Q§gt;:;Fghifivwfifinfilififitéd131113911’?-tiilfi by the A ,,i A’n~d%a ”Pz.;x ~12 1.4: wfs4A+u»x. ,,‘ I .. _ ‘A _ . ‘ j -4 x _ 4% - ‘M 4, ‘ , -. 5 “ " ‘ ‘ ‘ r ‘ u. I v- 1 ‘ ' » ‘ » _ , . _ , A ‘ " _ . . .. . Engldn.d; Scotland, an Ixezm. HG%( ‘. 1 was 14 -» ~‘ ‘ ‘ ‘I ‘ W, "‘ . “ ‘ ‘ A . . , ' ‘ _ ,w _ ‘I v. ‘ « ‘ ‘_ » I ‘_ r‘ ‘ -“ v x ‘ ‘ . ,‘ , ‘ "‘_m“- ; _ ‘ ' ' “ I‘, ' ~ ' Q5‘ ‘ " ‘ >1 ‘H _ ‘. \ mm%Vcha.c$oume1aud%N§.&si1i£yn£%%:h¢aoya1s«ced,¢h;tLionor V 1 t*1?T-é*7“I?r§be~€)f7~93:r3al;zé; the~Evcrl”a&_i-zgwg *Ki1n*g of Righ€¢0~11fnc1TcJ, A Wh0%R%%¢ig;n¢th in - A A4 ‘y Ricbaxd1?IflH=c2!ath&{_r:,vinto AA inga hand an W'b1‘jtebnl,j tn: 4,’? dayoff th6«A4“M0flthaV%Ip664o. Aug! ~ .t.h'i$~ mayhem iQnf“$1.e«rvic:%co%LanMf 4nh»m£i% ca11od“K&N“’fif §"”""~ ‘-"""“”"3 ‘f %Vt,hv;y~L%M?qde::a;iqn.WAil1Xwad%iii, €W'd+.f0r II3-7;1WPW 1”‘ *3 fend it: abxjcmd in Print. "T ‘H at ‘““‘V \.....mfl—-u-; dL%0%¢fi%%D01‘L Wfrzrrtat tha~ slmkiflmwd E%1%%*W“% * ” §3”fiog;qu ”PoxtIwguug:r£ A TheAChiAef smgs (or Part»icu1'ars)_AAViz. A A% A.EA22m¢( lnjbéfawxefiimtd/AExh¢?rt4tA£d11:%A(»atn2i"7:éci‘g5}3r * tubing: apeézedfhcntoiT/9c:“T‘jO King; A A A A the :;.0,,¢IVc_27;t1¢mi;:g of Arley; ;Farkgés.,_ % . AA AA4ndA tlaafiflzf/Jktt took Hwi: pgtrt, and the Camfe Agmd mama? of 4'2: A,A tlmif 'Im;p* I Mzrumaym A [male :1! %A,_ir; %l,r1:: ”£ev'/*1 46% %;%vwd how they Grermrmi tflmfvlvvxa farAAw1m:/v %ca§tfeM Gbd% ‘them, and ;g._:¢éz2.»._'_A tlaem;1ég;;}¢a worl;'t1m'r gm; AA A . gm . I ‘ “ ‘N ‘V . A A A 1“ A AAA:;3_‘;;;..«g,..~*%;y4;%:A A ._“«‘:.'T'A~A.Awa«. A AA A» ’~ATII.=: A~v*'*“'3C7a:¢‘ emtng, thy oammmg fa far mtoMPoWcrag4m,m Atbqfr » that rank part with I{aAztlAaen%.4zn::1 T/see,» wha were Conquertdg and Ciamfs’ of it, andbomg tin thing: /zdfl [teen 2rrou‘gi)t,A.1vAhi'claA1zcin"g I §W%?J“ COW-'r¢d..itmfio1>*»r1!F1vI5€7¢"'U!or7?ng- V = _. '. As“ A % . C.'~onc:_;Aem71:g t/24; grad TD4piggr T/3a1fMrt4 in, in 79j1Cb29iz'ng M A” \ flr4t:d.. % «umAn,*15zace,AAA4.auu Rag./;,.; wk, ;;;..~ plainbdtmbnfi ¢?Caggtfi;injA;Rel:igion and t/M-A.S’pz'rz%f{?i9fPtr/Elation, 4na'%/4jmu,v % from wkgmfift fpAr¢ng,a42£dféy mfilapzza barb ‘écmPmfh'f:d, A A wfibdt man: the /1pofl[,r,’.Af z:,oA6ringA:'nto t/2e%TrutAly,m;d to prifirvc 12;; it,A.Qnd,/cow r/aéjmlkgd m gxrdxrlaofg A tbntmvamfd »o::rq;;iv¢ Nth: rggrga; 4zgd3Ataiavd33¢£r¥‘Ia§{k t“Ié‘AAIAtA6’1%ifA1"A0A»AAiA1Afl tlie7§Mt«l:;% ; A ‘ A A VI. AAC'a,»A:erning w/out Government and }G'o%*r»'c”v7§”:¥¢»cag'J‘ _ mlvr“ t‘4Ilrd'Tfi1_AiA1kéi‘§)A”fltfld far, and fwltdf tbeyflgndagainjf “ jAz};4t fa bw. m,z)u-jffge ;t1*mt it%;~z°.r rgjnt N that wefldndfoagar a-- A_ £1 ,infli;,A W£ut:,_.,tA/2.¢t which ix ARi‘g_¢I_a;t;;2f1:$ w; 54nd t}2;atAA.1:|wA/a__ic/9 AAA’U;"1rigbtiiéuA.rwt*dra';zga£nfi. AV . % _ A .A A Wk A{{¢g,(ql'v:% in 1'52‘: Strength AtbcAALaAfJ AHAtb A fld#dfaFi9*A A ;a&}:atz‘2$vFl:z’c¥a Riiiéfkdwx, and again]? rIa4t«A%-rplosw, ‘£7: ‘Uni g/1t:w.r. A F A A A VAAVIIIA. A _(7amc:rningAAa' G'awmmrx~t A’ #14 fAGovcrnazzf:; ’fi5lncrAi';z flvmctbingm yéa fim-to 6} gml, 4ndfometb$ng4‘&ad5 w.bnt"3ve‘ R6-A’-A-AA ._ fytlw, £nAt[Jt; L*oz"d to do Afrnfztchu C otfc,f ddA‘c'lJzi~td.% A A A § V» E «v ~ IX.‘ AAAA%?ACo;ncér?}¢iAng}1"1otting, uflugw Carmil Wtxonfl A A‘ » Aavlymaspc exzpcff DeIi~%yar4;ir:,» v and -up/mt~wc~ giro AA Gonfi hing to]mfM'n bi3’timt., A A AA A AA »nA~Gw X; Carzctrningxflprvéflge, u}zdA Awbatfhmjfoflow if it 6: f¢3#‘gh_tA,A ~ A - ‘.e»dxv}mtL jafsor, v4nd}v,/pw4t,~- tb:,_Lard ixtmd: ta firing upm t/nix A ¢i'a215+ni44l wbatca;;kfléfAl}_:1"viél do it, Ii’?-.‘.¢.3i/)3 19-p:nr4»c:Aena: i .S’nffnA'-7: ._, % % . f*ée€r:r‘vrv um the grill ‘GM gsflngfwiit Tcmerpgsr:: comcrning I/9: Ptoplc M af A 3é}&Ji._f,1Y a:-tin» dIIti‘§T'£rcr, rxprgjfcd. A A A W 1%,, -1 ?F2'rfl, cver41~r39.§-aWI:fmze_§,‘fbufid§E.§c¢5o4rtdlim:5 8: % thy VMu§ieranion%4dAbeV;Iinown unto *men;., »for ; Aand Earth ;~[a'nd% let fuchxa mbility appear in Thee‘ 4,, ‘ L asto try ~ all things, and t0 hold fat’; chacwhichgiit good; Vkimd A esitxhcp to~,.rc ad_.; or "‘ to bear with spati-once r b¢fqrg:V w .,t.hc Lord iacac% hz4’n%d,% w3hofi: pfeféticc’fi11c;th Hcaveii%$ r.houjudge_; forwifd¢m«.bc‘coxneth% a King, and mic Rea?-j ‘fonge folidnielfc and .p1tiénc*¢, him that is 3 ‘Ryler oftheLP¢0‘9 Mple. (MarTk)Th~e God of 7Hea:ven‘hat+h {fut into my%hcart‘eoV writcuintothcc , “ and in .tcndervl‘ove"botflh “to thy foizl add how djp, today before thee fcy'*erall4 things ; whmbyA ghou may§éflfi % e-c=tz;§,c 3:0 feemid confider, h0wfthcV%‘ rnigh:y*fhand ’andu_fi:icb“ ~~V%o€%A%t11e :I.%nMvifib1c God hafih Jbcen%A%i%n%‘chefi:?*‘ ovértnrnjif1g?§ and; changes, which have happc.-x1cd' inthcfé: Nations of l%av.=e‘y¢:m".‘ Thcretore confidcr thcfi: things {Th-e mighty God. the cvMcgg==-%% %&lai1i,ng FatAhcr.. Haj: the ;Ki»_g“of -1'Cjiug:,‘ and“thJc'Lo1'.d% of Lordag A and; ch; whole 7 cae'rth 13*" *h%is and\~the% ‘fi1Iné4flE“ "thcteQf‘§" and he tflulcth over the Kingdoms bf ’ atid giveth: “ unto Whomfower he pl::af¢th : Yea; HE pu“I;IeciI’down“* dine andgfi:tcc~thi1;pAanothcr,"‘ai1-d thcxje is no wtrturnin or changing in Kingdoms, .4 butic is‘ eich¢r byT his ‘Commi¢1on5*‘ orfPcrmi,m0!1 :1“ a ndichc Lond doth notdo any g:lI1ixi*g _., A ‘~ncit!ier» ' fuflercnh hr: any thin(grt0 done ,2 data perfoii; A or Kmgi cw , dams A w:1:houc1: :avc;:a V ( than %l1ahc» may-* “dd wfi_atfo¢vcfi”Ahd pIc;;+f:c:h )and Who‘ {hall call hum to an%Vaccoun‘t ?JT?Y%ct all hi! doings; Ma, rig?