AProceé%[; ins<’9‘ ¥%T1‘3r1faA€‘ti;0nS“%4 A or Am-.Lm V _ Their ‘Bcéginning ahd ~Ending~ ithbriAefacc0um-‘ of theirEXp€nce % {the gtimc 0ft‘h€i1? A&_Sthat & were ade Ab)”tth€m, who were+D_iiT€fi‘%%%edA A DecemberAA1 A A , 4 T gqylzlggzazzfea of ogareot er, _d _ \ , *3 ‘ %1AFor:Vw4;;§ggi[» iz_z;;;,tIq;¢wC?qz43't o%fQI;qn%c¢.t3w.~AA A ' “‘ . ‘ N A 2 For An zvea3[Vn4¢ae%zz%ofwerm. 5 A ‘ 4. That im1ocentA Negative Vote ,ofnot tbeIRepo;-t A A A oftbeCommit1 cefor&‘1'i;be:gV“ A A A ¢of f Aithabsief AA<>1<>gy inVifidififlfiI1 0f“tih.0f€ appeayred me~vo:es;rm;ncr;eg:m*A.%., fngainflthem. 4 i A A A 1473- =1Membetoftlifléfe PAP; L A2 V" ?~7»I ;exTceed2r1g Iglmfid; fcitgreat fit: your remardin VHecwe;i1.% . V I ,,,, A . 3 For. Iakingaway tbermer of Patron:tomakég%Prefi.é;;ratio:¢:. ’ "W14 '5 ed%I,4A?-d4B1éIJ7ed4r%£¢*zmz'wg of tbeirinnzmmcy to we 4 rigbtwzh‘ God, A It is" na.newf]/bmg in the wc>s.r1c[fZ:r ‘ .mw¢o lye-repwranaclaedfar LwmlZ%daw'mg3 and to lame ma .0- ‘iber 7?etmz7~clv efilde-avowriwrg to do their (jmm trqy férvice, aJ772:Z I»:/7o‘z¢rr*i72'g ta tzzR£?'(’.]'j” 1"}-’:*‘3'7*7” i}’i’“7"7*”PP5":£/30"’ 4”‘! Erie“ «gm-;~e;,.¢ben "to be c(2m1t€d ‘will daers .- ma£wzt*z2t gmerzu’./Jr % _rz*poffec1,.itgéeleeizzcdiawd tzzJ{_enfimr frmba ilvtmgb it 4 5,3 ;,,cz,g,.jré,[f,3g,.éa;; mad m».w»:z13ty attamiing «per... 1 my §E5"1‘0'r9-. zapgzgwyidfent. ?Ijl3az¥t»wz:3 part ~i*}ne,Hozzfi* «mmuld y‘*gJredta11 ‘f*]7é Mi~vzi_[}r;{,. the gpod M ?:795I'l&{t:h81211d% jbrgsrxrrant) I be)! war; mzzrly a;gazn.Wf=Ibat4 Md ‘carr12pt'uiza-”q2ta7l, *bm?‘i73en]z.»me and debate-amawlhfzzg am )1 “ % oft‘/3z2ir /Iifzzintenmee by A‘T72i?IvAl1e:r': A~i~n1Aw*bz'a19 ‘wr.g1nba=ffide other thing 13 may); 4 good fimle /Jafb £0111} QO§Dr'?g‘®"?§l. to keep ‘/Jiiflrand /.75.: alim -3 and other: 0 f /{K “d€ff:’7‘f 5493 3 " _,.«m4co ]..p¢=r ann. or:m—ore%-: Lifbey t/tviri-;!z_in‘g jdwze-‘more en’ a . % % %_ I -_ W % % HA gag}. prmeeee anetbezetbeirwieee mzcezzere» n11gh£.h; we Ind alqemmcefoer ‘thefrfnlzfifianee a‘lf22:1lv:hen‘lth¢ywéreldeadg l’ Man} alfiwwere againfltheir flan-ding onthat olel P epz:fi’a fiaét ofaccennt 5;: near the)! dee,ee H nsepart of the old Hiem;-.l A ch}, judging reajbn ’lhd.fa: -Hrehhfiioprg zznd lBzfhop.rg Dean: and 1’rebenel:, Scc. were renewed 4: Antiehrzfliezn, A fa Pmfzvnxg V-,i'6‘:1?Ja"'C%'7'lI'dtIa Reélorg ~Don;2tiwe:,:znd Inenm; hent.r(fimnger.r to the Gofiael ) A flwnld be "tal{en may alfhg » heing ofthefarnejlarnp: and Teaclygyy and Preacher: ofthe truth and Gefpel3fhoule_i‘»hjgLamfiand npan 42 were Gofpel zzeconnta and their eumam! intere/2 . cured untoeihew‘ accordingly» .- aflyort Bil being .6} them of- V firedfor that purple/I2, hm refnflad 3 wheltherllthir amount- A eth to the cleflrojing the godljwfilinzjlry, or whether they . were their enenziegor mt»her‘theirfi~iend.r in it: the} my pleczfl: to lconfider.Reaeler:ithon thinkeff that than are C0712 tahCanlaanlthe,L«;znd efrefl, and that there 7'59 attained nn- L to thefizll end aimed at and intended hy gem-gm, feed, in giznfwereofall thqfi: wofkf and wander: nenyfmztg er. ~ Zbfzraeles) T194?_b€n’lJ;ll’}3.i§P7f03tglJt’fill: rzaagfepands : ' A thinlgefilthere. is alreadyetheharmfigofgeell thateireeyiere l fiaentaand bloodfiailtin the {Irate wary, than tiejejee endhe glad : hen: ifletheujnelgaji‘eGo,el intended V greaterlanelnzere Al high thingxthenyet thonféen, inwayt ofremamngwical ‘ kedneflé and oppmffien, gzznel Ezwlmzncin g jnflice nnel righte- le ; oufneflfi, then l9elee'z;e,; and 7«va\it5~V\ and pm} 5 fa nelzzzfeth he -,z‘;be11FiJ‘Vla mzz. mifher to the fnterej? .:oft.he Lord thell % V mztbefgngland. zvelfsrehofthe Saintrs lend the prq/}fer.i1?} Aefthe”lConz,nzon- ’ §W ¢¥%é’7§‘§‘$‘§$&&°¢§«wwwwwwwwmww4 . J anTranraétinsofthe1are%Par~ +a%:#briefe:accoun.tyA thfi GXPCIICGA 05 ~.*tseir%t:iVelswhiwtheykfire 5 and%‘the F.Aé%: AAtbazsiTwere Amadebfl ‘them; W99’ wgrefdlm we V of: ’ ~ I-Ie%Pa‘r1iiament‘ t%h“au fawgfo Iong,4%%a11d Had; fo many cbangftgs and Aalteraticzxls,*“an%d7 ~ 4», %y¢AWaspr¢€€r¥ed4 andc°nt?~uedA= ‘ “ A ”%*1ifiI2nifeTi“%Jti*I1“£{Goddidhighlyhcmomr4 ‘ mj maki4ngoF A Inifruments %ofmAve;:y:,; great things, tr§aVr:‘y of them being very:.M ‘gg4odV th§An‘gs~.,‘A fxeedomé Vand4'? j%VprofiAt@fth¢P€o?1¢sAmongfl%whichthy: “ “ 5 wonhily be@’men%cionad*;., sf or1¢a£+,%* the grcatefi, both ta Religionslntcreffi and %t’he‘~Oi‘jnriII lA1i;g0od men- iun . Pefition «*2 my ‘farthkrfioficrfefiw minding, more A the"‘g:ca.tning_&AofV4thEm‘fe1vaes‘, w Vra they 1 fdwvely4, who am;-mbIAing%ac chewplace and oappoin cc a.TargeA Speech made unto them cohccrnihg Mf.h€_g[_"C)ufld oAfdiT[.. V dines} righcingohthe wronlgcd, releiving chei0Apprefl‘ed ¢ Apia; find performing their pr omifcs ‘to’ them *5 To notoprocc-.-,c%i-« A iQfg1coAop¢rfe&Ao1the wonkcof A ufiige andmreedomc; {Q Hf; ;P‘P.io1y.&; bsgixri ah’d.*caArried on by them, as InP(rumcAnts' iii chic Ho fidx God. They became low in, rhcohearu--and%zflcem% ofgood pm...o Apia and divine providence ib ordering ofit, (Without which nonhing cometh to pzffeo) thg:Ayi%wcre. diffolved; I ‘And uponanhigh Account for Godiineflé, andthe Love of, thgpruth, and caufe of Godgand In tereflof his pcopIAe,;rg;5hc;§ were called together out ofthe Cbuntrieio CAiAtie‘3v ¢%A;f“efpe¢;. " aftfiof fol vinog‘ the f0A~rme%r G%0u{r1'}1EIVoI,o% Aandfcaflizngojf this 5 There "Was d°fiV°F?dWF9 thém anlnfirounrflntionPai*chmen§ uhldEr,|‘££aie; ** d€li'Véri~fng“'“‘the~W'1l0l4*l' pmpiwer of the Nation f’ojr weahzhimo‘theirfmnds, to taokeoo Cit'€i0f,.