Cfi@8LToN. HISTORICAL. HISTORICAL ADRESS Delivered in Chariten, My 4, 1876, 1} "Y RE3\Z. JOHN HAVEN. JOURNAL PRINT5 SOU'1‘II'I%RII)G-E, lkuse. 1876. CELEBRATION. The SOU’1‘IIB}-EID{.¥}§ J<3U1>.msa:. of J my 6,18’?G, com‘:-Linetl the ;€o11<3w- 1115.3,‘ :---—- Of cm.'zrse the b<';_‘y3 Wem 311 band 111:3 11201‘11i;1g of the Femfla. The bells were 1'u11g vc)c;;ife1‘(ms1y and the C11fl1‘gBS in the cz1,m1o11 driven 1101110: with 3. goocl deal of force. All the Iamteizt arm:-giess of their yoljmg blood were snouserl and {hey crmlcil not help ceiebmte. A11w11ic11 lms been Wftllt-i1‘lg for weeks past was the day. Now tlmt it at lzastz cimue ever-ytlning J:)1'::)1~:<3 lease. The Ccntezmial fwer bmke am; mu} whcz bl;-miss film. bays? and 1j11(31'0 xvem 3. large 11umbe1' of boys on lxsmcl. S0u'.1e 01:‘ 15118111 were we.11 gmwltz. At ('3 n’<:1{>(*1: in the 111<:m1i11g the gm1g 01:’ I3:30rue1*a.r1gs, the I:'Ic:1'1'ib1cs, the Fusscaleers, or ;:u1y<';f;1’x<::r 11:.1,me iL' you please: were. on lumcl for their :mit;1 ti11'm'1;;:11 V'n1‘ib11s: secticms of tlugz 1;t.)w11. Tlley assc111b10c1 :11; the Cexxter, 1;I1c:11cc: mtie ta the:-3 City, D:::poi;:, N<_>zri;l1 Side, zmxl to the C,‘.m‘1~ “cm: ag.§ai11, wherre L11c3yz11'1'ivec1 at S) o’«::1o(:k. There were 5501113 fifty in the ctmzxpzxny. The grfllzmi; Ie.:7s<1e1*11e£s;1e€i the stufziy <:(;:1u111n,’:m<;1 truly the yemneu. of early times wow not wortlmy bcztmr steel. It would he diiTi- cult to 1mrticu1:.1.rizu, in 1'ega,1'c1 to them. 8.01119, were “‘qL1ee3:,” same were “*qu:“:,i11t,,” otlzers W£31'(3 “ce::-mic:a.1,” 3.11:1 tlxmse xvhiazix were “qL1isi<:n,1”we1'£3 Imt droppml out of the 1‘a.1'11;'.s. T116 “Yeplwo” i'1'om tlm “wilds of ML1g- g‘eL”:1ti:raci;2o:1 mum {1tt(3I1ii011. zLp1:1<::z“m1 sa.i{1 ii; lmd zwver been in ptmlic 1.‘1efo1'e, but the vast c0m:u111'sedic11f1013ire.:;1t iESC31'1()uS1_Y, for 11'1£u1yde(:1a.1'cc1 tl1cy11ads5ee11t1:1e “cr:1,t.111'e”bt3f01'e,mini in 1tn3‘l31it3 ‘£00. The hatélllgilfl by the “i11c1<;>111it::,b1e Billy” was listened tn and ap131:111iug,_;; this :1 strorlger band would be ;fe1'1ned._, :1 1111i<:m. of 1n:1rpe:~:e felt wlxieh \\'uu1t'1 be for the g1'«J\\'i11g wel- f;1_1.'e 3.11:1 p1‘€}S[}ti1'iE13' ef (_1l1e1'1Uim. In -.::eee1e.='~:i:_m. we wee1:.1 say that the whole affair rats :11 perfect eueeese. Ne mteidems, se fan‘ as We-2 etmid leimit,‘ r_n:¢:.:1‘11*1*e£1 if} met‘ the _s_,};em1{i111e. Eve1~_ye11e \x' ."~3."1ii.".~‘filL‘d rmrl we are su1fe Umt the eit.i:r.e1"1s of Cl1‘:.11'It011 WiHjOil'1 €111(1;ji\'L: llxeir 1‘1r3:11.-lieelg tllzlnksss to Dr. Grew. I-I. ’l‘:1ft; for the e::1'11ee11e1e:-33 and p1‘::mpi1'1eE5.3 whim}: he :31mwee1 as m;21's11e1eyi' the (lay, :‘:.u{1tut.Iae esO‘I.‘S in "111:-tliiilg it please- am; for the 01:} :“111rI y«m11_s;;3 ‘J.‘[1c;=.i1'nz1111uearena'i'ei]ewe: A.1}.:e1't Willmcd, A1l)e1'[1\;[eI111i1fe, ----. -——-. Ileyxmmf, J£lll1(.?..‘i M:11'cl1zL1i1t,1I'en1‘y L.‘-H111} and J. Nexrteu. The \-'e1'ieus milmr ee;;1111":1iLteee in em,-I1 cliet1'i»::t; per1’e1'm.e{1 their duties well and :1:1a;.le<,1 meek: ‘Le {he e1";_"je_ymeetef the day’. C31'm.ritm1 hes next bed sueh :1, my znfs this in e. '}e'{1g* iime. It Wm {rely :1 “ red letter ” <¥:::y,a11d (me ‘Le he z'e111en1i3e1'eL1.~‘s bm1ti1'es w'e1'e1'ighte(1 en. our 11eig;'I1ie§ imd prixmze Iei1'ew01'ks gave pleasure. The fi1'ewe1'ke ef the :1<:1‘_1'm.:e1:1t. texx-'11s were wimersssecl 13y1'n:111y whe1'e- 1:mi1-eal to em 11ig;l1estpei11te. ' THE ADD ESS. F.I1]LT...OW CI.'