Wnmerefn you have a {ho rt and full OPENED. A Accmim; of the 4 fscret Tranfaétions of the V‘ v we aflifires, by the Scots Commiflioners vfixéa the King and PM-i~iamenm ,‘ and the invifibfie flffpfi ._, by whack Wm am brought Keir: a new Warm. "A f Tcgether with flwne Qgm-fey earning a Perfonall Treatic 54 P:opmu.mded to I awaken the Spirits of .4111 mm Eagl;fl:~men, A V A {:0 take head of an Scam‘ Dufigrm. » .. ...,.....n-...-Vu.-.«n.. -......., W... ....‘,... ‘, . M.......‘...\‘.......“.......-..... W-‘M-~ 4vv-v~wv--u--gm,-._.—uv—.....~.\.‘....‘,..,»..,-...,,,,‘ ‘ ‘._ _, , 4 L 0 M 1?» UN; M me‘ 114 W fl ‘ M , ,- I At‘ ‘ ‘ ' « , , ‘ "'3 _ 3‘ ‘ ‘ M I ‘ ‘ I" -2. w . '« vw ,_ ,. -‘ ‘ ‘ ,~ * . H‘ .' = ‘ ‘Q ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ "‘-.» Wu ‘ J ‘ . . ‘ u ‘ » I ‘ -v “. “ ‘ w “ ‘ xv‘ ' .-r ‘ ' .,_ ‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘W J‘ $153 2% i%§°“.: $46 ’?$::~a mgda £43 #6 W2; . Prinmd for Hanmzb Allen; infapes-!md~Al1ey.‘ if Isl that The Scots‘ ‘Cab‘inetopencd.t "A .. -A‘. Hz: aflfilrts of this pOore‘“K'in g&o~me_.,hath hctmfof A latmmouldad ingfo man’yAheadt_.,gon thorough” ' A ll) many hands, tranflatedotintofo maoyformes; I and lhapct, met: of fi1c.h Adifiktent pri.no3ples,'l : and ltlt€I'ell8_,€l'l£1t xtt almolfi xmpoflible to gm: an A ftxafi account, or true {Erica of the managing of" ‘" “ ‘ ‘ ' them, whelrchy any man may either fatisfie him‘-* fclfc, or others. Wee have onely one of our fences left perfeél, and intire 5 wet feclc the miléry, though wee {cc not the cau{e:Ancl wee are fo fame beholcling to our clntmit:s,tltat they have almol’topenedA our eyes. '1 his two yearet wee have wandrcdlup and «down: inn Scotch-'milAl , land are at ltngth brought out ‘by a malignant~‘Sun--, " (hint. But complaints will not htlpc Oll1“COl’ldl[iO!'), t‘h.ough'it may cafe our fpiritt. Let us but review lbmelate tranfafiions within thlt compame of two yearea, and wee maychancc to flumblefinto {omc ofthc paths out underminlers have walked in. ‘Many havopubliqotm _ ly afperfed all parties, and laid the guilt at cvcryt Mans daotfc, and that on purpofc to take off the adium from one partlegothers charge-‘ ing oncly the Armic with the rift: and coufirquchcea of all this dc- figne,as,'if they meant to give away the Trophtet of their old Vi&o- riot to their conquered enemies; bin: thlll was but an infirument of A the: dcl‘5g~1eltft:lle5oth¢r$ though not fo wife, yet as much ingaged,‘ tax the Ehrliamcnt with it; and it were tolbc wilht, there were not A cattle, the unevcnlneffc, and inconfiancy of their motions hath gi- ven too much ihcouragemtnt, to the unanimous, andohcartic inten- A tioos of the Malignants; the many dafhcs andtlblots in their joure A‘ nall~boltct, will bctoollaillng a Monument of ‘their unwary pro- ctedingst But was muPt~got no further tthere, they haw: done many things well, though they might doclmorlc : when evil! humor: are A A Purgtdglthc body will be hcalthyaand difpofcd for manlilte, anflm A A 2 " A V futabla l <2) ‘ A fii‘taB1a-Aa&fbns,V and Hie Afiearc and liver will give out bland and .fpirits% as before. Bin: let it befbms fizrioufly confidered ,, an Wm “ Aflwalpfindeg than the Scot: havaa been the grqag}; uAnde.rtakm in chm AA bufiuefih. who by their ~Gc:mm‘ifl‘=‘1oncrs$A%Ahavaféwctly and undmzhandf both plotted and éontrivca that which now Wee fie without fp“e'&a%-F ales :~ neither was it. a fudden or prefint: motion of any particular party, but a fucceflive coA__ncrivan%cc , according: ml the obvious yum-A A fluresof things. A . A - Andthat wen may deale p1a_'tin1y~ax1d ‘faithfully, wge mufl begin ‘ with the end of the firI’r%warre, (for that was Abun the beginning of A this~defiggne%) when the King left Oagfardmnd came into thn »5'aoi.:r As- % my at Sam/mall neerc'Newarke, though? he came fuddenly,A yet not cafuall-yA, theta being 24 treatic in his Name by .Momzm'€ll the renal: ‘ Agent; and Hadfin, who‘vmf am-a11AA;:meg fem: with Meifigcs, an~d:4 Papers to figne, which t%he;%VxS’aatx<3cn7§dc Aw dofiw as beiaig unwilling A to h.a.veVany thing underhand to thew a.gainf’;.%&th¢m abuts yet gave {ufficicnt ingagcments for his {ecuritie , and for fianding for him;_«, A A andVhi;s.