fieiei’ea‘ieflfiefiiemflfififli‘efisfiefi’eflfimfimfia‘i’ea‘gfiemfiafi , February the 9th I 6'53. Have perufed this N A R R A TI V E, and as to the matters of Faét therein contained, I do atteft the Truth thereof; and do appoint Mr. THOMAS F 0 X to Print the fame. MILES FRANCE. wwwewmewwaweMemeemeeeewm it THE Whore of abylon’s POCKEY PRIEST; Or, a True .‘V .~ , 3‘ r , , a: L .3 4:3:- I . I 3Q”); ' I 71% .r 1” , {.1 “K ( 1‘ . U 3 . l } ‘. . OF THE B A C 0 N, a Secular Priefl: of the Church of K 0 M E now Prifoner in Newgztte. W H 0 1 Had jufl befire been above two. Mont/9: 2'12 Cure fi7r the Frame WHEREIN I. 1 Is inférted a true Copy of the Apothecarz'er Bill found in his Chamber, containing the Whole procefé of that Reverend Fat/96m“ Venereal Cure. WITH Several Other remarkable Relation: and Proof; of the Debauc‘heries and Villauies of the Pepi/l: Clergy in general. _ , ..—..—~ , ‘LONDOM Printed for 7790mm“ F ox . Bookfeller in W cflmz'nfler» “Appreheufion ofWILLIAM GELDON alias. A 1.._L . -LA . L‘ A . 4 ._4t. A... Hall. 1633. . j . %a [I] . Mae “V‘ftHDdf3()ftEhatyyicnls P o c K E Y ' P RI E 31* ;» Or, aTrue NARRATIVE orrne ,..w Apprehenfion Of William Geldon alias Bacon 3. Secular Pridi of the Church qf Rem, now Priloner in New: gate. _ ’ . , . 4. r , F ter it had pleafed GOd'in, Infinite Mercyto aiéakeri Mr; szzce’s Confcience, and bring him to a Senfe of th‘ofe ' Crimes,which the Crafty Infinuations of‘thePopi’Ih‘ Priefls _ had engaged him in, under fpecious Pretences. Of prompting their deteflable Mock-Religion; andthat. he had made a . moPc true and fincere Dilcovery thereof. ‘ To his FirltPublifhed"NARRATIVE (fitting forth the manner of Sir Edmundbuiry Godfrey’s Murther,and other curiied Praéiifes of the Papifis)ihe added {ome few Relati- ons of other Villainies of” their, Eriefis, and particulat’ly"their abo- ‘ minable Whoredomes, and Lalcivious Debaucheries; in all which though he reported not one Tittle beyond or befides the Truth; yet fuch is the impious Confoiences of thefe Ghoflly Cheats, and with- all, filCll the flupid Credulity of their Followers, that whill’t: the Firfl, to. ferve their own Tums, and Cloak their {harneflil Living, boldly deny the molt certain Mattersof F461: and the ‘SéCOHJbC? Iéieving their Alleverations, decry all Difcoverics of that, or any ‘ other Nature, . prejudicial to theirCaufe, as Falfboods and Scandals, ‘ It happens (to encreale the Mifchief) that many well-meaning, but Weak-lighted and unwary Protel’tants, feeming willing to con; ferve Cbarity towards their implacable Enemies, foolilhly breakit, in refrence to their molt {Erviceable Friends, bydifir’uligin ap, parent Truths, and attributing all tothe 'Ill‘m'll and Pre'ufice of the Relatcr. To convince therefore «the WOrld, and an dernon-s , B' . . , -: . firate Estree Rage; “ aw. E J , firate to the Teeth of our Romanifls, that their Priefls who fo much exclaim againfl our Clergy for Laswf Marriage, and make liicha mile of Single Life and Cbafii‘ty," are in truth no fuch Saints as they ’ wou‘lcl harm to be ; but rather‘Qe'z/ils Incarnate, Fulfime§talliemand the m i 1? gm Villafisgunder'Heaven, 'allowifn themfelves a ~Libertjiol“ 'I”“"kind bleeliatiCheries’f ‘T‘is thdug‘ tnecefiary to ‘publifh a igniarkablew Inllance in the followin Narrative ol’the Apprehenlicih (If a, Pockzfied Eiefl, 3,7110 by obnttnmfil WhOre—hunt- ing had contraéled fuch a Swinging Clap, that he was ready to rot alive; and ’tis verily‘believed; haddbne lo before this time,’ had henot by accident met-with an Able Artifl, by whole Skill and Pains he’avas very lateli Cured; Which matter being notorioufly evident, and ready tobc undeezidlzbi proved, cannot but be