l 1 1 . . O R D E R S A Of the Commons in Parliament ofigreat Con/equence : The one forbidding after Publication - hereof; all Perfons, Tenants or others, to :1 pay anyRcnts, Profits, Fees, or other advan- tages due, or payable to any perfon or perfons Ecclcfiafticall or Temporall, as have railed or {hall raifc Arms againfi the Parliament, or have volutarily ccnzributcd therunto; and , that fuch payment {hall be accounted as ‘non ylyment. E? § § § -1% git ‘E E e \ The other of additions to the Ordinance of both Houlies, for the raifing of a wkekly Contribution for the ‘ maintenance of the Army railed by the P A R L 1 A ME §a__..,_t t 3....“ i Ordered 5}’ the ommom in ‘7’4rli4mem‘ , That t/73'; Ordinance rind Order befart/Jwit/9 printed anripuélzdfézad : ' ' , H : Elfynge, C1.Parl. D.Com. London, Printed for Edi». iHzu£usr:d;, and are to bczifoltl at his Ql-1:}; NT. 1'4 l\ ‘ E WWW?teewteseeeeebtwteetttéwtettettwtteeeéésttefeee ,4: ‘Ni cmmwmwmetwmawmweneettwawtemwwwtmm ‘'':g_; _ in the middle Temple. March 30. 1 64. 3. £5 a:e»az~e:s~:se:w:->:~a:»:»:wrere:«c:«:w:«»:»>:~e:«»r»*.i ‘I .._.__~.. ...-....-.a -;.¢_.. .3 . ._r. .y'<.~ ._; L "' it--..."“‘v.’ - ' E . /\_ ‘ ufito%(' Ifiiflidm %AJr?chbTfh#c5pN 6? Czinfierburyi b‘ . ',\_ V-xv’ ' . .,. " "H J v T V I. ' ' W .... ’ 3 ,,-,«_ mi‘: .¢’2f\3 .4 V _ w: ’ ‘. V ' .' V 0 . férbidding after pu17liCation_ Iyereqré» 4-llp‘er/<3ny, '11f714_72t.f,,0l”;0t]7€l”S topaz} any ‘YQ?72£s',‘I€‘@rofi‘ts‘; Fees”, or cggker adfvan tages due <:;_lrj2ayaI7le'to any peifoni or’per~ ,;Ecj§_l¢j/i;zfiLz'calZ4orA wzporzzll , as“ Imve: raz[ed§ or F».j72a1fl‘f4i/Earmesqgairgfl tke Par—lia.mcnt, &’c;»‘ '-' \ W pie%£a,;q/Z‘ Mqrtii, 1 6 43. M T rAfiis¢%'?5%<>r¢Iéxéfii¥x3116 rnaon_sJ m%qPar1iamc::%t aITcmb1«¢d%; 2;’? ‘That if,.a%n>'i 1It=.rf°11>%%%*17¢naI;?t%°%r 0:; ii I: afar r30ti¢¢% hvfééf 81? ' Lth”é: » ‘ ’i1Bli—cation_ in Prin,”t,% {hall} pay ,‘ Iélm 3 Archbiflzop ofYorke, Thoma: B10109 ofDu:. ‘ « - pg, _x . ' ' " .-,_: .|_.. 1» '43‘ 5a.. —_...re»- rain-‘(u'JI’.i'.—'n.. 2.- ,4._,_. * —f€f’1i1¢;f&>I2ei’tB‘ifliOp 'bfC5§'Ehtry§nd Licchfield, "'3 - ;- -:' - r . s ’ ' , I. 4.‘ . ‘_ erm- It ‘ _ I - ; _ ‘ ‘ 4‘ A’ ' -‘ . - ' . T -- " " _ '. I 1 1 .‘ A .‘ .. $ . - V ' ' 1 . ‘ \ . \_ :,g - ' _'_ _ _-. _~ ,.. .-J .5. . \ “ I . ~ *' ‘ 3“ Q .. - I 0 -' ' . 0 . ~ . (3 _,, Bi's'l-mp bfNorWich; Iobzz Bifluop ofAfaph,.i * 9{?ibériBiAfl1o‘pi of Oxqn, Willi4mJBifhOPvof1BaEh:' md;Wé1¢I;é,*Géor{geBifl1op of‘ Hcréfind, Mam». Bffl1*6P'~%o[F %Godfi*é_y Biflibli %GfoCcHer., Iolm ' A 4 % BIWOP “ 9&1 I ‘-_r J x ., _..9: 5 2 . I.’ -1 ~:«;‘.". . \-..-""“‘. . ' -‘ -AEl_""“..".‘ Bfihop of Peterboroutgh, MmgazzB1{I1op of Landafte, Iobn Bifhop of W/eoreePcer,,t or to sany J firth B'i1hops,I)e’an.s',;Deans and Chapters, Pre- A bends, Archdeacons ,; for any other perfon or . 4 perfons Eee1efiaPcicaIl_ or . Temporall ,“ as have raifed or {hall mic armes againfl: the‘ Parlia; ment,'or have been, are, or shall be in aétualla War againfl the fame , or have voluntarilky con-he .tributed, or 1h-111 voiuntarily contribute ( not being under the power of any part of the Kings army at the times offi1ch.contributi:ngW)x any monepzhorfc, P.1ate,sarms,_ a_II;1munsition ,- aro- ther ayd or asfiflance for; or towards the main«- tenance of any Forces aradifed7agafnfidthePar1i.- . amcnt , 0.1‘. for them °..PR9fin8: of anys Eevcwn power ‘draifed; au thority of hoth a-Holdlfeds of Parliament, 01' ‘£01’, _ dring,"or demoyingrof any ofithc 1<1ngssu'b— j_"en Ot§din»a‘nC,C. of ' tH~¢;uf<-:~& 05; P72:rii:anrcnt for thwemiz. . , fin.g:9.E.1a.".V.V§¢kT1‘y;C0.F1ET‘lbufid1Tf0r T 5 :»~?==77 ‘ the maintenance of the Armie rai‘-_ I ? 1" e '.‘.el1¥\a§hP‘:P%s¥1l%Jfi€v!fi thena’més~ éfaedi’v%?§’1i fg perfons W ere_*%oLmm\itted1 to berCdmm-ifteési fér the Counties ofHertj?)rd,lLI(ent, Somerjét, Suflfzlfl./t, fied. fird; .R,Q:’;‘f‘9'£k?€ .36 it orCla.i~ ned, That S it Iolm Garret Balronet, Sir Io/m ‘Redd: Baronet, Norton Grarveley Efquire , Doétor King E A D.66t§>r>:int*P:hffi9ka flwfbc lt3¢l;a6aCt6.'§E:C..’l,AC n1Hiteesen'amed*fopt=thé 13441: l And Sir Qbert Honywood , and Sir Tater Godflej l knights, Qflclmrd Browne, Qzbert Scot, IVzlliam Iames, and Marc Dixwell Bf quires, fhall be added to the V ’ cammatce§~iaa:neae+ rm» thc‘ifa§d I(e'fi't. i Andiffzlirla ‘1Q3;ger:,Iol2n/1]7)e,'Idl5n ’P:yne, Clue-L . ment IVal/(er, and Robert 5814312 Efquircs , {hall be added to the Committees named for the {aid _County of Somexfit. And Sir Edward {Bacon knight . "?vy-V‘ " ‘ -~ -rwww “N-v"~s¢-.q__,._..,\ _, .._. --~.. vV.—7 W 15 gj ght .tS;sislE'j3:l'¢l‘17.$’.;"B“ztCA0i!;,B)31‘eG"I{Cf“, S1f,';T g(RIa[2€[t§‘7‘9'Kfl0..li3é§, $11: .W:11'1am Smmetz, fiat Edwwdzegkg? 3?",z1..Z72p€Q»G1J Eden 9 IE1"/e’mzz)2«.« ?3o@rzl2a2;»z,, 4;, pl€to21;Hez2ry!NQ2ttl2 utnior,°t‘Pe\oz’2ez»‘t1° 7{e}"i10z'ds: E1: qi1irc,S, Wiomqs Cole; Ci§cl2arde7’'ep}'s , Nat/aamel. B224 c_ojn_~_de; fllch, 101721. C/i2zc‘I):.tl7€11i0r:,e I0],771*tC'[z"")z(],7.’.'off" Cu~lphcxc , NtCI2olas Rim of ‘Dgrinegflsont, '.(}z?[2fi)*z Lgupagd q_;1ires;_ the.