M .‘,MI'%.,_~;%M52{,?wera11f‘MWWé.':mttem§vingMA .to», amm:,Y ‘f grdfiiwflfla & ~ * , ” M Honoflfed Mr V V % % H A % " . 5 I‘ ~ H M M .‘ V, E M M v H V M_ A I J .,M «M “\7(‘;{E ‘ »u 93; >’ ' a ‘ V’ “ ‘ ‘ :"s_ -m , t Aw I‘ ‘ ‘_ - M V ’:% ~ § 3% . M ‘ u t ‘ at »’<, 1 11 " ‘ V’ M M " ~”|%\'1‘r v “ ‘ ‘g; z- a’ X K ' V w H ‘*3 ,3 4 in‘) ‘ $3 « r .M A 1, ” IWM. ‘J ' ‘IL. JMM" ‘ ‘ ‘ u “ V» ‘V ‘ . WV ‘ ' . 7 _ r . , . my 77! 4 ‘ r . yiy ‘‘ ‘ I ‘V’ ' : _ ‘ M ‘ M. ‘ M ‘_ » we « 7v :2 M M ‘ . ' * 1 V V‘ I ¢ x ‘ ‘ 1 M, \‘ V M ' 4 V ‘ ‘ {W .,, n V‘ . V, M ‘ . 1 ‘I W M M“, >. yiw ‘ 1' ‘ 4?. : ). ,9, -» .‘ ‘r ‘ 3, J» mv ‘ ’ “. .. V Vfi AA V want! 3 pra}f&ht*éM ‘wiclgedgg M ;M;.5/,,Mg»s.dJ».; 4,W§ A 4‘ fl’ Q-MWitnvfl§@ mmkevamy: txhiiezlifa ».Lieut¢naM«m;t I-1EaIo'ne“I .0’H*N I3-I’ 1" % ’ - *«i°1i9~iybam§n;whk$?c~i‘hgner wfmondiom AmS.iav1Y“@:*f6r3hisi7'E%Iani3Z) R?3o6?5rii;g“fii: P '2fl§0”W’N * <35 bttwiadt 24MiaMr1#d—*»2J5 as I?.f*I5y1§He:% fifé.§r’1§b5fi*ég3s‘3f; » “ any rculI‘o1_$;p1%eumd*‘c+é1‘wrifir¢aufm;€y«?<:11¢i,.i'§;i‘da igxigyggmgw F V Mxfciy a{E32:d*iug~%hiin1%%fgmq%z%mu1I FRO/E*CCai»7t1g7M§~,;'~gb\au&;fi:*}gp9fi,a ‘flvfifiwz ‘ % he % 3 93 W 15;: 0 R" H5 pi?! ?tFd*it€I‘0iv}€lyafimaertingizthu %£una:am«n&*aW % T? ‘ A V4 V,u.aMn % 4 in mi:mg71oMMs€a %MI71a5*t7¢)%vt&*::2acv¢nta‘ fin g ‘M gywyhiggflg W ufifr %$~1v¢Mm didmsrwcamy,%4ieon:vmIV.m g In we 0% hfisi JHwFo% mam ai&ifbn§%~ cnn.d»cfimcd hm: C0 :1oj21:fi btadém W A V ,9=M:MbA;e%wbi{ch v§? it c!‘ imprflfQnhed,berhconvi&ed my 313:3 of h lax-r,or elfie the Iamtgoods I1wfu1l«yefo:f3fci:ed51g~ :1 pain to thcf dour ' lee‘: fehe gQh0d&bf0I“t23‘ktI11“ZOhjimhAth$t’iS {o’hure in zghag:‘*be half ,‘hy hifiipnehofi debt1,'{tb be IT Lawgharxd .153! cfibynt [hot ifirétcfiionh b¢Zae1;1hh0wcd any r the defendant in any fuch aaiorxs be aadmirted to mg_e- or-_ do his is Sir‘,Ed‘.Cool{ upon this fuhjefigin the gpahr e0H,1i$ Infiit+:c;, ,h,2;2 Aalflfo is pub%l,i*fl1ed%by the rpcCia1LQ:'d’e1f_o‘f the late fbrCi61y‘(a‘:ad;alfoh L i V V the 8..«Vfw¢h’l54g«.,iutEaald the lagallhqzdh ‘ [aw ;\wh¢gWé11' 4-mi, V » ‘-' f " ‘ «j /1’ ‘V ’» ' ., 3» ‘‘''j\; 451* r T) ~ W - ~ the ;J'ilqltmwI1,:|? oj‘.“~9o V K ““ A . j by ntthofjc e_c;oncFufions{,are ;pei'?'n”eJ«bylikeePrdeefl"e,]uc¥gmeneandhfixecneionyasis comhmo’n”1yeufed= in nether ha Gcions -« —~ Ffifiteivfltrean uni:-rim»: -.—s:»e». W *1" Kin math) Z 4 pfhlqw umgr.¢_.~,i my «gang»; are nafim exhmrm, folved Par »ian1:ep‘tfor ;eg%fc1< :‘fl”“d’p~£8"“.gfifi9n we 4:: .fie:»w;uw.;,ee»;zmm ;li-- ;vtw~=¢sbh9¢=rWy S“? manifeiily proved; Firih that before intliétzr)n:nt the igootls or other thinggof any at?- t =7‘ fendsorlcannot be ‘fearehtd; inventoried; or in any fort feifedf, not arm judgement fel‘itEeci V " and removed, or taken away before convifcion or Attainder. l ‘ "" Secondly, That thehegging ofthe goods or Rare orany elelinquent.itnccufed or indii-1 V t"t‘ aed of any Tr‘eafot3,fe'lony,or my other offence, beforehe be conviétetl and attayinte”d,’its '“ utterly unhwiull ;- beciaufe before conviétiyoyn or attaiytdyer, as hath been faid , nothing is ‘ t “he there)letl'uch as beg the delinquent; and profecutet againlt him . 7,?" forfeited to the King, norgritntahle by him; landlhefides_it either makes the profecution “i " againil the delinquent more precipitate,violent, and undue , then the quieeanid cqttall. _ "e' roceeding of law and jullice would (*) permit , ‘or elfc e " hinder the due courfe of ju£;lit‘:e,l'or exemplary puniilrmem: in the 1 p. ir1flir.f(d. 48. L “ of the ofi'er1der 5. And lallly,‘ when the Delinottenc is beg- ‘ l l ” "Ey.forne underhandycompofi ‘on and agreement, i’cop'and (*);S‘ee natabilgl/to this pttrpofét A A “ ‘ed,it difcoura eth both Judi re," Juror and Wirnelle to do their one ‘. Therefore faith 3 3 3 S E . . e'ter’rificd by the vrillanous jud gf11;¢l7!£.3.g3.iI§fi conipiratots , which you may read before,:~ cap. 1. Judgment and entecurior-r,fol.z.22. as alfo fol I4}; 163,164. and 1 par; fol. 269. and 2 par. fol. 1 go. ‘ zg7.,238. 562. which are moi’: excellentpeeces, and well worththt. reacling; Therefore conliticring what is before ercptcffeclllcanrrnot but wonder upon what (*) pretence Sir j y Arthur Hafleri_g,Co‘l‘. George . F£’}2WZ't'k,y and the rel! of (*) Pemfie carefirlly I intreatjozttbe quotation: intbe éandapa”- their Corfim‘it£e‘c at New gas of my foremtmioned impeachment of btgberreafon again]! i cafiie, can feize upon my e- Cr-omwel,a.r alfln the 12 and t 5 page: ofrbe 2 edition ofmyforee» V flare to the ‘hands of Sir mentiorredflaalu datedrbe 3 of fun! "1649. _Imz'mled The Lee Hmry{Bell9'rgbam,,atsd Mailer gtzlifzrndczrrtentall1ibmie:,q’5'c. l Tbtvmttr Bt_m‘e:,_and flopping ' my tears tlutf. from Sir Henry Gibrhis hands, to the full value ofbctvrixetwentyt four and twenty an l1ll‘7lCll'C(l pounds. . For fit-ll, though the late Parliament in the height of wars, a little outilript the bounds ., and rules oithe law, as thetnfelveys conft ii}: in that notable Declaration oi the 17 of Apr. i 4 1646. printed in the 2 part of the Boole of Declarations, pag. 87 9 in feque{_lringly=of meme 1 elhttes, in another manner and form: the law requires £lrllnqL1t’nt8-i-£31335 I0 be felffid UP‘ ‘ onybecaufe‘ their perfcms by reafon of the ragtng of lthejfwordlcotrld-not be come by, not were all the Courts of ]ull:ice optn,nor the wants of the commonwealth to tmintaiyne the wars, could not well permit {o great delays, as the regular courll: of the law requires, which when the wars are over(as in England now they are) they promife toytamenel and “to proceed according to the form: of the 1.-W , as fully. appeares in their‘ lali‘ i'o?t‘errt‘ena-5.4 tioned Declaration, add ftverall others , 3; Yet lam fure by the Parliaments own Ordinances, " no martin times of wars ought to‘ 'l he l'equellrecl,rill it be judicially upon Oith proved , that he harhbeen in arms again ll: " them ,all volrmtairily contribttred horfe, rnooy"or plate to the King againfijthenr; none ofhall which in the leafi can be fofmuch as he pretended agctinil me‘, 0|? ‘ ever was; and therefore no caufe to pretend to deal with me ,e as with a Cavalier “Delta-=-[yr e eyuent In theleailsyand therefore if] have tranfgrclled , I moi’: upon Etlreir own lprilncipll‘-my bc.dcalrWitl13C”C01‘ding to law and the Formc thereof; And therefore I l have not ~trae.f-.~‘ y y particularly rhelDeclaration of this prefent ‘ t’ “Jun&ongainPc Kingfl1§p,D.tted the 17 hfM:trch!648. ‘ l l " grefletl the law, Eu! am an innocent man clear ly appears by the it own particular tleziling with “ m¢eintl1atth*‘y never let me fee, reither Profecuror, Informer or twitntffe, agaiuilt mtg V i not never_fhewed me my I_ncli«‘5tment,, Charge or impeachment, it no not fo much as face W f3C¢fV*'-'1‘ laid any manner oicrirne to my charge 3 See my narrative of their oriigjnal U wicked Tyrannicalvl dealing with meg, laidydown in my Second Edition of the'l‘[>i£l:rir¢ of “ ~ 'lr~2~ ; * y V 3% V * winch: l;:y¢s;r;oj(*‘*)«:r?iAi*‘aa & (*3 W W W €15!’ .‘z’r””v»frr*‘~% c*harg¢. forwi:on*y Q (fsic . W zon;r_:§4flégt§b,l”q«1'%§n‘¥%4rIz.¢m%vm,,,:z7Jz:;;..:'I3?fe" lr“é“re.; _iiau‘lamz&g% and "gc:;h¢r;11s in; W9: flaw v'zm¢%raw»v'%*d A Vfirtwbeénaz mo? vrwaktfi 9: ;D;e~&¢_JMcr~§urj V164 19,. 0;?a'ea'ed“ I:yt,I:e% V -forfugyz:-zon%%r2f?:reg[én,,umname; % r fik2zii§;:Iup.on;cr,(5ng%’fi«ogm;omming L;'A%e:¢ ‘(%?o"1%;3‘»?fiIe%n W nAo:h;r3_i:A.g¢vas appeaysfin mar. inma.cu1.« ‘ I:«i2bu:%ne.%AM-’T7:a'm: Prim; M.‘Wi¥id¢iaWd?w??2;‘A<‘xm'd 5 34 590+ s9«....6x 6 16‘iA;:an%”>y % Ots¢q:g%n%, Anagqepn their‘ xvii:/E57 and children ‘ Ht)h“9I pm Pad; Abookm?" Dec. 933,3. . 1 mt J32: uar:fi:§ I-Am. %Sw.cr>,,i;n:l Cl:-Mic. and?” 9.17.736 6.67 m J2 1 6,2. ':2;~rs 2 .:;;:'§ L. V wen W 112:0?‘ my I649» Ii4is.:ordwd‘ 4fi4!v‘Re1TW+'dA ~ 2.77 4 5z8~~ 84s:.~!éé aiffo .x:heA’A 1j14::nge_1,4;'£efaurg!5¢ '/¢:flmi.>z¢dd,é 0191?: I_r?rz'fbn£n.; ,‘ ~*qLpzjzr_t~% %B‘:~‘i()k df ‘Deciamt-ibfis, p:§g‘;._7o.j%ip4d.i % & mé:rr=:- mfatbat A/~tt!eiastAVa%wel?¢2:¢f*'?‘¢+¢ V W " 4 Kirrgs *B%enc*“h thé? Vii‘-F VM¢Ay%‘i¢6 8%‘ “ ca‘iI2¢d chc 5T:awsMfuxi1er.a&II p}ag'.*8.i 6,717-.” ‘ iarm% all :2adgingsV=A%}Aifi‘%;be "1?eu«er;3,:i4u£%4 my %A%41=‘*1’c~a A%bev£¢re JAu:dg;és “pVe1:>Ty% m ccmfé fl1>,t‘h3c .. ' % .gq;1¢:;&a;.£s%a%z?=e Anmhimgiu laws: {re am.» tlw A 133d”? tion of~my B061: ‘ofwthe 18 of jfune 1.-6;.;_9.l‘:rti--.:_ . “ zuilcd, % be (egrll )’i11n;2famerzra*l['lz’?1ertié: oftb? people af££jnglzznfl;W 'revi"vw~dM, :;111,-figd [vi-ndicfi.-~~~ % 311_%;g,h;’,;h.;;jg;h :13; c¢)x:;£is:£eceAd., 1,1: c%l%cc:r1 y :_:.p;p.%s:.3;a:s',4 1‘ am an '1'n7t’<9€£’n't map;-fin the‘ % ‘ gtpcbgfé «gye?ry7uxm%g1;;at %c9mmirq¢Ad mg, who névvr -lai"d cximyrs-‘ iii th1I.“'i_%" 1i§I¥.‘E_' :9, m]jy % _a:.ts g;};,i§'pr¢Ieg1t hc>ur:,3 ._A,x:1_.’cl tI1(;1'«,1‘f£>r€f]\CB.fl {ii-lei ii: t1o'be :tcr théjfn ;anMd.L% . :5! iamsir Azstbur Haflé‘rz'g.;;,- %Col~meI °Gmo?ge. FenwiCk?;%em;a2:d tau,/kd :hem_ to» be“ fined ,1“zf4«7g'/E114 ed, % i , mdiiwnprifmari, mxbtyir ruin: and deflm man,‘ andmmeify; €ir CIfon.y<:r Darcy , Sir I‘uhn~ J A ~L;¢hcm‘;and'V'diber;r&a2b€m ¢gaz',nfl;tbe lawn, am’ in fitbvezfia:r_to{t}:efizmz';“;,and‘1lv4ztby-Avim:-e gpf” p7ag7%fI'ai'd;%§flagaII'Comm_;;’m9n"lie dicf lfiraiterpkflg ffopl Atb%e‘e3fifca§_ag Aqfzsg pr*‘abi»bi;ian5m,% aizd.’ F-iabais...‘ .% " .~%g;,m*n%dwauld:2;qr fu‘fi;'E*%.¢ny”pa4m'zj to~bg‘d‘_‘2fibmged7,‘,% rig! tflé party‘ p6’:!?f3’7‘2m’d 'rjf~”'be% Jr3'2;§;7‘ary;~ ;'_L i T ‘ J A A W A _% j " % Vgmwc awnxrattly and mare tr:1yc¢r‘fi.ufl3: than havih >4 & D ,n'nd.roVrl.m ;erf:our% 1boféi% tbat 4d5=rinif¥!red%rbefm4‘; did» 1b e;:‘2‘ 1‘ af’ Margy‘ efioid )«ea.ré gzt we o%gen%qflt'Z§;:azr? Iay,%%~tba1'{bmeof"tbe fitflice: Axzjera ’all'gfi2r I;aw,* zmaatwsifr . 1f{¢d;%;;%pon%mym¢%te,ms:NcV;1y;by:hi$,gsirh~fiiIl ofgfi re: jnirfidfc , t*zr,,J!222fw,»r,a2:ii$i:"t; afidsér 4 ~ o£ A ‘ W ~ “ if: t'hej‘pre:1':nI_)lc’3"ofi‘t,, rcco1'«d"edj“in ‘Spec-cI§ts%«:‘ndipa§fl3g¢$_Qf'f l;’$ir l'i .3m'e-ht~%% ' AA :' 1A to/Jim the’ North of V’ErIgT/avid; £11 1ia%rd»P;reflJén!, to Abm »a%nd”M dc-9 ‘ ‘ A ; MY 0-fibivn madiyix A/fociaéxers dud 7'?*1??€70.1*]75"’° r~’f€%fi45vi¢ff!?£n:0f 13¢ L9%Mfuh&'4m?fitaliA aha 7£2;“e:4 btafuier IHEFIZ %tIJe2i%l1ojn¢.r of :15: "Liam 5»b’m=»* ébnhcqf RE%G4Aji~; OraBérliarfiéntafy-6'0m’tV)9i¢5n%A ;4§tLtfioz%f!y%. { A _ V A 4 grc‘£cnn nIo:E'mg% %:,or.i;l1§:gi\2i?I1]?JNCTQ;b9r am part C¢*n1; ::1gg§j1 AA gziae 5 nhat_ cv%er« ha; =%%Apx;pdacea%% or r1mveaA)* hath: Fv”el’oniou*? 9% % %,rn%anner” jcolibtlféblc.‘ 9vcl:cl’I t:e*,%%»:1x1_‘d §¥50«t1n«‘(!. % ‘ “ ;1gi{«;e}auaiy 'eanHEa§n€3i‘Is£:&if ~ti:’::it:si;e: Vfiéfiififilfl ‘$5? :%hre;fé* §f&fy“T:‘fiEiflg::$1 ;~*amjI§1aig v :.‘ .gM.l.,gM_u;.y if3o"a>t'¢?r” bX‘cxc1fféd*‘*E n§,*I;ifi£i ]Efi‘ii0f* Sirajffbfd‘ kifs *coi'iflé_Ii1necl ~?é*3t*)u1dgeq%¥(”F%)Treze % ” ' % ’ % ‘ ‘ “ 1éfon,t.m.:a‘l(o%%;nu ‘-lake“ rbirmrz}-'nde?‘ w_bieb' f”&1%171 :—I- $71!?! Abé impéaclwdof ‘ fi;;~(=rg[a:id,“_r5 amgegréj big/3% m!':z[bnfb?‘3/.:dea'Uauri_rig :6-%f{15'_IM"r2 Qt/J8‘_amiE‘mvdfldfl¢\11;5{pzf?2cnta[[Image; % % W: l}1.!’E5f};:}' it w;1g‘go%~ in ; the’ artkie ‘M % an&i:gamé~rn‘rnenz"ufbi: %M:jz:[i,e: ~ier aver ~ayd~*a¢_ A gaignjfl the lawe:-'af:«be%fizd»£{zngdarn.:.,.»o'vt‘rwe Lzbertms ejiatemnd live: jjygmgd by the f_m_:;e"%%‘€,ofVb‘i; !_K'21j"e}?1e;*Su!7je~2'i‘r‘.,, fa’? nfifich be: is ‘adjudggddnd alttazhzed ofbigb ‘”Lawes,, [where the .Tfe':2/?:1"1,,¢tn‘c1'ffi=1'l/T71“1’£fi7*e’filfi§?"N2? pdzm afdeaztb,a?nd%l'ofl'eofbis eftam _E3;_-1;e '»bg~jn‘g L.‘%;g»d Se§g}:i:‘4tjI_arge in thepe“apl¢:—~Pré2rogdiiv‘swag ’. _ 'I").'pB#y,2§rs(1i.Ht¢flf.. A ¢ 1, AA ; H ' _ % ‘ di:3zg_ t11‘ef{' *bve‘tfio'fi f th‘.c‘f’L%1f}“;:?:.t‘t'fi'c~£t“1t:1ll1a‘w~e’sEb€ré,dich:~poi1;ch«cgmdgzy-ofSeptem: In thit: -ninth year ’c'1'f"r‘h7e ’E::ité Kiqg:-_. jfL‘x'f1“".1 'pi.1H[,ifik‘3i5€"é'€r.1_-fit ‘bnwflingdcchi-réiand ptibliflm :h;xc"lrelt1n'a§ :.(%”*)%"was‘a c‘oixqc1‘e‘r“éd Nacrqrn w(‘a;n‘d ’ ' V ~ % ‘ ”fo%1’T1y -r:;u:* gr-ea; azaraés hé~fe“ Englafid V (*‘jWkfrb-very;liitrgnag$e~i:r nab’-grbiifine /z;~cdmmon%%*a-» .now :‘.<,’) gs.d fihaj; %1;'m:- K..in"g.z m%i;;;‘hr%do “m*9ngfl¢t‘ber n,tirzatrbéir1itt7le7~Breagle;r mnmqnqy yelp '1': C.%a.90lz"Ue*-r“ am, 5%: Mufier'Pr'7'fin%x Bébk, 1ca”lled*m'ega1l vindiéaw “‘w’~"r?;:“;i;wh%3c he, pI'~<:L1‘(t:de, \ M N % ., _ % _ _ A ~ fay t'hé'y‘ma'y% d"o“w-itch r'fii~ Arid - ‘tienbjfrbe L‘zbefim::«ofE*ngldnd=a*g4znfl zllcgztll taxes and“ “*irg»h“is4 ”s'i.ft1"cl¢ He is im pcachtzd asa pretendedA6WafParlia2nem,~1ateb'enfirqed on-r‘/26 pear c Tr'a)It’01'_', for afb‘iY:rar%i~-iy Pap-pping~ p!e,p_.1g.I~' ' ‘ V % ‘ L “and prohiba:ri:r1g Rzwazrd Earl of A ¢ A A «L 3 "’C&oi*Ig:e"t?hc%bB"n%c:’fi"c'oft'h‘¢iL:m, fox're‘cW'~c1'§v'C.o‘Fli§‘s pnfl mom," from \whic_h--hew:§spt1t‘by~co~ % %.°".l>o1j’t‘<§F‘a'x'£%()£-d¢i* nfmdc‘ b“jrL-tit {aid }i=.1~x‘1o‘f’.S‘.i'aflj§:;rd%,-:ind the € oun‘c:':IfWab.lc t-l1cfe,~wh«nrn %"" t1'p§r‘1‘:f5‘:‘ 2‘ G5‘ ¢‘:nFF 56; in fi_«Ii‘§‘ }"m=.:ye'a&-c ‘ of tffm 1-1=§g,‘ up-'>‘r’a*a gape: ~pcti%éiai=1 , wichoup. a ti‘ ,1‘c‘ga"1iI pr‘o"c“e t-ding _, HE 1:h'I*&d't%n’t‘d "‘fO”i:rfi‘pt*ifo1i%,hic11 myrlr.‘flc hcrw'O'u‘l“d; f1}rceae:,his fuitgand "' ‘fad, th'.¥1‘f'H'e wdu%1’«:iM-{fiver ne‘ic‘h"et>Law< trot. Lawyers difruté nr «q”ue°»&rop‘ anyof has+Ordcr?s, % % ’~"az1d%.»i'urth L-r.f:1id he w'ould1n.1kethc"the Earl and all lreiand it-mow ftwfoixig as -he .b:i&s1%_:he M govfi-r1'm“e"n: fI;1e‘g'”c 5:? :33: S‘:C?‘1£(t't"h"t,’i‘C !?!f'l:£M’1ClM*t, £51‘ t1-‘ii-Q‘t;1%‘fe;£gm:d¢ns5 "o*1°chards',"‘a1=i*d ,$t'H‘thi_I1gS tlmereumo *‘b%1‘ox‘1g~» ” of‘his'~fi=c"e-=hz;Yd'w% and ’1'1;1g‘;,"‘a's:i§*"I;irgély?Fefi.“ftm:'hi1fit‘hK?f'aid' P.i:u:m:: .%A“Il‘Whic%h,'%-up9m% ' '‘ twb yccrs qfuicx; pgfl‘e{’;' Di-l1h8L‘it&Ag1_CP¢7O Fl‘fi‘i$:Mfl$ ’I"1‘;“3:é:cialI‘%y1}::w of qnp,g§A%Evi%dgx1c»j§ by~a ¢;1cé’t%. Co111n1it%tef::%%of7P:ir-- finer of'I13YIVI(§)1Ua,ix1“ ‘Ii;iLmer§t;-haith 860.151 Mace; Fo1c:h1rf;I'y by an<®‘:fdifm1néb ¢c'l}“‘e“ Co“u _n‘”t"yf ‘c_>'f“.A% 11- 0 fa f1§tH%,_ .frE£_nn;1,}pmqt1c‘fl;i¢ix14aBI€. P§L‘m1'1fiC11f 2135091211 %;fi‘w:» 5'rfe‘c7i'$ MA'GH,.a’f’:cr%‘hc-Jiad: A aaoc ; ‘ Whi‘ch"()i’di‘11§iT1’C€!"fordfid D~‘e:*v£’i:z'{/.v**tcz» ‘ay “Ming-~ :=;§>hié%?t§:.;. mm’, For his= 1“1nV*:luéfi‘ibrfiab1Le5 _1‘eg:§1 €1nd~cVofi(-1x)rm"r:d$*~ rigfflti ii~i-*.t?”h'?é % “inns. .I«rxt\I"1§'%7*’:.r;1d‘ f:Ii.d~hpwL1f§ .5: 1._pgnanz1_u?%fo:.tl;¢.ba&r§ Manor [_}’li3$1If€.:;'1-r€'f€1‘.Vif14‘~' " firtig Ln. . ' 99' trodzz.’-hn ;-1f?2it,r.try'%and ~Tyrannipall gwermnent _agaz_n_/I '14:‘? zf&n‘rI:e% {grid- jL3%.w% and A €p6n‘if51;‘H9ughgtg;i‘7d ,4} , ’ yofhim, I My film @535 drew n V‘ 5, A ‘ ,4 ; man and % % % A h%a~¢hA I2w'4s2;A;a;ighc= wawsgqoct asvciahvqrka a ‘ ‘rlrtzm-*r““L't'sz;d’;‘22A:'j“H¢r»,r‘A, A {-3 T. new-ix» I 4c?amA.V 1‘oAA1o.zgg,~;Vfo%r«gi.¢;é;s;nAw.1c;1;i?;s‘£j;ax;;;t9;;, ;e'.3i;;§,, F ;7jZta%' sAnAo:c‘av“w;y tfieaflegezindtAofone"fLlbjAt& *aI'9.xiVe,b A .. V % . ‘ hflcttime, ‘t‘o'afiirr1i,A l“’“‘AA(?”3iaFl%.»%l1¢A)%Am%1%¢ i'A“;e?‘£°t1:by'the' A3§af,“rF 4 . M M \ A54? rm bind: AcheVd¢fi=;en A A 5” N0 W": WM-A ics . ‘Hm 1,4)gdom_.A 3% A4 4%“ m 412% ’ A“ " ' ogkxll Ac 715$ % to U _ § ac; , A M A ‘ ax fwccys Y H A _ H “‘ Pictc % X ' w§can;:nA§Vi:‘h¢x:Aca:141t1xq%.cg,u:1§9r£citnot t:rue%CA9,in;ou¢3:,9Wn4%A; %% A; _ . A .», ,: I A‘ 3:‘ ‘A ».A ; v ‘ H M? 2A A s. »‘ ,M. ‘.“,_ 3,991 A; A .- ,, _\A¢_‘ ¢~;«£9r1zAs9Am for ax; , cr¢gfM4and . Nsr pr4oApAc144ryxhe1Ae- 7 (wa.Wz¢=Abzt4b4? a11aw"ay; an; AA ‘s A A A >~,Aww gs .»»..:.m»x ‘ L .w A , , A1.1%is;;s:hingA—A4 I ééAgraVéti9An A A9, 'xf113,; l1_i"11;1,and;hc ArguAm5?§1r’cf“Splic§co%r.S'.]9JJnQ w11ow_thé;.%prActVcndec’! Lo%rAdA%.ch.i¢EI " % “A Vt» % A ‘ °'I'%hp%ParIia mcn;i”is Mth¢::cpr1efcr'atati<§n* ‘pf “tfhe WhO1AA€ KiIIgd0t11 ,. v:\fl1%§rCix-1;cihé4’Kingeasf AVs‘?A?§.iNi‘§‘ithéLaws. ‘ ",féei1ta.tt L;a.s;¢sV;;a”o “ PE%ERAG”E,* 5Athe_famc c3s.a:ca»._ A ‘t F‘ _,, K‘ ‘ H - ‘A ,_ ‘ - A, vA ‘ T, “ “ .-,‘ ‘ ‘..1:o% ,zng%Bez-cll ‘, onfg qg {.¢.ud1»c1Aa,1I B,§§o:ds 51' thcj {fixngciomv .5 “ Tlus at A I-I,Ac_r%c%’s amcounrcg-fez:xx1gofttgc¢ . ' A iépf 1éfr$“to 1 {I Am we-2 1 ~ Tzfiafafl ’iA1O"IV‘A>. , % j Athfercforc l l M ¢ ~*‘=». :;hi;1gFb‘y way gf Plea; gdva3m;ag¢‘lor excufe thatlcan be C-ucl for £*:a:1 A V lfi1n~;;;.~w‘-"He that iirdulilfinot have others to have Law, why‘ fhould 11¢ ha“? any himfclf 9 fiwhy fhoulcgl xlqgthat be donc‘_to %h‘imV,, _t'h:.~: _1a_i_z'hfe:lhf:,wc}}.1l<1‘hav§2 done to other; ? A %% A , A 97 IE5 irLie3‘9(faith he) * ‘f We give law no I=Ia-i‘;es~ ai1'd=Dch-1‘s,lbeco;L1fc they bebeafis ofnhafe 2 Oh . . "~"but it was nevev~a‘;:cohntéd-~.cri1clt'y“oi“ fc5ul7plagr":* 50» K N 0 CK “ FOXES W,O.L-ViEiS: OiN*v€T ‘HEND V i _ , . A "7 becatafcllthefe he beaiis ofprey.’ out oftbine -own mouth A(l':zith_Cih::1fi’)« thou wzckedfemam, wz'1(Ijudge7tbe‘e, MLukc;19 _22;. !‘*An‘d_~faith ?aull,”Tic.1.1;z, I3”. U11E.Oft!}€.?11fMA?lWEJ5 even one ‘ afrheir ownpropbegsfarid, Tbg hCretian:“areVr_:lwc_: er Lyazrs, ewlllbeafl:-, flow he2m'!_18:a % _ rdfifivfc ;.s,f.rV A R T H. 11 AR, HAS L‘_E RI :G to ;»co-n%ficl¢:r,_ that 1fl_ V 8cc'; lbecixufc it is :1 t1~a'nifg,&reffion of a, Law; — (which Law,'I l'ay,»ii1iit:‘fe1Eli~s'unjus imprifqnme:_1‘ti5;4 fcmhe wasgo-11.€:_of_my u‘nj-u1’€I*1dg¢l5':tl?3t f°’1'1l19thifl§ C031“ lmittcdime.“ w A VA '‘7;*) Tbepugzifbznent 0fCA0flfiJ1_:rdt0r.$‘fdf£J‘W(:Q_Ol.{\ in bi: ;.Part I 1111. f. 2.22 2': five}?/cl,‘ Ihfbdt’ their badiexflmll be imprifimed in the Common. 2. . Their Wi'0c:<‘fand children amofo-ed l i out of their bpujéx. lrbirdlj, tb;z:g4l1:bez'r How-~-.