Pubfifhcd byauchomy Pariiamczit. ¢ .v _ I ,,.....,,=é _, ‘“”’ “ 0‘. “ . “"""’ , ,{ U “"‘ ‘ * . - ' ‘ . “ ' ’ “ U z ‘ ‘ a. V ‘ ‘ A > .5 “ v. ' , 1-‘ , ‘- V v‘ ‘ r ». V; .v ‘ ' . ‘ ~ . ~ Am - - ‘ “B ‘ .. » .__v ‘ v .‘ , ‘ v r‘ , ‘ :‘ '* fl». « ‘ ' V \ ‘W " I7‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ ’ » ‘ “ .-«“ , r ‘ '. ‘‘ ' v '* ‘ ‘ . v ::..v ~ ( ‘ ' ""1 ‘ - .- " ‘ 1 - . - “WM ," . "r M ‘- *-~, . « -. 2“ M, . ; V.” “ ., W A % A V MP1 . % m%3’?:3Q3§ m'""fM?i¥{_h,{P?P‘3‘Y V€E‘f§ L3W€J8$LiVhcr~“ A "A t1€S,Pe;a¢e:Eat11am§ntssb¥ kmdhng acivm in s:a:lm3V ‘andallh13MajePc1esVRea1mes;,ahdto poyfozi th%eKing %hgm1é;f~cA »%_’§ % % ‘ W ” “ j j ;:iI1€§?.f€;.’11«€€f£C>1‘1?1p1}I‘i1‘10t x«v”i:h 1: émfiathefethfiir ,; ;;jf;: i 4 TV ex€crab}$13E6gnes. V * ¢ AA __ A 4 n ’ }?%g€1‘:%tfé13t%fi‘om Rama ii‘t1“‘tQ‘ Emg!mmL;by Qardimtlz Egrégygg 55 P%0W$‘‘3f:’g‘?’ ;‘f’P’?'Q§€C”te thi$ !l‘1110Cfif_i{3xecrabI§ Plot 3. ( in which hei’%p¢r[iPce&*a% J F?‘”“’*Pa.%% 0*’ “=1-‘*‘ QIWSJ W 0 I C<>V€F¢d 1*? ‘t0'51rW*l1WWwihis ‘ M3’€}%1*‘A§,€“;a‘; §?%£*”»6 5% ‘640~“€amd¢rai1 Oath “O: ff j§ }€”’”§“b1‘@;”§;"*:;I %3 i-I643~%)V& [ = ‘ % 112% X H ~ +£"*’**’*'V‘*“fi.‘&z¢fl"°"*ff/‘3 :z;:m?f2aa.e.r% V T A A mum A 1 ma " 32$ V”*”*W¢’*M*eftéeéegrrrs fwd r/=wmfia!Ieweé”iafa»5:§7§{}‘§’%a%’§§f "W A %4é‘i%%»I“3’°»"§e?€%dQ bX4§h€"C°mm1%fféé 9fih¢%“H°I1f¢<>fC°nimomin Pf1ntI1?5»finsfi%rfl dayofdngk/Z;%x64 af.V%:h%a:;:his¢Bdok,In t1m1€d,? Rame:éMgfier.% A g ..,,..__.. ’ -4 % Cnfkiencete ,g»msaz,%Hmm;@z¢.‘gY Am 0: "33 aii“A‘iI§f%311Vt%ffi[”é:: the h M me am». A we Ce the ff} pub1ifljing in P {tint of'theelnfuiog.‘7’l¢_2t and ~Lett:rt lay g);!';f_«,~g‘%,,,t-«t}l,A_A% . 7 and Direffioa: from the Home of mmanjs, yvhlch Jmployedme tn tlrus lervtce Ihavelbeen cred1hly1nfotmedby= Aiome Prmm’: , that many tAm'red#/am‘, over afi;-A- a I A figjgiaus til/[azlvgxantr (who thi11kfltthereis¢as much falfhoadA o:,defkoa:fi} in whats, A Was in thelmfelves) havequelhgonedthe Afrxam of theAe_nlhing ~;f>loz~,% ALetzer:,APap:r:;"'f ~_lar;p_ofiutes;)_l% A .'d()AVAV;-p1‘OOf€, teafott, grounclaft all, hut their own maliciousmzffieliefe. H H A _ A AA A 7 But to fatisfie allthe world in this Pattacuht, and the flanderous Infidel: too, if'nAot A pradggéarafl) oéflzTm:zte:__ I doe here a~ttefiAA upon thef2itl_3AanCl'75 anmrlofa C/oriffianl ; Filrihr wag: 1fO,mda]_1;_-hejé enfuing Letter: , and ‘Papar: 111 the Arcbézfhap of (knteréuric: (War in the ‘Tam-r of Lomloia unc§lerAhisown cufiody, when ‘IAwasu11expe6tedlyt Aefijpldycd by the C lofl: CaAmmitt:eV » ,1}: that. zwdaflrecé fervice, which the An_'b«—-~ Véapzop htimlélfe , his Servants, the G‘€nE1€m.€11 and‘Soulchers,l who then accompamecl’ f them, with thofe who employed me, can wxtneffe, and have already attefled. Second-{ aal‘-id cwfidentljv if 11otimpud:ntl},dverred_ them to 6: metre Fifiiansg without any flxa-A ' an ..................... Iy, that they were all Orz‘giMl-nnot Cvppitr , under thefétzemll lmndxand Scale: of stir William Bqfiva£l,Knigh t, the Kings——ow11Leger; Eméajfiédor at "Hague in the Ne; l glagrlaggdss ; e)f2é5A1r'M.s';_a‘zA5§ Ha!mwfi:ld,_a Noble Bahamian, Phyfitian to the Qz_«;m aft Bafsanzia; (a man ofunknoxvn fincemy and _unta1ntedl reputation: ) '_I:he _Arc/owlaap of (‘anterézzry (who mufi he the {ole forgerof the Plot, la11dlLamr;, 1t fatnedg) tans?‘ l A of the [(5% hirnflglfi As the Letter‘: and Paper: themfelves oft vxewed by d1versAof_the Lardxv, Cammawl, and otherlpetlonslof qmality for their fatisfa9cio11,(all now retr’1ai~ ning in the C‘L"lPEOdy*-Ofa Committee of tIJ¢;Haa.f: of Commaizx, where any ixacredulousrfi Thoma-',vvho [dares ttull his ownfe1qfes,~;,m;1y vlew Athem-: at his lealhte) will:eTvidence.AA to allwho know their Ham’: or Scales. Thirdlyxhat the xzfrclaézf/7.~2p himfelfes a11dt1nm.yl felfe , and a gréatedzflaamixsr A a a tool, a molt impalitigm dorm:/E’ inthe % % % % V mutt, yet 1iVi1}g'P:rj?:rm° names glwho want nexther w2!1,mmm-J, norpanver; tmmedzate-at A : m*liammt,_to puhlilh forged Let: an if: Athele erni-jgl A W Aly to dete&,1‘efute,_and manifefi anyA1mpafiar; to all the world, to the ctarsmil ifzfkmj A Ofthe Puélzfharx. Let Malignants and Papifis then,AAAwith all others, who have anytefii A Afinarks ofHom:fiy,or Palicyremaihizag in them, hencefotth ,rel’c~afl'i2rAéd oftghe ’U:?it)V,A A arepzlity, of the Plot arid Papers’, though they havel formerly doubted of them ; elfe a 2 - letthem petifh in their groaudleflél Infidelity; who will neither believe the King, f the ~zfra/oégfkap , not Sir AW?!/fan Bafmll 3 1101‘ :H46arxzfeld , under their H;-md.¢_:tle? and Sade: ; not yet the parzzm-at, not Difiaflcrcr (by an admairable.unexApe-l «fled Divine Pto\zid¢I_1¢e)_or_ Publilhe; Ao£.them, (»vho.abl}§}r§e‘§al1 fifiions, frauds, ot,j! [ ‘ A AAW;i11i¢Zg?§ ,T7jF3#a...A ; smaggaae 1. ‘ V , m V‘ l‘, ‘ "’ E '‘n:‘ ... 7:1. _ ":..‘."‘ . I - ‘ ' . 1-r _,, """""’ 9 0 0%..‘ . ‘ *5 “'-1": ‘ 6 l P.‘ 9* I ~ .‘’I‘‘." ._ ‘ '. ‘\‘> difccrn, fo foxztlfhly incredulous as net to believe, any rcall long... _ profecutcd co.nVfp1racy , by former lécrec pra.&1{7.;-:5 , and the prefcm; ‘ vvarxcs to exurpatc the P rotcflant Religicm, re-c-Prabliflm Pcipcry, and inthrall the people in all three Kingclomcs,xmotwlthfiahnding iaylll v vyrationpf :19; Lord; and Cammm:,co:7cernizzg t/och and Progreflc} of tlacjgrmd Rea liczlliarz, with other Ramanflranagsoflthat naajurc, mofi i/ifibly appearing in the lacé hArticle:*qlf”PacjfiMt§om , made by his t/‘llkzjefliex Alrlt/vomit] and azppraéazzi-imlwighl 31,4 l'H":&»: . ‘V F . v ; " .3 - w; uh .-an s ‘ y {la ' ‘fly; vs an \ ’ *-I , xiv ix ‘ . :;,"I * ‘ .~ ‘ ~‘ ' l . , w '1 . V 1 ‘ ;* ~» V l V ‘ ‘ 3. ,.v ~ ‘ 3 3 : ‘ 1”“. \ l ' l '~.:.. *3 ":11 2 « . 1' ‘ .v V ‘ l H l . 1 _ , . ; ._,; l v ». up 1" fwv vi. :2; ‘ , _ A '.‘ "“ x ‘ 5* , ft " 's'V‘._ ‘ V M w ‘ , . H - ,‘ \ ‘ . r - ‘- v ‘ 4 l ‘ . ’ F that: hcally profgffing the Fmrefiant Religion withlii the K111}:-3 ' D°mi‘'l,1°“3v °" °H;’Wh¢W: W110 are yet fo wilfully blinded aé not ‘:0 4 he e15f‘f::{é'ts, and cranfparcnt Demonflrations ofit,lively 1%: forth in the late Dew Irg'f791‘i’eéel.r, mfiontraxy to divers Afis of Parliament paflkd by the King this iprcfeni; % Scflizmt Lcc them now advifedly fix: their Eyes%,ZI49bzdr,luponl%;:he cnfuiug Lem-.; and Dflaziertes, (fcifcd on byiM aficr Tvyxne , in the .drc12éz]bop:Clwzm&erlin«thc Téwr um} x a4;.by Warrantj E-‘omthcl Clafl! committee , to 1‘m;~h hispapm mg: being umzxpeéteclly commanded on that fiervice) and than they mufl necdsackmgw. ledge it an indubltable vcxity ;; Sincel Sir Willi.4m‘Bafwell, Tthc Arch bi [hop himfélféf if rum: his”M'ajefiy,and ‘cl-xofé who revealedl l this Pleat, were pcrfwadéd of itsllltcality? V upon the firfi Dafimver}, before icabrakcforth openly in Ir:1.¢md,and Erz‘glm2d.l ;'Who and W~hat‘lthe Auchour of this Dijbomvy was 5% who the chicfc llziétive iraftrtx-5' A 'mélnrs in the Plot; whcn,and whergchély affcmblcdg in what vigorous mannerthcy h daily prciécutedit ; how cff'c6tuallythcy proceedéd in in ; how difflculc 3:13 to dig, “folvc or ceuntcrwvoxk it, without fpecialldiligcnce, the.ReIa.tion it fclfc will bcfl «lit?- °;covcr. Who%fc‘vcrlicy,if ;my.qucfl'1cn, chcfERca;'fons will itiforc[c”bclicfc:‘ N . A ‘ That “the” ‘Diféovtarcr was a chicfc Aéiorlin this Plot, "fént hither Frcm life»?! fby('g;rdi)mlll'3ar5arino.; tolaflifi Combs Popes lcjgarc in %rhe_purfi1re ofit, and Privy-A tcralllthle partxculars th;crci'ndil'covcred. “ ‘ * A » ” ’ gS;:co"2h1dly*,Thatthelhprrour and reality” ldf the cohTpiracy' fa troirbled his lconi A A h fiien-cc,ashitingagcdhimco clifclofé ir,~yea. 1:oVre‘nc’>uncc that bloody “Church aha’ ‘Religion, iiwhiclhcomlrivcdlic-l though ‘bred’ up in f d b * ‘ V ' _ A V _ 3 _ _ _ A %,,pre cm A 1:, and% ram {cf greater advanccmcntsfor h1~sdcl1gcn*ce znthéxs défignc. I ll 7 * A P l; g «--.y l % ,_Th3l2 hCClifCOVClT€d it under an Ofhschcflcy, l¢*YF’YP%rsis9!a£br f93s=B9slQ§§hz ¢’,“"'.- ~““"“"t , M £7 :13 ;’ l‘ K ' . ". « J « w A -A 2 l . >- ca». l ""99!-Wilgws c .._"--A ' Rnmns Mafier~Peece. - __....._i...... -4.-«m-v'* FourthIy,That he: difcovers the pe3:fZ>_ns% ptincipnliy irnploycd in thisrAPint,A”thAg tlates ‘and itimcis £:a£A_’th€iA.Alt’ ihcfrctCOBVGIIUGBS$%i'3h*=1‘,Am3l1ficrL dnnddili_génccA%inA putitite oft: , Awithaliothert circumfianctst T9 p9n&ua11y,tasM1cavcs no plaCAc_f0rV_ «chant. A1 m @ ~ Q I “A Fif'thIy,Thept.incipaIIConfpitatorsnominated by him are notorionfly ktnoAwnA;5A1‘ he fit iinPcruAmentsfor fi‘Ch[3- wicked dtfigm . it A A A A AA Sixthly,M'any particularsthetcin havc immcdiatetclation to the Kingand AArch.‘. Ahifihop, to whom he. imparted this Difcovety, and it had been an itnpudent boiAdntf‘fc A and ittation*a1l,ftentick'a, to revealc any thing for truth tothe King and BAifl1opA , A which they cnuld difprovc on thcitownknowicdge. 7 ~ A AScventhiyA; Sir William Bafwcll,A and the Archbifhnp,A if not AtAh¢ King him{Eifc,weAAtc A fully Fatisficd, that it was rcall and moft important. V A A * E ightlyt, Some particulars _arc ta.tifi’cd by the Atch~bifl1bps tcflimony, in the Me- A ~1¢‘}‘_:10r4ia.IS(3f~i‘iZAiS.QWD lift: , written with his _0Wn hand fame ycarcs hcforc 5A and others A 4525 apparent, that moi’: intclli‘gcnt men in Courtand City, AWGf€:3CL‘::1hi3il1t€d with A;gh¢mAwhiitsthcyAwctc%a&i:ng,though ignorantof‘ thetploti A _ H A % n % A ‘__~fFinatIIy ,.Thc Iatt fa _ <:’i’fe&s ofthi9 (30171fPiI'ac:y in aU‘thI'C¢ Kingdomcs, in ptoféig “Acutintt iofthisidefign , compared with it ,% are {itch a €t§1‘iVA1AhCingACVAiAdEnC€OfAif$1'¢3i-A' ii; and Godsvadmirable hand of Providence in bringing this concealed plot {'0 i‘t4aA-A A fonahlyto light,( by aninfitntntntuncxpcfiedlytxfaifisd ftomthc git-ave GFE xi1tc*andA impriihntnent,Ato (“catch the Arch-»bi.{hops4 pa ptrs,in thy: Towtr, who haAAAAd_¢_thcrci1E:ifi:d ‘his in'fotmerAtimes‘, andtflaut him up ctInfAeiprifAone_t iin_ay Forrai‘nc4Dun~gcdn)i‘ut:h if tcfiimotly fmmfleaven fuperi-aidded to the prcmifés, that heat who~dccmAcAs tam Aérfnpoflfirc, may Wall be reputed an Infidell, tt‘rot::a Momfler of incradulitjtt A ‘ A ‘The firfl Overture antiiarger Rtlation inf t he: pint itfc:1iéivvicrc-» i50thAA;_W1'AiEAin flating 1 they at: here Printcchandfaithfuitiy tranflA2tt¢dA‘ ward Fat word,as Tneare as tihAci‘i_a.- i'n:&AWiuA.P¢r11lii3.A1l which premiAfEd,t"heALAetters and. plot ht-Arc foliaw infirdct; A AA" A V it tistiriwizzimts Afiafwis firfl Lctretu: the Archibi{I;oAp Ac¢Ancet«_ A mug thcAI?‘?1t.A A 1A ; A ‘ Hé Giff-‘I5 (WM-"1‘¢0fY V11‘ Gfaéc Will find: a“C€>t5y )"Ah€'A!'€AMiflC1dfédAAtéw;fdg; ‘ .4 a futther awndAAAAmtor¢A particular dif2:Aovcry, wcrte Afi1*fiAAinéAAcic uhttotnien:A§th¢~A{§_t,i “ AA A Acdndfhéfidgt andfpccchgby airicnd of good qt1alityanAidWnrtAh in _ it place ; room afier(asfoon¢;»asAAAthtAy Cmllld be ,putintoArdcr) wen:-AA g,"\toi¢t;cd th principnil _patttyA 5A and deiivcrcd tmciin wriitingbyboth togcthm-A; up... A nnp1jomti‘c:;,,atntiOtatwh, I flwasxequAircdj«tt:give, Agand gaveat-cordtng1y;no;;;. revcale the fame to any other man living but your Grade; and yourfixaccs hand untOAhiAs.Mai€fl¥'*i V. W AA . T WA AA ‘ it like ntmantimhiey‘ have t}?édthc1ni°éhAfeSA1iAotA to.Ade¢Iat¢ AAthc13"thAing;o, u;.m.m}i, 9;. "“"“'"‘Y WE: W1! t,¥¥*°¥ A~fl%9.t14tkn9«wa h9vAt¥AxiAs, .1_\.7£=:2ef*y.t am that @facc ‘A tMa}t tit flan]? your Grave, fl_ ~ ’ *1 ‘ Q RamhcsMae+P£*¢¢... «M A ‘théréofi %P‘rincipa1lT% giving mi: waerm; tehzow, ThEzt$ bimiéffeg aI§dL§5M.i3‘%4ficrct Aingto yogxt Graces power , as wc;1I»b;¢caufemi4c cmzcqxabs yams: V % vi-a?ni¢'V9Li;;”%gh;: And’ is :i‘fl'urcd%ofyour%.@rac‘es fidciity :QhisM1§j£flic5 Pgrfons’, zoom‘ 4‘. % :§sic%atc,and%t<10urChurch.4 [1 ixfl Ybur G‘1'§xc;is hu 2;nd;§arfie{’{Iy prayed ‘j.“," Td figtgiwfiie f%{m-3 (WE;-hali fioffible fp¢cgi§ ttQ:géthei' with your iGra¢e§”%d’ifpefi=thi:bfi}ierein;;% i ané p;;1f,..,; ;¢J;—,‘¢arry all with fiicnctgg; fij¢.mVaII, bu t hi$Mgfe{%y u1;tii1*du¢tim;%*.A M ‘-2 To doeit immediately ; not trui’i§£i‘1y’,V§7:I1cnw);o%1zr Grace Ema 1‘I‘icVhimk Em: {haw t:‘I1é17e;rL hin~gs En“ mkccpfi : V¢{3mc Wholl and f{)IcT)? in h§%sot1‘vn%b%efi3me,fi‘omth¢Akn<3wItdgéiaF'A % all ache: crfcat res iiving but ycmr—Gra cc; um:i1.i»the ¢b11fEn’cfTc~H1a»ll:kb¢ t:Tcare,an‘<3-V ;7fuHi%+e %§%’4c;am.-Iy»inAhis Majeaicsa~ndyourGram5*mfid$t0€fi°¢&e% A A ‘ ’ TVhVirdlyA,Not to cnqurc ordcmanfd ch: na..mes of the ,pgrti¢sfi;gom ‘ mcruum doc com my 01' any farm: dffiovcrigs a ad ad viéftifiménts jF111i9ifL1‘tt:‘ oftijgm A ¢which%fl:a1Iconi”ehcreafi;r,un:1i14éucfgcisfaazenfl3a11¢4'begivcn%in¢vA¢ryfpax: <:»f“t;f(:c-ax.-g1; um.» sobewrayiu1r0¢?«AW P¢rf°n 1?“? “S i**fi1*‘*é”%V?3“““Y4°’k*“d°»*ha‘Aa“Y ‘ thii§g%afth’is nafungor wqf;1z§y% gAT;Sfagt1n~x’}L)ort“anc¢1s come fkom tam.“ % é:xd7‘t%ha«: the p‘a‘rtiesvvi1lAnot {brink : So Imjayaccompr ,.VTI1Aa.c1f‘% 1:1ey§:%i*%%4fy5j%%1iir1i: g1i4;nprc,.er fimdcw ofchefc informations fimii ‘appeira @h‘iS‘ M€§¢?n1i» A cmces rpcccli ér carriage,Auncoiothers,;thc‘m¢“§h¢S% TWihEf?b¥4£§*¢‘E*u:sxIic1‘17=%4II*ay ‘bcé V bmi:fVghi:ybéft uiito"rryallgwill b‘ee uttcrlfy dif§p§pc$i°n‘tc‘d%"“ H %% in :C.mé,%{‘¢;_¢m;e (award 5 God, and devotion to his Majcfiy ;”AaEé‘é’c‘1o‘u“%‘Até§ y“méifG'face,; {f :% and tompaggonofoug Coux_1trpy,difc_lo1?2d chefé: thingis, will rurmc a profane andgex... %%%crcaméhazard of theif p‘e‘rfim%3,*a4hd lives. So cgfily in will be ccanycfiured (upnnthc I 1-éafl Qcgafian givf§u44npQn his Ma-jeifics or yout{'3.;'accs»wpart,s) whQ~ is phqdiffitovgrcr P ‘>‘B“>y(‘Wh&;tv m¢a;:es,AJaz:a ha knowes fo much ”:heF¢ ‘Thefé? ate%%he£»poi~ntMs; which mgechar with 2116- ejficfrs, ‘ to rcprefénc moi’: fiarioufly untqyogzx €‘§race.;%;. Hi, ¢ A V . V%%i.E0g my o_wnpartiCu1a.I‘:haVmg moi’: hum'bI*y crav”cd.