..~-r:'«- g “' ; : "-‘vi.’/4 4: X .5 «(S V‘; Ci“ 1 1”’ .5’ i Sefiion of this prefent Parliament. Anno Regni G U L I E L REGIS SC REGINZE A7zgli4:;Scati4g Frmzciae 59° I7’ifie77zice, . (lL_1a11;o 8: Qtlinto. At the Parliament‘ begun at We/Zminfler the Twexfi tieth Day of March, 1472220130772. 1689. In the 5&- cond Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord and Lady, WI L L I A M and MART, by the Grace 5 of God, of 4 England, Scotland , Frame and Ireland, King and Qteen, Defenders of the Faith, éw. And from thence _ Continued by {everal Prorogations and Adjourn- ments to the Fourth Day of 1Vo=uem!2er, 1692. being the Fourth ~ 1 _ L 0 N 7) 0 N, Pimted by Charles Bill, and the Executfrbi of i 772021145New(0mI7,deceas’d ; Printers to thC'King e T: and Queens mo{ijExccHent Majeflies. 1692. _.g....... ii 2gga§sg§a§;a§§a;sa;sa§:a§§e:gasa§s:a:sa§a;3;%,§§I§ s:«‘m:@€§%§?§§2€A§2s§?:€§2@§§?§§?s§?s:?§§;2¢x'%:2 Anne Q1érfo8t%uinfi6‘ L - , . _ .. __ 5': . I ’ ’ ‘I: ' "rs ¢ ’ 1- .' '- an‘-~"L :45’ 1" v‘ ‘-3 i’- )1. <1 V; ~..;s’.. . " 3:1‘. .‘ . I I‘ | 4 ‘weds the .~wu% .. ' y r. 4i,':w; -* . J \\‘ an ‘,.r'‘‘” 1-—\ .5" l t, béén or late‘ timé:md26 T’ss‘3\" % $110 fi,013fb€f§) ‘D9? % oz.r_tt2m’x oz aupo am ant: fufiicieng $ncontage'mcntAgi112n, gnu” means urea in: zmnfcoiamv a%xm% 3[pp;emnfiqn_of Incl) ~Bt1DBt§,_ Ibbergbp to many Qfiutbets am) iffiobbemfi 0833 112611 Qtommittcb, that 7 it fus bceo_m§ manta germs in many 1BattS o [the 512a;no;1%fo; itamuets to pafs en’ tbjm; §Lan)fu1 @63- caaons, to the great mtbonmw Pf % $03“ flaws of this flzalm, ants the fiomrn:-— menttbsteof. A 1 _% _ 4 6 9 9 § 1 SM Aét fori Enéoufaging the. p1‘ehending,OfH1ghwa‘y Men; A . .. mm. %3R°$,°$ h‘ \_ »; mttbitttbeimngfioxpg ; of ,Englan&,.‘ arm was ' : mitlion of Wa1esLDab5é§ 3; .ii1f,2fteD Ii3ttbiEhié%1ié§ Pmno Rcgni C1{1$fl"tO :3: quizzsto * jfoz mmsisp inner:/of, 252 3’: Qémmza D fD¥*,73:3ii1§.i’11fi§.$£i€€;£¥5‘§=ififi'i€Ea:c:mat % axefigas, .1»?sifi*é;%:n:éfi%.mi;%T%s’mic£ ¢ontmc % gemnnzwanb Qtanzmnns an tt)i§ mfézzé armament L B‘ ‘blw, an % hp 23);; flu: tbozttv 99 333 ft! ‘I£"%Ud%%%,rdnfi‘&ilb‘«& fist the jfme ann cmenmtb/nap sf March; 9:12 I 0u¥a1t9%6xbuu 2! nmmt2:wmv a 1 ant: ebzitp 192% mi ézi‘nL§faeiffins’, l1)a11xpm2l,1cnImn.n in he mus: %oz,gnmz.z Inc!) iibiebzs oz iflobbzw, arm gazotecutz bim;‘9z:.ti)emi in :?1m3£.!@:§§BB;@3Df"§¥fiBm%; nut. 1m* ‘flew Difisnni bx beti%I0‘ninif’t"i1f§ti%ti}}b’z3t1’on‘fini9‘$t§!)” p, iaaltane, W10, 02 £Dven wince, than name dub tscei1m’ftnm4 tljv ®b‘etiE oz §mpifi§ " of Eouitty iirijétsz. {um %Robb2.ry aufi ¢on1i:jaton am! he *t;mI2z%%$:a:tb nnne,’n»m;¢ -Va en- 8‘ '3? 3 @ 9? 331* 3??'3Jf§‘3“3¢.53;%1?‘(:%f8ifilm’ 3 Wfcxnmt to ¢enntasn%4t%tje,$um%eg5 ;?‘92fi’."1'50"RflB3» 71F‘f!fi‘ifl%iDnt Rib am: » ucb; aznbxatan man mmann ’t1;moE mam, by tenBungJa}¢etttficat’e to :92 {am 9bW“fA»’°1 . unvev the. Limb oz Wfifi. .6? the am 02 fluiiicvs lvzfm Wm fflfibimfiit .oz~< 9313.3 59%?