-tcuoui , and his wayVes;are iufi FandAequ3lvI A 8fld,;1CT 15.: for‘ mhts" unrigh ccou{’nefl?e% Fomfltimcsi bf a King M King: :.andV fommimcs c>fA‘aP:apt¢,&ana:ofili».§r ciz-net’ ‘b%a:h,» ,,g;hac th;é;~Lo;rd%A:dnth% break or fi1fFc1"ja Nation‘ or Ni--A AAAti0n:?xtD bé?:bmken%=A;~ aad‘Jwh%en b e’dctcrmihcs to br4ca4kTa%'Pco. pig,‘ qr to changa Govermncrm (or to fuffcr {'uch 3' 4:9 be done) in vdin 4\ do men {hive to prefcrvé oruphold 7; ;lQ:'d.£h§ LOfd and doth‘ *.ma»kia %hefpIciWfcth% Willliirufllcfltfi. A‘fd;P%%t0 do his dfitttmintd‘ work; and they ; have done huiworjk, than A4 %he*n‘ny wh;¢{o¢m,- 5; A2 ‘~41 .3 4 C ‘pfeaféth with dish! W5 m#nYA%A%ttmeshis4 1fl‘?ftiIIic:42Ats;, ma» fihiiésh déterVmin_ed% work ,4 ‘appuar very contemptible an -Aftxchfpeik:fb°i“fi11Y:%a:4:and wichcszt*rAdAunder« %k%»vftandinig, who “fay, ‘that fimh A h3firu,mc:2t_a are %toAojwe_ak ~2nd; "ica=xfin<>i3:prcwraiiL41;-; i’wifl%%a1I.p0§2v§tV is ‘ix’: A-the’ hgihd of (3506, v6? A ca_m~gf.ive’f Wiféfl “ : Wand firengckb”, 3.flid’V .Coura ge%% ‘unto w*=hom- Acqfenihc .;31ca[?;cwh 3 fo mu ch‘ its at-n” ay AaccompVli fln his two. ; *7; \ Aanld shzc imy..A aA%:oftti‘fl1¢%:;% by that Awhish appca re eh foolizh , c;a”k,% A afld'c°m”m"P”iib~lc, coniFqundgth;aanVd brsingem to nought Ethan ”app;c&re§hAA;,tp “Abexnighty. ahdwifé, Afihat no3flefh:fl1o‘uI%Wd% ghm%yl;in.§hi%sA_p:¢(~&ncq;A;; And whdp his Inflrumen-ts have doiw *‘hi«s”-wor%k(;an dA.,hc ”dc{tAermi;1c”a go %bre-ak,- or fuffer th emto bebron A kén4‘L‘a gain)4I¢:t ~thicn1v=»appear VAn«:vcrr~fo wi£E,A [bold ;and mighty, Vycmiétinlysdaiitzhey."fwakd9LW09!?» fuch a wifé; bo1¢95%A-and mjfizyg‘ geAqpI:~;Acapno¢A1 brqkmn, fé:%i-mg the: Lord can do: Wh§B%E€>¢"Y§r,;he Ap}eaf'et~II5.»:WbA0 fuddcnly can A tumr mans NdQm,Ai4n€s§ ,£oI1y,4% hi%$%?.;flVrenAgth%*intoA~wcakmfl'ev, ‘a~n%d%h3m fiuiritéAzdaunt@dneffi:~:a0f »l;»4«‘»2nd‘AAfbrVings& 5;_xioni1pi>pn fiim&l'f§,flo£’vrejc&ix1g'thug;whi‘;:h mound ”nd”ihg~“is“ AV _ AM A Jg¢¢n~».~hsi,da§ and tIaLan;»m¢a{3rei:A :l:ight,¥V. ljrih’ an téif%'r;f¢aTV@%f.*?*7’*’*a¥5= ‘ A :*%azL;*:eid%Aw:fli;wx dTomsA~Amd that :5 mayeft sfilaad ‘ imaaoderaft u*px>n$tm:?>% K; 7iAi1?V"iA"}L."T¢“”‘i‘&.‘..:°“'.A1"fi?3‘i‘A”‘ii: «i’3t3¢?'C¢5AA=V ifidg L¢:0mcA2eo:{ A’£i,A4A‘PigM I1Aacroéhmmyc&rm-tly 1c»Aok ‘ were: =1-m¥*d“*“"b‘~ ‘ ~ . A [1] ‘ v VA 1ifeA \ 83:"? 5“-~7di“A£¢“¢€AV;W Gt:reis‘«vm.¢t.aGnd ?‘“‘§¥9 =hvshw%+» W 1'0 W ma efmjt, and-A t d coma;,A aneiA1”ec:.tI‘;¢%in; A«a-sjphcy :S5éo?éviZ!?y. C55né:ifiifl$~» ‘Q? €”5**“r%nir2g of ¢%1fJJ.A1??ar;7:‘éra3§~¢-V 4% A V A‘ééixéeifiaihgthjiFar75ér’,w and Aihofc that mgr: L Am; A am-AeAwas an ‘Aciminent .4harici of Godk in Abrcakiirs Wm.d0:Wma3 mdbyinging M4 them A uAfl¢¢t5% and God dld‘ 2: ¢ um; Aw3,m@%m{tA ;_ a, , A ..-g.Aj11:.«;, chgfl inAiAqu:ityA”in Atherré provakéfi % s:h@‘e ’f!w¥s? Gaéaci .w,«:» fifi'ge1i'f‘,""”a%fid;4 the‘ _l1}éi;£*,h§3Af1§l1pAridt of V théi%If ~%fpirA%ib3 »gI'i:CfV§£’d; awi ~ *;h¢%Spi‘rit-‘of%%t$hé God; fijld am: _he hada) A lung _ ‘%Abc_im ‘wffith thejfm and %wa_irned% them .wi*t.h his Etcgrnipl A‘ A M LighcA%Ain their c0hFC1,§=I1 Ce: 3 yet % ghey repented, riot . fbtlt fiill % giti¢3f€d'AAA‘hi$‘TA}%€50d~AS91171?AbY:AW*”7»Y APT0Y9€A4¢i0l1$$aI1dA. Wmd¢%, « “A A‘ A 'and%AAjAAAh"igH¢‘r ‘againfi :.l-1‘ig~i in ‘ d’iAfoBad'icn,ce .; H%ia_ V.v&%ar;,ge;rA% %_ ».a‘ dig ,i ‘V :kmd11¢d;"ag"ainfl ,; and his indignagiop A watxed },-=¢+,%tA4;“ ~,vmd”hf¢AA arotfc ‘the’ ficry f fpiritj ofahis icaloufic, to .:afeA ‘his %ad?ve;A*farics, ar1dhxien“gehimA”eIf Df_”‘hi_8 AEnf¢mi¢3: aua“‘r1AA!s"‘"“Ao"’f' %%tfi§ E3f¢‘?AfAdF b1O0d;%4mdAis ‘ no rcfpcfiaf of ~‘p,f{¢n3 ) Tavir At4hat’A‘tI1‘é{e: cr¢*4A§V wa.r+i?A3r‘crI>«¢**i=?~irWaArkAAwhAinh hzhhad AA 4. Am.» éetermined 5 gqren to hr1tng_dbwnA the lofttxgefe of man 3 and“ to fiain; she pndeand A_g1.OA'.A.\;iAofAA.iAflem~-" ainé kthfit «thttzF4r/wart fart} i might thaveitftcome to“ fee that they A wetfet but men ,, 'AA!JA1_‘atdC§ of the "é”arthti‘and‘ moodichat others"t+a9,eriét A AndiAt‘thetL‘ot_‘d Godaptcarcdmighrily trhofeit his *5tI1?fitri1fI1e"tt5t_: siting ttthemitevewifdofllé“Camera e,"ei and Strengithettoettianage Aae:]feW“ar;¥Vti;t; ‘ gainft 21A]. ‘far’ i_tn?oreJMig ty and WifePeopIeastooutwaird hp‘- 4 pear~antcte~,ii*~than themfelvs ,‘ and Wggheyee prevailedidaily againfl _ their Enemies-, and the Aifeétibflh-iofA the Pee'p1eAt_tuti‘ ftyrtih . and int lined towardsi thA€AmC;‘ and; tG(A>d,_ {truck thy eFatb_er-.v Pwzrty with e dau~nI;ednefI'e”"t of SApitit'A"‘, " and“ turnedtheitiuiifdgme backwards, 3.