J fofindazivns % 1' -- » ‘ ‘ --‘ ~' -. -.4’: V '1 ll! ,,- I’.I'f -; '..l :'‘.y_ .a‘., ’ F ' i .. ' «- .: ‘ ~:». -, , « . I . - _‘ _ J 3 . H__ , , . .. _ ._-,1‘ I, -. ' ' . ' ’ . ': . . I’:- ‘ Q. _ _ ., _. ~- _ «- '. , ‘1 _ . r _ . nu‘. V - . ; < "". ' . V‘: _L‘,‘ _‘ -an . ._ . I . “L Of -h > V. ..‘ v. '-\ " I *‘{ "\“-.’ ks.-. -’ =..€ __ ‘ I . _ ‘ _ <_ n 5 S ‘ t . , vi-~ --‘u -- ..g .41.: ;..g x 1\_ ‘RE. .‘ ‘ " "--'31‘: V ') I‘. ~. K’, - . ‘K - 5-. . ;_- L 1'1")‘; .=... ~ 1 1.. ‘\ ‘I ' \ v'.1 ;_ \_‘ __ 1 FA K x .. 3.;-A . . 3 ' ix. '—/ _ 4." . 1 T; . -‘ Sufi 2-a \ J; *3 ‘.1 <.“z‘.'.\ L'i.’\: ’ mofed ‘asva ua1»ie.'Af7e)_r u \f_'‘-; 3". _. W .1 ':,.'*. ‘. Q, ('2?) ‘F —t :‘.';.i"- :4-afl \1': L. 1 Jn \1§.(. \ ‘\'\.p~';-\--xi Nué .Au“«\.\‘I ‘in \‘o 'I 4' r ‘.. i\:‘3‘;‘DE:““T‘_‘-V‘: "'\"?‘ “'55 "'5-13': < ~‘\,‘\3tP"~i‘.'-‘~. Cm: ‘QT .34: ~DraW1\1 »u=p’xrby {fave-1u1:.we11-gafi-¥ % W- -“~.'.. 51')‘ -0- ‘-3 ‘\ . . - .Ql1?1CC1. ..';~;§- 3 Q . ' - \ } 7 c . - ‘\‘-a'~.‘;-a\‘- 3*.-:=..—*}\ K. \ _._ g __ _ -_<_. 5 '-“\‘- ‘ C &$“d- .g 01:, IC- ;x~ '..-". , pl-' ‘ ‘r -.. ~' ‘ 9.4 . V.’ " ‘. :3 «;<_._-... 1--_s;.~; ~. 3. ( ~ ‘1‘.*£€QW ‘ ‘C: - {o I‘ ‘an 9 ‘\.1 a‘}'—._,-‘. \. .. s‘. .‘." . \ 4 kw‘ - .:::-.11 ; :;:; th'e next Repefentatives. V ‘£5/zfied far the Savtisfafiian of all 1907163? Intereflx. ‘) ‘ . .‘ ‘ , V4 . \ ‘ ' 7 ~ - ,- . . ' '>‘ ( K ‘ r - ‘ x -{ ‘ ‘,"; O ( -\: '¢‘¢“ J". «g 4‘ V . T - togxve‘tbé1:hfie_gfpL§s fE;r,.- . ‘A I ‘ , 5 .. t" . L _ ' '- ;_p,»-.__ ,4" 9 ~ . x ‘I . ‘H . '_-_ 2 ‘ 3 ‘ ' 2.. ,: ‘~ '. \ . '3. r . ~ _ .‘ Q ‘ ‘ ’ '. ' 4 .§ ‘ u \( 14 ,, .,, ._‘ r. ' 7- 155;‘. 2:: .. .c.\.\ _._I J __"-L‘;-V .‘, ;':.‘ '1~.’: ; ” % _ I P%erf0nS , T‘ :§fi§i‘,9c’¥~)d§f€€i f cfiit lg'_E‘§.‘671%ifif:“ifc°r_“:4:c'i~orx;~V @“f_-‘E-hé}§énéra»l. . I , . I :‘ %;‘\‘:') 3 E- '\ r >'l.‘i‘éAf%:: he '5C93:5d3f:?i§fif6&3"lY“Eé3fé5.$73&1f§.,hY€S 1648. .'~,-’ #45‘ «a ’ J L» .\-4.‘; ‘- _Ce'Z ‘ . j".: '- .“i.. "I "."r.\“ ' ‘c. 5* 9.". 3:-.\S ha‘ '45 11".: 3“ . ‘:2:-bx . 5- T‘ fx!9l1E§1§;aI1£rf¢x¢sCl E€\7¢ra1 Grxevanczaby , ‘ ‘(‘ “ _'x * -~ ~ ;- ~ - -_._..-~.. ‘-G‘-"-\ .4:-._ . ‘ H16 Y’.*3faF0‘fl5stt_h-.;~ W L ‘ " n ‘ V ‘I '1‘ ~ I um!‘ 7.“..(-.r1(~,'o - ' ,,._,,,.t,..1 « . a They ’ -~‘(4) take thebef?: care we-nan f‘orlthe_fi._:ttu"@ IO ayoicj bpth,rhe danger 0? returning into aflavifh‘ _ b0’0I1.d1tl0I1_,u anud'£I3e<*_éhargeab1g;?£efi1edy of another War‘ V: For as it cannot be lmaglned that to fl‘}§H1§€*0E.§ut‘ .5 Countrymen‘ 5 h_av.e oppofed usffn , thi5jyc;t;$1€re13,'tsrroans; and in r ‘e‘i’§unty?§‘?1'fi the pl ces thereto fubjoyned, there. {hall be éhofen to make utpynthe faid B.epreTen- tative at all times,‘ the feveral numbers ehete‘uI'ider% nlentioh ed. 'n";"r¥ —’ ‘\ .7.'.. " _ e_ <’ I ,c—, 'z2i{_t .A He County’_of'ght, with ;:*I*‘he" >05 , j’a‘1nd5Pari1'1-;estherfi_F e ‘ _1r1;eeC1ty at casmram “ fr y~amp:an~ J1 tatives for uncertainty‘ foritime; horxxbe iineg_fuaLly« n for! yvhxch they are 1n=- r .. .\. -4u._n._;_|‘ ' 7 r "The City of Br¢'fiqIm.o:; ’ 2: The County of 4S“bmJme1{[a2;With\1., . ’ ”’*‘¥”.