RGLIMENTS GIVEN IN BY THE C 0 MMISSIONERS1 ofScat[,4}1d unto the Lords of the Ttédty, pcrfwading Cenformi. A Aty¥oF’Church govcrnment,"’a‘sonc » A , A principal! "mcancs of a continucd peace betwccne the %_ two Nations. V. ‘ g” K 5» Q1” . 5 'w 4 . . I '1. -w-—-— »w— —rrr w Folim P€dfV€£fléhollV)2@I‘g, Hcb, ,4. % N on: I befizlecbyou brethren by the mm: of our Lord $3-59/i¢ Cibp-ifl, nfbjfygg allfivealgetbe firm thin; and that there bee no dz-ui an _ tlmtyee bee perfefily joytwed togetberin tbefimc mini, afizgrzfilfiufgbig judgcmem, I Car» 1.. to. % Beboid 71013’ £°0d.andI:ow plea/Exit it :3-fat‘ bmbren to dygzluggfbgy :3 unitie,Pfal.x3;. 1,} . , AA %rJ%%*aPrinced 164,1? To thcRéadcr. y —w— vw "'9 "‘ V‘: " ‘ .,1‘-‘ ‘ mw“ “ ‘ t ‘_ ‘M, ‘ , ‘ -* iv ta " “ . up. ~ 2 WW , ' ' - " even great multitude; of allfortt, not one!) ‘ in their oatward eflate: and civil! liéertiee, out efjyeeially in their ooafcienoe: , that .3” '-f t flreame: of teare: and frequent prayer: ham-V V . ' i . beene ancjefantlj pmreolfortb éefore Gadiae .3W}]€J' ordinary and extraordinar} for afotll -deli'verag¢€c’.* bowfiae-ver the Lord /oat/o long éeenejilerztvto t/aeflzd complaint: ‘fizdfaite: of his fervantx, yet of late, a wide doore of hepe dark ,_gg_g¢e to be opened for the t rafting out of Epifropaoie, and the letting in of our mac}: d%edli5ert7 , iv] weave: oft_be pre/int’ V Tdrliament. o Tioie welt opportanitie loath éeene well improa wed b]“prtfll‘%g Petition: from all part: of their Iftngdome bazthivlj prefeated to that high and honourable Court , for the J utter gefirpatiou of the Prelaoie , which at an ill weed bat/1 _growzLc’_I3t;q/9, and/preadfarre to the prejudice ‘and darzger,&ot/J of C/ootrc/a and State. At this time, .2/oere a an admiraéle eon- carrenoe of providence: , in that .mItItiwde.r of la; Majefliee mo/I lojall Sktéjefit oath in England and Ireland, doe with ffarmoniue /vearftinefle petition for _t;’jJ;é plwcjking . daawtgewqft/gt“ V o tottering and rotten flame of that much /sated Iiierarefiy. Hereteport , a Copie qf to/oefie enfoeing arjgttmentt occa_/ioaaliy {Jamming to the band: of a" P rieud ' we/I-afefiedtmoto the oatofi " of reforma1:ion,loe loatlo prefamedto make them paivlitke, hoping » ' they He anfieppor-ta£le}oa@'ofEp%oj:aIi ' meat, /oat/o_/E» mac}: éartbened, and brat:/ed To the Rcad¢r. ,1,” mg: fame?»