.MoST w/wazw W V pm W me 6. rlxw a U M 9 0 mm 2 H 3 #3» no Wflmxigm D nu .M ,_a...,fi 6 E EOnW1 WW4./Wm E nA%V /W/vmiw E 1 JDMO/«WV: .¢.u .. _,_ mm 2... VIM. ft, .5 mm“ E 17,0 L 8 I 6 E4N 3% an . f HV 2.0 A4. 6 %0...m .?,m..m C mm Adm eannw UHMKCW t .bA _ . £63 1 . H1: Prim; % 51- O A %edf0fR; MN 3 0 Pv in x. '\ ''‘‘' \ , II - -, o N _ V - ' A _ ‘ ,: »A;:” , .» .1’ A . n ur . 1 r‘ ‘ ' nu , ' ” The Ifings moll: gratiousConcelasionsdelive.-« l e red to the Cam-mif5Yateer3‘ at Newport, and debated there, Sept. 29. "IS Majefly did of: many eameft endeavlours foraPea;/Zmltl 5‘ ATrmr)', which He hoped might have been obtained at: Wefl- I,‘ W A ' immediately; yet they havin“ made choicccf this way by 951 you their Commiflioners, His 3/Iajefiy did gladly and cheer- fig" \..¢:/w ‘ A’ ‘ °§”"'''‘'“‘ fully accepcA thereof in this place, as a {it means to begin 3 Tregyfw-éfeece; “Vwbich might put an end to His owne [ad condition, and A the mifieries of His Kflmgdomei ; For an entrance whereunto, His Majefiy hath A to _,already exprelled His Confent to the firlfl Propel-ition :_ Bet finding you are lim’i1:¢d by A Inltruéhons which you have no Warrant to Communicate unto Him; (Andheving caufe by your Paper of the zo’ of this prefent to believe, that you have no power to omit or alter anything, thought He [hall give yep ,fi1chA tcafons as may fatxsfie you {.0 to doc, wxthout trenfmitting the Papers to the two l-Ioufes at a far d~iPtance, where His 11%/1ajeV[tiesreae{ons, expreffio.ns, and I A minfier, between Him and His two I-Ioufes of Parliament M ofiersupon Debate cannot bcfully cAeptelet~1t.ed,dand ftom whet;cethei:dAn_w * A Vfwets cannot be ret.urned wxthout much wafte of the time allotted for the" ‘lTreaty here: And havmg lately recenved another Paper concerning ‘ the Church, containing in it {elf many particulars of great importanlce,A and re- ferring to dzve-rs Ordmzmces, Artxcles ofRel:g1otn, and Othfitithl-figs ( 11 or 42’: in nutn'b€1:) ofgreat length, and fome of them very new, arid never before A lpte-lcnted’ to His%Maje£’cy : The due eonfidcration whereof will take up much time, and require His Majefiies prefence with His two Houfes before a full refolution can well be had Ax-no matters of ft) high confequcn-cc; To the end therefore that the good work now in hand may A ( by Gods bl.eHing ) proceed A "s. Houfes of Parliament may at prAefentha.vehfutthe_r fecurity, and anearneft of future fatisfafiionga His Majefiyupon Qonfideiation had of yours, makes thefeAPropofi£i9ns fmlodwingl’: d A M ; A T . " A e A to ' i to ‘A 2 A A A "Concerning w‘ ML‘ . ~ ’ s . ‘vl :.’ 