AN -EPRGNGITNSED AT sPRmG~:+‘IELm 40'-.2»: _f;’U.”r;Y 4.’1‘H, 2809.; 3‘Z1\T C0i\21E'§EM5R.5.TI0N 0.33’ AMERECAN ENDEPENDENCE“ eoauvkuauououoeouswooanoa :3? SAYv'lUl".-L BRAZER, 3U1,~z.. azxraoa-netnvaoohamh-)no» aaaaa anon SPRINGI"E‘£ZI.D, (i‘vIa.<:sach«..1se11s) PRINTED BY 'i"‘}ii0I'°v"1A.S DECIQMAN... Quaoatfleunuh ¢ -Ia £80“ :3tPItINtGFIELD3 JULY4, 18099. em, % A A FORBEARING to express ail the emotions awakened in the i)r€.E1St.0f evetyf Republican Qitin zen, who has heard yeut patriotic and hriiiiant Oration ptoneuneed this flay, the Committee of At't'angementst hasten to gratify the universal Wish, (as expressed an unanimeus vote of the eompa- my), by returning you their SiflC€t‘€'ti1ani«31S, anti requesting a copy for the press. R. DiCi{iNSON3 Pet‘ Uedetx, SAMUEL BRAZER, .iUN.. E39,, wmawgfioeteeemweemmm SPRINGFIELD, JULY 43 tgogt sxa, iN answer te yeut very peiite mote, east ” pressing the wish of the company t0 obtain a eopy of my Oration deiiveteci today", for pubiiea» tion ; i have to answer; that i have ever despis» ed the ptudery of pretending teittctance at eemew plying with such teqkuests, whett the intentien of eompliance was previously formed. On this 00»- easion, hewevere, permit me to mention, that the circumstance of bodily weakness and indispesim tion, under which it was written and pronounem ed, had ptevieusiy determined me to refuse a eopy... A tecoiieetitm at the mamterfi in tvhith a fornzer Republican Omtimz pronounced here was garbled and misrepresented, has induced me to change my determination.» A copy is therefore furnished for the disposal of the Commitrteee: SAMUEL BRAZER, rm. A RODOLPI-IUS Dxexmsom, Esg. 03RA,'1‘l0N7.i F nlations can trace their origin, with reasonable precision, and fewer still can pursue the retrospect, without blushing at incredu ible and disgraceful fables or still more disgrace- ful realities; The review has usually commenced in scenes of savageindependence and Wild‘ in- subordination. In its progress, we have been call; ed to View the successive ‘ravages of rival factions, or of bloodyltyrants, of furious zealots or cold» hearted hypocrites. ii We, Friends and fa/law~cz'n‘- mm, have the distinct and enviable right to name, as the founders of our Republic, men who had dearly learned the principles of liberty in the school of persecution----of religious liberty from the Vanathemas of allbigotted prelate----of civil liberty from the civil disqualifications and proeecutions, to whticlx they were subjected, Driven frolrrlitlieit native country, they remembered thelessonl‘t’l’1‘eljr had learned, and established a system of ratiilonal 6 freedom, chastened by order, and protected wise republican institutions. a Patient under every privation, fubmissive under every toil, resolute in every danger, order» ly under every temptation to riot ; our ancestors. evinced the superior strength of minds, fupport-a ed alone, by the energies of piety and virtue. “ They grew and they flourished ;” ’till their cruel parent, who had driven them from her side and denied them shelter and protection, with a refinement in impudence, A ways A pleased toeiegxpress it her congiratulatiilons oniithleiryi growing prosperity by sending tax-gatherers and “ masters to rule 0.. ver them.” With a kind of habitual respect, these minions of royalty were received by the loyr. al ernigrants. Long did their accustomed vene, ration for the name of roycz[z‘y‘l1uSl1 every mar. mur at apparent. aggression and repeated wrong. The list of outrage had swollen beyond the bounds i of even Christian forrbearance-were measures were T taken to clieck the ruthless arm of power, and to iteaiicih the oppressors, thatthe blood of the hardy recusantsito, theliformules of LAUD had not clegetagg erated by iemigration, A Renewiedii rernonstrance met renewedi neglect, A were the temperate, but energetic representations of the illustrious FRANKLIN, backed by the complaints of an .lIlSl.1liTrv ed eontinent. 