O 96- 75 {:7 ZE F” 5?: (7) mt ¥§ 4 OF THE Loans and COM MON 8} A Affemblede in Parliament. t W 1th the names of the Kmghts gig and Gentlemen entruftedin every County to bring ‘ up a fpeedy account of the Weekely ‘Qb '93 ' Affcffcmcnt, and to retumc the names of all fuch. 3% perfons as rcfufcto pay. $6 3EAIfo the Infirufiions agreed upon by both -06 Houfcs, forthe faid Gentlemen appointed for this fcrvicc. -06 ._ _. M _“ -Ob ‘ I0'b- 5$%&&$&&££%$ §?3???$??$ Die Mercuriifg Maii. 154;. . 0 Rdercd by the Lord: and Common: Aflémblcdin m- msaagazaaatagzaaaiaaaagaaggaagg ?$z?$¥:$$%$¥£%%%$§ liawaerzt, that this 0rdz'mm.ce and Infirufiianxfizall be 333: AA '°§'az&%$%*se%%%%%%2$%%$2%%$%*s%%%%$ forthwith printed arzdpublzfloed. 38 A Io.B1-owne Clea‘. Parliamentorum. % A L 0 ND 0 N, V A 3% ‘ Printed for Iolm Wright in the Old-baily, 4 n May 4.. 1 6 4 3. e no is Mmurii, ;. Mm: 64;». ' 1 19 a £205 a“'0% fimiflmw 3*‘ ‘ _ ;j;‘~ % A aaariiantzantjzélfuuhim,fintnng g mat the ex I3:m):*<§i catenA mam: tlaecuzounttzs wtiiwznmantn * j % 1% £ozt;{tm% meemp%umIemmtV ave; notmmzmn up man Afucbexpwttion as the crmrgcntatm mc£u1t%netc1Tttic£ noermutw,‘ $a1mtt)at1gmfit,V alliance mm arm oznaine that than 0; wrong of trait wall 13:, mnaczmmapnmm fozitacijtttauntp ta tamz£pstia11aau¢i)oro1n;antrtatpiztvin cxpttm (inn ~ % mm amnnam arm‘. fitmitp mama mm snipe maam'zs~:.foz4mbtcb they are appeimen tmfetnfltrrctionsa bermnto annex; an : mail Imus rncn:a1toman_momacns c13aw1)avgesannaEppznccs tntbis Qcrhiw as upon ti; en: cefpecttbc Catccoumfis than ha’ thought Mb? tn: iLo2ns+ann mmmnns, Vile $93 33$" @9131“? °g:3?iDD1¢_f9t Suit J°h"“ f Flfancklyn mqiureg fa: co ant!’ of§@zDf°3§ 4 $13 .}o1-1fl*$ffY§&“': A’t43{§Wa*%@*Ed§'1“é1A*B‘5W“”‘:QEfQ. m; we cnunw 9f:£:>o1ntiJan.wtons Ricllalid Wan an, *®Ltq,%%rozw .$1J?»§7°i?¥! , M’ VVT1i‘t"é h éa’€1‘,. ‘R5 E1i=i*1*d*Nf<-5*‘ Qfifflfiiffifi ‘$.70? “ti)§$fl¢~bf?fi2IL1jg*§Jtaf§1'¢ ‘ H.en‘ry orF¢fly,%ar. ? 3'l”*5‘§""€‘3*.@*“‘jf?'“§7A"f.°3f*?‘3“°”““‘!’W‘§W°3‘ ,*t1;a:ttpton;%ic R;ic11'xard[ S;aNmtie%1?§3twgI3t;‘%ara;u ]ohn:e:~ew.®fq.vfoztljvcount9‘r”r‘wéf¥?&§!1*" ’€‘%".%”$f‘ié%;ie‘it’hfee moneths mend. »onied in iti1e‘i“£éid*rtima1”1eef,an_d tqaflp o,int;i(:3do’1.¢.~ iefiors‘ with a‘*I‘1‘"1‘ - etzd tt’o‘c.ffei‘>fl&i_%.ej&.‘ ,ii tb;i¢ am‘c‘a’c“cDr- fling mirhc faia=« o rdin:inc¢;i i V. You fliallenquire whether the Aiflcflbrst chiomwouti we faid ivconnry: their to wtraaa Ordinfiéiiéts Afliflcmfih Waeeértiily a?naEfuéh{xs”3zd_u ifihiali gerit bri9‘ofherWiTé"itfaulty thcfein _, _."iyoqfl1aI'l caufee them to befined byflthe; tQqnmiittee§g“,i ‘vat:-i» eordmglt edittfié awe: given ,hy“‘tt’h7e iiiid 'rdi- ndiéifb’ "have been n7eg;Ii; it ‘nat’a;.cé,?3‘ i~a1jhd*t‘hier‘r*‘Eines to e‘be‘~.tlco1T;&éd hams;-e- ~c:nn~eatogeehcr with ma. tjhé}if1\4I1;1c3y v’ v t . 'fh2EI‘li’*li‘ksewife ~’cau"fé ‘alifcolfefiors, who have ncgleéled their duties in colleéiing the {aid A{Te£Fements,. to_ he fined according to the faiidOrdinancegvhahditheir Fines to be lea,- viediandreturned accordingly.-. VI 1. . You~Ihal1“take care that a true and ex- aét Lifi: be forthwith‘ made in Parchment faire written . T¢5'1‘I€“3f;*5P;?;~%1;*‘ 3”gi.%?;?3~{ I3%,mé.fiena;2;r§a~;§H4*~% 95% o a o guy 9,13: am££%a.s;..:3vt: “ggnha ._..a«A.4 shX¢v?r5%.¢9,f 5J!.1©' W 9*- -.1m.nce»~w :¢*:».~‘=7i*1i Bay— :thE:M9r5%¢Xés f , apéw; M}! 5‘ 3.. A Q2” EWLF Ltfi. unfkr m»th.€ ~hands~ of 2th? ay 0 V ' A ~ T T A mt 1.¢mz:if w..-«.3. ,,“..,M F " M -4:‘ ~ 1 th ‘_,§_ , ;$'j‘,,_ *:*”a§1 F1§‘§'€§§¥§;;?$%§2 #3 ;:}1}9~R;§*£?;1?:;5HE?jh?§ A Acafmn wuth fuch pcrfons. DJ: Cd .%as».f1.1all~hc tlmugh~t fifm ’ ; ‘ \ ‘Ti’ M111, Y 3 '1 J Athemaads bf a I Méh¢§§73£=iré5§§¢%‘, =tb1;3?¢ $'94¥s¢;¢1 M ;??5?M $:9th¢£ ‘d£3in"a”nEé~ } i1”Ii1i"a11i94ii‘t f0r:*t11¢ ;ma.int¢*iI!ir1g Taid ,£xriiii.¢, J:%b"m1u;1y%a1id.,”£_:§jCA:dily lc:a.vi~ aafacéoirainag " % .'u I 3fiTo“'t1%§% ncfeif it ma§?b$es}Agivc an acccuntgipmW!i4tmg:9f °*=3¢;°"xi;,i‘;%$; Fifiat fi‘?.<1.°f %1*10?h§rVIhiI;.1as yo41'1_" 1i1lT”(":o'1ice1vt: advantaglous Yor vim. to the Svealier of the Houfc *9f .Cam- mans-3 $mNmaM ‘W1 ihall »;t%,1i9 1; my Aw, , M, ’ p _ _ ‘”H1 ~~~ ~ ,{1al.1~ o.ns=¢ ¢.v..€ry w¢c1+¢a: 3% Aefsw