awmae«:«z=2»m&:§»&«:e»&«a§om~»a@¢ea%a»~a«an»?:=~é%%;%e"4 A figs“ ,1 ‘, A fig Of the Commons aflembled m Pazixanmntfl -an % “ % ‘ ’ U P 0 N % % 33:1‘ ~ , % A o r ~32; ~ ww Lette1*s fem by Sn‘ fabiz @rom{:; , , (_ {'o»meti11'1cs 21 Mmabcr of thfi; Commons Houfa this Pa;::—“*3 W39 Eiambmt, till he: Wasdifabledg being :1 P:‘ojc6%or, Monopolifi, and “.ae’§é- Fomcntor of the prefent bloudy and unnatural! ‘Wa 1'; %f§:>Lr he-aging «._?,§“ of Arms arflfuzmy againflzithe Pariiamsmpl to fir W7.Wiz1m ‘Ki/lcgrew 3:» at Oacirorci (il1t€1‘CcptCd acct Covcmrcy) gjvingiais advicchow the King 7“ ‘.5? fcxutcjd unto Hini b3’ the P A R L I A M E N T. -n§:~«- “ With the %N A M E 3 of the Lmrda, B3.3.‘0fl.€tS , Knigl1ts,Efquires.,Géntiiesxmmminiflersand Freehoidegs, -w;'- grisw :B.r%€?“!'.#:6t? and the ffiid .‘t§i”:‘ fofym ‘fires:/‘Q’, before: themfeivczs, and 3?’ other their fcllmw-Ca.vaIiLr$, Rebels méi Traicerm Gommifliuncrs, W}m,c0ntz'ary :0 the known Laws Ufthzs Kx:1gdo1n,fi~:2zc 433* a1! the I*‘Tflatc:*s of theperfons indifiegl, mquire their Tenan1:s tow pay in .111 c1wirI?.<:Ixt_s of the {Enid Lords and others, unto thccxnfclvcs, being (.0n1mifl'ic:>ne1is~% and 1h:u'€1'.s tI2c2‘%i“‘iI1. ~ -£4‘ 1 Aife, the ()rdi:;mnc@ of both }~Io1zfc2's:,, made: the 1 7 ofDcmm€r. ;%64:z. % that the; pretended Comm£ffiox1e1~a, and all 0th€‘1'5, .‘§hc:*ifi's, ‘Of’ficer.s, Ira:-ars, ; pmfunu: m mo1e2£‘t mg Pc.-r{'cms or Efiatcg ofany.fort1'xm‘:- % % - fczrmrc m. the P.u‘-liczmcm and Kixxgdaxxz.» "W «aF;5é- ‘With {mm Abftra&s%of credible I.c:tt<:‘z*F: from I:".wm~*r%,% whw give a Vfw:thcx' Ra-larion ccmccrning thcz late Expedition mjzdcr clw crmnnmnd of 4 Sc:-gcarxt M;1jc.u* fr”.1mr:; Cbzm:flcig;lJ againfi the (Lorz1iih..% 0;_j%giEz*:2d by tin: Corx2monsin~1’.11'I. Thncfit}z§%.Dx:c1a;*aVrianand L"a::1't:;’1'3b.c: forthwith % 1’1‘mtcd zmd pub1i1}1cd<~: H: E L T G 5 Cm-, I’.r1.,7‘£. Ilcflcam, % ~ A A % A W _____,_,m____,__W_______,, 4% Evizay m; Lmzrforz, .?§’r1nted{o1—EdmHa:s;b;z7zd: mtIze1‘r1xddIc—Tcn1p§c. 1543. “F1” ‘ M 9 I . . V. *3‘. ’*‘%"é*-*%‘»~‘éfi= %¢~*4§"~‘%’*~'i‘”M*3¥4¥:>¥~#~‘§%%*¢%~%°*%¢%‘#*%=*:*%&*§WW*3¥*%?*%“4$¢$=%W§«~$ M<»~‘é°~M%$a fiwuld proccrcd in the Treaty upon the Propofiuons for Peace, ;3m:---» .32.. indirfhsrd the Iafi: Eieffions at 9’?-¢zn¢}mzm,of'high-Trea{on,.by Sir Pm;==- % appointed (as: may Qty} fQrtk3t-F1!£p0fe- »=,:;w" and any whom it may concern, nmy kmzw win; m c‘.»»:pe&, than: flxall £ " % ~ ‘ «- .3» J 1 ml? ‘ v ffcmbled in Parliament, 3CC..~« ¢ A " Ha Commons in Pawliament having recciew vgd {W0 fevcrai1Lmcrs (which ’WC1‘€‘iflEi'3t'm czcptcd) Written and fcnzb . Sir 39053 Brant: 3 Kc.-nxactimcrs 3. Membar 0_th.:u:H0ufe this “ P:n*Iia”mcnt.,ti1l he %wasAdif.1bled,% being an A V great Proje.&or and Monolifi, am no: onely a defc1“tcr”0f'thc fcrvice, wherewith he: was imtrufi-» ed for thcpublfiique, but 3117;) :1 Fmmntorof theprfifcnr, Mandy and t11m2xtu1'a11 Vvaxwtnd :3.&uallyb<:az'ir1g ofmns ngairxfi t:l:1cPa1*1iaznent) unto Si1‘*PVz'!!i.