10 ‘ ‘-, ' "w ,W‘ ; MY" “-5155“- ...-. 1hyg ‘ 5‘: _ 3‘}. 3" . “5‘51 1 y WW? eu¢wwwvmvflnuuflv l . i I '1 1 . .1 1 l J 1 ( V i l i VI “3 \. . ‘1 A ORDINAN‘E IMPRESTENG Sir THOM/i’S FdIRFA’X, '4 :...-‘a~ ooooo 47%; A N’ 7441/ ~ OF THE LORDS and COMB/IONS, Aflembled 1n parliament f0]: the fpeedy raifin and 41714wa My, }}WL Of Men for the reCrLIit1ng of the Forces un 11: the Command of I N 4 4 15/1 44 41: The defence of the ngdome Hen. E43436 C164 .Tarl. T Com. . 1810 8a LONDON, Printed Fot Edward Husbands Feb: 28 11414444144444444484 Q . a _.‘/V $1 ~.1~ .1 -'s \ 1 1 \A 7 ,4 :1mfimwmammmémwmémm «15:11 4. has Qie Iain: 27. Febr. I644. 1\ i . / , iAn'i' Ordinance of the Lords and Commons Aficmblcd in Parliament 'fOrth’e fpéedy Raifing and Imptefl'mg of '* men for the Recruiting of the Forces 9“: dcr the Command of Sir {1720 Fat)”: fax in the defence ofthc - Kingdomc. ._ '9" 1 l‘ a "VT: “ ..'(‘ .. ‘ " r— 2 .‘ '''' “1—”: h, . ,. pg ,. Orafmuch as the tru: Prom; ea ‘5)». dgLibemes oE the Subjcfts get to b: fuchrtcd; Idolatry and Tyrany like to be introduced by “the forceaqd pcht of {overall Manes trafléd , A 1 by «flan: Religiog , the Lawcs . _,, _‘...A'.....—- _.,,._ wfiuyuvpvfi: m :mww - .1 \ ‘ ' u v!~ "‘ K . ' . . (.\ f , .‘-._ . , , r a a J! ‘. . ‘ ' I». . ' ‘1‘: J ingdomc,.unl‘cfl‘c the films. beptcven- ‘ ted by ,aT‘jEOflfidtriblcpcwet 6f Forces to7 \ V bf: {uddcnlyg taifcd by bothHOufelsi-of Par- ‘fiammt, bring with». Skids ,blcfling mid éfl fl fiflancéi, (the ‘gmqfl; * pmbablé way. to pres, fet~V¢gthis Kifig§9m¢',,:9ur thfigim and: Lifiét‘t‘ié? h ‘f'i , ‘ ' '- 1:. . '3 i -: 7-..< ’5 -)" 2 1:.,.‘ " I 4‘ I Be; it‘thercforcr.0§déin6d by the £0183; and Comm on s": “Mémbkd in Parliament, ‘ - and? by "",Auth-oflty bf ' the‘fime; "That "the I m 4 Com mircecmf nhc:Mlitiungbr"ghe.-. (Ii-tic of . , 4 4’7 ,. W 4 Loafing the; Begum: Wcmntsgngl (hm. MW V ij Emsfofivflarlriafimdgfi'ns fiery com-"icy i 4407, ' ‘Cmcg 9:51:16! caWithihmfm §>R¢fibné§;br-.any ; 4“ M4 0L M_5~,}:Wo~mm9m ehhmfwithjnithcir {cycrall} ’ / .: , ‘ unmissandlurlfdlflmnsflhallimd art babe. by , Authenzccf ,andi amh.ezcby mqui red , i , and ‘«.. ‘ ”r- '1. 1 ‘ ’ ,..,. . (’i’; - _ , éhé‘eeieyhed fi'emmime te-xtim’é,it36 «iaifé; ' l‘eavy, mad ,Imptefl; fuehnumberaof So‘uldi; ens, Gunners [and Chir‘urgiOns,for the. ae- , a‘fencwf the King; Bahama: -_»a__ttd