is _:o ‘ _- ‘ . . A/“— L . ., . , ,A ,4‘ C _. AA Us ;' = ‘ 2 , 7- ' - - Q . ,. ’§' A forthwith printcxl and publifhed. A A A A % ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ V ‘ ‘ .‘ ‘ A « co Hf:-c" ~ 1 ‘ u . ‘ V» ' , ‘ , ‘ ‘ 5;’ ‘ t V “ ~ «av ; , M ,' x I ‘ ‘ N 5: ‘ ' ’ Q r(\ “ ’ ‘ -‘ }"‘V ‘W’ V '31‘ I . » . , A “ ' )1‘ ‘ ‘ I ‘ V r‘ . ", ‘ ‘ A , - ‘ . A , “ »,-- I V . . K ‘_ .. ‘ . g ” S. and ' 4 A M N Sb '%Ai,¢;.,v&4AfTcmb1édin. % PARL1-AME ma F0r.giVi“% Power ‘call the ’ ricstcr1es VVitir1 their r€{Pt‘-€’civ<—: my Examine, Approve, and Ordaiue Miniftersfor 9 : A ievera1i~Congrcgations. % M», “ I «g—.-: ‘t ‘C’ 4’ 1 ‘ r; - *2 ' 13;-Z-‘L 1£,,‘-_t:v;7;~i‘rr:fi;:;.,—‘¥ .- ‘ DieLwme,xo.Novemb.iA64 5. @d by the LOICEA afTemb1ed itmfiarliamcnt, That Q‘ Tr this Ordinance ‘for Ordination ofMinif’ters Thall be ‘ 3 A ... V‘ %job. Bromz Cler. Pafliamefiorfim. ~Pr1 ted for iobn‘ Wright at the A I 3 °ley.i 12n«:Nove '3 A ?..*.... r ‘ ' ‘H ‘V V! . » .“ ‘ , 0 , ‘ ’ ‘ ' ‘ vmu ‘r, ‘ "‘ M M “ ‘.; J‘ M - ‘Mw , ‘ ‘ " -7’ ‘J7 mb.x645., .4" F M": D2‘: Sablmtbi, 3. Alowmb. 1544- Ordinance of the Lords and Com-- mons aflcmblcd in Parliament, 4 Forth: Ordination ofll/Iinzfierr. *- :; ‘ He-reas the word Prexlglter, that is tofay, E1... “ der, and the word Bflop doe in the Scrip- ture ‘intend and fignifie one and the fame - hath been by (corrupt Cttfiome appropria- if ~ ted to one, and that luntbl himf aféribed, “"‘ i in the matter of Ordination, that was not Funftion _., although the Title of Bifhop b and {by him afihmcd, as in other things, fo . A ct; whic dination notwithflanding being performed by b him, a Presbyter joyned with other Presbytera , we hold for fab- , fiance to be valid and not to be difclainfred by any thatl1avcre- A “ceived it; and that Prfesbytcrs fo ordained, nbeing lawfully there unto appointed and authorized , may ordaine other Prebsbytcn: And whereas it is alfb n1atnif'ci.’c by the Word ofGod, that no man " b ou§ht to take nlpon him the officelof a Minilier, ~uni_ti1lhelbeIaw~ V fixl ycalled an ordained thereunto; band that thewmkc of Or-on d'in:ttion,itha.t is tofay, antoutward folemne fettinglapnrtiof pct-- fonsiforthc office of the Minifiery in the Church by preaching Presbyters, is an Ordinance ofChrift,and is to be performed with all duebczare, wifdon1e_.,gravity, and folcmnity. It is ordained by on thelotids and Coznmoxzs all-enzblcd inParli.m1cnt,oand by the am thorityiofthe fitnuc, ofter advice had witl1 the Affembly of Die V vines now convened at Wéfl'miz2flerlTha?tlthe~ ieverallatid ire-r A fpcfiive Glatlical1iPrc’sbyte1's which in their {éverallj and rcfpefiive f bounds, maybexa.;nin.a,app_rove azgde ordtine Prcsbytersficcord-in22; A A V V l 4 to l ‘”‘ 7‘ _."""" mg‘ _ _,::r‘ "“ w an . 4‘ '9‘ 21 w la" _g” "" . ,I‘;._u‘l A A after expreAfie'cl,that is to Afaye; Firfl, ‘ tothe Diiic&o1‘Ay for Ordinationfind Rules forEx:nmination,;hcr¢- %\ e n« \ Firfle; That jhe1A:hat,is to «be ordaiiried, xm:xfl:_ eagd:g1rc£ie"Ahimfé1f 2;; ’~ thePresbytery_;,A and bri1iAg’With Iliirfa te’Pci:11c).nia1A1eé>f'h*is taking thc, e Covenant of thethree iiéingdornes gof his diligence and profici- ency in his Studies 5 What Degreees he hath taken in the UniveArfity', A % and What hath been the time of his gbqde there; a~nd.wiL;h~aIl of , A his age:-whicii is be et5tareem~ye f¢>1I;:e*f3tm?a1ii%e$”f;a’§¢~sl:~€‘;ingee~g; _rA,é2A[] inflze AOArfgiAmz[ZA A A Ta'ngzte7.r 5L Aet/wife eetcfebe 7m:zde‘by 7*e.m’7‘12g t/2eHebrew A AAAA}zrzAci Gxeeke Tefl¢z}2zé7ét,uz“z¢’aZ renaWngj§9nzc portz7.