‘W-Au»)-¢“““' _w___Fw .4... V N y, “ ‘ » ‘ ‘ . . l““ i ‘ w ‘ fl ‘ fi “ I 9*‘ ,.‘.- zfl : ‘ ‘ ' ' 4“-.--W-i‘,:'\\ ,/,;,4,,..‘~. o ‘I W M ‘ 9 ~ _ W’ CV 2,-N ‘ " mu‘. 3 W‘ "» . J: ‘U. gym '-=,, ‘ I I M ‘ .r 3 ‘H H W ‘ W 4 TO 'rHEHoNi0uR¢ABLE % HOVSE Q P C O S Affitrilnbfecfi in V PA L 1, A“ M E5‘ "ix. = M prowidmm f;l>m?< W you apprcmcbto Godz'ndmz‘e: /sow ' - T /mppic It/Mt meeting will be, 22' more than 1 can tel}: T!2.:a:; 1! mm 1¢e£i,z'v will/Je 4 bazppia meefling. iiiy fly, 4 PggP]gMGo;;ij/3'l/9lg;J1)7[£J0W9W‘i‘3d, andfi¢cb4p¢0.. pléflmll be gmztly blejfidby tlzcir God. All Irlczflmgs mncgntgrint/91'}5"‘0i'M,%C1042! is with us. A£Z;:Iaca:»' am: full ofGod, but laafils not all alike‘. Few know wlmz God 135 migla, or when /26 is «:2 far off, ‘W/me: /9135 g0iW;f.a‘ away me.m,,or swim bis cor;2mz’xqg5. T/963:5) who knrfw A t/Mfé’ tIJixags cam bis pre/"woe fir:/Mir greazafi gazm, ' ])rom:/2 ofAGoc1ro'},>oz¢i:»¢a9¢.e:~*a.% if A mzciixzj‘ kwféfice ztlyairgrkzmtgefi Z0‘;]’c:‘n.N76A j;MfiIfl7WW15 l?f 4 % jgflg 55¢ my 3‘; mfl upfvr ¢z_[ém=r ;;:m2i[/bwaemt $!;_wz vim: ,, Qjt"Pm',,.~..g- %_1%g,,g[”“;e;;,g;M,;41;,;flg¢y€%Goz:! m émfl 25 "fivarjc risen the é » A .22. 10/’]"»=.°..~ M My ‘ 1%“: dim.) &,,¢"F‘ ‘ wxhvvvg (‘W ‘ W. J ‘ ~19 ‘‘YY~‘ '’ ‘J ‘Mr‘:"“ C-"‘ yr‘ “ ‘ ‘Iv ‘ ‘ ‘ “ x V A Thea pime Dedicatoryy 4-‘.-~-......-... fqfle ofbmwm Tixfb in ifisproportiozz bars on mrtb... Gods wisbdrawiwg makes oz bell aéofiaegrozmd. Ifever amypeaple weedecl we prefama of God, we doe‘. We; have rmjbmfo crimwt with the PfaImif%, Be not“ AA far from.us,OLm:d,{oz tmubie i%sneer., Tlamsgb 4 owwardpeace cawzatoa Jami, yer, woe umo it AA when God daparas 5 [saw waefulifiyan istbe wm’z'm~ % $1052 ofaz law’, may God dapm*z‘s ¢Zf‘m'i7’0l£[7/6’ c0mss?A A W/am time Praplm E. zekiclv bad defcriéed the Refiarn mcztion 0f the Gofpel-Jfemple and City zmder V Iewifh notions, he adds £192: 449 z/is nccomp/zflivmem: A afizli, Mad the name ofthe City from that day final} be called ( lshmvah Sbammah) the Lord‘; is there. Hanazsmbla Samzraury, T/mt wyourfufi jrage and g[Izfl.cmce,Truth andholineffe (azccarda shag 130 5/96 exafiefl pcztam) may lémutifie our Tem- ples, ‘Maw judgement and righteoufncfle may fiazm/£22?» our Cities, and that éozr/2 my bermlly baptized with 1;/vi: m,2me, The ord is tb are, 23* the gmyer, mm’ (in bisflm-gr) we mdmtvoumf A Tourflermmr bum Hy devoted ~ " E'cbrmaryz%3 zmbework o;‘%Cl2rz"§71E,: 364$ % V Alosnmi C§nyL§ % ‘LI _ ‘_.~_,....as-Ann» 7hI"'““~ifiIn»d-vluaw-I534» T -wwvv--r—vy-up , M‘ d N P A A ‘ b;cfc§r”c4t}“1¢Hon0Au%rab1cHCu{e of C OM M O N 5, upon thedayofthc %M0ncthlya-Igafl, fammtry 28;h1'i645., } M V EA M;. 4. 8, Theformcrparc ofrhe verfcy “ ¢ 13mm nigh to God, and be wifl draw nigb $01034 w 4 V The whole verfe runs thus , ’ Exam zmfgé W Gm’, amlbe willdmw mg/i am you : Cleanféu‘ your 1;.4m!.r,jcfi»m:rs, madpurzfieyaur hearts, ye dmlrlcm Wiw/ed. ‘ *~ His Text hath three things in it, 14% A Duty chargcfi Lgvon A V A A‘, sag A §Mg:rcy_1:aron}1fe ~ ‘\ us. -9” A “ T 3 A Dxreéhon gxven ‘ A uty chargedupon us, is, ‘Todmw xigb in GM’. The d A . AV The mercy promifed, is, Hr: will a’r£xtvm'gl2 ito*w*.* A ’I”he dircdtion given liesin the later parp, us {bro pe1*f0r1nc the dutie, that wcijmay" 4obt;a.ine‘44:A1;je44wA mercieg Clezwfiyaur Immds, j:‘jz"mncr:; Md pm‘ /2carw,y»e aforgblcwwinded. ‘ 4 A V L/I Sermon prcaa/ma’ écfore Me Hahfouraéle V .5._.'_‘u-2d_ca'ui/3cm:~ A m,-r, fecundavriii €9t’v4z_Icz,’i pcdzf/[2 .«,~ua:«22- eje fZ)e: gratiarn izaflrpe; " fJ}}a>p.2rcz'io1i, quia ‘Dcurn azggropizzquare poJ':fcr~ime lace d:”r.'£.* Tmcobus, fi‘_ rt: t2__A'a.w e/.2‘. <.3..,dv.;.. A Perpmmz ex 730.919: 0 Pezagz. 4-mi coffigunr I c\0mverI_fi:a.<:re:m 42 V maim éI¢up‘;'_7e._M %%I'5€2._? '” = 1*‘*;f_§:BL:t%t1"1~4.i5S an AA 11 13;07¢ OW W133 %¥57%"eI9"‘‘a?~Jh5I 3' d:‘7?'¥’:i*~n ‘:?’*‘? WWCI NW1’ ’ cf&(1Ti1ey’”affi.1re‘us Whit Gmdi W;11%&%doé,g, ‘* A A» ‘ A Wdraw, A4 My b1L11fine{Ie lies inthe two former points, The du~» AA tie,:a}nd;~«t11e‘ mercic;Dm*m ia‘r*:igiz'w? GM’, and’ mg/710 yew. ¢TheVTeiXt tween God andufi, and loam rawing nigh a_oiGodm or Gods to us. In that fenfe we camot be ' n«:,a}:e“1'4A;:_q§AogI thg.-11 [we are; for he is wherefoever W€c tT%‘7**i2?0tf*r2:%‘j?w%? ¢*vi1er5r we .ef%m+A ¢:$..~§ fifil’ in lvim welz'»veA, armimmzc, mad kaive our£cingV , 7‘/we % my: God ;z“»2*:2'1~w/yer (if 21*‘/1, W30 22.: 4“éa“v'e 41'], and iii: you VA 45!, dfltft/J0'7‘l9W all’ ( Ephefi=4.6.V) 0'35? all (men) his _ V power :, in :1/tf ”(,t.~he %Sa4ims)by his Spi~fit7,i anti Moron; 4/1' A (the world jiby his providence. We are invited to come into hié preiénce, from Whofc prei?=:nce- (with all out Pcren 9,1211 and %1c9civitie)4 we c1an~n€3tg’oe, Pflsu’-.. 1.3 9.7.; W/9itbe:r_/}2:z// [flee flaw t/jyprcfeme .3 I/‘ I aféemz’ gap imgg I:7.%;¢Fzv£:”é,tla0x& z3!7"Vt”tlJ6"7’*£’3 3 zflmzzke my bed 2'» bell, t/ma art’ mm 3 If I mks tfae~miz2g::aft£w mmziazg M 51132611 fizz the » z.t::tc':r2.:§k.3W W Ii), Gad’; A %ou1;motionsax'e nottowards him, till he rrid&}ét_1j us, T126 L<2z=dlra:42/¢_e_44s’ ix fifippiqg 1;o wardsk G¢;>d-; The wicked are e£?rmgedfiomM,t&¢ wamb, afflmgq tlzcy gzm éorsz, they gaafir4y. fl1mzkéflgléA&s Q AP«f;%1-%$‘rT3.3r§y VS.Lic4h 31- fo is the language and the Way of tlgrg rjghtgpfisg at V theirna!um1l¢bjt:nh.. Whale: earfih K in this[fér1fé ) A is but ofonc Iiyeech, Tlsaey fpeqlg 12¢; bsfore they‘ can fpaak-.5. and of one Away, and t:~h;«.u’s 9990? %th*°-’ VV?~Y: they. gee4a.;(1:rw,m§fom“gh¢y¢9@m%;g%: $6 barn t/mfzygae aflray , gbeakzng 115:, They are cfirang f * the Lord h#roug1xdc;1Jzmg snuff 31 avg prerzxeiztifig game, 1'} ma a&ua1ly,2Arémw:~v(%«££i?h ¢*£%.h~_¢=ii.;C3h11¥fC;”11-.%C4m‘{i .4» T) me: A 4fr;;ar,zM/2¢¢t.% ‘ fifty < W11 Chhfi) A V6434 éome wage ;:¢§mi.¢..axce1vt:~t£ze Ji’4g/Jar €5?';¢i?’A7~?i7ié' (Job. ; fi¢444s)?%\ \n3“mmamim1&~ §a:1%%?tI;1;%1-1?;t§4.1&’£.;n,§?;1.if% :§Wn 1 :; 4d%n;t’£.¢:4i1“is‘lifewzrm, 4A71;7b52 farms;-1;gc‘11 n¢o‘~apQWé¥ t,<:>,a..ié‘t;]=,.;:@h§1a£erAca,L1ngt»atn do‘th“ no": begin atus, A nor is it endec! bygs. . The”yvvl1o:l1avea, *fioc1;"V= 7 ef'gra.ce,cannot trade Vwth It, orxmprove at Vvithqutx A Chrifis co-parrricrflmip. % Our drawing nighto Gad5is.*4 not only a fpiritua1la&,buta fupcmatux-a1l.r "1"l1ereaAretwo‘vva1es‘vvhereby We draw nigh wk God; % A‘ ‘ A" A x . By convcrfion, and in all the afitings of re4pen:~ flf1C€» trance. A A A A 0 my a touch upon the former: I intend not to mm the co~mpaff‘c of that point. A a Man is born afacr offfrom God. He is afar ofiby 2 double difcance. A~ A A A y 1: . By a natural! dzfl::m':,as he-is a cream re; and thus, not on1yman,but ‘the very Angels in hca.vcn«are afarre omron: God.‘VVh0isableto m*ea-furwhb d*iAfim‘1ce*“bAea e.r:w-;—*:eriA Créamur :md_:eA:»creatu1'e~,‘ between finim and A an. finite ‘ W H A E; LMAa7n3i§*aFéffte 0fi7ffr<~“>~“r1«1 God by amzwl Ji AA.2:z:v24:'«:¢.;.AxA3, as he: is.4afidnef;[ and %tMsA (jf a-g~t5eater difténce%tA11en A5-1%» finitgé can be Airnaginedjis greater then tvhevforzne-r;Wl1£3t delight in 2.