~ G‘ cal. /3: ‘and = _Larzd.r flaalll be! 1’ eiggedl inw" ¢ tbg Kjng ~ banflr. and tbefloufé imfled, and the Trm ‘exnh’-‘ pared." Founbly, ‘Alf tbeirgoad: and chattel: farfeitcd to the I(ing..i F z'flly,T/mtlaey flmlflofié tbefrecdom ajnd f/anclaif e oftbe Law; That 17:, 1 - The) /5411 never be _0fanyjur_y, erl lrecagniror: qf afli{e., 2 . Nor ever be receivedfbrla wimeffe in any cdfir: hT/Mt U36] fbalfnever cdme im an] afrbe King: Eom-1:; but make Arturne): if they : have any thing to (3’0,1’}.7€l1‘£'_«‘,Q'9'IbI'J‘i it cal/eda m'1lzz— " Ilozu i7zdz¢fMent(in thez 4..E. 3 .F.g3 82:2-7. afll sis -Wcaufii of:/aeviliany (9 in "amy,wI:icb they 43/5105 dgdiilfl Wbomiit it given; and all i; in V fliffad byibe 6ommanLaw.Sek: ‘alfo f. 143 . I 6.3., See llalfol men; to this purpofc, 1 part. Infl. é94.and z.part.Infiir.fix3o,iz37,g,3~;,8J ,- w Secondly, By con-fpimcyh ("‘*). to ‘take aw way my life‘ w hichis manifelied by it his in-' » hdeavouring ( £11 an cxtitaordinary mannszxy by bribes to him £1117: wicncs :igainf%f.n1“c:(:xs' ~T HE-Y ychm B E POLIND, A 53 ".hisl motlicr frfqabel did .:1gz1ini‘t i'1moccnz:~' i"":Nabz2tb‘for his vincyard)to takch, away my l life, and when the party wciulcl not <;onl't:nt-“ I to hiawiched and damnnble confpirzicy, heel" ‘ Q5-cl. hath caufed him to beclmofi horribly~ ' whipped; with fcm:s.3n«c1 hunclrccls of firipcs, by running the Ganclop from S. lame: al- mail to (Sharing crafii: :although he was no». i Souldier, wirhoutafohh much as ever‘ «confifi-A-~: ing him ofany crime, yea or {'0 rmicht. as e--, vcr bringing him before, either pretccnded Marflml-l ox civill judicaturc, but meelrly did-A.‘ i it in 3. high¢:r,A1*bitrary, tyrann»ica,ll,’ rrai-: 7' tcrly xnmxier, thcncvcrithe Earl Q-f Szwf--—. _" fl;m' sfélzing any of his trcafons,.- far which ‘I he lofl; his head jgallhhwhich .rl'1C' {aid I-Iaflcrfg». and his .Afl.1:ciatsi hath mall *lE>£11'l)I1i'0‘L1fly~ aétcd and.clone,.wich,,h fl.I1.Cl~LIPO!‘!.,tl‘LC bocly of Mr . William Blan'Iaej;of Colemanitmer iLon%.- . f do‘n_,4lasi ‘he. himfelf in i1:<'r_i11t notably ';Cl;CC3;li31'C55' lw11;oiTe item-:11-kablc..N:1m-ativeh is ialr;ca_dy~-.. }2r.1n;c;_l.1_i1 M£r§“?°1H5d|:fz[1tar:#,%nu??172.T‘3 . fwhich chua fo1lowa:th?.l:. ; l t ‘I 0 i V l ~ i_ : W ‘ W 11W" M“) Ofthle G¢ni<:rals;Regim'en_c ofiflbrfcz, and I bci-‘ng- School ifel—lo}‘v.vs,«he came? ‘\ “¥‘.‘7°m‘3 F951’-‘ 17%-and flfikfitd me if I and my Maker ware, friends yet, and I told himfno _.-A; zhm “faid he unto me, ivfyou will be at Whitehailbto mom-ow, I a.,».;i1,;; help you to a P'Iad$ 05;‘ “5f¢d¢nCC5 at Which bitnc I was there accordingm his‘ appcsinrnxcnst, and when I had fpo. [ 591.1 mc.h.h1m thc.1.e_., h,,C_l‘1?x»_£l n_iei1-nto.~a Chamber where, were max-1yOfh~cexs of :hcrAr niyg; ‘ 35;: vw .‘ M I v‘W~ \ak6w,Awb§rMhSm %fi*9¥1'=%=RW@A%.%%. I J:-‘~v‘ ‘ .‘ ‘V i y a 1 are» A fW73fi€”9'- dy&a¢a:ex.zm:;fz&cIo; Englzfb amxa M VA M: ;%ur'4%j¢aaau::é‘zjI5oiei=a;,,as*o ma ya:u‘;bez1mf Aazxdptlaéya. ‘mbw _ , .; }«$a:h‘¢ xfgxnnjzh to ¢pi1id..by%A the £ou1:%%Cemm}3i§i;op§rs5vfwhq£§; % % M¢unfain,m:2;ep:y,” ax1‘d7%%ea'g11td'id ta<.k¢’ chi§"~@m;b, ,1>.;~'aIl.Ji7:.I *m§k0m€¢»£V?1lIm.z2:H§”s*?'5*¥X 1 % *1'e‘fdfe)si§ F:AfreriWl;1icl1,% «€:;fa;i@ % V‘ ., J -*:‘64¢.: fyabnsamfon %di'cE,%px9m~kf§ mx§~:£%>4c;~a«MyFw§k1ye~%k1sk;1LIm’u;ms" (‘ >4 %‘=$¥i§~1i*§~:him2**%£vi;%moiL¢5a»wds%%:;h.y,him.pm: ,;:ffl5sau4_ ~—h¢iA1fg2in%.A%g.1=g:a§%E%wamxfogg4 V T} \x1fh%en@j7w_as;;'i"m1nin 3. vLi.cur%ca1ant:£Er£n§1imi§1’W*fi§Wi;hl fa3y%t&m:&Gvyt'V made H..fric;1vd.s-, or that~§n@1i?%;.bsrok£:.%_p»a:i{?oV5:15%fo .,yp}1g,(ha11.:‘?b$« €1ém.%“3x~m.d; fl1aW»bn;;~ff“;5;ti$sfisadf;f %”‘*ft);.:a1’l:;§ou1tf‘cxp;en%cethatfiyoumzé Aa1:,«;hm?'Ch1:;,. 2Amd:’fMf4$hS=r:h§‘3'§i¢:.*uM.0 111€3th:m'i;F£E %i11d¥ M ";‘Iw<;;m,%*.on%% mdcmkc 1-.p+p1mdm:e:* ;ovi4dm»f¢:{cs aha; «t.;h¢;fo‘¥€mc11t$6;11a@dc:4nn£mw£m~pniw tmrhc: N " . j wick*e‘d.§»amd%« Ebc» fL1ffi:.eicna.(%?*%*r)?a%%g{££"#%:1:%1flsm3amiwwhmiifd.be W *fMnhi»2'£’e*i«nef$ om?-inn¢o_%[ V‘ and% tiw‘y}Lwm1d@@Iw£vd::e1*em;z%strd;1bz1¢ea. h£;cQfaj1’n’A*%¥xd at»: W % F ‘A ” * -' tahe;%.L£a,m‘4gc,&im;evto1\d;~i% him; I?a.hwd.:%:a11-*0rd«@r"‘V‘f1‘¢m;7’c%fi=% V V W, 5; %% % ' V ,[ xbu % A : A mm» VPurk3;~4WhiWt1“ d*i'4‘#‘.P1‘z.l =«4»?~P‘*~¥‘.m’.W" . ~*“’*’*’“,¢,%’”;““ 3‘? Vf*3W*%j? 4 M agi A‘ ‘t he««hiad:%InckcHd d..fl'9:fi:_)¢»s'hFI;; » m _£;1'2§1!5IV«*Gt1»x1¢f«tr9:l-lvi‘% fincw iHaaft1ey~ge 3z7%flME”§ll11&%1Ma\:ifiwféill-rt-:®¥‘D'?0@Qt1~3!]g§; j .w 9 ~ Rabb.im:mg, I;.madc~_%.»AmCwe2r ycwsglxen faxcf they mfxto xpe, Be her; 111 r11~§:afrc‘z§t:-e; AA fllortly‘ afw:er%%$1§w Agrfmgk Hg_fler;g,,w1th,V % *w§.Wh%i¢1?%;m¢ Sis: A~wurW1{mWnd* fiW ; 1飑°é‘;‘a”“‘?;“’€'3f“*'50nth¢ Egg change aboutthe time tthot ’thei]u;1r&oX’s new'“ ’rezfo.o,t,rap came out, gave his Infiruction to % Iufiice cfoiopisr in Sbouthdwarkm under pretence“of friendfhip to come and vifit 1isi'+ort*pur1ao'éI§ c by ‘difcourfe to irtfnztte “us; mid to to ee%b'ehr“ witxfl-ifffé aggififlti tits, of which one that heardmtheI11ii:r1'i1&ions givengi‘ confcie ence of our integrity aoainfi his particttlag; Intereii, came; to the Tower andftiold us ail, how and bywhom,“ Ma‘j0‘r,~ of‘]u- Rice Cooper was ‘appointed to come, the time when, and Gift? theSt1bje&_%gand mtmnter of his difcourfle, who .accorjdingiy the fnextdtty came, o‘e‘eompani*ed with our quaitddzntfriend"“]ufl:ice r Hillonce of Southwarkg 8tc.;and_Coaper"‘efpeciaI»tIy-Ademcaned himfelf exa€tIy accordin ’ to his Inflruétions fotetoldtot intended ivillany, and Arnold: plotto italic may ourlivtetsfiwte: ere fitted for them; .an’d within arfew fdayes after, we fen: for %Ctao;2;ft7”',r“’and before: diver? ' _‘ ,i opened cont: face all Amatids bloody dcfigne iutponus; to b’othr»ttheig ‘ mamc: ~ - t é % _ »- am e“ ‘ ,,. 35 H jar‘ the Tmertbefi: V V ‘.S’ir% “ L Inca n zy arriva1l in Englafld ," I have endeavoured t6 fincic ouf the fevcrall ctflmfli-H ' Stations and difpoficions ofmen, andlperccivc the major part of thofcl « have difcour-7 % f A‘ %fcd%%w1:ha:1§!,,»arc.1ed more by their own fancies then mafon; lam very‘ much zxoublcd to _ flee, jhjo§y'vV%%-~‘A_flrAangely :_l1ingsar’e e_a%rrie%d,% “Ending the Sixbjcét not ac%,:a1lLe;fed‘ or freed ‘ - fgom opprpifiun 2. I pray informs: me in any our: particular thing , wheu=;in‘%AE;ngla:nd hath zrletciwcd anybmcfir finc:«die“warrc bc.gat1 § " %Oh”chi$‘i?sa bieifed trefm¢ma:~ion I Thofe ” fi¢'oks% of%y‘;aurs~%which I »hav‘c_lat cly fecn doth handfomcI ylafl1 thcm ; I am joyfull to hear that we have fomc true Englifh-men lcfcthac will hand for om: Libértiesand jut’: Rights. '" My carntfc defirc is to cngage with fuch a party, and cojpync wi uh you and your fricnds A“ in onc‘aI1d‘the fame thing, anfl to fleet my courfcby yqur compafli ', and I {hall ;( to the - uofl Ao£myAabi1icy) further your defigucfin any thing é though it-__ be with the hazard of ".‘,my%1ifc5whichI%fl1ou1§I willingly facfificc far my Cpumrties Lib¢rx:y:'1"«o>tIiTe ram: Jinncnt ‘ P;l1,r;p~ofc I«mak¢ my addrcfits to yourfelfc; imagining youtobc the =acbicfefi'_o£ Atflhofc % * 31;: in a‘fcornfu1l may by your ”aLnd__,thc écommonewcalfibs % Encmies _) brandcdf‘ wit}: ’ 7 A :hVc”namc o;fLezJel(er.r. N _I mevcr yct'regard;e$d_-m~u1:h‘ the rnalicc of my mcm;es%: I gbelcczvc ' A the like in you 5 thcrefgrc = I am :h::':rx‘1oxic“incoja%r‘aged cd jmym with fiich : %}Emcufc I bcjfce«cg1 “ % A‘ ycju for libcrall and time beamed ’f*)cxpjre(Iions rwayf And‘ yet agreattr % 7uda- ofwrit3ing§I t is I’ cufiome: that I am ufcfl 1:058: cannot on :1 j = ;1_ Q V payer bregzbged % %j% fuddcn leave it. A ’° I fhall at any place or hour give a meeting % % %#’J~,9;€¢ rF/I-A 3 i‘ % % ~ A to“ any of your friends to difcourfe furthemf is, and then you % % ‘ ‘ ” will findc my ccamplygmctt with you will be vcry acccptablc. % ~ % “for I l%o‘v¢ to advaficc and further all Eoncfl, lawful! amid chrifiianliké afiioms. B.-uc I =fc_ar % Qunkflk y,ou%-~a€c;,m,e:c }oa:ivate’ly%~%xhe-2;: ‘you have ,fO1fi§!1?E'1‘~1)7' d~on_e*_)%;h%a:: a21.:wiVllaC0m¢%;t0 ;:ough:§“%foryefc¢rda:1yI%?:;ccidcntal1y%%hcg,;c1m1famethatwere emplmd in d1c_1CQ”jui1try no f0r;}'ou,;7w¢r5c_takenanvd carried Amifoncrs z;o*Oxfbn:! by Tome bf “Ccifoncl Scxpaper *)%Rucgj:.ncm:, the truth of this Repair: M I.=..mhnn‘ot Itfu Rcémmtm £tflng« mracbkfoflx mucimvcr, but I%%récciwfed' my intclligcncg: from ,a;; ‘ ’ I3tr%‘%%%¢;%b¢d;zaeezal%%’afaa good me,-ma;ry,;% ‘which, v:c:'y c:cd1b1c%hand§5., Ifit flx%buld%bc%%%%fo;._you m11fl: .;b¢% . % far at%tl;img1ime $;c:rqaps M the .mc$1"c_ ccaucioué hemafner ,. qtbérwifc % ygouy[ I d;~S;;i4i,sAburyA in%1{3e5}alIian%%%% wilfirlly giw: up jmnrfl livzslfis ‘a pgreytd%yo1?1Lr 7, énéa ‘ _' (;2ener4¢lland~Qfi£éer;.‘%%!% a“nic~s. “ I cannutwasyet {ay5,we=, bgcauzfe%ILknow“ not= A "asyct whether I’fln1lbe r,e<:.c'i3tec1 asra friend a- n:Va:.jf I can a‘?{Tu¢”r?e%_jvou~my:fricn&fl1ip fl1%aI1ve;y¢much;.%adw.%n%cc yam bufincifég % Zforl flimll ypngagc %1mauy~fricnd»s in Buckingbmjbireflc beingg gny Native Cmxntryk) fmigh % % A, fidcm: ta g:&yfl"C“thC“i firnwn«gc%fi;;Vp“;m:ty.im that 4Cmm.I;ry in Fpig ht; mf .% %1?a::e. Ami‘ ‘ ‘ w«‘«M“ » EarJge;{bire.5,%% and fame {in ,% Lrcag-1 bvyrcafmnof V ? 7'5 a»ct31)€f1é1cra§b}24; pa:rtyin1a.1~l thQf€ CG1;’1fltri€S,3”fidgfcvail with mhefis at law: my i«wwm.~;1e skimncjmbe as N}‘mncm.$% This! bcclccvc defervcs thzmkes: % % fidsvamce yqurv%flc«~in%%a orcgcgfiaécrgblt way, if I ‘.fi‘n.dc you % J 1111 %Cmm1ecMmr4s ycm mmda asghggat‘ yea; .ha-vc- § rh filf, ‘vvdl ‘ mad in:.&xe&r r N» ana;{u§idm | vehc f.is1s1s<.2!.>.a.c1= that 3 > W XL gnu ‘ )v 3'' _ efiaemdjgoad fr;2n4¢co1om11ohnLnbmgg:«web in h be nouicccaken (*)ofme. Thus ham: I.in parcmade vice. Ifyou can diofolefllalll r;§}ak¢=a';;olther Prpvifiqp"{tW«'Wflg.l, " which is to gain? the j 0ff°0Xlf0tdl for You, Whfigh 3'0“ In?! Cloncfiivc will We idifiwuhlft-lug do; and ma V Vchacldo. not lmowl mc.1 But by mymeans I fllalh woxke .w1th* my frxands within‘ ghlc :2 ko,,(§§,w % ' -‘ as well as chofelwirhout, I am almofl: éoin fifhcflt Ofgaining it :“ Then flmll we be in ' condition to furnifh our fclvcs with Armes, and have a place of retreat: upon any CCCQR-9 h on; hAndlungli1l fucha Lhinglbe doneI,itwi11.noch'bc wifclomé in any fiptlhlicklyh go appga£:;.., _ You will conclL1de‘the like, or any rationall man, therefore my requefi to you is , tha:=y5‘u _ would‘ ferioufly wcI,gh’and,gakc unto you): cpnfidarzmon this my‘ Lctrcr, “and return: mg : your abfolute anfwlcr by my h Orter;"BI.ft"il’I’fl1oul‘El bl: ft) foolifh “as ‘atchicntdllly to (‘peak 3 word or £0, hols fo honefl: that it palfellth no further, the cxpericmztlll have had of himlaffizvl h hrcth me as mu . ch.cl\4orcovcr%if you fhauld require a long¢=_:r timclin returning mexnanfwgt ; V‘ of what! dcfixc , my lodging is in Alderfgaze flreetin ’%I?z1'nz'ty%cam't atone? Maflcr Edward A P, ear]?! lhishoufe hard by A lde‘r‘fgate,c]hcrlclforg: éwhom youharc pleafed to fetxdl to mclmay that: l ‘ findhc inc .B_ut in thcfc dangerous timgs wc‘canno‘t be too caucicus inouriCompany, thcre. l fore unlcfic I am well a affurcd ~thac§they% that {hall cream with me: _in _you_r bag halfc, come really from you ; I {hall be very {paring in unfolding r‘ny,mlindc , A ” rhercfarm l“ I pray fend me a to'lccn,in writing by my Porrejr, that be which fhall come to me as lfronlzfllé H cu, may deliver me the fame token, then flzalll no:‘*be fpaxing to la: him know my reféuhl ur:1on.l:ll I darcnoug game to the Tower leafl thazrc flmuld (me) And yet {it the fizmwintehh" A a giifcovcry of my mixlcl : unto you though to you ndt _ I:adl.Br%aclfl1'aws and lFlroflshCom.. :- vcry_wcllknown)I amthc more ferry for it; For Teri. wifliau toinvritetbit lLeIter,*0pm1** hholzfly all the aic%qulaint%anc¢ that ever I had with you, Rogue!» ‘ m;,,sll'nA;h¢ Tower ,M% wherp Lhad the hagppincflcl three or l A V l A A l < four: times to be: ingyo.ur,c0mpa.ny,in my honored friend Sir I aim Maynard his Chlmbcfi Ihlmow-not whether you may hall me to mind or no,bL%1t really youlvhvill fi_ndc a mofi crufiy fecrct and a mclfhubliging friend anclfervan: pf l ~ Maj“.tbec8:h.164l8. . ‘ A Tr-Io.V1z1mn1r.' V A lllwvefraecjlajouhdealleaafrcfibf lqvitth »m:,1hm wirhyau; V T ’ h A But rctmfningla confidering anfwer to this, juilging the Autborat the fix-Pc view a Knaxii l I 1 en“ zlirerfinmf ha @rt§hitcr‘ian fricnd of Sir John Maynard:,‘ whcrheri hr: kI1CVV_tl'1Ch'm3y-I1 M1.-A lno,*, who I V. Countries t“l'l}fit‘tl‘-15$ hmaln‘masmm.:pMayad“~'by h;&h1?0:fC%lof uzbymfloulig, .h‘;g~%%1g}-=3 Tmjp "_,_.o mg? l beéng made a kindallofmnhhhéwpuilfhmrlhygmeme ’~' the ma Ufléaflfillf(W3dl.lHi1’fl’flChll§1‘”;Mih'§9;:t%Q@I §@04§Bll}i%' Towcpuponmyfia-yers flop: phcpxiginall of theft: vfolllowing lincsin myhand. ’% ' h Tmrhnyleflwelelmedigbwdllyhwiefldl “ londlélfhntbefapxgllgnffl % j with this fine-*6? gm rxxr "J In‘, ‘ ‘ . y°ulwis‘N%=telbl*l l l¢‘§M*3~*Y°“l‘!°hl~WWMmfihmlmmlfiwcrmflrhc "ahlm2;mm%dhl;zr6t:ablc’z:l xlhbum b, * ghlwfilgl , imwcrlglfilllhwe ;p1"E’Va:.i1éd%W,i§‘£h_fl;1r§rQ K bid meltha: a quandam fclldw prifoncr of min: had lately, fen: wordhbut df thlcT”'L6wl... i hlapsdlw K1v*?9’s1‘0;¥;,hi:f1L$, rbucv the % next day ‘ l l ' v~1r3vh¥'W0f£ WW?f¥l5’€fldWmd‘;§mh31b»inaglcs pi l L A A [jay A ~ -r- ;(*)* fca1edtru*p,t andhrthist my friend will fee thét their ” if fi37Jlc_b'__ fl1ellAc9me'fafc to myhhh-and g ‘It pray ufe-Vmeancsugb : wetland b1dr¢pp4f:ntbwbd(erded , eburnn%i?nyiLetter, as‘I {hall cancel yours for fear: of the ~m}tliffe. '~ e t r worihand you fljlallh cx_treaml'y oblige a mofifaithfull j e he .L%Scrvitor'o£_ e n 4 V V e ' ; ;w.v9=b-I649: t T30-Vm*£Y+ A A e r.211uc7%mewe:e5tro,4d, z»;»t1dm not comm‘; to rP4}5er.d "VL1ponr’ecee_ipt efth%wis%I« was more c9nfirm’d‘in my own mind he was a Cheat, bu: V ‘ . Ahahving not abfolutc ‘mots of my! thoughts , I judg"?d it the mofi fafer way for .," %1e_rd fit flziltl and return no m:ittena;nfwe‘r, not yet much reveal him : So w-i:h-" ‘ h t [ ur;earne{°c bnfineefle 5 fwhich I r;pr<;fentIy judged to]_be the fore-ementiprfre j rbogmya. t e _ gel w‘.as going torehim, rmetacrcidcntally hGC:?xtLCm3n_; fqermtrlyt ofthe Kings % ganyiiindcnqzfinn» nn°fhinwif1}s§Ircvt ,9*39rM:1‘be-t Vvrneze Enishsisnefir9rnoee:rAndhe maid that on Knight of the Kings Pa.I‘¥y3i‘l2:ldlatCl toldlhinr, thatstr Edward heme; tranche Kin°S, Srendardrbearcr had at {on tl:ttely’come, tom the ‘I-Ingue, which was loqitvel ‘ “olpon to ca very odd,itrange‘,light kinde of fellow; butyetfto the Cavaliers preteridetl y ?'*'_tol be fome kind of Agent-from the ; Prince. C :Wheteupon I told the Gentleman they , grounds and tedious wherefote I asked him; But this Reply incite-ttfed more jealoufie in me, that_thist,VEnN1=;Y was alypetfeét Rogue indeed: and To to Vsnyuelrhimfelfl went C5, who upon difizourfe told me, he had formerly five ycers agoe .bTeeno7f the,Kine S‘! fry, anrlf th3t_histFathet was {lain at Edg-hill, being, the y_KLi_ngs Statidai-d—beater.fi o . told him, I had’ read three Letters from him, which he confefled hehad fentto me. iBu‘:;_ Ilalfo told him (having Mr. Walwyn andivlt. Overtan with me) "I wondred -yyh%o,w“hel'f/ "tiutfi write {uch lines to me as he did : But he asked,wher.eior,e ? I wld“ him," \ ‘‘,Becau’fey - "he was a meet fitanger unto me send there were fuch lines, asif wereh-e * not one ’l""offi ‘y‘lDlyERBY-—-HWOIJSE Agents,-might coit ‘him his life. But he; foid, he knewme to be? ~- fo honeii, I durii do him no mifchieft: And for being“ one of DERBY.-Holust-. Agents, . he as much abhoyrrted them as I did: and I wonder, faid he, I having been i11Arn;1s for; the King,how you {hould imagine they wouid be {'0 filly to trufl me with anyof theitfiha “etetss which they tnuit do if I were their Agcm. _ "" Sir (faid I) It is no iwondet that ” you, tell you, -22»: are ajuggling Knees, and I couldiinde in myheatt to lay h "wicked men make uie ofanyi11{’ctL1ments_to aceotnplilh their bafe ends 5 and you l1avi'ng‘ ‘jf bcenfor the King, ere themore likely to deceive other men, and the more unfuf recited‘ i ‘", to work their ends :, ‘and money, we all know, is fo temiitiug :1 ,tl1i1‘_l°, that it wil make " men of b..3f€fp1rit'S Chan 6 their principles 5 yet, though it be to the defctufiiou Oftllfiiljj “" Fathers ," s,nd'n‘igI1ei3:}3.e ations: andlwhy you may not‘ he fuch a; onlel,i' have too plain. de-““ M i mOnf’cmtio11s,,to bclecve- And for that part of the it-rarionability of thetrtrufling you, '7haYiI1tg btfml '«ltCaVi‘~li€i‘5 °'Whymay they not as welltruii and imploy you as their AA. ‘ f‘;' gent,»as Parfoity Ky EMA, who now is their aeiive and hired Agent," as from very good ‘i hands I fi11l)’IkI1®W 1 although its notorious he was an aéiive mm laii yeer 111 the rebel- " lion of Kent, and a. notable Agent in the revolt ofthe Ships. But Sit, to be tlvluin with t o ‘ cl onfyou for akmve, and carry you pre-"ently ‘before the Lieutenant, of the Towerwith your‘ow11 Letters. and that you are £1KI1,}.'\l.Q, I have theieinformattons to beleeve : ,You were i" “lately at the ‘Hague at the Princes Court (which he conf‘efli:tl) and there you were im- "played by fomebelonging to the Committee of Dene?-Hous.1=.