7 Can it be necessary again to roused the indig, nant feelings of freemen by a recital of the wrongs of our country it No! Even We, of the “latter, grow?/5"’iare allowed to realize the extremes of British arrogance and outrage byithe continued repetition of sirnilar aggression. And our vener- able fathers, who endured the hardships, and en- countered the perils of the “ days which tried tnens’ A fouls,” have their memories refreshed by new ex- hibitions of the spirit of tyranny, which called them to the encounter.---Yet, A on this occasion, specifically appropriated to the cornrnemoration of our severance from the oppressor and of the scenes which succeeded, it is surely proper to review, at a glance, that interesting period. Who is there of us, my Friends, (whether among rnlylrespected auditors, whose proud fortune it was personally to assist inliatclrieving our Independence, or among us, who are permitted only to emulate their pat.- riotisrn, and to assist in preserving what those acquired,) whose heart does not beat with aecele-» rated motion, at the recollection of Banter, Ger»- fiznntown, Zlélaizzzzoz./.2‘/3, Tr:-vzrorz or Tamtzmswrz ? or whose bosom does not burn with a resentment, too keen to he disgoisecl, too rooted for even charity to e:s:tirpate, at the horrid, deliberate, dil- zttory rnnrclers aboard the Jersey and other floating castles of cruelty ? Are these things to he forgiv» on and forgotten 3. Certainly when penitence is en A vinced. But where are we to look for the evim dence of this irepentarice it Are the thousands of our fellow-citizens, subjected to the dreadful thralldom ofpressgangs and war-sliips to become thernediators of forgiveness? Was the late im~» position of a tribute on our commerce intended as an apology for the old stamp act or tea duty 7.? Were the hisses atdour President and. nation at a ‘public festival of the Briris/9% ministry meant as loving ‘tokens of friendship and amity ? Were the invitation of A our citizens to, ti1i‘i‘iil5i1hlicati‘o‘rii‘iiofCzii§:ri~tiiiito’sl‘letter as an ape» peal to them against their Government, speciniens of a spirit of kindness M and conciliation i’ Is the ghost of the murdered PIERCE to appear as the voucher of innocence ? Or was the massacre of the Chesapeake a peace-offering on the altar of human» ity 9 Strange,” passing strange, as it t tnay Teryirmiand Britain yet retain an organizedifnnto ofiadivocates. In theworwds of a7iirnueh§1'eprobat«e ed, but, we fear, prophetic production, “ii soine of our Samsons in " combat, andour SOLOMONS in council have had itheiirlocks shornhy the ‘liar.