%pard0n44of amycxrom: or my % fimeto ictm ‘WW3 % ~ #Fi;;&, Whc£hcr,~and itaA~'wha"tm%:d‘cr I‘ £1;a11griqg¢:¢d:;h;rea&?;er #vvic~}1 the }paVrt’Ee§ ?1_I; chey%ha%jve ‘preifed Aé11:é;¢ia11y%._ ‘ have bcfalnc me in; thc mcfnagingof thii bufiheffé ,, Iriaé b¢1Eec¥hyo4z.i:r§V A % Sewndlsawfiat poiI=='-% ¢hAi¢flra~ ars5firf’c pusthm mnia gs: ‘n ‘"jandi»cIearc whai4mmnér i ~ H/5 3% ._.V Whatotlaér point? and =na%u*ric* I W Pr°B0f*’=%&i**=° M-’% Min Z»! A F%mmh1y;;,w "%% .._,__ W A . l Romes Md”/let-Peece.l A xA A ,.......;...A ~ fifwjfdnrzthlyjlfgplvférrc futcher,I flialkfuillclr mAyWfglf¢;t¢ hgaxc andkn9wA§:h¢1&thl::5§.;s? mh1y;w:3¢thc:mu notrathercakelihemgiesaiafirerssanddlaéverieslaaxea V up by :hcmfclvcs,_;and, hayinglilcewifg put my owne_lE-ale upon tl_1e‘tn,wi:l1out qufié flionigig or fezeing what they contain: , F0 to tranfm1t%chc_,m%tol11sMajcfly oryonr Grace? A .Sixl:hly,'.Wllcthlerlifizay_,l1ot“ih;filhhlate uponlllbzfie lfaiiél occafioia}, Tlaa?_x:‘tlacre will be 3 due Rlcggrd held (of them, 8n_d‘"tl1€ir fc:rvicc,* by his" Majefly and your Grace lg When all particulars unVclcrtalr<:§i9sj i'i1ioz:m'a, 31:: fixaum “ V q17¢um.‘eFEu%dic,;%%‘depof'ufiflE% fa gmvzmzezi av c(3x1i?:i§:i;;ia , wquo M Vgsfcmebatur ,w_f;1tuS . IeIVi.Ii>cA¢‘F‘2i&io11cé’V]cfuimru1i:,qui‘pus. t:om§' . térrcnus%iint¢ntati1r.orI?}is%; ”xnihi¢%cn%a1:rairi‘t; Eiggiaflafqxie ipformmper virus;%.:j:Bo11“m1ia» amjac Gerrmniam .lit.- adfpvitiercm, »e>fien%«-» ;dic%.. fwcriamautracmVquc‘&-partcm vulnefe A §rreparajbi1i;E—andc;n Peflempcr Anglia L Sco::i2equeVV repcreflegna , cujus matcri~; “ ¢ 4 %af:1;":,,W%%"£°c:rip%:c%> :£Adj;z~cVe.x:tirev¢1atam, Mme» ado-:-‘ Rome-s 4‘ ’ '~ 2*’ . , ‘ TF5’ 9‘: .7-'~—«~vr of-% Ltenat: I revolve ‘£1537 prafszztéfi/1‘???/F5 its‘? dark my tzxdgrflézndimgfififfiw (Y9 - cameivé) what wrfrxd /with firefight ffizcif Vbarrid t/a2's=:.gx,t/Mt t/Jéyjlizmldfia 2'5: 3502-. /95»: 5}? mzzwfar éfe expeffgtiw ¥.“.+'2 .zE:go0é . ~ “mm éeaame kflawn uxtamegwlaé n:v5&'54' 5445 f‘i.7t?dV(1i.’?.3¢“ difcamrfizag of tb cf} ,,.Sf‘catta£fl9J?¢'?’f:; fizid Atlmt I ‘knew not the ncrw aft/9: ézvfiwffs ~ that t/aafi thing; wlmb areAcamma¢721}fi‘4??‘ tiered Mroad 42ivfi;perfif6‘#zJ.'FrnmAtIaat‘ I90”? % [fie «am 44} fiecme maféfahtiliar MWIH ivba gbfiwawladgikgmj *alaxt:r‘i'tj /J::4:t‘::':i:r¢?’_,;2=12i£“lv ~ §fim’1_ 57%]? po;=v2fcfd;fa':%*t}5t6e 5’&i?"o2'&‘nr,af.;E;§~ ‘ Igegrt iizia %év»fl:«::c,_{£:ppofi>:(g_rg§¢«zf”I3ef;5;¢;d ~ ;lsfl:‘}i%;¢z‘rged V? %ém1,e;: afca;.af&2:f:’&é A wgm-g V 7 wzmbbe%wm'pr¢fl}d;“H1é::ceI2é.s4elate¥dtr: mi % tlwe%Fa€Z*£o::s ofa*b:V]:fi;r't::, zfiitb nzbichtfié ~ ” A w£rd!:V"'mft1a@v’ world um; j'¢!fl;z.t4{té‘53;,§¢72d. ~ yjkemd 5, itb. *2 I lebantur, trczizebaht horrors VAam:»s; T015 A 'a%nimaAn;m:hli1l%ibus infcfiam para:%am ’» M Acife voraginemzverbis con {cie2atiam4mo-3 ventibué , ianimtanifb ~ hamixiis accencm. A’ ‘V33 ’ hflffi-IDL unam,. ’;noz1it_ar Ltcoxerat, ab- A ‘L. apT@£e§=a ‘,%é§s£51.9.wau¢%%;d¢d§=r: % ~ra»r,t}mtaperyziciaagxgzrgfflfiaaxldéeprepgred feacd at me Plot: , how %%mavzng t.6:caxfé~::r:ce, I iiaflgzrzsed tl2:2:;ig2.Jg:- ihcmd VWOW mg} fidmqnitiarz:;~v%~&zg§% {ff dijE"fg,€éa7' A411 tlmfis... A ag;emA "t£w'ag3'bav£:ng /2a;:ni “T m}éaw'eI: né¢r¢:¥ %ccm-%~»« If manoéf tmfiied tag.«:t!9:r,7seg,? lqyi:2.rtrem5!5d wet}: bar.% Wem thus ‘°ag, 4 for fir many} z-lmzzflmdx affazzlex with wards, h“~‘3T5fi3%%°5‘hV5‘i% A éftlac mmn%:bebazdjEwrce-one lsekarwébmcaffag ¥g,$3W, 13¢ gm-.5”; § b;£c:!ae2:eAo..§g~f.v ‘ V . :. u M, W fi ,\.,. 3: : é»é%‘g4w fie: lzficrfgy tlmt I arm: zyzitb rlaafi wlaawit ea2sc:x:¢:ol;¢}'oaat $199 J %¢:3;cawr«z»r:. A ; ‘faéa A — -¢gmaf{fi&:j:ec£a%_ Mme , I cawmrzm"v4zcd%;l7: éufimafiito him, I%azdmai2§f/fed Wm tawefgf/9 t}.7afl.5r 'tl1£kg: 5}! the é4!l¢ncga',zz¢itJ9:r~to—de;fLér,‘ lam: Lg‘ f?',t]9&5t tiaqflv wfao war: at afiger mégét ” 5efi£ccmred:‘.LH&,%,$r: éacamc: _']/95"“ ’ A mg/E am, m?ndfullaf‘l:ix dut7,A émd lmiimg A vzearar laakgd ifizta tiamértfifiéjfl’, refuféd mat ‘ W aéev #5: ???¢3f§f?§‘?”rW?59"€9'3’§’?*:”93f‘97T'§£7337£3;’ emw rim: ms ¢xprefl7efba#z[;d étclwzzcbaql; mdfiflt ;m'rd.5a0&jtgw!;}1 2a%lmt*Va mofiarcccp-' M514’ 05l»¢ti*’¥i‘7VW?”‘1 5""’W*V*‘~/M King W1 Mr Gmé%f%=rWvfivW¢%r¢jw¢dfW #126 J9¢ézft%%;V%*?3fi3 %‘?’*’iW5 3%? 4%--~ *z2az¢Mi’:«{é«Dcit] §aVi¢a1m@di:fizfi?5z :%,»,:;r éwfindfln ivlwézmwfiwarrefiervado ' alga: :35: rel@ted , 5 t:d,%t£‘ptt :17: Qaawlgdgfi M" .. Tm mi {kt rm» ; %g,-smrxezi ft-925% the i‘§f§§ CiEi3'gf;A1IL§E§ fUmV:.:vf$b,~Ci“3§C?i1l'1IVi§3X§lt3."»fCO13§.u1'3.*'§ 1 A , p?am‘0ff61j3:to ciwgriéyprataedad 4% :*:m B §*ux'eZx; f B j si¢%ciz’zr:fe,.tlmz Jzzjfkawld A V§£';a"!{[.%;é%*zreig%lza¢}::r;’:zVt}3eF:zc§c?t”afL:z‘tew are . ~A‘:;?ij?}mto/cad ,V»:avbimb Mme:/é tb: ~«1?T1;l’1_t' To % f,ZlA4%’cmflet4r Str4r£aV,flrckd.{mcano_fC¢z’m§M)'_, W1%1?irb &“’1¢e¢€a*§’*77'"‘“???£7e}¢fif’Z>” . 4mz52ff?cr f,jV'3:clo 4} may ”£¢f颒rer4§r? érawgétt V 34¢}/gfram Iaimgét it méiiéa :mprofitaél:,éc'4- J ‘”¢:‘..*«m tr #1 1 rivet £116/Q/&t1%‘L,ert:r: ‘are wrviftvn ?'J€f?‘“53€?'554=‘7)'%+ 13’k‘W¢fMfl9zb¢r4P3r:@*t , ;,35?’735?3§é?gw§:&!y fi§K:@:g¢:,wJ}':vi:£I%¥i éfafigét «nae» w5fir¢Ptim=.Ta%zfiem¢fl%i11»flr€v 4amLm1 (‘mm Iaofiézzi,LAgg;zrfb%rAAr}:e%:m¢q; .T rbefé )’¢raTna$‘%t£{» 51: 7mg !:MEz7@;l M w»§Jai:£%Z1kc*e=a%” W97? ¢L£%mér: writ £sz%;f9a§{.?¢:2z:fi(§’JEw*aMa§;?gm,g:ve » 3”W4d5754?M’5flWI 54" Rvaadfi ~ % _ :kt0w4z§2£"Vcm_[it[t:5l‘mi;b. =I1é¢ifar:enmw£dd%]%¢ A4”fd?f1'?fi?0’9fl?4€15#%¢€qWé?¢d:x”rzR.e:adc; éawfi A méamttheabihgs? A £;¥L13§Wgfg% 1' wag: to /I/{mfler Bafw¢!l tbe_IVC.i:zg.r who being iiatdmtii am V *5fM73 ‘ % gfzflm caI:«’f;JiM¢y wa;n jti mjzi’s AfaA :2e:azmmrquea:m—_, A Legato, adpon:a;t.uru» % % V. J agerem, muf Jiis, quorum Hintcrcfi , ‘i,nno;.A :4efcerm:. ; Nan tardandu_,m4 cum hm Eat spa B%m»fi1c”“Iit1ni%Vfléfidmtcm v Hagée Comiitu.m , _adii ,% juramfinto fileqtii .mihi:::ji‘V iabPcri&0 ,? R¢m‘.commui:icévi, Pgaderare: vifiay ad trutinam, .mem:i‘L,A mqu¢4 c!ii?2"erret ‘ci fquin agrzrcr, ut Vp¢ri‘9 cum m:ibus‘%“%fixcw1*r*at‘ur' “‘fptd§p?c: r Is; ,"* AA vimm honefi%ku§3:1%%f4cmdccttA 3 %*of?H%z:iiV zne--% mar, %ne&g’a:2o, k monita recu{‘a%re2vL;r1 oEn‘quievir , Aquinimo 4 cgit“ é v'efiig§0V us: cxpreflhs cxpcdire-- mt.“ Retulitquc imrtiun V qjuanif %acccp*tii£~ fim:.i%mRegi, T.U$5€’§i1ft§t2f“R§€V$r¢"2it§£E ]fi:i{I'c oblatfiz mi; 1 quwojwéi: ; torcfie gavm ‘r§c“1us% j'udiwcavin'zufql,i»::4‘§A tutum , 4 fa-A.-g **mvg:bi:~¢ AME: %int¢¥;1*¢Wf€4% W9 ,. 4;, 1!‘c1fAi1=I!J“»§i%’;vfi%¥3%3f¥?$§£ara§%§if w§fifme«— % V cm: dvggiggg , ‘ ;:az2¢fiAf:p;;§znarza“* ; c;;c:o11jjx,z~;a%‘2;';%ist,V;,»%Tc%.?’:; fi;gn§‘?;£:’fiErita ._., Vin: :7 A! i» .» Iv. L Q 5 A Promoveb‘i:u;*: ‘i‘Wcs w:%'c?it;o "mmgtiefizi aV&um ii cauté prbcedeatagr ‘B%r%u%xcllis; % McoconfiI£o5ob£;Erv§ndi:{;3Asfiéeamgiimp; qua. faflcicuii Iitcmrum exggdiunturgzzi Iub ting 10,1511 Monfignmf~Scra%rio5A‘:vc¥1i; diaVc»;)no di. (3ambr,at~y,~una:% cxpexzaw iigatig raefcfia Ta%b:1£ioIiumA tradmfigur, a*bVVip-*4 fa talis fafflcxilgzs taéite gatgric rcp:s‘:i,% inutilis tlamen crit: , qiziizi amncs inczurm Ch-ara&eri‘flicéfitripvgefixm; Alter quo-A que%%fafi:§cu%i1m%sVhebémmda£:§mRoma V¢-+3’ gist: 33 gi "{H_b3:‘A-§ff3{ii3I‘iPf§§ifl‘€;, mo Signofflonftcz R0fi§'3zEti5;:_pra* tacmpme M jnon, ncgligcndus cIzzl”fi:ni‘Ii:e; .Cha%.§*a;8,cer¢ eofldggmécoyzvfé £58‘ ii¢n“xtIii'ds.mtur%1i£er£E 11: Vitit¢I14iga‘m;;§,§ 3 Rééada %i{VCmffir1:rh%d‘us A?i*tn:ift‘%5 fi3pz'a%i nomi; :+:na;aLA%die4s% ~expcd~icionisw«%V £diV§'ug%7V'Red f %ad.aumfuEarn ac.-7 _ ""' ‘ A ;‘5¢§!:. ‘ Rama; Ma/zAer~piece. adcumqlata wcongrcgyatio , A circizmvcnic- m%r quofucccdcnt;:,% Tuaz %R,cver¢en- t3;m9%eri;%%Ncgoz:iu1n%A éifponcrc. % %Der<:&o” tandem pcrADcigtatiam, i*n:ef%ino«ho£?:¢, omnis amaritudo animmum qua ab utram qua garrcc caufata cfigaboieaiur, oblifiem nitradam r, de=Ieat4ur Scaonfopiatur, u... A 3;-riqueparti infidiarc haoflisfita Rcx,ami- cufquc Regis, Sc Regnum utxumquc dif. » cri-mini vicinum fctvabimr, er»ip%ictur im- mixgcnni peri¢:L;Ze.A A AA «A I-lac pmes c:iatcifl'1 cu» mults be fgeedily compofed, yet that the Kingisendangeted and that there are many wayes 5 by whiAche_dcP:ruc9cion is W The Iefuifsv plots are never and-ed till they abtainc their defired ends in A vulfic-m of the whole Realme. ‘ . t "4 A~~Th‘ec:eth“t fame ;T0cietyecv«"ery vv-ceke W Ad;epofits*.\withh,e the Rrefidentgof the See“ cie;tyA,« what imeliigcnce A every of them hath purchafed in*eighet‘dhaic%s ftgamh, and then con€et;al1Ainto .°l1Qf§p1CkC‘t , hwhicfht ht:-fincfiA'e.. A platted mm» King and L. ArChbifIAnt>Ap.AAA — A 6, That acertgihe yfociety hath coAnA-A ~ §{Jired,. which attempts thetedeath of the A «King,_and Lord Arch!->ifhe~p, and €~3Aon-we Regiae Majefiati, &Domino Arcthiepifcogro Cantu:3rienAfi» A A infinuandum per literas. A Egiam _z74'fije§}étem amt. A V 9% 13"! mfignalA,H{flfi?imin: vim 4.S‘az2_/flzmmm, ~ .A 2. Ta,t¢ém R“empn;61ie4mt /sac? fiémime t I ‘ _ ‘\ t ’?‘./it .. APNPM: ; aettflrretur A periclitari , music. 3. Tzrém Srmtim: in eztmthfiném efle mceantcitatpw , In ifia tpraqtexta Rm-9‘ t A 65" t~D0mi?IW» re/aiepag/2‘a19h'4 ,;p;irimereg mr, At % _ t A V 4.. Dam’ pméte {vane cmfali , (’9"'tw7izu!m.r 5/gem; co-mpaml pa/fit; ‘ 5. C é:_§:.-pefftzfa ez‘z';rzm«5 tzzrlrix i/7'23 Spa... ticzs , t‘?2i/vi/oamintw per-ic/iiveri Rfgeffi , efe plurirmz media qzaizém 3% egg. D6,, .r2;zi2raA AA%rc'/9;Ae’pzfl‘t.?pa A mwzctbinetexr exi... O 6. '(3mfi>imfl"e £1.-rmm _/3'ci£tttfem% 93¢ maemetatiyfqm Ragmi catawmf/z‘z2;:;;;g_ h A V74‘-A-_ Edfiflcw.f5?3?i?¢t§’9?¢Atfiegeliéhfiftiii 'v?73W4“7¢M£;5'{ ,. eexplamtimet e&;Azt’A‘z;,¢ , gxzemqgtc quad :2zzndiA{¢4m;r efl, C44 #3393 fafcicfllaw eanferre (ga£hA.%.hAHg=é- flitfiffirgt ‘Al A Axum flrcfbicptfcapam, g;;~;;m_t ???¢47#m W50 Wriqzwe /(72% in Domimt gfigalitgp t t Pmfidem Sobietpttét Aalepchmefé , i: in” V A WI5"! #4 diréwriw #vgm‘ivxP€- Nébéinm rerti»gm’cq:«tid lair propmi. gwm, mg/Azfigmcuta, Am-c f;zé:x1m:¢%,‘ V mt inn» 8.1V¢mimrigz:éd¢mpaff6 ;W?”¢¢P" M“ pita dz’§2‘£co:2f;3ir;ztiQm'.r_ cawzjzsh-zta:«: L‘. gzsizzfl/£9 madéaivwatefimry ¢1"f“f"‘°"?P”“ fIww1r1¢p{.42cm't. % 9%,’ Medinmcflain prompm qwma % C03-:[PViV4~ tan’-fprww‘«"i*’W”’%'”€”if": “WW6 primma cazmzratianu *z.-«zz}af£2 aéixx zzpprem ‘ ’ ;”"”Wr' Ié. Afimziex Zfiegi piflfimfif 3 ?35P”9 ‘ V fidezzfffmés <3?‘ inrimzk cezefmmrs '?3’5é’5*’4" \ ezjfiggygz fec;~a¢£.pr.g fids’mt;xr., fiprodxtsrcs A Regis efla ,_pe2*€gri’¢$ Pffi,/§‘5”” ¢'*””“‘P*'“""v gm fecwra qzzwque majarw , ’ val exigezi A m2:m67I;ti gzdw ;.s:ter;z22s‘*‘1’are;/imam d=’f«9-- Armcfa H % W‘ ‘ 1” » 1 ,Hs8c‘ 6-3*‘ @134 A qmfcitza: ‘ lfldficfiritfltgm R5‘. 13.. .g;rm¢t¢ mca_g}zrz.:t4:V 9:454“/ilygc .em‘epnz ‘D0712. 4*1V¢/ai¢pr¢f00p0 V %fu:rii¢t5'%i*eveZmFi‘ptztérurzt; L ,2. Majefiw/wg 6'“ Dammwi M rcvzékzflvw: %%ém¢«fl5e cmfia/tum ‘?J’0[%nt /M:- f2zpérfia“ié2‘liter% qziidein Mizmm ipfix cgimzmmiiaztaz" , ffié " pmfzzndofilentéa , @ flcretzfimé f£=rwz- é§mt4,#. "713 jfqzidcmi zzs _,» gm: fiéi fide. V Zsflfmésjradimnt ,“c3m3zmnimtWi , 4%» ragzz¢g:r;;“de%?2&??¢in: azccepetixt %,. qh€§5W=f ‘4 fin dendzm :fit~:gf4flé“ mile swim z;:zere%A»zlm‘% e'«wiL«z fimzm efle ; fed in Mai veritézte mt cafiz/Eitlztcza qr4;4:% qmniéusmamént I»? Wvdembmé flr¢zrijpoterz47»:t%A: ’aQz:£Acwi7:¢ /éF?J%iwm3‘gfcant /azaircmgg £?ti0,7Ji:§f'i /aonzjflzflmkt :% qhriéfii mad» '* qgqeflm z7;¢.;zm'21zo5 _/"cjéd ['k7'z_l[t'ioznaafI* ¢’?¢’Wfit¢3 fi?v¢rawfl% farm? ~W-W ‘fifiit e/{"lr urro%q2:e%$% mn¢n,% %%fiz»e: cfitliajefipztfi, tam Dwxizza *i-,HTrcbi:p§fcopa%5 ‘g~r;z.g R0 mes M afler~piezwj. 8, That all zheconfcdprates in the raw confpixacy may veriiybc named by‘t—h¢ pull. “Bu: biecaufe they mafy‘%bec‘ 1movs.neb_y othcrmrsancs , iris draught mectm dcferit tiflhexjcafrcr. V 9. That there is 3 ready means,whe»re~ by the viilcmymay be dTi{2::overcdA in we n1omcnr%,che%chicf¢T confpigatms‘ circum-. «waned , and the p«ri~mary zncmberé of V1 .4 .. . W‘ M so ' _ .» ., .. .‘ -..‘‘'..~a.g » thc¢cm1jurariota V appmhended in the my A ' a&. A _ ‘N , * V» ‘ICJ.t VThat Very many déazwt t/sue Ifiszgx, who are arcazmtad mafl f§ziz2?fr4I2‘ zszsaiisétia aware , ta w/Jzmz Z:‘é¢:-wife we wan-j‘2=c+ret ma)’ be f°*3“"‘ wmg.=- &r6ifi9tr7»‘z*fl.*d, mm B 2'22 .41.. W*'“>’“°’ "Y 7'0 K5 ‘TO N ??*"f:’¢E% ‘ICING, cor- ?‘—”-‘«’;”§‘?75d" iéritfa afarrmign }mz_ficm,% wire com-h mmziwzte as/1 ~/scram‘ 51‘ greater er leflér moment ta a}%rr.¢ignpawer. 7 TheI'c andbxzhcr moi‘: fecrct things, 7 whichfhallbee néceflhry to bee kmomzn for the fecezrity efche§{ing_, may be: re... T% vealed, if%‘%thc1?:;‘$tbinigs {hallbc“aécepmble' ‘ V t:o lthc Len-dArchb"ifl1cp. [ 3 “ hath: mean timie ifhi§Roya1lMai%cQy A ‘an V5dL;;hc%4 Atchbifijop dafire to commit ~ wcfllzo chcmfelves ,T,**thcy Ihallkcep chefe chinggongelyyfupcrflcially cpmmunicaccd ’ His and the Realm fuch -falfc %-acf tcndants. un%tothe4,Ammo£’é fecrer1yuz1dVci'dée1pfilen-,%4# 7 ‘ ce,x2bt_c’ommunicaring cbe\mfi)much%a_sto thofc whom :heyjudV}gé’%1i:;t:xf’cfaithfull ta chem, bcfere they flméli rccmg bv nfamc, i11J’whom they _ * A 3*1'Cff3f¢.: on”:noAA fidc; ” Likewifc thcy may% A A A A Awhzitfocvcr thmgs ¢‘rc»hejrg: vVprp¢>fEd , than are uofigmmts , y11or“fz£~I5Ics, tum; wfaiiicz : dreams, butfuch reall veritics, ”wrhich % 1'n»z3f_ baa‘,Ademc~n£%rat€dL in every {mall :vi%ttI%c.