s H I P s and G0 0 D5 A A Lwaloin, Printed for Edward Hzzfladml, Printer to the Honorable I-Ioufci "€3ot1'1- A Declaring the Grounds an Cafes of n'1a‘1~:in’g 1’RIZiE THE that {ball be taken from time to time by the Parliami ments Ships at Sea, and for the eneouragementn of Oflicers, tMariner.s: and Seamen. Die Nlartiéi , Apiriil, 1 6 49. A ‘Rdereciby the Commons ajfeznbled in Tarliament, That tlatlij e i V 145% be forthwith primed Mancipubli/bed. ' A V Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliament’; 1 “ “t,‘ V’ mons, and are to be fold at his Shop inFIeetPcreet, at: the Sigxwf the i Golc£en~Dragon, near theeInner-Temple, April 2o._1é49a A ..........._.__ . i V . , I i ‘ V'\ . W‘ . \ ....‘ \ ," _ V i .- ,, W‘ I 5 km ‘ ‘ «r Declaring thefGrou11ds’and Caufes of rnaking Prize theShi‘ps% and AGoods,Vthat Ihallbe taken from H Lime-ytotimc by the Parliament. Ships at Sea _., and for "the encouragcmentof Officcrs, Marriners and Seaman» ’ . jfiwfwflfi the Parliamenfi A I ” ’ % A mmcw atmmcm mane I mm aazmuzlgemfnztbc VA % ~ameffarp~ efmce¢ of 4 ~ -::; % we ®nmmmn£ an % ~ %4 *+mJ1nnmnamea1tb mf A 2”’ yEng1andflflDIreland,a[Ir. % e;~afon mm Jiflattnnsss, fmhinncn mumttmetce mm frame to any pm oz piacwimtijiu tbufejfilations, being in mbellinn -- % ”‘ ‘ .-- owing tfltbefiamfi ofi arm Ijniiiliw agaainfltlje aaattliament of England 3 mm mm pmzflcaiarlphp Mfianzwinance hatch the 3 cs M N%ovembér,164;. power was when to mac mm mwzm an am am matm mt’ ~®IJip5 mm mamw, »~®mM, mmmazmem mm, mm) the mnnanca , fimmunmnn , V m1nms% Wwafwzm, mm flgmm he mm mifi)?&i in up out: 1% ‘A, ‘ In 5' & a _‘ 3 fim:m‘.h fltmtr map amzfi mg mace mx't1)intIJcA I favmaainimm uf tfijcfwr-£atiuzt5,heing in ¥3ofi:iIt’w % mmwt ms: mmmmmz cmmnm Emmi; teas fimmng npmw @902: mwlatze ; uzfljatfljnuw Kw mum m flrgnw wit!) the flnbfibiaa . A % 5:: 2. tum A (1:8) tanta f any may pug: ; place flaw their aefa. ctionftm the iaatliamznaarm aim to fci5z,fav~.: mise am: take all amps, flliefieia , wmzreaaw, mmmunitinnmllictual am aoaaa mmagmg an any fiehei mg was in Ireland, aura an mama af aaitats arm §ea»fiomt:s_., at what Jfilatmn faa 1m, anntlmr ghipa am) @0005, am the fame ta mature to be aajungcn in tbzigbzanutt of mmiralty fog lawful page 5 am by anutijer 3-» nmance of ti): 29 (if January, 1645. puma: nsaa given fa: tljzfetting foul) {hips to fiea, equip: I fljflt-Ill] he met mitljal in 0; mwmamaa, ‘fmm any penjumiflgen ant: atmeatn warlike maanmaann the fame toaemplnp fmTti)cfci5ing,ata1amg,ann futpzistng ofaltipa ant: mama hciangingtu any of tije fuhmta f tijcfe mmnmna, which fitimgf ag a cut 0; pica, being in tljmaatliaments tngetbevmifl)%a1m;)¢Manama ammatanmra Rlnmnuntttan, Wctuala, @334 a, mu: pzisin am taking of an $13 a means i)atfoeb1:,itI) tljaznuancz fittuummn, ictuaia am: floats tljctein, magma is any am: 0: zhela in Ireland ants aim the yépa arm gamma ufauy cam pcrfunt)at£aeaet,3%mgmt 0; other, his!) than he going ta, 0; coming fmm any 130;: 0; mace in Iralandjn ianflfiity aama the ma A ~ tzigaa 4 fitimtaingtfl any 902$ D; 913% m ‘ii9m~:-..