. T ~ Anno Regni ,v7_a‘v ‘ . .9“ . ;»'° .4’; vi-2 ‘ ‘ii’ “ “"“““""’J“""“‘“.".‘:‘.*--.‘--'-8-" C A R’0Lt1 11. R E G I ezfnglzle, S cotiae, Franciaej VHil9ér2i2(z, DECIMO OJ1 INTO. At the Parliament begun at W eflminfler the Eighth day of May, //mo Dom. 1661. In the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of our men G1-a— cious Soveraigry Lord CHARLES , By the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France’ and 1,754/,md King, Defender of the Faith, (9%. And there continued till the’ Nineteenth of./May, in the 14*“ Year of His lwgjeflies {aid Reign :' And thence Protogued to the 18*‘ of February then next following. And there continued to the 27:5 of 3:11}, in the 15th year ofH1s Ma jefties Reign : And thence Prorogu-eo to the 16!?!" at‘/14%;], then next following. » . ' I’ ’ ' I’ J‘ .’ . A . I, . . I ' 1 I .- ,x, I ’. O 4 ‘ i.. I ‘r ,' - g ,7 24- Q .5 K1 ._ '- \.:__ /./ [grave «T . IONDBOIT J ‘ ’ Qt _ .\‘-‘2"<'-'?_.) ‘ 7 . . P“. , - k‘ - .- - / .u _ . L3 ¢q by john Bill and /.ir1'f}o'pbe'r B n_tc £07}; or Kings moi’: Excellent Ma;efly, 156; L K” CzzM PIe‘1V“1L.EG1T)fv ' '7‘ .¢W‘\nno% X b S Ca1%‘01iII.Regis. 'An% A& for.CoIA1hfirI11ing% of F our Subfil % dies; Granted by the Clergy. L ' Q? at‘ the maniacs nf Cant€r~ bury ., fog _tuih2ts meigbtp , mnfiuerattons , tvzfpettmg ’ ‘ 1% A {pig Qfiajwettiez exttauzninary J % _ ttafinnwahelnbinglp arm liberally dsxben ann dfizantcn to the iaingz gnopt mczlipqtgxpajefiv. afuur mums anu mute auht1n1eiz, of % jfnur fl)i1iingsI3 in the 11011110, tube ilatten ant: ?L2b1'eD of all ano lTinQU18ttl)2ir19zumotiofiK §>11ititua1mitb= « intbe T8111? ifizuhintc, at fury naps arm times 9 anti ,inj,fucbvt2ttain%111ann2t mm {mm , ant! mitt) fpcl) Qfrtieptinns am ma: llifiuns as are tpeufieu ant: netlaren III 21 E21‘: tain Sinftrumenthp tlgem tl)21:eufmaDe,ann 03libm0%untu the 1311195 51$E>ajeftg2$, was: my the % ipmaz the imlates ant 2é.1nftbe mi tlaehprenn §at%w11gtéf% 212 An. dfcimp quinto, d5onayL“qi1bef:-t ‘£029 A‘iI%).J’Eii;aT?,,‘ % ‘§flW‘lIm9%fi¢ i$¢fl0313»9.>rD'ihi¥§5b iflitbifi %%29f9‘..%J:J$i# iaatliament to be ratifim “anti run rmizn; the tenant tnbeteof cnfuetb in there tnoztuz. Xce11entifsim€)%" PE>Een%£i1§1mo in Chriflo L Principi, &_%.Q;.c)mi11g 'gofig%ClementiSimQ, DOUQWQQ C4_%‘a[a%%1Ec§1ndO, gmpiagzigggigjcozifi, ‘ c ¢ Fnmag, & Hzeerm Regi»-§F'ideiVL% 51$-%§%[g2¢. Giléertus Permiffionc Diving. London. Epifcopus, P1’Z€fCI1CiS __S21CI'i2 fiVC CQ[_1_yQgg[iQni3_ P1-;g.. latorum & C1eri%Czmtuarie72fi: Provi11ci2‘Pr:2fiélefis, five locum tcn;:n_s, filflicicntgr 1¢g:i:‘ipic;€‘Qnfli§qX tus,om%ni“modami Ob”cdic,dti§:I:i 86 jc&i”o:n§I;r1;éc Felicitatem :85“ Saluéiem Pt-ff ‘Ej'112cm’fR‘€ges . rcgnant, & Principesdominantur. Véflrse Serco ni1§ima:APx¢gi:e Sublimisati ‘p¢,1f %;p:'€£f6!1S P11b1i§.!1~¥.i:E. Infhrumcncum, fixge has Lit”éras‘n0f1Aras4 niales fignificamus & n0t_un_r_1 £gu;im11s," lati %& ClerI1sC;ar_;1t..‘ Provitiéia‘ in facra Plminciali fivé G;0nvo¢atime§vig0r%e tgge R,cgve1§ndii§irfio ih~ Ch'r‘i'{f<_). Patti %-«<3; % D.omiI;1€?Z €§¢i}iéIaaa%‘::Rr®¥id€fif&3;§% élfliigitxéig C azztunr. A1f§;hiepi%[c;opo,i ‘tot‘iu€An‘g;li?2é“slfffmaéi Mccropolitano mode dcfun§to,, in [ Igri Vcflrze-ECC1Cr1’$ , oftavoédie Mmfis Maii, Angofiomini fixcentéfirmo fcxagefimo prime ifl¢h03f§é;5 hm dedie in dicm & loco in1ocL1r§1%ufque%‘%aag « meefimum diem meniflls./1./Iézii, Annoi:%I;o»aai‘;:4J§F:° Millefimo féxcenttfitho f€X3g€fim0 tfiftlc?‘ ,currcntA. contjnuata 5.; pxorogata, & 2.-2 fimo die mcnfis Maii, ac dc die‘ % é ” .. % loco ’ C3‘fOii A 213 loco in‘ locuni ufque i7noCi1C¢iII1kiIitI‘i_,iti€fCl.iiJInA - diem MenfisIilhi1i,Aig1io;iD7o%miniA’_I\/lillcfimoi iéjcio-"» centfifimo fcxagefir'no.te-‘rtiio jam i~11f§é.nt.contifiuiat.a ‘ 36 Proi‘og3.Ea, 8; poi} fnortem diA&i7Rcvercn3ii3i‘mi I Patris, ac tértio prxdift. vigorei Brévis Veflfri Regii Cufiodi i Spiri- tualitatisi Archi.ePi”fco}5'aEi1i$_ Cant. (_&Sedc+Aor c:hie~ . pifcopali Cant. vacaiit.) direft. ac Vigoré Corhmiil fionis £1 dicfto Cuifiode Spiritualitatis Archicpifco-.. palis Cantgnobis in hac partc gztiairi dircéf. ac dc: die in dicm, &loco in locum ufquc ad 85 in vice» fimum diemii-jam ‘inflant. Menfis Junii, oetiam continuata~o& prorogata, 85 5. diéto viccfimodic inflantis Méhfis Jimii dc die in diam, &;loco ‘ ifl locum ufque ‘ad &°5 vicefimuxgléptjmum dicm Menfis Junii ctiam tent. 85 continuata in Ecclcfia Cizilcgiata Divi _Petrio\Y/efig monafierienf. 