Eggs PE E CH; gs 4 . i4 . . av Immechacely before his Execuuon $3- 1 i ii 5.1; ., "mu. ix», ‘ i W" “V H ;a§Pixintcd by Peter Cale, at the Sign of the‘: Printing» gs. éfifi V A true Copy of « ~s.m i Sir Henry Hidefis ‘#5’? £< ON THE %§’;§§ SCAPFOLD, 5'fé5m§i’e5is5isa‘i"eém%5iéa‘i'e?§k$i‘s§xi’é$k;iEaie$i!e§!fe&%§i’ei»§ Iifii‘ i m %i§ZW§9é'§u91i? %i%:. In my before the ‘E x c: EA N G 1;, onithe U21: 4 o Mm-ca, 16 5 ca. ma» ?~”"_.Taken in Show-ha.ndfrom his mouth 55%’ Av BY g u ‘4 \ :i‘,''“''’ k , g . i ‘ =2. ‘ my "‘ <3‘ - <,,-‘ “ “yr; M \ 1, W _‘ A ;,,"«.~‘ "if “Q ,1 “ um’: “-91 ‘ W N.‘ ‘- -~«‘-V“»‘*"’:‘..»v“‘ ‘“,' m'1J“‘i“H""&:~“‘v‘*"fl “L1 5 “w.“"“ "H ER '9'’ T "WW mil‘ ‘I “Ry fl-“::\' . 532:3‘- A V , Lo2woN.=~ W‘ :“‘%=i'3* +a}«~—%§ A A Pnfsfsiin Cambil by the Exchange; if‘Llln°A*¢fe4AyoIi may beufcfu! V abopemy Bbdy.;j1 hopelmr.“ Sheriff that ‘youj11giv¢;¢¢q¢g1 * h@__¥AA€)'??:ai'wlliCEl§‘*AmOfid:4§dQm‘HETE,s A .A A_-s.,S‘!*a;emfi:+; Yes, Aiy; e I ‘ Hrihiatna iPeopIe.;,, ii I 7 come hither to die,r ‘I Z: am brouig-hthither to die; and thatrl may diie”'Chti+i i ii r flr1an—likcie5 Ihurnbly befeechirtilietrreiaififianceof your Chriftian Prayersi,:that by th”Cifb€nCfit.O*f themmy e W paffagemay be thcmore eafie; yetbecaufe men ‘i2rth,at” V » i condition, whichitfhathpleafed God toyreduccme , carry more credit to their Speeches: In the difcharge " \ ofmy Drrtyvtowatdrs God, Ifhall ufe at fewwortlgand V fo. deifpatch”. ._I ;pray a mighty God,i to whom Iy”faa"rtf,:bcing un~skilfiil;, hfalving difccsntinucd my eeown e Countrey many" t years ,7‘: It flaallef befeechetehe A Chrifiian» Charity of @111 eyfiohue beloved hCoun1:rc*y-- e" men, to impucesitz eunm he fig pa1:jt;,1l The neorarxcic tlmfteisi ~eth.xs<~ ekxlful Waye of = managing 1: Itwas eb- jeé%ec1i1h*ur1m>mehethere , That I“ had" 3 vanity of d“eIight- A .in‘g 5th0 ifpeak inftfaenge Tongues; 'I~w:1*S beflh sk§11’d einh~thev’.eIt:§Alia2z (hut -freee from; ehm: vanity Ierhan1'c~A1f4~ a“ndehehec:re£e4re,4w2;AsAimpoifi-b1l1ty~in ~mAc%A:(AAAA:1sAA t$1efsA*%‘GodAtIf1fcrc' was, an“ »mAnoccAnACyr in me) :AuAnt0any«fuch‘7imenAti0n_Vto3do tAhemAAzmy?I1arA1n~ A; for my A 9“ A aficrs -*?%Comrnands were point» blank A the contrary; Aitle ,* «fa? «the vqery »ILAette1vs 7% thcmfclvcs fpeaking: no . m‘ht:9r M Aneifcl: ~dAi=d-A ffb ~rAm1ch was ihirikm Aanyamaner Joli? V AAddArcEs«unto AVAt:h~eA GAmdM#‘AAS”A€fl‘gA‘A‘fi£AAA‘&%‘r«', but Agave hir11.*thc% Lgmr if’i"m A:11yAAM$.