3 “ “ ‘ . M ‘ M 1 ‘ ‘ , “ ‘. ‘ ‘ ‘. ‘ ; ‘ H ‘ W s“ _ “ ‘ ‘M ~ “ ‘ ' ‘'j«',. _ ‘ ‘ "‘ “ 5" . ‘ ‘I ‘ M }.‘v ‘I ‘ L‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ g ‘ ‘ “ W ‘ " \ *5‘ ‘ 1‘ (‘> ‘ M‘ .,,.,....c: ‘ ‘ 1,’ v ' A \ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ J W ‘ n , ‘ “ ‘ “ WM , A ‘ V 1, ‘ _ v v,:¢_,’L , L . V V \ x ,-E ‘ 4 ,, . F0r‘A.?L1&tCi‘1“a.t'io11Offéverai AN*a1ne%s~ and Fomrls ;1"Ier . ‘ ‘ I ‘ \ I “V . “ ‘ "V “‘ "‘ “ V ('3' ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘s ‘K, ‘ ~ “ ‘~ “ ,4 _ ' ‘ . ».~,, Qt ,- L _ ~ I «:9 % ~ V A % " ‘ "N .. ' W N... ‘u ,. :”? ‘ “ ‘ . ‘M v 3. % pRoT$E,tCT0 R of ~ we mmmonmeaitb ‘40fE11§§1aflds Sc:otla11d; , g1;&nDV‘f41?€3and, arm the % " A mninions mama / % #Jmonging’, yanmg we mevczfc of we 19‘ % A ; ID;”<fl:omnw~ I1 t11iat5%%fimgI)% %, V cbiefag-iftmcpaflfl A It.) 4A affi~« (io)A A emit1)%a«muuci1, mun babe aaoilm tIntt1tbe%‘ gaming of the neptacliament which i5 130 ht mg gmpn flfSeptenfl1ber“,‘ next €l1fl1.i1l§)' m%maae aasanb wzninautesfoz the mace mm meifate of were gpzattous,” mljerc it than he nec£:fl'&4l3I7, _ m!)i£h%fl!)a11 ht Wbmntng am: it! fozce untiizhet amt! be taken imaatliamsnt cottcccni-zxtije fame. A mm 1‘ Mt L0 R D PR QT E C T OR finna % mg it tow omwceflmw tbatfomtfvtebv arm ffectua1c""A$féb¢ffiB€n oz fctlitts the fllames, %fo;efain% mectaven A ire 3 A at¢nt5,«%2ocefs auwzo; awnings of aa, attics owuuitr, within .1 x fainbfinmmonméaitb Aland , anntbe mmt;_4*,@ ‘‘‘‘ ... V. V We éé 7? 1' ._ ‘M « ¢ A V ‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘mm \ , \ t M ‘ A“ V‘ ‘ M 3 . ‘H, ‘ ‘ L, W‘ ‘ '~ ‘ . 1 :7 ‘ V ‘ _ A J‘ I ‘ ‘ 7.. n . 9 1°95 4 ‘V 4 ‘ ,,‘r~ ,’ W ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘I . Wt ‘ , ‘u . rm ' _‘ ‘H ‘ M‘ ‘ ‘W . , ‘ u ‘rd. ‘ ‘ VIN), ‘ ‘ ."i ‘ 5 ‘I _ ‘ V w \. ‘.'.~.- ‘J . » “.4 1 ~‘ ..v ‘ ‘ v 1' ‘ I ‘ 3‘ f V A w an Au ~AVAF.rw121k=d=aSco%t1aAnd+g% , ~ A =: man that an mums m ":5, maniacs, fifluess, jfin¢5,2tmertentent£, ann_fozfeitures% Ib1)atfo¢hev.mbicb bcnetofozc Imre fuen fog in 1 W ttaznamz of the iazepevs of tijz 3Lt'h~zctp ofE1ng~ Alawdhv Qmztbozity Bf fiatliflwflt, fl)a1Ifmm% es aftw the fate fzxann tllmttietb Day of Dc+:mm~ W ‘W he pmfecutm, men foztymnn tewbccen in the rain na,m gf mg L 0 5: 1;) P R 0 T E. C T 0 R; fog fl)e~tz’nwhez’ng, of the akommon-wealth of Em;-~ l:md.,, é5c4<)r.}-mdg. imhirchmd. , a111J..;tbe EII)Dl1fl'tlt'Dn5 % tljmm mi0ngiug,anntw utbet.4 firm: in all A any of the pmcaewings afozefatn, whats the A nmms mere, {fine jjutozs fog the Qtunttxtam ann Daiflefl by tbz 53119130 17 V ” %zit§,, (E 1* A anew?) J 0;, W119 alums fog” the imzepzw of the ibihmzp of Fm mud hi? fiutljozmy) of %@atlia- mam, no fapng mefentw fmm ann,%aift2c thzfaiia fir anh tmmtietb may afbccernb it flaallhcd, %. gu;;g;54£o;%A@¢ LOR D P R OTEC 'r0_R$ V the on 4mVnn¢m#ea1fl)of England; Scotland.¢. ant! Ireland... 