«zg;.vn Ifilfegmv knight, a¢grc.:u: and prizmipall Faétor for the C?avaliersim:I1isR;e- bcrllicm and Dcfigne, mfiding at oxfml, during the late Treaty upcm the Propofitions for an Accommodatign 1“a1*cf'<:ntedux1m His Majcfiic by both I-Iczufcs-.-,,w1':crcbyI, as a filrtlxerc011currcnt_TcI%imony., the goodAp+cOpIc,of' ' Wflus Kingdom , and all others that xvi11AfU1Ty;}1€W%€An<)ii N Minded thcmfizwes, (holding the Tftmtig inLzni;*igI1tc0I1f- 1 3¢m3‘a» not iiifffring that 20 W63?-.Which in vti>6if%3Vt1c¥«g5¢:%> A 2 A mums» 9 % ~ GT mEf¥fit8%Aivt?1€‘§f c%:1'?t“I»n<‘a;[fif ;jLf"‘1~ (j§.,%—"'y,~‘E%‘,”.%¥,‘1Y;-.f7{.,£3"Vijwfin f;7EI13f!AsV% A §~ “ A I A éié‘fica*nef?t%<>ftii‘04ff4that Hac}1‘Af:,§fl’fGbifl feuc«e";~tEé?t7t vfi. ,iAhg;ag€d’:I1em%{Z.¥.7€%é4 iii Ehié H€1‘Iifl:§“':i’11‘d'%Ty"1'3nnie:.11'I Reinélw A ]{‘io5n.., do ézdvcnmrc to"*c‘aff iuthéir Mites;, their Counfefls beizzg as W 2:i0z1s\;1s»y:hei‘;j DeH’g‘f1c‘s; fo:n*e4e%;1“E:§e;,<}o;1rir»1g mg promG~sting oftfie%V15op£fifi1 R€1i é_;i0%;‘f4& Otllms, tI*1;ci1'%0:vV'I1:?‘1ue*~ ck-ct: find‘ advzffi&:exfiV£ént»;tO“infi§:ie”up“£1gé‘ix1f%th€i1‘%aiVéfpe:*:3;t:2;¢;1‘r:‘c?' brokeft Fem-L1ne's 9. by;:h<:s1*uin@ and adcAPcrurS%ion ~of' thfi jgazdiénfw C3*¢°¢ri%y%dt?¢*#1'nWwhvffi % V " " 7f1~*s. ;{w2:;ytea*:¥g,;% ;¢21x1d*14s% awrzd 3?7t%ir11fi13%1 051113 $3115 is» 501?-‘W-‘u aInW=30¥1flY 5§€§iflS%H0%fi0Tfl, ~ that fthcv H1-my‘ m~»-ult*'ovc_i*«the Loi'd9‘4%h=e1°1:’:zge~; folnag ‘E0--~ , v-' W-‘zm ?;-9.535%: ziiemfé-IVe§’"f1*0n1€h€%‘}‘i'and’A‘(3*f"”i}f5'ubIi€:3‘1!‘¢ L1f“E\1+£;Z’(3., to-.» _ ~W11;¢h-:;Ijfg3y fi:;1rc’:~ e)»Bno%x:iVQfi1AS cfithéré, »hfifiti251g for re-, 'vc:nge;, Each‘bft1iet11VPtrivingVt”0“ bethe11m {tl’ying fi)i1*i&‘:‘ A in the T1’f013thS«G.£ 2.11; them thaz*c:1c0n1pafI§:w%VA;Igc 1my;211 T{1‘1'0ne, win), Ii;_we'noAtw&wn»s1y1»p&%i?11%;%*ag}£~d, "bit: hzmze grew ~wiIed‘a¢1fi and £1zz;vv<=: ~1mdeAtI1&-N0bI@s and gércm M‘r::21&." E;2g2';m.r£, ‘fbr-tI16W,n10fi"pa1‘tj of rh~o£73 ‘that have Avwt=hdmw11 the:11feEvm*, as “tfié Nobles of Ifl*:1éI[,Def£:roye1's of” rm w01'§§g and hi“ndt2Az'e1's“df , R':cFo1*m:I4tif;0n;»thé* Evidmccs Lovf‘ ‘gr.-V3ii%%s1*flT;*L1‘tI1s:A.ii% d3iTy4fo clceriy dif:ow:1'eid., bymextr:=<:q~.,, 4.fii1ary‘*:§:1cfV'i}37ex:"ia1‘§.?“}3§%Z“.‘c*S dfdwi" :33" :E.t:1'&fjT'tfi.Z7.f‘."'"§‘.'i,1-IIS‘f'3'L“l5£9.}7‘EfEz1(.T; ' r11r.::vn~s;., of 3340-ti1* H%1;?e:,,;_ *$1?C91°%c“§€*ie"tCcitI.r:31r«%'Ff%u4f7E*; but have :1ppr0p1=§at<-rd’ th¢m«-7 vi*‘r1eAProvit16mee, fd"*°vifib1w4c3.V.. A By ?1‘r€:f? }i7ict:.'_er's fit: :1pp'~::a:"“@ 5 ’f'I1af:t1‘ie7I;orc§'S am? C0211; At£0*9%{ t?f:: Jfiornzfé-vm 3 tfizlt hz1'xrc“giW311 fi.!2"Hef.*'1*t:‘IZt- Te.» A f£;'f§x;%:'“a*ny OV-Fth-c£'«r 11§;*ff:.*n.€%io11s to tfiefé rmiége and gféty Ofthc§~ V _;f§:1Vgand‘% Y{h1gdbn- zwevit-1i=Hi¥:d arid}:1‘ad'i‘2cmi§;._,.:u1d% thm: vim“ £"~;ig}i¢i%’*V%Api*accs, by chefs w~icf€§'f:ducing“ Cmznw .7i7":f§I?.o rs; witcw not oncifiz wr0rI¢f.t11e1n-~«d1t1:of this g'00v.:~l «Zip-L» man Ofhfiisj M’::;1ief%iic“, BL1tbyf'theia'.x*x,riI%£3's3‘”§‘"2=e%*e11a.r*o%m =::—fici3:;Ki1ir.1fl;'A:anJ B¥eftrm37tVid.n5:..11a'm%21d}<.?ifedgthatA 1} pazrder-if WW ha §i""°””’ w"fl3‘-‘-T L‘31’d3 mid ‘§?’3Z“1*‘?,;1»T5: 13113434 3~73-+?iV€? 