A T N; 1~2;L EVE RED AT NmrBUR“rP@m1. 019' THE, ééiffl TH M T 0.? yvétfi” ’ 13,8 gm» 3.mUEL L. KNAPP: II ‘M :}’”2..'a:~£z.:';'.*«'.-*, cab re2«:acram g:r«:1:‘:a.~:5z£ ”J£:*'t.m:”: flan cmiuvrz, azrdor f::"«:.::=:rz1t _;fu!}€n:‘:'u7tm .3z57:;vr:.' mxsftzm £rz.mr::':z};~ z‘._;:r.—%:¢mr.é fiwflnse e;;:.:r:r:.e‘2~ sa:?£:a’wJ”~~-~-Wwwm "E‘MZi'€, El‘!€2’:U'UE‘«'E W‘. .t-'£2‘L.“'E.E‘i‘*~‘?~~ THE %Se1e&mefi Q? New‘bu“1~yport,in behalf of their felas low-citize%ns, prefent their thanks t0;SAMUEL L. KNAPP, Efq. for the excellent Oration delivered by him this day, in com- memoration of American Independence, and requefe a% Copy for the prefs. ~ . A ~ STEPHEN HOLLAND, C/éaiwnarza Nerwfiuryport, ffuly 4+, 1310.. Gmrnnmm, FROM 21 refpeflful fegard £0 your requefi 5 and in mm» giiance to cufcom, I fubmittlze copyto your difpofal. STEPHEN HOLLAND, Efg. Czvairman gf tlga Sgleflmr 22 qf Ncwfiurxaart. SAMUEL La KNAPF¢ us; wwm j..‘I‘wu"xQ_I"»1" ° thisxiaey A-wee ~~s11e}.11deeo1nee ferWa.1*dKWith epe11l1eams and indeepeexmdent emiends to discuss pI‘i1‘1Cip1€S of goeveminenwt ;e jt0‘x€Xp8.tiI;1t6,. with sim- cerity and justice» upon r’1ati0?%r1~a.1afi'air'ee; s.crup.- ulmxsly V tq:'e2ca11:.:«i!11:e the ieonduetg 0:13 Rulers and to see thatno stremge fire is offered bey«11j1:a.hea1-»~ lowed‘ I-’lEL11C}S. Q11 theee éitar “ efgi our liberties”; to a11imateca,.ende enlighten eacgh .eeehe;ri11!‘:i'epub1ic:a,1*1 feee1ifi'g:s mid dutiee, m ehmfiieh in;:ou;1#.e breasts thee love of distei11et~i_,een ea-ndv eter» Aawakem em: milede toe .21 v.i:rtL1m1s edesire of naeti%0ene§1;e greeailleese. ,A‘W7hi1ee0en this day we illdkllijfi a~,nob*1e pride in ce‘m;»e2np1a_ti11g Qu17e»X€1‘ti0nS fi)‘:~j€mdepe11deencee§ anfijifeed oeur imagina,tie11e,e wfith. £Tél::3:‘iL§1‘OLiS.ViC1?&?S~ Qf f'u.m1“e years, let us *1ned%.e1*»eteefeeQU,1* gay by cal.- ling to 111L:ie1"1d\ the f'c1’£€;; ef‘ all 1*e}_mb:1ieam ~., i.-:eeti1.z.11- tions. Wl1~e1*e once V the supe1"~l1%1m1m1 Spe1*-mm, the courtly A At11ei11i.a,11,. elude the Imrdlye Heznezl were found, is now seen, the id};e‘1"urk and the efi'eminete Ita1iau., The lawe, 0rf.LycL1rgz1s sane So1on,ethe, SenatL1,s«Cee11sL1,1tun1 arex: cimngecl £01: the i1npe1~ia1m.en'1daetees. of a. tyrant tome sh-a.vee;e VVede1ig§.1t to dwell, on the youth and 1*x1a,11heo& ef republican States, as we C10 O11V7‘£};1€'yOL1thi?2£I*1d beauty of Alcibiades, er the i1*onemus<:1ee and godfike mein of Hercules; but pass. eirn s;Uie11ce ehelqafllsoxneness end. edecnepitude of . th~ei1f.~eee1d+. peated the“ d :;.::.;.""""