=- fififlfifi, tijmzfiunttaahanaa anus, fa; faspa a pl? of tljazajfaozscestifm aaainfl tmiaatitatneat, I)efama.,taga; that qaatliammtg as alt‘ fog we feising, fmpzising -L uaxahmgnfallannalim amt: tbiaann her; A ginam anpjfzeigaeganzaanf anpjfa a I if V lity aamtlje aarliamemzé 1:: mllttitiflllj B an aamjangingan canae:mniaAt t £’c.I1)Itb the D5 tljemfeims, annaurmy fla- gonna as Wang tufijz iamrs ma az ulnieta tijmeitt as alf fig ma {mm g,fa 1:».:= W 5 ‘ (159) nf tucmmtrananna gaas;anir‘m"xfefn;ti;e A fei3ing4, fuwzismg arm takingafl mews am A §ea:mnm, of nfl)at5I*B&£§m1 mmmaen 1:1m‘t otijet mmanw minmh April 6. 1644. piumwr fps am: gonna: batfoeemcczhin w the aim, —« thump, meaning mm true intent sf m»mm 93; mnatm E the rain 30 of Novemb. 164;. mm b an; as given fa; tbecqutppin g,a1:tm’n g arm femng tmtb Chips to fiea, ta feiae, futpziae mm mm am am annmflels, with we wznnmzw, fimmunmmm, clfionlasmaztztztanmm mm fiflanfmcfi tmm"n,wat they ammn fine Kama fem, 2. m fimmz ta any paws of wig‘ flatten, tn t1azmm7a2Li:e fi§.3s:mm’ R-um further iikem ,, mm mm, month he ttuean fazftimui umumzzafw mm: of an finipfi, *flmmv.mitim'x, mwyfi, «mug, %1BIate,1Mmzgcan Qnoil many flgmu be taken, arm as true avmifmmt mane sf tbefamz; arm the WM, tnetim mm; at! papet mm matings fauna in any flying 0; tijetnemlg Em taken, to he csmfuéw pzefmaen, mm mm n; time of the facets of anew {hip 0; new in taken, eta A that to mbzuugijtup ant: zxatnimn intljz mutt of %Dmita1tp,comeming ma mnpmp uf the fam i ftyipyanfi goons, mm futl) utljet mumittnzw arm fiutmgatnztesas nulnbvtwfibt fittfl he wnminiflvenunto tbcm;*2otbet 4 1%, tljmtm i W {am macaw 0f the fa'1J+fl)§p§ 0; WWW fa taken, A A mn he zxmmtm beflfoza wachiafjwffim mi?‘ we mnmim1tyafA;cfm'm,tm fijmm w}at%t'm;teb;Vp;aza hejumfiéa, mm fememze ufcmunemnatwfim ma ¢ A next mums England ;a%mti}am€@ me.mém$z'mm", mtthtljefam paperggnmntmafazfi E6 a%m12i5wwn$‘s’?; tn ha fmmntn the fiegifiaw mi’ ma wgb manta: mgtuci) miJetmmnfi~5'aam mmmcm M fl)Wihhe pgnmw in the ram muttmm taking 951?“ ii»??? V nziain M the fam fiflp%s,hafW amvgwmfljfi muigw; V (160 ) % mmgw; nz utljmhife, if were flmumha faaum mfi cam fog. m&it‘utz’on to the am nnmmca oz fmmzt mopgiztnzfi, tijatflufciw flmuinhe may afiminmren, mm fizfiituttnamamw ; mm by an wt of Itljis mefent zaatlinwnt , mam in Fc:=bruarY-» ®twt1)ox-xfann fuzljummn foztzp eight, QZDEWD tijtifiifi ants tcntigtb mf February as fmzfain to be pgmten annpubluben, mtitulen, An A;€t for encouragement QF Office1*s and Mariners, andlmprcfiing Seamem fit {E cffinaeten arm mmzn.,.—.~ ammmgfi ntijett things, fibat if the {hip 02 {mm empiopw in the famine of 1:t)e1_Batlian1mc,nwnzs tmmm ingijatfict, {imam take no; faumse any of we aammtm flmas, that tijenwep tbmxm he 13% macaw a3 in that mt ifi cnntmmm: mun Ifu m cafe they mam fmmise 0; mm may ma: zmmm (him, emgiz’t't) nz%t1:auger, mclamfmg ;3;%.:mm agamft ma %am’ammt, m ceaatmaag a‘“3"£°_.’$W zmnance, fitxzmunitinm @0211 0; any 0 that ;m7nm£ons, to ¢ afsift againfl tl)z%m:1z’anwnt, myattije fifip arm goons 170, name they hMZ2a%§£h311k,fl)&1lAfi13b¢ anmnganm the amis- miéwvfiutt, Initi)nimw@ntIjier ciaufes arm mus» mtmns, as all in the fail: mil mentimmn ct, M in the fam fomm fiznittanceg, arm ntljw mp...» minauceg cmntamm : five ~at1z‘a%mmt of England % containing ittequtfimas mu fz tbs encloumgw meat of the %mm’net5 mm Qeamwa mm mm». afi3zc.t€h,4 fij mttertopevfozm a)€i%l3 Dt1ti€§,‘%fl§ a £02 the tax in a;a11hereattevofimn,ann vefuunncutabieata _ tw fl)z%n:ahit!gan1@uh1iamgnf tlgig mct,.£I)at E£§a1m fl)mfmz,ann fuzaiazw uAtIm at miDtvWaf%ns. wnmrofaii mutmnttucnas tum fl)ou1n~outafa11 ti)efaiDfugmec«zmnan;-.