.l.‘.IZIE‘1\"’E% :~—~—-9 IT.‘ we (multil .l()(Jl( l):u:.l<.: to {L 1.m1'i.0t:l just one l1m1Cl1'ed y<:%rL1's :"lf;‘(,) lT{)--(]:“l._y', :1m”.l li(') ‘.'l.")l1.ll:1(l(.3.l])l7l.l:‘l-, i:c.)w:u.'cl. wln in-.11 all (.-‘yes :'l1‘(3 now l..lll‘l1(..!{l to .<4v<~ 't.'.l‘1«;r ;;‘1':1lm.'l. tt:.\l'1il)i1iim‘1. 0‘l:' mu.‘ ‘11:'1l:inn:'1'l QJ‘1'(")\V'l}'l'Tl, we .<.'li' 111Cz11T1:n l‘-11-"'-‘All-' "l‘~'l;)tl'1.~‘._~: cm lH")lTll. si<.l¢-.3 of 11110. J\l.l:l,l‘ll1'l(fi«——-:.L 11:'TLtim1 Im1.'11 in :1. <.l:.:._y. TIT}: to t;l1:1‘l_: ‘lxinm "xx-we l\\'(‘.1‘('.‘- s:t:‘l;.jr.-<:-lt.‘~is nl: l'u1.'(r.i{gl1 ']Jf')l\'\’{?:l.‘3 lm’£: l l1011<.:<étl'm"l:l1 21+ .l'l'(‘.('3 :'111. Wm‘ lnul l_)C!(}l1 1':1,gi11g l)e1'.W<)e1'1. 1i.l'1c c:Hlm1i<~.s :1m.l llpm nml‘lu:é1.'u<'n:nl.1'_y', .l::‘1.<;*l1 l)('.e(.*(‘)1‘1‘1i1'1g mr)1'ce (;letc:1'11‘1i1'1(.2(l in 'l)l'l(&l'l‘ ]}lll']_)<'.).~;~.'11‘.‘.. '.l.‘lm. 'p<..9()_|_)’l<.3 ml" ‘l;l1i.~_: <.:n1111l;1-y .¢:—;:._1.w‘1‘m 0.s<.::1p0. ;I“'m111 1;l1ui1.' (lilfl'i(:11l1ii:;es o,.\'<..-(1)1; lay:111.m1l‘.i1'(: .=.s()p:11*:1l'l.i<>I1 f1.'m11 14311.4‘- l:|.11'(.l. “(J11 l..lH.'.‘. ?'tl'1l<:rl:' .lu1w_, l.'T7H_,::. 1.'(f!F5{‘Jllll;ll(r1‘1 w:l1.:‘s .in1;;1.'0t'l.m.:<;.r.t..l in T'.l1(.! (...‘»u”ln‘1{1i:lll C'c'>11}__;'1'z-sssja lJli1u1;‘i‘l'1<'>s:3 U'1'1il‘.('-ml C<_l>lIr'.)11lc;):sf :m72 :.'1..m;l of i1'ig;l1t I;' Intl<:21_‘m1'1<“l.e11(.;2<;:,, r>l:' wl'1i:.:l1 Tl.1u11l.:lh.‘ e'.,a‘..'.'”|(..'..1l.'-".3l‘)ll w:1.9< (..'l'l.:l.ll'l'l'l2lll. fl 1; w:i1.5~i: 1'<‘:~.11m1.'lf.<,*.<.'.l to (.}(i)11g1'<3ss mlzfl :1lll:.<.;..=1' l>l..si11_<_f;' <‘li.~;u.-.II:5a.~l.a:'J:<.l .~’;5o;\’c31.':l1.l <;l:I,_y'.%: zmtl. ;s'li§;'l1t.l_y :;n‘.11m.1<:lm:l, ‘X ’2l...‘5 :1<'ln1>i';ml :11‘. 2 (P4.-.l(‘.>(,:l'~.”. 1"’. 3.1., m1 t.l‘1.o —<[.—lIli of Jilly, ].77f3. T110 E2'l}l'(f!(j*.lI-:5‘: 0'1’ 1.31.13l:l(.lr3l_])'l‘1i:1 ‘\vo1.'0 c1'mv(l<:s.:.l :11; tile tilltm, :.m(.l l“..l1c.*. pt:.s(::- plr.-. i11t<2.*.11.~+;4(:ly (ib2\:'(T:ll}(.¥('.l_, l{l1()\V’.ll1§,§ tlw llusilms-s.~3 in '\\$lll{..'.lll. (.:3<)11‘;§1'c:ss ‘xvnss ¢a11g:1.g'(:(.l. It ;i.~;s m-m;1 lilmt “ l1l1<". lmll.—1.'i11;;'c_:1.'of tlm old Si:.z' IfIm.1.~1=.(._2 hzul ‘l’-:1I~:m1 his ]%'m.~'51: in the .‘5l;{‘_5(..‘1')l('§ :11; 2.1.11 <':.+.::.1'll_y .lm111.'., tl;1:;1.t I10 1‘1'1i_;;'l1.tll<‘m<:s no lgilmis in. :1m1.m'1':"1<.:ing to tllca people1;lT1u.ttl1eli1.' :i11<;1(.:p<.i.:z1Clm1(;:c.: was l'01.'11m'll_y (:lc'i:<.:l:.1.1.*0<.l. Iiltie l1:u‘.l _£g‘1‘(.")W.1'1 llf111.):"Ltl(3l1JD :11; the <:'.luI:Ly, “xx--*.l‘1.(m. .y w1'1c'm'1 1.10 l.1:1<.'l .~3t::timimLl to ;_‘%;‘i.\-M3: l1i1"1"1 110—— ljl.L3(3 uf tlm. £';lI1l}.i(i5l1):1l".(L',(.l c.-v(::1'1t. L(>1.'1:..ll_y _1_ja(::1l'1_'(1 th:1't 1.11’ 111.11.’ 11:11:19.»- pe11d1:1151cc-1, yet‘. :11; tl'1:1t 17.i1:1.1c1 1:11:11 1'-,.i:\~'ili.:x:::1d ."§3(:",‘.H}i03’l1(f.‘,I11J:’-i~‘1 11f 1T.h_(.‘. co1_1"11t1'_1:' ‘\1’e:1:'c1 1;-11‘111i*Li11(:.-1'1 :"1"1111(:1.<5t mcxj.-,11;1:3iv1:1l_y to :1 11.:1.1:'1'(1\v :;:;z:;'ls w*'c2.m in the fast €i'ista,1i1t if’1%1t:,.1m. T110: :f”i'1.'.'~3t (::1;11:11 w:.1S btlilt in 17 77 U-3t;xvc1e11 VVa1t1‘1:L1'1:1 zmd Ri<;:11.111ond in Vi1*§_fi21‘§.;1., ta 3,*e:;z{:h £1, <::{:s:iz.l miizca, :2. dist:m::e of s::uv0%1;11;.1:1il<;ss. “Tl1eii1'st st.:fLgta c:.o:u::]',1 in ,.»:§.1x1e;>.%1*i.<;:!L <;<')11.11.%11e11ced m11uizf;f__;; E2; 1’}"""E'2, "f:'1-om I:’;<;:}s;t{;;1 ti‘) 1?'1*<3v§{'k:2:.c:e, t:z1s:i11g twe days to g('j) tlimiz é{i.s3t:.L1.1,r:«3.”’ C_y :~ste::u11 01- tale» g1.':1,}j>];;z wilxzs, 0:1 Izmd 91' $9213 'W:lS ‘wlmlly 1m.1~:;1cm?3_1§ Yx’}.1§1i3 zmw t-110 1‘:"1.‘i1L1'C):1C1 xvlilisatle 11cm1'd all (f)‘v(31‘ tlfies Iuml ztml E1i11'0pe, mid 111:1‘: 1y (:{u11.e1‘ p:u.'i:»,~:s of 1211:: w<:;1']d,, :u:<:1 tluz ‘L‘i<31L5!§,’l’i1:1)1.fl"1{'3 wire ii-.3 :s't1'<::t<;:}‘1<.3ef1 :t(.t.1.'<3s.s‘5 “'l(;‘.: ¢_::n1.1t.iT11e1**1t, mxcl f1re:f.>m «rm: C.*r{iT)1It§.i'l('.‘.1.'1i3ti) :;m~ (s>t{11<::;1' 011 11.119. '1>u.<] of t..l1(=3 ()(t(;‘-£1.11, u.1T1d Ijms :%1'111'1usL c-:11<;:i1.'<;:lLI:d the gj1c.;};:c;:>:, :a-1(1) Lh:a.f; ‘the:fiz..1I1:11?;} 01:’ mm c;;.:(_)i_T::*z’:;.z;y' (3:11; <;:11x«*‘<;a1:.s:€,- Wit1'1 1l1l(.)£:‘»(;'. of :1;1m1‘.l%.1m', t.l1(.>1‘1.e+:_-L11220, 1;1}.:1y‘xv(:1i e.};L:121im: 'W'l1:,Lt lmth (}}§‘r-ucl \v1.'c>1.1gM;, :.L11('1 '\\’ hit.‘-ii 11‘.1u1.1 'W1.‘(,') 1."1g1%'1t with his }.1:u;:h t::::wel<3<1 ~ in 1'11(‘*.(313 tljm. W::.11ts of ‘lilm 1)1IhT]ic.. Tlilflf. ffEL.ssi‘. <;:0:Lul'1 ‘I'>et\Vr;3011 New Y<‘5::.‘}«: 21.1211 Phil:z‘lTt:t.i<;11. :2, £sc:a.13f1i——xvz;:<::1s:1y $ "Wm; <1s3t::LL'I.>.1is:§l‘1m1 l.» in 11:11:!" 0 11' 11l1:.1.t ‘l;iu1£3. . ’TI;1o 1jm.~ist:{!. :s:_y.esi%:.e1:1 in 1';%1m:~s(;2: i;;.im<::;~3 was in :1\2'<;:..1.'y i1‘}1p:?:1*If'<3i;:‘i; rst.:":.t;<;~,. In s~s€:m1 :i%f'm‘111d V<.:1.*y :i1:;(:<.;f:w‘<=m§(mt 1:0 }“;<:s1'scms and 215.: we find tI1e111 tc)—c151.y in our eel‘11'1t1t'y ; but it is expected on thi.s 0em.~3i.011 th:'1t t the time he 1110stIy (",)G(iI1])iL%d with It 11i.~3t01'y of Clm1']to11. Tlt1(:1_1gjI1 it wmts toe Jute ::1fte1' it ‘H-'i1-S decided to 11m-*0 3.11 :Ldd1'ess at this time to 1)1'ep:'L1'e:1 full 11‘istc)1t'_y»' of the town, yet some t11‘it11gs 111113? he 1'efe1'red to. V Cl1:.11'Ite11 was (i:1'i;;in1:‘Lll}r :1. 1'_‘):u't of Orszfelfl. In 1682 the Ge11em1 Court of tlxe Ce*lm1_y" of 31:1-SS£lU1.111SC5t»tS “:3-.1y g;1'zmted to at few i11diVid11:i11;~:=. in the viei.1h1tity of Bo.~3:te11 tmet of lu.11d ly- it11gi.11 Ntip1111t1<:*k e0m1t_3*, so caflled, {L tract of lzmd eigI1t 11‘1il(—3s S(1l1£'l1‘(3. Tl1e::se g1.':1.11httee.»: ii1111.11es4_wlizLte:1y‘ ]_>1'oel11'ezl 1;l1it1.'t_y F1‘e11(-J1 :fiLmiIie.~3 frelin F1':iL1f1ee_, fl_;1' it xvus at the time of the g1'e:Lt relig- imls pe1'see1_1tiu11 in tl'1:1t C(J‘[l11t1‘_y, :uul settled t1_1em 011 the 0:?u3t- ern 1;m1.'t of t11i.~;=s tmet of lzzmfl, 1_,f2e(t)(j) :;Le1'e:‘s of Whi.<::11 they :‘se't upzlrt. for :1 V_ill:1ge <;a:.1ll<:~<_1 Otxfeml. T1103-«' set up 1I1i1l.s, ph'L11ted Vi11e_y:i11-¢;1s and cm-..11zf11'<.il_.s:, £L11d. built f'm°titie:Lti,(.:)113, 1‘(Z!11‘1:-L'l1_1.‘5 of W11ie11, it smitd, <;-.:'u1 be seen. to t11i;~'s dzL_§.»-'. It £l.1')pCiL1'S, how—- ever, tlmt they 1‘eu;1:3.i11ed 1'ep1'.ief;01's who in 1713 made :1 g;1'::11.1t of the same to t1e1i1'ty Ellglisll f:uni.- lies, 011 ce1_1ditim1 tlt1e‘y :=:.1'1eu1d Settle thten1:se1Ves 011 the ]J;l1L1 witl1in two ye.+.11'.~;<, zuld not desert it. This :i.~s the c01mi11e11ee— ment of the Ellglisll. .9et‘t1e1"1t1e11t of Oxfbrd, of whiel1 t11i.e: town w:1:-3 the11 {L pzmrt. A1110.1t1_£_r t11()se e:;11'1y f:.u11ilies We find the f£1111fi1i{L1' 11:.mf1es of‘ T(m‘-'11e, Lztmh, L:'L1'11ed, C()1ti.lf1S, etc. I have mid that the 01‘igi.;11:'1,1 g‘1':111t was eigllt 1‘11‘iles sr:11.'::t1‘e, :1.1i1d yet the h:111d e111h1':1ced in Oxfo1'd mu;~::t lmve exteiuled from twelve to fiftee11 miles f1'e111 eztst to West, :L]t11e1Ig1'1 110 1'eeo1*d cml be found of any addit»iem11 g1':111t. This e:.u1 be ztccotlntecl for, n A -.