I .——--""'""' flhglzke, _SCOtiz8,FFd71Ciz€ 56 IJi[§c>7*rzz}e 9 LE DECIIVIO NON0. 6 At the ‘Parliament begun at lVe§¥mz°n/Z62? the ' 6Eigh*;h day of May, Amara Dow. 1661. In Thirteenth Year of the Reign ofour mofl Gra..§ cious Soveraign Lord CHARLES, by the G’r:2ce * of-AGod,of Eizglgzncl, Scbt[azzcl,F_raz:ce3 and‘ Ireland _ King, Defenderof the Faith, eévc. E Ad he 1-‘ dbfrel'D~ °% 11 t (3.6 c0n-1nue y exera ,.1or0g2v:zons,; to the 18“ day of September) 16 6 6. ' And the-11?: 4 continued to the 8"’ QfFebrum:y foHowing,And E _ ~ thence Pforogued to the 10"‘ of OEfo5er,1667. A _ Tnthe SflVOY, 6? Printed by the Affigns ofj'o/M3212 and. A C/Jrzflop/oer ‘Bar/(er, dHis Majefieiees Printers; 6 6. cl?» M P 1: IVIL 3 c; 10. .{:.nn§- I .r-.....—upap-.——,. p ...._I~,, ..~.sun-- -' 3 ~~...._ ‘ ‘Anno XIX. (3aro1i II. Reis. V An Aft for Ereéting a Iudicature ) for Determination of Difi"eren4ces % touching Houfes Burned or Demo-« lgifhed by reafon of the late Fire ' Which -happened in LONQOJN. N3,»“ * \ fmeastfizwateft part of 5+ :3 the leaning in the ‘aw of % ant We 1" £92 [ubutbs tijmof, baht hcgt; A * harm by the mzanful arm , 9 - bifmaljfitz mhitb happen: t $Dit!SePtemb€r1affs $52111? of the Etznants, filnbzcatguagtffi, 03 .1a§¢’ wccupwrs Ibbztmf are iéableunto égits ants Zaazinns, to compel then: to tzpait anfn rebuilt: the fame, emu to pay that Beats, as if tbvfame new not bvén human, ants are not telizmable therein in any ozninacp 3L’ 2 A some 8Q",2__f%1\' 75 AQEGBV Nogio cmwfz of mm, J ants gyms Eifimnceg aw » Ixkz%“t’o% attic v£fltit€tnt%ng~*?£~i)B fa:ibV35¢ifI1aér§, arm nzfb msutlmugnfnnetamiamxtes, mm §ap1mfitof%3Rmt5s nmicij ifs&)ép«£buuin net 122» netztntinm miti)%;%a11, fpcéb, mm Initbnutchawfia AIhou1Dmuct1oh:@ftmt;£ the tzhutlmug of the ram mtg». zmnjfoz that mg 'a, mat% efiécyone wncmznzn mama hear Ma pzommmzable {bate oft=i)Blo€s,ja,c(%o;;i¥Jil1g‘Q3 that fehgpgg % ‘flntfitzfflfi. m’14;etz:u1nre{p2ctan;f,fi: %nm{a%% titutiwf cawfisw harping tB’Bit3 flames, no twain geneml rule amt be me: Earthen; 252 it tfijmfozz firmrizm up the 3atngs~nuowrc%eJi1&nt\waiefivsbmzm nm_t1% the mmzce anbgézctitfent bf ggjw; zizfifif 991$ ritual arm ;i‘ :'mitpazai,{i~m1b?%‘ofT:be (aim; mans‘ i1t'tt)15Vpzvfmt 19attliaIf11’E11t iziffétnxa. WE, anaw ttJe?T2Iu%ti1o.ztty at gznzdfinzm, iiiat the 3 I}£tic;szs.1of tI)e.«£n11x'tr5 pfggjgggg zxsencfiann Qionzmnn jE>1Jva§*,J3am§‘tij‘t”2lBa: tons nf .tb¢,‘$°§f?0%f.£b.9}¢E1:Cbmuzg1fD3,.ti)e A 'f§I11B*fiB‘l';fl’§s oz anpfljz/eé%oz\1t;n;e bf%%tm’t1t, fitting, at the fame timz annJ%p1g¢g;%ah;;% ’~nnt,ntij2tmifz, Uimll bjz, am %%am: ijmbp %vi:3'cnnI-’=% flttthoziszh fcont%timetotime tot3ea'c‘ann to nzmminz a113Diff¢rmcz§ mm Vmmanng mnatfomr, which misc amen, 9; amp any wife acute bmlmn ?Lannwws, 133:3; pzwtozz, ienants, 183895,, Zfiinbzca A tenants, oz late maniacs uf at1y&t13s xfainiaaufes oz zsusmmgs, %Im'tb t1)ziv%aw ~puttmanczs, D} %tI);2 fltonrtg oz ‘mrnfi, Wfllllihs Aandfl <:?flIi1,a rf§,, 02% any pztfon sag imfnns bans:/tg 232% claxmiuig any efiiiate, fiigiitp AR :1; RE“c;“1s%; :-flights3EitI%e,33um2fi1nimmu; ¢Equitp,% oz :3£“tu£t, ¢13argz, I °§:i:unnh:anceAa£ oz ‘ jn. ti)zfan1c,% nz tlgsgc An; any nfAt»m1ti§¢§rs, :%¢Erecutozs, fiimwmflmtazvs, mtwrfms 02 tzafou-o fiffigns, ,9; any ctim“ pcvt£uu§,ifo;;tni1cbén§% " pg Msoncmuag tI)efiepaitit1g’;‘ zzsuaamg 3; 1 fivbfiilfimfl 3.5, 5&1“ %11?0u9“€§%%?I3%&”%§Zj5Iifl‘B5 in§5:>29fitD§, (mounts; @$zauuns£t‘mi;acfz; ' 3; may - othet: we anus lying‘ main 4 tijat: part of the Qlity mm 9ubutb*s? t1;&erz¢f ' latetwutnt, pu1wnngnm, og%ot13eIt§§g%f,z@ ms mn1i£I1znv*ne£aczn, m*%oti3ztwi£¢Ammeaby fitnemsa gm; ogfaz ogeoncecw tug the. payment , hVefaicatifia7, %ap%mgt§%m1¢ mg, ozabat;ua1mt% of any iKmt%«.a;‘i1K&£nt5,% sum tben.fir1teat§of&%fim1: nneiynuzbea fflzfi thfi fitE_f?J&?;_ Df:S_eg7t§mbcr % lir.I)u;1m.en fixtp am: (1; sm. £92 0; téucuing ac; up QZnBmant, ‘“N%oi?E' . Jams 02“ a*maj%rtan%z%s%‘ anwr their mans, in; tin ‘ham I35 {W 'fucE3%*tW want, th2nwfi:n *awetfeus,% W Dim iéolitick annétozpazatz %%ttmein%nan12n% ’ W1.c°I1W?*@i11L[ ti:2"fain im imiefi oz zfiuilnings, Jam otbzcvtm pzemiffgz mliucb I ¢9f1W*!1t’m%nti°n€fiata.%?vearbefombmt mfuch tum ainhplageasa in%fucb mate 0; % Jflfitw 112 an in t13‘atf#11ei3,aiIf be%%ftazcifi'z%b: sfiinh £19911 ?ii3P*?é!’¢?