BuTLE f}: R m, 1,1 '.7 F b R M To be 1.1de on “ Wedne/dqy the Fifth day 09 71mg 11EiWe befeech, thee to hear us, good Lord. , fithat it map gleam thee to fuceuur, help, out tam, fast at! that are m hanger, necemtp, arm trtbulatttm ; .We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord- .. what .ttmap pleafe thee to pzefetne all thattmfiel hp 1mm 02 hp mater, all women labouring of shun, all tick perfume mm young thtlhzen, ant: to memthy pity upon all pztfonetfi am: captthefi ; 'We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord .. i What lttnap pleafe thee, to Defeat! am] mama: to: t- .8 fatherlew thumen aha mmumfi, am: all that are he o.= . . late ant: oggzefren; . ~ . e bef‘eech thee to hear us, good Lord. . $1.1m It may pleare thee to have may upon an 3 ' I We befeech thee to hear no, good Lord. ‘ what it may pleafe thee to mums our enemieggee- fetutozemnn aanmermnntntntnthetx hearth;- :4 ‘ Webefeech thee to hear us, good Lord, . ‘ What it may nleafe thee to mm: mm pzel‘erhe‘td out: are the whale fruits of the earth, to as: (a one time we may Bfllflpthem; .. T"i' ‘ We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord; ' - @hattt may pleafe thee to, give we true teneutahte, '0 fogging m3 all nurflnemeghgencee mm (gnozancen, mm to wane us with the grace oft-hp holy man, to amen!) um: {mes meaning to thy help mm; \ ‘ ~Wc befcech thee to hear 118, good Lord. - $011 or @311 zine befeeth thee to hear he. ' ' ‘ Son of God:we befeech thee to hear us. @ Lamb of @011: that taken away the fins af'thc mafia; . Gra'nt us thy peace. .fl) Lamhet’ @5011: that takefl away theme of the noun; » Have mercy llpOn ’u's.’ ‘ 9 mar; heat he. ‘ , Q Chrift, hearus. - tow. A Forhi of Prayer ' ' - lolb,ba'bemebwbmnue.v » ‘ ' ‘ ' Lord, havemercy Upon us ' “a Q;b}m, gabed mac-p were he. ' Chrifl', have mercy typo!) us. .- . 11.6213, babe metal was: ue. Lord; haife hietqlip‘oh us.- me father mbicbamn ipeaben I’ltoln’etbet . flame. ’thy magma 1e southpaw Mb in!!! 33 have in web, ‘39 it is in 19238214. @112 be we be? our Daily bleep mm famine be on: “gramme-e fngtbe tbemtbm meme 8333M: be 3311b lean ufi net into temptation 5 my: name: as team ebjl amen. e P a {16 in) 11,020, beanie: mtebwatet bee ebb; Antiwar. mime; return a: may; but tniqmtzee, 3b, m eetEdi be fab "New 53: “be enema 3m meta: 132mm {meme new wee amine: mum t m'eh'fbebet tbe‘p JIIIJIJZeszuéi, dub muffin £13333? {1&4 fl! . that were CH $9.3 6 9 WW oftm 93’ $333 am as be mean bought t e mnemest‘tbvgbbbmbi tbeymben nu‘; batten, wait mewmmfe, being hurt. beau barre: muons, may wattage gibe theme um thee m to]; bob) @0th tbzaubb 32m $92.“! amt 1&3. _ ~ 0 Lord help ug, and chVGI; us foethy Names {aim 93 @011: mil babe beach mm mm. mm our few there be be beclaten was be. {be rabble We that _. .. .A—fig-‘a than bibft tn tbete nape, mm in tbe am time being: ‘ mm. 0 Lord arif‘e, hdp us and dclwqr us for thine honour. @towbctotbe irat’bcr, aantbeW . mmmbb'e $90!? 0500!}; ‘ Anfw ct. . 4 i ~ .A..Form of Prayer. *‘ ' . ’ ~ Anfwer. ‘_ , ' " * 9:3“maaintbe'bemnningno nomgannemrfllaflbe: :Inogm mtwont eno. amen. ' _ ‘ _ mom on: enemies Defeno as, 9D «Inna. _ - 3‘ . .Gracioufly look Upon our affliétions. piflfullvheboln we [assume of our motto. ' g .' . Mercifully forgive thcffins ofthy people. ...!Fabouramp mm] mercy beat; our lawyers; . - _' . 0 Son of David, have. mercy Upon us. ‘ fiBogbnom arm that noucbfnfe to beat: u§,®¢bzttf‘ ~ Gracxoilfly hear us, '0 Chrifi ; gracioufly hear us, 0 Lord Chriflo . - ' . " ~ . ' _ 4 , ; Pr-ieft. _ , _' fl) lander-t1)? mercy be women upon us. . ' ‘ Anfwcr - A ‘ , 35m no out our mat mum. ‘ - ‘ ' - . ems may. _.. . T Wfi,bun1hlpi‘hef%ztb page, mifatbet, mercifully ‘ -' ' to look upon out tnfitmitteo 5, am fog the gin: m rp of; flame, turn from us an more 2mm that me moat antenna? have heathen ;> ono grant that man om: troubles we map out our mnole twn anoconfi; Benton! tbp meow, ano enormoze term thee In [Join nan anu pnrenzfo of lining, to top bonom: ano glow, ' tbzougbouc onmwomatou; onn annotate, 312mg . mutant-Mm. Amen... .' lnflgbtrmmeberlafling «Eon, mbo {melt notbtnrt, -- that than {you mane, ano ooft foggmz the lino of fitment that one pennant; Qtteooe ano make mug . - mm mm sonmte hearts, (not too moztbnptamenting . om: finsyanoacknomleogmg outmctcbeunefo, may“ . obtmn oftbee, the mo ofau mercy, pcpfea: remtmon, out. fozgtnznefo, wzougb 31mm @0211: on: logo. l i623; mama tbee nnotcifnnp my ounmopors’,‘ ‘ am! more all more who confefo their fino unto 4 SW: that. they whole, confciet‘ulczez by fin arenccnregfi ,‘q 'o\ ! i A Form 0? Mayer; bptby merciful patnou limp be abfolhen, tb‘zuugbfibztfi nut-EmmAms-n. . ' __ y. . ' spell mlgtjw eventual! metclfumatber, “tuba ball 0 companion upon all mm, mm ljatefi ltotbtttcltljat than , ball mane, who mouluelt not the beat!) 13? a fit!- mr, but that ljeflmuln tatbec turn from me, an, emu be fatten; QEetCIfullp fozmne net-um: teefpafl'efi ; F85 celbe mm camfagt us, tuba are gttehen nun-weanen . mltbtbe bllttbfllflfflut film. Wop pg erupts always \ to have mercy; to thee only it appetm netmo famine ling. ' agate 1w toetefaze', gum £0th {Date my pen: ple mbom thou ball reneemengenter not into magnum mttbtnp letbnntfi, mbqate ntleeattb, attumtletahle flutters; but to turn tome auger from us, tubu‘meekv w aekltamlenge out btlenefn, am: truly repent us of nurtattlts; mm [a makelmlt to belt) us ttt tljtfi mean, that me my ebec [the tutti) thee in the mogul to come, (mung 312mg QEDthf out-Low. Amen. r 1 Then all the pc¢plc fit? this that follchth after the M'mlftc'f. 1‘ film than an 9D Boon L020, mm la lballlne be ;- turneu. 