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BC BU EllrBXEPB.PI~'II; B1 I: ii; E:::: i-x;. r1::I: r' ~\~:" i hi: u:ii, i-;:i~:T S ifiil ii ~i n:j 1 -' Il-Pg%8Baaaa8rPl%ieu:g;81Pw~"aPalia"Be"41sEierralas,;i; r i^i i r~t i;,, `%j 7, - , f - I 0 I I I - I: I , 4 i 111 -1 - I,. i i ll:- - _ , --- — — —.1-11- t; k I t I - c9 qq.I% F -L41~ v,10, S -;,/ 7,5,/ e, 4 4 OF~~ I i I i I t LIVINGSTON~~~~~~~ CO.,~~~~~ M~~cxEIG-A3( V,, T - I "ItI tl~us~trafionui andti iraphica4 *tttdht i I i I I C-e-" OF;:t, IT-S IE1?,OMI2~TIEU'TT- IIEEN A&ITED IPION8EEI:1:RS. I i I I i I i I i i i I i i I I i i ii i i i t IPHILADELPHIA: EVEIRTS & ABBOTT. III iA8 8 o. — PRESS OP!J. U. LIPPINCOTT & CO., PHILADELPHIA*. a1 PREFACE. THE History of Livingston County here presented to its patrons for their approval, is the result of long and patient labor and research, which have been bestowed upon it with the view of producing an authentic and connected narrative of events of general importance or interest, which have occurred in the territory now comprised in the county of Livingston, or in which its residents have been actors; confining the account as closely as practicable to the limits of the county, and to its former and present inhabitants; referring to outside matters only so far as is necessary, to show the connection of events. To the general matter pertaining to the county, is added a history of each of its townships, embracing notices of early settlers, sketches of churches, schools, societies, and other local organizations, and also special and statistical matters relating to the county and townships, intended chiefly for reference. Other portions of the work are necessarily arranged according to the subjects of which they treat. In the preparation of the history many of the best and most reliable works bearing on the subject have been consulted, and no labor has been spared in the gathering of historical material from the most thoroughly informed citizens of the county; and in these labors and researches it has been not more the object to collect all obtainable facts, than to exclude everything of doubtful authenticity. If errors are discovered (as it is almost certain that there will be) in the orthography of some of the family names of the early and later residents of the county, it is largely due to the fact that these names have been found spelled differently (and sometimes in as many as four or five different ways) in the county, town- 1 ship, church, and society records. In several cases it has been found that different members of the same family vary in the orthography of their surnames; one especially notable instance of this kind being that of two brothers, both of whom are highly educated and intelligent men, and both prominent and influential citizens of Livingston County. Under such circumstances it should not be thought strange if the several writers of the county and township histories, often finding themselves wholly at a loss to know which method of spelling to adopt, have sometimes made the mistake of choosing the wrong one. Beyond this explanation no apology will be made, for none is thought to be necessary. It is, of course, impossible to produce a history which shall be absolutely perfect, but every effort has been used to make this as nearly so as possible. Its patrons will judge it upon its merits, and it is hoped and confidently believed that it will meet their approval. To those who have kindly given their aid in the coltlcion of material for the work, the historian desires to express his thanks. Among these lhe would mention the pastors and leading members of the churches, the editors of the county newspapers, the gentlemen of the legal and W;f 3 0 00.00000X:0:>XDjC D3t ffff I e 0\ 5 o 4 PREFACE. medical professions in the county, and the honored Judge of the Seventh Judicial Circuit. A large number of pioneers and other citizens of the county have also been called on for aid, and they have all promptly and willingly responded with such information as they have been able to give. As there are in this list more than two hundred persons to whom acknowledgments are due, it is hardly practicable to mention them separately by name, but grateful and cordial thanks are returned to all for the assistance which they have so freely and courteously extended. F. E. PHILADELPHIA, PA., Dec. I, 1879. CONTENTS. T- ISTO R I AL I HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. CHAPTER PAGE I.-Livingston County and its Indian Occupants.. 9 II.- Cessions of Indian Lands-Settlement of the County. 16 III.-Changes of Civil Jurisdiction-Erection and Organization of Livingston County-Courts and County Buildings........25 IV.-The Press-The Professions-Livingston Civil List -County Societies.. 35 V.-Internal Improvements... 51 VI.-Military Record of Livingston County... 60 VII.-Fifth Infantry...... 67 VIII.-Ninth and Fifteenth Infantry.... 79 IX.-Twenty-second Infantry... 87 X.-Twenty-sixth Infantry.... 96 XI.-Third and Sixth Cavalry.....108 XII.-Other Livingston County Soldiers....112 XIII.-Agriculture-Farmers' Associations-Population. 120 HISTORY OF THE VILLAGES AND TOWNSHIPS OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY. PAGE Village of Howell.....35 Township of Howell......84 Village of Brighton.. 201 Township of Brighton.. 218 " IIandy......233 " losco....255 Putnam.....269 (" Famburg.. 278 " Genoa.....291 " Unadilla...... 304 " Green Oak.. 322 " Conway....334 " Marion......346 6" Hartland....362 " Oceola......376 " Tyrone.....388 ( Deerfield.. 413 " Cohoctah....437 B IO 0: R. A:P- I C0A2 _L.. PAGE Francis Monroe.... facing 162 lion. Josiah Turner..... 82 Hon. William McPherson, Jr.. between 182, I83 S. E. Howe....... facing 183 Sardis F. Hubbell....... 83 Peter Brewer.......200 Solomon Hildebrant......200 Hon. John Carter....... 229 Aaron H. Kelley......229 Rev. Ira Warner.......230 Melzer Bird..... 230 Thomas Woulds.......230 George W. Conely........231 Samuel M. Conely........231 0. K. Van Amburg........232 W. C. Sears.......232 James Converse.......250 Harvey Metcalf.........251 Ralph Fowler......252 George Lovely......252 Edwin Nichols......253 Marvin Gaston......253 S. P. Kuhn..... facing 258 William S. Caskey..... 262 Amanda Douglass...... 264 Luana Stow...... 266 Hon. Isaac Stow...... 266 Seth G. Wilson......267 William H. Kuhn...... 268 James Wooden.......268 PAGE William J. Jewell.....269 Hobart A. Twichell.. between 284, 285 Stoddard W. Twichell.... 284, 285 Major George Mercer.... 290 Hon. William Ball.....290 Dennis Corey.........291 Elias Davis......... 291 Joseph Rider.....302 Chester Hazard......302 Charles Benedict...... 303 Ely Barnard.... 303 William Bloodworth.... 303 S. G. Ives.... between 312, 313 Philander Gregory.....320 Morris Topping......321 David D. Bird..... 321 Linus Clark... facing 328 Hon. Kinsley S. Bingham.... 332 Hannibal Lee.....332 Cornelius Corson..... 332 Almon Maltby...... between 332, 333 John Hooper.... " 332, 333 George Gready......333 Benjamin P. Sherman........ 343 Luther Child.........343 William P. Stow......344 Levi H. Bigelow...... 344 Cecil D. Parsons.....345 George Coleman.........357 W. K. Sexton.....358 5 i-' 6 CONTENTS. - ----- --— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thomas Love George B. Wilkinson Pierpont L. Smith George Younglove Aaron Van Patten Eldred Basing Charles Smith Elisha G. Smith. Le Grand Clark. Jacob S. Griswold Peter Y. Browning Ephraim J. Hardy J. A. Van Camp. William Hazard PAGE *......* *. 359.359...... 360....... 360....... 36I....... 36I *...... *. 374 *...... * *. 374 ~ 375. * * * * *. 375 facing 385....... 385....... 386......*. 387 PAGE Richard Walker.........387 Robert Walker.........387 Edward Browning........387 Robert Browning........388 George Cornell.... facing 390 David Colwell..." 390 Hon. John Kenyon.. " 392 Isaac Cornell....... " 396 Rev. Isaac Morton........412 John T. Carmer.... 413 John How.... facing 418 Col. Castle Sutherland.. " 424 Joseph Chamberlin.. " 426 Ezra Frisbee........ 461 ILU ST A TIOT 0 N S Outline Map of Livingston County PAGE facing 9 HOWELL. Livingston County Court-House.. facing 135 Howell Union School..... " I35 Residence of Wm. McPherson, Jr. " 142 " Solomon Hildebrant... 42 " M. L. Gay...." 146 " Seymour E. Howe.." I46 Portrait of Francis Monroe..... " 62 " Hon. Josiah Turner... 82 " William McPherson, Jr (steel). between 182, 183 Residence of William White. facing 184 Portrait of Peter Brewer.....200 BRIGHTON. Public School Building.. facing 201 Residence of P. J. Sears.. 218 " the late Aaron H. Kelley.. " 220 O. K. Van Amburg.. " 220 " George W. Conely.... " 224 " Samuel M. Conely.... " 224 " Thomas Woulds.. " 226 " John Carter (double page).between 228, 229 Portraits of Rev. Ira Warner and Wife.. facing 230 " Melzer Bird and Wife. " 230 HANDY. Residence of Marvin Gaston (with portraits). facing 233 " Edwin Nichols ".. " 236 " George Lovely " ".. " 240 Portrait of Harvey Metcalf... 251 " Ralph Fowler....... 252 Residence of James Converse.... facing 256 IOSCO. Residence of Isaac Stow (with portraits).. facing 255 " William J. Jewell.... 256 " S. P. Kuhn (with portrait).. " 258 " James Wooden.. " 260 Portraits of Wm. S. Caskey and Wife... " 262 Residence of Amanda Douglas (with portrait). " 264 Portrait of Luana Stow....266 " Seth G. Wilson.... 267 Portraits of Wm. H. Kuhn and Wife.....268 PAGE HAMBURG. Residence of Dennis Corey.... facing 278 " H. A. Twichell (double page) between 282, 283 Portraits of H. A. Twichell and Wife. " 284, 285 " S. W. Twichell and Wife. 284, 285 Residence of Mrs. Mary E. Davis (with portraits) facing 286 Portrait of Maj. George Mercer..... 290 Residence of 0. W. Sexton.... facing 291 GENOA. Residence of Chester Hazard. facing 291 " Joseph Rider (with portraits). " 302 Portrait of Charles Benedict.... " 303 " Ely Barnard..." 303 Portraits of Wm. Bloodworth and Wife.. " 303 UNADILLA. Residence of David D. Bird (with portraits).. facing 304 Residence of H. and P. Gregory.... " 308 Portraits of S. G. Ives and Wife... etween 312, 313 View of the Village of Plainfield... facing 314 GREEN OAK. Residence of Linus Clark (double page). between 328, 329 Portraits of Linus Clark and Wife... facing 328 " AAlmon Maltby and Wife.. between 332, 333 " John Hooper and Wife.. " 332, 333 " George Gready and Wife.... 333 Residence of Wm. D. Corson.... facing 334 CONWAY. Residence of Wm. P. Stow. facing 334 Portraits of B. P. Sherman and Wives. " 343 Portrait of Luther Child.....343 | " Levi H. Bigelow....344 Portraits of Cecil D. Parsons and Wife.... 345 MARION. Residence of Hiram P. Baker.... facing 346 " Thomas Love (with portraits).. " 348 " E. Basing " ".. " 350 " A. Van Patten.... " 352 " Geo. B. Wilkinson (with portraits). " 354 " George Coleman (double page) with portraits between 356, 357 CONTENTS. 7 I:[_-i T I TY s rr IR., -& r-v I 0 w S Residence of W. K. Sexton Portraits of W. K. Sexton and Wife " George Younglove and Wife Portrait of P. L. Smith PAGE facing 358 ~ 358 facing 360 " 360 Portrait of J. A. Van Camp " William Hazard PAGE. 386 * 387 HARTLAND. Residence of Le Grand Clark (with portraits) Portraits of Elisha G. Smith and Wife Portrait of William Smith. " Charles Smith TYRONE. Portrait of George Cornell. " David Colwell. Portraits of Hon. John Kenyon and Wife <" Isaac Cornell and Wife " Rev. Isaac Morton and Wife Portrait of John T. Carmer. facing 362 " 374 " 374 " 374 facing 390 390 " 392 " 396. 412. 413 OCEOLA. Residence of Robert Browning " Edward Browning " Robert Walker " J. D. Botsford " P. V. M. Botsford. " J. W. Botsford (with portraits) facing 376 " 378 " 378 between 380, 381 " 380, 381 " 380, 381 DEERFIELD. Portrait of John How. " Col. C. Sutherland Portraits of Joseph Chamberlin and Wife COHOCTAH. Portraits of Ezra Frisbee and Wife Portrait of Alonzo Frisbee. " E. A. Frisbee. " Mrs. Margaret Van der Cook facing 4I8 " 424 " 426 facing 46I 46I i 461 461 " E. J. and E. W. Hardy (double page) " 384, 385 Portraits of Peter Y. Browning and Wife.. facing 385: 1. " Iii 0 I s..I I. ------— ' --- —-'7 — " --- /~t^^^^^^; ^^-^ MI 4 MlFCH jl I i H. I A W A S S E IE Co G5 E __ F nr 1. — 0 70 - -T -4 t I,! I -. -— 4 -I I - 7 --- = ---vI w M. 6 } i' L 5- 4 l I_ _ _1_ i 78 7 -7C' -I I 0 — 0 -- 0 —;~ 76 x / 21 ' _[ r A_ 23 /.? r~.2-^ 18,9/, -L ( 8 GJ -I -- 4 --- —-I-= --- 13 4x - - - 7CIN 0 - < V7= 71:::3 - =t —I 1 — ___ —A -:;W r SI I IT U I V7 74r? I 7 — I ~ —=Ti --— gwnrpE W I -V ~ A-l" I6.41 A!' I N E S E C.| L D 20 21 24,TYRON _ 0. Ia zT 26\-1 ^~ joi~ ^^.-", 1? _ ___~. 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I i-SS r- - 1 I< c ) 0 0 -- - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. BY' FRANKLIN ELLIS. CHAPTER I. LIVINGSTON COUNTY AND ITS INDIAN OCCUPANTS. Location and Natural Features of the County-The Native Occupants- Chippewas and Pottawattamies- Indian HuntingGrounds and Agriculture-The Sauks and their Expulsion by the Chippewas-Superstition of the Indians-The Later Indian Bands in Livingston-Burial-Places-The Chief Okenmos-lndian Emigration. LOCATION AND NATURAL FEATURES OF THE COUNTY. LIVINGSTON is one of the inland counties of Michigan, situated in the southeastern part of the lower peninsula of the State; its county-seatwhich is very nearly on the central point of its territory-lying between Detroit and Lansing, on the direct railway line, by which it is fifty-one miles distant from the first-named city, and thirtyfour miles from the State capital. The counties which join this, and form its several boundaries, are Shiawassee and Genesee on the north, Oakland on the east, Washtenaw on the south, and Ingham on the west. Within these boundaries are included sixteen townships of the United States survey, lying together in the form of a square, being four adjoining ranges of four towns each; which, on thy supposition of an accurate and uniform survey (which, however, is not strictly the case in Livingston), would give the county a superficial area of five hundred and seventy-six square miles, or three hundred and seventy-eight thousand six hundred and forty acres. The surface of Livingston County is in general to be described as undulating, though some portions of it may be more correctly called hilly, as the term is understood in Michigan; and, indeed, some of the southern and northeastern parts of the county would be so regarded, even 2 by people accustomed to the more rugged surface of the State of New York. The highest (though not the most abrupt) elevation of land in Livingston is found commencing on the eastern border, in the township of Hartland, and extending thence southwestwardly across the county through the township of Marion. This, although not so much raised above the surrounding country as to be very noticeable, is the watershed of the county, from which the waters flow in three different directions, and by widely separated courses, into Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Erie. The main stream, and several branches of the Cedar River, take their rise in the western part of the county, in the townships of Marion and losco, and, pursuing a northerly and then a westerly course, pass out over the west boundary into Ingham County, and afterwards join the Grand River, through which their waters finally find their way into Lake Michigan. The Shiawassee River (or more properly the south branch of the Shiawassee) rises in the lakes of Marion, flows north through Marion and Howell townships into Cohoctah, where it bends towards the east, enters Deerfield, and passes out near the northwest corner of that township into the county of Genesee, where it unites with the east branch of the Shiawassee, forming the main stream which joins the Saginaw on its way to Saginaw Bay and Lake Huron. Several tributaries of the Shiawassee also take their rise in Livingston County, and among these are North Ore Creek and Yellow River; the latter of which flows north through Deerfield into Genesee County, where it joins the larger stream. North Ore Creek rises in the lakes of Hartland, flows north, crosses the southwest part of Tyrone, passes through Laird Lake, and joins the Shiawassee. Another tributary of the Shiawassee is a small stream which flows out of Thompson Lake, at Howell village, passes eastwardly into Oceola, thence returns to Howell 9 10 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. township, flows north and joins the principal stream in Cohoctah. The Huron River, flowing in a southwesterly direction from Oakland County, enters Livingston across the east line of its southeastern township, across which, and the township of Hamburg, it continues its course to Base Lake, on the south boundary of the co6unty, and passes-thence into Washtenaw; after which it turns towards the southeast, and flows on in that general course to Lake Erie. The Portage River, a stream of considerable size, flows through the southwestern corner of Livingston County, and mingles its waters with the larger stream of the Huron. Ore Creek (or South Ore Creek as it is sometimes called in dis-:tinction' fiom North Ore Creek, which flows into the Shiawassee) rises 'on the south side of the water-shed in Hartland, and flows souththrough the township and village of Brighton, after which 'its waters join those of the Huron, and find their way by its channel to Lake Erie. Besides these waters, Livingston also abounds in pure, clear lakes, some of which form the sources of the streams which have been mentioned, and of their smaller tributaries. Of these lakes, the greater number, as well as the principal in size, are found in the southern and northeastern parts of the county, and will be more particularly noticed with the towns in which they are situated. THE. NATIVE OCCUPANTS OF THE COUNTY. Along the margins of the lakes and streams, and ~in the forests and glades of the land which is now the county of Livingston, the dark-skinned natives of the soil roamed, hunted, fished, prosecuted their rude agriculture, and engaged in their wild worship 'of the Manitou, through many generations, and perhaps for many centuries, before the gaze of a white man ever rested on the bright waters of the 'Huron or Shiawassee. The territory now covered by Livingston County Was partly the domain of the Pottawattamies, and partly -that'of the Saginaw C/hippewas. The country' of the latter embraced all the lands contiguous to streams flowing into Lake Huron, even to their 'southernmost sources; hlile the Pottawattamics inhabited tllevalleys of those flowing in the other direction' To the southeast of'the Chippewas, and also adjoining the territory of the Pottawattamies, lay the hunting-grounds of the southern Ottawas.a northern tribe of that nation inhabiting the east shore of Lake Michigan, in the north part of the Southlern Peninsula). The frontiers of the Pottawattamies and Saginaws, therefore, joined each 'other in Livingston County,-but it does hot appear that their proximity-produced feuds or hostility -" between the two tribes, at least in the later years of their occupancy. They had here few, if any, per-manent villages, but made this part of their territory-a sort of summer camping-ground, to which they came in the warm season to fish in the streams and clear lakes, and to plant their maize in the soft and fertile soil of the openings; and then, when the squaws had gathered their nmeagre crop, and the frosts and storms of November heralded the approach of winter, they returned to their comparatively comfortable villages within the shelter of the denser forests,-those of the Chippewas being located on the lower Shiawassee, the Flint, the Tittabawassee, and the Saginaw Rivers. From these the young men of the tribe went out to the winter hunting —and trapping-grounds, and, at the approach of spring, all-men, women, and children-went to the sugar-woods, pitched their camps, and spent a few weeks in sugar-making; after which they prepared for removal to the summer camping-grounds to hunt and fish, and plant maize, beans, pumpkins, and other Indian crops, as before. In nearly every part of Livingston County there were found old " Indian fields," in which they had planted their seeds and gathered their-scant crops probably for many successive years. On some of these-notably in one instance in the township of Cohoctah-there were appletrees which lhad evidently been planted and reared by the natives. When the first white explorers first came to this wilderness region, they found it peopled by roving bands of both the Chippewas and Pottawattamies, but they were mere remnants of those once powerful and warlike tribes,-scattered, dispirited, and cowed by the disastrous results of their alliance with the English in the war of I812-15, and already foreseeing their approaching extinction. Among these scattered and miserable bands there were very few of the Pottaeattanies; so few, indeed, that the settlers in Livingston could scarcely be said to have seen or known any of that people. Nearly all were of the Saginaw Chtppc4wa nation, which had doubtless been in the earlier years, as it was then, the principal occupant of this region and' of the great wilderness to the northward. According to their own traditions, however,imparted by them to the white adventurers at Saginaw as early as I820,-the proprietorship of the Ch/ippcwas was of comparatively recent date. They said (and the tradition is to some extent supported by authentic history) that, within the memory or some of their old men, all these streams and woods and hunting-groun'ds, this Indian paradise of fish and deer and beaver; was the home and possession of the Sanks antd Onottownys (a kindred people),. LIVINGSTON COUNTY AND ITS INDIAN OCCUPANTS. it who lived near together in neighborly amity, and, both being strong and valiant tribes, and confederated for mutual defense, they felt perfectly secure in their fancied ability to hold their country against all invading enemies. The Sauks were the more numerous, and occupied the valleys of the Tittabawassee, the Flint, and the Shiawassee, their dombain extending as far south as the head-waters of the latter stream. The Onottoways lived in the valley of the Onottoway-Sebewing, or Cass River, and had their principal village a few miles above the mouth of that stream, nearly where is now the village of Bridgeport Centre. The chief village of the Sanks was on the west side of the Saginaw River, opposite where Portsmouth now stands; but they had other small villages or encampments at different points on the rivers, and as far up as the lakes of Oakland and Livingston Counties. Both these tribes appear to have possessed warlike traits, and were not only disposed to hold and defend their own country, but sometimes engaged in aggressive expeditions against the tribes whose country adjoined theirs on the north and south, which tribes, as a consequence, both feared and hated them. Particularly was this the case with the Ojibways (Chippewas), who then inhabited a ~region far away to the north, bordering on the lakes,-Michigan, Huron, and Superior. This nation had for years coveted the teeming huntinggrounds of the Sauks, and it had long been a cherished project with them to conquer and exterminate the prosperous tribes who held the val-.leys of the Saginaw and its tributaries. But they dreaded the power and prowess of their enemies, and this consideration held them in check until their ambitious desires; could be controlled no longer, and, at last, they determined to attempt the execution of the plan of invasion and:conquest which they had so long secretly entertained. To this end they held council with the Ottawas of the north (whose country was contiguous to their own), and sent messengers to the southern Ottawas (whose domain lay along the northeastern border of that of the Pottawattamies), asking them -to join in an expedition for the humiliation of the Sauks and Onottoways and the occupation of their hunting-grounds. The proposition was favorably received, the league was formed, and the confederated bands set out on the war-path with great:secrecy, hoping to take their enemies by surprise, -a hope that was fully realized. As to the manner in which the attack was made, the traditional accounts differed to some extent; hut that which seems the most complete and -reasonable was nearly as follows: The invaders entered the country of the doomed tribes in two columns,-one, composed of the southern Ottawas, coming through the woods from the direction of Detroit, and the other, made.up of the Chippewas and northern Ottawas, setting. out in canoes from Mackinaw, proceeding down along the western shores of Lake Huron and the bay of Saginaw, paddling by night, and lying concealed. in the woods by day. When the canoe fleet. reached a point a few miles above the mouth of Saginaw River, half the force was landed; and the remain, der, boldly striking across the bay in the nighttime, disembarked at a place about the same distance below the mouth of the Saginaw. Then, in darkness and stealth, the two detachments glided up through the woods on both sides of the river, and fell upon the unsuspecting Sauks like panthers upon their prey. The principal village-situated on the west side of the river-was first attacked; many of its people were put to the tomahawk, and the remainder were driven across the river to another of their villages, which stood on the eastern bank. Here they encountered the body of warriors who had moved up on that side of the river, and a desperate fight ensued, in which the Sauks were again routed, with great loss. The survivors then fled to a small island in the Saginaw, where they believed themselves safe, at least for the time, for their enemies had no canoes in the river. But here again they had deluded themselves, for in the following night ice was formed of sufficient strength to enable the victorious Chippcwas to cross to the island. This opportunity they were not slow to avail themselves of, and then followed another massacre, in which, as one account says, the males were killed, to the last man, and only twelve women were spared out of all who had fled there for safety. So thickly was the place strewn with bones and skulls of the massacred Sauks, that it afterwards became known as Skull Island.* Meanwhile, the co-operating force of Otftawas, coming in from the south, struck the Flint River near its southernmost bend, and a desperate battle was fought between them and the Sauks, resulting in the defeat of the latter, and the massacre of all who were found in the valley of that stream. After completing their bloody work on the Saginaw, the invading army vas divided into detachments, which severally proceeded to carry destruction to the villages on the Tittabawassee, Cass, and Shiawassee Rivers. Murderous work was done by the bands that scoured these valleys, and every * Mr. Ephraim S. Williams, formerly a fur trader at Saginaw City, and a brother of Mr. B. 0. Williams, of Owosso, verifies this statement. lie has often visited the island in earlier years, and has seen numl.ers of ikulls exhumed from its soil. 12 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. where the result was the same,-the utter rout and overthrow of the Sauks, only a miserable remnant of whom made their escape, and, finally, by some means, succeeded in eluding their relentless foes and gained the shelter of the dense wilderness west of Lake Michigan.* After the Sauks had been thus utterly crushed and their villages destroyed, the victorious allies did not immediately settle in the conquered territory, but held it as a common ground for the range of their hunting-parties. After a time they found that some of the young men who went out with those parties did not return and could never be heard of, and then it became their firm belief that the dim recesses of these forests were haunted by the spirits of the murdered Sauks, who had come back to their former hunting-grounds to take vengeance on their merciless destroyers. And the result of the belief (so said the tradition) was that they abandoned this inviting region, and for years their hunters and fishermen avoided its haunted woods and streams, although the thickets swarmed with game and the waters were alive with fish. No one can say how long their superstitious terrors prevailed, but it is certain that they were partially overcome at last, so that the Chippcwva and Ottawa tribes built their lodges in the land which their bloody hands had wrenched from its rightful possessors. Those who came to the valley of the Saginaw and its tributaries, however, were principally C/zippcwas, and from that time the Indian inhabitants of this region were known as the Saginaw tribe of the Chi ppewa nation. They possessed all the characteristics of the parent stock, and, until overawed and cowed by the power of the whites, they showed a disposition as fierce and turbulent as that of their kindred, the Ojiybways of Lake Superior, who massacred the garrison of Fort Michilimackinac, in 1763. Much of their superstition still remained, though they had summoned sufficient courage to occupy the "haunted hunting-grounds." Long after the Saginaw and Shiawassee valleys were studded with white settlements, the simple Indians still believed that mysterious Sauks were lingering in their forests and along the margins of their streams for purposes of vengeance; that Mjihnesous, or bad spirits, in the form of Sauk warriors, were hovering around their villages and camps, and on the I flanks of their hunting-parties, preventing them from being successful in the chase, and bringing ill-fortune and discomfiture in a hundred ways. So great was their dread, that when (as was frequently the case) they became possessed of the idea that the Muniesous were in their immediate vicinity they would fly, as if for their lives, abandoning everything, wigwams, fish, game, and peltry; and no amount of ridicule from the whites could convince them of their folly, or induce them to stay and face the imaginary danger. Some of the Indian bands whose country joined that of the Saginaws played upon their weak superstition and derived profit from it, by lurking around their villages or camps, frightening them into flight, and then appropriating the property which they had abandoned. A few shreds of wool from their blankets left sticking on thorns or dead brushwood, hideous figures drawn upon the trunks of trees with coal, or marked on the ground in the vicinity of their lodges, was sure to produce this result, by indicating the presence of the dreaded 1-nne'sous. Mr. Williams, whose authority has already been cited in the foregoing pages, writes of this matter as follows: "I have had them come from places miles distant, bringing their rifles to me, asking me to examine and re-sight them, declaring that the sights had been removed (and in most cases they had, but it was by themselves in their fright). I have often, and in fact always did when applied to, re-sighted and tried them until they would shoot correctly, and then they would go away cheerfully. I would tell them they must keep their rifles where the IMunesous could not find them.... At other times, having a little bad luck in trapping or hunting, they became excited, and would say that game had been over and in their traps, and that they could not catch anything; have known them to go so far as to insist that a beaver or an otter had been in their traps and gotten out; that their traps were bewitched or spellbound, and their rifles charmed by the Munesous, so that they could not catch or kill anything. Then they must give a great feast, and have the medicine-man, or conjuror, and through his wise and dark performances the charm is removed and all is well, and traps and rifles do their duty again. These things have been handed down for generations." And so, through all the domain of the Saginaws, their lives were made miserable by these superstitious fears; and thus they expiated the crime committed by their ancestors against the unfortunate Sauks. The country of the SaginawJ Czppewas was an almost inaccessible fastness, and from this their warriors continually forayed against the unpro * One of the Indian accounts of this sanguinary campaign was to the effect that no Sauk or Onotfoway warrior escaped; that of all the people not one was spared, except the twelve women before mentioned, and that these were sent westward and placed among the tribes beyond the Mississippi. This, however, was unquestionably an exaggeration made by the boastful Chippe-zwas, and it is certain that a part Qf the Smiks escaped beyond the lake, LIVINGSTON COUNTY AND ITS INDIAN OCCUPANTS. 13 tected settlements on the Detroit, St. Clair, and Huron Rivers; and many were the scalps and captives which they brought back from these hostile expeditions. They joined the Indian league which was formed in I786 in the interest of the British, for the purpose of destroying the American settlements and driving them beyond the Ohio River, and they took part with the other tribes in the hostilities which continued until checked by the. victorious campaign of General Anthony Wayne. Again, when the Sliawanese chieftain, Tecumseh, and his brother, the "Prophet" Elkswatawa, instigated by the British, sent forth their emissaries to ask the co-operation of the northern and western tribes in a project to exterminate the white settlements within the Northwest Territory, the Saginaw C/iippcwas were found ready and willing to join the league; and they continued among the most active of all the Indian allies of the English during the war of I812-15. The Pottaeattainies were also prominent members of the Indian confederation instigated by Tecumseh, which aimed at the destruction of American power. A large detachment of warriors of this tribe fought against Harrison at Tippecanoe, and a still greater number acted with the British in the operations which resulted in the disgraceful surrender of Detroit by General Hull, in August, 1812. Again, on the 22d of January, 1813, they fought at the river Raisin (where the city of Monroe now stands), and were prominent and bloody actors in the massacre which followed the battle. Four hundred Potlautaatzanies took part in the assault on Croghan's command at Lower Sandusky in August, I813; and the tribe was represented among the foes of America in every hostile movement down to and including the battle of the Thames, in October, 1813. Here Tecumseh fell, and the hopes of his Indian adherents were crushed forever. The Pottawattamies, like other tribes, sued for peace, and receiving the mercy which they did not deserve, gave hostages for their future good conduct, retired to their villages, sullen at first, but thoroughly subjugated, and never took up the hatchet again. Between the time of the subjugation of the Michigan tribes, following the death of Tecumseh, and the time when white settlements began to be seen in the forests and openings of Livingston County, there had elapsed a period of about twenty years, during which the red men had moved rapidly on the road towards that state of decay which is invariably the result of the Indian's contact with the white race, and his access to the white man's whisky. Trading-posts had been established as early as 1820 on the lower Shiawassee River, and on the Flint, as well as at Saginaw; and at these posts the Indians had always managed to obtain from the unscrupulous traders the poison fire-water, which to their race, in even greater degree than to the white, has proved the fruitful source of degradation and misery. And so, in the demoralized and scattered bands which the early settlers found here, roving and homeless, they saw few, if any, of the characteristics which had marked the native tribes in the former days of their warlike pride and strength. They were quite numerous here, particularly in the summer season, and nearly all were of the tribe known to the settlers as the Shiawassees, which term had reference to that subdivision of the Saginaw Chippezwas which occupied the valley of the Shiawassee River to its head-waters. The only Indians in Livingston known to be of Pottawattamie lineage was a small band which lived in or frequented the southwest part of the county; of which band the leader was an old Indian named "Toag," of whom Mr. Shields speaks as "a social old fellow, who was on good terms with the settlers, though he zould steal their potatoes." And he mentions also that, many years after this band had disappeared from the county, Mr. Westfall, while traveling in Ohio, was saluted by an Indian who seemed exceedingly glad to see him, and who proved to be none other than the " chief" Toag himself. Several other bands were located in different paits of the county, though these locations were by no means permanent. In the eastern part, among the lakes of Hartland, lived" old Shakaw," a C/lippzwa, who at one time was the leader of a small band. This band was afterwards scattered, and old Shakaw lived alone without a following. Later, he moved north to Isabella County, or that vicinity, and died there in recent years. On Indian Lake, in Deerfield, lived old Portabeek, a chief or head man of some grade among the Slhiawassccs. He also had had a small following, but, like Shakaw, was afterwards chief of only his own wigwam. Another Indian (who is not known to have been a leader, but who was quite well known in Livingston County as a frequent claimant for bounty on wolf-scalps) was Neome, a Chippeewa, and perhaps a lineal descendant of the earlier Neome, who was one of the principal chiefs of the Saginawzs. Four or five miles northwest of the centre of the county, on the farm of Ira Brayton, in the township of Howell, there were found by the early settlers-and opened in I843-some sepulchral mounds; of which Mr. Elisha H. Smith, one of the discoverers, writes as follows: "On the north I1 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON.' COUNTY, MICHIGAN. west quarter of section twenty-two [Howell] there are several places of burial, judging from the appearance of the mounds where they were interred. They commenced burying their dead at the top of the ground, covering the corpse with earth. They then placed other bodies' above this one, until the mound was several feet high. Several of these mounds have been opened for phrenological observation. 'Their traits of character were found similar to those who lived here at the time of the settlement by the whites. They were buried with their heads in a southeasterly 'direction. The Indians who lived here at the time the mounds were opened had no knowledge of them. On the exposure of the bones to the atmosphere they soon decomposed." Some, who examined the place, believed that the presence of the mounds indicated the existence of an Indian village there at some remote period. Others thought differently; and the vagabond Indians who were living in this vicinity at the time knew nothing whatever about the matter. Another place where Indian graves were found was near the shore of Cedar Lake, in the township of Marion. In the vicinity of these some aboriginal implements have' been found. An elevated ground near the shore of this lake was a favorite camping-place of the Indians, at and after the time of the first settlements. On the shores of several other lakes of the county were also campinggrounds much frequented by the Indians. It is mentioned by the Hon. Ralph Fowler that there were three winter camps of Indians in the woods near his house, in Handy, in the winter of I836-37. The occupants of these camps were numerous, and they had about thirty ponies browsing in the woods in their vicinity. The old Chief Okemos, with from fifty to one hundred of his band, was encamped there at the same time, being on his way back from Detroit to his home on the Looking-Glass River, in Ingham County. This old chief, although living outside the county of Livingston, is properly mentioned here, for his village was not many miles from the western border, and he frequentlypassed through here with his band, and was well known to many of the settlers. He was one of the chiefs of the Shiawassee branch of the Saginave Chippewas, was born about the year 1788, and was consequently some forty-eight or fifty years of age at the time mentioned by Mr. Fowler. He had been a noted warrior in his youth. He was present, under Tecumseh, at the attack on Fort Sandusky in the war of i812, and fought against the Americans on that occasion with great desperation. When the Indians learned that the commandant of the fort had been peremptorily summoned.to surrender, they were inspired with unusual boldness, and they at once made:a furious charge upon the work, but were driven back with slaughter. They returned to the assault, but were again repulsed, and this time Okemos fell, pierced through the body by a musket-ball. The retreat of the Indians was followed up by a sally and counter-charge by the defenders of the fort, and as they passed the spot where Okemos lay wounded a soldier gave him (as was supposed) a finishing blow. The chief lay still, without a groan, showing no signs of life until the party had returned to the fort, and then managed to crawl to a swampy piece of woods near by, where he secreted himself until night came on, when, having the good fortune to see a pony grazing 'near by, he succeeded in securing and mounting him, though weak and almost fainting from loss of blood. The pony bore him to the Indian camp on the Maumee, where he remained until he had recovered from the effects of his wounds. He afterwards took part in many of the Indian depredations, but was finally induced by Colonel Godfrey, the Indian agent, to forsake the British and attach himself to the Americans, to whom lie continued faithful during the remainder of his life. After the war he made a permanent settlement with his band on the Looking-Glass River, in Ingham County, near the village and railroad station which still bear his name. He died at his village on the Looking-Glass in I863. Like most of the Indians of whatever degree, he was greatly addicted to drunkenness, and in his latter years was little more than a beggar, but he was very proud of his early deeds, and often related them. He stood well in the estimation of General Cass, with whom he sat in treaty council several times. The Indians who were found inhabiting this region were entirely peaceable except when under the influence of whisky, and even then they were easily cowed and reduced to docility by the display of firmness and resolution on the part of the whites. During all their stay here there is no account of their doing any murder or other serious violence. They were great boasters, the older ones telling wonderful tales of their own and their ancestors' prowess in earlier years, before the palefaces came to their hunting-grounds. They were universally unclean-even filthy-in their appearance, and their chief desire was for whisky. In these two vices the women surpassed the men, as they did also in lying and dishonesty. The Indian men were not generally dishonest. They almost invariably returned articles loaned to them by set tlers, even firearms, the possession of which they prized so highly. LIVINGSTON COUNTY AND ITS INDIAN OCCUPANTS. 15 In various places, and in several different directions, the county was traversed by Indian trails, which, by being traveled for years by them and their ponies, had become beaten paths, worn into the soft soil in some places to the depth of more than a foot.. The principal of these was the great Grand River trail, crossing diagonally from the southeast to the northwest part of the county through its centre. This trail forked near the present village of Howell, the north fork being known as the Shiawassee trail, leading to Shiawasseetown; but this again forked near the northern boundary of Livingston County, and the westernmost branch led to De Witt, Ionia, and Grand Rapids. A trail from Shiawasseetown also struck this county at Hillman's Tavern, in the northwest part of the township of Tyrone, and continued thence to Walled Lake, in Oakland County. From Hillman's, southward, the Washtenaw trail passed through the eastern townships to and across the Hluron River. The Strawberry Point trail passed fromn the main Grand River trail south through the present township of Hamburg, and into Washtenaw County. In the west part of the county a trail followed Cedar River for a long distance, and forking, passed to Cedar Lake in Marion, and also through Unadilla. Besides these, a number of smaller trails passed through different parts of the county. Over the great through-trails, for many years after the first settlers came to Livingston County, hundreds of Indians from the Shiawassee and Grand River regions passed and repassed annually; the throng being always particularly large at the time when they went down to receive their annuities. These yearly payments were made in the early times by both the United States and the British governments, the latter usually paying at Maiden. The amount paid there was fifty cents a head to Indians of all ages, from the red patriarch of eighty years to the papoose at its mother's back. On these occasions, therefore, every member of the several tribes took the trail, to be present at the muster for pay. The British did not long continue their Indian payments, and after a time the United States adopted the plan of paying at inland points (principally at Saginaw), to avoid the demoralization which ensued from vast collections of Indians at Detroit. From the time when the attention of white immigrants first began to be drawn towards the lands lying west and northwest of Detroit, the United States government had entertained plans for the gradual emigration of the Indians fi-om Michigan, and their settlement together upon new lands west of the Mississippi, or at least beyond Lake Michi I gan. This project was- pressed upon them by General Cass at the treaty of Saginaw, in September, 1819, but they positively and indignantly refused to consider it. This repulse, however, did not cause the government to abandon its cherished idea, and finally, after. many long years of persuasion, the minds of the red men seemed to have become fully prepared to entertain the proposition for ultimate removal' to the new countries of the far West. At the commencement of 1837, Mr. Henry R. Schoolcraft, as Indian comlrnissioner, met the chiefs and delegates of the Sqaginaw tribe of C/ippewas at Detroit, where, on the I4th of January, a treaty was concluded by the terms of which the tribe agreed to remove from the State of Michigan as soon as a proper location could be obtained, and for this purpose it was stipulated that a deputation should be sent to view.'the country occupied by their kindred tribes west of the most westerly point of Lake Superior; " and if an arrangement for their future and permanent residence can be made there, which shall be satisfactory to them and to the government, they shall be permitted to form a reunion with such tribes and remove thereto. If such arrangement cannot be effected, the government of the United,States will use its influence to obtain such location west of the Mississippi River as the legislation of Congress may indicate." The above was amended by a new treaty concluded on the 20th of December, I837, at Flint River, between Henry R. Schoolcraft, commissioner, and the Sagi;naw chiefs and delegates, by the terms of which the United States agreed to reserve a location for- the tribe "' on the head-waters of the Osage River, in the country visited by a delegation of the said tribe during the present year; to be of proper extent agreeably to their numbers, embracing a due proportion of wood and water, and lying contiguous to tribes of kindred language;" the meaning and intent of this being to nullify and abrogate that article of the treaty of January 14, 1837, which entitled them to a location in the country lying west of Lake Superior. It was provided by the treaty that the sum of fifty cents for each acre of Indian land sold by the -United States should be reserved "as an indemnification for the location to be furnished for their future permanent residence and to constitute a fund for emigrating thereto." The plan of Indian emigration from Michigan, formed and fostered by the government and assented to by the chiefs in the treaties of Detroit and Flint River, was partially carried into effect, though against the protestations and entreaties of the Indians, who had bitterly repented of the prom HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. ises made by their chiefs at the treaties named. In the month of September, I839, a sad procession of some hundreds of Indians, in charge of United States troops, passed westward through Livingston, bound for the new lands which had been assigned them beyond the Mississippi. There are yet many citizens of the county who recollect the passage of that dejected company. Mr. Joseph B. Skilbeck and others, in Howell, remember their own feelings of indignation at seeing the helpless exiles driven by soldiers, like cattle through the main street of the village, and herded temporarily for rest upon the old public square. But the indignation and sympathy of the white spectators availed nothing, and the unwilling emigrants passed on their weary way to the place of their banishment. Of the,5hiawassees, and other tribes or bands of the Saginaw Chippewa nation, but few were removed from the State. The government did not insist on the performance of their agreement, and no general Western emigration took place; but eventually the bands became in a great measure broken up, and the individual members gradually scattered away farther towards the north and west, some of them afterwards becoming the owners of small tracts by purchase (a course which was encouraged by the government), many removed to reservations in Isabella County, where they or their children are still living; and some crossed the river and lake into Canada. CHAPTER II. CESSIONS OF INDIAN LANDS SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTY. Treaty of Greenville-Treaty of Detroit and Cession of Lands, including the present County of Livingston-Treaty of Springwells-Treaty of Saginaw-Settlement of the County-Low Estimate of the Value of Michigan Lands by Travelers and Surveyors-Slow Progress of Settlement in consequence-Correction of the Mistaken Opinion-Settlement of the Territory now Livingston County-Unusual Advantages Enjoyed by Settlers here-Friendliness of their Indian Neighbors-Regard of the Early Settlers for Education and Religious Worship. CESSIONS OF LANDS BY INDIANS. THE United States government, fi-om the time of its formation, has recognized the possessory rights of the Indian tribes in the soil; and the principle has been established that these rights can only be acquired by the government, or with its consent, and can only be alienated from the native Indians by their own voluntary act, done in public and open council, where the tribes are rep resented by their chiefs and head men, and the government by its accredited agent or commissioner. This principle has always been acted on, and this method observed, by the government in its treaties with Indians for the acquisition of their possessory rights in the public domain. TREATY OF GREENVILLE IN 1795. The first Indian treaty by which the aboriginal title to lands now within the State of Michigan was extinguished was made on the third of August, I795, at Greenville, Ohio, by General Anthony Wayne, on behalf of the United States, with representatives of the WVyandots, Slhawanese, Ottawas, Chlippewas, Pottawattamies, and several other tribes. By the terms of that treaty the Indians ceded to the United States government " the post of Detroit, and all the lands to the north, the west, and the south of it, of which the Indian title has been extinguished by gifts or grants to the French or English governments, and so much more land to be annexed to the district of Detroit as shall be comprehended between the river Rosine (Raisin) on the south, Lake St. Clair on the north, and a line, the general course whereof shall be six miles distant from the west end of Lake Erie and Detroit River. Several other large tracts were also ceded by the treaty; among these being "the post of Michilimackinac, all the island, and lands on the mainland adjacent," and the island of Bois Blanc, -mentioned as being an extra and voluntary gift of the Chippewa nation. Also among the lands ceded by this treaty was "one piece of land six miles square at the mouth of Chikago River emptying into the southwest end of Lake Michigan." It was expressly stipulated in the treaty that, in consideration of the peace then and there established, and of the relinquishments made by the Indians, as well as to manifest the liberality of the United States as the means of making the peace strong and perpetual, "the United States relinquish their claims to all other Indian lands northward of the river Ohio, eastward of the Mississippi, and westward and southward of the great lakes and the waters uniting them,* according to the boundary line agreed on between the United States and the King of Great Britain in the peace made between them in the year I783." And it was declared that " the Indian tribes who have a right to those lands are quietly to enjoy them, hunting, planting, and dwelling thereon so long as they * In its relinquishment of these lands, however, the government excepted the post of Vincennes, on the Wabash, the post of Fort Mariac, towards the mouth of the Ohio, and lands at other places, actually in the occupation of French or other white settlers, to which the Indian title had before been extinguishel. CESSIONS OF INDIAN LANDS. 