..".;'."'i;: age, when they exhibited all that is trteuaI1_i§ttg §uffe1*i11g and base in action. History faithful-E." 1}; records thei1:‘fsteps to wtetchbedness and ex-}_ tinetiéuz ; ’ but ‘we turn Aft‘-o"mt t}1¢'»i}’ix?.1a11Ch01Iyf. flownfal of Repubrlics‘ unwitling too c1eseiy‘tQ,_. iunspflect their su‘1Iie‘dt ‘briglttness ‘and dimini_ehet11%_ glory. A A ‘ . A A "'Switzer1a.nd is tIi1ieez11}yteX‘ceptionA among the Republics oftall. ages to natidnal" suicides. A She{ aloxie is iarerthy the tteatst of time and the l_amet1-9 tations bf =t1-1e? world; "i we The echo of ‘hen hills tea» H "ying accents tf1ibe1~ty on the’easVt«-3_ e1*nC*§5nti11ent. **** " A" " ‘A ‘ I “ * Kndw1edge"andt virtue are the soul of a,; Re«;_ public; V Without them no free govertnextteatz ‘exist. ‘ Ifment are intelligent, moral "atjtd A gious the laws are permanent and the'Mepeop1e5 happy, ; but unenlightened tman h.as:.'A%:11¢g>:”stabi1ity<' riff’ tci1taracte1';ft' " Iqiwnti 1msse‘ssiott1 “f peiWe’r' he is a} 3.:nCrCi1€ShS;d€SPUf, intheu power ofpthers he isfafi tame and pliautslaveg In,‘at“ft'eeV‘!gmre1*nment; and und’er_"miIdf3;=aWs11e is a ‘ violent ‘xjpposer of just rest1*a.i1i1t.tanchtthpletstomet obedience; writh- % bscutfe views, tstrc-tug paS?sious‘aud”vieioust pro}-' tpensitiese heis the enemy of his own fhappine"ss' and "the » ":}1ut1ior't of his ‘own " misery. {From a,‘ deep knowledge-otf thurrtali nature the twise" ‘Amen 9f a.utientjRepubiics seized the moments” ofpeace‘ A 4 and reason to fix’ some mbtmd “ against popttlatt j_3hren»zy; %to'sa%fe the peop1eVfr”o1nut“their owntin; fatuation ‘and fol-I-y.%" They appealed. etc‘; the ui’1«- detstaudiugs «pf the people in ttheizt eaimesrmow} mentts, at1d'to the best feelings of their he‘a.tts»,t’ end matiet thfifll. sea} the "checks to t}’:1€'II1S€._W6.‘i: M all the *iI1fluc11c'es§ Q1’ sttpers ‘ti’o‘n_Wan£<1réiigibm BIit=».i1‘1 train didthe Wise and t(ii1ftuQu%s%j;attempt tcrafg save %them“ .7,’ for A in the: firsft p§t1*OXySfl1f" the jlabors“ aéf fi' 7V'iSd0';17I1 were torn‘ away and bed-2.1116 2LS1;t2LI1dS'.. bf straw on the hands of at 1:;*a11ia.p.% The infue-. "'i*iTa.t§;d,. multitudé drove: their satgefs i_1‘11ZQ, ba;nish §; mam; or’ cotnpslied them to dtink.t11tc“pt)§.sonous, m1p.t4 Hanorable services werewtot safeguard from t116i 1‘fL11‘y; and an iHuSfi“iO> ts riame only ;eXVr:.itec1% tettvy an‘d% ‘hatred’. 