-s wk. WW, #53?» AVWDA Tm1JA°“J“fW13111311155 35 womb 5mm°w‘?”?f3‘1J¢§“3“'WWW -9ga5,*pzueect:mnannmefetattmt at V mm % C1613“ aim neceamzv iaefemcann fafe % ttaas; an ¢ommonmea1tD,%A%*h¢ mm Wire %m% ? am am of ’fl%aviiameflt,.fta111£, mane§af¢;mht;ug I? puhlifileb, ac;ozat1xgmthzi:!.am« Of J? atmngfi mafliffiing mm recitin A tljerein tntimy tegiég iuatn ofttgzfz. tljctatbat they nm» N téaigilp Difm:nz¢»n at mg mm, tbz fem! arm parttcuim: cafcg, ?mbi;13 thwfnz their nwfiaw n;e£erA1mtinu-3+ mm utbet flit 13J9i§lJtvtmf0I1sa+fmain .nowec1axe mu matnm bfifufipamzfesoffziauzzz an+%am},mic%a. mimt fa; lawful pztmtogctncv aifunnmcm n%t1)¢cé firm!) : fit tst1)mfoze ®flab1ifl)w,2nain¢n a'1m= fifnuctzn, mm be it eenactzb by thw pmem: ltamznmnn Wfbt aut1;mmp%of tt)efa111¢flhat:sV wall am: ma lawfuh. as men: mazw nftm ’ M ntbzr flyifiog m£fai$mba.ta M ;m%l%M,fi!¥€d & 139 hi? M ozv2ibatc%en of mar, apmobw 01 ta be agpmaen tncvztn, hpwea V%itnmeniat¢%aut1)a;ta o tbz1mt1mmmt,o2 by we ¢;oun¥ce1nwtaw;+ mabliflmb W avlfanmtta to few. list; an» ms. 1115 nuewallann ebnrMbe%%i3¢hn ten 11):’ a mans tmac11¢tufl.xs’%bztravev their mu , Ito A 3333,55; A 2 A A 3; ¢ attoebct in the fame flyipsa o%me%l5_, helxmgg mm W fozeignetaz own pzmn wimfazw 5 £1) 4 V Afitim my taaufeg anmzegulatinns i_1e;rcaftzr:ntI)i,s :a%1:t n was mt» tbawsam 02311 affncim 92 town with M’°1§¢bfl1f%vm2anyaftI;en!,oz.catw.tbe3nV b%tfneibct %%F31““%% hiififfif ~PVri1iC¢ P tmganb aura an we a)ip§,m‘fie1sanMngenwgrmonz-7%: mamnersaun $u1hfim:;so’ft13c c+me:1s: any of the p’cnp1c?of %t1)e~fe" 5IQa%tio[1w,% oz ~a*u1m %0‘11W°'”*‘5 '35 3 '31 t atfbm ‘4 A ibttbm tI)=c’afpm:c of titottct :t1)é£c$§; Mn we faI.’D 1a’:€t.:c‘«: necem Ema. amf fainaazmce Rupcrtmnhfitijilttheffijizt$,f__f1JBiIt~i:Ff= mun am all ; ptljet %fl)ip§$ aztthtafiftfleslsg tbs 91921311 afl£¢s?W"*1mI’fi0*!>‘V7W€W315.=»W8 tfim%?%A mmzozswgm atwanI1‘31B exchm1m3ez%mmt£ammo raignjmation mijatfncnm 4% tI)eréinV cattpmg manmf mntvabartha 90005:“tbatfi3a1ii1WI8fi4 (that in anppozt %Vozp1a¢c¢,«%V oz mm ama 0;; jmttsrfi? g]a nay, “ aaamament, oztnatmaltnerounnauratma.V%’ 3uv¢».tfihm mnentnuaettme%oftvewemu-:% numtthtn%faup Eucijpnzt-3 place? «a$fozefain75%%*% be»iz1g$ga asafozzfainixtwefectimt oz fioitiiitxr again‘ 4:1) v,%2xmmumccou w mu A ¢s&i1it;pagainft‘tI)éwatiiamznt,I1iit1)Ff %0z%trtffi+[a‘ . ‘| A gg;Qng;,’ 1' .1)tfc%%fl)a1IAbencfigncn¢, feat- 2. %%u2mtm“m £a7ti?‘§ / * 1 k _ l «J. .A i M I: ~ \s.;, M. 4 $5 " , I «V Va! V ~ % 5 n~mgu»ev 06 A V % % M Q at Aperfon*s%V 1)t Vnem” " $1‘. an ‘ ' 1.‘ -‘ kw‘ ' “ V ’_ ‘mt flaw; MW‘ ‘ , ‘I'M ; I,‘ ‘wflvw K W an “Am wlace-%A~%tV znmm ¢ “ , 5 "—‘ ‘. “ 1"‘ Vazmg ‘ > ‘raw 4;. muntttu=n @615“ mms;¢WAuoaun :-ton” any pug: name atiiamentt alf-M11 tvwbitwa tmtafpmt . (363) . ttmtfpmtu; bgingatty mtmatmtmtfitgt ‘§fi1bti2r55”§‘ jfozttsmtms oz finttttuttitttn tats/E1vgland,tmttht K mmttbttntt at the imam, gm mtmmte wttcf mm mm ME mt fi)Ep§,mifiW§,mm3?§fiBm3’ mm gmmg A nfmmt mm immt, hetimtgéttgtm any mum; mam in Isclandit m11mm'cn,mm amt? ufttbt pm:«-.