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By which it 1i'I;eW1Teappea»1*etI1,¢ that new Ver anyVKinrfé3E- ‘ .53. -3r.’-- .;§... 3 ,“"'="3*“ A da.11*1gg«.=:;by‘anyPé1*liamcnt,fi*om.thc w 33;“ 335? % ..firPc Eh3.tT'CVC1’5VVaS cal1cd,to thés M V 3;»: ~ V ':A~=P.rcfe~nt %Parlzamcnc.. 4% - % _ _?.g.__ By P R “g L A N «D of G2rays—-inns, Cent, -¢;‘_?§' V‘ J M , V‘ . , * ~«v»"~r’- . % H V "r . - _ ‘ , M ""°-"=’E‘ ..I;wm’ox:. Printed for Jo H N F I 1: L ‘D. “M A 3 K .3} %&m%%w%%%¢%%v¢$¢%%w%¢%«¢%¢%%$%¢%%$%%%%¢¢¢@ +t% + I"*‘.' $ Accusnu a J0 D?i;;2;I0§u..<3 V ‘§~;be'tw€¢zv1 21 D*‘05)'5i31‘ 17%? ~ D7iw*in,i «an%&'a4VS'%tu:de:1t am‘ “Lax*§r.,, % Cmn¢¢::*«a% ¢ mg "the N Gama <;s?.;4 %$ -~ LIAMEMfi" i o % ploymerit, Aiéd ;/:1/Jozazfrzg. yozzgtci6é4~filiziwyér,% I;]I2fi{zlZwz£’efir.* sew {£1.11/5 fizc'§.fi’..o22 fi’&mA3.’a:¢ ca.:~m.'r;2.iz2.3* .5; P4zz'*V!2‘zm2e.v:{:,. 2'2.‘ 'Z3.~;*;zzzg“ W ‘V W 2;L’;é'9‘5’é'10”§’:”C§f 30 my own fMdy,% 2'a.?..{7g}é7éy I 222.142}: 2"2%fl7Z'1!c ?¢«23!%/’2“[fi*V , m.ta'* V(Z:,ff;*z~* 3:01» for MY! mi, av/M‘ ;';;::m;31 W‘ V ‘ “ V I I ‘ . a7c,’]?,*5 ‘W 1~.:w:.m;,»::.s C3’ -4 ‘ ‘ ‘ he M P§;§£?;‘[3};Z;:§"l2¢T?fif.”A‘ ZL‘9;f‘IMc‘7£f§ Iw'i‘{h 2111w'ADiV'iI';.e g =~s,>v&c§”17$c'Q F y ;3m:__ [V%¢~g1jpg§1-A fin V-»£o‘n1€cidie wA?it1iEh:a.z*vs;hic11 bciongs not -to them =,*zmd to ‘zirifivegfyc3., 2md%‘"{7:> W;.:.; *.~‘..t*_%;1_1”-Va": iLc:~rdA EZf1=s;A‘"6; V01‘ Ehc f"0nn r_: and E,\1cirA :3.pp:e1'€I1t O1“ :1 Baron, and {T9 “wa‘s~"M,1*. l{~Jez.z":ry .Z37*aé‘9Z';, .f7;>%2.*% flue c1&dc2it{c311ofz111¢Ea1'115:10: .:1"I.ord,onIy bywthc "coma-A 4t<=;‘fi,c;o‘f Engizz;¢agz"°.l1e«%)is4-V%c%11:1v~.;t?&§i fogbgzt in any V;Dcc13mtio11 '9;-$w1~1cin,gj.hc%l1;.zthrm 'iT1‘Of1f€'Vt%1’1”Cfi1‘liS.1€‘ :3;l4Iaddi.ti,ongiVcn,, - -‘I § 0&o1*.V jlS‘7z.'r, ‘"%5¢e.i;agj zit¢jzmf'flte:{id fwjf'l,w_3rg;;;»< ¢'£.‘§,""o;€*5j£é’.‘»""V'4’._’f D Afirtmiaytnor zz‘%:2>2ame ée q»bé>fi:Vz: for A fir V fire /:’m°z',’»§+ mo rzfofce i:M.ée _;+'-ppzlr Ho,gf:' 1.?/7l’l'£.f'flé'I]fJ’fE""t‘§'st"_Jl Bf/lmp;i ‘5"ma'.~ d-Sir he rnay not, ~a;z"i%d'% -"t_1fifc:*<:f'01‘cAr,,xI l:xm2a’;¢r % Nowell =wz.1s *1'E*ffl‘{é&,_,b‘ei12g :1 I3’ H1" bend ‘()f.f:_7?77’w£j[lz?f5’2;"I¢_;/i:Z€5",VVhC1’C'» ~upon.a‘% ,F1tfj¢flTu€d !’*E0-; Ch0Qf¢ aixot11wcA1'-¢Vrin ?h«mirooV4n1c for .3£rz2 Ait1%iCbr%¢"rvzz/[,% %A V Dosét. Em fbgtrve ;zW,;W;»gmmrr3,'m;=e,,¢,(;.:?,,«z»,;;;., awe! ;’fi"!2~ry ifloafzz A l);’,“,§fl\ #5 ,_}];},fl'¢+. ‘ Va-, ‘ ‘ u. w.»- ‘ W _ A A . A 1 % 4/,A A AA . AAA AA AT $‘ma’. In ;:>;_:; Efiz. 1:: w:1s0rdeAred , that dunng the Self» fion, no W1'its flyould if-Tu: to Achoofc Kx1igl1~cs tar Burgcfa fes;5butAbj(WarA1*ant of th¢.-AHDL1fé'AtQA"tfi€'VCIAE1‘k"Of tHA%:f V I Cr0wn,afid A18 Mzzrdi _, 23 Eliza. it was agr;-ed” by Vtlie H%o'ufe, d1azi£'a;B1hrg'cfTe 1."->Vz;*;A inrfumbhvxiicla, Aanothc-r nmyv {fa chofcn in his place b};_:1iAcemzepf the FI'oufc,;bu: not _if he b"cTcafi1y ficAk,‘01'%feAz1t ‘Of A11AisMé1j’efii€s:f fcrvice, %unAY"cfl¢* the I-Iouft:'¢,Wi1la1lVb\v 0A-Fa z1ewA*EI’§e6tion.. A A % A Doéi. Wéat 2/am .9i;.