173»k;<“;.r1’i3wir1g,w.aVcd His pA1*oceedi~ngs .:Lg:1iz1 flzfllcf: lord I€“Wéal2ar2 zmd the PWE M<‘3mbe1fs .0f%t11c"5Hbt:f& of flcmumons acmfsd ofhig‘h4Trcz1ibn.; Aiudin his Mcffizgc.“ M tI1k:Twcx1ty*4£j«:>m:cI1%Vz:>f’t1;"€:A{5wne MQn€t.H,{Cx1£.t0 both 1: « oufles, 4:0nf"¢:'H'ct§1&+I'I’i"?3*rnifizikc i11Atfl'xcway:'And W-h“Er£?:z§ ~ :;1fiteL“Lv;11*dAA bofix *th€: Hdufm of 7P'a,1‘Iiam‘cn: id4écV1’.:£1*£z1g‘ in 1 W A <»':fi<:ir P’€titiOI§1 to His VM3VjcfiiVc, Thatit 1'51tli€A11t1d"<5L1bt€d’"'; "RigI1‘t and‘P'I”fViil§§dg€ ’of 13zzr1’%i.22xa*:ezfzt,,.% ‘that no‘ Me'm»bc1“of ’ mm: Houfc <:>%;2i*‘.%’-»%4 Parliamcx-atjcambee. p1*o’cc%cd*ed~A ‘?t V ' _ w5:gr1;%gh;VL.i;‘ 5 w&éEmi:‘confint of Iifiaa-Iiamcné Hfé Méjenie retz.n*r:E3 mzffwer :1-m Swbnd of ‘ February; I 641: . AA*Tha?t3 he difl fin&%=% i0::c{ £’imé.aalt'm aind7}fivc3 Members. 4 j_ % 4 A “ V ‘W: the fayd Sir ¥a.é2¢1Brao&e.r3 as it appeareth byhis {gap w°0oii%cau.fEwl1o1ly to” a"‘c{'crt His profecuiion Vagaénfi the am“; ’fh*ermf‘cerL, mentiancd *5 andas it is molt cvidem, the n:*r::’€"t G‘? "l1i$‘fEeflowA" Trzaytors and Rebels that a1'ev\thc“prea V tmfitrs of peace, and.AAO’t7 g0v‘c1;ningA%tb€ Subjefi agcordin ‘ A to the known Laws , have not only brokén zhrb‘fi:§gI1’ax2§ violated theft known Laws foA1‘m:c1‘y dccla1‘cd‘in P‘ar1*i:::»% mam , "and confcffédV%Aaz1dAAcQnfi:%nted”~ unmo*Von%¢AalI ha,-ndsg but contrary ta all Law and juliicmby c‘o‘1d:uf§fa3eg3[g A power and the Kings Prcragativcg abovcthc.LVaW 5 A pm». fuzn ptuoufly a,¢:r_,z~1%in Pt all thc ;Rules*i2;‘a1"nd Prcfid cuts tof Laxvwg ux§d:,:rVApx*eitcn%c%e*0Af‘ "a “7Commhi{fi"0n of A thveif ¢wnAA #05 “T5133 % t::>*“tVA°A‘ci12 divrciftcd, have%c:mfitd divc1'smf¢mbc-rs of both E-'£0u%f'es , and ‘3?diAvex}sA ;Gcntl~cmen‘ of Lizscalaaflaire (’"whof¢ ~ mm~cs:wehex*ca_fw1: rccited) robe Indimd of High-trca~ {an bcForcAthRf3znfe1Vcs ._, Azmd »'34w[cma/E‘?! Mr/3:1’? ef1‘3¢m' 1*» M A mi forfe‘md,%‘ requi 1-ing 'th¢:Tcr2"ants ‘bf aIlan*d“evi:1y “fiat fayzd p6rFD$nsAAAf0 Indifitecl ., ‘f‘or:hwi'th, and ”fron1~time A fica time as théyflzall grbw C3 L16, :9 pay £22 all tit: ;Re2m:$ 0f :12: jkyd mu’; Earn! atfficrx, tmtaA r/Eemgfizlwx ficifig Cgmmzfliamrs A ai1djfl1a1*cr$ ,” v.?11icI‘xisacc0rdi’:3g to t~h}e:1dvi4:cg1vcn‘by ihé [aid Sir {$92522 Broaker in MS 1:et:”te;'jagainf1 the Pardon, wvhofe woi-d3 are, mm elf}: flu/1 2%? E'iM;Ap.¢yH£s déétmam made‘ 7%?" tint my;-e, and reramfcme Ma :”f}fmt' £ra~zi_”.§“4adfven# fikarsrl :3“/fieir /7z3ve*:, mad fZrem;‘”t£':irL Vfa}"ti:;::,§‘;&nJ/mave «":6g:}¢;;;g..' A dawvf awn’ if *t3§:‘VKifigfi:2fJ flat Iorzxzz:/I1; tire emu? andrcwmr 5:3 mftlyfixfl flpfvfifltxg Hg wilt’ 5t _2?fl J wpzffi gflaitcf, 5}-flfigrfi ayemg t£:;z;~é’:‘ He Wm? $1? #2»: £wa_g'z'm:¢z)2g:of ‘Wz:mr.A A % Theft préjtcng A ‘e,3~:*.*~..i A4 CA0.»;:zmz;i{fi0nc1'sAmake it m*iQ;ri1iz1a*I1‘At0fi3'ChA Tenants as A Ar£sf:El.{-l€IV.“i"0“ in thc.‘ Re-nzs44un:aA%?Adicm, rh1'camimg “ A A A t»hé:‘m . . . > H H.‘ « M V‘! 