¢!1§¢"fif% ‘W10 %Imf0f1i1oer’= Fm funuuoneto, 0: tmon Default of meats aflw, dun3f@$lfi)%1iianz’,ofh1tz:mtiw%giiJen I to“bun’b2tb’vnI. 03 W thaw of tbmt, ft); the ruata j M5; arm accazhattawto énomersmvzin an C,:,;.7/l<fi~.rQ. b9fozemtnttT@n‘w, firaflgbz, %ania%‘ma11be% tafimtohv mwtnf fizcozn that tin flunacmmts arm . e:zmummms *b§4t2%a1a11 he mane%'hzmaixt party» ant- ' IWEH filifbflzity of%2bts% flat) 6)?! ' 5 of this pzzfznth 21¢‘ 7 CA R OL I II. Rahcjxsgh be Bzcozhen in a zxsqqa oz mason; of aaatchnnznc cube pzohibfih fa; t!Ji’41=‘rJlmJD‘f9 man that may fad) 33lI?J°££wI:9tIt 81:19 995 tmntnatton malt be éaguhen by than 92 man of the Cairo flltlfitcesh 0.2 lfiatonz. whim [am 25003 oz 250035 of mcazn wan h hep awn am: inttuiten ittgtbfi cufiohbhg Bf th¢ Laugh ways; Lana Qlibmjnm ofhh‘t;hehh * scat 92?‘ °"" W “W” '0; iraneaun \ f“‘<\‘ ~¢ummm:.v :tD?°“Eb°‘!? ""17tb¢i))D§iD5bP_W3£33%'3f3 % .¢ appmiug t WW tn ztwf blunt m’ ‘mint gamma miemn we canmaffig 9"’ °°§”1‘{‘j:nm angf ng1ij5 1:25 bum in gm gm; asimmé am the SW”? 3W3W“?'°“ % j .,g_f"b‘tt.Bt %fiznu1atton% %'§?§§7§§;§i1?;:§aa%?Ld§2at6Emnzf5 gffuch ‘F915 %“**°.*“%§g%f 2;:::.r;t:%“;::u ms: axes imngrbo I115» 34”“ W‘ % 34 A1636’ DEc11{iioNoi§xio the hleiting of zuniightp «Emu, in far fozth ‘ as humane ietnbinenre ( with fnhnnfiion ‘ to the zlbinine pleafnre ) can fo2etee,h tna? he reafonabtp pzenenten or enbiaiateni for the time to ermine, both hp athematter ann film! otfnrh zfinilning : zlnn further, to the intent that all Einronrageinent ann Glirs i intuition may be giben nnto, ann all ffintpes nintents ants wbfirnttinns that map retarn or ptntrart the nnnertaning or carrying on a math in flB_EBffat?~,. arm of to great ihononr anin 3§mnnttanre to thin flaaiettp ann ttjieflggngnom, anti to the reft of this was refines intngnonts ann Ebmninions, may he A%t'El110bB,iDs i _ h 2Be~ it therefore eefinatten‘ hp fiings muff ifircelivniifiaiene, hpianbrmnh the zlnnire ann ittonfent of the icing Shirt: tnal ann Siteyttnotzal, ann Qtnmtnong in thig WWW Wtllament afimltblehi afihtfisvi the I zinthntitp of the £a1ne,£ha;_t theifinlemnn rfiairettinns hereafter in this an pttfrriben, he nnelhebferhenbpfallperfens therein pm», . ‘ ' ' . zinn firft, Ehat inn msnitning at iihnnte iaabitatinn mhatfoeher ,, be hereafter r r etteni within the limits of the fans ifiith ant iuhertiee thereof, but Inch as than ebepnrtnant to [nth mules ann £Dznere of ~2Bni1Din§, ant with [nth materials ag are herein after particularly appo‘inteh,ii ann are coming tnfnth Stantlinnsas eareefetnnmn ann pieftrihen ma atable in thin pzefent can hereafter fpecifieb.‘ Qinn if any pejrfon oz iimfotist than pzefnme to zisnitn tantra: 131’fl)Brennt0,.attDeb8;tonbittthiof thtiifante he (3 AR 0 L %:x.]:m} » hp tijzoaizilsef ‘inns? nzvtxzmz cmmzei %m:‘t:. 1-13325,: to my taken: heme the flazh % ;—fl3ayp;~ fog rm; i tinw bang, oz »mzy mm: A 0‘; mm af.tt3e.jaa:czs;afL;c1)ef;i1%zacz fa;,1am.;m vmtp; miss at?‘ fiizitebp ixzipnmctéh ts‘ :aarm: nmcme tame aims, £§;a~c% ti).°e;c1? in} East) cafe, tbs (a¢n_%19nute%£aimgu1a;1+g built? as afogzfaibyi wall be mama as%a§mn1n:on_ 3I*2ufanceA; ann the’ zmlnzc atm‘~%~iLeviw" tt3zc2aE% il)al1.mm .1mta%.a%.‘mcog[ni3anc¢ in; fat!) fun1a§ti)z.fainQ5Ba32o_z am) fiiuaités tefpestibzlp in that ‘£!Di?fcw:»ions* _f‘l1),all¢ap: 130 int, fox» abatzmmt annmxzolillxtug we fame: in .coni3,2ni2nt tin12‘;.n2 Latbétmife amenn the % faamz actommg to £ut‘t)%atc£i} % any wznmts afi afozzfazfis arm ms he£au1t« at that mitt, min men of mttmg mm ‘tum 1%m‘cqg*1t1sa11cz,%t13e wffznnzc u;a11n:ssnzm:aen nmu canal bf the , ,Ec1in“éEi?:p.,,— Jti}z;'vz~ito ms} maitti 11JitI)Dut5':2i5€ul 9;. @azup;i5é¥;‘%ti1lbei‘ man i)ahe%abatz‘n oznm1o1tmzn;‘om:1m:. xmfz auzmnen we [aim azclfic firm!) fittts gala: lénufzi wait oz%n:&2%b%DmI01il?2vt¢ In abiayznwt must“ of 1:136 @oucazw=% mcmm, % _ V M '% ‘,5’ 1‘: mm that the fairs1ctagu1a¢%z3ui1amgg may be the better pz*ziJ-'9fA¥‘§t%$%?% 03“ mm? efé factually .mtcoxamn, 7515: it Eartha‘: an by the zluebqzitp %a€m£atn , £020 ,@%‘€I!a%2’,. .mnei:me11~‘”anIe‘ % %¢unm:an: QDIIIICII of ' the? cam mt gun, .n‘¢ ap*f , . W» 9§“%A wi‘°?:*1i>‘ am A an!) appoint %%tmz V *0; max; ‘Iaifc?teféc% ants inte1li93z%n‘t{It1etfoi1 402? pettotts’ it: my act: %n£2su:1mn‘g,» asué «mcnepgmg; figugzvimtfozfi, fiI]é" 1'-mil“ mkulagmnsj ‘ §1iai3t1?t¥lét1‘§5‘ 35 ANNf5 DE C51 "M 0 ; NON O L ficantuugs mmatgn ttu1y.obietmn. gun that itmall he 1amfm% fa: Atbevfain Qmpoz; Qunztmm ann<fl:nm11:on%$;4 rztnunctl, mu fa; tm ] awn; Tana zllnzttnen in ; then: <£1:ou1:t’of 2tlnett1'1en,% _to abnziinillertoalt the {am §3uthzpo%zs,}oz