‘>,—- hmvever, ‘fE‘()II'1 the f:ic-/t tlmti in tl10~.-2.0 U;tl'l_'}7 tiiiiee ;_:i:ite11t,eee er .<5ett.le1's were not ec1'i‘ip1ileus'ic:ii1t. e>;:i(:t :i(,.'.}"CE?5 C.32‘l_};_1iiti3-is;i)I‘0- vidlecl the:-e.we1:'e @l"'l.()U§l’l fer w:~ml:e. The eettleiiiezlt elf’ O3«:fo1-Cl i11<.rI-'ee3:iee¢;;l zmiil €33(l3(}l11'<.i to t5ti11'l‘)1'iiflge. in the tmvu 1'0L3()I‘(.iS Clmrltoii is ii1'v:1.1'i:ihl__y crillecl at Lllfitlfict till tlie euiimier of 1.775, 2Ll:'te.1- wliich it is e:1l?e<:l.:1,t<)W11. The ul1.:i11§_;e was Imufle (:ilu1'ing' the time (if Hie A1_neI'ic:L11 Revolu- timi. 'l.‘l.1e liret :i]i.~st1-int, or which is the seine, tlie fil'Sl3 town meet- lllgg; wins at the l‘10uee ef l£l_)GEli(3Er1('}1' M.-u:l§i11‘r.i1'e, eitmated zit the ;‘5()ut‘,l’1 part of the eurnrlimi, wlierei all the town I.I1E¥8t-lllgfi were held uiitil at liuilee of w'e1'sl'1ip W'E:LS erected. Alltel‘tlf1:1t-tll1.1(?- tliey were lielcl in the 11‘1eeti-11;; lmli:-se until the preseiit. town hall was built. 'l‘l1i:s fir.~:t town II.1(.)J(3tJiI].§;,f was helil .'\l:u'eli 12, 1755, wlieu Hicl1m'<.1 D:'e:;ee1' w-a,.~3 eliesen (J-l(_’,I'l_*I, :.Lm_l iiRi<_-,l1:m.l Dreeeer, Limit. Obadinl1 N.ll-.LUl{iI.1txlI_'L3, cl{i)1}a-1.l1:?lI} Bullzml, .lul111 I.}reeee1' zmil E.l'»e1;1- ezer M:-lul{il]tl1't!, eelectixnen. The WElI' 1'o.em'd of this town dmfiiig the Ame1'ii::m ii-4-fV'(_‘)ll1t-iillll is not as full as is new cleeii-ed, yet it is evident tulmt the llll1:l.l_)— itauts entered fully into tlie spirit which prodiieed the RevelL1~ 10 tion 3 for some twa wvzaeakss })ef'm'e the ?Dec1:m1ti<:>11 of §_r1t;1e};)ex1(i— ence was sighed at Pllilzzdelplkia, the tmvn Veted ti’) su}:>p:3‘rt the (f}{>11ti11e11ta.1 C011§.§ress in c1ec1:L1-ilxg the U11‘ite<1C(3'l(;:1ies inde,- pende11t of Glmtt B1'it.ai11, to the “ extemt of tl1ei1' lives umfl fortunes if they shall co11sid-er it expedie1t1t for :~321f’ety.” rsmd previous t0 the battle of Lexirixgtozz, they were mmitzg mid drill» Eng 21142311 for wax‘. E11 1774 they elected Capt. Jc‘.}1.1:.-‘1.i”.}‘1zL"1‘1 '1‘m:ke:' to attexnd it p1'ovi11cia1 c:011g1'es.~fs at C(")l1(:(,)1‘d ; ztnd in J':m11:u'y of 1775 he was c}1ose11 :tgai11 to :1.tte11d the c011g1'e.~3ss at C:1mb1‘idg(;e ; £Ln(1 in May, Rev. Caleb Cu1'ti1=s_, the first n1i11fiste1' of the town, was 01105631: to élttfiiiid the same <;:<>:t:g;.‘ess to he I1£‘:.3<1 at V1’ :1tm*- tmwx. ‘ That tlmy were not u111I1indfu1 01" the wzmts Hi’ the sm1<.lie1' .i.<3 evidexlt from the flwt that it "was Voted in Mz‘1.1'L:}1, 1777, tlmt “- Ntztxvithstzmdizxg the gigezxemus hotmty ;_§ive11 by the": (5(mt.i- ilefltill C011g1*es$, and at fm.'th(-31' a1.dt;1ittimml szma gmlxtczd by the Ge11emI Court of this State. it is our xnosett .<:se1'inus :1.m.1 (t::1111111I'2*i£-mimmd 0fii<:;e1' and _;;:-ivatv. that 3113.11 enlist for tlwee yezms or <:1m.*iz'1g‘ the. w:1.1'.” ’I‘l'1s}. tmvn 2115:; Votedcl0t11i11g for the F5f}]L“01‘Ei, mad m5:11t 11112:-5:fs(*11_s;jt_-1';s' to m11vu_y their gifts. T *‘TI1e d8pI“GC‘.i£itiG}1 Qf tlm vahxe uf p:1p::—_=:(1* t22<:2z:3y z::‘m:~::zt h:w<* ham} tin‘ gI’£-3{Lt{3}“ dII1‘i1t1§_{,‘ tlm Revulutiml thzm in Chi"? ti2‘1'1<_~ of am‘ late War, si11c.0 in 1773 the town voted £3() for tho aimppmt; mi" p11b]i(: s01’1rm1s, and £30 for 1‘m(:eSSa11'y' (;l1211';, where:1s, :-six year's z:.tte1'w:miis, in 1?’?$3, they vutaad .£J:2{){} for tsc~.h00l;3, and £200 for 11e.mssa1'g,r c.:l1:z1'gess, :-md 30 aahillixlgs a day for work on the rmmds ; and the 1.1m~::t yoztl‘ tlmy Voted £1500 for stthocrls, zlnd :1 day few \“v01'l«’; on flu: 1'm1ds.. This-3 state hf tlzizzgs W:-mt an till the p»:2.pe1* I3.1{.