~ a:¢mmz:r2 be cf!§ofi=;z t1wj>[;m:L,... mC~x/-5 mag/2‘ imferrvg .9 A Sz“zm’._A A He mufi-~fe1fve fAo%1flt_hatA place which firft chafi- i.71im,:% Sir'Hz*n2yf-Pigzgcy w,a_s ch0f_AmAKr1ig11t‘fAo1‘A two C"<:»ur'1~-.:. ties .,.’and7tficrcL1;;o1ii:twivzis ;ad}*udg“ed'AAbytHe Houfe, that» W }A1c {hould fcrvc fbr 1;h:=.t C€A>ur1$ty Whitli HM c.hofiM him: 1 3. EZ.AA‘.:=-;;.V ;md'irr 7, E; 6; one email was 1'c£«urn*cd for JZCrz:!aAle2‘5—/’9A}z!I *az’1dA' f01'A Trivaymy, anclj heappe11‘cdAAfOp.thé:A% fir{’c., and?! Wrivc iffixed, to _choofc¢a%n Qthm‘ for ‘Trzz~'zMyA;¢y; A D0;/ft. AAI/Va/2'ASwzAr; j0}t55.;AI4Ai/L’.flA11'/«:>']A5AAAZ’AI, me, for ‘t/A7}: Ele6Z.‘q.sfi of ~ Etxzgcflrk, .4-;im"2zz/7'_Aa ;Amzy~ 56, 7920219 tell me 112/Mtt/5zAA’y a7bAAz¢Af ml1_yT Are-‘ gasire 4; Mic Kizfg; /m;%d5,%\V‘m/:tcn$ ..t5;‘gI z are % 411; amt . wt! .2: Sjam... ;l:>:rm1d;é.’J”‘ A A V A" A A AA V A ' a St;;r[.A‘ TF6 %f§’11Aift tliirf; Atfiat reqiiifia at ‘t=I*iAe AKing<;'~ hands, is that which wasVrc'q%ui;*cdAbAy'thc Commons in they zAh‘iytec:;;&H'ycAc1' offimry to Wit,_th;§t if any xnan 0f‘;th,§3 ConirznonsvH'buwfcfl1;‘ould4 {,'p‘e;11¢t11<=r;,~°a~r%Wilkes ml}: =1 m'anA% fl:1“-111‘¥‘-°t 113% the Piflvlledgc of We.{macrumnall c)fl7eA11cc mat*immcdiatlymuc;11ccI1«theAK1rigp.V A j A Db:f?c‘; .{ kc /L121? AAWIAAA/é'4rcteAr/re }wé«;’?;2’jZc:;{_q}gAAg/§Vc_Ho;¢:fe V for- fig:/y 47¢ (J./*]'”}",'4'7a7c‘.r: M imfizcdiazgé/Jr _z‘%0z.ac/‘Jezf/.'7_t/jc?v%%I(;f2¢_g’;, ¢w/20$/yen mzlfi cammft /vfmgtxée 1<“i;¢‘¢g~«,or%*%t:6e ff_{£wfl:4 .1T,;’;1;z‘[..z'4;¢71ft»'e;¢t «gr/aereoff z»cz3‘z4.xwgre;z»;éer.A"‘ " 9 M ‘ W VA WA A A’ A sm';A§ As to 't.I‘1£1t qué:£%iAOri fTi‘a1I4%:n6‘t'4givc" you my A own o'pini%on, but IfI'1aI*1fl1cvi7y’QAJq*¢s*1iat P1‘cfi‘dLtnts’h:1vc: been done, ift;IicBOo1A{§bcAt1'L1A57?i1i1tAFAg0,]QAy: S'irVEa’mzm7 A xf '~'thc‘:% TC>*t’7s“7A#1fi¢ Wwbcffére the Pm‘-.-Av _ fiament was fummoAned': AndASi1* W;/z;mcm=xz"‘c1acn Sc-» cretztry, faidihat th€ 0\u_ecn Wz;S‘Vth}:n1A%affu1*edliylicrju--» fiicespthat flncmiglfir stvrnrnif‘V=11ii<§%ofTt1I颒H~wf€Midurin%g Parliamcfnc ,_ £orMax;.y-4o4;1¢c‘;;t¢» :Ig3’1iT1;fl‘.'AA1je1jACwi;g§xv:)V%:-fixid Dig»:-«V nit: a11d'tIi;:£4t we V'*TI13év§feE{’"'d'iAVé1*s”"’I5 fefiliéilfs tA}i§:?rcc)F ant? . . 7 .% 2 Puma wast commitm:d" tf) clfé MaAr{H:{1fy‘%fé>rword:S;AV.7.Vich4»¢ out any riotice given tb ch“: H‘oiJ{’é -._-, A a”n%d”MVa{YC17 CjP€,«M_?F . fiat I«Mr1°wwAr 1Vs«Fo;j;fi}iA¢ V g1fcAf'c2;*ri-mg in Pa1‘I"i.éfn¢ht"2i"BQO‘1{ t::$i.f<:1ii'x{g— EH R“31.t¢SHb€" A 1:h’c_ Chi1¢1*CliA, ma A 3; {ohm cgflanv 45?: ff cfi atili fliingl; A.t11§4 5 . J “ A ' A :m'm:VV "'iZ2;mc-1“: ""VVh’ic§h;f;aI£"Q;;“thcy_.A»L‘dV&id% p*rintV, _%p;1‘efe13~‘;md mgew in ~-1":érE1 -, Aw“B4ut Fcéme 'cl7?th.if"ifthiiy‘%§1*::1d*t&re::tcd tinere of %:1%a1V§ in«4‘f%i:i:ie,0fPéL§1iaihérit‘bein; BVur¢?eiTes5ti1é * 0? Vg bM,wy1u n1‘O}t4 hax?