£‘ ;' ?fPhie’-’I»‘c'> A _~3“Pé¥;fl)€9{>®»5Fe51n&3X9¢P£3_S‘-’V o V \<_’fh€*BfifrBn§h 66Sgw1b;2f:‘ms/c’:"2§ ”¥Bé: City of London ‘ 3 A- Cmmwiéf wampm '4 _with thP.e Bl}{rou§1§s,r7Eo£ir:1s,<; r and thenglm oC.'~ ;.:; 35: ' kH$€e.{‘:0i'§£_§i‘ib..éf'fl3017flE}), Jiiiilhi L:‘;:th@51Vl3VKih cf-fi?}?.»ao¢sf;r.ihc£*si¥l 0-1 2' ther Burroug.hs,f ?]:?ot¢vns,T:and’ f. :3 : 15air‘ifi1€S}_*t'‘he1~"€iitL ’. .';<_,fi.} E}: F26 3'—I3fle Gi?tf,1"'o€J'Exe; ‘en 7:. 2 ii {The Cou_n’ty cifllzenm; 3 Burro11g‘hs;g‘»«. fflowmsg? Pari{}1¢s‘thb;§éiii, "cxqapl? -" "1#at4t’/3! " The Tow-mbfo -ljmomilz % Tile CountyIoE.é‘omm'al;. with the’ Eurfoughfi. 17_own'§2, 7 T-'»Pa‘r”i?fl1€Sitl1m€'€;i;nz.,'o. :15 6 115;‘ A o » -i (%3i'tii‘3_S-oft Bath artdimaflf, :aa*EId‘«"ParJ'fl\}é$ ifhfiqdilnga »’ -'~7-7'a‘tti¢oti:ia‘¢“.5‘ .:'::.i?i 8. The Town of?-3T;4u11mnf;E'= I . ‘TCi‘t\y of"-xSTnlirb1g19:..*<;»IfL= - -. fl frslse z>IIz'1:x,r.»,r'xiari1aI1athe‘[ 5 ,2J§7:ow 7 :\’.ilnd~‘ 5? I?arifl'1esth€ficio.L.; ;o_'»..":;.'>.-o . V-The County'oE"B'&n/q,awiihenhe ’~ Bur1'oughs’; Towmfl taflfi ‘ ~ >§{éii‘i=éh‘ ‘s %£fi:froim,6{xnapt 3'=Remi-' 1 6 he County of Surrcj:.,.;W1thi :1 “all\the ‘Burfroughqg Tx>wns.,af1d 1 tla-'5 T“. 5: f. 5 1 J F" " 1‘. 5’ 9'; '.. r‘V-2,(: r owar 1--- !.~.‘~3 E11: 1.» - ;; ‘ . 2- ’§T.':h€ C@.1mtygoF Nvnuflthe! gafidg C7‘: and Parifhes thereio _ A-o~._= 8 3 _;1I ;'H1€[Jg1iVe_rfit3"‘§>ffiQ.z.f.o;4 . % I‘ he €3oumy.o‘f?o?4J?«:rz£w itlx tfie o i andthe Burroughs, ’:'-[t"Iivns,} r.The City of v 7 . ~ Pflrr~i~f~h€Sth.€l’$1P \. :. 5 _ Lr£:.i13aril1x~:s»,chcxoéino;. 4 . " L ~‘¢“£1d*v,1?%rifl3-éstherein1 . = l (3:3‘)($ ) The City of If’gg¥jm';§fl_(r .. 11 31'b§—.?~ C@.1zH1§Y ; ; p€ 4 A {Kidd/éJ?xo , I_ 'xVit!):.t&\Q§K 9Wi1§,3,1;@_, Bairillges s- : av The County of’? Huntington , with the Burroughs, Towns, L and mules ‘therei-n ~ 3 The Burrough of Leicejier 1 T . The County of Leicefter, with other Burroughs, Towns,an Parifhes therein ~ -5 Th; County_o‘f Nottingham , i with Burroughs,i Townsjandi Parifhes therein ‘ 4 L T ,5‘ .. The County of - Darémwith the Wlhfi Burroughs, sTo\v\§t1s,« find.‘ . i Parifliesthetein e 3 TheTown of Newcafi/e, j 1 i The County, of ; ,arf£g’a,z;2;:zbér- ~ land, withthe otmrnur. roughs, Towns, wand-Parifires it therein I ; ; .,,:’ ;’ The County of .C#m9.fl‘1&¥#d ,.. - -~ with*'the'J3urroug-he, _ Sfoyqns, ‘I and Parifhes therein nz W131. ~ the Burroughs, Towns, and A C The Townof Berwiq!q_— , I lI‘The .§oImcy.of ;»5ve/zmgzgiaggt, O K "(The Céuhty bfiB'r’-an ’ otk,w~rth A T _ 3 I 5 'V _,th¢_ }3L3r,.rougla§‘i,,TovVhk5. and The ;County of C/ramorgan , . . f With 01¢ Burroughs, and: ‘;e'rt;¢;c:.3un:yot 7C2zr;i£g}.;m,iwithi __Panfhesethereing A - ~ 2: it_ThiC County of Carmzzrthm, Thetmaner of : ' ire itlfif ‘E: "J A - . > t .‘iY'fi§Ttibé£%*Bfifr:ph$hs."Town§?:i“1rheeCCunty'OfiF15") with the .72-an..cl, Pariflges,there1n., . T 2 T ‘Bttrwpghs , ,md_- Pariflaes 2 e i J.t - A it ttougI?S.»,',1:,C5?s?VE?S's' 9.9?! uTh'~‘ "~C9U|’1-ty; 65 '47/lo2m‘o‘atI«;, .Pa-rifl1cs.;hete1n, ‘. ‘ ' - F J A with n thifef "tBurirot1gith3h‘, '< “gmd Pttrifhes therein ’ ' - .Pairifl1eistthetciniii , ‘V , . 