fit to be made Publick; as well to awakenfilly Romanifls from {uch Dating Reaerenee and vain Opinion‘Ofi’thei‘r ‘Priefis and G/yofily Farms, wit-the WetsAnacls 0! Purim, when: indeedthey are only Swim and germ; ,anglg. Crefiy Foxes? gvialloiving;_'in all VolUpt‘uonnefis and Bubbliizg th‘efeau‘ced Eaitji at "bade both of their Wits,‘ their Money, and their Souls : As on the other fide to confirm all Good Pxoiefiams in a delet‘vedtDeteflatiozz of the Impieties of the Roman Church and Prieflhootlg‘ and admoniflp'them, “both to be thankful to Almighty God. fortheir Deliverance and JPrelerv-ation from fuch blind ele- firué’civeGuides and their Tyranny “and Super-Potions, and-alfo «to be Zeaiouxs, Aé’civ‘e and? Couragiious in their leveral fleeces and Sta- tions, , to .prelei-Ve the “.V‘P‘riotefiant; Religion, and Oppofi the inorea {e of Popery; and the .fvvarmingof InchLoeufls and Filthy Vermine aniongfi us, Andi indeed, next tothe Exeerab'le l’rafiifes of the 7e- fairs”9 and other Romy}: I’ncendiai‘ie551th-ere«is nothing- vhat appears more dangerope, or that may be forfatal to us, asthe l'ndiflrerency, Remifi‘zefi,.j0r ‘Wilful—bliizdn‘efi of fome‘ pretended Members of (our own}, For were! weAll ‘(pur'fuant to HisMajefi-ries vigilant Example, and reiterated Commands) buti as much in Earriefi “and ldiiligentrto erufbf the-in Defigns, as t'heyi'are to advance them ; and to maintain , our .Hbly .RrOfCllion, and the" Ffiabliflfd ”Government, asthey are to deflroy them; we might foon bid defiance both totheir Sable-It} and Malice. How intimatelyand generally Mr, ‘Pmmehath been acquainted with ,Popilh Priefis, and 'Emi'llariesof‘: all forts, he hath {alreadyfufficientlyboth let forth and demonfirated ; '16 that We (need not here repeat it: But with this Father Guelelort fame yearepafi, he had particular reafons toihave a more fpec-ial Fami- liarity.iiangdi‘Corr’efponden‘ce : “ Forth’at a Kinrman-of the {aid 36-wel- dons named TbommEoeley, ' was heretofore fhis tServ ant,and log'reat {thaygwera that Ge'iaon‘hathvimaea Mr.'=Pran‘ce-to reeeiszogei “ ire e direéiedto him out of‘the Co, 1.335% Or ellewhere for hisUfe, which hereCeived’, and paid Over. : to him accordlngly, and {even other Tranlaéiions (if a Temporal Nature, aswell "as of‘ the Erplefifaflicel ‘ F 1m; .6327sz had. pafled betWeen-them. But fince the L’Dil‘co’ver‘y fofftfhe ”Plot, he had not the luck. to fee him, tilllthe late‘Ac‘cident :' For US pro-I.- bable the goodFather? bothto "fame and fnewmamp his'putriid' Car. kals, had 161* a confiderablewtime abfconded himle1f asrmuc‘h‘as he could; yet {till ’tis faid‘hehath been-lurkingabout Town; Wherein by the way we may obferve the Confidence and ‘Difqbedieizeeof that Tribe, that though His Majefiy, hath bye) inany fir"ié‘t5an.dp0fitive Ediéis commanded their Departure; yet in Defiance both to his Royal Pleafizre and the Laws, theydare continue here to infeéi; his good SUb? 'jeéis with their peliilent Principles, or perhaps rather ‘fiill to carry on their curled Confpiracies againfi his LifeandCrown, ,. ' ', ' ’ ' But fo. ithapned, that on Wedmgfddythefltb of 'J'annary IaPr paft, in the Fore—noon,Mr.Pmnce being walkingabémthis OddfiQQS through the Street called the Poflem near More—fields, , chanc’dp'to {pie his Old AcquaintanCC, and having with due Caution oblerved him well, pre— Iently knew him; although his Looks .. Were {Omewhataltered, and his Flefh much abated by means of thefeveee Difeipline and Mortification, he had-luffered‘ in Corflez’lius’sTub. ,Beingthus certain of the Man, he watch’d‘ him at a difianceinto LittleBritftain; where he entered at the Sig-ntofthe Three Flower—de-luces a, Bookfeuers Shopfi where an intimate