‘ In prayer, and in the ufe of every holy Ordiu w -'t,...,‘fi'V9V‘§fiII4'U~...n-aw- "¢->~IM’I'«-wurr-nu Hmjdvfcommgm cm :12} Pa 28,-: $45 , 3 an-aw--—-'-— ‘...-....m.~......,.... “W W" """""" """~0I?&avu\.~wu.s:nu-.-.r_ ‘W imhim; vizithoL1t%ob¢diencc4tO* him, A * Converfion is ;..a“w A Ofitgppfdacwll “tow” God ,°it1;Efh;\;tVVe% dram}-xeer £0 i1in13at1d hx%*e‘n4c&er him by the bland of{A(Z*hfrm%; * " ' Ii: this Glaflé we fee Ahdw fad they%V1ooI<,“o1‘~%havc.*+ reafon no 100%: .,” who lie‘ in ‘a “Rate” eff’ uz1co‘hv'€~rfi0n,;, They mg afarr: of GM. We pity‘; rhofe who Ixve farre fi‘om the Sun, i’rH:o~1‘cfI4 jVC0upi;riVes and Apromdte t:Hatvvhic'hVVbrings man*ni‘g%h_V’Ato God vvh“i<:h VgAathéArsfcattex'ed fouls,and binds them up in the bundlé pfIife,vvhich is in CAhri'fi. It isa noble and a glorious *undérc*aking, mu bcciommingthe grcngefi Counce}, A‘=firiH‘hi*ghéfl ‘%M!agiflraC'y inthe Wof1d;”t‘d> take“ care’ 4 that :Nations’a*n‘”d-Kingdomé may be‘ brought xieér to Gad‘. “Some” ha‘v-é toldf us‘*«’ofVEng-Kandy» zbree»%c¢nmrIionsm;. 4 O *1th,a‘tfiit may 4 be Tfihe ¢hor1;§ur“dftbt$%4n6\f’mt —;Parli’a=1fzje4nt;, 1‘! u ' 3! 5 1 ‘ ‘y .1’ A gr: ¢ra¢aVva¢yahaea1é1§ramxfir miverfiéhy, ," V... fin‘ ‘«::13‘&E%"ié f{m¢h:4Eebrougm ygé néasesa God, fiat“ mu» ’ObE‘d’iehCe I-W0 Popzflirc/z'rl'5)% 1a:;42;;+mfi-mare c0n;verfi'0n%. Théf f51anti%ng.,p»m*« L£%‘ifi?i'ir32g“ &a.x~id* e*fi7t“bfi 0"f7 ‘an a*bl“3&*, '#faith?fl1l1;;Mpztinttw f’fWi’g f¥:>11'1°- q_xj‘iE"I€ni‘hg M“i2*1if%er‘ie,% va*V’.‘,e and} {h 8 Uiify omfinary my 150 effi2&*tI‘1is. A bmfs a Nzvziatm II]‘&}é’_ be born as: once ~.;,% and if one: thus ft>0_i::-11,. it ifs rnacie Afm: ~ex%~Le:~; V"fineAp4d{¥A1¢tVe1s;dus;i«uu1ze&b;:ggdi+11ism%v:n can- M. ’i‘vé*rfio1j %rVl:‘:az:?V%G%©§iV5d’§€Wf““ W9? W10 him ,cha.t lie "mig1'1t'dr3;w citlwrrs m4g~h~~c0 Czwfl ;I‘C};* [M11 t%.'m L.ord<:) B; 3 12m: ‘--'II0~r**"Mu—--qw~‘..‘.-....-.—v~II'*-~.—-.unwun-V--. flu. ,,..... .‘....,...‘.a« v wr‘'C‘''*II4 '1 ‘ ‘ 5. ""‘|""'|--um!” A wrman préaalfiedi éefm 1‘/5:6: HaN:4aag¢r}é§}é\i;:A'%¢' V ,. nu. back Emma timgsa ~29,a§..¢i§S;%¢»¥h¢3??>% Md #94w4flpmredtv b’v¢.¢fW Ma 5% W 4 mééfle/Iéai éeléwivg few we r;wv1ae:PWi2.¢ix%€y¢§»4z#d :9 ram ¢r&em «:f4rén¢: 2e!ig&:,4z24fip¢&%Wpwr ef Setfaéz t£r2mGod‘.¢Th.% tide and Em WAi.£1C.i¢¢ .E*3=¢ fis.P9¥*}§§.W¥iQ?fi:¢VY VV’3S.4-'-0 meewviah sh; at the ;¢9£r&1P£cd Gefiiilm and cm mmic back. For t‘hus'itis' in -§Qn¥C1?fiQfl, we all; nature likea arcwrnn mva-¥‘fi'Qm7 *?God mil‘ Afountfiainfflr ; vvhpn the ‘¢id;§ ;am~%»vvi$tg;,»d§ ;tl‘16 VSpirit and thc mast wrvvit1n'ih§s;fir€%m, '5 it back to :'h«:c fountain-. amd ‘the VV?~.“fi 'S draw agaiy. the fpriflgrhfia-d Hm5;#e%:‘ ma %vv0nd4criwnAgr1xe =*,‘¢ «M ibmafins §;1c2tf1::us1D.§;i2€§1!£1:szMét£3;;1‘a;@:,QM 9f them-: ~(1L~‘b"ef%¢ch ycztlr ) trhé‘ *-1¥=W%17€V¢s1>1*‘;$?«*?5j1?1;17 POW€’Y3'¥1d% OIRPQIT" wnitiea Lin ;4fer3drng Apexmfull; ;I?;«:.£s*»¢V11¢1:s%iI2:=0% all ;th¢ Wm A u da%rkc,m'nc‘rs*4 aa_fth:s L.arI§i-.. %V4s%h¢ V wlzzéenejfis m%1[?}x¢ "¢f%’ M142: “;““;“7‘ILa'*~' Bu: bcfides :h;a$¢ Aqom*éi:r;fiO;¥1: ";1hV¢¢r§ is % éa; fécand. he {-Vfqzzmexasaw;~A_a.nr§xazffla¢§;%f;:gm;21%. f§Wf${gfl»§:ZE;.$ thns is 3. ;-£‘L2??*I-'51’ fiw144fr0 in; —§g?f,M! V;-z[‘;. he fQ1*;1_1¢jrV1sVth,at,VVhcre~ y!:~11% 1d;x:- V ‘T. % - xxfho”**“h%W‘é’“g*r2Lc4e; “‘r‘€cé1“V1:ngfi&*®rf‘?:,‘*di“‘ai*vaneéii*é1fi&té) GbféI«.=» A A Chrifi1an1s often converged, hts who1c4}ifé L“:i1?}j;<‘3‘n* ». ‘ ..._‘....W......., «. . M I64 3- 1sy#«;iae%yxvhfio ‘1”ié:"iI}.’ a= % 4 A A +iwie%;ék»i%e%a‘”t‘eiAi- Ath~at[5W&&1rein claw earth . Every act of finis an averfi4<:*m ~fr'e>T?;i1' ;.%4a»n~’C—1%e€xe%1:y ms of g1*ai3"e% 13% a»»cVV:?i§\"I7;'é?t*4 V k mo;d“goebatkw~ai«%4d;j ~aAndAmu=4ci:m£Ahis»w:+1fn\e“é3 at,’fpE‘Ci3.11§7’ifi%fhiS%p1a¢€, ‘fear he W1‘it~'éS% E0 the ' t7i‘raz%::4s= frA2%e%M abroad ~ «as «pyéféfffeéf A cmin, embracgdandprafiifcd GOf_p€1-truth“§:~*3Th€£7€5 A ‘A iérasiécéns» r%a-ar;~»/ms gk rawaamt iaéfizigixr afrawwg-I; m t*kt‘M; v T T‘h‘”e‘y Whb 9.;re:néa‘r'ef’c‘G0d in thVis1iF'e,%:*imy yet be nearer%1a%Ai*mv. And many; nat%fo G e~‘a=,2a,s i:heyA Ba&f§WBéEfi%&‘ 4 F.t:>'”r‘;:T%.Sl:1‘1y~p%brer%i£¢§ &?§%fifl%a1tn%z?-é% u”~i't‘e fionwd God; ; Po %c411*ey:=who ;“are:~ hneéie ofééi-sfl ’oackfl4%iide f’ro“m‘God: ”t1‘*:~'?1tic§ ifuch the Afvbjfile fawi~t%h,xDmi1£v i2‘ig£z,; % Iécyour backflidingsbe he‘a1~ed, and your brrem:4hes 1’e«% ~ ‘fafi EHOW .. o~ftei1d§oe the Pr(')p;IV1§r-fi.fi;*sV -A a~fi;er,«fi;;h flirfii2&g%1fi»a@!.. ;1fm.el aik peb*p"1éV . ~1*h 4‘C««::~.r‘ev~’}i-ta; with ?G*o*d5 ‘vet: they {withdrew from him ( clmp.8.4.V) S/2;:/I ‘ Fm?“ m*:*)z2m2zzy, ward not retum .5’ ‘ Wl*14%&t , 2’ ~ Hamré ye dram“ 1 ofifxtbxn Gpd by yfom; finnin;gs,‘a4n§i w‘iA!1;vou mm: draw csvn; again by your 1*eped4crhgs 4:’ M’"}2jrT t{i)£22_zis 25*/7:15 pébple fof flid'4€725A~>‘£’,%%% pfkpététali V:Wfié¢t 5“ n ’4ifiothi:z%g ‘put bac kfliding 2*‘ ~ (M'§d)4 jIEyeta>as3aé2z;Ar;2éio¥2¢2%e;V wed v l{£ii’tfi2w.'.tl§?z~*»;Lo%~&:Z4;. me Bord i1$§::1.§nts an.d"éngag§*s x'%.r§s:.h his %dep:1rting% p¢op1e.~: ’ ; % % V Apofiles , ‘iflfiiifég recemng gem; ‘ *7”3c:}~"65fi;‘41? ejsf g C4hrifi~i»é.n+s pr?é*gir‘ M l A Sermon Aprézdééfliémre t:éelF1érzo.wra6Z¢i“ 4 A A Ape) £1165 captioqiI_;3 p1i¢5 3" $3-).Td£”€; V A AA __.,,‘.,-oi ‘ll. ‘ /zevedilq/fit/éeréi6ei;4z¢y iifx-zine Qiine 0fi*%5alilntsIib¢~; A.» ml‘ ‘A. ., ‘ A- A». l i ll‘ W'%’giG04e l.A‘ aw A "" " ~ T vs“? " ' ~ ~,-um M‘--‘M’! ‘ u may ‘I , A. »» A_.lThisislari,;lAlifiii1dxi=an:.;du$i§, Pelri$éiifié1;1MAfi;fé.#iAi 3}. Sumfca hath dra 4? <;i9:iY¢i2tfi0n,;i hfinimfl -5? we , . fides, ihoisiitrhar flips Anoc,i;fa1s fnAQt. f0iIn¢tim¢$"iiii‘iAii his lwafly, and cl1at:lfo1net1ng.eis do:hV«notclccli;1c anciihzlil. A backs §hOu§hih¢4A§3‘11Ii0i'gbeillgievgruPh¢lClbyCbrlfi>gA_ fall aW3,y; A w m, ‘w w \: A ' Letme.r¢m?-miis':rfL1¢Ai1ii§é}&’2*i<§i¢r' z2igbw7m-11 V »eet ‘- A “ A $9 In en t was 09%? she. .c“Qntvfer¥b*bd“fi¢~S am ' A W 5 ‘a ,: e far , ‘_ 4 ‘-"~ £1? ' ‘ ;' V ‘ ‘ vi»-Y * '-.",’;“ ”“ ‘V “ “‘ “Q ‘ '3.‘ " “H " ‘N “ 0 my _ Hatafé e9]’7Ca.m*:ra¢z2;~¢: M Ma "}’~"z:fl,_Tanuary 2. 8. 1 645 .4 l maxi :( Whi‘Ch,"iS hoflible for ti?rne;_, and -under a tem-4 l .1 ptatimen )l¢eg~am/mgqzm zfze 1»';';3m¢ (lama fi=.ith.17t of l'l‘hili*fi“el‘lf5 ~Pf-zl.66;1 83:)“ 5115' Law! wzflwt hem 'l2,z;rJ'hr;a'z31em. «ll anitla converfiozall fr-0:11 fi:.ifi2~l_l‘a&s, before we are fit t%e~jcirealwj nigh 2:-0God an anyhloly dlvltlea-"e.