs. 186 and 188). each (Fig. 187). These finally become entirely separated from each other, oval in shape, and surrounded by a wall of fungus cellulose (chitin?) having clearly marked ridges (Fig. 188). They are asexual spores, but differ from the 262 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES spores of ferns, mosses, liverworts, and algae by usually, if not always, possessing more than one nucleus. They secrete a slimy substance in which they are imbedded. Fig. 188. — Rhizopus nigricans, i, Section of sporangium, showing cleavage of peripheral cytoplasm much further advanced than in Fig. 187. Furrows are here cutting outward from the columella cleft, X about 200; 2, section of sporangium in which the spores are completely formed, rounded up, and surrounded by thin walls. The columella wall is also formed, X about 200; 3, ripe spores in their living condition, showing variations in size, and ridges on their walls, X over 350. (After D. B. Swingle.) (Cf. Figs. 186 and 187.) When ripe the wall of the sporangium bursts open (Fig. i8q), and the spores, thus set free, float away through the air in countless millions. So widely and so thickly are LIFE HISTORIES OF FUNGI 263 they distributed that a piece of moist bread, or a jar of canned fruit, left exposed for only a brief period, in almost any locality, will, as noted above, soon become "moldy" from the growth of mycelium produced by their germina- tion. On account of the practically universal distribution of ''bread mold" its spores are, of course, commonly Fig. iBg—Rhizoptis nigricans. A, Young sporangium, showing col- umella within; B, older sporangium, with the wall removed, showing ripe spores covering the columella; C, D, views of the collapsed columella after dissemination of the spores. present in the air of laboratories, where the mold is a great pest, and has therefore won the appropriate title of ''laboratory weed." 254. Sexual Reproduction. — When the hyphae of mycelia derived from spores of different sex-value are intermingled they frequently develop short lateral branches, which grow out toward each other until their tips come in contact (Fig. 190). The rich protoplasmic contents at the tips are cut off from the remainder of the coenocytic mycelium, the walls in contact with each other become dissolved,^ and the two protoplasmic masses fuse. This will be recognized as conjugation; the fusing masses of protoplasm are isogametes, and the cut-off tips of the conjugating branches function as gametangia. ^ Probably by enzyme action, though this has not been actually demonstrated. 264 STRUCTURE AND LITE HISTORIES After the zygote is formed, the outer wall thickens and assumes certain external characteristics, easily recog- nized. It also becomes black as it ripens, and this fact has given rise to the common name, "black mold." In this condition the zygote rests, as a zygospore. Fig. 190. — Sexual reaction between a hermaphroditic Mucor and (+) and ( — ) races of a dioecious species. Diagrammatic representation of a Petri dish culture showing a heterogamic hermaphroditic mucor (^) in the center separated by channels on either side from the (+) and (— ) races, respectively, of a dioecious species. Sp., sporangia containing spores by means of which the plant may be reproduced nonsexually. 1-6, stages in development of a hermaphroditic zygospore from unequal male and female gametes. A, sexual reaction between a ( — ) filament and fe- male gamete. B, sexual reaction between a ( +) filament and male gamete. C, a male zygospore formed at stimulus of contact with a (+) filament. (After Blakeslee.) 256. Germination. — At the close of the resting period, and under favorable conditions of temperature and mois- ture, the zygote germinates, sending out an erect hypha, which at once develops a globular sporangium at its apex. The asexual spores from this sporangium become the starting point of another series of changes like those just described. 256. Sexuality of Rhizopus. — It is well known that, while conjugation often occurs freely between mycelia from different spores, in other cases it fails entirely. The explanation of this was not known until about eight years LIFE HISTORIES OF FUNGI 265 ago, when it was discovered that there are, in reality, two unlike strains of Rhlzoptis-mycelmm, and therefore two kinds of spores. The two kinds of mycelia are designated Fig. 191. — Petri-dish culture showing dark line of zygospores between the (+) and ( — ) strains of a dioecious species of mo\d,'C/i(>anephora (Mc) and white lines of "imperfect hybridization" between the strains of this species and the opposite strains of JMucor V (Mv). Note the total absence of zygospore formation between two (+) or two ( — ) strains. (After Blakeslee.) as (+) and (— ). When the interminghng hyphae are of h'ke strains, either all (+) or all ( — ), conjugation fails completely, but when they are from unlike strains, zygo- spores form in great abundance. This fact is strikingly 266 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES shown in Fig. 191, which illustrates the result of growing mycelia from unlike strains side by side. The zone where they come into contact is sharply defined by the line of black zygospores, resulting from conjugation. 257. Distinction of Sexes. — When first discovered, the two unlike strains were designated as (+) and (— ), because it was not possible to decide, with certainty, which was male and which female. Externally both Fig. 192. — Diagram of life-cycle of a dioecious mold. strains looked very much alike, except that one appeared to be vegetatively more vigorous than the other. Recent experiments seem to indicate that the vegetatively more vigorous (+) strain is female, while the less vigorous (— ) strain is male. Not all molds are dmcious, like Rhizoi>tis, In some species the mycelium from a single spore produces conjugating branches of both (+) and LIFE HISTORIES OF FUNGI 267 (— ) value, which fuse and form a zygospore. Such mycelia are, of course, monoecious. The life-cycle of a dioecious mold is illustrated in Fig. 192. 258. Phycomycetes. — Rhizopus nigricans represents the group of Phycomycetes, lower fungi, often called "tube- fungi." The group is characterized by the tubular hyphae without septa. In this coenocytic character they re- semble the filamentous or tubular green algae (such as Vaucheria, or "green felt"), of which they are supposed to be degenerate descendants. 259. Life -cycle of Rhizopus. — The life-cycle of Rhizopus may be diagrammed as follows: OUTLINE OF LIFE HISTORY OF RHIZOPUS (+) Spore (-) Spore 4- I Mycelium Mycelium i i Gametangium Gametangium i 4. (+) Gamete (— ) Gamete Conjugati Zygospore 4.4. Germ-tube 4, I Sporangium 4^ I Reduction (-|-) Spores ( — ) Spores i i (-I-) Mycelium ( — ) Mycelium i 4, Sporangium Sporangium 4, 4- (+) Spore ( — ) Spore 268 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES A SAC-FUNGUS (MICROSPHiERA) 260. Habitat and Structure. — The fungus, Micro- sphcera, may be found growing on the leaves of the lilac, and is commonly called ''powdery mildew." The my- FiG. 193. — Lilac mildew {Microsphara Alni). The white areas are the mycelia of the fungus, growing over the surface of the leaf. The tiny black dots are the perithecia, which contain the asci. celium is septate, and forms a web over the surface of the leaf (Fig. 193), sending down haustoria into the epidermal cells, to secure nourishment, and sending up short branches (conidiophores), each bearing a chain of colorless spores {conidia) . LIFE HISTORIES OF FUNGI 269 261. Reproduction by Asci. — In late summer or early fall one may notice, on an infected leaf, among the my- celium, tiny black dots or spheres (Fig. 194), whence the name, Microsphcera. Examined with the microscope, these bodies are seen to bear numerous appendages, branched at the end, and with the tips of the branches curved back to form miniature hooks (Fig. 195). When these little spheres are crushed, or when they burst open, they are found to con- FiG. 194. — Powdery mildew {MicrospJmra Alni) on lilac leaf. An in- fected area from the leaf in Fig. 193, greatly magnified. tain a number of tiny sacs or asci (singular ascus), whence the name "sac-fungus," or Ascomycete. In each ascus are a number of spores or ascospores, formed from the con- tents of the ascus. The young ascus is, therefore, a spore- mother-cell. There are usually eight ascospores in an ascus, but the number may vary. The spherical case containing the asci is the '^spore- fruit" (ascocarp or perithecium) , and results from the fusion of the contents of an antheridium and an oogonium 270 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES (Fig. 185). The cells from this point on, to and including the formation of the ascus, are diploid, and therefore constitute the sporophytic generation. Fig. 195. — Lilac mildew {Microsphcera Alni). A, perithecium, with appendages; B, perithecium, showing asci (a); C, an ascus, containing ascospores; D, conidiophore (cph), bearing a chain of conidia (conidio- spores, c.s); E, beginning of fertilization; antli, antheridium; car, carpo- gonium; F, later stage in fertilization; the contents of the antheridium and carpogonium have fused; /, fusion of the two nuclei; G, germination of ascospore (a.s); g.t, germ tube. (£ and F after R. A. Harper.) 262. Germination. — Reduction occurs during the forma- tion of the ascospores. When an ascospore germinates it develops directly into a mycelium. 263. Life-cycle. — The Hfe-cycle of Microsphcera may be tabulated as follows: UTE HISTORIES OF FUNGI 27 1 OUTLINE OF LIFE HISTORY OF MICROSPH^RA Spore (conidium) I Mycelium 4. Antheridium^ Spore (conidium) 4. Mycelium i Oogonium* Zygote in ascocarp (Sporophyte) Ascogenous hyphae 4. 4. Young asci ^ } Reduction Ascospores (Gametoph^'te') I Mycelium I " Conidiophore 4. Conidium (Conidiospore) Fig. 196. — A "cup-fungus," Peziza sylvestris. (Photo by F. J. Seaver). ^ In MicrosphcBra there is only a slight morphological diflferentiation of the gametes. 272 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES 264. Other Sac -fungi. — Between 25,000 and 30,000 species of sac-fungi have been described. Some of them are filamentous, like the lilac-mildew, while some are fleshy, like the common ''cup-fungi'' (Fig. 196). The edible morel, Morchella esculenta, (Fig. 197) is an Asco- mycete, and the common yeast referred to in the chapter on fermentation (Fig. 60) is also classed here because, in one of its methods of reproduction the unicellular plant Fig. 197. — The morel, Morchella esculenta. (Photo by W. A. Murrill.) body functions as a spore-mother-cell, the protoplast becoming organized into spores (ascospores) , and the wall of the mother-cell serving as an ascus. A "RUST" FUNGUS (WHEAT RUST) 265. Importance. — One of the most important, as well as most difficult, fungi to understand is the wheat rust (Puccinia graminis). This fungus is important because LIFE HISTORIES OF FUNGI 273 it attacks some of the most valuable of all agricultural crops (wheat, oats, rye, barley, etc.), causing, at times, millions of dollars worth of damage.* It is difficult to understand because it is heterxcious — that is, lives alter- nately on two different plants, the barberry and the grain. For many years the form on the grain was supposed to be quite another plant from that on the barberry, which was called jEcidium herheridis. 266. Life History. — a. Red Rust Stage. — The mycelium of red rust (uredo stage) grows between the cells of the stem and leaves of the wheat, or other grain, and finally during the summer, numerous sporophores, bearing red spores {uredinios pores), break through the epidermis (Fig. 198), producing reddish or rusty-looking dots and lines, whence the name ''rust" for the plant. The one- celled uredinio-spores are easily blown by the wind in great numbers to other wheat plants, where they germ- inate, and thus spread the rust widely and rapidly. b. Black Rust Stage. — In late summer the same myce- lium develops an entirely different kind of spore, two- celled, and black. These are the final spores of the season, the teliospores (or teleutos pores), and in them the nuclear fusions occur. They rest over winter, and germinate the following spring, each cell usually sending forth a hypha commonly composed of four cells, which constitute the hasidium (promycelium) . Each of these cells produces a tiny sporophor.e, bearing at its tip a single basidiospore (sporidium). Reduction occurs during germination. c. Barberry Stage. — The basidiospores are blown by the *The financial loss from wheat-rust in the United States amounted to $67,000,000 in 1891; in 1904 the loss in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota alone was estimated at $25,000,000. 18 274 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES ^^ss ^ (U tn »-i O 2 2-2 W 3 D ^ ^^ -.2 <^ CQ c3 G S H , tfl .^ 5 O ^ ^ o «3 c^ S 'S.2.S g"-^ •" ^ K +-> o<5 O p § .- "] >.:d ::.2 « s 2 "^ o c " •-* ^ ^-2 ^^3 =^ -< ^ T-l g^ o axi g g rt ^ "^ - ^"^^"^ M o ^ s ■ " tn w I, O • -^ ^ >> 3 3 £ boo o 1-5 "5 •M to jd ^ <+-' -« LIPE HISTORIES OF FUNGI 275 wind to the leaves of nearby barberry bushes, where they germinate. The resulting myceHum penetrates the epi- dermis, and ramifies between the cells of the leaf paren- chyma, from which it absorbs nourishment. Under certain circumstances, as for example in Austraha where barberries do not grow, the barberry stage is eliminated. Soon this mycehum develops a reproductive structure called the pycnium (pycnidium or spermagonium), which breaks through the upper epidermis and produces innu- merable pycnios pores (spermatia). The real nature of this structure is not known. OUTLINE OF LIFE HISTORY OF WHEAT RUST Rust on Grain ,~ TT TT Urediniospores (early summer) Teliospores (late summer) 4-4- . J-i Germination Rest (Nuclear fusion) Mycelium Germination ii 4-4- Urediniospores Basidium 4-4' 4' \Redtiction Germination Sterigmata ii 4. Etc. Basidiospores (sporidia) I To barberry 4. 4. Pycnia ^cia [Cell-fusion) I i4. ? ^ciospores Rust- on grain Near the lower epidermis are formed the ''cluster- cups," or (Ecia^ (aecidia). They break through to the ^ Sing, oscium. 276 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES outer surface, and the countless numbers of ceciospores are carried by the wind to nearby wheat, where they, in turn, germinate, and the complicated series of events begins again. 267. Diagram of Life History. — The Kfe history of Puccinia graminis may be outlined as shown on page 275. A FLESHY FUNGUS (AGARICUS) 268. Habitat. — Fleshy fungi are found widely dis- tributed, growing in the soil of fields, pastures, and Fig. 199 — Meadow mushroom {Agaricus campestris L.). A, view showing under side of pileus; g, gills; a, annulus, or remains of the veil attached to the stipe; B, side view; s, stipe; a, annulus; p, margin of pileus, showing at intervals the remains of the veil. (After W. A. Murrill.) woods, or on tree trunks, decaying logs, and elsewhere. The familiar edible mushroom (Agaricus campestris), as its name implies, grows commonly in meadows, and is hence often called the "meadow mushroom'^ (Fig. 199)- One of the most poisonous species, Amanita phalloides, LIFE HISTORIES OF FUNGI 277 (Fig. 200), resembles Agaricus superficially and is often mistaken for it. Amanita always has, at the base of the stalk, a cup, which Agaricus lacks. 269. Description. — The body of Agaricus consists of a Fig. 200. — The deadly amanita, Amanita phalloidcs. Note the cup at the base of the stipe. (Photo by E. M. Kittredge.) short fleshy stalk (the stipe), having numerous root-like hyphge {rJiizomorphs) penetrating the soil from its lower end, and bearing at its upper end an umbrella-shaped expansion, the pileus. On the under side of the pileus are numerous thin lamellae or gills. The stalk and pileus are 278 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES composed of innumerable hyphae (Fig. 201), closely asso- ciated together in a pseudo-tissue, but there is no real Fig. 201. — Coriinarhis cinnamomeus. Above, longitudinal section through stipe and pileus, showing gills (g); below, longitudinal section through primary and secondary gills; h, hymenium or sporogenous surf ace. (After Gertrude E. Douglas.) tissue-differentiation, such as occurs in the mosses and ferns and higher plants, though the external layer may usually be peeled off with ease. 270. Reproduction.— If the pileus of Agaricus is placed LIFE HISTORIES OF FUNGI 279 Fig. 202. — Spore-print of the fly agaric {Amanita muscaria L.). The spore-print is made by laying the pileus, gills downward, on a sheet of black paper. The white spores fall onto the paper, making the print. (Photo by W. A. Murrill.) Fig. 203. — Fruiting surface (hymenium) of a mushroom {Agaricus). m, hyphse of the trama and sub-hymenium; 6, basidium; st, sterigma; sp, spores. (Diagrammatic.) 28o STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES with the gills down over a piece of white paper, and left for a few hours, a dark purplish deposit will form in lines under each gill. With Amanita the color is white. This deposit (the ''spore-print ") is composed of spores, shed from the surfaces of the gills (Fig. 202). Microscopic examina- FiG. 204. — •The meadow mushroom {Agaricus campestris, var. Colum- bia.) Young fruiting bodies (carpophores). The mycelial hyphae are in the substratum. (Photo by G. F. Atkinson.) tion discloses the fact that the gills are composed of a net- work of hyphae. Their surface is covered with innumer- able short, thick, club-shaped bodies, filled with proto- plasm (Fig. 203 ) . These are the basidia (singular basidium) . Fungi which bear basidia are grouped together as Basidio- mycetes. At the tip of each basidium are two tiny projec- LIFE HISTORIES OF FUNGI 281 tions, the sterigmata (singular, sterigmaY, and on the end of each sterigma is a spore (basidiospore). In the early stages of development the gills appear white, at maturity they are purplish, and, at about the time the spores are shed, they become dark brown. Although many pains- taking experiments have been made in order to secure the germination of the spores, no one has ever been successful. Whether or not the mushroom is produced from spores in nature we can only conjecture. No sexual organs have ever been discovered on any of the fleshy Basidiomycetes. Fig. 205. — The common mushroom [Agaricus campestris). Young "but- tons." (Photo by G. F. Atkinson.) 271. Vegetative Propagation.— The meadow-mushroom is propagated for food from "bricks" of mycelium, or ''spawn" that may be purchased from seedsmen. When portions of these ''bricks" are placed in suitably prepared soil, under favorable conditions of moisture and heat, the mycelium resumes its growth, ramifying in all di- rections through the soil. At numerous points on the mycehum tiny little "buttons" form (Fig. 204). As the ^ In most of the gill-bearing fungi there are four sterigmata on each basidium, as shown in Fig. 203. 282 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Fig. 206. — A pore-bearing fungus {Poly poms hetulimis). Under (fruit- ing) surface, showing the pores. ^ Fig. 207.— Giant puflfballs {Lycoperdon giganteum Botsch.). Note the size of the four specimens as compared with the egg and fruit in the center. (After W. A. Murrill.) LIFE HISTORIES OF FUNGI 283 buttons enlarge, a little chamber forms near the tip (Fig, 205), and into this chamber some of the hyphae grow, form- ing the ''gills," with their ''fruiting" surface. While the gills are forming other hyphas form a veil, extending from the stipe to the edge of the pileus, and protecting the gills until the spores are ripe. By continued growth of the pileus the veil becomes ruptured, thus allowing the spores to escape. It has been found that the spores do not merely fall from the sterigmata f rom their own weight, but that they are forcibly expelled. Entire new mushrooms may also be obtained by growing pieces of a young plant on suitable nutrient media. From such pieces mycehum is produced which ultimately bears the "buttons." OUTLINE OF LIFE HISTORY OF MEADOW-MUSHROOM Spore (Basidiospore) 4. Mycelium J- Binucleate cells 4.4. Young sporophore ("Buttons") Mature sporophore (the "Mushroom") \ ^!^^ Gills II Hymenium 4.4, Basidium {Nuclear fusion) 4, \ Reduction Sterigma i Spore (Basidiospore) 272. Other Classes of Fleshy Fungi.— In addition to the gill-bearing fungi (Agaricaceae) , there are many other families of Basidiomycetes, one bearing the fruiting sur- 284 STRUCTURE. AND LIFE HISTORIES face in tubes (Polyporaceae, Fig. 206), another on the sur- face of teeth or spines, on the under surface of the pileus (Hydnaceae) . The common "pufT-balls" are Basidio- mycetes, with the fruiting surface entirely enclosed in the more or less globular fruiting body, almost the entire contents of which break down into the powder or dust of the ripe puff-ball (Fig. 207). Over 14,000 species of Basidiomycetes have been described. 273. Life-cycle.- — The life-cycle of the meadow-mush- room (Agaricus campestris) may be indicated as shown on page 283. OTHER NON-GREEN PLANTS In addition to the true fungi, there are two other groups of non-green thallophytes which ought to be mentioned here, one (the Myxomycetes) because of their scientific interest; the other (bacteria) because of their economic importance. 274. Myxomycetes.— The myxomycetes are on the border-line between the kingdom of plants and that of animals. In some of their characters they so closely re- semble lower animals like the Amceba, that they have been claimed by the zoologists, under the name Mycetozoa (fungus-like animals). In their method of reproduction they are more like plants than like animals. The body of the organism is a large naked mass of protoplasm, called a Plasmodium, commonly found on old decaying logs, in tan-bark, and similar places, where moisture and organic food are abundant. The proto- plast flows over the surface on which it grows, like the Amodba, taking in nourishment, at times flowing around and thus injecting particles of food, assimilating, and growing in size. The protoplasm may be spread out in LIFE HISTORIES OF FUNGI 285 sheets or in a delicate network of strands, or both (Fig. 208). When viewed under the microscope the Fig. 208. — Plasmodium of a slime-mold (myxomycete), Fuligo sept lea, growing on the inner surface of a glass jar. The natural color was bright orange. protoplasm is seen to be in almost constant motion, flow- ing for about a minute in one direction; gradually slowing Fig. 209. — Fruiting bodies of a myxomycete {Comatricha suksdorfii E. and E.), greatly enlarged. (Photo from tyoe specimen.) up, it comes to rest, and then resumes its flowing, but in the opposite direction, also for about a minute. Different 286 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES species possess different colors, but they never possess chlorophyll. 275. Reproduction. — At a certain stage of development, the Plasmodium will begin to form tiny upright stalks, at the top of which will develop a spore-case, containing spores and capillitium (Fig. 209) . The capillitium consists of hygroscopic threads which aid in the dissemination of the spores. When the spores are ripe they are scattered Fig. -Kohlrabi, showing club-root, caused by a myxomycete, Plasmodia phor a hrassiccB. (Cf. Fig. 2.) by the wind, and each, on germination, produces a swarm- spore. A new Plasmodium results from the fusion of these swarm-spores. 276. Economic Importance. — The Myxomycetes have very little economic importance, but the disease of cab- bages, kohlrabi, and turnips, known as club-root, is caused by a siime-mold growing on the roots (Fig. 210). 277. Bacteria. — The bacteria are among the very LIFE HISTORIES OF FUNGI 287 simplest plant structures known. They are one-celled, but of many shapes, and with or without motile cilia. They include the smallest living things known. There are even reasons for believing that some forms are ultra- microscopic, that is, too small to be seen with the most powerful microscopes that can be made. Some forms are less than one fifty-thousandth of an inch in diameter. Of some kinds of bacteria, as many as 300 could be placed side by side on the period at the end of this sentence. In fact the word "microbe" means "tiny living thing, ''^ though not all microbes are bacteria. The germ of malaria, for example, is a microscopic animal (protozoon), resembling an Amesba. Several genera of bacteria are distinguished according to shape as, for example, Bacterium (non-motile rods), Bacillus (motile rods), Micrococcus (spherical). Spirillum (spiral threads) (Fig. 211). Fig. 211. — Various forms of bacteria, a, Spirillum; b, Bacillus typhosus; c, Staphylococcus; d, e, j, h, Micrococcus; f, k, I, Bacillus; g, Pseudomonas Pycocyanea; i, Streptococcus. They are found everywhere and multiply rapidly by cell-division, whence they are called "fission-fungi," or Schizomycetes. Not possessing chlorophyll, they are all, of course, either parasitic or saprophytic, some being highly beneficial — in fact indispensable — to man; others highly harmful, causing some of the worst known diseases of both plants and animals. ^ From the Greek ixiKpSs (mikros), small, + /3/os (bios), life. CHAPTER XX ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF FUNGI In the preceding chapter we have frequently referred to ways in which our own lives are related to the life of plants. It would be difficult to say what particular group of plants affects us most, but certainly none more than the fungi. They are among the direct causes of human sorrow and happiness, of health and disease, of poverty and wealth, hfe and death. They are at once the founda- tion and the arch enemy of agriculture, the objects and ob- stacles of commerce, the source and hindrance of human industry. EDIBLE FUNGI. 278. Mushrooms and Toadstools. — Everyone is familiar with edible ''mushrooms;" they are now on sale at every grocery. Nearly everyone thinks there is a difference between mushrooms and ^' toad-stools," Such, however, is not the case. These two terms are applied indiscrim- inately by the botanist to any ''fleshy " fungus. The word "mushroom" is used by most people to designate the meadow-agaric (Agaricus campestris) , which is the mush- room of commerce, par excellence. There are over i,ooo fleshy fungi that are good to eat, and many more that are not poisonous, but non-edible because they are tough, or fibrous, or ill-tasting. Many of those good to eat resemble the meadow-mushroom in having a stalk and gills, and are closely related to it (Fig. 212); while others, like the "puff-balls," 288 ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF FUNGI 289 belong to an entirely diiferent group. All puff-balls are good to eat when young. Many esteem the morel (Morchella esculenta) as a great delicacy. Fig. 212. — Shaggy-mane mushroom (Coprinus comatus). Edible before the spores turn black. 279. Criterion of Edibility. — Here, as elsewhere, there is no royal road, no short cut to knowledge. There are absolutely no external characteristics which distinguish edible from poisonous fungi. The only way to tell whether a given species is poisonous or not is to try it. Since this is so, it is best for the amateur not to make the endeavor, but to depend only upon the knowledge of an experienced mycologist. One should first seek to attain skill in determining the exact species of his specimen, and then follow the assurance, and especially the warnings, of some reliable book. In general, one should avoid all bright-colored species (although some of them are not poisonous), and all species that have a ''cup" at the base of the stalk, or stipe. To insure no mistak^^ in this latter point, one should always be sure that he has the base of the stipe, and has not broken it off above the base. Beginners should also avoid all specimens in the *' button" stage of development, as it is more difficult to determine the exact species at that stage. 19 290 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES 280. Mushroom Culture. — The growing of mushrooms for the market is a very important industry, especially in some localities. Cultures are usually started from ''spawn," obtained from the seedsman in the form of ''bricks." These bricks consist largely of mycelium, tightly pressed together. When the bricks are broken up and distributed through a "bed" of soil and manure, properly prepared, the mycelium resumes its growth, and soon begins to produce the "buttons" (Fig. 204), which finally develop into mature mushrooms. The industry is commonly carried on in cellars and caves. This is not necessary, for the meadow-mushroom, as its name clearly implies, grows in nature in open meadows and pastures. But, since the fungi have no chlorophyll, they do not need the light, and so space can be used for their culture that would not well serve any other useful purpose. FUNGI THAT CAUSE PLANT DISEASES 281. Govermnent Regulation. — Fungi that grow as parasites on green plants cause serious disturbances of the normal life-processes and structure of their hosts, interfering with healthy growth, and causing plant diseases. Since the fungi are reproduced by spores, these diseases may rapidly spread by contagion. On this account state legislatures and the national Congress have been obliged to pass stringent laws governing international and interstate traffic in plants liable to disease, providing for their careful inspection and quarantine. The United States Government maintains an expert pathologist continuously at the port of New York to inspect plants ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF FUNGI 29 1 imported from foreign countries. Sometimes whole cargoes of potatoes or other vegetables are refused en- trance at the port, and must then be taken to sea and dumped into the ocean, or else taken to the port of some other country where the regulations are less stringent or less rigidly inforced. 282. Diseases Caused by Phycomycetes. — Among the plant diseases caused by the alga-like fungi may be mentioned: Fig. 213. — "Little potatoes." A disease caused by the parasitic fungus, Rhizodonia {Corticium vagum var. solani Burt). 1. The ''damping-off fungus" {Pythium de Baryanum Hesse), which attacks young seedlings of beans and other plants near the surface of the ground, causing the tissues there to disintegrate, and the entire plant finally to wilt and die. 2. Brown rot of lemons, commonly seen in fruit that has been kept too long or in too damp a place. 3. *' Blister-blight" or white ''rust" of radishes and their relatives, such as shepherd's purse and mustard. 292 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES This fungus is known as Albugo Candida, or more recentl)* as Cystopiis candidus. 4. Downy mildew^ of grapes and cucumbers. Fig. 214. — Witches' brooms on the hackberry {Celtis occidentalis), caused by a gall-mite {Phyioplus sp.), or possibly by the mite in conjunc- tion with a powdery mildew {Sphcerotheca phytoptophyla), which is usually found on the "brooms." 5. Potato rot and "late blight," Phytophthora injestans (Mont.) DeBary. This disease was the cause of the failure of the potato crop and the consequent famine in ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF FUNGI 293 Ireland, in 1846-47. (The disease known as "little pota- toes" {Rhizoctonia) and by various other names (Fig. 213), is caused by one of the Basidiomycetes.) 283. Ascomycetes. — Among diseases caused by various species of sac-fungi are the following: Fig. 215. — Ergot {Claviceps purpurea). Sclerotia on wild rye {Elymus virginicus), at left; marsh grass {Spartina sp.), middle; cultivated rye {Secale cereale), at right. 1. Peach leaf-curl, plum pockets, and "witches brooms" (Fig. 214). 2. Brown rot of peach and plum. The damage caused by this disease in the state of Georgia alone, in 1900, amounted to nearly $700,000. 294 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Fig 2i6 — Two chestnut trees {Castanea dentata), killed by the destructive chestnut blight. (After W. A. Murrill.) ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF FUNGI 295 3. Alfalfa leaf-spot, the sooty mold of the orange, the powdery mildew of grapes and apples, the wilt disease of cotton and watermelon, the ergot of rye and other cereals (Fig. 215), the black knot of plums and cherries, and the disastrous chestnut disease of the eastern United States. 284. Chestnut Disease. — The chestnut disease (Fig. 216) first appeared in the vicinity of New York City about Fig. 217. — Map of the northeastern United States, showing the approxi- mate distribution of the chestnut bark disease in 1911. The disease has spread further since the map was made. Horizontal lines, area where majority of trees are dead; vertical lines, approximate area where infection is complete; dots, location of advance infections. (After Metcalf. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers Bull. 467.) 1904, and from there as a center it has rapidly spread until it has destroyed most of the chestnut trees within a radius of 150 to 200 miles of the city (Fig. 217). As many as 17,000 trees have been destroyed in the city of Brooklyn alone, entailing a total loss of several million :^96 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES dollars. The mycelium of the fungus that causes it (Endothia parasitica) grows underneath the bark, and for this reason it is practically impossible to check it Fig. 2 1 8. — Chestnut blight. Portion of a branch of an American chest- nut {Castanea dentata), which had been artificially inoculated with the spores of the chestnut-blight fungus, Endothia parasitica (Murr.) Anders. The white areas are infected spots. (After W. A. Murrill.) by spraying, as the bark protects the mycelium from all known spraying solutions. The fruiting pustules of the fungus form on the surface (Figs. 218 and 219). The ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF FUNGI 297 only method of checking the spread of the disease is to cut down and burn all affected trees. Millions of dollars worth of damage has been caused by this disease within the past seven or eight years. The financial loss in New York City and vicinity, alone, has been estimated at much more than $5,000,000, while the loss for the entire United States, up to 191 1, was estimated by the Federal Fig. 219. — Chestnut-blight fungus {Endothia parasitica). Fruiting pustules and spore-masses from cultures. X about 8. A, stages in the development of the pustules; B, C, D, various forms of spore discharge in a moist atmosphere. (After Murrill.) Government at not less than $25,000,000. In 19 10, the state of Pennsylvania appointed a special commission of experts for the investigation and control of the disease, and appropriated over $275,000 to meet the necessary expense of the work. 286. Grain Smut. — The smuts of wheat, oats, barley, and corn are among the commoner pests of the farmer. 298 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES These diseases are caused by fungi of the genus Ustilago} The species are often named from the plant affected, for example Ustilago Avence on oats (Avena, Fig. 220), Fig. 220. — Panicles of oats (Avena saliva), with the grains almost com- pletely destroyed and replaced by the oat smut {Ustilago Avence). Ustilago Tritici on wheat (Triticum), Ustilago Zece on corn (Zea, Fig. 221). The mycelium extends through the ^ A Hemibasidiomycete. ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF FUNGI 299 Stem, fruiting in the tissues, and commonly destroying the kernel of grain. The innumerable black spores form a sooty powder — whence the common name of '^smut/' Fig. 221.— Corn-smut {Ustilago maydis) on stalk, tassel, ear, and leaf of Zea Mays. 286. Rusts.— The life history of the wheat rust (Puc- cinia graminis) was outlined" in Chapter XIX. This fungus has not only caused millions of dollars worth of damage to the wheat crop of the world but has been the cause of legislative enactments. As early as 1760 there was passed in Massachusetts ''An Act to prevent Damage to English Grain arising from Barberry Bushes." This act read, in part, as follows: "Whereas it has been found by experience, that the Blasting of Wheat and other English Grain is often occasioned by Barberry Bushes, to the great loss and damage of the inhabitants of this province: 300 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES "Be it therefore enacted by the Governour, Council, and House of Representatives, that whoever, whether community or private person, hath any Barberry Bushes standing or growing in his or their Land, within any of the Towns in this Province, he or they shall cause the same to be extirpated or destroyed on or before the thirteenth Day of June, Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty. "Be it further enacted that if there shall be any Barberry Bushes standing or growing in any land within this Province, after the said loth day of June, it shall be lawful, by Virtue of this Act, for any Person who- soever to enter the Lands wherein such Barberry Bushes are, first giving one month's notice of his intention to do so to the Owner or Occupant thereof, and to cut them down, or pull them up by the root, and then to present a fair account of his labour and charge therein to the owner or occupant of the said land; and if such owner or occupant shall neglect or refuse by the space of two months next after the presenting said account, to make to such person reasonable payment as aforesaid, then the person who cut down or pulled up such bushes, may bring the action against such owner or occupant, owners or occupants, before any Justice of the Peace, if under forty shillings, or otherwise before the Inferior Court of Common Pleas in the County where such Bushes grew, who upon proof of the cut- ting down or pulling up of such bushes by the person who brings the action, or such as were employed by him, shall and is hereby respectively em- powered to enter up judgment for him to recover double the value of the reasonable expense and labour in such service and award execution accordingly. "Be it further enacted, that the Surveyors of the Highways, whether public or private, be and hereby are empowered and required ex officio to destroy and extirpate all such Barberry Bushes as are or shall be in the Highways in their respective Wards or Districts, and if any such shall remain after the aforesaid tenth Day of June, Anno Domini One Thou- sand Seven Hundred and Sixty, that then the Town or District in which such bushes are shall pay a Fine of two shillings for every bush standing or growing in such Highway, to be recovered by Bill Plaint, Information, or on the Presentment of a Grand Jury, and to be paid one Half to the In- former and the other Half to the Treasury of the County in which such bushes grew for the use of the County." In addition to the rust of wheat, there are also rusts of the carnation and the clover caused by species of Uro- myces. The carnation rust, which first appeared about ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF FUNGI 30I 1892, is common in the plant houses of commercial florists. 287. Pine Tree Blister-rust. — Among the more im- portant plant diseases recently appearing in the United States is the pine tree blister-rust, introduced from Europe about 1909. One species is Cronartium pyri- forme, which is the telial stage of Peridermium pyriforme- The aecial stage {Peridermium) appears on the pine, while the alternating host is the ''false toad-flax" {Com- andra umbellata and C. pallida).^ This fungus attack.* species of pine that have less than five leaves to the fascicle, such 2is Pinus contorta, P. ponderosa, and P. rigida. Another species (Cronartium rihicola) passes its aecial stage on five-leaved pines, where it is commonly known as Peridermium Strobi;^ the telial stage, as its name in- dicates, is passed on species of Ribes (gooseberries and currants) (Fig. 222). The importance of such a disease as this may be inferred when we consider that the value of the white pine grow- ing in the New England states is estimated at $75,000,000. that of the Lake states at $96,000,000, of the Western states at $60,000,000, and of other National forests at $30,000,000, a total of $261,000,000. The western sugar pine {Pinus Lambertiana) has a total value estimated at $150,000,000. Thus, timber to the value of $411,000,000 is threatened with destruction by this one parasitic dis- ease. In order to reduce the danger of infection from the blister-rust, and also from the pine-shoot moth {Evetria ^ The Comandra is itself a parasite on the roots of various species of blueberry (Vacciniiint), and other woody plants. 2 From Strohus, the specific name of the common white pine {Pin*^ Strohus). 302 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES hiioliana), the United States Department of Agriculture has issued quarantine regulations forbidding the impor- FiG. 2 2 2. — White pine blister-rust. A, portion of diseased tree, show- ing pycnidial blisters broken open; from these blisters the disease spreads to neighboring currant or gooseberry bushes; B, early summer stage on under surface of a currant leaf; these spores repeat during the summer, at intervals of two weeks; C, early summer stage, much magnified; D, late summer and fall stage, on the under surface of a currant leaf; from this stage the disease spreads again to pine trees. (After Perley Spaulding, by courtesy of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture.) tation of all five-leaved pines and all species and varieties of Ribes, except for experimental or scientific purposes by ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF FUNGI 303 the Department of Agriculture. Since July i, 191 5, the importation of every spe- cies of the genus Pinus has been forbidden from all European countries and lo- calities. In March, 19 16, the Federal Horticultural Board requested all nursery- men in the eastern United States not to ship white pine, gooseberry or currant stock into the Rocky Moun- tain and Western white pine forest areas. 288. Timber-destroying Fungi. — Everyone recalls the "shelf -fungi," so often seen growing on the trunks of trees (Fig. 223). These forms are the fruiting bodies of the fungus, while the my- celium ramifies through the wood, often in such quan- tities as to form the ''punk," formerly much used in set- ting off fireworks. The soft fungal threads are enabled to make their way through the hard woody tissue by means of an enzyme which they secrete. The enzyme softens and dissolves the cell-walls of the wood, thus Fig. 223. — A shelf-fungus {Fomes applanatus) on sugar maple. 304 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES making it possible for the mycelium to penetrate with ease. This process disintegrates the wood, weakens the tree so that it eventually dies or is easily blown over by the wind, and of course renders the wood of little or no value for timber. The fungus gains admission to the tree by means of the spores falling on some surface freshly exposed by trim- ming the tree, by the accidental breaking of branches, by the ''barking" caused by lawnmowers, and in other ways; on account of the disastrous results, all such sur- faces should be protected by be- ing painted over as soon as a branch is cut or broken off, or a portion of bark removed. There are many species of wood-de- stroying fungi, and the financial loss they cause to the lumber industry, not to mention the losses of beautiful shade trees in lawns, parks, and streets, is very considerable. MOLDS The filamentous fungi, com- monly known as molds, be- long to various species. The black mold {Mucor mucedo) is common on bread, and the blue mold {Penicillium) (Fig. 224) on decaying fruit and on fruit canned at home. The appearance of the mold indicates that the fruit was not sufficiently sterilized before the cover was screwed down on the fruit jar. In fact, the entire process of canning is a Fig. 224. — Penicillium glau- cum. h, hypha; b, basal cell; st sterigma; c, spore {conidium). ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF FUNGI 305 series of operations intended primarily to kill all germs of bacteria and fungi. The sterilized fruit is then sealed from the air and from access of other germs while it is still hot. The ''keeping" of canned goods depends upon the successful exclusion of every living spore or other germ. If goods preserved in tin cans have been im- perfectly sterilized the gases produced by fermentation will exert a pressure upon the can from the inside, often strong enough to cause a bulging of the ends. COLD STORAGE Just as canning has for its object the preservation of vegetable or animal tissues by killing the germs with heat, so cold storage accomplishes the same end by means of extreme cold. Most germs remain inactive below a certain temperature, which may be readily ascertained by experiment. The spoiKng of eggs is caused by the presence within the egg of a germ-" flora," which lives upon the yolk and white, producing by its life proc- esses, the noxious gases of stale eggs. At certain low temperatures most of the life-processes of the germs are either stopped entirely, or greatly retarded. In the colonial days of America, and later, it was common for dwellers on farms and in villages to preserve meat by burying a quantity of it in the snow during the winter season — a primitive cold storage. During cold storage, however, certain chemical changes take place in the preserved tissue, due to enzyme action. As a result there is a limit to the period that food can be kept in cold storage without deteriorating. All cold-storage plants and refrigerator cars are evidence of the fact that our own lives are profoundly affected by the existence and activity of microscopic forms of plant life. 30 3o6 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES YEASTS We are all familiar with "yeast/' but many persons do not realize that yeast is a plant, and that there are vari- ous species. The baker's yeast is different from the brewer's, and there are more than one kind of the latter — one for example causing "top fermentation," another "bottom fermentation." There are also various "wild" yeasts, present in the air. The nature of fermentation has been discussed in Chapter VIII. It is interesting to reflect that this group of microscopic plants, in its relation to bread making (from one kind of grain) adds to the wealth and happiness of the world, and ministers to one of the most fundamental needs of our physical being, while in its relation to brewing (the formation of alcohol from another kind of grain) it contributes to one of the greatest sources of poverty, misery, and crime. The use of yeast in bread making dates from prehistoric ages. It is mentioned in old testament history as early as the patriarchal age. It is of interest also to reflect that in the various great migrations of the human race, this little plant must have been preserved and transported with as much care as domestic animals. In such a movement as the colonization of a new continent, as, for example. North and South America, and Australia, provision must have been made for maintaining the supply of yeast for the making of bread. BACTERIA 289. Extent of Their Influence. — The study of bacteria, the smallest of all known plants, has become so extensive as to form a separate science, bacteriology; and it will not be possible here to do more than suggest in outline the ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF FUNGI 307 numerous important ways in which these tiny plants affect our daily lives. In fact their discovery has practically revolutionized our method of living in many ways. Fig. 225. — Louis Pasteur, founder of the science of bacteriology. Modern methods of sanitation and hygiene, public and private, modern house furnishing, as, for example, the substitution of bare floors with rugs in place of carpets, modern views of disease and methods of treating it, and 3o8 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES the technique of innumerable industries, both agricultural and manufacturing, have all been profoundly modified Fig. 226. — Tumors on a black walnut {Juglans nigra); probably crown galls caused by bacteria. or determined altogether by the discovery of bacteria, and the extension of our knowledge concerning them. ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF FUNGI 309 290. Bacteria and Plant Diseases. — In addition to the plant diseases caused by fungi, as mentioned above, a number are known to be caused by bacteria. The "wilt" of sweet corn, a disease first discovered on Long Island, is caused by bacteria, as is also the crown gall, a tumorous or cancerous-like disease common in the rose family (peaches, apples, roses, raspberries), and the walnut, grape, and willow (Fig. 226). The "bean blight " and pear blight, the soft rot of the calla-lily, and the "wilt" of cucumbers and melons, are also caused each by its own peculiar kind of bacterium. On account of their nature these diseases may all be transmitted from one plant to another of the same kind. 291. Contagious and Infectious Diseases. — The ease with which such tiny organisms as bacteria can be trans- ferred from one place to another makes the diseases they cause easily transmissible or "catching." We actually do "catch cold"; that is, our all too common "colds" are due to the presence of " cold "-producing germs. Arctic explorers testify to the fact that, notwithstanding the great exposures to which they are subjected, they never "catch cold." This is explained by the absence of the "cold" germs that cause colds in other climates or regions. When the members of the Peary arctic expedition of 1908-09 were in the field away from the heat and infective dust of the ship, they were practically immune from colds and respiratory troubles. "The fact that colds are due to bacteria was clearly demonstrated in the Arctic. We might be precipitated into icy water with the air many degrees below zero; our clothing saturated with moisture 3IO STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES on the march; yet we could sleep in our damp garments without fear of taking cold/'^ 292. Immimity. — This is not the place to discuss the various theories of immunity, but the fact should be noted in passing. It is a common belief that one who has had the measles or the mumps cannot have the same disease again. While this is extremely doubtful, it is known that once having a disease does render one less liable to con- tract it a second time. When the germs multiply in the body with the first attack, the toxin they produce stimulates the various cells to secrete an antitoxin, which counteracts the toxin, or poison. Some persons appear to be naturally immune to certain diseases {e.g., hay fever), while others are specially susceptible. 293. Disease Carriers. — Persons who are immune may, however, unknowingly transmit the disease-germ from one person to another. They are called ''carriers." Typhoid fever, caused by Bacillus typhosus, is often trans- mitted by "typhoid carriers," a recent case being that of "Typhoid Mary," a domestic servant near New York City, who for several years endangered the lives of others in homes and hospitals where she was employed. The menace of such persons to public health justifies their permanent isolation. 294. Combating Disease. — There are two ways of combating disease in either plants or animals: (i) to guard against it in advance {prophylaxis), thereby en- deavoring to prevent its appearance; (2) to treat it after it has appeared. Obviously the former is the more im- ^ From a letter to the author from John W. Goodsell, M. D., Surgeon of the Peary arctic expedition of 1908-09. ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF FUNGI 31I portant and effective. The most effective prophylactic measures are the following: 1. Personal hygiene ^ involving bodily cleanliness, tem- perate habits, and careful diet. With plant diseases hygienic measures include such practices as sterilizing seeds before planting, by rinsing them in solutions of some germ-killing substance, like formaldehyde; spray- ing diseased trees with fungicides (fungus-kilhng solu- tions) ; washing the branches and foliage with various solu- tions, such as whale-oil soap (good for scale insects) ; and painting the cut surfaces of trees, after trimming, to prevent the mycelium of germinating fungus spores from entering the woody tissue. 2. Public hygiene, or sanitation, which means maintain- ing healthful surroundings. In the case of am'mal dis- eases this includes preserving a pure pubHc water supply, proper sewage systems, clean streets, a pure milk supply (especially a healthful condition of the cows and their surroundings), and a careful inspection of meat and all other foods shipped and sold in public. In the case of plants, sanitation includes preserving a proper drainage and aeration of the soil; maintaining a pure atmosphere, and especially one free from smoke and the poisonous gases that accompany it; fumigating in plant houses with potassium cyanide fumes, or with to- bacco smoke to kill scale insects, and other insects, the burning up of trees or other plants infected with a trans- missible disease, such for example, as the chestnut bark disease, or barberry bushes carrying wheat rust, and eradication of injurious fungi from the soil of cultivated fields by crop-rotation, as indicated in Chapter VII. 3. Quarantine. This is a method of sanitation by which 312 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES diseased individuals are prevented by isolation from com- ing into contact with those who are well. When one member of the family is sick with a contagious disease he Fig. 227. — Map, illustrating the inter-continental migration of plant diseases. No. i, potato blight: Chili-Colorado-Europe. No. 2, asparagus rust: Europe, 1805; New Jersey, 1896; South Carolina, 1897; Michigan, 1898; Illinois, 1899; Dakota, Nebraska and Texas, 1900; California, 1901. No. 3, potato cercosporose: Europe, 1854; United States, 1903. No. 4, rice smut: Japan-South Carolina, 1898. No. 5, sorghum smut: Japan- United States, 1884. No. 6, grape anthracnose: Europe- America, 1880, or earlier, now widespread. No. 7, cucumber downy mildew: Cuba, 1868; United States, 1889. No. 8, grape black rot: N)rth America, early; France, 1885; Italy and the Caucasus, 1898. No. 9, potato vvart: Hun- gary, 1896; England, 1900; Newfoundland, 1909; Boston and New York, 1910. No. 10, grape downy mildew: America early; France, 1873; the Rhineland, Savoy and Italy, 1879; The Tyrol and Algiers, 1880; Portugal and Greece, 1881; Alsace, 1882; the Caucasus, 1887; Brazil, 1890. Now known in all countries except Australia. No. 11, grape powdery mildew: United States, early; England, 1845; Belgium and France, 1848; all Europe 1849; Madeira, 1852. Known everywhere now. No. 12, chrysanthemum rust: Japan-England, 1895; America, 1896. (After F. L. Stevens.) should be confined to one part of the house, apart from the others, and not allowed to mingle with them until well. Hospitals have *' isolation wards" where persons with communicable diseases are kept apart from other patients. ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF FUNGI 313 Immigrants coming to America from foreign countries are carefully examined, and if they have a contagious disease they are isolated (placed in quarantine) until well. The United States Government maintains a stringent quarantine against the shipment of diseased plants from one state to another, or from foreign countries into the United States. Some, if not all, of our worst plant diseases have been imported. The map (Fig. 227) shows how the rice smut travelled from Japan to South CaroHna in 1898, the chrysanthemum rust from Japan through England (1895) t^ America (1896), and the potato blight from Chili to Colorado and across North America to Europe (1845). The downy mildew of the grape is an example of a disease probably originating in North America, where it has been known from the earliest times, and travelling thence to France (1873) ^-nd other parts of Europe, reaching as far as Greece by 1881, and to Brazil by 1890. These brief references indicate the importance of main- taining a strict quarantine on plants at all our ports of entry. 4. Breeding of resistant varieties. This is one of the most important of all prophylactic measures. Just as some persons are immune to certain contagious diseases, so certain plants in a crop are less susceptible than others, or even entirely immune, to a given disease. By choosing seed each year only from the immune or most resistant individuals, a crop may sometimes be obtained which not only withstands the disease itself, but interferes with or finally stops entirely its spread. No phase of plant breed- ing is more important than this. 5. Vaccination. When bacteria produce poisons (/oa:^^) in the system, the cells affected are stimulated to secrete 314 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES an antitoxin which counteracts the influence of the toxin (Cf. p. 310). The production of these antitoxins may finally completely nullify the effect of the toxin, and then the patient ''gets well." The presence of the antitoxin, thus produced, explains why one who has recently recovered from a contagious disease, like measles, or mumps, or whooping cough, is more or less immune for a longer or shorter period. In 1796 the English physician Jenner observed that persons who had cowpox, a mild form of smallpox, were commonly immune to the latter. Reasoning from this he developed the method of vaccina- tion. By this method the cowpox is first given to a calf or a heifer, or sometimes to an adult cow. At the end of five to seven days pustules occur on the infected surface of the animal. A watery substance within these pustules is then collected by sterile instruments and carefully tested to make sure that it does not contain any germs of tuberculosis or other disease. This substance is the vaccine, and in vaccination a small portion of it is applied to a scratched or slightly lacerated area on a person's arm. A mild form of the disease results, causing the formation of an antitoxin in the person's blood, and thus rendering him actively immune. The word vaccina- tion is derived from the Latin word vacca (a cow) , in allu- sion to the method of obtaining the vaccine. It has been calculated that, in large armies, fully as many lives have been saved from disease by vaccination against typhoid, cholera, and other diseases as are lost in battle. 6. Serum-therapy. The treatment of germ diseases by serum-therapy consists in injecting into the blood of the patient an antitoxin, specific for the disease to be treated. The antitoxin is contained in the blood-serum ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF FUNGI 315 of some animal that has been rendered immune to the disease. As in the case of the preparation of vaccine, the animal is first placed in quarantine, under the most perfect sanitary surroundings; if found free from all contagious diseases, and otherwise satisfactory, he is given increas- ingly large doses of the toxin or the virus that causes the given malady. This treatment may require as long as six weeks, and results in the formation of quantities of the antitoxin in the blood. A quantity of blood is then drawn from the animal, and the blood-serum isolated, filtered, carefully tested for purity, content of antitoxin, and free- dom from disease-germs, and finally put up in glass syringe containers ready for use. When a person is exposed to the given disease {e.g., diphtheria), or has actually contracted it, the serum is injected into his circulatory system, where the antitoxin counteracts the toxin of the disease. The patient is thus rendered passively^ immune. Serum-therapy is now successfully employed in the treatment of diphtheria, tetanus (lock- jaw), hog cholera, and, with more or less success, of infantile paralysis and certain other diseases. Nothing corresponding to vaccination and serum therapy is known for a certainty in the treatment of plant diseases. 7. Antiseptic surgery. The greatest obstacle to suc- cessful surgery has always been the presence of the rich and varied microscopic flora, or plant life, in the air. When a wound was opened or a cut made the germs com- posing this flora found on the cut surface the most favor- able conditions for their growth and multiplication, and the poisons they secreted interfered with the healing of ^ Passively, because the antitoxin is not produced by the activity of his own cells, as it is in the case of vaccination. 3l6 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES the wound and caused gangrene, or inflammations, more fatal than the disease for which the operation was under- taken. When the discovery of bacteria, and of their universal presence, enabled men to understand these facts it was only a step to the practice of making the operating rooms, the surgical instruments, and the surface to be cut, absolutely aseptic or sterile, thus making possible the almost unbelievable achievements of antiseptic surgery. Only a step! But what a wonderful and all-important step for the human mind to take. The honor and credit for taking it belong chiefly to the famous English surgeon, Lord Lister. HELPFUL BACTERIA 295. Bacteria and the Dairy. — Not all bacteria, by any means, are harmful to man. Many of the practices of the dairy, for example, are dependent upon the action of bacteria. This, in part, is thought to explain the peculiarly delicious flavor of June butter. The souring of milk is caused by the action of substances produced by the bacteria present in all unsterilized milk. In fact the familiar flavor of milk is due in large measure to the presence in it of certain bacteria and the sub- stances they produce. When milk is obtained under strictly sanitary conditions ("certified" milk) it loses much, if not all, of its characteristic and familiar flavor. The ripening, flavoring, and other peculiarities of the various varieties of cheese are due in part to the fact that they ripen under the influence of different kinds of bacteria or molds. The '^ ripening" is caused, in part, by the action on the substance of the cheese of the enzymes peculiar to the various fungi or bacteria growing in it. ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF FUNGI 317 and in part by the action of an enzyme {galadase) inherent in the milk from which the cheese is made. 296. Vinegar. — Cider vinegar is in every respect a plant product. It is formed from the juice of apples, and ripens or ''ages" under the influence of bacteria. These bacteria produce an enzyme which causes ''acetic acid A J V fv 1 i jt ^\, • M K;{ . ws ^^\ \ u'ai( Hi - > 71 /M ^M IJ|M m sM/ J V m \' mvlt H iH w f 1* \iS 1 I Fig. 228. — Roots of soy bean plants. A, from seeds that were soaked in soy bean bacterial culture over night; B, roots of check plant (not inocu- lated). (After Garman and Didlake. Courtesy of Kentucky Agr. Exp. Station.) fermentation." This is the acid to which vinegar owes its sourness. There is not room here to explain the process of vinegar making in detail. 297. The Secret of Clover. — Farmers have known for many years that a given piece of land produces a larger yield if the ame crop is not grown continuously, season 3lS STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES after season, but if there is an alternation or rotation oj crops of different kinds. It was also recognized that the best results are obtained when one of the crops in rota- tion is a legume (a member of the family Leguminosae) such as clover, peas, beans, vetch, lentils, and others.-^ A clear explanation of the value of rotation was not possible until, in 1889, Hellriegel discovered that legumes are able to utilize the free nitrogen of the air, and that this is made possible by the bacteria that produce the characteristic tubercles on their roots. The researches of Hellriegel and others, at about this time, proved that the fixation of nitrogen is due to the bacterium that causes the tubercles, Pseudomonas radicicola (Fig. 61). If clover or other legumes are grown in a sterile soil, free from the presence of all bacteria, the tubercles do not form (Fig. 228), and the fixation of free nitrogen ceases. Thus it is seen that bacteria are essential to one of the oldest and most fundamental practices of agriculture. 289. Nitrifying Bacteria in the Soil. — In addition to the symhionts causing leguminous tubercles, there exist, in all soil, at least two other forms of nitrifying bacteria, which grow independently of other plants. The first, by the addition of oxygen, transforms the ammonia in the soil into nitrites, while the second, by the addition of more oxygen, transform nitrites into nitrates.'^ It is only in the latter form that nitrogen, so indispensible to nutrition, can be utilized at all by plants. 299. The Nitrogen Cycle.— From the above facts it is seen that there is, in nature, a nitrogen cycle quite as ^ The subject of rotation of crops is more fully discussed in para- graph 90 (pp. 91-93). 2 Cf. Chapter VII, pp. 82-83. ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF FUNGI 319 remarkable as the carbon cycle. By respiration and burning, complex compounds of carbon (carbohydrates and hydrocarbons) are broken down and the carbon re- leased, either as pure carbon (C) or as the simple com- pound, carbon dioxide (CO2), which is taken in by green plants and recombined into the complex carbohydrates by the process of photosynthesis (page 77). n\ . Nitrate -. ■.'Bacteria ■.•■.. (Nitroliacter)^ .;- Nitrite ;•• ■.".'•" Bacteria • (NitroBOraonae); (Nitrites ] Denitrifying . .■ Bacteria ••.• [Nitrogen^ Fig. 229. — The nitrogen cycle. So also, by the action of proteolytic (protein dissolving) enzymes produced by bacteria, certain complex com- pounds of nitrogen, the proteins, are broken down, by putrefaction and similar processes, into simpler com- pounds, such as ammonia (NH3), or still further dis- integrated until free nitrogen results. Were it not for 320 SlRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES the nitrogen-fixing bacteria this process would continue until all complex nitrogenous compounds were reduced to ammonia or free nitrogen. All life would then cease, because green plants, upon which animal life is de- pendent, are unable to live without nitrogen, and they cannot utilize it in the form of ammonia nor of free nitrogen. Without chlorophyll and the nitrogen- fixing bacteria, therefore, all life would cease. Thus it is that life and death, health and disease, wealth and poverty, misery and happiness, are dependent upon the activity of tiny plants, too small to be seen, except under the highest powers of the microscope. CHAPTER XXI SAPROPHYTISM AND SYMBIOSIS 300. All Food Organic. — In more ways than one it is true that life is dependent upon antecedent life. An illustration of this principle is seen in the case of nutri- tion, for no Kving thing, neither plant nor animal, can utilize directly as food the unaltered inorganic elements and compounds derived from the air and soil. This was clearly shown in Chapter VII. While plants are com- monly said to obtain their food from the air and soil, strictly speaking this is not true. Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, phosphates, nitrates, sulphates, et cetera are no more plant food than are flour, water, sugar, and salt bread. Just as the elements composing bread would, if eaten separately, make a very unsavory and poor diet, so the inorganic elements and compounds, as such, would not be able at all to nourish plants. They must first be broken down (if compounds), and then recombined into the organic compounds of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. 301. — ^Necessity for Chlorophyll. — As we have seen in Chapter VII, this recombination of inorganic chemical elements into organic compounds is the function of chlorophyll. Thus it is that green plants are absolutely essential to all life, and as we learned in Chapter XIX, this explains why all non-green plants are found only in intimate association, either with living green plants or with the organic remains or products of other living 91 321 32 2 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES things — plants or animals. Not being able to manu- facture their own food, they must find it ready made. SAPROPHYTISM 302. Decay. — Perhaps the simplest case of the nutrition of non-green plants is the absorption of food from the organic remains of other plants or of animals. When the spores or other reproductive bodies of such plants begin to grow upon such a substratum, they secrete various enzymes which begin to disintegrate it, reducing it to simpler, soluble substances. This is the process commonly known as *' decay," and the plants which cause it are called saprophytes} The word ''decay" is derived from a Latin word, decidere, which means to fall apart, in allusion to the fact that the decaying substance is being disintegrated or broken down into simpler substances, which are recombined by assim- ilation, in the cells of the saprophyte, into protoplasm like its own. Such a state of existence is called sapro- phytism. 303. Fungus -saprophytes. — Among the more familiar saprophytic plants may be mentioned the common bread- mold, the fungi that are instrumental in ripening cheese, the so-called ''mildews," which often grow on old moist pieces of leather, and numerous other filamentous fungi; the bacteria which cause the decay of meat and other substances, bacteria which cause the retting of flax stems, thus freeing the bast fibers from which linen is made by causing the decay or rotting away of the remainder of the tissue, the bacteria which convert cabbage leaves ^ From the Greek words sapros, rotten + phyton, plant. SAPROPHYTISM AND SYMBIOSIS 323 into sauerkraut, the numerous slime-molds (Myxo- mycetes), and various other forms, which are more or less intimately connected with human industries, or with public or private hygiene. Humus, one of the most important compounds of soil, is composed almost entirely of the remains ot plant and animal bodies in various stages of disintegration, Fig. 230. — Indian pipe {Monotropa uniflora). (Photo by Elsie M. Kittredge.) and the disintegration is caused, almost entirely, by the action of enzymes secreted by bacterial and fungal saprophytes. Thus we come to reahze that these sapro- phytic plants are absolutely essential to the most funda- mental of all human occupations, namely agriculture. 304. Saprophytic Flowering Plants. — Not all sapro- phytes are fungi. The Indian-pipe {Monotropa uniflora^ 324 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Fig. 230), and its close relative, the false beech-drops (Monotropa Hypopitys, Fig. 231), are examples of flowering plants, wholly devoid of chlorophyll, and therefore unable to manufacture their food, which is absorbed entirely from the humus in which they grow. Other examples are Lathrcca, and the coral-root {Corallorhiza). Fig. 231. — False beech drops {Monotropa Hypopitys). (Photo by Elsie M. Kittredge.) SYMBIOSIS 305. Different Kinds of Symbiosis. — The absorption of nourishment from one plant by another involves, of course, the intimate association of the two organisms. Such a vital association is called symbiosis (living together), and we find organisms living together in all degrees of intimacy SAPROPHYTISM AND SYMBIOSIS 325 and independence, or of interdependence. One plant may merely live upon another, without deriving any nourishment from it {epiphytism) \ or two plants may be mutually helpful, each contributing something of advantage to the other {mutualism)', one plant may live at the expense of the other, deriving nourishment from it, but contributing little or nothing in return {para- sitism); or the two organisms may maintain a loose or disjunctive symbiosis, which may be either (i) nutritive, as in those cases where ants cultivate filamentous fungi, maintaining fungus-farms; or (2) non-nutritive, as in the cases where certain plants like clover or orchids, are de- pendent upon insects for the transfer of pollen from one flower to another. These phases of symbiosis are indi- cated in the following table: Symbiosis 1. Disjunctive or "social." {a) Nutritive {e.g., ants and fungus-farms). {b) Non-nutritive (insects and pollination). 2. Epiphytism. 3. Mutualism. 4. Parasitism. 306. Social Symbiosis.— As an illustration of social symbiosis of a nutritive character may be mentioned the interesting relation established between certain leaf- cutting ants and a filamentous fungus. The ants remove the foHage-leaves from certain trees and use them as ''fungus-farms," or a suitable substratum on which to cultivate a certain fungus, portions of which serve as food for the ants (Fig. 232). The spores are sown by the ants and the ''crop" harvested in a very systematic man- ner. The loss of leaves, however, is very deleterious to the life of the tree, and certain species {e.g., Cecropia and 326 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Fig. 232. — Diagram of a nest of a fungus-growing ant {Trachymyrmex obscurior), showing four chambers. The pendant white masses in three of the chambers are the mycelium of the fungus — the so-called "fungus- gardens." The species of the fungus has not been definitely determined, but they are thought to belong to the Ascomycetes. (After W. M. Wheeler.) Fig. 233.— Epiphytes or "air" plants {Tillandsia sp.), growing on tele- phone wires at Ponce, P. R, SAPROPHYTISM AND SYMBIOSIS 327 Acacia), secrete a substance which is greatly liked by another kind of ants, a smaller, war-like species. These ants, attracted by the much-prized food, make their home on the tree or in special cavities in it, and repel all at- tempts of the leaf-cutting species to reach the foliage. Fig. 234.— Epiphytic group of bromeliads and orchids on a tree, in Cuba (Photo by M. T. Cook.) Such trees are called ant-loving (myrmecophilous), or myrmecophytes. 307. Epiphytism.— Any plant (whether parasite or not) that lives on another, or upon any other convenient support (Fig. 233), is an epiphyte, but the term is com- 328 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES monly restricted to those cases where there is no phys- iological or nutritional relationship between the two. A vine climbing up a tree is an epiphyte, as are also the Pleurococcus and mosses growing on the tree trunks. Epi- phytism is specially common in the tropics where orchids, Fig. 235.' — An epiphytic Clusia. (From photo by G. V. Nash, taken in Flaiti.) ferns, hohenbergias, and great lianas (vines) are found growing in profusion on other plants (Figs. 234, 235, and 236). 308. Mutualism. — The associating together of two plants in intimate physiological relationship, to their SAPROPHYTISM AND SYMBIOSIS 329 Fig. 236.- -An orchid {Cattleya sp.) growing as an epiphyte on a portion of a branch of white birch. Note the aerial roots. Fig. 237. — A thallose lichen, Physcia stellaris (L.) Nyb., growing on a rock. The cup-shaped structures are the fruiting bodies (apothecia). At the left are seen two very young plants,. 330 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Fig 238.— A lichen, Parmelia perlata (L.) Ach. i. Plant, slightly reduced in size; a, apothecia; b, lobe of thallus; c, soredial patches. The fI\AtZ^7^^^^fT ^^P^od^f tive bodies composed of both algal and fun- gal elements, and there/ore able to reproduce the lichen; the ascospores. SAPROPHYTISM AND SYMBIOSIS 33 1 mutual advantage, is admirably illustrated by lichens. These plants grow commonly on the trunks and stems of trees, on old boards and fences, and on rocks (Fig. 237). The plant body is a thallus, and, when its inner structure is examined, it is seen to be a composite plant, formed by a species of green alga, resembling Pleurococcus, and sur- rounded by the mycelium of a filamentous fungus (Fig. 238). If supplied with suitable moisture, the alga can live alone, because it has chlorophyll, but the fungus, not having chlorophyll, cannot live alone. By uniting into a common body, each plant supplies what the other needs. The fungal portion of lichens reproduces by means of spores borne in asci, and is therefore an ascomycete. The apothecium ("fruiting" portion of the lichen) is in reality a modified ascocarp (Fig. 238). In some species the apothecia occur at the summit of specialized, upright branches or podetia (Fig. 239). Only a few years ago the interesting discovery was made that lichens may be experimentally produced by the artificial union of certain algae and fungi (Fig. 240). Some of the lichens thus pro- duced resembled those found in nature, while other com- binations were entirely new. An interesting case of the symbiotic association of four genera, if not to their mutual benefit, at least without apparent detriment to either, is found in the roots of some of the Cycadaceae. All the genera of this family produce alone, cannot do this. 2, Longitudinal section of apothecium; a, thecium; h and c, the two layers of the hypothecium; d, upper algal layer; e, colonies of algae distributed through the medullary layer; /, lower algal layer; g, lower cortical layer. 3, Cross-section of vegetative portion of thallus. 4, Paraphyses (sterile fungal filaments), and spore-sac (ascus), containing ascospores. 5, Ascospores. 6, Algal cells, surrounded by fungal hyphae with haustoria (absorbing branches). (After Schneider.) 332 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES branched, coralloid nodules on their roots (Fig. 241). These roots are caused primarily by infection with the Fig. 239. — 'Thallus and erect portions (podetia) of two species of lichen of the genus Cladonia. The larger podetium is proliferating, and bears a number of apothecia on the margin of the podetium of the first rank. Apothecia are also shown on the margin of the larger podetia at the right. (Drawn from nature.) Fig. 240. — A lichen produced synthetically by cultivating the spores of a fungus in association with a green alga. The culture was carried on in a test-tube on sterilized culture media, thus preventing contamination by bacteria and foreign spores. (After Bonnier.) nitrogen-fixing organism, Pseudomonas radicicola. By the development of lenticels at the base of each nodule SAPROPHYTISM AND SYMBIOSIS 333 the epidermis is ruptured, thus affording entrance to another nitrogen-fixer, Azotobacter, and also under favor- able conditions, to a blue-green alga (Nostoc). This is the only known case in which four organisms are associated Fig. 241.— Root-nodules of Cycas revoluta. n, one of several cross- sectional views, showing the zone of the symbiont alga, Nostoc. together symbiotically. The alga has never been found in the nodules of Bowenia, Ceratozamia, Macrozamia, nor Zamia (all genera of cycads). 309. Grafting.— One of the oldest practices of horti- culture is that of grafting a twig or a bud of one species 334 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES (i) Root grafting in its differ- stock prepared to receive the Fig. 242. — Various methods of grafting. ent stages, a, Scion cut for insertion; b, scion; c, stock and scion united; d, the same tied up with waxed cord. (2) Cleft grafting (Herbaceous), a, Scion ready for insertion; b, stock; c, stock and scion united; d, the same tied up with raffia; e, cleft grafting (woody). Stock with two scions. (3) Saddle grafting, a, Scion; b, stock; c, scion and stock joined. (4) Budding, a, Budstick; b, T-shaped cut in bark of stock; c, bud ready for insertion; d, stock with bud inserted; e, the same tied up with raffia. (From Brooklyn Botanic Garden Leaflets.) SAPEOPHYTISM AND SYMBIOSIS 335 onto the main stem or branch of another species. This is accomplished by placing the freshly cut surface of the scion against the freshly cut surface of the stock, Fig. 243.— a tomato {Ly coper sicmn), grafted on a potato {Solatium) Note the potato tuber on the surface of the soil. Cf. Fig. 404. in such a way that the cambium layers of both come in contact, and then binding the two together (Fig. 242). In time the two tissues become firmly united, grow- 336 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES ing as one continuous stem. In all grafting the scion maintains essentially its true nature, seldom, if ever, being affected by the characteristics of the stock, which only serves as a channel for the passage of water and food ele- ments to the scion, and receiving in return from the scion the elaborated carbohydrate and other food (Figs. 243 and 404). Scion and stock therefore represent a case of symbiosis artificially brought about. In some cases branches of the same tree rub against each other until the bark is worn through, bringing the cambial layers in contact, and resulting in a '^ natural" graft. 310. Mycorrhizas. — The roots of many plants (espe- cially of woody plants) enter into intimate association with the mycelia of various fungi growing in the soil. ^.^, Fig. 244. — Ectotrophic micorhizas. At left, micorhizal mantle on root of hickory {Carya ovata), in cross-section; at right, root- tip of an oak {Quercus), covered by fungus mantle. (After W. B. McDougall.) The mycelia either form a mantle or jacket at or near the surface of the young roots {ectotrophic, Fig. 244), or they penetrate through the cell-walls into the cell-cavities {endotrophic, Fig. 245). Recent careful studies seem to demonstrate that the ectotrophic mycorrhizas, common on the roots of many kinds of trees (hickory, oaks, birch, sugar-maple, larch, beech, hornbeam), are, in reality. SAPROPHYTISM AND SYMBIOSIS 337 evidence of the parasitism of some fungus on the tree. Several species of fleshy fungi are, in this way, parasitic or partly parasitic. In ectotrophic infection the hyphae penetrate through the epidermis and then grow and branch underneath it, some of the branches growing between the individual epidermal cells by dissolving the middle lamella with enzymes which they secrete. In this manner there is formed a pseudo-tissue, closely analogous to a lichen, which replaces the true epidermis. The fungus doubtless derives some nourishment from the dissolved (digested) Fig. 245.— Tangential section of root of the red maple {Acer rubrum), showing endotrophic micorhiza in the cells. (After W. B. McDougall.) substance of the middle lamella, as well as from nutrient substances that diffuse out from adjacent cells; but there is no evidence that the tree is in any way benefited by the presence of the fungus. In some cases the development of the mycorrhiza- mantle inhibits the growth of the root, and stimulates a profuse branching, which is repeated as the branches are infected. This gives rise to a malformation known as ''coral root," which is so well developed in one herbaceous species as to give the plant its scientific as well as its common name — Corallorhiza, or coral-root. In endotrophic mycorrhizas the hyphae penetrate through the cell-walls into the cell-cavities, and in such 338 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES cases all stages are found from true parasitism of the fungus on the root, through a mutually beneficial relationship, to a parasitism of the root-cells on the fungus. Among common trees having endotrophic mycorrhizas, may be Fig. 246. — Cancer-root {Conopholis americana), of the Broom-rape family {Orohanchacea). The ovaries are developing into capsules.^ The plant derives its name from the scaly cone. (Photo by Elsie M. Kittredge.) mentioned the black maple, horse-chestnut, and black walnut, and most of the heath family (Ericaceae), such as trailing arbutus, huckleberry, wintergreen, heather, laurel, and rhododendron. This is probably the chief SAPROPHYTISM AND SYMBIOSIS 339 reason why it is so difficult to transplant many of the heaths; the delicate adjustment between the plant and the mycorrhizal fungus is disturbed in transplanting, and the soil conditions in the new habitat are not favorable to its reestablishment before the plant dies. The Indian-pipe and the false ''beech-drops'' (Figs. 230 and 231), both belonging to the heath family, also pos- sess endotrophic mycorrhizas. Fig. 247.— Dodder {Cuscuta sp.), parasitic on geranium {Pelargonium). A few seedlings at the left are still rooted in the soil, and are not yet at- tached to the host-plant. They eventually sever all relation with the soil. 311. Parasitism. — In some cases of symbiosis, as stated above, only one plant derives any benefit from the union, which may or may not be of positive injury to the other. Such is the case with the endotrophic mycorrhizas, already mentioned. There are many instances of the parasitism 340 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES of one flowering plant on another (Fig. 246). In some of these cases as, for example, the dodder (Cuscuta), the para- site may have completely lost the power of elaborating chlorophyll, and thus lack the function of photosynthesis; Fig. 248. — Dodder {Cuscuta sp.), in flower. Parasitic on a golden rod {Solidago ulmifolia). (Photo by Elsie M. Kittredge.) the parasitism is then complete (Figs. 247, 248 and 249). In other cases the parasite may retain its chlorophyll- apparatus, and hence be only partly dependent upon the host, as in the case of the mistletoe (Fig. 250). Such plants are semi- parasites. Another example of SAPROPHYTISM AND SYMBIOSIS 341 semi-parasitism is that of the blue-green alga, Nostoc, species of which grow in little pockets or cavities in the tissues of the water-fern Salvinia, of Gunnera manicata, luG. 249.— Photomicrograph of a cross-section of the stem of a dicoty- ledonous host-plant infested with the parasite, dodder {Cusciila sp.). Note the haustoria extending from the dodder (D, D') into the cortex of the host (H). Greatly enlarged. of Anthoceros, and of other plants, without apparent injury to the host (Fig. 160). 312. Artificial Parasites. — By recent experiments cer- tain plants have been induced, by experimental treatment, 342 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES to grow as parasites on other plants (Fig. 2500). The con- dition to success in such experiments is that the osmotic strength of the cell-sap of the host must be less than, or at least not greater than that of the parasite. Fig. 250, — Cross-section of a branch of live oak, showing live stems of mistletoe, parasitic on the oak; the upper stem with foliage and fruit. Note the prominent "sinkers" of the parasite, some of them growing laterally for a short distance, close under the surface of the bark, and then radially, deep into the tissue of the wood. 313. Fungal Parasites. — Mention has already been made in Chapter XIV of the parasitism of the entire group of fungi, including the smuts, rusts, and other disease- producing fungi, on flowering plants. The ''shelf-fungi," commonly found on forest trees, are economically impor- SAPROPHYTISM AND SYMBIOSIS 343 tant because of the enormous financial losses occasioned by the timber-decay which they induce. 314. Parasitism Means Degeneration. — Most parasites among the flowering plants have suffered the loss of some organ or organs, and of one or more functions as a result of the parasitic habit. In fact, parasitism must be re- garded as an acquired habit, and the parasite among plants, as in human society or elsewhere, as a degenerate form of life. Some plants can live only as parasites {obligate parasitism), while others may live either as parasites or as saprophytes (facultative parasitism). Fig. 250, a. — Cissus laciniata, parasitic on the cactus {Opuntia Blakeana). The parasitism was artificially induced (xeno-parasitism). The host plant has been sectioned to expose the roots of the xeno-parasite. (Re- drawn from D. T. MacDougal.) 316. Flowers and Insects. — The dependence of certain plants upon insects to secure the transfer of pollen from one flower or plant to another, will be mentioned more in detail in Chapters XXVII-XXIX. CHAPTER XXII THE PROBLEM OF SEX IN PLANTS 316. Cell-division and Reproduction. — As stated in Chapter XIV, the essence of reproduction is the separation, from the body of the parent, of a cell or larger portion, which becomes the starting point of a new individual. In some of the lowest plants, such as certain species of bacteria, cell-division always results in reproduction; that is, the two halves of the divided, one-celled body always separate at the close of cell-division, thus giving rise to two new individuals. A little higher in the scale of life we find such plants as Pleurococcus, where cell-division may result at once in reproduction, but where there is also a marked tendency for the cells to adhere together at the close of division, thus forming a loosely organized, multi-cellular plant body (Fig. 183) . A further advance is illustrated by Spirogyra, where the cells normally do not separate at the close of division, but remain together, end to end, producing a multi-cellular body in the form of a filament (Fig. 251). From this simple condition we have seen transitions to the flat thallus of the liverworts; the simple, leafy axis of the mosses, the leafless axis of the moss-sporophyte, and the leafy sporophyte of the ferns. Not that these forms are derived from each other; tut they illustrate various degrees of complexity from the simplest unicellular plant body to a complex, multi-cellular body. By a comparison of these forms, we see that while, in 344 THE PROBLEM OF SEX IN PLANTS 345 some of the lowest forms, cell-division always results in reproduction, in the higher forms it only paves the way Fig. 251.- Spirogyra sp. A, terminal portion of vegetative filament; B, stages of scalariform conjugation; C, preparation for lateral conjuga- tion; Z>, zygospores formed by lateral conjugation. to increasing the size of the given individual, that is, to growth. In other words, between cell-division and re- 346 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES production there is interposed the enlargement or growth of the parent. 317. Vegetative Multiplication. — Attention has also been called to the various methods by which the number of individual plants is increased by the separation of multi- FiG. 252. — Branch of a willow (Salix sp.), showing the formation of fibrous roots. The lower portion of the stem was placed in water for a few days. cellular portions of the body of the parent. The most familiar of these processes being the artificial propagation of plants by means of cuttings. A portion of stem (Figs. 3 and 252), or sometimes of leaf (Fig. 253), stuck into moist sand will form new roots and ultimately develop an THE PROBLEM OF SEX IN PLANTS 347 entire new plant. A leaf of begonia laid on moist sand will give rise to several new plants wherever it is cut (Fig. 254). Leaves of the sundew (Drosera) frequently strike Fig. 253. — Regeneration at the leaf-base of potato leaves {Solanum tuberosum), a, roots formed; h, tuber-like enlargement; c, same as h, with roots; d, formation of true tuber. (After Miss Elsie Kupfer.) Fig. 254. — Young plantlets developing from the edges of lacerations made in a large leaf of Rex begonia. ' root at the tip and develop new plants (Fig. 255), while the leaves of Bryophyllmn normally produce marginal buds from which new plants develop (Fig. 256). As 34S STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES noted in Chapter XVI, the thallus of a liverwort may be chopped fine and every isolated, intact cell will give rise to a new plant. Growing plants of the liverwort, Marchantia, isolated by the dying of older tissue develop new individuals; the tips of the leaves of the walking fern may strike root Fig. 255. — Drosera rotmidifolia. Production of a young plant from the leaf of an older plant. and originate new plants (Fig. 122), the tips of stolons or runners (as in ferns, eel-grass, strawberries, etc.) may do the same (Figs. 257-259, and 123), isolated sterile branches and "innovation-branches" of Sphagnum moss become new individuals (Fig. 144), as may also the famihar '.ubers and bulbs (such as those of the potato and onion), THE PROBLEM OF SEX IN PLANTS 349 Fig. 256. — Bryophyllum crenatum. A leaf which has given rise to three plantlets along the margin of the blade. Fig. 257. — Eel-grass {Valtisneria spiralis), showing vegetative propaga- tion by stolons. Young plants at P^ and P^. 350 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES IHbb^, ,A.:,..^ -i .p^ F 's^^ - ,:,^ ■."'■ ■^•■•/^' 5-., 1^ "^■;^,;\.4'/^-f^-J ^ tt 4'^' UB4l . ^^■kL:' :'Msr' J fl'1 }>. '• nf "v^^^ ^^Ls-^.., K ■"- ^ '"w^ r ^-;.J i£W-^*^*^ -^ ^*i ■iife/5'»;> - -1^ ^ ife...,. .^ BHI^^^^HHII^^ VI ^SPP^^I^^ ^1 Fig. 258. — Scmperviviim tectoruniy with stolons. Fig. 259. — Chlorophytum elatmn R. Br., showing vegetative propagation by runners. P^, P^, P^, new plants; P, parent plant. From P^ one root, and from P^ two roots hang down. THE PROBLEM OF SEX IN PLANTS 351 and the gemmcB of various species of liverworts, mosses, and ferns (Fig. 260). An interesting form of vegetative multiplication is illustrated by the fern Woodwardia orientalis, where new plantlets arise at numerous points on the upper surface of the leaves (Fig. 261). The number of in- dividuals is thereby increased or multiplied, hence the term vegetative multiplication. Fig. 260.— Hymenophyllum sp. Prothallus. a, antheridia; b, arche- gonia; g, gemmae. (After Winifred J. Robinson.) 318. Reproduction by Spores.— In many plants such, for example, as the fern, the parent plant, while retaining its own vegetative organs intact, gives off individual cells (the spores), which become the starting points of new individuals. The most distinctive thing about a spore is that it escapes, or becomes separated from the parent, while all the other cells remain organically united. In some one-celled plants {e.g., yeast. Fig. 67), the en- tire plant body (except the cell-wall) may become organ- 352 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES ized into spores, which escape from the cell-wall of the mother-cell. In a number of many-celled plants {e.g., Ulothrix) practically every protoplast has the capacity of becoming organized into one or more spores which escape from the old cell-cavity. The next higher step is the restriction of spore formation to certain cells in special organs (sporangia), while the other cells function only vegetatively. 'iG. 261. — IVoodwardia orientalis. Portion of a leaf bearing numerous young plantlets on its upper surface. 319. Cell-fusions. — Through all the variations of re- production by spores there is, as a rule, only the separation of protoplasts from the parent body, never a cell-fusion or nuclear-fusion. Some plants, however, such as Ulothrix (Fig. 262), have been found to produce two sizes of spores, and the small spores must always unite before they can develop into full-sized, mature individuals.^ Attention has already been called (Chapter XVIII) to the condition of similar sized gametes {isogamy), as in Spirogyra, in contrast to that of unequal gametes (hetero- gamy), as in Ascophyllum and Fuciis. 1 In certain cases {e.g., Ulothrix) the microspores may develop small, imperfect individuals without fusion. THE PROBLEM OF SEX IN PLANTS . 353 320. Maleness and Femaleness. — Spirogyra. In nearly all cases of cell-fusion it is possible to recognize some difference, either of structure or of behavior, between the gametes. In Spirogyra, for example, it has long been noticed that if one of the cells of a filament passes over to the other filament through the conjugation-tube, all the cells of that filament will ordinarily do the same. Thus after conjugation is over all the cells in one filament will be found empty, while all the cells of the adjacent, con- jugating filament will contain zygotes. This behavior, however, varies under certain conditions and with differ- ent species. Recent studies by York have revealed the fact that the supplying gamete of Spirogyra always possesses less starch and a less number of starch-formers (pyrenoids) than does the receiving gamete (Fig. 263). It has also been noted that the supplying filaments (male ?) are less vigorous, vegetatively, than the receiving filaments (female ?). 321. Sexuality in Molds.— One of the most interesting of recent discoveries in connection with sex in plants, is that of the existence of two strains of different sexual value in the molds. It was known for a long time that conjuga- tion and the formation of zygotes in these plants could not always be secured when desired; that is, conjugation would not occur between every two individuals. At first it was thought that the explanation lay in the fact that the ex- ternal conditions (temperature, light, moisture), might not be just right, or that the two adjacent plants were not in the right condition as to age, or nutrition, or otherwise. Finally, as stated in Chapter XIX, Blakeslee, by careful experimental studies, found that there are two unlike strains of many of the molds, and that whenever a 23 354 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES to o o O- u c o .s o — ' en (/I ^> N THE PROBLEM OF SEX IN PLANTS 355 plant of one strain grows next to a plant of another strain, conjugation will always take place between them. These strains he designated, provisionally as (+) and (— ) (Fig. 190). The f+) strain is vegetatively more vigorous Fig. 263, — Spirogyra sp., illustrating sexual differentiation. ^ Receiving (female) gamete at the left; supplying (male) gamete at the right. (Re- drawn from camera lucida drawing by H. H. York.) than the (— ) strain, and the conclusion seems warranted that the (+) race is female and the (— ) race male. 322. Sexual Differentiation of Spores. — i. Physiolog- ical. Even an elementary study of reproduction reveals the fact that spores from the same plant, and even from the same sporangium (as in some of the molds just men- 356 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES tioned), and to all external appearances entirely alike, may produce individuals of different sex- value, some being male and some female.-^ Such was also seen to be the case with the marine alga Dictyota,^ the externally similar male and female gametophytes being produced by spores that are alike in size and other external features. As a further advance spores that appear to be morpho- logically alike may produce plants morphologically as well as physiologically different {Anthoceros, some molds). 2. Structural. In the little club-mosses {Selaginella) we found the spores unlike, not only in function but in structure, those producing males being smaller than those producing females — the condition of heterospory. Fig. 264. — Vaucheria terrestris. anth, antheridium (empty); o, oogonia. 323. Differentiation of Sex-organs. — In many lower plants there is no recognizable structural difference be- tween the organs that produce the heterogametes, but a step in advance in this direction is found in such a plant as Vaucheria (Fig. 264), where the antheridia are struc- 1 See, also, pp. 246 and 248. 2 See Chapter XVIII. THE PROBLEM OF SEX IN PLANTS 357 turally very unlike the oogonia. This differentiation is carried a step further with the appearance of the multi- cellular archegonium in liverworts and mosses. 324. Structural Differentiation of the Sexes. — i. Par- tial. — In some species (though not in all) of the fresh- water alga, CEdogonium, the spores are unlike. Large zoospores produce normal-sized plants that bear eggs and smaller androspores. The androspores, intermediate in size between sperms and zoospores, produce smaller, male indimdiials only, of simple structure, which fasten themselves to the egg-bearing plants, and give rise to sperms, which fertilize the tgg.^ 2. Complete. — In the liverworts and mosses commonly, and in the higher plants always, the gametophytes are clearly differentiated into male and female, with unlike vegetative characters which clearly distinguish them. These unlike structural features are called the secondary sexual characters. In these groups the sporophytes are not differentiated in structure, but the spores they pro- duce, though structurally alike, are physiologically unlike, some producing male gametophytes, others female. The most complete expression of maleness and female- ness is found 'in certain seed-bearing plants, where the sporophytes are differentiated - into microsporophytes (staminate plants), bearing only microspores which pro- duce male gametophytes (pollen-grains), and megasporo- phytes (pistillate plants), bearing only megaspores which produce female gametophytes (embryo-sacs) . Usually the two kinds of sporophytes are essentially alike, except for the sporophyll-bearing branches (the flowers), but the ^ It has been suggested that these androspores might be regarded as sperms developing without fertilization, i.e., by parthenogenesis. 358 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES male and female gametophytes are as unlike as could well be imagined. Illustrations of this condition will be found when we study the Gymnosperms (zamia, cycas, ginkgo), and the Angiosperms (willow, poplar, hop, etc.). 325. Determination of Sex. — i. Effect of Nutrition. — Nobody knows the real cause of sex — of maleness and femaleness. We may arrange plants (and animals) in a series so as to show the gradual transition from the simple non-sexual condition to complete differentiation of males and females, but in doing this we should clearly recognize the fact that we have really explained nothing. We have only described events and structures in the order in which it seems probable that they have occurred, in the gradual development of the earth's vegetation. But while we have never yet been able to determine in advance the sex of a plant or animal, we have been able to determine which sex shall gain expression. For ex- ample, we have seen above that male plants are frequently less vigorous and more poorly nourished than female plants. We would, therefore, expect that poor nutrition would cause a suppression of femaleness, and this is pre- cisely what has been found in certain experiments that have been made. When the prothallia of certain ferns that normally bear both antheridia and archegonia are grown under conditions that result in their being poorly nourished, the antheridia develop, but not always the archegonia. In such cases we know that we have not changed the sexual nature of the prothallus, but have only modified its expression.^ This is further illustrated ^ In exceptional cases perfect flowers may appear on staminate or pistil- ate plants, as in papaw (Carica Papaya) and willow, suggesting that dioecious plants may, in reality, be of double sex-value, but that only one of the sexes comes normally to expression. THE PROBLEM OF SEX IN PLANTS 359 in the gametophytes of the Horsetails (Chapter XXIV), which are usually differentiated into larger ones (female) and smaller ones (male); but under certain conditions (apparently involving differences of nutrition), the female gametophytes may bear antheridia, and the male gameto- phytes archegonia. 2. Efect of Constitution of Germ-cells. — If sex is not de- termined by external conditions — by environment — then Zygote Mal9 (zo ox my Sperm No-X,or y Sperm Xr class (2Z) Zygote Female Fig. 265, — Diagram to illustrate determination of sex by the ic-chromosome. its explanation must lie in the internal constitution of the germ-cells — in their chemical, physical, or morphological differences. Remarkably careful and accurate observa- tion has, in fact, revealed a constant and fundamental morphological difference in the germ-cells of animals. It has been found, for example in some insects, that the nucleus of every egg possesses a certain clearly distinguished chromosome, called the rr-chromosome,^ while in the ' The X, as in algebra, indicating an unknown, or not understood, factor. 360 STRUCTURE AND LITE HISTORIES sperms one-half possess it (x) and one half do not (no — x). In other cases (first recorded for hemipterous insects by- Wilson) the x-chromosome in the cells of the male is accompanied by a companion chromosome of a different type, called by Wilson the y-chromosome. In the reduction division one half the sperms receive the a:-chromosomes, the other half the ^'-chromosomes. In some cases the X- and j-elements are not single chromosomes but groups of small chromatin bodies. The x-element is always associated with femaleness, the no — x (or y) with maleness. If an egg (x) is fertilized by a sperm possessing the x- chromosome a female zygote is determined (formula xx) ; the union of an egg with a no — x or 3; sperm results in a male zygote (formula xo or xy) , thus : Egg X -f- sperm no — x = zygote x (male). Egg X + sperm y = zygote xy (male) . Egg X + sperm x = zygote xx (female) . This condition is illustrated diagrammatically in Fig. 265. In sea-urchins and some other animals the condition may be reversed, the sperms being all alike and the eggs unlike. Careful investigations have, so far, failed to reveal any- thing corresponding to the x-chromosome in plants, except in two species of the dioecious liverwort, Sphcero- carpos. In 1919 Allen^ (for S. Donnellii) and Miss Schacke^ (for S. texanus) demonstrated the presence in the cell- nuclei of the female plants (gametophytes) of one x- chromosome, clearly distinguished from the seven other chromosomes by its much greater size. Likewise they 1 Allen, C. E. The basis of sex inheritance in Sphcerocarpos. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 58: 289-316. 1919. 2 Schacke, Martha A. A chromosome difference between the sexes of Splmrocarpos texanus. Science, N. S., 49: 218-219. Feb. 28, 1919. THE PROBLEM OF SEX IN PLANTS 36 1 have identified in the cell-nuclei of the male gametophytes one ^^-element, distinguished by its much smaller size (Fig. 265, a). As would be anticipated, the cell-nuclei of the sphorophyte generation contain both the x- and the ^/-elements. On the basis of these discoveries Prof. Allen predicts that further investigation is likely to reveal the presence of similar bodies or elements in other plants. 326. The Meaning of Sex. — Just what is accomplished for plants by the occurrence of two sexes is not entirely understood. Among the lower plants the primitive expres- sions of sex seem in some cases, to have met a need for better nutrition, or to have resulted in rejuvenating the protoplasts of the gametes; but these explanations are not satisfactory, especially for the higher plants. We do know that fertili- zation always results in increasing variation. When plants are propagated vegetatively, as by cuttings or by grafting, the characters remain constant in the new plants,^ but when reproduction is by seeds (resulting from fertilization) we always observe great variation. This is, of course, an advantage, for it is only by variation that new characters may appear, and without the appearance of new characters there would be no opportunity for the improvement of plants — either by nature or by man. The results of all studies and discussions of the question of sex lead us to recognize the fact that it is still largely an unsolved mystery. We must make further and more accurate observations, and be careful and logical in our reasoning, before we can hope to solve this difficult problem. ^ Except in the special case of bud-sporting (p. 532, and Fig. 400). CHAPTER XXIII FROM ALGA TO FERN 327. Progressive Development. — The largest fact that stands out in a hasty review of the plants we have studied is the increasing simplicity of form and organization from fern to alga, or in reverse order, the increasing com- plexity from alga to fern. The Pleurococcus is a simple globule of living matter. Its organs are all reduced to their lowest terms — cell-wall, cytoplasm, limiting surface (or membrane), nucleus, nuclear membrane, chromato- phore — the parts of a cell. The one protoplast performs all the functions of life — takes in raw materials, elaborates food out of these raw materials, digests the food thus made, assimilates it, respires, and reproduces itself. It is difficult to imagine the fundamental life-functions per- formed under simpler circumstances of structure. But as soon as plant cells begin to remain united after cell-divison they begin to be differentiated. The single Pleurococcus cell is globular, but when two or more remain attached they are flattened at the surfaces in contact (Fig. 183). This is a simple illustration of morphological differentiation. When a cell-mass is formed the outer cell-walls, in contact with the air, become covered with a layer of cuticle, which retards the loss of water. Cell-walls in contact with each other do not possess the cuticle. Thus, by gradual steps the plant body becomes increasingly complex, so that we 362 FROM ALGA TO FERN 363 may arrange a series from algae to ferns, and from ferns to the higher seed-bearing plants, showing increasing complexity of structure. 