%AREAY % Hen. Eflrzge, C/er.7’arl.Y).C0m. . .7; :-*5‘ arc I 1 K‘ .*>~§=;.*r:a\g;§. gwxsmx-< lVlarquefTe of Hartford. Rea1in:be Houfe af Com'mo}2s, and 0rdered‘t1o be ”' fartbuitb printed and publi/772d. IC 3 % 5 .1 Augufl 24 1642, London, Printed for E.Husla4nds and I. Frank. axgz5.§¥F.1§: 9/3\'2§zT€§'*<.'3‘§r'i'x”\E‘£vf¥\5 ¥‘€¥%%’$?3$¥¥¥$'$=‘€¥$$‘é’$?.$$‘$ ¥‘e’=W’a”?$$$W¥?¥? .3: I c‘.LS‘£J‘<., $f$\<.s_f$\2 5*-E45 % T” Granted from His Majefly, to the ‘ % Wafiaxgjsu >-r25‘:s§ S73‘? A R L E S by the Grace of -K ’ '/5 0 V God, King of England, Scot. . W” ///i //////'*'y land,France,andIrcland,Defen- 3; 0&1;/.0‘ ’ dc: of the Faith,&c. To Our ’ 1/2,; rrghtTruiiy and Right Welbe-. ~ t/75/4-"Z/fl//""’/x/I loved Coufin and Councellor ./ -.r . /~ . , illiami Marquefieof Hert/or'd,grceting : Whereas there are now at and necr the Ci?’ of London, great Forces levying,and Monies rai mg, by way of Contribution and othervvifé, to- wards the charge of the raifing and maintaining an Army or Forces, by Order of Our two Hou- fes ofPatliamcnt,not only without Our confcnt, but contrary to our Feverall cxpreffc Commands, publifhed by feverall Proclamations,Letters,and otherwifc r:s And the fame Forces are acfiually in $0 much forwardnefic , as that there aredivcrs A 2 _ Horfc- .‘,7 —, ~ Hotlislmen daily. exercifed and triained T-in pliaees} e about-Our Caid Citie of London, atzd: great num. bers of Foot railing , anda»GeneraIl, and ioitjluer principallOfi‘iCers declared: We have focmdit necellary to mile and levy forces F or the defence of the Protefiant Religion, OurtPerl‘on,the two HoufcsofPatliament, The Lavvs of the Land, the Libertie and Propertyof tl:eSubje&, and Privileclges of Piarliamegtw And for thefpeciall trufi andconfielenceewehaveand do repole in your approved W/iledom, Fidelity, Valour , and greatAbility, Do Name, Afli"1goe;"Confliture, and Ordaio you thefzid Wz'lliamtMarquef.Te of‘, Hertford,to be Our Lievt: *- Gencrall of. all [itch Forces as by-vertue of this Our C6mifl'ion* lhalbe it levied and railed,or by vertue of this Our Cétnill 17 onflialbe brought unto you,ewitl2in 2ll,or*any_.. Out‘ Counties of Devon, Cornwall‘, Samar/gt,“ fiorfet, Soutl1ampton,G10ucefler, T3er/<5, Oxzm, Hg- rcfcrd,Monmoutb, Radnor, 73recknack, Glamorcgan,» .1 (arm:trt.6en,"Peml2roke , Cardigan , and in Our ‘ Cities of Exceter, TM./}eIl,Gloucefler, and Oxford," M and the Counties ofche fame: Anti likewife in Our Cities of ‘Barb and Well:,nevv Salislmry and Hcre[ord:And alfo in Our Towns of ‘7’aol,Sautb-' amptou, and Hdwrforfdwfl, and the Qoumies of ' the lame.I‘owns, , And, ""*" '" " "' ’ \ 315i'iid'ttlserefore we do giveyofu full ‘Poivycr and'Au-" ' tbority, in cafe of -any Invafion,Infurreé?ti on and Re- bellion,or any of them,and forthe fuppre {lien or pre- ; vention of actingor furtherexccuring the fame, to raifeaad levy Forces , as well of Our Trained Bands 2S,;0tllC-IS‘,-Wiltl-lin all, or__any of , the {aid Counties and Places, aswell within Liberties as without, meet and apt for thevWars: And lilcewife to command and en- joyn the Cornmiffionerseof our Commiflionseof Ar.- ray , and Sherifis of 0urfaid‘feverallCounrie-s,aad ‘ all Our Lievetenams which are or fhitll be of, or for Our {aid feverall Counties, and every or any of them j refpe6tively,.-. from time to time , according to fuch dire-aion as you {hall receive from us, or as youin your good difcretion for the purpofes aforefaid, {hall think fit to fend , or caufeto be fent unto yonfuch numbcrsof Our faid Subjetfts apt and meets ‘for the Warres , Armed and Arrayed as aforefaid ‘ to finch place or places, and at fuch times as {hall be ‘ direeied by Us, or as you by your -wifedomc and good ‘ difcretion for our faid fervices fh lll require, or from ’ Our fsid Comr-niilioners, Sheriffs, or Lievtenants ,\to ' be feat, «brought, -or conduaed unto yos. - And we do further by thefe prefents, give you gull r- power and authorit to try,Array, and putin readi- £?ClT,c,tl*:.c perfons fo yyouto be raifed, lcvyed, or afliembled, feat, conducted , or brought unto yous ahd them alto, and every of themafter their abilities, ~ degrees and facilities, well and fufficiemly to caufe to bearmed and weaponcd, and «to take the Mu- flers of them from time to time in places mofil meet for that purpofe after your good difcxetion, And talfo the fame Our Subjefis f_o Arrayed, -Tried, and“ Armed , as well men ofArms‘, , - as other Horfemen, « Arcr.