ftatlo VOFTHE. A GENERAL ASSEMBLY ‘A Of the Clllurch of \ V S C 0 A T L A D To their Bretfiren of Bearing date Augufi. the firfi 1 6 4 3. , % % A LS O A " A Declzzration ofthe General /1 flémlaly con» Ceming the prefent dangers offleligioryagnd dye- cially the uniavvfull ingagement in this Warre,to ha read in the feveral Kirks of ScotZm¢d,bearing % % ~% date July 3:. I 76 4 8. Together with feverall Papers ofthe I-fonou-table Committee 0fEfia:es,andthe Anfvvers arid RVep*a*efen« rations 0? the General Afl’E.*mb%1yV,tothoie Papem. A A I.;;dan,Pri:1ted for Ralplé Smith, at the fign of the Bible in Com» , i1~i1lr3&e.a}*«t:‘£'1e Roy all Exchangeo I 6482 i,‘ I t “ C A * A Edinér. 24.l 3124/55 1648. ~ « .. ‘ V A’ ‘Hereas the Committee of-Ellates outof‘ their ear-nePc dew: c a C lites to have alldilterences betwixt the Church and Smt€*re':~ r L em-_o1zerd,did upon the feventeenth day of this month give in fome of-- i A A gfers andjdefiresato the General Affembly, wherein they did not only t renew all thofe offers fo rrnerly made to the Parliarnent,l’or the ram. rity of Religion; But did alfo offer to grant lwhatifarder fecurity the - General Allemblyr l'hall:beA pleafed to demand inreafon, of’ them for Religion‘.-"We are warranded by the Committee llill to renew thele t e offers to you in their name, and do delire to know what the Aifem- o blytwill dAernanAd.from~ them forthe fewrity of Rfiligion according to the Covenangthat the Committeemay (as they are molt vvillirrgg A V ’‘ apJ_3ly.themlelves«to give the Affembly all jufl fatisfafliona l _ lzgmér. Art/9-. Primrofe Clam vlidirzér. 25'. falii 1648. l ;‘I‘I-Ie.General Affembly having conlidered the Paper of the 24.’ 7 A’ xalfidelivered to themfrom the confere‘-nce,and having com; pare it withthe other Paper of the 17. of flzalii prefented from the honourable Committee of Eltates whereunto it «relates , and with- the Declaration lately emitted by the Committee to theParliament and Kingdome of England, finde that it is fqppofed by their Lord- fhips, thatlwemay be fatisfied in point of‘ the fecurity of Religion according toithe Covenant, no.twithPtanding of the lprefent engage-.A, inentin warre; The Ailembly do thetefore in anfwet to the {laid payer declare, 1 That we fee no pofiibility of fecnring Religion; _asA:~1ong has” this I llfilawftzl engagem..ent is carried on, to; eligion being thereby greatly Cndangered. A A C A. r I. Becaufe none of the jult and neceliary defiresof the Commil~ lion ofthe lategeneral Affernbly for fecuring Religion have beene ’ L granted or fatisfied; A.More particularly it was reptelented to the l High VandHon0urablt: Court of P arliarnent,that tor1ecL1ring_ofRe~A, rligion, it was necefiary that the .9 opiih , by telaticall and Malignant C patty, be_decla‘ted.enemi_es to the eaufe upon the one hand , as well as*Seé‘tarxes gponthe‘ other, aAndtthat_al_Al Affociatrons, Veither»mfor.. 3 W ' H .7 Br . 1 ( , ‘<2 ;\ cl’ ".- al-«.~ .r ‘~w..“ “ ‘ -cum» : fa‘ =-::a Atw .1" «mar "m‘..,,,.'»“ we-earner councelswrth the farmeras well aslthelattermbe avoided‘ That his Ma;'ellies’Concefii0ns and offers concerning Religion,,fent homefrom the Ifle of Wigbry be deelareil by the Parliament no .r be r an-zi‘fati‘sfaé‘tory i, That before his Majeiiies lreflitutiontol the ester--- eife of ‘ his Royall powergaflhrance be had frbm his a Majellyt by his folernne oath nnderhis hand and Seal fer fethng Religionaccording‘ to the Covenant. T hat their Lordlhips fl1_Gnld keep lthemfelresr ii Etom owning any qnartelleoncermng his Miagelltses Negatlyveelvoice. i That the maziaging of the publike _aliaires, might be intrnfiecl onely to fnch perfons as have given conflant proofe of their integrity, andyagainlll whom there is no*jufi:l eaufe of exception or jealou- fie. And that there might be ne engagement without a folemnel Gating, wherein the Kirk ought tr,» have the fame interefi they hadin the lolemne lLeag,ueand~Covenanty; all which are more particular... j ly eiaprefied in the Papers given in by the Comrnifiion of the late Aflembly to the Parliament; hotwithllanding the engagement hath” A been carried on withbnit fatisriaéiion tolthefexand the like de{ires,and » fo without giving fecurity in the point 0fR‘eligi6n, but ‘withkgrea; M and manifelt dangerto the fame. V A ii a l l 32.. As thehappy union of theKingdom.es, bythe folemne League - and Covenamhath been jullly looked upon as a fpecial meaues for prcferving&flren‘gthnmg the true Reformedlleligion in this lfland, i so it is no lefli: weakned and hurt by endeavouring a breach between thefe Kingdoms; Whichhowl'oeverdifclaimed,.is yet rnanifelt from: t the reality of the pnblike proceedings in this ingagement:,ancl name; ly from the negllefil of endeavouring a treaty between thelKin;gdom5, for preventing of war and blood-—fhed , as was earnellly defirecl, from their alibciating and joyning with knowne Mallgflantsy_yyanc§ Incendiaries, and inch as have been declared enemfiesjin this Cauie, M from their entring the Kingdome of England with an army, upon, thelgryouinds of“ the Declaration of the A Parliament, which cannot: but inferre aiblational quarrel againft the Parliament t andKingdome « Of England; and. fronrtheir garrilbning the fronteire towns of that Kitngdmne. l 3 .‘ The engagenlent is earried.on.by faah meaneé and wayes, ash i tend to the dellreying of Religion? by enfnaring and forcing the " eonli:ience_s ofithe people of ’ God i (with unlawful bands and caches 1' ‘ A 3 and opplrelliing the Perfons and: jEll:aVte't7 offuch as have beejn"rn.ofl ac... tive and zealouef-or Religion an til the Coven-ant,_all whichis llren .. §hffl€éi.3flCi.3HEhOiIi£CCi by aéts of P~ar1iamenrr,fappoin;;ng that an t l A * A V that n ‘ vthaitidio not obey;7or perfvivadeeiotherstnot to obey the,Reloltitione: A V of Parliament and Committee anent this engagement, or who (hall; not fubfcribe the Aétand Declaration of the 10.. Izmii, 1648. 1mm pofed upon allthe fubjeéts; fhall beholden as enemies» to theicaufe Al and to Religion, and have theirfperfon Se‘fCCL1I‘€d‘, and their Eftatea I‘ inttometted with. it a V 4- The engagement is carried on, not without gteatencroa‘cha mehtsflupon the Liberties of the Kirk, as we are ready to cleareina n‘g_any'partict1lars.i ‘ ~ | - , i i A i ‘ ~ A A Wherefore ‘the fetutity of Religion. and carrying on of” the pres fent engagement being inconfiftent. We do propofe for the necellr i faryifecutity and fafety of Religion, that all the dangers thereof.‘ may be taken to confide tation,and amongifi the tell the faidengage... mentsas one of the greatefi which yet being e{’cablilhed i and authgo... t7iaecl by Aéi of Parliament, we leaveit to their Lordlhips to thinke ‘V of what remedies may be provided for redteflinggreivances which A . flow from fuch Aéis and Ordinances. This we are {Lure of, the pub... like defires of the Kirk will abundantly witneffe for us, that fuch. things as were neceflary for the fecutity of Religion, werein clue- t feafoin reprefentecl. and yet not granted by them that had greater powerand authority, at that time when it was much more ealie to» V. give -fatisfaétion‘ therein then now ;’ So that the blame cannot lye. upon the (3ene.ral Aliembly or their Commiflioners that ifieligioxt. is not iecured. g a V A.Ker. ACTS of Parliament and Committee of Efiatese co-ncerning the Authoty and Lawfulnefie-A i ii of this PA R Li A M EN T, andthe obedience to,‘ and ob- i I at fetvation of the Ac T s and confiituti.ons therofi A At Edmhzf. flcnii 1648» H E Committee of ‘Eftates, In purfuance of thetrufit commit-» ii it I ted to them bythe Parliament, Ordaines thisA&tand Declara-I and Otdaines the Committes of Warre;;and.Magif’trattes of? i3urgh§,, tionof the Fliates of the Io. of funii to be Printed and Signed by ‘all Membets of Pa rliiamentmilloblemen;Barons,Burge{i’es, 8t all others: Subjecfts and inhabitants of thisliingdome in manner following ,- 0 \ K30) *~rto>be~iCaireFullia to fee this A6} fignedyand anyaeconnti thereof rétiifflfiiiai a ‘ ;conforme»to the {aid Aft, whereof. the tenonr followeth. . t a . A: Edinburgh t/ae1oi..ofj’;»me, 16431 ~ i .4 e He Eitates of Parliament now conveened, ..co”nl1der1ng;hoW mi- . . cei-I'ary.it:is to eiiablifii their Union. In the aprefervation and A a .maintenance of the-Religion; Laws andlibertiesf of this King» i .dorne,and ofhis.Majeities‘ Authority '; and to vprevent all Fac‘.‘ii0fl55 Contentions and Divifions, which may arife in jprC]LldlCC— thereof, from ‘malicious Suggefiions, and mil?-informations of their __,adver{a~ e ries, do hereby teitify and declare theitrefolution «andiobligation to acknowledge this prefent Parl. to have been and tofbe a free-and t -lawfull Parliament: Like as they bind: and oblige anthem {elves upo n their Hononrsaaendl Credit. And as theyidefire tobe_,and to be holden true Lovers of their Countrey, and of the Religion, Laws and Liber-l a A ties thereof, efauldly and faithfully to the uttermoft of their pow-e 313:0 joyne andyaconcurre with their Perfons and Eitates, every ;-one i accordingtotheirfeverall Stations and callings in theamairitenance o of the Freedome and lawfulneffe of this fore1”aid Parliament: And it i [”in_i;he advancement, furtherance and alliliance of the eixeeutyiong obedience and obfervation of the Aéis and Confiitutions thereof} as the moitfit andneceffary rert_1edies»ofthe bygone andiprefent i evils; and diftraéiions of lZl1lS.'Klfk and Kingdomee; Aandifor the ’ V A .prefetvationofReligion,Laws and Libertiesrthereof, and of‘,-lhi_s‘ a Majefiies Autlhoti.ty>; And have Ordained, and Ordains this prefelnt i A6’: to be fubfcribed by all the Members of Parliament, prefent and iabfent, Noblemenl“, Barons, A Biirgeffes 3‘ and all othersubjcéis and mhabitants in this Kingdome,in their Shires, and Burghys , as they {hail beyedirefied by the Commiflioners of‘Parliament left at Edeiialii &z¢rgb,iandii to be reported to the Clerk , l)C_.l:=W';lX‘ElM.a~l'1Cl‘iIl'1€_firllZ tor ‘‘ o/faagraji‘ next to come a: with certiticationt that fnch,as refufe, -.01” pofipone, and delay to fubfcribe the fame , {hall be holden as ‘V. Enemies and oppoiites to the Common Caufe, confifiing in the .maintenance of the true Reformed Religion, and of the Laws and Liberties of this Kinigdonie, and his‘Majeflies Authority. Eittraéiedil 1 forth out ofthe Records of Parliament, by me Sir Alexander Giéfaie ~ i 0E.