~4Pcef ; ? the refté0f'c1AAh~c :AiEng1ifl1:Na~« A ‘ti0nAthat_xvemt!1VcreA prcfcnt~;V‘V4Vmay%wh¢nA tA[1‘cAyAp;léafc, %aflEa:tf%:tavué’11#; W A V M . A A:;%lAAAeAfAYAAifi¥‘1A;xA§,A ji 3.155. thésfy‘ :Vhav¢4A1een l;ofe1II w6L71Al“d 9infC1i’l‘, itAh:1t«xn'hAcA>£eA LAGen-—~4 M A 4 in v J;ofAAAot*ht3 rs 3 amayA ramv W1%hamé;11Wo breac A with&mie gw but if iv’b¢,aAsA itfécms it now insxhis: Oman» “ “ * trey._.,{ +—1AwaAs Atine15A7Afen%tAAfor Athcir god, as never owncd the ( ) e ~ trey; a Sin to be Loyal; I: hopemy God hathlforgivhnw that, when it is upon ha;rm_1e1§ 1mp10yment., not imriael ‘W I dingianyoi~,e;aeco,1‘diing to hisfizuflt Mafiéirs Orfier -,2 for $11-4éd iIi~hame.tbe_en alxv3,ys;1 brednp in that Religion’, my A f Alleviahicic hath been incorporated intomyfieligion, A 4 4 and have t‘i”iQUgi1_C1l‘t a great part of the ferfviee due ! ifrom-me":tol: A1mighty‘God,tolifer*ve theK_ing (Matting ,~ofi"l:i57l):zliihi..)i I need not ”malimp1oyment«; but I A i blefs God for his infinite Mercy in Jefus Ghriff (}mt-- ting‘ ofi‘ bis /94: ) who hath brought me home to him [.=hCI'Cilfl chisway', A it was the heft P hyficlc for theeceixr-ing A ;iof myi1Sou1-,i>AA‘and’thofe thathave done it, haveno, mane ~pdwer then ithatof mybody; I leave nothing behin*Adfc 4 me, but t=h;_1t Iyam wi1lingt,oApa,rtwithal go all that I atn ” goinglrofi, is defireabile :.i And that you m3y.all know 41.-hat :Almighty God; hath ‘tpt31.1YWr0ughA1: in me iaiito;- Aral D"enia1~of my {elf 5 and that thcreisthat pcrfeék A Reformation of mcAwithin,, andiof my own Acorruptions * by ixhleiblcffi-dAfliftancc of his holy Spirit, I Adcfire Ala-~ mighty: ::God jiinj§ti1C* habundante of the bowelsiofhis i A *Mefiio3zefus C‘hri[fl, not onely to forgiV¢€VQer:yi 1 A \my.;;(iiE my A fi1ch§be»in‘; the xvorld, AAhe‘rei‘lor wl1erefoei§77<:r)“ buried bni;nglihi_m iI1;l.'0.i hisl»bofo1I.1,h f0 muchgoodaold Pjl‘l’«Ejl(3~,1Afllleili1'iC0lIl4lf'Oft, ,, ~~ as hemaiy at any?" ltimeh , wheetherli the liver: jufi: or;un1uI?c,havc wlfhc 4.” many maner Al Qif:i.i:c«vN'iiL-liif talcc he, ._tih€ HRPPY A Iflfiitumentiof % :3‘ringi‘ng mttito Heaven-A ~ It is tedioils but I have ‘an A iixavzird comfort ,,f;;‘I"b1'EfSii:A1mightY God: (pray Gen-“-i A A i ' A — “ tlemen gtve1teavé;f,mtzgg 4 fhould never do it butto gtve tfatisfalétion A xitable Hearts. Ithave been trouhleforn. t , '*” ~S‘hetrifl‘..' Tot» have your liberty to fpmk more, ypzt (9) to fometti52ttj72%eff£Ao#pllfl him)? ; Sir H. Hide. But as tlOt"l1.