A OF A A K 1 N CW5 C04 M M 1 :3 M 0 N EH45, (Prfiffiilfffi 10" t3~’i£fi§.;QOxnmzifixiorzmgs 05 the? V Lords; a1416.4 Com1m.d4f§§F‘*40f the Pmriiamexm of A E%A:.:~:s G L A N D, nmtv a,fi1"e;-;°mblt‘1&:a:1‘m.img ¢:h.<:‘3 A ZA“m*5Wiafg'e Txvmty. A’ ,. W ‘ ““M...”‘ ' ,. ’. ‘ TC " :L“”“"T.Tu"/ ‘~7- ,A .2" F "179 . .. qr" , , H ,. ».......v .,r ; A Wt!” M ‘ A K 'nno7;.‘g’u¢gp,swuu:nv-w 3”‘! % {Egg ma-",~=,A;:*' . "A4 7 V “ u '4 ‘ -W&‘»«|“ .. A . , " AM "3"? _‘;_ "$1.1: .3» «£‘~:”v"g‘,§’_‘m'A9‘:.‘-.‘~»v",'*' ‘W:-w ‘ ~ m‘ % WA AA”Px*i§.1Atec3 *;?.t_1‘E1}.fi:Y':(;’f;*‘E7,;2?, 1 ma;,§3.~. ¢4¢4&§£¢¢h&#¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢%¢¢*¢#¢¢¢¢¢¢4§§¢*¢¢¢¢fl “For the uniting a.nd*;:'cconci1ih11g a11jdihff¢L"€11C®$"b¢.-- t:W7ceh uhsinhthe matter [of Religion;g,ndhP1-‘0%gu.,.A hrihiighabieffedPeace,Wearewillingi: h h ‘ Ah ‘ ‘ Haifféehhhhhéhh be M hhtah4’z1;erfi5}¢s af mhm;2»;a~hfqghh I ever M matters cy’Cer:mam”c=-, and that all’ the pg.» ; qmlties ofthe Lamhém2zd~ Cuffamex which enjaynm ‘M A hthiqfl' C er_ema}7i:£ 5&6 fiif1h€na'cZz’.h . ‘ I éi’z?w2ar Ordifldtiafl, A withothrh~t1h*eavhfl?m am’ aawhfirllthefreshyg lehrgzedc/i - and gmvq[fMz7n1]?§rs afthat Diocw". M « V V“ ;; _ w , That the B5/hop heap ht: chm/lhnt }'efi'a’hé.hhL*é hm-epkh A when hhcflmll he requircwlhy I113: 2x¢¢zjcfl t,9”Lt3’t‘m”dfi l~iz'm¢m My _az:"m-«M V fi0fl',5Ai:Zd that if he mt hindred Why the infimziries afaldagc arfich- nq]é,he_prezzch every Sunday mfévmz: Church withih hi; Djaccflh. A That the ordination of Min?/lchrshflmwll he alnmyex in aphhhliqwu A A andfivlemhe manner, mm’ wcryfirzfi‘ I?zasle.s'z2hfcrrvcgl cazaceming the A A figffiaieucie and other qzmli/imtiozas of'th.afi' mm why flmll ; he racei-uh - med into holy OTJCVS3 and the B2g"j7:a}>»/lmll amt maxim’ my mtg haly order: without the approbation and aromfimt offhe: Preshytcri, hr the M 1 ' Major pdrt ofthem. h 71‘ hat camféetent maintenance afsdprawi/ion he eflahlgflsed hy A2? M ofP.éxrlz'ammt tafiich Vicarage: 42: hclahg to Bi/hops, Dawes hmlh A h mu maps/zgzz aazxarsazewm A htcrs, whalhallhhc chefliihy M6 ldrgie of catch Diaéfeflé, “QM hhthmh IL 1:11. IV... V: Chyttrs, 0flf,.q](’fbC Impropriations, um’ according to tihcf A-vhluc af A _ . V tho hé Impropriatiham %qf”thcfcvvcmllpm'/hes. ' g .4 z mt V111. VIII. ge:s~«a7v* Vii‘-4'r4;:g*“a: 3*C¥4r:~'laflSaz;le.