auperintozfi, anflbatn % u9en,tb2Vi1o1z>®bang21tfi5,Afnzthetrue am: . itupatVtia1 zrzcutifltmf theft £Dfl?:’czin that 139.b$t1fi;‘an.D to apfioiut the [metal iaminuts ‘ . u an bzfittt ttnallzlmb to months arm at that an be unbm; tt)2ic&Lfzhzra1 fimp: nnzto thfi éifi§;*j;£i)at' ali mazes W W nzatmalsfoz tb£it‘%£eheta1Dlfiutlhiugs : 256 it aznaaen. iimtbetz G)a1l.bz anew jfuut fnzts 2s%5ui1ntngmnh%no111o;e; arm that . a11]—nIaumtu£ iaaufes fn 1:0 be mecca, wall he of smut thof£_,£om: foztz of zlfiuilhingfi, am: no o4c1;ec,y(tI)aI: 13 to fay) £112 jfirft arm leaf: tags of :iaouEos% fronting zspgtams ti) 2 £3 scouts fozfitfio ufw fronting §tt?92£S_ ann Aflauzs * of now 5 we ibitil ton of iao%u£es_fponting¢high ann pzincipalmreétss tbz3T0urtbAa%ntr%1atgei1 [mt of Qibanlions mates, fez ezmsens, 02 other: minus of zrtraminatv quality, net ftnnttngznthm: of tmtbzaé fozntzviliays : zlnn the fimfs ofeaci) of the {am 5:11 tbzeé Eozts of ilaoufsfi tefpectihclp fi)a11haflHnifoz:%x:. . L mun fa; abutting any uncetsaintp to the: Ifiuilnets, oz ntbets {mains 2159 it further Gfinatten, itbat we flow ;£I@apoz,%2I1nev: mm, mm Gtonumon wouncil of the fail) «twp fpz tin time b_eiu%, fi€Ft,}Qap at Apri next z*n£uiu§L% Balm Ibbuclj,‘ am: now many (1)6111 neuzaftty he 4 RC‘? max: on m befoze tbs AROeLI H; “RE g1.~::; aeemeneeb ants eaten the hefiyslanesgewhich, firm 130113?‘ mane elhail heteafceee be Deemee. mceew, ’ oz ‘flames noeee. any high; mm mineipaleh fiteeetzsybp are sf be eehm1th> fimli. be £Dez»< Bee of the faith Skew flfiapees filsinemzteng ants Qtmtulzon <£Eum1ei1,ug[uch.peefogeshas they unmet the 4L'o:nmnn mat cf etheehhefam (me than methane appntnt, be .€Baeken 0; Qtaken uut,annt:i£t§ngniil'lé:ens tnehe_etme the 2@;eatm!), ieugeb e fine efixeette zeheeeofe may he the hettete known aim ,Dbi”Et11BD;' fine if any petfnn ozpeeinns mijaehaehev mail mitehtgie oz ‘willingly’, Imtheuegmne Qeueijoziep, pluck up, ":3; remove any of the fem ®eahes,~ oz wafekafinnes, thereby en obfcuee ho; eonfiounb the bananas of fuch. fitteees, oz flames, fie any of ti1em, e arm wed! he theceof legally conhittieh he thee math bf one zmlitnefs‘ (uthet then of the ’j‘nfsmnet) to be taken befoee anyone, at rt-wee ‘flufkicesh of the aeeaeenf the fame Qt: e tp, ihat then thefaiu Eufticeehoeflteitices: {hall :3; mate {cub fuch £D&ennee to the humane: sf fméjmfiminéazg; «firth that con: miznient imgti;:ngL%% be {aft in the iftmttsnssdi hp tijvz tam Wt flfiuéim, fa; me, ‘Anetta tuzmmg of the am 192858 tbatfiaali be built ts ti): mute; mm was as am he pmtmittm by $132 {am mums, tn hmgm on tin Em i%ar£ysI1‘aii, ex on big amt was ttgumzs: gmuntv, until be hatt)JAfu1ip 1:2: ituburféh the %fam fitft lifitxiibzt H tbs fut! nzowtp of the cimgcs ef the [am ibattyc mail anti mats, %taw3fiJ2t Vinita, flntzcefk E0; the fame,.aft2tti)etate of $1): pomms per Cent. per Annumfoz Eopbzamtzcz tLmn:.eof,w tn, be accoxmtzn €ceJn=1thz baginniug gnf me- {am firfl hmlmfng. mutt i1’tf_£a[E any Défie: rents fizau atife hewmtt the am am latm '29:5uiVib&m:s, coucemmg the am flame af we fam<£§)atgz, am: than thefamzbe tea MW“ 39 the Kinsman t:£.th;at @2fl1aJt:b' mime fut!) zxfiutming wait ht, arm to his §Deput)?, A to Inmate an _" mtecnnent of fact) néffzrznce 3:313 11189179 . t11e%{am mlmnxan aun W zmputg, to; one of tjtjwl than at paring, :02 am» éfinmzt cum9°W WED M39? % venue as afogefmn, ~3£3bat»tbc naattm: be 133? fcmUA go ANNO DECI M0 ,NoNMo feeteo to the manthtnattott of the: iioeo fllfiapoz ano tfiouet of zuoeenten, mhohtait heat, ano.ft’na1h9 oeteemine the fame, thtthic out any ztppeal to heehao. . g h zlno be it futtheeetnatteo , ifhatthe faio ihoufes of the fieft auto leafi {net of ztsufloing , fronting Zlfitkftttétfi og ,,i&flnE§., as afo;e£ato,tha11te of two moms high, hefioee etetiaeo ano esateets : ihat the eteliats thereof be fitfott ano at half ‘high, if the fpzmgeof matethtnoee notsizhat the fitft étozy be nine "foot high from the fiooe to the eZieItng;ano the fetono Stow nine foot high feom the jflooz to the ’iZba1:_tiazfir;iL%:a: up Lcoxztain fu11:§m foot in .t)2éght% frfim the? flag; ta ti)»; Wlxng; tm fzcenn ,fu11 mt font ; the t11:t.n,:m’nz.f0nt;.:f mm an £113. tam malts up fcant arm men, as ijiigij as the firit®t0z?a he of. the ifv%.11% %tmmm€s of 1:hziteng:i3 of waolifiztcks at1D%anIaa1f3 emu fcofntmncz upmatns to 1:112’ ®a'ctetcflooz% sf tlje tbickmfg of one zifiztck atman half , ant that tip tbickmfs of the idfiattztzmalls mt the bzukémft ht wit to the fhifgratém; at cm zféuilma CD that an ‘fatne be nut %.z£§ than £1)?