. ,, . /‘fl“'i. " Wgk ,, fit‘. Ay'3§r*<\-._ ., ~ « A M :7, r ‘W. ' ‘T'?7‘'A.,:'~ *’ % % v‘ 4»'''.-é@':‘.JA‘;z*7..'.‘‘A‘A% 3"“ ..“' V ’ Q “ ml I ; 1\\ -. K,‘ ‘M I’ -"33:; O‘ 4!)“ : I ‘ ' . * ~ A A Viz. . ‘ AL The elefzfiimz and fm'c¢,/53022 of the 1{_ir{55 of %EngIg,mfl rm: ‘iw3.!;£:> we %Co2g/En: ‘ gA<;A s%f2V£crJ2;t~R_oy;:zLf[ and ’3’0;!‘:i;]zxe.{2oWrJ af‘ om‘ J{;bzgdo92:e im .42’! gazgfiss (mt! Am; .cz[l..Ii’¢vfln%z5 in: ;A ‘H’; ropegfy 1_nA%;££2e_Ci?*-¢:y'li4z7zzen2“, . A A . V : " . ‘j l } _ % ‘ ; ’g”:A:T e O.m’Jaf 5uprenm;iel2in:1es no 22mz5c9nj"ci¢'1zrc?tz9 £93 Icing agg.:zi;~g,/.?; the-?z:z*¢'im7zc7z3,% ‘ lmtt:hc.'1’ope.gA ~ % I % g A . % q _ % % 112:: flrywer to alncfln mmr we 0Bfl'r):dtom*, concernzngtbe q/ficlcnl , nzgxitciz? _., fiirma J A A and and afl*G0.1:mzmem‘. % % V % % 4, A ‘ % A W A, W H A % _ 7 a 5:: «(M ’~ AA A, M, w, ‘ E. 4 » ‘ ""},. ‘§;’;’”?A.‘5»-',V_.‘J.iA"".';;k‘;,w.A..,v;,\ .5 E7”-a '" \‘ “ ’ 11 - v$.a‘w w ': ‘A éi W,’ V A _ /L ry ‘A ‘J " _ u I I‘ ‘ F V “ .«“.a\ ‘ \{A,v.ZrIs. fix “ M‘\1“W:‘I.7‘\v‘. ""u1.\:»"‘:‘IA:“ ‘§A‘],'.‘ -1 ‘ A ' ‘ 4‘);w\‘yV.‘l‘\"‘ wt.’ 3% 5.‘ V ‘j ‘i\ \ x .1. ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ' ‘V "2 ,;_‘*M « ‘ w,A ‘ H A _" ‘_ . ff," \ ‘ { - ‘ * '""' v X‘ . 5 A a "He ci1ree€EPcacestlmricaf-1:::z1oL1:i:z?. In for Vain)”"£|(j”27'}$!f“'2i0?”.,4: zmci L ‘ ;*;C072f«n2t;1"1mdcthriceciiflmnourabI_e byCD5“/E’i‘t10?2,' ’3l17ifl‘011’a);)d.} A «&‘Ji[u’c:ir2¢'. T‘hr:.CrLufcsI.c0nc;civc to be >:hc~.~{,é. Fi1'l*’r._,} fgignraswqe 5:} A ‘ . _71h‘&ir«Ovvfle‘pQW€rsaT:Sccjonfl%1Y‘,1fpride“‘vwh0f‘M.{1:l§1l1‘\¢A:Vb,c‘g;I;¢a'.;eM.1iy‘j3 V " A‘ W 1 A LA §§L?luAix‘c§7xcr, :2. C£:rran,q 1 ;r»:¢Wpae ifie’is& fLf<%1A1?d7sa:1£2dAL+%av xccs, Perfiznss ?‘i n » flhi €=53fi$?>t‘L A l1i;mé:A : ’;Qf#§.»:)‘;€::%’rfl““?“y£l :51 3 :: G&>W?n'fi1Af§£ m‘c:*fij'r1t4Aby C7.u;2d c.:~3»‘w::h}.'2iIre%%théyjfcrvc for tiV1€¢.13C£3'Pl6‘$ gqgood , :xx::7d,:Ati&1$i#V is tHg,=:ir"i71'i‘Ij;crVu%x:1d4A of all. »ri;flf1t5 in the ixagdomc evc:rx,,,<:ufl !E7Hi:?c;*“K¢i%t’1g§%4§Iéé“c'im1 vanci vfiz £:Aa:A¢fl7ic:>,rx;,z:.s I fI1a”1lA_pr¢§¢nt1y\%,{1~g<:;w;;Ij}Az;vrzng*AA.:L:LczxmdfAiny% dA,i%{?&i é9c4i"c5ti fximxw «déubtz of. ~ The; I‘iit1;_r.,re«c :1_1Al$; the, AC&a‘aun1%<:1i, wibut; ems;m;'%:'u¢-,.[c:;m~ . fella-rs mt thé: Lévvcs. 30111:: are f:9%l€:w11«cc1.¢i7IE: as to 1513’ by :}7~“¢/i,1{';Tf!-5 fl?:”_Abc1f[E;’f6’¢*;t?l€;a,!f(,‘U ‘Vt,1;;‘1j;-{sf derfiood vvhm we read in the ~Rei‘g,n*c of€m’%%v W’; £13/:t~4i:1 Pargzzagi Aof: F1 «:4? thcr” ‘’ ‘a'x';d_: people an; pug. B311: why isflnhis in mans shoughxs .. and wh it ad?J21Azi"t%19;§33;A‘§om%cs%.l$3§‘ if fl,range‘~c:cmfirtitcfifioxaswnhmyExmka b’f‘?ifi‘Aa,%sL4;]r1iAAs', ip11g:f:%C9p;1m0n,A%_A3 A QMb§gg¢f*W;g- .éfix~fim%1i? ¢fifid:fits: ouéa:pf:I3£ar1ia1n§cnj:,;fwd£hd¢~%c1cf9;;pn$,nfA Vthcmftj ‘ q 4 9?:*:3 J7 , V . A , A A Ai»*1A£zA»%rZ%&‘:‘T?fi hi$~C¢aroxiatiVbn : ‘;b 1: thapfihcz A12z¢Zgrw4fi1%oL;IdfiAc«% m Purl; A ;1;cAnt,ax3d «;hmof§;AI:ajW3%;t11mf ‘fly, is :1“ {&m:i’elefl7:-. imaginatiqn, A am the K:ing3AQ>:1t{1 z$_qc7,»tA cc; ;mk§1:_ L;aA%*s,iz1fPa%r1f-51% A ‘a:ncnt;butyabA1d‘%‘i‘:o Inch as are mack:b3Xi1$iPr0%W1t9r5a‘b¥1B¢flfl$Wh¢I0fI1}¢¥Ht¢:g¢f!¢A tthm; W%ifA§1e:;::%2::m; ‘ (2) ‘hot; the La'fi>esm,;:uie*ii2 es.-he: xeijgnelof my Ifling , are 1’MH3A:iu¢V5_lf Oflice er 04:72 , Fat mam gmcg lgndégoadnra/_]?;v,l;m;j film it is in zinc nail oftbe ?rim:e ca den)? larlgrant ‘Wm: be ipllcaficb; Indccd,Hcnrytf2eiez'g€vz v€$vithhisA owhc harid imerlincd thefe words in the Oath, as L~ll'l3,_ -appcarcihyr as copic iothe Momorialls at £1m£’cfi«5.whcrc after made and €b0fm,,hc ad adsorb my cmfent. So tint for Polka we have 1\{oblesandpeoplc,and that m-ufi: need: Pan-Iiaznzntgwhsrc they mam: the King , and have powcr to make andlchmfi: El1Afi;§,¥Lla.w”e*s : and good roafozq in (h mld be withichc confcn‘: of the King. The taleéiz. 'mnAi‘s theirs not the Kings, 211:1 whéu: is mad: and chofca for a Law,hatl:1 thccflcncc and being ofa Law 5 For the Kings confonc acldccs not to than which it wawxslbcforc, h A A bu:«,to the;approh1=:ion,corroboraciomand confinnztion. The flexes and ‘Pcoplefin ‘D" A 3. bill Abr_inglith<: law msidegand the King conféncing. it bcares His image and fupcr... i1;rip:io;a,az1d goes For good and lawfall authoritioas money docs having received ,h1s.imprefl5oz1: So that no man doubts lawes are not pcrfc5l:,petinam:nto and PCERC4 A tuallmlll thcy be, cliablifhcd the Km.§!,- Take: an example: in WW1. 6. 7. 8.} a great Counfcll mzkcsla dc-'crce,a Royall‘ fiamcc, an i brings it to that King to figne inand {o it bccoxmsiznmucablc 3 and {Darius cannot: deliver ‘ll)Anim’/ by plcadinghis caufi: an V whole day. Such are our Lawcs made by the pmplc in Parli amcmz. and it is Grange we fhouldA ll ruglé with fa. pia inc, a Truth ; that thréq elhtes make the Lawcs is cvi-» rlcntto all men , the people: by elcélzion , the King by coofir:n1cio11,allbyconfimt, Come we then to thm: sire/aiteffonfcczff , 73{97nJt/micall , and Lfgi/ldfiiigil powcn that is in ;l1cinllall,ll&: how C.’.1L1El1.£U.' be £i1hordi.uac¢ in them wh.ois:hi is fupfcatfie in them 311» and ygc 3201: three Su remacics in them,but one in all caufzs and ovcr alllperfons» who potions make one Supreuxiacy it is above natumwhcn States and Offices it is moral! A and—Politicall. _No pcrfonlbuic onois Supreainclio our Kingdom: 3. and yet: this _pcr- (ho is Aai palicgic m glue Par! ia.meoc,ai;1d Ia tzhird-A eli~aco,olr p0litilCl£lZ)Od'}'. 3:: 13 combined with two more 8cizhouf..r,l1lIAllc:»mr1olc dori»voa P atliamlemzflas fo":nlc;l;lh;w-'6: ldt3h«:);%o H74? 4 A 86 Lam;mr;zz~n,yot thoNomtio;1l is now» too mic that thcylhavcloqugillltaqfémtiiiallrrlfi cogethe t=:B;L_:c tholcruth is that be that is j/inc ‘ifiwiilini hisi Plerfon»,hath»Pcm'S—i"11AHis~CuUni+ A féll;cqp.1:~;llclhtesgalnd to we cannot expreffe them by chcl word Subordmzicobuc Cfqv o¥diI13'C‘¢»*C6cq‘.!1ll . and Co—efi7mciall in theifinno power. By Vnion they may £108“ A asllltllingsfor our good. By Cmn-ammion they are inabled to do: is. and»bylWmfi11l’Enoi mlm mzgy qontmdléf thorn. Igriorlancc fhould not be in usfto divide them by C1‘-‘.'.1*-?‘t1_'*-:- I:ionl?l;FI31§?»p;;1:§lIo mmayl be abflamz, when all the Ath-rec‘E'l’:a::es are prleféflfi; and may ¢l0¢liI1l«§i the ahftémce 053253 t‘€l’c- What is occoflhry for our pre{?2rvati.on=. The Kingls great: A mxriegggrlor 5=:aaile’;x_u«g+, [2.. The]: 2; 6. 7. l He with-holds our perfls-:é’clpcaAce, Whom we dctife not to reznovcabuc to reconcile» to His- Counccll. A Cczu-n¢el,l in island hfit in it as.1’;mIAw.1s an/:mm:é»,[:«. Car. 5 3]: in. his power , bu;bthoy. Want;-‘I His lB€:Tv{».0n:j_tQ; chem: Eawzs; I’?rideA is humbled 'by,an heavy corlrofcéioml andl?W€:fl.19“ldlo,119§ fiandluponr~—i: Wliofiffhall rulo,bus:~ remember whcre now all infill h_3.,Vt‘ lhtlllf» rllgflm gggiq pcrfbmll, bllCf.POr1.ClqH€ coznmands. A23 for cotxtentrqn: It 135 coloured. C90 i;i;ueh1., and; panel. would now be the nnoli A‘WCl{C'<)iTl«‘.: meme we: coptld ldfififfil 13% iayurlltl A l ii « ‘ " ml 4.4.} wemd rhea: wom,l flux L#rdti9¢~1(*"$ Altovfitv-éFihé'AQ1é4‘ifé.$Ag’ moi; M. M: 5é27(gn at .0afih;,whithhl being ‘idea la~r<:df to; the P corpk byo;Ih6eli lbi{h‘7’P:» AHk.~iflQ9ir¢s~’oFthé peop1oeift*‘°o7v lvvvuilzf viii/W ml lam him: iwgs and M 4i W4 wgz*c,j%A%plainelDfelclaxatiooofil lehc;il1=~Elcéi:io§nli:‘wh:ifch ihoguhh. havos be ore; h:A'.x,l’" =°;g;l§)}bLit;chat§:thc3q~liacIl;confonl:ed~iatozhlefitfl:ionafiéiuaeoflmn-,, by mgoolowhexqoffnhc per on (39 . n pet-f°o°n_ was defigned ; For elcél:ion may be withotutfucceflion abut when it grams to the helm the fameRight it granted to the Predeceflbur the eleétioah is limited , and A the pea Ale asked profbrma :.-yet with good fignification, as F0rtefl‘1ze{ailtlh,that thetfirtt juhlltvingt log in a Kittgdome was the éeoples Intention , which as the heart in the bod? gipv‘e%sA the fitlt life to the hcad,whieh is made the ’lount‘aine of j'tz[’tice, pate/late apofizi’ w“€“xflJ‘b¥":h¢ influence of power firom the people Lawesthe l"aith)atc as; the lilga melitst unitittgtand may not be changed by theheadmhich is not the fitli that lives , or tax ablolute as to doe what it will ; for t’ t is nota receiver for it lelFe.. but the ufe of the‘? gjlvettandt tuchfouuttaines may not fitile the peoplcof the ttufii they have put in thettn’ The Royall PQWEI.‘ it; mixt with that which is Politique ; and in all cattle; and over all porftat‘-is cannot be ulé-Ad but in Patliamentgand ttuely Regall power thus ttttitedito the pulitlqtte is never righteous but in Courts ofjttl’ticc,and the Parliamenti. ib‘elltle”g*‘i the hzghclt , the King hath no Suptemacie above; it , and lo the oath of supremaeie is axgatnlt ulutpeti power, which the King himflelfe may ttfutp, if he go: * ainflc" his politzglae 7%-‘mar, as well as the Pope that would raifi: a Confifioty abovéahitn," and judge him out ofhts Courts of j ttliice , and the Couttlit lelfe, if‘ it [ubjeé’c not hfhf >4 am his ettetnpt PIt>C€(:Clll'lgS : Wee grant the King a power to call all Counlcell ls, to be in them as lop:-came head. and Governour , and by our Oaths are bound , ‘no. I fotralne power {ll-‘Ml iudtifi Over us; but {itch onely as we yeelded unto tr Wltichllllilt t.,n0;; in .per_/Ema/I. bm:polztzculZ eonunandts t. and thetelbre the people lllottlcl not be ft:"a!tr-‘- rated with Royall .t but untigltteous Proclamations; For by the.Conl‘titution* of this Kin;-2;dome.t the King istllrattly tyfed to a alitigae Q’ower ,. and whenlhe will he Regal! ,,WitbOlu£ttif,heimaylgh-t‘catcn andptmilh, at he (hall doe itunjlufily. The Law hath t tforblidden; the aunt: ng oFPap:lts~, commanded that armed, they be dvifarmed. ~If"*thé: “King by a pctfomll command {hall bid them armje , and Forbid the Magifirateth diftrme them ., he tsto be obeyed in neither; but the Magifirate by Law maydolt What the King contrary to Law o pollzth him tn. F l A l 1 t We {hall cleate tlllspaint, tnote lull? ih handling it againft the anfwc-re: of ~the Oi‘?- tflzwteat. 3; lmpo the peopljewillt not by legal: poWerl.be dtpivett frotrt their obedience, to that vvhich is politiclgcgimany reprochcs aitji ;;:tl’r ttpt?Jr1j_th'e ‘i?all1i4men’t,and the Kitag is alwayea alleadgcd For thctfltfiument to "t1‘fljlfie‘ them; Thme Wdrlimnent i$vohsEffi1néd‘of tfhffion againllt the'K§!fm1“léfi ti ey that that c it fltottld theatre the Faultgand A tli’e{&"wlll not fee the-it ettot inpppdivpiclihg, the lggyafl anpdjiolittck poWe“r.wlhio'h lsttuly the faélioh on tlllélrllfldtey ; for other Mi3aVtliatx1tentt pte c1:ve$ tthettlt both ottogdthérltafldi tl1tfé_mdél:ll'§0Y tlitftil by tholt'div~lefion+ _:7tcottlé,thpe,til_t‘9ft‘i1‘al1y" itft}t;1r‘i‘e$§,fWa{t1‘d tl1e%rnitllé'tttlel.veSe‘; for they f'oteotho Parliament U0Ofd~.lfll’3flC_駻"« Bficattllt tlffv little: *.;he*1C1lnjg”t’o l tzonflentto no Lawes.~ They cattle them '59 Pfjo¢laitt2‘edl Rcbléllsil by’Rlo~ye.«m " téovttr tltat will not obey it without that which it polititcike. They try out of teatlaétillods in a pzl1flix’).l’11t2llrt:tt1'lC: way, that they may oppofelt ih pom: that is arbitrary, ahd‘cottfrd.~ itttiicioll. They would have the people reluttte, the 1'11 poimézra and refflraitte tlteft pt1t~ A lost mod .ttlx‘l?ltt:}’¢?[i;’ll$”*‘ll] thatt%ttnrtigl?1teot1s,C4<5=lJftitihiftpif have dplhwlayes ecotmplaiheid d—-' m 1 t*;.'.‘.*.ittl*l-:. and now eonézcive to be relieved t5‘L"tt'i;’ti5§l’ttill"C3lt5i;trlt"i*‘3 l ‘(Sf jltlillice, lttslitheibefi pride ‘ -~t;TtZ’!2't."ll‘ng to lli‘Cl§lt'c;;thdl‘nE E-Gates; I pray God the greatell . Enc‘rt1fliesl’b‘e‘e‘tlotilnltheirwgx-.l V tours to tle;‘¢l:tt:>3r llflng and Councelhandbyi fuith taking ,of’par‘ts we petfilh by $1 fhittip pl -pattiti that tmm pafltrlbetweencbotht ahdmlaflperl the: M pZehlc"W’otIld tiatrtllc i use chmugly, hwtltewlféin theta degree‘ to fee the policies thatmake agatttitl: A2. 6 4“? A us, :x'11e’:1iv%azaad:: is”11igd¢Aojiz":bfI5’fi1r1i9@i'i’§35i*ft: "‘311§*$55aaflgfirfiséfiot.iiti%i’€;!$ut*thofieAchéztb woglgc ?Qg;A;%Tp%_%;x‘a, tokecp thc1‘Lin,<2, fi~om}1t.% and as Iqxag as he 13 " Aab£%m:,A we dam» never 1or_:k<:'For 17.<:a.cvc:¢.%AA%ZZ%"rA’:;~A*c=%».%" Effates ggg irjic‘,Va11ldall‘b‘§r at: cqni;gl1n’;igb;toA C103 . u3= gmd’ the I{1;;gw;;ng£%;he“Lo:g1s_by_aizaazliepowcgme Commons%€*Aem1veAtmm ;h¢,n;h3t1m,e %;V€m ‘iIt.k1§S‘fi,r3~%, ¢0¥?Af€‘.?3??~*°A4W=»A‘A’?~:W¢ P0%1V"i%' * vi ?§‘¢9=fY?¢ TOW1huch4ri;°:htAro¢che:n~ {gives 22 sf‘:,:;:: ,a‘1‘1ak;;j _a‘uAA;;;§~, j,yd_ A"‘i%z'c”gg%2a¢zte “}:};“§w€%r‘ E0 joy me with the Arefij N a*n*é14 td A-{Viiboi-di nate th~e1é%is toh ruzm; :;h..~*~: ‘w i-:<:;Ie%‘Ct:{mfCél3;M and make us’1fli1?eé”t’o"th"e wi11A%5gf»%5,i;~é%? mamand Lggatg the pojhI;1c%k to ‘f(z1‘g¢:[:.'-A 7b2j%t%t1C)"_1‘ ightV€ouS % _ % A . V. % . I A %_The 1(z;ggs call is, that%theyal1%be prefcnc §oge;herA{,»Vh:s% A/fajcflze as the hcirebf thé ifiingéfu-V239 , his f’€¢7'€‘$ by1 £h§c:i:x' B%%1;r%%Ll1%,; 31131115 °07?W9m by tht-peoples Elécfian The 5,3 fl‘:evve:;F1a,4%ZWéz24)-(kit; t}i;e%:1”'c3“,o1;‘i(.i;&‘a;1.°r1rij§écraQ1€".j:aridthe third czA Tinzm'c»'92'e,‘“ Ixqmmjd ‘ % the ?;*§Mr_?1<;>fE.1fl, '§"3e272p rzI?;¥:A¢‘ié7 {:5 y4 tE3e'?31'?fi5 ; WA}I”i‘¢.hL’appo*iA:i.:t§ n*a§£’/?¢ and zn0{’cw?1'?f€?‘€i??f men az1'sO11gifi’f”th€1h, L?1?’1‘i’?""4‘§W1s~ nb forrrie‘ of A£‘~}c€verVn1nen"t¥» f1*3ei12E>cra£i?aViciousfbitme. for i’r’wc: wxll tatukethings arighc, there be three Formcs A rovcdfmmxhrée ivfpeffs, /TMW‘C’33=? 035% f€f%l5€' fi1FE%Ci€nCY,”WU?a’0meA4‘Aor approved Nam ; vmfzglth or Wall.b:zi1ax1ced,richt*3§H bclotngs to /M'o:2am’2z';e; whigh £5 fimf z'}z c:¢j:'25‘ A njzkziiumfuzzl” {;fiz‘rétn.jzz7f;z’, 7 ‘§'r1eAn_1‘1_jfi gbg-A the Foufitainegfqa,:};1*::[u(}g%c.eb an,d%%?h;§v%€ ih%l1i,s'puw&r.aIl: tne'“ns% fir;-'a~;r" af rt"/_t°2~}:»ztEo2¢ iindé rrflzggzmzttan form him i1ChaHti11rCS1T)‘ufi bite”d?c1ni{Z=:d"aLz7d’Commitréd ‘all ti*’uGs QEar“th¢??§5rcrfi:rv%aitiDn”70f “ y ;:hern,, g;?'_i1xega;medi;vz, negdt /imam‘, ‘laffzfbat ‘frag/(§’s“éz‘a§inz_§J the mezxms Trim’:--/zbblzis the Aefifid, and ch}: §Z1f:.‘.‘,t’.y_‘ of the people: cannot be m the 1012:. CI-icffpt they allow him all memes, so pm?- % Acéf th§=:m:;,‘ ‘A and %{'b1i1?¢£,i:%A11:§.s phgfxnay u {¢ %tl1c).f;';'__:1::¢z¢s1_ _es« in % a j udiciafl arbitrary Way. as in the gzzaiflé VQ”FA%i;n':’3x1i'nc;11£ §d£115g;:gf; a‘}1~:1‘;;:‘:‘1is%% p:3‘§?<.'1f3r jg wV‘néiéPg%é r v4ig1ér*i%:’%% ~ ‘to.’ A’fé‘>i'cé Ah%is:%;pm5p1,e, $151; ?%vq1u.11i'ary .,tdiid"omS;j"§z5'l*11%1t“H6 Miifikf bmi; [M5€HVfifY, _ which needsV‘Ar1{$r@%~ flzher L%:{W§‘ bmutwthe ‘pr2e‘{4‘en: éx.ié,cn%Ce, m'h‘i’ch‘i}1e_i3ep§le xn"au§7’ fE:c'9Ls% Wella%sThimfélfcuai1d A were Béaffiiiet E0 beé%as}1‘éady$as here iStO_!dQ¢_ his w,i.1l‘.— arid W3.i!Z€ upon» Ahim in a9-1 .,,p1Aacg3, 3,t;ja;l1£i}11‘Es,. a11dAwiic%i1%:%ne1-yazzd mhbfnc%y fl:p‘p1Vy?a11Akmwancs :%5uc thhmuflibe A{uppored*sw;¥iaeA:a his ?1"mgzg_:z::2Ar'v22=¢Afi:s: :%x.o;t,%,..:ntvrA..‘i$ iz1,,b¢%i*;igA«A fm~‘V Ahat— is, as all fitatc %.4%rna:ccrs ma 54‘¥°e5 €21!idrbiér?-W”@5W‘rnmefii¥sA Awhich~admi=As ‘ %n%5”d¢i}?iYA€Su %.ri€-7Y«AAC=?~fi”.1’r?::=y;};W iii? fififlla. W‘*."f5‘*I5#éi5i?1"€"fA«?. '51“ ¢Q1iW‘9m,dAA Amm bl’ f1flf10Wi'1¢ L4‘?’¢~A‘.-zg %V¥”3‘f5/Wwiifa <5.7i‘ Ti??77?H_’¢’?i?"“a‘f€‘[rI’?V’*§i‘ bilt¢‘Vi‘11§4'W’““*?’7”3’°’A’ find W3’ «W L; inm‘fitbordihateasAAgov¢ti1Lc$m?$« %:iice1AV.ti1*a."t:'%a‘r%jc*igf€n%tA bv.tV11cAl<;i?¢g_; LlForA the M95165 :1 re no; Jfent, b.ut‘m1'r-ac in» the right ”g€;heir f::i;‘l1h¥‘%[1?i’:g11W't;V‘ qr ct¢*2§'&i"t51i%A?;-{ti tfic Pm‘1I'cIm€7:*t,A% and {in A % W®e.‘:£:¢,,5gmmq-£73:Ecima a?s ,{&r§fiAf By AII'f}§ff;J‘7'{',‘()’f)‘11h"f';f,‘,;V‘3?§lfd:‘i“I'1 tfiéirAA*i;igh%c, AT :Iwhic»h »gbe~IQing.%%%i n»~al1 V%3[£.1“f.i;?"CQ¥fi¢\fi§§fé;1§lf§EE}’W§?“Q5Ifil‘5CQCi%Vfé§;“*15*'ti"4, hccfmay“ 7pi1‘efEtrizc7ir.‘ as id",i:e‘I?co‘r;e%VA4i§Au&»z¢_ ;héméA as V _fl$“;,11rHa%";%€:¢F 3F”+‘tFi”efi,i‘* pvin V their perfzxns V Qggdgf andAApgfi‘~. .ffi;w1)s7 Lands H A Li’b¢‘;At1és Ljxycs Aitndfill ;hev~havc toAdoe.AAh1m4 and? them goodiinall cimcsMofdahg“e?;~w;V¢*%r;au1’u:h¢¢rcFo1g;=:AAknow that’ now in ’Parlzammt,, u, gI.l t11e% three pcsxx:e,:_s ‘ zirc t«0{e£fq;%ti?[3;,% g30¢W‘0?’?{1””4“¢€; V§;1%d%" j~”0.-é*‘—’0?”{,6’If-¢ _t:ngethe—r.for common “good J :..;1<3L_as.,;{% by ;1};1I:p;?)fd i';1“a"¢t5f0fr1',T“,%‘¢bw1j1‘t cAe<*..~;»A*A1"4T[17E4zf1m1*% of-pri ncgpall cau{?fs;~ .each ha - %Aerx%i;Abjr%ai=l good Axneamas aud ciqu':1f§e*?%1%:zi3ré%%%:ii;:%; “ A» "' *" ' ‘ r’ " ’ ' “ ‘” ‘ 1,; h;’A“'_"¢_ ‘ » -..__,. _,:A é V 7 ‘W, * ~ A A A A A 4vicsofis1‘,Afo:%mesa;s"fC3ovém:aaex§;’c:¢r¢<‘VWz2i“é¢év§ wheza we taIm’re;b1j13:§wh_3f:.‘})ééV°p1t%a{E*th-QgandVaIIT*%A%txA%mrs,.::oAuféz them ijkc A A , Pp?u11.g§éswhc$nA:I1é? af¢%;£~’u% W3-fi:igj‘_":i5}1§§cl1A$’§Héy‘*Imve; m 'Ih‘e-*%%fe<:£Jz%xd‘ wciousfoxnxe £dunaAwg;gnfi5;,;%wvywame ma ‘fa\Qgilvi1it_;1.~‘::2 be t 1‘1:1‘Ti.}cd wizh .«~s.