mmzéiizmpmmmégq DESIRE and AD%VIC_E_ 0 1: T H E ;%L05KTDS andCOMMO NS % IN PARLIAMENT To His MAj£.s'rY, . T HA T The next Afiize and Generall Goalc-delivery may not be Holden, éw. *WlTH V HIS MAIESTIES Gratious Anfwcr thcrcun to. Feéruaij 21 . (64 2. $%%%%%%%$7’1°s%M*2‘§ %$$$.% fifififii PrintcdbyHisM Aj 5 s T I is Command A T 0 X1-'0 RD,F¢6m.¢ry 24.. By Laoxano Lrcn s1isLn,Priatcr tot/1eVm'*verjity. I 64 2. §«>:2%@%2@@@%@@@@§§§2@@ms% am%232@@s:2&2@@m@@$$@@%?@@@s§ _ xa it 7 l_ ‘.\ .4]./: 4 '-,/ ' : _/,' ‘ _ "f. 1‘. H - I I 4 E“: \ 1 I \\“\\' ' ‘ a Q 2-'3': K “ ~. ‘ ~. .5 \ \ .o_ . _ .. —- \ \‘ *~ 0 o R‘‘\ 4/ ~“ I ‘, .“ V "‘ ;-‘ W . : ': ~ »m,,,;.‘_ \\\\\\\\\». 33:? g S) TO THE KI MOST EXCELLENT M A J E s T Y. [1 U 7 ~ -a H E Lora’: and Com- ~ 1 " man: in Parliament _, D " D _ /Jumlriy /Lew , That 9 ‘ E . Tour 7ttflices and 0- / 3’ ” t/Jer Liege People)!»/to ’ , are or flan be [ammo- ‘\ ‘ fled , or babe other «V + Ceufito attend at the next Affizc, and Ge- neral! Goalc-delivery appointed to be fltortiy kept in tbefewrafl Counties of England and W/a1cs,eannotrcy'ort thither without greatperifl of their lives, and Demtmage to their Eflatet, by J 3 reafim ( 7-) iedfian 9" the pref ent miferalzle Diflreflioni end" Beiitg of Armed Forces in 40 parts 0]’ Tour Realme, In regard whereof; the Lords and Com.- mou: doe buonbly advzfe and defire Tour Maje- fiytoeommand,I'hat the [aid Afsifcs and Ge- neral! Goalc-dclivcry be not bolden ca 13: appqyrr ted,’But that tbe fame may be deferred untifl it /5411 pleaf e God to refiore Peace unto Tour {Pearle L V . flu-1 _ ‘W ‘ In :‘§‘ »‘"' t we ~ ch 0 «gr? / \-r HIS MAJESTIES 97%/ITIO VS e/f.7\(SWE‘R to the foregoing Defire and Advice. " IS aieflj hath Weigh- ’ ed the Advtce and Deflreof the Lords and Commons, L Ientin a Letter to the Lord‘ oFP4l/gland, from the Earle of Alan» €66/Zer, concerning the putting off the General! efl“/Iigies, and Q04/eadelieveiy throughout the K1ngdom.To w}xich. His 2714 W13; returnes this A.:zfin'er:; ‘ (4) That the prefent blocdy Diflraétion of the Kingdom ( which His A4436/3].. hath uled all pofsible means to pre- vent, and will {till to remove) doth affli& His Majefly under no Confide- ration more, then of the great inter- ruption and flop it makes in the Courfe and Proceedings of Iuflice, and the Execution of the Lawes, whereby his good Subjects are robbed of the Peace and Security they Were borne to; And therefore, as much as in Him lies , He will advance that only meanes of their happineffe, At leaf! I. they {hall fee that their fufferings that way proceed not from His Majcylj. And fince they may now expect, by the Lawes, Statutes and C ufloms of the Kingdom, the .A/figs: and Gene- rallC;o4lc»rIela'=ver)' in every County, His e9l4“4;°c/Z} thinks not fit to com» mand (S I mand the contrary, But will take 3:.‘ Vere and precife Order, that none of His good Subjects {hall receive the lead} Prejudice, as they repaire thither, by a- ny of His Majeflier Forces ; Which Rule He {hall be glad to fee obferved by others; And then He hopes by the due execution of the LaWes,even thefé publique Calamities may have form: t Abatement, and the Kingdom re, cover its former Peace and profperity. FINI5‘. RARE DA 412 1642 . G714 unvuun cs nuouu - oowuuu ELL SPC RRE RARE |III||I[iAi|mi|i3|iii|||l\I O1 0-00606831 9