328. Division of Physiological Labor. — The differentia- tion of the plant body into organs — root, stem, leaf, re- productive organs — may be considered as an expression of the division of physiological labor. For example, when a sufficiently thick cell-mass is formed the inner cells may be deprived of light; no chlorophyll can then develop, photosynthesis becomes impossible, and the outer^cells must elaborate all the food, not only for themselves, but for the inner, non-green cells as well. Roots that serve to hold the plant in the soil, and to take in water and minerals to be used in the leaves, must be nourished by food elaborated in the green cells. The leaves and branches must be supplied with water taken in by the roots, and a vascular system becomes necessary. So, in these and countless other ways, the vegetative functions become divided among organs specially fitted by their structure to perform them well. Then the reproductive function becomes confined to certain cells, which are nourished by the others. Repro- duction itself becomes complicated by the development of two kinds of gametes, and the introduction of cell- fusion as well as cell-division. Among plants, organization — the development of defi- nite organs for definite work — has the same kind of ad- vantage as the division of labor among men. The "jack-at-all- trades" is not as efficient at any one of them as the specialist. The existence of carpenters, plumbers, masons, tailors, architects, superintendents, teachers, lawyers, stenographers, doctors, means greater efficiency, than could be secured if everyone tried to be all of these. 364 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES So the differentiation of the plant body into root, stem, leaves, and organs of reproduction means greater efficiency in the performance of all the functions of life. 329. From Water to Land. — A careful consideration of all available evidence leads to the conviction that plant life originated in the water. For example, the more primitive types of plants have no well-defined polarity) that is, they do not present an axis with the opposite ends clearly differentiated for the performance of different functions under unlike surroundings, such as roots ad- justed to a life in the soil and darkness, and leaves adjusted to a life in the air and light. Plants submerged in water, such as Spirogyra, commonly possess a uni- formity of structure, in harmony with their uniform environment. Of course, there are exceptions to this, Ascophyllum, Dictyota, Vaticheria, and other submerged aquatics possess, on one end, hold-fasts which anchor them to the substratum; but these plants probably represent early steps toward a rooted existence on land. One of the most marked evidences of aquatic life for primitive organisms is their method of reproduction by motile spores and motile gametes; while, at the same time, one of the most distinctive characteristics of the more highly developed land-plants is reproduction by non- motile spores, suited to distribution by wind. The enormous number of spores produced insures a rapid multiplication of individuals, and their dryness insures protection during periods of more or less prolonged drought. 330. Development of the Sporoph3rte. — For the suc- cessful production of large numbers of spores there is needed some provision for richly nourishing the spore- FROM ALGA TO FERN 365 producing tissues. There must be a large amount of chlorophyll-bearing tissue, ample provision for taking in abundant water and minerals, and efficient channels for conducting the raw materials and elaborated food from one part of the plant to another. Moreover, the spore- bearing parts need to be lifted into the air to insure the most efficient distribution of the spores. These needs are admirably met by the sporophyte with roots on one end, green leaves on the other, and sporangia borne at or very near the tips of the branches. A review, at this time, of the sporophytic phases of the liverworts, mosses, and ferns will show how these sporo- phytes gradually increase in complexity and importance, from the simple condition in Riccia, with almost no sterile tissue, through the sporogonium of the higher liverworts and mosses, to the leafy sporophyte of the ferns. The final step in the development of the sporophyte was the differentiation of megasporophytes, bearing only mega- spores, and microsporophytes, bearing only microspores. 331. Decline of the Gametophyte. — As the sporophyte became more highly developed and the dry-land fio-a more firmly established, the gametophytic phase became less essential and less in evidence, until, in the ferns, the sporophyte became the commonly recognized "plant," and the very existence of the gametophytic phase was, for a long time, not known. Reproduction by spores and by other non-sexual means became entirely sufficient to perpetuate the race. 332. Classification. — By a careful comparison of all kinds of plants, it has been recognized that certain ones are very much alike in fundamental characteristics of structure; they fall naturally into a group. Moreover it 366 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES is recognized that there are numerous groups, and that the members of any one group differ from those in every other group in some fundamental point. By such com- parisons botanists have been able to classify all known plants into more or less clearly defined groups and sub- groups. The larger the number of characters considered, the smaller the group, and vice versa. The divisions of the plant kingdom already studied, and their distinguishing characters are as follows : ^ Divisions of the Plant Kingdom 1. T hallo phytes. — Plant body a thallus; no archegonia. 2. Bryophytes. — Archegonia; no vascular system. 3. Pterido phytes. — Vascular system; no seeds. These four divisions are, of course, distinguished by other characters than the ones just indicated, but these stand out prominently as positive and negative character- istics of the respective groups. These three divisions are further subdivided, as shown on the following page. ' Adapted from Coulter (J. M.). FROM ALGA TO FERN 367 Table IV.— SuBorvrsiONs of the Plant Kingdom I. Thallophyta (a) Algae (i) Cyanophyceae (2) Chlorophyceae (3) Phaeophyceae (4) Rhodophyceae (b) Fungi (i) Myxomycetes (2) Schizomycetes (bacteria) is) Phycomycetes (4) Ascomycetes (5) Basidiomycetes (6) Fungi imperfecti (life histories imperfectly known). (c) Lichens 2. Bryophyta (a) Hepaticae (b) Musci 3. Pteridophyta (true ferns) ^ (a) Eusporangiatas (b) Leptosporangiatae 4. Calamophyta (calamites) (a) Equisetineae 5- Lepidophyta (lycopods) (a) Lycopodineae (homosporus ciuu-mosses) (6) Lepidodendrineae (heterosporus club-mosses) * An older classification combined the last three groups or phyla into one, as follows: 3. Pteridophyta (ferns and fern allies) (a) Filicineae (6) Equisetineae (c) Lycopodineae CHAPTER XXIV CALAMITES AND LYCOPODS I. THE HORSETAILS (EQUISETALES) EQUISETUM 333. Habitat and Distribution. — As the names of some of the various species indicate, representatives of the genus Equisetum occur in a rather large variety of habitats. Thus we have the swamp-equisetum {E. palustre) , meadow- equisetum {E. pratense), the field-equisetum {E. arvense), and so on. They are frequently found along railroad embankments in exposed situations, while other species occur only in shaded or very moist locations (Fig. 266). They are distributed throughout the northern hemi- sphere, but only one species has been reported from South America. Twenty species have been described from the temperate and tropical North America, but none has ever been found in Australia. Fossils of near relatives of the genus have been found in the rocks of previous geological ages, and some of the fossils in the coal-bearing rocks of the Carboniferous age are thought to belong to Equisetum itself. In temperate America the horsetails vary in height from only a few inches to several feet. One species {E. dehile), found near Lahore, in India, attains a height of from 10 to 15 feet, needing the support of neighboring trees in order to stand erect, while E. giganteum, found from the West Indies to Chili, reaches a maximum height of 368 CALAMITES AND LYCOPODS 369 about 40 feet. In the island of Jamaica it is found in thickets 10 to 15 feet high. 334. Description of the Sporophyte. — The plant body (Fig. 267) consists of a horizontal, much-branched, under- ground stem, or rhizome, from which spring two kinds of sub-aerial branches — sterile and fertile. The cells that Fig. 266. — Equisetwn fluviatile. Pure stand in shallow water, at Tully Lake, N. Y. (Photo by W. L. Bray.) compose the sub-aerial branches are, in many of the species {e.g., E. aroense), nearly or quite all formed by the close of the growing season, in the fall, so that in the following spring all that is necessary is the expansion of these cells, causing an elongation of the internodes and the appearance of the branch above ground in early spring. 24 370 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES The sterile branches produce smaller side branches at the nodes. Chlorophyll is formed in the cells of the cortex, and stomata in the epidermis permit the exchange of Fig. 267. — Equisetum arvense. P, sterile branch; P^, fertile branch with strobilus, or cone; R, rhizome (underground); T., cross-section of cone, showing insertion of sporangiophores in a whorl; A", iV, sporangio- phores with pendant sporangia; S, S\ S'-, spores with coiled elaters (el). gases necessary in photosynthesis and respiration. The sterile branches elaborate practically all of the food neces- sary to nourish the underground stem and the developing CALAMITES AND LYCOPODS 37 1 sterile and fertile branches that will appear the following spring. We thus have an excellent illustration of the division of physiological labor — one branch to anchor the plant in the soil, and serve as a storehouse of food and a center of distribution ; roots to take in water and dissolved minerals ; sterile aerial branches to perform the functions of food- manufacture, and the fertile branches to perform the func- tion of reproduction — bearing the spores, and lifting them high in the air, thus facilitating their distribution by wind. The fertile branch commonly appears first in the spring, usually bearing no side branches nor foliage-leaves, but only whorls of scale-like leaves at each node. These scales possess little or no power of photosynthesis, and are chiefly protective (Fig. 267). In some instances the fertile branches bear green lateral branches. At the apex of the fertile branch is borne the strohilus, or cone, consisting of a central axis (the prolongation of the axis of the branch), bearing a variable number of spor- angiophores. In the development of the fertile branch the cone is formed first, and is raised above ground by the subsequent formation and elongation of the sterile tissue below it. In some species {E. arvense) the fertile branch dies after the shedding of the spores, while in other species {e.g., E. pratense), after the spores are shed the entire cone falls away and the fertile branch then takes on the char- acters of the sterile branches which occur with it. Each sporangiophore^ consists of a stalk with a peltate shield at the end The axis of the cone soon ceases to ^ The sporangiophores of Eqiiisetum have been interpreted as hom- ologous with leaves, i.e., as sporophylls, but evidence derived in part from a study of the fossil relatives of the modern horsetails indicates that this conclusion may not be correct (Cf. Fig. 268). The term sporangiophore is non-commital as to homology. 372 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES elongate between the whorls of sporangiophores, so that the shields occur in close contact. It is this cessation of growth, in fact, that produces the cone; otherwise the sporangiophores would occur in whorls distributed at wider intervals along the axis. The sporangia arise from a single epidermal cell {euspo- rangiate) on the underside of the shield; there are from five to ten on each shield. Fig. 268. — Sphenophyllum cuneijolium, a fossil species related to the modern horsetails. Diagram of a longitudinal sectional view of an axis bearing sporophylls (Sph); s,s, sporangia; s^, s^, sporangia in longitudinal section, showing spores, A vascular bundle enters the stalk of each sporangium. Enlarged. (Redrawn from Zeiller.) Cf. Fig. 280. The spores (which are green when ripe) are alike in size {homos porous), but they produce two kinds of gameto- phytes, male and female (dioecious). Therefore they must be unlike physiologically. Under certain circum- stances, as already mentioned, (page 359), the female CALAMITES AND LYCOPODS 373 gametophytes may ultimately produce antheridia, and the male ones, archegonia. It is of interest to note that some of the fossil relatives of the modern horsetails were heterosporus. The structure of the spores is unusual in that they bear four ribbon-like appendages (elaters), formed from the outer wall, and closely coiled around the spores (Fig. 267). Fig. 269. — Equisetum palustre. Portion of a male prothallus, bearing antherida; a, b, c, three antheridia in successive stages of development; a. empty; sp, escaping sperms and sperm-mother-cells; c, antheridium not yet opened; d, initial stage in the development of an antheridium. X about 70. (After Sadebeck.) These appendages uncoil in dry air and recoil with moisture, with a sharp, snapping motion, thus rolling the spores about. The distribution of the spores is accomplished when they are ripe, by the opening of the dry walls of the sporangia. The shrinking of the walls gradually forces out the spores, and by the uncoiling and snapping of the elaters the spores become entangled and held fast to each other in little fiocculent masses. Thus the complete 374 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES isolation of single spores is prevented, and the advantage of this is recognized at once when we recall that the prothallia are. dioecious, 335. The Gametophytes. — Under suitable conditions of moisture and temperature the spores begin to germinate, and by successive cell-divisions produce the lobed pro- thallia. The male prothallia are one cell in thickness, and bear the antheridia at the tips of the lobes or on the margins (Fig. 269). Fig. 270. — Female prothallus of Equisetum arvense L. cri, young archegonium; arz, archegoium before fertilization; st, sterile lobe of pro- thallus; hw, rhizoids. Several lobes were removed in order to show the cushion and the archegonia. Enlarged about 20 times. (After Sadebeck.) The female prothallia form a cushion of relatively thick, spongy tissue (the meristem), and on this cushion (as in all Pteridophytes) are borne the archegonia. In contrast to the true ferns, the archegonia are borne on the upper surface of the prothallus, and point upward, in consequence of being negatively geotropic (Fig. 270). From the edges of the cushion numerous thin flaps of green tissue form; these fold over the cushion, enclosing the archegonia, and thus retaining the moisture of dew CALAMITES AND LYCOPODS 375 or rain. This forms a favorable environment for the multiciliate sperms, which are set free from the antheridia of neighboring male prothallia; and swim to the arche- gonia, and down their neck-canals to the eggs which they fertilize. 336. The New Sporophyte. — As always, the fertilized egg develops into an embryo, and the embryo, without any 5a V' ^ "-^4^ Fig. 271. — Diagram of life-cycle of Equisetum. period of rest, continues to grow until the new sporophyte is formed, with underground rhizome, and finally with the sub-aerial sterile and fertile branches, thus completing the life-cycle^ (Fig. 271). ^ In a few species of Equisetum modified underground branches, re- sembling a string of tubers are formed, and these give rise to new plants by vegetative multiplication. 376 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES The life history of Equisetum may be tabulated as follows : OUTLINE OF LIFE HISTORY OF EQUISETUM Rhizome i X. \, I Sporophyte Sterile branch Fertile branch I 4.4. Strobilus 4-4- Sporangiophores 4-4- Sporangia Reduction Isospore Isospore 4- i Male gametophyte Female gametophyte 4- 4- Antheridium Archegonium 4- 4- Sperm Egg FertilizatioiJ^ Oosperm 44- Embryo 4-i Mature sporophyte 11. THE CLUB-MOSSES (LYCOPODIALES) LYCOPODIUM 337. Habitat and Distribution. — Nearly all the species of Lycopodium prefer moist situations, and one or two of them are aquatic. They are widely distributed over the earth, in both hemispheres, from the torrid to the frigid zones, and commonly grow in shady places. Lycopodium Selago, and a few other species are epiphytic. They all CALAMITES AND LYCOPODS 377 prefer a substratum rich in humus or other organic matter. Most of the species are restricted to one hemisphere, but a few occur in both. 338. The Sporophjrte. — There are several hundred species of Lycopodium. Among those most common in temperate America are L. davatum (Fig. 272), L. ohscurum Fig. 272. — Lycopodium davatum, dendroideum, and L. lucidulum. These species commonly grow trailing over the surface of the ground, and from this, and the appearance of their foliage, they are com- monly called "ground pine," though of course they have nothing to do with true pines. As is well shown in the figure, the plant-body of the sporophyte of Lycopodium davatum consists of a sterile lower region, bearing foliage- 378 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES leaves, but no sporophylls, while the fertile region occurs as a clearly recognized cone, formed by the crowding of the sporophylls at the apex of the leafy axis (Fig. 273). The foliage-leaves are all simple and small (microphyllous) . Fig. 273. — Lycopodium sp. Photomicrograph of longitudinal section of a cone, showing the sporangia on the upper surface of the sporophylls, near their insertion on the main axis. A more primitive type is found in Lycopodium Selago (Fig. 274). Here the lower region is sterile, but is not as well developed as in other types, for the sporophylls begin to appear lower down on the stem. Moreover the sporophylls are not aggregated into a cone, but are dis- tributed at intervals from near the base to near the apex, CALAMITES AND LYCOPODS 379 with sterile regions intervening. The leaves usually occur in whorls of five, but often they are arranged in spirals. At the zone of transition from sterile to fertile regions, imperfectly developed [aborted) sporangia are often formed, and this (with other evidence) has suggested that, in the Fig. 274. — Lyco podium Selago. (After Bower.) evolution of the sporophyte, the purely vegetative regions have resulted from a sterilization of fertile tissue. The correctness of this interpretation of the origin of the sterile regions is rendered more probable by the fact that the condition found in L. Selago is characteristic of the fossil Lycopods of the coal measures. The possession of a well-developed 380 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES sterile region with foliage-leaves, and the restriction of the sporophylls to the apices of the branches is of very con- siderable advantage, making possible an abundant supply of food to a vast number of spores. The branching of L. Selago is dichotomous, and the sporangia are borne on the upper surfaces of the sporophylls, near their bases. 339. The Gametophyte. — The spores of Lycopods are alike in size (isospores), and on germination produce fleshy prothallia, bearing both antheridia and archegonia (monoecious), and partially saprophytic in habit. They commonly have a filamentous fungus growing parasitic- ally within their tissues. The reproductive organs occur at the upper end, surrounded with sterile hairs {para- physes). The whole of the antheridia, and the venters of the archegonia are imbedded in the vegetative tissue. The gametophyte may grow more or less completely im- bedded in the soil, but when growing on the surface chloro- phyll is formed, and photosynthesis may take place. Its lower end bears numerous rhizoids. 340. The Embryo. — After an ^gg is fertilized it begins at once to divide and soon develops an embryo. Of the two cells resulting from the first division of the fertilized egg, the lower one serves as a suspensor, while the other becomes the ancestor of all the cells of the embryo. The suspensor serves to push the embryo down into the nour- ishing tissue of the prothallus. The young embryo (Fig. 275) soon becomes differentiated into two distinct regions— the foot (not shown in the figure), and the shoot. As in the mosses and true ferns, the foot serves to absorb nourishment from the gametophyte. But the embryo is dependent upon the gametophyte for only a relatively brief period — shorter than in the mosses and true ferns. CALAMITES AND LYCOPODS 381 The elongation of the embryo-stem Qiypocotyl) carries the first leaves {cotyledons) up above the surface of the soil, while at the same time the first root {radicle) is develop- FiG. 275. — Lycopodium phlegmaria. Development of embryo, st, stem; cot, cotyledon; sus, suspensor; R, root. (After D. H. Campbell.) Fig. 276. — Young sporophyte of Lycopodium cermmm L., with the gametophyte, having irregular lobes of chlorophyll-bearing tissue attached on one side. (After Treub.) ing at its base (Fig. 276). If the prothallus is deeply buried the hypocotyl becomes more elongated before the cotyledons are formed. 341. Vegetative Multiplication. — Several species of Ly- copodium bear gemmae. They are conspicuous on 382 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Lycopodium lucidulum (which is common in the northern United States), and are borne near, but not in, the axils of the leaves. A young rootlet commonly appears on the gemma while it is still attached to the plant. After it falls off, the axis elongates, and a new sporophyte is formed, like the old one. 342. Life History. — The student should be able to make his own diagram of the life history of Lycopodium, fol- lowing the examples given in connection with forms previously studied. m. LITTLE CLUB-MOSSES (SELAGINELLALES) SELAGINELLA (LITTLE CLUB-MOSS) 343. Habitat and Distribution. — The little club-mosses (species of Selaginella) are found in every continent and on most of the larger islands. They usually grow only in moist situations, and are very common in conservatories, under the plant benches, and in pots and hanging baskets. 344. The Sporophyte. — The plant body (sporophyte) consists of a much-branched stem (Fig. 277), bearing scale-like, but green foliage-leaves, sessile and more or less closely appressed to the stem. At the tips of the branches the foliage-leaves are replaced by sporophylls, so arranged as to form a clearly distinguished cone (Figs. 278 and 281). Near the base of the leaves, on the surface next the stem, is formed a thin, membraneous flap, the ligule (Figs. 279 and 280). The possession of a ligule is one of the funda- mental distinguishing characteristics of Selaginella. 345. Two Kinds of Spores. Heterospory. — If we examine a longitudinal section of a cone, we shall normally find a sporangium in the axil of each sporophyll. In exceptional cases the lower or basal leaves of the cone are CALAMITES AND LYCOPODS 383 Fig. 277. — Selaginella Wildenovii, Fig. 278. — Selaginella anmna. Branch bearing numerous terminal cones. 384 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Fig. 279. — Selaginella Watsoniana. Base of foliage leaf, showing ligule, L. Enlarged about 36 times. Fig. 280. — Selaginella sp. Photomicrograph of a longitudinal section through the tip of a cone, showing sporangia (sp), and ligules (%.). (Cf. Fig. 268.) CALAMITES AND LYCOPODS 38s Sterile. The lower sporangia are larger than the upper ones, and bear four large spores {megas pores). They are megasporangia, and the leaves are megasporophylls. The Fig. 281. — Sdaginella Marlcnsil. a, vegetative branch; h, portion of the stem, bearing cones {x)\ c, longitudinal section of a cone, showing microsporangia {mic. sp.) in the axils of microsporophylls, and megaspor- angia in the axils of megasporophylls; d, microsporangium with micro- sporophyll; e, microspores;/, portion of wall of sporangium, greatly magni- fied; g, megaspore; h, microsporangium opened, and most of the micro- spores scattered; i, megasporangium, with megasporophyll; h, same, opened, showing the four megaspores. smaller sporangia {microsporangia) are subtended by viicrosporophylls, and bear numerous small spores {micro- spores). In some species the two kinds of sporophylls 25 386 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES alternate along the axis of the cone (Fig. 281). The larger number of microspores results from the fact that every spore-mother-cell, by tetrad-division, develops spores, while in the megasporangia only one spore-mother- cell develops spores, the other cells serving to nourish that one. The microspores develop only male gametophytes, the megaspores, female. In dissemination, the spores are ejected to some distance from the parent plant (Fig. 282). Fig. 282. — Selaginella Martensii. Dissemination of spores. The branch was covered with a glass bell-jar to avoid currents of air. The "dust" is composed of both microspores and megaspores, and indicates the distance to which the spores are projected from the dehiscing spor- angia. X 23. 346. The Male Gametophyte. — The male gametophyte is developed entirely within the wall of the microspore. The first division gives rise to a vegetative (or sterile) and a fertile cell. The vegetative tissue never develops be- yond the one-celled stage. By several divisions the fertile cell develops a simple antheridium containing four sperms. Each sperm bears two long, slender cilia (Fig. 284). 347. The Female Gametophyte. — The megaspores begin to gerviinate ivhile still in the sporangium. This will be CALAMITES AND LYCOPODS 387 recognized at once as a new feature in life history. By successive divisions the protoplasm of the spore becomes a multicellular body, the prothallus, with richer cells near the apex. Here a number of archegonia form (Fig. 283), and the enlargement of the prothallus, or gametophyte, causes a splitting apart of the old, thick walls of the megaspore, so that the female gametophyte protrudes (Fig. 284, 9). Fig. 283. — Selaginella Krausslana. C, section of mature female gam- etophyte, showing three archegonia, two containing eggs, and one (at the left) an embryo with suspensor {sus.). D-G, Stages in the development the archegonium; H, very young embryo (two-celled stage), after first division of the fertilized egg; I, older embryo (Em), with suspensor {s). (After Campbell.) It bears no chlorophyll, living entirely as a parasite on the parental sporophyte, from whence it derives all the food with which it nourishes the embryo. 348. Fertilization, — As throughout the ferns, calami tes, and lycopods, fertilization is accomplished by the swimming of the sperm to the mouth of the archegonium, and down the neck-canal to the ripe egg in the venter. Thus while Selaginella is, in other respects, a land-plant, it retains the aquatic method of fertilization. External water is absolutely necessary in order that the sperm may reach the egg. 349. The Embryo. — After fertilization the oosperm begins to divide. The cell nearest the neck of the arche- 388 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES gonium, after the first division of the egg, is a suspensor, but becomes much longer than in Lyco podium, and thrusts the developing embryo deep down among the nourishing cells of the gametophyte. By the possession of a suspensor the Lycopodiales and Selaginellales are distingiiished from the Pteridophytes and Calamites. The embryo does not cease growth, and pass through a resting period, but continues to develop, until its root and shoot, with two cotyledons, emerge from the prothallus. Fig. 284. — Diagram of life-cycle of Selaginella. (Alodified from J. H. SchafTner.) and the young sporophyte gradually becomes established as an independent, green plant (Fig. 284). It is only after the development of a vigorous leafy shoot, with chloro- phyll apparatus, capable of elaborating an abundance of food, that the strobilus is organized with its axis and green sporophylls. CALAMITES AND LYCOPODS 389 OUTLINE OF LIFE HISTORY OF SELAGINELLA Sporophvtc TT ' TT Microsporophyll ^Nlegasporophyll ^ >l^ >!< >K Microsporangium Megasporangium ^ < — Reduction — > ^ Microspore ]Megaspore 4- 4. Male gametophyte Female gametophyte 4. i Antheridium Archegonium 4. 4- Sperm Egg Fertilization Oosperm 4-4- Emhrvo ii Mature sporophyte 350. Marks of Progress. — With the introduction of heterospory we recognize a distinctly new feature of the sporophyte generation. Structural differentiations asso- ciated with difference in sex have hitherto been confined to the gametophytic generation, but now such distinctions appear for the first time in the sporophyte. This is a long step forward, and marks Selaginella as a more highly organized form than the lycopods, horsetails, and ferns. Other marks of progress are: 1. The reduction of the vegetative tissue of the gametophytes (to only one cell in the case of the male gametophyte). 2. The entire dependence of the gametophytes upon the sporophytes for nutrition. 3. The retention of the female gametophyte, through- out its entire existence, almost entirely within the wall of the megaspore. CHAPTER XXV SEED-BEARING PLANTS THE CYCADS 351. Description. — The cycads, while native only in the tropics, are familiar to all persons who have visited conservatories. One of the commoner species in cultiva- tion (Cycas revoJuia) is often labelled, "Sago palm." In Fig. 285. — Cycas rcvolula, showing terminal bud of foliage-leaves just opening. (Compare Fig. 286.) fact, in some respects it bears a superficial resemblance to a palm, while in other characters it suggests the ferns. There is a short, thick, cylindrical, unbranched stem or trunk, bearing a crown of beautiful, leathery, green leaves, 390 SEED-BEARING PLANTS 391 having prominent midribs and pinnately divided (Fig. 285). The leaves endure for a year or more (varying with the species), and are then replaced by a fresh crown. The duration of each crop of leaves is said to vary accord- ing as the plant grows wild, or in botanic gardens and Fig. 286. — Cycas revoliita. Terminal bud of foliage leaves just opening. Nearer view of Fig. 285. Note the circinate vernation of the leaf-pinnules, but not of the entire leaf. conservatories. Thus, when temperature and rainfall are excessive, Cycas circinalis may produce two crowns of leaves a year, instead of the one crown commonly produced in green houses. The young leaves are curled up at the tips, unrolling as they grow. In the genus Cycas only the leaflets are 392 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES r- J^U^ i Mk 1 1^^^ ''J ^Ih \!^^ '^. ^^^^k « ^t> Fig. 287. — Macrozamia Moorei. Two staminate cones; the older one above. FiG._ 288— Macrozamia Moorei. Microsporophyll (lower surface), show- ing microsporangia (pollen-sacs), after the shedding of the pollen. J SEED-BEARING PLANTS 393 curled (Fig. 286), while in the related American genus, Zamia, the entire leaf is curled as well. The plants are dioecious, but the two sexes so closely resemble each other that they cannot be distinguished except by their sporo- phylls when in fruit. Fig. 289. — Macrozamia Moorei, showing two lateral carpellate cones. 362. Microsporophylls.— The microsporophylls are grouped into a cone (Fig. 287). This means that they are not on the main stem, for the cone is really a branch, bearing only sporophylls. The microsporangia, bearing microspores, occur in groups (sori), on the under surface of the sporophylls (Fig. 288). 394 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES SEED-BEARING PLANTS 395 353. Megasporophylls. — The niegasporophylls, or car- pels, occur either in axillary cones (Fig. 289), or in groups Fig. 291, — Cycas media. Trunk, with foliage leaves removed, showing crown of megasporophylls (carpels). (Specimen in Brooklyn Botanic Garden.) (Cf. Fig. 289.) at the summit of the main stejn, surrounding the growing point of the stem, and surrounded by the foliage-leaves (Figs. 290 and 291) . In the latter case they possess a pin- 396 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES nately divided blade, with mid-rib and petiole (Fig. 292). The genera that bear the megasporophylls on the main stem resemble the ferns, and in this respect are the simplest, or most primitively organized, of all living seed-plants. 364. Megasporangia. — Unlike the microsporangia, the megasporangia of Cycas occur, not in groups, but solitary Fig. 292. — Young megasporophyll (carpel) of Cycas revolnta, bearing six young ovules, destined, after fertilization, to mature into seeds. Note the relatively large amount of leaf-blade above the ovules, as compared with Cycas media (Fig. 293). (Specimen from C. C. Chamberlain.) on the lower part of the sporophyll, at the margin, occupy- ing the position of the pinnate divisions (Figs. 292-294). In genera bearing carpellate cones the megasporangia occur in pairs on the under surface of each scale (mega- SEED-BEARING PLANTS 397 sporophyll, Fig. 295). In the Cycads and higher plants the megasporangia are called ovules. 355. Ovules. — The young megasporangia or ovules of Cycads consist of two distinct regions of sterile tissue — an inner nucellus, and an outer covering, or integument^ Fig. 293. — Megasporophyll (carpel) of Cycas media, bearing one ripe naked (gymnospermous) seed, and three ovules which failed to become seeds, doubtless through not being fertilized. (Compare Fig, 292.) which is an outgrowth of the ovule just below the nucellus. The integument serves to protect the more delicate tissues within, and later becomes transformed into the seed- coat (Figs. 296-298). Only one of the four megaspores develops within the nucellus. 356. Female Gametophyte. — As in Selaginella, the mega- spores begin to germinate while still in the sporangium, but now a new feature is introduced into life history; 398 STRUCTURE AND LIFE mSTORTES Fig. 294. — Cycas media. Carpel (megasporophylD with six ripened ovules or seeds. P'iG. 295. — Macrozamia Moorei. A scale (megasporophyll) from a carpellate cone, bearing two ovules, maturing into seeds. A, top view; 5, bottom view. About half size. SEED-BEARING PLANTS 399 Ihe megaspores of Cycads never leave the sporangium. The developing female gametophyte is nourished entirely as Fig. 296. — Ovule oi Macrozamia Moorei. A, external view; B, portion of integument removed, showing egg-shaped gametophyte. The dark strip on the upper left-hand portion of the latter is where a piece of the now membranous nucellus was peeled off; C, gametophyte, entire, with nucellar cap at the upper end; D, longitudinal section; E, end view, with part of the integument removed, disclosing the tiny crater-like pollen- chambers, at the bottom of which the necks of the archegonia open. (Cf . Fig. 297.) About natural size. a parasite, by the tissue of the nucellus. The latter becomes almost entirely consumed, so that when a longi- 400 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES tudinal section is made of a mature ovule (Fig. 297), tlie remainder of the nucellus appears only as a thin mem- brane adhering to the outer surface of the prothallus, or endosperm, as it is here called. When the Qgg fails to become fertilized the gametophyte may protrude, develop chlorophyll, and lead a brief, semi-independent existence. ■ i ^^M mi .--4 ^^^^ W"' ^ ^^^^^^S^. _»* — ■ - A-T - — 3, r. i t ■ 1 oi..-m ^ W.\i. 1 fc. *»-— — w' ^ _^ «■• ^^r Sti:. L-^ ■ ■ - - -^.^-'^-^ Fig. 297. — Photograph of a longitudinal section of an ovule of Macro- zaniia Moorei. mi, micropyle; n.c, nucellar cap; a.r, archegonia (the venters only showing) ; il, inner, hard layer, o.l, outer, fleshy layer of the integument; g, gametophyte; p.c, pollen chamber. Enlarged from D, Fig. 296. Several archegonia develop in the apical end, imbedded in the tissue of the prothallus, and with their neck-canals opening at the surface into a pollen-chamber (Fig. 297). They resemble somewhat the archegonia of the lower orders SEED-BEARING PLANTS 401 studied, but possess only two neck cells, and no neck-canal cells. The large egg-cell in the venter is the largest known in the plant kingdom. Fig. 298. — Cycas circinalis. Diagram of longitudinal section of a nearly mature seed; 0, outer fleshy layer, with a bundle (0^) of the outer vascular system; s, stony layer of integument; i, inner fleshy layer, with a bundle {i^) of the inner vascular system; c, central vascular bundle. (After Marie C. Stopes.) 357. Male Gametophyte. — The germination of the microspore and the development of the male gametophyte involve only cell-divisions, but not the growth of new tissue. The mature gametophyte is called a pollen- grain. It consists of three cells: a prothallial cell, a tube-cell, and a generative cell (Fig. 299). There is no structure that can be positively identified as an antheridium, unless the prothalHal cell is considered (as by some), as repre- senting the antheridium. The pollen-grain has two coats — an outer and an inner. 358. Pollination. — When the pollen is mature it is scattered by the wind, and some of the grains lodge, by 26 402 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES chance, in the pollen-chamber of the ovules on neigh- boring female plants. The transfer of pollen to the female plant is pollination. 359. Germination of the Pollen-grain. — In the pollen- chamber the conditions favor the germination of the Fig. 299. — Cycas rcvoluta. a, Pollen grains at shedding stage; X 500; i, later stage, showing prothallial cell (/>) and generative cell (g), the tube- nucleus not shown; X 200; c, generative cell divided, giving rise to stalk- and body-cells; X 500; d, the stalk-cell-nucleus (5) being crowded out, and blepharoplasts appearing in the body cell ih); X 500; ^> the body-cell shortly before division, showing two well-developed blepharoplasts; X 750; /, the two male cells resulting from the division of the body-cell; the beaks of the nuclei are attached to the cilia-bearing bands; X 200. Reduced about two-thirds in reproduction. (After Ikeno.) pollen. This is also a new feature in life history. In ger- mination the pollen-grain develops absorbing organs {haustoria), which penetrate the tissue of the nucellar-cap (Fig. 300), and also larger tubes which carry the generative cell further down into the pollen-chamber. As the tube SEED-BEARING PLANTS 403 elongates the generative cell passes down it, becoming divided into two sperm-cells. These sperm-cells are remarkably interesting little bodies, bearing a large num- T^^ ^^^ Fig. 300. — Dioon cdiile: upper part of an ovule at the time of fertiliza- tion, showing integument, nucellus, male gametophytes (germinating pollen-grains), and female gametophytes (embryo-sacs). Reconstructed from sections of several ovules. (After Chamberlain.) ber of cilia, by the motion of which they are carried, in the completion of their journey to the egg, through the watery solution emptied from the pollen-tube, to and 404 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES through the neck-canal of the archegonium, into the archegonial chamber. FertiHzation, here as always, is completed by the fusion of the sperm and the egg-nuclei (Fig. 301). The behavior of these little sperms in an allied genus, Zamia, is thus described by their discoverer,^ Webber: Fig. 301. — Fertilization in Zamia floridana. The male and female nuclei are fusing; h, remains of the cilia of the sperm. (After Webber.) "In removing the nearly mature pollen-tubes the sperm- atozoids are found to be in various stages of development, as would be expected. In many cases tubes have been observed, before cutting them off, in which the two sper- matozoids had pulled apart and were swimming free in the protoplasm. In some instances their movement in the pollen-tube, before it is injured, can be observed with the aid of a hand lens. ''It is an interesting sight to see the two giant sper- matozoids moving around vigorously in the pollen-tube, 1 ^Motile sperms were discovered in Cycas in 1897, by a Japanese botanist , Hirase, following their discovery in Ginkgo in 1896 by another Japanese student, Ikeno. The latter was the first discovery of motile sperms in a spermatophyte.. SEED-BEARING PLANTS 405 bumping against each other and the wall of the tube in their reckless haste. They seldom escape from the upper cut end of the pollen-tube, although they as frequently- swim toward this end of the tube as the other end, so far as could be observed. In many cases the pollen-tubes were cut so that the spermatozoids escaped into the solu- tion, and in numerous other cases mature turgid tubes burst in the process of cutting, discharging the uninjured spermatozoids in the sugar solution. The writer was thus able in many cases to study the spermatozoids swim- ming free and observe their unobstructed motion. ''The motion of the spermatozoids when swimming free in sugar solution is in no way different from their motion when in the pollen-tube. The general motion is a con- tinuous rotation of the body, always in the same direction, around an axis passing through the apex of the helicoid spiral. Viewed from the head end or apex of the spiral the rotation is in the direction of the hands of a clock, and contrary to the turns of the spiral band. They roll around, first here, then there, resembling in this respect the motion of Pandorina. After moving about rapidly for from five to fifteen minutes they usually cease all pro- gressive motion, but continue to rotate for a considerably longer period. The rotary motion also soon ceases, but the cilia continue to vibrate for a considreably longer time. The spermatozoids of Zamia also have an amoeboid mo- tion, which is particularly noticeable while they are in- closed in the pollen-tube. The apex of the spiral as a whole frequently rotates in a most remarkable way, turning in a circle, pushing out first this way and then that way with the greatest freedom of motion, as if selecting a point of exit or ingress. In other cases the base or the side 4o6 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES of the spermatozoid body may be considerably extended as a blunt point in pushing between two obstacles. The whole body seems flexible and changeable in the highest degree and is eminently fitted for its difficult task of finding and swimming through the narrow passage between the neck-cells of the archegonia." A point to be specially noted here, is that while a pollen- tube is introduced in the process of fertilization, the final act is accomplished as in lower aquatic forms, by the swimming of the sperms through liquid. The pollen- tube alone, as in higher plants, should suffice in Cycads to bring the sperm to the egg, and the retention of locomotion of the sperm, after the appearance of the pollen-tube, can be interpreted only as the persistence, by inheritance, of a character that was a fundamental necessity in lower forms. ^ 360. The Seed. — During the processes of germination of the pollen-grains and fertilization, the ovule is increasing in size, and developing different tissues and juices. The outer wall of the nucellus hardens, while the integument becomes succulent and pulp-like, so that externally the structure resembles a plum. It cannot, however, be com- pared to a plum in morphology {i.e.j cannot be homologized with a plum), for a plum is a ripened ovary, while the so-called ''fruit" of the Cycads is a ripened ovule or seed. 361. The Embryo. — After fertilization the oosperm develops into an embryo-sporophyte (P'ig. 302). This is often delayed until after the seed is planted, so that after the embryo has once begun- to form it continues to grow, ^ The accomplishment of fertilization by the mediation of a pollen-tube (siphon) is called siphonogajny. SEED -BEARING PLANTS 407 without undergoing any resting period, until the new sporo- phyte has emerged from the seed and become established ;.' d . 'o,ao® / J 1 c t Fig. 302. — Zamia jloridana. a, free nuclei of proembryo; X 16; b, tissue at base of proembryo; X 24; c, diflferentiation into suspensor and embryo; X 29; d, young embryo showing long suspensor, natural size. (After Coulter and Chamberlain.) in the soil as an independent plant (Fig. 303). In its early stages the embryo derives its nourishment as a parasite from the female gametophyte (prothallus, or endosperm). 4o8 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES 362. Gymnospermy.- The fact that the seed is not enclosed within the carpels, or walls of the ovary, but continues wholly exposed throughout its existence, until Fig. 303. — Cycas incdia. Germinating seeds, e, endosperm (gameto- phyte); c, cotyledons; st, leaf-stalk; h, hypocotyl, showing early enlarge- ment to form the thick trunk shown in Fig. 291. shed, is one of the most significant of all the features of the cycads. On this feature, and its opposite, the great division of seed-bearing plants (Spermatophytes) is sepa- rated into two classes as follows: „ .1.1 Gymnosperms Spermatophytes < . . [ Angiosperms The word gymnosperm means ''naked seed,"^ while ^ From the Greek, gymnos {yviivbs), naked -f- spernta {airkp/jia), seed. SEED-BEARING PLANTS 409 angiosperm means "enclosed seed."^ The fundamental distinction between gymnospermy and angiospermy was first made clear by one of the greatest of English bota- nists, Robert Brown, in 1827 (Fig. 10). 363. Comparison with Ferns. — The cycads resemble the true ferns in several points — in the vernation of their leaves (coiled in the bud), in the venation of the leaves (forked veins), in the possession of sori (for microspor- angia), in having multiciliate sperms, in having sporo- phylls (megasporophylls) that closely resemble foliage leaves, and in having the embryo dependent at first upon the prothallus for nourishment, but later becoming established as an independent plant. They differ from ferns in having the non-green gameto- phyte dependent for nourishment throughout its life upon the tissues of the sporophyte. In the heterosporous habit they differ from the true ferns, but resemble the higher fern relatives, like Selaginella. Their greatest step forward is the development of a seed. They are the first true seed-bearing plants to be met with among living species, as we ascend from the Algae. How closely Selaginella approaches the formation of a true seed may be seen by referring to the condition in the megaspor- angium following fertilization (Fig. 284). If the female gametophyte of Selaginella should remain within the walls of the megaspore; if the embryo should undergo a period of rest after the formation of the young stem and first leaves, and if this entire structure should remain within the mega- sporangium, we should have a true seed in Selaginella. The cycad seed is primitive (or imperfect as a seed), ^ From the Greek, angcion {a-yyeiov), a vessel -}- sperma {a-irkpua), seed. 4IO STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES in frequently not having the embryo develop until after the seed is planted, and in not having the embryo undergo a period of rest between its formation and its final develop- ment into a mature sporophy te ; the absence of an embryo characterizes some of the fossil relatives of Cycas, The genus Cycas is the only living genus of plants which produces seeds w^ithout developing either a cone or a flower, but produces the seeds on sporophy Us borne on I he main stern. It is the simplest of all living seed-plants, to this extent, being in this respect as lowly organized as the ferns. OUTLINE OF LIFE HISTORY OF A CYCAD The Cycad plant (Sporophyte) Microsporophylls Megasporophylls >l^ >!' ■A' -^ Microsporangia Megasporangia (ovules) 4, ^ — Reduction — > \. Microspores Megaspores 4, 4. Male gametophyte Female gamctophyte (Pollen-grain) (Endosperm) i i Vestigial antheridium Archegonium Generative cell 4. Sperms Egg Fcrtilizahuii Oosperm a Embryo New Cycad plant (Sporophyte) ;on 1 SEED-BEARING PLANTS 411 364. Distribution. — The cycads and their relatives are all tropical or subtropical. Four genera {MicrocycaSy Zamia, Ceratozamia, Dioon) occur in the western hemi- sphere, with the chief center of distribution in Mexico; and five genera {Cycas, Bowenia, Macrozamia, Encephal- artos, and Stangeria) in the eastern hemisphere, with Fig. 303a. — Wilhelm Hofmeister (1824-1877). His comparativ^e studies of the history of development of mosses, vascular cryptogams, and seed- bearing plants, disclosed the fact of an alternation of generations through- out those forms, and afforded the basis for a correct interpretation of the genetic relationship of the great groups of plants. the chief center of distribution for the first three in Queens- land, Australia. Encephalartos and Stangeria are confined to Africa. CHAPTER XXVI SEED-BEARING PLANTS (Continued) GYMNOSPERMS LIFE HISTORY OF THE PINE Description of the Tree 365. The Trunk. — Everyone is so familiar with the general features of pine trees as to render a detailed de- scription unnecessary here. The main stem or trunk is normally a straight vertical shaft, that may be traced from the ground to the apex of the tree (Fig. 304). Such a trunk is called excurrent, in contrast to the opposite type which may be traced for only a short distance from the ground, to a point where it divides into the main branches or limbs. The latter type of trunk is termed deliquescent (Fig. 305). The excurrent trunk results from the fact that the main stem, as well as the lateral branches, always has a terminal hud, which carries the trunk upward from year to year. Trees may continue to increase in height each season, until they have reached the limit for the given species. Many factors may, of course, modify the height, among which is the limit of height to which the species can raise sap. Some species of pine attain a height of 160 feet. 366. Branching. — At first glance pine trees appear to bear their main branches in circles or whorls, but closer 412 SEED-BEARING PLANTS 413 lie. 304. -Glove ui puici bliowing excurrent trunks. 414 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES observation discloses the fact that these are really pseudo- whorls, since the branches do not emerge at precisely the same level on the trunk, as in true whorls. Both because they are older, and because they receive less light, the Fig. 305. — Elm tree {Ulnms americana), showing deliquescent trunk. lower branches are longer, and the gradual decrease in length from below upward, combined with the excurrent habit of the trunk, gives the tree a pyramidal outline when it grows free in the open. This shape is modified by SEED-BEARING PLANTS 415 mutual shading and crowding, resulting in natural pruning, when trees grow close together in the forest. 367. Long and Short Branches. — The pines, like several other groups of plants, bear two distinct kinds of branches — long branches, and short branches. The short branches are often called " spur-shoots. 'V Long branches, in addition to being longer and larger, commonly bear only scale-like leaves, while the spur-shoots bear the foliage-leaves (Fig. 308). In certain cases juvenile forms of long branches are recognized, which bear foliage-leaves as an exception to the general rule. 368. Leaves. — The long, needle-like leaves of the pine are familiar to everyone. They occur on the spur-shoots in groups or fascicles of one, two, three, or five, according to the species. The spur-shoots are borne in the axils of the scale-like leaves of the long shoots (Frg. 307). The base of the leaf cluster is sheathed by the thin membranous scales of the terminal bud of the spur. When there are two leaves in a fascicle they are semi-circular in cross-section, the adjacent faces being flattened as a result of their contact in the bud; when there are three or more they are triangular in cross-section. The white pine {Pinus Strobus), and its nearest relatives, have five leaves to a fascicle, the pitch-pine (P. rigida), and its nearest relatives, bear the leaves in threes, the scrub-pines and the Euro- pean pine {P. sylvestris), in twos. 369. Leaf -fall. — The duration of the leaves varies with the species and the locality from two to ten years. As a result there are always green leaves on the tree, whence the term '' evergreen." That the leaves are shed may be easily determined by examining the ground under any pine tree. The duration of the leaves is also easily 4i6 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES ascertained by observing the oldest annual growth still bearing spur-shoots. When the leaves are shed the entire spur-shoot falls away. Reproduction 370. Staminate Cones. — Most of the cone-bearing trees (Coniferae) are monoecious, i.e., bear both microspores and megaspores on the same tree. The staminate cones appear in the spring, usually in May in the northern states, Fig. 306. — Staminate cones of the Austrian pine {Pinus auslriaca). Below, before shedding pollen; above, after shedding. and persist for only a few weeks. They are borne in clusters on the long branches on the current year's growth, and occupy the lateral position of spur-shoots; they are never terminal (Fig. 306). They are, in reality, modified SEED-BEARING PLANTS 417 branches, consisting of the main axis, bearing the scales (microsporophylls, or stamens) arranged in spirals. On the underside of the microsporophyll are the spore-cases, containing the microspores. The staminate cones pass the winter inside the bud, and during this period the sporangia contain only spore-mother-cells. The tetrad-division of Fig. 307. — Scotch pine {Piniis sylveslris). Showing carpotropism of carpellate cones. Young cones at the left; cones one year old at the right. (Cf. Figs. 308 and 309.) the spore-mother-cells, occurs early in the spring, the exact time varying with the species, the locality, and the character of the season, but the young microspores are usually all formed by the first of May. On either side of the main body of the microspore is a tiny air-sac which gives the spore great buoyancy in the air (Fig. 313). 