¢l§l?"” L A ll T/agitfar flat time tr? come 719 man [9411 $6 caf-461: two Pmflm» V l2*)‘a4:1”ltg§:;z4}dtbefizlingafwe pwiclpegce, mesa I.~~_/ma; ll’ mzflzd 5} A6350] Parliammt mt ofitbc Eflates; afBé/50;”) *D"4”?~‘ and C/zaptersjinfucla manner Mjball ée tiioug/atfit by t/JvclICi,ng: and rm H anflzrqf Parliament,‘ 12zit£m¢t_ At/at all.-g'm4tlia;__¢ qflfizy faid A Zrlluzf the gtnrifdifiiqn iyéycgnfisl lT4l4mwtary,, .l A Matrimmizlly, be fétled infmfiér ‘manner .62!‘ flaallfecm and likénéz;f¢£t&47llli‘ll ;ai?* cm by the King and two Horgjes pfP4rli4ment 3 A or more farlidflffi’ [’?P“ff5;€%3dfifig ofVzfimtiam',m2d' agninfil irizmadqratfc lI~’ccf:~- 13¢ Ecclgfldgfficall Caurtagmzd tbeaéu/es éy liwlozwo‘ Excommum'catiam, and 411 alike;-W4£ufi::inl.t/fiewexcfcfi Ecclzgfia/ficall gturifdiéiiah, irifiac/3~‘7;2al:¢Lnerw‘jba[Z éeugreed upon. by His‘ lllajéfljand bat!» Hzmfes asflwliammt. And if‘-yourl Lordflfips {ball A infiflgupénény lothér th«ihg ; l which you1:Lordfhips {hall think ncccffary frR;cfo1*+ * mation, Wclhallvcry willingly apply» Our fclveslml thecontid~*=ralti0n.thcrc0f- " A gggggggggmgggggggggmgggggsg= mmwmmw§gwmfigmm@@w ' . 5,1 “Ft.-—~'r ‘ ".‘'+.» ‘N *"- ,7 " ' ’ ' J M L W ‘ L figfiwmf WV '6} @ "'5 %$%%$%$$%$%$$g$$$$$$$$ $$$$: A Letterfrom a D1'v1°nein L 0 N D 0 N3 toan HoAnoL1ra.b1cP erfoVn, concerning the A F. 1lxBRInGVETREA'rY.% %% M} Lard, % 9* *~ A +~ xx Shall accordin tom cufcomck ive on no» \\\\ \ ' tics: of the cgiefc gccurremtsg whiih this 7 week hath brought forth 5; Aconfidering that%,» now in time: of T reaty,ycm mm are a lover cf A '_ ‘Peace and Truth, will be Illittlé: impatient to hem: whatis done at Vxévridgc toward the p 4:5 7 joyning ofthnfe tW0 together. To. this .pura- A V . pofe I Wasafraid I {hm-xld have had butlittle to advertifiuforthfi nine firfk dayes produced little; but when the ’ bufineflhcf the Church rcturncd againe,.~a1t1mugI1 there was great; 4 if I W '/ b cf'G$od_;,‘ V A % gag:rdi:;;g,ro.our%Covenannand tq the Civi_11S:ate,whichbeing of a Kingruliiwng in Parlxamemsand d9_mg_wnoth1ng.,but upon ¥t'h€j;ad_V1’C6“ A A and confcnt ofhxs greatCcunfel,1s dxreéfly pr0p§5rtA1onab1t‘: to what is hare eaffered in the Church by the Biihop and his Presbytm-s,’w_Im a11f0' mug be chgjficn bythe Clergic, asour Knights and Burgeffes are by the“»,>Eree%rhol’Vd‘crS. If thifi bi‘ rcfolved 0I1,WE‘. {hall have emr gqod Lord Bifi-hops a%1£ittIc hu mbIert{1enVthey were_.,and ifyou mark, they “muff be {at to Prea‘“<:hiAps A :1 pm but .