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For each is provided a short description of the requirements for agency membership and a listing of the present members, their party affiliations, nomination dates, confirmation dates, term expiration dates, and the name of the member whom he or she succeeds. In the future, newly nominated members will be listed as they occur, while those members leaving the agency will be removed from the listing. The reference sources used to compile this information include the Journal of the Executive Proceedings (published yearly), the Congressional Record, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, and direct telephone contact with those boards and commissions included in the list. BOARD FOR INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING The Board is composed of five members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. No more than three members may be of the same political party. The term of office is three years, except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member whom he/she succeeds. The President designates one member as chairperson{ Frank Shakespeare is the current chairperson. NAME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES KIEE Ablard, Charles D. (R) 01/22/80 02/28/80 04/28/82 Murphy wattenburg, Ben (D) O7/3l/81 09/16/81 04/28/83 Gronouski, J. Quinn, Thomas H. (D) 09/l3/79 ll/O5/79 04/28/82 Reappointment Goode, Mark (R) O9/21/8l ll/O6/81 O4/28/83 Hauser, R. Shakespeare, Frank (R) lo/l4/8l l2/l0/8l O5/20/83 Marko, F. CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD The Board is composed of five members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. No more than three members may be of the same CRS- 2 MB7822O UPDATE-O8/31/82 political party. The term of office is six years, except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member whom he/she succeeds. The President designates one member as chairper n. Clinton D. McKinnon is the current chairperson. NAME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES VICE Dalley, George A. (D) 08/03/79 03/06/80 l2/3l/82 Kahn, A.E. Smith, James R. (I) 07/25/80 08/27/80 12/31/88 Reappointment Schaffer, Gloria (D) 07/13/78 09/13/78 l2/3l/84 Reappointment Bailey, Elizabeth (R) O7/O8/77 07/28/77 12/31/83 Robson, J.E. McKinnon, Clinton D.(R) lo/O6/Bl 10/26/Bl l2/3l/85 Cohen, M. COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION The Commission is composed of five members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. No more than three members may be of the me political party. The term of office is five years, except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member whom he/she succeeds. The President designates the chairperson. The current chairperson is Philip Johnson. NAME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES VICE Stone, James M. (D) Ol/l8/79 04/10/79 04/15/83 Bagley, W.T. Johnson, Philip M. (R) 05/12/81 08/04/81 04/13/84 Seevers, G.L. Phillips, Susan M. (R) 09/10/81 10/27/81 04/13/85 Dunn, R. Gardner, David G. (0) 05/10/78 05/17/78 04/14/82 Rainbolt Hineman, Kalo A. (R) 12/10/81 12/18/81 08/14/88 Martin, R. COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS The Commission is composed of six members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. No more than three members may be from the same political party. The term of office is at the pleasure of the President. The President appoints the chairman. The current chairman is Clarence CRS- 3 MB7822O UPDATE-O8/31/82 Pendleton. JAME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES VICE members serve for an indefinate time at the pleasure of the President. Pendleton, Clarence (R) 02/04/82 03/18/82 Flemming, A. Smith, Mary (R) 02/04/82 03/04/82 Horn, s. Dombalis, Constantine (D) O5/26/82 Barry, M. Horn, Stephen) (R) 05/29/69 06/22/69 Hannah, J. Euckeshus, Jill S. (R) 04/03/80 06/26/80 Ruiz Quintanilla, Guadalupe (D)O5/26/82 Ramirez CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION The Commission is composed of five members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. No more than three members may be of the same political party. The term of office is seven years, except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member whom he/she succeeds. The President designates one member as chairperson. Nancy Steorts is chairperson. NAME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES VICE Zagoria, Samuel D. (R) 09/29/78 10/10/78 10/26/85 Reappointment Statler, Stuart M. (R) 05/14/79 07/30/79 10/25/85 Reappointment ’ittle, David R. (D) 01/20/78 02/01/78 10/25/82 Garrett, T.A. Sloan, Edith B.A (0) 01/20/78 02/28/78 10/25/83 Kushner, L.M. CRS- 4 MB7822O UPDATE-O8/31/82 Steorts, Nancy H. (R) 07/13/81 07/27/81 10/26/84 King, S.B. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION The Commission is composed of five members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. No more than three members may be :5 the same political party. The term of office is five years, except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member whom he/she succeeds. The President designates the chairman, who at this time, is William Webb. NAME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES VICE Thomas, Clarence (R) 03/17/82 07/01/86 Norton, E.H. Shattuck, Cathie (R) 12/08/81 03/02/82 07/01/85 Walsh, M. Gallegos, Tony (D) 02/08/82 04/14/82 07/01/82 »Leach, 0. Webb, William (R) 08/13/82 07/01/87 Smith, J.c. Rodriguez, A.M. (D) 09/l2/78 l0/10/78 O7/Ol/83 Perry, L.W. EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF THE UNITED STATES The Bank is composed of five members) appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. No more than three members may be of the same political party. The term of appointment is five years, except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member whom he/she succeeds. The President designates one member as chairman. The current Chairperson is William Draper. ‘ NAME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED‘ EXPIRES VICE Draper, William (R) 06/O9/8l O7/l3/81 All Moore, J. members serve at pleasure of the President Kahliff, Margaret (R) 08/06/76 09/30/76 Kobelinski, M. Yonge, James E. (D) 09/21/Bl Phalle, T. CRS- 5 MB7822O UPDATE-O8/3l/82 Lord, Charles E. (R) 08/28/81 03/15/82 Allen H.K. Heldridge, Richard (R) 12/08/81 08/04/82 Kahliff, M. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION The Commission is composed of seven members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. No more than four members may be of the same political party. The term of office is seven years, except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member whom he/she succeeds. The President designates one member as chairman. The current chairman is Mark Fowler. NAME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES _K£E§ Fogarty, Joseph (D) 08/31/76 09/08/76 06/30/83 Robinson, G. Fowler, Marks (R) 04/27/81 05/14/81 06/30/86 Brown, T{ Dawson, Mary Anne W.(R) 05/12/81 06/04/81 Q6/30/88 Lee, R.E. Quello, James H. )(D) 07/08/81 07/31/81 06/30/84 Ferris, C. Sharp, Stephen (R) 05/24/82 06/30/89 Washburn, A. Jones, Ann P. (R) Ol/l8/79 03/21/79 06/30/85 White, M.E. Rivera, Henry M. (D) O7/O8/8l 07/31/81 06/30/87 Quello, J.H. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION (BOARD OF DIRECTORS) The Corporation Board is composed of three members, two appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. John Heiman, ,the Comptroller of Currency, is an ex-officio member of the Board. No more than two members may be of the same political party. The term of office for the appointed members is six years, except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only the unexpired term of the member who he/she succeeds. One of the appointive members is selected chairperson by the three directors. William Issacs is the current chairperson. AME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES VICE Sprague, Irving H. (D) Ol/l8/79 02/05/79 02/06/85 LeMaistre CRS- 6 MB7822O UPDATE-O8/31/82 Issacs, William M. (R) 01/26/78 03/14/78 03/15/84 Barnett, R.E. Conover, C.T. (R) 11/16/81 12/14/81 12/14/86 Heiman, J. FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION The Commission consists of six members appointed in the following manner: two appointed, with the confirmation of a majority of both Houses of Congress, by the President pro tempore of the Senate upon the recommendations of the majority leader of the Senate and the minority leader of the Senate; two shall be appointed, with the confirmation of a majority of both Houses of Congress, by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, upon the recommendations of the majority leader of the House and the minority leader of the House; and two shall be appointed with the confirmation of a majority of both House of Congress, by the President. No more than three members may be of the same political party. The term of office is six years, except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member whom he/she succeeds. The Chairperson is selected by the members and the position is rotated each year. The current chairman is Frank P. Reiche. NAME AND PARTY I NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES XIEE McGarry, John W. (D) 01/18/79 02/21/79 04/21/79 Reappointm t Reiche, Frank P. (R) 05/01/79 07/25/79 04/30/85 Reappointment Aikens, Joan D. (R) 01/26/82 07/01/82 04/30/83 Thomson McDonald, Danny L. (D) 01/26/82 07/01/82 04/30/87 Tiernan, R. Harris, Thomas E. (D) 