%. {For %tVho{c g who ‘ thrufi V theana; fislvesiintdthis bufincffe arcfuch men, + ~who"” nginad: no gairlke 9; hm th¢‘%V¢ry%z&al of:A~Chrifli%an;% ¢fia%rityAfufif¢réd than not ta tontcalc rhcfcthing“s%*= yfitbmhfiom his Majciiy ’and% the Logéi AfPhbm“5P% % B ‘Q .,..:, u-u.-4 -’ -‘ €~?m¢. Majcfiyq‘ ‘A. Romcs Mafler-jfiece. 1 M V‘ "4 A ‘ {O Ae fmallcxemgiar éafgrfiatitudc wiilbe cxpzfied. W‘. A A ¢5Wd5fii3L¢«Wwp!m' zmia qzm/¢A‘~;%=3:pe.fz‘4 £vz’« A ‘A ‘ A All tbcfepremiflw 1222*:/a écewz commas nicated ;1A5m’ercg'aadfazitl2, mm’ the Sa. V A cmment afam oath to My. Leigcr Em» A Aéajfadoar oftbe %Ki7z_g of gm: Brit» W ‘ %t.rm4,4t the Hague ; that he flxcauld not immediately trufl, or comrnuni=cate thefethings to any mortal! , befidcs A the King, and th¢LordArchbiI—11opof A N Hair: am:1i4z antcoedIentidAAfé2é* ééswza flu’: C§‘"_7z¢mm.9:ati Sacramento, ‘Dam vflefldezzti mazgmt Britannia, Hdgee Cam-itztm co29¢rs2‘z4:¢ig;¥;zmr_efl"¢A mt 1;»/Jtymzrgazliumfi pmtcr R;egem',A ya Dqma flrc/mpz;'_/Z'0]mmA i Caxtmfiw/&m%%%%A£1¢#— « Mr-ct. A madiaté ifia Afidc-retV3 72:1" Gammzmém AA p M ‘£;A3,A.33 $6.“ Canterémy. A I T A A% A A ‘ % * A SubfcribeAd:,A8cc. A AA AA A V — % Sy£_fi?ripta”,¢x§«;,, V v A A i w I’rA.efimt::,e§~c.. “ A V r A I»-Iaguc,Com;6<.wSept,164o. in the W fiile ofchc piace, A A A %% pifcapa fsmtmzriayzfi, 6.. Sept. 1640;. I The Archbifhopé‘ o,wn% indorfémgnti A V A Rec.e.ASept.41o.AAI64@., % Tl:r.aPlat ag4in:§2?AtJ:a Kz'ng‘. ¢ A ‘Thé Archbi~fho;p ()fC4nter[mrz'esLctfcr tb thc:AKj1ng A " A concerningthe P_lot:j.-._with z_:he Kings dircciiions , in theVM1argi11, wr1ttenw;tI1 his own hgzad.; A _ ' ’Iébzfee¢by6m*~ Maiefiy read‘ % zJaefeLet::rxas» A , A A A A. 4% 3593'" W-’ M40?"-* 4 Ma A 2’: [M 6 Mr" Ma 7:9 M P W’ W ‘I . I “ Vth¢rAAt,a fiend z':Aint}az}fllenrAAwwrrwz}, and Ihope‘fafc,tl'£cn to Te-badz‘:a(0is.¢ % thcre Avv:oulAdA be: more jAeaIoufie of the bufincffc, and more Arum: aga;inAc.bc£orc: that day,_as I mu&’ifthisbc.fo1lowad, as A A 7 Thc_AVdangcrA'isAAf¢c?ms iAs~3Amminent,and“1aid by God knowcs w1aAom,Ab‘i1t to be ea c; A A‘ fluted them whith are very new about A you., A ( ‘Fox; the gran-tfi honour wAhich have to be in danger wiAtAhAyou, or foryou, Ipaffcwmm, foA~your~facr¢d Pcryfon "and“=thc State Hag-x am. 6.Sept, A .S’t;1$3c£, ~ * Watefiia ofirexda Seremy/Vma Raga: Majéflati AB:§':tannimV (3‘?D9i9¢;e;/§ra»9z'aa¢ S great as the SecAretiswh;icl1 comesherAewit!1?, yétl choofc Ara; ,, A‘ 2 %.coflmcA zAhitheAr , Aa?ndb‘r~i.11gitAm3A§clfe. .AFA1r&,: becaufc I am no _wma“yAabI:c:¥ to makcAAhafi«eAA‘enough with Ann.‘ Secondiy, bcca*ufc': ' Ihou1AdA Home attlaxs tune, and antedatc the meeci11gASAept. 24, A *enqu’iAryA afterAAAiAtA:: cfpecia1A1y,AifI b>einAgA@nc;eAthcrc,.f1ao}~z1d re; m‘gagA 3347;; may Abe<fi:afé*.); N*tavw13~ay it pleafcyoug AMa;1¢fi'y, This Aiuformami‘on‘Ais eitAhAcr uuefi 0,5. . §'wW.¢iIZ§.D§I§&i3- there is fo:~neAmiA?P:akmAAin»i;c A If%;itA bmAu.~:, the» porfonsvvhich maTkethe Vdifcovcry will- A A éefcrvc thanks and reward A; if \§§.any mifigkg .§nA§e,A Ayjour &7anA.l.A L 1:1mA A A!afctiqtAh%ing.3buAtAa fiigtgc gfigcgacm A’ aomgs AAA4zerMpzm;A “The bufim-{f¢( an;’!$Ae‘A;AA;seAx£:eamAAmm;4T1ae‘da%rce3my um b3; Gods providence I m-km mazxy o&‘cred,~fatmsAAfai+rV::£;,dc§VhWb‘v humbfy Mg Air n:po»nAmykfn{eemfyAwr Mafifiic: ""’””5”"" ""“’P*“ 1 mag; you%’Mv¢§il1cor1écalcvthis bufixaéffi fmm every“ crea€ur?c,*2nd his n5.§unc%chat feuds fim’ “fl}m”5 A ghis to me.‘ And Ifcnd his Letters to me to your Majcfficj ;AhAg«.;_ yA¢;mA;A may fee hisa 403,9, 0,. way Mr; A Abmh of the bufinefl'eA4_Aand Ashe ftcrecfvi And fuch InI%ru&ionsA as y:ouAt11§nk¢ lzfvawaftkisbiiw A _§fi:V;;QA give _him ,1 bcfccch youlctthgm befilin yourypwn hand fig: his vvarmnt, Aw;i;;h- ./Wfl??,Wd 10 A gLA;A:%impax%t§11g thAcm»to any.A.. And Aifyour Majcfii.e_IAcavcic to his dflcrczsioza toAAAfo1-{,7::£::a’;’§;‘“;"r‘;:' {OW 35 ma?‘ 3;“ ch? Way’ ha A5399: that in your °3"'n'Ah¢nd W51} b¢»3“fl¥“‘5ii91* and ceivedthi; but A Awarratit cnough And KYO“ Plmfc “3 “'3‘A’~31'1'3‘3*‘7%h5.1'Asf~‘-ff/A5759’-h Apxefinltly Vtobmtg tbix zzftcmmz, will f¢nd‘ancxprcffe away with it prcfcntly, A . A A . A A " A cg:-fl xdagvzmalge fiefore zfleep. Herawitb Pfixd bi; warranty as 3/ozmdvifiz, wkicbinaleedi zrgdge to Ea the better way.’/junk A A,;h¢%Amcgn timqg IHh;av¢;- .tVhi%S%\cxpxC:fi”€ returned hin1thi$ anfwcAr,~Th,a;I ‘think 115é€yaMr»47xJ AA in 115311 ¢1¢A¢ wemg hold on pha Tircacic with shcfc: men with ail, careA,md4 fcwcrccié,/'”"’; emtmi ‘n1‘iddriv5c on to the difcdvcry fo foot] as the bufincffit is ripe for it, that he may Aaf» :;:£;’§E_”:0f:§ :futeAhimfélf'c and thcm, they AfhAaA‘I‘3 notwant rAeward,.if they do the fcrvicc. That denim, yam. ~ far my an ‘ flml1bA¢ fu-moffcdrccy, and c~ha“;,-I am g:onfidm:t4chac yam.-W Ma- czwfidézzce, m 3/rm that no body A A jéfiji ‘wru not impart it to} 2133'-A Thzthé Vhiyvca fpc<;i:§1I=l A¢;yc_tq the eighVc¢hAandvm'mh flak“ J/W break: A PArapaficion, A A A * A A % A 9"’“” ””"”"’* A Sir, for Gods fa.kAc,a.zad;your owiae fafcty, Afccrecic in chisAbufincfl'c : _ A-"””4_v9fi?7¢“¢”AiVW‘k~ ~ A And 1 bcfccchyfiu {cud mcbackthis Lecterfind all that comes with it, 1i.”"’”’€ ’l,A"f"’ ’41””fi3’[“ Wm 5“ fpecdAi!y and fecrctlyg andtrufl: Anotyourown pockets with cAhcm.AI{ha1l :;:;mefi);?:;f;f§:n?§1:t0pra- " A30‘ ‘3‘%”°rfl?*P§ ‘§q'r‘.i°t ti“ “A'°C¢iV“¢%‘h°m* AAm.1 (9 fi°°“35 I ha?” them % éomgihzidyou toMa’ae{&..'x1mfly A _a~gaine_.,A and yoAAurAMajc-{fies vvAarraA1Amo Proceed , “:10-diligcncc fl§Aa1i’b¢j A A Vx'antimgA‘AA*Ain incw hc1p01‘i the éii1'C0‘V€I‘y. A A V A A v . A A A TAhi*si:athc greatefl bufinefl7z: that ever was PM can me-, A11d%ifThavcherci1i pro, In:i.2z‘;Iam am» A pcofcd undone amAy:hingAa.mi{Te, A If mofi humbly cravgyotrr Majcflics pardon; Bu; f""’"f"‘f’” 5077- I~amv§i11ifi5to-h°P=1ha_venot lzciwin crrcdin indgtméait,1andinfiAdc1i:yMIAne- ggglggvg A Th¢f:A1etaf;Acrs came ;0'fi3¢ on Thurfday,.Septéinh. IAoA_A‘a°tAAx1ig?ht;’ andt I“ fen: théfe lj;4¢z;g,&AV away according~tcrtIae date: hereof, being cxcrcamly wearicd Awjch wgiting this Let... A tcr,AcopyingA out thef: other which come .w'n:mfc1;1cmt' with BESAOWIM1-habd.‘Recciavcé «fmm stlac Kmg Sfrépt. A I~;6yA E (643, AForyou4xA{acrcAd 1i@ajg£1iw;3AYou:ms Apafiyicgi. The KinJAgs%A:n5vqvc%r+ » .§0.¢§§!9Fag.aiPfi.13:i:m?&F3 A ‘AA ' RomesMafler~p2«ve- A A Sir Wilfiqzm flofnzelsfccond Lcttcrto Athéérchbifluo. A 4 A’Sir.Wi_1liz:m ‘Ba/'AwAeAls tIfAuAirdLcttAcrtotIa1c AArchb' A My I H’ evening lye I have received your Graces difpacch, with thc»enc1o1Ted A fromhis Majcfiie, by nayA5.c*cretary 0aze%m:;’t,A,*and fl1a1lgivcdue:escAcoimt with A A _%%aA}%lpofl3b%lcV.fpcedof thefamcg. according to his Majgfiifis }“o'mAA ‘(fracas A .- AAA A~ AcAom;~Anan‘tls,A prayingAhAearti!3r.%that mycndcayo;m7s,AW%%1»iah £}1a_¥1b¢ inoflfaith-:4 .» ‘w fu11A,~AmAa¥jv a1{oAproxzevef‘r"e&:tm1l,tohis Maj«:i‘;ies%VandyourAGracé:§c§n:en%t,widzwhjch A I Adm mofl humblytake leave, being alwayes V A v A 7 4 A AA A A AA.__ _ H¢g},,2u4,,3gfr.&I64o. % 3: A four grfiwefmo/A3 dutgfflllflfldbfiwélcfiférwant, % AA A A AS. zA5lnge10. A A A A ‘ A W1§IiamAAEt3fWa1§.A 7 AA A A Tb e%Ax*chbAi{I1¢}A5s iudotfcment. Received SA«:~pz:. "39. 1 64A.c:>.j AASir’ Wi?57£d3§é:Bafwe/[9"his‘ A Aacknewledgcmentthat he hath reccivcd t1+;c{’Kings cfateéiions a&.nd'myLc:c:crs.A ’ __......Lg- ‘ A H . fhapsfem With‘ “%A A“ AAithAe Iarg¢r~difcov§ry of the PlotAgAA A A A AA ‘ . A itplea/cjozar gym, T % ¢ A A V “ A » % A A % Pon receipt of'hisAA MajcflicsCcimm%ands,w%ithyAeur Gracgéslettcrs of"'3d fl% ‘:38, ASép‘t.Al_afl,AA I d_caA1;: with the party to nmkf; good hiS'dfF&rs_,formcrly Pu; - "iAn ming:AAAh;»fjmzA7{Aé * "writ/9 of what A/.73 Mir/J‘¢1lréAaa’] dgglarm’, of 1"A’8¥¥‘?‘A°“A‘ 95 4%»?/Z /Ecraaficrdgclare in téc ét¢f£7ze_[[2f‘.% A A A A - A‘”“‘Ah*%‘“‘ierAAm* A AA‘AHis%AAnar‘ncAAhe conjures xiv: Fall to toncealc : thot!gh bee thinks his MAajéGy and 15"-‘Y’ A } yoAurfAG§tAAac:e, A by the Charaficr he: gives ofAwhimAfeIt"c,, véillcafily imagine am A/age £5’ A . Thcrcfore ;; AlxA;-ping étén ézzo319‘;¢ f'g:2AzAfer;>z/z’_y t/armagb CaAw%t'A_Mgiii;)r,$A%m /7: Amza‘ far; térice pzfffmre and A cmx=10r— A£A;1£mf2={féA to laaiie /Mid. A _ Hcrwpon hedoth alfoVredtmbIchisAAmcsfi humbleand earne£’cAfuic~Aut:to¢«hisAMaje{’:y L Aand%your_GraA W , to be mofl (acre: and c:i1'cu1nf'pm‘?: in the bufincfltgthat hé gpaynctr "A A AA ~beAfufpc&cd to%havedi1'covcrcd, or had a handin £hcAAfainé,}%AAAAAA A U A A A _ AIA_fl1alI hgre humbly bgfcceh ypqr Gram~t4, Icé me Ignqw wha_tI may AfiA1r:herLdceA . % .\ 3 ‘F91:hismfidiicéfcrviasorferyourJGra¢cesAp¢rricu1arL{bsh¢ofschmmay a%:cording- ?lyéAAhdAea:vd1ir‘A‘tAAo a‘pprdvé rriy‘*'f‘e1Fé, as“Ia‘m; AA A A ’4 A H A A. AA A {AA A A Ha‘g/a.~I.5«0é}éA6, \A Tear GMAce:%mafl z1;1tz§;A‘A'z2’1’l__¢zAmllaélzgéoiférz/mat,A V A % 1640. % A AA M A A A Wi!Iia1nABofwelI. T:h?cA Arschbiflxops.,indorfi:mem:.‘Reccivcdwflb'z‘a5»I4. 164.0; VvSI%rLWi/!i;éAé2¢%435afwe/1 A A _ % profccucign QftAhc»AgtA€:atmA_bVtA§fin.¢flAC, any;Athingm%mmA;o lpim in cyph¢r4s,4.:o fend A %The~ AA mhnnf note _):Aef4rALe.r, in tin? qmA11A:}A" and iAmf*19jAmAéfl;A 22.9, acAéfzawlAAéd‘g&zA‘A/5 hié DAe¢Iar_étiOn M A A}: to hi~mA_.v “ % . ’« I % A ‘'~«* M. M % Thelarge particulaqr ~ifcovcryof' chepxotana ‘x ...3q..‘_ , ..-.--.—...——# %Romes%2!/Ia/Ier-piece.%* i 13. Arcéfon againfl th‘eKing, Kingdom_,'andAPxfiotefiantL % A Bcligien 5 and to raife the Sc"ottifl,1:warrc§,; , ‘ ‘ a. . . .«-—:~g fa. dI!!:«fi‘rzJY?v¢em=R¢WrW’WW¢ *M<3fi'I1%1uflr%i0u$and¢Rmrcmi4 A Lo:d,%4’4 j A fDLa mine, VA/Mf&'¢Vn2£!1'£n¢g!);r .ewakli% Cccpta fuse Rcgiae:%~7 M2jc"Ha4ri gmulac Revercu:ia:fT"ua:, 2 Vfua-_. V‘ ‘ ,,aVz/{iperqe«z‘zIed., zf*b;2to2:tr::o}:jFEs7¢,r,1 % % » iH‘cAc4>ffc:1‘x:a.I 11oR1_:%&HIL;be_i1t¢S, ; 8C '7 _ k & 4 £zé£'Z{£}. éEefiz1._;a‘a(:§pMA§/5"é}?2‘llttg5_ I % ‘ % cx ammo percepixn‘us.M ,Ad<1T¢ A % M %%§1?%3%%R0ya11Mqjcfly,“%aWd4/%§’~ V A ‘ Vvcsbis benignétatfim Nilminis , hot uni» Fggéi/ajam G%race.Tlaér !2:t;bezo’*2£{}'* exam: V ‘ VH3 difcrimen l!‘€1'illf-61116,‘ ;v);j.argi-”c}gg;g;?if;5,*;§/ % Jti’obi_S i1"1c§VcX§éP£§ quo 'Girm;lus%da.~ T/9:317?/:e_6lefi§':2g pfGod;z3; preflsv:»t' tut; ‘Ht tantb ‘alacrxus, Iibcraliufquc, 2»;gg;}g y;a¢z,~%;av%éver¢:é}:azfpz;r z'.4giva‘r.:;z,t1am:ua:»¢: fi.Wfi~qfl¢ Regni Adjglix, rum Sccatim, free? égtrermdnd deteé? tbafl iL9£z.zg.r“W«£?é‘r&-9’; ¢ximiqcMaj¢flafi3 ffidfi Ckfufbatxoin- Héfr abamrdoféatb }«;:arAl£w&:,.té»-efwr9~ M‘ %:;fc2:d%;a%tu%r, cfi-'undamus,“ detcgamus. Ne wrfianébfigfgg wRw[me,and 4$v‘t‘.¢z,te,5t$r?t/0.._6>WI‘: a"txJt€xii: ‘a};§bdgi5iI$ , fllfbérfluis ? dihtetur Et;g1andVf_g$»%Sco;laI3d%,yt¢9ét#flzWi:&gdan2:;~ . 0iraV~=io,4.s3*r>:%ni1=i1‘1 M <.w«*~== wmu%mwA?d:r¢‘H5 <22‘ Ei<4e?!e»r%Maicfly #7¥2I*IM«; nece‘ffari;§g 9rxmift€}mfiS~» z'z;41;,:1éa'e&1..2\{_{9;9;l::jfliV5e aim-aurfé //:;:2mtV % éa géaégrged2a2;ité?rfg¢parfiz;%2z£:‘qircg;mfla;z.V;. 9 cenwe wife! ml} premiféflamc t/sing: wbicé. ; A , I A 3T1i£= ¢ma1itY of‘ H V Sc1~ant%%pr%11n9A%,, bonum 1fium,,V1ru%m. _ rzmyfizg/f;of;zl!fila2aw,gM;zlmggaal ‘ha difcVW¢m,3¥‘ V V <§1'Vi1§:1Ii%A%{'€'c§£.1criti§» d#etegz$ntur,”in’ flax; 6}‘ W/940732 the efizfi¢img_vAtéri1¢g:,§gr¢%v.zifitmand mums 331,... , vA‘vcrc ifio .Pg.:+11E§fi§::io. cm; natwum 8C V &¢;1»,m;5qm gmaiéred £142/9¢Apopif».’2%Re!i~ éucing him ta». A % catilfilyqui" in dignitaribus Ecclcfiafiifir gig»; V %2a?}3afj2¢;;3:’V792;§z1~y}é:zz';%{i;2_Z:“z:f4'Z.«fi;z_fi‘.é:;:( reV%°3=k"‘ M ‘$13331’ cis ”$talCCS“jC&QD rU@1‘PfiC J{%Tamw1¢m‘ M/Zqlzgzaizfisx.g1¢,{e;;;g¢!a»,6g£:;‘g“ fmzfdfixfon. P1'°t"‘ _ Tc“Iati%$ Négbt§i%%é%xPcd‘iti&€'.~mi, %iz1ircVf2§- z‘bc%e.:ic'p1‘editia~;§ oft/at?pr4jfis*§2t.¢.L2’.«;fiz'ggz5éJ%A¢£zg V cm, Cbzzfificaf’ &§"maud‘at¢%,Da:ue2i7¢i. % % 3 A A ““ a!z*:2I;a;ai1z;c13’m~z’5.¢2r~?£za2i ,*a’d au‘%xiliu‘m “ D’AV¢fi1ai;« é:»éé{:"Beé;ijbai-i%no”5%/oe%:;m;¢edj.;y2geai%MW tzbefjq/‘ah b “ no <*3ui%eré> ¢4Jun&%u$¢&%4= AP¢n¢sA quctm. gflma {4f%A,Ma/hrCuncus~ T"eP°P“‘” - . . . ; .. .4 A» % Nncio thfiflé T ”““i n)'ofl1’c_xo 1:: dxhgeng a;;:fcduIus xnygxxge wézarnfa u AOWI-$3» w€l V2;z~:e??d,4taé“0fr. Wt,/2 €%lL:W1:JflCa»rdiV.. fP¢‘-344 AA [« ~ data %*fuer:c2=%j%.apreM%vc;a,% max ifisxmsg m.e~gm~m"£¢'m;:2*.gz Isa,ze,4¢é;A4%‘£Iac%maz;;az%%aft *2 dt-@”$ iflGi1‘&" ." fit Ht duici§~A " A 0]’ ’!z;gT£e§fiz;AA& 3 . A ‘ i A ‘ ~ .1 t/g¢%fém:mA’A om»? are « Paliticixmg ) A A A” V 4 ' wbafe_L¢éfic_; 4':z3;~é}‘_a:g4;fia;ériA2: ta flake, A L;% xrngzéle, 4?%*l€’f‘9f??3?AV“Faé7€\j?;éf‘§5:€"§_fWxgflgdflmff’ wad ’ ‘ ~ 1 V’ % % V W...%.=;0f%%:ée%:/Md ;c;7:v+;*Za*v»»‘;.s?;ez~;;Zpar:,{+g;via[afis »p?v-remit a9rwW%A*rbewfi!v%:W A Pfizfirérflza ‘ " m&Mi:md zldé«z2;f€?{‘aia.rLL%A*£:e‘C‘bzgf§%‘Wfl-4 A%%¥’Wé V fi; *1 *2. a 1* ii‘ » .~ is .- L‘ . s NV . not alcfair or fikémit rbmfilw:2a»:ha**fiw£ca:% gag; mcn5toA bcwar c’ 4 Rumiflz [pic ms», 2*’:t#¢*;s.2:4::.r,~&.£av%rz.*§i.:fgj=%%*Naé£é;.: Aintbtir hour;-:s'*% A A A A A A §m'fl:a'aAd0fa A ‘§““’”"‘?