fsfiiaisfic 1 . _ 13* ' 43;; A150 the Letterofrhe Parliantmnt of %Er2gZmzd to the Parliarxmu: of § ¢&&&m&fim@£ “@mmmmwmmwwmfimmmmmwwmwmwmmfimmwflmwmmaawm E L A A T . gPa1-hament of Enland 4 ‘ Concerning ‘ A ea .. % A . % éf 3§The1r1ate Endc3a.Vors,m a pcaceafalc way, Z? to removciall.mifimdcrflandingsjanddifi“eren-~ av :14. ccs between the Common-— Wealth of ~E12glmm’3 AA :2» A and the Kingdpme of Scotland. § 7 ‘A M» -s=;v§ Herewith is Printcd the laflz Papgr of the Scotch Commiflioncrs, 3‘ with the iénfe ofthe Parlianlent thmmapoxu. % u 73 5355,; 1? £414 ‘*3 Scatland,Wi£}1 their Anfwer £hercunt0,whi<;h is anfiverd by this Dezrlamtiwrz. \ "¢‘?’+’§a“*’§=‘§‘$‘=;-’Iz“""" ' A Die Saéémt/Jé I4. fulii I649» ‘ 4 %% ‘ Thxs Declaratxon was read thefiri} and fa» A gone} time, And upon tire Q1513/E‘z'on fzzflz-d, o 1 "5 Rderedéy I/aeVACammofi3 aflmélcd in Pz:rlz}zmem,TZm¢ the faid Declaratian Ere fort/awitfir Primed and pwévlzj}'3ed. ’ O rdered, Tim: it be referred to the Cammfell cg’ State Ir} 4;. fire tbs fizidflsclaratiayz Printed; % ‘”’ A A He-n;Scobe1l CleriC.Parliamc2m:i. a _ % ‘LONDON, M ‘ % P%r_1nt;cd% for Matthew Simmons dwezlling in ;dM€rjf;ate_jZr:€£. 13,» A M D 6' XL IX; ‘ -as 4 A s '1‘ v-«U «- S "§"?;?t“:L?; ii, ? “%$’§4'§’$"¥’§°’§5§3§¥’E"§3¥’§ Va A ...“' '. V‘ “ h 15* ,,..,.I: ., ‘ V ' I . ~‘4«~.;; V‘ V‘ ‘-~'~~«:'. *- V 2 :1 It ' L ‘ V. uh‘, ii: 1 s ‘‘ ’ X.‘ . ~ 1 ~ 1* M‘ ‘ % J — . DECLA RATIO N V %" OFTHE %v P:afliament of E L 2f .7\( Y3 to .rcmove' all mifu ndcrfiandings“ between the C011m10n-wealth ofE;ag1mz, and the Kingjdolnc: of Scorlaml. Die Sal-£~at‘l2£ I‘4, _7zz/y I%649. \ " \ Lthough t11ei«njuric~s don, and‘;:_>r0~ '5 vocamons of-'fi:rc:d unto th1sA‘Nati*AA J ‘ A. onby the% I§.i11gd011ac of ‘Sc-orl.ma{., . V‘ their lfifi yea1‘csAi11vafi01i,A havc as well preccdrfnt m.;i11bfeqh2e11t to ‘V been fuch_.,as mrght Ln rcajfon have ~ offers” {"0 hr.3.vc- +w:m'i-‘c~n_, csfpccialliy on our part, yet to maxmxtefi how unwilling we were . £0 fbrgct their %formc1" congunfion with us, in the~a£3-A Ax {hut Ihfi’. d<)0I’m1}woz1 all axnicablc fc:rt{inf;; and dcft:nding<¢>f' Re~1igiA gand. this gublickb 2: libcr-_ fi{;¢;~ties34_%caxmlzjights ofboth Nzztions agaizwflz the c:o.m- tmojicc:1e11ay,_cc9;;idclh6w 1-cady uvcfhould ikill be in f‘*J?;‘.Ov"‘ 1bcL~1ti*on (3>'~ftl'ie.‘i* fatnc C8.Uf€§‘t() n1;1inta~i:1' a firms f1‘icnd~ A fhip with them, “ that th_c1‘<2by the cgncmcics of our.R?e~ V c1igin11A A anc1LibcrticsV liught. bcc di1appoi:;1te,d oft11cir- wjclqédc and c dangerous dcfigncs 1ong{ince_ contrivcgdj EC? this day dcxtcroufly purfL1ed_,, toward‘ the uttcrc ruinixmcg of bothNatioz1s,c at lcaitrthe wcllfiaffcéicd ~~ {:31-ad c<)nfciL*I1_ti0ucs fpa,»1‘ty in bcath; th1‘0ughth*e diV.id1'I‘l‘g t‘nei11, 321:1‘ ixmgagxng them 111 xrreconcxlable ammofi- ties and dc‘ffi-xrcnccs alnong themfelves, were were con--- ‘ tent to pro;:ound untothe cPar1iamcn‘t»ofS:orl.¢mol by a A lcttez‘ of0L1:s*fent unto them bearing date “the 23 of ./14'zzyIafi:pa{’£ (herewith Printed) that C0mmifi’1oncrsc' xnight bee refpeaivcly appointed, as well on the bee- Imaitb of thisCommon~wca1th, asin beha-lfc of the Kinggdome of Scorlaml ‘to_;1~’m¢et.with what convenient A fpcéd mightcbce 3 at‘ which mcetiiigccthe particulars of that jfl{t"1'cfm1tcfficnf;"cF®*r“c“x*vhichcwce dcmandcd‘fatis~c fafiioiiiluould bee produced, and if f;2ticsfaé’cion% were thgrein given 5 we fhould be further willing to trcam and conclude :1 firme league and fi*icndfh'ip with them, A rcf'erre om“; felvcs. - W few-tI1e% ends e‘XprefT:~'dc.,in the=fa~id'1cttcr:,unto which we But unto this faircand friendly’ overture of ou'x's,c11(.:uc A returns will férvc thf_3Par1iamcnt bf that Kingdom ,but A4 that which laies an incapacity upon us of .pr0fccucti11g 0urfor1n;:rdcma11ds in a way of ‘trcaty,r1otc onIy_.by the A afperfion which they cafi; upon the honorand jufiicc of - chis Najzionk cfiabli 0ur;Iatecp1‘0ccedings_.,butby theirpublick and p1~ofcflE:d dif-acknowledgement ofthc prefent Government of Parliatncnta and their 17875 % é % fufiD8’_‘%‘ <73 > 'f'uHnge”toT1i*emte upon any h<)tfh1e1‘t;e2*1heS then‘0ur1*etnrz1é ~ baeke to regall Government, "and aflozzfe of Lords"5e~;. bo1:hhwehic~h~ we l1:1\{e.ab‘0ii1hed,: as whate’wa;hs< found by exsperienceeto be uieiefle, and oh{h"ur9cive to that free-_ dome and iecurity which the people QfEng;!n;2z!,_ afterf‘ A allfi htheielaebc=m‘es and CX}3CI1CGS have 1‘ne1‘.itede.‘ A A 4 fuch=amica»~ble add.:eHes to the1n,_ wee could not have‘ This L1-neqv.-M11 procedure ofthe-firs, i11ere~quitaZ1 of exhpeéfed from that zxppcamzuee of wifdome and piety‘ which the ha&£onse'of:'ht h:rthN*ati0z1 come ufually cloizhthéh? ed with; nor doe we know 'we11xrvh_at toimpute it to’; V unleffeeit be either to form extmox-dma1'y paeifi011,VV1*aii3- ed in them from 3.11 agpprehenfion that the change Of” things here, will de}c.