%%%%%%%%%%%%%%w % »%%%v H23? Apmiogezicafl Nwrration af ¢ my Iwwrem V ddmm Bret/Win we Immcd Authors afit, "ftzav fa wj"[wacmélemeffe'Jmodqfly,A MM mfidaur 5 and wit/M/Z3 M #515 zirgzefizfcafbnaély meaffiwll, W well Mmm~d.sr the,» wim’ic.m"m' afwe Protfimt party in gmemll, fivrm 2% vnfiarg/z’wz.v qf In aommwfiicaélcmcflé witbin% it _/3,-Zfe, anti” Izzcompatilvlcntgl with Magg/lracjy -5 /M qf wcmfelmicx in particalmj, 50¢ dgdififl mfieporringyfiam wit%o¢.4t,&* famapqffiéle mg/lakingsflom witlzim Mo : Tb»; éawmrer far mime awmpm“ I have appeared’ mm, and JM flu’! M » diam M Ma Prgséyteriall W of C’/mm/h Gavvcmwezit, yet 406 I Mink it every my fit or the Prflm. Charles § 'ONEDRABLB PARL IA MEN 9: % B Y ‘I710: gaodwin, A T/ailip 5\Qt.=:.§," 4 ‘J/Villiam Bridge, em urroug/oer, v icimclv Simlty//022. 4 L 0; N 1) é N, % Primed for 0 B E R T 4DVA W L MAN. % % Dc. xzzu. ~ .; mm l P, ,,\.. llwmm‘ . . ' , , . H» 1 i , my ‘ i r h _ , i A . M mmav em ‘ , . 7 r if W fig; M i ‘H v n- . W K a .K A POL 0 G E ‘rm 0 A LL NARRATION AL. A g ‘M V 1 vyak w l W “vi ye-lei“, .51 nrmfli” L \‘ . _ Formerly in Exile: 4 N O. W 4 bent oft/oeiflflemlély qfDi'0ine.r. i ‘ A late fa filled wathafudéem and unexpecficed noyfe of confufcd exclamations, (though not fo exprefly ..3,;,k,l” . ?_ cli1‘cfied ag_;a,inft gsin pare .,, AV cxeixlar, )fCt1nthC1t1tCI'p1"¢- “ ‘r A A A tauon of the moft, reflefiw - ingon us) that awakened thereby , we areezaforced to anticipate a little that diimvery of our {elves which mlaerwife WC refalved to have leftto Timw ' and Experience of our wayes and {pirits,the trucfl: Difcoverers and furefl Judges of all imenland their _ 4 aétions. A i A And new we {hall begin to melee fame appca-I mmceinto publique light, unto whofe View andli judgements lheuld we (that havehitherco laine under fol dark a cloud ofmanifoldmifia pprehenfii- ons) vat firft prfefent our» {elves , but the Suprcaznc" judicatorylof this Kingdome, which is and hath been iniall tlmesthelimoft jufl: and fcvere Tribunall‘ ~ A A 4 B . ‘ rm ' . , v ~ N», A M W A (2) A u ‘forguiltincflfc toAappc;.m bcsforc, much mom to date :6 appmle mew :5, find yet withali the moi’: fa-~ cred fCfUgf$fl¥f”£dV.¢€é§:)fy/fiifl fwrmiflakam and mif-judgcd Mirmo.c’cncc 2‘ A \ g V A A The moflc, if mt: a1.Ec:;fm,'i*1ad ten years {incc {fame more, f0mMcfi’<':**) fevmmllfetléd Stationsinj the Mfizzifiery, i£1‘p1aC¢S mi pubiique ufe in the Church,mt unknown to mzmy cafyaxurfelvesg but aha magi eviii M‘ tizwfc ccsra"a.2pt§mz1siz; the pmaliqm vm2‘;*“£h§p ami gwwrmment of chisChm:<:§*a, which rm dmnmxz fa gem:.m.lEy aickzzmwcdge and dé crim mmkholdupon mm: cwnfci@mcm.s lmmg hbemra fmm wthm“s0fou1‘bi°ethmn§ AM timrx hO‘W i1‘§r’1}mH§bM it wzzsm cwrzfixim in tfimfcr timas our fmwzicm and fi*;¢f2d.ings, am marms zipprwfinfiflixs will rcmdily _ac»¢ qmtusmw L V w m A Ncithex" at am {ixfi did we {cm m:'kmk fmftfmg‘ Elm‘: rim dmmgwm aim mm of theofe fupfirflifiéflfififi adjmyned w the wmmip of Gmi, which haw: bmm the cmximcanfiumblmg Mack and M*f"cma;% M many;t‘l1oufand tcnldc1* cm1fcic:m;¢:s,, botlmyiwi mm axvm%nd our neighbcur Churclws, mreznr mm mm firflmfbrsnatcionof” Rcligicmx whim yam W mugh ma dcp1*ive_;u4s Aoftlm ptzbliqgm mmzwm a;?y%?”¢;A%mm mifi mics, midi tOg¢f'tf1é“E‘” fl1m.‘cw£%;:§@ Euimemes msf thwffi aim $25 gfifmvj 4;‘;.w.Ma;xAx;* ;3j%m:z“£%;.m2;§iE z§ci p.:w£0n firxfoww oxfiimanmsm ; mad f3mim* wfi€§,$¢?m*r aw fiifilértm pmffmali vimiwm ztmfi parf4:¢r;fitimm5, M mxwxile W fivmidit‘: WWQE1. ,7Z;2tmr aifitm gm . chaoffiitimt fa» Mm 132% mid kflxarfifmiéfw wf ~ M.miPc;eries {fm*WhM‘.z Wfii‘ wmm %2em”*m* ziw; 7 [ A migfiz mm M jwhmfly 101% V.-w~"""'N “A V. damaged fmm mm mjoymem of ma Ordinancm ofChxifi3which we account" mu.“ birszh-wright, M223 1 Aébefi pm*mwn in this life. A Av 3; fmh'«}mrnc:c?¢flét~y of enquiring‘ Exam aw viewin T his bA»cing% our conditimni, we were cm Wm; mm i¢:?§f}mgmr'»t_, mtzmpbfitiva ‘par: of G%m*Wewrfl5£ m3;d:*fl%wvmnmfimt ;And :70 that end :0 fcmzh mum Wh:m wmje ‘thfi {Mk Apwflzmlique dircétmnmpattern mm exa;n1pim~0fthgfc% Primitive Chmcimgca XCTCOI‘-— deci inzim. Ntfw Tféflammtfi as that Facredv pii1;:2.r of” fi1'etw%gu§d@ mu. mad m this cnqmirie, W6 100% up» onthe;%a*'mx*d wf Chrifi as mxptrtiailygzmci 11a'a»pre;%;‘w»~ dic:cd1y’,;asAmm made Qfflfifll :an& blcmd are like my due in any; jumflturm of time that may fallout: 5 1:117: places W:c:~ wcnat to, the c0ndition”wc:~ wercim, the cm'npamy%We went fwrth with” affording no temp» tation to byas us any way, but leaving us as freely (:0 be guidcd by that light: and touch Afiodg Spiriu ,{hz:mld by the Word vouchfafc our confcicnces, M the Needle toucht with the Load»-Home £3 in Hm Cmmpaifmfind wc had (of allmen) the g1‘«':'at@~ reafon me be rrue to our own confciences in Awhw: 4 we flaould cmbracmfecing it was for our‘ COflI‘lfCifiI”lw flees that wtwere” deprived at oncc of What ever 5 was d¢a1:cou%s.; We had no ncwCommon»~wcaIths % :0 reaxfito1-mmeChurch-government unm,,*wherc- ofany ma piece mihtftand in the othc:-rs light, to caufm c leafl variation by us from the Prim“itivd pattern ;.4We had no SVtate»ends or Political! intei-»~ rcwfisto coxnplyawifch ; No Kingdomsinj our csyem fubdueu;1co¢our1nou1d 5 (which yet will be cocxiw {tent with thapeaw mf any form of Civil G‘overn4— A B2 V mcnt V V 4) 4 meat on earth) No prelerment ox worldly refpeéts A i to lhape eut opinions for : We had nothing elfe m doe but {imply and fingly to confider how to wot» {hip God acceptably, and fo mofl: according to his A vv0rd.tiiti A wf, fl-.N ‘NV“ . .