1egitiom&;igé ‘t'igregat. pro quibufdam m:ignis,arduis,&. urgentibus caufis ier nos cis Pro - pofitis, ac inter cos matura deli eratione pon. deratis, pro deR=:nfio1:1eiR_egnorum & Dominio- rum VCfl:rorurn",_neci1oin\i&pro eorum erga Ve-.., flram Regiam Sublimitammiobiiervantia & ob; fcquio, Quatuor ultranea ac fpontanea 84 Volun- tziria Subfidia %veflr:c» Rcgiae Méjeiiati ounanimi eorum iiconfenfu & dederunt & codCeffc- A.r_i1§it?Pi-out tenorcsi pnefentis Publici l'_n{’crumen:i ( leiriem conccflionis hujufmodi in [it contincntis) plerlifis liquec Eapparct;-, ~humiIitCi,f h& obr‘1ixéVc- fine Rcgix Majefiatiifupplicames, iquatcnuso hxc coyVu4m- quatuor -Subfidiia pro7~Veflra'fo1ita Clem en‘ ‘ti; bcnigné accipia-;i.7s,' acibienife, confulcrc gragjofé dig ¢mini,Tcnor veroidifiee 'Cio:1icci§ionis dc V bo in verbum iequitur)-8c efl talis. . F A V Iii gang; CI- 214 An-d€Cim0eequinto ‘ 990$ Q52iGti0'u8 taunt gag, ; iefiiefi limeanflburtthteauajectz t ze= lattfi aaflfl @1939? Uf “)9 ib30hinfB9l3fb(B3aiftCf‘. bury fallen tflgethet by the gtutygmp gf 1901“ i9iQ*J11¥f‘3 write 31113 hneznerlp afl'em¢ 11199 at “J18 9293"‘ in 8 iwohincial manna 02 0h9rBign?Lozhe, in thannful attmnholeflflement at the many 1519331995 inbltb the? 91110? uneergeuuc granouz, dfiuhetnnzent ann aezutectinmana melt boetghing the great anu eptrauzninarp Gtppenfefi mhereat finnrehajeap nomh~is*., ants hereafter ie nae to be, fog éeuppuzt of {Bout Qtllate, ant: meme of {Bear mealms annmamtnione ; mith nne agreement ant! unifuzm tonfent hahgggghen ann ‘Ql’aI1t9U9 *i3;nD:hpthef¢ zerentz: D0 Ribe we grant to 130111: ibigbnefs. 190"? ,1')B,it5 8110 §.='>uttef= fcz5,5Fout,tnhu1,e ann entire Quhftnies of four fhilllngs III‘ the pnujlh In manner annfuzm following; (ihat 15 tuafap) izhat were %lttbbifl)om7bifl1ne. Ebean. ztrchflea-= £099 iezoholl, £I@aftet,ofa¢o1lettge,1Bzeben= Dat’17.,iBatffln, ozitueat, ann every other perfon anu petfonz ofhphatfueber name oz negtee he 0; they be hmthtn the iezuhince of Cant€rbu1'y , habing anh enjaping any h Qpititnal 1ezomotiun,eog other zzempozal aeatfetfions to the fame apiritual iezomflt tion annexen, note not nibiuen nuz fem? eaten by an of ibatliament oz totbmlm from the ieoflleffion of the callers? 9 fig; ,Ca1*0li Regis. pay toifinur Vllaighnefz, {Bout am Quctetfuzzg, fog angry pountu that be may, ~ pearly tetmhc ant tuflaenil by reafun of £339 faiu§>pit%itua1 12bzu1’11nti%nn, {um ufjfnut fbillingsxfaz 2h2tP‘uf the ram 3Fuu;r._fauh: fifliefi-, %'1DFf02 W W9 “"9 wrtarn 1118111? nf an the 1%b2omatIun5%%ann sharp of them, mymuf the payments of tbzfe J}-‘nut’ V finiez figall be many, tbp mate, iiarqtiun, atlaluattuqann Qifizmatnun nnm temalningf or laetogu In {Bout £1Ba1e1Iiez%=: mmtg mall be Bue,«m.znt cg mueipt 53 3 is A % of 218 quinio oE§V,t:;e%raio Jfafizt ‘fi=J>ub£ie1ig5%.% ; Q2~‘&fn,p pm%i ¢1)!itB‘¢E,*but 0:121? iFuur% mute ;«:~;;-ma cm; to :11; @12rh%fBzVin2itingsofwcficqmtcamg% oz Eatfcbarge%:T: cf that? f~nf tmgfain pay; , i92nbi0?i3 %a1maP5% %L:£hat no mtfon&Atbac 13992 mutt? 1I2r2aft,Eg::a)a11 be v2mnut2uAta% an? 1%%nBfi€9‘Bmvtr1£1za&4%znrm:t§n%a. am 4 IE2 ‘93V§9°,~f&z:t:i32*‘faUl2 mnefice 92 mama: b&tb9%flt?flu‘IW£0 02;*%Ibai}%;%caanpaggna ;;m1;g% i9°l1¥%%&IBW»igflutibfittfinz fiticcieifags? fog: the 5Fir€t=f1:uit»5 ;;th2&~fa11,1é<,from ma. fifthmzv nfé .O@9be,r 13[t.=‘:?D&[t, )& in tije peat of uqr iéuzn ]2nefiéc2Lbng awn:-x 1 mntmrs ta 1an;;g;g9;ggmfg5% faguuigettg n,zV; aueeefibzag %.m:tu- anyrpart ofwe A ma ufi; the raw ifoutz @u bfinieJ3"Bue upon %tbe fifth’ °flP% .05 *0&9b¢¥ 2nfi;u’ng::: any, that :% no p21;fmta:%.mbity:ij2reaEma::rfl)jaI1l 1 he: Dlflmutm. %2mi1'2t'i£es +az:%;a$1airitual‘ i92DI]1fltIflfl~53:flD;fl)ft11lfflIm94flt1t}Df'1nitb {Bout 9iB,a12flp,’{6ouv;92trz.uz$utc2fl'u;g5 raga”, jhtit Frans Df’t1)B‘*fafltE‘ft0m8nU after the fix: ant tmenttetb Day of March, mm {min he instbe pearnfiquriuza d5uo,Amm gm“: fann tip bunogeb Ifncty four, ago on this fine that t'1'ft;b may