27 4i8 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES 371. Carpellate Cones. — One or more young carpellate cones appear near the tip of the new growth in early sprinc: fFigs. 307-309), and are noticeable at that time 1 ^•^ v-<\ \\A \i\ , / \ ,^ Ail 1 ^ & W ^.^/gmfM. t s ^ ^ Jl IK fl 3 lli W V /1j\ \ \ M \ ^ /K / Fig. 308. — Scotch pine (Pinus sylveslris). Branch bearing carpellate cones, one month, one year, and two years old. (Cf. Figs. 307 and 309.) from their delicate tint of red. They terminate short, lateral, axillary branches. Like the staminate cones, the carpellate cones are branches, modified for the purpose of SEED-BEARING PLANTS 419 reproduction. The central axis bears lateral scales (Figs. 309 and 310), but the homology of these scales is difficult to determine, and is still a matter of debate. There are Fig. 309. — Scotch pine {Finns sylvestris). A-D, stages in the develop- ment of the carpellate cone, and its carpotropic movements. E, very young carpellate cone much enlarged; F, ventral, G, dorsal views of a scale from E; 1, ovuliferous scale; 2, ovule (in longitudinal section); 3, pollen chamber and micropyle leading to the apex of the nucellus (mega- sporangium); 4, integument of the ovule; G, i, tip of ovuliferous scale; 5, bract; 4, integument; //, longitudinal section at right angles to the surface of the ovuliferous scale (diagrammatic); 6, megaspore; 7, pollen- chamber; /, longitudinal section of a mature cone; 6. ovule; /, scale from a mature cone; 6, seed; ic, wing of seed; K, dissection of mature seed; //, hard seed coat; c, dry membraneous remains of the nucellus, here folded back to show the endosperm and embryo; e, embryo; p, remains of nucellus; L, embryo; c, cotyledons; e, hypocotyl; r, root-end. good reasons for considering that they are not simple spor- ophylls, but are of a more complex character. Each scale comprises a bract and an ovuliferous (ovule- bearing) scale (Fig. 309). It is probable (but not certain) 420 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES that the ovuliferous scale represents two sporophylls fused together. 372. Megasporangia. — As in Cycas, the megaspor- angium is an ovule, comprising a nucellus (sporangium proper), surrounded by an integument. At the apex the integument does not come quite together, so that a Fig. 310. — Median longitudinal section of a pine cone, scale; ov, ovule at the base of a scale. ovuliferous tiny opening or pore (the micropyle) is left. The micropyle leads to the pollen-chamber below (Figs. 309 and 311). The megaspores are more backward in development than the microspores, the spore-mother-cell not appearing until June. Reduction by two divisions gives rise to either three or four megaspores in a row, but only the basal one ever germinates; the others become disorganized and furnish nourishment for the one that germinates. SEED-BEARING PLANTS 42 1 373. Female Gametophyte. — During the first season the megaspore (Fig. 311) enlarges somewhat, and its nucleus divides several times, forming free nuclei. In this condi- tion it remains until the next season, when the formation of the gametophyte is carried to completion. As the gametophyte develops it feeds on the nucellus, which is entirely consumed except for a thin membrane, which Fig. 311. — White pine {Pinus Slrobus). At lef t, megasporangium with megaspore in the center; above, pollen grains in the micropyle and pollen chamber. At right, pollen grains beginning to germinate; the cells of the integument hav^e enlarged and closed the micropyle. (After Margaret C. Ferguson.) adheres to the surface of the gametophyte or endosperm, and a cap of tissue at the tip of the gametophyte (Figs. 309, K, and 312).^ The archegonia, tw^o to five in number, at the micropylar end of the gametophyte, are mature by the last of May or forepart of June, in the northern states. In Pinus the neck of the archegonium is very much re- ^ In the seeds of some of the higher plants the tissue of the nucellus becomes filled with nourishment stored for the use of the developing embryo, during germination. It is then called perisperm. 422 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES duced, consisting usually, in the white pine, of only four cells, all in the same plane; the number of these cells is somewhat variable. No neck-canal cells are formed; only the egg, and the ventral canal-cell (the sister-cell of the egg) which disorganizes early (Fig. 312). Fig. 312. — White pine {Pinns Strohus). \'ertical section through tlie upper part of an ovule, shortly before fertilization, s.n, sperm-nuclei; st.c, stalk-cell; t.n, tube-nucleus; arch, archegonium; e.n, egg-nucleus. (After Margaret C. Ferguson.) 374. Male Gametophyte. — The germination of the microspore consists chiefly of a series of cell-divisions, all within the wall of the microspore. The first three divisions result in the formation of four cells, namely, two prothallial cells, one mother-cell of the antheridium, and a SEED-BEARING PLANTS 423 larger cell, the tube-cell, composing the larger portion of what is now the mature male gametophyte or pollen-grain. Commonly one of the two prothallial cells disintegrates, so that only one is visible (Fig. 313). Thus it is seen that the vegetative portion of the male gametophyte is reduced to nearly its lowest terms — only one or two cells of no known function; the antheridium is also represented only by its mother-cell. At this stage pollination occurs. 375. Distribution of Pollen. — In all cone-bearing trees pollination is accomplished by the wind. At about the Fig. 313. — The white pine {Pinus Strobns). Sections through mature pollen grains; at the left the remnants of two prothallial cells can be seen, while at the right all signs of the first cell have disappeared. Pollen col- lected June 9, 1898. X about 600. (After Margaret C. Ferguson.) time the pollen-grain is mature the axes of the carpellate cones elongate, thus separating the scales from each other (Fig. 309, E), At the same period the axes of the staminate cones elongate, separating the anthers from each other (Fig. 306). The sporangial walls now become opened by a longitudinal slit, and the least jarring of the branch is sufficient to shake out the dry pollen-grains, which appear in countless millions as a fine yellow dust, the ''pollen.'' 376. Abundance of Pollen. — The pollen is so abundant that it forms a really dense cloud that is easily seen in a photograph of a tree shedding its polien (Fig. 314). The 424 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES pollen-grains are, of course, blown hither and thither with every breeze, and millions of them never reach a carpellate cone. The writer once found an accumulation of pine pollen in a desk drawer that had remained constantly closed (but in the vicinity of a pine tree) during the season of pollination. A microscopic examination of Fig. 314. — Shedding of pollen from a xoun- pine tree. Note the cloud of pollen at the left, caused b}^ shaking the tree. dust from ledges, indoors and out, at the pollen season, will usually disclose one or more pollen-grains of pines and other species. 377. Pollen and Coal-formation. — A microscopic ex- amination of muck from the bottom of almost any in- land lake will disclose the fact that it contains millions of pollen-grains of various cone-bearing trees, and spores of SEED-BEARING PLANTS 425 Fig, 315. — The organization of shallow water accumulations in a lake of the present geological epoch, showing remains of roots, leaves, etc. Near the center of the figure may be seen a cross-section of the triangular needle of a white pine. (Cf. Figs. 316 and 317.) (After E. C. Jeffrey.) Fig. 316. — Fine muck from the bottom of a pond, as seen under the compound microscope, showing the presence of pollen grains of pine, spruce, and fir. (Cf. Figs. 315 and 317.) (y^.fter E. C. Jeffrey.) 426 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES horsetails, and other cryptogams (Figs. 315 and 316). It is instructive in this connection to recall recent careful studies of the structure of coal as seen in transparent sections by the aid of the microscope. These sections, prepared by Professor Jeffrey, reveal the remarkable fact that the soft, or bituminous, coals contain carbonized remains of innumerable spores of the plants which con- stituted the dominant vegetation during the geological Fig. 317. — Photomicrograph of a thin section of cannel coal from Kentucky, formed under open-water conditions, i.e., of the muck at the bottom of ancient lakes or lagoons. The light, roundish bodies are spores. (Cf. Figs. 315 and 316.) (After E. C. Jeffrey.) period (Carboniferous), when coal was being formed (Fig. 317). Such studies necessitate a radical change in our earlier conception as to the conditions and method of coal-formation. These facts also illustrate how the study of what might, at first thought, seem insignificant, impractical, or unim- portant, and not closely related to our daily lives, may, at any time, furnish the key to unlock the mystery of SEED-BEARING PLANTS 427 5ome very important fundamental fact or scientific principle. The formation of pollen in such abundance is one of the numerous instances of the ''factor of safety" in plant organization; and the necessity for it is recognized at once when one considers the small chance that any given pollen-grain will reach the pollen-chamber of an ovule. 378. Pollination. — Some of the pollen-grains, of course reach the carpellate cones, which are usually situated higher up on the tree and higher up on the individual shoots, than are the staminate cones. This location is an advantage, because the light pollen-grains, specially buoyant because of their two air-sacs, readily float up- ward. Those that reach the carpellate cones, fall between the ovuliferous scales, and settle down to the bases of the scales. Some of them get caught in the sticky fluid that fills the pollen-chamber at this time, and as the fluid dries up the grains are drawn close down to the tip of the nucellus (Fig. 311). Here, as always, the deposit of pollen on the surface where it is to germinate is called pollina- tion. PoUination in Pinus occurs in late May or early June, depending on the species, the locality, and the nature of the season. 379. Nodding of the Cone. — Soon after pollination the stalk of the carpellate cone, in most species, changes its relation to gravity, becoming negatively geotropic. One side grows more rapidly than the others, thus causing the cone to nod and hang pendant (Figs. 307 and 308). This position it retains throughout the remainder of its life. 380. Germination of the Pollen-grain. — Very soon after pollination, the tube-cell begins to develop a pollen- tube, which secretes an enzyme that dissolves the cell-walls and 428 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES contents of the nucellar tissue, thus facilitating the passage of the dehcate tube. The dissolved con- tents nourish the growing tube, which at first serves as a haustorium to absorb the nourishment. Thus the male (as well as the female) gametophyte, lives as a parasite upon the tissue of the sporophyte. Soon after the pollen-tube has begun to form, the tube-nucleus moves down toward the tip, where it remains, presiding over the subsequent growth of the tube (Fig. 318). At about this time, also, the antheridial mother-cell divides, forming a wall-cell^ and a generative cell. In this condi- tion the first winter is passed. After pollination the carpellate scales, by growth, are brought „ „„ . . close together, and secrete a very Fig. 318.— White pine . . ^ (Pinus Strobus). Germi- sticky, resmous substancc, all of T%f"t2-l7; which very completely excludes g.c, generative cell; /.», any water from between the scales. tube-nucleus. X about „, . . , . 236. (After Margaret c. The cone then mcreases greatly m Ferguson.) gj^^ (^ig. 309). 381. Fertilization. — Early in the following spring (May- June), the generative cell, after passing into the pollen- tube, divides to form two sperm-cells, and the pollen-tube continues its growth toward the archegonia. By this time (June) the egg lies mature within, and completely ^ Also commonly called ''stalk-cell." SEED-BEARING PLANTS 429 filling, the venter of the archegonium. The pollen- tube passes between the neck-cells of the archegonium, but does not ordinarily enter the venter. The apex of the tube is ruptured, probably by internal osmotic pressure, and its entire contents are emptied into the cytoplasm of the egg. One of the sperm-nuclei unites with the egg-nucleus (June of the second season), and fertilization is accomplished (Fig. 319). Fig. 319. —White pine {Pinus Sir oh us). Longitudinal section through an archegonium at the time of fertilization. Above the -fusing nuclei are various other elements emptied into the egg from the pollen-tube. Col- lected June 21, 1898. X about 62. s.g, starch grains; p.r, prothallium; c.p.t, cytoplasm from pollen-tube; st.c, stalk-cell; t.n, tube-nucleus; s.n, sperm-nucleus; e.n^ egg-nucleus; n.s, nutritive spheres. (After Margaret C. Ferguson.) 382. Formation of the Seed. — After fertilization the oosperm begins at once to develop, giving rise to three distinct structures; the pro-embryo, the suspensor, and the embryo-sporophyte. During the early divisions of the fertilized egg the male and female chromatins can be clearly distinguished (Fig. 320). At the same time the adjacent tissues of the ovule become transformed. A portion of the prothallus or gametophyte nourishes the developing embryo, but the large bulk of it becomes 430 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Stored as endosperm around the embryo. The remains of the nucellus persist as a thin membrane surrounding the endosperm (as mentioned above), the integument of the ovule develops into the seed-coat, and from the integu- ment there also develops a long, thin, membranous wing. 383. Seed-dispersal. — From the above description we learn that it takes about a year and a half to make a pine seed. When the seeds are mature, the scales of the car- ■/^^tOKiVii'^- Fig. 320. —White pine {Pinus Strohus). Late prophase in the first nuclear division of the fertilized egg. The nuclear membrane has disap- peared, and the chromatin from both egg and sperm may still be dis- tinguished. X about 236. (After JMargaret C. Ferguson.) pellate cone, which have now become large and woody, spread apart (Figs. 308 and 309, D), and thus permit the loose seeds to fall out. By means of the membranous wing, the seeds are easily dispersed by the wind. 384. Germination of the Seed. — The seeds usually do not germinate until the spring after they are dispersed, or two years after pollination. Under suitable condi- tions of environment the hypocotyl elongates, forming an arch, and drawing the cotyledons out of the ground, while the tap-root develops from the opposite end. By the straightening of the arch the green cotyledons are lifted into the air and light, the hypocotyl elongates, the root-system begins to develop, and thus the seedling sporophyte becomes established as an independent plant. SEED-BKARING PLANTS OUTLINE OF LIFE HISTORY OF PINUS Tile pine tree (Sporophyte) 431 Carpellate cone (Modified branch) ii Ovuliferous scale (Homology obscure) 4.4. Ovule (Megasporangium) ii Megaspore-mother-cell •4' ^ Reduction Megaspore I Embryo-sac (Female gametophyte) i Archegonium Egg TT Staminate cone (Modified branch) 4-4- Stamens (Microsporophylls) 4' 4' Anthers (Microsporangia) Microspore-mother-cell ^ 4. Microspore 4. Pollen-grain (Male gametophyte) 4' (Antheridial cell) Sperm Oosperm 4.4. Embryo (In a seed^ (Zygote) 4.4. Embryo-rests 4-i Germination of seed 4-4- Mature sporophyte (The i)ine tree) 385. Comparison with Lower Forms.— It will be spe- cially instructive, at this point, for the student to make a careful comparison of the life history of Finns with the lower forms, such as Cycas, Selaginella, Lycopodium, EquU setum, and a true fern, noting especially the relative impor^ 432 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES tance, in the ascending scale, of gametophyte and sporo- phyte, and the evidences which point to a possible mode of origin of the vegetative body of the sporophyte. A funda- mental question, still being debated by botanists, is whether, in racial history, the vegetative (sterile) tissue appeared first, and the sporogenous (fertile) tissue later, Siaqe Fig. 321.^ — Diagram of the life-cycle of a pine. (After SchaEfner.) or whether the fertile tissue appeared first. The question may be put as follows: Is the cone (strobilus) the older structure in the development of the race, and are the vege- tative parts to be regarded as developed from it by pro- gressive sterilization? It is better that this question be merely stated here, as one of the larger, fundamental problems of botany, and that the pleasure of discussing it be reserved for the teacher and students together, in connection with a later chapter. (Cf., also, p. 379.) CHAPTER XXVII SEED-BEARING PLANTS (Continued) LIFE HISTORY OF AN ANGIOSPERM 386. Variations in Life Histories. — In the groups pre- viously studied there is a marked uniformity or similarity in the life histories, making it comparatively simple, once one has the key, to interpret the structures involved. Even as we pass from one group to the next, homologies are detected without serious difficulty. Under various more or less transparent disguises, we have been able to trace such structures as the sporophyll, spore-case, microspore and male gametophyte, megaspore and female gametophyte, and, in the latter, the archegonium, egg, and embryo. But studies of the highest group of plants, the Angiosperms, soon lead us into difficulties not readily overcome. It is not difficult to detect the sporophylls, spore-cases, megaspores and microspores; but, just as among the Gymnosperms the antheridium had dis- appeared as a distinct, fully developed organ, so among the Angiosperms the archegonium has disappeared, and certain new structures have made their appearance. Thus it is not possible to choose from the Angiosperms any actual plant whose life history, in detail, is typical of the entire group. For external features any one of several plants might be chosen to illustrate the floral organs commonly met with. The life history of the yellow 28 433 434 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES adder's-tongue, or dog's-tooth violet, illustrates the essential points for Angiosperms. 387. Dog*s-Tooth Violet. i— The dog's-tooth violet {Ery~ thronium americamim) belongs to the order which includes Fig. 322. — Dog's-loolh violet {Erylhronium amcricanum). Stages of deveopment from the seed. 1-5 show the stage of development in each of live successive years. Full explanation in the text. 6, Bulb showing a surface bud (the sprout has been destroyed). (After F. H. Blodgett.) the hlies (Liliales), and its structure is quite typical of that order (Fig. 322). Its stem is a small, underground, scaly bulb, giving rise to numerous roots. From the upper ^ The dog's-tooth violet is really not a violet at all, the common name, as frequently, having no regard to botanical relationships. John Bur- roughs has suggested that "fawn-lily" would be a much more appropriate name. But common names of plants and animals are, fortunately, not easily changed. SEED-BEARING PLANTS 435 surface of the stem arise two smooth leaves, with a shiny, but mottled surface, and acute apex. The petioles sheathe the base of a flower-stalk {scape), which also arises from the upper surface of the bulb. At the tip of the flower- stalk is the solitary flower. 388. Blossoming. — Early in the spring the flower-stalk begins to elongate rapidly until it has developed into a long, slender, unbranched stem, the scape, bearing at its tip the flower-bud, raised several inches above the ground, and soon expanding into a flower. During the forma- tion of the flower-bud, in the preceding autumn, the outer surfaces of the floral envelopes grew more rapidly than the inner surface, thus causing the formation of the bud. The opening of the bud is caused largely by the more rapid growth of the inner surfaces of the floral envelopes. 389. Structure of the Flower. — In Erythronium (or any liliaceous plant; cf. Fig. 323) we may recognize all the parts of a complete flower, as follows: 1. An outer circle of three sepals, together constituting the calyx. 2. An inner circle of three petals, alternating with the sepals, and together constituting the corolla. The sepals and petals in Erythronium look very much alike, but each petal has a nectary, or gland secreting nectar, at its base. The calyx and corolla together constitute the perianth. 3. Two inner circles of microsporophylls, the stamens, three in each circle, one opposite each sepal, and one opposite each petal. All the stamens, taken together constitute the androecium.* * In Erythronium three of the six stamens are frequently noticeably shorter than the other three, and mature their pollen later. This is ex- ceptional in the Lily family, to which Erythronium belongs. 436 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Each stamen consists of a slender stalk, the filament, bearing at its tip two microsporangia {pollen-sacs) , united to form the anther. In the pollen-sacs are numer- ous microspores, which finally develop into pollen- grains. Fig. 323. — Wood lily {Lilium philadelphicum). A central organ, the pistil, composed of three mega- sporophylls (carpels) united, and enclosing the mega- sporangia (ovules). All the pistils taken together (one or more) constitute the gynoccimn. The pistil consists of three distinct regions as follows: (a) The enlarged basal part, enclosing the ovules, and hence called the ovary. (b) A slender upward prolongation of the ovary, SEED-BEARING PLANTS 437 called the style. Through the center of the style extends a tiny canal, so that the style is hollow. The walls of this canal, in Erythronium, are lined with a glandular layer of cells forming the conducting tissue, which serves to nourish the pollen- tubes (Fig. 324). An expansion of this tissue is exposed at the tip of the style, forming the stigma, or surface for the reception of the pollen-grains in polHnation. The conducting tissue extends continuously from the stigma down through the style to the placenta, or point of attach- ment of the ovules. Fig. 324. — ErytJironium americannm. i, longitudinal section of hollow style, showing glandular cells of the conducting tissue lining the canal; 2, microspore; 3, young pollen grain (male gametophyte), showing gen- erative nucleus and tube nucleus; 4, pollen-grain germinating, i and 4 are from E. albidum. (After J. H. Schaflfner.) In many plants the style is not hollow, and the con- ducting tissue completely fills the center. The stig- matic surface secretes a sticky substance by which the pollen-grains are held fast. In some species of plants this surface is covered with tiny hairs, by which the pollen-grains are held until they germinate. 390. Pollination. — The flower of Erythronium stands out in sharp contrast to that of the gymnosperms, in two respects, namely, the occurrence of both stamens and carpels in the same flower, and the possession of a con- spicuous, colored perianth. The significance of the 438 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES perianth can be understood only in connection with pollination. It will be recalled that in the gymnosperms the pollen is transferred by wind, but in Erythronium this transfer is accomplished by means of insects. The perianth, conspicuous to us by its petals, appears to at- tract certain insects. Whether this is accomplished by color, or by odor, or by some other means not clearly demonstrated, is not absolutely known. It is generally believed to be by color, but certain experiments seem to disprove this theory. Be that as it may, we know that the development of a conspicuous perianth appeared in the same geological age (Cretaceous) as did the more highly developed, winged insects, such as the butterflies and moths. In fact the insects probably appeared some- what earlier than the *^ flowers." Attracted to the flowers by whatever means, the insect finds, at the bases of the petals, nectar secreted by glands. While feeding on the nectar the back of the insect becomes dusted over with pollen from the anthers. When he flies to another flower some of this pollen is rubbed off on to its stigma, thus accomplishing pollination. 391. The Male Gametophyte. — The young pollen-grain has already been recognized as a microspore. In some species it develops into a male gametophyte before pollina- tion, in other cases not until afterward. In either case the gametophyte is very greatly reduced. The mature pollen-grain of the milkweed, for example, is a mature gametophyte, having the sperm-cells formed at about the time the flower-buds open. In Erythronium the genera- tive cell, formed between December i and April i, does not divide to form the sperm-cells until after pollination, and after the pollen-tube has begun to form (Fig. 324). SEED-BEARING PLANTS 439 392. The Female Gametophyte. — Megaspores are probably not formed in tetrads by two divisions of a megaspore-mother-cell, but the ancestral-cell of the female Fig. 325. — Dog's-tooth violet {Erylhronium). i, embryo-sac, binucle- ate stage, the two nuclei dividing; 2, four nucleate stage; 3, mature embryo- sac {es)) the pollen-tube {p.t) has reached the egg-apparatus and fertiliza- tion has just taken place; the male and female nuclei are both visible in the fertilized egg. The synergids are not shown; 4, polyembryony; four embryos have developed from the embryogenous tissue, one embryo at the left of a not shaded; 5, longitudinal section of an embryo {em); s, suspensor; i, 2, and 5, E. albidum (after Schaffner); 3 and 4, E. americamim (after Jeffrey). Only one of the multiple embryos persists. gametophyte {archesporial cell) functions directly as a megaspore, without division. In very early spring the megaspore begins to germinate, increasing in size, and 440 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES its nucleus undergoing divisions, forming, in succession, a two-celled, four-celled, and eight-celled embryo-sac (Figs. 325 and 326). Three of these cells pass to one end of the sac, opposite the micropyle, and are known l>0 St is Fig. 326. — At the left, diagram of the anatomy of an angiospermous flower shortly after pollination; anlh., anther; fd., filament; st., stamen; slig., stigma; p.g., pollen grains germinating; sly., style; pL, pollen tube; o.'co., ovary wall; o., ovule, containing embryo-sac; pet., petal; sep., sepal. 1-8, Stages in the development of the female gametophyte (embryo-sac); meg.sp., megaspore-mother-cell; i.i., inner integument; o.i., outer integu- ment; fun., funiculus; dial., chalaza; mi., nucellus (megasporangium); emb., embryo-sac. All diagrammatic. as the antipodal cells, or antipodals, while two of them meet in the center and fuse, forming the endosperm-nucleus. The remaining three pass to the end near the micropyle, where one of them becomes organized as the egg-cell; the others are called synergids (helpers) (Cf. Fig. 326). SEED-BEARING PLANTS 441 393. Fertilization and Formation of Embryo. — After pollination the pollen-grain, stimulated by the sticky substance secreted by the stigma, begins to develop a pollen-tube, which passes down the canal that extends through the style from stigma to placenta, nourished by the specialized cells that line the inner surface of the ^k i M 1 H^^ w>^ > 1^^^ f)~''! \X» W "' ^* ^ f 1 ^ ^ 1 3 , V, Fig. 327. — Lilium Martagon. Longitudinal section of the stigma and upper part of the style. The pollen-grains, caught on the papillae of the stigma, have germinated, and the pollen-tubes are growing down along the walls of the style-canal, nourished by the specialized cells that line it. (After Dodel-Port.) canal (Cf. Figs. 324 and 327). When the tip of the tube has passed through the micropyle and into the embryo-sac, the sperm-cells, formed during the growth of the tube, pass out into the protoplasm of the embryo-sac, and one of them fuses with the egg-cell, thereby accomplishing fer- tilization (Fig. 328. Cf. Fig. 325). In some cases the embryonic tissue that arises from the fertilized tgg gives 442 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES rise to as many as four embryos (Fig. 325), but usually only one of them develops. 394. Formation of the Seed. — While the fertilized egg is developing into the embryo, the endosperm-nucleus Fig. 328. — Lilium canadense. Embryo-sac at the time of fertilization; a\ a^, antipodal cells; dn., endosperm-nucleus; pi., remains of pollen-tube; e.n., egg-nucleus; s.n.^, sperm-nucleus, fusing with the egg-nucleus; s.n.^, second sperm-nucleus, which may later fuse with the endosperm-nucleus, thereby accomplishing double fertilization. (Redrawn from camera lucida drawing by O. E. White.) is undergoing successive, rapid divisions, which finally result in the formation of an abundance of starchy endo- sperm, surrounding the embryo, and serving to nourish it SEED-BEARING PLANTS 443 when the seed germinates.^ At the same tmie the integu- ments of the ovule develop into a hard, horny seed-coat. This kind of seed-coat is characteristic of the Liliaceae. 395. Germination of the Seed. — The seeds are mature by about June, and lie on the ground dormant until the following April, when they germinate. Both ends of the embryo elongate, absorbing all the endosperm for nourish- ment. By about the time that older plants are blossom- ing, the young seedling has reached the stage shown in Fig. 322,2. At one side, near the end of the hypocotyl, there develops a root, and the tip becomes enlarged into a bulb by the storage of starch, manufactured by the green, cylindrical seed-leaf. Within this bulb the first bud {plumule) develops, the seed-leaf withers, and the young seedling remains in this condition during the following winter. 396. Formation of Flower Bulb. — In the spring of the second year several runners develop from the first-formed or plumule-bulb, and at their tips bulbs also form, called runner-bulbs. From each of the runner-bulbs, three more runners, with bulbs, are produced, and one of these bulbs, under favorable conditions, produces a flowering plant. It takes at least four years to produce a bulb that will develop a flowering plant. ''The following table illustrates the number of plants of different ages during each of live years, supposing that five seeds from each fruit ripen and survive the cycle, and provided that all fourth year bulbs produce flowers."^ ^ It will 6e instructive for the class to discuss the origin and mode of formation of the starch in the endosperm. 2 Quotation and table from Frederick H. Blodgett, Bull. Torrey Club 27:307-308. 1900. 444 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES ist year 2d year 3d year 4th year 5th year 5 seeds 5 seeds 5 seeds 5 seeds 5 seeds 5 plumule- 5 plumule- 5 plumule- 5 plumule- bulbs bulbs bulbs bulbs 5 yearlings 5 yearlings 15 two years old 5 yearlings 15 two years old 45 flowers 397. Annual Bulbs. — At the base of an old flowering bulb, and in the axil of one of the bud-scales, there de- FiG. 329. — Diagram of life-cycle of an angiosperm (Alisma Planlago- aquatica). 9, female gametophyte (embryo-sac); 8a and 9a, male gameto- phyte (pollen-grain). (After J. H. Schaffner.) velops each year an annual bulb, which attains full size about April, and begins in May to form the bud for the leaves and flowers of next spring. SEED-BEARING PLANTS 445 If one digs up a bulb in the fall, he will find the flower perfectly formed, and ready to be raised above the ground the following spring. All the parts of the flower, at this period, are white, on account of having been formed in entire darkness; and they are also quite brittle. When the buds resume their growth the second spring they push up through the ground quickly, and with con- siderable force. The pointed end of the sprout is covered by a mass of hard tissue, which protects the more delicate cells below from injury. The well-protected tip, and the growth-force, enable the sprout to pierce even small twigs. This has given rise to the striking name of 'Vege- table awl." As soon as the sprout is well above the surface of the ground the flower bud becomes free from the parts that enclose it, and expands into the nodding blossom; pollina- tion is accomplished, and the life-cycle begins again. The life cycle of another angiosperm, the water-plantain {Alisma Plantago-aquatica) , is indicated in Fig. 329. CHAPTER XXVIII SEED -BEARING PLANTS (Continued) ANGIOSPERMS 398. Essentials of a Flower. — Reduced to its lowest terms, a flower is a branch bearing sporophylls. The Fig. 330. — Inflorescences of Job's tears {Coix lacrima-Jobi), one of the Gramineae. latter may be microsporophylls only, as in the staminate cone of Pifiiis (Fig. 306), which is thus seen to be, in 446 SEED-BEARING PLANTS 447 reality, a flower; or they may be megasporophylls. In the latter case they may occur on the main stem, as in Cycas (Fig. 291), or grouped on a specialized branch, forming a cone, as in Macrozamia (Fig. 289).^ 399. Perfect and Imperfect Flowers. — A flower having stamens but no carpels, or carpels but no stamens i? Fig. 331. — Flowers of a tuberous begonia; staminate above; pistillate below; one of the latter with the perianth removed to show the ovary and stigmas. (Photo by Elsie M. Kittredge.) unable, by itself, to produce seed, and is hence called an imperfect flower (Figs. :^2)^-2)?>s) - A species in which the imperfect flowers occur on separate plants is dioecious. ^ Whether the carpellate cone of Finns is a flower or a cluster of flowers (inflorescence), has long been debated. There is strong evidence for con- sidering it a cluster of flowers, since the individual scales are probably not simple sporophylls. (Cf., p. 419.) 448 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Such is the case in the willow, hop, ailanthus and, of course, the cycads. When the staminate and pistillate flowers occur on the same plant, either on the same branch or axis, as in cat-tail, "Job's tears," begonia, et cetera (Figs. Fig. 332. — Inflorescences of the birch {Betula sp.). Below, the staminiiU' flowers in large, pendant catkins; above, the pistillate catkins, erect. 330-332, 375) or on separate branches, as in Indian corn, arrow-leaf, and others (Fig. 333), the species is monoecious. Since stamens and pistils are necessary to the formation of seeds they are called the essential organs of the flower. A flower like the tulip, rose, water-arum, or buttercup (Fig. 345), having both kinds of essential organs, is a perfect flower. SEED-BEARING PLANTS 449 400. Complete Flowers. — In the majority of Angio- sperms the flower, in addition to the essential organs, Fig. 333. — Arrow-leaf (Sagiltaria). At the left, branches with staminate flowers only; in the middle, branches with pistillate flowers only; at the right, pistillate branch, bearing fruit. possesses a calyx or a corolla, or both. Flowers possessing both kinds of floral envelopes and both kinds of essential organs are called complete. 29 450 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Fig. 334. — Fruit of the tomato {Lycopersiciim esciilentum) . A berry, showing seeds (ripened ovules) attached to the placentas, and inclosed in the tissue of the ripened ovary {i.e., angiospermous). Fig. 335. — Rosa rugosa, at left; CratcBgus punctata, at right. The fruit is composed of the ripened ovary, reinforced by the enlarged receptacle. SEED-BEARING PLANTS 45 1 401. Essentials of a Fruit. — In the Gymnosperms we found the seeds unprotected on the surface of the mega- sporophyll or carpel; but in the Angiosperms the ovules are produced in a closed ovary composed of one or more carpels (Fig. 334). As the ovules ripen into seeds the carpels and surrounding parts ripen into the fruit. In some cases the fruit consists only of the ripened ovary (Fig. 334) while in other cases it may comprise the enlarged calyx and receptacle also (Fig. 335). 402. Immediate Effect of Pollen.— The effect of the germinating pollen in stimulating the growth of the ovary and adjacent tissues is a very interesting phenomenon. A portion of the edible part of the fruit of apples is calyx, which has developed into fleshy tissue as a result of the stimulus of the pollen; in the case of pears the re- ceptacle and end of the peduncle become fleshy and form a part of the fruit; most of the strawberry fruit is the common receptacle of the small flowers, stimulated to a fleshy development by the growth of the pollen on the stigmas; in the watermelon, orange, tomato, and many other plants, it is the ovary alone that is thus stimulated. The immediate effect of pollen is often greatly increased by cross-pollination. This is strikingly shown in the blueberries (Vaccinium), as shown in Fig. 336. The two twigs "grew in equally good situations on the same bush, contained the same number of flowers, all pol- linated by hand with equal care, and the fruits were pol- linated on the same day. The only difference in treat- ment was that the pollen used on the left-hand twig came from other flowers on the same bush, while the pollen for the right-hand twig was taken from another bush." 452 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES I J ^ r J^ ■1 ^^^i^^'^ii^^ '4 r ^\ i r. ? -^^ ^ J ^l^v. 1 1 \ 1 ' Fig. 336. — Effect of self-pollination in the blueberry {Vacciniiim corym- bostim), as compared with cross-pollination. These two twigs, both natural size, were in equally good situations on the same bush, contained the same number of flowers, all pollinated by hand at the same time with equal care, and the fruits were photographed on the same day. The only difference in treatment was that the pollen used on the left-hand twig came from other flowers on the same bush, while the pollen for the right- hand twig was taken from another bush. The cross-pollinated flowers produced a full cluster of handsome fruit. The self-pollinated flowers produced no ripe fruit, all the fruit that set remaining small and green and later dropping off, until at the time the photograph was taken only two such imperfect fruits remained. A plantation made up wholly from cut- tings from a single bush would produce little or no fruit. At least two original propagation stocks are necessary. (After Coville. Courtesy of the U. S. Dept. Agric.) SEED-BEARING PLANTS 4^3 403. Essentials of a Seed.— In the cycads and pines we have seen accomplished the first step necessary for the production of a true seed, namely, the retention within the sporangium of the megaspore and the female gameto- phyte to which it gives rise. The final step was the forma- tion of an embryo, which usually rests before proceeding to develop into an adult sporophyte. With few excep- tions, the distinctive feature of a seed is a resting embryo. The embryo may or may not be surrounded by nourish- FiG. 337— John Ray (1628-1 705). An early and noted English botanist. First to distinguish monocotyledons from dicotyledons. ment stored in the form of endosperm. In the absence of endosperm, as for example in the bean seed, the nour- ishment is stored in the cells of the embryo itself, having been absorbed while the embryo was forming. Enclosing the other parts of a seed is the seed-coat which may be derived from one integument (as in Pinus) , or from two integuments organically united. These features are illus- trated in Fig. 83. 404. Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons. — Except in rare cases, all plant-embryos possess either one or more 454 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES ''seed-leaves," or cotyledons, and on this basis Ray (1628-1705), the noted English botanist, divided his two major groups, flowering herbs (herbcE perfectce) and trees, Fig. 338. — Morphology of typical monocotyledonous plant. A^ leaf, parallel- veined; B, portion of stem, showing irregular distribution of vas- cular bundles; C, ground plan of flower (the parts in 3's); D, top view of flower; E, seed, showing monocotyledonous embryo. into two sub-groups monocotyledons and dicotyledons} These two groups are distinguished by other characters ^ Plants like Pinus having more than two cotyledons are polycotyledons. SEED-BEARING PLANTS 455 which are quite constantly associated with the possession of one or two cotyledons. Thus, in monocotyledons the leaves are, with rare exceptions, parallel-veined, and the growth of the stem is endogenous; while in dicotyledons the Fig. 339. — Morphology of a typical dicotyledonous plant. A, leaf, pinnately-netted veined; B, portion of stem, showing concentric layers of wood; C, ground-plan of flower (the parts in s's); D, perspective of flower; E, longitudinal section of seed, showing dicotyledonous embryo. leaves are usually net- veined, and the stem exogenous. In monocotyledons, also, the parts of the flower usually occur in threes (as in Erythronum) , or in sixes, never in fives, while 456 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES in dicotyledons the parts are typically in Jours or jives. These characters are illustrated diagrammatically in Figs. 338 and 339. 405. Groups of Dicotyledons. — There are two main groups of dicotyledons, based on the fusion or non-fusion of the parts of the calyx or corolla, as follows: {A h' hi 1 [ ^P^^^^® \ Polypetalae Metachlamydeae Sympetalae (Gamopetalae) The distinction between Archichlamydeae and Sym- petalas is not absolute, since each group contains plants having some features characteristic of the other. The Apetalas, as the name suggests, are without corolla (in some cases without either calyx or corolla) ; the Poly- petalae have sepals and petals (one or both) entirely distinct; while the Sympetalae have the sepals and the petals wholly or partly united so as to form a tubular calyx or corolla. In the light of our preceding study of the fruiting branch or '^flower" of Gymnosperms, it will be readily understood that flowers of simple structure are presumably more primitive than those of more complex structure. The simplest flower we can imagine is an apetalous staminate flower of one stamen ; or an apetalous pistillate flower of one simple pistil. Polype talous flowers are more highly organized than apetalous, and may therefore be less primitive; sympetalous flowers are more complex or more highly organized and are therefore less primitive than either Apetalae or Polypetalae. The following examples will serve to illustrate 1 5 of the more common or more familiar families of Dicotyledons, Dut of a total of over 250, SEED-BEARING PLANTS ARCHICHLAMYDEJE Apetal^ 457 406. Willow Family (Salicaceae). — This family com- prises both the willows (Salix) and the poplars {Populus). There are about 20 species of poplar in North America. The willows, in North America, comprise over 30 species, «. ! W^ ^■■W '^^^^''■^M '«5p/ ■ ^^flf- ^^- '-^ssm- li 1^^ Fig. 340. — Inflorescence of a willow (Salix discolor). At the left pistillate, at the right staminate catkins. (Photo by Elsie M. Kittredge.) trees and shrubs, and are specially common in moist situations. Several species are cultivated to furnish twigs for basket-making. The weeping willow {Salix bahylonica), an object of peculiar beauty along streams and lakeshores, owes its pendulous or "weeping" character 458 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES to its failure to develop sufficient mechanical tissue (wood) in its smaller branches to hold them erect. All willows are dioecious. The imperfect, apetalous flowers occur crowded together on scaly spikes called catkins (Fig. 340). Each scale bears one flower in its axil. The staminate flowers consist usually of two (sometimes Fig. 341. — Willow (Salix exigua Nutt.) Leafy branch, bearing two pistillate catkins. Staminate flower above, at the left; pistillate flower below, at the right. (After Britton and Brown.) three to ten) stamens (Fig. 341). In some species the stamens are united. When the flower buds open, early in spring, the numerous hairs on the scales or filaments (one or both) give the soft, fur-like appearance, which suggested the name ''pussy-willow." Though a perianth is wanting pollination is accomplished by insects. SEED-BEARING PLANTS 459 407. Lizard's-tail Family (Saururaceae). — The lizard's tail {Saururus cernuus) , typical of this family, has apetalous but perfect flowers, borne sessile on a moderately long, common axis, called a spike (Figs. 342 and 343). There are three to five more or less united ovaries. The plant is commonly found in swamps and marshes. Fig. 342. — Lizard's-tail {Saururus cernuus). POLYPETAL^ 408. Crowfoot Family (Ranunculaceae). — The Latin name Ranunculus (little frog) was applied to the butter- cups by the ancient Roman naturalist Pliny, because they are common in wet places where frogs abound. The name of the family is derived from this generic name, but the family comprises about 35 genera, 28 of which occur in 460 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Eastern North America. The yellow water-crowfoot {Ranunculus delphinifolius) is one of the commoner of the 40 to 50 North American species. It is found at the bor- FiG. 343. — Lizard's-tail {Saururus cernmis). Inflorescence, about natural size. ders of quiet water, and the submerged leaves are iiliformly dissected, in marked contrast to those borne in the air. SEED-BEARING PLANTS 46 1 The bright shining, yellow petals vary in number from five to eight, and are much longer than the sepals; each has a little scale at its base concealing a nectar-gland. The simple pistils {carpels) are grouped in a round head, surrounded by the numerous stamens (Figs. 344 and 345). Fig. 344. — Plant of a buttercup {Ranunculus sp.). (Photo by Elsie M. Kittredge. ) 409. Spiral and Cyclic Arrangement. — It will be re- called that in the lower type of flower, characteristic of the Gymnosperms, the sporophylls are arranged in spirals on the flower axis. A study of the flower in Angiosperms discloses a tendency for the flower parts to occur in circles; the higher the plant in the system of classification the more completely is the cyclic arrangement realized. In the Crowfoot family there are some species, especially 462 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES of Ranunculus, in which the sepals and petals are in circles, while the stamens and pistils are in spirals — a more primitive feature. 410. Petalody of Bracts. — It is also common in certain species of this family (notably in the genera Trollius and Fig. 345. — Flower of a buttercup {Ranunculus sp.); a, b, normal, show- ing 5 petals; c, d, petalody of stamens; e, petal with nectary at its base; f-h, ripened ovaries. Anemone) for the green foliage-like bracts below the perianth to assume the characters of sepals, and even of petals, so that frequently one can hardly say whether a given segment of the perianth is a true petal, or a trans- formed bract. By the petalody of the bracts the flower appears to be ''double." 411. Coalescence of Petals. — It frequently occurs in flowers of Ranunculaceae (and in other normally poly- petalous families also) that the initial stages or primordia SEED-BEARING PLANTS 463 of two or more petals become wholly or partly fused or coalesced, thus reducing the number of separate members of the corolla (Fig. 346). Sometimes coalescence and petalody of stamens will occur in the same specimen, so that a flower that would normally have five petals may have six or eight, or more, some of which have coalesced, as is indicated by the two or more points at the tip. Fig. 346. — Rue anemone {Ane^nonclla thalictroides) . i, normal flower with 5 petals; 3, petalody of stamens; 4, coalescence of petals (c^); 2, coales- cence (c), and petalody of stamens. At 2, s is shown a stamen partially transformed into a petal, but with a portion of the anther still remaining. 412. Mustard Family (Cruciferae). — The flowers of the mustard family are mostly characterized by having the four narrow petals opening out at an angle of 90° from each other, forming a Greek cross (Fig. 347), whence the family name, Cruciferae. This character of the corolla also appears in rare instances in other famihes {e.g.^ some Rubiaceae), whose corolla is then said to be ''cruciferous." The fruit, a silique, is also one of the ear-marks of the 464 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES family. The mustard family contains many valuable economic plants, such as the white and black mustard, radish, cabbage, turnip, kohlrabi, and brussels sprouts. 413. Rose Family (Rosaceae). — One of the common wild roses (Rosa Carolina) illustrates a type of flower structure more advanced in several ways than that of Rammcuhts. The flowers, with rare exceptions, have Fig. 347. — Black mustard {Brassica nigra). sepals and petals which are borne on the margin of a well-developed hypanthium, formed by the enlargement of the torus, at the extremity of the peduncle. The numerous stamens are always inserted on the sepals [adnation of parts), and the pistils vary from one to many. In marked contrast to the numerous horticultural varieties of the rose, the wild roses are single; that is, they have one circle of petals (usually five). The "doubling" of the cultivated varieties is caused by the replacement of SEED-BEARING PLANTS 465 stamens by petal-like organs (Fig. 346). Not that stamens are ''transformed into petals," as is often stated, but that petal-like organs appear at the points where stamens normally occur in the wild form. In other words, the supernumerary petals are homologous with stamens. Fig. 348. — Petalody of stamens in a cultivated rose, a, indicates the remains of anthers on petal-like organs that have replaced stamens. This homology is made clear by transitional forms, show- ing all gradations between true stamens and normal petals (Figs. 348 and 349). By comparing the methods of doubling the flower in the buttercup and the rose, we see that double flowers may be produced by either (or both) of two methods, often \o 466 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES referred to, respectively, as ''petalody of bracts" and ''petalody of stamens." The causes of these variations are not known. Fig. 349. — Wild rose. A "single" flower showing incipient doubling by the replacement of stamens by petals. Below, a series of transitional forms from stamen to fully formed petal; an., anther, or remnant of anther. Fig. 350.— Perennial pea {Lathyrus latijolius). 414. Leguminoseae. — The legume family is the largest, and one of the most widely distributed of all the Archi- chlamydeae, and includes three sub-families, as follows: SEED-BEARING PLANTS 467 I. FapilionoidecB, containing such commonly recog- nized plants as the peas, beans, lentils, clovers, peanuts, Fig. 351. — Wild senna {Cassia marllandica). lupines, lead-plant (Amorpha), locust or false-acacia (Robinia), wistaria, and others, all of which have the 468 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES peculiarly modified corolla called papilionaceous, from its fancied resemblance to a butterfly (Fig. 350). 2. CcBsalpinioidecE, containing the red-bud {Cercis), true or honey-locust (Gleditsia), wild senna {Cassia marilan- dica), and others, whose flowers are only imperfectly or not at all papilionaceous (Fig. 351). 3. Mimosoidece, containing the acacias, sensitive plants {Mimosa), and others having flowers with a regular corolla. Fig. 352. — Legume of the edible pea {Pisum sativum), a, anther; c, calyx; st, stigma. Flowers that are bilaterally symmetrical, like the papilio- naceous flowers, are called zygomorphic. Such flowers as the buttercup, rose, and others may be divided into equal halves by an infinite number of planes of symmetry. The one feature that characterizes all three of the sub- families^ is the simple pistil, composed of one carpel, and enlarging greatly in fruit (as in peas and beans) to form a legume (Fig. 352); whence the name of the family. The structure of the papilionaceous corolla is illustrated in Fig. 350. The upper and largest petal, stands erect, * By some authors each group, designated above as a sub-family, is considered as a separate family. SEED-BEARING PLANTS 469 forming the standard, the two lateral petals are the "wings;" while the two lower petals adhere along their adjacent edges to form the keel. In these flowers there are usually ten stamens (rarely live), which commonly occur in two groups or "brotherhoods" (diadelphous) , nine in one group with their filaments united into a tube, cleft on the upper side, the other standing alone above the cleft. Fig. 353. — Alsike, or Alsatian clover {Trijolium hyhridum). Inflores- cences, showing carpotropic movements of the flowers after pollination by an insect. At the extreme left, flowers in bud, the outermost ones just beginning to open; next to the last, at the right, only one flower remaining erect on account of not having yet been pollinated; at the extreme right, every flower pollinated, turned down, and withering. Pollination is usually accomplished in this family by means of insects which visit the flowers for the nectar secreted by glands. In the case of white clover and alsike, each flower of the head, when pollinated, turns down, and the corolla becomes brown (Fig. 353). This change has been interpreted by some as a sign to the insects that the nectar has been taken, and therefore that another 470 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES visit would not be profitable. Other students regard this as questionable. Since, as shown by examining a bud, the flowers of the clover head mature from the circumference toward the center (centripetally), the outer flowers are the first to be visited, and hence the first to bend down (Fig. 353).