/9atA_A promatewtbc Icammonj mh¢_/émqf Zion wlyicb ~,;¢ gqw in 4‘gi;aiiaI.1.7'bc ate. p_ra’uflationZmb1é/bed»¢~ ex laimi (which bat}: lmmily have awmd at}: baufi: jo %’A4r1ia- want datla were‘t/zgnfrcifiéfitbcggnitrd medium mdm'0om'.r of “urfl tbafé %H’ort/:ie.r%," taojapqfe mftb%VaIlpo}2¥i/Zv% inuwgatiatzx, ‘Md 4./fb 6] ad Iaavionrozélwnhcnnex to w4i21ta;ine um’: \ between: the Kingdomgx. Now V it thbxmélj rqférrcd ta t judgement ofa/I t/get; are iqdifiérent bemftcd, axdnat 5] ajféd 6} pzrtialit], to conjidér, 'w/aetber the LEn‘g1i{h Epifaopacy 5: not ‘ o if}, and whether» Whrgma ping tbgregf,raoteL and érxmcb will fiat 55¢}:/1 pra%ht5i/itj) tend much to the confirmation ofa Haf- fiidwvv iv, éfezsfliw »DmiviW~ Out‘ 1(1) we ‘ D 14"‘ ‘$5 ' I-“ H -0 n i “ ' ‘ll ‘ -o,;.r“"“':"1'»:5‘~3£¢,1:“-‘=“;l‘\35i°*-ti-.-;~=:»: .¢§"i‘I*2 "W M» . J ‘. In 49'» ._ I ’ 9.’ I ‘N . »- , r.1m_w‘.'5v “‘ A ‘ 4- M ’ ' - i*@?°'z‘' % ‘ll? 2:? .A 9 Our defires nconeernin iunitie iii 4 Religion , and ¢utniFormitie of Cliureli-fl t Government,as.afpeciallimganctto con:--A Q o ‘ ti‘ fiferve peace in his‘Mafeflies=rv it ‘ ' ~ Dotninioins. A i i A -r , (1 A “S we {hall not make any propofitioniab"out* . this 1al’tAttiClc ofeftahliifliing a firmc; and . A happy pcace;But ‘that «which weiconceive % ’ "to bee both expedientand A jhfl ;~;- 80 will M _ your Lord (hips, wee doubt not, ihiyont ; I’ he L 9'12‘. ' "wlfcdome confider, that fince that which is fought, is not a ceflation of at-mes for a time, butpeaee for ever; and not eace onely, but perfect ainityiand at more neere union t en before, whichis of greatet‘cot1fe-4’ quence then all the former Articles; Itis no marv‘*e_11that“ acompofition, fo excellent, and fo powerful! to prelervo‘ H * l V ‘ %@%@%wwe% the whole 1124,“; in health againft-alrl inward atia¢n;pm~s,l and in llrength againlt all contagion and wounds from without, require many 1ngred1ents,Mof*wh1ch xfany one be wanting. We mayon both fides pleafeour {elves For _ theprefent ‘with the fweet name of cage‘; and yet for not i longtime enjoy peace it raft, ‘whxc hath in it not onely j A fweetneffe and pleafure ,but alfo much moreprofit and mm. honour,then all the Triumphs on earth. A t As we accompt it no lellethcn ufurpstion prfumpti .. 1 on for one. Kingdome or Church, a were it never Io‘migl1t§)h‘.‘ e and glorious, to , give 1a'w.es and rnles»of'reformationmv l ‘ A A V a another: (2)1 iianothcr fivcé and ind: cndcnt Church andiKingdomci,w¢i'c ' wit -ncvcrfo moans; -ivill libcrty and A confcicncc*b¢ingfo tender and delicate thatthcy cannot endure to bcfltouchcd. oi/but by fuch as they are wedded unto, and havc lawfull au- thority ovcr them; So havc"we_ not bccnc fo forgetfiill of our felvcx, who aréthclelfcij, and ofEngl;md,which is the A greater iKi;ngdomc, asm fu1fctll_«aoy‘.L[uchoqrrogantand prc- l iixmptuous thoughts to enter into our mmdcAs,our waycs alfo are witoeffcs ofthc contrarygtgainft the malicious,wl}0 do: not" cxprclfc what wee age, or have home; but doe lhll dcvifc what may bcfcwcll for a éornmonlcombuliion: Yet -Charity is no prelum tio-n~,u aindthc common duty ofCha- T r;iotyA bindcth gll Chrilhans at