§1*1ve"the"111 for-the future of thofe benefits and:1dvzmtage.s*weh1ch they 1l1jOyCdL1!1d]T170"' A hmifed themfelves ana(>21g us in centinuanceof Keizxgs 0-» ver this Nation, ‘which they cannot f0 fi1dde11lymdigePc;, _4 Or whether we n.1;1ye implltc e it to :1; p()litic;ke defigne, of Pciming ilI‘humo1fs;, and £h'c~11gthening‘ the hands of a~~difcontented part y .:.u1=10ng Q11_r‘"ee{e1ves,hiW110n1 by n<)= n1eanesthey.wi1lhah1bIve from a conf'c:ientious obliegzr 1 tion, by vertueof the élovenant, of adhering to for-- 1 reiners , againfi ‘ theeeftabfiihed 6O‘7Cl‘nn1eI1t_A()f‘~thiS"‘ A A »Nation ;_ but ratherj then ihile, doe fi11“ni{htI1em*WitI1,. the example of their own p1“21c5};if¢:'§ fl1Ch1fl:.y€a1‘<3 gmwhcll asa. party among themfelves tooke :$£1‘I1TC5_"a.g’:3.iAI1[t the»? refioiutioxms of their ownhParIeian1:ent,t0 oppofe *.1stI1ey** ’ pr A-tended, the uxthwfxlll A inV,t_<;>;:Lgez11e;-xt a._§_§ai11£‘c Ezzglzzzzzlu . Afthqugh the quefkior-Iewas not 10 much,‘ as wee are A credibly Ainf0r1ned,whether-Eng /mm’ fhoulri he invaded ’ oringaged agaixlfhbut what party amo11g'&tl1e111 flaatxlci .ha_Ve.this.truitcommitted to them = -71"-" hf M A 3‘; _ J3‘; , Av % £74) A A W ~'fh¢f¢V9;-t};e,1ikc‘grounds, w§.fup«yo[e.4have»mo1zed them W.‘() %th3t‘T21x11\nre1;,% which .;the1r 1:1Pe«~Lettc.ir fcndsAus, bflarixuq dvaté the. :2 6. of }Vune,~diréé1edt<)%.the s;ca1rmc of G.0vermnent We thmk fit , and }udge 111011: coluiucible to bur ownepreferzwation, {afety_.,and w4c1~= me, without a.sking* or; obtaining theconfcnt Qfthofe S... tfuatarewkhotzt us, ~ and“!f<)rrei%ne to us. 4 A nd “the VreafomwhyVV;.%j4tbg:y may acknowledge ,thc;fe tit‘l»é'=?S,A=4i$V_.’,-" 27i2T%e;g:t'é*é}[”§bf’ -fbf 1’3"léin;2£ +Le4‘gzze and A (1 ¢m--;, mm, kzmi ‘;Z“*r'¢9zm7c=.c *zz;2c£“f}3e’mzzi¢3%¢ f7)eclamtio:2$ of'r/J: .Pzz;r=-- ; ‘lzlrzmmts aféorla Kjngdomes. *'7An%2rgUff1€I1.t, We confi:-H53 wvfiich hath been oftm ufcdand a11eadgcd:b.y them, as ifbfcotzrié it would ferve the Atumof bringing ;§ n‘:‘n._—_» 1'15 imtciércfc upon us. ,%uhder pretc.r;:¢e_of Religion, vvhen A o‘::he'rwzfe In the bal1*anc:e of found rcafon _., the1itt:1e .»veigl1”t¢,p£%1t wotlfildtappcarc-g *ButVthcf<:~prctcnccs113%: ‘ T0 oftc+ri bcezi A:1111n'm;:e.kcd _, and the Lxxzgrox-mdcAdVncflE~ of fiich infc~renc«2s%f3:o1n»C0vc=nant andi Treaties dctcfieda V that it? amn fuffice usrto referr our felves to wha.tf al‘-— re§zd:«' hath ‘been izzid by '05 On this fi1b}Ae'€c long fixiccgin. o111“cci:1ration of 28.. b}OV(f£1};I 646;. ~~a~n;d441a:e}y in; A F4nd%thcr:Fe£v;‘;: 7. I 6'43'i§4 ;b0t 11 . A. \ . ‘£chem:m£na:c¢tcw:fL»y% A . A ‘té)V;1s vth‘c V1?;i’rliamcnt Oi':S50!é]‘¢¢3Z6/-‘ In%w11iC11rc*i1Oc&$Avyc c§zm:10&i: L;ut;w0n%dcr; 4h0w~*thc 7Ovcnant,~ Trcat;ii2sA 5 A and . £:%%cA1AVar$1:ti0ns VAmcz1tiQnc:d A ihould cornc:rtoA be Llrged and “applied ;1frcfl1 in this L£::t»_ter,un1cfl_E: ,thc/y-conccflvc Lb at 't~hc .t0uc4hing upon this firing; is Rib plauiible to fame‘ deluded minds among usg l:.haVt there 'wi1lnc:ed no I13/oxfe th+r:n%a9bare.affim1a£ion t0gai411c credit thercunto ‘ Rich perfons, for;,wh<)fi:: flake we'h;w.e.~th0ug‘l1t gocéd In make this further rcplyc : ~ . T11atiVtneithcr~c2m, nor will be: made appear by any thing cxprcfléd in the Covenant , Treaties, or DsfC1a* rations that have pafliid thcP:3.r1.iamc:1'zt ()f.Eflg [;2;2a’,th.-act ¢ the PaIH;3.111<21lth3;th excluded or dcbzzrx-ed it fizlf trom ethc: L112: Sécxcrcifc Qfthat fight and p0wc-rwl1ick1isAi1.1- %Af'c:para’bl¢ ffori;1,itW,V% as the fizprenzc lcigiflativc authority»v oef thisN ati*on,toa.1ter3mpea1,makcAvoeidin wholcrpr in . part any thing whatibcver appcrmining to the g0vcm—- 4 ”2nt70f this Nation; §.vithii11_1”i;§1fl.:1s theyfhalljudgc. reqtxifite :g.n_cI f__Lneccfl‘éry~ fr01n‘atimcAA 1:0 timefind cc rtain-— % 1y.c()uI_d tahy- fuck: cxprcffion have +g:fca;pced them , Atmt ‘V mi£3;ht ‘ have .becnPcraim’d .inm, any iuzch injurisous I-Eernibfi which we are lure hath not 3, yet .isA~itnotAA%t0bc:4%ir13a_gi+‘ % nicd,tha;t»AA.any CQvenant,Treaty,~0.r,D~c<:1m1ation in that « be.haIfc., couid; be binding .1311 wthings At.hat M a Pa.~r1ian1ent cannot give ,away ftfom itAAfe1fc _., ~%bu¢t;A would .de-+4 fkrufiive to the very endsfora »vhich%P2m‘1ia1ne11ts 31:9.» lilnwto both WhiC11'~COmfid€&fafi0fl5this‘ yet Isemains 10 V added. , that what eV,c1:«f‘o«rcc3 or w«igor; might lrmwg-.¢ Abeen é1rawnc,%and i1rgjed%A4£1+om the%fé1i~d (;3(7)'vcntmt, Treaties, Wand D#ecl?a1=atio11sa.A to f€:I.‘V’§3 flax thi£_9 ~.px~:_any’ ~ which ; ' Aby¢:hcPatl.iament of S éoflaizd , _thc invafi();1 F-which lafc year was" nuéde (5) ?Kingd0mc( L'éyGz)d9"b1efi'i.:1g*"ib t,i1m,Iy and hz1AppiI‘y%d§“:w Wfeatcd)L'hath c::1.ncefl’<:§ arid Amadéa invalid as to any ob» ~:ligati<)n&up04h E223 zm2;% untill *wc‘i"hall t%-hink fit to gin», « new1ife‘a1*:dbei11g to them. V\’l1emin'—we*»have rcafon to be? thé If‘nO1:e c;:1-refull and ca-utious, fixxding how d;!m- wgerous confi:ru&ions_and 1'11ferc3nc<3s arcAindc=av012rcd’ to * be-»p11t upon them, A upon aL1.occafi011s_, ’Ch{"1‘€*by to cn-~ A t:‘it:icthe* Kingdoms of 56021422414 ;t~0;.1 p1‘«;>u':-zifivc «=ov‘crthe Laws and Lib.