7 the I3tttrdnghs,i[,ToWfl.S,' '3-‘Diidi ;ilC‘5“'m}i’Of -M_'{7i‘z'o-fietth , ’ e,tPafifln’estherein' ” t zi” with the Burrbough$,t. and . e Pariifla‘-cs therein ' I ,. with the Burroughs, Towns, . The County; of ]f1oIi'tg&m€7'}', = i}d_?I’.ari:f:hc‘s;thcr'€iiri‘i «'-' .r .e<*wneh: *h°i" Burroughs-, and; :$’f.Hei"i,C?¥;gtyi 2 Within i urrsmgh . T9Wfis»TThe Cmwhty of‘ Rmal, with ][[and1>Lgtifl1es.thetein_ the Burroughs, and Pariflfes t ; I A‘ . I 13¢ ;C¢.qh_ty;fo£"DF”?5i€5.Ia; with ; thfir €111 i I R we Be=tr6u’shst rarities ,Th¢eeC;<29t:tyof‘ Pcmtroote *1 “therein " “ . ‘ _ f Hat‘ thefilefigrs in every be Natives or ' j‘ ; Ijenizqnfs; ‘oi W E.figTcifld _ _:fl:1Ci'i ,a§‘§have?‘{ubfctibed this « T Agreetzfient; ‘ffip.t ”ge_r_fo'ns'_»receivtng* but {uchas Hedi brdinarily tbwdrds the rel‘1ef_o:F the~ptior; A not {ervaints ;o,'_ of receiving ‘wagegfftom any partxcu'lar‘ perfo‘-n'.e And‘ in gill” Ele_&io_n$ (exfcgept for the Univerfities) theyeflrall—beemen of one wfenty yée{rs~o1d, ‘or upwards; and Houfe-keepers; dwelling the 50f fevven _y&§{ef$ jriejt_§f€nfnin%g’ ether‘ time ‘herein limited, jtlief en‘d‘of this prefent i_I‘?‘:trl'ia‘rii1eTr1t*,’ no p'erfpn flnaflbe admitted é tfog’ ‘6f_hi1v‘_e gan-y hand.‘ or nvgyce ‘in fuch Eleéhons , who have ad- Ifie‘r;ed’,‘tp§ gr aflified the King againfl the’Parliament in any of theft: F1¥€=ir$t‘—‘~9i;iI5if!£r€s‘7ri9ns s-t0r‘wfhot W1! make or J°9Y175“:T°T afiet r .L- .-.~..rs ... .. .‘..3 . ,. 1 V i. - , “.;..s§;‘1;igsjgh‘e1>,iv;13oij, Fer\iohicbch‘e‘_1a1eetion is-;* Providecll, that F I (:;?;§,§:séecasre*o’p§8gi5a"§%;;;1fi1:§%‘a%Tee&~%%g*a%**§ I are: .£§mc*imlf{h' .3’; . ‘I xt ' ‘ r ' .nv*5%vk§=.»iLa1a.e”v.**5’°’5‘3‘ Y» . . 1 6h n%=‘<‘f “‘E&‘?F. 99% the! 4“ ?+¥:$‘:?‘3%A:a—??!?%’§§# » :. A7??? 3*?“ 1:s<€,1=6.V{*’1‘~“‘S<>n;*:sf2%.r:=%5 “am ‘ " ‘V ' “ JEC11‘ 0 \‘ s3€‘%&¢§3‘*3L:xa‘?\ ‘Q i;P§ov@‘*=% :Et%%§3>*{1r: as s 1 47 3 ’ Ii‘: efiil.-éf’ei_ all‘ “noE1'i1bfc%i sag ‘Q 0 E“ * . .9‘ ., _ . 3‘ 1:. ‘M bfl.‘ 91"‘ %§_?}Ht1f fiat R‘ of Fqpfteéh W3“ W7 %e sgrg“ “?3g1sa?13§r¢P°“ ’ iJ)f)1[iL9}‘i€ = rehfige Em-"1BI% fdfl: “H‘t‘R° 1‘ . ;R€P‘~fe[‘ema’[ '1 21\{€[no \§olunta§i1"}{xa)f:§:c75djt’hE’f":{%t‘a mt *r‘<7‘% -.,v - . .} {)3 551‘ * rp0L1t10flS‘b€ 81:) % % 4 p M __ .. ya , L _ ,; » . A: % bb@:«a€.4..« 5% - 3.9 %?F°"E*°e 3‘ 4%” ‘ % a‘¥é3%Z=; 9,ri«W§» 3$z§¥6i$)9¥;3”%*§’€‘§"9€ F3 3%“ ‘i‘?°”‘ °‘ . Er €9»€\.- 3. Tha; wh} v_¢p,bfi-1:1-gT)“y the Rules fnche twon pre?E‘cTing, __ . 6931 M efiziofi ", 303 to-.“I>E Tume to Arcicl_es Mbilfbft 3 -M<2A§<:»m,;9r@t1&&¢f€9§.%§¥§'€HG « ts . . ah”. r ,. 'x\- 0:1? 30‘ arxofiglpa 3 J . '1 E -3 zfiifihfifl t*}i::fm afl?5?}‘§’¥§»}°:‘o?P‘ ~ ‘ . °9*?* _” ' K _ r figs) flqgql _ h L160?-EEC 6 ;1n a£i&§w.qI1e:§t§.58 W‘? §._.1aa3§§§g§p lFfi_£‘Itb§%u .§}{‘:3H;d £$%Vfiih%hAV€§F‘§‘[E., tE;¥~} 1.. :15 >59 .hz§Y‘?:n,‘?;’t§fu?.h j@%pI*§I?,11:£€<2§&§%§§ £3& #15‘ .—:r:A;£ Q?‘ ‘Q1 ‘1°T~ ‘ 3?. . C‘ 35}, ‘Q31’! 3 11 ? L‘? £1£l,11ii:%EY1;Fh§1f3‘?x'fi‘F’-:>%‘ ' ;5?:x !»:hen»§aq1a9<';s§. I:.f5a0.£ A ‘“$r1'>. C M « ¢%h¢;ofl’end.=:r 1:: each :3?’ 3pm . F . .. 1 J 111°éx%¢i’:% cfiégsi a%em2;ap91— g nafan a'§.¢". ; :11’: 3'1: ' ‘ . A “Er 1:}, 'erb?naLz 33 Jqgacfbigy O Ocrfo [1 $6: E- e_ 101 O? h’¢1r. e g: en «£1357?