^ Many of the papilionaceous legumes are self-pollinated. This is true of the ''sweet pea" as a rule, but not without exceptions. The fact that the legumes furnish so many kinds of food and fodder plants, and that the organisms causing the tubercles on their roots (pp. 317-318) are an important source of the nitrogen necessary for successful agriculture, renders this family one of the most important of all the economic plants, possibly exceeded only by the grass family. 415. Evening-primrose Family (Onagraceae). — The evening-primroses have recently come into very great prominence on account of the fact that they have been extensively used for the experimental study of evo- lution. A knowledge of their structure has, therefore be- come increasingly important. The flowers are perfect and symmetrical, with the parts usually in fours. The ovary is one- to six- (usually four-) chambered, and the calyx tube adheres to the walls. The stamens are in- serted commonly on the summit of the calyx tube. In the evening-primrose itself {(Enothera'^) , the pollen- grains are held together by delicate threads that resemble a cobweb. The seedling usually forms a rosette the first year, and thus passes the winter (Fig. 354). The follow- ^ Often one will find a solitary, unpollinated flower left standing, and in some localities these are sought by children as "old-maid clovers." 2 Called also Onagra. SEED-BEARING PLANTS 471 ing season an erect stem is sent up which bears the flowers and fruit (Fig. 400). 416. Parsley Family (Umbelliferae). — The most highly organized family of the Archichlamydeae is that to which the common parsley belongs. In this family the calyx- HHJI^^^B^ i • 1 Fig. 354. — Rosette of the evening-primrose {(Enothera hwnnis). tube adheres throughout its length to the wall of the ovary, and the five petals and stamens are inserted on a disk at the base of the two styles (Fig. 355). The relatively small flowers are, with rare exceptions, borne in clusters known as umbels. The characteristics of an umbel are 472 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES that the numerous flower-stalks are of such relative lengths as to bring all the flowers to substantially the same plane (Fig. 356), and that the outer flower buds open first; in other words the anthesis is centripetal. Some of the Fig. 35S.- -Heracleum lanatum (Parsley family), the margin of an umbel. Individual flower from Fig. 356. — A compound umbel of cow parsnip (Heracleum lanatum). genera of this family {e.g.j caraway, parsley, parsnips, carrots) are edible, while, as often happens in other families also, some of their near relatives {e.g., the water- hemlock, Cicuta) are very poisonous. CHAPTER XXIX SEED-BEARING PLANTS (Continued) METACHLAMYDEiE (Sympetalse) 417. Coalescence. — We have seen above that genera normally having polypetalous flowers frequently furnish examples of the more or less complete fusion or coalescence of the petals. In certain entire families this fusion of different members of the same circle of floral organs be- comes the rule, giving rise to an entire group, the Sym- petalcB, based upon this character. Only a few of these families can be cited in illustration. 418. Heath Family (Ericaceae). — The heath family in North America is composed chiefly of shrubs, though a few, as, for example, Indian pipe {Monotropa) are herbs; ^ some of the tropical genera are trees. The beautiful rhododendrons, azaleas, and laurels, trailing arbutus (first harbinger of spring in the northern states) , the aro- matic wintergreen, and the well-known huckleberries (Gaylussacia) , and blueberries {Vaccinium) belong here. The structure of an Ericaceous flower may be illustrated by the common mountain laurel {Kahnia latifolia), of the eastern states (Figs. 357 and 358). The sepals are united below, but parted above; the sympetalous corolla ^ By some authors the large heath family is separated into a number of smaller families, e.g., Monotropaceas, Ericaceae, Vacciniaceae. In Mono- tropaceae, Clethraceae, and Pyrolaceae, and a few of the true heaths (Eri- caceae), the corolla is polypetalous. 473 474 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Fig. 357. — Mountain laurel {Kalmia latifolia). Note the anthers resting in the depressions of the sympetalous corolla. (Photo by Elsie M. Kittredge.) Fig. 358. — Mountain laurel {Kalmia latifolia). a, stamens in their original position, with the anthers in the pouches; b, stamens inflexed (detail at e); c, side view; d, essential organs;/ and g, stamens. SEED-BEARING PLANTS 475 is five-lobed having the shape of a broad, shallow bell. Its coloration^ as viewed en masse on the bush, gave rise to the common name "calico bush," popular in certain locali- Fig. 359. — Common milkweed, Asclepias syriaca. Kittredge.) (Photo by Elsie M. ties. The corolla has ten pouches, each of which con- tains one anther borne on a recurved filament. When an insect alights on the flower the anthers become loosened ^ Coloration = color pattern. 476 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES from the pouches, and snap over in, toward the center, thus dusting the insect with pollen, which is then trans- ferred to the stigma of the next flower visited by the insect. The corpse-plant, or Indian-pipe {Monotropa uniflora), is of interest because, although belonging in a sympetalous Fig. 360. — Milkweed {Asdepias sp.). a, flower-bud; b, flower; c, very young pod; d, older pod in section, showing seeds; e, section of flower; /, top view of flower, showing the 5 Jioods of the crown, each with a horn incurving to the stigma; between the horns are the cleft glands (shown enlarged at g), to which the pollinia are attached. family, it is polypetalous, and further because, Hving entirely as a saprophyte (or, possibly, as a root-parasite), it has entirely lost the power to make chlorophyll, and hence the power of photosynthesis (Fig. 230, p. 323). 419. Milkweed Family (Asclepiadaceae). — The milk- weeds^ present a most curious and interesting modifica- ^ So called because they contain a milky juice or latex. SEED-BEARING PLANTS 477 tion of flower-structure (Fig. 359). The deeply five-parted and reflexed corolla bears a crown of five "hooded" bodies, in each of which there arises a pointed, incurved ''horn" (Fig. 360). The anthers are more or less united around the stigma, and each cell contains a waxy, pear-shaped pollen- mass (pollinium). The pollinia of adjacent anthers adhere in pairs to cleft glands that grow one on each of the five angles of the stigma. As bees climb over the flowers in search of nectar in the bottom of the hoods, their legs are drawn through tiny slits, and catch the cleft gland Fig. 361. — Milkweed (Asclepias). Pollen-mass (pollinuim), showing germination. when pulled out. Often the gland cannot be loosened, and the legs of the insects are pulled ofl and left attached to the flower. When the insect visits another flower the pollen-masses (which by this time have twisted and folded together) become inserted into the stigmatic chamber of the second flower, where they germinate, sending out numerous pollen- tubes (Fig. 361). On ac- count of the complicated nature of this process, pollina- tion often fails, so that only a small percentage of the very numerous flowers produces seed. After fertilization, the carpels increase enormously in size, and ripen into a pod, filled with a large quantity of flat, thin seeds, each of 478 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES which bears a tuft of long silky hairs, whence one of the common names, ''silk weed." These hairs facilitate the distribution of the seeds by the wind (Fig. 362). Fig. 362. — A milkweed {Asclepias syriaca), with tufted seeds scattering from the dehiscing pods. (Photo by Elsie M. Kittredge.) 420. Convolvulus Family (Convolvulaceae). — The fea- tures of this family are well illustrated by the genus from which it gets its name, Convolvulus, or bind-weed. The five-lobed corolla is bell-shaped, all the parts of the flower are in fives, and the pistil two-celled. Most genera of the family are trailing or (as the name indicates) twining vines (Fig. 363). SEED-BEARING PLANTS 479 421. Mint Family (Labiatae).— The Mint family is characterized by a square stem, opposite leaves, a tubular calyx, caused by the coalescence of the five sepals, a highly modified corolla having two lips or labia (singular labium, whence the family name), and leaves containing many Fig. 363. — Bindweed {Convolvulus arvensis). small glands that secrete a volatile oil, which gives the char- acteristic odor and taste to all the plants of the family. The upper lip results from the fusion of two petals, the lower lip by the fusion of three. Everyone is familiar with one or more of these features, as embodied in the various mints, pennyroyal, horehound, catnip, sage, savory, thyme, hyssop, wild marjoram, and other condi- 48o STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES ments and drugs. The features of the flower are illus- trated in Fig. 364. 422. Nightshade Family (Solanaceae).— The Night- shade family is of interest chiefly because it contains Fig. 364. — Salvia sp. (One of the Labiatae). a, flower bud; b-f, various views of the open flower; an., anther; st., stigma; x, projections near the base of the filaments. The lead pencil is made to imitate an insect visiting the flower for pollen. By pressure at the base of the fila- ments, the anthers are brought into contact with the surface of the pencil, which thus becomes covered with pollen. When the next flower is visited the stigma, having then bent down and spread apart, receives the pollen from the other flower. Thus is accomplished cross-pollination. In h, before the visit of the insect, the stigmatic surfaces are still in contact, so that pollination is not possible. several genera of very great economic importance, viz.: potato {Solamim tuberosum) jtohsicco {Nicotiana Tahacum), tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum)^ and several medi- SEED-BEARING PLANTS 481 cinal herbs, such as belladonna, henbane, capsicum, and others. Most of the genera are tropical. The bitter- sweet {Solanum Dulcamara^) may serve to illustrate the family (Fig. 365). This is a perennial, climbing vine, hav- ing the Darts of the flower (including the stamens) in fives Fig. 365. — Nightshade, or bittersweet {Solanum Dulcamara). and the fruit a two-celled herry with many seeds {e.g., the tomato. Fig. 334). The corolla is wheel-shaped and five- parted, and the anthers converge to form a tube around the single style. The anthers discharge the pollen through a pore or ''chink" at the tip. 423. Figwort Family (Scrophulariaceae). — The ''butter- and-eggs, " or "toadflax" {Linaria vulgaris), will serve to illustrate the figworts (Fig. 366). The stamens are inserted ^ The staff- tree or waxwork {Celastrus scandens), of the Staff- tree family, Celastraceae, is also called "bitter sweet" in certain localities. 31 482 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES on the tube of the irregular, two-lipped corolla, which bears a well-developed spur at the base (Fig. 367). Not infrequently abnormal flowers are found with five spurs, F'iG. 366. — The toad-flax, or butter-and-eggs {Lhiaria vulgaris). or with none, and other attendant modifications of the corolla (Figs. 368 and 369). Such flowers are called pelories, since they are thought to be variations indicating the character of the ancestral form from which they are SEED-BEARING PLANTS 483 believed to be derived. The method of pollination in normal flowers is illustrated in Fig. 370. 424. Composite Family (Compositae). — The composites represent the highest development of dicotyledons. The flowers are borne on a common receptacle in a compact Fig. 367. — Sections of flowers of the toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris). A, front view; a, anthers; s, stigma; n, nectar-gland. B, side view; o, ovary. head," giving the appearance, not so much of an in- florescence as of a compound flower, whence the family name, assigned by early botanists, who did not understand the morphology of the head. The heads are surrounded by a circle of bracts, called an involucre. The bracts which often occur on the re- 484 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES ceptacle among the flowers are called chaf. The family is composed of two series: I. Tubuliflorae, with all the perfect Fig. 368. — Toad- flax {Linaria vulgaris). Inflorescence, showing normal (spurred) flowers, and several abnormal flowers without spurs. flowers tubular, as in the daisy; II. Liguliflorae, with no tubular flowers, but all the flowers having a strap-shaped SEED-BEARING PLANTS 48s Fig. 369. — Toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris). Abnormal flowers (pelories), having five or more spurs. Normal, one-spurred buds are shown in A . Fig. 370. — Toad-flax {Linaria vulgaris). Flowers being visited by an insect for nectar. B, longitudinal section, showing the insect's proboscis extended down the spur toward the nectar-gland; C, insect with a mass of pollen ip), rubbed off from anthers onto the dorsal hairs of the thorax, during successive visits. 486 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES {ligulate) corolla, formed by the fusion of the five petals, as indicated by the five notches at the end (Fig. 372). The tubuliflorae may have both tubular and ligulate flowers, as in boneset (Eupatorium perjoliatum) or in white daisy {Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) ^ or only tubular, as in the burdock {Arctium, Fig. 371), or in the Canada thistle Fig. 371. — Inflorescence and flowers of the burdock {Arctium minus), a, Inflorescences; h, longitudinal section of the same; c, bud of individual flower; d, mature flower; sty, stigma; stig, style; a, ring of syngenesius anthers; c, corolla; p, pappus (calyx); ov, ovary; e, mature seed. {Cirsium arvense). Among the liguliflorag may be men- tioned chicory {Cichorium Intyhus, Fig. 372), dandelion {Taraxacum), garden lettuce {Lactuca sativa), and others, all of which possess a milky juice, or latex. The five stamens (rarely four) are inserted on the corolla, and have their anthers united in a tube {syngenesious) around the style. SEED-BEARING PLANTS 487 The calyx tube is united to the one-celled ovary, and its upper free part, or limb, is dififerentiated into hairs {pappus), scales, teeth, or is merely cup-shaped, or in some Fig. 372. — Chicory {Cichoriiim Intyhus). A, portion of flowering branch; B, basal leaf (runcinate-pinnatifid) ; C, median longitudinal section through a head, showing the insertion of the flowers; D, individual flower; E, fruit (ripened ovary), showing the persistent pappus (calyx) of short scales. species entirely wanting. When the fruit is ripe, the pappus aids in its dissemination by the wind. While the style is growing up through the tube of anthers the stigmatic surfaces are in contact with each other, and 488 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES thus protected from becoming pollinated with the flower's own pollen. As the styles emerge above the anthers their two tips spread apart and roll back, exposing the infacing Fig. 373. — A composite {Coreopsis sp.). A, B, E, views of the inflor- escence or head; C, a ray-flower; D, section through the head; F, a disc- flower in bud; G, disc-flower just opened; H, older disc-flower, the stigmas reflexed; /, disc-flower with corolla removed. stigmatic surfaces so that they may receive pollen brought by insects from other flowers (Fig. 373).^ ^ The family Compositae, as recognized above, including two series, Tubuliflorae and Liguliflorae, is restricted by some authors so as to include only plants having florets with tubular or both tubular and ligulate cor- ollas in the head. Such plants as the chicory, dandelion, and lettuce, having only ligulate corollas, comprise the family Cichoriaceae. Cichor- iaceae and Compositae (in this restricted sense) have syngenesious anthers. Plants whose florets have tubular corollas only (sometimes none), but anthers not truly syngenesious, comprise the Ambrosiaseae, including the rag- weeds, cockle-bur, marsh-elder (Iva), and GcBrtneria. CHAPTER XXX SEED-BEARING PLANTS (Concluded) MONOCOTYLEDONS 425. General Characters. — The monocotyledons are, in almost every respect, of simpler structure than the dicotyledons. As the name indicates, the embryo has only one cotyledon; the parts of the flower are usually in threes or sixes, but never in fives, as in dicotyledons; the leaves are, with rare exceptions, parallel-veined, and the early ones are always alternate on the stem. A cross-section of the stem shows that the fibro-vascular bundles are not arranged in a circle about a central pith (exogenous type), but are distributed irregularly throughout the parenchyma (endogenous). There is no layer of perennial cambium, and consequently no cylinders of wood and bark are formed each growing season, as in the dicotyledons. The general characters of the group are illustrated diagrammatically in Fig. ^;^S. 426. Relation to Dicotyledons. — A comparison of the monocotyledons with the more highly developed dicoty- ledons raises at once the question as to whether the former are the more ancient forms from 'which the dicotyledons have been evolved, or whether dicotyledons are the more primitive, in order of development, and the monocotyle- dons derived from them by reduction and simplification. There is evidence on both sides of this question, which will 489 490 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES be considered again later on (page 608). In treating of the dicotyledons first, however, we have tacitly assumed YiG^ 374.— Cat-tails. Typha angustijolia at left; Typha latifolia at right. Staminate flowers above; pistillate flowers below. that they are the older forms, from which the mono- cotyledons have been derived. SEED-BEAEING PLANTS 49I TYPES OF MONOCOTYLEDONS 427. Cat-tail Family (Typhaceae).— The cat- tails are one of the most primitively organized family of Angio- sperms. They grow in groups or associations in swamps and wet places, and are conspicuous by their tall, upright and grass-like leaves, and by the inflorescences or *' cat- tails " in late summer and fall (Fig. 374). The monoecious Fig. 375. — Staminate flower of the broad-leaved cat-tail {Typha lati- folia). (Cf. Fig. 376.) flowers are borne on a fleshy axis or spadix, the pistillate below, and the staminate above near the tip. The flowers have neither calyx nor corolla (Figs. 375 and 376), and the one-celled ovary contains but one ovule. The embryo is surrounded by abundant endosperm, often called albu- men. The copious brown down of the fruit is composed of club-shaped hairs on the stipe, or stalk-like support of the pistil. 428. Water-plantain Family (Alismaceaej. — The type genus^ of the water-plantain family is the water-plantain ^ The type genus of a family is the genus from which the family name .-,ften is derived, and usually (though not always) embodies in a striking way the characters which distinguish the family. 492 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES (Alisma Plantago-aquatica) . Like the cat-tails, the water- plantains are marsh herbs (Fig. 377), with flowers either perfect, monoecious or dioecious; in Alisma they are per- fect, with usually six stamens. The three sepals are per- sistent^ but the three white petals are deciduous (i.e., falling Fig. 376. — Cat-tail {Typha latifolia). A, longitudinal section of portion of inflorescence; Sp, spadix; p.f., pistillate flowers; s.f., staminate flowers. B, pistillate flower, greatly magnified; ov, ovary; sty, style; stig., stigma; sc, sterile hair; P, pollen grains, in characteristic groups of four each. (Cf. Fig. 375.) away early). The numerous ovaries are borne in a circle on a flattened receptacle. The possession of calyx and corolla, together with other features, mark the family as more highly organized than the cat-tails. 429. Grass Family (Gramineae).— The grasses consti- tute one of the largest, one of the most important econom- ically, and one of the most difiicult taxonomically, of all SEED-BEARING PLANTS 493 the plant families. Here belong the *^ grains '' (wheat, rice, oats, barley, rye, corn, and others) which furnish the most important vegetable foods of the entire human race. The commercial grains have been cultivated so long by man Fig. 2>11' — Water plantain {Alisma Plantago-aqiiatica) . that their origin is shrouded in mystery, antedating, as it does, the dawn of written history. Except the bamboos, which are shrubs or trees, the grasses are all herbaceous. The chief characteristics of the family are that the fruit is always a grain or caryopsis} The seed invariably con- ^ A one-seeded, seed-like fruit, with the wall of the ovary {pericarp) united closely (adnate) to the seed within. 494 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES tains endosperm, with the embryo located at one side (Figs. 378 and 83). The cotyledon {sciitellum) serves to secrete enzymes that digest the endosperm, and then Fig. 378.-Longitudinal section of a grain of wheat {Triticum vulgare), p.s.c, pericarp and seed-coats (united); en, endosperm; al, aleurone layer; gl, glandular layer of the scutellum; sc, scutellum; sp, sheath of plumule {coleoptile); pi, plumule; r.cot., rudimentary cotyledon; ra, radicle; re, root-cap; r.s., root-sheath (coleorhiza). (From microscopical preparation of E. W. Olive.) absorb the digested food by osmosis (Fig. 62). The cylin- drical stems are jointed and usually hollow (except at the joints) . The leaves are usually long, slender, and pp.rallel- SEED-BEARING PLANTS 495 veined. The flowers are arranged in s pikelets, and the spikelets in spikes (Fig. 379), racemes, or panicles^ (Fig. 380). The leafy parts of the flower-clusters are modified as dry scales called glumes. When grain is thrashed the glumes consti- tute the so-called ''chaff." There is no perianth. 430. Palm Family (Palmaceae). — The palms are mostly tropical and subtropical. With certain exceptions {e.g., Calamus — rat- tan), the stem or caudex is normally un- branched, varies in height with the species, and in most species bears all the foliage near the tip (Figs. 381 and 382). Frequently the old leaves, or their petioles or bases only, re- main attached to the trunk. The leaves, though not morphologically compound, usu- ally have their blades cleft or divided as they mature. The flowers are complete, with three sepals and petals, three to six stamens, and pistil of three carpels. They are monoecious, dioecious, or perfect, according to the species. The flowers, intermingled with bracts, oc- yig. 379.— cur on a more or less fleshy spadix, often Naziaracemosa 111.; , (L.) Kuntze. much branched, and enclosed m a large spathe. Terminal spike The inflorescence may be axial (lateral), or 'l^^^ l^i^^x^;, terminal. When terminal the plant usually (After Britton dies after the fruit has matured. ^ A spike is "a form of simple inflorescence with the flowers sessile or nearly so upon a more or less elongated common axis." A panicle is "a loose, irregularly compound inflorescence with pedicellate flowers." A raceme is "a simple inflorescence of pediceled flowers upon a common, more >r less elongated axis." 496 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES No species of palm has ever been found in both the eastern and western hemisphere, except when introduced artificially. Many of the palms have great commercial value, such as the date palm, cocoanut palm (Fig. 383), fan palm, vegetable-ivory palm (whose endosperm is hard and white like ivory), and the oil palm. In the trop- ics the leaves of various species are used to make thatched Fig. 380. — Johnson-grass {Sorghum halpense). Spikelets in a panicle. (After Britton and Brown.) roofs, and the trunks are often used for fence posts and porch pillars. 431. Arum Family (Araceae). — The arum family is well illustrated by the "skunk cabbage" {Symplocarpiis fcetidiis) (Figs. 384 and 385).^ The flower has no petals, but four sepals, and four stamens — one opposite each sepal. The ovary contains only one suspended ovule. The compound globular fruit is composed of the spongy spadix, greatly enlarged, bearing the coalesced ovaries, with the spherical seeds just underneath the surface. ^ Called by some authors, Spathyema fcetida. SEED-BEARING PLANTS 497 The roughness of the surface is caused by the persistence of the styles and the fleshy sepals. The family is divided into several sub-families on the basis of various structural differences, such as phyllotaxy, venation of leaves, presence or absence of milky juice, presence or absence of perianth, and others. "^ ^ P ^ \ 4^ m,.^ , , ^ m ''%m\ H ; S m :=;is^^ ■• m . "..: ^ -^:^::3-^-1m 4 W '•'""" Fig. 381. — Cocoanut palms along the beach. Philippine Islands. (Photo from Bureau of Science, Manila.) 432. Orchid Family (Orchidaceae). — The Orchidaceae are the most highly developed of all monocotyledons. No flower surpasses the orchids in beauty of color- pattern, endless diversity of unusual forms, and wonder- ful mechanisms that secure cross-pollination by insects. As in the papilionaceous flower, the flower of orchids is bilaterally symmetrical (zygomorphic), with (usually) three sepals resembling in texture the three petals (Fig. J2 498 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES 386). One of the petals, the Up, presents a greater variety of form in the various species than do the other petals. At its base is the column, composed of the style, with which are fused the one (or sometimes only two) stamens (Fig. 387). Except in the lady's slipper {Cypripedium), and its Fig. 382. -Sabal palmetto. (In the right distance a barragona palm). Cuba. nearest relatives, the pollen adheres in masses or pollinia, as in the milk-weed. The stalked pollinia adhere to visit- ing insects, sometimes to their eyes, and are thus trans- ferred from one flower to another.^ ^ For details of the wonderful contrivances for cross-pollination, the student should consult some larger treatise, such as Darwin's "Cross' fertilization of Orchids." SEED-BEARING PLANTS 499 Fig. 383. — Germinating cocoanuts; the one seeded fruit of the cocoanut palm. (From Bull. Agricole du Congo Beige, 1910.) Fig. 384. — Skunk cabbage {Symplocarpiis fcctidus). Early spring growtk and flower buds. (Photo by Elsie M. Kittredge.) 500 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Fig. 385.^ — Skunk cabbage {Symplocarpus Joetidus). Inflorescence, with portion of the fleshy spathe removed, showing the perfect flowers covering the globose spadix. (Photo by Elsie M. Kittredge.) Fig. 386.— Flower of an orchid {Cattleya sp.). (Cf. Fig. 387.) SEED-BEARING PLANTS 501 Of about 24,000 known species of monocotyledons, over one-fourth are orchids. The number of individuals, however, of any given species is small, as compared, for Fig. 387. — Floral organs of an orchid {Catlleya sp.). A, the entire flower; sep, sepal; pet, petal; B, column, showing 5, stigma and r, the ros- tellum (beak), with the small glands at the tip; to the glands are attached the four strap-shaped caudicles of the poUinia; C, pollinia, with the four caudicles; below, the gland; D, longitudinal section of the column; p, poUinium; E, the same, enlarged. (Cf. Fig. 386,) example, with the grasses. The most highly modified forms are tropical, and are seen in temperate regions only in plant-houses ~ CHAPTER XXXI EVOLUTION 433. Doctrine of Special Creation. — In the time of Linnaeus, the ''father of botany/' men believed that the seven *'days" of creation left the world substantially as we now find it. The stars and planets, mountains and oceans, plants and animals were created once and for all, and continued without important change until the present. In the beginning, as now, there were the same oceans and hills, the same kinds of plants, and the same kinds of animals. Nor, it was believed, are any fundamental changes now in progress. Creation was not continuous; it took place within a brief period (seven ''days"), and then ceased; after that the Creator merely watched over the objects of his handiwork. 434. Meaning of Evolution. — Evolution means gradual change. Applied to the natural world the theory of evolution is the direct opposite of the doctrine of special creation. It teaches that things were not in the beginning as we now find them, but that there has been constant though gradual change. Creation is regarded, not as having taken place once and for all, but as being a con- tinuous process operating from the beginning without ceasing — and still in progress. 435. The Course of Evolution. — The theory teaches that the gradual changes have been from relatively simple conditions to those more complex. The com- 502 EVOLUTION 503 plication has been two-fold: (i) simple individuals, whether mountains, rivers, planets, animals, or plants, have become more complex {e.g., compare the structure of Pleurococcus, a simple spherical cell, with that of the fern) ; (2) the relation between living things, and between them and their surroundings has become more complex {e.g., compare a unicellular bacterium, with its relatively simple life relations, with the clover plant, highly organized, and related to water, air, soil, light, temperature, gravity, bacteria (in its roots), and insects (for cross-pollination). Most of the steps of evolution have been progressive, toward higher organization, greater perfection of parts, increased efficiency of function, as, for example, from algae to angiosperms; but not all the steps have been in this direction. Some of the steps have been regressive, toward simpler organization, less perfection of parts, decreased efficiency of function, as, for example, from green algae to the alga-like fungi (Phy comycetes) , from independence to parasitism (dodder), or to saprophytism (Indian pipe and bread-mold). 436. Inorganic Evolution. — The process of evolution is not confined to living things, but, as indicated above, applies to all nature. Even the chemical elements are now believed to have been produced by evolutionary changes, and to be even now in process of evolution. This is one of the results of the recently discovered phenomenon of radioactivity, which is essentially the transformation of the atoms of one chemical element into those of another. Fossil remains of marine animals and plants, found im- bedded in the rocks on mountain summits, indicate, without possibility of reasonable doubt, that what is now mountain top was formerly ocean bottom. The mountain 504 STRUCTURE AND LIFE mSTORIES has come to be, by a series of gradual changes. Rivers and valleys are constantly changing so that the present landscape is the result of evolutionary processes; climates have changed, as we know from the fact that fossil re- mains of tropical plants are now found in the rocks in arctic regions; even the stars and planets, like our own earth, are coming gradually into being, undergoing changes of surface and interior condition, and ceasing to exist. Nothing is constant except constant change. The main problem of astronomy is to ascertain and record, in order, the evolutionary changes that have resulted in the present system of suns and planets. The main problem of geology is to ascertain and record, in order, the evo- lutionary steps that have resulted in the present condition of the earth. 437. Organic Evolution. — Developmental changes in living things constitute organic evolution. Such changes are manifested in the development of an individual from a spore or an Qgg. The development of a mature in- dividual is ontogeny. The development of a group of related forms (genera, families, orders, etc.) is phytogeny. The chief problem of biology is to ascertain and record, in order, the evolutionary changes that have resulted in the appearance of life and the present condition of living things. The major problem of botany is to record, in order, the evolutionary steps that have culminated in the present con- dition of the plant world. Organic evolution means that, after the first appearance of life, all living things, plant or animal, have been derived from preexisting living things, in other words, that the present method of formation of living things, by the EVOLUTION 505 reproduction of organisms already existing, has always been the method — ^'Omne vivum ex ovo^^ (all life from an egg)) ^^omne vivum e vivo'' (all life from preexisting life). 438. Method of Evolution. — To recognize that evolution is the method of creation still leaves unanswered the im- portant question as to the method of evolution. By what process was the gradual development of the living world accomplished? Various hypotheses have been elaborated in answer to this question. We can here only briefly outline three of the most important ones. Fig. 388.— Louis Agassiz. (From Ballard's "Three Kingdoms.") I. Agassiz' s Hypothesis. — The great teacher and student of nature, Louis Agassiz, beheved that the vast array of plant and animal species, past and present, had no material 5o6 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES connection, but only a mental one; that is, they merely re- flected the succession of ideas as they developed in the mind of the Creator, but were not genetically related to each other. ''We must . . . look to some cause outside of Nature, corresponding in kind to the intelligence of man, though so different in degree, for all the phenomena connected with the existence of animals in their wild state .... Breeds among animals are the work of man: Species were created by God."^ But to state that species were created by God does not satisfy the legitimate curiosity of the scientific man. What he wishes to know is: By what method was creation accomplished? God might have worked in various ways. Now, the study of Nature has never revealed to us but one method by which living things originate, and that is hy descent from preexisting parents. Agassiz's hypothesis contradicts this. All oaks now-a-days are derived by descent from preexisting oaks, but the first oak, accord- ing to the doctrine of special creation, was created by supernatural means; it had no ancestors. The chief objec- tion to the acceptance of this hypothesis is that the more profoundly and accurately we study living things, the more obvious it becomes that truth lies in another direction. 2. Lamarck's Hypothesis. — The noted French naturaUst, Lamarck, taught that all living things have been derived from preexisting forms; that the effects of use and disuse caused changes in bodily structure; that these changes were inherited and accentuated from generation to genera- tion; that, being of use, those individuals possessing the changes in greatest perfection survived while others per- * Agassiz, L. "Methods of Study in Natural History," Boston, 1893, pp. 146, 147. EVOLUTION 507 ished; and that the derivation of new species is thus accounted for in a simple and logical manner. By con- tinual reaching for tender leaves on high branches, the long neck of the giraffe was gradually produced, the slight gain in length in one generation being transmitted by inheritance to the next, and so on. The main thesis of Lamarck, as stated by himself, is as follows: "In animals and plants, whenever the conditions of habitat, exposure, climate, nutrition, mode of life, et cetera, are modified, the characters of size, shape, relations between parts, coloration, consistency, and, in animals, agility and industry, are modified proportionately." As illustrating the direct effect of environment on organ- isms, Lamarck chose a plant, the water-buttercup {Ran- unculus aquatilis), which may grow in marshy places, or im- mersed in water. When immersed, the leaves are all finely divided, but when not immersed, they are merely lobed. While plants are more passive, and are affected by their surroundings directly, through changes in nutrition, light, gravity, and so on, animals react to environmental changes in a more positive and less passive manner. Thus, in the words of Lamarck:^ ''Important changes in conditions bring about impor- tant changes in the animals' needs, and changes in their needs bring about changes in their actions. If the new needs become constant or durable, the animals acquire new habits. . , . Whenever new conditions, becoming constant, impart new habits, to a race of animals . . . these habitual actions lead to the use of a certain part in ^Translated from his Philosophie Zoologique, vol. I, pp. 227, 223, 224, 248. 5o8 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES preference to another, or to the total disuse of a part which is now useless. . . . The lack of use of an organ, made constant by acquired habits, weakens it gradually until it degenerates or even disappears entirely." Thus, "it is part of the plan of organization of reptiles, as well as of other vertebrates, that they have four legs attached to their skeleton . . . but snakes acquired the habit of glid- ing over the ground and concealing themselves in the grass; owing to their repeated efforts to elongate themselves, in order to pass through narrow spaces, their bodies have acquired a considerable length, not commensurate with their width. Under the circumstances, legs would serve no purpose and, consequently, would not be used, long legs would interfere with the snakes' desire for gliding, and short ones could not move their bodies, for they can only have four of them. Continued lack of use of the legs in snakes caused them to disappear, although they were really included in the plan of organization of those animals." On the other hand, ''the frequent use of an organ, made constant by habit, increases the faculties of that organ, develops it and causes it to acquire a size and strength it does not possess in animals which exercise less. A bird, driven through want to water, to find the prey on which it feeds, will separate its toes whenever it strikes the water or wishes to displace itself on its surface. The skin uniting the bases of the toes acquires, through the repeated separ- ating of the toes, the habit of stretching; and in this way the broad membrane between the toes of ducks and geese has acquired the appearance we observe to-day." If such modifications are acquired by both sexes they are transmitted by heredity from generation to generation. EVOLUTION 509 One of the weaknesses in Lamarck's hypothesis appears in his illustration of the snake. If we should grant that inheritance of the effects of disuse of the legs might possi- bly explain their absence in snakes, still it would not ex- plain the origin of the snake's desire to glide. That is, of course, as much a characteristic of the snake as the absence of legs. Other arguments against the validity of Lamarckism are : first, that no one has ever been able to prove, by ex- periment or otherwise, that the effects of use (the so-called Fig. 388a. — Jean Baptiste Lamarck (i 744-1829). "acquired characters") are inheritable, while innumerable facts indicate that they are not; second, the hypothesis could apply only to the animal kingdom, since plants in general have no nervous and muscular activities like those of animals. A hypothesis of organic evolution, to be valid, must apply equally to both plants and animals. 3. Darwin's Hypothesis. — This will be outlined in the next chapter. CHAPTER XXXII DARWINISM 439. Charles Darwin. — The question of the method of evolution continued to be debated, with no satisfactory solu- tion in sight, until 1859,^ when Charles Darwin pubhshed the greatest book of the nineteenth century, and one of the greatest in the world's history, the Origin of Species.^ This book was the result of over 20 years of careful observation and thought. It consisted of the elaboration of two principal theories: (i) that evolution is the method of creation; (2) that natural selection is the method of evolution. 440. Early Antagonism to Evolution. — The conception that evolution (as distinguished from periodic, super- natural interventions of the Deity) is the method of creation was arrived at independently by Darwin, but was not new with him. As we have just seen, it was proposed by Lamarck. Greek philosophers 2,000 years previously had suggested the idea; but it had never won the general acceptance of the educated world, partly because it was feared to be anti-religious, partly because it was never substantiated by sufficiently convincing evidence, and partly because of the antagonism of a few men of great ^ This date should be memorized. It is one of the most important in the whole history of human thought. 2 The full title of the book was, "The Origin of Species by Natural Selec- tion, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life." 5 10 DARWINISM 511 influence in the world of intellect. Men preferred to fol- low a leader, more or less blindly, rather than take the Fig. 389. — Charles Darwin. The publication of his "Origin of Species,'' in 1859, revolutionized human thought, and gave direction to all scientific and philosophic thinking from that time to the present. pains to examine the voluminous evidence for themselves, and accept the logical conclusion without prejudice or 512 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES fear, wherever it might lead them, or however much it might contradict all their prejudice and preconceived notions. But truth will always, in the end, command recognition and acceptance, and there is almost no scien- tific man, now-a-days, who does not regard evolution as axiomatic. It is one of the most basic of all conceptions, not only in the natural and the physical sciences, but also in history, sociology, philosophy, and religion; it has, in- deed, completely revolutionized every department of human thought. 441. Darwinism. — It is the second of the above men- tioned theories, i.e., natural selection, that constitutes the essence of Darwinism. The theory is based upon five fundamental facts, which are matters of observation, and may be verified by anyone, as follows: 1. Inheritance. — Characteristics possessed by parents tend to reappear in the next or in succeeding generations. We are all familiar with the fact that children commonly resemble one or both parents or a grandparent, or great grandparent in some characteristic. From this we infer that something has been inherited from the ancestor which causes resemblance in one or more characters — physical or mental. 2. Variation. — But the expression of the inheritance is seldom, if ever, perfect. Eyes are a little less or a little more brown; stature is never just the same; one-half the face may resemble a given ancestor more than another; petals may be more or less red or blue; no two oranges taste exactly alike; no two maple leaves are of precisely the same shape. There is inheritance, but inheritance is usually expressed with modifications or variations of the ancestral type. DARWINISM 513 3. Fitness for Environment. — It is common knowledge that living things must be adjusted to their environment. Poor adjustment means sickness or weakness; complete or nearly complete lack of adjustment means death. Water-lilies, for example, cannot live in the desert, cacti cannot live in salt marshes; cocoanuts cannot be grown except in subtropical or tropical climates, edelweiss will not grow in the tropics. This is because these various kinds of plants are so organized that they cannot adjust themselves to external conditions, beyond certain more or less definite limits or extremes. A cactus is fit to live in the desert because it is protected by its structure against excessive loss of water, and has special provision for storing up water that may be used in time of drought. Deciduous trees are fitted to live in temperate regions, partly because their deciduous habit, and their formation of scaly buds enables them to withstand the drought of winter. Negroes live without discomfort under the trop- ical sun because they are protected by the black pigment in their skin. And so, in countless ways, we might illus- trate the fact that all living things, in order to flourish, must be adjusted to their surroundings. 4. Struggle for Existence. — The clue to the method of evolution first dawned upon Darwin in 1838, while reading Malthus on "Population." Malthus emphasized the fact that the number of human beings in the world increased in geometrical ratio (by multiplication) , while the food sup- ply increased much less rapidly by arithmetical ratio (by addition). Therefore, argued Malthus, the time will soon be reached when there will not be food enough for all; men will then struggle for actual existence, and only the fittest (i.e., the strongest, the fleetest, the most clever or 514 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES cunning) will survive. In pondering this hypothesis Darwin at once saw its larger application.^ There are always more progeny produced by a plant or an animal than there is room and food for, should they all survive. Darwin showed that the descendants of a single pair of elephants (one of the slowest breeders of all animals) would, if all that were born survived, reach the enormous number of 19,000,000 in from 740 to 750 years. ^ But the total number of elephants in the world does not appre- ciably increase : evidently many must perish for every one that lives. There must therefore be an intense struggle for existence. Darwin^ gives the following illustration: '' Seedlings, also, are destroyed in vast numbers by various enemies; for instance, on a piece of ground 3 feet long and 2 wide, dug and cleared, and where there could be no choking from other plants, I marked all the seedlings of our native weeds as they came up, and out of 357 no less than 295 were destroyed, chiefly by slugs and insects. If turf which has long been mown, and the case would be the same with turf closely browsed by quadru- peds, be let to grow, the more vigorous plants gradually ^ "in October 1838," says Darwin, "that is, 15 months after I had begun my systematic inquiry, I happened to read for amusement 'Malthus on Population,' and being well prepared to appreciate the struggle for existence which everywhere goes on from long-continued observation of the habits of animals and plants, it at once struck me that under these circumstances favorable variations would tend to be preserved, and unfavorable ones to be destroyed. The result of this would be the forma- tion of new species. Here then I had at last got a theory by which to work." 2 One pair of elephants produces an average of only one baby elephant in 10 years, and the breeding period is confined to from about the 30th to the 90th year. For illustrations of the prolific nature of plants, see paragraph 173, pp. 190-191. * "Origin of Species" (New York, 1902 edition), pp. 83, 84. DARWINISM 515 kill the less vigorous, though fully grown plants; thus out of 20 species growing on a little plot of mown turf (3 feet by 4) nine species perished, from the other species being allowed to grow up freely.'' ^^ Struggle for Existence'^ Used in a Large Sense. — "I should premise," said Darwin, "that I use this term in a large and metaphorical sense including dependence of one being on another, and including (which is more important) not only the hfe of the individual, but success in leaving progeny. Two canine animals, in a time of dearth, may be truly said to struggle with each other which shall get food and live. But a plant on the edge of a desert is said to struggle for Hfe against the drought, though more properly it should be said to be dependent on the moisture. A plant which annually produces a thousand seeds, of which only one on an average comes to maturity, may be more truly said to struggle with the plants of the same and other kinds which already clothe the ground. The mistle- toe is dependent on the apple and a few other trees, but can only in a far-fetched sense be said to struggle with these trees, for, if too many of these parasites grow on the same tree, it languishes and dies. But several seedling mistletoes, growing close together on the same branch, may more truly be said to struggle with each other. As the mistletoe is disseminated by birds, its existence depends on them; and it may metamorphically be said to struggle with other fruit-bearing plants, in tempting the birds to devour and thus disseminate its seeds. In these several senses, which pass into each other, I use for convenience sake the general term of Struggle for Existence." 5. Survival of the Fittest. — In this struggle for existence only those best suited to their environment will survive. 5l6 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES The dandelion from the seed that germinates first secures the best light; the one that sends down the longest and most vigorous root-system, that produces the largest, most rapidly growing leaves will survive, and will tend to trans- mit its vigorous qualities to its progeny. Less vigorous or less ''lit" individuals perish. To this phenomenon Herbert Spencer applied the phrase, ''survival of the fit- test." Darwin called it ''natural selection," because it was analogous to the artificial selection of favored types by breeders of plants and animals. It will be readily seen, however, that the process in nature is not so much a selec- tion of the fittest, as a rejection of the unfit; the unfit are eliminated, while the fit survive. It has been suggested that "natural rejection" would be a better name than "natural selection." "Variations neither useful nor in- jurious," said Darwin, "would not be affected by natural selection." 442. Difficulties and Objections.^The publication of Darwin's "Origin of Species" aroused at once a storm of opposition. Theologians opposed the theory because they thought it eliminated God. Especially bitter antagonism was aroused by Darwin's suggestion that, by means of his theory "much light will be thrown on the origin of man and his history." The unthinking and the careless thinkers accused Darwin of teaching that man is descended from monkeys. Neither of these accusations, however, was true. Darwinism neither eliminates God, nor does it teach that monkeys are the ancestors of men. By slow degrees, however, men began to give more care- ful and unprejudiced attention to the new theory, and not to pass adverse judgment upon it until they were sure they understood it. "A celebrated author and divine has DARWINISM 517 written to me," says Darwin, ''that he has gradually learnt to see that it is just as noble a conception of the Deity to believe that He created a few original forms capa- ble of self-development into other and needful forms, as to believe that He required a fresh act of creation to supply the voids caused by the action of His laws." And in closing his epoch-making book, Darwin called attention to the fact that, in the light of evolution, all phases of natural science possess more interest and more grandeur. ''When we no longer look at an organic being as a savage looks at a ship, as something wholly beyond his compre- hension; when we regard every production of nature as one which has had a long history; when we contemplate every complex structure and instinct as the summing up of many contrivances, each useful to the possessor, in the same way as any great mechanical invention is the sum- ming up of the labour, the experience, the reason, and even the blunders of numerous workmen; when we thus view each organic being, how far more interesting — I speak from experience — does the study of natural history become!" "It is interesting to contemplate a tangled bank, clothed with many plants of many kinds, with birds singing on the bushes, with various insects flitting about, and with worms crawling through the damp earth, and to reflect that these elaborately constructed forms, so different from each other, and dependent upon each other in so complex a manner, have all been produced by laws acting around us. These laws, taken in the largest sense, being Growth with Reproduction; Inheritance which is almost implied by reproduction; Variability from the indirect and direct action of the conditions of life, and from use and disuse; 5l8 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES a Ratio of Increase so high as to lead to a Struggle for Life, and as a consequence to Natural Selection, entailing Diver- gence of Character and the Extinction of less-improved forms. Thus, from the war of nature, from famine and death, the most exalted object which we are capable of conceiving, namely, the production of the higher animals, directly follows. There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved." 443. Objections from Scientists. — Objections to Dar- win's theory were also brought forward by scientific men — partly from prejudice, but chiefly because they demanded (and rightly) more evidence, especially on certain points which seemed at variance with the theory. For example, they said, no one has ever observed a new species develop from another; this ought to be possible if evolution by natural selection is now in progress. The absence of "connecting links," or transitional forms between two related species was noted; the presence of apparently useless characters (of which there are plenty in both ani- mals and plants) was not accounted for; and the geologists and astronomers claimed that the time required for evolu- tion to produce the organic world as we now behold it is longer than the age of the earth as understood from geolog- ical and astronomical evidence. There is not space here to summarize the answers to all these objections. Suffice it to say that scientific investi- gation since Darwin's time has given us reasonably satis- DARWINISM 519 factory answers to most of them, so that now practically no scientific man doubts the essential truth of evolution; it is the corner stone of all recent science, the foundation of all modern thought, 444. The Modem Problem. — But Darwinism left us with a very large and very fundamental problem unsolved. Upon what materials does natural selection act in the formation of species? Obviously the ''fittest" survives, but what is the origin of the fittest? This problem Darwin- ism did not solve. The solution of it is one of the most fundamental and important tasks now being undertaken by biologists. The most effective attack is by the method of experimental evolution, which forms the subject of the next chapter. CHAPTER XXXIII EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION 445. A New Method of Study. — Previous to Darwin's time the study of plants and animals, was carried on chiefly by observations in the field. The science was largely descriptive — a record of what men had observed under conditions over which they did not endeavor to exercise any control; it was accurately named ''Natural History" — a description of Nature. But Darwin and a few of his contemporaries, especially among botanists, be- gan to make observations under conditions which they determined and largely regulated. In this way the problems were simplified, observation became more ac- curate, and the endeavor was made to assign the prob- able causes of the observed phenomena. With the intro- duction of this experimental method, science began to make rapid strides, and, more than ever before, facts began to be, not only recorded, but interpreted and explained. 