ufO6tobcr,&mb1tbAfi)all he in; 13,119 Pear of nut lam Q8013, fibne thtoufanu fir blmhmn £ipt12%fix. man be tuntrxbutary timx tion to@a:;v:it9igbmfs. i30_t!t fi)eixz%;og t,el1’u~g5J;~;b3;£1);at;1z part of 0t.b2%r<:~i?b2€9 @uhfita;ie.3 ,%nutt0Q%tbe fw. pear aftr:r%tI)e i%%am1i:1I R:egiS; 19 simautr any rucfibtamtmunflina fa: bissférfis ‘ % T ;_Iti¢;n5L1§Uut iatglgnefa {am 192213325’ arm g«zl;£inie5% mityin:%tbe1r pauper mosaic, During the time; appnintea % fa: the Wkmmt 0? tbfi fa”-in ;faiD i9zelatea*:{%antu%aI:!etg?Dn smqllt :bumb1yi1ea feecb {Bout §§aj2&12,_.iZba_t it may he%Q:n= attetr by ‘ Emit %%$f93l9'1.1’ +‘i90l¥‘1?A%%iD1Qb sztoutt ofLiBat1ia1mflt‘ ffl2v%tb2% 113990? 082” mm: if the AfaiB_3F£.ut fiubfifllefi -, anu,tu ahoio Delays ti;zVreofJU)at1nben ann as of: masJ%anpetn11e:m; og %,a.y«,,. 1Baut‘% $)B1t5 anti ;£mtc2£foz3%,« my anppstfonat ptftfnps appamten to rumba the father bg2w.;%J;%{Buur itaigtgneffixgazbpfiiaut £020 $igb£t%eaiu1c9t,% % Qua; gmafainperfun oz petfuns €uappmg,1¢en fl)at1miti)in%5FEgU¥°&?5 Um“. aft2r:fuw:av+* pointmem .mesm:0z caufc tn be receibea the % flfinnep 22! Ar1%,J%%dcci11*?no quintd L sx9on~2p;ro%otre%ren to be pain mitbnut any furtbeg .nelap g‘ am: name: one fufifitient zssiu téftifying the teteipt thereof to the rain’: fiollectaz, 0; his unnet-Qtnllettcz. oz @2131:-‘? - fr. 0130" mm? Mb vartiszuiat ibavmwt; am that may Jfuti) zuuitaz fizis oz fi)aIlheapnointwAtu% take :3; receive the attempt pf any*%fu£h QI;ollecto‘2.o;2®%e}1lectuz5*, oz, of -then: +f2bBtal ;un§ets®u1l2c:ozs oz §De%.~% put12K,fl)gll huitbtn fiphapz next: after rgzi quefi to mm to be mane,%truip emu inteifize.-[ neatly take the fail: mtnmpt, am ;*m“akz al= lomantec az b‘y«i'%t1)i5 T®zast £3 appuinten, upon paw tnat»‘2bery%fuci) perfiun 0; pets fans appoint2nL%tu receive the {me {am 0;. Tums ufswnnep fa %.*nffereD . am every ‘rush fiubituz [ball ‘lafe am fuzf2it~fazieberp 02: fault a2nelap%t*é*he ‘mane tn*tbe eztnllozctuz ng Qtull2cW*ap:—- mznt [halt xhz hue, tahgfultg ;mpniEt)2o 2i.- thzt Dfitfflflflsfliyq It; at bu? ®1g;utp,=§>talI§ ;u1m;y,u;’Q19an£1un+ipnuf2%by the ztttbs zmmup uz; M3100. of 1:92, mmre, 02 gig alinoetzqfioliettuz ‘:02%_é1§nn2r=Qtol12ttuz&. mzputp cg? mzputtez, oz by tbqz mean anti, cetbapter (the bee bung ham). 0: hp anput‘ their ffllnnetfiullectaz nz%mnuet=s2zu11e= ttnzx. E-mutt? nz®eaut;iéKi%?att=tbo2%i3kI1in tbat..u21)31f5t0 anmrb? bimrk1faz‘13ime: puty at a tertain Day ant: of £oft)m3ni= 'zttttniftaz1te.totI/as faTin‘3t11cumu2nt;Wtb2ti’ta I12. fignifgizn ann-p2.2fimn arm iaflh there to papmcp :parz;'Auf tbzfifraxnwoat §ubfitIi28Lf02 bis’%Bnefite?31?1920fli0t%ian Qlliritual, 02 £92 mbnle, ;%aLK?"%tm'I ‘by:jJei= me nftbi5~J§<£21:m‘;112ptTfnflemingehrzrv OWE; 1119911 9993? °f‘““’3 154111 nayanenta fball heme. 2tnn%fnz%%€b9t? ;fif:2.§l1e:Jafaz8faibi papmfifltfi habit!) Qfllfiil 119 '3!*#_i:*l1t9nL~tb.2% @i;:.;anaT t2,Is!tict13EJ “Bar of 1f§”“3‘1§‘ ‘F? ;a?n11éoE:ti;zg~,.afozefa%ia .,12£,af5’s ‘at.’ 02 befozevA M5; m3it‘..1u:".?.";-.9;{';; :;1,;'rxn.Ir§% iilertn 3 ‘ * Caroli H. Rcgis. next fallatning sharp of the afuzxefaia B51123, mum ehetpof the {aim pagnnenta {bail L22‘ but as afagefaiu, mall fizgzfext am late antes {Bout g19ajeCtp,[Bu1tt 1B!zIt3 at1_B-f®Ll£t7B’ffQZ'5‘ all the ibzafitfi mhxcbi of that only H>Igm%= cp, weneficc,t oz mamutton, fog the mind) he mahctb futb Default 0% payment , anti mymut : fiitl) Qtettlfitate mall ht mane , ft)al1wme.,grnm, ant: ante unto mm, 0132:: ant: abnbc the Qtbatges of ferhmg the dtute 5 zlnn the zlmiuavlt ificntb but to be pain outof his faiu lining in one whole’ year next aftet tutu Q1:%ettititate%m3aB2 anoj Delib2te0unto,1Bout iipigbnefz tptuutt of Qfxtbequzt, am 4tbe1f2 anmittzu, tn. cafe the; rain §3ncumh2nt_fl)a,l1, [along 11132; man that entry futb infra Di0CCf. nofiram L Deputzatust <3; Afithorizatus , omnimodam revcrcmiam. \Mmm t.;>.nt§% 2.2.6 Atmdccim. qllinto tahtis Viris debitann cum honore. VeP:ris‘Revc- rcntiis harum fcric an nuncio & certifico, me Pr:>e~ % fatum Epifcoptlm modo quo przefertur deputa- t111}3 & authorizaturn, fufficicnfier & cum omni difigentia requifiviffe per N. O. Subcollcétorem fen Deputatum mcum in hacp a.1?te, dc quovis V Beneficio & Promotione Ecclcfiafiica inquad am Schcdfila praefcntibus 4 annex’ fpccificat. » fiimmas folutionis diftiprimi integri Subfidii prg vdiyéfis Beneficiis & Prom'otionibus.