Publilhcd by His Majcftics comnpand. % A ]ES T I E 3 MAN TO U CHI N G » CATJS8; the Vétes of Both Houfes of Parliamcntconcfgrningtlacfame. L...‘ ‘ I v» .. L O N D O N : 321:. 1' B An 1:: 2 3., Printcrto Excc11entMaicftic: Andvbythc " Affigncs ofjoun B 1 L 1.. -1641. Printed by R 0 Kings met’: the T’ A L A T I N EV W ' ‘-1 ‘- "-V" . , ,./i« “ 2-, . 5,9’ ' In ,. 2 ,9‘: ‘ ‘ ,» . ~ cw’ M V we 1 ‘ ‘Am-U- ‘S? 3» !i1Eh:i§L-V~:' ‘ V _ I Q h an 0 an 9 9 ‘I"I.‘u'p.‘.n‘.‘:".u.';‘1'-1' rt: ‘ ‘ ‘,5 4.. 4 ,','_ .1, "" [ )2 1Q;'_;',:—- 1:; “-«U» ‘ V . ' ‘ ‘V ' .. tn ,7‘ »..~.,‘:“..,;-‘g-_; V "/ ‘ . _ of ";,...,p-' > 4 G ' Vv :’/1'1.-.3l'.'v"e.«.i‘r.Ty: A//2 \ «W» 14%» ‘ , »/ V/’/// 1, "‘£“T.‘{0"':'¢0~“'€: 4" ‘I,/I 5/] ; ‘ “S \‘ %Kmg V fame: ofblefid me-J .///Iv//Ir//,. % % tnory , and Ou1“oWn proceedings finee his death; ifithe caufeef Our dear andj*'ne1y Sifter, Bmther in Law, and I\Ieph‘ews, hEh1eé1:rs and Princes "P"a1ati:1®€ 0fRhi11€*g:mey' not be f0rgc~)tte11, or pretendedly Q unk11own , wherem wethave. flzu... % died, émd laboured nothtng more then the peace of Chriflzendom, at11drtheta%v‘oid111g the ef¥u1'ionofidt’1-3 fi0ce11t blood , by feeking the reflia tution and 1~e/e{’c21bIi1hme11t,o7f“ the éu1ci.c11t_Rig11tS,Dig11iti€'S,a~fld*Pef1 fefsions Withm the Empwe , out of which 4 they haVe.been by Vi0Ie11ce~,‘t A and Eleétorall houfe Palatine , initheir t dined fbfcze toffitrmst 5. amid dtherttuna;°* due. proceedings expelled anti ha» nifhed , veontraryt to the .""i‘111(Z)'ihé€hi1tt;. Li WstféI’11‘d C o”111’titutidns7ofethe fa; cred Enipire; .VVe*'have thought: fitfmws the lvhhndticfitio ti ref <§W11:~ Honour to calle to fi1itn7e1e ,“ '~3nd«tO’. ' puhlifh to~a1l» the W'o”rld,t bpthah. fu1i1mtai1¢yrete1a”tid11 e ..O£Trl1I7 ‘c1.ClCtiO.l‘lS§; and e11deavours pa{t,;an.d~tOhurp"re+. f€I1t"I‘¢fO11.1tiO11S.i'11thfi‘. fa111C‘,C3uf€¢. V ' A .t5ihT/'."4“"'". he . ‘ allithe Prlnces and Er: heave had any ‘interefl: ftO1‘..t1‘C1'ati.O11. to the puhlike aifairshof germanx howhoth Ourtfelf, and Our Fa». ther have,_ during thiefei twenty A 3 yeers T cannot betutflinowla tos . t ftéttes of€uro]§e,a11dmQ1*ef .particu1ar1yt'oethofe who; ‘-YCCI'$f“.P"é.‘fl: ,% by many and efeverall: Ambaffiges, Treat1ese,: and other 1\Iego'tiatioins::,e% :; ta; V ur: fgreate exkae Fe11ceeat1d;ché1rges, “ bbth Wit11‘;th.(§.‘ ate E1nperour“Faro/in.4na',theKing;* oft S1vzzinJ,~ and.redtl1etV ,P1*inees ‘f int . Efiates ofthe Em ‘ire, eng;1eaV«0‘u~f;f: % ed . by all friend a:11d_Ire%até1b”I‘e§e Ineanes to écure» ithe. erefl:ftu.tio1i§: and re»efia "Iifl1ment of‘ur* faid: dear Sifter, BI‘Oth€I'.;1'1’1.L3.W; and: NepI1ews , in their ancient Rights and Poffefsions , as the onely and ~pofsib1e way” to fettleagood and firm peaeei11 the"Emp1°1*e, and con- fequently with all Princes interef— efed9thertei11,witl1out which itiisimg V % ;p'ofsib‘Le to“ expeét or hope for a‘ -good, clurable,and honefi Pacificaq " ft1'on»:of tltlofe troubles Wh1'chee hm already- alr@ady1alm.bfErent.:amllconfiiml¢61 