‘, to lays. defigne to V '.',get_the PRINCE nihip-bo:u:d..a11d fendfhim for Englrmd to lofe his head ‘And this i . _ "ewes lent over, by yfomeexiled Presbyter Gentlemttnto his friends in Londoh. Citi4- teen oflondon-and e Colonel sold me thisthe other day: and a Gentlemen:"Caval‘ife,r t bid b'ew_ete of you for 9. Kneve : At which the Gentleman with the irn ujdentefi: tandunda,unted cot1ntena.11eethat_I have Teen) denyed all; but “eonfeflel lheknew ;1’i1rt.» y ' f‘ {on KEM, and did beleeve him to be 3: Derby Houfe Agent 5 3 and meeting Wit}: him the other dayii1Weii:xni11iier Hall,’ he did confeii-‘e that Km told him; .Menifeportedlei7-1 much. ofhim‘ as Inow tolldlhimn to h'is_\face. But with his nauch 1*eafoningywith e-Tli',y ,Mrf. Welwyyz, and Mt. Ovarian» (who wenton purpofe with me to him, as feé1ri‘ng heciime,_, ‘tithfir to flab or poyfon mefinia cup-of wine. or the like, ) he jL1flifi1c‘d"hiLcf integritie 5 he- C ping! would not {'0 violate theRules of fojcietie’ and man--hood, aslto Bettay him, and bro ttndollhim and his friend~s,.efi:«eciall'y my ‘lfiliiend Sir 'I0i—IN MAYNyARfl,”Wh0 he Oficn ‘ pretended, was bound in etiead.bonds forhiu1,,before he could get his l.l"lJc1‘ty..” anditothiis \ day fo continued. So telling him his ownto the putpofe, ‘,1 ot1eft,hi1n;fot.a Knave ;“ al-- ~t though Mi’. Wttlnijm efpecially piiefl'edet»hard~* t'oTh‘ave lliirnlziild hholfd lBi.1tibein.lg\ defirousy y , }’‘’~E *-‘_9_ Fj1??_«§_S §_‘I3§_»§! littis further, formeny ‘teafons I can give, alone; But tyiet, ‘ ‘ ~ ,. fitgni'figTy‘fet}ring him at w’orl«:ee'whnnm tlteyn little befere~ fcnt“out’“ y expteffe G ,gamyto~wr1 C1 Fetfi the next d:'ty;7hef’b1uh£elaf.$'rdte;ca111e with it pretended Warrant to femirch my Chamber, by whofe ‘hands t(% Fo]1".£4_. token I~fent%a]n Em ft Cbpie. ( of aI1%I had «fent to Nlaflc€1?Hu‘nt‘OfV€rfI ,M;1P:er,‘hMt.. 7057‘: Brmybtznw &c. ‘w‘hicha1though eILh_a.ve“Icmg Iince, as before gahintandhhjgainncqustitited»BfE1af/14:1? and other of I-I;flm'jg.rAflbciates with V E R-~ N E Y S Letters, 85¢. Yetthe {aid V ERNAE continues asttgreatnwith Brawl. [haw a‘.nd others, at the thina1;:lIlmp,eaClm1fi1:_ttl«owfll13‘I»ig,la ‘ And therefore asiin a Speech maqd:c, (me thoufanqd fix.’ T’J£l'l;;1r’lQI1_.- .agninil i aim- himdtecl and forty itis-{aid againfilthic Sbipwxoney fudgei, Groiznwel and his S.on_in=l:}'Jv J l \ ,4_SfPceches and paflhgies of Pal.‘1‘i311n€I1t page 5275. Much more iHl6.1:17‘] Alreton. . l l l ‘ milylmayl fay now, when ‘our L1l)€l.”t:lC*5 [arc violim-id‘, _ V‘ Aim , ‘ our Fundamentall Laws abro axed, our Mod-‘em La‘ws.%ali'ead»yi ob£olered,.-nmhe !Fi€lI_"‘(“:)Al~. % ."F1.-ierie offlour Efcates alienate ,' nothing left us- .we can.‘c;.1ll pm: own, ibL1xi&s;m.i-1;mf;l.ll. i l¢~now,i nowiimafiipropcrly, moil:,fe:ifdx1»a.bly;l C11)’ out,%$a11d crywalouidi, " cry and our patience, if evc1'iia.nyl Nation might j,ufl%i.fiab1yl,. tbis»cae1‘uai1:t~l2y%i'_ilai1¢€Xv AREGNAT JUSTITIA,’ VEL‘ RU-_A.T »C}BLl1l\'1, :1£hi1I:‘iS, Eimafr /.et"7'rl.1e ~ahl£ic:?- .. van: fall, or Yet Sacred 7u_/lice rez';gn,U But/if he lhould lclclny tl1‘at‘th:l.l£' whichlar Newn V cafilel he hath feimd upofiis nonclofmincgl -prov: Lcgall right r,Im%sl..ll._ , i V ‘l‘ 1. mdimi: I had iintihc eye of tahellaw ii+l1«e:g;‘;i:lly come by it ., gm bring in pail} ifiommf 7 ha,/~b~3§h‘§l1?0 lpneicctnce in zlafi W0rl»i€l~t0lclsi,i?pollIIclIZr:~me bf it, zofilnisziowna bread , and”buy.h1'=s we-».w?%1, -l will srbut Ely vfifnfwar that agiailnfl Ltwlof cquicy, ncafonmd I uifcicc, yea. «:aaul£i.’l the llwytéw of England, “I was in the ycar 1637. 1»:6;;B. 1639. 1%64'O-Im:1oll:Ji=llega1.l.yla.ncl»;ymmn.nica‘lfil§7 "’ dealt“ iwich by thlclfiilgh-Commiflfilon, Counccl-Board and Scar-Clihiambnr ; iwy Dc:-Etc‘: _Guz'mze, “Z);o&p‘mL ambe , inomr Aliz, and the Lard Keeper icoviemry, L and Seal ,Ma~n cs}:e,(z‘er l Liard N e~wI2g:;.g, Old Sir Henry Value, Lord-Cbieffuflioe Bramflrm, andfigmge fianexg; ...4lnd J); ‘:83 t?f§6anterbur_y,_4Lord I{eeperag4in:e,lLord Trmf3&Mr..llBifly»apiaf Laiidm, Land , A . 7 A M “ i A A S‘1e*aIaga'1'n,j Earl‘ ofhunafel Earle! A Salirlgmy, Lord Gtittzilglon; 5€C1'¢t1l-‘Y1 Cwk. and $¢?fi1 « CI=6t3.'ryt‘VVl'fld€5dfik_ and the zifizrden ofihe Flee; % % % _ imwrjgiflg : Of which, the; ; oENovemb.«164<:. being the firfi; day the late d1fl'o1.v6d PM-v AA fl”iAamten{t%fate,t I ‘ac:cording’to% Law and Jttfiice pL'¢f€1‘r€d m)’ “P€titi°“ and C‘0mP13i“U° to them 5 gwho upon the reading ofmy Petition, t f‘%asttI%1_*CfI*1€11‘1b%€l‘4the firfiprifexaet‘ in England {Gt at liberty bythem] to follow my t Petition. and dwordingttta the legal! cu_;ft'ome afPar;Iianienr: make it gems! Jay proof befflrc 3t..,f¢1€r5°C CGm~* ‘ mitt-ee ap-pointed byuthem to that putpofe, M 1'; I<‘mmri: Raufle ‘having the Chair set befiare whontmany' particular dayesoue after another I ap eareci With m;ytC)ounce1t[be1‘ng , R;a-eberr}G'médon_, bro‘ttI1ei:{to M1=.-' ybfan Garden now Ivlem “er of the preltnt Iunfio, G1'tP.1‘€fE¢Il-. 1 ~ded‘Houi'e of Cbm%mon§] ‘and’ my Wim efl‘eg emd Vfully proved all my I°etiti<9n~.. Qgon, ” the.x:epoL‘t of all” which by Mr. Ram the Ctmirman, the Houfe oEttCommdr1s the fottrth of: t May 4.1‘ [being thc_vc1‘y fame day that the King hiznfelft eatufed me totbe arraigned who gagged me upon the Pi}/arywitbofu‘ ordeag ‘zmmedimezyorddred me my Liberty [being \ “A” and again&‘‘ the libertie “ That tfié « f°taud tyt-annicallg e RefolvedVupdn the Queflimt, “‘ That 1-eparations ought to begivcn to Let;-s . ‘ ‘? aaurtn‘ for his ilnptifonflment, fufFcrinets,‘and1ofi'es fuflaiued by that i11%eg:t_I~1’fentence.* , Otdct-ed,“«'That the Contmitteelhal ptepar%eytI1isjcafe‘Qf N! r_. Lflburnxtttot best1=an(°- VA "Knitted to the Lords, with thofeother ‘of Dr.‘ BdflWiC,(,-I) Cv3&0;1'-]Lt‘igl7I071, Mr Burton an-cl M-er. Pr_yn.“ A‘ ~ which Votes (being it1;t fu1I,free,untrxzv7'f/It; Gfinfbffifi “Where, very well remember, Sir Artlmrfiaflerig t 5 nedyezme: Ingram came to the Bar of the Court of Wards“; ; " and br»oughttM1{tér Heme the Cuuncellor to pleaide tor the ‘ \§_Lords, and in excufceofheimfelfc, who fizifly inhficd inai '" high manner upbn the orders and decrees of Star-Cham~ At _ “bar, tuppn which i very well rcmembct: Sir Arthur with a 5"3grea:~dcaI~e ofindigtmtion tftfaid unto Htfmé’ 5] I VBJUC H0’-' 3 Decreettofthc Lords in Star-Chambcrarfiuflm, ifit: be not V "c—atprefly_according to the tenor of their coinmiffion the , %‘ t‘*‘7'Lawe,.an:d‘I further~tell.tyou‘ it isatidiculous gthing Sir: .7“ tOtfL1mm}]0n I~:’a_rli:m:1ents to meet together totmke .Laws,% f ‘f if the Lords ;dccrees~in‘IStar-Cham‘b=er' againfi law flmuld» ‘7‘betbindtinggandttherefore, although you have p’r0‘V¢d £05‘ A", your C !y;mt=%Mafier I ngram that the Lords in open. tCm:u:t .t.f"""' Court 1fitcting)& eommandedt him on the Pilfory ta “gagg Mafter Lilburn: yet for {peaking againfi them , I E611 1 ee‘;‘*yo11b:ylaw that order‘"‘Oug«ht to have betetx in writinggae-% tWtctordingitottthe cuflcomi ofrthe. Court , twhich you Conftfhlf V ’? wmtnor 5 3n€I=*ttthercfote Mafletr Ingrmtntmtlefi: {mart fe0phi$% t _ . ' A faishfyllyin.th$quarr=*= ft’ executing Oftgfdfgrfs ;%cg”rt3Mv-_Li_l”é_u(_t1ef n1§C§§§l1‘fgR1lf. M 5' was one of my zealous and fotwafirdjutdgessflild~WhC11W3f*A “for Thig"h” Txseafon at the Barrtof the I-Ioufe of Peers] voted and refolved upon the ‘ .Q_1eRion t Q J > “- _ V . V‘ M ~ 4 ’ Sentence oft Star--‘chamber given againfi .T°HN LIL1‘mn.1~tt zsgilltegallv, of thc‘- Subjeft; andalfo bloody, cruel}, w1cked,..barbar,ous, H. Elfinge cfcrt PaVl; i7D0m;Cor;i.. d, Iegaklfind unqtteflfienzibie Par1i:=.mc11t(aftcr ztfiall, cit-~ per1,fiee * and fair»hear-_.~ ingg, and Cxamjining 6f all my forefaid fu‘fi’etingsat1'd momplaints) troutbles and the ‘vvdrres came on , and being in my own confei- cnee, fully fztisfied of the ,_jufi:nc:fl7s of the Parli;’- t meme thCn’¥CM.lf¢-, in the % height of iealc accompa- n'i:=-d% with jjeudtg/mlcnt .,am& e ‘ confcicnce, “Lipton the "L,pritnci%ples I have largely 3 t 7 13itdttdo%wn%%intthc 2.6. 274‘. ‘ "’ 7-;.76%pages of my book ’" of the . 8th of June I 6494. ” intituled 2 ‘England-s‘ t 11:- ‘ ” gal , fundamentall, ;8ic. " e I took up Armesfor them, and fought heartily and fa; t(’raeaatma;ntngacumen Ihad like? to have bech 7ha'n§dep3 it t flatford § v§hiI'e'duiinfi I “imprfifonnmeot pthcrcz, ,1 109:; or ‘6o0lt..out of my cfl:a.t¢ at ;Landen, ttilplthc pr<:I?:'m:; ‘ -sfiat-Ie c§>fMattcbefler,had'!ik'e to have hanged mo, for beinga little to quick in takingin .gTz'kelI Caflle, which fpoylcd at [ohldicr of ‘%,111C .,ev”€r finpcppgnftcr wtthichppin theyttar 1648; 1. followed the Hon)‘: of C ommom cl tfizto tranfmit my firefaid rum: to the Lord: ; which with much " difficulty (occafioncd chiefly by;Mr.vWilIiampBr«inne , and" other his zealous Presbyterian * t friends) I got bytpoicc-mealcs :ranfmicced,whcrc by rcafon of Mancbcfler: intctcfi I might: V ' A havecxpcficd long-delay “ye: Idfound quick difpacch 5 and upon the reff December? 1 645 bflpecialby decree, they z’ook~ofi'tbefine fit upen me by the Startbamb er; and afterwttrd: 1 got the wbazepitoboxemt:/initted,’ttwho;attheir openpfiarrc, judicially upenttbzé .13 of February 1645,-ap. do I dppoimz-cdttme a folemn hearing de new of the ow hole tnatmé , and aflignped Mr. _]abttBrad/baw- p “and Mr. 7obn_COt0}{-_f:9t7'\m)’ ceunfitlplywpho with pabundancc of witncifes aecordxngly appeared, where Mr.Brndflmw did mofi notably open the Scarchamberinjufcxccto wards me, but; u b efpccially their *) ex; (#7650 or intcroigatogatory d proceed- _ings;with me and produced mm): witmtffcs «upon toatthpfpuatt - fiuglly, p1jove,_cvcry_ head A of his argument. upon which M ..fu11hcar»in'g the Lords made‘ .a notablcbdtccrecg and adjudg; ‘ t .251,“dfldtdflcldfiedIba/;lldp7‘0$'€Cd-5 p ; ipng; of ‘gifted /hid p.Sf§arcl1ar?,npbtn,_ A pagaiififlttébefitidpdtlflhfl Li1,b“m5 are be illegal! and mfofl» wt and t tagdirzfl-1/78 Liberty of Ttlae Sub- ‘jeff, and Law of the Land, and Mdgmtt Charm , tand unfit I0 >continue,upont‘eco;'d. t " (*) Wltoffe very word: all dreprecbrded A5,; ohm. Cook in bi: printed Relatzon af that dd_-78.! pl’0Cp3€§’,Z‘flg_J‘_‘Q€fi7f€'p the L-ardt, who imbe 3 gpttge tbereofrupon the reading of tbe Scar-chambbcr fig. tenceidgditnfl me , mafl truly recite; Mr. Bracflia_xv: obférotztiottr « in tbefe very words 5 viz; that the {aid fcotencc was felo do fc,gui[;t)"I9fit‘5 bwtt death, the ground xfvbetreof beizzg b.ec4‘u]”¢ V V Mt. Lilburtte tefuftd to take an oath, to anfwer to ttllfitcb que- ‘ fiien: d! flzould be demanded of‘/Jim 3 It being /5} commfyta that ;pLa33f£.I of God, Nature, 7dIldA!}J€.I(_l'ngd0in , form; man to 5; p .121‘; em‘ gccufer , iandyet tlispetfizdme Mr; Brddfladm after he hath mafijllegallj taken dwdjptbe King: life and ‘drenched bit bands in be”: blood : commit: me tben;;topri]5n.ferfitfjaition ofTreafibn, meerelytdfhrrefttfing to anfttterpdte a ueflian that be him/élfdep-A mended of me , awfully appears in: e .2. edition of my pifiure of ttecomzetz vfflm 1° -we V But: not affigning me any ‘ reparations in that I)ccrcc(thc, doing of twhach the HoufcpofCob:1mboos1cft unto them"; t p. ‘and the Lords according to ‘former cufiomtc loohcdo-poneo be their right in law to do,) swhcroupon I got Mr. iabn C oak to draw me up -that daycs work with moi? pregnant; and p notable aggttavations , pwhichbl printed ahd prcfentcd a few daycsaftcr tocvcry oncdof the ‘ t iordsss praying chcirafligning mo .particduJarp reparations accotding to Law p andJuRidc’: V out ofthe ;E&atcs t0fI§'11y"l1njUfl{ Judges , that had done me fomuch wrong 5 upon which I new addrdfe to thc_m they did upon the fifth of March I 645.. order and dccrces anddffigm ed to be paid untotthcfiid ]a‘I:n Lblbilburne the bfummc of tcn thoufand pounds forphis Rep:-r > ra.~ions;whi.ch for many reafons (as there booing ayding inthc warrcs todthceKing Bic.) 4 . they fixed upon the Efiates rcall and pcifonall of French Lord Cottingtong Sir Fm_ta':* ‘ ‘ ttirindebttnk, and jams: ,lngra.m late DcputypWard‘énof the Fleet, and afterwards by an ~ o:her,Dccrec forth: prcfenc levying tb creof: outdofb their iands at bedigbtyet-r; . purc7:ajE,(as‘ they-iverc*’before the Warrcs, ) with the pallomneeg of I merefi 4:18 I. per cenatump, per dmzum 3 , ‘indaji’ tofobflrudfion Sfbrall tr any [art t:fit.3 and to p this pmchafc caufcdd an Ord 1' name to bc tdtawmnupttwhichtfullyt pafléd their Houfpettho rs;-t2oan”d .527.-ofAprill16b46. and after- 1 wards tmnfmfucd it to the Hoof: of Cotmmonsmhhcrc. by reafon of my bloody adbvcrfary ”‘ ~old Sir Henry Vrtint Int»crd’ts and ofmy tipmprifonmcm; by Mancbefier; mca us in the Tow-e of L,ando:n~i1;1ay afleept tillthc 1.tofpbApughuf’cd V;t64d8.ac ‘bwhichb gime 7.0: *8o¢too.9f my Friefidsfixi Liogncforiwg jfignefl afif<:1éwi1”§§tt t2b§edé1it?et/eci §‘VP”eti%iienet‘b‘-film‘ 7H’oufé.” ;% % Comt1tom§~tfowr my t:.Lti4I;aetty_;, “and thee{epa£fing%otf;thre {aid“O1'&i1§a1tect:%:wehieh4<.PetitiaMist V witttrttte tSpeecthfitAo*§t‘ Lattttie Fttgend Sit: fiwhn V‘ ztefetetgtc to which:I?*dit1i?1W€‘et31€‘tH*ufe made this'Otdet; if :ztgu}3‘«:xt64ef8-X W A pita ttam, «x g} Si1‘J.d'HNhMAY‘NARD. _ Sit PETER WnN‘rvvt$a1*iw1_.; f 5 ,Lotfd Ct&,ttit)s,. t.i;%Co1;BotsvvnL. _ Col...TL1~1D NBVY. %eMetteHto'; fL;4%-¥i?I?; tM1't;C9PI«tE¥.t E : referrtiiftza t'b£;fCéN_1mit2Ee,tof any fi've~oftbém, to Vc§nfider"~bbAt#Colanel ]'oh'nt~LiIBIirnmaty ’_lnwefu“cb ‘fdtiafdffiongtxd auawwce bi: fiifefings ancfléflizsf d:1?i'rintefbrmerI)'eAi2zteiidéd“ beg} V »“xbi.r*H9ufi:.t AA ' % M ' ‘; Henry'E1t'yttget%CletL‘PaftI.WJe‘i11;Com.t At t ; upon which” Otdet-LI got the Committee to mete: ,‘ and tprefet~t‘ed. it Petition to them; r the truecopy dfwhicli-tfolloweth in my addreffe2%toTwer_y 1"ndivid£2allt~Mé¥nber, dated 4. pfsepzetn- % bar’ 1648. ufon 'which"Petitio‘u, at my ‘diI'eou~rfetwit‘h them, the Parliament ‘havitt ditfpofed’ of a’1,tha_te%ptit%t of the Lord Corr"tNG'r«t“m‘s §efttttetthat"I fhould have’ ha“ , I untotjthe "ind gtlfo" com ouhd ed w3vith“tSier; Ci 3 s N1) EB ANK’s h"e"i_t'* 5 ” the‘ {aid Committee were p1ea"fedw‘( t‘eeiz1 gthéytj11dg;‘ed a i:1i%fli9ct1It piece -of wdtk for me V to get it topoxrtionctbly from ‘till-tot motitjparct otfmy*’1miu{t’]utdtges) to it i;ntite$l*y upon t fthe”TLor ‘Keepers efl:'a”te, it is thle pgriiitcipal gttiityfman .: qf which; fwhett the youttg Let-.11 C_10Vt13N'£‘eRt_Y% /Ji1Son ct"nd]Hte*z'r Iafedijfdjilfértofin'Frwnee, he ;ca_ttte pb~fii~11g to England as‘ in at . , A tdead] mould A be *cc“smpt:11’ maze; featinvgwhate f11'Ch;a.1CE31?.hC‘(t€£i_’E5‘I‘1t:II‘1‘i”gm~}.31' bting%t1pbnttihini,t if hi$4"P2tth‘ef1'eS efiatfe [then “totnake ‘me fitisfafiién 5 ‘*he%beir1g_ Yo capitall«itfinjufcice, A“ that ““e6u1'fe%t be“taken‘, ’hiHs é{’tate left hiniby hiS'Fai:h&r [if it were ttebledj e %“wbt”11ttttiott"fatisAfie for his FatI1ets%tpa"I%_pabIe injuitice committed inhis life time. And _:Z|Htdnchl:“e:fler being in the fame Bryéts with his Father", being astunjuft asthe 0th¢'1‘,~ and having a Bwrorbér (vi? GeotgeMont% ue) and orhet corgfiderabIe“I:zteref1: tn the‘ Hour?! of cm... mom, (0 Iyed their’ tie'nd‘s tliete, thA~tm"fh¢ytpL1t a vfidp to’ the 1' econd reading of the ‘afore- ‘ f;iid_4Ot inanee. ~ Which ‘I fitfi ~fu1ly1111d€1'fi.'OQd by the Speakf: meant, then my gtea;t~pre- fgended friend, €v*hb“one day-t%5be6~itn toteafon with at Metfiber% of the Hofife [and my ‘f ecial mriendjt aitbdut}thettnteafonabfenefle tn fix ” my Reparations updn the%e1’tat.e of the ecteaa hfed Lofd Co;tvEL1'~1-.t KY 3 t nay; Or to give me Reparations at “all out tofthe efiates ‘of “|t‘,»hofe$‘.P:v’c’rrOn‘S that did me wrong, for‘ fear thegtecedent in time might teach to them. 5 ‘"%fe1tres7;t% "‘ f”oreSeir,%faLied%thé.$’pgat!&2r,% [as the Meme tet‘te1dm'e]% ‘ifanytSo11a:1dHeittfl1ott2Id V Wliablein law tOttm§ke:fé.tisfa&‘ig:n't goall tIio‘f‘e~m"en Equt 'of?:hz1t Efiate I fllouldvlecwe ttv-Vhiimjee that I Vh:tveintth“e’9eye" Of the Law wronged [by tiirfig ;Wam:flxit’s-, 01‘dC1"St and e.‘7,%'D—ec1‘e%es by the Cbmmanchof my tS!upet-iouts] he wouldt oon be 31 begget, althomgh tV"flibuIde1eaye%him 5j,ot6oo..,o I. ‘per aiinum; and therefore defirted, ‘ as %1twere~,*thef?aid 5‘:Memberscoticuttenee”with them 3 who 1' ea, :1 tteceflity, both‘ in” juflziceg and for the 'cIa- ‘ A “f morons impottunity [as they called‘ it] ofme and ‘my friends, ‘To give me reparations 3 . e%?€tpttt%?jyeett to; ittéin mfucht ;%wajr‘,, either" the Precedent ‘miglqt not inVe‘fum“re‘ ~mtF¢ tbemftlvex M to pd’rticu%larfmJen; t’ %O%fwhich, v”‘vhen the'Mer;ibter teld me‘,fa.11dt ‘t ~'withaII_AtoIdi me, they were refolvetd to make the ‘Common we.-4125: my=Pa_y1».-Mafler *“ou't*of ‘thee 7”gL1b1i¢kt'Fteéafu1-y, amid ceoldeut pvtett”the%ttjt_1Pcneefstoftit‘ with t_;hi$,P)1."Etfl€1'lCC, 1‘fTha.t Qntting- %"‘%“””rrinr efi-:a.te’ *’&e.. forn1e§i*‘1y‘.f:f2tHi§g11te't19*me,ttheyhad fince difpefed» of fer the tConf£m"on--H W"%‘%we1Iths nf’e*,* and the1*efor’e’ now it would tb~e't%no injtiitiee to 3:31: V trx§9n-We2t1thtt‘[§3thJoL1gAh*infl1e_5*t§;1§~5eh§1fi1E;¢t'it;« never vtjtan+gf:tdeme.]% ttpiv.-3% frationg « and per} V W _ _ M, .. 3» '°” ,. .3” V ‘ ‘N ‘ ‘V?-‘w“ “ ‘ «J . «&a&,&aaan~: h’0rh‘+£II*Ahwb*i‘ ‘,hfw3rhén+_Ihh flexed‘ in my fpiric ‘ (althoughwl was grown much into dehbtbaywiahfbn H » ‘Q 5-»: jmd clmrgheab my hearthavcr,” hW35m11Ch h~h.n@ir:d%gm;»:fiswath:hi£bh':;%Iitm'1h%hhh A A 1:: fufFe1~ings?Aa,nd-i_ag11'ge(Miofl§s)4' to feexghat mg fuf§'ering§ fllouldhproducc V bmiefii: at~ha1‘1hto the Common-_wcalt11 5]‘-Whhlych ashéfore God, in? thé fi~*néerit.y * h A inmme eye,” naieartbly Treafigre In the /warldhbei1zg0ftbaAth;wlu¢ Ara‘ ‘me, to make me undergo tbofia fb_rrow.r__ and hdiflrejeg ‘rim 1 undgrwent in the Bijbqpxhrimeh : fnci-« théi.