05/01/79 06/19/79 04/30/85 Reappointment Elliot, Lee A. (R) Ol/26/82 O7/Ol/82 O4/30/87 Aikens, J. FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION (Department Of Energy) The Commission is composed of five members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. No more than three members may be of the same political party. The term of office is four years, except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member whom he/she succeeds. The President designates one member to be the chairman. The current chairperson is Charles M. Butler. NAME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES VICE CRS- 7 MB7822O UPDATE-O8/31/82 Butler, Charles M. (R) 05/12/81 06/04/81 10/20/83 Curtis, C.B. ousa, Anthony G. (R) 06/30/81 07/27/81 10/20/84 Hall, G. Richard, Oliver G. (D) 07/01/82 08/19/82 lO/20/85 Holden, M. Sheldon, Georgiana H. (R) 05/14/81 06/04/81 lo/20/84 Reappointment Hughes, David (D) 06/27/80 07/17/80 lO/20/83 Smith FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK BOARD The Board is composed of three members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. No more than two members may be of the same political party. The term of office is four years, except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member whom he/she succeeds. The President designates the chairperson. The current chairman is Richard Pratt. NAME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES . VICE ratt, Richard T. (R) 04/01/81 04/08/81 06/30/85 Reappointment. Vacancy Diprete, Andrew (R) 06/01/79 06/27/79 06/30/83 Reappointment Jackson, James J. (D) 06/18/82 06/24/82 O6/3o/86 Reappointment FEDERAL LABOR RELATIONS AUTHORITY The Authority is composed of three members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Not more than two members may be from the same political party. The term of appointment is four years, except that anyone appointed to fill a Vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member whom he/she succeeds. This is a newly created agency and current members have staggered terms that do not follow the normal 4-year term requirement. The President designates the chairman. The current chairman is Ronald W. Haughton. NAME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES VICE Haughton, Ronald w. (D) 01/18/79 06/27/79 06/30/84 New CRS- 8 MB7822O UPDATE-O8/31/82 Frazier, Henry B. (D) 03/14/80 06/06/80 06/30/85 Reappointment Applewhaite, L.B. (R) 05/07/79 _07/27/79 07/31/82 New FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION The Commission is composed of five members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. No more than three members may be of the same political party. The term of office is five years, except that anyone apointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member whom he/she succeeds. The President designates one member as chairperson. Allan Green Jr. is the current chairperson. NAME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES XIEE Carey, James J. (R) 09/15/81 10/07/81 05/30/85 Teige, P. Daschbach, Richard (D) 07/26/77 08/02/77 . 06/30/82 Barrett,_A.C. Moakley, Thomas F. (D) 06/30/78 08/11/78 06/30/83 Reappointment Day, James V. (R) O8/03/79_ 12/21/79 06/30/84 Reappointment Green, Allan (R) R0 /22/81 06/19/81 06/10/86 Kanuk, L. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (BOARD OF GOVERNORS) The Board of Governors is composed of seven members appointed) by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Party affiliation ratio is not a factor in appointments to this Board. The term of office is 14 years, except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member whom he/she succeeds. A member who serves a full term may not be reappointed. Not more than one member is to be selected from each Federal Reserve district, with due regard to fair representation of financial, agricultural, industrial, and commercial interests. The President appoints one member to act as chairperson for four years. The current chairperson is Paul A. Volcker. NAME NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES VICE Volcker, Paul A. 07/27/79 08/02/79 01/31/92 Miller, w.e. Rice, Emmett J. 05/15/79 05/12/79 01/31/90 Gardner, s.s. Gramley, Lyle E. 03/21/80 05/15/80 01/31/94 Coldwell, P. CRS— 9 MB7822O UPDATE-O8/31/82 ”artin, Preston 03/17/82 03/30/82 02/01/96 Schultz, F.H. Teeters, Nancyx 08/28/78 09/15/78 Ol/31/84 Burns, A.F. Partee, J. Charles 12/O8/75 l2/19/75 Ol/31/86 Bucher, J.M. Wallich, Henry C. 01/22/74 02/08/74 01/31/88 Daane, J.D. *Nancy Teeters is the first woman to serve on the Board. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION The Commission is composed of five members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. No more than three members may be of the same political party. The term of office is seven years, except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member whom he/she succeeds. The President designates the chairperson. The current chairperson is James Miller. NAME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES KIEE Pertschuk, M. (D) 03/25/77 04/06/77 09/25/84 Reappointment Miller, James C. (R) 07/16/81 09/21/81 09/26/88 Dixon, P.R. Vacancy Bailey, Patricia P.(R) 06/10/80 06/26/80 09/26/87 Reappointment Clanton, David (R) 07/20/76 07/29/76 I 09/25/83 Engman, L.A. INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION (U.S.) The United States International Trade Commission is headed by a staff of six commissioners. Commissioners are appointed by the President with consent of the Senate; the President designates the chairman and vice chairman every two years and succeeding chairman may not be of the same political party. The commissioners serve 9-year terms and are not eligible for reappointment. No more than three members may be of the same political party. The current chairman is Bill Alberger. NAME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES VICE Alberger, William R. Stern, Paula Eckes, Alfred E. Jr. Calhoun, Frank, Eugene Haggart, Veronica Michael J. INTERSTATE COMMERCE The Commission is composed of eleven members appointed and confirmed by the Senate. No more than six members may political party. except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the term of the member chairperson. NAME AND PARTY Andre, Frederic N. Simmons, J.J. Taylor, Reese H. Gradison, Heather Sterrett, Malcolm Vacancy Gilliam, Reginald Charles L. Clapp, Vacancy (D) (D) (I) (R) (R) 09/27/77 08/18/78 07/13/81 ll/28/79 07/13/81 02/11/82 COMMISSION CRS-l0 10/19/77 09/27/78 O9/l6/81 01/21/80 07/30/81 03/08/82 MB7822O 12/l6/85 O6/16/87 06/15/90 12/16/88 12/16/82 06/16/84 The term of office for appointed members whom (R) (D) (R) (R) (R) he/she NOMINATED succeeds. Reese H. Taylor is the acting chairperson. 09/24/81 03/l5/82 06/05/81 03/24/82 09/24/81 l2/l2/79 O3/14/74 CONFIRMED The O3/l6/82 O4/Ol/82 06/16/81 06/16/82 02/09/82 04/02/80 04/11/74 President EXPIRES 12/31/88 l2/31/85 l2/31/84 l2/3l/89 l2/31/88 12/31/83 12/31/80 by UPDATE-O8/31/82 Leonard, W Minchew, D. Ablondi, I. Parker Moore, G. Bedell, C. the President of the same seven years, unexpired designates the VICE Clapp, C. Trantum, T. Corber, R.J. R.C. Gresham, Stanford, G. Tuggle CRS-ll MB7822O UPDATE-O8/31/82 Vacancy Vacancy MERIT SYSTEMS PROTECTION BOARD The Board consists of three members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Not more than two members may be of the same political party. The term of office is seven years, except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member whom he/she succeeds. A member may not be reappointed after serving his first full 7-year appointment. The chairman is appointed by the President. The acting chairman is Herbert Ellingwood. NAME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES VICE Ellingwood, Herbert E. (R) Ol/26/82 05/05/82 03/01/86 Prokop, R. Poston, Ersa H. g (R) 05/05/77 06/15/77 03/01/81 Sheldon, G. Devaney, Dennis (D) 08/06/82 08/20/82 03/01/89 wertheim, R. NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ADMINISTRATION The Board consists of three members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. No more than two members of the Board may be of the same political party. The term of office is six years, except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member whom he/she succeeds. No member may succeed himself if that member has served a full 6-year term. The President designates the chairman. The current chairman is Edgar F. Callahan. NAME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES VICE Burkhart, Elizabeth (R) 05/19/82 07/20/82 04/10/85 Connell, L. *Mack, P.A. (D) 05/14/79 08/02/79 09/03/81 New Callahan, Edgar (R) 09/21/81 10/21/81 08/02/87 Black, H. :waiting for renomination or replacement to be selected. NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CRS-l2 MB7822O UPDATE-O8/31/82 The Commission is composed of five members appointed by the President and‘ confirmed by the Senate. Party affiliation ratio is not a factor in appointments to this Commission. The term of office is five years, ex pt that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member whom he/she succeeds. The President designates the chairperson. The current chairperson is John H. Fanning. NAME NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES XIEE Fanning, John H. 10/07/77 ll/O2/77 l2/l6/82 Reappointment Jenkins, Howard Jr. 08/23/78 09/15/78 08/27/83 Reappointment Hunter Robert P. 07/23/81 09/15/81 08/27/85 Truesdale, J.C. Vandewater, John R. O2/O4/82 Rec. Appt. O8/27/86 