« . . A Wewetcneot engaged‘ by Education or other- A wife to any other of the Reformed Churches ;,And i although we confulted with reverence what they ’ hold forth both in their writings and pm étice, yet Wecould not but fuppofe that they might not fee .1 into all things about wotlhip and governmengtheit intentions being molt {pent (as alfo of our firll: Re» formers in England) upon. the Reformation in De»- ' étrine, in which they had a moft happy hand ; And we had with many ethets obfet‘ved,,ithat altlmtzgh the exetcife of that Government had been 3.CCOtT(’l- panied with more peace,yet the Praéiicttll ptm t/it power hf tgoilimgfié and the pmfeliion thereof’ 3 with tliffi:-1‘ettce fi"om ttrimli and fttttnztll Clttiiti-»« ans, had not been advanced and held forth am mtg them, as in this out owne Ifland, as themfelvet have generally acknowledged. tWe had the tdvam -« tage «of all that light which the conflicitt of Omit: ewne Divines (the good old iNon~confotmilis) hadflruck forth in their times .3 And the tltaughtt _ efDifcipline which they lmd drawn 3, whiiclt we found not in all things the wry fame with the ptt-e &if‘-‘S Oftht‘ Reformed Chutrclmstfimd whit they had? written came much inote commended to ust not onely becaufe they were Aout own, but becaeufe fcaled with their manifold and bitter fuflittings... We hadlikcwifc the Wall mifetrriagesii afnd lhip-~«~ : A T Y i ii i wtacits vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv w.m,,,, W ........,.,...,,.,..,.,, _ ‘ ‘ mm... ........... . . . .......... .. ,__ ‘ ‘ V "- Ii, wraclzs of the Separation ()whomyc call Brawaffh) as Laud-marks to fore--wam us of thofo rocks and ihelvcspthcy ran upou5 whith alfo did put us upon an cfnquiry into the principles that might be title‘ i mules oftheir divifions. Lafifoifall, Welhad tho a recent and later example of the wayos and praéii- cos (and more improved to a better Edition and greater refinement ., by all the fore-mentioned A helps ) of thofci multitudes of godly men of our own Nation , ’almof’t to the uumbacrof another Nation, and among them form as holy and judicir out Divmos as this Kingdoms hath bred; whole l iincority in their way hath been tofiified bcforo all the world,and wil be unto all generations to come? by the greatcli undertaking (but that of our father Abraham out of his own countrcy, and his food after 7 him) a: traufplanting thcmfclvcs many thoufand l miles difiancc, and that by fea, into a Wilde-mes, mostly to worlhip God more purely ,. whither to M allure thcm there could be no other invitément. Audyot~wc flill flood as uoortgagod fpeficatorsfreo to examine and ooufidor what truth is to he found in and amongft all thofo, (all which we look upon as Roformed Churches) audthis nakcdly accord»- ing coithc woird it; A We refolvodt not to -take up our ‘‘ Religion by or from any partic-*:,iand yet to approve and hold fall whatfoover is good in any; though never fo muchidiflhrintg from us, yea oppofitc um» i E0 US. V t i V. ‘ to T i Q r And for our own congregations, we mean: of England (in which thorough the grace of Chrili: K u A we were couvcrttod,,and exercifed our Mi-nillerics B 3 i A long§ AAAAAAAA A A A (W A A loryggm %t1“m mnvmfimz M’ xmanyothms} WW have chisfincwe pmfcflicm w mam befmm GM sand? ali the world, that allwm c0naftAienceA0f thcdcfile- mcnts WC? conceived to clcave to thf: truc“ WO1‘fl1ip~ A of Godm menu, or of th;¢.\ unwarra”nrcd powcrin ChurchG0vcrn0urs .cxercif:=d therein, did never A wmckinanyof us any ochcr thought? much lcflie opinion, but that multitudes ofzhe aflkmblies ard A pamchiall congregations thcreof, ware mg mm Gwyn:/My and Bmfy af Cbrzfl , mad Nae Mimyfwy tlmmwf A Ame Ming/lazy .- Much leffe did itaw-1* en.» tcrminco our hmrtskto judgcthcm Amtic/Jrgflzm 5* » Wefaw and cannot but fee that by the fam@ rmw {on the Churches abroad imsmlmmg Haflwdmw. (though more rcformed)yct fer dim“ mixtum mam ha in like manna-r judged no Chwrchas alfmwhiclm A toimaginc 01' conccivc, is and hath aver beam an horrour to our thoughts, Yea we alwaycs ham W profcffcd,& that in thefle mimes when the Chumheg offlnglandwcrc the m0&,citE1¢r'a.6tuaI1y mrcrfpmad with dcfilcxx-1cnts,or in the grcatcfl; danger them» of, and when om {elves hadAleaft:.yca. 110 hopes emf ever fo much as vifiting GUI‘ own land again in peaccand fafery to our perfons; that we both dici and would hoid a cammxmim with mm; as the Churches of Chrifl. And bcrrfifimthis iprofeffianw as arwfl tefiimony thercof, frame of us afizcr Wm, amiM”t~ed by the} very iamhch charafiwrs and teflimazms mi difi%:x'e11cc which are proper to thczir own Qrthmiwxe Chhurchhes , and whereby they ufh to; flflingmxifla tham from all mhwfe feéts (which may thM¢:ratc3b11t not own) and all aha affcmhlim of flrmm Qwhich ym: how we am hem hwme would heads m;1t“§h€: 1.13 with) granting to fame wfus thair own. Ch1m:hm,ox puhhque places far worflaipmv aflhmblm hm A xrxrhcm thm1£hehh:':‘$ me: far the“ worfhip «of‘G_od atdifl°mrix1gE1mxh::-s aim fame my 2 A As likewifa the privhedgh m‘? 2'ix1zgihg a; pub» hiqm hm hm WM mm our m fiigzwimicih Wfif mm» hihm hhcaswfh it 35.5 axnotzgfiz €‘:hh:a:h §;'I1;“a&e:% gréhfh hh*;n;fi1;0f diffmfmch bfii‘@'Eh§'@hI;;E'”h M.1»::@W?fl; hfiflflkkhfid jCii h1rcvhm hfidhihmmigififi” ;iflhzhh§ié%35,hhhh %;"sh.:;%::.:hh:» "“w.L’v7‘*h.