7” Othertthings ‘were ezqaects-sic’: ‘of our Republic; A i7o1“‘A'*}2\'re did not, 1ike*t11emt«bcginintg state of bar-A 1i3ta1‘i_é£t'i“ ig;11€;):I‘3;Z1C€taIlC}."V’Va.it the lapse ofages for I:11C>W1ecig¢atidt%M expetiettce ; "butt in the "moments" st1CC‘eed’ing*"’%t1*1e‘* §1_:rug'g1e fer our I1*tdepertd’et1;::e",t4t :§?vh*étit%tt_we “Wéte ‘q1iVit%t froth Weakness,ta11d pea;ce,«- f\‘L1’1~'Vb:€C'a.1,1$5€' a€Xh‘駔fl’§téd, by conte13.dting,.the talettt,‘ (‘Jfour ccixtmtty ms‘ coltectegd to deliberate upon; 3'Cjd11S'titutiO1'1 tczrf government.. A Every fountaitt (Sf knowledge was topen; aI1"t1‘1<: tt1a:tizns%Aof 1t>’s_ophy agtjthzttlld ;; madt ‘“ allythe spoils of time” vteie 'b“éf’d1~te’*‘ than mks ‘Etta; i’~fie~d and-gombgizgecl. \ I ‘ _ ‘ minédta S¢1¢ctéci=m0d- 5‘ The5Cot11st3Ltui:iQV11 from. thc-331*‘ Imiids was theoy-ttV 1‘etiC‘a?.1L{;;rf"Eeétt1tift1i%Eftijd grantd. I The ptittcipies vxier'e"sii*ng_31e gbuilt on the. evcflztstittg founda- Qtions (§f?‘jf;t1~Stit3f.i§;“B211;1“i€i‘S W€:1”%61‘<';1iS€d againstttt V th‘e~tencr0’2tc}1m¢nts‘ Qt" Weetlth antvd p0W’§€1"', and the v<.’rea.k’a'nd 't1cfence1ess'W*é1"§:f protected in their t;;ightws.* " “Thé widtmt field fat: pkplitical distinction wasttcgtento all. A’ VVe¢3récaivéd‘t11is Constitution. ’Wou1d*to Hewett teve ha«.:1 been tvfqe enough for V ztts full and c~cmtiinua.1 opet~zttion. ‘We Were.” D§f;33ISU“§uC1fiD.flylViI“YL1¥fOU‘5'fO1§" this system’: {if gov-V ‘ E3‘ ' ‘ m ‘ :m%n.mem.%;~f0r.Awhi1e%. wé'%w‘e.%re feeling: xtg xrazmsfzg b ,ejnefici%a}. “ .e fi‘eCt7t$4,! dis appéimzed &e1?n;a,gQgL1_€S 5,s:a.tter+i1§1g Aa1nb,ig,1i‘0L1S AA voice,S,; which w.eA1§e cauyghg me find Vit;iQus.% T118 A _ seen 1Vi11*&i_ng§’ 7’é31i”s paradise. th6A mowing aftfin its c~rea‘;tAi70 .m &ThiSA.% Party at % fifsfi %*¢§i‘¢»;113a12d1Y‘ nqtiéed; % ,Th6ySh.f'L1i1?K fi‘Q111 *£:3fr*3:Sp3.ai1iC.1id bl-?t,Z€« Qfialénta m-.i.*t§.o%114a1 COL1n;;i14s;.?'A f:'Q1n t11e”im~. I‘113.Ci11a.’€C p‘i;1‘i53§?‘ 3 +re11oW11e%€’§,A% i='§i*fiie3 of Agar first. magis‘tmté’A; ”b'£.;L?3 M .<:gE(_;1*et ‘x“.hejr_ W e1*c gainiqgfi» $I1‘¢ngth&4nd ran¢®u1*« disa~fi’¢cWi Part Of the comnrmity 37oin¢d t3?€m&%9V¢nt thsir nia-3iC»¢::; a»Vndt1i?e :We+%1< mgan.-,s %vh®wWas$ a~1nbiti0f% their gamed, bfdreamsy of11o.:ior., ‘ I_i§1f...,drn%t1%1e €O1f1fi.11 6§,f cf.da%r1:ness,«th¢%6%0~1>péAse:~s$ éfAd*111inWati0n: ” «if VVaShin%gwn, L a:an1e’fdi‘t11 % 9%¢11é%t1r6 6«V%*¢r:>¢» 3,,cti0n and: attack .§;**re1*y raea.s,%L11*e:,V..A% 2*ega1"d1.esys dscency? 63: it1.S€ic&eA.. :EVe1*y act file. ;.:*1c£ri2.iA11iérs»; t"1:fationg4 hd,W:ever :ni1d;%"and;L%sa.1:ut?é.ry, was faction calleldg A 0p.press~ive' a11d t3r1*a11nical.' * A my of dfiémger w2;s%. so lmid anE7 so ; fi+eq;u»1e:1t1y. i§61'atedi¢thatV the tiinii. % alarmed, aI1d%f the; Wea.k”Eec’am€ S11SpicdiQu's.‘ LA: I7efig €h, a.fi:e~1~ .tw§:I%§fa: Thai: yyaars uniform and vind;ic_‘i;ive apposition j.frpmA% this par*::y, to the g-ezauirge "principles of 1*»ep31b+a.~ iwicmaismg M17. le.f“£erson h¢adrCVaanMe% i1'it0§QfflC3r.:-‘ Vffashington foréig11t‘yt:a.