3'7 "4 '“m «H, M V. 2 _» ‘_ ‘ V‘ : l ‘."“‘»l. l_..:9‘“'f ‘ ‘ t ‘ I mor.e.fpeedily and €fi"e.c°tm;lly"to an happy Concluficm; Amd that His two ‘ efVVaIcrs;% _ ‘«.% L’-~ . ‘ I M. . A Ccmcérning the ,Chu1:cIi.A % H A Ix .;-’E.'£'z;je_flfjy4 rm‘/Z cc2%;2f§:~2t that tlae»ca/!ing%mdflrt£;¢g-Aaf.,tk"g _@f_Dj; ‘ wine: at VVefln1ix‘xH.€r4Z7eéawfirmedfi9V‘77J7€€J€¢zr:%-éjfkfci‘ ay“Po2r17pzment; 7 Am! 2a2z'z2’.éy:e/31:52? cfP47'lia1m£ffitcemfirme fer“AT/;.*f‘£e{ye;m%_t/as ‘Direfiorj fin» t/ge W127”; 13170J’_fl€.>iiIA7VO f G em’ £7; I‘/.76’ z':4gdomeJ=éfEng1and%'m¢J Ireland; om’ _.D327?¢ifii0fl M % 14275! 3395/! 12'/qewzfi' co.=2fi’7"7?£»'E_7dI§??"f’5’)A'£’«‘-4*»'ff-V 5] 0f 7’.zzrlio§me.=2't. tlsé firwa sf C/owcla Ga-amamemr wlaiclaje /an-we Igarefivezted to Him, to :9: zzfedfor rig: Cbpzrcbg: ofEng1and mad Ireland, mad Domiiiion of Waiszs 5 ‘£7702/1351853’,-I/mt . An-;2a' t/safe % bf BTz3.ijzw{g2¢4é;a2r, Vomzzgy gatlalew W/a'ac.¢z4;»_zbt.in' a4ef0i€h§e ~th"£fe'- zmta, 5.9 not in the 7mm tz°me.oé1zgcdta C0}1¢}2&.?»7?1!79.$}J€_/51%? Gowmmervzt or fazéme of Wgrfbip, [wt [mag free pmctzccf of their ‘a”w;»2e pro_fefl?mz.~ rlJ»it%azVfrée&(.’a;¢. fp:!mtz'q;g mid deéozte ée ,lm,5rJ Wit/9 t/as ofDi'¢;éiz¢ex of VV.efiminfi;§3: vfieazgtimé, 20¢ bf V/Vfajefliék 2¢0mi;‘mr£a;¢ ,é2ei;2¢/5: atlylédwseto " as determined am: Majeflj ms Haufé: q}’P¢zkli;{gj§¢7gt fggd A % “Chart/9% Govemmmt and farms afp:¢&lig/42%’ War/Zaip «fie? I/as _fl2;§g_1',ftz';;;.’;é.;‘I3iy‘;,75g;yW fitlex’, orfizonér, if dzfi‘2*re:é@e:.m4} 6.9 a‘greeal.A%%“/go‘fv 4z{/(3% Refirmgztiopf gioiz afzagy éefirled ivit/gin Ila; Ifémgdame; offinglgtnd and Ireland , Dém£mEd§¢' VVal<:s.‘ And it/ye-L Ambler: of (' [org/g~1;1z;:¢ 1i’elz;g'i0:¢ new del-iv2%7*éd%"tAé M92} 522 like iflflflfiwflf‘ ‘tfm—2A Cozg/Edereaf ofmwl d:t¢rmz7m=d,_ amdbazrc t}%zIQ:;;£‘]‘b'}-.;/aieéérfé‘ % A ~ 2231 corzcemiwg flee 'Bz}%o]>.<* Land: ‘z%m.sa’£=‘*v_1émtVé:; “a'z:7*i;«2s;rIf3efl= ?z‘z9ozz.!7Z£_'/E229*’.zk:*‘z=z?7::2e=: dévers ' Suéject: 1:222/e%27¢zz:{e c"~a;;tmet.r* 4;é&11 «pzz2'c:’a:zf;>:,“ and o1z':vé;¢.r Imwe ofzflzarfed gmzzrfixzms ofmanie: zacpm‘ ficmit} 43:45 ?gagmhw§t fkofé Lmd:‘§.~%:'IJzl;:_1/Mzzjgflj fir tbeiff.&tzkfm:tia7z, wi:Zco:¢fam‘» zfé ¢'z.{¢‘ %"%_/lctzog? */[m of I’:zr!.z.£z:*m;2t, Wkereéy Icgaz/!%'€fl.:zre;far Lz‘va=s or ](‘¢?'Tf¢Z7£ w(;zt~zl:2ei;?' “cf.