6 Vi’ ‘ H . «T I them With fcxrercV"pun:f1m1em s for‘thc1rmeg3e&—an& cam ‘ Ayezempt; A ” M A V V A % AThAefe Lem:-5 farther izzf'm*n1**c us, w1w.t'advAif:_ighc His‘-o Khmn‘ hath commended to H4isuMa§e{’tic‘conccmizzgtlxc MIem*bc'rs ofbmh Houfes 5 Tihat Heihou1d%n0t;aH0w cf 3 Treaty W ith His Par1*iam&m.,‘b<:f'o1'cfihey*we1*cAa1§:'c*1°%b-- A ~ 1‘td~;, rim rm" Wm Hagflgv my fievfwa/I of tI9e“{4;=m Meméer I ‘ M my ltlye firflg i‘nfinuating *, Thur tfiwaw Hozzfis‘: were filftda we ;.Ki:¢g mwi rm: dazs5:t¥‘5%z:Mf£ t~;émg5%Mwaz¢!d Apracéifd‘ fmm:I&¢m‘m Hafiorafidmd Greatmefe, and :b4; t/2é‘I'{'z’ng ‘wmxw rmivveafionor firm "fiigfit fmm we re;/itbat b.m:c;Tr:z}£- wramfly platter! His wmre mm! M2:-rtlyrawu, and as;rRe12gza», “ ‘Lmic, MM ;E.z'&m.s‘es”-.; As hcis the firfi that Yo? bo1d—FaE*d1ry chawgezhwmhe vvhcfle P’m'1i‘amemt with Trev. fan in th€l‘1igi’:;~ ME degree ,1“ {Q it wcm to bawiflat‘ he were the only man ms hath pm conditions upon thc King, threatxaingz Him with a new W~ai*rc‘ag3air1fi;rhc King; Kingdon1,~Amd.%Pa1'~ 1 liamem 3 a~fHx*s.MVaj¢I1yhfl1*Qfild mnciuda 3. %Pc:1ccAc<:antr2iry Jt0¥thcir"advifc* , and wcsuld notg1°acific them with the c» % £’mte’$ of 4:fi1c11A*gs47had’"bornc Arms agaimfl then‘: :, and ifzfie King ‘wmwZd# ermimil t/Eafc r%~/mtwem fbr Him £3 éetérrqi Mt, flex 252% fin ekcregzflcr .rzaé¢eita._fl.‘mza’]‘Zzr Hm; ~ fT;.i‘Ic" Am"h0*1' M zhcfe Letters, boafls andglories in thatV=%%Ahis;A:1ci’xzife is followcd , whtch appears to be mofi true in this pamcu- Kzlrg ‘f0‘r‘by“H‘is” Majefligs Mcflizgc to both H'ouf<:s.;of the xmof Ami/1» 1643a» t.he¢Kir1gAD¢c1=1f¢5»% "£71m befortfiic .wq id dlnsbandon 1:11 Am;xi¢s4 (which was to prccedcfiée ‘1‘1-may Aupqxa the othc1:~,Pr0p«ofition$) Ht’ wauld»/aw: nil A¢};¢LM,em&¢rJ&f lratfrflaufistaée rigisored, wéialmvue flame 7/’v~ fed firm flrmw (as~théM€fTagc ;iycs)V far mfiyerirzgta His Mhj‘£fi‘i£A£»“‘ tfiefé d'.iffl“r‘déi‘ian&‘. Imz: the xrmrld "jud ge*whm mhefc mm merit, xrxfteadcf a refi:itution1 to thfii‘ places in émxliamcnt 3; Wm have me @1113; withdrawncj thcmf§1ves~ ‘ mam; 3, §'ub%vcrt% the fame, 0~u1*" Religion,’ and] Lib€i‘f%5¢Sy £'?:f1'cc :gx3;A%?~ct!e&‘1j7::ro‘y fihc g<0o~~pcGp1'e.4VF WA¢“ ;KAinh:&bam A what xar.on’f§:i¢1'1nAci1; w‘~t:mId_ it . f‘€‘&‘01§&$i‘i‘f§C ;:$9é0AWe1f:%£;m ‘AV4t1a~cmuA;om 1i'~;z%aes, :Vefiatc4s, am lib-[e1VgtAh6:A §31»gm:.c* mf a.7»NAur.z, vb at all.1c%fnVw11em was%%t11crh.z :fQE311:dw: “ % “ lq 1.‘ 1r'"‘ "' ‘1?n’:%’e:!A ‘E2y%t/3%: %0mrméj¢3 5W2:*I{:£fi‘*[i¢;*}z5*zc22LV”¢f,” * ‘5?":";7mt* évlwka V 9f :5; 7 cf Dcccmxms, V=z%c;4%¢2 4&5zzrsmmrm>az:¢A;;mw;yraa;J;” M Hafiz. fynmrcxcr. " ' ' " “ W’ I ; Pt .\ «mu . ‘W ~ "37 ‘W’ “' rm . .. W“... . . ' A V W '. . .1. 1.?“ «:5 ~ ,, H .‘ ,1 1%‘ 4: ‘_“‘| M» W M1,‘: W W W 1‘, AW M. “W 1» ‘ u, M y’ ‘ -“ ‘- L5 “ V. ‘ ‘ ‘ 4' x Mn N ‘ ..; ‘ “ ._ “ Wx -"', 4 ..‘ "W. ‘m an 1 ‘v“ -"- V‘ - ' ‘ V ‘ ‘ L A AA ~2‘;ié5=¢iz, c’ c*t}*;;>~3~?.r,% *£3»f3ff}€wk*’9“5¢.&y¢;éy’; 24»?! *£?‘fl&’$ma)¢£E V W \»‘-. " X ' ' ' w ’ -* @357 T “:W= ' ‘w WW: 3‘, 5» ‘Wu’ :1 L ‘ % % ., % % 4;’ ' ~ % ~ ..~‘ M 'r «Wu ‘H _ .‘ _ H "' -“'4' Hi)” ' " ‘ ‘ ‘ .4 wk-€§:»“wI \.. . I ah til. MA, B’ ‘I. 9. _ w; ‘ , . 