'AN A C C O U N T :OF TWO ~ VOYAGES The FIRST of FeodOr ISKOWITZ BACKHOFF INTO C H I N The SECOND Of Mr. ZACHARY WAGENER A Nam/e of DRESDENln MISNIA, 4’ $mmfi’“ Thro a great part of the World As alfo into C H I NA Trdnflated from the High-Dutch Origiizil Manda: Beriim ww ' LFEBT! ' 2,195.3 my: ft Gfir’? viii/i? re; IL 32%;? Advertlfement " ' 'Fuvs ‘ an ‘ kw ,. 'Q C. . _ ”v ‘5': , .. ‘ «a, .4 ‘5'!” '. '5. 'i (9 ‘ " ‘1 ,v4 A 2 ‘A , '- ,. . ., r , If; 4 ‘a‘ G a" ’1‘ fiffi“ $.12 . ' - V‘ w firfi’flL' w' . ‘ ~, 5,," \~ , 5. ‘ ,g If “4' a ,. 'v. ,‘ . , , a.“ . "- '5‘; ”1'1. ’, '.“' ‘ . ”I” . Boa" _ . >. «a.» i ‘ k 1 ‘ 4‘ . . ..... M O N G thdf emanj Veg/ages, whzch lately harvefheen u/heré ed znfo the World,” ,. ltheE following Mufcovita Embofl e ifggfi’ay fliflh challenge a Place , efpemlh for 54$ ”ffulmf‘ m G50“ graph G which I here *prcfint to the Reader, m t the leafl AI% teratzon according to thoi Copy thereof, fint Eb 1722th Johanrl’éis Scultetus Councellor OfStM’Q-"TEOfi hisifl-‘leétor‘al Highnefi of Brana- ‘ denburgh And as the Viquges of Mr. ZachamaKWagqner, are very famous m \f'folland and the followmg Ahfirac‘? t ere- of 6.21323 Comngnwted to £229 bf}; his Brother~rrz~Law Mr. Chri- fiian Bethe, a Confiderahla Merchant in Drefden, I thought it w vnféfinaéfia’m [Wain dorm afmbg fsnefiteoi Eff Courteom Reader. 1 'L w M "“ u ....‘.. 2,. a. a 7 """~.- . v. .v. ’ *~ T H E .4Ck/20fi . WV TH E T RA VEL s , OE _ Feodor ISKOWITZ B ACKHOFF ' I FROM ' " M u SC W IN*T0_ —7, ' i ’ O S T genErally they take theii‘ way over 'Ufiingba, feated'up- “on the Rivér Dwina,’ from ' .. j whence we continued 0111‘ Journey to Toboisko,‘ the Capital City, of Si: berirz, being ' goobi‘Vcrfls, '01‘ 600 German/2' Leagues from the City of 'Mufcow. Before you have Travell’d the third part of your irvay,‘ ~ you: come to a" great Ridge of Mountains, Callicl'bC'tm'zibmz~ R0de', i. 6,1170 Stone Girdle by.fthe Mufcbvitesg it béing their opinion, that, they extend round the Teri'efijrial. Globe, I {uppofe thetn to bethc famé‘wth'e:Ancientétall’d Monte: Siber’ei. This ‘ _‘ _ V. ,, (2.) ofgieciries, Siberia has 23‘ Cities, The Capital of which is Tobolsko, fituat‘e' Upon a Hill near the River fide, is a Place of no g’rEat Traflick; the Inhabitants being forthe inoft. part Bouc/Jar and calmuck Tartrirs, Who are very Poor; the chiefefl: Place of Trad- ing being '3’emjfiz}, lying ’a'great‘w'ay be? yon‘d Tobolsko, which confifis in Sables, Mare tins and "fuch like Fttrrs. Duariié the A, 4" .6 * [a t, “‘ "\ . 4'“, a,» ’5“), i 3 FA \w Mountain being 50 Leagues oyer, and iii- teronen ‘with deep Valleys; ivhich are ge— nerally, 'bUt' efpecially in Autzimn, over- flownlwithWater, is itnpaflible in the Sum: mer, but theie being Wellifrozen' in _ the Winter, afib’i‘d a fwift and eonvenient Pail” \ iage foi' fleas, {6 that in 24-. hours you may Travel 1,8 or 7.0 Leagues, and conféquent- ly perform the whole Jo‘urn'ey from Mufcbw‘i ’/ toTo'bolsko in 6 or 7 'Weeks;_. The firfi City yOu ‘come to in Siberia, is call’d Mr? cbaturia ’tfifom the River Tum, upon which it lies. ‘ ‘ Rivers diid Fertilifj of Siberia. ’ utmoi’c 'frbntier Place of Siberia, on the Ed? mack fide.