-ert1es of E;2glzz.na’.1 }*c:)gw°€L' Qwthe Pa1Vf1,£am%ent ‘Of; that %Auda$ to that which we are dciired to 1‘€I.‘11€1I1§)€’1‘ ‘;mnce.tz1ing %Wha&: ihath been done by the p::1‘ibns that have A£:hs¢1.2 prefent power and Par1£a.me:=nta1~ y Authority W T*‘i0fScorlzz2z:l(wI1en ePs25téd ‘therein through thc;1iTii1‘a11m1: ‘0f.Lic;-u. Gen. %%Cromm—r// , and the forces uridcgr his .com- mand) to the dz3fcV:1aimingth0feA proceedings ag:,1i1,xBc ;E/gg/¢¢;z&2Qby%that -unlaxvfullengagement, A j A A A Weanikve-r, A thz1tth%e rcmc111bran¢c ofthiswdorh not allwexpialfitjefl4;;.11ci;%AA1”i;tdiV5,.4’A -“~Qr‘ thea€m*a1IVwro:1g and vi- ” " % lance A *_pt?i' A tmted NatiC-n ‘the Parlifié L 1nc-nt:0fScozlmd,W110?We1‘c thefiuthors and “E31-dcerers wf .1-hat engagement _.,A and have thereby rend.red(he King- A dome of Scotland %1*efp0nfib'1c5nbz: only for the wrong and injury done, but to the rccompmcc of thofc great ‘dam111ages3Which%E;gg /zz/725! hath fufllsaincd by *the fame wlficllwwe were drafirom among other things to have re"ceivc?d*‘"~~AfaAtisf7&$&ion‘ for; ‘in 3? Way of Treaty, fa 11a"PeiIy?? de<:Iined4 ;ind%%rejea;ed by the }:-refent AP;1r-9 iiament%of scazZmd,ix1theAi: Letter; as if it weré rea1bn”’a*b1 e jfbr tht: 1°.a~r1iat:'1c11t 0fth%z1t Ki11gdome to do " Wr011g5 but not rkaafonable for the Parliament of £;:a;,.g~§ !rti2;¢Z_ 4712251 much j 2,5“ Atcj” demand 1étisfa*6%£<;§114j for @134 4 V ‘ Wrozzgfi A wgrongi thaggh in%:4lhe%faia‘c&% and mo’fipcacc-ablhe wa and how canwe Vexpcéi ‘fat;isfa&ipnto,‘bc1:e given to any ‘«;o5‘thcr%i:mj uricsédoncto this N~atro:n,wh€{n they Afhal A ‘Lbyusbéézmadckzmwfi tmhcm(aS ?t:hc3z' écm .t01imvit€9 \ Vwhenas cqthai: which isfomanifcifl andnocofiripug, as Ixfi ygars; iinvafi am 9% W6 havqnoVo:tcAr Ar¢dArefl1ca£~ afordcd W But mcmimination;,.4w113:ch;.‘th¢‘ la-ttgfsr jparrA of ;1.{h¢if1ettcfis.fii1’d ¥w.ith :,_.va4ndvmayAbefrcduccd tochefc atwcmhcsads. ‘ .A M 1 _ 4 V A A Firi}, To “t-.h*eira;‘I%heri4 ~ g sunt0;,'andMn'c;w the fccond j 21816 awwing chefs: fcamdaélg %an;d rcpmaghcg laid up- Qn»/t1;1c‘.rcfcLnt' Government of EnglMzl,”1n,a¢;4papcr gjf’ ; their Com m»ifli%0nc~rs,?dated the of Feérmry 1643. §{ubfcribed by thé Earle ca,f‘;Uf/113m , Sir $05}: Cm;/Z}, A.andAMr.Glma’ani;gg%inthe Nam€‘0fth£ Kingdomc 0:5 -{%-9'Wtlwd;A pen ~peru;I‘ailamdgcunfidcmtzimiwhcrmf, ::w.c tI1cfn;.Lpai$fd»QVu-x fmcein ajhort Declaration ,> and have appoinfcd that paperas w¢1!%as4thateclaratxon to bcV;hcr¢wi::hA primed. A Unto Whuichfirc fliall onely ‘ :§_adc{,th«.-‘XE, ifthe Bands ofrcli“gion 8: faiJe4bFul£a¢si.corhe ¢ truft Ampafcd” inbénhj Par1ia;vcm::s :bacx %i{¢mwpar4tial1y poniidc-rcd%, we caumt rbut‘t11inkV that thai canfidera; '.t-kin therebf would have been 3 far b;cfl:€¢r ifldflflfmfiflf rtiothc: Parliamagnr £Scatlmdt0 VhaAve atgcc ptcd~:;xheP m~ pofais m%acby}1«SAvir1«aAu1‘ 1a{t1c4tccr,~asamcm$.,fior»th¢ W¢?Nrario€ns to%44:haivcAgroWn W firmlcague M4 ?mfWg %therc7by Vcohavdc ~fm;umr'd Religinr a»ndpvIlick¢ 1? libqfty fmm‘chc_«dQ!fi$5n:s ofPopi.fh Prclaxicall , and Malignamzi favéfiafis, thenby tbisthcir latecarxziaaew-« ~ wards u:s,c9 hsms, pum:h¢-uwoAA‘%Nmions at “Mb” a dim fiance»an%a%t b:e£t,:#.{umu;fc:!?ulncsAqfeac~h%At°°th¢*r%sd as by di5¢rV*=59LI?“¢1y:afdweve.4th¢ wcxk flfthe ¢ommon%€n¢mYa A , {B G <8") V ,5y4w¢5é§ig:ni’ n-gt ‘usthroingh i)u’r:ow*ri diirifiiéris .9 Whuer. Ainweamfuregwmtcsivcr charge tl1.A::'yi:lhay upon uS,thcy % _ V have nioz: fl1«2w11w%thcm-fcivc-S, fiedfathand»; trucm ethoff.-* -‘ _ . _‘gygund were the muffs notnnely A bozzh Na*:i0nsA in thci {'0 often mentiqneddvénaric ' V %amd;T rcat»ic‘sv,%,mtad; witho-u»rand .:_=gain£% conVfcntof4{E1f’e 7 lazeIhx¢h have out-a - "igune, &*fihaf%$;§£’tlaM’ h‘at"h~coAnCurr’«d §n~wAith%-usgn*o¢ tr‘I‘0r‘c % msw thc:n!:Sef‘t>rc, when it u phcld thofcjoy tift4ref23;Ig1ti_a- V om: whichqzrried out‘ them and uasz .t+ogeth§ér in~a_ war prim: againfl. the la”ttKing&and his Party,arid~ in th*at%’an[w¢r %nfbas.h==‘ ;Kin,5gd‘c;)»mcsf;4§gt mcaxla not ‘give {%:¢r5a:—zy?i¢t‘tv %V‘VfL»&i.¢% 2I@'nja:3FiIf‘:$ éflfiffxexci figtiz; f /zit rcga/1 z»f/71:: :21; 5.: «W firflg 7 . **‘»*e5f*€‘fi5?” M Ink zrieegaonzmrr/2« irémeivt Q ea. §‘> it: *::5fiw3;’0:3'*.f3;I»'*9H9!c£ £ow‘m4nd2g#d:gmm{fl?fi1,¢j§+fin%é,*#z4r-2?; fi???‘“*W451@"P?*W’K¢4~M V % . ” TO the f€CM0fldhih€*ad%01fth&~>ir rccr‘i_m%in'atio‘n, Wbcrc:-» in «’h"t=y tcflius ~that1'fi 134V avppareflt, tiawé rm/2 haw ofigzte in 4 'Epgl..~; Edd éayflzidimgang‘ deparmrefreim ma gfaufidt ma’ ‘pic: v33£‘£rezfi2t&c_twawKing-4’amé:.firj£ g;gg4gg;;',»~~ « t~:i?w:erzthexr;befnV as.» its wouldhave V-b“é¢n% agtcév aabfe to rc‘af0n am! A ju4£tVi4ce,A»t~h‘a1:allit£lc>painc-s had bécn A fa1§e“nfg .iin.brieflyL remVi:n§ing_;us~ ‘ofthofe principlesffrom 4 which r=heyAaccufe ustm hav¢Vydepar%ed.