*“<-i“’}5"é*'é21V:'A;iri1}f§%c3’c.hCdV:‘ AA in 2 8 Elizlér». _ % A ‘ D0_<§t. f‘L{«§{e;¢-4fq%g;zo(§%;.r/Jfgék c:f_ 1/ye Ifiiigs Qxcm 1,253" t~,{«,«'g < % V .‘_<:rm1;=;.5;%mz% m1i*1°:%‘know:<‘th:1t ‘ ‘t}3‘<§,2;ccL2'1{2:ti€ir1 71'ayéi“rb3;’4 A I‘Zi2;jcfiy‘again?jfi%thsm 5, its £10t‘."f“it'fii‘I1vt‘.‘1'i‘£i‘ ~::on1_p::fi"c of r.-1nyQ4f j£‘h+ofVc%Pr¢fi’de§1ts;'Lan‘d“'we néefi not I%:A:1.-mi tog§vc% 1.‘e:zfim'3t¢>_prove7"i1Qtw“if; ‘A d‘i%fi‘e1j€éfé;‘ fiv-%>1' 53. 1;c°fEj:n®f;jy of HisG1‘a,cfc‘: and g00%dn§fl'(:3 “ d fo 1: 3-,px:¢;~n‘cq“‘ TfI'L1b§¢€ding (P r.imC5es A M V‘VYV“ ;D0é%.v;*B;¢%tbm i£.vArep.wf 4AP4r:'i}wv,? % S{lz§%;2J. M’ {=Kin%g_s'.; mp 11ad “bcetn %app;i»3.‘cm A, "~ of 'A=fWh%iCh we -‘haxrc v0t‘hc1fg‘rye.;at ‘e vide‘ncc“s’ :, % but ‘His -wi.Ui4x1g.~ fi%efl"e%to21c?kn0'w1e6gcTHis §:x*ro1's (which “is as fg1’€e1t ver- tr.Ie~A~i11 P:‘ihcc%)“'had”ibcc11 q0n0ja3a1cd., and {Q be hadbeen ‘(inf rh~a:%ai—Jefpc&>AAM éxorio ~%bem thAiIE9Vie 6:’ {p mi _f3a’1%donM, " txvhicahis nos; poo latcf ymm» M ‘Lb-v%ar ’” Ib:2 *I’Lm’;‘f2z;f;§iei¢t,"xifllffl" : I flzfjzrciiéfléi e77Jz;]2r:éf3T% «gar! 7m,,%zzz*79i£2é“;é'at .:m.4 ]7oia2*cr:.;arz2e::#; 2)‘Jvez2as- NV .,, r A ‘ - I ;‘3’m;/i._ “ ’3L§hA311A%Af.-21A!" qu: What‘ h *3.vcf rtacI,“:1 nd jf2.rth’c41*"-I LA , T‘E1s:*%%I~{:$%L1f*’@ ._h:-ad %:1.,grcV€%dV4*i11-;% l:§, '3 ihavezt A‘ _ H,“ . * m *. .M-. 'w;w1; .. ;_;.,. ,‘~ M u -5» ,A , M’ 3w " ioecau F“: the: "K1ng.¢;§-7I41mfe1f hath ”aC<§¢.n0:W1edged» Eu: _and % _ - to1nm<;m A thé Bi11fo1* thé 7‘B;‘Evcnruc»s:V% ~ of t;hc; A my 4argL1rntm;ts-, ,A djéy V1*<::f‘5:a1V’¢5&_;A”tf§0 ~ c¢:1:fi=: M ztimc ::- n0W'«thct ~QQif~C€fl re=vol<¢d$ 1m;;:Afai;*cIA %3%Cr~d’an;n;zz1d, cm-mfi1Ita£i0n a-— - - A » % M ~('7) " = «::ox11m_o:1_If~“:1.{’t , w‘11e1'eoF the @cc~:11111fl1ked not foftiia magnet‘, 13 Ht forthe 1nnQv.*m0An%, 0? Q.1*dé2%, wmhom; herpri- cmfc, Chef.‘ Céanmmzas fifl5z11it_tcdAtIi‘en*1%fI':1x/es, andflne %I9:?.‘ft.:=.cie~3 db b L1tadi7if7c,as th€' P;jiV§~e- ACm1z1£»e»:Il~ d”c':gth'; 'tV1‘1ich‘ a=dvice if the I{ing‘c:‘111Br_-.n:e,«V% it, 1)£c»0mes%_tl'1e_,Kings own: Acft in elm mic; and ti'1”e'A*Kings “Lavrin the or:21.1c%1*-,-1'7<)Vr with-. A 'V';itV., z1nd%'wirhou‘: Ec».cf€:~fiaftic‘;21TI Au::ho2+i~tyA; %f'(§1* W17fic.h V, gavc=w them tii:.~.1~1- vpardon :«And S1: Wk:/t‘«:*:' R+nVlé:g*,6‘fi11:11,rl1c ch1'eg:~ 0~L}Eth<‘lf Bl'in.€_<:s:2.ccc=p1z.:-1ti0n_j, botht411c~p%ubl~ii§c~and‘prxvzmi‘ A a+dvic; ch ‘:2 LQW'€;1‘-:h'0LIfc4,~;4% be v='a?1Tt‘j;r¢ :1 £11 any part thc1‘e0f, ‘x-‘<fii;Eh"“0h1t Hii‘s7Mséjefl'ires 4:1i{,<:<‘:i1cc~,5; :b,m;”ifVa Bill, “ come f1*otn— £11":‘..?4.[Z"c>zrc~:{$._, and %notV.Afi%gmcd% Hy mm, It may be A aIte1‘ed,by;~1i0n5ng W'h3.t H14‘é§11IAdAA‘be’t:zi’{’énfr'£jm i1:, or~ ;;¢jd¢%‘a ‘:3 5}‘) <3 *1 1mm ; it : «.~:fr}01=1%1 .%vvh’finewtIéa‘1‘n€d§M. *IA1"'5%d¢fi 1?&:. you 1:0 . gatlaex‘ 7ymm'»:=~ownA fi1Ei:S*Ffl,(3HOT1':'“‘821'1‘€1'*iI14‘.;.:_,.