6- ‘A ~ ‘ ; Q » a . .» . _ 7"’ cfg%Tb$;:;,_u §3J’;33'3e- :§;:¢V¢,, .'?V‘i:,{’¢¢})’ ~,:,., ,3, . ‘ " 3; ‘," ‘_ ‘... .- 1.-.,V"' ,‘ _;.‘ U f ,_...‘ i _ 3* ‘V “-2. «;,‘5»3§.1o~uH”§D€ A very‘g1a;d t0VP:xe::g:e the Ki13g'fl1§Li3d§‘i'&Vfi W his Nwyp R;cvenue_, ;l§;s Fgrtsvranfilflmagazaras r<::Pm.:,. a & * Md, Mm I hopethe Kmg VVEH nm0t~fifl1fl‘1¢f§1€ :r1'€3f3_V%: * wk A but with big Wm Hojuféswof PEEK}%E£1(’1‘2Cflf:~b€3—111g,fl&¥E Wim nheé'%f’a%:ne Meznbem as ma the «ma ; fomfihe King‘ pcrrmtw 3&3 mhmfifi tmt Wm:*e.5%£’<::nr" Ediztm m be thrufi out .3. .%.t}‘:e.21;.E bC31;€“V€‘h€€ ‘WM fixkifi hcrcavf:'fm- none: to {’rau1d~for hima Eat It IS mgaxnfl thg §_.zww-I am right oftkje Stzbjczjéh that axgy bc:-mg iegafliy ?2€‘%€‘i£jz fluoum be put out 0fi'EhC}""EOL‘1{;3abME far mzxamflcmces g_1§;:axz§fl at}; M ktm\;'€.'m flaws 0532116 Ki.11g7d0uu And th€w1W="¥3‘i H0m‘35i‘ ham?’ '10:» mbsdflfi ;m,_.h,3fi;_-ARA the K\i%m;g need%1m4td0iabt , but a}§tl1i23g§%% gym} pmmed4fi;0gn%%%1thcgu to his Honmrrl and grwtzleflm Atlczi ” Qthffr-mrayfg fr?m11th%c:'fi'xth Cir Fe”vem:‘h'- pm: ofthe: Hom7::, ,.Wh§c;a ms QM the Wmi'Id*‘knb.¥Nfi fat haw ““iFm7d”flY P1W3t'3d * M3’ 1‘%“%i”¢*:' mug Om, 0.Vm}11.Om0u1. Rc1;g;0n,Laws 8.: I-1b€‘1‘1Il€5®C2?.fl 1: ba thaught Pflififliyiey "thatfi-;bH3 that fg31(;‘;1j10Y"1;thC5 Kfiifig can EV3:V”{'I'LMl‘fi”'»“ - WWC hmnam» am right P And I pray let me fw.:i&:s:nc::* thingltm *Vz:>%u canamrnizaga g:::nemH P~"~rd°“ ’ “he W516?’ I know they Qviii m *hc cm rnutfim preifc for 2 Firm all thesis: that have far» vééfl izhc King A M % V} E k fimum gram; to all the Lcnzds and omcrs; that mvc ta an up ,WiH dcfire imxac, not need any E:dAnd% Mifm1ie?{K§"fi§§' anfi bum arms 5. ‘and nmdc: War: agaitmfly his OWN: PCFFO.” Md-4. h5g?Fm~ceg" I verily be’1‘i»::‘ve you-will qL:4ic“i<1y fee zanother/wéxgt again: mid [7‘¥c:{3d%%.§ how4‘vviT‘iV*‘i*”W*‘%KW %myA%&hiS dfibts mime far; I an‘d;&§#¢ggrr%%'*§f3@i1C€ thm-C %‘th£1%t%1avca€¥{i;E114tu?f red their 39,79? «ma have i”pe1'mt"3=1e3;r‘fbrtunesgandhaVE"bi*»x31fiiftiiiéi‘ 7 done by their pIu11drings?.And1fthcKmg ‘wmi1%;1.otp1:nx§}-afljze mm, a.ndfdrc%"w%ar&§ his faithfwu 5€1"*’5’~?'“5=~ 1 40¢ b€1‘e’V“Fh‘* ;.K’~“3f B v 1 A ‘will Abe i:1wor£“éAeGate%Vby .fuch*a Peace; cher2Vhee%was«acth?e~‘* Heginn‘i2"zgA0fthis Wan‘. I ana farflmn di{f'wadAingV a pa 1-data ta , b:¢.%%gi§;en m “the p4ugreAC0m1‘n01‘1 people), that have Abiz1.£édL1ced, mad {bmeVfarAfcarc,,AandA by Force 1mvf Dmgc:- A 1j2eers‘&oan“%HBtiMm , finer: Sir High» iialmrirjfi «ramming i 11 : -7 Ipray. Gbd ‘£?:~.:*z«;i% tfib Kingam-.1;brmLz%ral21c ar1.ha;ppy~pe3.£:c 2 : 7,, sf? ‘ 27'mr~ ¢:~m.a:;,» xsm» % ¢ 7' A ? fl§nhI1.‘B13(}QI{5»A-. . “ g 95 "N£W§a/fie; V I;ath,1,%Vp:%m1rx,ixf%dfog; let _ us have -~ ,:_S#@:Q‘a;&1£¢§5A;f&#m ou§;+fiE*;#3°;11+2y3£§1*3 ‘Wh,i¢i1,%»iiT”W¢j<:zr.m%gm:,4 2* V1’? ~a";!..I~;~¢;i1r1E-9l.;i%**~?a%‘Vru7>4+z;;*~%Wm'wi11£&;;¢d Lac: Lx‘r.%¢:al;k2T~ v Kata-.%t%,1«2« Kfimgs; oxbmd ;Am: —«abI¢ him Wm 92%-éAan%df:3oAt 1:9; i%?= 2?¢*~i%<~L%»‘~rAir%*=i2v4%fi*v¢~ aff‘—'7¢*5tI2¢ I*m:«e*c»f‘»%%%42m%=wAc.