A Ldking:g1ar1‘¢j g ‘,__,%___' _W_m____ __,;.;.‘ // A FOR THE % P AR L IA MEN T. Whfil-‘€511 E116)? may Ge the Face oftheiic umusr , ILLEGALL , Tkmsowoug‘ ~a;nd.REBELLI-OHS % PRAVQTIQESJ 1 Againfi Almighty CF 0 D.’ Again]? their K I NG. a’om:*-» .2 flgainfi their awn "Oath": and Covenants». -‘£3 tuufi hIl.—...._ -« 4. --......_,,. Again]? tbe Fundamem‘al1 L A’ W E S of the Kinfi A A A firgtted betwixt Two Learned J u D <3 E *5 ,A the one 1-emaimj ‘ ing an exilcnbeycmd ‘the _Sea_s~ , the othera Prifoner For his Allcghancc and Fidelity to his K I N G and Ya ‘E “ aux». ‘“,s"'“‘*’~v~, m L «mm .as._ u"“"W( ' 9"‘ *3, I; ‘W. .‘- V33», " “ v: "‘ --r . h« '“"" wr “' '‘‘..‘‘:a ‘in 5*‘ fin "r°"': ". ,I4 pr. ‘ '«i\‘u‘~‘ W-,‘,v‘>"“" “:"["A., ” - r W” .- wk wMM,fi 4;,‘ ‘-X1‘-aw; "'\< « m‘- “ _‘ H‘ i ‘ . « w ‘ Em: "' Q n, ...._4 .1. » \ L Egimodia yhs Eighthycgcr of the Parliament: A flfymmzy aw Upprej/7071: 1543» T the Reader. l . mu... an-«J lc cum" 12 out an A nmg‘ V l g’ g'H6fo,¢vertlJofl m't,; that [ball pemfe Ibis infzxirég ’Dif3ll All A out prejudice ofopisliom ‘lbeforcltbou lMfllWa1fil)' rékull M » 9 C0flT"/€5W€'d£’fiT6“fbi’¢ to due it with Czlvzdozgazzd with--A ¥ W I in, fkrioafly camflderl it, “and mlvifedly wzigbedit; and“ l A l A A ~ when “thou baf t [0 dme,if tboufbalt apprwe of ilt,pm-~ W {lice 2‘; .,. ;if, than dxaejmor, lam: receivetby modefr ; fegfroof in lwritizzbanll inform us betater lay m;o‘re% learned and infallible flfgamentxl of the .trml:‘irz tbofc gfvlllldi we [mm laiddown to our felvefa, and xwjball hold; our [claw much obliged zmm tlzec, and remqiize, .. l dz Dwa£td%Fm;?;~V A A tu «laws '9 act cgoo 3- A4 A 4&1-.13':l 'x6$8*‘W:" V 20. §R';llH0 « am . ‘W _. Ii“ ,, , A ‘ ‘ ‘ qfl V -‘ ‘ A-.1,“ -H.‘ V mm. \ _ 1 ' , ‘ ‘ A ‘i i i V W ' A ~ ‘**uf’c '<:—o'“n féfi"c“tbi‘yai'1*;hifh§7tI ciae apprelfi A V‘ lnenid Ehat d21€.'t'€:'iS'3. Le oiflative Poweg 11; ;he P&r1iam§:np , butl take 1:; tab»: jrz ijihérzjrzz cbrzjz{72c"2fa, not in fizrzfii J1’ ,i iri La: _ ;fe11fe‘Vvhen;he K I N G ijayfiédyf far1iament are united , em: the Whole fltreragtlx of the Kingdmne “iisgin their handsg that Bi5.hO_§S.R7‘E§}.l be rootec'nm1t, their Lands {wing eanci Presbyterian egovernment feded ; whxceh I ceneerve you alledgrs as argu.-« memes co» perfwade me toeecosaapourmmel take the O3-thes you memzfien; athefei are ea ther eeargtmnen ts of force amri ffa.uie, by ali zealous levers A of honom; , e juftice and Piety tehe refiflzed and Withféteod . then ofcruth and reafon robe fubznmd xzmze, and bake more We arguments ofSu-— % ?t0r$*Hi1L., ghen‘;We£%minfter H2133 ; but ifyeu My t;'1em before megs per-4 ~ A fiaxaiieaas of fears and terreaur V, _ I ezxfiver you in the words of King Dam wi&3_tiaatA}7@umay {lee have ‘mime she-fe cenceitseare , PfaI.2. 7’"IaePrincc;r qftbegmrtlq flewm‘ mp , and take .ca;mae!Z agaizafi tba.-~La:rd , mdzgaiwfl Ix}: c/fgsojflefcdg fa}-Trig, {Let :4: ivreakr their éazzdx a/lander,» and caflaway tbeir cqrdr flaw mi; be eimt dwcfiete in Hmwm/z’m/I Image them toféiame , rim fiard 17:44? i9mJ::$!.,.rem in darifim :, be ./2m/Y éméfé 5/vemwitb .4 Radaff Iran, and ézrtgmée tlaem peace: like as Patter; I/irfiél/. Eewz;/a Mew xifzerefart 0 ye: e Priucexébe gfmwsegi 0 gm: Vibe: are f’mz’g¢'.r oft/J: £’ert#2.Wk4t tkwugkrmmn e 0.fx.1¢:>:m;r:: came deem the King , andfatfiufix affiafim have clafm’ him in e . my ewre;y,%(?deee," tbmgape upw bimwirél. Meir mawtkcnr aw: they were rm}:-1, gvizzg mad roaring eifiom ? W33 »I1eEA1ethis sgeod King Davids Cafe,Pfa1.2:,z.1 3.. @ Partridge in M'a.~.uMwn;rmim: .9 1 Sam. 3m’. 20. did not Iéfimemitx 11'»: was met b:~bmmcm’efi'*er &} Say! to c.<’;j?ray law}: Zifkmr ax av-M34 émntezé afmnr ' W4T§;é24g"iw fat? may as»: ever] _fi,~',,/5.5:» ,,_tuer:nsz’¢2g Mwiwir eyes‘. dawmue tfiegrefind, AA Like we 31 Liam; etéd: it greedy ef }J.f?J1er¢_ye , mm’ was it were a £59m Wéalpee . mrfiwg inficret p!e4«§?e,5 , 1_?faL. 17¢ I *1 . I 12- T96] _¢#1L¢,4g4§Mfl Mm wifiafazfa zwregawzs, @2e¢grmpa5Q(]"edV,»6£7m_ge.£?awz wife ward: 9;‘ mired , wflxgbt agninfl W--u him ;.w£zbbm‘,a cm/:_.. Pfai. $39.3; And Davids enemies kept him Prifsmer A A ‘we as our King is,f:ar rake}: mmpajfkwi 11-‘M #5¢W,Pfa1. E.4o.9.Nay he come P1aén9s.m0x¢i:m?i*y.a W W. eeze: we ?°'i‘;‘?£’?!€£‘ fé"f:*‘~f are am the 325% ma isttftlet tfmfm bead ,%,t&:yt timt are mime ewtmiml tam’ wwiarideffitfamt gailtltjft are wzzgbty , Pl~al.69.4..A Yet what of all {bits 9 filtt’£z‘1mtl:t€r§' many protnifts held farth in the holy Scnpturts to ms, that may ztiltttt at man of the fmallt-l’t faith ," that the King H1-3.3.1 tt::;ll::tl3l%i{h:.2tl in hit: lTl1ront32.nlcl his entsmits <;'tanFtn1nded,for Davl-.l alltttts 11$ tltttt-:_ is trttily M remtrci fat‘ Me r£g;«’:»tea:M,DOL1l? tleflt‘ thtsrt is ex tjaafin Hmwm blitz: jmtfi-. egg»:/9 its tilt mrzb , 131211.58. I 1- mtl Pfal. 77-W Lard «‘»'3"kWW7W 5°} fit‘-Wt-W» meg jrtdgtmmt, 219: 2t::=icé-rd,/Ema’? fit: fimrml M the walk: esftbtzlt Qlbmc éstndx, fartalvt pzzore not émlmzzltxfargottm, Mm hope af tlaf a{}flt4Ii‘aal_/Zeta/Matt pm’/Z» far’ ever .: and tta prov-:2 this he afl%tmt==s by Rwy at €fVlt'l€l'lCL’:‘,Pf3.e 2;;t. A 3, pmm aim wicked mm: mince twenties ‘ , mm! my fat: Mme fitdlltm my M mm mp my fltjé , ti;9ty flmmlviedmdjfé/2’ , zmd Pfttlag O. l*‘lt3°{'l“1t3\-1J'tf“S3l1tl;‘Ia’ £‘lv‘1?ll“«*'&~ tamfzt by his tlxatlkfgivitug in theft: wottls, I wsllmagmfic time Q L£91*‘d,ft9a"‘ mm émjctlfet mwtp ,% mm’ not made myfa:.r to t2»'iz¢mp!:t awr am’ , I/§’0.fl laleaff ttmwd mt/vl hmvimfikimtvj 9}! , Hiram £3-7.22/E pttt afmy /ttt'&c!at»’a , attalgi ‘am’ met witbgiozdmeg}. How tlten cam ll tl__ilp;ti1*t: cf 01,11.‘ Kings tltlévtzmtlct and viélory P I hope Idmay without oflence lTi1§,7,tl1at I btzlczevt: om: King _ is a parallcll to Davitl in his ‘V€‘rtL1€i’3 ;, antl the jmilicze Of his Czmfe , éilflfl therefore {hall with D3.vitlPfal. 2. t. Conclutlt lZl1l$p0.l1’lt , T/Jfi Kiug (Mil ,, l rejayw in tin} [fa-tngtb 0 Law! , .d.1f£‘€¢a'IE7!(g'_gZV»¢~(1'j7;J.<fl/1 gm :9: aft/ayfaivuttémg, thaw f/BM; ‘git/5 /Jim 19:34/mm algfim , and wiltwwt deity {aim the rtqstt,/3 of I95; [ip5,':;u_]d why ? 3%:-caztufir the King pmtteté £222: trmjl imtéw Lam’ , and in the mere} afltbe waft‘ Mg/atfllae /7231! not mifmrry : And for thf: latter part ofyout Argttmtnt , which is , that eltlttxr the Ki1fz_t_:; will figtxt: the Ptopofitions,and lb mine (:‘llc.?btt;' will be conltfczttetl, or if he dot: not, the: Parliametltlxvill doe it by thtzir Ordinances Witltout him: I anf\.~vt1f,tl1at = - I FCar¢11_Ot his Maitflits conftnt to give away the ellatts of his Loyalsl ‘ - Subjefls , bt1ttif'l1e be a Prlfonet as you fignifie unto ml: by ytmttlttters l Y that he is,_I fctatrctnotlrntlch that Ins alfént to tht: Propefititnns cram tztltt 211- way mine eflate %; neither clot I hold it at pa"?-EEC‘: tafwiltlotnc to prtfft his . mnfent perdara: to finch Propofitlons , for you that m‘€16ar1'l<’i’Cl in the Lawts-know that {nah ctmfentisntlt any way Cblncling at all lamongfl; common ttftms, afartiariir-Etl1‘EKl1?gSCal1lé- And fmtthtir tlifpmfirtg ll ‘of',min,e etc are by Ol‘LllflallC€.*\Vl'Cl10l1f the Kings: mnfent , I tmullzltleale plaim-:-ly with you,it terrifieth me tmot atall, for I am clttttly of opinim A “that rm Ordtimnce wltltout the limgs cm1l”t=nt is lllllflllllg to the ptople; 5“ at can alter any‘ ptoetty that I have m mine t~lltate, by the Pttncl .’c11Tl€Yl«—- A if tallgawyes ftlte Latflcl the King; fh0l1ld§Q1}ft’rl§ tp{ucl1.a;t Or.» B ,3 . g:li1‘l,§m£¢3 (e) 5-#“°‘ emée it were eizeiy finding till the firfi Sefiione of the new Fariizii” ' -"amen: , and then to-dye ef it feife , ifm: againe revived ; *»Vi1iei1if.14.'A A thmigizt you doubted of, MI weuid make the peines m eieere it.b§y eiw-A i e ting yen authorities £'Teificiem in the point, whereupmz I eiemee gm: i but We wii infer that there can be no good aiiumnee eziiieie macie ref “ tee Bifhopsianés by Ozeimnee withoue the Kinggs R.e3miiend L “ pezfezaailiafienti not that both at either i-Keefe of ‘Parliament can ‘ f‘ difpofe ofbie Royall igerfon by any Lew efehe Lam {ee-Aide! hope } ‘ *9 God will neveripermxt them to difpofe of mm} athemrzie then tn‘ tcimeeiiaibiiflx him ineihis Theme aegeiee, and izweii him with eii his ~‘-* Reyaii powers and mtereiis, wmeh bwhe imowne Lewes ofthe 6‘ Lend are due unto him , and to maize hime. gimicms King: eeeeim ‘fleeing ta their £evera11Dec1arations,i Preteiiaziane, eases of Seem» W macie and Ailegiencegandi according to their ieiemne Leagezeaeei e A " Cmienzmr; all which ProtéPcatievns’,Oaehs,andiflovenemmevery I A .1; Member of both Heufes , either by the Lewes, orby their owne i ‘*‘Ox:ders, bath or caught to take. Now as concerning the Cevew nantwif I undierfiand it aright , the principal! cneis of ii are the fet- ” }-ing of Presbyterian government in the Church , the extirpation of Epifcopacy, the right: and priviledges ofiPar1iamem, the prefer» W vation efthe Kings jefiies perfon and authority , which is quali- fied with a claufe of equxvccation; viz. in the maintenance ii of the true Religion and hbemes 0f the Kmgdoemc , to bung Incendiariee and xnaiignantss or evil! xnfirumems to condigne puniihment ; and laffly, to effiii and defend all thofe that oym in that League and Co— i ivenant, to the ends and purpafcs aforeiaid. Thefe being the ends A of the Cogienant , it is expedient that I flmtmld ccmfider Wh-etherit belawcfu11totake~any Caveman: tending mthefe ends : for I wiii A eetdifpme the iegalityor illegality of taking of Covenants in ge- njemii, but whether withoiutmy King and his confirmation ",. Imay make any Covenant at all withiiiany fort of people in this Land, cf» peeiaiiy to abmgate any kmwne and eftablifhed Law efthe Land: New 5:0 puiidowne that gmremmenczoffipifcopacy which is ei_’ca-- ~bliflj.ed~vby divers efls ef ‘Paziiament in this Ifingdmme, tofetiup Peeebycerian by fierce ef %%Armes,whii':h isinconfifient with the Lewis iziiged Skamees cfthis Reaime , and without the Iiiegs eoefem {wine iny hie mffiéce ef divine appointment, is the‘nuriir3g ‘fewer M the L ‘ V » Q-ee.:u=.