1., er 9% if?- era 13%;?‘ 4%? F3 3 ° _ o :g%As1t was humbly tendered to the LR rght . Honourable the Lords and Commons Af- ¢§, ’ fembled in Parliament : As alfo to the Ho- .¢g‘_ nourable the Lord Mayor , Aldermen, .«,_, and Common-Councellof the T City of London. ca. res been 3* is $553‘ 5&3?‘ $3 \ I 9 ' .-9 Er} -H ‘. '.~’ A . eeeeeeeee . . FROM L . t 811‘ Thomas airfax, AND The Army under his Command. §3f+4 r @334 °% Concerning theijufi and fnndamentall Rights a and Liberties ofthemfelves and the Kingdome: With Tome humble Pfopofals and Defires. i 5*°=‘i3"F“§*‘?’ I »: {fin} _. i._.—._4_—~.._ .' A; r 0 ~. (21; Rirzted #17} the fpeciallzzppoirztmerzt ofliir Excel/6216} egg}; 1 Sir Thomas Fairfax, and Souldiery of the Aria} zm- egg der bi; Co.w;«z¢2n;2’. A J S2". AI-bons, June . Signed by me, ,c¢-. 14. 164.7. » JOHN RusHvVoRTH. fig; cg, ‘Y _._. ‘ e x, ~ . s: - .e . I. ‘ ' . 39 V eeeeeeeeeeaaeeeeeeeeaee \, i . "R9 e pEcLAr bafid~ing, the pfiefentogrievancesvwhich 'po£Te1Te our Army and are yet unliemedied, with our defire as :to the Ggmp1eat'fettiemen.t< ofthe liberties and peacé of €133 Kiingdoméf,‘ whichis et'hat«b1efling of God‘ chest whio11=notL*hing isémorezdeare to us, or more precious "mung: «rib oug‘h‘ts,e v_veFh-aving -hithzerto thou T ht’ all our iprefent Vmjoyments, Whether of hfe or.l.1ve xhood, or T ‘ , A 2 e { nearefi i_f’*f; :*‘".".'.Z 1:"; = Iv M ‘ "5’ “*2? -“' ?Ly_J5 W” 3!’ > . am a . n nearefl relations, a rice but futficient to the pure chafe offo rich a bk’; _ _ borne people of this Nation may fit downem quiet. mg; that We, and all the free? under our Vines, and under the glorious admina-. , flirations of Juflice and Righteoufiae-He,‘ and in full ipoiirflion of thofe fundamentall rights and liberties i i ‘ a without which we can have little hopes as to hu- m:meconfiderr:ti0ns==» tsenioy sithsnrnnanyvascomfertsof li:‘e, or fo much as lifefit. felfe, but at}the?pleafures of‘ men , ruling ‘meerely ilacfcording t to will and power; It cannot =be4“uni(novV”ne What. -h‘ia’t‘hpafled L bcitvvncte the Parlia5n€I@t.'and the eAr.my" .’c1Sft0 the {cr- viceiroffigelzzrzclgv j:byta"11,_ which together with— the like proceedings the Ar1nyJ_'m' relation to their ’ Petition and: grilevances,‘ all men s may"'judge What hath hindered t»heiA1t'imy‘-fi*om .a1ready in'gage- ment in that fervice, and Without fiirther Account or Apology as to that.:par'tieular,.then' what thofe ‘ pafiiages and. proceedings themfelve's- already made publike doefafford -3 we doe appeale to your felves, Whethertho-fe couries to which -the Parliament hath e by the defignes and praéiice offome been drawne, have rationally tended to induce a ch.ee‘refull /and unanimous undertaking of the Army to that fervice, r or rather breake and pull the Army in peeces with difcontents and diihonour , and to put fuch dif- obligationsreandeprovocations upon it as might drive it into diflemper , and indeed difcourage ‘both this Army and other Souldiers from any further engage-.