~1's; gas: Lfrd us l:3»§ré.A‘~;%'c,fi,-V!’ rrfect r0§df',ar1d'”rapid znargl-163% ta 2; "high &eminex1ce,VM1. A @n1ong‘” Af1a~ti0"ns"[; but at thispeltiqai he was no}. lcngernumbered mall the livtingq, His in1An1é€:di-V 3;‘:fiAIe %s1i::cess%or,%_1‘~ /§r.% .a'3.c‘§;21x:z'2*.;-3,4 durring 'i1is;tei°1n of” A 6951064, withhfew deviat§02*;s, f~?a§i:s;e1y ‘followed his stteps. Atwthe name of:hE.s mam may Abosom Z3.»- bj;01l1'S» with millglcd. amoiiczm caf raxmrazxee, ‘FM gr; 3!” s,:1§Leo'h’:je‘§cnpt; Had he never spostatisecl fl1ebprino“ip1eso“f h1SbgI'tp3£1t prototype, We should. — ontbisa:“1niVersa1*y have been‘ wreathing s.r:a ‘Ie.2mds offiowers for his Lveneeable head ;; bforbhe was an ea;1*liy oandable acb;roca.te_for the I1'1depen-on idezuce of his couI1t1"y;~. ,If11ebhac1 died before his ‘vanity and wounded pride had o'v?e1"eome his i*easo1j1,We should on this day have been strew... ing his gmve with Cassia a11dfde"fending t11ebiu- rels of his tomb from the ‘pestilential breath of" ‘his present friends; A V A Mr. Jef:Fe1*son’s Admixfistration deserves from every one the strictest scrutiny and freest re-— e‘‘ma.r1: ; for in ins bAdrmn1stmtion the Worldxvita hessedb the most novel spectacle it hemlevexf seen; a peop1e by the bare esuggestion of pa thief magistmtecut off froma pursuit inhW?;1ich they were srdemly zmd successfully engaged, and on which the‘i1~ dearest interests depended. Themistoeles "is immortal on the page of histo-e fry for p1*evsi1ing on 'the‘sAfl1e11iar<.s iii a time” of 'difFficu1ty to cp_1itfl1eir city and tmstb ‘themselves “to the sea. ” M1“. Je{’ferso11 by 3. simple die'tu.m ;has done mom to an immense Cd1:Li1t1"y, thamthis great man ‘did too; single city,by ixucessszmt labour, matehless eloquence and A profound art. V {But here a111'ese111b1z-mce I vanishesb. The act of one bseaired and esbtablisllebdbfhe liberties of .G1'~eeee, the act of the other impobverisbed sod degraded his coL1ntz*y. Mr. }ePfe1~sonb, fed by the philosophers of France, with visionary plans for A “time impmvernentof111m1e.1i nature, 11nfortuna{te~ap ly for us was clothed with power to iputsomeb of tbesese11ernesi11 experimem. A ‘He cofltinuedw % > W T e"§hes2emeespeeu‘1a.tix%e z'ea1'et, a.1thoug11 the sc}:mQ§ in which he taught, with an “theirfaI:1cifu$_§;M ‘theories and wiijd %ca1eL.11atio11s fem give unalloyeqi happihess to Ihe'”wor1d,p'e'1'petuity toenfe, and tar *5e1evair.e& xiienioe gocis, hed long Sinée b.een;1sWep_te ‘from the earth and the reme1*n.br4a.ne'e of their ‘existerme alnrost forgotten. The seed sown if: r this ecouzmiry by France“, during her revoluitiorxy, has produced 3. plentiful