‘ Siberia is Watered by many Ri‘? Vers, ambng which, the RiVer Ob} is ’ the chiefeftg it Contains many Iflands well fior’cf with Trees. ‘: This River is in fome Plaéts, a German League, in other Places abbot half a League broad, and falls into the Ta} wan Sod. It produces abundance of Fifii‘," and among the ref: Beluja’: 01‘ Wbite Fi/bfi The 7‘ 643 W Back/Jeff A _. .._. .A... The Cities of S iberia are, Worclmturia, 3’4- porzfiri, Tumcn, Toboltko, Damiamkj, Sama- ra, Scrgoug, Berofotr, Nay-in, Tomoko, Kofne: bra}, K719520347, Kat, ’j’encflg, Nullcn,deurz,' 'fakathaga/‘cy 5 thefe as well as all the o- t‘hcr Citiesof Siberia, are not very .Populous. There“ are.~ very good Corn fields here, the a Vayagiz‘ao C H I N A. w Soil whereof is 16 good, that it bears very ‘ well without Dun . It has no Sea-ports, the Tarrarian S ea being covered with lee Sum« mer and Winter 5 however Filher boats ven-a- ture as far as the ,Ifle of Malgamfiz}, over an- gainit the Mouth of the River. Ob}. (3.) 0f the Inbahitarzt: of Siberia- H E Ancient Inhabitants were Tartan, Governid by their own Princes or- Kzings; jone'of the Family of their left Prine‘e living not long ago ~‘With the Cgarr Aperrmf- iiontin Siberia, till his Home was Plunder’d and he forced to fly the Country, by the Ru jam: that Trade that way in .Salt, with the C almuck T art/m, which they brmgthence in great Barges. This Prince havrng at}. tcrwards ._ Married among the .Calmuc’lg T”? I'm-r, makes fbmetimes an Inroad into ‘S 112;»- ria, and takes a fevere revenge of the Muf- cwitc: there. The Natives being not very forward to oppofe him, as living ltill'in. hopes, that one time or other he may be 1n- fi’tumental iii-delivering them from the Marco" ‘vz'te Yoak. The Cit/muck and Mogul Tar- tar:,=_1 border npo’rt' Siberia, (befi’des .d’rr’ Vets Other Tartarian 'Nations) their Co'tl'n? tr extending from thence to the frontiers 0 China. There are alfi) divers other Hords, ' living on the frontiers of Siberia, as the Tingorkoy, the I/I/Izquo}, Digs/{0} and Barra- bamkoy,__ whichghave each their particular Captains or Leaders; The Natives ef Sibe- ria {are much addié’éed to Sorcery There are nOt'many Ruffian: living among-them, by reafbn of the great diitance of this Coun- ti‘y fi‘bm Alufcow. (4.4) How Siberia tries-"hroagbt audit-theDbediertte qf the Nqucofiteg, i;- 13"ch 1 00 Years age under the Reign- " of” the Cgar 307?}: Bagilbwitg, a Ger-i rain Coflmz named for-mac Timm/éfi Leader afar-certain gang of-Robbers, having taken fomeVeflbls 1021an with Ammunition belong- ing to the C(ar 5 heifl'ued his firiCtOrders to Eize the {aid gorm'dc, Coft ‘ it what it wou‘d; {b that gar-mac dreading the Ciar’s Revenge, got with his Gang into the River Carma, and f0 to Cgotra'va, an lfle about 5'00 or 600%]2‘3 ab'ove C'afan, which at that time belong’d to a vaflz‘ rich Kaman Merchant nam- (:61 Daniel Strogirrot, living in a City built by him, and Cali’d Srrogi‘nat after his name. Having ‘r'eprefent’ed to ' this Mercflhflnt the critic Conquclt of Siberia, he obtain d fome Arms, and Ammunition of" him to accom- plilh his defign'g accordingly he‘went. up the; River Tagir,’ till he came' to the River Tam-a, where is a confiderable Ifla‘nd, in- habit‘ed' " by Tartar-‘5; thefc he foon chafed thence, and continuing his March to the City of Tumm, he fion made himfilf Ma- iter of it, the famehe did afterwards with '1'0/20/5/{0 the Refiden‘CC of their‘Kingi How-” evcr _ he _i\-larch’d, forward 5'0 Leagues to the River] Irii/h, in purlmt of the. Enemy, ivljo ', retreated bcfmje him. Havmg refrelh- (ed his People hereabqnts for {ix Weeks, he {cm 4300 of them to" purfile the flying“Tar- tarr, which they did with f0 much eager- nefs, that being-"litrrounded by the Enemy, they were almofl' all kill’d, few efcaping their hands.