€‘§)€C£’£§.,4'io-n eex1::lm‘0rcllinal1‘y h umhlm gs of our fouls A helb-re ,- l:ah:w."a.” he he fl Axzdltlmt lhch olmwlng nigh toGod is the propeltc interidment and {cope of-”thel'Apoeflle in this place, is? c1ea:~ fibm‘the"x9mrcl~s¢f6ll0lwing, which ffieem tQi'l.nt€1'4- {pretthis -,’ For ailboru as he had fiiid, Dmzv 22~z'gl:7Tz‘a GM, he adds, verflg. Be afflzffed; zlndmozmz, azzdzveep, gfivc. Haméle yazgrfel-vex in tlsvefig/72‘ of the Lord, mm’ /2: /7341! A! llifiyam up, V. to.” Heife’s thebufines of theitext,am;l the b-ufineslofthe clay. The Pointeis, ' N ‘That fzlrayer mtflmmélmg oft/J6 fluid, as .4 drztwiflg nigh .10 Goal. A 4 ~ A Everyordinance brings us neer to God», Lc~vz't.m. 7.. I will éefizefizfiedin t/Jam t/34! lame mg/.1 me, 02:, in -:ezylzzez'§/aéozm‘. The Priefis under! the Cerernoniall Worflllp, had the fpcCiallh0n0L1ro‘E' that Title to be called,G0dsnigho1*1es-, He c‘z1t:[édtbemi‘0t0mafl3er W» to /aim iri holy fervices, Nzmb. 16.9. Now all the Saints are, A {Joly Prieffbaod, to 0/fer zap gévjrimzll fézyrgfig-ey, ( ‘{ Per.2;.3.)l they dwell fo neerm God, that they are :1/15:24 fleigizéaaws. But thouggll they elwaies dwell 11661’ ’ God, get they doe not alwaies some neerm God; to doe fo ism fpeciall work of grace, as to be (0 istheiirl {late of r3.<:e.% H§l).1 1.6; Ht’ 1‘/m§c07r;w'2ct;’§ to God_.;mz.5;'? léelmzet 4tGlaa':«53cl1at1s, l1e*tl1a.tpraies,mu1’c believe. A 80 that.;:here_ muft Ha vd1'aVving”r;igh toG0d‘ bye 3;. double comrerfion, 2; comrerfion‘ from a finfull fierce,‘ Prayer - « .._........__; Se : % ‘ W , . A __ 7 M919 5“, 531%’ 6’ 156 Hmozmzélgw ‘VV11€4'1N3A£k£'[ ~ ~ A *1 ' A - A%.V;p‘1€Va4 e.d»mb;ztte1l aoamft . — % 3 - *» 3:: A A the 1?/ézlzflmzx . . -- ' ~ = , A 116.. %}.:raye1*is 3. commin-<:r to and a V - . N. Amos » D %’v A “ ~me¢'51I1g7W1th» God .. 4.12. Iwzlldaetlmavmzta-t/ggg ~ J ” ” A W’ 5“4~“fe I will daetlwm, A A 4 A A _% , ¢ pi"€P41’~'€t0W¢3,€tt;1:yGgd 0 1. me! A A _ A mg may ha.v€,%. double fenfe; ma)Ifha.x;a: ch?]f§n’f‘”t _ 3:Ch8;11ef1°‘¢3 d h. f A V . . % c‘ha11enge:b, angnfo Eh:1§:?>£§h:fc?o§:1I?pig:t§::"' A 3? M l ' 1'3 1 are Th0fepe0~ 1e,n~. .h Ah - _ I4.ord. Tfie Looivdfivaxlll dfufipcefiuljg 1:§ecNaar§§ (I)‘fFh¢ he will doe fa re are 4 forces, and gaegergll £131? £23 {Sly (gods mufier r11.y_. and fat thy face againft Gdd4 fege hczw Sagan thy‘ heart.) :L}}’dP3L(r§;g£od againfiz him. fntha: fenglirfiingcgngkfi 6. V +4.31. W/mt Kin ~ A 1‘ rs gzzm/l mat;/aer Ifing), fitmb nafigogtzjgfiza mjfke mzzrre. 4. zvlaet/yer {var 4&lg%mg,1.,,AvtmAt/jmfltmlto A V , an” £anfid'eret£1:, W45 4g*4z'2:fi b5mA:,;;,w,, mm tb0i£fifia:;r:etTl3xm% that 452212., IS, to fight with him, tomuxidertaké ‘ . 9 meet h1m‘&= 50‘ ‘7"*i“1=hA*% Praphfit, God hm a%.1““‘ ”‘ F116 field: he’is;commfmg g.”c='3~if1P‘~‘Y°“A f€é 11% E ‘.‘?1’edh hxsw AJZ1’flYa fi8htAa lpattel-1VW1PEh~11iA111‘. I3)&ré W 1 yen b-C We '59 field 5, ThumfpeaksaclmnO§ouIm.eec_h.1m_1n;the }anVguage~1o£a%n11@u1n.b1efi1pp1icat§i;n (“;lS1t1{e};?V1‘fE the EI€17‘.~'3 p&a.ce;)1**eemg me Lord win as 0113:1311 1”‘°“‘?““‘V £75’:-p;zre~fia12m;Ae:.zr/ay. Gad; puz:4o:*;V ithy 4d€$. 4% eu—.a%i":1mLe11mi~:>n, get: thy pecitimj read A * ‘€64 5: ’ ‘ ' Ya%g;<1-fenmh U§9.0mAt4h%y knea and befiie 1, h‘ 5%: 212.1. metDr£¢z3m’f, Wlififl 80 A"°" 9:9 dAe{i4*roy Nflml andhis Famfly fl\::1tn:.b§€f?1u£.1OI1. " A AA ' ” 3 ' 4 -3 pirited W.O:I1an:»c&~zn7-e forth and met ‘ l ‘ H ‘ ‘ "‘ ’ ‘ 04 N29: to contend wit‘q_ him byuébig’ }‘ whgt to does? I _S4mu 25.2 3,2 4%.’ Praying isffuch a m€€?§1Ec:h;;a§E: SW3», H - ~ . U . "3 0 ,. % Hgggye gammy éiét/he w,J;2;1;1;u~y 28.1545? % gghad thoughts to pmfecute%&%hisviflcbric, and éurexnpt. mhem%v%%a fegond time ;; Lats? gae;;a’omn.*( faith h;e) azfi“c?r§ 7 ;ii;e%i‘%1{?bg'lbfh?We“;c* éy '1J£”¢';g)&3*,“: awn’? [$0134 riéemgarrdd 3c:f'— M rm Mme 2£'77?zI?fi oft/mix; I;_et.:us rallyagainr %and% ‘rout-thsm qui5te:‘t1hAeAépeop1e an.I4wer., DAoer%nzb;at[aever feem.c% good’ :i3fit”0.t£>*£*€;., Vrenvew chcsbauteil, if thou» Vpleaflefi :. Stay, fai’?t.=I”1tI¢1“t3%7Pr44iAe“£5t ¢.:be‘not tdfi %h‘a;f§yV;4V.. it is goed ~uo~ askew A cvoufi4fe1Al»?and;;& t:a1b‘*£€€i:xh"gv»Vf.ovrE' G;o”d,2fiVbefl:rre we venture: '1’ ram [waft/§3%Pric:/f5A fer draw near hither zmta Gad; that is, ten uérpavay, " and: by I/rim and A T hum,»m'm4enqu%ire (3‘i**the Lordgwhat hvismindc is» in this+ thing 5, he EX:-.'~ " 1*ef*I"mis:ti%1’=1au‘ dm:i.*e 01+: iaceivi Gwia u.md;e‘r_th is 110-‘ ;i‘mo1?+* dmwfing mew am “God; Hence: it: is A_t‘han erdi;-~ names of w0mfl:.ipVaa1a;¢d aarxza bafmye ljim , warjbzp 256*» Lam’! “£372 téfi = ée4z¢t9;z%%.~w~af~ * ba[z'—- %A »:gd1iffQ',p%We fée,Vfir:fi,; tir1a&.~1s<; aw-pmv‘1l*eage%A which C 3, “* ‘ m0Pc.; 1, __...——.—..{-~ M-‘A-M ‘-wan.‘-n-v-canon-—--‘ -w 34. A VSw:«»2a9;«2»pw:?i§§zzcVVV7aeecz’ be are fire Ham: mkzzéle A‘ maofit afccoum a.eb1.m11eni;;*f‘H01y, ”edueies“ ee1*‘e”;»,1xifzejci; ate as burthens 1, and ,1 tee e.,;Aca:rm;;1l'*re hearc~ cries 30111; If!//gm; e.4a;W em-imjfk? <1e-‘M&i&lI-\«‘§x 3 I;9.e%71:I3eeeyek af*ceT. hurcjens ienfljeegg but Lzapean A no others:t:§:uré§e€¢%qeegui1£g_ tixedéas «éeeidwlzfe tie ex é'%é?td€% VVhen.~we prey weaehzaw =n iegh‘~;seo ed «"1 no; jhonoug to draw nieghjtoegreati;P‘ri:1g;_es5:eu;ei1e:e£0 beeeee.d~emi§¥:;€de E0 the»-'re“,{ence wife’; I§inT~g;<:‘; ?\.7v’i~&i°& ma?xy'weee£;his§~g,a:' A r A "we pray We W0 uldweleoak upim -e.er0i1fi; f,eY}.-.veS‘i a8; ~s.$g{.mitt_§feZ;N: into E1*:evpt*eef'eerIecé:eeeC:h2L1raberofvehlfi zxwzgzgaf _‘H;M<"T‘_J€.fi¢; and/\;“ e We fl301.1ld fay (“Mr §?m:oiv at fl£i‘}ue7£1§‘)'F~ It woulhdbefadnm if efieul xhouldhbéfarre fi‘01nGodh in duty» hhw»hermA:he W‘1ie1ehhbht1finefi"e is RC0 dxewnieh {A D ” ‘rt “""HI3nI:P 18 ‘l u! Scrmonprezzchfd hqflareimihz Hbnourdhle egg ‘Gad’. It is ill"‘*to beabfent from G ode at any- tifae; but phen worflc, when we feem to come into his pre- fence. It lS%pOl"l‘1l2)le to have Godin our mouths, and not at all in our thoughts .2 to have God at our tongues end, and our hearts at the worlds end. A man may be as farre from God at a prayer, as at a play: As farre frorn.God ata holyfafi, as ata drunken feafc. Thus the Lord charged his ancient: people ( Ifi2.29.1 3.)?’/112:‘ people draw near me with their mouth; ma!‘ with their lips they doe honour meghat have remwedthcir heart far fivm me .- So the Prophet ( far. 1 2 .2. )j Lard, that art high 1 2172 their zggekzth , hm‘ than ertfixrrefiom their reim. O that i fnch might be awakened our of this finfull fleep, as . fgzcoh out of his lnaturall , and fbrcecl to cry out (as he) Surely GM’ is in that ‘pace, am’ we lmewit rm‘, » ‘Gen. 2 8.; 6'; A A I§.Ai‘c lhall be.aske_d;: How may*vvel draw nigh to G0 *3 4 A i * A A Ivvoulcl anfwer zhefe three thingsVaboutiie~.i A A L. W’e"muf’c have aright vvay. A V A l 3, We.mufi have a right flaffofflrengtlx- Al "3.‘_W"emufi:"have the right Peeps :0 draw neck my God." ‘Ya*nurlA Way, your fiaffe, your Reps, mufi: be cpnfidered. A A Firfl, If you would draw nigh to God , lool;lam~ your vvayg and exercife faith abAout‘it. The may :35 V35- f_Chrifl, V] A I (faith he) 4772 the away” ti/7etrz:t~h_a7¢a’ A the ‘Life, no mm cammethflmo the Father, ha: hy me, ]oh, 1 6.