ARTICLES EXHIBITED ) IN I ARLIAMENT_ I AGAINST W I L L I A ARCHBISI-I()P:j V012 CfiANTE‘RBuRY, I640, , %i¥ Sfiéfi Prmtcd in the years 1649 RAKE (1) Ex esUZ‘5"7ieArticles% of the Ceommions‘ ailiemlilecl in Parliament, in main; ; . ’ tenance of-the ziccufation, _ whereby t /YM L017) 9; Arch-Bifh‘op off Canterburyfiandsi‘ ’ charged with high Treafon; ' 7 i Hat -the {aid}!/illi4m'Ldud, Archbi~ ~ ; i I {hop of Canteréurj, hath traiteroufl‘ ‘ labouredto {ubvert the fimdamentaii Lawes and Government; of the: Kin‘ dome, by ‘éivinghis Ma eflie advice private ', and _ at ouncell Tab e, High Commiflion, and in other Iacesfaid, that he would have them oveme by Civi1lLaw_cs, :an.d fi11:_therfaid,i jeeyvould make the proudefli fubjeél: in’ the Kingdome togive way to him 5‘ and bein L roll it was againil Law,‘ «he replied he ‘W<_)‘u1 mak \it.Lavv, and the King mifght at his owne E>1ea{'u're‘ take away without A _aw,__;ind make ft-vvarrantable by Gods ‘Law. -' if 13. go, " - II.‘ His Q59u§S {(3) - a “II. ‘ I-I"i_s_ ccuntenxncihg of Bodkshflz t11eitAi1a5~ thbufs fofthe maintenance of his unlimited -;n‘d,_a,bfolute power, " wherein the power of ' t~he’Pi1r11amerit is denied, and the Biihops 0‘ power pf gPrefacie {ct up; That he t7r:}1ite1-Oufly went about to inter- rupt the Judges by his threatnings,' and other ,. meanes, to :confl:ras'ne- them to give falfe Judgetizentein the cafe of Ship~mpney,gs_.m'1l apjscaré both by .w.rit1'ngs, and ms hand , b ' tefkimony of divers perfons of good wortg; and quality. ~ IV. 0 [> u'.’Th3.t he hath taken bribes, and fold Ju« W¢¢*ifl' the high ~C0mmiIT.on Court, as- Ihrchbihop, and hath not O[1Cl)I—.CQ1‘IjLl“__Cd -Judge! there; but hatfi‘g1I‘o'1b1d]u5x Qusptacestobeoorruptedz ‘ T That he huh endeavoured the encr_oach—- mat of jurifcliétion and in-{tituti0n;Q£‘f‘(:g.. aonsm \!'51ich”ate_- nét finely, untawfull, bu; peejutiibigll to the fubjéfi ; and that he hath- cxercifed his authority very cruelly, both as. a Chzncellatr, 'Co:nrni4Iioner,fg1Tni‘}L1.{ge_.: That he haih fflitefottfly affimed 31 C;1pT- &1tt1poi.ver o_ver_ his Mezjefiiesi fubjeéts, deny- - mg; iC.i;' ~ . (3) ing his‘ p3.~ver of Prelacy as_fI:OfI1.t11_$=, King. That by falfé erronious dofirines, and o- ther-finiflscrwayhes and mamas, hewént about . _to;fub'vertfReIi9,ion eihbliflmad in this King- dotnz, and to Fat up_I}a_p_1{try an:lT{‘up:r"iH‘toi‘4‘ h on _in the Church. -' ~ - ’Th1t‘Byx'undue rne1_n”cs an1'pr1&ig:cs lice oI’1~2thgottc_r‘1 ‘into h‘is‘h€.1n'i/s?fliefp§.ver of ho: ttzinatitxg of 'Minifl:e'i-‘9't'o ?p‘iéit:i‘i'IIf p:oti1o_- tions, ancl hath prefe1'_ve_d‘- hhé fc_ar_1'd;4 lous Mfinifkrs —th<3;reu’ntof, ma h;.t11bp;fcfcr-_ red corrupt. (3hapl;z’i'ns‘ to‘M1jC;Qy. 4 :j ~ 'f’X."‘. ‘ “F ThaiI:'fr'isho*5vné: Mitiifl:e\rs¢‘as ?{eygo‘oal, field; amdoth:ré,5 are notoriQL1(1,§[_CljiI?-aiféaicd no-Reiiagiofif.