AN ORATIOM DELIVERED AT LEICESTER JULY 5, 1324;. BY REV. JOHN NELSON; x»As'rc»xt or? CONGREGATIONAL cmmcn m Lrsgtcmnmjnfio r|.IN\f\'\IV\f‘\flIW\I\'\JV‘u’\9‘\o‘\fl:J"!\ Published by Request. LEICESTER: H0111 I3ROWN....m...PRINTEm ?334t ORATION. 'l"t-In reading of the Declaration of Independence, on this occasion, renders unnecessary any tfurther ode-, velopement of the causes which produced the war of the l ltevolution, and, as the final resultof that contest, the emancipation of these colonies from the dominion of Britain. That Document, even the historians of Eu. rope have acknowledged, stands unrivalled for its 91!“. gance of diction, its force of argu‘mpent, its lofty tone of freedorn, andrits solemn appeal to the G011 of A Battles for the success of the cause which it represents. Should all other history of’ the times perish, and all tradition he forgotten, and every vestige of the mighty contestl)e- sides pass away, still, that document would perpetuate the lnagnanirnity of thepeople whoserepresentatives produced, and whose valor sustained it, After listening to its recitalpot‘ the wrongs inflicted "upon our fathers by the pride and tyranny of the Moth- er Country, it would be something worse than super- Q ifluous so to dwell on those wrongs, as toeukindle aliem before tliis altar erected to the Prince of peace, the fires of resentment. It is repugnant alike to the spirit of our holy religion, anrl the dictates of sound policy, to main.- tain eternal iennmily against the parenl; state, thotlgli once irjrleed, so uvuttlatural and cruel, as to forfeit forever her claim 11p_o;u our allegiance. Butrthe faction which con» truled the destinies of England at _that disastrous periocl am] the«.Mi11isters“§vho‘ planned the nnlalvvful subjugation of America, and the majorities of Parliament who s1__,lp-V ' porteclitheir measures,ian‘cl thearmed hosts who brought 9 the Sc()uP‘“(30f war to our eaceful habitatious have gone to ayipearbefo1*e anotller, and a more alwfulltr-1bu.~ nal. a A l ‘VVhile, as an Indepmzdeizt stale, yve resist all entang» ling l alliances \5vit.l1lErigla11