« ‘ao;;doooo_m'*goyegfi¢ {me theirVgood»: 1% is very! obfervable that of all tohacooowm ro chow- fcn and fummonéd coo%appe3re,fo;: t;%hceAndaforeofaid_, being one hundred and %forotieoop:EEfox_1_s ,, fchczjc wet: bar cwoA*that gjcfufcd the call andoworkco {<9 w~;:nc»urrenV¢eo%ooowas there found asto cHcoferoviref<:'nce Of A many ofche %MAAeet%I?gsand e:=€“'<=1fi=aA%°f f}w11g;i0nAi§1 all :ne:r1s4ves,%=«sthey didthat dwé 1n&Eh¢EV=nIng°f that day I _ Fyangfis Roufi: was called to the Chalrc, and chofcn Speak. er : 3114 t .4 _ _ V whgn the A1-Ioufe appoymzed to pray agamc thrm or . foure hen thefloufefiras adjourned to Chfluncxt-dLf1y':' %d;y¢3V%3ft¢r 5 wh“ch '3jc;poArdinAgIy was done by the Members ; * M %_‘pfin¢;P§~1[y%byi~V%{‘u¢h7;;s had rij‘o!;Vd;:>n“f¢t*Jvice bcjfore 5 when alfo ¢h¢4Lm;d fG¢mAgg%11%Awa3gré {entA;,a%A11‘d‘iA?t'jAxzv;as;a very*ComforubI’é Aday-*Bu::%afcer‘;the%HoyIfc Lhawpmt the firfi dayéin Pmyser, ex:4 d’a{y%imet zigfinieg, "ilfter prayer, “WhiCh%%Aw:a$‘A A ’pé:£o;rg1edAbyA%Vot1¢%Mc;&mb%r mothers as they Wm" ma :fi.ee t d““p§;>f=f(§rnjg_ _ proCeedVed%tAo A cal over At’heA A A V L I the}, InflruAmb4e"t%§ze2n4 % V fixer wbmconzmiaced. am §n4%%3¢;‘§¢W;~d;y gg l;éii1g“»i§fji”,k5 ."iZ.'f¥v;:HOLblT€ dzfclmgrged mm 5. A thy: “five%Pétitio%fi%ing;H&vifig be*€‘*%in‘wfi¢dif®‘ieVd?¥?~saa~nd having fiiiféa r%f!1iiI1§{.€9 F°1f1Ath¥m‘w, i2.11’mxc1 cf se:ea&d,Vwere mdéred so he Ai%;r“m:o' cbemco be, k4epc:o%hard Iafioura arm‘ accvrdifig1yV.4t*W% We fefitganidkepz :{;h~ere,%% and 3;feerv%1bme cimeAtfiey bmg fame of them fick, eméd havfingpecitioned I:wi; :;,4"% Tcbacqo-Vp§pgg;¥A&wc:e~ by Voce.cxtfxI1px:edfromtheflduty of A j:}‘ing‘-in Ofdfr ofthe Rm,waa v¢ry%1argcgo;f ab§<)llt%%¢ighty%I1;€€t3 i*L t:fp;p£r, 1" pm: on e«who%}c dfiayin the hearing Of 53 1‘.€at1%§. ‘ andd4' there _ qh§r¢TAapf§eAared To mafiyfnares and d*%ifficnItiesA in it as to trade.-,V % as wasmdged no way fit: to be put run apeople that expeficgzd AA yf,-¢ed«ome aawchc price of thzirwblood and‘%t.reafure, by chem Tpent in t—heiAax:e war ; AAwheréuJ4pan it Was by "g‘enc%ra»I confcn 1: A 'Awav~cdV andA;I%AztidAAAAafide. There were divers B315 prepared by (C - A vgrg1OommitAzecs, fame of winch were read in the %Hio‘u(b, and ~ oAghe,-goffcrgd [0 have them rcadi,bu1: Orhfir b'u[in%e{Tc hindt-red, A 3,! 5;VAA%fm;,conflituting a Committee for.4dv‘arzce%of%{2“rade5 Agifi A fgfifiarkiboufét, andprowiding for the poor. Dzvers Bi;’1:for‘*tbe 112- "gu%lation,af4tbe Law, Aarzdmalging of it ‘Aleflé cbargeiable to the people, A andmare expeditiom. AA . -A A A A A‘ There were feverrll; A8cAsvpa’.fl'ed by the Houfcfin time oftIaACAAir A fitting, the particulars here follo.w.A.. Viz. AA 7 1“ Antflaiforthe Committee of the Arngy, and°A‘Tr¢aA{'urers A g 2 An cofifiicuting Coi1inxifl1omcArs for ordering and ma%nAa%gi4ngA the%Ad‘mi§?a1§cy Vand Navy. _ * A A; An A61 for ctiAeJ fAcct%linAg% cheACourc*.of Admiralty 5'miuchA rim¢,{p'¢nt‘in fixin.A;gAon Judgeas. V w A A» A A A 4;. [A-nAAA& fo1fmkinAgAAaway9EineAs on Ox1Aig«inal W-rits,which Gemlemgn ofA%»wrtAAhAin the Haufe aflir-~ **AAm¢d3*;AAcoAAAAthe fav7ing=of the people ofthia Common-wealth, an A ;hg1ndredan%d=twentythoufand pound per-_ amzumg, only tenor twelve uhoufand pound thercofcoming to cheA:AS;a:e.V AA A A A-5 An A5: touching thefeveral Rece%iRu, of%thAc;Puwenue and Treafurics” of thc Commo%n-%wea1th;AmAd: cliebrirxgitig chen1-iAm- AA to c>meeATreaAfury‘:, A A A V A A AA A A ” A 6. An Aéivfer M'aArria~ges-, and the regifiring of them ; A A3; 31... . ~foBmh5AlDd*BAuriaIs;A much time fpencin‘ the-*debaA1t;e about A Mavrviag€A8ith€rebei%n»g many nicitiea aAn%d%%d:fli:$ult cafes rcIa'-U Hl2i%I1Vg_t0th3ztV_fiLlbj’C&aV ? ~ R A M A , A ; A A ‘ A11 A5: for the more. peedy bringing in of mhc7Arrcar3 of theExcife, and fading CommAiHioncrsAAto~:ha: end. %% A A 8 AnA*A& conccrningxhe Plantars of %Taba°c=co in Gloucefier - ‘fl}jure,\andelfwhere; A % V A | A - A A ‘A % % AA A A A9‘ An Aft. :oAcAo.ntim1e: thcnceipnof A :hAew~Ex;cil'cA til the 29-»of A Aecemberlafifi 1 AA A A i _ ; A AA@¢An A61 additional Aan~dAA; explanatory M for ch‘: gfale AQAE aim: A 9 % ‘ A A a V = %% Axcmaining ,A.A wv remaining kfirs-rIént:s; andflnifiningthe wh¢1¢bm;nem.. A A % A11. AQ%As5hafonV;13-filing Alrelcmd, Aand; A A A‘ '4 A ComAm=f that [1 A {u%m,AandA:ha: it might be laid 'cqgmUy*:A¢* Many Votes paffed, % A ' anci%)vcfr?y»fharpd'cbatea, I7eaIf0An.0fAthe$Agr¢?aAtA% iAneVqAa,2a}ity‘:hAaAt * beyfiond AtAheir%%p%pQj3ort_ion,. and f@m¢ Amubh IciTe_, ;whicAh»mad[g ~ ;*cvIw{burchen more gAriev‘oAusAthm qcheirwife it! ‘would; be; A W_hmfA after man‘yVdayeAs {pent in theAAmodefizing’ofA”#AthcA~BiI],1 audit: Acamé?:%ov%be paflizd, fame Gentlémen gave their «reaifonsjwhy ~ ‘I %% phey % L i0fA£3i£% P?‘-’0,p-16» LIn%;yc1%%t%hVe:m%. A M ‘iv to 1‘3gA*¥t‘¢%0»Ufff¥*53¢ ‘«!4*%%.t 4Wa§%i*1 it (and f¥>2m%¢€hifi£ .£'1"f¢‘.‘):?