-«fl xi": 13) 13n1}i ggaéga 413% W ':i1tq:?F L 31 :1: $91121 ; hav i’ Q . -95 .h.»'Ifa.‘;».\*.I>1L310,1FE-’...*'f‘>.. V .. . - H3» £¥bag;:§1.'.:[.¢*3'.r£: :€i3£¥1i5£..iQ5§.k.1?13"j.W19; 1... ; 'r‘Q??~ mgwqm "n£%‘a‘“' sf §§’t§%1 5.%f’\311§ n — 1fee~ WU” "E 35% 4- Thaii be‘conv1€té« wt: 11} 1‘,'_..-“H aftgf ch; committing of} Ins offence. %i°"§*5*5a“§.§%{§ L 1_ . n0t‘§’_ §,..d8% ," “$2/T \ 4. Thateforj the more convenient Eleéiion of Repreflmrirtizxé}: each County, with the feverail places thereto conjoyned , t v\{f_'§‘f31‘L'li.‘t.I1‘lO:l‘€ then three Rcprcfenmziwex are to be chofen, flnallibe divitletl by atlue proportion into fo many parts ,,.as V each part 1‘:1a_y“€,lL"r£?Ci['»VO, and no gar: above three Reprefen-A (driver. And for the maltingof thefe Divilions,two perfonser be cliofen in every Hundred‘, lath, or. VVaipj._ent2kel, by the _I3e_ople'therein, (Capable of eleéitingz as-afm"el‘aid)' which:. it 'P_eop§e{h;1llon the lait Tnefday in Februa.ry_tnext between , ‘- q‘EVve,nJa‘i‘idithf€€ of the Clock, be allernbied together for . ~__5£hEli.iC€§‘1d3,CIl1€Chi¢f€ 'l'“owne,. or tifuall meeting place in the jfzizne 1-hundred, L3th,.o.r Wapentake; And that the 1 _p_”;e,.rl_Q.ns'in every}-Iundred, Lath or Wapentalte fo chofen,. 1 or the-;M;j«,:r;.p§5;*;,pf;hem, lhzrllon the fourteenth day af- ter their Eleéiion, meet at the Cotnmonfl all ofthe Coun- ty-T0wne,and divide the County into parts as aforefaid, anclalfo appoint a_ certain plaice 111 eachrefpeflive part; or f J.}ivifipn,3wl1erein the People {hall alwaies meettfor the? . t hgic_e,;o F;-t‘h.ei r __R§cpr£fc_71;tfg¢ti7./:1, an d jfha ll tn ake .,._Keturne$ ‘oft A i :Qthe;f;1jdx,Di.v,i§ign§,land‘ c,ert_ain i placeéo: oflfmeeting: therein , into the P;trliaignent_:Rec_or.ds in-writing ul“.d7Cl' the;han~dsra*nd:~. feales ofthe n1.a3'or;p;art ofxthem prefento:'And étllo CaL51{B,"’ the fame to be pflbllihfid in every Parilh in the .Cm1nt.y..l).ce: fore the end 0_fMareh now next ‘en fuiing :.Andtfo'rrthdrmDrc7:‘ ‘equall Divilion of the City OfL0¢1d0r«’, for that fchaicfi :0fi';i=E8~.;e Kyepreflnrmiw-:,i,_thet‘e, {ball one:peri'o'n ber‘chQ{en*e:f£y;thc ‘; y. People in every Parilh in the {aid City (_,—C;lpI1iJ.lC ,of-t;'Ele&i~'; . .; on as aforefaid) upon the lalt Tnefday in February‘ afo‘71‘€;-e:» ' .faid.; onwhithday they _{hal~l aflfiemble-in each,Parifh,‘.~'fo_r:': I ~ the fame pnrpofe, between two and four of the Cl.0.C’kT:MAfidfifl' _-t.h2{ the perfons fo»c.hofen, or the major p:3r:~.t.-of them,-,‘ChalI_ upon the fot1rteenth_day after their Election, meet in the Gruild I-iall ofthe fetid City, and divide the fame—.«City;-»into._i eigiit equall parts or Divilions, and appoint a certain _place:..r. inevery Divifron refpeétiveiy, wherc,i-1_1,the. People. of that . _ rD'ivifion {hall ailwaiesirneet for the choice of their _Rqar:fm-« ', doi,$atit.:e,r,_an_d_‘ihal.l. ;r!1a££f.C'VR‘t[l]Ine thereof; and caufe the ~ fame. ,- ¢- . ( I0) . ' i : {fame tobe publilhcd in the rnannerprefcribed to the leve- , rail Counties, as in this Article. That for the bettelr_pz'oviii«;t>ln for‘ true and certain Returnes of perfons elec°ced,the chief: publzque Otfieei‘ in every Di- vifion aforefaid,who {hall be prclent at the hegiiiiiing of the Eleetion, and in abfence of ev-:;‘y fuch Ollehuxr, then ‘any perfon eligible as .aFote1aid , whom the People at that time aflernbled {hall choofe for that en d,lhall regulate. the Ele(9ti- ions, and by Poll or otherwife clearly diltinguillm and judge thereof, and make true Returne thereof, in writing indent. ted under the hands and-vfeales of himfelfe , and of fix or more ofthe Eleflors, into the Parliaments Records , within one and twenty daies after the Eleétion, and for default thereof, orfor making any falfe Return, {hall forfeit I09 1. to the publique ufe. 4. That one hundred and fifty. Members at leaft be alwaies pre- fent in each fitting of the Reprefentativer , at the p afling of any Law, ortdofing of any At"c whereby the Peoipleare to be bound. e is. That every Reprefivntamze {hall within twenty daies after ,4 theirfirfi meeting, appoint a Councell of State for the managing a of publique aflaires, untill the flrlt day of the next Repre/’e.1'ztative, / and the fame Councell to act and proceed therein, according to fuclfinftrmftions and limitations as the Reprefenmtiw: {hall give, auditor otherwife. , - , .‘~J‘4K,_\\ . * \ u __ ',,.:_¢‘.aovo \~ - -A \- 4 6. Thatto the end all Officers of State may be certainly ac- comptable, and no Faéhons made to maintain corrupt interelts, no Member of ca Councell of State, nor any Orficer of any falary Forces*=in,Arm_y orGarri1"on,nor any Treafurerorr-Receiver of ‘ pL1bli:q:ne,«rn:oney+s;{hail (_whileluch )- be eleéted to be a Reprefisw tdtirué.-..Aenrd:n cafeeany inch Eleetion {hall be , the fame to be void ;, and in cafe any Lawyer {hall bechofen of any .Reprefmta- . rim, or.-Councgell of State, then he {hall be uncapable of praétife as a~Lawy‘er, during that trult. c _ T » 7..That the power of the Peoples Repreflmtatiw: extend( with- out the confent or concurrence of any other perfon or perfons) to the enafiing, altering, repealing, and declaring of Lawes; to » the ereéting and abolifhing Officers of Cogrts of Juliice , and to ~ Whate-1 (fill whacfoever is not in this Agrearisent excepted or refervetl from them: a As particularly : J r 1 1,We do not empower our Rqprefintativcx to continuefiin f.or_ce,orn1ake any Lawes, Oaths and Covenants , where- s by to compell by penalties or otherwife, any perfon to any thing , in or about matters of Faith , Religion , . or Gods Worihip , or to reflraine an-y perfon from the profefiing his Faith , or exercife of Religion , ac- cording tohis Confcience, ‘in any houfe or place (except fuch as are, or {ball be fet apart for the publique worihip,) nevertheleffe the inltrtxétion or diretfting ofthe Nation in a publiquerway, for the matters ofFaith, VV<‘)rf-hip, or iDifcii-‘ l -pline (fo it be notcompulfive or expreffe Poperyy) is re-« ferredto their difcretion. a'.We do not empower them to irnpreife oriconfiraine any ipetfonto fetve in Warre either by Sea or Land, every mans confcience being to be fatisfied inthe jtiltnefle of that caufe‘ wherein he "hazards his life- ' p , 3.. That after the dilfolution of this prefent