8cc. nofay,u;pzefent,annnn1;bct:..~% ” mu all games 3. fluicw, facets arm inimw of fiuaicc mbatfneim , are t‘o-»_tah;e; notice I)mnf,%{ am; awbcvc 4%utm % fizqutremoznczzn accmningl’ A; " » lmotn (eaftcv the fail: mm: 11% 2 A i; of DC’¢C‘I‘i1bztIaren in be nun % r. fln%%it ta herein? fmgb ma i jmnictmeutz, s,§>utt5s%A¢. " ynmla 7 @lJI11:tS' Lflf % % that man: If mceozIJ,¢£'éIA% ~ ~ %1hemmn auann eh ' Q 4 L ‘ ' ..K ‘ A-I‘ _ H ‘ “ uxflh ‘ ‘ ( " it I ‘ I . . M! ' 1 Lu . ' . . ‘ ‘ ‘ " ’ Q N I ‘ Act wcaatcb am: A » n A % c an *: .41., n 5 flfl nfoza l1atlCB§5'V‘[;V % +1 ~ M (' L2,) eeeietixeente,aufegxixatione, Qteetioesfiuete, yeeme aim memes matte bee vetaemehie , eeue gene aezeweeeueeii, men he pzefeewzee emu {me few) in few eeeeezeeg ennfozm,.azm in the fame ease,eeeezeeeee%e ewe whet: A ( the {am _<$ijemgee em mtemeieeeetbeeae in ems wzmnance A are ~e@eee.eeeuIee1peepeeen) age if the mange of ee 0 9 wézeeeememixeeeeteeeee mane, may mm , me» W Eeem eee€E£~”ee"eegae eie.eijeeeetttaep eibeneef in any mifieeutmiemmunings Wm that any newiemce ~e1ee e€t;eet ‘flee eeeafmnee he teefneetigeteef, teeth: em am» the We " e I fine zit5,1eeecef5, nzieczoceemfnge, an we eme, fileefie, filefle , m ntljecmife, agate A ‘ we be manemeaematec£e1,es4 emmemmg%eup . eeefame‘ nzeeegtehmiieegeu we em’es:t:en fljecee mew. ' me eee: L 0 R D We OT F: CT().1~w, naeigijetge ~ «eeeene ef we mvmcil; fibat; feem an/nefeee we mineefir eem twentieth enap oftljiteeinfiant De- eeets §Det1eeeD%ann znaitiee hp C3f:§T3§éW73"a’mi1 4%emi%$£m5Bt1€S ,1%2Bf£n;tmeeflt5, mm gmutfietmeee foe fiteefene , jFtin1iie§,QBifp7n}~ fieeeeem eeber: ’Eeei‘pea'eseme e13x'{nemeeueewe nee? tijereupu rt, {hem emu %mep; he :j13.I7I1€I)e1l:’)¢itI) fucbepeemee emenpecfnusfe fltunittehfizefeeefla weuetsmhevein fuel) flemitements ,%1ezefmtv= e3l?nquife*te':meeCl)ai1 be ezoceenennpen, es tee % netmieijeeeeeeg. ’ me be italfo medaeen um - y M; A fee eueeeeexme hmlfnftljee 9; ePR.eOTEC—?~ 4 mtnminfucij met. menace ‘ t1)e:p;mtg13ti9emeDene‘, . befozetlje fl W, 2,eeee*eeeee , me pieamfug tijetetn , sum the temijeehagz meme gment eemeeereeber, for A end on 4 eet}1€i§,j15i‘3V:2lf A <‘&‘“i‘":;~‘e“%3“I% 3~‘:-.‘* i§€&*:§re1‘s 0 {5't§:3«e% Libffirtv A mgen1:e; eefege be tljecnnteatp fine eenymife z» mzmamen by the mtthezttp afotefain t efihet ail fltmtctments, ihzefentments, am: gnquitta teens takettby mnnnets, Qittb aI1%cttons“,3n—- fuzmations arm ®uit5,f0za1:ID on the hehettf efthe itteepees of the iltihettmaz foe atmete the behalfnf the fate iheepets as mine anfozmet tee _' flnfnzmees, annnow nepem3ing,owoh,u:h me were tpenmineatiyfinuet tgfijntttce, theteuth meet h Deccinuhelf tinfianttfball net be Difcflntmuw. we put {them bamby this change of fionevumemg. but tijattlje tezncers, 1eIeas,§Deuuweeee. ?5sJi« rues mm ttontinuances in weep at the fate eta nictmente ,1ezet’entments, jlnemtfitioets, flttt~ . one. fiinfozmattone mm §uite,t1aa11fiann