[ dcbitas & AF kfilven- das diéfto ciuinto dié.Oé1obris ultimo preejcerjg-_’. prout-in,?c’adem 'Schicdula -praeffcntibtus annex’ Pk:-. nius licfuet &appar¢t5 fcddiéhs fummé1sjexcgu-_ {is ineadcm Schcdula allegatis ‘recipcrc non po- tui : In cujus rei tcfiimonium figillum ' ’ ‘ Datum A die 7 j 192% %fuJz#m Qaifmbitb Qcbenule afinb2= mcntiunzu znfuetbt g ; j 7 Civitatis L. Vel Decanatus dc H. A. B. Reétor vc1Vica'riusibie1em monitus fuit apud ‘prie- diét” 'die.Mcnfis % ‘ultimo praeterit. per O. SubVco1le&orem' fiiua deputat. .rncun1 ad 151- vendam apud Ecclefiam dc S. in COIIR R» die mcnfis proximcfequcnt. folutioncm fiV€“fl-A lam partem‘ diftorum quatuor Subfidiorum per ipfum clcbitzg die u1t.pr;£terit. pro pro- motione {.13. pr:edié’ca’;. fed pr:edié7tus A. I160 apud Ecclefiam dc L. pracdift. eodcm ‘ .n'cc alibi per quinquagima dies ROPE‘-*3’ fummam per ipfum debit. (ut pratffimlf) ‘lolvifa vel fitisfecix, n“cq- dietam {ummam dc P1’°5Cu15 diéfx Pf0motion,is, nee dje boxiisf 86 C9-33113 Idiéfi A. B..aliqu0~m,odci lcva’r.¢,. five rcgiperc potui; % ~ A ifigohitseh Camh1I.Reg;s. _ 227 ilezobinetu a1%tnea3ys’g e» ibat ar}?1W¥’ f0t! oz ‘incumbent tb,efl1?Q9flm9_b?e $915, ‘D2 Q5231}: m any ieapment ofytbefaxfl jfuptt éauhfiiaieas, 02 3111? e D&tteetD2tB0f;e»Ii)a1l muster uztenuer 19apment_ of any fume Due to tbe zlttbhtfime oz 1b1fl)0Dp~B2 €_ae:tb2 wean} anti Qtbaptet ( mbere etbeaee 15 - min) 02 to any unnermelleeeuz oz unteer- ecztuuectuzs, Ebeputyoz Ebepuzieg uf any 2ltebhift)up;2%i[1joDs oz Ebeanbiinta ceyanm asafozefaiu, at any time ehefoze the ¢erti= ficate exbibieeu into the ctfpebequeeaes is “afozefaitu; izbat tben”anDnetpiebftany: ing the Qtettificatee ‘mane, ae_zeeafp;era:o, againft any efutljperfun, tbeifam ‘$m:um+ bent uzpetfon againft mbn’m«tbeeQEertifi- » tate mas fu maue,It)al1annmap abet the offer 02 tenue%tefbi51eapment, as is afuzefaitl-, firm o'r?VAth¢ ;f&me*l1)aIl he ttpea either by efufficient F _bj1tnefl'e5~ehet'o2e the ¥LuztI/ilwafutfet anD~frbatuh3_e¢’nf the tl)equet., uz Iiptbe} trial “of upon any ’$fl’ue tbeeeupnne itnie be japften ehetmiyzt the {am 3‘lntamheg1te_ aneu any atbep: petfqn oz petfonz,tba’§ or any fog t)1mn1D offer oz tfenneteaeapment of the {um Due as afnzefaiu; mbieh; heingfoune fuztbe‘ih1cumbent,:tben ebefp fat!) 3:» ‘ wmbentfi)alt'bahe anti enjoy his 1B_zfJ_Ii1fl°- mm oz. iezamutiunz (till t'1JItbD‘tltfDzf8Iti1t2: oz toting to ienutfilfialefle. Pour ipeiref Dzfivuceetfozz. &fl?tbB19zUfiits thereof-, astboug!) nu<£ertufi'tate oz nefaillt of eneerucbeaement ban beenmaeeeeen‘2 filiblllitea; any etlgnng in ewe Diefefie I ®'za.nt 2.28 An-decimo quinfd ®zant 02 last tn the cantrat1e’notmith= ltanlaing. A a 21110 futtber, iibat it may be Qfnatten A éliaemireaztgatenerp ztrcuntarm ann met: fbap, ann mean anu Qtnaptet of aehetp «gm vacant, ant: other peers as chargeable to am may the Qtullectifln of the Iain four bubfinies mitAbit1‘:tD9e Tait? ifiznhinse of Can- a .t¢rbury , [t)a11eaann may babe uvan eherp -ieavmwt of the falne 5Four§>ubrwiez mane tutbe £020 {blah illteafurer 0; an; -pet-*£!?98f"W.t 05 England E0: «the time be: mg, 0; to web other vetfon oz apetfonz in a plate anu platea to mama arm mbere it mall nleaiwnut ibinbnerz oz {Baum Qtourt nf éfzstbequex to appoint fnz the receipt :tU3“°fs at 9993?; ID? .‘afo2efaiu times . DE ‘ 1Ba17__111B!Its a. fufiment-_Ztzqmttance. Eire: e tbatge, oz _QUi¢'{L1S.’f€fi,iI1 mziting, 115 the fifilztfeffllfl 1020 191933 ireaefuret oz unner- eilteafurer. oz of rush other permit 0; pet: . fans as eitbet flfiaueaiaigbnefz 0; may rain éfiaqet uféptpeqfuet mall aflftgnfnz the receipt tbeteua, oz a3 heretofoze III the hue Cafe it hath been acacuftumen; the fame 2:: €ll!ittaTnte.,e mfcbatgeee, 0* ,Q;1i€rUS eff lnit= flfifiinn the receipt offs much of the fame {um nftbe fair: 1? outésaubtibies as wall beefu receihetufinn every fut!) 3etquit&tantee,giDikf= ibétfifi u2Q~1ietus cfieein meieing fl1,l1ffl«'I!1ED :bJ!t1)'t-he name 92% names ef'tl)eiLnzD‘9,1§b 5}3}‘2afua:ero2unnet=1£e;eafurer faztbettme U810 Qsoz nffuch tautrita; oz otbegz perfun oz D9!?fi33{3,a31t%fl)all plea eiliiaut Igzgbnefsgog {Bout tam client: of Qipcbequet to appoint fo;J Ca1‘01iII.Rcgis. 