clear‘ llcleri1Gl11fci"at£0.n;llof ?"L11‘ fi11Cefel% intenticnfs, %{ln'ot '01‘1c7ly iliirl owl; pious iflCli1i3ti‘1Hl§f% anl tare oftlie ‘publilié peace; hath 1.11:» ”%d11léed Us 1:63 omit divers oclcaficnsi, 3Whé1*éby’»’lVe‘ might bylfudhlpower “as God .hath% put into Our11a11ds , *"hax%"e_ rc§r¢11te"d the +violenc€s and A oppmfsionsufed to 0111* [aid Sifter, “and Nephgwes. But we have.bee11l Iedien, invited lthereunto" by Al diVe'i5S p"romifes,alTura11Ces, and re»»» lverféll lletters , both‘ fi*0.m -lthe latel [Emper‘0ur, anal King 0fSpain; and 4 other Ufurpers ofthe inher1tanc.esll of thc Ele»lutio—n Qf‘ defpaire of‘"eVer- e ' ob'+tainingblyJtl1e Wayes of‘Jul’tice,~“ Treatypr Arnitylthat which hath been lo often promifecl to, and ex. peeked of the I-JOV€1‘S-1‘Ol‘C:?hI‘lPC1.3.1‘1" peace.” M e $ _ . ~ NOtWl‘th»ll&11dll1g We having lately received advice‘ fi‘O1‘1’l« Our clearUncle, the King of Denmarfi that at laft byhils Mediatioli an = Procurement, the prefent Empe... 1"-our anol Duke of Yhmria, have condefcendecl to a. Treaty to be held at the Diet.“ at 7Qztzl35olne, upon thefixth clayof May laft aft, for the reviewing and the relgtlixng of the Controverfies of the Houlge Palatine, as a preparation and in» ducement to a generall Peace and Amnefiiathroughthe yvho'le Em... pxret pire; And thathe withfome of *them Eleétors of the Empire is ac» cepted as {Mediatour of thefaid Caufe , and hath received firong and pregriant a1Tura11ces of ‘a better inclination and diiipofition toward the re»eftahlifhirnent of the aEleéto~ rall Family in th;eir.rights and dig, ni]ties”:" ‘And to that end hath pro» cured xcionvenient fafe Condtlét from other Em; erou'1* to "our I\[e-we phew and his iéretlj ren ,;.~ freely_ to cio1T1;€ in perfon, or? to fend their De uties to that Diet att«heti1oI'1c“ and) place appointed 5 with allo-ther dailies’ requifite for their fafeties, going, abiiding, or coming from thence 9-And there to plead the ]u.. Pc,ic‘:et;of‘ rtheir own -caufe : iandi that inprofecution thereof, he hath in-« B 2 " fltruéted 16‘ % ih-uaeafi difp F tchhedh ~11¢is’%Ambéd7z-‘ factours to%afsi£’ce1"th‘er inperfozu, or bythc De juries of our Nephcws “at the {aid V reaty of Pacification; a1}-cH1ath~dcfired Us hC1*ein to com.- * ply with him by {ending our Am- _ baflédoursqualified and infiruétcd W to the»fame 4 urpofc of procuring :21 goodfand fgtled Peace within the *En1p1're3 accordincg to the intimatll cmV/of the Princes Ele&0rs‘Vfig11AificAd% to him by that Letters, thereby defirilab Affenubiy at Ratisbone. “ ». 0* Us »to‘afsi1’t i11thep1‘refent % ‘ To which cnd,Our Nephew the A Prince Eleétor Palatine,l1aving rea folvcd“ byOu1‘%C0unfell and Ad.-4 ‘vice, to ffifid his Deputies accord»- ing to théé invitation and hopes in.