For Sale of the M A 1&0 R 4 Late belonging % % To Archbifhops, Bifhops, cans, De2éxmV%z:m and Chapters. 9‘ A T A A “AAA A AAAA AAAAAA 9 5 "AAA ' AAA ‘,., ‘ -w ' r ,m " ‘ ' u‘ , , ‘, ‘, ‘ 2". a W, ‘ “ ‘ . *'~'u‘%1_»'? A -‘ fw Wr_-‘-«up Maj.‘ {A ‘. :"_.‘m _:v‘ 5;‘ Q” 3“ ‘ W W5 41 “ ‘ “ W g V‘ *‘ ‘ ‘ K ' ‘-Mmmmmnmwufiu I -—-wuuuw me Mercm°ii;. moaabr. % 165%.’ Rderedby the?-’4rlz'anAzent, Tim this A6’: be jizftbwitja printed zzndpubliflved. A W A A A A A Hen: Scobell,Clcric.i’aflianxchti. Ilmddn, I’riI’1A‘Atcc1AbyEd2:wtral Isms!-5zindA sgndyalm 175514, p’,1r,;¢rg I-GA. 4thcPAa’r1ia‘Amc$ntof flngland, 1 65 ca, % A Reflories 8t Gleab--La1tA1ds ' " 1Fm.‘S“ale0{: the? . M M A N 0 R 5 6' eétorxes and Gleab-Lands A Late belorigingto A ‘_ Arclabiflaops, Bi(I1ops,eans, Deans V f and Chapters. r ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ A. .,, ’ ,. ,‘ . ‘ - ‘ 1 I P’. , V on ‘....,...-..‘ H ' "Uh""‘ ‘ I ”“ “Win ‘K. \ . w~'...., ‘ ,4‘ “,5 ‘ aw‘. "u .‘ ~.» ,. % % % .4 W; i i, _ r , Inhhl ‘M A .‘ I354 37 u ,4‘ . ‘ » . aw. _ ., .. I «K } ,1 . Ia‘... |qn:‘_n|nn£ ,. H ‘ V. s ‘ I . , ‘ " » Mu.‘ " I .. ~‘. . . 4‘ ' ‘ A . r A _ ‘ ‘I w.l.1L_‘/ : ' ‘ «MM F ‘If ..v‘« “in .anj.. nance of igatliameuc AA 0fO%a70'";' ’< A V‘ ‘- J#'f‘.“p';.“‘ K ‘ w 2‘ . vf‘= W I ‘V 9 » ,. M" ya ,‘ I I w . ‘ I ‘ ‘ mm, W | , I M, ‘ "V: 1%}? p :1 ‘ ‘ ., “¢_'a\\ \ .2. . ‘ 4 d V ‘:l’z’.'w.“~:fl?”’1""“Uv4 ""-J ‘ ‘*7 ‘i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ H ~ » rm.” “,-m.‘ e.‘. v ‘ _ ‘ , .‘ V!‘ J "%“’r f I “ ‘ H “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ ‘- g. I’ . V ' , .. ‘ ’~“‘¢ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ “ \ . ' _ ‘ I f '!~:' *‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1:. v t V” ‘N . } , ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ , I .‘ 2 ‘ H H $321‘ K“ ‘ V‘ H v ‘ " “ ~ “ ‘ ' ¢ » » “*,.,‘_,‘_ ‘. ' ‘K: s ‘ ‘ . V H ' ' '1’ W ‘ ‘ r W ,_ v ‘ i “ V this €139-t4 *P31‘1i:1mQ?nf;' 1 g. ‘' * "/ ‘_‘ . ‘O ‘ M ‘Q .._ . v “"27 "3 111 mhc Kmgdom of I Eng»- ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ C ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ - ‘ ‘ ' 2 ‘ 1” tfmien, An Ordinance of: ‘ Ax‘ W 1%: ~Ab"oliflxing of Arch; % bifllops and Bifhopskwith-5 A landw and D’oVminion‘T Mfof W/ales, andfox Iétlijng/their Lands and Pofléfsipns 1113011 A Of thfi Of an act offljifi pzcwnt aaatliamcfttg fintimlen,‘ An A61: of thc_ACommons of Ifiirngland+in”4Pmjliamcnc44A aflémblcd, Fo1:Athe[.Abolifl1ing De@ns,AD”ear1sand Chaa ‘ptcrs, Canons, Preb¢né1$5Aand *othe1§I A Ofliccs and’ Titles A of “or belonging toVauy4%ACaEhcdralfor Collegiate aiihuxch or Cha«pp"clWithir1,Eng13.ndandWales(amI)ttgfi:”'htI)ett ' A ,1 L tbingz 5%) we a rmagzsga 19 mm“ '2» Q $p“zmt,aA '5 ,%5%;:m minmm4 mums; tnmt?afnr.