‘eix,. see [fieM»5 49. 32. and by theestatutesw" this Lami acknewi» A iiledgeei C 7» ) lac? to be l"t2p~reari1eModeralor and govemcmr of llaa fll-ztwmla. am A‘ Kingdoms , as lmrmfter is more at large? declare W lwry much A Claulmand {ample , whether Imay dam, anal €l}€$l“&llll3fill.“ll‘7ClE‘ this cam fmtvflzare lell jbyninggz; lug an taazlawfull lT..Lm~"::*n,-mt," mp» lyllllbe funnel m fight agatllnlll God , as it was filial in aha. calkz‘: of‘ the- Apallrlas, A’z5Z.5g3o.. lmlll €nlcl'i:-mm thls Cbvllemnt to eradicate Epifcepgcy Wl:l»<;‘.l3 llalhbarm approved in the Church for the firlt V 1500 yc-:-was after Clmillésr alcemlmz by all men that have profelled Al zhelnatxas al Clrmfl , amclwvagflwulutlelle cl" Apaflolicall irzllituzion {if We may give .l"~,.~‘_~;~e;;llt' warm the ancient Fall‘aers,an<:l Chromlogics . ofzhe Primltiwm limsss) afltil mzllifi a League to let up_ Presbyterian glovcrnwment, W .‘l£l'..l was nwer to much a3 heard ofm the Church “under ml: n0tlor:(l£r:r mulgln I cw madjzlll me revnlt ml the Towns ‘ of Gczmmb from their obedlfimcm unto the Dulw of Smmy in the year: M of our Lord 1535. at which timmlley woke occa-fiomo change their ald Religion, and to expelltlla-zir Blflmps for cozxmeraanca A tothalr rcbellitm , and called in Calméa a learned man of Franc: : bred up intht Clavill ‘Lawsflollae their Moderator in Divinimwhmm tlneyllfizcrtlarough their iFlCf?vl”éfi73.I'lCil‘3 lwaniflaeld, and wouldhaw: lmd ll alBé{lmp 0f the relcmmsd Rcslzglon 1f thmy could %bm'c.,pr:.::mresl; . confecration, for vmnr whereof they txrrcalled him agamel upon ls:-l _ cond thoughts to pc: l-Efl their new modell of Church» government, which be there cllablilhed as it happcneclin the years of our Lord ,. 154:‘. H as partly by his owns Epilllec, andmore plainly by Mr.».% flafilkgrxz. woslms, and by Frmcifcm Bazaimrdux his wwitlngls m» a Sea A, bmllian b»linllflm*,and ellewhme appear:-:3; whicln kincie of Gmmrn--ll A, mmt, as mamy learned menare of oplniolnfis nairhar‘ 55 Apallmliclall nnl’c1tutilo‘n%.l nor example, imt‘ agreeable either to the prxmmive wzrla try our regimcjntin tl;‘l§e~Cl‘»_l1ll'Cl'l,, net the true.Chriflian sllmrly Wlfllfihfi, ‘V the Saims~oflGm:l doe challenge ; thbuglu I willnm démv that theme wjcre both Elders a»ndll?r::~sbytct*s in theclxurchnl Chrill in theflpm files times, yet I take them rather to be a {l1lDOI‘€lln£lt¢3,l;llCal] an dlillimfi degree fmmtl:}€,,Rcgiment0f Epi1’c'opacy. Am,djt‘lhem2lmc for men l that am not better fazisfied in the dilciplinc c;f‘Presbyteryl,. Am-ml} more perfwafled Vofthle divine rightol Epifcapacy, to .:£ake‘;thi's. Cm- vezémnr ,”A were to a& a fir: of prelumpltion againll the perfwafion‘ of my ¢:onfclence,' wlwrein I may bclfald to light aagainll 69¢ A;A.f_o*: xm_pre{¢r:v;at,ion all-Elle Rights and Pl.‘i_Vil,€Clgl:3 of Parliélfilfiiltfi GM l9§§i§all~W:wJ .fl|?0l31é;l?9§§l9S;ll§Ell§«i!£§l%..‘3?l:?9l_’§m£ll19 mainvm. l h . A them ; fo long to the Houfes move Withiot‘fieirSpY1eare 3 and fleet-ei A their eoutfe by the knowne Chanels of the Lawer of England , and A launch not out into the maine oflkrbitrargt Government without feale or eompafi'e,fo1ong I hold my felfe obliged with my life and fortune to tnainetaén them. But whether all thoi-‘e thirxga arepriviledgea or Pat-« fiament which are now pretended to be fo , or whether the Hotzfee more in their proper Otbe , Wit«hOfJtif1'€gL11aFity or deriatiota , it be-w iog Va t‘a.atEE“Y6f"ft3.t€ , which I beingabroad cannot take to petfeét not-a V tieedot, I leave it to you , and other learned men who are in Engiand to e judge or, it being more proper for yougand thofe that are upon tire place J to give a determination of it,_then myfelfe, 6 M-2.d touching the prefetvatton oftahe Krtaga Magefhea petfort , K hold it my duty to lay downe my life and fortune for itaeither in Attire a or Pafiive Obedtenee , Wtthout any refervatron or {itch tefirtfttotr as is ‘V aforefaidwhatfoever. And I cotdd Wifh for the Worlds better facia- faflion, that the Houies would pleafe to ezrplaine themfelves, what the A . Religion and Liberties 0ftht”."Ki11gdO11‘1€ are they mean by thefe words (in the prefervatron and defence of the true Reltgton A, and Lteertxes of the Kittgdotrrej And as tottciaittg Iocettdiaries, Malignanta, and erifl ire» _ V ttrumeots ofall forte, Y could wiflx they might be tryed bye ittdifierent }t1Cig(t‘S1mVfi1U,.*,7 confcitttted, and bythe kuowne eftabliflaed Lewes of the Land , attd7'by thofe Lawes to be brought to eondigne puniflwnent a A Burro enter into a Covenant or foleinne League to defend the perform a ofthoferthat flattll take itio any other ;fi::‘r1ce , then what Ihave before exprefied 5‘ I doubt I may r:or1a'\-=vfi1?dy doe 1t. Another fcruple I xmke, Whether this Covenant is not already broken by thofe that have taken it, in the verydAt"c of dreflraimlng the Kings Perfon , and by tzdrinsg away a ofhis Authority from him, and it: other points, X will 1"‘:0tflOW infiit tu-- * A‘ pen ; if it fo Fallout in trttth 3 fittitt it be &1t‘€aC{}?bI‘Ok€11 , Iought -not then to j0y1‘1(3i1”‘x L€agt’i€‘ant1 Covetzattt with thofe that hftxng up their hands to the high God _., have»fi,vo1*tae to maintairtetand Iteepe the fame , and notxttithfiandimg this their Oath, {rave falfified their Faithto A V Irim:rrzith'wI1o1rx at I {horrid jogrne my ft-lfe, muould fay with the rebel» liods Jewes, I-Iofeat to. g; Wee am am King, _,’ deem/e wee flared rmriaa .£am,~ and wiser févauld «=3 Ififmg are to m?At1dtI flnould not only doe the fa~mAe which they have done , butfl*1otrYd ado favour them that do t§‘t{f.1-‘I1; rnakding: my f61€€'tR701‘t}1}i, ofeterntdl death ', with tirofe Carmaaaazf large; eew which Saint Paul. maiteamentiott oE,t?totm.t.go.3 r.,Atrd tiramttiauehd A A - eortcerning 7‘ eerning theiCo$renai’:t. Butttuely Sirthough Ifftaite not‘iip'ot1"hae to r difptrte the laxvfiiineife of the power or both i-iou its to impofe Oathes ; Q”; Cmzenantts upon the Kings people; yet if! were in England , and _ mags CQvena1‘,gt , or the negative Oath, or any other Oath or C.ovexaan§t i were ofhered to the by way of ixnpoiition V or conitraiht , If doe. A eonfeffe I {horrid make the‘fetWo objeétiéns agaiiiifiz it : theaonet a is that which a wife and great Peere of this Reahne mow fitting in this pI“6f€nEParii:tinEf1t ohjecfted a gainft-t that Oath which was oefereti to be impoieti upon all the Members of the greatC<:unfe1latYorit bccauietof Wtzttnh-_€3*:?31y:g (mrtfot fears of puniflmment) but alfo fo1“fconfcimcc.; fake}; [ for tttziataufc wee ought to pay tribute to whomwee owtt mzr: &K‘?:§?£?fi€€, mltcamé totwhtzm cpfirsme, Fearé to whom fearteq, ht0nQ7t1r;ttt¢:bA A x,,xm:r:»m tfmtzour as due ; in which words St. Want couplethj "COgQthCff,: A M Wijtaltfifiaty of fubjefiimn and obcdicnce which we owefm taut ‘K-mg, tribute, fame. and honour; t:wher_e>,intthe firPc place, wefimrc ta? , V gomiidtr mm St.t?mTsIwtote thafeiprecgptt tolment asAfr<:6tin'Ci1riIt A _ A ,4, C :4 A , > M rbionarchy : neitizeor muftwe forget that thefe preeepxs were writ- “ten in the time ofthat heathen Etnperour N-era, which then ruieti <2- cm.) as outfitives, and to R;omaes,men of as «much iearoir:g,e_eeregg,and i warlike impioymems , as were anyat that 211-T16 , or {into in the world , and men who not 1' ng before were brought from the fab?- jeflion ofa popuier Rate, to the obedience ofa {ole ar1t*i‘fovereiggt;ie vet the Romans , anti the moft bioody tyrannous aode pezfecutiog Tyrant and enemy to the Church of Chrift that ever was before or r iioce his time .- And yet St. Paul tells thofe Cbtiiiian Romaosnheyi tgfinoii be iu'*j:.;& for coofeience fake, and his rdofhfine wastztte, and?" not without Warrant from Gods ovme mouth; for let a Kirag be oe- . vet fo vttieked, yet be it Gods ordinance upon us , and being Gods Ordinance we: are to obey him , by his efpeciallgcommancietnent 5 Icraémm was a tWiCked‘Prir:1Ce and an Idoiater. and caufed Iirael to fall away from God , and to iaerifice to Idolls , “ yet we finds that -God. font eA'I'aija_/a the Prophet unto him with this mciiage , I King. 1;».4..7. “ Gene teli feroboaemfior as much as Ihavc exalted thee front “ among the people, and made theePrince over myipeople I{raell_.-;_ and ‘Goa fem: jehu with cite like meffage unto Brmféa, as we read Irpf King: 26 t2. And We read of Syrrz: the Affytrian heathen Empo- rour‘,41fa-irz/a44s.28." where God faith offyrux ,-He is my {hepherdgi and fhaloiepexfortne all my pleafure , and the 45-1. oo'I‘h‘us faith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whofe right hand I havehotlden to M fubtdue Nations before him ; a.nd”verfethe 5. of the fame Chapter,‘ A Item the Lord, andthere is none elfe, there is no God befides me, I. gttidefi thee , tthotzghthou hafittinot known: me. Godi alfo eallcthi ‘ Qflebwcbadeszer-that wicked , ileiolatrotts peerfecutingheathen Kingf of Baeyiron , his £'erva.nt no lefle. then three timesin holy writ, as” we read Ier.:>.5-~ 9.:z7;r1 6. it end 43 .1 o; which {overall places of Scri... pture doe clearly evidenceito me, that be the Prince or King never,” to wicked‘ioritIdo1atrotts, be he never ro uojuit; my be he Pagan of Infidel}, God ackoowledgedethem to be his owne ordinance upon; A his people; nay,-andmore,com::nands he people to yeeld obedience, to themes his ordinance , uponpetne not only oftetnpora1lde{iru- xition, httt of everlaitxng condemnation , and thxs1s‘proved unto us byi'teha{t rc'om.mand-of God given to his chofen _pcople‘thc Jew;-.s,: V ¢ fleet; 27.1;~2;g ,. Bring jfaarixtclquxder tlaaynkg qfitt/.1: King of Babylm, and, /‘€95?