%5ice) fiat ~exr£eding gpjmrr ée mettle qfrhéfla L/£72z275*t0137£5£i/‘ifI.b€fi?tZ%6fz'@V@7¢ irfz‘/Aaefizzlz’ Pzaerc/a".2f2r:, % Caszmzctarx, V ¢zm1%a.t/967: to whom I/Jay are e;*zgozge a!;i 3:1?‘ t/3%‘ ”ola.’ Rem, arflame 0;/;5£;* médemte R:'7zt*,%1%*/aerjeéytlgcjhmgzjvreceiwflztzisfaciim. ‘ % iia ;‘@’E*j3:.5l:% Lwfi= /7m/1 iéatflztzkfieg Cfliajqfl}Awi/1prapo2¢;m’zzm2’ canfiwt ‘t-fiflame ozf/o'er mz_y,r_for rzbeirfzzrtlaerfazmfactiorz. J % % ‘ ‘ V A ‘ A % M % % “Provided, z“l;v.».zz'z‘/M pwprz'_c=t_y‘gzmlinberirmece of %t,’EvoJ/Z=?L.4z2id.r _/Z2]! remain; ’aml5co;catz';ma to 13798 C /march and C7]-%?"6'/J’-772647 rcfiatctizméy .¢2ccardimgto t/4 ‘ picutzra 2.:-2'- %t'mt%io;?.i.g oft/as Dwor: and Fwmderz: l‘r’7E’?‘.€0f.' flrzai‘ 2556 my? {best flaw]! ée r¢g‘"‘e2rz:e;l % t1b’飑_fér Azbeir 75z.azi7»:r£=2m;¢+ce.’ % % " % % H % ~ % ‘ V % *Hz}.c Majwj ‘M//giweHz3 Rq}w2_11Affc’m‘for I15¢ééetteV’Q5f§’r’U¢z~tici3}f¢ oft/ac; Lo.-w;l;% 5122} _,-{For fmpprgflzag of * __;-gnovoztian: in C/9!/fi"6v/363‘ and C/mppels, in mm’ /agéowtéae ‘ W'orf%ip“afGod,andj’ar 2‘/ac 55:25” mdwmcemerft oftl5x:Pr¢;tb/aimcgi ofQ7sm’.r% 12$!) W’am7 V V " in at/lpzzrtx qf't}:.zé3 Ifingflome. e/ffmv.’ to an pzgflifi/5 %e:¢jo_yi2¢gV Plzard-£t£e3_4af Be- “ m=ficamé_y Spiritmz/lpgrfim, and 2\Qnrcfl5[éé2c].% Ami ta am Art fiar regafi/zti;agzzn;z' H % A, refarmz';zg éorb ‘Um'mrfi;~£e:, and the Co/!edge:W€&m-in'R€r,% Winéhcfier, dad Eatom. % V V % V ‘ ‘ % ‘ . Hz? 6 Adm! azppoim, ameieréaat ea-rlaei*2aéz_'/”ee.; I, e W 5.2%, wiiz’ Co;gy’2mt fa :5-.’-fisf‘e/ftfct for the éwrter dzjéo very flI£’Ee'lj comic»- e‘z'e';2 cf ‘277o}3z'j’Z2'1.'€eez»¢_/Z*~s;ra},=~afi»,,«£ 0;; e Hz’; W!£‘12‘;rzj;:{flié: éel:.~:élfi A pzettincb raymg ofzame ‘ '_ e " 4 . f Beet, A1-_t6 the (aemmr; e game: 't£I£’7”Pi7¢1 _fe:tz}.%fi§‘;21.e*fik.et fHe can eit12_e~rfige2ee A024;/‘thveazre ‘it, or’ e.o‘22flem* to £mpéfe”z't %o‘n"tIae "Cai¢fl:£ehee;fV'bfe2:be2&¢. 7.Z\{gr<. 51¢:/aca;2camiz:_pro,m- arm‘ tfaiflime to ée iezfifled can T1 v ” Aw 2 I "A Tame/9;'rzg re/aeetiwili-ties, Mejefl} ee_r2eei72e§.v that jazer Prafaafitiere demasedekt far eager power evzer-%z‘ I2e Peifimk fined ;’j3’_/hate: of Hz: Se:£]eé?;, t/me loaf}: ever bel- i/gérzae‘ éeeez we:-rr;z2¢t'eelA‘./Jj flee; fL4W€3.;¢nei“Stee‘t%teJ- thee Re§2lm‘e'; __.yet, e’eenflderi;eg- eke: Prefimi ei{flr»zE?ie§¢i?*§‘eq1?