(3Ww in A fhchamzh Eh: miéhy giamhihhzefi hmfi, s:~:h,,f cifwhmwdime hmh Ewhgg hhw mhferva:-:a:h.~ .&fih§1*h§§h%.wh:Em§Q3?1fl$ why ma fawhd m mam With ch h M fhhgimhhy hh azw ~» 4 " ‘V ‘ hf " (8 iefthcy allowed afull and lihemll umintemmae em» nually for our iMinifi:ers_.,t yea and eumfiuutly ztllii Wine forour Communionhs. Ancltheu we again on our parts, not onely held all brotherly correw fpoudeucy with their Divines, but received ztlfu rfome ofrhc members of their Churches (whci dew firedto communicate with us) unto communion in the Sacraments and other ordinances, by virtue of their relation of mom erlhip retaiuediu tlmfe Churches. i i A A New for the way 8: prafiices of our Churches, we give this briefe and general! accofumz... Our V pu6ligue_ war/In}: was made up of me other parts; then the worihip of all other reformed Churclzes doth confifi ell As,publique and folemnc prey.» ers for Kirzgr md all in autbarzim &w. the reading the Scriptures of the Old and New Tefiamenr; Expofition of them as occafion was 5-, and conltaint preaching of the word 5 theadminiflration of the two Sacramentsfiaptifme to infam:s,and the Lords Supper; Iinging of Pfalmesg colleétions for the poor_.,&c. every Lords day. Fer ffircrsiand pub- V lique Rulers in the Church, we feet up nu other but the very fame which the reformed Churches judge: necelfary and fufficient, and as inflituted by Chrilt find his Apofilcs for the perpetuall geverntrxetit of " his Church, that is, Pnflarr, Tcrzrbcrr, Ruling El‘- a'er:,~ (with us not lay but Ecclefiafiique perfume A feparated to that fervice) and persons. And for i i A the matter lafgaverncrwzarnt and rersfiwr aft/ac amp», V we had nor executed any Mother but whatealIac+~ i kflOWe <3 olinowletlge, namely , Admonitiav, and Extammw rzimtim upon ¢E)bflll1ilCl‘t.';l.llCZl impenitencie, (which 7 we blelfe God we txever exemifed.) This latter We judged lhould be in execution for no other kind V’ drmtdiul fentence. t of lin5‘tl1¢*fl lm1YViClently he prefnmecl to he pet-m petrated egatnfl the parties known light 3, as who»- ther it be a {in to manners agntleonverllttiom fuch» 4 as is committed againft the light of nature, otithei common received praétices of Chtiflia.nity,Apro« felled in all the Churches of Chriftg, ot ifin opiniw * ons, then liuchm as are lilcewife contrary to the re»-4 eeived principles ofchtifiienitym and the power of godlinefle, ptofelfed by the petty himfelie, and univerfally ttclmowleclged in all the teitof the churches,,a.nd no other fins to be the fubjeél of that A A. ‘Wt A And for ourldireétions in thefe or wlhatewver elfe A it tequiflte to themanagc ofthem,we had thefe three Principles more efpecially in our eye, to guide and H lleere our praotice by. Fitlty the fuprearne ttlletwtiwt we, was the Prim A mitive patteme and example olthe churches ere.» eited by the Apollles. Out eonfeiences were pof» felled with that reverence and adoration of the fol» ‘ neife ofthe Scriptures, that there isthetein at com-~ pleat fuffieiencie, as to make the mm oy"Goa{;crfifi, lb elfo to make the Churchesiof God pet*feé‘t,ll (metre cireurnftaneee we except, or what rules the law of tttmte doth in comnxon diétate) lithe direélzions and examples therein? delivered were fully known and followed. And although weczinu» A ” not profeffe that fuflicienicy ofknowledgc as to be 4 5 able (W) ele ti lay fercli allthefe rules therein Wlmlelx may meet with all cefesl and ernergencies tlmt may or fomeclmesl did fal eut aunongfl us” or tlmt may glve 7 li1tisfa,é‘tie"n lunm all Qgeres polfible £0» be put: unte « us 3 yet we found principles enough, notoz1elyf¢m- damemwlll and lellential to the being ole. Church ._., l A butfiafezflrwfiory allo for the wel-being of‘ it , and thofe m as cleare and ceetaine ,, armcl llmlm ae might ‘ wellfe1'vem prefervte our Clumzzhee in peace mall A from": oPfeuce_., and would comfercably guxde us to heaveni-we a falelway: And the elerverion 0f {'0 niany vol tlmfe particulars to belaiclf01*th in the Word, becelmetol us a l more certaine evlidencle am cleare coz=1l'lrmatlon that there were the like rules and ruled cafes for all occafioms wlmtfoever, if we wereabl‘e to difce1*ne clwm. And for all fuch cafes ‘wherein we law not a clezzre relbluticm frem Scrip»- lturle, example, O1‘Clll‘ff§llOn , Wee fill pxeofeffedly fulpendecl, umill God flxazmld give us furtl1er light, notdaring to eeke out what: ewes deleétive in our light in matte1*'s~ Dlvlrle with l1u~mam.~: prudence, {the fetall errourlo Refommtien) lcll by jomiigg any piece qftbe aldgmrment unm 1?/M mew, we llmuld make the raw mafia; we having this pmmil'e ef grace for ourencoumgement in tins, Wl"llCl1 in mm” V publique Affemblies vvas often for our cmflfort; mentioned, that in mm daing the will ofaadww “Mow mom‘. » - A A lecond Principle we carrycd along with us in all our relblutions, was, Not E0 make our prefent judgement and pmélicel a binding law unto our felves fm: the fumre,Whi<.:h We in like manner made , con~ r LI ) ceiminuall pmlrffiorz of upmn all occé,fionr.Wa liad. mm grrar arr inllarice of our own frailty in rim far... ‘rner wayrgfour cmxformlty; and therefore in a jcam loulierolmlr fclves, ‘WC kapt itliisr mfervc, (which we irmdr mpmr and conilanrr prfcflions of) to alter V arr:drfritra&(tl1oL1gl1 mt lightly) What ever lhould lie rlifcovrmd to br taken up out of my mil-under» l _ :mriing“of th&e“Vrulc: Wrhich Principle wee with V WeirrrA (ricxtitothat mToflfupreame,namcly, to be in all things guided by the pi-.