Crony of his, ”a Bapifh Gentleman- Lodged 5' as afi- terwarcls appeared. He‘f’caid not thereabovea quarter of. an Hour; but came forth again,and went, toa (Seeks atthe Sign of the Feat/Jars inAla’erfgate-flreer ;,‘ whilfighe Was there Mr. ,Prame fint intoFetter: ‘lanefor fome Friends-“to: afhfi: him, imagining there might be more of the Gang taking their Repaf’c "to ether , f~ but -- it feems the Gentle- man (find all 2.110%; and indeed, had‘ir‘it been never In much a Fifh day, yet in confiderauion ofthe Periél ands-tedious. Lent,” Zhehad lately been fich-d' to oblEWe- by the Canonsof his Doé’t‘or ;: he might now .mCI‘ita. D'il' enfatio‘n to eat Flelh alfweathers by way ‘of'Compenfab {tiono & Indulge Colon the Liberty ofail' forts ‘ ofRel’torative Ammunitii on. Having dined, he went away Ehronghzj‘emen—flxeetgand toa place called Three Nun-Ali‘s); (’tis no unufual thing for Priel’ts t0; vifit the Nuns)in White-crofs-fireet, where heHous’d‘hirnfelf againiat one David Lloyd's a Gold Wyer-drawer; where. Mr,";1?r;azzce fending for a Con-F liable, .feiyz’dj him in C’héHfiufif, and chargedhimwith 23(33an as be- ing a-4p0pilh Priefi‘, and thence carriedihimtoan Ale-houiiflihaiifd by « Being at firfi demandcdfhisNam§;‘;‘,‘.:hciahfw¢rc& ‘Bficofié*afnd_’Pcrfi{"4 ted therein. very. nefolutelyf .» to: {01.116- tlmfi, rahdithfil? 11¢ hadmh 7 110i“ 116*, we went '~ byja-ny oehee Name 1 ;4 and wheneMr. :Prame -.t_Qld.§ 111m 1113 Name fWSGWW’K(brfdhgwas ufilallycalied formerly) hedemedit utlier; 4w i "m‘w‘ WW‘V‘C’ ’ VV‘WWWWWWWV v.77 y.-. ‘ , . ..«. .i . . . V 7 . "v. w-—7 -- m ymwwnrh “nu—4... , H w y ( 4 ) . ' 1y; lb alfo when Mr. France ask’d him if he did not know him; he pofitively denied it,“ or that ever he had {ten him ,But afier fome other dilcourle, Mr. France asking him further, il‘he did not know one Eve- ly, (whohad been Mr. Frances man as aforefaid) he feem'd to acknow- ledge it, and'thereby and by Mr. Frances telling him ofa Brother he had that was called Dr. Gue’laling, and other Circumfiances, he was at laft broughtto oWn it,and then.“ would fay-'7- 0 Sir, your name is Pranre .’ adding-«7 I did not thinkyo’n Of all men would have been [0 unkina’ to me; which being taken notice of by the Company, and tearing he had there- by implicitely confefs’d more Familiarity than was for his Intereli at prefent to own, he endeavoured to eat his words, and laid, that he had never fleen Mr. France hut once or twice in his Life. Being tax’c how a man. of his Religion and Funélion could allow himIEIf' the Liberty of fuch gro/s Lyes, and denying his name w1th luch Afl‘everattons, &c. all that he had to alledge Wasa Ibrry‘ )‘efititical anfion, That his name was not Gnelding,for- Tomb, but Gneldong It feems he was alhamed to be called a Gnelding,that had prov’d himfiflf a ln/ly Stallion, or thought the name might render him leis acceptable to his Female Deoota’:, and indeed his fained name Bacon was fomewhat more agreeable to {neh a common Town-Bear, only to compleat it, a little Hanging was wanting. After fuch difco'urfés, and féveral Elf-contradictions, different Tales, and ap- arent Lyes that he was trap’t in, the Conftable carried him before the Right ,Worfhipful Sir john F rederich, where Mr. Pranoe charging him, that he knew him to be a Popijh Pridl, and the Prifoner fcarce difowning the fame, nor able upon his Examination to give any good Account of himfelf, he was committed to Newgates Whilefi he was under Examination, he was very importunate he might be permitted to go home to take Money that he had at his Lodging, and . hat it might not bemedled with, or if it were féiz’d,returned unto himg Where. upon Sir john'ask’t him where his