all times ,both_ to pray and pro- ‘ fcs thszirliclclii-c that all others wcrc not only almoff, but all-i ..togc.tl1:;.f_ig:h as_..tl1<;m{clvcs except their affliétions and di-? . lh*c'lTc7s‘,-,a‘i1A;dbcfidoqoxiamou Cl1arity,.wM_o are bound as (;‘om- ,Inil.lfli»Z5ii'é'r$i11iia fpcciall duty to pré>pouhd eheibéfl 85 Lcadiclt .mca‘i;¢$i'fot fctling of a firmc puacc. A3 wcc lovc notito be curious in 'anot‘her.Comi1"1on- wealth, n.or»to play the Bi- QIQ. .i@'_dl10tl1€r Dioccflc; So may we not boo caralcffc and i1¢$,i°ai.=,ivt.in;%:hat which qonccrncthiibothNatiotm V Woe. doe all know and profi:fl'cgtl1atRc1igion is not only A the niéam: to {crvc('3od. i and to féwc out ow nc foulcs. But that it_ is alfo the balk and foundation) ofKiugchmc’s and the: --2 cfiafitgsa and: §t.)hc‘. ftrongpll biaiid to tygfubicéts unto thciif Priricfiiii trup loyalxio, and to knit thcir h,cart_slouc to ano- th_cr.iuiit1fu;:»; unity,-, Nothing [0 powcrfull to divide the héarts ofipéoplc, as div ifion in religion; nothing lo flronfg i i iitoginyiro them as unity in Rclig_ion:and thogreatcr zcalc in H ipublikc \k:orfl1ip‘of§_o , % o 4 irayei,prcalching,‘admin*iffcra- ’difFcrcnt‘ R czlig, iousthc’ grc:at<:r divifiop_,but _th;e morc,z.ea1e iqozio Ricliigtiofiui thoi Ihor: fiirmc union. 1 n the Paradifoofi nafiuric the diiriirfityj of Howlers andihcrbcs is plcafantiaudv” l ufcfull. Butln \ o '_ §Cl1urch,d*ifl5*:.'r:I'1tapddoor:-3A itrary Rclig‘ ow " 1* flint and hurt{ull.lt"is tbemforcco‘ bcc wiifhédithér tllcrc wer¢d no iCOl1f€fl_iOI,l(?f, faith, (Doc! A forms ofCatcfiKfi1 ET§fffbr aIil“£hé’pai‘ts ofilic U011 w,--m--v——v—»~ «rm .-.._..-‘. \1\— .-i-..~.._mr ~ 91:? 3) . tiofillbf Sacra“ fi1ents,;8(ci.a‘nd' One Forme iafT;ChurchGo+vem-L ment in al-lithe Chufichesf of his. ;Iv1aj’icl’cies rDo1‘nin+ic}:fi"s“’,r 'rhiSWOU1d i i '5-5 i i V . r i " . ' I 33. 1.Be acceptable to GodA~l 1Ili,ghtic*,Wl‘)O delighteth to fee V .' his people walkingr.in'truth and unity,& \”zvho‘wouldl‘lookc upon this 1_/lmsd with the grcaten complacencie that ‘Wiesel were all ofone heart and one foule in matters of Religion. ' ; e 2. This uniity:,in’Re1igion will preferveour peace,&:prc+- r vent many divifions ‘..8DdltI'OUblCS.; 0 f old ( as Bedaz recor-.- deth) the difference about theti1n®.0fobIerving,pf Eafier, (ialthoughl: no great matter in religion; and..:.a~l.thgpghojplrdfi+ vets inggpendent Ki'ng.clomes,)had- troubled their peace,i£? i--"9 the Wife: fort had not brought“ them to an uniformitie, wherein they were lb zealous that they would not {offer it» much as one {mall Iflm¢d,whi'c'hidi&'ered fromr the relt,1_:o be A unconforzneg ‘.".j 5 f V t V ’ V of 1 r Q 1 V i M s 3‘. His Ma feficie anclhis Succeflionrsiin their: government lhall he ealed ofinuch trouble which arifeth ftomrdifi?:re12.