(§*5.PW/Lefi" p1C3fiI1‘€5%thw51tf11CHOL1'f@“"flT0‘fl%1‘(.1‘ proceed no fiz1°chc1‘% *»x»*it%h}; -2T1ic¢n ._, bccaufi:' it »M2:r. The» S*pecak‘<§r %fhé‘wcd~ tH£it%»AiAtw21SV2fl the O\u n*nA‘Nws ::.Am'k at 7?xz;ar2’om; I“m”[%$’ ~&eg'i;¢“ i"z‘Akc!dért'iwi:e$, mbereiya ‘If/J6‘ ca2atc°z£rio,r.I/xek«.g',¢r; Wm’ mix: ti I<."2.‘:»2g;% ~a]’t"fa+zLc‘*AzZ47aed.;, }:¢2;1*z‘}JeirSz£‘bjec*2’:x M Parliamzatm“. A L Stud. B31‘ you-would ~dov=mc:- a fin-.gu1aA-r .faivoL1r in‘ your ~i odo»in%g. A V ; . ' AA D06}. Tod‘/Ewowt/J:.zt 2‘/9:: ,R"z*"'r1g5 afE11g1randAA}2~zm’ ;z;_9.}’z2rz2%u;;z2§Z” A_ *1%’m‘¢ljz1i7¢cz2’t , *tz'Z[2iAéar¢t 2196 ei_«g'r’3;z*a;*t;,r3}?2jyécfi???t_3f’ H*tn1'y t)E2e AA -fbr i;¢ZrAi: I 7th _7%eerfer tfafia mar-riage of }6z'3Ari’.az:.»:g/étcr, the E*i;:;:gf A4 T¢xA5-zapqn ¢A**zm*y E9542 r;‘fL:;m2' éyt/Jezzd-vzre of My pri- A “~?'=z2yACazA£i¢.5FelZ.¢1072e5 53;‘ 5292; g;;4y%%rcmez:r'r1£rer him’ the jec'i‘.s;,foaz'.a . 44ficr?~tlv¢'.% A‘ Barli:4§:§i:ér£t, *?V{2egd22;:Vzaw §€4n%d {up-02:: terms: with 2;‘/75¢‘ ‘;a«‘R’_“’i;»2*g,12z:4ziAa’rér1zJ§?0?;¢f73*2?r%2AA‘¢f3y flratng ‘Abxmzi Amt! 2% fwd, ma A.5re..«z:CAlw;2rrar.Ag%N'-“ ‘A A A “ ' j ;§’rzzz1.‘vV\;‘§>u*<{'ayAA wc11A‘5ir,’ {be great 'ChzLz‘tcr -was drawn ~ ‘fi*0*n1:thc~'1{A1«Ang‘*by AtAhé.fwo1;d,‘A~‘Abuc hereof the Wzrllxazncncf ;fC.i=.rI11itfd*é. ; ‘A A A. AA I A * Dot}. AA‘V;*1-W-%z zzfiésrwdrdx"Ki2¢Jg’Johnfromzfld to rg/fore Kimg ~ fvEdw*A3.1‘dsA ‘;.L'4/*l 1i}"-;A.) ‘_{Z7¢d'.[l[‘r‘0lt.0 mnfirm f 16 C/agrfer “of Forrefls, A:.am1=«:/9; great %Cbzzi*iAtrA~z.31>a}¢%;2r &‘5fb{#t‘io;¢3 “~6zzt*z§ftér Ma‘ remrzz A FA1‘ar1AccQ 522719225}: 6‘? ‘yrAr'A77é*£lén§yed it , "éé::}z¢gfi: Amizfiozmt" A _:fzw/9‘kt}r;'a_i¢"2{fe/9e /741115302’; oétainéd z*cft‘it:4tianA, tk£.r£ffi)r;:”.-423% firm’ f/752};-7*p;x2zfl* £17/Zd'v_£’0Ph3./Ll‘i‘¢1:;7Z’6l,;179‘(2’}$’0l‘ ‘UUXT/3":7t:!7'y Aw/mt fay ya»; viberkgflire, :1m:Z->*’/J«2...t*_A9c3Azg‘%AA50urzd‘in honor to pe;jf:ir771A Az't:A?w A h A A ‘AStzzdA,: CActitnin*1%y:4;wm5 A1‘ it "as determir1e~d‘thc Cafi: of _ ‘King s?f’;5:mcz’.v AAt‘hc'fir‘ft«A of A.1F'ArziA}7¢'cA7e3 ‘AT hat 'a1‘1~pr°omi{‘cs by him -*n1adt,Awhi1’Tt-hcrwaséinathc-AA"handsA af AC/sari: zhcfifch his .J,:"\¢;nH(‘:1'I'l y, werévoyd ,, by&»1rea{oAn\-a:'hAe judge~a5~H6no;j,~w11i%ch ‘V V »:zEI1$‘L1As*~hAcAAAAIdftirfi kibAnb"o%r1Aiw1'1; A. ' A A :"fi04‘i1E.A “Belt 17i7i:z_g'A%_IAoi1~r1 3zMrA7zoti%’Ai"I¢AAprA'z'fa7z%.V A A ~ A *Stim'.“ YéAt_f0ria11that57 “1‘€'fh'£iif1t‘ is impifiorrmcnt, Vyczz, «fear it {Eff is~i4mprifo"n1ncn'tA, ': and the KingWasfubjeé?;1;o A Imapw there n0fihir:Ag~=-mfloreKinglyin ’a‘King, 4‘*z:‘han44 tl1"cA;.p’erf6'rn1an'£.cmf wo—x=d1;,-—% aim is, AhA-is“ word t*I1.:m!‘. - 4 ' A ._.1s Vr _ is Fmeiy given %fo1*biAndix1g of a KL§ng I%y‘.La‘xv;;;pI9gkt?h@ " A aydvazzt;-1gc of-‘msneceffity,z,,xnakeAs t:=11=c b:reachV it felt? 1'awf'u1‘~1 % «in-;;2MKimg '('f11*i?'t*f"1’Sir..1'/H/it(1¥‘a‘J’7 ;Raz[ez7g»5 ) his Chg.-1'tc1*s%'and_3l1~. othex‘:vi'1A1;1%rLi~1nez1nsf.being %x1a0zhe1=:t‘11a11 ;c?7he% furvi'»’i;1gw~it«% » A 1.... nefies 4.,c3.f' "tm.,cc;h:;3+fi~1f;2ix1e:dW: W11 1 ,,§;J?rii¢b¢:j:~a;.