152 abournute, 91.030, be favourable to thy pegple, mbowtu'tu wee m meeptng, mamas nun magma.- ' fozmottmt n merciful @011, (all. at ’ compamou, lultg=rtcfiettnlla mm of greatpltp. 72mm; fparell when we neleebe pumfbment, mm m toy tnzatl; totalkelt upon mercy. Spare my people. 300111.030 [pare them, ant: let not tome berltage be bgougbt t mutation; beat: as, 6) Low, fa: toy metcp t5” great, ants after the multttune of tap metclm look upon 1m, tlpougl) the merits mm mentattou at tap blelt‘en 8011, 3mm Mum out mu. Amen. . " . 1 A Prayer for all the Reformed Churches. - Owen the father, of mettlen, who of we Steal; gmnnet‘e ball lmtteaun tutu tbemplttcat hang of cum (that m but quarto) meals ltulng memheefi- weceaf, mourning unto £02m that mum", mm relays, (mg tutti) them that retoyte, no how mel’ent out: Slime vlttattons mm lawyers at tbe¢0t0ue of mate, maul? a m ~— ‘vwm— —~ _,_.__.~.,__ —_—. A Form of Prayer; half of all the Refogmeo QEhhtchee, o’e‘lfeeehing. thee tolook oomnmithau eye ot‘metep auo pity,‘ upon the loo auomoutntul ettate of lath of them whom thou: halt Delineteo one: to the hanofi of l‘upetllt‘tt'o'uo'anh mercilefemm,‘ who have compell’o to many of‘ them to’ncfilc'themleloefi with their Sloolattoufi mozmw; firetchout thy Sltm agamll thofe oetettful a'uo moon? . men, (offer. them not ltt'll to triumph over thy {Devl- tageg - minionhdlfizo, [hall thp anger ham to; ever! mom Ionhmllt thou fogget» thy people , that pgayeth! 51th let the cry of the 'IBImo of-thp fimmtganothe fiahmg of the-Wloaete, tome befoze thee .! Denney thou tholethataee a5 fiheep appohtteo fog the aauhlp tee. {beat no, 913 than, to; thl’ mercy’e fake, analog BDFJJDllDIW oftb? meat flame. {Elton thy @aufe ‘ mzththem that hlafpheme the (Math film perm-ate thy 159:: ohl-eI,that~-l‘o all men may lay, (Hemp there (some: that tuogeth tn the QEatth, - purge all thy QEhutthefi team then: mean, am: make them meet to; a glogloufi Bellberaamthat to all the motto may fee the ganja. . non of out @oo; ano that though 08, blues: his face ftoat hilJ‘IPeople fog a leafon, yet he wall not call them (iffuttet'lh. ‘ 0.52am that‘thp true Religion-may to fine, aotohetomethe Eloy of the whole Qfattl), mm we all antithztman moolatth, @upetmttoa, auo. ¢tueltlz, being call out of thp home, all-that name ge flame of 4mm, may Depart ttom tmquttp, ann alk wozthpotthelt hol-p moteffion, that the magnum (tr-thy oea't fien may tomeqmeklp ;. onto that allhrg enemltghelnhmaoe hlo footsftool, he who Isthe Logo of Lowe, ano math of image, my man to all the enooof themtth: fflio whom, mtththee, fl) father, * mm the lmlpdfiholt, be all honour alto glow lozenge- , 311038. A'men, ' . ' ‘ ‘ “ ' ' ‘ 5 APrayet of St. 'Clyrjfofiom .‘ ’ " Almighty than, wbohall much as mm at this . . tube tnlth. one ocean: to make out common lap: plttatlomo unto thee, alto ooflgzomtfe, that 19‘ng ‘. ’ z _ A Form of Prayer. tine a; mm are gatheten together tn thp Jame; thou mitt grantthett teqttette; fulfil new, m 1030,. the nefitee mm lBettttone'uf thy fetnantfi, as map be mutt expeutent to: them ; granting us in this mane huntelcnee 0w)? truth, mm mm megw to come We eheelatttng. Amen, ' ' ' 2 Cor. 1 . x4. . . ' ' The grace of our Loan Retina chztft, film the lane of @011, at!!! “)2 fellomflyp ofthe $01? @bufi he with m3 at! enetmoze, Arum - . . -. The Cbtnmunion’Service. 5,111: Prief’t ‘ eauding at the Notth-fidc of the Lords Table {hall fay, * - . at father which art in heaven gmallomen be thy meme. Eh? magnum tome. (Eh? mm be none in earth, as» It 15 in heaven. Ewe nethtfi nap out: map bzeam aun. famine us our ttefpaa‘cfi, as me famine them that recreate enema us. at!!! lean tat?1 ltetgt tutu temptation a 08m helmet mi from emf. Aimightp actuate whom all matte he Open, all . _ Defltcfi known, ann ftam whom 119 aerate ate. hm; tleanfe the thoughts of out hearts by the mfpts mum of thphoty 29mm, that me map perfectly lope thee, mm mozthtw magmfie thy but! meme, thzough «them on: Low. Amen. ‘ .- . ' - m In th retn'hghimnrw, I to m neensnma ame' thy Gun: (than alt base none other guns but 3112. People. I ' Lord have mercy upon'us, and incline our hearts to keep this Law. , Minifler. ' ‘ " ' fithuumatt-nnt make tq the felt an maven image. no: the 1132mm ofenp chum that me a heaven about, u \ ‘- .mméflu .' 154,—.— m; 02’ h A Form of Prayer. ‘ oz in the earth beneath, a: in the mater amber the earth. fithau [halt not {how Dawn to them, no; magma: them t to; 3] the logo thp 60!! am a Jealuufi Eon, ann htfit‘ the fine oft—he fathereiupmt the thtlnzen. unto the than arm fourth generatmu at them that hate me, nan them merry unto thoutanhs or them that tone me, ann keep my tummaunmenm. . _ ., :People. .. . Lord have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law. - Minifter. @huu thalt not take the. flame at the Logo thpman in hat-u: to: the new my“ not hath him gutlttefs that taheth hie flame m 11am. '- . ' . People. ‘ ‘ ' ._ Lord have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this Law. Minifler. t» Remember that than keep how the fiahbathhar; Sn: B0115 than than labour ann noun-that thou‘hatt to Do, but the t'ebenth nap t9 thefiahbath at the ma p mo. 31:: ttthott than no no manner of mark, . uu,.ann thy mn,annthp naughtetnh mansferuant, anothp mattrfertaant, the tattet, ann e manner that is mtthm thp gates. fa: tn fir nape the “mug n , heaven