~riie& wil of Gold) ‘ rrrirflrd arrlrcinrolifacred law of all other, in the miclll of all other Lirws and Canons Ecclrliallical in Chrillizm States and Churches throughout the A J Wmldi T hirdly, we arc able to» lmild forth this true and jail flpculogictr unto the wor1d,Tlmt inthcmalttcrr of grcatefi lxnom «slut and comrovrrfie, we llil'c=hofe A4 A A no praél:ic«c fafcly,and lb, as we hacl__rei1fon rm judge‘ that all l”o1*ts,orthc mail of all the Churches did acknrowlrdge warrzrntablr, 2rlz:h0ugl1 they make Mdimmemrs thmrcumo. V A Forinlmmce: Whereas one great comtrovmrfim of thvrfe times is about the qmzlifimtiwz rfrrlzr Mam irrr 0f Churchrm, and the rmifruours riecrriving H and mixture of god and bad; Tlmcrein we choice the better part, and no he fare, received in mom but fuch as all the Churches in the world would ibythc balance Ofthe Sané?cua1'y acknowledge V faithful. And yet infthisrweare able to. make this mule and jut’: profclfion alfo, That the Rules which WVQ rgavc up our judgements untca, to judge chwfe Vpvlverreccivcdiiim iamongfi 1.1% by, wrrre nf than: law C 2. titudc t U2) 4 V tithde as would taitein any member of Chrifl, the meanefhin whom there they‘ be fuppofed to he the leaf? qfc/irgfl, and indeed V inch and no other as all the godly in this Kimgdome carry in their hofomes to judge others* by. We took meafureiofho maths .« holineffe by his opiniohfwhetherii concurrmg with us, or adverfe unto us 3 And Churches made up oif‘fuch,we were {me no Proteflant could but apt-~ prove of, ( as touching the members or it) to he 3. true Church, with which communion nlight he 1 held. Againqconcerningrthe greet ordinance of Préliqre Prayer tahdthe Lytwgie of the Church , whereas there is this great cohtroverfie upon it a.»- ‘ bout the iawfulheITe_offet formes p1‘efc1'ibe<;i;, we prafiiced (without —cohdemniog others) what all ficies doe allow, and themfelver doe pmétice aliog, Layers in our Aflextibiies fhoulci F?’ T as E’ T‘? '3‘ re ¢ 2: E ».Q e: re *6 .m -~ be from by the meditations and fiordy ofiour owh Miniflers , out of their own gifrsfl (the fruits or t Chrifis Afcenfion) as .We1l:.1s their Sermons ufi: to be... This we were fure all allowed of’, though they fuperaddedfhe other... So likewife for the go»-« 5 vemmeht and'difcipIine'in the Ci‘lu1‘Ci1C‘5,i10W€V¢i.‘ the praétice of the Reformed Churches is in grew» termattets to govern each pa1*cicui:.1r cozrgrogatirbn byacombined Prcréytcria of the Eidrrr of ieverai cotrgregations united in one forrgovernment-5, yer foyoas in their judgements they allowmfpecizrlly in .. fome cafes, :1 pzutictxlzxr congregation, on entire and complem‘: power of jurifdifirionto be ertercifed bythe Elders thereof within it felfe ; Yeaandi our A ownmafler Crrrwrzgétg holy mom, and otherold A A” ' V t ; A riomw it aNon~coni’orm1fis, place the power of Excaommw nication in the Elder {hip or each piartictu1arChnrch i with the confent of the Church.,ur"iti1l they do rnif- carry, and then indeed they fubjeéi: them toifnch Preahyterial and Provincial “Aflhnblies as the proper refuge for apipc-ales and for compounding of differences amongit Churches; whichcornbi-V‘ nation of _Churchcs others or them therefore call Erclefiae arm , but particular congregations Eccicfl» i fie prime, as wherein firflly the power and priviledg rota Churchis to he exercifedt And vvithall we couid not hut imagincythat the firfi Churches plan.- ted by the Apoitles, were ordinarily ofno morein one city at iirft then might make up one ‘entire congt*egtrtion, ruled by their own Elders, that alfo })1”‘¢3ChC:“t‘.i to them; for that in every city where they came, the number of converts did or fhould. arife to {itch arnuiltitnde as to make feveral and fun» dry congregationgor that the Apoftles rhonld fla y the letting up ofanyChurches at aiiatntii they rote to firth anntnerone multiplication as might make {itch a Presbyteriai cotnbinatiomwe did notima- = gine. We found alto thofe Nan-zswsformiflr (that wrote againfl the Epifcopal Government; in their Attiiwer to theArguments ufed for Epifcopal Go~ vernrnenr overrnany Churchegbroughtfrom the r inflances ofthe trmltitude oiheleevers at33crafl¢lcm_.,’ and other places and cities, mentioned in the New Teflamenr, to affett that it could not be infallibly proved that any of thofe We reade of in the ,.4é;?:. and €“f‘1fCWhC1'€-.7,‘ were yet fo rmm crous, as necefla— rilyto exceed the limits of one particular congre-, C3 A gation V Ct) gmion Em thfliwfwf firfi tilmm Wt’: fmlmi it W1? gran» tedVby]thm'a all , mac thtffl flmuld lm ffivwai E1» dcrrs in every congmgation, Awho lmd pawcar aver" them inthc Ltd; ;.md%w'e judged tlfm all thofé px*ecepts,aé2ey your Elders, and tire»? t/mt are arvw*yw;m were (no bx: fum and all grant 11:) nmzmtz at cm? Pz1&ou4rsan.i T4e.aci1Am‘s,and oclm“ E.lderstImt wcm re: Wov-er them in Aezzah parMticu1a.1* congmgation m-» fpc~&ively,and to be ascercainly the irxtmdmmt emf" \thAchVo1y%GAhofl, as in thwfa iike comxnmds, Wiww 3 May your mm l7w£émd.s',, S erwmis yaw awn gawermomrx, V m be meant of tlxeirfcvrrml +Fa.mahes ceipcéhvcly. We could not thercfmc but judge it a fafa and m1a1low=ed way to .rct:a%im=: the "gmcrnmentvof mm Vfevemfl cmgmgations for matter of difciplirm Wit‘h£11thcm1é1veAs, to be ex;:~r?cifeci by tlwir awn Elders, vsfhermf we had (fbr thcmofl part: ottlfw tixncwc were abroad) three at lmfiizm mall mm g1~egax:ion., whmn we wem fubjeét to ..