Lodging was? who anfwered, at Mr. Moor’: a Stationer at the Sign of the Three Lyon: in Duck-lane near Wefl-sz’thfield. But he need not have been in folicitous in that matter, for it appears he had privately all ter he was firlt queliioned, taken an Opportunity by figns or otherwife, to direét fome body belonging to the Houfe where he was taken(who ’tis fuppofed knew his Quarters and (yality well enough) to run immediately, and lécure his Mo- ney, and ’66 probable his Papers,Vef’tments and things of molt importance, which , was done whilefl he was gone to the Jufiice: For Sir john, after he had {Ent him away, immediately illuing his Warrant to fiearch his Lodging, there was no Mo- ney to be found, but were there informed, that there had jufi before been 3 W0- man that had taken away what {he thought, and that fome Bags of money among other things were removed 5 In fearching of this Home where he lodged, going up into the Garret where a poor Woman lived, and finding her a Spinning, {he feemed much furpriz’d at the Officers entrance,and inquired what they fiarched for, who told her they had taken, a 'Popifh Priel’t that lay in the Rome below, and ‘ were looking for: Treafonable Papers orTrinkets that might belong to him, or to that effeét, whereupon the old Woman replyed, Why, 7': he a Priefl? eoen lirhzly " enough, I thought he my. a Rogue,for I ‘ am fare he had a Rogue: Difi’afizs and being ask’t whatlhe meant by thatfheexplained: her felf, That he had the FRENCH POX5 andindeed her words were quickly confirmed, for looking more narrowly in his Chamber,,an,Apotheoar'z‘e: Bill containing the whole procels of his Cure left behind by his Friends, by reafon oftheir'hafie gi'befides Which there wasalfi) ano- ther lefler Apothecari‘e: Bill, and nothing lefs of note found,'excepta Book, that ’tis sfuppofed "he: ufiéd to fay'his Office in, which was hidden in'an old Shooe. To the ,firft mentioned Bill there was a Receipt in fullannexed,Witb the Apothecaries name filbfél’ibed. / By / By means Whereof, ilpon Inquiry, they underfloodthat it «a; {me Mr. ].V‘ that lived near Srzoiv-'Hill, ( “a very h'onefif afid'fin’» derflanding man in his Profeflio‘n‘) and goingto him to be fut-s ther fiztisfied,i-He Was at Exit yet‘y lbijlipfilbfisolgfinng 'itheni any Account, Secrefie being a part of Hippcicmtes’s Oath, and molt tequifite for men of hiiTt’adé, Whig) ifithé‘y {hettld divulge every Difeafe of their (Patients, might foon bring themfelves to an , In: curable Caligfiimption of Trafiice. This he Well knew, and ‘had'~'ala Waies ob erV’d ; But at la-Pt‘underflanding What's; Spiiitudliigiizizer it;was,.,that he had lately reflor’d, and,hoW little ' Cdnvenient it was-at this time to hide any of their :Villanies,.'. Whenthefikncws ledge thereof may be of publiqtte Ufe, = Hey-Was prevailed With, to own the Truth, which he could not fairly deny, [his oWn: 7521M. it.- being toythemBill which. Mr. Trance had in his Cufiody ;_: And then he ~ honef’tly declared, That the Perfon Was wholly: a Swagger to him, till by Accident he was brought in to ferve‘: him with P‘hye fick'for the Curing him of the AlanzOde “yD‘z'feafe, Whichvhe had patchafied in a very ample manner, and that at his Ledging, and to him he Went by the name of Bacon; And that lie-Was nfiW per-L fefily Cured, and had fatisfied him for his =Medicines5 ‘ though not With‘eut fame Abatement: by pleadingPoyerty. ' ‘ j , r; C H are?” A ._ ‘ “in"; i "I"; i '3'7 2 A ‘_A____'_,__.____.~._ H ——-—~‘- ev—w—w—fl a -A——_.a.~_.-. _ , . .__..... ~._..:‘;;..- __._ l l; l: 6. :i 1 .. 1. Here allow: 4 true Copy oftbe field Bill :5; . fi_.M BACON W; 4% Arm. 2. 