% the V Rents to; grow; diXM€W'ithi‘nfi V¢’g day£23’;ittt-r Ache. iamc fl1aI1”*% %)?v£ie:*:i-ze:rs" «gr \th*:s A _ ’:»LvoAr¢ig1%uz7e mm. ”é*,}"”‘3?””???*>’3#*£?%* !‘en::%I?a1-Em .; “ siéophizxzsfiarzgafzmwzn,» A F » mu m V Wfiéwgkéj Ficgthazn of 3’£;:zré:%{é}*,% Efy,m're.¥ ‘ % .,y ~9i”%:hCjVh€ii*0Pher W%ray’%%Avf Wrézwgf» 4K"’£*?’~ ” _ Mcmbembf ‘t'l1efiI-Iwufiz 05 A :‘«9§v?.:";»*;I~'%%E_?1IIis%o”f GMéwrb’4m»,:E‘fguirL§;L ' -f Wldmmmxas mas «5'2VEfd¢Skv’aféI‘fiyfizoughiV&fSz7m‘f9 \K3%fi*j9EW-fight.PflIT1§2lI'I1€l'lta A % ’.Ni o*‘IIi“a}$*4 H§a.7’tChe‘r 6jf¢%'.C~qi1W€‘Z];_ E’[m§'}?M%e; ‘ A ]QAh&n Wray a2:§f!¢”:zt%a§pr{»’5,Efe‘,ff;g%re. Sir Thoznas Trollop wf Cwf ’ A4 ir'%:V2~5’:_i=**%ZJ;0+1n t1A~‘%;B.;mW 11106 rA;3?+°{z1‘qégVs%%‘=5’%Iraéf£:%~ .1“ ‘ A Wvilliam Bromvfifiéqf $'[éefi2ra’;” ‘Gwtlcmmae. Tho;I1{aVS%33V*i1.1 Néiwtam efqme. H?c;-my :1 $117 gberd eff Bmt&fi*f”Gemt/emrafi; -4‘, ,Cis?19rlm~zm2.% john Archer cgf }.*z1Yh%c’r 3?»/I%ai?{§fi13§6§Y.?§».é7fV¢/5&*“‘ 1” Wfaifi: Efqwife. Th»om:1s%LjiI’tcr of C015)$Ef'quzz*¢. “Thmxnassa uv %VG::ganrhatn af Golrba , Efqwgérgg ,;EdW:1rd King; bf flfamim,-~ _ fifiygzre. Edwixrd Ro1Tcter9~“~qfW':2mer&ie , %Ef7.m're. Thcqmrw M byaf Baflm,:Gw:lqmmz.%Fran.€is Fix1csafiT/rzrecflqglmwg % AA % mflms--‘ A CfiL) A% % gm-‘Wil1%ia:tn W<:‘1bi€ afiflerktimgemr. ;Ed‘W’a1'dN£2"hicHfiot cf 4 % f,8;{[1aap%V1‘fa2*tom,Bfqzzir¢. MuI1i11euxfDifi:cy af NortamDg}f?4gy,‘ g6’e"2l‘%- Edwald Ayi’c_@ughT0fort£2 K6/fija Efq. % John Vflollami ,«;fG'a.sféer@r@ /'o:2rJ.é;zi2al2ém3i2. cylm 1)§:;~1-e11 A af (£7452:/.2Mx:%fC}‘e;;r. ‘William Tlmoxmpfon afRo.?;é1a[W2e. Gent; %N%i%c11olas Norwaod .«;f Frag,/?a;¢,,ge22t. A: Thozfias _Br%i {f0VV a:fGr;rz;zrl’7:z77£"G.efiir.% Tlacjgxjag Bhmcicwll afr/2.¢vMm6,E WiI1'iam%A TQHEL‘ of ;E?22’£':;‘¢{i5a5ram,, 3'&o?j}:’»e:;;m Racshmrd Sheppextfiozi 0fGm:-z?tb;w72,iT,fl{€V€e?.‘R0b::1'c Kelhzaaarx a_f’(-:’%r?,;.?z:«:zr*r’:w:#:.'vz Trzmlw; Juhn C*1'i2"ficI1 of raw fififila of Li;¢aaJa:g,G¢;¢t. _R;ob¢:i't Bce»%afSlmford waaz’/we Dmpezd Wiiii~ cum Fmring Grew:/mm Cai'¢i2avgz/wzer. Smxmel Askew of I-1142*». 2i;z.»..~,»s5:,*«,;u:¢;w;»;»,e;:m.Thozms Silon af Boflm gmz. AWil1ié;m%CoIeA Baflam Cw*._,mzjner. ]oh11%E’:1'oW11e%% Bi//w‘_§_r6.f::%»‘%gl7 gewn I‘»’£a,z,-{Mas Barmwmc of .1’:-fez»?/7!i;2£* §»5*mr.%RiC}“:a1*d TOHQL“ af1.?.r7/1'1}; «- émrgb g.~,=-.srz~; 7i‘ims1w,s% Waliis AA of zS’;wata;¢ ~CZez»k&’.’V‘% 1’x:z1Lizr¢*’a*u* Tho1':‘M.:m.A 0f*Sm»¢z*.’9 [<.'I",£:m?,~ C‘/;6’:r1;§u Th0i,1”ms Scochcy cf gmzt 17%z7.:s;e!.a~ Cfwr/qg. ”f(_”}%mx'§g~e: Fc:~flcL' af _grm:. HazZa;yeommé,“ Nichcaias %'_If7iznbcrI;a.%z1ci of?/Jrackigwgéazvzywmm. ]7Q%‘az1‘Seag1*a.Vc of..E7raw 74 egree:w'%,~;9*ear}.Wz.% Cic~11ucnr;Bjc;z1%ibz1qfl’VmrzkKe¢f[gy~%% Emit,’ E§c:I--~ . Wa.%rd"}“iH¢Z;>I1%oftflwjgofiwzawaallmzDWPW. EdV'vard Skipwifil af u(%'rrzr,ez%/’:s>.«.mz G'c2.m*.% %V;‘\./'51l1@i;%:m:: Clarke of %Gm.vaw’a«2m dpmfliecaarie. Riclmm (litany 0f%t1?a?_flW2€gge22t. %VVi”35‘~”1 Bcrriwf 1‘ *6? fiwafls Gent, ‘ “I%h.zbz:~x-t Ram a:f~9p:3!o¥éMg,Clw%i@. A RoI3:3rt%%A1fi:»r4d% M A -r-. flaw! Elazw. Fr;1ui:i5 Mzxnbic off I«z'2¢a?a!W%G’«5m:C Czwvd mg} % 0f'g2*§*.:zz«sE;.. 