*":*A*‘;%” £3595”? ‘ ‘ % Ram¢sAM&flei-pima’ % te1'L}.r:3:.w4 , “ may’ &wb£fi1? 433937: V¢g7*¢;'er§>‘}T¢25b)¢z?:.A6l .4 T, ‘I A0f«tb:#firfl%A?M’rr A zarlm/éafiiae Lat zlri ro4%%f;A:%%ég “arm af“i/airgsit \P‘7;‘?- % ,.....__ fiamwjmam fggniééatg quad‘ om-V15 u: den. Pmercr gs ad Aortfiodwm: Aflfiijigiielicm‘ animum~"wmW‘¥i€%%*= Utdkconfirh enciamL%% firam’r[ VVcx«waraf%:1*a?1facc_5 i m-a‘chix1a:umV in mg %inI2<§cem{c,s%§ I]VA“}§3nxas % fcelus, A we % veIand2.:m4%cenfuAié; A IevamcmA fc pcrcépg _ tumm , E in finum amici tia1ia%cEun-M- to 16¢ revmlcd, and tla.4:t be f£w;!o3;rez:fe.£'zz;:= slat. Qgo Mfafio ab eodtxpzg ‘amigo fcriaa A conm‘emiAcus ,? v«eAraéconAwcAr fi“oAniAs, AC£=:a- ritatifque exernplar ofienderet ;hbcraz:,e5 ab imznincnti difamawizue, i:m_ocentc:sA to: i Azéixnas 3 J In an %’mAQI2i:‘a[ lub@ens_; fe1ifcré.t, A A cAa1‘aAm0q;uAE:%A’A*ikqucmia c xcipiy.. endum "“defl€rat, %cx?fq%uibus Arcicuii . Anbn ita Priaem We R¢Aver=nfi3~’ wobiaciyw 1uf¢:u2cnt*Acr% At;:p4K1car1% ]dcmqni&rafi Apoy. :._fl’' ’‘ . . ' ‘K . _v 93" wt \ ,;.g. __ .. ~, ...# g r~. 4 m Ame Ag_mnsM;,A Au{(:arcI¢ 3-¢;;e¢;.. ifiatfilr, f€i€*1d!im¢f3: §h2=iésifiasaqni-aflt btisiA:<>=a%Chr:itishni:asA ;110&Aie.7¢onc§ztitur, Fa&ion¢s,- excrwiiffifib; J%A"¢a;%%iC9i35A%Cha.. meaé Sgbole , é£:fus%Aq%uati§¥of pér Acrbcfm. 1uxuriancc;a.*dinAes. A A ‘ A farje. A A A sewwsomxnss fuzatéoricicigqua; mm cfifgium 6:96,’ fiatMumVRegnczfu;n,.»R¢. *‘*?*WM‘1A3;P**Wi¢%ffii?*m.A %.%¢1au%°éu0A anode in» »fWar¢.“=urbaré; reformre- A V : T€I?i?i 0,1‘d.i§niL$ ¢Sc‘wIé,r¢s¢‘u,AyA _qu~o'~» A mm Pr°§:ium‘Aefi;Re?g§5¥¥$;Principibufs 91};:.§'i“?§333‘*33T€é% % qua; ‘adA%aFfiéia%AVJféf§ armada: 3375 8%§f0!.€¥113b343a:?A°?%‘??Bti°fii* %Qum%i% « W I?£i=ni4 Ordinis fm==§ Ecc1¢fiamcs, qummRe1!gicniA3AA cue Oifdvitiii”d:1iA¢x%1omiér%és V Afmé“ 1’4mi8% infiriéria A »<1®i%V%fr:rv»iriis% 1‘?1A’.=!gI§=t,tiIrr1; PriH¢iPuma%§3=-¥0flum,;Nara BiIijum,AC§v§r, #Z_AAANullmAAAeuim%‘glim' 5 tuzmfilfere amivira ‘W :2/Igsffazfitatepaz/limrpzx ~ Regan pajfet, qmzm 2’/la qua” Pangz'J'ici¢z A 3FuL1gebétur tizm tcmporis _, joficz’ Legati" Phcmtificii , Domimm Cane:-Is Conjuram 4 focietatis3 in&‘wmm%entum A Amiverfalc, 8: férius negotiipromotor; cujus fecretag A lJt3la1i0lfl1:_I_l__‘~1¢i£p10r£kt0-7 Mbat }Lma.'on, is the Popes Legal: , A Pontife, by whofe mediation it might 2; ‘A ’;§”'etJr A%afmaz:¢y”V0ra'er:,% y Kingdnme of Emglmzd,z1ouriIhe;h$%: far * Wt" had nccei fcarce all Sppziiga F7‘d7.'6‘6'," jllld [!¢’!:l()’,C-VEVIIV" IGOR abflm? yeeld {'0 great: a“mu1ci=:Aude oVf]e1i1i~t'g:Ma, as ‘Landon a1one;‘wherea1%~e%foun d more than 50 Scottifh Jefizitcs. Téere-"the qmQ%ngAus,¢vm% fa£dfaaiet;v’lmtIa elerfled to itféifi fa few of 1M=rch'anceAa*t th»is%prc£<:_m%, T 3ftivve%Traytrm-55 im’qm'ty,} and Almtk cc:¢§]5ircfdz:gain_f}%tIaa % King, and the mcsflfmEtlaf2¢!1~%%ta tA/9? IC%ifig5 V % effecialév tbs Lor6!&%eJflrc1aé%ifZi%zbp%»A«‘Can-5} f. ‘ terbury, awd !z@em'[é agazirzfz‘ [wt/2 king-A F dm:fJi?or it is morecertainevthem;er—- I”'1g‘eé'f°":%%[’$°*g taintyTit{eIF,thaVt tzhe £arenamedAr%mie:y ,A;§kj';‘£h‘§f,* hath%decermiiaAejd toAefF¢&%2n u n’i‘vcr{a%Il ;¢1Ve3,;AA reformation ohhe Kingdome% o%fEng» % land and Scotland; T/aarefare t/aedfete§*- mimzticm oft/ya :;nd,‘n:cej]lzr2'@v infer: ad:-7 ‘A «A rermiugramafmmgroweem’; A M A; , j a A] T/omflvré *tap°‘romate%t/:cmad¢rt¢¢kgéa¢ 5“’A!fi1'!£36A i3'"13t% /Ellmglrt, t /ac’ fizid fqciet} dnééed it feéfe flu “Mb I at. witlzz the Title af§The Congregation‘ of ego ,md;°t§;3 ‘SA propagaringthemch ;'whivb«ckW~ nerenaeros Zadgézb _thegPope ofB;ome theHe~ad%of th?%jjfeiif”fi%4“; A the Colledge, and GazraIim:I!%Barbarin0~ V A A « his fubiA’timt:e4arnc:l Exccutnr; . ‘ A A‘ 2 A A 3. A‘1’laé chiéf Patron‘ of the fociety A mange ” who world when-a fakes care of the éufineff: ,5 {mo =w/aafi: Aéofoma, tic:/2*a’zF?‘gx of Tmjtar: weekly harboured; (0- a'epofitmz!! their Intelfzgenrcx. N OW the nears the King" refi ‘Zen cc of this Legation , was obtain mid Cm-“Try and n "d at Lwzdam in the name of the Kama» fihwe ficwccefre " 5 to both with- be lawful! for C‘ardinal1‘Batréozri72o,*to Qutcontrgulm work (0 much the more eafiIy8c fafeIy 15 the [aging j upon the King andAkingdom. For aiézme "tru1yV%hace:he" Aeéfé amid [5 fiaaéy circumvent the King, P°P9s3%FW311 A A as [ac-V who flumld be pélliatcd M’:/9 Atfaeg mam’ his m"H V Paepes ie,4wt/aarz'tj'.% % ‘ % flfxgumcrmltisleifij ‘ A at _..f. "'6.7/Wez_[}er‘Cl1neu3 did at e C M ’ I enjoy the 0fi'z‘ce af t/oi: Popes Legat, am.hisAn3;m_c-A V‘Um"mrfizll Imflmment af the c'an;°z¢rwI “ A AA A flvciet} , amd at férim: ‘Promoter %af‘t/9avPopc§1nfiru’-34‘ éwjinefl}, ng~kofl:V/Ecivetyfi fl;m*%rIikgw1}@%t%cife%%m¢nT5 fir}? ‘WI al the mag?‘ Igzteliigencérx, the prefim ""3" ?*€“""' Q “ ‘and L + Whxen ‘£b:A m2Amyx:, % % are Imrbnurecl % fuck :9!’ foéiexy ‘j V A “'74? t1.m¢’tI'1cy«:omchin h ~ the King himvr ~ their o ‘agents had (om: fami! ,~THe psgflpacyiof A V 6?dnt.A and 'r‘hiso-- ‘ jg.-.. . ‘ ""'F ‘— oR0mes”Mafier~Peece.; ' A i'l.;:goa.4’m4n§ Eb: Communicate} bfall tbefe things‘, did receive and 4-xpadite. whither % _ 4 7 lb: lwfint-ff: rgquirca’, % . % 4 5Fr3”8¢'%5“W33 Cuneus fit fupcm the chief mm of the that the’-cbieAfcA ' M - A A » -A A A men Ehouldomt Kmgdsvm , and /qfz‘ not/azng xmattempreafi {er thcmfelves‘ b_)V“‘E9.l7il_t mom: /9: mzgbt cafmgtotlgemall, againfi, him. 3: and mclme t/oaemotoot/ac pantg‘icum~ part} : M his, to fend thé be intiqedmmgy with variam-A incitemtrztx 5 yea, % he foughtAt0~de3ude the King hi~.rn§- fegfc did imot Idols 5, andof other vanities brought: when he thus f1‘0m Ram?) WhiCh yét would pzcvailc zem;md’& a£-+A noJ.fhinAg~owicb the King. o faultedhim. That 4.1. ‘fiopes é.fg:,:,?i?3rv‘$gl;}i‘Court,likcwife at London, to undartakg- the Kmg, and t/a‘c,c{a'p_xfe'. of the Pa1atinE%,?A'¢z7¢&i‘tk:1t be ‘A the lfiiflig “fake would iaiterpofé I212 9/11;:/Jarigri, find 5:] 19;; Tcgd 55$,‘ intern» parfmézdg At/at Lega; vafQoIocn_,‘ A nm,.k;,g~ Mmais that the Palaotincoin otbaénext Diet to tzjeazt :9,-§dd1¢_ j‘ Aafpeaae‘, wig/at écoigfirrtcd irztkowt/ac Can. figfuixcsknow —ditian:% 54,- which §LIer1'%lf /M praAm{fi,5d, éut W6.“ h0W *0 “-"1' performed:/ac cam‘rar’y..o.o He writ indeed, that be [and-éqen[qo%d:fir¢déj t£v:.K mg cm- cerning fl.l::b A thing: ,* ‘yet Ahdadvifed not not favour pro- scf’cantP_.rinte:, tho: theyifhouki, bef cohfented to; left A ” oi=Sae.mira€1¢;oo*o peradventure itwnight-be faidnby. the ‘hatthcy ‘h°“1‘3 .5’pan£;:rdA, othato-the, Pope of RoME~hadA patron3zed;.anhere;i§call Prince..- % In the mam» t£m.;-, Caucus {mailing nownccr them, éhfromfthe Archbiih» molt trufiymoothc .*T§“¢ oA,,’~"-‘W4 King , tharthe Kings mind was wholy ¢‘h‘”°f‘~”“”3‘ he’ penoulous? Cor dooubtfull. )A Rcfoived, ‘,%of:;moroghcm, or wharbouxfm any of liafllfi-5’: 3“?-5 .3.‘-"" . éjuainrance at apgilyhis forces , that he:;m1gh5t,ogaine %, olum,to_h1_s wparcy: (‘e7't4u2{)' canfidmrg, 5*‘ 9??‘ 3;’ tlmt be /moi 4 memo’-'6: prapm<:d.Fov.hc had E a command to * offer a Cardinoalls Cap ¢_.,g,,1 ;;mdA;g;, to £hC‘LOfd Aorchbil-hop in thcoame of A'h:o]ExJu§:;ia1Ioof the Pope o. of R o M E, and that hee hiilifc-A»AAA A 7" {hm-11d “ —a1-luroe~.o<—*=him alfo with higher Apromifés that ohec fmight A gomsupco his 0,135,, Wm-id 5; fincere"mi“odef. A 27et~_4J fitting amzfian Wm’ ofigfezifcr value never gzrcien ,: wlaereéy hengig/at infimmte %o=zh::ao::znItoa_1iar1 bz'rb_,??%lfi into 172: Lord Arcvbbifhop (fizid C~%¥d?‘%-W1‘-%*’o W45: Saarpfgng flog/2; §;M.‘?»~5g,g£.-o3o»1f?’4¢'~?- iE1fe,withiogi~&osof Pi8curée, antiqui;.ie5, A Havitgg Acmred Tfauziliaflfity f_witih§Mthe'. Kingghieis;ofte‘nrcquc1fed\ac Hampton A That he would move evéryfione, and A wékqugzcbatx cnim oscorpips rum omniu:n,pr;i"ensvir ‘bonus, comm municator ho ru.m5excip_i.ebat, “ expcdie-A batquc quo res pofioiabatg 1 Ad oriebatur Czmem , psimaoria Reg- A ni Capica , nihilque ointemzacum fivic; * A quomodo. fiagula cormmpcret 8:. ad partcm Pontificiaminc1~in.a:=et ; variis incitamentis plurimos ailiciebac, Etiam Regain ipfezm. danationiém pifinzmrum, 'Aa;¢ztam 5;" Idolorflflé‘, alikrumq.-3&9 zlantiratum Ram/.3 .42/lammm, delhmféndum qukrcészt , % qzm tame» wapud Rcgem nikiil profiserant. Q oofamioliwrjtate inira cam Rage , toga- tur fzpiuos [Hantacurti , ctiaom A ”L.mAdimf,, Palatini caufam. a geret , interponeret‘--_ quef autoritatem mm , incerceflions Legato Qolonicnfi ofpcrfuzdérgc, Li: pala-5 anus in coodicionéggproxigmis Comitiis A « dc pace oa&uris, infireretur . quod 4 quidcm pollicitus ejfl contraritamvero - “przcfiitit 5, fcripfic quidem, “*w 1zqgar;;;;a,;,;.o, fie dc talibm ?Roeg:fm'fl&;,% mm cozfi1l:r¢~5;: A su'oooor£ecic ihceriom“‘[av;xem o*abooda..o 1.tamcn5w=coi¢,/éntiatkr, Tate aw5‘H‘é‘.§§;mM ~ 1 A fI9rt.a_[f2f mcamr 3% 7{ant1fic:mRommmm Princxpi Héércticb p$ztracimzmmf:¢z'j]?s=.,. M mine .Archiepi{cop“o Pxegi fijeliffimo, V tootumanicnu.m Rcgium cfle pendulum ;: Omoncmvfe§=mo_ljurum lAAapi;d.em ,,~ nervof- . qua adpVlicatur'i1mAfl;atu¢rato, uc ad pg-1:. rem foam. 1uc:rari( poflitg : Faratum ~ fa A habere m.edium% certd confifus-~; Man- dggygm gflfm ,‘ flzrdinalém, 1‘ réamimsa Poontzjiczés R agamzzgdaminao 21rc}:ié- "A5 pifcqpa ofiEAfr€r,M!a&arctqnepbllieitfis-ctinirsem A /zA¢!2limiariém ," ut animum ofirzcerum o corrutnperet :oCommoda tamer) occaé “Ho xaounquamo dafbatur %‘,,,...quAa domino oArcbicpi1copo -féféz infinuarc A pofléno ovumi ) ’ I ‘W; ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘V I ‘ V "VI? ‘ ll RtomcsMtgfler~I’eece." ' » _, ~‘_ ,_ u. .n_ _. ». E ‘ll, , _Lg. . "...."_;4.;1_v"‘ ' .' A Pet Carttitem @'“‘Cam£tifi'4fi.Arond:liam?, ctiam per Setrctarimzt Windilwnkttm; libcc acceffua impetrari debeac. ao- rum omniurn inccrccffionibus lnegleélis, focictalt-cm vel «famtiliarlitateml Cunei, tlpefle pejus fugiebat 5 Perfuadebatm‘ D etifamab aiiis non intfimiés, ipfi bflene notis , nec tamen conmovebatur. ‘ J t In ' ‘ Quxrebatur 8: alius qui ad facinus dctcitandum acccflhm impzdiebat, Sei- mmam Cook; eratis olerjefuitarum infenfiffimus, quibus aditum ad Regemt intercipicbac , excipebat plurimos pro merititst , inillorum fa&-{ionca fedulot inquirebat 5 quo nomine incitamcmtum amne, vim magnecicam ad wpalrtcm Pantificiam fpirans , lerlat apud ipfum - inefficax; iaihil enim tam carum cratg, % gqlod ipfum ad pravumt inclinatfléc :: ..;3~s Hinc , Ooujura«tionis «Patronisextofiis t’ faéius gpericlitalqatur V dc offigio ut: “ cxueretuc , Iabonébatur per tticnnium, "_ lquodvultimo impctratum. “ ‘it 7 a'.‘n ‘tY\’ni i1O1’ ‘inu3 ab partc. Regis, noduéfolutu dtifficilist 5 Darninns Ar» Chiiehpifqopuaeniin conflantia {'39,-*ficuti duriflixnuxn fefc im:er.pofuitl(?1xum. ll Labdraflé fa ink:aHi1%-m, ablparte do- minvviflrchiepifcopi Cuneusicum H intcl-» V lexiffetbc Earbuit «mwlirtia ;.i[..fiuS,1:otiufquet bSocietatis;mgxt ii»:¢fi?iiaa’’paraficaeperunt, ‘ kquibus dommus Arch1ep1fcopusAuna :2? mm Regetcapercttlrtg A . n “:3 l T;;_ ttltnfigehi qu0ql%!€.t(ct1tiu6 grati.a1{lttt9ttuml jflud d1fP.C)E’iMi£LiI’ Nggotium ) :5. qua qma nihxltqmd prorfiovendx Religieni lttPalpiflticae ix1ferv§re::t' fperaatur , (impri- mis van‘), Cfitm rmimttmfitttm apemerit, F’ apimfrmtk ejfl} , qttemvixlin Re- A flgficme fimt mhzfimoda Fair praém accefle was to be} impetmted éjtbt Earl and 6‘0fl72tfg‘6'=;0f Arunldclgl Ii/zgwt:/E’ AA g A Secretary Wmdcbanke : The _[int:rcc;g7'- , A); art of all which éeling negleflcdal llflldidt file the company ‘or famMili4trit)' afCtmeus; not him from ‘ per/waded lay” 0tl0;:'Jf“‘”a_f' no mttznfmnk, ‘ well known to t/sin: ,t%wi:/oar yet am: 1:: “ M ‘ l tmamd. A V A A A A A A . l7.A5:otIa¢r édfo waxaf]ky?d,w‘batb§ndratl Tflfulitfg f1!'¢ atcefl} ta we detcflazlvle u~ickgdne_-ffi , Se} abl?tg:?:_ cre1;ary.Cook, /09 um: amvjléitterbqtef move thci, qftlie ]efi1ite*8,; fiarigwbam /5: intercepted greatcftappov actejfe to the K mg, /7: entertaingdmmty fitfisat Cour?" t r qr;/W ) according mix.» amt, be fwm out of dlu I -A «vdf be 52-‘ _p1accandfaL«g ztgcnt J mguzre mt: ‘t 617' f2 tom, your mm éjw/aiclalmeztntet/er} mcttemcnt, lymph... : worft I/9.-:22 theplmrtta : He mt: lt'@fiv:f'e th‘-‘ .‘C°“1"?-A’ ~ :22 t£1t‘Y’apz'flv party, vfiaainefil,-£i‘mtllwit/.v him ; fir nqtbing mt: fir am unto him, H that mighf incline A hint to wickedncfi; Herettpan bting“"m«.1tle valiant‘ 1-at/at ‘Pa... tram aftlae Cantfiraq , be may endmz an ted ‘to’ 12: dtfifkczrgqd fiamt /at’: 013563‘:-ii: "I‘i‘3dmliVl3m¢" ms: laéotzmlfbr tkrtejeart Jfacca and“ Ifiacgfx lrzfl fllllfllfletl. ‘ t % M ¢ t fun A --3 Tet natwitbflanflixg there rcmaim-4 fiffiilznfi. A” on tl9tKt'ng: part 4 knatlmrtltto la: wk? asfjo ldirpllabfi,“ tied,’ for the Lard“Arcl9éz:/Zrtap’ 5}’/itkltang th¢l§1"3t¢R” 1 L flmcj , interpoftd biritfelfi 4: tz"tzcg‘{{f bard ?"fi.f“i"‘5311°a 0fl5l¢?tr$- rack, t '4 A V W/aenCulr1eus tmdeag/foot! f fiam the mace: wi! B6 Lord e/Irtbéiféopst p41‘t_ , that kkflbdd 935% *°%lt¢1t°Y¢tttlt Vl.tzl>0ttr"¢d.i92 mtitg malice and tbelybbalel 1'°1lté7:h°““.‘°%Yi Naciatietttt wdtccd ‘ éojling /Jot ‘/'0‘0_l'1‘lhl@.rl-‘£7’ ::‘;31°H£?£_1 atttlnttf/36: _éeg4tt‘to»6:lprt[“M.*r:a',"ltavhttjaritib : t/at Lbrd ‘eflr'cb1éi"jEibp”lll thgetbtrtbitb the Al , M l I(l7¢gf5Qt£l6ll7c‘°ltaéfl7n_ 5 M ‘ ‘ V A H A Lnaewi/e rawagaaafi the ;ea..-m.;¢...,..,m K with/2? all tbzlt évtfintffleltk maul-encueersg ola.