- 510mm: havin no' more than zoo Men'left,’ Intrench’d hrmfeli' in an Ifle, but being Attack’d in the Night time by the Tartan, he was kill’d with all his-ibllowers, except 40‘ who made" a fhift to get [into Mujéwy 5‘ and having reprefented'. unto the Cgar all" the Circumiiances of the Matter, he fint 600 Chofen Men under. the Com-s man‘d of one of thefe C'Jack: (who had been yormac’s Lieutenant) who ' retook' the City of Tobolrka 5 where having F ortify’d hitnfelf’, and being recruited with frefh TroOps, he made filCh, frequent excurfions into the Neighbouring Tartar‘iarz Countries; that... they. at 1213; grew weary of the War, and flab? mitted to the anr of Mia/207)}. The fame. F ortune'attended thngar in his Conqueit of the Kingdom and City of Aflracban, which he made himfilf Matter of in one Campaign, " but- he paid pretty dear for Cafan, having been forced to mitt": the Siege of that City, the firlt time, bUt took ' itin the fecond Siege; ' ' ' ’ . 1(5?) The Rae‘emm 0f ’53; Kingdomof Siberia." 4 1“}18 cam-’5 Revenues in this Kings dom,’ .arilé from the Tribute of the Sables, Martins, fed and white Foxes skins, : ‘ g a K'- . and bther Furrs, out of which he has the fifth for his fhare; certain thcers being app0inted’ by the Car, for that pUrp'ofe 3f ———— \ Backhofil “‘ ”Under.- :- fl Voyage. into Mr. Fletcher who was Englzflo- Envoy in Mufcooy in 1588, affirms, that in-one Year there were brought into the Cgar’s Treafury out of Siberia, no lefs than 4.66 {immer of Sables (4.0 Sables to each {immer} and 1 80 Siberian Fox skins.‘ The ordinary Revenue of Siberia, amounts-now to 7.00000 Roubles. They have different ways of catching the ‘4. .. H “ ’ ‘ .'. .{l '. -. ‘35:?- .i'.. “In“: 7“ '6,“- 3:; \y. 5. ‘11,“, ‘9‘; ,,3_ PH: $15.12“: V.}_.ihii“ " 1 .. ‘J ‘ 1L _ V ‘ V ' ~ ‘1 . . . ‘ ‘ ‘ 0' * . ._ _ V v. ., a‘ .1. 3:1: I‘M-any; y. .... -...a ”5., . ,‘9 Sables; either by VVoOden Traps, not uni- lrke our Mice-LTraps, or by Snares, Which being laid Under the Trees where they feed, the Trees are cut down, and they entangled 1n the Snares. ’ They alfo go a Sable hunt. ing in Sleds drawn by Dogs, and kill them with their BoWs and Arrows.- ' The stoma: of Feodor Iskowitz BaCkhOfi from. Tobolsko, the Cafizai . City of Siberia, into China, tall’d Kattay hy the Ruffians; V N the Year 7162'. 3“, in "the Month of May; I left Tobe/ska, purfuant to his fland from Cami/b Majelty’s Ordersyand Travell’d to the begin- ning o the World awarding to the Ruf- fians com- putation, viz. in the Tear 0 Chrifl' f 1654. the City Tax upon the River Irti/h, where I arrived the 27th of Fab", having fpent a -‘Month and three days in this Jour'nEy. From Tax I-went up the River,‘th‘e ‘Ifl: of Augufl, and for want-oi Horiéé,’ {pent four Weeks of my Journey to the White Lake, where being furnilhed with 40 Camels and 50 'Horfes from Srzah/ai Tmfiha, or Prince of the Bouchar Tartan, we left the faid Lake the 16th of Ofioher, and continued Our Romney in three Weeks time to Kahalr gakuna, Inhabited by the Calmuck Tartan, .who live in Brick Houfes, built after the Rujfian manner. From Kahalgakuna to the fi‘iJE'IZ Elms is two days Travelling; and from thence to the Rivulet of Eelkhflz, which arifesfrom among the Mountains, and