= mums afozttatn, flmilht, mm wait in tbfiiaigtij t mutt of mmttaity at Eng1a.nd,tlwD§R;D11£ pmmf’, t arm attoznmg to legal team in that raft, he an»; ‘zfzmgtn mm commnnm fa; zamtm amiss; mm m; that It"e1and 1)at1)nfitmg tame hmt,atm am 2'5, M: pmmmt at Eng1a.nd,auD fuhttcttto my flamfi, ®zD£r$5fitgu1tIIwnt§ mm cttmtvtitutinns asatt 3 flnaum match)? the 1@&€1l&m£fltflfEngland*; mm fog that not unzip niiattfi vmbinttsmozts atm piates in Ire12md,hut than the pzobmtt aft: Munflierr A itft1f,Im’ti) an tnepoztg emu plates mmtt fljt % t tomnzannottm £021:Inchiquin,yamiateiptttax tbttouftp hfiflfavfifit that iimfttepofen in tijmtmt 13DBt1@m31iammtBf.Eng1and;, arm tttant,thtft.cttmt; ant: fithtiltb, arm act in rent vcritate, imam W fijit flaws mfg flattens mtgljttobe atcnmpten ta M A notngioufimbtlatijat mtgijt nnttn hmattptttat nm: at tozttfpmmmtp abzuan, aw; tn angst the its hefty of commence at ttaffiqzw :. mm to; that we amtitamtnt butt) fpttntiy tntenimp the afl*tfianttt*ti of ®m3,_tuu£ea11 Iaxpfutanuiattmtaflsffiz tum: Etwpzeftmn,amptmzfi)mmtaftttttt~fainfitbmtax mt,mm tstmtcttinn atfalitijotk ptztttpgumintcs mm t plates in Irc1and5tnfineiit;» am But chanteuse ;, am “ fnztm fltafmts afnztfazn Bath fittiatt mm fK1a%’m‘~.:: fem, flbajlt they m’n1)ib:’ttann fnzbm am mmttt at t flontntettafltaffiuueanntmtefpomzumtp mutt fuemtt he ate ozfifimmifb atwsftmfattfitfi twlreiand. a: whim ammf $138 1%tmWtwS; .flzt55 tmth0z~£, L them at planet intbztnnflminns 92 matattm ms W5 ‘D“%3W*““m¢“‘ t §ff§‘*1g’”*‘dt‘; (I64) 4 ‘fazefuttheitanatten thtspzerent aeatliament,‘ t atm hp itheauthezity at thefame, that it than arm e may he tamfai to any of the fleet oz $1)ip5 fet « fazth, at to he fet teeth 0; tmployen by uztmnet the teatttamettt, at any p;1'bate@en at mat,o;tht’p5 to he ailamenoz. apagnhen by the tmmeniate pom: et nftaetatltfantettt, 02 the tilifliltfltttl of fitate «Etta-.= A hltfljenbvtieatiiament, in fetse, futpzise atahe allaua an maaet of thine, beffels am: gonna, of mhat nature mkt’tthefeeiJet,he1U1tgt'ng to all 138%: afansmhatfeenet,mhethetfnzeign at IJtI)IZr,lhDt'£Ij than he Emma mmet tbithai mam» 1B0;t,%atb0z,_t A fleece, miner oxalate ittlreelanflt hetngin the pot»: tefetmt at the {am fiebele of Ire1a.nd; 02 any t$oaf 4 them, 0;, meet thett pomet ant: tommatm, at hee- l'ltg‘l"I1I)Dml1't1? agatttfitheieatliaitthent of England; A am am: an a)tpe,eefl'e15 ant geenafif What was time Coeneuthat than be gotta 130302 tmmg from any math peozghathumz nlaee i1tIrc1and,tn§'h,hanb.e at poffefetnnef the fatnfiebemnz any of thetttm tn hoftiittyaaatn[t’the1eatttament of Enegland ag afazefatn. mm be ttltkemtte eeuattenhy the %u:=* at thagitp afezetatmiijat mhatfoetaet pziae at pztsea than he in fetsen, fut3p2t'3tiJ~fl2 tattemfn ail many at the cafes afo:zeta1’n,a by hettue of thiz mt, mail he Eafeiy pgefetneb atm kept, without ptuagmg, t'patitttg,imhe31tn.a,a;tuanpfe:;thzeaatttgnfbuitt,e e tmttt after fitmgement than be given tntteetntttg the fame in the iaigh otmm: etfinmttaltvaf E«n+g—~ land-mull that no ®aptatn,02£mpethee" emteeahet W; ‘| A “W33”? W "39 watmetethat flmiIfota1ee~iucbezieezeztate,» W11 h2eakW1k.n0z imbesieanezfu ” beam, tJm=1eW1¢i3a taken am We ematuatw tithe M63125» finvamt jfwcnituteez mane, of W in we 0? the WI! Ween: vefftie fetafieuaean2iae,t Wfiaail taufefile fatfltemtitetobeehzmeaijt i’me emaitfla ieoztsmbmtbefametfititat tef agifltateof thatieo2.it_,_.z ;,;cg; "eetaheimc-— (165 inch wbwaat tnmmvfozcnatuvvefe,tthtome ,» Aim: maze£uci)%nerfmtsbIotmvtbereuntmas thtflfficets am flfiarin€I¢s tntmffen4 flyatimca tvm;untittbefamz;aIw¢1aiezgjimnwméhj filmztfi BB aIl19fI1&tf1JE%I3 f8£AII¥*f¢13;£bPf1F¢?3*‘£t~f011%fl&&t3W' as fballhe apvoimbtbéteunto.hvtbe%C9uxx~ c¢co1[o‘f SW:-m A"A3133?