~‘fa/Efaf éetwufi *tsatlaing Z3” keyed fifom Iffilmm 11ItflYWl /air}: ,i whit}: might fat»! to promote the gclfafidgnang " x..: - V .. e1m,em»a‘ ?”1”f5 *?/’£””.ltC-5?? t""l*"f“"{7 “hm *1‘ (25:12? -imbrace had °p¢“,¢d}lh1$ln11nKd9‘la ‘ha? he W88 30f. any and V cleave. this “opinion 5* that A every one might: be clofc to none». . 2 faved, I1c%Icepi:t 'ltlJifig‘.fl\’md‘gn:tl€dll (attraffivé) power‘ v f lj t [ ‘M ",.‘.r,‘_ m., .‘ __ I tyranny againfl A vancemem: of %e:c';zf;JMernfa;.Z_ "exg " were fmihd ‘ i ¢ % Archbifinops ¢ C a:*r'cf;ivi1?A;é:i§ji;ff:‘ ‘ }Ce:‘“‘é?3gj‘t>3r;jic%si‘“” » «Ed in Oxford: V ‘M 77i'a¢iedAii1%his :ps;vii fé‘:1‘igiGn%, ,fo as“ he bc 31?!%b;O13€i’¢ landpious_man. w . V Tm rem» rbvTreafv#A%iwd:rtaksn,' Puriraias uhcq “ ti” cfimimflV»€7x“:”Fim1dt’Vvfeflminfler’ bfl_?hédVam“3ge, “7"»’4/_r-‘5’d%5)’f5'5’?-V6’ 1%f’?'1!WgJ‘. of Pa,1.rltan.s, gave} andgmmgfi ad-1-A ¢?6:'§€,/A59" éffnl/9e% ;fire:%w/:16/atlazng was‘ gerared 5] 4:, it ran’ * Bifhops ‘ pages dcfignas. it‘? 1.L,%Pm:i£%m.$ , 1 m.»zir'i¢*d zmrwmged, it wwld -5:: tvbarzgbtazs % % , > , »é1::w:;r§,/Z2 za_flJ:ir Religion“; The awxqso A 1 ??”?5€19fif*W’~*~’fi»€“§’f€’9??4??¢F30¢k”f7* Pray- ” L§1"$% % ‘EH naeasas ttié « V 1” ‘*5 Im;%a r?%t«¢i3%T&céiifl»f%.£?‘:r!; S%cor’7§ci§‘1:§”1°i‘ ’é\:§’4E.%‘ Ciazfiifd Mzaxfield % A b?3o1?st?1€ Eyltfir‘ axpgdirad V to; 1.15:3’ Scots E} tliza Papifia pare * i‘:1ti;tL)I'lS ‘.‘'.»lz}c3VV£'€i’0_ : fia ‘the Enghfb5 5 %wiz”1mra/Saw: two other Scat“i] Z_iV .Em-%~1:;, the Ori inall in/fir afi} :12;- pswple» fa .ca:m:;a».A and ¢°PYaufld€l‘ the 1145 wggzf the z;¢_pN,¢r} azfiaf/E2, ‘that zzzgég mm hmd whé, enflame t/m'r m.z'xzd;V- yprecipirzxte ,r/cam - ' ’ T e,«;rm; .éVvwhz'c1a" time mzf»1z.zfi.A h I: 1» 1” A J: _ vvxgscfegdfgd; flta‘récr, of the Scatg//2 V Lzbergy mxg/qt‘ 5.: The ]e nits @121; . ~ « ‘ V 3:K:ni%e5§‘i; *°**'1""”"’ :4 51 A " 3 A A , $h:P&h,_,£:;:§;'&- t/saprcfint irmfineflé was [.5 <:raeredNt%/sat with 1‘! 1 «amt Kaf%Vrk:4Eng1ifi~1 Wflld 44%’ 4AS*cots¢i Tim ‘King%,Ihc>uId N ffétifiliiaé maria m:Jix3iArtine.s,%%whd(rber-= Tmeéze/azi::g‘ehe 7‘7"P“7’? ffidfiéld A b¢VA"°V°“3P‘H“d “%‘«3°‘”:""7"" },1o;;¢gs%‘3z4‘gm»e~f afli fiance from the Papéxiis 5 whzcfih yet: Asiia'a;&<>§$9£&h¢ he flikfiwflid_Iwt4A0b%tain¢;. :m1¢fl%:he WW4 %derc¢Aa**a yumcomdassenmysvhich he u "",“"'.w,\:$, .1». , W "1 _ mmhfl W N‘ ‘ J. “ ‘ ‘_ _, ‘?19*?¥d;A;%Psr:z=1.t% @%,#£I%:m::fa;£1 Iwrssr of ='W>s¢vr¢1ieLa 9% she Pop1fi1~4,E~¢l1gr9nys t%”r:"fjr“aitféd'h’iti1 £017 i7:1«.VVthe +affaV1xjs% of: the ,;PapzP;3A»:vzou!d "NOW Pm&Vif~ M.iiic¢¢ed;accQrdin,g to%%thcir‘defiz:e”.'%A« Tc} which c0:»1fent,. ifgeflffiould fifiw 4%1f«mt:rQeV dif135“1§.@h?V¢%;.I119!-**1d1 Aim W-4 f§fl?e:Pe%¥i1S¢*?»ath&nd¢Far*the Kinigs 50:1 wfél iamvafions .Wh!e:,and the m.;ts,*bm2m..‘ .graawin’g very4¢fafiAto his sroucliffull % A ,%;9;='%1 ma;/zgzzgg gag: W; A ';../9:1}?! % cvaém" §f2n.éI:j1C] . :V 19; éfi‘g~kt% % perimfitctur%w%Turb%ar0r. * I 6} Me 14595:}; /552.41%-.r mf % A % dpreparad favftée mg ; A fin-z~zg;1:; pwpafé A A 6*? PM I?! 3 5”41'c'W3 Pf»fiv—°)%fi»rr”*i#i lama % a: V V % % % perpetzfanduxn fufiteptum facinas,‘ executio V } criminalis VVefimonaflc:ii, ‘pa: fqripta nonaulla Puritanomm‘,%cau- fata, primiincendii anfam dé;f-§'i_:, qggg. res ab ?PWapiflis%apud Pur§;ta:1(msixa ta£1:~ mm exacerbabatur, exaggerabaturque, u: H inulta ma:;aer;et,% 'Reiigioni%ipfis dun. pgretur ;1{c‘uiusAincendi,i,;fubféq mans can» A ' AV 4 Iniflo Aférvore ex peditus furicad Scog ma ab~parteApontificia Come; dquidam :$c0tus Z'&44xfi€1«r[,ni fallor norxiine, cum A guo,,dAuo ialii Qpmites Scoti Papiflx, 4 ;‘?L"".‘37¢4fP013d3b;_3.l1¥:;% vI3C0m%m:0Vere4 debe- ”_bat: %%Vp1cb;em , i%in}urian3qne refricareuxz I animos acceuderet, adnarma‘p2:ec1pica.%. A tcta quibus noxiusV %A1ibqrta*%tis Scotic Ibi Una; opera pmrus in CafTgs7fieg{‘i‘v9A% "co cnim dire&usneiT: prmfens Mnegozi. ut ~—Ang?.or1Jmcdmp1utim"i {éfe ad- glucinargmg f?Scéti$- ; Rfx‘ mrzrialc aagéfigfet ififériar s7A.»:¢i7 :2Z= % ‘aykilid petérg «Jr cagerc:tttr‘%‘i",%i% gs,~ue zgmwné mom L??i222pé2*mréi,, M % 725%. “in aanditiaafzes defiendtret, qyéém li25'ertazta373 *C}MiZIer]'&l:;1z .;»,m~.¢»;;~;,,- Rgifiégf... zdnis A Wontaéféaiw pqrmitgrxetwgimw; ‘éééirés .:mre § Pep5jZ'm¢m% ;zz:’i zmmm fpzcztedarént, %mt~';iai;efix¢/34:7 fiI%‘&1zgffici1£m¢am%fig/E em. % £rmr£r.%,%% rem?di.azm' erz'tinpramp%m4 : AA 214» %dal&fl:a:4te% t’:~*:~i2s2zA ‘p:k£mz¢m* % filio," qwi :33 t enerzig as; parti P 0I2t1:}€$i:.$ % »r:fl4'at<4%6<1tw*)Ad: Regeafiwwefl mdréz“ agc“?(x§§hc;.is”‘*:eduga¢ed»_frnu his gnaw? % V ~ "!}mme% .8: ping. den-age",, j:hati;;hce‘ he accuflome “:‘:“x‘3“;i"‘*“‘%“‘°§ himiélfe co V:hc%A%Popi”.4 pm 3 the 1; e 3 xamen - ‘ *_ hen:cefort*h3toj ; Kwgxfisekss §?1fpa29hed~%~%%F°£ W 130 it! ‘On , 3%“; ROIAAABBS Mt?fl€f7P:6€C6.ATA . ¢ * A A I 9 A-—-""' ‘ .‘ V . ‘ V ~ -, . ‘ ‘ __, ,,.___ _ - W. Nwx qzzippe Alndzca aczmfima «zzenma *lnd1an VNut~&ufi‘ed With mofl {harp "'TheK1'ngtl1€5 M fqfirffl i?¢v%f56i€tdtej/érWmr‘( q5£.'&'?71;_-C&1!.- poyfonfis kezptin th%eS0cig:\33.A“.‘natAi"0’n:“e Scamsg, A.Lq;idimm¢.4éadpu~A%{ Naziongj Whca ouathc to aflmtzhe Col- E:zglandmeA lit ; Callcgia S0A‘€i£t{!tiJ :«:Aw¢jmmt;;e:A lc%dge~A¢:'§Fthe c0nfe§ex‘ate5c9ciéty4 mlfidere deésécztg remfi firéb agere, am?/ai ferioufly to {at forward; %th:e?‘¢V%bLi{igw%% imteiétatnm reli:-:‘q$§§reH,, -qézomrfmssas cu;-... neflé, to Iezavaranthing unattcmpteda ‘ A” A ' m?emrerm*firvvr.44wM bjficio hw=W'w- whefrc'by&the%firf:H1ea4s ~mightbe%%ex};fpe- A % rixmzi AEp}'_{capatsw,1%er4:* ipfi paléfiritam. mtcd. For4 Awéicb jEr*viccVAlae%wa1«: pro-P _ A v I ‘ A Cc;/a.4!7z'méw.a;t; 6?" »k$'mI§ia#:2t£ Aperi%%qmt m~r% mi%/E%%d~3%%téé4 reLVAard% Acipf af “*7 Bifllorické>m"ihe¢éfV"é;iiér3% Mcnfix’, mse~Aps~émAAaa!g',fmdmdum liceé.et5 Heycohabited“T%w%%iththe Sebiety, four'e d03iAAAf0A35‘ A!'u«5A¥=‘7L damn: reézzs ex «vatzz‘c;o%;ez¢4t££m::, Ac;-m”éa:2a2r~ A m0mchs‘fp3Ar:e;,neicherw was ic~lawfifl«l 3_&’’‘’i‘'.-"'**' A me,-fa red¢:xfiariA%pafl?t. A f H A A, A fair hixnafivfi to Adepart, until} things :O3:eAr”§::3}:',:‘“, .:. A H » A A ¢ 2 ~ fuc£eedAing%accordingzo his4w§{;h~,~he a5c}n§§t§hh:}L,. nxighflae abiem rctum backagain wit%hA accbmpl-Ai7{h5-— A ‘ '’;»?fJ.:-:‘-’-.‘*3.éj*‘:'::‘' ’ E‘ A, , _,__ 9 * A A 1 »% ; % »goud7newes..?. A % % A % % A 1 A *XI%H;.4 - A A A ‘ 4 A A13.,S£r Toby MétthA*eW%'a~%Icjfuire.z' ggnggpg A;§0‘n§[A fpA<©a‘valliero Tobimf Matizei S£acerd@s~ Priafl,,,A aft/at ard:r%Aafpal5riciazm,**a moj} 0f'c;;jntim2e§:r!"A;cj:t* jefuiteé %%Aordimi3 puliticssrum, vé capiti"‘- #v{gi[m2¢»mm of risk c12;£ef'l9e.«:zZ1.r, J0 Wham §:?Pe$§reatcfi; A bus _?~"VApr1m:.wiia44hQm0 vigiiaxatiflimmg aged wag: mgvzzer fin deaf, t/mt lac mzzzidw/YA $°%"‘“’¢ 1 :c fli ngnqflam! §am%9hgArza:§1_¢gbi1e, ,quc.a !i_3¢T5:~.=‘}‘7¢?g_z53’e-$;9£’“2:§fi,%V£bfi.:_/7Ji1?gnl9iJ‘5'0Z§’j'}a;it/g 1‘ M M A A A *4 _ M Atcgpg ‘ . theipdc-Af1g_n§s§*%A? % % induflrious flecp in 4 clzaiirfor an [mm or W, neit/arr 20% Ro1nes‘dM¢gfler5-Peece§ll A cap 11: recline: ; ad fellam tantum, hora unagatque alccra, fomno corpus reficic ;. riec: dlei nec no&;1,mac hxnamécis parcmg-l flaiivity ‘hd0“‘dd dajlnarm might flared his mate/aimztlan: ; rt.’ {hams our V filzathfulnefi}: ddl[7W~'” P“'”€iP¢/5* ”0xi0Wa~ “*4 ’“''''/”’I‘5 *1” ‘ ‘*A fitplace for wfilagtsad 0f the“ lI€ingd rand Kingdomwf dEng1a1;d ; az ngofl impatient man, who % lfliwto all bmxqm-t.r3 andfia/ls, mlltdor not called; me-wrqwiet, almsziex inaflion 7% parpltfldll marina ; tbmfling himflelfi lintci all comxer/Eztiom of .S’;:periour.t; be urgetla canfirmce: familiar!) , that ha Vmajfijlg am the mind: 0]’ mm 5 what *’ lwer be alfémzzetla thence, wlaickrm} llring ‘ mg)" erommodigr or dzfcommlodit} to tbel jmrtqf thelcanffiiratarr, be commflnimtr: to Willi Popes‘ Legat 5 1,173 more flcrqt ’ ‘thing; be lofmfélflwritex to the Pope, orgta §“:;ffi?$;: jaine: him/Elf to my man: company, nod n1{mu/allfidrref? word can 542 ffialgeén, that law‘ will not la} pc3:41d<:.g1cy,% fifldihald an 3% and _o:c‘camm9date to /71}-vpartj. int<°J»¥15¢““§33 [ntba mama 7:53:12: 3 whatever he /mtla fi/bell Ala: redaceila into 4 Catnlagae, and Letthcm gem; war} fwmm.-‘er mrrietla it to tbegemrall Wlfiglgdme byfl Canfiflorj gftbejcfuitels palitickg, Wbiclal t}1‘3*i*?‘*Ef1*3I11i¢5' ficretl] meet: together in the Prdovinqc» . l * ' ales “w:’9ere be 13' am act: £52514? thci’r‘inr<;1li$;- Ff 5 “ ‘ * P ‘ gmc“ndllc0r_ guefl.‘ ‘T/1?6T£'l6‘ omwell: are fecrctlylaam- ;rc1'polndcncy% V mmd wlaiclaare muff melt fbr ltbeycamrullé l V vsiith Ireland; N fin"): qft be E cclefin/l'ic;E,:, gmdpalitickcjfatc. §c};oc}y1feof=§1_1 Taverna , as fkcular Jefuipc, wbafirr In; »3E1.0F1l5lA3“d - . g15tcfz‘.a;él¢*a]j'z'ce»;2c7:f:#5*zv:ed~( ::vla:ré]A.l9.e laced par@'er‘t¢cd {J cgrtain Mtfii/la? of the “ ’ " AC1:-mo-‘la 5f1f‘:1zz£:/7«_/2cref%incitrmmts ta tlfi: l % ; Topz]/B ?jél.r;g'i0fl , with alllaii lflmzilys lsgffhzt fuchlll m[<§%g;dVg,; ,_D;z:¢‘gl:zerta_PPTzfc'far a?'< re-A, Romi;1fh_l (Cd?-1“: carxépefizce‘ oéminscl :2 rent or, impq/2‘ upm ‘$5 fl‘°“1d'.°b7.éz¢:7er‘ yagilsécla ‘‘ tbej Country peapl: lpzré F3me,~[uCclh- l l éoxmd la rrmler lto~laim,lpracmeJ for him pgwcran re-V V .0 _.V . my % % wmds far he, fivm tl;.. I('mg,.l 5] fem: Cf31af”9‘“ aftlae ingl feducing M llnflrumenzs. xaizrumenrs; he éz',»l¢1av;¢fz’;z;:=tz§v”d.¢t4£;acd;in»l2i.t0fic:: W M4 Cardinal! B1rbarino;lI1»2j?¢1m , la: adv-A . ;S'oc£rt)'.% who‘-newer mm‘ as ,/fur, wla_a'r6j vir {umménoxius 84 ipfafiegis,» Reg- nique Anglia Pcfiia, homo impudentifa lfimus, quivpcr omnia convivia, epula{- ; qua lvecatus vel non vocatus, voficatll; Lunquam quietus all femper in afiione, motuqlze perpctuo ; fipgulis Convcrw {ationibus d Supcriorum immifcuit, ur-ll get lfamiliaré Colloquis , unlanimosl hominum expifcarcturl ; Qgic quid in- dc ad parces Conjuratorum commoldi; A vell incommodi concernere advercit , VI Legato Pontificio communicat , Secmre-l tioria, ipfe ad Pontificcm val lCardina- lam Baxbarinum pcrfcribit. In“ E.-Imma, cuivisl focictati fefc adglluftinalt , nullum , vezbum efiizri potefl, lquddlllipfied non? arrAipiat{ 8: ad parades fuas imcommodct. V Qaicquid interjea tempo”rislcxpilcatu9,% % in catalogurn redigit , 8: quavis Efiate ww ad Gonfifi»oriutn_ generals Jefuitarum.-; Politicoxfi quod ihvllP;i1§>vincialWal1enu ii fecretd concumc , h»ofp”¢»slacceptus;l 'de_ferlt-A Ibil tacizé c0nfiliajlc11éiunz»ulr qua, ad Mcon‘vuYfion“em flaws V Ecclefiafi*ici,d mm Poiitici, Regni Lltrill fque " fun: aPtiflifi1a- d ].g. th av” rm1*?etw:=n W“ I 1% Wm ‘V ' l J?Zl‘ol::‘Icfuit V I4. Capiaine Read 41560: , dwelling XI II Le :. ‘A 1 now make in” LQn.gacre.fl7fec(je , nexfjl’ the Angel! g Capita-ITCLTS Reclpz SCOIUI, ha-ED153118‘ in platea Longaker, propetabcrnaml A Angeli, jefuilsa faacularis , quiob date-ll flanduna officfi um praefiitum . ( quo mi-A niflrum quéndam.,lE<::clefix , A incitamenge A tis dulcibus ad rcligionem Papiflicam, A metal cum familial dipfius perverterat, filia xpfius in uxorcm du&a) prolrepcn- ll fa obtinuit rcdituis vclveqfiigal Butirate-A» , \ ?um,; quod “‘ru£’cicil~llfibi‘lprxfiaria tene;n- , 4 mr , adquifitum ipfi ab regal, ;per;nodn¥7 Anullosl fiocxecacisl pmcipuos 5 mi ggflié V muwlusinumquamlldeficicn, 4. ,quodin oflicia, wéonflans m. l m. _..._..._ R0mAes¢Magfleri-Peecc.%V A A 2 I ‘confians zdetineatur. In ipfius sadibus In bi; kbufi: rim Imfim-fiz» offlglg.-A w},AA;,1, The Jcfuicesi: Rei totiua peragicurAN.egotiurnA, ubi Soe ‘Pl-up; gs ,.;cpnfr'l;Zd.éd’A,V n,;,‘,,.,_. ,5, 395550 (mm: Very. Acietas qua: in Regcm 5: dommunzt; Ar- w/Jicb /Mt/9 conflzirad 4ga¢£nflA;],e .K‘.”g’AA %,(:;:-3;. _ac.AA % Achiepitcopum AAregnvmC1P0 umlmqlft W LW”4'A!‘ChbiU10p c*§~ éozIaKingdomsA 4 A * A ‘ coma};-avit, plerumque d1_el5wusAfingul1s, mm toga.‘/oer , far the mo}? part wary ” #4 ~ milfag celebrar}'tur;Aquotidi_e A K/mppe{{UWa1fr§%are dai!yc¢l«:6ratfdAé; . A A ” A ]}efi11t1s;Bapufmoquc hbcns dgmcfitcws Atl2e]efu1tes,and £!fe1“m’J' fartlw haprmzng A A ~ 3* _ :85,--'..nonnu1losum aonj.upatorum%:infer- -fiof t/oe%%G'1milalr¢’1?0ftla: Hanfraagad _ ’ aft/a¢.vCanf}7iratar:.% ; AA {E}? in nominatis mdibds Cancun A “ fTb‘bféVAwha‘'aflE‘7'sfi§le '57: z7ae‘fa:r”m4meaiV A V rumz, Rhodis val Equis, fi'equenterf- lvoufir, cam fi'eqrMnrl}'z'.;¢ Cozzdm or an ;m”"“5 “‘“” A -Ahabit“u PAoIiti&o; §x1agnoqqeC0mit?acu, ~H5rJ@«éacQin’La3 -lAn2em~Al:5.aéit 5: and&vizhA}gabitA=0,. Pam A 3 xnnotefcant , __]A.€fili{$ : «great Tmivz, wlaér-with they are dt;g3z1zfid5A«:odg1Aud¢ :heA% ~ A zami:=n A lfunti ;& Amembra ; focietatis Av!/mt tbqyzmzy not: éaknawn-,yet zlaaymAe‘vulgAar._ cQnj_uA}:fata, A A ~7]'efi1i%:es,"'-tmd Cfl?¢jf¥?‘6‘5lAAAf’¥?.’A?7¢é€?J cf-At/ac«—"A 2,‘ A A »So.ciety.,. "’ A 1‘ 77: ‘ vi 1 5‘; 314;! =5’-IA counterfeit any % .2 2“ -A I’ R01neAs.Mzg]%eAr~4P.eece; ~Papij?§s.1%a.i*gAéA ‘:. ‘V I5‘-A.‘ t}ve‘3"apijz‘J ~‘f~EN1GAL AVNVD %. A j ‘ AV % A AC°flff:1bUtT<3fl3 , cantriézzte ta tlazér Afl3'm£vl} , Alcfl mzy A Hzztcm csetu comribuz‘mr%ahomnxbug .301!!! €£'mIflAC our Rdigiam AA tl9£27g_A{;7§a;i.¢.1a.'A 5.9 zwwtiaag ta Aprcmat: 2:329 Papifiis AngIi£F, ne quidquam .adpAro-a % would make us undarxaken Dafigne. 'Uj»*m who/.