% xwie 1sn4o4At agiparen:+ew11s‘“atfter ar«vbry femusscanfidaacacimmraiz * ihaxhath bcexg Oficrdafgflmé {zhc MI’;iré1i_a;tI__1cn§A.ofs';a:!a2mg . $1133 A 7 "C 2?) % ”=i{1atthcxe1aAar1a¢{bcc;;aea bacmidmg from“:hnre¢pr:nczw%% PM(pamper1y%‘fo-%éa1:1éd)‘ upon Whifih W twc» Nfitif V “us firfi evgagcd 5 Thu: on 5 t.hecioz:mary ,~w cgdoubgnm ‘ to make‘ it evident -A’ to all; not prej udicczd , *2 hair" we gm: !becnc~ fo Afiairre K firom going backs, that am: have gone forAwa1rdf~ in thic profccution mXf‘Vthmn%. .~ am thcdifitarzce bctwccnc: us-A —and*Smt!Imd, arifcs mt 7fn::mA our bacicfliding Emm ~ thofc principics, but fliom their {handing ~—fii11~and not purfuing 1:-he cmtrrmon »¢;".‘f.‘-‘ad WE-&ch~»wc_propa%und:2d%to our fcivcsl, whcnwc: mgztu. aily cngag'd.: which mm thfl” f:cu:i§ty cf rcrligion and the 1:-ublickclibcrties of the nations abmrcali ’ Othcrthings, and all otherthings, as they arc:Vc0"n€?:A~ {tent with, and °fub~m~vicnt unto mcm. A sad we know %th'-“CA in 31l1”tbiz;gsthcT cndbcfoagc orhfrprinciplcs is fixfl:intcn+ded%;A4.whAich w‘§=f'=-Aim’ it isac1hc:rcduAmAo, a, frecdorriéftis alldwd to make ufae ofall fi;;and rcq-4.. fij? c mcants to attainc rhacend. % A nd. th¢rcf0rc,th:f: cud qf all govcmm-cn;;§¢ing the good wf t.h:: people , in " i‘3fEiichg0od‘V‘.the 1rAig;knowl¢dgcan[d %w’m;{h‘£ p Aofogfi A it gf pgeqia 1fiy;~»cpmpri£"d ,_ the groimd 4.0% all (the ngc mutt 4 be , as ichathbecne w1thusA,*1%n0rt__ier roichqlc ends, »which were ch: principicstha: the: two Nationsdid ¢ mutually engage: upon 5 and which will ccrtai-21 y rife: 4 ‘up injudgcmcnt againft them, A itchcybc Awilfullyé d¢.. %clincd Vanddepartcd fmm by &;e’é.:hz:r%4x:a€*T rhcnaa Wag V mufi ‘be carcfuil thcrcfarcthat we mifiakc no%:p.s:1n~ cipics for fuprszflruéturcs 5 for Ehcit rend is the EM and A‘ A pcrEcé}e{tpr%n;cip1¢a the mcancs ambut: frAb0rd%itwtc,w$ and zfubjcafim changcgas of: as t my pmzwés uneffl:6tualA t0thc~end:. . A A A V A ’ * A ~ A And whcréusi they cflzccm a~ ppfi five cm{tita.u:,ihn off govgrnmm_tV 99 ha”; a 9rinciplc,and the adhe’rcwf:@ \ Ba WA tow ¢fe@fiV¢W+¢»atrhugA*?ch%!**ge*whw Fupream siuthonty», upcm c;xa‘m1_t1a_t1c>n»«A¢;1€Wm be fbun that herein they mom efiablflh the mtercflc of ;he gfc:.vap.... neu%rs§% thcmhe: »good 9!? the; gevcimed: f and thaw: wh~::;cver :thVeps;mplc*s w‘:+?l=far1e is: prefcrd bcfbra tém. pa~r:i¢»u1;zz zntcmfis of them that govemc ., AitVtmtjh%n‘m:% bear-:n u~nufualim:thofe~ Naubns to lay afidc p%:cccde~n£~~ formcs of.‘g%ovcrnmen;t, and introduce otfac-m5_A ai=-AA t'h*::::-..ugh they allow Imt L1S~ upon the fame equic.::~b-Ies'- k ground to change fi:o m~ monmf€hy“i‘nm %aCoxnm»onaiM ‘WAca1rh%; And‘ bctau {'6 ch}: 1>ia:jIiamen:e of Scatlam-Anaté f?“fl"'=,-W. ‘ pstmdtbaa :11: latepraveea/mgs%A in Engla ndi dgdffifl C ow...-r mm’ 4361 Tfeatim‘, Wei} 6: difcfi/aimed. dfid? d9zfZmaVw€d ;, 45* the prvfkcariari rrftlze late my/awfi&llx:,V¢ffig4gemwt% ag4£nfl* “ England gm: 5} tl5£m~4, amt’ zr«b»tfi4§£%'.dsJ)mxa a’e}>amd%=‘A A 19.9/:2 .%priz4*cz’;2le5 ,_ agmd tlfiefigfbrmezt 'prt3j‘¢ffl:iw4£_, may rmm» mta tée fame ‘f_c;€ ~~cO”.hCeiVc. that ?th<_is pr0pofa1I%,:. might%hav§;b’é%21'3IF%r§~§dg3;i~¢j:MiV¥h?1‘[%“£‘1*i€Yj¥3%Pi%d4conv gear 11,5 ‘that 0w? ?fG€¢?d3QLg$!$5d%%"A.%, T*ét7ve«4Fuahrdi«{cla~im%ng»;A;A: ms _a t icafi x:i1la'wcc:;_ h ad.~1bcen_ bran-ghv m Htha I”iam~ef...5; firfiig h_t:§! Awith thcm:s*Whc‘1n% they difavowed’ to was the». Ma yea xs,¢n‘gagcm¢ht;whichwas nat done by aha» vi» iible agiztizoriiyflf 353!‘ Nation , 4ti{l ~w:h¢:4 ;S’x‘WcbAfm~.: w ;a6s_;o;m:~r:hro12vn in Englazsds ~ and I thaw con£idcra—bl¢»; aha: Vi6toryL‘ ;.‘ A fm-can of was was in t~heirvrKingt’ome44 inpu=rfuiteo£::~ ' '* They {EH us Furthét, Téntiifnada/t¢Vatihm~V g;““mf§zix4§ egg: aéfolkwr cit‘/1er4N4tio7¢ fim tgbk Cam=m4mdnd—; V‘ A Trtdtiei 23?: an; é cannotadmit»oft‘hisl«,éi:apin¢, wing fo frefll input memory ,-xfihc lafi‘ years =:erpc3n~~» Vfioa? Mity 01’ rhat»¢Kin349m :%v%ia¢%W*:35~£¥wd*s% and‘%VbAeLiag ‘ (‘r‘l1e}’% l hdeatalxl*",fe22:l1redl(“however ma eaaaaay’l’ebel*asryee A }pmfe‘fs’d”) hutltlhai; tl-1ol”cewho:are allrcacly f eafilgr dlfpids’d to entcnain p rejudiee , amljdvecllafree fa» uhjiulll ceafu res upon “ourlate p’reeccledilagS,m ay in lhoree time bedrawn in their zeal to uphold Monarchy, and theiir ‘ DWI! f€I1fC~0f the Eovenaat , to joya avowledly with V the c0mmonEnemy5.the Papills,—Prelats, andlmaliga andAl\/lalignant party , as well as their neceflit A hants,whofc power and pernicious defigns7taolebv£a:“el A and oppofc , was the chief and of the Covenant and ? Treaties. Andlfhould they happen tolfallintoe fuch A an azm«m,»; mad revelation as this , weprefume am we {hall then {land abfolv’din theirjudgemeent,’ as we - xm;wd10elinlouro'wm. , a l W: A V A And wee {hall wilh that , fome contrarynecefi”1- zy do: not encline them to the Popifl1,Prelatical', lafl year brought‘ themlnolt onelyhato complylland y the ~ jayn , but to be obliged fortehcirlivesancl fafeties to f thoffe whomaformerly they hadede1clare~dagain{l, as A mush as now they doc, for aseaarzan A1'my; This accountwelhaaveatahoug he fir t0~g.ivc;Gf "‘{3,'l1{. tan: a endeavours in a peaceable