and poisomoué harvest, Atth‘ethoL1g‘h*Zs of France our old Wounds bleed refresh, amizl no hand is able tdr Stetinch rhose recently made. from France forVrria.rIzyLyears we have sufiereci vielehce, oueage and 1*ot§ber'jz_ with ‘.729. erirxgirng spirit and dastardly‘ dread. "What; {she has trfeeited us with the racist egmtenipr, we have courted her with the most$er‘viIit}*; anei have kissed the feet of Bonaparte, when it has been Iified to crusgh our héadé in the dust. Our fcitizrens have eXpirfedA4 in {lie rdrxngebrgs of France, and {our property has gone‘ {:02 replenish. K; her« exhausted treasury. It is true ~o]ure governs- menthave rem‘onstra‘te.d; but sea feebly, fisher the rnighty masteerr of our dei‘atiNr1ie'é«*$ haé fdld us lire. had not leisure ‘izdlisteri i;c>’ou'r complaints; , _ eThehistQri3;11 era. future age will beQiinéL?31e to account for this moral aed pdliticai phexaorrla renontheéztAa”11‘atidfi, which hadso riobljr ce'11te1’1d}~ ed fer I1adep*e:ndence, $04 l2;te'1jr Sevinfieed Asuefi AA fortitude and péitribtism‘, should in so few years; Vbeeome totally insensible to the prostrétion of herhonor,andregard1ess‘ of the lives and lib}: "erties of her citizens‘. hsteadedf éssertixlg ouir rights anddefending our property, we have been A Aga%‘zi11g‘r stupid %'Wen'der' er; the fg'i‘ga.r:xitie strides A -- .- Av z /-:-r Wm ’ ' E tite iCi'estroyer,t and at times I-rave‘ to far for’:- wgottettr our fate, that we have found pleasure iii odesrcribittg 11ispowe1~, ambition and success. We have se’e11‘tl1ile ciettrsrof deatlt fallaott the natiporrs: “'aI‘OL1II7£?l htrm with SCa1”C€lr§? arr emotioia of pity‘; 3iG1*eia’t.%G0d I iflcitv long shalt this r:lesolat"rrt0'f lfnationsf wear his lc1*own’ tstainedi with tears aitei ‘dripping lwitlt gore ? How lonlgisiiali he bitzi‘. ~fierce defiance to eternal justice; A and yet p1~os;. *;per,la‘s never man prosperecl. ? If Americana lipossesaiefcl the proud spirit, for Wltielii they were ‘once distin:guisl1ed;,the storms VVl1iCl5il1El.V'€'Sl1a.i§';61'2‘ Euirope, Wottlcl have roliletzl at a ltarmlesls dis-'-; ~-twee‘; A Had. our g‘OV6i‘1’11T1€‘i'ttil£‘.iS€n in the rriajesé» ty of her strengtlt, the star which has shed ita baleful iitfluence on; Etrrope,; would not ltave xlartetd a maligr1a.11ti' ray on ua. ‘Wltat are the armies of France to f‘:LmeriicalA.n irmrrerise o-‘#9: mean rolls between tie, “ arid the thottsilaricl shipa *t:>fE:.tgla1icl” rider on its Waves; Hacl we p1*e-In aerved ourlittle navy, 4 and made opropera.addi?