‘ There is no choice ofwaies to God : if we? miifiial A, one, we have miffed all. The Law mar/e fiethingperfifl‘, ‘W A hat the hringihg in ofa hatter hope did, hy the which we; A A ahgam high zmtaGo:1,~e Heb.-‘7. 1:9, What is that beteer hgpglgf M Wflhefiafcmmans on tileflayhjantia-xjy 28s164s. H A - to hope at Chrifi the objeét hoped for, is this hope «.3, one hopel~depends fo muchon‘ him forthe heft things, that he isourtbetterhope, by which (eW~ithlaffu.rance ) we maydmmnigb w¢t0p;lGac!.Tha.t’sptheApofiles encourz.ge~ meat, He5:.1o. 19. H4-ving therefore,brctbren,6ola’mfiZ’, ftass.«::mc:1,iz;tetp/;::s/aolie/i5]Mcélatidoffefm, eye A mm and iizgizgg mg; wlyisb 12: 124:}; smficratedfar M t/same that mail, that z3”tajZzy, his 3 Letm ‘ draw weer with true ficazrts. A V » A ‘ Secondly, The Raffe of flrength, by which We A draw nighlecpppcod, his sthebaly G54/3. Edifie your flclrues ieiyayrpmq/I, /Joly; fizz’:/2 (Jude v.20.) Praying‘ in xl:e.&a@ G110}? ;, lo we tranflate : others thus,‘Praymg 6y :/ae lmly Giaafz‘, that is,bywthe power of the holy Ghoft: For, Ram.8. We lrmwgmt wimttopmy 44 we ought, but “tic: Spirit _z'tm4kerb intercgfian for zmvitl; groans t/mt " V641???-Dféfllltfffefilp.‘V;A5,iCiShth€0fl:lCC of Chrifi to inter» ' Ghofi to make thofe interceflions in us, whichvve put “ {He Spiritof God There are no prayers~inour hearts. cede with God for us: Soitis” the office of the holy a~./vczv-z':z\aLp.-Y-7 up to God. All the prayerswhich prevail with God, Boive-am are formed, wrought and faflwionedlin our hearts by "“""“"”“""”' p _p . tar referrur, The prayers vvhnch goevto God come from him. The qumm Mme» ad no: laéorzzn- ‘ burden of prayer» ( aswell as that offin) is too heavy W 0m“ “I” 3° A fpiritu pro... 3 for us to bear. Therefore iris faid in the beginning of .«.-rm, quit fimz ; the verfe, The Spirit alfo belpet/Beer izgfirmities. A The ”°‘P“’”i’“‘ W” ., . » A z e. 4 ~(J1‘C€l§WOI'Clfigf1lfi€St0 help , as a. nurie helpeth the “W/WNW’ w little childegupholding it by the arm 5 or, aslalweak rm. axiom cre... Ho: rcgi: . i. decrepido old man is upholclen by his Raff. H 011 ra.tl1e1‘,, dew M’”’“ . . _ w _ fizz-icifllrrn arms The Spmt évelpet/stage:/Jar, for fo muchthe C01'r1pC’%fit1- izzo/zen-sex at» _ on ofthepvvordixriplies. . And then it is; a.Metaph0~r takehfrom one whois to lifta. W€igl1t.tOO,ph¢§.V*i$ for s /M A _ mm.Bt.~2..1. D 2 A A .hun:, » hmfiyg A g :; *5:‘gh,3A%.Vh@1AyA u2"§ A0rAAiS%aSA1&+vf~f_a;§3 A igV»V%our:heznd:¢t*uph<§1+ andz f¥f‘$_ef1’1?gt%iAézi» M ww<”>rl;%e;_, ;iti1A§[hi¢5 héA‘a."\?z a%Ikéf6ufs ¢ % @od.%~ (anal ‘*3ry%‘Vf1‘§AfEa“i11«»*h2i.~vé ééfihéfi ififd Ii15:f1Y$}’AV€A)A_i‘C1AS)AA5y‘ g fixmmy. 3_AThe4vvho1ehav*e néwgwf % M A no"n&. have R1 need,as they vvhoiay thé A vfmy fmri‘ ' A A mcficd a n 1‘,§‘A§ ‘:A}'‘ “(K -‘ A 1. The}fenfe%ofAourQw_g1v\@nt§. n§V¢1'* fifeér the fiagldéiffi (Sf? 6u»f?A ém: pti%fiefT¢.* * Httkat £3‘. fn!£'-lgafbet/1~ ([54?-I§t~’y9A¥EAA‘A07i1‘£‘V'§9 he*:- V Wh<§thin%ksVheisfu1lQthoqgh ntzfife éféfhfemptifi as: A Q we with We fi11¢d,< Ileih ;;~w1@1V:&«_jyé.t kieé11¢d.% A A A feéon Hep is 9. f?¢nfe< fifmtf is. rigs ‘ (w;L,«, L ,;¢Z‘L,1'7‘?'1‘rv“ NJ} A‘ 2, c ‘A A gainfi thAeexfpA‘e€tati0n f he ‘ #2:» 11% A ‘wA~ w * p M A Mix .~ A w '« .y A 9‘ W an Vw n '15 .1“ ‘ 3“ ., %n\ 7%» ‘ A “ . A .1 0 . , \ »,, _ ‘ V v we‘ ,\ A W ’l137Afi“&i%£~Ya;. 4 A A A m[upyp1§Ar t7>£1rvva.nts, yea, and A A AA VA 4 :h*efc”rea“?t:‘ui'es untIar‘hea.\zeri‘, andin £650, -With- A 4"(;mt G0d,AA P]al.,7;.25s~»26:. I/V'bam lm~vweA I in heaven 5:41‘ A _ % m gm; 1 defire éefidegc 9 A61’ aA13I- A my :%portiwxfaéAA4é&zér. 4~m’d*h~avin A~ A , 4*» : A A %r1"." If‘: “ !«"-3 2‘ ‘ A ,a. ' ‘A \ I 7 ‘ h, ‘. .1 “ ,. V J “ W J R ‘ ‘ I rv l . - K \ 4;‘ \ >‘ AA y =' -\ .,A “ “A '3 M‘ “ w,., ‘m A :4‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘AV ' \ A’ AAA A A A’ ; ‘ ‘ A «RA ‘ " V e. . . ‘ 1: «J. W "3 W V‘ _‘.M:. “W , _‘ ‘. ,{ ,,, ,, J #4» 1* ‘1 11) rm II t ‘M ii? ‘ w.‘ ’3‘Af2 ; A‘ o A“ 5’ ~ . . Houfi:rIj”Co?wm‘7z: an tAe£“afl‘,]anuaryt—2 1 64 5 ; $3 ihoiuldets amide wrefilinig with thimitheldi him fefefi A he would netiet goet*hi.s1w.ld?, ft:d“1'h6*1”1'3.t2i‘ a hleflixng, yet he had quite letfgoe any held, ‘yea,iior opinin of A his awn Wottiuinefie EO”‘1“CiC6iVt”.‘ aibleffihg, V Iamfmtimom. 51;)» 0']{t}J‘E‘l€:t;€-It afzz/It/Je warms, and afzzll. I/52 met.) whim; i A at/mi /243? ~ emeduntat/xy fériwmt (tGm.3z.1o.)t‘ or, Jam lag} it/zm“ 2/;e [€:_lfi' afell t/9} merbz'w.i ” Then we are fit to receive great thingsefromt God, whet; we are little in taut‘ own eyes. We carmottcome meet; the high A God, M but with low thoughts of our felves, 712:2 prazsd A be be«-- laolfdet/2 afar ofi',a.nd they are afar oflt". The fourth fiep'.' Aanacknnw«le‘dgemeent ofthe pow»-.. erend eIft1flicicncy.ofGdd to help us.’ «‘We cannot draw nigh to God, withoutfuch afiings of faith lI(“)—- Wards God‘ (Heal IJ5.) He t/mttcommetb ta GM ; éeiievvet/mt God is What’s that :3 A Is it only tltisytltett God hath a beir}g€Ne, it is this, That God hath his it being in himfelf, Tim L’S'0c[£5 God -.5 that is, that God I can ‘doe what he pleafeth, that God hath an a11~ii1Ffici~ encyinhimfelffor himfelf, and an atll.-fixfficiency for us; I-Iemeeds notteature, «anti he is eneiugh ~‘fer every creature. A _ i A‘ t V * “ A t; 4 “ The fifthftep is, That the Lord is willing and test. dyto help us. God cannot hear it, that any fhould come bfefove him with id-oubtfull thoughts of him, ei--e ~ i ther in regard ofhis fpewemt erf his wi1lingt_1efle.[ We it honour him moi‘: when we expect mefi: from him.He :}mtVca;¢zmet/a to Gad muff belie-22¢ that God :2»: 2, and What W A eifie '5.’ Thatlazis A rewarzier of thafé rim.“ dilzgemly frcle 7i5im.; Helmt/;~raastf4ia{to zbtfzm’ .§‘.«zc*oé, feel: ya me A "*zMz'fl.i ‘ ‘Theifix’thflep”i"sitobelievenot onivythmitheteitsa. A A A willingm 2'2 £ilO£ilJ.€;, Avvcgihoptxlti drawiniAghit0rGod by“ ChriRp:p¥the A ' ' 4' VVQYS ‘I A Sermon preached éefofe the Honourable 14 willingnefle in God to help his people, but that heis willing tohelp in thatparticularcafe we petition him. about; That s the Apoflles meaning (Heb. 10.27.) Lew: draw near taaod nu’:/1 4 true 1,/7347?, and full agra- wzm-e affaitly. In what afiurance 5.’ Even inthis.A, That A we Iha1_lbe anfwered in What we ask. As fanzhimufit V mingle With every Word of command or pron,:ufi:, which God fpeaks to us, elfeit will not profitust:Snt faith muft mingle withevery word of prayer, which we fpeakto God, or elfeit will not profittus; The Apofile fame: puts a particular infiance (Chap. I .5,6. ); Ifzmy afyauldck wzfilame, let him 451: of G’ad,&C. and imflmél be given /aim 5 61:: let him .