> phhlicke Affifireg. 3 Thfilthifdl is Wfiifllficmcie yvhcn means flperfons, landlolfbalé gmgg-.. dxtionlarelléztovcrthc: rem Timdrcby, cm‘ Wumrtlul , is when great men of meanml,» ”wlax'1L1ng,the hrmcrzom: Of 3”¢?6’I'€$, but not of W'1f<:do111c§1nd‘VVe;1‘lcl1llbginghaxnhng the pgpplc ancl goajxd M..x[lersFo4rAthe1r welfare llhavcithe dxgmty oi: lGra)m.fy laxulclfdifbttcétiaii ta: make theém rcyutecl, and no be well ellcelncd zunongll thfs, people, and lqwgglgtmafl to; 101%, 21fVCb3fl'.$0b€b€Cfu.fl"Cd withtha: little they have ,; and chcrcfirelconfide in A them lorlall chcv have ,3 we havf: fpoken olghc'fif{3t_ hohqur ofa Tlzrliamlczxt. coxalfiliixag in tiarzw /9m2ozmzb/e })6'fi‘-fr-1745!. the .t?K?fi£)‘by the rxght of mherlmnce, thelllords of their pm; I ;ti_vcor211tx'q11al1 riglxr ori,<:,in:1lly In ::heml'elves_; and thcCommom, the bcfi gfihg peoplc. <2Ie;:t:;:z¢r , yvhichthg Panther re» l bt”1l,:11ix1ds:-you with a. greater againfi. God th¢;Fathcr.\v holhathrt:-y Q¢«ii(¢dhi‘s”S61111Cllintotlicllagmethrozlévvitlm hi1nI?:lFe,L’1"\gf1>e. 3. 2 31 . and’ dclérvefsl gz‘--7 éjjiall honnurl as being cocqzm/1 with him. Now the zirzzlms’ havé Churchms, andlho-- n_ou;Cbr_i/3 in them, as we doc, A but deny him to be his Fathers squall, and therefore. how zmgry is,Cra;i wicl1lf{.1,chhlal'{3l1::lnc:;'s.. and wnch you for lhfFc:rihgl;l1c%m {gala-; nihlv hfhalclcna. arid I:h«;: mod’ "£1 fl;},U«"f0;"éVhh 1'€{01I{T}f£<4l ‘Eh?’ llmlc ;‘: ch: g tppflllqag;iox1.i_s e§.fi¢,.vFag,. tléczzh and Sorzm? mrc ‘fL_1bCJ::(/»ii:I]aE£’|--3-~£q$‘1~l,!~0 ;m2,.5z¢l2,'c’:2l‘S zmzd ~3w1*€;:az€qlrz65, fi4Jwre{1m;;4 %;172o;;lH;qz;-l.,-h fiwgvwzh_l/Mfill?/?’r1%ii¢*It= lll:>urllh‘W»‘*%l'»'! ‘W<*‘l ’*3'.**lfiW”*’5*l??}*v? 1W‘? W¢6?12'fl4plJ1cl"%?? ASqfi8é I fzmiclslhis Father, and chc Sub}c:c‘:t his Prmce 2 yet when £i‘]ey““:1rc:‘Ca{:‘t‘ intoequa II ‘/5’, /fates, you alllliirvethecos~nz1mons‘1“:nd and fupphz, one .l.an<:>thcr , your Md]ij'/if wczcluld‘ he moved a] litclt Eurchqr with the homb1.e?app.rehcnfiox1s cfyour people. fill-W32/’£s deale. asllyafily Wliljrei/-1r¥5fL':/292'}!/l, aslevcx.‘ the r1M»'13z_Scl,xd, whol.ltl':rdS[ d,”""”’3.;Sf11?0rczI£*nc,) 1'; is (me ¢al'thc fir1ne$.~ ydulfilflhi lF:;r.,l 3 ; 21; To him‘ tl’ml°’a}{ercqnzlm't79,Xlv1[[ ["g7hr2‘7’l£ tofu? witls me xx: my rowel; , flim my I a91>m:mzc,nnril/it xvit;7ahN1ylEfit/9€21ll1rt 19%! '179Vom'.l In glory vvecormmxnicatc wéthir ;C/9ri,”%, andhavc.l1is.Tl1ro21c; bu,_::;no:lhis Fathers f'c::r~th:u; is mo great :1 glory] thollp:1r--- tvig.ipl,1r.cll'With tl)yc:}peri(nn’s.mVa.h§z.i1,jwtofciirvizue Wmrlluim, The flrrmms <:x'r::dl.m:.,::t am... d£2lI’:a.z'1clll:h:::,l~lthc ixitglci l‘.bm.i:hi’:},*v* txhndcrlhlxidll it. andhherte in lthe:r,hlaFph¢v:+ h 1‘n;;>us (Al I! é-v;:rir:mls..ax1d.l1a,ve,n'oi;,‘lc5nlé1vl3-;tQllc;a:aflh1’1~.butwxzheallpprolasvioxm of your hqtll’; S1xbja"lrc‘;’cs to fiéz,l1,zlha§2;ali:1l} 364$ lAll1tl‘x0rAitit:l~L1pc3n:ll%E4r't{? 1 axxd your fhllh. in ‘?:¢hl_t«;rW1t’rzt; and ,thc caalmrlglzace pnf“/%’,$?lfS ;w yp,u;lih thclfial1jr1c._ Affulre your l?:i.'fe all ycmr h:ljudic:ie-2» ;;ljj;pQ«Wm; fig_}%n%v%Qur£{;;}gu‘1-ltg?% bod’) _Le'_g.»[1ga ml +‘1rl1£trd7i»)h clrdrzmxry and extra-c>rd.i%l1.ary,h lnhaclnomlcztllhavenonltflm whichlyou-land nowcrlwplrovidelhfor 3' W»P¢"P1¢s A, gal f A; A ;mx (M5, ) A tr=-mat-M‘yeuur ’1’4rlWet¢tiin immtineht”ttd:inge‘r$, into the which you have buroughe them‘ vbythztr which you havedonc againfi ycur High-Court,‘ and at Ctlrid ad Cdmfidm have rransférreduyour judgement , aga‘it3i’t which noirnan can rebel} by refiflaftfrce , and your Maj:/E} rriiflakes Tree/on and ‘Yiébclllon . which isnow Iefi: to your '?drl1amrnI‘** to termine it, and there, or no where mufi you paffe ydut ;'udgt=:ment.A If yqu have aii*:1’4rliament,~it confifls of flares Eflates,’ and vvhiles it is} you cannot itukeiyour {elf}: fibm it, foras vouu can never be depofed or put to deathflb youtuucannot depart irtyour poweir, as you maytin your petibn, and that power that is in it workes in a capaci- tie correfpondtent to right Ykajan and Iudgemengwhich wiii never be juflxfiedin ex-6 crajudiciatll proceedings, or an arbitrary. ivoluntarie and unreaibnable way, which imw you are in to the difiracfiion of use in Otlt‘ obedience , for we canmt obey you in your Cuurrs, audiouttof them» Wfe canhotiietve two Maj/tars, ycur IE.-“Wei irr_Curi4 and ' Curnera, Court, and Cabinet, whefiithcy are coutrarie : either tell us you ‘have zj1oi"13*zir-_s tlidmfntg or elfie you have no judgement out of ‘it: but that which you C0tIi;i.t13iHf.* of} which is meerely arbitrary. «Frtzm the t*’a2'l?{mt£int thrice Honourabltg mem-5 bets, Iweuciome {O16 tmutietithrxce dtfhontsurabxe by three dangerous , r:i:tmr;m!;h1e; deg fixer:-.=tte anti trrofi dircful1.atccuf:ttioins of‘Tteaf&n,Fu£f£‘?orz, and arliicftfdry paiireir diiiidfé ofulLcmdx*,uLib£r.t185,i filies, bodies‘. tmdflsules, ancito doe what they fiwiltl uwitfmifuir ’.'E{gl1git«n, £*‘W5. AC/914%’, Kjngzfotrzc, 23%‘. Add ailthis becattfe oi" Om!t22;tt12zt'es..mg.de 9.3.,-' a A,g”i[;;j,;5 yr‘ %M€mey,t Men» Armes,SouildierstTow£:'aes,Sijiips, the uvhole .:’%_%%2.-:¢r,,mu;;,t,, &_;_ A“ Whgch d is fufficiently ttnfwered thus. qu1lfiig€mj‘?tir2gi‘t ,“»*ztem; fszczazts, bee tbatdeparts frnm the {Parliament declares his finu_e.:; aim'~b‘ec:1u{e t,}ie :’lom’ is coutrary to him ,__e:'ofl‘eth it by -all the wiiche,ihath.iaudu petiwades thewtneotpie that 1'16): he tbut Ehfityvafffi1n]‘UICd.b,iddi"Dg ~ them ilocike upofi tuéeitmiesu, at1c’rf'ee*It.r%1ce the ;3f;%£:‘.[':‘{‘4”i:€%flE hbierztun what theyhave done,‘ A to make us better. Its truewe are a great deale *.i<'.«'(3t’f3;$11‘ld theyare chetcaufie, for they have»left the three Eflatesh tcfihitt For themiérives, and they would do“e"enough‘ for us to make us{1‘gce(_1Mx1y%happy, it they were mt the .r’umpn*su of gut rn1fE':r1es_¥ Neverfityj, whyahathtthe " dtfltamfitrfi been {as long, ‘£1? worke. when {in rnzztnv have been” at wiorkef i figainfl thern. Dec A they ;’tC‘Cl.1&_1€:11‘iCtI, Qt Efldtku I‘ lay their 1'cproaches upb he the ipfc{t...j fans, '0r‘rair1e **Aj1‘mfesii ‘ imported, ’E’:tpz‘/is warmntcd to take “up Armcs, and all ugriinfitHe“‘?%1ri'id7?ff?3’f; A VV§1€1‘f:§3S ch-epeopies underfiandiitgtoi~m&ike,a ruightctiniirufitiiditit>f7thé%i’1ituilvhef ptzwers“ tum} ‘E’/?:¢}t_‘s ~u.fh‘ere‘\rtjill they defifudt ::f1’j<:_% povireru ’ ‘If’ they :3” A it re: Eat the Eur/z4711€??I‘i; they dtnictthe Ifimgr VWzt‘thutjcaiIed jkgthc; xiii that ecmtiuues‘ it, andtx Cam? téotfith in u&geinent,md the King not tribe‘ in it? Theyhave lent their _ owne Juduges to {it for them ina co~ord£n21te”powex wuith?chuctKing, and wil1:h.eyfi1b..; ottdiitmteeiuti‘ 130' h is wiellg and by his coimmand fi.ghtuag,‘1i'Ln»fiEtiit Doe they} teach them V figfuf agahnfitixc ,?§’iir>£;,_g§5tCZ7’o’1I*Er‘t1Ta12~ is with them, or thmtlneymaydeflroy his If__er- foo, becaufi: they may refill his petfooall cominandseag-ainfl his ownc power?’ in-nit ” they fuifctidtflrufiton Where they have po wet to command fa.£et;e,ancl not feekethatj ‘ in imminent danger, which is.negle6.ted by others,and may bee procured "by them, that fhould proteét others? Vvlllfizffiton {care them when they fee who are the caufis 2 {ball it be in the three E/lame, as their crimes , and they bee guiltlefle that have made A 1:? Did every wile man find: a Fault in an uncapabie Subjeét ? I-‘crlbzis may be Fa,-. ‘ fit-ions, Efhztes cannot; The members ofan E,~’l':ztt may be guiltie of Treafon,i the E/iate it {elfe cannot , many have been treacherous in the Cammcms to revoale their fecrete before they had thc Cflflléflt Of that Ejlate, elfe how could the lthilngs {in fhonfultatitzvn, " i A and Coirfmttm be known tothe I(tng, and madematters of reproaches before their iufi argchclatzon } flandets will be tetorted to their xlutbors, and the people pacified with e- quitic, itthey doenot looke upon the Calunmies , but their C0n_m1><-‘rs: a 9°ar”[iamen1 weghave indued with Regall power. and the two Powers £0-ordznaft’ with it,ir wants nothing to dcic allthings. but the perfonzill, Le my Vaet, the 10mg will have iefo, and for wante of this is nothing to bee done by {Z3 mane: powers 9 Yes, all things for our ptei?:tva.t'ion.and tfthat cannot be without all we ave. we mufi fay as that Lord did, the '?m~lmment would never have taken from him any thing without neceliirie, and that hath no Law. but their iudgement. and that being gudiciall and reafooablc for c.ommon‘ good. which to procure they fafiirr as well as we, and who being judi-l ciqus will noti1uiiifie.what is nil. and done by them that can doc no elwtonge A? wee ihall pray thatall‘1§’¢t1fl'9t15of ‘ care may Paflitwbi rightcousifldamefir. Thcarchie ta.) V ‘Ite‘!’:ea¢t‘£‘l~*‘5é’ stthFGt DDS gtvémmttflt e1‘11ir”d4’”535*=% 3 A V TNzttz"o,tz ,4 attd Tai}fN:tzz’w:: : D£«m0mrch,ig§§ cfitthebottziitzimt tezf the: Diwil , MC A mt , N I M K-99: A 33111 P» .-. and A ~CH1'r‘NM,m all Prateflwzr, Papzflx, and Pamfize-.r~ 1 :;.th*e:%DemQ:1ftMmt?i§3entthatdtthc‘2W0/z«:zrc}JV.i;’.ro£§' * ‘;jt:his Warla’, atte: the: fviifetiesof ' -the CI-I*VB.,C H. t‘TH~e P-#pdi~fls pe_ft{‘wade the peciple thzttthe i’opes =»‘7W’7W'W339 i?’~FC)gu£1d€.’d upotx Pat-8 c¢rnh:t11%itdpowe4r,"igiid h';>'[f‘Et'1‘f,¢1fi‘£¢3s fljit-t5Cf~th"€ir~'I{ii1‘§§S ,~that the pmpge have gm 7‘ *~thEiteittphWe*ttdcEhot5i&*~thex‘*t R utters; thtmtrhxldren theirtnattumlltPahtett1t’s ,e andtthat: «A thetrtzit ‘fin tthemis-t tribe" c’tt’u_ft¢d W‘ith0uth‘haHi”wcrt tot «mv»bur God; A iWée<‘ tirmt God ' ‘upon his Word, l‘.t0I‘.,’aSC1 Feofifie, as Fathei? ?“‘?°’{‘-£335 5%:/CiaT3%bY §r.a“m‘?i§.ét‘3_13im he rx etsfvefcfnefthet and hisgubjeéts by wmch S_ub}.':,&s .3f€C3.-H(’d‘hi‘S h_ege~peop1e e,__;For4itha:t‘~t‘tl;tehy?ahte A bound to obey and ierve htm = and he 13 cgtlled the1t- ltegc Lot_*d_, hat that he ought to luaintaine’ and defend them 5 pr0tc{:z‘zo traézztfltlg/edrzoitwz, ffflthje-;ft.7 _p’/0£6’ff1037€?1Z ;- love get the Law is that ‘_ V is the Loadltotte that gives this tmpreffion, and makes hearts touched with it; drew gvery imn after it, fi)up1"ext9* rertprqcumlzganzeiz, a dottblc _bor_zd that returnes upon it @1113 love for love, flout fi£ba'i$!£~5 Reg: tenmar ad alvedmztzmz, I'M ’l‘{g>x'_/2¢I’2.rz7z§t0 tmemr adgpm. t9f5i9fl€??1s as S ubiecfts are tied to obevtihfliiings to ptetefi sec. H. 7. 8. Lesgiance holds tthe~t4Ki~ngto his people by Oath and t Ofhce, astitt.doesthemttby the Iégme ,;_j(ex ad flute» t ldm legit carporum (94 bonarum ereffm e/i‘, Eortefc. 01 g. Aéjgs gt '2’arl. pafle the {fame tudge— ments to. .2.c.5.t 1.1 .2.c.»1 8.14. H.8.c.8.34. H. 8.01. 3;. A H.8.c.g. Thus it fhould be, that he that would have Liege people mutt hitnflzlhe become a liege Lord. ‘All menfét the Preacher his Text, Ep/at’/I 5. 2,; and the Sermon is of the Admnét. Ho»- hdhrxbu.tttnmt¢‘f the Suhjeét. I-father and Mother , » forgettting that J.‘\3zmtorl may hunt “"fC)1‘ fh:tt;°at1d* yet want the ;:tEct’:’tion ofa leaving», Father , or the tender cotttpaflions of" ' a.dc2.re Mother; Some preach of the commandement, and fay it is the fit?! in their etawnc fenfeto fl:;ttet«ttxe Father for his Favour , but Ftare not his f'mwnes.h Others are for the p1‘o1n1{E:dt‘10?Ig lffé but teach not the provocation to wtatt . Say enough ofthcir xi _ ht, and too little oftheir duty to bring up t.39ez'r“cbtla’ren m tIaet'Nurmre , and m'nzrm.itizm "’~”=*’#‘§f"5‘5“"L9W{s «Above;ahtwhtms ~is«le~tft.,t mad he remem«b:ed~ttwhich is recorded. Colqfll t 3. 2 I . 61W0i“"‘.a§’."”’7'~””3.; the word is to put them out ofheart, and *ifTroxn‘hthe heart wee ‘ jgoe to the head, it is to make them witlefle, andtftom both We proceed to the hands A to make them feeble and hang dt.)W11. There are but two inward Symptotnes «hut» ‘ »{m.-able men; Irlzndntfl? a.E}d_fl?H45§Eifilm. And yet i - He is Major lmiveifaot 'lmil:e7]i?S in a Colleélzive body. that He is {Io in a diffiifiveili is i con{afi‘éd , flngultk major , but this" fufliceth out except he be major zmiiiczfis, as an abiE:—- luteiittdependem: Monarch J andas a Father or Miafler in his FamAilie.l Saints and Subjeéte mull be fonnes and Servants to obey his will , and to doe nothing withohtl his eonfent ,, not receive any Lawes but lirom him. I ‘What Father in aFamilie will h':#c"h“i‘s- Sotines to ‘give him Lawes 2 what Malice itijan houfe will fuffer his St‘;‘I’--> rants to prefitibe him Rulcs_.. andwcommanpd him what hefhall doc? what EmApe- l tom: being Begum ctmdttar tr merpregthe maker and Aexpoundet ofLawes; will admit a Cotmcell to fitiwithilhizmand have the fitme power legiflative 5’ {ball iwulgms [ages A A tanfiietudizm efigere , the peopleehooie their owne Lewes and cufiomes , and impofe them upon a.yKing P was it ever knowne; the people of the Primitive Times chofe theirlsowne Lewes to die by them. Did not Emperouts make’ them againli them without their coofent? (hall wee contrary to thofe Timeahave power to eleéi out owne Lawes, and die becaule we keep them 9 Is eleétion offutute things, and {hall we choofe nothing but what is pelt E‘ Does his Majei',’cie calla Councell to doe lino-I" j thing 3’ or is it to doe what is already done 1’ Shall e/egerifi be refetredtto the people, I i when they are metabout Lawes,to teach them they come to make no new: Law, but j petitiion they may: hold the Lavvee they have. Did ever wife men make fueh eon- llrué-lion ofwotds 3 that ’AEl€'&l0n referred to theicaufe in power to doe,lhall be ex- pounded to havetdone E‘ in Shall not the people doe that which they areicalled H to doe i r They cometo make Lawes , and {hall they be yanfwiered they have made them? They tell the King-he is biouncibyhis Ofhceiand Oath to make Lawes, and he an» ” litvers them_ his Offii¢:eTandy:.,iOath is no fii1iehmattetA. it is onely to be undetfiood of Lavveemade,ias? to make any he is.not:bound at all. Hence his negative vote is abb- lute,and yet he may not lb my I wil not,bttt I wil adviléfit goody realomflir his icon~j-fl fltietice-at titidetfiatidihg is not at the command ofany Counfellet, though he were ~ not a King. but aeomxnon man ;. a note in embemf his ‘?arl. but the meaneli part of hi; Kingdami £.e ’Rqy;aS=a:vi/Ere is no nega~tive,ebutan iafhrmative toiitcoiifultioc {how tea» pfon ‘ifhe‘ldieny,a11d'iliteafontbe l7hewedwhy.he lhouldnot detmbecaulein elcgerit are i smir-.-A; ward;,oried3:erIes=fothel*.wotdi,ai1diethey are finch as God i delights iinf-,]uflé zafiratlonztwiipl A il’2il1t'er,add to Le Roy Sm»?/Era,and then -iftl1lc.rKing have found his (peoples elcfliori jiufli A "oi.anditcaio1iable,cani he deny it.«by,his»Dath zglclofficc E? A H1'sCourticrs fay he may; A i 9!’ hi C V ,his»~ath bind$;—him~%oimeIyAtot'r1C L%1Wcs‘hc?h%ach%.ma~df,iaihfihehath-'m¥mn'm*affhm V A make ~any in%ew-¢omcs;, for {G be tnay pumfhhis;friends:chat~h‘ave:;{’tood4 by; gnome; AmaVinmu1e but m«brea.kc—thc I-awcs, E not for" his owm: .pc0plts« pmifilt ,hiV;but:thciss;mm,; h;mrc%opprefl'edA both: Cufioanes cI5;y~thcy%) {hm-.w~= thAat=e1=efi?:iom‘ is go€tMngsf5rt:i’crairac..% V A % W A n %_ A A s The: Common 1I.4n»{cemes to b»:c:~no:h;ingac1£E %?t’uen zpprovcfi Cufhmes farsdac i’133+Cte:.r;€311‘fir»1r1cd by V ’P;ctI?r11azW'?'II?. and~wcc0m»mon%1v {any that %fh%Vza~:Lsi?amcz:AtalA1%%%£;»¢31mY—are.$ fi.:Vc;I1, which to a1:%ers%Wcreto rugimt the Z@i¢gdo:«new%,; andi Conqzzcfls «cha;~a:;»1am.+% A new L.mre:~, “and~a1£crcd%th=e ;®%l‘cl;and’fthe da%xl~y:{prafl;iccvqFfuc2lm% ~‘:mi":cra£ion6~fiavcnm@G‘L once: touzzhedthc Common I3~¢Vv€3~~ Ctifioznes than when: thcty cocmre»:x2;:;b¢c:f‘ca9m%e¢; _ _ar_e~~a.s m=;w« Lm~=e5_, ‘and f'qtu.te both :9 tghe E 1:26’: sio“n7 of the people, and thc"’0W'1“o120rafl'fiw‘ ~”of*=:‘ne I(;zzg% , and {o ~t'1¢?g¢Nt in Gminrnnizcall coni(iru£tion,%' being 1‘CF¢l"TCdjC0%'E}r1QCEffiCi“’¥ cm 5 ;'nu£;’c;v%*L<:s._~:=r,icza.i§Y- bci11§A%*7IAi:$25g§¢:%7'3";AI cf; ‘as; 274; 2.81 ea crxrvri; #3.. ~ 3 938': I Fozffiéffv M; x 5}:;thmmrefifwrlxawmnmwwfifémMr?*%uhr1:x:e:igrca*t% Hc.m‘C>:u-I arid ?I‘ir4:r:;of %t‘;inci$ch7%&§x:§hf:%é it3u*g‘;cthc'Ployj£tian, For Warrc isno remcdit: but:t....A gnitt{ltRc* .%“ .’!0n‘, andwtllhia M4}:/he rebellagatafl htmlclfe, and 1&1: htspcrfon 3.‘-~_ g'ai15tH«“hi%AA:tAuthoriticu A ' t :3§§1“A}mhgwr;mibI€:;1;%t§£3turued‘:thfi wrong way ,- and datnmtioh is upon them that datitatmzz _®“'&hh§‘5.1‘t£$’I?tl{'é<1Ct me he sdatnned‘hhtot thepit of H511, not with the defperzttc Case-A :va‘ti.iétrs-If'cir*tfathohwcs: For if I fail. I fluke into a bottotnelcfft: pic, a.ndAnA_1y fottlc: is mom toottrtcg: than:'a;ilAthc W’or1&, which I ha.V*f1'Pa.W1'md for thcAt:rutAh, the glory «of'GcJr£ and A zm1Ae'.;;FAmAy:A Nation, A 13.. 