- 5%,@2mmms , amztmzm of fiytijzfi, *%1%'at:fn2nag.m*; fliicavages, .@butCb£55 A % 4 % Z3§’3§3'53 7+ I mm mm mm ' (%m;:6 Q, . mm mmtims m we minfittéé A mmtmm , ma WW3 mm Emmy in the] gamma mm *ct1zamm, ‘- 4 0:1! I ‘N? '4’: o'l%‘=,é '~¢‘;- m i aim, rm mamas by an mm :15 gg mama mvimmm, mmituien, An A& for A A oviédifig Mantenmcc for .APrcachi%nggMiniPtcrs , and father Pimw Ufa ,7 % MET» £5 11 flptljw ? apmopziatc, $®1I:.< bmntz'm‘15A, fiwfinnfi 91% mtimm Hf mtimig, A zwpzopziate 3 Emma, WA“?! WU fimfiaun ” 3 npwg mm wzbnnancs mm ~ ‘:19 fiecingfi A, A jfce-jmm mmt57”fl’m'ztfi W130? *1’fzPflJA¢%53 W “J9 {$173 r W‘ % Anmutiamb , ate fgztltb am1mItcn,fmmatw afw-..— g A Day Ijfjanuary , itttijfi A?€&°E4@11‘A€g ~ mnnm tmme meg mAfl§)¢ {mfg Quzt namcn, inmcl) ntanmann tax A ti} gmgp fm; a,—'c1iammt A, fintitmen 5 fit? e*%%,,;c i M$in;ifim—s; ochér Pious l1IEs,%[1![19[arf0fl3Q¢5 V m among A of fiirthcs appzomiw, 311% ¢U&IJD“¢15A,AA 3190331311395 mm * e¢alx%g¢n.u%f all arm mew Etta of H V- ‘M » w 1 $1175 ~ A A :9 ~ A * ,5,’ \ ‘ ." M" A3“i; V _;1: _v. Ax‘ 5‘ “ I M « w 5? A.; ‘ WW / mm» mm mm, m m won‘ ¢ Hem.-yfiolcrofb ianigljt, 3flD'Dfl}“ W9 itII:=A mm finfinemz as =t'n the rain iti0na1.4 A8: Em providing Maintenance for * ggggam £p1;1jggA, blatiotw, £DhD¢ution5;, A % - tafi ttfuing; nt%uf%1Mt§fonag¢§,€fl;1(.~=w% fivtbw in W 850%” wzmnm A 'A cnaztnutaimm ¢33~¢A"¥'W % 2cnnA:mm:a@c,Hcnry m¢c$A¢in¢tbv W0 MI my 3» amve mvfi A we as 1:!» 1* (1A;7)\ % e-: “Z? 3 Q ‘ .%0zVt0an?@Ww9 fiuhheang, means an flan: pt%ep5,%%rci:)nmcnn,1%ziaz, m)anczim;,?¢]fi1nmt£»:. i'&w,% fiijamm, mhcbanter, itrcafurztg §uhs_ tveafum, %uccentm:, 1%z2cem;et:,* fiactiftgi flame: ? mm, mmns mftuem oz tmn»-—» gamut, 1%-my fiaflfiflfiz. Wcaw, fibflzais‘, % ‘ V , -V ‘ . V: ‘ “ 3 # \ H ‘ U‘ > “ W. W W“ 1 V 1: 35}11@nt?[:ba£9v5 :zL1mwc1)a£e1:s am an ‘,1’; if;"f?£:“‘¢‘I % » v,_ . % % _r,* M A -- , ‘ » gum "mm > . ‘ ‘ ' I " ‘ ,. flijat the £a?tn<£ontmctnzs 11)a11urJt treat 0; com.» tract much any patron oz pctfflnfi, Imny 19n1ia% tixw mgflnzpozam.V%ntbw‘thant1jz4~imnwI1iat¢ 5a_:cnantA mzienantgnf tbermemifesbmlw apa 'pqtt1tenVto4hV¢ fully fD;*tD¢J3Ef1J¢£$i;iJ¢flzanllfig; files n was ~Au;nw1amnitan:entsmntcv¢ mo; fbey%4£a ye1;m.fnz¢thc% fate of I,)i1:tp% ~ '1 ‘V W ‘ ‘ “ ‘ A ‘ ‘ _ ‘ ‘ I F‘ ‘ ‘ am: 5 «hemamwaf ; “ ‘ W“ H: A" *»'‘'Dfl‘:’‘,M ‘‘ ‘ ‘V “ 1"‘/L ' “ “ " M "W *1 “"..