‘ Whgidi % %l‘1sBdb£ct:%‘Iaid fmcéh%~“in%w%%;he%%d£B;m ;',f‘.Tfi«£‘%'g{e$£ ung%q~g4;%ax;;y A pwix: C%oumyand oauum écyafiusxdrfwi Land dfédw A {emf ‘;p%2r.vticu»1&’i’:Efiam3, ‘fQfI1€*% 3figbu;z4twcs 4 th£»ee4IhiI}iigga‘ the pbund, %amdA;b¥h?ra* faurerfiwa % yeaMfam7¢,4 L A;cnAOf%V twelve {hiIIings%f0r tixeirrgall Efiate,“ be-fids wheat t%hcjiy$.. In fomle9*”Lmdw2wfii0nate~i— % ly eomp!:£ined% ofi’AVth¢ir%%4being ¢;ye.;r—;ra;ed,;% _chey¢pa.yi_I1g e‘igh%:: A §3;3“id%f9r:theirAperfomAIIA:34 :houf.and% ijaougzd a:,»M‘Q”th3’ part whale AI-4? ffiftinent 0f‘ the .C0mtn0nvW@a-1 whcll as thfiy‘ ~ with gr::a;c%; C 03f§d’fi;I1iiC‘€affifimfidb’ “W Athiey the ’fo”rtit:th*part0f%tfie:A 4G0mmor1+WeaI&:h in va1u:=,: #8: tfI+c%ir%c%f~‘= fi0«~W W33-A Tim A i£3grof:Ted,%aud :he‘“Qg:fiio%‘n Abeingp?u,1:,— t%he Na’: "(asi%~cp :_h_.g_% % ? Amaking a: Lawthac A very L11:JhE1‘b¥*€¥1 W I3if0f¢Cu§¢d*4~t9" V she pa»z%e,¢mdawarded %:l1eA;,ga«fiiv:§A%g;“b%fit; §«lF*sAaving :bce:%nfc.:.gM:3IwV& % %AneffIy% VVpre{%iI:d¢ that it b.:€a§:nc%n‘dedat %%thc* Table, gar“ x% e«~«~ I V 's0m%n1icc"e;d robe ammdLed~:aa$in £1 Kb? _f!€X£r d;%¥- I A A " ‘ r 4 ‘ _:;h¢r% Gent} emm‘ V{1avVix»3% 7 HI A w Vim q ma fonmheri :»a1%we% .-" fem: wh;z«%#:ae4vchou1 fly rmA&l¢ngeJr b¢%&1f%% ' " fp4<:%kcn 19:31?“ W , a*a%%%yco4:h’i;s% chaV,fc%AéhVat[#«gave%&VthAei:r«~J»Na?3;;%iga uh: AVm*=4%ag%’i*1flghc % -% %-t*l3seI3%4pa%1;fi::g¢afBill uponicheaccoxznt before, ‘can: A ' %€v€«r*inA "d A’ A -~ A ‘V Pfl‘i"§£iOi)5t0 :;hm*i§.%. j M ;tb;eyV4Iz11ay &§f;1fc];y fay%wi£.hQu;*thsyuhaveg ; but Va,.,‘V€ry:i1i@§1:$_«;h£hind them-< luvs beemzhe . highcfl~_ % béfiafiefiad %in.;!1£*: ,§t%i0n, wha;t;e§%re£V tfizffi } G¢n£imj1«¢n%V p1pare%A ; g; C m%A fay: T43. ind+§a%ur :o%>hagVva:é7:.Lth4[:e»:Afmém A A V ga nd&boMrn,% ;end%cd much. ’ g%D0*d 1‘ 5e‘i*,h¢%1‘A fihfill V wherebyV:hcy mighc‘caVminvue:»co may and A 7 for . %% V % . A ” I for A inabl }ng~'CAomVm;ifli0nA A nvding with"%‘E=L4%»AI‘ 17E%’N4AT,$5% tog A the Lands and7EPtates% of R,€.r.‘u«-. A ‘F for thAeAbcnefit of the.CrJmmonA-wpalth; “ An? %AAe?tAt%§1Aa]At; A imAAe=in% AtheADeba:t‘co§' icg:foi~%tha:t% fome .‘Gcnt;1c- * menAAAfearAAing itzamounced to the T oV1*e~ratioAn of Popcry, ”d§_d_ <fl:;fohgA1_y oppofe it , and caufed"AAAicA to b¢f0‘A~mcAd+;;liz~:c£ as ~tha|L:%_it:_A was never like to attain the ehdaimed Mj, as fcfimef ‘ fmfcompo"u A A A A difpcfe of two Aparta 0f V cofi much“ t "N fpcak._ AA AA Aafid Navie. A- A 1* ~26". * All Afif A f "l?l:mA:vAes and higfi~Way~m¢h- A -A.A ~ ; % A M ughtz in andfiead and%DeAb:ateAd, A ”fm*I:h~eI.IVnici1n.g= of AS'cotland I:o%Wth%e1C0mmdnhweaIt‘h of A.E:zg~ A A land, a pair of, iv;, witficqual privilcdges :5; whAi‘ch;{p¢.m; A A 01* thme days Debate in A3 Grand Com,rxxitteeAof the wAAmA§e A A A Houfc A,,‘ "b£“foArc; it was ordered toAbeI13gmflE3d,: being>a‘t=hAAiAng, A " ~o”f very gm: weighrand AconVcAernmerit," being“ ingroflcd it‘ lay A put A:*‘*’;*W‘ v- ‘an,'W,3’ » V7.>|4>Ei\ ‘iv ) ”“‘JVVV'\fV’ Y'W‘\’*‘»/¢,,4»q»Hl ‘A I 33 fam:s5A 1 theIiAd%ecIaredA: AOF-which cficphfiencg néw sag; befl dcclnre A and V A2.5.,A ‘V A o*rdeArinfg amdmannaging of the Affamzts of the Admimltie ‘(l _ There} was alfo aVBiil bro ready. on the Table to beirtad and pafitd; Bimche Higblandeix tin I.AA.mwALwhAile thé Floufe conti.nt1ed.; V agppémrc A t:h3cj A A Wm A not Va ~;§nrm1A:‘ M fits. A pon. Wh-§‘.Ch:; fag]mWd%%»P,¢4;.%A I fmtly aim: di.tT0i¥u::ia:2Af3V €»"‘M1:fi A M A , VA . AA A Aylittleiofeach<:3f%t§1£3-i%i.%::¢2cm1:Z%&V%%ofthAe,great du&%th:-.1:Vi§AArai4vA»-= % f£ d§A £02.titty:bIi[l_diI1g;.Offfi"}i‘¥?:§?§ a;1din!:a*gin%g*4uf o§hAe,r3, .;.i=§’g‘.!;.‘§§’f"'>4._ ~ % th’E:I11 1;Ahac%foughtj,neAc % siren} iAe§-ves bug the w;%&g00dAGf% 4tfi? C0m_ AAVon+weaV1th” parcic%uIA;m’in+%~;?%A A » i “Firfl ,;' %%§Fm%theVG%1ax1£ery,% if%wV3s,r~I%mk€doh’%a43A‘“‘a.jgre%a£ A rhiggswereafimed , as xhoregi V % that *w%et§7% Q31? 5 had tim é‘sdv4<3%€:até*$‘%%fVrV%it5V had %Al=itt1Aé};o? 2:1 A ffaay (be half? ('92-fiV%n jit;AA, ,;“a;r1»B ib at them d: of am my sea A 2 V fthfi if*WasA%%v01;£ddu=wn.é: 7 Lit 14 u m Delaw:4a15i€8;%VA¢4.Chavgmbleii éffé facu1«ti§“§4of £tiwhVgf V fBIm:id%the%A%:pe9p1einflitAplI~ri3::~veAing-5 ev*enr~tt;it«heir;AAuzx;%eg: pg... n1Lhingan%d= amby? wax’ rp?a.k?m and%:aa%mm.4% % at ;%compa.:e ’('if\nOt‘3<~‘:f.€'fF’P'a;{%a 3% A A wy’C0Urt Aifl t5¢TW°¥1%d 5 G0nfident1¥% knQwingG¢x1cI€men At1hacAAthere;§i+e.:deApemding;-%% f W€njti€'_"thFfififlihfiufand ;,;=.Thar, L a5 Fh¢m7"»,h3d W9 ‘h?r¢%":dE;n.ding :grm;m¢ £Wm4ti£.%iom¢%thiI‘ti¢%¥¥ar€;§%and.m0re Hm4V%fa¢*%%athing%imthat[afterfu¢h(¢ - % inAehfi 1‘ Cams fuch%aAWayo*7%pra&if€sAA% Humid» A be Aéontinued, togrea1;cI1,:thedlfécaynersmin, and pra&Ai%£e1;s-f§[ Q 1. J15 fimuld ~L :,m.ight’d.Q¢“3II.»* AV % _ Lj;f Ihe VMm1bcrs% fof; t, A whundred%n:y%“ thug: {andsAt:>f Apo:mdAs;A‘ coi;d1eVVmine,nayut:4eru;ndc:fl’£1g mémmy fa.‘m'ilie$;, Thacn‘:3 % Sh'ipalmpfi4(tzciwitgCa11few)- %xhaA%tfay1ed?*.i:1 the Se.-.,1 % of me A A .Law, but fitffi; ¢;>siT?1aPcl%Npju"%t:ing;intAo mm Part;}:mAd”if% W3}? zm*dc * afi%ny corxfidaz';§§i3e‘Afldy nh%::‘m~_., theyVfuiffcred*V%§i23 m::¢h1{;.m,%as &% the Hemedyywas as bad aathc %Difeafe ; Than ,w,h:at Was%Or‘-- A deried Vane d;ay%_r., %_%*eiVa.,$ Gommiidiaed Aizhe n%;c5:t%%,‘ bfi3’ 3:37 in’ {(3 me A A % _ 4 C3U{¢$iither€%had ~ hm? %fiv«'e~ hju‘ndVred;MOrcig:xs, >a;r;d fgrre ‘r;n;o1=t:% A fa%V 3Wv$—{‘{;):;Ir3;1e1§;&flif§3f3€d.