an!) earth, the tea arm at! that tn 3; retteh the tehenth nap: mhereftue the 102 bit e amath nay, arm hexagraml rt. cop e. ' Lord have mercy upon us, and incline our beam to keg twink“ rm? f ther 5:32;); mount that try? hard anon: a a . - . ~ may he tong m the lanb mbtththe Luzfithp our math that. ' O PCOP‘C. Lord have mercy Upon us, 'and incline our hearts to keep this Law. . ' Minil’te‘r. . than (halt no no murther. ' , - People. '11)“! have mercy Upon us, and incline our 11th to keep ‘1’“: 1M- . Mini; A Form of Prayer. . ' Minifler. . ’ ' €an Inalt IInI InnnnI‘I nnnIIeII’. People ‘ ' , Lord bane meIcy Upon us, and incline our hearts tn keep this Law. ' Mnifle'r. " @nnn II) III not Item; ' - People. . Lord have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts t9 keep this Law ' ‘ Minili‘ei. 1 _ ‘ finnn InaIt not Dent faIIe InIIneIn agaIIIII In}? IIeIgIJ hour. - Peeple. Lord have mercy upon us, and incline Our hearts t9 keep this Law ‘ ' Minifter. ' ,- ann 111le not Inner In? ncInnnnnrn nnnIe, tnnn malt IIIII Inner- InnnjeIgnnnIns InIfe, no; me IeInaItt, no; Inn IIIaIanIog In: or, no; big are, nng any InIII‘Ig. IDIII'IB blfi People. Lord have mercy upon us, and Write all tb’e’e thg Laws In on: hearts, we befeech Ibee . ILEI In: may. ‘ A lfigge film, @011, mnnfz kingnnm in enerlam’ns IIIIII II Infinite , {Dane Inmp upon the mnlzn mnttdj, mm In rumne rte" of III» Innfen (“name . WiIIia In ann Wanna, that the? (”mummy M) éyfibtntfie Irena} Depatz ) may auntie at! wings reek fl)? nonnnr nnn nlnzy, ant! Inat me win gII IIIII'I autumn (Duly confinermn Innnre amen tbsp bane ) may faIIbIan IIIIJ‘I, nonaut anti Dunn b1 aneptbem, Intneemn'n In; time, nIcnInIIIn‘ In ' en mow IIIIII mummy Iozonm J 312 mm min: nut that— mm the not? anon, new {HID IzInIIeIII e112; pne £50,0-, mono IIII‘IIIIIIII Inn. Amen O @011 am: refuge nun utenntn, Innate name: no QEccaIuceIs IIIJIe Inrttirmnna teach (I III: nannn to (mac, nnn nut finneIe to fight, ann mtg}: InI mm the Ipnzte any (Emmet In In JI‘IIIII nzenaren aIIIIII Inc ' ap‘nf Batter; Defenn ne Ine neIechj- Inez gInII'II In, ‘ ' A Fdrm of Prayer. gmmbt!’ Father, mm gfahe‘ufi- and) thy mxt‘metcheh :arn1,.that our-,jfiugcw may he, pgeferhenfinh became , :aiaflzlflllfi by $811 {HID lLfiHU,’ 811213111028 [erbium (m: her his 251030155 ”banner whom the Logo cum-a5, @on 111:!ch fog than Amen. ‘ ,. . _ O ahafi magmas nun graciuuss Q5011, ibhhfe. 311mm mwwagmhfl ohmuate offenners are mail when: nun terrible,‘ leut when 9‘92:ch are infinite. to all them that with henttleepentnhce mm true faith tumuutotheeg We thejfinful lpeuple‘nfthts than, ' Du acktiumlenge hefuge thee, hath? {£1,021}: mm an; aim; lhame, that helm: any flatten huh firmer: eppgrtg ence of thy Euunnemmuwhet mu rummage unthankg muhahufe It. What. than [mum ufi-grenmnnmng Eminent» me like Jefurun thatzttfatknnn kicker: Immif thee ; when thou molt thzqfl ufi tam-there 12120;:wa lions, out of which mflam little hopes: of wiring, even mlthz time pf‘that'mflrefs’ tum me me at}; yet mag'é agaumheegx When by miracles of me 'cythuu habit thcn’o- out fiaptxmty, fine, fauu faggot thee nut-3a,: mom, mm returnfh again to our fully; mm emu {quite than hafl’ut‘ late appearen fog ufi, hpnelwetmgug gut; awn harms of out: {mplacamtz (Enemies fiche-13mm match, the have by our fins been fighting. :13}ngth heaven mmagatnft thee; mm mm the at n9. ‘ .3: muzzthp to be cal ten thp $9415 a; thy 6mm: {5,1111%} ushtheptbP-«feac ha I) lumen .taaxgpensangcxuo mammal! to it. twenty-m @onhmakeuu -,g_}_;; mum-us a holy-Decals uni)? mmamzntgm' Ems: fehfaof our mamfom anu repeater: lehomtfnhfig pacnqn1thz, great uffenczg - of mi thy [ethnntm an the} crying rum ufthe whore mutton, remove the e (m me am 112 maps, mam thufemg have luff cantata feat; ant hommw'er than mma think fit; to 01:92:20: as fog um: firm, :pet‘ aches: Denim: ufi up mm thfiljflnflfihflf theta men whore mercigg are true-l"; hum: gutthg a4 hunhant-hiefl‘mgs- upon our: 62mm .11ng huh ‘ a Queen; -w“ - A Form of Prayer. Queen, ann Meir great (launch new anemhien in warliament, keen them as the apple of thy epe, nine them miner the [helium of t p triage, Direct ant: blew them in all their QEoufultat one. Slab maze Detritus larip me nun) pzoitrate our [elites het‘uze thee to impinge thy bl 5 upon thie their great unnertahing fog the net dry Defence of thy people; @u fogth intro their fleete an!) armies, tolunaie them with the fa: hour as with a %hielu, let it annear that thou the 11.02!) our ®oh art with us to help he, aim to fight our user: tels; bleie us with illidogh aun %utrel‘5, nun in my own goon time init tiurha weate as may teun to the Empathy great arm, can the {meterhatiun of thy hutch aun true Religion among us, the honour emu Gareth ufflheirsmiefliee, mm the security, {Beate ann fifperitp of there iRillflflfllflfi; all inhi h the mug in th he flame annr :Iulxh the @en tiult nt‘thp on eiue' ¢hzili our @auiour. Amen. . For tthpifilc,Dmt. 20 v.1.tov 5 Wu thou huefi out to battel agaluli thine m.