17 please, without any molestation from the United States; but when those tribes, or any of them, shall be disposed to sell their lands, or any part of them, they are to be sold only to the United States; and until such sale the United States will protect the said Indian tribes in the quiet enjoyment of their lands against all citizens of the United States, and against all other white persons who intrude upon the same;... and if any citizen of the United States, or any other white person or persons, shall presume to settle upon the lands now relinquished by the United States, such citizen or other person shall be out of the protection of the United States, and the Indian tribe on whose land such settlement shall be made may drive off the settler, or punish him in such manner as they shall think fit; and because such settlements, made without the consent of the United States, will be injurious to them as well as to the Indians, the United States slall be at liberty to break them up, and remove and punish the settlers as they shall think proper, and so to effect the protection of the Indian lands hereinbefore stipulated." The Indians were also allowed, under the treaty, to have the privilege of hunting and fishing over all the ceded territory during their good behavior. TREATIES OF DETROIT (1807), OF SPRINGWELLS (i815), AND SAGINAW (I819). The treaty by which the entire southeastern part of Michigan (including all of the present county of Livingston) was ceded to the United States government was made and concluded at Detroit on the I7th of November, 1807, "by William Hull, Governor of the Territory of Michigan, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, and sole commissioner of the United States to conclude and sign a treaty or treaties with the several nations of Indians northwest of the river Ohio, on the one part, and the sachems, chiefs, and warriors of the Ottaway, Czhippeway, Wyandotte, and Pottawattamie nations of Indians on the other part." The territory here ceded by the Indians, in consideration of goods and money paid and to be paid to them by the United States, was described in the treaty as "beginning at the mouth of the Miami River of the Lakes [meaning the Maumee], and running thence up the middle thereof to the mouth of the great Auglaize River; thence running due north until it intersects a parallel of latitude to be drawn from the outlet of Lake Huron, which forms the river Sinclair; thence running northeast on the course that may be found will lead in a direct line to White Rock, in Lake HIuron; thence due east until it intersects the boundary line between the United States and Upper Canada, in said lake; 3 then southwardly, following the said boundary line down said lake, through the river Sinclair, Lake St. Clair, and the river Detroit into Lake Erie, to a point due east of the aforesaid Miami [Maumee] River; thence west to the place of beginning." For this cession, the government stipulated to pay (in money, goods, agricultural implements, or domestic animals, at the discretion of the superintendent of Indian affairs) the sum of three thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents each to the Ottawa and Chippewa tribes, and one-half that amount each to the Pottazwattamies and Wyandots, with a perpetual annuity of two thousand dollars to each of the first-mentioned tribes, and one-half that sum to each of the others; all to be paid at Detroit. And it was further declared in the treaty, that "the United States, to manifest their liberality and disposition to encourage the said Indians in agriculture, further stipulate to furnish the said Indians with two blacksmiths; one to reside with the C/zippewas at Saginaw, and the other with the Ottawas at the Miami, during the term of ten years; said blacksmiths are to do such work for the said nations as shall be most useful to them." The second line mentioned in the description of the tract here ceded-that is, the line running due north from the mouth of the Auglaize River, and a prolongation of it to the Straits of Mackinaw-was afterwards adopted by the United States surveyors as the principal meridian line of the lower peninsula of Michigan. The territory ceded by the Indians at the treaty of Detroit embraced all of Michigan lying east of that line as far north as the centre of the present county of Shiawassee, and extending from thence in a northeastwardly direction to the shore of Lake Huron, at a point' a little above the northern boundary of the county of Sanilac. Within this ceded territory the Indians reserved several tracts for their own uses (none of them, however, being within the limits of Livingston County), and they were also to have the privilege of hunting and fishing, under tile same conditions as stipulated in the treaty of Greenville. The CGlippewa, Ottawa, and Pottawattamie nations, by the offensive alliance which they made with the British in the war of 1812-15, and their general conduct through that struggle, were considered to have justly forfeited the lands reserved to them. Nevertheless, the government magnanimously determined not to enforce the forfeiture, but to adopt a conciliatory and friendly policy towards them; and in September, I815, General William H. Harrison, General McArthur, and John.Graham, Esq., on the part of the govern I:.... HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. ment, held a council with them at Springwells, near Detroit, where, on the eighth of that month, a treaty was concluded, by which it was agreed that "the United States give peace to the Chippewva, Ottawa, and Pottawattamtie tribes. They also agree to restore to the said Chiippewa, Ottawa, and Pottawattainie tribes all the possessions, rights, and privileges which they enjoyed or were entitled to in the year 181, prior to the commencement of the late war with Great Britain; and the said tribes upon their part agree to place themselves under the protection of the United States, and of no other power whatsoever." And, at the same time, the treaty made at Greenville in 1795, and subsequent treaties between these tribes and the United States, were confirmed and ratified. At the treaty of Saginaw, made and concluded on the twenty-fourth of September, 1819, by General Lewis Cass, Indian Commissioner, supported by a large retinue of officials, and guarded by a battalion of the Third United States Infantry, on one part, and by one hundred and fourteen Ch/ippcwa and Ottawa chiefs, accompanied by some thousands of the people of their nations, on the other, an immense tract of country, north of the previous cessions, and extending west from the principal meridian to near the village of Kalamazoo, and thence northward to Thunder Bay River, was ceded to the United States; but this had no reference to the territory now included in Livingston County, for in this, the Indian title had been wholly extinguished by the cession made at Detroit in i807. LOW ESTIMATE OF THE VALUE OF MICHIGAN LANDS. Until after the close of the last war between the United States and Great Britain, so little of actual knowledge had been gained concerning the Territory of Michigan that-with the exception of a limited region lying along the Detroit River, and contiguous to a few of the more important points on Lakes Huron, Michigan, and St. Clair-the whole of the lower peninsula might properly have been termed an unexplored and unknown country. In the first year of that war an act was passed by Congress requiring that two millions of acres of land in each of the (then) Territories of Michigan, Illinois, and Louisiana-in all six million acresshould be surveyed and set apart as military tracts, out of which each soldier serving in the armies of the United States in the war with England should be entitled to receive one hundred and sixty acres of land fit for cultivation. Under the provisions of this act surveys were made; but, while engaged in the work, the surveyorsiseem to have formed an idea of the country here similar to that expressed by Honton, one of the early French travelers, who, having had a glimpse of some of the swampy regions bordering the lakes and rivers, recorded as his opinion of the peninsula lying between the lakes, that it was in truth "the fag-end of the world." Much the same was the estimation in which these lands were held by the surveyor-general, as will be seen by the following extract from his report made November I3, 1815, and having reference to the Michigan surveys, viz.: "The country on the Indian boundary line from the mouth of the Great Auglaize River [that is, the line established by the treaty of Detroit, in 1807, and identical, or nearly so, with the principal meridian of the government surveys], and running thence for about fifty miles, is, with some few exceptions, low, wet land, with a very thick growth of underbrush, intermixed with very bad marshes, but generally very heavily timbered with beech, cottonwood, oak, etc.; thence, continuing north, and extending from the Indian boundary eastward, the number and extent of the swamps increases, with the addition of numbers of lakes from twenty chains to two and three miles across. Many of these lakes have extensive marshes adjoining their margins, sometimes thickly covered with a species of pine called tamarack, and other places covered with a coarse, high grass, and uniformly covered from six inches to three feet (and more at times) with water. The margins of these lakes are not the only places where swamps are found, for they are interspersed throughout the whole country and filled with water, as above stated, and varying in extent. "The intermediate space between these swamps and lakes-which is probably near one-half of the country-is, with very few exceptions, a poor, barren, sandy land, on which scarcely any vegetation grows, except very small, scrubby oaks. In many places that part which may be called dry land is composed of little, short sand-hills forming a kind of deep basins, the bottoms of many of which are composed of marsh similar to the above described. The streams are generally narrow, and very deep compared with their width, the shores and bottoms of which are, with very few exceptions, swampy beyond description; and it is with the utmost difficulty that a place can be found over which horses can be conveyed in safety. " A circumstance peculiar to that country is exhibited in many of the marshes, by their being thinly covered with a sward of grass, by walking on which evinces the existence of water, or a very thin mud, immediately under their covering, which sinks from six to eighteen inches under the pressure of the foot at every step, and at the same time rises SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTY. 19 before and behind the person passing over it. The margins of many of the lakes and streams are in similar situation, and in many places are literally afloat. On approaching the eastern part of the military land, towards the private claims on the straits and lake, the country does not contain so many swamps and lakes, but the extreme sterility and barrenness of the soil continue the same. Taking the country altogether, so far as it has been explored, and to all appearances, together with information received concerning the balance, it is so bad that there would not be more than one acre out of a hundred, zf there would be one out of a thousand, that would in any case admit of cultivation." Probably the above was an honest expression of opinion on the part of the surveyor-general, who, of course, based his report on the information furnished him by his subordinates who performed the work in the field; but how they could have been so deceived (if indeed they were so far deceived as to believe the disparaging statements which they made) is certainly a mystery. However it may have been brought about, the result was that Congress passed a law (April 29, I816) repealing so much of the act of 1812 as authorized the locating of soldiers' lands in Michigan, and, in lieu thereof, providing for the survey of one million five hundred thousand acres in Missouri; so that the brave men who had periled their lives for their country should not be wronged and insulted by the donation of lands of which, according to the surveyors' reports, not one acre in a hundred was fit for cultivation. The natural effect of all this was to bring the Territory of Michigan into contempt as a country unfit for agriculture; and this belief was fostered by the Indian traders, who were thoroughly acquainted with the interior country and its capabilities, but were only too willing to assist in perpetuating the delusion, in order to postpone the evil day (as they regarded it) when their lucrative business should be ruined by the advance of white immigration and settlement. And so there grew up a belief, which became well-nigh universal, that all this region, now so beautiful and productive, was a land of irreclaimable swamps and barren sand-knolls, the home of every species of malarial disease, which must forever remain unfit for culture or white occupation; and that its obvious destiny must be to continue in the possession of wild beasts and the aborigines. There were those, however, who believed that this judgment was a false, or at least a hasty one; and chief among those who were skeptical as to the absolute worthlessness. of Michigan lands was Governor Lewis Cass, who not only doubted, but resolved to test its truth, and to disprove or prove it by the evidence of his own senses; and to that end he set out from Detroit, accompanied by Hon. Austin E. Wing and two or three other friends, on a tour of observation and discovery. Through the first stage of their Northwestern journey, after leaving the town, the aspect was by no means reassuring, and as their horses sunk knee-deep in the sloughs or wallowed through the marshy places along that trail whose horrors and miseries afterwards became so well known to the pioneers, it really seemed as if the dismal tales of the surveyors and Indian traders would be more than verified. But at last, after having floundered over a distance which seemed a hundred miles, but which in reality was not more than one-eighth part of it, they emerged upon higher ground and into a more open and desirable country, which is now the southeastern part of the superb county of Oakland. From that point their journey continued easy and unobstructed towards the northwest, over a dry and rolling country, through beautiful open groves of oak, and along the margins of pure and limpid waters. One of these latter they named Wing Lake, in honor of a member of the party; another (tle largest sheet of water in Oakland) they called Cass Lake; while a little farther on they named a lovely lake for Elizabeth, the governor's wife, During their journey (which was of about a week's duration) they penetrated more than half-way across Oakland County; and when they returned they carried back with them the knowledge and proof that Michigan was not the worthless desert which it had been represented; but, instead, a beautiful and fertile land, awaiting only the touch of the settler's axe and plow, and ready to yield an abundant increase to reward his toil. SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTY. The earliest settlements in Livingston County were made in its southern and southeastern parts, they being comparatively easy of access to immigrants, who at that time came to the interior portions of the State from Detroit by way of Ann Arbor, the route by way of Royal Oak, Birmingham, and Walled Lake, in Oakland County, not being in use until a somewhat later date. The first white person who came to make his home within the present limits of the county was Colonel Solomon Peterson, who settled on Portage Creek, in the township now Putnam, in the year I828, his location being then included in the county of Washtenaw. Some years elapsed before the colonel had any white neighbors in this township. 2O ITISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Next to Putnam, Green Oak was the earliest settled township, its first settlers being Stephen Lee and Benjamin Curtis, who came to make their homes there in the fall of the year 1830. Hartland's first settler was Colonel Samuel Mapes, from Niagara County, New York. The date of his coming to Hartland is not precisely known, but it was in either 183I or 1832. One of his earliest neighbors in the town was Eli Lee, who came a year or two later. They had neighbors not far away, however, across the county line, in Oakland, as both settled in the east part of the township. Hamburg received its first settler in the person of Jesse Hall, who located there with his family in October, 183I. In November of the same year Heman Lake settled in the same town, near its southeastern corner. Elijah Marsh and Job Cranston, the first settlers in Brighton, became residents in that township in the fall of 1832. Gardner Bird settled there in the following February. The last settled of the southern tier of townships was Unadilla, in which Eli Ruggles became the first resident, in June, 1833. He did not remain permanently, but after a time returned to Connecticut, from whence he had come to Michigan. The next settlers in Unadilla after Mr. Ruggles were James Craig, Archibald Marshall, and David Holmes (all from Connecticut), who came to this township in the fall of 1833. In the same year, the first settlement was made in the northern tier of townships by Gilbert W. Prentiss, who built his shanty on or near the Shiawassee River, in township four, range four, now Cohoctah. He did not come, however, for the purpose of clearing and cultivating a farm as his future home, but only with the object of trading with the Indians; and it was not until the following year that a permanent settlement was made in the township by Mr. Sanford and family. Two other towns of the northern tier received their first settlers in the same year (I834), viz., John How, Sr., in Deerfield, in June, and George Cornell in the southern part of Tyrone in November. Five other settlers came to the same part of the same town in the following spring, viz., Isaac Cornell, Henry A. Cornell, Joseph M. Becker, William H. Berry, and William Dawson; and George Dibble settled on the north line of Tyrone at about the same time. All these immigrants came into the county by the route through Oakland. In the central part of Livingston, settlements were made in 1834, by Sardis Davis, on the n6rth line of Marion; by James Sage, George T. Sage, David Austin, and Jonathan Austin, in Howell township, in June; by John D. Pinckney, in the same township, late in the fall. In Oceola, H. H. Graves settled in August, 1834, and Harry Neff came to the same town in the fall of that year. They were without neighbors in the township until the following June, when Thomas V. Parshall became a settler there, and two or three others came later in the season. In Genoa, Thomas Pinckney, Pardon Barnard, and Ely Barnard (these last two being bachelors) settled in the summer of I835. In the same season Deacon Israel Branch settled in Marion, on the Howell town line. Settlements were made in Handy, in June, 1836, by Calvin Handy and Charles P. Bush, the former being the first arrival by a week or two. losco was settled in the summer of the same year, by George C. Wood, Richard M. Guggins, and Asel Stow, father of the Hlon. Isaac Stow, of that township. In Conway, Julius F. Parsons, Levi Parsons, the Strong and Fay families, Timothy Wait, and Robert Coborn made settlements in 1837. Mr. Coborn, coming in by way of Shiawassee County, settled on or near the north line of the township. The above is intended merely as a notice of the very earliest settlements, and the dates at which they were made in the different portions of the county. Detailed accounts of settlements and settlers form the most important part of the history of townships; and such accounts will be found in subsequent pages, and in their proper connection. The experience of pioneers in all new countries is of necessity largely made up of privation and often of actual suffering; these varying in degree according to the character, location, and capabilities of the region in which they settle, and to various contingent circumstances. And this universal rule held good with the early settlers of Livingston County. Nearly all of them were farmers, or the sons of farmers, and most of them had left good and comfortable surroundings in the old and highly cultivated State of New York, ambitious and eager to resume their calling on the virgin lands of Michiganwhere they hoped in time to make as good homes as those in which their earlier years had been passed, and to become owners of farms as well cultivated, and far more extensive than they could have hoped to possess in the East. Their wives-in most instances the daughters of well-todo or wealthy parents-cheerfully left their early associations and the civilization of the old State, and came,-sometimes as newly-made brides, braving the then formidable perils of Lake Erie, and the worse horrors of the land-passage west of Detroit, to perform their part as pioneer women in SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTY. 2t the wilderness of Livingston County; but many a one of these has felt her heart fail and her eyes grow dim with tears as she sat within the single, ill-lighted room of her floorless and mud-chinked log cabin, and mentally contrasted it with the commodious farm-house, or, may be, the home of ease and elegance which she had left. And at night, when the silence of the hours was only broken by the wolf-howl, which had not yet become familiar to her ears, she thought of cheery visits by friends and neighbors, of sleighing, of social gatherings, and of the many comforts and delights which she had known in that far-away land of her youth, which she might, perhaps, never see again. The isolation of the settlers was almost complete during the first few years. So widely apart were they, that neighborship really did not exist in Livingston until after 1836. By the great influx of settlers in that year the population of the county was more than quintupled, and after that time social intercourse to some extent became possible, and was highly appreciated, especially by the female part of the community, on whom the deprivation had borne most heavily. The men endured it better, not only because differently constituted by nature, but because they were compelled occasionally to intermit the severe labor on their lands to make trips to Ann Arbor, or Salem, or Detroit to procure a few necessaries of life, which they purchased at exorbitant prices, and often brought back to their cabins on their own strong shoulders. These trips were no less laborious than the work of clearing and grubbing, but they served to break an almost insupportable monotony, and to renew hope and courage by contact with their fellow-men. The journeys to mill were also, to most of the settlers, very long and tedious, and, to many of them, involved an absence of two or three days. But this inconvenience, too, was greatly ameliorated, after 1836, by the erection of additional mills at more accessible points. But although the settlers in Livingston County were called on to endure-and did endure heroically-many hardships and privations which are inseparable from the life of the pioneer in any new country, theyf were yet exempt from many others which fall upon those who make the first settlements in less favored regions. One of the principal reasons which the early inhabitants of Livingston had for gratitude in this particular was their immunity from all danger of Indian barbarity. In the old settlements of Pennsylvania, New England, Eastern New York, and Michigan in the earlier times, the pioneer never slept free from danger of attack and massacre; he never left his home without the consciousness that his cabin might be burned and his family butchered or carried into; captivity before his return, and he never worked in his clearing but with his rifle in reach. But here the first comers braved no such danger. The settler might build his cabin in any spot, however isolated, miles away from neighbors or any possible assistance, and yet sleep in peace at night and work unarmed in his fields by day, without fear of harm from the hands of the red man, for the spirit of the C(zippezua and the Poftawatnamie was cowed, their ancient ferocity gone, and they kept the promise to live in peace with the pale-face. There were, as has before been mentioned, a large number of Indians in Livingston County when the first settlers came in, and for a number of years afterwards. They roamed through the county in all directions,-principally on the trails and along the borders of the lakes and streams,and were frequent callers at the dwellings of the pioneers. Settlers, and particularly settlers' wives, for a time after their arrival were often somewhat alarmed at the sudden appearance of a dark-faced crowd around their cabin, and the fearful stories of Wyoming and Cherry Valley would flash to their minds and blanch their cheeks; but the hearty and good-humored laugh, in which the Indian always indulged on perceiving that his presence inspired fear, would dispel the alarm, and after a short time an Indian was hardly more dreaded than a grazing deer. Mr. William C. Rumsey, now of Howell, relates his first meeting with Indians in the summer of 1833 at his farm, on Green Oak Plains, as follows: " In the winter of 1832-33, while making my home at Ann Arbor, it being the winter after the Black Hawk war, I heard a good many Indian stories, which were well calculated to startle a newcomer. I did not have the privilege of seeing one until the month of June, 1833, while peaceably at work on my place alone, —the nearest house a halfmile distant, and the next two miles off. The first thing I knew was a couple of Indians came up behind me and saluted me. Looking up and beholding some three hundred or more men, women, and children soon surrounding me, I thought my time had come. Concealing my fright as much as possible, all I could understand of their talk was ' whisky.' I shook my head to all their talk. After examining my jug near by, and satisfying themselves that it contained no whisky, they left me and went on their way, some of them laughing, I suppose, at my fright. They came upon me so suddenly and unexpectedly that I was not prepared for that kind of a show. I left soon after for my boarding-place, giving my nervous system time to recuperate." As in their interview with Mr. Rumsey, so the 22 HIISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. red men were always on the lookout for and anxious to obtain whisky; and they would always become intoxicated when they were able to procure it in sufficient quantities. But it is the testimony of an old settler, that even when under the influence of the poison, "they were less to be dreaded than the same number of whites in the same condition." Besides being inoffensive and friendly, the Indians were really useful to the settlers in a small way, by furnishing them with articles of food and utility. They brought game, fish, honey, sugar, beeswax, dressed deer-skins, baskets, and some other articles, and were always desirous to sell these, or to barter for other commodities. Fine saddles of venison, or wild turkeys, were sometimes sold by them for two cents per pound, at a time when pork was worth twenty-five dollars a barrel in Detroit, and flour brought twelve dollars per barrel. An instance is mentioned where a turkey of twenty-five pounds weight was given by an Indian in exchange for a quart of whisky costing twenty-five cents per gallon; and a bushel of berries for the same equivalent. Any article possessed by an Indian could be purchased from him for a small amount of whisky; but the idea is not intended to be conveyed that the settlers, or many of them, practiced that kind of barter for the sake of profit to themselves. Other articles than whisky were desired by the Indians, such as flour, meal, and salt. The first two of these, however, were too scarce (previous to the harvest of 1838) to be bartered by the settlers, who found it extremely difficult to obtain them in sufficient quantities for their own necessities. Deer-skins, nicely dressed by the Indian method, were plenty among them, and were fieely bartered or sold to the whites. "I have seen," says Mr. Isaac Stow, " whole suits of clothing made from Indian-tanned buckskin worn by white men, and pants made of this material were very common." The price of a good dressed deer-skin was three or four shillings;.if purchased, and a corresponding amount of otherarticles (according to the ideas of the Indian owner) in barter. A large proportion of the early male settlers wore articles of clothing made from these skins. But it was principally in the furnishing of game and fish as articles of food that the Indian trade was most advantageous to the people, and it is said that supplies from this source have often been received with gratitude by families who were temporarily destitute of other provisions. The abundance of fish and game in this county in the early years of its settlement is spoken of as having been almost marvelous. Mr. Daniel Case, of Howell, mentioned that he saw twenty-two deer in one day, while looking -for land with James Sage, and hundreds of wild turkeys were often seen in a day's travel. The Hon. Ralph Fowler says he has seen from his own door eight or ten deer browsing in the timber near by (but he also says lynxes and bears were more plenty than was desirable, and that in the first season of his residence here he killed one hundred and twenty-five massasaugers). The Hon. Isaac Stow, of Iosco, says, "Wild game was abundant, and contributed largely to the supplies of the early pioneer, especially the deer and wild turkey; the former being so common that, though they furnished the red man with food and clothing, they might almost daily be seen leisurely feeding or gamboling in the forests." Mrs. C. W. Burwell, of Genoa, in her pioneer reminiscences of that town, said, "The winter (1836-37) was very mild, with only snow enough to be pleasant, as were many of the succeeding winters. The deer were very numerous, would come almost to the door, and if we went only a little distance from the house we were almost sure to see two or more of the graceful creatures. Once, and once only, we were surrounded by wolves; we did not seek for nor admire them as we did the deer. Game of all kinds was very plenty, also fish in great abundance in our numerous lakes; a great help and luxury to new-comers." To be located in a region thus teeming with Nature's gifts was an advantage seldom enjoyed by settlers in new countries. Besides the partial supplies of game and fish furnished by their friendly Indian neighbors, the settlers themselves (most of whom were adepts with the rifle and fishing-gear) could easily gain from the forests and streams sufficient store of food at least to keep the wolf of hunger away from their cabins; and many did supplement their slender supplies in this manner during the period of scarcity and ruinous prices of food which preceded the abundant harvest of 1838. Notwithstanding these resources, however, actual suffering for lack of food did occur among the settlers in Livingston in those years, as appears from the following extract from an address of the Hon. W. A. Clark, before the Pioneer Society, in I876. He said, "Families, to my knowledge, in 1837-38 lived for days, through necessity, on boiled acorns, with fish cooked and eaten without salt or fat of any kind. Provisions were then often held at fabulous prices;,.. beef, pork, and flour had to be brought from Detroit, at a cost of from one to two dollars per hundred, to Brighton, forty miles. It was not so very high, either, for the round trip, with an energetic teamster and an enterprising team, usually SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTY. 23 took three to four days, if not longer." But even when mentioning the straits to which some families were brought for food in those trying times, Mr. Clark also shows that fish was a principal article of their scanty diet, and that without this aid, furnished from the prolific waters of Livingston, their fare must have been still more meagre. After the harvest of 1838 all this was changed, and whereas, before that time, wheat had sold at two dollars per bushel, with flour, of course, in proportion, and other provisions at an equally exorbitant rate, after that time wheat was so abundant that it sometimes sold at less than three shillings.* Thenceforth, scarcity was unknown; and the opposite condition-that of too great abundance-was complained of by many as a calamity. And it was such, in so far as the exceedingly low prices prevented farmers from realizing a money profit from their agriculture. But the calamity of seeing their granaries bursting with stores of unsalable bread-stuffs was a light one to the settlers compared with that of seeing their families in danger of suffering for lack of provisions. It was an advantage of no little importance possessed by the early settlers in Livingston over pioneers in many other and less favored regions, that they found here a country ready for immediate use in the processes of agriculture. Instead of a dense and unbroken forest, extending over all the county, they found a large proportion of the lands to consist of beautiful oak-openings, occasionally interspersed with old Indian fields. In most of these the soil was comparatively easily worked, and fiiable, and crops could be put in here with a very small proportion of the delay and laborious preparation which is necessary to bring heavily timbered lands into fit condition for cultivation. Another and a very decided advantage was found in the unsightly marshes, which had been so contemptuously mentioned by the government surveyors. On these marshes there grew a heavy burden of tall coarse grasses, which, in the absence of timothy, clover, or other cultivated fodder, furnished very good food for cattle. Plain grass was also found in abundance in the openings (probably brought in by the annual fires kindled there by the Indians during many previous years), and this was equally good and nutritious. The existence of these, enabled the settlers here (who were nearly all men of sufficient means to purchase stock) to bring cattle with them at the time of their settlement, without fear that the animals would die for lack of subsistence during the first or succeeding winters. Many of the first settlers in Livingston did so bring cattle with them, and they derived great benefit from being able to do so, as well as from the ease and facility with which they were able to start their crops in the openings, thus avoiding much of the usual preliminary work of clearing, hand labor without the aid of teams, weary waiting until lands are made ready, seeds planted, and harvests finally secured,-a period in which the pioneer in general, experiences more of hardship and suffering than he is ever again called on to endure. Taken as a whole, with all attending circumstances, the settlement and development of Livingston County was accomplished with less of privation than usually occurs in the settlement of an equal extent of territory. The pioneers here unquestionably saw much of hardship and something of suffering, but more than one of those who still remain have said to the writer of this, that those pioneering days were, with all their deprivations, the pleasantest days of their lives; and there is little doubt that of all the present survivors, by far the greater portion will say at least, that they enjoyed life quite as well in their log cabins of forty years ago as they do now in their well-appointed farm-houses, or in the town residences to which some of them have retired. Referring to this, Judge Josiah Turner-himself a pioneer of Livingston-has expressed himself before the Pioneer Association of the county as follows: " No matter what our fortunes in life may have been; no matter that we cleared up broad acres; no matter that we have pulled down our log houses, and filled our larger barns; no matter what wealth or fortune may-have given us; no matter what honors our fellow-citizens may have showered upon us, there never has arisen on us so serene a day as that wherein we labored here in the wilderness. Let me appeal to the consciousness of every old settler. How is it now that the forests are cleared? I-ow is it that your children are grown up and you yourselves are able to live without labor in well-settled districts, where you have all the appliances and refinements of life within your reach? Has your modern pump in your kitchen brought you more delight than your' old oaken bucket,' or your spring, a mile away? Is the roar of the grist-mill near your door any sweeter than the silence of a journey of ten, twenty, or thirty miles to mill? Does the face of a * Mr. Ralph Fowler, in speaking of times in Livingston County in 1844-45, says at that time he hauled his wheat to Detroit, and there sold it at forty-four cents a bushel, receiving his pay in bills of the St. Clair Bank, which failed before he left the city, and he sold the money at fifty per cent. of its face. " You could not," says Mr. Fowler, " sell the best fat cow in town for five dollars in money." People became discouraged at the very abundance, and some returned to their old homes in New York State, though probably most of them came back to Michigan afterwards. 24 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. neighbor doctor look more cheery to you than it did when you could only see it by traversing townships? Is the quiet more satisfactory at evening, with your 'white kine' glimmering in the open field, than when you could count the wild deer lying in your door-yard? Experience answers all these questions, No!" REGARD OF THE SETTLERS FOR EDUCATION AND RELIGIOUS WORSHIP. Among the earliest settlers of the county were found persons from every division of the Britisli Isles, and from Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Canada; but more than three-fourths of all were from the State of New York, and there were also a few from the more eastern States. The New York and New England immigrants brought with them (as it was natural they should) the advanced ideas of the favored communities from which they came upon the subjects of education and religious observance. After they had secured for their families shelter, and the means of present subsistence, they allowed very little time to elapse before they also provided for the education of their children; though as the means at their command were limited, so, of course, the methods were far more rude, and the results obtained were more meagre, than those of the present day; but, though the schools were often taught in the cramped cabin of the settler, and seldom in any edifice more pretentious than the singleroomed log school-house, reared in a day by the combined labor of a few earnest heads of families, yet in these rude institutions of learning there have been laid the foundations of many an honorable and useful career. " I think I may affirm," says Judge Turner, "that the county has from the earliest times felt the deepest practical interest in schools, and this feeling has not been without its results. We have furnished a president for one of the first colleges in the land, as also the head of. another educational institution of no small reputation." The case was the same among these pioneers from New York and New England with regard to religious observance. They recognized it as being among the necessaries of life equally with food, raiment, and shelter; and so, as soon as they had secured these in the most primitive form (and frequently, indeed, before they had secured them at all), they set about the finding or creating of opportunities for divine worship, and neglected no chance of attending religious services whenever held at an accessible point, even if many miles distant. Livirigston County was a missionary field at a very early day, and ministers of different denominations,came here to preach to the settlers years before any church edifices were built, and before the formation of church organizations. Among the early pioneer preachers in the county were the Rev. Jonathan Post and Elder Ansel Clark (Baptists), the former of whom came here fi-om Allegany County, New York, as early as, or before, i835, and the latter of whom was here about the same time. He was ordained an elder by an ecclesiastical council, held " at the school-house near Samuel G. Hathaway's," in Solon, New York, October 13, I830. Several Presbyterian ministers preached at different places through the county as early as the time of its organization, or earlier. One of these was the Rev. Mr.. Kanouse, who came from Lodi Plains, in Washtenaw County, and preached at several places in Livingston, but principally in the southern part. Another was the Rev. William Page, of Ann Arbor (who afterwards came to live in Oceola township): and another, the Rev. Isaac W. Ruggles, of Oakland County, who preached a few times in the east part of Livingston. The Rev. Father Kelly (Catholic), from Northfield, held services in the southeast part of Livingston nearly as early as any preacher was here, and it has been said that the old church building of that denomination was the first erected in the county. The preachers of the Methodist denomination were among the earliest laborers in this field. Of these, perhaps the Rev. Moses Gleason, who preached in Green Oak in I831, was the earliest; but next to him probably the Revs. John Cosart, Elijah Crane, and Washington Jackson were as early as any. Mr. Jackson labored very faithfully in the north part of the county, particularly in the formation of classes and establishing worship where none had been held before. Joseph Atwood, who was made an elder in the Methodist Church by Bishop Elijah Hedding, at Palmyra, New York, June ii, 1826, was an early laborer here; and Elder John Sayre preached in the west part of the county in 1836, as did also the Rev. Mr. Breckinridge. Of the few early preachers here named, there was probably none more widely known through the county than the Rev. John Cosart, who was set apart for the office of elder in the Methodist Church by Bishop Enoch George, at Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, June 17, I827. In Livingston County at that day-as elsewhere among new settlements-the opportunity of religious worship was always gladly embraced, regardless of denominational differences; and whether a preacher was of the Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, or other Christian form of belief, his services were always welcomed by the pioneers, who fully appreciated the value of the church privileges ERECTION OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY. 25 they had left behind when they emigrated from their old homes in the East. In the above brief mention it is not intended to do more than to give the names of a few out of the many early preachers of the county, and to glance at the first rude but earnest attempts of the settlers at religious and educational advancement. These subjects will be resumed, and a full account of churches and schools will be given in the separate histories of the several townships of the county. CHAPTER III. CHANGES OF CIVIL JURISDICTION-ERECTION AND ORGANIZATION OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY -COURTS AND COUNTY BUILDINGS. The several Counties formerly emlracing the Territory of Livingston-Erection and Organization of Livingston-First Election of County Officers-Organization and Early Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors-Organization of Courts-The Probate Court-County-Site and County Buildings —The Public Office Buildings-The New Offices of the Clerk and Register of Deeds-County Poor-House and Poor-Farm. COUNTIES FORMERLY EMBRACING THE TERRITORY OF LIVINGSTON. THE county of Wayne was erected by executive act, November I, 1815. This was the first county formed in the Territory of Michigan, and embraced all the lands within it to which the aboriginal title had been extinguished,-including, of course, all of the present county of Livingston. By executive proclamation, dated January 15, 1818, all of Wayne County lying north of the baseline was erected into the new county of Macomb, embracing all of the present counties of Macomb, Oakland, Livingston, St. Clair, and Lapeer, parts of Sanilac, Tuscola, and Shiawassee, the east half of Ingham, and all of Genesee, excepting a small part in its northwest corner; the boundaries of the newly-erected county being described in the proclamation as " beginning at the southwest corner of township number one, north of the base-line (so called) and in the first range; thence along the Indian boundary-line, north, to the angle formed by the intersection of the line running to White Rock, upon Lake Huron; thence with the last-mentioned line to the boundary-line between the United States and the British province of Upper Canada; thence, with said line, southwardly, to a point in Lake St. Clair due east from the place of beginning; thence, cdue west, to the eastern extremity of said base-line, and, with the same, to the place of beginning." Oakland was taken from Macomb and erected a 4 county by proclamation of Governor Cass, dated January 12, 1819. That county then included, in addition to its present area, the southernmost tier of townships now in Shiawassee County, the two southern towns in Genesee, the east half of Ingham, and all of the present county of Livingston. It was not until March 28, 1820, however, that the organization of Oakland as a county was effected, under executive proclamation. Washtenaw County was " laid out" by the proclamation of Governor Cass, September o1, 1822, to include the two tiers of townships (Green Oak, Hamburg, Putnar, Unadilla, Iosco, Marion, Genoa, and Brighton) which now form the south half of Livingston County, and also four tiers of townships south of the base-line. It was not organized as a county until December 31, 1836. Shiawassee County was "laid out" by executive proclamation at the same time that Washtenaw was erected, viz., September 10, 1822. Within the bounds of Shiawassee, as then laid out, there were embraced, in addition to its present territory, eight townships on the western side of Genesee, the northeast quarter of Ingham, and the north half of Livingston County, including the townships of Tyrone, Deerfield, Cohoctah, Conway, Handy, Howell, Oceola, and Hartland. Shiawassee was not organized until March i8, 1837. Thus it is shown that the territory which now forms the county of Livingston was first included in Wayne County, and so remained until January 15, 1818, when it became a part of Macomb; that it was included in Oakland from the erection of that county, January 12, 1819, until September 10, I822, when its southern half was given to Washtenaw, and its northern half to Shiawassee. ERECTION AND ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTY -FIRST COUNTY ELECTION. The territory now Livingston County remained included in Shiawassee and Washtenaw until Marcl 21, 1833, when Governor George B. Porter approved "an act to provide for laying out the county of Livingston," as follows: "Be it'enacted by the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan, That so much of the county of Washtenaw as is included within the following limits, viz.: townships one and two north, in ranges three, four, five, and six east of the principal meridian; and so much of the county of Shiawassee as is included within the following limits, viz: townships three and four north, in ranges three, four, five, and six east of the meridian, be and the same are hereby set off into a separate county, and the name thereof shall be Livingston, which, for the present, shall, for all judicial pur poses, remain the same as though this act had not passed." 