1 . I,etAe12eryfl2u[e be fltbjeffi to the laig/yer ?A0}m'5,1aot pct:- fonsfiorftthtry 'a:reihutt1:hc'Stuhjc8ts ofthat power, and tho Sl1bj€L9C$~ are many, the pow»- tcréoncg and :‘it*AiSifi;i\2>C1’€:miflCAntC:.i‘nA‘£l1l'.t‘hath€lV4£1‘ it , for the Word is no tnotc applicd to W913:than:Ao§thht+t€§ctvernours,;and to flay by higher powers we are to undo tflttnd them, is Ww~rongtmli"AMag§]%r4tes; There is napamr but of GWL and fo‘hcc is «whoa original!‘ es» qttally oF3;l““lA,’AA znfitttthr the kinds they are itsfi: to Amcta, 1?e}'w‘*1'er5 that be are arrfazzied of Gad; At:sthe‘givc$ht:he power and: leaves the Otdertto mcn. IE) he otdaimcs Athcmh, whm he comfirtncs them:tAohcAAthe t:hmC“O~1'dE‘I‘5 wt Afi°arliaméntAA, are not toriginal1A from God, huAtA“tra.hthAhttmatatcrpaéfiom; »Aa11d/rt:hévordainastthcm a1l,.astIA;he Gviifof O»rdcr— A inali E» florets’ ,# jW7WfVv1>6IW Attfierfifbfffl Wfi h W9 15/96’ F‘0.Wn(bch it What it w ill be for hcho humane kind) Wiiaetb *5(9*¢"h"9V‘W?-’71?9 (3f"~G0~’1,iAftA the: power bk: h:iStthcn the tphetfemfl in ‘W hom it is, is oArd:ti- A had MGM‘, *a”ncHE>«cont'equcntl No,nor' the pm-fuanceiafit by his fo1lowcrs?§No.notWhenAitis% A acco:n.paniedAwii-ch his prefénce 2 A No,?Thcn what fe:cu11tie.doe we leavehim ?~ To’ A F aforfake ch,e.m- that follow him, to dcfl rov_both::him andh1‘s Auzhmzitieg farlhment an& A ifiizgdom, I 5; fay fim;h¢g,if:hg who1ei°arlaamentremainc 1n them tbat..ax:cnot departed, be the pei:f%o%ns¢whgt they will be; the“ poWC1'$ arc in tbc-In y and they that have raw proachcdchcm or rem them by Armcs, ctheir ownc damnadon be uponckmm , and * ? thcbc11cdjc9cionof Gad upon all them.t_h3€ fighVAA3g1iflfl~fiA1Chflcbcllsg. A TH 1. AR «:2 H1 12%, MM A V 1 H H i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘L ‘ " ‘ -‘ g ‘ ,»y u \ ‘ I - A ,AA _ . . , __ - . ‘ - ' . . V ‘ A ‘ g ‘ ' ' ‘A ‘ ‘"7 ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' V ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ d. ' d ; ‘ ' ' "'.‘Y.. ' ' ' J_ '10 .|A‘__ « '0 y «I . Cu ‘-,.. A‘\.,,,» , . ‘ ‘ "‘ '¢:nw'-lg ‘- V ' iv ' ‘ . ,_ , .. . . .A . n ' « 1 A -“ ‘ n N: -III O . 1" J ,.. «A I "3" ’ 3:15‘. ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ,' A, W” VA ‘o~'( w in Q -''t ‘o A ' ‘ . c ’ 3g u - "J »‘A 4' ""'.' “ ' '- ~ , ‘"3 - '4.‘ 4 ‘ “ A V‘ e “ _ ‘|"‘\\, »_ 5‘. )a ‘ 3 " ‘ «V 1.“: '0 an f A 1 ’ 1 .4 ‘ ‘ ‘ _ ‘ ‘ _ W \ , , ,4, E; ,. ¢ difcovcrefld to the flImAAGad, arxdfor-Gad, ”IA‘?hcir R:'lv£’7me is“ their inheritance, as due to them? ,A as goods andL1andsarcto the people: Grace founds not fowcll in the 1noAuthes_ of the mulcitude,“ as 'gmthc dccdas of jxvfnjg/fie,Athefscripture tells them.4’%vV*hatAthc::y affe.-ét: whee called’, .Gf4c10u5 L014!-3 and they defcrvt: %it~b%ePe~w%hénAdut-yA axud%%?:gooci5neflE makc theAAmV:,fb. 1 Thai: trucfl: bindcsxhcm % .‘b=y 4Ufficc and Oath toafi for others‘, ;a.mi being grant=:abIcto Judgcsfwornc by thmm, and?com1nuni.cab1‘c alfo flrom the people to the ‘Hrliamcni, is To tam foafciszablc as}thcy fliallneglcfl:-=their people, orfibjr i1A1Counce1ldoeLthcm: hurt. Franclnf/?:s,pri)nilcdgc5, or Ojficfis, cventhc g1=eaccfi’m%%ifufed are liable Atowf'c>rféicu12c%%.A5.;E.L4» 8.%H.% 4.: 20» E: V 4,’ % Cam‘ lujlit. 21;; .4. ‘£96’-‘ To be a Z(z'ng is an 7”Officc%~., {and;aq:f*inhVcritancc% %( as} gmny iZ"¢yf.~\ flit Tam n0La-wyer) entailed morefurcly upon the AHW8, than any other mans % , T'E{’c%atc is; for by no Iiaw can ~theAAJ{ing cutofé.-he righc¢3fthe~Hei»*e. L yet his trufl is mas~ my waits ‘gramableg asto his Judges ~ch0fi2n by ‘hi7m{clEE; fij1d4%to them-he calik by his A . ”WI‘l}‘A3 and-areA~k:ho1E':n by 1.fh‘cpeoplc,““or+c4ome in th¢AA1‘.ighl2*}éf0fjh3$ Teercs, Saulmma D mands V ‘pp. ;!’f3*fi mamas his rho:-»men to kill me Priefls or the: ml, 1 Sam. :42. :7, :3. 2115 chcy will 3 5 A *2) cl A utof~hish¢:1r:, ancglwqtvidtclls‘ flbiéillfidf Alhseefllllikncwlllthe 2-Zgncfgf ifgfif ca,-1131:, Vgood. Scxvanrsl to the King will fooxxer lolfcla;llt4l1cm : V _-10 f . ; 3m_mjufily,la1id l'uch'_fudgcs thata;.:¢Vltr;,1l’rcd wilAl:llcithcf ll };:‘§eaj‘{~§¥g§1ffu1§¢C¢§ d:$ywn;l'li‘,”or fuffer any Ail-lll‘by“aTyrantl. H15 Mfiié/lllie (ho q‘U¢f’t*i~ fin by his many Proteflatiorgs profcflcth all thew juflicc that may l;c,andl yet: by ill counléllsm.av'llw‘rongHié trufi in l~Parll_i*3m¢13ta 9?“d,f°Tff¢i‘ ‘(lit frfsmuch 0fHi3’‘tf“R « A - l l l “ A is callin“ As wcllas tlie péopleé elc&lo11"~.grantS that Councellla. ::J{slgxfvalfiEz?:¥1éa5?aC3rI;Ia.s fimccnegly to performe as any judge in tljm Kingdom”: a_ucl ha- vlngitbfbenefic‘ofconcitiuaciomare"not fbrany 906g to negleélf their dqcic. H1slMa#-- jefljc,P3rliam€nt and People {hall finde mg do them all right. The Kmg {hall have havi all Clge right ‘hat G‘-"d andlllnawcan gl" Hm 5° A .l A l . . . peop1é,Fo£‘a”*s I*h’a.ve‘ rdad all the‘ boolgcs I could gag ,; {'0 I ipgxecllv lallthexmr pnncxplefs. We an know, Wh¢lnA,VtWo{fa1L”oluc, uljthmgd mufl.lrec~oncf1:lc phczmg.» he K1513 gncl H13 two Hg“ (5; mg ¢wg;f1anc¢;L Two »mcifzb¢rs to one , and that om: as a. Kmg,xs above ‘them both as Subjc&slwhich*makcloncl‘ int” rc §’arli“amcnr,all are to be Subjcéhand mil for the lafl: rclblutiom-which I hopc_ to cw. 9260 @¢’m'dl'6mf¢'- all «ggthcl Parliamcntgi ‘and; M . r M», V , 5 rA”R 8G I A, ms A 1) AR &‘9'N KM; o d V In By’ 'h'l§ ll0f/fceianddll Oat/2; whohrebcll agaiftll 1 M . [ olflimaafidthfiltwo kifudsof Kewlim l , 7 ~ Pow?! are 0fG0d’ , tbéir kinds 0 Men: do THcre £5 no power but 0fGM', “Rom. 1 ~». 1. Sufimitl to eberjy Ordinance of Man , ‘Mather it 92 the [Gag or other Gowrzmurs, 1. Pec.;-,1 g, 34. Ifings, all in authority, 1.Tim.z 3-,. The word fuperemincnt in Wter is given to Kings.. in Tirnot/9} to all in aulcluority. in thmfllmnancs to all the 'Pp'W€r5. All the Powdhs are from God , whether ulhrp-ad by Forth am Fraud, as that of1\{g'mrod , Gena o::9.lll‘“£nd of fl"rz€i0cI'ma‘, @472. 1 1 . 21 . and all the 4. Mongrchies, 9942:, 7, 2,. 3. charfoure winds Pcrivc, “elm: is, wanes. and Bealls conqucr and cayrry their right one ffmn another and yo: all the Texts r.1remeanI:‘oE' {itch asochcfé . for Whom wee are to pray For our Wraco , and pmenmtly iubmit unto them. The powers all?) that are obmihcd by full’: Conxraébs, and lawfiallConq:o1’ella;, lari:,-fi:om~(5‘:odls~la:ud~tht:xl€13w1rirl*goe3**ro*AHebrmz‘l"lro“llt:o*n'mt?l:‘"For ‘his Kingdoms, 2:. Sam. 2.4.. dds. 3.. and then to Tera/Eleni co cxpcll the Iebwfitcs, 1». 6. It is poll admimtion how R9ydlifi‘5plead'For Kings, as ifthcy alone were from God, and all the rail fmxnmen, either lint by Kings , or cholénlby Subicéls. They are the Powers immediately of God, and all others by men; It were happy they could llzy as Wu! does, Galas’. 1.1+ l\{,eitber qfmen originally, nor by men infirumenrally; but ofGod, and by God im- mediately. Ifiz were fo, we fhould crux’: in them ,A as the Ap’ol’cl'es oflefus Cfmyl, and confide inthem For infzllibilicy and fuptgznacie. But: alas, -{hcy arcznotfrom God, as ch‘: Ulé3ilth”h§l HEB l'ihl"fhé'lCli'i'i2‘bl1ll 378% Frofi “Elie Very} Ltaclohfl mv ltllhlc" Uoélor A in the Church, we ought exaétly to have no other Officers in the Chulrch then he hixnkllfé hath appointed; and it hath hcencth: firms of Ills‘: Church to rail: Orders chatare pan: of his. and Chriflian Kings a.re¢charg.;ed to rhrull fuch out of their offices , as ‘~\{,9fl-‘?l»'W479 did. Nfibfm. 764.. God 13 no: lo exafi in the choice oFMagiflratcsl, as to be 1 thejr:oAu.thours Further then the genefall , that wee may. know they are Powers from ‘A God ; but; the lcmds of thelé Powers are from @211, by men. ofm-en, and for men. A They arc the Authors -, llnllruxnents , matter , forrnc and end of Governments and A A shercforc that human: creation of Kings is no more ofGbd: then the other ofGovcr- A ‘I10l1l1'5l ‘ A A A%A(%:arV5=g;%J. » A A AA AmuA;:s,.;.. ai1d«.thAc womd%fcAnt may ;asV*wei1r bc«aPP3tV£:£i~;€0: i35%1V~¢E5¢:Ki;x3~gAAA.a Jihfi t§1A6%AI€Afii:%*9 rcmé;i;;A;gI;:e%*1:c;;:..A:A1=;:l?cA;4ZbAccau~£¢Aechw fl;If:1:;ibC§h*'1¢§iV1@vmY‘50beflbgyfid,,5fQi‘[J3h.¢;LQ1‘d nhgu; A gives g':Ei¢:;;{z1»th’":*i%iAr4:iA;;>_vw'c:;:,. ~,S¢C0-n‘d:1yv$i',"3;cQ‘3Pufiéi‘ :.;1s, i¢;;§l1¢i&Vr;p%aw¢cr'a.Sm?A¢;L11 ;a.sjhc”A,[{ing,s; «.gmd.,i’Fthe%3f may ;5u'n;1h m:~n;c; butTA{.1cA}h a;s;A%t%hc%1{%,iAV1a,g:p1caf¢th, gs mi cAI{cfd‘.Vt§a1.IpA;§~e g:;sWAA(InfaI{[ be ;h apav. ifhc,wi*1V1d€1»%iVA¢EA5hcm;fr©za3~aAm¢r%PDW¢I'§Afi%fiwzififis47I?hVir4fl3?é .:a@praiIéxhe;fi A ghg; doc M11, is no: one 1,y=v»i;x;xA’%Av~mrdA*s I;uc«tiecxtTs»; t[0.‘,&}";:NQ‘tflEé%fl"t (bani :Fr0u1!fAdiAc, r'AA111iu.c1zqj;a_,qfA L gp]pr¢fi‘o1sA, mid f_1i,12:Th ags vvixli ;¢a,%kAAtT¥éV% lmrV;¢,s %uA_n_'d er flmclcamfwvickeid Kingsg VI?c>fLh;rA;Eif- q3;y,.;hhy arc? fénhzz: fox;1:h:§f;,4$115113;A:a.migfh§we‘Vcg::'n»mafl§Aon3A;{ogto;.d0cfi?9m ;C?»O<1».%F.zfiIy, they Ahaéjc fupegrem;[‘nc%nt;*pow%%c;, cm:-7,:xvs~A5v;;»I;9jA4<§c;3’cs* 33% ;|%%c11\~.Yafi Kings. _:S%ixt1?y,. %I~Z:in;z,s can find‘ A Qath, »éin%d Mahaft b¢;§ng;:t.06CtQ Achcxu»f'oVr.Ano othe‘r‘¢;;d’;:h'én_iGo5:1,h%aVrh«dcm¢A, =3«I:lGi;’iflfi€‘€ fizzy theyA.-age~:Su%bj’e6ts ct; obey him”, he%f1x:mi?c know Anhasg are Mwag.iA%fir~&i:esV; and mufiobey :G¢xd.. A1./W /éeea’ W/Wye: don, A '4); y,q_;‘_.+,;d4¢g mtj5r¢mm¢,,%%l2,ut £.L5':ze‘:L01§ni.f1}zJ":ga¢£5 ,‘n2,iztr’9_):»Aauin A¢[:£jwdgem€nt_, Chron. A13,“-Q6, Al I to; M 7;‘ €53;fCi1?.§~‘=C0’??’??’W{‘’??19’?5_Ax% "”’¥f1 F5’4~£r 5'?’ ""€‘{%¥““7“”'.(*«"é%"’;§"“?‘-/i”*-A”/7 ‘W’? A 735 '30? 94/W4 §£"‘*’~‘ ”"W7L‘ sA;. flégifzfififlzf. E’? E4“ i‘¥3*"l[A’§.:§'z¥s: "’=a*’[’%:’ 3 ~3A¥’?[[~'v vE;u‘5 51;» T8... 92. g. W;cFcdo=An<=%1n:~a‘MAagaiflr2¢c 3-'H?WI§€$.*h‘1l1§¥'v’b£3l¢{'«¥D:($0?h'1T$\du~9Ys#_~33s;nd b¢mre’v~ pag- atigngfiyg§CchékiIC_frpmAAh%is Axigg. Hecis fai_tl:»fu£iI mo .dc:>e what» he 1s%_.Ac;jxnx'x%m_11d4ed~ by. his ‘ A A no; man {wears:;p¢%avn~in1pious thing,wa.9; to Abs: (the Ki ngs Aflemld to proc,1aimc,»aqyV~»%D¢ctceAagai12fi:Godrc;>r his VSamt5a -‘Dim, 43.4. “Arid as lieiis mor%fdr'watdA-7m3 36%: t#%sr:: wsilwf i&'.»)iir‘&‘{‘\$I.(«‘1“::gg‘ '1a..Q.;5.‘pQ:'1':‘c We lv1:Aai%y:§«<>A %fe>r£a;kcab=i$ ¢a1=1iAAng, ;i‘:"“d4bc ta3r:‘ A/aegoad, A:iza:~At7vrzAmt6:»:;~1éA;~v2a49W-rm: @9viWf«v;5riv'J‘?~»/9AIr‘2f[’$ !>%Afl!'1*€A.g*+?téaz«s;;Vto #746‘ A .Ar:zWzz&;efiIa/%;2!9,;..VA40ur AN1a%r-Sm ;isAAJarca»Lrgh;:z:ca.,v:rai~1zmfar xaam §M«:Wfi mvy: L.‘ ‘ :h%éi‘n aha: dare{iv!chc’~Bar~Iim1eza‘c«A;isVapswmimll»b£n:mz0omt 9Fs14uAfiiA,crmin gm: cygcgauetc’ thc (hm: W~ic%h'au%c\:?.2wAvKri_131g.s:cc»m{ént.as~mt.her%C7ou1jt:s;t%ags: ;.,and wA§1y~3 ,%b§:c;m[¢ A " gthc Kingghguh co;afcmed=m;d1e judgamcm of l1:,a;}3udgc$gs;;but ng>,t—Vpf?;ih;s%Lords ;a.m:i , CQzI;mc;>;1 s, _~S_:,~¢: cfr :4: %’i£.kgd flrrfmr t%2‘aV~AA;1:u§~£2:z£¢d aW:Vir2*t$i&ul¢+4fA 05fct»;.1»a2ti0I%Smz4PAom(:&me of “W 2!/IajA::cmhe «Ki21g:coA‘¢b%e; ofA~cheAAi»1~ ::x2i;i~dsA'hcfAoA:a¢ ;hA¢~-Wtf%~A:A601%:mrsicoichc .y‘Iay$'%amQI% yimpudcm: :.1n‘deA .llt1._imi}..‘ c¢r11fl,1x*er aft A :Em~:1A so dc;&piarx:: La arminhomim»I§ims;cm;:p!cf:1tsf'¢xare thé;VI~,t;dgs:s4%i2e ~ ~7{P’¢">3A«I..‘S1-£?‘?"vi'€h:5h"@%3$:‘§13%5< 995‘.!;&‘fi1Cifij€f§’1:3,I‘cTWh3§§fl1§11J§b¢.JfiéWa3h?<%t1:§WHz$??‘,“m')?‘h%di buy A awed la.*»v;+:2A27d ch«Vc“'»1{i;n1;;uf}a§2%u1vl'g"il!3f{§et2[*ivv*i’:fj‘7i"§¢ b:t;1:llt]9dl"'l;1'£«?5 oi‘? lPi'i}’£ré‘5j‘2¢¥‘E‘ of-79;;/raiaal and die with them, but lil‘§’ar.. A A:rAsA~1mnmts.l fiaay Aglallh thus vél:‘~’ne?vjcfVAénilf.ol;r £31;1‘i{E$xie£s. ‘ E If :li2:;lell?:rl?pa>‘:c1éinl ?m'Ii.:‘:«- ; a:"§~mvi2fi?l+Cw&1fl“;o,§;ilir’€ ’:lle%iAgz,:r“c:atl:rll?ih«»chr:“i lKri’ogédomea§pagethel(Ma»ic§:%?llmufi*fulbI"cs:ibél and fisldow 11-6". 1 Iélj ~”nhi*s'i“Wé’s:o5 §J;{yv5='~th"€la tholé l=’:.l71~ll1*iz‘Al:?lE»§:vj.=.‘v.<1.'tl”é”cl tolp'ro;17iotélth‘e liozalzrfzziji/’°e12;*A§7:f' zirr~@n:.£h~a ll iproverr :;sh¢2lrl~cauliaal,~§,olmd=by t”heiA:="fil1ln*1b¢fi;nhoulgh7tli€yhellltal11gérslAtol*curle A oA-A;llAaA1s§;~a’s in 3isA."’,”i®m£.43y44.llHoelfaiesirmllt»,l~f’%g0is ogilthalzl provolL1ll::$, and givesthenn the Eflence of a Councell,an‘dltll‘"l he diffixlve them ithath more than the namexhe whole eflence and being. as all other Courts have. and may proqcecl upon knowne L awes, as they doe lexpotindtlsems and broceed fo latte: as to Vote 1'lCV‘\l' Layves, which the I«(zn_g cannot denim but alllthat he can doe 13 Le My SW?/?22'z¢.uvhzch is l1lS way tole fig)», 16 met, his l deliberation “to his determination, and not his delettion or departure h-om his COW, swhichfleepes not in Jltzliiccl, but m_ay proceed as a Coimce/Z ougllxt to (aloe, to do all for l theeltnne ofthe being of 1t,tl'13.t tlie_f{}7zg:{ llfxotxld doe in 1t,ll‘)r It yvants not his A_l.l[l1OI‘l- i tlie,-,anclsltlaeirl1:1llie is Qvsud no/h'anzlc/1:/me fzzhfo, ml dqfieh; 220/Fro amzm, jcla cm’ zzlzanz migsfhf». s ;‘”g’?g07@l‘l'P0fig_’/%’ that which is the [Cli‘2L,gS and not lorleitable is not qtantahlc to the lll)£1l'{?l(?..i lnzml, and therelbre he cannot lole his inhtsriszance, but his Oliice_tl"2at is §f,i‘:li1l2&lJlC to £1.13%rllzznzent,;am~i is granted by his WV 7'1l;’I.‘CvLl?l:/fjfilfilfilllllf ?2€g,{_j:'.'itl0}'I£llll ctJr‘.ll’l3lll.a!:l(.’ pericalls immz- nlantibas, the confideiration of the great affaires of the Kll‘1gCl0II'lC: and1'm1ninent danw he gets fall COTl:l'lElTb when he failes in his Olhce. and either neg2;leé’ts tliem. or aeis any tliingagaizilli chem ehewhole truli is ticansfen-ed to them: biltnewrligw t‘,:1l\'<:‘11ll‘Om l him. hut he may ufe his Olhcc aegaine when he tetutnes to his ’f’arlilz2rza=2t, gucgf the which and the rel’: ofhis Court‘: he can doe iiotliisagg judicially, and to refill the poV\.'-~ ers‘iz1e.Parlivm'2€12tisl to receive damnation htom the Authourzand by chisvve may lmcmr who gtebell agaizill them, and finde out the ltindsof Rebellion» which are two: The “firli anézi principal! is thejiovtier gives: ol'IG0n’. The fecond the perlhxi in whom it is.‘ l The power is in all xi/.fa{gz/lmlffa and (nix: the [(i;zg,asl1c comes under that head, and his I eall a Rebellion again!-l the Kings Authoritiei and 17:; all the Armies railed by the Kikilgf perlizmall Commands agaitilllhis judicial! Authotitie in ll’t»11’l3W72€W, is ‘Re- hellion, andthe Tarlzaznent hav1'n,.<: his Authoritie may relifl it, and tlzey 1-eeeHit-'eidamml l nation that fight againli the powers rightly Cll73.l)lill1€Ll , and l"1’lgl‘l<‘Zi.‘ potalers wehavei ’ not _l..l?.l.ElIg[imAl:~ than arein the ’P4rlimmrzt, and the Zffiiags power is in it, lor all his i pattllre and his prefexice Wltll Rebells a,c_r,ai‘nli it, l or perfonall C0l’I”1I'1'l£1l1tl£-3 to mil’: it, . ate no other than to ram’: hxmfellegand Wifirdome would teach us tzhatlhee ‘ilhn-';?Tiliz;,22e¢;a I in (18A.A)l L A in being-, can neit:he}:~rcf§f’¢ the power ofnhrl-,_I(_lng no; his perfo;n,bu:AclefE:11d7bt$th,and. V whofoever is for the ‘P¢:rlzament,isl for the 1weAr by lblelnzze coiitraxfi . and cherelbrc by the Law c>l'Namre are not bound one up he lhbjcélc to another. 'l'hirdly, ‘accidentallabufi-2s. and polllble inconvenienlces zlnav: be from-G04 and xmcmfc , which isimpious ta thinks; whoféz workes are pcrfeéf, and all abL1lésAAA. andAAvinconveniem:es are tl-xcéfituites of fin:3e.,a11ld defizfls of lA:1plE*d men, who tranlégrcflc mc>l’:~wl*2tn they have the grea:c‘l’r%plrJwer. Fx:mrthlyA, reall, or ’r‘ar1cledv injtzries Lzmlertalicn by cveryene to» right himfélfe of another, are not a7hf0Alutely unl-«-A jgxll. A where they have pal-l‘€d111':)p0l'i€i£Ie Law :0 rel’cra-.inc chém, as if (inn: were now zhhing,-ybefo-re God, where men hajvemzzst:condcznnedAitbyAcompa€tA. Fiftlys to warm: T ma§li,1lcleAmc;r~cthaz1 Rhctorigzk tol:pe1'fwada mcmol pmfit :hm1l'cAlvés by the: injuries of “ zliéir Lfgfjzzgf, imhc: p;u:afi:cAlin:lhis Pax:la.dife,A like the Serpentlllrolflilng l'eAcre:ly7 ; 4 as he qur¢fi,r& pA;ar;:n_t§ With‘. an ill oplz1_io11oFGod.‘Hlis wards arc, prof)/6 conceive t/9'lcyA:’«mzy A law A l4;—;w,g¢g imppjly, 1] the ,1'("_mg; [77”6’)"0ég7£3I”_}73 may be lmzzted, maul I9is‘R¢'gene11:a5Ale[]2=ne;1, axmatter e..:z...A..r A ‘ f.‘:r._z:m ‘1.';:}l“?f3'.l1?1"§p’ti?J,flf£gg~€fl7lAf¢7’:'3}li’§il’ (maze rilmte e71:!.s=,A trliingwelpeaple ba‘nznllacl1zzznt:zgiousA: Afar :'1”1‘1.{r;:.1‘!r£1'.i'§?;‘- 'v,2I Zwem fbxAtZ¢:m,ll.tb lush: E0?»fi’J3lt¢‘.’l upofwz no other lt€I713é’5»', ttf1c1j0 receding f}?om%Ca)2e-Al A , re ) Vndnt, fay zieetth: by a’ifizblz7ngt79'e Igingta provide fer .2/m:'irf2*tz¢tiJt, with ‘.“s‘)2ere t2eteU:j]Z' , ex)” «flat ftd power were in ioimms It ism it e Ifetber Oftl Famzly. Siix;1y,Gad it the immediate dosage of negalltpowei‘, all other come from we xiii qftJ2epeopIe,God anal} confirmtzag it.