« ment in the Parliaments fewice :’ And We Will] all men would with us upon the Whole carriage ferioufly confider, Whether in the intentions of thofe who have by falfe informationsa; and mil"-reprefentations - . . _ put ET r T . n ' _ 3 ) put the Parliament npson fuch feéltuallireliefe of Ireland feen'1ereally‘to have lbeenin_ten- dad, or rather ( Wlth the brealong or di.-lxmding of this Army ) to draw together or raife fuch other Fofces, and .a ~ l offuch atemper as might ferveto fome rleliperate and ftruétive defign es-In England, Vvhtcfh (belicles theliptobable- fufpitions from their carriageof the tabuilishicfleg Wechafve: tbe‘fo1'e hand, ii’n%thetra11fi1&ion‘ the;reo_f, had more then A hints of fuch a defigne, by. cleare exprelfions to that put- pofe, from matny of thofe Officers ofthe Army, that have been perfvvaded, a‘n:l .tatppea—red'moPc'forWartl to in- gage for illrelarzd on the termesi protpofer’. ‘And that fuch- 2 ‘efigne hath« all along been driven , -feemes now too evident by the prefent difpofing of thofe Fotces that have been ingaged for Irelmzci) by the indeavour of fome togainei-at power fromthe Parliament, of ordering Athofg Forces for-fotne Service in~E”g[clfld3 and by the ‘private lifiings of men forfiifervicehere, Without any publique Authority of Parliament can And ( all this)"by thel:1me' per. fons who have all aljong appeared’ moftgaétive and viio-» hi lent in the late proceedings againfi ‘the’*Army.. A \ a Aststo the jufl difcontents and.dif-Tatisfacftion of the- Army‘, in relation to their grievances, and ttheirnon-« complyance to the late Orders f'or,Souldiers ‘disbandiné. by peece-meale, before more full and equall fatisfaé’ti~~ on were givensto the whole5iWe defire you to,looke back to_the Papers al.re:.r.dy‘publ*i&hede or the grievances‘ I themfEl‘v’es, the“N=.2rr-ative of the: Officers, and bothe- lattere Papers from the Generall Councell of Warre at a Bury <,‘ and the late genierall R::ndezvouze- neare Ncw—. ;7zzz‘r'-~k‘et‘5 and (we -t.-Ti!':.é:.1l(;':' your late tel-“uming the confide-‘:~ ratio f1~‘cof_'tho{e a furthertfatisfafiiotgdoth: much Juflfihe thew:,h1*es.:t;1nal procced1ngs.of'tl1e Armyin; .thofe t3:2,l’c ga1‘ti.?:ula-rs .ii;»'l.t;_‘l._l"'.l‘|”,fl,‘. And though had‘ we w;'iyes.:' The tim‘;*ly~an:l .ef-I our firfi addreflesj for our undoubled Rights and dues) found a free andcandid reception, with a yuft con- fideration, and a reafonable fatisfaflion, or at leaft an in- nious Anfwcr therein 3 We fhould have been eafily fatisfiable, to have abated or forborne much of our dues, and not to have inquired into, or confidered (fo feirre as we have) ieithe‘r-the" poifibilities there are for more prefent fatistaéirion of Arreares’, or the credit of future ‘ fecurities propofedg yet fince upon thofe former addreil fes, ,we have found fuch ‘hard dealing (as in the faid Pa- ’ pets is fet forth , andethofe additionall (though hither- to but partial} faxisfaétion) coming -info .ha1‘.d’ly as they have, We finde no obligingreafons in- the leafl, to decline or recede from what is our due , but ra-there fiill‘ to adhere 4 A unto our