- mire, turn Rea bfllfefia ann thofariute, aura a new 1118 homih‘pigta wit é‘fié‘ftfihffimug‘g‘mem’ run 53% a nun of em tat. emu it mall be inheu ye are some nigh hunto tgbattel, that the mlelt (hell up: a; oathmln Wipe“ unto the people, elm {hell (up suits flirted, you appzuath this minute $53 again “it your ennuiee: ie’t nor pour hearts turner mmnotrremblemeitherhehe terti. mum ofthzm e L020 pour 00b 15 be that mithmu, to eht «nonmetal! your eut- miefi, to ave M. Tthoiixl, St. Math. 24th} torn-t4. ems tam unto his bunnies, mac been that no? man Deteiue you. fez them: than tome in me name, theme, 3 am Weill: nun mall aeteihe Maui} A. Form of Prayer. one he that! heat of mate, ono mmoze of more: fee that he he not troubleo :, to; all there thtnho mun come to hate, but the em: to not yet. fog nonon than are, againn nation, ono hingoom ohatnh Rangoon” ono thete that! he fommee, ano pehnenteo, onoeatthe qnakeo t n others Mateo. on there are the hemnntng of fogtoioo. When that! they helmet you up to he of- flta‘eo, ano than in" you: ono pe than he hateo ofalt nations to; my namesfoke. emu then that! many he ofl'enoeo, ano [hall betray on'eonothet, onto that! hate one another. ant! many fotfe mopheto than ttfe, anu thou oetethe many. ano hetonfe tnnnnth thou ohonuo, the loheof manpthall too): tolo. ‘But he that that! en: Date unto the eno, the fame lhou he fatten. mitehe in one mothe father almighty, woken: ot 313%?an ano earth, one of all thtnho moon: ono in-‘ . e : ' . . . » 3111! in one tom :het‘na QLhztft, the only begotten gun ot‘fioonsegotten othtojFathet hefoze all .moztoo, coon arena, Light of Light, (Heep @011 of netpifioo, OBegotte-n, not mane, QBetng of one [nhflante nnth the father, 15p tnhotn on thtnho mete mane: Who to; no men, ano fog one folhatton, tame onion from hen: hen, out: was tntatnote hp the holy @hoh of the am. . It! @arp, flno moo mane tnan, ammo truttfieo at: 'o to; no unoetipontius tenate. me rofl'eteo ano moo batten, mm the t no new he tore agatn otcozoing to the Qtttptnteo, no oftenoeo into - heaven, ano fit- tethon the tight hang: of the father. am: he that! come a om totth gimp to gauge both the quick mm the Dean: hofe hingoom that! have no eno. yflno 31 believe in the hot? @hooflhe iLozo ano given of Me, Who pzoteeoeth team the father anothe soon, Who tmth thefathet out! the %on together 15 mag: finance ano amnion, (aha foahe hp the ozopheto. ano 31 betteoe one Eatholttk ano announce (thatch, 33 otknomteoge one hoopnfm to; the temnhon of line, 2111!! 3‘ tooktozthe Befutteaton of the Dean, ano the his eithetnozlo to come. Amen. ’ D 1 Then ‘w’ * "rsr-z-r. w“. "‘7' ‘ 'V'vr W_,,_r g,_, . —-,..—-_v—.-——"" I‘l‘ -,,L - A Form of Prayer; 3 Tncn followeth' the Sermon; an’d after thattflié11~ine'féid,' s. Marv. iLet your light fa mine before men; that -.th)eP1-m;av. 16. (ea yagr ggagu wastes; mm ’gloggtfieyuut ffitmmblw .. mm en 2. .' ' ' , (31]. mo. , g5 me name therefore nppogttmieyfi’et us no 3thth :11ng entertain) unto them tube are- of we gunman 12; gm mat!“ to; the whole Rate. $.63th g QEbureb' militant herein earth. . 'x g “ g » Almighty an‘a enertr'm'ng @011, tuba (an em: you: a: rattle butt taught us to make wagers ,mm' fetus pittatt011§,ntttl to [one thanks for all men ; We Hum: If there hip bzfgetb thee mutt metct’fulip [to acc’Ept our alms and PIC "0 leations, and] t0 {BRIDE ”fife our ”WWW: mbtrb. 2,525." we ther ttrttgtbi) mums 919mm! . hefeecbtugtbee eg- one, [hm ugtprre mntmuaflytbermmerfal @burcb .mttutbe Sprig {hall the [It of truth, unity, ant! macaw t mm grant tbat all; “11rd? [of me» that no confers- thntpfletmamap agree tntbe 355(55in truth oE-gtbyboly mm, am: “he in unity anti gum-y ,',,_g‘;,gf,g, lobe, car-ghefeeebtbee-alfo to rave arm Defeat; alt How} he Gamma" lungs, 113ma mm governoum; ant: ewe.» M: .UUC “any [1) [unsung W1 LLI A M will MARY our unmd. Mg qrev may, «taut unner ‘taem mental: be [room - manqutetly gouemen: emu grant, unto tbetr Inhale (tanned, mm to all that are put m autbogttptumer them, that tbep may truly nun mmfferenttp warmer 1ttfltce,tfl tbepumfljmentufmickeunetamanure,mew to [31.8, matatenmrrenf tbpvtruc, ratmmrunu‘umtte. mm: grace, ED heavenly father, eafntt’zfitmfieyatw (I umregtwat they am but!) up tbetrltfe, amgwdtme ‘ 1' rt (egg!) tgbp true ann~lfbetp mam, nun new» mm 112:: w astutmfier tby 1)on @acramenm rim!!! to alt rm: 113:0th glue tbpbeauenwgmce‘; mm efpeetaflgm this-iv cmngeegattmt bete mercury that mttb‘mewbeattmm Due rprgreuee, they map 213th Marmara If)? on!!!" (30.30, trul’y t‘etmuu toee tttcoltuefs'anu ttgbtwuf: , ' - '- ' .ue ’ W " "”""' ‘ "' 'W‘WWT‘WT“ " ' A Form of Prayer; nern on-emoopeoe their info. - {inn we more nnnthtg nefeeeb rim of toy guoonefo, ED logo, to eontfogtnno fnceonr all tnetnmnotn was tronfi'togy {item-em tron: we, tannin, new, ficnnefo, oz-rnny otnee numeracy. ant: monomers ti}? UMP flame: fog on toy fernonw‘: oepaeten EDIE {tie in t1)? fan!) out; tent. ; be [coming (088; to gtne n5 grace to to follow tnetr noon examplemtljoe mitt) them we nmybenntmnew om)? nennetnp 1mm} " Dom. @gant ting, SDJFotUers fog 32mg QEDgtftfi t’nae,‘ out out? QEemntontnunannotate. -P§m¢"-.. ; ,o .4 O @011 the father of our logo 338F653 dioxin one onto, . . fiafitomgtne {agtneeof {genome-on Down in unten— ' prep anti ,compomon upon two Q1: bur-t!) anew-anon” new {eekmfiflnto thee tnfiafltng nn/n‘nazayer‘mtt up, Inenegfeecbgbee, every [out among us, to cntt foul) we ,. mnr‘fioztptqgféo mat outshone boners attmtoe, mm » ammonia ,. etnefomu nmutt'pgentotte onn (ante - lore Jealonfie, a}! batten, ann mouse, ann neftte of re— ' Henge, into mnatt‘aenet Inn? btnnec no. from Difeeuv tng tnefinngo that belongnnta one pence. ant] by the power oftbp nolp @pmt notnon Inmate on one hearts to {net} tneettnefo of mxtootn , loinnneto of nnnomottenee, gentlenefo, ano tong-running, ano fogtteaeance of one another tn lone. ann fact) manual: anu Reverence of were. 1.011301 wattnnnttet once-no; ~ nonemmeo'tne stone of names, that to the @on of {Be-ace may be mtttjno. come no mote, e3 11.029, [3: rtouflp to tnpto heart toe gee-at Bangers me are an by- ont unbatllJP Dmtfiano ,nnn tne great @bltnatmno which lie upon no to gontpflinton nnn @ontnznz mm no to? to but one 9500;), out: one 937mm, nnu one Eqne one atoning, one new, one mun, one 75m]: ttfm, ne QDoo mm flower of no alt; [a we may hence. togtn be’ouof one {neart mm of-one gaunt, nnnen in 02191391? 