-Hisfirfl woygds were that his difizourfe fhould be needlefle rtofiaendt time to declare the otiginall of ‘>Rega1ilAutthoritic, granted ofall to be {rein God, at~leaPcmcdia.te1y, and as hee {ayes i”b‘y7canittt;3: twith the peeple : and on the neitt It-afe, without cotmpaéi, as imznedtiate- ,1), from God, alilothet formesihave the conient ofthe people , and the cm: roboration -gfGad. Scventhly, he makes all them fW01‘nt": enemies to Monaztclvff , that will not make it as tmc>ientt~ts the Creation, and as ignorant as the Heathen Polititians, wha i»h’e1d’the%firfl men to behred as,i,t1‘{‘ef’c2s , out of the mudof the Earth, and of flnmlay A tftartied Fttmilies, and of Familiees ICi7Iga'0m€5,~ andbewczauie no man knew thei; Eitfi *~Fa’thers,tbuttwere all*0F‘0ne mouId,confulted who ihould be J(_1ng, aildtcdnffilttcd *wh“icih mufi betthe 1’PU;1th0urS"op"111ion, that Ktitzgs were in the begmning of things, as «‘”wei=Itastof "Nationes) neither being true, as I (hall dem’onfitate in all ages. , , The,*Pttriark§s,thave Empire, but not as Ifings, not lfiings as they , Fathers make Titheir Fzmi.lies_, Ifiztzgs are made by their ,_-Suhjecfits ;'f‘ot.t_he diflittfiiqn betweene a »,:,pa:mj1y andta J(i7zgdon2e isehis, §’4ter_f4mtIms fem _/£61: fam1lz¢m,gzg22endo% Izbc.eos,adopt;znr!o filios, .me2m’ofe:-1>as CW‘. the Father of a Family begets ChildI.'_t.‘1],OiT adopts them, bttyea. his Servants, otzhires them, givesthem Lewes, and govetnes them at his pleafitte : fibut Kings come to their Kingdomes by the«confE:nt-eoftheit peopIe.at1d ‘we in Ezgglmzd ttihofciour Lewes, which none in a Famtiy may doe. The Pojw tells Ktttgttitey are his . ‘Children ‘, and ~tiFthey~etdeg,enetate;he nmy cafitthem outof his houfe , :.md cauff‘e their A Subjefis to eat’: them": outoi theit(King,domes, as being all his Children , apci at his ?'5,Cdmtn‘aind, which cannot be judged of his Sonnes, or cat’: out of his I-iou1e,thou Ii Hrhgbg My tmmhover chem. A11 excommunicatc King is wotfe than any Stthfeét, hr neither Father not Some, not any owner Iofeth his inheritance by :1 Popifh ex..- et ~commiutzication::hutt the King Ioieth all. and therefore as the Emperour {hid of Hated tithiatttkilied his~o’wne»chiId, that itwas better and {Ztfer to he Herods Hag;-heard , than, this Setme: ‘Tb better be the,‘3’0P6S Swine--hearci, than hisCathoh A ueieliting. The 7250 ,e , qt , "VhrE5t1Idteb“6‘ theF:tth‘et bfl1‘2 to Clm‘: che:_11 goo§l'.Thcy advance Regal} power to paitctniali excel-be ifincyfiflt for ai§"<:é’t:oz1. but domm 1011, not for proto3:ion,but l'ub}ec°c,ioin,tno1:For chc it 1%-’10g_)7,bt1t the Elogfeioftilieir prailés-be their pmf£i]Ter“s , the halal’: of m§:n,G.0al and na, ture mul’: joliifixf: thermwhen by boththey» are more condemfied than-any other men. i The policie of Papilis for the Pop: 13 to make him the fiither of 9. Faznilig, not to provide for ir:,bu=.: l1lmli«§i‘l'€ *; that he may not be touched in his ty roomy, and fo Adm; the:-lZ=: xmke Mgonarks mailers of their Kingdomvzsi and alithczit Subjc;‘;7tslilcc”S,51u-leg anal fcrvzmts have no frie-<:cloinc:.but whattheiy pleafcs and ifany plead againll thteomi, V prcrléntly they are 7€11€mi€3~tO Monarchic , Antiquitict, Authority A, Dominion and D zgmties, when tzhem filvcs are the greatefl Acivcrfafies our Age cmoycth. _ Thié ig- norant Anfwcrcr {hall have our full Argument agamli him in allthe Patrxar/(gs and I:tdgr:‘3, toiSzm.l the fitl’: Kl!-1g" ofI‘fi:ael.' 'i‘l1e:T?atr'izr@s c.lre no where liridlll to be: I{ir2g5,at1d the lt4dge5’all beam the name 5 yet ‘ deniedthey were Kings, and one ofthe wort’: Ofthflln-Ltfilrpfid it... The people chof:-1 A Gideon to be their Kl13f.?,- and <:onl?:m:'the Kiogdome {hail be hereditary, Iudgesis, 22., there i sj.*M Mi ’17“\g'-fizéiiti, Foch rightas the people could give; but here is not jws Régiflm, {iich right os was in GOD to give ,2, and theteloriahis Anfwer is , has not his lonne would rule over them, but the Lord in whom as yet was thought to rule them, Wr,. ~ 2.3. flbimflccb will reigns, and that by his owns: requefii, fudge; 9, 2 ,, one and the el... ticli, better than thtcelézore andten, and the people confcntto the motion cootraryto the mind of God. and give him a Subhdie: to liirc: light and vain: men to followi iiimond kill his Brethren. The covenant they make in aniholy placoas an holy pcoa iplce, upon the iM‘ount of curlés, by rholplailliired Pillar oftzi. Stones tal{cnio%ut of (975- dam andthev doe as hypocrites in the hatdiicfiir: ofitbeir hearts 5 ‘ for lb mttch ‘iisfigini-~ fit-d by the Hones, and thcir faire outlidei, whore the Law isiwrittcn withoutiallicou— fciciice. of-obeclilence, and therefore Iot.!mml.in the name oftbe Lord l'1'omtht Mount of blefiing pronounceth them accurlizd , comparing tiiei"r Kin,-=2, to a Bramble , V and their co»m:cntioniitofire that lhouldlconliimcthem both , EhC»Spirit ofmaliccibeing put between: them, which God in jullicc fem: amen ‘l’cthen1il"or the wrong they it3lid,l‘1im,co make a King without hisiconfemgiand the em-Iqie they. had hitherto ion-1» AA ,]‘0y€td‘i1'1 their. Patriatkesandlhludges from rildarnto M9479 areltenl; from NOW to /1'-‘ ii 12ml74m.tc11, from ribmbmn tofiilcfis , {Even Generations; and from Mqflzst to WWX as A many; from /Mam to E720c‘«’9.i7+‘ gci1er2itions;f'mm 371001? to the father Qf“H€ber2~ {Even imgencrations; fiéom Haber to Allaralaain. fcvenv; from xilvmiaam to M’fl-'5. 71-._%From Mqfltt "toi,=234}gidthe=1iitc number; and it is-fiid of cxcommunicate Coin: , that he had 7. go... At " ncrationst AA :’l13~3l hm as fa Km; . . . . ole1‘e‘l’E,and, varialyiohof'Agcs;I_knoWl110€> 7°’ Nmlfll 3“ °“°°”dll3‘*§.~’» *0 W3 10- laglilillts fig [f;.m,;,« @W; 32, 3; The» fill-1;9c “gccouxag of F;unzl_1es makes for the I_\-ieflzzzh, mafia Falnllffis of the mlrzcllrhrs we {be hm teaghtng . and In the ten Fagtlye 133 Km: 13 Aadmxrablc befaré the Floud. lxidamin C4in*h°P€dl*°? 3 P°“‘=m°*1a and ‘H13 #1561» t<=acl1ins-3 vwofhfly mln:m€.,_l lsgtg lggjfctl in the _p~lace’of 41761 to be the‘ fécond ’Pzztrz.::_r;('e, and cimgs A-Wei-¢‘theg3l very ba,d',? whichl is fignxfied mhxs So‘nt7.e~-157105tlipnamc of forrow, grie-- Voufly flak %mg{emb1g¢,l‘Pu4£ them In f2.-Are, 0 Lord, that we l\{;mam may @2913 tfmn/Elves me la,» km m.e:z.l The Word‘ is Ems , when he; was borne > mm Pfolaflfily bggan to call on the mane ofthe Lord by their Apiflacle WW0 M013» and thc l'o11*1el% of ‘ God to be léw ’ duced;l{3u.t;Dg"[hel C%h»mg-¢},h W ch: prophane pofiericy of-Crzlm’, coupled Lhcmfclves with V ta: he rcvmged onllmlzla,‘ at thelaf Dmghtcrs agiiimfl the co1mlEls_ol'~tl1c gr'o~o:l 7'3-'15il'?£57 ‘U35; and! lbrcly provfillced God‘ 1d cherelore the f%:ve:1tl1ff‘mm~ .;:?c-Am p*rc»pheficdlal,.o;ai11f{l them and named his some Mz;ncbz»j?zl:zb, which is by ihtzerprcmtiozzg ‘whrzh he 4.'lié2tl“z_, ithathehadhas many »: whlat myllery is in tyhcm butltlh: ‘5:1l;3l‘.*:E)tlli A {hall lac: the E znllfiam or am allGod. Wlm 1318 he HV“-‘Cl the lfifigfll» Cliifcl the yczwe l3Ei-V fare ,l_.h¢lF1oud_ L,m.m.;, leg; N,mb,and ,°.;avghim~l1_is11alncfrqm rcrll qr cpznlbrt, which cdzmsllto the godly when the Wflikfid Pl?“-lb’ l“’””‘’ *0 ‘70”’’l'°'“ lllmlcllfia bllzlds llimv l ‘fella :1 Cicie, mlCl‘il‘al1y lhugl1c%1V1"a2aa;~¢/axe, it washin his cl1rféel.pcsPa:1'icy, wl1olZ:- cruel-5» rod’ to rilexmzrler that came {mm Cbittim and ties and iCl()l£lt1'l.4E:_S..,:t0(l puuifhed‘ with the deluge of waters uponeaxth ,; and with the damnation ol'the:ir faults in Hell, 1- ‘PW 3410- . , gg>¢¢¢,»l;;;;.~k;»; they were no Mlozaarlgesll, as 11121)? appmrclwlay thefé tlxrec rcafozus. Firll, they had nlgcjms ’1h2gimnz,:hc nigh; af Kings. z. Ind ml 7Q{gn1»tm_, any right 1:0 3. I{ingdo1n., 3%,»*Tl'1eylhad"n(13c :gZ.¢di:4n2l m4mi.4le,l power to znakc warre. orkill any man with the £wo:d;:Ilconfe{fel chis"latce1‘ is cliffmted , that the Law to lllétd blond. was beforcthe Floud, thmagh it be oncly mentionml aficr ic,Gm+9.6. Tlac'(wo1~dto put men to dcafh is not the right of any privatemzm, bht the common rxght of aIlMag1[.lrates ; and if Magiflracie in this khmd m'eré beforcfthe Hooch yet "1: will mt prove Rcgall authority, except: chlf: twofbrmer be added unto it, and that is the riglxc of God to grant it (‘Emu himléllegwhlclullhe ncverdid till he app0intedlSAr41to be King in Ififacl. %An.cl {éconclly as the pohwér is Gods to*givc,,fu right to the Kihgdozn~hé leavlcélto the Free Clf:flC9ClOI1 3; conlEntlol’thelll pa: ‘pic. Its mm thepeaple have 13 otflcgall power in thei r own lmncls 5 for, Nybifdat quad mm-z babe: ; they A cannot give What: they have not ; yet what tlwgar have God gives it no": fimn thmn. Tm: Royall power is hislhfowxm, yet the peoeple Amufl wnlénc Probe flxbjeéh unto it : and as they have freedomc to {hbmlt to his will to be theAirl’I(in1g,,for;hclForcetzh mom: to be ofhis Kin-gdmnes. {'0 to make thexn fi1bm'1t an-9 to shall; he Llléch them as men in conléntihsg. Seeing than we cafllnlot find: hefi:-are thc: Flogdjus ’fQ:g£um rl*’D£’z‘), jm ad l‘@fgi'l1'4m ai“7Popzzla, nee glaxdizlm mmriale in the hand ofany ,-,~ We conclude the Paternal} power: is mcarrc From,th¢ Regall , andlb was not Prinvijifa remm , neighgg was it imtia gentimm, @ mztlonum ; l for allzer the Floud 7o.Natior1s are numbred unto us, but we do: not read that God appointed them any King‘, but con.» A thinned the right of P acrlafirkesl to the Iudgles’, and of Iudges to the: Kings , and C/Exams A curlézd Pollerity hunted lbr lMona.rchie:, which gems under two names . ail/lmr and Cbitiim, both oppeflbrs of!"-.Zeber, Nmnlv. 2,4” 1?. By fl/bur I undcrfiand all from NW:-.”" ub duedflhtrlus, and by Claittim mmez cc,-a,-l chethus alfiza to underfland the Ramrmes, Dan I 1. 3. Nimrod, xi/bar , and Ckittim, are ” put promifizuoufly for the h«» Monarchics, azgl all reckonedtaslcnexnics to Gods pe~ol-«V ' ‘ ‘ l ‘ I ’R'1e;h1’-M11’. 5 6. 214:5. 9 . hlneimrzieel they goe under the noteion of74;,$Vc4j%s, a»n¢1}im;1;¢ VA .(31?): evefatlon-this lat’: Monatchie is re: Forth by a great red (Dragon; andhten‘ horned flea/E, A arazdyct ( good God) when Elogies haveecheeleeetnen to uffe up Monarchs, andmake them abfoluceLords"gvichout being tefieonfall to any or what they doeoupom earths. andtruelyohow Farre 18 new under vea.r1ousidifpn:es. I; would but askehim in chie Argumiemr ‘W9 ‘llifflfbns 111: fihe flwchddiflgrof b100dhooo0Fhi5hxfi1b1€&5} Whethere the King be liable to the Law, G(M.~ 9».’6.h and that QthCI§eV0f%e_e%1)£fifi’fl.ghEb ,I.do1atry ,4 one. I 3.6. hC.::£ne%kilIed hisfirotheer, ‘and we findhuo.Magifiracie meertmy the murtherer. The A F.1ezher m:=..y not kill hi$,f0h11IlC , the Mafler his Servant , the Husband his Wife , =th’e Iiingz, hgs Suhjeéls; sec. lfche {on incite his Eathea: to idols, the daughter her Mother ~, the wife chehusband, the Subjfifigi his 1{ing,o and that which is dea.ref!h the friend that A ’_.is as thy ownefoule; dmwethee fromh Gods Whatis to be dhone in 211! Re1ati%or1»sr, and ‘met’: ohfell to Kings , whoin thefc.:_%two Igreatefinnes‘, are the greatefl traenfgoreflours. A King Iheds the blood of his 3ub1eé’cs , andforceth “them to Idolatry; or to die for their Faith. In the firfi the rule is generali againfl allhgrntxrtherersg a.x1d*in the {econd hag:-.iz1£’c all feduccrs from Godf: For the epu11ifInne1'1tah.~-eicois jufily olimiteed to the Magi« ~ jflrage 8:: every one that; bears nhefivvord is bound»tobe11dit againfi thofe xjnalefaéiors. Licentious Ema:/2 takes cwo wives, the vieolation of Marriageh , and boat}; what: he: ‘will doeby violence toevery” man that wrongs him. It is much to be doubted what Magxflrachie wasin“Fami1iehgovemmence. where every ‘man; though: he had equal! righzhto revenge his 0Wl?.crWJ.‘0I1gS»5 ebucwif there were Magifirecie to punifh Mur- thereand Idolatry. then might a. father as well as a, Sonne die bythe Lawesmze have jmeocionedh. The fudge: wercmjudgeeeebecween blomioez 1’10t¢r1.hh~Deu.71.8« that i$,bIouei deiervrng death , azudtdelfiverance f7r;orh,ythe purvfuer. Theft: two firmes of blood and V hblzzfphezny Godpuniflieeh et:henne~emoPc feverely upon »Kingdomes,h For the exccu- Ition of them by their Kings. vvhegzh We1‘gehmoPc unjuPo ifliingdomes hadnorexnedy figaizxfl them. 7‘ Caizze and /Lameclr deferved death for hmurther, open evioleoce, ‘idolatry, it"hzir!m22hhadepower to have inflified death upon them, and his uegleé’c ~was,a finne, and{oe‘ah1h:he~Patxiarks4thathei%1i_vedo%wAith him, and”fa.w}ehe{e»evi.Is;,A wage .:gui1ch_ye wielx hirm iElMagifirha¢ieh.had thenhhbeeoe in Me, ,: b_utAFomhi}_'1.esV.areoTone1you1;1der =in&er»;t&i- on and correfiiong hhaveiiierbwiieea:odf£$irgfan2r11'e nu1caudhahe‘rod to»oerdoeer:«t:heir Fami-r lies , and not the xnaceriall hhfword tohcake away Lolife; but Kingdoxnes have it, and maxi’: ufe it, or the Lord that gives , will call For :1 fvoE1'aig11cf3l*0rt1/7&0're‘1:engc the ’z_/Mr... Nil 0;‘ /2:35 Colzentmt. LE1’. 2 6.25. IFtheohfvséo¢hrd beiyeeldhcdcoteilgcfaway eoviIl,®£I¢e 1e17w1;:2r-Q it zntafiefinare none; ;IJ:’s true, wee.hzweehnoazexample of thefivord~%agaii:1fieethe ‘eK‘iF{1gge eni- 1:i%i'ingt:ohId dIatriv'.,,ho more we [have a.;g,rahiofl.a1iyh 1912311 r'1o1fiv§6’Ze , and for fizclx x1eg1eét: z;het7Kiogdom“ehoi"u&eredoe mezmhyh ea‘Iami:ies T: we have m:anyexia:n~p1e5 to lead us to re-geh fifleamzhe , defehceg, and defiruéizion of Gods enemies. Smr.-‘I rhefiedo, mad l1‘i:5:o~;fo23e;1:eeo refczuedeoutoff his hanhdsgi ;?o.’~'“',‘«.-:3 éigzb is fiarced ‘F1‘0I11ethC; Alcaro dfiln <~:enfc:§b«_,r zizzgzxifl/:5,oa.ndh. ' 80. ‘vhao1i_e.n,te P’riie£’:s.h flawiarmed and attended owizhe%6Oo.>Shou1d1eers wL“‘(‘)1‘v1i’dT1‘-‘_1‘.\0't,‘\‘:.l‘]‘fl/‘r,',‘,¢‘H, we fixffitred "“S'(1V£‘{i’-TC“‘ofi have killeiilh im«:a"1:d';his men MWiuhozstee1ge£i{i‘a.oce.f3?34}>}:¥ h ;73{¢;15»?~75?;*av ieiih": ‘ his menofVVa%r.fWoxi2hldeh1h2;Vfeh ‘deehfmeeao¢he’C ’ih\f»,»thE'e§.C\i:‘t§;hZ€V135?W*0Q1dhj£W§€‘*I:>£‘EI) true goo; hyeares. The»Z.L::t.5:a’2‘rm5 .I1“haye.tz£ken:;«parc with ~t1’l:2‘.~P1”i1_1;C£5fh-oi‘ ~ i1;_r1tohi7m. =o'eI‘~h§t eCI1r~ifi,i:inhs redeem»; W ith Liczézm,.a,q,aei;11i}»Mexi;mi2z#s:c~hee EW1!w€’i<—‘0MI"‘, ~a*n‘;c-1 A wheneehe hreirohlhtede Fcohm chain zpowh i5;I(“£{~e0‘I5,h they‘ Iefi him nae. peroxxreh, and am;--. flezi h;C0h?1/5'W$I12e,agairifl:him, TfhewhW'2i!2z’ezflE*5ri*1,3.~veeWahmied ‘fox.’~;heir«Re}ig«i011 eab0rVe¢ ' €3e.%?3_rmy ~j£1,-g:ii&j)H:~§E‘Ij1c: ’ EmDC'-j »- #9 C23‘->% ~ E!1:1P§f<5Uf‘3 ATE’: Citizens oFG€ne{M have ddltndcd thcmiélves againfl rife DuIa;'¢a~ Savoy, the~fl’mcj %4nt5 3n Fraqlce havewarrcd,wit!1thé.’Papij¥s: in th¢Low-Ccoumriés :hcyM.hamr¢.: done the lykc agaxnfi the power of Sppmge-A,% and the profits of Moinarchjc an; fu~ch,w=hen in is Withoulz moderation, that the gainc is *notbing ta thcmitizhiefit ofir; A and if his building be np bcttcr ~thc_n thc foundation, the Obférvatour fha,f11find lit... ale :9 %Anfwcre,buc cgvxls, calummcs. and ncedlefié contentiorm % A A f “ ‘ At A F ‘The ef_ficiee2t,htMtte5*,f°e5"1:et!, emtlfimdimms oflawfull Moym-piggy; A will hinder him in his conclulion. and Arguments that _ u o I I w c .‘ ‘ pt! dcfetfiit ”m)fl‘r0 , mzztttz , feztzn almm ti-.tn5fei-M, nan pate/E V H163/1tl'!«£xl:_3, 414.-.e p.~ea'yz"ce1:it,,t .pt*et:4tic§mFotem, ft £0245/Eitstit tbulndgagzioihi waspfaultylin lapyiihgppfifitérniéll power f[0r.t:he ground ol_>Regaillm, anid . Ga}. 2.18; The Anfwerert V! mtngxiac p€OP.l.c’S tpowe; 110. mdfcl tC8“‘Pfib1ét.’0f thep Ee;le&ionetol7‘t their Rullerm.-to that 2 Child renlthiave‘; of theit«FathTets; ’ ” Wh icht, is me Fttlle sand in theefficienttcauletéteonfiwt p iedtztpfipdpeoifiéfléd;b'ylhi:.‘tilel£eg Thie}.”01?fe3’?3W{7?lrifollowes 3. Methode, Zl.ndpCl1E4Vf&{/‘l}7£’l7*w'*‘_ ?‘W“ta'ltcs‘ it into cot1fi‘elee9.tiooL, pod mttltee hisyctoncltuliotn, tmilesditying, he wohldhy his g':'O;l1'i1ds’0VetthtoW fo ancietttand well founded to ll/.ll)22d}’L‘r'5)l. I Wonder what he metmes to doe with as bad 3 building. as the f13’4fl5" is upon the which he lets it. I lhztll handle the things I have propotH1ClCCi,a.n('l hope they A may enforce it; The efhcient ttcaugg of Regal pgwc: is either prt-t1'c%’m~zfi, or Coxfermizt: , prizzctpaz/lo: I'M,/Z'rztmem'ell, 120.. Ztliliitiijl or ‘bi feet. The ptocteant cattle which is itntnetliate and "con j umfi: with the efl’etE‘t, is the cottfetttoftlie people, vi.'ho.havip.gt; the .lZm1e tight , and eqttztll power ’ to maintaine it,cloe not wholly devel-‘t themfelves of it, but in pattderiveit to ano-= ther, who is to ule it not as his ow_ne,but‘as received in troll“ lot the Benefit of them. '-The 1'«€f,_,:/W hath of the Le/for , a Letter For life eot”yeates,without condition exptefled, yet taciteiiiand CO1'f€l‘p£)I1Ci€1'1l:¢VVitl‘x {och E2. particular Eliate, which by his Feet or de... fec9t,,a& or default he may forfeit. But you will Ely this cale agreest not with the thing in q=.1el’tiot1,becaufe El King may have his Kingdo’-.116 by inheritance." which { I pconfellfie) is true, when the C rowue by fitcceflionigoetllt to pollerity , but even with this, as we-llas El'e6’tion, 3. mill: is implyed ;. and mail of all in puhlticlt Ofiees, whereof the gteateli is to be a King, and althougix it be not fotleitsble by an ill King, where it is not gtantable to one that is good; flfiii the :ni‘fitlet- of" his t1‘lll‘l:I'l'}£1Y fbtfeit thzit to others, that are crafted at well as he with his Kiogdome, who for it and him may take Cate fotcommon litletie in immineht dangers, OM06! no/irmm eflf, /me fit:-‘£0, s \t«’h%1t-‘livmevct i.