% zxwzr _/iitéjicitzd’ mf fyfze run/:1-;zrzzte‘»1z’ér"zz,' mafrv mam Aeylé ,'tc:*rz‘zz "/2‘;‘c%;zfmr 5 V mrceffat-ry x;v;31‘dsifi1A4;z1%l the i“Gm—m:‘s 05:1 King ~.», ‘ Witneffing thzrt flit: firms %G%1*a1a%t:sw‘e1it ~g'iV~er1wfi*c;c1y 31:1 d willingly. » _; A A DQCTI. ;W;B‘;¢t'%a29»'.!72“z;z‘_j%/.7':y _'}"z7«!5 *t5e::~tZ%.e?‘1?z2=:»*/i»¢;§’zr3;4ei'«e?2;*—’ 7&7‘? eA{"{'13‘i'§n;... ffe1'iza :1/9.=:~:¢ {1'.6;_Aye;m° 2173249‘-,;;_Ta7z'7=2g4r,g* ,% 2v§rl2;*z¢ iacaizzpftfil/2‘2£;¢a”Z';‘;7L.{g"Vtt%i3 I’?/1:.r;r.‘oV/"*I7‘i!21I1cc, mg? zvéus’ gmzz” tfivarge .293 /é.zzid£«.eezc‘zzzI an N‘ 3:!»-A %, :9 zfflfif =A'We;’/Ia 2?;&.’§e1’.9' , Vma?}3'__fld f?‘t3! *gai’¢v¢;yaz£ *2‘-£76’; §S‘z,zéfiay (lak- 'Vmm¢de:l: A « % .» . A ¢% V A Q . «;9‘;<~m1.’. I c:o‘nf"e'fTc Sir, Th3.‘E7th€«I'IGL!«fC'- e2:4:%cA‘Lx:fs+d"tI%14s21a~% IE.€Iv‘<”:;+; {>37 rezzfon ‘of*c‘11ci%1' pov<:=rtyJ Vandmzhe«1Lo~1*d»s1::zking tjrf mms ;;,, bL1E2'yOL-‘lTpfl~k€ S>~i'r of ;d.;1nger% 0f~Pa1'1.ia%micm:s :- H 7NVow .i;m:‘11iVs% My-Iiame‘x1‘t t’he=rr2i Was; 22 dc~131a1’ll ,».but‘ then: A wa s; no%c{;1n%,,_c:.%mf:az*t:;1‘I14:, yec14x1t1}c4cnd4V0Vf t11asyAear, fat the A Aflembl y <91’ 1t1*l’€"St.atv@S at 4Z;:1z;«¢z‘3ve;v:3_1;v, vthc ‘I9v:C»1n:g1m-(*1 t=l*1Ae~fo1-ta t&e«fi1pa1~t (of *cvcwy mans geods given “him f1‘j‘c1<;=1_y~tovsi%.:z1-<21 s M Lthcpay:a1ent0-F Ms »dcbits:, aridthofévpeeplcw1mt~htz‘fzzn1‘c y«;"~::11* 11.24:! V1*<~:'¢_fu1~”ciu;i 'm_ giv«c: c1t1?c,"I{‘iz1~g a‘E_1ythiI3§‘,7,%%?V?.7';»1ICIa% they .. 1Efiv"1i'&v%1‘a<.i{up_3ic”dVhxis mvri 17"2;¢CcH”:ity0L1: caf” Dalinqucnts ;3’r1dt;ci1**1*uptW)Ffic¢x*s °?w-h$icAl1 ‘fie ”c~a1f“d jai-A1¢CO:1nSpt“") A they 'v{vi11iz1g1y_. yAee1«dvcd ~t0yV‘;g;ivjé I1x"111“¥fi1t1sfa‘&1o115: and indécd bti$i'1‘1”t}’J€)im'.’)'1\‘3A{%1C‘(.)I‘~£1”'Ki»ngVOvf%;E7zg1§'tfldté grc;u:en:ahd e;1~—‘- %1‘i*c;I"rA ‘hi%3*i7f§:r1Af’b37 m1y~ my fc3»wa13:I’%ured1y', a»s~¢1)y5t~¢I1_c‘1o~VTe05 ’1jis“péo}>1"»c; ,f:>~rb on‘; ymrs,3Rcbcl14%i¢on,-*or»c%i}vi11LVVMS, - rfzfm" King hath nuomImTe.,%%éc=11.:mib.yahundred year}; c3b,fc}1°+*—- V‘;m¢,¢ off 'Vcj11{;¢_3rz2zz% cf’/,vxzss~I';»;;',‘ m1%«:.wjI.t:j1f1e4<“:»t51-“1«£1* I.;awv1*.;‘%.t1aa1;;we in fé3~1*cc‘ 5,‘vfo1'~ix1 t~l1;cVfé t[i4meAs0f T’Wa—r_,~ Kings have: b~éc:%nfb1‘$ Accd so ‘c0m.pou11ai’w%ith.R@gru""e£; and Rebc.1«s,az1c{to p:1r~rd’0n mhcm_:, Mar by Pa1t1mm%€Vz1»ts~5~the7’ K¥1nVg‘s ‘of Eng/4&4 new W A *vci*1*e€Veive»d16fIZ:’oi'Aprejudi%Ee. ¢ " Doéig Em? m54t»_f;ijzyo;5 to-%.tZv‘ideizi4/I M :15: 2 6‘ year off 251% .! leis Erma. that aAS'ubfidi@was~tl1ez1 denyedg % and= ‘t11creaFons"a1°e d.;s"1;iVAeA1tcd% in Eng1'i~fl1%Hi{%ories; whb faygq; That ‘with’ a (world of-payments tI1é1'eA‘m€nt§~Q13ed fifl -the K'Vi:1g11::cc:I"!"c;l‘1‘a=*..*»'«'e'.za thfi Nobflity d1".y.