}§}€.’§}’ in (z§mu1:ttim1 ht»- czmne w01rtl11e;~.:-as, as it "vvag in the .‘:-muth at the r:.lm3£=?. of 11m rebellion. % ‘ t Tmvn 11:eeti11§g;s Warm f’req11ent d1.11'i11g t1m.<=.e. y(:~:u's,t :md ITl1'l{t1i1 of the tiinff W33 €3§3(}Ii1}i{?.d with 1n21t.te.1*sa-pe1't:Liniz1;g§ ti} tlm xvmz. ll Tin1e does not permit one to speak of wlmt this town (lid. in the War of 1812, or the Me:-ciotm war, or that of the late rebel- lion, except to say this tewn put 193 soldiers into the znmy in filliiig her quota; 1101' slmll I dwell upon the Slniys,1'el.)ellion in 1785»--6, when it is said this town ltea,ned lnmil teowzmle the side of the rebels, eepeeia;ll_y cle1ir1m1<,li11g tnxzxtioii encl n1o1'e paper money, the some as some in om‘ lzmd at the preeeiit time. i Isainli Blood Was the first liepresentutive of this town, of which we hove nny 1'eeo1'd, to the Great zind Geiieml Court of M:1SS:1Gl1lISOttS to he held in VV-atertmvn in 1775; :.111dC2tieh Axmnidowii W:1E5 the first Represeiitotive to the Leg;iela.t1i1.'e of this State a{"t.e1' our imlepeildeliee was aolmowleclged by Great Britaili. It (loos not ztppeaié that amy one ever went to either House of Co1'1g1'ees, though John Spurr, Esq., received it decided mnjoi-it_y of the votes in this town for Representative to Con- gress in two izistnlicas, hut foiled to ohtnin 21 ellfiieient lliimher of votes in other p:;L1't.~s of’ this 1'ep1'esent:1tive district to secure hi;'~; election. this town l11lS not furnisliecl men of great I'(~_'.11()W11:-1l')2'mi{'l, I do not lmow that she ll:-1:-5 g1e'e:it erimimtls. If there have been :»n1y_I. ommot ‘£:_f‘lVG‘i;.l]€'l1' nmnese. It a,ppe.>'11'.~.4 that in Morel), 1764, a vote of the town xvne paesetl. to :‘1.ooepL one awe of land 2L little of El.)e11eze1' M:1el{- i1it.i1'<:‘°e ilozmi, for :1. ‘°l_)111'ying g1'o1111d,” wliiieh is on the old and north 1"_):u't of the ground as it is now elieloeed. There are at least four other oen1etm'ies in the town at the present time, one of which, that at the City, as you are :iwm'e, is of recent c)1'igii1. i 3;‘ii11(:.(-*. the well":-ire of every eo1nmm1i_ty is so I.I'1UL1l1 lI1Ll{.§.l)t£?'{.l for its 1;)1‘()H1I)G1'i1.1y to its (?r,Zrzc:cLafz' :n1cl 1°elaT_r72,'ou..s* 1):*’ixrileg;ee it is oo1't:1iniy import:-mtt, on an oconeioii like this, ill:-1.13 eoixietliiiig should he said in 1'e;_::11'(l to them hoth. Aln1o;~5t il1'1Il1eLii:ltCly .;ii"te1* this town _‘V{llfi set off f1-oI11Oxfo1'(l, the inlmhitzuitss took. nieeenres to secure echo-ole o11<;l the ‘[)I‘(3.‘&li(tl'1ll1g' of the ;;'c>epel. In the first wn1*1'ant. for :1 n1eeti11gt.l1e1‘e wee :-111 article to “‘-i\/lnlie such grant of money as the distric;-.t niay think neoe.~ssn.1*y for the I 1; i. ec=}.1_c>c.>1i1t1g»_: of the ehih.h.'e11.}” end when it ‘Was :;u:ted 1.1pm1, £8 of 1 ‘Wftfi 211::me}}v’ were Vetedé fer setho0]'in,0‘, while less ‘them ‘£7 L3 tV*ei‘@ .g;1'e.1§'tes:t ;“‘e1' stilt et-her ertpensaee. Air. u.1mthe1,' 1"z1eeti1.1tg ehwret twe Weeke ef;"tet' it. wzte ’ve‘=‘:.ed t-hiit “the ee.l1(>els he kept £11 two pimfree in C‘-harlt,e11, the (me (:11 the m>1't.h side, :>a..;‘1d the Qt-he1' 011 the .~3m1tl.1 sicte of the «:het.:riet" _; zmzfit E infer‘ that what is u1e:m.t. hy the south side was wlmt is new the eenter, and wlmt is ezilled the n01_'th side W’:l.S'}1€;‘:'LI‘ what is now called the north eicha, as :1 Baptist church W.