§i.et.tIrs V for commlonivgolod mtifufedto the hurt ofili tfity‘ either be loli, of transferred tottmbthet ’ for right uh. The Aufiweter gixtetlt a good inlltmce, how the people may ellabltlh a J/1'mm-cilwie , or Miifocrecy when they plealemtttd yet have but one limple powetmn-d patties may not inju :37 one a_no*.:het_, tzp,3n_ that rule grounded on great equitie , memo pafitfl ttzzttat 60??/Eli!££‘?Z _/Zttmz tit altrerzzts z.«2;z¢1‘lmn, men cotjzfgajegl by mature Comm-_-QM, good delihetatioitz, and honell cpottlettt, may not without the like agreement chatige or alter: whete Authotitie is pl:tced_ in one 0;: many by popular ehoyce, the whole 1‘I1.l1lCitL1(‘le may not difiblve it, unlelle he or they that eretrulled with it,conlent. and ioito prevent the injury of contgaléts, he mairttames at milfihiele that may be, for the Leffee will never yield his Leale to the LelTor,iF Libettylhe in him to hold it as long as hee will, though he commit wells. grant a greater Ellate than he hath ,l and doe ii whathep will with the tight of 3.l.lOEl'N3l:3 Its all I defire that the people have power to ptocteat,and beget that power they lubm it unto, and that they ablblutely part not .With their rigltt, but have power to chole Judges in Tarliameizt, as well to fee to their right , as the King himlelf,-, and thotzglt they rile up aeainfi neither, yet with either pot them they may rife in defence oftheit own . and if the King could [haw asmuch _p wa;1le‘iemade of all , and Where there “i is no l.‘€l'£1¢:£Zl_l_t.“.'::3"-3'-l'l€J.‘¢ {hall bee “T1 for thetvioletioh of mill in"tl1e’?ezr/itzmenI3,i “estit cloth for the vtolationg of the {Etrne in before he kizowes hie pteé-to his followers , thenall the people lhould come in , and fiipprefle the Tyranny of ~ fulchiproceedfings his Magelly complavnes of; but it IS the clenyall ‘of tlxeitttttllsand “ p pbeCniule..tthe wllole may not be in the King to clot: what he will ‘with the Kingdoms, A From 0 right. i l V From theprocreantl caufe Home to the con[,~m;,-ii; lwl":ere tl1eAf1{i;i‘erer ié rarely A againe in his firfl anfvver to Godfliand tl1cLMV, whichereizlie ro;;‘_/:»mo,»—;z wmfexoFre~ gall power, and therefore his Mzzjcflie is not beholclmg unto him? In cliole worcls, Geci"a1n‘ci tl’1€:”Lom7,' tl‘mt'i$,~. {ayes he, the Law that cozxtainee the coiifemr and zcruiloi the Pwple;l had thought till now by God and the Law,lm.ci been niezmt the power ofC*0’d declared by his ownlawilzut now it is the povve1fofGoicl given him by the A lawes ofmen, which goe not before the power they 1gip*¢el'co the King, for then they ' lllould give the King leawCs;ioefox‘e they lrmd iiirzi, and have as Free a. power to maliel M him lewee, and rulehirmas they have power to make: him Kizigqazid clioofehimito be their 1‘LIler.Wc {peak not ofthe peoples confem tollmake lawes,bu:: of their C0fl~ fem: to make a King, who by" God and {he Law preiervesplxis powexganci the ppeople were moil: wicl-(eci zmd unvvcmtli y of hin1;,iffor God and tlie they flioyulcl inppthee leaf’: thing forfake l'1i§m§Tliatl t.be;people are tlieprimzipall czmie ofclicliings pow:-rp in refpe&'oftl1e.Law, and the Lpw the inilrumemtall needs no illuilretion, for the : p¢0p1gwQrke byehe Law, and it; is the ixziiriznmextatall they willingly ililbniicmato for regall power to protefi them. A “ i For the ls1flcli‘iiin&ion ofuhe semi: intririficall zmrl volLmtary,extriiificall aincivioa‘ lentiit firikes deeply ipmtoi [l§Cffi'ClCff_7E1‘.{fC !;in1es.RegallpQ_weif is; given by an extriiné? ificall principle oi'couiul‘ell and’ conllmtg mid rximiibei niainmined ;aga.iniilthen1l.1:l1at: have givenit,by an extxjinficall force ofviolenee and wai*rc,l-lifls Maielly fliould com : ii fider, that the grant of liis power is fifom the love of l1isSI1bie&s,"a11d (‘ohe [houldby if , the like afirefiionlabour to be gre.1t-in tlionlfi and not ggjreat; over them hpispfivord A and warresuponlthem. He my lb lllilhcillétllflflla and as the Anlfwelxeelliyesip, ‘Fame £5 _ no Lair, yet ifa people beforccczl to 1*efigx1etl1eir rigl1t,l they are obliged toilimd “to the hard conditions ofa tyrant, which he proves by'lCll£3 Gz!wo,mI're.r contrary to hisi purpofe, telling us why Ifiml filffered three yeares ianiine, Anf; Sevetifox1.s;lof’Sz1zzl, were hangedl to fatisfie the Giéreoeimr. 7He was to prove ,tl1at"‘fQl‘C€Cl’vstibjpftsp com-*4 peolledito loofc their riglxt, werellasnmclh boimd toptyrantsgpp asflf/_i~_¢elo}%:to~ thei_C/‘£&ee~ A ‘or miter. ill hivee. fitter example contort LIPOJJ him‘, 2. 1C"ing,;~8.7,che King of ‘zlfljiklius ” A ‘forced the people and their Prince to"ext:-aordinary payments, forced themto re--"A bell, and God profpered it, Was it not huvfzxll upon forcedpconditionslofpcrpee A ~tuall il.i\It:‘ITy to eafethenifelves whei3God gave a jull oppommiciep 3 Deli ex¢eptio,., ghe Gf;5eonit'€JgUile is not13l{c»‘§'cmz.%zé/dc4r}i!7.: ggreatnefle to force omen‘ to obley._,:i11dthe;y ;7 o befirange couziiells that call the people to‘ be foucedito keepe tlieixf lfaitlithtzy never X pi'on1i{Ed, forwho con (en: freelyro he {lives 2‘ end if .tlmt be true, ‘£71 mrpi win re--' 7 flcz‘;ede dacretzemg in a violent: vow, Wicked pI‘Qm.li'l1’5lll}gOClly oath, li‘6ll.ill1‘pA{w"Olf€fl3.ti~{‘ on, repennaxid never be _ref'olveci to live and diejin a wickeci pway.“ 1 A M“ “ V i-Hronl‘the,;¢a.ll{elICO.n1€.tO the afliveillia e, co ablé. zmdilwell clif lofidifmtter to] up i P 5 P P p , P is 7 iseceive 1:he,regallipow”er,ia’nd be mledbyit flsrhe people lareiclue effieicntpcaufepto A A grantthe rcgalli powergfo they are the riglf.n; mpttee robe receivediotoa Kinlgdoin1,p_i filled g,i:s?c.1t;e17fi:nce3for roan isdefined to be Aizpzmelpaliricxzm, as well afoclaible, as 6 ~ D l I X7{.:r.e3f°‘ (4.2 )_y y A yr‘ea{°onafhie creattt-regattd they are no me~n»th.'at Wotlia rule thteie people asBea{’cs,afnci A “if they were foe hafe ntinded their Kings"-were Beafts fo to «heme thentfelves over their own itihde. Let therefore regal! power know whatzttiatter it hath toirneddle with- A 2.11, apt for good manners, ifthey hewell ufedmnd as poore~wormies as they are to ‘tame agaihe_.,if they be troden u"pOn;.,and fiit*I1_g-agai ne,if they be flirted and handled V unmercifully. The Ahfwerertis confident,- thatnever any agewas guiltie of the like ” irreverence, and ciifretpeft to Primzesg and may 1t) not he fitzdy as well of the people, being fuch eficient ahdymeteriatll eauiies ofregall power; Ttiliffflulltaill andgeficient icaufe of power being imhetpeople makes this inferrencenhat the King is fwrjarfie- g;zZr.}:,z¢:-aizzerfix mime‘. Comparatively the Kingis the greatefhand above his Subiefisz 7 yet thepower ‘thmmahes him at King, and hisipeople Sub§£_’&S,i3 greater then both; i fer 3th¢'..K§.flg. is no iiitngetilale he be made, neither are the Suhgeéts fo to be coyunttedtiii theythave mafie themfelves finch. Canthe Anfwerer anfwet this [2 is not the tcatuiey greater then the effefiknd the whole greater then the parts?Ho'-w“ cieares he the con» trary?Thepot-mris divided and derived,8:c. The people arethvxded from the King heforethcy have him, and derive their power to him, which lstnotbefore content ; andgtherefore the Kinigtistcotifideredy as one of fh¢~F1t?t:.&tHd; in 51:16‘ poéfhhle power of he- inyyg~ajKti,ng,as the efffefi in the po»-fiihle power‘ off the came be_fOICiC‘CXi*1i_.tHEafP€aks at a King inheingc, weof one to he made” and in the power hfthe caufi, and fo the teiiicient is either hcforehim, or we ntuiihave the effeft before ttltecaufe. See now an hgap; o‘f'ahtfizrditiAes. The people derive their divided power; -He ihouid fity their uni- ted power, forttlconfetttis no other thenthe union and not the divifion or votes. "Se... egndm whatistdivided it-1 Athtet-nAis t1nitedA.itittheir King, cleanetcontraryttgtithe com» “ rhon confeAnt'oAfAAAaI1 is that one ofthem {hall ‘be a King, and he i§_ X112 .!iZ).I1£’.‘fI1»AIA]7l -heas Wellies they have confented; and then they ceafle to be caufies efhcient, and fuhjeéiz themfelves to him as reafonable matter to he ruled by the like difbretion they gran- ted their fitbiefiion. Thirdly, yyyretaine not what they have parted with, not have what they gave away; ;he.thad,added byway Oftrufla he had fhewed how‘ he had (Ah-:fcAated:’us ofottt right, it He that ma hes a Leafe leaves fomethingtothimieife, and the Leflee carries not all away from the Leffor. Fourtthly, it foliowes that he which “ A hiath all their power,, mufi needs he greater then the givers, if they didnot give itto he greater,.1'icher,arid more p0Wcrfl1i1ay61lmA1Ci miferable it is,w hen flattcrers earafmake t tfiings rich, great 8tpowerfu11witthAout thei1‘:St1hfe&s to fat up thethfelves. The=peo- pie were never fo maddc-:,A ofArichAto make themfi:1ves,pootre,- ofpowerfull impotent, A of great trneamwhen the power ;toAAhe as they were or better WaSvifl'th‘e1r own hands. A Frifthiy, The truth is, the King: oneiy is the fountaine of-all power and jttftic-:e.y its A true that Bméioza fayes, Rm: lméet 022222234 jemz in mmmffldg fem efl juflitie, t ej~+c.t All A riighmyageyin the hand ofthe King, Aheis the fountaine ofjufiice andjurifdiétioni,‘ 7 to his ecrowneand ‘dignitie Aat'eenA11exed anp0W¢I383}t3W1d't'C3fl:bflimflg to no private man? it wscre.fitflici€ntth"eAtwho1echarge isAh1s: Toleflien his ifibfliif and tligthten hieburdem A A A A . — I A A A A A he too mrggtrg them, Primarilytthe Princey hyi:oay,yth is‘ bound to doeyaI1t*hit=zgs,andti{he 6" rm r A he hath judges and juiiices forall tiiot1btsi‘oflI.attr, -.ax1citeo~mphaints ofitifhriiesifsiowi ifzmy {hall ohiefih, that the two I-Ioufes cantaine no jtrtiges properly, nor‘ have their power from the King, or itthey have it is wholly derived unto them by his Writ, I i fimrirfi, 65'6". and that onely to treate and debate ofthe Law,¢but not to deck: re and give~]utige-- t merit what it is, efpeciaily the Houfe of Commons 5 for the wot‘d‘m».~Ez‘era is onely ; in the Writ that fummohst the Lords, and %t%heother% are caileci oxietlyfeceree can: To eh fwer ail, both Houfes united have the gt-eateii power to make and interpret ai1Lawes,ahd are the befifudges, and have the fupreame feate ofjudicaturefitndno ivrit of arrow can reverfei their Judgenient. And ifrhe Kings power he not to con-at eradti&~any‘Courti ofjtxfiicei, may heft ofall oppofei this, and take the determines tioh ofite into hie own handsf.iiThe people have made him the fountainé of Jtiflice uponitruefi, and his trufi is to proceed ina legall way, and therefore a fountaine for liniitedg, that he may neither refimixre the iireames of juiiice from the people, or die, vert them which way he pleafeth, and therfore all power is not given fr@rI1Vthc.P'€O- p=1e_,tbut by the fame power they; tchoofe the King,and limit himto his Lawcsgby the lilte vc"rtue?they choofethe Coalitions to be their judgesg, and the Kings power is nothing in that,2-and’ to hinder them of their good in thi's,‘ either by not calling to the people to fend their ]udges,or called to diffolve them without the execution of their oiflieegeistaxmt highe breach of his trufi, and for a fountaine makes him a broken A pig ot1d?>histhaz1‘dPtretcixed out ; to doe flwrohg, like the witherted hank! Ofilcroéoezm, t r~1s{e1t‘efl‘eiefid"ih atcettrfed of‘G“od5.. The Aofiverex: cryes out of palpable Sophiflry iii ‘ah rule of true Efficiezicieg that whatfoeveriis done by it is leflethen the Caufe. Lettthc: Obfcrvatour ( faycs he ) give the his efiate, and if it be a‘ good one, I will confeff: he makes me rich, and himfelfc richer, ifhe fo pieafe to thinke. A {errant makci3:him i}*i|5'i\/Izgfiér whom he tferve$5aod%'the1'ef0re the better man. 2A fparke offire,f?:taaCi« tieon, »aehurning,flame,tand tthet*e‘f’ore the Tparke ie more tllcnfthc flamcflfi HICWS thu- gtrotirid ‘otf‘the1,efaI1acies5 asiif I1e*h;idi'never read more Logicit, then his owner reafon, He hath forgotten to ‘judsgtel etweent voxiequfivecm. and mziwm, between words and fenfe, a caufe in name_~,aend in truth, A true cauie, alwayes exceeds the,efi‘e&t in vera- V tue,ebecauifeit earn have homer: in it,then theeatxfegives itgerid Io afiingcan have nnwearee power thezi’ihi‘s“pehoipIe gitke-;him;, mtczeptttt he can finch: fome other oaufc; ofl, it; 7% He wthatttiniekeé h iii“): rich iis“m,o1~e th efmufzt o7fhi4s riches, their ohiit1fi:IFe,iOur‘ Sttviu our beem-hie" pooretowtmake us richg, and is the onelycaufe ofoer riches, midi as for: Maflfer and“ (’ér“vai11rt4,ti1ey are Fs':e1:it}ives.iié111d.fo mutually caufirs and effeéis, and tthe ‘ii.-finitie1i¢;Si’i10£Fi“?3i1¢;i¢18;£i0Mne;ii39L1tthc£10mifli0I1« A~fP31“ii¢ that makes: atflametiet more firetheh‘ tiierfiéihie, ttfor,"thertrfieti1e is, triog.;au£e,a;ttaiI5ihutiain effe&roffit;e,.and hath no‘ niotijeij ipit,‘ ‘then iseeufed b3i:fire;eh_d.‘tfoKings,e if;thc;pe.opie;he theirt efficiente,’ i they havegno igteater prowefr thientteheyi have confented tmtof. Ar Zlnioer/is eeimor,etfayea, i t he, placed; the King exam his people, and they doe iilato petition whom they V command; This; is no§iSophi{h*y,hut fimihpliciitie,“ if the hnirrerfe he the Cami: in e at “ to "4 4 r fl:.:Dt2A A A. . '. or A «.%eoIIe.' 74%” and E1“-'3““* AMMg¢5’,;3fi&;$%_%hmyochmm;{Ed (Q gjpprgfjé ;t,apd_advanoctl1efeyvzce ofSataM11m mo??? thcCap[§Vi[iC’CfI_It5h 1'I]£Iflfy7a1[€I'£lCiOI'1S in rchie with Z‘.£"im:-T {ha K:-mgs and Overthrflv Crawng, £23313. 2:. 26, 27,,‘ and brought OM11 Diflw, A odmaeixi the Dz¢@*.s‘*.aT1<—‘E then .athrr:eF01d F>‘V€FtA!1FI1¢hAA @1505 F5‘? C”°“"A'“¢A “hid D33‘: heme and the e::pi‘!fin4*I Oftheh Pofieritisr oofflwfd 3 ‘p‘I."\fiV.Vfit\ne"‘Jl!‘}:~i.fb“,’ i?—’*I"7*¥‘ACh?ifio:»~fw!3d; :13¢~s5epter~ ¢?e;;:%;é’”.<:+:~;;r+;é12«nh rhea:a&h7avern:m¢.§o 21 firangsx7- hThf1¢”W*"W%%»hinthe Mar- _ Awgwfl ,A_ghe»hhf¢c¢naAA 53,5 ‘Egg: pgicfig ::‘7t‘Ii:‘a:é‘ thhhfd i1i Herod an Fifom §heACapti- AA .,,§;gc»cg Chrhhifi an Fa';mc~e;¢Genm:£a;¢: g as many from A’ 177" 4’«17”’’’ ‘O DWW3, and the . fake number from him tothc Caotivitic‘, £1achxv_ii9gth=o¢€mifl¥i¢ 0‘ ‘hA¢o/WT?“/9» and the . i l (229 J4 ~ e i the truth of all promifcs in him, the Devill being not étble inall his Diemoezerclzie toe _ Cali downe Gods divine Government of his people :But at this time the Devill had ’ provided himfelfe in the fourth Monztrchie ofan hi gh I?rie{t , I1OMlC_flliilCl1€t1.A£111 Em....:~ pcronr, from henceforth to conteli with Chrili about his Piieflliood, and they he- A gin togethctgandias Chrili maintames his Fathers ‘T/Jezzrch.£e.by his twelve APofl[eu‘_l,_ A and twenty-fottrc Elder: : fo Satan by his high Prielt fiill continues his ‘Demand?-»‘. chic. All thetimeof? the Dmgan or l"x.om.=.ne Caefénzr the Church fpeedswelh, and ends her Warrcs with the Dmgan in perfefi viéiory, Rev. 12. .7, 3. Heprewziledmt, not held hi_s'place any longer in heaven, that is, in the open view of Pagan Idol%a- tgjea which ceafed in £,e:g‘£7¢il/{:f,. who was thelali that llood up to defend the Pagan: e Priellhood, and nowChi'il‘t is heleeved on in all the world, and here is no longeras place for the Devill to pla y his prizes in, he mull: now lhelter himfelfe in the lhady earth, and {eeke in thicltets and {ecret places to fettap his Demaeerciaieagaine, for; Chrili by his Gofpell hath quite ovetthrovvne him, and Cali downs his Pagan l Prielihood. ‘ i ‘ l i A l Gmtitmltl1eChrill:ia11Empetiour WaS£l1C'fiI'll: that denied it, and T heodafizei de- firoyed it in Br1g£’_fiitM,a!‘1Cl nowcome in the two Beslls to heare the Devills bttrden, A and the Priellhood that had hitl”1€:I‘tO gone with the Emperours , nowfills to the Biihops, and the Kings joyne with them againll Chrill to defend a new Deaeprm-,2~»l cf/airs’ ofthe friendsof Chrill, as his Mother the Fivggie /1/I222»-y, his ./l’f.4zrt}W' tllati L111--_t der thc_‘:D:mgoH vfiiflered to conquer him? the Angels that fought for them , and "did beVfatVAhin'1tiouit of heaven, all theft: in precious account with jelins Chtili, are brlotight: 7 ii-jto 3 Dgemomzrc/vie, and the Bilhops and Kings that are Chriltians, doe for them as is the Emperours did in their princip;ilitie and Prieflhood. Both were in the Empe-t I roursg and are now divided betweenthe I>’:’fZ2ap: and the Ifiegx, what are both %.abu,.~:4 i fed by this enemy to {erve him ag.zinllCl1tili, whom they thinltel-theyl lto‘nofir e-- e bovve all tnenfi Ex Rot, Tarliemeer. 1, H, 4.. M, 17. in liairzk Pofieffficvzz/item Arefaiepifl-4 fpi/?ep,6%c.tPontificall Preletes beare .12 Pxéiellliood, and aclde Ma.eimz¢4,end yous have thewhole name of the Devills Pritfl, that Iiweare Kings,8ce.l have {side enouglti fot‘ the forme oi“:/7i[a;z.:z:~~cla£t», God make it a T/ec*m‘c/Jie,al1di p t‘(1'i~€?1‘V»t.