Parliament ,’ none‘ of the people be at any time ‘quelfioned for any ‘thing yfaid‘ ordone in reference to the late VVarres , or publique difyf e ferences, otherwife then in execution or purfuance of the determination of the prefentfioufe of Cotmnons , agaiinlti fuch as have adhered to the Kin g or his interelt againit the Q i p People -. And faving that Accomptants for publiqueimonfeysy‘ received, {hall remain accomptable for the fame. . s 4. That in any Lawes hereafter to be made, no perfon"3by’ ver-1 the of any Tenure, Grant, Charter, Pattent, Decgreesot a Birth, {hall be priviledged from fubjecftion thereto, orbeingy‘ bound thereby as well as others. _ p 7 5. That all priviledgesor exemptions of an _perfons,frQm s the ,- *Lawes,‘oTr from the ordin’ary'scousrfe“o£‘ egall proicefediiigs, , _ by vertue of. any Tenure, Grant‘,i Charter, Pattent, A Degree or Birth, or of any place -of refidence or refuge, {hall be ~_ Ahenceforth void andsntzll, and the like not to be rna_de not i i F - _ revivcdagaine “ ' e V ‘ A _1p§w*, p ' 6, That the Reprefiaztarizzc: intermeddlendt with the exec ution 7 1 a B2 " of __ s_.4 (IE2) gf:L37'wcs,.nQ3.j gls/C judgement upon. anymans«perfoh' O,l"( clhcé, where no Law hath been beForc_ptfovidehd .; fave on- 15+ in calling to an accompt, and punifhxng publxque Officers I o for abuling or failing their trail. l . ¢ . A o l V _f-7,,Tlm&; no l\rIemb%er_%ot: any f'atur.c Réprafinrafioebe made ci- , ziicfi Rec€ive_r,Ts‘eaiu_r_or or otl1c:rO:"h'ce;‘dnrxngothaz ‘imploy... ' ’ ;‘n'1e.n't, {aving to be aooMomber oftlacifléiizncell of State. ' .8. That no ‘iflcprcfizemtzizza {hall in any wife render up, or give, ortake away any the Fonnclaiions of Common Right , lig- oberty or fafety contained in {his dgreensent, rzorlhall level! lmens cflatcs, de?£r0y.Q1‘0.p:"iCty.., or make all Ehings com» mon. | o " . A N 8. That the Counccll of ‘State, in {cafe of imrnincntdanger or extream neceflity, may in each incervall , fummorr a Réprefinmw tizie to be fortllwith chol?:n,and to meet, lb as the Seffions there» l ofcontinue not above for:y'daies,and lo it dillblve CWO momrths , béfore the 2;ppointc.d 'sime;§or the mooning of-the .n€._':~£E ~.Rc*pre_/'ézvz== :tati~z2é, ‘ tion,_lhallbe madogood bythe next and all future R:pre‘mM=+ tizzmfavethat the n€Xt:Repr;/Zwtntiz/e may continue oz; make null in part aria whole, all gifts of moneys made by the brefeng Houfe ofCommons‘to their own Members, or_ to anyrof’ tile Lords, or to any of’ tho lAtt.enda‘:1ts ofeithfir of them. ' l A 10, Tlaat\evc‘1iy‘Offi/c.cr or 7 any prefem; or futurc,Army, or Garrifon that {hall refill the Ordcrsof the next or any future Repre/énmtim , (except; loch‘ .R€prefi’.n3*‘a{tiz,Ig flgailcxprclfcoly violate this ufgrcemefiz) (hall forthwith'afcer his; or their reliflancc, by vertue of this eflgreemmt, loofe the be- outmercy. 9. That all fccurities given by the publ-iquefaith» of the Na-l l n‘¢ lgand protcfiion of all the Lowesfofthe Land, la1%_1.d_dlc withvg ! ” fjhcle things we déclare to be effentiall to oul;1';'Li£l: sFreefcl-o.m‘es,“ A ‘ oandtoathrough compofure of our long and wofull cli- : illraéhons. Ao.dl therefore we are agreed and refolvecl to “ maxntamtheie certain Rules of Governfnentl, and allthat ' ioyne therein, with our utmofl poflibilities, againfi all;_ ope . .1=°§t19I2 !?Yh3‘;f°o¢Y°f: V V o “ l l 0- 0' l F ‘ “ ‘ ' Thefe o " f" ~..