-« tions to it yearly, We shoulcl have been able at this period to protect our commerce froittfrencln elepredations; nor should tve; y,’10'W be burning rwith shame and indignation, that tour property’ and rights havebeen adjudged by it paltry Dana rish Court. Is it not enough to rire freiemleia rewitlt mEtCl1’1€SS that such a petty power should treat :t1s so villainously V? And “What is worst of all, that Weishottld so tamely submit to it E‘ Our rtt- lers have seen this tillslllt and] clegradation with perfect indiffereitce; M They will not enter inte emit feelings or alleviate our distress. But their to mmm% A ofioe is not 13erpetual.i Gtiielr~ times are ieotrt», hug, and the government will pass to other men. Already some of these political.“ glow worms ifgin to pale their inefieetual fi.res.;”’ Tliotiglii the darkness is still great, the morning may be rhea-r ; and when the day again, shines upon us, the peoplewill be convinced of what has oftetfi heentolcl them ; that by eomraeroe only this country can grow populotia, opulent and distine gui.-shed. t Deprive us of our tcornroerlce and we shall be stationary or retrograde. Commerce is; t the sacreéi Palladium of our rights a; and as long as it is extensive and prosperous, this country will increase in numbers and potarer. Some poms iiticians have eaolaimedaagfiainst a nation of there chants, as they are pleased to -stile commercial :ClC>‘L1ntI‘iE:Sg and asserted that no true peatriotiistrt could «exist among men, who were inspureuitttof riches. But We know these opinions to be~ina correct. To prove that true national dignity ggndsglory have been attained by eommercetfiwe .,-have only to glanceat the history of commercial nations. The people of ‘Tyre, while their trade flourished, were the most enlightened and invimw -eihle of any nation on earth. The arts and sciences were found :amo11g‘ them in ottgtfeatter perm‘ tafiicftion, than among other nations-.o In aocumud lat-ing property, they did not forgets the new eessity of defence. . Though not very numetrotts fihey presented a. warlike and formidable front,, are the great nations around them. "Cartha~g.e avhosze character we have through the suspected medittm of Roman historiians,thei3: aconstant tene- tetmzesa ‘wee at small country, wealthy by coma ~ meavele A alncl c«dns~equenlt1 tionlof €ar1;l*1‘>a.ge« thee Roman W::u~1jiolr"se cheels: Wa$:. lyélanlehed with fear? mad the name of Hannilaali «;,mied terror’ wi'tl1i11 the Vv'lalilS‘0f Rome. In the: dmaylsl~oflth~eeMe=&1ici,wl1ole vve-reprinees and meral y powezfialeg Ate ltlzel mam; eha.ms, lleaminlg lrevived, and * léiberty took deep“ mo: 'i§ll13.dflOuTiSh€Clh,; lCommerCe ~shoWe1*ed hexfi Geld on lIl‘lItZ‘I‘a.lCL11‘€"3;l'1Cl’“_.l2l1‘€ arts and learning in; 3:«eturn4consec1~atecl the fgenilus A4 of Commerce 7by** binding his brow" llwith the 1*ich‘est offerings of th e: Fl‘mjentine muse; Hollemid‘ liaslll ever 4 foundlher Weight in(1:h~e sealel0.f‘lI12Ltio11‘sleexractly in propora; fio‘n~tc~> the prosperity bf‘ her trade‘; Look back!