‘§v"‘ ‘N , " ‘ 4 “N .1‘ , 2:-¢ W: ‘ " ‘ ‘M { " V M ‘fir I . IE» 3’ ;. V,‘ ‘ ‘ ,, . ' . V ~ ~ - % % % \ ; I ‘ "A" “ , ' 1 w““ 0 may ‘ . “ '+* 'u:, ' M» M ‘ ‘ W 1" X‘ I J‘ h‘:b«: “ ‘WWW M.‘ 3 ‘wit. ‘K’. J (‘C ‘A :4“ '0 .u."‘ ‘ ‘ "11’ ‘ , " ‘ V‘ ’ “ -‘ M‘ ) ‘,::M¢ ' “ ‘V ‘ t ‘. ‘ flvvj.‘ ‘\ “ l ‘ , x 4. ‘A a W 41%}: mm 5. :: , nu AV . % To 9 X‘ cnfm+mVtbc%3H1:fi”¢na12¢dnf November, was thoufann g ihittya A ’ +#Mfl1Jv€tI~¢t13¢%fiD.1"!13VflIItt&fl32fiV;m&?13&0* = K * « I 3.“ ‘_;.‘~‘ *1-L‘ ‘ '3 :1 \ I‘ A ' ‘ M4 ‘ J Y .V 1 “-‘r“v ‘ ‘ 0: ‘ y,_\:(“",, H,“ V‘ ‘V ‘ “ “.:W_ 5» . _ » V ‘ z‘ JV‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' _r .4! ‘ ‘ hfiaammi non A "M "M; "-um‘-M " ‘ w M5 ,5? *4q:‘ “ “ " .'. , fl ‘ Q3 % mmi”y¢.,, flmi1m;¢+7agnau mam efi?‘é‘ct1mi in am, ta ail _ _¢ mfiamis am;fip®w§3fi*€@§ A %tt Dm1 mm @emc%ya@ut:» ’ umamfers nf tbs pzfiflliffifi, 0; any @zm@§§m*§f,~ ijm amm¢1,am ¢i9m;t:5%, ffiucceffngg .. ' flfsfigtm fimfi flaw, mm mm emfivthvnzcs I H ntpact_m2£a mg azwfim 0: mm cf tmnzatefma% mm mm mu ufiT§w tmtiimfi W m? i,m’m‘”éu%;%iti)enu in pmt«cij)afm; " nfcifiswg ¢ I 4 , . m an fija fm’n’flm1m£ mtbe famwztstname an!) i flatsmfmewrmteD,iozin an flDzhina%ncmf the A @1’mezizti) of Novcmber, Inna ttlnufannfixwijuna mm mm» aifmn Cm AI’t1ti_)a'5 %ct nazntm am, .0; any ‘ «_ ‘N H; q: ‘ " " , H ‘ L4‘ '_ W4,-E W ‘. ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ ‘W -' - as ann~ Ir 1: . ¢ { VA A m eimmc nfgtijuaz, aw:outta?heipab1a%¢by%imtuc~ aoftbe»faz’:ta mizwence up mtg, 0; any 0; eitbcrnf % fljmta, mm mfau %ax’m mm muc£tmn,£~’%tI)at may % mire ~ uzbwmiwh upnnwV amtence nf fiale at mnr.=.=%%% 4 W V mt:~13a1ue£5 amlallnwmt (flilflifltfi ann21Dm1anbs¢ * 13ac£ae1aeu%cu:1m ~?é?u¢tI)eflentsa11n’3]nm:e£t5 ahen by$at1;e£ain*imnauccsAee mcts:tae£n;c teem: many uf fijfimi man of all Sfiucumbzames mane sf an. flmfifi mm %ccut11pt§imVhm:=, hpiifije faihiErLafiee5nz% claiming flflfiwtljfiflif ozmfpnf fi)zmV; muntbati4tbéi‘fama fi)a1Lnutbc ip%ab1e%mtm~g, but men am) nifcbatgcb ofaxm I from an ann%a11%.m«an¢vM of%.A %4#;tatutes,J fitmgca nem;.A.£u£Emn,ogvmbcijan,mha in :we, hp, :1 mm 0; umm t a am s mm ‘ , $15? 1;, 4 Q ‘ . M” W "1 VS‘ ‘A V‘ “ ‘G W‘ ‘ “Av. ' ‘ 5‘ I W 4% » ;, '~ % A as: A K ~z % 4 r m wwfii ma’ \ » hr u w H) . ‘ A_"“\’m‘:‘ ‘V n“ XV " ‘. * “A D ** M; «M 47;?“ » A u *_' W ,;,x, - v W gt ,' ‘ “ ‘ ‘av’ “v “ 2 ‘ ‘ ‘ \ - ‘ . I ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ _ W , U , 43. . ‘ ' km , 4g ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ N »- _ n ‘ f . 