‘.1-ti part , Mr. S’l]€1‘lH‘; that e o%"didc':oncetn the Denial (as it was affirmed by Mafiet Attorney General.) of my ‘Maltets imploytment,Truly :~*landingjat W/aiteimll I told that Councel,thete wasjult 4 < Commiflions to anold Oflicet by the blefling of God, , l ovfhaverbylme , and I havetother good things that God A ' A ””hathblelTed me withal‘ , more then all the good Chri- “ *fliansll‘“in the world; that are not the Grzmd sag-m'or’s Slaves 5 and we that are Merchaentsl abroad ,, we allow 1 _ ‘ou‘r~%felves any fufferance that may induce toour own Talety ,l itilatgement of Trade ,4 or ptefcrvationlof What 15 outs. V Why ‘I had by the grace of my gracious Mau lfietaveonfitmation of myold Commilfion of Ct;¢fm’~ Vdge,lnlG'reece; but as to the Emballie , no more then my Credehtial Letters did {peak 31101‘ no more then sthatol attempted, an Intermmtiotheytall itinthofe plaées ,‘ which is a M effenget between the one and the other Icing; They oboth unhappily dyed of feveral to deaths ,~ and both violent ‘too; and itis a cuftom not to '1v (if [it may be A with ‘your Cornmi Lon, . Maflgsr *SI1e1iifi’) 5 f;o.pdou%r ant my Soul to. Almighty God in twodor thr;c;w,ord;s (thcplacc is Pcraithed.) If I, knew wherein to fgivfc..any fatisfaéitiori to: any thing whatfoevcr, xvhgriéipél hayc ' AofFended A far no, 3111 he1“e_ginf1;hc f¢%-,ar_, 94:9 do A it.‘ I V forgive with a11*my~S0u15 and. forgiv§I}%efs ifs _clea.rl, as I amwnow g.o1ng*to,rccc1ve Hapin¢fs¢at.thc facftion to Sir Téang;z.f,Be;adifh,%and:111~the»»AC9q1pan‘f: Qhand ofmy Savidur : But»-”ifItI1oAugI1:tiwr xvcre§fayti"I7- ' ; or any A who ;may th1n4k.<—thcy%4havc4 offended"-me, ajm 7 Came Méfiéf ShcJrifl°iVwt‘d Obcdiengcmfiyigligjggiyfj; that Dcibt owet04“Naturc,’tQ pay‘ it up0fl‘thC?fC9;j§~‘=Of Subiwt s bctéiifiiC0hfCi€I?C.¢i4Wi:hinr:1:¢..;%el1:s:mc HOE: dl%*fh3%f 53‘ Th”¢ fifl§¢nfi°¥1$ 05: f¢F:}‘Ei»!1%f:; I9:fin;<;% that 1 «mid défifiéw ”fu¢hafi¢D¢atrha% 3%~b0Ug11*T¢n§t~h0u~ , fahd ti%rn%es4Amore othér ways.A } ; , e:r‘v2z¢¢7t:.ffia; n2.ére*mitby0fl. Dofior Hide. T5676“ W-{W fizzle flint“ Aw 4 might imrm-»t6Ed%%~ 1.24, you mi r4wM.e .U Msn: Hem r1ide¢¢ IhumbI;z“‘thank~ “; ’?