+*(3onquexours"— A V q _ A A A not onely by wayof mediation, butaaaé panic. Andthus having got the King, they {bone gmm"acmr my Anqw pr7oi¢&s..,, “The ground of this 5159: EnVterpriAfc lies}?-zivne, and Izincovered to every mans EAXC-a Whqn the .S'cm%l.1w that all the fieldwforcég qf the King mam qyuitg dgfpprfed, and oncly Oxford with a Garrifon or two mcrez‘ to be nu» duccdgand that by the Army Qfch: Parliament; of Englandgin which‘ A Vi_&0Fi€$ they had nopthaj l«r:;:1,_4B: ;%har1d,cou1d:n0t bm;A;x;eflr':& m1chem-g % felire%s,4aAAz1d%nhink_a, szhgir hangar much%*eciip1”cd,%, and chain time, Glqra A L A in%4EfiglWAdaA( inwi*xAich,ch¢y €xP¢5*¢dA an —':qua13AAd (hm ) though: no % Way fh%pr0%babIe:%1:o dra.w~ the eyes 0fth£:%pEopIq%Q1ffr_q1‘n oubAxmg» r to chemg and t@AAb:i;1ax haA¢l_ba¢;; bmll l1ia:fub§ae:«'and*--‘they awakt 5* A and notwithiicanding the order of th&iiPai*‘iiamént oflizsglanai, am‘ the defircs of out Commi{fion_ei:a, they ptefently carried him to Nemaflle, ( having got the delivery of Newark as a pledge‘ to their A promifi: of fomething to be done in lien for him and an a prepa-t A rrative to the quicke difpatch or him‘ at a grcatér difiaimcetfromt the Parliament. When the King came to Nen§cafile,they cnnningiy omimgd the Solamnities of _f.ho0ting, or bionefircs, that all might: ~ fee thcy brought himfather as a prifoncr than 3 King:bu;c the King : (who can bears any thing for his own ends )”wasVconitentcdththéu: he had manic firth attlhifgand comiarted himfizlfe with cxpefiations of 3‘ what would be done for him. Thé Frerzcb Embtaflédour ifoilowrai him fronm London, and .Maumrz'l1*, who ply their intevetfi with the“ ~ not yet ripe. Avmgdone 1§.x.,;Iie:, azici‘ii{Aj2I*u;:dv:rud ai:tcicxppreii~ theC iomfe that " amic Wtii:iCi1t‘ht3f} ifaicitheg;’;r£'2‘1i$,g?i7f'i°iO7p€!'iii‘0fI3é»f~ A‘ ’ ‘ AA glwxziltazzg, i and.L;mmzzricke5wht01’hi wmme rte; i ~ men tthhngv , A A A §c;3t1tVIAfmy“*'WRuv"" A A Wen headed; and condii‘8€ctd”iby‘;thofe whq werc‘%afa1wt=herthpartie‘; Sam. It was than oftcn propqfixci that the Army might; {hand for him, and a great ptogtreflé was madicin it. And whilfethey were A afiing thetcég Landau and the rent were*tfp¢aki:1g in the painted’ 5 Chamber at Conferences with both houfaa , priviiy iti iudgtingtthctt Kingsinterefi 5% but it was not thought the fittcfi time , things were ‘. , Firfi, The Warre being new newly ended, all men, would athomiv Hate the_th0ugihts hf at xuewiwarre, £§{peciIiAA1-yen the fame grounds - which was then itefh intcyerg,An3anstme1'no~try5 an that intemii was toobgroiih,”andAt0c) much hateid*fm:AthcAAr11 at ptezfentt to efpmufé. Sfl“C£i¥i‘idi'§?'m T heParliament,ofifinglaé-ad had** at gitcatt Airmgy newly flciht with vifitzzjms, a11dt_ti1ei M A Jirgila having’ the g¢catefiAinflucnce.on thefmoft confidérabfe Came n manders. AA A t V Sixtly,_h They wanted moneytétndhkncvrthcytcouldnou gag icy ,A: >marching outAtOfthet Kingdoms. :7: they could bcAtt;etA»p1f‘ead,hii;s jcauifé at; diPtx‘1‘flC€5_h fromV his5Perfon’.*§j ‘ - 'TA:1e»E: the 1;iktre3f0Ans were the grounds Why this defigne was not y‘Pr;0f.&Euh£“ad.."t«aE‘gha £iings:beinaAat Ntmfile :4 and y¢t1'0fix"t09g5y~ . die?! that Afallowtic bychteimpqrtutaityGfthefieacéE:mba13‘édorath-It hm; by fame waytAcomP1¥ing with ehe~Par1iW-¢nhtAa ~%;P‘¢13.nt;; find A dhlzih;fl:Iy,t(AwhiAcht‘was as,prevalcht‘ahsanyj’thé}}toid the h,MKEWng.h had not Argile (:6 whome E.agl4nd¢oWes much~)V%Ainterpoi%:d hés-it1- A g tefrcft inhfome: eminent Cqmmztndets , they had riot then delivered A himt up ,; Vtafid the faitlufinlhefih oftite Gentleman his the#}mh0reA to Abe looked ontéthytthe P;u:1i“ament%%o*f England in this regard , that. the I A mbaflkdhr j%o%fi'ercd him 40000 pcrupda hftarling, if huwould but A ufe his endeavour , yga ifhe would but abflrafi his influence; the q King however was much unf;tisfied,tanhd Ptillh challenged man; with v theinpromifca to him before he came ihto their Amty, and watcx- cetdingly difi:ontt:ntcd% _.,j being193*!htolofctanyt‘opApQrtqnity , and fearing how things might fiJcceed_.,though h.