.... ~f§fi%V.hflf3i11a3£t€Y bz*i:afR<3citi11g fomeRemar1;ab1e PaITagé4s in the Zformfit‘ A % ._;m;p,is gi‘vcm% an A‘cc«mn%: xaf tljmir Sewmi iv1ee£iz1%g%,an%d:Things t%raz‘afa€tet1§;.~.h~.y% rhz:mf = ‘1_mw%t11cV1;’rg€:t¢&0zfm:;u%l1cd)*ca»m‘£; Sw¢aring«*'Ej1,t£m_ L2w'::gG0d,A “and !£iiflo1wd% % ~ A M A ‘ % t11~7n1,~afte:rwo5w* three: Wccksfiitcing, ‘ AA , 4 If % '2‘: " *2 -v ; I? fi NJ’. .‘ V 3' an . “ W. r ‘ at - A % % *Wz‘t'Z2foweQf.wcrz'«r:fizd0'pra}$ofi'dtbermtpw,Tkw % dVV3t1‘1*a11 Acgcounc of %chrea and foity caf theizz Nmm‘.3.whmmr»":% t%z;'i.:§:Lw%$& ,;§?%%31,;F1f1¢t1d4 f0At11fs'= Good Old icaufe; o£3'm#m~e,w%% Rigbramfmaf:,L W ojxvhigh is ad“dc:d %z14Thirwi Narmxzive 1;? A‘AEei%:qg a 323;»-c c§fC§*i:“;§ FW¢€fl%tl1c‘King*%afl&%_ P_€«1rlm’I'.t1cTr:n;;,“.:;; Together wi:h%:hc:: prcfcn:mn;%r:V,ofzimNati®x3$1V%1~=mtcx&f% ,:« MW;;j¢fgV;fi;9fV(3ow;;rn%mcnc. ‘ 4 AA M g A T ....,. AhAW’W#é¢WW4Lvrdrlrawiflavrh r¢p%:Avm4é3Vi&T»ék:"Z¢=l ¢‘«AI”‘Ai*~‘=‘*‘*'°A” .”*f’?»'”Wv~’**;7&Afi*'9*¢'fiwmfwifiNIr1W¢¢fi?v4A!:ixAtL;¢= rfl-W%#,axd‘iii¢AAh# flml-Ma-fit it. i A * A Ilamwfwm tfiwfaali/kTim@wg;7*mz={t. gm /zadmzy I .r«z¢rfé~al,£u:‘i; Im [1 ‘f:?z2W12£!a{r?aé:e2um,éf‘% flwm fuzfg:/v,.»'wl I/96] are Acrizflézrd z7m:h§‘;g;w:%$4L*%% ‘ J, é“ vf1I'f«rtpi94w3ivt¢t%b r%:«:*13a«:»ic;&‘;{af;Iae..;mfi" A 5 % rhn t%V«ti2k:2*AA A mi; “ A A‘ » _ -W-‘W«”fidwv¢fl24i! éwr*o;¢tedwt wflw ‘War#«d¢!e¢:‘vvnai %‘af%Vji‘;;rm;;~;.V%‘ _ A AA VI,“ x>rinmmxarhe mbvearAo£ saws A ta) ourtcous act» J‘ Here: was formcxly a ‘N:z7'mli’vt' ,'hp=uh1hifl‘1€da%%givi11gthee azzyfittcduxtt V of the Cb0a[z‘i2g,hCami7zg rogttbe7'; Seclfldiflg Offarize,“ ahdtsittgmg 0}: the rail of the -late Parliament (fa c:111c:ci;)%:ts alfu of the t:h.%1ng;s thatd;d:u:tcnd them, and thc A615 that wtrc‘\paf3ed'bytlmm .: Thu goodncflt: of which 24515:, with thcir: tcndctncy to Enflav_c__:md Opt preflc the Nation, isfadly experienced (to the Cofi a1‘&dS0lf.1‘OW)- of not a fey/3 Far infta.11cc,{ Firfi, thathwickcd, llnjufc, and Opp1'cfl~1v¢2ffi"'tfor New Eml- diitgt, undcr which many a Soul hath gtoahcd 5 fomc though having in the lafls‘ ' 16 or 18 Years pail“, Vp;11citwic’c the \}':.1u.c of £hC1Nl’HOufi:$il1 Tamas, have there- by been fdrccd, unlcfli: they will bs p1L111d1'<':d or cafi: into I°r'i17..m, to pay a YC.’IlL'S ‘ Iflchtv 1110110 5, in that crmtl pt'oft:ct1tiono£" which ./1155 malty ‘fad Cafes hzm: f"al'1¢p I <;>ttt.ScconcfFy, the Mt for that lxcifé impofing; it for <;:V‘t':x:(W1Eh the Cu/larrm) as t :t{‘t:t11diI1'§;r,1<.cVc‘11uc to the: Crown; aJr1d‘l€!:tingi!: out t(1F3_1'm, to th‘;‘hO1‘12i- blc O prhcflion tab” t}1c:Pt:tapIc, farting up Patcnttps toRu1<: thcmm; ph2afLl.1'C;'. Third y, An A453 {hr at thtcc Years ’I"ax to pay the 'S0U1d1¢1‘3: Whfirtj tht‘ % C3L‘<’:at ones get all, and thc Infcriours vctylittlc, but arc b£:hi1}¢“1 ntguf ia yam’ - v many hf thczritlivinszg o11T3cl;ccs,tVvhiIcfH11¢iI‘%g=L*t:;1tL_c:tgi¢=Ifi$“:;'ifL11‘:H€1intllhtifirGal; h t bk! paid 1: V-1 1;lnt1'y* in Andhas if that watt! I19‘? Cnhorigi 5; :1’ "I"hi‘te M0ht}1csthTh'x to ‘ ‘h hnchhmm-c (for brevity f:11~:::) Ft)z1z°t111y, :11x..4c’«f fora I-Iigh tcozm (fo called) of jmfiice, for the Prcfcwvzttiozi of the 1’t‘r'>.. f I:'£3&O1'ShPCJIfiJ11, as ifthc Law and .‘5()I&[dit‘:'I‘S were not as fuflicittutto prr»c’c-6}; him nohw, as whcnhrr was ‘General, hutfiztnt A7‘!/Zt'r‘m'y and 111c_gazcom~: .n1t1fi: be: cztctétcdim :1 timchof lhvczztccy, to%tttkt:7,:wvz1y tI'tc_Livcs“;iof thch: h }9}_€afui‘C. ”TImtt:is likcwifugin that Na I'.zt7'i2£.'"a Catalo§guht,¢or anficctitirttyof tO1‘xc: h l1Lmd1:edr¢i§r,htt5r%A1ftwO1‘%&5ffit1t1t:?'t§R/iatritbhttstofrhtit uri”~”vvd1ft!1ytAfl.t5tnb1y,’who ;t{vcr1*¢ S<>hs_, VVI1it'h_ Kir1fn1c11,' Servants; and cvthtrwifl": engaged unto, and had” I?1aces‘oFI’t‘0Ht,CDH%j_ :tm<:wt111t.~:. h tctrs, Sallaries, "' and Advaxmtagcs h tthdficrfithtt 1 1°1*otcé°co1‘,“h f(f”c5'c:*’:tIlcc*I)‘ whereby mutt: in the? it doth.appcm.;,t what fine Suclcmts th¢}”:lL"t: of tht: Richct ‘:t‘nt1‘ Iéhztkncflh of’ this xvhtnlc, (‘)I'1'.'.”.'j C<'Ji'm1110n-W£’:alt}1+;5:t«midhow tmltktly t1'1<:yJwt:tc2,‘la<:ix1gf't> ‘l:r.:tcLi”dfb1."f‘1i§sIhnttrcifh. millitm ” and ft: well fizztfontd with 11115: Salt (.‘2f~his t>u1.m, 4; L174.) ttdtb1*i1tg fhttht fi.3z€;L'C€li.”l, % M ,, h “ ‘V .t , tlmufaxtd thrcft hundrcd and fcvbhtctn vfmitnds fixmen flxillhtgs amcl ti‘:-ahtwpttmcc par A12. :tc,c,ert1'ayi11g“ the Tmfi coxrttrlittecl to them bythe People. Pirft , for being {'0 ysnyealtingl, and Cowardly in ,._theit- V Spit-rts , as to fittfizr their Fellow Members to Seeluded from them 5 and; -the Comicil, who had nothing roydowith it , fo to iyntrenehy upon their Ptivi... V ledges,“ as to ‘let none fit butwhom they approved of; Sccokdlyg For being ‘fo ready to comply to Sir, or Adjormz at the Protefirors uleafurc, as if they were his Servants, and not he theirs. Tbirdly _-, That‘ when they few tho V Liberties of the People endeavotxreed to be ‘violated -aftelhhby the Kinglirzgs , " and 2.11%: really givext :mfzayl~ by the hafot-e.—1nentio_r1fledyfifhty three perlbnseglywho petitioned and odviledlyerhe l’:v'0z‘c£f;07' (lb cal.le'tl) to, take the G.7og2¢-szzfient l uPon,hiut,. lgndjtogrsohufowltlor.Sqectfiiéttt theyhdid our Cr}? out , 1’x'0t't=ll- , Dee; l¢1;;;_-he‘ agilinfii, and withdmwj fi'or131lw”'thei11~-3 which ! being rtheyitj. 'duty_t; hey ought -to havg dqnes in doy3ngAwhc;eq£,l:j‘tl1ofe yL1np:t.fallelf’:clVllwickedneflesyyyyywotld of ne... ‘ mffiry have fallen to the grounclt but infiead thereof went on with them, lfiifeliné, their own “C onfcienceys ,. tmcl ,ende:.r_rouriy11g_. tq;.y£1ttysfie yy¢tl_xeir;,9pprefled m“‘jBre".thrt-n”, "by fayyting} ‘He had m“:1;e'fi:z¢ bf »r1{j'ng; as if all the.Eyjllyy5_W Opptfiflioln’ ;1ndNArbitt'arirlt:fl:Celé1yN:i1)"E*h;1t,3l.va{l1€-nllas ”at_t:he“ fa.me,tim;e r , .l*x.e qliatlbi the 'f:1t11hefh,”' and “1'ioIlefl'c: lpotfigrti, then if he had the Title , turd were called K3115 l:Y’ea 5 :ff£ti’e4§'reatetrPower tl:1“'-"n""h"~‘3 COETO‘ fmU~Ch;.B10°dr3fld TI‘¢=1—-vi " r fare, to oppofe int-he‘ rm“ rlfiiazég 5~~a13.d-"Mt}1_‘a'1',; rhéfcr;fly=Ighty ryrmtnctcs rtwbu1dl_ not be ~ Plea fttffitienr r to exclufek hthem.‘ ,~;,!.i1-1 the tdgtyrrofrylthcit;l‘lhqcolmtt fotrrrfiixnilolfnsgi ;Aftei' whachy ,4f0m§<-‘.:ae:1;¢raIrthittziésflvtiflig‘ 131b¢r1)f;;PI0l?°rf‘%‘*»1r‘l“?*‘ 7%? cleft to e rm yfwholeg is A. .. V4 ,» ‘.. V» - -'“ H l“ ..(,,"-,a ". y H ‘t_ “‘ 1% .Now, here thott wilt” fi.odea’rg:_la_tecl,r folftzegy of ,t1~1e::~;yhri1§Jl7tl':1’¢I11atl€ahIe*- P£LH}1r;e§, wltich ucct1'r’d~ "lntheir fctond Scfl1on~3rewitl1rr~thf5;y:ftfldaa =311d1.:* d‘3flbr1til?5‘51‘lrC‘*f **Ehél w1m1cl‘,‘l;;rrer":wro."¢rrhree Weel; 0f';aI:1OH1€1"3 ‘ Ham.» , (ti1oughrNah1ele£lE y¢t;):-COVE!-£1)?‘ eixttexjxcled ]'for~§;a Hm/rift" 9”’ with 4Defmptiohaffortythrec wf them, la} all whzclo thou magic}? 15;,- cable zhfame mmfurc to refalw thy thmghn: comerhlrzg. the change fifth: C;;u{j{;: and Principlesgwhlch thcf'c‘gmzt /I/Ilzflw-sfarmcrl} cmviell qn,m2d rroftfi £0410 fa‘ flzll. A-It it hnotarimfl] lgmmmlhww Am” ah: chiefafhhtlhem h f ammm: faid, It would never bx W :11, naither {lmu d We evcrfczrsz good Dayes, whilefl there was one Lord left; in Englmxd, nor unti.~H you (fpaaking [iv to h£m)my Lord of Jvlmlcloefler be called M1f;Mant.zgue : yet mow flew Lard: /9: maul: 5] th: dozens. TWhm: 5Z)ecl.az7'i:¢‘g,‘ what; =17 fighting hath-therje?h::n_?d»llhow mach hfilzml and ‘Trwzfxrebfpeht agm7n_/5 la Negative Voycc, in the I’:ifig4nd1La7'dJ' P Tet haw, not anal; the Pro... tefkor farfaath, but all his new upfllzrt Lm.'d:,hfm:h M Mr: om’ equals, or it may lzelwlmav tmmufl Lord it over m, with their Nata mr I. .15 hat the Worldgrlowhwmd .? were ‘there war fwch wam'l:r.: lvefart? Ta A fozmy what: after Age: will ‘thih/Q of z=/Mffzmen, who preleml go he hofthe" Sairzzzx nfrhafa times; will never make a perflm mhel.:zm:‘/900! that jhkzll lvrfiéu ~ flaw: in z't.h h Net to trmhle thxcfurthmgyc God more, and [Max lefl}, mad that will {la} and quiet thy Spirit .2“ andfiz} ti: thyfelf as the Pfizlmijldid, (P1Za1.5 2;. $39.) My 10111 mi: than om-tly upon God, for my e‘xpe€’cati-A on isfrom him. A Surgly max: of low degree are vanity, andqmenlotg A high degree are a 1 ye. as" C A Second . zrrmwe 0 the lat: Parliamwdfa callcd)g£ving my Account ofthcir fircomi rfllactiug, and the thing: trwfmfied Ah] zrhgm ; M’ qzfu l their Dz'[almz'm nfiwf may or t/W: A Vwcc/Q'Sz'tti21g.. l With an Acmqélfit ; , 1 afithrta amdfartj oft/Mir N mm: , who in the interval ofthc Adjourn-s A V mm: wtw: mkehimt of that H¢mf:~, and other: thatfatc in thl'hOnh:r Hvfifigfilléfilfiedfor wflwfiwf LW ‘W “Brill”/M: ll (Waller ah Dcfariptlonnfthtm. ‘ v fi‘73 V §lll*hGovéfn¥rhenf,l I Hhmhlc‘ l’Pttz"1%ia:2n22dAg:l~z‘2)'wh,hbéforél ‘éthaelyw §B¥ainll1h*=r¢ €a”¢d !~’*P0W Mi9urhnz»*aHdhr€akl u:P= And’ fd ’‘ [ hi»wh;¢awpati%¢;th_c%n ggmd~ lpxed, th¢yMll¢ftt‘hI1ugsvvcry and i_m¢- * W “%§t¢~fWardsloccafi0nad gma“:;"lCo1-xxzefis, and;1n fi;;'1¢, ‘their A :"~‘ “~ *2, L afterthéuFua1ll‘Sc51cml:niciesl‘ of .ifcp}*athrtothhc 1h‘1~Iou1**¢;l[,h Whherc thc*y;fo’undl fomenfi h loIaMntx3cxifl§m«:d,":;ndl “impnwered by the Wrmefilar, ta opyefwléicfé*athherefo11ovv:;h.! A ll lace Par1i;menc (lo ca11e~.d) having‘ Vht&1“’19L(.'hh§llth<-h:§1‘ new Model! of‘: A lhwwcllllicked’ t‘.‘h5¢:.*“'iML’*l[T“ llofildmahh ‘cailfmélorlgilvgxyhhé lfirm: bf +lé~;rh:c7Aldim1"rnellunrhltfiléy llkfferxitsilé-‘ a;.=;ain,: (6 > The Oath. rm t1MIWfi'F<¢e5 ml 5} wemmearaaa +3W7',’1‘/varré the mo/I of w2%pew:riwJ pzacm wflhtpbald and Amainmim the tme Reformed .Prare_/fimt C brzfléan Rg1jg;,,3, Z}; t';,e;\Pm,__‘ er tbefeaf, an is contained in“ H9: H 4!} Sariptgrex cf:/J: 0ld.»:z}xd ‘NVW 7}§%“m5'”5%>‘?i”d35‘9“"f‘£€ tl3¢fc1)TVf€Ui9fl%$fl?3;d Prafijfar: of the‘ if % cm % fame .- that I ;aéiii,[ra%t%me% dhdfflirbfflllgtfl flag Lard j1?ram5Z"a.r fflmfi.-.% be %% \| W “9?Cvm7i2~an*wmlt/9 affingland, Scotland, andAvIrc1and,y¢m£:b: faithful W , 4 IV Dfmimbm%.and Territories ntberemztqéelangéng, was Cbiéffllagi. . % the Rights. A‘ finite (hereof: Mflfzd flmllmt comriw, dej§gzae,ar4tt¢mpt anjtbzhg A !fc::.ch:;d A 5 and LibC1'- V \gg4z£:éfl ab: Pn?f?2z;;dr Z;-’m2fv;Z;¢t;;;tl9a%rz't} oftlzve Lard Pratefiar ; mgdif 3; ‘h‘‘ A {_f A % flmll mdemwmf 4:.m%cb;4s'_i#m%iA1im 4: 4 flflanzéar ofPézr1z}£im’nt- ,; who Vfécai. A A r/2; Pr:fe.r'ua%t;$%o:z aft/ac ‘R_;gl:»t§', and Liéemcs ; afplag P.-Wig, to bc fa3th- am m the Government in» afinglc Pci-fan, %wI%1ich ourrpo fad e‘3:peric_1“1v£e,r::11s".iJc, fo» naturalmly ‘ finds ta a¢{tmy"“ch%cm P Denot chef: who fo fwcar, undcrtakc tO?UP1101d"'"that‘in. cbe Prm:c&o;- A which cofi £35 Amuchwfilood andTrcafurc to oppofc, as Antiehriftian and Tyrmnitalin r,hcKing 91 % ‘Ox-,1s that ”a—l:W€u»l‘.Authority %which“ctantra1-y to all Pr-cfidcnts and ~P riv‘r1cdges of‘P:rli%amcn: , “sag carried but by three Voices oft-hem that was permitted to fimllcrc bcing‘af~t‘11ie%fa‘xne%t%i'mca=Ac % leafi So. of the Mcmbcr5 Put A vv»1ni;h1ming»;ake1a,.ana c«on‘f1ngihi§o..theVHo{1f¢,;tHc*y*«H;idL¢.%115t%% -.w1-0, ,5”, ¢>ne;1y“‘fome (pf thclr Felioiwf Mc;nbers,: )f)ut_th¢.'i17 old:~Serva11tfand? mher A fClj§:rkf§M%Mr,.;S c¢9%1a%.g<>%ne;a11d'a nevé Vorie: pm:fin*h~i,s :domA;‘%uvi;»;m';;:aa%meA Heart is bicxngd IIIEI ,¢ifl1& ~Li:p% and fiérxiet«hi'It1.g inVway. of %»“"‘>' “"°’°V Comp1“é:hién*r,as 3al:uaof4chLeir“Rights ant!’ privi‘Iedg¢s-,:hey”‘f:a:»V ‘ gem: £3915; ' »gz'c’'ater : H % ciuiétnéfsfgikc Voté: him (Ho put upon-thc:m)Ltcxbc thci1;_CIe‘z'k, g1‘_1:}‘ %_ pg¢f¢;.;_ Amcnfetclccgchemfclves in-a-pofiurc fc$f%'tfi”¢ii%.*fii€u:c”w7ofk;” Andflthc A % afidr&~ undertake, .' is ta=AJAkcma% my 05 d1?m¥€f« im%thVcirdWA%I@v%Fés me “ Damizzi “ Afimzpzt b?:‘flu'_f:"X. - Hi? ”fi¢A¢@'F.3i31}?§I 5‘: .3fl3VY¥th»§f€Aa? PWd5fiC1¢§L &i?1PWi:§'f!g “’ ‘i*¢h - Oz: and ”a1i7A7, e&””:*3gEtTi5ra W33: jitérw. and .117, L cwt.r”7be"ingy a ‘ _ “ M; _ ‘W ‘ .‘ “ ‘ ‘ _‘ , ‘- ' .. “ V “" ‘ M» M» “ ‘. M ~ ‘ x ‘ ‘ ' boz:_hAca;11‘cdf,to Qfficxate; I ' A * A ” ThcfQthV'er"wHoi1fc5 WhQwou 1Ad fiainbavéth7fc .%Hon’ox1;r b75@lI:d% gmdy, ;jc2;i'Mvrd:%her“a Hd(2f:5%LA5rzi:é, A dlikcwi (Kin-%wt'h£:%ir H%e&uC;5 p:ra3f atzaf Eh‘: fa:*r1“V"c‘%‘tiAm7”e; \.*1vit.Ir” A xfifich ADéi:otio’ns] anadid“‘aft¢rsvar%ds A rpm: I?ar1iam:ni:, (Or as rhuy would have fchjem‘agaixaymxfédgfiikevlfibufmV §fC0‘wfi%?-*5) byiWJBardn"H3il.%111dSmijeaintjW£:Edké‘{2¥;“A4wf(aFccrgbgfmalflljlvfir zhemure o£APecrs%%fo:mer1*y)A:odec1are:h‘ear{ Mecrages Wl.é"f Tbmlw‘ 4% In am:-5. bgfe.-af Bards; or the fEa%rd: the eflaeffififfiflfk‘/zadfht Il3to§tIN;W,t0:j : »f[z‘r: r;be?Tir “ jbjning néritla i "tflaéfzn £2214 %P:tit£o‘n%‘4‘af A fl?g‘:Ato mzm. %’W?>“J 0f‘Pr»ve~r“' 42:4 HWwz'1Mtivfimz&h£ §!=”££°i?*te4iTf19*0“£”f’““% A ' ‘ ’ Az!€fw"9!¢Cqm.m#n-mcam V A « .MWWhIEh9 p fcly kepr.ou::t.iH that A6: was pafi? Ought not thin;;no‘bc T % %j% $1131 ?§4~.)Na mm can fmze z7:va7721{ie2':..% firri (73 A WhichMcfl'age‘bcgarlvery high lDebn.te”s, 'andfl1a1‘p Spccchcsfrom A ma11ythat»vcrrA: not at theAAmak1ngtAhis ram; and imperfcéf Modal}; lb i "aslrhe: aforelZ1idMcfli:nAgers»vcre fan: rowan: a IAongti.m<~:; but at length V_' “got this Anlwer-gviza, TIM: t/any would rmma an xinfwcr éj Meflingcrs A vft/Jcfir own. i A The Houfe filling dailyh éndl many bf thofe that hadlheerz fecludcid A in the former Seliion coming in, the Face of things in r:hc,Houl"ewert: A in. a. great meafurcchangccl, another Spirit appearing irzthem than bier-4 t V fore, ? infomuclh, that many made gqucliion of‘thcthi11gs_thar were for* rneriy done; fame lpeakiug-ata high rate in behalf ofthe ‘lfliglocr of I it the Englilh Free People, and againfc‘ the Wrongs audit Injuries that had A Albcen done unto them. This being done day by day, and the Haufi-i not agrceing what :03 callirhalt Otlm;-r’Hat4f&,‘ which »v\z'1sas irlwzzrcm 11amcIe{TeI~nfant, and fain would be: named the Ha&tf:A of iLamlr, yvlas the grcacelipartof: their work, i7;Lv£:*!:hA'.=lt 110w and then, lfolrnaa lmzlrzz Matcersmme under Debate, as the Revivi11gAa11d pcrfeéfing rheifl Cammitccs, and Reading fame farmer Bills. The LordlCm-ma’: Cali: alfo was rgkcn in ,* and thcACounc'il on both parts heard at; the Bar of the: I-Ioulizg. with fomAcorhcr1irrlc:Martérs, lthat paffedll; but the greareli part of rim: rim wasliacnt in the Houllb, (wvhilcli ‘A h i11'Cpnfid¢rin a Wharrhcyllmlouldcall rim“ 1 Towards rheend of their fitting, there: came anorhr.r°MclTage from the; Other Hcmfir, after the fame: manner as before, Defirimg t/aefrjo}/;1~ aving with them, in waving the Proteiior ta Order, t/umber Pal i/ix, and fw:/0194:/Md km in firmer under the lat: King, migbtbr exile the City, xmdput mp la f film Liam afCaAmmtm1Mtitm ,@"c.Thisl Mafia gt: being alibi ldrtfignedl ash fl1%i11g~hi0rn,tq draw carhlzhcir ownirxg ofrhem,rctce:ived 1. 1’iIreiA11l7.re:r as didlthe formur. As‘ for the Orlw Hmf: (who calléd rhcrmfe:}vesl:hAr-. Hamfi» ofliardr) A rhcy {pent their time: illllilttle Matters}, f Fnchas cl1oofirlgofCrrmimic~ r3r.