-gld profpcred them not; inelthcfield , but _fomc~ titnes tcaufetli them A to’ Flee Before’ their flifiehtiies , a1%1_d_othAer A times gavetthem into.the1r””hantds;e “andt,‘yjc“t they Rcpentedi not , neithei: ‘did ‘ they ‘_ humble themfeiviesi etbefote the AL<':iAr,d”,‘ biéit fretted. and T;flA1'0V€“,A e and fomci,Blafphented tétndtecurféd even for madnefle; to» fee‘ how they were ,DeféatAed they {trove filinllviainlb ‘for God was Aagainft them , anti they grew we_aker~ and weaker ;“ ‘untill they were even fwholly ‘i fuAbd11ed,t A A and broughtundcr~their Enemies, ,“%1nd«tgiYienAintoftheirhands; A Afiira Prevai that f0~theYduArfi notfcarcefi, 0r;fPeat1f ch¢mA get into Thy%V~1’a!be%r: VH0u¢fi:s,‘ and Lands ,”‘andi”ntoi Thine; and incofomc of-thofe that took k Yo:zrj;iarts', and AAonhcrsA thcg Sold, and fo -gthcrcbybccama Greatfinfthc”%Earc.h5 and LA en“ ;thT’cir I1nfi:‘%cncrcafcd,% and- they gfiew %wa;ntoAn againfi me. Lord _ agro ,% A and h:oaflcdA ;"chcn”:n-$4 V (21 mover zhagwhom‘ they. had ;Conqu“g:rcd 5 a_.ndgfome :‘of’} A t>Tmn1iAbega:=xA E6 crézfi iwfltb chofq Placcx and ; Things theme-~ {EIv'cs, ”whi"c‘h:they had crycd out againfiin others; and as Al'A;uAiIt and »fetA%upA the faAn”1eAtb'ing A., in, and Mamfofng Athcmfelvcs , V which *th”éy%“ had thrown dqwnzj A and gdeflrqyed V; in wanochca: 5 ‘ dnI5rAi“d D'¢ceir"AVhu31Hypocrifi::. ~=fi¢v~g°t* other Names for chem. , A Tlitn f<:7v craiI Awof thcA~Army *;tA:ha_c ; Wm: Vamongft Lghémg A t%h;ii~‘;h¢y."%l3.w4 theii- Dzyccit7~hn&d~ Wickedm£1?~,- and JEl:h.:1l:: cI1ey»A «aw .I1i.dtf’in"t,c’nd th€ V:%thifl£';.»» AWhi;chAA they did‘ preccmd,.d4dxfi:4nr;3m ~ fi3r~cbn5T¢i¢hC¢ifaké'continue a_ny[Iong¢r 2ir1:1oz.1gl’rt*h::m, Hit» A }ef§%~A‘1:hA;%r1;ili=vetalAAyc;rs»4aA_Q‘g ax}d»AAdcAc1awgcd Aaga'ix'1l‘rV_AAthcm gr: axjd oihérs;%‘finc¢j%9,g‘AAAthac fcsmdg ac, wgrctAwum£d7ouc bythe fo thaihi%nAa*{h;5Art:Y“:i1?:::% Amahy bf A thAcmf %b¢;:c%an1c* greatcr fars‘1nd§F’¢rfc¢utoni, ’th.+m mace whom they, h;d;conquerc&, ;arid%fo*Ap:¢vokedch¢%Lq.-d tq agngegg. A hen che%LordiArairea up44m~fany Prophets and [Smra4nA_c: A, .‘ an4dAA Afqntd, Ache *“°f51i?Y%h°‘hid%é&¢di=*1*19—*i?¢*!¢h5?90f1yV:Vvandf9¥”‘i 0Wr9ts"V% % A g:n‘frfi>;4*‘A%t;hA“ém,a an‘d%fI%1id ihcirV%ab0min¢atiopA p1~ainly«b:for¢: % £h;«m,r:r a«nd1flm€¢§themwherin‘they‘haa%*é:rea.andexhorted chem»=o Repentance % l: A 7 "and {;;bijAafh=:d of .their *S%t17Iei1gt“h“,A and kcpg1ataace:f44~and:p1ain1y fhewed 1:A1'ntAo“f %,A“wha~t*~.tE¢"#L¢ga :gc‘111ired—§at fometimqs‘ gm:-qveA mm fharp1yAandp1ain1y,;A La'nd% P»rop1uef1edA'unt'oA i themf,‘ that the Lord would confotlnficl aAndA**breakA t11emAt&3‘A;ApieAc‘es%;0neiA 1% agAAa5in££jano:heL‘;%, Azmd ¢&fuAfi'.=::r% Ithénr t’o“A?’ bé def’é’!:o§*c'fl§,44 if%t:’heAy%A Area * paerxted % not fpeediliy : but ‘they ~ Woxfld‘ xjot Ahéarkfen ', Vb”utf‘greW% %&ifi7-necked 'aga.in'f%: the;L0rd1 and“ his Peo{3I4e%, ‘ai_1d%%fiJ~fl‘cred4A: Amafiw of them A toi be Opprefl'ed',y theiArAA.Goods fpoiléc1A,,: and A Jame offthenrr to be Impx-ifoned unto death. ‘in *‘theirVN;1'mes ‘:1 chm; they AA Rebe11cd”% agaginfi the4.I:c>rd_Lmofe and “more, Wifdom ‘,' and ,Va1¢':>ur -; and “fo forgotf how %t.AAha71:Ait:A“ ivas +~the‘ILord ~ttiat Vxfaifedthem” HP fromAa low degree -,A anci gaA¢"e them Power over their; E-*5 ‘;11&-fnies%; And c%husAA%é11ey% wrought grievous PfjovocationsAinV his . «fight then thc Anger of ?thc Lord xfiias kindled zv ga~VVinit.t%hAemA mas théy for’{'obk him,’ {'07 he‘ fbrfook them{;, and at lcngt11%ihegAave_,them up to theA%f%C"o11nfel's of their own Hearts., becatife they had rejetled his Counfel :; And then- thcy began “to Divide and Split amongff themfelvés ian%d*~t”<3A A Betray-‘one *a nether». for" Selfiencts :.- and “their A (;o1;»r%ageAAA heap % gE1.fl‘At0¢A.f8;u*; upon. “tjhem*Ag \;a3ndA havirig plunged’ ‘th"e"‘mfcI?ves To farA,,intAofl.CoéA vctoufneflé and Lgufis , the Cloud of Error grew fo“ thick ups V «on AAchem,,%%thacA:hey_c0£1ld not Afeethe Caufe, that they oxiceh and %fai%ntncfI"c and *‘deaL'dneffé bf A Spirit‘ feizerglAj wcrem fb%A*AAZea?1bus for ‘and ghen 7,CénfufionA fgll, upon 1;l1<€:i:x1,,%A wa-rad they A-gfopxzd A like‘ *b%1i1ifl ‘Then Akhew A‘1A1‘1'5ot‘“ ma what A thgy flumbled #;§,i,i rzAe4irtherMAkiie*"ai 1.-I‘AI;¢=,5y” AA far j'v€r_hé34m A,AA. “ r1'“ior” AfWr_ ‘vvha.t; _tc[>_T flami ‘*%fém"eAtiPms AAc1*§;7eAd and AEngag¢c1“foAr one Thing andfhcji-tlyafter cryed ~agaipfi it , and Athrew%V»it down~A?agaix1;‘ AAA ”%a_m1;AfoQm:ofAthem% cryéd”V‘for%44 one Tliiiig and others' brought foitthw a.nm:h’”e»r;T A 4,“ arm A I07 V likp VgB’%¢:»6el3AVAA'1)A1j.i1dcr‘s' A fi%,rhomi%: Gqgrd «d%ete~1frhihed7 -*§:A ‘fc7m:i::erAAA) they a&c“’AcAl A **‘_ah_d_Athéir1E.ye bc.-” " einggblinded; my w"?roughAt:% their“ ‘oAwr1‘ deflrufiion, and”: (few Aofflxem {aw it‘: ,A untill it“ Atiras "come% upon them; and them% « t11a%;t4LAAdi:"d ,J«AwereAa!s Amen" am*”~zcd A%axidkt1ew 1740:; how £9 help ‘i .thamAfelvem‘V‘ AA A A A AA an c“a§,A~ Dec§eit‘ft11;; Pr,ofc£fing“P¢qpAIe_gwho‘in-Wbfds have ‘métdéfl %V%?‘5*€ And thusA the IjuPc’harid' of the Lord Carma: [1A1ponA;> red: A Prbififling ‘that’ Jzlicy Vknew%A 5GOdj;] buiziiii A A _ Wqxfks ': Vthcyhavc , “denied him -,'A anfl *theréfoi-e bath the Lord % V 1:3-lgen A fifignawayzt?h§:'irI1J%€*Fi§¥’151'¥9F’1§hQ‘P”""53fl*: hwwfi I2urms3~£heaar.w1hfe hbmkhwdwda, and fiiaigzed Gamgg, fthatzthcy é11fo‘m'i5flft’ A .-dime rt» fc.