3th ' ' " J 16.179 Mprzmzs a Glals Of 2 Pints of a'Gargle. r “- ' 25‘ _‘ Item The fame again. .1 ' ’ "" 2.741t‘em. ApurgingPo'tio'n. , ‘ ' ~ . .2... .. 1a8t.-S»Item. TheGargle as before. -;.:;; .. oc—“Dzémg ._ . Item. A Box 01Purging Pills. >.- , go ,’®2a§""‘?'1+3® Dec. 1. Item. A Balm; ,. oc—Awqrw-OS ' _ ‘ Item. The iame again. ' ' ' oe-~—-——or-—-——b6 ~ 7' '3- Item. The Gargle as afore . foo cam—*4) - 4 ,, “a Iiem. A Spitting Pot?» : ‘ 7 @5me {i v- ,~-Item.- The 80145 as hefbre. '4 ‘oo—~=—-—©11-—-—-—06 1;: 3, Item. The (aim: again. ' J fewer-#706 ’9: .. -‘ Item. The fame as before. ' op era—~06 W Item. The fame agairi. €311,036 Item. The-4mm: once more. 7 00—"— £2er 3:: .: Item. A Gargle as before. « \ WWW-“#04 Item. ASyriuge. 1 1 ,eo . oa—--+~oo 8. Item. The Gargle as afore. ‘ ~ i ‘ 16:3 -. in ”m '64 Item. A 801m as before. 00 row—”06' 9. Item. A Cordial Julep of IO ounces. 100 .92 no Item. The Gargle as afore. 0.0 v ~02. 04 Item. A large Pot of I pound andhalf of :23) oo , 09 ' 00 Compound Oyntrnent. 10. Item. A Balm. ~OC~-——-©.I----©6 I L Item. The Gargle as afore. 03' «01-—-—©4 12“ Item. A 86116. 00 \ (Di—W036 13. Item. 2. Pints of an Afiringent Apozeme. ~oo-—--—~=o:~. no) ---. -- ' Item ACordralrJnle-p - *' * ----- eow—rez—wme Item. The Gargle as afore =oo-e——-—-- oa—-—- Is. no: the Apof’tate Church {of (Rome commhfily Intituled in Sacred Ora-ales, The aW/vore5,yea’5 The Mother of 'chrlots, and Abomination: of the Earth, Rev. I 7.’ 5? ,NC’hich though principally intended of her " Spiritual FOrnications ’ mind Adulteries,"fOrfakin‘ghChrifi the true Head and Spoufe of me l ,f-Church5 and:.embtacing Idolatries5. as Saint-Wmfliip ,-,Imag- * worfhip5 Other J'Mecliators5 and other fatiSfaétoryWSacrifiqes‘ .er r Sin5&c. yet- it is al‘l‘o true in a Literal fenfe 5 What Fulfbme (Brute: ‘ sha‘vemnf’t of their Popesfbeenfh; Pape-lizr'ioceigtxyheg-Bi'b had-3; 16 ialaflardgsifi Sons, and as (In-ally; ,. Daughters-ii.- POpga £12m“ Ihkretlb Was a Natorious Sodomite; and that horrid. unnatural lmgiet’y {is :foirife itopthis clay at Romeampngfi the $a'rlethap'pt Grandees of that Chutehs-rThet when thePeople fee a ptetoMiiddy eheekfid (gripfing:cheyafayigProverbial-ly, There’s 4.9311.firevrCerdinezh flier ‘ ehzc'efl511?bpez film the - Thirteenth 5‘ Alexander r-the : Si-Xeh‘, 93%! file -Ihjrdgandzmanyleathers“ are {211139118 5- Common. :Mgoiggnzngerssvefie -—.Pb‘i9e 311221311633»; and: ranethet 30.1272 ehe _ I birthenths W891; the ;:?]Eiisi“rd55;_g.¢1>aulf didThircl, : and thefiounh’, '1 Innocent the‘fourrhgg fig. meet melted; seem «the: Thhd; ,Siixem'the Fourth—i Gregmaehe :T:hirt§eenth-,;Eagdbfihers of laterft-imes», as ene.1ineur,Age,iwh‘e @ubheiuely diaihhainfd. Ghee.xirf'eletfitrmezpet Dena,eahmzpigzwwhodig/{pg- Iedfzimhmfi pleafiine- the \ehief, Offices. tend! mofh :gweighw A ffeiire. , efizndz.werbnot :rhsiiigs?breughtteefiveet 9e13,...when-éehe flufeié’iic’ile ‘ Headéf the raciathplaicks eeeeieedéallhis =1. nlhitaeions Item 5.: hie: Uh 5 ref, an imperious Hatlm 3 The Great: Fee-the: _.j?effinee§ehat rams Jéfilirgi*ifihfieflflcafioflgilb manyRebelliomend:;Di,.flh;12bemee§;ih England againfi gbod Q1¢€.Q5Eu&?5fzé19eilfi charged; :liyzzifome Paeille themfelves, not only to have been an Incefluous Ballard ’himlhlf, lineal he he have?inwfluéiuflXbieigotcen; (We B allarfderufpen Emil“- ditchhis-owhsgfl’ter; :(‘iiwhereihétigsfeid, {he-Warsimieeeed by eJ132: filitrxlaitétly 5 Epgeeuteél): agndg" this a betweenhes age. 1. 