é€m1;r; A .fAcicVnces[inpeinAt ofceremonicsj, which weregn-e&::‘fo; harc!!where”’ A A tht-rewAerc~~"any1aW*V:tq avow 113 and bmught mffb .mIid1oufly Wham A A A AA tImrcA: wasmnc 3 a.nd—- all our god1y%MimiFtérs%%fi1afmi:ied‘ that Won1*d& nmfnbay ch”: %firi?c%,a%nddifcmuntcnanced; an cl; lcczpt oummf "p gefetmzznts‘ tjhacj w~¢mm, mt. advance the fecczand“ AfartA,‘“a1lf1of V lIS».Ib1flfi§¢d f0r»AfPl1i‘i‘-fiui; ~ A ;ax1s%am;.{ 7Rdundgheads,;aEnd5 when;thcyV‘du;&,A cited,t:c;€‘A4‘cour%tas;*aAné:E: V high m high Eo1f1fnifficm,Abecaufe We Avmfuld 1:1 : fciencér Acmjfarme ktca» thofeAAtrad%1I41z;1tllc"<=m-# V tent himfelfc with a Cure or a Leélure, and takselallllthcl pa»«inc:s :ifor':’a 1 A :plittance,when the fat Pluralifl: had 2 or 3.lhumdred_a year§;\fnrlldming not"hing.But now; theirlfixth Propafition hatlzlfietclxtl t.hem;o1%l‘ Tfrcvm L, zheir] ‘ewilhf P olygamyficl will make every one live ; with his gawxrlx \/ uwlifclaccording‘ to the: Apof’c1es~ rule cf at éc2mzo‘_lmcja _, and lthenw _cl1;;..- l . '3 wife will be: bromghtto love and 1‘€V&renceh£r%hL1sband. A ~ A ; - A Againe yau know how of: ‘we have ram of tghxa Arichcs olflltliecfii» ll {Imps and cathedral} Churches which %c‘mme% in to zl1c:n1;ll;lfbr.dmilng 4-— afnethilng , while thecountrey Clergy” éouldl Mfczzrccxpszy thesis. fink ;I?rui!;s,Tenths,a‘nd S ubfidies, and Live in any :.tnler:xblel‘Ln sum upm A A the remainder, and that in all cha1*gés‘,thclploarl Vficarfibeihg fa" :high A , l A “in thc:King¢ bwblisj hadmwzlzlng t0,thinl;l;aflb1:: h'\0-‘;1zv“h’e-I‘ "naighltlpree ; l A ‘Vl“Clé'f0l«‘.l3l‘t;.f3ld’,V€;IlClj,i32lym‘€l1t5.;,; E:.1t%nm~>yzl:.:;th.::i:.lilfivelétli ,Prm15m{iti”d$r1 A _ jlayaslthat 0:11? thfirlghffl1,QL1ld%r5%;3§3d( lE)¢§1:2:h,ixaEngIai:1d andxmxana; mg "a' gA ad‘ faith {hep _t‘owaj:d;.the command -of all the three r A N. -‘M ; A‘1*1hc:'.“trij~ th is, I heare mngesve themfelves <§b1iged by thé %: ‘%_Cu*é*enV&nt‘%_xvh%§ch wee ha—ve_taken, peat ta lay downs Armes % %.AwitIm11t “mot and branch , the ab1o1ut"e'% abqlxtion cf the tvhgolc ‘ "0_td£?r‘.’