___ _That when thfipuj1ff€3’ Of=.£h& Clicntsbeé-L g%arx%"i[m_ be Iamptzie %‘az1d%~chIeir% fpirits ag liu.le*c0o1ed4‘ 5*vthenV % % V a?Re%f:rence to fame Gent17£:men%iri “the Cuuntr’e}r;%the Caiufe‘ fo[,1.«:;ng" ciepcnding , at (0 great Cha-rge, came IQ fbe ended<, ‘ {:3 as fame didlooke on it as in new isg, ‘as a Myfieraie of Lwickfine1T8aVaAndAafimding-Chm. 4 " % WmrIc¢sw><>fi%Gofl A fl I in by chef I'i1itic““t)4fothers; cacmg Athe fa%t't Aand ~fWee%tA% of A % ; 1 is , .;0th%cI?%A{i~AtncnsV ;V1$bQur§ - flfldf Rates; 11:2; is m h%oped%ruca «w2¢¢ A V: j@1iA€d1i€fiifi%% ifimiit j Ij0n g ~VIiv<:d % .3 %H4t::V:,i9‘%A4%A$d’id ‘good’ [kmapla refoyce V V%h§ia%1:d of that Vote, and,1.hoWifa;d«a1‘1d foz~rowfu11 V ' €v%ere' the LaW;;crsM~a»ndj Clarkesg fo r~‘sthe {care of me 1o{Te%Q§ _ Vtheihrgireat Diana may %be%%%rcmenxbred: wighWtheirgreat.“joy& i:aqdnVAm;.3kingBimfiersV,and dztix-gkin%g sackgwhencncywere _ de?1ixrer7¢dJ;;%frcmj1%:thAeir fcatfeaby *tj‘hpe,:ii~£¥0I%Li?tifdn%%% the im AMA:-_% = A W COmmitt§e’?forV ‘theV Regujlastingg ..df :h e' Law; in ‘pure; 1' fume 0f%,th¢= Vom% brought .i"n#Aa Bi1~l% for: the“ Taki%ng yamy Bll151f0T‘~“h3;é~C wtherfimfi Wt Pr%0vifion> made mendependznga1cogee$ % W A kcnAamy 5% Andi{oi%t§ifcame§o‘i b:e;1siiéwfe‘d%andlayd%[M @3533; find tihe CdmmitteeL cfirdferedéts: ~ _E;rix%1%g‘%%V*i’n'y” 3 B‘fheAh§a..., A kimg AC<:i»ur*r,%d; az‘ui Jfmt Mche.difpa¢tm _4cAheA Caufia *.d~zp,V.ending, and proVidinAg%Wfoi* the fl-ztL1MreiIn~ a {ummary;1EVa’yA,,V A a\5flT3fl¥AA'_3I'*EuaV1'37'AC3\:u{C' miAgh*tA‘bé: Adaetiermimed édnjtjficndécl for A \ ~ L uwencyor £om:y ihiL1ings,AAm'vdAiWAfiVtryA(hm;tiziue, A ficife:mdgoingb@Law4p1fAéven£ed.“ A 3 “ A M _ A 5 % V 13% At1q1c.- AA %1tW’c,%%%A%tAl=1aAt But A A aMR9n-whomdliswvgblemiihwi¢1ifiick.V am J3 7 *qnqmorA¢Alei£ur€- s;«mA0r_ ~AtmAd‘¢F a12n§.AtAl1:a; AA&£eer §imnAA:A ' wI;£' ‘ofi in%cé4fi«d?d iB R1Vl‘WcFfi€ Pxririwd-.»A % icA4mi*ghc4 bef A ' igdg¢d.AWhm:bgIrA1.ateAnA:m;9ns fm*§£:aca;AtecrAitAA was gm 4 A in and twice readwixl the Houfe in one %dé;y,% Iawfécund -us fioé, »newAs4oayomaeALaw, in A..; nqwf vDA1uminoi1s:a aI¥d4A.th§¢r¢bY:A I~ne~ricaAm anti - dank: ~andAAc;oncea1ed,é 13 are able,» to; kjnovgvlfiwfi oi Ehem-A AThofg’AO£AA;h¢%Vpwfefiion ofitheAdLaw , g A iffering A %w:~pyAAVmany V<;;qfc°.As,“; ;wh»%z1tAA.th¢A :La~Wf"*is , firming 0% r%;l1Vopi§1iAri0#rm:A§h9 &;bi87Aa%117dA7Athé AOI;h€r:A thiirw when A ~km'As;,A tk-:augl1jAhigh1y’AAcon¢:arned§‘ t%un&A as A%rew4ar~e:ab1esobuy rolwgrggxami Céit1"’*“fpar§'_,_-I i * 5? mam. é L A over, and; perufe :hem.V*§% 9“ * A4 . diexzfiénd ‘V; mid th¢i;%"Alntepgwcherein contaii1ed.VrTh~ére _ beiing I» LawsBV6¢j*ky:;s’% o;fV+4‘gteat%V ¢Bu1k.¢%,w«%:A4fo»4A V mufiie4 Records, Repo‘r4ta, and Bfiqk-Cafes ;~~As%th4%atw'after % aimfpcm:1i,inA4Schg.oE~learning5,%%AAAche£ 4F€fl%A'_0f VthqejT§m¢of*f%the%< tflmwcr oi‘ a m a:.ns5V§4e4a%re$3wa?uId be ~A1'AitC1€ cnmzgh C£7 ‘*r¢a,d:€%’:§h€.Ew3[K%V.;‘ 1-;.‘.z%HVd bCfid€ ,‘thflffi %A’ecVords azid~%%BOclSk~Ca'fes are ill A Guidesé-1‘L~ightsL%to AgpéAby,% fqzj Mvbhhd :knmv‘e:ch«%chTe%VVCiréu¢;..,¢a fi»ancss%:has did aacten d».:"t"Ele',t‘xl" whicfi»a1ters ofccimcsimewhole Galfe 5 »w%ho‘r4“‘kno’Wtth% ‘whither in'Vth%0f"€C&1'€§5‘brvibe1€y d%§d-’1n1owt%% makflfm¢%]udgex21t%nt. ,%4or‘t1‘1¢*~VLf %VOWéfrfi1lI%n¢m¥“?*Agréaé‘ man; e;*r:£.:he§o%m asw ham:fd o unréa£n~mbie,%‘iime“ of I H W W % H % % V % H M % ‘ r ~ tIi’e7ftJnd£ii11"gV0f ‘*‘ar71 hoAnel1%xg1a‘n%chan"A ¢ ~ A no Athingatéll of the % 1 A ” ’ ‘V 2 thing the~}ud§gh%,”or*§hé1N:sg*1igencé ~ or.%%¢C%0rrupciCm the AA3v0caT!:é. And %be‘fide:4if, inxhofa A Cafes; £%:"meVpz:e%§.*‘Z%riae'ncm,rcdirae&Iy AO:m;trary% cow ot%h¢rs;A;:A:nd ~ A ManAvéacatvaor¢fZ2%3%4unfaiifiledgeifixjng (3ia%{a% or Repomand ' anogaer f’atidt§x€r ; aVn?3颒 thfiflé Q ¥:1}€“’;Wf3gV5f¢f0“0W €125‘ whi¢h1‘hé'4§f A p§A¢g[gth.?%A;:; %Lh%é5*a&_* °Ax'biz:*a§yI is the Lawii tbi$%A»(3.afi: ? &i1d%ag;;_ * w’haf% Aunccrtmztyfl are gm: V g;‘eat;% Iflt¢%f%¢fl£ f alld. pr0Mprieties of%“ ; A ‘ % A V M%Befide-gvhowvariou§A5Vare thév Cuflama, " vékicfmé?no;tWf£fifiand~»'%‘As Ving ‘paflsghgVf0r: L%3W ‘Uiilally u:m%knho1y%Gfi.tl_rch ‘(Co catileti) aitld were made in fa voilifflf Ki0§%9a%,_A and the -Iu~fl%5%offgrea*cAmsem ,A or whichtebgre are wary mAaAny-ii V tAheALawA of God being eyéd , an“d%ri_ghu Reafon ldoficd untq % ' in all: theta being fame Of A the Lawsthau are; contrary to A-both: gas the“ pumin‘g men‘ A to death for j Theft,‘ The {par flag :hc%A ,liv¢s bf men for ?Murc&er, under Ache potion and name of M*:tnfl1ughtcr%‘5, 2. term a*ndi~diflin&i“o¥n" not T found in the rig~hteou%a Law af Gad: And chacunrcafonable. A Lawgghau ifa W aggon or Cart, Sac. driven by thewowniefi A A or fame oaher, with %neve«zj f0"gre'at care and«%cVn%deavour, fai}, 1; %an;ikiIlany perfon, nhe ownetymhough it; were his o*é1§rn% {can or férvanuuI'¢ to bemnfi;d¢red%0f,; anfi‘PfifTad%_bycAhcm.,A%‘ % *a§~chey ihmlld fcegadfa: Wbrkgreat . -and 0-f“ t1igh.._AaA»‘nd‘.