‘Dimie Knight; Clerk of his I-Iighiaefll-:i Riols, Regil‘terand Coim- fail tinder my ligny and fnbfcriptionihdannall; o a — A b i fllex. Giéfim Clef. Regifi. a.We aadeifiriéexr do hereby deyc1.ezre,i T/aiatywe arc/qgzor-rtleaicge the faifiice A M oft/ae A6?aW1aDec1azmtioazyaéarz/eWgggizzfeaz, *.(12¢_dydo/aezeé} oélige a.wr_.;. i , j V files: fa led/czere I/heriezantp. W Ezadiazéiri .,;. .Ar¢1‘i'rVlvi\‘1 - (7) rs Edinbr.(28.. iluly “£948.” i‘ SeliT.e18‘3'2 TH“EGenerall’All’embly~talEfl:ates, in e the afiiftat-zce of the execution, and olervatlon of the aéts and con» i fiitntions of this Parliament, as the molt fit As and necefiary remedies ~ ofrhe bygon and prefent evils and diliraétions of this Kirk and K ing-~~ dome, and for the prelervation of Religion,~ Laws and Liber- ties, and of his Majeiiies authority, with certification“ that fuch as A refufe orldelay to fubfcribe the fame, {hall be holdcn as ene- A mies 8: oppofits to the common caufegzonfifiing in the maintenance-l." ofthe true reformed Religion, of the Laws and Liberties of the Kingdome and of his lMa'jefl:ics authority. Which lubfcription : the Affembly cannot otherwileloolt ‘upon, then as a fitare for the people of Goclto involve thernin guiltinelfe, and "to draw them from their former Principles and vowes in the folemne League and Covenant," for thatlublcription were an approt'ringoflome* a€’ts~ of"Parliament, which they have never yet feen not known,» they not being *all"publifl1ed. were an agreeing to aéts-of Parliament, highly concerning Religion and the Covenant, made not only _wirh=- ~ out,ebut exprefiely againll: the advifc of the Kirk; ’ were an aos imowledging of this prelent engagement in war, inieall the means‘ and wayes for promoving the farne,to he the rnoil fit and necielfarye remédies bf the bygon 8:‘ prelent evils ; whereas to many Petitions~ * to the Parliament, {-‘rom'C_1ornrnittees of warre. Synods, Preéby-l t rteriesan'd‘Parocheshave madeitappearg thaethey are no way {kw * wtisfiedttherewithin pOint.of'lc<3nlc1nce, were * an» aicribtng of a" gower to the i7"ar.liament,% to 'Ci¢Ciare th efe robe enemies to the“ true Religion; whom'theiKir‘l< hath not declared to befueh but T;-I-“-‘ i ther ‘friends, % were anapproving of an ac‘): made for the refiraiuing; A l Committees: l l A tlffelibertyfioiprinltingfromthehitk, yeayand ofall the aéis of their \ (8) ffiiomrniettee -ofefl-ates , to he rnade in time cornming, till Mm» :6 son which by afl of ‘Parliament’ are ordained to be obeyed; i were an allowing ofaéis for featuring of the perfons, and introrneta-. “ting with the elizates of fuch aslthemfellves {hall not obey , for per}. h ~:t{wade others not to obey refolntions concerning this engagement-, f H and for«prote&ingrrperfons underliirk cenfures, and {'0 an infrinigiing ~ .iAar1dtvig1ating of the Liberties and dilcipline of the Kirk efiablifhed A f by the lawes of the land, a and fworne to in the Nationall Covenante* i to be defended, wider the painest contained in theelaw of God.‘ ll And in all thefe, fuchlasjdo‘fi.:hfcribel. do bind themfelves not only A ~to_a&ive obedienceinatheirown perfonsgtbut to the urging of aétive 3 obedience upon all others, and fo draw upon themfelves all me gui1;;ine1l'e and {ad confequences of the eprefent engagement, yea}, l \ “inch as are Members of‘;Par1iament, and have in the oath of‘Parlia-+ meat, fworne not towtote or tconfentto any thing, Ahm; what to their belt knowledge, «is—mol’c expedient for Religion 11, ‘ Kirlt and ‘Kingdome, and accordingly have reafoned againit, andldlifliented from divers aéts of this “Parliament, e Thefe by thefuhfcriptiionof M éthis aft, 'cannot.efchew the danger of perjurie, ” in obliging them.-l gfelvnes to aétiverobedience tothefe Acts, A which according to their" - loathe,‘ they did judge Lmnlawfull, neither can the 38.aé’ctof the Par- a iliament 15649. whereinfuch a kindof hand was ‘enaxéiede to be fab- ’ .'-fCl'iiJ€§i. beauty precedent or wm-and for fubfctibinigiiof this Alfie; Fottit pl.ainlyiappearsbytheenarrativerof that aA6’c omitted in .this band, thow great a difference there is hetweenthe condition of at; zfairfihetr and now, Then the‘ Kings, vCQi'IlI1liifiO1'li€1‘ had left and diifthargedcth e fitting of the €,Patliamen~t, then the Parliament for slitting was declared Traitors, and‘.Arrnies in England and Irezamz prepared againft them, When not only the Aéts, but the very‘ Au-_ thority of ‘Parliament was cailled in quel.‘cion,T The Kirk and ftateii werennited in the caufe againfi the malignant Barty, Then. nothing. a he was determined in Parliament in matters of Religion without”. V. much lelTe againlt the advice of the Kirk. But belide that it weastinot a thought expedient by the State, that" that A band {hould be&prefl"ed through the Kingdorne. The cafe now not onely differs lfrofm What was then, eButois;o;in many,th1ngs jail: contrary, as isievidentséto halal who will compare the two toget.her. Andthereforei the generall V ' Affeml-;;1yi, profeflitnrgaaltl tender refpecfi .. to the High and Honourable c ‘ Court of Parliament and Comrnittee offiiiates. BL1t_.findinga fifiiii-l. _ « ii A er tyof God lying uponteheir confciences, gthat theyn. henot foundi, i ‘unfaitli’ .. '~ttvlifhlthFtlll waitlthmetl,‘ anfi hett-ayers ofthe lm0uiES‘0'l?t.:i1e"i”€‘C%l)i.l1fl:lilE«=: 1 " ted to their chatgel, do tmanilnmullytldecllare th€2fQ?l?.”t’:fi1!d fubfC1“lpl:l0E't l. to be“1mlaw§ull and finfull. Andde watne, ancimlthe ql‘l£ll7I‘lf£ olthe lLgl:d (;h3.rg€rallitlI\f3iM€1‘nlZJ€i:‘5 of this Kirk, to forheare the fttb'fcti—- I“‘ % b-mg of the.§a;d g& and Declamtion, much more the urging of the ,»fi1.bf._.r;p;i0fithggegf, as they would not inctue tl1€2XWl‘&l'.lTlOfGIOd, and the C€l'lll.1.lZ€5-of the Kttke. And C0l‘lfid€t‘lflg hoyv necelllzryit T is; that atcbtding to the eighth delire of the Co mmiflionersof the “ Afiemblytg the Parliament, the Kitk..might»have’the famiellnter~ . 7.. epc~,;ntany'new~oathes in this caufe. As they had in the folemne League and Covenant," and what dangers of contrachftory oathes, perjuties an—d*fnarestto mens confcietmces tnay fall .out__ot~herwi'fe Therefore they likewife enjoyn all the members of this Kirk, to fat- * bear chellwearing, _lfi1l;)l"erihing or prefiing of any newlloathes or A batld-SlI‘lthis-.CaL1i-C,WllZi‘10l.lt.adVll-£3al‘ldC01‘l?ul‘{‘€[1C€ ofthe Kirk, ief... A Pegially any negative oathes othands, whichmay a_t1y way limit or reltraine themfzn the dutiesjwhereunto they are obliged, by natio. A nallor folemneLeag,ueearld Covemmt, and that with certification lasaforefaftd, And futltas have already ptelied or fuhfcribecl the forefaid Afiland DeclaratAion, The Genemll Alfimbly doth hereby efihdtt them moi’: earnef’c1yi-nithe bowels of Chti1"c, to repentof 1 that their defefiion. And ordains that Ptesbytetiesx or in sale of their negligence , or being otrerawed “The pron/1mciallS~3ynods or the Commiflion of, the Ailetnbly, whichofthenl {hall fitl’c cc» ciurre.li “ Aadgin cafe of the Syt1ods11egligen;;e, that ltlhefztidelC0m— million be tarefull to ptoceetl agaitill, andcenli1rei_ the CO11Cl’l££V€l1- tiers of the Awft a<;ct:mdtn;;.f, to the qttallty and degree t)l”theit ulience A A as they vUil1l:$e2tnil'tverablett) the Getlemli Alienthly, antithat ti‘i<:‘?.'t2- i folteitheefi be fent to Ei’1€Pll7€8b‘jE€lTi€S“ to be_ptlhlilh.eidintl1e feveml; Kitksoftheit.bm:.nds;' A A . A A e A A ,‘ ii A awti-Ififrafili it ~ -'4-w . d ‘ lEdim’2m'gbi28. :7!“-'1? 16-$8? H t ‘W fil . l ; He tC0mnziittee otthe EliZc1C€Sl"lRVil'1g c,onfider€d the Papers gi-5 e en ta them from tl1elconfetel.1Ce at the 23 ol’.i1’.rtt_hr. l And fi£'_ECl*, fmgithat notwithllanding ofthe tmny delites and g,reat.ofl"ets tnatlet L t? bythe Parlianzelntlb-r llecuting ol Religion, end new agaitle bye ‘ A ~ fthecommittee nomnly renewed, bt1tliltewil'e whatfurthet tcoiuld; A the clemtanded ftotnlthem by the Generallt Aflemhly for the fecurityfii - f of ;l?teligion,'he;ingheattly offered,l.yet rheGenerall;Alien1h_ly iS,«pl§_:lér“§ cw) % ed. to paffe: by all ahefo offers, and not: comely deciaoroe the prefént opi..'1 A . - mm and necefléry Engagement, u-nlawfull, bucinconfifient with the A o fecuxiry of. Pteiig-ion, u poor: the flame grounds, V47h§\Ch‘h&Vfi been fully anfwered formmly. Allzhis foams to the Commimzetoo %ba“ve«ry -. Ji’rz!ang:o; Boenxoific‘ ofe:1lrha:choGeneraZ1 Aflémbly has proceooico A to Fuch a=D;zc!am:ion,o before they had in any Ecclefiafiiqueo way from. csleero tefiimooies ow; ofazhe w~or%d% offiod, or comincirgof our {ion Fcioncoo demooofiraze the un1%awofoIoe—lTe oft'§1e‘undertakiog A L Wherefom it is defired by. the Committee ofEfia tes _., that the Geoorall Afiéznbiy will be pleafed to demonfirate in Wr»i: Fromotho holy Scripture, the unlawfulncfie and finfulnefle of this prefént 811- ’ gagemem, 2. That the G~oneraI1Afl'em$gIy willbe plcafi-zdo to démonfirate A A from the word of God, thaerhe Kirk hasointerefi in the underta. ki“ng_a and engagements in warres; a~ndto:o‘dec1are ~whactheiri_n.. me{’: is in determining aheteofiafter which the ComomiI:toe,fl1a1lyoaE ifoeed he, give a. cleere and Full anfwer totheié politick oreafonso‘ ad-V duced in their Pa-per, aibei-E for the ‘moi’: part they be anfweredo ale- ready; V A % o I ‘ Sfllgfct-"r.v Arocla; %Pr$g92rofia Elev‘. A g o - +4 A EM». alt. Mia, x 54.3. M ‘ Daclamriozz oftfle Genera-ll Afl'émb2jr'c-ancemingo the prqfént odaugag: V of Roefigion, and qfieciafiy the uniavrnfui mgagemem in Irarrg Together V with margyneoeflhry Eacbortationx and Di:‘e£'z'z'anI to ”aH"t/we /ltiémécrfi of’ the oKVir& of Scotland. T cannot {came flrange to any that confidereth the great; trufl ghgg ’lyeI:h< on us‘, comparing the fame with the e»m‘iVnenc;“‘dengzrs wherewith the caufo of God is invironedo inthis Land, ifaa: this . 