26 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. The name of the county was given in honor of Edward Livingston, Secretary of State under President Jackson. The territory of the new county remained attached for judicial and municipal purposes as before, viz., the south half to Washtenaw, and the north half to Oakland,-as Shiawassee, not having been organized, was attached to that county. The organization of Livingston County was effected under an act of the Legislature, approved March 24, 1836, by which it was provided "That the county of Livingston shall be organized, and the inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges to which, by law, the inhabitants of other counties of this State are entitled." At its organization the county embraced the townships of Green Oak, Hamburg, Putnam, Unadilla, Howell, and Hartland. Green Oak-erected March 17, I835-included its present area, and also the township of Brighton; Hamburg-erected March 26, I835-included, in addition to its present limits, the township of Genoa; Unadilla-laid out March 26, 1835-included the present township of Iosco; Putnam-erected March 23, 1836-took in what is now the township of Marion; Howellerected March 23, I836-included, in addition' to its present area, the townships of Oceola, Deerfield, Cohoctah, Conway, and Handy; and Hartlandlaid out at the same time-was embraced in its present limits. The northeastern (surveyed) township of the county-now Tyrone-had not then been laid out by law, but was included in Deerfield, at the erection of that township, by act of March 20, I837. The subsequent subdivisions of the county are noticed in the several township histories. Under the provisions of the act organizing Livingston County a special election for county officers was held on the first Monday in May, 1836, resulting in the election of the following-named persons: Sheriff, Justus J. Bennett. County Clerk, F. J. B. Crane. Register of Deeds, Ely Barnard. Treasurer, Amos Adams. Judge of Probate, Kinsley S. Bingham. County Surveyor, Amos Adams. Coroners, John W. Peavy, John Drake. Associate Judges, Elisha W. Jrockway, Elnathan Noble. The total number of votes cast in the county for sheriff was one hundred and eight, this being the highest number cast for any of the offices. Of these one hundred and eight votes, Justus J. Bennett received fifty-one; F. J. Provost, twenty-five; J. F. Provost, twenty-two; and Joseph Loree, ten. For the office of county clerk ninety-one votes were cast, of which number F. J. B. Crane received ninety, and E. Barnard one. For register of deeds, Ely Barnard received the whole number cast,-eighty-one. For treasurer, Amos Adams received seventy-one, and S. D. Dix seven. For judge of probate, Kinsley S. Bingham received seventy-eight; Isaac Smith, Jr., ten; Isaac Smith, seven; Kinslow Noble, one; Kins Bingham, two; Elnathan Noble, one; Anthony Gale, one; and Kinsley S. Probate, one. For associate judges, the two successful candidates-Elisha W. Brockway and Elnathan Noble -received, respectively, fifty-one and ninety-nine votes; and for the same office, Jonathan Burnett received eighteen; Elisha M. Brockway, twentyfour; E. Noble, one; Kinsley S. Bingham, one; and " Noble," one.* ORGANIZATION AND EARLY PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The first meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Livingston County was held at the house of Amos Adams, in Howell, on the fourth day of October, I836; the Supervisors present being Kinsley S. Bingham, of Green Oak. Christopher L. Culver, of Hamburg. John Hudson, of Putnam. Philester Jessup, of Howell. Eli Lee, of Hartland. Eli Lee was chosen moderator and Ely Bernard clerk. The Board then adjourned to meet on the following day. Upon reassembling, as per adjournment, Elnathan Noble, Supervisor of Unadilla, appeared and took his seat, and the Board proceeded to business. The session was continued until the sixth of October, when the Board adjourned sine die. The business done at the session was as follows: It was " Resolved, by the Board of Supervisors, that a bounty of three dollars be paid by the county treasurer to any person who shall produce the certificate of a magistrate, or other proper officer authorized to administer an oath, that the said person has actually killed a full grown wolf within the limits of the County of Livingston since the organization of said county, and that * At the Presidential election in November, 1836, the Democratic electors received one hundred and forty-two votes, and the Whig electors seventy-three votes, in Livingston County. At the election of I840 the Democratic electors received eight hundred and forty-four votes, and the Whig electors seven hundred votes, in the county. In 1844 the Democratic Presidential electors received ten hundred and ninety votes in the county, to six hundred and eighty-seven cast for the Whig candidates. At the election in November, 1850, on the question of giving equal suffrage to colored persons, the county gave four hundred and twenty votes, in favor of, and thirteen hundred and sixty-nine votes against the proposition. ERECTION OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY. 27 the scalp of said wolf has been destroyed by the person administering the oath." For the payment of such bounties, a wolf-bounty fund of sixty dollars was voted, and the Board voted to raise a contingent fund of three hundred dollars for the expenses of the county. The apportionment of taxes to the several towns of the county, and the assessment of each, was fixed as follows: Aggregate Assessment Township TOWNSHIPS. of T'ax. Townships. Ilamburg............... $31,743 $142.00 Hlartland............... 13,409 I8.50 Green Oak............. 6,724 67.38 Htowell.................. 59,556 112.12 Unadilla. 11............. 15,8o8 I43-47 Puttnam................ 27,812 46.63 Total................ $217,052 $530.10........... County and State I State 'ax. tate ax $I45.83 $79-35 6i.61 33.52 315.73 171.81 273.61 148.89 72.63 39.52 127.79 69.54 $997.20 $542.63 _I__ _. Amos Adams, County Treasurer, was directed to pay the amount of the State tax as above to the State Treasurer, out of any moneys paid into his hands by the several township collectors. The following county orders were issued: To John Hudson, for services at Board..................... 1I2.00 C. S. Culver, " ".................... 12.00 K. S. Binghaml, " ".................... I4.00 PIhilester Jessup, " ".................... I3.00 Elnathan Noble, " ".............. 7.00 Eli Lee, " "................ 9.00 F. J. 13. Crane, for stationery for Board.............. 2.00 J. J. Bennett, " Sheriff's fees........................ IO.oO F. J. B. Crane, " Clerk's fees........................ 3.57 E. Barnard, " room rent for Register's office... 3.00. 4 " l book for Supervisors............... 5.00..... services as Clerk of Board........ 4.00 $94-57 The second annual meeting of the Board was held on the third of October, 1837, in Howell, at the village school-house, but on account of cold and lack of heating apparatus in that building, adjourned to the Register's office. The Supervisors present were the following named, representing all the towns then organized in the county, viz.: Elisha W. Brockway, of Green Oak. Thomas J. Rice, of Hamburg. William T. Curtis, of Genoa. John W. Smith, of Howell. Jacob Snell, of Byron (now Oceola). Aaron Palmer, of Putnam. John How, of Deerfield. Elnathan Noble, of Un-dilla. Thomas Hoskins, of Marion. Eli Lee, of Hartland. One of the first items of business transacted at I this meeting was the giving of authority and directions to the sheriff " to purchase for the use of the county a good twenty-eight inch stove, and place the same in the school-house in the village of Howell, and sufficient length of six-inch Englisl pipe for the use of the same, and charge the same to the county." The bounty on wolves was continued at three dollars per head, and a fund of one hundred dollars was voted to pay such bounties. A fund of six hundred dollars was voted for contingent expenses of the county. Orders were issued on audited accounts to the amount of nineteen hundred and sixty-three dollars and eightyfour cents. The taxes as apportioned to the several towns, and the assessment of each, was as follows: TOWNSHIP. Aggregate Assessment of Township, 1837. Hambur...... 58,315 Byron......... 69,656 Putnlam l........ 71,217 (;enoa......... 60,833 HIartland...... 68,813 Marion......... 64,952 Howell........ 263,666 Deerfiel...... 33,907 Green Oak... I65,749 Unadilla...... 1 22,095 Total..... $1,079,203 Township Tax. $100. I2 77.00 269.73 87.75 85.50 I 370.49 I15.23 402.53 i 200.00 County and tate Tax State Tax. $106.1I5 $7-57 126.74 20.97 129.58 21.44 110.72 I8.31 125.21 20.73 i 8.20 19.57 479-81 79.44 243.65 40.34 301.62 49-84 222.22 36.79 $1,963.90 ~ $325.00 * The Board adjourned October 7th to meet November 9, 1837, at which time, upon reassembling, there was no business to betransacted, and they adjourned sine dic. At the annual meeting of the Board, held at the Register's office in Howell, October 2, I838, all but one of the present townships of the county were represented, the following-named Supervisors being present: John How, from Deerfield. Thomas J. Rice, from Hamburg. George W. Lee, from Marion. Jacob Snell, from Oceola (previously Byron). Robert Warden, Jr., from Green Oak. Charles P. Bush, from Genoa. Richard Lyon, from Brighton. Solomon Sutherland, from Unadilla. Ralph Fowler, from Handy. Rial Lake, fiom Howell. Alva Preston, from Tuscola (now Cohoctah). John J. Blackmer, from Hartland. Joseph M. Becker, from Tyrone. George Reeves, from Putnam. Ard Osborn, from Iosco. The assessment and apportionment of taxes to each township, as there equalized, were as follows: 28 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Aggregate Township 'OWNSHIP. T sh ow Tnship County Tax. State Tax. Assessment. Brighton...... $91,587 $217.49 $I91.06 $128.40 Deerfield...... 73,189 145-75 152.68 102.61 Green Oak 87,662 92.71 182.87 122.90 Genoa......... 64,137 248.61 133.79 89.92 Howell........ 75,002 194.95 156.46 105.15 Handy........ 58,689 26.75 122.43 82.35 amlburg...... 74,381 200.78 155.I7 104.28 Hartland...... 74,784 178.73 156.02 104.84 lena*.......... 61,627 128.56 86.40 osco........... 59,121 139.31 123.33 82.97 Marion......... 66,076 232.88 137.84 92.63 Oceola......... 74,068 146.03 I54.52 103.84 Tuscola........ 73,340 153.00 102.82 Tyrone......... 69,622 94.44 145.16 97.6 Putnam........ 75,155 123.89 156.78 105.36 Unadilla...... 69,134 1 209.30 144.22 96.92 Total..... $1,147,574 $2,251.62 $2,393.89 $1,609.00 The previous vote granting bounties on wolves killed within the county was rescinded; county orders were issued to the amount of two thousand three hundred and ninety-three dollars and eightynine cents, and the Board adjourned sine die, October 6, 1838. By the provisions of a law passed by the Legislature in 1838, the powers and duties of the Board of Supervisors were transferred to and vested in a Board of County Commissioners. Under this law the first Board of Commissioners of Livingston County organized, and held their first meeting at the clerk's office, in Iowell village, on Tuesday, the twentieth of November, 1838. Present: the full Board, viz., Emery Beal, Charles P. Bush, and Orman Holmes. Emery Beal was chosen chairman, and after resolving to rent a building for a Register's office, and directing the Register to place a stove therein at the expense of the county, the Board adjourned. The office of County Commissioner was abolished by act of Legislature approved February Io, 1842, and the duties and powers of that Board were transferred back to the Board of Supervisors of the county. The first meeting of the Supervisors of Livingston County under this law was held April 21, 1842, at the room where the courts were then held, in Howell. From that time until the present, the Board has continued to exercise its legitimate powers and functions undisturbed by further experimental legislation. ORGANIZATION OF COURTS. The act under which the county of Livingston was organized provided that "all suits, prosecutions, and other matters now [then] pending before any court of record, or before any justice of the peace" in the county of Washtenaw or of Oak* Now Conway. land, should be prosecuted to final judgment and execution in the same manner as if the act had not been passed. The first term of the court for the county of Livingstont was held at the school-house, in the village of Howell, on the eighth day of November, 1837. Present: the Hon. William A. Fletcher, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the Hon. Elisha W. Brockway and Hon. Elnathan Noble, Associate Judges, all of whom are now dead. The names of the grand jury attending at that term were Price Morse, Edward F. Gay, Norman Brainard, Adoniram Hubbell, William E. Redding, Joseph Cole, Peter Y. Browning, Philester Jessup, James Wright, William L. Mead, Albert Parker, John Drake, George Walker, Horace Toncre, Jonathan Burnett, William B. Hopkins, Augustus Colton, Richard Toncre, and John Andrews. George W. Walker was appointed by the court, foreman. There being no prosecuting attorney for the county, the court appointed James Kingsley, of Ann Arbor, to act in that capacity for the term. The court appointed Samuel G. Percy as crier. The list of names of petit jurors at that term were as follows: Solomon Gew, Dan M. Fuller, Anson Nelson, Joseph Whitacre, Amos B. Root, Russell Blood, James Livermore, Seth G. Wilson, John Sutherland, Stephen Cornell, George Sewell, Frederick Goodenow, George W. Glover, Isaac Ela, Royal C. Barnum, Uriah Collson, James D. McIntyre, and Francis Lincoln. The grand jury soon reported to the court that they had no business before them, and they were therefore discharged. There being no cases for trial, the petit jurors were also discharged. Judge Fletcher was a native of Massachusetts, and was engaged for some years in mercantile pursuits in that State. I-e settled in Michigan about the year 1820, and studied law in Detroit, and commenced the practice of his profession in that city. He was at one time attorney-general for the Territory. He was appointed chief justice of the Supreme Court after the admission of the State into the Union, and revised the statutes of the State in 1838. He resigned his office as judge in 1842, resumed the practice of his profession, and died in Ann Arbor about 1855. He was a man of high character and strict integrity. The next circuit judge of the county was the Hon. Alpheus Felch. Judge Felch was born in Maine, in September, 18o6. He was a graduate of Bowdoin College. He emigrated to Michigan in 1833, and settled at Monroe. He t This account of the organization of the court for the county of Livingston is kindly furnished by the lion. Josiah Turner, Ju(lge of the Seventh Judicial Circuit. COUNTY-SITE AND COUNTY BUILDINGS. 29 - I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - was a member of the State Legislature in 1836-37. In 1842 he was appointed auditor-general; a few weeks after which he resigned that position, and was appointed judge of the Supreme Court. In 1845 he was elected Governor of the State, and in 1847 was elected a senator in Congress for six years. He now resides at Ann Arbor. He was an able judge, and is still in the practice of his profession. The next circuit judge of the county was the Hon. Charles W. Whipple. The next circuit judge who presided in this county was the Hon. Sanford M. Green, who is now the circuit judge of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit, and resides at Bay City. The next circuit judge was the Hon. Josiah Turner, who is still the judge of this district, and resides at Owosso. THE PROBATE COURT. No business was done in the Probate Office of Livingston County during the incumbency of its first Judge of Probate, the Hon. Kinsley S. Bingham. The first Probate Court in the county was held by his successor, the Hon. James W. Stansbury, in Pinckney village, on the twenty-fifth of December, I838; and the first business done was the appointment of a guardian for the minor heirs of Henry Zulauf, deceased. The first letters of administration were granted March 13, I838, to Phoebe H. Drake, of Unadilla, and Thomas G. Sill, of Dexter, on the estate of John Drake, of Unadilla, deceased. The first will admitted to probate, and recorded in the P'robate Office, was that of James Sage, the first settler of Howell village and township, who died June 29, 1839. The will was dated January I5th of that year, bearing the names of Wellington A. Glover, Mabel Glover, and 0. J. Field as attesting witnesses, and was recorded July, 1839. Joseph H. Pinckney was appointed executor of this will, which made bequests to the widow and children of the testator; the latter being mentioned as George T., James R., and Chester A. Sage, Mary A. W. Pinckney, and Hannah A. Walker. The second will recorded was that of Timothy I-. Munger, of Marion, dated June 29, 1840, bearing the signatures of Gardner Carpenter, Henry Green, and Horace Griffith as attesting witnesses, naming Horace Griffith as sole executrix, and bequeathing all the property of the testator to his wife, Adaline Munger. This will was recorded January I9, 1841. During the entire term of Judge Stansbury ( 837 to I840, inclusive) the Probate Court was held at his office, in the village of Pinckney. The first Court of Probate held at Howell was by Judge George W. Kneeland, February 8, 184I, and the first business done at that time was the granting of letters of administration on the estate of Josiah P. Jewett. From that time until the present the Probate Court has been held at the county-seat. COUNTY-SITE AND COUNTY BUILDINGS. It has been mentioned above that the first term of court for the county of Livingston was held in the Howell school-house, in November, I837. This school-house stood within the original plat of the village, laid out by Messrs. Crane and Brooks in 1835; which plat had been designated as the county-site of Livingston, in 1836, by three commissioners appointed for the purpose by the Governor of Michigan in accordance with the provisions of an act, passed by the Legislature at its session in that year, to locate and establish countysites for counties in which they had not been previously established. In 1837 an act was passed by the Legislature authorizing the Supervisors of any county to borrow money for the erection of county buildings. The Supervisors of Livingston, thereupon, at their annual meeting in October, 1837, "Resolvcd, That the qualified electors of the county be notified that a vote will be taken at the next annual election (November, 1837) whether the Board shall be authorized to borrow, on the credit of the county, a sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars for the erection of county buildings," as provided in the act above named. The notice was accordingly issued and the vote taken, but the result in the county was adverse to the loan. In 1838 an act was passed (approved February 23d) providing " that the Board of Supervisors of Livingston County be, and they are hereby, authorized to borrow on the credit of the said county, at a rate of interest not exceeding seven per cent. per annum, and for a term not less than five nor more than fifteen years, a sum of money not exceeding one thousand dollars, for the purpose of erecting a jail for said county." The question of taxation for the purpose of erecting necessary county buildings was again submitted to the voters of the county at the annual election of 1838, and the result was the same as in the previous year. The courts continued to be held at the village school-house in Howell, and the sheriff continued to take such prisoners as he had to Ann Arbor for confinement, as authorized by an act approved February 8, 1858, which empowered him " to convey prisoners to Washtenaw County, and deliver them into the custody of the sheriff or keeper of the jail of that county." On the twenty-first of April, 1842, the Board of Supervisors resolved " that George W. Kneeland, 3o HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. -1 Richard P. Bush, and Jared Clark be authorized to contract with Benjamin J. Spring for his house to hold courts and to do other business in until the first day of the next November term of the Circuit Court." And this committee reported that they had so contracted with Mr. Spring for his ballroom for that period, for fifteen dollars, he to furnish wood. At the same meeting the Board authorized the drawing of an order in favor of the Presbyterian Society of Howell, for twenty dollars " for the use of their meeting-house at the last term of court, on condition that they can have it at twenty-five dollars a term as long as it is necessary; said house to be used for all county meetings." Soon after this, the Presbyterian Church building became the court-house of Livingston County, and continued to be used regularly for sessions of the court for about three years, the county paying forty dollars per annum for its use. The prisoners of the county were still confined at Ann Arbor. From the time when the county-site was established at Howell, in 1836, a determined opposition to the location had been developed, and strong efforts were made to secure its removal. This project was brought before the Legislature at the session of 1837, and was met and defeated by the remonstrance of F. J. B. Crane (the proprietor of the original plat of Howell) and a large number of other signers. The agitation for changing the location of the seat of justice continued, however, unabated (and in fact rather increasing) for a number of years, and took the form of a project to enlarge the county, by taking in a part of Oakland; thus to bring Brighton nearer the territorial centre, and cause the county-site to be located at that village. This agitation had the effect of causing the defeat of all attempts to raise money by taxation for the erection of county buildings under the provisions of the acts of 1837 and 1838. 4 The site on which the court-house and public offices now stand was not included in the limits established as the county-site in 1836. Within those limits Mr. Crane had laid out and donated a square of ground (still known as the " old public square") for the purpose of the erection of county buildings, and at the time of its laying out there seemed no reason to doubt that when such buildings were erected they would be located on that square. Influences were afterwards brought to bear, however, which secured the passage of an act (approved March 20, I841) providing "That the limits of the present county-site of the county of Livingston be, and the same are hereby, so extended r I as to embrace the west half of section thirty-six, township three north, of range four east; and that the county commissioners* of said county be, and they are hereby, authorized to erect, in conformity to law, county buildings on the site they shall deem most eligible on the said described land; provided the owners of said land shall convey to the county by a good and sufficient title, free and clear from all incumbrance, four acres of land for the site that shall be so selected." The tract thus added to the limits within which the site for county buildings might be located joins the original (Crane and Brooks) plat on the north and east, including all that part of the west half of the section not embraced in the plat.t It was from the lands embraced within this extension that the present courthouse square was selected. It includes a part of the northwest, and a part of the southwest quarter of section thirty-six, and was conveyed to the county in j842 and I843. The chain of title is as follows: The part lying in the southwest quarter was entered from government, December 3, 1833, by John D. Pinckney for Alexander Fraser. On the second of July, I835, Alexander Fraser deeded to Alexander D. Fraser, trustee for Edward Brooks and Charles G. Hammond, both of Detroit. On the twenty-third of October, in the same year, it was conveyed back to Alexander Fraser, and on the twenty-fourth of the same month John D. Pinckney: and Alexander Fraser conveyed an * From 1838 to the spring of 1842, a Board of County Commissioners exercised the powers which before and since that period have been vested in the Board of Supervisors. At a meeting of this Board of Commissioners held in the spring of 1841, they resolved " that there shall be levied on the county of Livingston, in October next, a tax of two thousand dollars for the purpose of building a court-house in the village of Howell;" but on submitting the question to the voters, the result was the same as in previous years. t Tle original plat covered the west half of the southwest quarter, and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the section; so that the extension made by the act of March, I841, included the east half of the southwest quarter, and the east half and northwest quarter of the northwest quarter. + As having reference to a question which appears to have arisen in later years as to the perfection of the title from Mr. Pinckney, the following transcript from the record of the Board of Supervisors under date of January 14, I863, is given, viz.: " The committee on the claim of Mrs. John D. l'inckney to the lots occupied by the county buildings reported as follows: Your committee, appointed to inquire of Almon Whipple and others about the claim of Mrs. Pinckney to the lands on which the county buildings stand, find that Mr. Pinckney located the lands and then deeded them to Cowdrey, but his wife did not sign the deed. Cowdrey deeded the lands to the county. Now we find that Mrs. Pinckney has quit-claimed to John Cummiskey, William McPherson, S. F. Hubbell, Mylo L. Gay, John H. Galloway, William Melvin, V. R. T. Angel, Z. H. Marsh, Almon Whipple, Joseph M. Gilbert, Edward F. Gay, William B. Smith, F. C. Whipple, F. Wells, and William Riddle. Your conmmittee would recommend that the county treasurer pay the alove persons the sum of twenty-five dollars on COUNTY-SITE AND COUNTY BUILDINGS. 3I undivided half of the property to Samuel Cowdrey, trustee for George R. Decker, and the remaining half to Peter A. Cowdrey. On the fifth of September, 1836, Decker deeded his interest to Peter A. Cowdrey, who thus became sole owner. On the first of November, 1842, Peter A. Cowdrey conveyed to the Supervisors of the county of Livingston that part of the square lying within the southwest quarter of the section, with a provision for its reversion if not used for the erection of county buildings. That part of the square lying within the northwest quarter of the section was embraced in a tract entered from government by Moses Thompson, May 15, 1834, and by him conveyed to Edward Thompson, by deed dated May I3, 1839. On the third day of October, 1843, Edward Thompson conveyed to the Supervisors of Livingston County all that part of the square lying in the northwest quarter of the section, with condition of reversion to the grantor or his representatives if not used, or when ceasing to be used, for county buildings. At the annual meeting of the Supervisors, October 19, 1843, it was "Resolved, As the opinion of the Board of Supervisors of the county of Livingston, that the subject of the erection of county buildings has become one which commends itself to the serious consideration and decisive action of the citizens of the county. "Resolved, That the extra expenses to which the county is yearly subjected for want of such buildings, and which is believed to be from two to three hundred dollars per year, together with the unavoidable inconvenience, as well as the serious risk which the public is constantly incurring of an entire d(estruction of the records of the county by fire, or other accidents, are believed by the Board of Supervisors to show the absolute necessity of having such buildings." " Resolved, That in consideration of the fact that, as the law upon the subject now stands, the Supervisors are prohibited from levying a tax for such purposes, they would respectfully recommend that petitions be at once circulated among the tax-payers of the county for signatures, praying the Legislature of the State to enact a law authorizing the Board of Supervisors, at their discretion, to levy a tax for such purposes." A bill, such as proposed by the Board, was introduced in the House of Representatives by the I Hon. Ralph Fowler, and was passed in that body in 1845, but not being supported by Hon. E. M. Cust, then in the Senate, it was defeated. It appears that in the summer of i845 the Supervisors had fully made up their minds to proceed to the erection of a court-house and jail, believing themselves empowered to do so by the affirmative result of a vote then recently taken at the several township-meetings. The Board appointed a building committee composed of George W. Peck, of Brighton; Odell J. Smith, of Howell; James M. Larue, of Putnam; Ralph Fowler, of Handy; and Jairah Hillman, of Tyrone; which committee, on the ninth of June in that year, advertised that they " will receive plans, specifications, and proposals for the erection of the county buildings contemplated to be built at Howell, in said county, at their respective places of residence until the second Monday of October next; the said buildings to consist of one or more edifices of brick or wood, comprising the court-room, jail, and accommodations for the several county offices." What plans, specifications, and proposals (if any) were received by this committee does not appear. At the annual meeting of the Supervisors in October, 1845, it was resolved by that body, that, " Whereas doubts have arisen as to the legality of any tax for the erection of county buildings based on the vote of the people of the county at the late township-meetings, the Board, under advice of counsel, regard it as inexpedient and unsafe to levy the same." No further action, therefore, was taken at that time, except the offering of fifteen dollars for the best, and five dollars for the second best plan of a court-house, and the ordering of the publication of that offer for two months in the Liizvinston Courier. At the same time a committee appointed to contract with Enos B. Taylor for the use of rooms for the court and jury, reported that they had contracted with Mr. Taylor for the same at eighty dollars per year for three years. The report was accepted and adopted. At the session of 1846 the Legislature of Michigan passed "An Act to provide for the Erection of County Buildings in the County of Livingston." This act (approved February I8th) provided: SEC. I. " That the Board of Supervisors of the county of Livingston and their successors in office be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to erect county buildings for the use of said county. SEC. 2. " For the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this act, the said Board of Supervisors is authorized to levy on the taxable property of said county, from time to time, such sum as they may deem their making and executing a good quit-claim deed of conveyance of the lands on which the county buildings stand, embracing the public square; all of which we most cheerfully report to your honorable body for further action. "F. WEBB, "0. B. CHAMBERS, H I-OWELL, January 6, 1863. Co(mneitf/ce." 32 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. necessary, not exceeding three thousand dollars in any one year; any law to the contrary notwithstanding. " This act shall take effect from and after the second Monday of April next." On the second of June, 1846, a special meeting of the Supervisors was held, and the Board resolved to levy a tax for the erection of county buildings, to the amount of two thousand dollars annually, for two successive years, and in the third year to raise such sum (not exceeding two thousand dollars) as necessary to complete the buildings; and a committee was appointed to report a plan. A plan drawn and furnished by Mr. Justin Lawyer was adopted, and on the following day the Board "Resolzed, That the outside walls of the courthouse building be made, the foundation, of stone, to be sunk in the ground two feet, and to be raised three feet above the surface, and to be three feet thick; the first story to be twelve feet high, made of brick wall twenty inches thick, with brick columns [pilasters] projecting four inches; the wall of the second story to be sixteen feet high and sixteen inches thick, of brick, with same columns as the first story, and the columns to extend up to the frieze, with suitable brick cap; the wall of the gables to be twelve incles thick." It was also " Resolvzed, That a belfry be erected on the courthouse suitable to place a bell in, provided the people of Howell and others shall raise a sufficient sum to purchase a suitable bell"; and the people of Howell were also granted " the privilege to break up, grub out, grade, fence, and seed down the public square in the village of Howell, and to set out such shade-trees as they shall think proper for the ornamenting of the said square.d At their meeting, held on the tenth of August, I846, the Board resolved to let the contract for the court-house and jail building to Cyrenus Hall, for five thousand six hundred dollars, and Messrs. Bradford Campbell, Smith Beach, and Gardner Wheeler were authorized and directed to close and execute the contract. The negotiations with Mr. Hall came to naught, however, and a contract was made with Enos B. Taylor, and confirmed by the Board, October 12; Mr. Taylor's sureties being Almon Whipple, William- McPherson, Derastus Hinman, and Richard P. Bush. Mr. Taylor commenced work on the building in the fall of that year, and payments to a considerable amount were made to him during the winter and spring following, but it was not completed until late in the fall of i847. The Board of Supervisors, at their meeting on the thirteenth of October, authorized the building committee to accept I I the building (in case it should be completed before their January meeting), to insure it, and to deliver the necessary amount of bonds to Mr. Taylor in payment of his contract. And at the meeting of the Board, held on the third of January, 1848, the committee reported that the building for the courthouse and jail had been completed, and that they had accepted it fiom Mr. Taylor. The stuccoing of the exterior of the building was not included in Mr. Taylor's contract, but was contracted for with Barsley Mount, for three hundred and twency-eight dollars, and was done in September, 1848. Immediately after the completion and occupation of the court-house building, the Board of Supervisors resolved that permission be given to the several religious societies which had no meetinghouses (which was then the case with all, excepting the Presbyterian) to hold religious worship in the court-room; and the Methodist, Baptist, and Congregational societies availed themselves of this privilege until provided with church edifices, though dissatisfaction occasionally arose at what some of the societies regarded as unjust discrimination or favoritism, and once or twice the proposition was made (but not acted on) to exclude all religious societies. The services of the Episcopal Church of Howell were also held there prior to their occupation of the Congregational meetinghouse; and since the demolition of that building, Episcopal worship has occasionally been held in the court-room until the present time. Besides its uses as a court-house and jail, the building is also the residence of the sheriff of the county. The first court in this court-house was held by the Hon. Josiah Turner as county judge, and he has, in that office and in that of circuit judge, presided over the courts held in this building almost continuously until the present time. His court is now in session there, at the time of this writing, November, I879. TIHE PUBLIC OFFICE BUILDINGS. The offices of the Clerk, Register of Deeds, and Treasurer of Livingston County were first located in the tavern-house of Amos Adams (afterwards known as the Eagle Hotel), at Howell, Mr. Adams himself being the first treasurer of the county, and Mr. F. J. B. Crane, the first county clerk, being domiciled at the house as a permanent boarder. Mr. Justus J. Bennett, the first sheriff of the county, had his office at Adams' at such times as his presence became necessary at the county-seat,-which could not have been very often, as during the first year and a half of his term there was no court held in Howell, and his prisoners, if he had any, were taken to Ann Arbor for confinement. The COUNTY-SITE AND COUNTY BUILDINGS. 33 office-quarters of Mr. Bingham, the judge of probate, were probably in his own house at Green Oak,-and they certainly might as well be there as at Howell, for he did no probate business whatever during the time that he held the office. On the northeast corner of the " old public square" in Howell Mr. Crane erected a small building in the sumnmer of 1837. It was a onestory frame building of two rooms, and intended by him to be used as a private office; but into this the public offices of the county were soon afterwards transferred, it being at first rented and afterwards purchased by the county. The following items from the record of the proceedings of the County Commissioners and Board of Supervisors have reference to this old building and to the erection of the first clerk and register's office on the court-house square, viz.: November 20, 1838, the County Commissioners resolved " to rent the building now occupied as Clerk and Register's office for one year, at ninety dollars, payable half-yearly." April 21, i842, the Supervisors authorized the Clerk to contract for the plastering of his office, and " to use it as he shall see fit, provided it does not interfere with the business of the county, nor injure the building." The county clerk at that time was Josiah Turner, who also transacted his professional business as attorney-at-law and master in chancery in the same office. June 9, 1845.-The Supervisors directed the Clerk " to clear the county offices [the buildings on the old square] of all property not belonging to the county or to the county offices." October 15, 1845.-"Resolved, That the Board give their consent to have the county building removed to the land appropriated for the use of the county buildings, provided it be done without expense chargeable to the county; and that the clerk be authorized to superintend the same and make the necessary repairs." Under this authority, the " county building" was removed from its original site at the northeast corner of the old public square, and placed on or near the spot where the clerk's office now stands, in the court-house grounds. January 3, I849.-The Board appointed William C. Rumsey and Spaulding M. Case a committee, (with power to procure the necessary materials, and contract for the erection of two fire-proof offices for Clerk's and Register's offices; the same to be in one building, one story high, of brick; said building to be of the same general form of the Clerk and Register's office in Washtenaw County, and to be completed and ready for use before the first of October next." The cost of this build5 ing was limited to five hundred dollars. The Board further resolved "that the old building on the court-house square, occupied as Clerk and Register's office, be removed to some suitable place, to be selected by William C. Rumsey, on the vacant ground in the rear of the square." Under these resolutions the erection of the new "fireproof" office building was let by the committee on contract to George W. and Frederick J. Lee; and the old office building was moved to the rear of the square. The cost of its removal and grading the grounds was one hundred and twenty-nine dollars. January 8, 1850.-The building committee reported to the Board the completion and acceptance of the new building. The price paid to the Messrs. Lee was, contract, four hundred and ninety-eight dollars; extras, forty-seven dollars and twenty cents. Total, five hundred and forty-five dollars and twenty cents. October I8, I850.-Elijah F. Burt was appointed a committee to sell the old office building and contents. H-e reported an offer of forty-five dollars from William B. Smith. The Board recommended that the offer be accepted. The building was sold and removed from the square, and is now standing on the south side of Grand River Street, in Howell, a short distance east of the Rubert House. The Clerk and Register's office building, erected, as above shown, in I849, and demolished in 1873, was of similar construction, and about the same in size and general appearance as the old office building now standing in the square, east of the courthouse. This old building, containing the offices of the Judge of Probate and County Treasurer, was erected in I853. At the annual meeting of the Supervisors, in October of the previous year, the Board appropriated five hundred dollars for the purpose of grading and fencing the square and building a treasurer's and a probate office, both to be included in one building, similar to the one then recently built for the Clerk and Register of Deeds; and a committee was appointed to prepare plans for the same. January 3, 1853.-The report of the committee was received and accepted, and R. P. Bush, F. C. Whipple, and L. D. Smith were appointed a building committee. The contract wvas awarded to John B. Kneeland, who completed the building during the succeeding summer and fall, and it was accepted by the building committee in October, 1853. In the spring of 1854 its exterior was stuccoed (under supervision of Charles Benedict) to correspond with the office building on the west side of the court-house. 34 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. THE NEW OFFICES OF THE CLERK AND REGISTER OF DEEDS. On the 17th of October, i873, the Supervisors' committee on public lands and buildings reported to the Board that the building containing the offices of the County Clerk and Register of Deeds was in so dilapidated a condition as to render it inexpedient to make further repairs upon it. And they recommended that the sum of one thousand dollars be raised for the construction of a new building for these offices and for repairs on the offices of the Treasurer and Judge of Probate. The report of the committee was accepted and adopted, and the Board directed their chairman to appoint a suitable person to superintend the erection of the proposed building, and to let the contract for its construction to the lowest responsible bidder. Under tliese instructions, Mr. Horace Halbert was appointed such superintendent of construction, and the contract was let to Messrs. Tunnard & Beardsley for the sum of two thousand five hundred and thirty-three dollars. The old building was demolished, and work on the new one was commenced immediately. It was completed and occupied early in 1874; its total cost being about three thousand one hundred dollars, including the removal of the old building and some other matters, but exclusive of the new safes, furniture, and fixtures which were put into it. It is a neat and substantial structure,-one story, but of ample height,-and more than double the size of the old building. It affords good accommodation for the offices of the Clerk and Recgister, and it is proposed to erect a similar building for the Probate and Treasurer's offices,-a project which will doubtless be carried into effect at an early day. COUNTY POOR-IIOUSE AND FARM. Down to, and including the year 1870, the system in practice by the county of Livingston for the support of its poor was the granting of outside relief where such course seemed most proper and advisable, and the keeping of the more helpless poor, the insane and idiotic, by contract; the place where these were kept being known as the poorhouse, though not the property of the county. In their report for the year named (ending October, 1870), the majority of the Board of County Superintendents of the Poor said: "And we would further confidently recommend the present mode of keeping the poor to be the best that can be adopted." But, on the other hand, a committee appointed by the Board of Supervisors to visit the poor-house, and inspect and report on the work -I I - ings of the system (the committee being composed of Charles Fishbeck, John Wood, S. B. Sales, John A. Tanner, and N. A. Smith) reported at the same time as follows: "First,-That the poor are as well cared for by the present contractor as they can be under the present mode of caring for the poor; that they have plenty to eat, and a clean bed to sleep in, and seem to be well satisfied with their treatment. "Sccontd,-That the conveniences are not suitable. We found them in a small room of about eighteen by twenty-two feet, which is occupied by the insane and sane, males and females, as sleeping-, sitting-, and dining-room. The house is a frame building, boarded up and down and battened, without plaster, which your committee would consider warm enough for warm weather, but too cold for winter. Your committee would respectfully recommend that there be a county farm purchased, not to exceed eight miles from the village of Howell, of not less than eighty nor more than one hundred and twenty acres, and that there be suitable buildings erected on the same for the purpose of taking care of the poor and insane of Livingston County." This report was adopted by the Board, and on the third of January, I871, a committee composed of the Supervisors of Green Oak, Unadilla, Tyrone, and Conway [representing the four corner towns of the county], " to go with the superintendents of the poor and examine and report to the Board, as soon as they can, the best farm in their opinion, without regard to the number of acres, as to include stock, wheat on the ground, teams, and tools with said farm." The result of several examinations was the selection of the farm offered by Mr. H-Iiram Wing, in the southwest quarter of section fifteen in the township of Marion; the buildings on which are located almost exactly on the territorial centre of that township. And at a special meeting of the Supervisors, held January 6, 1871, the Board resolved "that they hereby authorize the County Superintendents of the Poor to purchase the farm of Hiram Wing, of Marion, of two hundred and fifteen acres, for said county, also tools and wheat on the ground, for the sum of ten thousand dollars, to be paid as follows [here designating the amount, time, and manner of the several payments];... and that we appropriate two thousand five hundred dollars of the money now raised towards the payment for the said farm, and that we appropriate one thousand dollars, raised for buildings and repairs, to purchase teams and stock, and repairs on said farm." The farm-now the poor-farm of the county of Livingston-was conveyed by Mr. Wing to the THE PRESS. 