- ‘td theficlayg ofthe lDe"Wi”ltts, and compare them, with the. ijeign of L0u}is*.g" A If any onleVd’m.1b.ts thee; beneficial effects GE eommercle on ' lthe “ eiVil;gi1djj‘ peolihtical“ libleerties of a;;~pee;_j)le, poirifhlim te‘Grea.te.Britain, and he Will‘ flnfil “*‘l"l5la£$ her streng'thA:l ~2;.*nAd?~ influence lnars lincreas-«L e“d"’lwli*icl'1 llezft re.£+~éntiela,* fliflxaminerl her.history for at l cenmry past and 3701} will find shehas increase. ed in spim:-_ a;nd"ljn%d2i,ate:j+s%‘A 3611612655 in time: cfmjgf. Come lf31 €1'AC;flé?a§.:C§.fi“:3;€1-.: mo—st1v ‘:fii1e\dA:%With ii1(ji'i.1S”E__1“13;GL1S; ‘léabitmzts, w§.f10 i1":s‘t<::.e‘2.t‘§.%0f p1*e};§;ng on the Axritafars Qftiza ccsuntzry ?a,a$,?is1*1%t?a':ei1* I/VCVEZ,1':'I};1 0:21 it,_,which3z the oVe1~:‘E;3ma7ings cf H: prod u.ce,sV £211 3.? 'Jm.~a:~u:1 ‘perezfgntial 1’°‘10we1":~.-3 smd etezflaal v§;1*cia11~eg. In >1 éziues the 52.53;:-aritie%s of c?:1.2u.j°a.cte1‘ are E;i‘£1e:)Gfl;1€aC;:‘{.; and softened; ,a,11:3 the mamners 1‘em{:i*v~3 9, pc~1ish. from fl1e%%bL1sin=:s3“%and ;2me1~cm.1rseof }:ifi:¢ IQ égrgimers» the r<;’rg.:sL1ta‘iir311 of mm 3="‘.'o*3: v‘i:s.":m:§:$ 01" :§jfliS~.»iS %vxxmig11%ed in the ba1a.r1ce4~~a,11dj 4 %m4ari4:e7cI W§;t4J’A%%%: %pmp4e:;: Jntice ‘ and % regard'.« ‘ Assoc1ations%Aam« i§o1*1ne£1 for alleviating the m1is:m7i.es of humzmityvg. for coilecting stoxes«of infoa*rx:€m-.ic5~n from all pa,rm, of the Vvor1d,%V%a11A acizuowledge thei1*¢inc1e,p,:an{.1e1}ceg flies fetfdee iheyiiemair‘de’:eperieI1ce die mild reiignofinae eiezaai iibei~t}:r5f' wifithom: passirig th:reugh eonfu-a :$7iUI71 and ai1a1*eh.y,k ands learn from the fate of 07L'i'1¥-:2 natiens net to, fiiaduige in eeceiitric era;;3e“ri-» ri:iei'i‘a:si11AA formin gove7mment. This revolm; — tieniwiil open an eictensive trade 5 a1'1d:i£ 1‘??Z.lg_i1tiy'~s' ieapr0ved,1fepa:y us some meaisure What we have lost in Eumpe. ‘wihaiteivee path" our gov-ii~ emmenic may‘ puesue in this ? affair,‘ 011+ ‘many ethai » er ; iii Wiiaiewter hands our "Ci§SEHiAi1ifiS-may M be pla-»~ eed, may We Iaetneisdy aarear on-ii" sexitiments, and? fea1*ie‘s'*siy EXEACUEE eufr just‘ -de~te1an‘d vim me”, against loose principles’ and violemzpasisionsa Tiiiisie is federalism and its pro£esso1*s A haL.ve I.'I13;ge;:- nanimiouisly .i strove agairist stile torrent, and?