‘ had I undertaken_az1y hazardsh%‘(andconriri1;tedh i:srh1';thl¢x11)h’out;_of anymber confidg... "ration, but out ofcanfczence and dmyta God, and my name Counngz, I was much per Iexed and raifcd up in my fpirit, {aging the main and of my flruglings was like rq be fru rated; ‘V % which hwaé"; Tbahi the Natimmigbt bwegoqdiby it,‘ by"thehcrea1:in'g ‘of Prccedgntsy _and tdré ‘rout for the fi1tl.‘l1:e’to' Tyrams andiinaveshg that fo the pcoplehercaftcr might hlxve more h {,1 freedom and; pe:u:c,_ in the enjhhoymenth of their Laws a‘nd?Libferties1~5 the hconfidcrationf; h h ofwhichmnade me fomhething" fea.rIcf1"cMofhmy.9wn parrihcularhwelfarg ; land in hmyvdir. c6urf'efiac\ their C1001‘, 130 fih.‘-ht 311 §11Y¢XP€&3t1pnhon'thAe Texucr-hooks: andalittlehtea ¢¢11e&1ng‘«mythoughts,jlrnodellxzedthe fore-mcntxoned Ahddreflé of the-:4 of sebrembg,-,f « 1:548, gndpriiltcd it,_ and the next day (as I remember) with my own hands prcfcntrcq; W irto every Me ‘mbec that would receive it, as they wcnt inndthc Houfc :: The true copy of‘ which thus f911_oW€fh5 % % ‘V Iionbhdred em’ 7 AA 11, eg,¢ry,;naia;aaua11 Member c5fche‘4VI-IonourahleI-Ioufe 91*‘ Cqmmcins. ~ The Hmbie xamemarmeof Lam. col. JOH N A LI L,BUhRN,;; : “ Md] W“; ‘- am, ‘ ‘ ‘ r’ ‘I 1 ‘ E”, ’OL1Chf£ifc§Q tak¢"fg;b:§ceana feriouflg ; parliament fatcmhich is now almo A rohcbnfihdeig, That the firfi weeh this Vpx-efgng £111! 8 yeers agdc, I prefcnted 2; bumble Peiitiarif V t9th¢‘%Hoh11fcof Commhons; for jtifiice ahcf ri “ht againfi the cruell ~]L1dges‘of,fth¢ bigfxf Gqmmzfliovn Courtg, and the Sta'1-—ch%anqbcr, and 7 [had the hJo‘no_ur ‘[1-,.he fauna dayirwas pm-.>., {¢nted¢) to be one oftbe firfl; prr[qr1tf: zn Englgncfi Atbat won‘: [225 at l1bIert_y b_y1lai: P¢rliaznent,¥ and“ agfo recgivegi a Epeedy, £1,111, _fa11:,‘ ha«nd_cand;1hd proceeding, 1n the hca‘r1ngfand examinhing Qfv wr¢a,;hoh1fcnu&1_pns,I haw; ho; agygn b§¢x1__§L‘_b1¢ to atvam to the full e11c_1~ofn}y$ltggl1 and 1uWi};,2;; all Vfxlflariflgé but r;;:a{c;m,ofmu1:1p1;ci£y'“hf pfiblick 15uhfinhefi‘e,% and" oth<:{17» ~ h e«:=p¢?€wh:tihonand.1‘i3ht= v~iz-hI<¢par4ri°wfémrlonsa Wand tormenting lfieriegshr Ltandh Ltnnifgfitehous Judhgszm H fcrtc fasid um‘ hh13e~p1€3f¢ dha1f9f3V°1!1'3b1¥ 50 mlkfi nogicc,h1’bam&pnn1I:egfig[!‘ a Augufi gla/1, iheréspgg l,e,.<%Pgtition;h}p§7e__,fi’Wt tte¢i 30 §V;I§i§h%H0haur4al9[£_AH?“/WffhCamm0T7?;. filb cribfd 15} mar} htboufimdr ~ h N M w \ v‘ .. VI ham ¢%t1'm;;s ;¢r;€~ *h9mH1h¥h;ft§.d¢fi1'¢"‘§9:h*hPi1tm€ in «the full pofléflion OM11 yom- éy-;pa 2 V 4 Mi V9¥§5~a11¢ my F9 f:a«id’fv1hff"¢‘rin°8:=» ';hfiP"°hnh?hr’¢a.¢1iF1?;hh W14 h dcbaring of which A ’ ~ “%“.n>_y“"‘{'.w"‘#x>:%‘," tg !.:jl;1;Ifit.h13,Z1Lf§;!}T1;§:¢5§}1*I;f3;;L‘IVjQfif:, your Héufc p1¢%af;e71%%%:t94 makp this? h. (3-IEE-.7.v.. if h ~ ,9‘ ‘Y ‘ ; ‘: ass A . . h \ ‘.4. . M : ¢,‘ W. 3 % h VV-(“Die Manic, ,Ig.M,¢gufii..1hr64h8.h % _ % 17‘ W’5ig;%;M;;;ni;a‘y;1aed, Sir: Petchr h“vmvéncwo;rh, h¢o1,,Borwe11,, hco:1;hLud¢1oh g..,.« 7* W I Ku;J,r. 2-1 A-.. (5 .1.- y 0 jibii kt-IoufE.,h ; ‘A Henry E1hfi1igC”:l*cr.Dom.Com. V hC=hh V U-m:4»_ “ V fl€t52‘r44 50% W3 :d¢hmmzrréé»h.avrhhfive*W5 “ ¢0hvhrW '.'IoHhI: I>“iI2I>m’I1?? rt/My bave'fi4Eib jZt‘”t§faZ¥?6’f?”'?'l;”I’i12ii.z1”lfa5?W’t"7c§e' fim fufié‘Yi‘ng:i“*'han 'lc2flZ’.r“ farmeriyih » Al umo which faidicqmmixcggj anthhirl Afisrfi 13ti11g,;I.lg_r‘cfcntecl4 Petiuon the ‘ C0P+y‘otj‘£’7 wnach.=nus.roI1owc:u,l» J30 lth¢. Henourable the Committee lof”thaHou»f‘e. of Cbmmons a pointed; ‘ vtalconfildrsr of Lieuc;Col.Lilburm bufineficdn reference. to the Starl-“cham er 5 l A- A The lJflvm51e:‘]?at»it:50n.afA\Li£Mt.;,CaI. _'[oh11I.1lb.urn.l,. ll 'AH3.t beficles- your; Paritionevgs-afi1ff'e1-in s Bygreafén of his bhniihmenc l imtq th¢"I.'ow.v % % l _% _Cgu1’m'_ies, l1eAwas.lfirf-E-comlmiutcd bye .-LA¢m£z,(_}7uin;,Aylet. 1637. and afterwards had; ' l A ;3«Y‘~’A¢1‘$imprifonment. in the commo1xllGz“w,le‘ of the: Eleclt, being mbz'p;fiom» Fleet—I}r.z'dglto..-.. M W"!-',/_%,I‘IA7I1'%rla'fl£’i'-,4 and enduring the c'1:ue?ll t01'mcnt ~ofall>olve fivgbundrgd flripc: with“ /gnlamd card: :.A A$f£€rW&§1ldSgbCing;f€t in l uh c»lPil‘1o:=l,y$for tlhfig.l'P_::lC£_0f two .hc;>u.r$ A5», and by yam: Ingram De- l putyr, Warden ofrthc F‘l‘ee.;, gagged, zearinglbii jaw: a.~A’ma_[i,—inpiece:,without _O.rdw<-:41‘: l vvhi-ch. Scnrencewaslgiven by; Lord Keeper %Covemry,%Earl of Mancbefier, Lord P1jivie.ScaIe,fiJ l L01‘-dl--N€wl—w‘gb,, Sig‘, Henry Vane '/Enz'or,l Lord chief Iufl:i,ce Brampflon, and Judge, ; 7Qne_r,. .And"a.Ft¢r tl1E'. barbslrous execution. @f.thiS Sentence, being, Kpril 18...16»3_,8.. the {aid} A E".D1‘d'-l ¢buentr;y, A‘rch~biIhop of Canterbury, Bitlnop of London, Earl of Mamcbqfleg; Earl" Afl35_Arundel,_)Earl of Salisbury, Lord C0tt_ing1077y, L01‘d~N9Wb“’f£b:o 3S°‘31'“5*‘rY C"0’<1.ll3%11dl IP’1ndebU~::I;, palfed afidther‘ lS‘ent’encc, ‘in cffrrvflg for the,¢S’r‘arving of“ your lPeti1ionA&}, and.» Al for this. t_ox:m=:n1:1'ng3ofh1!m vv'i;tl:a»,iron.r upmbatb band: and leg: bozb night and d :15. arldllfby keep. znglbim c/0[?l'7'.n“'t/Jecammm Gaole of 1/92 F1681‘ from tbefjmecbofany ef-bi: ‘f3'icrids..-. allwhichm. = was.;cxe;uted'with the greateA{l; cruelty‘ that could be for the fiuqe of alrnaff three year: rage.» A fiber, to the a§paran1: hazard‘ of his life _, both by Pcarving him which was with all art anal- % feverall ,waycs acte_mp.tedA5.] land alfo b fevelzallla aults made uponhim by‘.ghe ’! ll _flidll'Wfl1f%dcns.me11A [_infl:ig_at:cd tlleA1'“eL1lntoAby. the; aid; lW;'fHén,l‘.ro the ?mnimiang- anclwmmdlu l l'1‘i'r'n,“= whcreby9tolthis:d'9.y he is totallx; l(lA€13‘l1‘i3;C“Cll‘lbfl'ltl1E"ll{§l of two of h-1:7 I5I.A1gc1's :j'. A lw'hich,‘ with‘ much more, Awoxcclious to be 1'1¢1_'e‘ iI1*f&1't6cl, was fullyyroved? l>'y_fufEcienc-Witnefl'es, before a Committee of youur Hbufcgy i?vlre1*e'ofMi_Ffahci¢lRloA1t4l had A 1116 Chair‘; upon wh4ofe”1fepo‘rt made May 4, -I'64;,';l}gqur‘Houfcygtedx; “,"l‘~'*l1art_lhc Sex’:-~ ’tcnct.: in. the Srax-ecllhambcr i/ven‘a“ ainllfclue _l_'a_ijdi* Wof‘];n'~Lilburn;W,*: all -l~th¢*p1€wce’cdin s. "' fhthercxmpazrrl. w,as;iLIcg,all,. an A ::;gai’_n‘ll ghé ‘Iibe;{1:ylo‘ J A'jt7:Wl1’§.fl Su't'>”jfe&, and alfg l>loody,%wicke§, Mfirucll, ba1.‘b21'ot1s_Aafid"7tyr:111i1icaIl 5‘, and 'qh:Etlf1”e‘7f‘ot1 hf tolhavnévglbflclRfipa-atio‘1)sl“tl17Efe-:‘ A 3“'fore.*. g Whith Votes (by reafon of—m“ul‘t‘ipl'icilty_ 0 Abhftlxiefiév it1fy¢:;urllHoul' e) coil: yourr l Pctitionerlfume ycgrs of impo1::u%nate%Aand.AchargeaBle arqéhdaficc $6 get‘ m-1:i:;x_l7mim.-ed": A to the Lords% 5/ " whichgwas Ob:t3.il."l_€CliAfl_P(1‘b1'1.13I.'X:MI6’L}.'SA; lthwe 1da.y_ of'llwhi’c_h‘month%:~ A "yourARetitio11-61's whole Acaufe was e&'c-.”&%uWa1ly opened’ at the Lor"clS B”ax-r,‘ :.Hy‘h'ils_l»ellal1»mze:dL V chancel M *_7abnlB'r2z’d.fbaml lahdl’M””]5}3’n’ Coolgantl ‘there ever" " “l 1'“ _ M _ V _% I A_ , _ V ,” % ‘. w_,_y‘p;rt:1c.A1; a;%%.ag:A;_{1Anp1ov.¢ 1 w f 11pon,Oa‘th,b‘y tcflimAo—ny,:ofpcoplhjof«vcrylAgopd quality5'wh*ercuP9n t‘I;xeyT’. conc‘Li‘rLjiec:i‘ iii allji, *5 %mhings2'wit'fi':~he:;I*Ibi1fé"of fiidnfmonsg, fixviimg in the-mazter'ofRepauaniofi 3* Baa-—u on {the l A deliwery of'za«rtri1e;narrzLtive,th¢% Copylwhereofis h€1'Cl.'£ntO annexed,‘ Qwhicla your "eriticu l“ with his own hands in the fame mbxath delivered um:o~e;ver A individual] Lord) they; . made; furthwcr Decree; that yam‘ Path-.ioncLfil1ould have 504390 rcpswarioxxs out of gyhe.-.1 l tfihreé .ofii:hc {aid lL'oLfd;Cb:tingtf:m,Sirl F :raf1ci4 PI/'ztrxdez‘.iz1,r,:I;,le1.nd f?aJ2.je,:,;.I nggj4m,for tlie.L‘1'c:aAfifi;as"AA. V alledged in-an Ord.in;W1nc;cA_\gv%hich%th§:y paffcd in April 164.6%l,"a’ru_i' tI3nfmitt€dAl'f‘b;lj3yOI1f.'l A llu e, ipfhach 'liainlll;1pLr1;na‘I1M{rix£Y¢r_;fi11c;e,_ar;dis now.ltefe;x'écl to thy; . _(:;e_ajn£c1v:-mcilan». -gf§l31§H9no§wb1§~§3nn1mixét¢qg, _ A V A ~ AA: A. ? l ‘ A l -A A l ll W‘ “H V .: , y ‘,3 i l MW ll )1 V ___,,_ , ; J“. _’ ‘N _h ‘ _ i y i ~ lTl¢ToW,fo :armach,as by the, j'1Idici~aly I 1W9 of God (which are the re! lam ejtrigbgy M \ ‘fiat wilfully ybrmetb ‘bit ineiglIa"I7oni*r, ‘isbound to the ‘performance 0 ethefe five things :* l l "'1? it be aihlemiih of Wound, Like for like,‘ or towre-deem it with money, thereb to (3.. puniflwcel (above all pcrfons) ;“-7eisfie‘hitn~for his wound; V Seconclly.'_i‘l For his pain and torment. Thi‘rd'ly, “ or«t.h=e‘ healing. Foutthly, “Forihis lofle of time in his eelliizg. Fifthly,“ For thetfhameandi dill. gta‘ee; an which are to he conliderecl-;,accot.ciin'gy to the quality of_tl1e:p“erfon damnified I: which’reparatioxis‘areto he gaidoot of the heft‘ of the goods ofhim that d;tmi:1ifiedthim,li and that without delay. ly , “ i “ l ‘R V , T J ** - ‘ I it -' And as-the Law of God, {'0 the Laws of this Nation cloth abhorrc, and hath feverely u judges many times with the l _fl ‘' See notafhly to this on-rpofe.fhofe preanaotinfihnees A" llofiblof their lives find ‘C9 "'11 my Epiflle to.my.nick.inatnfed Level ing friends_,;u:-at fiiatesj, what urtdef colour of Law,‘ " fi'1a-lly.\mectii1g'at" the Wbalebqne'i1I_iLo1bbury' behind‘ ‘that. ohm vialitzedtlseir 0;ztb:,¢ndde- "Eitcliange, dated From my clofe imptifoxxmeiit in’ their fir md the lz've:,lz'bem'e.: andpro -l 7‘ Tower of London, the 1'7of]uly, and recorded in my ' e7';1'e_ra_Ftbe Pay-;Ze,y whom by “ I“mpeac111ne11t ofhigh-T-reafon.zgginflmolioer Cxpm;pg{,_y,y ldwtbey /bauld have pre/Erved : Sct. peg. 6. 7.~. 8» A A” V i ‘ “ l A as may be inflzanced by the 44. VA d 7 ‘ iy __ H‘ 1 M A judges and jufiiicyes baagedin one yea; by Kiyngj4lj?'g_zi'l; divers oftheznfot l‘efl‘e crimes them 7 l hath beemdon:e' in-= this..cafe of your Petitioner sgas may be read in-itheliaw-b‘ook', ical_l'e‘cl » Tijemirrbur ofj’”uflice,ypag;.z'3 9':z4.o=; 2.41,” tfzm‘fleted*~and'. rc-p>1'imed this veryilfltrlia-2 11161152" ‘andfhy Jhflice :13/mrp in‘ Edna; the third his time, who was eonden-med to deairlr “ for the violation of his Oath, for taking fn-tall Fumrns of moneywiti Caufes depending ;bc.;.i i. fore him ;.a's=:tppears‘“fn*lithe 3‘ art of y(';aal¢_: Infiitutegfal. 175. 15'~6«;.. . ~ A . l l And byyythe Lord chief In ice Trefilian, &c..who in full Patliaxnent.iin'.Kicb.T the fe;. c}onds'ti’me was q.;jtaeh‘ed~a”.s 3 T1'aitot’ih'thc forenoon; and had hiéfth’roat cut at §Tj‘b_'im§ ill.‘ the afnerhooln, becau/'8 be bz_td"‘gz'(uen itzmdléfibyit bandibhr rife Kiirg might create unto bz'm(ielfar' bieopleafitge,ianctberrulue walkbyibezz the Lana of the yLand“ptefZ'ibc: him; aswappears b‘;y‘:he.~_ Parliarrfeiit R’ccoxdS‘1"11.”the' Tower, b'yjm.auy of your ow.u#DecIat.1:atiom, and alto hy the: Chronicles of England.“ ‘ _ i ” ‘ ll . V A l ' ‘l V ' ” A‘ Now foraffmtch asyoutPetitionets6"f'u&'eriz1gsl.hithi.béen u‘np;traIé'l"2!, z:nd"his peejndicc ‘ fuflainedther'ebyf:1li‘o‘ ether uni'epairabI¢5“‘h’avihg !ofl’“bi4l lz"mb‘e;r,' 8Cc. A11d‘forafii1uch‘as?. by the Law of God. azure and Nations, reparat1'anrfor[aurt.r and damage: redei'uei,.1augb:i. i ea be /iziisfied a:_yfalr a: may be in M fper/lam, though done by; accident and not intentibnaliy; a-ndy tliotigltthroudh ionoi-ance : much moi-efwhen the ]3e1'fo;J1s‘ofFcndii1g, did it lgmvingly, T and onpurpafie im: eyyace,naiyy,ir~1 thle‘fpig_htoF the flm1zmenzallllLaws aftbe Land," which: theywere f\5eotn;tqpx'efe1've : A"nd_fo1; that the l't’pfJ.i‘.3tiOn§ if} the. (aid Oidinanceo; aifighv ‘dd doth Ii-arcehmount tofwhat you-1: I’etiz:ioner fi>e;~z; inlbiubree yea:-s]Ezdy‘capriofty,‘a;ntl h'i;s; now eglmofiyyeizbtyeer;yebdrgyeable attena'(nce, ;;r1il‘ hing for it, befidesythe ‘1°flTe‘o‘f4"fliCb gand" y p‘ j fimblje trade for e1e_~uen‘ year: eo;g_etber,§and bitppoundxg xormenu, fmzm ondhzygracet./Ii“(fainedbj i hit /‘a‘.id"I}annicalI”f?nrence:. l ‘ ‘ 7 f’ I l i J y ’ Eelthetefiorel humbIy”pr'ayeth the favoirt and Jjtr'f’tice.oii“:his‘ honorable ‘Commhtee /am ' l éhnfidemble augymenmaan of bit frzyid 'Reo.l1€‘a_tialnr.: and the rather; B‘ecau{'é ;this.;l‘fe1loyh' fttvf-A i ferer“7Db"&ot iB“1fb,§viz*1{ had‘ll4ioolo 3‘; ‘ repal'2itio''1%isy,‘l‘ot;.ed him, Whbfé'fo&'e‘tin§fs 1' uh; y .ym_ifl'ively eonceivetlxjfwasiiothingnighfo crease, in torment; pm ai=1ic1iifIy)‘x1yne, asliygttry. o. Petitionersy) A-nd “forafmiieh as the now ord Co‘ventr_y,yfon .andoheit‘toy the :fO'Lf€laidi‘.. ‘Bord ogzoenrry, hath vy:11ketioinihisylFa:her; Stgpxgirz enmity to the Laws,‘ Liberrzmand free-5 ¢hm’of;t7>e p(aziony5.byh'eing_in arm: atthe begihnii-mg ofthe Wars .a-g;1ix1i?c: the‘y1’ar1ia~ii * I tiggpfidrjittafid ?fr91111~~ the {gird Hd1;1fc>%ddf ’(;omp19ns,unto the ,Hdot1{eo£J;.%?ords5 wA1N=}oTdddt“Ii,es;%e. ‘ A ] nm¢r<3«€rd<5i1‘fi€"Y;¢r¢§? fhdcréld"Wddééiddsm?-15d4d5-Miudgfdd , .1, “ ‘i 3*“ ‘ M" V V‘ , J made pdeadac with the EaérT_of‘EW1.€61‘add‘§fma11dmadtt¢fa 36 h3€71:ddT5dfi%¢€%d1f6*f€4',d "tdhe 1{i1j1:dAddm,1‘iyingin‘Fr:mce privatc1fiy,rAer:'ix{King théprofits of 4] vafl ejiated which hisl I d ‘ d 3”? 13;;;;h;;$ wgfgqim, Am1”'foxrafmi1ch as his faliddihtdhcr grime lane Lord (.'o72entr),)d Wiisvthc aéfiij;-g “ ‘diveftdfl1a,n*’indinfrfngi;ngt,hc Laws a¢1dd1:i‘bert;'c%s :0 Athdc Nati‘cn§1%aIdthbugh" a Law) er and % figtiing A» 1on_:he“{up1*:amA feafijqf j ufii‘cc_-,_dandd dda :pcr£on(a‘s is groundcd1y'conceived”)%d j A ‘ yvého, gm; 3 great _e,fi'até by go.I:r11ptiddn, :inid:d péirjticujI.ar1y‘a man than principally paflEd,a;s.; : chiédd fldgefiftlie Cmirt, Both thev~afo1‘ef'aid ‘ fcnt‘enc‘e againfi: your Pctitioner:A5nd in re-‘” L fldgarddd dtheddc» am of the-faid Lorclflottington, and Sir Francii Wzndebank, by fubfeqhcm: V V orders ofboth Houfcs upon” urgent doccafions are much imangled and altered from 1bedca,n- _ ¢1z;2p2z~;I;ey were iii: in 1646. whitn che Lords ordered your __Pe’titic‘>ner‘ 2;o‘o%o Marks ‘out 7 d’ffof:h:;na,dd1an'fcId“f'o:: that thfi efiate of fame: Ingram‘ cannon bi; found,d%nor at prcfcm: come. 7 , % dYdoz;1rf Petitioimr therefore’ mofl: humbly prayechd, rbdt the gdreateflpart iftxdt Aadllyoitr 7 _j' 1?g;jit:'pnen; re 4r4:io;<.;'may be: fixcddwu on the {aid nowdLord Ca'vezuri£s‘eflate,~to dbedi‘m'-_ mediatly pa? you}: Pctitioncrad or cl ‘e that his Rent.;,and thc profits of his wood: and, A ‘good: may be fédiiad in the rcfpe&ive counties where: they lie, for tghe farisfgring therc- V of; that your I_’r::'ition€r mayino IcMn1ger'rundt11e hadzzzlrd ofruine to him an h_?is,'iby te-- % % dious delaies, dcming already camrafled ‘the 'debt1*dof113dn_y” buhdred: of pounclr, occafianed by the. claargtdvle pr;g;”écu1ian }Jer_eaf:~Andtha.tif):o;;£11a11eth%ink df conj oyning my é1:h.¢L'.dwithd. “h§g;1;dTdhgt%it%may bgdpdrincdipally the 7udgeJd‘~bfi’}be‘f’Laxv5 jwha ought: izolmvte ‘berm Pdilozsxl agtiddggeicfex dunro_thcfe’fl: of the Judges 0fdthatdd,?Co“urt,iwhoIw‘crc Lord:;~a11dpm;rons mt ‘ mu ’ % J‘oHN»LIdLBuRN,%ddd ',ddkI1~d-T>W‘ing th¢La,w.% T4 , _ t your Pe”tdit_ionei'd" ~¢*;zer;j»pray,_%d8cc;_.; "1 which they dentréddintdd a;fé'riot1s'de”batc ‘of’ £I1¢wHbIe b{ufi"x1es,V and: A. :f1é1:¢’tipfin'pafl'e"21 fevemll; Vézjé: to lwbedfleddr ofimardimnce fo bd driawmplp’énAc1~_;§€po1'té:dVV d to” thc % oufc, by the Right: Honourablejchc Lord Card Chairmfanddto the fiiid Coniamiqmedc, who accordingly rcporteddd the proceedings and votes of the dfaid Committee to your " Houfe,d‘whod:ipp1-oved‘ afthe {did Votes, and ordered an’Ordi1ian¢e to be prefemedto the ‘ Haznfig cozgfbnayw tberemma, which was accordingly done by the-Lo’1'dd,(f3:1r, which~Odr¢k1i-if ha%thdl;gc11 ence infyut-1r I'Ic>ufc:%'I'Ad‘dhe Copicddof wihichdthus f<5d11ow,c’s:d:%d d ” tbé Lord: and Camfitom Aflembkd in Parlzizméndt, ibe rdifing aftbreé Yboufifldid A x xugrefi ;S;ealdofEngIanLd,dfirandddtamard: the repamtia and damage: of John d Li1bl11:I1.“G&}2AI-d: l2e%fgfla:,ined~[} vertg4.de- and covlaur of ‘two Sen ence: given and made ggainfl /Jim 5% "1119: er, Jbe me 1122 _1_ 3 . ofFqbr.;-Q6 3 7‘. dibe mbcr flag? ~ ”.:ddof ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ V %%dpa;¢nd:, pdutoftbedreall Eflm g_~ft/an lane Thomas Lord Coventry, late dLordI(eedper of ibcf d , éa1;fédf0;f ;J:;i2bu7n Géndt. c‘«'§i1cern’1‘ngddtv§dd Sédtqptés pgonoiinkedi d V ‘° " ‘ '":1;.gf7d2L“i""1tiI’c dd ‘hi’r”ndi1idc,1%1€)‘Iatc C’o1"1rt‘ of Sltard dChamBer, d13dF'ebr.j_3 CarL,R~egiy. V dA.4122-d.J4;-s»C}‘;;f.1§§_§’gi§,wcreLmtggdgtin? 4,.qf Mag I,¢6.4_.I_.hby the Haufe%ofC<1;m%mp:1I: to illegdll, agsazidffft/:e”L2Ev[bWrtyKsfitbe %.$ubj'eZT,7¢1n6l bléadyiwicked, «cruel, "6arl2aron:;,a'ndj“9ra12nicaL (,whifih“’ d 4%. ; »;f§fe"‘liY>¢i'2"-51??’:be,S1ggbje”Zi,?,dand uag;Wcbar:.dan¢ unfit to ccsmtimxc upon Ram, 8:3? 1 A, ddddgthcr%dO;;;dar grdddddDcc;2¢e,dddmadde by themuthd {aid Lords,the+5a.dofMarch . uilto th§ {aid ‘ .Liiba'lrk,dthc% {um oddftyvp tho11_fa‘i1dA§outid:)“”dff&o1? ’_hi“sI ‘I ‘ .thc)? ‘ d”_r‘e4pa';1‘f9;tiOn 5~ V ‘ 11¢, that fair: ta omtfiet c£c3te*srenfl andpinfivnal!,l awtantu Lb: ttaningm, st: Frwxci: rrzindet ban{g,a[nd fame: liwgram, C‘ ’f)?la,tet Dcptfty ‘Wan; otfflbflrnfiiafiyglwfiile théfame V lhouldt be in levy-AV Eng, ianélfdf‘ fuch phtt as‘fl1o.u1dlnotb;e~ ‘f'orf:'hwith;— levyecl"3“_ ‘The faid‘Ho?ufe of ‘Peers: did caufean l L'”(fi11at1CCttO"l)C: drawn up, land paifed the fame” ~i1'm;«heeitt¥?t1tIoufe,%thei2.7 April! %1646.’an‘d after- Wards 't1*af1fmittedl?~thcl‘§{ametto the Houfe of“ l for t%heir~~concut-fences wlith whom it t l ye: edependetb." to And for as much as fince that m-a;nfm‘flion, all, or the tarmonts 1ndWh.‘¢ ofatd. 1’W the“ A ‘ t‘’‘”»‘~°'t‘*?°‘1' Ifigfitl bylaw to ldole. " gangs of" Parhamema neg. t ‘ fret have onel'1bou”'t to h l “ l l V ‘w _ . if \_ A t W‘ xrx » lxgé _l l ‘ ttohs by g my‘ “lllflmg 1‘edihén¢¢ l(lt*Which ‘t‘““.1$ A’-‘ml don t0 takcoflime Segue. % 4 ftrafidn )-but ‘have iflhgd gum oi§,c1.ecV ‘and extent under the - ‘~ h . - t » A A g}¢atSca1nnmg._. ‘ir‘%‘o“:i‘yo“s" ztuserlttttwtet e A " A A tt1Clt.