1 timeswe declare “ our iéufc thereof. and warn the people of God «th{isowoatch.~coower ofaho pref?-rot duties incombem: to them 4-» 7 . Outrwizneffeois inzhoaven, and our record on high , that We do not “ . this from any difgrefpecfiz to the Parliament whom we have honoreti A aondowillever honour and‘ obey , alfo in all t%hin»gs% which are%aog=ree- able oo £1167 Wor*d‘o of God,_:o%oour folemne Covenants, and to1:he$dnu.. ’ eiesocafouor ca-Hhitmoo-_»'.‘a.,' Nor from any diflioyalcy or uodusifulneflé to. rh~‘“:‘Kiri»gs Majfifiifigm Whom weheartily wiflyand to his pofi'eri.ty af. . ter*hi:r=:mfe ofthair fisicaiizy wi-J::dom»: andvzeale imhc caufe of S20 am-e find our Liézivcs necaiTwawze :9 make known unto an the pga pie MG-o;i?%in t'~his%Na:ir3n% our zfrsnfe cmaceming the flangers and dt1a:§::3¢:»f~~tEt:is g3z*e§Ten;i time... A , ‘ . ¢ _ H ‘ A ~ » ' Tése czry :m9E¥::ein§'“i3im2?cies 0fzh§s%prefi£-.nt% ALrn1y'fi~om» aimoflall the pans aftiais Kizagdozne, hath been {'0 great that it hash game up; to heaven 5 and if we {homd be.fi1ent ,_ we could not be reputed AA faithful} in the perir'm~mam:e% of our duty. %W%e do acknowledge that is is Encfidfent HMO all Agmies tobe fubjefl: umzmume difordersj anri the Minifiers of :h:2‘Kingdome have not been deficient informer aTimes»to 1“e{3§'&i'Eént‘th€ Fame as they come untakhcir know1edge,cal- 4 A filing For the radrefic ofrhem» at their hands what had power : But the A C.om%mifl3‘::mers of :;his A prefén Aifimbly {ram the % fevexfall. Pro%v§nee¢s- have Aeaxixibiced gems; variety of abaminabha fcandals and hahaous %imp'i£:5ties am imalencies comVmitted by perfonsv impioyed in this im- Avice, whereofwe think fitting here to give yeua mnch+ A A H — As iflibcrtqyhad been p%roc1aimed%to the lufis of lewd men ,% Their: that have been imployed in very many.pIae;=es ofthre Landgh-ave ufebi horribfe <~:xiwrtion%o€ Mcmies at; their pleafure, and befide the taking. V of vifizuals asthey wauld for their“ own ufe, they hm: in féverall places wilfufly defimyed the fame, iancihave plundred many%hm1fés zakingall away they could \, and.&e{’m‘:»y%ing What’; they could not A carry away 5 intiiis great: oppeifion andfpuile of gouds as the fufi‘e- mrs%==.a;z%ere many £23 chuifi: hath béen made of.~r!:1ofe who %pe:ticiuned the high and Emnouzabic-: Court of Paxliamenz for facia-:&z&ion to their%”C0niAciencesAbeE0re the ungagemm: , ore-wh0—%wc:re known :0 mjaka G'¢:mfE:ience‘o€~zbe fworfhip cfGo«:'a in 2:31-eir families, orrwrhom they m';g W: cxercife their raging wrathand unianabe c.;:v:::amufnefl”e Nm:.H%ay::-d t§f1e':r*f %raga': hensgbut as though the W-azr”eA badbcen %a7ga%inft God‘,Apu?:li=ck F:‘a;f’m have new oniy been uagleéfied , but‘pm§"aned by ;jfrio::m1's fpenciingwamd Amaking merry , dihvine wok {hip hm: been in mamyparzs»c§ii’cur.bed, A%fi‘ome:f%.’Eini'fl:era and,p%ec:p1&: impeded fi::.>mV mm-Eng“ ce*)g«::zher,= others {ca-ttened when they were men ,% fame taken was eaf Kirks in time ofjavorfhip, others-apprehended at tiwirjconxirag mm 3 4 that {och iofoleocies» 1.‘ outat the Kirk ciores,_ahLi carryed away, hefidcs this Miniiiers ii] perécrming the-_ wosfhip of God have been menace-d, comgsadsfled, s zoos Without blaiphemous Oalthes. Yea their pea-ions in Pulpit aié faulted, Nos toihcak of the fpoiliog of their goodfs, taheiogg hqeazw iog,lieasrying. away their perfons and cietammg them for a time. And finally that which exceeds all the reii and is more iimmediacely and A dixeéily agaioli God, there hath alfo been many cruel mochiogs of his vsorfhip , and horrid hlafphemies , and it is not co he marvelied. fome ooh—Covenansers , and very many fugitives irom Kiel; diicié i i -pline, Fioaily, evenzhofe wh have been upon Ihelaieileheilion and" chefe noconely common foulchers but commancless hefide many” volomiers who have no igeciall command andctruii. have been committed, fince there hash been ad» A ‘missed upon this iervice fame Papilis , fomelbloucly ifriih B_ehheis,,l A Befieies allovthefe the Liberties oi the Kirk have heenigrievouf-‘-~ Iy encroached upon by emitting Declarations iiom the Parliamem: i am Committee of eiiaces, containing {everali things highli.e con... earning Religion Withoilt the adviie or conient of the Generalle,Al'1'--' femhly or their Gommiihoners, which was a ground of pro:e£iati-1 ontodiverielflemheraeof Parliament who have been imoii M_zesIous= T andiaéfivein the caugfe 2The Article of Religion as? ersprefledinv the Declaration offlzrliamenclhiath in it many dangerous eszprelli-J was, which are particularly Inlianced in the reprefeotarion of tzhe-*== Commifiioners oi the Generall Affembly 5 And the fame article of Religion in the late Declaration of the Committee of ‘Eflates to Ezzglandis more uniatisfafiorie then the iormerl:“Likeas%i%n the {aioi late Dieciasasionthere is atotall orniflion ofjfome moi’: materiali" ll fhings pretended to in the Declaration of Parliament as {acisfaéiorie in point of {ecuring Religion viz. the claufe concerning iecurixy i to he had from his Majefiie by his iolemne oath under halislihaod anci“ feaie, shas he (hall for himielfe and his luccefiizars give his roysll ali-« feet, anti agree to fuch a& or aéis of Parliament, andhils as {hall he pa.-efemeci to him by his Parliaments of both and either Kingdoms‘ ee{pel€c’veiy for enjoynlng Preshysesisli Government , Directories oi Worihip alnclfionfellion oi Faith in allhis Majeiiies D,om:'ni-l ions; and thachis Majefly Ehall never make oppoiition to any of“ shofe, nor eadeavouriany change eheeeofgiifo the clalule againfi*aif‘o- cilatioo with any that refufe to take the Covenant is o»mi«‘.red. 7‘ From": .~—..‘_»‘a'§i whichiiit may appealriin hoxv great danger the liberties of the Kirk aodeven Religion is ielfare lei}. 3.. in the cloie ofche DeclaresiAon of‘ JW‘. B 9 ‘ :*P~arI;.:. (I ) Prrli. thereis stnew end »tml‘ound g.loH‘e_pu-t upon theltiovenant and taé‘ts,of Genteral AtHémbly,con,tr,aty to the tenth at the General..4fl'em- bly it {elgas is more fully expreffed inthe Reprefentation of the late Cdmmiflion.;2;..No redrefle by the Parhof certain injuries complain- ed of to thcirLord{hips by the Commifiioners of the_preceding Ge-4' neral Aflembly. 5.iEndeavours to weaken and frullrate Kirk cenfuree by making provifions for fecuting the flipends of {uch as {hall be C611" lured for their concurring in, or preaching for this prefent engageu ’ A War. 6. A znhieprellentation of the proceedings of the Ccummflfion of the General Aflem bly by the Pa 1'}. letter ofMaii I I . to the feverall V Presbyteriesl,, endeavouring to incenfethemtagainfi the Commiifliont «ofthe late Aflembly and to preocupie their Commiflioners _ to this Afienubly, 7. Whereas there were many'Petitions ptefented to the high and honourable Court of Parliament from the Commiflioners of the GcneralAHembly,Synods and Presbyiteries againfi theprefent .engagement at fitted in the Parli. Declaration, yet notwithflanding *:0f.I:i1e laid Pe.titions,and notwithflanding ofmany free and ‘frequent warnings given by faithful Miniflers in their fermons, notwithltand- e ing alfo that it was not unknown how much thegenerality of the welglaiieéted in the Kingréiome Werelun{'atisfied’in their confciences width the grounds and way of the laidengagement, yet good people are not only leftunfatisfied in their and our pdelires, but compelled and l forced either to egainfg theiryutconfciences or to be ‘under heaa-l ‘try preflhresland burthené, 3. Yea in ihelate bandinjoynedtobel ‘inbfcribed by all the luhjeifts offthis Kingdorne, men are put to it 1 " tojonyne and concnrre with their piPerl'ons and Eliates, in the ad..- vancement, furtherance and laffiliance ofthe«execu‘ti0n, obedience, rand obfervation of the 3&3 and conflitutionst of A the lateParli’ament, and conféquently , asmazny as thinhe the xingagement unlawfull, ‘lhall bind themlelves not only to obey for their owner partagainft M their confciences, but to inforce the lame upon others who refufe, and {'0 not only he oppreiied, but turn: oppreflhurs of others; 9. Thus alllthe fubjeéts are required by the Aft and Declaration of Parliament to jfUbrCIlib€j asthey defire to beholden truelloirers of Religion; It beingforrher affirmed in the (‘aid Aft and iDec Ilarati— on; thatthe A435 and Cotnlfiitutions ofthe late Parliament, lyare the inofl lit and neceliary remedies for prelervationn of Religion ; where t the Parliament aflnme to themielms, withlout the advice and con- I p y{entofthleAfl*ep;mblies oF'the»K'irk,~ to judge pp and determine luchffl things Wh~°iIeiH5 ( if in any thing)”tlheEcclefiafilica1llAflémblies‘have » t ‘ undoubtedly e " (I) V onzloubtedly eloeeiallgieterefig viz. limbo are to be l3old”en‘e Lovers- of Religion, aooli;wbac are lche mofl fitdand necefli ry Mremediee forg bl = preiervafrion of Religion, yea it is ordainedlby the fourth aft ofPar-~ 1iamenc.; I 64.0. lll7lj"3_w.li for prelervacion of Religion, Generall Alle m- blies rightly coollicluce,as the proper and coziapecenzludge of all znat-»r ters EccleliailiCf€ll“l:l, be keepcd yearly and ofsner pro re 22ete._Thc Co- e A i ron'ationO.acl1d‘ojth alfo {uppofetbe Ancececlem: Iudgemenc of the ‘Kirkle, as the pijoperandcompetent judge wboiiare enemies to true Religion and who not; for his Majellie obliged himielfe by that ii oath, {bathe fhimldiibc carefull to root out all Herecicks and eneeg-.l mies to cbeeerue Worlhip OFGOCI, who {hall be.coa€ric‘3: by the true i Kirke of God, of the aforefaidl crimes. Io.Tbe Generalldlllem» blyj and their Commiflioncre are now deprived of their liberty of Printing, confirmed and ratified by a&of Parliament, there being an inhibition to the Acontrarylupon the Printer, under the pain of death. by the Committee ofEllates. A ¢ A . Wnerea: the defiressofxbe Commiffioners of the lall Allembly, for the fafezy and fecL1rity ‘of Religion, and the right manner of pro» A ceedingto Warre, togecher with tbe {applications of Provinciall‘ %Afl7gmjb1ies and Presbyteries, all tending to the competing of the plrefem: unhappy differences, and co the begeztirxg ofa right lunclew . (landing, have not: prioducedltbe defiredend williedfor efF;& 5 But; V on the contrary ooulrjufi grievances being flill more and more height--;~ nedfiniquity eflzablilhed by a lavmancl that law put in execution. We cannot chute but declare and give warning to all the people of God in tlbis land,c:oncerning the finfulnes and unlawfulnes ofcbe prelem: l engage ment, which may be demonfirane by many real'ons,as namely, 1%. The warres of Gods people, are called the Warres of the Lord, lNxmb,. 