‘flEil33“$ia1W the p¢4tfans*tmg %@W5a503M‘¢FiD=%:‘ , . ;%n%w5%anD%¢fitam “Intuit am that 73331715 ; h~€%1)a4lfs1JfWi¢t,11¢ M % until Slubgemm %¢0:tWt of upon KiCflutfimmfi¢1J¢%f3fiJ .vcfpecti1ae aytpsann gum fo ta 1ie1_If a 5'__ afuzefaih ‘in Due counts of %1fi3%»taVt1Jeenn‘%tbe¢tt1)%m V may be a faitfiegalaflh iwpzoceenixzgin tbefain {Mart of Dmitaltp,A:nv0¥fl€€ concettning auann , 9 , x vf¢5:%f0z¢fa+iD,~ . %matu, bat atiaxm matures, csmmms ofmina‘. *rrmu%s,iLetcecs as s. x fingulatt I\p;emifwsin~a1Iaxmmw t1)¢l'fi~ c att,92iba:te?Lcttev5:3!tlfivuméfltfisfiflflttwfi am: an D ocuments W mztctns imtfiocea hermat‘ugaiibctahen oztoatm tazecp an_n%an:sr Vuftbe%fatna)tps+ ozmfieis fate betamn ozfarpztfa 5m.hphettu¢u.fthis mct,ozEmmmI naupofttje nstnwe fame5ft)a1l b¢ nun» anntafeiv mu A .‘ a. A _ o%:acerAsozp:tiaé:pa1mm in ‘ abet? fucbifbin oz nefl¢1%fo%t&Benasafozefain,€bai % eth2%%hmvI9btup% ozfemtnhmamitltbIwtlfiA otbintbmtn muctaf %%nmit,a1tp,asme1tu+$ A tbéfain zitingsfoutm mtbc tam M102 new, amrtbepzamtems,gomnersi bf*fi)€ f3m¢fli¢‘l35§ V&nD%tU¢9°DDS LtV1J?¢1?¢i11»A 3.%I1:T'%‘ U3 fifi Eb fi1CDAD%tDBv fl€&iWF5E5 iI1fEI?i3EM0- tiiitzasineach variticulavcafe anminifitemmto1:1)em;n;%nt1).etmtfetncafe%tpeg 4 cattnntbzcnubzntentlggntuptow; tam as tma :66) m —tp“5%*m 11c£fefIm% Wflaall 2 Vnuw Ve;:amiAnen - 130 13 ¢f0Z,>¢—tb:@ Chi?“ M W A A E%ng1and, guise of ‘itilj 2: Aqacac e,V nfi @fltattet§, pamcutawaun 93Emts" res b%zmeV%v“¢citen tuna asmli all mm 21m fame mm nzimaffifoz W?9Afi WM‘ ma t1Jeivfmb @¢Wi"iMii, 5: 35% W0 “*7 % “‘"3 fi"B“"*‘ mt 3 ram wzitinMnmmaboar%ts,«,¢%ffiiD flaw, a11%%ihB mt1?,?t€flIIffiW¢° “aW~fW 1" ‘W M «mutt of mnmtcamm 1113 M8 W¥flJ,i , , , the A65 5,,:;W V ¥‘”“¢f~‘W’m‘V@¢ IIIMW 05 A is watrammtmn um“ , I im ti as‘ ml ‘ metal: 4 “”7°W“J3‘%% , 1‘ W t ,,f¢i%fi;fl”WaP=‘“ «e ngftI)t< V n1,mt ma upnme? wacecsganu cv,wzee,% :3; cu fn,A,* takw¢flz,,’5B11nn4in cwnf mmwozc ‘ ,®nacte;,. I320“? 35 @3311 , 3* 1*‘ W 033+???‘ ” ,; P? ¢ M inn tljfi om‘ti%%afnz W Wflfi fl“'J11Wfi1-$9 um fa jbbti) amsgwannt ewamgattg % any mm was on cit m:fine*,fl)aii1in%aflann may fi)zpmtic’u1at5 ancaffes mama an to be misc by A 4 E {at @ " ‘ ,,,’V‘ {W “L wt ‘-1 « M ~43; {N3 ,3!‘ 3‘ 1, .. tetozs%% , ‘ ~ _ rm ‘ ., ‘ -, ' . '° .«-~;.' 3 Sq?» zip‘ 2 4"‘ «, y,‘ H ‘ .‘ ‘ . 4 tfiifiitljet arty twflw £2! W A oz tmzpzfl “ . “M5,. “fr .,«-‘.%‘ '1“ ‘ ‘I ., V‘ ‘I , met, by nefimtib e fentmce to‘beAip;,omui~z%n a we a I n Viwkh‘ “ _, ‘ ‘ ‘ " ,“ ‘ ‘ha, ,3‘ ~‘ ‘A % .. A {V " . b v— "‘ ‘i M ,'”~fl,, N?‘ ' ° , > ‘ -' .- C; ‘ M-‘; , ,‘ . W , ‘ ‘ ‘ Mm V ‘ ,;;W a » fi‘.‘s, ‘:11.’ «,»‘«»,~«,» I Wt _‘ ,» ‘ A 5. , » V1 ‘ - .» , ,, -I ; , Q n M ,5? ,,—, ,,,, .~ " ‘F _ _: . ' _ ‘M ,_,fl_. ,, ,_ mm « 4 , 1 ‘V _»v , Q ‘, ~:‘ v r‘ u ,, »_ ,‘ ‘ z?- ‘ - ‘ - , , ,,x V I » ,, ,( xx, ‘ c . wt, “ 2 W 2- “ ' " f‘ , .~, "5, *1,» ‘J My - “#5., ' W £"*,, \ ‘ 1 ‘ W‘ ‘;,,, A 3) ‘, ,;;,,;,« Ag“. ' ‘ V‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ . _ w * D ~ ; r °‘ ~ 'u " I , ‘=3, , " , ‘W ,. ‘ r. y.,, e 7' ‘ft’ ‘. " ‘ u 4-,, ‘—-u=§1f:4m,““‘ m, M. )9 . , ‘ “ ,. '1 ‘M " *: ‘ _‘ , ~ ‘ , ’ ‘ <« ’ 5,4 m “ W ‘ r» , ‘ ' -Q '1 , ,, . ,, v Q‘ 5 , ‘J ‘,1 ' “.,-W, ‘ ‘ ,j, I aim “L .: ,,1w»,.. ,‘ « —, . «V A ,w . v. .»x, 2,, 3‘, Q .1 W‘ 1,‘, ‘u ' H y A La , >9’ r : , ‘v. ‘ 7 In,’ A 2,.