" FamilY’im - 1% W ‘ _ My _ ‘ ‘ “ V I . Cyeniccmiiflg tha fetlirl %‘ft%¢e. n Qijwéff b’f‘%@o;bam‘i#,V%and .i1erVfEWleé?cora%liFa§ mily,‘ w Tfifhgflif Right am mhmitéance, with A A A ¥ m fl§§u;ionAforfth¢1r fufE'erings&.. j mam,% ‘M L He 1‘inigh:s,Cir§m-nagaw Burg;efl'cs0€ 4thc':Houfe 0?: Commonsflhavmtomw W kxpawjthat 1-heyhave mken intofiihcim ~ fer-30113 <:0rafidAeraAri'Vurn,,A his Maficfiics prmpmfail tmt_oI;hcm of the: Manifefc, in s.v'hic.h ha“ Me gmcimsiflypleéffiditodmlamVhia pious inten.timmf % ~ 2- A A m A mmceming manded '?me«3t:m1ea: ; ymur %Lm:dfl1ips«4% V "<2? cmceming: ¥1isFm37all%Sif’tcr3 Athemince miaxima % k . heat?Son, A and thfef're£% 07?‘?-«he Elefiormlfi Family. ; They do with all humbleneffe acknowledge big A “ Mafiefiias favoxarl in wmmunicaring "u1:1t;oAHthcm any pant: of?his;j4P£¢aya1l3” th0u~ghts,% and aéking their advice‘? and'%€0i11ifc1I‘5 id %%bufin§t*fl'e that dérth fa‘ ncer1y concem him 5 asmeeds mufl thehappineflbw my the fi1bfi{’cenceLofchefe diftrefl"ed.P:inccs,, of fo__;;glo:1‘i0us in fixtffifiioflg,» their veins being enrich» % cd wig-h the fame blond} (chatAié)V%from *f'o~RoyalE «.A5ncc?Pcc1‘s¢, deriwd with glory into his fiacred Perform. And in that rqIat,io:3,% thé HOME of Gommoms A flocks HpOin‘thex;{3 with an we ®fp“cndk:rn¢{Fe,~ win» {hing ghakt cvcrgidrropof that Priziccly blond, may ever be Mlufiratqd wi;th'Honour‘"and Happineffe 3 That his Ma: jefly may be C¥'§3jWfl¢d with this .b1¢f- figgg, {lfo %fe%¢njothigg,1mg“ Gloaryiiihimfcifc, and‘ b“ow‘unt?u.h”itn;. ‘ % M Taw*are%%the§;;%f*ifia%: M-~ lied unto the King, flmuld ‘fuFE’cr“ that wfiich is "fa unworthy ofthem,;;ig;1£_?:§a$¢lqfWIr1onour, of Great:-" ncffc, to finde Opprtfling inftcad 0f 23 fortune A A 1! anfwcrablc cm their Birth and Relatitm .5 ’!.‘b have chcizéiancientAPatrimonyWtorn from them, andAdc—-A { % rained by a hand of Vio1ence;%;5»is,V%a.thiqgwhich. makes our cars mtinglc, ram, ‘m=1r4Vhcartst0ri{‘¢ 0 A A withinus. ‘ AA My.Lorc§s, TheLbya1I" Subje*é°c,<§f"E:zgl»stanai is 1'0 we-11; tuned in; a fweet agreeing harmonywto the 7 A Ewfon of hisPrir1cc,« thathe is inffcficd Withthfl A lcafi A -vfiv gm Vfimfi mmh agspers my part mfaha Wmcexy firing, and anfvmrs zit infiantly Witha Mfmind ptopm:tio...._ name 5. if itbe gem and pleafant, with jay afldexm nxlraziong if harfl1at‘71d3 d‘ifpleafant,with fbrmw an& lame:-‘nation 5 but a furrow not vmmanifh, and {am mam, but accompanied with indignatim, and vi. germs magmamimcus rcfolution, to be avenged upon whofoever dare give ofiemce to am: Royall Scvemigu. il » V ; Thisthen is enoughw make uazeamus for the &“edmfl“'c;of the Prince Eleftcfrs wrmgsa m define A with impatience) _m {'66 him reinveflcé in his xightfmll poffeflions ,, were there nothing elfe to mavens to it, at our love; and afieaioq, and our duty to the King. ‘V A A . % ~~ \I But myLords,AThcre is wt another motive, which hath a {hang imfifhblc operation with us; A and igisthe confi€5:¢1‘344€i0;fla h0W_mucbnthis is of im%porta7mce t0th%c* gob-d~ of Kcligian, the advance ment of thcProte£tan&t party, and the redeeming many‘four1cs»from theirfintichrifiign bondage 5 tenly asfiwe are fellow-4-members with them of the true Church, which obliges us to a cam and dc-« fcncc of them, an&.gives us an aflhrancc of a M» which hath a doub1eafpec'k 5Vand relates to us, not waxd'm heaven : But dothmorc particulariy con» .c4crnw,ufs in point of Policy and Fxcafon of Stwatgefi by fdppcprting cur Allycsgo advance this Kingdom to» thehighcfi pitch of Grcatncffe and Reputation, A A to make us formidable