21, 1 4. 2 C/arm. 20,15. andlifour eating and drinking, rnuchi i more our ingaging in warre mull be for God aocliforl his glory, 1 Cor; IO.3 1:. whacloever we do in Word or deed,we are command- ed. to do all in the nem: ofthe Lord lefus, anclfo For his glory, Cal. A 3. -7. The Kingclome of God an:l the righteoulnelee Achereofis to be » f.,:u‘ghc in the-fix-ll place and before all other tbings,It was the bell l]M.ztt5.. A flower and garland in the fore-mr expeditions of this Nac'ion,8c that 3 3,, . they were for God 3: for Religion principally and mginly.‘ B u: if tbeprinclipalll ' . lend ofthls prefem: engagement were for the glory ofG ocl, how comes it to palle ‘ that not Fo nrvsucli as one of the cleclifes of the Kirlc,for‘thc fafcty 8: fecurity of Key ' Vligioinin thefaid engagéems, is to this day fatzisfied or gmnte:d5Bu:: on the corusray % fuch courfes talien; as are deflrufiive to Religion:l\ncl if Gods glory be intended? when meane;bcb.c employing; arid p=ro$e&ir1g_ in this Army fo.many blafghcmcrsm =3;r-erf'ct~tttors oi'pie‘t:lj,.',dii’turbers of divine worl_hi'p3 ’.aI1dI:Olh€.l'S guilty of notorious and crying lli‘iS._Ag:1l'£},l’1OV*)' can it be pretended thttt the good of iiieligioh is plritv cirgally aimed :tt,when it is propofed and declared th~.ttt'he Kings Mateiiyf lhalhe brought to fame ofhisshoufcs in or near Ltozrdm. with honor, freedom rind ftrfetyg before e.V€1‘El1E1'e be any fecuriry-had {:6 him,7or 1'0 much as any application made to him for the good of Religion. _ What is this but to p.ofipohe the honor of God, i the liberties of the Gofpel,the fhfety ofGods people roan human inte«rcV':?r, 8t to leavefieliaiott ina condition of uncertaioty,unfetdlednes and hazs.rd§whi~le ltis‘ D " flrongly ttndCzWO.L11‘c'Cl_ to fettle and mal-re ft; to fomewhat elfe. \ 2. l Slupipofe the ends of this engagement to be good (which they are not) yet. the memos and wayes of profccution are unlowfull, btcaofe tltcre is not an c__- quall avoiding of rocks on bothhands, but ajoynlng with mttlignants to flip}?-I'€lS Sefiaries, a jo}/hing hands with a black devill to beat rt white devillg, They are bald Phy.t'itian‘s who would To cure one difca Fe-as to breed anoth-er as evill._.§ or t worfe- That there is in the prefent engtgement a confederacie and aflheizttion; in W3.1'1'C with fuch ofthe Enghflt who according to the folemne League and cm- nant and Declarations ofboth Kingdot-net. 1 64.3. can be no ot_herw_i{e looked open but as Malignarztsiand enemies of Reformation and thetCauie' of God , is i now made fo maniftli: before Sun and Moon ,5 that we fupfiofe none will deny it it; And ris no lefle undeniable, that not only nun-ye-known Mal 'gna.mt,i;bttt di- verfe who jioyned in the late rebellion. within this Kingdoms are employed, yea, A put into places oftrufi:All which how contrary tie to the Word of God,’ 110111311 can be ignorant who will attentively {earth the Scriptures , for we finde therein condemned cohfederaciesitnd’af-lbciations with the enemies of true Religion, whether Canaanites, Exod. 2.3». 3 2. and 3 4-1 2... 15.Deur..7.2.- or other hertthens 1 King.i1.z2.fi‘tch was_.4fzz his Covenant with Bezzlnrdarl, 2. Chron.r6.to v- 1 o. 4- ~ baqhis Confederacy tvitltthe King“ofA1l}Iria 2 King.t6 17. I0. 2. Chron. 28.16. to 4v..23- or whither the al-lociation was withwiclted men of the feed of Aém/cam, mfebafhtzpbttts with 426,745 2» Chroma 8.3«compared With r:..19.z. alfo-his afl'oci- ll ation with .4fmgiab2.Chron.zo.3 5. amid?Arria§i4:l25‘afiociatiln-gbro-himfelfr ooooo. ' » ofthe ten Tribes when God was not with them,’2; Cl'11‘OI'I zj§.7,8_.,9,1o.% The finné and danger offu ch aflociations may further appear from Ifa. 8-12.15. Ier. z." 1 8. P'fal.1o6.3 5.HOC 5.1 3- and 7. 8,::. 2 Cor; 6.,v4 15‘. and if We fltould eficem Gods enemies to be Ourcncmies,and'hm:e them with perfect‘ hatred, Pfal. 139 2:. how can we then joyne with themas Confederates and aflfociates, efpecia-l_ly itta caufe where Religion is [0 highly“ concerned; and feeing they have been io1.'me'1:ly in iaélzuall op pofition to the fame caufe. 3. We are conttnanded ifit belpollible and was much as lieth in us to have jJC’t1C€ withlallmen, Rom.12.to. to feek peace and purfite it , Na]. 34. 14. warre and bloodfhed is the lztft remedy after all the Wayes and meancs of peacehave beerte ufed in vaine. The intended war of-the nineTribes and a half againft the :~.Tribt:s and half” was prevented bytaMeflage.aod Treaty 0fpeace,]ofl-1.21 the like m€=3_I-18 % was ulizd by Irptllaalo (though not with the lilte iuccefl?:}for preventing of‘w:ttow'1th: the-:i{ ing oFAmt1'1onl]udg,t1 The very light ofnature hath ta Light Heathens not to make war till Etrft all amicable wayes ofprevehting bloodlhcd weretriedgyetthis War hath _been dlriverton without‘ ohfcrving anyfuth method of proceeding exce pt by a meflage wherein not folmuch as one breach was reprefs-nted.Yea‘.i though ‘theft: two kingdoms tircrfrtaitly united inh_C.ove11ant.ye;t thel7ewho have carried on this war did not only lnegleét to defire a Treaty , but Aalfo flight an offer of at -Treaty in aclc from the Parliiamenr‘ofEnglan’d_umo the Propofitions of both kin g- dams, There A 4 The-re.‘arc “many clear eantiful teliimonies of _Seripture‘s againli the‘bireaeh and violation ofC'ovenants, although but-: between: man A A and man, Pfdl. 55. 2o. Rom,1.31. 2 ‘1’im.3.3*.. .Efpec7iailly where the A name of God was interpofetl in Covenants by any of his peoplegfer. " .3‘ .8,Io,1 15,18.’ Each. 1)-7.x‘8,I9, How‘ march more the violation ’ i o sfa solemn: Glovenant between God and hiswpeople,Lev., 26. 1552;. Deut.?I7.2. aI=Jd‘29.21,_24,,2‘5. j’er.22.8,9a .I K§flg,«Ill9oI0-Dan.1{.324 l t 6,7-i If therefore the prefent Ingagement he a breach of our fa» - ’ lemme League and Qovenant, then they who have before taken the Covenant, and have now ioyned iitthis Ingagement, mull grant nceeilaryantlnn infallible eonfequence, A ither that the Covenant it felfewhiehr they took was unlawfull, a A d fueh as they cannot per- frmlwithout fin(whic-h yet they can no profefle)or oltherwifenzhat the Ingagcment is unlawfull &finfi:1l,as b ing a breath of'Covenan‘r; andfo contrary tothe word of God, thitfhe pr€fent'Inlgagement is a breach of Covenant may appeare hy comparing it with caehliof A the Articles, for it is aglainfiliall the fix Articles of the Covenanha Againfi the firfhbecaufe infiead of the prcfervation of the doétrin, 2 "Worfi1ip,elifcipline and Governmentlof this Kirke ; there is not.otr1- ’ A 13;‘ ahgreatgnarrellingbythofi: thatldoe In gage, at the prelent adol- &riine‘,;”an "free preaching, adifiurbinig of, and witlxdrawing L-From“ the worlhip,antl namely rorhthe late folcmn humiliation; Bin: alfo a refufal offueh things as were defired by thecommillionof the late a Aflembl 8: Provincial Synods,as lnecelfary to the lprelervation ofthc truellfie ormed Religion:And we have lull caufetoffear~ that the Re» i formation of Religion in dofitrine, worlhip, difcipline and gverii--A ment is not’ "intended to bee fuffieiently maintained and preferved, when, we find {nth a limitation and reflriéiion in thelate Declara-A r tion Kooffithe Committee of Efiates to the Parliament and liingdome ioffingland, That they will maintaine and preferve the 'Re}o7mat~ie7z ’ ‘efifleligionl, in ldoé‘2‘rz'ne,_ warfbipe, difeiplizze and govemmentg as it by like A mercy of God, and bx}: Majefiiet gaodnefle ejiablzfied by law among tag but as % ” there: is no finch limitation in the lCove1=xanVt,fo We have not had’ fuch ’ rofe of h;isMaj“eRies,goodnes as to eflablilh b law 211 that hath been * y the mercy of G odrinlaéied in .Generall A ‘emblies. Ash totherell " i ofthefirli Arti-elcg concerxxingltVhelRefori1nation of‘E2al_t{Z.«.w9:;rl algal Ire»! A ” lt£72£i,‘r and’tltei.l:1ii"ormity, as there was Come hopefitl -!:.a:;;§innintgsn 4 L thereof, anda good ntfotmclation laid,» enduring the late walr agaitzfi ” th‘ePo§>ifh P1'elatiCaLla'n‘é\Mal'ignam:l arty, rd thefiatt rel grotngd 95: Elk‘-" W‘a1?‘1~‘IL’ beingfzfow altered, and 1:“ efe chofen. for con tlerates, s and <1 :8) . izmcl ailoeiates in the wasrfe, ‘Who are known —enemies to thiat.Refe'f: mation, and Umfornzilty, howcan the Covenant be keeped m that 4 point as loom; as fuch a Will‘ is carried on. The feconcl‘ Article is violated beca Fe 1n{-lea<;l of indeavoulrinmg td__ extirpate Popery and Superfiitioni Witihoutrefpeit of perfons (ash is V expreil in the C.ove11an~t)there 15 in the lateDeeletat1on of the Com,‘ 4 mittee ofliftates a dehre of the Qgeenes ret:1r11e, W1tl‘10ut any con-«A; elition tending to the refiraint of her Mafle or exereife of Poperys, ‘We do alfo concave thereis a tacit condefendingeto t~he_toleration of Superfiition and the booke ofC'omn1on-prayer m H15 Majefiies fa.