~A1edermen of Bu ry £d.:. Vt u;zd.s:,l ziitd .7I7>oma5. C/2apmm2:E;fi=r‘c,+ T7)0mns’»'.Io25ir; " /5,;1% of‘Alb,;o_u,gh.tGentleman ,, ihziall be} added to} §he,C omm,ittcestt.:namedL F1‘Lth‘€ f2i~dt.Goufntyof7d Sigtflcd‘?//<64. A;.nd~-Sie:rt ,T_t/zdma-x. Knight~%~a11 d” .7),u:2i£0nz19e~,, I0/2.22 «Viz-we Hump/zreg’. F I‘o£:i 79412,. ‘C-*Z¢'t17e:.efl3é)ti»1g:~ti~«=,-: the a}; jam e . for die tixmec bet’ 123., and;.Do étodxv £I3zz72§{Z*er _Dot-1 déford in.l’thii3Ck 3 "H1311 5e;.add‘ed ~ to the*C?om’mitz: t:f£S na1*11?:;di7or- thelfitide C-*o"unty 0ef"B"€’.d‘fb‘}’{'ll;. '17202714s ?Gzfimes§. Sir. Ioim Gre/Ixzmz, Si 1' K Io/me teLe2z.r/.v2zll;,i Sir Iolm Maynard Knights, Cimrls I:-z7o5ki2z5: ‘Eclward. l 11io_r_, _Edz;g;;_2*cZ jL1ni0r,tEcIzvarc{Z>§ag-xi I ; ,m;e eloléh /zdifé ,~;— Rfiébert tG00dw}72; T10/.*r2» 3 Tzmrer, _ Ec!27g,z_azd:.Sa2z_cIe2faf 1t1T€V711Q71c_li/1tW00dE{(1Ui1'CS 9 {ball Be added to the Committees named for the laidi Co_unty~of Sumy. ._?\fla\;Rf(CI?4T3fd Rfifié, Tlaomzzs fee--T 19», 101922 Henle}a’II7illz}zm ‘5_3*de22Imm }un1or Efqu resi fihall be added to the Cornmittei-eé naniecl Fm} the {aid County of fiorfet. "And Sir Iobn Cbapman . knight 3 Anthony Fowle ,_ Laurence Jrcbbnrnlaam . Tlaomas Middleton , ‘Peter Farneden, Iobn C1314] bridge: Stephen Plrmzplprey , Tbomaa Collins, Captain iCa'rle"tons Captain Emerderz, Edward I-It;ggcns','Wii[lian‘e Carole} Robert Spence Eliquires, lhalbe aeldecl the Com- ' mittees named For the fayd county of SeajjEx.And~ Sir Edward Berk/yam Baronet , Sir Thomas Gaudy, ii r Edward Jflvtly, ‘fir Thomas a Guibon knights , T/:o~ ; mas Rufléll , Iolm /7 V alpoole Robert VVz'ltonr Robert’ Ie;’my.‘,[obn Guibon, Robert Sheppard , Wailip Caltloorpe» Efquires , lhall beatlded to the Committees named for the liaid County of Mrfilkg, Which perlionshiersein named, {hall be Committees for the fevetall Countiesaforeliaicl; and {hall have the fame power and authority in the refpeétive Counties for which they are nominated, as the other Committees therein named are thereby to have. V Ordered by tbc Lord: and. fonrmonx, iPgr[i;°4i7)i3ie}:t,_ r 7'/oat t/9:3: Ordinance‘ bifortblifitb Printed andpm’;i}fl,¢d,_ H. Elfynge Cler. Paul. D.‘ Com. V . O o . - - . _ . _ _ . .. ‘ _- ~. -‘- ' . _ , 1. A a I -'~- I ' | ; " ' ' . ‘ ' i i ‘ . O ' , ‘ _ _ . . - Y . -. : 5' z . . ' . s’ 1‘ . ' _ _ :' _ i A : ' . , . ‘ . . . - . . \ . I ‘ ' “' K ' ~ x. V RARE DA 412 1643 . G8 35 uumun or uncut ELL SPC RRE RARE /luufiiii '§,‘I6i;6I:i;§iiI:::/I O10«006