229% fog tbefame1B»eczipt%,;n2of rum others; as here: tofnze In 1:32 cafes it hath been ufw.,fi)ati arm may be guanan-tn efiettual in take ?Lam5%:Efv he am: as fufiécientia niftbatge in ?L,a‘m to ail: EB % sharp ‘(am-tullestozs €U:§.l'1fllCl} intents, tunftrmtiflns‘ fif %puvQ0fe5,%a8 if tjpfame we manehgiélttflf %%%1‘1Iafl1Bnt. 3110 that chem of the: (am Qtollettugs {hall pay but only £13223 tgitlin Kflagtfl four DRIER £92 every general 03 final mutttante. Ebiftbatge, oz Qu~iecus%en fu‘z%2b2t1-9 payment of the %faia ifmzt Quhfi: mes : ant: tfam’ 9BrIon%fqafl’ignzB (ball res: W9 DQ991174’ tsfl make fucb a gemtal 02 final. :aE{]UItt8I'I£B., 9®i§:£§jfl1'QB..02 Qtietus CH payment 0f the fall! nut Qub€t"IJie5T, oz man require oz take fog the fame any nnumtben §;hz2efl)i1ling5 four pence-, oz if any utbet: gmfiiternfthz ®};ED9'5tllBt (ball tequireoz take afany rmnliectuz n2¢o1l2ttozs., :3; of bias; their al1nn2»v~=wllgctn2n2 *fl1nD2tt=coll2ctu2$, E39110‘? 02 §D8vutt£5Q in rafpestk o;f:tbe tultzctis 011. Pfilfiment. 0Z&‘gtc,mnpt of tb$“f&il}.*3F011!3 -fa>ub[ii:»12~z,ez any part tberzof,fo2 2rpeui‘tinn:, oz fez any ‘nibet ta%uf2o213Z2tence mbarfeebet tfiflmfnlngzwtbe fame, any 5Fee5,uz gums of _»¢.?s 93?1J.9‘Y‘lb;2tI ate; befuze in this ngefvzm: $.33"? 91392811? all,oi11eu.,znto them.‘ £t)a11fn2= 591‘ 339 {WIDE illen %paunDs of latnful muney 05 Eng1an.C.ls, itfl “he naioanu tecaherea in tithe "Wm?" ""30 tbfifame ufes ax i3'b2fiJ2elin1it.é 393"“ 9FP3959°ifltbi3.d52ant,vtouclfingtbz ‘ lnkefogfentureof laeceiners any luuitoz-g€,;; Wtalfo tbmberr particular ztcqumancc mblth upon 8"? Payment of. t1;eLra:a.3f‘mnr §011fiuiesL1fb&il be man: by any mmczoz oz _ . V II II : €01? 230 A n. decimo quinto etellettoga of the faiajfnur éavnbfiniez, oz of any pavment of them, a; bphis :32 their &1In= L ner-collettuz uz dlinuerwollertozz, Eeputpe oz §Deputies3 inthat behalf to any ‘3}ntumbent ufanpzraeneficeuz tezunnution éapiritualg 02% to any perfon oz perfonzttuntributaryantq chargeable to ann mith the fam jfuur ~:»‘:>uh= fifltiefi, Dzanp partnzpapment nfthem.,I1)all be non ants effectual fn~?Lam., fiana a full anti fuflicient Epaxfrharge to every fueh ‘aneum: bent, anlnnetherperfnn, t ann his 2lbeneti'reanD aezmnuttun aptrntual, nfann foetal! fueh {um anufums nfmnnep as by the fame 2lrquit= tanre fhallbe arhnumlengeu tube receibeu, in refpert of the fame tzhenefice oz iezaniotiun §>lJm¥l1fl1» F0280? 1,m,ement.auz any part of the {am four Qubfttuezg etnu that no 21:: qnittanre of any other perfon oz perfuns L mafiehefnze {nth Q£ertiftratefl)all in any mire nifrharge.any perren ugopzomutian fez any part oz payment of the {am jfaur Quhfmieg; 5{‘2qzufanppa1n,pena!tp oz fazfettnre fprtift'= en nnthrs dfizant. Qtnu to theintent it may ‘be knumn’ to the Qtuurt at Qtrchequer mha be the dllnuemullettnz oz aI1nuer=rul1ertog3., E23.- putp uz Ebepunesnf ehery futh zlrrhbithop, iflblthop, oz Eran ann othapter authnziseuro reteme thefame, ann tamake zcquiuame thereof , Qtherp zlrrhbxflmp, ihiamps, anu mean ann Qthapter of eberp aee being; vain, mall pearly, together mith theircztertitnates afoze mentiuneo, rertifie the names of eberlp ~ the tanner.-mlleetnzs oz /Eeputies to be ap= pointett axis afazefain. gegohmeo §'11DfiPK ,, jzhat no etullertez of . thefe “Céf0h§ Itl.TRcg:'s. 27g: tlJ2fe"t3F‘uur §“5>uhCi§aie3.tnz tlf any fiatt of them fi)a1l.ufé any iazntefg , oz tampulfnzp. mtanz .,; 02: ~ start any fees ,; uz aumst of Qlfioney fog the famcs DZ Otbfifllilffi Ufa,IIP 2t‘= funnz‘p2tfun~8. fog not paying the {am out gunfiuieg oz any part of tbemat furl) £21’;-4 ttain ua12&1iJ¢la_te a3 fi)a11tb2,h12tbe cttollettnzg fizbii minuersmllettoz, 0; §Deputp pzefipen, in cafe the {am petfun fball tenDer,tb2tfam_e untutbe Qtullettuz, oz his dHnuer:¢1£n1lettoz, nz ®eputp‘mitbintmtntp naps next after (nth pzefiretninapz 3:10 that tbe@faiD Qtullta rams fballtnnt hp tbemfelhes .,Voz%an1‘2 il_Jt_bBlf petfom takeotf anp~pe;r,‘fon fa; the Jaetti-pt at V any {metal P8?m9fit D5 the fail! SW11? %.l“3‘[*'*'% mm 9 mm. gag‘ his Xtquittantejptbtteuputl, any