- lot Eng/zmd.” W To the convincing evidence long since adduced to Show the existence of a British party in this country a series of proofshas lately been added, from an unexpected quarter. The ‘M4 uviii"!l V‘4~ , v IICUIIIOIICUO le“tt’e*fs a”n‘dii*di%j‘t15§ur‘es" éf‘ the late Pfasidéiifyfdcziizs V e§”§:"0ine1€é.te”’lii1t1‘fi‘Q1i1' 2i llbtxd of censure, ‘imposed oh hiilmli by unfortunate lappeafantces. They prove‘ A tebthel V pertinééityll of thelxlnglé-Federal factionm latidthtey do hlonerll to the téilerilts incl patriotism‘ of the writer, by ithleilrlable 2md spi“ ited vindication of American rights. He appears to h2i'i?elmanful- stiflggled against 21 current, in which it wash bel1i‘evedhhle‘ willingly ad~é:iic:ed, and thellfotce of" 'W;hich‘lh:e”Wlas supposed to ’inerease. It ig an arii; mating‘ refieetien, that onellolf’ the” pifhnel movers W O 4 Ofthe measure We celebrate, l1-ad not devizited froxn it"§pr°if1Ciples. ‘And we feel for the perpletmies (if ahlximrican patriot,” with 3 .<7J"?1'i.=fi';r/544% Czzbimr Cozaizl-3 tz"f.“5i % ‘In it zflludingii t0"1"Ll16~pl'2lnS of the“]i1nto,iit ii is~~ Well’? e»ntiu;gl1, periha.p1s‘, ltd notice; “ iieentelmptuouslf‘ indeed; “the: 1i» to lrequlest xhattat proper consideration \Sl11?11»:¥'fl"b\€' aehe _e’a7:2er2‘z}: limeantslecloptedtto edd to its p1*essure, and prevent its eventual efiect, A A Already has it driven Great Britain from the high ground taken by Secretary 'CnNNINo.§ The sneering tone assumed by this imitator of V their lgr‘eat’clom;lc hero, Sz’r"JoHN FALSTAFF, has been ‘ sncceededby one, bearing the semblance of de- _cency andthe. show" of l justice. h We arenot ac-» “costed with aparoedy of the fat Kni_ght’s language 5---“ S/e72der,l I £>:~oZ3e your bead ; what fizatier /552%’ czgaizzxf me .?”"*-~—I‘Io*W far the orders in Council of the 26th flpril comport with the overtures of Mr. ERs1<:1N,E--whow far the principles of the first ~ l l f‘ Henry IV. 13 ¢ncaaivn"~ob‘~vO0O ~9I‘d§1‘Si-ar,¢ ,1“<'»?li~I1,£11-lifslxied in the ec§0J§1.,d3 TW11etl1er, ,Mr»i ER.S3iIN;l3’.S assurances, tthat the 0rclersi,“~+zwZI £w’l~%6’ ,«*l‘W’ repealed at a- cerztain time, mear1t,~;me1r_e« What <fl1$Y“.~Z€'i.0‘7"[,d lees i—m0difi6d.» ateqmstiorts " to be Mssetitledfby sbler ,cas1;istsjs.nd future ,negca,ei_s.r~ T.ti'u0Iil.‘ It I113-Yb? sslmdatwhya under .P:T¢36M’ Qllmstances, so frequent allusion l1asibee11j.mad;e by the Speaker to Bm'z‘i.s~/3 ou.tr_sge. His ‘defence is «ready, party had preserved a. decent timpars §ia1titybetween,,the,i,r patrons and ,thieir governs ineittfl, itiwqluldibe Well to jvvait the issue infisiletaee, But when every misrepresentatiotrni is made ctéim. ~i1:1_a;.te ,,,gt,11,,r rulers, and tel even eulogize the a,g,gt'es¢ sorswths :stisu¢ttie rsf urbsnity must we sliststes of tduw—-and tithe eye of sublis ;'V:V%lgi:'!.a‘nCtW ~surncd,t9wards,tt11s ctonssirst-01‘s_M9derthsir inssteisr. For the honor of ourrieiountry, if it eompdrts «ed with her future safety, itlwere indeed “"‘lmc27€*z20zzt~ Ky is be wished,” that the A mad ‘freaks of .New- Erzglmzd Toryisnz, in her last years dreadful par0:s.'- ism, were forever shrouded in ollzrlivion, and the record of‘ Legislative madness effectually blotted from the archives of our Land. ii’ the madmen were confined in utter darkness, itill restored to H sanity, it would be our duty to forget th«eirirrafv- Wings, and rejoice at their restoration. _ lltzlfected tlzemselves with the virus of Englis/5 Intfltuence, the contagion was spread among the healthy CittiZ€flS rag. 830% on 0009 of a portion of’ our country; while a state of a p1‘edisgosition caused by necessary privations, aid»- ed the disaster. A kind of crazy cunning, a sort of desperate, but in some measure successful bold» ness combined to eifect the object. it It is at best, a painful duty to advert to particular instances of wild and ridiculous action, or to recite the rant-. - ings of maniacs. t We should be spared the‘tasl: of detailing the frantic proceedings of certain