way to prevent all-mifi.1n-l ‘ derfiandingsanddifierences, betwecnus and Scotiaad.» . . Out ofawhlclh::lcoarfe , if we be now diverted, ‘we can truly lay, the fault is not ours: and {hall nacr doubt A thalWl‘lfin«‘t:h,i»a cam.man»lm1ra ,1;VV*alTOr;ed"€llill'fl5§3lf$4 V tfifiiofl from if, andwifla well to the falcty and good of Englanagavill be awalmedfto djfcern the fallacy and unfouradnes Of thefe allegations againl’: use and our proceedings arid beforewarln-tfd of having compli» A llaaeelawitih defignes 0? Whatever c0l0ur,that.rend gncg ly tap rcxzew andfomenmuar diviliorns at home,and to , promate “forraiacL 4%advan::z§gs%,»fi:Vby %A.d¢p:riving mx: 4 felvesof the fruit andbancfitofallthofe.1aI?Qu::s, A. which we vc undergqne thcfe many years with the A mpenclc of {'0 muchfblood and trcafufao & &&&&&%¢&%&a$&&&&&& %*%°%°%°wvwv?w%?**W&%“v we ; u." ' tg" m ‘ rw. a ; g E.» 7 u .. 1 51%: 14/2 P4!” we %s«mz N the year5x64;fz,-,4 and aftctwardsiu 'iHW§'!I""“” theycar.x6;4.;. whc-n th&: Popifl_1,. ; W Pre1a:ica1l,22nd Malignant garty did ‘fj growi‘prcva1c::cL"in thE§- Kingdomti, . ” 7A i thé.‘ honourable HAVJIMES Of Par“?!- mént did commutficatc fevcral1.D~s- A c]}ir3g'mns5and Pa‘p§:r§%to‘the Kingdféme of Scarlazm’ 5 ; i ti.“-ficby to gnfmf;f1;;;%ti1e1rjudwgcyncfmsqft he Rate oftha "diffé'renca:*s heft :"**;An:i to ‘ga?{neV‘rh¢1rVva{fi&ancc , and iizivitc th'cir“5forccs mAcomc~5n°**o4th’s Kingdoms; In 235'clzzr.a713' _ I4 whichD;fclaz~4ations and o::he:~ I>ag5ersV they affirm and 21”" 1_, ~ dE‘c1a;rc~~, A df'T}_13Vt 1113 Arm)’ 5 \a If were £2 am an fa pm papa} “pm: 111;; Parlnmc¢nt'w..1€3 rarfm f 01‘ m 113» r.zc”lg,md by wrcfiizzg .~m.i ¢4i.riaJv1;ri;:g M L make zbcm fpeazlge far dzfi7:re.:zz {em-:3 A 3.953355 ‘Of the ‘rug Z’ Rchgmn '9 {be from wb.1mtlae%A:¢zbor memta flare?) alas: Kings PC!'f0f! , HUNG“ {Hand EH-“ma Pdpm and Dc;p£.¢r.zrio2z:%oftbe Engliih § ariiamgnfg 55....“Parliazmczzqbavc mar wit/9 [zzcb di‘tIfiJ~” M berm . and1L&b‘55rwE'5 Of Subfifis 3 or brim itfecmex rim p;~;,fierr‘d'tr.*tr~Ré;31- thfi p1‘f."IVC‘flUO.*1 Of ifht‘ A‘E€F&t%10%fl%$ ‘ligiarz bffbre ‘I:/PE‘ I{i7rg.s PL“?/072, I-fo>m::.r‘ ‘ 0? Religion. TI1atrhcirencmi:‘s dc-I and Efiazzc .- J‘/E»: Scots‘ zlxanzfislvéypraa; Iazxdedta dac tlwlilgc, mm’ new Igecge ti): figfi€"W‘iiS;,.- ATOA C0.“'¥1l3§17¢39d 531¢~‘51‘% JmfiofizZv;?;DrocL4im’drigbr,ti1£theybmé‘ fig (hf? ézb‘:.o7z£j/ i2z%i:{j;22‘poi2zt,bz¢t ix: ot.¥v::g=‘ ' civil! - m:j/[7efi:.' % V * Maud =.;. And fnhat they bi-gunm‘: % ‘ “ wéthmratfazéd, knowing A ivel1%that the fame fate att'c.z1- EM/l*c9>r~zv* ‘ffldcd bcr:hVK1ngc1onm. That they have‘ oncly inver- * tcdthc manner of that p'r0cc°c5dmg; , cenceiving it an mz :.vA;ag.A I643» “fzlficr way to ddfrtry thcm , ifthey mpzyfirfi ipr<:*vaiA1_c me: thc ~ Parliament‘ and "I{ingdomc of *‘E:s2gZmd.‘ A That :~vvhe:nfocvetRcl1gton—is fubvcrrcd pr chmgcd in A % one; ‘ Aug. 1642.0 A v:;c;g1g:Kyiagdome.i%1t wzll bee ;ca“fi1yacc0;m‘p1%ifl1?cd in this other ‘Religion beingfiflxe-, band% and %f‘o»undation; of - the¢h%9Pi:3¢4A€F¢~0ib°fl1s%?£.ThatWha:‘mrruvfions take xooc2;,~gngm»a’, v”J‘iLl‘l~_qi:1_i¢kIy9f;$read% maruenome a::¢ifif%5ti0£*+4*0 “Ki!mighbcurVVChurc1mf~m:!md. 1 Li%T4hcyd€¢14m%~*fi=~t:ue4 ~I*%a»t«=0frhe %ua¥r¢i1fo'Aib¢ wR€3%§l9fl Refonmatwafi%whcrcoF%hcvy a+reV H- and %z¢a1ous, 4as%%%¥;t1¢rc% is nothing%4in Scazlawmk f;3r_%1e%1'or1a;ttcr D;claraticmsw.h1ch ::h¢y { 4?Vh%'atvenot%fc§iou;flycndeajvoutcdtocfl%~&. A A , , *;:T hey cfamcffly in;rcatV th c%_gencral1 AfTcmb1~ié?fo fL1rthk:r%a"nd cAxpcditc.zh%¢%= afliflancc dcfircd byibf0I:hV A I‘-{oufcs from “ilhti *Kinge’ome dof scmmd , V upen.tti“§~.s ' grmmd and mativcz Thar thereby _zhc.y fl1al1_dac V grca*:fc1‘vicct§0 God 3 and great hpnmnr m.ayredo“unMd to them {elves in fbccomim”ng the infirumcents o£A,a. gj3<,3F10l1S% R§f01im@non nAowt ondy xhru;ghut_this;; A A 1.i1;md,jbutVfro;m thcrgcxfpofli My to bcfprcjad m ml}cg-% : V cm rchc3~~,- '.:gPpr£fl¢d%Z,‘I%Dd§\\;M\.§;hm‘c: Antichrifiiwl bon- d%ag;e*, and tyranny %:*§r$Afpcry,b11t 311%‘IDp¢IT¥i— J They co.z;1me1;sd‘V‘thc%.pru§1e;icc , r%at2‘d fa&i'thfLi1ncT fl7'c V 1543.5” 43.- Afiqfthcgosnexall. Afl’cm%b1‘y,of the Church Agfsaaxlaxd, r ;fwcr%o%A?be in %pro*p0undingzhAc>fc ;th:ings.wbich may:-onducc cc» % a%nd.Na:ionsA 0E”%Eng1x4md+a£ad 5 ¢:e2r£.md , ;i'rx‘prc£efl1;rvi'ng V r tions, S¢&s;%and inmavatAi0nsyWha.t:foevcr5% And de- V ' £1-zuzwaye; 5; Clara that mthc Houfcs 0f“ParhamcntAhav¢ aver made u butit may bee % wife W251» thc%R»e’fbrm§;ti9vn g;3vtrnmént% and Mifcifi A pog2bze,r1;¢zzAibeP131“¥h¢§1‘A?hi¢f¢3‘3¥W¢é?‘5”“8h“kc? hav¢W*n¢fi*¢~ K‘:”!i“f3‘?§?‘;.fh5é"°3v&‘{?‘.§i”f“m’55a??35J’Wfl*‘bW'W*’9¥‘Wwi“?‘W“3i““AVW§?;‘W‘"’%T"“5"%A A qucntly , >% xmq;u?em¢xy 'intermPmd5 and P9Werfu11v* gmwfed the profec'ut_ioVn» 23nd 3C90}’¥1P11fl} ° 3‘ '37 and however they ggngnug. Q11 in jihexr {term +1¥1dcon—.— g‘;5;;D3,~¢;t may mike the peace, liberty». 