*”crS,‘ imd iamonglothler Athings, to coA11fidcri of the: lPrivilr:'dgAhsl and v] u-K A rhiaifiimofrheir Houlll-h (good w‘lA£r: (mils) bafarlelthey knew whrm:A their Houfe was,orfhould be called. it A «A A it A A About which time allb, a Petition was pmparixig, by Form: faithful lAiFArie11ds tflrtii e"rg;ood Old Cmfi:,ih, and ahmir rhc.lCit:y lofLam1m,»vhich wvzlswafccrward Prtntcd, and figncd with many thoulimci Hzmds : which PetigfioniliimakcsVimrehtion of rhVc"fcv«zr;iI "=I?:1rticuAlalrsl"ilthatwere the: Grourzdlis? o‘ECo1iteli‘lberWernrhr late King, mid Parlliament , rind I:hl':A gocjd People ofthe N;-.;rir:m.iAl11d prayathA,7”7aci‘/Fzttlzhg ti» egamal thing: i A ffiwght farm: :12: Reward and Frm} ofrbafllp ad and Traawrc A A ;jl:‘.;¢-tpcndcd 2?; that {M AAFf({4zgfr5cé*m iT'hi9A.P’€Kiifi011..eW%3 randy toAbr; prelfizrucgzd fa gram?/] rat BA: . A A (8 ) to thcPa1-Iiament (in 2. pe-treabl 1:1 thc name of the 1‘»~:~.(’c%, defiritugto fubmit the ifl"ucttheteoft . N ct. a11d:th€tW1fdO1n ojfthat Afiembly. %The-tCou1‘t%Ahezrittgpft to 0 A’ a £’C‘?)p"'”tO"'fh“'at honelt Spirit, which 139 appaangd againn: tthsxn ; the M P1+ote8tor(i11the meanwhilcjcalling them ‘Tnz‘]tar:,and Sédgrigm per- 15315 Majot"PacI{er, Mr. I{,2'fiir2,\ «A and hqthcts,‘ by%*er1deavouring "to M pton1t>:cthé Apofiacyi 1‘ at its,Erf1‘.» . ttlfifc, hath ohccafigancd many bap-. tiizcd perfons, and (jthers, {imply % to wander aftct the; Bcafi. T lgeyg Know facing their htEttottr, oughtt t ; thcyhnothto dc¢i1hr‘¢'1~itt‘t'rAo the pee; V t p!c,as~~alfo.,I:q:fi:ir’ them up to tkclcp % more refingdncffc in their Spirits to tiztctttgobd Old- Caufc, and to _bejUfo%r.‘no finglc , Pcrfon Whad‘ocv_cr_.;ti11 he‘: comes, jfwhtoffi VB fight-,;.%ittt%is,ht‘JSqc-lg;t2.I 2. 6; tlgfi: with “if” in WKingsA 34'? red: _[br2k.s‘,§?":c’. h'I:h1'catnin;g {:9 mt their Scfl/15.,‘ aftdto treddzflggni dg pm, 4, ,,,,f,;, ”? ’’°‘*'J’’’,7‘‘4’‘~‘ti W‘ fifld tU?1'1i11§..' out’r Major Pat/cf; ;‘<*1‘1dm0” ofrhé horlrfleltofficess of msacoi. A {*1} CHE of Htorfcghifor tefufing tohmfcrve his}Lul?t the?-EL tn. A And apprehendfng that nothing cfiuld dqthhit, butafpecdy diffolvixlg the Parliamtmt, they put 0ntAR&f{n1uttions a»cwr_climg1y,. onciy, wag;-gd gm-% 3 A _t_:onvcn1ent A ofppormnxty. But. I"c.>methinghappeng %111gt that motnizug, that.tpt1t the Pmt.e&o1- timoha Rage 3115 M5011» I1¢%H1m0 1'iW311¢fYe, (as thofir at%Wbita.Halit can vvit11e{.Te)h[h;:;getSh iitito a Ceaath , ant! to the Other Hauf comes, \ gtndfendgtfaf ; fo11F/¢erWW,Mr.N-%Wm'e1Fz'%w:ahd«f<2tmetotbcrsa 1 A atquainting, chemwhat bif5hhPU+fp-@f€_€1UC{l'\t;R§{C)I1}L.i'9 at 5:» /V’ g ‘in! «»‘«‘V.a-1» 911 "and wh 4 A 4 V , ufed to hvsarken; 2: Pahffiellt t fvvara B)’ W liwfig Gr-'tdh h i11tQ7'th#et1.H0y%f&’h.tanld fentdttpg rhe.Bl«t61tLt Rod vvithhatMci131g.¢»r<>thchatt1ttht: l?ar1i'ament tr-Dtuclo-lr¥1.@'::1\l:.]‘r]‘t"Q‘ tbim,H<:.; iahbtle-flag em: and,cb;aatfging>t13cm»~t ~Vtitfi gtreatt:Ctim:hst;th and Maséqitfyinghtott N Ahismarmrttis)tdtiffofied tt'Ei‘fc.rns: broken hirn_in five ye,ars.ht t h Thus the Two Hazy;-: fell a11dh%pa:ifl1cd.tog;ethcr;,th§:itEafthcr,théir.t ac$odFatber; tknockiragtbis cnixdren:on weH¢ad,tttant¢ki1xia:i§ofrhem gftcalufc thay were not towatdly»-_. tc_hgl;wrang1et onemth t‘*anothet;s, bunt What h2nh«he.gaih¢d tt;e€,v!¢wanhtha: tVVi{¢h%4‘3ith$_1?37é’i'-;9h4.:T; giver} wife Awarmm éxfildctlat/v¢rkba;:fE,lz:¢: the feéal pluclgefit/931%: claw». with ‘bar mm Imdm t t ‘ h t % _.H _ At At t A A A4 «Z£j2an.tlie whole; A %Q¢.-zrzhfwl asfiallowefia, Z, Eirfi, hethet thc:§:t:tm%ay not very,tp1aipIy“t‘bt: readtangiperceived, A Hand Dhii'p1ca.{um fmmazhc Ag/mfg/at)’--, blinding the ey.is, anVdi11‘€§tV' A ttuifig the hhunderthmdixjgs of th of: unworthy psttfons, Qwhohfi U Hzclé A like (yvouldhhavch built '}"Eri6flbQ ;;zg.»1int ('t0Vvit):f;1He_nt Mcmarchyhin 3; J?*xi/éférfivtaliséa Hv»£«»af!«err&:a withthcisW”WtwVw:°W=rrbcA‘ gdod; 5: way) by the hands of aboht gwemyq ttfoA%;:f£11ghtchd,. astthczy beg-mt to cotafitier how theyVm§ghgttg5hte13 and Put. 6: came to do, (who is it?faidjht-:atn¢l%Iyhei1d~ettvtm-3 A mi in g_F{:‘:;;),;_E “ ht.-Ewing * fwd.rb1s»\*as«ttb¢.fomrth goc>d«pe9p1c ofch~s:feL:1nds)fo as to caufzz , or 1Tu‘%f£.—:-r chem code their work by ihatvcts? z?¢nr;i%t%0 rim, and lczavc i,'oLgtnc:, _VN»;m¢;1g{f¢,%A%a%M1qgj;-In; figxlificalltizheix‘?\Z,¢w1Ma¢lefl%0fIhe Hnméle‘ Patitiaflflfzd 4.451%/im(4liM A 111t{I'Um'€;”21tv of Br;11ai;1geV% to the Exlglifh Ngltibll.) .th%e?"Curf6 M A , Co11fi31?io11Vthat attcfxdmithc Btliiders of "5 Bwzécl be co1itidere%d OF.» A‘ ¢ Gm‘ I 1* Sccondly , Whetha‘rtAhx)f€ lb vi-é1'yWifc Geintlcmem who {law it fo 79 9* nccc[Tary,;1nd »'c>11mrc:d {is} high ,- and took Mfr.) much pains, t‘c,>.%%b1*ing; in % %ag'.3,i11, and.a11a~}.W Lxfioref'a13e11.A/Iamrcla} and Kingfkip i11~theTéLand%§i, hcouid ;u:co1‘dingm%:he rtaies’of -common reai”e11am-i uxzderfiranding 013 % mr:n,V imxgine: and cone} ude, Thacthe. G:-zntlcmen who had formerly béanfo wronged, ;1bui'}sd,a11d exafpc-;rated by them; inAbeing%__kcp: out ' V A of the Houfe,weu1d be fo esfie: and t:.1m<=: , as p1%‘efi:1r1tI«y , without any morgfc gda, addrc?ii '€:th{31nf¢3 tee to ii<:kwth‘jei r new G’c21dm Ca1f,%;:;11d nuxzfe - %r;ha;Baéy!;:mi/Ia, Anqicbrzflian Br:~u:,=theyxhad1i0 bandin ;, l:>l1t;%LgVL‘«';¢:re: .aga111fi;ch<: begecningnf? And whechemit dmghgnot 1Tpea,kout4a,%A%i{-ery _ M,gm:aVv:%We:a4k11efle111 che‘i‘1'Co1znci1s.%A and a. marvellous {ba11oVw1defif:1n the Pfflffififlry hiSCozmci!,and‘ Whole numbcszr conccm-n’d in that Deiigng 111 makmg no bmzcer provihon baforemaxmd ,. and .fe~::i'.1ag no Further mm thc: czzniuing DJ11‘!g md§alled 15: V b 0F his Nation havc:11ot%c;1uFc rm _ for everas~:o;1bho1-the Memory of the afcqr<:~ment1oncd back-flxdmg _ pcrions ,% fo—:hat;Pawrl1a1ne11t ({owca11ed)V1nthe§fi,rPt _SCmO);)_Qf1Cb¢i‘.fOf€ th,tame:iy; home ” and didnt in V I-he. mry tixne '%<:>t_’.tl1 e: Aétion ,= Protefl and Declare agaunfl Lhaa_Tyrant‘ , and then retire int:o,r;heir: places, (from whence thC}'.ODgh3Z.I”1Oti:«0 % .ha&v;eLf’cirred«at.fir1T%) and call: him to the Bar, or ‘othcrwifcpgocecdcd % Wagainfii=:imfor.fo doing? ‘Had it not bcc"n~futAaAb1e to , ‘a11d;.vvcl1be~ A ,,4:orninVg:tha%t% %m6Able*%*CommonWeal"Lh--Spirit ( {"0 much prctcndedto) 1:'hji.1s: whave affayfd» %,% though they had‘fa1lcn init P A And whmher the AA %%Armyv%ifiE-I%one{%y, %C611fcie11cca11d$ Duty: thtir fofmfit’ D€C1al‘ati0115 9:1 0- }ai'1"dL %Ifl3&gCme%nts cAon(idVe.r:ed, ought not to have aimed thcm thereiti, :*aAMs%%we11%asA th<:y.didthe1ongParliamenc agaipfi the K ing and his~Cam'-7 m'm*‘,%.upon»rtaelikeacwun:? Doth ~ 1‘10t‘the mud; cryes cpfche Souls :aE;ch§: S:(mts*‘under the Ah.‘ar5 flajn forthe TeGim‘o11ya which they hazld A %iAnL—’nheir‘Day, %‘aswa.¥‘fo the blood of the Saints“ and others main in the %l2fitI%e%AWars;a»ndwycf;e S%ufl”erings,of our dear Breth"1:cn in Prifons.and1Ba.~.é.- Ani£1l1m¢11:.%s,"%%c:ai1 for%r histheirTe(’:im4o11yAa1fo%? If (2); Qugghthot this M . ‘ ._:ho::ie&;wordVofReprooffor wAhat%‘~iS%%%%PaPc%%,% and of excitation fox: thi: ;owcA A £ur:Aure1;o% c~a‘ke%p4ace?* A ' % A A .3 E?i:fth1y<,{ utv(inc,c~thing§ Wem:as=vt’6ey%~Wéf’é¢iA%'§afl:d”A ”¢‘°“1d *3: no bets:-1', whether all good Peopze “Vin M M _ P 11*t;t1cw3it%‘b?c% 151=i1(’i’mimc_n*c M)‘ ad Votheri jéfids ) :t_hat: the late Parliament ([0 ca1Ied)Vwasae§i{To1vecl; A "Who wcre many of " <““"*-=1 ‘ " 3% ‘ r » ,7 «W J i Vth:§1115‘fuch. Meccenary,%S}a1ary, and [elf-inter¢ficd‘"mem4wgfiwi§P{,#1l"=prQV4 19‘*a»b?»i¥it§’ ~¢,‘lafa’%:;i vl;th‘¢y continuedxnuchy 1r?mgerA»,L A would?have—o\?éf4vOi:¢d A th3e»VI*;t§a%5%&rs“E%“@‘f ,7” A and for‘ ha.v"e=perfc &<~:d thci r %I11f’r‘1'11m¢m; W wBondage,, Dechlarations ,; Sermons , and Acfiings , dpthhrxot in the vigvvziof all th€,v;V‘$’».@.i:l;d 5‘ ‘Dc;-.:V dare them {'0 to? e 3 v "' V VA‘ T A r h 9 - 4 ‘ “ ”Eig,g;hthh3Y~hh,hhh, Whhharher the Proteflar (lb calhadt) NBen6th.1:‘hat2himfe1hf‘ which he umruly charged upon the Members turned our ofhh%;:he; Jzittlfi Parhlialnent for Calla cw!) vvizw, A deflraycr of M/I/./agz:/fragcy am! Minzflrj _>h hOfMagifi~rhah¢y, in breaking f'our'Par1iamc11tsh in five: Years ; ,.;andhpu1- W ling up bYrthb§;1'OOt5;Wha[i-H him lieth,»r«hv;=vcryhhB ahfis?a1id~Eoun‘cianion- ,3 é W .. W. *3.’ x V V of a11?jhL1fl{~ h1?«oW3.€:1‘ 5 5 to vvit; the h.I1:m=:r?e{*.% :05 the A goodhh..*P;mp1e, of Co'm*mh¢3¢mWe:;a1ch!!;% making hxhmfelf , hand his 10\M1'1 hWil’1 ;£11dsL,ufch;,hhh*h£fihe*e.r Bafiéhhnd; Foeundacion thereof hA;mId doth «beh%11or% at his hh;r1e.mfurefu*pg prciffehand dei(h:oya~l1h Military anhd~Civi1“1*Pc§wcr,A and :Goh.ernoduhrs;that fuhm it not that: unto Is he not *1ikCVV31";:hagrm.ti deflroyer o£?Minh-~ hwy’, 'h1h:.:rking from hthhern"ch4ei1' 'Re1igi;h11sh,hh“m1' Di vJiney«Ca~paci:ties, pum- ' ih:;h1thothahthof L#=7‘h0‘r C ’:acchondfing~Iy; ma: arofaft , , A “‘ h " hM"W.:ihhtage hy‘*thhe:Ti-yemgeh =“ * N i11t..hIy,h ‘ Whe\ther%thhe Prureifkor bit ('0 wife a11d»undar£%amcfl:inrg§ ‘ fa“ tender and carefull of the COInm011Iflt€I~3fl(aS."iSPffltfllldfidlfi) ab'ove~ all hathersihwhatfoeverp yea, above: a.11dbeyorwlt-he" four :rI*?m’i:am;1c,ut;shh l1e.hhag~h*hdhiffo1ved 9 « ljgind ‘it new he ‘ rwquiredh h:hbw; dame; gréat“»heig,*hhth%ef Kmzwlc "-Igezanhdh ab’fO1'Ut€'[1i’1d.é1‘fl‘a1*1di11g;ffl@fi§)g._1tHw§h?I§aé very « ‘fOsmF3tiIW¢3h‘hh?i5 ,Eqma1&fiathJea&£%)Iof2m~hig‘h :71» ‘Dhihfchcnc, hhofhhhh‘;:éi£‘ g¥ood“*hreedh‘mg, A oxfiwf ghea:1:‘iP.ms; M-gash fair lam: Intcheflg . 1‘ .‘‘q,[,,_) 4)” :rh5ha1h{o%as hwell vchrihd fin hGo%vm*n‘me‘nf:has their % ‘hhas"the‘Prorc∨‘Ah h “‘E1::-tventhly wwherherh it da. ; h;gh:1eth‘fank1 y fav-mi: of ' hiahh;Pridca11clh?¥ Arrogancyhhihthe‘P,rotcé’c A ~ A .2! t'IWe1fth1yA,A ~Wh_cthc-°:r the Protchhéior 1) ing To h§gh1ymnteited of hi'st:~wn*underfia11ding , fo ch angaablc and uncertain mhisPtincip}cs A a“1A1d:Rt:t‘o1utit;ans, Co give11hup’t9hhtis Paflion and Anger , was againfi an Adéite and Counfelv, in a conditio1'1_ncar untg Madneffe _, to iwearéyt tlactlizring Gad hcMwou1d Dif-folvez the 1atePat11ament, and accordingly4 djdtA{b,AA »tnoAugh. chetdoinghofiy tended tojthfi hazard of Athe C0mmtm- Wealth? Whether he according to Reafon , can be thoughtttaperébn I kapabhlc-;.a11d fit to Rule and G.bverneAAthis {O hGrm:, fomfé, and Nah/é afP‘eop1e2« A ~ I A . ~ ~TAhirteehthly , Whether fmte the Protcfiorh aflhmed thcfivovetrne m”c1:1,t , uthch fi3At§:3fldAC(w311diEi\0An] of this Nation be: not vtrygreatlyhima :paircd;; hTthAt:itrt;La;nd F9rcetst:~WA3HAcd and confumcd at Hzfixfliala, fa- vfihagbzzg [H/zrd;-1Eg;AA:.and e-lhf-;hWrhercA;A?h‘Ts-heir Shiipiping lcflgned anddimi-A zni‘gdAA;AA'”theit:Storcsand Prcsvifions for AS%::;a% and Land qxpended and c011fumcdAAw;ithcut phtofgtt; that MagazxnAics empmed,-, *thc'itTrA¢:afurcsh :\vat’tedthtiir»T1:hde in~V‘a~tTtgrcat mcaiutc 10?: __and dccgtyed; . and,” very agreattAnewAtDtebts Cm*1tra&:<:Ad,I Iittlcofld M be-mg fqtis;th ed 3 Jw hc-t cher’thti:.A tbchtmmz tthhe bte—tt.;e.r~t ofAP¥mi?cac=Y and T¥?~7%¢fh¢£Y24t¢nd .. WA flitting up a fgnglt: petfonms ChiefAMagiPtrat6;CDntraryAt0 2%.» I‘_[;$: A he 7% d‘engaged%A in at Aw T tLamy,wAhethcr thctprotcaor txbcaxx dlwuxnotinaxxxakgznmoa t‘;;di:flb1ive the;ne%xt;hPa.r1iAamet;tA‘a1fo«, if they beginto qp¢t’rion a:hd_ makc glibebatcstthoffoxfnter: ranfaaionst and do, A not ptct1§:n%t1.y t;ttwig[3¢,uAg my; h 4"1i3fP“Y;mz?:7f%P3fi°v¢%¢€"¢h3@'~P5Ff§&t>th~e51'13VV4M°td‘3“ a tof ththehfl ””"’1¢P¢#ti0flA 4 *AhVVthatiAh€ffi1i‘&n5ce%{hall be giveti E0 the Countries; ties that fimallhchufc , £31‘ to the Gentleman ch,ofE:n., * that they fhall not beh.tfetv'cd§’asAAAthoi'é beforcfwxérc 9 And WEFL-Ch€IVglifth¢Ah011€fi Citizens A iha1il;bcgin:toLmak€Eregd tl1e1r.formtteArt ‘«iIQb¢r‘5Aha13d*t vetyyvorzthty Pftifi %tia:;szt,% erhotictoftthe lhiktzhnatutgrttttttit;,AwAi1ALf1ot bchlookcdbfatag£1i1‘1_;‘, as at 0% A A ft,ChA§tRigbArwu3 Ctaufe 65 Frccdom :» 'J'/‘{»(«‘kJfi’,‘:iC.e",‘ ;C1timétliut1_"c:Jt‘:{TE;ELéa*fopAgttthc“tCQurt, and afmeans of “ IudderiDi1{oh1fmvn tqthe >fnéxtPar1iament alfo? Alas,£;;tfpo9rE:rgland*!‘ fiflhat win §€.fC0m€t‘.Q_f'.EAh$€ iriihthett ;end ,A:'’ Hjawthafi than 1929: thy %t¢t1f;md‘ In »§hY:;g0O?disQt1dgcauféff;A11d‘VYhith¢fWm théfe Mafl§1-"505 Bondage C3133 A .4 Ian) taqmwe if:A1~3a ) . mm ‘ " -v A ‘ ‘ w._ ,__......._W . ‘ AAALHEA of tIh£*irNamés who wvera ;5 taken aux; _ cf} uAh§AF Hgzufe, A MAA~ar’1;:i others:(};acing_.q* forty qth reeA1’i11 x1mnbcr)that { Mc“3 .1.L;I3£h_tif$:A_; Aggof Other Houfcg A~foAg‘tcatIy ‘defignaed fOr‘a”%I-ltiufc; of Lor%ds~,;VAtIa’é:m; MA Aw;ith% a bri::‘%fdADe{§:;.'ipriox1 of their VMcr1?ts and .Defc‘r:s:~1[r:§‘{:';yf7;':fl ~ ft" . 1.” -%1;_~4f~. é -A “ Wé . 7 -A . A pf; whercbyxt may eafilyappcar, how fitthey alrcm 196%-1;~A mm; 1.32%; »lc:*::! (as:hr:y**c:a1l the:-nit:lvcs’)Lq,A;ra’s 5 as a1foVb§*1ng Ia: W3: 432d» very defcrvxng, what P1[y‘,1§.l_S fl£C.y*.' fiuppld not ave a wAgmm%§ Ne:garivc*Voyce caveat ?thcV free Pmplc o‘fM:Ah1sA k.Aommmt1- zbeI’75i~te4 ; % .. %V ~ ‘ ‘ ¢ 15507‘, amt’ [ ' allyedtolzzzk ;% Co.*¢fedmm. f A icbar C70mwel9‘e1deGSox1 of the PrAot¢:.<5I0r AA Awealtb. A ‘ ({'<71ca1.Ied,)a fiérfoxu ofgmat Worthand'M¢rit,a11d. well skilled in Haw-A king; Hunting, VHor.fc-raAcing, with ather fifiamrtg and p.<1Hi2"z1cs ; an: wV.l1ofeiv%u11derr:akings;Hazards, and Services for htfié %C..1u{7eA, czmnmg well be numbrad: orjfec*f«::uft:h,A u1a1ez.{1”e:*the drinking of lgirgzg “CI:wl:':’.s ,A,"0rA%-(£13 ,is{o A 1 r A 1;» A £%ordshea*Ith;?; »v1mr¢%Abi1i~ ¥ V D %LM'“7”€i“I.%c*>?VE: to thc:;Sc:“ve:.r4V; eas1rI%5?%A%$av1*1%dA4A%(@ hm«vcs*Ar¢hAeAr%fl- Ntzgauiwz Voyc:cTover che-. gfpod PL‘-tciple %thisVC0mmotm-'ealth ,‘,A beimginfo A , J hopfiiflill "W§~1yV tx;J’Ah6i3f¢ thégrcat fNeg;u'.ive Vofirt:-:~:~ over the}: who1;=:, am "1 A _ _ A , A _ % ,A*A So11{AA_o'if r1mAI.cA>rd4%A ; 54], aMemberfom‘emme0f the long Par1iamr.:nr:,A and than :1 %Co1A1o11e1 nmdclz t:,h<‘-f Eaz1Vofw£fi?x,V had ybew coAmma11d a11d~1£¢*:epi11g0f J:?r.ifi‘ol,.AAA‘AIftheL er h of Gove3:nmcn’ta~nd being hh;h%M¢§;0t¢c$1o1*, A and fct:1%ingwthehInhPrru~» A /Mt atloerfauiz-A ..d.xtia;:% could no man 14}. ‘For whichflwcmzhy Scrvi‘ces, A and as a Smrchorhh Baif to Win over, or at leaf’: quiethche baptizadh p'ci:op!heA,h (himiffelf A under A hrbach Ordizexanceb hhwas ehmd szhontinuseci 4 Proccé’:or7s. ‘&"hea3fimci15wher€ héhmth fig11edm‘a;uy an Arbicmrya1'i~c1h;»1hh1l§:,.;Vh gal "\7V'zzrra1nt;,f01? zthic carrying nfho;nc(’:faithfu1J.'ncn to prifbns a1id%”E3z:~hhhhh‘ .1 A ofcbhhca A iichwithhoiwt c:1uh("e,f hu111hefl"cth%e'irAnot apofiatizilug withthcm from jhhufl ; £h§0ro”u<%h-pacfida hand 3 gr?-at Adorcr 0fKinhgfl1iP ; A 1b as hfc hdaf®~rWthwf ‘I no dou t~,,ja11dh isewcnyhh»?xf}g;ayM%~,gfit,§g%rc;t;1kep4%hout of the Pa:11#aamie11t,%m;,‘h hm hthc‘ Houfe ow.