-2A trm- nmvsudum *_fufceptan_g ncgotium defi-% lgbemll .m,‘_d¢...A fi;ry5afl€%i»"Widdaw, ‘a'w7¢.:A2' cf Atba Hmfex, ciat; In qmem fifcL1m,unicaAVidua_,Qro- A A fend it. A rw/éerc£nAA%~-Secremry .AVV%in&s:-bimke now‘ prietaria olim aedium qua; mode Secre- % % :3Dm,c5_A ‘ ~ 3; [gfi thgy /lmgld £2: d:'fo;rrz2ered,> Firfi A._, A Iffits [” ; The A Counteflé of Afundel , 3 §¢:{wefietsh5 aims?! mL£r_a*ye tl.-am? Tamra: Afizécen» tatius PVis«zdcé.«wc/lg inhabitat‘, ante triem} éq,’law:dfo:¢rzy Ibmgflzirzd Engiifh pmdg nium dafaznéta *4ooaoVlib1jarum Angli- fly lzhewifi apbiem comtrééute .4-afzam their carum , contulit; fic «Sc aliietiam gitra aaéilities, fa M the émfigzefl} may !7apra- Avires £aC7.u.nt~, m‘@dAo'4ad opta'tumfinc*m, ~%%A-matednmtait: dafired mi. “ promovcatur negotium. V A A I av‘.A j Lard‘ A A 16. Befide: tkefiyre/£z£dHmfl°:, there A A A % ‘ XV IA. ‘ A % AA % ass igyifmas, are anwmticle: .zlfok_eAptjm i:-afar/arr more Prastemominatas }Edes, etiam pet crpents M A I flare: placex, of which wrigy A rim} cam» Aalia lama fecretioxta fiunt conventicula, arhouoh not {(1 . A. - ~ — . ¢ » innog-‘ant as :2: not men among tlyemflelwx, for fiar dc qmbus fie lntetf fe quldem Mfiglunt, A A metune‘d'ifpatentur. Convocamurpri- ‘ awry oftbem are called to mtazn Innes,» mo ad xaerta diverforiia finguli alter A A A (one matkgwwing of I/aéatber 5 “lama: AaIteriusinWfcit1s)% hinAcAperdxpl@'ratores- A V * ~~*tljg)v areflrveralljlcd éy Spies to t/acplzzce ad Ioct'1m,ubiA convenire dcbent,~fingBl;iAW7 A when they zmghr za mm , V‘ or/a.s»mif{~ igno- deflucui1turr,AAignarmliasubi cbmrAcnturi*% mm where they mg/at to ajfembla, left‘ fint,ne force infperato obruanttxrg A A P peradvemm tbs? /Vvmli 96' fitryrifirdat A ~ W A “ > A AA ‘ A armmamres. A A ¢ V A _ A ‘ V7 aka-»me1dfth¢« firetfguam Sin:-C‘£mmpion of the Popifl _C0mit§sfl}rd: Arondel,,flre_z1uaPonti« ASe1'penpto;1'e-A; Relxgion , bend: ail /oer Nerve: ta At/at ficxae Relzgloms propugnamx, ad Re-»_ V.ducejmén"by’“ ;’ZJizizzerfizll» . Reflarmatian 3 iwbniflaqer formationem unAiverfa1emAomne‘sVner.. A final! Ainflru- A14 _ Af/5eAE1e.:ze:4aftbeI€£ng&AARm'-vkamw, 15 ;1c,,,, t,,¢m.AgA M muff addiffed to AtbePqpWAr:l{giénA,}'4 afiitter? inAgreacAdA;mg.A;,~ warn} of the Kingfie rAe‘rmézzla: .:elé,b:;g~g‘re;:tqfi rarely meet: with Al:z'm_.,_y.e3‘ hi: mfi 7AA5neA:t: /aim Bed'cAhamgé" lambana/A._A,A A conveys /e*cratt:Atk2 Atlza;A In A ‘all hit 46't'ian:l2a is nothing i;2fi:r£(mriAta Tqéy Zmzttlvew-fit cannot ée mteredjnaw diligent!) t .,, fbmzw are fecrctAly_ infimfied 13.5t}A, mug afid ~ Papifklifili inn; 3*. AaApA:z2;l}A}» I/nay’ prafis 1]} tbg'.'A A£§¢- Prince have A formed. he eldejz‘ :5: mi» tp rcceiyvc la;i:AF¢- 1Asr:r/2r4'*eA-grew: p»¢jifA~t/aeA> ¢Cf¢t3A1‘AAYA his A! who nag: anal] éagrazes and reveals: cvenjgwg flight Am;f Ar, Kingxgreateflficrét: , but /ilgcwfi comma:-Aficles ix1P:u*1;‘ae-A A _ V tléa party oftlmt ccnVigredSoaimtj5 6] uoflcqiiz-_‘ ¢ \ bV:‘t}f#fi4£nad,th¢tt. be mm} tba marefériag V 1 A .A A_QcxacV‘nte lam} Qficfr. A A %~ . 7:‘-5A M [mt hzkggoumg 'e:xpreVfZyA taAARome,$ who- V ogglét ta i;y1':xaate,/aimfelfc {ma the Rbmm¢,% Pwm‘fi % 6% %A A? % .4 AV Amatm¢ s;+D;gay, S£rWintVV¢wV,AM%zf?:r Mamm A Confpiramogfi gm At/ae yamggar, %2avi:aVvu%1o»t¥At/9 Aéma at RVomeg,m} V mfnj“€“ V” L A .S’,£trlinVg«,_%¢zVV('éfienoftb:%£’arleafAmn- « a M A %;I:lV.’r%,4! Kfiigbtfiibe“Cmnt.ef]§‘afNewp%art,tk: A H j [V % ‘_'VD;¢tc}J£fl4-3 ¢>f’Bnckin‘g/éa:m;Aand7:%tazn}_o;/den gV 7g IV .V 7" ‘3Arl:a%1%b.4zJ.ef%f'z:17z7rw¢e%i:¢to tl9.1»3Vc'anfj9inzc){,% ;zre‘~.4/J V % mqfl. ivigi-[met in Athe ale!/zVg»;1e.$A ~a‘fV thcfa .wreAa»;zce4m;;5 tbeVbop:qf Gmrt, owe;-:AAAaJ¢ A9’éliti3‘xll:i0fl7ac: 3; Ot/aer:d1‘ the V titans’, zzrdiaéalx Cdp: that wk w;ec¢mt;'jnalaicb ; wbaAéwp4e&~tbem. % V W . % :Tbe%‘VVP?rqfi'demfVgf' tit: afifirgfiaidafbafiestj W my Lyra! Ggzg¢;Aa*AIqfuite‘ P7'A2§7c5fl,“A" diam»: f?A*~ A 5:4 3 ¢ t}Jr£¢jMfi!3;fim’r§A Ha Aizdda I-’a;2l;¢ae«;231é2ened 3. :V.—j"*;v“it£§A 1;/Eiwaaxapifiuwx ,zwbzIc]o” A€*Aaz£mt~erfléAi;23VVb1 V . A L akfj 2; :% .: A Cflfaflafltry A WW wdifitaifirda «Wi%¢f°gVmt. 4 ?«<1s%v»ss V::z2m4:ed+ an Qz¢.wwx~firvéts*v’9i¢*fJ‘r¥2v A A W y?A£n£0j’at*G'é1c3;f)2T;;G}g&::ne :zdarge‘:.‘?f'fiefig~ugA V “A 1V;t-fefcmcs=A t?I€ir??.1arVI‘efiu't:: hm 6‘mgh:V%%%=¢flflréet,y jmzd. AA purfeswere A A fit°nasA§<»A‘“€“ gimuftim/1 Colledge zm«cz:;y Milt, with 5195,, ._ ; bapagtbdt fimigkrt 5": Aap’mly%fim'{/'yed,W, fame ‘A ~ $2; % 5* j 7 ~ h 5* A a¢tarV—:»th‘:Amziverflzllfefirmmian b:‘Ag:3nn;é:, 3 j V, have reduced it Vi;2tv¢%.g'qz;»;zdrmg_g!a, w/aereraai ,;5"V?V}?.'-*5 “'Vwv ‘ A ¢ ~*VV5VT5e "Pqpé,r LAAe_Vgét—:afctIJ’ a V tlmeféid AC'Im--u V Pgrcmwa Lmh:j_«rgfl%exarCip}z¢:r;V¢0na iv/azrcwit/aA1E*e:‘:am%mz£~A A at V V.” h:’ax;nt%to wAr1t¢;lA?§‘§§j31W’ 3” W3-35955 it/1%7“*>‘°'i‘I7V"‘A.7" V.V:v,AA VAVWMJ ;Ghata&eArs, % V ” .5 ftfflm mm: 35* =:vA'£9z'?l2&V”V’A‘*fi;A‘,A.,.%79i£A‘e»gredte}f fight: 5V‘Vt‘.fV€ % .,gppearesI:>‘y;&% " ‘ *“ ; i{9me%of;h1s%—.« .% iapeaintcrcepa-A % A M,:gi%L§cters.%. .4 A V%a;i:Iy: A if/a£7‘€1,fiA?/7tr;aL % 1 ~:*Vi?éyA;’r227ajv:'JV2aVL*>zVV£mVz‘e.v*&;“iA A‘ V % wggrbar 3'2? 973:: bmsedlég A cim7’icatkdv%W%g4m¥ér JIJQ7 A fie N V ‘Tb: [aid Sccrbtary. :3 ériécfl -wit}; gzfVi*.r;to_V V Papifis {pare A‘ ‘ A" A nrefi1¢rgfl7re%% Xciained Aidle fbr<fi2me¥]g;zVre;, A i~ A ‘ ~ wb»g:AAAtbeyV ,m;¢}£mpofi:Affapaizré’lag»: A dufiaencmgfigg fpmn; :~vwam%Vcxpc€cahribu:Lw ~ »rm;pe»aar:%:hing; w£.g;¢zgzz:;a$~a;&s~ *‘*z‘éI;e Sm-igty or atubéxfi2iq.r;, *¥rl3'z§y‘@ HE g7m.~_é‘g_e2~y;:' egg:-A A 6' '»1M‘<*"“:tM T 1? v w ~ :.,‘.,:,»‘:»...§s3,vLu;«"—,..m K ,m»,w,q Diazus SfiC§QC8fAi[l5;§idV parc¢§x1V1MVV%12;iéiVVetaVV-e;Aj A A tis co;31.uratz;,4‘muncr1bus emAptuse5fl,A gqui-5 A V bus Iuifentaturyfut An3asgi*s.{cri%c3 A oflicium;% > A V F Vilmm A fi1AumA ‘ exgirefsé EV’§otr1a%mi V qui Romano Pontifici sfefe ~infinuare% dc-L helm ' 0% Gwavallicramsgbgczmxiierao Win? A E61’, Dfiminus Mm17ntague]unior,qui :Ro.. %m;2e fui: ,V Mi-%-E0srAld Jsterling ; .C0:gnaVr;Au‘s ¢ ComitkH’Am%n%daI5M Eguts-: A d5 NW 1301? t.w.IVVDflCiH:mBuckinghamafia vp1ga- “ ricjuea1ii.qufi;: in ditibne*m,*hanc*:i11ra:- r**ml;;A.W°ffi5%iA°TA“I1?4A {PC %=i;n}_:(cantur; :5 Alii ad? fiaxdacim pilcos Cardinals; vacamgm aat-A~iA mn»dum5_4j 1dao.aE_aA alIq%g1ot,an;iis. ;y(_I)t§o (1. 4%: 22!AR¢%Fwnamlnatsaéfmciemfizé A A lord Gage, Sacerdos ]e{ui{¢aV;,;; aAn:g%%;¢g5fgn,j. 3% ,y riL1nt,;.omaesAidop£;,a rrfinnt %%v1gLiiiahti&flimi." V Horum aI>i%iA,\ gAuV1icotum% maxi PVolitViw¥A V A A M M _ M4 A1wfaivis;pfi&u1%§;:ci0rnatum,‘%«Vqaae;pm;)laag. AAr?5%9fi€fiV¢.55?’;*f'*5*sw¢A’I€ ‘W’ W“ 7 V in ae&ibi:sAA menuicbérV1tur,flA%pa11i;a~-A A A batuxf Vvcr%o_iI1i3V Mtiflafififillfiiygwqvgimxqmggfi A dragipta Mo?niai1esA fuflA¢nt,abaVnzur, A;ta_nm¢ flgginm; q3aam%fla1wa. Regina: ,au::f:?ae Iranfiflam ~p{l"at;ca.m AA totam cam £;iiE~ct3VlizVtf;dS~-~ em%erfi??=r€degewnrqaeinquadrawm,ubi=% tacipé Cp}Iegiz;;m:4]éifiiticiIn1 %’e:::cA1fT§aV.its;;:3Aw%e 2?; Afpe,1Atit%%{i:q§1ugmpfififhumA reformatie;Vuz3;ie V ?V¢$fi5ii;AiflC€VPf%5 werté elafVi>m:ari%4 ::>§VfT{«ic.lAA; < f;;§‘gnggmg:MM"'* m‘« , H A ‘EH WW. W,” ‘ «cu-m-yma--w mv-or 'r---" V “:"*!l'I%V"&Nh)Ix!"\);,;»¢fip..¢m_\y,'»,y,|” «‘,.‘~,,,, 3,, .~V,,,..‘. ,‘ ,.,_.,h, ‘ ¢&— - A- 4 Aflisita conflitl1‘tis,fi.fiAngu131 ad Vt'rdr1t'i- .7"/146/Etbiwgx hing .t/aka; arderedg, {7fl*r:,'er)v A mm‘ponanI;ur,i:I{:,1!r“fie1;t1c’til]9ec1e,og§n{bus Zaflzd rotlaetluzfidmfa, ‘I; mi/lfgtglgfig in *aArtAicu¥isAptopUfi€I3& A AA A fP‘0%-43’:-W‘¢’1¢J‘1?“¢‘{§‘lt-"}?f'a}7axsAixcz‘cd.§7*" . % Q_uIB us- % A WHE1zE1N,‘. _;_Oniurati’o: - agiinfi % ~ %AA¥%ch1;ep1fcopam%% d~etcg1tu1%”A«; 1M¢dia “ Lord Ar¢b4bi}%(op:£z*?d'é-t&£%iI§,*“’ awe A A quibus exicmm ucrxqua-mmat4m~,*~Ademon» ¢ Amcwm mlaiereéj ‘miaa ildréiiimffid ta -76""o'tAB3 4 ‘ fi,~a.;u;.A A _ m a dmaanflrated, A A W ‘H . Wu“ ‘ gm A\ ‘r .,.. 32-‘ v N W “M A ,;:A=;~PericuV!”a Regna.Autriq&ie'i1)21ti9r“i’tt¢utiAa}ré~ Tlz£A A eAf;q eAn«fenv:u1;,_;; A “¢r/Eel, V err ~ ;r;¢-am A * A A ’ A A A The 2-if? Andpragrgflftbat “Aé N AEx@:rtuaAincendiiilIius Scoticl 3Cpt'O't ‘ % A '1 I T% i_Mgdij qulfibufi. ifii/.1» ScotiAaE:AAe AA A “i ’ ‘3.3S'3‘ottz}% traa£rlcs"' M { A 4P®fiint=fug8=r"*1furaiioflquarivnim rs1’<=i- my er«r» «:/M =.f«»»~ ufimbc. A ,A%v¢rim: Sceti. £_quibus in qu¢na~%fiétniiAa-933%? amrrfivazzfimw by w my and fa wlmz md _:. ni*mi,‘ipfoj-umAaccemdanyurscczniglgnt their mind: dramifl£efifi'd¢tbc ~Qvilj}:ewdil)v%larb&% . % A A rMa~r— Q A:*:Acu‘¥§béI§J[mm§$5.‘:n7§!é{3£AiA§t§~Kp%§C§‘i bWMt¢‘%A%wd#ed; 1:21! 4 middlaqfl good’ cavciefi A”%A-Wiutramqufi q‘fiwrit- A my ‘Wrrv 7Wi¢hfW’5( t’vv%%rw‘»v) bf §§j’vf”W‘ A A s g M A at % % ‘M. g Q1oAci1Jf&ARcgVis6pe:;atur iz.:gL1!um,A Aetiain With Whdtfwfliratég mug: throat Ml/3 Aturbiga ifiisfopitis},A’C%mf;i Confcjffio, Qcue faulted, cm wk?»tbefajiirsfivaflwéeenzikdi %lal:éque demomflratio5d0:qec.V .\ bA ?Czm:u.c hi: canfiflian 1; and 4 mi/iéle%d£max~ _ AA 'f£r,.;;a;;,fi;,y¢;7,, A‘ A A A Locmflgregafi3is%’i!i.a¢dibusCapi-% A A Tb:p1A.mrof the Aflémébv in the bauf: qf“ » V tanA§iRed~m3nmi11atur.A_3 A V Q Captaimflcddixxamimmi, A A V AA .‘%1D1ea*qxpedition1s AAo&iduae per Redam %V3€‘Legalrum%iniungitur_.3 A 7 "' A % V 2'1» :14} of 7Ath:,e.i lat J4 esdxfntcblv ‘ A Readlandt/9:.I2qg4t?_: I3'gfr(fl'f_'{56’f{§ ~ V J“ D 2 Ha» ....L-nu-—...._.._._ 5: Iqaqwneg _‘ -A 1 “ “_‘"‘4~. ;A&; _ 1, 1. ’_ ‘;:.. .:,'*"‘A,j ,: M .. . ‘ ‘ A’ ,~ . .1. Wheré this mbv1¢A¢#gr5g4tivv ”“’Ad.~.7'A1éw:g eirmmmntédg mi ;, the» 1w“ their mm W ée¢céfi!J “rxtartedfi-am Re.«¢d., A , itbq/E thing”; éc;?3vrz$f'i%lJ' practeded in, the’?eftkv%wbvlv5#fivefl? vifi écémght u lz:gF}t;% fiztbe dfraiv lvcigzg _Afqréfl::n:,. dangerfball Ir: awoydedg ;v/sf}:/5 that it mézj Aprofpcranflj fitcc:¢dfl; flue Ommlpatcnt Crem- A£'fW:EA ‘ 1 W, ‘V ‘ -. “ r I‘ A w M ., "~-*-u wan» - . ["41 . . . ‘ ‘ l V A w '3. * run an ‘A w-Av”: A ‘ av-WA’ ‘ I‘ _,,4a_v, rg,,.».:c ., " A ,..uw- - _ A I W -AA we " ‘ .\ , .. . ‘., ‘ A A A A A . 4 er-AA ted‘ A ' AMA ‘M ‘I up ‘ . A ‘ » ‘ A ‘ ‘ W1 .» ,. ‘A- v. . ,.‘ . M . 1 : A...Au ‘ . . I4 .....,...A nu‘ »—«~ -~ — ' M -A , » u-.A»u+-..- A u. ...,‘ Jfibw rbé évévén vf‘;&c‘Can/pimtar: W4!‘ A ¢ Q0 t’nodo‘fionai %A Anoteicere pofl5t.1t...A A Uh: mta xflaf Coggreg;s4;~iofpgfij:MA% A cnimvcniri, 1 Am‘ Inficlweles nonnufliab pane aegis AP,-3E_ A dg: nominé ndzzacanmargiméesf, A ‘¥“A“**7“‘“¥9@m1;1a=;nAon oVcAcurtunc;habima%ciL A «0flP€c§?,m,¢l1 noIa:.Aii’A{uz;I ; ‘de‘TnOmine'fa:ci‘!¢~ ab Pwdacxtorqueri poterunr. A M v hi3;,g“pVrOC€-dC[»[].[" ‘ner§rusvto_H‘ A A’ &1}1§é»n¢gdI1!;iwaE 3.p¥fC.rHm ~prodibi’i:, f it: °S3A..; A gxcta %p1aev1f3;effugietu_r pcricuIum,:qug2!~ ms luccedat profperc, tens faxitg *r1aeNaxra:ionorttxgaéeax %rr¢a:a.a,concer;a;. A *A%Am‘féd"9'$1V ”Ww"4”’ BJWACU5 difeéver Aa;;dAstage;,,4AAA a.:~¢on5”§2r3tt9r§u;;;‘%i£}.§ Creator ofnnipm ‘ Ag‘\Vh%iVchVAlie;q>raa«~ -?A“$‘?i9.“‘F;h¢Ki.9?5 % _.Afurth.erA €Videnc€Aandconfirmatibn of f0me[A§— thingsinth Rélation ACaritehI9iiry. * A HeRelTation ‘of this horrid plot by a*chie_feVAé&or~in lit: ,. . ArAcb-A-PrelAaAte.; acquainted the ‘King_.V;npc man‘y% daies before; this 5ParIiamem: A ~~ more a&Aiv¢A iAAnAica RfQ1éG.fltiOh5f‘7'PflCE'iflgfflfththfir1afll:§nd’WuEfl1Qfl¢Ed€8VOUI33AiIi_;;aM3;A;z : %Ap1gAces,:oAaccom;p11fla nhAis.their:AAdcfignegwhicb§they;havA¢*aImofi ibrought to matutityr; W ' Qgtoour Aihfamcancl griefibynew.rayfed*civi1l3iwar;A4both in*£relanJAand~Ekgland.73 2? AA A K ~ Two things in thiswplot, Awhifch sconceme the«§Amh?bifhdp,.n1aypérchanée [Beam * fitange‘VAtodifi=rcntfortsofmeh;’ % » ~ “ A~%%F1;.=A.fl ~;ATI'1a4t;A Atbe;Pap£: Leg4tfi2aaldA pr:/amt? tosatempt tbeAA.~.4rAché;Af£:ap;wztb. tbeAAA;Aofir%AAgfi; A 4 Cardinal: cap ;. Aatnd »fomefr1cn~dsAof his willy ~perchat1?::~affii'mc,that cert:giu:el§3iAAAggof:;A ;» A profi‘_er«was LevcrAmadeA Lmtobim but te«putAAthis;»out‘A Aof~q:u“efi%idnQ§A% the Bifhbp.» V % -%him~f;§1f¢_A A :tA1A}1IA1.CA!€l“;l’»lA5-!AA'-Ar Qwne Ahafid, §1m0ng@ther- memorials, in the 1:ot¢rmeYi M3‘ A A * (then fdumd by Mr.Frynm}' in hit pocket‘) hath Athefie tWo;:AremarA;kabl¢A memanandumm % 3A " AAAI6»A33a%i Sm¢dozA)gzs¢w::A< §€fl??3.A€‘A themordA.4mI:-éyz«op.«y€ A A A 7tcrI»;;eAr;:%deat/a, I3zzTndAiaAtAbé re-gflalvad 4iPK€/‘fiat!’‘?‘Ait':mEA4 A+b4tA¢A.:zzA¢f:ry-"«wa%bain[g:~ * A A A .AGr#€??€1“'§5ich barf me A S E Bil 0 I1: and T HAT AA V0 W E . A A V A A ~:§AB.IAL%A¢ITwY¢To«:APEAP.F0AAPgMEA1A=r,anAdd:0%FFEAREA10 3 A A A L£1?w«A::nrprqfi:fitlyA ?i‘0‘iT~HA E} ~ K I N G and I«N«A-24"” This’ mug 5 ' AIEAD H1 A‘!-B H H H IN % D Pt*,E?"B; SA.’0‘N¢24”g;3L A 7. A(tbcsfa‘m¢AAmon¢chA AmAreAar1aer tb¢n~ ink; : ‘-1'0 rim ‘ {»=?%% =1 A .A his oIwne;N*'@t§s itAA:aAppeat-rs:sy~ATa; v~Cardinnl:A.(‘4p .iaé44<»tAnz,iw:AAproj§€-r?)/vimzerjfaioizflyg A *“' A mw:*s4 AAA AAmdA;ha1;Aheacquaingedzhgffiing iaAv;AA.Ai:l:;itA not by ;.t3vay*1pf ct>rxfi2plaint%AAtAo_ ttavc juA£tiAcA'¢= A A A uggainfl the A party who durffi: pte(i1AmetoVAtcmpc%h1%m with fuck a for-xfa1gneAdignity,A A ' V hp Athfi ‘P9r'~Werrt.A#zffr»m¢?zr ;A§.E burgh! my-ofafivicea and tvfémi Hi::M4ia#iw A Aviriion btr“fia9;Ahis:anFWerin1’po tf;eAN ;h€%3bIQ1ut;dY c5;ifc;1aiim€%th¢ % ’isVAfs1£¢,a$ ifwhc :nightA%inAnoecafe acc¢pAci§:.but;conditioz;a11ysAAIif1 RWa¢fb¢#€4A5A¢A°flMI@ D A % A Iiafifi» began) lay conc¢aledAAamoyng“Ache% Arch"-bifl1ops_: papers; without any AA;'7A*AA_AAAA,A.AAAAA%~%AA;.