3fldA$Pr6T¢rva-r fion Whiéh God hia»thaE0I‘d€d Sc~otlW’» as =1 Pledge A " Qf the like mere‘? intfenaded to the111;i¢11%h4=i38"3V‘i tiine hoping that G“o1dv%wi1I~perfe& theirw defi H63 ATend@amurS%%05 full R€f°‘*‘“‘*W°“‘ ’‘ allthmgs -> peimimihg «ta? P»e1i.gi9>ft 5 " 31:1d» 4 "¢F1;ie»y%A~p1jof“%:fi7e thei%r .f/At'c11“l1.£A‘fiI d~efi1_ie % Pggpfeffe tthg-if c;—;=a 53 for 1a:1&"\'$ for unity of I~’ueI3 -mid ?t~%hat ‘ghemg A11§ig¥#t 55“ £1W§‘?"C0*11»%5{ £1jm,i:..fec11rity~0fF~1¢1ig1@~13s. fi%+11flfi th€ib1§°0dV Pm’ ? cmqxifi; y;§s¢~:: Rem oafir’M<1 TA§A1;1.«21Vl; i..it 19 37¢’ % I>iec¢<:m-161:‘? % 1;9g@;f€~°.E‘*hfi» g@1:dan %Axein§s+»&¢f% tE};§c:,1;1:J pu33;pQf6% W; 5; A 31%-»¢s.»‘%;” Gimme 1 and Vwofi A%I1¢A¢4s!w« IM1'o11;a=i¢:s bf «wmpuIfioVn. e Théfg¢1dén :§in;s of p1rc;p1:n¢,' 4 they f‘tiII»dc:fi1'e maybé h"e%IVd$‘ hm; ’ ~ -~l6av§&:priiz~VatfirsR@Fv * It 35 “i"1‘P°%‘1 ' {pr }£€Mdm’§ ‘M % A , yv~ePI»n?:¥¢i2gJnt%,‘d¢fi1*es~, 1'65 mgijg’ 3%‘-’&5.fik'.°i{-1.i'_‘?fl mgrrdmfi €%%keAuy+W1m:Mme? o;,£.§D;::»z.m-§ W“ “W W«¢*“n <*vt“°» W" WI! * ifoj nwéemd‘ th;e"%I;irLu"gfVy.,;2‘%f1%&!M"to i§i1"d§;1§#% V % §.§7tN1¢f-‘ tthfirfifi 3 :1_:?lQ;M6»e ,,¢ %%4:a:egtihe;mghcpga ;w‘ou1a :4;—1§¢:f:a*v&o«g§h if ‘V a 1d”§A1ts1?3%\?r§fi€fiétmmhéfifisfhfiklld;; :rh*WJ.‘3? ush—fr9m 1?r°gArc=fsWbef; : at Déc1ar;dtio'n? w A "?fit»hm:1;t%1?0x1ti:theV« swh01e;R@a‘1Vme% 3°‘ ‘ 5 T}: 5:37 hpld it ‘Q5141 1‘1*£§g1iE‘fifé3:§h¢re, % j Eh3\E".rdQ1:‘;Whigm Ih_ou1"c1?%bc**E<3fiw%fg2f1;nai’ti;(;*,'%‘bi§T‘t%“%*%=&¢¢orgf% 7 i 9‘! rs was mvfoa»-ea, *b;3€*ta;-ictAI%««adiéw% M a(;g;Q.;:&ir1&g§pg)«» “ V x .4 2/ A. " “ It isI2_1 firange Dofiriné, that the .Gofpcj11%%fl1ou1d.zenioyne the La‘~’V» ‘t0% evzjoyxxe far-‘-F. mafities and %<:onfr.>rmiti<:s.% . {I16 _ D.ecEratio11, A ” ;fi1a l1fW¢,§1‘_fO ~K5**85~°°":ee . 4. v“ . o m cfirnmg Kellle needs»; efiher: 1nv0Ive;&thC1n that*¢I.teerat10Vn? “ , 4 ?%g3ififie;u% =4 May, w_4,_ {fie wQ¢~d‘eimE’ God: They ’~Pe1_iotef7t? in ~*the ipereifenece ‘( i) etIi_eV;i11~§fewe;ir1 g _,D§3it}:' ._.,'fl th :1‘; tqhe A fer»vi<.f:es% ‘;Which; tfieji‘ F;1+;ex:;~;2 defi3‘0L§sffec) perf0e1*1'§f:e‘ to*tfh‘e1i" Swo‘-av ve;fe1neewLm~d and »K1§’2g»3 *t:je‘ this Chm-¢h~~;am1: . V 5‘ They flack faith-=3 A ‘full vfcrvice to the King.,rhe Church . V and Statehwaéethee orzeley eeridpof 3' their Counfells; MB;1i$ ;e:w€eI1ope% :fhe - Scots thenufelvés will underfiand the Ghurch and.-Sta'_c“e fi1‘f’£;5' other _ fhings fofa1‘1‘"eo11eIyas _they%_con-— fit’: with higher duties : and“ this maye ferve for Veg§ce,to:ii1ew celearly to iillemefi 1I_h{&‘~.3f1CCCflii[y_._ condirioen aiwayes implfd, and to be under- flood in the Dec1zn‘a_cio1':s, and * nmnftrames, by “ them fowoften Cited; “*1 Theyprotefiede to defend hi;s';i Mdjcfizie, but not" in %doi'ngf"e”viIlf 5e they difclaimdvmxy ‘pufpbfe%5to%dfi”ef'% violence to his Perfon r.ffbut.%%juflf.ice~ [ I.eg%aI1y Sdonc , is no violence Hero the Perfon of a grat1dVeDe1inquent, not to be h4elg1;jde;:r¢,v whéfljfI1c Law Aclainzes him as her forfeit. V. 06%. A1642. t{"3X1f,}32itteI‘l; " A4 Czii1fe5 A4 which if tVhe';‘P"o”p‘ifh petty-ee,prevai1e ,~ ‘ 3 State 3 in prQvidin%e CforeVt‘he«p%ub..ej 11ckepJ.ee:aeeeaend ’p1 jo pemy pf his Maj eI3cy5 jj e..:1?1d all his ealmese 3‘je‘"w~ee l;1’ii‘?i‘z*ee7;«Lbeen ’;ézei1dw ””ffcilT1ee»’ to bee}; ffié: oee1yVA "e“ndV‘iif é3;11“'e1‘tHeir e‘couhfe11e and endeavM0u_ts 3‘ wherein they ha’_V€ ‘refqliredh toAcontinue5 freedi A zzrndif in1a1'%ed’frQ1n gall; A priv;:;:’t&—:'%? _ aiines, % per 0“n?ael=1i1'efp everlivrnigw the fafetylof Re11g*1eefa5I~;a'kvs»,T¢ Wérldw “ fend their owne~‘Reli§ion_ and~ L‘iberty§; ;eA:2in andebibertiésa .imhis,ar1dee~a11eofliers " T = f0r1natiQn»~8;c“§.e3§e«nCé%V‘(} % H I « for W ‘» imiforniity “in-0n:eVfCbnfi3ffiO'fi»‘T q£Faiz:h, ~form-{>5 Chm~chd>{;%p»ve1*n~ ~ 1nent,AEffiireftory?fO1jfW@*17fl11I59 Wild his‘ f‘ M-éficflies :Do’m~ivniO1isA '5 to bee tAhe%%‘Achi}efeV»end40f a1L1~t%hei1‘ C0093“. J fails "zmdre’f01ut1i011s5Without“ zgny iL1iteinti%01:1:;.vc1*d<:‘fi1'¢:t%0 hyxrt 91‘ 111* 4‘ jute jhis Maj¢fl:y5;L ¢ith'é1?1§1 h1“S'P€1h"'* V ‘ fn ""l9‘Vr‘ 7in, . “his juff _ +pi0?7Vv"e1* :~Tf:l&‘IA1%at% they ref’:-M ’afl"ured.¢ vb0~t:h~ God *£x‘:11d ‘ Man will abhorreTan1d”ab04mifl51f€ % t_hffa[t:~»&1*I1.o11f’(1‘011s?Bzwixijurigzfiys Chillf CM laéidupon :he11eprefentar1ve%bo Y GE‘thi«s Kir1gd0m,,0f defigning '“ 1:uain_e,fnot3‘or1e1y7Qf~h1€§ MEIJCPCICS Pferfona but of Mc:vnéa11chy':it ff€1f€‘s " and appezjd to a11th'e VV01'*1d5$ W313? ther W-0rfe* vv=()i*c1s.t.