«:-‘m of Mew in-- A ~ ~" to Latiizes and eflquizy yaw flg.'zll;12e& mevde gzfter /.f~.i:ot£A)Ker;lear2z— A A A ing ,A zmdfifbfitlaer be/mt/'9 ;,{{i]1:iflL0gic/{azzciPbilflp/2}; me...‘ A A A M guainetedgivimsAe:t7zd«trjmr1lJ%¢z/I be M46178 Of knew/edge in A the c/.aiefegro¢t7z¢s1:~offleligion,Aa72ciA0f[9i5';zzl2i[iy t0Wclefi;?1zd the A A AA art/aebdox1Da‘6frz)2ecoiztainediz2et£ve:iz5;:g;zi2z_]i‘ a1zunfi;;Wz W; e A AA”§rro7Azi(ma_r opiflianrgq/}7ecizl[;(Ae t/ag»jI2fafi'2%_é*pref3?ztAA4g¢ :-{of be .rk2'ZZ 1572A tF.:e_/e%zjZe.ezz7zd722éz27zi72gVgfpiece: laf .S’cfrip'tm~~e, ed A A fl‘4Al176=j77’0P¢_7fi€d7l72~tD b,iwA7A7¢ c¢féIz?5wje,amdaftke‘E¢;clejflagfijc4lleH2y?wgy,.V » ‘-I A4. If he bath mat ~5efi9reypr_eacbedznpulvlzke, wzgtb .».zppr05d«- ‘ tiwz offuc/,1 mm‘ m*e,.a[;e1e”to_j2zdgeh5 1..yb8flJ'c2Zf[4t_d. competenteytirep he aflignedhim, and firetfre Pr6Il2J3Iterye;5;'peit2z~d_fltL‘/J 4? P1»f§’C€ £9] E ; to, and thehebettcetoy know his life and converfationh. Sim? We M79411 fiégiven /vim; 5 5’ Heflmll 7'7; L‘0?72})8i5'872i'_.TiM€ azl’fl7f5"c2!mye at d2_‘flr:éu1*feei72jLatr- thee, epehfieb azflco/izmoizplace or contra-verfieinybivinity, M . V fialleybe 3¢z'_/fig'7ze'a7l1iI;z~z,ot7zcl exbilwite to Art/Jeh Presbygteoryfizc/Jehflaefex A expfizeflé t/qefimiet/yereofaand fiizmirztaivze afdzjfizzte upezz 2%’em.e -6 Hefbqlleprekzc/omebefore the péople,",tlae yPre:£>}/my/,%orfa;¢2e _ of tbe 2\/1méfz‘er: of the Word, appointed I7} tbezegbeing preflént. e 7 The p yoportim of /972:‘ gift.ry Tin relatiwz to the plczceyzmtoh n which be cal/ed,fl9..zI1l2e canfidered. M A . . ‘ 8 Bqfidex the tzjyafl /air» gzfi‘: in pre;w'l»hi¢zgy,whhA be _//"Mull dergoe;ézz* examination in the .Prem2flE: tpa" _feziemll edgier or more ,,zfet/Be Prey]; ytery figll judge it nveceflfiry. V , " which 5 being “approved, is U) behyfent to the ‘A Church or0t_her placewhere he is'to ferve,(if it may be done with A V fafety and c0zweniency,) there to preach three feverall dwaies, and to converfe wish ‘the people; that they may have tryall of his gifts - for »thei1*eeeJ:iificatio11, and may have time and ‘leafilre to yinquire in- 17.0zgrtb‘ly, In the Iafi of thofe three: daies appointedfor the ma”! hki.ngkn‘b‘Wne tiff gifts prcachixag, there flmllhhhbe fen: hyffomhe V «° the Presbytery to fha“:Cong1*ega1:ion, (if it mayfbedone with fafeé" ty» and 'conVenViency,) sa pub~1iq'ue’in finumenty In "Wi‘iti:f1gy hiéhlyfhall H p;1Iike1y'bye ‘readeabefioyreythe,peqplgand after eyflixed-£0 gthejglhurch dqore, toyefigxfifieh fiachsa; c’_1y;j2.y:a3Iay;rnen1bex*eo1j h;_11embe1*s A Of the {aide Conigregatzione, or any other perfoh or pc‘1*fQnswhatfoever5yor yanye of them, may pm: in with a1l'ChrifiianhdiA{c:et§o11“and mee1ge;;e[i?:3 A ‘ A uflhatyexeeptionsethey have;ag?ai11i’thin1y3he‘3~“id’ yifhpori the dayeyyapéfi A poixited t7h¢1‘eeybe’9nOyh-"infi exceptions eyagaiyxifc Eiifn _.,‘ ‘~teheeyEresbytery1h%e {hill pfioceedtp Grdinationg 9 e F,-W925, Upon ¢he¢y;1ayeayppo2n:e_d er Ordihetiony :( which is toe be.perfom1ed in that CbL1rCh‘WhcrC'hC that isytq be eordained is to A ierve, (if it may hhetdcmc Withehfafetyeandeconvenicncju)A a folemn A e FM’: filalbe kep1:.bythcCongrcgationgzhat