defires of full and equal} rfatisfaétion‘ inrall the things mentioned in the ‘a-forefaidt Papers , not onely in behalfe of our {elves and the Arxény , b.ut;alfo of the whole Sou1d~i_ery thorow out the Kingdome, who have concurred, or {hall _rCOflC1‘1lTC “with us in"theefame:defires, i andto all our former_ dcfires. As Souldiers we ‘cannot but adde this, V“-’»k1e‘rsé&I.1 we finde ourzfelves fo ne_erly.:c9,n..i eetned in point‘ ofjrufiice and Reputation , sthatt more e care, and aa ffir&&er;tco,urfe,;may be: tykenefor good, ‘all Articies ~gr&nt-ed fi';1If:r€fid01"S, according to the true intent and mneaning of them 5 asialfo for remedy and "re; paration , cafe, of any ibreach (and‘this ) without thofc delayes ~w»hiC:~hedi2vefrs rhzrlvet/fou~nd prejudiciall to them,- or more -then siffhey had been «totally denied the performa-nce of them; =No-or itrnow (wehope) feeme ifirange ~ore—unfeafonable to rationall and honefl men, who_ zconfidtet~theeon‘feqIE1r:nce of our prefcnt cafe, ,and.theIrowrn3 and ‘the .K;ingdoms,.aswe1Ias our future cqnccrnm ems in .Eo:on.t of r1gbt_,_frccdon1c.,i;peacc.andfafety; if from a deep: genes of the} high confequenceof ~ourprd'cnt Cale, both to . . _ . , % wt * . 5) - ~ guy fcl«Vc8( in future) and all other people, we {hall before Disbanding proceed in our owne and the Kingdoms behalte -to propound, and ‘plead for some provifion torour and the Kingdoiris fatisfaction, and future" fecurity in relation to tholethings, eipecially conhdering that we were not a meere rnercinary Army, hired to ferve any Arbitrary. owcr of Eftate, but called forth and conjured by the fevera 1 Declaé , rations of Qarliamenta for the defence of our owne and the peopleys,Rig‘hts and} Liberties, and (0 we tooke up Armesin Judgement and confciencce to tlzofe ends, and have 1.2;, conti- nuedthem; and are refolved according to your juft de- fires in your Declarations, and fuck principles as we have ‘received from your frequent informarions, and our _ owne gcornrnon fence aconcerning thofi: our fundarnentall Rights and Liberties, to effect and vindicate the full power and right ofthiis Kingdome in Parliaments for th0I_‘c'c common ends promifedragainft all Arbitrary power, violence and opptef- iion, and all particular parties or interefls whatfoever, the faid Declarations fiill directing us to the equitable fence of alllawessands Conflitutions, as difpenflng‘ with _the very ‘letters of the fame, and beingiupreame ‘toit, ’whéII1ithe fafe_,- ityland prefervation of all is concerned, and » afl-'ur{ing,U$ their 4 3% authority is fundamentally fealed in theiOffice_, and but minifterially in the Perfom ; neither doe, or will thefe our . p1'0,CC.