9 ‘ “ :33 Wn‘ ‘ , M : “ N ," dig’ ; 3. ‘ I‘ ~ V" ‘ H ‘ ‘ " “ , ‘ ' ' ’ W ' \ «: \ ‘ ‘~ i :,-,' »,l ‘ \ ‘: ‘~ J * ‘ *‘° 3‘ . A1 V n§ mg; y u 2‘ ‘ V x ‘ CH .1‘, ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ " ‘ » " - ‘ ~ ~, ‘ " \ ‘ * g V | ‘ H k 4:. v 4 .,,_ V L a W mV.,% 2 , V fan % up mtfo ctten 2mct,%mup 0% mm i A ecoitisaucw 402w, 3Iv0vntms.;A¢ ' enfucu a [bail ms magljt agamfi: cm > ragmnfl tbzwfmfn fimmez, mmrssctozfi,» fitfeésé %i’twAc1:5,m tm%t?fl‘?1?'a’aw, ‘\ 02 may of them, fa; any .« i Aazct nmu~.% by tb2m%m amp of main in e;:eum'mzuf % *tI):‘§flct, 02 MW fmmm iflct, mmmamce, @9333 oz fitzfitammus mljemmmj it memes Jflhat V than be 02 Atmp amimejhzv etmbuzn tn pieafi the A AQ5enera1‘fitATxw, mm m gmc%tb5‘5%:t in fihtnmm; A m if ‘jungmruzztt ”flm1i% mm fV02«1'.!)z mefemm ant I32 3.~IDefe:1Dant*sittAfucb %;ctz’on,AI)eazuns%t1je19* A {ball recuA1»eAcnqA¢tL#"b+it $035+ .man% be italic «£5n— actcn hptbc imttijozity Aafuzzfawg fllmt ‘none of tn*efaa’n% ituaecz, mcafutems ,@mmactozs, alicgiftew, ifiegzflers Cztcmmptaxtt, .@ut:nepm>~=A ®mtera.i, ozamp ufAt1}m @1wk5,nzotbet patron 0; A petfons ampimpeb annex them amp of mam,‘ in in about the [J;2£IlIif£$,{l)&1’l.b€ annzitten tntrmt oz cnnttactfoz any part: of the p2e¢mife55Im'tbmY outuane mzttiaan am1ohtainenA from the mam»; ntittce fin ®bl1I3llctiDt1§.l't¥I the fiale of the 85% A I’D% mites; annin cafeanptbe patterns‘ afim ¢fl)a1lnimtip oz mmmtiy pvwcljafc any ?pm A4 of the pnmifes ,% gun the [ante u;au%% he Antanb to appear to t1jcAfatD3£mt1ze55 afihietpfutb pm fnnannp2tfonz%I1)atI fnzffiit tbé%mez,nifm%mfbfli {Jim 0; them¢ puvchafen am: tI)*zVA?fa1in%$t:u&ce5 ate] 1)mAhpA autbozis 211 mu minivan ta Afeisc tbc tame, Vatmto cntmep the one mopetp AtbmoAfto%AA4 fmb pmsifon Vann; perfon5~4aj5(ball%AA*M4Im¥cu1wA*Atbfi fazttz, annms $ mag annAtbzntbct1 iopetpti)¢ce«»= of the ram Wfinntvactozs upnn%% fut!) Vfizvtajfiféacc‘ % tbmvf .5. &"MZ9WWhP*ifl1P°m¢W11t0|?fi5lJ0T¢f0~%&1€f *% foptbc h%etwfi't~ of % the atnztzznonmcaltm Q V%A%tnB.%si)wcas them L65 Aa J» M of acoAtt&oemmeMme:omvfaztbe mm A tainiingofAfDWrmP»ann3fozAc4es mEng1and,5*c0*~'~* W zcef51tpA&uf mran % IanamwItem mmwarwt%eAmammmnce’ 95W W 1. ?‘1?1W"ém A9039 »¢D%¢WA‘W" gm am A % M eyfinaict mm, mm he WW1 im mm % (M2) Emma 19 %ucIJoz:t'tv times? 