thyeymay ‘more~eamef’cly-V h e A h‘ V 3 1 ioineo in rayerto Godfor a blefling uponthe perfon and Iabomf hf this his ervant, folemnlyto be fiat apart to the office of the Mini-‘ fiery for'theiArAgood 5 the Presbytery {hall ‘come tothe place , "or A i fbme‘Min‘ifiers of the Word, at the Ieaflr‘, {hall be ient from the A Presbytery, whereof one flmllpreach to the people concerning the ofhceand; duty of the Minifiers of Chrilt, and how the people A ought to efleeme him for the works Fake. % V ASixib1},i After the Sermon ended, the Miniiicr which hath prea- ched {hall inthe face of the Congregation, demand of him who I e t isVAnow.toi be ordAained_.,A concerning his faith in Chrift ]efus_.,andhish” perfwafioniof the truth of the reformed Religion , according to the Scriptures 5 his fincere intentions and ends in defiringy to enter A” % into this calling, his refolution to be diligent in Prayer, readingfi V meditation, preaching, mhuifiring the Sacrmncnts A, anddoing "a A A minifieriallr duties‘rtoward‘s his charge 5 his zeale and ifaithfillnefle A in maintaining the truth ofthe Gofjbell, andrpinrity of the Church, againii Error and Schifme 5 this care that hinlfelfe and fatnily may V be unblameablqand exam _les to the Flock; and his re-f'olution_ to continue in his duty, again ialltrouble and perfecution. A A V A i 4! wiII‘inkgnefle,%and promitedhis indeavours by the hel of God; A A Swentbgy , In all which having declared himfelfe, profeifed V the Presbytery, or the Minificrs fent frorn them,fl1all dolemnly fen A him apartto the office and worke of the‘ Minifiery , laying their V hands on” him, with a {horn Prayer or‘b1effing,4_tothis effeét. ii A acIQrow."edgingeAi t/ac greet mere, of God i finding C/Jrfl for the Kedemptiaae sf bi: pea- A pie, tamtdfar A_/Zreuflon tax the rig/atbcmd ofGod fine E4- A A tbér,.wd t/eerie pazvring 'out£»'1'e' Spirit,a}¢d giving gift: torMe7i, V e Aptjfler, Et).Amgelifl.(., Prapl5et.r,i ji Pafim, and T 84: rrfbrf/at A A gathering and building of/Ji».rACI2i¢rc£r, a1¢.clI’fl7r fitting and A 5 A 2'm'li7zz‘:2g itlvir mm M 1555‘ grédi PW!‘/(_e,‘, to ??i‘dc§2erm'ttcd to’ P91‘: charge. A ‘ qf?3c_c/.a Mm to: M fill bifie wifb 1355‘ boQ+S_'pirit, A w/JOA in bi! emcee .."‘fl:t apart‘ ,,.e to’ f/972‘ /Job Sewicegtadfbe work ofMz'nf[ie2_~y in e V »m11 thing; , “‘tb4tA"Z:e.z2ray bath flwe loimfelfi: and the peaple A , AA 4 i [sent A _ i Eigbthly, This, or the like forrnc of Prayer, or Blefiing being exuded, letthe Minilier who preached, briefly exltort him to con--- y fiderthe greatnefie of his Ofiice and rWorkc,r the danger of r neg- I O ligence both to himfelfe and his people, the blefling which will i accompany‘ his faithfulnelle in this life, andthat to come 5? with- 'a'll let him Exbort and Clmr e the people in the Name t0frGod, willingly to receive and acfinowledge him as the Minifierof bl _ Chzil-i, and to maintaine, incourage, and aliill him in all the "parts of his Office. ‘And fo by Prayer commending both him’ and his Flock to the grace of God, afterthe finging of a Pfalnxc, let r the Aflembly be diimifiedwith ablefiingr _ *NintIaly, Let fuch as are chofen or appointed for the Serificeiof \ the Army, or Navy, or Colledges, or other Charge, be Ordained as abovefaid‘, in fut he Church as the Claflicalfil Presbytery to which 'theyll‘1all' addrefle thentfelves {hall thinke fit 