-,-~ and befidcs,7ThaE¢»» whexms not-loxag before, ‘great fumm—@s~ of Money xverma gwen,‘ 2‘i11d_ :~h'eAFania-~3p;:$o~ix1ted 4~tAAo;“b<=:%.11e'Dc5'cf.i01') »thé‘Kin'gwas we.I1"a&‘vi~ :;:cd [0 taiccdacvmox1cy;€I13Ona;1ycondition, and they VV€1‘f1~ *5:oo1esA~th»a)t did.:p1‘opm1nd*,t11e%1'cf{rai»n5Z;t; fQrit,doAcs11oc ap-- }«:~eary:Im»t the King cookany gr~cat~hecd to mhoié overfcczts: Kings are bound by c»11eir¢—Pi~ety»,~ azrd‘ by moumzher Qbli V an-' H ticms. " In Qixeea ~*U'MtlPfi£’5ti1I1.6, when It wasxhougrght 12 wt 4’ me was {h Ghilde -; %IVcAwwas‘4 p1goia0,unVded that ::1,c.R_u1c:~ O-I Minority 0£.~tIi‘¢~;I‘1_op“cd‘Princeur PrimccfiTr:+,5 any 'th‘c;, Kingofi"c2;ed1ais,afl'ur;1r1cein great fummes of M0ne—y’; to,» 1*.«::~l~iné uif-ha»n11c%T!GQvex*n-x1ucnt;* -. gm: fuch_';ti::m: as t.he.»Pxim3c, 01;, %ie:%?1~in»cef§7e fl1Q121d*«Vb¢+of,£ag-ezi ~Atyw1l1ici1VAmotigan» ‘z*~.z11cx”;z__aI%1. ’”W~§3_1‘.C filent in-Athe I-Ivoe1.1{I:~.,. “th.E Lo1°c1»1);zc-pres (Whow was none & ‘nf the Awifefi )' asked who fh»Quld- &fuc~3:he Kings Bo:ad:~:. r.’ *a.*»2<%lru.d3:c:ndcc1. thc ciefp1;tc%;—. fQ1'*vvhat%%B4gm.dA.1s b¢EuWW~:* 3 & ‘ Iiéfég A;-(4 M) “King zmd:V~arfl7a11., ».-~mt3>re‘ khan . t{h ‘e-~B (Md 'C5‘W'f"%‘4tT*1cy if’ N“ c:;’a ; ='Fa1ith 2.’ » V Doét. WW/mt fag you;/Jen to " 1"/J6’ ,~t~51v€7sft‘?y rig/M/Ar yerm: of I/:mt1K'2';>zg',_ in -w‘/xiv/I wlzen Tflrg VI<'z'r2g &’€m4zm’rd %Re!.z'cjfa*l_V, at/ye» Si*zzte:."woz¢ld mar cenfcfm ,- ~€LfC(:,€]3l:t we form;7r“0riaier%%/.zad bC’CflL"tL'1k@N—j£‘;3’7fitb€ -appaimtimg 330/" form %0v:3#3/éars t/5&9 V 2¢~.eur._!fz:;fe=, .4: ‘wife t‘“lmt% t/Yé""'VL0xd‘C’/yi¢]5eV :7-'3z¢~%'z’»:‘e, ‘gam’ tlm . A Lord C/Mm-elfigor /720:4/d be clrajfin éy the States, W15:/,vfl:mz~3 B4» %mm* of the Ext/Jcquzr 42241-filter-Qjj‘?-cer.r._ Vésrm’. VW;hy Sir, ’19\drnit~ the ‘King %A’ «had yvceided eta ‘t11€i1'~».4-demands, than whatfocvcr 'I1a.d‘b€ez1 01-=dain.ed by :{§1dfc%%Magifkr;r«:.cs to the diflivke of t—he‘»C0mn1onwealth,~ ~ .che.,peop1c.hgtd~b'cerIc without remedy-5 whereas while: A _rhcI{.in.g,‘1»nadc them ,4 .::hey ‘had their appeals mad 0.. ther 1'emedi'cs 3% It is an.cxce1.lcnt ‘wthing f0.1‘»~a King to ‘ lmve pqtic‘ncc_,and give ,.wayA:§p .thc.fury of mans pzzfa fions.' H . M «A 1% ..— D06}. I/Va; not the King denied-4 Suéfi.d’z'e»m't%}2c fimfy qf/az»3fiReigrzv.? % A _ ' _A %% i A ~ A % % A "5f§{-z_5i. No Sir, f'or«a1th@ugh thcK.infg required Money as before, V for the impoffible conqueftof V1952-'-cily 5 yet »tI‘1\‘f: Houfc o.f’Fr:red.t~o ive%%fifcy*t"wo;tho%uf:md Mzwks , w1.1ich vvhcazhcxi hercfu cd or 21cccp~>ted+._, ~is L1nccrmine 5- And 1_Whi1c:fl:the‘Kin.-g drca1'r.~1Led of Sm.-213», thc:7VVcifl1 «Invaded A and fpeyled the B-01*d€1's*0f_ME:a7gZ;z,ml;, «%fo1t&in the 13’arl‘ia- gmcr-rt of.Lam{o.u, Vwhen~tl1c.:King urged_thc I-~I0u'fcfo1*t‘11g: A pr0Fccur:ingVt~he «vCOI#1L1CflI»0f‘%-"1.5'£¢€i/ya tl1eAVAA‘I;01'ds utter1j,r A ,_,"fif' <_;1i£=1iking the attC_1 'npE Vurgcd the p‘ro1"e~cL;nix1g ofthc We1£h~mcn.i‘: ’:W1a1ch 4AP%.>A»n 1. IA M -2 1§~I~T being Pro-« -raged, did againe Affemblc at O¢xA.z=,oem:>, and was‘ called “the _mad "AP AR 1: .1 AM N T, A which was no Qther t11an'At%he>,AfTcmb1y of .Rcb¢}s;, forrhc R031» all L-Afl"cnt (of A the If I NiG , which *”,.gVives‘liz‘le; _ . 