€ilmgs (as we are fullyand in confcience periwadcdl) amount to any thing not wan-an table before God. and men, being thus farre ‘much fhort of the common proceedings mother Nations, to things of an rlii-ghernature thienwe ‘have yet apiaeared to : and we cannot but be fenfible of the . great plaints thathave been madeto us generallysin the Kingdoms, from the people where we march-,éi1d Nations, bcxngeth-atlaw upon wh’rch..vv*‘e*have ‘asfxitged M you; ‘and that the $c')L1l7d1'e r_$I t,1%1ay°lé1<'v {filly the l1;Ihd%s o‘f.t'hét“Gén era'lTl * who will tufiaéehis Ciinficfgfisga Inf’: hiS'Atnjy’ dh ’pu'rAp”c>fc* to ‘dcflfroye the}-“:1”: S;';a411:e;i4f,*t;5iei1i§Inds ‘ofchéxt PiIoc;w1l1o’xv1'l- e fully runs the S121p'upon_.1j§ée’_roCk’ (as our Brethren of ficuet-' land argfied ; and ifuch» v5ve‘r‘e,.t}1é_proceed_in gsof" our Ancefiors off-amblus riiIe‘i'nd‘ry'5?_td*‘§h? }§;1i‘é“ha fi‘fig ox ,eju6eh‘R“jg?*:t$,‘ednd% _- '. I ~ ' i§8.£l§tBci their A 5?- >1 0 1:1‘Bcetfe§3a&3‘theflr5vee“‘ V ibioads aeaaeeeviamrra 5yeeas3=asam.-he‘&a::aar b_l6_o’3' bf dew ~t;:fl=' frieaeasiéfid fclldw ¥$:;>ifI-fi1jet$;__'é;1’L v;1£’é?h:;2;r*de [of efo1'1r“o’xvzi; edoc1a“yc1a'imEiihtp'.* T ;, [I =, A I\lO3tis'that fupreme’ end (the g~T01"v‘Qf'Gfl‘né‘fi;..and 383511“ the m;ifcarriag¢s of ,G0V§‘?‘."1§?‘§»..W.hF9 m1fng‘.fr0’1n.th€i§‘:pi‘éznir§v'é:;ind_O1i‘gig_éH , 9 r:_'qg_3 hfgqitfheig 'cb“fr§p).‘éJ oizidec ' . Thefethifigs vii!-é‘=m'r:i1_"ii’bnI.t$.ut‘t() compare prneeedings, and ‘ tb;fhéw that we are fp much the more j*1n%1rfi}e:‘ble a_md*war-ran:ab1e= in vc-_ha"t. we do 5' by how much we come (hon of ‘tl’-1'31" height and meafure ofeper%oce¢dings,which ..thc_peop1e in free’_[$.-.i;'gd01a;ec§apd;Nagionsheavefimnerly pr_af!i{_cc1. - » A -- l\o'¢" havjng ‘thus farre clct-2;refc1_ Qi{r §va;'y“i 'th'js ‘b1':fine!T¢,‘ wié fhéll p}o— o ifide'rd3'p'ropound Jfuch rh'ing‘s1§é— We do -}i;g'smb!y d‘e‘fir‘e for ’tl‘.e ,1}-filing and fecuring of mxr owneamd‘ the'K'ingLdnn{es‘peaae and Cn‘erjr,3 is fol‘!dv've7g‘hv : 1.. Ih,at.t_,h§-,_. I-1--,v_;»u%s. may ‘be fpéedily p{urged_,pf fuch_Member$',;:'tas flat their DeV’Inq,1_rency, or fer corrupnons. or abufe _t’Q-it.he Sure, o_r_ undue elrfi-P on, oughtjnorm fit there ;“wheteof the late deleflion in CornWa",’.VVa?€Sa ’ “Wand” other arts iéf the Kin dbmeiajfi-"brd too man ‘ex3mn~'Cs, t"o‘th’c ‘rear ' P g y ._ I 1% V ;\ PICjl1;iiCE of the p'e"op'!es’ fr'e~:dc>m"c{ iq‘ rhefaid" E.!eé‘ri0i1s.. : -. be-. Tl;1at:5Vthofej_epe_rfo‘s whq«b:gve‘§i»n.»'§he !at»c11nj11fi‘and*,hi'gh }jroAceedi/‘ngs ,. againfi rHefAr‘my, a§*pcare'C!. tql1ave.th,eAw:Il,;the ¢;0n_firL£c‘nee,- credit, a»nd.pe- . \w.;-r, to abufe 1}: 7 ’ar!ia §1cn‘_t,a.nd rhe'VA:_-my , and .eind.anger'the K3n'g.dume in the’»g:irrying on fi1eh'Ih:ingg5 ag'ai:a{t«5.s§ (wliile an A rmy) may be {omc way 1' pec- » diety dazab?ed.frorf2. doi“n‘g, the iikcfdr woriei. to -us (who d sbanded and difpearfl, and in the con;;;=1on ‘;:{fe_§prjva§te;npen)"orfto other the free home people of T friglslnd. 3135-£,«4:1;:(:~b.:§.‘;‘{}_;g;3i;i§)r§‘w.j*;h.l§$ ‘,3 €Afld that C f(_51"' th;§ fi_l1rpQ(C)V. the ' . J ‘m.-gt-1.: _’x1"!‘..1r"_‘-'5f."‘1.fi£$f§'iré{am€_p0VV€i’— :¢9,... 1flgI9li.£9fl.54§;m;:9r;*!s*vl3st£lt0;zld;ax2pqe(t..- ~ 01,7 pin; own -5; Q T ' ” e B Optzuons *W¢z H§3QF.:VV!i5I1l=‘°°ig‘i1Aj’$?1o€t§t£9:;l§b¥llC?B§F§§lF%:(’§ 1 -§———— 8 _ éOp'tn'mnt,;o1' ‘Principles, or Wh'mn.'wc might ‘lame’ petllw/al_» afifia ;ra1nce- of,or in=te.'