-2 went away with many A rPmrn'ifes.t and Engagements frornthe greatcft pcrfona in the King» A , dome; Thus the King by much ado: is given up, carryed to Halme- A byfilltfufpitions of the Scot: taken away bythe match oftbeirw Arnty '4 .out, of England, andtheir faire parting upon that frnall fumme of A money, which was broughtto them at part of their pay. A ‘1 . H M But; thesugh the“ Army be gone into 3c0tl»:md 3 yet :11: Sam bom? . cmiffioncrs am at London, andADerb} houfe 5 and now is the din: for 4 to ‘do: their bufincflI:, i£é1nyAthing tmifcarry it (hall lie hot: the Par-- A liament ofErzgiarzd and the Aasmyg The S6011 hawing now Agqt as A ' - much from th: Pt.?1rliamcntashAthcy hcavngtmdthaving vifibily di1;:on~ tented ‘the King,tmeane to regains all, and make upthmc former de- , fe&s ,h by a more diligent and def: negotiation ofhia taaaires; there H is but one obfhufiion in the; way,that is, the Army; and _a %di§h_hmc_l~ I L ing of them. muff be the hPrologae tcithis new play; And btcaufi: it was _a wotke that lay not [0 fully in theway of the Scot: Commiu Affionersg. they ioyuc counfulls with ‘fomeofthe Grandoca of the A Hour: of Commons,and City,getPetitiongs drawn hp againfl them, L invent, ncwpamel to make them odAious,as Sc&anes,In epcxtxdcnta ,‘ enemies to Munarchy 5 and to make fur: Worke that the defigne might rs). might be thoughtto be eccllefiellicell , as wellae civill,they engage A the Pmbyteriaylli ' Miniflere to cry up uniformity , to mile a-gainll in Sefiariee (under which title they would be fare to comprehend the Armylthe Pulpite at Edirzboraugb endL_mdtm/ring but onemttlne 5 land allthis while little mention oithe King but accidentally, he»- eaufie that waefitflinmtentron,ttemul’c_yneeds belaftin execution; and ‘Frill too gtoflle to be the fitll Propofitiong 1 e y _ The ediebancling Ofthe Army it {till profecutedfthat being the 54-aching that mull be done) endebecaufe theyimight have authori- ty ifér their intentions, they ‘engage the Parliament in it alfo .3, who for; the prelhnt "was futprifed by the faireyandfmooth pretence; of thefe men; fieconded with to mmy Petitions from the adjacent Counties, and the influenoe ofthe-lCityi ofléqndqn ; they voted the diebanding of the Army, and afteryupon a imodefi iull Petitiotnlof r the Army, but for‘ their arrcares, and indernpnity ; they got them ~r r voted Traytorsi; which could not but make them looke about what they were going ‘to, and what enemies they had, which was a men... net of uniting them beyond expeaation... The Army {tend on their guard, clefire onely liberty to inform: the..Perliament of the de- Hgne of thefl: men , and (at Subj_e&s)‘to charge fome particular men with afiions done to the pre)udice of the Kingdoms,-, which being ‘done, and the Army electing themfelves ,and the dcfigne which was upon them and the Kingdome, the Parliament unvote t l them Traytore, own them for ~theirArn1y;and yet but a eleven Mernbere excluded..v Things now were in a hopeful! wayofal go- vernment; as all honell then thought: but it ends not foo , that was but it an enginetoy another work: 5 They are now aemuch affraid of the Parliament as of the 4rmy, they therefore lifl men fcycretly in the City .3 i get a company ofrude Prentiicee to come, and ‘force the “Hook to deny their Ordinances tvotein the Kin ,and engage the ‘ Gilty to begine a new warm, that fo having yonccll at them together by the cares, forne other medium might be ufed to further the de- A light: But God blelledly prevented it at that came however fparkee ~ we re kindled that would breake out lhottlyinto a flame. Itcannot, r be ' done in England fofuddenly, Scotland mull appear: in it. e And beoaufie the heigth and greatnefle oftheyP’arliament could not’ con---- fifi with the fplendor of the Kings Majefliee andtlif they were high , he would below that they might bring things into an equal"! balm c 6) : zanc;:,, they mufi conficzcr they be taken downaa ‘little Iofier‘ ,3 gfié '1 ._ Sm, (‘,gnf;m'affi£>ne:'s being the ficcefl becaMuf;:: af mar reprefimtation, . and ::;h.e;€r‘&:ei*t ifmm <:ha?rga,mlA3fi draw upA%AD&acI2ma1%tiQ.:» 2.3 aga int} their prccazigdifiga, randflf ifi?‘§”-‘»1'IA1 at tIA_!é¥1‘AAAag[ait1i‘t theAiC¢V;.»y}g;naAm-9 as m4mp1y¢..% ing with Seaaxies, aixd rgtm wilting m fi2:;::!ei AuA!1&_?P:r1£sj4b}*4t;::Em gas vemmemtg a_A:1d‘in}che f"aAm£AA Papersléc.l'et1yAvind§cam A:‘~_".91e=.