{Jk'iflffli5}}7,fl0I])1lflg we» wring. A V A A l The feventh {tep is, Baldnefli: or freeclome of fpcech A with God . Holy boldneffe is the highefi 3.6% of faith, a and thehighefl: I-iep of the foul. When we are come - to this Rep, weatte at aGods—fide:~ (as I may. {peak with reverence ) and we Rand, as it were,a.t his elbow, The F:mazm'tespA[4ce;, -then we {peak with God, as God fpake with Mofir: ( Exod. 2;. 11.4) Face to face, 44‘ 4» A man /[meet/7 ta bisflimd. This the Apofile invites us £0 doe, ;Heé.4;1~i6.i ’Letw mm: boldly to Aflze ti/mme of grace. Boldnefle would not fute well, at any throne, but athmne ofgtace... And when we are come thi- ‘ ther,and come boldlythither, grace can Rep no high- er-,our7nexta fiepisinto glory. A Thusl havebijiefly opened, who the way is? What i A the ftaff, and which be the Reps, by which We draw nighto God. A Cyive me leave now to {hew you What the eflietfltsloffueh drawing high to God will be.ltpcanp-3"“ f V 15 V. Hoaje qfcombzaflsiigtie Fa_fl,]anuary2‘3.I645; V 23 "4 Eiiygby the holy Ghofhour Ptaffgby fuch Reps as thefe, l the Ienfe of our vvants,-of ourrvveaknes, of our unwor-- thmefl"e,the fight of the power of :God,and of his vvil-e lingnes to give-,vvith faith that he will give, and bold- neife to ask, but great efi’-'ec5"Es will be Wrought in use p {and appear upon us. I fhallgive you an account of our. hp ' AA e r l 1. If any draw thus nigh to God, their neernelie to him will caufetheirlilteneffe tohiin. A foul can-— not fltand fo nigh? a holy God, without receiving Ramps and tinétures of llolin effe. it Till We have fome-~ _W ‘What of the image of G ocl upon us.,vve i cannot come at all to him; and vvhenvve come We receive more of that image. In every ordinance We may have a. ; vifion ofGocl by faith. Vifion here alfinmlates, as, well as in heaven. The Apollletreating of Gofpelw ordinanceslconcludesthis,2lC'ar;3l.18.. rWe*a/[Main .4 ll g/age néitlr bpm face, érliolding t1:eg[ory«of the Lord, are 'eb4ngedinto t/aeflzmerimagefirm glory to lory, war: as éyt/ac Sjiirifoftlic Lara’. It is impoflib e to look on God , and not be like him. 7.4005; {beep ‘ conceived _ae-- cording *the»‘ colour ofthe Rloels: rlel1at?- lay in die troughs 3 our eoneeptions vvilllbelike ourvifions. So then,ifm thefedutiesyoti fee God, and knowtvvho Godis with whom you have to vcloe in them, you vvillllbe h-olyas God is holy, pure as their is: pure, and 3 an as he is jiuft in all manner ofclornverlation. This is aproof to purpole that you have-— prayed and faliedw Mofer vvaslnigh God fourtxy daies in the Mount: And 7 had he nothing: of God upon him when he-came downer Yes, his face diél fhine. And his iiory tels us, A that liisyvhole liéfe-, as.agod£y mm, am! all his. adinini- A i fl:xatl0n§’:: ———..—_¢, A N 7 A % firaflonsco the ¢‘op1e,=as afvijé A11mgijEr4ae%,$djd.{hine% ‘"brighcerAt:henhj2s»*fa$ccs A xIf;»:y0§u d1%3eW«nigh:£0 G0d53 .»fil.S the fa dfuties Aim?pm'I§ 1%y«?,;cv.11 ( dc, pf hegygnly Light 1 vvi11Afliine,an;d. «ed themfe1Vzes; t;pnW1yqurJg3guhn_f¢15 A andfiolves ¢AVEV£rY aét will f@ea1':| fin _ “in” ‘ V ‘ A ‘W: ‘ my - \ ma» ‘ ‘ ‘ “Va i; maditfii i{nm_T.lnis own mag] *msc¢fin~ . 1_‘kI_.‘ nu wF%Wmmw%2'8:V%%i 645; W-W‘ -me,-u cfw0fmy0rMfur@,’?‘ 01* xilbmirg ;2sem . emnug ificomz-_ A * theyscan givje l%x~i@hes*,” honoilwlh % m's,%buc.~ they cannbtjgiveVcomfo1't, ‘you mufi:'1£tadf¢gm@4s ' Vfdr Jthat ecom'xn2od’Icy,figw‘ »iox»%%e11Te~‘5zw.r§ %will;é\rgcmifm: ampty, thou; ‘ Qu‘v:%?{%?B1%@1L%f‘ 7; l:~1'a”d;‘e " 9.85 xprmétsf A aw yeti‘ fi%i1c:{@no4‘co:?nA‘%% m%;V’me%w?ivh5:: A and%Aca.rry awayia dead fpirit, a dead 1ok3;¢d§to~ comiperfi ¢wi*«t:h=fea;r difmai«dnes5a§te_; ”.W€ have .m@f§h1-- pafi"@d v¢%r’m9ét3a‘w(’"f‘*Iw*J;S’.;g— “ .s%» -whdi Wm; grim fiittrrmqfi V ; A mm-c:L?ir;1igi%”e‘*a’:e anAgs§i£h:aoEfdu1mmefhm:af¥1éx$fibn5 V Q praying, and we 1myfeefl1eA,%prayed., : 4 U T . _ A .' nigh -toi»God in %ray@r,, for {be iW'£WtikwA3!,4ifdd7 ,;Lf1;fl§‘’€;5%4}:ié{ : A ~ % AA * mm?» A ugh :re--,» A_ V forrdw “cm *fi*afld'Aib<¥®f0‘re a1:::‘[3ef ‘ofhll A 6‘Q_flf%[6FlT0flT.T‘5“ What is h6'aV@n5‘bu«t§?the pmf,3m¢¢;of; .. ;: vyl'1«ah[; wxeV%:.1haiI% %»finde‘viVuAJ~the»a‘gréfecaF¢are,wth4e V m« A % M A 4 A J A t*hii1gnt2p1eaifures ansfiéojves h*caven,.%AwAbe; A . cm1£e%wc:%saraew'm;;t1 fihe r%afemeV£ .Ged%:%+i»foin;aa p1-opog3aa»% A F 0“9~V5 ‘ Wefig thou gm we*;d«we~1L A Ma mrox%vs,2'§ ~ami‘though fps ."i&:n§3;m.§ fffflfidg‘ § M L17“ 3' A » ~ ’ 26 V I g:£Ser2é¢onf;;;/fed %f39re the Honoaraéle beautyfciraflueé , or make us Abeautifull in our arh- ;; 41 gfant*‘*r[1'anyf;‘a foulhath drewvnmgh to God in-, deed: ‘in: =pray¢1f;;hc»aring, :&“..*‘»'.A.¢ and yet; comfort hath % been faFrrew:ofF.V ;But7we muft not argue againft a gene- ra11.truth, fro.m:.a particulagtemptation. The pofition wiiIfiand,1:hougl1: every experiment c0m_es not up to God is afl'CE a.g¢r1ti,and works elcéhvely = He is notllikc che:Sun4,Which cannotfijfpend or divcrfifie its .oWn.operatin«'; 4% :: A . ‘ \ * ~ . AA ’ A ‘A W , % _’]f‘1:1:ird,1y, . They who draw mg_h to God 1~n~thefe~du«- tics, wi~ll4draw offsfrbm the11*dL1t1§2s .. There-1s_ 3. Mdou-~ b1e’¢onverfi0n:,Anced full for a Chnfhan gt-h€l'C 133, con- vérfimim“ Em-m%fin .-, zmd there is a. conve%1'fi;>2} from duty; not from thepraéticeofit, but from r.e1y1ng_an~d.t.ru--- fling upon it. A man may pray: much, and £a.Pc--much, A % :mdAin%%.fieadVQFdra.wing nigh t0»G0:{,d1‘av.:=.nigb to p:"a§Ie7rT Lhis:%h0ughtssA:m3y be ‘L 11*}OI‘<3 * Up0fL:.h1S prfl)’f3!‘, nh~en~u*p04nG0d to vv:h0rn~.he pra1€_sV;,: J63:-rid he may lure more upon hiscufi1i0n then upon ‘Chrxft. But when a manindeed dravvs nigh to God 111 prayer, he forgets p;>3_1ye.f5s;a_;1dcrem¢mb..€1‘£§ God. He loves to ~pray, but £§nAoTc :in%1aw: "~f~Vifl1~%“hiS“;¢PI’€l}7€rS;A He gay’: forth in the [g,e;,,.g,;, gf~gVgg{,; gm? »n;a..;:=ke: meiflfaéz of; IM rzg/yeoufizcffe .mly;He nvi1*1nVom=v.ith%tbe P4&ar2fi9e_m%k§ 11?€nt:10n-0fhA1$ du'tziesA a1{”o,o-r b~ringG od areckonxng-0511145 praycgsfind GE his) fafcingsfi ;I fa]? tmiae £2? t‘»€r.s' w%ee-%/e,8cc,. A Hew1‘1l~n,qt :.Veii%t%h:: L'>rd,, ‘ I faft-orrge a.«.In0n€t.th, {keep we-xcraox:d1.g4 naryfaf1istx2itna:t;:,,he-forgets 9.1! £1115: }+a£’os gee-for 310- ohingficpraicrsgo fog noth‘zng,an:1.tears go fomqthmg: €;b::if’c is all :'i he; "counts upafl flflthlng but Gpd hkmfclh + Paurzhl"y;,T{1ey Awh~»:>A dtjaw:=-nig%:; to God in thefe du-— c&a§,dtaw off f}[jom xheir f6l.ve~s. Ar1LdAt*hey Wh0~a1‘¢ ’ Y A necrcfi, Tun as--« Houféofcmmom on the F4/?,]ann:.'ity 28.1645. A i neercfl God are furthefl: froWrfr1%f1<‘:li+”..Self‘-1ti>ve is the firft and moft potent lull‘: Se1f~deniai1'is the firfi: and itI1"é>Pc potent gracelt is anargument that men know little of God ,ghd tafle iefie ofhim, when they know and tafie themfelvs (0 much in ailthey do.When we are asking i " God we fl1ouldbe—cie.nying ourfeives. For he grants A nothing to us(inmereéiifigsw therefexe» th7ey Amay becalled h6re,»m4i¢-fldy.iflg¢ * Bur vvha;,e go: thcny: by thefe_vi&oxic$:' S Avsgerfle the tr0{5h«ie$9fthis Warf- fflh; ‘rémffaith, 3‘? ‘ i11Mafd~€'fW"%tb/a4:IJ¢;~ andcazznot aw -4-: :4‘ .