-’=f€~t’,€f'???§’“4§'€’=.. we vim» sire rem mdtiw-writ 5: Wfavord , ‘.‘."'/7» L on 1 i “ (13) A l A A Pol i the faminamma’ 5]-H’:-e pefli.!mce,M tbgfiara’/mtb five/(in dgaiflfl tlzei Nation ibato wit? natjer one the King of Boéylan, t/sarefbre bear/(:3 wt to the word: qftiae, ‘P}‘opf.7c’t.r I/Mr .6733.-aka’ mzztajoofoying , Tr: /Ina/fine: /or we rise Ifing of 3:351)/lam, for t/aejipropéqfla at ziyamzto Jforzlf, for I lmveizmtfmt x13¢:o=;r,}w 7 they propbrflo o1;,'eis>z my name timtli I rovigiar drive you out , mm’ tin.-1': ya: a mzght perif/5]: and tire ‘7’rap£w: rim: prspb:-fie mm ya:a.Nay,God by the “mouth of the Apofiie St.I’ami.ARon3;iz 3,1. commands us upon paine of damnationto obey his ordinancoio tonic worcis ,. Let cogrjfamla V by fméjcff to tire‘ kzgéér powers, for rim,-:1 zit ;:o“p0w¢jr [wt of G ad , wbafacryer refxflctle the power", "re/{flex/9 £5.23 Ordiow-ace of Gm’ , and they :64: rrfi/Z, flan]! receive to wmmzm damzmtxan .- who thcfe high powers are, St. Peter tells us, 1 Pet._2.13. Sxzémir yaw /aloe: to every ordinmsa: afm4.oV A jmiae Lardxfakt, 1'R/9‘¢‘tk6’~r 5! 56' W the Kixzg M /wprwmc, or xntagavcr. figyrj, 4; ymtotlonflv t/Mt arefisiar £1] /aim : The King than is the hightflz ‘l power under God in tns Rc;aimo,n amci gnaw.-moors are {em but by him,r_and therefore only robe obeyed,bccaulc fem.by him: thus we fee, were our King an heathen, an Id olater, an um} nil , or pcrjured perfon,yet h¢ is Gods ordinance upon his people; God [0 acknoW-- ~- leclges wicked Princes toibe, nay, commands obedience toiithem, loll: we be temporally dcflroyed: Nay,moro then t‘oat,ic;-‘ii we riecoivo to I ourfelves damnation : What then 2* {ball I iweareno: to fc:=rv‘o, ho- nourn-,M iubmit unto , and obeymy moll: Gracious Sovereigns Lord King ['/gm-lax,‘ a Chriflian King. and anointed, crowned‘; my my natura1iKing,.as religious, jolt: pious, vcrtuous. rnercilulhoncl wife a King as ever reigned ovierlthis Realms” of England ,, or at this time lives in the worldmvithout difparagement to any Prince, . orPoten«- rate now livingoupon the face ofthe whole éarth : Marry God For- A bid , for fears: I receive unto my fclic damnation .: No , I will with V St. “‘1”et:r, 1Pet.z.1 7. ,Fc.m'_Gad, buxom" the K ing ; A which Words import a mofi: holy ordinance, eternal}, and indifpcnfablt, and by us i A 4 for no ordinance of man whatfoovcr to be omitted ‘,l or by any Law to be difcharged :‘A thusimuch in generall touching the duty that G‘: A Very Subjcfl owes to his Kingiby the Laws-of God. i Butif 1cbe_obj'_e&ed, thatlthcfe general}precopisfinforcc nag] ' thing in thmparticularncafc of tho Negative Oath. . A g L I aniwer‘, they -idoeiivcry pregnantly , for the words of the Na-— A gu_tive.Oath are thofc, _I. A. 3.,doe fwearevfromzmine heart thacl ‘ .vvi11.s19! éirfifilya; :19: "iodizgfily adhere “etc; 9: Yszillirrsix a.fii1‘t"i E?” Q; 3 1. Eng M? King in? %&§i’§7W‘a2° fir ring thfés Cwfils agaififi aha; ‘£'?a¢rIi§s,m:3n& rm wfiich wows maven an amiaamtmwm mm at duty an myfifimg , vmim 1 _byG@d3La,w and his holy Ward E am es-a3E”ayn€& m pasflarmeat ma % wards him : and if E {wears this oath, Eraikraine my wife marshy in pm of that {u‘sj<:&ios2“%and obedience which is dais from’ mm to % Sovereigns; For it dmh; not appear: by rite Scriptures afs):c»m::ntia‘m med, mar by any omssr shad kmw , 2&3: them is any cafe wigmfg. em excepted, wherein I ought nu: ta pay tribmte, cuflmmc. £*::::»m=3 4 orw1mrwurw«my Kmg ; Bumnthis cafe i sngagrt: my {$153 by mien: oath not wadherc, orwiiiingiy aflift the King in thig ‘vVarre%, or in - this Caufa againfi §§-w.Pariiam;:nt;" whim is as much am [3379 as I {hall rm: pay h1mt’mt mciuam mm by the Lz.wo€_God am! irej—.-mfhon of thfi Scriptmues : if it bee objeflefl that me: Scripturcbindes maze not to afliftrhe King , or adhere smtqn him im mmer of War .- I%ar1fwcr,i:AdotZ1, though {satin &irc;*& wmrés 3, ya: in full eff?-28: arid fubfiancae : L for within the precept of.APm£ér 'L 5 2.17. Fa.azra%God, kanazsrtbaffzhgv, And bytha firfi. Comsmnciemenc ofthe fecond Table, hormr thy rather am! sky mother is inc1uded_ai£ manner of aid and ai-'fi‘f¥:an~zc duc ton King both in warm aimj A ¢% peace, nvhich I pmm: thus : Five Gerzwxt n::mf::~=, which I mew in theinzerpzcetation ot Sc:ipmres Easing moft auzhenticaflof anyin thcfe ti{Ia:.‘:S of R.efarm:ation,¢commenting upon the 20 E::,‘«“.=/;.x2.V on thefe wards ,, Hmmr rlayfiazlaer and fiaymarlaar , expreifé tmrby the parents alis isflmrmnt all that have a1z<:9;ac»ri~:§w::ve: ‘~33, w"’f:mi‘ein” %th»;=3 King is mcZmd»:-;.=da“nd upon ma 5 Chap:. sf gD.::ut. I 6.vc::fe.- upon thzr fame Words, 9,195‘: thL1_2; not for"fh::w,bz1tV with true cabzaziigzz-xcze, anti with due reverence garfi ripen me I5’. Chap. of/7/Igmh. and 4. iverfe, wfiere onrTb1E.fl3ddSavi(3{1f repwves the Jrsrwazs for not c:b;I«;:rl- AA Ving this ‘commmdfitmt-mt E5}; csfiifrimg ¢hA‘eirL{ii;rVba:3, whichln their A cafe was much mm this N.:3gat§V€ %O".mh“ 'iz1 murs ,j ‘%fai%:h~r.h;us ylzntb ihm; : ‘ Pfwzaxrtéy f;t?:f£:e;rm:d tézjmpr/gar 3 and !..2.to pray for Kings to that A purpoie: Nay, by mine oath I am obliged, if 1 meane rm kecp it, ta 4 fiand by, and {ac any fonldiaér in the Parliaments Army to killhim, A and may go: aflifiz him to refcue hislifé"; wherefore if I doe obfcrva this Oath, I take it not in truth, but to an unjqfl and unlawful! and, V and thcreforc take it not in~j'u{’cice and righteoufncfle. Secondlyjf I underfiand not what ufe may be made of this oath, or what I flmll be inforced m by it , {take it not in judgement bl-It rafhly and unad- A4 vifedly, and thercixi commit a grievous firms; Now I know not, as . % this Oath is permechwhfat interpretation maybg made of-it, foriwf I A takeit,I1weare.that I will not direfily norindxrefily ad-here unto, V or willingly affift the King in £hisVWarre or in this Caufc againfi: the ‘V Parliament, nor any forcesmifed againfi that was Houfes of P Malia- men in this”Cau{e or War. Firft, I ‘know What will be interpreted anindirc-:& adheging to the King , or aflifiing ofhim. Secondly, I , A Jkzggw not what: as mean: by this Caufc. qr howf ara itmay be extenv 'ded.V A (:7) j W M V éed.‘ Thirdly, I know‘ not in what fenfe they take theft Words againfl the Parliament, whether they ineluie the petfon of the King within N the word 'Pfat‘1ial1‘1CI‘}t,‘O1‘ his powetonly eztcludinglhis petfon : ‘neither A-tint} undetftand what is meam: by any Forces taified‘ againfli the two. A I-Ionfes of Pat1:?.~amen-t,the-tfe being now no fuch forces in the Kingdoms-.,,h at-mat War at an end; therefore underftanditng not the extent of thefe t+particn1ets,I_ fweate tafhly, and therein ‘commit a finne ofptefumption V if I take it : And lafily, ii‘! taheAt11is oath, I fweate to an unjnft and-=un:A.~ A lawful! end; for I fweateto withdtayv mine obedience, {uh 1' et"tAion amt 1' allegiance ftotn him, which is an unguit and unlawfnll thing, and :9 an ill end , the fame beiagt tine unto him by the Law of God ,, ashefoteie A declared by the Laav otnatnte, the Law of the land, and the law of rm... A fan, as hereafter {hall be proved. To conclude this potnt , in taking of Oaths we ought to take Iaeetf’, that we obferve thefe rates of the learned Fathers , that is , as to Oachg which we take vtoluntatily, and not hy_ coertion,ot by any impttlfive r1C«.¢ tc ééfligy ; (ta? jazmre, (4: /dcrammtam p:’a~mt:;r‘1 azafit trimifllfim inigwtflfl "‘ tzér : fo to fweare that the Oath or Sacrament of g;god'1inefTe Whichwee e “A 7“ take,beco1*ne not a bond of iniquity to our fon1es,therehy to engage us “‘A’ in things unju{’t and nnlawfitll, both againft the A I.aWes+ 0? God and F? men :A And at we take raih Oaths, to doe an evtll thing;-,t peaitezidapfa- \ as mifla nah pcrfiaienda prefitmptia , Awe» mnft repent of our oath, and A A“ nottcotmnit the eviil , and ifwe are inforced to fweare that which his “ uninttatad unlawfizll , and againft the Lava-res of God and men , wee “ toncewe out {Elves not bound thereby, \ For Jajajha winomln mmpit jus- A f‘ flitia! Iuflice and enquiry-brea_ks the hoxudaof 1:uc_:hantQatht from our ?‘ confctences : It bemg a cettaxrm Aztxome m Dwmity ,. ,,€?godpar fa. '65‘ crammmm mm murmur rxifi ad éarmm, amt lqgalatt : By Oaths mm are A boundhtothe performance «of nothing but what is goodand lawfull‘: , A Now to manxfeft that %th1s.AAOath 15 aggainfc the Law of nature, V weare to ' confide: what the Law ofnatnte is , A which we finde ammg the learned Nfgam to he dtfttnguifhed tnto two kindest , general! and fptciflll‘ : This gemg.;.A g‘;“?{"' tall by U-hlpxaa 5’: fufiitia a» fur: L. 1 .:.«Zr. 2 . is thus defined, afar gm- hot! 7“ ml: :fl,2uodx4txrd ammmr J§fl1fiifil$'ddfl6'Il1't": AA Natural! Law is that n:n:utc.,: . (6 which na tnte hath tauéht all creatures 1iVing',Whi£h he difiin tfifhethe h thttsfiom tb€‘*fp€CiaH": A nmixaaliam, tfitae term mar: The of Nature (faith he) is not- proper to man alone at hot the A «W xtfiflfl mm hflmanigeacrar praprilwm cc! await. “ gut um/mmsr, aaiamqaaqm wmngm, fame €t8)]» — M h mn‘>g-»1%shg3aanzmg;:h £6331 iivihg crgfsamrcs, A as well A m 13% as m M2 wlmichh that Lan&.hh&*,ti:ze5c:a pmducs 1:h‘,-and agreeable: to £1113 th12th~4*crip«h z§umAhc:f‘zhe Lf.w ‘Inf Nature, fer dmvhe by learnedandrctm'<:m‘1, I“1’a:2cJ/(erg &€«*'117l_.