‘ 9:? b %i¥:§fl'f6i14of 1‘ ’ 10" filifflim 33’993€?P tDt¢0unt9fif1IJ91’*3"’i?*?9‘J¢*.“‘*i03$38? aim am: that mm mien 3:: man: M ozmctz ‘tak2n;bp ta‘: wing: 15; act é.‘ ,_,) 'g , "5. ' flmimmg the tam mm:a,g¢za *7 ' ‘ any mpuee than Ijempvm i ..% twgcn tgbv 1%2rfot1s.f9 fipozcmnfimgtaap‘ h e liclmi &5‘Mariat.J % H h the fate ihiebes ano iaobbero touching ;theie Bight ano imtleto the fat/D iaemaro, ighat then the taco ‘gauge oz fliuatces to tefpettéhelp certifying, as afoeeifaio, {halt in mm by their iaio flettifitate miter: ano flmlflint the fate iaemato, to be pain no: to, ann eamonga the aeartees claiming the fame, in fatih géhate ano gozopomooz asoto the .fa‘to ‘flange oz Euttetes {hall feém‘ full ano hteafoaable. ztno if it {hall haameen any inch éhetitf oe fibetififi than yinpee, oz be ifiemobeo befoze the firpitation of neafiwoath after fath aonbitttou, ano gmmaao maoe of the taco fiemato (not being path, as afozefato) ‘ithat then the next fucteeomg §hettf£ oz shettfls or the lam aoantee {halt nap the fame within £Dt1e mfionth aftet Efleemano arm tcltettiéficatt bznnght,.as afoeefaio z Mo if mefault of iaaement. of the (am %um oz memo of mflonev [hall happen to be maoe be any Qheteifi oz §l)Btifi5, Inch shetifi oz one; tifls to making mefault, lball jfoefett to the zeetfoa anon eeeefoaat to whom futh Qfioneps is one, as afozefauyooable the mun oz memo of wonep he ought to have pain, to be itiecoheteo bphmt oethem, at his oz their mecatozo oz zomtnhiutas toes in any of ithett fllaaietties fttoutts of fiecozo as Weomiefier, by action of £Debt,: 25:11, tetaint, oze ‘infoemation, wherein but one itmpatlante, ano no h¢ElIoigas iazotettion, oz wage: of flaw than be 211; tomeommth ittebleolofts of suit by him oz them etpenoeo in tl)efiecoiJew of the famee ie b D I) fine g :6 Ann.o-Rcgni quarto 8: qufhtfi firm be ttfurthet finatten, ithateiti %ta£e anpaeerton oz Wttnns fljallhappea to be tttueb by any [nth fiobbet 02 me: here, eneeahoutmg to 2IDD2ehenD,‘uzt m makettg putfuit after heme oz themjhthat then the fixecutozs oz ztnantntfitatozsg 02 fuel) iaeittone oneetfons to whom the 1:: ght of zintxxinttltatton of the ieerfenaltlfiitate of each iaetfon to htuenlhall belong (upon; 1Zi',U€t!fi£&t9eDEeliYJ£t£D ember the iiaanns emu male of the flange oz Eufittes offiiixse fez the muntp where the amt was none; A :32 the fiinnnext filufttces of the aeeace, at fuch taetfon oz aaetfons being in kitten; mhxch mtttftcate the {am Qilunge ozciué fuses, uncut fufitctent hihmf befoze. ethenj mane, are tmmentatelp requtten to mine without jeeé oz iiiemarn ) than recetbe~.the 911:1: of jfoztp iaeunes from the geehetifi’ epixhertfigs of the flotmept where the tam jffift was Eeexe ans flemmttten, ann ups on failure of zenwment theteef by the {aim Eahettfi oz §»hertfl°s noubie the min Qua: of jffoztp aaomms, ta be Eettmeren agamw him 0; them may irebie Cilloits of Emit; in manner anb fezm, as afozefattb. firm