-r the people cf chefs Lands: 7; hr 4 A A A - A A evtenantfi-Qheneral Fleet'woo«d,h :1 Gcintlemmwjformerly ofthe Long Parliam ant, and Céloncl of théilf" Army ,, t}.1€:11I.icEVetc1'h:111t Gemaral, afymvgrdimagxifeg (hphcfi IrafiiJw“27s,hh w,iddmv)thl:- Protefiiors ‘elda-:0: Daughhgg: cit @eL1*1e’ra1 Ev'1/iz5art;b:- by the Parligzmernt from go'i5'h”’%%g over to Ireland as‘LordL1eM ; htenan::, it fa»~our1ng,v_o0 much of M011a;¢hhy,anci being not willing tcmcwhh mp: hf zower T1tIh€',~j7he»\V21h$F3111:0'»”c1‘thJth»t17 _uncz1"erth‘<: T xrle ofLmr»g1h De‘vur¥h% bi;-d_%A place of h;1%;no‘;:r, and = a N:-zgawtiveh Voyce ifihh‘thhc”<0»£hhe?;;;; "his Inte13ePcmvc5r M an“ A*«m:fire1f,V»vhw2d¢h beFofré*fl:.‘;a”4L:¢a*é*¢1¢ 1De.p1’tt)T;i*n hiswom,whé:'e' he cbnringeé%bout§i.:ln:éefe.ye;i1*s;;‘ and m pix: a c~he<»:k1ipoi1 sth o1TegadIy men ~uhcr;.:m*vho:are no “Friends 110 Monarchy, hc wasfint fo-xvo%verAagain3*.‘amd cajoied in to b§:’one44of the Protcéiors A Council, as alfo Major %ACEener“aI of *div»crs Co&111t%i«e?s‘A:i11%A England .-. his A ‘4 A Sa;1VaryAfuppofed _WO1':th (é):66¢o p:fA:am*um, by f*a1:le which hc-:~is »bccpm¢ :0) W 35‘ advanced to zrprincely Intcrefiaxad Rexe:11uc - he;‘:visAL %:c:~1;e% ’ gfgood prim-i~ ""””‘"’. A% cip‘1es,had he kep:%:hem; andtgoma wordsilikcfhis P.a:her_in.1a»v,—N“"'“""'”'*' whereby he hath deceived many an hox-1:29: man; “~and drawnfhcm from % !:I1cgooc1O1Ad Cafiufemad by Tftiac Way hath great1.y%{ctvc;dA‘the Pmtefiors Defigns; V His %Meri::a=th‘ercfore sire fuchg, as. hgie,“ nogquefiion, aAI.€fo;, dc-3 ferves to bx-‘:%%caken out of7the:’xVA%%.HoL1fe;a%11d niaqdwea Peers and to%.have%a N:gati%vcVoicc in the thcr‘1y%Ht>Li1"is*§\ when itgf~héL11%‘ be x:;_amcdLmig ,- muwithflandinghc Io he1pt.A~i117the Ari'5r1y"& long Payrlialmeratto throw" dawn the iHou1E:*ofLords,%%a$nd to'defiroy thfi NcgativcVc>yce, and did fight; againf’c%itAin (hp King. "A 01.011461.’-9m’? 21 Ge11tIema11%é$r<%Yeoma111A zzgc-‘;i;«;(,>,*A 3, 13ng1%e"AparAfe11s A .Rfr1é5“%¢11EI;A“11o‘quéfiiém, c(>1.qc‘uILj’c;i »vitB%ch¢¥rcfl thyerei‘n”‘ : ’ h ewas “alfo cf the Litt.I64Par1iamc11t, and of all »%t%E1e%AZ’a1%1i2ime11tsA fincc ; was i al4‘1 31-ong Q5 this >l’1:ote€tm’fs (d)‘_‘ CoNu1]L1ci1~, ‘and W»Va§1ievcrto1Eek§‘ Vvhho,Jaavi11;g,"(g )%%S¢!gz3r 4% E ac‘ ' ‘am ‘ 0 A 1§€a,£fl€4d fo4..mug;h changifig with ;cvery“Q{3‘a11g¢,Aa1=ndkeeping t1i;rl’17(r1i,1{::w WW 1-‘ W C2 . «(3¢n¢m1fof“ per annum % AA :A¢f*§fl=A~2LaWTh.e?Ea!fi*$5 '$43AI:.t1§A55g~y $A?A‘emr) A? an ft (8'); Ask % WAbi‘Ch AhaEhAP§%¢>Yf€d4TT¥1W1 11‘.®jthi1jAgA%.A£1:€dA:AA% f&rther_h§:~ iilaidpf ficxaefs, Agm. pg»,-J:;_,3% {$395 }‘rm‘{1P1*?$A)AAL0 bc 1; aken qupof 1:11: Parhatnent“ sjffgyi Atblg‘ EQ‘};1*f£:37c“i_£1A"£}‘§3tE1;€1C¥ Iflcgauxve \7.01 (fl: ,m’;the;;AAQAcbe£ Hq_ufe:m'cr alA“lAthe%i% gmcmd zédx fiaifis iAp¢mgw1Ae~ofith*¢i&;:,;1ifi£1£i£5?.1’%?5a ~I;jez§1;cI%a:>c€wA%hIfi<:; A om ;Stan1;p,fa11f¢;1A£iy,: aw % i.n1‘:ima&'k;>V1£;ke21AAy~:z<:x;!@ma:*gr.APs;srAx*;4 A. “ A A %% L A ‘ A ~ AA A 4 A V V p A j oft:he.:oA!;d A ans}! A0fA;r%1:r£:mA1f1dA<:'.rz;b1§*g R_;_Ac=vsepn.aAA_e Am rtA§6a:r22p£&2mA~flaire;.s3ne of thc: Lcmgw’4L?;11-1; AAn1m;‘f.;x:.t1é OV,..€IIF1ffr3@VZrI'AE?=A i?mm~3K:iAzagiA.y;rcaAm§?: ffmm tiatfiimd ;§m;ruika:ha;Ag:;nA%:Axw _§>;I‘3A TA s.iK‘i*£c‘13'<:»,m- ‘ A A « r%~AI*fi’£;A‘ W31 C‘§1;M?Agi3d:: irfi A :Ch;111gE.5v Eh havAefb€f If/’ajAi“21;z’g¢f;‘e7g.A5wg11dA bc_i_11~g'{b figxical, » if/gjelfiogym sf:-tlistfC<2¥3“V?'t7“t”5¢fi§fV?.i1é* LoiiA35A@‘hAémib’er1fi%4iI€ Aféf that M537‘ pim- I?rot.~A:.€tr’s«AA:I+£oui13é>§gd;r Ccitm; *'1§_;th'zn_’hfiWmay‘ #+A*2,v;A@,1A,§A%4A“AbA,s=A:AA;Acom1t&d%.Afit?and; A 58!. Wamby of ha*.§A€5"f9éfi.’A.N7€g3ti*V.@§V‘3i‘¢&??iA33 W5 Q;herHouf<’: -A. Ath _ % W 2 . V W 593 hi‘ 11¢ ha‘ 15345 t0rA d€3*T0¥«: Ki:15cg;A:Md Isb1:dS;.é 1 4‘ \ yr. ‘V‘V‘ 7' ‘Ln V. V|\V alwr 8 CA ‘ - 14- we, a:.;dV_Aa gpad f':iAem1t%hc:Air*s,..;A “at l«¢13g£h%bECaqié :1” P amen: AAwasAfa”¥foA ofime 1xt:¥eF?ax1m:1c11t Which .b'= Wped Afmbm , u x ( g A)S.é!arj n%ak%e% At3A?¢i¥1f€1.V¢S:%t?:é?7¢f¢<§#r;A0Tar:, A éjn 7' ‘A -A.;; ‘%:’K\:4‘.‘:"‘_“'i‘u\“ ya Bgffadéur cAm:txA:m;n:c‘h in5th ¢ ALdVv;EdijnwYS’ffi3ih'.Eh€f[Qh$ «gasMafia?Péa.r?iiath?rTrit a1.n¢”i>;i4OW :Ah%e‘AI?:l<>}Am€cr'>Axs ('g)"\€ *1' 1V#1‘;‘ mm 1.. per that%cViAfl4f‘*é'fv”€ Qffitiiwhv$f¢:§éL1th£am‘“¢é1:f“~<>A5:t;l?rime, fem; 5“AF3‘*I3¥1HI54’Je-A mayirerve: hi"’A§#xAi"a\‘fa%nd oAiandws4by%;im+%”Mmpavii:grgtgreatlyEma-F Afia'£'3 W2‘ red by date aii3;b£é;9ixa’é'fn~%m:'tAin theA:Ce+ 3""“" :en1o»mrA PA¢>f?‘Am1€§3 ari».<:1 %C~Yii—¥¥ *=%Aid%f4A5.’}i%b:r~i%rcAxA,$ifiiA 7G'z't'L5}é§*’t P?I?¢3dit11A'5)_VA,EOf1-1T1lER1€.€.or Etc‘?-)5.tl1;A$A ;a.11= C9013. in the 11‘(é?»i}“CLtI>t1i:"t5 *v‘vaé i“ri§déA%Cf:{pt%ai.i1 Vfleizerfi: Pf@fe“&A_o:'s%A%Mag. mm orGmAy¢cm.::dAEA¢*t:$uard in Eaé12AAAIis éhciEA::1A.fI:!>aA71mA fd:“?m¢r1y%jt0 the iii ivho bging E-:vs:;iy }:w*aAyA bf R-1’c:%h% A»v0rV?hAa171dM«:e§w. xfizs no qm:i'1iAon cw: A 3 madeyor ¢AxAAc¢.Pv;1cx:sAba¢d. fl:i;';TaA1af,1«’l"{¥ hx;?J hm 05 £5‘?-,Pmiatn€A11y:% ta Ar=x~ercAifeA;ezN€sa%riV¥iV¢i¢é4Ai%% 'Houfe’¢5ve;r “the. 1:3L":*r'tsp1f;.’j bf chis‘.Cam mVonw*eal4nb. ; f _ A q, 4 A A .. A9.S1r C/Ba:!%!s‘% M/‘e! f¢mcz;hix1$413¢°3.11t¢ viavtiéaa bein.a.Aea%;zyermd. immacavaxisri 4§i1%a,~,gpi(::(:i"*h1'(’)1t11‘*. A~ He b.emmcAJ cine A ofdm lime. Parliament, wbxwchhe“ be:Y’pe_d :%Avto3%:ib>reak, and 1:0 fi:t%tbe Pret:e&or4on the Tb}'o11c; 501‘ WhIC_h w(3rfbT;y;fg:‘g.v:i‘cc, he was’ C as her well defcrved“) taken :11 to be one of his cqg;;m;% was ajfo1of%th%€::P:1‘r1iamcm:fincc: a man of c.onfl'ancy an-3N;:er- m‘in?ty;i114hxs& princi4‘p1esV,mVuch.like the w’i:nd;and aithmugh he hati1%%C301‘¥r'3 m>irhi.ng % for the: Cam}: whereby -to mcfic, My;-3t is he 'cougted of that mirth, as 120 bg: es*§f?y»Vay%fit to 5:: taken 0L1§c;f chVe%ParA11am*C11-E I“-O hfivfi a Negative: Voice :11 the O~rVhe:%H«:2ufe mw.=:.r inch as haw; dune: mofi, V 2-1_ud xnerited hig,hv:.::H:» Wintlzac Caufe, (r’t~;«;=:- Pr0te&or and h1sfeH%o»vN¢ga£1V'¢ Men CXC,f:Pt€d'-)jj£tfld emu; th:<2.% Co;nmun*vv<:m}th bcfide; % ” % A A 10”“ 1 ‘ Rofifga one ofche Long Pariiaznmuty %.and.by'4 thenn m:;de11’rc:wot’c tar Mmcr ¢:J*Eaztan Colicdgeg, he .::bo.d€:,in tbacivPaf~‘ li:u'xw11r,., 8: 1jmfped% £0 chzmga the Gc;xmrnm€nt inm ze. C‘<3mm0nW<:a1t»‘n, and cmdcfiroy ahew Negativca v0iC§'.: in the Kingghci I£.1ords,;~3,r;1:a11b of the: Li~tt1c%PaA1-‘aiaA%:ne1’zr5a'r1d%theirSpmker ; who W ‘cut a goo ‘t 1'n5vs‘ came: to be done Whigc h_ "Wem for11‘1c2‘:.-I.y dechued for-, ( A1'1d for not {*5-;;i11g of’ vvhichmthe Oid‘ Pa.r1ia,me:nt was pretmdedlyw d.ifl”olved) bcingj; an old BQ:;t1e,wand:~ iomm: fit to hear. tbat11¢;;W Wine; Without pumingit to the q?uefiiox:,1e£c the chair, andwe'nt=w'ichhi$f:¢I1o»voA1%d‘ Battle-rm W/Mr» A %A Géii-ara%l5 Which7 he as Spaficer, smdthey by fig:§ing;a;d%4Parchmenc or‘Paper,px'etc11dc:d to do. , '1‘-he: colan- rable fou%nd:u:i%on for this Apaflafie, upon the Mcpnarqhical fou11dA;;1cic.m;, being thus¢1ai$c.i and the Gcneml bimAfe:1f(as Prateéftar) Afflééltéid théféfliilhfi A became: one of his (is) Gcmncil-,. (gemd old ~ man) and yell he dcfcrved Cb) H'is’5'zz=- 1:; for hc:.vt:r1tu‘1'edjha;'d :,he was alfo of chcr ’Par11amc-rcnfis fincc; a11a%&:/$713’/?7?‘i'v54! beim % ' % imms rr w‘*~.::abl@ ,ii~(aI1f¢xcepc%ioa1:: fétafide) may be ac:cc2un- A A A A A t:edL¢ fithy to % tatmn o%utm;mFtheHioufe,<:o~Ah*avmNcgat1ve Voyce 111A%1a,.m,_,h,m the Other Home ovcar all t§<«atflual1quc(1io11 him far What he hath dome‘, % a11J,,mveg;;1.1Lthe pezopipg of rhzafc Lands bafideggtfibugh hewcmldxwc fi=i&*««:~ri~2=Ji:a % 31 klPP0,% f&»m7er'ime’A 1 ¢d% ,” T‘ : Inf §‘.,»:pzt4iz'gé in 7fr£ieA ’1\[gf; l7arlgz3un‘.r,Was afccrvvaxrd Capré 3i? of 1;h.ofe33f th&A1'ri~11 .;r5} Gfeéuxgd in Lamb»; »:who refiufing to me.-;1;d:h;~:; at.1”arkWh&n* %Ahefi?::11». u:1to~hi1=r1,W and*raddhfcri11,g 170 t he P'aWr1i211nén’t,A y’sz°.w«.Aby%4 them mafief%:Major'Gm?:r;11 :md,erVui1AAeEa:1 of £fl2'«’3":111'1d¢7r VVh@m mflfiy3f1Iu(hQ‘fl$H z'1‘31fl9:,"{1,0&"hi$Iiffii fiVg*hvci11g7f orrIi1vern*m¢m: , w_%a11d‘maka A A the Laws; ofiraaibxa .again&%.£AA%{w”fihgIe_ peribns Rule,‘i.m:£dfj Whit:-~IJ.e{Z");111,d made on'Ae <:$fhiihet‘17’i;‘.“etet.f?tfeLawsAot:AATrca.A A V.£b11egaint’:I{i11gfl1ip ; W-as alfoofthe‘Litt1¢PAar1iameenc, and of thcafi (Ig)AHis 52:- that were fince; one alfo of the 'Prot~cc&otA’s (k‘)Ce‘untci1 ;At;-A;.hAath’aAA; 1‘-’:?3’fiW0N¢A princely command inthe Ifle ofWz'glat; is one cat the Comtx°1i{fio11er§AAA gliiegl at of r,heA’1frea*i:"ueryte‘: ist“g§;o;mfvt;% V'_eryA great and ce11fide‘mb1e:A ajlnumlp and although he “hath not beenAthorotf2gh-paced for Tyranny in time of A A Patliametats, yet it being forgiven him, is luziged ofthmtworgh and merit as to be every way fit to be taken out of the Heuihe «toA“h~_;}:§{We‘ 3, Ne A getive Voy‘ce in the Omar HcAaufeA overall hiqwpepehdants AahAdA all the Apeeipletif there Lands befides, hop‘i11gtAAtrhe1‘eBy he may‘ {'0 be 1'ed€€med)A’Ae[ AasAA12"e’i‘et ta halt or Rand ofl for the future aggitufitthc Pifotefiors fi1'?‘3?j‘“; refit. AAAA hA « A ~r A x A A V . A A AA 1}. 0 A 0’W4$“€:» aT.Gent1e’tfianAA0fAAH?W5 g- V danjloirc, of a fair EPcate,A aCp1o11¢1 AAfo1*merIy iiithe Mfocietiph Aginy, %,t1;1der AAAtheAAAeEar1 of Mhfihbéjfcrheg where he ‘foft tame‘ nA4pp:=t:ed ( vvhilfi come; Pickgring lived) A to be aeSe&ary,t ‘ afitl forshy»-“mehs,}. Apreaching,A astalfo a loverof the Rightsandfireedems of the". Pehhplefg“ réthAer then of tht€‘p?1'nCipIc he. now a8cis ; but that ho11efl.AAACh0hIone1At§ t3yihg,A{omehQther thingsA.a_,1fn ¢_;Aoming bAetween3 the became ofanAmthAer mtihdA+:AjA .hetAggve effbeitlg 'AaA.ASqL11dite_;3 atb0ut”thAAe}§i‘A ; emf theAnewf Adel, it isAA1ikeAly upon the fame acctguht -‘&V‘ithACdu10fi§1V A2§uf}2[;»A Ad§id1io:A1“A. g§jeatlAy apptAmgeMwbeheadiiug theAKing, ottehange of Ath°eGover11m,e1'v;5t% ; ortthe"Armies71;1{’: tmatc.hAinto’L -3c0tl¢:m'd3A es AthePreteéf;or ( thc1:1AA€3%t:te1eA-:,;A rel) may Witneéfe ; A Aye: aftetthc W4: was ended at Wéramr 5 and old Parliaméfihoihvid, he wag t-a.1<"e"1{i‘11i“ 7(*i:h‘“e2*i§gh?;1a‘£5h§§thfifige ha:-p‘pe-.ii~fhg* ftmzn Whha“thh?‘heWhas before) to betofithe” LittlePdi9Yi;{"1f§I&1fit; twhichhe helped to break, a1_jxeito+{et up Monarchy a new i1i“th'(: P‘ro?€e&or5 wthhihchtt he defignedly was called to do 3 for whichworthytfetvice,he‘was made 0 Mm V one of the Ceuncil, (,1) 21 Cc>mmifl'm11ter“"hof the Treafury, 511161 one»of 395; 1,95- tihe‘ Generals attSea’; he was ofthe Parittiameztts fince: all which Vconé‘ mnurn fi‘dered,none need qucfliqn his fitne{"s robe a Lotd',.ta11d tothe taken out ofthc I-leufetothave Negative A Voice in theother Home, 1‘I0t:on1y- hover the Treailirhy and Sea.-, men,‘ but allthe good peéplc ofthe1E:L;mds befides. L M M ‘foggy; his O1‘ig;i11a\is frenit Wales: at thehfixfi of the Wars he had about I 7 or 2. 0 L per czar-'m:°m-, and imprm‘.ed,h_1s Interefl upon the account of the cztufe; fin’: was an A: gent for {bm;e‘Par1iatne11teers to Lamlom ‘A Where gaillixtgtt aCqu'.fi11t;111C€a a11dmaki11ggood ufe of them, hehecame Governor of 2:. Gam1on,the11 :1 :Co1one1, as safe a 5Stewa".rd:offotme ofthe Proteflors Lands in W.»»zla_’:,e zmd .0116 of the Lang Parliament; after oft he Little 1"at1ia111er1t,twhich he helped tobreak; andtcah advance the General hxs 5l\’L1HC3I‘[ to be I?m- % tetfior; -fortwhich goodiy Tervice,himfe1f~Was advanced to be one ofhxs ' CoungiIggafterxvards Co improved his Interefi and Revenue in Lsind (We11(m),?g0tteu, no quefiion) to” 30:20 I, per mmzm, if not mere: he is alfu very Well qL1<.11‘1,f'e fiedwith felf-denying p_rinc;ip}esttoe the ;I’ro1:eé?cors Will 8:: pleafure, (‘o as he is fit, no doubt, to rife yet higher, and to be .take11"m;;; ofthg I—1o%urt'etc>be at Lord, and to have :1 Ne- ;g:*:.%t,t[v eh Vbycéhhlflhhhffhéth Ot;tht?etitIé17”othhfe' * mere alf the people in A ; W/zk:,~‘h(ihf%they’pIteafe)and over a:%1hth‘é~Cdh1iam r:»n»vee:t1t-httbe.- fides*whether they pleafe or not, -All have not 10?: by the Geufe, though fume have. A ’ A ‘ mtptrollcr o£»h«i;$t'E1u*fl1o,]d* or Court: he made ( m ) ‘jaw: ‘j of.‘fr7:rE% pzmlmfe rm»-zy was "not paid~rrvi;h the great bréba af".rzba1;t goon 1. far t which (has it’: omiilzly reported 3 he hath betzz ‘ p7‘ivn,te’y queflimaedg be wareld {Ia well to clear Iaimf being tarry mm]; fzzfpeiifcd, lm*m'7zggotte:.z t fa great rm. Eflatc iygfot flmt zz zimeu M Con‘ he-‘ffihonmer 89fomer'imeaCounfe1~ lent mthe Templfia 013e’otft.he.Lo11g“ParIi;zmAe1§t,At.where he impr ovedr; his 1nterePr *t0rpu1‘pOf€‘-,: tt4nd»tebought,S’tate Lands good cheap ;; afterwards A becamete Commtiffioxncreof the Great Sea1t,eanc1— heiped in ParIia‘r"x1:5en3:i‘ C_bm monwea1‘t‘h ; changed tihagain‘ to Kiiagly, orofa Ii ngle perfm d1dTWea'trtthe Protefidr at his firfi i11(’m4ISmg:cl1ief Magifltatefi ,; thazmd oMfh1stNeck; coxjtrary ta four (:1) Afis z:.tfPhat1i:ztnei1r, 1:16‘-lped to make‘,\vith+oAthers,ttt that rnake it Tre:afo11fo,ro do,‘ lately retired t 501" Sanéfuary tintmo M1‘; mum Church, and is" Hill Com. 01133 *2,/;R,é_}9;;: htQt;jpIctbe:'c,, tthozzgla thcftmrc ‘bat made for chrmreof thr:,p::<)‘p1?c; t>tAhuttt>£Atht. Lawyers: t'1'rad:-:. t V , *4 - A A % AA V A ‘ A 0 lgltockp fczvrmetlyfl tf€:11o11ttatLa»V, 011:: czf the LQ11gP&1f.lga'1n3;1Cg.- profited there, and advanf-8, cedt his i11teré§tw{ery_4gteatly -,Wb cc-Anne V oxxcpvf theVCtommiflio11::rs %o§:11AeA:tA ‘great 311;’ c)ncthat be-.1 pad 120 change: t}heA Gov_é.t11mt:nt,a2:1d mtxkt L“a»vs;,;;*% ;.r2;g;sin& at finglaa pén&”onsAR.u1¢t:*:t~;;§i11 timtmfthc Little Pat1iain;:11t,AA he! ’ Went Embfladoat mi? I§'1V€d;A%he‘agigatedthere far th3A‘?r0E¢.5l:Or3Ath<3:n‘ACamcfi)S/Etr5 and? Wham”? %17@me A.Iteraf:iot1andA pr»et<*‘;11dA¢d" Rcforxmtiothv masti11ta%de i.nt:thctChanae.; A my; he flood Ofl"{r0im;bei.11g any laxxget a CQmm1{fi=Ao*h?:-:.tAA‘ ofithfi mdf A 4 A czcame on oftht: Sup§:tvii'c>1*s of the AATtA«:afutie, at 1000 17.; AAannm»{,%t (,3) $21: A (A9) Swat-yt: the is o11:é'VvAi;1oAisAg1iic1ed mare. by Q)" P o1icAy‘Ar.he11 by twig A: Am. ‘ ‘ 5 {bmV:::ti¢me 21Cou‘uc4%eI§% A- B0&}c,eA ‘of. i7t:ie.t'1c<: arid b 3ingA tin fihataccauxlt fihefmote; fit for " 't0te&0rs%Af'§:1‘¥fi B“(“;¢?:4 kt " vice‘; thtfife is 11o%q1\i¢'Rion to be mad.’-:iofhisAworthandmeritta be ‘A ) 3% %I:A‘tttt'm3 H011 fitto have 21 N_:?;g:u:iAvc Voycatinttttim. Ozfiet HQuT€t‘0AV€:tth3¢;A$f if 6 1:: c\p.§d_ to put it dow:nA. ir1"th:A: Kizig %a:1'd7%L0Fd_SAi A A ‘ J184'A{ Cm111f'c1fotJrar:LaW,ma<:?c: A ,.Spca%kAcrAV:o£t'l1%e Long Parliament by the 1ateA-King;~ fzztf; it ¢5mg iin 3311 him ,AAAA_a;;:1dwvas too «hard w.,;':”iidy£df al:l.h11¢£vd,‘A%abd‘th%¢ ProtA:g:&or»\takiugtn¢:§3pycrnAme”n.t ‘n 9911 him, ht: A vc:utu3tcd%. to com-pAAI~y ”W:ithA”theAA%réCf ;§b@EVv§thflg1adAix1g the” jdaqgcr, that {cf 3:» Atnigbt keep his*pA122c-A¢A‘andAintcrgfig A a-tj1A§i“avé2idLa 11::AwflStm'n1orA% Fmwnfmm the AprcfeA11tv=A=Pc5wer.A Men neefi no: fe<:kf:1i1,orfludy much A A to read him, and what prinicivplcs he afls by, A All 1:hingsA«cAonfi(d¢rcdV, .'::¢j may, doulnztczfs, be: very! 6: to‘ be Lbfd of ;he1? rIl_I, ’bei'ng M.zaAc: a1f¢Hd4y;;:¢ag35i pszr bx: mkccn iofuft»qft:hcA?A:1rliamtntfto“ be maAde1éz Lord; and 2 Kin.§.