¢:w'ba ;n:‘hhcy;wcrc J . {stI1d;Wha.c£hc.Lord£33d%{9F WEAR“ A A ’ 3;: ciancernilnghj A A } %~ % % A Nqw,ob{é«rve thé hhqhnd of Ihe”‘L('fl'd in thy cmninvg fo farinto ‘ ahd wh,u_;h_gjyar;efaIIc:1 frmmi,fo’h.agpilyn{0me c>fl:h%¢_m} came .z:of’ fimdchhrepcm*;&r1C€,. ~v3.n‘dIg0h h”urn5'}ed u1:<{e1:; Iheii Mggmhhy Hahnfl -(.jf%,G*od, fahdhche Lord“may€hca.l-:he;rbac12 flldfihgs, «mam ay rhaifeh up his own ‘Fmxnal W itncfié in clucrngthhe Tabém §nac1¢m“p4,viJ) whhich-ha.thh beenihfallen dowxa. ‘ by c~o~nzi'zzg f:z.r]ima-«Bower ag»1in,éfc. A xaogm min, and ch-6'1’: who took hhpawt with my Father dfihd A V .1»,m_.. V «F1,-‘ft, coWnfidhi:r thc~‘i:a1Jef€'Of ‘it (in she fear of the 'Lord,)' ’ ajmj thou ail: tindgchat i‘t"i;,btcgufc thcy unto whom Gog! gavg {uAh¢h*%%:;:,§,hw¢g lover you, were not hfaechfizglhhunto bod; as hath bccnf {hid bcfbrgh “ grieivcd the‘ Spirit of chc‘Lord _w*i:h their bye-i V ;r:>ri,fi'é frgm g:.}~{pday, talking'forL1bcrty, bun behold ;h¢y% brohght forth opp‘rgflion,hv and fo became w.arfcm.than you chat: 'innc‘before them, siho did hn‘othprofcfl‘e 1'0 much for.-Liberty in wméséfi A‘An’fl ; hhijh 111;: ow. that if they hhad‘h"b:en faithful!” unto t*heLjord,chou and thofc called;ch§13;:icn“ds,couId not ban pomq (f)v¢g§[,~;I|é1M'n'thU9 atye have ddnc .;.QT'herctore let no man ‘cleceivr ” thee, by perfwading thee than thefg things are thus hbroughc ts-_ h pafi, hbehcaufi: the Kingdomwasthyh own prop'i:rh:righ‘;,%%h and, b:;-4» ‘A gmfig igwa; with-hclhd from they: co‘ntx‘aryhto all right ,4” er , .%%.,§4u{e th at thhdTc'ca_1lcd“»Rojdlifl: are muth mom ‘righccoxn thfam fl1°1:’haWh9h?‘:‘;cx.“°“7t‘hu°“ u=‘=d¢!’th¢¢sF0!' 1% P‘3i“15? .d‘i¢131'¢ 7 thee, Mihat t'!ii3**Khi“ngd<5hz,and all the Kindomcs pf] €h¢1Ear;h,ax:¢ ' propadj ch-eh Lods;&rhat h¢~»may,a: doth give them much whom. foevcxf he plewsths‘ andhwhcnfocverhhtp1éaI?'aihAchm4 cakcthem*hh hhawayagflinshmd¢iY“h‘¥?‘hh“1?F0°‘h¢"a“““‘§’f‘¢“7h“¢ flit: thusak his, An ¢::thh¢ohtrary$-to riah tgflhhhfl; this ‘know tharlc was the itlfi hand of Gbd‘i*n*h ta1dfinghaW"h»4Yth¢‘Kina#*°m **’°m thy "Tatberand hfbvt-' inagiving*i:;a,umohothm, and that; alfoic is nowhche~ju'%1}handho% hhthg Loyd to takcjt agalnhfom them and'brinathcm;un‘der bee; f1hohugh'"l«~Ll1allA nor!’ay.,but cha:c~l"bmf ofehcm JwqmE‘h.~ yona chair ‘. cumhmim. Aagaié :3! ‘rhyFatb¢r,whimithny we-rg*b;:oufght;aash at hrodhh jyo:,’x,a*nd W311 wiflic bc* for*hhth?szc5§fthOuh beconffl hn‘c:-tguilty ~ fgj Kim: trlnfgtcfliun novgthouirt bronghfovcr them; V ‘and I Am) ~ thisleAco1ificle’r,htl:at tlxofexvlmllare‘calledellthylfriends, whowere . cmiqtreered‘, Fvhzwe humbledl fhemfelvesl but lll2El'€f”l1I1de1‘ the ehah‘ClA ' pfhtlzej Lord, but are {hll found to belt: great }:ranfg“re’fl'ions,a'nd A alfoClor1fi‘der,%.tl1e m_an‘rA1er ho_w thxe thing haith‘ebeenewrought',anld;% carried on, l~co'r1cerning.the bringing in of thee again, thatfor ehere may bermlfieflllly hloafiing, for the thing is plgixaly clif-w e Cernecl hythem whole eye i5,fiI1gl'e,AAeland INA {hall de,clai:Aeil:_untol thee; MaArk,A the Army having aéled fo delceitfully,the“lul’cs and A gain 0f‘tl1€ZW‘rld blinded their eye, anal they haAvingvlfo fer pro;-«A flr'0lijA€CltheI.0rd, until hislclecree was lfealed aegaixfilq the1n,zindI1e,a . ehad detemained that they fhotild helbroken ;"after this‘ they fplit. amongthemfelves, andturnecl from orie vghing to a’noth‘er, and; hi1-av not where to tell,‘ and the I..orcl fu3‘e*i'ed folme to rifeu from among chemfelves to deceive the rel}, and fo Atl1eyAthro1igh ~ ehflimulation (inlprofefilllng e to {land for thofe_whAAhOl "held folernia hently flood 21 ainfi thy father 2uidtlI1ee)“gotpow[er to xveaken. A zind turn out of: that were really again‘{’c' t:hee,} asVdilh.11‘hers of: the G and Old CA'.»m_,f>Eé (as they termed it) and fo by little and el‘lic€-Aj‘A tle firengthned those that fiocili for thee; and thus the deceivecf blind Inen» provided ‘a rod ‘foe thenafelvesg handiifo by little <3: liptlle; wrought %themf:lveAs under it, A lalhd it is full} upon *tI1€rh;,<'_fo1‘hl‘it,h€4 rod is fer the fools beck. 86 let this be %cohfidefed,‘l thlat.thi$.:e he was not carried onAby tlxelficmtneffe 0fltl1ofellthat ftoodlfoir thee,l_A nowet ‘by a vifible plain doxvng-right dealingfihn rather thm’ugAl1l4 thelAA1icAicle11A myflerie" of dec.ei:;. lwhichllwaslh4A‘fufi"eAhrleldf I45 lelhxvdrlkllféél giiidfifi ‘llthbféawhom ‘lied ‘Cl etelrniinedeflxohld l_':A£§rl:?330ll{.A€;L1?”lthA1.1AAfi§lZ: £9; hylfhe f&m¢hVY€i)’lW11erébyit11e§S?’ had dClC€iVh€dllo:Al1ef5, Wllkhll {V215,} beyipreténding to fiafidlfor tl1at,1v11ich7:.hey di¢i.notilntend5f_ f?t“37,l even by the 1"a§imfe why, %wt1I¢yinltlle:end.AfhAAuldhe dec.e1vede rheltnfelves -, ‘So let“ none g;lor.y[.in whatiselldpgzefcqhcernihng, :_:hi5,h.”A fihilhgg ,siAsif‘ iAtAAeAwAere—eC10ne byltheireevalolitr hQt.linrifdo1ne,ie; cI:eo;,zg1-:41; :2ai:A 2:-lxxgvlrafy ::fiéllmd pAle unttottlieelgy Oaths, t,1eatflythoiuttt caufe ttmtiiy totforfwcarthgtnfelvgsg for ttttly this htpco1t>;;l;§,agreat,p;artt of tthem are atttpterficlious peop1e;as1:tt~heyt haw manitfefied»themfe1ves;,t ‘who put twhitle, hspvct Sworn for ~~ 2!. t Kéiag and parzmmz-, Iangl" %fl1;ort1-y afi:,€'Ar,t th€Yt»;h€1Ve {Worn htagaitnfi ta King,fing1eAp%é.;fbn or _Hmfq; of Lottrdt, an<1]hfhor«tly afterthty have Sworn ._Qr engaged tfora fi?