abroad m the enimies of . our Ghugxth axjxd Scam and fo enjoy Peace, and A‘ 3 A Safcty ‘<43 Safezyg and Tranquilxty ;aic%A homwg ‘. ‘ Q - _E:j0;»; my Lords, we Pramfmmt Fwhgulwng amfi ' was I€.img;&om¢,% arélilm Hyppwmfiw Twnna, that» mu£%bmhE§vmmd die mgctiarmm. A M , A V his madmffe mtiainke this Smmcm fubfifhfi’ Afieligéimz fie 1‘{‘ub~v'mcd 5 was great a madzzafeife w tE:¢i'nk our P€_e1~igimman mmirme mrre, if W6 fiaf-» ‘fmiit C0 he Cifififflyfici and emmdiczated mm of am? A nefighbour Countrcycsg whichcan mmvmmm be, (t‘l‘1\étflis our Vfieligiazmnd» Kingdmm {be,Ap%:r&fcxu wed) when mu: m:igh«b0«ur“s M the fame Rd E ggiom and Beliiefe with us be confmmcd, thma Fart Aicam hold ougwhen 3-11 the wtmwmiks be takengortlm V ea-art prcfemveda when an Gangrene .hathf feize arm A the mlrward parts of the bady, A A Myiords, as the true Rtligion is in the truth; the heart «of E»wg£.wM,4 which gives it liifié, and mak%es it”fi0i1rifl1~ with!» Pcrc,n;gth”and pwer 3 fm is Emgim-ad, (in pi0§itic~kLrci"pIe&) the hmm mf ‘cm Praomfiam Religion in all the amber paw Aaf Chrifixendomeg and upanoccafima, muft fend mm A fizzpply into all the nreighbwming Coumcreycs,»pmw firming] ~thAe%famc_Re1ig'i;:¢~4n Within; which (robe Athemfclv csin fafety) mm’: M under thcq%Prm«';e@ciom 05 thi3F01't_., under Ccmcribzmomt: th‘isAGarrif9m, "'Azd.d on the other Me, if chefs Gountreyesube ans: afrer‘" anmihcriumdad and p::4:_fI':.efl"%a:d by the Venimi“w?of"wm»urR.c1igi0n5 zhatgmat In M fleIi- gion between 1199 and _th0feBonds be diflalved, which m11y"“camf7?u*ni:e5A ad fixwngzhw wrw‘mut:uaM affefiions aVndm1‘atiogns§ #5 if may, paws, téwigr V ° N petite %WiH mmigea & fwnw fvwawmw Eémthfiwd .f % V A % fl 1 V 4 Firflg A the—% Wmifiwfi Afi ?€».hW.%V€V§3€ W3 mi dfif mwmwy; a~%”w;x‘°*wmd$ xheflww-mwwriek mm xhm. M? W think M W%hat4%c0;m9&it§nm% .Emglx2¢xzi:*«;,$ri%EAK..f’€az1d P 3% Wm M ENE %1fifi® ”‘i3i;‘DPiE€ag;t~:yi:mr; «fa Vi£1%€?~}C7Md mg m lmdga in a Garden w?f4%J4fC.ucu1ners gM ‘gs. a”ba:*fieged*% A Cityg whim mil the ‘e‘§_f@'fl:¢aS"%f§fifi?tQ,Q£§2e5 it Wm foam. ME to M a paxfey m the wimyfl A A . My Lordsg This¢c0n4fi&m‘at7fimm fikfewifc worm with the Cmmons 0f mgzm :3 and as the Wife» mm is w h@w.h.~is Acgmsm h1?$.% h$.ad.m£1;df Esqoaii gb;efm'e§; him 5 fb they lmk before them and héw mm femhm wiflmet haife way; thamflay til} it come m them 5 rather fee aha eating Gamgrem 0%’ am "A dmfirim ambitimx gm than tarry til} 32 *1“? Ema upam thfl view?‘ Ehfis ,{,/Zmmf, anfl the éeachof Religion inevitably follow; This bufinaflé wok up 3. {minus &e%m:e:~3 mm M?»- m much time, and many Arguments fpmtup0n~ the~Sr.abj~e@c«,,e the Knights, Gitizens, and Burgefléa afl”cmb1ed'in;Par1iamcnr:,, came m this Pcefamtian which was hare read. This they haw commamdcd mkatitgo rcprefcmt: unto~yomrLorc!1hip 93 and fiefim yam: Lordmips win jam with them in a tender ME" A we like afivicwunto his Majefty, m:.a& approbation. bf’ hia Réyafl Inmnflmmtsy V V - flmdlikcwifeg that hifi Majéfty mm? M mmreci in me? name M" mm houfcsg to rewmmcnfi thia bu» fifincfife mum M$Parliammt mf Scaflmmfi m have ache confgnt and fmchmnca nfchat Kingdom» mm; ‘»‘.‘.u".§-"~»’..l.JLiw _C&5"}' } A tEha}€ :a9; “fie” Methten muma1i4‘a&‘e@:icn,%% in! an?’ equal! tie: ofdfuty and allggeance uato th¢i;King mm Suvcraigm, {b we may be bréthrefi aifoj in the fam mndcrcarea amfiloving meme, for the:”fgood~ anfi? % A fugpsort eff M3 Majcfiies kindrefi, aw t~ hc§r;rc'~w » A fi§mt‘ian,w‘ith% their anéientVInheri-5*? 1:74 A t%ance*,_ am thefafety ofthe refermm ;Churéhcs;A« ‘ L