0f !47 394:2 3:: iygage ;§.:§e‘e::Me&e‘t;AtC: a. RomanQatholick’sé’fhitei getter, daze ‘( g. ,1" 30. Nr [1 1] 50 1nd 8 131111th 111 tl1ofe times’ When the Contell: was hot Cu tween the Semlm's 311117419111. No1 1C1: Only the ViCe o1 pat-11m- 1.11 111C11 but Debanchery 1s encouraged by the very DoCh'lnes of their Church. As 1119: [9y [lgbtum 21nd undervdluiw .Z/Im'rmae the only lawful remedy; and forblddmo 1‘1 Wholly to their Clers gy; and binding up {0 many-Th011fand Monks; Fryars and Nuns,- With Vows of perpetual Chaflity, Who “yet liv‘mg in life: 122/} am! falnefs of Bread, are the mOfl: 1121111012 and dtfloim‘e LIV??? 111 the World; Whit fatal eFfeC’cs haVC foilowed from; 111715 reliraint and prohibition of Holy Weleck, is notorious to 211:;form our own Hiflories we find," that the fame Synod which {:01 bad Pf‘iefié no marry, r0144. one hCld by Anfelm Al’ch BiihopCf Canterémy, 4111. the Year 1 101. found 11 needfiil to pu111—1h Sodometry An Itdlmn‘ . Vice... then 11111 tranfplanted into England hyt heClegy , 0161110121 SanCfitVWC have a Notable mi’cance; 111 Cardmal Cremfi: W116- being {Cnt hither by PopC Hanan»: t6 K1110 Hefifly the F1111 111 t—hC Year 112 5. to 111Cle againflf the Mamed Clergy who 11’ fCemis WeiC loth to par; With their W1ves AfiCrfhe had 1“n‘ :1 [0—1 lCmn Coiincil,W1t.h :1 long and 111011" 26510115 0121111311 in prail‘eof Chai’nty, and thC Emé‘t purity 16 11C oEl‘Crv d by ”P111615 Who are r 0 duly exems d in?! Iivine Myfienes withal hittefily Cnve1ghl 11g agamll'rimlawful 1.1111 (For 10 the Hypocrite tCi'mC> 13111615 121va £111 Marriage) Y-Ct thC very Fame Night W215 (1115 3615115th Father caught 11:1 a;vile Brothel houfe 111 Bed W1th :1 Common HacknCy Bangage WCll then might Emfmm C6111 lam 111 1115 time; 9:11" amultitud‘e of Wow/1mm we'r efo‘ degenemfl’d at CBC-‘4 StCWS‘ are 992W? Elm/3,1895% and Mod/’11 than The] £14“? ‘4‘ .1.“ 1’3“” ‘ : 1:: ' - :";.;::,:.'1 W111 .. 2315:4141; The Author of the Anatomy (11‘ the Elfin/79 Nun’fié'ry ’51 1.1521372“ Who Was 1‘ omenme .1 61111“ get 311111th12011th CoVCnt teils ya? it huge the {101'}! ’01 11on 154101)» 81116154304219, 21141616111: rinks ‘61“ ol(i Eryatf Fofler their 011111121101 ;: I11 11711616 pm'atC Howie 01511111“ 11ity,Whe1e he 11feth to fit and hear the Nuns Confeflions lemg Very dar,l< there 15 :1 grate 0111011 that looketh into the Nuns p51- 11110121. 1671ch 117111611 thbti‘dh it {Gem firtwanci 11113113111111 11121 and: 511121115 With £81111 ght eéfily taken‘bfit‘ whereby Che Sifliers hay-C {112111211361th 611112 RCgrels i616 hi‘s ChambCr when whey 1111 "1 and? he 170 them Anid‘th‘xt the Authm meg 1115 Servméfi and 114W- ing a” Key 101thC Clumher“ (loo1 4 hChath come {011166111163 unaw Warmeamlym a‘MCmmg, 13nd feenas great 21 Miracle “:15 810362" ‘d". "1-5... )1” ‘13-," _'{:'.l“. _. 5.1 . .. ... ,. :Jivi'sg is. - ,‘ .1 i“ ‘ ‘ {Pak‘e E I E E [L2] 179419,: 9?:th he too-k a... Etyar in Bed with a Whore, and callecl igthe Peepletp fee a wonder;,*vi§. A Fryer with 'Fourfpied berpiBeping tethefllafls, andfilfpefir- mg Ehat mfihad {We 3:11,:GQG’k-Jw gafidezin. :peivate, and {91d her thathe WM EleihaeadsBmgsSL and eeuldehflzatn {no more than arm—4 the! ma, f‘alfihpugb at his «B-refefion heéhasd wwed Chaffity, and. Meg: mMy=pierfwefiea5ét¢ Win. be: me :Sec~rerl,‘promi£ed4 ghee"; £119? ifzgleiifiQdifl gafiedpfafihomy Palmettoiabfoive her. .fmm anyefhet fweetsms (es;-r11ef?§afliede Thee) he wm Id be i the man that filQQldaQ at, fleithgxf ffhguld her .. Rename : be lover-grievous @hfla 7 2- 7141518 finutty fiery wieu‘ld' thistyetuladt Nun frequently £5311.;Putbli€1ily~endgjuflifigsthee.Ituthl-efgzlt in the. .Prerence of. 1.1:th Relater, {he being now grown ‘a’s,.~rigbt1asahm‘ Miflrefi,'and {’9 it: feems were many more of that Nunnety, and alfo Barbarous uns new-.1741 Mueelmflesaswefl as? ,W-aqtensg. fer. thefam Authbr,‘ p. i9...Affitméwlhefijzhegee-1d;iifiheawere: m the Bank) “goat/ery- n'ealf.5ep~,1§9¢égq,;ayWalla, Where he” eould fetch.