-.-1.5-2. not long after ()1'g:L11izeL1 there, and :1 Co11g1'eg':ati(n1:iLl church h_ere in the center. Two yetnss aftezf it was Vt.T>‘t(3d that the sehcmls he kept in three phwee. In 175’? six pererms were chosen as :3{j1'1()01 c.m'11111it.tee. The sehe0h:~‘. at fimst were evidenthy only in the wi11tte1',t:1e there wzts zm.:11'tic]ei:1tl1e ‘?‘hr::LI'1.':'1'}1ti,t1 1756., “To see it'tl'1e-. district will allew eeme pzlrt of the money that was gt-elixtecl }:1..~3t year for the selmols to he laid out in hiring :1 3011001 dame this eun.1me1' for the benefit. of those. thz1t hm}e t':L11'iil‘ies of erlmll (:11ild1'en :1n1:i>11g us,” zmd when this ezmle up for 2-1-(313if)l1 ’“ it V2 5,: deeidettl in the 11eg:1ttive.” It was voted,“1mweve1', seen after that “the $€'}.}‘(_)()1‘ e0111mittee elm}! provide sel1(miing eem-.11 p:u't shall choose," W1'1€‘-I}, muteuhtedly, the p1':;u3ti<:e he;_§:m of 11:~1viug eumn mer schools, as no more l.I'1e11tiI")'l"1 ‘is mzxde of the quteetinn. For eeveml years the schools were p1-01‘>a1)l y mat keptin h(mS0:ii erected fur that spe(:i:a.1 purpose, as it was voted in 1757 tlmt “ each part shall "pmvid-e their (JW11 $01100! llmxee,” while nine years :1fte1'Wa.1'de “it was voted tr.) have "eig_'l1th. at-hem] homes” (‘the p1L11'zL1 of house vme spelt l:——e-u-e—e—11, hell:-;ae11t‘), and :1. “C-.0mmitte.e of seven W11:-S :1pp<)i1:1ted to lay out the town into school wards and fix the hounds and the plexus for the school l10ueen." In 1760 it was voted to [mild eehoel houses and that the ;~:=e1eetmen he the .~3eh00l committee of the town, but the vote to huih;1 the zzehoel hemses was not e:.11'1'ieLl intu tetfeet, ee1't.:ti11ly not for I1m11y years if it ever was by the to W11 as such, as we 1'0-ttd in the records of the meeting in March, 1769', “ Voted, te raise mm1ey to build school houses h in the seveml wurris of the di.~st.1'iet. :md it passed in the negative.” Prob:-1-t My each school dis-'.t1'icteeventtmtlly built its own school house. I 1. 3 T}'1()I'l{_.!1‘h ve.1'y i'nm:.h l"I'l.+f.H'(j_5 naiggllt be s:*:i(:3 oi" “‘.W1:?i.t thisea ‘town has (l()1l(;b in 1:'e1f‘e1_j€: he (Ne1'Io012:efl tho. We1_f:11'e of the 'i;0w'n,., to :3:1._y the 102342341, 1f1:L:3 ba:3c:;"1. (:aq11:1.1l_yinvolved in it. Ed1.z.c::ubi()1.1 Withmlt t-11¢: 1T'a1i;:;ir)11 oi" the ;:;'] 1e:«1(1.~3 to i1i1f1c1eQli11y imd 1..icen.- ti11.~:~311r.:3;~"-.:.~:a., wl1ik;s %1.'(i»]i;,§i<%)1?1 witllollt (2c1m:::1‘i;iA011 Alertds to if':11T1:-mt.-i.(;i.*3111 ; Tlmt 1.1'1"¥'H'.p<)1;'t the p1'0:;u::11- i11;_§ of H143‘. ;,gc*>:~3[Hi:|. /U; :1. 111<'i:0t:%i11g*.v11i(::l“1 ‘w:L.~aI:10l(] A]_.')1,"fii S-L 1.755 ‘it W:lb3 ‘v(>‘t.m.l to build :: 11{1m;».t;'ing l‘m‘1Tt1.5(3 :11; ’L1':10 (:e1‘11;m' of the dis- 1;1.'i<_-.1;., '01‘ ‘Mu’: ‘1w:L1'(:'::2*.’t. 13.0:1v'c:11.i(;211‘t; pl:-tr.-.(;u tn the .1’1 '[')l'(Tf?.:l.(t1lillg11110113 01' i<:aE;:is1,1:)'1'c:Vi.<>11£s to T.11iS5T.i1‘.I1(3, :1.1'1d ]‘)1.‘iV:l11(3 i11divi(.h'1:1.l.~3 lzml d1':1,w11 t<'>§;_:;(:et;11e1.' 301113 timl')m' 111)O]1:'l hill \V('3:?3t of W"l"1(j»_%1'(T% M1‘. Jcnseph H. D()W(3 Imw I‘@é5iC1f?.E-3, ux1.T)(‘r<;:1;i:%1g; tl‘1:1.t plzme Wrmld he tlm (3C51'lt01‘ of the ‘itown. Tlm1%'o .~m.u1'11c:ug11 n1on0.y was V()t(3(1_GELC11 year for c011ecti11g 111:,Lte1ri:1.1sa, 14 yet am slow did tlm ‘W(')1'l{ Ilimvo tlmt it wuss 110:L1"y 1"n1I1.'ye:11's _f1:'u11’1 the time they clec:i.ded to lmild l:efh1.‘e tfl'10_y " voted to pm- vide Vi::.t.l‘1:1l..