-_ AKimg;, ,mdA _ the necefiicy of his preffénce wixh 4;h¢m,i0ynit1gAthe mg mud? CW vemrit t<:g«:ther,(as if they were awins) that; [Q th£~c_:(Jmmuri peopie might: fee" my diflleranca between them but that the; Covenant and King mini’: live and die: together. By c%fs,'is m«eanes.the Pxrihmemg am looked on as the nasal: burch‘en,and things brought [0 even ccigether, as if nqthing bun-~a Perfonall Treaty could umpire; A Perlcnall Treaty isfo urged as that, all the peace of the Kingdoanehnga upon, J % ir._.,A and nei;:.fbez~"dif¥icu1c'y, ‘oridanggr, hionoxf, or fafesy igfiflad ..upon;% A . as if the veryVp%eri’o%n of the King had all the fafety a'1di=ibcrtyin it; 3 ¢ and all l;l¢fl¥:dn—:{Tc were in 3, cA:AaflVof)his Courmenancc“, and that b %I:he%very appearamce: of his iperfon he could Izlifpcll all ¢he“xniAfisA% which he ixsmh raifed in thc £hrV¢e?Ki%ngd0mes: but Gad hath Ayelé V prevented‘tha4r,at1d Pa11lAi:;%mahA£$Qn iufi and Amofl: ferlimufi ounds — voteclno m+)re~addrefl%s%tohAiz*n Whichhad been smifdy: flvlluwedy iftzhrfe new bAro:~l-es, the a&3m;g As of the old deiigne bad %mJ~r;%; hindred) the Scot: Clmlzniffiraners having done all} thry cmuld in the Parlia- a- mam: , and City 5 now taks POPE to the Ifle uf W'ig/org, % whgre,-1A 313% sf they W4:-Bid 3f3t5¢iP.a€eVthejPer1bnaA1XATiea':y,:, cajea.;:% privaxcflv with the King; p:r<:Ite8-’t gagainfl :h:{Pmp :[i:%iz.m%s‘%%the P,.:r3%iazn::u%t fin: in % order we: Txmcy .-, amd it feetz€1AAcsA have tafcgfin*£hé&v;3holaAAAbufinéfl%: V an ;hemfe!ves,fm* the htmor of which a&irJn,thai.r Ssscremry was mada “Sir fabrz Cbeéfilr 9*, all this.WhiImAcheAe.n€:mie is flacrcrlky» tgmipercd with 2.1} 5 the Sam engage s;oA mAbsAi;~ug imam A;‘gmy: but ha %muAfi prmanife %toMfcx%igage%% hi5Vp}xmtAy%:§;1%rife in iejlflall parts N the -Kngdome at onr;:»_:; that the Am:y»:h;;n ccm?dAV:}A:m: he digbandAéd * mi,»;,g_h«%Aba~. dividfied ‘imzoparts and 11:: 41 iAfih’*¢%a€7ae¢i ,, amrhche 1s:_»r_Jnm:i over-w c(:mc.% And then they w:%xL1Id comem 0n?th4;e Regarag, cmIyA.wi%:.h thig %prr.*%»v§if;:a , that four:+AN,; H; .h -I'?*i»:.=A;= C»:2L1mxi£a%(:an¢e1»:*; Vxnatimtra migmbe added tr.) {he cs”‘0%€2w3e of 5m lgzzd $15.? vi". Ah .AA 1" pay ,_th_ag fit): Ehéey Amigh; inia;rgc‘their OWfl¢‘Ki\.f§1gd{3§3}€3v33; weliasxhc Kings. ~ A‘ A A TbA.is% A A ¢ -A: vgggsttbufings was &one_ 1I1“the‘"I1@0f,W1g’I1t1‘, anti fectet engagttntznts ' A . .mfidg?g 1;1Amg1’Ebthet‘CaveliétS’miifiimfo t>cot1and"tot take ttotitcwof ?a11 aftitire-3, ¢ ‘A gm a§;itate*tht:~;bufintese , ‘and I the 'ScotsCommi1fionets 4 mufl: away :to the Fatiiamentt $fS£,0tlwflfl‘Aw to {it all ‘things ‘thete;:’“ but this tcan;-=» V Vino: bédtrxtie ‘fa fu‘d§det:ljr“ ””tiotupon'the it=ttert:{’t' cf theAA»AKing only; theyhaving many partiesttc) dttalg withttll th_eAtCove11a%ntmu{’tbt’t2 "twine Ain£?ti‘iiQtI*te:%ttt. W Now the Commi‘flionAets cotne A to ;Ea'£a¢é»ro:ggx/2, ‘A they are owned and thahked for thcitbt-:c1§arzttion%, and the Faithfuli managttjtg of their bufitxcflé in ‘fingiafid 3.CCOf.'d~iI1g».t0. the Covcf:-» Ananc; All this while the fhctttrft %‘Pr€Sbyt&rianSAAA$hD‘tthiI'1"E1tg?an££ "9.[!ff1\i§'6*0t‘I.’.'i’7¢‘6§A5€1t’€ ttot privy ttga ‘tth¢e'fde1Tignt:% butf*2:ea1oufl4y prt-ach; A A dgw?n Se.x9cs,at1d particularly the Artnyf, and charging the.tPar1ia~« ment with breach 0£"CWenant., with many the like blacktafperm ‘ifions, and fo hot they w@rt:,thatMt.‘.4 Marfia/((A3 mart true enough wthe cauAet,*1;heught*no%t the defiggne )“is not fi.tPE::tt.~d but onc<:5t.Ao%4 ~tcomeAintwAthc:§A u1*it%at Edinlami la Vbétiattfethee.cnde2rt/outed at X .t . P P “ E at ‘. A jpeace betwcenftht: “Citty and Army: A th€"”CQV€I1flflt\i$ &i11"pl‘f;‘Ft', 3 anz:1Ama.de ufe of A ( Aasif that was intended to be the A rc:fervAe to the V *Kiti’gs defignc) with {o much viglenct: , as thatttothingbut threat-A rrings afid‘¢urf¢$ Wm .b331¢h“*11‘P° againf*ttPar11a1mnt and Arnwy as umdermintrs at3dbttak§:rsof§.‘tg -4:-H‘fiwb!¢ta” ;a;1d;this p7:trtyfnow fitt>’Vng,Atth%eAbufineflc "is ripe 5 *t1%theymakc4*ufc of till’ th:::it“tg”0o!& "words, ‘andv0te%ttht:~rag%fit1gta%nAttny,foMr to fi‘lppt'.€‘fl§ thc“ seem-» ‘tics ( upon this Pcqck they graft that Vdefignts ) to=~rede“em A the t1~;;§ingA5 Am vindictttetltc Com;-nat1t,;and {ettuptPresby‘tetia11govern... men: tttVhe'Ahoi1ef‘t Amen ‘(far for We call ,tht:tn lmwcver) A ’havii1é; 7t*7A1ix'ri thtétniclveé but or bttpath 5 and i:1fenfibly.gitvct1 power to thdfa who knew new nu mztkc uft: of their advantage ; «DCJW finde them»- “iE1ves*atA%a1oi1'c:g; and nott‘ ablctto qt1c:1‘1:.the't.ci‘tevti11 they had unawars +raAifed.A. And h.t3te%{I t'r1ufftakel¢a;v%e*t#t»t‘%dtgteflé 2£Vlii.'