‘h§S‘;f.:t:1f3’..3A‘i~bUQkfi_0{’E'CC1€fi3PEf1C5;u pohhcie, ; Wherchhy he cams it 9 '1'E;;2,%r, “f:hmanx1erof'\Mcr1<1ng Vvizzchfiod hath fez far each cw:‘:it€d t}*;ii:gto h “fhe A being a direfior of inhlait k11dw1€dge,t‘hgL1idie 171m;:re‘1'n hm: *.v.ray@s: / But I'm;c—:;me xnerjat that this Negative 0a‘2:1u3againfi this“; gcmrall h:1*h * hi’ mtrmrz ., bhuththereis :1 more fpeciali Law of nature proper to izmzfiihchs scaly; whichh wifl fiZ§;’€1'«3 as re ;t§r=.c=hhc;h11::i%:.>zav2 in haizd ahfmrliich fpftfi Jmfrzataxre ism ‘$53-5.‘. m11":as-m.h, :St..‘e/fa: h:¢ z*‘z"m:111hi&3 E ifihs :zdH27¢’. 8 in A * h an ‘ ( ‘ ' ‘ rz ft. , ' . - .9. ‘-g h Ewflifigfiléwm falwfiw Tra.fl‘.49- <:iz:%*;m€;‘s .thL1S~,h’L¢*x«7»w:t:¢rh;zZ;2v cf} zmprrfika “‘ d2":;»vz':4:'iZh':;¢‘214':iz2*z§s' 5.5»: name 697* pmrrfcipgtia iwgzk eanersm in h‘;--arzhamlai haw.» zzsma : The L:n*J nammfh, f3iEh.h€,1sth<3§E17*7T>1"~F:§3QG:] 05’ dzh/ine‘%_ig‘;h.tix1~h emda partibipatioai cf the eterhfii !.'.:§=zw ha {ha r@fl;{7<'m;.-fizlfi (L:1‘(3?;.1;:mah‘i?rSffi\ wiiich difiizuflihzu {,‘2t1*e~ngthe1'3::vl by t§:2?_t c3":s;ggefiL1iat£h1a«hwhhchh w'i»£a4.i’as £;1mE::¢s in thepcgrfon QFG-odhwith Cain, before 54:13,,’ Lczw written , Gm, «~q.;hf;.h'if‘h:I1esahudoi°%xve11«,hf}2aIz:thm amt be: acc¢pt<;~°d,8z if thou «:{o:9t‘nos:we1.!,, ;fix;1}iyetI1fa:r:htIa‘e d0&3:fe?~For fo ishhthe MW 0fmam1"<-2 impartegi umo us by £1»- i,:1£=:;i11ahti0z1 of the Law eterna"1I :1? hthamhis is moh cieam St.”PM1lwi{~ if1€:‘flff:i:‘I;,f,'1jL'1E1II(3l.;l1Sx, Ram. .‘3.~I 5.. 14.. For wh«:~n the ‘%Gent£h*s (fizithh hes) ‘W,vhiC»}i“,I1aiI€:‘,}ht}0t the I;?.~1w, h Cfimfib‘-}7"'11£?J:fl!f€‘ the-‘things c,o21t:2.i:1c.-:*hd°in the Law, Vpheffih having; not the Law, Me :1 htwv unto thexnfelvssrsi which flgew tiaié works-~»e€thc*: Lcagv Writtén in :heirhearts‘,h their crm-fcience alfo beaé mag; Vyitmifhrig mini} If ésirfi thoug«i1ts mean W;hi1e%e:x:cufing or accufing M16111;.;_:vmhawthherthing was this ,5 but the L'1w.ofnat:1re%, or the im--- bfdivimehhgght i11h-:1_1e‘hesv:ts OA{:~hth€_G*€{1E11‘ftx1attt1*e,gf:%;tm‘l aitb t0§.t‘t_thCm know‘ thatthelaww of natttre its to bee 0h§e1*vech‘ tthat being :1 patticipaticm of the eternal L:.uv,i.tE3 both. pe1*pett1‘3.1ta:-L:-mi Milflltettatqfiiéif, zmdi not pt'eft1mptLtoufly to be wolatedr The eeztfziderattiom mrlqgregfgnoxrcd Pytbaggorm the heztthen Phi1ofc)pE1er to pubtifln atttozigfic M tf“his gqldetitpreeeptsj thiS01‘1E*,‘ mi! tarp; 6'£?7é?JFf$9’£'fftZd', nf*qm=tm:4m czlizéa-J, LA?‘ meqwxetracum matxime amniwm,fverere tewfum , co111tmt nothing “ fouie “ - 17 difhoneft, fctith he, tteither to be kttzofxvn to other_s,nor to thine owzx “ heart, but above aMthi11g3,teverence thifie mvne ccmfeience *: but to drztwfomewhat nearer to the thi110' in purpofmand to_ptove that tI1isNe«» ‘gatiV€"O:1I:h;. is againfl: thelawto " nattutfe, I xnufiz obierve with HQU/<9?» that aswtthereis a Law mturall belonging to men , as they are men in ' their kindc-:,t which Law direéteth them in the xnezmswherebyethey fitvherehy wea~rebounde.asfociab1e parts by the Qajv of tggttttte united are to fteere their aétions as to theitowrxe particulaif prefervatiozw , fo thereistta Lawnaturall which toucherh them as focnzble parts uniteti inttu t>"ne%boclyt, y at jL=.1w which bindeth them to fervetmto each 0ti”.t.t€jI‘;*33‘ ’geod;,a11d all to preferve the good of the Whole , before tvimtfoevet their owne tpartiettistrt, sand firom both thofe roots or br:;2.nehe3% at the View ofnature, fpringsthe allegianeet , fubjewon cmdiloy-:~t11 obetiieneeg "jtvttich%'i§ due from a fixbjeflflunto his King , from thitt ” fpeciall ‘Eitwv bf mttare? &Man by the impteflion of ciivinef lightisbotnxd tat: ebferve the ‘Imv natuta11,ta§”itiswritten in his heart ,; and is parted’ the Lctw 7eter«~% mil by which arebound to obey, a11d~fi1ccout,a_nd amt; watt Paterttsg Whethermtt naturédl parents, at the pgrentsof our Country; and from this relative Law j0ffl5iU1I'€,a$ I may fticall it, or the Covenzmt ofttature ‘ D24 ' .... ---ti into V (my int6r'éné% boc1y=Ffor the prcfrrvation of the whole’, the fubféfi to o'bJ:di’... ence, faith, and allegiance, the Ki13grc,a.%prote&ion, and ta main-rains ch}; fa1_ws,»b@,_diés;, and goods of his fi1bie<‘}s,.and both together t:o%1naiz~i‘taiz1'e 21;: pew; gEVa11;.gg fertejcst in hi%s%%brse>1>:e of 11-he pr«aife%o5= the Lzwcs of ¢.E}2gl4:1d, Cap-1 3,.o._bferves; and thfirefore Gianni! who wrote: in Ham. 3. “-%ti3r;eg,VL,49». Cap. 4. faith, Mata: delve; cg}: dmim‘ cj-4-fidclitatxk mm- .;c L1;st.é:s'é; , it»! qjwd g/mznt:¢m%daée: qmfqx: damina we bonmzgio, %t.a—a:t;w: 4:’:- “iféet vifli damiws axdamina pram-zr/glam ax ream-enti.c»£,the 1r1ook A 5“ «how Ifhugh fubjec“zion or. obedience the ,tenant or fixbfcfi crwes :0 his “ Lord, 12> much doth the Lard owe to his tenant by way ofprotecffin , A % ‘? reverence €XC€pt€d;‘C\7hiCh knot» Arrficztle in his firfl book 0fP0'iitiCkS ?",proi&es to be the dug; of natufireg, Forfaith he,.To command and whey is “‘ &:§Fnfit%ti%re‘%, for“ Wh&%:foeve1* is nece_f‘{a~ry and profitable For the prefér‘. “ lv":1Vt'im’1 V 05 the {o«::.ie'ty of _mz:e.ngis due by the L‘-nv.%of'-mature. NW, “ A.TxaIY} lié.3. de1egi£f:4Jte11s us; thatfl?t2_.‘ z'm;:rz’o zsec damn: 354, rm‘ :2; ct ryi._t9u, mt: gem‘, nec%éamiu;Mm%%,umivcr/um, Vgmacx /far: , nan ipfe dmiqm 4922:5231»: potefl; which is , That without command or" giovcrnment, “xwieitiner any houfe ,; not Ci‘ty,? nor Nation; no2<1n:mi~:inde,¢ norm coni- ‘VC1udAe%,%the»wor1d cannot ftand ;but~~pemdvemure that will be com... V feflfed ,% and yet it will béclcnied that the world camnozr fland without V %Mon”archy, and %objec°ced that Monarch,y is not that government cllac ought to be th_<:La.w oEna‘tu1‘.e : to which I anfwei-I‘ with egdrtflat/6, in his firflz beaks of E;hic1m_a¥e:i5é** A=&’£m§s%ém3i.«é?af«a3 i§§fivéwi&am , fig‘ mg3§m'sx*"r&i髧 K-zaé‘-’ra:v’;.:2.§:_c;: , ‘Cafe 9 ?re£otr&efiin4t'h¢{ewenth paarf néf ‘Sir Edwdrrfix ‘gC92w&‘f§.’§ Pw~:~pormf3.; : that tfime are in 0ur7*MwA*four¢k£mds of 2=.E?£ag€ancc%; theAfi.d.‘€: mamraiiia %‘whicfi%isd:.11e ‘from mre:ry i:ib‘je& borne Aw§m?jm his; Mai%&§%i&$%m“nfn1Ai« 1 méiciinm to ms jMa:§ePcy=*as {Of his Smrismig-rm Loré anti King. Tm may madis1£igeantia1a‘g;siz3:,,.V«:rlegalAmegmnce ,% which £3 duedVb57’ve:vm°y ~fubj?e& to the ifiingby raafom o¥§':1iix Mt Rdfiaii, anfi aim is :19: mm» mail, but areatcd by I£§.ng¢ALV2fl’r¢!%:s:"—§0Eqztpuiiibn of tE1+aS.z.r:m:a*§:~si,,,3~.4z“:a~d% ‘continued may by othm Em.‘ the mm mile ,,%'"an& is prapcfr Em Mia fupprefiing of ir2i5t:riéf4?L<1%ic2fr23? , .:-mati €~:a§I=&%1ing%§nva&.er%3.’ Th£3§hi'§‘"C‘:._}§S', % ALig:mzm m‘qi5.t}C:°tz1rt,or purwmfacfi a‘sE:<: gian¢a, w'h‘ic [h mmm §::;y i.t2&.e:~ nization. Thu fafiis-ah amm7V£a%{’t §.sE:ar:.'za,‘£:3;s'41§&V:Ezaz:cL3.mc‘*§ £;t"‘m.t is aim: W . from’{’crangers,% friends my Ki‘mgdAraW any argum£=nt1Eroxn it , Ana ‘?.~I';';.«4w:;=Ep::: my ‘ felfc withall, mfpeake any thing rm} Raga}! m?;3a3:giamce_%A : M m-- *zura1la1Iegianc‘e:, it is abfaiute pure: and izadafimite , that £f'i.:*achwn ai-. iegiance there is as%na?t%L:rall, if you read the ~i1,:‘.»*.&i&r:t.*‘:e“I1?t nfi ms: Lard "1}m:r:.r,‘2%6.'H..'8. «you {hall finée étrunne thus, Quad pmzfiiflzzxx Dar minus Dawre Fdaévitwmfidai ligemmz firm quad prq#f2zza:x.?})0m:f;a% Regxi mzmmfiter fidaé jwre émpwsedere dcbgait mim'm¢,,d*c- which in E.ngMh is thus,«Tha?ttheAaf0re1faid Low Dczcrc not regarding a*:h‘& éut3WE.his% 1‘ faith and%Al1egiance , Whichhe did naturally and «sf right owe m, A and%ought%to p;;y”tf<1 King Henry the 8. 84¢. ‘And %C&rdinAa1i ‘Peale % 30. H. 8. being like wife inc§i‘&::3d ‘<3? Trcsafom Ctmm dawimm Rcgm fkapremnm ¢~ mrmalem Damirmmfxmm , that is againfi thfi %Kir;.g has natural} :.Jxnd£uprea%me Lord; which%indiflm«3nts pr%%mm a mazumfl‘ Allegianca m be nu; only due,but of right due -{mm mrery jfubjflfi to his {ovemigne King, and ‘as this a;11jwia%nces is.=nAatmall, §io~is1'mbfc3«- “lute , £0“i§ igt %pure% and %ir=1definiE“e,,G3_aimwfi£:r!.aufir%z;~ caarcemr “ :m.&’2¢3' mm refiwxatur, %xM!z'£5 finiéux pramitur 9 «%%iit1oug'nt4n0t to has ‘Hmnftrained or brid1ed:wi%;h any bondsmor reficrained to anyplace; W ~ W fear a maanthough he :113;y~n‘tm;rAe his ‘Ccmntrym his Kingdummyet he canxmt am am has AEZeg§:mc:::~,?”mgfhe Vcamiuot alicmgivea way, ‘or Wit\h%drawhi9'a,iiegi:arw¢ fi~c.m h§shKin;:;~%~by‘”the Lawmfnamrc, to his Kings preméme $ flmialda Lgainc his liberty , freedoms of % fiémtg am! jnozmar: m: advmceznentuzzto we barrgaim 5 for “St. 4.41:4-I gwflina W fg~§;g@,$ ;m;am,a 3% £3 warm mm «mz$rw:§M»$ tglriximaqjffi M dc£m‘,nm man by am Law :35 :;»;w:1'~£: 633$: ‘bx::m;a&e.*r;ka::»§‘;=m'by itlhgz W lcafla 0‘? z»mot.£ae2*; but if Mvifiadraw maxim:ai3~eg‘iaw::".2Vce,tEm %1iAi?nwg%~.=3u2thJ loft a% 3 t"§“ii€r€fQi£’%£ I may not doe it , ~neitA;&h;¢r*can ;h c King? m- fie-aé{fiMit.;7_1"_ii_":3 any A47»? hia fi"u.'a?;:j':::.fls;, it 1‘.'aE?3(«fi~Efi{fQ€§£‘3b2¥3 agmi;dc;nt.a4dw».¢ hm:em* in Nice find is flue, amx§i[a1i_c§~ /w:{per,_%to%cv; wgyy Kfzfagg km;isren;%r=:: 213 ms m,,:~A'.«..**::"2:r':.*~z::av:a*,2z~*,.e:.1‘: iubygéts _A.