~ yet not A clayming to «our {elves an izwlepmdmrpmer in every cangregation, to give account at be fubjwéito none mhe1*s,4 but oncly a. ful andvmmm pmwmr cmmw pleat Within our feivcs, until we flmtmld be clmllcnm gcd tocrm grofly; {much as Carparatiomy enjoy, wlm have the pwwer and pr%iviIcdgc m paflk fentmw fbr life 6:: death within thc%mfalves,a.nd ym; am m:muAm~»wA table m ‘the %Scaa*«c mhey live ~é- that it flmuld b4c»’t;hc imfiitutimn ofwChri~ft or hisApwofi1crs,thm:AtAhm cmb“irmti%on of the Elders mf many Churchm flmuldbc 1.-The firfc ccamplcat and cnrim fmt40f V A C7hL11‘Ch :p0fwc1' ':ov:cr mch c0.ngregm:ion fo cmw bincdfa m that thcycould clmllcmgc and Mfume ” ‘ ( % V that H ‘;¢ .m~ r <15 A ‘I that authority mrrr thofc Churches they feed and? reach um ordinarily by virtue of thofe fO1'@.'.rn%.cn‘~ rirmrd Apoflolrrcallprccrpts, ‘ was to us a qu efiionfi and ]:I.1dgn.«c0nf0r-- mifis wrytmgs zmd oclmrs are: fpent rather in argu- ments ztgainfi, & fortlme ovrzrchmwingthc Epifco-«r pall government ._, and the corruprions that izlcave rorcmfrr worflnipr, and maintryning throfe fevcraflr 01fic:ersir1«Churchcs which Chrifi hath infliruted in firzrdrrrlrcrccf (in which we fully agree with rlmm than in the proofe of a. combinedclaflicall I9rcrs.b-yteriall govcrnxrrcnrt % as it ' j 4:rrbqrit4tir2ely praéiifed irrthc moi’: réformed Churches. % And whereas the common préjrrdicer and exccp-.~ rion laid into all mans thoughts agaixrfi usand our opinions is.,,t:ha.r in fuck a congregational] governs; ,‘ men (I6) mentthus entire withinit felf, theteisuteuliewed h M iuficient remedy for x:x1i{eerx*i:zges3thotxglt never fe 4t grofleg no reliefe fo,r wrengful ientences or pet» f’onsin»jurcd thereby», no r00rI}€fOfC01I1p1iiifltS: ‘no powerfuleor c:fi‘6&L1flJ;‘ e means to reduce a, Church or Churches that fit} into herefiegfeltifme, &ct but every one is left andmay take liberty without controule to do whatis good in their own eyes; we have (through thegoed providence ef God upon us) from the avowed eleclaratiout» of our judgements among our Churches mutually du- e rmg our exi1e,:md that we confirmed by the mefi iolemne infiance of ou1‘preé2‘2‘z,je, wherewith to Vim- ’ dicate out {elves and wayein this particu1a.1*;,Whiel't * upon no other occafihon we Ihould ever have made thus publique. A ‘ M God fo! ordered it that e fcandall and offence fell out betitveen tllofe very Churches w11i1ftiivingiu this banifhment( whereof we our felvesgzlmt Write thefe things,were then the Minifters) (me of our Churches having uuhappily depofed one of their Mini{’cers,the ether judged it not ouely es toe fudm daine an eet (having proceeded in u tmttet effe great moment without eeufufting their fitter Churches, as was publiquely prefeffed we flmuld have done in fuch cafes efcoucernemeut) but 3.110 in the tproccedingsthereofas tee fcvemend net ' maimed accerding m the rules laid downin the Word. In this cafe our Churches did mutually and univerially acknewledge and fubhmit to this as A a {acted and undoubted principle and Fupreame 4~ flew to be ebfervee among all ChureheS,tha.t at by ‘ A 4 virtue l l 07) t t virtue of that Apoflolical command , Churches as wel as particular men are éatmdmgirve no ofléme mi- l that $0 I cw norGcnt£lc,mr the Churches afaad they live it A atnongPt.Sothat in all cafes offuch ofienceor diffe- trence,by the obligation of the comon law lofctimue 9 mm of Churches, 5: for the windicatian of tlxeglary of C/mi/t,which in cfimon they hold forth,the church or churches chalengcd to cyfiml or dzfierfirc to fub- mit themfclves (upon the challenge of the offence otcomplaint of the perfon wronged) to the moft lull & open tryall 8: examination by other neigh- bour Churches offended thereat,ofwhat ever hath givenuthc oHcnce:And futthetythatttby thevirtue of the fame and like law of notpartalring in at/Mr mm: fim,the Churches offended may &ought uponthe impeniteucy ofthofe Churches, perfifting in their“ etrour and mifcartiage to pronounce that heavy feutence, againfl them , of with-Jltawing and re- nouncing allChtiftian communion with them until they do repent ~,-, And further to declare and ptoteft this,vvith the caufes thereof, to all other Churches ofChrifl,that they may do the like. o And what further amt/Joritfiotcptoceedings pure-kl 1y Ecclaejiuftica/I, ofone,tn-manly fitter Churches to»- wards another whole Church,m: Churches offen- ding, either the Scriptures doe hold forth, or can rationally be put in execution ( without the Magi- flrates interpofing a power ofanothemature, unto * A t which we upon his particular cognifanceg and exa.-4 miuationt of fuchi caufcs, iprofcffc ever to fubmit, and alfo to be moi} willing to have recoutfe unto) for out parts We favv not ;l)~1cn,not do yet {cc.1lh1t{1d A l 1 e-= . 1 (I8) ‘“ ; %M 74' A’ lik::wi f¢w,e did. then fup.ppf"¢,‘ and dam }7fit,li1‘1£1“!:thi$ p;~i:1gig1¢;» of£11bmi£fi®n.m C.::hurc11csA that mifcarry mo othm’ fihurchas Qffcindfid, cage:-rim” wmh EMS 9;Ah¢f,\thMritifiammmand from Chrifl: cnjayrmd M m Chu,1'fChcsJ fihmuétréz finally ffcndédco dmouncc: “ fuck} ‘a fem:c}.1c¢% ff Nmmmmwnim and withdrawing‘ f;ro'mf’t%h€m whilft impcniccnt, as unworthy tow luold M forth the nameof Chrifl, (theft principles being mccivedwnd gencrally acknawledgcd by the flhurches Aoffihrifi to ca.Amu%tLml1 duty, as {triéh % ly gcmgoyncd Arnhem by‘ ChriPc as any other) that thgfe woulcl biee a.s.AeFfe8c‘ual1 means (rhmugll rim blc%.fling0f Chrift) %toawc:1nd preftrvc C:hLIl‘Ch€$~ Md their. Bids;-s ir1;jt:heirdutics,{ as that oscher 0f daima to a7m a11th0:1*it:xtivc»powe&1* Ecclefizmiczrl w £x:¢ammumicm mhcr Cmrrclncs or» tAhe*irElders of?