£'1€,‘3tnd ta‘kcAn%0- ‘tfiteof A “at greacmercy hich We‘ wcfzrught ‘to“ bldie God for ,‘_g;1gg‘;; 7~thoughAtAAhé{e4 tnetit have ;V1ead%t§n~t}1ejwa.y*, and giventoccafitmiatzclt iApow,etintottthe‘h*at1ds of outtmmics , yetthat God hath d‘itfco~ A~m:ttdt?:the tdcfigne btfotctthey’ joyntzdwith them 3 which t‘ht':y‘“htid 7 Au». Acm?-§ A (M .mea;a:%y«=&me,aa& ma pravid“ei1c2:flwewn,t§1e'xx% wmmufr Eu arm lir:a}sier3, ';.iA*:a:nfd thot.x+gl‘I;%Tthe)? *no?\33zé5‘AV fbf.%§,h€i&‘,A Wwarin We , ( car is.-all 22 m J yssirswefl '?%av¢=Ad%eckar€d¥ ‘agéinfi we ::p:*¢ce«;»di:wgs; a’n&n¢W 1>reacB.fe mm»: 0% %;;nc% GA>;wc1ees~ V;theA€¢+m:ni£fi~ % ?m’xL{r§¢ L&§;§év%dm,%a11d War;-mag“, A LW11”®%fWEf¢z»f$h¢3 gréwc %§caI1‘~I;1p¢23='~:.%wm-- . fgviizh the E'§iz:ag2;;§z1t1xr*c: prcfacc, of all ~£:l5%$3:.g€‘.13Ef1‘Pfi:(fi are new in Prim a . of.¢,z%¢pr:nV£a.n%:e foar§é§t%. and mufi,E3e%‘fa1%n &.0¢\}:a=y¢xqvJz2I1». Aghofcr f X A 13m: to Agfae DI?,:E;3‘7'¥;§1_'&HiYpZf:§ tron xi‘ thefe; ;§C'ay.'c4$¢§r:$~~da%rg§ ;:2mezft9;.i'1a€d"f film» Ediméammxgb 363 gm B;zrw:icI¢tawx3»wwV4they ‘ mfa;irchi7t biiiif H0: m»b“€t_ Kong bfi? A éorechey came in , aind 3522;: new clean: % :31;-:y zhtinwanmed in mm} mpw @0r‘ziIn§=t-y,.;,,jAan-dmother.hem? to“ c'I:r:§;Vr¢éfi9ny%% ;.aVi1"d Well Eenowmg E5:iC*., ~ imping 9% «M: rwwvrw =15 W‘-%fo%1V$ W;w1d4 bé an in+vfi1eib%eim«~:» A Pedimmitws‘th¢¢in’n4%@%t ¢¢m?“5“§mW9‘F‘M a®'E.‘Qgi£"Qfi:'t wm%1%4Vrheyha¢l:.% %fg0t‘this%%co13~fiiei0n-A in thxzr‘ nremy, aha; thaf: two Fx-omzer Tmgwxmu ~ A :1harm-1dA4bedif:nam1eo1;and— mgmaronskepfc eichfsr Eargiafi ox" «Win aiid % flu fiend ex Wéfewh of "cbigs A éiagéagbenc , wchm rh mgh 1.'vehadjuFcmL1fcof‘fL:r[pe&§ng an {u%1+pr1~£aL;l,-gt .1; fifmnaxch my thfi" « *difa°1V=*nw€?€ 05 ‘hi? *Nmh* )~1a4“°3 1‘3i?i*:*:i*4¥Viw%he3”*‘&’€AV4%%1?%?*éfW &?1iai.wF.,t;h,»?= fo41rcegam'cwie«sh‘ them , as cheywattfgm W Vyci: Wc,:wjould%j%x3at,%Ahm:% ,, ra~Lha:1:‘letm :reacfici*y% ami I‘;’»%21fc%néEfe appears 15:9» ownj coloum; J, ;m...~ that cruRing% God Wit-»h« Ehé 'Vi~{fii@: of’ <;%T.un.ho{h=: nVht:n;%%_%e:mri{5e1ves m» 1th€:f¢': To4Wn¢£:Wi£h:.§3ft~é='aCh"0fQ0Vt”fma1jt;&Bl3“§tQ1r¢mrZI mflour dj-f‘-'*r‘.' » mu rm, the Par1%iatrnent40£.E mgl£az¢dL%fegL¢expre1"fg 1p~r&‘cr»to.o,ug‘ Cqm-; Pmi{fioz1emfi;n»A‘ ;$’&at?a‘;«:;¢za£+A%«f»demand‘;uhcfc: mm a;*.3%w%;:memic+s m hochv Iflingdoxnes, efp’ecia1l.7y.-.to Ehglmédgfiwafid m““"§@ ‘$56’ Qovfinanuw ,;:f to rhrut endg and~4:he_:reaties;¢which bapndcss‘ ms.r:g» bring Dating . gucntasjto gufiiceg But the:_Cov@na%nn Wastnm. for tghat putpofe its ’%d‘crxied ab7’c:1?15pArefén.tl§: af:c:r £.mng1§d&!é4c:1'trec{ _Z?£.2zWicI¢;; ‘mm: with forty Horfa and AiGlém%4m%Ca5fl:il¢;N0w _t;%h1s%: Waa kt-mwnat ‘fizééoraagbr army, wefe {till gs» m§*g;Whic!m‘%Ldreamt§L. the di§zfig:1er "~ ;".Y‘?';»¥11‘—W:¢,_f§9.‘3 ;lmé:s2Aa5: (Vcbvgm V % A §_,€3r71. ;iiik’a,eV§iii~iinsaa1i kopnflitcm oil that iwmxe f°o1:’i;“ti1até purpofe 3 tow“ A A A .. want, not: aflmmcd‘? o no give it *out: than t!he+P:zn1iamcnt iéof Englandi -~-had fecrgitly. hired’ ~-timid men to doe it to afliront who ,4 i1S'QUf$a.. flu: however “this is done ,« that they may not want a pretence Langdale muii itaiccithe Covenant, and {:3 did baa .i7or‘o i he entredfiarwick: ~Aindi that as A they were but the Soars ‘E-Iargbingers, iitso.cie’ar {ceingi that thefe townoare. nowfldielivered up into the Samhands as the focuricy of their Army‘ , and an earneli of the Four Northern Counties which is ingaged to them by the King“ Now they came into Barwiclg they ;were not {'0 well pron vidediasithe confcquence {och a. place required; thefialrle LEM-= - oierdatle ( one of the moft zealous of the Scot: Commiflioners, tha. t; A iaeimight {how his affefiion to his Majeffy,anEl Farther ithis dcfigm, A “ {and them {overall Wain load of all forts of',Amxxmoit:ion_,A% ass: to» = i.ce,A( though; % they %expe(’tc*d Lo find E~h:£_m_ in a better « poP:ur€,,. ;bAe1»11gAAAAprom1fecl an 4 body oE%1<:>o%oo. ta joym: with :hem.a,t thfiii‘ firft comix1g,befidsm whaeihuuld be infevery cpur1t:yA in Englama; todiveirt tAhe*.A1:m1¢2 from them. .) H The ’.S';:a:.r¢.i,;14thAe beginzzimg c3f«;1g,1yA ,ent<:red % Eng» d1énd7und+er Dnkéj d?H»zz?