- {:13 dug m ;€ves%y.Kia:ggg e=::ny.A{pcr_tco , wbichllls asmgzh as 30 lay, _by .f"o;o_cc, ionfl A ‘A ‘ “ 'I?;_V!F2 fifwar. ffhirdiy, thatbis Li'e ges were beam: %(253* gweéne¢iai aydav - A W of him, and in defzmlt of him : All whichopinians Wer.c’c-an“ ... “damned by {W0 Parliamems; ona,hc1d«Ai%n the raigne of King , . F“ Edward the fcccmci; the other in the firPc%ycVar,e of mg E'dwa2-£34 ‘F the thi:-:.i*.,A mp. E»;-. as by the old! prim-.d4 flatatesfippeares %: ;Ir-.y gm fiatutes of :25..E4’w. 3.qap.,;., It 1'5 %o:da1r2ed, thm if aaman fhall cum. A paffe er imagine me éeath of am foveraiggnc E.f the Pcanutcs made in Pfirg eflfima Wndcaima Hem-ici fiptimi. Thelfiing mar fovareigm Lard, calling (:0 his rezmamfimcmce tlicé * duty efallmgimncezof‘ his fubfefts all‘ thifi Realms, and that they A by reafon M the lame, am bmund%tofct‘ve their prime‘, mdravae» ‘V ‘ ’re.-tigne Lard for the tiflmm being inhislwarres, “for the defence» bf A himmfi elm lmtl, agaz~nl?c everyrcbelllon, pazawer, and might, ram A {ed lagaznfl mm, and w1thh:mto"enter“ and abide in fcrvicm in abattaile, El calm fa réqulre, andkhat for tlmlama feryice, What for-w tlurm ever fall by clmrzcc inlltlw famé l);attails;l, againll the mifldal A gnxdllwxll wl ghc Pg._1nlce,~ asxn‘ tins land~fomm.mcs.pafled, hath ham 1.?‘ I *%£§§§9: acne, ma: itis“no:1reafonab!cbut againfl an laWe59'reafonf,¥ ma» ugood confcience . that tlxefaid fuijjefis going with their {ewe-V V A A reigns Lord in Warrcs, jattendmg upon him in ms perfon, " o.r.bc-av ingin rather places by his command:-mentA, within :his Land at withuur, any, thing {hould left: or Forfeit.for‘doing xhcir true duty a::1d%ferfviAce of allegiancca his thercfzxre ordeyned,ena&cd,an& 1 tflabiifhedg, by the King our fovcreigm: Lord» by the«gadvicc mm 7‘ aficntofi zhe;\Lords Spiritual); and Tempbrall. and Commonsén xhis prcfem Parliammt affembled, and by iuthoricy of the {amca V thatfrem_%hei1¢;cforth.no mmn%er of perfian or performs whatiaen var he or they be, that attend upon the King and Iovzzrcigne Lam of mislead for t_hetime being, in pis pcrfcn, and wins gzim mac and faithfull {eryxcc of aliegaancean the fame, er bee an other A y[ac‘es by his comfgnandcmcm in his Warrfes, within this Land or A Withwr, that for the faiddfeed and true duty of allegiance, ‘lflheer A may be in no Wif¢%cm'wi&,i or attain: of +highuTreafm1v, ne of an % Lthcr efiifnces far that came, jbyafi of Parliament or otherwife by any procefibof Law, whereby he or any of them flaallforfcat . life, lands, tenements, rents, pofikflions, hcr¢ditamcnts,—good»s,, V chattels, ‘or any otherthings, but to be for that deed and fcrvice, ut;tr1y.&ifcharged ,,c+f anyjcparation, trc:uble,,or 10116-3 Andi? any :8: V or aflsg, or other prone Hczof the Law hereafter um:-eupon "for the {amehappen to be, made wntrary to this Ordinance, that Eben the :8: pr a1&s.or othm.%V»proceHe~=Aof Law whatfmever they 'gfh:;_11 be, ikaigd fifand be utxcrlynmydc : “provided a1Waya,that7“no% ‘*%pc,:fon er perfons fh%;;,1l ciakcgmy beneficror admntagc by this 2312., jwhich than hereafter deiczline from his or their ailegiflagnce. And Sir, here ~Id’~eiirc‘ rd-know ayourejéinion in %your%%indi€et_en%: Ajugigcmcnt upon this Law, whether Inced to fun out anypardbn, orjcompolgncj for min‘: eftazmhaving donemiathing fibuntha duty‘ pfmym: alIcgiancc,tomy,.na:ura11 King. '_," % W M " f AF _ ’V§%'B){_;hz:&2:._tu_te,of% ~:.=.4..H6#. 8.,c‘Ap. ,1a.~%~.V.;Itiscxpre1'fed‘thatby. 5‘ divcrf: .iun,dry“oI(5i_mt1)cn2ique Hx%Ftori_e=—%~ %:ind$_ Chronicles, it is, M mahifefily gicggiared that this Rca1me'of.Eng!aud% is an Empire, “Sand {'0 hath been accgptedinthe World, »govAm-med bylmae £414» “Vpréa,me___ hgadg and‘King,J having the .d‘ign,ity androyall same wi £f%£hs.§mpsr;ai§§r9wns°f~£hc%£a9=e» »fi;dw.Wh9m~a’ @091? P°1i=#¢ks % 2S.c9:npa&.“«i ieie) i e 3*—comp:1&“mfi alUor2,e andeiegirees oi PCUPIC: fiividfcd in tcarmee .55 and by names ‘of ipirimelty and temporaity heme ‘beunden, and A f?givee,to beam next. tofivod anatumii and bumbleobediencc, i A "me being alfo infiitutcdand Furmfhed by Gmésg'oodn,eiIe 9 with J Wpleniary , whole,.andimi~re pewer,%preheminencie, authority, » “pre.-rog.a1ive, and jut-ifdifiion, to rendeeand yieié juiiice, am “ final! determination to all miarmer of mikes, rciiiante, or faimfis A i “within this Regime. inaii. cauies, mau?ets,dei:a:ee,-and c0men- » “dons, happening iworeacteuing, within the lymite thereof: fly Mme fiamggeaf g5.i~Hen.8.cap.1. 1iis'dee1ereeiiniu'iParliament, ii Vibe: Eiing :Hem~_y -£.wasi jufiiy, and rightfully ought, to be ex- egmipifcame head-we? the Ctmech of England; and that he being their i V!‘ Sovereign: I.ord,his~heyre*s and fuc.cefioee ‘Kings of this Refialme A .iM«mouid_be foaccepteéi and taken, and (humid have and enjoy, as f i .%9unit_ed_and annexed to ;hieim»p.eriaiii~Crewne of this Re-alme, “gas weil the title and (tile thereof, as all honeur§,dsgn1ties,~ pre- fleheminencics, jurifdxfiions, prxviledgcs, authormesgmmunizieei - 6‘ profimand cwoimmoditiemo the {aid dignitie of the fame fupream :0 hcadiofthc fegid Church belonging or in my wife appertaining: , iwhich Pcatutc was confirmed ianci ifilarged in fame perticulars, by ‘the Afls ef i Periiathent of 28«.Hm 8. rep. Icuand 3 5‘ How. 8. cap. 3.‘ By the Statutzeiof 25. «Hm, 8. mp. 22. the Parliament moved ~ King eHm. 8.. to fmcfee and provide for the prefix: and fereey both of kiimfelfe. and-of» his mofi lawiull Ixicccflion, aradbeyres; up-on whiehidepcnded‘ all their joy and wealth; “and in whem they- Facknowletiged was united and knitttie onely meere Hue: inhew A 5‘ titancefimd tnleef thxsiflealmc, Without any contradtétionsi (7WhCf6f0r6"W€G flay-they ) ii-youre {aid moft humbleiand obedient iubjefisiiin thieprefent lluliaememt aifemblcdgcaliingvto remem-=- brmce the great divifionswhich in times» piaflc baveimcne this Realme 9 by resmfcm of feverail tic-leepretended tcithe -imperiall ’ Crewne of the fame; which fomecimce, and for the miofi part an»; A {uedby oceaiionofiambiguity andf doubts» then; not in perfeficly declaredmut-that menimightupon froward intents expeund them A mevery mans finifier appctiteand afiiefiion after their -{CflC€‘,'4C0R3" 7 may with-e right legallity oMucce£iion,i and .pe¢iierityuai'tha law-vi .i'e»llTI(i.ngs and Emperors -of this Realma . wheireofhath-ienfeefl A :gi'eag efii1fio,n,;a£§_napps 521994“: wcllofe gage giimeer of gm _ % ’ if’ ‘ _ "A. 5“ .~ r \ ‘% 1 ‘ V V593‘ E e I (3%) _ f*?iiNz:ibie§,*=§sé mar Aofifrfie fubjefisaf the Re-a}m'e, kc. ‘Ejflhicé Pcatmie" A U of 27. Hm.A8.% 4-4p;24.{%intizu1ed, an 36% For rccentir-wing of cefw “taim~:Ii§’:»ertifi$ and franfzhifes heretofore mkan from the Qrawzm - iztia {hag enaflmdg 27, Ham. 8. xvhemdiverfe Gfthfi 1110?: antic“aA.t% % pramgativafi and amlmrizies of j'u£7’tics2: appertaining to the impé. risaii Cmwrm efmiis Regime; have been {¢':veArcd and taken from the fame by funfiiry gifts 406 the Kings mofi noble: pmgeniwrs, HI{ingsMofthis&Rea1me, ta the great diminution and deAA:rivmcm V ma Rmyall effam 0f"zhe'.{am8, am tome hinderance and grant &e‘... jiay of ju£‘tic»:.: .- For rafm'maz.i~o=n whereof, ha in cnaficd by mgthan may of mis {pre{c%ntP.n1iament,. that no perionor perians of wage cfiam or degafec fecv;er%they be of, from the’ firfi day of July which * flnall bein cm yeai"eof°aur Lord Gad, I5’ 36. {hall have: any pow- Aer or au_tho.a:iry to pardmm or remit any areafbns, murders, mm- Vfizughters, or any E-zindc cxf feiioniesA,whatfoevct* they be. Narma- ny accefl"ariesto%any treafuns, murders, manflaughters, er fello- nEe’s,A or any utlayers, for any {uch ofiengcs aforefaidg committed, pcrpctrated,done,or divulged, or hcreafmr to be commmed,donc‘, ¢ 91‘ diVu¥g_cd, by or againfi any peifon and petiohsg in any part of this~ReaIme, Waiw, or the Marches at the fwime, but tfiat the “Kings highfléflfl, his heyres andlifucceffcsrs, Kings of this Realxifac, ‘ {hail have the whole audible power and“ authority thereof, mai- tediand knit to the imperial! %Cmwne af EMS Raalfiae, as o£go’od right and equity it appcrtaineth; any gmnts,uiagcs,4prefcri;htioa, A a& or 3&5 of %Parliamcm,m: any othertiiing to the contrary hem»; pf nc t ;vith&andis2g.4 A '4 % “Outof which fiatuze I coE—iac§thaf rm pardon what{oe?var,' “but the Kings, can free me framhis Lpuniihmc-nt., if I have em. -“fcndcd him againftmy"a1iegiance;by the reading of which A ‘*'Szamte,Idofubt5not butgmuwill be fatifficd, that! made not V ’“take a pargéon fi'0Amb0th110ufc_3 of Parliament 5 and~iE.AI ifliougd A “ I can‘ do my ie~1feno gccd by it, but I {humid thcreby make my Wfeifc a traytor upon Record , to mine? awn-e pcrpemail *flmmn& A *9‘ and ruimze .- for every Apardom ,( you knew») if it be {u»ed%4oat%bAd- ¢ 4?“ fore cnnvffiian, is ac. csonfeffian mm fault, and ifpardon be not A ‘'‘good in law, ya: it being :4 ‘mmcr offrecord, the tre"‘a{on thereby‘ §‘1{%m.=.ds confkc Had, and the %KingsAtwarny may%Ain after times take M F‘ advantagc M ii, becauféi hajst.;confeficAd it byifuing 0mthcA % A A ‘A .% A , ~ 759550.”: ~ And it is azraema ea by thdduthmrditV'*‘ofiffiad {aid dd'1%E~H‘émed:; déhat no parftm or, perféms , ofdwjhat eficdatc, degree, or; cdnduimd -Iaaqég may be: ,‘ from.the-faid am day cf‘ July , {hall have my ¢ , poxver er authority to maka any Jufiifmsd df Oyre, Juflcices 03“ All 3 d $i'fe,A jufiices mi Fegcg. orjwiccrsef Gaole-delfivdaryg but maraza Each of-‘Eicms and mznzfimsddihall be made by Letters patentsdudnder Vane. Ki:ngi8 grcat Scale, in thcnamc, and {by wrhmi;ty of the Kings A hgighxae . and his heyresdliingsd, of this Reafimd . in "all Shires , »‘Af.