«.:"-X'_4C'.:.oJ ' '5‘ ,- —>~.1:‘‘ ‘‘ {L A m h I Thefe ftilletwing Pttrrticulats :\’VC%-15¢ 0fl’ere& to be inferred in the Jgretmem, but adjudgcdfit, as the mofit. \ "eminent gttev:tnccs~ to be tcdrefledt>rhy1tthe r-ext Repay. ~ etfezzzaiiv v A "' " f. 1:. ‘ T{h:tll nothc in theirFP0were, to pimifh ,ot'_caufc- % E0 be punifltech any wperfon?’ot‘tperfons, for refufing to anfwet to Qgeltions tagain‘ft.themfelves in tcrimi-nall; V Cafes.’ “ .2.VThat: it fimil not he in their PoWer,..to continueor conftitute any pteeeedtngs m Law, that'fl1allbeIonget then three or fourmonths, tn fitnaltiydteterminittg of any Caufe~».peft all tAppeal:, or to conti’rmc the La"ws:;(or pm-t_ ceedings tftteteirt)’ in tany tothet tlixinguage‘, thentin the: Ertgliflttotn-gtte. * ; LI « he - = A A 3. It fhailtmt be in their %Power, to continue.:or'makc any-Laws, to abridg anypetfotn from Trading untoanfy Parts beyond the Seas, unté whichiany are alldwed to Trade, or to refitain Trade at home. 4. It Ihall"no’t beein their Poweryto continueTExcize longer then twenty ddys after the beginnin-‘g ofpthte next .R£,9re[mtt’2rt2'»3zJe1, ftor to1«r‘aifc n1oncys';;by.anytothte1° way,~ except by an equal rate, pmportionally tQ mens. rcalor pcrfonal Efi.3tCS15_ ~wherem..allttpetfons not worth above t~hirty pound, ihali be exempted from bearing any part of ‘ wublike Charge, except to the poorg and other accufiom‘-; ‘my iiihiarge of tfiC*plaCC‘WhCr€:t.h€yT dwell‘. ‘ ~’ V. t.:It {hali not be in their Power, to make or colfitinue: 3“‘;La;w,_Av:*het’eeby mcns Efl-ates, or any part. thereof; ihmbehexempted from payment of their Debts; or to C<%>“=i“tue or ntake any Law; to jmfirifofi any matfi ptrfon f9"D1t.s of any naturco a rat 7 a :‘ 5 ‘ 5‘ ‘ B3 "h A6.L%It.t .__;_i ._ K .—.. -5-. -4... ...._» .- - —-‘_A_’.... »—..-."- l preffive way. . My . 9. They ‘fhall not continueor make a Law, for any other ways;o£JudgmenteorsConviftion of Life, Liberty, na;a $6. It_£hal'l"n’otbe in their Power, to malceoxeontinne any Law, for taking away any mans lifee,texeep,tf0r Murthere, or for endeavoring by force, to deftroy this ' Agreement; but fiuall -u.{c'i"t.b‘eik -uttermofi -endeavor, to i propound epunifhments equal to Offences, That "fo mens Lives, Limbs, Liberties, and Efiates, may not as. hitherto, -be lyable to be taken away upon trivial or flight oeeafions, and fhal-1: havefpecial care, to keep all forts of peoplefiotn Mifery and Beggery. . i 7. Theyflaall not continue or make a Law, to deprive: any perfon, in Cafe or; Tryal, . fr€>m the benefit of Wit: miles, as welllfor,as,again,fi him. q .: l on y - ;.3. ‘ Theylhall notcontinue:theagrievancei and op-.:a prelfion of -Zliithes, longer then to the end of the firfi Rel-t greflentatzfue», in yvhich time, they {hall provide for, and fatisfie all Impropriators: Neither {hall they force any‘ i petfo.n,;to. pay toward thernaintenance of the publike Minif-’cers«,= who out-of Confeienee cannot fubmitf.there—i untO;gg‘but {hall provide for them mfolme otherfunopa or Efta—te, bntleeionelylby twe:1v‘e {worn rnenof the Neigh- lnorhood».