\ V great; efieem with many; -far the; gfeat.fruic,a.n;i bcn*efi;~gh,m; V wOuld come by is :3? which means the gran: volumes of 7 % 1Za wMwou1d some to vbe‘red'ucad {mocha bignefs of apcyckeu boakgaa ic‘Aispt’0pmfti0naEv!%c inNm Eng{m2da~nd e1fewhcrc:.. %‘ Asking» of4%fo%[greatwor2hand benefis, as Englanel is nos jygct V ; worthy of;nor 1ike1AyJin%am<:ifx*eA rimcto he « {(3 b1e£Te'dMas1vVMtLa ., % riVg¢h%t hzréin. %4in’j;3y%.%%Aiid this being thé m1%eEknd and Endcavourfof V:h9feV% Members that lafioured in than Commime,ia.isVfubmi;ccd.% 1 w ewry saédlv Candi rariomflil man in ‘h¢N*%ti0m» whether (‘a‘§‘iA$1nofl%faIfly and%wi¢ked1yrepmred,«and chargaed u‘por%n;gA V perfonsafiing in {smash krve uochcir Gnunrrey) zihgixv an-rA. . ‘ maven“ tended to d5c{froyingt§1:whpI¢Laws, and,puiling_M, thcumpby zhemots. >4 ” % V T A The third Vbte wasthc :aking;away‘ cf patrbris% Prcfcnggu % Jtfionsgwhkliflthingii o4ne_ofj¢the ftFOIlg‘:~'h0,ld8_ Of ~Satha,r1;:A£ :hev:%* ’ PM %rhisAVot=4fbm eGéndemmwmgrea:lyfM‘end¢ax preaendiiigitwas?:§;Ad¢£’¢c;ying;an¢V:akigtg4awayA4Vpgpprimig:A.“V; A Gcmlemanchacmo\i;dVfirfi%E:ibavéiighefloufe d.ifl'ol%v{ed,A made this pm-. of%hi‘s‘%%Vgr¢aVVtReafons why he could fit; no: Ion-4% g¢r%Awirhhisféllawsa {b%¢in3.v%ery[% c0nfci0usaA !ik¢«th0f¢4thatA c¢mmin,ana‘fi.g1eaenag;:caev¢AamgegsmamwThisvm_ afcer’«aJII1%ai*p4;zbatewas ce§rri'td iif1,in~which my fobter‘Gcm-_: V tI¢mefi cbncurr:d,vfuchg§‘ar¢ hm blemifhed,a£‘*S:&ari:s,“orA‘ % JL£#¢l}—:rs%: Th‘pughV;;h¢y4 Iiad%%C)f£hi8 ikifid‘ of pmpercie ¢§hem~s«%, A fclvcsg ”Vfo%ri1e.:wo or a‘%%p¢ec%eth%acQac of canfci:n;:eé:4fm':A% th:%bem:i“ advan cc bf thd kxiovvlcdg; of sh¢Gs9fp%e!%,%;n;z1d Im . tcreflcif V:be»I;:ord%C3h:iI%,:hey Werewilling pars: witlmhci-g .“T‘hc namm of my V1lit. :;I¢: minded % %, i=ati¢f¢ ¢>ft‘!.~¢ 8rea'tc?I=1tcryt%3at is War? Wime m min Ohwt 9 A mr1igmwc*“r:1an,mapy ofch fire «%as%wouId d¢fi~FOy%Aai1d: A they haV.dnon~eehcmtfe1ve%s.~A when ‘aathough «gm¢r%a.eu:hzma:ma;erybuz1;;;¢ém4.%; *,,;.; .~.a...y *Efiatea,and wergAA;:%QE“‘<}5f bi’-'0kv¢I 1 %'Fc3rmn¢af,% %o”1ffuchas Owéélv great;‘furnmesofmunty a%%te;1%~choufand pounds and more, “and thofe co‘ whomth eygwene fo 1n debts knew not how 3:0’ %_gcc 3 penny*of i::, but flood finnecd‘ of p§riviAil¢¢dAg‘ and p rot¢&'i- ’ on‘, asforr-x_1erI%y iiz:hath%b;.ecn*: The namrcvof this? pxopércy lociked Aintmand co"7nfid_ered,_, «willlawppear to be partly of Man A%’3earch!y,and partly of fpi'rimal natLure5tTh%efe two mixed and * Jcwifgjed Vtog¢th’c;:,%VmakeAupnhis right: or propeArty“‘%:% of having fpower to prcfe:1fi.a%‘Pcrf0 nf£l1 be Minifigrthere. To have the ct-arch!y,or fivi1advantag’~d Tichcs,§nd‘Veffcring”s,%Vaad‘G1cab ‘land if the _e.-be anygand co hm: themore re1igious,‘orfpiri- tual right aiqd Incerc{’c,the‘cu;rc and c are offoulspf alllivfiingk ‘within eha~sc‘ircumferen'ce calltd a Parifh, and to ban the right up ofliciahto and man there; find is nouhis pron pcrcy worth §:h£{{_a nH'ing;foAr?s6 bcf=LordP atron,foa3hc m ay o_pcn’th.édorc to ht-%%pleafc‘%ch;A.nd bfe%%furc‘he% let! in fuch aone?aswi‘VU_C0mpI%y‘ an-dkferve hislncerefl, and wink azbjii ‘vitious»c%ourfe5%,a“nd tip: vcx anddi{'q%uieuhiVs greaunefs byAt¢'I~ ling him of hisfau'Its,?ns fomzirne jabrz »Baptifi did Herodgor" as .;;{hbf¢:,A w”hich §p ophancly they cm Puritans ,3 and Se fiarian Miniflers uf: code. " %~ ‘ g % A %‘V*7 A A But facing to fell this property , were ma lefis than the j fin. pf Simonymhan worldly advamagc can he make ofiz: thus‘, if the Church be full ((0 ubycy b!a{phen1ouflycall' i1:) IGhrift being7chcsonly fulnegof the Church: And nonfomnignorans, ' prophane, and la fie‘Priefl: That is a~'miferabIe’ifu!nefs, with which form: Churézhcs (fo caVIlcd) are filled-;In {ucha cafe of V fu1~§l€Q»wth¢ I-jcrd P%a,tron-mayfellfishc revcz4fi:m for Axa} aAonfi%de~ frablefizlmof tnV£);1ey,t%o%"{Q‘me o%ne‘o;f_ o§hcr nhat hath fem: his Sun to Oxford, or Gmfvzbridgeg no~l:aa.'£+n "the Art of Lagick, "and PEa£i1n{o’ph.i¢;By which‘ Craft: hc“may‘know hoW to=g1t%1~i”Ck af ghe Mnrchandife of A %th3greaIWhor¢,%% Revel: 18. IgyzhaitbuygthfgAandfclluh ¢a a_‘ 1‘P30n«gi’t4o§1=xer waxes uhcfouls ofnmq. Whama fa.Vd4%a¢czC;lm1?% A i1a%ve:?h'e mofi of fihefe .propriet;orz,eh~efe p&refent%crs; V and price’ ‘fin:xt¢d to tnakeffm the mManyV‘thOufan§:1 fouls, thanhavegperia % :1 V Afiicd bygaheir meamv ' . .,‘, 2 — - . Aux“ do \maaGem !¢ma4n*%h3.£ n;uaV3é4Vthis oncbf his 1m...A i‘on‘a as baforta Why haemlld fit "t1oa?l5n_ger with 11:18. ftH0iV8$9 % d0*£h t worko? ch:VCOmmon~w:,mb, thi;1k’indaad;Tfa%nd is it really his,iLtdgme_nt,uhaéajPair1iamcm: orSupr¢amV’Au£hm'i« tyahave nuahi.-ngco do%:9 middle wizhifi prop:-key 5 » Ca ‘as%fiv¢ A A‘{hou1d.bm£o'gieé.+nanoffétiée,¢%mmedd1cwithahéayrie pma ’ V ”ptefan¢atidna:”Sure up‘ma‘c0nfideg‘a41»io13hg:andshaljg % Gent1emz.nA:ha:%wercfocflkngled, camnochuu A wif¢.Thac ¢heP4r14iamenL¢A%m§y Afar aycommm;Agagdjxugéddtg, A ¢ Wiibfind aakeAaWayproprie£yg0ff3 name then Prew " % femationsmzd ofbigher,and%morc nigh concerrzmcntzefpeg-%A A 933“?W.h¢flAP3ftiCi133P—mcna Pt0PF,3°fiYi*3 AP“30d3¢343~1A§9C*?f!1*' V + mos go0dA,fa*ia”m'h¢ whole isp%rofi:ed*by%AAq;h¢ lo{sgf_p&arcicu-:‘V% % = lax: pcrfonsfiae fucelywas ammf them that gawefbias yaa _fox:* A % me paflingof aha Bill far abe‘mc>ne;h!y A13a3:IT:mans,netwithv A V%fundingitA.dmedled with~pmprie:y,evm the fifah para of7£h;e% V — yfigrly A‘Rcvenae,afid‘V%Incomb'afmofi% memand fur: he%ca"xxm:a:- % but thinkthdy rnighéfdq icin oz-derm gafslilge gaod, wifize A % L Oucany deflroying girepriety 5 % Thmxgh many “ aije am umwiik . 