‘ maintained dignity and influence when the pawn? miilad passed from their hands.» VThe federal Tigegrisiamre of em? Coimm._onWea»1th, last year,” riiskied their ‘political A existence in the cause of their coum:rfyi..A They saw the gulfhwas open and theipiague was raging; and like Curtius, they boldly leaped in as a sacrifice for the general good. The federalism are new a minority, but; apowerful minerity, which are yet to save use The party is new windowed ef its wretched” A Th.geiIirt1:e~ so..u1~s9 who iiierzged f’or:-their rles ofoflice,eha‘ve deserted our standard. Some ref them earerflattered and pmrnoreci ; burwef mot :(—‘;3;1V}7' memethe fruits of 7 *«“Ei1€:ir aposraicy. ‘Ir rrvas a, pitiful ambition, and iinost pitifully are xrhieyerewazrded. W'ha.r honor is ‘there inoifice, when ‘i’1DI1‘O1‘a,b'i6 émeri arieproeeribed .? ho is idesirous rofa seat in filter Councii, Where wi/ta‘ iings leadin the eieiiberarione. “ A A 4 ° The hourris mournful .a1‘h’.*i the proepeet glee» cmyei; ebur do~Lmet.grmr impatient. We have miueih to their}; Heaveii fair, and much to rejoiiee am eM:0estero:fr0urecivii rights yet remain. The Tam.» pie OfJ11S.tiCi!ei1aS been rehai~:::en7b37r r!tireiwareri»ng V ‘wiilds of ;:fa.crio11 :;;be~ut it etrmds as yer U11:prOi‘3.‘fl€d ;and its sacred fires are burning. Thee spirit, which rgainreidriour iI1rcisepencierree5 r rightly flireet-a reed, will preserve it. The gerrerario 1‘-1 to come %s3rri1I'g1"mvf.wise.:by our misfo‘rturres, warad shun the _?7evi1sf'p1°ospe1~ity gbu‘-2 was op‘- .portu11e::1}r cs.11ed~ to Hea.v>.sm L-earth alone coukfi. shielcl his cheek from bh1s?5.3in.g 214: his ccsum1~y’s 3E%'.3.111i1t011 the prf.d€: 0fe10qL1eme,a1‘=.<1 a! C3 F»: 3.4! He was mild as the syirits sf love, azxd}. i3.~;::.%A~ .}'9I.**§..a-dg hf: 1.‘:.ve<‘?1 1-‘:..r.-zzxezgicia, ‘W<>*:1Ei have 3,136.. a Paifnums for c-:‘=Je:r;_§,* starmg whs could iazrm saiikijg‘ ?;~.~:-3.55. ”h=:. ‘as,-*a,j3;z in 5% sizxiess night am $;h1'0:.1g11 2rs smifi. V€£~‘..1‘S has ‘§.€3SCf3.l1~‘C;iE‘;{?z’,~ I o ‘J 0» Such Wss $13.3" §:s=a-,+wz§? m p1‘ws.tr: ;".‘(V G‘ 3“, ‘ - 1. ... V 1 ‘E - -9. 1» 1".’ ms zmfi has ms?-.6 an as $19 E at .n:asE3..1s;;d.s 10 n . ‘H’! _ I >1. fir" fvlfl «$2155; pezztlcai :3:2"1<:,u1s€..s;. “ Y 5 graves . “E0: His 's';*;-.m::.E:s6 l‘»~’.2{§,r fathers, cm :a.c3ju?;e1*s of%;hs_se 7a3«.‘3-.f39 in the, ('_f'c‘~‘.-"54..-.":ISi*T, .4’-§a31erics.:2 ;:“::ec?c1:;j 5‘ fyamr 33.5.‘:-J: days mar 393st d.:»:ys3 car’ 52'-;;"e::.° ‘$33.16 sihrer £m:'-4:3; is loos-ed ;,"" sees. §,>*omr;' chfld1°e ’s chi3;dLrci‘& sise up to cafi you Elcssecia §,'rm;e.r mum;:§f* ozlrishhmg in 1*ep:.fi>»1icam Vi,?m.”§.$$ =7: «i3a.§.i};13 fss;::.::* zmd pm,m;;:‘x fun‘ vi a_»=-«-.3-=2 }.A.¢‘—.".