- As::4M:%~‘ Haufi 22fC‘ommom we r/lie Fzaflgjuhrrury 2 8. 16$; 5; ‘ ’ our fe1ves,a.nd Qhtain your own defires; he-rr(as yrhe 0ri- ginallemphhafisbearsy) get your wills. The Apofiie beats itupon them again, Tefiqlyr and rmmg yerye /awe mt, émwfé yer wk. mt. Thefe menu vvere d'ee§§ngr fo much forthemfelves, that is? fortheir /u;-'z‘5, that they little regarded God : eheyvvere thin in prayer jvvhile rheircorruptions Vverethus thick, Ye/147/6 not, éeczmfe H ye wk rmtyz, Not ask 5’ fure vve doe, V\/'h&t,do not We prayV;’ he anfwers («L'crfl3..) home to the point. I’ll- grant ye pray, 2”e.w/3', ézatyereceirve mi‘, beczmfe ye mks amzflé, and fo y0~urrprayers are ciphers, they fiand for nethiyug, hewhmanyufeever you rrreyy number theme Sihfulel prayers are no prayers. E tell you, your asking is no asking. ‘Why 2.’ We hope We pray for things. ‘lawfirll, We pray to God, not?“ to an Ici0l1,and vve; pray iurtlle Name e~FhChri{’cr 2’ "Le: iJrberrhtha.et ye doeh few, , thmuglu ye aékuothurxhiffe inryuur‘ praiers in regard ref nmtrer,_obj«e¢‘rAer-rezerlzzsm, yevr},rer:rs£< sgrmmrriife. ‘R,-’Vl‘1ere’rsr‘ the faults’ Here it lies , «ye are not right in yourhende ‘and ajms. Ye feek your {elves in yoL11*praiers,Te‘.y that jwmzy V-c¢=mfl:r:mr«27thr?rrrrf zxpm yaw. rlzrfl.§e~5.r1 uld ; “havehet11ebe1ehfl'ingé ofcod to‘hefi'~0wr theu1+e",_upon your ’ p1ea‘fures;,ynofi to dorhirs p1eafiu*e.Your1ui’cs pray rather ~ "then your graces. ye are. fuckling your lufcs while ye are praying .-,.r ye make Erovifioyn for the ;\fl@.fl]5 ,‘ ‘while yeure iufpiriruall ‘dutbie:s.. Lookto this » y( I be- ;{‘ee;c’he you )~ for I ramafraid mofl: epraiers narifcarry upom chishpointrh How rriany ask that they may confume, J whatrtheyywould rccei~ve,upon their lufisr, fl upon pride : randambition, ? upon vain-glory,» and the love of A pre-«- .e “erruinence?3 How m~2i.nywveu1d thus lavifh out cheurner--. gies of 4 Gad j; I; poffisble for afiman we pray, not.or1a1— ‘V-U .4 . ..:;,__V “ '9"'R'l|. .. t2’r,-rz'.'u;,;_r_2e;—§.’hzr Efik 1 ubrirzere quodr g ’&'G£."$'I":“3£6*5a.. "M ‘ r, 30 t ven, to bellow them upon his lufts A erman pitched befare t/ale Hozmzraéle ly for the things of this world,’ to bellow them upon his lufls, but he may pray even forthe things of hea- : _ He may pray for the otrclinancesof God, and beflcow them upon his lufts : He may pray l.'Ot'pl1I"€ ordinances ,' and bellow them upon filthy lufls : yea, I thinke ’tis polfible for 3.» man to pray for grace, and beftow that upon his lufis-.4, notthat gxaeeit felzfcan be turned into lull, but there «A is a depth of finfulnefie in the heart of man, which would put the belt things tothe worft ufes. Howe-L vet the Apofile is clear, that good things may be put to very bad ufes, while he faith, Te ale, t/mtye ma ~r:o2:zfzlme it azaymr Jufls. He gives them 9. title fully fig-4 ynificant of this inthe 4“ verfei. re adalterer: and ml. ~tcrefl’.r:, he means not carnall aclulterers and adulte- reffes, butfpirituall. As if he had faid, while your l1eatts~clea.veto your Worldly interefis, you commit adultery with the World ‘, and goe ya. whoringfrom ChriPt. t Forpas an adulterer, and an adulterelle “are made one fiefhz So a fpirit proftituted to vyotldly con--A xzeruments, is made onewith the world. Suchwould make heaven bow to earth, and God ferve thedefignls of Satim.s So he mull‘, if he grant theiraskings", who would confume What they aslte upon their lufis. A A A A A ix WTake l:heed oFthis(faith the Apoyfi;1e)con{ide::wlhatye 06; knows ye not ; that ytbefiiczm‘fhz}2.uaff/ye worldzlr enmity fmitbabdflyesivve know thisvery welgbutwedonot heu aslieve our own hearts can deceive us thus ygrofly;,tha.twe -who pray fo often, fo earneftly, fol zealouflly for good -1El‘liI]gS;,lhOl.1lyVCl' yet‘ be thoughtsto pray all the while5or1:—- V llyto getju fewel - and proviyfiou V for out lufis 5, 4401;} th ‘A y A WV ll , keép ¢ ..r - -—-.-..<...a4....—.—- vo.....-.. Houfeufgommomontéefxafl,Januetry 28.wxm6:ii;-5.5%. ii 31 _....._4e_ 1 keep Fafts that we might have fomewhat to feaft and fatten out corruptions. 1 Some poifibly might fay, as: Hzzgfzelto Blzflm ( when that Prophet fore-told whatgi bloody work he VVOuidIT13.i<2€, when he had the pews; er) What, are we rdzags. t/mt weflaoulci clue [tube a tlamg ?f What, we prayyfor our luits-t Godforbid. A The A- pofti-es ntexevvords ieemstoeimply iuch thoughts (v.5 . ) Daeye minke 7t“/9.4: tbeiscrzfture fizit/7 2'22 vzzzh, the Spirit that 53,7378/[HIV/.1‘ in :4»: lwflctb to. envy-R As if he had faid,you thinke Icharge you too deeply, andmay perhaps call what I have laid an afperfion, at=- leafl: a needlefie jea- loufie. But-taias, can anyemeantell.-what he vivould d‘oe«vvith** mercies, vvith riches, vzvith power, if he had thefe 2’ Friends, you know not your own hea.rts§,i,_— nor ofvvhat fpitit yeare.-. But doe~ye‘ehinke God doth A 'nOt»kn0W your hearts 6 . Or that he hath not the true meafhre of your fpirits 2’ D0!/int/9¢~S£ri]?t#?6. gbeak. in vaizr ( that is, Without caurfe) t/mt f/78 Spirit t/Mt dz-reel-V {etbin use leaflet}; to envy. ‘Where doth the Scripture {peak thisfthe Scripture fpeaksit no where,fy11a‘oicaliy' he in {'0 manyvvordrsg, Sound and clear ico/leéfiom amt _co2z_- fequmterfiom Scripture, are the voice qfscrflztzzre -, Sorne thinke the Apoftie-.-alludes to that icozn p~1aint@Gen.6.5. ‘ gadfimv that the métkedneflé ofnmze weer great» rayon -z /16.2 ii cm‘:/2, andzr}Mt'every imagine-tiomof 2*/9: rlzoyg/Jt: if M‘ . /mart we only evil centinmz/Zy..i Others referre .-it to the '. anfwer of Mafer, when his fervanwoflazm brought him -a complaint agaianft Eldad and Metlzm’ for ptophefying V in the Camp, defitirrg his Lard Mofes to farlazd mm, Enviejf T/yauflmmyflxkc 3° Num£».1r.29. Wheti1eryr§thi5« A orthatvyas the ipecxalltext,is.~douhth1l1 :,_,of this yyvrey egeefures the Scripture yyee1ds..us this ppofitiorj, 7124502." .1 AA A «.A crifiio2z‘p%éab72ea’ évefbre the Harémyfable ” W Afi A 4 Aa7we15let)§2 in lz./fiat}; to ezafvy. Wheat- fpiritmis‘ V e wig g ' And how doth it lufi 2' msomeve take it fOf’M.[h@~ % 7 céorrupt fpirit ofman :' and fo the fénfe is.rHath not the Scripture caufe A tefay, that the finfull fPil'ii‘CyO£ meme luPcsetoe‘n'viee,: or isenvieus acthe-power and great-- A ne7i7fe*ofo:hersr:e andis defireus to grafp all to it fialf; ' ”' Ha;th=“the Qcripture fpoken this edewithchute caufe 2’ Doe younot finde finch a {girit aéting and efiriving in you 1.‘ orb’ net the experience you havee"%ofyour hearts (unleffe yoube Pcrangers at home) ”jufi»ifiethi5s¢.charge?e T/76’ fiiritfighatt dwels in you [uffetb to ez¢'vy.V_ee_ Othefstake the:/112 irif for the Spirit«ofGod. "Doe ye thinks Atbedt; S%ow'1>tz4re fat"!