¢§1tttP€*"f0”ttflt§%1ifl:»t~ 3Afldr%C;fl1<1¢d onemtothttrt tLw£r; axndhvf a «Little; While afttt have turned tagiainfl that =G0‘vernment, and cry- 1?¢‘?1?4t9’5”t‘a88¢iflst and IIOW thfit; {a1‘+n€a "peczplc aregeneraliu ly tcryingth4pp,g jI(;z'ng again 5 j And truly ttbgfffim Rulers ttwht: hhavtfe imppfedttt fQ;.%fl¢11y~t feytral tngatgementst 11/{P.0‘»¢\c¢a':r:;I1.d4 w.1ts:r} ht: .rdy€%§5, many 0 ‘theft; Prtefls btgan totaddt'e{st;_I‘_1%f;-_t1j_L4'_e_lj{.t§ :9 hts S0n,anC7 «B2. ’ AAfmn¢é 1: ‘I ape in ‘hi-m, 4:*1xarr:h%e~m¢;g:hz ;;'f>'§Z'3J’V'14fl,E3 :*h*e:r=c:«oa_, . i‘S t%h%éi'r%»Bell}’I% aindifxey%appVe%a=red-m.?b§: ;forx“:0wfi:1for%his»P»z~tk~sr:4 deat:h,f a'11i;1*b1-afphén1o.u'fly —tea~rm ed%him AtI1veAi1ig’h1“. of Ariléeiv eyes‘, f A and {.:he.‘bt'E£lCL11n0f then“ *nof%1"-i‘Iws«,*and they to Ed Jmiib/3w~d%aéh3t A I1%acfi1Véfc4hin1 to~Mc::~1:try on E‘11flf"’CIlO'1j§a0U~S- “W-ark wVhi~~c{h% f—1‘:i~s7? .Z€ar‘l§;§r V “had ‘b¢egm-1. V A'%ndV”ifi31ne of r1;4=e'f';e ‘Priefis "C0mP'3.F€i?{_0Zi;‘3f to be%-‘!A%i.R42'11A:3tO ./Mafis, and I€z'c‘bm-d»t0%be-hkevunto }Zz;fIgz:-nag,-W110 ?ih“01.1ld ca1f1*y”chBm Aiflto the plfczmifed Land ,% Eu: “1"m.'§:iy' 4%t%hefE=: ~ b1ind»jVPriefi%s%are=yet4m e/£;»gypr, rzhemnd ot‘darks1e~£l7:3;az*xadmrherb I A are like to die except they +:*epez1t.;fi.u~d fureiy' rl1ofe‘%t’I§aLVn%xa”de *0.!5E~ Arm ‘Cla.#znceiior%-¢of one of tiieir Univcrjirigx, they ;hioped*la~c Thould hgxvecontinued iorgerin his place ‘thezx-he~d%d; Eur git V ma Lrpoflfhem» and the-y=‘{h<§:u—ldhaw'e*no%vifion-AA A*And how ‘*dfid*.1'om‘e*of’ ¢‘:‘I1ern“t‘umjfor a4J’2zr!;'2:mmt-;a4gé1in-,‘ ~when"the +“i'fi1ytufned.out Richards‘ And when %G‘eojrge Bmk made % a :nifefi' that they are fuchas the ‘Fr-oghet {aid , nightflaould A frifing, and they phought there vcrouldbe-a turn, Athenfome of Q ;hem«.riedAout aga_inPc the Parliament, and began to curfe fixé-h ~ as would hot guy “out agaxnfi them; A;nd* “when George Booth was f »taken,M tlienVmany of“ them began to petitit>n»to% the %Parliammi,A. .and to Acxcmfefi t%hemf¢1%ves;” that ~they~~ haVdvAJAAnio;EaandA 'mV:h»a.—t rifing-, And now th¢*y' _are~ generally “o*ry1'mg up %%a11d'%.prayi‘rxg“ for »th}ee~ , 'and‘a1’I this islforf t11eir*%3'beIli%e§: ‘ t%herVef'orc'~:4 if? t~bo11-~wi1t believe them 2_1nd?t:ru4.fi to their prayers, thou? art wornhy %%%_to be deceived byvthem %:An*d;.a11% thaitl will uph.o‘ld 4them*vin‘~th"a%1:»1V 112ite»they«:are vién;_,- and‘eeempe1;othe1~s;to> Aimaira°fia%n»4 ehejm;f—4AA thgfijiare-not Am-e4«Aro :proTper, A for they h*an~d77 of} 1:-1'1: Lard i*s*agai"n{{ therfm,’ “andv that ‘Scripture is %fulfill:ed”1i‘p0n% ai" ‘g«re?”a"t%‘ pa%r1:*‘0Vf7thefe-Nations liékg A %~B;«£q[£.r lzkg 1?_:9a}_>;!2°‘,“ whoare gjiven; to pCove;o’u-fne{fe11»~and Q%?dtf:wE:eit , and ww%1AIl:_mrn% and fappea‘-r4 %fo’x: any ::_hing+ f; hat: ise for .~Ai:h'ei‘r~ gVaAin€ ‘3 wf Yet,A %tihis‘,I”i?f‘»teficifieiinthe*Lord¢, that» fuC=fiMiE1ifl¢r9 as‘»%the”«Scrip~ itures of"‘TrutlrV% own, I own; ~fufCfi‘“‘%dm£ii1t¢n2incc‘+ is Ehtifl allowed‘ his Minifigtrs ;:d‘%=+=take, Ii::havei«ug.1ity;withr;, A knowgtliam fuch as art his »Miniflers;.,* will be Lhcrewithal-‘V%eon~ A M tenf, but:I%11'ChMinifiei*s as willsnot, :heyiAfervéAv4u«‘et%4n;11e‘:L;ordJ¢~ =fusVd,"‘t%0 cry A alaugd again If % ,theGu;‘fing and the B.11;d:er1¢iTe which I then heard%, and beheld %% a,m(:;ng'fp*the E?eopI.¢1~n¥ghe ifycctissflndl was_“madcto u%tzAer‘thcfc A {?aV£5r3‘%’*1i3d{$)’- unto thc%ARu3ef$ and *T<’-'ache:f«s ofchig ,I‘§Ti_acWi<§t3,§’fi'rf§':i‘f%:”:¢ i£?1iffef Ifi,¢7C1$%ting§C$Ad1ifiesas t1xis,8c;dAo V310; {cék co" fig; " :“ *1. %‘ W N ‘£%‘“g“ {ff %,i.g°“i~ 3% {”%”7’ 3?. .‘ V‘ 5?.‘ '° “°‘ %‘0 “NP t an-1,‘: on gun . ~ce§ 7 0: saa,r%1ca_i foxwzg, +3:-1 y;,_ Idneclarg ;mmV V‘Thce,1nf§fhe fearofzqg Largi, I pe\:~::%rhcardoF,norbcheId fogpggc %';:3rmphauwefi'c,asI have done wzthm ,_the{'c few wVeck~.s %‘paft,:.% Oh, j fV;iTI:;"1s EM1%ear5d%?t;) §:tt;::',hdvv mgzfih Wine ia'm‘j {?rbngD:ixjk ha ch%vAbcéi3 .‘C?{’e«“§JL0i‘:;,R1;ie:&“hi:n' €v;:i’te, jbypecupies drinking of hieaflfltfhss %ur3]_rca% _1:h¢g-%:% % fgmc upqgu th%e°ir'k;1¢"<=:s, Vand’fomeMQtherW_ifi~,: even ;1mi1’1 %f.3mg% fim*b'eenfcr dru wk; they could neither 1';aee1< ‘gci ri.gp;,. ma ‘i.vv"1:i;'.h‘”aI3,L1!T[ii3DCe °I;Vf“Wc"cd.,,h‘“a“thf beiexigwéfted an%ddevau”r;ea in mak?'ri%34fG3f.‘43gr¢3f Bqnfiffiris (a3’=‘xtie>%;} ;?=ia11~}%them~%) they : “W3 C,W*T1¢% 3'3; 1:h;eyVi’a>y '1 I0 M f€3°5?¢éVb¢¢3°llT6 037 T71? Afimhinga Yea; A}egv%r;1;1Mfi1cl71grAeg:q: fix;é‘s%hfi_Vx;e began rn*at ie%,upon.tfh¢is ac%co._qn+r,:hat tiny ;‘iia'ir= bééli dang¢r0u$“b40th ‘unAt0A4ACif§¢3.=md ’T<>W?1§5% ‘mid !'u<1:li : r:‘oiresh:w= h=enV4..heard” féf Inf‘-s= i«.r;aind L.T0.Wnes, 'rC3Y¢¢.”*VféTw$%h3“V;¢ the 1”“-‘:4 5)’ §{hbOtih8w% 55 A 0f::Gu%i1S% bdt? 4 *gréatVanc3 ffmall ”. ‘Md by ;ri‘z_1giz;g of‘A‘B,7€1jIS%Aa%”;=mé ‘by. pe’:_G““‘:fi‘|i-6:5 1'?iimgii1g%=;n'd* 1‘aughir$g7, and fllouti¢::gf’ili5$¢f1?i0t:(§(13 % méd~mm, Rxfects ifi_:fE*( E'I~‘21‘]l plajcias gW%icjh_ floWcrs;,_A%%%agud thtltke. And this is %d‘one%A_ 1:; ; rc)*oy“cxr’”;gf_‘ %%co%g;1;q§;f;1i;1fjg 1’;:"T‘he:fl§;'-; * and what :xbundan'ceV hath %bce%n%devUurcd%11‘3 f¢ay{f5n%g5 qnecinga andw dboifiisia&1A= A re3‘év.