4 Maxie Eflyiwm. Mathemv riggs ;1af£W_flet,‘yaawam,V A V Z«a.;:i:;A31*1m” Exeiggs; Ma flame }eam.=»m. Iahn "F:§L1rrt:a1"1‘o_;“ 2&9 flz?Mfi,.§;@°Mf.'. }>¢&t¢1-i)iyck~¢nVt"b:1afG'azia2s4‘éra:¢;g.€v&g-ea". foicrph Luke cfA;.‘A:t/Ezigva % j§m¢«£¢;,~z;; Tfiginm ;0g1c%iofP£mc/:7£e*a'£{¢5Efiymim; "jolm 1*»? %.§~'.~:zr_fi¢’:: Sfemtwj % ]703z11;¢ Pimnmcr GaJ&aV:%jfk€aV¢7€0WéWé§ 35 ' ‘F133;?-,,a,MAix:j_“3,(,c,¢{),;¢3;»;rzg !iw’e*a':fig'm z"aMjWm¢£32i» %T1W":om:a’s E.af3?§i~*03fv’3« AA (E;:r{¢;%;g3;gl*j ,4lg'-«a¢%;£w@% exit» ; % £79“? flsxvarfi; E9fa'rt£1p‘}:s iIz‘l3ve b a » .;,IW‘’i$f¢~‘‘‘‘ ‘\ w C12) Ayagngar Aoféra}2t5A227%'K7g1:g}5r. A Thomas Garthwaite of Harm-4 A ffl,;m_ge22t. A‘ Ephraim Girchwaitc ofB4rke,flan [lvrkeg Sir Ha- mend vvhichcotaf S'l;;?fi2rd Knigbt. Matthew RcadAqf'Gr.amta hmzgemr. ID]anie1Nc:rtii 0f‘f6,eA./5:7?”E:G‘?”t- Henry Bleflct oft/2:“ .Af;gfijg,€3gfi$.’I/Vyai Perkins ¢2f‘Pi;2c{"aécc;é«;: Gem‘. Thmms Pall of A Co.r£?aA1'1{§‘7”ke,j6'0?7¢r1?I, A % AA A % A ‘ “ V % My 3.. A 6x643.‘ _ ‘ D A Ordered to be fcarthwith printed and pubhflwd With thfi A Leiztem. I A J ” A ” A A A A A A A A H.E!fiw£e ClB7'«APdi‘l.D..CA6Wa A A A AA’.Di¢AS:z5batbi I7 Dcceniéerx A6 4 ‘Am 4.. V’ A Hcrcasinformation Iiath bccnegivgeuta the? A ’ Lords and cczmmom aflcmblad mm Parka.» “ A AA ‘mmt, that Clifion Caqaxfije, faI;,1ALi!é(¢rm, ‘ I and Ram: V:"wrrV Captains inAth<:AArmy., A i‘aAIA§~=d%‘bYAfi1!5!th0rity 0:1? bub Houfizs ofParl£amcmfor cm A Ancceffaric dafzcncc of thc mic Prmtcfiam, Rdigion the King» Pariiamcrnr, and Kingdoma, uAnd=r the: Command cafflaém Earle QEEJM, Clapztaine Gcncrafl thcrcof? were: taken Wife» m'rsAby the farms raifizd éAgAainfi tha ParI£ammt,A:iAn tigag their f¢:v:raAIlAA duties and Tcrvicwa Aaccmding m {ha Ac Ow dmmccs ufiboth. the {and Houfcs, and afi:cx:carncd%Pmfoncrs % ‘to 0.1Ac:1A‘eird(3ac:1c:,% and having heme: rno{’c barbétonfly aifid, J 3.?-=Ancsw4 qmcgflioncflg, and pmcccdcd againfl by way ‘of’ Ian. dA1xEtmcm:Ab¢fotc: Sit Ra£art*A Hmtfa Km. one of his Maj¢&ic8A Iultigégafthc ‘Kinga ffimch, Aamzl achvrs (by Acmmr bifomci A £;amm11fionA or othcrAAuchority from his A Majc[tia)A For high A T1“¢3f0nA. and other fizppofcd mifd¢mmanms A ;; whc:masAA maa-A my &haw bamc-A taken Pfirifancrawby aha Parl,iamcntAV forccs in tl1::a*& af AWarF¢ aVgainfl:* aha Pafliamcnr, whim by 1’-&Awc~‘sandf&a:m:¢s oi _1:hisV Rmlma is Rn:11ian.’mdAAhighA AA AA Tr¢.afi::»?t1 againflr the King and fiKingdomcwand’ Achc Aaftom A “?3 hmin Traimgzs,-, and yen, gong ofghem Afigagg highcrgzu hatngu A A A ‘ A A Pu‘. ,3 1pu§tto%d¢atb%,orotheWNv _ sreacvmzy dwalt" with bytY13c*AAPar§‘ liamemt. A ItVis‘th*crcfor: Ordered and dcc‘lar*cd~ byfithc {aid Lm*dsA:and Commons that a1l<‘1‘uchInAdifl?cmc;nts andothr:rpm- . .., ccedings againftthcfaid Capt.C»¢t«m9],‘ Capt, .L;'!