._.......u—-nu. ,,y,TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE L R s ;g1GHC.V% ASSEMBLEDVIN PARLIAwENT= The Humble P E T I T 1 0 N ofthe Lord Major, Aldermemand Commons ‘4 of the City of London, in Common ‘ Co1‘mcc11 Aficnibled. % .. .._...-\‘ w .- TOGETAHER WITH . An humble Regrefentatien of the preiéing gric- A affefied 1'3‘reem»en,, and Covenant~engagad Citzizms, of the City of L0 N D o N. V-‘—«. LONDON, vzmcc3,%a11d imprtant dcfires ofthe Well-— V * V Printfed by Ricimrcl Catés, 1646.. __....xwg . To RIGHT HONOVRZABLE T H E LO I Wfiflémbled in High Court of PARLIAMENT; The Efiamble Petition of the Lord Mzyor, J .x!ldw7ne2z , and Common: of the City M of iéiondon, in Cammm-Comte‘/1 Affémbled, _ A A A Hm: tha %lo‘udaand= unanimous cry “ ' ofmanythoufands Aof aux: W“ ' low-Citizens,A as well as our own fenfe. and fe11ow«fee14i,ng,4, A f‘ ha:‘I1%obli}7ged u*s¢: to! mam: this ‘ ~ . prefént Interp%ofitiom« »ax:xtf.>11:gfl: ether your pub’1iqueandwei@ghty Afl‘airsVgWfe fdca in the annexed, humb1yAoffer»Lunt20 Vyom:— L?’ A 9, _ their e’ithei:r own words and expreffions , with form (4) » omiffionsé and few alterations, asfihthcy Wete d6‘? 1“iveredunto usby a great number of C0hfid€r3: "hie Citizensof Imownhworth , and of appf0e*% eed integrity to the P‘ai'1iamente 5.‘ Vthat your e Lordfhips maythe more clearly fee eehe (ice? A fenfe they have of the growihg miferizes arid cifi-' creafing diflraéfious ofhetheie times —.;, The chef matter thereof is the {Esme with ou1‘h”h1ate’addref- ufes, untcr which we humbly hope your I..z>'=” will fiifl finde theefame reafohns to give your favou- rableacceptence and noble regard , as We hum- bly and thankfully acknowledge yuu ,readx1y filewed untothe fame when W6. tendredr there unto your Lordflai‘ps,as the rep1*e%fent:u‘.ive Bcsdy .h of the City alone. The obligation that lyes upon us to them, the duty we owe to :he1-"’ar- liamenr, and the intere1’c~thisCity bath in the 4 %‘:Peace Of t%.he whole Kingdoms”, would not"p‘er»- mic us eirher_ co regee ‘* cheirh "Petitions ,u or; to tonceal their Grievances frofn your Lordflfips, ‘neither yet can we our fe1ve;s.'e‘.bu: boz;h:own their griefs and fears‘ um-yd fo;humb1yeujoyn with theme in the famee;,udefires. e % Bu: m.-thofe Reefonsin whiec~hweh‘haveh% Cflficurred :With our efaid Fe11mv~Citizens , f01: ihe mom- fpgedy ediSebhandiug,Wof ti1atu%Ahrm5r7 eg- zmong o:hers;, ;, hie!) M ihath Vine the fight of the Ifilingdomehby G<9ds-ub1efl3m.g edbtuainedeiefoemargyu fignell Yiéiarics 3 We humJu1'ye1*avc%1ea¥{e, et,¢1-me ea-S ‘ (5) eeeewe detraéinot fiom their merit, folvvemey f eelfol adde clause much, which is daily ecompllaiu A ned of, That there arefome lOflic"er¢s,~ and ma» leny common Soldiers of ethec Agmy, who lei- l lzher have never taken cheC0venaJm,er aredif-~ M lla.fFe<.‘:7i:ed steelae Church~gevemment heldforth by the Parliament; Tlm the Pulpits O.fll5iV€1‘S ~ godly Miniflezss are often” ufurped. by Preach» ing Sioulcliers , and cathers, A whe infeét their Fl<§c'k, and all places where they come; , with ih'eng,e and dangerous eE"rours~._-, Andthen we“ hL1mE>lyfub111it it to your Lordfhips toellconlfie den when fecuricy or fertlemenc can be expeéin. ed wlxilexlaey are .Ma.llers of llzch ‘la p<:>We1'; and em: example ,% if em): e21(.:oumge:x1ent,the people may take from them, to refule Elm ‘C()n vemint; orifthey have talcenlic, to lcontemmhe fame,co the great derogation of that vCl1u1'elm» Government, which the Parliamem: hath cleele-« A real; Wel1L1mblyhope,.,;het alcl"2Qug»l1 ‘fuch were difmill“éd.,thle Parliamenlt by their authority may mzherwife, ifoccafion Hull require, =fufficient- ly perdvide.for the fefety of the Kingdome, But this g1*ea.:'.w'or1<",%las alfo that wlxiehis ~05 fo lxigh fcancemmem no the efiabllflagng of :1? perfe«.