{l:zP- A t¢.:):y&h£*i"”*AA A? AA‘f’?;1ér*AHotifEa~ aver rhc;p;~.o'p1c, as wc:1lA as over ci1c'A‘caufcsim;hc ‘R0111, being {ca tporaughly ¢_X¢rcAi‘«t:;d.in Ncgm-A was an hisown W111 and PIQEUUICV as AI:69Am:t11y have {adly fcft. A v r“ Cl lg: 8011 AofMr.C!c)yoIc ifi 2\2'ar}I:ar,¢;fi~ % VAt{;9zg[*79:rc, n.0W_ I-Md MC/:]y¢1a%‘; he*1o»n;.; finbc isxaarr-Md tfic Promftorfs 4 P%€3b%§¢r «s ¢n¢rf‘WA qmI» ncflr A AA AA M A 24%»meio;ns%'naat anfywéirityug £+ho‘fé*A A M % £?r1~11tAAA‘11l:I;c§s%formcr%ly ['0 prencndedA:tm,cxf p11c¢:1ngV%r1dna bin: godly rxi&’xiAAiIi‘-‘ A :9 plaqcs of trufi,was a long time kf:ptA0Ut:;b'l1A’t finice A%poAHa;cy from Axhofe princ4ip‘?es,as&a1%lb thc: pr.1&i.fe brezi1k71naa%Ap“dVVhAisVFarhw-ii1«!aw ‘(jchc A %*Vh¢&Ad%L&chcrebf) ca:m“Ac%vx:o;:.r.hc: P rorcfiar, he mix chén:j;1¢dgc%& gnod,cnm.u,g«b %% 0 %1i£ha*Edifpc11fation, and fo x::tke'AnAA igs ‘£676:A(3~9Ma1%e;Ao£ai§?i=1af{;;;(ag 5;) W! 344 «I ry H‘ not A rwmihaw to thc‘Ki11b'§%A*”A Ti:$t:Ed‘ht5tA;’ Abcflid lb‘? him Ahis‘%I‘Rc~AA A A I E wellgmm jar-iota, aés San-in:-Alawm theAProt¢&or5A is%1i1fficicntAm befpcak him c-T w§r,y:wa-y;fiAtAAto bc%-taken out Ofchc Howe, and ‘ Am ade at Lord; and Ina-4A AA fa %l011g A time had aNegativ¢ voyce over his AAWifg:,A Mspring Gar- I.'~h€a'D.l2lC-ks’, Decr,;Har1'e:sV“a11dA4Ifés-in_7am:.£’5’31?4r1£,‘f ”‘tbc4‘bq;:¢g ; ;§5k111¢dno§§v;rco cxercifl: it%aAgAain i;nArhe”rher AHVoufdb_vé'r"thé4g‘b ad pqoa-A ' €105 thefe NAanions,%Without gm)’ gauinI"ayViz‘g2; or difpfitc, A ‘% ‘ f: ; 2.'°h'L°rd dfllcoflbfl ‘£339 afientléman flfilations are mofiCava1e&rs,(bi.&l»1I#c1c%form‘cr1yG0vc*:mor,offmwafik A A A*ii‘z’c:'A.:i*' V "#333 . Catlntilw “ % M : A Fo.vfi:h£*.IC§ngfagainHa~:hc§ParE;;£&;g11tAAéyyawblifilnc 0*«‘i:1;’tbj&%4‘f9v-ate=“ri,f1 the. t;Ai::.z_arcrA,:>fi€371h€é‘; 1a;;=:._,LwagVs, ;‘?'faN"e:it_I>Eer %%l4eafli; i»f»%nmX€11i1ai’f7;rAé‘te5d cc) the dzmffiétt; Ag; C€i»m.§$ bVacAk,« W:aVr=s:hmi11g%:ow¢ir;A and *Izrncl y marrycd%o$nc rm; P1:Qt¢&§0A¥§V4Ds.wgAhte1;s‘A ,~‘ and was in Va Afair way A. (bad things‘ } ~§):a;?.?¢:_A1A1,AvAcA;n::;AArAwfishis:A€3&u}1cil;.rxas‘ .we.11 . asrh S0m'1nA A;aw it 1ig”we:%ax7MAC5'%9§1§?*l>1§= ’£0A_E1h€tt:ime$9'h€1W3T1a»tweLy made: Aa?:C3o1¥At6n€I OE .H«méAif: ‘ ‘ hi:9'.“’R_E1_”afiié3xi;bg)r,h.i;q;~t§ie.£;1Ad*;ant£nzaw rc:hy,qrray.> {‘u¥’fi£iet;:t1y paie;~;:“d_ his Worthand m§ri;;s,,11:oc;AAAon¢l&y; tq. 1ia\&<:A'%f1"iSD-wghtef, «bi1zc;.al»l'd~aN«:ga“- J tAiAvt; V.CfYCu1*d%4tm~:1Via%m¢msapmgsé*;m»Ki«s;a, §§,"{;fi;; P“ %A1inga;%%;mid.dx1%é‘tiiac%%}iflrVth¢4 Lafli ?;%rli&~mew:’A Fo¢d%Aaa:13'-'=d)%V¢» 9 ~AUW%h‘4r3‘¥Ih3¢? “ '% wéiy};'V“Wher;=:fQféiiwereLgrcagdvpiizyy be baing ,:a1~fo ax~Lbrd<‘:40f‘:rth%e!'j51e: smmp; \ and: fo Wefl gifcgdm Aif_hIe “ fl:ou‘1dfi,mo: ibé; Qnéi t:»¢;r»haAw*e“A;x"NeA_,;-g+arive::»A§ Vqyce _ciher HAmaifeV$i’9fver% ~t“he 13‘Ug¥’=t a§fiinfiV,r4b€W¥1¢~“~?'5 ‘Vii?’ £h¢7‘im33Sa%11r’}ciA,: 3 my fife Knigfii: ‘iv? ih’£3 11*5V'V Oi‘_défr andvg?rVom1vcry " bulkyi 2:i3d.ébt1‘fid¢ra'b1e i;?isg‘Vhard t%b1{?;zy.hA0=v\é§ tha. pg-‘:oAp1:§ wiélv likz: Mir, =I%~Ic:swz;:%v«;:r, his »vo r-ib%ai1a*I 1*i1j;:~ri.tsrightly‘1,'r1£:afi.1:1?€:.;:i’;: will A, no qgefiion %,%M %re?nd%cr* him 5: to be ta”kem*out of the%%Ho‘i:[il: to be one 0251 the ():her ,HouFe‘, and to have a Negzcive %VTo3fzc;c::Afi11;it4;g1”1e1Ay»»ov'crthe; Bcajrs, but; aam»»c%h%¢:pmp1¢e J formerly {<2 0'ppo%'e mad Hfi~;gh”t a’g%a%i’ii%{¥ah3§'t V‘w£C3Ndg‘¢jLa»vy€r$ Wi:11¢ .'::glad of his COTRPR-11y: and friend»i'hip”, fnwthat !:h€L‘:':‘.FiS naw nd fltjfnr of i1is?;f/2.a:r2gz'":»2guptlaeér mwns wgrlaa Sccmfly falvzirx 1;; mirmgnfiéggg./an/J, ;as,;hg:f$mjme:1y £0 grcatiybeatigci afid ch%rca'r:n d to do. Z4fTs% e10:11N€1w**i& »€?3?f0fls! jaw; “;m*%;;Q4~¢ n ‘ 1 flaszm '?{@*Vmfir3‘% M3If€#a?I1i3?1*W.'¥%'é*7"W*’55*‘3 Wlzrlwir 557%? ”ifl‘?4v1ib#%,%?*,g”¢ “ Wc~i§ri%; Q ~ » »-. . - % % , .. mg» tw_ W M . ..~';:""~ >,: oucA<%a‘(.~wpra:1n*11po11 1-hJe“”%%a~cco1111%c :uc*If;:kxe*@::aa:i‘”a;1V,w"g5 vggsy *‘Vze,;,1f1g.1A_1§,; f A ugh; r:mfloutI;ya:i11ci in :‘£im<=_~» bfectmne 3;C01ofiiZ:}§ Iisfiyjicc‘ b() th_ 11?: gigazfid and *If’rt[pmal;VVe”tS mad ‘:17 %G<3v4e1'n‘%:;‘fir’0f Dit*é1;ia,'_b¢:%Ca t;I"1xfl;.:;,,%«t;:i z1"<.=;'; the 1I;£1;l@sP;i1:11am:c:xu*,ffm1d bf 9.1‘1V7%t:ha:;I’a1:%ii:1%i';‘s3*%1 twat i‘1'*7:m¢.‘_~:,‘%*aK11iwht%a;Ii“b;'¢yb*£f umfiamp._Th¢7’wq;é1as‘baaix1g :;rH:we1A;«? améhaéa with inf; fQ.i&V€:1k\.?M;€hmc.a‘“xbw W;§p_;2§.r‘ Le “B ' ‘,,,, V. . «am» I we Pug w. %wfli>e*r;A»1h=mm*s §;‘6t!=c11'kfEi co41%fid¢rab1e“¢ A’ fInterc~:f’: %a11d:Me%Lris,f “ we.11?b;=: c":‘dfi raLc'.:V%'wd7”fiEfo biz‘ tV:i1‘i<:nLo'111:4% A t%1hté“ J‘ Ho\nfe4%to%be a7Lo;d, a,,1;1d ta§hAxwe‘~a.Nzg;w?V¢VfdiydéiA%i’1:a%4:h&:.echm%"Hézufc ov.ér”aT1* Gf‘t%rie*s;é, e'i1t%i&%1Cfhfi:,:a>tj.d%% Cqgd rs ‘.Cgh;;~y3;mpy,i31 t**e3?;W<’=*afc‘ViV=> ,bw=€‘h‘0.;*v£sh,11¢ A?Le¢fo;avz>11Ii&l¢rab1¢;. éwdg ctmtx; tWiPrr, (.fo_ca1}etd ) findtnghim fit for hist‘i1ttit,‘t’onfti%hued' 7hirn't-F‘«€I‘€:¥X" gljxfd alfo nfiadeh, him hMaj,or» Gwetal of dvliddl-efixttin-t‘!‘=e Decim atingt%hufinafs,‘ and aflifitnt IQ zijhr GEn=;‘.1Sa1 t.$1(z'}:Pon 11'} Landau .-t he itsone"t<:5the.1ifeA to flilfitthe Protefio~rf’s defircs whether tighter wrong, fo:hjc:,wi11 d1Tputchno't=lehnand$,t or make the A llttafl dcmtgt, but ,t(it11fl:'t11m0.!*fi‘cio‘us.Way)tM will rather do mtorcgthcn his fhari: ti: hiS*prifi53Pf‘;¢3 3114 AH?-itthrarytt t hings Wha‘tfd€:ver be;ing.("o very. thorough 1é:t?.f'fi7:ch“t1v:ds t5rtokh.hirtm!‘<=;jf tptthf: Warsw on the right ride, as i't.h:1'ppC¥3¢d;1I"l”d—ih11it17mC’b,CC::L1;T1L“: ta,Co1oncl .-_ h:t_G;ent-1-1?.~ tlcmawn of courage-4 anwd'vaIo11r ,{ but not very“ famrms for any gwrcattexntt ploits‘, ;,1nIt'c:.>"5A f01‘5‘:aI:i1’1g‘th€ l1o11:l’t Innt: km: pars of A,!z;« bar}. in Win}:-t lull‘, For which the Phtonmfior kzommitted him to the¢Tower', butqw.a:s A than rt:l€Ei1i:d‘~: N0 great f1*icnd:mf th~f:, Scfiarics (Co called)-or EHI: caufg , ‘ W t , A A A _ 0% %d:>thengS'it h]05v,how/Loxtd Ah of Freedomrhenfoughr for, as feverai ofhis chain, andnow OfEce~:'s‘4 and Son Idi¢§sA4ca114%A\v%ic1*1e1s ; %% aAndAaI:hoAughV in be: well knmvnf,‘ and gx;Aon1¥ n1o1a1yr%AtAA'c§+orrcd 1‘, That he ca"n»ne1thcr%prz~ty or Aprexch ‘,A yer; c‘ompiy1ng”_ A£bkind;E%yAwithtfi"cAn:::w Court, * and being in hlsprmcxples for King“‘ flaip,~as~a11"o 21(1) Colonel of Hqrfstg andVthe‘vProccx;Stors Iiirifmam” “he Amaywcllfibe reckoned fit Lobe taken out of’¢tbc~ Houtzs: and mz1d"c: :1: I;ord,and to have a Negative Voyce iI1“th€: O£hi?fI‘1A'OUf€ ovgr theAgL:o%d‘? F 2: eligégfid pa-.o‘pVleVof{hAis Land‘; :t~.e:%rather4 , for that he as a%GAe11deAxY1;1n and fought onciy for mbncy and honour, a11d‘11'othing<:1ie. (4O_1One]- A . aforfnverly :cWo1Ie11—IIA)%ra“per,A?c>r' petty Merchant xn Landon, whofcshop being put: of forts, and his Cafh " ~ ggmpty, no: hmgwiVng‘Awhcr‘ewithnll to fatisfie”h~i3A Cre<:iiz’ors3 he. flied linra, Sootl.md-for 1*efug<:tE'iU %tb%e Wars b:gan,the11 took on him to baa Souk‘ dicr, whczreby hchath' profited greatly‘; was no graac Zc:;flor;f1or~tt1c' caufe, b&ut;hap4pc11ing~c;11cherighttide, he kept: chézre, and at length was mad; %C%o%rnmifl7ary Gaxaeral of the Hor1"e:'he wasof t:h<.’:‘N§‘: _iA;1:tm*‘I3'1arI%ia- menus, and being foycty Au“<':fu1%l 'El1Td, complying m %pfoaAA1ore:%Arl1Ac%% P1-Ao- V I-cefitors defigncs, was made: (y) M:zjor.G:im‘:ra1 oftwo c.>rthre<=:; Conn» (y) p1z;5,¢;* ties .- he is fora KingorProts:éfo1*,‘ or what you Wiil , Po baiikazd at In I r411. Court; is with his little Brother QLQII am growna gm: mm A, A ~an:;i very 353-% 3» 4+ c011fidcrab1;:%, a11dAwiferA cheProte€’cor!3zi:h) g:hez1Majk3Ar Gcperawll V % L*dm6ert,WHU”h’a$Ving Lords C 1: pale and owm~d,foc-:x-_- c:<~:11enna'%fpirit of Goverzumerm over his Wife and Family«. b:::i11g *£A1“If‘i" »a Member of(.z.)7 Imam: gaad-win‘: Churchmo queflion niécd madcof A V his merit of being cvczry way firm be a I’.o1'd,a11d b?e‘t:1ke.n4o ‘t: oft.hc; A lr1o,u£:¢:¢ have aNegat'weVbyc: in cheOthcrHAou"oIone19o. gcwnord%m,5a[W1d% be) femetiffflc CplQn€1V«m,g19nn: Brothers Prentice , (2: Sa1_1:cr in Landau) »§""h°f3 mm bémg’ 033301’ 1713VV1Y Wt, berook h1'1'lf¢1f'I.'(A'.) b L: :1-SouA1dim:~ M1 fi¢ad,_offct:1ng up>h1AsT:'rade; went out; 2; QgAirmL';‘%m~1!M%crAfjof ’F‘cmc«, fF§:qU¢11t in"p%rayi11g,Apreaching=, a-1 :mdcom:i'nued in r.hc%Wars t~i~1l beforgor: Vvhat= he-2 fcbughc for A; %in?ti’mcV bccamc:.a%:;CoIo11c{,A and (in t:«hcout~w-ard 11 ppmr;1nce§) vary m:%ous? Aand» H A A Pfcmbg for I{'ightcouf€1c{Ti: rand Eretdona , andhhighly z-‘:flcem::d in the Army‘ on that aAcc'ount_ when: honefly Was in fafhiolur; yec~having»;u: t:he:%lA'3unf~;=: tirm: ("like his.Qe:z15s:ra1); anevil '_If'iAn&Aurc=of that I7pi1‘it£hat?lOvCd and" VfouAghrV&afi:crthc fztvour afldzpmtfe of M2311 1n~oArA,A: then that ofGod-‘As, A by wafufl I4 ex~perir pm‘-f A56‘-Vr'i1‘€ lJP0lTl:hatacC0unt, but by Vdggrecsfcll ~of£:~y%a’nd thi;3a'W.1s Vvho VVirh%;C0Ione_I Wlzireg rgughc Mufquecccrszmd curnewdécbedhomtr &Memb.crs ,1cfcbc»h111d In the LIECL‘: Pzmrlz-aménnqut bf A c%he“.Ho111eA.4 (am? Mr» A 1?o(l.’$c*ripz:..A 6‘ ‘ A A A _(,._c5 E _ 1?1V’3’i11g’%fi1i1$ %k5;13fi%i1Y W’i':h iI.h<'3 1’r€>t&3é5W5; ;..D,i€£3§~§1msa €¥I1£:31l?t3:r€fi%¢~aA<%VW’aS (:1) ms Sm T( 2*?) Major (3.<31i€Y51AV%V&07H“mP77?"’”8~1‘3<-‘3i« ~57fiW~°c;V&*¢€¢es%A¢:2f‘ rh:.iaEe~»Ra:’« 1.; 93: x x 4.11. 1ffli%;:*4:;’*z"‘; em", i1ai;;I:i;j::d3s1a'i1c€:£ti bisyixmtcrex-w g[re::u:§y~;;1md min mg ;g%r<:j._;ic <:{‘as:;;f1:1;;,md 3*-=’== 3-<1-9w f7;wc$i17:;,at C;f3§t31*t;;;s‘ he is judged the4oHmi:y fia:.1m11,ts<3 have Maj%dr;!,Ga:ie4 J:‘:$:”f:“ r;11AL;zrm’2éfi7f4‘.fw 13“ipTc:<§2-;’Lrmci%CgL::mn;mf§as M..1j@r C:3<;n,_ara1%Qt',;b¢ Armygf adw ‘imp: %1_1‘;1%vikxa"gVi%i'4k;;ff:a;';:£fdxjVa12c’adi h,,Vi§.&1'11g._1~f.1x.1f yv‘a;s m ghf-: P_rQ,tec?:9rfl1*ip;hc4reaf'ter; :fk;e’i"9.e§1o:?:‘.«aL‘»'ed. as Liz‘7?§5¢i?’I-‘ wvm. ; Ha bgzlng to veryfi gon(1de1tab,1e§a' pérfoi15‘éz11’d’cf shah gnsatwomh, tbctzrfc i.‘:§ no qm::£}$@n% orhis deferts firzteffe to be taken an: eff the!--i~ou¥b :6) ba 21 Lord, and to havea. Naga- [Vi «fie V/oycfie‘ in the Other Home 5 the miw1i,”fo%r that he mwrin alfbzk [ifi ~fo;¢.g!9; ,,1g.g:'m§?tamy.¢zc1a ti/omg as A fl:¢(g‘lepsrfl9n;ar at % gflI§ffi’:2»Vf9,7¢§':"[?¥‘F«0?1€[)’ M pvstldow Charles; mzzlflrt up Olive; , and hath mama. 4.1 A % . % % i Z 9 O 01161 ‘B67 '?:y9h'1sOr'io'inaI Msfrbm th(c*Iro:=:n «Wozks,aS a”‘C1<-1-rk or Qvczriizegbcghtooig biLI'li’€_lfll% %Wgr%s 01f}'”!§hc Par, 1,33m€n‘5 fid‘3$ %profitc.d% gmatiy in hiwsu11de1‘t-aking,a11%d Aadvamctd his in--» «E<,$1’i’=Vfl Yéry fa1f4%;,. who th0ugh‘hE_: wot: 11os:*ch¢]e1’:ersVCoat, ylmz bcingfo rea”dy toaé’c'Vb‘isparr,% and p1ea4"¢%Ai1Ais Gcxteral, in time: he «bccarm: ;12Oo¥: 1o’1f1r:IOF Hc~1‘f€ in th(:: A Army , afcmward» :3. j 01: Gcnjcral of diu~*ers~ Counties, a?comm-and fit f<;='r EL Prince, wlaefezin he might learn to lard.» I;fi11,Ka11%A1‘biu;ary w.;_1;y%befQr:h~;111%d 1;: is pt. a(13l‘t?;5 than: he isflof cmmw. p‘lyM§1g ’pri1i_ci"p1tté with the g(i3¢:mrr,his ;p'rt:F€1?1?£1C:1T;E¢;_i~Uffi¢CiCflC}yt I peaks (:1 ma » (1jc.1"’1:hs.":r d ug%hta:1y othérbe«%be1ic;vad% 0f himA%%,M%*I.c>r%a11y ef hisbrc thren ,5 VVitI10Lita1‘ea\1demo11H'ratio11:c2 :;h,£:? cr;a11;:1*a%ry>)w{"o that h€:m%.1ywc%11A for one to be a Lord 5 M andVAt0 malsrzxz ml: Qfrzhc H~o.uFc we ‘have; N¢§§3“iV¢VV?~Y¢¢4%AOV¢1T R@$?P??©;« bsfillg A {'0 ;f11%L’ a,dT"'?311CCd;~‘31"1‘d~g0§"ECnf* 1§i3"tbf’thépi%iabdv'e t}He?m“; 3118 if“heVd?’d formerly fight agziimt game Voyce, and lording it over: ci*i‘:::pe:op1<:, $1;r:g1;1;y_¢b:a%§b1fg:v4;;1;j bmn. (15) mm 4 sgxcerixa ;$*am1;m;ykV, a%«Membec pf: 7)am.z.¢. (b gmzw;'m C1mcic&a”,;one i3W1"""I‘ W‘ %{”C>%r4rjn¢rIyi% of v:21*yTh'xghA p,}:i.»nc'1;p,1gesLfo$;: gqmm on j‘ U13? ica sa1iel;F%r:fieEi:am fI7",*I¢i'*1€i£:‘§ ‘ ¢fpez'%5I9 798 -gag/d'y £7 §1"C2AI2Y1CtL1f”,7.:1i!4¢4‘J‘;6(’ai*2§.'Th'éVA1f:my rchen Sc'q;‘lmd,'}:1'id;i1‘1g into Englaémfl“ mm, ,0 kg, for 'faith£1}1._1pm3ying~menAtbiiiakc%Offi<:;g;5Aof, fjzfiez *h§V:nefl p»;-_:«.::;'p]¢: P'rq_te- Burmz’:.ghffrecotnmended higfn to £4h€w,G€11<3L?zSL3,,fi41’1*z,1-il=:ci «§‘.>:t:;bm';~ xms zngafle at C ,«cj2§;c;>,»1'1al,:: -;n:;u1;l~:~<: ~+fi;»:*H: %d~¢;':%fl313t Emd bébegnxg %1,a,If<.*.»‘% bath {#2 mien §111pr0yc»ci% h?isj3i;.merc(?‘, ::$~.1s;h»c:‘ Aha iih ;1%14Vz*:r:>:t»‘- ‘f dy gb%tt6§:if:fs,%,ma:13},7~iatgxtdrsitdég Prgf/?7?'?¢%7WZm‘_)j ag ; Ahad h¢:1n€.Tmd%% gzmmindigf vvh¢:.:f: Sq iijfill i'3i}e A"IfV2%%a1dsaA .1 hair, hath :gKiegima:s1i%c caf Foczt Aim ms:-~./.»:u;;1;_, a nd’ ‘*§1‘»VOi5'?€5:1‘ in %1fé/M4 ‘i*.?s}'%:%=:1*«:: 17:: }?4’§;1§{?ar‘ (_I"f~c:nA.<:17a2 of ::h%s-2,-1Vr2r4t'/9-%i1fVE*"»%5 zmé/3:4 %R}mfi»z}%2 131d £"§;3.m*e:i1<:i;4r% Qfi z*rfcJqr_”g:,¢aV;,{V%}~o; as ms: is 5: vie E*x’c-:»p;;~:—%= fui wayto ha-\agreaL~mah ?1adeedhhhh:‘hhéwas of Jthé‘: Imter Par1i;m=1ents , h,;md thcfi*e‘7j‘i:$»fi3:h1'ihhfiféof that i*:ci$‘ esw:hry%%hyvahy thordugh~paC:,dh7a11d ime to gm; _neVVh;‘C«cf:urt&i1‘1I:C1'(~:(fE that upoxj the whoieme alioi rhziy be chum. xedhfintoh be Lcarsd of the: Othfii‘ Houfc, andto have a Negacihvt ;Voyce: uvarnhc good perbple in Samlshw-Wig, if they pleglfcx, ’ and all the phehylc af thhelh Lands be‘f1d6:.,‘*‘ heirig-A the; I’.roretto’r§ p_I¢:'afure ; ti-fx§::%,.1‘2t't1‘1*:,1‘, h hebeing th;c.*T,1\/Iirmunrrofrhe ri:'rieshhfo_r thorough‘ chazuggi of,pi'incipI§:s"h,, h Alhdgrm-in 'Yf£clo£~am;ahd 0:1’. e"x§fehp\te-"L, h " “ ” h h: hn1an‘**q?4-Cziqthhhn Sir~'CAM‘l51»z]?o}>,l:ér,-hxeaxv f % Pxttckgw hisxifg formerly was ~by‘dtm3 in Gmirhf 5% ?h11ca5tj*I:h€ faeginrxing ‘¢j3f‘;{71¢ Lang: ParJ;iamenI*;»%h% ;was— II”£é!*d;@3‘> a11=Ah~1der5m'a‘1u?5‘, ~ was: %rh%e:h5 v‘er‘y‘ " d‘i‘fi‘-— gGhre::t_, a41d—m6d1«ed1itc1e5 mm~xpmthehpenfbh**9f>thi2(§%) _ A5) Fm, rum. Hehwcra th. ‘. A 4 "vrmheh I~i’1n£l114z‘:’»: axld of righI:AhI917inC5p1ht:<-‘Ara ~p;:ople9£xhe{"e Lands‘befid¢. 4 Praxtséicarg ~anrd<»p.1dgcd‘rshegmaely m:::et‘»:7man to" brmg t%I@7'Pl;"'3tI‘lt101'I111m." 7.-,9/9;;/9 good“ Ehr‘: Hjqufm p7“;1}f(t3*4gf9f#i¢“;ta' accept of, take flpbh him; Whichhh fhdugh fe'r'w'_ce, up... he then refufcd , yet (as 1:: repo~rt:*d)Vhari1 fi‘nz:i¢hrc?per1zc?cé1hhihs; th‘erl1re4 3” 9” 1’m~ F %1»qrd;Tdhbd¢f€rV¢§h:W’@l1 hZfls":hl3a11ifl$361‘ ‘W’ “’ A we / ‘, r v ‘ ‘. < V w ‘ V H ‘V _ ‘A A “ ‘V ‘H thehC0u.rt.»1h1‘I&:§;re(’t:,»h~av111g aifo beam 51 Lord (to \:'V‘1I:;Niay\(‘>I'). dn <;e hawks, charged ~m;.1yhupon thcwhovlc beeoumzd very W£)1‘th yfiw hh<:$:zg;1i11 £b‘Aca1h}héd,éntfI mm “mm w haven Negac-i‘vc Voyce inch: Other’ Houh1h‘hove‘1fL;3;adq;¢,h.aj;;] %a11<;h§” jjgxgfcozzrfit h is» 1 ‘ 3 h‘ if-ai-we 4200 v or V “T 41 ‘ T ‘’‘h ‘J; V W’ W ‘ ‘_ W03‘ Wfl, ) 37113} th‘e*b&g:i11't%ing:‘ .imI/gt’ gnarl hiizxng Iwrlihamscm-»~A, Whheia ah:g1écarf«Spi1‘itvvs1$;flifr.i11g f6rhLjib‘é‘1':y‘§1-id ‘;l‘fu"._.~* ra,§zm:’Trezz~ VA flimcca“ mzuxy Wmthh y Pélgifxfimshhéiind Co1‘r1~pI_ét"hi.1fifs”h w—c-;rei;jr::L<:ie againhti 1%. _/W Wm h ‘htq11%§¢::<*:_hs«_.. 7 the B%ifl1@ps;f‘hh’hhmdh the Earl of”4Stmff2:rd 1%. gs-; ibgfijg ghhhe_«13im;,”5f 57"/i””"' %~a11hdh»You11g;yh fell i‘i~11‘;;;m%de4h( ;mhLi%i“{:d thheh gogd f.-_~;m{g Mp 3413,; h“P“§‘»‘“eg‘,°§'F°°"g““dtW€“33"§"°‘?