}-Len §=théf€'4 A @2111 - b€'~%i"ven »th€1.Ii.A* T” A efe ecla-rati0'ns,5a~11d S(g1(fim;n; % En‘”gqgementsV were-3:: commun 1caAt%C‘di;4: A to% the 'King'dome off %.sicatla2zd‘g*» % R%eIig3Qn :.Lawc:$.5 and ~LivberrieS‘¢ was rm: Jw%ch3::fe % end of all their q Counf§:l1s 3 :s~/'€i‘tI'1()11’%':7‘é1z3_y imzmriorz to hurt'“:7or Cu'ijax1*¢‘,%;;rA11e‘King , than if the Eiggag ::a;rx";<-:;»;13_::,.';‘_a:=.3r hurt; in “c.mfim"g thexr chiefs and, ICWEIS bew fidc: 1;hci1‘.i_11t¢L11ti«}:.1. But_Leg_a%I1% A and Mc‘iefc:m::d$“ j~ufi:ic6: Tdonc: upon” himflvas nbf ir1j%i1%rv)'- r. no more then _w¢1s% their d'e'.t'qi:1i1fg him from his > juftv p%ow;~:1*.,} wiien they hadhim in - * r}"1cirha~.1ds,%4~s%a17zd might have com- Axxiittcd to E12111: (0. much power as 'th'<:y tI1o1V:g31t jufi:”and% no more. ” ViBi1t _they w€1'eriiot then affu-1 r’d5 t“hat__he WQl}Id"dQl1Y and rejefi: all then:”humb1c:\0fi'«:z's and Ad-— V 3 diff:-iTcs to7,!1'im, fiW3%t11o}ur pity to the % 'bI‘e'edii1g‘KVingdome ; they hop’d and wai-red, as Vlcmg as was pofiible, fqr hie: amc:11d«z11e11%t%%, and hearry V complyunce Witih his Pairlament; “ ‘ bp.c‘a1I%i11vg;i;1é:. “ % V b ' ore» t'hey”d.1id ~j‘<;xyi17“éTi"n“‘theWiI’fA1”e:§Wit'h“‘3h€‘H<5U*- fesf Pé1é1’i¢a1nent‘ : alfo b~mh‘«I{'i:1gdor;”aes mm: tned into a SQ1€‘1i1f%iTl’Li§z*’f‘\ia a11d%C0v€I‘l€mt 5? A ffiil‘ Re. Catecrhifimg ,fo1*. ;€X°t%i1”P3~1?i”“ %°f Pog;e3;*y5 i"";re1a,c:yV,:. "SupV61fftit‘i1nw- ted 3 Lette1~wwA‘be Awritten to;~thAe -G~¢1'i3. X fhgrjty of E'nglz1mi,th@“ ComAm¢hS'in Pa%r1Vi'a1m€I1t % Affembled V was prefented”the 92 “n of"t1w‘fi‘tm€ M Q _ M .A. _ m_ «p _- A , ;"A 1" é Mon eth 5 They VoucdI*thatJ Petmon, A:1%AScd¢1t1oL1s,4 °‘ ThatP:étitio11,%and Pamphlet ~m_en»t:ion’d’ -was before the Parlia- mctnt, bvtI1eir L<:giflat’i”ve pOW€!‘¢ ‘I-Iouvfe of :Lords": Sgmc Oth(f1‘II1a1"-« rérs»;%contain’dT%in them, and r:1"pe- Acizgllygtghe man11c1*:-of their profe- qutioxi, might d(‘.‘f¢l'V,C that ccnfure, A I A ‘ 4 M V '. "A ~dA ;ro.fe.‘cuti0n :05 % » ntem tucms avowlngwil P , _ V ‘e?§3tgfmerAP§t%irion,afidParékmfiexed :» f%:+71€ds+«472 W H Aqr6€??18”7A%”f"5e Wale farmer? ad1“€*%‘=“F°% dEPcru&i4ve t‘ the Bwemg of P*arh:rm€n%tVs, film damentall covernmem of we KAingd0m€ VAM1 A ; A Ta ‘ oint€:d4t0b¢€~f€’m? f0AV;1?h°»» A amther Letter was PP A A Generialf .fh21d;£lbOIifh’d vKi»ngfl1ip, and the ( ‘2QA;L V; A Gen%efa11=. 1:0 t%*+'<¢ “Wide 051115 Proceedmgs; idAAv,th‘e~»% exec:ut1m1 ofa*1nut1nous perfon~( who was an.amb,, . be:m;r;of‘ that Ag1‘€€ment)% at‘-the Afifilldfizvouz L ‘near ,mzre 5 and to give him t‘haLnlgesAf9r~it5% and deg fiAArI“eA7h%i’m;to:pmfecute the e:mminat1o_r__1 of 1t.}.,1_a1:4%b13,fiA.; neflhitb the bfc)tto13f1c;,, and tovbriil V i_fuChA‘g%11i1;ty.: A pr-:~1‘fons ras ht _fha1lt.h111ke fit, to 9011 igne '%Vand _ex-. A e1Anp1ar-yy punlihxnen-t.A, All whxch Declaratgions, Proteitatéions, {Qf¥t;hS,COV‘}1?':311t5S, ?§ 1’!»-$1 SpI}I’~; F Mama? ;I‘%i¢i¢;;I3'iV¢¥31?w3¥1dVadII¥3r?4faé?3§ « r 1; che;Par1izime1itJbf ‘sc¢£1a4na;- A who%f:’:r1;t1x1 upox1L‘u‘3C_t11e~Iatfit ylca;*é*s~ . ilivflfiflllg had bmeerx~pex'111ii:eq1‘k_by ti1o§?': who now Rulg: charm to T % ;m.dArfi\vi:h fréeddmc‘, V‘s{'srL':cJ..I%l3)' ‘\ } ‘ . ‘ A " .7 V: 3“ 71’. %% % yuft cenAfures4 or} the%V1ate%pgoc¢e-s fig I L ‘ ‘A ~ dings of the“ Parliament‘?df*Eng+-~ r ~ ~ laud; norcouId.hav.<: fi=:1.1I3»*l1.34%I’1'l0Iz’(§% confi—.:’u2nt;y;fay, tlléiy ncith&1*i‘¢QuId have laydmore ;111faie*1:;c:1L‘ ; 2,,1d-uni» in'jur§ous% and %I,<">frd1i<: ,Prop*:¢¢rc:i¢f’¢ Q-f H%i$7% Gévéién? ~ menu : ‘‘3c§Mi%?% if not necwir:m~»au+ . ,di~ng all €)1,L;1?+A;ez§.r11ef;t defires:finfAg1*¢n-; deav0A!l¥$%AAA*# ;»;tp,%.;;he qontrary} , thé 2:§min;$; «new :fi¥;1'-5138 " 3?: Wd*y~i A~ mherwife; % a m . 4 fo~1:é,fa;1;ci¢, 4 ons , though tfi6Y ' had“ 'i7]21:1qlifi;.‘ : : fixed us J the la1’f?%‘3¥ear&g~%thef1 t:l*ié?’f«"e“‘ men who by ougfriendly» agyd and; affiftance were Q:-a;e;1%wher.«¢,they Q 5“ ‘ ~G.oidA,;amd Man, ofithe . ma)%fQ11é0vsa%tIi9p¢L§;2—; ~ AMM» :KitigV&ém¢s+~ % Tffijfihff » ' <» ‘I *2 » «I ‘M - V M 93% iamamenc V % P:ape_;.r, dated them. Qf P:e‘£2%*: I 6 4 3. Subfcribcd by the Eariemf A Latéiaw, Sir jalm %Cbicfley 9 and % M”... Glendonzziizgg in theNa1m: of 2 A We K?Z’£€1?”1@?%9fé950*1e??%5a «rid . ; ;?.y?4kg'fi;g?A%44t5£{Vf73I?21é! z”’:«!a"1—~aiV€?I' th$ La.we:—t:A :a.ndG€;v¢:er11mem crf this Néltiflng, .iA.mfi1af’c1y9 :1. Deiéiigne in K1163 (3C2t1t1’iv<:ers 21.2%. f?3mb~—» fi;;‘"il;:£;.;r$ 5.1}, m 17z:{iffl»‘ Sfiditififig, zzmd law’ this g:az.'<‘:w.mc1:; ;?s‘::w mid bhm:;2d.y Warrfx in titxisi Lzimd. fir; “:;..u1..« eivzzzr t.h?@.'ii"};m<;i011:3 pmtc:1;1<:t::s 111 watt: e;{;v:'s.%t~.eg;+,im;g4;1,b \5.h€;3f«7 may ga,in.c:'; fl. ‘ > ' > i ‘ ‘ , ‘T ‘- " ; ‘ ‘ 4 RM « ‘ ,, . Q‘ r _ . m , % . \ hW~p k ,V - % %%, l, H H ‘ ' we ‘V ‘M .. - ,'j‘“-.. ‘ ~ :' ‘ . ‘ ,_». ‘ , 3 ' _1'g’),'i 1: I ‘ - 1' , , .1-3' . H _ . , M V Q,‘ __, 1,, ‘ _. ‘ 1 ‘E ‘E ‘ ‘ \, W‘ ,1; N on ‘ V “ ‘ u ‘ ‘ IN‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ V “ ‘ ‘ m A V »~ v 4, V.‘ ‘ ‘ *.‘ ‘ T ‘J. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘l ‘V . ‘ " ‘ A - “. ”‘,. ' ‘ * " ‘ . g‘ ;. .‘ M . ‘ V . ‘ H. ‘ in ,‘ , «. % ~ ~ ~ ~~A m~-,u..4 ’ - " ‘ V ‘ M ‘ A w H \ . - 9- F ., n ’ ‘ v 1 4‘ ‘ ‘ ' " 1' . ‘ V .c« ‘Q , M W,‘ ‘,.'~ , Y, ' mm‘? A , v, _“,._‘ . \’ . “ ‘ A null m . H \ , ‘ ‘L d K Parllamem: (Sf Scotland 5 that they have“ things ofiufirefwzmenr, tfhwe,%%% 4%ehal. éofitzhrs Nation, % andCQmm0xt~wea1th, A‘6W'fié, . . k 1! f*Nrj % In 3 ‘ % ‘~.