of ourtowns. The very review wouid sicken and disgust. Thoseiof our honest :‘ellovv-citizens, who in a fit of fright and frenzy, , held up tthieirfihainidis in approbation of resalzziiom‘ to oppose the zzamrzal Gawrmrzém‘ and its oflicers, to arm themselves in opposition to the laws, and to assistiny severing the lUnio-n, will willingly avoid the melanchoiy retrospect. It will be enough that repcntancer produces retormation. It is scarce worth while, to notice the strange and monstrous eiiiisions of a herd of hi1“eii11gs, who crouded our Britir/5 prints with vindications of British outrage, so bold and liflfefaced, that they astonished the minions of S2‘; Qfarzer. A They, outdone by their proselytes, retain- ed sensibiiity enough to avoid the lash of European ridicule, by avoiding republication. Itwere too hutniliatingto review the yfarre of Spanish Patri- otism. To those disordered optics, which saw’ the Genius of Liberty hovering over the bludge-« ones and knives oi’ alcirove of A squalicl and inturi=~ I 1..-....-auoaooe sited Monks, which ; viewed the H01}: Ofire of the Iflquiririan as the temple of Freedom, and theEr- rurizzl asher favorite residence, no collyrium ought to be applied. The deception aided the stage ef. fect of the drama performed. Even the impious A interlude of a hypocritical Legislative Fast may be «pastover by us; and left to the censure of the N teachers of piety, Religion and rriorality. Tobe ; sua-ie,,pthe evil spirit which “ tore” its enactors, A was noti like the ?‘ dumb spirit” in scripture, which “ went not out, butby fasting and pray- er,” for fasting and prayer seemed to increase the “ gnashing of teeth, and foaming at the mouth ;” and the “’ possessed” seemed still more “ lunatic and sore vexed.” But," when We turn from the childish antics of Boston or Lmzdovz Festivals, the proceedings of Clem»; agogue~duped town-meetings, and the solemn mockery of party processions, to the serious, cle-J liberate, official acts of our own Legislature, con-« tempt should rise into indignation, and the prin» ciples avowed, should receive pointed, and lasting a cxecration. Let it never be forgotten, and let it be remembered only to be shunned, that the zmczi... mu: advocates of the Federal zmimz have zealourljz at» tempted to array the States of New-Ezzgland, and such others, as they could entice into their cons spiracy, in open ‘Rebellion against a Law of the I767 E9ci'eimz~’*'U5'2’2z'«:a2z=---aetlamtioo;pronoun‘ced”ic01i"sitit‘utioIi«' al‘, by the veryl ‘tribunal; te whichc they referre?i“”‘ the MAC~¥ mETHmm%o % % % V‘“% o A A‘*‘‘ And 55 2‘/Bare jzzgg/?22gjfle°r2dr rm .m;~e .73er’z'e=z:’a’-—~«rr ” ‘“ W/Be pczZ2'erVwfz’i3 25:, .z°72c.¢z daruélerrerzse ./*””“ ‘Perhaps a new eert'ific2r’ce from so rdistinguisha Fied gr member of the ]%Q's.ria;*zzz;-)/ 305563} as Gov. “STRONG, 'm?.ghr pass currcrzt in 1/f;;f.s~ world, as proof of Gov» Gor-zr~:’s “ beiief in the C/'m’.;rim2Re~ Z£g~ia:2”—ma1thoug11 some p3.2rtfor*r:os of church &is- cipline might dispute the right of actin by proxy in 21 p1'ofe;ssT1o:1 of rlrith. At any rate, 1'€.;9z.¢§;’ic;'z,¢zs elarim leave to discredit so very sucicien rs; conver- sion in a poloitical creed. The furious p:m:isari,r “transformed by the magic of 2. lean majority in. "to the cpreaching inculczrtor of eor;ei'Ei:a.tion woufl be an -in~eXp1ica.