446. Hugo de Vries. — The director of the Botanic Gar- den in Amsterdam, Holland, Hugo de Vries, was among the first to demonstrate that the method of experiment may be applied to the study of evolution. His plan was to secure seed of a given species from a plant which he believed to be pure with reference to a given character, that is, not contaminated or mixed by being cross-pollin- ated with another variety or species. The characters of the parent plant were carefully noted and recorded by 520 J EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION 521 photographs and written descriptions, and by preserving dried and pressed herbarium specimens. The plants of the second generation were carefully guarded from being cross-pollinated, and thus ''pure" seed were secured for a third generation. This was continued often for 25 or 30 generations of the plant, requiring as many years when a Fig. 390, — Hugo de Vries. His pioneer studies of osmosis resulted in fundamental contributions to our knowledge of that subject; his mutation- theory is one of the most important contributions to the study of evolu- tion since Darwin. species produced only one crop of seed a year. Very care- ful records and preserved specimens were kept of the plants of each generation, and accurate comparisons were made to see if any individuals showed a tendency to vary widely from their parents in any significant way, such as showing entirely new characters, not expressed in the parents, or failing to manifest one or more of the characters of the parent. 52 2 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES 447. Two Klinds of Variation. — One of the first results of de Vries's painstaking work was the demonstration of what he believed to be a fundamental difference between two distinct kinds of variation — continuous (or fluctuating) and discontinuous (or saltative, i.e., leaping). 448. Continuous Variation. — Continuous variation is quantitative — a case merely of more or less. It deals with averages. Some flowers on a red-flowered plant may be lighter or darker red, but, in a series of generations, the average of a large number in each generation does not vary, and the departure from the average never exceeds certain limits. The flowers of a given species may have a certain characteristic odor, but the odor may be stronger in some flowers than in others, or in some individual plants than in others. The plants grown from a handful of beans of the same variety may vary in height within limits , but the average height of a large number will not vary in successive generations, and will be characteristic of the species or variety. In other words, continuous or fluc- tuating variation is variation about a mean. It may be illustrated by the bob of a swinging pendulum, which continually fluctuates within definite limits about the mean position assumed when the pendulum is at rest (Fig. 396). All plants and animals manifest fluctuating variation in all their characters (Fig. 391), and such variations are largely, if not entirely, dependent upon the environment. A slight change in the kind of food elements supplied, or in the amount of water or sunlight available will make the leaves or petals a deeper or a paler color. Rich soil, favoring a more abundant food supply, will cause a greater average growth than poor soil, but unless the seed for EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION 523 future generations is selected from the tallest plants, and the richness of the soil is maintained, the plants will revert to their normal, lower average of height. In other words, the average height of the plants of any given variety is a constant (unvarying) character, except that it may be Fig. 391. —Branch oi Brachychiton diver sijolmm, illustrating fluctuating or continuous variation in the shape of the leaves on one plant. temporarily altered by careful selection of seeds from the tallest or shortest individuals, or by choosing the largest or the smallest seeds from any given plant, or by making the soil richer or poorer. When the selection ceases, and the soil is maintained at average fertility, the characteristic average height of the plants is restored. 524 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES 449. Illustrations of Continuous Variation. — In a quart of beans, for example, there are no two seeds of precisely the same proportion or size; some are longer, some shorter. De Vries describes^ an experiment in which about 450 beans were chosen from a quantity purchased in the mar- ket, and the lengths of the individuals measured. The length varied from 8 to 16 millimeters, and in the following proportions: Millimeters 8 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 Number of beans ... . i 2 23 108 167 106 33 7 i The beans were then placed in a glass jar divided into nine compartments, all the beans of the same length in the same compartment. When this was done it was found that the beans were so grouped that the tops of the columns in the various compartments followed a curve, known as Quetelet's^ curve (Fig. 392). This curve may be plotted by erecting vertical lines (ordinates) at intervals of i millimeter on a horizontal line or base, the height of each vertical line being proportionate to the number of beans having the length indicated in figures at its base. This curve shows the frequency of occurrence of seeds of any given dimension between the two limits or extremes, and is therefore often referred to as a rMrve of frequency. It should be noted that, in the case illustrated, the greatest frequency (indicated by the high- est point of the curve) very nearly coincides with the aver- age dimension ; in other words, the more any given character ^ De Vries. "The Mutation Theory," vol. 2, p. 47, Chicago, 1909. ^ So named from its discoverer, Qu6telet (Ket-lay). As de Vries states: "For a more exact demonstration a correction would be necessary, since obviously the larger beans fill up their compartment more than a similar number of small ones." EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION 525 departs from the average for that character, the less fre- quent is its occurrence. In another experiment, ears of corn, harvested from the same crop, were meas- ured and found to vary in length from 4}^ inches to 9 inches; the largest num- ber of ears (20) were 7 inches long. The greater the departure from this length, in either direction, the fewer the individuals; for the lengths 4 inches and Fig. 392. — Demonstration of Quetelet's law of fluctuating varia- bility in the length of seeds of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Description in the text. (Redrawn from de Vries.) Fig. 393. — Curve of fluctuating variation (Quetelet's curve), formed by- arranging 82 ears of corn in ten piles, according to the length of the ears. The extremes were 4.5 and 9 inches. The ears were taken from unselected material from a field of corn. (After Blakeslee.) 526 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES pt J 9 Fig. 394. — Photograph of beans rolling down an inclined plane and accumulating at the base in compartments, which are closed in front by glass. The exposure was long enough to cause the moving beans to appear as caterpillar-like objects hopping along the board. If we assume that the irregularity of shape of the beans is such that each may make jumps either toward the right or toward the left in rolling down the board, the laws of chance lead us to expect that in very few cases will these jumps be all in the same direction, as indicated by the few beans collected in the compartments at the extreme right and left. Rather the beans will tend to jump in both right and left directions, the most probable condition being that in which the beans make an equal number of jumps to the right and to the left, as shown by the large number accumulated in the central compartment. If the board be tilted to one side, the curve of beans would be altered by this one-sided influence. In like fashion, a series of factors — either of environment or of heredity — if acting equally in both favorable and unfavorable directions, will cause a collection of ears of corn to assume a similar variability curve, when classified according to their relative size. Such curves, called Quetelet's curves, are used by biometricians in classify- ing and studying variations in plants and animals. (Photo by A. F. Blakeslee. Legend slightly modified from Journal of Heredity, Tane, 1916.) EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION 527 9 inches the frequency was zero. When the ears were arranged in piles according to their length, the tops of the piles indicated the curve of frequency (Fig. 393). The curve of frequency indicates the quantitative dis- tribution of any character or quality when its occurrence is dependent largely upon chance. This is strikingly illustrated by the grouping of bean seeds rolled down a smooth inclined plane, and collected in receptacles at the bottom (Fig. 394). The seeds are started rolling midway between the edges of the plane; the chances are about equal for some of the seeds to fall into the outside compart- ments, but the odds are vastly in favor of their landing at or near the center. Thus they group themselves so that the tops of the piles form a curve of chance variation. When the result is influenced in one direction more than in another the crest of the curve will be nearer one extreme than the other, and the curve is to that extent skew. The curve of bean seeds in Fig. 394 is slightly skew toward the right-hand extreme. Suggest one or more reasons why. 450. Fluctuating Variation and Inheritance. — When the ancestry is not mixed or hybrid the curve of frequency of any character in one generation ordinarily tends to recur in successive generations of descendants,^ providing the environment remains essentially the same. 451. Discontinuous Variation. — Long before Darwin, students of plants and animals had observed a different kind of variation than continuous — one which was not quantitative but qualitative, resulting in the expression of new characters, or of a new curve oj frequency; that is, in fluctuation about a new mean. Plants from some of the ^ The behavior of hybrid descendants is a special case described in ::hapter XXXVII. 528 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES seeds of a red-flowered specimen bear flowers, not that vary from deeper to paler red, but that suddenly, at one step, have become pure white; one or more seeds from an odor- less plant may give rise to individuals whose flowers are sweet-scented; or vice versa, odorless specimens may spring at one leap, not by gradual minute changes, from those that Fig. 395. — Leaves of varieties of the Boston fern (Nephrolepis), showing (from left to right) progressive branching of the pinnae and pinnules, and illustrating so-called "orthogenetic saltation." (After R. C. Benedict.) are fragrant; in one generation the factors controlling height are so altered that, in successive generations, the average of height may change by either more or less, so that the heights of the individuals fluctuate about a new mean. In other words, we recognize a second type of variation — not the fluctuation of individuals about an unchanging mean, but the appearance of a new mean, about which the given character in individuals may fluctuate. EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION 529 When discontinuous variation proceeds along a definite line through several successive generations, each step being an intensification of the preceding one, it is designated ^' or tho genetic saltation^' (^ig- 395)- 461. Illustration of the Pendulum.— The difference be- tween discontinuous and fluctuating variation may be V..,/.s,,^ Fluciuatin^ Extreme ^■2^ F/uUuatn Extreme c r- Mean Extreme Meo-n Fig. 396. — Diagram to illustrate the difference between fluctuating variation and mutation; 0, original point of suspension; M, new point of suspension after the mutation has occurred. aptly illustrated by a swinging pendulum (Fig. 396). The vertical position, assumed when at rest, is the mean of all positions that may be assumed as the pendulum swings; 34 530 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES the oscillation about this mean illustrates continuous or fluctuating variation. But we may conceive that the point of suspension of the pendulum changes, as shown in the figure. The pendulum continues to oscillate, but now about a new mean position; a neiv character has been introduced, with its own fluctua- tions of more or less. 453. Mutations. — Darwin, as well as others before and after him, recognized both kinds of variation, but de Vries was the first to work out in detail the hypothesis that discontinuous variations furnish the material for natural selection. Discontinuous variations he called mutations; plants which give rise to or ''throw" them are said to mutate. A plant that arises by mutation is an elementary species, or mutant; and the theory that mutations (and not fluctuations) explain the origin of the fittest, and supply the materials upon which natural selection operates in the formation of new species, de Vries called the ^nutation theory. 454. Examples of Mutation. — The kohlrabi, cauli- flower, and other horticultural varieties of the wild cliff- cabbage (Fig. 397), arc believed to be mutants, and to have arisen, not by the prolonged selection of fluctuating varia- tions, but at one step — in one generation — as "sports" of the wild Brassica oleracea. Strawberry plants without runners, green dahlias and green roses, the common seed- less bananas of the markets, the Shirley poppies, pitcher- leaved ash trees, Pierson's variety of the Boston fern, 5-9- "leaved" clovers (Fig. 398), white black-birds (and other albinos, including albino men), moss-roses, thornless cacti and thornless honey-locusts, red sunflowers, com- posites with tubular corollas in the ray-flowers (Fig. 399), and the innumerable white flowered varieties of colored EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION 531 532 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES flowered species, are all illustrations of mutation. Fre- quently the mutative change occurs in a lateral bud, pro- ducing a ''bud-sport" (Fig. 400). Such was the origin of the seedless navel orange from the seed-bearing orange. Fig. 398. — Clover leaves with three to nine leaflets, illustrating a tendency to mutate. The normal clover leaf is a pinnately compound leaf with three leaflets. Plants with leaves having five to nine leaflets constitute a "half-race," i.e. the normal character is active, the anomaly semi-latent. (Photo by the author; specimens from cultures of G. H. Shull.) 455. The Evening-primrose. — In 1886 de Vries began to search for a species that was in a mutating condition, believing that any given species is at some periods in its history more labile or changeable than at other periods. After a long search he found in an abandoned potato field at Hilversum, near Amsterdam, a large number of plants of Lamarck's evening-primrose {(Enothera Lamarckiana) (Fig. 401.) "That I really had hit upon a plant in a mutable period became evident from the discovery, which I made a year EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION 533 later, of two perfectly definite forms which were immedi- ately recognizable as two new elementary species. One of them was a short-styled form: O. brevistylis, which at first seemed to be exclusively male, but later proved to have the power, at least in the case of several individuals, Fig, 399. — Yellow daisy, or cone-flower {Rudbeckia sp.), showing varia- tions of the character of mutations in the ray- and disc-flowers. At d the normally ligulate corollas are tubular; at / they have all aborted, except two; at h many of the normally tubular disc-flowers have become ligulate, making a nearly "double flower." (Photo by E. M. Kittredge.) of developing small capsules with a few fertile seeds. The other was a smooth-leaved form with much prettier foliage than 0. Lamarckiana, and remarkable for the fact that some of its petals are smaller than those of the parent type, and lack the emarginate form which gives the petals of 534 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Lamarckiana their cordate character. I call this form O. IcEvifolia." ''When I first discovered them (1887) they were repre- sented by very few individuals. Moreover each form occupied a particular spot on the field. O. brevistylis occurred quite close to the base from which the Oenothera Fig. 400. — A plant of the evening-primrose {QLnolhera biennis) which, by "bud sporting," has given rise (at the left) to a branch having the characters of another species. had spread; O. IcBvifolia on the other hand, in a small group of 10 to 12 plants, some of which were flowering whilst others consisted only of radical leaves, in a part of the field which had not up to that time been occupied by 0. Lamarckiana. The impression produced was that all these plants had come from the seeds of a single mutant. Since that time, both the new forms have more or less spread over the field" {de Vries), EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION 535 Another mutant of (E. Lamarckiana was called by de Vries (Enothera gigas (Fig. 402). The cell-nuclei of this mutant have twice as many chromosomes as the parent form. Fig. 401. — Lamarck's evening-primrose {(Enolhcra Lanidrckiana). A mutating species. (After de Vries.) 456. The Test of a Mutation.— The deciding test as to whether a given new form, arising without crossing from a form that has bred true for at least two generations, is really a mutant or merely a fluctuating variant, is to see if it breeds true to seed for the new character or characters. If it does it is a mutant; otherwise it is not. It is clear, therefore, that the only way the problem can be followed out is by experiment — hence the term experimental evolu- 536 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES tion. The great contribution of de Vries is that he demon- strated that evolution may be studied by the method of experimentation. The next step for him to take after discovering the two forms that he supposed to be mutants, was to breed them in carefully guarded, pedigreed cultures Fig. 402. — Giant evening-primrose QLnothera gigas, a mutant from (Enothera Lamarckiana, originated in 1895. (Cf. Fig. 401.) (After de Vries.) in his garden, and also to breed the parent form, (Enothera Lamarckiana, and see if he could observe the two forms above mentioned, or other mutants, arise from seed pro- duced without crossing with any other species. The entire story of this classical series of experiments is too long to be told here. Suffice it to say that de Vries did observe numerous other aberrant forms arise, and also EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION 537 found that they bred true (except for additional muta- tions) when propagated by seed for over 25 years — that is, they were true mutations. 467. Relation of Mutation Theory to Darwinism. — The mutation theory is not intended by de Vries to supplant the theory of natural selection, but to demonstrate that the materials upon which selection acts in the formation of new species are mutations, and mutations only — never fluctuating or individual variations. In the second place the mutation theory explains away numerous objections to natural selection. It shows how characters that are never of vital importance^ — i.e., matters of actual life or death — to a species may arise and be perpetuated. With- out mutation this is difficult to explain, ^ and yet many, if not most, of the characteristics by which different species are distinguished from each other are of this kind — not, so far as we can see, absolutely essential to the life of the species. Mutation also offers a method by which evolu- tionary changes may take place within a much shorter time- period than was demanded by the natural selection of fluctuations. Incidentally, the mutation theory clearly shows that the absence of ''connecting links" between species is no argu- ment against evolution, but is, on the contrary, just what we might expect to find. 458. Value of the Mutation Theory.— As stated above, the elaboration of the mutation theory has furnished the ^ As required by Darwin's theory. See quotation on p. 516. 2 Other explanations have been offered. For example, sometimes two characters appear to be always associated, so that the presence of one involves the presence of the other; as a mane and maleness in the lion, dicotyledony and exogeny in Angiosperms. 538 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES biological world with a new method of study. It has demonstrated that the method of evolution may be studied by experimentation, and this demonstration is, probably, de Vries's greatest service to science. The mutation theory should also be of great service to breeders. It has helped to establish plant and animal breeding on a more scientific basis, has pointed the way to correct methods where men were formerly groping in the dark, and has showed that results of commercial value do not require a life time, but may be obtained within two or three seasons. By the application of modern methods it has been possible, within a few seasons, to obtain new strains of oats yielding as much as 14 bushels per acre more than the variety from which they were derived, and to produce new strains of corn not only giving a larger yield, but maturing nearly two weeks earlier than the parent variety. 459. Classification. — Mere information is not science. A ''book of facts" is not a scientific treatise, for it is composed of bits of unrelated information, presented on some artificial basis of sequence, as for example, alpha- betically. Scientific knowledge, in addition to being as accurate as possible, is characterized by having an orderly arrangement in one's mind, and this order is based on a logical, fundamental relationship between the facts and ideas. Only by such an arrangement of our ideas are we able to understand their relation to each other, their rela- tive importance, and their real significance. Classifica- tion, therefore, is essential to all science. The very existence and use of such words as oaks, maples, roses, indicate that men have grouped or classified their ideas of certain plants {e.g., red oaks, white oaks, black oaks, EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION 539 bur oaks, live oaks, etc.), and have thereby recognized that certain kinds resemble each other closely enough to be placed in one group with a group-name. All the com- mon names of plants indicate the recognition of classes — a classification. Fig. 403. — Linnaeus, the great classifier (1707-1778). lie is wearing a sprig of the twin-flower {Linncea borealis), one of his favorite flowers, and named after him by his friend, Gronovius. He is regarded as the father of modern systematic botany. 460. Evolution and Classification. — Without the guiding idea of evolution classification would be arbitrary and artificial. Linnaeus classified plants on the basis of the number of stamens they possessed, thus placing in one group plants now known to be wholly unrelated, except 540 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES that they have a chance similarity in the number of stamens. In like manner we may group together plants with red flowers, blue flowers, or pink flowers, as is often done in "popular" guides to the wild flowers. This has its value, but it tells us really nothing about the significant relationship between plants, does not help clear up our own ideas, does not show the gaps in our knowledge and tell us where to search for new facts to fill up the gaps. Evolution, by showing that plants are all related to each other by descent, just as are the members of a large family of persons, discloses to us the only true basis of classifica- tion — the plan that endeavors to arrange all plants so as to show their descent and their relationship to each other. Without evolution there might be any number of arbitrary systems; on the basis of evolution there can, in the end, be but one true system, which all students must accept, because it will be a true record of what has actually oc- curred in the history of development of the plant or animal worlds. In other words, if our knowledge should ever he- come sufficiently complete and exacts the classification oj plants would give a summary — a bird's eye view — of the course of evolution and the history of development. To approximate this end is one of the largest problems of botany. CHAPTER XXXIV HEREDITY 461. Importance of the Study. — i. To Pure Science. — No knowledge is more fundamental than a correct under- standing of the laws of heredity. Its fundamental im- portance to pure science becomes evident at once when we consider that, since evolution has been accomplished by the descent of one organism from another, there have been one or more unbroken lines of inheritance from the dawn of plant life to the present. Hence, until we know the laws of heredity, we cannot fully understand expression, reproduction, development, variation, sex, or evolution. 2. To Applied Science. — Correct ideas concerning he- redity are absolutely essential to such phases of applied science as animal and plant breeding. In the light of such knowledge the breeder can avoid making useless experi- ments, and can accomplish desired results more quickly, more cheaply, and with greater certainty of success. 3. To Man. — A correct knowledge of the principles of heredity is vital to mankind ; no knowledge is more so. To realize this, we have only to reflect that our own characters are very largely the result of inheritance from our ances- tors; and not only our characters, but our physical char- acteristics, our vigor of mind and body, our capacity for education, our susceptibility to disease, and often the actual existence of some disease within our bodies or minds. 462. Heredity Reduced to Its Lowest Terms. — We may study heredity under the very simplest conditions in the 541 542 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES descent of one-celled organisms, such as Pleurococcus. This plant, as we learned in Chapter XVIII, is a globule of protoplasm, containing chlorophyll, and surrounded by a cellulose cell-wall. But why is it globular, why does it contain chlorophyll, why has it a cell- wall of cellulose? Why is it not elliptical, why is it not red instead of green, why does it have a cell-wall, instead of existing naked like the Plasmodium of a slime-mold, why is its cell-wall of cellulose, rather than of lignin or chitin? The short answer is, because its ancestors, for ages and ages, have possessed the characteristics which now char- acterize Pleurococcus plants. But that only puts the question back an indefinite number of generations. The real reason is, because the Pleurococcus protoplasm pos- sesses a physical and chemical constitution — or in other words a mechanism — that, under normal external condi- tions, manufactures green pigment instead of red, cellulose instead of lignin, or any other substance, at the surface, and makes the cell-wall of even resistance to the osmotic pressure within, thus producing a sphere and not an ellip- soid, or filament, or any other shape. 463. What is Inheritance? — When the Pleurococcus cell divides, this wonderful, invisible mechanism — the certain definite physical and chemical constitution — is transmitted to each of the daughter-cells; each, in other words, re- ceives Pleurococcus protoplasm. This protoplasm, with its definite organization, constitutes the inheritance. The daughter-cells do not inherit a spherical shape (as is evident from Fig. 183), but a definite kind of protoplasm, cell-sap of certain osmotic properties, and surface cellulose of even elasticity, so that, in surroundings uniform on all sides, a spherical shape must finally result. The shape is an HEREDITY 543 expression of the inheritance for the given environment. Under different external conditions the expression might he different; hut the inheritance would he the same. The chlorophyll in the daughter-cells, immediately after cell- division, is a direct inheritance, but the chlorophyll subse- quently manufactured, and the green color which it gives to the plant, are not inherited; they are expressions of the inheritance — which in this instance is a chloroplastid that reproduces itself by division, and manufactures chlorophyll in the presence of sunlight. Under abnormal external conditions the mechanism may not act, or may act ab- normally, so that yellow pigment appears instead of green — or in darkness no pigment at all. In either case the in- heritance is the same, but the expression varies. A mod- ern writer has defined inheritance as all that an organism has to start with. It is the protoplasmic substance, with all its potentialities, passed on from parent to offspring. 464. Inheritance Versus Expression. — In the light of this information, obtained by a study of the lowly Pleuro- coccus, we are able to understand that what we inherit from our parents or grandparents, is not a certain shape of nose, a certain characteristic gait, a musical or mathe- matical bent of mind, a quick temper, but a substance (protoplasm) possessing a very delicate, intricate, and characteristic constitution or mechanism. Under certain conditions this inheritance may so express itself as to cause resemblance in some physical or mental trait; or it may find a quite different expression, as when parents of medium height have tall children, or parents musically inclined have children that do not care for music ; or sweet- peas having white flowers only, produce, when crossed, peas having colored flowers. Or again, not all that is in- 544 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES herited may be expressed; this is illustrated when chil- dren resemble, not their parents, but their grandparents. Here the parents transmitted an inheritance which, in them, found no expression. A remarkable illustration of inheritance without expression is seen in the case of the alternation of generations (pages 1 81-183) The initial protoplasm of the sporophyte is all inherited through the fertilized egg from the gametophytes, but most of the gametophytic characters do not appear in the sporophyte, nor do the typically sporophytic characters find expres- sion in the gametophyte.^ 465. Inheritance Versus Heredity. — As stated above, the inheritance is that which is actually transmitted from parent to offspring. The fern-spore, for example, is the inheritance of the fern gametophyte from the sporophyte. Heredity is the genetic relationship that exists between suc- cessive generations of organisms. The relation between two brothers and their parents is similar — it is one of heredity ; their inheritance may be quite different. 466. Inheritance and Reproduction. — Inheritance is, of course, inseparably linked with reproduction and may be studied in connection with the three following types: I. In vegetative propagation"^ the new plant, as noted in Chapter XVII, is obviously only a portion of the vegeta- tive tissue of the parent plant, isolated and growing inde- pendently by itself. The separation of the propagating piece from the parent is often (though not always) mechan- ^ The chlorophyll, of course, is an exception. But the osmotic strength of the cell-sap is a different expression in gametophyte and sporophyte, otherwise the young sporophyte could not live parasitically upon the gametophyte. * E.g., by means of tubers, cuttings and "slips," bulbs and bulbils, gemmae, "runners," scions, etc. HEREDITY 545 ical and artificial. The protoplasm remains unaltered by the act of separation, reduction divisions are not involved, and the inheritance, except in bud-variations, is unaffected by the change. This is evident in those cases where the \ Wj^ ^uA ^ "--, ^7^^ • vVv A.i -<^. a 1 Fig. 404.^ — -Graft of tomato {Lycopersicum esculcnlum) on tobacco {Nicoiiana tabacum). On the tomato are grafted Solanum nigrum, S. integrifolium, and Physalis alkekengi. Cf. Fig. 243. (Graft made by Mr. M. Free.) isolated piece is grafted upon another plant; the specific or varietal characteristics of the scion are seldom, if ever, affected by the stock. Thus, in the experiment illustrated in Fig. 404, a tomato stem was grafted upon a tobacco 35 546 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES plant, and upon the tomato were grafted three other species — Solanum nigrum, Solanum integrifolium, and Physalis alkekengi. Each species was apparently not in the least altered by this drastic change in the conditions of its life. 2. In asexual reproduction hy spores the situation is quite similar to that in vegetative propagation, but in certain cases there is abundant opportunity for the proto- plasm to become more or less altered during the compli- cated changes that accompany nuclear division. This is especially the case in the reduction divisions preceding spore-formation in the sporophytes of higher plants, espe- cially when the plant is a hybrid; and in spore-formation in the sporangia produced from the zygospore of some of the filamentous fungi, like Mucor Mucedo. In the latter case the nuclear divisions, some time preceding spore-pro- duction, result in separating out the female (+) and male (— ) strains, so that the spores in a given sporangium are unlike as to sex — some being female (+), some male (— ). This will be discussed more fully in the next chapter. Such changes result merely in distributing the heritable units {genes) of the mother-cell unequally to the daughter- cells, but introducing nothing new; they may, however, result in the complete loss of one or more heritable units, or in the formation of a new one, not existent in the parent. In the latter two cases we recognize a mutation. No hard and fast line can be drawn between the various kinds of asexual reproduction; there are various degrees of transi- tion between reproduction by spores, gemmae, bulbs and tubers, and the artificially severed buds and scions used in grafting and "slipping." 3. In sexual reproduction there intervene between par- HEREDITY 547 ents and offspring, not only the complicated reduction divisions involved in the formation of the gametes, but also the nuclear and cell-fusions accomplished by the union of the egg and sperm in fertilization. Both processes — the formation of the gametes, and their fusion — offer almost unlimited opportunities for alterations of the pro- toplasm — especially that of the nucleus. This method of reproduction, therefore, has the very greatest interest and importance for the study of heredity. In the fertilized egg^ are united the inheritances from two parents — from two distinct lines of ancestry — protoplasms (germ-plasms) with two entirely different histories extending back into the past, no one knows how far. How will these two inheritances affect each other when they intermingle in the fertilized egg? Will one tend to inhibit or check cer- tain characteristics or functions of the other; will they evenly blend, so as to produce an expression intermediate between that of the parents; or may entirely new sub- stances be formed or new combinations take place, result- ing in an entirely new expression in the offspring? 467. Methods of Study. — To endeavor to answer the questions just asked is as fascinating an occupation as it is important, and the answers are significant for man, as well as for plants. It is indeed, a fortunate thing that prin- ciples ascertained by studying plants apply equally to man and other animals, since plants are so much easier to handle in experimental investigations. We may go about the answering of these questions in either of two ways. We may gather large numbers of statistics to measure and analyze {statistical or hiometrical * The fertilized egg (as Thomson has pointed out) is the inheritance, and becomes, in the mature individual, the inheritor. 548 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES method), or we may employ the experimental method. The method of biometry enables us to deal with a larger number of individuals, but the material studied is usually a mixed population, whose history is only imperfectly known, the conditions are more complex, and little if at all under control. By the experimental method it is not necessary to deal with such large numbers; we may choose carefully pedigreed material about the history of which we have more or less accurate knowledge, and we may greatly simplify and control the conditions under which we make our observations. The largest advance toward the solu- tion of the problems of inheritance has been made by the experimental method, in the form first employed success- fully by Gregor Mendel. This method will be briefly explained in the next chapter. CHAPTER XXXV EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF HEREDITY 468. Gregor Mendel.— Two of the most important contributions ever made to biological science, namely, _ Fig. 405.— Gregor Mendel, at the age of 40. His theory of alternate inheritance (Mendelism), based largely on experiments with the garden pea, IS the most important and most fruitful contribution ever made to the study of inheritance. Mendel's laws of heredity, and his method of investigating them, were made by a teacher who studied plants as a pas- time because he loved to do it. This man was Gregor 549 550 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Mendel, a monk in the monastery at Briinn, Austria, where he finally became abbott. In order to understand his work clearly the student should examine carefully the structure of the edible or garden pea, the chief plant with which Mendel worked. 469. MendePs Problem. — It was a favorite study of Mendel's to hybridize {i.e., cross-pollinate) plants of differ- ent species and varieties, and observe the behavior of the resulting hybrids in successive generations. The problem which he endeavored to solve was the law or laws "gov- erning the formation and development of hybrids,"^ with special reference to the laws according to which various characters of parents appear in their offspring. 470. MendePs Method. — He recognized that, in order to solve the problem, attention must be given to at least three points, as follows: 1. "To determine the number of different forms under which the offspring of hybrids appear." 2. "To arrange these forms with certainty according to their generations." 3. "To ascertain accurately their statistical relations," that is, to express the results quantitatively. No previous student had recognized the fundamental importance of these requirements. 471. Choice of Material. — Mendel realized that the success of any experiment depends upon choosing the most suitable material with which to experiment. He laid down the requirements as follows: ^ All the quotations in this chapter are from an English translation of Mendel's original paper. His form of expression has been preserved as far as possible, even when the "quotes" are omitted. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF HEREDITY 55 1 1. "The experimental plants must necessarily possess constant differentiating characters.^^'^ 2. "The hybrids of such plants must, during the flower- ing period, be protected from the influence of all foreign pollen, or be easily capable of such protection." 3. "The hybrids and their offspring should suffer no marked disturbance in their fertility in the successive generations." Mendel also called attention to the advantage of choos- ing plants which, like the peas, are easy to cultivate in the open ground and in pots, and which have a relatively short period of growth. 472. Characters Chosen for Observation. — "Each pair of differentiating characters [have been thought to] unite in the hybrid to form a new character, which in the pro- geny of the hybrid is usually variable. The object oj the experiment was to observe these variations in the case of each pair of differentiating characters, and to deduce the law ac- cording to which they appear in successive generations. The experiment resolves itself therefore into just as many separate experiments as there are constantly differentia- ting characters presented in the experimental plants." The following were the characters chosen for observation: I. The difference in the shape of the ripe seeds (round and smooth vs. angular and wrinkled). ^ Differentiating characters are those in respect to which the two species or varieties to be crossed differ. The possession of chlorophyll by the leaves of peas, for example, is a common character. " Common characters are transmitted unchanged to the hybrids and their progeny." The color of the corolla (for example, white in one species and purple in the other) is a differentiating character, serving to differentiate or distinguish one species from another. 552 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES 2. The difference in the color of the cotyledons (pale or bright yellow, or orange vs. light or dark green). 3. The difference in the color of the seed-coat (white vs. gray, gray-brown, leather- brown, with or without violet spotting, etc.). 4. The difference in the form of the ripe pods (deeply constricted between the seeds and more or less wrinkled, or the opposite). 5. The difference in the color of the unripe pods (light or dark green vs. vivid yellow) . 6. The difference in the posi- tion of the flowers (i.e.j axial vs. terminal) . 7. The difference in the length of the stem (the extremes chosen were ''tails" 6 to 7 feet, and ''dwarfs" % feet to i}i feet in height). 473. Artificial Hybridizing. — The edible pea is commonly self- fertilized; therefore, to make crosses it is necessary carefully to remove the stamens of one flower before the anthers have begun to shed their pollen, and then place pollen from another flower on the stigma. The flowers must then be carefully guarded, e.g., by tying paper bags over them (Fig. 406), to prevent other pollen being deposited by insects or otherwise. In this way the experimenter knows just what characteristics enter into Fig. 406. — Method of pro- tecting flowers from foreign pollen by paper bags, in plant- breeding experiments. (After O. E. White.) EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF HEREDITY 553 the hybrid. Careful record is kept of all data, and plants produced in this way, with ancestral characters noted and recorded, are called pedigreed. Plantings of such plants are called pedigreed cultures. In many species, in "making the cross '^ {i.e., doing the cross-pollinating) great care must be taken to avoid con- tamination from foreign pollen, of which the air may be full.^ The fingers and all instruments are usually rinsed in alcohol before each operation, to insure kilUng any foreign pollen that might be present. Numerous other precautions are also taken. When the hybrid plants are mature, careful observa- tions of whatever character is under observation are made and recorded. Whenever possible the observation should be quantitative. 474. MendePs Discoveries. — We may illustrate Men- del's results in a simple manner by choosing, as the pair of contrasted characters, smooth and wrinkled seeds of the pea. Removing all the stamens from flowers of a variety having smooth seeds, he pollinated those flowers with pollen from a plant bearing wrinkled seeds. It should now be kept clearly in mind just what the inheritance of the fertilized egg is in such a case. From the pistillate plant the inheritance, contributed by the egg-cell, included the protoplasmic properties (whatever they may be) which, when free to produce their effect, cause smooth seeds; from the staminate parent the in- heritance, contributed by the sperm-cell, included the protoplasmic properties, which, when free to act, cause wrinkled seeds. I. Law of Dominance. — What Mendel actually found ^ See p. 423, paragraph 376. 554 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES by his experiments was that, in such a cross, all the seeds of the hybrid plants are smooth. The inheritance was "smooth" and "wrinkled," but the expression was of only one type — smooth. A character thus expressed, 4 fc 4 4 II II nil ckI ^ Fig. 407. — Mendelian segregation in the edible pea (Pisiim sativum). Full explanation in the text. (Cf., Fig. 408.'^ to the exclusion of another, in the first filial (Fi) genera- tion Mendel called dominant, and the phenomenon he called dominance; the other character is recessive. From such observations Mendel formulated the law of domi- nance, as follows: When pairs of contrasting characters EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF HEREDITY 555 are combined in a cross, one character behaves as a dominant over the other, which is recessive. By similar experiments Mendel found that, in the coty- ledons, yellow is dominant over green, tallness over dwarf- ness, axial flowers over terminal, and so on. Such pairs of contrasting characters are called allelomorphs. 2. Law 0] Segregation. — But what will happen if the first filial (Fi) generation is inbred or self-poUinated. Its inheritance included factors that make for both "smooth" and "wrinkled," but the expression was all of one kind only. The experiment was made, and Mendel found that the second fihal (F2) generation included plants, part of which possessed only smooth seeds, while the others had only wrinkled seeds (Fig. 407). " Transitional forms were not observed in any experiment." This illustrates in a strik- ing way the difference between inheritance and expression. 475. Ratio of Segregation. — But now we come to that feature of Mendel's experiments which, perhaps more than anything else, made them superior to all others that had preceded. He carefully counted the number of plants bearing each kind of seed, and found that the number of smooth-seeded plants was to those with wrinkled seeds as 3 :i. 476. Theory of Ptirity of Gametes. — When the wrinkled seeds (one-fourth of the total crop) were sown they all bred true to wrinkledness — their descendants of the F3 generation bearing only wrinkled seeds. The expression was alike in every case. The gametes that united to produce these plants were therefore considered pure for ^^ wrinkledness;^^ that is, it was inferred that they did not carry any inheritance tending to produce smoothness of seed. 556 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Fig. 408. — Mendelian segregation in maize, a, the starchy parent; 6, the sweet parent; C, the first hybrid {Fi) generation, produced by crossing a and h, showing the dominance of starchiness; d, the second hybrid (F2) generation, showing the segregation of starchiness and sweetness with the ratio of three starchy to one sweet (wrinkled) grain. Lower row, daughters of d; e, /, and g resulted from planting starchy grains. One ear in three is pure starchy, the other two mixed; h, result of planting sweet (wrinkled) seeds. They are pure recessives, and the ear is pure sweet. (After East.) (Cf. Fig. 407.) EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF HEREDITY 557 477. Not All Dominants Alike.— But when the seeds of the F2 plants, having only smooth seeds, were sown it was found that the dominants were not alike, except in external appearance. The seeds, though all appeared smooth, carried different inheritances. One-third of them {i.e., one-fourth of all the seed produced by the F2 generation) bred true to smoothness, being therefore pure, or homozygous, for smoothness; the other two-thirds of the dominants {i.e., one-half of all the seed produced) again segregated in the ratio of 3 : i — one-fourth wrinkled and three-fourths smooth, showing that they were hetero- zygous; that is, that they still carried inheritance from both the wrinkled and smooth-seeded grandparents. If we designate the first parental generation by P, the dominant character (whatever it may be) by D, and the recessive character by R, then the facts above described may be diagrammed as follows: D9 X Rd' P (ist Parental generation) D (R) Fi (ist Hybrid generation) 4 1 T 3D iR F2 (2d Hybrid generation) iD + 2D(R) D 3D iR R Fs (3d Hybrid generation) 478. Significance of the Mendelian Ratio. — The ratio 3 : I or, as it appears on analysis, i : 2 : i, is the ratio that one might expect, or that might be predicted, on the basis of chance. Students of algebra will recognize in it the essence of the familiar square of a + ^, namely, a^ + 2ah + 6^, 558 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES where a and h each equal i. In the plants the multi- plication of inheritances (produced in fertilization) was as follows: eggs {s + 7C') X sperms {s + ^^0 = ^^ + 2sw -\- ww where w = wrinkling and s = absence of wrinkling, i.e., smoothness. 479. Theory of Purity of Gametes. — The above ratio is what we would expect if half of the egg-cells and half of the sperm-cells in a heterozygous plant (one of the Fi generation), carried only character-units or determiners^ that make for smoothness; the other half only those factors that make for wrinkling, giving 5 and w egg-cells, and s and w sperm-cells in equal numbers. Therefore, in pollination the chances would be equal that an s-egg would be fertilized with either an 5-sperm or a w-sperm, giving {s -\- w) X {s -\- w) = ss -{- 2SW -\- WW. Since s is dominant over w the product should be written: ss -j- siii") + s{w) -\- ivw giving in external appearances 35 + iw. Since the re- sult actually observed is what it would be ij the gametes were thus ''pure" for smoothness and wrinkling, Mendel concluded that they really are, and moreover that each character behaves as a unit, appearing and disappearing in its entirety. 480. Character -units versus Unit-characters. — As just stated, Mendel held that the various visible characters of his plants (dwarfness, for example) behaved as units, ^ The substance or condition (protoplasmic constitution), whatever it is, in the germ-cells that corresponds to any given character of the plant is variously referred to by the terms factor, determiner , gene (= producer), character-unit, and others. These terms are essentially synonyms. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF HEREDITY 559 either appearing in their fullness, or not appearing at all. From more careful observations we know that such is not the case. A blossom may, for example, be more or less pink, an odor more or less strong, dwarfs are not all the same height, but fluctuate around a mean. We conclude therefore that characters do not behave as units, and that the conception of ''unit-characters" is erroneous. The evidence does, however, seem to justify the conclusion that the factor or factors, whatever they may be,^ that are causally related to the given character do behave as units. We may therefore designate them as character -units. They are commonly known as genes. Quite probably, in many if not all cases, more than one gene or character-unit is involved in the production of any given character. 481. Applications of MendePs Law. — Over loo pairs of structural and color characters have been found, in plant breeding, to behave more or less closely in accord- ance with the Mendelian conception. In peas alone over 20 pairs of characters are expressed in successive genera- tions, in accordance with this law. Among the more striking results which are explainable upon Mendelian theory are the following: 1. Mottled beans have been produced in the Fi genera- tion by crossing two varieties, neither of which had mottled seeds. Vaiious types appeared in the F2 generation. 2. Jet black beans have appeared in the Fi generation from a cross between two varieties, one of which had pure white seeds, the other light yellow. Various shades and colors appeared in the F2 generation. 3. In one case three distinct varieties of beans, breeding * Substance or condition, we know not what, within the germ-cells. 560 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES true to white seeds (when selfed^), were crossed with the same variety of red bean. In the Fi generation each cross gave a different color — one blue, another black, and the third brown. A varied assortment of colors appeared in each case in the F2 generations. 4. Two varieties of sweet peas, each breeding true to white flowers, when crossed gave, in the Fi generation, nothing but purple-flowered ofTspring, resembling the wild sweet pea. A medley of white, pink, purple, and red- flowered plants appeared in the F2 generation. Numer- ous other cases might be cited, all of which would have been unsolvable riddles except in the light of Mendelism. 482. Inheritance and Environment.— Emphasis should be laid on the fact that the behavior of any plant, and the characters it manifests, are the result of the combined influence of inheritance and environment. A bean seed- ling is green, not merely because it has inherited chloro- plastids, but because it develops in sunlight; without sunlight the green color could not come into expression. If we vary any factor of environment (temperature, mois- ture, illumination, food) the expression of the inheritance may be altered, just as truly as though the inheritance were changed. The characteristics expressed by any plant {or animal) are the result of the combined action of inherit- ance and environment. It is of fundamental importance to a man, not only to be ''well-born" {eugenics), but also to be ''well-placed" {euthenics). 