‘ tent gmca A ace , , * , , ,3 s 7 ,,,,‘. ~ z»msrotake¥t,ozanrart* h¢vwf,fl)14a9v¢at 7 ,5’ A ms in ram @ng._zt:t of émitaitg, t (167) V " m hemp min 0; flaws bg1ozugzz1.g to any of we nmlisamcfiw awn goon iimnple offingland Dz nf Ireland, mnminmgatm cnntittumg urmmttbc pm: section nf thee qmrliament, sum befm taken 02; fuwziam fmrn went by anpwnexnp mfiehel, 02 ,m’faFfmmpetfon%, mm a*ft:etn1a1:n§ again fut.-:.— % A pgzam annretahm by any cf the ftwtjnz @1)x’psz’mp1u4pennz%tu he inwlomm in the famine of the i@am‘numt,oz amp pzibatewannf m at, 0; othet fl)ipo2”miIzl xmim tijepzetection 92 aw . mmcz of tI)c1?9wc%ii£;%nwnt, flbat tljenfncb thins arm gno’D3,% arm VAebetpVfu»cD paw mm pattstbcw of agafnzeimn, banging to-tbe fem: goubmo.-z prc afoaztfaiu, gall he amungen tn he refitmemann A W1€W0WWaV?: A fngtijeir n¢c;:e;.‘4‘V— mf¢e11ce:4 a1’tDp2cfeWati1I,a?€% 5&a4tt%fire,fieaf0n 32m Jmions aw % in tbefefiafw , awnut % {bail 2 ecvw%%nf the tram memzt nf Qlnntia mltp accozntnglpvmiitozeentofucijfzmtm owner agnowners, nzpgopzietpmpapittg fazann"in lieu 1u:;¢%f}etbB aging an1a%gotm5 *tzfp¢ctimI@fa to “in tefinzcn, I1I1lef§ fmb flgips fa r4etemm,% {hall ap- pmtto Dam l,a&e*m.afm their taking by the max: mics, mbe1£mhifavEectcn,: fat foztb by them ag 1hagz,on;e1p 0 ye e4tg1)t~»p2art of the tmeA1aa- ¢ mot matm time behalf :«3Inmbic!)%cafetbz fatnV%truc fltfb tft~emn,evs- an“ ;vzopzietozsA%wtn bavm¢tn¢ied%VA;[an1c wall Ahm:e&uzcD,*%11)a11V be ants: he-tp met aflDW¢11fl2£Dw";‘¢ % 11 land :30flJ % A ‘ A, 1‘ . ,.~ » N ‘ ‘ I “ ‘ ‘ p.‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ A at ‘ t V" ‘ “,,mu‘ ‘ W ‘ of Eng- i)at=a§xIg,zp.o nmm, mam mums 3113»: fat may this :2=ti3zLfe%i3ing% an takixft in? 131)? pat%ti“mmt;%$ tafm;% , an I wpu:,:z-% $1) I'W4iT amt! 3391) W fiW"mw% af0Mai¢ commgvo «tam: ?Limt2 mhich the 01’ ,5tImzr 5 A 1ufm’11mA gflfi trentbmgAupnn any 1:132 gig was . ( tr ) m”%mclz5 of gamma 1jc'cewfoAz%e nmém mtmmt am. 3F0zm'gt1 Wags, wanes, fitatwoz 3%.»: gmng arm the {am Enminions of England mm Ireland; to tijeynointetm to upI)n1n,zzmfntain, ” aitbéhewa mm are many to renew tmibzaueg % arm mmitics betmx tijefz mm jfomgn amt, nn5,im‘ngm:m§.ann fitatw, mm freely to pets “ 1-nit, fufier, am: mm encoTutag“entcA1tt%t,:nt mgjfm Wreiguzw arm fitttaugens,-, A am: a11%t1J¢__;%I§fb1€£t5 of jfozetgn flattens mm mnunmys in amity itvljtijtffi 5I*)atiutt,“1:m u€¢,cp¢tcifz,A1)2mza11n min? tI)efu1I4ltbett? Bf altmamw of Exam am: commetcc,agmz1l ta ant: inttljtbz Vcttp~9f%1a0nd0n. ' " 431 y { V A I ‘ 1' ‘ ‘ ‘ . » "4 “ ‘ c V a ‘ . o‘( v “ ;, H v‘ ‘ ‘ 2‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ~‘ ; ‘ V, , 4 . ‘ ’ ». V‘ “ 3 w - 1"“ , :9" . L 5 “£51, ~ ,W:w 1": ., ‘ ,. . ‘ ‘ -~‘ ‘ .K~ « m M" “v ‘ ~> ‘ ‘. ‘V “§ “ “ “ Hz» ‘H. 3 “ M-:.-~. v ., W \ ~ I ,. ~ L, . ;' ‘J é . M ,; é M I mg. . _: ,4.-4 . M A ,,,_ ‘ V W ‘ W ‘ ‘ _ . ‘ ‘ ‘ \ ( , ‘ H ‘ ‘ ‘ M ‘ ‘ W _ ‘ .. ‘ ‘ .. .‘ ‘ ‘I ‘ ‘ ‘ fin . ' Wk "’ ‘ ;»y"‘ ‘H " ' V ‘ ‘ 3;“ ~ " 2 ‘ ‘ “W: 11.‘ u H -L I u» N 2,1‘; ‘$1 ~'~‘»'m ‘*2? ‘w - “ V” fr’ ‘ v 1;» ‘ vu » ‘ m ‘ ~, ,A ‘ M‘ V I - ,3 ‘ ‘ ‘ _ U Q‘ N ‘ - \ , ,. ‘ I ‘ 2 2;, > F; / , 9 1'} h 9 ,. A »d‘ 1 ‘ 1 . vi ‘ ‘ X “W; W." é V, ‘ ‘ x‘, , K ,‘ wt ,1», my“ .s 1 ah M3111) as am» to am: mitI)Aa11(e emtp%t1jemz? Hann:p1~ as itmatfingland ann 1re1and,itaumn”;3tigijtgann A twr g tijeit finality to the aaatliartwttt , may 4 ypmg the aurtoms, ann ifcbaxgmg fucl)%nu.a~ ties as re rigbtfulw macaw ac%cufi:nmw. firm wt of zamen arm % % ¢ ?