¢éi7ré%r rlmir AGAm@»ra1l» A¢arrsAd*a t0®1%.eAp0f¥:1fien; of AC’.zz?Z£la~ 1 1:mL1ie4dizt¢w1y;V‘1;angi pre{::nc13§~«-A;-'=1&¢1‘:IEV0f~% Em w:i¢:l@r.AA *A:t:his%. cmzcradice heW.rit§S,a)1arge Epiffcle-?t§>~‘g.fl1aj0r =Gencra13 Laméert 2. flilowing his iziAteAx1ti.0~nsHwasA~tovimdicatfi t.h_¢, %,;C3oV€Ha:t1t9 and ram d%e¢AmeA the King;.A.%1§hus,;he Ccrvenant i$:mad:e A~theAflal*king h0r'£e“"tfl ‘: t~*y‘de{.ignQe £§s;zq“dfgmayA-.b:¢V M;a;.;Gaut,im31.A tof7a;1l.A to ‘:a1Aie:c:rfeex*s; jTha~: ;S’caw:ar*c new c0111<32'it‘1;»az:2d give an Alas» mm ta EH61-Whflk’ Iéizagd orxie, tlwy a11*#3advy chalk@:1gc‘ti1e North as“ “ their nwm.%%«4thcy%want% hm: 1\T6’vfi1~Ca£_/Me? xzermake up mm b.’m’gaim;~: coxnpleac ; xvhichmdw been long cm: z:his'inéthc.i.1% %h'mds z:3xfi>,»;V’$:*<1‘?’c3: R noffor :hegf’aith£u1x1cI§E2 lamd a&iv%imy% of«S§%r«x1rth2w -Hafléxidgw . v£*ho»rxar:.«fs&£crafo~:1%ab¢1y%% ~f:;=n:Adown as Gmrcrmnuur , %toV~who1n aha’ % K%i11gd@:-rm, bucwiimzciakly the Northern Ccaunries .'m-:.nm mchnarilyw ~ €.~*t'1ga§‘_;~d of'th-:.=.: r-;:12xic.m, wvhich is but» the emt‘:*ry1:3f‘a; ncrw Worke7:% w11:;u:thc:*y\::'i11 amffi l”'Ni‘}i.E is the qt.z<:.»~ L‘ {:’:i011*, Wcmesrd notfeare , but that bcc;_;;§<:z'%s mwv t.hc§Z arev {cc on»; 4 horfl: back will ride faft mough ;% th&;‘%%Ki11:; p*:'ix:1ciQal1y :ry11:=n~::sm:; ~ o*m'1.ibierty,t0a«:h/ancca his Preregxtivcr ;firhe Sm.tJ'3f0.1.l“I’ €fPc£it£i',°?§ t min:theiMbrcu%nes«, mid b%oz:h%intcm~:1'toyzm1«:c a ii1f’i?i:;i~c:1";»:. deviw '" flux} of What ever We account czvur l1z1.ppi;11e{ffi?:' t:hcW old caufi: is x‘t:‘--' mwcrd ,and the old: cznemy in Arms , zsandy vac - hAa~w:~: th»is§advan~-- mgr: coA cm f pirits‘ a nd»~ hupcfly L~h4a::% they ~h:va/mafidcd s treacmry and — iI1‘§.;YaEi£ud{f§O their mmity an?d.ma1:Aigmn.c:y-, md4%G0d hath Amrz; left: us withc>m:-imcou1:a;>;cm4ent :3irr:he very bc~gi:m11ing,xvhiah-isasA a {urea earnc~.fl~of%aco11tixmued prefencc. Its time now fczr all men mVawakm,.i%f'thr::y hawangrxi imx:ete{?c;1cfi: 4: and mum be %d<:1udedA* any rnmre .wirEa«-vpmencés ofthe ‘Covenant , and Go1zerxm;c:nc~$‘ . which Smtefm?e~nu‘£r: ormly as rattles; and b:~.mbies1to~p1eafe childr~cm «» E“—Iad1m3r:lt:<.mc£1: Prtxsbytetians confidercd what brain was laid un-cw ~ d~iemi1ithx:£¢~ loofc carriages nf-the ’Sa-‘om-A Ca>xnmiflioxa¢rs.- -H{@W‘q ' A ~ B 5 A A :iflC03:.k'm.~ an-on-nfihu ‘H _” W ~»_-A new 4 4 ,. ‘ 7, ‘ w ‘ r F‘ . ‘V -my % wary thcn~to‘ha;ve%m=ing1ed their iutcreR~§% In much» 31$ A they hzwctw ficlonc, making curly’ thebare cakingo-fthc Cavvexlanp taiben thfi A ,grcat%diRin&1onoE hon;ePcméet1.,, and%%joyning»C0unfe1s‘ wi.:h%the{§3, whofe grinciples they .were ux1acgt1aiu:edAwi:t1a1lA; bceM a Adiflance r hath fuck an influence CO raifa tbsdying ~fp.i2:i‘t~$% df 3;';V:f:e11%, and revive their hopes, what: may we expefl: xvauxa t£1e%Azf1e‘::€:ce?a11€1Perfonall: . approach ofhinhdofie, efpeciall, if"agIaii:i1e% 1753: izpcmé‘ Thmnc :; the srrmzhis, this qmrrell is fo farre from Ewing , ,a1«lx:his while lie and his party haw: Tbccn ~bu: add-ingA~m€:::~%::%e:r ra§;€ indjmalite twzlgeigj dcfigncs, and yy1xec;jng.tha':ir fgirizs, E:>2*:%,,V égon_£id_cration% qt" ~x»hezr[ “ *mE3r:”i%rz1e:ct £mges*» = flnfl nowirzs not zfufié Ae3r§e%c;‘z‘i*c&,Aa,:.+:£‘;,'9;;;:;gv fr?) % %medwtiom;, mir coxwxoiidtioms gait; emf its: ’ vnfia; »flWm~It&», ’: ‘meza:~mm~i% §%€:§‘ax3€i zwnht hW9A.»1;“«.__* 0% A ¥}m:t*fm my bl-affi ~A%%Eew*~ A E‘~"x0};§ti’§r o p€a;ce;,Ag and: mxght 4’a;r£‘rtjz;n;fc: the A ~qua,rm'eI*.r§9A {%£*1=:£€~I:y;1,:¢.~« A£:~nAficy’ hm bred ti7p%Vrhe% 1ZA’f,aiL=irAIc;H:4;;A eairfid’ ‘Warm fi;ntudT"mmim:hsmrm: _ fifpuufe aim fame quarreili in thafir tz<‘:z~1.c."¥5fl.f?A yA»s:*Aa<14e$%,,.«' tlaey -ha«va* ~ ' kt‘ them ma re;;, and ms n?*xxrii« t.E1cyV%%grm~W R"p“§,%»-"“_?» gzhe W-%inéipKi‘$*;*mvK1ixcIw 3513837-“ A haveV iaxfufedt. Eixem;-‘ " Wt“€ fmwgmfm ifiéivew ahéy; _§:mrm VAtm~'havc:2* i ,p0"~+wr;°z* L0v£t-flf: WA At-%1gn4praw».~Wm mug ‘mthing lI<;fi:¢44;. Emit prov A @‘1re*:ame=:Aw*V:a;r€ga%me Ehi'::f€'a3C1%fi’£12Bta*gE5‘¢;,.”Wh1@h:Wt:6E3 §§ave«vmre1eflcEy -km 9 A :A. T his port: Ki=nge1'%om'e h hachyf gaffe T6131’--'rm¥7($h by mmeavby tzhcer A Amame 1%;i=hg~mn;;}$e mm: fi«3c¥,A. aR L1pox1~“:h-Mew WVhach%*‘h;1va dwarm mm '4 '- §€he%znb{tani£i:h‘ie¥e*%;. 