150nm of (Erato nnupeace, of from) nno' (money, out: map with one mm: mm one month ma: rtfi': tom £3 flogo; who mg) £027 jfatner onD Duly $19!: Z l'li', A Form of Prayer. tit, now an}: wgqefi, one 6011, too!!! Wtbout mo. Amcn. inflow 60o. tuba om momtt‘eoto bear to: pett: trons oftbem that ask to top 90:15 flame; ,w: meet!) this mercifullp to mclmc tbme ears to us that have moot nom out ozopets ono {applications unto um, arm grant that tbofe tbtn gt match me hoot faith- tuup asken actozomg to thy tu. mop strenuous» he obtatttw, to the :2le of out neteflm’a mm to the m:- ilyfl fat!!! of ID? 8102?,tbzwui) 312m ammo out Logo. men. . S Then the Pricft ( or Bifhop, ifhc be orcfcnt) [hall Icttbcm dgpatt with this Blefling. ' ~ E): peace of Eon mutt!) pafl'etb all unoctaanotng, - been your hearts out: mums in tbe anointezvge mm tone of @on. non ofbto Son 312m @bztfi'outlozo‘t Sun the mm of aon almighty, the father, the son, ago the at? Guam-oz amongfi- you, any to- mom with you aim”. Alma. b ' The ‘ .1 The Order for Evening. Prayer; L‘_ 1 Let him that mini‘flreth toad with a loud voice there Scnt‘tna‘» ccs of Scri pturc, and after them the Exhortation following. K _ amen no, o Logo, but mitbinog‘ ., / ment;nottntbtne nonetzteofttbou ‘ .é‘, t * ,' amigos to nothing. ‘ ‘ t 50 out «Eon. entltne thine eat out . I ‘ . 4 a. . . :\, ~ foz‘toe no not mefent out Empputas ,. ' W ttono unto thee fozont tighteonrnef: ‘ - fee, but foz top ntent mercies. 4) narrow, £3 Logo famine, ED Logo seamen, out: no, nnn he at not fog thine own take, mm to; to? people that are touch by to? flame. us in amino: plates, to ntknotnteone ano can: try one mantra-Lo fins ann mickeonefe, nnn t at we to not mfl‘emole no; cloak them befozetbe are of [more mo our heavenly father, buttonfe [5 them ton on bumble, lowly, penttent, ann obcotentbeott, tot e enunat toe may obtain fozgtoenefs of the fame, by me infinite noooners our: motto. ant: although we .fludght at all times humbly to athnololebge out ting J1 012. than, get ought toe molt (9125,? to to no, when we attenuate ano meet together, to ozone: wonky to; £02 teathenefitfi that me have memo at me Danae, t0 8t tam: bis mot! woztop pantie, to beat on: 21515 pQEatlp belooen ozetbzen, the zactiptute mooetb 139m}; 092” thine 21789: film [180010 f Jcr.x.24. Dan. in. 18. - 19.. —-» A Form of Prayer. 1100’ mean 9 11111 to 5511 1111115 111111135 [01111111115 1511111: 1115 111111 11555111115 15 mm {511132 1101111551111; {9111 - 515151531111115115551555111011 115 111111111 115 are 1515 112515111, to accompany 1115 1111111 11 pure 1151111 111111 11111111115 Wicca "th 1112 1015115. 5E 11111 115111151111) 51515 1311511115. -11.; :1 The Confcmm to be faid of‘ the whqlc Congregation after thawgmng. » . _ . Ammw 11111) 111011 merciful 11115215111211an 511511 111111 11111555 1111111 1111111111115 111151011 11115 (111112 15115111211151 11111111155181555111111151“ 5521‘ ' uu’f 0111111151115. (2115115115 5115118511 1151111111 11112110111 1511115. We 1111115151 (111110115 11101511111155 1111)th M ’ 5115111111 1111115 1111115; 111111 1115111115 1111115 1111115 111111115. 111111111115 51113111115111) 1111115 05115, 9111510515 1-5 115 11511111 1'11 115. 13111111011, $311135} ham 111511;)? 11 01% 115 111115111115 0111115515.; 1115 111011 112111.411) 111111111 confers 11111111111115. 18111111511101! 111m 115 11511115111; 51112111111111.1111 11151111155 5511111511 1131: 1511110111111) 01 @0111? 311111 5111 11.511). 5115 5111111, £1) 111511111515111113‘1'1111151 111 15111115». .1115 may hereafter 11115111155 1513:6105 . ’ $8?“ . . $115 51511: of rap 0111 3121111111,;; 5 The Abfolntmn to be pronounced by the P116“ 319116, Rand- ing , t c Pcoplc flill kneeling. ’"3 . ALnngMy 035111), 11; 1mm we: .. , 11125311803303 ”finer-.1 .1. . . man-11211111111111. 10110114115 f 1| ' 11111111 11511105111, 11511111111111'11111 1'11] ' 3 {111111135 1111150115111 1111 1:?th .. ‘ .111 grub; Mil Rffl 11:15:11 111115 gm 1mm5115111m11'111 '. . 111511151111111111111111111 111 111‘ 11115111 1 11111:;h 131;" 151911111115151.1211111115511105 pnrmtfiflflfiaf 11111 L ‘ t.‘ A Form of Prayei‘ 1111111211111 1112 1111111" 111111210 1115 eternal 1111 1111 - Eeftte thgtt'fumugu. Amen. , j ’ £112 3h 3 Then the Minifier Ih-aII Med, and fay the Lords Prayer the PeoPIe alfo kneeling, and repeating it with him. ' ' ' Oar father 11111111) art 111 meaben- , 11111110111211 11211111 flame. 111131117 13111131111111 101112. @1111 111111 he Dane 111mm), 91:1 1t11311111e1111e11. ®1be 115 111113 111111 11111111111111 menu. 211111 1112111111: 115 one teefpaa‘ee. 915 me famine them that ttefp‘afe enema an. autumn ,_ 115 nattnta 1e111p111111111’15111ue1111ee 115 1111111 21111: 11112“ ' 1111112 113 the; annam. 111111 we 119011121, ant: the @1011), we ever ant! 1211121. 91111211. ‘ 1 1 Then likewife 11121111111 fay, 511 10111, 011211 than 11111: 1111,13? " Anrwer. £11111 011111101111) 1113111 11112111 102111 tint pgatfe. - Priefl. PD @1111, make ween ta mite 115. Anrwcr. 