9 flint what am 53$ A in 11 . s ‘ “ M" V ‘H-J‘, ‘ 1 1‘ - ‘ ‘ ‘ L ‘V ‘ V‘ ‘Ir: ‘ f “flu &Pm74“”nA5a DI’ . ‘ ‘ _ g~M‘- *.,. . “ ' “ \ ‘ L‘ A‘ H‘ ‘V’ “ ‘ _ ‘ ‘V ,1‘ V ‘ %[%:Labobthc. mm was iaammennmxra . ax, ‘ , ‘ mun gfnzmmfp apmmm in he %VmAmw up as éaemmtv at m amuus mf as» Tflfi mm the mane %0G.3W bunnzwanu tmwt? t%Jnw€anvpounms flaaii he méfmm filfiflztfimeuvmifififi %%Wv¢W asmm mf all ma A 2bm9% the pzexnifcs by tb%:t'5A2{c%t appmémm to%~b‘¢ ‘W: W W0 W 1'0 much 05 W $03035» 91BW0%25sV mung, fiancmems an fimmtanuentts,hpmz rain am watch mappnszzten cn:e4m1n,Vasu)a11 amnuntta%tbcbaIuwf ®t,tenunmen%t.beoufa11n V 13111155Pllliwflwflublmg the like zmm as % a11%v%Du¢tD%mw vwfonoznexfotwg 21503? am-«~ 1%itique ozqxmmate,bzcb~hytbe» rain firitm-. gctf mottbzéitarmsinfttje ramxate tit» oafthefaifil-an5%; t.wbev itb fmb ’2iin--3 J“ W, mg .1‘ w '!§.‘ ' ‘ htfifl 8110 M": wa» Dfflbavtevs, an by my aunt; V % ms i%avIiaa: mtbi: %z%bmt nuh12nupnntb¢%ecu~:; ‘ as¢winmtnhv tI)~efm’n A nfimctt Mann flI1ntz5t*efpzcti&e1p warm en. %%nnAhzitfurt1)ec ~ M » pal N333? Vfl~IwjP%54Af:“flD== my ‘ ». 43. Iv ‘°ii39Jaf'3M731'°2 *wa"D°¢ ”~¢w°1‘¢$”3 « ;_: ( 104;) mm mm» gheimhfitl tezhaftw peefeti mheefmt§,; Immp ieettttqueez mmezate, whim Ilmiianbetttee A hp may of mmtmmg at efetefatm any mum at %utjtt5 ef %mKt??1ifll1JhW;Ea’fljt eatfmg the min wnreh hmtmege mm tmentpe thetttaetn ehntmeei, upon the @ eeuettp of the pzemtfes, tn afiitgn the wmtehg which that! he mteetmte hem etthettt upon fueh weanling, mm the fletteeefi mm tees ttefit thereof, to any nthee peefmt at peefmts,-_ emu that in cafe Each wzigiual eteenitn; at zit: ttgnee thallheeeme at ietttehafee of emppaet of the hpzenzifee, mu mmetaeep mm mm émnte ef %oney but up 0; upon fueh hmeublen 2151115; {bah he actepten, teputen emu taken in mttiefatttezt of the whole, In any pate of the woneps cent: teactenh fez upmtfmzh aettechafe, 85 if the fetme A hem been patnin eeanp flhnuepza man an wfifm cees‘tnntetnen therein, ate heeebp etetthnzisen am) tequteen to anmit men anew the fetmemm tnpzneeen accozhinglp. am it ie futthee «lent-.-t acten by the muthmitp afnzefain , fihat every peeten atIDpetfIJt1§75215DDh aenltttqueq 0; amps: rate, who then! letm any %m1ep5 on the em h 9eeuei‘tp asafozefam, anti that! have hiss; theta: I meet: arm imtetett Eaten by the fiegittevfice. ' tomptant uamen in the fiell eeciten mt, tflyafl pay in to the iteeafueets in this mt namen, the e qhotteps mheeemith he ought to jmenubte hag. « afozefain, within atennapejnettaftet the Qteta t ttfitatetheeeef meme to the*fatnfi Vfieeafueees, at ntheemite that! late his eheneys me upon the %htthit’que-jfatth , unlefs he at the}? them A gutm ' h A caufetohthe1’Zeeafutete ee anpetwflfif them, td he he al1ne‘obp thetttoz any two ofthems to: htseztheienvegieett me next ftteetheehnaetemé flhat £119 tfienttttttfetettette fee the W @$Q11B[t1?mg7Y thewfiatez hf,“ an fietttpeteeeetttg mtth h ®“e1t’tt-s: efirz. 