- out both Legs and, Arms-9 many epotlmaqeent BaftérdS' which he‘d there been dc,- ;, item 131d! Rsieiln‘t-iens mafia/Judge there : ”was. fame. ,. T wth as: well: as Witt ,1 m the Repetteeef that Lord, Who: When King ; Hem 043516 Se¢ond~' QfiFeem, wanted a, great Sum; cE Money,;wifltt him ethic.“ the PWM‘S Bedemd when the. Kingfdemanded.’w1mca{him , *. they ‘flmuld ? he, Prfifently :replyed, With-»éhef'NmsfamheY-mé 3°- (19 , But;,;ql3€>£h tbs? Kingggtherevare agreatt mmy'mmeuMunkS‘ thgguNuns ; No matter Sir! {aid the other, for let our Monks be ' ~ as [133] fig rampant £15311er Can, one Nudmay mall: fé‘fivwhalfiéfififizmi16F $56,311.: , : A" .. , . - .; 1 - . , :4 .;1;:; i”: .57. “11:3: ""3 - g T15 abommabliem thin-hflaamef 1:1xxtbewuji’tefphm:Hpgtiedaffighg';_ .nefs-difcovereda: theVifitatiQn "of *Monafléfies,C0VéM5,fiblfiegfiée :Cburchesand ether? Kd‘igiom -H‘011Fes.:inthé rim? inf KIQfAHMrj: :11: tailgand yet extant; ituhét: Réwfids 9:; ‘As’fbr:E“x1::1trgp3l'e=§jfi1fige Max:135: £331“ :y «if B at £612,311 ihfiffi SQdonfitszblloWing.-w,eggf1é§fiymd)w§ 701m Abbot, (Ricbaed Sale/mrfl, Thoma/5 Cntéert,m$li;dmiMm’é}{,fibnst: fling, gregory Champion, Clement Weflfield, film Q'ofy, Thomas Cram}:- * goglgfililqueia‘efb’ai’l; My": Infifiddgflobn 3512mm; Cléfifififlfiggfiziéjmrd gb‘ygyhandja/m finfiing : l , In .thp: thmhzofi :Cdnte'ibif}3§m§gfi13§}ib éi\/lgr1kg{g)fSt Lfiennetgfiicbarqt: QUMeWniMHé’iflinfi EW 19%; E im'fld-e- yber} name‘s; johnfiddingtfio‘nyNécbdlu £12216»:in (#3- fibu 337??? 35932 ‘- Jlfiérfllégjbamm‘Iflyidieflém:j’oibn; 0711,71 1mggigd1fiagéw mimj’xifififl _ .531 {RMonafleryof‘SL Anflmthw , 1W2a1ria‘euiiginfili BhiEQ :WéideUnd guilty: nfifigdomyfihdpmtfl‘ied awardifigfiNg-I- 3a¢13gfifi ~d€‘§c3;.:wzho could :éxpeé’c -othe‘rWife; ~0fsfl1dlf; gmwlecfsgr M155 3 was ffii‘ LUbbem, Kw: .confidérfi [115.61 t-rirviflé; pukiihrhbbtsfi uhé‘fiMth their Churchazcfld whirbwmlyghfly dwhght ahemféhziéfi Whéimnk‘fi , had . provided for that detefiable Crime; for in the fore-mentioned, Qfihudfl; flnnafmq £111 'iEhtmémis tb’e :Ilbe’nialgyf [fifixiggeeagffihat . ifihnbvérl {1312111 In: publigkly? flcufixfln mite: gqilw :dffthgfimbfiswg 913% if; ifie:.,beia IEWBLLS : Rangopglfeifham {@115 fihéh agfogflp 5% 13%? mofim‘l 1101103 dcgmé :mfisbionomgeafndl i5 HE {life’iaéLQy-FPéYfi’éfi?fié ' 11 $3111 :piefilhie’rm.r‘:rAfiE§y‘l.Q-{itimi is atafciwéfi (3151?.33355311311933‘Bé Mmks 11:01:11": mg :11: ~;7Er€Epgfis\'sr.r 1145156111935 31333 'Mfegééqma A Vifiém oféjmfliwggwham. hwfifl W‘lbfifle IofPhdi‘sgfi P61119151} 11% 8mm: am End émg; Yggrswasi WOW; mdeaHQrefige$M ’yéfi’ [31% A3 {311. 5-33138P31V6d1 0911111? Mime abdése 3Aht14k511éé1 111-1111: wedeeyrmrgbg . :11 . d 47 v ' {Erynagnd‘fimniblmfibdomau[yam (meié 114911 @‘Bé‘iflffléfififldflgflf , _ thiflims)’ mm? [SBVWJQEd’a‘W’PZWWRB iliigflé ‘7 Cbnfmf 3.3035133- WhEVm'lCfilfis p§ttfi£ur§a was: ri’in'xflwgtif 31%) @MEEWI‘E’GRQ’: 2331136166 e:::.1::d1 $15dbmy: 9:11:11: ::‘-1:::.y:1g:mif:%:ryqav 12111393 :1: 151211 W33 , A! againfiit,1WhtflPeG-&jd:lay.Macir‘imfibyimlflfiiafltéfifi'fifioémlfiafiéff} ‘ ycarfix Eindfle‘rem :1 thmgmi: rfidmgefiwggfig 1351:2131 Wang; Elm; 4mm'efifld “i Q1fisméflfilfifiekfiébflfifiQtfil‘fi’éfi‘é’33$ W§3m1é3§§ thié: Mb: 137:;me Whereufisis W‘tfimékb E’ort‘l‘igi 1d £23193 32:11:91} ghéfi ' ‘ Vmfi£nlm¢$t€ 16611675? in!Gugiifijfibdmfiifa’izwmfihQQHHQJD it? wag: 1117:1119: :Ibmenfing M:@I::1193;®osimms1;111»fi:391w1:1131a . 