9D item, make bath; to help 111,3 5 Here 21H fia'nding: Up, the P111211 {11311 12:13 1, 1) 1115mm be tatbe 3111111121, 111111 tetbe $1911. ° 11111119 we a P Anfwe1.9,£1 11111115 111 the begnmtng, 115 110111, 111111 we; ' 9111.111 112* 11111211: 11111110111 en‘e. amen. . Prien. 11321116 ve the 1621?. ~ Anfwer tine 1.1121111 11111112 be 1121111111. {Preper P12111115 are, XI. XXVII. LXIIL ‘ STheFirfl Lcflbn 1. Sam VII tov.;16- " _.; 11'?” I Magnificat. S LukeI. 46. 11 M? 111111 1101011111311162 the 110211: 11111111119 1111111 111111) 5 1 . 1210111211 111 @011 1111,) 1573111151111. 1113:? be 011111 regatuen: tbe 101111111611 01' 111311111115 1“ a". 0 11mm nebula, 1111111 hencefaztb't- 1111 gettetattone’ 1111111 11111 me bteffetv. ' 31112 he 111111 151111111111 [11115 11111111111611 me . 111111 1101? 1 15 1111112. 5 b I 91111 A Form of Prayer. Roll hi5 map (5 on them that few: him: thzoughont all generations. . ' {he hath themeo fleength tmthhtsatm: he hath feat: term the mono tn the nnaglnatlon ofthett hearts. {he hath put Damn the mtghtp from then feat: ann hothetolteo the humble nnn meek. . ' - .Ipe hath filleo the hungry lmtb [Coon thingfi : ant! the tub he hath lentemuty away. ‘ {De remembgtng hie mettp hath holnen hi5 [ethnnt 31mm me he monnlen to one fogefothers, flbzahom ‘ ano hi5 feen to: ehet. ‘ .. ' -‘ @1022 he tothe fathetmno to the Emu :. ant: to the halp @hofls . - , as It maelnthe beginning, tonom, ano ever [hall be :tuozlu without eno. amen. . . 1T The‘fccond LcITon, I Cor. X. to v. I f. 1 Deus Mirercatnr. Pfal. 67. GED!) he merciful nnto uo,‘ ant: were no: anD them as O to ughe lthht of hte countenance, ann he mettttnl nns , . . .. .1 (that my map may be known n’pon eotth: thp raving ’l health among all nattonfi. ‘ Let the, people ozone thee, 9) mo: pea, let all the people pgotf e thee. ' _ 5) let the mutants telopce ano be glao : fog than (halt gauge the full: righteouflp, ono govern the nations llp= n eat . ; . g . -, _. , people matte thee, 9D Eon: let all the people ”Birgéu; ‘— f ' a « g i" bet htéeeotez-annfii." .aooygenmwam. . Mutable .( . . a»,llblegnfiugzimraluheenum _J (J m . V . . . ,. . ’ $13: ‘ 2:13;: me in. steelmlmfiifircv we“! .f,, ‘ O \ \ ' - . .,a(, A ."5 V“ V’ -»\}r -’._I<‘ ’ « Y.’ ‘ ‘ , -7v1‘fi’a! t! ”t! I A“ Form of Prayer. 3 Then {hall be raid the Apoflle's Creed by the Minifler; and the people Randing 115mm 111125011 the father 3111111311111, 9191111211 of beaten ann earth . 91111: 111 31211151 115111111 {318 1111111 811111 one 11.132115 12111111 1111111 13121112111211 1111191211011» @0011, 11501111111112 cumin 9911111, {menu 11th 11331111111111 wtlate, alas . trueffien, Dean, ana 1111111211, 192 1121121111211 Into be"; 6021111111 nap be rare again from the bean, {be atten- ‘ Deb into heaven, Q1111 1111121111111 1112 1113111an 11161111 the father 3111111111111, mom tbencebe malleame to 11111111: the quick 111111 the Dean. ‘ 31 1112112112 111 113111111111» (1513011; the 110111 QEatanIcIt 1 75111111711; Gina QL'annnnntan offiainws 11211210111112. HCW 0f fine; €08 12111119111011 aftbe “GDP, aim 1131:1112 21191111111113. 91111911. 5 And after that, thefe Prayers following, ail devoutly kneding, ' the. Mimfler 11:11 prpnouneing with a bud voice, » I manage be 1111111 Wynn. anb 111111111112 $101111. ; MiniIIer {mews 1111111. , _ . 11.0111, nave 111121111 11111111115. . 1 . .~ i '- Chrift, have mercy Upon us. iLom, {Jane metal “11011 116 flThen the Minifter, Clerks, and people, That! Ema): bech ‘ Prgerfimhme 1% 21:11:13.3!W ,3. r a c C at -3 191 I11 ‘ name. fitbvikmg’atgmcmn” “I,” 1111?“? 3 4 1n eartiwn 111111113 .314 I? 11:33,}. “353*“ “11111 1 “‘11:.” , mtmm c .' s’ ’1‘!” ‘M’ WHI’I ’2' 11111111111: ‘1” "t’ “' ‘ .. . 1% "qr-‘3 ”‘3’?“ J. .24.?" :13}; 41’: 3‘ n ‘ ~ 0-. '5 ’2’!" r‘ . u $13 1?; 3; 15.3.3. 19.3,. 1 .. . .. 1, 1.41““ = II 61 .31111110 ,. ’1’11111 1I 11:11:1«112111 n‘ I?!“ 5"‘1‘1‘1‘Ylh ‘! ; mu” I'::53 "' " “in (“31 '11-‘13?! ‘3~ qufiq1”301'1,3‘100 ' “3., a"? .53“ 3 .3 '4 [mi- “I kind. \, ta. may of 156ml; Defenu us, me {twee mighty power anti tape at mitijimm , retetjen arm, ~ . “In? W'— A Form 0F Prayer. wait imbue. tin? @mifietfi mitbriu‘bteomttere. 2 g Anrw. gun make It)? ebai’en beanie iwayfui ' Prieii. it) mu, {nine thy people.- Anrw. am) New thine inheritance. :Peicit. me peace in out magi) Law. “ ; Arrw, imamite reifi none other that fightetb fez . Pricfi. mm, fave It») (minute, I . ., Anfvv, mm M Diit their trait in tbee.’ . , Pricit @2111: iisiieip from top holy place, Aprmfiimeneritjage inimitflynafeitmm. : , Prieft. Let fiié Emmy hm neaunantaize Mama its .. 7, mi»; 1309121)! mince nppgeaci) to hurt (Iii. .. Piricit; ’Jiseuate m3, fl) Law, a fieongtuiuee, Anfiv. momwe face of out enemiefi. Pricii. {29 Low, been our mates, . yinitv. am: in we cry come unto thee. _ . S Inflcad ofche Concert for the day, {hall be nice! thcfé which ' tbllow. \ 0 i250!) out refuge emu fitengtb, Itiiiei'e name: no «Creature iii able to rzfiff, mba teaebeit out Danna to with mm our fingers to fight, nun miwuut inborn. the {003R mm Glimmer Is In vain we 1 gamut e fine!” 191'th y matemjrozc‘en maphepzefcrheu, unifiieco e may: . . I; tugn‘unm ‘9’ v ’ a , :p. ' , . m, nuatkmienger ' 3‘: . ‘ 993mm mtg; @340 h F " .ng {i t are: so A . 