*t;4:l,.<’-y oi’ ". V: , ..‘,. oreatlelt pattgof the cflaré: ol'_thclf'aid L@1‘_cl c;l,,;,l,.g,‘;,,,jlw‘l 51-ll: . Francs’: Wifidebanck, is met: by both Houfeé difpofed. ofto other ufesa anfl the efiaté of theffaid amt: Ingmmié fo finalland weak and fotinrangled with o V. t A . l l l Lileburn ofthefaijl-irmlfll mmmbmme!’ that it can a ord little orno rt time the f ' “P3-1.711tiQ1T15,.* fa‘): tfhatthe faidlate‘ Lord atJentr_'y;._w:1slthelptiticipallfudgegand ch1efAEI‘ajr., in oivin of a bat}: th.e.fa.id Illegal! Sentences in the {aide Court of Starch:1mb~et 5 ‘ « r l t; imfliétin oftpdnithments thereupon : icrnqThe Lords and There orc,and for fatisfaétion of"the_f':tid zloolo’ I. end for the irlcgéeafc of ,..éi,la’l1.atio;n% to theJ’faicl john Liléurn forfhis extraordinary wtonos ” “ J V V “ V % “fi¢fi'er1'1zg::t1Td1 ,- h : wfldl':belongtime bitbéiffi el4P73dw5zbouf.an)f51zi1filff') J 1 W3 t mby fufi"“ncd’l A lC91?1monslof1"e1nb;led V in Parliament do ordain and be it hereby otdzihted lby the {aid 1; [d d A. e t w H Authority of the fame_;,TI;at1Iaeflzid Iohn Lilburnfball meioe the: of$:)am2?:1o0zl1t5rljt‘r:zCl?tL:y3y’~. hnytbe Moai1nor:,”lMe/itagex, Landx, Tenement: anal Hereditamenti, whereof he the {aid time I V ‘Mama: Lord Coventry , or any other perfon or perfons to or lot his ufc, of in ttufl for‘ hint M e- wasor wcrcjéized in fee-fimple, or fee— mile, or 0113871331:/l?,«at the timeof the (‘aid fiotcnccs to decrees , or of either of them ,viq” the fztid latclcaurt of Star-chamber ,- or fin -A * ' . - ‘ t » ~ .. \7 l t r I : ‘emcee W1I.l3lfltl1*c Kgngdom of England or Domznzan ofW4lc:t, my Order 0': Oxdtnagcc ‘ficmrgfarfi ‘ by “either olrlbothtlrloufes of Parliament for the imploymentof th ii 1 I t % ~, ,3; A Thoma: LordCot)m_:r_y togtbe contrary hereof‘ in any wife -nqcwilbltfilglgfig,‘hf;;§‘_,3%,,l?,§:- V ‘?l1OT€fiWel1]%lle”Uyinl,g' Ofthe/hid fitmme af;hr“uthoufi1nd;.ound:, %It—is_%fuy;th_¢,. "V L V l ttlained, That the {overall and refpe&Vt"ve Sheriff: , Ofthfif€VClt‘all.andvrttl~})?fl:j,ve caflmjfiw wi‘hi“lE."£74fld.a'{1d Wfller, wherein an} ‘of-"the llfaicl Lagos,“ l:F¢q¢n;‘mt§3 mtH€%rc&mfl_mso t ~ tdoe lye, flull forthwith upon fight, and by tremze of tins Ordinazxgcmufg WWW ow,-“;£n 9 5 A, ” tmddfhfiflld iakcn ltbetofllées twelve Ofmore lawful! 7715" :9 Wbéréttbefigmg gmdfija J-jg {hat the famee are anfdttwdo contain , and of the clear ymrly ‘Ualue1f;g;:ggf' 5“ H -chtlfgc-sl%and retptifétsl; and aftcr,fuc.ht inquifition fomade and cak¢;lm;,»,i, ~f,W\era[ItM1§ 9; t t ‘~v&i:vc S'ber?ft‘?,fliall deliver unto the faid ffolm Lillzurnte true apples ?tn”m¢bm£}ir , thgn fllfo deliver unto lthfi yobn that {I ‘ “I?315d53lxfiiiffnfycritsahel_;%l*1eredli1aarmcnts"which {hall be To fiflfimpfitffifl \ttQr§m§§;g§nnfl& 7 flwfaifi elihqiiifittiimss To tbaoe;§.*anc1ioo bold, toihim that fa¥idttoll7::s;;jI5nltl_ Lgggwifig; “A A ‘ ,.W1t*hOUCl.1l”7P6£t0b%m9NIWbfAwake‘; arid umi11 ntglfthali haveoreeciytclym,,;;%;qffiMm.fimanC$ ?W_ 7 fitsvthereiioft(to7hNmma%tcd accmggfljocoothc ycatly vsxlties co:1tai»ottodtwi»nfahumtd gm A ‘ ons) th"e faifl fumm'e.o‘ftbregtl:rmfmd pounds; tl‘oge:btrfwitb at;/rgamwglg ‘e:lfiLao;9:’e-’fl%‘”" « ctr rtbefitflasm-dframl7mefar:b5:;_8,49: f A A V f 24” A. A . I “if';O¢VC"~1"“I:t!lb;I‘tlZwlll,8.ll my-imejei at? or aflifl in ohedz‘enc?tn thixf Ordinance , taeccttilfnfi £3 A: A ]A t ~-teneantl meanin? theteofifltatll b’c thtrefotetdtftnded and «litktpt harmelcfleby the aurhoriqgr; ‘ o ,rPatliamem:.A t A A F L - ‘ t to t I 15 t %‘e pleafed furthet-~.tAo take notice , Thee aftcrthe fotefaid*Otd.-1:1 iamgm) 19 he m‘prang1a:~ meta grapplerwith j;(:tA‘nd the onelyt ¢gur¢_;,.e own and therefore my own intcrefi‘ which compelstne "firottgly to endeavour by all jufl” waycs and mcgng m;a,t_ rain tommy jufi end reparations ) nlcccflltattts me as much ‘ as I tcatit to wavcthe fixing upon thénu *‘ alfo the 2 Edition of my pifiutc of my fore-tmentiotted ” book of w the cightoflunc ‘@1649 :pag."1y.2o.]and A-the Impeachment of high Ttca {on aAgainfl: Cromwell, pag,5_ V c Second1y,I continually findc amongft the gtseatellzl part ofmyjudgcs anvap preihexili on itt. rtheir own fpl1‘iAtS,tha't: in Atonfcience and equity there hughjt to be favomrihcwed to thofoofmy Star-chdmhertjudgcs that have jaytztd with the Pajliument and T.KinA I ‘ that hetvegfought and ccontefled againfl ‘them both, and rhxzzféeing the latter are able enough in dom,tath*e.r then to thofe fiflatex to make fiztz':fa2?ion,ti: ought in confcience and equity A/bly ta lie upon their headsg and "it %_ zbeiog not to guide or Acommand my Iudgegbut rather tohe in this guided and commam, % «ded by them, and to acquiefs in their rca ~ eletftanding eels me they rntdhconduce to the obtaining my m:1inAcnd, which is juitice in 0115 they gfiveme, efpecially when my own un... the poffeiling of my own, New theft thithgs confldercchand conjoyntdlcto the reafons-llaid A.down1n mytfotcgoingr‘Petition, I fulamifl tvely conceive, as rhinos now Ptand, in Law,;..' . u3I'1yAandtcon/Zlience,l1.1c3‘jAi1f’ter db efionlt can he found for you to ,: tn the real! eflate—(wherecver itis to be f'outtd)‘of.the latefhomas Lord Ccvenzry, A Principal, After in t_hi£’Abloody ; ‘A Read catttefttlly Mr. V 2‘ Io‘htnG‘aoIg_; moth remarkable % %.*%‘f;§tRgg1m‘V'.*.t:itotis in his forc- %‘?fie%n.t»ion‘etdl réelation of _ my ‘ tings at*the‘tLords ‘bar £lp'JC_,11'ly reparationst upon %_ % % M _ who‘-was trhC Tragedy: and ‘who was not Icfl'c ermnent cruellt _ _ V V ythenin place, hung gudgeh of the h1ghe‘iH‘eat'of*mercy, the Cyhantcc. ry,w1tich ought to a’bateA the edge ofthe Law, when- hit is too keen :V "Novvcfot: th6’Chi€Af A A (*3 .Iudg£A of mercy to cljcgottetate into a favage cruelty, the Bt11hati:;nsH,t11otito be read of in the Hifloriesgoftthc to bloeodiefit Pct-Afect1tots,] how tr3.11l<'C_€11cl€mly _l1_ainqt{35*a.;_1Ad Pu. _ ca inAt§‘he foregoingPetition.,k1 my agprehenfion tlliithatll all this while kept me fromjmy, t “not heard ofam;on=gfE' yo;1%:xi%ay-%[%th%é?x-cAasfigbgteazuf 5°1zwdg¢Iv%‘%f¢ft’1¢f¢ 1‘§3[01i5§s~ I z .% . A ‘I%5i1i7.t% 4- a in \ at 1.‘ ’A‘%an;yreP¢a1-m;@mA%our of as/tare zwbe I p«o;re;1arJa?;azt w1wé:-c*:“ver 1: 1 4‘dAn21-hc;%rs%%,".“' T’ V ‘mt ”‘ 5 1,5‘? W‘ gin x 5. ‘ V; w p I‘ , ‘ '3 , .. ., ,. ‘ “ “V? ',w I am ‘ *1’ ‘ . 4‘ "*‘ -u‘ v.-U ‘ V um ‘ 7-Ia ‘ %1:é;¢omm0I11aW.:¢flg.bWfééiéififiz” ,i”é’m‘» W“£’>d6tzdsth°vsh110wItbc‘1r1=h¢ A A %%‘r1iéi;15fWhféiifi "L%Aé;rd<—AC0i2e2ztr1$3<94anc1m.x,$aC9n 90nfci€I><=¢., vhm. is, avg1c:z1,’c:s4,i V,:h“&a3:.% it fhd.K“‘lfa\?"§’P4i7 i75iWiW9€rP¢CiaHY bAis:bA.¢ izmrl-i‘as"4‘xni:ié is s=1:~£;;A1;3jjeAc;atu‘f¢:Au:e4rai@iA4:%Azmgzzsuse 1:aArtlAVA“co.*:~ééntrz“é1r‘%"rtéiill "¢It°a;:e;m" éq1ai:;>;i?] A4 7’ %f‘:if,h€:];‘.;}ji?Wt‘';jiip"*’l>VcVcq"p;£i:dcr5cdthatth_C;1I:1;c;L‘ord l§e¢pérCweiztry had, bcfidvrhié %1'<é'zie1IT"<%:f}.% “ ’j£ E:;:’e,:a‘vc§yVconfidcf1b1E~.peérfivzall cjizzteuzuj/;%z',c death, which dcfire Vgxgfiz] :oW:Li'1cc1”::{1«cf,%h%}%itI_z_§, % 7 hasVbederccndedrc>%his h¢ix's:&c-4 “ ‘ ' hin3s4;drrdwas’i4h¢Vrhe M724: or‘?rfz¢- W % ”’Kc¢” &him?1?21Af.f ‘2it74#z'?%.6‘Tt1?f?'26 $114/?"’W¢4“‘ ézfm W Paffifigthef f91§~“¥!1¢n¥%%9n¢€1M w m,5_ ;;z¢g4;;{%m;;A;,¢A,»~g,;¢.;+ [¢:n~z::zz:e;r ;z”ga»i1{/'i§7n r:f£*j“Now$in, cgfé :I‘V-Cqtiid 7 ha;'ve:: i1f;jc‘)}éd ‘ the "ofch3c~vLaw_'thcV11,'Aon.imm¢di"at¢'1Yflftfithfiy W,€%L‘¢3aflCd againff:1_njc%, might‘ by ‘ M1:4éz,J};.&iM*‘59f;bcl ¢2IzW:z’c=¢:/e?4!"‘!5““ L*?’”%9/“‘=i9f“5§°’? ‘IWZSW °I“5A%¢f’bi4‘A%¥€%$‘l»ztc= Jud ifthera [ =%a;g3;11)g_%j a‘I§;;y;5;5';?rgqxiigy; ,bég!.iVen1‘n¢_bu'tdf,his éfiifie‘ 3:116: ¢_§t4§.ry igicazfl‘ ofthe /étme eflace torhc: prefcnt Lgrd Caqczztry _£'%car13%%pg;-_Vo1-%$1K3:¢;1W-%;.M, _ Q AT'I1iA;'As11yaIi¢catt»f<:. the lmmfiovd y’t%“-?I’F”é<‘~"""”“"""’~“ P3“3n$;fu¢b !¢r?E¢nc¢%s%4~a§ 13¢A,¢¥1¢¥%°=%§**‘* % _ “$3 ;hE”ma};33PP§3,yfby’§I1é Yotcsugf j.:yo1‘1rown Home, V 1n‘the cafe , 4... AA Jr, W :2?’gybfarcrjianfof’t7)c‘f %Fu?nc7l,mc1ztczt£ Lawyer and Canjfztzmom oftbe Lzzn‘c;1,“~%*%*°a.z1ci gr: V %th¢ Em{c 0% 5?Az;;r;z}A§fTo‘x%q(,h.th:L_t'w:1s adhudged Trc.zj?m .- ‘And 32; the cafe ‘of Trca- fan, };Ig%'fL;‘;zv*n1““d3tf§"cl“‘i'}’"-z71126773”?ii:d"Vdz[--franc/Jzfi all the po[z‘c:r;'ty ‘of any anc_;zdjudg§%:c£ mqff :}?1e;;v:;c£ox;c% my are.t19n5A~4 fat‘: 33-17235.1fC911d$?DE7{IWXFLCS donefin ~fiI91mI1Aw‘3?‘~ , ‘g “ .1 an “I V“ c*‘:3‘5(’<:i";)“‘” om: Ad%f*:‘Hé“Eflaté bf”thé7Fach¢f3.[t§<5%Ugf1a'it‘ Al5“evg1‘.é%fce11d;:df %:%.;>%1“:Alm,fScsi;%% ; "<51: ‘ 5333* 3, “‘o€”the cafe‘ “is? Iiing ml by *":’1:c‘%7di*d3l , h J ‘ 5 V _Sofis, %8t..*:.is mi iwjztry to rhem“=in equity nor &oi4 ]Z'“i§:"1?c”E:%E' iiéiclxcit db’ "éoH'c“e"iv2?;¥HéE in , gafe titxis Pa1ijliamC.11E%.Uj10 LxId.%imP0f¢~3 F1093 .9f-W1"“’W,~" .4:‘‘ WW’) d.-Km] 'r¢pzzrz;'t:z'07l%$‘4t- A irvmz ma;4~outA%bf‘%Arhc4afdrefaédV1ateAI«°#d6W1rriAervafi¢W~:,% mb=% paiei’ rosrhc A.%;1¢AaIb1i1<¢ P~f«rH§§‘t;§$§nvg§9me;¢far s¥:¢1?«arx,:sf=*=.fh0:1A0ft119 Milk? tfi%€rA€4o4;fr»? ¢% ‘~?»i«':%22‘%*§,*”i¢1'i"ic=}:“qi72zfyt“%“‘i§‘5i' “ Wis ’%Ef‘“:t_cl1'%<‘i‘:a‘%~% efbisvef” ‘A n {:3 $ r ” NT % W11 t’l?€=.?L€y"'°%’9f¢a;i}<§:112par u . J1 5"‘ ‘ L ‘ I "W ‘N ‘._ ‘,‘ r“ “ , ‘,,,_ W?‘ ‘ l ” axS#?1{1”i??iif‘gh‘;z7z&l;‘;3¥&a1~r1dC6%:tr1fQ$1fiih€1T‘IfWA¢§%$05‘hF5i'fl?Q1?J¢%éhun%.. : * % h{,a11, " A rim, 3% 3 as. «ea: A A V Vti¢41aovrLofawwoA‘m$ AA,co‘2;zt:IVi~z my oi2x¢~AP¢flz4?1z£?ftm.ezrsrévasbwarbc auiltv9f4fl:>mw7wzA IIezre?4%3¥zwzsVM/4%wéé$5Tda‘2éa7i.?‘bémiW%W 41:5 QV¢Wfi?;flIflWf%Ig¢s%andn!m¢~ “* J"?! ' “~" ‘ ‘**1n' ' ‘ MA % A % . % « . % co . U or * To w%h1ch%w;t11a1modfl,11y :II1C1%I3¢‘-%_1'P¢<%5tq 11 W31‘ ‘ ‘A _ % % % ‘ . %%w%¢Adm{gn,?, 1m afligns Wm; .35 we W cl asp,un;{.I1abIc, asby the worfl of my%cne-- mics can be A» %uppo*f<=:d%to M%%be,{4% jfjefib é“r“e can Ifi’t"5’?1?’7:iflMf4§iii36% quitting ffiazjexjvvirl; me there»-M ‘f“1‘Séco’£§gIf§;_B;c:xufc tIx<:;§s:Aff¢”iit%s: now'in;: he’ h~anag arch; ton and heiq ;’o'£ we tag: ‘:-we L%ord"” C’m}é7m*i‘e‘;r 529:5 ¥ia!i;i¢9%}$av:ovt;£Jnit"; ~ ;aA%maI%fzoV 4 me 5 vca%£oErii,is»114%/*3’s.h ~WWV w,at‘~ ow { Fa W9 AW‘ A ;ff9‘l7i1fd§§13;§¢€lw"5}?;% ‘:‘M§,;LV5"V“?%f”°’)V“¥f""I?‘??.€3€1¥%?:i‘??!'4 4 f..,¢r4&#@‘”¥.~;3314 ~oa;«::riousa W x’ " * V df sg»_:r_i:%4oV£rai:1xs“rom# { A «.4 B Z» 3 '1' ” ” " Awm; of _ “jg, % ’jT1h“a¢ " H i‘ H as W ~ «$1, I W” »"‘J A_‘ d7!“ .1? j ’m;T"“"_;~‘,,” .3‘ %‘j'.r;';; r~'W9&‘*$4053v*?1’¢’%“9”fV;%"’?f‘5 . S;?;tM>nd1x‘ A%IA%:Aa;nf-t€t::A:~ rflfl " . ~M%£w:M W 92- o§1abl¢.-}.~ »; .j ... Am .: .;;-A ‘ V . ,- v 791‘ ..~s ,w:xm.1u 4, . <2rmc;i“?> mg : 4=lj‘,t‘$“‘7f:>»t,1t rat" %9,;x1;*e1ics5-t A in My ; : 5 " d .. U" V 5? ‘L. “zj? ‘E001; a‘f**‘1:75e Vczébrb “Of WW5; 115491 fiijefégnt 0.i‘3}11a_I1C”¢$“ W"i7;——hoi:‘t myj;1éx%¢r§\d¢1£:y, FérV%T%1 ‘ pr. c§fl1‘"‘V%f%gnflahiénta11 ‘fl ?:jr"t>16df wan» f€5fiéi4?ifi’??fIct- 63%? zofw%,VB“%;%%6¥eM 4 .« 4 4“ V 5ié"rI§,~ = géod Fe &3ui~Ait§§tfbT% 2ig’Ct2v*tf:’s:TE‘t’T1A=: L.aW,% w—i:hc3u"t ’i§f;te‘i‘IE”édfifn§;”A . *Biur% 9 if WW ,5? me’n~‘ 0’? gallimziya 39f*r'3:e;V ’C'O“n‘C¢3i¢.?3¢is};§'iit1i‘fi133:9‘ *‘p“%>'%0t‘$t1‘xrd VVafi=k;i»§t;'&d ‘wzjc, ‘"an;*1 t‘e‘11<°*I‘¢.r” Babe? %;1‘ _£:‘t:‘cfi ‘ fi£9fiI}3f’%¢:?‘?*1f“””f”=«0"i‘*€’ ."w’.“r’A%4’~’ ??-W’?-??P,?%’§;‘% %"Whii?“.d."fTf‘*i’W ’@3;‘€i]¢Lf§’*je. th:m&T?v¢». v\0l:fic‘£&4’,;l1I]‘::t,0,¥‘:‘flie; bY~Y911r;f¢l5z¢s;“almbfic Y¢ul‘«?P'1°:%fu%x~¢W1 %%*:h*.‘ie7i‘iig;‘1i1:igiii *c1‘oin‘g~,* ihfy , -A - - M r" 7.:-W? .41. M w % f ? : : . V. % 'f‘;“ “.3 frlénds ,,wenA:j war: 119.?’ ¢1“P¢.&1.11g .4? 31¢»?-rn¢r¢*;.4‘2“;:"?‘~¢d1¢?1with Wt A$*?«YsAAw;f<%~A that mofi were*gones“my Hue*a"dvafitwo”Ara11%formi a :1-we rem: rhwrecona ‘Arm, twin “Tenfifto %i’co?‘p my hiouthgvdtefi" m_cv.;,3‘E§o.1..1:chkjly man; Cfifis thi€)fi151'¢‘:“511f€iA*€¥¢’d c5[vt};t‘._‘f OfiSi“»n~ _‘C7I2T“xz rigs. 4»; ‘ «ghfi Wt .”’ ,m,.« V ‘m " :, g?‘ ,.,’?p R ‘_ "5-'_g‘$"c ‘fimf ,;.,1, ....‘u ““ K’ 1;, u z,; ‘, mwk» ‘ 4.‘ J 4,“ m ‘ J..‘ ~' 3 ,‘ .,m‘ ' . % Cf*or.n}a'o{ifrc3r1;,%%%r_o1rfgB‘I§:1he_fqpMp;¢fmt% ubfificncwa Atq fo”1R>W‘;xI1yV°b$ufine{3e,m “ ax1,d_%ValfoA1naedc%¢Athisfurther 0_rdc“i-‘,’ ‘ ’ ‘ ' ‘ izimgxari;§,.fs~ap;wz.f3?.n125433;.2 " A M *4 . 4 A WC" .. 5, 1}’ w‘ \\ i,‘ A ~m.V“ic‘z;¢.z»3g;A:é:us p:j§r;nc:.t04; t1iis?Hd:xf¢V*van‘%ow3§. Amncg. for fleialirzg -inf %Lnm1;Io himwzid V, ” foEiitb‘£*?%’”zm‘l:u:—¥%cff“ 3j9it70‘.‘1: “lit” twflvg -J’.3§’f:_",,;:::.¢ M ;{c;%¢z£éd_z$zp mzm ‘zit, amigo are ;..;. L‘, jvgérs gtzsgfiafi, Wt of the ¢f%at‘?:s of new wclgzzgzteittx fzflsitie Tn{’u‘i*fm’:é3cioné, mée” fc uc re. “ " % % V ‘ “ ‘ V % ‘ W C1.’ M _ V A H. Elfirgge, ;C4;lc1V%,P;g1'1.Dpz11.'Cqm, » %"”¥0Fvs'?hic‘§i whet: I " Fully 1imdc1‘{%0oC§51' was %trot1Hcd‘,V but iznew mntwfiovvfl to Iuelgimy fcifi ‘find having already met with (0 many dificulties, and rcVcEcivc-d foLm~.mic' b:iflc33,» as I «had done, I tbougbrit “mm better -(beinga1moPcwca1Vicd out with fix-Lz—.VrI,ing) ta; mkc bgggfg l¢mf,ziyc_n go mam} wirlvozzt my bread at all; {Q I adcircflhcl my fcffc to thc Ccfignu-«= ‘misuse, who Ecft mt: to my choice tofix my rep.f-mzriom upon 13°/Mt Dcli7zgz¢c7m~ I r/aougkfit fir‘tcfi,ti1at%“_w§:rc notalrexdy qlifpofcd oF, 9;xV1d tome‘ of’ them told rue ‘of an ‘Order that -Hotxfa h:;d.n‘1;1d¢‘againfi Sir Hem} gi‘b12:A (who haul 3. good €Wfi‘:J.‘tC_4 in th%tj: County 05 VDm4ham) upon ana:%Vinfornmation M»-/ijbzzrfi; and the raft of I/2623* C‘ommzj]3o;ter.r from '"Sco:1:;u1d, fwd laroztgbr them,-, uponwhichthcy rm-1dcthis”Ordcr.. V " '% % % Die r.m, x1z¢g.i8. I 648., % . V iaficycdby the Cemnzc_azz%.mzf]cnzb1cd in C1)!.lT[iaZi?2C'?lr, that 2-Xvc eff‘/we of Sir Henry V Qibbs, Mall and yer/o7z.¢l£Vi2z E2:g[;t2zd_3 bcforr/.n;vz’L/2 {E3j‘[z1cflr(,’d, A V ‘ ” V ‘ H."EZfl71gc,‘Clcr,Pa1*1Dom.Coma um conficierarion of which, and my Fat}:/Jer.sV ancj ‘vzzclcs being Committee-mew: In V5.51“: [aid C‘0;m;y of ‘1)m—bm12, I then Jgdgcd 1c 1nofl;httV€fl for me, for the fiaccdy difpatcla -Q,E\my~bL1('incfll=. (without any_m0rC.b:z[flc3,_deZajc5‘,or cbcmr) to fix in that County, an;2IVaccordin_g,1y Igor myfm-r;:f.1id Comrmxzxzcc to write :1 Letter to them,-. the copy of which thus 7fo1lOweth": for tfzcir I,w2m.zzred fricrxdy the Committee of$egz1cfimzio2zy in tb6'C0mttj af Dzzthagmu mr to mzyzhrcc of tbmm. V V Gentlemen, % % ; ¢ % A " 3 T Zaeizzgby an Grdwoftfpe I-Iozzfl: ofconzmom afzbcfifr Va this z’n_{fmzt,'refer’redVm Eur; zro confidcr%of’,';z7zd wprcfexzt zmto them an Ordizzmzcc or fc’tl_i71‘g Lmxdy ilporz j‘Lievtcmz42z’1: Colo7:cll]ohn. Li'Ibum¢;, am!/JV.E.r heirs‘, to £1.76 Wine of 3900.1. attwtlvct years p_urch_af:, out afztbcfl cflmcx anew Delinquents in the i2z]i;rre:f?!orzJV rwtyct /eq:ew- fifcd 5 “we (aim: we may be min: bmer imzlnlcai to perform: tfJz‘.sVfcm,»z';;e) do ;{q[irg3/01;, W [me three or mom? of you, w rmzjge *eCcrtz7ficxztc? umco m in wrizVi2:g; with all wmcvzicuz; Jpecd, oftbc ?mmc.sjof A/Ez¢:.b§§;7%c7itZ€m€2r, or at/JUN‘ in your Couvzrjmar/)0 /mguc bcczz. emincm: and lgnormw Dclinqzgczztx (or [6 pnrucd beforcyau) 22:. rim,/2: lam: izzfm-rc:,‘fio2zx, as‘ aljia rt. .é§a1r2’iC1.!1azr 2'22. wrzr"i2V2g_:;r of their bjfatcs, and of rl:c’clcV:zr yearly mime z/mmcaj“ (COm.1nLmi- bus annis) over and aba'u_c,:zl_l cfzargtcy fazzd r::pr2Tfc:,zzmI W/mt xcmzcr mun! cflarc: zbcy fimfup 2J;cxci2L , and mint i7z:;m4nbrzzrz_cc3V, lie zjl.2cVreupo2z, {L5 )3-zm: M mzrz. came» to jozw %};_2zowlcdgAc, mm to fc~A7zd.$,?2_y tr/J1’: Bearer_Lig;4vc11:;x;c-Col.3Qhn Lilburnc that ficrrifieratgz 1 V }Qg.V;{:d a:ti3:.’\ZMc;fi.Vxx1_i:}i£‘x;c1',%Scpt%c:1:n.9.'x6A:1=easV"%1V1i%dfrs*=:é*;—. I-¥i¢h"ax~i1*I:ifBéiii*:i*e%§ _Mz]7;;c2z.'%2a:a¢:% wboflr 7zaz}¢2cJ5"*’?¢Lre./.7ercIt7zt0 “ *Afor~edmm*rAion€& ~-C«¢r»tificat¢AA inbricf “ms «f°11°*¥¢*‘= 5 A»1'~m11~9f‘Sir Hm: gdibfLdncfsih'§1zz‘r5,Mi2z*i1b3: Coi42zftj‘of 23z{rI.7zz_"#‘z albdve .t_tic“1‘CP"1‘§fi4‘§a,fOV3{ f filly filixygwc can no! by cxaminati’or‘1s ofthe immediate Tenant? of thfi; laid L%atx’>‘d‘s%%irH1‘?Oé¥ob;j1§*‘4‘3".'"' V §.¢rr.oe withtbcgr‘azmdHbcrezinta belozzgirzg 2:; ;‘.l%. pgr ammm_, bc1ongi;1gFQ',T..[?~?”m‘ ‘ A A .}3,»(~1a.;i%;:;:gg.rAr;1'c1;%-,zxc; ~h»a,d xv.i£'hn1}i$‘;\V¥i.f}'¢J1 Q.§to.h-AIAé4§¢ are %S8m;}+pcr‘*rz1i3izz¢‘22z A % 2 L A4 A V H T%’1ii¢72W“ L‘i4i’1%*7?? 1§%oArg¢"i~LilIzzW:‘i;: % Agkten I~:a¢ineV:t3 4L*o::d¢«ix<2ich AAt‘hiss.;an«:I.'deI1i*<:re"<1 V‘:i=“‘&#° rh¢%‘€?©rimitrees*rfi¢i%vv¢§é%:wit—%V ¢I~finou1%%:fiasu9;¢>;1 %$i#Wj'sH€”Arx 9”ilzbs4;buz.v I‘d21Mt :.=r'zrroAe;roA:nAake VOVei."t‘0 1115F.§§3F"d;: tgo % my Mei;-3 for em , Vfo1;my 3g“¢‘o.rI; "zillotéédg %L}P :4fi 1‘fdih&§11cé;f3m’a % truly what with the perforlau T11‘ 99¢i¢3 V".i§§9?-‘Pllfi%Oi113Rn.>Y§PiC11; %§17~‘3.Ti1'&’;-’ % 7 Ja1:ov¢&A:to 5: hisbrorl5.<=r Cwdwlt-%4I1<1f° **?*7‘=?t**?-j+%3”v 1- A19-’5=')A4A5€1°n*si*i% to Sir Henry A V V~B¢%l!ih%b&m21¢575’¢¢?i¢éwzr I':~§.z';1;,£,-A, i.,zz.¢;;;fJ%¢A2C&g1c?zVt}%‘ofij1?,;t"»jl2(§?7@-;. ‘ 05 1543. 4, §°PJ:-Wis!» %;ia2;fs}i _ A yum 1§%~$;¢E;wV;;L;dl):;;‘;A,va21;,yé51_§bf;ot;,:ir;«the_pofl?:fli’fi chcm;andV4~the%:amng~44awzy¢his44efi =£o:;A . ever; w%1th‘$ut ‘vififily dé&1"5.ri’riéfr‘7ény partipular caufc; or Vcvcr Io‘ rnr.1ch_as {;1z}xmdniz1ghini.. to anrwcr,]£ar¢ me4c:~i:rsesr1mi’ar1iamF11r Ccmmiifioners(privatc1><+%1nr1mr “°“f¢) hid 10% 3~f,,,'1g;;5h, fiifh,_, (‘;hc'qughV I 1.con£cf{'e.% I my fclfc befpre rici %-mug..-Sfibgfandgcbvfngfi§t:§ 5HE1im}%'%.'%3fldi%h3;d enu§1)‘?i0,5."€¥‘<111g¢{’€‘¢".i"’1Tii11)% or 2'22 dc Mr A ofzzp-f **?>g9Eh?r;Wi§¥! 9th¢§;.=hin3€ °11°wi1tg.» . W] % .?