Reappointment Zimmerman, Don A. 06/04/80 08/05/80 l2/O6/84 Murphy NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD The Board is composed of three members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. No more than two members may be of the same political party. The term of office is three years, except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member. whom he/she succeeds. The Board members annually select one of their members to be chairperson. Robert J. Brown is the current chairperson. NAME AND PARTY ‘ NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES VICE Vacancy Brown, Robert J. (D) 07/24/79 08/01/79 O7/Ol/82 Stowe, D.H. Harris, Robert O. (D) 06/17/80 07/02/80 O7/Ol/83 Reappointment NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD The Board is composed of five members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. No more than three members may be of the same political party. The term of office is five years, except that a1 »ne appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the departing member. The President designates one member as chairperson. James E. Burnet is the current chairperson. CRS-I3 MB7822O UPDATE-O8/31/82 NAME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES VICE Jurnet, James E. (R) 07/23/81 12/14/85 12/31/85 Driver, E.T. Engen, Donald D. (0) 05/18/82 08/18/82 12/31/86 King, J.B. McAdams, Francis H. (D) 05/01/78 08/11/78 12/31/82 Reappointment Goldman, Patricia A. (R) 03/16/79 06/05/79 12/31/83 Hogue, P.A. Bursley, George H.P. (R) 10/22/79 06/03/80 12/31/84 Reappointment NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION The Commission is composed of five members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. No more than three members may be of the same political party. The term of office is five years, except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member whom he/she succeeds. The President designates one member as chairperson. The chairperson is Nunzio J. Palladino. (AME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES VICE Roberts, Thomas M. (R) 07/09/81 07/31/81 06/30/85 Kennedy, R.T. Asselstine, James K. (R) 04/26/82 05/13/82 06/30/87 Reappointment Gillinsky, Vitor (D) 05/15/79 06/27/79 08/30/84 Reappointment Palladino, Nunzio J. (R) 06/11/81 06/19/81 06/30/86 Hendrie, J. Ahearne, J.F. (D) 05/18/78 07/31/78 06/30/83 Mason, E. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH REVIEW COMMISSION The Commission is composed of three members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Party affiliation ratio is not a factor in appointments to this Commission. The term of office is six years, except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member he/she succeeds. The President designates the chairperson. Robert Rowland is the current chairperson. NAME . NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES VICE CRS-14 MB7822O UPDATE-O8/31/82 Cleary, Timothy F. 04/02/79 04/26/79 04/27/85 Reappointment Rowland, Robert 05/25/81 07/31/81 04/27/87 Barnako, F.P. Cottine. Bertran R. 01/26/78 04/27/78 04/27/83 Moran, R.D. POSTAL RATE COMMISSION The Commission is composed of five members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. No more than three members may be of the same political party. The term of office is 6 years, except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member whom he/she succeeds. The President designates one member as chairperson. The acting chairperson is Janet D. Steiger. NAME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES VICE Folsom, Henry (D) 02/04/82 03/08/82 10/14/82 Fritshler, A. Crutcher, John (R) 01/26/82 03/08/82 C lo/16/86 DuPont, C. Duffy, James H. (D) 03/02/79 05/11/79 ll/22/84 Villaneal, C. Bright, Simeon M (R) 07/25/77 12/15/77 11/22/82 Milticiti, P. Steiger, Janet D. (R) 05/28/80 07/31/80 10/14/86 O'Doherty, K. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION The Commission is composed of five members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. No more than three members may be of the same political party. The term of office is five years, except that anyone appointed to fill a vacancy serves only for the unexpired term of the member whom he/she succeeds. The President designates one member as chairperson. John S.R. Shad is current chairperson. NAME AND PARTY NOMINATED CONFIRMED EXPIRES VICE Longstreth, Bevis (D) 06/23/82 08/20/82 06/05/84 Loomis, P. Treadwell, James C. (R) 07/22/82 08/19/82 06/05/84 Longstreth, B. Evans, John R. (R) 08/03/79 09/18/79 06/05/83 Reappointment CRS-l5 MB7822O UPDATE-O8/3]./82 Thomas, Barbara (0) 07/29/80 09/08/80 06/05/85 Pollack, I. Shad, John S.R. (R) 04/07/81 04/08/81 06/05/86 Friedman, S. LIBRARY f or WASHINGTON umvsasmr 81'. Lqgys - Mo. _—_.____