¢ire"7fizeré, ‘E2245’? éeeflzng »£ze«Hi3e Arm of. Peirli;/z-3 Am! .e{,>’b to an Acne prevent 2l:'ae"pmetzfi=.c 0fVPe£}9z'fl5 .ez‘gezi,;2_/?r1ae Stee~ee£e ,..4e7d_fi9rV - are the Lrzwe: in exeeeztiam. Azedfar a /frieterecomfie Veto prekzre;1-2‘ fllamrzkag ma!‘ * mm» tiézzt eke)» will wake zeafmgkzm zgfle t/ae}>oWer‘%V f}.1¢3‘}‘€ii¢" mehtiasaed, nfier: "eke. L p%e7e;§tziif;’e77zpersfe=tZed, zthezef/Zwzll be agreeaéle fa» the rlegzz/I M exerezfie tlkereqfifii timexe,pezfl', or juflneee/fly’ flag:/I ree]m‘re%,eHi5e}I4wjcflj'wi/I cenfim to em ”/1:55 “ofhzrl; T/9et’t/qeLafelxe’ eirii Gamma: izé t}:e‘1?9e:r1i.ament Englarid :2¢owe*ej]"eem’eled, "er tbee‘éE=“$4e;/]‘e1‘%:§?2leel, pr jize/amthey%fZm‘ZZ?ezppae£nt‘e!;ering}»r1aefl2;eee~efeI:oyear.r5 ‘%.'-Q?/1 flrme, Trezfifieezmd D,.{fc~‘i}3lii2e;~er=mz4f;e to‘ be 7A'm¢ed,‘Trezi,ned; - m:§DzfeipIie.ved, ’ ‘ “71-t}geJ5'ercAe:eoftYae iéegdemex inf ‘E nglééfidr eizid "’?Ier€la;11%(;_l.; eiiéef %De#eeim3ia;evf;e\i\7 aIfcTs',e . At/are Ifle: efGe'rnef6ye:7L3e[ Gfirfey," and Towme afherxvicke upcm TV1v¢ed,u.rzl+ 7{ee2:1_y$ 23%;2z§flfl:e1V,.%64ee_z‘k fa? sen ez4m£’~Lazs2.:[_/er72z'ee,;:§ And firom time eta.~ti7:*:*e;e.ei.ve7*ing t7:"efineeof 1fio_y;m’r.t“ra.i:Z_/139,1Mle*v}',»e‘w7Me;Lezwiizeeemzzidé/25£pl£2ze,Ter e}eee_fi3Ttee%ézée‘.‘-mzfied, lezjieel, armed, trezi;ée:1”e‘§4"ci£J"eipIimed~a;ey ether" £7e:wee‘} far?;*LWTe1¢3vIeezndeSeef;:*r*e£ceiia e z/ae 1(i3£demex, Domifiéaflf,_:§_fi-?guci'1Y{[ei¢£‘£5' ¢zfirefi«zig,’,w: 2'22 their jwdgmezetx they five;/I fiom riszeeeeeta time dez~rz?ng the fiaiclfjvfezee of Iojekzrstkimkfite fa. ¢rsppAa.i2ér,f .14 ed time ‘ ” .nez'zbe7?- the I(img, Hie Heirex er Szzeeefleem, 0}" A72} other éezrfeze/amf/Em/1e‘%¢z-et T ‘Evy Hoe Aml.verit_y,- er‘appre£r.erz'o:e oft/0,£’f/ii-:1.’ L~erd3,e.e::m’- ['ommam,;f7m/Z dm‘i.eg t/oeflmfi ffiezee of xcwm exefeife zéézwjliaftlae fewer: :zfbre,’2z£d.e “ V f [7 M “ ; AT/mt Zi/1o:e}ie%5‘ éve 7§;,2'zT]Zi“ei.’e:z:?;wiZe~2gzTer4’ fir rise 7mzi.*ete22,z72;;'e~eeIez_vl oftke fereee for L'.e7edfer‘z?iea°; .«.m.:£ ofzfke ”Iz‘\7ezvj emf" Femexfer SezzfErw'ee,$ ieefzee/af£:;~r,0 ezmi éy. M e fire/a ‘nmies az-rd meemx aw 2}:-elordy :3;-2;! CommemefZm:![fi~om time to time die.- ffiiig rbefjnmeaf 10‘ year: t/’a£21k_fit.¢-zeiei ..rz_,npoiz«st,nwZ no-2.‘ or/2erw%.t« e . e Time 4511 t/ye_,Co:»£d Foreee éotééfer Lazmieziad Sm/emviee fa or levied, to eke or levied ; mg; M544:/ae ek%Y'¢:lé¢2ire.’l2?_yéyee2,{ :f;_/E2.:zz‘Z from to time “ d:eri:4gv¢t12e7]32;i~e’:/)Z7»eee ef ojmr.re;ee imp/eyed, % ‘managed, aedma med;/pafid 5}!