~?s zmd d1'i.nk f()1' ‘Elle 1'::.isi11g;; of tlwn 1:11w3..1‘.i:l1g l'1<_:i1se,” :1.n:,l °':.1p1‘)0i11t(:<;l :1: cn1'1]1'12itte(2 tn <1-,:u'1'_y :'m'1:m.l tlw :l1'ink ”; hgf. " Lll'l1}l‘{ "” at tlmt 1i1__11::: 111e:mt s<::.11<:t.11i1:;,:f 11m1'e tl“1:m colcl W:l.l1(‘I‘, 01' ten zmd (:0fil3e. lt \v::s 11'm1'e tl1:u1 :1 3-11:11‘ :-1ftr.é1' tljle l10l.l:~5Q. w:.1s 1'::.i:5ecl l>(:f(m:: it =-’:1:S so f:L1' :::m111':lot‘,o(;l as to lye ()<:c,:1pi<-«l, :15‘. it W218 lmt till Jllllt? 1“?lw'2, tl1r3y voted to put. pill:1.1':14 ll11(l(_)l'Kl'»l'l(‘ _£_;‘:»:lle1*y, :u1:;llltl1::tW:1s l1e,l'm'0 tlm lmtly .~u3:1f.s w(-.:':':~, built. 'l‘l‘1c~. pulpit. was 01.1 tlm 11_n1'tl1 side of" the l1n:1.~a:-, and :11; finst ltyngg; :~:::=-:::t'.~:: were made, tluz. 1110.1‘: sittitxg‘ on mm .id:: of T;l1(-"- l‘:<>1:sw., and tilw w01ne;1m1 ‘Elle ut,l1e1' .~‘3i1'1c: 11:) m:<;tl::r:si:z.~3t'i:_:::l ll:1:.~_4i11::r.~.4.~_»'. _w0 dye::1'-:= 'l)efo1'e. tl1i.~3, :lfi:(?:1' :1 (_livisi(.>n of tlle l1m1.~_w, it was fmllld tlmt fifty-fivc:.— were for 5ll1)1)()]'l1ll1g‘ p1'e::(3l;i.::g by t::1x::tim1 :m<;l 0110. l1u11(.l1'ed :md six \v<31'::: l"u1' s:1[')1):21't,i11g; it by :: l'1*0u d:m::.— tion. ' _I11 1?El8 an :1c.’r. w::s p:1s.sed by tlm lc~gi.~;.l::1;:11'e ”i11cu1‘p:_,:1':Lting Ismel \—V::te:'s :md ntlmr ll'1l1:1l”)lt:L11l1S of Cl1:u'lt(.m, into :L 1'(1lig- imls s(>c‘iet_y lay tlm 11:L111t3 of tlm P1'op1'it.2t'o1's of tlle nmv Olm- g1'eg:1.tim1::.l Ue11t1've 111ceti::g l1<)11.~30 :1l'Cl1:11'lt(m.” Tllis-: l]()l1S(‘: st(-)c3d where the U11ivc31's::.list l1()1lS€! nmv s't:111:.l:s, :1 mxv of l'1c)x'.s:e sli1e<:l.~3 l)ei11gA1'e1'11()Vt3(l to give pl:1:.:e for it, and was one of the l:11*gest in the L-rsullty of W'(,)1':3(,=.stc31', :,-.:'mt:1i11i11g one l1u11d1‘ed pe‘s.v.~3 lmlmv and fifty in the g:1lle1'y. A11 e11g;1':LVi'11g of ‘llliss house I11:1y 1):} 39311 in: the " l\Zl£LsS£L(."l']l1SGttS Iilist-(>1-ic:Ll Collecztioll” liy J. VV. B:.u'1')e1‘_. This, l::11‘g;e :18 it Was, 11-ad but :1 l’>1'i(~:f l'1isto1%_y, for it was (_lé.ui(:le(l in 1839 % to l.1:Ll-{G it down, :1.11d meet 1.33 the one in which xx-*0 are nmv :1ssc31i111‘)1<:d, 1:110 E!X1I)01‘l.‘5(: of whicrh tog;et;l:1e1' with tha tz1.1:i1‘1g (lawn of the old house, as 1‘Cpo1"tec1 by the. a0rnmi1;te<3,h was $4115.21. 'I‘l1Q (Jcmgyeg:-1ti_n1*1:1l c:h.m‘c.}1 Wm f'n1.'1‘11ed A1361 16, 1781, and wmn~sI1ip1.}ed. in the fi1'.~3t 1h1c">11se, m1d 1313631} in the s«:u::r:m<;T, tihli in the yam.“ 182?’, f'<>1*t:y»2h1ih:1.i3 y<:~m':i:s :_1g;;‘o,.th<”2.e h1x~;l}i1‘:, the I1i;;'§1est .-s:2I'>:3<:z‘i1;>ti<;z‘1 fiir whi<:.h. was $800 hy C3431}. §-4:~:!:;:2}’1 '{‘v;_nme. In 1801:: mzzw Lslmmh was; <;:1'§_f2-mixed‘, and :t p:1:'i:‘-.211 iz1c01‘pm.'— :1,t‘.s“3d in the” s.c3:.‘:t11x-veht p::,1't of C1h:11'lt; rSm:ie.t_y in the tm-V11 of (."3h:-=1.1'1t(.:11”; Wh‘i(_.:h is the $211110. ass “elm. p1'(-:s1.'idg;e, ‘r.h:1t.1.):11't of ~‘t3¢)11tl1l')1':iL1ge W11(:‘.1‘G their I'3_.::‘1:3ca ht’ x\*t:)1'.1'gz1i1ized at tlm I1()I"t1'I Siifiiff in 7E_"'&’6'2, t11:')t1§g;i1 it chess nnt uppezu‘ thztt :2, p.*a11‘i.~::l'1 \m.=i; i1.1(fi{1}‘1.’I:}i’}}t::i‘i3£¥t:’§\ with i'11::t:m1.11<-E: tiil 18(f)ei. ’F11e%.z' first hmrse of W(}}h'Ship was s{>m<:2 zmzgz 1'1{I1}d2‘{.'£1 ru»:ihs nwrth Qf Win-.*:1*<3e the sehml hmiae mm’ St£l‘i}{hZ-§; aim} the .‘::<;u;.{m<_1‘ lwuse, 1-*:1.~3 wlwre tl1e srzithaol lmuse is 110W lmmmd. Ai’te3: this 1mu.~.~:~e w:.1.5s T.2~1hZE’:11 dc3.«w;11 Hfléii hell x-vms: plztczed uprm the ]31;'0S(-3111; .