=ers , ~-and Foot-men , of all kindes of degrees meet and apt for the Warresy, to conduétaad lead, as f i _&V_€lL‘_ «en againl! an and fingulat enemies,Rebels;and mi-‘ tors, and every of their Adherenrs, attempting any . thing againfl us, Our Crown and Dignitie», in any of the laid .C.0unties or Places , from time to time as oc- .c-.tfiv;>n flnlltrequire ; And the {aid lEnetnies, Traytors, and Rebels to invade, and reprelies and incafe of op- yptwlition or refifiance,to fliy,ltill,and put to'executio_n .of death, by all waye-s or means , according to your :good Dillcretion 3 And itodo, fulfill , and execute all .and fingular other things which {hall be requifite for ~thc_lev.ying,-conduéling, and government of the {aid ,Forces, for the confervation oi Oar {aid Realms and Subjects in peace. And alfo we give you full power and authority to Make, Conl-littrte, and O:da”in Laws, Ordinances, and Proclamations from time to time , as .the cafe {hall require , for the good Governmentand Order of all the Forces that {hall be under your Com- — wmand 3 and the fame,and every of them to caufe to be -duely proclaimed , , performed and executed againll the {aid Enemies , 'l'~raytors and Rebels and every of ‘ .them,their,and ev-ery»of their Adherentss and of fucli _ (offenders apprehended or being brought into fubje&i- on, to fave whom you {hall think good to be faved. ‘And Our further Will and Pleafure is, And we do by thefe Prefents give unto you full power and authori- ,in cafe any Invalion of Enemies , Infurreétions , or Rebellions {hall happen to be moved in any place ,of this Our Realm , within or without the limits of this our Commiilion, That then (as often as need [hall require , by your good difcretion , or as you {hall be directed by us by any fpeciall Commandment ) you, with fuch power to be levyed within the limits of this Our Commiflion, as you {hall think requifitc, or as Ihall be direfled from Us , as is aforefaid , 411311 with all diligence repair to the place or places where any fuch Invafion , Rebellion , or Infurredtion {hall go : A ' . ma C II E i e to {ubdue;repreff'era‘ndrefor'”m the fE1meias-.1?lrell= . by nattell, or other kinde of force, as otberwife, ac- cording to the Laws of this Our Realm,.an,d acccord-~ ihg to your good difcretion- And Our further Will- and Pleafure is , And We do by. theie Prefents give: unto you full Power and Authority, in cafe any Inva- fion of Enemies , lnfurreétions or Rebellians (hall! happen to be moved in any of the faid Coun-ties or. Places, ‘Phat then, and as often as you (hall perceive any fuch offences or occafions to grow ora rife, you,‘ with all the Poweryou can make , (hall, with all di-li-- gcnce repair to the place where any fuch Invalion,,It1-l furreétion or Rebellion fh-all happen to be made , and to fubdue, repreile and reform the fame, and every of. them. And We do give full power and authority to: you for the execution of this~CommE a’fion,to appoint,» and af-signe all Commanders and Otficcrs, nece{Tary,., andrequilite-for Government and command of Oun- Army. And further-alfo,1 That in cafe. you lhall in your difcretion think fit to divide:or.difpofe the faid: Forces by Band or by Sea into feverallparts, That- then you may asoften as occafion {hall be, divide anddifpofe the fame for the purpefes aforefaid, into fuch parts-and places at your pleafure, and appoint--' fuch Commanders over fuch parts of the {aid Forces as in your -difcretion you {hall think meets And W'e. do further give and grant unto you full power and authority, for L1s,- and in Our Name (as occalion [11 all. require according to your difcretion) by publike Pro- elamationrto make tender of Our Royall. Grace and- Eardon to all fuch Traitors _and Rebels (if any (lull: e) as {hall lubrnit to L15, and defire to be received to Our mercy; and for the better executionof thisout. fervice, We do further give and grant to you full power and authority (as occafion (hall _reqUi