‘o1e phenomenon, did we not re- collect ~th.a’c elections are anzzml, arid next year,,, prcubably, no enzbarga fever will introduceo mor- bid humours into the body politicr. H, in the S'prir2gElecfi02z.r, like the iUUS*:1‘i0113 hero of l\7}z-w.rr*r&', “ we hme ioet 2111, but our colors and our honor,” let us; not c:;chrsi6re"!y ascribe it to the unprecec"§eni:ed and unprincipled €1"£€1‘ti0ll§‘ of our (>pponem:s. }J‘:1ir'1}r as did c)L11‘t1*oops coin lectively deserve mppizrrzrse ;, yet so111erE‘1izrg xms lose "“ Iwlacbetiz. K C. :23 Mr the .4 peeufiance of private caviis, s0met11i1ag the c1'eduii::y of uninvestigatinw ind0iez1ce, and more by the treachery of torpid indiffe1tence.. ’fi';§:c1e:“:;e last, indeed, are the political sins, “ which cie xnost easfiy beset us.” In deprecactmg the spifit of paxey, it has become in some measure fasixiozaable, to check the spirit of inquirygcm-and men, who without preference could not see a t1fi« al of speeci car; strength between twa contending; anixltsale, wi3;1si‘11'in1~:ef1*on1 the ch."ud_§e1'y of form» ieg an opinicwn on topics, which imtcfwe thecgeacecfi, .n'i1isf<)1'tu11e Cf Republiczmsfl that such men are honest, theugh blezazzably nee*1igc:m;w-of course che votes le-at, and the influence 'with11e1d are R¢jgj:»zzZ;~~=~~ It is one szzcre A elegy, ‘_%?riencz7's and Feflewvw pxfeaperity and_feeede111ef £113-ynarti0.m’ isc: the- _? ca Citieexle, to prcamz by the miscar1‘iages of they-1*esn» 1 cm: polfiticzfl *y'ce:n‘~~ana M is our pride anti our em- c0uragem’%eee,tEc1at the gge1‘form9.nce of ourcmcty, is A thesu1‘e guarantee of the success of our czmsec. Let not that tame, c1ise:1*acefU.1, sheet-sighted policy, mvchiciz contents ictseh”,~m.»'it11A;brese;2t e2;empt,ion1‘3r0mc the horrors of civil emr or the e:m‘en*;es of Jmzg. ea tyranny, delude us, to d"est1'oy us. Perhaps, for the present year, no terrible expiosion may “Wake us to e:«~:ertion. Pe1'11aps, my probabiy, the deeper safer pine will be adopted, to iufl us to fldatouoauwlt‘ A ietI“1a.rgy,twhi1e4 the111inets are at worki, the cemi».. . ustiblese prepaiiing and the plot matutit1g.i I-IB:>;=: ii the recesses of thefederal /Tzarzcz, the C}/51019; nmyt“ A be forging our fetters, to be rivetteti after the nezztt; Election, and we not be pettiiitted to heat. the; sound of their h23..1‘fl1”.t1€1'S.i Can we believe, that. the infuriated. membets of the NO1‘ti1€rt1 Coeiitiotie lmve i*e1i11quisl1eci their otujectsfi on account of peittmiv tizfti success 3’ Having gained the ground which tvasav to aiidtheiroperations ;, is it in n2itu1*e,that their pros ject is to be a'bandoned, merely because they xriewtit their L-‘tCCO'H‘.t}:)iibhlI1€l").t more ptacticztbie 9 No, Fei» 10W~Ci't;_i“L"finS_,, new is the time for determined _p1‘€~.e. petzztioii--+e.1*1ci’i*ie:s;tig/E{_;§7~i!ithe season for vigoitouss action. It is needless todiiste tilti“ distinguish.» ed merit and services of em‘ czmtiicizite for the Cr11b61'.I1'.a..t0I'.i3.i Ctmiiv. His pm.negy1‘ie may be 1'ea.ti; in the apprehensions of his opponents, and tiiaeie abuse of his public C'i12i;if’$iCtfi1’--ixsvfi weii 3:e11';1ettiber, that, in .F€d€i”a[ estimzttiom, out iate Gowmzor SIwYL” LIVAN was transformed by ciesth from at ciemom. of d21I’i‘’’ (to which 3 Revetenci Seztmont-» izet; Se m2K:2”22d3!”y liitenefl om“ Chief li'i;igisti*ate,) wiii be ‘tom iirem the beti ef efice. A firm pin-= iianx of tezti Ametiezms wiii pizmt the ziwtzze ‘‘ Re» twutiican Banner” ever the ptesttate eoiors of the Nertiietti Coziiition---mzmd at the next recur» tetiee «of this ptem:i zmnivetmzrry, We may eommem-5 mate with the discomiitmre of Brz'z‘i.9/it Armsm the deieet of Bt*i2‘ixb intrigue E i "* Dtway. END, '1