- timattd of .a good ifliufe to be cikpe. ' 1 . . aéd 11 A étedrby the amiétble way ofkreaty and;Comp0fi1s’re;V . VVC alfo l1a4vethought fitnot A to be wanting to fogood a d efigne, for concurrent to ur own, and the defires of [0 many Princes," and in fome hope of better. fruits th:er1' hi. thcrto all cur rendeavoirrs haxee produced 34 Have refolvedeto make this cOurlaPt*»trya1lcbry; thfl. wmyecof Treaties, and to {‘endiOu1":%A1nba£ fadour t0 the Em erour, and other Princes irmhefai iet aflembled : And to that put-pofe have: given hinl full power and i11{h*ur51:i‘0ns to contrib'ute all ourfiuthority t0 thfi procurement and fetrleement .0521 good and blefled Peace -‘ by the V re» eflcablifhrzélent anderdfituteion ofthc’ poffefsions rand dignities of our Ltid dearSi{1cr,Nephews,*and Eler!to§ B 3 tall ~ 12 tall Family , Without " Peace can either be .hon:el‘t otréile. .cure : Hereby exhoirtinigi and iicle-» firing all other 1 Kings, t Princes, 1 a1idStates5 ourFrier1cls,, anol folate efiateof C/‘etrmarmie. 1 I may notbe anfwersible to ouiijufi: Confederates, who {hall either be refent at the {aid iDiet ,‘ ‘or. {hall have their Ambafliatloré, Depu- ties there, that they will be al§3i{f’t—- in gjto thetjufl%ice offogooda‘cat1le, and to lo greata“ blel§ing as the re.» {toting of Peace to the altnoft de» A ‘ 1 . ~ But becaufe We mayhave jufl: caufe to doubt by rnany exp erien.— ces of o11i'former* €11>Cl€aVOUl‘S,Il1at the iflue and fruit of this meeting ‘N expeétati 11,; but ;1*ath1erlitl:1at;it :may produce contrary‘ effe étsto the pie.- t juclice of the Juflrice a11cl_R»ights of 3 our I 13 A ‘ our faicl Nephews 81' their Family WhiChG0d forbid) we are: here-9 by forced to proteft againft “ all Aéts, Sentences, Conc1ufions,eor Determi-nationswhatfoever,whiel1 {hall or Iiway he hacl,1nade, or clecla; red,j either in confirmation of the opp»1"el§io11s and U{Ul7P§1fiOI1’S paPt,Cr any additions thereunto for the flu. tL1re,;gs‘inValid,a11d of no power _% A oreffeét. " A In which Cafe (being co‘11t1"a1‘yf‘ tpour (lefires;21i*1cl expeétation) we = I’ alfo further proteft and declare,t11atf we will not abandon 11 either our own, nor the puh1ilC to the World; Spcétatorof all our jufi acfti0ns,rhat* we will be limiocczlt A before} God and the VVorld , of alla lthcl evils that may cnfue, if lthelfe our lafl ‘hopes fhallbeclclayctl~orabL1f'ed. l»! A A H15 um uhflllh ‘ '1. 0" if :_~- “mlIlmiml-|$fli|!3|H"4-fimlfllummnmut;teIum ;.e.g.; :4 « - u-;;'>"-‘.;‘—':‘-:‘.".1:-Vr-, - ~:‘ . z " ' Iuuu' nan-sun:-uffi‘, _. - 5"‘ 4, uu p_uI‘ " ,~-_ «1 .r ( 1%‘? \\ A .3 .- E K V: ‘. ... "\u:—é‘ 5 ‘ -_ 1 -' I \ C ...;.,-.-, .. :—::-———- P _,,/' ‘I’ .\ .\ah>\ . . .-7.; ‘ . umnui ur?cmmuu|e.- ..~. ~- 4 J Issa;rqdM’ajefii9~Grcat $re€ ing tclblycda E:”af’eftI_§i$ hisiafl cngfea-= ‘AW . .. I “g. H’ ’ ‘ r ‘. i % yours “bfi his ” Ex':traor'di11aryV -AIriba1Tadbu"”r' rem.-—:e V e«Diet ac Ratzlslzone , fox: a friendly of hise?Nvp¥ieWaét!?ee Brass; Elcétdr Palatincs afFai1‘Se,fl10l1‘;1d P§¢Y§ ”1cfFce;%7”to h.aV¢.hei$efaidEn1!>a“3c»YVi&h0utFur‘? EE'cf 1511’: ”oFtim¢, Fcconclcd by more owe}?- ‘7fiilel"" and cffirfluall mcfans ewentm his Pat. liamcnte on the fifth day qfiI§}11ye1ya;{h:e find «here .