-t m-iIy,ibecaufe as it was referved by ;hitf11felfi11 his coxieeffionabrotozght. home by the Con1n1iIl1ox1ers of lEl11S,R1I'l::3;ClOl'i1€, Sohthefeieconceflignst were never plainly d'eclzu:ecl by the Parl.to be unfatisfafiory to their A IJordfl1ips,,_howbeit ithath beetle oftenmd ear11te1llyde{'ix*ed:nei~ ther can We conceive how the claufe concernxng‘ the extirpation of Prelacy, can confift ‘with mdeavourmg to bring His Magefty with honour, ifreedonae and fzifety to one of his houfes in or about Lon...hi_ dozz, without any fetturity hadfrom him, for the abolition of Pre- lacy; it being his knowneprimzipleéand publickly deoclaredvby him- A felfe {hortly after he went to the Ifle of" Wez?gbr)tethat he holds him... felfe ibblieged in coilfcience, artdtby his coronation oath to xnailm-~ tain Archbifh ops Bi{l1ops,8tc:Can it be faicl that they. are endeavour- 4 ing to extirpate Prelacy, who aftee fuelia A Declaration. would put in His Majefcies hand an 0AppOI‘-tl1lfl~lt“y to re1't’aoreiit- ? % = e - As forthe third Article We cannot conceive h oW,thepifeIerving 4 of the1Privile~:lges of Parliiamenit, and‘a.{l'e1"ting the "Kings ziegativefl voycejcan confifh, anelwe erellorrowfullttlaat under the :colour_., of 4 the Priviledges ofParliament_., the l1l)€rt¥€S oftl1ehhSub§ec?c5.are Qgrer, . » thro*vg_7.n, and the perfons and Eflates offizch as have bee11~tbel’caf*l"eé”t» ed’ tothe Cam F e en«:lfCove11ant are exppiecl to moft gr1e,v;ou~s lihnjuriesfi cryingo‘op‘g1*;eh.;ons,8Z whereas the duty in p1‘eferv1ng8:.defeneling his Maifcies perfon 8: attthofity, is by thrill thircl Artielel of the Coveimntl ualified VJlEl]5‘a11dft1l§>OfCllnat€ unto the prefei*v:1tiiotntf,;ancltdefence j ofthe true Fgeligiora“ amClhlLibel.rties of the Kinlgdomes 5 . There is not flzch quallification “noixg; fixborelination ilobferved into the pezjfgm 131.. ‘ 9 _ gagermmgbut on the contrary5_it is £70 Ca1"rlCdlQIC15as :tot~;;<;~;h;lal§eel11ties- to God’ll:end Religcani conditional!,;q§1al‘lifiecl, limited; .md.;d;1ties to the King ebfolute 2md1mlimi'ted.e V - l i it e L "‘ who were by tha.t A17tiVcl§§lf"e_hc%l;€Lr§'§&:l_. Enemies; 1*ncienda1fies,& Malig-= A e ‘ A l X ‘ A na,m3,'§ ha’ The foetal: Article of the Covenant is {Q “only b,p_,;;1;m:,thia;_t they (‘£93 hants; eh dutherefere to berbrought to eondign:e‘tr§aH endptlrdirflge ' menAr,ra1'e12oW Iookedoupon as friends and aflociates , and are the men who get moft Fa“rou1‘.arac§ proteétion , andi"un“dry ‘of them. imployed in piaeesr o;?’etrhi’c,in the Army and Committees; ; 5 AF or the fifth Artieie , irrfitead oi‘ ehdeavotxring to ‘preferve peace and uniemo, a bgrezzch is eedeavou.ée*d between the Kingdomes , not finely by taking in, and garr§fo‘hir3g—; their frontier Townes, but 211-» for entering the Kingdonxe <::~f E73({f_!.'fl?iVd with an Army , and ioyning the conmzmm enemies of both h_ingdon2.es, n obtwithfiéafnding of an offer of a. Treaty up olhthe }?rop-minions of both Kiixggdomes made by the -Parliament of Ezrgfezazd to the Parliament ofth§s‘King- dome; And Whether the wayof this engagement can confifi with the large Treaty between the Kihgdomes: Wefhall Wifh the h onou- mble Committee of~Efi:a.tes may yet take it into their ferious fecond thoughts. * A. A A to A 4 0~ . % Thefi3<:1:h is alfb nmn1f°ef’cI;r b1'0hen , for We are thereby‘ obI'icged* A to ztffifl: and defend all thofe that entered into this League and Cove- nahgin naaintainingtand purfizing thereof : Whereas the Army now entered into Englandfis to aim‘: and defend many who have not A enterAed dintoethat League and .Covehant‘: And for thofe who tooke the Coven ant in that Nacion,and tcontinure faAithtJuII"i11’ itywhat they may expefifirom this Arniy, maybe Collbekfted not oncly from their carriage towards their brethren at home; but alfo from rthatelaufe toward the cloie of the late Declaration ofthe_dConamitAtAeeof‘ E- fiates A, e/{ed that we wit’! doe prejudice or ufe violerzce’ tarrj2zoéz%e M me are czéle) but to fuck 4%.? oppofe “M, or firth ends above mezztiozzrd. It cannot be unknowns that many of the Englifia NattionewhoA are firme and ' faithful! to the Covenant, -and Preébyteriall Government doe, and will according to their places and callrtzgs V oppofe Afome of thofe ends above mentioned in that Deelarationgas namely, the refiorhixug A both of trKing and Ckteehe wzthout any condition or fecurity fir-(1; had from them : And to by that rule in the Declaration they mufi: ezsrbeét to be nfed as enemies , not as ‘friexmds. ‘That fixth Article is alfo broken by 31 departinfzg from the wfirfc principles and refo1utioh‘s, and by dividirzgg and W3th§iI‘a'eVi21g from thofe that adhere theretm- A to which hathdbeen before Cleared by the Commiifigonr of the late J .. V rG¢IieraIlA£Temb1vih their Declaration in Marchffteprefentation, and other papers puh.1§.fl1ed in Print. A A A A e 5. We leave it: to be ferioufly pondered by every one wlzoie-trt‘1-~ r~ Iy conhfcxentiotxs, whether it be any wayeso crediblem probable, or C .... or agreeable .v-~ ‘ 9 -14 ( I3) aguneeable to$crEptL1s:c- rules _.,,. Arrlm-~A:m~vA§;;er34era1it:yof Aall that A haw A AbacAn?naAo,fiw faithful! and cordiall toi thé CovVenaI1tA and cauf'c:AAofGo'd;V V Should‘ bee deceivedA,, A Adeluded and darkenAed in tlxis bu~finefl'e , and‘%thac%t11cAywhA‘o for tht: mofic parcwere enemies to this worké of God in the bagimning, and have never bmught fiorchMA -fruits‘ m”eet:~ for m3Aentaz2ce ., flaoL1Idn»o'W,finde%Arut the will of God‘ ‘ u A Vmoré‘ t'heAn%hisAm01}fhithfuIl fervants in theLand; and who, that A fcAm*es~God , will belceve that AMa1ignants: are for the endspf the Covenant, and that they whp are mofl:i.nPcrumentaIIA in this fiefor. Amation, amagainft the ends oftheVCo.vcnantV. % A f W 3 A All which cdnfidercd , as We would not, without: involvingour {Elves in the guilcincfié (if {'0 unlailwfiillan cngagemcn tr, yeeld to jth_Ae" dcfirc of A thg Army for Miniflers t0be‘&fcn%tA by us to attend them’; so We d 3;: ¢g;m¢[tIy exhor; , _an;cLin-t~fic%n;ame and authority of 1:. firs Chrifl: A,‘ clxar.-geand rcquire all and every one ofghc Members of A R eforx-pad Kirk; ofSca1l47za'.% A ‘ “A " I A % ‘ A « A A A 1, A4 T§mtV;they fégmjh naVrr0W1y_into the; finsrwhich have proxy-:uAred fa greatAA judgements‘, and {'0 {ad an in.tem*uptionaVoF ’tAI18_ vmrkeof ff G-0d5t§‘1AaLAt they cxammc thcmfe1vf¢s,c%onfid,cr thcix: waves, b1eAmt1eh“ A; in hutniliatizmanti p;jaycr,fludy:a~rcaIl »aI1dAAp[.‘a&iC3.H Ref'ormationA,j. * A A In That they Aalfo mourn: and figh for theabominations of the ‘Land; éa£;1dAi’A-}“ mAinationsAoAf the Gentiles But among thc-“people of God, Where ~7hi$ great name is interpdfed, the breach of Covenant even in meancr A maAtt¢rs5%:fu'tl) M the jetting 0 f firvantr atlibergy jzrovalget/2 the Lord to flay,‘ A A Behold I "P7m‘0CI4ime‘a Iibergy faryoz4j(jaz't1: tbaI.ard) to tbezfirord, ‘to tbe pefii-A-' lance, A4224 to tbe famine , and I wzlif gz'v%e% tbewmen Atbgztlggtb tmzfgrggéd my gaj; A L- wmznt, and (not excepting, lgurt, expreflély mentioning Prix,1cAes)%A he addes, I will givegbem intotbe bdfldrof 1! air enemiex. The Hifiory of thAcV%Gib¢m1Etes,Who furreptitioufly procured the Covcnant made’ to A 1"p:ire them, and Whom 4-5'aul% Tonic ages thereafter inA?his‘zeaIm¢ to the cahfldren “ofIfi'a-el Scfldab fought to flay, as being cAurfedCanaanitcs, ~ evidenccch with%w!1a%tAv::ngAeanc¢ , the Lord followeth Covena»m;#- AA A brq;akers,T .whcreof;th-ere-ywgmts Ignotiza prophanc Hi{toVryal%foVboth A A for- _ f0rre1g!1i€r'L€§nddQ.meR1e1i¢?x3mP1€3 sh Thcrfifarelct allmierinhabg. t2n=w“frhrL=.nrd of Whatfoévsr ram fcriouflsr porrxder rib1¢?l1dfi'm1°“t$"*3“ V1<’1af—‘°" 0*" °9V¢*W~‘f°r¢¢wt1yrmad‘c, {o adviiédly, folemnlyg andfm fo twcxghcy matrers, may draw rgn, if A ' not timoufly prevented by fpeedy Arfepcntfince. 11. Thatthey foréfpéfi and hrOn%ouujAuthoritMy, qsthattheytgg; r r netthe fervants 0? men» 1101' giveobédknce to the Willand aucha; riry Mofr Kulérs A in anything v£%hi(:h‘rma{"3%['1§:Ot; gfonfifi With the“ véd;-d of'G rd , but ma far raélibertyr rwherew:¢nc;1:+:a.ha:r, ;;;§d; , them free, ahd:c)b'éjrG4oéT rA:i‘t herf}%1_ctIifV%rJ;:_if3n‘.% A 111. That they can-efurrlygrgvoidchcdangerous rock; gnetrnapeg Q”; this time;rWh¢1‘°bi“'°fm3WV&4feVrtaK¢Ii€11“ bf°kr“3°flrr V Ar \\ V : Urp0rn_rtheoner"‘hri1d‘*;h ‘foWrerl§aY¢13. C>fM[aI1g;1apry wlggrg gage}: ‘rit‘etf1t€}‘5Ar?ar A 1-P0Y1¢fh J9-*‘4A‘rr5:i C0FrUP’fl5Eh the WhQ1é"1L1H?P§" 2 P9fl~poxIri;ag Pieligioxggand thé céltife dhffirdd t ohu %i‘ii%tér¢fi.5IWI)at%V ;r:ver by pr;c«-;.