€?c a5.%ndVwellegrounded l’ea;Cel ,, (Thcbring-- ingllmme ofhis Meaiefiy) ewe doe humbly and whollyelelulimir , zmcl commit next to libel Al»-M ll Lniglxty hend Aiof Gods lPmvid»en::ee, unto the’ Wifclemne oi: both Ml-{ales of Iearmm em, being: ‘ A 34 ~cQnli.«-A A < 6) eonfident that they will Jprefetve atnididefende V V MajeftiesRoyallPerfoni, and Authority, in the pre£et~va.tienend defence of the true Religion J and ’Li',berties of the Kitagdome; accordiogtothe Ciovenant. Q to ob A be To itlmat ialfo which concemesil the Eflretes of {Deliinquentswhich are under Se uefiration, or ateior flmll be either wholly con fcated, otelie l compounded for, We humbly defire leave to %[ addethis Petitio*niinbeha1fe of out felves, and many thouiands of» ourfellowi-Citizens and all others who have adheredtto the Parlia-s ment, That all jufi:Debts may bee fitfi paid and fatisfie‘d,""and to that endthat~lnolCom..l mittees of Sequefimtion or Sequefirators may interrupt jufl: proceedings at Lttw for recovery ofjfuch Debts. Andthet the Heires and Eftates of thofei who have died fince the-fe Warres on the Enemies Part, may be yet liable to pay juPt Debts, notwithliandihgany Entailes or" Deeds in T we, tnade«.fi_nce the beginning of thefe generall Difitac?cions,whi¢h.ere conceived to- hgtve been made tpurpofelyitfo ldefeat’~the*illee= Creditor. And becaufe of the long continu--t ance of thefe Watres and tDivifions, ithatilthe ‘ Statute may note be pleaded to any Ebola Debt for not being it demeinide.diwithin_fixe yams finte ; the beginoihgiolf the ‘ Parliament, othe”twifeA;z there are none in the Kingdome like to fufferi f more lichen the well-»afi'e6ted, and fuck as have (7) have adhered to the Parliament, I Laflly, We humbly conclude with this Peti- tion in behalfe of this City, That as this Court as the Reprefentative Body of the City, hath hitherto by Authority of Parliament had the nomination ofthe Perfons intrufted with their Militia, fo now alfo we may by Ordi- nance of Parliament be &LlthOl‘lZ€d.lZ0~€l€& and choofe fit Perfons for that Charge once every yeare, agreeable to the Praétice and Cullome of the City in all other chiefe Offices and Trufls concerning their Government. 4 . And now whatfoevcr Expreflionsor De»; fires our Cares and Feares have led us unto, or what ever we or our fellow»-Citizens have prefumed to take notice of, or touch upon, Wee humbly “pray both for our {elves and A them, That your Lordfhips will remit all to ’ our and their great-zeale for Gods Glory and the Peace of the Kingdorne. And that it may be rernernbred, That Wee and they are thofe Whom you have with your felves engaged in one Covenant, to whom God hath given A Hearts as well to adventure all for your Ser-— vice and lprefervation, as to be everthankfull for the continuall protection and great deli-~ i verances they have received by Gods blefling through your conflant Endeavours,and whole hands God hath flrengthened to fight his and your (8) A your Bacfeisg We doe humbIjrafl’ure your: f If that wee and they have fiill thefame ‘ d~utifu14h.earcs,andthat~in--the fincere purfizance‘ A A A of our folemne Leagueand Covenant, no In-‘ Lcercft or influence {hall (with the Ablcffing of’ A God ) be ever able to withdraw our obedience,. % or divert our affcéfions from the Parliament? of Ezzglnml. ” We humbly fubmic all to your L?‘ great Wife» doxncsa and fhall daily PW: my