‘ length of am mama 5 am, arts, that the tfiicktwfs oftnz1%%actpgma;i1s me‘ tmeén amp fizouiz oftbis fgcoutn aim iatgm: £021: of zfiuilhtnga 53 $13313 25.zick%1e:tQt!15Ja5. bigi) aw tmrfitit éatozmtth thence ILIpma,1:BL5V to £3138 mttets oftbEtbit1mBf5% of;one%2micR‘ am: half 5 the §~Dcant1ings~nE3EimIm: aub ff“; *0 139 $5 in f%b9ffiiD353h1¢ are me; mfg that the fiouffinf the than fun: of mzimttgs, fWItin£s%the bi9b%anbmin%*. cam fizrezts , (Iran coufift of font éatos ms higia, bzfinzs %No'1§%to of men zffizieks am an natf, ane team tijenee ttpmaehs ta the ‘ctfiaeretzfieezef ttje. thick: nets ° of one ztfieiek am: an half : Tenat the tbttttnefs of tbet®aeeetr»ma11‘z an the back: part be "left to we ntfteetiott pf - the matte: er, in aethe fame heme lets: then the length of one zifieicks anna1£otbata»me tijtetmets of the ieaetpsmatlsbetmeen eheep tjmtgfe of this with anu target feet at zmtlning be two mszitks lengths as high as the Era maze, arm titetifee a waste to the dfiaer» eete of timeeets o one zlfieéek arm bail? s the tcatttlings efiinxtbee ant: fitmte. to be as in tnetam fable ate peetteiheb. Qtun he it taeetm marten, iijat ati tenutes of ttge feutti) [net nf2i5ut1Ding,be: fitter ‘ efionatmuteee, ianbnf the geeateit mgn net ftenting upBjn" any of the fitreeteeeeoz iiaueeas afozetatb, f0a11~beae the trauma teant1it‘etgs~as in the filiabte are let immn J fezitije tame’ am: that the ttumhee of étoeies, arm A t_;l)e.etii)et.gb_t jtizetenf he ieft to tijetnsfeeetinn of we zfiuiluet, to as he epceennqt fem igteeim, Qlnn be it fitttfjet" Gfittatteb, ilhat in the jfront; at all ijaufes bereaftet to be eeerten in fut!) fitteéta asbpzlrt of «Items ntonscfltoanetl {ball betaeelaeeh to be iiaigijs fteeéts;7;Be1con‘teseeEoue toot mean, with aaaas ants msaes of Elton, of equai niftanee teemetljearounb, than be platen 5 every at mhitb fieelcnteies matte contain in tenet!) emu parts of tI1e.5fmnt of we boufe on which it [i)aI1bee‘p1aeeI!.in*tme.é pacts tot h8°bii,3iaBB‘D5¢a aun tlaeeefemaintug vacancy of the ¥eoee;te>a1 efueeliene ewettx a igeng A C AR OLI II. Rams; 93 nioaieoof the oeeaoa; of the 215ei_tonp,~ to be eooeeeo mien iteao, ;§;iate oz flliie, aim to be Qiieieo mitt) ielaineeing nnoetneati); ano that the miatet faiiing as men feorn the tone of the faio iaonfes, as from the Eaio ’.TJ5Bl£DtI§B5 ano aeentbonies, be tonne eo inc to the flijatinela hp iblattpspipes on t )e iioea oz ftontsi oftije f&iD~19DlI[E§,-, arm that iaaiiements nnoee ehet? of the {am ?J%ei=.- tonies ano iaentbonfese be maoe of gooo ano inffitient bzoao fiat fitone, at the tnatge of t e zeaaoee. M ‘o a Qlnoibeit nttbet finatteofiljat nozsniis oer of; any of tbebonfesftonting any of the iaio taigbsittetts, fietteets oz ianes of note, be peniiitteo to lay his fitit jiiooz. ones the @ei1at nioze then fiighteen inches above the faio meeet, oz M25 tijen fiat, with one fiietniat fteo to lean no theteunto, too be piaceo without the zfiniloing: zano that no ‘fitapsooozaoz open «mates to be in any mite infieteo to be tnaoe into any fact) cteiiac oz ozaatebonfe without the fonnoaz tiona of the front; but that all flights to be niaoe into any of menu, be hence: foetij inane uptight, ano not otljetmife; ano that no zifinlks, fiietties, minnows, aeoits, fieata, oz any thing oflike fozt "wail be niaoe oz etecteo in an? Stteéts, lanes oz ?i5P=1§1ne5, to menu bepono we antient fonnoation of iaoufea; not that amp iaonfe be iet further into the itteet that tine fifltia ent fonnoatiotis fiabing onely that in the mob ano Denttmai mteéts, it fl)a1lhe1aW int foe the finbabitants to fnfiet tbeit Setaltaboatos (when tbeit Qbonewinoowfi 21 a ate 94. ‘ANHO DEcik{4o~Nono % ate [at open) to tntn ohor, ano ort.ono‘ao1os oonincboso ano no xnozz, from the jfonna nation of that iéonfos into tin §twé1:§,_’,fflZ5 the hotnoconoonioncy of that éfibopsnnnfi; nztno be it further éfinartoo, ilhat af any notion oz potions, zusoons aoomccn o2o7<2toz-4 pozato, being mxreo, aoornaeo, o; inter: oitoo of,oz in any czfizonno which was for nntlp bnilooo upon, ano tho%1‘aoan£zs antar- nponoana nombntnoo oz mano oonan at the time of the late jfno, than not mt'tI)t’n- Ebzeéo pofats nmfaonfning hnilo np t1)o fame , ihat than the figaapoz, izllooatlnon . ano flommoneolonncil of the (titty ofLo1odon; by an of %eauai1y tefvvrttbv bomi1%m%o; fit of thefazn zmzckcxttakets,"’1E:1c:1nakzts; iuntesbtttncrsfa4nn%e£attie1és,.anBtijtzucfidi» % litp aun cunbeniwcz of the Vflfiuilnfit.