‘1‘?8m¢ of has and if 1?: h.c1:¢:0f x;hci VTWI Pa“)? ‘F ‘ (ti) party this déy, or-any Friend of theirs , I lhalldelfirek them from adying Man, to take this truth, That nei-:1“ ther my Btother,e my innocent» Brother that is with A me,'A nor Aothet, Gentlemen with ’ mein 4rnyx_::ompany, have .co;1tril2>uted any thing $ to; their ~ difiurbance 3; A 11:» « was my own bufinefs, whatfoevet hath been done, that hathi been to evil, or lofs , though I deny both of them in my Intemions : A I come not here toaccufe any’: A ~m'3n, nor "tocxcA:ufei my felt; but to praife’ Godfor all his AAcleliverantces.A;, _ yet I know Iihall do God a great; deal of Service, and them agreat dealof ]uf’cice,t in not involving any of my company in any thingbfi mifchief. I cannot anfwer Objleéitions-5% Iifinde a man —-?may be in Tux/:y,« orangt placegall the W'otldcover, where they will give that Language which they hold fitting git but this is beneathmc. Blelfed beA1mighty, ii i God.,tthat hath calleti me to the Knowledge of hitn, A and this ‘ ready Obedience * which I pay, l and metc«ifulj7 accepting of; my Savioiur, aridpatient DAC‘3.tl1 : And I befeechypu all, whatever, you are, That you will ace " V’ company; me with your P;raye1'sl, wherebymy Soul maybe alT1[’‘withinme,AA;in Athat paffagc to my SavIi-- ; ot1r;xvhitherAAAI:.fa111going. « iI;a1’I1lVC£1l<;.0~f*:_, I havc A d*iCcointii1tuAedAiA ilong ;A, frcuh A the K1An;gd0tm», T I ziltn urgac-- ”quaintediwtth_new Forms A-,-,1 have clefiried to, fetve God A atrcorcling tti his Cqxnmandments ‘&fAt€rtAl1€' Old» way : Ii;hAa*ve ‘ begged 1ttetc-Ayi (pf (rd foil‘; all my A.0iifenctes~i to him5f;Aani:l I,;haxzeihatl.1§at.d0n fealeci. ftotti Heztvcll it By the Blobidi ofA;,myAiSaviot1r : I beg pax*d*onof'Aall~ 'whOfoever,i* whether Ihave offended T.l'lCm,I01'tiI10,2 »I I truly forgive .’tl1Cm.5 AandiAi;‘have Abefaught Almighty to pour fhisi bleIAIingAs ujpqn :t:hAAemi acciufe no A W mane AI pfignde fault, not war tel’ wi,1:il1At I10 Amen A; ne.ith¢E; B 42. l with 5 fie; }%dée1*ft5nst tiiwittt "wettéthe44,,o1cctAa1imns t‘hc?}ft~vmrc: but thé.,Inftrt1ments‘; “neither at thé petfjons c0nttdcmtn'+ M Tactbcptt thanltfully the S.€1‘l'jt€t‘i cc of Dcath:;upon:t V {elf mid‘ btcfccchAtltntigbtyrGtié1,sth§:1t%.tI~a;naytbe: I tihet-IaIttthtat‘xr1t*éy »j‘futfl”’ertttp:oti tsixist fcore; “tar upt9;;n~:any*i ‘other, A ‘ ” M‘%atfict At A give tam? Qtthtet 7fattisfaét.ion* to any} Chfifii3fl:I’V;£"1atf0‘:—;‘. t:v‘e1gfi*n:;a:ny&1ti*:i;dcV, as Ifpake in general , IV_*b1efs tA*l=-as 5 1'T’nig.hty «God from rfiy own Heart, now foafl1{’ted,« tlafyt. 13133. 