3;'Y1L‘i cm=nm1brace t-he%"fa~:m:* thivugifvwe Efaiurz A Amrt-W mum em; in z Wh=a~tké‘ Wl‘Eh*~ msypaf.«-5 mrity r.» Rm: 1 have burne r;oo~los:ag, With n%hx5~«efad“d1fcomrfe.~I*«c¢;au1¢t:~- f :- in w;vi1”h, am: $50 cmuki? mar1yAhcmeW men ' mam.-,;A that the AFar17igmcmg,:>A ; 7: “ jmvould nmfie ‘fa-rcureg AfmmAe%fii$zok not x:c>fi§13r,r.ha:%x13aA13Ay of ch¢sxj;%”a¢m gprromoters of cm: sold defigne, I may:fa~fc1yfay3 ahandiyouare pr;i.n ._..—« raipa1lyunc1icmlza»e drzfignm Its cmnpparm. oflautevg 't"haVt~ they: havczza had zmmy unAm.tnra1%L«m4em1Bersa, aAncMi‘nce the mw additimsyhave ~ “ «gmwme fwmewhac wnwddie in! t’heir A1n<:nionsvT;’A~%* parliaments» were A V r f%%me%vm+ fa Law in :11: «eyes 6f‘theAApVeapke.ast1‘ow¥4AA;ri:s f§eare«%1ybuVAha:m . % Am‘ ”ymm:.~ Aao1:va3nta%ge3, aswell as ochcm The fa»1me ,et1ezni:«::“is iriférp ' ‘ ~ againfi ycm°,~ bAuAtyeu! havem;otth*¢% fame hearts éTith¢’§mc§h0me%Ax%a- %mé”as‘ bfiforfi 2 We W3arm‘“i%‘?b¥°‘3‘€fl%*?E4Sr9W W3 §zom:y -f.;,. ‘la. FirMfh3oL’s 1710“ 413113-It-‘N-?1L<= to {he condicionof the King amt? Parliament as‘ they are now :~g1_1c Pafliaznuent having fought; a gainik that King rm: that whxch cFiEg_a1‘c nOt«tQ tgmtj; a;bQi11§3ap& have him as thezlr opriloonct‘ (pa‘rdon*~:.h;ao‘fin;: m %%‘AVm;Lefh 3:; %f‘woh4‘i&oh“ they more trea t about is d6ccf¢zi1ioé”Eifj‘o"éz“h‘:;:§ti"i5"é,"by ‘fife ‘—Sword. As?t;l1e=Kix1g would vé t}houghtTi:be1owc4hi4%n:fe}f';Ha;.d »o-hfi the Par'H g1n1‘en§ in that condiotion {ci1¢y’ofiaveM him , to treat ';.v‘ichl3oirx‘ib{)i1t£‘Vw§gh an Ax and a : £fo%it’si oobo1ox;v:geo%%;‘%hg:Qr- *},'i amicnt(:fhoL1ghx*xj_y Hjg Ma'jc:fiie hatho;.iuc hfimfié.-15% intotlaagfi,C‘apa- éwcitio as ~co‘Mdef}:f‘vo’ the o;on:=zI1.xc:: )4: 1;d%‘Vtho;xg,liV17LoLv ho%%£'e*¢;‘;1VoV§§:g§h.aVve a-niéwo forcc,o%'y"5m: it”s% the;rato!1eroa.q;ai,ri{’c the‘Trcaty,4Wé {Ea} hié dc. ‘~{ign'cs aifonoon for peagepm; war:8coiNl1icI1% follows more pIai.nIy. o ély}, ThisTi*earjf{¥rik‘e4s’d‘écpIy at the pz"iviIedgc§}of%%ParIi:a;- n1ep£‘oQwbi¢h hath“‘b¢e€:n?oAr1ocoofthc‘ great" “f?-)i,§g%I1t;o,%f'o_C_¢)Aro\io;x1 th*e~la**t4e *VV;Ju‘ Kfingfj Fo1‘j’firfl, i.Ah%:y%a'g;ait1” givc_,£,l1:c King the opoweroof hiis” 'z‘1eg’;n:ive"voic%e, to deny What; thoéy %th§ii1k A H: for the Kingdom, _and put: thcx11f¢Ivcs but in cquallotcrms with his pezrfon, which was the great contrAovo.rfie formcr1yg_Sc- oocondly, how grdeat ao diihonour will it: be, to the ,ParIi.xn1cnc of V Emmi» :0 comm: ‘1<=AafwbbfhVH0uFés6fPar1i4m¢n¥a W1 the grea c affairsof~t1‘1c”Kix1gdom,.o¢a4nd% “goA t%w€¢nty% miles to t:r';f§at Witoh i gychezir Encirny, who h:«uh'pt*oc1aim’d thdm iTraytors , add new recalled it, who hath rrxiflzd an Army to deflroy chemo , At an: would not oWnwt%h¢t1i"for,a Par}ian1én&r~,;md‘Vishow in t.hen.1tur:c of a oprH'oner~too t11*§n1;f‘>csxcl1 a coxidifcmfion (viii foon makc «pity for a fecotudg, anii %tl1at%ofor*;1 third,,1fmti%1l“hc get his old Pbcijoa .o*.§{81IiAV(§. E.ingsf(ic ‘{'ecm“s)thin'koth%cy ni.-aoy do What chcv will ~againfi Kingdoms, and Pa r11.;3.xncnt.s,ancl ycfi retain _LI1cia:' Prcm- om-£J.(ativ€':S_;, and bo on thVcFamc terms cvcr they ‘wcrc_.,as -ifchgyowcm boch"iocwpaib1%c of fin of cF1oifi*c{"pc&. This Trcatic ado for mu chingoclfisr b-.it:7 an inflmfibfe Rep into the old %PoW,ocr. Let it be Vg~r:1m.ed that the whofie Kingdom in Parliazm-not is in tho poked‘: notion but z:cL1a2a1l with thc.K’it1g',ye%t now it nluffbc acfmoW~=- led ged they a%n*o‘L1nc:qz_1a2ol, “‘~!m‘viaozg ‘bo ‘h fought Forii1‘r:iz*pso'chc~ I11in‘::ncim ?.hnv:'i’n1;<=%;i:s::%<:.-= Ma_%x*x%ci’;t%4?cix,e Par3ia.tx1;cr>t£xl§taincd "it vbyche Sword,-(for unto,fi2i:ha%det.erm.inaVtiQn h%ad:1VHis A/Iaicafiiic PM h%ir1I.f¢1.f and his CanF¢)%a.x:.d how “r}1:‘.!.-1"’-1C,""%1‘.“““"V'\1Il. it rrrfiefi on 4chtcirAvx*ifdo mo .and T_H0¥°°,*1I' s%t¢P:¢fcn7tAixig AIM »55’‘hQ1P1{:i1°g»§1/0I?3 . a.hd‘4Vhw0Wdeep mfiuflit ¢xxced%sfirik'c im<2tAh¢a«r0¢mfz ircir%privi1~cdg¢s»t0sgiwthsnr ,5.W3¥ éfiéra %V5&<517Y AA=Whi¢;11 PW? %m3gh¢ d in «.3 -9? Pmfic? Tfiifi Ki?‘g..h31I?&..{ $1? 3/aclzridgea ru~wVg49m%a¢V %h0%_*1 Qflerqd by the King W:h¢1,1 has Waé fit fwnrr the condition new heiis «in;a«ndV out of she T?