1 '1 , _F _ ‘Bflwrqh A A Em E0‘ M1 I;z”-aw-s‘ f‘o1m*red'iE>.y t~I*;et1"m+ce E{’c?ar:es,. v~;vas.sr71ot " ; a1‘1aiTex1t,whe%n both the K“1'n%g mad‘ P1~incje“wc=;1‘é‘cQnif’t1*ain%'c1 no yeefdté the'1"';01‘d:s 5 ' A‘ “conffrairzd €:Oni73~ntA is *tI1-%e“cogi; firm: of :1 Captive, no2« mifa Ki’-s:1g<~ §I“':1z*1 ci‘th<:a-rc:fo1:e%tl‘1ei'e""wa:'s%. ‘ ’.11o7thingdonc thcre eiézéficr l'egaI1:5»,o1‘V R¢0yél*1u,J fm‘fi>f it *1wt*_propa1:1_y:%:1 P;zr1i%a%mm't'% where“ ch“: S‘u3:>jca£?c~‘is not f':‘*€e, *£e3*t.z1zn1"y,n: can be none v5zh¢:.‘@e;thAe King is boux1%d,“ for 311- K:ingIy' Rifle was taiien fro%mit1:Vc‘_Kizi%g=, and" twelve Pec‘1*s appoimecl £0 G<‘wemc~ the Ve2j:hn 3 a11d‘as%o:her’ WA1:»i~tc;1's, I‘2:zve1tV;,3'P«:a:31‘s5 amé thc%*1° éfoi*e 1:'1ie‘afl'cmbI'y'r~m%ad'c--b=y~ . 5334;/(?"Sl‘fz£2%7"3nCi‘0£1;1£?§_“ Ffletwzls, ’may*afiweI1 bé%c:11Ee.d°a%Pa13;- % .;mz':»'*c,/J hast z‘r_'§5z3 to Iz'.az11ex1t,21s that at 0.2cf'5r‘.¢Z3 Priyzcipzk mwmz fiaéere 22922 gff .Pr'i2z.c23z25, fort‘he1*eby*was‘;hc King«d1*i?vc11., 110:; orzdy 1:0. c01npm1nda1‘%I[ qm=:1+:*c1s,wit11’ t7~fi*c~ Fr§:;1c1'1,_ but h€~q%.»1itt€<:i.V .his%v~R»igI‘3.f%%tONé27~mA;»smZjz, A’3¢ym—,2.n'd M'.>zV;«m3. A V V A I 4.2m w}3i}:z¢ 7¢~m!r/l't»‘9z3. €.vtre;9*::j;y mflveixfig‘ Z"/3: [Lewis A re; 1 yvfgrmgét.-fpfi A «sf it‘/41¢ _f0mmj C/Cnzzgtczfgyy wigio/av z2ar}:r2e]'#c:[2'cm~/.5”ta'r}2e%I:” z?agramt:?‘ A A A ‘wo:i%1Ak:Ifi not 'fufl’é;: 1'1i'?.t.nAt:oi,'e:2tc:1*‘ “into his own C'aft1*€s%;, ‘ ‘ .. " .. ,,,_u..i fl‘ ,. ,y .y ‘ ‘Smaf. ;YeSL'Si1:_; ft>i*;‘;i:Wt‘ ' gry ;i_1'1%i‘u1t‘e§?. up_o‘n _t hc Ling; , and they dbwn the P%‘u1'v4,ej/W01‘ of the meat, for t11c‘maimw‘w2—’ A A anance~of his hoL1fé, asdf tI'%1r:'I{1.z~1g%had been a B;mcl';1'up%t=, 4 and «gave Ofdfi‘, »VT1'1a3::V wxthcyuz ready monéyx he fl‘n:>u14d t$.~£z:Vei:p=zz Gfhivgtfzaiein»-.-¢,~’ 3-t1d‘~t»Y10L1g11% there is no~chi'x1g= againfé the VRoy;2z1t3z ca}? King in thefc Cmrners, yet: iris f0~1con'~~A t.rax*}47't'0th.em1tu1+i*: of zK=ing to be forced, cven_to1:1‘1oi%* :hmg4sixxy1:i%gI: rnizy b‘e<~toA11j\s_-a*mntage ‘, :15 A*t1:1*at* :i1ea~;King} hLad ;.f:'b11*;:;i:- reaf t.o%,'Af£2d: h c‘ dVi[f§3eni=:3.}:i‘on of 1‘1isf~«0:v;t§‘1~fi'on*1; the’Pop?e, and4 IQ &’r:itv“isi£V’cr3”:1v,€z;e:"s for ’hi:édw11’Vcik3feAnc‘e;~, },;*e:if, ja.w3 ."f§}[-1,*%r~é‘.w*o7z:e-:~.=::9flne-,? isk§nt%cnde 5:14 i«n¢:1L:_{ive%}4y in alf _ atlig ;é:nd"‘pron‘1if<9~s e >si‘:jar5te'd fi*0nf1-z1'S“bvgravi-g~m.. ~ A V D@&;%3zs;yay;~&m:v2.5;; ai;§z:%.?:;2'g1:z'm:%t*¢=A m’t¥1 M £2.-«E/3£rf»J\?xztiai£:c+ firm; flxgzlé ii/.'7l3/{.2 ‘A4-3 é[er;i¢»fe"»¢ZveyA«»é>we"»a{re _ #2 13:: AI-027’: i*2Aot1tm:hesi1* I%:Iizz§.z?;ct"i0‘:;‘m and fhéir Iiw:s‘%.. A 3 \ £24314? z’/Jet}:-afl 2»[}’F.w;,z.s'. 12f 2!‘/at écfl pfacew, MEX: ¢»1:-.,$».’cf»3} tide} [wag-&:c°4?;m% t2'.wfl'c'.-rfz’. % W A V w L . . ; % ¢ i A A , % ' Stml. Tiss ;r:ri.:z¢ E%ViA1",motIw.Vingi%st To d.az1.gr31“oi'us For f£§:':{;.;;3_ ‘:.1AsAt0~bc2 C0&1f£I“:ii"K1'dt_:1nC1 held as pi%ifor:er.