éin.i:*s?¥ ‘And’ confider»:n% wvhatfgi‘=at%ne¢d p6m1peop1?¢%ar¢ <*W1¢fi"ACr¢’3A$9re€s‘ apbavebécxj; ihutdevoureda amid, cVon'fi'dE$c. W§1‘at4 ;<:g:%;*;j%”E3;;c£§“’,¢i1?1d Of.-‘?II¢l %tl‘Vl.€%fi:M 4 Tw?£¢1c=cmsA *ux*;godIi1itHE; men things: now‘, t"he°Lc:“td * ’:?Tfie¢,bethd~@,1haiflé%1é‘ii;IrEl"’t3ii§1difiAgt&*§'h§;t”T§f1qu““afri:ifigyjggjm , ..« “is great 5 Lét ndn:é«;Ade¢=iveA?Ti2ee, m=e,:r1%aéAATa«au E95:c.t>%z=d4ici*onabeicaure 4:h¢:¢ou::waLra i*:rcn*gth”°*Ft!ie Nati0n_. am-its ‘t°w.bw-%¢% thy A§99Imand%;; confidhntfi*i%:0liW €fWvv9é*{satx%d%~h?‘6 ,P=wh*rd%*assfxnr1¢fi %:i"t1:‘2c .S§p2'ri2;'7 Inf’ fzerg/’ea:¢t£p2a;»CD'm; : A A ~ AA&A"A;§§Lnd;aswnzicernimg Rreligi0n,:;‘I exhormnd xwarne Theejinjthc-A A Namé;’ancl:-.A.Fear é;AfVt11e;Lo%rdV%,. to take heed 1:hatthouAAbi.nAd nocxAtI;1&,AA A cm1fciencAcs of; any;;‘A _and” tlaatrhouéfmxzffer no other m.%ean*s 1:,or be a;b%ou2:rRel1AgA;om but:rhat:* thgmpoflies ufed Ear ftaflxhisekilw 1’m‘g;;a1*1t{.imprifoninm.a11d‘Tpe1ffecutingab‘ms %Re1iygidn,the; ham V ablmxrs.it;~Y“»ea:the1’%apifi‘.n ki1IiIIg,§Ifld imp1*ifo11ing,imdperfecuting A the APm~ejiFaznr:%,a11d.*:h%e~APratcflmr; kmi1ag,and.‘imprifaninggtnd A pearfecutifig ot7At%kue%AP»2pijZh, ~:andAo.the1*”s% ab‘ut:a fmmjdf ReA1ig;i0i1*2 ; : thefeAénhi%;1gs Vamoti” thebm/il,A A«»~t;I1%cA d‘efl1Aimp1‘ifoninég e‘*Wy**A% xvéknow whsiticl is;t.l1"e}71a>f’£ ximeiw éifb" Amark,»thefeAéfimti+i A %1sEi1AiAi§;gg:ind.*:\v-111p12ingA4an¢APéofikiing ,"and‘fi»oF§ing; §»nd;Amangw? *i“€-.+V i€%iE”§ ‘ ,.a "Wage? thVa*£i‘§ri¢a§turéaabduxAA‘F%:R¢zigi¢h,fag4;epra&=i&ammn kl-Ifiizat apHl:tht: IjiCh~‘l‘i*"fl'8, the A:p'oftIa‘z&4?sti-£0hri‘fiiata£,.w1m4 ff®m‘Ch'I=ifl531fl“d't%he ’z‘§=p0I1~i¢s «h‘Sf.&ir.-i.t“i.andiDo& f¢£:£héy’3W~r¢filodh0»t .wich<=‘fleAih and»Ibl"0<3d,. Asbug?-=—V'w%i:h Pri.ncip&i- libi easiiaagxd Paviarsg. :12-and Spiri tiualé wi£kc%dmeHé3~in* A «high «p‘Ié4(::es:.,;; So fthtyw”£ougfit:'1awga:infi rfpifiirual w*i¢vkedin%o£fi:, and mom a;g~ainR H 'Grca'tun¢:,“ smith: imipoms Aofw Efhf-ifkvi’-ELEJIC “w§cre.noa -.CarImal%% -3 I ifiut:;Spititusl,E;mark)§hcy uiarad no imprifoning, tlqc-.ki-ng, .Whi[;-. ping, imafing‘ hangit1g.,l:§_I.uIa§ng, baniflwing, dr mangling of the Creaturcs:~w gicrfwadc um-”zur'nth chi tm.tbci%r»‘:P(Teli;‘ion5 nnéilhcr did they. ufi: amygot-her fércc (to tum% people to thefptlmfiehgz-» ;0..n)thcn thac\«vh4ie‘hi..pro cc.cdeVd..£rc.>mathe inv-ifiblt’POWcrt r.;£;Godi EtcmaISpirit= i;m:hem,whic.h Rruck at. the {piritu-11 wickcdncflaq and *s;§d§e%V&A¢yiljthoughts .ia~l1d.'~*i-_1Ia2g,in‘ati0ns wish were txalQt;¢:d’¢ in} ~="pcbpIe‘- 5 that: the knowiedgc of hJri‘fl‘§*”fl‘an&d‘ fothcy; fcaughl E ¢o~brTing th ¢ wiazkedneflqinto Vsaptiyity,4 and* not theflrefitu rcsg. ¢ But to bring" them into I ibcrcy.;m~-e?%%t&fi¢ri!?§‘?a =m'dAAAV:i'c4ur=dsdufirim?5 And kr~ptAtbm~ H wdf mmmdéd v.nio; fix? inw:afte4d%-=v~AAc:-rd*(which Im;% nigh;;%iV!1AAA..th,§inJWV1“tr d % their ¢~ut—l>,:-9 Ihé Mich W38 **¢} !*Y¢¢vV%¢h=i£ *¥vuV**a «An%d Vr1°tV%ssh;WP4 ti? 9°rf¢¢u*¢:4%«th£m In 9 *1g§1§¥';did%T:tl1¥.fl‘4‘0utOf ;.th¢Hfl%tb: j «dbout4.¢R¢{igiQfi5.é:1é~..n9t 551-‘ Cghfifisj=51"~;d%Au;i¢hI,iflAs‘.mat 33f? A ginflac 11-:11.-E. %V%S_.o._‘tak¢ head. that than dofi inc: fgg. umggxggg W V fi;%AcAtuia»n.aboI1t R.,¢1Ig19n; Au pm) a,ny4 pretence-A whatfqavex, 139$» to- 1'etaItc it; -F°f—Ih§¢.L9£d.VG.°d 753111 bffiflght :f6r:h af pec>pl§:« in A A;~, ghefc%a,tio113, arid izcfwill bring“fprt.h._ qaqr¢%,A :Alt_;;;g% A¢‘3nfno;,~Mno; % A =m;y fipn—%boAw untp, any qther thmg smhm warflup, magmmo ; thé ‘Name of e{u?$.W;ho£e+nzi%mc is callcd the .wm;d Vgf'G¢d; and if ‘thou§oVppreIT¢fl vt.his2peoplc, chef Lqrd will %alTuredIy%..c:,1;'¢ 3;. .wgy: my ppvvcr, and avcngethe1r.ca1:fe;.~( markfliat ) far he: ; % careth for them 3 and verily, we hays not another m “DR 5,,‘ wan-the Name ef Athe Lord, a*nd.%WeknoW1%that%tO be a flrong - : +1jg»w;r, Whichnis abLe_gopné’{ésr1fre us;,¢.a‘nAd. Weglkncw. "Vthathe will not ,fuff'erwanywth1.ng up come uApo.n'uMs, but what {hall vvotk forhis glory, argdc-mrAg;:md.A ButV%;Athcfc things are "fpokcn um ThMcc,4[t‘%f13‘t% €110” mighfifl fear the xL0T£’»~.,311d mighvfl Anorpufl judgcmegntupoglthyown}-lead. . ; V . ; I: %;% V A 6%.¢ancernirzg u_vImn;GovAernmcntand Gwemazm the ? peopleof the: %%1_;prd (called 1Q!-I 24,1315 ) fi4ndfor_,a22d$wImr;.. tiny flmzd 4g@zinfl,% (gm. This I%dccla‘r¢A,imhL¢truth and .p%i~e£cncc=of%th'g.L4or&,% and I ]know,thcr:arem;m\y AtI;mAufaAnd%s in rhefc. Nations, that are of ptheyfame mind¢%%with;me,thaAt% it is notfor t5he,name, that may A Ah; put upon a&G9v_Qt11menr, thatlwe eithexmltand%forAor againfl; A but it is ar«righteo;L1=;Govcrnmem(according¢tothe higher pow--r vg:r{which isacncordin.g%to% *ithat% of God in every ;ma‘ns confci- A mcncc) whichAw,c {land (for, and earnefily dcfim 2iFwr,\both in ‘I thingsappertainingto ;God_anfdA manAA-ndA;we,{'m: our {elves ~ gflieiir%eAno grcatar libei1‘ty,"cithcrinthinas Reliigiousgor in things Cwil betigvixc man a11d~mtjhn,than We dame’ nthefxfs might en-v joy; and_ xf VA i:ucha.Governmcnt as rinshe fet- up, then, if 132 thatis chxe%f, 1nA %:ak1ng;¢%ar:; andfccing that faflmc maybe done- to aVlI%,WithontVre{p¢& %of”p'crfo%ns, if hcbc ci1iled% fa ~Kifng,%, "a{ ;;mdge,a Prate&arA*=or%'a :Gfenm:l. we flmall hott Mbe%ngain‘fi e‘*5’n:herA,A _ A m:,a‘ny of thc Names; or if the care andutruflbvewid upon more; if they be calied by“ the Natnéof a PMli4rnent,d4r.:: caumel, or a A Acmmittec, mtxing ,,andaP4ili4mBnt,..T*cr; a*n},:A;;.;.wcA% %a3:e "cotm:nt_,,4 and mm willingljr fubmic7%unto“ ,R%i%ghtcoufij)eITe$ fmm:the"m, or {"‘§ny;110£ghem§,asou; dnty«,;AnditVi§i that jvwhich is unrighteous (which ;I3;i'$.:hI11 ‘%’isV«tza1le%d’fa4GoVi?