-tL*fl ;- butbwaé do and {hail i*rr;1chx‘:ethm=wiffn, A Thaézzhe Authority-caf this\.Kin-gdcmi in:Purlj.amemts':tilghtlyicon» l’tituted:(thait is) free*ly,~equal'ly‘ and fi1cc'efi‘Ev&lyehofeI3, r'ac3C0l1"d~» to its‘ original intention, m-a"y evér ficandand lhave -its cottrlé. % 1% V-And tlxereforfs we {hall a.p-ply 7 our defix-cs chiefly to fizch things, as . ;~-(by: having. ‘Parliamefms fecled_in« fuch» agright ceypfiétxapion) may V " ggizvs molt lhnpeyof jufiice.a’«nd~ Rightceuffiefii t*€)"— Ldown equally 1:0-’ ill in‘ that» its ancielit ‘_ch&11ncl,«_wlthéut3af1yl4O¥VE1‘€m‘&s ‘ 1:eriding€i=th<ér :0‘ overthrow that foandauion3q£%Grde'&=—’and 2-vemmem»: it‘: this Ki-ng~d%om,ot to» ingtofa that pawer for perpc. . %tuityl\il1to the handsof any particular perlbns or party %w{1atf0‘- {étvietrfi aml—§mm purpolég tlfiwgli fats‘ mrc'xhtave¥01in€{i‘i%3c¥oa¥2tgd -fby many nlc.-nr"_(mirrc:lin§ ffincetvely 3 met 1publ‘rq£ae’{‘gb6d f; *b1ft;1jm5t _ :; weighing! fa l5fully~..[ all % bf? fab’ % s) it ’l*_';17;&y,52E§>l,el*Zi§‘=tz<:t A unlike to lpv'.:;c:w‘e,V Tfihei ené1‘ing'1c5f this Pa 9liT9sme':iv;’-£nd'thc : Eleétion of.new.l, the ‘confeieutiéon ‘of {uccéeeding 1?atirli2zx1ients;(as gxwaathieipexifons eleé%ed:).ng"iay 'provefqr‘t:he7%verféima:ay wayg; yet flake 3n1=:icI1eg*2in« d$é.plB_f&fifl ‘pi1tgl_ tfi§'s»P‘a_rl&'atfie}n%,- ih ‘ihe 'T1‘€;lW,‘V\ré1§a31lrftft~;l§?éh11'lE§té1<§*Llr‘l'él‘v?é§ :18 "1*fi¢'K‘il1g— ~dqti1?a;n.«Aa1°£n‘a:n1¢e_% bf_:«:j11ft£t<=a' ;1§>'r 'cSt!l1éf?A5r;>fIci~6i_e*"~gc$old ,~’*Fr€rfi‘i ‘file 2 handslbfl men; bu:c11ore;wgo‘£or;préremz ap$éalv»mairl»g;sg=11teaas l amamofi for cQm'r11pni‘gébfdlQflaving'hn=lufilimi6é& po'_Vvér-"‘fix‘éd in ‘ ~£fiem=dm*ing :lifel:é>r§ -Plléallllléy lily ti3ri_=1;e-mfay L become“ cofrupt , :_c}r ~1'@€fYe'lmb~jpartle9T‘0? "I?-.9;é¥>i©é} é-169 6:21§he»oehe:~fi&c,‘in~‘tlle fife % 2:65 new ?E:lee‘fl<:>‘nst;’tlxof.?alt:t1ae lb; fimeeed‘% imaly pt-we £213 Md ‘or wom then-?‘ii:he fOi1lh€l0:-VVl§?§li€1‘¥1'£)fewl’ht1mbl’y‘C@"l'i¢€iV€;?'I'lll}E ’ (of two inconveniencesr sheflefs being to be chqfen) the main l chingslco¢be1in:ended..in t§his¥cafe (and, beyond which humane A : pfiOVidi:n¢em1§not» reachs as «newly -l _afl{1riance_ of pofitivéaggod) ;‘ :-feéms*v:0::bz=:>>chi§;2+ai.i,.::*Ptsq5r@vide; homer L‘ " b1=‘{ét¥r- W '1 'mpI:1”t‘lté3 perfbnsi of :1’arlYatl°1i£nt‘—'II‘1'¢l1 rin*‘p1_=Efént’ ;'"65;"” -,tt‘t‘tf1t'*é”l:lr“ay prove, or whatever ill they may db-itol part-icul’ar‘ ’ ;5irt.i8s,'fi6i*—to ’ the‘! -whole] in ‘pa’-rtirJL1lérr*chit1gs;,L during their rerp¢mvc;:erms% or period9,ly'ertheylfhall fact have tl’l€~tempté1'ti_On* ‘ér advaheagelof I finstan-fmiaett "sf>m“v1sr_ -flint: in dfirharg»; ’r:heit;; -fc5x'1s£h3-fléhiiiirés, ~whew¥>y to perpetuate Ifljufiicé~a%dT0}$f1?éfl§bh ¥ifioi1‘> &H§'>v"9i'dh- F \ 1" ‘~‘T--7-‘ l‘—— T———‘' ‘ -4: out fend Gt remedy,--on :6» hdvalzéé 'm1d'upl5b1fl*‘i&l‘yb%l@i9att5kuIar % % 3' . ~ 1 Party, i ( 9) fatty, Fafiion or Intereft whatfoever, to sopprefliontot pm» iudice. of 9'13. Community. afldrfihc inflaving of Ihe,.1