éaz¢r2:e.Aand A M AA Cap,,f/Ewerlgor againfl %Capt.,W;’ngwtc,wAho haw; dorm fai:hfufl% madgmd fcrvics to thm Comman—wcakh, or againfiamy 3... that pcrfon at perform, who ‘A have dam on‘ flmarflidioc any {W A A viceinthafaidflrmy ; ‘or for‘ the raifiirsg of any mosmcm Matmhmfc, or Armcs,fm* chm fmainctcnance thczrerof, “or mm M th*crwif:inthe*exccution orPurfuancc of any*0rdcr ororw « dinamc ofbmth or either of the {aid Haufcs of Parl4iamcm: fifir thcudafcncc of the publiquc fafcticg arc Lunjufi and illcgafl, A % and the {aid Sir mam Hm}: and all athcr Commiflionersg A }uflicas , ShMcrifi"<:s'_, _]¢;xrors*, and other Acfiiccrm am Mime naficrs of Jufticc, and other Pcrfons grhatfofivcr awhcraw by mquircd_ and“ injgsyncd to furccaia any further pm-r cccdings agaxnfi tbr: {axdpcrfcns b‘cf'om_namc:d or anyutb.::r:> for any-thc :caufmsAaaforr.:faxd upnnA_'thc:%Afa1d Indifimemzs or 0-.» A thcrwifc. And the {aid Lords and Commons doc fin-that dcc1arc,thamI£th:fa»i%d} psrfonsbcf0rAc mcmimmd m:%&any of "‘ mam or-;any%:athcr fhallbu put to_ death am anther hur«tm;vim lance offcrcd totheir or anyofthcir~ parfcns for orby maibn ; ofany 1,uch,f¢;rvim donm:m%§Cz 136 dfiflfiby W a~*c€0rd5ngt0 ainyw mdct cu: oxdVinam:¢A ofbmhorcicherof ms faid4Hwi%s,t1m;» lik c; pumiihmcnt Afljfllk %b’c}? in¢HAi &éd by: death, an. mharwiih, A, ,u[;):;>;a fuch prifqncrs as %l1av¢A-bccm: < :$,rr be, takm by; ithmfi grad Kingdomm fmms raiftd by Ai1’thc»%r,it«yf %e:$;f.;bi:it;hHazgflaé;~c:3f“'I?31i'1i¥*T‘111+c;:ziI:‘;;. ' AndiFfl1eiai’df Sit IlfamtHWfimrAfiA#y4%1mth¢r C«0mmiflim¢rx% Iufiicc,-,sherifi‘e,IJ _ _ A m‘othcrp&:rfon%“fl1a§}doc contrary to hzs Ordzngncc 1n%any_ gm pg-cmgfrqs zhmauci ¢vcrymf%jzhcmA:%fdr fa’ domg {}:aH;vbe u orm csthcr Offibcr 01‘ ,mini(%ci’%ofIuV{tig¢. prmmcdcd agaivfi ané s¥¢a.1s‘ ...w:it.MAsA caemiss min King -1 I3 .zaar:"flm::%t R ‘mmn emf What happegmfimti2*.mha% J @ ;,m~s £34139 «~3a*im® mmd'?m“ fim Cmmmtfiaamd M fimw 4! Rmflé gimmtmafim .,.mm5fl2mZiey with hism V aga.§iz:fi?‘§: Efimr €f;,?{¢Zg;}’2 Pfqpmm ‘wzmida his W9 ’ %@x%’.%maKar.“Mw w {mm miaéexm Pxifwzmeraaell usgand %%we%‘ ha§.reit ffom béttcm haAnc§a'; that God fiid {haw hi1nf¢’1€cF?z&aaA: 7day, which *wa;s Ta1@fday*M%hc23,::“0F A”p2~z’i‘1aPt; mme v.'«tmdm*fu1Iim hm L§u@gfi£Y3"CE‘3t33a mhgzn hath Men yet reiateci, For 'w.rhm the <‘L‘:w'a-J ‘mars Ws+:m2 pafi mvmmficis beyoxad the piacewéz pu(rfEM2do1*cha;m- fad them, Ehfiy Edi upmn and deflrmyed om a‘15E‘.§{0thfi*I‘a fir" Wm having got Weir W0 rd C which ms Lazmmffm) Va.n}§d they auzm which was (Rei§gio’n commmg amongfi their ecwm frémda; mad:%;im0thcxr owner qL:4ar:°ms) but conceiving it to be mum, and ha:-img deziimdcd the VV01“*&m am A ifiyiamg C Rarfiigiom) they faughfii and kificd Jimmy mfthenhiélvem EV¢2:.s:“s5 ofithe. a;’L”::«:%.*\=m}iIi',c~2t“.<.=.% which them “mam paw:-f{:‘m: 86 fimce M Tm foxne mm WW2” maxed any the m§iia%zne»ar,A+¢wx1umm I A hA’b1FDX€€d§EO‘f@IV€§I1H'fiP?L3W$Army3‘Ai11fOTm¢115:; that izxmfzedimf A ateiigwapwmthefighc,therewasffizch .a terrib1aThun&er“%‘ mad Lightning,Atfhac Mt?he‘Ligh:;ning Afin:-d many of the Cavédicrszi Bandaieercai; %b11:§.':1t%‘AJth_eir¢ clqathgs; faces and hai1'ea,Mzhat A many gfmhfiwwumded and %£?c:aH”d‘% anem%”dye;i‘ dayly in Lmm. flaw. A AA 4 SF xzw ma