“ the % “Lem’.r mm’ Cemmm: i7¢_/ieefgfirtg and évflfeéz emie: maze’ mean: gee Aer/ale] flu!!! (kink. A that Cem§2¢a:«2.:,% erfzck A Bee] A apkfiointt, firing the _/‘kid fimce 4often;ye¢;r:,fI2a.¢1l[atwe Ttonzer, X ~ Oft:£pprefl'e eailifiotees raifedgcgrwtqebe t'aifed,Wit‘f!outA’autth*orityérici . A eohfent of the {aid tLo_rds‘and Comtmonsgto the d%iflt1rbanee ofthe pub.‘ ‘It1qu‘e_Peace of the Kingdomes of Egglmaal. and Vfrelpzm’, ~DotI3inion of Wales, the Ifles of germfij f3'_I'i,Ci-?6'?’_{n€‘5]’, and the T9wne_ of lsfwzarie/g_tupon Tweed, or anyofthemt ” ” ” ‘ V M e _' VA ~z;Tote'fup13refl'e atny:~tfQrr;-;.-ignetForces who.efl1aIleInvaUde, .<:ix;ind-etzvoer to‘ ‘ G InVa$de4thte?Kingdom‘esQrf'"Engldm1*tfind¥ IV¥«’14?4; ,5 D‘5fI1;.itiio1:i of Wa1et~, the Ifles 0fGemfij 3.nd§l€Ifq)',;,';_§1£}dfthfi-TC%W§1é,QfBWW‘5Ck upbn ‘Tweede, got any of :» the'mt.- ‘V - " W A _ Andetfiatfter the expiraeticin ofthcfiid N31‘ --Y?“-.'3¥$; tnéithtfift £,h€',Ki‘fig His Heir-es rgawrsucceflburs, or any .per~tfon;tott perfume by «$010M 01’ P¥¢5if=nce'[ofany Com-.-' miflion}Powef,%'t‘.tdeputation, «ere mztlgotity to be ed-erixéed from the King, Hie .Heiresfor St1ccefi7(m1‘s~,,;O12 Many:ttt.df~£1!¢ffis 1'h?1,%11t«Wit§10t’+1F »‘h¢t‘t~C0F1f@“tt9fth€: {aid Lords and“ Commons, f.r3if¢, ,,arm€, ttrainfi ‘difcipl-ine , irtzploy gorder‘, met"-Q nage, disband, or difpofe any A the Forceseby Sea or Land, of the I_{ingdamcs- of Engzamtand t1re1m1,:hee D9min'iOn:Qf.tNWdlef1AT_tI,fl€s of Grgwzefly arid,;1:rfiy’, and‘. theTownc: af Barwicktupon Tweed. 'NQerf¢XCICi{Cm_$;!}§?.:.Qf§11¢faitd powers eu:auth*orities herein ”b=efc§me7m‘entitoned', »and‘cx“ptCfi"€d‘_§o,h*e§’§i§1;ring the fpztce nf7tent*tyears’int the faicit Lordstand Commons N01‘ do anygar&,.for any Concerning the excretion ‘ of the faid powers%to»rtau3;horities, or any ofthemé -I without xgmcotnfiznt of thefaid ‘Loyd; atztdf C0111 mt2ns.fiirfit'ha.d o6t%a;ined.t A Andwith the-t fame'prjovifo’s-ttfqrefaying the erdinary%LegaI1 Power offoffif cersf ~bf:J]u'fiice, nottBei«ngN Military,»Qfiic,ets,t as "is {en dawn: tinfyout ;Proepwofi-7 uone'a~t tt;tt*;tt :jtA: t,et~A e. “I‘w%y E e A And with *Dtec1aration’,7That ifany; peerfonefhafi ;begatheredt and %a&m,_.. Medettogether, idea War-like tmantner, or -’0th€1‘Wi.r€,‘t_ to the number of 30 per.» é1’ons,J‘ ar!z_d.fluIinot,fiorthwith difp:e:erfeethemfeives,being required thereto by % the faid Lords and Cpmrmns,t~ Ger ttcommandt fI'-Om‘. them, ‘for‘ahy _b‘ythCBi!, t ‘eefpeeizifly atttth/orizegi