‘3 it from the ‘De- ‘Uil//.r4 D?.t77¢7(:;e7fc/pie, j Hajringdonc wizzh thlrlee *cat1{es, wee cbnie tosthe end, which is fizfitie and ilZéey~..l: V s tie%.l.'['l1e$otie abfolutely necelihry for the being ofa peolpleieand Liihertieln1ol’cicoit1n$-2 ve'nscm for their well-being. Nonien wottldtghave thought the Anfwcter menial have quarrelled with the Ob-fA7ervtatot1r,,f’or‘this Wo1'd,prot65?i and the .promotiotnlol1f itin all kinds ofpoliticall l1appine£Fe,'Aas too large a notimh Wee‘ mltlllcxpefiealh ha:ppizie{l’e fieom tl1elgaadnefleof%e tP;rince, challenge none lrome/921; dmie. _.tA11tm“ufiL l3¢..AW&$ ol’Grace,fx‘om agenerons freedomeniofitliiiagfrom any obligatiomor oath. He nittft bring usljtootour hapdpineflhc with his owitae goodnelle, ; as God does to A lies? ven withoutour defert. A A : A _ I‘ 1 t A A l ' _, 1 A All mutt be ads tofGrace done by himimandlthereifore we estimate the conveyan‘cej{ at thcaluesg,‘ s}i7h°i3éh‘ihsht§1e peC)phs£rhitfl‘, wltich Wholiy is ohligato . fmgnt wh.gmiuis, to \J‘v'h<.’)!’3}~i{'. 13, £01: whom, to what end, an ) f 1*y,t_if we cot-meet: W L * % dby What meamcs.” From whom he retsewee If.‘ both before and after 1213 oath, Behsare his oath the pecan Vpleetconficnt to trufi: in him as the efhcicxat caufe o-fhis power 5 after histoath as: - eee«p1*oving of'tfil1eit own: aft, {for elf: were thofe words in vaieueawixcn the Archhifhop ihtigotes tor.heirou1*e hdes of the fzafibld ,deeIat1'i11g that the’rLo1'd4theittKi Hg héltb takm} w‘h;:d?;vgisoahtE‘s, euiquiring ifchey would content, which were rediculous‘, if they had not ‘ttT:jt:tt‘oteonfented before. tovthe taking of his oath, and tthterefore this {econ ; ea m-tihcation ofthe former,and by both they confide he will doe hi d content istbuth s dutie,for he is tv-tnmshihfiund to ~.46Z.r q}"'Gm:c'e? or the goodnefle of hisowne freedome to doe what he wpleafeth inhis owne d:1fCret10n.‘ H13 cannot fay, C/‘if/z__v I 120: doe zaalzz‘/9 hey anwe what; I yvours rise .¢’m“r’fM!Z 49: as r/refit/r’, r«vm’_flm‘¥ M the left‘, Mac. 20. I 6. The Ki V ~3g';[7,¢,-»;;?;_ Iflegijs, (évfefiix Regzim, mm deécm my pn[]1e.;vz.r }7;¢flici,;:g:~,~;j, rm: ~_ ggfifdé/}yréa;~a; 0ft/as ICmg.5' C Imrtemr or deedx, notmaim 272:2] deflate, ores’: Some thinke this to be clearel y contrary 7:2;/Z, zk t/:2} eye em’/J, becxzrefé mizzegoad, l:h0u'fhz1fiWha1t I promifiid thee , and for fa- neg may doe. with his Prerogative as hetlifi, and fo ‘.732-afloat may be underfltood, when he (Ayes, private perfb-»h fl:=z¢?“é36’ z‘»5eo%;V ig/52‘, to Law, or at the leafiitottzecd caution aéndt ~djfiin&ion_.,ewh?chAI Will give in a ft:W words, fay.-.1 Regs}: {:2 7360, C1J.m‘!.e Regim t5P;e.. V‘ friémfzzffa Regzlz 45«'f5’5}€fiI. fzem Regfli, or r1:,2’1Z¢:.g';zza*27¢/.=:' p0,W10.I will Etlgliflz them ttllus; ;tRo)r:z1ries from God, Reommx from men, Grace; from a King, Tm’/} {mm his people. The words ofthc Apoofile, Ram? 13, 1%, 2 .arc to he noted for diggnircied amjf donaitaaion, E xous I A D I A '1' A G B E. To the firfi word is added z1I1t)t’he_r,;fo§ 2 fluewttvltat the powers have above other men ;and of powders ‘Peter makes the King A to have his power ahoveall powemand yet all ofGod5arxd to is the other word cm- .dina11cc, an order from God. An humane creation is tmiverfall in allthe powers of A7 political} bodies, but not of th§:»Cl1L1r'ch, and therefore they th at‘ expound huma,ne_ i‘fi1b_jv€(?CiVC]y._, making God the {ole caufi: ofPo1itiqt}es, and men the fuhjeft, {lay a.-._ [ mm, as thcyalfo doe, that make man the {ole cflicxent, and God the approval‘ and Mperttmitter, and they worfe, that make God the imrnediate caufc of K1'ngs,andfofa1I ~et9Lhe1fs to give them his power mediately by them, which isnot true, for the Word fwr af/Jim, may have reference as well to the Lam’, as the I€£eg, and fo Tettr from” God" efiablifldethh all A kinds of Goverx1m‘ent to be divine A ‘«‘to puztlifli Cvifltdflflrsa ttnd_ to be for the praife of them“ that doe well ?_1;,«degree,a8ttthc Ki11gset11en3.ieIves; for God efiabliiheth not Kin V % % W igraiih me.nfor"theirtdoings, bute~aJ;I1Megi&rates have that power,g‘”gtnd‘ e mfekfis « no‘ rfilch ttdiflinétionshotasl mendoe to yfflathter jIf§%‘ings”,t to doe sill 3”‘ when} they: fenddt.Meg»iflratteS: o1~‘1‘Mini*fler~s5o‘ or fcttothem over ‘ithe , from the fitft At1t_hour,Vat1d. fo a{stwee;obeyo[Ki11g.s hforthe Lords fatkeas thefizprcamcq fo mufiwee obey a?%1%1Go.. ' ~ vert11otzerstt, became they are fen: ofGod as well’ as Kings, and have power fgom him 131139 htiehtax gs aolone to punifit and V: Tjoha;~ge them with that"Commifl"1on of God ,% 2_Ckrom I 7. 8: 6; fa/hob”/Eapberhh t Lfimtptqydea1tdLevites;to teach in a1!.(}jties,ax1d in them ietflsjudges,:tndhhischa1~ge 15 gitflfééiefil; epeoplfiat they. (31) is this 3 Take /mnewzmr ym aloe, far yew juzzfqe Ieotlfait 5mm‘, 5;=2tfm‘~ the La;-J, wise zlaiazizfil “ M yaw?” 2‘/aeljmallgrmetzt. I ipeake this to fettle ctonfcie11ee_,tllas well as the Do€’to“ur hethf done, that would hevel us fulrxjeft to the King for the Lords fake, even the GoVer~ hours thena«l”elvle$,w, becaufe they are fubjeéits, and {o by this word s Szsbjcff, ttfould ‘I carry all ptmilhmcnts and ,px'eil?:s from them to the i§ing,,to whoin every foule mull“ be fi1'oje8t,, and M agillrates ftzfierjuflice to perilh, hecaufe Kings will not he juPc,hut2: ttlmfne tyrants, and no remedie but psttience againll them, Take tltcfm Regimm as Gods x=ight_.,aud;given to all that fit in his throne. So Selamoie is {aid totfit in his Fa- V there throne by fittcefhomn notas the heixe or eldell Sonne, but as the Eletl: of‘GodI, and fohc is {hid to fit in the rlaram: ofG'0.::z', as all they doe to whom God yeelds the it fword zand t_l1l1S, Caitflmerim is {aid to he Repzm ad rhrotmm Dei, F1.CV.I 2,“ 5 . againflz" it Licinim his f<:lloWEo—1pex‘ot2t ; for when the right came to the fwtorcl, Rev, 6, 4,,A%he A theEmpi.re tag:-tinfl the Senate. A 7 Nertmz was the left peaceehle Etnperour, and ended the firll fealle, which is whol-3 ly ofthat peace proclaimed f1‘omhe.tven, Lang 2. 14.. Pmre upon eazrtla, that is, to ~t”hatVcould tfitttlxettredtliorfe had it,as tl‘1eTt’:.xl:fi1yes,etlMtis3Wl1o by warre couldholcl A ; o.A'Mgz¢/i‘.z«u‘ Cgeflzr, v_ I . who taxed the whole Empire, as being at peace with all Nla--. tiousonotknowing the came of itgwhich the Atagels declare in their l1y111ne:,an$d tthyet fecond lSee‘letrer12ovcsthat Pmcefrom r/we Edzttij, which the firfl had given it bythe L birtl1‘of'Ohrlilt,lantl the Bow of the Gofpell ‘JD: rem: arm 8]} «:verimI.7’f¢?1.3 so it o,1 I , V Truth is borne from the earth, as tl"1CflDW8lZ‘S that fpring oftltemfelves withoutthe hand of mane, So the Lord ]efusChrili is conceived in atVitgin of the feed of De» , emidwithollt a man, and upon his birth day mercie appeared with truth, and jufilce; with peace looked downe from heaven. Thus in the firllSea1e_, but in the {ecohd ju-.._ {lice lookes downefrom heaven with warm, and takes peace from the earthgsh-at is, A, from the Empire, not from the Church, for no {word can take awaythe opeacc,ofa.i ‘ good confcience. NW?/-’1 adopted Tmjaw, and fo the naturall Sonnes ofthe Empire R cee.t{edo,and the Senate was made to ferve thefword, and emflentifle had ho other; claime to theEmpire then’ L/"I/Zexiwinw and Licimim had, and all theft: three ifoughti one with another, a'ncl Chriilians tooke part with [onfia-urine to rcdceme them-“i. {elves ‘fiiom flavet-y, and he is caught up to Gods throne to rulethc Nations, and his» Empire is ofGod. Crowncs and T-hrones are communicable 011:] y from God, and %men% have no Vpowerto give them. ThelFather grants his Throne to his Sontteg; Row," 3.. 21 .The Same hisThrone to his Saints. They may Vfit downe.-with irfglory, but not at the Fathers right hand, I Tz'm.3f1 6. becaufie-.the Spirit fp€]a_l{CS-»; ' cxprefliely of thatto oppoié the intercellion oFChritt, 1 Tim. 4»; 1»; Thrones txpong earth with Ctjotmtes are, given to 24. Elders,Reru. 4. 4. land inlthgeml no King? they, fit_doWne,norany of the peoopltcsbutlthe Clergielonel y. In Goodsthronc upon earth 3 was [‘o2éj%mzti2za,ttandltthelimperours thatch-:rve_d hi1n,Tlell‘l%thle rell uftxrpeldigthat tfervcdjji ’ thetD¢Vl11ifl%h:3S Demormrclaie, and for doeall Kings to this day that continue fuchla ;:§ Monalr%ie,tatide their Mtonerchies ‘ are truely approvcdtlolf God; that fiend tfolrihis T/fiftieth? figainfl thattinzlpiollslvDemamre/vie. A G0jm9l~t A ‘ fC.(j)Ame wade :u(‘lmm R::Agz'}e,. the Ki;hgseReveri1iee,; which !:hehn{‘wc11e1* makes the A ,rec<;;xnpAence of hieecare For hifflpeopie. A conwmoni Prote€tor,‘o?Az' common-Father oi" A jhis.CoL1x1tx'ey ideierves in Aan high degree tohe"provided for by his peopiégwho aim;-9 ing -Chie fly at; ih_€iAi", owne good; and finding the greaiteii convenience to flaring from e _:.t B.L1ier._,are rAefo.!ved,o11ti of their priv.1teipaArticuI~ar 3:iiates,to gram: him honoumble jAAdeem%aines,8z% may be hy_his demerietsi they pofieiie all they hAave,e5,cher by cqnqucfls, eompofiniomozrhis meerefidoxxatieon upon recovery of whetithey have 101%, Gm; A14... he‘; _ j_Cfi«z;e.;;«2:jtr‘s;» pe7j,V/am‘; halo:xbegAao;i:,V.23.liwil1inotif'rom,e the’-eedito:aihoe~AIaAtChieA?t igmive by thee} yet, Aévrehem dele.1‘vediaii, and made them rich by whom he would 1 _ hotebe {aid to he wejaithy,wa2timgupon ‘God for his blcfling. Its not truewhatwec givethe Kingisiiis owne, and ail he hath in the proprietie ofanowner, is not to he Aiedifpntedbyeaxzyz buththat propofition is not E11165 that fem-m/I mm [mm z?beAj_f4};:e;% A 7;‘ /:-If in zzmfizm: r{2£;~¢_g, except: it be common to both , is co-Ahe‘ires;, to partners zhfut A W4h<:11th'e.right is divided, and each man knows his owneathe propertie éannoc coil-A}, A gtzinue :1 icommon right to both.The Lardwrammnz, A/Iefm: Lorafland Tmf1iw%ehis fudden oyithat Drwidiwasdfound and (life, and well reu1r'neditof‘ordamA;~ cloaths heidnote Awafhed m.em£1+om. the day of D2:z'L'i:h' departure till he A ?e*aim*eaga1nci:np¢at;e,;md David having not forgotten the flaerzdebr of £!mA§ Afliyfiéias T ogaine his Land; 1 A it reams, not without; gmgex-5 Whey W€_I’1t€‘;iiIi10lII‘10t-Wjitih nA1e?He fpeakes plainly, ‘ ; Arznyvferirantdeceivied Axizeflin h is 1:miA’c,A and hath flzmderedeirmetoi the King, fivonlemehfhtit myeLord the Kim "is has ,ain,Ange1 of_-God: whaAitAisgoAoediAi.Vn thine3Veye;s ,i _ he em.-eall as deed meenihefoi1‘cietIiee foe myiFat:AhersA fin A iafmAAi1AAbxot11eeArs¢ 3C[C:Q3PI;;and.L*‘h'a-‘:1?nflrilght 1;o:: any for merc:y,‘ie»t¢ the KAi1igApozAaifh as he jpieafi-:h.i%A’Dde:£z£ pexfceiveisithieAdec¢i£;;.a11d.iiayesg Then and Ziézm divide and, A 3;? S-éIm;”A'!9i.VV2 Nay,ietl1im_etekea] ii‘ hfeeiing my Lord is in fafetie. This ‘ emple, and go tteh oje thercAfoArediAeA A (33 ) iwould arge as an argtmtcntof religion and ti-ghthetween the lflinglalnd his people. His Maieftie would havetthe whole Land to be his; and i put him Almer.r quefhozw 2 5'flm_,_«_ I 3_;s»y/gpfia ii; the Lmmlf? Doubtlefle David: t'ight,as all Eiaglasfldls (lib bumgéi, the condition of a League, and fo the Kingdome is nnattet O"f.trtlllf,l10‘tft3r {he 32;“ Rggiidm, the Royaltieq‘ fox: thats the Kings alone, but the jaw ad regflfimsatmhc 7'! right to every mans Land~wh1ch IS his owns, and not the Ki1ngs‘_( further then he hath coniimted unto him ) muli have another confideration of nine and nti£?:u{e.tI'Ie ifmay not take any mans Landmor require the profits ofit, without his conlEmt;an~d it as it holds in the particuiarafolin the generall ; thetléing hath no right l30‘tl1~€Will1t0l’fit"1‘ Kingdome, without the confcnt of it in the reprefentative body, fw Kegialm will i not give him tHa/Z, which hold the right of the whole Kingdoms, as amembet ofit, and is mt in ['/mrtaflegia, but Charm Megna,.ttot in the Kings Charter, but the Charter of the Kingdome, 8: without the confent ofit, the ?Kingabt'1fet%h‘histriufl, 8: hath not the like right in the goods ofothers, that he hath in hisiown revenu7e.l“n that heis the Lord Paramount, and bath fomething as his own without trufhiniall mens lands, and goods, as his cnftomes of Commodities; and Tributes out ofmens cfljatgga sap: Ms,‘ ¢z'§-,7ta: , what the Land brings fortlhby husbandry, or brings in by i Merchandife,his Majellie hath n pattnwhich is as truely a profit to the King in pm— ipriety, as the tell is to the fubjeéi 3 lb that truely neither King nfor Subieét, hath the * whole, thatsthe Kingdomcs to difpofe of; and can nowhere elfe be rightly deten- V minedof, but where all parties meet, and may every one confent how the whole [hall he difpofed of, The King needs to part with no part of his revenue but as he pleafeth; no more doe the Loxds, not theCotnmons. The t Anfwerer (peaking of the peoples Eleétion fayes, it is not of a body reprefentative, but diffufivc; and that by a tacite confent of the Prince. Its true trufl is moire as well as open, and the pea.- A ple and Princcneed not alwayes to meet to make their Covenant: but when things are difficult and dangerous, a Parliament is neceflitry to agree upon the tacite con- V ditiotts, and to teach all men what they are,and provide both forthe prevelntionof danggpsfi and pmvifion of good Lawes, i that the people may not live in douhtsghe loaden with untighteous burdens, or leftto rapine, opptelhons and violence ofat-~ hitrary Commands. t l “t i His Majcfiielis taughtflrangc Logieke, as Dam! was {irange Ptlxetorickc‘ zzsa, l to defeat poore Mepbiéofévet/9 of his land and lif'e.W/mt right my mam /mt/min fozétlanoi ’ ma laaflfikthar the Ifiwg bath in his Towm’ 0fH%/1.Tliis makes not Hall to be the Kings A by trufis butbyttevenue. Not according tOiCjl{1r'ZgMfl Cfmrm, hut Charm _Ri€’gia, tnollflll the rightof a. fiduciary keeper, but a perfeét owner, not of it tefioring poflizflbur, Y but an aghfolute enjoyer, land {itch an one as may exchange, 17211, and put awaytithe thing he hath to whom he will. W/‘mt title any man hsstla to his mazes; or plate, that kzis t/‘lrfajeffie Inn}: to 12:2: flfagazsine there. Any man may fell his armes bought with his A ~ in owne money, and fo may the King {Ell {uch things as his ovme putfe ohath% pur¢l1‘a”-F- 4; fed, but not what, is bought by the common Eurfeh right offeignnrrie axidtruftlefop ssiblisss AK 34 3 " ‘ Publiiiw ggodlisgratxted, but not fat great as fall?) and flttterinlg men glfietfhtaidelhirtt A rm-ruineehesis tpeople, and xfaife thentfelves, asZ£éaetltdealet vVi:Cl{A€‘<'3llAy bath with his Mas- fier an Kingl. Dmgid hath two temptations in Ahisntiferyz, the flattery of 3564, and the raylllng of Slaimeiancl he ptevailes mrerwthe greater,and isovercomc of the Alefle, l_5'4~m_.1A644,5 , a golficl Lefion for thevery heft Kings £ObewaVre_ offchem thim; fpealtc A ll fairefl: unlte them ,ancll when they bribe and {letter nmPc,feat'e a falfe heart to be hid... A eh» ' f ‘ reel fayinl-gs and covered under common eurtefiesh/I AA ~ ltlllallefilhtggtaell him of thae tteecheroust thea1'tssotfothe1‘s, which ltlie /7/{#10/9ié0_[éez‘ll9t any repair: to meant bet’: to his nail}:-ries and mourne molt forlhissahfi-nce,aAt1d take plea fitre in no; A thing for the forrovv they conceive of f0 great calamities as attend the difhefition ; softhe head and members, and how glad would they be ofhls returne In peace, and ~ {thinks all loflesnothing that they might finde former favours, and that Gmciiom Am. A than hguhebeexalclouztlezl (0 long bylclamoro1ltsAmen in the difguifecl he hits of mhdf,¢,mg1ert(,usttdefignes upon others. A A A A Paéhz Rt-gie,A AA8cs Aof gmce are mzmy, in tjaffing Bill-Sfor his peoples benefit, and gagkngwledged by the Parliament, and all Petitionez*s,ancl the turningrof them into s open hgfiflitie“l3y evill cotmfiell, will cut oil“ the remsenmbrainceithat everwetl had the ~—lmpe ofhap.pimIle by a Cotmcell dtifiraéted and deieitedtteatuflas without all exétjlk, A ,_fm.d§fira&ionAeanns0t he by the Members that remaine in their dutie; fur it were a wwonderl that he Parliament fhould be a Parliamen~t by the diitrafiersa as if that memw V Aber fimgld 13¢ thctbtodyfillat cuts it felfe off from the focietie ofit. The departure or A ~:tAde£éttion is artvguntent enough ofthe fix-it catrfe, 8: the cohdenxpatioxt of chore m’€r_tl- A sberslthatltmade the fa€’t:ionA; as for example, in the firfl 7/'fifl*[5a— fore tsmade by the ion- .,1mjiA0fl ofthc Iwh 01¢, ARev,1 6,2,t~The vielés a vial ofxt.fratth.,tand the lfirlt league x3p7onA lg;-mearthly Kingclomeof Anticthrifhalnd it clivideshetween the found and the Alfie-he, Ataandulhete the feparation is of the better part frfstn ttheworfe 5 fuchsan 0118 at} in De»- t.:§§e1, Chap.AI 2 . I0. is by tryallA between the wtckccl and the W153, -3 {Id the wtfe leave A lghg wickted,:Aandt¢~f1'ee themfelves from thofe itl=1at beats thettmrlte of the healt. Bot-h A A Amnngc be thettrue Church, and parted held the lathe njotzongfor the mic leave the A weighed to betthatwhich the wickedcannot he: Se enher the clepartetl metnhers are theParliament,or thoie that accordinglto the Kings Mandetigrenialnfi fl'mi‘3'-M die @" A Iflbmtfdr time and plac-.:.whs«e1*e they fhould el,oi*AAelielWeel1ttve no Parliament. To fay Wj;wgthAa;veA'no;1?arliament, isagainll the aétttof COn't*lI1t1atiC)?1.T0 ‘fay we have itin*tl1en~t- l AAft_thatA%aree dgparted, is Agganinfi di/ff»: Ate e'§- loco, and thAerefAo‘retthey that are callediantl A : ;Ah7aveetappea1"ed with the refilttpon the demand contnmedtn the place,b:we the Kmgs. gaughgpigjesamditfthtey were calIedA(efl"eere qefaczmqtae exczafitzamltwonstier bytwhat ‘mm{eA ,_.