(‘3ft€;“3h¢ad.if atchof fomcr orhcr"eaf- C %"_f‘e'ai’rs elietpd -» c abbvceWritt°1%Ma.neis sen, withthefé words .‘_ -M‘, k 4 T . W‘. V /1 /1'], 34 5'1‘/. /(Z ,’ /A’ . . , /1,, . " "" . Wflrl Take this emxafion to Pm-4 " » efc'r1t,£O hath ;He011f€$a.e‘%V hat, W11€f:€bY‘ eh°:‘Pe 3-H thfi ‘ ' ‘ \ =\ ‘C \« —~ ‘ ‘—.:~'x A v// ‘(/1 {t1ndcrPcean€1ing' between. me and C V‘ people; fl1a1il‘fc¢ £1J§t?»f1?9E¢ 51S3~5°°:d. a ‘people ; It is concerning my Ne.I phew , the Prince Eleétor Palatine, who having defired me , by the ad»- V iceof the King 0f'D4"?'?WKa '50 35: ” fiflzhim in ‘taTréatie,iForihis*ref“cauq ration at the Diet now -held i at R4. tiséone by the Empemur I.co111d butct“I5e'nd Ambafliadourfon “thiat purpofgthough. I much doubt _thate Ifhall not—have fOQ,gci>oedi‘an Nephewv f'orefe‘eingr; hathdcfired ime for thebetter eouI'f1;te11‘eincineg iofhis jiiit ae1mmdg,to a~M‘a}- nifeft in my Namrne, A wiiiéhisila iliing that iconfeqflence ,. that iItiifl1ioL1I’ci5tioitn1one,w1iit}ibutth¢ ad... fjvice ofm§f’Par1i"a§IIient5 “it would be 1. . F eh E-?rE~fa>re’*.*'I "dc5heren prepare“ it *yc>"i:r, iiithat N 5)’ by youth advice Imay do it: for thatlwayl thinkit molt fit to be; puhliihecl in my Name, l w He {aid Manifell cooncerlningthe rcfli-'4 " tution of the Eleé’coralPalatine Fami-' lie, having been feriouflywconfidcrecl by both Houles , They together came to His Majelhe in the Banlquctting-I-lloufe on the twelfth of J ulytlafl , where the Speaker dc- livcred the léid Houles their opinion and're._f w folution in this manner: ‘Our M ajefiie in your " 456% Royall perfon , was \ y /5’ A I I /, I ." / 4 . ' ' " %‘.9,-,,, Q a’ -7,,’ ;//’ v . i1ghe Palatine Caufe, to he read in l11ll~Parl'1°;;tment, and to he advikcl of by hoth Houfes. Both the Houfesh ave ferioufly I/I : '32,, . ‘ pleafed to recommend l A ~ *4‘ thts Ma111feff, touch» CO11'fiCl€1"€Cl of it , and have come C :1 malnicllecl h 18: ‘ matfieci ‘h1*‘e L10; !prefe7tithtl1ef‘e their 1mna151ea_dtvicest1*11to yotxr »S"aq~edv Majeftie , ~which~are exprefled 1'11; this Declarastion , whlth hath pafa fed ‘tIl*1e Votesof hothe‘the*‘EIo11fes, and whic—h .I am commanded’ to read unto your Majefliegt ~ ie h/iercttrii 7.’JU1ii,I64.I'.# ‘Rgfohaed upon tbc Qzgsflion ; Hat this Hofife dotlrap.» " prove of His %MajePties " pious intentionsin the be- hal of~*His:tRt0y:11lSifter, and His Nephew, thePrince Eleétor Pala- tine, and the ref‘: of the Princes of A that fizlnily , and of the puhliihing % this hriatuifefi to that putpofeg And e * ‘ h that ‘*9 that e~!th~i's% Houfe will be i-tidy t5’ give H15 ajeflie fuck advice.’ and afsiftamee%the—reinIfBy~ P'arl1ament,asl fha;l1Pcand with the thonour iof His l Majefiie, and the ii1E€1’€fif3nd3f¥€# c°cions of this Kingdom; ifthe pre- ~«fe11t Treatie {hall not fucceed. Die Sabbathi 10. ]ulii,164i: liflefolved in like m.cmner»upoz% Qtefiiéh by t/ye/alatfi of?Pecr.r; % ’;Hat they do concurre in 3- this Vote with the Houle A ~ . of Commons. I am lil‘