*.= ’ * * * A e l 10.1 They {hall not continue or make a Law, to allow“ any perfon to take abovefi-xpound per cent- for loan of: Mon-e‘yforayeer.. ' 1: -.7 a e 1 1. They fl1a1l=not:difa#ble',any perfon from bearinre any O-lfice in the Common-wealth, forany opinion 4‘-‘ praéfifelo in‘R:el.igion, though contrary to the publéfi" fiilnto thefi::I fhallfaddc. ' That the next Regrejflentatiw, be: molt: »e:=Ev§{?‘$Y l : H: V. V 1 F ‘f i C 9‘: as (H) "':- epre1I'ed.,f'orethe ridding of this Kingdom of thofeVe,rm;ine and Caterpillars, the Lawyers , the chief bane of this poorNation , to eretir a Court of Jufiice in every Hundred in the Nation, for the ending of all Differences arifing in that Hundred, lay twelve men of the fame Hundred, annually chofen by -Ereemen of that Hundred, with exprefs and plain Rules in Englz/I2, made by the Repre,f73r1rative, or fupreme Aatlzarity of the Nation , for ' them toguide their Judgments by. II. That for the preventing of Fraud, Thefts, and ‘Deceits, there be forthwith in every County or Shire in England, and the Dominion of Wale.r, erecfted a County Record for the perfeél Regiflring of all Con- i veya.nces,Bills, and Bonds, éw. Upon a fcverc and Pcriér penalty. r ~ . e I I I. That in cafe there be any need after the ere<5ti- on of Hundred Courts of Majors, Sheriffs, Jullices of the Peace, Deputy Lieutenants, éw. That the People capable of Elm}: ion of Parliament mm, in the foregoing Agreement, berefiored by the Reprefimtative, unto their native, jufi, and undoubted Right, by common Confent, from amongflt themfelves, annually to chufe all the fore; faid Oflicers in fuch maner, as {hall be plainly and clear- ly defcribed, and laid down by the fupreme Authority of the Nation : And that when any Subfidics or publike Taxes be laid upon the Nation, the Freemen of every Divifionor Hundred, capable of Eleaion as aforefaid, chufe out Perfons by common Confent from arnongfl: .themfelves, for the equal divifion of their Aifefsments. ‘I V. That the next Reprefi’z2t4rirue,be earneftly defired to abolifh all bafe Tenures. rrmza RARE JN 534 1648 .F6 Wing L2110A I ' °°°°°° '§sa91s 2mmum;zt:z::g§&fijfijfq;@@jEgg@Emmwnwm University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier Capture information Date captured Scanner manufacturer Scanner mode1 Scanning software Optica1 reso1ution Co1or settings Fi1e types Source information Format Content type Source ID Notes FoundationsofFreedom1648 19 June 2018 Ricoh MP C4503 600 dpi co1or, 24 bit TIFF Book Text Barcode page at end of text. Some pages have handwritten marginaiia. Faded text and b1eed—through are present in origina1 document. Derivatives - Access copy Compression Editing software Reso1ution Co1or Fi1e types Notes TIFF compressed with Lzw before conversion to JPEG Adobe Photoshop CS5 600 dpi Grayscaie and co1or avai1ab1e on request. JPEG Grayscaie pages canvassed, images brightened. Co1or pages cropped.