‘ -‘ A ‘ w 3,1,’ ‘ “ ' “T, »\£‘w .5‘ ya ‘ ‘ J g: . so’ 1*: ‘ ' ‘ ‘V r V’ ' , 3%‘ ‘, ‘V ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ H‘ ‘ ' g‘ A L . “V ' I ’ “ ‘Z4 ,3 £7 » m -A’ “ 5' ' W .993‘ " ‘ V ‘ "' )4 " ' ‘ 3 - )1“ ‘W ‘ ~ K“ :' . “ ,‘ > K ‘V “ v" ‘ "M " fir “ W‘ :5; f" M‘ ‘ W “ ‘ ‘w A 1 H » 1‘? ‘ I “ " ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ in '1. “ 5. Qt; ‘ ;' " ‘ ‘ V’ " 3 mt V’ - I ‘I ‘ ‘ < ( V’ ‘ I 1» ‘g. 4 ‘ ‘ ' ‘;~. ‘V’ *3 ‘A ‘ ‘ K J ' M’ ‘. ‘"4’! I as ‘w ,; - ‘ ‘ “ .. ‘ " ‘ ‘ I. V ‘ ‘fir ‘ ‘;‘ H I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ W‘ mrmié ‘ -, ;v‘ V “ “ M" ‘ ‘V W‘ M \ fl ~ ‘ 5, ll‘ . r I "‘ X Y; ,, 5. , ‘ ~ ; ~ , ~ , 15* A v _~ M W »% ‘ -w M!» V *4: )5 ‘ ’ ‘ ‘V V‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ N" A ‘ ‘ ‘ : ‘ ‘ > " ’ - ‘ l “ ‘ ‘ ‘ H . ‘ ug; ‘ «‘ J, “ ,, IV V ‘ W‘ ‘. 3 ii ” ‘ av “ ‘ "iwihj: H A ‘ M: -/2-.‘ 4. .‘ ‘ ‘ , ' 5‘ ‘ 4* ‘ “ . ?7.‘,‘V I :9 1 « ‘ " 5/ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ .,.. ‘ ‘ V “ ‘rm :m.7““\r§“" ‘ ' ‘ ‘1 * ,r ‘ V , w ‘ “ ‘J; V L‘ “ ‘ w ‘ Q ‘E 1 ‘ 5 ': "" 3% ’ ‘I V ‘ _ V ‘ I " V ‘ . I‘ J , ‘ , ‘ .\",lC guy?" 7!! 3]‘ ' g ‘ —;""'?*~LQ§.‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘V u ‘ “ . ‘ I .‘ V . r ,,v ; “ . H “ :9 W ‘_ ‘_‘_. ‘ ‘ , ‘ r ( “ ‘ w '1 ‘ v “ ,“ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ H‘ ;' ‘ ““ ‘J ; I Q 3‘ “ _ H V‘ ‘f «.-. ‘ ' ‘ v:‘r g ' 3*» ‘ ‘ “ 3,‘ ' , ‘ V ' ‘ . " ‘ ‘“‘ ‘ 1‘ RT? ‘ ‘ _ ‘ 5 . I I; ‘‘‘r ‘ ‘ .‘ ‘ 1 , 1 . % % K-A A4.“ nu “ t an name at an arm ¢mtp1fuCI)t~iji{ifi2 “ ~tat tfmttpzffieb at when as afozefainl, arm goons therein taken, ta he ntflttbatt ammtgaé V the fiaptaingann other wffittm amt %a1':’imt§ of tijt‘ fatn fbtp oz flying, attowingtm the <;fit1tamr 1 of the Sea, fun foztiitm, anbmafnzflaam Mann tbeotbetmepetp than ht put itttcm common tfilittafuty , tn; the relief of tbs mtfittts anti atintts bid) than he fiat nzmmmn, mm the minomsg otbtlmen ants fitnpnttnt patents I of fat!) as {bait be ainin.t1)tfttmte of tijetttotm mombtaltij at Eta: flint fettitng at which fiteafuw tn tmftp tjmtw, am the oznttiztgi 4 tthzttoffoz the aft afoztfatm, is tttettm to the Mwouttczthnftfitattt Qtnnfm tljtit futtbettitttflus ttagcmtnt, mtfe fljltpt that! link, five, 0; by any tntbet may mmcaus unwrap tbe;m%u-tttat of t t “E A tttboittnips, V 02 of anpotttjttt t atinets of; the f ttfpttttii ttmg, in the fainfttbite, am tube pain tljtttttns ; tum: mats. ztnnalf in cafe W3“ Sb %tips tmptup an in the ftwttttnft t than ttlatettw this flttt he mt that an at figt)t,n; nttlatttljetit inttntintw to fight oz mtttmz tam ilaofitltty atatftfi tljifi fiommnmealt flgalitttemt of the Etatt imentvtnmmr $115? 3 %‘ z:cre- £3 lin fat cat!) piece of wgtmatttct tntfntbmntmttalt to mtopen; am: it the“ fi1icB:.aDmitai, ttttem titans £2 ttbun ; am; if the at esamntttat, fit nuuns stttcrlin fat cat!) ®tttt; %a;n1'f any p oftmtoftbc fatiBttem1tw.