‘7m;,nties, Counties pdlaaxne , and mther places of ‘tn.iSVR®%EmJ@Q *Wdle5,. and Marc‘m:5,0f the {am::,o:: in an“;/_a:9Adth:i-r%i1is dutninionsfi, an ,Me§v:dpida{urc and wilds, infuch _mamn¢r anddforam asjufiilcesdof: A Eirmjuflicas ofAflife,j,u{1i‘ces=uf‘.Peace,;an%djufiices 0!’ G’bale~deii~ M A Very, be commonly made 1n «wary {hire ofmisd Reaimefiny graaggfi . ,u£ga,gc$_,, pwfgzriptiom, allowance, da&,~d or 3&5 of Parliament, or A aanyozlmrdthing or rhingsm the contrary tiwrmfd, dnotwithw -» A wading, ‘ ,4-‘By mg Stamdte of 1_..Ea’W.. gap. 2. It is acknowledged that r “adllddadu%t:h,o:ity of L j'gurifd1€c~ioi1fp1r1tua1.l and tempmalj, is dcrivdd "‘ '~i“fddfal:1d4d6d£1&€d:»frOm%th3AI>§.ingS Mdjdfiifl, as iuprcamm h£"ad~01C”‘th«‘3§- : “Realms 5% and thapno Ecclefiaflicall Court can be held withmiev“ ~ d d%.“th&Rca1m<-Zn, bar by authority from his Mdafeficid. By the Radium» of 3'-gvanddé. Edw. 6‘:-353?. 1 1, It is recited; Forafmuchas itis moF: dncceflary bath fm: common pollicy and dutyof tmaSu%v17u&a; a- bowie mllthings, to ‘*Q;;rc5&::ibir,r;el°craine, and ex:i.n€c(a‘i1 magnum“ of?‘ ‘flltzamefullflanders, which,mightgrowf, happen, onarifszrto their d ‘E fovereigne Lord :heVKings Mafefigie, whidch.wln=:n they be heard, d “(same car underflood, carmat but be odiblcand abhorrcd of aid ~ dmhofc fortsthat be tmaand Loving Subj'e&s,“if‘in ‘anypoimt they V “may doc, or {ball touch his ‘Majefiy , upon whumd~ddeper-adcthd » M‘ the whole unity and univtzrfall wealth of thishis Realms. 851:0 ; By the: Statute made in the fecond Parliamemt ,, ef«the’fir£’c ycarse ~ def Qgmene L~.M.~.xry mp. I; “It is acknowledged rhacthdimperiall ; A (“Crowns df this Rrralme, withalldignities, dhonourse, _premg:a-s- “rived, aut'hm‘it~i€‘.‘?f, jurifdiflions, and pmheminences whatfoem »- 1?‘ var, m the fame uniwd or annexed, were dedfccnded unto Qégym A 1‘ cmary, and that by iorcémd vcmm ofthc fameg all regal} pow--~ - *3‘ er. dignity, lmnourg. premgaitiveg, dprchemimcficya and ju:;.ifi'di&i-' ff: gnawdid appdrtaindgapd of r1gh_§odg.h_t:': tgamgamina unto hm-3 4 d A K .. A A V.-. . AKONWHAE .e(333 tam to the’tfo%*eraigne{upreame gevernotat ih&"‘OQ1éefié bf ‘tfiisit V “fiealmev : By the ‘itatute at prime Elia... cap, 1. The Qucenes A 7 I ‘I right,tas belengingto the Cmwneof England, andatc teftored to her, and the t0athnf {uprcmacic enafled and then made ; an‘& M by another A& made the fame Patliatnent cap. 3. Intimicd an A& , of Recognition of the Cfigeenes highneffe title tea the impgtiall A ~ Cmwneof thistReaIme, “ the whole Parliament acknowledgeth 1 “the %4e;enes_ti‘ght to the Crown: by lawful! difcent and Inca '5 cefficin, bothby the lawcs offiod, and the iawes andflzatutes at thi$«..Rea1mB,_"With all the rights, tpremgatiyes, prehemincncics, andjurifdifiiens Whatfoevcr , belonging or appcttainingwto the t t fl'ame,% binding thettifelvcs that‘-“Gin by {olemne oath, to maitataim “the title of her and her hcyrcs thcrcunto : Neitheman ‘I_ omit" %A tagtemember that famous and never to bee forgottcn Aft of ‘Ra- A cognition of his right to the Crownq of England, mack tafiing 1, fame: our Kings Father in fu1l.P.1t1iament , it-ztba firfl: year: at his %4 r‘eignc”,t which that it may the moreplearely appcare what-it'i§,M ; I havaherew trapfcribcd at large, without addition or diminution at‘ word or fyllablc , as an A-ft to the obfetvance whercef, I am - obliged, an§ was {mun-din the loyncs of mync Ancefiors , who 7 _ ~ wera then reprcfentativcly prcfent%in the fame‘Par1iamcnt,whicb 325% of Parliameattisth-as intxtuled, ‘VA tnofl: joyfialland =j'uft Rafi» V « “ cogniticn ofthe immediate lawful} and undaubted fuccefliotw,” t Wfielctent and right tothe Crowns .~ The at?! A it {elfe iigriatca-itttin t ~ gf..t_,m£tatutc;s.a:t lgrgmn theflc words; V ‘ ‘ A (33) .ér3°~§¢:-2‘o%4 prime iaccbi ‘G:~*¢°»¢9t+e4km$l:4é/eflmgr are bah» b 5]‘ pawreo! mpan m'_, éemgzxfa r/oer: ixaiarived and grown: from mm arm of r/mt‘ :«.s:a:'a2zWzgf4r/one/e two prz:'nc¢ly Famiizks, aware fdmaws mm’ grea- ter Hnjkin (ax wzth.ér;z ~rem2itin.g%)% of mm mig/qty famam and ancient » Kizsgdamex (yet ancient!) t9m"‘vm} sf .E3‘¢giAifiaf1~¢3fid Scatlmd, m¢-dsrr awe imperiagli rowm’, izzyour mofi‘ royal! per/or.¢,% xv/90 541$:-4eazIL’y, righ- % fwifyj Zarxd lmvfzxlly defcmcla-d of the éod} pf the weft‘ excellent Lad; Ma.%g;[n-cc, e{dg‘i‘ daughter of the mo]? rmawmedlfing, Henry the fiffin ’ve::tl:r,.« mzdr/2: b.ig_b and nvéle Primreffe _f2___wcne' Eiszabath ‘ :9»; IM‘/2%, aide]? daughter of Ivfiézg Edward% the jam-tla : Tin: [aid %Lm{y Mar‘. garet, Ewing’ e!d.=2flfiflc°r of King Henry the eight, Farbcrwof the bzzg/7 rxmdmzzgfzrry Prinwfi, sf famam memory, Elizabeth [we §;j‘_ummaf _Er.g[m2d.I In can,a4e«.m;aa wxéareof, a[é:zTt_we yam» Rwajeflies mo]? lajzall 7..-719144 faithful! f:zéj«%ff.r off ail! efimcs and degrees, with M! pafliéle mm’ pala- [guy jay and acc!.«zz;amia;z by open Praclamdtimx ,V%nritla£n fezykmwrcx azfiter the dawn]: 0}‘ our late Sawereégna fzmcme ,% acknowledging there... % 5):; with cmé fttfl wyca of twgm: and heart, that year {M.:1j¢flie ,wa3' % our anal)! Zamvfgx/I msd rigbtfzt/I leige Lard and Savereigue, axtrtun-as AV jjwafqagé/aandgcmarall n-jq7cin_g, and app/mfie at your cfl/faje/lie: mafl lmppy [nm4guratian,gand Caramm'a:-1: $7 the «fie-Qianaztr: a’cfirc*of in-T % finireammberx of It! ofa/2' drgredf, to [ac yemr Rafa]! ;Pcr/an, mm’ éyja/Z paflél: amward meant: /M-we ¢ndmwmed% to maké demamfimtigm af ¢ aw zmwrrd law, zsmlq, and dwa:i0n%ta7}a#r mice/2'c;st (/'W»tj¢fly,a1uj* r5ndar¢6‘txed ri_go‘:'ytf#/Z ’leigc Saweraégne Lard and Kifig : Tctf 4: iw:Ac'd%m% ““1¢e2t"‘c!k7e in raw a/“rm ~ or enough, /a cm; tqlatnr be m mezmgx or way fa fit, % Eat/9 to /acrifice Mr amfaimd and heart} I/M?¢ée.J‘ to .4_-4[m.r'g£.*t}' Gag’; far ilcjfing M with 46 Savz/ereigne ~; adarnedwirb the rxzrcfl gzftx of gainda kiwi ésid}, in [nab adnziralvlci peat: %LJ4#d; 7’€.iflne_flE, and apaw tin %ig;;¢~’g; gf gmr bMrr.r,gM ./lgnim-~% Mr may? r:awjhmt.fa£;/9, M obcdimca, :£1_id- »%ta}mlt}. (34) M Ma? cjbtajefly; 2m: y5;..rmzz mgmzg; ‘air M512 ieigfy 5.»-¢AV¢;%4 Parliament , Mm-{all the W101! fwd} af«%tI&:”R:alme; and Amer} fmw-.«.;. I4 % timin meméar tfatrcafl gitlaeaf byperfou, 0731!} %r:‘pr¢flEmm£~ax ( *;*¢f:7:s;.3_ their awne~frceq1':y£¥iaaw } are ";M;‘]t_,1l»' lam-J af £1944 -‘ Rfmlm: ,, d§€I7‘¢.£d,;jt_q§jé9§‘_;: peiffaiymily Vpr:_f(cm*.'.. Ta» the %acknowl~cdg:¢né:nt% whetepf ta your Ma j'"aIlieT, Vw fig; ” the mare deeply~bounden %md_ob11ged, Aaswclliwregard ~of;?:{th:e.? % emraCcaufTtAA::of =Rar.1ia~;y mm~xr";~%*Afnr evéa-to er}1&ureA '0f¥-0111' ‘inyall obe dieaAcc,%?.%and»hear:;y atidihVum%bA§%c afi"e&i<>n%;?4*It nay be pubi£{hedVarzd dec1arAcd::?im this} A 4- fiighafifimt-i af%13af1iam¢%nt%,*~~%and‘ e-naétcd.by”«aa£hor*it3§ o£ thc" A ~'%'%‘**.;l?£hat Vwe“°7 b‘&i‘ngbé$Et!nden‘=tbcrefi1fi§ato bathby%tb;el'a we$ df~Gn& fl L%§é—!Rmlf+%§9¢§:s%§93*!§§?;:s£=<1 ésE99.m!§é£6a aé4»sh£rcby¢w* wsifg (§5)% «pi;:‘»:‘fE§E3«m;1‘r ,‘t§§fz(” i§§I3@"?a‘\§C1*3%.3E¢*'is?)y6S =Th2&/itz1tr2e¢§imI;?iIpt:n% Wtfrai &i'fl"0-4 A Et3$i€3;§.'3 Azanddezc-e‘a‘£”emAf -E:’i~z.=,z$e£biaze Q¢mencof Engiand; the-im-— T p¢:~*e&a%»l Cr%0w%n«m:m' aéaivza Rm-1m»;-: af ;E:%2gIand, and of: alhathe King» 7 &mmw,,. dwz.*xv5'm§;c:12'13-ard-:*righ.rs%% balpn-fging to the fame, Adié by ‘inn hermit bmiw-mght, and lawful! and undoubted iuccclfiou , éef-«~ ‘. V mm ax1z.‘3%cmm: am your mot} excellent Maj ~.:flty, as being lyneailyg §afHyx,and ia%w£fu1iy, next and £01.21-xme ofmawblcaod-royal! of ‘ tmSflR.f::fl;.m:%-,\. as is-.@afm'e{aiel :1.‘ and 1:ha:»by%the$goodnefl?: at’ Goé V A A1imighty,a§:'1d !.awhx}*l right of diefcenir mrdcyz me: imperial Crmvn, % yam: Maj ¢5:?t.y is bf Ethcz-5 Realmes and Kingd?0m€S'0§f Englat)&,Sc»0t« 713;nd,«jP;.qain*cc, andircland, the moft potent and mighty King, m&% byfiaés goodmrfffl, more able ta proteét and, governws your Row v41'tig fubj';:r&s,~,‘in all peace and plemy .’ than anyofyour nobm %pmgeniwzA-5.; sand thfircumm we? mafi Emmblyand Eairhfuily we AA %fi”ubmit»an‘d oblige mu: feivass, our heyres and pcsftctitiesr for ever, mnti1%lc:hcla{’c dmprof our blcmds be (pent: And doc bcfeech your; Majcfly, to accept the fame asthe firfl fruits in this high Court of A P:a1liament%,%A of muployalty and faith to ycxur Ma 1' cfiy, and your Wfifiyall progcnyand poflerityfm: ever : ‘ which ifyom: Mg: 1' fiy {ball A bcpleafed, (as an argmmnt at” your g%raci%ous%~accep:2ition ) to an % dorm: with your Maj.-flies royalliflcnt (without which, it cm, nbither%be compicat and perfefl, not remains to all pofteritwy, ape- -aording to our mafghumhlc d efims, as a me.morial‘1ofyourAprince--" % ly \ and tender afl'c&1onmWard$ us) WC {hall adds thisafifo to the mzfiwof your Majcfiics unipeakablc and ineitimabie: benefits. A ‘*4 And by the Pcatngc of ~ 3 ,. ,7m‘a. Mp. 4» by which fl:a:ut&* the oath m '" ofi allegiance is ir13a;>yrir /55. M ‘F Rrgr_rc6~ ipfle [Ida ma!/:9, zzifitrmtum ‘Dru, mom?/3 inferior fiézrfgéjg Er’-:25, ‘mar: pmem babe: in regna: in Engliflnrhus, Everyman i:;undr:r the, “ K§ng,ramd be underrnom: but Geri alcrrmhc is £10: irxfriiririuf to his ‘‘ iubj (953, he hath nbpeerg inhis Rcalrne .- V ad in hisrfiafr bot)?