“5""’ hPWr=h en:-Id W-‘Ye hagwooh pmphlhhc or t: cC31Ey-,- N€£>'7'nv.h:.hH1s r11c,.w#21s§‘jhr(%’£‘51hj: h*‘h%!?~hM*“h‘“YhYW:W56‘? 11¢ T9011! §’”¢C3m€h;%Cd.iho11€1j«‘énd byccheh P':F%ITI‘i‘a\;% Inchm?F*¢hm¢m11*9frbeT°W<=r Of LWW * 311d"IhWghh ha was: ‘W °P‘ht°hh“€“Fh> Wt h“=s=w;~*ai1AWerm21*nhvc~‘h '31:fifl§1h"th:q1f1‘f0fQ£1-(50.1 _;md Jam hm fOfmCT1WZ€;a%'ii1f1d‘€ VP;I11c1pIesh ,ah_d~1e£:ho§pr¢nch1ng‘ gas ‘hh.1.s;Pafior ‘Mr. Léck]er'd§c3”";;hc A .C%uI1:Ch§ h ‘[0 G?argeCacl{azm, A Hg ?%§4jh¢:fr€rW3rd ;;,h~¢I.ifi:h.’h% A . ’&‘?%qW;M_¢4Maqpmrxn 1s»urn;h washalfo z3f:theGomhm41rr:ec$ fm*‘%fhx:fiHg~;%h _ ;;;:$~'”3t?fih L’%11d[5; h hwhhcreby he1advancedh1s,Intere£”c a11%dh¢h~hh~R75vchnue%Vxggflgk; M ‘ A ” V A Pratcficw, ‘ V -3 % Wbicbfillya *“ Qmwtlrcinfilr 1W*ea11er of the Ctallomtes,ttwl1ex'ehAy hemp- igplantedanether-,. andplanted himfelf in his; room, and thexfx with the: ll.1?el’u:(>£Ahisi brethren, petitioned the Ccammirtee of; the New y for 21 Sat- 1arly‘fi’§"aihdhztd_iit;ttiotwithltanciing he;Wa§ lb; uyellt irelvatdeti fforl his i15ai1iis; A(éft'er he lhaid ipreterizied to i£C£V¢‘.iZ‘i3<‘;IfIi fQr,i'10ti)ing-)f yet lfith‘ his l Alllbfothetl C(5l.Ha'/'v] and C-.A1’pt;’1in Lomglmm came pffblewiy in the end: A ~tHcAwas_of the little Parlianuenlwt», Wand hffiipfiijito dxffolve it; one of the l {late ‘1f’%ar%1ie1mwent la~l1'"o :he?'l:m::h by degrees fadiy loll his ‘1’rinciples,tand ;1btgotte13thel%gc:od Old Cauiiyandtelptruifezri andrtaiterx up AanoltheA~r?, Abe; A f"i11glo veryolficious for the newt C0;urt~interel% , land finch a fliekler for them, heishecomca great Favprilte" it‘s not hard totead his change, i it ; fheiintgi"ih.fb_tgrealt_I.ettrs, l_1_£tll7t: things cpnlide to be Called Lt)rdl'Tic‘b£o7’f,£ ,5 being allb fol V Aiblve tollcwm that Title whoever malignsl it ,AA,s:it ,:l9_.z;t, n_:}.:gttc"tz:r pajféxfrgm kiwi in M1] atbcr mam wherefore tohave a.tNegat~iveVoycclliirfthe Other A A mg‘ to rcccivclandjre- A» be is A (no q7ulel’tion') ; f the _]ud‘;_;{ment % I lga'vaz'd in law,» .H:euleA*Aoverf Landax, t , V ietndgllwthelgtood petrplcaf thclitl-;I.a;nd's ,l is veryfpitablleltlotllhim; and l VV’hattb0ugi1 he was foe g1T€‘aEi‘afl. Opponent tojthofe things formerly 3% it’s 119 matter ; thcnlwasthen, and now is nuw‘5Ai A 3;. Sit William 9{o&erz:,tGt1lW.who in Ell... ltiA:i1AcioAf the Bifhopé rufiiiflg lat ; ilvetatiilco Helm 1" and lived there: for 1.‘; feafon ; the Parliament ruling’ , and in War with the King, cameiovct again , and after the then mode; found ftvouri, bavingeupon I:i1c;i‘A0rcj::; tncntidned aAccoAunt blunt loumfthc Lands and Was*madc *a great Corn#;: 2; mitteee mamand in much &ctt1p1ey;.)AArejAoycgld,; and mademerry with the rel’: of hii3‘tbrethr,enli1*1” lll~l;Lgmh,¢1lS}id:xbytVm: I Chamber 5 : as l thelmwylets and olthet;:;m§lt perlonsAlillmad,cllrA tBAdAn“1-A- firesg la11fdlfl:ldta11k,S:icic zgt‘theA*Te‘ml.pi: @~I1Ad¢‘1fCV\?i'll€f€‘”: ,»Wb:l§Vtifi%leVVérit&i fpif it! (if Life from Gad“ (wtmhiisnm falioff) comes "111 l to A7A?ta:i£eitl'up t;;hax;l* honefi Spirit by which fomeiofthmfn wlere‘a6ied,t"nviII1ibt hc; his thrcn. arid the refit of that-earthly rout, ( the falfe Spirit of Magifltaicy ind Minifiry) bc tormented and aftaild gt He was "of the ‘T M» ‘L fince, and no doubt oftightl ‘Princip1cs.to the Couft inter arli ll [OWI1 is bmgndap : A Is one th;1thelps;t>n the bnndageinltdi ;jwhere11*irl infers (A) His S4. (is!) CoAmmirtees~ yvhete he fits; and is thercfcm:»noqi1efl"ion, themtdré,’ [my 990 1.. fit to b; c“a1A1¢d Lord fI~Lgé;rr.r, ande tolbe taken out of the Houfeto h_:ivejA l a'"N3:gativiC V'oyce«in thei0th Cr‘H0‘Uifc‘i'OV6f'lEhEA people, being {oigteatly Lvbalba _go.ad expericuctdtin tthilit wallylllatl$re;Idy , ihtwing cont-inued inuthcl....l.a.fplte£nid;" llA -Co'mtmctee{0:1ong. » e3+$.¢ Col». AAfAA3A;9> _; Q1-. 047977 0i76’S;mfG_em*1cm:m~nrAwxmm, home ‘(of t;hefL0ng~Pa::I:Aamen€,W3.S An Lommzfl"xone1‘1n Ir:lm¢d,ferg0ver11i1Jg dug Manon under rhe1?a:1xamehr.W Oneof good prmciples for com;-A-A ] uihce and Freedom,ha.d he kept them» andnothfa1AJAAenintotem- pcahcion; he helped. to change the AG overmneilc, A ziuid mzrke choie Law; q£eTreafo11 a«mnA[’: :4. fingle erfous Rule; hath aeconfidcrablc Revenue, .. 3’ an A 0 ‘er ! A A ‘ «A. ‘ u A ;mdxr.shkeydxdnmzlofe yAh15emp1Aoymem:: he 15 GAovernox:roEh the me of Arsglcflr , :mdA1:m~:1y rnarryed the Procefiors Sit’rer(a Wid- Adovv) by which means he might have b‘ecomeAa gre:-z~tema11indeec3,, did ‘not fomething Hick which he cannot well getdAoWn:A heiszn 0‘: thorowa paced for the Com't~pre>ceedi11gsh , A nor is his ACon£'cience fully hardned " againfleehthe Good ~OldmCaAi1f€; but there 15 great hope ( no qnefiion)‘ that. in thine he may b-3:E:C5,5¢N”flfd1y :however,:;fo'rRelation fake) he may becounted fir:(Wfi .i!s1~Name~fake and Cou11crc5!-max: ‘P/Jilip) [9 ba- ¢ca1IhcdL('>rd j'arxc:,a1‘1fd_ t:o be taken out of the Houfero haven NAeg;1tive Voyetei11hrbchOcher Home over the People; andhall his being agdillfl fuch thi11gs forx~nc:1fIy,may be forgiv:n,a.nd not once: reWmerhb"ede¢agai11fl: him.A A —3s-M1*.€dmofldT’2omm*,acememmos Wm:,a?Eé14hfiaeraE1heA1hmeu£§,&hhhFriendb£pb.j.;m,md iillyedhto Walter Stritklmzd (both of the Council) and brought in upon their acLcm11t.; and of complying princip!es;,no quefiionA,to fay no rnpreAofAhin:1, ( not having been Iona in play) beingrxone ofchc great Zea1o::s,orHigh~Se- é’:ar'i;;ese(fo called in Warlcx, may ddubrlefs be countedwifc and good encmgh 10 make %‘*‘fi‘m pm Lord of the Other Hou1'e:,A and to he calhhled Lord ;Tbo=mm, j hme:xNhegativch1oncl_Wbzte an.d wm :4]?/3.. o1:hers)= If b?=- mm/3MmAcf:r1’1§i thcrem. L-‘.v.f1A€r€.‘fC‘)f'3 :1: wen: gAu:atrAp1r;y 1f $13 {ho __%[ xiafitsa 0' Wm,fZ.£,£,_«At:.1kenL%.91;n:,ofth»:: Home robrs: at Lord of tax‘: Or.hc::r B01116: IS 01'_1f'1l1'% 392,-”; g;; 11,; law bemgfo great a Lord,and have 21 Ngagacxve Voyce over C4m6rwlge- iitllemrli-lflaire,andall the peopfe 0fthCf;3La;11f;1§S bétfides. A V A A A :w1£72t«.__a1Aa;z; % - A_ % - -A A A ' ‘ A H % V A A % §ftia8Ha;:f2 A 57.811,” lllidm ‘St;/'ZCk!dfia?9Kn§ght_0fthc om go” figamp, a%Ge11tiem;m%ofTar/qfkrire5 andfirocber toff/§!terStriclg1az:ad, “ ' ;,’\«Va;S 01-‘ the APar1iarnem: 1,orgci*m:-.A,;%%but bZ—lth11OWlE1€<;:lnS forgoztern Eh: C-cmfc: of fighting wfnzh, “and cu}:ting 0?? nhcflare. King’s haad , and zupprcfll-ngrkac Lords , Athexr Ho11i%cAazudAANegac1&vc Voyce: Hewas of A¢z.n&:ia=: Lzitmf Parliamexnzsg and of good §;om‘p1ya»,ng qucfiion, with‘ A_f:h¢:_ncw Cemrt , andAf::;;11r2 the AProteé’c~or%;ai1eA3»v;iiA11ml1 thofe things fbjr ; whzchchef‘I{i1AgwasAcutoAFf: ‘xvhcrefom he is fiz:,;.no doubt‘, to be-t..1ke11%A% mat of the E-Iouf: -and made a Lord ;A the gathcr , for thatflhis younger Brother C Walter ) is (0 great a Lord ,A “andby whom in all Iik::lya- hood he will be {’ccer’d to uli-:~ his Negat}veVoycein ;I:hAeAO::hc1; I;-1ouI'eA 2;/*e:ATork{7azr:,‘Aa11d thC2Mp§3OpTCAOf thefe Lands ,4. AA“tAc> the:intérePc ofph: 38 -S11’ 5:'{{C79d7”d 077fl0€?__az«i11z,ghc oftheold St-.zmp,waA G'=F"~”‘€I11fl110f 33am}, ofgood parts, anda confiderablc Rmnxue ; hycse flwasmf t11r2AA.L011g«AParIiamenxz, Aagnd lIwAich;muc ado (chum » is poliv-:§ “L my) fleer7dfA%A lffis A%c;oil§17f?‘s‘?: fbficweetm‘ %Ath~c,tW“oRo cksof King and P.1r1Miame11t, ;¢%‘W;_a:AIi€1"d ibme: fibre "Storms; : vmsnoz: his mam mI<<:=:n in his the Gua:'d;i11&Sanctb2av.:zrl{, wich.Com%miH5o11s of AA%L‘i‘:iy in his Pock- A at frcam the King, and fcurri Ions: Songs %again{?r% the %Rou11d.heads 3 by his intercfi rode i1:=ou_t till C‘o1oAn%clA PzfzLr1:Ac?ame%with his ptlégcuzhcné Ai"qEFer’d1ofs5a,11dcame no Amgre inp1ayALiI'1*about Warccflcr fig r5»vl1e11A,§ A A ~by*Athe% be’: p offome frie1“1c1g31f1< 1’ar1iame‘11t,he was impowh-ed to raifé A lead -:s"C<5l‘o1*131 ; 21 Regitn€11Vt of A.5'm-r}IA~ m»A:nagai11&‘tbe Smzs and theai E{Ai:rg.'i):.'x.t came too late to fightgirr being over=Ab;:i11g popular in flurry he was of theI;att:Aer%Parliaments; is%fulI~y“f'orKing{11ip amAi‘W§71‘1c:vA4» m }n.gm'i1"e,:111d G itkled much algno11gtheA7~© Ki13gIi11gsLt0 I tend —feeAi’:~1g‘ he carr;‘11ot AAh:n'e%‘%yr3.L111§;%C barley; %o1'dA oziwr: Willa his tum’;4¢w he .11 afae~one ; F0 tA1m:he Avery fit to be *I.oA1*d 01afla?!7.,a1‘1d to be:=tak¢iA A m1At“?’Ac%f the Hoafc‘A; to Era;-Am: a NegatiAvc Voyce in ;he Other How; 0! A A S»rr}%4i€»they Apleafe, m-.7?» aIIdthe~%peowp1eA ofchcfe L;111~ds%rb..:;£,ides, AAvvh<'=tfs€f”??§A@ rheyA p1c’afeV'orAng>t,‘%“ ” A A ‘ A A” 1*’ (:5 <" 39;. I " ‘ .b(«’“) 39. M rink” .Fzemzes,sm;_ ofthebliogcl Walldgra. that toflommiflioner Pliemm, brought in, 1t’s likely, for one uponbis (core, is in a kind fuch Aorlc as they call a Se&ary,but no great blilckler; x cherem n:<>t bgivgfrédéémcdl fr<>£r1Albth€feara11d gfiwour 0fnlba11=l Will» ~ it is‘ prdbablg 2 foA1‘l0w" hxsB£oA;he‘r 5 AA=wboA-1}sA (as '13: lsA‘AAtbqpAAght% A) Amuch A fieé::’dbyoldASub1:ilty~, h1s %'FétbcrrbatAl1es mhrs Dgngi» (as Tburloa rnong the late Kinglirws , who pctiticme by his‘ MI; '51:; '§’aIa'm” ) "and willfay Na with Wthef rel}; when”emy:Ath'ing J oppglés the: iluterefi Olth'c11eW C:;‘AQurt,tbeir pfofyer axadfind grgatnefsi‘ may thlere-fire r>2?~fl?:fr. ~11: F0 W Tm-‘4>l afléilro b%%v¢_a,N€sat!v€l Voycé inA:beAl OEHerAHe2fi.'1f€b r:>ver~ta4llA in 0.i:f07"’éa']}9zTr?“ :heALlnxvc1;fity than onely excepted) and :6 ‘l;é:'l._"@1l‘thg€l‘ pé;bpllé"olAf t‘Ahbé:“l'e$ A>L2'i11AdsllA“befides. A" 4 ‘V AA 4 O; Slf A05” #564-?da*Kn'igbr Baronet csafche bld Scamp, a Gcljclemaxapf Norfa//‘Q ,"of~;1 cbnfidgrablc Eflazje, part wh§:r<:- olfv¢ca“mleAA 1a;¢1yAm him‘ byblithel Dr;-._;:ixil-ll‘\é;7AAfi1£‘ Kilufmem: "”fh’e;l w2lsAAcrf tligfit «M Ilaitter Paf“l7i~1l‘;{’?A ems, Abulcfior-lAAo“f fcarfmér A‘Ahad Amealealvm-y1ictl1lAé A9 at all, in throwingdAow11 King,fl1iAp A; but hath llickledvb¢ry¥mAuAfcb in A helping to rc-efiablifh and build icup ag.1i11,‘,andAa gncac flickler a- V C, AAtb¢*PrQtc&orl‘to beAKing~; lh.i5lP1'in¢iP1e5fA-b€i13g{0§£i.%ht.f°1:K,ii?g’nfi7E5:313dl’fT}IIan11Y5 he is i11Agr€*at favouf bllfigbldféy, land,“n"0 queGio11,Ad§-férvs to be: a Lobrd*, and to be? ltaken om: ofthe AAH6"ul'c to cxcrcife 21‘ Ncgativc N Vdyca in the Other E-Ioufe? overlallthc gobd melilifi Norfolk, Algmdall the paoplesof thefc'LA.1nds befidcs , being; lbccAome lfoA\l’eA1*y~ ther H_o1:.fcA,AV;olvelr the good men in Effm (1,;hAc newLor?gll«:»f—iVarz:ziclé,,A : ProAca£tor’sA1B7l'9ch»ar— i.nl~AI:m, cxceplted )_ and al1‘r;lf2 rt; ;g;gbgle%ofl%AnlA:A¢ig befidcséll. A AB W2 A mo 4 Z - ofda E”’735a%‘Gwent%;mianof?‘«5rW9i>':,no:%u-mi bulky or i.1Iip8rit5us fcr 21 Lord ;A;he was onmxwcll V¢He€1W:dA0Affor he.- A nefly,»j a.11d Itheréfoxéc chef .211 to be one ofche A LiLt?C3*AP%:1r&liaAm_e an ,; hath. we be.enV%Va£.ax1V%:be1>;;1-1:3 mcnts Afince The 1" W’ k: fl9i?fe%mef11, happil yw many 4 like his beij1igT11é\v~L%'didé:d;aif1z3.4chawt b£: Th0Ai11di‘h3V'€VV‘a Ncga: ivc: V,c5yceT oycr t«hérri”§ th§:?mthE:f,b:ca.x1fe they 11¢-.V.éL‘ Crhofe him to afiyd i“uch %thimg: the“ Pro%tc%&oTrb%_e5311~g f well fatisficd Wif'_h _hl7S% Priildiples gtmd ‘eafinc fs %(_lik¢b1s F%e1lowf_ Loyd WHon}_wo:od}"' r;q be M lxvrqughc up to do Wh;1te:v(—f;f .i:hV¢ir_m11Ma11d%. p%le_aCurg:» i§y.111d to my Na, 9 whe11?;wtheywouldAh%;.ve him :; iégzifs fn7c2é:.: h;c;4a;1fi3‘;paf$,%for v.:§;11¢ ro .;b%é,tak£:11j%M 0111:. of the lfloufe E9. ’“h§£{4€fAa 1§egaci:x*c.%AV;§y§gzzgiiinhéOzhéy L'fl€$‘%1%1i0t 013631)} ovér rargzgirg, of the old but a'11?:he o md§dVd peopxc M%o%f?%%th':: Q11.~VV‘é;i:I'th'Wb€fid w’b'eir.-g a Lord. tam%pA;aima.::iy.: AA ; aw ~ ‘ ‘ %f-H4mPd6%%<1ao»v Land; B;4c.lgi‘ézgbA'mflaire,; «Sun of the Vlwatfe Colonel Iiawden, H théfi hioble Pwa£fiOt»a{L1d”Deténkdcttr Qf phcflights and LibercVics%% Of thC 22,gfz“fl2' .Na:io11,gf famous m.emo1'y,11ever.to,_%b::fargcgmgn, for wichPca1jdi:%‘g me Kmg n1_tl1cVc.:1f<: of. Sbrp- momtyg bcxngalifoone ofthe: five.1m.pca.chcdr Memberswwhich r‘h<~:faid King ~endem;\our7ed to‘bav.e pu11é:d bu‘tOf1“h%t:: -Bi==11I1.ia_t?vX1<317111u,.f'VVh€:€u§;O11*»fo11O‘\‘V€d ,fu;;h' fiend, war, and fhE:d:i?ing of“ Bloudflhis-.&youn*g%(3r;:n:lcmanA,Mr{I:Inmp.dgm,was4rhelali of 6 zmahich , V: were added fingly b , the Prone<9cor,afrcr the choice of 6 Q cog,ethe.r~ : in is very likely that CAéS.»/ng~sldx:5y, C>r i"i)vmc%%c>:1fIe,;: Eriaéndqt Cosm, gar» Cardina1s‘?’ Hat» fo.r%h1m:£her¢by rofertle and {acute hA11n«cQ%nh.a=:.[%A 1_;m=:rc it of the New-~CoAu rr§i,4AVan.dM xylgmll yr; m ~of5fr0;ia rm: sh oughtsp f;e vcf»- following his Fzitheré fle‘ps,o‘r" inhc‘rit:in‘g*his nobk: vc:'£Ucs;as 1i;I:e»w?e~ aha: the ho11efim.enAA%in Bm’.'k_1'5¢ £1’-mmf/airs, 2 andasll ather than: an: Lovers of%Fre=_~dm%m%a11d]uH igeuflmxcicavéd fo cmtd1a1%Iy roaand W 6111110 ”che%:tr -5 fully a1V~ong;VwAith %his7hF%a:&her m the beganning of the late War, %%1n1ghtaba. 1:011: % ofral-1 hopes; %o£"h'im; andzgim: »hTr1nAx;av%t:r for 10%} 7m ‘the Good- %O1%: d¥ Cg¢:u{‘g,;md' inhf§yi»1;i.1-jg hi§?Fathers :¢n:z:ib1c&S“pirlit%a11d%% Pri 1?"1c%i:pi czézf, % thdugh A he doth hifslvanclsk; A “He waIc:of:.thc.1:1tcer Par11;xm%e1m.and% fm2n%d”ri_ghc~,;. ihvixig in :be:%D&fign ‘_u;p_o11 whxch he Was; maVd:t#a?%‘=I;ord»afte.r% 2111‘ the Jv‘;c.I-h 4 andkthe.Prorefiurs"plwcafi1$rc.'_ 11!.‘ is rv’ery“hard;to iZ1y,h0w fix: heism E92: aha‘ I;ord%,_;%and hmv well a Negarive»V0yce]c5vcr ma good;pe.u:>p$le ofthisq Egandgaxzd h is F‘-a:rhers;%%%Frie11d sin pa rtivc.u.A1a1*,2wi11;% becomAé«El1eA%So>11% Aoffmch -.1 Fm:her‘;an~d ho»-wwcu the afogefaxdgood‘*peop'1e:“ (;nbw%C;1ll%%ed4S¢e&a,q» «ti cs)wVil'11i1r3 15 No”; ¢ac$;’:4iI:4¢re fixer: A may;/z¢,,gg,a Khig11t&of;t9V6O1d s:a:np,a Genclemsin ofa my large . ,EHatc’V*a11d ‘Revenue, waf5.0n”: cfvthe‘ ,LoAn_gA "P arliament, I and o11¢0fmche fiVé4+Aimpe;;chcd Members wvyhhom rhcgjkmg Vcndesvraured to haw_:pVu1-5- ];¢d”ouAt otxhzs. ~Hou'¢yvAi:1h:h¢*%o‘:he::,'“bVu: »vas4 hindered from édingof it; ; ‘*was* g Ci:;s!o1f1?t:lAi’n”Ehe:.‘K1*zny,V fand A 2Ld%v%e11zcurA;:d'4‘t";Ir i%11thcV\j/Wars, con.- t31dL1eTdAofth%;1t ,Par1i‘am%ent 1:111 the dxffolutton AAtbe1'cQf; was alfo Acho-A . {kin ofA::be£é 1at:er:“i3a‘r1iame11cs, butI10E p?:rm»itt€d_tO fiAt:atI_:h€fi1‘f_J:; ha wasby th.-3 Pr1=1g”hi'sr f:1‘I%Ao»v %E11g1i11amen;%.and§here..fp3Ake frgggly, b%¢ari%::g a‘lgoodA Wit%ii”€:£T€: ; in 'b~3AhaAlAf.o*r -the Good L 0~E~d ACauf:.=: 5, the ' Rights and Liberties ofthc: peaplc of England=;;— at 'Whi~Chtb€:' Com‘: were vexedand fore.d>itw- A plwed. ‘E-Io-W¢ver*, fora}! L'hiS}O13.1‘1g of 1'1is~;\vay ,;_;md p%f§H_ n¢r1A y .i_t.,A A his F;51m:A=; and a%m%c%am'o11gfi‘ 31 I % ,;%r“u§Eng1'im'fgi‘fiis5xvi1lb:-;.* nigm;%r Add m ore h.emc>u'rab1r:: A than the f1mp;‘1eTic1c ot'7~.z New Lard.muE,d rmke him}-.1nd infiexd of :31 Ncgat1ve%*Voy~cc 111 the: Other H ouf<:‘:, b¢.wii 1% be honoured by after Ages as L‘L1'9.1‘~r;i‘. 1’I2cm2¢;~.fi;, Athnt 0£f::zrt% Good 0‘1dCau£E:%f0Abl§;d for Ohwifid and wonderful! !_ %9fie rof. Toitcy i7oVqAr{’t5O% f'QiIn45V" %‘1%§1ndAi1ag ; filfgil to 4b; A fi”‘3’bI;CV “‘fi’3%;33‘% ‘V35 on 5001?fi1i¢€?f(€b¢~V0F1d4bfigm?