2 ii Iii”: 1 1‘99 ' 3 1H! 1?; 4-. l } i , A Form of Prayer: ‘ ‘ faith nhul‘e it. (When than gaheft we [treat again tone Fgufperttm tne ,nke Jéfurun worth (at mm hither! at {remit thee dither: than amt: thzufl us turn there ~e£onfw lion‘s, our of. whirl) metam tttrl'e lmpefi nfartfi'nh; en‘eu ' tn the time of that htt’trefenm me trefpateipet- magi; ahatna thee. When hp mtrartee of mercy than hem turn’fl our Qtaptiiytth, , me {can fuzhat thee our @1211:- our, mm return’n‘r‘ham to our fully; mm ruenmhztc thou butt of ‘late appearen tag treaty nttiuertng uh out of the harms of ear Immutable QEnemtes. at” the Ramifh ‘ famou , me have by our [me Been fightmgngama heaven mm atrium! thee; Hun now me are no maze lengthp to be when thv $01155 a; thy fiberhanw, whom * neither the fear hath lumen torepentaute, not. thp @mnnefe ten tort. 3m metre, 9D Wm, awaken we all, beget in me a help menu of thy Ejunhments, mm a Deep fenfe at our mamfuln mm repeateu .mflnurattone', patron the [treat offences} of us! thp f€§MlIt§9 mm the crying fins of the whole flatten, retriehetheeh; gene mu lie turner,- avert there we have ma rautezm are; nun homfuener thou mahett think fitta mzréa'ue‘fog our fine, Pet neher helmet he up u o. the hhnns of their men whole merrtefi are cruel. out. qu‘tthy t!- ‘huuuant Melange upon our murmurs-31m ‘ mm mueeu, arm their great QEmmtu uhmaa’emben: t1; maritamrut, keep them as the apprDf-tbpgpg; mm them turner the '{hauom utthp mime" ntrea mm were them an an that Qtuntmtartunm aha mage‘mrtttui 'larw me tram/pgoflrnte our retiree Define thee to impinge thy htemng upon this their greatunnettaktng mg the merefl‘nrv Defence, of ti)? people; may; ‘tmrh their fleete nun armtefi, compete WWII); ”'8‘ hour newtth n ghmu, Hit It appear that theater: ma our Chub artmxth ue to heme; anntd’fightmr 313m * tele, were he with (Inflow emu meters), mm in my :nmn gnu-a time with furh a peatenfl mantenn to the glow of ti)” great image, mtnthe Metervdttmbt my Mum; ant! true Reltgtotgmmm Maths mangr?? ., 2 ‘ - a e y _‘._v- ,W We -——-~——-——-“"””""# - A Form of Prayer. Safety of theft @aieftiee. ,ann the getuttth,’ peace anu Moment; of theft emanate '; 9w mhteh the hump hes In the flame, mm thzaugh the: haematma of thy firm fizfitfiflbaftflm summer. Amen. - g - O @011, from tnhqm all hot? nearee, an gone some few, m an ma tnnzke no mama ; @1112 1mm thp [ethante that peace which themozm tenant gme, that hath out heatte‘ma‘h be tee to obey thy Maximum: meats, annall'u thathy thee me being hefennen {mm the feat ufnttt enemxee, map here our time in tea emu gt‘tgatnegetathzough the merits of theme {Ehztft out $38“ to CI]. Lilsbten out Hackneffi, me befeechthee, mammal: - by eh? greatmetchmfeun us from‘aflvettlfi mm natmeteofthte night, to; the lane of thy only mt, mu: mutant 332qu (Ehztft. Amen. 0 item, mehefeeth thee mercifully heat put may: . «mane-{Bate all there tum tantefe then: menu: 0 they that the»? whore tanfaentee by I'm are neat: en, birth? , . mm petunia may he ahfaibe-Da-tbzmmh “flush! out Etna. Amen. ‘ ,- 4, 0‘ spot! mighty woman merciful father, who hat! 7 . . cmaflmuupan ammumnn hatefi nutmeg that “what! mane. ,mhn weather! nettheheath ufa [Emma hutthatnhefhauln rathettum from Media, am: he, Ia.- m; @2li famine he one ttefpaa‘ee ; receive am tomfaztufia ho ategrteben amt meatten hath the butnm of out has. W11? monettp ts atmapetu have ”mafia thee only tt appertameth to fnzgthe fme. muuimehozmun law, (have, tm’mme whom Minutemen cute: net into mama: math thy faciammnha atehde earth, ant: mtfetahte an: nets; hut-tutu“: thme angst from us, who weekly «Monuments: htteaefemnn temp repent he of one faults}; am: to make We to help us in that moztn,that in: meme tine: Ruth thee m the tomato tame, , thzoushiiem Without 1mm Amen « , . ‘3 TI. , ‘ 5 e - ECO r, W A Form of PraYCf. S Then Ihall the p¢0pfe {aymisthat folloWeth, after the M5- . nifler. ‘ ' ‘ . , - Taunting £162 @ {tuna].- mm [0 I118". P931”? “”5" gaze. abs favourable, 5D fiuznz be {amateur-e ta! timezople, wiia turn taweem .meepmg, fa (1mg, mm ygaymge 5m! tbqumm mergeful my, mil afeompnfl emu, {gag l-ugfermg, any of great my: ”(Ivan tweet: when we Beferbe Dunmjmeut, mm in tbpmzatbthmh: eflttpomnercy. figure the 920,112, goon—Logo, ware zyem, mm let nut tbme heritage, he lame-mm to ca-nfue {mm meat 35, ED 11.020, fog my mercy 15 greatmnu at? let the multttuue of {be me rte-es lack anon 1125;020ng 1) the merits ans mematiou of ti)? biefieu emu 312m legtfiom: 1mm Amen. . . . ' , _ fl A Prayer-for the Kings Majcfiy. . , .. ' Ofiogn. out heavenly father, bug-l) emu mmljwmmgfi ofmn-fifiamzn afluznfiytbe only Bulerufflsnm 5 key, was amt from my tbgaue nebula an we mneucrs upon gut ; mart heartily we befeecb wee lengthy [about to‘ {3011) our mafi'gmciaufi. uvnereign 10m mm mm, King William arm mueen are, am: fa re; “Maj-them {mums grace of my ninety 'imirtt, that we» may aim)? Incline to the ma: , mm man: in my {map 5 ennue them pleuteaufipmttb heavenly gifts; grant tbemm beam) ant: meaubmngtame; arengcu. en theth they max? banging any overcome-nu tbeic enemiefi, am: finally fitter this me they may attain cued-wing my arm feucttp, tbsougbflems (Elma nu: £0211. Amen. . . _ -\ , ’ S A Prayer f he Royal Farmly.~ _ “ Lmigbtg @911, the canteen of augannnefs, we humbly befeecb thee to beefs Gathenpe the mueeu Eewagee, bet Royal mtgmuefg the waiters Ann‘c of 'I)cnmark,ann all the qunl‘fanmy: @nnue them with my only émt’ett ; entice) them man my heavenly gran» emafnee them with all bappinel‘s; nun bung” grout tbme enermrtmgfimgnam, tbgougb $2M“: ‘ ‘9 A 111039? Amen. agAFtStm 'of Frayed I. - 3A Prayer fortheClergy and People.’