afar that purpofe ; Thetnltfuehfl p_.er{on ‘<0-I_‘.p€‘I'1.QI1S not fo 4! =zd;eifpetfinge_the.mfe1ves=, {hall beguilty, and ‘.EflCL:rl the paines efheigh Tregfon ; ‘ beéngfirPcedeciare%d guilty of fuelilafifence‘, by the {aid' Lords and Commems: ~ Any Commifiion tender the Gteat.S€:3ie, eaot uehezt Warrant to the .contrary, ~tic»twittfit&a%%nding. " Andflhe or they that I-hat! {otoflend therem, to be tmcapablte soaf any ~pe;'rdcm’.‘-frotm Hi‘se%LtMajeePcy, Iv}-its Hi3"im5t:9§”SL}Ct€f{O*UT5»" A , ‘A A:1ad*Ii£«;.e‘w‘§.1?et ‘tbat:-‘ur'i‘EV be prmzitded th:zt=:~he~tCi~t ttof"Laazdw%(haiI havetand Vefij-iytv -:«=;n their eights,ltib'erties,t 8643. in raifingamd im~p1oy,i_ng the Eerees of that City, in {Etch for: as is m%en.tioned in the {aid Pt1Qp.0fi-Ei0n._ ‘ ' If*'£;‘£’:= “ Wizfi t15ey"c’ Prawzflfs fallawing, ta ée izdflerted in z‘}}ej§zi;c{ cafe oftorn‘milngin of Ptrange enemies into this Kingdomle. A A Andthat the powers above mentioned, as coneerlning tbe‘tLandy'.Fyorces, oth-”er,theza for keeping try, "and maintenance of F‘orts,* and Gaerifons, ahlzi the keeping; up, mmntainmg, land pay of this preletlt Army, lb long asxit llmll 2. name be compelled to lerve in the War againfi:-their wily, but iii‘ V be tbou.gbt fit by both Houfes of Iiarliament, be exetcifed to no other purpoga less then for the fupprefiing of Iiorees railed or to be railed, without authority by and*c0n"l'ent of thbfai-d Ierde ::md_Commons as azforefaid, or far filpprefling of anyfirlrraigne-Fortes “vvbichlafballlll Invade, llolrindeavourto Invade the Iiing. da3mye5,y Dom-inianls, or placesyafoytefaid. "V . y. ;y by y ‘ A‘ And that the rtioneies be railed by genetalll, and equall Ta'xati~0lns; fafving that Tonnage and Poundlage, and fuck yimpefls as have been applyedtpthc Navy, and be railed as hath been ulixall. _ And that all Patents C0mttli'fl'i0n§ , and ether Afis concerning the pre- mi£les,belnEmdeand Aeted in His Majefiieslname by Warratw,“ fignifietl by the Lords and Commons, or fueh otlietrs a; they {ball autbotife fbtlthat purpofe. A 1}’ it flail ée fittrkfaflaly to Hzé‘ two Halvzfvs ta have the tfifliiitia, and pa‘fia_er:: thereupon élefbemliragy l alwiwg the wggle time ofHi:¢ Cfifwjefliex Iftjgne, * man» liév-'2$’E*éf;brf/3‘6j%#%€E often}/m*r:, His Mazjefl “git:/t=;r“ llama‘ 1/ételeffiw. 