/7 ;in*'v2zi:¢ .9 A that -the S]>irz1t‘*~o_f Goa!’ ( dvsréla ling im:l1e Saints, orrthat fpirituall principle given regeneration) lzgflfetb roam»; .5’ Ami thenthe fenfe is A this, Ye are fuch as profefle ye have received -«the eSpi—- rit of God : ye are a. people fcattered rby perfecutioen fortheprofeffioneofthe Gofpei, wandbearing t11e_f1‘t;pi§s V ~@f;flf-'16 Spirit. Doe ye thinkee the Serieptureef evaein, the fpirit thatdwelleth 111 you lufieche to. envie Ti’ That in, chat“(rh4ee¢bePc, having, eyetethe feed, andmee ' ms ofeveexyzefiune in them, eeezxndfeeofenviee) the fiqi.- ,ima11.P;m » you’ ‘ t , ‘ “ V _ n o ‘ ‘ w _ 4 Amt‘ toi eeodfixnualle werkee*andzwar:re4yfirxvmngs and ‘V A lufiings t~Q~keepi~n~e'tI1e mtxons eof y0ur,hear.ts from 1:.’ “For as nhe”r.e iS3’fl3fiflfl111.I‘%lJ';flC.ivgeggfij . 16 e _ » G41-5 an A h»€1‘C*- do“ Atherenemeedebyethe ofiliee) his mvying e(% verf.2 1. ,) ‘w5ie?h»a:1.1Vaét*te«ntiaynté’. A;ecordi=n'to this§eineterp1*eta.- A figazflfi Ofihe A er.hefen%fe of £47; ¢9,;,;«', Haztfle tfcammnr‘ a¢z‘t/éefrzfjranuaryr 2 I 64.3? W Greek prepofition. And I073 Zztfl notes that hofliie envie~,as Well as the-rs. 4 V W V Mgca‘-win ren ders the text interrogatively, D'.::t/9 iii? firirit z/mt dwe/[erbium [zg/i‘ to em»): .9 Ye {peak of the Spirit of God, artdiye fay ye have the Spirit, is this 9. work that looks like the vvotking of the Spirits’ A What is the Spirit of Godthat dwels in you, or which you pretend dwels in yotgafpifit ofenvie 2’ Nothing leffe, -the Spirit of God breaths other thoughts, and teacl :- eth other lefloxis. ?ThatSp1rit which is truly A liheé traisl, cannot be envious. He that giveth freeiy to all, would not have us envie thofe to whom hegives more fteeIy,then to our Ielves. Or, he that giveth us more,doth not envie us for what Wehave, v. 7. Bar iiaegirvctb more grace." If any receive not more from him,‘ it is becaufe they are unfit to receive, not becaufe «heisunwilling to give. Gad (indeed) refi_/fat}; rbu Proud, hat gitvet/1 grace to the humble; A eproudymau wouldhave all to himfelflhe thinks the Whole World muft ietve his ends,’ andtherefore God oppofeth him in his Way, Swémiryourflslrvesz/2erej%retaGod 5 be Ifute you pray under God, and not above him. Ma- riya than whienihis bociielies 1ovVheforeeiGod,7hath his fpirit a.boveGodt He that ieekshimielf in’PIfflyA€[' to God, fets hirhfelf above God to whom he praiers: o A thought of tvvhich twaé the devils’ fitfi: entertain» tmcnta. t r I-Iisy fitfi iuggefiion was, 1” e /7141! .63 45 gods. No- thingimaheé us To unlike‘ cre2ttures,i efpecially fohniike A oneewcteatures, asa. cieiireyoffuch;1ikenefi‘e untoh God. And vvhiléweivouiti be high him in making our own #1 - r j I‘ Way, ‘p’5fii"27..‘ mrgig i A oppofiti-on, vvhichthe holy Gholi raifes in the Saints ma“, pt/grztzre againft envie, -1m lying, that eventhey are iu.h}e<5'i: to 60”” “"“1‘“‘i""= 34 _ %T.v$r3:§Igioa5in%bei11g‘A0w’©WAn 6316» We de&PAa%rtAfLzr:1:mfi*‘ % i7 fimmhim-4«A$.I3ecar*eFuA11than xm*€-£ifi~Ath1s« dm/z;lAefw A % 'l gmm gram;t;,e;;amgzg } H Aeekmg, andrcfi&V11imm0fi;WhenLyc a;a§yi'c::£;ingAm=- V A AA tO7God. w 252; de-v}'lAby4flé;%ei%ngAf;;oAmw%yoVur%.feiwssv .an‘d~he4w§11flzcfipm'yau. % I-Iaf.v%ir1gth-us put the amt Q_Hig11%gT' Ayfoq may cz’rzm2_& 22zg~lJ,to% Gad,4 w11:h_ ~%§;I%:)isV~%c9g>1fi-~ A thmghe Wi/W4Wi’??£/?.¢0§0%- V % ‘ x » w mercx, pr thc fruit 9Af;09rdrawingx1igh x~oGod,7Dmw wig]: 'taGod, and:/ye will draw wgig/2 ,m;yozz. ,.I4dvwVi;mQ; handlethis later part docihinally, butonely ag: .;a;f;:1 ;a,;;.;. Ag;u%m&efm: to prQv%oL§§ly®ufir fpirits to cig-:;.w_Ln;g11§ to ,, Gd, uponhi53*aCi0§$i¢A0nd1f¢ent10nto drawinighx to you. A Thereismuch A ] A preffehow drawing and 3¢tfa¢iive44 i45A.m;h¢44?,£h Ie§aé{1éi’zw:z7?ig£rt¢W0!t4 » GM will dmr #53/v F ;%W%hat?s tlwmy .in;m«r 3’ Wilma fPa@1<¢% ‘ Go&drayWLn1gh; you all we A iaavfixcur P@Iit£9na% Si: is “3XPQ¥1Rd¢§§1oD€W‘4~«{7v{ ;4tiqizAz3?tl2cr}qf:2 gram vim /74??! GMAIH 1%/a to t1v¢m,4d4[Ae«:¢;~ 4 " ; £31‘. On E43?o»ntr«arys The%AAn9theaxZngf Bra is ‘xi afi*?€”9”WV%flWWV#*@7%w , H“ . 3% ' ‘ ‘ w ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ', Jr , ‘ \ ‘ , M A ‘ “ " , 3 ‘. -; ‘W X: \.; ‘, M? »w ‘ " ' .x~ ywwrvw rzfiorlgnideclare L.c;¢as% fig» the rpmé Aaaed; A 4h‘at’s+t~1i€ féc nd P948? _9‘r€m©rf¢%d5. thfi A‘A}?ré%1*i1if¢f’%3f‘ rarory~iuA»this Prom¢%fé—::»vWq can r/W? W¢w¢4!£~W Wfér I tmngfiwe ca!»1uFpc>n him S0 v V may‘{a%y,%IHii% é w‘lvoli4tbbevz14»%«¢¢m 5 wegmayfgg 2% A I—Io%z.I»[‘._. qfcémmum M the Fafi,]anuar}t 2 8. harre been here by the fpoil they.haveAmadeA we may V f read the Agents names upon then: _a;€t10ns.Sq when we, fee great, noble and g10riousA worke‘ (though all men ihould be fi1ent,yet )hfuch vvorks have a voice to pro- claim their Authour, Tizefinger ofGm:! is here; I might“ fhew you hoxv every t<5tp1~ek yeelds us a per{w’afivAe arm urnent to defire thxs prefience c>4f1G ed with us. A Fir{’c~,’(/14 z¢ecaeffario)fro1nAthe neceffity of it.W' e have no needof many creatures, they are but conhvehniencies to us. We have no abfolute need ofany creature: God Atcaifiaenow5aAsehAewi1}’Ipehereafter, ‘/1/lfz';¢ all time ':arh.r Gdd.hi$enou_ghr’htf the drawings .nighof God updfim" eavzly A;f0AAm1:1CAAh Y[011h3-V6 Of hfi-'2«V¢nMupon earth. ~ The". A A g us,orAagaiufl;us,; ifwc ‘1;g,ve,#.%a.nc1 God nvxghusfi: as _ M hi {peaks of aha vvholci 4 Vvorld %(;4thJough4% the‘; bzfAhiss0Wn‘hands)AaS vani‘t;y,‘_Q.x:.2zs. rqothiiig. 1111.: A IMz:qm¢: AA&e%a:2e:¢VAmV:12aét21A%ar¢ Mmtfiiflg, am’ they are counted Iethm mat anddzanity, I{a..4o.A 17. V‘W%hgc,wa3; A A %—a1zes~.Aa;bFA0u‘1: nothing A or did he make 51% A béfra Gad fafhiflflfi 61 A WA»»eaum;uJlfa;br1ck where“; bgcag ' 19i‘W“"a-ti’ . I . " AA ' 4 « ¢ ‘ «‘ «b: may w ‘”“ Of Ytmitzy AEmp£ine{.Te and Vanirie v§;a,s.Vcfih¢ A fiacew V ' « 1sA vgountto%tha.yt"fi%r{t»Aac§<§unt;.wfiibli God, - m1;d,[ A WTh<>z Cafii~fl84uPA~f% thefe7Ver2.l1 par»; 4 wfetéllifuma GWI ? A2vdcoz1A A A j 7 vi: WW9? 4”“: it ‘Am’ ’AW’L7¢ :€”00d?;~ ~ 'i?,nus:.5 ‘f$o;gflDi‘t‘ %4it~i'§:€¢~t!1¢0k1¥;M;¢f§5nd 4 H We Jiazzje of Common: om it/re 1%/"Z, Janmry 2 8. A1 . 37‘ {iii}, excepting only chofe cracks and flaws made by the fix} ofman :2, .butiyeEWiheniitihe“i L0rd_;1001sficann: heA1'p.you‘Awith-oAur AG*ed A ’0;Wm”M‘mie§ no<,:‘ fL‘r?10Ar t7he%armies;%aof[your Brew Vv‘1ren*@nd; fadamfes , Nclat only %‘all not AA»-—.,: gffigyptizqa”he1p§%«6%IVvi£h@u@“V ‘ % ” » 9 A A A §tmvin€A‘GF Ifi~ae"1zZmc ;., every Natlnmaelg” ms V» if’ we ihde&d,~mm£m 22km A zM»o44ga2w. A ‘mm Wwna A " ca A od, I f*af’c;sAand praiérs. The Cave nw*nCA“€?m%n0E » out ocleyngi, not tihievery Go1"peél%.;:4 VV’h:”at is%‘tO haiwe. of peIpreac11ed,and Af%Tx:w1o55!zzp2zl could riot»<37it,‘fo1:l5;e had done a11'I:hat,as the A} 1 fem fa;ith‘a:Amhje‘*£1:2h:tv.r~:c:Q£7Aehé%Chapter; AAT/2: Bbilzflines tésmfélrées rogétlzergam’ c;¢mé:¢mdApi:dded ins/72;. gawervrfi % = 1” ; Assay! Aav AAoAg:4¢kwed all Ifrzzel rbgc!Eer,»«~antlj2ifc(/Jed in Gilé’oA4AA.3AHe*ha"dan rmy,bu~t: he had not ja? G od;_ and A A «.thAe:cffe Lu-;dAaafes%no%t engageA;vvit.hA.Ehe Pbilifiiflti.