5 1 and fuch” Alteyra- O tions made by the Minif”ter that Ordaineth from the Eithortation lat“: before prefi~:"ribed,as the circuntflance ofplace and perfon {hall ‘ require. ‘ Andibeit further Ordained bythe faid Lords ayndvCyon1imonis, A and the Authority aforefaid 5 That every perfon formerly A Ordained a Presbytcr, according to the fornre of Ordination, . ivhiclt hath beenc held in the Church of England, and is to be removed to‘ another Charge, doe . bring the Presbytery where he is to be placed, a Teliimoniall of his Ordination, and of a his abilities and cottverfation , whereupon he this fitnefle forthat placcwhere he is to be ‘removed _., {hall be tried by his preach- AV ingithere, and (if it I-hall beiudged neceflary )[ by a fitrther A Examination, and To gwithout-_ayny ncw_0rdimztio7z _.,,hc {hall be admitted , it he be appointed as fit for that place : And if any "perfon Ordained Minifier in Scotland, or in any other reform- O ‘rd Church ,, be defigned to a Congregation in England, he, is o bringflrpm that Church to the Presbytery where he is to“ be A xlaeed, ha fuiiicient Teliirnoniall of his Ordination, ofhis life % C Mndsconveriiation whilehe lived”Wlth therh,V and of the caufes of C Ptemovall; and toimdet‘goe‘ftrch a‘Triall of his fitneffe and A e xtficiency, and to have the fame Courfe held with him in other C “gzrtictllars, as is let downe in the foregoing Rule and Provifion ~ in inching the Examination and Admillion oy iperfons 4 formerly 1 " rdainedin England. And‘ _ c 6) r "Ahd iei'urtherordiainec1, that Records be carefully liept by rthefiegifier, to be nlolminatteci by the Presbytery, of the names of n tthevperfons iordaiztedgwlith z.‘heir teiiimoniall of the time and place of their Ordination, and of the lVlini{l'ers who did oifdaine-thern, and of 51 the charge to which theytare.-appointed 5 and that no mo--_ 4 my or g‘ift,of what: kinds foever, {hall be received from the perfon i to be ordained, or. from any on his behalfe , for Ordination , or roughtelfebelonging to it, by the Presbytery or any of them , or any apfiertaizaingt to any of them, u on What ptetence ifoeverg ex- cept to the Regilier, forthe entry, t nfirumenfs and Teftimonials of his Ordination, which {hall not exceed the {um me of ten lhil- ilingé for eaeheperfon ordained. ‘ , A or )4 m Ahd it is yet further ‘Ordainedi by the Authority aforefaid, that allperfone who {hall be Ordained Presbyters , according V to this ~fin=;&ory,l{hall be forever reputed and taken to all intents and ' purpofes,for lattrfull, and fufliciently authorized l\/linilieirs of the n Ch{ur”ch of Erzglarzd, and asycapable of any MiniiieriaIl»iInploy4 ment in the Church, WithiiLthe_righ.fsjand profits belonging there-4 unto,asa1ayother—Presbyterst whatfbever, already ordained ,i or hereafter tolbeflrdainedg And that b all Presbytex-s, who are here-f by appointed and authorized} to ordaine; and {ball according to. this §refen~t Dire€tory,) ordaine any Presbyters are hereby declya-6 red, to performe an acceptable fervice to this tChurch find it Kluge dome, and {ball have theproteétion of both Hot1i"eslofParliament:— for their indempnity. V l A ll ii i Provided that th' Ordinancetfl1all {land in ‘force for tvtirelven‘ ‘ Moneths, and no longer : Any thing in thisiO.rdinance contained to: thecontrarye In any Wife notwithflanding, A r t F I In S.