%h¢y are departed Ag If 3. man had no t~nit1de‘Atot=co.me% tQeParli-ament, A llgleedfomelthtinglagtainfi his7Summot2s, or for his flay, l3i»A.l!'.Tl1€‘ft 1fehy;¢5hve:?"i1:”a:’s‘”!’;‘i‘s :mz;Tzn»; He t;l1‘attee}cheIs it *’t;«:;. amott’~1:‘¢r,e=1eéIgesjgwme eferthe {anae.en1eney;tgahigte;hi;t"thE=SAM1i,£§h jixzr viaehxe ‘Butt he that trti1{tS*;r1*it5t”het theft with “ his horfig ‘laokes jft)r"t"h:e fzitzae agéifie; .though;gznothex"ttmttn meaty ljpfiflxk eotiadhihtibnsfnjgke ufe of tfqr tester: yet ats1¢1qg¢%;A;§ there the being ohthat ‘Whichis Ientgthe-t ogvnee is the fight beam, Etcannothaveh e t A 3 A U ‘IHOPG mere flatly-(ct: fromhirn. then the “jail ufe ofwhat he hath,Every f;~ee; taincl without his gift he ceh take nothing from him. C 36’) maniin the King... dome hath his portion of it, and parts with no more but the ufe of what he ownes for his profit {and fo every. man fubmits to his Prince to gai-ne by His Mafefiy hath three rights C‘/Mrtez 7"€gifl,_f-154% re;gi.e,and his fubjea have thattoo, with the hazzard ofhis. that no man can take Etom him , fa: regium, hgAt»hAyibut one little Ewe Lamlie, and will he A yeti beloved people. They mufi be deeply drunhe, andextreamely deceived ,that feel riot the fallacieAoffiatterers. t A A A A A We (hall eafily conclude the ‘ref’: that remaines.The trufl is committed to the heire app; tent ofthe Kingdomc, and for thofe that are heires as well as he, Ezek45‘1g;, friieee not take of the people: tinberitmace 6}! opprefl1‘o:+2,ro I/am/EA t/Adams om af.-their eflien : éwt keflmlldgit/ey hi: Samees inheritance out oféi: onme pofl}Jflg;¢,t/74; my Pggplg £9 eotficetteredeeery mrmfram I555 paffejflw. There is a threefold equitie laid downs‘ -to the Sotmesg fcrvants, and people of Princes. The two firfl receive by gift: and the Sons Enherityance is perpetual], but the gift to his fervat-its is not their inheritance, butAthe-Princes, and retumee to him againe after yeares, as it does to any heire, and t’h'¢1.'¢f0te Princes are bound to ‘know their owngand to whom they give itganciyiwizh whatfright 5fO1‘ opprefiion in him is a great and grievous finne, and makes for the tdiffipation and defolation of his whole Kingdome. .Se«vem/I right! are mat I/feflzme \ hiigkfiafltftber me/mm/z men have t/aefizmr Viglot in tbé’/;i773€ t/ai2gg,The people have no A}Afi§AM,,s;'efiie foAlar§-gle a tsrufl-, as to doe with them what he pleefeth, almdi V 31i‘s.CA}:5uncell,l in the which they confide tasemueh as in himfelfe, a A A iniaeppcte hizhiélihici V to A ’ 2:‘ tit ‘now hisown mg tart oil It. 2 an at amyniu. ang t e w o e ing ome; there thegliing begins his bloudy plea iagainit eiman that holds ‘Hull upon the Ihme tAer'mes.tw‘ith the _King, and A does }UP(1fiC his right by the {same right with his Kiing, both heveithe right of trufi, and from the {ante perfonsgand are both bound What he giveshim; prefittve itforthem, and the King ofiends as much to demand it as hiss owmasflsifp i i3¢b;;yHo¢1qem to hold it from him 3 for as the King dem;mdLsAAit, it Ais“iA1oAAtthis Qwnband tEeTownc ‘may as Well hold it from him 3 as Nazéorla did: his\/ineyerd from fllaeln, ' A -;LhisWiAs not to deny the King his trufijout his wronggzo deliver theToWne out ofhis .ohm haxids into theirs in w hom his people. will not confide; for they lltcvergrainted N that againfl ndyitoieoppofe it,: is lyiiT.HcYR§efolv.cr atce Vfiziienlcesloleglins atH2l>zy/ll, ahd miakcsl the Parliamenti begioithe warre, as ifto V7‘3?.Cl'1OVC1" their tmfl, were to warre with the Klngjox me defgncgh 05 i A §;y1;”éAT’m:;Vne in that:t;rul’t ztfixi in the P.:rliaAment *1 but {ayes he,twh¢-,-re be ygur “,3, ,,,.=_,_ A tlieijfiihtzgg .,LQrd!.atI1d- Cowmvmt ioeiynggone. .We muli be itefolved Ahgowilt-he are AAgq;;qA_eAT,heAKiyi1gA1s goyneyi-opetfoht1A, as 23*; Peal Wztsvl-fOf£1t4C071?3{}9,I_C07‘.5.._3gwhoilcfi pQWfit‘T’fl;£tfiV\It'hfi‘m to exeohihauoicate t‘ ‘nVi1]c£ u‘0uS tuerfoxi, without ‘the which A ghgygggldnotyhéiveiproeeededgend are taxed for ma gligencc in two things, Firff, 7% yghggthgy moutned.not. Secotidly, made-"fnotthc matter knowne onto‘ him, but that it C(37) A it Wasmported bylothers; alncl lthcrefolrc enjoy ncjs, them to meet inltlae name of t‘l1¢;‘ E Lo1‘djéfiJs Chrilhand his Spirit,r:fi"e&ually to clclilvcrhim to Satan tl1atl~h;a\dl fo fin»- nedgand lblisl itli’nlthelParliament,the abféncclof the:King dlffolves it,mpo morcltlmnli V hisperfon makes it. It is his autluorirle that he leaves behindp him, and hath nonc‘m#l croflé it at the Gates of Hall, which bylhis own authoritie are-~fl1utaggainll hin1,az1dq;~ he rnaylby the {smile Qpen them when he will ;but V(Qlf0ll.DW.~{L1Cl1 ccafifelljas tolclaimev lH.r4I! For his inheiifamcc, 8C"d¢nytl.'1C trluffof hisParli..m1cnt,l is to deny his own t1‘ui‘i3 ~ , and {uffer hirnfialfc to be WI'()I_1g€Cl to wrongotlxezs, and to nlalie himfC1fCl1€lI‘€'and=~ 4 owner, wherehc is onely {Q by pflzigziurlc and mu“: for the publiquc good. The ragémmlis his, and fopispthefzz:rz51¢i¢?gm:m,;bl1tit mull be Regsai 7'zz2s[£cio, 41% Sam’. I 0.2 3 .2 and not Regzkjxdiciv, I «$'m"7¢g3. 9. I 1. he may no,tpt.al<;cl H24/[from the Kingdonmdiw fpefle of it to himlElfc:lgiV’eit_rohisfolloWcrs,forcetl1¢n1 to conuplainegfor they dim ‘I it in their righgwlxich 2. dlefpemte people could not doc, I .S‘am_8,‘1 9 they ref11I'c%d5,», being refollvcd ofthe; éonditions offlavcsmnd will have a King upon the conditions, andlGod faycs, they {hall have himyanczl he will not lxez-zre thenmz but we juflly up; 1501?: Lhofe ccmditions_,8c iffnch cry to God‘ for wrong,hc Will heart? th€m;T0 What and isfthis t:ru[_’t,buc to refiox cit with gains tgothc-. people,and who but ltltxcevesp gemby their plundering and plucking away on allfidcs. To plund;e_r the Pélpifls as wclllasé Pxgtcfhnlts without Law is hainous and lho1jriblc,l and all this is bccaufel trufl is not; ‘ performed, and who hinders it but hcllalone that will hax c it alone, 81 is lperfwadedlpl agalinlfi‘all fanfc 8: reafbn 5ifhc may notidifchaxgepit alone, he will notldi_f'charge“it.« with p<:.,ch¢rs,~8c than to what¢purpoC2; hapthpthezwlhole Kingdome confimted to a Par»-= lialmentlto procure our pealcel,if it may be warrcd aga,i.nfHbr performance ofdupty. A ' Our lat’: point is tl'1éc0nvcyan»::e Qftihis trufi by alfacrcd oath that: bindcs the King‘ to the oblérvation of tl1eLawes nmdcl, and the conceflloxa or grant, libertie or pen; miffiozz to the people to make new Lawns, whichl plainly prove by theparts ofhim 0ath,lSc‘rv4épz;v, iacvi/lyrjgg lfléepg to t/94¢ C’/my-r‘/g of oojlgt/ac flarrgic» .madpea]_)1e,p9Igce and com; 1 ; ¢.jqhd,p¢pthat,spptl1pc end as,,tl-i¢,.Apc>,fl:l¢s fayes, {why twee are bgmnd ptpopray for them tphatv; A gcwerncpufs, ITim';n.. 1,l2;lNlQlpez;cecanbcpwi;hpQm;p;11en1lip11aL1thoritie,_and~tpheyan bound !m)fitQ (Eek jthc ppeoplcsp jvcacegihat are llmorxn untlo it.l‘~Ic>w the way for cI:em~ ‘I to pcffefi iris in chef}: Wolds Of t; l Tc oath, F:Z(‘:5¢?.ffi¢f';?‘_Z',* wiiljom (."zi£'!{/al?'"£€0 be done ilalalljams jadgemantxpeqwzll flWd7igé}'Vjgg}fifl££:§p45,44!fb J/;fl'retim{i7¢l mm)’ and plt:jw'tia.Iz1 all yoméipub-5‘ A lplirqueg §gldgcVnf13cnt$,iQnpgllpll yourpt1bliqugMCou;rt‘é. II';C§2ri:a.11ot in mmer4,in your courts; Wh¢lr¢= ly,ouElp¢<>p1.é naayhave jlitl;8<_ noglin Yaw: 9*mmhclr3&’hcrey0tIr Clourtierslkccpe; them out, In fanczlzo cm*mrm;,8z not-m carzczlzo efacretzormém, 121 your comoppn lcoluna, cc-fl1,ax1dp not in tprhait: pwhlich is priyzyl and kept:cloFe for n1 A iT*hs£: fizccmfl part of the0.;1£_h :; 35 A-Caflccdpk, doe yéréirgrrzznt 51725! p’c'79>é§itv&j;a_'[z‘ lzzw23J";a:4.¢z’w£»-3' flomw to W iégpr, pr*orrs*E?£*di, and/Llremgt/jizad, 7.a2/mic!) Vtkw lpzroplejzzfily’ and reaflaflaizzjy/mwa :;*l2oJ/2*;¢,m~jZ’m,{.’[ c/ma/2’?This part ofthe oath isdcniedathat the King isbound to make A new Lar}ves,and the%Az1fwex'er[Z1ycs of 'c'5'l€g€;v"zt, th at: "there is as great ad’1fi‘e1*c33ce.be..% % tween two tcnfits, as C.fl‘f«9mrc/oy az1d“‘D%emacmcy,a”nd tlmfc canfmtwdifle;cann0I;jr;=:fcr% «%z=.hake<%the King’ a Mo1‘xarchT:u1d fijrthe fix: to t%h~cfi:£;ure, all whicharc Falvfe in the very oath it I‘°eIte.%**H“e cohcé:-ivcs Qncteniétc‘ pies e1€Eci6*of'Lvl1atzi1ey would have,as if it were ofwhat; they have already c%h0fZé’h} wh:’c‘z1?e1e€‘cioni3 offome thing to be, and not of that which is.‘ Lawcs that are need‘ A no e1eE’tion,and%a Parliament vvere :4. paflingznadncflé to inset to do What they ha%ve andnlay doc no more, and it were nmdncfié in the King? having fivoxjnc to 0§t>E1f*iz»:%2l glue Laawes magde, togrmzt $2: pez‘n1itthe%pcop1c: to choo{£:thcm_, ha.vItng chofl:-:1 them alréadyzbuzhcre is a PM in tizae Ihuwv that delinquents wouldhick: f“romoml-1ers‘,fear-9 ing the nmking ofLawes “as the Bifhops didagainfi cxtorticfans in the xreigne of_K£.M % chard tlseflscom’, wI1e:1thcCon1n1ons defircd a. ‘grant of 5:! %-new power to inqL1i1'c%% i'i3to~ % mctortions, the Bifhops _anciC1,ergieptcgateftedagaixaff i§‘:_., and * EH6‘ King %cov12fe"flE-d ‘it %*wa$?con‘ta‘ined%in%hi’s oath, and that I1e%jVWasWob1iged%by“it to gr%z112tA1~:haj%w.7as defircrh t;3t%this%revcaIes%the pIot,,ti1at ofiéndors fludy ‘to nmkc: the King an abfolute I\’IQna17ch AA A t 0\bc bound to do nochingat the pgoples requeflz but what he 'p1eaf&ath,8c wiI?1‘ye:eId avthfilll out ofhis grace $1 g0»odnefl?:;t"o1* the future tenfi: is Ecearefifll :9 fall upon t h¢m, ;\ a11dthe%p1‘cop1e bascome (DEW-W0/JJ's0'r populai rvMagifiz'atcfsy;o& n1m’L')‘dei~:~;te& thei;~ 1" uppfo» ..£:.d cmarcih fo r in trmth iftheY p eaple n‘i‘Pa‘rIi;i%$h3e11%%t thwy’ clfo‘ 01?"-:‘ theifi L:awcs5t‘h?e‘ Democracy will prove Dexmxarchygmd £h:.it% fpoiIes"8z d«ePu*oyes %‘M0m:1%rcAh4ief5Wh§%¢l1W is cmcoffuchva Mcmarchy as theyimeane, but they nmmmz; as 331 01721‘I)«:'m.2rcbi¢‘£:O" Jmake it {'0 abfolute, that chehliivng njtlfi yccld themmtheir¢1c&ioz1%i11;;11 ;hi:1gs:aqd$ it .5.“-;mg 0f 3 jufi and rcafpnaible eleéhon , Vwhich is 11oL¢?Vdete:‘:~&:n§:1g:d,W Anfmyercr A _;fa_y'e.sinaAdiffLifi'v¢‘ bcgdy, fortbatzwefié :‘rmx‘dpefTefi1ad$eecf','44$z §b’” ’i’;aj{ a é' l1é€:ldVc5'%that the: .e.1e8cion‘fi3okei1oEiz1 the Kin o%:rth’%is4%thé acaimx ()5 faith :;‘1%b’ovd‘jI;,¢’{bcw:etii thk}: man giz-3 difhnnpered ‘and {ayes he kr';bw‘cs 11;O*tmW11a'£‘,flf!<51*;t'}1‘c x 1_dF“Lawcs ma1Pmeeds: %4.b*t~'.=:A4i%:'1 the reprcaférnzative body,and therc%‘on%e}y'i%t i'S"}'{T!fl:;1T1Lj 1*c.fa iE)z1;1‘Nblc,z£ndA_‘a};s for 5:71.13 7 %‘1fii3mesf%in theciflufivc bog? yy they‘1may; ch:‘,&iO11 *:i1;1: AVtI3&§§cQ?i %:?11g;v;c% ghei V i%me%PeremgrAh mt E=:1~1NéSHaVe5 and7?-e"~Elege§»;r”’.naa?yj’ec§;iia1E1‘y«ggwéfi:éfc‘t:‘¢;?i;fl;:ax;*2; A =~%this;{ér1fE2;%1t%hc 1a~w*c:%s% :,':‘11c¥;cLa;1?tézjI‘2e饓iM*:f€:i*;:i:~Euéé t%VIV1f£:ir _p11bl1iqueA4 afl*e«nb1y. W ” AA 74 ‘ ‘ " - « % ~. -- ' % C“! ». J \ _.ffi' .M ?;lr ': ' “F %. 5 \ A <1V?The A%»n£w*'ez~éL1* (a%;mf1<:~Eh%“4t»hc or:g4z11a}1‘of 'Monz.wch§f, Vvlth God ahC§Xi1h¢, Lamv, and ‘ %t-he 1;1{%%%%c‘o%mpx'el1cncis tI1cvVp?eopIe%§‘4c0nIéqt, anti fIaycs_x:hg:: g;;;1fv.4}%1¢%% 5 J "ioAtz.;aci1eflE,m; md»mnfuted Wmlumaa?e%w%l~mcs,nza%k%ii1g;tA§1eiLa%w";'a;g§mpij’Iar’p;yfifg1}%z3A H 1135 §;{I;qc{{%;,g.c£ A .%£éemeVsT!;cS%}%% &~~tE"ic:;Laitgv§rci;i3r1§311‘§:;1hg;ind n?e";- : gm %cqjx_f1 ...f?%~. V.¢.~ ~ <‘=y§d4n4x1V¥,W0 harm A _and.i:-{eanxe§“#zzs4%m i“"cs3£:Aecs=;xrr.Qeb”&;¢ma&:! tea giiie vnri a¢"co:«1%;;cz~. hi's;jé’{’j%L1’f’riCe.f ' are to doe what hie%Wil1%,:md deny thepe_o--V’ < 392 om: plaocthat truft in them that is giveia todthetAKihd‘g,wI*1otoadsthem at *p1_¢afitr.c,at1d A d‘iiTo1ves?them when heylifi. Its true hedocs fog and the experience of at: In tfuflhiong A M wrong hztth made them cautelhus of C0ntdi’!1tAIa11C¢5ttaond the txnfcrepofled in him ca:u:x}- not be {och a prerogative; to Me it after his Aowne will; for even in this it appeg:rcst‘h*t:‘d A ~brca.f~:es hist-IUPC mttztihefied inhis Writ, Cmfialeratzls Mfgatiarztfifl artdpzitate pwicztlést yggmmfirzemtdiém, fat the exigence be what it wi1J,tht grievances £‘10t1‘€d1"Cfl?:dgllO pt-titiw :oosyhcahrtd,no E1313 grantxzchhttt at the pleafinrc of the Kingas they Cclmt:‘5{'O tnay they depart; and he thatis fworoe to the peoples c1e€tionA0fLaw'es, may ("offer them no A to verto make any, howoeceffiry foever for tho occafion, and in tAhemided1ves Vet*yyjttt£}%:: and reafonablc. Surely, the Obfiervatour {aw naotetheztthye Anfweter did. andho might havelookeddhack to his own words, faying God isthe immediate Donor of- A Ptegadll power, which if he bar: the people are excluded -, for wh:.=1tGod gives immo- tydiaccyly, is mejmlyotdivino, Pam’ am ’yA};:fl.!e ;2eitharAAof'mam or £1-y m.'m,G;tI.x , I ,thc1~efor;.;-, mlléd of God imnaediatelysand fo mud Kings be if he fay true , and otcntquite ex-.-. A dcldudewd, as they tvrsrt: inthe caliing of the Apoflles. Dominion ufurptzd remains Co and re%"err%es to God till it be red reffiedgand he that 1- gains a Ktngdont hytFo”rce,may hztv-edit recovered from him. He Wouldin the Words A ffinde atcx'ontradi€tiozi,ythat God is as well the D0?-nor ofttfitrpcd Dominion, hasjufi; and mf:reyditrary. It they be contraétioxas, the one mud be falfe, and hio owned wAordsAJ will prove him to contradAi8c hittnfelfeg ‘forjout of;°‘c'r.43. I o.Ifiz. 45*. I .Kiogs are [aid to be Gods {'erv;m1ts,, and his a:nneoint:ed,,and yet both Aufurpers of Don3i:21on,ason1da‘y; ‘§€er,49..tA36;;»7,o applied to thetcn Kings, Remy, I. and in the fecond {t'ead1e,Rw_ 6;4. v _;the jfwotd‘ from Tmjm made the tfldomanc Enwperours, and yet their Dominion wasA from God ._,, and Chrifi commanded 43/217’ fhould have his right, andprivate men. might no more refifl it to ufiwrpermthenhdeires and owners. He thhattloofeth a tKi‘ng- Add dome byfotcc, n1tty;r‘ocovcx'it1boy the famAe‘tit1c, not fo by his right. fhmfé ctametoto 5 l_1i5rigl1f1;-yfl'tO,t as:h¢.AIo:fti“t, hm: §4et.bai:£aaAK<11owingt he was the thcircghelped him to itby. P the deathflf Azhalmfimelgiagk rehelledhdand profpcrcd of God,,tbecaui‘e hisAfathct*hatdA=d given away his ‘right to[tthcKing of flyrim and he regajines it by the divinebtnt+- A dieftion. anffmzrine had no titlehut tthge fworchand yet he holds the throne ofGdod;;A ' and the Obférvatfour mud fay truely,as~Chtifiians have obeyed them they Wetcdnot 1 bound to obey. God gave. them not the {word o‘ftht3‘Magi(tratc,hut when they had- Mappearc by ghe fouizfc Btafis, ?Dm¢."7.é_;,tg’, .t*thcy rjfe in a tempefi, expounded ofwan-¢,, it on their fide thcytmaintained it, thoytagla the right was duhiousmnd I thioftc tlifrem? Empetouts flood u p togechemwhcn Canfiazidtim gained it fifom themtboth.ItyiSJhotd good toopen fuch a gap upon at1thortity,,ats to deny thodominion’becaufcit his ufiu:-1 A pad, for itreferres to God, who thnever {peaks ofone kinda ofApower,bnt aH‘powcrs§ « and makes it damnation to refifi Aitf; a‘AndA if Cyhriflians were bound to the power of A done, as to Maxim3nm,.theon n1tttPctttheyt*figthttAwith him againfi Lr'cim'm5 if.t0“'Li€1‘i¢it£.rg, than againfi fanflantineg W‘hliCi\1“ istit:xjm’ioyustAto Chrifli-an libtrtyiegwghich as it btindeg‘ “them toyobttdifgnt-:c,foy to undetfln be not niinreed that meant the peoples content ; even Dee/£51 himfdfe had the pioneer of God, if he had not gone to He.z.9;~.m, which {mm Cm/eé was his A iriheritanee, as 7:7::::eionging E0 thé‘ ii?-ftgly T1fib@;»?tM[g- I . 1 I; where fade/9 comes and A is . 