35 county, January 5, i87I; and on the ninth of the same month the following report and resolution was adopted by the Supervisors:," Whereas, The Board of Supervisors of the county of Livingston have bought a farm for the purpose of keeping the county Poor and Insane; now, therefore, the said Board of Supervisors of said county do hereby instruct and require the Superintendents of the Poor of said county to hire a good practical farmer to take charge of said farm, under their directions, by the year, at an expense not exceeding five hundred dollars per year... And the man so hired by the superintendent to take possession of said 1)oor-farmn on the first of April, A.D. I871, or as soon after as maybe... And at the time the contract expires for the keeping of the poor and insane the Superintendents remove or cause then to be removed the poor and insane to said farm, with the teams of said county; and further instruct the Superintendents to build or cause to be built, at the expense of the county, a suitable building, of brick or stone, for keeping of the insane; said building to be sixteen by twentyfour feet, fire-proof, with cells secured by bolts and bars. " Afterwards a committee was appointed to visit the farm and confer with the Superintendents on various matters, including the erection of the building for the insane. This committee reported to the Board June 13, I871, recommending "that said building be built two stories high, twenty-two by thirty feet, and that it will be necessary to use the sum of fifteen hundred dollars for the completion of the same, and for the further maintenance of the poor." This report was adopted, and the Board resolved that the Superintendents be authorized to receive sealed proposals for three weeks for the erection of the building as recommended, and that the chairman of the Board and the County Clerk be authorized to issue orders for a sum not to exceed fifteen hundred dollars for the purposes recommended by the committee. In the annual report of the Superintendents of the Poor for the year ending October I, I871, it was shown that the farm produced, in this first season of the county's occupancy, three hundred and sixty-eight bushels of wheat, three hundred and twenty bushels of oats, eighty bushels of barley, and fifty tons of hay; the potato crop being a failure. The Superintendents also reported that "The building which your honorable body authorized us to erect has been contracted for the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, and is progressing, to be completed by the first of the present month." The building was completed a little later, the farm-buildings repaired, and a fine barn has since been erected; and an experience of eight years has shown the new system of supporting the poor of the county to be much preferable to the previous one. The report of the Superintendents of the Poor for the year ending September 30, 1879, shows as follows: The number of families relieved during the year outside the county house was eighty-one, comprising two hundred and fifty-two persons. The whole n:imber of persons supported at the county house during the year was thirty-four, including two mutes, and four idiotic. The number supported at the Insane Asylum during the year was twenty. The whole number receiving assistance in any form was three hundred and six. The receipts fi-om the sale of the surplus product of the farm in the year was seven hundred and two dollars and fifty-six cents. CHAPTER IV. THE PRESS-THE PROFESSIONS-LIVINGSTON CIVIL LIST-COUNTY SOCIETIES. The Press of Livingston County-The Livingston CourierLivingston Republican-Living-ton I)emocrat-Howell Independent-Fowlerville Forum-Brighton Citizen-Fowlerville Review-The Medical Profession-Early Physicians of Livingston County-Medical Societies-Livingston County Medical Association-The Legal Profession-Early Lawyers of the County-Livingston Civil List-Livingston County Pioneer Association-Livingston County Bible Society. THE PRESS OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY. THE LIVINGSTON COURIER. The Livingston Couricr,-a five-column folio,the first paper published in the county of Livingston, was first issued on the tenth of January, I843, from its office of publication in the village of Brighton, and bore the names of Nicholas Sullivan, Publisher, and Frederick C. Whipple, Editor. In that first number of the Coutrier was contained a notice of the death, at the age of thirty-one years, of the Hon. Stevens T. Mason, the first Governor of the State of Michigan, which event occurred in the city of New York, on the fourth of the same month. It also contained a mention of the death of the Hion. Joshua Lee, M.D., December 31, I842, in Yates County, New York, at the age of fiftyseven; a notice of the marriage in Farmington, Oakland County, of James B. Lee, of Brighton, to Miss Samantha Chadwick, of Farmington; of a successful " Donation Party," then recently held at the house of "that venerable divine, the Rev. Jona than Post"; the business cards of Whipple & Peck, and Daniel C. Marsh, of Brighton, Attorneys and 36 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Counselors at Law; of Ira P. Bingham and Wilbur Fisher, Physicians and Surgeons, of Brighton; of J. B. & D. R. Lee, and D. Cable, Merchants of Brighton; and of the public-houses of Morris Bennett, Robert Bigham, and B. P. Vealey (" late R. D. Power's"), all of Brighton. In his address to his patrons and the public the proprietor said, "We are well aware of the impossibility of giving to the public a paper which shall exactly suit the taste of every individual; our aim will be to present such a variety of miscellaneous selections, political and editorial matter as may be read with interest and profit by all. Our aim especially will be to make it valuable as a family newspaper, inculcating wholesome and correct principles in morals as well as in politics; a medium which may be relied on for correct information upon all subjects which enter its columns. In politics we embrace heartily, and shall adhere strictly, to the Democratic creed and doctrine as taught and expounded by its most eminent disciples. We do this, not from motives of interest, but from a settled conviction that these principles, as first taught by Jefferson, are the correct principles of government, and best calculated to confer the greatest good upon the greatest number. While we intend to keep the public informed of all matters of public interest which relate to the county, as they occur, matters of mere local interest, especially those matters relating to the county-seat, which have heretofore agitated and divided the county, will not be made the subject of discussion in our columns; we shall be the advocate of no local interest, nor pander to sectional prejudice in any form.... We wish the paper to have a general circulation through the county, and this may be easily accomplished by the kindness of our Democratic friends in different parts of the county." The Courier was continued at Brighton for nine months, and was then removed to Howell, at which village it was first issued October I, 1843, by the same proprietor, but with Lewis H. Hewett as its editor. The last number bearing Mr. Hewett's name as editor was issued December I, I844. In September, 1846, the paper was sold by Mr. Sullivan to E. R. Powell, who conducted it until December, 1848, when he sold to William B. Smith. It was published by Mr. Smith until April, 1856, when it was purchased by George P. Root, under whom it continued for one year, and at the end of that time ceased to exist. THE LIVINGSTON REPUBLICAN. "On the twenty-seventh day of April, 1835, under the supervision of IH. & L. M. Smith, the Republican made its first appearance in Howell."* This is the statement made by Lewis M. Smith in his "Valedictory," printed in the columns of the Republican in its issue of July 6, 1859, at which time the name of George L. Sage first appeared as editor and publisher. During the period of four years and two months, which had intervened between its establishment and the time referred to, the Messrs. Smith had conducted the paper as publishers and proprietors. They then sold to George W. Lee and George L. Sage,-Mr. Sage assuming the editorship, as mentioned above. In 1862 it was sold to James Bowers, who continued its editor and publisher until his death, which occurred near the close of the political campaign of 1866. The office was then sold to Andrew D. Waddell and Julius D. Smith, who took possession on the twenty-fifth of December in that year. Mr. Waddell continued as editor and manager of the paper until March, 1868, when he sold his interest to J. D. Smith. He remained as sole or part proprietor of the Republican for about nine and a half years, during which time he had successively associated with him in its publication F. H. Marsh, George W. Axtell, Solomon T. Lyon, and E. 13. Vanderhoef,-the last-named gentleman being halfowner in the paper in the fall of 1877, at which time it was sold to L. C. Miller, its present publisher. In politics the Republican has always been what its name indicates. Its office of publication is in Weimeister Block, south side of Grand River Street, Howell. 'TIlE LIVINGSTON DEMOCRAT. This paper, now published by Joseph T. Titus & Son, was established on the ruins of the old Livingston Couriier, which ceased to exist in April, 1857. The Democrat is printed at Howell, and is one of the largest newspapers published in the State. It is the only Democratic paper issued in the county, and consequently enjoys an extensive patronage. It was established in August, I857, by Joseph T. Titus, who came to Howell from the city of Jackson (where he had published the 7ackson Patriot), at the solicitation of several of the leading Democrats of Livingston County, for the express purpose of establishing a Democratic paper in the county. The office of the Demtocrat is in a brick building on the west side of East Street, just south of Grand River Street. TIE IIOWELL INDEPENDENT. This paper-a five-column quarto weekly-was commenced at Howell village by A. G. Blood & * This statement is reproduced verbatim, as authority for giving a time different from that which stands at the head of the Reepubljicant' columns as the date of its birth. THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. 37 Co.. in I871, its first number being issued by that firm on the 8th of April in that year. The office of publication was located in Weimeister Block. The Indelpendent never paid the expense. of publication, and at the end of about nine months Messrs. Blood & Co. sold the concern to Julius D. Smith and Charles E. Cooper. Mr. Smith took part of the material and added it to the office of the Livinston Republican, which he was then publishing, and Mr. Cooper, with the remainder, attempted to continue the publication of the Independent, but a trial of less than two nionths sufficed to show that the enterprise could not be made remunerative, and it was therefore abandoned. TIIE FOWLERVILLE FORUM was a small sheet, printed in the office of the Independent, and circulated to a limited extent in Fowlerville for about three months. TIHE BRIGHTON CITIZEN This journal had its origin in the publication of the Bri,'hton Bulletin, of which the first number was issued in September, I87I, by A. G. Blood & Co., from the publication office of their paper, the Howell Independent. In the year of its commencement the Bulletin was purchased from Blood & Co. by George W. Axtell, who, having also purchased the necessary material and equipment of an office (the Bulletin not having these, as it had been published in the Indcpendent office), removed it to its proper location at Brighton, and changed its name to that of the Citizen, under which title it first appeared on the second of January, I872. The enterprise was far from promising at first, but after a time its affairs became more prosperous, and its proprietor found it expedient to enlarge the paper from a seven-column folio to a fivecolumn quarto. Mr. Axtell continued to publish the Citizen until November, 1877, when he sold the establishment to W. H. Bowman, of Howell, and J. D. Ellenwood, of Brighton, who have remained proprietors and publishers of the paper until the present time, under the firm-name and style of Bowman & Ellenwood. They have improved the paper, and greatly increased its circulation. Connected with the Citizen establishment is a job printing-office, which does excellent work, and is well patronized. THE FOWLERVILLE REVIEW. On the nineteenth of June, 1874, the first num ber of the Fowlerville Reviewz was issued by Willard H. Hess and George L. Adams, at the village of Fowlerville. It was a four column quarto, and was continued in that size and form until January, I875, when it was changed to a seven-column folio. In October, I877, it was again changed, and became a five-column quarto, as at present. At the time of the last change in the size of the paper its proprietorship was also changed, Mr. Adams' interest in the establishment being purchased by Mr. Hess, who continued alone until the first of January, 1879, when Mr. Adams became, by purchase, the sole owner and publisher, and has so continued until the present time. The Review is published weekly, on Fridays, and is independent in politics. THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. EARLY PIIYSICIANS. For several years after the first settlers entered Livingston County there was no physician located in all its territory. The inhabitants of the southern and southeastern part of the county depended on the medical men of Washtenaw County, while those in the eastern and interior parts of Livingston relied on the services of Dr. F. Curtis, a physician who had settled in Rochester, Oakland County, in 1832, and soon afterwards removed to Kensington, in the same county, but on the border of Livingston. People living as far west as Livingston Centre traveled on foot to Kensington in cases of sickness to secure the services of Dr. Curtis. He is still living, at Holly, Oakland County, and says that at one time in those years he was physician to nearly every family in Livingston County, when there were not well persons enough to take care of the sick. This was about the year 1835. In the following year Dr. Samuel W. Pattison located in Fentonville, Genesee County, and he soon began to be called by the few inhabitants of the northern and northeastern portions of Livingston. Dr. Pattison, who now lives in Ypsilanti, read a few years ago an address to the Washtenaw Pioneer Society, in which he referred to that early time, and to his extended professional rides from Fentonville, as follows: " It soon became known that a physician had settled at Dibbleville [afterwards Fentonville], and I had professional calls quite a distance,-to Highland, White Lake, Grand Blanc, Deerfield, and Hartland. I was guided to many of these places through timbered openings by marked trees, and often following Indian trails.... During the months of August and September the intermittent and remittent fevers-diseases peculiar to low or flat countries-prevailed to an alarming extent. The well were the exception; whole families were down, many became discouraged, and some fled, but it was remarkable that most of these returned to Michigan." 38 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I Dr. Cyrus Wells, of Oakland County,-the father of Dr. William L. Wells, of Howell,-was also very frequently called to attend patients in Livingston County in the early years of its existence. He was the physician who was called in the spring of 1837 to attend the last sickness of Mr. Samuel Waddell, in the western part of the town of Howell, and his ride extended even farther west to the township of Handy. His practice in Livingston was fully as large as that of Dr. Curtis, and much more extended than that of Dr. Pattison. The first physician of Livingston County was Dr. Wilber Fisher, who came from Ann Arbor in 1836, and settled at Brighton. He was not the possessor of a finished medical education, but having good natural ability and still more tact, he secured an extensive practice, and was on the whole a successful physician. Dr. Ira P. Bingham visited Brighton in 1835, but did not locate permanently as a physician until 1841. He has remained there until the present time, but latterly he has not given his whole attention to the practice of his profession. He is now the senior physician of the county. Dr. Gardner Wheeler was the first physician of Howell, settling and commencing practice there in 1838. He was a native of the State of Massachusetts in I795, and removed thence in his boyhood to Norwich, Chenango County, New York, which at that time was regarded by New Englanders as " the far West." At Norwich he studied medicine, commencing with Dr. Mitchell, and completing his studies with Dr. Wilcox; after which he married, and remained there until 1837, when he came to Michigan, stopped one year in Scio, Washtenaw County, and came to Howell in the following year as mentioned. He lived and practiced here with great success for more than twenty years, and died, widely known and universally respected, on the eleventh of January, I859, at the age of sixtyfour years. He was a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity, and Worshipful Master of the Howell Lodge, which, at a communication held January I5th, adopted this resolution: "Whereas, Our worthy brother, Dr. Gardner Wheeler, our late Master of this lodge, has been summoned by the mallet of Death to that Eternal presence whence emanates all true Masonic light, and thereby hath been lost to his family a husband and a father, and to us an esteemed and honored brother; therefore, be it "Resolved, That while we recognize in the death of our worthy brother 'the handiwork of Him who doeth all things well,' we can but grieve over the loss of one who, through life, has been the steadfast friend and determined supporter of our ancient and time-honored order, whose every day, in life, in death, has illustrated its virtues and its usefulness, in showing forth to the world 'the noblest work of God,' an honest man; for while we claim not perfection for our brother, and would ask for him, in death, what is seldom granted in life,-exemption from detraction and abuse, drawing over his foibles and his follies the broad mantle of Masonic charity, we add our united belief that his every act in life was dictated only by those motives which belong to the heart of a ' Man and a Mason.' " One of the many eulogistic notices of Dr. Wheeler, which were published immediately after his death, said of him, " He has occupied a prominent position in our community, both by his professional acquirements and superior social qualities, which endeared him to a large circle of friends. He was ever ready to attend the call of the afflicted, and was faithful in his endeavors to alleviate suffering wherever it came in his way, whether in the mansion of the affluent or in the cottage of the poor. He was often elevated to posts of honor and trust by his fellow-citizens, and was beloved by all who knew him for his many virtues, which were so prominent as to excuse his faults." A daughter of Dr. Wheeler (Mrs. Buckland) is now living in Howell, and a son-Dr. John A. Wheeler-is practicing in Whitehall, Muskegon County, Michigan. Dr. Charles A. Jeffries commenced practice in Howell the next year after Dr. Wheeler, and remained until 1843, when he removed to Washtenaw County. He is still (or was recently) living, but entirely blind. Dr. Nichols Hard was the next physician who came to Howell, commencing practice in the village in 1841. He remained only about two years. He was married in April, I843, to Miss Eunice M. Farnsworth, of Green Oak, and immediately afterwards left the county. Dr. William Huntington came to Livingston County in November, 1843, and took the practice and office then recently vacated by Dr. Jeffries, in Howell. From that time until the present he has remained there in successful practice. His son, Dr. W. C. Huntington, is now associated with him in business. Dr. E. F. Olds came to Howell in the fall of 1843, and announced himself as a physician (which he probably was), but never gained any practice worth noticing. He was a writing-master as well as physician, and while in Howell he taught a class in penmanship with considerable success. At a recent date he was living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. William Dowlman, from Lincolnshire, Eng land, a graduate of the Western Reserve Medical College, at Cleveland, Ohio, commenced practice THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. 39 in Howell in 1846, but did not establish there permanently. He removed after a time, and during the last twenty years has practiced in the western part of the State. Recently he has established himself in practice in the township of Marion. Dr. Thomas R. Spence located in Howell in 1846, and acquired a good practice. He remained about six years, and then moved to Detroit. He is now in Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Z. Hawley Marsh commenced practice in Howell village in 1847, and has remained here until the present time. He is a graduate of the Castleton (Vermont) Medical College, a good physician, and at present treasurer of the Livingston County Medical Association. Dr. Andrew Blanck, now a member of the County Medical Association, came from Bath, Steuben County, New York, in 1848, and settled in Howell, where he has since remained in successful practice. Dr. William L. Wells, son of Dr. Cyrus Wells, of Oakland County, whose ride extended over a large part of Livingston in an early day, came to Howell in I849, and laid the foundation of the successful and extended practice in which he is still engaged. He is a member of the Livingston County Medical Association, a physician of high repute, and one of the senior practitioners of the county. Dr. W. H. Martin, who afterwards practiced in Pinckney, was a student in Dr. Wells' office. Dr. Henry J. Rumsey-who had previously been engaged for a short time in mercantile business in Howell-began practice in that village in I853. He died in Howell, May I6, 1858. An obituary notice of his death said, " As a citizen he was eminently enterprising and public-spirited, a friend of good order and reform. The large circle who had enjoyed his professional services as a physician very soon learned to esteem him still more as a friend. Indeed, he was a universal favorite in a very large community." Dr. Robert C. Hutton commenced the practice of medicine in Howell in 1857, and has resided there since that time. He is secretary of the county medical association, and a member of the firm of Spencer & Hutton, druggists, of Howell. Dr. Thomas B. Lamb was one of the pioneer physicians in the northeastern part of the county, being established in practice at Parshallville as early as I840. He was one of the seven members of the profession who issued the call for the formation of the Livingston County Medical Society in 1843. Dr. Josiah T. Clark located in Hartland about the same time that Dr. Lamb came to practice in Parshallville. He was a successful physician in the town for many years, and died at Hartland Centre. Dr. Freeman Near commenced as a physician in Hartland, in 1840 or I841. He was town treasurer of Hartland in the latter year, and a signer of the call for the formation of a medical society in I843. Dr. William H. Hayford located early in Hartland and is still in practice there. He is now President of the Livingston County Medical Association. The first physician in the southern tier of towns -and one of the first in the county-was Dr. William Stevens, who came to Pinckney village in 1837, and practiced there for six years, removing in I843. He is now practicing in some of the more Western States. Dr. Robert M. Stansbury was a native of the State of New York, and a brother of Mrs. Caroline M. Kirtland, who, under the tnom-de-plitme of "Mary Clavers," was the author of a little volume of fiction, entitled, "A New Home. Who'll Follow?" Dr. Stansbury located in Pinckney in 1838, practiced there for some three or four years, and removed to Brooklyn, New York, and afterwards to San Francisco, California, where lie died in charge of a hospital about I852. Dr. Isaac Brown was born in Massachusetts, July 4, 1792. He commenced practice in Pinckney in 1842, and some two or three years later removed into the township of I-Iamburg, where he died January 24, I862. Dr. J. W. Angell located in Pinckney in 1843. After a few years' practice here he removed, and is now living in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Dr. Charles W. Haze was born in Wilson, Niagara County, New York, August 14, 1820. He graduated at the Western Reserve Medical College in Cleveland, Ohio, and established in practice in Pinckney in April, 1845. He is still in practice there, and is one of the best known and most highly valued physicians in the county. Dr. William H. Haze, born in Canada West in April, I8l6, and a graduate of the Western Reserve Medical College, came to Pinckney in August, I847. He practiced there but two years, having removed in I849. He is now out of practice and resides in the city of Lansing. Dr. John R. Goodrich, a native of Vermont, where he was born in I8I 1, graduated at the Castleton (Vermont) Medical College, and came to Livingston County in i85I, locating in Pinckney. He died April I, I856. Dr. Goodrich was the first Senior Warden of the Livingston Lodge, F. and A. M., at Pinckney. 40 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Dr. W. G. Rogers commenced practice in Pinckney in January, 1858. Dr. Robert Le Baron, a native of Michigan, born in 1838, graduated in the medical department of the University of Michigan in I86I, practiced with Dr. Haze in Pinckney for about one year, was afterwards surgeon of the Fourth Michigan Infantry in the war of the Rebellion, and after his army service located in Pontiac. He is now surgeon at the Military Academy at Orchard Lake. Dr. Junius L. Field came to Livingston County in the fall of I836, and settled in practice in Unadilla, being the first physician there. He practiced in that town and vicinity until his death, which occurred in November, 1867. He was a good physician and much esteemed. Dr. Morgan was practicing in Unadilla in 1843. Little has been learned in regard to him. Dr. Foster came from Canada to this county about I845, and settled in Unadilla, from whence, after a number of years, he moved to Ypsilanti, and died there some twelve years since. He was a graduate of the Western Reserve Medical College. Dr. Samuel Du Bois is a native of Pennsylvania, and, in early life, was for a time a teacher. He commenced the study of medicine in I850, entered the Michigan University in 1852, and graduated from the medical department of that institution in I855. After a short period of practice in Leslie, Ingham County, Michigan, he came to Livingston County in 1856, and settled at Unadilla, where he is still in practice. He is a member of the State Medical Association, has been twice elected president of the county association, and ranks among the most prominent practitioners of Livingston County. Dr. Samuel Grisson was an early physician in the township of Hamburg, but after two or three years' practice there removed to Washtenaw County. He was a student with Dr. Halleck of Whitmore Lake, and received his diploma at Geneva, New York. Dr. Thomas Hoskins came to Marion township in I836. He practiced there for three or four years, and about 1840 removed to Scio, Washtenaw County. lie was the first supervisor of the town of Marion. Dr. Ruel Randall-not a regularly educated physician-was the first to practice in the township of Handy. His treatment was on the " Thompsonian" system. He is still living. Dr. Henry N. Spencer was the first regular physician in that town. He came from Chautauqua County, New York, and settled at Fowlerville in October, I853. He remained there in practice until I869, when he removed to Howell (having been elected judge of probate in I868). Since that time he has been located at the county-seat, where, besides his practice, he is engaged in the drug business in partnership with Dr. Hutton. Dr. J. M. Long (homceopathist) was early in Handy, having settled in Fowlerville in or about I855. Another of the same school, Dr. Ezra J. Bates, came there some three or four years later, and became a partner with Dr. Long, and afterwards his successor, when Dr. Long removed, about I860. Dr. Bates moved to Vermont in November, I863, and died there. Dr. Long now lives in Coldwater, Michigan. Dr. Jabez Paul (not regularly educated, but a Thompsonian practitioner) was the first to grapple with disease in the town of losco, having commenced there in 1842. Dr. Schuyler was also an early physician of that town. In the above mention of early physicians it has been the intention to include those who commenced practice in Livingston County during the first quarter of a century of its existence. Of most of those who came later the names will be found in the membership lists of the Medical Association, and in the several township histories. MEDICAL SOCIETIES. In June, 1845, a call was published in the Livingston Courier, under the heading of "Livingston County Medical Society," for a meeting of physicians to be held at the court-house on the twentysixth of that month, for the purpose of organizing a County Medical Association. The call was signed by Isaac Brown, M.D. Wilber Fisher, M.D. Thomas B. Lamb, M.D. Ira P. Bingham, M.D. Freeman Near, M.D. William Huntington, M.D. Gardner Wheeler, M.D. No report of the meeting has been found, nor anything further in reference to the organization of the society. 7he Livingston County Medical Association.Pursuant to a call, issued unofficially some weeks previously, several members of the medical profession, residents in the county of Livingston, convened at the council-rooms of the village of Howell, June 28, 1876, and organized by electing Samuel Du Bois, M.D., chairman, and R. C. Hutton, M.D., secretary. An organization was then effected under the above name and title, and a constitution THE LEGAL PROFESSION. 4t I was adopted, which then and since that time has been signed by the following-named physicians, as members of the association, viz.: Samuel Du Bois, Unadilla. Z. Hawley Marsh, Howell. William L. Wells, Howell. Robert C. Hutton, Howell. George O. Austin, Fowlerville. A. S. Austin, Fowlerville. James A. Brown, Fowlerville. William J. McHench, Brighton. Cutting B. Wiley, Brighton. Richard Murphy, Hartland. William M. Hayford, Hartland. Cyrus Mather, Howell. Charles G. Cruickshank, Howell. William Caldwell, Byron. Aaron W. Cooper, Fowlerville. Isaiah Goodno, Oak Grove. Hollis F. Sigler, Pinckney. Robert B. Smith, Le Roy. Casper V. Beebe, Howell. Charles W. Haze, Pinckney. Henry N. Spencer, Howell. Alexander D. Hagadorn, Milford. David L. Howes, South Lyon. Orson W. Tock, Gaines. Leslie M. Goodrich, Unadilla. Jesse G. Lindsley, Highland. Andrew Blanck, Howell. Horace R. Hitchcock, Howell. Charles F. Bennett, South Lyon. William H. Erwin, Oak Grove. Henry P. Seymour, Byron. The honorary members are as follows: Edward S. Dunster, Ann Arbor. John W. Langley, Ann Arbor. Donald McLean, Ann Arbor. Theodore McGraw, Detroit. The regular meetings of the association occur on the third Wednesdays of June, September, December, and March. The annual meeting is held in June each year at Howell. Other meetings are held alternately with Brighton and Fowlerville. The present officers of the association are as follows: William I-. Hayford, of Hartland, President. Abel S. Austin, of Fowlerville, Vice-President. R. C. Hutton, of Howell, Secretary. Z. Hawley Marsh, of Howell, Treasurer. THE LEGAL PROFESSION. EARLY LAWYERS OF THE COUNTY. The first attorney who established in the business of his profession in Livingston County was James 6 W. Stansbury, who came to Livingston County in 1837, locating as an attorney in the village of Pinckney. In November, 1836, he was elected judge of probate, succeeding Kinsley S. Bingham in that office. It was under him that the first business of the Probate Court was done at Pinckney, where it was always held during his term of office. Mr. Stansbury, though never regarded as a very able lawyer, was quite literary in his tastes and acquirements, and stood well in the community as an honest and trustworthy man. About 1850 he removed firom Pinckney to Ithaca, New York. He is now living in Danville, Illinois. Wellington A. Glover, the earliest of Howell's attorneys, settled in that village in 1838, and opened his office in the rear of Edward F. Gay's store. He was a fair lawyer, but never acquired a very lucrative business here. In politics he was strongly Whig, and it has been thought by some that his business might have been more prosperous if lie had been politically with the dominant party in Livingston. His Whig principles, however, secured for him the postmastership of Howell under the Harrison administration in the spring of 1841. He also held, by appointment, the office of prosecuting attorney of Livingston County at about the same time. He died in Howell in 1843. Daniel C. Marsh located as an attorney in Brighton in 1839, and was appointed prosecuting attorney of Livingston County in 1841. He is still living in Brighton, but has retired from the practice of his profession. Josiah Turner, a native of Vermont, who had emigrated from that State to Michigan, and stopped for a time in Ann Arbor, came fi-om that place to Livingston County, and established as an attorney, at Howell, in I840. Since that time he has been almost constantly in public office, though not by his own seeking. Immediately after his arrival in Howell, he was made master in chancery, and at the commencement of the following year assumed and performed the duties of county clerk, though nominally the deputy of Jesse Mapes, who had been elected to the office. In February, 1842, Mr. Turner was appointed by the court to the office of clerk, to fill the term of Mr. Mapes, who resigned at that time. In November, of that year, he was elected to the same office, and was re-elected in I844. In November, 1846, he was elected county judge, and re-elected in I85o. During these eight or ten years immediately following his settlement in Howell, besides attending to the duties of his offices, and also being at different times engaged in mercantile ventures, he kept up the business of his profession, and steadily prospered in it. He was elected judge of probate in I856. In May, 42 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 1857, he was appointed judge of the Supreme Court, and in the following November was elected circuit judge of the Seventh Judicial Circuit, which office he. has held (by re-election in 1863, 1869, and I875) until the present time. The popularity of Judge Turner in the county of his adoption is shown by the fact that at the time of his re-election, in 1869, he received three thousand four hundred and eighty-nine votes, out of a total of three thousand five hundred and sixty-nine cast in Livingston for that office; and again, in 1875, he received four thousand two hundred and fortyseven votes out of the four thousand two hundred and sixty cast in the county. In the year i860, Judge Turner removed fi-om Howell to Owosso, Shiawassee County, as a more central point in his judicial circuit, and he still resides there. Frederick C. Whipple, a native of Connecticut, and a graduate of Union College, in New York, came to Michigan in 1840, and after a short stay in Ann Arbor came to Livingston County, where he was admitted to practice in May, 1841, and immediately established himself in his profession at Brighton. He was the first editor of the Livingston Courier, established in that village by Nicholas Sullivan, in i843. In the year 1846 he removed to Howell, where he lived during the remainder of his brilliant professional career, in which he stood confessedly at the head of the bar of Livingston County, and was regarded as one of the best jury lawyers in the State of Michigan. He held the office of prosecuting attorney (by appointment) for several years, was elected judge of probate in 1848, re-elected in i852, and was elected Circuit. Court commissioner in 1868. He died in the township of Oceola, on the twenty-second of March, 1872. Immediately after his death, the Howell Lodge, No. 38, F. and A. M. (of which he had been a member and a Past Master), adopted the following resolution: " Whereas, The all-wise Governor of the Universe has seen fit to call our brother, Frederick C. WVhipple, late Past Master of this lodge, from this transitory world to his more immediate presence in His spiritual temple; therefore, be it "Resolved, That in this dispensation of Divine Providence we recognize the loss of one who was ever a generous and public-spirited citizen; all eminent lawyer; a kind husband and father, and a faithful friend; and whose early life and brilliant intellect gave promise of future greatness unsurpassed; and whose memory will linger long in the hearts of his neighbors, acquaintances, and friends." George W. Peck commenced business as an at torney, in Brighton, in 1842, and in that or the following year entered into a law partnership with I F. C. Whipple. Mr. Peck was elected and served as representative in the Michigan Legislature of I846, and as representative in the Thirty-fourth Congress in 1855-57. He was a good talker, and very effective before a jury, but was not a profound lawyer. The profession was distasteful to him, and in the year i847 he abandoned it, and afterwards removed to Lansing. He is now connected, in some capacity, with a coal-mining enterprise in Missouri. Lauren K. Hewett came from Washtenaw County to Howell, in May, 1842. He never ranked high as a lawyer. In i857 lhe removed hence to Lansing, where he engaged in banking business, at which he was not more successful than he had been in the law. Lewis H. Hewett, then a lawyer of Ann Arbor, was admitted to practice in the courts of Livingston County, in November, 1839, and about four years later located as an attorney in Howell, where, in partnership with his brother, he formed the law firm of L. H. and L. K. Hewett. L. H. Hewett succeeded F. C. Whipple as editor of the LiZvingston Courier, on its removal to Howell, in 1843. He was a fair lawyer, though careless and desultory in his methods. After five years' stay in Howell he removed to Detroit, where he died suddenly. Richard B. Hall located in Howell, in i843. He held the office of justice of the peace and some minor offices during his stay here, and left in 1848. He was what is known as a good fellow, told good stories, and was quick at repartee, but no more than ordinary as a lawyer. He is now a detective officer in California. James H. Ackerson also located in Howell in 1843, and remained there about five years, during which time he was once or twice elected justice of the peace, but it does not appear that he ever stood high in his profession. The Hon. J. W. Turner, in an address before the Pioneer Society, thus mentions him: " At an early day there lived in Howell a lawyer named Ackerson, who at one time, I believe, boarded at Benjamin J. Spring's hotel. It was supposed by many that Ackerson would not hesitate, in a pinch, to use all the arts of a pettifogger. And, indeed, on one occasion, a man who was really guilty, but who was arrested for larceny on a defective warrant, got the privilege from the arresting officer to come down from the country and see Ackerson before he appeared to answer to the charge. His attorney of course. discovered the invalidity of the process and arranged that he would come out and break down the papers for a consideration, as well as 'run off' the defendant before another paper could be issued. Of course, THE -LEGAL PROFESSION. 43 when Ackerson went out to attend the suit, he rode one horse and led another; and some one who remarked his leaving town in that manner, spoke to Spring about it some time during the same day. Spring's reply was 'that Ackerson does a law and livery business both!"' Mr. Ackerson removed from Howell in the spring of 1848, and returned to the State of New York. John B. Dillingham commenced the practice of the law in Howell in or about 1845, and remained here until about I859, when he removed to East Saginaw. He held the office of prosecuting attorney of Livingston County for the term succeeding the election of 1856. He was a man of large heart and a good lawyer. He died in Howell, while on a visit, or business trip here, fiom Saginaw. Justin Lawyer settled at the county-seat as an attorney in 1846. He remained here but a few years, and removed to Union City, Branch County, Michigan. He now resides in the city of Coldwater. Charles C. Ellsworth came from Vermont in 1846, and commenced reading law in the office of Judge Turner. He was admitted to the bar in 1848, and, having married a daughter of Mr. Edward F. Gay, of Howell, removed to Greenville, Montcalm County, Michigan, in 1851. He is a lawyer of excellent ability, and was elected to represent the district in which he resides, in the Forty-fifth Congress. Another of the law students of Judge Turner was John F. Farnsworth, who read in his office in 1842-43. He was never a member of the Livingston bar, but removed to St. Charles, Illinois, where he established himself in the profession, and has since served in Congress as representative from that district. William A. Clark commenced the practice of the law in Brighton, about 1848. He was elected prosecuting attorney of Livingston County in I850 (being the first who filled that office by election), and was re-elected in 1852, about which time he removed to Howell. Some twelve to fifteen years later he removed to Saginaw City. Henry H. Harmon was a teacher in the Howell schools in the winter of I847-48. After the close of his term, in the spring of the latter year, he commenced reading law in the office of Lewis H. Hewett, and was admitted in 1849. He was elected Circuit Court commissioner in 1852, prosecuting attorney in 1854, and judge of probate in 1864. He has accumulated a comfortable fortune in the profession, and is still in practice in Howell. Mylo L. Gay read law in the office of F. C. Whipple, and was admitted to the bar in 1853, but has never practiced in the courts. He is now a banker at Fowlerville, but resides in Howell. Marcus B. Wilcox was a lawyer of fine ability, an excellent and affable gentleman, and an upright man, against whom no word of reproach could ever be truly spoken. He was established in the practice of his profession at Pinckney soon after i850, but afterwards moved to Howell. He was elected to the office of prosecuting attorney in i860, and again in i866. Soon after the close of his term he died in Howell village. Sardis F. Hubbell, although the first law student in Livingston County (in the office of Wellington A. Glover, in 1840-41), did not commence practice here until fourteen years later. He completed his studies with Hon. A. C. Baldwin, at Milford, Oakland County, and was admitted to the bar in that county in December, 1846. He then practiced for eight years in Oakland, and removed thence to Howell, in the spring of 1854. He was elected Circuit Court commissioner in the same year, and to the office of prosecuting attorney in 1858, I862, and 1864. He is still a resident in Howell, and engaged in the profession which has given him a competence. Andrew D. Waddell, a native of Steuben County, New York, came in childhood with his parents to settle in Howell township, but on the death of his father, in 1837, returned with the family to New York, where, after reaching maturity, he commenced the study of the law. In 1855 lhe returned to Howell, completed his reading in the office of John B. Dillingham, and was admitted to practice by Judge Sanford M. Green, in October, i856. One month after his admission he was elected Circuit Court commissioner, and was again elected to the same office in I86o. In 1872 he was elected prosecuting attorney, and re-elected in 1874. He now resides in Howell, and is one of the most prominent members of the Livingston bar. Jerome W. Turner was only about three years old when he came with his father, Judge Josiah Turner, to settle in Livingston County. Passing the years of his childhood and youth principally in Howell, he commenced the study of the law at an early age, was admitted to the bar in March, 1857, and commenced business with Judge Frederick C. Whipple. After a year or two of practice in Howell, he removed to Corunna, Shiawassee County, and was there elected to the State Senate in November, i868. In 1871 he removed to Owosso, where he still resides. Mr. Turner is ranked among the best lawyers of the State of Michigan. The foregoing mention of early attorneys-in 44 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. tended to include those who were located in business in the county during a period of twenty years from its organization-is based on information obtained from Judge Turner and others, who are necessarily well acquainted with the subject. THE PRESENT BAR OF LIVINGSTON. The bar of Livingston County at the present time is composed of the following-named gentlemen, viz.: H. H. Harmon, Howell. S. F. Hubbell, A. D. Waddell, " Dennis Shields, " L. S. Montague, " B. T. O. Clark, Brighton. A. D. Cruickshank, Fowlerville. Rollin H. Person, Howell. H. F. Higgins, Fowlerville. B. F. Button, " John Conner, " F. H. Warren, " J. T. Eaman, Pinckney. T. R. Shields, P. V. M. Botsford, Oceola. J. I. Van Keuren, " Hugh Conklin, Howell. LIVINGSTON CIVIL LIST. In this list the names are given of those persons who have held county offices in Livingston, and also of citizens of the county who have held important offices in or under the State or national government. UNITED STATES SENATOR. Kinsley S. Bingham, elected in I859; died at Green Oak, October 5, i86i. GOVERNOR OF MICHIGAN. Kinsley S. Bingham, inaugurated January 3, 1855; second inauguration, January 7, I857. JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT. Josiah Turner, appointed May 9, 1857; served on Supreme Bench until January i, 1858. REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS. Kinsley S. Bingham, elected in 1846; re-elected in 1848. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. George W. Lee, I860. | Samuel G. Ives, 1872. DELEGATES TO SECOND CONVENTION OF ASSENT.t George W. Jewett. Solomon Sutherland. Stoddard W. Twichell. DELEGATES TO CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION OF 1850.1 Daniel S. Lee. Robert Crouse. Robert Warden, Jr. Ely Barnard. DELEGATES TO CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION OF I867.{ Benjamin W. Lawrence. I Edwin B. Winans. MEMBER OF CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSION OF 1873-11 Ira D. Crouse. STATE SENATORS. Edward M. Cust, Hamburg, elected in November, 184I; re-elected in 1842, 1843,~ and I844. Charles P. Bush, Genoa, elected in November, 1845; re-elected in I846.** Nelson G. Isbell, elected in November, 1847; reelected in 1848, 1849, and I850. William McCauley, Brighton, elected in November, I852. John Kenyon, Jr., Tyrone, elected in November, 1854. Marcus B. Wilcox, Putnam, elected in November, 1856. Robert Crouse, Hartland, elected in November, I858. John H. Galloway, Howell, elected in November, I86o. William A. Clark, Howell, elected in November, 1862. David L. La Tourette, Tyrone, elected in November, i866. Mylo L. Gay, Howell, elected in November, 1870. Charles M. Wood, Pinckney, elected in November, I874. Horace Halbert, Conway, elected in November, I878. SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Kinsley S. Bingham, Green Oak, 1838, 1839, and I842. George W. Peck, Brighton, I847. REPRESENTATIVES IN THE LEGISLATURE OF MICHIGAN. Second Stale Legislature, convened January 2, 1837.Kinsley S. Bingham, Green Oak. Third Legislature, convened January I, I838.-Kinsley S. Bingham, Green Oak; Flavius J. B. Crane, Howell. Fourth Legislature, convened January 7, 1839.-Kinsley S. Bingham, Ira Jennings, Green Oak. DELEGATE TO FIRST CONVENTION OF ASSENT.* Elnathan Noble. t Convened at Ann Arbor, December 14, 1836. $ Convened at Lansing, June 3. Q Convened at Lansing, May 15. II Convened at Lansing, August 27. ~ President of the Senate pro temopore January I, I844. ** President of the Senate pr o ftempore January 30, 1847. * Convened at Ann Arbor, September 26, 1836, LIVINGSTON CIVIL LIST. 45 I Irfth Legislature, convened January 6, I840.-Charles P. Bush, Genoa. Sixth Legislature, convened January 4, 1841.-Kinsley S. Bingham, Green Oak; Charles P. Bush, Genoa. Seventh Legislature, convened January 3, I842.-Kinsley S. Bingham, Green Oak; Charles P. Bush, Genoa. Ei:ghth Legislature, convened January 2, I843.-Ely Barnard, Charles P. Bush, Genoa. Ninth Legislature, convened January i, 1844.-Ely Barnard, Genoa; Robert D. Power, Brighton. Tenth Legislature, convened January 6, I845.-Robert D. Power, Brighton; Ralph Fowler, Handy. Eleventh Legislature, convened January 5, I846.George W. Peck, Brighton; Washington Wing, Iosco. Twelfth Legislature, convened January 4, I847.George W. Peck, Ira Jennings, Brighton. Thirteenth Legislature, convened January 3, I848.Robert Crouse, Hartland; Chester Hazard, Genoa. Fourteenth Legislature, convened January I, 1849.Bradford Campbell, Brighton; Joseph L. Hartsuff, Unadilla. Fifteenth Legislature, convened January 7, I850.John Kenyon, Jr., Tyrone; George W. Kneeland, Howell. Sixteenth Legislature, convened February 5, 185.Spaulding M. Case, Brighton; Ralph Fowler, Handy. Seventeenth Legislature, convened January 5, I853. (First Legislature chosen under apportionment prescribed by the constitution of I850.)