483. Johannsen's Conception of Heredity. — The con- ception that inheritance, as previously noted, is not the transmission of external characters from parent to off- spring, but the reappearance, in successive generations, ^ The pollination of a flower with its own pollen, or with pollen from another flower of the same plant, is called selfing. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF HEREDITY 561 of the same organization of the protoplasm with reference to its character-units, was first developed by Johannsen, of Copenhagen, Denmark, who proposed the term ''genes/' ''The sum total of all the 'genes' in a gamete or zygote," is a genotype. Inheritance is the recurrence, in successive generations, of the same genotypical constitu- tion of the protoplasm. Johannsen does not attempt to explain the nature of the genes, "but that the notion 'gene' covers a reality is evident from Mendelism." This conception of heredity is diametrically opposed to the older and popular conception, but is much more closely in accord with the facts revealed by recent studies of plant and animal breeding.^ 484. Value of MendePs Discoveries. — The discoveries that, in inheritance, certain characters are dominant over certain others; that a given inheritance {e.g., condi- tions associated with seed-color, odor, eye-color, stature, musical ability, insanity, tendency to some disease) may be carried and transmitted to offspring by an adult who gives no outward signs of carrying the inheritance; that, under certain conditions of breeding, some characters (the recessive ones), whether good or bad, may become permanently lost; that dominant characteristics are certain to appear in some of the offspring — all of these truths, learned by the study of a common garden vegetable, will be recognized at once as of enormous importance to the breeders of plants and animals, and above all to man- kind, in connection with our own heredity. They point the way to the explanation of such enigmas as the pro- verbial bad sons of pious preachers, spendthrift children ^ A discussion of Johannsen's very fruitful method of "pure line" breeding belongs to more advanced studies. 36 562 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES of thrifty parents, talented offspring of mediocre parents, blue-eyed cliildren of brown-eyed parents,^ and so on. 485. Increased Vigor from Crossing. — Experiments with pedigreed cultures have disclosed a principle of the utmost practical importance for the plant breeder. A careful analysis of a field of Indian corn {Zea Mays) has disclosed the fact that any given variety is very complex, being heterozygous for many characters; in other words any horticultural variety is a composite of numerous elementary species, and is therefore heterozygous for most of its characters. When pollination is allowed to take place in the corn field without interference by man, both crossing and selfing occur. As a result the yield, in bushels per acre, remains about stationary, or gradu- ally becomes less and the variety changes and deterior- ates by the segregation and recombination of the numerous elementary species that compose it. By artificial self-pollination for several generations {e.g., five or more) less complex strains result, which are homo- ^ If both parents have blue eyes the children can never have brown eyes; if one parent has brown eyes and one blue, the children may be both blue- and brown-eyed, or all brown-eyed, for brown eye-color in man is dominant over blue color. "When both parents have brown eyes, part of the children may have blue eyes and part of them brown, or they may all be brown- eyed. As used here, the term "brown eyes" means all eyes having brown pigment, whether in small spots (gray eyes), or traces (hazel eyes), or generally distributed (brown, or sometimes black, eyes). The term "blue eyes" designates only those cases in which brown pigment is entirely lacking. Fig. 409. — Zea Mays. In the experiment, the results of which are here illustrated, nine strains of Indian corn were selected according to the number of rows of kernels on the cob, varying from 8 to 24 rows. These were pollinated by hand each year, with mixed pollen, in such manner that self-pollination was entirely prevented. An average ear of each strain is shown in the first row above. In the second row is shown an average ear of each strain after self-fertilization for five generations. Note the resulting decrease in the number of rows, lack of filling out of the ears, and other marks of inferiority. The last row shows the remarkable and immediate increase of vigor resulting in the Fi generation of hybrids be- tween various pairs of the selfed strains. (Photo supplied by G. H. Shull.) EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF HEREDITY 563 564 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES zygous for one or more characters, and the yield per acre may thus become greatly reduced.^ If now, two of these simplified strains, homozygous for many characters, and having a low yield per acre, are crossed, there results an Fi hybrid progeny that is heterozygous for all of these characters. This heterozygosity is correlated with a greatly increased vigor; the plants are much larger, and the yield per acre is enormously increased (Fig. 409). Thus in one experiment of this kind the average yield of the heterozygous horticultural variety was 61.25 bushels per acre. After self-fertilization for several generations the yield became reduced to 29.04 bushels per acre; but in the Fi generation of a cross between two of these self- fertiUzed strains the yield per acre rose at once to 68.07 bushels. In the F2 generation the yield again fell to 44.62 bushels. From this, and numerous other experiments, it is found that the biggest corn crop is to be obtained by finding the strains that will produce the largest yield when crossed, and thus using for seed the grains of the first-generation hybrids each year. 486. Unsolved Problems. — ^Like all truly great con- tributions to science, MendeFs discoveries have raised more questions than they have answered. Therein lies, in part, their great value. So, also, the most important effect of Darwin's work was that it set men to asking questions. The history of botany, as of all natural science since 1859, is chiefly the attempts of men to answer the questions raised by Darwin, or stimulated in their own minds by his books. So with Mendel and de Vries; ^ If a high-yielding strain was separated out by selection, the yield would of course be increased above the average of the mixed field. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF HEREDITY 565 biological science, since 1900, has been largely occupied in trying to answer the questions raised by these men. What are these questions? There is not space here even to ask them all, much less to endeavor to answer them even briefly; but they include the following large problems : 1. What is the mechanism of inheritance? In other words, by what arrangement and interaction of atoms and molecules is it made possible that the peculiar tone of one's voice, the color of a rose, the odor of a carnation, the evenness (or otherwise) of one's disposition, may be transmitted from one generation to another? How may it be transmitted through one generation, without causing any external expression, and reappear in the second genera- tion removed? Is the cytoplasm the carrier, or the chromatin, or both combined, or neither? Is the transfer accomplished by little particles (pangens), as de Vries contends, or by chondriosomes, or otherwise? We do not know. 2. How may dominance he explained? Why is tallness dominant over dwarfness, brown eye-color over blue, any one character over any other? We have not the faintest idea. 2,. Are acquired characters inherited? In other words, do characteristics acquired after birth by the body or mind of the parent, either by its own activity or as a re- sult of the immediate effects of environment, influence the germ-cells so as to alter the inheritance which they transmit? Some say yes, others say no; others say, only in part. There seems to be evidence both ways. We can arrive at the correct answer only by careful experimentation, that is, by asking questions of nature. 566 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES 4. Can the inheritance of a strain he artificially altered? This is a question of the very first importance. If the inheritance could be so altered the marvels that breeders might perform would be greatly increased. A blue rose (the despair of all plant breeders) might possibly be pro- duced by sufficiently careful and extended experiment- ing; disease and undesirable traits of character might be eliminated from certain tainted family strains by artificial treatment. On the other hand, by an unfortunate com- bination of circumstances, most undesirable and re- grettable results might be experimentally produced. The experiment has been made of exposing the ovaries of flowers to the rays of radium, and of injecting them with various chemical substances, with an idea of altering the physical or chemical nature of the egg-cells, and thus altering the inheritance. The results of such experiments, so far tried, need to be further confirmed before we can say with certainty that the result sought has been accomplished. 487. Eugenics. — Students of biology have been quick to recognize the fact that, if we correctly understand the laws of heredity, we are in a position to apply them, not only to plants and the lower animals, but to mankind. The application of the laws of heredity in a way to pro- duce a healthier and more efficient race of men constitutes the practice of eugenics} The underlying principles of eugenics are of course, very largely those of heredity. Eugenics is the applied science based upon the pure science of heredity. The main problem of eugenics is how to eliminate human beings with a tendency to any physical or mental weakness, making for poverty, misery, * Eugenics is from two Greek words meaning well born. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF HEREDITY 567 ignorance, and crime; and how to increase the number of individuals physically, mentally, and morally more robust and sound; and withal how, if possible, to raise the standard of all desirable human traits. A careful study of heredity and eugenics will make possible a much more intelligent and efficient program for charity work and social betterment. 488. Investigations Since Mendel. — It must be re- membered that Mendel's most valued contribution was not the observations which he made and recorded con- cerning the garden pea, nor the hypotheses which he ad- vanced on the basis of those observations, but this method of procedure, whereby he elevated the study of heredity to the rank of an exact science. As in the case of all hypotheses, the task for science is to subject them to the most searching tests, to see if they invariably agree with facts, and may be accepted as in all probability embody- ing the actual truth — may be elevated to the rank of theories. The testing of Mendelism has been occupying all the best talents of many investigators since the re- discovery of Mendel's publication, about 1900. Many biologists are still skeptical, others reject the hypotheses, and still others believe they contain the germ of truth, but must be more or less modified. Whether they prove to he erroneous or true is not so important, hut it is impor- tant for us to know which is the case. True or not, they, like nearly all working hypotheses (natural selec- tion, mutation, nebular hypothesis, atomic hypothesis in chemistry, etc.) are rendering, or have rendered, a priceless service to science by pointing the way to further study, which enriches our knowledge of the living world, including ourselves, and therefore increases the intelli- 568 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES gence with which we may order our own conduct and lives. If the study of plants had rendered no other service to mankind than this contribution of an effective method of ascertaining the laws of heredity, it would have amply justified all the arduous labor that men have devoted to it for 2,000 years. ^ ^ Only one of the simplest cases worked out by Mendel is summarized in this chapter. A more thorough study of his experimental results and theories must be reserved for a more advanced course. CHAPTER XXXVI THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS 489. The Problem Stated. — If we knew the entire history of development of the plant world, we could ar- range all plants now living, and that have lived, so as to show their genetic relation to each other. The prob- lem is illustrated on a small scale by various related culti- vated plants, all known to be derived from a common wild ancestor. Cabbage and its relatives are a case in point. The botanical relatives of the cabbage include such forms as kohlrabi, brussels-sprouts, collards, kale, broccoli, and cauliflower (Fig. 397). All of these garden vegetables are believed to have been derived from the common wild cliff-cabbage {Brassica oleraced) of Europe and Asia, by selecting mutations in various directions, e.g., excessive development of the stem in kohlrabi, of the terminal bud in cabbages, of the lateral buds in brus- sel's sprouts, of the flower buds in cauliflower. Or, to refer to de Vries's studies in experimental evolution, where the course of descent was actually observed, we may arrange the forms of Lamarck's evening-primrose so as to show their known derivation. The general problem, therefore, is to establish the genetic relationship of all known plants, living and fossil. Since the Angiosperms stand at the top of the series, the problem resolves itself largely into ascertaining the phytogeny, or line of ancestry, of that group. 569 570 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES 490. Methods of Study. — In the solution of this prob- lem two methods of attack may be employed: (i) That of observation and comparison of structure, followed by classification, and inference; (2) that of experiment. The use of experiment is indicated in Chapters XXXIII and XXXV. By this means we may learn something of the relationship of different groups having living representa- tives; but it chiefly serves to throw light on the method of evolution. The course of evolution is best ascertained by the observation and comparison of plant structures. 491. Sources of Evidence. — There are four main sources of evidence as to the course of evolution: 1. Comparative anatomy of living forms. 2. Comparative life histories of living forms. 3. Structure of fossil forms. 4. Geological succession of fossil forms. Studies along these four different lines have resulted in some conflict of evidence, but on the whole the evidence from the various sources all points to the same broad conclusions. Conflict or contradication is in most cases the result of insufficient evidence from one or more sources. 492. Evidence from Comparative Anatomy. — Compara- tive study of structure has led to the conclusion that, in its broadest aspects, the course of plant evolution has been from the simple to the complex; that such simple organisms as Fleurococcus , and other green algae, preceded more complex forms like the liverworts ; that Bryophytes appeared before ferns, and they in turn before the modern Gymnosperms and Angiosperms. A difficulty of accepting this conclusion as final is the possibility that, at certain points, the course of evolution may have been retrograde. For example it is generally THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS 571 accepted that the filamentous, alga-like fungi were de- rived from green algae by retrograde evolution (degenera- tion). Were the plants with one seed-leaf (monocoty- ledons) derived from those with two (dicotyledons) by retrograde evolution, or were the dicotyledons derived from the monocotyledons by progressive evolution? Evi- dence, recently ascertained by studies of structure and development, points to the conclusion, that, although monocotyledony seems the simpler, more primitive con- dition, it is really a later phenomenon, the monocotyledons being derived from the dictoyledons by simplification. ^ Again, a careful student of fossil plants has recently been led to state that, ''it is beginning to appear more probable that the Higher Cryptogams (ferns and fern allies) are a more ancient and primitive group than the Bryophytes, which would seem to owe 'their origin to reduction from some higher type."^ In view of this diversity of opinion, we learn at once that great caution must be used in in- terpreting the evidence— that we must not ''jump at conclusions." 493. Results of the Method of Comparative Anatomy. — By their study of comparative anatomy and morphol- ogy, botanists have been led to propose the following arrangement of plant groups as representing the general course of their evolution (Table V) : From what has already been said, however, it should be understood that such a table represents, not the line of evolutionary advance, but the paths travelled by plants in the course of their development. For example, it implies that dicotyledons were derived from monocotyledons, 1 See paragraph 522, Chapter XXXVIII. 2 Scott, D. H. "The Evolution of Plants," p. 18. 572 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Table V. — Sequence of Plant Groups, Based on the Morphology of Living Forms Thallophytes / AlgjE — having chlorophyll, (no archegonia) \ Fungi — no chlorophyll. j Bryophytes — no vascular system. Archegoniates J Pteridophytes ] farchegonia, but no seeds) ] Calamophytes \ vascular system. Lepidophytes I Spermatophytes (seeds) Gymnosperms — no closed ovary. Angiosperms — closed ovary (pistil). Monocotyledons — one seed-leaf. Dicotyledons — two seed-leaves. pteridophytes from bryophytes — hypotheses which, from other trustworthy evidence, as stated above, now seem untenable. Again, the table suggests that Angiosperms were de- rived from Gymnosperms, and therefore appeared late in the history of plant life; but the study of fossil plants shows that they appeared in the geological past, and were dominant in the Tertiary period, as now. We are led, therefore, to proceed with caution in drawing inferences based only upon a comparative study of the structure of forms now living. 494. Evidence from Life Histories. — In the study of the life history (ontogeny) of any higher sporophyte, we find that vegetative (sterile) tissues develop first. On the basis of this fact it has been inferred that all repro- ductive organs (stamens, carpels, sporophylls) arose by a modification of vegetative organs. Other facts, how- ever, lead to the directly opposite conclusion. 495. Evidence from Comparative Ontogeny. — In Chapters XVI and XXIII attention is called to the THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS 573 fact that the most primitive sporophytes of the lower liverworts consist almost entirely of ''fertile" {i.e., re- productive) cells, and that the relative amount of vege- tative or sterile tissue gradually increases (as we pass to more highly organized forms) by a progressive sterilization of fertile tissue. This progressive sterihzation accompanied a change in the habitat of plants from water to dry land. 496. Consequences of an Amphibious Habit of Life . — The Hfe history of the fern affords a concrete illustration. The gametophyte is semi-aquatic in habit, and the method of fertiHzation is purely aquatic, the sperm being unable to reach the egg except by swimming through free water. But, when the fertihzed egg began to develop as a land plant, the chances of fertiHzation by a sperm swimming in free water became increasingly remote. The perpetua- tion of the species, and the multiplication of individuals could be insured only by the formation of a large number of reproductive bodies (spores), capable of distribution by wind in dry conditions, and each able to reproduce its kind independently, without fusion with another repro- ductive body. The larger the number of such spores, the greater the chances of perpetuation of the given species. 497. Consequence of Enormous Spore -production. — But the formation of a large number of spores requires a vigorous plant body to supply them with an abundance of water and nourishment, and to lift them up into the air where they would stand a better chance of distribution when dry. This is accomplished by the sporophyte,^ producing an abundance of broad, green leaves for food- ^ "The fern, as we normally see it, is an organism with, so to speak, one foot in the water, the other on the land." Bower, F. O., "The Origin of a Land Flora," p. 82, 574 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES manufacture, and of roots for absorption of water and minerals in large quantities. From this point of view, the plant body of the sporophyte is regarded as produced by the progressive sterilization of tissues originally re- productive. After the formation of a vigorous plant body then spores, produced in special regions (sporangia) , could be nourished in enormous numbers. 498. Origin of Vegetative Organs. — On the basis of the theory just outlined, we are to regard foliage-leaves and branches, either as new formations ^ developed (by "enation^^) on some primitive reproductive axis like a strobilus or cone, or else as produced by the sterilization of parts originally fertile, i.e., modifications of reproductive tissues. The sporophyte, as we have already seen,^ has become increasingly well developed and increasingly independent, while the gametophyte has become increas- ingly simple and increasingly dependent. The evolution of plants has proceeded by the progressive development of the sporophyte, and the gradual but steady regres- sion of the gametophyte. 499. Steps in the Evolution of the Sporophyte. — The possible steps in the evolution of the sporophyte may be tabulated as follows:^ 1. Sterilization of fertile tissue. 2. Localization of spore-production in sporangia. 3. Origination of lateral organs (leaves), and of roots. 4. Development of heterospory. 5. Introduction of fertilization by the pollen-tube (siphonogamy) . 6. Assumption of the seed-habit. 1 Chapter XXIII. 2 Following F. O. Bower. THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS 575 600. Another Hypothesis of Alternation of Genera- tions. — Some of the facts of paleobotany support the hypothesis that the modern sporophyte has not been gradually developed from a simple structure like the moss sporogonium (derived, in turn, by progressive steriliza- tion), but that the gametophytic and sporophytic stages were at the first vegetatively or somatically equivalent; except for chromosome number (as is the case now, for example, with Dictoyota^ and Polysiphonia); and that, in the course of evolution, the sexual phase became more, and the asexual phase less, important in certain forms {e.g. J mosses), and the asexual phase more, and the sexual phase less, important in other forms (e.g., ferns). This is the hypothesis of homologous alternation, as opposed to that of antithetic alternation.^ The structural differences in the two generations are, on the basis of this hypothesis, considered as due almost, if not entirely, to differences in environment, the main factor being the gradual transi- tion from aquatic to dry-land surroundings. Where the environment is uniform and the same for both genera- tions, as for Dictyota, the gametophyte and sporophyte are identical in external organs and general appearance (Fig. 177). In any event the hypothesis postulates a homology between the various organs of the two generations, how- ever much these parts may differ in external appearance as a result of individual variation and environmental influence. 501. Lang's Ontogenetic Hypothesis. — Viewing the matter from the standpoint of individual development (ontogeny), Lang has developed the ontogenetic hypothesis 1 See Chapter XVII. 8 See Chapter XIV. 576 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES oj alternation. From this point of view two alternatives are recognized: 1. Either the fertilized egg and the haploid spore are potentially unlike, and will therefore produce unlike plant bodies, even under essentially similar environment, or 2. Fertilized eggs and spores are potentially alike, but produce unlike plant bodies as the result of the difference in the enviromnent in which they develop. The ontogenetic school accepts the latter alternative as a working hypothesis, and regards the gametophytic and sporophytic generations as essentially homologous. The degree of homology which can actually be traced in the vegetative structure of the two generations may vary from substantial identity, as in Dictyota, to such wide divergence that the tracing of homologies is quite out of the question. In testing this hypothesis a crucial experiment would be to obtain a gametophyte by arti- ficially bringing a fertilized egg to mature development outside of the archegonium and under the environment in which the spores normally develop; or to obtain a sporo- phyte by causing a spore to develop within the tissue of a gametophyte, as the fertilized egg normally does. 502. Hypothetical Ancestral Tree. — From a compara- tive study of both living and fossil forms some botanists have been led to infer the common derivation of Filicales, Equisetales, and Lycopodiales from the Hepaticse, and probably through some form belonging to the Anthocero- tales somewhat as shown in the following ancestral ''tree" (Fig. 410). It should be clearly understood that this tree does not illustrate known facts, but only the hypoth- eses which have been tentatively proposed by careful students on the basis of known facts. THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS 577 5 s -^c ci , r?/ o Uj a=5 "t FlLICAL£mi STOCK Anccstrai. BbvqphvtaIHypothetical) Fig. 410. — Hypothetical genealogical tree to illustrate the probable affini- ties of the modern plant orders. This diagram is intended to indicate that the plant orders now existing are the tips, only, of the branches of a genealog- ical tree, whose lower limbs and roots extend into preceding geological periods. Our knowledge is not sufficient to enable us to connect these branches with each other, nor with the main trunk. The diagram teaches that hypothetical (indicated by the dotted line) Anthocerotales gave rise to a now fossil Filicalean stock, from which have been derived all the modern orders above the mosses and liverworts. 37 CHAPTER XXXVII PALEOBOTANY 503. The Scope of Paleobotany. — The study of fossil plants, though of course a phase of botany, constitutes a science by itself, not only covering a special subject matter, but having its own methods (technique), and pos- sessing a large literature. It is called paleobotany. One cannot pursue this study without a knowledge of the anatomy and morphology of living forms. This is neces- sary in order to interpret the meaning of plant fossils, which often occur only in small fragments of the entire plant. Moreover, one must have a good knowledge of at least the elements of geology, since fossils are found in rocks. One must not only know the geological age to which the fossil-bearing rock he studies belongs, but also something of the geological processes by which fossils, and even the rocks themselves, are formed. 504. What is a Fossil? — A fossil is any remains of a plant or animal that lived in a geological age preceding the present; these remains are preserved in rocks. ^ There are two methods of preservation, namely, incrustation and petrifaction. Incrustations are merely impressions or casts resulting from the encasement of the organ or organism in the rock-forming material. The tissue itself ^ By an extension of the term we also speak of fossil footprints of ani- mals, fossil ripple marks, et cetera. The word fossil is derived from the LzX\nfodere (to dig), and originally signified anything dug up. 578 PALEOBOTANY 579 either decayed or became carbonized, leaving only the impression of its surface features. The well-known ''fossil fern-leaves," found in coal mines are of this nature. The tissues of the plant were transformed into coal, leaving the impression or cast on the adjacent shale. The first stage in this process may often be observed in the autumn, when impressions of recently fallen leaves are made on the surface of wet mud. Obviously from such fossils we can learn nothing of internal structure. Petrifactions are formed by the gradual replacement of the organic tissue by mineral matter, usually carbonate of lime (CaCOs) or silicic acid (H4Si04). In this process the tissues become soaked with a saturated solution of the given mineral, which is gradually deposited from solu- tion, and takes the place of the original organic matter. By this means the most minute details of microscopic structure are preserved, even in some cases the nuclei and other cell-contents. 505. Conditions of Fossil-formation. — In order to understand how fossils come to be formed, we must pic- ture to ourselves certain geological processes now in operation — the initial stages of rock-formation. Rocks are of two kinds, igneous and sedimentary. Igneous rocks result from the cooling of molten lava poured out on the surface or injected into crevices by volcanic action. Such rocks never contain fossils, as the intense heat necessary to melt the rock destroys all trace of organic matter. Sedimentary rocks are formed by the deposit under water of the sediment formed by weathering and erosion, and transported by streams. This deposit may occur along the flood-plains or at the mouths of streams empty- 58o STRUCTURE AND LIFE mSTORIES PALEOBOTANY 581 ing into inland lakes or into the ocean. In addition to rock-sediment eroded from the surface of the land, streams ^o^* Fig. 412. — Diagram illustrating the gradual filling up of lakes by the encroachment of vegetation, and also the stages in the origin of peat and rnarl deposits in lakes. The several plant associations of the Bog series, displacing one another, belong to the following major groups: (i) O. W., open water succession; (2) M., marginal succession; (3) S., shore succes- sion; (4) B., bog succession, comprising the bog-meadow {Bm), bog-shrub {Bs) and bog-forest {Bf); and (5) M. F., mesophytic forest succession (Cf. Fig. 411.) also transport quantities of plant (and animals) frag- ments, leaves, stems, pieces of bark, fruit, flowers, pollen and spores, roots, and even entire plants. These natur- 582 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES ally become buried in the mud and sediment wherever deposition takes place, and when the deposit becomes converted into rock the organic remains may become con- verted into fossils by either of the processes described above. Swampy regions are especially favorable to the preservation of plant and animal remains as fossils, as is illustrated in Figs. 411 and 412. 506. Metamorphism. — After sedimentary rocks are once formed they are subject to various changes. The amorphous carbonate of lime, of limestone rocks, may be transformed into crystals of calcite until marble results; thin flakes of mica may form in clay rock in thin sheets, transforming the rock into slate; vegetable deposits in the form of peat may become transformed into anthracite coal and graphite; molten lava poured out on the surface or into crevices of sedimentary rocks may fuse the adja- cent material, causing contact pietamorphism; while the heat engendered over larger areas by mountain folding, or by the weight of superincumbent strata^ may cause regional metamorphism. Obviously such changes, espe- cially those caused by heat, result in the complete de- struction of all plant or animal remains or impressions, and thus fossil records over large areas, and representing vast periods of geologic time, have been obliterated. 507. Stratification of Rocks. — Changes in the relative level of sea and land have occurred many times in the geological past, so that submerged areas of sedimentation in one period have become areas of dry land, undergoing erosion in another; and vice versa, areas of erosion have become areas of sedimentation. As a result of this, ^ Some rocks are buried under more than 40,000 feet of strata, and the temperature increases approximately i°F. for every 50 to 60 feet of depth. PALEOBOTANY 583 rocks occur in layers/ the deeper lying layers (with ex- ceptions readily explained by geologists) being older than those above, or nearer the surface. Moreover, as a result of a second submersion following elevation and erosion, subsequent layers were often deposited with an uncon- formity on the weathered and eroded surface under- neath. By the presence of fossil imprints of rain drops, foot- prints, ripple marks, and mud cracks, and by the character of the plant and animal fossils which they contain, we know that most sedimentary rocks were deposited in shallow water, not far from the shore line. But since these same rocks may have a thickness of thousands of feet we know the area of sedimentation must have been slowly sinking while the sediment was being deposited. As a result of the enormous pressure of the overlying material, of the deposit of cementing substances from solution, and of other causes, the sedimentary deposits became, in time, converted into solid rock. 508. Classification of Rock Strata.— By a study of the fossils which the rocks contain, geologists have been able to classify the various strata according to their age. As a result of the period of erosion, indicated by un- conformity, the transition from the stratum of one age to that of another is often abrupt, the fossils in successive periods being quite characteristic of the given stratum or period. In other cases, as for example between the Silurian and Devonian in New York State, there is no unconformity, and this renders it more difficult to decide just where the plane of division lies. The names and order of occurrence of the known rock strata are given in ^ Several layers form a stratum or bed. 5^4 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES the following table, the older rocks being at the bottom, the most recently formed at the top. Table VI. — Table of Geological Time Era Cenozoic Mesozoic Quaternary Tertiary Secondary Paleozoic Primary Archean Period Holocene (recent, or the present) Pleistocene (ice age) Pliocene Miocene Oligocene Eocene Upper Cretaceous Lower Cretaceous (Comanchean) Jurassic Triassic Permian Upper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian) Devonian Silurian Ordovician Cambrian / Huronian \ Laurentian 509. Paleogeography. — By changes in the relative level of the land and sea, above referred to, rocks contain- ing fossils may be elevated as dry land, and frequently as mountains, so that remains of marine organisms, as well as of others, are often found at high elevations. In some cases forests near the seashore have been submerged, PALEOBOTANY sss Pjg 4J2. — Fossil tree stumps lu a carboniferous forest, Victoria Park, Glasgow. (Cf. Fig. 414-) (After Seward.) Fig. 414.— Part of a submerged forest as seen at low tide on the Cheshire coast of England. (Cf. Fig. 413.) (After Seward.) 586 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES and covered over with sediment, then elevated again as dry land, so that subsequent excavations have revealed the fossilized trunks and stumps (Figs. 413 and 414). Thus it is seen that, by a study of fossils, we may not only learn of their structure and thus fill in many of the gaps in the evolutionary sequence left by a study of forms now living, but we may also learn of the distribution of plants and animals in previous geological ages — in other words, we have the basis for a science of fossil geography or paleo geography. 610. Plant Migrations. — With the development of Paleogeography, a clearer conception of the location and changes of the continental areas of the past is gradually being gained. As a consequence, plant geography is a sub- ject of increasing interest to the paleobotanist. More- over, geology, the fossil record, and the present zonal grouping of plants indicate that, in the past, the polar areas, once tropic or sub-tropic, must have been fruitful in new species.^ High mountains or plateaus are also sug- gested as homes of plastic races. In the tropics environ- ments are more nearly static, and, it is reasonable to sup- pose, less Ukely to cause variation. It is known that, once established, many species move most readily along the geologic formation which supplies the exact soil constitu- ents, the rate of movement often being rapid. Flotation of seeds is also a factor. The facts here briefly cited rest on the observations of a large number of invesitgators, extending over more than a century. 511. Distribution of Plants in Time.— In addition to the distribution of plants in space (plant geography) , the 1 Owing to the precession of the equinoxes these areas undergo an extreme variation in the length of winter and summer of 37 days every 1 2,934 years. PALEOBOTANY 587 problem of their distribution in geologic time is one of absorbing interest and importance. The following table indicates the known distribution of the various plant groups from the earliest geologic time to the present. Table VII.— Distribution of Plants in Geologic Time^ Division Subdivision, class, or order Range Common name or example I 2 5j Dicotyledones Monocotyledones Comanchean to present Comanchean to present Oaks Grasses Spermato- < (Fossil record scant) Permian to present Permian to present Devonian to Permian Permian to present Devonian to Jurassic IV. i phyta Cycadophyta e i a Gnetales Coniferales Ginkgoales Cordaitales Cycadales Cycadofilicales Ephedra Pines Ginkgo Cordaites Cycads Neuropteris ^ Lepidophyta III.| Calamophyta [ Pteridophyta Lycopodiales Equisitales Sphenophyllales Filicales Devonian to present Devonian to present Devonian to Permian Devonian to present Club mosses Horsetails i S p h e n - phyllum Ferns II. Bryophyta Musci Hepaticae Tertiary to present Tertiary to present 1 Mosses 1 Liverworts 1 I. Thallophyta 1 Fungi Algae Diatomeae Schizophyta Myxomycetae Silurian to present Pre-Cambrian to present Jurassic to present Pennsylvanian to present (Fossil record lacking) Fungi Seaweeds Diatoms Bacteria 1 Slime-molds 1 Modified from Shimer. 612. Gaps in the Fossil Record. — In the Origin of Species Darwin called attention to the paltry display of fossils in our museums, as evidence of how little we really know of the plant and animal life of past ages, "The 588 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES number, both of specimens and of species, preserved in our museums,'' says Darwin, ''is absolutely as nothing compared with the number of generations which must have passed away during a single formation." The meagerness of the record is, of course, due in part to the relatively small area explored in proportion to the whole; but there are other reasons much more serious, because they represent opportunities lost forever. Among them are metamorphosis, explained above, and the fact that many of the organisms of the past were composed wholly or partly of soft tissues, which were entirely destroyed, by decay or otherwise, in the process of rock-formation. Such plants, for example, as Spirogyra and many other algae, the fleshy fungi, and, among animals, jelly-fish, earthworms, and others, would form fossils only under exceptionally favorable circumstances, if at all. But there is an even more effective cause of oblitera- tion of the fossil record in the long-continued erosion and denudation represented by unconformity in the rock strata. In many cases only a small proportion now re- mains of the thickness of a rock stratum originally de- posited, and all traces of the plant and animal life that may have existed on the denuded area have thus been ob- literated forever. These blank intervals between suc- cessive periods were of vast duration. "I look at the geological record," said Darwin, ''as a history of the world imperfectly kept, and written in a changing dialect; of this history we possess the last volume alone, relating only to two or three countries. Of this volume, only here and there a short chapter has been preserved; and of each page, only here and there a few lines. Each word of the slowly changing language, PALEOBOTANY 589 more or less different in the successive chapters, may represent the forms of life, which are entombed in our consecutive formations, and which falsely appear to have been abruptly introduced."^ These views have received added emphasis from the recent development of Paleo- geography. 513. Factors of Extinction. — The question may natu- rally arise, ''Why did the species common in previous geo- logical ages die out, giving place to newer forms?" The answer is found in the facts of struggle for existence and survival of the fittest. In the words of the great American botanist, Asa Gray, species may continue only ''while the external conditions of their being or well-being con- tinue." The struggle may be with other organisms or with the physical conditions of the environment. Among the more important factors of extinction, may be men- tioned the following: 1. Struggle with other plants for adequate space. This is illustrated in a simple way by the crowding out of cultivated plants by weeds in a garden. By more rapid germina- tion and growth, and by other "weedy" characteristics, the weeds get the start of the cultivated plants, occupying all available space, and choking them out. 2. Attacks of disease-causing parasites, e.g., chestnut trees by a parasitic fungus, elm trees by the elm tree beetle. 3. Changes of environment too great or too rapid to permit oj readjustment. Plants are plastic organisms, and can adapt or readjust themselves to considerable environ- mental change, but there are limits of speed and amount of change beyond which readjustment is not possible, and the plant must consequently perish. If such changes 1 Darwin, C. '^Origin of Species," New York, 1902, vol. 2, p. 88. 590 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES involve the entire area of distribution of the species con- cerned, the species will, obviously, become extinct. The following seven factors are specific instances of this. 4. Diminished water supply. Aquatic plants may be destroyed by the draining of a pond or lake; hydrophytic forms by the drying up of a swamp. Sometimes forms suited to conditions of moderate water supply {hydro- phytes) are destroyed by the conversion of wide areas into desert regions, as has doubtless occurred. If such changes are gradual, resting spores {e.g., Spirogyra), winter buds {e.g., Utricularia, and eel-grass), and seeds readily trans- ported by wind {e.g., cat-tail) enable the species to become reestablished in a new location, but not so when the changes are too abrupt, or cover too wide an area. 5. Temperature changes, when too abrupt, too extreme, or too long continued. When the continental ice-sheet advanced southward during the glacial period, many forms, adapted only to temperate conditions, became ex- tinct. Fossils of extinct tropical plants are found in Greenland, which is now undergoing a glacial period. 6. Volcanic eruptio7is, such, for example, as those of Mount Pelee, which occurred in 1902, on the island of Martinique, W. I., often destroy all signs of life over a radius of many miles. In the states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho floods of molten lava, covering thous- ands of square miles, have been poured out over the sur- face, forming a wide plateau. It is almost certain that many species of plants and animals have become extinct by such agencies. Not only the lava, but poisonous gases that fill the air during volcanic eruptions, are fatal to plant life. 7. Encroachment of salt water in coastal regions, caused PALEOBOTANY 59 I by changes in the level of the land, resulting in the killing of fresh-water vegetation. 8. Disturbance of symbiotic relationships. The inter- relationships of organisms are very complex, affording innumerable opportunities for extinction by a disturbance of adjustments. Shade-loving forms in a forest may perish by the destruction of those affording the shade; obligate parasites may perish from the destruction of the necessary host; plants dependent upon certain insects for cross-pollination may perish on account of the extinction of the necessary insects. 9. Diminution of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. There are reasons for thinking that in certain past ages the at- mosphere was richer than now in carbon dioxide, and that that condition was favorable to the development of certain vegetatively vigorous species which cannot live in an atmosphere like the present, having a smaller percentage of carbon. 10. Denudation of the land surface. In the course of ages even lofty mountains are planed down by erosion, and the arctic and sub-arctic species of the high altitudes thus undergo extinction. Furthermore, erosion may be coupled with general subsidence. In fact, not only do geologists now recognize numerous old mountain ' roots," such for example as the Adirondack region of New York State, but there are also abundant evidences of periodic emergence and subsidence of areas of continental extent, quite throughout geologic time. The climatic and other environmental disturbances accompanying such changes would inevitably result in the extinction of certain species- (See also ^[505.) CHAPTER XXXVIII THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS (Concluded) 514. Evidences from Fossil Plants. — The study of fossil plant remains has greatly enlarged our knowledge of the course of plant evolution, filling in gaps derived from the study of living forms, and affording new facts, not disclosed by the study of plants now living. Like the study of comparative anatomy and life histories, paleo- botany teaches us that there has been a gradual evolu- tionary progress from the simple to the more complex, but it has also disclosed the fact that some of the complex forms are much more ancient than had been inferred from the study of living plants only. 515. Discovery of Seed-bearing Ferns. — For example, remains of seed-bearing plants, quite as highly organized as those of to-day, are found far back in the earliest fossil- bearing strata of the Paleozoic. Great forest types ex- isted as early as the Devonian. Later in the Carboniferous occur many seed-bearing ferns. These have been called Cycadofilicales (cycadaceous ferns), or, by some, Pterido sperms. Recent studies have disclosed the fact that most of the fossil plants from the Carboniferous coal- bearing strata, formerly thought to be ferns, are not even cryptogams, but are these fern-like seed-bearing plants. The best known pteridosperm is Lyginodendron oldhamium (Fig. 415), first described from fossil leaves, in 1829, as a tree-fern, under the name Sphenopteris Eoeninghausi. 592 THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS 593 After investigations extending over nearly 90 years, ''we are now in position to draw a fairly complete picture of the plant as it must haVe appeared when living. "It was in effect a little tree-fern, with long, slender, Fig. 415, — Lyginodendron oldhamium. Pinna of a microsporophyll, found in an ironstone nodule. Before its identity was established this specimen was named Crossotheca Hoeni7ighausi. The somewhat pellate fertile pinules on the ultimate branches, bear each a fringe of micro- sporangia about 3 mm. long. The appearance has been likened to that of a fringed epaulet. (After Scott, from a photo by Kidston.) sometimes branched, stem, 4 centimeters or less in diame- ter, and provided with spines by means of which it probably climbed on its neighbors. The foliage was dis- posed spirally and consisted of relatively very large, finely ^ 594 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES divided fronds with small, thick pinnules with revolute margins, suggesting a xerophytic or halophytic habitat. The stem in the lower portion gave rise to numbers of slender roots, some of which appear to have been aerial in their origin. These grew downward and often branched where they entered the soil. Fig. 416. — Young leaf of the Cycad, Bowejiia serrulata. Comparison of this with a leaf of the fern Angiopteris (Fig. 417) shows how difficult it might be to decide from a fossil leaf whether the plant was a cycad or a fern. (Cf., also, Fig. 420.) ''The stems, roots, and petioles, and even the pinnules, have been found [calcified] and so beautifully preserved that their entire structure can be made out with certainty. Without going into a technical description of these organs, it may be said that the stem when young, and before secondary growth has begun, has a very strong resemblance THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS 595 to the stem of [the fern] Osmunda, but when more mature certain cycadean characters appear to predominate."^ Fig. 417. — ^Leaf of a fern (Angiopkris cvecta). (Cf. Fig. 416.) Its foHage and other characters closely resemble some of our modern tree-ferns (Cf. Figs. 416 and 417) but more careful study of the calcified specimens of much beauty ^ Knowlton, F. H. American Fern Journal, 5 :85. 1915. 596 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES found in the English "coal balls '^^ has disclosed both the microsporophylls, bearing pollen-sacs, and the megasporo- phylls, bearing, not merely megasporangia, but true seeds. The ovule has a pollen-chamber, like the cycads, except that it projects a bit through the micropyle, and, strange as it may seem, fossil pollen-grains have been discovered, well preserved within this chamber. The seeds, about 3^ inch long, have been described as resembling little acorns, en- FiG. 418. — Restoration of a seed of Lyginodendro7i oldhaviium {Lagenos- tema Lomaxi), from a model by H. E, Smedley. (After Scott.) closed like hazelnuts in smaller glandular cupules (Fig. 418). They are similar to those of the cycads, except that they are not known to have organized an embryo with cotyledons and caulicle. Instead, the tissues of the female gametophyte only are so far found, retained within ^ Coal balls are "concretions of the carbonates of lime and magnesia which formed around certain masses of the peaty vegetation as centers and, through inclosing and interpenetrating them, preserved them from the peculiar processes of decay which converted the rest of the vegetation into coal. In them the mineral matter slowly replaced the vegetable matter, molecule by molecule, thus preserving the cellular structure to a remarkable degree. Such balls are especially frequent in the coal of certain parts of England (Lancashire and Yorkshire)." THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS 597 the megasporangium, which is enclosed in the integument. In this connection it is of interest to note that the seeds of some modern plants {e.g., orchids) do not possess differ- entiated embryos, but whether this is a primitive or a reduced character is not certain. The pollen was formed in spindle-shaped pollen-sacs, having two chambers and borne in clusters of four to six on the under side of little oval discs from 2 to 3 millimeters long. These structures Fig. 419. — Top, lateral pinna from a leaf of Marattia Jraxinea. (After Bitter.) Below at left, synangium of same. (After Bitter.) At right, cross-section of the synangium. (After Hooker-Baker.) are found on pinnules of ordinary foliage leaves, resem.bUng the sporophylls of certain ferns (Fig. 419) rather than the stamens of modern flowers. The discovery of the seed-bearing character of the fern-like plants of the Paleozoic was predicted by Wieland, of Yale University, nearly two years before it was made by Oliver and Scott. It is now believed that seed-bearing plants of the pteridosperm type were nearly as numerous in the Paleozoic as were the cryptogams. 598 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES 516. Significance of the "Pteridosperms." — The close resemblance of the pteridosperms to ferns, on the one hand, and to modern cycads on the other, justifies the conclu- sion that they represent a "connecting link" between the true ferns and the cycads, and that the modern cycads have descended from the same ancestry as the modern ferns, each developing along somewhat different lines. Fig. 420. — Stangeria paradoxa JMoore. Specimen from the cycad house at the New York Botanical Garden, bearing, at the apex of the stem a carpellate cone. (Photo from New York Botanical Garden.) It was in recognition of their vegetative resemblances that the Pteridosperms were first called (by Potonie) Cycado- filices, now Cycadofilicales. Van Tieghem tersely de- scribed them as "phanerogams without flowers." 517. A Modern Fern-like Cycad. — One of the modern cycads {Stangeria paradoxa)^ is of much interest in this ^ Stangeria paradoxa Moore = Stangeria eriopus (Kunze) Nash. THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS 599 connection. So closely does it resemble a certain fern {Lomaria) that the botanist Kunze, who first described it when it was brought from Natal to the botanic garden at Chelsea, England, supposed it was a fern, and named it Lomaria eriopus. The specimen possessed no fruit, which would have helped to identify it. Its leaves, with circinate vernation, have a pinnately compound blade, and leaflets with pinnate dichotomous venation. Two or three years later another botanist, examining it more closely, pronounced it a "fern-like Zamia or a Zamia-like fern." These facts show how puzzling the specimen was, and how closely a plant may resemble both a cycadophyte and a fern. In a sense this plant may be called a living fossil. Specimens have since come into flower in botanic gardens, and the typical cycadaceous cones (Fig. 420) leave no doubt that the plant is a true cycadophyte. 