4¢fpeI;cia.1 Operation, "and Motions, ,:mdtDtc5ta-tes of” the Hréxly Ghioftt tiftlt: Canknoxiv any thing, ~whictt:in5tt¢ our? *I"1'c>"W to hit: nowfixittttdying“ t(tntitxhaiiring;.tfr217r< this , T hat he hath th’ougI1tf1n~ewo.rthy to bring me hither for my Faithfultnefs V to my Maficr, for do; what ,IwasA comtnan4déd‘e _ enwhifill 1 E<5at1l¢l~la 1?¢tf¢§¢h Yale‘. Mr:l§~b’¢ri”fi;; ' aAAré A A poundsfor ypn. _ AA ATh¢!1Ah?AVAing_AP A 1;? th e; Ekectmitfiiwntir; i find,» A I%ari1% to%1d€),‘f%A:'a;nd%;A.deo Aflyour AA }'IAhen4 ttgc Execu: ouycafiir I1‘: any Geritlcmeti if‘ W joyn with me in youi: Clirif’cAi’anA %.Pr:A1Aycrsfl,%f t_hat I may h;’:1V§3i.a pgflhgie xxahixgher; 1:%amA vnoahv §goi%g1g;A»:oAAgive an “ac... cexxnt , A ;r1oteA‘onAc1ybf%ever5rAAdced:, ”1but.Q$¥f4eve1ry word-.V A "'+I‘hen trgxrtfifigt.ohis‘Man,ht€faAid,“ AA 7 . A I % 70km, which is the EXf€Cuf:iO.flE1:13 AA T11e_Ex¢cu:ionerbein.%'Vbr0ught t0him:ih€;faid,Ar;,1 A I Hide. AHonc:£i FArienAd;,-AI have-Ano qparrel with 5-rou,_ youw the w cIcAorA:rA1 I the place, that I may ’fi:my{e1f,‘forrbave ah infirm body; % _ A berifli YouAfl1a1lwh.cnyouhave prayed ;« *ifAAyou pleafc to A Sir ; Hide. I Here Mr.\EXA.€‘cutiOn€rr is ab ,.A. Y A .A A V’ ‘ .r:THn éd.the4BA1ock, heksaed ic,Agy;ng, I A A Then beinglhew V '1 Sir jflidéo It Aunwc:-A hy fox: AmAeA:A t A rfiy%‘MafiVersWAas-Av B1¢f‘rA¢dbe AG%0d;AB1¢fié;dAb¢ Holy Name4 (purtirgoff /9255 I-far) Ihavé an“infirmity* jrny.BoAdy~, b:;1AAcGgd’ hath enabled meinwardly. A litt"1C mox;e‘ro:;orD. A A A A A AA A A AA A’S/9E1'A7:fi.:.A Go to Pra.yfeAr, and We will clear thVe;;Ai'o§)m. SirA;E,Hi:!¢%- AA.VIAAha3r1c ( I dV.~:;hara VAi9w%ightyAGod);vdone7 A . .- AA Ck ; onc1yAAt£)[AAdye:A-A A A - J ‘ A A A A ;A1*nenkAz«e%e1ingdown.pheraidmeLo:-ds-Pra#yer.%A A ~ A &‘z1‘yeAc!w‘4AaAA ffluort fpace;hcA P('()Od u+p,A andVt_uri1i?ng4 at 3'£Afiaz;1 Qifices W ,A 1.3: A‘ V 127:. on i‘iéndA;fI.>'p kl %l4Si‘;r’A5A5i‘HL%:A~A £19, “‘“““ eftitr An, I?’-1‘@f€m‘-13'“; A:PrwAdir¢:T§ We-; “ scifié ‘DA . N H;Hidé;i PLIAH1: _}Dr; "Hia'e.‘“ Gad‘ *;A.L:n&ghtyflre—ngthefi~ymz. *~-*~A ‘ ~ A ~ g; _ _ A ”tha?t*‘,.; atl offgr l1cre,I_am to anfvv‘er1t_»; and.I*b.ef¢echy0%u:.A¢A A nfirL1mentAA;dAAo yAouArT wgifk onely Alctme reeA ?dAefire to fife" the B1‘o‘r;k,::'MAAwIA can pray‘ afterwards. % I at *M0ney¢&tha~;AA AiAs:Aleft here is «FA0u»r: A0 ip?-K‘ nfiyhéad AwAhéreA A [Pray ; Mr. ‘A Sheri}? let ”‘me‘ have a lhofif be*0nginat9 me; at hem 5.1 iamcemeéhimcrr ma§;r.A g“am;ae :;d; what; ‘Ofncc :A YOLL. AAWial1=~ A;CuiE.CA%‘AA§fl11 D*i,i"