~ tended to the cbntréry, ape; obfirinfiinéthr wd“r¥<]¢ Of Reférnliatiaru and propagation of Rellglon out of falfe rcfpefisand creature in.» , teren. As rhiémh f°Fm¢f1Y jaboundcd in the%1énd.to the px*¢judi¢e¢ % oftaI°1cy~rCa‘iJf'ean‘ci workeof ‘God,’ {'0 of late iti-s r%rcvivcd, iprcadinrg with i'peciou's prrc%t:e:;1rce%s'pf*I§r1fl‘ic1atingr wrongs dohe tp his rmajeuy. We dcfirenotto%mifla1(¢n, as réfpefi z§ndV1ov¢ IQ his Méfiéflty ‘vrére% branded with the inVFam%r)i1$ hiarke% of _Ma.Ii_gnan«cy;” But thereby we warm: all Whc) w0u%ld% ‘not comctmdcr jzhis vfguleiflaincm not candy, in their fpéech and profeflion , but realIy‘,and4inflrhei'r whplé ‘canfi;-gr’ ' age not to prefcwrrer their owne ,4 mar the %'ix1rtjeré& afrmsy “ creature wha,,tf'ocvcr,_beforc ,tI1£:' in térefl of"Chrific%%arx_d‘I?LcTigioni; Tflhe cm. rtficrs 0fthefe¢%h:{ve41beerié f'u‘1Alyw’givenfinf'g3r11iérVDeEc1ars;ti‘0nS, M fpeu, %% V cially in the Dfcc'%la rati0n of the commi{fio‘;1¢rs*o£ A the (fig-ncrallg Afl?i“b1€di’“dMaI‘Ch W» »Wh3¢h hcld 46 We ‘?P¢4VF*#d5}9h¢1! @- dingthis; "thatrthc ordinarily traduc/erKiri§éi];L;dic4;;;ttgrk:s,, ":s;,x11ed--r “ Ii1.1gf2viih Civill a airts, which as i‘tr,i?sfn c:) j1H 1M§\vgv¢¢”c;1I;1§tIi5§j7”",;%fbglfi filth as hath been étaflt up”bn%%the" “f'erva9.1its of’;GbdV‘iijn¢%fori:iérAL'timcsrV$; ff;t_he wholé courfc ofproccedings doth mMa,nifcfi:1yV¢0nf'u;tefthe 1° amh.rr Upon the other hancl Seéiarifrgirihathno leffe hit-id~red Jblefléd and glorious wbrke of iflqformatiprn in‘ o%ur%z1¢ighbou r ;Kin gdomc, Ar agginft the mom: whereof , 1:95 in approach and in fefigtrhris Kirkc, } wéfhave need tc5'Watchd%iligént1j7 to avoid all the ‘_b¢gi}1nings and ’ d-angerous appear:-.ncesrthereof.The many faithful r%tePcirmonics frbmr godly Minifters in Icverall parts éf England, againfiths vile crrours, % and abominable blafphemica abeunding there , as z:heyr'are to us A r ~ .0 3 A _m§ttcr ?g_; xn l 9 V M (22) M e A l’fiiatter,ofre;oycing‘before the ordssfifotthey otight to lae loolieti on l as warnings to all forts of petople, elpecially , httt rtgaml l3..vl‘lllE.lOE_, ‘to beware of'Satl1ans fnm"e's, c:'a.ftilY 15? to catch t'h€lr.§ii,2'tI_lEs.Wf&I%€i V %hecl.aw1flel'i1th ga1'.7-grCe11s%cl"e__epl Vitzfenli blygi all that love the l]ClHL';[[£"' of God, afidweifaiie oifieligion , WC4l1lCllf€fl0lIlly COn§i€l€£f‘_ the fol-e lowing poims, both by way of marltesto clifeeme , and memes to Uefsapelthe danger of this infeétion. i A is ‘j 1i;~VVl1_;ofoever are mifprifers. of the blelletliworlce OF Ptef'or11l“1a§-=1 * tion "el’cél$lifhelcl within this Land, andicloe not lliew th€'fl1f€lV€S gt*ieved“for the impedimelnts‘ and 0lI>ljCl't'l&;-l.:O‘nS it hath met with in our izeighbotir Kingclorne, thele are even on the brinlte of tl31isipre- cipice,l ready to teztxable clowne in this gulfe whenfoever occalion is 3 offered: All therefore that love the Lord %]’eii1s,i would flir up theirs A lleartsiiiizi the light and lirengtlt of the Lord highly to prize, and ‘thankfully to acknowledge twhztt the right l’1'&I1dOf_ the molt High’ (Y “ hath done among us , V as alfo to thirft ferventlyafter ltheadvan cing and petfeating ofthe Lords Worke among our neighbours, V A 2. Dill?-refpeft to the publicke Minifiry and 1*dima11(ces::is 21 Vptome of aclangerous inc‘»lination to thatidileafe : And tlierefores as alliChriils Miniflets ‘ought tollirup themfelvcs7,s to Wallis as be... commeth t'heir high and holy calling, left they be {humbling blocks ‘ to thepeople ofGod;i'o alfo all the people of‘Godw ought I110ll.'.;C3.re-.. fullytofiir up thenifelves unto a precious efiimation of the Ordi-t nances ofGod, andhighlyj to elleem the Stewards thereoffor their workes fake. A duty at all times needfull, but no’w efpeciallygwlaen ‘ Satlaan by all mteanestendeavours the contrary. s*‘3.Indif-ilerency in points of R.eligi.on5a1ad pleadir-lg for Toleration to theziiilelves or others; orlhow Far foever different among them.- ielvsgisiziot to be forgotten among the charaétersoi Se&:arie%s,&ther- fore ought the mo%re carefully to be avoiéed and oppofecl by al who clcfire to hold {all the profellion of tl1ei 1‘ faith Without wavering; V ” 4. They whoare gloryimg in, and feekisrngia 7" El’ newliglats 3 A or ;;, it underthe pretext of them , are {elite conceited in finguliar opinions: to or who alfeét 11cm and firtangeiexptellloxisjare entring into the {hare reatly’ to be carried about with .evety Windof eloétrine. Aiulthercu forest albeit we ought alwayes as iDil'c,ipless of the Lotti toletiour {elves Al asin his fight to A be taugHtbyl1is Spirit according to his ' W’ord,yet in this .timefo f€rt1l'0f€rIOL1fS51t becomm eth all the lo-I-I A vets of trlutla to holdlfait What the y have received, thalt: no nzazi take iTi‘h¢ir§1:°Wn€-is - * 5. w1mg"» § Wlfxofoeverhrlnge in anylopinion or-T pradcife in this%K_irl('ed¢5‘1i;2 tra-zry totthetlrflonfelfion ‘0f:l:8:_lth, Dlreétory of worlhi p or E’resbyter"i~. ‘ant :Gov%ernment may be gully elteemed to; be openmg the doom to Schlilhe end? S~eEts: And therefore allldepravers p'or«mi{conflre1<‘?ters.of th.eproeeen”lz1gs QfKli“k€' ludtcator1es,ef‘pec1ally the General Alfem-. A r hly Wonldtteke heedleailfihy makitag a breach open the Walls of few °" mfelemlthey make a patent way for Seéteries to enter. e 6 They who feperate the fpirit from the word, and pretend rifle fpiri't,when they have no ground or warrant from the Wot*d,area"i'. ready taken in an evill fnare, And thereforetis neceffary to try the fpirits whither they are ofG0d,;f‘or many falfe Prophets are gon out lnifler. - V Whentwe thus exprelfe our {elves for preventing the dangersgof" into the world, if theyfpealte not according tolthe word, _ it is be. caufe there lisnolight in them. T T T A to Befides the former,thefe are alfo markes ofa Seétary; Ifzmy C.Odm--T mend, and =recomme~nd"to others , or fpread and divulge the errone--». ous boolkes of S.e<9caries, if any allow, avow, or ule conventicles or private meetings forbidden by the aarof the General Afl7en=1bly 164.1 and 1647 laft~‘pal’c_., Ifany be ttnwilling, and decline to reckon Seé’ca.- «_r~1e,samong-the enemies of theCovenant,frorn.Whon1 danger is to be r apprehended, And(thoughwe drip?-allow the ebufing and Idolizing, T of learning to thetpatrocinie of error or prejudice ofpieyty) if any 4 contemne literature as needlleffié attbelt, if not alfo hnrtfulle to 9. Mi--- ] ' ‘ Se€’ts;a‘;Hd S‘chi£'n1es,. itisfar from our intention to difcotzrage any from the deities ofptety, and mutuall edlfication, according to the 1 direétions of the laft Aflembly publilhed in Print, a»nd>{'erioully re- commendetlby them, or to give any advantage to Malignants “and prophane perfons, with Whom-it isefrequent to call upon alltthoie whotadhererto former» principles, and cannot approve the" prefent Ingagement, the odious nick--namesofSe&arlesland Independents.‘ Fortthei,tbet§tter difcoveryvof fitchprophante L dmockers, We give theft: lj ' naerkes. anTdacha1*a&te~rs. I They doe prophanely and‘t:.tu11tinglyla~rl T bttfi: the name ofthe fpirit, under thatname deriding the Worke of y R and fan€’citication.t 2-. They eftrem zmd‘fpeake ofexercillés of T confciencte, as‘ fzmcieswor fits of melancholy.“ 3; They mocke at fan T 1’fl3lflyWOa3Zlhlp and the llrneanes oftntittlall pedit’ic'at.ion {'0 much recom- , mended hythe left Alfenubly in their dlre@cyion.s.4. They doe nfuelw . ly ealnmraiategodly MiniPters,landt~profefl'ores who follow h'olix1es,f ' nr.i.tho_.tI1e,names~Ofheélseriesyor the like. odieusnames, Withoutazgy , ’ T T - . A ~ T ' A T ntityytel. \. A A_A%A(n) _AA witheut any jufl caufc: Aswe ;1'cr:6if1nt-‘raI.1 to A§A¢<*cxAaAem“i¢5‘t9 #55 W Prafiife %a11d1P0W¢r‘0fg6d1i’néfTés Sb WcAd‘ée"4cxh‘ort;:a*1~lLthe -lama V of ?t‘m‘ch‘tA6 hn1dJ‘m;i%n*the‘wayLof ho1i%1ac'fl'e:hrw ‘W; ad V‘ and ixxrepcrc, bfeing figdfafi, immoveabxe, a1waye§h;5§3.md§,§§9§§ If-13% W@I‘kA€ Eifthe L‘0rd¢‘~‘fQf8Lffi1ucIh as theylknow theirlabouriis -net in,%%*%Tvginei11Vthelord, % A A A M A ‘A A “ A» IVf~iT*hat“theyA‘d%o‘n‘t cA@nAcL1r in, not _any way aflifl this pre-flan: In-* gagcmcnt, as they wouldenot partake mother mans fins, and {'0 re; 7 Qcewive oftheir plagues, ‘but’ that by the grace and affifiancc of Cfirift. % A %th.éy’ fiedfai-HyPr¢1a¢ysThac theymrenélédne rum 2‘. th7‘iI1g% 3$%%%%%a% "¢ChaV1ig¢V6f£'h81GfiV¢fnmenAt:%oft%hcKirk: , M or a‘n%ijmro£:I1a*~ % “ cing .0fEpifC0P3tY 5 5"’-"3 dT€‘.Y Weft i*caIIy»doi”ng What they dif:1ai-‘ mtfid 31151 P%1‘0‘f¢mf€1fl0t tL0 dO”é-V “And {appeal}: thaffnac Whe haveéafi % afiive hand tfarrying on tbéprefent publieke %afl'aire%s,havé~no“lde~. '-‘A1 A fignfe eithert@deflroy‘FLe1igion, or utterly cdflicght it; yet ¢héA',w”ay -I V they ;arA6Vte;n3‘and*AWézrkes ’t'ht:y arch-bout as ibis cAontr’iircd, dothfifits I — A, I H Au not=tI1er:tt‘ér”* fubverfirsmi of *Pu:l1g1on ; for zAt«czmAnot'vbc%Aden €d,'bLiVtthC'V"€ry'un-_ A .. F9 . dértakingf cf f'e1:sstI.1Ae7o1Aw1 C: fu¢pp.;g¢gpe M,d_A1AignanAtS %6_n4..Wdrk, A againcgand f;_x‘C_c: cAtth”erci1~fif_ut$ théin in .-A1? Qa;p.f_A'Ci’ty'.t£3 flair upiacc‘&ar-J‘ ' . I ’ ‘ dingto Izheixt princip*1'es,a1bm A A A fli%éda1iEIab?ur:dcOrr13 titans A wi1%1b¢*“th¢fi=ar¢ Wdiiv§*13d°rFd:€¢?nfid¢r%ifl'gAhy38 M5b‘efii=s’p§»p§§; - %1i101aA‘,T ” V 1 eioumnd profeffecl refo-lotion thal’: »)wa.y, liEfpec%“ia“ily fefeing His lMag;‘ i jeiiiesy conceflliis (though it ‘hath been oft defired) have rreverl been A t it I‘ f’plai11lyldecleredunfatisiefiizoryiby the.Pa1’lian1ene. And Who in ream {on can .think tlhalt any more then Hisli/iajeiiies conczeflions fem; from f A thelfle iot"W_'igbl)tt Wll be reqhired of hirr-1,by them who therupon have ~ y proceecied to this Irigagenient. The Kings iiegative voyce (efl7:rt-- = fcfl in the papers of twhie.