-James Gleason, Hartland; Charles W. Haze, Putnam. Eighteenth Legislature, convened January 3, i855.Samuel G. Ives, Unadilla; Charles A. Wilber, Howell. Nineteenth Legislature, convened January 7, I857.Samuel G. Ives, Unadilla; John How, Deer Creek. Twentieth Legislature, convened January 5, 1859.David Bush, Handy; John Gilluly, Brighton. Twenty-first Legislature, convened January 2, I86T. -Jacob Kanouse, Cohoctah; Edwin B. Winans, Hamburg. Twenty-second Legislature, convened January 7, I863. -Henry H. Harmon, Howell; Edwin B. Winans, Hamburg. Twenty-third Legislature, convened January 4, i865. -David G. Colwell, Tyrone; William Ball, Hamburg. Twenty-fourth Legislature, convened January 2, I867. -William Ball, Hamburg; Alexander H. Benedict, Handy. Twenty-fifh Legislature, convened January 6, 1869.Mylo L. Gay, Howell; James B. Lee, Brighton. Twenty-sixth Zegislature, convened January 4, I871. -George W. Crofoot, Putnam; Giles Ross, Hartland. Twenty-seventh Legislature, convened January I, I873. -D. W. Dinturff, Handy; John Carter, Brighton. Twenty-eighth Legislature, convened January 6, I875. -Louis Meyer, Brighton; Isaac Stow, Iosco. Twenty-ninth Legislature, convened January 3, I877. -Giles Ross, Hartland. Thirtieth Legislature, convened January, 1879.Thompson Grimes, Pinckney. CIRCUIT JUDGE. Josiah Turner, elected in November, 1857; re-elected in 1863; again in 1869; and for a fourth term in 1875. COUNTY JUDGE. Josiah Turner, elected in November, 1846; re-elected in November, I85o. SECOND JUDGES. John Kenyon, Jr., elected in November, I846; resigned in I849. W. R. Cobb, elected in November, I849, to fill vacancy occasioned by the resignation of John Kenyon. Leland Walker, elected in November, I850. ASSOCIATE JUDGES. Elisha W. Brockway, Elnathan Noble, elected in 1836. Solomon Sutherland, Elisha W. Brockway, in office from 1838 to 1840, inclusive. William A. Buckland, Charles D. Topping, elected in November, I840. William McCauley, Alonzo Slayton, elected in November, I844. JUDGES OF PROBATE. Kinsley S. Bingham, elected in May, 1836; qualified July 15, 1836. James W. Stansbury, elected in November, 1836. George W. Kneeland, elected in November, 1840; reelected in November, I844. Frederick C. Whipple, elected in November, I848; re-elected in November, 1852. Josiah Turner, elected in November, 1856; resigned May 9, 1857, having been appointed circuit judge. Ira P. Bingham, appointed May, I857, to fill vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Judge Turner. Ira P. Bingham, elected in November, I860. Henry H. Harmon, elected in November, 1864. Henry N. Spencer, elected in November, I868. Jacob Kanouse, elected in November, 1872. Edwin B. Winans, elected in November, 1876. SHERIFFS. Justus J. Bennett, elected in May, I836. William Tompkins, elected in November, I837. Robert D. Power, elected in November, 1838; reelected in November, I840. Richard P. Bush, elected in November, 1842; reelected in November, 1844. William E. Huntley, elected in November, 1846; reelected in November, 1848. Edward Bishop, elected in November, i850; re-elected in November, 1852. 46 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Van Rensselaer T. Angel, elected in November, 1854; re-elected in November, I856. John A. Tanner, elected in November, I858. Henry Hartman, elected in November, I86o; re-elected in November, I862. Giles Tucker, elected in November, 1864. John G. Gould, elected in November, I866. Elisha E. Hazard, elected in November, 1868; reelected in November, 1870. William Goodrich, elected in November, 1872; reelected in November, I874. Charles E. Beurman, elected in November, 1876; reelected in November, 1878. COUNTY CLERKS. Flavius J. B. Crane, elected in May, I836; re-elected in November, 1836. Philester Jessup, elected in November, 1837. (Under Mr. Jessup the business of the office was chiefly done by Ely Barnard, deputy clerk.) Almon Whipple, elected in November, 1838. (The deputy clerk under Mr. Whipple was George W. Jewett, who performed the duties of the office during the first half of Mr. Whipple's incumbency, and a portion of them afterwards.) Jesse Mapes, elected in November, 1840. (During all of Mr. Mapes' term the duties of the office were performed by his deputy clerk, Josiah Turner, now judge of the Seventh Judicial Circuit.) Mr. Mapes resigned in February, 1842. Josiah Turner, appointed by the Circuit Court, February i8, 1842, to fill the vacancy caused by resignation of Jesse Mapes; elected in November, 1842; re-elected in November, 1844. Elijah F. Burt, elected in November, 1846; re-elected in November, 1848. Daniel D. T. Chandler, elected in November, 1850; re-elected in November, 1852. Abel F. Butterfield, elected in November, 1854; reelected in November, I856. Neil O'Hearn, elected in November, I858. Elisha W. Grant, elected in November, 1860. William R. Cobb, elected in November, 1862. Orin H. Winegar, elected in November, I864. Solomon T. Lyon, elected in November, I866. Albert L. Hathaway, elected in November, I868; reelected in November, I870. Benjamin F. Batcheler, elected in November, 1872; re-elected in November, 1874. Halsted Gregory, elected in November, I876. Newton T. Kirk, elected in November, 1878. REGISTERS OF DEEDS.,Ely Barnard, elected in May, I836; continued in office, by re-election, from 1836 to I840, inclusive. George W. Jewett, elected in November, I840. Derastus Hinman, elected in November, 1842; re elected in November, 1844. William C. Rumsey, elected in November, 1846; reelected in November, 1848. I Levi D. Smith, elected in November, i850; re-elected in November, 1852; re-elected in November, 1854; re-elected in November, I856. Amos S. Adams, elected in November, 1858. William Williamson, elected in November, I860; reelected in November, J862. Neil O'Hearn, elected in November, I864; re-elected in November, i866. Harry J. Haven, elected in November, I868; re-elected in November, I870. William E. Watson, elected in November, 1872; reelected in November, I874. William M. Beach, elected in November, 1876; reelected in November, I878. COUNTY TREASURERS. Amos Adams, elected in May, I836. George W. Jewett, elected in November, 1838. Almon Whipple, elected in November, I840. Chester Hazard, elected in November, 1842; re-elected in November, 1844. Richard P. Bush, elected in November, 1846. James M. Murray, elected in November, 1848; reelected in November, I850. Charles Benedict, elected in November, 1852; reelected in November, I854. Henry Hartman, elected in November, 1856; re-elected in November, I858. Ira Knight, elected in November, 1860. William C. Rumsey, elected in November, 1862; reelected in November, 1864. Albert Riddle, elected in November, I866; re-elected in November, i868. Ira 0. Marble, elected in November, I870. Horace Halbert, elected in November, 1872; re-elected - in November, 1874. William R. Miller, elected in November, I876; reelected in November, 1878. PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS. The first prosecuting attorney for Livingston County was James Kingsley, of Ann Arbor, who was appointed as such by the court, for the first term, held in Livingston, November, 1837. Those who held the office by appointment during the period from 1837 to 1850 (when it became elective) were the following-named persons, viz.:* Wellington A. Glover. Daniel C. Marsh. Lewis H. Hewett. Frederick C. Whipple. Charles C. Ellsworth. The list of prosecuting attorneys who have held the office by election is as follows: William A. Clark, elected in November, I850; reelected in November, I852. * This list is furnished by Judge Turner, who is unable to give from memory the dates and duration of their respective terms of service. LIVINGSTON CIVIL LIST. 47 Henry H. Harmon, elected in November, 1854. John B. Dillingham, elected in November, 1856. Sardis F. Hubbell, elected in November, 1858. Marcus B. Wilcox, elected in November, 1860. Sardis F. Hubbell, elected in November, 1862; reelected in November, 1864. Marcus B. Wilcox, elected in November, i866. Dennis Shields, elected in November, 1868; re-elected in November, 1870. Andrew D. Waddell, elected in November, 1872; reelected in November, I874. Andrew D. Cruickshank, elected in November, 1876; re-elected in November, 1878. CIRCUIT COURT COMMISSIONERS. Henry H. Harmon, elected in November, 1852. Sardis F. Hubbell, elected in November, I854. Andrew D. Waddell, elected in November, 1856. Mylo L. Gay, elected in November, 1858. Andrew D. Waddell, elected in November, I860. Dennis Shields, elected in November, 1862; re-elected in November, I864. Benjamin T. O. Clark, elected in November, 1866. Frederick C. Whipple, elected in November, 1868. William H. Wells, elected in November, 1870. Benjamin T. O. Clark, elected in November, 1872; re-elected in November, I874. Andrew D. Cruickshank, elected in November, 1874. Philip V. M. Botsford, Rollin H. Person, elected in November, 1876. Phillip V. M. Botsford, James I. Van Keuren, elected in November, I878. COUNTY SURVEYORS. I. Chauncey Childs, elected in November, 1840. William Younglove, Charles S. Norton, elected in November, 1842. Charles S. Norton, John Kenyon, elected in November, 1844. Edward Bishop, Benjamin Crawford, elected in November, 1846. Edward Bishop, Chester Townsend, elected in November, 1848. Daniel Person, Anios Adams, elected in November, 1850. Joseph Brown, Conrad Hayner, elected in November, 1852. William Beamer, Edward Dedemer, elected in November, 1854. Ferdinand Grisson, Ira Knight, elected in November, 1856. Peter Russell, Calvin Handy, elected in November, 1858. Ephraim J. Hardy, Benjamin W. Cardell, elected in November, I860. Edward Browning, Martin R. Foster, elected in November, 862. Edward Bishop, Conrad Hayner, elected in November, 1864; both these re-elected in November, 1866. Daniel Person, Conrad Hayner, elected in November, 1868. Edward Bishop, Daniel Person, elected in November, I870. Jeremiah Nichols, Benjamin W. Cardell, elected in November, 1872. Benjamin WV. Cardell, Alonzo Fowler, elected in November, 1874. William R. Cobb, John Fulmer, elected in November, 1876; both re-elected in November, 1878. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Emery Beal, Charles P. Bush, Orman Holmes, the first Board of Commissioners of Livingston County, elected in November, 1838. Bradford Campbell, elected in November, 1839. Emery Beal, elected in November, 1840. Chester Hazard, elected in November, 1841. This was the last election of county commissioner, the office being abolished at the next session of the Legislature. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS OF COMMON SCHOOLS. Isaac W. Bush, elected in 1867. William A. Sprout, elected in 1869. Peter Shields, elected in 1871. William Ball, elected in 1873. COUNTY SOCIETIES. THE LIVINGSTON COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. This association, of which "any person may become a member, who became a resident of Living ston County previous to the fourth day of July, A.D. 1850," has for its principal objects-as declared Amos Adams, elected in May, 1836; re-elected in November, 1836. John Farnsworth, elected in November, 1838. Amos Adams, elected in November, 1840. Ezra N. Fairchild, elected in November, 1842. Amos Adams, elected in November, I844. Ezra N. Fairchild, elected in November, 1846. Amos Adams, elected in November, 1848. Ezra N. Fairchild, elected in November, I850. John Gilluly, elected in November, 1852. Ezra N. Fairchild, elected in November, 1854. Abner B. Wood, elected in November, i856. Ezra N. Fairchild, elected in November, 1858. John M. Clark, elected in November, I860. Abner B. Wood, elected in November, 1862. Ezra N. Fairchild, elected in November, 1864; reelected in November, 1866; re-elected in November, I868; re-elected in November, 1870. Miles W. Bullock, elected in November, 1872; reelected in November, I874. Isaac Teller, elected in November, 1876. Emerson WI. Grant, elected in November, I878. CORONERS. John W. Peavy, John Drake, elected in May, i836. George W. Kneeland, elected in November, 1838. Wilber Fisher, elected in November, I839. 48 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I in its constitution-"to collect and keep in remembrance the many interesting incidents connected with the early settlement of Livingston County, and thus to be instrumental in handing the same down to future generations; to cherish and keep alive that peculiar fellow-feeling existing among those who were called to endure together the thousand hardships and privations consequent upon the settlement of a new country; to afford opportunities for the interchange of thought, and the cultivation of a more social state of feeling in the community; and, through the medium of public lectures and addresses, to afford a pleasing'and interesting entertainment for all." The first meeting of pioneers, preliminary to the formation of this association, was held, pursuant to previous notice, on the fourth of July, 1871, at the Melvin House, in Howell, from which place it was adjourned to the office of Mylo L. Gay. There it was called to order by Sardis F. Hubbell, on whose motion William C. Rumsey (being the oldest resident of the county present) was called to the chair, and Mylo L. Gay appointed secretary of the meeting. After the transaction of some preliminary business, and the appointment of Edward F. Gay, Ezra N. Fairchild, and William C. Rumsey as a committee to draft a constitution, the meeting was adjourned, to reassemble at the court-house in Howell, on the twenty-seventh of the following September, for the purpose of adopting a constitution, and perfecting the organization of the proposed association. At the adjourned meeting the association was fully organized by the adoption of a constitution, and the election of William C. Rumsey as President, Mylo L. Gay as Secretary, and Hiram Wing as Treasurer, for the ensuing year. An able and entertaining address (the first given before the association) was then delivered by the Hon. Josiah Turner, and was warmly applauded, after which the meeting was adjourned to December 20, I87I. An article in the constitution fixed the third Wednesday in December of each year as the time of holding the annual meetings of the association; but this was changed soon after, and the time was fixed " on the Wednesday evening of the week in which the Circuit Court for the county of Livingston shall open, in the month of January in each year, at seven o'clock, P.M., at the court-house in Howell, at which time the officers shall be chosen for one year." The article was again amended January i6, I878, fixing the Wednesday following the opening of the Circuit Court in June, instead of January, of each year, as the time of holding the annual meeting. r It is understood that the convening of the annual meeting during the term of the Circuit Court in Howell is not more for the accommodation of members of the society who may be present as jurors, or witnesses, or litigants, than to insure the presence of Judge Turner, who, although now a citizen of Owosso, is one of the most prominent of the living pioneers of Livingston County, and perhaps the one who exhibits a deeper interest than any other person in the association and its objects. These meetings are regularly held at the courthouse, and each one is made peculiarly interesting by one or more addresses from members, reciting half-forgotten incidents relating to the settlement of the county, and the struggles and privations of the brave men and women who first made their homes here in the wilderness. Below is given a list of those who have become members of the association, from its organization until the present time, viz.: Name. Nativity. Where and When Settled. IHannial Lee..............New York......Green Oak, Oct. 1830. Levi Pullen.................Maine............Putnam, August, 1831. Mary Lee....................Vermont, 18ii.Green Oak, 1832. Robert Warden............Scotland......... " " May, 1833. Benjamin Blaine...........New York......Hartland, June, 1833. James Craig................Scotland.........Unadilla, July, 1833. Isaac Bennett...............New York......Hamburg, October, 1833. Robert Bigham............Vermont......... Brighton, April, 1834. Elias Sprague...............Massachusetts.. " May, I834. William Palmer............New York...... " June, I834. Elisha H. Smith........... "......Howell, October, 1834. George Palmer............. "...... Brighton, June, 1834. William C. Brockway.... "..... Green Oak, Oct. 1834. Mrs. John D. Pinckney... "......Howell, October, I834. Ferdinand Grisson.........Germany........}Hamburg, August, 1834. Jonathan Burnett..........Connecticut.....Green Oak, May, 1834. \V. D. Corson.............. New York...... " " I834. William C. Rumsey......Vermont......... " " April, I835. George L. Sage................................Born in Howell,Jan. 1835 Sardis F. Iubbell.........Ohio............. Hartland, October, I835. Walter D. Whalen........Vermont......... " October, I835. David Hyatt................New Jersey.....Han-burg, June, 1835. Morris Thompson.........New York......t owell, June, 1835. Joseph Rider............... "......Genoa, November, 1835. Freeman Fishbeck........ "...... "' November, I835. John A. Van Camp........New Jersey.....Green Oak, May, I835. Nicholas Kristler.......... Delaware.......Genoa, October, I835. Pardon Barnard............ New York...... " June, I835. Richard Walker........... "......Oceola, Novemler, 1835. Samuel G. Ives.............Unadilla, April, 1835. Freeman Webb..................l'utnam, November, 1835. William S. Barnard....... ".....Genoa, October, 1835. F. G. Rose.................. "......Putnam, November, 1835. N. 13. Green............... Massachusetts..Marion, November, 1835. Mrs Sarah Brower........England........Putnam, May, 1835. Mrs. Emily Pullen........New York......Hamlurg, June, 1835. Mrs. Lucy A. Cobb....... "......Brighton, I835. Z. M. Drew................. "...... Haml urg, May, I835. Frederick J. Lee........... "......Marion, June, 1836. Ichabod Kneeland......... ".......Howell, June, 1836. Hiram Wing...............Massachusetts..Marion, April, 1836. Benjamin Curtis............New York......Howell, June, I336. George D. Biker.......... "......Marion, December, 1836. William McPherson......Scotland......... Howell, September, 1836. William McPherson, Jr... "......... " September, 1836. Alexander McPherson... "........ " September, 1836. Ephraim J. Hardy.........Vermont.........Oceola, May, 1836. Erastus Watrous........... Connecticut.... Genoa, June, 1836. Daniel Case.................New York......lowell, May, 1836. Jo(eph Brown..............England........Marion, July, 1836. Elihu Haynes.............. New York......Hartland, June, 1836. Isaac Stow..................Vermont........ Iosco, September, 1836. N. S.unders................New York......Oeola, October, 1836. A. Saunders................ ".......' October, I836. COUNTY SOCIETIES. 49 Name. Nativity. Where and When Settled. William H. Jilks..........England.........Marion, August, 1836. Solomon T. Lyon.........New York...... August, 1836. Peter Brewer............l......... I owell, July, 1836. Almon Brewer............. July, 1836. Orlando Brewer............. July, 1836. Andrew I). Waddell........ May, 1836. George E. Houghtaling..Michigan.......Green Oak, Augiust, 1836. William Whitaker.........New York......Oceola, July, I136. Elisha IE,6. z a rd......... Elisha E. Hazard..............Genoa, August, 1836. George \V. Lee..................arion, June, I836. Rallh Fowler.....................Handy, June, 1836. Marvin Gaston...................IIowell, May, 1836. C.. Barbler................ "......Green Oak, June, 1836. Chester Ilazard G............... enoa, August, 1836. C. W. Burwell................... Novemler, 1836. Tesse J. Ianse...................Putnam, June, I836. E(lwin 1B. Winans...............Una(lilla, June, 1836. Jacol Kanouse............. New Jersey.....Cohoctah, May, I836. Neil O'Hearn..............New York...... Green Oak, Oct. I836. Samuel J. I)ains.................a Imburg, April, 1836. (.. Parsons............Michigan.......Conway, )ec. 1836. John W. Wright...........New York......losco, October, 1836. Thomas Love...............England.........Marion, July, I836. Enoch 1). Davis........... New York...... amburg, May, 1836. John B. La Rowe............ I-owell, 1836. (;eorge Sewell..............England......... Marion, JuTe, 1836. Henry H. Smith...........New York...... " June, 1836. William O'llearn......... Ireland.......... Green Oak, Oct. 1836. Elisha C. Wright..........New York......losco, October, 1836. MIoses Fuller..............M assachusetts..Putnam, Nov. 1836. 0. B. Chambers............Vermont........ Hartland, Sept. 1836. T. C. Fuller.................Massachusetts.. Putnam, April, 1836. George Gready.............England.........Green Oak, Sept. 1836. George M. Field...........New York...... May, 1836. William Sexton..................Marion, June, 1837. Parley H. Sexton.......... "...... 4 Nov. I837. Edw(ard F. Gay............Connecticut..... " April, 1837. Mylo L. Gay............... April, 1837 -Richard Fishbeck......... New York......Howell, Sept. 1837. Ezra N. Fairchild......... M......Marion, May, I837. Thomas 13. Brooks.............. " January, 1837. Francis Monroe..................Howell, June, 1837. Abram A. Van Ness............ " June, 1837. l)aniel Person.............. Vermont........losco, March, 1837. Isanc W. Bush.............New York......Handy, June, I837. William A. Clark......... ".....Brighton, April, I837. Almon Whipple............ "...... Handy, October, 1837. Joseph A. Dibble.......... "......Genoa, June, 1837. Edwin Bacheler............ Rhode Island..Oceola, February, 1837. James A. Preston.......... Michigan........Cohoctah, April, 1837. Patrick McLeer............ Ireland..........Unadilla, Nov. 1837. Andrew Sharp.............New York......Genoa, December, 1837. Charles M. \Vood......... Massachusetts..Iosco, June, 1837. Alanson P. D)ickinson.....New York......Brighton, January, 1837. It. B. Rathbun............. "......Cohoctah, Mar;ch, 1837. Cyrenus Morgan........... "......Brighton, Sept. 1837. C. W. Leonard............. "......Deerfield, April, 1837. Joel A. Chapin............. "...... " May, 1837. II. T. 0. Clark............. " Brighton, May, 1837. A. C. Briggs................ "......Oceola, March, 1837. Lewis V. Curry...............................Born in Brighton, October, I837. L. Judson...................New York......Brighton, August, 1837. Mrs. Jane L. Brooks......Connecticut....Mairion, January, 1837. Myron Mitchell............New York...... April, I837. C. 11. Person............... "......losco, February, 1837. James I.. Tapping......... "......Deerfield, June, I837. Samuel M. Conely.........New York City.Brighton, August, 1837. John Wasson..............New York......Unadilla, June, I837. S. T. Salmon..............New Jersey.....Iamburg, April, 1838. liram Pearsons............New York......Howell, April, I838. Nathan Field............... "......Marion, September, 1838. Albert L. Hathaway......Michigan....... lartland, April, 1838. Jra Brayton................New York......owell, Sept. 1838. William R. Cobb..........Vermont.........Brighton, Nov. 1838. Francis S. Hardy.......... ".........Oceola, May, 1838. Elisha W. Grant...........Massachusetts-Conway, April, 1838. Robert Whitacre........... New York......Oceola, I838. Mrs. N. Field............... "......Marion, September, I838. Edward P. Gregory....... Michigan....... Howell, November, 1839. Joseph B Skilbeck........England......... " July, 1839. Losson Gordon...........New York......Conway, Fcbruary, 1839. Franklin Kelly..................Cohoctah, May, 1839. Rial Barnum...............Michigan........Unadilla, Nov. 839. Clarles F. Conrad........ ".... Hamburg, Sept. 1839. G. S. Ramsdell............. "......Cohoctah, 1839. 7 I Name. Nativity. Where and When Settled. James P. Clark..............New York......Deerfield, May, 1839. L. E. Riddle................................ Oceola, October, 1839. James Parker.............................Hambllrg, October, 1839. Josiah Turner...............Vermont........Howell, April, 1840. William R. Melvin........Connecticut..... " October, 1840. William \Villiamson.......England......... Hamburg, Octolber, 1840. Edward Bishop............. New York...... " May, 1840. Graham N. Barker......... "......Conway, March, 1840. Ilenry 0. Barnard............................Born in Geoa, December 15, 1840. Benjamin F. Batchelor.......................Born in Oceola, May I3, 1840. Dewitt C. Kneeland.......New York......Howell, May, I840. Clarles E. lBeurmaGn......G(ermany.......Genoa, August, I840. Ira 0. Marbl le...............Maine............ Deerfield, 840. Albert Tooley..............New York......Genoa, June, 184r. WVilliam Moree.............. "u......Putnam, Octoler, 1841. Lorenzo Smith l.............. "......Marion, November, 1841. Julius D. Smith............ "...... November, 1841. John Shields.................Ireland..........Unadilla, January, 1841. I)ennis Shields.............. "......... " January, 1841. John Ryan................... De...e... )ereld, June, 1841. Ira P. Bingham N............New York......Brighton, June, 1841. Legrand Clark............... ".....l. artland, May, 1841. Elizabeth Noble................................Born in lutam, Autgust, 1841. J. M. Holden...............Rhode Island...Green Oak, 1841. William P. 11opkins.......Connecticut.....lHowell, April, I842. Alva G. Blood.........................Michigan........Oceola, January, 1842. James 1. Lee............... New York......Brighton, October, 1842. I.. K. Hewett............... "......HIowell, May, 1842. Henry S. Worthington.........Hartland, October, 1842. H. G. W. Fry............... "......Oceola, September, 1842. WVilliam Brower............ "......Putnam, November, I842. Albert Wakeman............................... Born in Tyrone, November, 1842. J. L. Pettibone...................Born in Genoa, December, 1842. Mrs. Anna C. Kelly........New York......Brighton, I842. J. C. Carimer.................. "....... yrone, May, 1842. M. F. D)arrow............... "......Plutnam, October, 1843. W illiam 13. Smith..........Canada.......... Howell, October, 1843. Ira I). Crouse............... New York......Ilartland, Nov. 1843. William I untington...... "...... I owell, November, 1843. -Ieniry Sii(le.............. "...... Conway, September,1843. Jouhn D. iBlackl..................Cohoctah, October, 1843. Hobart A. Twichell....... Connecticut..... Iamblurg, May, 1844. George Wilcr..............New York......owell, Autgust, 1844. George Mcl)owell...............Marion, April, 1844. M. If. McManus........... Ireland..........Green Oak, Dec. 1844. Edward G. McPherson.......................Born in Howell, March, 1845. S. M. Yerkes............... Pennsylvania...Ilowell, May, 1845. James Harger.............. New York......Marion, May, 1846. Arthur F. Field............ "......Coloctah, Nov. 1846. Abram Switz............... "......Oceola, May, 1847 Egblert F. Albright........ "......Hartland, March, 1848. W illiam L. W ells......... "......lowell, June, 1849. John W. Ingraham........ "......Tyrone, March, 1850. THE LIVINGSTON COUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY. This organization-tle predecessor of the present society of the same name-was formed in the year I842, but no account of the proceedings on the occasion of its formation have been found. The first president, however, was the Rev. Jonathan Post. The annual meeting of the society for I843 was held at the Presbyterian meeting-house, in Howell, on Tuesday, the twenty-fourth day of January. In the absence of the president, William Noble, Jr. (one of the vice-presidents), was called to the chair, and Josiah Turner was appointed secretary pro teni. The following were then elected officers of the society for the ensuing year, namely: President, Rev. Jonathan Post; Secretary, Josiah Turner; Treasurer, A. L. Hill; Executive Com 50 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. mittee, Rev. N. G. Chase, Rev. Mr. Cochran, E. F. Gay, Joseph B. Skilbeck, and William McPherson; Vice-Presidents, Isaac Smith, of Green Oak; John G. Horton, of Hartland; William Noble, Jr., of Brighton; Dillis Dexter, of Tyrone; James Burnett, of Hamburg; Pardon Barnard, of Oceola; Daniel Boutwell, of Deerfield; Charles Cowlam, of Putnam; John T. Watson, of Marion; E. E. Gregory, of Howell; Alva Preston, of Tuscola; John J. Brown, of Conway; Samuel Conklin, of Handy; John Wood, of Iosco; John B. Van Daren, of Unadilla. Notice was given by the Rev. Mr. Bacon that a branch society had recently been formed in Brighton, and it was voted to turn over to that society the Bibles remaining in the hands of Mr. Noble. The executive committee were authorized to employ the Rev. Mr. Dixon as agent to distribute Bibles to the destitute through this county, and the following named gentlemen were appointed delegates to the meeting of the State Bible Society, at Jackson, February I6th, viz.: Rev. Jonathan Post, E. F. Burt, Rev. Mr. Dixon, Josiah Turner, Rev. K. E. Gregory, William McPherson, Rev. Seth Hardy, Rev. E. Mosher, and Rev. John Scofield. The annual meeting of the society in 1845 was held at the Congregational (Presbyterian) meetinghouse, in Howell, on the tenth of April, and the following officers were elected for the year, viz.: President, E. E. Gregory, of Howell. Vice-Presidents, Deacon Isaac Smith, Green Oak; Rev. J. G. Horton, Hartland; Rev. Jonathan Post, Brighton; Dillis Dexter, Tyrone; Deacon James Burnett, Hamburg; Pardon Barnard, Genoa; Lorenzo Boutell, Deerfield; Charles Cowlam, Putnam; J. T. Watson, Marion; A. L. Crittenden, Howell; Horace Cook, Tuscola; Charles Thompson, Conway; Samuel Conklin, Handy; Levi Munsell, losco; J. L. Hartsuff, Unadilla. Secretary, Josiah Turner, Howell. Treasurer, Nicholas Sullivan, Howell. Executive Committee, Rev. J. H. Rasco, Rev. R. Pengelly, Rev. A. L. Crittenden, William McPherson, J. B. Skilbeck. The above account of the early meetings of the society is given principally for the purpose of recording the names of the men who were prominent in its organization, and who were earnestly engaged in the promotion of the praiseworthy objects for which it was formed and maintained. A new society, under the same name, was formed in 1849, but the names of its first officers cannot be given. That the interest in it was continued unabated for many years, and that its officers and members were no half-hearted workers, is shown by the following report of the proceedings of the society, at its annual meeting in 1859, viz.: " The eleventh annual meeting of the Livingston County Bible Society was held, agreeable to previous notice, at the Methodist church in Howell, June 12, 1859; Hon. Josiah Turner, president of the society, in the chair. "The following officers of the society were duly elected for the ensuing year: " President, Hon. Josiah Turner. "Vice-President, J. B. Skilbeck. " Secretary, E. F. Burt. " Treasurer, George W. Lee. "Executive Committee. " Rev. R. McBride, Howell. " Rev. R. C. Crawford, Howell. " Rev. J. G. Horton, Oceola. " Rev. Mr. Alford, Unadilla. "J. F. Jennings, Esq., Green Oak. "After a discussion by Rev. Mr. Wright, agent of the American Bible Society, and others, it was "Resolved, That the society now proceed to appoint suitable persons to canvass the townships of Howell, Oceola, and Marion,-said townships each to be divided into four equal districts, to wit: "Howell-First District, J. G. Mason and B. W. Cardell; Second District, H. P. Baker; Third District, S. M. Yerkes; Fourth District, Joseph Stafford. " Oceola-First District, Ebenezer Kellogg; Second District, Rev. J. G. Horton; Third District, L. Whitney; Fourth District, J. M. Eager. " Marion-First District, E. Hart; Second District, E. F. Burt; Third District, A. J. Itsell; Fourth District, L. P. Mellendy. "Resolzed, That Rev. R. McBride and E. F. Burt be appointed a committee to superintend carrying out the plan of exploration and supply provided for by the foregoing appointments, and that the same be completed within three months from date. '"Resolved, That the executive committee have power to fill any vacancies that may occur in the said appointments, and that said committee also be authorized to appoint one or more suitable persons to canvass the townships of losco, Handy, Conway, Oak Grove, Deerfield, Tyrone, and Hamburg." The society is still in existence, but no such active work as that indicated above has been done in the later years, probably because the necessity for it no longer exists. The present officers of the society are R. C. Hatton, President. John Black, Secretary. Newton T. Kirk, Treasurer. Depository, at H. H. Wilber's drug-store, corner of Grand River and East Streets, Howell. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 5i CHAPTER V. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. Public Highways-Clinton and Kalamazoo Canal, and Dexter Biranch —Plank-Roads-Detroit and Grand River Plank-Road Company —Howell and Byron Plank-Road Company-Detroit and Howell Plank-Road-Lansing and IHowell Plank-RoadRailroads-Detroit and Shiawassee Railroad Project-Other Proposed Railroads-Detroit, Lansing and Northern Railroad. PUBLIC HIGHWAYS. THE first step in the direction of public internal improvement in all countries and regions is the building or opening of routes of travel, however primitive and rude these may be. The immigrant, in traveling towards his prospective home in the wilderness, must bestow some labor-be it more or less-in opening a route over which to reach it with his family and the few household necessaries which he brings with him. In densely wooded regions this task is often a heavy one, while it is comparatively trifling in such a country as the first settlers found in Livingston County, where access could be had to almost any spot through the convenient openings. But even here the new-comers were obliged occasionally to use the axe, to open a path through an intervening thicket or to fell a few trees to make a solid way across a stream or marshy place. And this work, light and insignificant as it was, was road building,-an improvement which it was necessary to make before the settler could reach the spot where his cabin was to be reared. The first highways in Livingston were the Indian trails, of which the principal was the Grand River trail, traversing the county through its centre from southeast to northwest, as has already been mentioned, and over this route, first while it was a mere trail, and afterwards when it became the Grand River road, a large proportion of the immigrants to the county passed on their way to their places of settlement. On the fourth of July, 1832, the Congress of the United States passed an act directing the President to appoint three commissioners to lay out a road "from Detroit, through Sciawassee County, to the mouth of the Grand River," for military and other purposes. The road was accordingly "laid out," and the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars was expended by the government in the years 1833 and 1834 in working the eastern part of the road ten miles out from Detroit. A further appropriation of twenty-five thousand dollars was made by Congress, March 3, 1835, and this amount was expended in 1835-36 in clearing the road one hundred feet wide through the timbered land, and in constructing bridges on its line across the Rush, Huron, Shiawassee, and Cedar Rivers. This was the last work done on the Grand River road by the general government, as Michigan had ceased to be a Territory and became a sovereign State. A grant of five thousand acres of land was, however, obtained from the United States for the benefit of the Grand River and the Saginaw roads, of which grant this road received its proportion. After the United States ceased making appropriations for the Grand River road,-or Grand River turnpike, as it was called,-very little was done on it for a time. When Judge Turner came to Livingston County (1840) little, if any part of the road was graded west of Brighton. The State, however, took up the work soon after, and the construction of the road was continued by State appropriations made from time to time. An act, approved April 2, 1841, provided that five thousand dollars be expended on the construction of this road, under the direction of the Board of Internal Improvement; this sum being taken from the sixty thousand dollars which remained unexpended of the appropriations previously granted for the " Northern Wagon-Road," wlicl project had at that time been virtually abandoned. A part or all of this appropriation was expended, under the supervision of Mr. Mullett, of Detroit, in opening the road from Fowlerville to Lansing, and about that time, or soon after, the first line of stages (lumber-wagons) was put on the route between Howell and Lansing by Ralph Fowler, 0. 1. Williams, of Williamston, and others. In I845 an act was passed (approved March 24th), authorizing and directing the expenditure of certain non-resident highway taxes upon that portion of the Grand River road " between the village of Howell and the house of Justus Gilkey, in Ingham County." The non-resident taxes so directed to be expended embraced all the taxes of that kind levied on property lying within two miles of the road on each side, in the years 1845 to 1848, inclusive, and also all of such taxes which remained unexpended on the first of May, 1845. Ralph Fowler, of Handy, and J. H. Kilborn, of Ingham County, were appointed by the act special commissioners, "to have superintendence of said road within their respective counties, and to direct where the labor shall be performed on said road." An act was passed in March, 1848, providing "that ten thousand acres of internal improvement lands be, and the same are hereby appropriated, for the purpose of improving the Detroit and Grand River road, between the village of Howell, in Liv ingston County, and the village of Michigan, in the county of Inghamn;" six thousand acres to be 52 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. expended in Ingham, and four thousand acres in Livingston County, under direction of special commissioners appointed by the Governor. By these appropriations, with subscriptions, and the expenditure of local highway taxes, the road was finally completed. The old route of the road was north of the north bend of Cedar River; but in 1849 it was changed for a more southerly and nearly straight one through the west part of the township of Handy, and over this the road was opened and worked by Ralph Fowler and others, with funds raised largely by subscription. The construction of this part of the road will be found more fully noticed in the history of the township of Handy. A large number of State roads were authorized by the first Legislature of Michigan, at the session of I835-36, several of which were to be laid out across the county of Livingston, or some portion of it. An act, approved March 26, 1836, provided that "there shall be laid out and established a State road from Allegan, in the county of Allegan, through the county-seats of Barry, Eaton, and Ingham; and the said road shall terminate at Howell, in the county of Livingston, where it may intersect the United States road running fiom Detroit to Grand River; and Joseph Fisk, of Allegan, Calvin G. Hill, of Barry, and F. J. B. Crane,* of Livingston County, be, and they are hereby appointed, commissioners for that purpose." Other roads authorized by act of the Legislature at the same time, and of which the proposed routes lay partly in Livingston, were the following, viz.: "A State road from Jacksonburgh, the countyseat of Jackson County, by the most direct and eligible route to Howell, the county-seat of Livingston." The commissioners appointed to lay out and establish this road were William R. Thompson, Oliver Russ, and George B. Cooper. A State road fiom Pontiac, Oakland County, to be laid out over the most direct and eligible route, and "to terminate at the county-seat of Ionia." Alfred L. Williams, Erastus Yeomans, and William Terry, commissioners to lay out and establish the same. A State road " commencing at Ann Arbor, and running in a northwesterly course on the most direct and eligible route to the county-seat of Livingston." Henry Rumsey, Moses Thomspon, and Benjamin Hobart, commissioners. A State road " from the village of Saginaw, or the county-site of the county of Saginaw, to run thence in a southerly direction through Byron [?], the county-site of Livingston, and thence through the village of Dexter, in the county of Washtenaw, to intersect the United States road running from Detroit to Chicago, at or near the village of Clinton, in the county of Lenawee." The commissioners named in the act were Alfred L. Williams, Salmon H. Matthews, and Nathaniel Noble. A State road " from the village of Pontiac, in Oakland County, to Mapes and Bursley's mills, on Oak Creek, in township three north, range six east [Hartland], and thence to the centre of Shiawassee County." John S. Wilber, Samuel Mapes, and George Buckley, commissioners. Legislation providing for the construction of roads was continued quite as briskly during the next two years. By an act approved March 17, 1837, the laying out of a State road was authorized and directed "from the village of Pontiac, in the county of Oakland, by the most direct and eligible route to the village of Lyons, in the county of Ionia;" and Truman F. Lyon, A. F. Bell, and John McKelvey were appointed commissioners for the purpose. Another section of the same act directed that "there shall be laid out and established a State road from the county-seat of Genesee to the county-seat of Washtenaw County; and that Ira D. Wright, Philip H. McOmber, and Jesse Pinney be, and they are hereby appointed, commissioners for that purpose." The routes of both these roads traversed Livingston County; the first from east to west, and the latter from north to south by way of the village of Brighton. And by section thirty-seven of the same act, a road to pass through the northeastern part of Livingston was authorized, viz.: "A State road at or near Farmington City, so called, in the county of Oakland, running by the head of Walled Lake, to Byron, in the county of Shiawassee, on the most direct and eligible route;" the commissioners appointed by the act for the purpose being Erie Prince, Isaac Wixom, and John Thomas. A road " from Dexter, in the county of Washten aw, to the county-seat of Ingham, and from thence by the most eligible route to the village of Lyons, at the mouth of the Maple," was authorized by act approved February I6, 1837, to be laid out before January I, 1839. Solomon Sutherland, of Unadilla, Livingston County, and Edward Lyon and A. Crosman, of Dexter, were appointed commissioners. In 1838, by act approved February 28th, a road was authorized to be laid out by Ephraim B. Danforth, of Inghan County, George W. Jewett, of Livingston, and Albert E. Bull, of Barry, commissioners "from the Grand River road at Howell, the county-seat of Livingston County; thence on * An act approved March 18, I837, appointed Guy C. Lee commissioner in place of Mr, Crane, INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 53 I the most eligible route, by the county-seats of Ingham, Eaton, and Barry, to the mouth of the Kalamazoo River, in the county of Allegan." During the seven years next succeeding 1838, State roads were directed to be laid out through or in Livingston County, as follows: I839.-Road " commencing at a certain point upon the west line of Ingham County, where the State road laid out and established from Bellevue to the west line of Ingham County terminates; thence in an easterly direction to the mills in Leslie, on the most eligible route, until said route shall intersect the Grand River turnpike, at or near the village of Pinckney, in the county of Livingston." Commissioners, Henry Fisk, Benj. Davis, and Amos E. Steele. Act approved April i8th. 1839.-State road "commencing at the village of Pontiac, in the county of Oakland; thence on the most direct and eligible route through the county of Livingston, by the way of Meadville, to what is called the Battise Trail, in the township of Stockbridge, Ingham County; thence on the most direct and eligible route to the village of Jackson, in the county of Jackson." Commissioners, Solomon Sutherland, Thomas Godfrey, and Mason Branch. Act approved April 18, section 24. 1840.-" State road running firom the village of Milford, in Oakland County, to the township of H-owell, in Livingston County." Commissioners to lay out, Morgan L. Smith, Phineas Bates, and \. A. Buckland. Act of March 4th. I84.-" A State road commencing at or near the fifty-seventh mile-post on the Grand River turnpike; from thence on the most eligible route along the valley of the Red Cedar River, until it intersects said turnpike at the meridian line..." Commissioners, J. H. Kilborne, of Ingham, Elijah Grant and Martin W. Randall, of Livingston County. Act approved April I3th. 1844.-"State road from Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, by way of the village of Brighton, in the county of Livingston, Murray's Mills, and the village of Flushing, in the county of Genesee, to the Saginaw turnpike, at a point about fourteen miles north of the village of Flint." Commissioners, Albert Stevens, John Kenyan, Isaac Penoyer, and James H. Murray. Act approved March 9th. I844.-State road "commencing at or near the point where the road leading from the village of Dexter, in the county of Washtenaw, to Mason, in Ingham County, crosses the west line of Livingston County; running thence by the most feasible route through the township of Hamburg to the village of Brighton, in said county of Livingston." Commissioners, Solomon Sutherland, Jus tus J. Bennett, and Jasper H. Buck. Act approved March 9th. I845.-"A State road from Pontiac, in the county of Oakland, to Hillman's Tavern, in the township of Tyrone, in the county of Livingston." Commissioners, Willard K. Goodrich and William Capron, of Oakland, and Jairah Hillman, of Livingston. Act approved March 24th. I845.