3 % ling w%parc with is, as thtifa Gchdemen C2n”¢ Ab"¢_t:0’pa’rcwi$h%4_‘¢ their proprietyofjPm{enmi@ns. X A . V V Wasicadc£troying”propr§ezy in hiaj£1&gmenc%,% f?<:i:%i£h;% forms:Parliamsnnzogaigeim;o%nhe1:Lha,uda,an_d:o{c;amyV %%4#me % Ky¢£§V4*ag¢zheixpropripzimm{r;y _rightsandgrivixedges% M %%nc§cAinfm:jior%£o Pr¢F»cn£m0r14$s% Willch fame of $311?! had as »- 4 Vm-A‘ m§adAesmuze,or Of45Yi~a&ifl.g 3333113 tbevasziame. Wis-th_Ae x:alci’z1g%:tha fifeVh4 and cwex:xie:‘hF paArnAAof _”P_erf()n5 4 A‘ mates for; ».;hegoVod Of Whole,adfifhnyingWprppxrieay, in-5» deed romeMd%AFo th*en:.bmFvvve[ kn°$w.whM+ W? W‘? “‘A°°u??~ %[sedsorrorayingmierschenMaxsgnanrs. % A A 4Sm'e I% % ftzh 1' a3 Géentlemm Awiii ziosf 2“-ayo£' {fl V hr moielaf mw G%ovarnmen£;.AarV:§iofe that n1Aa.de'it,;a..s%t§1ey ; “ dvxiftxfthoffeithsncpaxifcd mhaaAVo:eA; ANotwizhflandiMngia take V 'itBfi¢v zwokuadred thoufandApQundperm2:zzmz,for‘ the c%.m'yin;fg Q9’ A ] _A"Th,¢% fi3%r%5n'er% Pa.r!Ai§mMLex.a$°a t§%heyVdidAxjr2}£A C ré¢E#<£;$:a lchég chexy ;% gran t Ibgy.flndj their Power, not than§h:y%AQx%§§ah;¢,w;pmpriux A ;y; whim they »p=e.i1?;er1 sh»: 58:50: the dmAixiing‘0f*%th»eA F%enssg”iA~' * V ‘ awa?yAAv€tYmuCh Ofthefiandss«(EM€§!i¢fei*Pr°PTi€‘¥}’%% A0fch90AWfi€1‘Vt0 the un&er:af{‘oA tjhe?Dabat§ “beAgafi,a;gdA A aiminued day afcer day, r.iIéafter~oneofuh¢*c10ck e“1'?zch‘a{y: A ~ Thu: Sp¢aikier%A4being agcd,.and not able €0’fiCA'1QBg€f“3¢‘ 'Tfi£:Dgs Agbatc was manageedday by day with my great *{'ex;‘fcufne_[3, ‘ » «-many Argument-3 and Scripmrcsfieing a;IEedged;” A A A Thc»Houf_é: being cvenly 'pogy(cd4_.,a%nd g%reat acrenél amce ‘b6- ing givcnfiby she Members,‘ waiting I:hetime of cm A -Vcm¥-,- and thcmghany Membernfibght by4theRu1esof :h¢‘?3H¢uf¢ h ave Vfpokm ‘evcry day {'0 lgng as the -Debate Acontinucd,‘ yga vhichwaz the nwdafiie fliewed , Atha9tBard1%y any on all the , A-five dayes fpakctgwiceg, ve«.ry%li:mlc of beam“ of pfiflion being flmewcd 3311 that time, oneiy oncVGamieman pr cwonim wart --for thc%I’t‘ep"0r7t,% [wing th%em*§cl%ve;é and th¢ir partie fo’inga,- \gcd,‘fl!;léOuta~liE!;1!:,'COII1p1aining of the expencc of img ' noAhave%given %a% check to: the geigng on of the ~D¢ba‘t:e :” Bm:“'ch?‘;g Orders ofthe H aufc being called far, by fome ‘cftheothgr fide to the Speaker, Aha Adtclared it to bcfjtbe A right: " of % gvepy % "(memo be h¢ard-,and chauhewqucflion %cota1Ac-l%nc:uA be pun fog long as anywould fpcgk to» ”i%1:A5A %wichaH A " chafeGenn1emgn%« 5 were told of th‘ci?r refilcfn efstpécagke on the Debascmxd how’ V now they warmed pAa%ciVjence £0 Wa.-it.the"Alfl‘u: of ‘i£:f[a§CeI ‘ *1:}*h.gr¢e,v or. four“d’ay s a Mcmb%en=*that%waé4a, %aga.’%inft» thin‘ R‘¢:%;§Qrabff¢recI* % anfixpcdiem: , but: ‘was not“ a Acvc4ep:Ac;d%%:‘*Ae .la{’c an ~ Satmiday : toward nocn;zhc£“que&ion%grew am as” alfo |:bg¢¢ndVof1 3 the Pa r!iament§fomc Membcra4%thauwere aga%infi“tAfic~R¢port' tiafing nazfpokcn,-. andaflaying.hefgitak,%werevperfwad.ed; to forbcar, who oncly gathe+rqc_i*che%Ifl'uE”and rerulcof thd:‘%%” %whol¢ and 1cfti,tuo%:he’Houfc,which was whether upon the“ A wh®‘*le~mhia,in At.hc»report w as we b“ePc expediezm for that end; r which fame cm “tha other" fidc that A War: AAFC}: thc ‘RAepoAr;§%AA%AmAAAAA perceiving” aha A fircfs bf the .quefiian“%pm: thcrel mmfed A thcword mig~bnbe[put out«5A#:~bm“itim%as A non; admittéei, 1A [having beén in%theRe%pore all thctimg-%of%t‘hc Dgbmfi: (0. A ~abo11u%VA~on;eAiofthe»Aclcxckthe Vocepaffed, ‘and upon % dividing % theHoufcwascarriedin the Negativm A4D:Vbace VA0fA%%tha.£ “ nacure and length‘ in {'0 gm; :4‘ *Cou_r;ccll, Ahar%dly*evc.I:A A Paffed wiih Aft: ch fAobAemc{s and little "AheaAl: or Lpaffion : V A'i'he' ‘A A ‘A J bufincfws [ w;aV§.%,in% Jim guo AA as 7 to ~ afnyf. pnesw ~ being%A :A¢;ith%?e;;:%& , A V bat‘! } Vhacita"-A %aE%&fimrre w A &%%i=e*§mz um ma fO§’Vjtfiéi§ +m,%a %%fpm~of itwhereon Atfi?Ae?fVV*V’okther part depénded was reieficd ;%zo&war,%] - %Vt%hAatthe bsfi wayMm4ejea %igno1?,ant»;p%1;c»pha1%1eg and fcand%alous.Minia% A‘ « fiers,¢V%and to in"coVu%raLge% mm ;that are good“; A was by {ending cer- ' mine C~t>%mmViffic>r1ers% imfpow¢Vr¢%dA to ‘do4Vit»“:# as at full hath been put? , fmtth iVnP;rin%tV?a1ready4 +;ne:evwas ’ar}4VtfieA?%;«pzfii4n'g« this VV<;ate 115;. ' A V Members“,~ :AwheVreVof 7F5V:A,.% :%Were V%fm* the afii‘fm?afive ,1 ‘and% 5 flforthe ‘ ; negative 5 andL tw%o+GemlewmfinwAte1V1ers.for each%fiVd¢,a=nd7the'Speaker;% \ Whi<:‘h;makeVuPthat‘nu‘mbr:.:r.4 ~ A V A V" ~ ~ Ogo about to%%te11.~ ” ftheArgLm§(3mS'ififl§ted011';fmmthe Sfiripa-5 mres;_andV fromExperienAcé,"and other RV‘eafo1nsof’a‘ 4ptVudenti‘a1l con - E T f1_d%eraciona would be -too tedious ; ‘chat thisVotethaVc hurt no body {Ijou1d occafion Vfuch Wonderfull difpieafitce , arid out-cry every‘ 5 where is at%1ea£twonderfu;1l‘:%”VIf me.