&_:£¢ ~: AAA ~ _ A A A cutlon of the confp1ratprs (fcarought appearcs) who are fine: difycrfefi in V pau:tA bythe Par,11amenc,AA but neither dlflblvedAnor,,takcn”ofFthisplot, bu: %become:E; 3153»? ,-«----e --:_m '*F'‘'V‘m‘‘‘‘v « ‘r m A, ".A,., A A A A A ~ Rome%&Mqfier~Pe’e%.A‘4?A A P3561‘?!-_-A" A than it ,1": now,A:;md thcnA he would. nocrefufe itslndecd‘ Ath.ejArch.s~ his . P67 #0 Fifiwraehallengcth this tit1:(P¢tréam&I’AA ;,A‘beingA5§yq‘; to hisA §redece[~IforA:Aw‘e!m:A Athevéiare %broek¢%”%1ém3zV‘AWrAfP¢p:(inApainc‘afA A A Savnaggfliryj t:%oA2 Lord it aver‘AhAimherIe;aAnd4thié mAadAcA?hi‘m A AW "But fi%a¢,he%refifi:¢%d the AL::;gat:4lA‘anding or c<§n'¢i7mmAnCe% herb , wAh.ich jhe jneeveie aid“ {bf ‘ ought appearcs, but entertained fame familiarity with him at firiifizoagh they afr”érs.% A wards grew morefiranrgp; Qrpe%r¢m.ptorAilymr¢{q1eA;i the fix;-ii jqfjfgg wiA;hAAfi,A.;{ign?;3;,;1o,,’ A Ath7ru£’c sun: the L%eg4tAcAAe?r ofiferer e3f7i~t by +he*a~d’afxd“ fhouldcu ;Aprofe‘c as *1“: A did firrkta A tgmpting txa f}§d}éceA/diifi _fi)m bi: £4;/flegiamcj ;(§ndfx¢‘éjeff to the See cffiolixle ;% ‘or’ V -bIA.’ought%%hi%mpnblikely into the Smr-C/aumlref“*Or'H£gb.«Gomm§fl2m5AAasheAdidA{om§ A A »oAAthcra%forV]eflI:r pretended crimes andA*fcandAa1sA,” hce had difchargcd?tI-1:paftofa ‘A g‘qqd;jmdlaw. Prdlmft ¢‘I?rat£fl&:é¢tbitmtr herAi:“w‘as hfn ifilirh pfoccedixxg A .iHlA’l»ét$h"iA3 :¢‘;gf¢-Ag A Achpfvcmy partAieAsthat:.%tend:med;1hzis G4p4,~ A."prefuthing fame? gpod i~m‘clinAatioAn him mm cwfegengé accept j andssgood aaseasmm theARarm',I?2 C/avm%b,A which 7‘ 1aeAAmi;Am;m {a 5: ¢;A§;+,,, _with Fzflier, C7/at1rcilz,wbcr:£2z; ma-narcaaAnd :,zmA elm,-= :;Aflrazcdj; andthe Vfi:¢(eA‘d; for A his lrukewarme fcvhrity» Tin; yprofccuAi:in’g A A .3AAPapAifls, A it Aappeares molt lively-by his Epijllc to tlac4Ki;ggAh¢foye» mgo,,9a,g,,c,'%"wiWV flmhe Infinite AF:-fi£r,' wbgre he; uféth thefc {peaches of his carriagacbwards thflem A tBaAt*~I ‘fix/Qixde p:r]’ém.tim Aihdn} “=or‘[ . Wiefistand ]efiIitea~.*) Fem; ramézizbranva I ‘xatgizzm ‘¢%hiie;A;A'%%*g,»“;a b;;“;];fa"A A W»ypg»~cI:)$A. wcragle language. Therefdrefhe is g+feat‘enez1:w "EC_)AAtTh,€mAAthB edg¢“ufA% Azéalé‘ A A _ A :;beitag*>AwhA A y b£nt::agj<'nft %P%ur:"mans %WhAmmI hne% proféfcatcd; cv’mAA‘to%* firming Céciesg 7 A 7 P A The (ecomdthiAngwAhi€hmqyA=fiiemé~fira'hge‘Ato othexjs, Adi:fafl’.A;¢&ad3A5t£:¥~ thfi L,‘ «glmgzz/gs ~Pp¢gesAA‘Legat}widA]cfuitcs: ;A@m_1zi*e>a«e:é bamesr «oraanmrg ~/«EA LJemAtIa,’ émlgflfy ;,¢‘V~,Am.; tap al1rPap:r:}5 AH?}¢p~ij?.r:£z2id ibis [Earth af‘K;..;+m£*‘ ;AAw[fi¢hy% ~¢d»m¢itsmAA ’ aan#fv_irerT.A:yATbc»A tAAItuAt.I-1LVi?3; b’eiA§ng very pmgmacimat s§”iFfuI‘l?% iAIxhi“§' 1 ‘A‘c6m(Es,ccmJdAn0y‘we1lbrd~®ke pragmaqgjidaI£,peremplz()ryAI£;[g¢£t:,%wl5,o;i;fi?@p;{]§AKi*nAAf i;donje%sAaAAre in*Ap¢rpetL12§)§I enmity wAitIiA'alIpf:A§1&r”érd?’eré;, tE:x«'ayf;VA"A?v¢Zi7il1£ ha; A ?\%&h¢.§6_A‘;;§ A:Awing%wnc 0fitAb§w3i£l)cd cm&AAo~£A*AFrapce.aiadiocherfimlmes by S”ar£mmAjZA’.r5‘%% 5D,»mA;£.. ‘ A A ncmuHi£t.Aa£%-:niam,angiAo:herAcndem,i riao. Prgeaangammxgrmm¢A.51y agaéfixiiit AxAhis%dBo?Pi1h70g;. A A A France in thc; dcr» ‘-as wthem{eIeweAs ,A-as fame? “of, theAmrAA"AAArFricV£tsA," ‘Av:rqAzm;ezmfA5: and Aofihéér AfF:iersA haved0n'= the ;Z'ifl7‘P0P4c.A¥ W P¢%/W“=“?4 A *?****WW ”“ff"’W‘“ “ W$°A9dA%“”$“‘mfA¥?‘A‘l‘?“?”E*°A%4*?M"A1‘°13‘*w%*30V¢$""§M’Pfi§?“*%¢%¢*““E*“*‘A %fi%s‘an& ’@ws4_.;$ ~c4an“AA-beam nc°.nfirmes-A Afihwwfisitime Dr- ‘Mada: subaean%Aor 4 prinfleg,aAAman vc;&Ay;AAanAtzmjate Wath the.~11ré/919i]%wp',AAAaAnfl :c¢nmmem1edAfpeciallyf A f gruciamizklafivgr Kiig [barlfl : atAar%1A"Arch-A- Bapifi and cnnfpiratour i1eA%was5thé A E101‘.AI¢Ia.tcAB,Land3.h%§High£%§inAt(3~-ffdgwcfforMira;/5ng__‘?é.p%:'dndAItfitir:%A0u-{of prifon‘ *l5¢° ‘H6 -M311‘-2* 1‘ fim AWIAAA Wwwaw, a¢Am’AAiwPrifl~i%gArWrA0J??éer.r °""’ "‘g"““"% him in P*ar1ia~=g~« . HWCAI-Ito ~ chwing by him am!/»b.Bifiaop «(in oppoficion to she d?ZeAicy”AAPeAmAzgAr4m-,and _ A mg i*iA ’ 3° jg m‘}1£.m.r,” a%IA1AVr¢'fIy.Pr5§iIé:\tr$;j) T fO§)f1AA%aff_é'1-diéaiw~Arecongi[§f§ . .A * pgpgg, §udtAai~£a%t%1It}rl«zé.x‘t#*eAat;n;3§ 'a;m£‘:‘;&ri:i flaw 2z>Pm:fi‘ A: fiféfttkr" Af AA;1¢63g;.A He Ah“a1;hAA thzs menrorralhsatmdaj at ozmgandx Me‘ A Qaegfifizi we;A &fiH:(h_w£ Am:.Azbmk:flr{Au’1mfin§=.g7‘¢\¢vizb W/nit/st" 1%? A rryarflcgé p*ra2Am'j1'e% t./:}€i7§tkat_AA/be xfiagxld Aé.7e§A % rflmza »d4%=m=rvéer. wkvnbwd amfiav. A , A confidcredfifiogathcrwish §Ah1sy¢; 7ufiAm;,AAw4ho ~wilAl:A%far {net}: pAopjfla=V Priei?’:Aixg:VhisA :b;3fe>‘mAe;thAep tékga APm»iz5.;z:¢; A A A the «li»t£In.fiengen;$;4%.;an aéfblgm PapzflA}m .421? meztmfr Aoféschema»),1p&H§pe,an;Isé&v1tr%?23dI£ mp.L;$o£E:]co%re use the: " fCi‘ng1;*:1ndA hia'Kz'ngdém; go it%hepbeC;l1€n¢€ CW1: Vchufclz afkqmgand. thc‘Qmwat lczfl, jéindth oi Itglf fiomc.A%t:ading with the ‘fflopc, A to facilitate the dgfignegzo wit, me VAHazizi‘ilté?j3A2j*a7A$t:Et3i:; ;:e¢éivesfA fa penfi¢hV Outpf 1:119. Ex<;heAquerV%,A 7gra}ntcdAto»another A Prtitefiéiritéthat n9Ari?¢é4Who4 pay¢tAhAit.2.s‘,ta magiwzgaine t/crew, Prazeflmzt ReZ.i_gia:¢,uvirkwt gzving Xémjw inn} £nck—fli5flwi2z‘go4t;21?a}7ery, Enfucbfaart as it M l ‘lfmx maintained andprqfeffcd in the pure]? £51716: _£)<_El1zalb eth,f‘._§° may W6lAlamaz¢y L the \vo1“ld; which over lookes mo re at rm!!! Aéffimzx, then 223754/Z Trotcflczriam. 6, Thatlthe Popifh party 8c_Con.{'p%irators,h§vc lately ufi1rp.edV‘a fovclraoign pow:-:r,[S A I fl R, H notonly aboutothc Lawrcs and Ma gxllratos of me Realm winch l_Za‘_l{€ no!-hold of l°q~.P:;*i:1: Fail; pi1‘rs,but by the Parllaments late carcagaxnfi tll em hero)Mbut even over the King him+- Arm. felfiwho ember ca.nnor,ordares~no£(f_or feare,_pcrclha.ncc,ofpo}/&wm_g,or 0Eh€1“d[{}z f- fimzrzwon‘) oppofoor banil-h_ l:hCf€ horrid Confp1mto1"sAfro1n hls Dominiozus 8: Court, but ham :1 longtlmc permuted tl1cm(l)y vorcuc of hls mmrrmfie m’tzCZe:,) to profs-“ cuteflthis plot withon; any publike oppofinon or dxflikc, by w of: powerfull autho- ~;rity“a.nd mediatlonglll perfons may eafily diVine.lAlas!wl1atlfl1%al become of the pearl; flwept’,Wh€n the 513612;»/scram!/oi. Jog,+;n;:>:.~ only neglefts to chafc and keep out thefc Ra. Wa['Ue,r,l)ut‘ pcrmltsfthem frc-:6 acceffi: 1nto,and harbor 111 the lihoeepfolclgzo Ml-‘aulr, if not clcvour,not only l'1lS_f'l0Clx',bL1E Perform too?l:1therSa1nt *'Io1m was much r.niPca- ,, my 0 M; A V: ‘ l I .4 d f“b'oh"‘!&' ‘or: """‘ Lcnm the Clmraflcr of agaacl 5/zlqmear ,an pre or: m.__, _r:» ls xnjun xon agam uc 1 1 ,3 1 2,, n, 3. fcducers, * If there come aux}! mam ym, szml Ming not t£=z5‘aloéZ‘rinc»,recc£-ve him not 5230 * 2. Ioh. 10.: x. 4 your /aa;¢f2=l,'éze£tber 6:23 A/aim G'~otlfpee¢l4 :f:9r /are that éllddcztlj /aim o“(glj}'!Jec_ol,i,y"— pgzz-t.zJk¢.-r of ‘ will dgsds: Arid thtff Fathers, ‘tho Camo:¢,£j?x€lcC€iv€Cl ‘in thi‘$lMaXim€, zfzonfpros "' oG?‘“”‘~"“ * j Ivilzet 2'3" A 2.; .‘Eli{. c.s:.“l J See 1,(9’lzI.“§l ‘--re A $3 -v-«-5.-Dd-"|5".\II‘ W .... ‘ V A . ‘ ‘ . J.’-,.,‘ ‘-1 V T?“ ",3"? art’,-“’;§ I‘. ‘ $4 '7'? W ‘. .w~:> mi» éw .,.,_..... decl bylari ‘ovvhof profefle theirifelves” lenernietor ioppofitéé to the Pope, ‘ Pfiees, on fichtzreh 0 Rome ; or true ¢.Z):feiflidar: pf fh%éhEratcj[}dnr ‘reformed ‘lkltgioz. iaiéet malm qwadpazwfh l‘i%5€5 01‘ i7€_1f¢ the premifese cannot be tolerated or idhclféiil. : t A Thatithefe confpirators are fopotent; a-sitoiremovefrom Court and pzézzm j _ ojficmallfuch as dare ltrenuotiflytoppofe theirplots, (as the example of secmmy ‘L Ca‘ok¢3_.Witl‘1 other_0fficers lately removed in Ireland, the Aitioles of~‘1Pazc£fic§zrian’ e ' 'eth‘ere~_1ateIy,maedei with? ltlié Rebels, evilclence) and plant othe rs Ofilihifilfi owne party! {incl cortfedera’cie,both'inhiSMajefiies Cour%r,Plrivie Councell,Clofet;B¢dc53mbér§ |_ . if not Bed; and about the Prince, _to corrupt them : And‘ how thofe that are thiisi' invironecl with {o many indttftriotzs poten-tfeclucers of all forts; who have Io xiaétnil i ' {mates to intrap, fo many entitlements to wiithczlraw them, both in theirfieds, Bed-4 A :_chamhers,Clofets,Councels,,Courts, where‘ ever they goeor cothe,-lhioulcl p1ol7sibly" o conitinuel1ongm7itaintt*dg mifeduced, liwithoutwanornnipotent proteétiohewof '4 “Gen. 3. V 3* 1: King. 1:. ,:;¢,,,;_,,,,, fmg,-,3 igerousl rotks,i may Juhly feare,antl expefl: at * ‘Wmrcke._ V Q ;.;;‘;zgg.i :g8.~ '1‘l1atV the latellSaatt‘fia itroméiexgiwdrx, were;both plotted ‘and raifed byi"thefe] fafziricatl dam/j;imtor:,‘ofpurpjofe to force the King itorefort to them and fi'l€‘.l£j'— none can belaflhrecl’, who perrnjits, or eonnives 'atfuch dangerous t€1‘Iiptati011s)iiSVa,,‘ _ thing fcarce ;crec;l1ble in divine othumane real'on,if*A&2L:z2:~;.r,»* .So[amam_,and others ’,..%,1z- “mm: W flpoflacze; by fuch mcanes, be duly pt ndeted. Hevvho {axles in the midi”: of dan-_ Popifh party for aid of Men and Money agaimlt the .S’cor.r_; arid by tiolouttheteof,“e - to raife an Army oftheir owneito gaine the Kimg‘into' theiripowegt and then to win or: force him. to what conditions they pleafed ; who mull: at lealftwifel protmife them", i an«1miverfa.l_toleration;Of their Religiontlxroughout his Dominions;;ere they lwouldl l iy"eelditoiaf;tiftl1im. N Anidiin cafe they ‘conquer orl.prevaile,*heiimt1l’t then come fi1l4- “ ii’ A sly over to their party, or elfe be fem: packing by them with a ppyfmwi Big to ano-I A ,therworld,as his Father(th,ey fay) was ;“ (its likelyby their inlttuments or procure- I e me nt_.,they are fo conufantt ofit,thoughit imight not beexamined when tomplainedl V lgofinslopeln PatrliamergthyllltheileComnaons=, “but the Allemhly ratherdiflblved, then his‘ dealthi difct1ll"ed)at1d tl1‘e:nJt"he "Prince,yetjroi111‘g,and Wjell incliheclitooithemi already by his”eclucatiio1'2,lwill {ooh be ih‘1ade*aM141 obedietit from of the Church‘ of ‘Rama Thus the‘ A Relator, alchiefe acftor ixithiselpre-5pllotlted Treafoxgdifcovers. And iflzis fingle tfilill-‘-' mony (tho:-zgh out of "an wounded coxifciente) will not he believed :zlone,the enfu-i l_ -«ingicirctimltances will abtmdantlyrmanifeft, the Scartiflv ‘emn to be plotted and di- ;rec°t_e”dby_the1n5f13orCoé:thePopesLegate, Hgmilran the Qgeenes ‘Agent, A of the Iefuites then about Landau, Captain Rem’ their Hell, ~the E0rdSr€7[§?1k€3‘v Ebéémlaeriaime, Catdinalolflgclae/lei»: his Agent, with othetlcliieleelaétots in the lplot, i being all Scots, and imploying ofzwarxfiestd, and he two‘ other aé’tivePopifla Stats % Latds, in raifing; tl1E"{‘€itL}171L1ltS;_t_l1.€_Ea1‘lCi'0f./.‘?m<7m7£’Z (zmothetptintipalll mem- heri of tlnesi confp1ra,cze,] being by; their " }'3‘1‘OCL1E€mi€lDt made Generallof zhcfirit A Armyagainlttlie iScarJ-,iand’imof’t of l1is%iCom1n_'.mders. Poeapiits ; the Papifts in tile: ‘forWhiitl1fiiMal’telr eslm of S~eZ;’»’07’:5’.'!«nIz1'2’.“('l.:J‘”‘i1.l.€"li‘lllf*C0ml'l'l.i31‘£d€(.l tlzemvin the 3:3z:ilx:zit,i “ N ‘ , % . ,, _t;, ._ _‘ _ % ‘__ ’ _. *1 as the Exingsloef-t:Sul)}e<“t:3; : See Mallet jWlmer fitfi C-f.’nf.l1i‘}"Of iczmtlzilous Pt;t=lis,, counties of .§;’ng1¢cnd(’t1pon the‘(@eensi}Lettei*sjcliteeiecl to thes'5:)Ncont1fibtztihgi’ .i large‘ fummes ofllMoney, ‘ lziefides Men,” Armes and Horfes E0'mai'l3t21'ifi€ltlllSA‘Wa1‘5’ ~ A :*.3:g)'*$i1‘ Tal3fj/?;fazr;;?a:w (the:‘1no{’t_inds.;l%riot:s ‘céonfpi ;v.:o_r,_in ti1e’p:;tlte) A “la voyzlge which the Lord Deputy l'intoiiI:~t%Z.e:~z:s:’, ltoelfiirl up t.i1€V?9t_}2°‘1‘i?’.S le:hc;~e- to tor-.v:ti..l I " M N ’ W ~ ii V 1 M i ' ‘ «p ~ - M v - v- M ~ M "‘ butelM¢11=Arm€S"»M§**€Y2té5-1l>dE1¢ll_tl1*= Wile ‘?'”*¢'f’t€*"rcit~t tea: Martnwfiii Have « mi/rgmj own Lhaplatn fitmploy ed as the Ktngs Comtfstoner to appeafe thel'c‘.S’cm)t ...