. - ” ’ Mighty mm ghcct‘amu‘g mm,- [1130 atom ' €138“ . ttttat marvels ; ‘gwetm Bomxutpun cut ’15! MM, r mm @tat‘atez, mm ml (Esttgféhattmtg committee to ., that: Charge, the healthful a 'ttt‘t of thy grace ; 83111 that the}! may ttttlh - pleats t )22; pom: upon-them the“ coutt’uualntm at thy hiefi‘mh‘. @‘gaut tilt-2515131190211, f n the htmout of out anhacateimta‘webiatuut, Stefan {Emit}. Amen. I - .t - - t , . S A Prayer for the High Chart of Parliament. , , * ' ER gtatmus than. we humbly befeech thee, a3 fog {Di-.5 kingnom it; general, In tfntttaup fog the DIG-l) Qi‘autt ot‘taattt’amtnt, m-wtt out mutt religmufi n'm gmtt’azts 33mg mm {Queen at thifi time at’fem: 11122} t Chatthutt maulazh hz pleural! tomcat mm maths: mt their tattfttitattougta the anhanttmtntof ' thyhmw, the {thwarting fihurthfihc fatetp, hmmm: ’ has __ mutate at their anathema ants their 'fttt'nghatugt; 12mm: t‘htngavmaza be In @2113th mm {:2an by that 'tztmtanmam {1330:} the, heft tum (ttttjt fpttnhattphfis fthat hmtz mm hahptntl‘fi, ttttthann matte, religion a: Bitty 111 up he eflahlithtu among ttfifuz at! gent- t.1t:3m3.. QLEJER mm all other nttea‘attzs fat them, ta: :15, atmthp inhale @htttch, we httmbip beg in the diam? atm'fljebtattoa of items. @mmgumma bleach 1823 mm $mmut; Amen. ~ ~ .. S A Prayer For all the Reformed'Churchcs. O ®on the father of metrics, who of thy great - 3333::th haftmnttth us mm the mpm'cal hunp of Grhzut (that mug QEhttrdm Mic naming membttfi “meat, mourning with mgr that-mourn,atm may: “tun; with them that tactics, no new mtftnt out fimpc _ ht twtians mm wavew at the @btone of Enact, in {12' mtt‘ of at! the Retagmen cztmtthws htfeethtng‘thte tin tuck 3mm: mtthazt egg of 99mg tum Wt? upon-the 40mm:lumgarntm same of fuchot them, mhom than .~ ”lttmlt‘tt‘ftn mm- to the ham of _ {upetfttttoua mm . “t n , mha have tomptlt‘a fa many of them A? "-‘Q‘l / c , .1! ‘ ‘k '0’ “Mmm Lg“; - .fifi~,_ . A \ A Form oFPt‘ayc'r. ' “m btfile tbtmtemes wit!) their melatrnu’e “Kazan-pg mete!) out the firm HEWITT tbofe netettml mm“ many men, mm»: them nu: ma ta triumph over tbp'fixrts‘ tage. {90111101ng iiogb, than my anger bum fog ever : {mm long mm tpnu target thy people, that pzapetf}! EDD m the It? fit the 151mb of thy @mme, mm the figmug of tbelmtiunets, tomebet'uge time! Defines; tboutbofe that are a3 @iteep apnuzttten fag [82 “5:225:13; Wt: ibeat um fl) 6011, faltbp'mettifzfi fake, we: tag the (mom: of tine-great flame, {mean thy Came mttbtbem that hmtpbeme thy 1?th mm WWW the lfleopie, tim influenza may fit», aetmr’mre is} a (but: that meager!) tn theefinetlj.» purge an my QIBNI'CUEEG from time nzetxsyann make them meet to; a magmas; mimerwto, that to at! the mom: may feetlje {fig-ame- twu DENIEVEDD; am: that them!) he mass {:25 fare from 015 {People fog a feafun, yet be mums: tam them ~ eff utterly. 62311:: that tbp true Religion may to thinnest 'betnme the 31011 of membule Patti); am; thatau ,_ ntttlgtfttau :flnulatty. fi>flp€tfllttflll , mm witneltp , helm} tuft out at my. mule, all that name the flame of gtbgtft, may Depart {tom iniquity, mm mm: mogtbp at time Duly mutetfimmbatwe 13::th om of thy neat €301: may some quickly ; am that aunts; euenuw Being mane 'th tantamount) Inigo is the mm 05102115 , mm mutant hinge, map rettm to all the ennfi 9f the (Earth;- @130 lubmm um!) tbe e, 3 fatbefi sum the 113019 @110“, be an bonuut ant} glow to; ever: monetAmeq; ‘ .5 " - * ; ,- " ® ‘ month“ of out Low Stemstflmm om: 031$ Saviour, tbe laztttteut‘ 19cm, look Down in mud) Wt? mm QEnmppmnn‘upun thus QI hurt!) emu g‘atton non) [223mg unto thee m failing mm pgzwer ; . (I: u .mfbefeetbtueegvety auummougusta can flirt!) tge’accutfeh mm, tomcat out stout beatta aH lpgmz, an!) all altar!) mm Ofitttetnefs, anummt Memmce emu caufeleffi immune, an {Mtg}?! 1:13:80 t J, , ,7 W ¢-——.‘3W,, AF ,7..- “4' “: v 1 {$547. ‘ ’ , J“- A Form, of Pro-yer. , ~ fiance, mm more or Revenge, ano montroeo‘e’fimay binoee Hg from warning ”)8 tbfflfi’fi that belong one . to one {Beoeet fino by the name: of top {pulp @pme no than ottoman one’neorm to Ind) encounters) of wnoom, tomnnefo of 933m, watienee, wentlenefo, ano unmanneemg ano fozoearonce of one anotnee m love, ano met) honour anu coherence of more .mnom thou nan fee one: no no oeeomeo the Iona oleeace, that [otne @oo of {peace map he tong) no. «Ewe no race, 91) Logo, fertonflp to lap to [Jeanne great anger); me are in by one none”? momenta, ano tbenreat moltgnttonn lobed) "8 “Pan no to noon: {Hmon ano ammonium: as there is out one ’Eoop ano one emote, am: one gone ofooe'fltoflmg, one iLogo, one gram), one 'Bopnfm, ammo ono father of no on; to we map beneefoztlj he on of one nenetg' non of one am, annex) in one Dow 15me tenth onn peace, of font) ano enmity, on]: may mm) one. 919nm ano one wont!) glonfie tpee, on logo, Inbound} we father, nno {pow Smut now new mama 0118 goon mozlo mnbout enn Amen. g APrayer of S.Cbr]/5flam. Almighty mo, moo nan woman grace-at tots . mm with one aeeozo, to makeoen: common mp.- pman'ono unto thee, ano non {330mm, that moentmo oz tbzee are garnereo tonetner m lb? meme, won tom; Brant their requeno; ininlnom,®1o2o, we mores ono petition): of top (eeonnto, no, may be: neon em; mene fax them, gtanetng no In ton; mono gunmen e of my tenth, ano tn the mono to waterway: g) Alum. ‘ ‘ I <1 ”it -' 2 Cor, 13.31;}. - ,me grace of out Log!) 32m. If 1) I!) “fang; T of mo, ant) to: fellommtp‘ $5¢§$3pn$mg one!) no on eoeemoze. Amen. L; ‘_..‘ ; ‘f' '1' N 'i s. 7 " -- ~ 3 § 1 f 5,‘ IV ‘ i ’/ éflylfw‘ " o 3 ., .. 6'4 ’ 1. i { I 1/. “l2! ‘. 1 9;" .x‘ ) ". an: Mm -ugm QM “‘ ..'¢ ‘34 ‘ -- ‘1‘“ .‘w ‘3? Me : RARE BX 5145 . C4 1 689 mm at m own-nu ELL SXPC1R4RE R6261 010- 00592351 1