falls into the Irtiflv, another days journey. From the River of gelkuflt along the right {ide of the Irtiflo, to the Refidente of that Calmuck "Prince (who is a Pr'ielt) Réfidlng ()‘n the left fide of the laid River, is three days Journey : Their Fields which produce Wheat, Barley, and Peale, are Plowed by fume of the Bouchar Tartan. From hence, all along the Right-fide of the River Irtzjb to Ahla- ‘wich- (near the Bouchar Corn-fields) is 14. days Journey, thro’ high Mountains, full 0 Birch-trees. ~ . We Arrived at Ahlarv‘ich the 22d of No- member, Where they live in Plaifl'ered Houf'es; their Fruits are Wheat, Early and Peale 5 and they abound in Fifh. Their Prince named Ahlai Tmfcha did invite me to his Houfe, where after he had demanded the ' Gears" Prelents, (which I gave him) he en- tertain’d me Very. 'handlbmly. The goth of November I continued my Journey, thro’ the Beuchar Tartan, who are for the molt part Husbandme’n, among whom Itarried'four Months and 10 Days. . J, The 3d of April 7163, I Went from thence to the Brook Oi‘vBot'lLa, 17. dastour- ney from the Bouchar Corn-fields; near this Brook the beforetnentioned Prince Ahlai Ton- feha, was Building fer himfilf two HoquS of - Vol. II. Stone, by Chinefl» Workmen. Here I Pray-'3 ed fiVe Weeks and five days. The goth of 7am 716 3, having received my PalTport from Ahlai Ton/Elsa, I eontinu4 etl my Journey from the Brook Barker to Con— jaja Toucha, 0r Knltafihing: Children in 14 days, and in 5-days more to the {mall City- of Roma/him, Inhabited by Calmuck Prielis‘.‘ From this Place to the Lake, thro’ which pafles the River Irtifh, is 14. days Journey. From hence to Mifgamko Tefiha is two days Journey, and I-h'om thence thro" the Mountains féven days more". He'reabouts’ live the Princes of the thul Tartan, who fpeak both the Mogul and Calmuck Lan- guages; there .is three days Journey from hence to the Relidence of the Prince named Dohrzma, Whofe Territories extend I 5 days Journey to the Frontiers of China. How-'3 ever many Petty Princes have their Terri-'4 tories interfperfird here”, "who are all?) of the: Race'of the Moguls. \ ' _ From the uttertnoli frontiers of China to" Cokatana, their firl‘c City, is a Journey of three Months: the ‘Mountains along the River Irtifla ant? the Write Lake to the F ton-i tiers of China, are Inhabited by the Moguls and Calmuck Tartan; the firll: live very poorly, and I was often obliged to Pray a- mong them to furnilh my felf with Water and Provifions. After ,I had flayed nine days at Cokat’arza in eXpeé’ration of two Guides, We continued Our Journey thence the 12th day of 3mm 7164 to Kpskz', a Journey of 11 days: hereabouts "alfo live divers, Petty Princes of Mogul Tartan, who call themfelves Tiohetgamlg, . but are under the Chinefl' Jurifdifiion. Kanki is fituate among the Rocks; here I Law the famous Chimfl Wall, being three Fathoms high, and one and a half thick, fill‘dup in the in?» ‘fide with finall fiones; the Stone " Towers fiand not in the'fame line clofe to the Wall, but at IO Fathom‘s diliance, and are 1 oo Fa- thoms d'il’cance from one another, reaChing as long as the Wall to the Sea fide. The zoth of February, having received Orders from the King of China for the continuati« on of my Journey, ’llwe listo'ut the anti}: front 7 A Capt; ‘- .x.’ra.