gem ann efiectuai, arm be wnttnuena Dtetecutee, mm fueiJt'nzth, tnfuch I1lflm='tBl3?mD fozny, heme in the fame watt , matmition, ant: mete , at the fau1”gm¢[¢a_,[; ttzflth Day Of 'D<;='(:<:’1”:"n‘=ef>c;;1:' afnme ” rain ; mm that aiimeumee pf flueicied mecete ~thatfl)al1hehaee; puefuen time‘ the {teen tenth ’ “D3? flffljifi inflant D¢i?CE‘1*nb€1“» 1113011 fijfl {MD 31%“ ‘nus , ‘ilntotutattnns Noe mhtitett, at upon the seizes, mmueteeshoz‘_§ffues.teallvzneeenttegg theeeeuptm, aged! be hem mane am pznfeeuten in 0 . h et:U”83I*Ra1ne Q :3 51' 3 a « nietmente 192ei'entment£,t néquifitieetet mtg’: tD'9XL4O;RD4PROTfiCTO’Rn0e2a5 ewtlt mzieixn aehpthe flrlfommt we fiinfezamees ’m"Dj..tD‘a-‘J bettiancetomhinfithefameihzotefe ‘ am vzoceentttgs heteen thename tithe min ieeeneceenbetbefaibLORDVPR0 TE-‘9T%’7 1?» efleallttotbeinenemifematerialaemcetttine VianPtm5fau1$937931393 toheeliegw oz ometten fez 4 mmhhhfiuntttts further matinee ., that I A j e 55 aezetmtnrentst Dzfiflmfiii M ‘A ‘‘ tong) ‘OW: 7“ D} t he ama cnmmittenegone an the tame of f mw.m¢fi§méaetz1‘¥&}im‘@fl2 VC 1%) {am %Ww%£€ § om zwersv,eec;"mmz auvmm Wmfifi DE fii3¢?L*Wt$?a% A ia€rsnagA%ti)m%;,mm mg fitmfe %wW:.a:$m!.a:%2 ffimm mawfigs m”m,mia~e, énmmm pmfeecaxtm Km Em 3wmnz ~wm %"ee:é?w3iW%‘»§m 2» t%n¢%BWe13:ewwfti:~«*€ %mmy,2sc«~ .mm&m 3@%mrAgmm nzflwfmmm W: E‘ @w’5e&i’? pgmfeittécziv, Em $23z%;§Fz&5«aaww ,j mm on ma mm? Est? ggju 0 RD P :1 2:: (3 TO K, a; in i3Ei§j1?;m‘m, A mm mwfimzm mfif fnginflnfmtmt mg Emfnmmg, &§sti1§:e<$a€M1}a1ivi% {mg flfimcfififiéhfifiét wmfifi , tfiawik mffictmim mag an out imngs tame, 1' an mm, mgwywe {ma tm gmmcxmmaw, zefemmmtfi,fimmfitimm, was @%nfnzzmatKwn£am Wwamm mm mmimfiggu zm'ugst:rx»z,£amtng that tnzfilmne M Amfiwfl mz mfifw flmsztwfibp ~ 9 2% ~ Jfmwij A "NEW. ‘"95 D2*tallf9¢AL ? ‘, $133? t%'m%fla % 45 Vm¥¢a1tbgf%E,ng§l_atj:cT5AXScGt1a%nd..;vann w:1~:€l.an4d 05?" f 1?? mm 5. a :s:%as%fuvtIJet znammbv ‘€336 we mm» L RD P TOR ‘W1 ‘ Wit 2 twaw Mimi an ta£$tnzent§,1@3€WWWM5,, iimnifitinfi afi, fin/fuzmating, m ®u;it$, f a wigs; fnzafivfibt, mg, ozrnw rm Vzfiess . ‘T ‘Q C 1 \ 1iveban,wwme,? om A iwljz JFlam%e Aann%*¢AfM A 1;ng ng: am anflnfzmw J ?‘fli¢ifl*%5 arm mt A \. % TR fig I W ‘M Z».. . ‘ ».‘ ‘,,». ,1. ‘ “ V“ ‘/1“:"‘\ ’ ie axis, thwtaf n u ,£.’i3$ ma fiyzm mm, mam*0m.w5¢€s,2*aB W mm, in ma; mt amI;m I , ”:c”_: 2 4f, ' é ‘ "3 . A a,nm%ne,cnntmzta%n mane fl: 4 er)»: mm S ‘ .‘ ‘ /'- , 4 ‘ , fl } ea m I % » <175z&%%¥sfl%%%“?*w$%%€,%fFf@'i_@E3’6’5 W wzimmw fifl mm az%@a%ft§.mmsa my my faaaig gm:-. (Is afoggmm, 3::ijz—m iza aim mam to €36 {mm m amp mp m%;m’w_.,% Em‘r';1.”Z'a@':?2:E%‘é‘i,a?aTW$§fi@t wafijzaf mf‘»*@m:m A Eng gamma gf §~<»§:S.*c“w;% M ~:_T}fi‘ 3:3 L.1i:%>:;~1‘&f.3%’n,.i$'£.r;. Pfifififlfimmfifi m be 13%;, tbwmm fimmae gmmm we mmw A mgr" mg 2:, 0 RD (:2 IE C 1! 1% amfialm mfatm 5“: mzmw 013 W iémv‘“~1T‘:m:><:'r*';¢<‘i‘~’:c:~atI}7 %’?.aW,@fi.i'%«1g’@ fig %