(§ommiilioners of this ijiingdome unto E2-zg... y land, which are owlnedi in, the late Declaration to the Kingdlomeof lEnglcz7zd,as the {en (e of this J'{l‘;iI1gClOI-11)CO11lldet‘t‘33. in relation to Relie- ’ lgion makes the danger yet the greater and more palpable, yea,may ‘lreagch further to {bake alldltlilffiftlfi Religion eiieiblifhed in this land, Ifiro the premifes this be added which is not only often declared, 4 -but alfo demalnded : Thatyflis Maiefcy bee brought toone ofl-iis houfeein honour, fifeedome and fafetyfiwhich may infer the aci mirm ing of His Majeity to th e. free exeroife of His Royall power, before Lyfecurity hadlfromhim for Religion, or application 11'.I21Cl€tOl”1lII'i. for the fame, who fees not now What hazzard R.eligion 1‘L1m1es,cer-~— ggainly greater then a good intention can falve. ' VI. That they doe not miiiake, or naifunderilzmd theneture of the true Reformed Religion, and of the egovernmentof jefus Chrifi, 1 sis. if thereby either the iPrerogative of Kéirigs, riviledges ofPa.r1ia-- naentsorlliberties of Burghes, and other Corpomtions were any wayes hurt or weakened; : whereas indeed Religion is thenzain pil- iar and upholder of civill authority, or Magiihracie, and it is the re» ' ‘ iiftixag, and not the receiving of the Govermnenty of Chriii, which vyhath iovertumed civillpowers. If the Thron be efieblifiied by righ-a i A wteotfneflle (as We-are plainly taught by the word ofG-od). then it is. lovlerthrowne by unrighteoufiieffe and iniquity. A i NVII. That they beware of 211 things which may infnare ytheirlcom-A feiences, as evill eouneell, evill company, falfe informatilons_,,tralh lfpromifes,t.,and efpecialiy that they beware of taking any oethes, lfublfcizribing any bonds,which may relate to the Covenant and ycaufe Kirke}. of God, unlieillel fuch Oathes orlbond-s be approved by the Generall Aflémb-Iy or their Qommiffionere for the publique aiiaires of the: V. VIII, Thet they do hot czifi away their collfidence, riot finke io- "igoedifpaire, hecaufe of the prefem: dangers and difiiculties, but live it hylfaitha twaite better times, and continue fcedfaift asyyyfeeiyng) D I €him l "him who is invifible5 firmly beleeving that'1°nch a icourfé as is nfi of God but againli hin1,will come to naught. l r A A 71X, To I'Cfl'l€I-'1'lbCf5El1&€ as the violation ofthe Covenant hyfome A in Erzgland cloth not list us free from the obfervation thet‘eofi and as no lawes nor authority on earth can ah_folve~us from fo folemne an obligation to the mof’c'high God (which not onely hath beene . profelT£d~ by this Kirke but in a Petition of the City ofLqndo.72,’anel A l, A in-publiqne Tel’cin~1onies of many -of the N-linillzery of England ) Seton? we are not acquited and afibiled from the obligation of out folemn Coivenantyhecaufe of the troubles andtconfufions of the tin1es,,Buj; that in the worh of times all thofe duties, whereunto by Covenant we oblige our (elves, doe {till lye upon us, for We have fWorne(and mull perforrne it) concerning that Caufe and Covenant wherein we folen1nlyIngaged,‘1’lmtn2e /7:’zzllo;l’tbe dz.)/oe.r ef our live: zaealonfly and co-2z-- flantly continue tberez}-2 againfl all oppofition,<>3" promove the fame according ta em‘ power againfira!-!Impedimenr5 wlnatfoeveri. And if againfl: all lets and A fi'mpecl‘iments tvhatfoever, then the altering of the Way of yoppgz fition, or of the kind ofirnpediments doth nottalterrthe naturey or tye ofthe Covenant.,but we are obligeclto all the duties therein cone- tained; t r A r i it A ~ We doe alfoi exhort ancl-‘Ch surge in Chrifls name,,the Prince of Pa? l°cors, all the Minillers within this Kirke, that in no wayes they be acceflltry to this finfull Ingagemenrt, but in all their conferences and re3_f‘0n.i~‘ng, efpecially in their pnblique Doetrine, they Den el'are themfelves freelyl, andfaithfizlly, as they would efchew the y ‘wrath of God, elue for alviolatioxn ofCovena‘nt,. and as theyiwotald rtefcape the cenfures of the Kirl<,Anel~let all Presbyteries l_:_>_e watchfn ll "within their hounds , and “carefully, Wifely, and..rzea,l0ully toy‘i11fii<‘3c iflcclefiafiickel cenfllrés-~ l ii o i ‘ T l l V, r is ' Finally, wee exhort all eivill judicatories , anclevery one lying» , trulled with power to manage the prefent zflaites, That they ywouldtferiotifly 1‘€1‘l‘1€1I1b€[‘ the firiélz account they are to give ibe:— fore the judge of the qtzislwand the dead, Con-fideting deeply‘ ‘' A show fearfulL1 athing it is to opprefie the coinfciehees of their bre- I thren; either by prefling them to at’: where they find no fatisfa;é‘co.é-l/ l l ry warrant, or putting heavy prefures upon them fotfnot aé’c-4 I l ‘ inig according to their i-n'jun€’tions, Andefpeeially that they Qlfer « not to-ginfnasre by:new;Oathes,_ Q11 B1__Ql'1€l,S,y_tl1,Olf§:thi1§_lT13-lie_€5011fCl:- 7 it i l ' V l ' " enter: ‘ “ea. -u~._ 34$“ ?2sJ %:-néefof the Weét oath of their Solemne Coven'anié,"ai1d hithezfté A h‘a,ve —Vprovc-nfijfaithfull anti co_n{-‘cam: in prenmcaoving jes“y11_tly all the; % cm;I_é «thereof. ‘Ifthis our faithfull Warning finde fafireurabie acteptfice, {'0 that. the grievous things already ena€’ccd_.,bc no more profecuted 3: preil A fed, we fhall blcffe God who reignes in the Ki~ngdo»mes and Coun-~ cells of men : But if it fallout otherwife (as God forbid) we have % liberate our {bu-les of the guilti-nefié of this finfull Way of engageu A me:-mt, ahd of all the miferies that {hall enfue thereby upon this Kirk &King-dona,And fhall lament ‘before the Lard that our labours have not as yet: hadthe defired fucceflé. In the meane time, we dare not: caflcaway our co.nf-ideni:e,* but trufling in the name of the Lord, an& fiaying upon our God , I-‘hall by his grace and aflifiance , continue " flzedfaflt in our folemnc gov cnantsa and faithfull in all the duties 65 mix‘ Czalling. fl. KER. i%: := rwnu-F , ‘ ml I “ “' ' ' W" " ' u ......_ -..-nu:-an éwné; ‘~ .. ..~....,.......‘ — . .....__......;...... \. ..-.... ..... -.._...M .‘ V .-.-.‘.. _ -.- .. ” ‘ w... ' .._J 4 A_,,,,____. % . T _G;;_ener'2iUii Pi§;@'€"3t::Wf€nt;;’i;1*0‘i‘:1f~ E he “H0:nour1'ai-tie Cyoimmiltssee A ‘ f jEfi?a1eesi; we the diaiteiz 8 ,1~e:64:8~*. V General} -zi°xfi"emb1’y havingeconifidierecrii eheiaper of the 2.85‘ ’ o£fi1y;“d¢1‘1véeedieotheni ff0mJthe“:IiICenQ11ra};>1e commicetee of Efiates, doe finde that the firfli part thereof concerning the great of; i fers made by ti1eiPaij1»iame,z1t and Commi tteei of Efiates for the fecui- pity of Reijggonb, isen‘9;0tirer‘i§ut What: was fully anfweredeiza our iafi paper ofthe 25 . ofjubg dehveredetio ehieir Lordfiaips, wherein it wasiplaimly denioniiraeeii" by Theologicail reafons (though their Lordfhips are pleafed to cail them Poiiticke) that the pxrefent em 4 4 gagement is iiiconiiiient with the fafety and fectirity pf Reliagiom. Next Whereas itis.affirmed'm their Lordfhips apart; that chef}; gmundse mid“ réé”fc3:i‘s‘ are‘ time efame“‘wh*i*cii‘ w*‘er‘e*: 1111 y anfwered”. fore, we wifl1itI1ad.beeneinfi'anced when an& Where they were 3.11-n fwered,forwe know noffuch thing. i A Another refleficion upon that former paper of ours is thus expreili fled ,, e‘Ibat the Gee-2erali’_4j9"enzbly batbproceectied tafucb zz De&Z;;r4t.fo.22 before they: i?df._iI:_i?¢{a?2 Ec‘cZefi4[iicl{e_n7iay frgzni cleareiiteflirmrzies out of the word 0 God oi“r’ar:é*2L9rir2c*i72g_oy‘ our corzfciencei i“‘efen2o?efh*&ate the z«:h7zl;zwfm”z2ie]]c o f ~ tbe gm-1gr..=.% A, .zzz£;i7-zg _:* Where Wee can fee no reafbn Whyit [houidfeem fo veer f .:'?£.i‘aflg€«iI0‘ the Honoumbie Cnmmitteefl tiiattile Generall Affemibiy- hath fo pI:oceeded'tQ a Declaration Oi:ti~1E’i_I'iL1dgememt (;@ncernjn7g- L A ‘ this bufinefl'é. For as iehath been no mnufuall thing, butvery b'r&i-- ; nary that~aPP1‘0VedSyI1OC1S, both Pi3_0ViI‘i..CiaH, iNiation2;11w,nand‘}Ecu«e Iléefiiihcafl" 9,, me decIiai*ediW“ti3 ei"i*]'iidTger1i”eni't~;, 7% with om-. p1ib1ifl.31i'ngi the fparticuiar grounds an& reafons thf1“€Offi'.‘0m Sczrimptuiree (avvorke - more proper for fi111Tra€iateé eehen for Syné3dicaI1eDecrees or C8.-E Mans, 80 thfig Lafidihipsihaci been _tgicaféd to attend (f0l"f‘maI1y‘"i 4 V .— ' ' % A Q ' %lE§€Hv'A,-3,» 5'» ieembxgeis Anfwer thee C25) Lattendeclnot) the "late Parliament Sermons mainly ititetfleti Fee A t.heiriLortlfleipsinformation , and had with lmineles unprejudticecl, hearlmed theretmto ,, and fearcheclimzo all the papers lately apul:ili- A flied inPrint by the Commilfion ofthe 1ailAt'l"enihly,tl1ey might have 4 Clcveenby the hlelllng of Gotltconvinced front the Word of God of the uziliawitt-lnefie of the prefem: ingagemexnt. 7 A A There are three things which may jufily feem to us more iltange : ' One isl,That the Deelat*ationjof Parliament having given allhrancel in this manner, life are refiflved net to 2'?2ga-2g6l' in any Warre before the me- i teffity andilawfulnefle ttbezreofbe cleared , fa at cu‘! who are well-affeé’ced may‘ be fatisfietl therewith at l yet new they have ingaged in ‘Warre “Without any fuch clearing of the neceffity and laiifftlllllfliile tl”t€i°¢30f, ‘for fatisfaftior-1 given to the Wel~affe€ted._ i Anotheris ,. that al'tl‘10lIgl1ttlll€I«‘€ are fo great profelllons and otl ‘A fees in the Gene-rail to fatisfie what can bee tlefired for the f‘€CtII‘ity‘i 0fReligion,yet none ofthofe particulars defirecl by the late Com-- mifllon‘ of the Kirk for thlefecurity of Religion have been granted. Wee {hall here onely give inflance in one of thofe clefires , wl1icl1 ‘Was that his; Majeilzies coneelfions and ofFe1's concerning Fteligion, .fen%t?hQm“e from the Hie of Ifigbt , having heene found by the faidt ' iflommillien 'unflatisfat9tory antlrdeilruétive to the Covenant, might be by the Parliament deqlareelluzlfatisfaétory to their Lordlhips. . _ In this great point there hath beene no fatislfafiion given,fot1ely it was ‘lightly touched in ne claufe of the Parliaments Declare» Elan’ and fo ambiguouily exflprefiled, as might fuffer many in terpre_- 3 tatiogtgs-_.,= and altheugh thi.s+ambigu~ity was clearly ltaiel open the Ci0mmi.ffil0net‘ls of thelail Generall Allembly in their Repre-4 fentation 5 yet to this day there hzztlh been nothing pttblifhed nei- A ' ither the Patliantetat nor}Committee of Eflates to give any Clea-— 14e;ffatisfat‘§’t’ieo11>,f by difclaimitig-ithofe offersancl tozicefiiohs as tm—= a fattisfa€co‘ry to the Parliament : So thatlthie (t if there were no» A ems)“ gives us great Catlffi to apprehend; that thereis at greater t myfiery latent in tltat httfinefle them yet app eareth. A thitdtthing -which feenaeth flratzge to us is , That their Lord-- fhifps defite ofairgt-timents‘fro111 SCFl'.ptL‘tF€‘tO prove the unlawfulnefle of this ingagement was not pmpotmelecl te the Commillloners of A ll ealall: Afiembiyg before the en1‘ittine; of the Declareti0%11l of Perl“ aeadi,before5tlhe lpevies when it had been melt orderly 2':’tI'll(Ill_ifiZ'a;,-a.