-;7'*"«r”‘¢~ . and demande fat1s% mu an, fmm the Pm-llamenti and King, womeof Séotlgmdg the particulars wherga of, Qthinlge nbt neeflfull to mentiofi fit tins A bgjpgwthinfis —f_o genferally known:-:3 and Ari ~I5¢i;1VAt1~eIfirousin the fix-R place, to ‘endeavour ‘f0"t‘“ iiéfison in apeaceab1"e wya ' 5 the doe therefore propcsund, That Comm: A0-as harms dri the behalfe Of eacI§Nation ( refpefiively ~ A g % may V » C .263 V may be appointed flo 1hbE; in fame ‘fitting anacm1__ WC?» ; %§°.Ab%i¢ agreedup on and with Whatconvem-eat A may VirgzeetifiggC0m1n%iHibfi€fS%flaéi11Lbt:»fenc9 fu1ly:auth04 % . 1“ized,fr0mtAhe Parliament of w%E.—&gZaa2d§4% and: 0n;th*e _~ beh alfe ofthis‘ C0m1 A ;0;1.g,.wca1th3Wit’h inftrugcions an aw ~ ‘ _ * 9 to make knowne th€pzirtii»x;V111ars%3 which they have V .t,§:> Cdnfiblfitiné , VS§h¢%i‘.eiI1V iff*."th‘ey 111.3211 1+e¢e‘i‘;.eA fa tisf-a€’c1on, the Pa1'11;3mTen_,tof gngzmz are ~wi11ing and th€ir*.$0n3Amiffioné1~s )1Tha11 be further authori. Zed: tr 3§%¥§d§z.C0iiaIudeA%a Rfirme and firléffiea gUE’;QfW3.Ifiity"ifn d’*’“f‘ri"‘én bet Weene _ thetwwg N;1ti»o_ns3 bymeanes whmj of if ' Ab wifl of Gad ) “'th”efe ‘Natiorls: fh2.y'€be Igréfgvetétlgg in us ~ A notw are onf ot agamfli fherh agw fem:-:d=Ene1ni$qmfiAA¢hpth * «:3 .5 « ya ms $0g Aher R ‘A L A:?1111hav%eiri%chargg:, a lafiing peace; and happy enjoyment of Religion . y mkeae that ¢11by fecret, as pro... . fave Ondy ‘ defire7A‘th‘=ii°t‘he‘ t'“°0f’;S‘mt;. f IIWZ-V “~?4!’&}11A,fVY‘?£A,11%31f¢11I1.‘tF2 may bégcrturned by this” B¢4f9i$'Vi fenf{€iéP£¢1Té. ‘ab the fame* A 113d" f¢i;f°@%f¥5s O V ‘A ;; , % . ‘ 1 ,, " ;‘ ,5 - m tr;-mg may%n0tackn0W1€dg~¢-A . "A~sfqr~»th’e,1n?¢ ttc:';r~the1ie1r1,cdnta1ned, Thofem3_.... A ' Cm ‘ , ' II V , % . "A .0 E‘ . ‘M;-.,‘ . L t “ ‘, ‘ _ « ‘.: - ‘ v ‘ ‘- I ? ‘-~ V ‘ ;- 3 v- ,e w G, 1 , ‘ 4» ‘ . ~ - V v €9 R p . "4 H 5 vEfit‘§1tes‘%'fhé7P§1rTi:i1n em (if 'thiS Ki11wg- H 'éérnegha~{}e%%*réc4eivéd*a‘LeEfé2i:f;'1§)z1t;ed%tAhe 4: 8;" away? fignedbymaixsspes.1:er of W V ‘“ th:é 4Ps:i*Ii§}J;j;;;1%¢§:nt5a_;_1"id& v§Jrit t and.’thE‘-:‘fia11yjjjDAe%;1::ra:i‘Qn544hf we 4 » Tpa1~1i¢men*ts of‘boi:h‘A“Kifigd¢;m‘es; they 1 it 5 . Ai“§‘* Elexfiandédifrnrfi t_hi§ Kingdbxh <3, : we ~om1y;;A1nen_*%» fly thinbsb£%;1aArt3ie{é >£nien;:,'~ ;W1jc1*eix1 1C:1ti sf21é°£i(‘.gn t‘i0nédi1i thr: 5g§nera1l';111fd th‘?é?1‘c3ff01‘e'4ci11§'iziotfo’ Wgzflih‘ Iecelve a pz11't1c'u1;1rAnswem M _ utflf by*1;hg.fg %ge..;A “ ma11:Ve:;p1~efiion~s, rihfefl Jatevumawfuxl cngage4ment% a‘%a“W% be; i*1ridw‘fib'T0*:1* 5; T hey‘ dAefireAv jthat Tthiz?" Prméew‘ A man agmfifb:::I1e5«fE+::fre4~1~n* P:'zr1mnen‘t»;, £lI“1& (5 £,23* A :1:‘i'c1‘.t1a?é-;&.».p:12:ofirionLihAag1c:.:thereAun%tobyafim.,__; =.;m mmfzs C"'9V}1‘1£7'£h..=th€y %—wnever layd _do.w:ne A unt11‘1*jt:11ze(}ar1'1’fo11s offijerwick zmd C’rLrlileA were ’ Rméw conalnom.-, tothe Gen¢e1:311j Aifembly of this Kirk, «WV? “ b6f113?P10» n.iéd§i.»m«» Pagl Of 313 ‘F35 i‘1'd0f /‘-”‘_§‘J} I 2&1-A3*.:4‘%4=And that Leiv4tenam: Gfineriill fowme/1, a11t'horiz’ €d from both Houfes ' .1i:he&Kingdom~a4‘of E2zgl.»md;maZbexememu 4 bred 5 woget her Atzhie "’L%et-terjtif :15 e %Hg:mfe-pf» ofAPasr1iamre’n;t $i*?t1po11Mthej fifth f-of ogabm. reprefent to the Commit;.¢e‘of ., Eftates of: thgg; “ Kipgdome, t€_heAwro11_%fgsand "injurif:s coinmftted 3‘... A V . ga1nf’€ft11€'? Kzngdomre of£nglaxdW1n%%A thatwfingagé-7 rnént sandthcreupon did dfmalldjtfhét they would 1- ~ M 3 . ,-,m . V , i , give afltgranceiixi the Name of «thé,%“.LK;qgdom;;-flfj‘ 4S’cotIaitd,¢;10t;}§[0«a%d1131C;91T fuffer any, whb h;gWveV*b4g;éf;‘ff;: ’ 1t° ‘th€?FA ~’11 . . WWI A A0n¢1y“A am‘t&l543afid4&b W i A szmlatimg4§h:¢1%¢*m9s$aaub1wadi§ éifqla m V K‘ * .. ‘.;.n I Q . W '- Ifthe Bendsao£MR;¢11‘gion,iiLoymyf alid A I§Lifl3dbihé75€w«imP@¥:ti?511 Cavvenantgyanddtne .»P37..0:"‘“;. f¢ffi0n$V and DwecLa:'¢ations of both%%Kingdomé$éi?;L The Pa:I%iamen%r they éflhaimiufii %°au?F¢.t0¢0m?1ainé yfmceedings in"Efi>g*f 4 % A nalu» 9 Kings fife, G1‘mcrn=mmt 0 And. the .C,>h:mge of the E-'und’%amengtéH f that ¢King&o$me :5 Agzixifl: ~tvh:i{éE;.% gm‘; Igfii,‘-1;; and» Ki;a.gdz~%m:e 5.andVAtI1s.§~rV. Czym&i41‘§3;;ga,.. A new havezpmte 5 and gu{cnA4 mil Imam whemw ._;mco=%1&hey%d%—"fl5fl.l fieclifaercwfind finrczc mats app mcntggc Aihczrefi {ih am: 14I4at:m: ~in= Jrzglarzd a~;backfl ‘ .din‘g.:5 %andi‘fl&pakrtuwi:ffimizcnha gr.mmd.s _pig}f.whcrflin.=1EH€A:""EW5'?ICW}gdUfl1%35 filava gafi .1: T1316;Ki"ngd0m*t3”d':c;thprg- mad 5 that the Wlatai“ pmceéidings there~,% agaiufi T5téa"Vti§.w3: bfi"difC'1&5iuWCd ,?:m:dV difavowcd,4as l:hAe proficuéion of the late %u.nlaCw%fui:1%A Engggemcm: aiainlt E’1zgl:md hath beqn difc1aim&d,% anddi"favowéd4%.' etc A Andthatfuch as“ have depg A,-*.%.~ ted Afrom{th¢'.:fie:4 %P%rimm7pm, and 1:hcir~ fo rntfet ‘prof-4 " __feflio4ns4, may rét4ume~[ to the fame. upon which_ ‘,!. ta » % n¢‘rs%pg;w%halfc of mm; Knnfiome, to Treat wtth ‘ ou{es"of the Parlia- e s am centena%co~«am:ihot izc;¥Commi{fio~‘% n1"“enjt4qf..4€gg14fl23'“‘J’“Etting if: fr§,éd¢§tfié%:,,A~‘con éerning é V alAl