-ire, «A “ in his third Trrratifeof Ciefaulr, mp. 3;. he fa? 127:1 thus, [Lax rum bfiéft “ Szrprriarrrm mg/E C{)rx4m5 %/drrrlmécr rad pemrm gum’ exprflm‘ ‘lfimm raj»; “torrm, The King hath rm Supcriour burGodrrIor1c,%andirisiuzfa “ficienrprmifhmenr for him becaufr: he Kz1r1Pcrrxp¢é’r»C~re"a rc to him of life aflhd msmbcéth and tcrrene honow‘, "and you ffml “neither kn‘owno1‘hear'cof my, i1I”ord5ammageime’nded unto him, that you {Tull not duh:-n%d, {:3 help: me A1mighty%%God % Which Forms of Oith evle:ry% Su*:'4j' :~+8: by % the Ccdmmon Law is”beund'to take, as appearcs by ‘Britten 5%. Edy; A 1. mp. 249% And by }1'ndrz~w'Hom: in the Mirrbur of Jufiices, pang. * A 2.26.; and in ems»: cafe: as by perufail of their Booktis will Aapf-, " Cam and b‘ divtrfe others which for brcvit‘ie:s~fa.k~*cIomitafl P 5‘ Yr A V _ . % Ammow Sxr, I defire to know your oplmon like wxfe,‘ wbether aha: by the Common LaW,bbth houfzs of Parliament are in pawer abuve the King, 01' where their legal! power: as difpofe of hik Mpv cfiim perfzm; ether than to his honcur and g00d’, a“¢cotding%m%% and obedience ism be‘feu¥nd..A u. meirduty,Oathes,: Protcfiaaiqns; Covenants, axjAd%D€cZar_m:im52S;M AI4cem{e new to prmfe that this Oath isagainfi the Law" (>f'rciaf.;)11A,,;%;~i:, _ the La%w%Aaf rcafm: faith Dmflor and Szudemt, mp}. is w::iftisnin,% *4: the hams of every man, teaching him what is to be Vflunc, m f 5‘ what is to b::: fladg And becaufe it is Written; in the h€a1jf,t_§Sl€r&fi_\_’ W fare it may not be putaway, nor is itgever chavnga/n1eA by anydh’ “ vex-flay of placc ortime ; and thercfcre agasizjeflc this Law, §5_l’€.’.-1-___ * "fcriptim1,fi:atut~cs, or wftomes may giant preyaiie ai:§{c_lj‘ ‘if am» berg ‘fbrought in againfl it, they be no prcicriptxons,__{’catI.1tes, not cu» ‘ “flames, but things done againft uftice and vdyd ; andwintybfis‘ ’iafV% L “i‘difF$!‘,Bt§l from the Law of God5, for that the Law of ,God “isf.gi-é‘_% . "Yen byfleévelationfrom Gbd ‘Almighty, andxhié Laivgis g§i‘V¢m '~ % W “’?*by%afnaturaIl1iAVght “of unde:{ta‘ndiE1g,;“a t1dViS4 gi”vI&5n“Apxizxtipally ‘SAto_éire& our afifons by, for the_obtainir_zg ofiifclidity» “ir1%t1Vr;isli_f%e§:;% “#10 as wcVgaide_t hem ogfzely by the rulenf 4]%uf’cice.;;‘4’¥ This La Wm»-{ ::J!§é9¢i?95hnss%4Vf%it!a WEI“? Amt» sbat 899éi€§9§: éemh wd tfto} ‘ ‘‘ evili is to he avoidechthat thou fhoh1det”t we te_tt10th}1€t»-that Whith ? ?‘ thou twollhitfft ttntherihottld doe to thee : ‘Than: jtzttiee is to be dottfe to every man and riot wmngttlmta trefipafie is 1:0 ‘?U.E‘pt1m§hi1(‘3;‘! 3; {huh f lxket Is it few th6tf1,thaC the law cat teaftm diteéts the tl:f43g00d%:s to he do;1e,aqd tvitl ts ta; be avoydedil then tcohcludte that that hath is agstinfht this LHW“;fhfott if I by this Oath flmafl hwithdtaw mime Allegiance an& fubjeéfiott to my King; froth him ,, I loffe the benefit or gt)-od Ifhould “ jhav eh his pmtteétien : I f°or4thhhet:tt1eih Lawfis , " Qgdaay h.$’tthjéE?z7a mtg “_ chit pkoteffignemre‘ qttzfaz Rex ad iyrg/am} Legit caepammw éhmarwm ea ‘ttthreiéhttxegfltaes Fart:/ttm lihde Zmwzihttx Iaghm fimgfiwgc. E3 - Ohedienee “«e.ofl:tz».;~ Subjeft dtawes gproteetié €rot'I1tth¢33§§itfig¢th€ Khtg being htdaia V “tied for the defehce of the Laxvgfic the»bodies,8t..g;dod$ho£ his St:.b;'ec‘ttg f.,Tthe hotysetiptures infotttte me , that Irhufi: obey my Iéing far tggflfi. A fé‘m2tef«ske, and this Law teaehetth me_.,I mutt avmd evxll ; but 1: ts evill V‘ that me to 0b€y'1”nEn111tah.it°tg; this NegativeO:tth which ehjoynestme tacit to obey Amy King , rather then God, who enjoynes tI1atdt1‘ty cafe- bediehce, tI1t:‘t'rf.‘*fi)t‘€3 I corxchmde that this Oath is againft the Law Of1‘€‘a-- form. This Law teacheth me to doe as Iwottld men fhonid doe unto meg but it I were afiitug I W0uhim>t be difperyled tn? the my and fsrvietr of my Stthjeéts ; therefore V this Oath enj'oyVnes me to at thing again,& » "h_the LMV (of teafon : It is in jttfiice and wrong to take away the Kings "Fright by this Law ; A but this Oath bindes me to take twvay his right A and doe him "wronw , therefore in this articular aifo this Oath is an , . v . P .t . gatnft the Law of reafont. And laftly t1nshLaw of reafon teacheth me, a 'l‘refptfT:r is to be ptmifhed , it teacheth me alfo to L111d€_T:PCL'-ind that {G take this Oath is tohtrefpaffe upon my Kings inteteit in me as I am his ~Shbjeé‘t ; totrt fpaffl: upon his Lewes as I am dc jxm under his govern- ment, faiidt to trefpafie upon his patience ahd gtaodheite , if he doe not: heteafterpunifh me Far it : Therefore I confchtde this Oath istagairsfi “‘ the Lawtofrearon. The Law of reafon generally taken; it get dire iliwre “ R»/tghntegqadmefleahf operation ‘, faith Ho;-zigcr: {'0 that by this Law. wee ought to direc5’c;a11 our avftitonst rt: 3. at good end , but byhtahing this 'OttthIttiret9:h2*:, A Winch by the Lawestlaey may claime V, and eugfht to have from tl1eis;“ zzacmiall izlwfull a.ndji"overe1gne [;1€'g€I;0rdJ ancl‘K1ngMl; Therefore tlzis Om: is agai-nil the Law oflReal2m.% l ‘‘ I4ll}.ly,e*»%Jhereas the Law c3fReafon is never %cha:ng;eable lmylalafeml A “ verll;tye"of place oetime , and Whereas mine Alllegiance * clue E0 my sovereigne in all pla€:es,, in all cafes, said at all times,l" sun fiarbiclden by this unchsmgeable Law’ , to change fo unchazugeable zmcl mmlterable 9;‘ lfeluty ‘by fuch an unwarrantable Oath inthefe clmngeable timles, "ii? A conclude all 111 this point, as 1: is agamft reafon to ml-qee tlus Oat-ll : lbit. " “ls agaixafi reafon to require it cf me , l for it is small} umrealfonal:-le to “ oi?-er any Ch1*ifl:ian man filch an Oath as that lly taliingcal“ it , he mLu"’%: ‘Tl ‘‘ by perjury , ma fin ofprefumprion ( as he is pe1'{W£n:led-) deftlgoy his . I « “ foule, or byerefufing nfit , becaufe it is againfl. his caxullcience to take * “ it, either by perpetuallimprifonment or {varying , dc{li*oy,l:.ésl«bocly ‘Pandleflcate. Anal it islikewifelmoft unreafcmable fer any men tq_oF- A K ‘fer this Oathto another that have not taken it themfelves : for by the A “ rule of the civill Law, 1. in Arm. ‘firadqfiai/gig, , which is :1 branch of‘ “fills Leuv Qfreafon, (Quad qxifggjurzit in ulinmflatmrit ip/Elm 950%, A wtidzbe-re : Nolmanlllcuvht C9 impale a%LaW upml m‘10.ther , [which lxe be I himfelfe hathnot figtbmittecl unto; A ll . I come now in the next place tadnuake it appears that I cami':m: talcel tfms Negative Oath with a goodeeconfcience. Confczence , as Doélor » ‘*4 and Siuclenz well 0lI)f€I‘VC‘S3L 1 up. 1 3'. Tis the diteé-l5f.z}p.pl§7i1‘1g0f~ any ‘l“ lblemce or knawledge tefome particular aél of 2. xnzzmarnrl Qf the moi’: A “‘ p‘erf"e:f‘c‘ancl me: true applying; of the fame to a mans particular aéli-4 4;: one, fcalleiw tlaelmofl perfeél, the mail: pure, and the bell confcienceg. l f‘Wl‘1iC§1€li'1flbl€dl._'S:. PV.mlbjI¥ehi»s riglitlapplyingof the Laws; of God to A the lllA~r.°cioms ofhis life , with confidence to plead hislczmfe l )el*"ore the " Cqunfell, and to Cry out, memmm’ éirg-téirm ; 1. km’: 2'22‘ at/1' gaad canfcémce jl7?*“I’e5’c‘£§y‘ tlkcrfcfwes, faith B:4tftéJ;és' lllcenfclfle Mntéirkeee, lrfyazt «fray w7l“““$ ébegnédy which t/agf e‘.¢zl1'“laera.-fi’e,e /lo wvarjéfpfll z/as aldafmyll F.6£ll,Jd:"??*.$‘,' 12¢. % *¢=!¢avi;‘¢g azfl 262353: 4-n~i'afc‘£2 are write in :.b:eLa;w av zlae ~:{»mpba:;.Ala:l here;--. ‘ E el%l‘T‘ li1jclf‘:.W0‘uf my f:1f;~: toehalve alwaies» a‘. cleere cbmfclie:1c23lt‘mvaxeeclsA ,lf‘5‘G§ZiClf;a_1;llCf(l !t%owards'men:whefeby if: iScleefljv‘pr;5vledV:Al1at the applylzj l . “;oftlxelS‘crip;:ures ‘,l and rheknowleedge ‘0£d1V—113£:truth_it.0 ::helalc‘l:m,4ns,2:;f . ;gQur1i\§es,%§s;4and pught 120 be ,zheoxa1y ldireéfielité (nu: eon fcielmzesg Iris l up .exp¢dient % ~%’€*~+«z') 4 _ expe“di'c—nt then for thbciming of this ‘point, {hat I%V-fimu‘I%d {ctVfcf?En a._ndVconfidm-the afiiogns ofmy, life, as to this particular which con» mgerzéz-cs mine Allegian-cc %: Fi'rfi.,_;' ti'xen~"I due wt:11Vvremtmber* that *-when I was matriculated in the‘ Univerfizy, ‘ifwas {worm tp.bc‘a. ~faithfu1l“a‘nd true Sub§*::& to the:Kis~ g, andm bears him true “Alfie-’ giance: Se¢.w:;dKy,4I ha%V€takcn shavforme af50ath, Whicbl ha*v&, % . particuiariy let down: before, that I Wi}‘—1Eai_th and truth bears to him of life and%mmember, and tmrene h,oncur.AThirdly; I have foam times taken the Oathof Supremacy enjoyned by the Smtum of’-I. ' :4?.E!&’z,. cap. 1. and three: times t'he?Oathof~ Ai1cgiance_cnjoyncd by 4the Sfcatuae 3. lat. cszp—.4%. r It refis. now that I fhou1'd apply thafdivinc kn~ew}e o’«ge and fit"?-» ~ epce, which I haves: obtzained by reading Dféthfz‘ Sc:-vipturss,‘ re: thcfa «awfiions : ~Pir {L than an Oath is to be care§;u1ly% weighed before’ we‘ take it, efpcciaily inch 3$'C0‘I‘1C&i‘[‘£€S‘ our dut,.y*tdward$ our Afiing, k “and therefore foils]. 2,.~ Ecclefiafiex or the Preacher, advifeth arm thus, _Iozd'u.ife the: to iksiqg/Jged of the mowtb of t"bt."King,’ and to £5: at/aqf GM; uporywhich piace the 'Gcmev.1 nous thus glaffe,th,a,;t Air, That thou obey the-Kingf, and kaepc the Oath that than hafl: made: for that caufe. The: Prophet Zachary gives us this soémmamn ‘flcment mm: Gad , Each. 8. 17. Lat mm: af you imagine wiii in Jvmr heart: dgacinfl /méc neighbour, and [we nofwelfe Oath, feral! the/"E A are rhzbingx t/aural hate, faith "the L%qrd:%.,vAn¢§'0ur blcfled Saviour % in’ his Sermon in the Mount, L71/tar:Ia..5.