%pmz2on firm and £22-uiolzz.» L-&ec‘a1l {me E;}1j§j1i%G1€;\Sp‘§1‘§tslove and hono'u%1* him,andtAhat% better 1:be11% 2.: Heather m {M Cazpa, or a Azvaadan D;;}g‘£¢r,' His Na;m;;£c;_:&: c:v<;rVxn the Chronicle_s w%iiI¥livc% as oné,%%%nbat- W;-‘IS rctrue; ?fP%a%ti‘iot (if Cg:n111r1'ies - Libehv ~ ties; mbiah z*1o¥>3e.z1e*It ion (iif -h¢P¢VrTe%wr¢; and,b<: ‘mm: rcfi11edi%n%rhat%h($1ic-tfi fp1%_r_1r - )A. may d~:{ervfe;@1y:‘obI1Lerate alriwhizmanc f rhilties %A%a11d 1nii”carri;-zgrcs Amt'Thi_s: A, ‘during Iihfi ‘A fi%ttIn3¢f%th= W3 3 A M L» alldthe rec Peopeof l:z7'!."PetztA!ar¢; £’ng..1x,x’»?i:. A A A .% .A . ~?A%%F0f~¢biztB6w1z;~~«+¥%— NA’? queiixonrb.cP;9te3ro4r~fovndb€=?vYas1:I1I.fiaAke12 .111 L 5 « ? =V*byce§% baxihg gne$,1 A a rug} r hc:., .Ekg!andm;xy(doubt!£C¢)fofcvcr buVryA~r:hA€m in obliviom tmf h;,<=.w~aasV‘%1a‘étAfi£imbc a Lrsrd %of'%1fiQVAmp%re: p~I~yI1‘.1 11ave.aN«s:~zativve 901' "-5 ~princ%i§pz;;:s toAhisfWintercE% and: Defi for :1 Lord of the Other Ho:ufA¢aV find tohave a yvooden Digéggcr (Am \jv'ir,_ xflcd h1’s%»vay,-and.;i11i%cad of, (if ) See A1fx:n»§“¢s Dflflzdfdm Atimz 57¢ L@Aok?ng§—G1:3i3;,% pa. 5f;(Aay tIw:y)_'Z‘i9£ -fl gramzal and 'rz'f::‘of"I‘y.r¢zmay o~vcr'tlaa fme Peaplg of‘ this Nrzzhm, did%‘f2fb_c;reffi‘or22 the Bat- fldrd 0fWAi Ilizzm, £77}: fixtb D'u1géAnfNCu'n_fa11dy , wire to prwcm the Eng_lvfly~of »:zf.4.’;a 7'el.?eflJy I/).=i'r* Pzzrlizzmezztsg cream! Lordx by his Pra- tcmt and »’p2fe7'p_gative Ato % fit I7} Snqcefliarz in the Paz7'I2zz-- mm: :15‘ R—cpréf£’2zte'rs of I913: - l‘ A ‘_ _ _ A Y, Czmgueli am! Tyranny-over» four was round Haxjzdzngg aloneto his prmcxples and the m,rzr2d not b_yE!eé'fian oftlfé-: People as the R%eprefcrztm$. azgd 1’z:tifom.afz‘l2e Cammarz~~ wealth ; 1 and tvmake '/ais I5-an %b{e,be fabdtzecl the Law gzl. . M wiizg ptzwer 0/ I/Jefm: Peo-,. pldzn Pqrliamenz to them-~ ,gari've% Va‘;/ca. ofI2i’r/Jfclfami-%-t paflerity; a22:{unde3' zlye yoke » ~0f~ I/355 -Nimizzm Captivity %%;_;1i:v5al.v%.AIA/illdiizageg we béme bécnmld by tbzzt Sm;cejf‘um %;:a‘ _"Atbz': vuemtday, 86¢... See’ 4. %;N~3W Medal? 9? G0V¢Fi‘m3“t=- and Wilft&ar¢c143*A4Va-dwrxrure !eco11dA1mA1ta%At1oA11 £0than.Hi0nQur.Aa11d..D1gi;£tyA he.foA» u1ag;far<:f'AuA};1Ay}A,.% afi*dAAVd11}°;1ai“fn1’»¥,»fl€ Therewason€Qf11W§l§n0F¢l°5‘h¢11tAlY¥Ch3mP3*°}‘9»thatlfigrh tltélilfi WoAodenA D*aggeArspVVentt1nto. ptla“el0£f1erl tfloufe to fight agatttflpp the Rightsande Liberties of the gooddpcople of thefepf Lands"; but their . Names beingwanting , and not Worthy thedephquiring after, ttothing. t:tiIt~beld'A7faid5l of ’t;hei~tr noble Vtepttwues , =faveAAthat iA11}§f'lll ”lilrthy prlxlciplcsfas theirlfe1l'dW'sliwete"of ,. and f'uzA:h ; xx-ou1ldAAl;Acm1‘cu‘rA ttaf carry “on any defign otinterefi they fhouldbe put up-V t>n,7“and.vvould fay '1\Lo with tl1e.rcAl’r, when any thing. came in quellion“ t3hdat?fee1nedlAtollb: againll the P-1'0t€&0r’S lheightand abfolutenelife 5 «or A imerel”: of the new lCourc; Whic;hAhe thathath but half an eye may lee, Wpasptheo11ely“delign ofjcalli11gtphem thither , as a Balance af Ga- «taxman; clothe l'?a:fligtne11t5V f0'gr€atlY (theugh falfly ) pretettdedpfotp A 'lhE:AgOOd ofth-epe"<>ple: pp A A 7 A A A A ' ” AA “ W A l A _ _ There wete‘alfo of this lchoffen number of Sixtjtwa , {fame of the .4 old Earls and Lords called Peers, which Head eff , *zz2?,2;,'.‘thrce Earls, t?VarwAiqk_M#‘£gruw¢ and Maficbcfler, and EWO L6rds;A.Sf¢}All:111_d Pi’"lmfrt0rz)Ae and fate inotat all, "difdetinixgg, as fomethouAght*, tdoAfi=twplit‘h$lthelE: new‘ p—Afi2irt I.o'rd;sl ;A though othersagain apprehend that this their forbea- A Ar;mAteldwasA onelyoutof theirbldd _State-policy ,ltAillA they favvltwhethet a Ijloufeof Lords fotm.erly fo abominated and throwndown (bythep A confent and dc:-fire of the good people ) woulddagaixu be relented and‘ “ ef’ca51ifl1€d:%;A ‘and 7i_.Il§§:Xld€d't0_C0mL?. in 5 “but I {lull -1es;veit:"Some‘ were in Scbt%lm¢d,+z)z.e.£dlGenetal‘ ‘(J1/[an/Q, C Warrzflan, G and Sir'Wz'l1i4mALac1qlo:zg*t;=which pc:rl7r.~:nts mayialfoldifc<5i7dtli:U"h'irt1tlr hat tlhath but half -a~1'1_ eye 3* What a p'it7ifulAlpl[dlcarnall 1o$VdefigntAheyl;ttecarry"~ itg 011. A Some in Ireland viz. tEf{m§A2:}{lCro7g¢wcZ Lqrd ‘2Z)e}A;;»tt}r,”(l'c3talled)’ "Recalrdt-r Ste-el,and[‘olo.m.~lTamli;tflm:fome it may be had to great go ig, cgw1z,pColonc1tPoplmm, Mr. Peirpazm : others it’s probable were Alettedt by pol itical or State~ill11e{’s,,or other occafions,z2i.z..Chief ]u(l”_ip¢e; _ St:.]oIam,Mr.] elm Crew,~Sir Giiéert GmfnrA§i,lo as‘ they alfolzippeared, nC5j,t,pp thterebeing nbt alaovfi f01‘*tYjfo'rr7unyt®fthem. t A . m for tfiemfcrzptian and N¢zrra1t4iv:;7'L*re¢'arfai;rl General Qgtggriwesf ‘V , pp pm-pfmher prapagmdeél {AC/ofid ta tdh:dl2é=l7oleAAA; and Elriiizlvzfp A f N4"ofi§?f£:dp_fddflllifig?Ifi0fid‘ pedplé, amdlqm-ried.~~l_ t f: A Fiftfil; Whether li(fit.'fl10l%ld Aceme to pl-afsl (as holvpfddtlweltiitggw ;Ano,t‘)fthgztt‘hat floblc Al'pi~1*it‘*fhlot1lldA( afl.yon“ra‘ilfepd‘fl“d;ti: agazn in the Englifl1:“peopltc5 fuel: as 1tWzts;111 fpettdyptme or fo1*tyl‘tp$yQg pg 2! Ltbgdutf mttlpettrne, Whethér tbéfep (Eb zimLpiAbn§ x*ifi‘t‘.‘l3~‘t'fp.lc?:§:;"§’5*é>ja‘r‘/aé:».; in ’t1“7g;i:3fA“ apx, mid thee? Pfiaadan flaggerig -and hm?-: ll HWree7pde:*fdns. WIWA A? A tended cr<9iIettAle=l=tl$le’lGo‘vetnmAe at by the H #m*‘£vl¢1’:gt;'t;'tan .11»?! ‘A 51%/zp§c:;é5, A A wm1_Il?‘c§lt ,j[‘hey.A.mla_y gleale to thlnk_ofit::izt their Leifure. AA _ A V! W Secondly, Whether rnllthlefe fiveyearshow pal} of the Pro‘te5’clora1' e‘~,$\‘hflew'u-h,’ <3s)7l _ .- ‘1; 1i,Vouldb§l§b_l~€tO'fightlvlths he (laud agarnfl, and overcome the fizine afiy #Oth6rVY1lclth€nth€1rP1'€:dCC€{To1‘Sthe Lords Temporal, and =[hc_B1., A {hops the Lords Spiritual drd then And A Whether it would norin “a,lI»1ikelyl*aood_farc With rihermfandl their Dependents rheAParentees of the'Excife,and all others employecl bythem, that fr) opprefs and i Q3...‘ “povlelfilh the NHCIOH3 as forlm*erlryte1tA‘didwith them, ‘ifnat far worfe ? Government~,Athat blefled Reformazidn which thellPro:¢&of ;(;he‘u General ) and other Graraclees of the Army (0 often prornifed 5 : 4 and format brilrgirag fQ1‘th.Av0AfWb1Ch they pretend they diflblrrved the Old- Parliam ht, hnthfo been fetupoxa as to»makeAany the .1e-at’: proceed ’ therein pr Or rather, hath there .notAbeer1.ea.-gradual and am apparent re-vi‘ llapllrrgiruta thofeeveryEvils and ‘Enormrties fo1'merlyfo‘gAr'eaI:l%y {ha-4 kaen,-and il11foméAdAegree brokfillsbutzrovv hegrledt a gal nof their W ourrcl, and flourifhing afrelh with openAface;the fpirit or lvickednefs and Apro - tzrnensfs being rrfen A very hvghlevszn among .Pr~0fe{i'ors, like ‘tAhelu1j'cl€a11 V Spirit cal} out,:mcl--entringagain? And i-hr~Apé.rticular, tl1at'#‘£l«bQlY1i1lab‘.{:l fcorruption and -abufe in thc.Law,at11d Ad-mi11ilA’crario11 of JL1llice,tlt.% Zaazrlaftzl m tIa%%ev%larf A % _his%Pcop1c, and the. N mom ,a 4‘?(’~”a?v9 11: £22,, , 0ut,r€dd t/9efoll0'W1i22~g%‘1%"0_/?f%cr:t”% arience be n0t‘quite men % which makes mew?” oft/ve We tering zYd4.A.dre]3e:,&c.%$ ztmdy concem i ditbful VFn'e2z 2:0; t/96 Cmfe of d and Iaz}‘.l°eople, John I¢37ortma‘1*.1sA,,%%“ c we secretary we Hm: under WA A Truz%Ei}z”’t6élTdv§rer, wbomtbatfly-V Eng C9z¢rt-Tampbléter ;Ncdham 2:/‘ed and reprodc/9664 > 934 6 /'1? A13*oI1-«Script t thefleader. VA during%thc\1if¢-pimc of‘0liéxJ%£r thelatc‘ Prot;&o’Y(rincip1e% ;Aa+s~a1roAhzs4 5&4-A V %d::w--Iikc Trcaclucry and Dcccifi,‘indVA%how?wic¥:;cd1§i*‘ift:‘.had dnlr vMv5ith4chz:'%%?Eor&, nd the Righteous C au-fcfon foot therein ;‘bm:_t;hc: M glword havingfiin anfwer to the vcarncfl Dcfircs and Pxayrérs of fame of his fafcjh-~~ Pucmnantgnd ingreat mercy to thegation ; and thcgood P¢0p1%¢Lh¢V§* N in, and the riglaréousjcailfc, remohdmzandtnkcn him out oftbc way, it was» ‘ thought fit’. - hi9wcv=c%r who publiflfit for him: ‘fake ofhis Affociat¢:s and C'ont'cdc-\¥ mmg:ax%s.- ( 38‘) ~1~‘flT‘€S‘ hfiqmth ltfi him; Whb mayV‘%'h'€1PP31y malic fomeuft: of it ; .. asmfo % th~at*th‘ef‘.fi%:1ndcrs‘by%,yca,“th¢ vsiholéblabtion, migh:‘1ikcw.ifa: Tm: ami judge of what hitch 1atc1y'fal1en_o‘\.14t in’ this our day. “ VI:Vis7faicl;ot ferébarzm the Son of Néfbfzztf h_ étt:h‘e% 1qm:1y;’finn’ed I}-1'i.1~ni”c:.H', but m:zdc: Ifi‘:zel tb fin sand thcrc were uhof¢:“‘bf}«=xis‘Cnnfcwdcxaccsl that than fin-. % ncd yvitll him,a"n;d af'tIcnhc%was dc'ad and=gonc,. af,whom.iu: is rczcoxded, \ That 34.. Acomparcd wanlkedfin 1116"‘ w‘;iys,”ah_d%' d_cpa3:jt¢d notVfr&§*m‘5%*t11;c%fix)s dfjerfiboam,» Sdn with 2.” mg. O%f‘NebatJV{}ho%maddlfmel to fin; %%1.%‘7%'~"[z’1-""""'.' ( % G ‘ that once fpakc the Language of gin», and high1yVappca1;cd fortlm Good Old ;tal“Icl_I1c;r%cr;»*fwc‘hawfe inEzzglandin:%h;i~s;u4u1: day ¢9!iver9€heI»;a§cPré~ rdfior cam }'erb?I?oztm:=”1iké)»»— fa‘ ?.\p;§‘c'arcd with ;t5hc"‘P¢¢,» plc £9: «]uft3r‘:: and Fr¢*e‘dom«a.L % .% thefizmc; hath finned m ehc br”“each of thofc E’rorefiat:oVns**md% AD‘;-c%1%=aratxons, agI»i*II_gt}§ofc things hcwhad been fo gre:;t1y% infirumencal co[d%cftroy5V % fW¢F‘=5fi fu1“P¢‘ffing %ner' ¢11fcly%~thc"“;dcc d; “of the Vwickcd % who vwere AA i~tl1I:* ofi upon thcflikgc \accoL:1nr,%bmfalfo“jof j"e%2'ab%agm%,- who nwcrmndc fuehxPrc$fc£Iions and I3‘ cfne,,, in if they tooJ1<.manot;iCc of 1:5“: d‘-E%fp:’Ieafurck and wrath of Gad W;L'd"*v¢:1c:d fro‘in Heavcm ngainfi h3m,in cumin H1;11.~€5fl3f0fjhi3”Lin1fighteo1;xfn¢I§..%;;If)?'zzel Tmar:'¢d 1'i§re1y%%» for their Ac-vi1,‘and at Ila % wcrc=,parrycd,1W3¥ %Ca1%¥i5V€, 3 E7lglflfidfhatI”i li!ieWi‘f,e fufF::%rtd, a nd~ is'b7r\E: ught‘. f%_}'yl"IA&9v§,.at%_T1jxt dc2‘f'i11E§1 fogts,Shop--k;'cpcr_;,:md others, b’oEh% in City and 1 .Coj%L1%:~gy5fipd.%by fi|éhVfad%and woful cxpcritancé as x-hey mgvcrdid before, norin ‘ ‘thlfV’m¢_fi‘f6*1fi§;L:"éfiif"‘”gW'n%]?M%4Q§3“&5..th€j1§kC ‘knmwn, or heard of I _‘ % J W M % % A % A % «.ai1d.w11a:«mayfur-; thc‘f:fuffii'r”,tliiE“Ec>tci’ "(fiirliofilll x12et'bié. ;;io’cI4€é‘d)“‘T‘vxM1;ly%»%~l‘méws. “ aw Imp ‘A r»$:r:AA“*h° Inert fi§."‘rW* sag-*1 % % ~ % 7:5 "A rs,and% :1: c Pa2R:ors‘%and of V% Afbmct“ who' ;1r‘¢ Mércufria1£nd%n1ore high [ , « Caufc, who notwi:h«fiandingth%cy havc fem the ‘mighty Arm and Power of God 'difp}a).,cc:1‘,% in bringing down the I:mrighccous.,t' oppfcffivfly high and ‘lof.t:y« %@nc$¢ % their una:ig13WtcoL:fncfs4a;1d opprcflion, yet: have fa ar:%for§axten~thc G3od&%a0“lw&%Ga:Lfl1:fé"ffo Hgnilly awned ffom Hjéavcn,and<' arqfez befuttea a n d”'d‘cgcncra‘::_d‘,intO a fclfifecking flavifh; enflavir-lg Sp}:-— *1:'it,a“athCynoc,oncIy.jixi’cifié,but ftrgngzhcn their hzmdsg, who V Cirxflcad ofprcI-- flng.%%forw%ard with mere rcfin'cdm:fs in that Workqnd Caufc, lcading;t o what W i”:I.£11";1zI”l%th¢*Promi‘fcs°:uid Prophcfijé-,s jrfilatiixg‘ ,m the: Kirigdom of sine? ‘AzzA3r1‘nm-1 Br;-.' fuIfilIcd')_ _ h'q% xar1:1,d¢'-.1 a" C ’aprai*n% or }Pror¢&%or.,andI”ar¢ ;AS¢i?¢”Back rb"Eg⪻ ‘Git? vviit; Ar14*¢‘V1o1.dAw¢3ck’¢fl4Fbviéfiflibn and Fhifiias Of MW?- A,_gy:hae~ m1i«,evb¢en% dcarafyed):A tMznder,1ln¢v'vtI?%3?lI1E'iEPh01i130%‘W4’ J<~¢¢P§i¥S~th¢+1?¢®B=1¢s9¥¥d“¥v‘*i°*”*’A1“%°PP?°m°‘3?- % his'wiclnci“1d~x)¢fs,and.% rhe:qwby% did-.m"ore4 hur%t«m=%th;. Nation man V¢V¢r~he% did it gapcl, and for which his Mcmerywill ‘ --d=17érved I t.f:ithfu1Pc0plc,% % __ ; That he wa‘s, a‘. Mfi ~mwfl% renowned, lefl'c-'I‘,moft.,w % A_ M the dc! ighc of our Eycs,om' g1orious{SL_In is“fcE,thaL un.fpcakab1c1e.fs', thti Uglfti .-pf our.Eyea,and the brcathnf our Noflrilsyzbvc. ~ ;««s=annm:%bu: look a1Ft¢r771im;¢rying 70W‘,?Eta ‘4 j;t;¢el,‘. and thc Horfcmcn th¢r:“ecf;8cc. .:znd-1e:lij::Ja,t1m.fa twpafor <:V€_,1:1:0~b¢:h0nour3$ds*m’ai;chFul I Scrvantsg o£;tl1c;I;;ord¢.: ,Wit.h many Toihcr Ch:-1‘ikI‘-A f1Wfli%l3ga1311fph¢_,amusa«L lying %Exprcfl39p$;<%ha\§E§thcYa % win thcfc wick,cd* %Addrcflcs,wh¢rcin my Iyc and“ fiar:r"’e ; ;%:“:%,fo1'%::H#€;’%Lo‘rd and éhis‘ faithful Rcnmam lzngw hat: was: not fo;c‘fpecialiyHin> his ‘latter diys,“ hm WAsr§l* 1:hc%tV :&c d he ‘ ‘the %back-flkding%Spirit of CIia%m,D%ntban, and Abiflm, as alfo the ‘M famous‘ and“ wznpwxacd Prjinqcsof chi; ingregatiun te_.;j' ‘yc:," the Cfingrtgatiod it 1 fc1f,w%har¢bc11ed»againfithcSpirit?05thcmiorcjgin M0fl!s_,,.»C4l8b_-.“ %and,jFaj72;£a. 8<_C:-% and would moi; P1'¢f§e§9‘57¥:t° €;an¢4mCrl1e%Awoxk _of;thac day) ,bu9«faid4:a;L¢t Eggs rrmkc. a (i) Cafpgaimg ;md% r¢¥%+3YI1.i11E9 Egypt,‘ :: fan;d;, would havc fi0i?\.,c9l? WM ‘ ma do %fgy6f{Tg) and brought fmh all ‘ fer. to his fa2iVRi'- , chard , iris A mrthy _ _ w ' A M V Succefior, ¢ 1y tor cvc: ‘fi1ak&,1]n¢thcNofirxlsof uh: 74 Lord’; % % (€’-Rh? gVr¢at:hFiif\¢1;VA¥lfl%d Prozéécor of-his 1?¢o?pIc, ouVr%.Ia~ti: D ¢.~%mo?fi~w0r'cby Prime: that uI'cd¢]alI$ %n1&;élns ta, _. Gwcxfnment, @“t-'4: moi! icxccllcnc »&’rincc: ofl1aPPYM¢m0ry;fth‘c far95;1¢>l"iSCfha1np4ié>n» afour Libérti¢s,;:.évc. )t:l1éfI?7"a- .chcr‘,Prbteét%or,fiifld .BU~€k1¢~f 05 "h¢{¢"NM-.i0fi5:flfld' the Pcoplg: of“Go.d‘, %w1xor%rcf-. cu<:d,p‘rocurcd,aI1d maititfiinffi our iufi Libcrcics. to us,=m,. thy: great Afi‘er:ror of thc'Libcrt1es of G0d"s Pnoplcfind a~Lc>vct' of ‘rhc‘ir’Civi1Rights5@s(:,‘who -_WF‘e11w dfifgffl 92 51° bci’? W!C¢1'.I’i ‘KO 3“ 1-uCC.€C%di11g Pr in’k:es:@°c. our gracibus Bent:-. %*fat¥ft.ar,;‘r‘%a% Nurfing Fafhfiif-W ’h1§;Pc0p1¢,:;.4b.y whof.e‘han:d% the Yoke (=:f;Bon'dag2:: hath been brokcnbdrh from the: N:ck§ andaianfcigncgs ofgbbd Pcople,-A%*@3c;. M an Inf’cru%m¢n t: A ofiunfpeakablc Bic,-flinlgs 5 :‘aw11‘«w‘1-,.;,1z-5”: ~.g;¢3_mEp;rcrptifcs 1:}:31e~T.O1:d ‘°‘*fi““F1Y%P1‘0fP°”Cd‘Wi‘h high f“¢¢“ 3; ‘:0-‘nth:-yg;'cat3 Prdte&or of Tou%I.‘"P¢1¢¢v mand ]c»y,wbo mdmirablygm: and _A( (J) ,.g:§cgerIo{t, bug1¢£;_V 7 ,tl1r&é‘Nations%%in % Pcacezg, 05¢ V % W3: Ca;1not,‘b5m{ d«.:¢-P1,-Wm. fcm that {broke of 1?mvideri%cé that !o9¥k.;away tlaerbrcath V ,of,our Nmflzrils, _andjfn1~qrc ou.rfhc:ad from effouf fl1eu.1—f V d,dcrs,your moft glorioufly renowned ‘Father. % F ' % Ch) Hawiiflflfor-7 got Hifpa_ni6la‘7, aizd rhe1av;?tr % ,witb_ ~ %S‘RAaix;;“«= AA %4""i:,; :»am3on1p1i«{hcd,gloxihgzsfixcroical, ran: Princefy F athery 1:};a.:;fac:4¢£U_3¢rTt)n, A F 7‘ ii" .4 % Eur a1as.!, ; %cur.LM0fcSWtQ.hé Sérvant fifthc Lord is deid, ; : and (ball We not wcep ? % If gamma: but weep far out -fc1V¢S.5 Aw: % A ‘ % f0 W"$Faith¢77r;i~ the”-V«:«(3h%ario:s%joWf i%Fa1ny.andw:cked1y muasng Maj}.-s % _7qA{b_mz,becaufa they _\vvjo1I}c1’%%%%Vh;,tvc% hpd thgm gone farward 2 s As alfoehy «Chi: §>P:::;’ofAbab; Jab». .3nd,~k!h; I93; of the backfliding wgckcdzxingsoi glffllflifilad ‘ Ag‘ (3) Nywb. iii‘. 1.-as . nlaliy Ltrxderfiihe told w3mn1r%chica%1%Egy*pt:ian“BAafl”° " $’piti=0€ she Pruphe*AfiW¢‘f<>rh1e!itin<1‘e rfwmmua: .« mrgI:¢s% a13this;Vand%;A%oth¢I% %N:a,I:iox'1s%,v: w1xio?h;:=thc% I rhathamdf vtil1.?hJ3f0wrk?;&¢fi.-£4 ;;w¢ux;mb;;::W«;1q_:$.th,¢n.Spi;:iti of 1;.-Zl%zj%.’2la;;.Mof:st,6aleb§and.fvflmab, uh¢Lc'n:ds‘fai£hf1:I% ‘ ‘ prefewing gag; qif oidsas by ;;whatis‘J bcfomand % aft-.a~.%rwa‘; :13» mémidncd, doth‘. too pfainlyind fadly ;~ap;;:ear;;fonhe;rmc%one1y% ¢ndléa1}aun¢d%¢«%toVcflajblifhf hint‘-‘ f Afelf ‘its; this T yr“anny,but bcfura. his dcpa'rruxgwh¢n he ream his f ¢x1;'fcs, or ':t;?C@§l1,¢_.