maze than tum pence, by any tnlmzt oz D2¥m€bJ13atfcthBt+, L t j amnineu aimapst ., iiigat no évnlrntuat gazumhtionsg T110; tang iLanD3 , 1Bofl'%lTton$, 0: 3RBh9Wé3tt,¢nn2t2B_ to >612 :tfame . being warm by this Qfilflflft nf . theaezohince ‘ of Cant.erb’ury,DZ any (150005 tug Qtbattelg gram; ing, 991113 02 tenemefl llntontthe fame, nz,2l{e:— m})8tBs ajlptttainxng tia tbtwbonets of the, {am émtrttualt iezomntiong, oz to angpnt % them. fi)811tlietthargeD. Dzmatae ttmtt’ihtitatp to an? 5,Fiftte,nt1)o2t3J:entb, u; to amt ether Quhfimzg alreanp grants?! to Elfitit igigbntffi by ti)e,51aitp., oz b2t,2aftet ta gtanttflst Ou= ring the time apnnmteu nptbis .<,IB,za1‘1t fog the payment aft the T5110 jfuut jauhfiflltsfg _; imnbitsen alfq . flbflt &11ED2an5,2trcb2 tseatiuins, §9ignxtat225.9@a1tet3, ialatfitnfia M19 imtbtnisatiea of allfiatbetozal tan? 42:01: t t A eglatei 232 An.dccimoquint:o legiate ¢b11tcI)231ta11o etollgnges .t 02 any. of tljentimxtbin the {am ifizohtntegbail be that: gwmltb tbetfaiu jFm1t‘@1~1h£1D1ez, fog tbofe 11E>ofl'2fl’iu115 , iaehcnuez ., aunt ibznmntions may tbptjitlg to their feberal iazomotipnz, Bbigtptttes am: 131311123 are clearly ann l‘11t1ins ttlpttitmtteu, ant: to their only ufe feheren, thereof ta pap (the iténtb part being‘ 02: °W9D>,t F02 fihtmvt %¢bw0f_tb¢ faiutifiuw Quhtitezszz ifuur ICt)1I1I1ng5 of sharp fuu paufifl in manner ‘antnfuzm as 15 above rgbgamg ; 21110‘ that alltynfe meats, ibaflefltung, mg. fitz, aaugttmxyst‘ iaerenttamzntz, aungpm. tual119zu1not1o1}3, ann sheep of them betetna fuzz by Four 11211311119121. ozanptbe ikingz oz mue2n3of11)i31Pxeal1n, uzanputbet perfun- nz ptrfnns ma faiths: ., cltszhen. czfizantea. Ifizqueattjmt ‘EDtbif2t1,; oz Simpzanziateo an: to ttbexfaiin cbno1= mfififirfia fiIfl)2rz.t®1a§mmar1ans, 192111» eta: ?‘°’,‘“1~ 9‘5°‘1"!¥’*’?311a1@1?~€é1,t18 A eatoF«hie' laeeign, az hythe ram atatute maze plainly appear- eth. ilhatthefiathevzal §213hutthe5,‘anu the l2W>lfl)0D5«,®ean5, oz ibzetmentz, ann QEi)a“p- eters ann iezebenttaties of the fame,‘ am; an nthet plates ant: petfonz ctittlefiaftital, ant: eebetp of them to bohum the {am flannz, liaentz, arm ntheti the 1BzBmife8,~D2 any at ‘ ‘Wm, Di°13t91P allllmflifls filallmt tearing e .‘ the time appuipten by this aszant lhgthe pap; e ;mentnf“thefaID ifnut sbubfinies be thatgen to am: truth any payment of Quhfiuie of ant: folzthatpattanu puztiun of lanns, gem; meats, Jlientz ., §>pititual19zumutmne4, 0; Other it-3‘ereD‘itament5;. Ozanp of theme inhere- llfltfl $08 falhlaete 13mg, hp fozte of the fair: l§a>tatute‘lboa53lntltu1eD. n2’D0l1‘efl'eD ufino; lnf any pearly meats, oz ieaymentz going wt Bf tbfifaifl Whenzal litbuttheze» ant: ether the plates ant! epetfnnse Qfttlefiaftital .afozhefa10e: 21:10 that nenuttion annallnm mite theteuf ‘be’ mape to them am every of % tbemfattnzD1nglp.,ln , ann upon eberplvaee ment of the {am jfout Qubfiflies, «out Of the R iiatatiunflialuationlann efimmatiun. mabe fez the payment of the rain perpetual Emfm ®1'f&fl tQ.. £efltb .;r2main»ing Tof iF§2£0gD in A {B am: fi3igi)n2.fs3% « cztnaurt 1 %afi%q§;;c1,xequet , as % ar.oh H 23 &fflZ‘Bffli;D;, :1" §3fl2t7iUfl.__Uf-£'fl’flUK', % A flenzmentz, 1R2n»t5»§'a>p1rttual mumuttuns, anu utbei: ipetvznitaments, any tbufe pearly payments mbereunto the %faw‘_"i&1ngA mag ‘glntituleta , oz pntfeflkn of, %uz lnbiw kfimtc :9e;%making of the {mo Qtatuté, up teafan tbat they %bab21b2mfounua5 iiannz, £e= mments, iaentz, filitbez, oz ntljcraibeteni-= tam2nt5% cnnceaien from the" rain Z&ingflEd- & ward the £1’ rtbxbe late ifiing Henry the eighth; the late _£IDueen 1\4;:?¥T){,*tbB1.&t9gDU€9fl Eliza- bcch,?f3tqA Dents, o2Qta1l2ugp’,L,fituat2 02 fat. mithin 21:‘ ;tb2t$of we alimnerfities Dfloxfordiflz‘ Cam‘-% .bridge, u2~-nf anpmsznefite, ibannfiflfidtbet 3I£2ben*u2suntetbe %faiD&11nin2r£iti%ez,,uz 2i= (yet of them. 0; to any ibflufzof mutnentss .3; mileage in anpnf tbz faiaa1inib¢t%£iti2£ [[1 * Lniten, appznnziaceflanzavpwaiflings 02 out inf any zzbeneficz. ?4an0z,uz1R2b2naezu£tye miolleogc of Wmdiorg, 03 of the Qtolteugg RE <9’ V Po 5,4 vru€{uttei1’o23‘attfi2ty if the afozefaiu ‘pap: .. 