it is hereby further finatteb, fihac all fiheraffs, that mecutczs, oz zlnmtnts fimtozs, upon menacing fetch refptettne fletttfecaees, ant: the fieeetpts fez the was my by them pain in pmtfuazete of this fiver, than be ziuolheb, ant) are hewbpilnzv pomeren ta menus: were their zlccaunts mg met) flhetc sffiajetttes, 3:98!!! hefty,» emu Qucteifozs, an aaeneps ( othet then the W it i Guiieizami 6»: Maiiézl gm, H32 Double Quin arm $ums of avapnezig aawtfiefiseffiuit) which they lDaIl%7bIf: bum, aw amzefain, without any Sfeé oz Remam mbatinener; % % iazobénen &1IDflP553EbM3 t£.%»t1I)9u.A tag mcnzxmt of any sabetitf oz fibetifim. time Enatlnet be %1l,Bon2ps fuifacientggzme harms of fuel) fiberififlz filjztiffs 19,, :22; imbutfe him 0; them fact) mBot1¢I*8;;1a;(n by him oz them by virtue oftbis 23:, £1”; tbmtbe Sbzttfi oz saberxfis habmggi In pain the famL£I;Bon2p5, flJall have tbs fame fizpam by tbs £020 ireafum oz ‘(Kama mifimnets of 1’ZtJeit mBa1‘e&ie§ £Wfl[l1t?: foz the time being, out at tbz%m2nue¢&o£ the Emma, upon flertificam frwz tug mm: of the amps to that fiffcriu - 2111?) it is hereby. futtmt finaaen, mac all arm warp aaetfott oz aamons who {bait to flake, 31131122132119, gmofccutz oz¢o;n=»- but fuel) mm: 0; “mobbers, as afozefain; as a further mnaarb than leave atlb @112 1919 to his mm ttjzitpzopzr ate annbebf tbs iaozfe, jfutnttute ann Rams, £';Bunep,: 02 other (mans of the {am manner 02 Bob‘:- hets that Gm: be taken mm) him 02 them; 24111» $1126: Qwaicftiez flight oz 3£:'tl‘2,215n; mes gamma; oz wpuzaze, 02 the Right 9; Emit tljeteunto of the 11,030 of any manoz, iibettp oz fijeanc.l)1'fe,;[o;% of him oz them iunnmg 0: imzmg the [ante to? we to an? inch ifiobbpr oz iaobbcrs in any mm atotmattjfiannzttgg-V _ imobiinm always, itbat this maittfex,‘ Q3 any tying therein contatnen than I 3 i i Annb Rcgni quartb ck quintofim . he mmfituen to Extent to take away the as bt many ibetfoti oz {anions to Inch 90: e§,jmtnitu:'e arm zttms, Qfionep oz 9; er 45133.5 ftont%mbam the fame mm M :3 mitunaouapxamm :*J‘;afxmbe%t: furtljet marten, mm ifang iB§:téfi.¢‘jG2. 1B9fl0II« f$__”§1l3..§1BiflQDflI3-.D‘f 1921: fém» {ball from ¥%&flhaftBt the fain me fifi;fi€t2Bc%:1tictbBa1I fif..M:ir;ch fintnmitany mhuceysann aftetmarns ntfcetmfiflwn '92 n1*e;~z’%1a‘er£otg oz aaertcns, .1330 amaby bait}, oz =l)mafm ap"il‘¢omn:1t an? 5301:: b’eti>_,{o as films ‘oz mo;e% of the mitten 0; T mans bifcobmb Qallbe mttbitten of ugh iabbetp, any mcbmifcmnmt than bitttfelf r13ane,%ann (:5 mtebp fiutamlcb to tbefizacieus 19atnen 3Ebett91aa1eitie5,, acme: miss an!) éucceifozs, fatal! fish: Dams mbicb be 0: ’It=mp {ball babe mm: mittenwiat any um»; oz times bafazc Wrath ibttoohety ;11am 5 which éébatbon that! be xiaznytfg moon mat to anpztppeal bzongbt fa: any fun) mbmtp; V % FINIS. RARE KD 7992 .A3 1692 E5 uuavnsnv or Inooou - cowuuu ELL SPC FIRE RARE KD7992.A3 1692 E Mllllllfl Wlli ll Nllmlfllllfllllfll 01 0-00724801 6