‘~; 3'; '% Delivers me‘ this p‘ re- A Cfipfi, Thaufialt m % farfwmr: thy ~ /elfc, Tim jiyalbpcrfarmetlzy Oat/aé: Q to the Lord; By applying ofthcfe Scriptures to.m'yfermer Oathcm I fi r-ads I cannot take: this Negative Oath without a great {mac 3,- ‘ gainfi Gad, and trefpafleavgainfi my conicicncezfor having‘ bound ; my felfe byfa many fr:-varall formerVVo"a‘thes mada to my King, t_'o pay unmVhim»mine Ailcgianct, faith, andtmth to him, of A fife ’an'éi member, and terrcnehonour, and acknowledged himto be fun pre-ame fiifiiaverngur of this Realms; haw can Inow Withdraw} mine Allegiance; from him, or fweare thatl will not aide G1‘ afliif him,” or¢ad here,untc> him by this latter 3 ‘withoutmanifefi criury, V brfiaclwf myne Oath $0 thciiing, andby takingof a- fa! ‘c Oath“, % or the name of Gad in vaine by a queflionahle authority impdfcd upanmc. %~Acomradi&m'y to «theft? Oacheéwhiwch by undoubted wand A A lawfull paw erk agreeable to the Laxées-of {Sad and the-Rcalme. IA (4.2) % havm’imac3y baumi my flmnfciance tn the obfewance of: A It fa‘? t?h=* mt wizh usin Oatm,as it dam ii} cafes of Lawes, 51am ‘[,,gg¢,E¢,__" _fl:_:riar:! priare: cwtrmiM._.gérogan$, That the Eafmr Qwes r€°p€:}é the formerthatare contrary untmhsm: fer izzthe cafizr of Liwizek the ram is a,~:§I1}_itt't?d;t0 bee 2:118 31 , wmsre {mm are? cunfiirumd wé , made by the’-:%iame power, but iris clearze contrary €1.23 2% cafe éf g Qathes: for whena man hath taken a lawful} 03:5, bymd {mm 3 1aVwfu11au:ghz3riry', tflhoughitbe grounded upon ihuznanae or pfofiu riveiaw oneIy,_as.upm a Smut: or the like , that Oath is binding . to his co::££ienc%c% unximhe; Statute ma: injoymes zimtoath be rea- pgaled byfthe» fame power that made it; A and if he afmrwards take » agcontradzflcry Qath m that former Oath befcre {uch repeale and a lawfuu authority to take me fame ; am om am;-Mm be In aékee isboth unlawfulband mic 5 un%lawfuaE1i%n that it is afgainfg W'=1av.:a,:‘"‘ that Warra%nts~thc Oatbfihe mm before taken ; and ‘fmalfe burg zwdv -% that he imgagcs himfelf by ‘that Death :0 perfarxne that thima~ wgich .4 by the Law 0fGec‘i and contcience he is, not enabled mfiralzy to A gperfcarme; fo%.t1mt.t11f1_x:heIawesflnat impofe upé me Elm Ozthag of ‘Supremacy and Allegmnce whxch I have taken, belawfuily by the A flame power as they were madg,’ thatiszto fay’ by the King; Lords \ a’nd~ Commons ,% by A&"of Parliament refpeaied :% And :bis:"‘N5<-: a: rive: Oath Wthe fame powerof A€t 6.? Parliament ipcfed u gm % mp,_ Icannot {ubmit my cqnfcie.-nee to ,..take that Oath; wichPoutAA Pf¢i1'Jl1.1M'.‘;’ Mid f3m1‘-}‘?"d- Agfilfifa Whsn a man hath takenanAOath to“ ¢ parfarme thus ‘winch by the law of Gwdand nature he «is bound to M perforfiité, as to. cbey his King,« or ta honour his Parke‘: and Mo--‘ % V that, this Oath cannever be abqrogated or d'{ » I d . ‘ ‘fig A - JV mgm.¥abi'o1ved fmm theduty oVfobfervamce<)1fPiEnb:zar?;71;:&r,el;{$1f dcr heaven, and Athercfem if :1 {hal£.take an”y Oath conn-ad1’&ory~' 1 maths farmer Qatbcs of Aflegigznca and éiutyito mymng which td:"a_t%y and $213 ia%ncVc,bAehmV stokhim~:fmm'%" e % % M . % ; and» nature, Es before is mags mani fcflg~mat%;t31y£1ei£ :11:eG:'lf$t1od” lawful! and falfe.-by t-he Iawcs of God and fixture and againfltagfi {c~i?€;ficc; I» conclude .t%hen% thatin canfcicnccl canndf: tékE'tf1i; Wgmvfi Qfiviha 1%1€3Affifi=:1i7keWi£ébySaint’?ml;v7H:6;6%»x¢.%. 1'n_-, A n§‘e«nJve4rAi1yrw%emby.. mazia gram: men :ncmte1vés,% iad % ®a:h%;fo£v“canfirma:ianris"anand bf~Aa11-Afhifw Aandthey A A H % . A L % * V A ref % I .Whera%hfi;;. :1:a4;mad¢ia Jlwgtz: A:wxtAh mg fii-bconiass, xmaugfirfi 355:: . ‘ V4 A ‘ meundewa M3) 41 ‘A w*gr0un&¢d updn a;’fz'a7udeAnn*A their"parts;:&i<§ %ci'mit" to”'qué&ion"ffi"éii§ % for it, and fotbore to breakmhe league with them m avoyd e flrrifa % having confiz-nice! thAat1eague_%wWith %an'Oath, {aying in that cafe, . T/ma? will’ we doe to Mam ar.zd* lei zbnj92%‘Zz§*t/cg] lmfi tl:r:"‘wmt;9ée upm“mi,, ¢ éccmafe af the %0mIa w/9i:.b%WfW4F¢ twbam, I o/Ema 9.20. ‘And by that law of an :11 was Sbimei put to death by Salaman for walking V Lou: M the City contra.ry_to his‘Oath» becaufe he badfwome bee . womid""not gee out of it, which he ought to have obferved an confirmation of hisundcrtaking ta Salem», and as an end of th<:i: "’§{h:iifé’, as we finds’, 1 Km_g:"z.%4.;.=@»c. and We finde a notable in; A fiance ofthe punifinmemz of the breaking efthe Garb of Ailegimcia or iubjé.*:?tion made by the King of ]::rg1{a1em%‘to’ the King of Babel, ‘A rcportfid unto us by the: Prophet AEa-wéial, 15/z.e.'$‘4z 7? 16.178; in trials "Awards, Ax.IZiw [45:19 #9: Lara’, I'm: that 15: King ( ‘(sf Ierz¢[4l:.m) (Edi? vfdya'iM'tbd‘ of Baéel, inrba place 0f the King, w/aafe% Darla be defpifi A A ed, and who,/E cuvenant mad: with him be érok: .- %1%N:£tlacr I'Zml1 Pharoah 1‘ with /m wig/cg lam/2 mdgrmt multitude of peaple mainmine/aim in the Vwarra, Aw/jg» t£2:}%,~%1bm2e 5'42 14p mutt, and éuildm’ R azmpiru ‘to de- /irojmmejfcrfanx, for be fJ.4tla-defpifed the 0426, mzdAbrol{m the am- mié“:- t%, yet ba*é2}¢¢“d'_g‘i1/Eiahiaiz I113 band écsaw/e la: « 154:5 dam tfag/9 tb£ng:%A‘I9a _/Ml! mt efisape. Thg aAApp1ic%a‘EionRQf4A ithefezficriptures tojcrzjr preterm: zpurpofc ‘i make thus‘-', Isit fo then that at-10ath~is taken for confirm Amation? Is it fo than that ‘an Oath is andought ts“) bee; than and of i’criAfe'? Isit fothatGod,pu'nifl:zcththeviolation of0athes,aAndthaz: A thegreatgffpowe1f4onAeart%h cannot protefina manAagainAPc him, “AI Xearne then by thc rule: of; 3 Well{Ainf0rmcAd A:comAfcience to dif,¢eArne‘A, % thatill ought - not % an breaks: my; Oamhcs lawfuily A taken uApon‘[a my A A ».grounds orjpretence Whatfflflvflt : Nay by this Oath I finds tbatif ; ta.kf:;_it:I flwulcl in Head of an cndoffirife in my confci:nce,%incu’r figreatfvezgation, t.htfol,‘_lg1§t}:’i'E..'hQrr0uI10fthe Fmn,,as being an at! uns- Agawfullggnd b%e¢au{e;by1t, I5A;haAvc offcnd ed @053 in the bye akin g my % férmver. Oaithes la..w%fuA1,lyAta»kcn, I £hou1d wife firifeand trauma in my fouls and%Vcor_zfciencei,an7d great Aflzrife and“. perturbation of miade for {care Céf 1?}1¥1,13¥1I3.f~‘=f1‘I-;;I .-mnclude therefore tha1t%IAca‘nnomke :j;b§s‘AV0%ath by 1158 t%L1l.&A0f1G%od&;1a;w,;WithAaw found and good co;;~fc‘i» ;,flag;a;i;)£’c_thAé: gxggnr wtmeeah%%;ii1A%A:am::t1d%rAakais, **IA[11o”Li1c~1dc~ ‘é§,;}£tr"¢Afi)$?:,i'i§1f‘e citgjer-At»;;be:;=.an~§A£heift,":ifnthihking'thercwexe Ann gQ,,pug1i£h fg; iqgtseat Aa =wickeAdAn%c1Te‘;,: or%Ae1£eAA:a% imagiaw that “ Vb‘: ( 443* A ~ kc were either un.j’u,1’:t an w_au1d_not punifia; or unable‘ ami équId—’5f' not, or fa caralefic of the aéhons of men. that be either neat feetmz; War notregardeath cheitwicked aéts gxyhich opinion even the very «hcazthcns confutcd and raj cfledg as you may finde: at l5aA‘rgc%in T3117: ffirfi boom, F'Dermtmca4Z3:or»m-: Eat if I were minded to bee {cs %wickud,asto1ay«afide all tbs format ccnfideratiesms ef Re1i%gion,na« % A ,:ure,laW, reafon, and confciance, to game my efhte, which @od_ V fmbjg ; yet in honcmr, nexther my felfe, not any that have ferved his Majcfly in th.is%late.W”—ar, canmke in ass I mnc%eiveV: when I ipeakeof honour-..I mean; not-tha::‘~TMembrana1ior Parchment ho»- mur of digmities , and»z,1%tlcs conferrcfiizpan men‘ fomfitimcs for money,.fomctim:s for afi-Ettl+'t diet? and Qentlemm, which if heeencc tote by any vohlmtaryafl“ oft histowne. he had as gcsod ‘loft’: his life. N=ow~for any ‘man that hath fcrvcd tha King in his Watrst, for him to {wear that he will no ' more aids norafiit-‘t the King in the VV'aY whsrein-he ingaged «him-‘ L felée by'Bis oath,at::d upon hishorzour mfctve himwith-hrs itfe and" tow his:,ut:termta& power, it wouid 10173 that Souldicrthis honotvandtt theemc~amtangfl:aalltfo‘rt‘s ofmeta, amottgfi his-towne party f9or'd*e&-‘ farting a cautfe they hold j"ufi: amongfi: the adverfé party for ljghti-_ neflk and Ai.t‘3C.onP(an&i6, as one that wotfld not Rand to his ‘p¥iD€i*'t pica he £}c1-ouldtamongfl all men get aha opinion of a Coward, m'?a* bafs ,f€1lC1W§ ‘that: for Feats of dc:-atth,.puni{hmCnt,.tor perpetual! imw pztifonmctatt, would be f;M?t.atvedintot.an matte, or wt of his»a}legiance,t orofa Knave that to {edeeme his libct-ty would fwcare my! thing gt thcreforetleaft Ithould gaint: fuch an opinivotrand late tn y eftccm intthe world (being new brought into that condition that :I mmt%~ beta Souldier) I cannot taka this Oath bysthc mlestof honour, and M Q as it istnot honaourtablta in me to take it for the reaions aforehid-5* for isit agaitnfl honour, that an oath thatwotaldtbritngito much incona * wniencyoftloffe of lmnour and cfieemé amongtt alt men flaoufl be ofered to any than , flgiia in jurxmemrzit adminiflrandzk dammit wa V ar¢cg}yiext.z2t.:adtm efi ratio a’ idem jmr, In adminifirit-lg of athes the fame rcafcm and law ought to bindet the giventas wclliwthe {C- tzeivcr :: .Et~is—a1£o wgainfi pallicy either to tak~e,.or require this oath; the lifietofa Scmldiéri-at bisthonourwwben that is let}, his life is as: ” goodtas 109: 5. by takingt. this ; oath, a Steutldicr A lofetht his honour, what King, Princt:,qr Statmwill entdtwainc that Sotritdier in his pay that ‘hflth abturted b1.s.natural1" Sovteretgnc l;;tctgc~.Lord.~t or Matters t$‘ttr.vt4:¢andt.a1lcg1mncc .:._h1s owne Kmg W111 never trufthtm more; the advcrt"cpart.y will an tn-n£’c him, not my other Princt: or State ~ WhaMotever,...anc£.t-harefote .in.tpbllicy a Soutdiert oughtznotwto take ;th§s_q:ith,ttAn.d .laPc1y.. t.hsr.etis no pmllicy in p%reIIing«thi9~ oath upon ;*aMny,t;fortMh{e %Par1iamctntg%zint:s no 5 fecurity by rakitngg itgnfot: I thtnka ~ .wry.3f¢m ¢5tft%cht:I-Kit) gspart-yt hold «that Oatbtlawftulhandathen-what feautityttb tho. Parliamc»nt.V%in it,fince ;tw«oth;er- thing samba r“exp‘e€t~: ht; gggm, mhitn\ef‘ the-ycrformancc of an ezttth g,iv¢gn:.anta.him9nthat V ffeithc: doubts-t—thc power H~L}%a,Wf£l'l'.“.*.dhimfclfelis.]udgc5 Pl';=.l,5og6. :1-ngl he finlll judg?clthc:wot_lld in righteoufnlclfi-5 a71?[a1,9‘.8l. to,l.wh*olfc pmteétion I comxnitllyou, ahdhto whom ‘without blpfilcd Savi-y V _ “gr jafas Chgifigazad ;he blcffed $pirit be allfhongm-,and_glorygnqrld ~Wltl10lIt»cnIL- ' l ‘ A