‘ . A . T 2lt1DtuVtheintznt nozrfizice g:ma(ker, Intake: , iunuezbutner , % ¢atpetttz%t%,, layer,€;Dafnn,a91mfimv, iiflyfifitswumugr; 0; Lntijetzirtificet, ’('LQ1D21iI1’I3n‘fU3 ;§i1«t1i1J;D,H33?rZ§§r_; ntap xnake the cnnunon jcataamtp ‘mg: to%2;:to2.t %untzafonablc oz.%91+‘w.'f£iiIe &Eél”ag¢e$;‘§ % 252 it Ittmhtfz fain% ‘lliawenteréy ziszicttlapets,fllfiafons,19Iaiftzms,% $01»: ms, 1%1un1b2t5,oz>otbet 2mozki::x1cnnz flaw bourew,w‘a11zttncttzfutctonsnzkfem): ‘ i‘wagzs%fo a£te£fen,o2 mau Depart fmm my aftetnc ‘bath unimtahm to no %tbe,¢fam2, m:thoutiL1cmce~ of fncb% patron é persons asitnplopzb nmann hefopz it he A’%au::mI>.%Janletsmacfa: non2naprnent‘of ms ' .t1mz.%02otb%ev‘iufl: taufztahe allowzn be: ‘fox-¢%*%ottz'3fiu£tice %%of«£i1e1Beace% of Each place IItbet2tiaz.nffenccu)a11 be committen-; 9; .;’f % arm’ em in Iflfitfons mbatfuebev amuhp Id°“‘%%f°3 Wm “9iflE,tobzimplopehfoz Wt’, MP5 01, means gins, covenant. %‘alm_§Ie 02 agree to gtbe mtettlp 0; inbitfiftlp, 1?!’%fJ1'1lW» % oz any otbztfoz him, any %ottm nznwnvv Manes: 13?2i¢?5»~ ottm litmus %—ntomtp tnm‘%I1Ja1i.%Lbe. to airmen , mg [am £Dffenn2%r%aan £I>fi‘e.nms being %:1mm£% rgalllp cantata hp’ ti): maaggnf gm M maze flhltneffzfil, munch watt) the tail: 2 ufijcg ifiljztebp um onmen to aDmini£tm?,% Ia131,:‘m by the Iain uftzce ofwe amass fomgmitb ‘°“'"?‘“‘° 130 $118 QFDWHUQ1 mat, tbmto rmtatnpy tljztpace ofon fiaonub ;Ln,».u;; nut zzsantozfllfiaznpzisz, u % u;a11ga,,, m cau,ITz,tobe pain to; ehnpfuchfifimce to !hz'fa1D3Iat1icz oftbz.19zacc,fuc!) jfim as tap the bifctztinn of the’ Iain fluitéce uyau be § 5? 6‘ to ‘ten upon any tut!) £Dtfmnzt, not zxcwntng A “ Aim ’p0lmD55 £911: of which fine ~tbz£a1’n than amann papnnta ‘tbs patty *in;n’tzéD fact) fatisfacctan» as us %ma111'unge reafnnab1e,atm tberefinue thaw: ‘fiffiraI1nar’nnto the Qtbanmmann V amen. MID % CAR I II. Rfiéais. F99 anntomimi$fiJzé%rz;zhi% gs? tmamzhttck mdmnnsof me<£tty_ a azefm; : gum be itzfunmt: @na:tzn,;£;m7£tia11%($::zz ‘impacts, any ethm: 2it:tfl£zw,%.%‘a'm£ozBmm anti ilahoums, to he impieyzn itttmfam 2S5Iti1Bing§,¥}Ji)0‘€tte not fteéanmnfitm tam Qttpgflrall fa: tt1z£pa’c2%of£~m—en*pea1:sL:z%;3t ’ mining, am: .592 * fa long time .afc2;t as ;umt;i the fail: 2t5m1mng51I)a1t%be fully finiflxem have ants 2njo1>£ucb%anD the fazncg 1:'bmp* af Ibozkinga am) being fat to ms2k%én%ti;¢‘* ‘iitbirfiuiwing, a5 the Ajftrénxen of tin %@ét?% of tbs fame itabzfi am: 1maf¢i£ums% annoI1fl1Jt%tg cums any oz flfinm of the my to tnzcontrarp notmttb&anning.% sztnnttjat Inch flttificfitfi. ‘as afozz£ain,nantci)%4% % E0; the [pace of 9211211’ pears man have mzouabt tn*t!1e*tebui1m11“s:[ of tI)e%<21Ettp%.in that 'vt¢£pcaiiJz ms, %fl1a11r:ftnn1:=’fmnaftet% my fair: fzi3ct1peacs,baI1s[a«1/ID zaiop%tba%famzj,i ibalemttv to mom as fteentm faint €itp,%~foz arm hating that natutal xmm aazgshgneb always , ’1’Eb:a;t*fu£i)%flfi:tifice1:s; Emitting fut!) fizinueagm, ;1iah12 ta unbetgo a11£ucna'a%£E:cizs, am: to my antr pmtfazm fact)‘ muss cm; mzizicc ann’s:5voiazmmv.11;t of tnz%¢it9,%.as ifrvénmmf the war of tbz:c%cc£peam 2-utsi. mm itrahes %w, 11abIc{%%t9;%unnzx§p,my: anhzi pzrfnzm. % Qhm to rznmhaz all obftaclzy mhicb%Mb9t? mite 1113? Dinner in 9069 atltl vmfitablz fifi mum, 252 it farmer‘ Enactzn.by;%1:b¢%us~% thump afozefaibs ’iC!)at aiI.n:Eetem2s: aw: W§:b9tl.1TW13 11.39 5131‘ ’-'~‘5t1i1I3zc$ 03 $JI_1,?',D[ti)zt§:: WW’ J99, {ANN 0 E c 1. M No N o concerning placmsseanne {topping up of flights, zminnemeh, ‘cmatetccourfes jot- fiuttetamhich may hinnetoe tetarb the [am rBm'1ning,tl’ha11 ants may be heath, meniaten ant: netetminee ( if it maybe 1 by the zunetntan t of the ‘math where ethe were of any futh Difference mall aeife, eann htsfibepnty 5 a1tn% if either the tam t3étlnTec~.= man at his Ebeptety be -tnnteenen ae par; ties in the tonteeheefie,‘ at that the? ten: not neteunine the [am v2z>ttfetenc9s,t that then, atliiie in .[ eb’ee§i*th Inch, : safe the fame be ceetifien by the fail) zunetmatt oz bigtge pntp untouteruen _theeem,to thefmb £;9ape;= emu (mutt inf ztinermen, who :eupaaen‘e1¢: herette ijeaeing of all tiaflttififi, me11efi’natae* 1? 'D9f W“;i§1¢ ht13¢»ee*9&fl1¢11,‘itb0ut futtbeee oz? awe; .§z(ppgaV1,t . 