-39.1? *C2f”Pa.I?1Ais=nxcflt4ary pow. %11d,uv«1:1¢lJ we had xw Pamtics %i1br%div%if§_9n%$:%nd»:.hc %way of dPr0mfitioz2§ onely thoughmfic. ‘fléwnwéh !?.1%?t¢Aim9<1n v¢.tii¢11t W0~u4§1%iM¢ bx? nxa Wllfifil have fométlsy «W i,23g8.i1i 0!” .bFf*%3Ei0nVAsw19i it i5 P.bQ»9,Q@€1d¢dQnr ‘W5? ‘~?’.11f."?‘ arty adasa ¢fft:.dingVt.0 the fencgz ;§>.f uheAA;Pa1~1ia,- 15mnt=t5?hiChaifhe m'34fiF::%€0‘§T%nf:w’WhY%hath has dcmurxcd on give: up the ‘:ight”s,.ai1d1iberzies of: Erzgland,fur4rcpder» ch; :“he&:;a.,.jg}1chis while rcfuvficql to; figug: them I’ is Ichprc any fuck. dzffermce bctwgen wgjitlng, a,n«d4 {peaking the fa [DC thing 2% If the Pa riiament Rand not to the matter of the Progofitions, they {Ecua- rity V’ Fqursh Y» Neither is 'ths=t‘¢: sa11y%Vp:obab1¢ hopes ofany good :17 3 wiry Va yid ‘pea OE f this Natiunainto vdae"K‘i’rsVgs :31 a»n&s ifihey flick co]thcm,»Vv_veha»v¢: ma hopes of any g.0r.:ad~from a %,p=::rf¢to he hon arawblefor%him,a%vc;?mJnfawifc for us : ¢nd,cha¢t is an0£her%R.e$af@t1 which may wall bev:%2ud~&l:e‘d..~ Fifcly, That it's moi’: dsungerous Re12m]icfl;m2tibm and ha:-A aardousco the P.u:liazn%¢cx1tVand Kin gdom, Fear firfi we fee w h:t~t influencc even the :.abIht1{c.e»af uhc:Ms1.g haath h:.:§d& upcm. ~the*‘€pem- pl: 3 if but his N:a-me; is a»d0rn'dd _., Wand worfhfippml mm: ibh7e*ly ameng the Commcm pjwpIc,AbutA thé great Vozaesmow mmh grew- ter wouldhis p.mfc:1a£.ek%haA;ve? we i7m3;1se.s or fi*oWm;w<9»"f at vfling may do firange things filddcnly on our %un»fm:le%d {?p’irit~s 54 quad d¢Qu%btl:flfl'e~w%hc:n% ever’ t‘bere:i*s fuch a %conin=x1&iona~ of 7‘K»i\ng¢ and vParlia?ment,we;{halI foon fim:l%h.c.i:s thefleadg Men whawiorflqi the rifing Sun, will dc: it in the dawning ofirt if they cam.» But. fccondly, ,Ir;’s»d.mger0l1s in point 05 £i=:curicy : What aflimmce A anAy:%n1anpromifeof a q;uic;t;~fifrt»ing,yor fair pa{rt»in%g*h:~h4cr<2 CanAbe%nofmfetie without: an .Army*a.bout chem,«an«d Achati“ will be accounted% force, andfo bc an impcdimcntt.othc:~ frcencfli: ciif A in Tumnltas are now fizdédcnly» rifing in cveryVCoumy,thai: no man can forefce co~prcvcm without an Army%(for fo the plotis“ A laid); And Wha,t.Ai»f chAewKi.ng and Parliamcnt would not agrccg, A A AA A A H A A A be h8l>* he denying t0 grant tllczip jail‘: ClflfiI"€§’.3 what, w';,g3y nmpti be mike” next now he is lnrauglxt lb nigh? it will be lmrrlcr m bring him back to his ulcl ccm;diti0n,again; Haw fmideaaly msagr aiil‘co,am paiiyafrufie and bax~be.1ro::»us mcr:(whici1 yet mini.» lfiirzg rzarzyllggg ignomm of, though npt his ilriends )L1m‘¢.":ili‘l.’3ll)7'y" 1'l:i~:mz~ilE alga l’m'lian1em, (Jr as: leall fomclcnainent lVlT::n1bers lwliich rlmv finé E0 bexnoll eminent, aml aélillve. If they cm lmrdly fit; acdffifi. mizzfierfibut a rabble of Premices will lhcidenly corm-l,.;m§Mmny; to kcap tlicir tlillmice, and mainmin their groundgfm ;;::~;eym§»._i,;,i;.;,,,.‘ :ll"0l’c rao»imL3lcl1,by tl1€l'L‘lCl“1l£yg. and creduliityl: h.()i-W avg ugh war; ii lmpefixll, we would not {land fo nmch on the danmx‘. Bail saw. chilly now the Parliaxncnt have greater caufe 1:0 réjeft an mg} moaicimbccaufeithe King liathl“aga.inr:1il7ed.his party ;;waimfi; «tzlllemy callédini the Scan to dellroy l:l1elKingd0m~_.,i mmlml;ih;;;h zgxitiicipateal all tl1Qf'e ov ertux*«:s,,,’axid pwclaims him {elf 1‘;3:;n;ié iwmlzxiicy asifmszxaelrly. And we may eafily new {Tee what tll1'7e; imicntioin ofmhc perfanall Treaty xv.-um to be,cvez-1 a blinéll tcmhgt mr;ry;ing cm the old ciefigne. A i ii ~ M ; ,~ But tokcmnclucazle allglozzt alltreawizag fpfirits c“0nfide:V ~ ithm; W liffve bought our Liberties of His ll/Iajeliile at mo deal‘ :1 r it; :6 m:hat,.ehlelm away bafely. We ("hall be glad cal fee the Kixi‘ Lad? winced in the Kixigcioxiis liappinaflla, mlicrwife while tlieg qr; diiliiilmlft, hemuil give us.lmve toprefer the one , 33% he dmln llle? mjlicr., Englarzdwillihava littlewmfor: t0le3etl1e§i*’K§ng an die‘ Tim:»nc,wl:>ile“illthe Kingzlonas comfiarts lvea blfiaidliig‘ Full A l2a,4v::: dmrga K]t7~ltl§1.£hcp€.*rf(.i{1all Tfeaty, amd could rmliegi Wflhl pm luaialz ihoneilic and Pueliorma5_;10n zmghcbe Ell{}1.1§E§l?(t upon by zf:v»',:3g1*,;M1l2iar23,;ax1ditlwnVWei£lmz1lLlimmfee :1 pz1bliCl§dé‘iiv@..&m3,€ ; r l P '_Iw:I\T I S. V V i