-" A State road commencing at the village of Brighton, in Livingston County, and running thence to the village of Fentonville, in Genesee County." Commissioners, Harvey T. Lee and Alonzo Slayton, of Livingston, and Elisha Holmes, of Genesee. Act approved March 24th. In 1848 an act was passed (March 23d) appropriating two thousand acres of the State internal improvement lands for the purpose of opening and improving this road. It is to be borne in mind, however, that to " lay out and establish" a road-particularly in the earlier years-was not equivalent to opening and making it ready for travel; but that in many instances years intervened between the time when a highway was laid out by the commissioners and the time when it was made passable for vehicles; and that it was not unfrequently the case that roads which had been authorized and laid out were never opened. CLINTON AND KALAMAZOO CANAL, AND DEXTER BRANCH. The project of the Clinton and Kalamazoo Canal, -to be built by the State as part of the extensive internal improvement system inaugurated about the time of the admission of Michigan into the Union,-was introduced in the Legislature at the session of 1837, and resulted in an appropriation (by act approved March 20th) of the sum of twenty tlousand dollars from the internal improvement fund, for the prosecution of several surveys for canals and slack-water navigation on rivers, among these being included as follows: "for the survey of a canal, or for a canal part of the way and railroad the balance of the route, commencing at or near Mount Clemens, on the Clinton River, to terminate at or near the mouth of the Kalamazoo River." Under this appropriation a preliminary survey was made, of a route to pass through Livingston County by way of Crooked Lake in the township of Genoa; thence to the waters of the Cedar, and so westward to the Grand and Kalamazoo Rivers. A more southerly, as well as a more northerly, route through the county was examined, and each had its adherents, who, respectively, were confident of the superiority and ultimate adoption of that route in which they were most interested. By people 54 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. having no local interests to serve, however, it was generally believed that the route by way of Crooked Lake was the one to be preferred. In connection with this, a project was conceived by private parties to construct a branch canal to unite with the proposed State canal in Livingston County, and continue along the valley of the Huron to Dexter, in Washtenaw County, where it would strike the central of the three lines of railway which had then recently been authorized by the Legislature to be built by the State. In I839 the project of this branch canal was brought before the Legislature, which thereupon passed " an act to incorporate the Dexter Branch Canal Company," approved April g9th, in that year. By the terms of this act, the company so incorporated was empowered and authorized (as soon as funds were provided) "to construct, make, and finish a canal of sufficient width and depth to admit the passage of such boats or other craft, through said canal, as are commonly used and employed in the carrying trade, and also to make such locks and guards, in and around said canal, as shall render the occupation safe and easy for boats or any other craft that may be used thereon. Said canal to commence at the village of Dexter, in the county of Washtenaw, and extend to the Clinton and Kalamazoo Canal, in the county of Livingston, by the following route: commencing at the village of Dexter, fiom thence up the valley of the Huron River, or as near the valley as practicable, to the peninsula between Portage and Bass [Base?] Lakes; from thence to the northwest side of Bass Lake; fromn there up the valley of the outlet of Crooked Lake, on the most approved and direct route, where it will intersect the line of the Clinton and Kalamazoo Canal.... It shall and may be optional with this corporation, that in place of the aforesaid canal they may use the bed of the Huron River, commencing at the village of Dexter, and from thence to improve the same by excavation and by dams and locks and other improvements, so as to make a safe and easy slackwater navigation for boats and other craft up said river to the lakes before described, and also to improve and use the lakes as a part of said navigable communication, and from said lakes by the aforesaid canal route to where the same intersects the line of the Clinton and Kalamazoo Canal." The commissioners appointed by the act of incorporation were Samuel W. Dexter, Asa Williams, Nathaniel Noble, Alanson Crosman, Cyrel Nichols, and Nelson H. Wing. The capital stock of the company was fifty thousand dollars. It was required that the work be finished within six years from the passage of the act: Beyond the above-mentioned legislation and the making of some preliminary surveys, nothing was ever done towards the construction of either the main line of the Clinton and Kalamazoo Canal, or of the Dexter Branch, through any part of Livingston County, though a portion of the east end of the main work was completed from Mount Clemens. But, for a period of about ten years from the inception of these projects, strong hopes were entertained by many that they would ultimately be completed; and extravagant expectations were indulged in of great advantages to accrue in consequence, to the county, and particularly to certain localities along the projected line. As late as 1845 the matter was discussed in the public prints in a manner showing that there was still abundant confidence among the people in the accomplishment of the scheme and in the great and beneficial results sure to follow. An editorial article, which appeared in the Detroit Advertiser in February of that year, in speaking of the main canal, and of a change of route which seemed to the writer to be desirable, said that" the western route of the canal should be so modified that, after leaving the Clinton River and the small lakes of Oakland and Livingston Counties, it should pass down the valleys of the Red Cedar and Grand Rivers to Lyons, Ionia County, and to the head of navigation on Grand River," and added that the work appeared to be second in importance only to that of the Central Railroad. At the same time the Livingston Courier thought that the canal ought to commence at Detroit, instead of Mount Clemens, and that its proper route would be from the former place northwestwardly through Livingston County to the head of navigation on Grand River. " A canal," said the Courier, " connecting Detroit and Grand River would undoubtedly be one of the greatest of our internal improvements and the greatest source of revenue to the State." Similar views and expectations were quite generally entertained during the earlier years of the canal agitation, but beyond the privilege of indulging for a time in these pleasant anticipations, the people of Livingston County never derived any benefit from the visionary projects of the Clinton and Kalamazoo Canal and its Dexter Branch. PLANK-ROADS. DETROIT AND GRAND RIVER PLANK-ROAD COMPANY. This company was incorporated by act of Legislature (approved March 12, 1844), which provided " That C. P. Bush and Ely Barnard, of Livingston County, and Levi Cook, John Blindbury, and David Thompson, of Wayne County, be and they INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 55 are hereby appointed commissioners, under whom, or a majority of whom, subscriptions may be received to the stock of the Detroit and Grand River Plank-Road Company, hereby incorporated; and they shall cause books to be opened at the village of Howell, in the county of Livingston, and at the office of the city clerk in the city of Detroit, county of Wayne, for three successive days, at such time as a majority of them shall direct, for the purpose of receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of said company." The company was incorporated for the period of twenty years from the passage of the act; its capital stock was placed at fifty thousand dollars, in shares of fifty dollars each; the object for which it was incorporated was set forth in the act to be " the improvement of the present Grand River turnpike, from the northerly line of the Cass farm, in the city of Detroit, to the point where the base line intersects the said road;" and for this purpose the company was " authorized to take immediate possession of the Grand River turnpike from the city of Detroit to the base line," and was required to plank the road from Detroit to the base line " with sound plank not less than three inches in thickness, and not less than eighteen feet in length, to be well fastened down at the bed timbers, so as to make the same a good plank-road at all seasons of the year." The company was required, under penalty of forfeiture of charter, to complete eleven miles of the road within five years, and the remainder within ten years, firom the passage of the act. An amendatory act was passed May 4, I846, by the provisions of which the company, instead of being compelled to lay a plank-road, were required to " cause to be laid down and constructed a good and substantial plank, macadamized, or charcoal road, from the city of Detroit to the said point where the base line intersects said turnpike; such road to be not less than sixteen feet in width, and of such materials and description as shall make the same a good substantial road at all seasons of the year." The intention was to extend this road ultimately to Howell, but the obstacles encountered were too great to be surmounted at that early day, and the company never even organized under their charter. HOWELL AND BYRON PLANK-ROAD COMPANY. In 1850 the Howell and Byron Plank-Road Company was incorporated for a period of sixty years and with a capital stock authorized to the amount of thirty thousand dollars, for the receipt of subscriptions to which, George W. Lee, Josiah Turner, B. W. Dennis, F. J. Provost,* and Noah * By an act passed in March, 185I, Nathaniel Turner and Harvey T. Lee were made commissioners in place of Messrs. DI)ennis and Provost. Ramsdell were appointed commissioners. The object of the incorporation of the company, as set forth in the act (approved March 25th), was " to lay out, establish, and construct a plank-road and all necessary buildings and appurtenances, commencing in the village of Howell, and terminating in the village of Byron, in the county of Shiawassee;" and authority was conferred to unite the road at any point with the road of any other company. This company organized and elected George W. Lee as President, and Josiah Turner, Secretary and Treasurer, but no part of the road was ever built. DETROIT AND I-OWEIL PLANK-ROAD. This company was incorporated in I848 (by act approved April 3d), with a capital stock of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars, "for the purpose of building and maintaining a plankroad fi-om the city of Detroit, in the county of Wayne, on the most eligible route to the village of Howell, in the county of Livingston; and also from some point at or near the Sand Hill, so called, on the Grand River road, in the said county of Wayne, to the village of Waterford, in said county; and also from some eligible point on the main line of the plank-road hereby authorized to the village of Milford, in the county of Oakland. Said company shall have the right to increase their capital stock to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and to extend the road to the town of Michigan, in the county of Ingham." Henry Ledyard and A. S. Bagg, of Detroit, Jabesh M. Mead, of Plymouth, Augustus C. Baldwin, of Milford, and Josiah Turner, of Howell, were empowered as commissioners to receive subscriptions to the stock. The company was authorized-as soon as organized-" to enter upon and take possession of so much of the Detroit and Grand River road,,so called, as lies between the city of Detroit and the village of Howell, and to proceed to construct and maintain thereon a plank-road." The company was duly organized with Hon. C. C. Trowbridge as President, and Henry Ledyard, Secretary and Treasurer. Work was commenced a few months after the incorporation, and the road was finished to Howell during the year I850. It immediately became financially successful, and for many years was an advantage to Howell and to Livingston County, second only in importance to that which has since resulted from the opening of the railroad to Detroit and Lansing. LANSING AND HOWELL PLANK-ROAD. The Lansing and Howell Plank-Road Company was incorporated by act approved March 20, I85o, 56 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. with power "to lay out, establish, and construct a plank-road, and all necessary buildings, and appurtenances, commencing at Lansing, county of Ingham, and terminating in the village of Howell, county of Livingston, with the privilege of uniting said road at any point with the road of any other company." James Seymour, Hiram H. Smith, Ephraim B. Danforth, George W. Lee, and Frederick C. Whipple were appointed commissioners to receive subscriptions to the capital stock, which was authorized to the amount of sixty thousand dollars. The company was empowered, as soon as organized, " to enter upon and take possession of so much of the Detroit and Grand River road, so called, as lies between the village of Lansing and the village of Howell, and proceed to construct and maintain thereon a plank-road." The act of incorporation to remain in force for the term of sixty years. The work of construction was commenced in the summer or fall of I850, and the road was completed from Howell to Lansing in about two years. Many of the planks for this as well as for the Detroit and Howell road were furnished from the steam-mill of Chandler & Kneeland in Howell. This road completed the planked way from Detroit to the State capital. The through line became prosperous at once, and for some years was one of the principal thoroughfares of the State; being second to none (railways excepted) of equal length in the amount of business transacted upon it. A continual procession of teams and vehicles passed over it from end to end, and two four-horse stages (with frequent extras) made daily trips each way, each coach carrying from twelve to twenty passengers. The staging business over the Grand River road, before the days of planking, was commenced between Howell and Detroit, about 1838, by Allen C. Weston, and continued by Benjamin J. Spring and others. The founders of the staging business between Howell'and Lansing were Ralph Fowler, O. B. Williams, of Williamston, and some associates, who started the first stage-wagons over that part of the line in or about 1842, as has been mentioned. From these small beginnings grew the heavy stage traffic which afterwards passed over the plank-road. This great and continually-increasing business ceased almost entirely upon the opening of the Detroit and Milwaukee and Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw Railroads, and since that time stage-coaching between Detroit and Lansing is but a memory of past days. After the diversion of a large part of the travel from the plank-roads, it became the policy of the companies to remove the planking as it decayed, and to fill the gaps thus made with substantial grading. In this way all the planking has been removed over the entire line, and, although the names of Detroit and Howell Plank-Road and Lansing and Howell Plank-Road are still in use as the legal designations of the two sections of the line, the whole is now a solidly-graded turnpike. It still accommodates a large amount of travel, and is the main thoroughfare of Livingston County. The toll-gates still remain upon the line, and toll is collected as formerly. The continuance of these gates, and of toll-taking by the company, is considered an unjust burden by many of those who travel most on the roads. To such complaints, and to frequent demands which have been made in late years for the discontinuance of toll-taking, the Hon. C. C. Trowbridge has recently (October, 1879) made a reply, which, though evidently addressed particularly to complainants in the immediate vicinity of Detroit, is equally applicable along the other portions of the line. As a presentation of the views and arguments of the proprietors in favor of the continuance of the toll-gates, this reply is given below, without the expression of any opinion on the merits of the case. Mr. Trowbridge says: " Certain parties who live near the city, but outside of the toll-gates, are desirous to have the gates removed, so that they can travel free. All persons living between gates have hitherto made a law for themselves, and have traveled between gates without paying toll; but this does not satisfy the malcontents, who have obtained some legislation which they think sufficient to accomplish their purpose, which would be the practical destruction of value to the proprietors of these roads. The plank-road corporations are desirous to have the mooted questions which have arisen in respect to their rights and duties submitted without delay to the competent tribunal, and they will at once obey its behest. Meantime they think it but fair that some facts bearing upon these questions, although not touching the law of the case, should be stated in their behalf. " It is useless to expect to catch the ear of the present busy generation as to what transpired about these roads thirty odd years ago; but the fact is undeniable that at certain seasons of the year, and about half of the time, they were almost impassable, and that at such periods non-intercourse with the country was the rule. A great outcry was made for relief. Certain of our business men procured the passage of the plank-road act of 1848, and these corporations were organized under its provisions. Failing to persuade the farmers and the city land-holders to take up the capital stock, these same business men took it and built the roads. At first they were profitable to their owners, but INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 57 the revenues soon fell off and the expenses of repair increased, so that for the last seventeen years the Saline has paid only an average of one and oneseventeenth per cent. per annum; the Lansing and Iowell, for twenty-five years, one and one-eighth per cent.; the Detroit and Howell, for sixteen years, six and three-fifths per cent.; and the Erin less than nine per cent., the whole average being less than five per cent.; while the yearly saving to our citizens in the cost of fuel and supplies, and the general effect upon the markets, has been equal to the total cost of the roads, and the lands along their lines have been quadrupled in value. Please note here that these and the succeeding dividends will be all that the shareholders will receive in return for three hundred thousand dollars which they expended in building these roads. At the expiration of their charters, now only twenty-eight years distant, the roads revert to the vicinage and become town property, subject to taxation for repairs. In respect to one of them that period will probably be materially shortened, for it is already difficult, by the most economical use of the revenue, to keep it in passable condition. " Under these circumstances the proprietors feel that they are equitably entitled to whatever the law allows; and they ask their fellow-citizens to put themselves in their place, and not to condemn them as thieves for endeavoring to maintain their rights. It is obvious to all who have served as road-masters, that if left to the towns to keep the roads in repair the people would never submit to the necessary taxation. Up to I879 the Howell road has expended for that purpose three hundred and three thousand three hundred and sixty-nine dollars and ninety-eight cents, or an average of eleven thousand six hundred and sixty-seven dollars and ten cents per annum; the Erin, two hundred and seventy-six thousand eight hundred and ninety dollars and sixteen cents, or an average of ten thousand six hundred and forty-nine dollars and sixty cents; the Lansing, ninety-eight thousand eight hundred and fifty-four dollars and seven cents, or an average of three thousand nine hundred and fifty-four dollars and eighteen cents; and the Saline, two hundred and sixtyone thousand six hundred and ten dollars and thirty-one cents, or an average of ten thousand four hundred and sixty-four dollars and fortyone cents,-a total sum of about one million of dollars." But there is little doubt that the toll-gates will be discontinued between Howell and Lansing, if not between Howell and Detroit, long before the expiration of the charters. 8 RAILROADS. TIIE DETROIT AND SHIAWASSEE RAILROAD PROJECT. The first company proposing to construct a line of railway through the present territory of Livingston County was incorporated by an act of Legislature, approved March 22, 1837, which provided " that Marshall J. Bacon, Silas Titus, Elijah F. Cook, Thomas Curtis, Alfred A. Dwight, Robert Warden, Jr., and Ely Barnard be, and they are hereby, appointed commissioners, under direction of a majority of whom subscriptions may be recei.ved to the capital stock of the Detroit and Shiawassee Railroad Company hereby incorporated.... Said corporation shall have power to construct a railroad with single or double track from Detroit, in the county of Wayne, through Farmington, in the county of Oakland, Kensington, in the township of Lyon, the county-seat in the county of Livingston, Byron, in the county of Shiawassee, to Shiawassee village, in said county of Shiawassee, with power to transport, take, and carry persons and property upon the same by the power and force of steam and animals, or of any mechanical or other power, or combination of them." Tie capital stock of the company was authorized to the amount of five hundred thousand dollars. The road was to be commenced within one year from the date of incorporation,-twenty five miles of it to be finished in two and a half years, and the whole to be completed in six years, on penalty of forfeiture of charter for such parts as were unfinished at that time. By act of April 6, I838, the charter was amended by the repeal of so much of the act of incorporation as called for the construction of the road through Byron to Shiawassee village, and by the granting to the company of the power " to continue the construction of said railroad from the county-seat of Livingston County to Biddle City, in Ingham County." Some of the principal promoters of this project were the mast6r-spirits in the old " wild cat" Bank of Kensington, which is still clearly but unfavorably remembered by many people of Livingston County. It may have been the design of these men to honestly carry out the objects set forth in the charter which they obtained, but it is hardly likely that such was the case. There is, liowever, no doubt of the good faith of such men as Ely Barnard and some others of the corporators. The road was never commenced, nor the company organized under the charter. OTHIER PROPOSE D RAILROADS. Several other unsuccessful railroad projects, proposing to build roads through the territory of 58 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Livingston County, have been started at different times, among these having been the Michigan AirLine road, to pass through the southern part of the county, and on which some grading work was done, and the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Railroad line, which proposed to run its route through the centre of Livingston, passing over the farm of Alexander McPherson, within the corporation limits of Howell, and thence northward by way of Oak Grove to Owosso. An organization of this company was effected at Ann Arbor, October 28, 1869, and subscriptions to the capital stock to the amount of some twenty thousand dollars were secured in this county, of which subscriptions about five per cent. has been paid in, but beyond this no progress has been made as regards that part of the line north of Ann Arbor. A proposed line of road, to pass through Howell village, is mentioned in the newspapers of I857, as also the fact that at a public meeting held in the spring of that year George W. Lee and L. K. Hewett, of Howell, E. F. Burt, of Marion, Hon. S. M. Holmes, of Detroit, A. S. Laph am, of Northville, Hon. Whitney Jones and H. H. Smith, of Lansing, James B. Lee, of Brighton, and H. Crawford, of Milford, were appointed a " Central Business Committee," who were authorized to procure pledges to a capital stock, grants of right of way, and pledges for sums to purchase the right of way, as well as the appointment of sub-committeemen, calling of primary meetings, and finally a general meeting for the organization of a company. But although it was announced that the efforts of the committee had met with encouraging success in Livingston County, this railway project faded and went the way that hundreds of similar enterprises have gone before and since that time. DETROIT, LANSING AND NORTHERN RAILROAD. That part of the Detroit, Lansing and Northern Railroad which traverses the county of Livingston is composed of the roads originally projected and commenced by the Detroit and Howell and the Howell and Lansing Railroad Companies. Of these, the Detroit and Howell was the earliest incorporated; tile articles of association being filed in the office of the Secretary of State, under the general railroad law, on the twenty-first of September, 1864. The meeting at which the organization was effected, however, had been held on the seventeenth of June preceding, at New Hudson. The first officers of the company were: Directors. Theodatus T. Lyon, President, G. A. Starkweather, I William Taft. S. Hardenbergh. 0. C. Abell. J. M. Swift. John H. Galloway. E. F. Burt. E. F. Albright. Lyman Judson. R. C. Rumsey. Joseph H. Wilcox. Ely Barnard. William McPherson, Treasurer. E. F. Burt, Secretary. Marcus B. Wilcox, Attorney. The commissioners to procure and receive subscriptions to the capital stock (which was placed at four hundred thousand dollars, in shares of fifty dollars each) were: Hiram Newman. Isaac W. Bush. P. B. Holdridge. Giles Tucker. J. M. Swift. The subscription books of the company were opened at Howell in November, I864, and at several other points along the line soon after. Stock was taken at first with considerable rapidity, but it was not until September of the year 1865 that the announcement was made that two hundred and fifty thousand dollars had been secured in subscriptions and pledges of aid from towns on the route. In September, I866, President Lyon reported that " On the portion of our line between Plymouth and Howell, the sum of three hundred thousand dollars has now been secured, which sum was designated in our Articles of Association as the amount necessary to warrant the commencement of the work of construction." Preliminary surveys had been made, but beyond this little or nothing had been done, and the work of construction was not earnestly commenced until i867. In that year and i868 (but principally in the latter), most of the work ever done on the line by the original company was performed; the total amount expended on the road by that company being about two hundred and forty thousand dollars, after which, for lack of further funds, the work languished and was suspended entirely; the road finally passing into other hands in an uncompleted state. Though the Detroit and Howell Railroad failed of completion by the company which was incor porated for its construction, yet in the prosecution of the enterprise as far as it wvas carried by them, INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 59 in the procuring of individual subscriptions and votes of township aid to so considerable an amount, in the delicate and difficult matter of securing the right of way, and in the vigorous pushing of the work, until the exhaustion of funds rendered suspension unavoidable, a remarkable amount of business ability, as well as of energy and perseverance, was displayed by the officers of the company, several of whom were men of Livingston County. And to none of these in greater degree than to William McPherson was due the credit of the results attained. Mr. McPherson was perhaps the most active among the principal promoters of the enterprise from its very inception, and was the treasurer of the company from its organization until the time when it ceased to exist by reason of the sale-or rather the gift -of its road to other parties. That transfer and the final completion of the road will be noticed below. The Howell and Lansing Railroad Companyformed for the purpose of constructing a railway between the places indicated in its title-was incorporated under the general railroad law, in I868, the articles of association being filed in the office of the Secretary of State, on the twenty-third of June in that year. The first officers of the company were: Directors. Theodatus T. Lyon, President. Alvin N. Hart. James F. Smiley. George N. Walker. James W. Waldo. James M. Williams. Egbert Grattan. Joseph Dennis. James Sullivan. Alexander H. Benedict. George W. Palmerston. Joseph H. Wilcox. Joshua K. Kirkland. J. B. Waldo, Treasurer. The company was organized in the interest of the Detroit and Howell Company, with which it was intended to act in concert for the purpose of completing a through line from Detroit to Lansing. In 1870 the two were consolidated as the Detroit, Howell and Lansing Railroad Company; the articles of consolidation being filed in the office of the Secretary of State, on the eleventh of April, in that year. Between Howell and Lansing the work of construction had not been commenced, and little had been done by that company beyond taking steps to secure votes of aid from townships along the line. In September, following the consolidation, the franchises were conveyed to James F. Joy and other capitalists, forming the Detroit, Lansing and Lake Michigan Railroad Company; to which line the Lansing and Ionia Railroad was soon afterwards added by consolidation, thus securing a continuous line from Detroit to Ionia. The transfer of the franchises of the Detroit and Howell Company to Mr. Joy and his associates was without consideration, being in fact a gift by that company of the work which they had done (amounting to nearly a quarter of a million of dollars), on condition that the road should be speedily completed and opened for travel and traffic. The new company commenced work in earnest, at both ends of the line, pushing the construction from Detroit and from Lansing towards Howell; and it was prosecuted with so much of vigor, that it was finished in less time than could reasonably have been expected. On the eastern end, the road was completed and opened to Plymouth on the sixteenth of May, 1871, and to Brighton, Livingston County, on or about the fourth of July following. From the west the completed track entered Livingston County in the same month, and on the third of August, I87I,there was a great gathering of people at Fowlerville to celebrate the formal opening of the road to that point from Lansing. On that occasion an address was pronounced by Dennis Shields, Esq., of Iowell, and the general rejoicing was unbounded. The tracks fiom the east and the west were joined, and the road was thus completed, a few days after the celebration at Fowlerville. The line was formally opened August 22, I87I, by an examination-trip fiom Detroit, over its entire length, to Kaywood station (five miles beyond Greenville), which was then the northern terminus. A representative of the Det'oit Tribune, who accompanied the excursion-party upon this occasion, wrote of its progress through Livingston County as follows: " Small delegations joined the train at Plymouth and Brighton, but these points, having been out of the woods for some time, manifested less interest than other points between Brighton and Lansing. At Howell, the people were especially jubilant, turning out en masse, and some enterprising Howellian impressed an anvil into the service, and fired a salute. It is certainly a day of jubilee for Howell, to which she has been looking forward with patience for many years. The people of Lansing are scarcely less appreciative of the advantages of the road, shortening the distance, as it does, over thirty miles between Lansing and Detroit." The Detroit Post was also represented in the ex 60 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. cursion party, and this paper in its issue of the following day said,"At Howell the train was received with something of an ovation. A six-pound cannon had been brought into service and fired a salute as the train moved up to the depot, where were assembled an immense concourse of people, who testified their gratification at the arrival of the party by cheers and waving of handkerchiefs. Ladies distributed bouquets. The people are enthusiastic over the advent of the iron horse to their town, and though the assemblage was impromptu, it clearly indicated the joy which they feel over the co!lpletion of the railroad for which they have worked and waited for so many long years. Their enthusiasm is pardonable. The town has a population of over two thousand, is one of the handsomest in the State, and, next to Lansing, probably the most important on the line of the road. Just as the train was moving away the people called on Mr. Joy for a speech, but he did not see fit to respond." Railroad communication with Detroit, for which the people of Livingston County had waited so long and anxiously, was now an accomplished fact. Regular trains commenced running at once, and the total receipts of the Detroit, Lansing and Lake Michigan Railroad during its first business week were as follows: For freight........................... $8,204.87 For passengers................... 3,242.33 $11,447.20 Which was very encouraging, though small when compared with present weekly exhibits. A week or two after the opening, the Aizn ArborG Coozrirr mentioned the event, and its significance to the people of this county, as follows: "The three Howell papers come to us rejoicing over the completion of the Detroit and Lansing Railroad to that place. They may well rejoice, for every acre of land in Livingston County north of the railroad is worth ten dollars per acre more than it would be without the road, and every acre on the south side within five miles is worth five dollars more than before. The men benefited the least are the merchants in the little towns along the line, and they are the men who pay the most for the road. We do not consider the road of any benefit to the mercantile interests of Howell, and their merchants will say the same thing one year from this date." Without commenting on the last part of the Courier's prediction, it is safe to say that the first part has been more thn verified. And it is not alone the farmers of Livingston who have been benefited by the road, but the three principal villages of the county and their people have also derived great advantage fi-om it, as must be apparent to all observers. The Detroit, Lansing and Northern Railroad (which name has recently been substituted for that of Detroit, Lansing and Lake Michigan) traverses Livingston diagonally from southeast to northwest, entering the county near the centre of the east line of Green Oak township, passing thence through the southwest corner of Brighton township, through Brighton village, Genoa, the northeast corner of Marion, Howell village, Howell township, and Handy, touching the village of Fowlerville, and running fiom that point due west to Ingham County. The principal stations in Livingston are at the villages of Brighton, Howell, and Fowlerville; and there are less important stations at Green Oak, Genoa, and Fleming,-the last named being in Howell township. The road was completed in the fall of 1871 to Howard City, which is still its northern terminus, and where it forms a junction with the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad. An extension is, however, in process of construction to Big Rapids, and the road will be opened to that point in the near future. CHAPTER VI. MILITARY RECORD OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY. Draft for the "Toledo War"-The Old Militia System and the Eleventh Militia Regiment-sMexican War Volunteers-Livingston in the Early Days of the Great Rebellion-The Fourth Michigan Infantry-Its Organization and Departure for the Front-The Fourth at Bull Run-Campaign of the Peninsula -The Seven Days' Fight-Campaign under Gen. Pope-Antietam and Shepherdstown Ford-Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville-Gettysburg-Winter Quarters at Bealton-Canmpaign of the Wilderness-In Front of Petersburg-Expiration of Service and Muster Out-The Reorganized Fourth-Service in Alabama, Tennessee, and Texas-Muster Out and I)isbandment-List of Members of the Old and New Fourth from Livingston County. THE first demand made upon the inhabitants of what is now Livingston County, to perform military service in a public exigency, was by the proclamation of Governor S. T. Mason, ordering a draft from the militia, of men to serve under General Brown, in the famous " Toledo War" of I835. Under this authority, several men were drafted from townships now of this county; a half-dozen being taken from the militia of Green Oak. They were not called on to perform any very dangerous or protracted services, and their farms or other business did not suffer serious detriment from MILITARY RECORD OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY. their being summoned to the field. The "war" was, of course, but a farce, but for a time it caused serious apprehensions in the minds of drafted men and others; and it was, at all events, the first experience of the people of this region in furnishing soldiers for a service which threatened actual hostilities. Under the militia system of a period somewhat later than the Toledo war, many of the townships contained so-called military companies, which were ordered out at stated times for battalion or regimental "training" or general muster, as the case might be. In 1843 the Sixth Brigade of the Third Militia Division was commanded by BrigadierGeneral Isaac Brown, whose brigade major and inspector was Edward IH. Thomson; Brigade Judge Advocate, James W. Stansbury, of Pinckncy; Brigade Quartermaster, Samuel C. Fairchild; and Aid- de - Camp, Furman G. Rose. The Eleventh Regiment seems to have been distinctively of Livingston County, and its first commanding officer was Colonel Timothy R. Allison, of Pinckney. A regimental order of the colonel's, issued in the year above named, has been found, of which the following is a copy: "'COM)PANY BEATS, REGIMENTAL ORDER No. I. " COIONEI'S OFFICE, PINCKNEY, February 7, I843. "ELEIVENTI RIEGIMENT, SIXrH BRIGA3DE, ITIIRD I)IVISION " MICHIGAN MILITIA. "I do hereby cause this regiment to be divided into ten company beats, numbered and bounded as follows: First company beat to comprise the township of Green Oak; the second, to comprise the township of Hamburg; third, the township of Putnam; fourth, the township of Unadilla; fifth, the townships of Iosco and Marion; sixth, the townships of Genoa and Brighton; seventh, the townships of Hartland and Oceola eighth, the townships of Howell and Handy; ninth, the townships of Conway and Tuscola; tenth, the townships of Deerfield and Tyrone. "Given under my hand at Pinckney, this seventh day of February, A.D. I843. "1TIMOTHY R. ALLISON, "Colonel Eleventh Regiment, Sixthl Brzgade, Tihird Dizvision, Michigan Militia. " The successor of Colonel Allison in the command of the Eleventh Regiment was Colonel George Bennett. Washington Wing was the Lieutenant-Colonel. A cavalry company existed in the county, commanded by Colonel Ives, of Unadilla. The general " trainings" were usually held at Howell or at Provost's Plains. These occasions were invested with as much of pomp and parade as was practicable, and were looked forward to with much of pleasure by the people. A pioneer, in mentioning them, says, " Ostensibly the object was to keep up a military organization, but really to have a jolly good time. Colonel Allison always thought it a part of his military duty to furnish the boys all the stimulant they wanted before the training, so that they might show proper enthusiasm." This is unquestionably a correct statement. The old militia system was doubtless originated in the idea of keeping up a military organization and to foster a military spirit, but it never made soldiers, and the organization which it kept alive was of no value. A few years later the State ceased to require this kind of military duty, and the system, with its trainings, drunkenness, and general burlesque of military spirit and discipline, happily became a thing of the past. At the breaking out of the Mexican war, in I846, the population of Livingston County was comparatively small, and there were few among its people who were in a condition to make it possible for them to leave their families and farms to become soldiers. Still there were a few from the county who followed their country's flag to the fields of Mexico. Among tlese were John A. Tanner, of Handy, who enlisted in Captain I. S. Rowland's company of the First Michigan Regiment, John Moran, of Oceola, and some others whose names have not been ascertained (mostly from Hartland and other eastern towns), who served in that and Captain Hanscom's company of the same regiment. The First was commanded by Colonel T. B. W. Stockton, of Flint, and was raised in the fall of I846, was rendezvoused at Detroit, and as soon as organized, and before its ranks were full, left for the seat of war by way of Cincinnati and New Orleans, arriving at Vera Cruz in January, 1847. From Vera Cruz it moved with other forces, amounting in all to two thousand men, under General Bankhead, to Cordova and Orizaba. A second detachment, under Lieutenant-Colonel (afterwards General) Williams, left Detroit after the main body of the regiment and joined it at Cordova. The colonel of the regiment was made military governor of Cordova, and remained there in that capacity to the close of the war. The regiment suffered very severely by sickness during its term of service, and a great number of its soldiers left their bones in Mexico. Besides those vwho entered the First Regiment, there were a few from Livingston who enlisted in the Fifteenth United States Infantry, which was in the division of General Gideon J. Pillow, of Tennessee. Those who were with this command participated in some of the principal battles of the Mexican war. 62 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. All the matters above referred to, however, were but trivial, and hardly worthy of mention, in comparison with the events of that later struggle,-the tremendous war of the Rebellion, with the opening of which, commences the real military history of Livingston, a record which, to the county and to its people, is a most creditable one. When the thrilling news from Charleston Harbor first rang through the country, and President Lincoln called on the loyal States for an army of seventy-five thousand men to sustain the authority of the government in an unexpected crisis, the young men, the middleaged and the old men, as well as the women of Livingston, responded most patriotically, and at once took measures to furnish the county's full quota of soldiers to fill the ranks of the Union army. The first step taken here, as everywhere in the North, was the holding of public meetings to promote enlistments. Fifteen days after the President's call was issued, an extremely large and enthusiastic "Union mass-meeting" was held (April 30, I86I) at the court-house in Howell, at which James B. Lee, Esq., of Brighton, presided, and B. Howard Lawson was made secretary, and which was addressed by the president, by Henry H. Harmon, William A. Clark, E. F. Burt, George W. Lee, and others, in a most eloquent and effective manner. "At noon a magnificent star-spangled banner, made expressly for the occasion by the patriotic ladies, was unfurled from the liberty-pole in fi-ont of the court-house amid the wildest enthusiasm of the assembled multitude. The thrilling song of the 'Star-Spangled Banner' was sung and listened to by the audience with intense emotion and vociferous cheers... The court-room was literally jammed full of men and women, but by this time the people from all parts of the county had assembled by many hundreds in the court-house square, with two bands of music, and they evinced their desire to participate in the patriotic proceedings in so unmistakable a manner that the meeting adjourned to the square, where the speeches were received with an enthusiasm exceeding anything of the kind ever witnessed. All party ties seemed broken, all partisan prejudices obliterated, and but one desire and determination manifested by the speakers and the people,-to sustain the Federal government in the legitimate exercise of its power to preserve the Union. William A. Clank, Henry H. Harmon, Ira Knight, Mylo L. Gay, and Andrew D. Waddell were constituted a committee on resolutions, and they, by their chairman, Mr. Clark, reported a preamble and a series of six patriotic resolutions, which were adopted by acclamation, and of which the following was the concluding one: " 'Resolved, That we devote as an oblation and willing sacrifice upon the altar of our common country all political party prejudices and animosities, and by obliterating all party distinctions to unite as patriotic American citizens in defense of the perpetuity and prosperity of the American Union; and to such a line of conduct we dedicate ourselves, and pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor to the cause of our country, and to the maintenance of the Constitution and Union l)equeathed to us as a precious heritage of freedom by our heroic ancestors.'" At the same time the sum of eight hundred dollars was pledged by citizens, in addition to amounts voted the Board of Supervisors, for the relief, if needed, of the families of volunteers from Livingston County who should enter the service of the United States. Meetings of the same kind were held in other parts of the county, and by the enthusiasm thus awakened, enlistments were promoted, and progressed with such rapidity that early in May it was announced that one company (raised by Captain John Gilluly) was full, and that Mr. James Mulloy had also made good progress in procuring enlistments for a second company,-twenty-two names being enrolled by him on the first day. It was not at that time known in what regiments these volunteers would be placed. The company of Captain Gilluly being afterwards assigned to the Fifth Infantry, entered the field with that command, and fought most gallantly in its campaigns; but in the mean time other volunteers from Livingston joined the Fourth, which was soon ordered to the front. These regiments, with others most noticeable for the number of Livingston County men serving in their ranks, are specially mentioned below in historical sketches of their organization and services in the great war for the Union. THE FOURTH INFANTRY. This regiment, which was one of the most distinguished for excellent discipline and unflinching bravery of all those which the State of Michigan sent to the war, had in its ranks a number of Livingston County volunteers, equal to about half of a full company; these being principally made up of the men above mentioned as having been recruited by Mr. James Mulloy. This detachment left Howell on the twenty-first of May, I861, amid scenes of (then) unparalleled excitement, enthusiasm, ahd sorrow, and proceeded to Dexter for the purpose of joining a company which was forming at that place for the Fourth Regiment. They had previously expected to be attached to the Fifth Infantry, to which Captain Gilluly's company (containing many of their friends and acquaintances) MILITARY RECORD OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY. 63 had been assigned; but, upon the receipt of an apparently authentic announcement that the Fifth would not be called to the field, they decided to make sure of acceptance, and a chance to see service, in the Fourth. The rendezvous of this regiment had been established at Adrian, and to that place the "I Howell volunteers" proceeded from Dexter, and were incorporated with "K" company, of which James Mulloy was commissioned second lieutenant, dating from June 20th. The regiment was mustered into the United States service, one thousand and twenty-four strong, on the twentieth of June, i86i, by Lieutenant-Colonel Backus, United States Army. Its field officers were: Colonel, Dwight A. Woodbury. Lieutenant-Colonel, William W. Duffield. Major, Jonathan Childs. On the twenty-fifth of June the Fourth left Adrian, and proceeded by way of Toledo to Cleveland, which was reached at about dark, and from thence by Erie, Pennsylvania, and the Erie Railroad to Elmira, where the men changed to the cars of the Northern Central Road, and moved to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. There they pitched their tents and remained in quiet until the first of July, when, at seven A.M., they moved on through Baltimore to Washington, which was reached at three o'clock in the morning of the second. The names of the members of the regiment belonging in Livingston County were reported on their arrival at Washington as follows: Lieutenant James Mulloy. Edmund Bliss. Sergeant J. S. Sharp. H. A. Wilson. Sergeant J. B. McLean. Fred Silsby. Wm. H. Gould. Edgar Noble. E. G. Carpenter. M. W. Baker. Henry Boothby. R. W. Kelley. John J. Dorn. H. Lampman. Theodore Hodges. L. Boregan. Riley E. Vanzile. Austin Smith. D. M. Haviland. G. G. Donley. Barney Roney. Ira Holt. Stephen G. Fishbeck. Calvin Wilcox. John M. Tucker. Wm. Bennett. Brainard T. Ide. Wells Vanzile. Charles H. Barlow. Peter Cook. L. C. Griswold. D. F. Poyer. L. A. Haviland. J. H. Aldrich. B. O. Demming. D. A. Wilson. L. W. Lampman. Jas. P. Silsby. Harlo S. Mann. Americus Totten. Julius D. Smith. Having received a visit from President Lincoln, and from the Hon. Kinsley S. Bingham, of Livingston County, then United States Senator from Michi gan, and also having been marched to the arsenal, and there armed with indifferent Springfield rnuskets, the regiment was soon after moved across the Long Bridge to the sacred soil which forms the right bank of the Potomac. Arriving in Virginia, the Fourth took an active part in the movements connected with the first battle of Bull Run, and after that disastrous conflict it was one of the few regiments which retired in good order, covering the rear of the demoralized army. The regiment also aided largely in the construction of the works around Washington. During the winter of I861-62 it was encamped at Miner's Hill, Virginia. In the spring of the latter year it went with McClellan's army to Yorktown, and thence up the Peninsula. On the twenty-fourth of May it was on the north side of the Chickahoniny, at New Bridge. An order came to make a reconnoissance in force. Five companies of the Fourth were directed to cross the river. They plunged in under a heavy fire, and made their way steadily across. In many places the water was up to the men's necks, and they could only keep their cartridges dry by hanging the boxes on their bayonets and holding their rifles above their heads. Once on the other side, the battalion quickly formed and engaged in a desperate conflict with the celebrated Louisiana Tigers, driving them back with heavy loss. They were highly complimented by General McClellan for their gallantry, and at once took rank among the best regiments in the service. On the twenty-sixth of June the Fourth took part in the battle of Mechanicsville, and in that of Gaines' Mills on the following day. Still retiring with the shattered Army of the Potomac, on the first of July it reached tlhe hills of Malvern, where the Union forces stood at bay. The Fourth Michigan was on the extreme left of the Union lines. One of the divisions of Stonewall Jackson's corps formed on its left, with the evident intention of turning its flank. The brigade to which the Fourth belonged, changed front, so as to face the enemy, and poured a deadly fire upon them. Meanwhile the gunboats in the James River, which lay so as to cover the Union flank, also opened fire on the foe with their big guns, throwing, as our informant expressed it, ' shells as big as nail-kegs." As their terrible missiles, which cut off trees like pipe-stems, joined their destructive powers to the thick-flying bullets of the Fourth Michigan and their comrade regiments, the rebels were very glad to retire in all haste from the position, and did not again attempt to occupy it. During the fierce battle which followed, Colonel 64 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I Woodbury, the commandant of the Fourth, was killed. Captain George WV. Lombard was promoted to lieutenant-colonel of the regiment for gallant conduct at Malvern Hill, his commission dating from July ist,-the day of the battle. The total of casualties in the Fourth during the battles of June and July was fifty-three killed, a hundred and forty-four wounded, and fifty-two missing; in all two hundred and thirty-one. The regiment soon after went North with the Army of the Potomac, being present in the battles of Gainesville, Second Bull Run, and Antietam, but without suffering very serious loss. Three days after the latter battle, on the twentieth of September, i862, the Fourth was stationed on the east side of the Potomac, at Shepherdstown Ford. On the western side of the river was a rebel battery of five guns, which kept up a most annoying fire on the troops on the eastern side. General Griffin, the commander of the brigade, rode up to the commander of the Fourth, saying,"Can't you take your regiment quietly into the river after dark, march across, and capture that battery?" " I can try, sir," promptly replied the officer addressed. " That's all that any one can do," said the general; " go ahead and try it." Accordingly, about nine o'clock at night, the Fourth, alone, moved quietly down and took post in the bed of the Baltimore and Ohio Canal, which ran close to the bank of the river, and from which the water had been drained by the breaking of the locks. All orders were passed in a whisper, and the utmost care was taken to prevent any untimely noise from disclosing the enterprise to the enemy. The men looked with considerable distrust on the undertaking; it seemed like a big job to ford a river a third of a mile wide, in face of a hostile battery, and capture it. However, the order was imperative, and few or none were disposed to flinch. When all was ready, the requisite orders, still in whispers, were passed along the line, and the men silently arose and passed over the bank into the river. The night was dark, and although the enemy's pickets were close to the water on the other side, they could see nothing of the movement which was in progress. In some places the water was only ankle-deep, in others knee-deep, and in others waist-deep. In complete silence the line moved steadily forward until the middle of the stream was nearly reached. Then some of the men stumbled on the slippery rocks, and in saving themselves from falling made considerable splashing in the water. The attention of the rebel pickets was aroused, and on peering I T eagerly into the darkness, they could discern the dim line of the silent Fourth making its way across the river. The next instant a dozen rifles flashed their angry welcome. Their leaden messengers whistled among the ranks of the advancing " Yankees," and the sharp reports re-echoed along the rocky banks of the Potomac. No more need of silence now. " Forward!" shouted the colonel; " forward! forward!" repeated the line-officers, and forward went the gallant regiment, all striving to see how quickly they could reach the shore. On the other hand, the rebels, who seem to have been without much infantry support, got their guns ready for action as speedily as possible, and began a tremendous cannonade. But the battery was on high ground, and by the time it opened fire the Fourth was so close that the rebel balls went harmlessly over their heads. With a thundering cheer, the Union line charged up the steep, rushed with fixed bayonets upon the artillerists, and captured about twenty of them, while the rest fled at the top of their speed into the darkness, leaving their five cannon the prize of the conquerors. So well had the plan been arranged and carried out that only two or three men were killed in what had at first appeared to be an undertaking of extreme danger. Its very audacity largely assisted its success. Four of the guns thus taken had been captured by the rebels at the first Bull Run battle fi-onm the battery then commanded by Captain Griffin, of the regular army, who in 1862 was the brigadiergeneral that ordered the assault just described, and who was intensely gratified at the unexpected recapture of his former pets. After this exploit, the regiment engaged in the usual marches through the mud and snow of Virginia, until the battle of Fredericksburg, on the thirteenth and fourteenth of December, 1862, in which it took an active part, having nine men killed and forty-one wounded. It remained in the vicinity of Fredericksburg until the first of May, 1863, when it became engaged in the battle of Chancellorsville, though not in the hottest part of the field. The total of casualties there-killed, wounded, and missing-was thirty. Then followed the long march northward under a blazing sun, till on the first of July they reached the field of Gettysburg. On the second they were in the thick of the fight, being then in the Fifth Corps. Here they met the Louisiana Tigers, their old enemies of the Chickahominy, with other regiments, in one of the few hand-to-hand conflicts of the war. For a time the conflict was of the most deadly description. Colonel Jeffords, the commander of the regiment, fell dead pierced by half a MILITARY RECORD OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY. 6.......