1 e h - :e2trmabe4it tutthee- Gfznaeten by the; theme eeafazefaim, tfithat the numbees arm? p1aces't £10‘: an common 1 éemets, §9elae‘fie,? any emaults , tame the onset: arm etman; nee at zpafiifigh aunt pitching the étfeetfit ant) ‘lattes mithiut the ram elite any we h‘e1:tie:s: thereof, wall he nefignen mm fee‘ out by inch am me many; pecfons as the’ ’ fem £IEjetp.oz5 zuamxlnene anbetennnnottaltpt in mntnten €£E0uflcIl alIembIeD,hlball‘fto11t\ time to time emthezise anb» appeinhthfhum: nee their clemmnn §>eal,oe the name part of“ them 5% which Iain p~ee£ehe,hhfe..‘ authozifien attn appninteD,’:ez"a1tp feiaent 4:; maze of them, together mxith the fan: E-sue; b1eenes,heoz romeo; OM05 them, within W e; tthetieiazecmrt eefpettibelp, [ball at ~ti?)IZit’ n:eeung~t;‘ham home: 3110 authozity to.o2’oee ann eCAROLIeII. Races. 101 atm beeeet the tuetkmg efamy I:Iem@§8:1Kt1i§s;. mains arm ®en2ets , 02 to cu£—ifiif>0 €111? Evzam ez mmeeateeanp mate, arm’ tee tiee a1teemg,tn1aeging;amentstng, e1eemfing‘etnn fteuemg of an? 0133 fliaultfi‘, @mK3,e 03 mmmon éemees’. fee the betteeefiemng n1t)eteof,tt wait we temp be lamfeti te 6 tax therein perfume Eofautheeiseh ant agoezseetttee as afozetiatn, 0; any {even at mazeuftttem, t at tbeie Sam nteétiug, to imipeie any teeeien»; able fiat upon. all ieonfee nvitijtntijebfam elite am: iitbetties tbeeeefitn pznpoztéon to tbeibenefit tile? wall teceihe tttgeeeebp, faztangn tomaens the new maRt'tIg,£t1ttiftIg,alfetitlg, 1’n1at%ging,amennm“g, tleanfittg mm taunting an arm ifingum the £a:e‘fiL1au.1te, mains‘, Qemetfi, ieahementsg emu aeitctatngafoges ‘tam : em in Default of papnnent of ttae fate {nuts to eta be ttijatgeh, itiefba11tauit;—*t11ap'bee iamfulto ant: to; the tents petfone to authok risen as afazefaiu, roe any fetven oz maze of them, by ®2.iJet am: imlattant name Ifbeit hams am) teats , to may the fate [am am: fame of ntettepis to af£e£fen,1~ hp mifteefs an?) fate of the genes of the party c1;tatgeeamtg theeemitte, ants refuting oz negletting to pay ' % the fame, eenezmg the oheemlus (if any has me that all other etnntntillfieuets‘matte: ever he attogetbet fufbennen to tittteementiie tn thfi P319Ii1tfl9'3eihifDitt faiD?%7QEit1? i‘LihBttie§_ theeeotfinz ti)e.£pace of fefien yeasts meet, arm to: to tong after until the tam ms tween Ifiutiflings ; wall be fully‘ fintweiis may fyam oz Statute tr: e the totittaw in R!!!’ we nstmztbttanngtjg; j t ~ j A man be tttuetbec %nacten,% met it met; . e t V C an m Ame DECIMO Nam am: may be lawful to ann fee the aom Qaayaz, mheemenh aha Citonnmou (Mantel of the £am<£&w,feom tameto ttnne, to ma: hthit mch iraheaatm Smeupatiofnsas they lballjahge na:€u:11,n;peei1o1e§ in eewete hf fire, ea be ulfen oz eeeeeifeh in the high a; pzmctpalfiteeets nfehefam «Etta. am: fnzaiinmeh as the fee-ehmn 3; ohm; nets of the fiteeet conmeeeeh amuch to the anhancemenenf Eeane, ant mmameae af athe sfiieps 215e itefuerthee amt Pauls @t)utcb:eee:D ; mze fitteet leaning from the fiaft we of Pauls Qfiilméch mm Cheapfidcs £116 %irtét am: ieaffage at the client era: of Chcapfidc, leaning into the Pdultr)’ s five fieteeét ant aeaflage em of the Poultry, teeming into the amueik ene of Cox-nhi11,at oz nceetbeplaceiatee Calm} ti)BStock'S5 e$i)EJ§t1ZP£5f CRHBD Blow-— bladder S;teet,1B§{‘JitlQfUD11E the weft ems of Cheapfide mmaws Nevsegatc—Markct5’ flab ta" izeiesege we fiteeet am: zeattage ftom thence tomawg Newgace-Market,’ by laying‘ the ‘ wenuue mejeee the Mxddlc-Row in the Shambles time lately itmb , into the rain meet 5 ants in we manner to inlatge the ieafiage from Newgatc-Market tomaens Newgatc, by laying the‘ dfieouun of the W9 fflut ienufee betmeen Warwick-Lane enn‘ in Newgate-Market,.V any the 1atzBc1l-Inne‘ tEme,énta the étrcetz 2l'tm“in1i.he matmet“ ‘ ‘:0 énieeee, as time than be came, the iLaue‘ calleh AYC-Maria-Lane, waning fmm‘Patcr« Noficr-ROW to LL1dg1t€-“Street 3 $110 *ti)Be Qtreét oz igaifage at we eat: of fiaént e Martins 1: Grand mmawg BloW~‘b1ad_der Street" afueefains eum alto the aeaeag e ftfllll éeaitet ' e Magnus :04 AN N o DE’C'1Mo “No No Magnus fifihttteh tethe eleuetuutt in Grracious~ Street, mmfljz jFlDZI?UE1ID 0fGrécious—Strcet5 ‘ mitt &If0hTham‘es-Street, fmm flj:3‘mfl[{gfi~:£fl;5'E net nf%ettett Magnus fihutth afote€m’b,to the Tower-Dock; MED E0 iflifliig/B Old Fifl1*Sfr€€t,h hp taping the MiddVle—RoW thete intosthe Jinn the fail: sflfiapoza filbethtem anti mannnton etemttit, alto met! enh may he iiettueet this peefent zttt ittlatge ante make Ihtbet any other futhttteait anhnatmm pafc [ages mithiu the fate titty, agate lets then foutteenfmt tebeeanteh : fie as