——--3‘ holding cortefp ondency _ Cozy’, end refotting tohim; in. p rivgtte, to impart the A feerets of that bufinelle to htm, the genetall d1f?con.tenttof.the Papxits end -C0flfP'ira-aa A gporsttpon thefitlt pactficatton ofthofetr0_ubles,Wh1ch theyfoon gfger lnfringlggand by new large‘ contrilantioné hrairfed ti fecot1”dAAtn1’y~a‘g;tinfl:thesrbtgwhen the Englgfi he Parliamettt tefufed to grant Sfibfidies to maintainethe A Allthefe~"»’conct1rring eitcumftances compared with the relation, will tatifie it without difputeé that%tl;‘is Awgr fixfi fprung from thefe eonfpiratoté. . That the fuhfeq’t1e‘n"t'prefent Rebellion in Irelm22a’,h‘§and watts in E#:gZ_4:éd5ori§ y ginally ifltted from, and were plottedby the fame confptratots. For the("£50étW. H ' war producing this fetlelddParliament beyond the confpitators expeétation, which A they forefaw wonldjdptove fiatall to this their long agitated.confpirdcie, if}: cm. tginuedtundiffolved ; thereupon fomehPop£f/5 Ir:5J% [' w¢zi9g:ifl?tr".4ery'C()n1mi«I1g oye;-Vin- £0 74glamd,. and confederating with the Qrdtcka-flfie Qf Bz'¢::h£;’:g/J.»»I:¢z, Capt%aMin(a%%Rg4d L {now a prifoner in the Towenand taken in the field inaétuall rebellion in Ireland) and otherhof thefe.confpirator's,A who aftcfztwardsldepatted feeretljv into frelmza’, they plotted antlnlvelfl-2tllR€b€ll10t1a furprtfall and Mall‘aete,o‘f all the P7r‘_artffl;z;¢1z:__5 intthatmfiixtgdome: wh1ch,thoughtn%part prevented by attmely difcoverie? which, A ,fe__cL1ted Dzz!:Z£n,: and hforne feWA lplacesflelfe; ‘yet it tooke genetztll effetft in allothcgr h ,_garts_,”ta the [of]? afnwéavt an hundred gzmlfafdrtie t/:a_n_/’2z2za1 Prateflmzt; liwgygtéaerg mm A. flared fiysthem; And findmgthemfelves ltltely to be overeomethere by the\ParIia- A ments Forces fent hence; and ft‘o1nllS60¢14W1; I0 1'€1i€AV€ tht‘ Protefcanth party ; there"-— .1nponto:worl»:ea diverfiong they raifed afleivilll bloody war eagainft the Parliamen,t Where in Emglwd, proisutingl the King (after Emlymim Porter,’a principail confp’iA_m,- e V ftothin_ the Plot, had geinfld thlfil cuftody of the great _SeaIe ofEngZ4ml) to illue out divers P1'OC13.m3tlOI1S under the great Sfifllfi, proclamtng the Parzimxmrhtlwmfiloeg A ,A§Z"m)rz“ar.s' and 7{’e£2e!l.r,ym to gram“ Com;-mfl?am to Irifé and Eng/i/5 1i’aApii’ts(co11traryl l A to his former proclamations) to raife Popilh forces both at home and in formigne A yattsfor his defence, as his tmfiiefi and moftloyall Slttbjeétls ; to fend Lettjetjsfjznd A jCom_mifsions toffavionr to the [riff Rehels,and hinder all fnpplies fi'ornhence to the A .I?roteil:antparty. And withall, they Avprocured the (Qeene, by thelEla¢rle Qfv/f'rz13'r;T7»yg¢ and ]_),utchefl'e_ of Buckingham: mediation, tofend Ammunition to the [yew Rebels, and to attempt: to raife an infnrrcc°tion in Scotland too, as the Declaration afrlu-lrg/9 lh.m¢dp?ag‘rej]-egaf the Reélelliaia in lIre%laznd,l more largely difcovets : fince Which, his T Majeftyehath condefcended to article: ofP;zc£fimr£on with thefe Re-éelx contrarv to A A an arft of Parliament, and both 1';-Ioufcs confents (wherein they are declared ‘H124 A A h V * *~ A J1/fizjgfiiex QOOD ‘fifntkallihe Shz¢1v£m5z‘: oflrelmmgand no _I{_tv[ael:at all) and hath tent we 30‘ 51.6 %th{._; * A lfor Amanythoufandsof them into Evglamlto maffacrc the Proteflzant Englifi h€r€,l'Shrc\%sbt1ty'Ate A and fight againfl the Parliarnent,asl_they did in Ireland heretofore. Seeing then all P1'intAccl c9piiis- A {may gzleatfely difcerne the exaél: profecntion of thilsplot carried on in all the he wars A ‘ by the confpirators therein pattitculalrlynominated ; «hyAthe_ha@¢e:-we and Popifh lpjtrtie} in all three Kingdomes, and by “Pdpifts in"fotjraign'parts (who haw-‘largely "contribL1tled MED, 1‘{_Ion¢A)IaAfArfi1€S,.A1?1m?I1it§Oha.A }'.d>aCcompli—fl1 this grand l_hdL=.figng,A A throtlgh th€”inChgat1on of thofe tqonfptrators In this 91% wholare gone l)e_yondthe ‘ A “.,,i _. , .'i, . . Vb ece¢ ‘ y ‘S”eas) iandhafive “ catifeii ptthlike ;iProclamatilo1is;t “be ‘made’ in grgdgm and, k ' bthff parts Of ilF1¢ma’€rf'5i "in“Iuly lafi, (as appicares by "th'€: ExaminationiofHmr‘l ll ; Maya,fincefecon&ed byiothers,’1"/mt allpa plé w1.m.w£zznou».l gm. AN Y M ONE TO MA1N~*rAIlNlT~HE ROMAN CAT!-IO '.I’”K.E‘S IN ENG. LA N D,yf/5055153 have it re-—p.sztzf/atria agazirza in aztyeara: time, Watzb many tbaa-@~ y tsvhtwlc W0 rldtnufc of ylntcfifliitgry‘ both "ffifi andtttacknowlcdge (ttnlefié they willii reg. ’lnounce their ownn <-:ycsi_a1~1d rycafon) that this tonfpiracy and plot, iS’Ii£i)fc.1':g‘9¢:a3‘:ifIiu. y pcgflara, but at -waft.‘ ‘V611/Z perfiaimom agitated treachery, now driven fin almgfi :9 it; perfeétion, the’fullaccomp lifhmtnt lwheraof f (ur.11efi"e Heaven prevent it) the Ca» ” tholikcs of Ezzgzaad exp eél: within the circuit of one yccrfe, as the fmenamed Pm»-= clalnations intimate. Sta the Rcyall yPOPifl1faW__ ~mtpie&'t:d in England or ’I7'6’Zz:zmZ, iwithout an uynivierfall publike tolevratidni {at tha rite’ whm 1-; h V tlléal‘t ) "of Phpcry, and aiiregpeale and illfpczntion of a1lLawesaagai_ynPtitii; this being is ylargcly the very cotzditionin tilt? plot which the King mufticondejfcend' ta, ere the papifts i moved» A wbulcl xngage themfclves to aflifc him in theft warres tlhus“1'aif€ci by them, for this A “ 2: 0. That nolfetled pciace was ever formerly intended, nor cahnaw befuturely - a and : and that noiiemayldottbt thisverity ; the lateiiiiwfi izjfolent bold demands of theI:«~z'/6 Rebels in the Treaty with them,‘ thcmo{tifavou1*abl¢ flrticlax of Pacifism» l tiqa granttcl to them, the refcnt fufpentton of all lawcs againft PriePts and Rcicu-7 ’ {ants in all ‘Counties un erhis Majtftiespower ; the uncontrolled mL1.1,;gtude5 bf « Maffeys in his Artnics, A matters, Wa1e:,the Nearly and elfcwvhcrc ; theiopen boafcsl A o4fPapi£tst every ‘whereythe introducing of thoufands 0fIrifl:5R§ib€l$,..af1d ®th€’1‘iFu'-I-‘ t gitives, to cxtirpate the Proteltant ‘flaligimg, molt: really p1~o;;1aim¢» 1.3;; Andi ;f.1hc 4 King, after all tlteit many yeeres r€fi:lefl"e labot1r,.pilots,léofts, p_ai!1CS,- and pt*etez§Clceli ’ ficltlity to hiscaufeagainlit the Parliament, fhould deny theft: /ilfrit-=;$$;y_fuCh t K t A aidimilm1tix'e reward as this is, (the" very leafi: they \yi~ll§yex;§e¢“c,)-rtow they have thé: P‘ri.nce and Duke, within tthcir cuftody, Brzflollj if‘/cg/ziar, jrazll-;;¢.«,«l9;/pr,g1¢»_,-3 Q lt‘mofi.ofthe Welterneparts, anclall his Forces in their. power, El1i§D{/Exezzarer (an n n *1 eye: and eareéwitntzfie ofwdeflsiniei from the_Legateso—wne vatmt,.wiliinfoirmehis i V; Majefi-y‘an_d all his Proteftant Subjeéts (who win tremble atthc may apprehemfiyotii i ofit) that they have an Indian payfmcéal Nat refervetl for him amongfi thisy7I¥cfui»tii- i “call focictie; or if it be 101%»? pay/haw! Kaifir-‘p crchantaoryfomc other In{’crument,.to t'dzfpamé him Mr ty"t}J£?1‘Vb.:v‘Z'¢1,ial‘1(Il foto get: thetpofiirflion, prore‘étionofthcP:*incc-, i ‘ whom thcywill clducaternltheiirle/faticlargfiwza ‘lfieligian; lwhicih how p0fl3bl€,hOW ” ag,,;,,,fiw;,,.t "probahleitfor them“t(cfi ‘fin: 4‘gdii¢fl'i»33/gq’£r‘ii.$’ot2é*rat¥;gisa.s$, .1-wd ‘ézzilat/9}s'i2¢‘ aha flatélyi iCc>Zléd_gci, to flaw‘: 3%‘ V’ F 9 ‘ yd there Confpimto rs fore-plotted A treafohs. The exettable horritlnefle reality ..__a.._n..'-« ‘*llKihg‘I;?¢me: hitnfelf ah the Leger; bhafied) may informc his’Majely’tie,andlt a1lIy"~h‘;sl.~elg;;l1;g,lgml’ y faithfull P1‘0t€flZa£'it Sub3‘et°ts, (elpeetally fuch as lay their eonfederating With~thC‘m in ,Eg¢§lejl9.I£mj'ly ly thefe their wats,} have done nought, but exeyycuted,yad.vancedl their fore--named yde: 33<>0l<¢;9%I1il the V figneg,whom it concernes new every neerly to p1*event,ifpofiihl_e,fulch a fad C,‘ar:gflrg-§fu{1%tI“f0f*$n£t £19: ol: that hloo die T1‘agetltel,wh1clh hath been efltetlovetlohg tn Ireland’ 8: England - , L vthereoflmade the very}? flhvverer of the 13‘lt;,OL1lZ oftemotleof Coi1fCi€r;_Cc,t0 <;lefe.ry: the Co‘nfpirators,; c‘onl:p1rac1e,and‘ thet bloody Rehgxon which begotiqahd thetfore lhoulcl much more tnctte all fuch tn htsl Majyelttes Army, who are cordially lfaithfigllry . l to their Soveraigne,MReligion,,yC{3t1f;tr€y, Pofietity,’ and have hitherto ignorantly l ¥at°ced the-fe Confpitaters tteafohzihle defignes, under colour offe rvingthe King _; to eonfider with remorfe ofcohfezexzcte, whofe lnlttuments they have thus long been, whofe tteafotts they havelyripyened,what Proteftant blood they have¢lhed,how much to l they have weakenedfiimpoveriflaed, betrayed their own Protefignt party, who have ” r really fltootl fo_rGocl, Religion, King, Countrey,lParliament, againft thefe_Romi{}t tonfpirratorsyl; and what hopes,what advantages they hatred glvenythefe eonl'etllerates,l A r «. ‘both in England andJrellm-al,toyovertop‘,fi1pprefi'e,and ere long,tutterly to extirpate 9 'thetProtel’ta.m: Rel_igion,them1'elves,and all other cordially ptofefiing it,as theyhave ' ” donemany thoufattclslof them already. And then upot; all thefe yfacl, molt feriotts >colnfiderati‘ons (the very thoughts whereof fhould cemfe th"eit ftmles tobleedrantl or A yltretnbleyfpeedlly. to defert thefe trayte rous Papifl:s,ere'tl1ey gettall into their power; V t I and uniteallttheir heads, hearté, hands, forces to the Patliamehtsparty, Wh().hg,d_. fig good caufe to takezup defenfive arms, to prevent the imminent rulne,.whieh other-9 fwrife is like to befallt both Ki11g,Kingdome‘, Religion,‘Parliament, Ltbetty, Property, y I’olterity_,ere we be awa‘re ;‘efpecially, fince the molt cowardly unworthy yeelding up of3e§[z‘e!!,afit Inlet for themalig2t}¢tyiPVe[c‘bPapry‘¥:, Irmv Reévelry (who have toned _ ffpite toeome over hihtherwith all expeditton, and are lately lanydedyhere in great ow, r mtiltitucles fince the pactficatxon made wxth them) to cut all out“ throats. * A ‘ he ’":tI. That thofe Proteftants who now title with Popil-"h tonfpilratotsg when they l have tttcotnpllfhed theirtd’efiglt1es, whaztfoevets they may now fancy to thetnfelves; {hall find no more mercy orlrfétvout from them,‘ then the gteateft Rannolkatdx, ifthey comply ‘not with them in all things, and even infopery it felfe ; for if they will trot _ lfp are the Kings own petfon and life,after fo ma.nyfavozars,graces extended to them, (as they will not, if we believe ethis Relation,. or the late Ptoty of Klngf1?t?i¢7"f’El'l€l: r lfourth of‘ Fmzacegyet frelh in memo ry) what irlferiout petfon can thinlt to be fecnre, to fare better thenthe King himfelfe? And if Con NB: Legzxzte, to intimate himfelfe y into the Kihgseand Falatines favours at the fitft, when he had no intetefi: in them. rwouldltt-tot‘fo much jaw advijé r{:2eLegm: af'Colen,to medimtefier Else Palfgrave,£2ffyt.*m. nalveetwre the K Mg afSpai11e)%‘aztld report, that t/aePoy>e‘patroniz.rt2'an heretical! ' 1 l Printegws the Reid; im .az-ta3[z‘.sj,tl=1oh gh lhe-p tomifed. the King efFe<3‘u ally to do it; ljlow 1 Jean ‘Prince Rglpert,Maur£cle, (or any other Co‘rt1mandcrt)in the Iiinlgs Army, wh en t ; l y l they have fully aecompllfhed the Popes, and theft: hlsmlnllrumentfls clefignes (under whole banner they igntarantlyy yet really militate anCl{__p1'-omotel1is.Caul”e,in alteechol t -xheifiyingsllatncl Ifiingrrdomcsr, to lggl}£jl and. El-l_€l~IS'll&_1-;’fL‘.l{C§C_€I3~ (9 much ingagecl} - C y th°t>*: ‘V'|‘t.>-ut. Bl£t.‘I‘{j;‘7gbd?fl¢ r . ,» Romelsl %lM§*zjfer~p5élce. W I . _Popc’an1dlPopifh partyfléf they l lthpe to t-eteive the leall: dram of favour, «pity, mttchltfit” any r«_eccmp"tnct‘ from thél Vcontmuc bcrcttcksli’c1ll,lnotwxthftancltng all their,‘ " t p 1~el‘cnt geoellylpromifets ? Will they(thinlte yiou) part with any other i1*1hetit*at1t€s’ ~ {ol{[;:3m3th€11Jvt'ho will hdtfti milth as 110 2 ;,;=3‘;2oxr.I .':.aN>»~ g,g;,DqI§g;1'E;g§.[g;;.:d, cw; hcfprc they‘wcre fute_ef the day, V _ given; {pare any mothets fom1e_ of them. alxve, tf they was erefl‘ tllélr Ttophtses over tlmetin? Certaitxly the experxtncc of all former ages compared with the pm»- feht, may4 fully rtfolve alll,th;1t'r/bgl wry * teézdgfmercitr of tlapfl Wib‘](gél'0?¢e.r, wiube flgllgllt M; lextramecrzzclry 5‘ and 1f they prtvalle, wee all malt peri{l=1wi‘th0ut dis; ll:in‘m they lplottcel fo many Treeifons, llevéhtfolr A % pgwder-p%lot’fi1}ce, again{tKing ‘,?.«zmc;,andth@ whol¢l’atlia“ment,) but blood lhazll lél not take timely 1ioticet>f ourlinctimhtnt ”fclangc1*s,norlhcldenly p1‘t3V€l1t them whilcs we might. ll O ifzgrtra read’ éefire in tlzaflalar itji-‘Zfe, thtt difpatchjpmd alefxizéery fiévoztfc the 0td.i;¢:zry*rmc¥e*vaztz.etWihezte they W.-:=ek.§=[j met , ya: fire Wiéazr A ‘Prateélfiqht ‘;;;z;de/matte Trazyrar aéétdinadfrom A793}: zldiziéj-?y, tofétpzre t him azgavzimjf flew km:i}>r¢sfitt':¢tior¢: totaoltumrtt/ti; déflgfi cg recorded in 1E7l3c°_Glc?7*/{<3 egf thId~’_PV€;ZCs’ 12.55‘ ‘ Bytkezgng. All Vfitteas ha‘:/et_lreceiv)Vletl ghotl ttfcinttmyl ‘ t trzifly and1i7eZlte[at2ea{tCwpt.;fzift¢,; 1ahn‘t Raoul ‘.‘,’ and, ‘bewcaufé he may be fubjcéi will w mediate forlthem to regaine the-it‘own?h' 7 Will thtfé who have butchttcdlfo many thoufands of mt1otent’jPltoteft3lnts in thelprcmifcs infizruét us, to A ptecl pettit whit yetlh‘g;ve, orhettaftcr " her ikctyllkeligilon, ahd alfolthe l W33: an xflrfiitze ixrflmmefit Captains Reta llmgiza promazizzg :19;-at cofig/1l?iI‘£C§:.€’Ol the Icfuxtes ; ahdthew he was ,int1‘t1f’c€Cl with l cf all their Letter: and Prat/eats of .'5?¢I‘€Z1z'g€F£C:?,l‘ azmlllg;;- az1Z4ppré»’ée;¢- ifizmpxztirymdd int/at C ;*0‘;W1e«t 0 fibég ’ lb? Vthe tland ‘Em; oFOut A efc are to fignifie, that W e are i command; that 116 Inditement, Prefentment, %Iri1fornaation, or Suit in Om‘ r.1ame,or A in the name of any 0ti1C1',b€ henceforth commenced,p rofecuted,or accepted againfl: - i him,by any of Our Officers or Subjefls wharfoever, for or conceming Rr.°w2¢faz7zc'i¢'* ': » and if any fuchi {hall happen,‘ then Our will and pleafure is, that upon fight hereof the fgunc flaall be difcharged and made voyd, Or otherwife not prejlxdiciall to him. A ‘""iGiv%en under Our Sigmjet at Our Court at T/aeoéal: the I 3. day Offizly, in the 1 oth. iyieerei ef Our Raigne. i V ‘L i , z A A e i A To all and fingpzlar 0227? Iudges ‘of :1/Cviw, Iufiices af‘2'”eace,° Maioris, She rif’fes~, A e Clerkes Q? Afi‘i—:.e and Pmce,“ Bayliffes, Confiables,‘ Inforgners, am! :2!’ at/yer OW Ofiiccr: and J/Iinzfimr, whom ‘it dark, or may coiarmaa, and ta every aftlzem. % ' i A M ‘Z736 Examination cfHenry Mayo. QHG faith, Thaten Tbu2fe§layIafi,vbei11gti1e '1‘®Cl3.11'1afi0I1 made in$@zm*b,(Vvho underfiands it 7 itwentietih @f§"'M[j,oneit1'1ufa11dfiX hund1"ed i fortythree; he being at i73rio2’ge.rin Pla:22dem,e11eard Verywell) that ail people Vvit11i11t11atCizy, timz A wouldgoe t9 the Ciove1ii1ours” hufe,and give any 7a.? B/1@11ey tomaintaine the Rgzizmze Cktboliqizes in E;»2g[izrzd,.the'y ihould haVet13.eii"M;oitiey 1“e——-paid: them aga1i.1e111‘a”§zee1*es me, with iiasiaiy ih2mi«:s. I-ZE1‘*{Ci{_T ;iM2“0. A i77}’Zi.§" Examiézatiarz '1‘mi$Atczke22 ilaefwe ms, E B9i‘iWfQ1RDi.B O YC‘3E.,,. i_‘§'OHNBiOYiCE. A 4 E 0 RG E TiP..;O T TE R. F1 2%: T3. . -