érnmena,Lw?hére}%n an; ;gW;,.% c1'Lg;e1_tV3f‘A is; e;;ercifs:d—,% eir~!1’=*errin; thin gs_?relati'nfg p mm; ggngfi x-fcic:n]cef‘4:in mVatt§1:.;1i>f A AW%0rfl1.i;p; [or in th_ings. ,ci':«wEH »»,becAx.z§;}agg;;:;+,A;_ A rand nwn)_thi:at~;W aflafimd A :-agaunfl an d1 ~;zf%%« fu Cih fa; *tM r;:g »be*:;:,,; A M and —=%caIia.d gas ove1'fH’!2eNnr5 ; a=md( If the xchie_f;'—in~%i be-;: ang CW : 6r 2: I zzdgé; Or. a P§?ar%efl4ar; or a»%%.§Ggm~%ral,4 L orpa A "-m»,~1i,;;;f¢g,;,;; M4; _ Ma Qamzccl, or {mag ”‘Camgm:ittee, Vorm‘V*I£i.ng,_Va4nd%A nmzmmm, wwe c~m::24a: : \ % 7£~«an«d fomn‘y . _of%ci1c-i‘"N%a¢m:es, rm fL{bmVi%%§ %u‘nm the ms in 12 f;§j;§n gs ; A A mVmAmand'*c:dib"y. r;h{_:fm,: any;wo:11ef'xw*a§z«es,”7%than ~rh;'mugh a >pg;;§.... ;‘ " :2 A ft .fuTfi’é£in%g .:.under it; an%d%~this ‘ac%éordi%:ng» ‘m :Aher_d,L We man~be;dwiA11i*ng:p dp. A4 A ;HoV:m:re #efi1l5ve£n"ti2e}%~3‘1;ia22igfl’J% of tiJe%;«4VA.za,d,t.0 _;M,,.gMfly ;y_W;, ,: wwlgicbigz R?£‘gIm4aus_, mzd;4gainflt4Im ’m!:io__(J is unrig?i2At£oa:;"»3éc,A " 4 a V H 2 _ Tshc; Awa ;yA how we;1hAa\li“fland for th€"r3gh;eous&w G;ove-mmdn-mT;:, and Afiogvcrn ours, iVs,dby~%%yiLeA£%di‘n g all wdjuedawful +ébediencc*%un‘to% V them and their cow_1;nm’a1$ds5 andby;la'bouring:_inhthe pawAem»g:;% %Vth«e Lord,to%brin%g,doVWn' and rd imep u1::c!e;;% theefvfl, in. Q ‘ pa-,pple*. w=hict1:.istwh%‘éaca11fc o£..all Wb‘¢di5encc to ch—em",,~thanVAi%%n. fubingittinwwpmziantw at-wM:% %th¢~i did A L V+emevniag;%« ‘"G;wWrnwEnt4wd -Y _ twgg, Mg fimwj, :1; gs; V? f H V: .: :?j3,‘~.*?e<£§ Aaas~a.£1MJ¢£‘ri4i%$sg§V «$1 VGmrwx;i1Am¢,ntim.;;V;“G¢ov4§rxj€&m;L‘»¢s-§@h=‘e‘r§’i'%1i? ‘ ‘ nhére» ‘“‘ r, H‘ H‘. .1 J \ .5‘, «p"m .‘ 44 33.5 n H 11 n r iVg¢hrg:oua vemaztdrs, ). is, by b$fa;r%i11 g woiiur :4¢A¢«‘refiimou%y},sag;’%. I 1'95 %4%ii:xA%AAfuc£a.%a.Acafa.“whatfwWr“ a8+%§.Wdm Awfiers W 1“h:21i: Ara;m' rfirazzgiw1wAWdSf*W%?*‘W“¥*’%W*0* an gmu%%é1 w.%1vr¢f¢%r%'%é -W A4W§1i?3% war mad as» she ¢I;mdj% 11w bA%Wflimg rv%:fi@W 4 m%j;PiaL§%L,§%3.§¢§;g§'e;% Wm: .,i;A§;,W?gm:% gisa' rixemgg, ::zxm= i-.:=aV::§1i¢i; G&4ai:vz“2z¢i°2éegA¢i am: «9a~:ience*%%y%W‘91“‘Ah°%W m We“ under xsw: W*”% 93 A W %:g1;jhg;A; qweveL%r,;AAA%AWeV fl's§:H ;d;1fc'aTux:_ten§~z}mV%1;-3 a:js;c£ ;%%£ab}a;u4m; g-[1,;j{",;)g"_1.g.§I1.__tf!'§lfiA‘ p¢;>jiJ§f»£:xA»Qf ms Lerdmah {.p~§t3€’H£"£§’“V%“3'E7f&f'(9 ‘E€)‘f ‘flfi.:u;'_i VfimVy44ic,% that fa xt may fzmh~e;r% appea.r that ‘WW? % am‘ am: a%n%:2mi"& » fl M4g;V§z¢%¢%bu; {mix ( §t“b@iflg Gmis Ordinamsci») Vamdi-rim wa a:e%osaiy aVgair%i%:%tha*i%r*AAMw£5fiW5and&Pe‘vPI% Wlaichwvwéci and .%c§“m!1 defile, aw}3d- pfollutek the placwf. M;2¢g%;;’é;#,;~;»§~;»u . s . “ U L 9»;_L;~§;Cé;;ggm£§gg pféttiizg, fir tzfirzga mmzi 4 aimzpan 1 _%”mI1mz%Vm%axge& delivemn¢e§ 8cc,,;A c! I fuxchei 1t6:f% iAi5fie4 in’ V't1he V Lm-dv,LA that A I .1*m:‘;*‘m?cii%¢& ~xaei2her.‘[h.~we I anyAfuch*4tho¢ugh&t-%in4my ihe;*xAr,i%eic:hez -gm-5 mg w ag%ain{%thca,MMorany: miner upon. the Earth‘;[fuMV d'£:g_ no:% _eixpe?€& deI%iv¢rmc%cA%‘ byra caxcnal A rwara, A and A~yeMAcA 4kxmi,v§;r Ad_e11ive‘raincg; ;1halI%com%.e, ~wighA, or“withem; ‘the he£pA‘=iofT man; andin vafi1ha\f%e%‘"~been, ‘%and%%~£haI1’Fbe% aIYéh~e%firiving5, com»-. :pe:1lings:_. mdV murrherings a%b4on%t+%%Re1ig§ag%n,% *ChEij1fCh ma “T £hip5.VVf‘or¢»man% may as‘W.¢li‘ fay to 1 the» $:.m iii thc %%%%%%%% Efirmaqmentg V fland3:hou fiill, %‘o1: to the MSea,% be thou‘A*dried 12;), as I1inde1:V% %:¢1;¢ ;o¢A;g{ Vc hVc% Loxdstmighty‘ ~?b&brmJghtV[ ‘m %paiTew Aagn-z%d?~ my.eAy¢sv£cwfi%»iVr;anénmany mortal‘ mau%&AA*Wbme awe ca+A%hina%exA% arc.;%maa:mwthe%be1wfe£ mis knowrhar the Lomvatlz A chér‘ed’j£e-véral%rhétrfamké inéwhe ram mindwit3x%me are called "thednam ofAAaak:rsw.anLd weJmixi;~%.d¢fir¢ it vvexe*:*~~¢thc% Wi1zlwVo£::% 013 1% we £19 thap?%afl « of fame mind: 5 and it+hpfei.% are%Aoznemire;zisimd,4: mall%1e:wfe%4the%m%% tmtAoV%th¢%%—Lord3to-d oAV.w“hat$~I1;-ii ;1°é5le1'a£e»t"%h (WiiI1¥‘%V” ”th;em%A": Aua.%~we%4are fmefy» givcm‘%up"%1gm-,c~~;f;¢%%4wi:£%.99Gad%V,;%%: wand Awe Ahave‘ comxfiit‘te& ;um'~ %r.‘.au{‘e%.% %pz'zittEa_%:*bim’5%AfanfiA E ibringhs %§9~va!I¢z% was f%°§f?*ay : fix ’ (io)@ mwveareapeopre’rave4 b3'¢vurG%o6~ fr.°rs1Awhém mi ‘df¢‘1iY€tquc¢A,%%;[ and he hath madeus w:.llu1g4V:o wait,’ AuncAiliéi7 Hié;b1ri11gi“”t;¢q%%paf{c.I And‘ thAis1 wc are conA*fi‘dent of; ;]tbat¥“ ~ :hcVAjevA«‘e:1;la?l1in‘g 'GofpelW,w‘hich is"yet f.W,c never expe;St'*to know C_lbrz“§i~ aftex_cheA fles;b~*to ,Rci_gn, bucflye: A sI1_jaHfRe%ig§1 ave: all the Earth, "vvfioffi ;Ki’ngdom 1s éu-1AAA»::Mvet-4‘% lafiing ingdam,%and all Pdwars shallferveand oAbey&him, who isxirzg offiaintsf. j “ V -~~ f 1of"”"%Camcr%.niug Revefigl dad wbzzt my; foliatiz, if it b3f%u‘_qbt;_ % and wI14t.if4nat. 5“-'a4V¢A A V5I'jakeAh_e%ed%~of f¢ekingrcvén'gc.A Olflet n ot‘the% eflcmy of t1iy., foul vvithin or vvithom, get theeimo b1ood,vcng.anceis»the A .