-N93. A “A can fupply t»heA» flawed A0AfV;God‘. ¢j§AyQ§1,;% Qpcgg A yAA0ur.cl1efis5andileetreéfure there; Ayct"‘, vif‘AA Go,d4+b«eno;:~‘ Ather~@,1kmw;pob‘r are ye 1?.’ :you7A mufcer yiouqar-‘ A mfés, “and fee number and vallout there :,,yetA1‘f Gociba !AiAOtA.A£11€féA,h‘QW}\M6ak.fl1‘€‘ yea’ &VVhen+ ye%1oAo:;kupon your A oounfélsgand fieeavvifdom andvvell-groundedpolicies »a1Al%be? 14 jFQL1l‘th1Y, Though you ha.vAe done great tbin_gA%s,? yet A-if ..AG0dAWithdmW,yQ\U'Afl1311Ad0I10A1I]O1f€.,AMall cannot AA } Aa-€t‘thefamething"$ thefirne ?a.AAffifl:A’e%lIA:1cAeA*.%A.A%A A ~ itzxutaaiilyrftrch A 1* *,as»~~« V» _ «-~‘«AAA 375:} AAA a xsAifliqAf;11de V’. ‘M W A ‘ ‘ ' :1 Vvhen AAksA.*~V~Ver5e andhis B45145 uA ‘A7 I e ‘T from AG=od;«And 4herca£dn.vvhyAmanbann9t»al;Waies _ paral-lei lfiziéjiom/n%a6ti‘c5nsM,;i’s, becaufeG0%dvd4§’éh~t10t;~al-A A AA A i:w<.r:}:<‘:A0.t1»fr1 we are [0neerlyVjoynugh; cVl1e,«wor1;;d4wiehdrawg, . ;h<:,>ugh.§. G ne§:1"c.P;::- - A; Sermon préacbedévefbret/ac Hanouraéfe‘ } A Y . neerem friends, Athoug11‘g<§¢d1y friends‘ and bre:h“£;”nA (fuch were the Romgmtseto Paul) withdraw, yet if God i’c4a11dewit.h us, A e (11311 be “able t0«With?&ar1d‘a1lgainé 4 ' fayers, an.dA when W61?-V? done 3115730 Rand: A God ézee » with Izw,wI2oc471l?e agaififlw .9» Though many ‘fhould ac... _ Athempttp be,yet n0ne‘can,their very Withdrawings and oppofitions {hall advantge us. P ‘ A e,»AeeTAoc}ofea1l“, etakel befeechhge on two vgeneraleludedtx-‘Ah: A éizions from all eethat have fpoken. You fee perfons convertefl from 9. fi:a.te oféfin a1—enigh»:o G"od,a.nd hhconw. vetted perfons daily turning fromtheeaflcs offiri are e nigherto God, efuchknow how to draw nigh toA,AGodew in everyduty : eAndA God vhonouifs them.1withAthis {’ci1e,_ Nig/9 0ne.v,AA /713 Nfiig/aéourshg e,chat?iS theirpiviledgee (Pflzl. 148.14.(He 41/a exaftet/9 the /aarneAaf‘bz:r eop1e,r;3ee pmifle of4¢l1;Ja13sS_4i7¢t:, 6’fU€fl a,ftebeh—ec/aildrezz eff Mel, ahpeoei-A A‘ 1213 neerA;tmtoA»hbim. A And Dwiafiofe heeixmfelef (;|e'1’fZaz.l.;1:g.9.); W»/yml mks Ill~witbhet/wee.-Whe wasat Gcndg elbow A “A A before out bf his bed»: ‘Wh‘6I}fflE€p had over-wpowrede him,he was not mafierhvof h1§owmmderfl:andieng and A neafongand therefore could not make" it out : Butfi faith % < he)WhenIawake,whenmyAfenfes~a-re L1f1l0Ckte,3.I1d reefonateliberty to ferve mygraces, were I ~a¢923?zT/l;xvit/: A A t£2ee.AhAsfoonasIawaké,myfir£’cA:flight.istd,Godg Abefbre I ‘am’ up or1*eady, I make a Peep Atcxfleeeven, and a1‘ W= ed?-Y~10ri.e,'s hm ain " ‘ Kings A ‘30 Gd,ean§I Afihfllhh W? :A11Aelaiemg~let the alf A A be enighhffth Ayoug A§1€thot A“ee;W¢'rA ‘neég/7/Ivar: 5 be A Wvngedgit:)%1Ma.:meh€Jpeit zg ’e£9e~am4germias£ Wm_ngAa;A A mmu: Ah ' f A A he Prfincefieg beedavchaneexg“ M Hoafe cfcommwzs an the Faflfflanuary 2 8. I 645 . t_ 4 t and tell him ofthe wrong: It is dangerous to injure A Gods nigh ones, they have an advantage of the World, 1 they have buta fiep to Heaven:A11 the Saints on earth live within the verge of the Court ofHeaven,they are r nigh to God, andiGod is nighto them. If the World {pit in the face of a Saint, he can but turne about and have a kifle from Iefus ChriPc. It is befi: to be a friend andta good‘neighhourto thofe, of Whom God faithg f y Thefe are myfrierads a.m:1.ueighbours. A t ‘ iSecondiy,See upon what termes this union is made, how Godaud man embrace. a Draw nzgb to Gaagmd/ye will draws mfgbtayoza. Manm drawing mgh to God? ‘ rriuft drawofffrom hirufe1f‘and from his fin -,but God in dr'awrng111gho to ['I‘13.I‘12CiOth not draw of from him- % {elf or from his holmefie. When caufe and caufe,par- ty and partyare at difference, there needsa drawing nigh on both {ides ;,1t both have erred 1n parting, both ougimt to part wrth and hewatl thexrerrours, that there may he uniting: but on which fide foever truth i and jufiice fiends, that fide muft Pcand. The union i rrrufi be made by the repentanceof the one,a’nd bythe acceptance of the other : In fuch acafe the Prophetis charged (fer. I6 19.) Let I/oem retzmae zmto time, hut re»- A mm not t/mm ta t/Jam .- Let them returne to thee from their fiithinefie and rmqtutyi but returne not thou un -A to them.,hy receding; frorruor giving upthe rule of 110-- Iineffe and purity. I’ro_;>;2»tt fzflma’ My grozmd, for thou Ptan.dei’c L1por:Gadrg2~armtl, while thou art takiizg fart!) flit’ preciara-fiom we mile.-fi"hat’s the duty laid upon him in the former words,aud to that he tnufi: fraud. 0 ur preferrt divifiozrs are great :: parties are, I know not how far from one another, ’tis1righ time(fo iris ~ Ge a meet A 43 M M H ,_ ___.........‘..., . . ,. , _._ ...-.‘....... ...- ~ “-~-vv" 1eeetf0wSt0Wde¢> to _i0in_t: an anaarawneex-aogéfe. %=1r:er=e My rellmberto dew, as God andV1m?1da *‘E.3 A ","h¢§e_M ’i‘5‘.‘..t af'e’*‘,,}?‘;'3?‘e“-“3e[ 9%!-‘3‘:a P111 E10112 W1t_I‘it1‘l€m txuaazgia that m;h Bum uefiezL?:>3ee50a1VmJziigy,”P.;:4,§¢;;;,{ 3 . be ofFe1*edAe,s the p1.‘1C€ or them . Y Tom‘ 3;fEiir$“beifl§il14AL2;' ._...,.,........—-...-.. ..\. _ --v —...... m---.~..n .‘ ‘ eaewfmeéefi "‘"“""‘Y"\«vr\n ~,. .... ‘ -........m.‘ —...‘.. .,,,M,,_ i A--... .,...‘ -..‘x;,,w“_‘_.'_ ‘Kn ?’9f1?6 0:»:-:~=z:araéZ;.; ~—-..........._--..._. ‘ 1 ' S, _' ” ‘ ‘w __ ‘ ' .. _. - _._M.:.~'-._... {W-'¢w 19teF115%‘1“’¢*e}“'4'~";e W gmu, rename 2103 to them-__; Efodezfasvnagiueupon miner tefmsfi is toiay the'"‘foL1r1da,~ e e{~M;.e‘OFa%n e.x2'e;~1afi‘:ls1g <.M7.1nim14.; ifygu pm; a new pééce to azi*O1dg:3.a':11er:at_, the rem Vvm be made Wolfe; the newvvine vviil quickly break the old bottles and all V#Vi111*:ee3oPc.A ‘\7'eryi:18:ing agreements have béen made béE‘V‘3@“eV’ViCk€d“@m‘«‘ 3-fld Avvickednefie bet;-Ween er- rourhmi e1.Wur:%but1 never read 4of Va.§1a.£%ingaoree§- 1 nwneenteb‘etweeh vvickedneme and jufiice truth and er J ’ ‘ m=;u~.e, fL1’ChHeetem;g;enea1s vvillenotincorporgm-e‘. God d1f_ax*Jsnig11t0r1Q21e, but thofe Vvgmm hé findeélllgilyfl ; oremakcsechena in 0‘efi1‘1?~*1VY€VV€1‘€W~Ug11t OF God this holy skill an& A he3ve:j:1yw_art5v to_dra.w nighamzmg our fe1ves.as he deezuves 112311 to use Heaven t:oL1c:hehs%ea.rzh A4 not dirt ’ bp;t1*efiz1edea.z*t}1 re Goci takes man byti1e5%E'1az1Aei%4 hm 3% hf?-%1C‘§eaY€‘3 MS h<:1“a2i.1ft mufi be vVafl1eda,th9.t’s the)LaW 05: Fm? bmjfledfl W?‘3fVi€3V, as we learn from the later \\ gm..1*t0fth€4Ve1*{e, M/'zz[I2 yazw ,éaem’.:,yb flamers, 5:-;4d_;§z;r;{fi'ge 39014? .£;*ee»zrr.gye c:iIm25Ze—2:rzz'7¢c{ecz’. A ' “ V ‘ FZN1& ..-'--us.-.-an-—-- .Er:’43i,j,a;;~n. J Page 8-? ji*.5.t1?.s.{c. 35 5_ {W edmlmade alwmp; -«---W _..._._..._.,_,.,_._.._, »....._......_....,........ _.,,__,,,_:: .._‘._..,,._