~ X t . -re :1, 3 D; 3 A {enable} A _fehahIefi hut is now prdpounded afte1~pub1Tteke ‘t‘efOhIt'§C)’-fis atld Declaratiens , yea not till thofe refelutietns are 1:-u-twin aéhtall exes-7 V Cation. h A W He>w'eveeh feeing their Lorchhips doe new defireproefes from Scripture for the tm]awt"u1nefl‘e of the engiigemen t. A -t ‘We anfwer , That as jojvtaing and cencurring intthis engaetne1=1~“th't is u-nlawftzil to the generality of the tvell-aeffeéted in this King- e ~ dome, their ccenfciences being altogether utafatisfied in the Ia~Wfifl= nefi'e»t-herecxfg and as it is unlaWfuI1in*the mamaer ofputting it in execution, being-Taceompaztied with fo-manyinjttries, epprefliozzs, i“ and etying ahomtnattone‘, and wtth fa much .petfecut;on of * A piety,-, £0 it :5 UK-’t}é2Wfl1}1 m the owne natute of n: } amt as 1: 15 \ flared upon the greunds of the Declarattons of Parhament, and Camtnittee of Efiates. And this unlawfuine-fl"e of the A engagfllfléntt in it fi:1f‘e~, we have demonfirate in the Declam... tion herewith communtcate to then: Lordfhxps , unto which wee remit them for fattsfaéhon tn that pom: , and doe not doubt buttheir Lotdihips may be convinced thereby ef the 5 evil} of their way, andthat it is fo far from being tr. pious and? fifiC€fl‘afY'eflgQgem'en£ (as their Lordfhips atepleafed to call ’ it) that}-t is a tnofi un1aw’fu‘H and Ifinfull ingagem cntto be re... pented oflandt ‘forfahen by all that have-any hand in itvas-they” V defire to make their peace Wtth God. :1 we heartily wifih A their Lordflnips fubfequent proeeedmgs may be rea1lte- h ftimonies, that their calling for S1cript~ure‘pmofes%wasfrom at \ rea.1'1 defire to he informed and edified. A J As to their Lordihips other defire of tour ciemonftrattinte from the Word Of God , that the Kirkehath interefl: in the undertakings and ingagements in VVar,a.nd what thattinterefl: is 1, We h ad thought the paint to be without contmvetfie in this Kingdome, not 011615/e-1711 refpeét of ~K1rke'and Sta..te,;1,=,.;ei;: joyning and tC0+Op€ra.t1"ng (each tn their proper fphere) in the former expeditions of this iKingd_0me int-0 England, but.alfe; he hecaufe the vetycenferencesyvhxch have beene betweene %G<=-ml-: T293 ~m-ittees of Kiriie and State concerning this uudertek-" irngrand irrgagement, doth plainly fl.-tppufe an mtereft '% V ef the Kirisze in fuch affaires. A Iftheir Lotd‘hips In-eaueaity paiiticke interefiRinfi1.cI1 “ trzitdertaitiregus, wee cletime no firth thing, it the mueawuitlg A be of a t"pirituztilir1te‘re{t and [0 Farre as ctmcemeth the peintofconfctence, there eanbe no deuht.ther_e- of made by fuches date with David make the teiti...“ monies of the Lord their Councellers, Pfazim. 119.‘ V2.24. Andeoniuit with God as hee ufed to doe in un- dertaking werre : It 15 aiib to be rerner~mbred.that 53'4- V/lmm and all“ the Congregation of Ifivzel were com.-. rnandhed to got: out and in at the word of Elitztr the i Prie£t,who was to asize councei oi the Lord for them 5 _zvmi.27.z8. Hath not the Word of God prefcribed to‘ the Citrii-i:iani=i$*xI:agiPtrate the Rules of e lewfuii Warre, And doth it notbelong toparticulat Mini- fiers , muchmore to the Aifemblies of the Kirke, re lw eclere the mind of; God from Scripture, for 3.1-1 forts ‘of duties, . and egainftall forts of finnes. And if the prefent Warre‘ bee 3. Cafe cf Ncoufcience, and ailedgedj e@:«b.ee the rrioit fittand neceiiety mreanes for prefer-e vetion of Religion, who teeth not that theKirI}r:a2rz,v!}i:ag Wit/Nan erczi! aazérj2«.AAAncttnany~o€ the 0_{ficew_afam* farmgrfi zfrfifij, who %are~ ewpecial note for their gaozdmrri-azgeandwAdefisrvving in: aha wmf'e4af Godghave rather ch§>0fed:% to~qu‘i4m:hei:ncharges4 then to j;gy.n in it : Nay;,i the wg[{..A.~ afqfied, br:2thT.MinHfcw andproplié, asmy do my *te_[£imar2}A W ézgmfrzfl‘ it'c§¢fa.ramm,$%{o.%graan amderit‘1aAefareAGAad. So that this MWAGIEQQ 9fEC!~3g€95V :n'4‘;..fl3V5¢‘ 155 afoul homo‘/93 of‘ Afl9e%AAC’ow#- % 4', V E 2 A azrzzgg ¢:/szamrfier juflly be put it by al} who {hall {peak 2:»? . ..‘.4 Cr * Cozzozomot and _Pi”c°/Eyttrifll Gowmmmt have want made?‘ a pretence ondtpfofe/]70fi zy‘5twg f0";’}’~" f”J~‘- 0f‘ f M. C.g7jfflpz7¢t, _/o being tcorrfed on ylg'fll'74_fl"1}.76’ oonfciozooox ‘of :~/go‘ People, oodcontrorfto the mofl /mrmoniom and fioivorfhl “toe ' ~ ‘ an Pr L toxic: and Synod: 1/mt loovohéhoonghtiomo h °§‘;:¢£:$fii,qz{tfl:5 ojfflnngéjwitb mozrgy twimom. A eflpgrolol will» hardly be found in this orttin any other land wherein "a pozoliok 7% finful cozorfe hasbeen carried on with {Q high a hand againfi the; conflrimcot of 1‘/oepooplo’ afGoo1, and agaimfi»fomany“Woz¢m'ngh of the/gmwzrx. of Go.a1,at1d~go;ooroz!oppoflrion {mm ‘the; jozéliooz. torie: of:/so I(iré_;, which yet is the late towbfi WOn€h‘€d,at,; be- caufe the gteatefi part of thofe when have been moi’: a‘s>l4¢dandfiezmpr.Was’s~9f{?¥ol»;W??€-tH9011‘-We ‘ A 1 ' h A W one. e. ('3~5i"t ,. we hand..7a11d1"‘;Sc5fAric: uponthe other; and foreach of the RN13 tionstfo% to .loo1_< upon another, asitci; diiiinguifln betwixt the pro-5 i vaient part anti the better ga.rt,* _and betwixt friends andw progrieife ins. i 33d negléct uffthe work of Reformation, and of their Cconnivance " uni. at and hcomiplying with Sectaries, and: to do no more fo,; jhut that-A.» whatfoever is qornmanded by the God of hearteniit be dfligfilltlyé: done“ fore’_the~hot1f"e of the Godiofiiheavt-11.. . i 4 * We truftf‘tha‘t Lthe Pat1iament}of_@ wi1l,bge:i_wif‘e to: ' remember “aii3d“éonfici;c;ti the great _II1_ercii:;s,oi7 God ~:;to.wa_rds .themr A ifidelivering themhjom 3111 their enemi;:si,-and?-e the rxaany Joppor.- . tnnities.iput“in‘to their hands for advancing and. efiabiifhing other work “of Refotination ;,fort1s;g1ect whereof God hath now again. thteatned to lift up their: enettiiesxgibove _Eh€1I‘l,, _that.., he may once; more -~ ma ‘ more Bmyé what e,heywi11od5 dofor: hismnwf and‘-for lirtliing the - o_rder:of hisr-houfei; Godgforbidirharmeyi fla:ou1d~ruini‘fromVeirone‘ A A ' ex:re.amit0i:ranoirher,~; corn?-pl,ia‘n€Z¢ with Sefigarierse t‘or:eom—jf j 331iance..wi:th~Md1ignan£9;ar1d»hearkem to rer-ms of" an Aufnfafe and finful Pe‘a_ce.. Wedicannoir‘ but abhor the Apurpoifesi_of'~ my * A - who mindthe fubverfidn of Monarcihicali vernment,which ~ d . ‘W€;h€3'rCi1yWim tovibéprefervediandcontinued in his Ma“f_'¢.‘f"r.*A~‘. A d {ties perfon-and poiterity; andwe d‘oAn_o iiefsidiflike . the pm.-»d ‘A -' fiifes of rhofe wfio deal fo hilfcilj/;WiCh his Majefiies perfon, A A AA - earnefily defiringthar he were in the condition he w2s***1n-to \ A by the advice ofbotfi Kingdoms before he-wars rakemaway by g agpartyiof Sir Thomas F‘airfaxd~Ar1ny; nor arewe againft; th€°_ 2 reftoring of the King topthe ezkerciieof hisjpoweri iHa.f_.j'}gI?yti order and way.-yet confide:-ing Awhaeit great expenjce-oof blood ~ and pains rhefeliirxgdorris has « beenir—ate rnairirainifig their fruit liberties and bringing the worioof i-.2Reformad‘rion this“ A length: And confiidcrin-gr his M%aj‘ePries great 'averfenei§ from feeling Reformation of j Religion, and hisedheririgfiill to WE. , A " pifcopacy ; j We truift tharieckurity wilik beideimanded and had A frornihis Majefiy for Religion, before he be brought to one of his houfes in or neer abour London, with honor, freedom find fafety.:Andi confidermg what importance rhefo1emnLeague and7Covenantisunto~ :flI°Vthci1a‘f9reRsfofdborh Kingdiorns Con-4: A A cerningrheirkeligxon‘, Erberttesi and Peace,ro make an a-greet-AA ment without efcabliflnng of ltg were not only to rob thefe. AV jsiarions ofirhie bieflings-theyhaveaiready attained b’ it, but tovopeni adoor to let in all ch-eicorruprions that have eon for-o merlylini the xfiirks of“ God? in thofe‘ Lar1ds“‘,‘ ar1dA "iali the daibufes and ufurparions.ithatl'hAave beenin ;the!cji-viii government; said ' again to divide thefe two -I'Ei~nrg*do*rns that are now‘ foe happily V unirredianid corijoyned : dArA1dA rherefo re as: we wiih r.har%ai1.imi{1+A A. underiiandings becwix-Aer the Nétrions‘, and hetwixt the King andrhisihisfieople r¥rra~y~beA“%rermoved; thatA,t§rer'eAAmay,l3eA ahlapxgy A and 1Aa{tiixg:?Pe9£ces gr-Jifo ehar~.:her’e may be agfeemeniriwith.-5: our efcabiilhing and en; Qjmirig A the Ciove1iainrA in all f‘tAihefe, three Kingdoms ,AaI1Ad thair for this end God wo~uA1”di‘giye wifdmn A to» A all rhari are iinrAAru£’red~rirr the Amanmging of pubIiifRe~ a&a:rs,A’ that they mdard«ef§%€0§?e?1rdif¢9Y§£i8nfi 9ar¢ftI31y avéyd .311’ fnarfis gghicg ‘ which may be-laid eitherhy Scflarics, or Malignants, or both}. tmderycol-our of a Treaty of Peace. And we are confident, through the Lord, that all the obftrufiions and oppofitionsy. A by wiihichwhis work has been retarded and interrupted in this i A i. 1 Hand, fhal not only be taken out of theway, but {hall turn a a in ntothe advantage and furtherance of it atolaft. The cnly wife . =Godt can and will bring about" his holy vpurpofes by unliltely, l yea by contrary means : And God forbid that either our bre- thren of England or our {elves fhould give way to defponden- A A cy of fpirit. and caft away the hcpes of that fo much prayed i For and fo much wiflaed for Reformation offlfeligion, and V. mniformity in all the parts thereof according to the Covenann y And now it is ourheatts defire and prayer to C3od,that amidft themany tryals and tentations ofthefe titnes,none of the (era a wants of God and witnelfes of Iefus Chrilt may be deferred; A Drgleft to themfelves to comply either with the Malignant par» cypupon the one hand, or with Seétariesr upon the other. Bren thren pray for us, and the God‘ of all grace. who hath called, «N r us unto his eternal glory, afterthat ye have {uttered a while, anakt: ypnperfefl, fiablilh,fltengthen and fettle you. lg Km F%1m~NyI 5.