~ ~~6 I dozen bayonets. Several other officers were killed and wounded. Lieutenant-Colonel Lombard assumed command and gallantly continued the fight, but the loss of the regiment was very serious. When, on the fourth of July, after the glorious victory of the Union arms was assured, the rolls of the Fourth Michigan were called, it was found that twenty-eight men had been killed, eighty were wounded, and seventy-nine were missing. After Gettysburg the Fourth participated in the pursuit of the enemy and other movements of the Army of the Potomac, and was encamped during the winter of 1863-64 at Bealton, on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. Lieutenant-Colonel Lombard was promoted to colonel, dating from the third of July, 1863. On the thirtieth of April, 1864, the Fourth broke camp, and set out on the great campaign which was only to close with the overthrow of the Rebellion. On the fifth, sixth, and seventh of May the regiment was engaged in the battle of the Wilderness. Though not in the thickest of the fight, it suffered a severe loss on the first-mentioned day, the gallant and genial Colonel Lombard being mortally wounded by a rebel bullet. On the morning of the eighth of May, the Fourth, with the rest of Griffin's Division, arrived at Laurel Hill, between the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court-House. They remained here during the eighth and ninth, exchanging frequent shots with the enemy, but without a heavy battle. On the morning of the tenth of May, while the Fourth was supporting a battery, the enemy made a charge on the guns. The supports remained in the rear, and tile first charge was repulsed by the battery alone. It was seen, however, that another and more determined charge was about to be made, and pretty soon the gray lines came rushing forward, sounding the well-known rebel yell. The brigade to which the Fourth belonged was ordered to keep quiet till the enemy was within about ten rods. Then, at the sound of the bugle, the Union line advanced rapidly to the battery and delivered a welldirected volley among the advancing Confederates. Scores of the latter fell, killed or wounded, before the deadly blast, but, with redoubled yells, the survivors rushed forward towards the coveted cannon. The Fourth and their comrades stood their ground, and for a few moments a fierce hand-to-hand conflict raged among the guns and caissons. In some instances, when bayonets were knocked off the rifles were clubbed and shattered on the heads of foenen. A brief experience of this kind of fighting was sufficient to satisfy the assailants, and very soon 9 the gray-coats were seen streaming back to the shelter of their rifle-pits. Then a counter-charge was ordered, and with a cheer the Union brigade rushed forward, capturing a large number of prisoners and taking and holding the first line of the rebel works. This was the signal for a general advance along the Union lines, by which several thousand prisoners were captured. In the brief conflict of tle morning the Fourth had twenty men killed and wounded, which was nearly ten per cent. of the number engaged. The Fourth was in the advanced lines of the Fifth Corps throughout the eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth days of May, a large part of the time being actively engaged as skirmishers. It also participated in a brisk conflict near Jericho Mills, on the North Anna River. In fact it was at this period engaged in fighting nearly every day and almost all day. On the twenty-ninth, thirtieth, and thirty-first days of May, and the first day of June it was skirmishing south of the Pamunkey River, and on the third of the latter month it took part in the capture of the enemy's works at Bethesda Church. Crossing the James River, the regiment arrived in fiont of Petersburg on the sixteenth of June, and the next day was engaged in a skirmish. Its time expired on the nineteenth of June, and on that very day it took part in a sharp engagement, having eight men killed and wounded. That evening it was relieved fiom duty and the next day embarked for Washington. It arrived in Detroit on the twenty-sixth of June, and on the thirtieth was mustered out of service. A hundred and twenty-nine of the men, however, had re-enlisted as veterans, which, with recruits who joined after the organization, brought up the number of those whose time had not expired to two hundred and eighty soldiers and three officers. These were assigned to duty with the First Michigan Infantry when the Fourth left the seat of war. Of the ten hundred and eighty-five gallant officers and men who left Adrian in the Fourth Infantry for the front in June, I86i, there were only two hundred and twenty-three on the rolls at the time of muster out, in addition to the one hundred and twenty-nine re-enlisted veterans. Of those who had been dropped fiom the rolls nearly two hundred had been killed in action or died of wounds. Only about fifty had died of disease during the whole time, but about two hundred and fifty were discharged for disability. The report for 1862 is defective, so that we cannot give the exact numbers. During the last eight months of service only twelve had died of disease, while forty had been killed in 66 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. action, showing that the men had become pretty well seasoned to the hardships of camp-life. THE REORGANIZED FOURTH INFANTRY. The one hundred and twenty-nine veterans of the old Fourth formed but a small basis for a new regiment, but a determined effort was made to organize one. The veterans were consolidated into two companies, and an order was issued for the enlistment of eight more. A camp was established at Adrian on the twenty-sixth of July, and Lieutenant-Colonel Hall, of the old Fourth, was made colonel of the new organization. The work was completed in about two months and a half, and on the fourteenth of October, 1864, the new regiment was mustered into service. A few men from this county were included in the reorganized Fourth. On the twenty-second of October the regiment left Adrian, proceeding to Decatur, Alabama, which they reached on the twenty-eighth, where their career was at once inaugurated by a battle with the forces of the rebel general Hood, who had already attacked that town. The assailants were repulsed, the Fourth having only one man killed and four wounded. It was afterwards sent to Murfreesboro', where it was kept on picket and guard duty until the middle of January, 1865. It then went to Huntsville, Alabama, where it was assigned to the Third Division, Third Brigade, Fourth Army Corps. In the latter part of March it was ordered to East Tennessee. It remained there, constantly on the march, about a month, when it returned to Nashville. It stayed at that point until the middle of June, when, with its corps, it was sent to New Orleans. It was then joined by the detachment of the old Fourth Infantry which had previously been on duty with the First. The regiment proceeded to Texas in July. The fighting was over but the service was severe; owing to the heat, and the scarcity and badness of the water, many died. The regiment was on duty at various points in Texas, mostly at San Antonio and vicinity, until May 26, 1866, when it was mustered out of service at Houston, in that State. On the tenth of June it arrived at Detroit, where it was paid off and disbanded. OFFICERS AND ENLISTED MEN OF THE OLD AND NEW FOURTH INFANTRY, FROM LIVINGSTON COUNTY.* Old FourtfA-Com.pany At. Second Lieutenant James Mulloy, enlisted June 20, 1861; resigned July 29, i86i. * Great care has been taken in transcribing these military lists, for this and other regiments, from the rolls in the Adjutant-General's office, and in verifying them, when practicable, by surviving members of the regiment to which they have reference. If, not Sergeant Jonathan S. Sharp, enlisted June 20, I861; veteran December 29, 1863; on detached service. Corporal Julius D. Smith, enlisted June 20, 1861; discharged for disability, July 27, 186I. Corporal Edgar Noble, enlisted June 20, I86I; veteran December 25, 1863; transferred to Company I new 4th Infantry; discharged for disability, June 20, I865. Corporal Calvin Wilcox, enlisted June 20, i86I; discharged for disability, September 20, I861. Priivattes. Lorenzo Baryan, enlisted June 20, I86I; discharged for disalility, March 3, 1862. Moses W. Becker, enlisted June 20, I86I; mustered out at end of service, June 28, 1864. William Bennett, enlisted June 20, I86i; transferred to Battery D, 5th United States Artillery, October 5, 1862. Henry Boothby, enlisted June 20, I86I; discharged for disability, November 14, I86I. Charles H. Barlow, enlisted June 20, i86i; discharged July 21, 1863. Eastman G. Carpenter, enlisted June 20, I86I; veteran Deceniber 25, 1863; transferred to Company C, new 4th Infantry; mustered out at San Antonio, Texas, Felruary 26, I866. Harrison P. Cook, enlisted June 20, I 86I; discharged for disability, July 25, i862. Benjamin 0. Deming, enlisted June 20, I86I; discharged for disability, January 6, 1862. John J. Dorn, enlisted June 20, I86I; died of disease, New York, May, 1862. Giles G. I)oneley, enlisted June 20, I86I; transferred to Invalid Corps, January 15, 1864. William H. Gould, enlisted June 20, i86i; mustered out at end of service, June 25, I864. Lewis C. Griswold, enlisted June 20, I86I; transferred to Battery D, 51h United States Artillery, October 5, I862. Delos M. IIaviland, enlisted June 20, i86i; killed in battle of Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Lewis A. Haviland, enlisted June 20, I86I; discharged for disability, January 15, I863. Theodore Hodges, enlisted June 20, I86I; died of disease at Miner's Hill, Virginia, December I, 186I. Ira E. Holt, enlisted June 20, I86i; discharged for wounds, February ii, 1863. Brainard T. Ide, enlisted June 20, I86I; died of disease at Georgetown, District of Columbia, August 23, I86i. Amasa Lampman, enlisted June 20, I86i; discharged for disability, December 14, I86I. Lawson W. Lampman, enlisted June 20, I86I; killed in battle at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 2, I863. Harlow S. Mann, enlisted June 20, i86i; discharged for disability, June i8, 1862. Barney Rooney, enlisted June 20, I86i; discharged for disability, August I8, I862. Austin T. Smith, enlisted June 20. i861; died of disease, March 9, i863. John Tucker, enlisted June 20, i86i; discharged for disability, August 28, I862. Wells Vanzile, enlisted June 26, I86i; transferred to Invalid Corps, July I, 1863. Willis E. Waterman, Putnam; enlisted October 22, 1863; killed in battle of Wilderness, Virginia, May 5, 1864. Company D. Charles E. Grisson, Hamburg; enlisted June 20, i86i; discharged at Washington, District of Columbia, October 3, I862, to withstanding this, they are found (as they doubtless will be, to some extent) incomplete, it should be remembered that it is on account of the neglect of officers whose duty it was to return full and complete rosters to the Adjutant-General's office. FIFTH INFANTRY. 67 accept commission as second lieutenant Company E, 26th Michigan Infantry. Comtpany I. Francis M. Lumbard, Green Oak; enlisted March 3I, I864; transferred to Company I, new 4th; sergeant (second lieutenant); mustered out as sergeant, October I I, i865. Comnpany H. Henry Dougherty, Putnam; enlisted September 12, 1864; died of disease at San Antonio, Texas. November 30, 1865. D)aniel Hoyt, Conway; enlisted September 7, I864; discharged for disability, May 30, I865. James Meehan, Unadilla; enlisted September 7, I86; transferred to 3d Michigan Infantry. Adam Smith, Iosco; enlisted September 23, I864; discharged for disability, May I8, i865. Benjamin E. Smith, Unadilla; enlisted August i6, 1864; mustered out at Houston, Texas, May 26, i866. Albert Ward, Unadilla; enlisted September I7, I864; corporal; mustered out at Houston, Texas, May 26, i866. Daniel D. White, Cohoctah; enlisted September 19, 1864; mustered out at Houston, Texas, May 26, i866. CHAPTER VII. FIFTH INFANTRY. Organization of the Fifth at Fort Wayne-The Livingston Volunteers-Flag Presentation and Departure of the RegimentArrival at Washington and Advance into Virginia-Winter Quarters at Camp Michigan-Peninsular Campaign-Battles of Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, and Charles City Cross-RoadsSecond Bull Run-Fredericksburg-Death of LieutenantColonel Gilluly-Chancellorsville-Gettysburg-Transfer of the Fifth to New York-Return to the Army of the PotomacMine Run-Veteran Re-enlistment and Furlough-Recruits friom Livingston County-Return to the Front-The Wilderness Camlaign —Consolidation of the Third with the FifthSpring Campaign of I865-Close of the War-Muster Out and Return Home. THE rendezvous of the Fifth Regiment of Michigan Infantry during its organization was at Fort Wayne, Detroit, where it lay during the summer of I86I, engaged in drill and the perfection of its discipline, its departure for the theatre of war being delayed on account of the belief which existed until after the disaster at Bull Run that its services would not be required in the field. It then became apparent that more forces would be needed, and the organization of the Fifth was hurried to completion. It was mustered into the United States service for three years by Lieutenant-Colonel E. Backus, United States Army, on the twenty-seventh of August, its strength at that time being about nine hundred officers and enlisted men. The field officers of the regiment were, Colonel, Henry D. Terry; Lieutenant-Colonel, Samuel E. Beach; Major, John D. Fairbanks. Livingston County was represented in the Fifth Regiment by one company, distinctively known and mentioned as the " Livingston Company," and by a number of men in several of the other companies. Two years and a half later, at the time of its " veteranization," it received large accessions of recruits from this county. The Livingston company, designated in the organization as "I" company, was mustered under the following-named commissioned officers, viz.: Captain, John Gilluly; First Lieutenant, Hudson B. Blackman; Second Lieutenant, Charles H. Dennison. This was the company which has already been mentioned as having been recruited by Captain Gilluly in the last part of April and first part of May. It had, however, experienced some changes in the mean time, some of its early members withdrawing to join other organizations, and their places being supplied by other recruits. The following is the list of non-commissioned officers and privates of this company as appearing on the twentieth of August: First Sergeant, George W. Rose. Second Sergeant, F. W. Kimberk. Third Sergeant, Jabez A. Pond. Fourth Sergeant, Cyrenus H. Saddler. Fifth Sergeant, George Dudley. First Corporal, John Monroe. Second Corporal, William H. Pullen. Third Corporal, William H. Bigham. Fourth Corporal, John Gilbert. Fifth Corporal, Willis H. Pratt. Sixth Corporal, Samuel B. Curtis. Seventh Corporal, William Silverwood. Eighth Corporal, John Stevens.. Privates. i I I Charles McNaughton. Stuart A. Boyd. Henry S. Preston. Henry Butler. Augustus R. Sewell. George N. Bashford. Albert Packins. William Murphy. Clark S. Beal. Bernard W. Beal. Edward G. Pursal. George S. Winegar. Henry R. Goodrich. Milton Hitchcock. Volney Miller. Samuel Sutton. James L. Pettibone. W. H. Bab. Henry P. Wright. Paul C. G. Itsell. William Tenny. Charles Wendall. Daniel W. Morse. Joseph Countryman. \Villiam H. Babcock. Boyce P. Owen. Edgar Muir. Edward Bird. Adolphus Winters. Hiram Pentlen. Conrad Srim. Thomas Fitzgerald. Warren Hunt. Patrick McCabe. James Boylan. George L. Placeway. Clinton Russell. Charles Abrams. Emerson Sowle. Albertus D. Berry. 68 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Reuben Hodge. Luke Woods. Phillip W. Hacker. Walter R. Ferguson. Lewis F. Partlon. John A. Grogg. Alfred Johnson. William Cole. William G. Knapp. Levi Townsend. George D. Sidway. George W. Pentlen. George W. Wells. Charles Graham. Alonzo Cushing. William S. Norris. Andrew J. Yerenton. Mortimer Smith. John S. Bennett. William Brown. George Sawyer. Hannibal Sawyer. John Sawyer. Lyman H. Willson. Gains B. Alsaver. Andrew J. Fuller. George H. Heille. Frederick Baetcke. Abraham P. Ackerman. Sylvester Smith. Samuel Wilcox. Robert McKinley. Jones Hay. Wilson A. Fletcher. Wesley Van Duyn. John Jones. James S. Lane. John Gannon. Harmon Curtis. Philo Chubb. John Gardner. Orson A. Chandler. Lyman Cate. Alva W. Scofield. Charles Bosenbark. John Pickard. James McGinn. Henry W. Knaggs. Adelbert Foot. Henry Thompson. E. A. Bullard. John Gallatian. This, however, was before the muster of the regiment, and it is probable that a few of these were omitted in the muster. The list, however, shows who were the volunteers composing the company at that time. At an early hour in the morning of Wednesday, September iI, 186i, the men of the Fifth Regiment broke camp at the Fort Wayne rendezvous, packed their knapsacks, and prepared for departure, which was fixed for the evening of that day. At a little before four o'clock in the afternoon the several companies were marched to the paradeground of the fort, and there formed in line for the reception of a flag,-the gift of Messrs. F. Buhl, Newland & Co., of Detroit,-which was about to be presented to the regiment. Hundreds of spectators were there, consisting of citizens of Detroit and friends and relatives of the departing soldiers, who had come to say good-by and Godspeed. The crowd was kept back by the unceasing labor of guards stationed along the line. As soon as the swaying to and fro of the people in the vain effort of each one to stand in front of the others had ceased, Marshal Whiting, with Mr. Frederick Buhl on one side and Alderman Backus on the other, stepped forward, bearing the flag. Approaching to within a few paces of Colonel Terry, Mr. Backus made a few well-timed remarks on behalf of Mr, Buhl, which were responded to by Colonel Terry in an appropriate manner. The flag, which was of heavy silk, fringed with gold, and surmounted by a gilded eagle, was handed to Sergeant Asa A. Rouse, of Company E, who had been designated as the color-bearer of the regiment. At the conclusion of the ceremony the companies were marched back to their campingground for supper, a few final preparations were made, and between seven and eight o'clock the command was marched to the river and embarked for Cleveland, en route for the national capital. A member of Captain Gilluly's company wrote back a descriptive account of the journey of the regiment from Detroit to Washington; from which account the following extracts are given: " We embarked Wednesday evening, September I Ith, on the steamer 'Ocean' for Cleveland. Our journey was pleasant, but rapid. As the shrill whistle of the steamer gave the signal for our departure the most intense excitement prevailed, and when she swung around from her moorings cheer after cheer arose from every deck. To the credit or demerit of Company I, that portion where they were situated came down heavy on the chorus for our country and her flag, our homes and the dear ones left behind us, and was returned with the same spirit and enthusiasm by the numerous crowd that thronged the wharves to witness our departure. We arrived at Cleveland about three o'clock in the morning, where we were detained till nine o'clock, when we took the cars for Pittsburgh. It would naturally be supposed that from the numerous bodies of troops that have passed over this road they would have stilled the ardor of the people along the line, but such is not the case. Their feelings are too deeply enlisted in the present cause to admit of any reaction. As the bell rang to warn us of our departure crowds of people gathered around the cars to bid the Wolverine boys good-by. Nor was Cleveland behind in giving us a warm reception. The whole line, as far as Pittsburgh, was lined with people of all grades, from the aged grandparent to the lisping child, to see us pass. At Atwater we stopped to eat a few hard crackers and some tough beef. Of course, we had whetted our teeth for the task, but imagine our surprise, when the train stopped, to behold the sidewalks lined with barrels, boxes, bags, and baskets filled to overflowing with fruits, pies, cakes, meats, eggs, and, in fact, all that the most delicate palate could crave, waiting for us. Yet the beauty of the whole affair was the manner in which those luxuries were distributed among us. It was not by the brawny hands of a slouching cook, whose presence we had already learned to loathe, but by the soft, white hands of the fair FIFTH INFANTRY. 69 maidens of the village, whose generosity we shall ever remember till tough beef and hard crackers are no more. Our repast was soon over, however, and with three hearty cheers for the ladies of Atwater, we arrived in Pittsburgh at nine o'clock that evening, where we took supper, changed cars, and resumed our journey for Washington by the way of Harrisburg. We arrived in the latter place between two and three o'clock the next morning. There we were numbered off and stowed away in cattle-cars of the most old and dilapidated kind; in this wretched way we proceeded to Baltimore, where we were again furnished with good coaches. We arrived in Washington on Sunday morning, somewhat fatigued from our long journey. We remained there till night, when we received orders to march,-to what place we did not know. We were soon prepared for the journey, and after a march of some three or four miles we arrived at Meridian Hill, where we learned we were to take up our quarters." Meridian Hill is in the northwest part of the city of Washington, and at this place the Fifth remained until the morning of Wednesday, September I8th, just one week from the day of departure from Detroit, when it broke camp and marched down through the city to the arsenal, where the men were furnished with indifferent Springfield muskets. Then the regiment moved across the Long Bridge into Virginia, and out to Arlington, where it bivouacked for the night, and on the following day marched about two miles from the river to Hunter's Chapel, where it halted and pitched a camp, which was named Camp Richardson, in honor of Colonel Richardson, to whose brigade (of Heintzelman's division) it had been assigned for duty. On the twenty-second, a part of the regiment, including Company I, was placed on picket, some two miles farther to the front. This was their first duty in front of the enemy, and here for the first time the men of the Fifth heard the crack of hostile rifles, and the dread whisperings of passing bullets. On Saturday, September 28th, six companies of the regiment moved to Munson's Hill, Virginia. The remainder of the regiment immediately afterwards came up and occupied the same position, and to Colonel Terry's command is due the credit of first occupying this position in the front, where an attack was hourly looked for, though none was made. At this place the regiment was without tents, and was engaged constantly on fatigue duty, felling timber, and, with the Thirty-seventh New York, constructing substantial earthworks on the Hill. On the twelfth of October the Fifth moved to Hunter's Creek, two miles south of Alexandria, -i and the men were put on similar duty in the construction of Fort Lyon. The regiment remained at Fort Lyon for about two months, and in the early part of December moved about three miles farther down the Potomac, to "Camp Michigan," where the men were supplied with Sibley tents, and set about preparing themselves for comparative comfort in winter quarters. The enemy was immediately in front, though not in much force. On the first of January, I862, First Lieutenant Dennison, of Company I, while out in command of a few men on a scouting expedition towards Pohick Church, fell into an ambush, fiom which a volley was fired, wounding the lieutenant in the face, the ball coming out just below and in front of the ear, missing the main artery by only the fraction of an inch. This was one of the first casualties of the kind in the experience of the regiment, but it saw bloodletting enough afterwards. No other member of the party was wounded on this occasion by the enemy's fire. The regiment was very comfortably quartered during the winter of I861-62, until the general movement of the Army of the Potomac in March. First came the feint of the artmy in the direction of Manassas, which was followed immediately by the transportation of the immense host down the Potomac to Fortress Monroe. The Fifth embarked at Alexandria, and moved with the army to the Peninsula, where, on the fourth of April, i862, it marched with its division towards Yorktown, arriving in front of that stronghold on the following day. There it remained through the four weeks' siege of the place, and until Sunday, the fourth of May, when the Union army was electrified by the announcement that the hostile works had been evacuated during the previous night, and that the enemy was retiring towards Richmond. The forces of General McClellan were at once put in motion to pursue, and the Fifth Michigan with its brigade moved from camp, on through the evacuated intrenchments at about three o'clock P.M., taking the road towards Williamsburg, but bivouacking for the night a short distance beyond Yorktown. At two o'clock in the morning of Monday, the fifth, the men were turned out in the pouring rain to prepare for marching, but the regiment did not move until about ten A.M. Tlhen forward over the almost bottomless roads, which were clogged and blockaded by artillery, cavalry, and army wagons, the men of the Fifth pressed on towards the field where the battle had been in progress since the early morning. For hours they struggled on through the mud and rain, and as they approached Williamsburg the thunder of ar 70 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. tillery and the continuous roar of volleys told too plainly of the work on which they were about to enter. Order after order came from the front to hurry up the brigade, and about the middle of the afternoon the Fifth stood in line of battle, about five hundred strong, in front of the enemy's position; the Thirty-seventh New York joining its line, the Third Michigan being in support of a battery, and the Second Michigan being held in reserve. It was not until between three and four o'clock that the Fifth delivered its first fire, but from that time it was kept up without intermission till nearly dark. The ammunition was then nearly exhausted, and the order was given to charge. It was obeyed with alacrity. The Fifth charged and carried the rifle-pits in its front, and occupied them through the night. The rain ceased and the sky cleared during the night, and the morning of the sixth of May opened bright and beautiful, but the enemy had retreated, and was then some miles away on the road to Richmond. The Fifth Michigan at Williamsburg was in General Berry's Third Brigade, of Kearney's Division. This was the regiment's first battle, and a wild initiation it was. It went in with about five hundred men, and out of this force its loss was one hundred and fifty-three in killed and wounded. Tlhe regimental list of killed, wounded, and missing, forwarded immediately after the battle, by Colonel Terry, to the Detroit Tribzune, embraced the following nlames of members of the Livingston Company, commanded by Captain Gilluly, viz.: Killed. Sergeant J. Ashley Pond, of Howell. Albert Peckens, of Howell. Samuel Sutton, of Howell. John Sawyer, of Green Oak. Merritt F. Pullen, of Howell. FWouztnded. Sergeant John N. Monroe, of Brighton. Corporal James S. Lane, of South Lyon. t" John W. Gilbert, of Howell. Private Wm. Johnson, of Green Oak. " Levi Townsend, of Kensington. " James McGinn, of Brighton. " S. A. Boyd, of Marion. " Luke Woods, of Green Oak. Philo P. Chubb, of Marion. " Gager D. Ross, of Marion.* " Augustus R. Sewell, of Marion. " Lyman A. Willson, of Brighton. i Walter R. Ferguson, of Brighton. I Private Joseph Countryman, of Marion. " George S. Winegar, of Marion. Missing. Private Samuel Pennell. " John G. Gallatian. ". A. Winters. Warren Hunt. " Charles Thayer. J. McCarren. The list, being an official one, is doubtless correct, though it is possible that it may not be entirely so, as it was made amid the excitement and turmoil of the battle-field. The heroism of the Fifth, and its companion regiments of the brigade, at Williamsburg, is attested by the following order of the brigade commander, General Berry, as follows: "SPECIAL ORDER. " IHEADQUARTERS TiHIRD BRIGADE, KEARNEY DIVISION. "WILLIAMSBURG BATTLE-FIELD, May 8, 1862. " The commander of the brigade takes great pleasure in making this official communication to his ccmman(l: That they, by heroic fortitude, -on Monday last, by making a forced march through mud and rain, each vying with the other to see who could most cheerfully stand the hardships the time called for, making thereby a march that others shrank from, coming into a fight at double-quick, made doubtful to our side by the overwhelming mass of the enemy poured upon our centre, by a rapid deploy and quick formation, and by coolness, precision, and energy, beat back the enemy, recapturing our lost position and artillery, and also by a heroic charge took a stronghold of the enemy, and thereby dislodged him, and drove him on the plain beyond his well-chosen position, have done themselves great honor, have honored the States of Michigan and New York, and have won a name in history that the most ambitious might be proud of. "R. G. BERRY, " Brigadier- General Com. Thirld Briga(de." In the advance from Williamsburg, the Fifth moved with its brigade up to and across the Chickahominy, and took its place in the lines confronting Richmond. Again, on the thirty-first of May, it fought in the battle of Fair Oaks, and again it suffered terribly; its loss in killed and wounded being one hundred and forty-nine, out of about three hundred men who entered the fight,this being proportionately much greater than its loss at Williamsburg. During the Seven Days' battles which accom panied the " change of base," or, more properly, the retreat of the army from the Chickahominy to the James, the Fifth Michigan fought bravely I * Died of wounds. FIFTH INFANTRY. 7I at Charles City Cross-Roads, losing thirty-three killed and wounded, and eighteen missing. It was also engaged at Malvern Hill, July Ist, with slight loss. After the evacuation of Harrison's Landing, the regiment was moved with its command and other troops up the Potomac, and thence to the succor of the sorely-pressed Army of Virginia, under General Pope. In this duty it was engaged, but without severe loss, at Manassas, August 30th, and at Chantilly (where the gallant Kearney lost his life), on the second of September. Later in the fall, when the Army of the Potomac, under its new commander (General Burnside), marched towards Fredericksburg, the Fifth Michigan, as a part of the force, marched from Leesburg, Virginia, on the first of November, moved down the Rappahannock, and encamped on the left bank of that stream, near Falmouth, on the twenty-fifth. When the operations were commenced against the strong position of the enemy on the heights of Fredericksburg, and the attacking column crossed the river on the twelfth of December, the regiment went over with its brigade and the other commands of the army, and took gallant part in the disastrous battle of the thirteenth, in which it lost its brave commanding officer, Lieutenant-Colonel John Gilluly, of Livingston County, the original captain of Company I. The story of how the regiment fought on that bloody day is briefly told in the following report, made by Major Sherlock, who assumed command when Colonel Gilluly fell: "IEADQUARTERS FIFIt MIICIIGAN VOLUNTEERS. "BIVOUAC ON TtIE BATTrLE-FIIII), December 5th. "CAPTAIN WILSON, A. A. A. General: "SIR,-In accordance with a circular from headquarters, I have the honor to submit the following report of the part which this regiment sustained in the action of the thirteenth instant. The regiment, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel John Gilluly, came itpon the field at half-past one o'clock, and, after shifting from place to place, occupying different positions, constantly exposed to a furious fire of shot and shell, was at length detailed to sul)port Randolph's battery, which was in rather a precarious situation, on accouut of the falling back of some regiments thrown out in front of it. At this juncture the regiment was ordered forward, and opened an effective fire upon the enemy, who were sheltered by a brush fence, and after a brisk conflict drove them back into the woods. "Lieutenant-Colonel Gilluly fell mortally wounded while cheering on the men, and I assumed command. The regiment remained upon the scene of action till evening, when the First New York relieved us, and we retired in perfect order, carrying with us our dead and wounded. The regiment numbered two hundred and seventy-two rank and file, and our loss is nine killed and seventy-four wounded. "The officers and men behaved nobly throughout the short but sharp conflict, and it would be an act of injustice to particularize where all demeaned themselves so well; yet I cannot forbear mentioning Color-Sergeant Bergher, who stood up bravely, waving the colors defiantly in the face of the foe. "I am, very respectfully, "Your obedient servant, "R. T. SHERLOCK, "Major Commanditngi Fift/h Alilchian Infanty." The regiment recrossed the river from the battlefield, and returned to its old camp, on the fifteenth of December. In January it took part in the historical "mud march" up the Rappahannock to Banks' Ford, and, on the abandonment of that expedition, returned again to its camp at Falmouth, where it remained through the remainder of the winter. When the spring campaign opened under the new commander of the army, General Hooker, the Fifth moved up the Rappahannock, crossed the river on the first of May, was engaged at the Cedars on the second, and took part in the great battle of Chancellorsville on the third, where it again lost its commanding officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Sherlock, killed in action. The loss of the regiment in the engagements of the second and third was seven killed, forty-three wounded, and thirty-one missing. On the sixth of May it recrossed the river to the north bank, and, marching twentyeight miles in twelve hours, reoccupied its winter quarters at Falmouth. Early in June it became known that the enemy under General Lee was marching to the invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania, and the Army of the Potomac was put in motion to intercept him. On the eleventh of that month the Fifth Michigan moved northward with the column, and in that day marched eighteen miles in seven hours. On the following day the same distance was made through intolerable heat and dust in six hours. The march was exceedingly rapid and laborious through all the distance. On the twenty-fifth of June the regiment marched twenty-eight miles in eleven hours, though the day was excessively sultry; and on the second of July, when approaching Gettysburg, being pressed to its utmost, it moved ten miles in three hours, and arrived on the battle-field at four o'clock P.M. It immediately became engaged, and in one hour's fight lost one hundred and five men. During the succeeding two days it was on picket and other duty, and only slightly engaged. Its total loss at Gettysburg was nineteen killed, ninety wounded, and five 72 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. - missing. It moved from Gettysburg with other troops, in pursuit of the retiring enemy, to Williamsport, on the upper Potomac, and afterwards -the pursuit having been abandoned-marched down the river to Berlin, crossed from that point to Virginia, and moved by way of Manassas Gap to a beautiful camp at Fauquier White Sulphur Springs, where, and in that vicinity, it remained until the sixteenth of August, when orders were received for the Fifth and Third Michigan Regiments to report at Alexandria, Virginia. The movement ordered was a mysterious one, and all kinds of surmises were indulged in by officers and men as to their probable ultimate destination. Moving, in accordance with this order, to Alexandria, the Fifth embarked at that place, on the twenty-second of August, on board the ocean steamer " Baltic," which had also on board four other regiments of the Ohio Brigade, to which the Fifth Michigan was at that time temporarily attached. The ship moved down the Potomac early in the morning of the twenty-third, but had only proceeded as far as Matthias' Point when she grounded on a sand-bar, and remained fast in that position for four days. By removing the anchor, three hundred tons of coal, and two regiments, and with the assistance of five tug-boats, she at last got afloat, and moved down the river through Chesapeake Bay to the ocean, and turned northward towards her destination (which was the city of New York) and arrived there on the thirtieth. The troops, which had been sent here to assist in quelling the draft riots, if necessary, were -disembarked on Governor's Island. The Third Michigan Regiment had preceded the Fifth by another vessel, and these two regiments were immediately ordered to proceed up the Hudson River to Troy. They embarked at once on a river steamer, reaching Troy the next morning. They were first quartered at the armory, a day or two later at the court-house, and finally, on the fifth of September, were removed to the Fair-Grounds. Thle Trojans were very much surprised at seeing two Michigan regiments on their streets, but they received them most hospitably, so that the men of the Fifth counted their stay at Troy among the most pleasant of all their war experiences. No duty beyond that of the camp- and drill-ground was required of the regiment during its sojourn at Troy, and, the necessity for its presence there having passed, it left on Sunday evening, September 13th, for New York by steamer, and, arriving there in the fol lowing morning, left immediately by railroad for Washington, under orders to rejoin the Army of the Potomac. It arrived in Washington in the night of September l5th, and three days later proceeded to Alexandria, whence, after a stop of one day, it was moved to Culpeper Station, and from there marched to the camp of its old brigade, which was located near by. The brigade was the Third, of the First Division, Third Corps, Army of the Potomac. The Fifth moved on the seventh of November to the Rappahannock River, crossed at Kelly's Ford, and soon after moved to near Brandy Station, occupying a deserted camp of the enemy. On the twenty-sixth it crossed the Rapidan with the forces which were moving to Mine Run. Taking part in that expedition, it was engagred at Locust Grove on the twenty-seventh, and there lost several killed and wounded. It reached the front of the enemy's works at Mine Run, where for thirty-six hours it remained in support of a battery. From Mine Run the Fifth fell back with the army, and again occupied its camp at Brandy Station, which became its winter quarters until the twenty-eighth, when (the requisite number of reenlistments having been obtained) it left for Michigan, on veteran furlough. It arrived on the fourth of January at Detroit, which was designated as the rendezvous, and then the members entered upon a brief period of freedom and enjoyment with their families and friends. During its stay in Michigan, the regiment was considerably augmented by accessions of recruits, among whom were a large 11number from Livingston County. In December, I863, in anticipation of its return on veteran furlough, Mr. Andrew D. Waddell and Fred. E. Angel, of Howell, and S. T. Lyon, of Marion, commenced the raising of men in Howell and vicinity, for the purpose of joining the famous Fifth on its return to the field. Enlistments at that time were hard to obtain, and Mr. Waddell was assured by several that his efforts would be vain, but they persevered, and long before the regiment was ready to return, these gentlemen had obtained more than enough men for a full company. On account of the decimated condition of the regiment, however, it was considered most expedient to distribute these new men among the several companies, rather than to keep them together, and this course was accordingly pursued, although it had been the expectation of most of the men to be placed in the Livingston company (I), formerly commanded by Captain Gilluly. The recruits raised by Mr. Waddell were taken to Pontiac, where they were examined and accepted, and they joined the regiment about the first of February, I864. The names of the men raised by Messrs. Waddell and Angel, and mustered into the service for the Fifth Regiment, were the following: 73 FIFTH INFANTRY. William Cooper. James Canfield. Philo Curtis. Charles Culver. Amos Smith. W. H. Curtis. David Robinson. Thomas Marr. Noah Boothby. Frederick Zeitz. Chester Albright. George Newton. Charles H. Smith. A. J. Carl. W. L. Whited. Isaac Felter. H. E. Glover. Ezra Whitaker. Frank Jordan. Ed. Ware. Andrew Wall. George Pennell. William Brooks. E. H. Smith. Asa Wilson. C. L. Carpenter. A. J. Allen. J. Cummings. WV. J. Barrett. George Barnard. V. S. Sharp. A. Gundling. H. Phelps. Charles Neely. W. Cooper, Jr. H. Carl. John Hildebrant. M. Hart. H. Pate. J. Root. S. P. Lord. John Wehnes. C. B. Whitaker. J. M. Ross. D. H. Smith. G. H. Cooper. 0. S. Bentley. C. Haines. R. Waldron. J. Sawyer. E. H. Hart. D. Lord. H. Boen. E. R. Brockway. A. J. Whitaker. George Young. W. G. Clayton. A. J. Wells. J. G. Phillips. E. Lansing. G. W. Axtell. Sydney Carpenter. Peter Woll. Charles Hildebrant. George Bronnar. -Mr. A. K. Sweet, of Detroit,-in the following words: "We arrived in Washington on the thirteenth, and remained until the seventeenth, when we left for the front. Arrived at Brandy Station in the afternoon of the same day, and at once proceeded to camp, a distance some four miles northwest from the town. The day was bitter cold, and the wind, as it blew full in our faces from off the snowcovered peaks of the Blue Ridge, seemed to chill us to the very marrow in our bones. It was nearly sunset when we reached the spot selected for our camp. The prospect was anything but cheerful. No comfortable huts, such as we had occupied before leaving for home; only the frozen ground for a bed, and on this, with only our blankets for a protection against the chilling blast, we passed the night,-a night as cold as any February night in Michigan. " This first taste of soldiering was rather rough on our new recruits, fully two-thirds of whom were without blankets or overcoats, having been unable to obtain a complete outfit before leaving Detroit. "The next day, towards evening, the First United States Sharpshooters sent over and removed our sick to their camp, where they could have proper hospital accommodation, and on the following morning they supplemented this act of kindness by sending us fifteen axes with which to assist us in the construction of our huts. The axes were very opportune, as we did not have a dozen in the entire regiment. "l Favors like these, though they may not appear large when recited, yet coming at a time when sorely needed, they made a warm spot, which never quite grew cold in our hearts for the gallant Boys in Green. " In a few days we had our huts constructed, and were in tolerably comfortable winter quarters. "On the first and second of March the regiment participated in a reconnoissance by the First Division of the corps on the left of the rebel position, to create a diversion in favor of Kilpatrick, who was just starting on his famous raid, passing around the rear of the rebel army, and up to the very gates of Richmond. The weather was extremely disagreeable. A heavy rain falling most of the time, and freezing as it came, covered everything with a glaze of ice, and rendered the march heavy and difficult, and bivouac cheerless and cold. The movement being merely a feint to divert the enemy's attention, no fighting occurred, and little of incident happened worthy of record. On the third, about noon, the regiment returned to camp, wet, tired, and hungry. They had barely Mr. Waddell was commissioned first lieutenant of Company I, and remained with that company until mustered out in June, I864, by reason of the consolidation of the Third and Fifth Regiments. After the war he was a member of the Fifth Michigan Veteran Volunteer Infantry Association, and was president of that association in 1877 and 1878. Mr. Angel was commissioned second lieutenant of Company I, and remained with it until mustered out on account of the consolidation. Mr. S. T. Lyon was commissioned second lieutenant in the Fifth, promoted to first lieutenant June 10, 1864, and to captain September I5th, in the same year. le remained with the regiment through the campaigns of 1864 and i865, and until the time of its muster out and disbandment. On the tenth of February the Fifth Regiment, composed of veterans and recruits, left Detroit on its return to the Army of the Potomac. An account of its return, and of events following, until the opening of the campaign of the Wilderness in May, 1864, is given by a member of the regiment, IO0 74 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. unslung their knapsacks, when an order came calling for a detail of one hundred and eighty men and seven officers, for picket duty. The luckless ones whose fortune it was to be detailed, had just time to cook their coffee and draw an extra supply of rations, before they had to sling knapsacks and light out again. The recruits by this time came to the conclusion that soldiering meant business, and a plenty of it. The detail, however, was relieved the next morning, and returned to camp. "Towards the last of March a general order was issued dissolving the First and Third Corps, and consolidating the troops with those of the Second, Fifth, and Sixth Corps. The First and Second Divisions of the Third Corps were transferred to the Second Corps, and consolidated and constituted the Third Division. The Third Division of the corps was transferred to the Sixth Corps. Thus was wiped out of existence the gallant old Third Corps, with which our fortunes had so long been associated, and of which -we formed a part. Its glorious name, which we in some small degree had helped to make illustrious, and in which we justly felt a soldier's pride, became one of the things that were. The corps had long been a mere skeleton of its former self. The old Third Division had been consolidated with the First and Second, immediately after the battle of Gettysburg, and a new division of ten thousand fresh troops, under command of General French, added. The old commanders of heroic fame, whom the men had learned to love and respect, had gone, and a stranger filled the place of command made glorious by Heintzelman and Hooker. Still the glorious associations that clustered around the name gave it a tender place in our hearts, and when at last its death-knell struck, and the men so long associated in a common history of the toil and triumph separated to their various destinations, many a brave fellow felt a twinge of sorrow and pain like that which pierces the heart as we stand at the grave of a friend, and the cold clods of the valley close over the dear face and shut it from our sight forever. "On the thirty-first of March we broke camp and marched to the south side of the railroad in the vicinity of Brandy Station, and took up our new quarters in the Second Brigade, Third Division, and Second Corps. The men were allowed to retain the diamond badge,-a deference to their feelings which was thankfully appreciated. The sense of pain and disgrace slowly passed away as we became better acquainted with our new com panions in arms, for they were as fine a corps of men as the Army of the Potomac or any other in the world could boast, and we were now under command of a general of brilliant abilities and most intrepid bravery, General WV. S. Hancock. General D. B. Birney, our old brigade and division commander, was in command of the division. We soon began to feel at home in our new relations, and with the old red diamond to remind us of the glorious past, we were soon ready as ever to do and dare for the honor of the old flag and the success of the common cause. "... Towards the last of April nature had begun to spread her rich garniture of green over hill and plain,and soft gales from Southland fanned us with the first delicious breath of spring. The warm sunshine, as May approached, soon dried up the mud from the spring rains, and the roads were once more in a condition for the movement of army trains. On every hand the sure indications of an early opening of field operations were apparent. A few days of bustle and preparation and the last finishing touches are complete. A week of comparative quiet followed, like the lull that precedes the bursting of the storm, and then, on the evening of the 3d of May, the first move in what will go down to history as the great campaign of the war commenced. No drum-beat or buale-note sounds a warning, but silently as spectres in a dream, regiments, brigades, and divisions leave their camps and fall into line. Already the vanguard is on the march, and the dull tramp, tramp, comes from out the darkness mingled with the low rumbling of the artillery and baggage trains. The camp-fires, as they light up the scene with their fitful glare, reveal the faces of the men as they stand leaning on their guns awaiting their turn to fall into the line of march. They have little time to wait, for everything moves with clocklike precision, and the long lines follow each other in quick succession and disappear in the darkness, until at last what was a few hours before a vast city of snowy tents, with streets thronging with busy life, is now one vast tenantless expanse of smouldering camp-fires, over which broods the midnight stillness, unbroken save by the echoes that come fainter and fainter from the distant footsteps of the receding hosts. "The morning finds us still on the march and nearing the Rapidan, which we cross without opposition at Ely's Ford, about nine A.M. We rest half an hour on the heights beyond, from which we enjoy a fine view of the surrounding country,-a picturesque succession of hill and plain, with its distant background of mountains against the western horizon. " The men, having marched all night with only a short respite at sunrise for coffee and " hard tack," begin to feel the need of rest and sleep. But the FIFTH INFANTRY. 