4 M ' A Dubbing}-«-eJm¢d,lt E-IilsyMajefly‘havi1%;g_ip the twopeeeding propofitlions f t given Hié confent concetningthe, Churcbfit £116-Nllljtlathfiffi in all things, e as in England: Asto all other matters relating to t°he7Klngd0me',yafteryadvice‘ with Hist two Huufes, He .w1.1l~‘»»Ieave it £0 theitldeterm1natio11,l,amclgive His eonfemz aecordyingly, as is~h-erein hefeafter ex9rel5l7ed‘;;l.I . -l.pa§‘€ 45-1? 12... IIiQnet;hs,l after “palfling of aqA&;feltt_the:fame. Touching publique debts, His Majefiy wllllllgixfe His ”c"onl"ent tit} fuck an A&,., for raifing of monies? by general! and equal! Faxationls, for the paymelm: ‘and. fgtlisfying the A!-’r€a1‘€S-Qfthfi Army, .pLt'Jlique debtsyand engagementsy Qfthe” lKingdorne,as {hall be agreed on by bothll-loufes of"Parlia‘ment,a=n£lfllallbe ate éitetlbtantl »al"certa1t1edl by lthtemgoe Tucb perfons as they lfhallvgppointgfi wie7lilnb the H*lSM%€ny,.W'i,il11:COUfCHf: t0?axii'A£$,VifI1at_llldutingthe {aid rpzmeof 1;» ‘year; 11~anlce1"1asur; ot“I;orE:I *I{eepel*;ComlmilHonet§ bbFthel”Gt'eat Scale, at M 't‘he*I;otd' A lTteal'ury, Lard Warden of. the Cin({;Lte ports,,lllChMalncellour of the Exéhequer l A 6:505 thc R0lll52luéeesl~oA5botbfienchcaa :3’???§3‘l=“1Fl3Y»y3€CF¢W§¢5"5f3“¢C«:M3:.. _ V . W -‘ j awe Earcwns Toff the l.E1tcbeq7aet bf» t>S3@lamd,« be ':_y;~’17(’)f‘l'ly113.3.~=ty€d: .;l3k§?;:.bQElh' Hi:;£A¢ci;%;.,%§y_%330:1)E€iQ$;1fa:.s;4iQ;€iPa;r%BAia.m€nt.7 %ALn_£{ ;¢m nIc{Citi+z5¢3'i1,A0%fthéCiatgiQ?§1Zé}2;{a:2,i;Q:j§,a+f3§’%§?f“fi‘§€&0‘ffif£€?rS‘o_f.¥;11~<3 fiTaidVCi:,y fiéiaaii be dra,w.nt:‘ foerth, bxflcodmp-Clicd t‘Q:g £>;ohE:<5~fth.€ {aid City or Lfibfirtifzs‘ .fi:s.z:* reef; for Miiismy .‘:%rv*i;$c:, withaut ti1eiijd,Lvx}%eAA free coizfena A . A W”§."”iz-3.9;ja.:'zNA.<;‘??:?%i3e pmed for granting and c§nlfir:ni11g the Chg-rtgrs, Cufizomes, - “hL§gD£T&‘f'i-€’S"3fld Eranéixifés t1{itiw§ithfia;*;d_iiigany .Z‘Ja:a .==¢_/ér, It And thatrduring the {aid .1 o;yea;rs,.ti1€ Tc$4wer6f %£a;éVi’a2é»ymé£y%V_4be in the G04] ‘merzwment %ofth7e7City“t>f Laf}z;z'n;¢,; and ' the chief "Officeremdf Goxfemou; fé:*«i>m time to zzinre, durmg the {aid {pace to be nominated, and rcm0Y;ab}c by he . _Cc=mmoz2—coL1hqeli, as are dcfircd iny<;5urPr<:>g3ofici0;1s.I . .a . . A His Majcfiy Tiéviiug thus fa,Zr €:JApL1§ci1V-¢d_“E-Iis‘commit for; the pre%E'en‘t"f;+:.;:.;;fZm;"€i—: on, and the fecurity of His zwoflotxles oi: Pa1r1;:;mc:n1;%,4‘an;d there that h;«.;ze.Vad~ EM-:-red vm#:.othem,’”'to11ching your foure Afir£%;Pr0p’0ficioné, “mc1o:her%is1z%e parti- m_:1Aax‘s before fpecificd: As to: a.1ith&%rePc ofyuur» Propofiaégns de1i*v;ere .&Q ‘Do .‘_‘_