‘:a&«ngo fi‘O’1_‘x‘$;£C1<'{t0, his 61' 3.11)!0t!iCr'D‘2'1-1l’1qL1€n£S I.anI&s.,»kn;é”;wing nu rmfon why 35$. fi‘~Ierzry V.».t72e,’ gwfc. _/72oz»,zld jbzfz .bfi"from tiaemfiulues my yepmzrzo7w‘, for the A Hm:/?:c7zdcm~ .z’,r:jzzflic:c 356} [Md {.!Qn_e_ me; and lay it upon rm: fl1ou1dcrs of thofc in an e:sm'aordi:1ar.y Mm3;m.e;-5 ;;1.;1_t.; mvc; ‘pax.ricg_.i1;I;r1y.. h‘:zdx;;1Qz1<:v, me wx.ong,,(a11 d bufidtzs Vforcc me: to put it to 3, fc1Eab]‘ip}¥S'.h3mar‘Cl’ 3,’vhg:;h'eg»:1‘_1h_ou!d injoy it %o1f,.;1§:o :u'ad ,u'ncl;:1?flandir1g‘that %Sir~Hc7z;gy j.[;b_;;I13,L{fin.%1I1P-fOP1Ti3gCiOit1.,i,llH162 f:.;n7.cl% CoL1z1cy_,'-ambtizxfiing t,q,ab;om: f.P.Q:.'«xj');L'\ Bo. l,%p,gg- M5,, ~bcfidc,§jzz £cg.,z,l_lmzd jzafi rig/M in a great deal of weed i7z:B-‘mvzsborb Pari;l,j {come PW?-.gf Twlaigb mg»: armd} _fcl.d,_ and [6 32702415! make ;rwdy%27z;o2zcy, zeporz dig 'n2i;z'z;},,»» a:or,zfz‘c1fer;z;'.z'o2:..s:, inas pjaJL1fa.b.lu gamnmzr 9.51 could, 1nfcvc_1-a.Ii;<1¢:b:zrcs ofthc Pccmoncrs b;11‘bnroms fg1&eL'111gs.by the St:1rc,h:1m_:. :.b’<':r~iz,1,_b,Qth Houftza of~ 1’gr1iru11cm, LI‘/gm {~z’:az4/¢“2%o3I.;‘em:!.sf wlerc pg!-am/bzi tbs: 1§1._;-.9. 2.7,, % _ Aofg/1p;2'i£ I6.~g5;:ro fjmffc':.::z-7!_o.rdirm;1;r~c t‘I7:zt‘.}‘0_z4r ‘Bc;irgo7zc2~-_[b%uz:M rc::cz":,re zo:o‘o.!. r::-~ ‘:p;£?rZ,ti0fl5;0.1€E oft/.76 L»:2.»21::i:A%‘0f the l,ard: Cat:j2z.g1c0ir,(g’c‘.:;z ’cz'g;)2t§%}*cezr.s*;pzm'/M/¢;,.~ 21:! upon: the fmmblc Parisian ofyaztr ,Pw_c*.:z'r:m»zer, wr;}.1iy /.m.z:‘mr:ztE1£c C‘ommz'trcci?r\./§Z1tg:¢{i_1;zV/’i', »for,augmcnc:=.tion ofhis 1'£3p£11‘3iti';O_I_1SJ ys>L:.wvt:x-e.p1ca€ucifor the 1-mm zzhcsrcin aliccigcch, M.vote_?Qm~_..Petiria»72:6r go.oQ.?A»f0r.bi.s* }'{c1';»;z?ra;tia2.:.~.', loézc mi/"cal am of 'L_bc cfiaztc 0,if".t/.33 _;;::a2«p,',Lmi £‘9m}§zz_zry in 72;:c2Azzcy,=~v11poz1%.-mi1'c:pom<:af \.v1:;i.;%hArcm...Vthc: -H:9u17<; of .CIc>:11:11o11s,,_;-bfly ‘ :'I.:h;.€ ri-3-;!,1ti'~hp¥io;17_xi>z1bl§:%x11c L¢.Qg:d;@'a.zm,%-t%3c» E51-caxa1'<.s_. w.-wzfc pIu:=.f<§d;.ro mzfi‘rm 1/an I/fzz':1 Fore-, ::a11d'1tp0n~::heiL_Q¥.d\Ccz~.mv_- pr.cfe11t;i11g::mf:_,O:;‘di.1:1:::«11'e:£:”;tm:):.1zh<;.hQp.l‘cmy r%E'1_;;c4cmd,% L/2::-~ Hozafc “ 51‘ it me, b.L1%t%b'cForc in C‘OLlLf;.'H’)€i 1T.<3:1£1{'1tM‘li(;’Cb.~Cit*h?31§‘L:‘§l T.‘.i‘..t2:1C:itL'€I"J“£f£';1(:11~<”:\ or W'i.lL 1‘i:Lll,lI1C:fl‘(.‘ OF ._Mr.,E£fjrngc,;}3eVfi‘£;zr}gc, your Ilzzgim-3s‘1ei's«.O;~diiii1m:c imbc;/led am! 10;}, El-£:1t.1‘«a ncrwg. % mpsy 721,16 fame day was-drcxwnc eind puE%cWfc.:ncd Aron t:Hi'I1- Hcmfc; w'hd:.tlu-cw~ in om: of cloorsf, an 210222 Dt:*.lz':.i2q2¢g22;t.s*,wAhi:C;h J3»O0Q:L.;iC1';;fYcxf'7C ::;} xc3.;mkni%:%;':x1c;c,%is% ::x0it;onr.:% 6-.«d. rjamorc, -1;},24c~z1 rim. flild ordcrcdj'o1z.r Pc’t;i.t;;'or2;m:,;.;:0A.re,::L?i+uc% ;;voQo. L: at 1.2.. _)'c;m' ‘pzVcr¢'l}v.z/£3.o:ct ojifr/?1c? 1,;-zrz%d.~:~ V1,m*ci:«.~zo;>o.%1~.*;g2M,,r:hr;; L<$>rc.1is 2.'Q.o0.%£.%.,‘b<;:ing‘ anu8.;~ yauirs~.§a;L%51-.cl}a:r.1?:,-;, gz2..=,::1 ft;/)!.“ Izicjrufs of V ‘j.i’ ‘V ~ :0“ flamrvzjems 30059. Aluzzc :r:., ycwz,z«,::‘pm-c,b}z[Iq%.- ’ % ~ ~ _, V % ., .'17«hat upon’:hc* 1VaiHittimg ofazms .Cm11mi"e-tm_.,_yo1z W:~crc?‘.}b'[Cczfc&1 to mritc ‘tar tube {,“7‘m;*z'-av ,m2:i«tt’cc.ofé‘c;1ucfl2»~.w1ia2z.s'oftbc-‘(fazcwztybo_f’Dzu3,b.mI., E0 rmkc Ccx-ti.%£:icat:.cs; to mhxs Com... n)ittcc;,of;c-he,cihtés ofncw D{<:“linqur::1rs_; in t;hc:ir *CoL:nty, mm by their Lerrc;-' zzml=f(Jcr'1:1'-- fierf¢z=m%Aof I/J0 VO‘:?fo~1)‘-c.r p.r-;2j;%:2ip, ccM~ific‘0jitb"c clam. aialir:qzmz»cy' of‘S'2';~ 1_-{Cary Gibb lfiu-igf'7~*;3 S in Hc.11,ry% ?Bc1l'i11g1131n*;I§{‘11igbI and ff3)117'0?IC’I ., amt Thomcms Bows .I?J/"quire , all aof-whom have . real} cfiarcs -»;h‘1-,thc ii-Au:'Ld'%;‘(L'o1%.1x1;ri.)_r cif ‘1J?zz;«-I2;/2224.2 ,2" the obtni1"x«ing;V_ cj>F _wt'ri«;h .Certi,ficatt, co;’Ra.your 1?ctitxio%n_c1~,a rcdicms.%ax‘id%£c»&2&1-ggczablc ;j”m1r11cy~ mm c.h0L1‘ pm-5., ‘ That yom1P€:_tition¢i-1*, for di\ac1's wt§gI1ty~1:caf011sin%hi;s.E3vvi1t§1%x‘1Ligt3t%s, jixctcli pgrivzci .- mill} 1zpo'I2; L/‘)0 6;'Z’xi1e,.0_f5‘fr Henry Gibb: b*L1t—.ha.vV1L1g bC£1n.\.v,ir;h divers anal.-L'<2vc:1‘;111.% C_OL”il1--- {'clLouL'slca1'ned'in thC_L£1W QfiExV1g1;1z1d:%, be c'1c.my, jhzds *£l‘2.,.=Lc in Law Jzgrimb ‘,’_7j5 flay‘ -no Myer. Dclirzq-z4_e2zr: .L;z1;,ai.s'%., .€ci?lMi7?Z??£c‘l1ixZl‘€‘l}I be-wzgtdif. azucr db/blzztcly to :_;~‘;oL‘1L*r i:;%PLm't:.ioJIcr, V ggrggti, f2is"I.7:?2'rJ'f0‘:-* ¢_%v,m:-3.; uzxvizlmtr /j:cb.cl4z~;¢}§:;v 'ofj.ra?fcr:»wt;io2z3~,".1:-. mm zmilly%>,‘i%h;v!m7_ggcrA yoztr Pcmz"o2zer:w%ir}zi7z «z%fewmo72ct}ysxco ioféz ‘N76. 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A day ‘g3u1bxit*%. w.han- +I"’§§%app.a$-5; . fii-;ag='t€I’§im?On§n‘agiI§1tW1theii:wxictchediind §,1v1'c&1*:lyf«+.End; W~ifi%i51:y%%£aW1":»tI1éi§3 I %.w}:eii:ativxedbafcne1~fc.4 2; : ; ¢Iwm‘w* ¢f;7+~whieh:«J§ with%out;%feaj;cu»o théigl VL:i;9lb1.~1x:n:f,~,_.in2éi 2}?g;:[:22rn£y.; f{z§l~ai5:oa2rg;% t1i¢:3g‘mJa»:agéM€inzvofiwfafi‘fmnw fié‘%‘9‘ V Wdiififij é3:"J1.the‘ir':: fixfi; uom:Lngv« Vkbaézirfidf«iméewbe, a-ndggto 12:: g:t‘gc 1m;y gefi’ M . -»wrwazzmm%‘onyt¢bz%v «s;H'zzg~4s;s¢«: 9 A gm» th{§j1fi;:§“.? bugmyé‘ ipm£tivé}jgm'fvéc1:’vcdH.%mm?z£1E:€h%rce: %f§*té ?tb*{§c;e}“_(ir1 t;h§:ii‘1Acfiam{b::r)f » y9:a;5.V flmt I::§,;,,;§g,¢;.&':x§3:*?;fi§_a}z:i}§fg≥.=Afo1€ Rib for: a‘/1”1".:’:fi‘lC\Ir€( A ?tfi_eg;’ %%wziswE1Zd’ ” Vt:b2:{z4a‘%t_gA. 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JW~*=s6d“€4A I diéfw:wui:zg~¢f:2zJ ;1;m;M;,‘¢3nd1t:he:;c-£o§e:IV ppgpen to paper and; vmte 3. m¢§E‘Iii}§‘1‘5f:E.»‘Et§€§ ftp tI*:x:j Sp‘€:§l§€!:' about it; being re1?er1*w*ae&x4:?c:;»’£ayfiny bozzcx at tlzezrdoor m the pm %%%L1a:%%~c=>Fé:t,fiki2nd~1rs*efic&*1s:‘_‘;had,. . forfis 1}’;r%eri¢i€:ai¥iaBc'x‘9‘§:rh’46%ne3:t day Q£'di:aa.fice was ;tranfinRted.@§o V*tI1*¢"-M’LVLoi'dS‘ :tAh¢_§;qPy,.} . 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I 53' Wfifiilaif if 11¢“-1 f°”"n:A‘ % _ Ti.-Zmt% it j}g¢l1%A»bei%»???Aiib 7»£?%%i32;1?efla;w: ‘Wink; §:11,7)'r:§m+yi§«.c: f2£Cf€n£€Cvlflivn§tQf;y(§1i;b€i’f}5:?;. defiz-ouswor A Wiiir E1993 Y<§A‘1%j?+t.&!°9sn:19dgixagf9i:5§a1nI’ar6.%jAd;76g&;A ‘ A V‘ "So wliefy my %'O%;fdin:r% c céiiiéic Ec{£'hé»vLd13d%s;{fie}; difin1Bk¢%d$~;xic%ccracuic- dowmaany r;nOif€% ‘ judged firtéxé for me to ‘conrtnt wmy 5"’-; 5"‘ M1’ .47 N‘ “ 1‘ A ‘-‘ N R '“ .-.;fc:lf with, tbarn tofiruggle my {anger to gC1:.it pczflc, I/)6 Hoz.r;/é of Cavzgrmam; aImd% fl‘H1-' fic¢°x:difig1&%thevéida ’rhew%wco£x¢ %ir um f0,%th¢%£¥«o~1ési%A.sI3rs'=mie% 4si:f§a:¢cAn;e«1 ir4,ma4 rm-:%2n%amn;xa3:haA 1+&oufe*9fi . oh12fi"anAs for Féizxtux"1%s%avém:x=é2:x:di“n<.:..x«t>srizoxcj a!2ridgemc=é6s rhcy:hmd~Aim<fiw 5% A 94¢-dA téléiii.-‘55VA3¥?3%;cAAA9ix;a;<:I:<=:;IrI:;>x;m3hard: imercfi A £1131iIiTt7iC3Lt€d'fh‘€'m.,tO’di-lpglftfgit;.';1§;.mQ~1}¢,§butw1pCi‘fl;3it7Q:9‘£115?-:A;:LQ12C1'$Ahi1CL g7ci1ded%~i.t—-3, émcim Whifih:::h.t1s%¢;f@Lldw-cc%h.f :91. _ « ;= s I V‘ "-\ .% ‘ Q ;~ ~; , 1 §Z>;i~<:;~3F%%%’v13f:$+1L;5Z3er:w2%zb..—1ffi4t9:. := ’2* V» x; 4- ~ Igoij gzmi ' fl2?r«:::~:4j?’€m.1Z2£cte£?»i;z;,~IMrl:irzi::ic2zt;,’ fcm z:é«i.éEi1g,~li:£%%t¥brfec &i4‘*57r05f!5F?¥#VA ~.££sza Aiw....r§¢1»7:c?I§1até:;~MdzzébWafirim»nf MW} W55 A Ki?7i%‘1*>55¥:%%H€WZ 5115 A.aA?:f:lJ%:o;2?*z7£WAtfivmemifilfquifis lyfiing and 5‘-‘iflg W5t‘1*ih% t'hc%C94!AA?1ty 0fli1?4t%r/2«»?¢mtIt§raz~e:;»19YA*’11~‘= Coznn1ircc§: ¢:f SCqHA€I&L‘3ti(§§1S 95-th¢"fai4%%..Cdun;.ty§¢ tfofiand »m;wards;r1Ic:*i&:qaaq:acibi1 and 3.1;111§gCS;0f the {aid fa/1:71VL‘i£bzz.r;7z,;w.;l1&cAtI heAift:;i_h%ined%‘by -j1}.%:1:aiur::%«8L%co1o!i1.r%;oi7“tm%a;mzj%z¢,ff N I "5'€??i;¢?€§5‘~*’; 01‘ %D,¢‘C1‘%¢§; ,g;gg11 ,7¥‘11.4.1T.1f3C1¢’3; againfi; ghiilji in atht‘. Wiilfite f:?;c":g.3,iucIb£% 5%:-at-chambm, gtfififlriflbnfffi§{a}',;:§gr@ri£'Vx%6z§3§s~4i%M ." A,.;ff; L.;«;:A:%»»;: my ,. WM M‘ , ‘ ‘fr ‘ “ ‘_ .44 ,3» ‘T’ < *1» .33 1%: :,;;:’_:f' :4 rm-‘m .:.*~;u. .‘;:.'r::r::” % ; Her¢as4%#théAcaufcV':of%jVA1;;es::g Qoi~;~5;‘§d79szz£r2ilfiuniz2E,flxzwcincnéningw Lezfcmiertfrezv 4pm- A ‘ V “bm5‘V’d4“533ii“fi? in ’-‘.h"1‘»1’_=1.€%<57§ s;.;o1m: d£5?tmrcImmbc:z; rx*3v‘A.~Eebr1iax-yg.d%mmo.:ter3r - 350 A4170” Rfigfuand ¥h¢_ ¥=5_«'A«Pi'fl‘ d%€£5i1?iaM~gfzta¢r&%to% G':z*ra1l~zrsR,z;§z3-“‘;$:f:(2:piai?.‘lJf Axve3v¢‘*110'I?A€vfAt~}2;7§ % 4? 0 % A 34' $1’ 17 A541 - 79)’ 1" /73? _1HfiMfi5,1bf*C0fitm0‘?.i¢t.;mAj.bc,,illéga££;uaézcf: z;gaihfiA*¢:bsc: !liJ2ar.ty A -311 1'33 1 471.1: “M? .b190;%4-.17“) :;**?:i¢1i¢4:‘firué4éa “+3!b¢?1z€¢.rv3m.;¢2§%d;A A't)u:;azrzm.iiz::i'z:lfl)‘u awa*rVe'::%:, utizifmirifiqd -'u-»'.u ' fram“"§heM faMi3%VH0UT§ GFAA é:iz_np3o;;g,qhfcom:e.%1*19uCcm£Lmd3:;‘%ih wixiithifshtg H0u‘fbL6f;AAl?_‘§r3m: sdirhercaezapMAwim¢u:%any;»rar:s£mm, ¢0l1¢"1‘I-‘$3 i11%%JUdg!fi€kf}t;?'L€#1?_§iE1f¢ %'§:3.tf?‘£ V ‘rt;at%";7;%Ma&;:5 d;:e2;zz2mL.%: #95 AA 45¢5"“”‘7b3?’§5¢?‘”{?.§f?i%71fi,:¢f7¢ v'I<§hIfi§‘II;il»biar11c to bbiflleéall,’ nzo]’i§‘.u?zjuji;‘?£wnil"'1c¢** _ .§“i”/E ,‘E",1i5¢**} ‘Ab-3 ]5'“bf‘5’5Aa;«4?1d %%1;z£~‘v!7‘:of7«zA/Ji61»4 ht1}zd;«%zznd 31.«;:§m%Cbdrta,»% and%%»!1£nfixAvtAo A-¢fonAti1zuc-A ztpffon ?‘C¢??Y§1af%(9‘%'f«'- » fayid ~Lard.r_ mud :0v$mmo1z: jf:ak;ing‘into~ their Tefidué <;o:17Afién_‘% élerarion t1!¢%éx¢r4;v“r,di2r4rr fitflkriwgm and :bdr1a4naizim.zj/rztizmrylthagp‘J ce>*1eouz:+~o£=3tiic ifaid % ””i“fi=%p¢5’€¢$;W¢¥¢%‘i51f¥i§t¢d%%l¥1P91! 13,h¢;f€§i£1‘1:4?iCV!t’;§3L)I.3?_gd§7£¢7EilbRr411?;;%Aa§‘1%l§$g:!»1¢;@6*§1J§"tftfili A §pi0'::cdfla£ivc;itrmag% jz2f;I;;~aguiwE£e::f% A ¢%;a*f§gzf:«-yA;-rhursymy ¢’;xcz'{o qfcya‘ylc:dl*o1zq in the mo P_om* :0l'I«'s57ll"./l11lltbarit3{{;l2ti21,fo;¢r‘e l_fl7iyl-yf -y5‘lzt1Lclelr{a7r;iy,- 'boi1zg.; commonlf 1?)’ Ibc lz'11g.s‘ 4 clzaldefifl E~:crigcloup-our ‘Ig,giora§yi1zgejfSbipgm,/%cr:,¢g=c,ycompurcci jm beywortby wot ’ “ 'gb ~ayyl{Ju?:drod zbouyficudygouygdsupgr amg1c’_m_. l "réfi ' wfth %you%%a:éV%?£"z5It!§am!ear,nven:y~~flii1lirxgs 1':hfi3ch%Id‘~‘£r~1¥§:)-*—~?z%i?}MfiL‘b~ iMvB;;~”f¥zt%yV*t2zae¢3¢fi;aa;g=... 30% bzzseiga. 2z!.11‘%Lb%xda%12 is‘ o0?i%:e\2¥7%*£f%d,;l?Mt. Aimbjii? %élMf‘1s”l7'*r;f ¥$€_a.z;iz~5l¢‘g~ré&,t"T>amzé5?% gf E22gl;z1:d,4 (gfc. amt ye; ti); City af‘La«r&»bf0é¢-~~% z’3fi‘3l>f6 fl¢"v¢r‘ ;‘W>f6‘GAI¢t%¢d I1zm%%%t_£_r¢rfo:‘ré%,VL my izw /b*mzu:b cw cmplwizted af bizm am{ therefore : much more may:.»hc.A doe; what ht: ‘;‘}!»I‘-ca‘i'etAh amongfl you; wE1o~rationa1I%y have fcaz°ce%;%afiyj_m?eans afFofdéd- yO%u3fo% ;mLx‘c“h*%‘%’é5.%% —am~»cgmp1aine{‘of£zian‘5 Amu%chi1%eflZ2 to heip ,y"o u‘r 'f€1V€s' flgéljihfi h1m, . and :fiergfc;~eA-_yd:b,‘a.§;. ‘vifedme rh-.-,1it;o hca{W':‘,‘%:1‘11d‘fc¢, and - fa * @n0th%zng~,%_;But~1Jook agfxzezf %~owmj:; 'bg1('rnc‘fi'¢,‘* ‘A gei‘rhat-difparchetfi v”v'biCh-- 01;! .V.“»:'1'y Wei, know %I%.fu'1-1y 3cq=\isri11tcd<~y 'm:1’r- (3=ditIiiI1itiiéc:i.‘ivv_i«;*f§»~ ‘at Durham, %.wm:Ic Sir Am: ..:;r Hzzjlerig- mc«.s* “fibers; befoifc;,xvh§'m*V::fiy:- was ¢ % mead, mid a‘pprVov¢cd‘ of without the: Ieafigexceptloils; arid the Aomgtnailst .de1wercd‘-to yqu;-4 . . 4 Sir»_,g1rt};!2‘&P5}’y={D?;1t,.v‘i5.;011‘lirXitt€?C made :his‘.fo11owiz1g Q1'der.,,_ % , aloha‘: ”~'*E1’erkIeto record in vmxr ] OL,1'f.'.I‘1311,'E'i.I’1d with w*h’ofe:-«conf-9;-n_tr aii7dfAA1%a*pgfd{§§1i_iQn nxapg, , r % A Dunelm. fl sicptimta die-3?«:z’rzzt22rii,é 164:3’: ’ H ‘E[R7»Hex'cas;”by,an Ox*c1in:mc:e~of— ‘Parliamém dated D<:cemb'.vz1. 1 ‘r$21%8';;’it% i§‘de¢I:i1'cd;T,_ " T/:‘uzt:Lz’w‘z*e2m7z;t C’ol.]ohn ‘%Li1bu1*ne%/Jjzzkuzvxg hm tw%o%Sc7zte2zc¢f:- pr‘o3z¢imzced_ ,;~.«;;..4 gafxzfl‘ M27: 22: the me Court efV%A.9rVarul2%»z mbet, %Feb'r‘. 13. dccimo tcmsicig V %lCa;::;c§.i Rgg§s,. .r_z§%z$c£ :8. % af<~21’pri_l; “decimo qu1_rto~Caro1i¢ Re;-gis7, wercsgzgtkd Azf:£:. ofzmzfiyg, *:g641E‘]1 fly i?!;re oztfi? of cammom to be illeg;¢ll,%% ztrgof agizin _/f *zi7:"z?NLil7_r="rt}f * Lof f %V2'/13:, $'z{b,i*¢ff%§ ,;_7gi7z,»5£~.;v 0 £éiq0(l~y_i,"*i:uirv}{ed3 jc’r‘zzéZ1;, bzzrlmro-ws_£:'z:~c£~=t;;{3";zn7zi}:czll; ’W”C¥'E: tra;1f§1*£i»ti:3r;.‘i:1%%F:'tJ'i1~£;,°ftifi ‘V ;H»::>=,;z§':: éf'Cod17i‘hVo'fis 11f1t‘d’_;hc H'é'1xfe §:>f“‘I:%bfVc‘1;s*5‘~.;: hi'q'h.Ithé: H0i1f€‘O_f mid-hi 'j‘ud~';;c1nenr,%:>.f1&'%thc I3%.%of*Fc:b1*. 1645‘. Ad ém*1*";zré{ez':i 141:? p'rnc€eéd:ii:g,;-?f:>I;;:;f;iid w;s“‘:;'z*7~<;,*" d:.£i:zm%ber ro be illcg“cz%l1,*’a¢zd mofi mzj 1:/E; and éz‘g:.Zz'71"fi "£/:76 Liberty of I/)3 ‘s‘z2Zo_i2érfi‘7'L;‘ am! ‘the’: ; ‘I. .cz:n_7 of the 'Lzt;?¢z;i3 xz72d‘M:xg%71z1t %C;/Jozrtsz, zmd tmfit to'conMri7i1:c zzpzggz-recorzz‘, :z"9°c;‘ wh"er,c$v : V azipou the L~ard:m ‘zw‘—d“ L omfazcz-:‘2.i~ did -concsgévc if'TIT'O”fi2;\j.:A»fl3 1:qt1i‘nab‘1¢‘§a:1d 1'c3fonabIc,.to re... \ pt-1%i:.:c him ig1.f93”.n,c:% confide;-abI;:ma%nner 5.; and tbc;feforc~___,Qrd%zz,irzcd,,tl94$ [£26 [and AA LiC'{;fl?€- vzgzizt-G:éljLIo1in Lf1bdtfi"fl54u have zz9zti‘%»r~¢~cei've'~5t‘f39e { 0f‘73.¢l9Q.L; V itaf~l2e;5'rzid mird /12%,‘? ow. I2¥;’AflEg1is%,,by t}2e~0r5i?;ii72z_'t%e4e of-» Seqz:c’fi‘razti':a7°t:s*)"a1' We (’7o=zmL*y ’*of*"-®z:1:*f::z?r7z,T Aazfrt ~of‘i:I2;{: 3’z'7 .p%ro_f1'/mi-'bf” it/J6 fe*%zw W red c_;’%azte';¢-V ,5‘ ?JatI2”l:z%zd.r2t'1:rd‘ goods“ %E5_f*T $>1 if Hg}m~y. gGibbg ‘ I{‘rtz'g*/Jr,-b‘.z'r Hcm:y~ fr:-I ing-Wliam, 'I{7‘z7igb‘t‘ mzeigB.zrom7f;, 422:1 ’Ti_1om’as * gzzireglyvivzg z?zW7z;d%"b¢*i¢.*g#'xa‘f-2~rf7z;rzAtbfzs‘ Caz;-7z,r_y *pf%9Dur}.'uzm%% , I%7.r_£=uz1zg%_bE£n:w:l4 we ¢f,n1;};;§ {MeN1_o%rt?7sEm*I%7zfyrrc~éfzo7z.s3Aznd‘zz@dz::1g-zz1z»d aflifliw‘g% to zl7c:- 2;2zaflc~wz'z;};cd Vz'\72'z2zzj7%7z D?;=I{e§H;1trxblé§Ao11 o!’3'edic1fx"cc;urito "faid4%rdin«a%n)ce, thi_s ,{(7£o.n;1mittec%oE~Seqgcflr%ati%ons~% fO_1“thi‘$ Ccsuncy, Tint‘ 21:23flzzrd.*,1[::Et"z;v2*e7z:z7zt;;“(;-aiozrefil % 5i’11~fi =m~ I727; aflig1;y,$_{Z*rifl,_Z um! ;*2‘2:z'y‘,& dad berél7y*i.r dugboriged rig go jtaVtbcf'e'vem1*l’ Tcmziettv and Creditor:-Aaf-we fl2i%d~flwcra,££ D’:-lirgfuezzrr, vrb d¢mLz2z%dd2n-at r’c3ma zz4;c*l. we fisyeraii fem::.;, ;§§4aafity~£zrz‘gZ:rl¢~bt‘:‘,% dzze'1:a>e;zc77 ormrzy *of‘tbeni{, for and %ro~w4rd:r tlyé‘pmyme7it%-.af%'§t?:i&c V fiid three zfmzfiz::&"oI‘p&a1zv~z1al:;¢;cn‘cl his or th<:i treceipt,%(1n:ilIb¢ theiv fu‘f{i‘::icriz:‘ di1"c1,12jvrg"c,’%‘;;‘r§"<~i = % flic’ Faid” ‘Ttfiahfisg ~Fé3f1'ri<:r%%s:,; ‘or 'Cfcditorsgf:=;1‘é"‘prcf€.*ncI ’ , 01‘ withiri‘ I4,7;._,'["dn§fc$ :1i’fc1;5_‘t<5 Feifici 4 " '~ an‘! " " . “ on . w - ‘ ‘n ‘ ‘ in ‘“ 7, ‘ ‘ I W‘ It" .~ V ‘ ‘: H - V‘ ‘: ‘-‘ , ‘ _ " copxes of thcfamd rcce1prs, to‘th1S= Committee ; and 2‘ 1: flzzidr Lzq:ytc‘71a2zt Qplonell ]Q%hn,....w '£0m;mim_¢’t ILi1£;u1'h, is‘ time to .'}fi}7Z6‘ to certificn—~tb;i:"5‘ammi~r:5¢e,‘Atbi2 m;z7z’2z%:2r%%af his %,pro~oaedi%2駒:r.% f_I;;2_rei,72,‘ang1’I:ge1is:%:g1I{'o%authorized herqrby, tb go‘ find 1"£’.'P.3.i‘Lf to Hem] Tqgzzzgg, Vflfiazzgbghm iiftbe Callycry 'Df'Cd1ff€f-I/267'?!) ojr to his D*cp'L1ry or Dcgutzics, and “f1.,1Hyv‘co_ ‘enquix:"c’£‘ inform himfelfof thf:'t.1‘u'€ ~e{’catLc_an‘d‘% ‘valuaof th"6:%f;1id ‘(,‘ollyery,, -relating :q1;‘h e11 Md % .3415. Thomas Bmexs 4.,.As alfo'Ito4re3>air tolthty Iran Mill %fizciA”~Fz;1-izmtf2z‘r»Hz2,§z2a§i&}{f22h%f& ‘L3;/z‘%tt~o%n5%:1§d f:1i¢f§2 §’(;)f't,;5lk€i?'3’§i'I'IC gn pe1f%f:;*&f$fcc55fzzzz*L'r5¢%a11d~I7étzi22n;§v:y % 1mple%me_?1"m‘_,“ fibgewz jzflsg and; _2'1ecje]]'zzricx‘5 and »<‘::f'« 311 prtifit§"and :§dwfa1atafges~~~afriI~1'i%1‘g‘, «#:.'_‘ of2sf*>-‘» .. Einggorcqmin 3 §f1ci'éby ‘, untéai %t‘ht«»fai'd”Mf, %"T}Jonz'ai1‘ v‘35inv9é§., 13Iv1‘C1”f.P E€dfl'Xmt€’1'C¢Iff'.§(§tlfJi$ ' % _ “ ‘ tot} alfo :99 ;ffiowb:a;fi‘.3’d.$[f‘??‘.’ ~$‘7t€fi’ll1Zi} of T?I,7; c:'v?j.Ij*'(¥_7fl;m9'9A1’v]i3:.;Z‘t' Wit. , T r % W ‘M ' . .1072?” =9 23 5lf3l'%":6Tf_’;:ge?te1%’%t’;‘:riglfilgl mfve l“ordziil1e*;13 r lama bé it he ‘ébyloiéaaéirlelcif B3? A Elm iLarld¢~:l'¢z¢:;£’Jcm; =1 .m~ajis~:lrifll'k:inblled in" llPdrliz4meu;t,-a11d~b):.thc authority ol~‘t11c:l':1*mc_:,, ll-Thine-heA {aid fébrz Liz... gabzzrnc lhall';h.alv€;7d?z11l" receive the /imzv 03 00:0. 1. :«ro::b7e'l.pa.edLu1:iollbimor '/5i55=L*3l'fl7g7ééJ' by zine-Cam— ~ l*l.4’ml ¢ljerlbfarelfs,r_llltbe Committee TvmimtsaelofiS’eguejiWati alccarzlizsg to tile 7tenzu*ve tlrcreaf ,“ ta ;{ Igziglar, Sir»Hcnry;Eclllmgha.m. Kvriglvt z«mulB:z~ l ’ Sir Artl*.url~H:zfl‘c1-ig [5£};;i;:l'«i;' ms; 1 TE37-I617, and Thomas Bums Efgzéire , lying mm! member of their C'ommztrcc,a72d /db} >:l*ll:r;.:'z'ng.i1ztlzcfbunty of *9?‘-z¢rinzm,’hav_in=g been all ca~2a[£':gue2zce' /£7511/9.” no more to don :1-._ laffivc in r’he7latc Noirthern »=i;'&f(1i"l’*fi&i'OnS V)‘ and morzgji 1:/gem rlacn mzylot/Jler mm] by mzidifzg and aflifiing to thi.‘ mOi'lZ wiclcml immfion I213 mccr wizll iuff-tjl~£z2zt4li1;;e k3'.'.o“'[;zI{_5 of 7Dz1I(cH~l2mz'l£o1z. And the fzlid 'Commlrtcc mynw7zey._, " ‘are hereby authorlfcd :0 ‘fell all flxchlwaodx ( cxv l “ cc‘ t timber trees now £°caV1=1r.'1iug;) as may conveniently bé (pared, and now Handing upon Jlthe {':a.icllandsl(or .¢lmu:?y l filzea’ ) or any of thcmfflnd if the fézisl ‘SirlHcr1ry” Gibb, T'~Sir Henry Bgllizxglzam, am! Thcamas Bowcs, or any of them flmll compozmd for ‘weir ,efl.cat‘e,.lfo mzzcl: of the _{£zz'.;{ zlbrge .rl.2az1/Czrzzall‘ % p0f£71n'l'$ ml-s/yen jlmll remain _zm/‘mkfied, /fmlli . be’ paid mute the fizid 301111 Lillmrzac, or his aflignés, ou‘t"of t‘l=1cil*, or the firs'f“'of ibeir Campq/Ztiozzx. And this Orcliz1ancem- topic thereof matwreltved underlclzaé hand, or hanclsof j-the Clerk, or g‘!~crl,;.s~ of one orbatla Hozzféw 0 f P'£1l“lI'5Z~77l6?lt,_fl12lll‘l)C 9. fufiicicnt\?Va1'r:l;nt ‘to the fai-d [Tammiczecl of S_equc[h'ations in the {aid Cozmty of "fDurI;mm,‘ to pay ‘Ache: fziid . .;3ooo.l. as is b:.:forc cxpreflccl, unto the lhid folm~Lz1bur7'z.e‘m: his laflignesg, and” likewife rtodi-x‘1clc;mpz1i’fic"and fave harnmlcffe, all‘, and “every p-:rf0n7or¥ perfons rhitt {l1all“anyway~:el€t ll.