~‘:~ul1ool llczxxse. T1113 0111111211 exissthcl s_3eV(e:11t;y~ five ye:L1's, zmdh laml four pznstcma, the lust of Wli1r.m;1 was Rev: Jzttrlezs B()()1‘1’1C‘1'. At 11i.~3de::1t.l1 the (3:11[13;‘(.11’1\.~‘+’:'lA:*:‘ (fIjihsh:‘11h1ded. Dur- ing scmle, of the I:1stye:11's of the exisizazmccy of’ 1311155 ssoceiety they ’:~::I1:m::d t;hei1' houzese (.)fWU1‘S1‘1ip with the Ux1ive1's:LIis-ms, each mmd in 131123 (iehter of this towix, zmd held t.11eih1' :1‘1eeti11g$ in the Ia,1'ge I}‘1eetiz1g 11012363, ta }vI1i{:.l1 rc3i':31'e21{:e 113313381: xxmde. liev, Edxvzzrflt '1‘1m1e1* was the only pastor‘ they even‘ lmd, and he 1'em2-1i1:e(1 with th<~3111 2:}_‘»<:mt i"m.1r _y'€::;L1's. h J j 111.1838 the U11iV'®1‘S1L]iStS 1'e.n1oved fmm the north side to the 00111361‘, étlld Lmited Wit.11 the T.T11it::1.ri::1.11s, 1111c1e1* the 11:.Lme of " The First Union Society of Chm-113011.” This 11211113 tlmy 1'e.—- t:Li11ed f01'.thi1't.ee11 yem's,Whe11 in 1851 tI1£::_y cI1:1h1h1g'eve1' wlmt is Iimw Fisk. Cum- miiisi s‘tm:'e ,; :1t‘terwl.1iiel1 tl‘1e.ylnc.:1te<;l in Clizirltmi Cit_y,:111(il smm ereeteti tl1ei1.' present limnse of ‘vm1'sl1i1_i. A few ye:111*s sft.e1', :1. l1(T)1lS@ was lmilll in lJe'|:n1<;lVille, by sul‘)— seliptimis fz'm11 persons of dift'e1'e11t 1'eligio1_1s (.le11c)mi:.mtiiee11eec11]s:'ie(l miuali of the time by any one. A few yemss age the Aclvents lmilt. :1 lmuse oi" W01‘- ship Wl1iel1 they occupy still, near the sel1(m'l lmuse No. li-—-«it: l)ei1'1g the tentll meetiligf lumse built in t1"1<*>t'l1i1fl,¢;_2; 1m“>1'e tlmn to tlms li)1'iei’el_y refer to :1 Very few tl‘1i1]g‘S in relztxticm to the 1'eli;;i.<>l1s instit1.i- tions of the t0W11. ‘We now e1:1t-er upon e1mthe1' eelitury of mu‘ n:'1ti(m:Il exist- ence. V-Vllzlt impo1't.:111t events will he 1'een1'(le1.l fol‘ the use of the llistorizm at its close We slmll not he 1")l'4'}%:}lJ11’[. to llezu‘. 'l‘l.1e p01)1‘1l:1ti()u of this town 100 ye:1l1"s :1gow:1s lI:3_]»(,l, while :1.euu1'Ll~ ing to the census of last ye:11' it was 18:52. It has l_»ee11 2L few l1u11d1'ed 11101'e tlmn tlizlt, 246$! in 1837, zlitiit-Ot‘Clll1g to l3:l:i_yiv:l1'<.l’.~a New E11a;:»-]:u1(l G:.izettee1', n1:1.ki11s; 61‘? mrwe tluui :11; the ‘)1'l3F5€5l1i;' C} k_.- time. Tl1m1g:l1 tllis is quite :1 Ll(}{31.‘EHLS8., yet it is not near as much as some otl1e1's of the ilil-1‘I11l'l1gf hill tmvns 01" M:1ss:1c:l‘1u— setts have e:»;pe1'iem.:ed. i. M2'my wm°tll1y sm1sa11d clzu1;g_'l1te1's of Cl1n71'ltm1 lmve go11e out into Ollllfll‘ p:11‘l.7S of the l:u.1t,l to help build up one of the most pO'W(31“f11l Imtieiis on the fiu:.e of the globe, great mid powe1'ful at the present time, but destined to l;>ec:{>me ixmnensely mere se, if intelligence and Virtue shall lceep pace with the i11e1.'ezLse of p<;>pul:1.tiu11. It is of the first i111pm'tz111ee to o111'f11t11t1'e 'p1'0s- perity tlmt we feel our dC'.p@}.1(i€‘:l'lCQ upcms the God of imtions, £111-El m£1i11t:1i11 it lively 1'eg'u1‘{l for his eemm:111dn1e11ts, as l1e has 17 tauglit them in his sacred Word. Hence it Was EL Wise and timely suggestion of the Chief Megistmte of these United States, in his p1'oela.1na.tio11 last Week, that the people of the T land on the One Hundreclth Anniversary of our Independence give " devout thanlisgiving to Almighty God for the blessings which have been bestowed upon us as 3 iiation duriiig the cen- tury of oiirmexisteiiee, tllld humbly invoke a oontiiiuanee of his fzwor and protection. ”