— V ces ot;r%lReligia1-‘i,ata11d hath Abeene very. grievous unto Kings %anclEi1‘l“iperoL1rs,a3£'ag,.’béim wiiiietneffeth in. his ;.booke chap. i I 2.of‘the life Of.‘ C'0nfl4nt3ne~; ;l'cdi1‘ion'éega_ttcn in t'l.’76k“6‘/7I£?"C]0 qfGc'd(li1itl'1 C onfiazntine )fé‘c mm‘./9 to grzzée ta canminem it more trouble and {aitter-neg}-, it/am anjrwarrc oar 6jatlfl't€/«hr. A .1 A 4. Since by divine lprovlidence:his"iMztfefty isiliing of ‘\ divcrskirmgdomesgiti fhalbe in content both to hinafelfcg to his-Nobles and Command to Illhis .pCDp1C,W11Cl1lol:7i$M Ma-A jeftyfl1allin‘perfon vifitezany ofhis ki11gdo1nes.eTlm?tKir1g. Court and P eo p1e;1nay lwithoutvall feruple ofconlcienuce be ‘p'.11‘tal,*'.Cl‘$ oft‘-one and the lZ1111e-form: of divine w0rlhip,and ' l,1i¢s,Majelly V?/itl1,*fiiSC urt ma‘y.comoc to the rpnbllike allengg ‘ hlyioljthe p¢:0plt.‘;_, anil §:'fx7e(E1od with ‘them, accordir1gi1t_o V x tl'1epra&ife [Of the good Kings of _ «dab; As on the 0; it part; di__fE:z'e11ce in formes oEDivine;worl”hip,,disaideth be; ;t~we:€§iVxe§tl1e King and‘ the People; . r r A; ‘ M % '3 5". ;'Tlhisr fhall be a great c.o111fo}'t7.to all hie ~15/la)’ ¢_P:it‘-S Such» A j_e‘:€'tsp»Wl1en they travellllabroafcl from their ow lT1¢»Q0l1l;lU‘_¥a to any ’;api’fls.and Recufantsl {hall clefpaire of fucceffe to have : their religion let up againe,rind {hall either conforine them. {elves or get them hence, and irreligious men Ila 311 haw; a great fcandall removed out ofthcir way; which {hall bea meane of igreat fafetie and fecurity, one ofmany bleflings both to King and people. I azzmperfamdcd (faith C'onj}4u— tine as E ufibiur recordeth in his life, 1. 2.c.6; , )m~;~., 141,1, ,.;5jf 5; mm} dcfirrr, , to bind all the term." warflaippcrs of-'(;gd 5; ,;;,wc0mman6Hand of concord, all Ila: ‘of Empire wauld rqwicklyi» mm: tlmnfi lm-L: to their piam ortlimmcri. 8.This unity of religion {hall make Miniflers to build the Church with both thc_:ir7hancis,wliiles now the one liarid‘ ‘s V W holden outin oppofition a ' tilt the other party. An d th -11 «wine the man‘! ‘,d'ing‘0funpto _ . I gficationi, and Ptudies of,Devotion and praéticall Divinity. and : unplea ant‘ labours of writi n g and re .. table controverfiésa into treatifes ofMorti- This unity Religion is la thing to defireable, that all ;;fQ“und,Dis{iiies and Politicians are for 1t‘,iWh%‘.‘l';,G itlmay be eafily obtained and brought about; And as we conccjvefi, % J.‘ fpious 6: profitable a workc to_be worthyoftlicbcft confi. r Ycleration, So are we earncli: in recommending itto your Lordlhips,that it may be brought before his Majefly& gm, 91’ arliatrient, as tliatwhich doth highly concernchis Majc.-.. V flies honour, and the Wrllof all his Dotninions,and which i