‘tQ,'hi%s ‘s5ea{{E;zlE"s;, 501‘ by t‘T‘1:;-*.~.t: .Ea”'Wr%z;’ the S:*Vc‘1:, ccmq» nV1or2l’y*p1'€!v;1i1's z1gz1.ir1F_r :1 fkrong tiI;1“€* t1='1:.-11: \W:.11‘s but~a Weak om; O£11€1"\K’ififV1’i§;i‘[i;j2 the {Econd had I1€’V(f1" %be::.*.:’1 Duim V M xvi//aim, n0x%'%~E{i~:1§; of Z%\7.<.v[:’.:=:-A..:1n«::i 2S’~z'czEir;«4., ijw1tfi:~:g cmarw * gggofifitift 2%:/f5we;m"i c':¢*c7:*«2pZ;¢;¢z, when ‘I dcflmd%V.Par1ia:11cwntV$,¢ I {pt-‘:I::I{ oF}}c'izcca13le, crgall Enid L:-mr_fu1l Pzwlialnenté. A ” D();5E.I’1”%7;rr%%4F4 yam iwirz 2'492*'.f£’%~»P»1;"lfzi?¢;6fi2t bc‘M:ztLQI1d0£‘i 3‘. zxéaflz‘ I195 “/!‘.A:‘.‘fj!‘é/$:°}" -qf E-d'Wz1rwd%'1‘Zic S¢*§a9fif£z'.§ t:."2%‘!@"?* M % % W ~ .sm'.. Ifhy, th‘:?.=.t ’i"<1iiix2,g;‘g,*‘m"z$; not Boundto pe1"fOrmc the.-:2 A615 of that: I?a1°1i;1I1t;.cx_1t' ., Abcc:mfe~ the ILo;1*<:Zs% lvecingw 1:00; 1”cx*,ox1g,f"cVi:rtI‘1e Iiivngj" eni-b1~cc2;:;i his‘! CL7M73iit;, fbr.theic= be: rim wo:'d‘:~3 Q-F our ‘c.>Wn Hi{’tVory.,. "1" My wrc1’f'§:d'1 too ’ x'1=.1uc7j1=14 be m1c1i}t1i4¢}bpimam:a%i~y~%m.z£Aa%x1s»,«zzn~ai: :z*:t.'it%I1eI3211‘lizz.-« m1cn*ti4r1tKc 1*~3uyca1'«:0f‘A tI%i;1r'Al*££z1;g7, rfxe Lo;"dé;4x};-1a:we1*c for.-,, 111<:wec¥'car1mxv;:I1 an A1'my;z1z1ci bay. firofizzg h::411’cH!_11?p1'ize€I3 t~l“m+Kin4g, they conFf‘ra:.i_1=1cI" (fhitia the Stc5ry)A4tI‘m Aref"t'Aoftl1cV_ jLordsV.,% zzm.i'co111peIIt:ci' x‘1'1:1z2y'c:>1”b;hcVBifhops up c‘<:mfc;1c; 1:zntq,,thcm~ -.~,. yezz, i£1:_f2ii4tIi f”:1~1't11c1<, That the K?ngdL1rfiVrI_0t~‘ _v 1?-'{,‘itg1‘f£I1tE“)flllittlzfllthfiy1‘{';“CI'L11I'€CTL , A A “ % A’ ” D06}. AIW15-zrfigy yazmo t»€:e'«Lara’.v 2% Ric1m1'd Sec'a;«:vl;¢.~» 4 il“2’1'2"?'27€’.',, é1_"17it'?:fl‘«€’L°”1?l,g£5"‘_]§'7”/ifyééfifiggfdh2%; Me :?f’mver,»y tfic .zE;'a2:erl$czzz2vz4c“~ 4 Ira2'12gy]’.¢r[.?z¢';2z@:¢t,% aim’ fab 222/153 2f.%27:;‘Z‘m2t;*.zc{icT'2‘z*2«§:;&22¥; V ‘.1£’2+;zm.’;. Ce.1‘tain1yiA11wmifing am Azimy, tlmcty r:0mn'1ittcd' 4* " 3+ _ A T%m.fon3‘ ‘ _“%u 43 A :Tere2ifbx.1, and though ifdid appear tliat theyfiil loved the ‘King (for they did him no harm having hxm in their pow» V C1‘)‘y€i‘t_. our Lawedoth cenefter all‘ levying @£..War4eAVwit110ut~ t7._1e"I{ings C ommiflion, aridall“'fPfe Pafliaments wherein the Kings oft11iS“bbLé1n”c'ibI1h:1ve f:u:is‘fied the epeepleghaye beeneb ~ eVe‘r+‘piro~f p'€,1'0us bo‘th‘tc5“ King a11d+pcop1e..5 1?) vérhere Kings Lehavcv refiramed Atb11e“E'-I0u1e,b't11e com:rz1ry’har$1'ahapned . ; D0e‘ICmg.éI£~;1z¢ir.vm~; win’ my ext-re77¢i'¢y,‘, they mizfizy taht»5e~I{‘i;¢{g‘,t/Jar 5354/.4fi3‘2ve.]’z2zz;¢rli¢ c.>:t*~mm¢ly m-:f>[z4~‘- flag to /N3‘ .?¥IzZ]‘£j/ii)’ in/yam: afxe .Pa¢rZizz.wc}2r J goon’ rrzarznerx to ~m,,~zk eh’/Ezzclz :2 mm'o«;¢. % 1 .$'t.m".fAs to th@‘.fi1‘& 1-77¢"4ti.?0fit‘"«:’»;”;é’23’ ‘it 720 ‘*4. part OF}/"O"L'11' ehxc‘ufi:, .hIé‘tI1%1C tell 't you-, tl1:acthcrchv=.rszs nevcr* anyjufl: P1’iI;1CCi that hath ta» A 1yedthen1 gfflkfl cazmfcn/Z 'z2;’tbz';¢e %/mm faith hSalo1n0n;,h