-~-"5 "L ~ . ’ That hehath; 'endeavourccI to reconcile us to thé Church of ~Rom:,and to that end h,3.tl1 emptoyied '* 2 ‘§_Ie'fi'fit"e" and a. .P;1pift', o and héth moaght'with t1x‘ePop:s .Agcnt_ in iév"eral_l' points-;~ " A . o’ ' % 90- fupp'rcG'c‘ ptcathihg, 'hhé‘I1*9.thhf1‘-' i1‘£snded'divers good men, and bath u{C<111n- wfi1[;[7m'_;Qe5, by Letters, ‘and ot'hc;\:Nif¢, tdosfivet-af¥Bffl<1bpsitof'upprcfl'e‘fhem.’ _ ‘ +;.?r?v->“‘:." " ‘ "” , A3 XI I, That _4 r (4) r — T’ e_ ‘X I I. . R That hee hath traiteroufly endeavoured to Iupprefie the‘ French Religion here a- ’, rmon It us, which is theefame that we are of; andt 1e Dutch’ Church, and to fet’ divifion between them_ and us. XIIL. That he hath traiteroufly endeavoured to H a fist divifion betweene the King, and the {ub- feéts, andhath. gone abouteto brin in Inno- vations into theChurch,; and; hat induced the King to warre with the Scots, and ma- ny upon their death beds to. give towards the tnaintenaglce, of the vvarre; ‘and bath cau- fed the Clergy to give freely towards the fame. And hath brought in many {uperIh°ti- ons and innovations into the,Chu1-ch. of 3. And that he procured, the King to brealée the pacification, whereby to cauie-_a bloody warre betweene the two Kingdomes. . ~ X IV.‘ . ‘ . ‘ . . That to prcferve himfelfe £rQn_1~bei_ng que-F flioned for tlieffe and '_other ’-his traiterousfde-r fignes ,‘ from the'firfl:yeare of his Majefties reigne ‘till now, he hath laboured t.o~fub- vert the rites of Parlia mentary proceedings, and to incenfe his Majefly, againft Parlia- ments. ‘ ~ 1 ‘r Aétions, hce hath traiterOufly'labou_red to '. -' ”” ‘ alienate By an which wads; :Cou1icels;'an§{: an! (5) alienate‘ the hearts of the Kings liege people a from his Majeftyi, to Tet’ divifion betweene them 5 and to mine and deftroy his Majeflzies Kingdornes, ‘for’ which they impeach him of High Treafon againitour" Soveraigne Lord the King,» his Crowne and Dignity. And the: {aid Commons by Proteiiatb onsfaving to themfelves the liberty of exhi— biting at any time hereafter , any other accus! ~ ' fation or impeachment‘ againft thefaid Willi- am Laud Archbiihop of Canterbury, and alfo of replying to the anfwers that he the {aid « Archbifhop {hall make unto the {aid Arti- cles, or to any of-them and of offering es, proofesalfo of the premi orany of them“, or any other impeachment or accufatione that ihallbe‘exhibi'ted bythem, as the caufe .. . ihalhaccording to the courfe of Parliaments require, doe pray that heethe {aid Wifliam \ Laud, ~Ar‘chbi{lao of C-‘arzteréury may bee put fpeedily to an wet for all and every the - Premifl‘es,that‘ fuch ‘proceedings, Examina- tions, Trials and judgements, may _be upon - everyof them had and ufed, asrise agreeable to « ,~ Law and Juftice. 4' 3!NI§' BX 5199 0 L28A7 ov uuouu - oowuou ELL SPC RRE RARE llllllllilllfllllll 8 O1 O-00592693