3 . Power nottufurtped f iicotnes from right amsorigft men. and this is the adequate cauie, reciprocall with the eff‘e£t,.that can follow npon no other caufe, and therefore it is greater then the ef-‘- ie€t, and mu elirer the King is ./Idnwr zz;-siw«:-fi:,1efl’e then all that give confentgfor as githe people confent to him , to he conients to them, and therefore as we/Ezlitér, fo :0... . Y are no Logitians that for lightly 1 Phillip off the at1ti.1orztie'oFrecei're§ Meximes, with grofle miitakes. That aIi‘o,c;;gg.:i A’ %,,,»ff§ctit t,;lg,e§1’- megzrrfife 1:4 wmflz/zzfze, andconfent of King and people is more the {caufe oftheir power received by one, then either one man that gives , or one man that receives it. A A A x A The_ King is not fo much the caufe of his own poWer,as they are that giveit htimf The end is more honourable then the meanes, a true propofition, and the Framer of ‘Arguments knows not Wh.:.1t an argument meanes, neither doe-I thinks he can make Q fa~tSy11ogifn1e. His firfl En“ /Eemcezze, or 82-go upon nothing is, the Common: are more it/sioxaozireérla #1673 time 1€£;r_g, men then Angels, man then Chrifi, the Patient than the Doiftor. Ta»ke.his Medie¢,thc King,,»Angels, tChri{i, and the Phyfitian are morethen Mammy. A King is a man ofan etninent qualitiegand bath the honour ofs father, i'A1i'ge1sare great in .poWer3sz1d nzens fuperiours in creation. Chrifi‘ is both God are fmehn,an&3nthe Phyfitian 1earned,yet as all thefe fierve for their cnds,the good oftligm iexcelis the meanes, and it is more honourable for the King to fiarve his Kingdoms, .thenfifeeke his own honour, more glory to Angels to minifier forthe heires%offa1... i*e§atio11,‘~tI1ex2 beoneiy for thenufeives. Chrifi become obedient to the Crofleto {Ewe nsfrona cnrf'e,snci his honour is great in {o doing. The Phyfitian procures his paria- ents health, and his own honour and wealth info doing. i®cen. Elizeéeth counted ; .her'peop1e herjeweils, and preferred their peace before her owne paines; but thefe Wfdifpnters daih the Snbjefts with theirdirt, and moredifgraee then honour their in ; 1{”ings to pieed for them in oppofition to their people,” Ezncarc of their good. I {hail ieaive the Anfwere1~ to the Obfervstour, and lays down: thefc Propofitions,plsineiy denied by nil Monarciticali men ', that nnderfland not the dn‘f:x*encetbetWcen more A nadd%m£.er Monarchie,but fometimes they are for an abfolute ligmperoutrgand then in A she: being crofled the Payrlianzeno, are for onretazonditionate, and when we‘come A A as [conditions oftznii, fay as this Anfwerer doth, that there may be 2. trufi without: contlitions, andthhiet it is the greater themore free it is from condition, -8: Twonciers s ‘ A ~t«;~m+.:nt tntesnt by the Ohfervatours reiiz~It,hh tjha-hit ofallthietthaithi {aid the ihmme comes I ; minis; thetfiingswcéxnnot befaidto hevefo unconditiosniatc and high propertie as wry A ;aIvI~thc 'SVuT)_ic&s.1ibértics5Iives,” and pcifizflions, Aorin any thing em: to the‘('}r“owm app¢n:§%ix1ing,Vas Subjcéts havevin the Kings dignitie‘; This he underfcands not thjt: Foffic;c%ofa King, which is conditiwnate thcmgh he Llfurpe his cr¢owne,1jmad willhavé A his own conditionsgfor the Ob£E:rvatou‘r tcllé hind clearel y , that Kings arcnoc c”mcJ- lybound by their 0aths,but by their officcs;&'fove1*aigrie dignitic,t0 promote their people to all kinds ofpoliticafl happincflé, accordingto phrsir utmott dey(gyrc,az1§ thfiugkhi finglc performs receive graccand fa7ve:>uns, é9ntra'nli£tcd by them, «arid wpro’Ved«»* t1**uei< by ?w1deni”;;b1e~%réafomi; The fipfi, the 4Parliam;c:nt is above the King, Coxutradifiion, the King iS%fingulz'».c and uiszi?/crfix mx«tja7:,‘%thc:AnVf'virex'crs pmofe, 24..MH,% 6, II . W/J6re7?5j Vafiz/try‘; flmdry, old; Mir/9:2z:%ric1h:' Hz}/flritnznéf /arohiclmr; Air! £4: x¢':[¢*c'£'a1rf¢?*t3."¥ and .u°.x'pre_fl"%, 7‘ téix Rmlme of Eiglmrd is’ :;m Empire; azmlfeza/adtlg £5433: 'zzz.*c:vp“z*.su;1‘ ix ‘fl9ma3dr!d,% gfiaixerfied aw f:4prea7z2e$/am mm’ Jfing, /Jvzvzlvgq the dfgzzitie az¢a.U~vyzz!! cflizta ?ojf t/jée %fz;;>2p“a1¢3a![%VE'xcifiin& 0}’ thefizme : flfi¢l'0fi'33?/10713.4’ éady paliriqrw, compazfz‘ ofnllfbrm‘ and degrdc: qfp€opla«;‘~bii*v£a’a£z’%i?£ xgrmaj, and £7): mama”: “é2ffl>i?”it:4a1l£tic' %azms1%rtc?mpar;zlitic, ‘bz:~%c*n éoxxidden mad owm in Zvedfif fi€~%‘€-F¢: NG'0fl'§4~Wit%t7‘¢»’4:/1371714/J#m£vZc~a5edic»m'a. The Atxfwerer mtxfiremgmbcr W%haf‘h%é 3,1al:h»;{ai%d;%,mcy1i¢fi3;Wo.rds, thé‘:WI»1o1c I{i%7ngdf}ih¢%sEarIia%mEn7i3,3$113: h*i6:rM“af'efiie d%ccIafcS”i*ft) ml71c»h wh :;1~ he fpgakes ofthc . %i:fl;¢IIibg;I;$?.()f:iV\t,Zutlzfittliimffiffkgmd /ML‘ mm Hvztfritffiédké flap zfi:&.«%iAI?r£;*-lixzéizaiépt az1d*‘h1é I wanJ%t$%:‘m%TO,!5 thankfiowes" ?nO_t. what aéécmécrx are in A relation to the imq;rum,4 pzirtsf A ¢m?.flCi&l1%LWhiéh make the m2£gu:rfxm_=¢,o;:_‘ the whole, ‘8c:now% fee? how ab{'urd* oixr Am A fizvjcxfqr is, that wil1~= not fee that the King is Jllinar mnizzer-fi.r,% than the whole King» A c,lo¢x;},v;%gj:ht3nthe“M/hérlc.Parl«i?amem:,%IfIis.Ma§cfii¢ hath madcahimfclfc up more then a fiifimbefix#8:&nos.mc:mbér,éan*bégreactmzhcnAthwcewhole. £23’ m;£¥mfayesv‘j4tI1e King Pa; Subi¢é’c¢1£éx;:zafi t?’¢’5§?“1‘;6£]]}»’[,/it " xeyifi-?=_o?¢ /94/m,ii¢ Regno; mew :2».-ria2¥em3.r‘andthcreforef ZI2fa7arVf»ngIili.r,“% greiafdr than any A/5oi2:£:ae,fi:dfiab1>éw, ?@"fn£z*;Dc;gv;_No=mz1n%isAabcméA1L1tio13.Ifthn ‘.d8a§h~I'OAft‘hi§ .Kingiid¢fi;fq>y this Parliamcntythen his Army will bieyhappyf °i:11hEs~déa‘th*5 afnd‘ Why moi’: mifizrable, and to kill the King will hciouri defirufiliion ; for if ha amdithé“PaérA liament die r.o,;cthcAr, we are undone, ifo manyiPa~pqW«her to chat”, tyhe-WKipgdorp ber¢1o1ved%wha:t to dose. ‘ Bu»tMIfl4Rgdflia¢vdma”t« appmicfrmz Vbimféifie ;;nQ;rc canA&hAa¢aappca1eVfrom his ivfitgflouficelfi toL%ihaiJ'mfc1*fe,; oxrvafiy Cbtm$;‘ or*iu£iiE¢f;" but in tzhe xjight Way,Aand~~Afiif» =11‘ ; A7ppca1¢shf¢ fikim t”h‘c,King to‘ ’tIie’Kingi:£t “j A M % He; makes his Judges takean4o«atrh,thcy% will do: right: toall men,’ and in tih a‘t‘ liqueway he pafléth fizntcnccmwd4in»no*pri7at¢ way“ ‘ofhis’ own: ;Aa“;jpdiqia141n;qex; A pyajtldicialla an Qbligémry noiarbivrary§‘a%%Iegéfl no iI%lcg%2d1Lcbnv¢yance Qffiubliqutfi A fight m1l:o.his: maple“ And i8‘npt Vtfiifi ry; M ghe King; defert: h1sv%Parl1amenti7m:*Lano{M;.¢andVfl’oc at*?'5ar&e, qr up ziijd VA ‘ gthpcountrcy m§uppof'eAh1s Parliamcnt;.4 *a'ndfay ;hc*iS""_11:Otf bound unto i¢[, “%b;;4£ w wichomic doc whachc*lifi; Ht iha%1i1?iA§hat’A% iommdiet ’hi§’inferi)ourth’e winiaranionofi:ufi4ic«»+m= the M =w%m%ini&¢:5h«oArr¢ His own A&$ia%PAP°“mmf‘hi80 WmG@Wt33 birW= 1WiamV¢2isfiW759,A%4i:¥e%xii.¢§gt1i¢w; ¢ arm tl%I;¢:.r§=fz§fi"mn:is becaufe my ffgbd gm DjEI‘c‘gafes5 but rI}§i’;~' om; *Dapz;'g3:¢fs;A‘éri:h; 1 v r k‘ yp¢9%p~1¢a4§Thc;Lon'dé.aneAcatclmdéd vbythev ‘vieirr " and pcfa Rica,“:a“§:f:jgg¢§iiff1g_fqxf'th¢tr,§-Q 7 { f“:'31W3$5'Mq3d Eh: by*r%fie‘?~K:i=ng, as-affipedgiqgk 9;‘ app¢gr§§fgFiii>i?u‘§A£?;lfBg»and fa ¢verym“ah forgfi~mfE1fc,andi 3% % . P§9lfi¢;.‘”anQ§3€V%¢%%KI“ d&for~*us%a1l§an thgé A Write: A ‘VSI;7ite%rAA'n:igljht_W;imff'or%th¢—cvill, afid~tAh~e divificm bftlxéléifigdoixm, (44) %_ tez=;vcl1inl*lgl%tlIl1?¢ lll{in5gto depfirt dhlis Cjotmcell, and“ léixvef it no judgement for his Subjefis. The truth *‘ i$AlKin1g5 have a, riglft, and heretloforc they made ufe of it, to fir. in judicature nujallyl, andlthercfor-é Bzmcm Regim, 1;he%K ing.s‘...Be.m“b is {'0 called, becauic he _ ]udgelin it in his propel: p%erfon, 8clic removed with ‘him,whicAh the Court of Com; _A ;¢%;qp-Ple.q;[dl;d not.Strang¢ Alwzgndering .and;w:afiing breatAhlinvlai11c to blafllthc grea- on-uncell. ovum pom: in the rgizagdome. V 4 9 l“Hedmea‘lnt to {haw more learning thcngudgemenmfor thusuhe concllrdesxhe Conn; tics which inm.-lllcd them, looks, uponwthcm as.A?udgav:,no~t Pa/£ticiazm_AFirfl,l‘1e denies V theéxnro Abe Judgésa ansillthcn c30nfcfIéthlit=and faylcsa they are Iuclgés, but no Poutie cirlgnfis.AgaAiti;tli¢y:_g,;'eAAlCpunfr;l:le1TSsbuy:riotintall§hings.JudgcsAfbut not of tl1eiKingl~ I%«i>lliAticia:nst"or t§1em1?:1v¢s»but~notlforsmc Kingd om Th“: Kings cc;u"1e11erls romé fl1ings,,His Iudgcs in nothing ; agncl robe called hisPoliticians a grand oflknce I ‘fill now_Acllofc'with l1imA_in the ma%inwc,battell5:md could wifh my pen in this the ode» lpAi§icix1thél{in‘gvg;lAo}m¢, a11;lm}ggl1g)lt¢A§l1¢};QI}€lyllJlouCl.7 ; ll » A A A . f “ d lbcgliIliA$7’£l1Al¥5: Aw,’J0r€M4z*¢ij*é:4i'ev'maAA*zgi22: Me:-2, '7l7l?reZ{ing calm: co”untelr— mad liilsl’oi?v2éi;l!F?S#n1¢r1r:q#i4ltmz4fir‘i»remj»A iwtmllwhcn a thing is onéejtgdgedg 1:: u. .. or A in _can I1f‘v}:rl.l3‘e lrepcaléd by th_eWf:'zme iqdgemcnt, for that lwéfe a waylto makeljudge; ’ ; 1l’%’1‘;iélA:A%xll1t: upo,nA)L1dgen3cn£ agaznllthe rule, lfifimmmlin jmtt? ra:pr«2’&.rzr;zr,thlc law de.tAclls in... fi;1,,;"i[.;tAe;sL%'l‘1:rjgf:};Ac'3LA1t1léllgifld g¢m¢%?t 8AAAI1d» P€>1iC;icA;0f§h<: l‘Pa1‘liamentis the highe{l~,& tllerc-es, fgge ”z;?;;‘;o$gclletl1c Kxx1g,,~WfhQ §3,Y;;!}Q§CQL1Ii;l§;ll;]gdgc'n1¢t§ltl0r;péliicie can révcrfe thwélrlelfdég Y%s:1%t?i€>ii chlcfe¢éAf3AA§21?é>,zwt;%>y,§11 sb§z;Jlfifig¢$ 0lfé2rw/*5?-€"543?zeri},~{¢willinffam:c"_i11higfiilowxntrxamplb of tl1éKi'xzg; _3m¢/7, ' \f'e%‘2<,3§11£l"i1?1A€5i‘i;V tll1l¢JfI?;Vl1*3lI:g:‘"f@AI? A5fifi.;l@@@Ah3:q1Ailfli®An: ‘i37fI;£7ie§¢ fit in Maj‘ Cduntie, and 7”?giro/filéfihlltl;ti15&éiQil15Af«E'3%5€?7 A¢I5€«';A1fi’rAlAl12llA3A;.d.l“c‘l?«f‘A§ 3! ~.tl~1fc Statute is ‘At big 5 ; h€Ki” (:1. A Bwfllfhalli‘?d1l15Av%%"é11é19¢:-iA8i rfmtt.h¢:$icwardAof.th¢A4<1.::gs houlhold flmuld ceire i’i1llAp0W?¢fA déytlémlli he =mY1é:3’i1ger plcas.lAof th¢tACrowmc.AA. And allb in Terme time 4 A :37*4l{*%,4W1AfiwldA I A \A,rii3tatibn's‘tar-*r=lrfEz.IhA;:»ps,andABifb,§Ps,K2v§m1~l 'fi!,}f§1l,iQun,£:QllrtSj which £?r4§*l¢§xj‘;and w am he »;21‘izela,lm:1 1A 3 A O hlbHh9P“Clldll¢;l’}7géth' tli1e7{aAh1éiia**PV¢¥?F§5??i‘i:?;b1¢§"39I9l9.EA¥h§‘P9w¢a:rlln.§7.Iufiir=cAhw£3£idn A ili§:r¢9fl,l%1i?:v$:al QQUAIIS by fiNera1lll]L!<;lg98AAi11: §lhf=il‘AATclIl‘mt6 w1dlltimc’3 ofthel=c§3;;ecu.;. I45.) A dome, as at this prcfent, ifthe Parliament fuperfecle A the C01lt‘tSl3v§7 a celllttitm,‘ and flu; Kingthe Plarliantcnt by his power and corimnzmd, where {hall we have jullicev; 0 lthe mifery ofieivill warre, who {hall rule tluttnone may rule. If the Kingwill tale his Parliament,the Parlilanietit thejudges, and by the firllSt1premat:ie all mull be dohe, the truth is nothing will be done, Put the cafe the Pope were the fl£pV{."tZm’«¢‘ Ordinary to rule both fwords,for fo much they gather, Lug 12i,3l3,Lordr/mere be rm fwarahand the Lord fayes, they erefufiicient for l‘7’:ter to kill Md Evita. A&. 1 o.l1 3 . l ‘and this Text makes for the fame matter,l but theconclofion is»ncugh"t, 7>.m;» mull put up his (word, and know that they mull perillfby it,/Wm‘, 26. 52 , that finite-ofi'-7 the right eares of others, fa/9'-I 3.10. and will not hearc juliicq. Certainly we have loll: our right egzrmttok haste trt1th,andby the left Follow finillet judgements. Where the fault is any mtm may judge. He that deniesthe Rtrliamentlto be the /mpifieama V Comm/Z, and fin: the King above it, gives him pcmicious cotmfeill , and tilllhe hcare hist_Parlialment we will never look for p€'.1Ce,l3tlt to perifh by the fWorcl.He that deg “nieswitsto he the Kings Court, and the Lords and Commons his :lt1clges,te:tchetl1 the Kinlg a finifler‘jt1dgement, to cut off not.o,nel y our cares , but our lives and liberties, He that rejeéfts the policieofit, tolprepctte for other politicians, is himflalfe at pellim lent ll/laliglnant,and a plague to the King and lKingtlom. As for the P.1rliament,tlhe5 V pmfartiotttit cottncell,court,anc:l phlicie of the Kingclon1,c.1t3 giwabettet lhtisfaétion Ltolall men withpttt a killing l."word._ If Peter, theiPope,and Bilhops may draws itih Englaml, x1eitll1e”rKier1g nor people, not Pmlianzerut, {hall be at quiet ahltorfgll t“1s§.“ Oi»l§;%r¢l_gll;l eares ares off, tot he ‘L"M01‘d§0"Lx‘Ch'[he[1]1 and heale thentfhy hisiSpi.I?itt.l _ if‘ The ceffition o“fout Termes is from the fw:ot*cl,not from the*P;trl‘iament;for with the fupreame coumull courts did lit in /Vitae/2 2 Chro. I 9.5 .}z¢:2:fge: in 3/! Citi€’.$‘3-iv, 8. In ymmzzm the great coitrt, to the which all the relllwcre to (echo, Dem. -1-7-.8;.if;*5‘.41zZn;aflZ1ul£ him ninfitho Gide, Land wi1lVdef'c¢ndn§r4, but if they Many qua-fiion his men for in ovitr them, The tcxt {ayes mm ?i11atA;<>n Pf¢flEdAA 1| . W Y. A H3‘0th §7' "#7135 V A _ A £dAow‘2Zsiféi1awonfeékto%*tfié‘King.pPAAMo”§bno n'?:t0no:~fl1:c;niNrnhcmAmorncic.:God Acorncs ntrz't»§“a7hton oomfdfg h”r*tn3,ai“1fl f1;ifl1f1¢'o-19¢ _hold,‘ and Saul hnavingnnhnis menrtab,out=¢nhi~m,“ and4éhiSoTpea1r”in‘~his hnei,lc?ihrgeth cm" too ~mugh.1oven xoflmricl. afidnto. make thcm* hmshim, urea: hypoc1"ifie,° flattei'y,,”A A A nand protc€t- his ,pco_.. . art of to promoto ‘t:hé’fiime,“ ‘ifidii¢nd" (47 J ,;and«;1ia8i:;::* Hiiss,:i1WD§rific“is‘fd éoiirerihivs cruéltig fl;!£’f¢ry§SiWi1.ait hi: wizf day E ' fgihgnyg, :wha1g;-~fl££U°5d«Gdn’ht; dhi. Willifhe fame if ?".c—*‘‘ 5» give ewzgm 0fig“,ofy,Q,y» fig,r,;1_,.M% wfifiayztrafh"-,»;:t;&é?~%_rM#:v:,iidfi :i9;i‘Sa?£&:2zif4”6‘2':V ffid they lhohld ‘have a tyrant to take them)‘ A lands and pdfTéflions,,8< give mzo hisACourt1ers. I-Iis11ea{'v:rc ei%tI1cx~0Fpt1b%1%iqt1c pe1'f<51‘aS'ifi,3 PX'iVg_4’3.tC cépzz. «:::i1:i <3,‘ 01' of p1’§\1’flt€'p€'%‘{fJ!'l5 m a pubigquc as dangerous and d;111mab1c5F101‘;1$ me we hatlrno officicjfw‘ - the _oflacr nohm to 31: Ptifie himzbuc where the office and the Law mm: M one jL1dgen1€I1t,Wv4E:gr€: m“ M. ‘amine fine L)t'3*:C’r, a11£UU it alwaycs doesqn I’a‘rIiament: 5 f}:>1'p1*£[icien1t& may cammr binde t%f2enmha«;,-;; . 1"’<,é,;;‘1;¢,z:::pe;;,i‘,;»,x-u~.;r*i.ve,m:zd have that V&'11U1e2lCf._1‘iflZ1tivt2 power to }Ladge_,~.a;§a::§)'rs: {Emma Lawgs ought gotta ‘ A of vi} E 11” mini "c0unf§l.lT. %. is ah-yayc1s:mrc;!ax:ic;:71 tn his ofiVIcc,w11ic11 fpeakes home we hiééz £0 {3¢—“¢,t1;¢;~%%g mi 1,1,“: of v.‘h2it‘thCy fl2oLx‘1dl;vcg,{'ome need ca-fipmiiti»wn%3,oz.m::”.s‘tabs added3asA%.:E1eg,Jra'fént; “G c;1fesAcc:zu.be rm m~3,M 1 fon,cx[ccpt (as Foms: f":1y)‘tlm Parliamcnt*x11ay be guilty ofrhrw c1’inme,;a$cv. §}1gn who {hall juigg iuzaznni nar‘b€:%1<::1<:M»vn.. Thztt tlmy nmy by a1°rcP:cd, and detained m ;:1pp«&.1r‘¢‘: %Mtj!1‘%t!‘1=ei»:'%taufe is ribt dcnicd,.v "',!,'f‘h:u:$%:a law fl1:z1lPc,-md w.ithdL2,t thc:Kings%4;%conI'cz1t is alfo cicnitzd; IMF: Afifi~'e1*crpag.z%%4;faye$.ivv%él1%%%fhg ‘M1-1iat%z1cnt conzzlfidc;-s as far as wcan,bx.1c is not fo abfolmc as m xn:;dw:- zrzhe final! dccifion Withom rim’ I4ii%11g.It1coul%d:1or h:'wc' proa3ccdc¢ifofa1' as fo_ vote a lsw w';:i2tu%1:z:.‘E;§jm;§232:1:isfiais 3L1thOI‘itiCg and to mrgciuac it rxfquiws both his 1:Tg3HflL1th01‘1t1C, .f1{1‘d..p61'{.Q-Elfin ::rJ:me:%mi‘:.;%.1fi‘ac=*¢de*rzte cmrizzthe judgcrm;m;% {_,:;F the I?;ax4'ly}an1c11t is wzmnn: cxmazugh tzoprotcft thfipepplc 5 but 1;_"a,w?;:S that w:1m pcrfonall confcnrw Egrinjcl mm: (rf¢;,r1¢_:~.,:¢;%;,~, A7 qjcgmgive vcgrc a%x%ionm:.ric-‘my ins Ma)c£!:y 2z»1_1h;i¢:n,ce andjufi%1¢cMa%B;ll uughr t‘t:»pa£%5%Vy¢r not by forccwbnrfx-ecdonnéc T;,%¢.¢;w_..3tF;3¢m{a%fi¢%,1 F-},7¢_»y :mfwr:1- fully and fix§chfxx11y,r%:;at Tteafonwjis £5114’: Aagiirgfl the ay.m1mg~i;jg J % &‘.,}.,m we PL-ffdn in whom it 1:9, as at hath 1'€‘1:'lt1() n to ti‘1efax1:M_:‘ mat :15 _a m:m,b'm: as ja,K1ng,%w13&.;h~-% ficswess, and%their rebellion gfor hrs: :1;;¢;~yebe1Rm11Mi‘;i“&rftrcbcll againft am Exoxiiticsgxnd than the? peffbns in whom it i1s,,“’& fa agszinfi the % % the‘ twin C I%ii:3g5n:qt %c»r}c13?”%%7gy1.u;e11 ha: is inthg; nEc.3.15111.difci1a1jge ofjais jn;p£f{£$, Z7?1§E“ti1Q"‘Vi0‘l&tiPfl of it;.fC3«%od Fofbi ~ % §_m'~§-$~ m-gm i[,~ 50,; t1;,;»g,_~ mm [ixjm~::s.Hc thatfiud I.;e.l3adk;UeLi $.eE.'.ll[§;['hl£f;f}1‘€'(Z1fO1‘:§t,2u1d fo am % a*pinisé.;§~‘q;1:g%£1rkilled his %Sonm:. A I<:‘ <.z,:all and z1cccfl3,ry%cIc:%fc:z'1;:;45: IS nmxntzuncd ,.ax‘:d becaufe: _ mtina mm chzrfcnd 1mt:§%.fonxe1n‘:ay fufl7«:r in 21‘: offenfive warre, Athe" h::m:r.:£rg1s%Mof wL:?u'm::' mom: can <1-fcapc, %md%t0:k;41};_d%m ¢m;gmT!i§2$1Jf’. the Sum-<:~,is to {cm vit.ThC dcpoiing <3f%i(‘i7:g“ sngit is¢c~IereI}:e:d by the Pm‘! *%%rfi{¢‘nt5;inE1%i£%I:éir% gr¢;;pa~fitVi<3ns%%madc r«;afona,b1<;T,bVy.f:tmmpl£sV_f1tomf 'Px1‘1c4ef’c<;«1's,;.1mcigh=bt$m*s,%nec'cfl'itit:js'$ ¢=1;,“¢ *a¢g;,;fc%¢_-,§p*¢g¢¢ 5 ‘pxjcf ea~varib;?; of Law {:5 and Rc1jygi%on3n!1c: caf%Lj :;.~3;f.»!1‘%i3 Ma}r:i?;-:i_}: a;n§;L Ma.m.m:hi4e.,4 % :2; A = @;3;mgW~£;%b313:ii%m:xs% pzgmz-agj:,h¢1%fm-n1%e:-;A 4w1ui;Ix%h‘€3 chm-zcie cnzizf-;¢:rm:* win in farry m;,m;1“ c:;or g;1z*11w;n:tm u ‘ ,f7rbm” t2i"Ef}im:‘:i£§«$§3nvé"fi1~:,and n:me1cn'c11mmw F‘a((tioxj1 ih1x:Ii.xJCc%&f:lF§%at%h:m?%é.?bcén?$_‘%fa$it&3vf;iI1‘to preterm 2; I3;11‘;iKi fia x'f:;e%§1r,{71::r;w¢ “had 10?: "the; being bf it, ifirfm-y in 3.1% Qditit 3{’t_cr«J+;£'§¢0* “his Maicfii e % m;?m,v i1;I1.,g m1r'i1;s%jmigz:s%dctclnrelaxvcs.That nothing zjagy be dongs: %%\y{t.hr3,:.::fltprefi‘dfsnr;Tlmt th¢'p_£11f iamggnc ‘_Agmh,m;§~,;;;,g m .3Q¢ygi:}1*I1:§vigajuftgandfthan '1_w:‘!”m :xpr¢ap1*1ct1.c Axmtim of 3;H“_w4e::‘l3<§.\§g; f1fixar‘rfu:ggg:f4.~irsn; % a":§t;¢iM.%%,}:;z14:;7e%iMpj t%ix;x‘§gL<;$5113)?/,,d%i.I:);§1€.jr;7g*ijc;r t111a;2,21v;__itm«;{%% bgdjgg ; and fowamidiafufhmbcr-%1:léu:.nfxfe;I&}vei§;“;‘%{I~9 ‘pfluers % % % a1~1;;h:é.£m.¢;gi¥§‘:iQ 5:1-;;;; 13y ‘ f,{"tVga:¢§:$ \f‘z'Qm“1pc1'f«q«n5, t§1E!V_fZfi1E§1?lV;,i‘3::11 ;VL£fl1E3Ii'£f}c1‘$§, mi Mares §t{£‘3.t £§ my ?pc..‘ Vi:g;;