618. Derivation of New Types. — Attention should here again be called to the fact that the theory of evolution does not teach that one given species becomes transformed into another, but simply that new species are descended from older forms which may or may not continue to exist. It is not supposed, for example, that ferns developed into cycads, and cycads into higher gymnosperms, but that there has been an unbroken line of descent (possibly more than one) in the plant kingdom ; that closely related forms (like ferns and cycads) have descended from a common ancestral type which may or may not now be found. We must not, in other words, expect necessarily to find in fossil forms the direct ancestors of those now living, although a study of their structure is of the greatest value in enabling us to understand the genetic relationships of the great groups of plants. 6oo STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES 619. Ancestors of the Angiosperms.— Just as the Cycadofilicales indicate the ancestry of the cycads, so fossil types of Cycadophyta have been discovered which are interpreted by some paleobotanists as ancestors of the modern angiosperms. Other investigators, however, dis- sent from this view and consider that we have not yet Fig. 421. — To the left, Cycadeoidea dacotensis Macbride. Longitudinal section of a silicified specimen of a bisporangiate cone (unexpanded flower), so taken that the pinnules of the microsporophylls on both sides of the central axis, or receptacle, are successively cut throughout their entire length. The lines indicate the planes of various sections through the cone, published in Wieland's "American Fossil Cycads." To the right Cycado- cephalus Sewardi Nathorst. Microsporangiate cone, natural size, preserved as an impression on a flat slab. From a fossil-bearing bed of the Trias, at Bjuf, Southern Sweden. (Left figure from Wieland, right figure from Nathorst.) sufficient knowledge of fossil forms to be justified in designating the ancestors of the Angiosperms. This difference of opinion is largely due to the meagerness of the available evidence. As one writer has stated it, ''A trayful of flowers may be all the record of the Pterido- THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS 6oi sperms from the Devonian on. The gaps in the evidence are always enormous." Although the Cycadophyta are now a very insignificant element in the earth's flora; in the Mesozoic period they form about one-third of the recovered vegetation of the land. One order, the Bennetti tales, then had a cosmo- FiG. 422. — Cycadeoidea dacotensis. Semi-diagrammatic sketch of a flower (bisporangiate cone), cut longitudinally; one sporophyll folded, and one (at the right) arbitrarily expanded. At the center is the apical, cone- shaped receptacle, invested by a zone of short-stalked ovules and inter- seminal scales. The pinnules of the sporophylls bear the compound sporangia {Synangia). Exterior to the flower are several hairy bracts. About three-fourths natural size. (After Wieland.) politan distribution and seemingly was as important as the Dicotyledons are now. Over 30 species of the petrified stems have been found in the Mesozoic terrains of the United States, the Black Hills of South Dakota alone yielding a score. The Isle of Portland forms were called 6o2 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Cycadeoidea by the celebrated geologist Buckland. The name of the order is derived from the genus-name, Bennet- tites} Other forms, usually found as casts, are called Williams onia, still others are known mainly as genera founded on leaf imprints. 520. Cycadeoidea. — In most of its purely vegetative characters, such as the anatomy of the stem and the Fig. 423. — Cycadeoidea dacolcnsis (?). Photomicrograph of a young seed (X 15), showing a sterile scale on either side. Between them pro- jects the entire length of the tube through which the micropyle extends. The partially collapsed nucellus is distinctly shown in the center. (After Wieland.) structure of the leaves, Cycadeoidea resembled modern cycads, but its reproductive branches were character- istically lateral, which is one of the most fundamental characteristics of the higher seed-bearing plants of to- day. Only two modern cycads {Macrozamia and Bowenia) have lateral seed-bearing cones (Fig. 289).^ Various ^ Cycadeoidea Buckland = Bennellites Carruthers. 2 The staminate cones of Zamia are lateral. THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS 603 Fig. 424.—Cycadoidea Wielandi. At left, a finely preserved trunk bearing many ovulate cones with seeds approaching maturity, and a lesser number of either young or abortive cones. /', Receptacle of a shed or non-preserved cone with surrounding bracts 3^et present; /' , two cones broken away during erosion, with a portion of the basal mfertile pedicel yet remaining; m, four cones eroded down to the surface of the armor, in this instance about or a little beneath the level of the lowermost seeds; y, three of the dozen or more very young cones, in some cases known to be' simply ovulate and to be regarded as having aborted or else as be- longing to a later and sparser series of fructifications than the seed-bearing cones present, the latter unquestionably representing the culminant fruit- producing period in the life of this cycad; 5 (over lower arrow), the ovulate strobilus shown at right in its natural position, this photograph having been made before the cone was cut out by a cylindrical drill. X about 14 At right, longitudinal section of the small ovulate strobilus cut from its natural position on the trunk as denoted by the arrow s, in photograph I c (upper arrow), seed with dicotyledonous embryo preserved, cotyle- dons being similarly present in the lowermost seed on the left-hand side of the strobilus; s, traces of hypogynous staminate disk; b, bracts; /, leaf bases. X about K- (After Wieland.) 6o4 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES structural characters of Cycadeoidea are shown in Figs. 421-427. In Cycadeoidea dacotensis the ''flower," which in some specimens was 5 inches long, was a strobilus, consisting of a thick axis on the lower part of which were numerous bracts arranged in spirals. The bracts surrounded a P'v m^^mmmm: Fig. 425. — Cycadeoidea Wielandi. Longitudinal section through the axis of a female inflorescence, or cone. Z, old leaf-base; d, insertion of disc; s, erect seed, borne at summit of seed-pedicle inserted on convex receptacle; b, hair-covered bract. (After Wieland.) campanula of about 20 stamens. Each stamen was, in reality, a pinnately compound sporophyll, about 4 inches long, rolled in toward the center of the flower, and bearing two rows of compound microsporangia (pollen- sacs) on each leaflet. They thus closely resembled the sporophyll of a fern. THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS 60s Fig. 426. — Cycadeoidea ingens. Restoration of an expanded bispor- angiate cone, or flower, in nearly longitudinal section. Restored from a silicified fossil. (After Wieland.) ' ' M ■5 ^^BM^ ^^^mm i^. • * fti^^ Sl% V. ■ K.< ^^^ pl^^^ P^r'"^-'^^^' : ^''^ ^m»M H ij.-r'[' &. m ,__- .-^ . . . . jt ^ Fig. 427. — Cycadeoidea Dartoni, Tangential section through outer tissues of the (fossilized) trunk, showing the very numerous seed-cones. The seeds are very small (the illustration being natural size), and nearly every one has a dicotyledonous embryo. There were over 500 such cones on the original stem. (After a photograph loaned by Prof. Wieland.) 6o6 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES The axis of the flower terminated in a cone-shaped receptacle, bearing the stalked ovules, and numerous sterile scales (Figs. 424 and 425). The mature seeds often contain the well-preserved fossil embryos, with two cotyledons which quite fill out the nucellus, and show that there was little or no endosperm. These are char- acters never found in the lowest group of modern seed- FiG. 428. — Flower of magnolia. (Cf. Fig. 429.) bearing plants (the Gymnosperms), but only in the highest group of Angiosperms, the Dicotyledons. In fact, the French paleobotanist, Saporta, called some of the Cycadeoids, Proangios perms. 521. Relation of Cycadeoidea to Modem Angiosperms. — The question of the ancestry of the Angiosperms is the most important problem of paleobotany. Although the Bennetti tales possess many of the primitive anatomical THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS 607 features that characterize the Cycadofilicales, their development of a bisporangiate strobilus with two set of sporophylls, related to one an- other as they are in the flower of the Angiosperms. indicates a gen- etic relationship to that group, as does also the fact that the seeds, enclosed in a fruit, possess a dicot- yledonous embryo, without endo- sperm. In other features the Ben- nettitales are unlike the Angio- sperms; the ovules, for example, are enclosed by sterile scales, in- stead of by the carpels on which they are borne, and the protrusion of the pollen-chamber through the micropyle signifies the gymno- spermous type of fertilization. These and other comparisons in- dicate that the Bennettitales were essentially Gymnosperms having certain Angiospermous characters, and therefore, while they are not to be considered as the ancestors of the Angiosperms, it is probable that they and the modern dicoty- ledons are both descended from a common branch of the ancestral tree. Among modern plants, the flower of the magnolias most closely resembles that of Cycadeoidea in the spiral arrange- ment of its stamens and pistils (Figs. 428 and 429.). How Fig. 429. — Magnolia. Flower with perianth re- moved, showing the com- pound pistil, and four of the stamens. Most of the sta- mens have been removed. Note their spiral arrange- ment as shown by the scars at the points of attachment. (Cf. Fig. 428.) 6o8 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES much significance should be attached to that fact has been disputed by students of morphology. The gap between the stamen of Cycadeoidea and the type characteristic of modern Angiosperms is partially bridged by the genus Williamsonia (which has simple vs. pinnately compound stamens), and by another genus, Wielandiella, both older genera than Cycadeoidea. From this it has been inferred that the Bennet- titales are a lateral branch, further re- moved than their ancestors from the direct evolutionary stock of the Angiosperms. 522. Origin of Monocotyledons. — If the earliest Angiosperms were dicotyle- dons, as seems to be the case, the mono- cotyledons were probably derived from the dicotyledons by a process of simplifi- cation. Much light has been thrown on this question by a study of the develop- ment of the embryos {emhryogeny) of certain plants. The case of Agapanthus umbellatus L'Her. (Fig. 430), a South African plant of the Lily family, may be taken as illustrating the nature of the evidence derived from embryogeny. The sequence of events is as follows.^ As the mas- sive proembryo enlarges, the root-end elongates, thus re- maining narrow and pointed; while the shoot-end widens, becoming relatively broad and flattish. At this broad and flat end the peripheral cells remain in a state of more active division than do the central cells, and form what is known as the cotyledonary zone. In this zone two 1 The above description closely follows Coulter and Land (1914). Fig. 430. — Aga- panthus umhellatiis. A, monocotyledon- ous embryo; 5, dicotyledonous em- bryo. (Redrawn from photo by W. J. G. Land.) THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS 609 more active points (primordia) appear and begin to de- velop. Soon the whole zone is involved in more rapid growth, resulting in a ring or tube, but with the primordia still evident. The cotyledonary zone continues its growth until a tube of considerable length is developed, leaving the apex of the proembryo depressed. At this stage either one of two things may occur. As the cotyledonary zone continues to grow, the two primordia on the rim of the tube may continue to develop equally, forming two coty- ledons; or one of the primordia may cease to grow, result- ing in an embryo of only one cotyledon; in other words, the entire cotyledonary zone may develop under the guidance of only one growing point. One cotyledon is not eliminated, but the whole growth is diverted into one cotyledon. There thus develops what appears to be an ''open sheath" and a ''terminal" cotyledon. In other words, monocotyledony is not the result of the fusion of two cotyledons, nor of the suppression of one; but is simply the continuation of one growing point on the cotyledonary ring, rather than a division of the growth be- tween two growing points. In a similar way, polycoty- ledony is the appearance and continued development of more than two growing points on the cotyledonous ring. The rudimentary second cotyledon of a "monocotyle- donous" grass-embryo (wheat) is shown in Fig. 378, (p. 494). 523. Ancestors of the Gymnospenns. — As far back as Devonian time, preceding the great coal period (Carbon- iferous), fossils have been found of a plant, Cordaites (of the order Cordaitales) , common in that period, and having characters which indicate that it stands in the ancestral line of our modern conifers — that it and the conifers had a common ancestry. 39 6io STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES The leaves of Cordaites resembled those of the Kauri pines (Agathis) of the southern hemisphere (Fig. 431), or the leaflets of Zamia. They varied from a decimeter to over a meter in length. The male cones resembled those of the still living Ginkgo^ each stamen having from four to six microsporangia (pollen-sacs) on a stalk. The female Fig. 431. — Branch, with cones, of the Kauri pine {Agalhis australis). (From Gardener's Chronicle.) cones resembled the male in general appearance, and the seeds resembled those of the Cycadofilicales (Fig. 423). The plant itself was a slender tree, some forms of which attained a height of over 100 feet. The Cordaitales formed the world's first great forests. They represent a wide departure from the Cryptogams, and must be con- sidered as true seed-bearing plants. They were closely THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS 6ll related to the Ginkgo — another living fossil, ranking next below the modern cone-bearing trees. We thus ascend from the ferns to the conifers by a series of transitional forms as follows (reading from the bottom, up): 6. Coniferales (modern cone-bearing trees). •5. Ginkgoales (primitive gymnosperms). 4. Cordaitales (transitional conifers). 3. Cycadales (true cycads). 2. Cycadofilicales (cy cad-like ferns). I. Filicales (true ferns). 524. Relation of the Above Groups.— It must not be inferred that the above groups were derived one from the other by descent from lower to higher. They should be interpreted rather as samples remaining to show us, not the steps, but the kinds of steps through which the plant kingdom has passed in developing the more highly organ- ized, modern cone-bearing trees from more primitive forms like the ferns. As stated above, it is doubtful if the actual transitional forms have been preserved, so that the entire history of development can probably never be written. 525. A Late Paleozoic Landscape.— Fig. 432 illustrates the kind of landscape that must have been common in the latter part of the Paleozoic era along sluggish streams in certain regions such as Texas and New Mexico. Of the primitive vertebrates then abounding, only a few larger types are shown. The dragon-flies of that time are known to have had a spread of wing amounting, in some cases, to as much as 2 feet. In the foreground, at the left, are representatives of the Cycadofilicales, some of them bushy, and others resembling our modern tree ferns. At the right are dense thickets of Calamites, the ancient representatives of our modern scouring rushes {Equisetum), 6l2 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HTSTORTES THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS 613 In the background, at the left, are the unbranched Sigillarias, and the branched Lepidodendrons. The Cor- daitales, which formed the Devonian forests, were not yet extinct, but none is shown in the figure. Other forms, ancestors of our modern conifers and angiosperms, must be imagined as hidden in the recesses of the forest. 526. Significance of the Fossil Record. — Before the brilliant discoveries in fossil botany, just outlined, were made, there had been (as stated in Chapter XXXVI) a general tendency among botanists to consider the compar- atively simple moss-plants as an older type than the fern, and that either they or their close relatives were the ances- tors of Pteridophytes. As outlined in the same chapter, the sporogonium of the moss was regarded as representing the form from which, by elaboration of vegetative tissues and organs, the sporophyte of the fern was derived. This view was clearly expressed in 1884 by the noted botanist Nageli, who considered that the sporophyte of Pterido- phytes was derived from a moss-like sporogonium by the development of leafy branches. Fig. 432. — Restoration of a scene along a sluggish creek in Texas and New Mexico during the late Carboniferous (Upper Pennsylvania) and early Permian times. The lowlands of this period doubtless swarmed with reptiles such as shown in the picture, and with other animals, now extinct. Some specimens of the giant "dragon-flies" had a spread of wings of two feet. The fern-like trees and the bushy plants in the fore- ground are Cycadofilicales. To the right of the water are wide stretches of the huge scouring rush (Calamites); on the left bank of the stream are the unbranched Sigillarias (still as prominent as earlier in the coal period), and on higher ground to the left the branched Lepidodendrons. One must view this scene as one of many such landscapes, with ever- varying detail, along streams and inlets. Cordaites, which in later Devonian time made the first great forests of which there is record, is still present, though not shown. So, too, there are hidden in the recesses of the forest the^ forerunners of the modern coniferous types, as well as other forms destined to give rise to the angiosperms. (Landscape from Williston, adapted from Neumayr.) 6 14 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES A consideration of the fossil record, however, makes it difficult to accept this hypothesis. Not only do we find, in the fossil forms described above, sporophytes that do not bear the remotest resemblance to the moss-sporo- gonium, but fossil mosses and liverworts have never been positively identified in either the Palaeozoic or the Meso- zoic rocks, while the same rocks are rich in fossils of such advanced forms as the broad-leaved sporophytes of the Cycadofilicales and Cycadophytes. We must not, how- ever, hastily conclude, from this lack of evidence, that mosses and liverworts did not exist in those early ages. Quite likely they were present when the Paleozoic rocks were being deposited, though doubtless not represented by the same genera, or at least not by the same species, as are now living. 527. Summary of Results. — From what has been said, in this and in Chapter XXXVI, we recognize that the method of evolution is to he ascertained chiefly by experi- ment — by studying living plants in action; but the course of evolution chiefly by the study of comparative morphology, with special attention to fossil forms. Other points are necessary to complete the history of the evolution of plants; the above paragraphs give only the barest outline of the problem, for the entire history is much too long and much too difficult to be treated here. To summarize; the facts now known have led some investigators to infer: 1. The origin of Angiosperms from Cycadophyta (pro- angiosperms) . 2. The origin of Cycadophyta from Cycadoffiicales. 3. The origin of Cycadoffiicales from Primoffiices. 4. The origin of Filicales from Primoffiices. THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS 6iS /Inceatorso/ Pr/mofihces Fig. 433. — Genealogical tree, showing the ancestral lines of the modern plant orders, according to a monophyletic hypothesis. Full explanation in the text. (Cf. Fig. 434.) 6l6 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES 5. The origin of Cordai tales from Primofilices.^ 6. The origin of Coniferales from Cordaitales. An ancestral tree embodying these views is shown in Fig. 433- What was the origin of the Primofilices? Here, as often in every science, we have to acknowledge that we do not know; the group is a hypothetical one, and some investigators doubt its actual existence altogether. 528. Other Views. — (a) Other and equally competent students of the problem take exception to one or more of the six points tabulated above. Not all of their views can here be discussed, but mention may be made of that first elaborated by Jeffrey, of Harvard University. According to this view vascular plants appear at the beginning of the fossil record as two distinct series, the Lycopsida and Pteropsida. The Lycopsida, like the modern Lycopodiales, are characterized by the possession of small leaves (a primitve character), and by few spor- angia on the upper surface of the leaves. The Pteropsida, by contrast, are distinguished, like the modern Filicales, by large leaves, having the numerous sporangia on the lower surface. The two groups also have well-marked anatomical differences. The Lycopsida reached their greatest development in the Paleozoic period, and now appear to be on their way to extinction. The Pteropsida, on the other hand, although possessing many repre- sentatives in former geological ages, still maintain their full vigor, and are considered by this school of paleobotanists to be in the direct ancestral line of our ^ The term Priniofdices, not hitherto used in this text, refers to a hypo- thetical, primitive fern stock. THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS 617 Ancestors of LLjcop^idamd Pt^ropsida, Fig. 434.— Genealogical tree, showing the ancestral line of the modern plant orders according to a polyphyletic hypothesis. Full explanation m the text. (Cf. Fig. 433.) ^^ ^^ v 6l8 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES modern vascular plants, substantially as indicated in Fig. 434-^ (b) Greater precaution in drawing conclusions from the few known facts has led still other students of fossil plants to refrain from endeavoring to connect up the ancestral lines, claiming that while they may converge, indicating a common ancestry of the known forms in the geologic past, on the other hand they may not unite, or at least may not all converge toward the same ancestral type. In other words, it is suggested that fossil and modern plants had a poly genetic origin from the stage of primitive protoplasm. Such views are illustrated in Table VII (p. 619). It is seen from this diagram that our modern ferns have a long ancestral history, extending from the present back to early Palaeozoic times; the same is true of our modern cycads, maidenhair tree (Ginkgo), club-mosses (Lyco- podiales), and horse-tails (Equisetales). The Coniferales may be traced back into the upper Carboniferous period, while the most highly developed of modern plants, the Angiosperms, appear to have come into existence as late as about the middle of the Mesozoic era, perchance as recently as 20 million years ago. "The construction of a pedigree of the Vegetable King- dom is a pious desire, which will certainly not be realized in our time; all we can hope to do is to make some very small contributions to the work. Yet we may at least gather up some fragments from past chapters in the history of plants, and extend our view beyond the narrow limits of the present epoch, for the flora now living is after all ^ Scott restricts the name Lycopsida to the Lycopodiales, and proposes a third group, Sphenopsida, including the Equisetales, Pseudoborniales, Sphenophyllales, and Psilotales. THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS 619 nothing but one particular stage in the evolution of the Vegetable Kingdom."^ Table VIII Ascendancy Periods Persistence and relationship of great groups VII. Reign of Angiosperms Tertiary Cretaceous Comanchian VI. Reign of Pro-angiosperms Jurassic Triassic Permian V. Reign of Acrogens (High- Pennsylvanian er Equisetes. Lycopods,! Mississippian etc.) i IV. Reign of Gymnospertns | Devonian (A U) " fO >. ■n M ^ 1 ^ 5 •0 «8 c "O U c c ■5 'V v> 4) 2 < rt ! i u >.'^ _« • •2 : y 'i a f ) : u 0,1 cr >, WW 1 r4 III. Reign of Early Land Plants Silurian Ordovician S- Actual Fossil Land Plant rec- ord begins 4. Primofilices — Early Equisetes 3. Basal Plant Complex with va- riety of species II. Reign of Algae Cambrian Precambrian (Proterozoic) Differentiation of Dry and Aquatic Plants (Fossil Algae abundant) Land Reign -of Primitive Life (Hypothetical) Old P r e c a m- brian (Archeozoic) (Fossil Algae begin) I. Primitive Protoplasm Unicellular Life and In the above table (after Wieland), the groups are to be considered as arranged on an unrolled cylinder, projected from a hemisphere; thus the phyletic lines are to be pictured as diverging upward and the Cordaitales as coming between the Ginkgoales and Filicales, to both of which the}^ are related. 629. The Element of Geological Time. — How many years has it taken for the evolution of the higher Angio- sperms — that is, from the dawn of the fossil record in the * Scott, D. H. "Studies in Fossil Botany," p. 3. 620 STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORIES Silurian period to the present? No one knows. From a study of the thickness of rock strata, and a knowledge of the probable time required for the depositing of those strata as sediment on the floor of the ancient oceans, and their elevation and denudation to their present condition by weathering and erosion, geologists have been able to suggest relative measures of geologic time. Paleozoic time is long, twice as long as Mesozoic time, and Meso- zoic time must be at least twice as long as Cenozoic time. The actual age of the earth is, however, a problem which engages the attention of physicists as well as geologists. Sixty years ago Lord Kelvin gave a mean estimate of 100,000,000 years. With this estimate the geologists, Walcott and Geikie, have nearly concurred; but since the discovery of radium it has been estimated that certain carboniferous iron ores have an age of 140,000,000 years. Figures of such magnitude convey but little meaning to our minds; they are too large for us to grasp their real value. *' Therefore,'' as Darwin has said, "a man should examine for himself the great piles of superimposed strata, and watch the rivulets bringing down mud, and the waves wearing away the sea-cliffs, in order to comprehend some- thing about the duration of past time, the monuments of which we see all around us." 530. The Essence of Science. — A careful reading of this book will have led the student to realize that the un- solved problems of botany are more numerous and quite as interesting as those we have solved. The essence of science is the endeavor to ascertain by the best method that which is most worth knowing. APPENDIX THE GREAT GROUPS OF PLANTS DiTision Subdivision I. Thallophyta. A. Algse. B. Fungi. II. Bryophyta. III. Pteridophyta. IV. Calamophyta. V, Lepidophyta. VI. Cycadophyta. Class r. Cyanophyceee 2. Chlorophyceae 3. Phaeophyceae 4. Rhodophyceae 1. Myxomycetes 2. Schizomycetes (Bacteria) 3. Phycomycetes 4. Ascomycetes 5. Basidiomycetes 6. Fungi imperfecti (life histories imperfectly known) Order Hepaticae. Musci. I. Eusporangiatae. (Ricciales Marchantiales Jungermanniales Anthocerotales Andreales Sphagnales Bryales Ophioglossales Marratiales Isoetales 2. Leptosporangiatae. ■{ 1. Sphenophyllineae. . . 2. Equisetineae 3. Calamarineae 1. Lycopodineae 2. Lepidodendrineae — < 1. Cycadofilicineae. . . . 2. Cycadineas 3. Bennettitineae 4. Cordaitineae Filicales Marsiliales Sphenophyllales Equisetales Calamarales Lycopodiales Selaginellales Lepidodendrales Cycadofilicales Cycadales Bennettitalei Cordaitales Ginkgoale& Gnetales 621 622 APPENDIX A. Gymno- spermae VII. Spermatophyta ^ ^^^.^ sperm ae Pinoideae. I. Monocotyledoneae Coniferales Tax ales Pandanales Naidales Graminales Arales Xyridales I Liliales I Scitamnales I Orchidales Dicotyledoneae 32 Orders, including Salicales Polygonales (a) Archichlamydeae | Ranunculales ib) Apetalae Polypetalae Metachlamydeae Sympetalae ( = Gamopetalae) Rosales Violales Myrtales Umbellales Ericales Polemoniales Plantaginales Rubiales Campanulales INDEX Abiogenesis, 89 Abscission layer, loi Absorption, 11 Acacia, 327 Acer rubrum, 337 "Adder's tongue," 175, 177 Adirondack bog, 580 Adjustment to environment, 189 Adiantum, 156, 170 concinnum, 173 Adnation, 464 Aerobes, 103 Aesculus Hippocastanum, 36, 120, 121 Agapanthus umbellatus, 608 Agaricus campestris, 288 Agassiz, Louis, 505 Agathis australis, 610 Albugo Candida, 292 Alcoholase, 100 Aldehydase, 79 Alfalfa leaf-spot, 295 Alismacese, 491 Alisma Plantago-aquatica, 444, 492, 493 Allelomorphs, 555 Alnus, 83 Alsatian clover, 469 Alsike, 469 Alternation, antithetic, 575 homologous, 575 Ambrosiaseae, 488 Amorpha, 467 Amylase, 80 Amyloplast, 78, 81 AnaerobeSj 102, 103 Anatomy, 4 Anchorage, 11 Andreaeales, 193 Androecium, 435 Anemone, 462 Anemonella thalictroides, 463 Angiopteris evecta, 595 Angiosperms, 408, 446 ancestors of, 600 life-cycle of an, 444 Annulus, 157, 202 Ant, fungus-growing, 326 Anther, 436 Antheridia, 170, 171 Antheridiophores, 196 Anthesis, 472 Anthoceros, 209, 214, 219, 220, 341, 356 fimbriatus, 210 fusiformis, 209, 214, 215 laevis, 213 Pearsoni, 213 phymatodes, 217 punctatus, 209 tuberosus, 217 Anthocerotales, 210 Antipodal cells, 440 Antiseptic surgery, 315, 316 Antitoxin, 314 Ants, leaf-cutting, 325 623 624 INDEX Apetals, 456, 457 Apex, 13 Apical cell, 195 Apothecium, 329, 330, 331, 332 Araceae, 496 Aralia spinosa, 27 Archegonia, 169 Archegoniates, 222 Archegoniophores, 197 Archesporial cell, 439 Archichlamydeoe, 456, 457 Arctium minus, 486 Arisaema triphyllum, 51 Arrow-leaf, 449 Ascaris, 186 Asclepiadaceae, 476 Asclepias, 476, 477 syriaca, 475, 478 Ascomycetes, 98 Ascophyllum, 352, 364 Ash, 28 Aspergillus niger, 72 Aspidium Filix-mas, 158 Assimilation, 88 Aster, 24, 25 Austrian pine, 416 Avena sativa, 298 Axil, 150 Azotobacter, 83, 333 B Bacillus typhosus, 310 Bacteria, 306 helpful, 316 nitrogen-fixing, 318 Bacteria and the dairy, 316 Banana, 26 Barley, 298 smuts of, 297 Barrigona palm, 130 Base of the blade, 13 Bean, 123, 526 blight, 309 Pond, 580 Beech, 336 Begonia, 179, 347 Belladonna, 481 Bennettites, 602 Betula, 448 lutea, II populifolia, 108 Bindweed, 119, 478, 479 Biogenesis, 89 Biology, 3 Biometry, 548 Birch, 336, 448 yellow, II white, 108 Bittersweet, 481 Black-mosses, 193 Black mustard, 464 walnut, 308 Bladderwort, 87, 88 Blade, 13 Blakeslee, 353 Blister-blight, 291 Blister-rust, pine tree, 301, 302 Blodgett, Frederick H., 443 Blueberries, 451, 452 Bolley, Professor, 92 Boneset, 486 Boston fern, 163 ivy, 144 Botany, educational value of, 5 fossil, 5 relation to other sciences, 3 systematic, 3 what is, I Botrychium, 175, 178, 214 virginianum, 176 Bowenia, ss3>, 4ii serrulata, 594 Bower, F. O., 573 INDEX 625 Brachychiton diversifolium, 523 Bracken fern, 149, 155 Bracts, petalody of, 462 Brake, 149, 155 Branches, sterile and fertile, 196 archegonial, 197 innovation, 199 Brassica alba, 132, 133 nigra, 464 oleracea, 530, 569 Breathing, respiration versus, 107 Breeding of resistant varieties, 313 Bromeliads, 327 Brood-buds, 216 Broom-rape family, 338 Brown, Robert, 16 Brussels sprouts, 464 Bryales, 193 Bryophyllum, 347 crenatum, 349 Bryophytes, 366 Bryopteris filicina, 217 Budding, 98 Bud-scales, 30 Bulbils, 163 Bundles, fibro-vascular, 36, 61 structure of, 65, 66 Burdock, 116, 486 Burroughs, John, 434 Butter, June, 316 Butter-and-eggs, 481, 482, 483-485 Buttercup, 462 Cabbage, 464 Caesalpinioideae, 468 Calamites, 368, 388, 612 Calamus, 495 Calla-lily, soft rot of, 309 Calla palustris, 136 Calorimeter, 106 40 Calyptra, 200 Cambium, 67 interfascicular, 67 Camptosorus rhizophyllus, 162, 164 Canada thistle, 486 Cancer-root, 338 Cannel coal, 426 Capsicum, 481 Carbohydrates, 71 seat of elaboration of, 72 Carbon cycle, no, iii Carica Papaya, 358 Carpels, 436, 461 Carya ovata, 336 Caryopsis, 493 Cassia marilandica, 467, 468 Castanea dentata, 294, 296 Castor-oil seed. 123 plant, 63, 66 Catnip, 479 Cat-tails, 490, 491, 492 Cattleya, 329, 500, 501 Cecropia, 325 Cell, 15, 16, 17, 18 Cell-division and reproduction, 344 Cell-sap, 17 Cell-theory, 15, 20 Celtis occidentalis, 292 Ceratozamia, 333, 411 Cercis, 468 Chaff, 495 Character-units versus unit-char- acters, 558 Characters, inheritance of acquired, 506-509, 565 Cheese, 316 Cherries, black knot of, 295 Chestnut, 294 American, 296 bark disease, 295 blight, 294 Chicory, 486, 487 626 INDEX ChlorophyD, 33, 75 necessity for, 321 Chlorophytum elatum, 350 Chloroplasts, ss Chondriosomes, 16, 17, 565 Chromatin, 16, 186 Chromosomes, 186 Cichorium Intybus, 486, 487 Cicuta, 472 Cinnamon fern, 159 Cirsium arvense, 486 Cissus laciniata, 342 Cladonia, 332 Classification, 3, 365, 538 Claviceps purpurea, 293 Clayton's fern, 160 Clethraceae, 473 Clover, leaves, 532 old-maid, 470 secret of, 317 Club-mosses, 376 little, 382 Clusia, 328 Coagulase, 80 Coal balls, 596 Coal-formation, pollen and, 424 Coalescence, 473 Cocoanuts, germinating, 499 Coix lacrima-Jobi, 446 Cold storage, 305 Colds, 309 Coleoptile, 494 Coleorhiza, 494 Colocasia antiquorum, 43 Coloration, 475 Colpothrinax Wrightii, 130 Columella, 200 Column, 498 Comandra umbelkta, 301 pallida, 301 Compositae, 483, 488 Cone-flower, 533 Conidium, 304 Coniferae, 416 Conjugation, 251 scalariform, 345 Conopholis americana, 338 Convolvulaceae, 478 Convolvulus, 119 arvensis, 479 Coprinus comatus, 289 Corallorhiza, 324, 337 Coral-root, 337 Cordaitales, 609 Cordaites, 609, 610 Coreopsis, 488 Corn, 297 Indian, 85, 123, 562 smut, 299 Corolla, 435 Correlation among leaves, 143 within the plant, 142 Cortex, 65, 195 Corticium vagum var. solani, 291 Cotyledon, 174, 381 Coville, 452 Cow parsnip, 472 Crataegus punctata, 450 Creation, special doctrine of, 502 Cronartium pyriforme, 301 ribicola, 301 Crops, rotation of, 91 Cross-fertilization, 173 Crossing, increased vigor from, 562 Crossotheca Hoenginghausi, 593 Crowfoot, yellow water, 460 Crown galls, 308 imperial, 44 Cruciferae, 463 Cryptogams, vascular, 226 Crysanthemum leucanthemum, 486 rust, 313 Cucumbers, wilt of, 309 Cultures, pedigreed, 553 INDEX 627 Cupules, 216 Currants, 301 Cuscuta, 339, 340, 341 Cushion, 166 Cuticle, 35 Cycadaceae, 83, 331 Cycadeoidea dacotensis, 600, 601, 602, 604 Dartoni, 605 Wielandi, 603, 604 Cycadocephalus Sewardi, 600 Cycadofilicales, 592, 598, 612, 613 Cycads, 390 Cycas, 83, 411, 431, 447 circinalis, 391, 401 media, 395, 397, 398, 40? revoluta, 390, 391, 394, 396, 402 Cycle, organic, 70 Cypripedium, 498 Cyrtomium falcatum, 22, 155 Cystopteris bulbifera, 164 Cystopus candidus, 292 Cytase, 100 Cytoplasm, 16 Dandelion, 116, 486 Daisy, white. 486 Darwin, Charles, 511 Darwinism, 510 De Candolle, A. P., 92 Decay 322 Determiner, 558 Devvar flask, 106 Dextrinase, 79 Diastase, 86, 100, 102 Dicotyledons, 453, 456 Dictyota, 356, 364 Dififerentiation, dorso-ventral, 168 Diflfusion, 55 of gases, 55 Diffusion of liquids, 55 Digestion, 85 Dionaea muscipula, 86, 88 Dioon, 411 edule, 403 Diplazium zelanicum, 154 Disease carriers, 310 Diseases caused by Phycomycetes, 291 Diseases, contagious and infectious, 309 Dissimilation, 90 Dodder, 339, 340, 341 Dog's-tooth violet, 434, 439 Dominance, 554 law of, 553 Doubling, 464 Drosera, 347, 88 intermedia, 87, 88 rotundifolia, 348 Drynaria meyeniana, 151, 164 Ecology, 4 Ectotrophic micorhizas, 336 Eel-grass, 348, 349 Egg-cell, 170 Egg, fertilized, nature of, 172 development of, 1 73 Eichornia crassipes,, Solms 51, 5? Elaters, 219, 373 Elephants, 514 Elm, 414 Elymus virginicus, 293 Embryo, 174 growth of, 174 Embryogeny, 608 Embryology, 4 Enation, 574 Encephalartos, 411 Endosmosis, 58 Endosperm, 400, 430 628 INDEX Endosperm-nucleus, 440 Endospores, 99 Endothia parasitica, 296 Environment, 125 factors of, 125 fitness for, 513 Enzymes, 79, 86, 94, 100 Epidermis, 31 Epiphytes, 326 Epiphytism, 325, 327 Equisetales, 368, 618 Equisetum, 368, 375, 376, 431 arvense, 368, 370, 371, 374 debile, 368 fluviatile, 369 giganteum, 368 palustre, 368, 373 pratense, 368, 371 Ergot, 293, 295 Ericaceae, 473 Eriopus remotifolius, 226 Erythronium americanum, 434, 437, 439, 455 albidum, 437 Etiolation, 136 Eugenics, 560, 566 Eupatorium perfoliatum, 486 Euthenics, 560 Evening-primrose, 471, 532, 534 Lamarck's, 535 giant, 536 Evetria buoliana, 301 Evolution and classification, 539 early antagonism to, 510 experimental, 520, 535 inorganic, 503 method of, 505 of plants, 569 organic, 504 Excreta, theory of toxic, 92 Exosmosis, 58 Extinction, factors of, 589 Eye-spot, 251 Factor, 558 False beech-drops, 324, 339 Fascicles, 415 Fats, 71, 84 Fawn-lily, 434 Femaleness, maleness and, 353 Fermentation, 102 active agent in, 99 alcoholic, 95, 97 importance of, 94 products of, 96 relation of to our daily lives, 102 respiration and, 112 significance of, loi Ferments. 79 Ferns, 348 Boston, 528 eusporangiate, 178, 372 leptosporangiate, 157 shield, 158 walking, 162, 348 Fertilization, 170, 172, 180 double, 442 Fertilization-membrane, 172 Fever, typhoid, 310 Ficus elastica, 64, 66 Filament, 436 Fittest, survival of, 191, 515 Flowers and insects, 343 Flowers, perfect and imperfect, 447 Foliage-leaf, types of, 156 Fomes applanatus, 303 Food elements, source of, 72 Foods, kinds of, 71 Foot, 174 Forests, world's first, 610 Fossil, what is a, 578 record, gaps in the, 587 INDEX 629 Fossombronia tuberifera, 217 Fraxinus, 28 Fritillaria imperialis, 44 Fronds, 150 Fruit, essentials of, 451 Fucus, 352 Function, 7 Fungi, timber-destroying, 303 Fungus-farms, 325 Gaertneria, 488 Galactase, 317 Gall-mite, 292 Gametes, 180 theory of purity of, 555 Gametophyte, 181 decline of, 365 Gamopetalae, 456 Gangrene, 316 Gasteria nigricans, 38 Gaussia, 134 Gaylussacia; 473 Gemma, 208, 216 Gene, 558, 559 Genotype, 561 Generations, alternation of , 182, 575 Geography, plant, 5 Geological time, table of, 584 Geotropism, 128 Geranium, 339 house, 139 Germination, 166 Germ-tube, 166 GinkgO; 610 Gleditsia, 468 Gleichenia circinata, 157 Glumes, 495 Golden rod, 340 Goodsell, John W., 310 Gooseberries, 301 Grafting, 333 Grafting, various methods of, 334 Grain smut, 297 Gramineae, 492 Grape, downy mildew of, 313 Gravity, relation of roots and stems to, 126 Grew, Nehemiah, 14 Groups of plants, 366 the great, 621 Growing points, 212 Growth, 113 and nourishment, 123 differential, 115 intercalary, 218 permanent and temporary, 121 Guard-cells, 33, 35 Gunnera manicata, 341 Gymnosperms, 408, 412 ancestors of, 609 Gymnospermy, 408 Gynoecium, 436 H Hackberry, 292 Haustoria, 402 Head, 483 Hedge mustard, 190 Hellriegel, 318 Henbane, 481 Hepaticae, 209, 210 Heracleum lanatum, 472 Hercules club, 27 Heredity, 541 experimental study of, 549 Johannsen's conception of, 560 vs, inheritance, 544 Heterogamy, 352 Heterospory, 356, 382 Hickory, 336 Hiras6, 404 Histology, 4 Hofmeister, 411 630 INDEX Homology, 28 Hooke, Robert, 14 Horehound, 479 Hornbeam, 76, 77, 336 Horsechestnut, 36, 120, 121 Horsetails, 359, 368 Hybridizing, artificial, 552 Hygiene, personal, 311 public, 311 Hymenophyllum, 351 Hypanthium, 464 Hypocotyl, 381 Hypothecium, 331 Jungermanniales, 210 K Kalmia latifolia, 474 Kingdom, organic, 8 Kingdom, divisions of plant, 366 Knight, Thomas Andrew, 128 Knight's experiment, 127 Knowlton, F. A., 595 Kohlrabi, 464 Kunze, 599 Ikeno, 404 Imbibition, 58 Incrustation, 578 Indian pipe, 323, 339, 473, 476 Indusium, 155 Ingen-Housz, Jan, 73, 74 Inheritance, alteration of, 566 and environment, 560 and reproduction, 544 versus expression, 188, 543 heredity, 544 mechanism of, 565 what is, 542 Innovation-branches, 348 Internode, 118 Involucre, 483 Isogametes, 251 Isogamy, 352 Isospores, 380 Iva, 488 J Jack-in-the-pulpit, 51 Jeffrey, 426 Job's tears,. 446 Johannsen, 561 Johnson-grass, 496 Juglans nigra, 308 LabiatcC, 479 Labium, 479 Labor, division 01 physiological, 363 Lagenostema Lomaxi, 596 Lamarck, 506, 509 Lamella, middle, 158 Lang, ontogenetic hypothesis of, 575 Larch, 336 Latex, 476 Lathraea, 324 Lathyrus latifolius, 466 Layering, 179 Leaf -base, 13 Leaf-blade, internal anatomy of, 31,34 types of, 30 Leaf-fall, loi, 415 Leaf -mosaic, 144 Leaves, correlation among, 143 growth of, 119 lungs of plants, 103 relation of, to light, 138 spore-bearing, 154 stomach of plants, 103 Leeuwenhoek, 98 Legume, 318, 468 Leguminoseae, 466 INDEX 631 Leguminous crops, value of, 83 Lenticels, 109 Leonurus cardiaca, 145 Lesczyc-Suminski, Count, 168 Lichen, 330, 331, 332 produced synthetically, 332 thallose, 329 Life-cycle, 175 cytological, 186 of an angiosperm, 444 of a fern, 183 of a pine, 432 of Selaginella, 388. Life history, 148 of angiosperm, 433 of the pine, 412 Life from life, all, 89 Light on rate of growth, effect of, 13s Light-position, fixed, 141 Ligule, 382, 384 Ligulifloras, 484, 488 Lilium canadense, fertilisation of, 442 Martagon, 441 philadelphicum, 436 Limb, 487 Linaria vulgaris, 481, 482, 483 484, 485 Linin, 184 Linnaeus, 502, 539 Lip, 479 Lipase, 86 Lipoids, 86 Liriodendron tuhpifera, 29, 74 Lister, Lord, 316 Little potatoes, 291 Live-forever, 31 , Lizard's tail, 32, 459, 460 Lomaria, 599 eriopus, 599 Loxsoma Cunninghami, 157 Lunularia, 216 Lupine, 123, 126, 129 white, 64, 135 Lupinus, 123 albus, 64, 126, 129, 135 Lycopersicum, 335 esculutum, 450, 480, 545 Lycopodiales, 376, 388, 618 Lycopodium, 376, 378, 431 cernum, 381 clavatum, 377 lucidulum, 377, 382 obscurum dendroideum, 377 phlegmaria, 381 Selago, 376, 378, 379, 380 Lycopods, calamites and, 368 Lycopsida, 616, 618 Lyginodendron oldhamium, 592, 593, 596 Lygodium japonicum, 157 M Macrozamia, 333, 411, 447 Moorei, 392, 393, 398, 399, 400 Magnolia, 606, 607 Maidenhair fern, 173 Maiosis, 185 Maize, Mendelian segregration in, 556 Maleness and femaleness, 353 Malpighi, Marcello, 14 Maltase, 79 Malthus, 513 Maple, 141 ' red, 337 sap, economic value of, 67 silver, 142 Marattia fraxinae, 597 Marchantia, 348 Marchantiales, 210 Marjoram, wild, 479 632 INDEX Marsh grass, 293 Mary, typhoid, 310 Matonia pectinata, 157 Medullary rays, 65 Megasporangia, 385 Megaspores, 385 Megasporophylls, 385 Melilotus lutea, 82 Melons, wilt of, 309 Membrane, limiting, 17 nuclear, 186 Memory, physiological, 192 Mendel, Gregor, 549 Mendelism, 549 Meristem, 374 Mesophyll, 31 Metabolism, 90 Metachlamydeae, 456, 473 Metamorphism, 582 Micorhiza, ectotrophic, 336 endotrophic, 337, 339 Microcycas, 411 Microsporangia, 385 Microspores, 385 Mid-vein, 37 Migration of plant diseases, 312 Migrations, plant, 586 Mildew, downy, 292, 313 powdery, 292, 295 Milk, souring of, 316 "certified," 316 Milkweed, 475, 476, 477, 478 Mimosa, 468 pudica, 122 Mimosoideae, 468 Mitosis, 184 Mohl, Hugo von, 15 Molds, 304 sexuality in, 355 sooty, 295 Monocotyledons, 489 and dicotyledons, 453 Monocotyledons origin of, 571, 608 types of, 491 Monotropa, 473 Hypopitys, 324 uniflora, 323, 476 Monotropaceae, 473 Moon worts, 175 Morchella esculenta, 289 Morphology, 4, 147 Mosses, true, 193, 204 Motherwort, 145 Mountain laurel, 474 palm, 134 Mucor mucedo, 304 Mullein, 31, 130 Multiplication, vegetative, 163, 179, 346, 351 Musa sapientum, 26 Musci, 193 Mushrooms, 288 Mustard, white, 50, 133 Mutation theory to Darwinism, relation of, 537 test of, 535 value of; 537 Mutations, 530, 546 Mutualism, 325, 328 Muricaceae, 83 Myrmecophytes, 327 Myxomycetes, 284, 285, 323 N Nasturtium, 137 garden, 143 Nazia racemosa, 495 Neck, 169 Neck-canal, 170 Neck-canal-cell, 170 Nephrolepis, 163, 528 New Zealand raspberry, 28 Nicotiana Tabacum, 480, 545 Nightshade, 481 INDEX ^33 Nitrobacter, 83 Nitrogen cycle, 318, 319 Nitrosomonas, 82 Nodules, 83 Nomenclature, 4 Nostoc, 215, 333, 341 Nourishment, growth and, 123 Nuclear division, indirect, 184 Nucleolus, 16 Nucleoplasm, 16 Nucleus, 16 Nutrition theory, 91 Osmosis, 55, 56 demonstration of, 57 importance of, 59 Osmunda cinnamomea, 159 claytonia, 152, 160 Ostrich fern, 114, 178 Ovary, 436 Ovules, 436 Ovum, 170 Oxalis, 138 bupleurifolia, 122 Oxidase, 79 Oak, 34, 336 Oats, smuts of, 297 (Enothera, 470 biennis, 471, 534 brevistylis, 533 gigas, 535, 536 Lamarckiana, 532, 533, 535 Oleander, 39 Onagra, 470 Onagraceae, 470 Onion, 348 Onoclea, 172 struthiopteris, 114, 178 Ontogeny, 504 Oosperm, 173 Operculum, 202 Ophioglossum, 178, 214 vulgatum, 175, 177 Opuntia Blakeana, 342 Orange, 295 Orchidaceae, 497 Orchids, 327, 500, 501 Organic and inorganic, 69 Organisms, 8 Organs, 7 essential, 448 Orobanchaceae, 338 Paleobotany, 5, 578 Paleogeography, 584 Palisade, 35 Palmacese, 495 Palmetto, sabal, 498 Palms, barragona, 498 cocoanut, 497 Pandorina, 405 Pangens, 565 Papaw, 359 Papillionoideae, 467 Pappus, 487 Paraphyses, 331, 380 Parasites, artificial, 341 fungal, 342 Parasitism, 325, 339 facultative, 343 obligate, 343 Parenchyma, 35 Parmelia perlata, 330 Parthenogenesis, 357 Pasteur, 89, 98, 307 Pea, 123 edible, 468, 554 Peach, brown rot of, 293 leaf-curl, 293 P^ar blight, 309 634 INDEX Peary, 309 Peat-mosses, 193 Pedicle, 197 Pelargonium, 139, 339 Pellionia daveaueana, 78 Pelories, 482, 485 Pendulum, illustration of the, 529 Penicillium glaucum, 304 Pennyroyal, 479 Pepsin, 102 Perennial pea, 466 Pericarp, 493 Perichastium, 199 Peridermium pyriforme,. 301 Strobi, 301 Perisperm, 421 Petalody of bracts, 462, 466 of stamens, 462, 465, 466 Petals, 435 coalescence of, 462 Petiole, 13 structure of, 35 Petrifaction. 578 Phaseolus, 123 vulgaris, 525 Phloem, 67 Photosynthesis, 77 respiration and, no Phototropism, 135 Phyllitis, 156 Phylogeny, 504, 569 Phymatodes, 154 Physalis alkekengi. 545 Physcia stellaris, 329 Physiology, 4 Phytogeography, 5 Phytology, i Phytophthora infestans, 292 Phytoptus, 292 Pine cone, 420 Pine, Kauri, 610 Scotch, 417, 418, 419 Pine white, 421, 422, 423, 428, 429, 430 Pine shoot moth, 301 Pine tree blister-rust, 301 Pines, 413 Pinnae, 156 Pinnules, 156 Pinus, 447 austriaca, 416 contorta, 301 ponderosa, 301 rigida, 301, 415 Strobus, 415, 421, 422, 423, 428, 429, 430 sylvestris, 415, 417, 418, 419 Pistil, 436 Pisum; 123 sativum, 468, 554 Placenta, 437 Plant and animal respiration, 112 Plant-respiration, 105 Plant secretions, economic value of, 90 Plantago, 37 Plantain, 37 Plants and animals, nutrition of, 70 Plants to man, relation of, 2 Plasma-membrane, 17 Plasmolysis, 59 Pleurococcus, 252, 253, 328, 344, 362 Plum, brown rot of, 293 pockets, 293 Plums, black knot of, 295 Plumule, 443 Podetia, 331, 332 Podocarpineae, 83 Polarity, 364 Pollen, abundance of, 423 and coal-formation, 424 immediate effect of, 451 shedding of, 424 Pollen-chamber, 400 • INDEX 63s Pollen-grain, 401, 436 Pollen-sacs, 436 Pollination, 401, 427 Pollinium, 477, 501 Polypetalse, 456 Polypodium, 154, 156, iS^ irioides, 154 punctatum, 155 Polytrichum commune, 206 Populus, 457 Porella navicularis, 211, 212 Potato, 335» 347, 480 blight, 313 rot, 292 tuber, 81 Potatoes, little, 291 Potonie, 598 Pressure, osmotic, 58 and growth, osmotic, 113 Priestley, Joseph, 73, 74 PrimofiUces, 616 Proangiosperms, 606 Propagation, 180 Prophylaxis, 310 Protease, 79, 86 Protein, 16 Proteins, 71 manufacture of, 84 Prothallus, 166, 167 Protonema, 165, 166 Protoplasm, 14, 15 properties of, 19 Protoplast, 16 Pseudoborniales, 618 Pseudomonas radicicola, 82, 83, 318, 332 Pseudopodium, 200, 201 Psilotales, 618 Pteridophytes, 366, 388 Pteridosperms, 592 significance of, 598 Pteris, 156 Pteris aquilina. 149, iS5 longifolia, 153 Pteropsida, 616 Ptyalin, 100 Puccinia graminis, 299 Punk, 303 Purity of gametes, theory of, 555 Pussy-willow, 458 Putrefaction, 319 Pyrenoids, 353 Pyrolaceae, 473 Pythium de Baryanum, 291 Quarantine, 311 Quercus, 336 novimexicana, 34 Qu6telet. 524 Qu6telet*s curve, 525, 526 R Radicle, 381, 464 Ranunculacese, 459 Ranunculus, 459, 460, 461, 462 aquatilis, 507 Rattan, 495 Rattlesnake fern, 176 Ray, John, 453 Recptacle, 155 Redi, 89 Reduction, 183, 184 division, 185, 187 Regeneration, 205 Reproduction, asexual, 179 by spores, 180 cell-division and, 344 essence of all, 180 inheritance and, 544 sexual, 179, 180 636 INDEX Respiration, 105, iii and fermentation, 112 and photosynthesis, no versus breathing, 107 Response, stimulus and, 125 Rex begonia, 347, 447 Rhizoctonia, 291, 293 Rhizomes, 150 Rhubarb; 116 Ribes, 301 Riccia, 222 fluitans, 209 life history of, 224 natans, 209 trichocarpa, 222 Ricciales, 210 Ricciocarpus, 223 Ricinus, 123 communis, 63, 66 Robinia, 467 Rock strata, classification of, 583 Root, ID elongation'of, 117 Root-cap, 50 Root-hairs, 11, 53, 54> 58 and soil, relation between, 52 importance of, 49 location of, 49 structure of, 51 Root-nodules, 83 of Cycas revolutia, 333 Root-stocks, 150 Rosa Carolina, 464 rugosa, 450 Rosacese, 464 Rose, 465 wild, 466 Rosette, 40 Rostellum, 501 Rotation of crops, 318 Rubber-plant, 64, 66 Rubiaceae, 463 Rubus australis, 28 Rudbeckia, 533 Rue anemone., 463 Runners, 164, 350 Rye, cultivated, 293 wild, 293 Saccharomyces, 98 Sage, 479 Sagittaria, 449 Sago palm, 390 Salix, 12, 346, 457, 458 babylonica, 457 discolor, 457 Salvia, 480 Salvinia, 341 Salicaceae, 457 Saltation, orthogenetic, 528 Sanitary theory, 92 Sanitation, 311 Sap, nuclear, 184 Sapium sebiferum, 84 Saprophytes, fungus, 322 Saprophytism, 321, 322 Saururaceae, 459 Saururus cernuus, 32, 459, 460 Saussure, Nicolas Theodore de, 74 Savory, 479 Schleiden, 15 Schwann, 15, 94 Science, essence of, 620 Scion, 335 Scott, D. H., 619 Scrophulariaceae, 481 Scutellum, 494 Secale cereale, 293 Secretions, 19 Sedum, 31 Seed, essentials of, 453 'Seed-coat, 397, 453 INDEX 637 Segregation, law of, 555 Mendelian, 554, 556 Selaginella, 382, 384, 431 amoena, 383 Kraussiana, 387 life-cycle of, 388 Martensii, 385 Watsoniana, 384 Wildenovii, 383 Selaginellales, 382. 388 Selection, natural, 191 Selfing, 560 Self-pruning, 180 Semi-parasitism, 341 Sempervivum tabulaeforme, 41 tectorum, 350 Senebier, Jean, 74 Senna, wild, 467 Sensitive plant, 122 Sepals, 435 Serum-therapy, 314 Seta, 204 Sex, determination of, 358 meaning of, 360 problem of, in plants, 344 Sex-organs, differentiation of, 356 Sexual characters, secondary, 358 Sexuality in molds, 353 in Spirogyra, 355 Shaggy-mane mushroom, 289 Shelf-fungus, 303 Shoot, 9 Sigillarias, 612, 613 Silique, 463 Siphonogamy, 406 Skein, nuclear, 186 Skunk cabbage, 499, 500 Solanaceae, 480 Solanum, 335 Dulcamara, 481 integrifolium, 545 nigrum, 545 Solanum tuberosum, 347, 480 Solidago ulmifolia, 340 Soredia, 330 Sorghum halpense, 496 Sorus, 154 Soy bean, 317 Spartina, 293 Spathyema fcetida, 496 Species, elementary, 530 origin of, 510, 587 Spermatophytes, 408 Sphaerothica phytoptophyla, 292 Sphagnum, 193, 194, 200, 202, 204, 348 acutifolium, 198 cuspidatum, 199 cymbifolium, 195 life-history of, 203 squarrosum, 198 Sphagnales, 193 Sphenophyllum cuneifolium, 372 Sphenophyllales, 618 Sphenopsida, 618 Sphenopteris Hoeninghausi, 592 Spike, 459, 495 Spikelets, 495 Spirogyra, 344, 345, 353, 355, 364 Sporangiophores, 371 Sporangium, 155, 156, 157 Spore-mother-cells, 158 Spores, 155 dispersal of, 164 germination of, 165 swarm-, 251 Sporogonium, 201 Sporophylls, 156, 159 Sporophyte, 181, 201 development of, 364 evolution of, 574 Spruce, 140 Staff-tree, 481 Stalk-cell, 428 638 INDEX Stamens, 417 Stangeria, 411 eriopus, 598 paradoxa, 598 Starch-making, 77 steps in, 79 Stems, elongation of. 118 exogenous, 65 Sterilization, 162 progressive, 432 Stigma, 437 Stimulus and response, 125 Stock, 335 Stolons, 164, 349, 350 Stoma, 33, 35 Stomata and gaseous exchange, 108 Strata, classification of rock, 583 Stratification, 582 Strawberries, 348 Strobilus, 371 Struggle for existence, 190, 513, 515 Style, 437 Sugar-beet, 68 Sugar-cane, 68 Sugar-maple, 336 Suminski, Count Lesczyc, 168 Sundew, 87, 88, 347 Sunlight, importance of, 75 Survival of the fittest, 191, 515 Suspensor 380 Swarm-spores, 251 Sweet clover, yellow, 82 Sweet pea, 470 Symbionts, 318 Symbiosis, 214, 321, 324, 325 social, 325 Symmetry, bilateral, 167 Sympetalae, 456, 473 Symplocarpus foetidus, 496, 499, 500 Synangia, 601 Synergids, 440 Tap root, 10 Taraxacum, 486 Taxonomy, 4 Tectoria cicutaria, 161, 163 Tetrad, 158 Tetrad-divisions, 158, 187 Tetraphis, 207 Thallophytes, 366 Thallus, 167 Thecium, 330, 331 Thyme, 479 Thyrsopteris elegans, 157 Tillandsia, 326 Tissue- tension, 117 Toadflax, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485 Toadstool, 288 Tobacco, 480 Todea barbara, 157 Tomato, 335, 450, 480 Torus, 464 Tour, Cagniard de la, 98 Toxins, 313 Trachymyrmex obscurior, 326 Transpiration, advantages of, 40 control of, 38 cuticular, 38 lifting power of, 42 stomatal, 38 Tree ferns, 150 Tree, genealogical, 577 Trifolium hybridum, 469 Triticum, 298 vulgare, 494 TroUius, 462 Tropaeolum majus, 137, 143 Trunk, 412 excurrent, 413 deUquescent, 414 Trypsin, 102 Tube-cell, 423 INDEX 639 Tubers, 217 Tubuliflorae, 488 Tulip bulb, 29 Tulip-tree, 29, 74 Turgor, 58, 114 Turpin, 98 Tyndall, 89 Type genus, 491 Typhaceae, 491 Typha latifolia, 490, 491, 492 angustifolia, 490 Typhoid fever, 310 Mary, 310 U Ulmus americana, 414 Ulothrix, 352 zonata, 354 Ultricularia, 87, 88 Umbelliferse, 471 Umbels, 471 Unconformity, 583 Unit-c h a r a c t ers, character-units versus, 558 Ustilago, 298 Avenae, 298 maydis, 299 Tritici, 298 Zeas, 298 V Vaccination, 313, 314 Vacciniaceae, 473 Vaccinium, 451, 473 corymbosum, 452 Vacuoles, 17 Vallisneria spiralis, 349 Van Tieghem, 598 Variability, fluctuating. 525 Variation, 189, 512 continuous, 522 discontinuous, 527 Variation, fluctuating, and inheri- tance, 527 Vascular plants, 153 Vaucheria, 364 terrestris, 356 Venter, 169 Ventral-canal cell, 170 Venus's flytrap, 86, 88 Verbascum Thapsus, 31, 130 Verbena ciliata, 33 Vernation, circinate, 152 Vinegar, 317 Vivum e vivo, omne, 89 Von Mohl, Hugo, 15 Vries, Hugo de, 520, 521 W Wall-cell, 428 Water and the soil, 54 Water crowfoot, 460 Water hyacinth, 51, 52 Water importance of, 47 plantain, 493 requirement, relative, 47 Webber, 404 Wheat, smuts of, 297 Wheat-sickness, 92 White pine blister rust, 302 Whorls, 412 Wild cabbage, horticultural varie- ties of, 531 Wieland, 597 Wielandiella, 608 Williamsonia, 602, 608 Willow, 12, 117, 346, 457, 458 weeping, 457 Wilt disease of cotton and water- melon, 295 cucumbers and melons, 309 Wings, 166 Witches' brooms, 292,293 Wood lily, 436 640 INDEX Woodwardia orientalis, 351, 352 X Yeast what is, 98 Yucca. 62 A'-chromosome, 359, 360 Xeno-parasitism, 343 Xylem, 65 Yeast, 95, 98, 306 Zamia, 335, 393, 411, 610 floridana, 404, 407 Zea Mays, 62, 85, 123, 299, 562, 563 Zygospores, 345 Zygote, 180 u ^