-n1were asked (4 as Lmimbwasj I what,ailcth,them%?re%menti'oned Vote , and vo%t_edff’inthe ether; V were jths M grramzefi Rogues andé AViIIaines that em: thi3Ae34r"ffihf*bare&‘ :: 1 T¥18=&V!&*1€~i11TdV6figne»%VGurimi»wdVer t%eafon:%4 -mag; A would %:’hd*v3é VAdc{’er0y?edAVrhéMagifirahyaf1dV%tht,VMinif{ry , we V“ L?*W3??d~ir.heGci‘pe13&c.: _%Tha:AVVit~werc well if cm of ten bf them V V¢VVA4AVWm§Vh3:B§¢€i 1I3p,and" then thcrewtmfid behappyday,es%: might%:mt'i4 of tifimhcir fogreat rage V VWVh,oVVhath4’hurt;rheVm wrong mque- they wwldkfay h%A‘they would h§?rVéVV“6ef¥rayed;%a;1 um gem! afwel1VaSbad 3 andoverthmwnthe6953331 V V' *fQ¥h_€V;*fffiqflfifltlyfay 2‘: heynoimcrimés indeed but how othii: ‘ j *§2P€ar€?%”%“4'%neIy.:hus.=« they were 4agaia&%*:fiofe% gricvanC€S of the ’ V ~ g; 7 A % * ' J» V _ % JV 1 ~L%VW§ ddmvgdahdd ' % A E h&Yfl:dhad;C‘:tdh0fC‘_ not can cut ~dwi‘thgch¢ Rgport: ufthed 30+ A fe:Lli~ng=of Tithés,‘ that being in ciaf39A.{d?‘a“a.tAt<2mcdd of, theficport ; fo asdd-by .l::‘th‘efe:% mans ‘Le::gic;kI audddconclufiondd 3 thofc two» great grievzmcesd 96 A ddthedmwvand Tdithesg Qvyghichdthefe (Q rgpfocdhedfldlabfoufcddpd have ta;-dddA kgmdawayia arc the Magifirzgcy ;andw.;]_\/Ixdnzfiry t;h€‘.COrt‘upt«La:Wey.I;~ d corrvupxtimdof the Law, ~a1‘1¢* the»d1\/Iagsftracydd 5- and Tubes theydaré the“ « + -Mitxifiry : yea more; the Gofpel alfo; buta1as,MagiPcracy can fland : A .'\A?Vr2Ch0l1AE:fi1CAh hondble corruptions‘of;L.aW A,\ and_r.he Iv;I“ini{h-y with . * d out T1'th€S,a5 1': 13m ucher Countries wdhjerc: there 13 member ofthemj. ~ ‘ » Bug: Atdhef belly hath no ears,apd th:s:te~forc:~d~7no:dmored{hall he fayd. A A f: 7- d'—TAhe;afore sinentiomzdd Vet: «paflingda’sdi.tdid ,dddnhofe; Gmtlemen%A ' that mified of theirdddexpeflationsd,'and- werecrofitd ofha,v§ng :h‘“eip wils. AgreaclyM£earing.‘das itdfeemeth, tit wouldgoe ill; with thofc cor-‘P V -mprdintereflsd oP~thedd;Law3?C¥$dandd Clflrgyad. which they*indeavouredA« V “ the {upport ;: ~ they took t~i1e~;Pet; andwfere exCeedingddwmthA divers A A t,hem;AdTA andthacdaftern~oon€“and the next day ;(being *che=Lord‘s day,’ j ‘A{a.dd"aAy fitcrer for bemgctrd implaymenrdd ); ;t_.h*ey.tookeGounfelidwith and d d A aamongdthesjmfelves, holding Caba1«S:; Ad and thenezconfulcing" thedover-5 4 d d‘throdvfv and d‘iflAp1mion qfddtheyflcufe , :dwhich1¥d%ddwasdda§ they}; had‘ declaf V “ : red; r0"a1A’LAAtblA€ would the fup:eame:AduthoI;ityAord Mag.ifitacy. the Pm-3;‘ A 4 lifament 'oA{1;tAhe dCommom-d Wfialthg G115 ~i$_iMt: n_o::? .Gent1cdm¢flddPW~?€fld*ingf¢highdt®%Wi1d°“*.‘-W5fmdlihefwsd-fordmiflihg the havingtdheir frwills in «a; 0:5, c:aI3+ric;:2fi'ld%:;~£»£1;dt‘§Yii2Negative fl1dou1dd‘b:eed d c A dindL1c<:Ad[ Lthereby::‘pr_efenA»f1y A to mke cm; fL‘:;:dh:dd£fperatb V Counfe1”s; A d1t.dtce+ m Qrdertq,dg1Md réfolves, and to d»mTw ochers%into«themd ignoranftly,- forgettihgas it ‘A Adddfeexneth :dwhav%dtdh*g:y* .h=a:d folcmljy :d;6A§f11s%t€¢ddijbAcffidcdd,Gqct,_adndjaIl'jT;the[ 1 M végqrld Ajtowit, iijgyhac the!-Ioufe :Sm1preatzie,dAuthotjity .of*t%h.e A Comaamgnnwealdchfof England, whxch dF3ommc.»n~dw¢daIthd God ‘had 7A ” tfmgdadlfp £heiFd'dAf'6V€l‘Aity againgfl «%ma1apzrtdwXqrd’s[gdivenin adPeti%:ican\;#w_;m A becauffe mwasdthe fi.1p_dream€d~Amh~ority : What mighpfuch Cow 'hi£(§mY"1YGmQBIfGd§.. and made famous throughout ch~edwoAr1dd;d forget:-5' Ids, Refolves andAc‘?cin.gsd~ merit »by.dc1z,reiae owne.A had A “ charity in; thcmddltowaasds‘dcrhgipddhfeii6Awsd..fbecaufe croffedin ‘peered ;, 7AV,ote P d Aladidddafidde the feadre‘ofdG¢dod~,; that theycouldi ‘f_ d “ J;thus:*ve;1turFc:d‘to&mrmrthmw Magiffradcy evedndd'thde.gr“c-atefigin the Com-vf‘ ,’mon-d-.Wea1ch, thcsPar1iament»andd fupream.Authorit4y,:tc)dtheindda:1e—"dd ; égering the 36zh°1ed9m¥e.? T124? Mcmbers t‘11atd‘?FWY were 50 W31‘? ¢w;us,r%av w» — A « friars GAon{ulE€d‘*>A ~ fab» (5 A A A manta neg:nveAMo<:e*wuscar :'~ :20 the R1flars«éf.Sjma:§,%.:;,;zC;,gg ‘- ‘1;,§‘[,£9.. WA #3 :@'iglamm»::~ I~ndd'6€§~thC‘§I“ voted» eheélfirmntiveiin Ishafh _ H Afor1fi¢*"V°l@5":A’3WAAAi“ th°*1€8‘*A‘*”°5n ‘W"3AV¢““«A4~%‘°‘"mine put» an wpra&ifc% ehe~~ovmhrow~auflf‘ V dm'AaAtu:i9n ofthe Parl1ament#;5‘add +Suipr¢Aa«mc~ Authority 1of:»nhe Com-A» A monéwealmofEngland%AA? Ayhaving fie c1ipon“th€irGnf6ls«,%«J;hey§¢ A m 6f‘fllg,fg_me minds-PdlAAl. anc_l adflre _s ~t:kwe(nfelve_s4 to; pn*t_~¥it;in.excrmg-A A ; fig,“ 5»: Aeaply and =eomm1q 1 etzme to put in pr1a§h?{e»t»lA1'eir&g; gggflea, whichwag tdtifolve an put to? an end the Parl13AAm€flAt Aofirhc A % we filth o?f~En gl«and‘in their own e‘Peeem;: and-bp‘ing«cme4 N they ~fearedA wt AAwAbegin ~wi=A*h prawir W theéftmher ofAAh¢#r A A A flare fheizr-purpofefindvtherea’1'pn's%§f3icMay. A A iinglioiga féfléwslin%wsay76f!bl§me~V,V éthaz wctc’31eéfl‘emgtiiley 4 _ ;w,m.g%.,;d;am{g1ges,:uegew¢rd;%*::hat%ao1fld%;m bu~c’e<_1=e:1‘- _ , M % , as iiiflghe $t”e:l_‘c‘f?3.§e‘% % bAf¥C'£iuM@¥L ~»Arod1k up * %éa%4Arfiéd9%?5t~*bAeA& I I « .x~ » If ~-4 _.~ 5‘ ‘ , W a f0r?=‘hi#fi;AAA*‘A A A T am E net ‘H “ ‘ cniere$C1erk ¢ anad?ziiis"€n%az1~;rrupg;¢.us W y g5;ng5;;¢.% A Aofphe.Hou»{e WLi:thoL1%!:;!fl?:!5’»Atifioummcm =orotA]c. T le£:‘fic:in4g thirty’ A ; feur"iJf:thiftYsfi;V%e in Ainh¢L%I-mute A:1~;wherhbrA, Athofac that ‘by A wen: away éaggrcaner or%»a%%1c{Ier number. as is mdrEl§ikcly,; " is hard go bp‘de4cegmined.i _thoughAit4 chougnzby (mug; ghgrc wg.