.E;.uHL1re' ti-1e]fp8,&c. T V A And 3.. IAAAx;ms1;_1:[””%%az"dde, that “ we meant not%to[takeafway what; "v'§?as‘goado~r1awfulI; butipnély that which W18 Llnlawfull; and griewous; "and many of the Aifembly in expm1ndAingthc Cava- nanrtd their people , tcsld the-In thatxt was «net againfl: a= medege mzeor 1Vimite:iPr%efidencieor Epifcopacia, (wherein, Pz:e‘sby-- taxis fhould have jeyntfiziciall pawer) but ancjly againfi the {wig 7 ‘tyrufinica11Anti”‘chrif£ian pwwer Qffiifheaps, arc. %To‘£l'1riftAmy~felF€ tefyw; fcaingwe ~haveg’enera{1Iy1*¥:0hé-:~‘ A féfififiat it%Tis%.n%mt1aWfu11w fight far Religicm, cfpezcially fm: fa fliglufssa part czsfit, as t{hc(3mre%rnm¢n%t :35 the Qhurch, fl;-mulwfl mat bcable mo Rand to am principles, jif wee fl1ou1d:A%Vbreak Trmty *fi3r peace upon theiir-tear1iiAEs%, afi’dfa;1lA1&tdflghtifigfigairi; 7 A *whi"¢Ah ycm ‘3§noW7W¢profeHe to,~%%d'ee,on‘@1 y% énfl1_at9§%her“gi'durMA 9;? no; my defetiding theT'!Privi1edges of paxliamént ahatnac:,m[ A A V1ega11pe3werof_theirsczifbriaiging Delinquents tocondigne piu-% A nifhmémt 3% flfid lfthey be oppafcid in‘ it_,of raifingfv the Page rag-xii A A %% i V f lorthatwrpofe.“ % AA ~A A A ‘ V % “ I have kept you to Iongin this difceurfe, the conAc1ufiem ‘ whef€Ii.s.f‘.fh;_aI1t:a4e willing to give you {me reward far youripa. . tiencebf a111_thistroub1e,bytelling'you what I he%are;th»at~though 3; « V thefe Propofitions be nogyet accepted, yet if the twa %;m:h¢gbu.. ' ; AV A 1 fineflés can be compofed 1n the other fix dayes,thé:re‘wi11be twca" % ” aayes of the twenty left 5 and inthcm, ifnm morawi11bc%%y.eel-A _ % dcd--to, thefe thatare at-1’ered£hal1,be‘acccpted, which may pm; A dame a happy Peace. For Whijch~ thaw: may be re Grads glory, » and thefatisfaé’ci@n%eFaI1cur ccmfciences,i:hat»% we havefincerely M t A done our duties, jsthe prayer at’ V. T:mr4Lam'\ is A ” "Ecb.17“. A . A V% %’% ‘A ' c;nmu:gx¢R¢gc.« COmmif;. pi-oi1>Aa.r1» ml Lem-1 M4rqz.p£¢af7Hertj§;ra’ * M “ ‘Earle of A’arfégg§?$E§il}t}¢d¢ _Em-la 52f i * E. afsaa:/mmgzo». ~ “'1 ¢ AE.ofKmg$_?o;;’. A “ Lam! Culp%ep4&rL A A I E.»0fClriMq{?er;J V I A A 279: Lord cap:lZ.,A A ’ ¢ Larfi %Se}'maum ~ ‘ Lardflamm. Sir Zlzvdrd 1\?'iclmz’Qz5. _%Sir Edzwrdflidr. % A A A Six Riabard L:mAa.V SirATEa.+¥GArdirder.. Sir Orlando Bridgemaie. % M4/Tar {fa/m A/Mzurnimm. ‘ M. fefieryfalmcfr. % A pao?grszawzyd. 1 ‘“ gm: gf5a!x':fA4AAA;yzry 2 EM M _ A A ‘A ALam’Wem*mm. f A LMa§[1‘er Hoiltk. _ % Mfififler Peirpoim. ¢ Sir Hgmgy Vgws jump ‘ A Maflcrcrew. A A A A M4/fer I/V.%z'z[omé.4 * My/fer Saint 5c'a5;z.c;7' .2\1j4fi'cr"PrMeazzxf.., A& “ ‘ LordLmda:4. " Mafler Dmzdm.V " ”“ A Maflcr Braxckley.‘ MeWH=”a’vrfim~ A Sir Charles Er.rl:i§%?.”~%% A