4 Qttetttfig ‘ A fijmfij mam % % Em fewzw mm thaw may mmaw tum -¢ ammmgchy inwnmmn mm mum % we raw fine nunme Munep¢ka3fmm*1:irm to tmtwugbt fin % % Vintumzircafutp hp cm me C 104- J ‘ emm:t[§.,T fljaii mm,ua'e mm zxemm mm hag;-. g a WA um amem mm mmm;a'ms, aa§4ma*:gav i"mn::m% ~ fimsémriaxee mJ;€ma1am%§mm E; @aqu@m'.ma’um 3m'azaz;m m mm iwijam azmmw aw mm emetic aiiium mu j?:E*¢7"~:fi,.% M3 0} nzirgiji ‘E15? 3? MW mi“ may gammt immmkamufi, fmfihg gqmmwing 3% we mm W my pwmwa. mg pwfimw mmch mum mm mm: aamfifm by me; fmmrzm saspmzm ”fiwamm oz. ”.E:wmmm°as« ~ mm we mm tmmmitm, mtmumeafi 02 main; « znzfismamfi, not to mm pmcfectm, nag ijemmftav % ayau amt Dam gmfmm tijeit tfimwepmuaz up + (imam pemws of any inf ma flZWfl§{E3 by V them» wntmcten fm , oz; to mcmtmcten fa: Wt g mm 99 mama aftw the v~e£pecté4m mmractga mIjz’Vc1) flemfimtz mg m¢t$ifi£a*t££4ti)e WD %:ea,~.= . W lilfikfi mmm tmfums are ijgemm» vmuiweh mm mmfmit from mm to %tz'mc am ,3 fat @nmmé1'§.mm1mg;4arm :1 the tam ommwmwevfi % aafm berm? 2m’apneu4‘h Mme Vtnpzmmn acicngmgw. D w‘%»m:te f:1;mmmt;s’:zn1¢tu V %wI:Itet4V I175 fuiW:h¢7V.“; wanamm fibflfi T“ho1na‘s'Nocl, Stephen Efiflwick Wilfiam Hobron, mas; fiaalibeflceafuwwfoz A mm ten:t12 than pmms ; arm allnthctmcij @311?! awn dumg, E» amnts, as $1191? fly %i‘fstt Am tmzeV‘totime 4c%ec4¢4inz:f~fv ammammt 0; cmunmnf %tate., .mmfoztDe%hettet enabiing;yefain“£%rui1%e¢in mtman¢ ntijzflmmn tIJzmvepnf¢,"%A4. V m amah,%aun it is wema«cte It » mam A am menu men tav$ecm’m* it V fig % A mac mff mm mach. 131“ an pain V mctionfi 0; m 1* :t:Wmmt% aaf ment,.ann%he fi1me%an4?9!mI fiums ME 2 , % CIO4$) % Wfiismaw @¢i3:eA%r~ee:a;LfA3. _ fw.w@mw ma Fm aam mafia: mflfims i?@A§{mi»W»’W azfifi w rimm by meg ; A 3FE¥W%W m’N£>v¢mbm‘, :.‘;”7%a:£Mfi3,fi£flm;n%%€wmm mm W27, $ mm my me *m*gsaratsf%39;'; 1%; fifizfimfizflfimifi «WE :3 fififim flwmmpt M MEA pm m’—?£1.wAD¥£§} mm Ema Kw flfijmmmmafiaw mg mm: imtifig amine 3% ma: m°m:ém'm$§3 in my §3Va_V mm veftaectmew 3 mm mfi? iammzie maemp mamm:A awn $593 mm flmiwg a pwmfi A Xwmaxm A? Mi %e~cemt2¢ ant I ”*“,W‘1W1P 5 which fiawamat mm fiificcmmawaaw imp flmufiertts, u; may fatwn ;£fvea§un:exs,m many maxamsamaa m¢m'm%4 vmh mmzne :: mm m cm the man ’:?Yim€m§» mm 5. 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