name be giheu to the Qnmets ‘oz patties tntetefiee an A the ceiznuma te be it taken to; the tnlatgtng theteef, on at hetoze’ the jfttlt new at? May next enfuiug. e emu met ant: than be eaten fatthet enableh hp hetttee at this 21:: , to makeot taufet to became a nemfitteet leaning emu ettennmg item the Guildhall of the fate we met Chtapfide; thefame tube ‘ of inch beeemth am: mteenetee. as they watt ftlUgB.1flEéfafifitfltmfillififlfs‘ — flue to the tab that teefenzthlehtatiefae ltilm’ mat? be gtiaenfez all Eutilfizeunn as malt be taken emu ilnpmyeil fez thehufese afezetain; iihe. $841732, ztinetmen , ant: tiommatt mmnttt .fha11 ant may treat arm agree ehith thesvmnete ants others ttttetetc fen therein: me if there G)a1lbe=:tnp theta tone, zzsnnieeetotpozate eztelmtéate, that await Ihilfullp tefufe to tame taunt agree as afezetate ., at thzeughgtanp enifaheltty hp iflmtage, eflobettwcee at efpetigal Qfintattl, oz othet mqeenimeut, tautlflt ’£ha;t an inch cafes, the fate flee? £1Baye; any -jthehett at he. e muetmen % CARD LIH. magnum ate jbmm? autE)$ez1;5eti hast%u;e of tips am, to ufiuzfuut a warcaatt 32 atm 1*}: 13{fl1i£”o— 1313 $38 D'f}«rLonc‘lon,T)1}§}g. are hereby tfiquitw ac;co;Dm;g1p to Enzzgaamtttvl ;m1’nAretmna+ fiixtp befngz %ti)2 fatniAkA‘iLn;u swaps; 11113 @aursomz1nz::nzza1;am13ig1} E as tp upon then: 2Dm.=I)s%to bevanzninéimn by the min iLmh gram: mm fiuutt of aiugtmfiflj aw wfinquice am flffefsfntcimbaznzafic mm fizcampmce as they £lza11;ung‘z‘fit sent ammza tn tbl’»$111Imf5, mm otijeesrnté: witch, aw:u;n;11g to ti}Eitf£D£m1%€mD 1:9; fpetmae fintczrefizz anti fifiatcs cfimizzn in asap moi) iemtfcs fig d5z;?o1ii1n;% u; my gem: aim/ceof,% fa; their te1;sccti11B"~3f3i1Wv2i’t**3 amt; in the fame, as bytbz ram ibagb zllnmm-n, ann <££om111on§iu‘ €£o‘11’t= Qfiounzil aftzmbicb, 113311 . %b;B aBiuDga 1t 13% Eoztiiaegmtennffotz tgeglurggfes afozz; mu: u an 9t 0 asp an giuhgetlgrg of the fat; £023 Qfiizagoiazén mm :3 1Bm1iei1*t~mupn1ti mac 2 .mtgement.; t is alto finatteb by the nfiuthozéty-afogzs mm, flbat inmfz of refufal, up incapacity as afsmfain of %,ti)e Qnmzts, oz ottmg mmzfien sf, ozit1t_tml'aRih iaoufes, tuagm am: cmnpnunn with the {am flow flfiapoz, zumztmm a.nD%vntfi1t1?)eh hrflrz 1ate% jftzzcyflyakl untzrceénAtbz1gm11beto[f£!)ért:;3%‘ nine ~ €1m1i)'ic%;t) =flaall be in out am am: potntsn{hy,A anumttb.1:bc ammaun content of tb‘z*%3Lozn fitcljbtflmp sfcamerbury, nun tbc*2J5ifi,m\p nEsLmdon £021; £3132: time being. . _ ,1;mo*iJt11cn%:a1fo‘;~ztnnbm finaaeb by the’ fiuthmitp afzmfatn; irlijat tbc§:>cites ants flbatectals of fat!) QEt)m?cI)e‘s as by tbiz 26111 &l39’I1B.tf tntmm [ta bzifizhuilt, togctbm: with the tztburcnsyarns bzlonging to (ac!) ¢?t)u'ccbes,% {ball he, ant: are hereby 1121121: * in we 310211 Afiaayoz ant! zummm of the ?¢it?10f'London‘ fa; the time being; to an em: formant) if the {am manna as man not Imnn%tbz mbuilntnjg of the fail: mtg, be W04 mm we §:>tn=éts, he faiuann nttpa eta nib? ti)? C3!“ 10:11 fifiapozafuij ztlnetmzn, oz £0? mam «Witt 1'15 them fuitbe time using, with fljE'£0tIfmttf)B2[1:cl)b{{Ijgp of C'ant¢rbU.r)f,% arm %‘iI])up"gfL'o"ndon fo’; the {time bizing finhtijz £®ut1zyt.1i£enhp inc!) @2112, (ball 32 W J @ 2 ’ v no Amszoi DECINIQQ‘ Nc§No7 “ hpjtbe Iain @apoz ann Zalncrmszu, mg the maiflz Pita: nftl3c111’,% with the cotttmxtof the fair: 2tcci)n:a2op% ant: zwfiiibnp, mfpnfzh inf; ant: tntployzn fozann tn11miJs%tI)z3Ii£_bu11ns tug of %fu.c!)% iamtflistatbutchcs as bar this ztct%arz%intmneb%ti3$hz ilfiehuilts mm 0; non otijet t1fB%uA; puwDfB*DJIJatfDE11£t. 0 I ibzoninm%a1I1‘ap§;3Ii)&t:am?fl)!¥1§ In that: 21:: coutatnen, wall not%ertenn oz beitaken to 112$ 02 %f2tt1e iti1z%<$butcI)%¢:nE afiaaint APaul, ‘ arm Eaint Faiths; 0:: any parectbmof, 0% the 7 ‘Watch. =o£,§zaaint;1(3%rcgories%hp§aint Paufs, 0; any at :tbzm¢, 0;. tbs @l)u.t£b:.patD5 to any 01?; %1;_i1z_n1;: l1zIongéng.