-lifi the §>'cr:for1na11c1c°.j of the :ruc"iz1m1t andlr1:1canix1g*of‘;hisl‘l0rd-izifmcc. ’ l A V ” ‘ “A . - V l ' 5'10/3%£Browz Cler.‘P:z‘r£~iam£l1trb.rz£m{A Hl.”Elfiri2ge lGlerl.‘1’:zrl.73;Ca>‘?n. v ‘With whfch Orcli1s1an'cc I poflzed l avvlaylto you of the Committee of l~$j¢A1‘thurs rum':y»lé2>cciv(3e cola‘: ztlam: in who t*waPor:ts H mm, lflmfbgyfty 1<;zid%fau*refl}iz.; of N ewcmfilc mndwfimzdemznd, "being cmmajnly byltbe .3157: gs‘ zLlcb¢;gde,l,1w;1:_’x§«jrig up- Ak71lowi'ngeji“5"}:ipAmdjilér.{§(§‘c.§0?flputéd mbe“vp‘orzb A ll=lllo::z»clc:J»es (which amheLdca«.ll zzigla vtvbuzmcdll zI16?»W1idl.pfiu%td%‘ 1567‘ l'lz#zl1mlml fl ‘ “ E l we £314: . ziefi with you are folflvunder_fsv«ént§»!:;fl1i1li‘ngs th¢,€ha1i541‘1'1):;.z2z wfmfa ._¢#45itr¢¢ry%%t4xd£t§}o!i mt 071:1} all Lozzdagz x’5_co.71cer.2z;cd,bm almajztzzl-1 the Asemand gxm~rm2m in t}1c¢5'0u»rb ~ gf England, (aw. m1d}'6ttbe~~Citj of %Lanalm ir~fl?lfh,1zerL:cr prefecur"cd-bir«z xlrerforc, 210.420;-fa muc!;ur%Co1nxni,;.;c,£j made t£1i51qfullc;xvi;1g Oxsder- ' ~ " V‘ ~ D .uncIm.. ‘Sejmimo dz'e;ffa7Izmrz':',\ 1648?. 3 V A71-IVE:-cazs by an G-rdinrmcc qf Pmliafnent datgd Dccemb.2x. 16;q.3.'*iti$,dccIsI1"a'd, % ’ '1‘/mt Lzri:we7‘m7z: Coljohn Lxlburne /Jzzvkzzg /Md two Sezztezwes prozzamzbcd’ ¢z- % %g¢2z'A7zfi' /Jim 1'22 tfyelzztc (faur-I sf 6‘4raru/mmlzer, Ferbr.-1:3. dccixno tcrtio %Car.oli Regs, am! 18. offivipril, 4de»;ir;1owq«tW:tO Caroli R€§‘gi5a.%.%zvlsvic/7 zaaci-e voted ,1:l9__é4. of Mg )1, 164.1. %_ by tl2c;Hozz[?:.of Qmzmazz: tolw zflegzzll, and zzgainfi 111:: Libm-ry~. af<“tl2c . gS”zzb;‘£62‘ .5’, afzzai % Al/b b1OQ¢f{}I,uWI.(:'i[fid;, cmcll, barbarommzd gyramzimll, "vvcrc rrazxfixnisted fronasthc faid }.'_I+_)Ll{c) of Commons unto the Houfc of Lords 5- in which the I-1.m%1£'c of Peers corxcuré 1 red in judgemcxzt, and the 13.01:‘ Eel“);-.% 1645'. cleclzzred zlzapmcccdirzgx of-Lbc [aid 5‘m:r-_ % _¢:__bI~.zm£?cr tombe z'£%lc;g¢-all, and mo}?-zanjiuff, mzd .:<.gg4zz'M2’2§l rive Libs-My 0f_t/ac '.S’21I)}‘c.c't', ami the Lgzwiof r/je L;z:.:ct,%,a7zd .M;zg_mz;C/mr"m, mm! zmfiz,to]co7zti1zzge z4pazzw:~s«2c'aa~A;l, @595.‘ where.- Tw upo‘11vthe Lords; and %b0m77,m1£ didpxpnccgiye it; moft, ju.&,. fiqtlyaablc and 1-cafonable, to re. paitfc him in forms confide:-able manner 3.- and therefore ord:z%z'n-cd,'t.’:.czt 31.36 [Laid L"”imJte- mm2t~Gol;]phn Lfxlburn fi.zil'7mve and Arcmfive» the [rim 6 f 3 0100.1. %tq bep4id jzirzto lvimw, or .14 fligzzsy, é_y,,tbe (fommjrrce of % .S'cqucfimtz'a7r.r for tlge County of 2Durb£:zm, amt oftbc firfz‘. profits: of the [cg zze{?red cfz‘M£'.$ , l¢orI.1hl;z"71d:. and goody of %$ir~«Hernry«L Gibbs ‘W I{njgb;,+.Va3‘1'r‘_AH§11ryAA :11 ingham, »I{21z%'g/gtmzd Bmozzct, and Thoma'sUBow}es Ef- \ gyire, ‘lying mzd bcjzzg witlain 2/12’; Count} ofi ‘Durbdm , Imviazg been all "czc‘fz"ue.$in we Jgzte Nortlmriz Izzf;4rrcc??z'o2z.s', szizdvzzzdizrg and zzfliffiirg Vto -the mofi wi~o‘/{ed izmz/fion bf E‘ Q-%r:lze%Hambleton, in obedience unto which {aid Ordinan.c%e,'i:.iis this day4.:o1“dc:red' by the «; Ccpinmitrec oF5equt:fl.'1'§ti_£3ns forchis Cour1rY: Tlhzt I/ac. fizid Lieutenant %CL'a1om2ll I..iL- ~ btygn or his czflig 11.5, /7941! M11 WM)’, and barely» is 421;»/Jariaged to 530 2:9 t/:vafi2vemll‘Tc2m:ws and C;redit_9r$: of rba;[Iz;'d fézwrtall Dglin_g;xeut:,%V to». deaézmzzi mzd receive it/J6» fevemll . rcittf, profit; and dabvtx, due ta £’£Z'Ci7,'Q7" my Vaf;z:[7e>21,3fo‘r a;zd;%tow;zrz1VspA;zy,;1zczzz affigg « [aid three tl1Qf;flz12d‘p0zc7t:dg', cmd. Ins or their rcccipt {hall bcthcixr, Fufl71cicn;difch:u‘g¢‘,and % ;hcM“faid% T,cnam:Vs, Parmcxzs, or Creditors,%a£c‘prefencIy,‘ or .w.i-:h.i%n ywdézics after, to fend ¢ .,;cgij":ic>s ofthc faid;'cccigts,AtQ1this% Committee 1;} mi tbefZ¢:id~?"-Liewemnr Gelatzell John Lilburn, :k_.fr%am-,Wtz' 2p2c I0 qime to qertiflc gbixgcommfix zacegtbc majzzzar of bit pracccding: bcreizz, and he 13 alfo author1gzcd‘hcx:cby, to go ‘a»I'1d"1'C‘P4¢3-£1‘. to Hazz.ry,Tamzg , fBz:mc/mzzm oftbe Collyery of Cgarrcrrfamz,‘ or to his Dfiputy or Deputies, anAdVfulIy to enquire and ‘ A. inform himfg.If:pf';13£_t1;u_¢: efiatcand%;Vva1Lgc§_o£ the faiclflollyery, as ,rcL=.ti£1g to :hc.%faid4 Mr. Thoma: Bower; As alfo to re airto the I fan Mill.;m d& Fzzxmzce at Hz¢nwic]g%.¢z21¢I ». 3:]/ztton, and%'ch¢1‘m:o‘cake‘aunt; pcrfe&mc4oz¢nt,+ahd I rwerzzory , of %al1‘1thc.%%%Siack, ‘ Implf-W671 N‘; TJ¢}‘°«'?1fil4~“; 3£1C1.11¢C€,1;Tt§ri6j5, and ofall. p.r.o§:s and advantages ari{i:i1g,A Jrotw-? ing qr cgmmg zghergby , -L11_}.t_o the feud Mr, Tbrmiyr fE‘owe.r , anclfpecdily to cerxi Q this §3~«>n§n1i£:¢§A.$§3§$¢0;¥} ~§$1fc21.§9:;_i§-§;2a33o::,%5°oI:n Hwigfcgn Stcvmd pfxize Imumr/;s;zt 4_Wit~ wm,~,and~.thc 'f;;id- Hcnry~To2zv:g, to bcibt'fox‘é_rhis*«lConTm?it~re¢n,at1§2&1:f£*%:d‘.5f;’Lipfin‘ .>:%¢*2’@d7;;s;;t§._ l 1 day nc”xz,% to givdMlia;andlr&fi‘i~fic their knoizvlddgeg‘, touching :,~:Mr>., Bower I21‘: izlterglgagn _ thcfaidlron wcarksand Co11y<2ry.~.". M V - “ . . l “ : L A A lIfZM6AG55ilfii?2(;ler~.Co‘m.l V B]; .v-e1~tue»‘of which :‘-dciy my '-Father. and ‘m“y"f‘f€1‘f'-__§W€nt t0*tbc~Ten2ints' of the * three -foficrnentioflfidi Ililinqucnlrls as‘ alfo'v:to tlxeflifféxtéfailds To«ti7tgl"and Ho(!gfl9i1}vl,l4whic‘1?h'" Tazluz and 2-1’ odgfo 22 a.ccoL'ding- tdthc afo-.“cfaid order appcaredlat Gatefidlc bhlfox-e S1"1°A‘1-..l l %%;]9:.:r Haflerig, and ynurlfaid ‘(fioxnmicmcof SequcRm‘tio11s.,"untlo whbni I'~pltTnl&"L;’3-.‘Hy' ” ave anxcxleétaccounr of Mr. ~Bo2=:2e_r bi: vole:-at Kmjterrloarn, and his Iron Mill and « ; Forge at F—Tunwfz;.5‘,3_ and W'irto2z_.,_‘z.: on ‘NX1ifCh/ the t'ore{‘a.id Stcwards--werél can-ralmigmld what 1 they conc..€.ived "Mr. Eérwez‘ innate}: in the. {aid Calcpits la11l;i1r4%on;MiI1*to be wonih, and after tiugr h9.:i.giv.en. iz1a;heiv;Vcrldié’c r“;n€l opinidri-, t‘hc.{11i*:I* C-.G}1'iI”I1itU?C of’ S»;:c1:.1tfl:‘:~?3tila¢z1 gfold (with my goQd}li%,.1. rc.1dy.mo12cy , :-111<,wl1ilch E::ce:‘t:'ti;fied your Cornmittcc of; at Dm--~ ~l»lha,:n;;tL‘if1d-~by ~th€‘i1' fpcci.a.1l%o%1'C‘:*3f: dfl1iV£YCd.tOfl1cir_Cll?;3'l{':afldfillglditor copies-.lo{’ 2.11 the 7difcha«rwesvI,h$ad Uivcnrhc fc_.v.c=:a.-all Tlcxafixus ; wholtona: ari:1vfl.th"ém with x:e{7pc'&§wc.; . o b " .2: V. lh‘;:c:1tl:a11~s and dedlzlflliazzs fomzjf;:[f'e7nc7zts am! .-f':-ce-gzzarg’cr(?chc oz-igiimlls of “whicln ,-..ch(:_v had by them) did audit my accounts , amt gave me :1 difchzlwgc t.1:1d§:1' both chcirvhzixxds g,por1'%t:%%i1cV<:;i;_-._;,1A1:I1day] of Fcbrmzry , -V1648’. fi.g,x1ed~ '1/am Gilpinl‘C77br’.lc’enz.~ Ex. per Cmbbc-rt: H .~LI-‘£71.10?! Audito'r, fo then: now ‘I have from Rep to Pcxsp ihc':wcd'y0.:l1Ia1:l)I r'1'ghs'. and title to my 34000. 1. wIl1ichis119taboo11e or gratuity given me, (as fome man lim:x-- ,%?ginc)"Aby t;h;: NI?_ar'1i*;:1t*n¢;x;;1§,b11tl clucfiiiggg ahgi pt odufit ofifizycrall lggallfl P‘;ufar=c.hzzl7zyf2spcwr.c~ “ l¢‘n~ jzL,rr.v. betn2z‘xHl3c Ifilizzglznzal Parliullmezzt, btlmrx of 5+. anal 4. grclm fi:;2;c lilng , jmlailc I/Jc L0rd.,v and Common: were‘; free, ]51£_,[2L4_c¢7ld il7iqllc’.';'-%‘:Z'~0'i*1.;z.§2lt‘3' ‘Par-f'li«zmc2zr,lii:. the vztmz711'- 9'aozz.r'*opi71io7z of all the PLzrlz'm7zlc~72rc:m' in Erzglmzd, eilvzrlvcrx of myVdc£rec.r zznd j14:lgc.— nzmzz: m‘eer‘l_y~;iu cfoflzzfirnzxziaizl of I/§%é%j'22_rnz‘cr,~,;:flaj'lg;marl fzl."yearl.rl iflavzdivzg‘, wizlilclilmft/,3 x l Hozlfay were commo7t_l)( rcccévtd lzzzzl l‘in3rm,r;Eld zfiir mi .Zl211}c0T£°ll , I!?Lpfl§1gfed‘3 ;: mzd lz-£;‘2v‘rm.'»2'_,-'l."»e"«fl ‘"Plzrli.zme2zt 5 and “the very luff pai1'ix1go€1ny C}.-:.di11zu1rae: _wl:1s,;,lbly lb0ltl1l,.vHlDL1(€S‘fbCf91’E2 the ~,Lo1-ds diflblutian, or tlxcliizigs1b”eh¢;i”dix1g, whofc dezztbminl L.nw«;ung1L1c1}‘ioz1ab1y 7'p1.1t_ :1 , period to the Pa-rliaxnaznt. In rrzofi of which judgetncqts, Sir H:z_flc- Fer full j‘)7‘0#0]cC 0]é.T¥>/.756/J :z,C- .. gm;'g;wsM ammf tl.ve.~5*«z¢:1gc:, ah1..fux'c{ AGE,‘ it ilcmimntly < fcmioiz, rc:;_zclmy lZl'(:~_’_’ll77Z£"7I'£'.i" in l in fame of them, zugd who,v»;lasp11cll0f:tliofs; th-at »m~« sftlw l~fccla.1zcl7‘editzairof my bo.:,k% llaétjvc: input-tiz;g$r;1c into aqnicr, juihsandel ;lega11, pof-l-:- §._'lof'r.,b»c*&.l.n_fJL1;1¢ 1 649'; iwzzfilrlzg- feifioxx for (0% it was cxjnlincntly upon his own pa.-inci..l 7_1_le£:'!, I‘:lJ:”c':::» lc"(fA;zlll=l Fzzviclmzzclrt.-zll 31:25 )ro% mylong ftruglcd for,l-l,aI1d.ldfca’r bong-hr rig.hr, ,Lz'ber§z'cs' 0* lilac pcfaplc 0 .l'~.;";;2i:,.g'“—;‘ zmto wbz'c;/J in the jlrifiefi eycjaf God or man, I have lland rtgavivrd, p.1;.:; $5’ .}1s?6l } 57- 423 true a j!.1_d1;is,ll.1cg,a11righcg,,11:1;1:og,as <:it~hcr,hc:~o1'Zy:Li.~ zzzzrl. M1; Wiihmn P.:i«s:‘1‘s_ m‘*g;zt— Mha.vc,Lox: cv.<:r_h;1d»., to a11yclq21;Lzls‘ yo11'wor££%_ iI1...yQLl1»rl Wl.mc,2m :12: lbI..'£’_ “zL“z;t(3‘:b'b0']i'_, «;1&;_g;‘;2g2z,‘f ,1ive;s, z§’nd;hc%r<;Eorc“. Sir I :m'ay=%VwAc;11l¢C;&11 it lchcft“ in _;,f :* fit[1e.illcgall ‘rlzzx'.o 9.0.2 on/l,.m :1 ii: flcalirzg my galozlr or moiikys‘ from me by will mu! ‘ p01l?"1ll.r;p€x:zl7I?l12?n;P:§1T_ 3.46435. I ,%forcg, ;jVz:§i like smarter 'zzppr;_}%tl~l.v¢lbig;«lJ why, yea Lzindl " lfiislown and tlie late Prirliamenrs gvrificiplcs, cu-ecz/"072: zflslfiin difpofiéffigxg mmof »n1y=1q— V‘ gall and jufi cemeby ci’c.1;c:, wilchoup .anym:z_nm:r ‘ofl;;rovc’ll=!z'r:;;.¢ 41$ lIIt12¢37sj‘3Cz$A or ,5; EA. 2._ » mob w» % _ V %‘ % , ,(g$v ’" mL_<, %. %A“m"?‘m_p, A gwwgzgs/35%;? %i2p%V0:t$£1!} :i31g::z;%¢mrn\?§fi¢pTnr:~Bdz‘i7:z€a:z:; 92* f9 V%m£z'§b‘~7z£3* fixer: .>fi:mnwW1zg?mVe 10 fififioéijfif; Q%if~t.c#{;¢;§gw;,wh3c«%1xéhéxd to I:zjr;r'c5 my%r_:%I1airge,,~ disk -fi'co1outabl§pr_¢- 4' teficc totake it away from xffe : _i%t!"'is impcffible fc>; r_him§toff:>1c%:ii ignorance‘ of’? my "light; hc__t‘1aving%as is &bc4forg:;;%11:;tf;t;i.*1y ‘<:l%£fx:lgLreVd, E‘>‘;ec%n privy _ to all the ci1*cy}*r11fi§11_1c€s%of my jufigfrom ,,..cAecding§,“y§a,21sA;I 1m‘ciA%etit.anJ,¢,A:xxy;Féw§wr {did mg‘: 3 Tiazlr: 1g}ea.:d?‘I;z%yA%A:igi2%: -,witI~*1 Whi1‘s;Vs%i%% eggzd ‘ ; gg$};Wr@Gl~~L1C.Cd. IDEA §)=1‘c‘1iI7$3%1€:Q.*§»3C,[C; t:ib§~*J:i1's; '£a&ce;J;:<’::»:. 1;‘E1..£ti’ir1>tl“‘r:‘{§1.1.‘:§-‘E.’ wEfxi;.1iIi§t wolc”-. it %av~gay§~ whggfh .%';;%:a;prwi%:£3£?;gm&£ingA{1iQ %v$.i:1Lij§r;ci"; mm,» vbzzt m;_;;‘% é7z'a"£iciVbzg‘£}<, _fJ"7"€i_?'g1i7a?.f»i’fl££-I61], -£27151 2'22 vie/p$zre mi %%.Vco7-gV;1ci_¢2»r;:>;r».% .0 tin: E‘am»oj"521gAlarz.~d,‘ Md %%;9zoj.£“z.rzz}r,tci-0 y in verfiozz tI';ereaf', ’/am/2 e=>:ez“t7—- " ;.;cifcdmz,1&7-bi2‘r¢zr;:* .:z}zd t_;!rmz:~:,z'c».s:lZ power over Mr! :;Zl70Zfi8 tire I.czn~‘, i1'1”his fiaking it away , .=<;fa1* which"fc10x1i0us4a11d traytcx-ous Aim: ofhis, by-Gods aififianccl Awillficicic as deft: , J20 him.; as ever his fl1i2::~« did to his=b€a51:7i-, c§:V.a3%.cvc1-. I did? ?t”z;v:i1:!~1€i: Bi;-’hop of g~’acA7zrér%bzz‘ify;,W"I§.o for lcflle vill-mics than his, Vi: flm 1011*: his 7.§i‘€;‘§d:'aS a Trb.:ytd‘1*Ai1f>ofi %-I4-oWer"Hi1I. ‘ N . bit‘, tléczjlznc BE-.i%11g wl":L1*t'h lofi his hmexéby $ir- «mfrtfarzr. mull? lvjs'zzjfl9cz1ztc_r fer itywzawzrzj, in ~{adxza11cing§his wilgl abovcf‘;tl1.c Law‘of‘E:1g1an-d, asfiixzg his?i2np‘ea:chznenr, primzcd at the lit-fiz {end of n1y“l:i.tc Impcitchmcxat ofcramweli youmay r~e;1d_”pa'g; 5.7. 5 3 . ‘Ami yet I am {um ' 2%. be fox:mcrI_y, and (for any thing'.I%V%g1-oundcdly i;%now“tc thé ccmtrary legally iampcaghsd ajlcrig of /Jigia Fr-«M/’a71_., and .yet%Mnevcr p:tc%%ccndr::d any 1'ig'h§ to-2; %pmny of<;ok Dacia; pgzg. 3M4. 3.5.=_jv\i:hicWl1_*vcr{2azz'm thus.ifol1owccl1A. % *~ % ~ f.§i¢1%£:S,of1iigh&TrveaTdfi~.ian‘d§ mihcr M»i1"d. c:m§anioAuyr;s 2, wicl1'outcany prmsnce o-1* »‘111gg1ow‘," éir calm: =‘”<;T>f » ifggain&‘:»hAe4Loxd 1£7£2ia:£2a[té}2;,«»fvTIil‘P§w,§E’9§bn;”Hampa'e;7, Defizifl Hallév," Sir ;4:«zém-V5114/zerzfgé’, VV2(5[i4m]~St?9d¢' %,‘ b€iI1%g an ‘Membcrsofthc Houf:vo£Co»mmons. ” A V Q. 1. T/2»-ztbbcyu»/m'v¢%zr¢yLeraufly éndcavxpug-ed‘ ’ro"V;{'nbvcrt tIie"ft1nd3mCi1t3_.H‘La\vS- arm! ‘§{;Goycrn1n%enn’Vof,1:his~% Kingdom,e;dnd dcpxfie nhei King ofhis‘1eg2rI‘l‘”power,A andto pings «ma Sufijeéfi, a'I1arbit1':4.ryv:=,n.~d t%y1-anxuigall power.) ~ - % V , AA 4 % ._z. T/Vmr theyhavevendcavoux-’ed:by'1nany foul Aafperfions ,‘ upon his 1\1;>..j%béd%i%cnce~to /7%? ~Maje_fiz'e.s' commzznd, and to fidc‘wirI1:h_em in their’t§1‘ay1:EmuS’d4cfign; ’ ‘ “ - ‘ 5 4.1”/mt they hayc traytcroufly‘ invited and incouraied ;:x£1I{“c:>j%:1'::zi~_;~;21? %%Powc1“,V Ito v. ibis MajefiziesKiugdomt:of“EiwI:uid.% A V M4 -W ~ V ~ s. fl fmt they have 1:1‘:1yt€roI'1fiy cndcaveured to fubvert the very rights and. beings df « L -A 6,,T/mt: for the complcating of, their trayteroxzs defigne»s,;t%13cy havc'enfl¢avoured aé fair .*.aS’ir1c th€;m1ay ,by1fb%rcc andrerrour;j'tc:xcovm’pcHwe Rifiizimenfi‘ raj f%oyz:»-Aivitb'-:fhe11i"§fi ¥1;lg.€i-r traytc::ous~.%dcfigns, ‘:a:1:1.uo that end; lia#;e.¢o‘fimI1j32mffie'd3 »a11d%cb1mi:enéi1iccd%3 tuznuhw .5a83inflt1),¢ I§';i1“§and%-“1:f%.r1'iart1"?nr; " V ‘» . 7, Tim: they have trayteg-oufly‘V"confpitedto Ievyfinci v3&I.l"f_lUy h%.*;%ve~ levied m”mi;- ~ gainfizthcwfiing, ‘ “ % . % V “ ' V ' % V‘ §7Z 'U:’£' .AI‘).‘LL‘%lM % I .Bj¢v¢&éti:eL4oif?r?‘:q¢Yii§h Q;-d;a:5i«my F5ehma£~.éLfe_1¥* _ie3r"é7rnt#t?0;t‘l§é€7I?'t§;i1am;; ~¢5s:¢g¢%*¢-gg¢¢4% ‘ :?c$.r‘cf‘z'x*x“Vcnti{m1c‘.d ;lI}f:l~e.n;qu‘c:11Lt2s% ‘,7 as? iiHd%‘*‘ tt;?«‘"tl1‘»»:+.?A ’4f~e>¥‘1‘i:%’éx{i-d€4T6»z£7rg_,*»* ~2£f'i"«.i‘ ,m .‘ W am; ‘and 'xi*rc»faCid *Ht22r3c.Ta:zzng to ‘b¢'vb0-:€o1~e?\§I1;is_ Coda,m§er&e ht _€_%,~“~2z’ffl3£éI2}1a'i';"$‘%‘::rp é§1iu A ¢£:a:‘}«"1zex%‘,. %;t§3§gi»vc in zmcl tefiifigfi: théir»jknQwlqdg‘e;, “;oL1c1;ing?“;Mr.~~Bvawm‘JEiir°*i»'z1zer.¢§1*5' in m»hC~fé.i'c’:'%Ix'o:i-wmits :md;'C011ycry.<“ % M V % 4 W ‘ 7...; ** % % " " ‘ F"; V H , n H bAri%z§§"}:4**{2<}*hi‘Ef:?% V ’17c¥%z4t.7§~gg; $321-d”j;fi«a‘dg1,*w:g1§t:&§IL'd‘{’n‘£*‘ f‘d?1;'i1c 4:ifdr3é*f9£id¥%=brci1~é§: cdéfibfi as jG*”i'f6fi%‘g{£§ %%bc*£¢1-e .Si“i’}i' ‘H?-:£?*1 £%i*f;z_.}¥I'-!lV”r:~;'* ;zm‘§l:y.01_11‘;: i31icf_Com‘1ni:t:c€'7@f Sr.:"%c1i.ie'ff¥;?Lz;i3o‘i1LS%,'k ittitd?‘ '(iiIIn03:IiA‘%I %'I'%Vpti'nE§:;i1:i'H}',i; ga._v.e% az;%z:e;;;A..kft“:;cco;Izir r,{?E£a9_2jx_2e's% Acolzaw atf‘I#{;z%‘rtc-rr‘I)‘arr2,;‘and*11i§;;I1*or; Mi1i%A%a;'3’¢ % . Forge M H zT5:z:wiu}{- and %%i{f’i¢~to?2,% 'uRo1}"wl1=i«ih 'th'e fé>r¢fai%dAV'8tew;uds7jW érg<:~j 4‘c§$t*a£V‘rziim:%dV wfiat they :_Mc%on<:»:-W 555.1 $_«;r1:a&m~ int-me? % in_ thcgr %é1';%it§' anii‘Prof;?Mi}¥%d*B%é"wo1r;[h and: after they E‘m.::é. g~i3ven’%%‘«*i.:n*tixeiv-f?i7‘cii*di%é‘e~-ézaii ”%5pi{i4i3?5ij1§~3%_th@'§.iid:;Cozfifzqfitéé 3 4°c31;i'%?;?7;&rI§tthé:'ny g®mLMiiii'x;j§g,j-€*h¢':‘faiidfB0w'€$_% ‘hi‘s;F'3i1f1§~e%1?éf»‘;.':r65‘Si1“‘P¥rt"75iif"£“]1‘é‘;‘§g§“_"f9: - ’ %:4*g>;>.‘—-1E§ ipre{'t:x1ic-”=~n1_%'<;>:*x§:y.5: :‘.tpc>.n~hiIsg i‘ngatgdii%1£:1at‘té;i»; «'p‘"&y it % znctat-Ebi1‘:i’ch;, §(wh1c'1‘1 %_ % wiii1i'I1’tl18"‘c‘01*x‘k}1:§flE3 of a’b‘bu%t%‘a;1no"nctb ia;fr'c1j;'a$ ~psi:‘_t of$i=fiy 3;=o"ooA. 1°. zind %1%aii'o i-c'c‘%eivccf ‘ the I'1Vi11tht‘: C%ou;;m-cy‘ c_>f‘the‘rc«{'pé6i:ive“'17cnams 4~8cc.%6Ethe-"fo1~efaid rm.» Gt11:1emc”n*, be - "swim Ice». a11d;2pc&.I~; feady n1:oney ,‘ all wlzicfh-:1 ce‘rL«i‘fit:%d yfo:.1.t' 1Comni~i:.tcc O? a%t‘D'.u'-‘ hamyzmid by their Ifpcxziall pr_“If/zzszb” ’Gf1.‘pin €’£::r.' E;c;'pcr_ Czulabmr Hawdovz Auditor, fo that now I 11-avé ‘Fromm flap %o”fiép;.V?f‘11i:w<2ci‘ you my x.-fight» and title to my;-000-.1. winch xsnot abwooue or grgtuicy g;jvcn.{ne, (:;.s,:fom‘e rpm ima-A--. a’“;«¥~¥hQa;.B%*ii+3m?$$%h~fit A1%T1t1%;P?;V;A='~I1;¥?3a mam A;¢F£f9%*€€1§~%1l hgakls i3’«;1t%‘i“7;r§r*s1cin*.§=2*i1t§¥ ifldgfik -A ;j=._<’:i1t"sJi%j%zz;?l"2‘?:2a£l}‘~.~‘ zvezz 9é2e?"fdz;"dhé:»z4g¢: .1 z‘%7¢g'£5£4g.<7{_y, gfiagzvcg rm}: and - bwm:¥c<,.‘b'§z‘ i1‘1c*;'g$l*1‘-$1.11?! cfiawccs nji”ad6émd:»g‘iRtc11*'%&‘g€1ii1i%"“ii'i”cgMx%:hicfi“i#?"'a1*Hatrrti1r;7¢x‘y«jmlg - mc11t; .Fa.x;;j;1 .gl¢.:1'ea §;;of%4jz1i.§;1¢. fljzwbi /Zgme % em ‘x;:¢T_g,}!f2_“«£ }~‘c“ag 2~<;‘<.,2j?az*z2z*ljzT z‘zg5.kbcfa~;;,c* my n?czrr.s' zz§*%§*§s‘V berwifcc ‘Mac Kzng and P5a¢z;w.li;zz7g;'7zA,t_,%%gfitlwf§;¢a§r _,42z§§1»:4&._., ywrs j§;gzz;{§;§z,g , wjbilc -A the Lord: amt Common: wcrc.z~frt*'e,;7'éflf.§a1*:Aci% mz qgucjfiu7m£>Z2s“‘P)zrlizz";7zczzr;i7i ‘"1/2«*:““‘ ?k7’n~z2zz'-, .mou.v opiniorz of all 2/.ve_Pczr1z}zmcnvz¢er.x' iv; Ezz._glaz72_d,,92:l;‘¢;§r.s' of " _y decree: mzd .;Tg;dge~ " “ m¢-?zr5’.rz1ad~rlyrm’o*a'“I2_;I?rf7§vz£vtigW1.'Aqf‘3«1:b‘e ’1b’}“"3*"%;j-Wai _”z;"j3é;2r§3f’fi:i'7zzfilEigg--gj wifiléf ,1 E~m'z£;{ewwer»e a;o:nAmaIgly:abgc%éi*z§ezd&2s2n.d+%&nWci4 f6f»'_1z’f¢4gz2zfc3§?c?'i£§ %%‘3=i7z;ar£ir“(§-c';i ,’ zzml‘ %u2mz.t»fif}f?.~t*““: ‘Parliamzcrzt 5 and the very lzxfl-%pa1I}ng c5ffjri=1f;?‘;0c%.“j,aofcV0f 1ggI;.iAqb’&. ., wig 2w M am: of tin: $14 :1:g1_;¢fa' 5 -%1=ah*n .faIz*§1_t:';'fi:Jf'V3fil1of?“*:fifi$’ \A’4V‘_fE-3"‘1",7A«”,°”6,_“’f . ééfivc i:1%:pn1tting‘m’t imtq?-a’~~qi1?iet,«’~w ‘1;‘%’:‘£7i*1d L~‘g’a’ ‘g0"*‘_2j‘_f[c’ .12 %‘urx;c[I %49;%'.'z_/‘zV,t.2'*tzV¢-V . :f¢_fl7g§311 ( for foit was .c_mim:nt_1y L1po nfiis:qwz1 pri11_c*"iJ 'jl éfi", *?I'”‘}7c%_ Itj7z;’.icz‘7‘72-16"’-‘I’F5115 pies ),*‘of.rxiy~,I.m1gifhsugl/::d#to‘r,,and:dc::n"b0i1g~tirT~x*igh‘f, yL1.‘E?’t‘l’T”I2'-€J‘“”0f’£'}l;7’tI' ;‘n°=::.j2£cA«o_f.E 1«ag%..-_M. mm xagbiciadin :fie1ffrzfi?~e[i,§}c of Gpd or nmn, 2 "_l._z_7'zdti;l re=ui;;.;§¢.1‘,,1 V5v7«., \ as«;rme-at ‘ici? “csg:~1.‘*?1*ig- um-6; “as 4".it?hcrhe~or ydu *'*~’2zrzz:.‘, ‘Mr. _ % ,1.1-1.t."-ma »_1V;x::_% ¢zifgz:—— ;i&b2;va::,»% :Ui:.c'(rC1' had » ,4 Ym airiy »cId:aeg:1i1‘§“‘«ybifi_ivd14é‘3 ‘4"i?fi;"’§rc¢;3%t’r“%_ “:»73z‘c’zz”t%3‘ 2'7: /iri .s;_ in tf¢§’%%13%;:::a'i;,w’,_ QEL! 2,: 3f I*.