- f£mC1*ing4; F:m*Aifthc=m1e be cremated with tlm 0»-» t1,14ei7,iua,micereVEc~clefiafti;a1 notion, Tim of Ex» A @0Amu%nicat:ian .pa:ewmd.cd hath bu;tCthisV1noAreimitg 2 1'F0.W(1I'I‘&nCinfihflSCI7i{)“§IILl&I'1C‘.{.5..{:Eh&U‘.i£:LhmI‘C”I§Ifl5 flilszzml Thankisg=aWw1arimgn£wAho1cA Chuxrchas md their Eldcrsiffmfimg masmm, (tar %wAhic*h we mow haw mch a: Jpfio»xm=rd% .Q:v~m< mvmr Cfmgdhes) A ind chm a&V$wfm*th.e binding‘ t; mifci¢~nces,a.nd ha rc:cciv*mian*mng£k i1U,CfhL1rChf:28,fl‘1& offcxlding Clxurches wi11%fl¢Ai‘"g*§m: % all fuch ;Exvammw¢z”mtz5m5as" mL1Ch;_, am th<~r3:z$ma.y% be 4% £‘uppof<;2d.to docgoiur way of protvcficatign and 1j‘¢wn..« WW3 0fNW*50W7WWiW~ On the whet fideg Mt this war of ours be but dsftrongly »emerca.ix1cCL 345% that A h isthe Waya.I1_dcom»1nand‘ofA Chrift, and up!» ongxll occaficms be hccdfully put in execution, in will awe xnens canfcicnccs as much, and prodgum Hm fume: efifeéts. And if the Ma.gif’cra.tcs power (wuwhich we give aamuch, and (as we think) V x1wr<::§, than the PfiflCizp1Cf',fS' at’ the P§es%bicenia;1%L go-4 vermrnmxtwillfwffizrthemn to yccld.)V»doc bjlt aflift szmai bxrmk we fenwnca "ofmher Ch4urc:h:¢s d<:crw1m«V CiI}gut>11i$NW~~£#7WMtWiW a.«ga~i%n+£E‘C’hurch¢s mifcm--‘ V tying” m:c:m:d»ing to the na,turc mfchc cri1ne,,as may judge. mecm, and: as tlwy wou=1dithc4.Afcntcnce~AE C.hw:clws cxcommunicating mtlmr Churchw mi‘ ,a‘am cafes, upmm~ u1:1c=:i1* own pmrticular j,ud-gcmcm: of ‘ éthéezmfc;A4th¢:1n,with0ut all contrvcrfie this mm Wayw <3fCl*m1*”ch$ kprwzflcd-iu11g%wil be every, Way‘ W eH";&;6maI1L ws~ chain mhfir em baa fuVpp0:fcd to be 5; an;* we .ztmfumg,m¢m brot1m:1yA%aendmreflfuiucdm uhzm A libmzy‘ and cqml»ity C3h:1=*i£t.lm~u1*1r: end G1a%%11mc1mr» with. hut withmmz the Mlag.ifira.ms%imcr»V Ming thmimz ;1sutAlr::ority 3 their mg A zmsi:rwfi?m5tu;x1V1.2wou1*s:;.*md»wxwlwgblzc cmzmznx.,,by@,110wmj11cI1AAit:)is pa;cm,nd~;::dW I10 bit; more? P z.aatv£h*m*vi%mg1tLva‘;a:n»d» tm;i;7:fl‘%iéM mxtre d*r~cad‘fwlpa1m%i“ n:a@m,vv%£19i;t:;Ii1% C2Wxm~1:3:4 fpxi/wi=us A am 1‘fc1‘d0mse:: fcmfiilfi mfia ;A%mfo1*ou1' j~udg§:*rnca:z1Ats. D2. And A ' 4 (20)i And for a real! evidence and demmflration both that . tl1iswas,then,,'our judgements, as likevvife for an infiance ofthe clfefluall fucceflb of Inch 3. courfc held by “Churches in fuchtcafes, our own pratiiice, and the blefling of God thereon, mayplead and re» ’ iiifie for usto all the world... The manage of this ttanfaétion in briefe was this» i That Church which (with others) was molt fcandalizedtdida by letters declare their offence, re--- d fquiring oftheChurch (fuppofed to be) ofFending,z';r it/ye mmeand for the vindication of the honour of Chrifhandlthe releeving the party wronged, to “yeelda full and publique hearing before all the Churches of our Nation , or any other whomfo~ ever,offended,of what they could give in charge a»- gainfitheir proceedings in that depolition of their Mini{ier,and to fubjeét them {elves to an open try» all and review of all thofe forepalied carriages that concerned that particular; which they n1oft—cheer—-- fully and readily (according to the fore~mentioned principles) fubmitted unto, in A place’, and flare“ where no outward violence or any tothcriexternall authority either civilor ecclefiafiicall would have enforcedthem thereunto .2 And accordingly the . Minifiers of the Church o~fl’ended with other two Gentlemien, of much worth, wifdomand piety, members thereof, were {em as Meflengcrrifrom that Church 5 and at the introduction and entrance into that {olennne affembly (the folemnity ofwhich hath left as deep an impreflion upon our. hearts of Chrifis dreadful! prcfence as ever any we have een prefent at,) it was openly? and publiquelypro«- fcffed (21) ieiied in 9, fpeech um Wasuthc prefaced to that dill CUm0fl.t0 thifi €ff¢&, “ That it was the lmofi to be _ W abhotred maxime that any Religion hath ever ‘ 9 nnnde profeffion of,and therefore of all othcrthe “ moli contradicftory and diihonourable unto that “ of Chrificianity, that a fingle andparticular faci- M cry of men profeffmg the name. of.Ch‘ti{i, and W pretending to be endowed with apowcr from “ Chrili: to judge them that are ef the fame body “ nnd Iociety within themfelvcsjhouild further at: “V rogate unto themfelves an exemption from “ giving account or being cenfutable by any other, W either Clmriiiianh/Iagiilrate above them ,ot neigh- ‘” bout Churches about them . So far were out judgements from that independent libertythnt is A imputed to us,then,When we hadlcaft dependency Y“ on this kingdom,ot in much as hopes ever to abide therein in peace. And for the iffue and fuccefle of this agitation; after there had beenefor many .dayes as judiciary and full 21 cl"1a.rge,tryall', and depofitlon. ofwitnelfes openly efore all commers uofall forts, as can be expeéted in any Court where Authority enjoynsit,tha.t Church, which ‘had ofl‘ended,did as M l publiquely acknowledge their finfulli aberration in it, refizored their Mimjler to his place again, and ordered nfolemn day of failing to humble them? felves ufnre God and mcnfor their finiullcarriage init -5 and the party alfo which