{:.: ords. and he Vvillrepayit. 'I'Ahere{7o1jc vxfherein thy“ enemiésfl “ ir‘J.'.s°.'pt 139? md théir. Commiflion agaiI1f1Athy4Fat‘I:er,% or any ihajté tqok'hisApamleavgthgt unlcozhe M-ardA,?v vho vvMilh*cjrvAax*4dMcvery Iona in_R.i Ahceotifne{fag-acAcording;w tHci!: d¢5‘ dS .dofi C. in :t h‘¢f1‘ bjD¥-U In 8 % . ififi‘-S.£an4d can Ede: hovVi‘fai’r Chris‘? vvas from feAVcAkin ofdefiring '*reveng%% Wh%;¢13,they A murthcred h‘fi'_r‘,t,.-‘V thee go be, id y%}7¢&~€¢a% an}: {O I." ‘Nd’ t y d~‘5y35F3 A0ht4;f§1at4A thy Vhe:tt%%Vw¢re4th;i%sA. ifi¢“'*‘=d3 "*3 MW-*Y%»3“d R58‘“°°“f”¢T5»3fi9‘ Pea€<4inighrJ§be‘ {wrmra Rergwtln‘ thaw.%andrhatM-e%rq;yAmightTriunqih ¢s:v¢‘;‘ f¢%\f«erity», than mighafli thou profpe;r;;‘an%%d% manyof thy cq%§mi¢s;A and aim i:*:f%%tjfiofc that are ¢alficd“i4~thy frignds, might ¢Qn.vM¢m.y 1 ed u:tac%aGjod,,Aand@:[ic:e%pr.the1%r€P¢nAt fpeéd%i 1)’ 5 7 And vVerily’;L. znerg is but; li'2c'”l‘sf: fpgce given m;pVrVeven,r this‘ great judgemgnts A wAan;df‘ defirqfiiafla%5écaufethe} Lgtd hath élrcady born long, and. hispariencehm b=cnexAc¢=ding»great. and 11¢ vhérfifihflr mam Of his 38*V34fi&At$.%%3‘&‘¥idPf¢Pf?3§$V*°%AW3’"11135Na?f¢3§?fi®.VA3ndVAOtfiersa ‘ andAA»»mmyh:1:muranash'ave1wIigvad 115: A and ax"e %7gatheVr¢d v i'n to. Peace witffls. norwifianfiing‘rh@?%f*=¢¢aarm %iMgcmem ro «weapon t%h=4wrb» and;Atfiw&h many%%haxe b~e1i¢v=d4us» 4a§$s2Arb%f-2??gwat:r*mrtfiath mh im1vrifo4nca.o: V“ (‘, T 3 A ‘ AA~%»A*A;%;1f;¢g¢¢ 4 flcnfléd at Amflightegda andr%eejcVé?teAd%z1s;¢A%%£116tVh¢wt¢fiinnL&§‘ia§r=”€az _;iw&{’ih*filA?dt ran :3 §ifA‘<_A>%n'm; h%aAV‘a;:jfiJ%%O4iic}fd ‘A"m.n_: A g ;:;:%oAA%d $3]; m1d A[ immprifoniw» A £iv%o?§1‘§::%*A waif W *%ti)fdk: 2ith‘;,A ai f0%r1‘sf;e cc); us ~?h*a‘ ’«.*«:-{ha an kiI”1EA’cl fm ;tAha;.1:jg”.;.% 7% A‘flimmi*g:hf I¢fizsA .an‘d“t§m<:A\V ord ;0f?7G-0 «:1 3“ AA nd} {0} ‘ nmyn y, in ‘t1174‘:}.. A Xflf?A'a5;E%7'£;€§5 "l"‘31§?’~~aIfi:5“-:V”J.'aIfifidgsflflrféaIl'd‘;’Vfl‘i"f€2 An dA1AvJ,h¢nAAtilmE‘Lend _ ham j i"zn*i*m:é*.n1 AAAfué%::,e;§,. they 11mWrevAa1:e d. snt:re‘2;#.zici{A *m7m!;r 5:, :md..,w h§en*‘AheY" ;; hzlaiwcfifzl raifecjiizp f afhers mud given ‘thema vp3j«z3if;f;3;‘zérAiA%tA+y9 1:E3°e y h_’a_V@W thjmv'*fedV‘rhe?mfci:EVes“4wi:hou’t *fe,ar,.,and farm: the L%om, '.;*aJTM A %Na$£e‘dAw§:’mnAtal'inEfl"ex,the16.day 4. of%V%Iefa:L,'1IJ?o‘ugIJ,‘.Atlm£%aenvy‘¢a*f " ofmerhird moneth%ca1lc;d.« #12:: A.Dr*viIw:#hg is, t{J¢;_f;,:.l_fig % Mm 6 6 0% % N mum “of the BYBIIJWL ‘ <“f" u ,.. ’vr‘h M “lw‘.r_,,!qw_",i 9‘;-. Wu“ M s~:.c m—;-0 i ”*fW;z~’%¢¢5i3 9‘*¢+”jWiW¢5 w2vVa%a%Ae.JRer?n11iW “PW Wm wiwite A‘2'tA-mite; t/J-e I{‘11g._,f~md 15752'efaflé‘%?"z”5"W2'?§2'V"fi>*92z43*W: .}3i¢é<£§'(1’r'c’¢i;A yet I¢c"m.aaZ;:z’ m>t%% [mt prsn§l¢]?:ifi,4V»lw€64t;fj¢ ¢iis*¥.:£~&aw*%»~%*" vz::icedAAr¢=:25£f)s€3:*§;‘:2‘f;zr ;i;2~fevvcral P»zHirz¢[zm,V zmta tfiofe nalfba f :£Z2zz_z ./mm’ éawzv c2?g4‘gcd»%;z':3 +~tlze.4—iW‘6;~ war: oVrx~Aéa¢V%“‘fldex5.% 1 in %Ac1xs’c!;zrimr‘ r/1.3‘ g/L3.t}.a1*Ha‘ml, .m;;4r% xmgfir lziryg. of ;rF7e~ I 21 waf- _ «bl; wcrezzz, m2dfvrr¢v}mt cazaféwefle 4t:fizr:gsA& have éeezw ¢Vfafi?¢ra:J,; {mad %~l2Vmv% Vt/aey~A »’a.«z>é2eJr**éee{fi ‘t*[j‘cc7‘ed;» 2:a2l.a:?;«:12~&ei‘;¢,,»;‘ trmZyA% ca%nfidér~%ed, A :mv la7;»m;7e% -m.:z.r2yw% ta &70»w= véefore “i7’a7e Lcirafly 4.«:sza‘;:e“:g;e;;%:a;—s.p4;z;wz ;mge3%rejo_yczz»,_g a:;;iAx;%v_¢*Mfroyi2:g we of‘ ‘*8Wv2i* ‘if a32f§ t71er%;' and r2ztlJerVvz~m’m«£re %[gk_c4A%ALar'a”s&%4 mzgbty.~¢w4'29zi flfdngg '“w0r'Hf~'>'gJ',“, tf/7% tr:-fwn“ 4m4ygsfl2aL%VA. ,Gé1f¢_fi? 0f.{V"50;r%;V”.‘=A§ .:zrA?‘79% 434$ Am‘/'a!~am_% bf flefb ; zm«éz9.tlx fides, M~;_1:fi4;&¢; fiw, gm: “mi,ghtATglory Em.‘ in :5; Lara’; am’ 2r;a:¢y§$‘t/jar Mizzgés A are derlared }z‘:a %tbi:M am A, ‘as fejlimany M1294 dgaiygi ;}§yPgar£fi.;e47zd]9rQpf5.41¢eI¢efs;, ans{'.n~ba:tGod ‘will .40, if r.g7+ §%;5éntd”mfe%%:be not «fame with A jpsgéily g A fir, we M;*2cw.'}2'a‘y %4n%djafl,-4}¢d% eqmzlrzeflr oftbei__2>1my, and amfln-A af we zrsgtég ;#;aVndfm:b%Aas live in they izfevf in !é7sxkA #2 ??7¢%?97~??W33.§$ «rzppevw : t;z£}2£g¢g fi"o Rgligioiz,and_i75't/Jings Citviiais /éztre %.c;c‘2mwxj’i‘rz::~% %'?t.e¢l%5“‘%w#wif’3 many r»’v/9alefame%"[ gxbarfzzt £9225“ €tema‘£:»:rgC in rzgb » ug;,m,f “,,f5" pan; pc ;”z'ce5“’a14df"t1?e fdjety £294:-f; af%K1:1g-4am! aw Nation, and tin: contrarywitnefléd Haga_izzfl+5 ivbiwa (ye; ..3i &pfgr‘g4tfir'vice% ta mdfly,if4 thy‘ 1'77: t/7-efedf‘ Of GMMZZM 1 canjeda I puialzflw «the /mmlr ofall, mm nrliwm it dag/J bclaiflg, ,»,M,,{ 1;, Md receirve‘M5wimefl"c.i;¢ tfiémg Jtlze %L£gb;§ Cbr-M1’/l‘,,*% which will anfw£rf0% t/I6’ %fW.£r‘I,A%*44fléi%:“f¢'?VE ?7i0N0t!a"es3 ‘Lard ) trugb arm.’ A peace may be imreafeal A %( «:1:/§zz’z;~fo”: tvérisr di‘-4 ' A, eém ltimt ( if it} .飑y‘:"y’fb$,~*_ maf mg #515 m9ta_ iziialwce and bJ4r5;(:37}Jic5" i/5§3~”f&é:df..;" witgeflg 4g;:;'7%n_fl$) might Cddfl’, And!/5atfiV Godmzaghzfi J‘ . % THE E ND-