¢‘ * 1 1' WW‘ Q t e nztttibutw w» atai« ffittts: mm gm tljatti) 1 at mg in any ‘the met t pat “Y ta item tI)tfatn n ea? emjeeegen p;i3e,. eeeeeeeeeg fie the ewe meemeeg of this met me fljezeemeefucij emteeieetioen in given, me {am wipe we genes to eemngen wail hfifflifi he the fietmie, anDt13.epgeceeeei)etee—. ef mm en mmetijzee eeuei paves 5 that 1'5 te fey, ®nee1)ieu part tn be new tn the fiaptain 02 fies pem'eee,a1m.nti)ee wfficeee eme weemeee fuepgi;—~e _-stem 3 taking the fexmegmm one other there pee: tbeeenfto he nifeefen of fee the ufe nf tijecttnm,-= nxmnmeeltij , as the eeeaeiiemen.t fiyafl eppmeeee; am the fltbe’t3)t1)I'I:D paettbeeenf to he neieeeeen into tijeiteeafuttp eeefeeeeppeinten, fee the eee lief of tick anmeimen fieetnen ,a,nDthe me; name, etbtlnzeenenn ‘ympeeent ieaeente of the flain as afnzefetn. QUID fmtbet , -in ‘cafe any eecljant vote 0; fl)ip§,fmp1D1>etI in we feebece of the étate, fballe take 0; furepgise any eeebemt eflfip as afneefailh ihentbe flyzp oz flfipefu taken; mi3es.1)eIIte%~e' ex being anjungen in Ithefajn «Enact of %iJInitaIt1> to be mtsease aefnzefeein ,‘‘)all be min as afozee tememn tljemnteeh tljeteofhimtnen mm tbsgeee .cque1 pattegtijat 1'5 tntfee, £I>ne~t;mcn patt tljeeee nfetn the mwtin nee flepteaitmenn nttjeeeflvfe cents emu atinees fuemising oz thing the fame; arm oneeytljee tIji1:i:apeettbeeeefte be path in to tbeitezafutzvebefG3en1entimeen,etohe me fvnfen of to the ufeefezefaie; ezmeije ether: e even tube futakmeene rucb~oniea)a11he«e aepeoem able «are In re V\ A efie fem‘ pzxfse oz misee, aeeoeiiige e» mzfimez ef the ea, inn fee min; atlflflaau fee en; aezonmw hams of £51) A A ta1wp;'cv¢~ramA%i fitat appn[mi:«.% fog fainmunwl éatatfig» _fa2t1i?an;aa1suz¢Mn’tmt ‘ fifi‘ rmm: iwrtzn 0. ma % vtbw mt mane 5 c%nrtmt*rm*uinig;fii1¢;;Fim at w:a=:_.;A mm1‘@tn% 0% tI)cm,;;£1jal1hc:%fuv4nn mime“ ms ash? « Aaxw fingulav ,* eminent;Aann%m::tx%amm'iflmvp (fééiojice tljeizem : mmtljefai 13~?W,P?p'WiflwfliV¢7¢°‘E3W £em4tngn£J.it13tr,5m:ti«un aI1“‘~»itt~s tpnmm n®Jnnrai%*nfi % ~ ‘gum- ma? W ‘. f F‘ :m% utntu4tlj;etn ma mvtu4¢A;nf t1m':t1:.:; a; up “wing tljavbiu cnutatmngi accdznigzgr Ttye%tmm true nwanmg W . M 4{ca?fm iafozem ,“ afim?..;£m A %mnnbmmrtim ®fla'ctc,,?‘ iijatiifi m “ f "mm in fafiwoutt pf at itafm5%$» any sf 4 4 1125141 I1)aI1ghemam fmm anytime!) £enjtetzce:,%4 ~ aft tljewifi [ flnm A A 412eat4,@eaI,4 annyifmfl film%nag54aftertht%¢a A t”5titt4%t1J;%¢‘t4fw,V.% pzcfmtfl) c~%1'a:me heme £13 ¢ M tlgmin ‘ m ~ ~ V rm¢n,timf' an In Wfi 3* f£*ion%:% : male atmz ggfingggjg + tmnteAézg = I wt:%?tsanfmft%tbAe mm:e% rs A - m€nV* ‘“ within fip$i“~ z awn ;~ W‘ p, efi. nu , WM {Q0 L&:? “7§Mfl$ I Abastltijgtu ‘ha: Mpufien «;[r1z‘?I9aw; mi’ Vifif fi~%‘13iJ?5" ‘: ‘é v‘ F. ‘V ‘ ‘~ If C nfuapnéal, that we fame% et%eintetpm’w any uhliqm ntaw, m%nMc¢en%4iuv’ the Méi“a%incauteg%ufi amfitailbitb ect,%%m4mr%tbe mu ti)f‘a%t»ti)z %1?ainMappea1s::%e pzunmxnceht the he Wt: A ~en,annvemiitmn hat1it‘nti)e? of %%V’VA~DmitaItv. A 2%ftmtwmmAeficctuaipznmilitia ira%rt1)%zfaAintaufefi iufi appeal, auDMt1Jat*rig1)~taflmD V’ ‘QWII1y:be~ViJulp%ti)cmn4 abmtni&t~eh,A arm 12 at AVccailiinatianswfen,n0zAftibnlnusnelawat-;. i*~ufeI1,g 2156 ttanactzja, flbat if no new mattztf mall ~1ln’t1)%inAfix n%am, amt the ttanftniI£io11Anf twbfi ram A pimccfs § ‘hz¢;%i13leaD£D %tlJ~m: % fl tmgefiofrma2aIv%11)~a11mncezn m wtt_c1nB“¢aAf ~ A $, $ wigntbe fame fa; ¢ fmtence: wauvfilfimmattw fiaallbe aI1engebA,%mciJ as, aii ht?tDfllZ1!lB¢IItj’a11fiailmiffiiblfi p iLaI11,iEI)at mm Manges +Vofi%‘a.W¢a1a1la“f5ig1I both parties fomcm c%crtaitt:a‘fl)nzt_m%'t