had been depofcd l i did acknowledgetothat Church wherein he had 1 likewiie finned... l A l A Thus wehave tcndred fome final account pftlaofe, the fad defidztys ofout pilgrim age one arthywhcrem V I at D i although A % % V (22 J" V although W wjwyed Gc:>d,,ym: bcfidm many mhm‘ A mifwms (the ac:mp.:m_imn4s¢ uH::zanifh:‘m:nt) We loft fame friends and c2mrrprami0ns,0ur fcfikmv Mbczxurers in ~Lhci 4GAofpc1,as4 pmcious men as this earth bfiarés any, through rhcdiftcn1pe1* of t%11i:~plac¢, and aur felvesw car-nc lj1ardly4 oil‘ that fervicc with am A hcalthg ~ycalivc:s.; “ A When it p1c?af2d»God to b1'irfg; us his pom‘E.a::.iles~ baék again in theft revolutions oéfchc timcs,as aim Ofthfi condition ofxhis kingdom,into» our own landm (Vthe;.pour*i*ng forth of manifo“1d_ prayers imci temrea fmtluc profpem'ity whereof, had been no fmall part of that publiquc Worfhip we ofié-red up to God in. a fimncfl%and' 5 )2 we fcmnci the judgement 0fm..:my of mm godly learned brethren in th@ Mini{h*1* (chat~'defircdA a g€nc31‘a1 1*c2fc:mI1:.1tion ) to differ f’i:om » ours in forms things, wherein we do pxrofcfifcdly A jfiudygetrhe Calwimianlwforzuu cdChu1*ch7cs of trim firik ref01'mation fmrn oumf I~"opery,v:0 Rand in necdot” A a fugrtzher x'ef0rmation t:hem1”cLv¢s;Andit maywithm em: grejumlice to tfi:rcm., or the impa*t2miomofSct1iAfm¢ mAius: from phem ,‘ be though.t, that rfmy comming - new out at‘ Popery (as v«m11‘;;1s% Emglmd) and the " foundzcrs of tlmt reform ation x»1oi: hVA;1vinwApmJ/lalzfqxge 2:3 £22f4l!§4éi!ity, might mm: b2¢*ft1l,1y‘p€’ff@&:“1§¢ fi¢1*£’c dfayu "Ycza»;an ma1y¢‘ho:pafu1ky~bccmwived, At~1m~t% GM u A his: i;c*cr¢7et”,yc?t wife a;¥m;d% grmoxivs; d4Vi:fp:cmfwuim1,Imd left us~n*1.oreL1i11‘cFrmédfas,t0&u:c11»i.r1g the outW.:1rd fox'm’c,both of worfliip and Church gg/V(i*rnnf}(i‘flfBj3 then the nczghbour Cif1Lu'ch;c:~s Wrrre, lmving yer, Apowerfully cominued a coxgflaut mm flit}: and Vcmmm mention tcntiem fai-mfurthcr Reformation for thcfc fourm * {core years admin which rims he h»adlike“wife in fte2u::1the‘rc0fb1eflcd them with the fpiritual-% light (andtlxacezucreafixug) {ofch;c‘power~of Religion in V the Prafiiquepart: ofitfiaining brighter and clearer than in the neighbour Churches,as havingin hisink- finite mercy cm purpofc referved and grwidedfbme lzmtr tlziflg me this Nation when it fhould comcm A be ré:f0rmed,tl1at the other Churches might'nOt bé mzzde perfiad? wzwm it, as the Apoftlc fpeaks. " 'W'<: found alfo (which was as great an iimiaiom mus. as mar farmer troubles and banifhmcmt) our opinions and wa 5 cs} (wherein we mihtj fwcm ta differ) envimm “abflut with 3 china of mifiatxeg; and mi("a.ppmh¢mfi0ns, and our pérfons wit~f1A4r”t% p1*gache‘s,Be{id¢*s other c:1h1mnics,fias »oiffc‘l2¢fr7zc.‘..:,_ fies. (which yet mufi either relate: E0 adiPr‘erim%Lg from the farmer Eeclafiafiiical G‘d%v‘crnm¢m» of mifi Cht1x*c1wfiab£ifl1¢d,and~r than Awhv is not invo*1Wd' hi: it: as wall as we 2" or m tlmts cAo‘nfi’itufiioin and go-—’ vmmwn-cthatis yaw no wme-5, and untifl t“ha7t be agwad an, cfiablimedfi a,m:1A d‘e”c1:1rc~&%, » and*a¢;émI%Iy ®“IMf%,’C‘l?1€1‘€ cm; W no«~gL1%i%1t dr?im$put}i1fi’C>t‘f éffiehime fmnzx it) Tim“ zmdi ix1“«fMé't1‘tti*tl6 offmIepm~ -’ AL dawic was akfifixw unto“ umfi cmi*me‘%; the; vary fbhumd of which~ convvew for ailf 11uems~z1pprehenfi€§ris um amllmge wf an exemption“ of aw C1‘uIrch%es fmm ails fu~‘ueé*tic>n arrfli d’cp*en«da~rrc€j,~ or rather a ‘Q:-as twmpmz o*2f“"d¢:fi:7m*xcwga;it*tLf’€?w‘he%iz“eWéf Famr,:SpiW¥- ~ ’ wmil aim; whiclwmi (71*“¢”:1M‘iG:tf9 tfififli defiéfi: O‘r €M€‘.%."fi€“ mwmw M Biramhijweg all their opxnibns as they have flzatcd zP1n%dfl*ia.1~rita’1; _ 4 % me 2 ) med them, mull: needs be odtwned by us ll: Although upon the very firlt declaring our judgements in the chiefand fundamental point of all Clmrclz dijciplim, and likewifcfince, it hath been acknowledged that we difer muchifromt them. A And wee didthen, and ldoe here publiquely profeffe, we belecve the truth tolye and confift in a middle my betwixt that which is falflyecharged on us,3rawmfmc 5 and that which is the contention ofthefe times, the am‘/am"- mtzévt Pre:éyterial1Gaoernmmt in all the fubordina- dons and proceedings ofit. A 4 And had we been led in our former wayes, and our retnovalloflut of this Kingdome by any fuch fin’:-it offaflian and divifion, or ofpridc and firzgu- Iarity, ( which are the ufual grounds of all Schifme) we had fince our returns again during this intermi-~ e flicall fcaforntentations, yea. provocations enough \ to have drawn forth fuch a. fpirit 5 having maufifold advantages to make and cncrcafe :1 partie , which we have not in theleafl attempted. We found the {pirits of the people of this Kingdomc that profeffe or pretend to the power oFgodl.incH'c (they finding thcmfelves to be fo much at liberty , and new come out of bondage) ready to take an imprcf- lions, and robe call into any mould that - ath but the appearance ofa firiéhrr way. And we found that many of theft mitts that had gathered about .us, or were rather call: upon our perfons in our ah -» ‘ fencc,began by ourprelcncc againc, and the blef-e ling of God upon us, in a great mcafurc to {carter and vanilla, without {peaking a word for our fclves M or Caufet ‘ I But V 25) A o utthrough the gérage of Chrifti, Aojm: fpirjtsl am and have been fo remote from fuch difpofitionsfizi " 4 ayomcs,‘ that on the icontrary we call God and} men tovvimcs our