‘br'<:i’s7 di{“E<§Iu’5ti%t51a, £514 th?C”§§.5.I'1gS?b€h€§£1d4if91gf,: Wjhofér de‘3;t11fi;x;f ;f.;w % ljpltt 23.; L —1i~nes‘,::rmdlArhmfc£0i%cA. ii ima‘y‘%wéH &,:§E1‘%iz7é:'h~évf”c5§:i *Hi11*i'§ ‘j "75 9¢VO1"‘V“t 'I",(»)""£:','[r:1‘rf_VI.d““ ' in fie:zlz'ng my geozls or. movzey; from rgzp bj/will, and *~J*pv‘::'7rc£.s*p€‘r‘2*ai221z;m.p..xg,3.56 9,7!-a._ his own and the late Pmliamenrs principles, trexz/072 zzfclf, 1n‘dxf;>ofic{Iiz,:1xgw%‘mc' sf x1%1y1c/i1*.izea7td' ~.caz::empt of Lgiim aE1;gy%Lz2zdi,m1;d ‘ma/f t’:;4}_ter0z4jZy»yir2i fidz :;erj£o;z;+tf2‘c;5-ea Imz/Jiexér- ,.;ifI¢dia2z.yarbi;274qf_y :z;zz_d zy razzzgiazél pa 1gc'e%ihA 0'IJl'3'7"gL’l‘7Idi£Zb0’L3y€’--$173.:-I.dwyifl his taking it away , srforl w'hich,feio;1iou3 anc1_tray;:c;rious Aiiéitiony' ofhisyby Gods vaflifiance I‘vtfi1_1» ¥fl:ick”-is clofe to him, agyeyczf did'tQ‘_‘Vh1-.‘$ b1ck,,j‘or as city I didito the Biiizdpi of{/”"a:1zrerb1¢r,v,xvho "”fo:llff:fICé Yii1laIgiéAS_VfhC11_h_iS, i his hnciad as ‘a Traytog: upcm‘ 'I"ow’er Iflill. -4 A‘ V‘ ,; V i Sir,” thcyi1aie‘Ki1;g'”ifh;itih.;lp&,his h¢;ad:by}5i1‘/*2/1->*rZ7z4_r and bits‘ djf0fl‘i&I8I far zjymmty, in; zaadyaiicikngi i3isyw'i.11 abdvc the Law (inf y y ‘you may read pag. 5.7. 58. And yet iam fuxfe he formerly, and tbx: anything I groixnglcdly k1‘;OW-.tQ;th€ contrary) glegzilly im cachcdr ~ Hiaflcrig 9 _/.1z'gI2_ Ifreafmt, and ye: never PL‘C£CI'1dGd any right to ya pemgy ofhis ci m: be- effcnc Ccljilfitftiflil,bt.1tjH:{fl§3fig _noryaxiyyyiibpciy-.¢1[};:;ggeivc1'ilaid my crime in the world tp my y “charge, tithe: o‘£;rcaf:m pa.x;cici11::.1'Iy,;oxjiof .Ee«1_oxi1y-,,y or «H I?r'1i{'d.cxnc:anduyx;y._, or any .t=:hi11g éifiz, and yet hathfcized L1P‘Ofl,.I11y’“Qfl&t€,.Wi£hOt1t3;1y_p1‘CtCI1*C€LO*i! —fl1adow.,'£or‘ acoylout of y i And thatitbeKingy.imp¢achc:d him,» you may rcadwin xi.-part~Pa~r1iamcnt.'book~D§:c1a. yvijrkzg. 34.35%, jvvhich wrlmém thus followcch. . i i 7 ~ fiiticilics é}fhighT~rcafon;an-diother Mifdcim'canquiTs A again thcyfy Lord 1iTz'22iéalto2¢i, Py«i(2:,¢?7Qb2iz Hqmpden, Dmzill l=r1'1d~Ez3' ,~= Sir Art/mr~H.s:flerig~.,i and W3ll2;z;9giyySt_radc , being at! H Members ofthc Houféof ”Co'mmons.., M 1. Thin they bwc tmyteraufiy encicavbureditq fubvertithey fimadyaymcntaily Laws and --Government‘dyficixisfliifiixigdomcgkind deprive the King» of his lcgall p’o.wcr_, zmdto place on Siubjeéfx, a11,;.afbi:rary :1n£ii.ty1janx:i§:a1l\powcr. : i ~ ; A» y ‘ 72..Tb:zt it?‘/Jejahave cncicavouifed by many foul afperfionsw, upon his Majfifly 47161 711'‘: ‘ I/.7671. y W i _A V gaix1fi4tfi_<§Kix;g.y y «“G’overnmc2zit,itoi“a1iycna.te the affcfiions of his people, and to make his 'Maj<.-fly odious zq V _ ‘ g;Tb":zt t/2cyj,havc.endeavoui*cdxo dnraiw Ifsis ,1‘/m1ajefiicsIatciiArmyiito difObCdit'.”11CC tobis .M4jefiieJ* commarzd, and so fidc withrhcm in their triay.:croius dcfign. V y A : M 4. Tbaztytbey hyasne tfraytcrou i y invited andincouriaged ay Eornaigxx --Powcriiiii, M irwadc his Mgjcfiics-7KingdomeofE11gIax;d._j 4 i ii i y T i M ” V « V ’_ y ‘ i 5. ‘I bat the} have crayccroufly ende;1veuricd.yto fubveijr thc«~vcr»y rights and -beings -0&7 ""T4rlz‘amcr:r.~ , A, ‘ 7 A jy i . ~y 111. i y i ‘ ; ES. T/mrfar “the iyccbmpleating pf gheir xryaygeroius defignes, they have Cfldflilyfluffidi as fat ias'yin_ it-hem lay , by fotccaynd‘ :c”1‘ro:gi',‘i;n icompcll cih¢‘j1’aynIiyamyent-«to iioyzz icaigitb them yin; i thfi" *‘V3Yt‘3,_f°”5‘ Héiignii “‘1.‘“.‘?i‘h1ii¢Tid$ have "*§fl?‘.41l.¥ Mi,/~53‘lt>15:;i:=l114:¢i co.un:cxié.11r:edi ii§cum.uIitBi ':g.ga_i;;Pc the King and 1:’-‘i1yrIian1c;m. P V M 7 ‘A ‘ y _ V y V V y Eng1ax1'd,as_in his izn.peachm.¢ntg.~ prir1t?cd‘=ati they lafl: M ‘ »,end“ofm Iacerylm Eachmcllt of Cromwell. A7. T794? W16! 119~‘v’$‘-Tt1‘3fytc,§¢xyi.3?1y» ganfpircdtb iiaind fiévéi licviediiwrr" . And . u.‘ ‘C ,..“,‘ , ._. ,, ,_. .--n ' I ~ -- ... .~_ 3 y s‘ - .3--a-w-pr -w :45‘; ‘M v-‘Vb A ,. “And c1aerc£or£tI:e.pr¢miH'csduIyconfiScrc:!,H4fl-fig hath dea1c.‘om0f¢?Uf?1lIm%ya mark ?‘»iI1cgall_y and mm: unrighteoufly with on: , than ever the King odcalt with hinia 0roohois% Aflociatesg and “ther”cfore%ms a Tyrant and 3.. Traigour he ought to (Tie tjhcrefo-rc upon hi“: mm prafiifedoand déclarpd principles. But rn,or¢ovcr., although ‘the Kingrfotmally and «for any tHing_I know to dim contrary, Parliamcntarily impeached him ‘as a. A b ‘ yet for all v;hac%sn¢v"¢,r%foi1ght.for or cEallcngcd‘an-y of his money, Lands, o-r"G oodsg umi-If! ‘ 1 he wore ‘~I.ega1IIy jcoixviftcd": and yet. by the Parfiammf it félf it‘ was lyuookcd upon‘ for fuchl » violation ofphc -La.gw‘ _( becaofc it was not as they pretended format! in “c \%cry“pun';&iIio -oaccordoing t0.th€5L_a'I:{) aroccafioned .-the bigbeff Ylotclarationsoagainfi the «£{_z':¢g that their pm: - could invmt , with aggmvatioxm upon-aggravation, a ‘ who Ki.ng'himfo1fcou1d fervodnetir mm (Ef§C;iuUfiI'.3tiCn of which -you may no:abIy”a.ncI;_ -fuffy read in the 2, -Edition of my book of tI:i(:-3 of} um: 164.9 p:Lg.1 2413. I4. ;!*5%- 18; :9; 2.0. 2.1- ‘ till they had made: itthco EM? dcélaxcd occafion to Akincilo chcfl:-mncs ofall this‘ ‘%'”l'a.cc ci'ght.yecrs.c:ruclI wants. in England : ycazand’ fog; it , and fuck; "like" as it 5. at t:hc'con~ -.c;I'uI'ion they took offihoc Kings head as an Tycanto, “ for that he-had In his wmabovc the “law byg-:bi'ch he ought tomhavt: governed, as appeérs in the firfl Article of ‘his‘im;3oat’ir-‘V merit , Therefore let Hajlerig look to bimfclf sfm,‘ I do‘b.lceve if he or his3BIood'iBir'i;¥g%o €g.H'oci.1tcso.flqould murder me,‘ yet‘: ‘God our oi my zvflxes , would raife up {'ome_‘vigoro_ufI§r ‘to czack-a»vou1° to bring‘ his nook tO‘t‘h~€: gaillows, or his h<:a‘d to the *:>‘I‘o<;k fojrhis 'I"‘yr:-umitis” “r:xitour,, anew!--A nd no pcrfonall téczmtatation Vftomf o -{Ludo Arbitrary dca1io.ng$with me, and for my part to long is I have bro :th (‘by the gracZi-- % V V ous afliflzance of‘GodP 1_fi1aH1‘10t‘b9.I:€ him an ace althollgh I pc:riIh~Tin the profccurjom off him, let him and al his afocizuzcs doth: worft they daze or can. V f ‘ M 'AndothcrcfooreoSi1:, I mdfl earneflly beg ofyou, ‘to intrezt m*y"Fathcr“'too piuck “up to muchAcouragc,o as truly and exaéfly to Rate the prefent?cond”ition oF“m.y bu.-3 ‘«-fiino-{Te wirhoo I—Iajlerz'g, o,_a~od‘%f:nd me: an cxzél. Narrativeof it from the beginningoo‘f Hw_/lerz'g:" mcdli-rag witboiz: : and 211170 I int:-eat you your ‘felf, to Ccfitifia me (if you data) «under your hand, the manner and particu1ars‘0f~all‘¢hi§ arbitrary éealings with your fjparticular fiaifi and your..VCommitcees «Sac. A ” " And wlmlaer that he himfclf were not the mbfoluiciando finglc Infirumontfihat caufcd ‘ you and my Father for your publoike and k.now41= good avfl‘c&‘ion .to the Commom-,‘ "'”wea1rh and nothing elfe,-to'Lbvc:~.r~urncc1 out ofthc: Commiflionof the‘Peaco, (9%-c.And. ‘whom he had-fo done, wht=:thc‘r'he alone by his meet Will and -Iv’z2c1'oga:ivc did not, ‘name Maflcr Henry Draper,-md czmfcd him tofbc mad-e ajuitice of the "Peace, (ye. ‘although 2191 am .<:rcdib1.ymcl ca-rt:uIn'1yin‘forxr;1ed, he: was anotabloe §C~:a.va1ier,o1:do— had “‘a Commiflion from the i’.E:u‘1e of N-cwcaitlc, Wand -not three monr'bs;befo1*o VHAH-‘ ‘SLERTGS making hioma]u»flice of-Peace, l1c‘had‘~paid‘pa.rt ofhis ‘Compofitibon ta 'HAS.LEoRI.GS%& owm ’I1'tiCu*1;u'h1rnd“sothis Troafuu-er~by‘his ox~:dcrand»appoimx11ent ? * «And whcducr kc di. not a.1”foo'1atc'iry'nome,andshyshis Propdgaxivcoswoiol-1' pejut in; Sir Richard‘ Bella: for another L1Pcicc_of+P§:ace'foroyour Couni-y, who to my own knowledge was zibout my 13.1’: being in your ~-County found and roved a ‘D<31i11qtr8£1f'*5,~o S1}: Arribur hAim~"-. .{el;fo' bein V onoof hisocl-wi€:"ft:& .Px:oIkc:uto1*»s:_.,.;- an o flan-sis feqgméfiredoaso Dali-n<,1.Lm1t 9:1» i valoier: co rhiodxy >9 ; x%'£ndo.whother he:cii'd‘noc5‘1m:cIy fomcrto Sn: Gm-go ,Vane,o who you mayo :1; ~_ .rh;o.r Committoecosbetwixuoyouzuxd fiabnooflloflbn, andihifi‘ »Covalicr 4b1:oz£;16:1r_ii~I1 Lam, CW9,-«Jm... A ‘5'£'ddf9r!b,oW»hC"‘1’6 Sir rtrtburr (ax: Weffimi fiero*oixxo"%Febr..r-19.39:)fixrcoChaairmzm; Pr; oot-Foncd Abe‘ o -fore Six“ AVortbflr:= face, and tfl-I;tho Lfofi of his;-ofc:l1oo'w:Membc1?o"m:lll *Franci5«.Wren :who be him; Felf knyovgesgfwzas-rrgofl:bafély; and ylilldlyv, in the head of his Regiment in .§‘co!l4nd,cafl1ic‘~+— 1f:ccl,l By his frier;d_ Crorfzwayllffor a defperate pltmdei-er 8:7. ‘And '3lltl-)'7S“ll1flC hash done as co in: <;lc:ielyl_i1ppe‘:5u-s , that be may rule'en§I:goz;_ern yamby bi; willand 'p:'eafi4re , anid Imve mine ma fiower IE1! fbrzlldaretacanrrouylIbi‘ml,yar: r,a~~'zell tale; of him :—'of which rather then he will faillel, he: w»ill_ag_1lnll; his“ own: declared‘ ‘Principles .," and the “0l'dinanccs_ uéfi Lords and C‘em'mon‘s', yea the acts of thelprefentljusxfio make ufc of the l zjotxhlefizC:ival”icrs’a1ncingfl‘"yeah to be your principall goyvei'"nours,and more efpeciall‘ Khlcrs and ye: lately would 'ba*ueiba71g»ed‘7n€ for 534! appearing carrefiwnding wiltfitbe ‘Princes Agents, o_fyn2I;1’cIJbé::xva:]?2l(éa!ous to take away my life fly!’ the: rather than be wouldfail _., be (ere. dttempted to M be amsl hire‘ fZ:z'lfE witneflé to [wear againfif me : declaring bare ca:-reffmndenc} with‘ the Prince bis Agent: ‘to be crime enough to rely away my life, , as is truly notedcand declared be.- fore gag, 7. 8: .9; I0. ‘ O"lb1-ave Arthur 5 whom for his bafé and v«illanoué: wicked deal.;’~ ingls with Ame Sac. Iliople not oncl-y to {care but alfo really to fcourge , and“ thereby put him into a greater fright, than he was ‘in when the Bu-le of Stamfiard (1 leller man them ' ‘A 1"zimfelF)ca.,med him as he was, going to his‘ houfc nigh I fl1'ngtoln«,- although he had his y l fifdrd by his fidescsf whiclm fcwdays after like a poor cowardly School boy, with little bet» ter than his fingervin his eye , he complained of to his Mlefiersor “Afiociaces in the Houfe o_fCommons. - y l. .l . V“ ~ . l ‘ e V _, And as fbri your defire in youreletccr , fog mesa fewgdaycs to come down: ,. to look after my ownclbufiméflc my felfe. :l.-I cannocbm: return youthis anfwcr. Firfi , If I would I‘ winner, F0r~I amnox: abfolunely at liberty as yomufuppofe , oncly 14 have libcrtv upon the‘ ail;-ytimc to go fee my diflreffeld wife andfamily , which I procured not upbn a petition: tdche-houfe ‘ (as their Friday Newes-manger Henry I’VdU{€?‘ll:l13t lying and bafe fellow‘ With other falthoods about melmh lately printed)‘ but upon a l'ctte::~ the Copy of whiclr cthlzs followech. V _ V I l yllfor my .ybonour'eal“dnd72oble f/iend:,rl;e'Lerd Grey ef Gi'o.5y,, Colonel Henry M‘artimy. l A £301. Francis Ruffell, Capt. Fry‘ or any 0fI‘1J€m=I/Je/I? prefisnt. ‘ V W “My-Lord'and ‘Geritlemen, ' - “ 1 f “ A l V ~ ' “ *-* -= Gre;1tertri7all‘tl_1en ever I‘hnd~upon me irrmy life, force: and compel]: mcelto heel ‘ ti-qublclbmc unto you, or clfel fhoulcl not have pre_{'umcd to have put you upon, h ‘To linweléomefilan iixjnpleymene as to make :1 puhlike Motion for a mam{'oe_cle{ icable arid ‘-obnbxious-to th'Bl'€yeS:1’of3tl'f1C great» mensin prefent p0WCr'a3-~IVam"51l)L1t ncce any hath pd» A‘ IJaW.land~t,herefore“Iélxizufimcqugzint lyo'u,"'tha:e-‘the cove»-ruling clifyofingalhazud of mm» ‘L ~~thz;t£{1riuhout~vrh«;;)f't:"over-1'uling~previdcnce, the meanel} hair 6 my head {hall not. A“ 'falI'”to the.grou_n3)"h'ath fo pleafed to lay his vifiting hand. upon my eldcfli {on -“by a. fwiolentfickncscfonayxhieg, weel:s,:+.nd my {elfe bei;ng—verydca;.tothel.ppor boy ceéfiliy 7*"-M “"“"',V'j""“" "" ~- ° " ” " W H I ‘ to you all f'ou.r_, craving yam: pardon for my troubling V .»-ma ~ ‘fitmtallrylini his fieknesfittp thelestefietiingy fgeqdifigl‘ ‘VSEIE HIS FATHER OR; “ ‘apron Saturdaylwas fevtcnnight,’ my c_11ilclbeing.ve1jy_illallnight, crying {' cores and 1' ome “ " 4‘ htmdteds of times for his Father to come to him; the “knowledge of which in the mot- ”“‘fii‘lIg' very much gier«cedtyhey_l3oywe1:yof his_tenc-ler y1,nothe_r,, and” E uppofing thrttif Icould ‘loflomc ef his eittremitie efpalnlgu-po:1tiLbtds day after-in tl1;~rtbdu"ry Tb: ED~‘lTC:)”"PRIl~SOlN ”TO””HIM, and '" ‘ text than half at 'dzflt=mperec! randztion, the "pulled away to Mr. Hqllmzd to Sbmmezfrt boufeg. V’ ‘and with tearcsbegged him to get me-_..,cwo or three daieslibekrty ttpbn my Patoll to ‘ ‘come 311d fee him, 2 k11bw’i‘n‘gj‘he‘ hatll'iF'h‘eplcafed power enouglt to get it done, and ‘ have {met again and again fear to ,hinfr,but allin vain_._:, , f1"r'uly..GentlemenI. have of- ‘etch-m'ufedlup”on that faying ofthe Spirit of God, Prov. 12. Io.yTbat the . tender ,merc;Eesy_ ‘0ft}J5,1$liCk€61ldr‘E crurllzygrbtut that the tender mercies ofménprofefling Gioydyl,go"dlincflfc: ‘ "and a rpublike"Rclormration 'ojftyran11y and cruel: ,‘{houlclb_e fo full of B;1rbat*i_fiIie, I ORI THEIR ‘ INDIGNATL f O N A GA I_ N S T” M E ,’ H I 3 1+‘ At TH E gt, is that that confounds ‘mtg, = ‘as to TORMENT "I‘HB“- POOR CHILD, ‘triad ama'z;ct'hme,“anrd1nVstl«:é'§ld‘e."th mcit'e'deiiral91.¢lto,r’nle( fully kno,wix.1_or in whom I dozté ‘beleeve ) ‘ygwthezt to nlivefi hinder such mensy Gqverztmextt. "_'to'rr1en,in my cafe,'as Icould inilance ‘; and allmy to1'ments.f11if'eted'by th,err: Ican V y y I Sure I ‘am. the BISHOPS "*,in the days of the highefl: of Laudx"T,y1'a11ny, ‘had more bowelscaif conipaflion in them ' "never cqutillto this. But how-evcr,.I muii be patie11t,~al‘thot1gh my poor Bizbc hath V " lain in the height yoftormcnt till this afternoon, with H 1 s A B s 5 NT" IF .A‘I'lH/.E R] "CON'rtNu/U-LY IN HIS MOltTI-I, folongas Itehadflrengtlttb fpeakofntcts. All " wlhoi'efor1'owsiat1d mifcries, with both my other childrcns falling fick upon St1nda,y;l;2lt',. fucks its mothers brefts) ,.h.tth ft) over-_ "whelmed her fpirits, that yefier-might it brought her clofe to deathsiclolor 5 'Of ’which,' 7'.,,tvhen I Llnderifood to day, I polled away to». you four, to BE. G AN 1) B; s an cu Y0u_,, "ofthe.li'maIl~I’-ocksl (the yottngeibof which "y or any one of you, at this great i’c'r:1it,‘ to rnake a Motion openly in yottr Houfe, for :3.‘ "litt_lelibetty for me to go fee my diftreiied Wife and Children. I CONE-ES 313., "I ’SHo>u-’I.n Nor Have Pu'r- You To SUCH A TRohB'LE Foiz.-*Tm; SA- vmo OF MY OVVN PARTICLILAR Lita; "ButyourI-Ioufe being rifen, the "”mefl'er%er brings me tidings of the death of myjpoor babe, and the excecdinoillnefl}: I clefire to Ice me iniher great difitelfe. ThC1CfOr€.I~‘ ‘ of’-7my K.’ ife, audlher exceedin e'eatnefl:~ly bc_f'cech you; :ts.‘boweE9 of men dwelllwithin you, to make an efllefcttalllandll :i'peedy_ Mot_1o_n1-n yo_ur open I-Ioufc,for a few daycs liberty for me to go fee my dill:-cl’-~ '3 1' ed Wife, giving l'at1sfatStory Securityto the Lieutenant of the Tcwerfor my faithfull I“ return at the hour appointed. Make your .own terms as firm: as you pleafe 5 »Fo‘tr.~ Tnotxcu I LIE In A tDyVuNG.EON* Ir:-.F‘3T1~t-:33 Q; 1RoN.*A_T. M1; V‘C0Mu I’-NG BACK, "I69-1'6 110% {O I may but fee her. So, with my reall Service prefented of you for :2. Motion in 1"‘ Houfé, which Lknow cannotbe pyleafitngto y_ou_, AI takeleavc to rcfi, bxrtsg, Wren‘: m ciofi _I’h1prif6nme‘ric‘ in the (wet of London, thig .17 of July, 164955 Rim? afl'Z~ fiionate and am; F riemi and Stmmrg A J 0 HIN L1 L3 mm M I ‘Ft: I I yearly .U£°3§+ re:tder;%’fiji‘¢1/o?{f'agaii1 ta ibeflifzan afitée Tourer. j‘!1pom3h;Ae tldivretggt ,d£.wh“i¢.z'“11 Faid 'I.en§Er"£O‘~~COL Henry Mdrtiyi, "Ct-.115 Béhéf t-bt:‘%éévwt[i% is §.i7";£3 «Ii:-“wééa c43,sB%eir1gjou:‘¢£TdAv¢1:)Eel:-mutedz;hisfo}1owing@rdcra; " ‘_ I _ L M gm: %Mc%r¢ur;ii‘18‘.JuIy;»r64,g.f % ” R'dért"d"6'y the Comm%o?2k;afiA"a}zbl2d 1 in Parliament, tbatrfye Liéutendpt oftbe Tower 0fL.ondafi5 ~ % p”e2'fn'z't sLiffi1t. Cgiggf Ac; gqj :.:; “B u R H, to gdou: 9‘f“zh%¢;Towcx:%,% so off; 5;‘; gm’ . and cfeildrckz, Eeing‘ /ink,‘ ‘upqrtf fuck” fécuritj (as {be Lieutenant of'EIée Tawer 'j%a’.ll 3/2inle,fia).§¢ i G B ‘E ,» {P3.1'Ii&1ncnr. I ifiecdfififyg, inn ‘,_ :iI£Ho!:1gh- navcomingy cfown xvbuldwlo fr: me, rinicse as‘ . I ~trViuicI"1—:i£V Hpjkr g_hii:‘h aI’1:cEdq_ly {tired 11961:; -yhct ctxuldf T nonibe f}_‘E¢1f1-}_.11‘1.y'NQ\vn;£Pi1ji[-'(ag3£flft4 %tIie&i&:fire':'§ df w’n‘I4 flét g0 f‘C?r%s%.1_I the world) tvo‘ad'drcfi"€:,my felt to thofc mm far» xlibcrtsyfi cc’: c'<3”r-i“xc».fii'o‘xr}fii ~5l" no, .sici‘r;:-fo as give my‘ cornfcznt that any othcr fl:.:'aI£ do it'- _ for m&; % V ‘But: th‘i'rcfl‘y, ‘IF *1?-«xife‘re.:v’iFafdfi‘.1néEV1’y:it ‘libcrtiy, I fhould I"g,a1":te“’j'etcig.-5:"-it ~éifhcf=wifdom ‘or d‘ifc'rt‘:t_io‘n, té‘ c‘cam_c:“i1iix;11c:'tii:itcl'y under thearmcd power qf a._ man that bath {:5 th=i1’fl¢-d % _ . \ “ af':':ef1' :h“y;bIdo%d', _‘ Ms‘! dealt“ 15‘ fllegalfiyj afl2i‘ba‘r£éaro”ufly Wiib "13 3f*Hafle§ig imb dmze, in the f:z;ce:“ ¢ 0ftHBTtzhrti)”1’1‘g_df frie’nZd’s1..‘; fifrid” Wf_it‘1'}C}(1E all quefifon -he rlxatfats 1l.Qnd‘“0n (where I haw-5 ’ aged lawn! afid fefpcfi p‘x'¢Fézité¢{.t6;ydu1'fclfi, :m.dwm—y.A nr yourfcgond fclf, I h more fijie%nds then Hdflefigliixugféifjz) will nocii%‘icE: to run» the lmzarcis: af gdingfo marxy” ,ix"1dir eé’£ v<‘ra,y’e’§ {:9 vs.r‘o‘rlt, go fame avmy my Innocent lzfé ,, wgll make no bonfi-s3([_1imf€]f W ~ knock my bfiaxns out, .c‘m'.fld mhé;,cnrc«h fI1CI11 the remote clutches Qf his arm . _ . A % ed 1ncrc:.m.:1r. ” ‘owcr at New.cijPcfe, fart off’ from the thz:o ng% ofmy friends. Sowinh my Y true amzd. ebb-‘ % % _ ~"c:m:tiI » com-=“ mic yduf; fo.x7Ci<:>jd, and mi-‘t % A. ?F1'0m Ifiy I!i1p1.?ff°0fln'1€I’it.fi&ri V F % Jbkrfiixhfllland cmfcflianate loving Nephew}, A1.-h“<‘.* Tower ofLoncldr1, ‘ j % . V ‘ ~ zhis 1:8 o“fAug. 1649. fI“Q~,H N‘ 1.1,} u 3_vN§