13%: '3 E ' requefi I [:14] riequelffof (Petra/5, iixlaeritwa Cardinal and his! Brorher fierorne, did by his Sacred Apofiolical Power permit and grant unto the whole Family of the Cardinal of St. Lucy, that yearly during the 3 hotteft months of Summer June, july and ‘Augul’t, they [hould have free leave and Li- ~herty to ME and prac'Zice Sodomy, any Law to the contrary ‘nomithfianéfing. And hereby the way I would have our Papilis note, That it Was this very filthy (Pope who brought in the $15,408 firi’t to be ufedfor counting of'Pr/ayers, and Ini’cituted our Ladies (Pfalter; he lived a? about the yeah-1458. , ‘ ' ‘ The Roman Church encourages Debauchery in her Members by advancing falfe Doétrines, as by reprefenting Parni‘catiOn,ee~c. To beonly Venial Sins, teaching that by Confeffion and Ahfolation, by a Popes par-domby an A& of fubfeqtient Charity, (7’6. Sins may be _«Remitted,l.or at mol’c that the worii is only lying. a While in @107. gator} ; which - may be awoided. two by a Legacy left for forum .Mhfliaslaid for ones departed Soul. Thofe that have Imbibed fuch prineiples, itis nor at all firange, if following the Diétares of Car— wpt Nature, and filencingall checks of Confcience with a Mock. fhewo£>oRelig~ion, they’o the greatel’tfixorbitances. .. ' Now therefore would I Terioufly intreat all perfons of the Roz man'Catholick perfuafion, to lay afide all prejudice, and divefl them- 1‘e1vesfor a while of that blind Veneration1 Which they have for , thefe -Deceivers.,.5 can you thinkthef‘e men capable by pronouncing a few words tovamake God (as they blafphem‘oufly fpeak) who. day- 1y make them {elves Bruites or rather Divels? would it not have been pleafant if the gOOd drivelincg Father {bouldhave bleli: you nut-ohms Spitting "Pot, infiead of Hobflbater ? you fee he makes .rjog'bonesofllying, blufliesnm - at whoring, andwill you trufi “yourQonl'ciences and your Souls; nor to mentiOn " your Daughters pr'youtraWaveriwith fuch Goatijh Satyr: andwile Mifcreants 93 Are thefethe men that mufl; pray- your Souls Out (3f “Purgatory, 'who ghemfelyesare forc’d to pals; through a @urgatary of a Flux, for the molt iodiousfilthy unpittyedgdifeafe amongl’c Mortals. ‘ In the yeryQ-‘Samcred; Feafi cf Clariflmm,;'when he fhould have been chaunt- inghis Avezisvand his '1} Deming-then was fimwling and howlingune dertheJor-tures of. his hall? putrified honey, and the [harp but necef- faryj dlklpllfle $301,116., ,Sudemfick, file}; and @iet-firink, or thuna' dringbut 'gflgigathemafs with $21!,“(l300kand Candle againfl all inn-4 - : whoUome ,. ‘ Bodies infected as well as their Souls; E vs] wholfome Whorei, arid ravirig at Nan/eons Turpentine ,5 But he is not the firfl ’Priefl by a Thoufand, that has undergone the (Penitential Exercife; It {hould feem long fince moi} of them Were noted for a Spice of the Neapolitan Gout, as appears by a notable Speech of/a‘ Catholick (keen Teftified by a mighty King, I rhean King jaméy, who in his premunition before cited, p. 3 3. hath there Words 5 Ar" for the Qgeen my Mther of worthy memory, althouth/he Continued in that (Religion wherein [he was nonrijhed, yet was [he [0 fnrfroin heing fupérfli~ tiows or ~7efnited therein, that at my ’Baptifm (although I was Baptized by (i Topi/h Arch—@i/hop) [he/lent him word to forhenr to 24/}: the Spittle in my @aptifm; which was obeyed, heing indeed a Filthy and an Api/h Trick, r4- ther in florn than Imitation of Chriflgcmd her own very Words were, THAT, _ SHE wouLo NOT HAVE EVER A (FUCK? ’PRIEST OF . THEM ALL T0 seer IN HER CHILos MOMTH; Thus. far that Wife Prince of the Brave Lady his Mother Mary (been of Scots. And I hope all our Engli/h Ladies of that perfuafion will not only imitate her in that Refolution, but alfo hani/h all fuch filthy Leathers from their Converfation, unlefs they defign to have their 1/ 7 ‘i . RARE BX 1 763 W5 1 679 amgmé BX 1 763 .W5 1679 Illlllll lllllllllllllllllll 0 1 0-005891 065