‘..v. 1., .: :‘W‘A’v‘j‘ 55° _ , I . i ' (rapid, 7 days Journ‘ey from Comhalu (or Pckin) having 2,8 Cities lying between them; furrounded with Stone Walls, upon which we fliW Ibrne Cannon, but'of a finall fine. The Soldiers that keep the Guard at theGates, were Arm’d with a kind of Carabines,’ n0t above half a Yard long, with threefold Muz- $2615, but without Firelocks: They have ge- nerally Stone-bridges built over their Canals or Rivulets, but have not many Rivers of Note; the Governours of - the Places are ge- nerally carried- in Palanko’: or Litters, upon Mens lhoulders, attended by a Guard on both fides. . ' . , ‘ W e came to Comhalu the 3d of March 7164., about an Englyh Mile out of Town, we were met by two Deputies, one where- of was the Chancellor of the§Priws, or Secre- ry’s Oflice of the Foreign Affairs, the other of that of the Chinefe Affairs. They receiv- ed us in a Spacious Struéture of Stone, In- habited by ibme Prielts, and built as we were told, for the Reception of the Dalac Lanm, 01‘ the Tartar-inn High-Prieli, who is .Reverenced among them like a God. At the Entrance of this Houfe they delired me to alight from my Beth, and to pay my Refpeéts to their King upon my Knees; Unto Which I reply’d, that it was not our Cui’com to Salute even our Career upon our Knees, but only with a very low bow and bare-headed; unto which they gave no 0-- ther Anfwer, but that the Dutch never re- fufed it, and therefore I ought not. They then prefented me with forne Thee made with - Cows 'Milk and Butter, in the King’s name, it beingLentI refufed- to drink it; they told me that I being flint from one great Czar to another mighty Prince, I ought at leaf’c to accept it, Which I did, and f0 returned back. As we were making our Entry, I {aw in the Gate "handing three BraféCannon, and fo we Mareh’d forward for 3 Var/tr, thro’ mofi Markets, before we came to the Court, prepared "for our Reception, which had two Houiés of Stone, hung with Tapeliry. Our daily allowance of Proyiiions was one Sheep and a fmall Cask of 5mm: Brandy, two Fillies, amiddle fized 74/}, a certainffluan- tity of Wheaten-flour, S 2' chay and Rice; and two Cups of Brandy.The‘4 of March, certain Pet-fans {ent by the Chinefi: King, came to my Lodgings to demand the Prelénts I had brought along with me from the (Igor 5 I told them that it was not Cuitomary at our Cent’s Court to deliver the Prefénts, - till we had been admitted to the Audience of the King, and delivered our Credentials; unto which they relpy’d, One King ought not to pnfcrihe Law: to another; our Cuflom: are diffirent from your: 5 our Bogda) (King) has . jhnt us to demand the Pi‘eji’ntt, but zjfjou game . 1 1! Voyage “into CH 1le A to’fell them, let us know your Price : lire- ply’d, That. I was not fint by the Car to- Merchandife, but to Efiablilh a Friendly Concurrence betwixt the two Kings, and to offer him fome Prefents: they then told me, That fince I own’d I was fént with Prefents to their King, they would take by force what our ngr had Em, and as Ed): my Credentials care Ihould be taken of them hereafter; and thus aétually took the Pie; (cuts! by force. The 6th of March, word Was flint me to bring my Credentials to the Secretary’s Oflice, which I refufed to comply with, tel-i ling theMeITen erthat Iwas firm with thefe Credentials to t e King and not to his Mi- niliers.Aug.a I .The firm again upon the {time Errand, but, I re Ling the fame, they told me, That {ince lhad difobey’d their King’s Command, they had