20, iibittezn (i)i11iflg8lf0'1l.VI39”l1t¢fO2 the fi1°€t paytnent of tbé fair: ffimr §uh(ii'Bi25,% ant: every other p ‘pm: of the rain ymxr §auh= €ihi;e%x§@irfl)i1, 'f1§3;2ig!)_t pence, atfucb time. am‘ ti; fatbpetffiflé as is afuzefaifigfnz biz Dfitjt vftbvfm hint §‘:>ubfifiiz§: zana is atw¢ILi1= tam‘gefié.unnewéi mbxmnasintfw flaw gfincmnhent fl)ai1.nothc gu, ;a*fi15g°’uj1v;i%at“tta%, oz utbe’rmife ‘appettain= cbargeu= Ca J111.Reg,,3, 237 tbargzn% % icy anypart.agpa€pme%nt uftbe ram 3Four®ub&oi2z.J % % I -3nu,fo2txhe,:Iur2 gnortrue paymmt gfttgere ' 3FuurA aubcitmzz granteu by i@nutJ fa’ID‘iBge=- 1at2KanMt!Br9v,+ oft‘)? 1%2:0hW0f %.€?anrer* bu1:.5zs%,ia:t:3_zta1ng to the vtennu%t%¢,%%pu1%p§:§gt; cf: fett ant: ‘true meaning if tljisxpzefent Jam, 1331!! fam.i9zelates am qzm-3:? ng mga yum; hip llefeecij @9111? igxgimefs . that tbia tbeit ram dfiift, wzam, &fltIL3Fnut é‘z>ltb£iui23. i ana warp £®a€t9t'+ wan 0? monezuiaetition, rilaufe. 192iJ,bififltI53. ifififfirbfitiotxs ann gen: tgncgg in_th} 3 3'lnIItt;mm.t,mnta1nen tonm’=%# ningitizefamgfinur .éa>uh&n125.1nap hefiatt fieta. “ , No— I Sub1‘c.ri‘pti,one, Gui1iclmi. Fifl1cr Notarii‘ publlcli jufsimus & fccimus communiri. Datum“ Domml millefimo fiixzccntefimo fcxagc;‘imo ter%tio,‘: ‘¥¢s“1‘1”€."c“r‘ ‘€1*°*‘W»Dé1 gr%F1%;Ans1ix».5%c9—~ neg, F1fanF1;c,.& }'.I1b.C1‘I1):;[§'I{.e“g,‘S’§ ‘fildel D:c.;£E\::fi1_0.'r15,,W‘2 &c. dcclmo qulnto, 85‘ nofh‘a:*fJCo'n-f%¢ci.afiGni§L9 Anno tCI‘tiO. _. » A A ‘- % 2 r— ' ' x . ':-17?; t" - -- ~ . 53‘-”*“**" 5" P’ p p ¢€£!!)2t€= 1238 An, ecimo mmzo ‘ wherefnge the the true ant: fure payment ef the {am sauhfiuiez grantetl by} the {am sage: meg am: energy of the faiuhimuhinte ef Cen- zerbury, actogning to the tenant,’ effert, emu ewe; meaningeuf the rain gnfirument, M it ‘ finraitten by the v;‘$iflQ8*m$fi firteilenlt $1-)a=e term; ahmith the xflem of V the league bpxrttuhl ant: ,1_‘}9l11rpD2'&1,‘_‘fflhI1D': the: Lrztnmmnns m thus pzefent iharltament ztffemhleoee eajm hp ; the %uthu2ity of the fame,£h;at rheifaitt dsifteanu . qfizantg ant eberp@atter, r@umi,efhmunep,e~ ieetitiunamohtfiong dtlauf e antaaentenee in - the fame ‘iinftrurment cuntairxeeg rmamranu ante hera%i,fien,e efiablifi)en ant: eerzfiranen by the authuzlty nfthte pgefenriearlzamenr. % : 3110 further heir Qfinaeten by the r2tuthozi= ty afozefaita, ilhat eherp perfon that fhallbe appeinreu tn the collecting ania gathering of thee ram Qubfifliflfi {hall have pm:1er‘anha’u= tiingity to lehy, take ann reeeibe the fail: bub: times bpthe authugitp of the Qtenfures ofthe ¢iJUYEbst1)at¥i5te fay, by h§s>ufpe~nrx'un, stir: tummuniearinnh,‘ oz ‘ynterhictien 5 rant: alfu hp §>eque£tra'tien nf the 3Feruith5ra’nur1egafitK of their ilbenefiees rant: iegmnutinris apiritual in mhnfehanmz foeher thepbe, ann rurmahee faleefthe fame frurre mzthuuteanger efrhe flatnenf thia mealm, 0; hp mm-efs upon the fbeifeifiene of the jhzrmerznz 2n>teu:3I2t5 0f?th'eZL‘antss ant: izenementsehargeable bi’ tbe.fai3J»ei'§n£trument,fez, n2 toathe 1JaI’m9"1? ofanerumogerumeofmoneytu benue befnzee A thereof, ozuthermife by the Difcretien of the , ‘V ’ e y Q7§D11Btt02 Caroh H.Reg1s. 2.39 ~ , flullecthg thereof emu. that Its meplehp, . iéznhibttien, ng éauperfeaeas flmlihe aucmen. ‘ e oz uhepen fozanp 1J;e1:ffllIJ5*17IIaB§1?Q hefaultef” the payment. of theefam aubfihies,” pgfiaihy t them, centratpr tethe;tenettt»nfthesthzatit thereaf.,_: utitd {nth time a3 they have ten}? fatififien ann eontfmteu a1l—»5‘fufl) pae*t‘*e7a¥2h peztions afz to them in that hehaif atppetzee taineth; emu that ebetp futh §Fatme+e’ ’a1i‘:a jfatmeramheit eftetutugs ann 3fl’ign3tha't {hall ‘foztune hereaftet to be .thatgeD_»tta‘5 he; mith thepapment eefthefainéeuhfiuieshhez as up part thereof, [ball by the zluthozity afege= e Iain heeallumeo, arm tfetain in his hanne ag tit? of thifi pgefente aeaemiment, e much of ihizepeatlp ifient ham) farm ‘as J‘; g 7 thefum mhith he {hall feztutgeeto pay his 11.020 02 ileafnz than eptenbeunto ( sfigcept ‘- ,9 ;;,,,4,5,7 .’ ,-,4 '4’: - ** that the rain ifatmet nztjfatmete, their ‘ cutozez oz xtfignz hyithe iteafe arm (meat that they haheef any part of the iLhé11tBB,., iiithes. iBzofit5,pz flienemegats chargeable te the rain auhfietes, oz by efozteh at anptdezec beneath oz attitle therein tuntameu , «be haunts anu ehatgen to pay the fame fine thereof tumfthatge tm nearaghanu. gene: lizegfgtsringe the tetmttntentibtiefie in therein tuna Iihetnife be it czfinacteti fiegv5:»the}jt£ir‘¥1eJs mheteaz nthete’ ceturqtes lyabletu the tinieg 4., bemg'nftent1me3 remgheahle g» the ferbeas men at emcee flnyezepzzetzpqstigeé longing me the flange e9ha1e£t?,e« ae at either 4- apmtual ‘ ',‘§:.»'-‘ "‘ \\;r7:ZL»-v’ ,1. ” 240 A15. €1ci11“JD ‘q*UihtO: » maDe.,gtaneteinjn*z ufen to the contra iapieieual iegefltetiemfi. izelenging re ether perfana. fleet fag the fpeeep eeennergv of the rain _“~.,a~uhfiDie3., it may be lamfitl tn the fail: ¢ulleeeug en; Qenilettuzzef the faieauefiaiez, their ’fl3eputP 0zBiDept;tie3, tn lehp. the fail: fillbfibiefi upon etbeejfarmer uzei3farmete,, age , flbeeupieee ef all fueb 'ilmpzopziatiene< oz gapmtual i92o::;at!:p:13.hp all cttenfutes of eye flburtl) afugefaeo, an.D\i1;eherp: of them, 02 by map pf ,nii1ref5e~ef izityee of tbe‘fain guns pzupztamne eg ‘ihnpzopzxattunse ant: e§:.>;;m= tual iezumueimxe, 0.2 ;D,tl)etmife,' upon 1:133 among ant] Qtlyattelfil of the f&'iB2%jF8Yfl12iZ en; ifatmerfi MID ;EDtfIIpIet3 3 $n‘m§1iebeeafenu gflbibitieno i%20biDi¢i0fl,3Beep1eb.p; Dlefliljfiti iezutefs amateeutu the tonttatp. {hall he Y eobe‘pe'D‘; any ,1am5,~:‘»::>tatute5., iezintleeger; ‘ 02 Q1:uG‘Tm.n§*g0ifl)o1J»®ean anb ¢!Lt)antet::a ifoz not epapment- of we Iain éreuhfifliez aftetgetigee fame fl)a11heeue,in 02 at an? 0ftbefaintime8,0fea ment to 21% balpe the Tait: Djftrefs annpnifirefiesp n§f.f§,E inmffetent‘ jaetgbbeuez by him tn he tljufcns 211113 the mfieefe ann‘Di£trefl‘ee fa p2i3eDI to few gnu tberenftu netain fa mute!) money as fl)§tLe amount to we {um payable to A the 731093 mutt {Excellent %a1'eI1p , mitt) the V8&(0fl&hle—.eyatgee aim of the rain «Ital.- lett0e2eru£ta1g:gg$in that hgbfllfng» emu tbé . e \ re . . .~" ‘ . :- > ‘ I 9‘ . , 2 , I . .- _ ‘-. »‘ I" \ ’ ‘V . ,‘ ., ,. . l\ ‘-‘ 3‘ . ' " H: 3". ‘g ' ' , El." ’ < _. .. .- . ‘I. _ A ' A 0 ' off the mom» ma or xyzimiimaierg to be D,21iber2nanDpain tuj:g22I>mneranu% Wuvwr tb¢£w€~ 4 ' ::V;1a§é?fiiaeb amps; anm ft%¢Ehatt2u by A fiutcemw ~ gaging %>p11:s2ual<192a % cam act %2t£nu'atro$yatiin%g fietnjpozal were V mfi*iua§.}'%a5aan3; otbbqttelz a%noV aipebts‘ ibafmfi «ft! tbfB;:f8i9f§ub€iDie5L grantztl flfi8%wat1’Wi“*!§,WtheiE¢mno2ai;%’Aéuyalvng 9513995 awgéfl mm fet faz%bjs%rain Vpiricuéaz fizmwanz smepwtne%%¢mg:2.ana1n:sarms ‘pzzgai 1%nfl'efl'ioiw any bfittbfa’ refill‘ hiftl) flempozaltp, animal: utbermxfe; Znptbing flaming. 1225022 menticnea to the tantraty notmitb-=V ,‘._............_- -u-—~ fi~2{N£{*$#{1;i§furtb2t Qfnatten by tl)e,3§lutAbn: 1°:t;> afnzefaw, fibat all arm ehetp cIBzant% ant: dfizantzofall anu 211,152‘ [um ants rams nffiqjanepgtaqfirflfifii iii! yibereaftet {ball féiérantey 1:9. the Zfiinasi Qfiaieflr ~_b2tb¢ * sfi s¥r%tbw:‘ebime‘a%os mu he 11%‘ £112 @319; &fI€fi@@Ji,;2fuzodta2m wt: in all wings. ax fa‘:i%fi1}5NFl¥:’ti1"¢1fi2Tfi‘17tbeLfa1tI }9ZDUIIlEB ' an ant: pain acgozning to the tenant, fuzm anu Bfttt. .o_fi tbxz pz;e_fent 21:: HF ibarliamznt, to all intentz, tuntttuttiomzantu piutpnfes, in ? fucb. manner emu fozm,%a5’ though it mug fD2tzallp,~plainlp anti partxtularly Bx‘pg2fl72t( ants rebeatfeu intbiz pzefent 21:: hp eyzpzefg V % mezwrg @€IlI% um ;cyargeab15€b? - , , ury; anti l'i)all be tarm %y certtfieu, touetten, gatyeren, lehien, gatbeten ' "":,4/‘ ‘ itr” * “ * 1: ,1 %f;]Z?f'” 242 An. .c1cc}m o, 81:. an2o2‘ez.ter~mK am fenmncw’ -in .tDBit mm: %.nature;3 am Bums. iézfihincn almépz, am be it énatten by the 3lu£I;nzitp% afozefaipflgbat all sazobifiians hefozer2132arfen,tnnta1nen,nz to be cuntameo in the fail! qfizant of the abzelatzs ann Qtletgp of tbfifiznhjnte DfCéntérbu1‘)’; zlntz the like of fam2%% ibzotrifds gawntaineo in the , % rain Qfizapt of the ikzclaftez ant cztlergy of & t1)M%zomntAe of York, mall be goon ants cf: Lfettilflls 8110 to by nbfethtu ana kept in every 90111‘: anu zltqitlc atmzning to tye puxpogc ant: true meaning of the fame. LONDON, % ‘med bY 70511 and Cbrij? ‘Barfly, Printers to the K IN G S mofl .EXC€H€,nt Majcfly, I663, RARE KD 8620 1 663 . S9 uuvanmorunoouu-oouuvnu ELLSPCRRER RE \|\|I|\i§ijij§§:gjjuInI\I