~i’5iJ;l:Td1y 1’pcal:,,*31gspo%imed( as flame i%VIcpcarr,thqugh4 ifomc i'p:akA%.aI:h¢nv%ife'.his %7;';£Qrn.a,II§‘tntiQnT:d %$m1,Kzcbzz1fd,x‘:ofilccgadfhim in the“. GW%4:?1?*r!g'x;'1jc1°‘111e1:¢;i%ft:IpV*-.;3 % and ;n1aimain that Apoflacy and‘ W¢%%ickt&1~%xg1§;; iwhich h.imf:;1f«a,nd‘%?‘Hbf1z*r!v:‘e fiscreby ra%‘~hp1d%%us%.pcrp¢. T, .which% was nb f€2ori¢mc£~¢-- " §I3i.vlmd bcmn the "%fi»::ft Cnntrivet::s;.,gnd Athenffa am of :,fe&«ard,:x%nd5~ ha prnc1aimed,bur the afor4c- m¢n%ti§li1r.d P1d%Elri:{-Tars_,~:usV%% ;th%cfy% bldafphaf-.-% ‘ «-me>,ufl_j,~~< and flatte:r'3ngiy%,fpcak,=in way%%o£%:%hon¢s_mr$ih%g his Farhm Addm1Tcs%dn%-Ighcy fp¢*®k.%oth:xx1, falfly Land ‘w§cl&cd3fyalludingA %tu1.Ag¢od;-j'afbua; % H ,iEZ’{fl: aEt,wsln0 fil (;cc cd eTd.CLMn£es ,'I9%d1fi3i,and% Elij ab; Vai‘f.<*=>:Pr€fl30nsA,f9 [W "5 Om‘: b¢g¢t:V fl1;g§\g({_’fufpition,’_ they wcr€:m1:h¢r ha:ch'd at t;he'Cour: by Secrc tary 'T}Jm'vlo,- gm%i chc%o1d malignant %Pamph1ct€I'glydngraiwling Ra5jlml(eb,atid~~dcfamér of the, Igqrds%1>¢cop,Lc,Ngdbam,g1ias MérHcurm:%1?mgmaticus,J who fa _rmc_1‘l_y writ for the Kir1;g_aga;in£1Aghc‘Parl'ian;c:n%t5,:;r§d by tf}h1cir&M::rccn::y Et);1ifl.ar§{;1s and agent‘ {uegg¢&:c1::o, fimdfqflrccd upon} the fimple if’wP1f= f flsftht Agkkefi s. of his Bathe: w%crc.form%€‘¥1Y “P9” Fh%|'-'- AYIIW find clrfiwlilfiféa fjathfir rhenAint1ie.€r fiffi nh'l0.%C30fl~ n;.uu:W;lly__.flawing%fromthc Add1‘cfi'ors5 which‘ the Lcord in dfig :§n;¢'"wj‘11‘dV3f; % c¢wc;:f _ -And ;not 6.nc1y thcfc,but alio that grcac lndcpcndenn Dofiorflbvcal-A ‘ lad} ‘1‘bom.;z: Gtrodfwin; hr. il(Am'o,uf1il_n(as. fay: the P;amp”hl_<:t) fitys‘ he, N weVcona_¢%w%;:1¢thcm’y“atkmw~}1cag1n;:;f;c at thcf: ; bgfi %Lib3;¢;+‘ri¢s;% cnjpy;:d‘%‘ mat: ;01;r%.%H;ghr$cfs ‘now’ b1efl1:d“ F‘21thC1‘,@"6',. a.11 .which havc*‘bE:cn?cantinuged“to.us=‘ « gt Th <:i15g %h"%th<= ‘1%’r@,:m‘3tion_of chc grcag %Mardccaij;Ihf9-,1‘; fought the W631 of hisPcG- Wh,-2;» had his Mnaincfrom41$-’cace,yc%J: was 5'? fl "mfffincc. fa ’pc-acéVa%b Anfa Declaration thcyhaddrawn up.toT Clcar thcmfclvcs. % frem E-ht‘: a1'pe.1rfions * tt);ya.'ur~mT1:.u£h:hciVconm1on Faith oncc dclivcrcd to the Saints of the G01“ pic and Vfpakc (_l;),yPc“ac¢: to a1,1‘1:Ijafis seem; b-Icflcd bk: God for his unfpcgkablc W“ "””P"" gif[;&C.W11sCh wci Aarefhcrc come-jayntly to a%ckno,w1cdg¢ta%%y%our‘ I-Ifighnefsgv m8cc. °”‘f‘f"~i5_ W" %_ we alfo. came full of 11¢,-jgycjng, blefliug Gezdg far fo happy and Aquict at fajtrje-~ L_”'_’,d‘ P"f{Pl9fl"' mm ofuhg Nmon and Go5:¢rnm.cnt in y-Ao_ur perfon %a,nd‘” fu cccffion : :3 $alomoiz,‘;;j’]‘:'%t5f"z’,:7":f“‘” f 1:; - ak about whac they menu»-zhe s;wuy,G“°&“01d"' 3 and than is Fathc,r: kmw cL€the}fM“ét‘tuiiVg‘bcEore—h‘and,and apprmied of ir,“ andE;?1;f°;;;;1Al€4*'": time when her I j % V % _% % ‘W % .dy2tl,:z%Mordc--1 be) we prcfcntto your H-i“ghncI§ what ;wc,h;Ivc '.done,and» com- “ ’?,‘?£ 5 1”‘ ‘Md 5% ‘ :1 egmxg Tpel,a~nd rh¢%‘%f:.fivi{I7yg, Tm%thsWqt;f_i,r,bc%ing a National Endownaem; bequeathed h%y'P‘f‘“ '9 ‘ W911" ;Chri£i~;A¢hiwmnf¢§£ :tLfi?$A N aH‘t11‘(‘0.‘I?:s§ hchalfsfm 1’ "&°" '5 ; :iu£’t,faiph PdI4l,%,_in% 5 n‘hd”f"wé ‘ % * gt ghc Mag;ifi::fi§es us‘ % %(é l V {JIz.flo::ut7‘1nfg‘z¢e tabulx-V, and ‘ff! _)‘ commit it; zg (1) 71,- W53,‘ W"? 5‘”“~i1’F“”:5h‘°fIE“‘%f“§““"j"fa’”da“'°'W539?:°“=?§¢Z’3i*“‘%¢5§”‘5“? K‘'’;’’’‘’’” of W» 4n;;;;%¢11cg an , pc;,aH :ng,«f,‘gec%aai co_n1.*cre as. I _c ~“‘:1.%%enoxv ¢ an 5 .an\ as to Ta l£’S'.~ F yhc ymfgn to whc_unfir1§_jfpok¢n, h‘av_,snga1fo(acmrdnng%toA:%hcDo‘gl:1ors.1cn.ce)Cm)” Do not ‘ % ; §'1Q:"fqp:ing,, in Scppzuzc, is %P§,;a&1 <;;. and.~=LM-iguage 0HfBi?l’J'/0715 find not oflbe/e fmvemlz : ‘zjom af1}d:g§¢a;xJy:'diftovcrs, r-lnazctb%c%V%.pr.or%1Qf=&o;?f1qv¢:r% h§d*a.truc: 4Tixw1€"turcCI;:¢rcI2es by V Within hing , pr» tafic of {wear t%n¢;-fa 1_n ~C!:n:u mun1c:n% w1t_h;_Gpd J11.‘ dafgoxfery of:ha_r1bgi-flfizgngg, _ % 1 Zian%gan%d:%%K§ipgdgmofChziifi, .h:: {to 1:§rgv;;ly‘.l1ath fpokcn ziIf;d4%w??%it of,bo!d fimh tbdti bu;%'had%%it%fr<9am_Bno%ks flahd~.%Heé1t-fay; ‘Fo'r,’1':: ismipqfifiblc, that gane‘”wJ%-m hi-ath t!::g_y%co;;fgm; to %1ai%.d%upon them, %_and.layixag,doswn thcrcin wha: rh ¢gl°ri1aciplcs ofchc Indcpzcne dents. wcrc58zc.,.. % V “ % ‘ ‘ i%1'W1%“°W (fa 44 teuiman.-;Vd dofthat%G1%O:Ify‘3CX§¢p%t%h¢ bc ddfpcrmly ‘infat;:atcel,or WholW;Is‘fa1%1ingwbaz their Pa-5 §\w.aygfix§§L{1d¥bring fox fufgh curfgd ;m:i%Axn¢1y fluiffiq ctfmtrary :6 th?c nru§:%1ightflbrs and Maj‘ I V * ~ A A % % 7% .7 M A ,fengev'sbrm %d,ane_he'xei:; mé dfa%arefa%l!en% m_::itb,am£. Abet¢om2f_tbe,Apq§iuty;ofithi: (1:11 2} And if itbe nag} .rom1orVtbryA:2or t70I1t€lar°P «gm zr.:-~ " ‘ A . "“ ‘ H ‘.5. 3; 311 -s ; mid fpiric of zinzms ‘ t_h'z's:is. ‘Wasnust t_hC BifImps,and the Gmpic Clergy; who were aétcel by their fear or favour, formerly‘ condemned by him '8»: others fofi (_%y1ing»thc' last: 8: foxfipxcr Kings,Dcfcndcrs of t:h¢;.F ai§h,. andfuprcme Head of mg Church under (311;-3%{1:_;% fo gc:ncral_1y acknowledged 111 1r: ornginal to pxocgcd %f;%om~H;m»y :%hc8.wl1o% for felt’-—cnds,mot the glory of God, dcrhron'd%1hc Papal % Power in%E.z:g1;:A2:_d;and%t:caok chd Popes (ufm-p¢d) Supremacy and Titlc~%%ef'Dc- fender oftbc Fui;Ia,':1s well as the Tythcs and ‘Firfc-Fruits, upczn and%co-hinmfclf. 13 info: the general rcccivdd Principle oflndcpendexics and other ‘St&arics~(f¢% ‘ . ‘Caflcd)»vho arc‘ clear-—fightcd(and n91: wichouc%grom,=1d ) to%pIcm1%:g%aii2£t% f1.i‘ch%a Tenant .9 But‘ theft: things declare, that _Mr. Goodwin 1iJ cks%fuch%fwcctmcfs {mm the g;c:u: Sov¢:raignt3r,¥,-1ono%ur,and Prchcaf %M4gddicn;Col1¢dgc'.i;1~0xfa7~d, ,3 bath therewith drawn in fuch a Tinflurc ef that%~Spirit%, 1 wh%ich%n%atur£l}y and V . ufually breaths in pcrfons inhabiting thofc places, as he is lath to be: wcaneid = fmmwit 3;suhcrcforc; will, right: ‘or wrong, turn’in% and comply with-~~:my”I:hin’g, ' To hstgmay» 1A:li’sim%crc{’c%therc : IcWwill%bc%w¢11for him if! am mifiaken. Bu: % .1~~1me wha.’£"m1yff:1rthcr‘b_c fpoklfinh to this Subjc5t,.to% a bettér Pg.-n,A who xtmy ta kc it in hand whcnhis Book comes fasrthjn Print. ; Arid togccher‘v3vfi?c%l1 him, that cringing Cour:- Chaplain Peter Starry, % than a7If'o*3bows to what: cvcris uv pcrmofi, I peaking V high er thfifl all this,as‘is cm-dibIyrcported~ by fcvcralgodgy men that hcav. d him tcizhcirdfionifhmcnt: holding ; forth his Bible in the Chappcl of Wh,_it¢—jHa1l,hc fpaltc to this jpurpofc : '1"h:a\: ifthanwcm the Word % of God,rhcn gs Certainly that blcifcd Holy Spirir (mc:inin"g thc%l axc Prpatcftor) % W15 with CVh~rifl:" 33: the Right.Hafnd of rhe%Fm;he~r;and ifhc be there-._:, what‘ may his Psunilyand ch“e‘ Pimple cf God new cxpeftfitom him for if we" r¥e"fo ufc- % ful. and hc1pfu],and {'0 much good irifiucnccd ‘from him A to them whom‘ he was in a mortal Sr:acc,h@w much more influence will they have from him now hcis in Heaven ?jt h¢ F_atk¢r,Son,:n--:1 Syirit, !hOfOW him'bc:fimvSng gifzssc graces, ¢’9~c.upen :lacm;‘An'd a great: deal‘ more to this purpofe : «and as hr, fpake thus N led) which alfogrycacly difcevers within what will: hé“ blafphcnxoufly of his Fhchcrpfo the fame Spirit jz:y1nnir;g4‘ in the afqrcmc1'1ti1)ncd ‘flattcring Addrc(fcs,br'e;1th’d From 11‘ N WtO‘ hi5 Son; %_%(_m3c‘A; 1fxoy¢%;‘Pr Rcpcm youigpofiyarcalflrmyg V Rrpcnty you Mayor, Aldrrmen, Comtnoni €ounccl,and Militia of Lo22da2z,wh‘ol'c Principles are re bafc and nicrccnary, 5:. " 1 like} alicafi looking dowriwslrdgas to fidc with (xivhethcr right or wrong) _whar4§ over is“upp¢;rmo{t,likc your ySword—Bea‘rer and Offiécrsr, who cry Grace, gr_ate,r and bow to on: LordlM:¢ior.rodday,and do rlac fame to rhcrncmv rhc marrow. ’ Rfcpycnfrt: lr44> l~ fkcpcnt alfol you PresbyterianC1aflicaI‘M3niflcrs ofchc "City, ’ who by :11: pcrlwafion of 3 er 4' cmincnt fi:lf'-it-Ixtcrcflcd Cyvcophnnts :1mang'ym,I,‘illl~,\vcrc .drawn ix1l‘ngain{’c»y6u1”I;ightand Confcicnccgto can-y%%:__your bodicsfo L ~(‘\l;aviqg yourlheiartyl gqad will at hdmc) to %add*rc1slyour.fclvcsluzoxhig; rlcwjg csoxam C:glfja‘s;;;1"‘owniug of him; axjldl this from L1nbclic:fam13 fla-izifh fear of l B"cii1gfrowncdlluplon,or lofing yeur Pariih-M-places. %Wil‘lf fuch‘a. Prafiicclas this lfiandllgooul llbcfmrc the Lord in the day: of your‘ accoulntl ?Rcp¢nt alfol all olfylou % for lfycndmg 56 or 60000 Labour 3. vflcaiytlachiflm Popifh F um crétl Pomp,noI: and‘-l Iy wicked is: it fclf, but at a time whlcin lblmajny Tradefxnen and others brczéakg and sire rc ad'yIto&a1'v'c 5 flan‘?! when had done, thenfollowing an Imagc of ‘waxllto Weflmin/ier,as ifir. ha;dlb¢cn_a dead mans badyyzvhcxcin you lykcl llujm-9, anclmockcd both God and‘ Man.Rcpcnt alfo youfcjoum xy Profcfl"o:s; 5; larhcrs, pflltbefc fl:m:ering,blafphcmous,Iying~»Addrc{Tcs,' and fpfcak rlorldlo no more 16* wickedly, left the ]'uclgm:m:sCoE the: Lord brcakin upon yam, as upon back-4fli+i ding’ Ifmel of eld,and your Carcafl‘c‘s fallllin the lwildérncfs, &c. as theirs did, for making, and then danlcingabout tlheMaz1ltenHCaIf“,” and thtir ldcfiring ta make: Clapnlain to return inrqfigypt, and appofing the Spirit ofthc: Lard in Mafe.r'_,Ca!eI7,and ._‘fafl.1Im,and his work in that day. ‘ And‘ take hcc-:d,Oh you” Pail‘-l liamcnmhar you do not faymr do as thcfc hf-We dOIlC5f\(Vl3011I’ I {<2 call, if you kccp .c‘lo1F;;‘%to,:m_d “cn&caY:aur the promotion of the Good Old Caufe,and caft put thc; falfc 1‘ pifit of the%Egypti4ln'Blond-—woman5A %thc*Prm:c&olr (fr) hailed) amd his ~ Lords_,andlxnakc {way fol-,and bring in the Spiritof Zion, the F2'ui-l_~waman‘, the: % true Spifit of Magi£’c‘mcy,byl .]L1d«g¢s%%a3dl% Qounfclllors lasw at: the ‘beginning, men 5‘-‘al1'5"g Godlsandlhating Cavecbufncfsglnd“faithful with la11,:?1;e lSaincs].l Tlf ymt gthus p%rocecd,my {cl~f,and the Lordsfalthful Pcciplc will llbvc,AoWn5“1i*vé,nn fl dyé Protcfiloflilmd with you : if n%ot,m2 {hall abhor and difovm you,as we did the former, and now his Lurds, and £_1_1all_t:u£tl¢%(;‘«ud wish our Libcrtics, and Hm: fag: l yourl7lF.r¢w_vn_s. ll And maw a work! Fdr yam? cncauragcnmcntgrhy Friéndsg. who remain faItbf’"L1l. l to the Lord in this will dny5:md arcfislit wcrqinthc Clcfts ef tlla¢%lRocks{Cunt.} 5- 2.. 14,) and fears: places ofthc fiairsfin pIa3n,cryir«jg,énldllprayingWlj:§;ght»landl«diy, giving :11; Lord ho rc£ta;l6::_. l?¢viv¢,%Ih-c Gbéd" (51251 Cmfc, and ‘I£’”aufg*:l r%igl;t’clQxg.fnefs'loF ZiVo}x%llf”bi‘tlil:1s' brightnefs , and -the Sal1.V':1ti_qn' tharcof as a La1n13l‘tliéi"t ‘burncth, and until he make frmfalem a praifi: inlrlh‘ ‘Earth: whofle voyccfin his account (goinglforthin thcl-powcr of his f irit {mm l rhg fivuctneflsfypu have called in éoxnnaunioxi with himfglf in‘ tlm di§:ovA¢ry of V thi5:~%lr°1'Y)3$ wc-ct,and countenancc ij.:camel*y,‘ llanld unto whlomflhc willllin the l b¢l’cti1-11c_£iy,IUfé up Vmylllc;xf;:',x:i1y fair one,an3.lcQmc ‘away 7; for lei, V thgwinncc % l paflgluc Kalil};%,i§%%(§v;:1f%:1nd‘i’ q_%.l.:.6;l.;-;z.¢'.>;.; j'I‘l1cl%_flawcrs cnllthe c:¢:';:c_}y3,l V %%ll4.%3%§.2. Clmp 'lf_I‘;l1lelli;1l‘lt_‘1‘k5lOfl:;l1¢ ringing ofbirds is cpmcgjlf tr, 3 5, 6_*. A f 1'42: vwy:¢_¢ll‘;%pfth¢:_ Turflc‘ is hcaird in dur Land,Z¢zcI7,I 2.10‘. firild will rcjoygztg, vcryou’asllltlTd.Bf"l‘drgroon1ovcrllthc Br5dc,wi;h_%%joy:.an;d7(imaging, and %.;;¢»% l. in his lovcazeplé.7l.%cQmparg:ld with 94.62.; .l l ljWl1’crcforc be nogl.;ljm‘P: of — 3,ifcolL1Vr;;g:Ad‘in yqurlfpirlisllat tht; hearing; anglfightiof the larc‘Ad&;:§fllels,nor ._al;_ the lgxféat“(3lo1zd:’b{‘Wiln_éfl?:s ‘ tlnirléxinf to own thg plxcfggt and former Qgycrnou r._w ha}: l%ltl1_qugh Amany of ghcmfl :§;tcTrl1c;n~ qf I'_1:h“xaif¢.:d gifts and pa;-,;;s_, alrxd‘ alppearlng lg:-nce,¢%y,=1¢ x’ch%'t¢%lfuch%%;;£%havc flC5t_tl1¢iIf cycsl in their hcgds, Aanglw ‘Ioldk 1101: ‘wifhih ltfllc ”v;1il,ma“y "ha’vb°a“h fippearmccl ihd: Lbftll-dbili own tIlu:lm,l:&% AA .apTfi;jc;%1r¢\s af wlmzhath been lfermcrlyjfand lagcly done g V For though they are W “ l l l for fe:‘ reetahweedseoe_Waceenemyedxtheyh mare bee -Witncfies» ‘in the. Cleuéls, whefe iearlygclew:.:~efe1gei;hee5p&i;ieeofthe;Lp}'d his People, like thc;watem, he 8.17.1 hath »overfl0w11‘hax;e«l,elcg§f Righrcoufiueefiaeandefaithfulirrhise gene:-atioxge ;h;:foee:; elgeemflqqdsee;Qm,7;;1 mOnc:_,Latg'111% same. e Arn;on‘g:ethe feven«Chur...e Eh§$}ViR€?§{§?;M$fi‘ F“0é‘’W,it;«:7EW:ili1deZ;.'I3_i4, * 4;}di;‘Smy7“nag,_*W_V:h01n the Lord apf"-4 h p3:~evcs*o£; but theeother fin c:_u~eied it; Scxceptia fcw=among'tl1em) as he {aid it fhould erraz,‘ ’rh<=,1<‘=m °f%zlis2~f1°+?W‘*¥f1 draw rnani_fefiEd;.;$§11¢Yhebhclfenged raclzer to; re Synagogue of smn, than to the Churches of Chrfiift. the great ciefirufihione A comes; upongwickedh men, little before "'0: The ti11;oexey5;Qarne1Wifdmmslkplieygmcmym of ‘F1311!-‘~h, will pafle av. ay likeftzhemorn... N hens, great ,S§:,holars,y h16Axne£,i.<-15.fi~IeQle0g€rSa and. wifeéxnene eaxnong -t.hcn1? \ ehfeyhgelg 35? t_he'%].s:wsh,;hL1t a.l1andful,__»Qr%ash the‘ee;g1j?m1in§; gmpes when the Vinmgee % e 1§xfl<;>fI1§«_; elifwg eheir_,head%s,% V #.1nc1;; rc}0}{€t;.:¥%1:1Fi \e§‘J¢.1'15¢¢;G0d in: the fixes, V Jfai; 2.4.. Tixef cnfibfi «1.‘"‘P¢¢11€.:; often one he ea111e1%1ex ,wleenV;wickedi1efle ,_is}feth; up, anti they Ihzlt tempt: Gad :;re;deli;vcrec1; alluding tovI'frae1,h-4who wouldv,l1aW;fi111ead¢ea Captain new V Wturn gxgein to Egypt 3 or mt.hc:i' the Apofiacy of this our day,’ cheer’;-he Lord} owns- al1%:h9fe who fearhhim, and have the; Prornifc: of the Sun of hwfliglxteoufncfs to arifc: 1{pCp‘t11¢n19 %Mal.f 3.. The falfe fpirit&%mfMjegi£;raWcy infldflilijab afpiringto the Goa <4.b3t1'tt[947‘ '3b¢P1’1€fi:e frmb the Generals: mid :i11*thee C of t1ae__}elo[’c,, 8:6 elm with flayeingh.of Qxen, sac; eating and »“ ‘We. 4% tax 3 dixgixaleiig, f:i_id;, P6051 fave Adarzijab '3 and _é€(I.Tf1yCd‘ it: for :2. time ageinfi Solomon: but the T;-airit ofsalamam Ndflmflthfi Prophet, &¢u. whohad the true efpirit ;e0f{+Govern... mesh: and Prophefie, approved not of, or confented to it, but were for the true fpiriz: to rule, x King. I. And fo it is fat this day 5" and blefled be the Lord, that our eygts dew fee a peeyle cryjng,1ongIng, ard_ will not he he refr, till ;he ee.rth1y- felfif-h fpirie he * new hbnddizl ‘in ‘Zion: cbméfijx » a.£§de7'bec:auf§ of that great mulrtitude: err thee; gm heme? the ether, that trulyargd indeed Aappem; fo1:_,e and ownt!1e»«c:mfc ef.;Gode 5 but; fiend; hclhfe, and be 1nore%xeefined in rhe1%igt1%r andfiaix-iteof Zion, and ‘kgcp-y0u1'¥g1'0und ‘~,hfo;.~ e— ‘if e%1f..,,e1eny3ng Megi£¥racyh” or Hem of ;I3{r1'z2ie.€.« % J m,ci§IIé11e*ee:_bc: stumedx , or ihgzallneefs pffthej :1'lL1D.1bd1.' mg-— ‘ the Lord were “appointed, ‘That tkimfaéazt flmll t2*ezI,d~~ it 5191:1222, “to wit,vthee.111eanefit of the Saints :‘ foritise1(cx'yr»prebah1e, Athm; rx_mny.of tlxegreat ‘and wife Safints;-. =1€C01'<1-h ixweeo 4,.j_ fi»m1Al_,Lhe found in glee ho1_;@e;g,*';g1);;i‘,fupp;, I|'HI“"!fi£‘>§'bq‘1;§p(L‘Q,°""“.