%oz%; appzttaintzzg, in the flgapez , mbcttnen arm Vctontntxons of the W @107 Aof%Lond:on, away of them any tiaéngiu this 31rc,noi:t;Itanning.». Qmb be at Qfinarteb , ilbat fa; {tba=%p;e»; muting En-ttnnatians, a11D:fo%z eafinzfsr of meant, the fittezt ca11enT.1umcs-meet, am: all we gonna Ahztmzen %tbe%%;faih attest am 13339 Rim: of, Thames,‘ %a)a11 he xaifzn‘ am] nzane i)iEh2c%b1>tl)zeefootat the waft abintmtigyz futfacz fioftijegmunn as new is lmh. V iazobinzb alto, MD it ignmng %f:u’;ttbm: QEnartenV%by thzfltittlanzitp afnzcfaib, *iL'l3at. A 11,0 mug, _£Du£:I)IJu£t3s oz%%ot§hec 2:5uumng~ Ib;!3atfnzi19t% (wanes ant; fitjznsfoz pzzfmt ms o1w1.pzmp£eb> ‘fliall behuilt 0; arm!) within me Dtfianuz of :3?o.urtp%faotnE fact) part of any wall ,1 my , . ta; mbacf, as b-snubs CUB fil'YJ€t“0f‘VTha;n1cs %, ffmm Tower-L Wharf London-'Bridgc,L _¢‘.mD%-fmm London- Bridge to the Temple-Stairs :%jf-)0; any BDHEB, £1Dut-taunts; oz otbm: fléutlbing, .ce£rane£. ones V Iy CA ROLI II. REGIS. m % tip trtzhtw) ht Hsnilt‘ oz €Ettrten11)iti):n* thcnnntanct of ”1Zi)ztéico;t ant: ten foot of: the nnnmt Sf“ any part of the czztmnmonst fitmtts, tomtnontptta11tn‘nz known by the nameg7 sf Bridewell-;Dock,;t‘:F1eet-Ditch, anh- Turnmil:Brook,.fmn1‘tI)h aaijggc of Thames :0 Clarkcmvcl, upon neither line at them, bzfngt ’ the font ante tmtntit‘thnnn—y March, which [bail he in the neat pf "cuttings ,’ @118 thnnfanntfirhnnntzu Brtptighnt. * s Qinn fat the fntthtt ennhiing of Qzaapoz ann nznnzntnnaitpgtinnh (’£iti5B"n5’ of the [am Qtitv of London,‘ annhtheit fintttfc A Cuts to petfozxttt nnn nttontplilb the wants in this mt mentiontn ; 2152:: Enntten by the ztnthozitp nfnwfnin,t filihnt foznilfnotts of cleats ,'nJhichfmn1nanb afttt thtfanv nnh tlbtntécth Day of June; @112 thoufnnn [tr hnnngtn firtp fehen, aunt htfozt the font nun twentieth. baht nfjruncgt ®nt thonfnnn fix hnnimn fehtntptftncn, fimubt tnnzpotteu t nun bzonght into the nahozt of thz sttttp of London, at the Shiner of ‘I‘hames, Inithin the lihtttp of the ram nay of London, npon the fame £1112: to he Coin by the Gthalbzon oz ilnn, there man be ‘paint’ up may of aimpofitton thettnpon, (mm nnn bzfimas an other filmpofitions nnn Elbntits but am: payable fin; any tgigjtof the {nth Qtoaw n, D? DBttu'9‘Dfaf1?}'i&/ oz fitntntz now In fame) accozn1ngtn‘the mm heteaftet men: tionw; 3I1)nt is to tap, fa; [nth tons of t «finals as aw nfnnllp felts hp the wftlbzfltta N 1 502 amp «Eh almnn theteof containing thntp fir bnfhtls Wmchener nwafntz, the Sum of inactive pentmnn fozau Inch tons of (tong: nz Ariilro DEj“t:i'1§”4‘%o Nmo as me £9111 by the inn, fox chm» fun ti)mofcontainingimeutp bunnpzn weight, the like mm of ‘imam pence ; ‘which ram ‘jlmpofitton of ”£mzlhz perm; Weber? fibalnzmt 0; fun of (mm, limit ftom time; to time During the term afozziatn, be am»: mama arm pain unto the, [am Qaayoz, Rim tflnmntonaltp ann eztttsens, ant: their fine: ceflouts , oz to that Ebcputv 0; 21192 mics, Qffaczr, nzztffignfi, bvtile fllfiaftcr, R mac: oz @mnzrz ,;.02TfDt11€1:[)B,t5!Jtt oz pettousta; ttmgc1Jatgzof;}anp9t)ip 02 metal where: upon the f&_I1l8'".aI&l1 lJE. lama, befou. they thallbzeak 2:5u11z,%ozIJahe a 9I9Et9t amn- zn foztbz meafutmn oz weighing of any V z5no~B5, A }I1)Fi3mi*- in the ficczzmptgof alvliaapntentsx emu wisbwcimwnts Aunt of we fanté malt };;; ltkzmife entteb; zxpzefiingfi the tmuz‘ mum, tijz occegfiqn fog ‘%~mb:’ci) , ante thé name of the patina oz pztfang to? mijont the fame mm in path 0; msbmfen. flnutijat it wall arm maybe Imml to ant: fog at; awn wet? pztfau arm pwians , that [ball 0; nnay be mamribife gzgncmtnzn £3 to no, to heme fmé a;z£eE5‘ mm, annmzm the min? tefpmém ~:r%m;:s at“i3;*:w§pts mm msburfcé ments at alt simey, m1%;m:i)e_ Cflijatilbfité Imus Qfiice i~sapw,‘%mi$baut am?’ jfw’ oz mmm ta be mm,‘ 0% .'W1.i€tnh¢n fez the men: 0; ia:£;mian'ti)ereu£: ;2(nn;t1)*at the vflimxsberiaén ~ of "Loud-bn‘Af*02* tbeiflmv 11% mg, name the can sf’ M‘gg1§ae1,masviernz in 9‘JW?”4?B&ta ibau tmttfi-111114, any % upon D15 evam iJewJ.=zr into :2;e3ae1t~e:pt%-3fi%‘t er fix: cEm1uzt,‘atrue<£np%pj oz%ms1:ca:e:o thca: fczzilata 21500133 j af %£C!3I1ID,t5’, - toittainéng E139 fieceipéts mm @‘1ibmf_cxm:ntfi§ of @131 moneys DJi)ict1fl)a1ibe cam‘ a11n%mi.EF “nut Bf the this $,n1pofit§big%31;%pogg :¢pi3'g1;j51, ‘itt the 1>zac* pzmmng ,~ any fiitygf % upgu £312 foumnfi tmmma; my gf» Linc nzptmfozc ; rim €10 W Wfib grééis%%hé‘th¢&nz9§¥t 1% %%ficet;‘finfikmt% a%nfmnm1ttgegmcowfikof tbs: 1sa:n%¢m;:c": 5 %m1;gze‘:tu;a;:;sgva1Io Jh2*,1a;I1v€:z-1 rfoz auy%rmon bz’p2);Int1s;7§iyi1h*. a‘ebo1;iet!3e;jount§atiou,e to he tee off inazneee:s2touef%8eequa11p‘mbatb fines. ibat an .fL_1’_t1;be,e bzfifain mitt)in.ime1be,;3‘£ncbe5;; of tlj€‘"‘3?D2zfiDe"D’F the Affi iannepzflambs 5 311111 that a11;;f “%og2fies on the fi,acke"nfe. ;&!1?2:(Ei)imnep, be lain; 2151 gggittitnmet at 31:: 3lne9af=ni§tance E69111 the 3‘ e 1;; ;>’i3":x;-;'r:1;.s:j~ 3 ji 7 . T_'}*-wit" animus ex-rsnneeebe mm 1ZhI'ti)1‘t1‘itje“'3J‘3‘utineI»:o£% any (ujjtnnep, upon penalty to ti)e%’