§¢;p %% no: fcycpty; Vfo-ea;:'ly Vin: thcpl-1oufc.:v I7%h9:£e_fzhac w¢én:,pt1*:;o%f:jhe houtg . fgoing~tow*aro!Whir¢e*haL1la Afcsme qe[manin'g to; the, Houie, who V facing: chfcTm% ;goA':;-. chat mgner» 5..fthou‘gh,t‘ cm’-‘Y ~ hjadff fA“Ad1'io_uArnedA phi; thér».andw¢nra1s>%rig ~W*ifirh"th€tn A:%4%o§hers chey!<=n‘cforuP amd % dpwn%‘weh¢trAe“ they Gould finds zhem. Eocomés to tficm cot£1e§Ho:{c_ Chambfify %W7hf:r¢ they: were :~ Thofc: iL1,thc*" Houfc%‘imm};fdia:ly A tqqk thcm{cT1v1~. s to%C0nfide1j~Awhart%hcy had Acod_oeL ,; being 1'0 defer:-e. édof =hcir«Ee1iAowesAé=» 4an:d?4%tc1Aiirfwg over theirVnuAmber%;; they fc>und~:* 1 them fclv‘¢%s bL11tT‘t;hir€:)’~ Afdm‘ A; T DI? ihi-Iity HYC i" Whit hgpuld ;n.Qt;m:gk'cj a_. Houfe; ‘forty% b¢%1nAg~the% lea{bn~umber, that ;AAmighn:: Ming 1?ag1ia;;xene£A A gafry waAy.; ‘And“as%they.were~g@>i5ngro %con{idcr among}%them{elvés,;;A the Haoufe5Awegx~At aficerm Whice+‘haI1*Vcg {;;.¢»%~.; d°i9ga" 1A;fiAA’“T1dA4them% in4AAA‘h3"”H°Pf¢ C53‘: '& ; offnrrcndc«r%Aot zhcir irnohis sdffbrr1i—whom~eheya had rece»i*v~¢«d %Ifc«b¢YA haddAb=enA" his%Cuunfell. A Tor a Parliamem,:mucb mig&h‘t%have ;hbeeAp in i«c:: icwas three or fowre A lifi€SWfi~&E€D?i?I3W/ A aAColone1LLgnd Liev¢tVem%Ant%:Col~one1lAof the AAI'fl')y;CIA1tl'fidAt;h_C Houffg =lnd»dcfir§d»th€m€0 d6p:ir%tfVA=V¥% then «Membemjdéfired them to with- A dww;farA—that“=h¢AYZAas Aof P4ar1i*1mehtf.,;hagdwévwamncgzp b¢c7 t[hcre;and4%if _che4Y-Ahzad Wai“:raD tt0wcs~th¢mAoutA;;; wi@;c4%AA:4hem i A tofiflaevdfi-t; bu:AnmE7many [wordse :63 A.» ~~but,chey“ went and? oed; than doors,“ and broughjr the ' fouldicrs Awithzth¢%i%r;Muskg;§g‘ A Aat1d% fa thcnthe Gnenft1eme%nA .rofc;%gmd% wag: on; Z % beforc~AthejothcrweveAhalfeMwawt VLV§Ahi:e-Aha1l%A,= ; ~ waif {c*vEr€&11@:apers 5 %nha:1{o'%th¢Gcnt¢1cmep: A A " may vmgc theta Clerk ingr°fT€«dAinA 1’arfihm=“¥it.Amd" fiche? figned‘ it-V:bsrfub;fcr‘i- A » bingtfllfiif nameslomany a§:%Wou1d- vthe SAp‘c"‘aAke«‘r.)(‘A4’AAv~»A and A that =¢¢¢°rdinA3 totfiéir%qfl11W$”AA‘ I F 1imv«bee wondered-'at%.' that To ‘~Af‘5=grcIt flxpuldfibeaffad bvA;fo4 little an*In1h'umenr. A GenAtl¢msm went ‘thrce%do=rAVfiwrc»déyes af=erA.; A"aAArAA}df5’A‘[etTA A himisto A: A ,t4h;ey:]th%x itwfcribéd , it on] fevcrall ‘grounds and; :1.-arms :A‘AAfeAA&AA£d" iwkqowing;y,¢:o.dmo1ve me ~1-i~ou.re,berom dam... V;-:d_. gromexccedinAg1yurider? BuAtAmightA,notAA1;heA val; H *7 % A Vtqmindcw thefaying ofchePfa1miPcA. A tit PAIQVLA rfti 3:, 6: dcflroyed, ulna: can tb¢ARigbteou:A;dd¢_?A a . ifliteo tow rigbtmfiv-'fl. lvI2rco#tm~4nvrAd9Atb Aaobozwm vz»rig6AA».% vAgdAAbygh¢-$oq1dA1crs,andthe1rAd:forder1ygmngaway, whiAchAAthey j had p{'o:Aced&r1d Art‘fph(cd befozfc: Atom A t°c1ufi:Iome eminent pm- A A "{onsAof‘theAir p‘ar;yA;didiitbef_d‘reA them ,;expe&ing by that mcanes to A 4 A have been rid Off53 fnC.()f ghe oth'er‘pmy a«t‘the leaft, and theyAto_A A j A I have %e_enAA continued in Apowgér without them; Awhcrein they were 2 .dAeceived,*and notalirclc evexed .-.A fome therein looked rid f.urtAher.~ A V A then: at Atheir-Aowne quiet, and to bee tid ofa troubléfomcimployae A A A mam: remem: they might not be thought lovers ofpAo_wcr and A dignity andfome out ofwcakncfsy and fcare of t'helo{sAAoffomaA A world1yinioymcnt, which they have fnffi#cien:tlyrep:uted andbcen Afprryforfince. A A A_A A A A I A A AA:A ’. \ A I Burhojw weak an A&,and contraryto:heirtru{%i: wasforthfofe A thatprofeffedithemfcivesrobe I.egifhrorAsAA;. had made Lawes and - Alewvied monyby why ofA'AI‘5axAAupon tAhe,pep7p1c asthc Parliament and j A A "A SuApremi :Auth:or1ty of the Coxr}mAon-wag1th;qf’AEng1andA;Aascloathcdv A , withtheir pb%w¢r§ AfoAea(ily. a_nd withpucw;ch?eirknow1§dge“or can-«»r AAAyIentAWhdti1Athey pretendedtoreprefcnrin P1rli‘<1me;;I._z”; toj givcflup; I A “orAg%iveja”1w‘ayA‘A:heir power which was none of,tI1éi_r§AAto gA2ye,A but at ‘A A AT Aahcmort ro¢ufe fAor"Achéir good ; AA{w;doeA it withoutgikbatc A9L..confide— A;AAA12AAAA?~4ration,infowqighcya"c§afeA ;; to doic whcnA:hePu1iamén:was Adif- A 5*‘ ~ and the SouldAiets,_anAd%Athey; bucin the capacity offinAgu1arperfonAs ; to giveicup, as uiuchasinthemA%%1a%y,into%theA* A A A Ahandsof one fingltc p~crAAA{on , Aancichar againfiaflanding La.wrhAén in“ 5A being. notrepcaled : was it inotin _efff:&AAtoArendAAerAal1AAAtAhe:AAp¢cp%!eA%%o£:~ ‘ 7 A AEn%g1andAAA A grantéd A A bad f04d¢1iV‘€f6d ‘C'WA1¢‘! that! ‘R. WereA€~v»¢1;:A%AmenAfwA weakcsi AAaAn AdAAAinconfidcrate, ‘fo one-wi;:ed,or Acarried away wi£hAVpaAffiAé>nAandA? fp1eenAaAgaiAnfi lzheiirfelloweg, becjau.feA they ,it1d:3a:vol1réd‘»AA~Ato Are'V A of A bTfTAirhesA}ahAAc!the whichwe peoplpd , f Ao §“‘{’h§iA’g%'0wn’VJPartyuif they ’. A A his a&?of:hA sbequer~ied?V AiffaA lury &x¢u1dAgiveup»4~;%V ’Air%A»VcrdAiA&A.AAAV %otAd5-':1iver overAthc.ir trufl trorothers ., Acounted;Valid$?~AAA A A bupfo fit ‘was, and fothey did : Aland fo anA%c”nd thatA"ParliamentAAtha~:I ff .. A A fate five months and Athre¢AAdAayes+a$ the fuAApreamVPow‘ef,ofthe }Com-fi- Ayff A - mom: wCa1thofBngIandA, whom God"Aprc{evrAve; V = A A ~ A A A {oAanA‘endAVAof7thisAREla;i0n and Lf97d;_.?#Af MA j