‘d 35¢? glmfied 3, *a.nd~ha;~ Vi’1f[§_§I:7“1c ei1‘1fl':hf "' Be.hy1h11V,beferc their eyes,“ {ha1'1e£ay, w?1"Jve,;,La_r¢1« eclclayes his camz'ng,and evil} he beating their fe1‘1ew—ferv;mts :‘ homely the fhe££h(t:_oA wigthe upright converfangop) * er? ehehewpooe 0113 who defire to keep clpfe to%God, :md_ not to touch. with Babylorl 5 arideh €eps“,‘¢;o wit, the faith, ,prayers, and honefl; endeayoeureof nhefe needy ones,“ who- log-; hfogmeand cannot be ;§.1:;;;g{fg,_ fitecglgment, efo~e'v€§fib,1y,,returnxuntog1'ig}‘1te:e1.1fiicfle,,, th;*&,ela11h,the%j‘ tiprieght iri 11ea~r1;, nmayefellqw it: .4 Thefeefimallh tread &0W“n’nvV:§‘tlic*‘1{‘J’£r’y‘cityvgl the per>y1eehat flxall brixaghdewexh -A the ‘ ‘ ‘N \ . 1 “ »~ V ‘ II ‘N 171” ‘-v " V. ‘ ‘ ‘ V «flue 7r':'m%en1f2:a*1af7§G+E:d4ix=m:’}1aeAI:ztt.3:%-Kéiyesgzzwcsa ‘fm1H1k.“;gnd3'W3h1¢‘~ -*irc::m1::1mva.:»% $154 %%~Ln:;d cm1icsMt<§s dr-fir oy1B1a.byk::m, Itifiii ix5h;‘.hc4..wi-Mi fi&'2d“buu aiitfiygvv-. u1,r:;gf1¢.V$' gum, ~az_1.d%..$thofc wry d£fki}tua«¢%,’ hc13pV_1cfs,. ~%an&i‘Em;nc of tl12Z:m' pififoxgcxjs JCGD, mQf431-,. .£;;é;;-ms. - wV_-kincfs pg .51-,ue, 1;¢;;;gj,f2;.?4§-y‘: and.‘ ifiTy43Of*fwZi3£i§ ‘i:.5uv;hdf¢ (:r‘S‘ ht: anflé ncJ:;d;::fp1fc,. aflxi bring. aroma toadkaclarp hie}. .U0;3?.'1}'A.;.§}Z51QI?§;:K3/¢}7h0‘1”i}aIILiI¥q';}3;01)l9l3i‘iL1ifipIi mild x'ejoy§-ingjfayg ‘O 4IJ_01:d,“t.hQL1 a1j1,m'£1%r "W31 -,&1..t %:._~gv‘I1<:3f-4;. % %%W§'~‘%W§1&l ; my Name,‘ + t’c>1.- than l~m.Pcvdon¢:; *wo11de;f£ul%1;h:;gg§,‘,. dag, Cozm¢c£g%pfi.m1d4ar»¢ =4a§thF£i1n»&f§f ;z11d%%tru:;h,w8cc.% ;1,%rc,f you, than isVmo»z'c« fu?m~aE»‘1¢~:-4 no ‘ufi.-~ ]udg,¢)%‘:but be 4as;%%rc7:;i1'cly5'"t<5‘% help‘ 2i1'id'~‘1‘ ¢frc:fl1,‘ %»:ind-thbrcin 1‘br.:‘; as»fuié:ib1?e3=-to ¢;1c1”iér‘i’c% 1311 .'.:'7"‘) oppreflid that ‘con1é untov— ybu, asthtlighcbf,1:h¢,n16ming rifmzlx, wir}‘1:;;‘\7’ % . aur.C1ouds, to thafc -who lmvc!1‘oB:“ %_t‘}15l:i1f&4jf§q;*a%y~in'v'a-;d;u=k%gighr,—.a:m1ga=M:[1c*tender” grafs fpringcthk out of the earth by clear flmining afx:,_cr~ rain :~- ¢thisA iskhe 5‘Spir'it ‘0f”thl‘.'; % % Ham of%.Dzm.id, xhalzlfhall Md in Zion, Pfa-I. I 3 2.. The confidcrarion whereof in Izhd. fir1?c'%%manif¢{tat;§:s3m% and dcclgracion o£V-itwbyxthc» Spirit .unm~% and by_%%1)am' a(, l:hC1:Cbyat’tmfic.0f nhwfi f his“ ;fpi%t:it,, Amadct-= no bncak ~~fe1~ttl1*ii1to a holy txiumph and rcjoycing,” faying, And tbisf ml! Wm} fzlfwzrion “and all my *defire,*a!i-* tbaugb be maize imot to grow, (to wit, in his day.)-' %«I».c-we no flionc ungurmd, ‘no mcans unwfid to let thc pcoplc: who came; unto yau, fpeEdi1‘y¥‘!c co judcrmgnt 7% th..-:11“ tomhc rob1e.%'a,n%d%diadcm 3 hand up“on~tha:t7 agfcounny he was cy€S7tOth6‘:; blincg ‘fact’: to the lame, a fachevr=7: ro% the pfanr, _:1nd‘ chc%cauf'e7which he knew not, hctfcax-chad ‘com, Chap. 29) It 7aonccirn‘s Ayougfixhtlt 7is.WO”fihAV‘%y@ur'% r‘catding, . % Th'is%t:~he frzum: % of thaw handful of cor}1in%%%thc~¢;a%*1*th?,% Pfglivézi; *3 (or mouncams upon uh; «mi; the L%%Mbu*Vnt-aizis, Mich, A94. 2, 2.) .th¢ fruif whcrcQfl~"%fhafl% {bake likq I.‘c ~ they {hall not be» fhnkcn by othé1's, but t'h7cm11':t1vcs will ibf} rhexr frLri;:,.:*’% will you be and dovaccording toxhc hem qf G‘od‘, and having this cxcellcmfi jfpixir i~T;rev:1y, m.‘m%a1-re it ypur mean: and drink to ‘cxccutcj: judgment, az1'd%t:l1c.fxt:'in%‘to miikc; your”'flmdo'Ar as%thc‘nZg?1t: 1'hthc midfl: of the griqomday to the ojiprcfiitdg you will‘ abhor ‘ to lmzmzy (:45 wit) give -thcir wright anc1frc_cdorn inm ch’: hhmxds-'of Tyx‘aI;tsC; AA an{l,A'Spoy‘1ers.b To be to tht: opprcflfil as aihidinig plgce fromrhc%wi1id,a c%ove1<; fr'o;_1i‘ t!'1»i*ur* a1f1:x%o1sxg“ Aboth » rcfded undflbad cont:crtg1?j:cl»~i11¢y<>‘4&1>‘W1_1”k% j3$ ‘-'1'j!¢ % wim: VLéb:z“’}1or:, Hof, ~13, %‘_.;;';1%g§.{}1g11% 1‘a.a575v,:,; % aT"hc§%Lord = blcfltsi time, wthxrfu hqfbzrationi bf; ]L'zfl*ic~c;, &‘c. 7% and, ‘min for, ‘;(%rc:r wjir, d‘~pfnl. 4~8¢ G<5§l%%i‘s‘E%1»énc§Wn%i%r; h¢r%~1“-macs for 4a refuge: for“1o,‘V‘thc I{Ingsfl Wera=*~aflc°.mI:~1cd1, EHCY p‘:£fi7c:él’ by %togm:hr.:r, they fi%1wir7,%:tnd fothcy ma1'vcl1¢d, they” we}: %troub1cd,_»and haifcd away : fear c9xa§<~hold uim them there‘, and pain as of~;:¢wom:m, in gavel cgaou brake{.’t't;}x1c%fl1g:$s}~§5f, Tgffhiflag &¢;f % This,fa_lvaVtion Azi11d‘fo%L'e111cntiojx'1ed nag %t%;pp;,;s1 ;tv>11 /_;f:Wf,sM % V A « A .~ . » “ ~»%%mrArwe¢:nerrc or mung, will notholcl mm- &aée,*Vm'* -bé acVr&fi,% will it3;.g’é fdrcW£1}; ;%br1'ght1:v&{i’i:, "“o1'asM ajhlaintp that ' " I urnct~h.. “This i§«ith-c;,%_ t1-;1c% Spgfir 6f thc;~'(d)% scm: that diflurbs M um. A2, and Awmr dc1‘:”roy‘t.hk¢n4 Oflfa. 46:... Ar, ~”vi-'hich—. mzould not in confcicrxcc continue his employment under this Apofiacy, thoL1ghi:1%% web: woxth momthcn 300 I, pmpmnum ; and ftir his fait}1fuln_c:I1'c mrhe emf: of %% G 1 ' Gad, % W 4'7 v V A h(~+8) .‘ ‘ . *Qddh5hwhVi;« _'[2eop1e,;111d the ‘Nation, ,hath”(;a"mg;Ofifgfi prams); bcch. g;_;{fa&7¢;e: higsfl viii thq%Tc$vv‘e:thihs. 17" 9f the I 1 n10I1v€t_hh Ih658:_5; a.yc:1frh»;vi/arming 1;;3,hwc:1Iq§cl:lIc:11ded 3 thc%fLtbi‘ranc¢Ahwhe1:eofwas, » That;libg~fi1ould,Vb¢h_byfpu<.§11x3 into thh:'4_Tbw?é1'. toybe kept untxll thchfurmthc;-h_p1eafurc of1:11¢..1a.4cc;4'1Tyrq;nt;,h;wl1on‘1»‘;g-%thg:__3 .blh2§fgl1é111ohL1flY £17134 553' H§g_’97Z€~_(S, N78hLord .Pr0tat§i‘M* V: hwhh hcing hlatciyws cI'c‘.a_rl; hMr.l?o%r"z271am‘s took notice <_%:f_h'1t:”“’i%n gt Lettcafto Col. Bkrlgfieaél, de1ivcrAcd__toh hand %by me“ faithfu1”Bréthrcn, meckly dam-.mding,1fhhc had any further;vWax'h1q:ttq‘% cenh.ti’x1uc*lain1h:;. przronex-h~;> Ifhc had, that than he xnighthhave a hC%opyV,-; amt lcafthth/cu, fight pf,it;"wh'1”c,h‘i3‘f“h%e had 110%, in fomcfhort htimc, he muff ,;cgnc1L1dc;%hhNth;re.. was; ‘hunch; haixd. chc1f’em1‘c big occzifions to g9:.%”fo;th_for,tl1ehwcllgbcing of H hill} i'C-i‘, to}att_:hcnd hd!.l}‘3CJv3.1;AtI‘}Lh:W€I’!f1 ; flupan cvfic fo;_jh(;e-H continued, he” cofiaggfidér whdfi might be his fL.zrth‘c:r du_t,y.. A This for fubftqnceglgufi yvitb1noi1'c°"pIainncfs wits hint_imat‘edh in the Lcttéfg and accordingly :a,- whcch§,a.fi:c1', 139:: h-caring‘ f’ro1n‘l1'm1,‘ about three in an afternoon; not difguifcd, but in his CQr‘i£ta«rlwt“11a“-u‘..‘, bit, he w_eht tp thfigattg éxpcfiixag to be flopped; '1;‘3.t1),€i‘»_1fh’1ZhCIlg,‘hhAothfilfwiffi 5W _1:S_a.u: finding. the giaflfefgchfrec, Went fohxnzh to his Brother-.in—1aws ghhoufcflxot with ';I11,i1.1ten:h;%toh con”, cc:1.1"hi.n1«fe1f_5 frozh v§hcncc:hc“was‘:1gai11‘ taken w'n;hin'a11 hou_r.l: . priafiy gtnclh, l:I'u1y.th<*.' lZ1'19.!IlIC:1'W()f‘f$\ faahc, % ‘and hiay_,— 18$ ”hQpch:d,h % him‘ in his ‘acténipht ‘nob tdi be’ left to. aiiy cI1in~»gh*fgm Wit -he fhould be takéfifand%kep: during “the kplcgxfurc ofV_thefi-gibacafed ymn: : whifichnuay I bccomc evc-zryj 'crue%Eng1ifl1ri1a_2i tojhbhcm fenfible Of; for HVv5ho,know‘¢$ \ghof¢’1hQ%§_ h my he mwfcel chs xzxsehopprerfiona when ishhrhan 21?afsi¢ur~.T§i§1:%41aéké.‘§mééztpéfé 2 M » Q. ' A :I..'},V“El:!§§.?:‘-”’1‘tq¢1'$?,f‘73'%1‘?M,,;c,}’,; take mg hfirr Affivtetht at the grcatmi H9’ N §h¢%3£°Y¢“g0ihgt Nafrativct -,-I fin have“ an Accounmf the: ‘A<9_IOI'$ ttutpcm the;fitaget,itt.thi‘saP£:&fentta§I unt&urcof Time, the t cmsncntlords of the Other Hour‘: ” It is tinccnded in this « , S12p%i1t%ne‘nt !:Qta:k¢wat Ganttralt View ofalil the *AItetations that hath happtned,r_theirARifc andK’II}aI1 we ; A and than confider the: pre- ffiflttbcbatcs i11ttConn.ccl of Parliament. A A t ~ ,, igaaltflaugcfiqfi difiwrbitngtht’ Mimics of the whole. 3.§§..aT:”¢t1{s>%1:x gaf “ovf tSmt1kmd;, was the pride of gftgc‘;Bi_{11i&9ps,»;V*tl)«o q\ot;*coufiexitingt' thE‘ti11?¢:1ves with the power fctv 1~L':dw;1511 tfnei;t:i1a:1ds,in ; the ~Day$£c>f~CLueen: Elimtubttb A but invading (ht Civil-%iPo“wer , and taking Cognizancc of tCivil-Caufcs?, amt! 5-! I ifpV&pr§>1'ir1g_;t4upo11 §h»:MCor; Fcicmtes of the jufi Religious People, and V esomwtitw fiffimiifil in «~th€tCh.nrch»ttgavc thereby o5:ca~ M V t w:hc Httfii Kipggiatu f”t,h@,, Q;:51;trx‘¢:lf;r .t‘thdwhi¢%h Wéikfied: hilt‘ ptoWc:t»om=:1?t li Ignatn}t%al’Wtvtr.~% A L A t it A Whwc tlieyawctstt Qpilding‘ Zthtst Pabtxck of Ecclcfiafhqal 7”*’ofthc o 1 if =» a‘ M his St1Bjcc‘ts, and gavetjhhtcbtytipgfiottximity¢>fottthVe;1ate Civil and V Com;?t,; »at1t§,gtt@;~efppuflfittthttmt iéntd at Qtgtrrcx fiwith tht: people, run t .3fi‘d¢d7' girl? gai1*1“'in,gMc:ino“]3¢0l?ics Wmolt ofthe »~é:1:1-« d,;§f39;q;1WdPmpI_eeAgQmmodtitics of theNation: " all which dif'ccn- A; Eféilttd t:¥"+:e<~p~*tr;i121ctin~-fischtfattta thatthc Kings Cpmmaxgdcrs vvete '*L:g‘ ;.1,1fy;I\\{ hfi-ffitdifflhfiyfidg‘ and“fhgbttedt“tby his ~ ubjcfis : W A Itzfgmtu ch , (.30) A in {'0 much, that when he wagcd War V'Vith_ the; Scot;,h_e haWd*¢o}n- A with r% .,.Sj,c%r,.;,,,,;g hQphcS#h£9*hm:4gC Hf¢h‘Q£§~chgeEcdi\rms».vraifc Po%eah.eh§“¢*1fi:hh- e~.wr¢’"w‘ccd*h*=~iJ'v:zhchhhgre’*ahr“t?ebt3"3‘*hhhth"a”t‘”‘l‘i"‘éA"fiécéflitatcfid [O calla Parlia- me11c,wiLhout which Authority, the Suhjc-:.&s would not fubmig to p-aymenrs;_of any kind yghagfoever. A I{acifi;cation iswnade ‘ ' . ‘| W» 09'‘ y.;w.%n‘1‘adh:H£‘rcflpo1m’?hh Hyéd down ‘thfir firms. T £1211 that Arms in the Kings hmds, fheuld havc been made ufcbf [0 awe E'h€:‘EI1g1ifh Nation , andhfcducc them to conform to» the t:xozhita1'1ts, and Illcgalyvilgs ofifmphe corrupthMini{’cers of hscate. 'h"r.1ththatp'f¢ifiiYIhifi"§;h116t,afccdfid Parliamenat is callcd, and mad: tricmaial: they dish-.:md hochArmies,. and take upon them to A que£’tim1 dihvershwho had ahufcd thejliingwand Kingdom; the d";EJ‘§T§:‘n\gi11fi"‘CrflLg‘§h}?‘f0mc‘0f‘his‘£:ri€nl1dS Std. fa:fl*in'w their hahnds : others d€fq:ndSb],taki_11g Arms,',andhh,£ButIe;h;: €ommi{.T:o’n ofhhhhrxay; gogztrary tQ;th€E aidyitfi pf? his Council : who advifcd him not to h:h%p_ur.f his,1,;i,f<:a§;1xc{h ppwerglnm x;heSca1cs:o£an tmmgefcain aft ef.pc-- .l:;1~€1«l- iy ;5»fig1C,<«‘fi t1:ri?£:>!’1 t}h¢:;aforég0hing;mdxifiélhratiom,(Sf his “pcho pic haing inczsrznfed by the inva4di~ng:of thEirLibcrties;a11d juflh Rights? his difadvantaghes were the greater on evcryhaxghdh %;h andhithWou1d« give thgg greahhteg ‘ad s7'a11£.z1‘7gc_Lo’. hfafiibfish Sfivitiftshfi defiring of chabgg, _ 3; pn;Mwitwhf;ggr£ané:x:iyigo%1€ a4ndods by far ,-thhcn anyh Ahdefigné .tharh;%gg»grri¢d mu aghainfl anyMhish1%cdcbc‘fl'o?rs1; f*And that: gig WeVr§;a_hha‘t;:%c;r fpa; hiI11,"!E'Q‘ZgiéV€.'.2?1W3Y: all ‘vghénslofe ‘all: aindfthat it was Wh§gr¢r;4%§or _hj,m',{r gra1~hx3:1::;that h‘\jvh%ichh theyhmmfl fiéifitfrdimh hi{m,; by }3»’hlgxV;§c;_hh; z}';h:c":,_,,d%x*;é” Aaamyesan:maaa:ezmae»1c:x%g;&i.:inag~*’i%‘;s :éz%‘£a?zMi1c4 A1... my wh:m;.he vvasat~04tf'ei#dI;7“«WhéidtfiéQic§r ¢s:%Léwm¢ and an 0fth¢PM1iam¢nvwpvWH%‘ ”i’I¢b$r%:h¢irapprowh AanIy:1ca%checnaygxherav¢e%r¢~a1»1*¥@rcs§ g”*?‘ % V mac 2%Nbwwegwfeaffrmairga*i:>p4&¢»£sgjbwt t \»K;iI1g_~is gibr:%:!ar$z%9,:* tfick imxvfiifhé FE. <=~ ‘U «V ‘SE. ;¢__afi©1’+Vgam“c.%w I 3 .32, x;<::I=‘*;if_i 4 4» %_ W A A ‘ % % ‘ % :..:~,:*: ::::.'.* ; He is not long »afte:r%beheade:d as a Tyrat»¢r;.'}f'r‘_g!;r:n,.z‘,%axadgrand . hwvrrgw rxwa W 1:: *2 ar yr aw Ag ;; % 2 act. . w timé, g‘£eat~.and;eh@n13iééf»1'Ei:j uaMé%aa?%b’:n '>‘€*%$%:?”i5é?“tfix%?m*§i~‘fEé&i;‘ we V.1?rxamc:;*wax3d"infamwfvt¥iiti%éé1imsm:».:% rmawaz‘5éiaag3:s$¢‘=:r%-mi» ;%ved~m,¢&¢ Adignicyréai mm mm over aw §_:he?A%‘§§;hrc”A¢”§*%«q:f ,pIanca:h*égaiamptiflssg trip p:2a*»%”§rh ‘ *4 *"rhé‘Pr}é’n,a§**‘%’A::5:h& J"-1‘ Ii” 4 A 4_B@§}iamgmt;%AAP zrliafm ¢flfi¥f6fefé&i4fig;3E1i%é tflréificF‘3§zL1%i$i~;s=:%:“” 3 E 33116,» *A1'mya::o "play‘%intt$€rb§r:i§fi¢Z’;r""h'§.»"fid; ‘Ref £ei~$'¢$3« ::md\ca11*:a.& new Rejm-“efen'tacivc%;' V%bu[E 5%Cromwc1#‘ p;r§:x{;=;*:s:fe;1; nah¢m,A 4 and ;f¢rcibjy. d*i{ro»1"x;‘et~h the anew‘-4pEetciacAé bf*‘tih_*ie3 ‘hgaflsfy A c,a1,1¢,t1;1:A4a 1:11,1_f¥¥b..C1‘5’Of3‘WifC:31’Cnffdffi QWE A‘ afid pf A‘\lié1**~i35'i‘*t'f~Y5%f'M burthcns::vhac4yec. c%uminmejd~~i:p@1<1-\’3:§1§.*‘ ‘K . » ~ V ~ g . are .yo:u mtxfifuppwé»ihctpe:_pIe»«6?33E# énaifi F.re:2I?eop:§<:: indeed, éaftter Qhc c*:t}5‘e:ncé:1$7f'1;>‘otB”*_ fi,dé§5’l5fa'é§?:E:bi{ {hi-; Nd;ti§111fqbfE§{¢ glanéla miée hundred thir:y}fi_v;c Miiliénéfdf méiuéfi by;one3chirAd chem aallfitzha” cram she éfi;‘e¥c«Vh‘Er%fo:;¢i;g:3 or other, did cofi the Natima ; all whicharc carefully collcfléds and {ha11erc1cm*gby¢%>adaap fha_ cpf hof dr $1 une- g¢?s%,4V£17£5;t:h§%L:vg fmzlivtbe wk 3 bf% i='a*= ' 4 % T >‘« i%%§3K*'V y“‘ 3 %Ags;g,V:ii.;,1:1wc:ouncim:h¢y4aéa11.4cneEn£e1*xses Spams mer::,?Aana4;3;vé?:é 33% A V j A 11{fn‘g::,ffi_j;¢ V 1%§;*Armyn;r: A 2'33‘ “3 72+ §?.;~1‘3 ‘ ‘ f $b,0.u£:t;0+$f61fie %&of+i:lié{£:‘4»%;ire:°mé,i&?§' _ gevaifr éLmeF1g*n"V1¥bwIi¢%‘P§W3%5 b‘itRf‘5,35W§ I,¢p;=~<:1;aB-;:@E_;:;;9c;o4z;;.& afim “ 72:: cmifig'*111€e 1:56? &,AP"r.x5ia4§i% ant, "%v11”f:'I they won 1d"no1: Warp: t0his'%Defign.£fihE":§§'éiRF&:'t‘1'3‘¢€HE%i;L%53Béééfiff€% they could not makelvlufigtk 9fchg_}nFh;umen§ of GOVcrnmcn;_. 4 He fa!-I€1f11u,iQ’t9QggicfifDifllké.Qfhi3?E11,“?-I"l~WK1$1‘l2l3:3.1id*“:[l9i1A{WéChit 4[pp in:-:;r §t§iel;AA‘§;4aélA_l¢§h«‘A :ot1n0§|%1c*;~.I;’mriamena 3 A;exc41udeuha,» ArgggematPgft»AFth‘@¥QR£3,_,‘Y;£b_.;;IhQ'AQ.n¢5.1] 1. 2DF§1"r‘I1° more =2: % , A % Fatima- 8@ rby ‘ av azo 2.: :0 . M , ,:fi;;h,'3Efl?mA9CCd;fi13:tyiC}id;iI in m<:13éi: AA t},;"'e:“1g;id4‘gfi&e {A which were good Barres agaii1(iVVthc%%.§7¢uarr?.».~ Claim to thc.R0yalDigfl1”CY- A “ A A a, “ ‘ _ ,3 «H»; A‘ , M.‘-‘E ‘;J~4 A?‘ I .. . . M M ' M h ,‘ M M M W M i A . k V ‘ppn%v\Nh}§¥?21T1V:.€. *~‘~?h3A'é PM Qf mm .+gdfl?»r:m and 'ax:c€p’t.hf« an iv; ‘cf; rat? w.1S;%5M "nad¢:'P.r.Qt§‘£t.§Qfi;$:3§7.3EEVVI-EbQIE€€221ZL.ad&32-LVEQ‘-.*§"‘i;~"S3£fi-% VV’liaAme-Ant'i§%::djQurn~é&;'a:%c rhéir:;Iae;xt Mflfimfiga »1=»h»e&E.xcI4udcd MAcm%- % ¢1i9Au"*¢‘0fLor£~si%;»£ w'bAe;s\Ma;;;ew agignicnéd -.._upo1;¢;1 t‘a,l§inVg2§Lj;‘%OatVA1w1At0b§3‘~ 1:AAr.1A:ze:tmA~his~Hig4hncfsg furfcvorlz: ‘ Butfo eon a“sthAe{c; xAaludcd:Membmi3;.1NYahS~as xgrcater Tnt?FrAu# m¢n,t of définning «I? s.§+“i~n$*0f * 30¢: I£ah€3r§1TvHi4m*fe1rtL' 2*” 1% eayéét I1, A 111761 35: .1i,Vt_;if§fg;;¢1.:%1‘1?4?3¥}§<%!i—€!;,hAAAhi3:~$¢1'*saR:iWbiwrd;Pa:am&ot,tb~A:m¢»¢cd4 A §‘X.??*n§iJ4‘9f’31?‘r5P5231?Q7i o£}r:t1c.*~ ,,VAA:MV;.-¢e'rVAA»¢'v*A’9‘«::;AA~9‘*. “ , _,”,,,,A;1_,,,.,, V1 ., ‘e. ; ..».z..~ «A A -W - ' A Aicalféyh t*f')is».pr¢17¢nt Pm iz§.m*en=c ;& *'whe:néin*rtf<~::Im2't%i'.3)g»~ 44vivc;h§«iS;}*§;hWflm.a.‘ta«2naught rm $£AA¢3‘~“5i‘3’*!’P£*"~’iA*A5‘f5f13?w¢F T~Vr‘mi1+ A” -(. A ‘”' :i1’IfiS:f1alJy;éi::1mtfcdx »‘+r“¢»c»1»-earmr fig; wag ,,3aH‘e;g.d A A %;gmhar.»a:iK threl aik/Iéwmbérsg had?‘ 2%? aw iv %~«me44nrn9.%%md obéidiew €6»1‘b*¢:.% A‘?i§ik‘:;f**’;¥?F;+A.P.F‘3?'&‘?E¢*¥:~smm 0ns. «;Wbet11cr 5 )h I V, Whhéther or no doth the Spanifh Wart: bring anymadh.-' A Ewantageh to the Nation,ozhcr than tokecp up a prctendhcd Neceflity of Arms 5 when that thereby already we have lofi 70%;Sai1s,hofhShipsh, gm-amnd fmall, to the valucof ‘lfwoh Millions, A and Three Hundred Thoufand Paunds ;, beffides the value ofa Millicm of Money lo£t,for" want ofh employing the Manufaétury of the Nation,in the Com. modiries that might in the time of the War with Spam have been} ven.tcd hehhetc, h E 2" H E MD.