Orders to Punilh me ;. I gaVe them no other Anfwer, but, If they cut. me Limb by Limb, I would not part with- them till I had been admit-ted to the King’s Prelénce. The 31f} of Augufl all the Pre- fents were brought back by certain Officers, who told me that it was done by fpecia-l Command from their King, becaufe I had refufid to deliver my Credentials into the Price: or Secretaries Office; and one among them told me, No Foreign Mini/fer, tell hing come from what County he will, ti admitted into the Pro/Ema of our King, but only of his Great Mini/fen, call’d Inoanol Bayarde. I can give you no true Account of the big- nefs of the City of Camhalu, becaufe we had no liberty to take a view of it, but if we may Credit the Mogul: and Chine/es, they told us it was 60 Verfl: ( I 7. German Leagues)? in Compafé. Vail quantities of Silk Stuffs, are made and {bid here, but their Pearls and. Precious Stones they have from Karat/tho, two Months Journey with Camels from Cam- lmlu, and then in the PoiTeflion of a Son of the late King. The Kings Palace fronts a Spacious Market Place, whither all forts, of People come to Salute the King, at leafl: three tintes a Month. Every New Moon they put out Flags as a fignal to the Peo- ple to come to make their Submifliong and the flame is done every 22d and 29th day of the ,Month, when they appear in rich Brocado’d‘ Cloths, upon their bended Knees, and among the reIl: a6 Elephants trainedup forjthat purpofeThe Bogdaj then Regent, was a Mogul Term; but the late Chinefl: Empe‘ rour, after thefé Tartar: had made themfelves Mafters of the Chinefe Em ire (about 30 Years before) kill’d himlél , fecuring only a Young Son named Young Sic, behind 2. of the Chinefla Lords carried to Karatfi'ho in Old China. The Chine-fir: are much l’trong- er in the City of , gamhalu than the Moguit. n ' l l 1 i l A M flglfoyagei into C HI N A. (\M In the Year 7164., the 7th of 3141}, 2.5 Backbofi Hollander: (a) the remainders of the 3 Ships, r .y _ _ w a," a a . to this, That our Ancient HifiOrians of CM? mt have call’d it Kym), the fame name . that (who had each of them 100 Men aboard, two whereof were 109:) Arrived at Gumbalu, but for want of an Interpreter could nOt converfe with them 5 ; they agaveigiefwo Let: ters for MLJcow. ' Haying obtairfil tiny Pal2 fport in 7164. in S cjitemlier, Ile ' and returned thro’ the fame way I came to Mufcow, having had but ill Succefs it1.my- Negotiation, becauié Iwould not Reverence their Idols (11)} And here is to be obfirved that Camlulu is the Capital ng of Claim, otherwife j; is ‘ call’d’ Peking, the firfl: being the name given ' them by the Tartan, whence fome Geogra- phers have been miflead, who have placed Cambalu in their Maps, in the great Tartar}. Tamcrlaz'n a Tartar, by birth having COB‘ quered China , "is the Reafon that fre- quent mention has been made of Cdmlmlu in his Hii’tory, which has introduced this Error of placing Cambala in Tartar]; add , (a) Niezebof p. 181. We underfland by the {aid FatherAdam, that there was there a Mufiovite Em- bafl}, with an Attendance of 100 Perfons (among, Whom were fome :Moor ) to treat about certain Pointsrelatingm Ira ck; flatware not as yet . admitted to Audience, becaufe the Emperor Re- fided at that time fometimes in the City, fome times at fome diflance thence. ‘ (b) Introcetra p. 3J3. Spealgingpf’this {Email CV: In qua: (rc.830 Umuom .wd m 3-- 3 oboawmmmub