conftant forbearancmithcr topubljfh \ .. our opinions by preaching (although wc had the -» Pulpits free) or no prim: any thing of our iovivnei of otJ11m*sf"ortho vindication of our fclvcs ( although the Iiirofiirswerc mor«:~: free than the Pulpics) or to 216% for our folvos or way; although we have been from tho firfi priovoiikcrdunto allthdieall forts of wayes,both by their common mif-undcr[’;a.ndings~ and mifi» 1“rde1'iy agitation bf this .zIjfemél3r whereof 69% Hoztfw were pleaded ta make us Members» W And. wlmereas our filence upon ail the foremem tieined grounds (for which we know we can never ieie efieeme with good and wife men) hath been by the ill interpretation of foine, imputed either to our corxfczioufneffe ofthe bacincrfle and wea.knefl"e e;>four Caufe, 01: to our unability to maintain what V we aifert in diPEerence from others, or anfwer wimt hZ»1t1’1,b€‘Cfl written by others , wee fln11(with all rimc-iiefiy) eneiy p1‘C‘:fCx‘1tthiStO all mens appreu i”)€i'i§fi0I1S in eenfutatien of it. That what ever the truth and'ju[tnefl'e ofour Caufe may pmveto be, we how {lender our abilities to edefend "it, yet wee pretend at leaflc to II) much wifdome, that wee would never have refervedour {elves for, but m-- ther by an wzayes lmve declined this 7 /mztre, of all ~ OHICI, the mofl: iudicious and fevere, an Afliembly offo mzmy abie,1eamed, and grave Diwines, where» much ofthe piety, wifdome, and learning of two Kingdomes are met in one, honoured and affified with the prefence ofthe Wortbie: of both Haefi: at all debates (as when as they pleafe to vouchfafe E 2." A their (28) their frwzfencc)‘ as am Smga wlmmoml wee would [bring forth ir1m7pl“ubliqu¢ View mslr Tamers (if falfe andlcoluntcrfet) togaclwr with mgr own lolly and wcakneffc : We wwld much rather have chofcn to mac blcen venting them to the multim- tude, apt to! be feduccd, (whlclh we have had thefa tl‘n‘c.*c years opportunity no have done.) But in 3. ccmfciemcious regard had t;0lt~l1€'01‘clc1‘ly and pc;m:c~ able? way of few: hing out tm:hs,and ref*1nim6gthc Cl,1*u1'chcls of Chlriflgwc have ladlvcmturecal our felves uponthis way of God, wifely affumed by the pru-~ dcmcc of the States, Ami ‘therein alfo upon all forts of difadvantages (which vve could not but forcfec) -bothof nwméer, abilities of learn» mg 3 Afltliflfify‘ , the flrcalme 01*’ pméiiqlpe 2"rmr~—« efl 5% Trufiing God both with our {elves and’ his owntruth, ashe fhall be plcafedtoxnaxzage it b us. ymoreover, ifinlall mattcrslof‘.Doc'2‘rim_., we wem not as Orthadvmlin om" judgcmcms as oulrlbmclmrm thcrnfelvcs, wckwould never haw cxpof¢dlux* {elves to this tryall and? hazard 0f difbovcwy in ltllis Ail":-mbly,tlhe mixture Of whofc fpirits, tlm cluiclcw fightcdnes of wllofe judgcmrtnts ( inwnt mough upon us ) and varicv;yof' dcbams abcmt alllfcms of controvcrfilesafoor, in clwfe xzixmsl ofcontrzldiélzion, * arelfuchjas would be fmrelfocm itofind us out if wt A nouriflacdl any: mlionilérs or Serpents of opini» fonslurking in our blames. And if’ W had car.-— ryeditfogls chmzl hitherto fuch ermurs were not zzfarebandlopmto thC“Vi€W and judgement of all, yet fitting’ i can fitting here (un‘lefl“e we wouldbe filen*t,whi“ch We ‘ have not heefn) we would not [mg be bid, But it is fuficiently known that in all points of dafifieu (Which hithertoin the rlevielw and examination of the Armlw ofour Churcih,oriup0niothcr 0¢cc!~afielns have been one thormi in our 'ud ements have g V . 1 3 . « flill conlcurlred with the grcatlefilpart of ourbm thren, neither do‘ We! knowiwhlereinwe have »dif~ fentedi And in matters of Dzfci}>li22e we laére lb ‘fm‘l‘€ from holding up the differencesrhac occur‘? er making the breaches greater or wider, ihzxe We « endetwmir uponi all fuch occafiorns to grant and yeeldw(:1s all may feez:ion,m: eharaéier,then as thoi"e,whoif vveezmznotafliixxne to have been no way furchere1*s ofti1atrefbi*i11::micm A you 1ntend, yet who have been no wuey hix1de1"ers thereof, b1'ciifl:mI3ers,of the publique peace; zmd whoin our judgements about ether p1*efenc work of this agc-3,the reformation of worfllip anti difcipline, do difl"ei*~ as little from the Refim-med Clmreheefi and our Brethren, year. Per leff'e,,then they do from what themfelveswere three yeers pafl,,m: then the A Wiwf M C I A A A e genemllity of this kingdgm from it felfoflate. And withallto confidetus as thofe, whom thete ’ W former times,for many yeers tfuffered even to exilefi T forwhagzthe kingdom it {elf now fuffersin theenmh deamur te cefi Outgflfld who in thefe prefent times, 4 anti fince the change of them, hafve.eneiu1'ed‘(that -yvhiczh to our fpirics is no lefle grievous) the ojppew fieotn and reproach of good metgevento the threat» ning of another banifllmenmnd have been through the grace ef God upen us,the fame men in both 31.-In M the midfl of thefe varieties; Attd fit1e1ly,es thefe that doputfite no other inteteft or defignehut: 3. fuhm fiflance (be it the pooteft and meaneft) in our own land (Where we have and mztydo further fervicewee which is Om‘ birth-«right as we are men) with the enjoyment of'the~0rdinances of Chrifi (which are out portion :15 we are Chriitizms) with the allow- ance ofe iatitude to fame leffer diflercnces with peaceableneffe 3 as net knmving where elfe with fafety, healthgand livelyhoed, tofet out feet mt earth. A V Philip Nye," ‘Z’/10:. Gaodwin, f''' {A far: Burraugbesy Willmm Brz'dge,§% Szfdrm;/7 Sihgpfafi. %FI N IS.