75 march is soon resumed and pushed forward at a rapid pace. The weather was uncommonly hot for the time of year, and the narrow forest-roads, walled in on either side by a dense undergrowth, afforded scarce a breath of cooling air. It was the first march of the season, and the men had not become hardened to fatigue by exposure. But tired, sleepy, and footsore, we hobbled on as best we could until about two P.M., when we arrived on the old battle-ground of Chancellorsville and halted for the rest of the day. "How familiar looks every object around! There is the old Chancellorsville House, where General Hooker had his headquarters. But only the roofless, blackened walls remain; the rest was destroyed by fire during the battle. Farther on is the little country cemetery, with its white fence and the white farm-house standing near, around wvhich raged the fiercest tide of battle on that lovely Sabbath morning in May. There is the field hard by where the regiment lay for two hours or more the target for a rebel battery. Just across that low swale, a little to the left, is the open field wliere that battery stood, and on which, the night before, Birney's division formed for the midnight charge; and there, too, is the thick hedge of cedars bordering the field, through which we tore our way to the charge, making night hideous with yell and whoop and wild uproar, as if Pandemnonium had turned loose all its fiends at once. " There is the old rifle-pit along the edge of the swale still standing, and the narrow belt of open timber between it and the plank-road, where the regiment rallied after the uproar had subsided, and, in blissful ignorance of our imminent danger, passed the remainder of the night in sleep. And here on the same ground and almost the identical spot we again bivouac for the night." The men of the Fifth had started on the campaign each carrying five days' rations, and sixty rounds of ammunition. In the morning of the fifth of May the regiment left its bivouac at Chancellorsville, and moved on the road leading to Orange Court-House. The enemy was met, and a desperate battle ensued. On the morning of the sixth the regiment was again engaged, making a successful charge on the rebel works, and suffering, in this as in the fight of the previous day, a heavy loss in killed and wounded. An idea of the work done then by the Fifth may be had from the fact that of the twenty-six men of Company I who entered the fight on the fifth, seventeen were killed or wounded. A list of the killed and wounded of that company on the fifth and morning of the sixth was taken on the field by Lieutenant Waddell, and is as follows: I Philo Curtis. C. Hoynes. Joseph Pruden, Jr. William Cooper. William L. Whited. Noah Boothby. Julius H. Root. Ezra Whitaker. Chester Aibright.* John M. Ross. Charles Culver. Killed. George W. Cooper. Henry Carl. Ilounded. A. J. Whitaker. F. Zeitz. David Robinson. Charles B. Whitaker. Isaac Felter. 0. S. Bentley. George Barnard. James Canfield. MiJsit,'g. Richard Sharp. The Fifth was again engaged with the enemy on the eighth of May, and lay under a heavy artillery fire until noon of the tenth. It fought again on the eleventh, and (with the remnant of the Third Michigan, which was acting with it) took part in the charge on the enemy's works at Spottsylvania Court-House on the twelfth. In this charge it captured two stands of the rebel colors. From Spottsylvania it moved forward by forced marches, and, on the twenty-third of May, took part in the assault of the works on the north bank of the North Anna River, at Jericho Bridge; the regiment carried them, captured a number of prisoners, and drove the rebel force across the river. In the afternoon of the twenty-fourth the reginlent crossed the river under a very heavy artillery fire, and again drove the enemy from his position. On the twenty-seventh it recrossed the North Anna and marched to the Pamunkey River, which it crossed the same day. From the twenty-eighth to the thirty-first of May the wearied and hungry men worked day and night throwing up fortifications, and, on the latter date, the regiment took part in a charge upon a line of works, which they gallantly carried. Marching from the Pamunkey, it reached Cold Harbor on the fifth of June, and immediately commenced the erection of earthworks. It remained here a week, and, during that time, the Third Michigan Infantry (having become reduced to a mere skeleton, and the term of service of a large part of its men having expired) was consolidated with the Fifth under the following field-order of the corps commander, viz.: " HEADQUARTERS SECOND ARMY CORPS, "< June 10, i864. " Special Orders. (Extract.) "The term of service of the Third Michigan Volunteers having expired, that regiment, with the exception * Wounded severely in neck. Missing and never heard from. 76 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. of re-enlisted men or such as have joined since date of original organization, and such officers as are hereafter designated to be retained, will at once proceed to Michigan, and report to the Superintendent of Recruiting for that State, for the purpose of being discharged. Descriptive lists must accompany all men sent home. The remaining officers and men of the regiment will be formed into a battalion of four companies, to be attached to the Fifth Michigan Veteran Volunteers, which regiment will be at once consolidated into six companies,-and all officers not hereinafter designated to be retained will be mustered out of service. The following officers will be retained in the above organization: " Thired Michigan Regqiment.-Colonel B. R. Pierce, Captain Simon Brennan, Captain Daniel S. Root, Captain Thomas Tate, Lieutenant Daniel Converse, Lieutenant John F. McGinley, First Lieutenant Jerome B. Ten Eyck, First Lieutenant Charles A. Price. "zFifth Michigan Re'giment.-Major S. S. Matthews, Surgeon Henry F. Lyster, Assistant-Surgeon P. B. Ross, Adjutant George XV. Waldron, Regimental Quartermaster Hudson B. Blackman, Captain William Wakenshaw, Captain Charles AM. Gregory, Captain James NV. Colville, Captain Amos A. Rouse, Captain Edgar H. Shook, Captain James 0. Gunsally, First Lieutenant Walter Knox, First Lieutenant John Braden, First Lieutenant Andrew Hamlin, Second Lieutenant George B. Dudley, Second Lieutenant S. S. Lyon. "This order is subject to the approval of higher authority. " By command of Major-General Hancock. (Signed) "FRANCIS A. WALKER, " Assistant Adfjtant- General.' I killed, fifty-two wounded, and nineteen missing,total, eighty-six. It fought at Deep Bottom, July 27th, 28th, with a loss of twelve wounded, and at Boydton Plank-Road, October 27th, losing nine killed, fifty-two wounded, and forty-three missing. It was also engaged at Strawberry Plains, August I4th to 17th, and at Poplar Spring Church on the thirtieth of September. During the year following the commencement of the Mine Run expedition, in November, I863, the total loss of the regiment, in killed, wounded, and missing, was five hundred and forty-nine. From October, 1864, to the middle of January, i865, the Fifth occupied Fort Davis, in the front line of works at Petersburg. On the fifteenth of January it formed a part of the force with which General Warren made his raid southward to the Weldon Railroad; and after its return from that expedition, was posted for about two weeks at Humphrey's Station, and then moved back to the front of Petersburg, and remained there until the twentyfifth of March, when it moved with other forces to Hatcher's Run, and took part in the assault on the works at that place, sustaining the weight of a heavy engagement for four hours. In the final assault on Petersburg the Fifth took part, and is said to have been the first to plant its colors on the captured works. On the sixth of April, the regiment with its brigade attacked the retreating enemy at Sailor's Creek, and captured a stand of colors and a large number of prisoners. The enemy being followed closely by the brigade on the seventh and eighth of April, the Fifth Reginient, acting as flankers and skirmishers, became engaged at New Store, but with slight loss. And finally, on the ninth, it was present in the front, in line of battle, at the surrender of the Confederate army by General Lee. It lay at Glover Hill, near the place of surrender, until the thirteenth, when it moved back to Burkeville, and on the first of May started on the march to Washington by way of Richmond. The regiment took its place in the great review of the Army of the Potomac, at Washington, May 23d, and remained in the vicinity of the city until June Ioth, when it left for the West, proceeding by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to Parkersburg, West Virginia, and thence by steamer on the Ohio to Louisville, which place it reached on the fourteenth. Moving to Jeffersonville, on the north side of the Ohio, it remained there until July 4th, when it was mustered out of the service as a regiment, and on the sixth left by railroad for De troit, where it arrived on the eighth, and where, on the seventeenth of July, 1865, the men of the Fighting Fifth received their pay and discharge. The order was confirmed by the War Department on the thirteenth of June. By its operation some of the officers of the regiment, belonging to Livingston County, were necessarily mustered out of the service. The Fifth left Cold Harbor June I2tll, crossed the Chickahominy at Long Bridge on the same day, reached and crossed the James River on the fourteenth, and arrived in front of Petersburg late in the night of the fifteenth. On the following day, towards evening, it was engaged with the enemy, and carried the assaulted line of works. During all the memorable but monotonous siege of Petersburg, from the time when the regiment reached the front of that stronghold until the close of the great drama of the Rebellion, the service of the Fifth Michigan embraced a series of movements, changes of position, labors on fortifications, picket and railroad duty, life in the trenches, marchings, skirmishings, and battles, which it would be too tedious to follow or to enumerate. In its assaults upon the works in front of Petersburg, during the campaign of 1864, its loss was fifteen FIFTH INFANTRY. 77 MEMBERS OF THE FIFTH REGIMENT, FROM LIVINGSTON COUNTY. Field and Staff. Lieutenant-Colonel John Gilluly, Brighton, captain, August 28, I86I; killed in action at Fredericksburg, Virginia, December 13, I862. Quartermaster Hudson B. Blackman, Howell, lieutenant, August 28, 186; mustered out at end of service, August 28, I864; appointed captain and assistant quartermaster, United States Army. Sergeant-Major George P. Dudley, Brighton, promoted to second lieutenant, Company A, November 17, 1862. Cormpany A. Second Lieutenant George P. Dudley, Brighton, November 17, 1862; promoted to first lieutenant, July 4, I863. Comnpany F. Corporal James Darling, enlisted August 28, I861; December 12, 1863, sergeant; transferred to Company D, June o1, 1864; veteran. Conpany I. Captain John Gilluly, Brighton, commissioned August 27, I861; promoted to lieutenant-colonel, July 18, 1862. First Lieutenant Hudson B. Blackman, Howell, commissioned August 27, I86; appointed first lieutenant and regimental quartermaster, June 19, I86I. First Lieutenant Charles H. Dennison, Brighton, commissioned September 4, I86I; resigned March 6, 1862; was second lieutenant August 27, I86; promoted to first lieutenant. First Lieutenant Andrew D. Waddell, Howell, February I, I864; mustered out June 9, 1864, by consolidation of the 5th and 3(1 Regiments. Second lieutenant Fred. W. Kimberk, Brighton, resigned May 27, 1862. Second Lieutenant George W. Rose, Brighton, May 28, 1862; p)ronoted to first lieutenant, Company B,July 22, 1862. Second Lieutenant John II. Stevens, Hartland, June 22, 1862; promoted to first lieutenant, Company K, January 25, I863. Second Lieutenant Fred. E. Angel, Iowell, enlisted February I, 1864; mustered out June 9, 1864. Sergeant George W. Rose, Brighton, enlisted August 27, I86I; promoted to second lieutenant, May 28, 1862. Sergeant Fred. W. Kimberk, Brighton, enlisted August 27, i861; promoted to second lieutenant, June 19, I86I. Sergeant J. Ashley Pond, Howell, enlisted August 27, I86I; killed in action at Williamsburg, Virginia, May 5, J862. Sergeant Cyrenus I-. Saddler, enlisted August 27, I86; discharged for disability, November 3, I862. Sergeant George P. Dudley, Brighton, enlisted August 27, i86I; promoted to sergeant-major, September 17, 1862. Corporal John Monroe, enlisted August 27, I86I; died of wounds, at Fortress Monroe, May 27, 1862. Corporal William H. Pullen, enlisted August 27, I86I; transferred to Company B. Corporal William H. Bingham, enlisted August 27, I86i; discharged for disability, September 24, I862. Corporal John V. Gilbert, enlisted August 27, 186I; discharged for disability. Corporal John H. Stevens, IHartland, enlisted August 27, i86i; promoted to second lieutenant, June 22, I862. Privates. Charles Abrams, Brighton, enlisted August 27, I86I; veteran, December 15, I863; corporal; transferred to Company C; mustered out at Detroit, July io, 1865. Abraham P. Ackerman, enlisted August 27, I86I; transferred to Company C; killed in action at New Market, Virginia, June I, 1864. Gaius B. Ollsaver, Hamburg, enlisted August 27, i86I; discharged for disability, January 6, 1863. Andrew J. Allen, Marion, enlisted December 14, 1863; transferred to Company C; mustered out at Jeffersonville, Indiana, July 5, 1865. Charles Busenbark, Hamburg, enlisted August 27, 1863; veteran, December 15, 1863; transferred to Company C; absent, sick; not mustered out with company. James Boylan, Genoa, enlisted August 27, I86I; veteran, February 27, 1864; transferred to Company B and Company C; mustered out July 5, 1865; sergeant. Barnard W. Beal, enlisted August 27, I86; discharged for disability, September 28, I86I. Oren S. Bentley, Marion, enlisted December 25, 1863; died in rebel prison, date unknown. Fred. Baetcke, Brighton, enlisted August 27, I86; killed in action at Glendale, Virginia, June 30, I862. Edward Bird, enlisted August 27, 1861; discharged for disability, September 24, 1862. Stewart A. Boyd, Marion, enlisted August 27, I86I; transferred to Company C; promoted to second lieutenant; killed at lIoydton Plank-Road. Edward A. Bullard, enlisted August 27, I86I; discharged for disability, January 6, 1863. George Barnard, Genoa, enlisted December 24, 1863; transferred to Company B, June 9, 1864. James Canfield, IIowell, enlisted December 22, 1863; transferred to Company C; died June 9, 1864, at Alexandria, Virginia, from typhoid fever anl amputation of left arm. Andrew J. Carl, Iowell, enlisted Decemler 14, 1863; transferred to ComIany C; died August 24, 1864, of wounds received in action at Petersburg, Virginia. Henry Carl, Hartland, enlisted December i6, 1863; discharged for wounds, Novemiber 8, 1864. Cyrus L. Carpenter, Howell, enlisted December 19, 1863; mustered out June 6, I865. William Carr, enlisted August 27, I86; died at Alexandria, Virginia, February 27, 1862. Lyman Cate, Green Oak, enlisted August 27, I86I; discharged for disalility, May I, 1862. George W. Cooper, Marion, enlisted December 23, 1863; killed in action at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Joseph Countryman, enlisted August 27, I86; died of disease at Camp Curtin, May 20, 1863. Charles Culver, Howell, enlisted December 23, 1863; transferred to Company B1; absent, sick; not mustered out with company. Jonathan Cummings, Genoa, enlisted Iecember 19, I863; died in rebel prison, date unknown. Walter Ferguson, enlisted August 27, 1861; veteran, February 22, 1864; discharged for wounds, April 13, 1865. Thomas Fitzgerald, Brighton, enlisted August 27, I86I; veteran, December 15, 1863; sergeant; mustered out July 5, 1865. Adelbert Foote, Brighton, enlisted August 27, I86I; died of wounds at Washington, January 31, 1863. Andrew J. Fuller, Brighton, enlisted August 27, I86I; discharged by order, February 26, 1864. John Gallatian, Hamburg, enlisted August 27, I86I; transferred to Invalid Corps. John Gannon, Hamburg, enlisted August 27, i86i; died of disease in Virginia, September IO, 1862. Howard E. Glover, Howell, enlisted December 17, 1863; mustered out May 29, 1865. John A. Gregg, enlisted August 27, i86l; discharged for disability, December 4, 1862. Charles Graham, enlisted August 27, I86I; transferred to Invalid Corps. Philip Hacker, enlisted August 27, i86i; died of wounds at Washington, February 23, I863. Merrill Harrington, enlisted September 6, I86t; mustered out at end of service, August 28, 1864. 78 HtISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. James Hay, enlisted August 27, I86I; transferred to Invalid Corps, November 15, I863. Thomas Haywood, enlisted August 27, 1861; discharged for disability, September II, 1862. John Hildebrant, enlisted December 24, 1863; died of disease at Alexandria, Virginia, January 5, 1865. Charles Hildebrant, enlisted January 28, I864; mustered out July 5, 1865. George H. Hiller, enlisted August 27, x861; killed in action at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 2, 1863. Milton Hitchcock, enlisted August 27, 186I; died of disease at Alexandria, Virginia, March 2, 1862. John T. Hodgeman, enlisted August 27, 186I; discharged for disability, February, 1863. Samuel Hodgeman, enlisted February 24, I862; died of wounds, September o1, 1862. Warren Hunt, enlisted August 27, 186I; mustered out at end of service, August 27, 1864. Frank Jordan, enlisted December I9, I863; transferred to Company C; mustered out July 5, 1865. John Jones, Brighton, enlisted August 27, 1861; veteran, February 22, 1864; mustered out July 5, I865. Alfred Johnson, enlisted August 27, I86i; mustered out at end of service, August 27, 1864. William Johnson, enlisted August 27, I86I; discharged for disability, August 7, 1862. Henry W. Knaggs, enlisted August 27, I86I; mustered out at end of service, August 27, 1864. William G. Knapp, enlisted August 27, i86I; transferred to United States Signal Corps, August 14, 1863. Patrick McCabe, enlisted August 27, 186I; died of disease at Alexandria, Virginia, March 8, I862. James McCarren, enlisted August 27, I86i; died of wounds at Alexandria, Virginia, January 6, 1863. Charles McNaughton, enlisted August 27, 186I; discharged for disability, December II, 1863. William S. Morris, enlisted August 27, 1861; discharged for disability, September II, 1862. Daniel W. Morse, enlisted August 27, I86I; (lied of wounds, September IO, 1862. Edgar Muir, enlisted August 27, 186I; veteran, December 15, I863; sergeant; mustered out July 5, 1865. Aaron A. Newman, enlisted September 6, I86i; wagoner; mustered out at end of service, September 6, I864. George Newton, Howell, enlisted December 22, 1863; died of disease at Baltimore, November 21, I864. Boyce P. Owen, enlisted August 27, i86I; discharged for disability, Decemler 15, 1862. Lewis F. Partlow, enlisted August 27, I86I; died of disease at Annapolis, Maryland, April 12, 1862. Albert Peckins, enlisted August 27, 1861; killed in action at Williamsburg, Virginia, May 5, 1862. Edward G. Pearce, enlisted August 27, I86I; veteran, December 15, I863; corporal; mustered out July 7, 1865. Samuel Pennell, enlisted September 6, I86I; discharged for disability, August 8, 1862. George Pentland, Brighton, enlisted November I, I862; absent, sick; not mustered out with company. George W. Pentlin, enlisted August 27, 1861; discharged for disability, September I, 1862. Hiram Pentlin, enlisted August 27, I86i; veteran, December 15, 1863; killed in action at Wilderness, Virginia, May 5, 1864. John Pickard, enlisted August 27, i86I; discharged for disability, August IO, 1862. George L. Placeway, enlisted August 27, I86I; died of disease at Alexandria, Virginia, March o1, 1862. Merritt F. Pullen, enlisted September 6, 1861; killed in action at Williamsburg, Virginia, May 5, 1862. David Robinson, enlisted December I9, 1863; mustered out July 5, i865. Clinton Russell, enlisted August 27, I86I; died of disease at Washington, December 4, 186I. George Sawyer, enlisted August 27, I86I; veteran, December 15, 1863; corporal; mustered out July 5, 1865. Hannibal Sawyer, enlisted August 27, I86; veteran, December 15, 1863; killed in action at Wilderness, Virginia, May 5, 1864. John Sawyer, enlisted August 7, 186i; discharged May 21, I862. David E. Sawyer, enlisted January 30, 1864; mustered out July 5, 1865. Alva W. Schofield, enlisted August 27, I86I; veteran, December I5, 1863; musician; mustered out July 5, 1865. Augustus R. Sewell, enlisted August 27, I86z; discharged for disability, June 20, 1862. William S. Sharp, Genoa; enlisted December 24, 1863; mustered out July 5, I865 -Conrad Siam, enlisted August 27, i86i; veteran, February 22, 1864; killed in action near Petersburg, Virginia, October 27, 1864. Mortimer Smith, enlisted August 27, i86i; transferred to Company C; transferred to Invalid Corps. Amos Smith, enlisted December 31, 1863; mustered out July 5, I865. Charles A. Smith, enlisted December 17, 1863; missing in action near Southside Railroad, Virginia, October 27, I864. Emerson Soule, enlisted August 27, I86I; discharged for disability, April 30, 1862. Nathaniel Stoddard, enlisted August 27, 1861; killed in action at Fredericksburg, Virginia, December 13, I862. Samuel Sutton, enlisted August o0, i86I; killed in action at Williamsburg, Virginia, May 5, I862. Samuel C. Taylor, enlisted December 24, 1863; veteran, corporal, from Company I, 3d Infantry; mustered out July 5, I865. Chauncey B. Taylor, enlisted December 24, 1863; veteran, musician, from Company I, 3d Infantry; mustered out July 5, 1865. Charles Thayer, Howell; enlisted September 6, i86I; killed in action at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 2, 1863. Levi Townsend, enlisted August 27, I86I; discharged for disability, March 23, 1863. Lewis C. Tupper, enlisted February 24, 1862; veteran, February 22, 1864; prisoner, April 19, I865; mustered out July 5, I865. Andrew J. Whitaker, enlisted December 24, 1863; absent, sick; not mustered out with company. Daniel Wilcox, enlisted August 27, I86I; discharged for disability, June 4, I862. Alexander C. Wilcox, enlisted September 4, 186I; discharged for disability, December, 1862. George S. Winegar, enlisted August 27, I86i; veteran, December 15, 1863, corporal; died of disease, October 29, 1864. John B. Wood, enlisted September 6, I86I; veteran, February 22, 1864; mustered out July 5, I865. Luke Wood, enlisted August 27, I86I; mustered out at end of service, August 27, 1864. Henry P. Wright, enlisted August 27, I86I; discharged for disability, July 23, 1862. Adolphus H. Winters, enlisted August 27, I86I; transferred to Invalid Corps, May 15, 1864. Andrew J. Yerrington, enlisted August 27, I86I; died of wounds at Washington, January 8, I863. Frederick Zeits, enlisted December 17, I863; mustered out July 5, I865. Comnpany A. Charles Corey, Hamburg, enlisted December 23, I863; veteran; mustered out July 22, 1865. Luther H. Frink, Howell, enlisted February 18, 1862; mustered out March 2, i865. Thomas G. Marr, Howell, enlisted December I9, 1863; died in Andersonville prison, July 7, 1864. Romaine Waldron, Oceola, enlisted January 12, I864; died of disease, March 20, I864. _ NINTH AND FIFTEENTH INFANTRY. 79 ----------— L --- —-- Cotmpany B. Elias R. Brockway, Iosco, enlisted December 30, 1863; mustered out June 6, I865. Noah Boothby, Howell, enlisted December 15, I863; mustered out July 20, I865. Howard E. Glover, Howell, enlisted December 17, I863; mustered out May 29, 1865. Emile Glenelling, Genoa, enlisted December 30, I863; died of disease at Washington, May I, I864. Merritt S. Havens, Marion, enlisted December 2I, 1863; mustered out July 5, I865. Merrill Harrington, Brighton, enlisted August 9, I861; discharged at end of service, August 28, I864. Samuel P. Lord, Handy, enlisted December 24, I863; mustered out July 5, 1865. David Lord, Handy, enlisted December 24, 1863; mustered out July 5, I865. Ienry Pate, Howell, enlisted December 19, 1863; mustered out July 5, 1865. David Robinson, Howell, enlisted December 19, I863; mustered out July 5, 1865. William S. Sharp, Genoa, enlisted December 24, I863; mustered out July 5, I865. Coimpany D. George W. Axtell, Howell, enlisted December 22, I863; mustered out May I3, 1865. Edwin H. Smith, Howell, enlisted December 22, 1863; supposed to have died in Richmond prison. George Young, Iosco, enlisted December 21, 1863; supposed to have died in Richmond prison. Cozmpany G. Captain George W. Rose, promoted from first lieutenant, Company B; mortally wounded at the Wilderness; died at Washington, District of Columbia. Solomon T. Lyon, Marion, captain September 15, 1864; first lieutenant June o0, 1864; second lieutenant February I, 1864; mustered out with the regiment. Chester Albright, Iowell, enlisted December, 1863; promoted to corporal; killed at the Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Benjamin Bashford, Marion, enlisted December II, 1863; mustered out July 19, 1865. William Bock, Howell, enlisted December 22, 1863; mustered out July 5, 1865. William II. Curtis, Howell, enlisted Decemler 21, I863; died of disease at Washington, April, 1864. Philo Curtis, Howell, enlisted December 31, 1863; died in action May 5, 1864, Wilderness. Hiram Dennison, Brighton, enlisted January 26, 1864; died in Andersonville prison, June 30, 1864. Edward Hart, Howell, enlisted December 21, 1863; died of disease, April i6, 1865. - David Hoyt, Iosco, enlisted February 24, 1864; mustered out June 24, 1865. John Lawyer, enlisted January 12, 1864; mustered out July 5, I865. Simon B. Merrill, Iosco, enlisted December 26, I863; died in Andersonville prison, August 30, 1864. Jos. Preston, Howell, enlisted February 22, 1864; mustered out July 14, 1865. Jos. Prudden, Jr., Howell, enlisted February 27, I864; died in battle May 6, 1864, Wilderness. George Pennell, Howell, enlisted December 21, I863; died in York, Pennsylvania, August 9, 1864. William M. Saunders, Iowell, enlisted December io, I863; discharged for disability, February 6, 1865. Daniel H. Snmith, Iosco, enlisted December I6, 1863; mustered out June 7, I865. William Scrive, Marion, enlisted January 20, 1864; died of disease at Brandy Station, March 24, I864. Noal S. Van Gorder, losco, enlisted December 5, I863; mustered out June 7, I865. George Westmoreland, Marion, enlisted December 29, I863; died of wounds at Petersburg, Virginia, Octo'er 28, 1864. Elisha C. Wright, Iosco, enlisted December 28, I863; mustered out June 7, 1865. Company H. William Cooper, Sr., Howell, enlisted December 23, 1863; mustered out July 5, 1865. Isaac Felter, Howell, enlisted December 30, I863; died in battle May 6, I864, Wilderness. Marvin Gould, Marion, enlisted December 29, 1863; mustered out July 5, 1865. Marion Hart, Howell, enlisted December 26, 1863; mustered out July 5, I865. Christopher Haynes, Howell, enlisted January 4, 1864; died in battle May 6, I864, Wilderness. Henry Phelps, Genoa, enlisted December 26, 1863; died in battle South Side Railroad, Octoler 27, 1864. William W. Roberts, Handy, enlisted January 4, I864; mustered out July 5, I865. Andrew Wall, Handy, enlisted December 28, 1863; mustered out July 5, I865. Peter Wall, Howell, enlisted December, 1863; killed June i6, 1864, at Petersburg. Edwin Ware, Handy, enlisted Decemler 23, I863; mustered out July 5, I865. Conmpany IK. Abram Neely, Genoa, enlisted March 30, 1864; killed in action at Peterslurg, June I6, 1864. Charles L. Neely, Genoa, enlisted December 31, I863; mustered out July 6, 1865. Alva W. Scofield, enlisted December I5, I863; mustered out July 5, 1865. Charles Whitaker, Oceola, enlisted December 14, I863; died at Washington, June 21, 1864, of wounds. Ezra Whitaker, Howell, enlisted December 22, I863; mustered out July 5, 1865. CHAPTER VIII.NINTH AND FIFTEENTH INFANTRY. Organization of the Ninth-Volunteers from Livingston-Departure of the Regiment-Service in Kentucky-Battle and Disaster at Murfreesboro'-Engagements at Tyree Springs, Tennessee, and Mumfordsville, Kentucky-High Opinion of the Ninth expressed by General Thomas-Assignment of the Regiment to Duty at Army Headquarters-Veteran Re-enlistment and Furlough-Return to Duty in the Army of the Cumberland-The Regiment on Duty at Atlanta, Chattanooga, and NashvilleMuster Out-Members of the Ninth fiom Livingston CountyThe Fifteenth Infantry-Representation of Livingston County in the Regiment-Organization and Departure of the Fifteenth -Battles of Pittsburg Landing and Corinth-Siege and Surrender of Vicksburg-Transfer of the Fifteenth to the Army of the Cumberland-Veteran Re-enlistment and Furlough-Campaign of Atlanta-Operations in North Alabama-The March to the Sea, and through the Carolinas-Transfer to Arkansas-Return to Michigan, and Final Discharge and Disbandment. NINTH INFANTRY. THE Ninth Infantry Regiment of Michigan was raised during the latter part of the summer, and in the early autumn of the year I86I. Its rendezvous was at Fort Wayne, Detroit, where its organi 80 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. zation was perfected, under the following officers: William WV. Duffield, Colonel; John G. Parkhurst, Lieutenant-Colonel; Dorus M. Fox, Major; Ennis Church, Surgeon; Cyrus Smith, Assistant Surgeon; James G. Portman, Chaplain; Henry M. Duffield, Adjutant; Charles H. Irwin, Quartermaster. In the ranks of the Ninth, during its term of service, were nearly two hundred men from Livingston; the county being most numerously represented in Company K, but to a less extent in A, D, H, and I, and hlaving a few men in four of the other five companies. The company which was distinctively composed of Livingston County men was recruited by Captain John A. Tanner, and having been sufficiently filled for muster, left the county on the ninth of October, i86I, and proceeded to the regimental rendezvous at Fort Wayne. Following is a list of the members of the company at that time. It does not exactly correspond with the roster of the company as mustered, but is given here as showing who were the volunteers who accompanied Captain Tanner to the rendezvous, with the expectation of joining and serving with the regiment. Captain, John A. Tanner. First Lieutenant, Thomas J. Conely. Second Lieutenant, L. V. Curry. First Sergeant, Josiah Hayner. Second Sergeant, John Gould. Third Sergeant, Charles Tanner. Fourth Sergeant, Albert Benjamin. Fifth Sergeant, George G. Smith. First Corporal, G. L. Fisher. Second Corporal, Melvin Munson. Third Corporal, George Fowler. Fourth Corporal, Jerome G. Buckland. Fifth Corporal, Charles Brink. Sixth Corporal, George Stafford. Seventh Corporal, Aaron Sherman. Eighth Corporal, Zenas Palmerton. Drummer, Henry Tanner. Bass Drummer, Homer Handy. Fifer, William J. Taylor. Wagoner, Samuel Pardee. Lyman Carl. Ira Campbell. Abraham Comstock. Edgar Durfee. Joseph De Witt. Joseph Duffie. G. W. Dunlap. Jacob Dingman. John De Forest. E. D. Fuller. William Fowler. H. E. Gibson. John R. Hubbell. George W. Hoyt. John Hogg. Charles Harrington. George Harrington. Richard H. Jones. William Knowles. J. M. Logan. Henry Musson. John H. Mills. Calvin Moon. Edwin Metcalf. George Newbery. William Otto. William H. Ostrom. George H. Phillips. Samuel Rust. William Renn. W. H. Renn. George Schaffer. Milo Sawyer. Allen Slayter. W. E. Swinie. John Swinie. Francis Smith. Samuel W. Smith. Gardiner Smith. V. C. Smith. R. C. Smith. James Stage. Alvin Stage. Chauncey Spearer. Everett Sargent. John Tackle. Alphonzo Tenney. Gardiner Vanzile. Calvin Wilson. Henry Wort. Jesse Wilcox. Charles Welcher. Ezra Whitaker. Amos Weller. The regiment having been armed with weapons of an inferior class, was mustered into the United States service for three years, by Captain H. R. Mizner, United States Army, at the rendezvous, October 23d and 25th, I86I, and on the last-named day left Detroit for the seat of war in the Southwest, being the first regiment from Michigan which entered the field in the Western departments. It reached Jeffersonville, Indiana, on the twenty-seventh, and on the following day was moved by steamboat to Salt River, Kentucky. It was soon after engaged in the construction of a defensive work on Muldraugh's Hill, and made its winter quarters in that vicinity. During their stay at that place the men of the Ninth were terribly afflicted with measles and other disorders, as many as four hundred having been on the sick list at one time. Immediately after the fall of Fort Donelson, the regiment was moved by transports from Salt River to Nashville, Tennessee, where it remained for some weeks; then moved to Murfreesboro', and was posted there from April to July, as one of the chain of detachments which were placed to guard the rear and communications of General 0. M. Mitchell, in his advance on Huntsville, Alabama. During that time it formed part of the force with which General Negley made a demon Charles Avis. Peter Butler. Jerome Bussey. W. E. Bennett. James Butcher. Marvin Benjamin. Eli Bowen. Orrin Bowen. John Baumann. Privates. Charles Brink. Winton B. Brooks. V. M. Curry. James Culiton. Urial Comstock. Daniel Countryman. John Copland. James B. Cole. Wardwell Chase. NINTH AND FIFTEENTH INFANTRY. stration against Chattanooga, reaching the north bank of the Tennessee River, opposite the town. After that expedition it was again stationed at Murfreesboro' and vicinity, and on the thirteenth of July the six companies which were at that place (the other four, under command of Major Fox, being at Tullahoma) were attacked by a body of the enemy's cavalry, three thousand five hundred strong, under General N. B. Forrest. Of this battalion of the Ninth at Murfreesboro' one company was quartered in the court-house, and five companies were camped in a body in the northeastern outskirts of the village,-all under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Parkhurst. Colonel Duffield was present but not on duty; he having arrived in the evening of the eleventh, in company with General Crittenden, on business connected with the formation of a new brigade, of which Colonel Duffield was to have the command. The Third Minnesota Infantry Regiment was encamped on the bank of Stone River, less than two miles to the northwest of the town, and with it was Hewett's (First Kentucky) Battery. Forrest's attack on the camp of Lieutenant-Colonel Parkhurst's battalion was made at four o'clock in the morning of Sunday the thirteenth of July. He had evidently expected that it would be a surprise, but such did not prove to be the case, for Colonel Parkhurst had suspected, or had by some means been warned of, their approach, and prepared to give them a very warm reception. The result was that the first attack was successfully repelled, with considerable loss to the enemy, who then w:thdrew, and proceeded to attack the company occupying the court-house. Upon the withdrawal of the enemy from his front, Colonel Parkhurst at once dispatched a messenger to the colonel of the Third Minnesota, at Stone River, informing him of the situation, and asking him to come to his (Parkhurst's) assistance. With this request the officer in question, for what doubtless seemed to him good reasons, declined to comply. It was believed that he might have done so with good prospects of success, he liaving a comparatively large force, including an efficient battery. Certainly any attempt of Colonel Parkhurst-with his little force of less than three hundred men, and no artillery-to effect a junction with the Minnesotians, in the face of such an overwhelming body of the enemy, would have been almost foolhardy. At the court-house the attacking party met a very warm reception from the defending garrison, who held them at bay for two long hours, and only surrendered when they found such a course inevitable. Immediately after their capture they were II sent to the rear, in the direction of McMinnville, without an hour's delay, for the rebel commander believed that his work might at any moment be interrupted by Union reinforcements from either or all of the several detachments posted at different points in the vicinity; a very natural supposition, which might very easily have been verified. From the siege of the court-house the enemy returned to the attack of Colonel Parkhurst's position, which during the brief cessation of hostilities had been strengthened by such slight defenses as the men had been able to construct in the short time, and with the insufficient means and materials at their command. Slight as they were they afforded some shelter to the defending force, who though outnumbered more than ten to one by their assailants, fought with the most determined and persistent bravery till past noon, when, as it became evident that they need look no longer for succor, and that further resistance was useless, their leader submitted to the inevitable, and surrendered. During the eight hours through which they had stood at bay their loss had been thirteen killed and eighty-seven wounded. The enemy admitted that his own loss in killed alone had been thirty-five, and there is little doubt that it was much beyond this figure. Among the captured officers were Lieutenant-Colonel Parkhurst and Captain Mansfield. The first was marched away by the victorious rebels. Captain Mansfield being unable to endure the march was left behind, paroled, as was also Colonel Duffield, who had been badly wounded during the fight. His companion in his unfortunate visit to the post-General Crittenden-had also been captured at the hotel in the village, and was taken away with the other prisoners, to whose numbers was also added the Minnesota regiment before mentioned, and the men and officers of Hewett's Battery. At McMinnville, Forrest paroled the enlisted men whom he had captured, and they returned to Nashville, whence they were sent to Camp Chase. He, however, retained the officers and took them to Knoxville. From there they were sent to Atlanta, then to Madison, Georgia, where they remained for a considerable time, then to Columbia, South Carolina, to Salisbury, North Carolina, and finally to Libby prison, at Richmond, where they were eventually paroled. Colonel Parkhurst was exchanged in December, 1862. In the mean time the portion of the regiment which had escaped capture at Murfireesboro' had been engaged against the enemy at Tyree Springs, Tennessee, and at Munfordsville, Kentucky, about the time of Gen eral Buell's advance from Louisville to.Perryville and Bowling Green. HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. On the twenty-fourth of December, 1862, Lieutenant-Colonel Parkhurst, then in command of the Ninth (Colonel Duffield was permanently disabled by the wounds received at Murfreesboro', and resigned less than two months after that time), reported for duty at the headquarters of General Thomas, near Nashville, and was assigned to duty as provost-marshal; his regiment (reorganized and with ranks refilled by the exchanged prisoners) being detailed as provost-guard of the Fourteenth Corps. The remark was made by Gen. Thomas, on the issuance of the order assigning it to that duty, that he had fully acquainted himself with the history of the part taken by the regiment in its defense of the post of Murfreesboro' against Forrest, and that just such a regiment was what he needed at his headquarters. The duty to which the Ninth was thus assigned was performed by the regiment from that time until the expiration of its term of service. For the manner in which it performed the duties devolving on it at the battles of Stone River and Chickamauga (particularly the former), Colonel Parkhurst and the regiment were warmly complimented by General Thomnas. When that general assumed the chief command of the Army of the Cumberland, after Chickamauga, Colonel Parkhurst (who received his promotion to the colonelcy February 6, 1863) was made provost-marshal general of the department, and the Ninth became provost-guard at army headquarters. In December, I863, the regiment, to the number of two hundred and twenty-nine, re-enlisted as a veteran organization, received a veteran furlough, and returned to Michigan in a body, arriving at Coldwater in January, 1864. At the expiration of its furlough, reassembling at the same place, it left on the twentieth of February for the front, with its ranks filled to about five hundred men. At Chattanooga it returned to duty at headquarters, and in the summer and fall of 1864 participated in all the operations of the Army of the Cumberland in Georgia and Tennessee. It entered Atlanta on its evacuation by the enemy, and was there engaged in provost duty till that city was abandoned by the Union forces, when it returned to Chattanooga. During October, sixty-nine members were discharged by expiration of their term of service, but as a large number of recruits had been received during the year, the regiment, on the first of November, 1864, numbered eight hundred and ninetyseven enlisted men. It remained in Chattanooga until the twenty-seventh of March, I865, when it was moved to Nashville. There it stayed on duty at headquarters and as guard at the military prison until the fifteenth of September, when it was mus tered out of the service, and on the following day left for Michigan. It arrived at Jackson on the nineteenth of September, and one week later the men were paid off and disbanded, when they returned to their homes and to the avocations of peace. MEMBERS OF THE NINTH INFANTRY FROM LIVINGSTON COUNTY. Non- Commissioned Stqff. Sergeant-Major Charles D. Coleman, Pinckney, promoted to second lieutenant, Company C. Sergeant-Major Charles A. Kelly, Brighton, promoted to second lieutenant, Company I. Quartermaster-Sergeant Charles Tanner, Handy, died of disease at Fowlerville, Michigan, December 23, 1863. Principal Musician Henry C. Tanner, Handy, mustered out September 15, 1865; veteran. Company A-Privates. John J. Bush, Handy, enlisted March 15, 1865; mustered out September 15, 1865. Myron Balch, Conway, enlisted January 5, 1864; died at Chattanooga, Tennessee, April i6, 1864. Charles A. Cunningham, lamburg, enlisted September 2, 1864; mustered out by order, June 20, I865. Ira A. Cutler, Hamburg, enlisted September 2, 1864; mustered out by order, June 20, I865. Charles W. Crippen, Handy, enlisted September Io, 1864; mustered out by order, June 20, i865. Albert M. Drumm, Conway, enlisted September 6, 1864; mustered out by order, June 20, 1865. Purson W. Day, Handy, enlisted September II, 1864; mustered out by order, June 20, 1865. Marcellus Dickinson, Handy, enlisted September o1, 1864; mustered out by order, June 20, 1865. Charles Fillmore, Hamburg, enlisted September 3, 1864; mustered out by or(ler, June 20, 1865. Ransom N. Fillmore, Hamburg, enlisted September 3, 1864; mustered out by order, June 20, 1865. Charles W. Graham, Ilandy, enlisted March 15, 1865; mustered out September 15, 1865. Henry R. Goodrich, Putnam, enlisted December 26, 1863; nlustered out September 15, 1865. Wesley Mathews, Handy, enlisted March 15, 1865; died of disease at Nashville, Tennessee, July 5, 1865. Company B. Second Lieutenant Everett D. Sargent, Howell, November 3, 1864; mustered out September 15, 1865. Privates. George M. Black, Putnam, enlisted December 28, 1863; mustered out September 15, 1865. John M. Craig, Handy, enlisted January 2, i864; mustered out September 15, 1865. Alanson B. Northrup, Handy, enlisted January 5, 1864; mustered out September 15, I865. William P. Stowe, Handy, enlisted January 2, 1864; corporal; mustered out September 15, 1865. Compntjn C. Second Lieutenant Charles D. Coleman, Pinckney, promoted to first lieutenant, Company D. Second Lieutenant John G. Gould, Fowlerville, August 17, 1863; promoted to first lieutenant, November 14, I864. Privates. George Haviland, Handy, enlisted March 15, 1865; mustered out August I8, 1865. NINTH AND FIFTEENTH INFANTRY. 83 George P. Day, Handy, enlisted March 15, I865; died of disease at Louisville, Kentucky, July 21, 1865. Conzpany D. Captain C. D. Coleman, Pinckney, promoted from first lieutenant; mustered out September I6, I865. Privates. Lewis Merritt, Putnam, enlisted January 5, I864; discharged for disability, June 22, 1865. William W. Coats, Cohoctah, enlisted August 25, 1862; transferred to Company Il; died at Murfreesloro', February I8, 1863. Henry Wells, Conway, enlisted August 27, 1862; transferred to Company H; discharged by order, October 4, 1865. Joseph Murtagh, Putnam, enlisted January 4, 1864; discharged for disability, September 20, 1864. George D. Converse, Conway, enlisted September io, 1864; mustered out by order, June 20, I865. Iomer A. Handy, Handy, enlisted September 10, 1864; mustered out by order, June 20, 1865. Peter Buckley, Handy, enlisted March 15, I865; mustered out by order, August Io, I865. Dell N. Itum, Conway, enlisted September I, 1864; mustered out by order, June 20, I865. Edwin A. Metcalf, Handy, enlisted Septemler Io, 1864; mustered out by order, June 20, 1865. Joseph D. Bowers, Handy, enlisted March 15, I865; mustered out September 15, I865. John Q. Park, Handy, enlisted September I, 1864; mustered out by order, June 20, I865. Oscar Rathburn, Handy, enlisted March I5, I865; mustered out September 29, I865. I)aniel Sabin, Conway, enlisted September Io, 1864; mustered out by order, June 20, 1865. Comapany E. Simon S. Munn, Putnam, enlisted December 27, 1863; mustered out September 15, I865. William A. Benjamin, Conway, enlisted September o0, 1864; mustered out by order, June 20, 1865. Company F. Justus Coburn, enlisted August 14, I86I; veteran, December 7, 1863; mustered out September 15, I865. James A. Worthington, Handy, enlisted September 16, 1864; discharged by order, June 20, 1865. Company I. Allan Beele, Tyrone, enlisted January 27, I864; discharged by order, September 7, I865. George F. Burgess, Putnam, enlisted August I6, I86I; discharged for disability, July 13, 1863. Elniore S. Filkins, Deerfield, enlisted August I6, I861; no record. David Minnick, enlisted August I6, I86i; mustered out September I5, 1865. Daniel Thayer, enlisted August I6, I86; died of wounds at Nashville, November 30, I862. Thomas Sharp, Oceola, enlisted August i6, I86; no record. Arminus Springstein, Deerfield, enlisted August I6, i86; discharged. Gordon Snell, Oceola, enlisted August I6, 86i; dlied at West Point, Kentucky. William Hendricks, enlisted March 29, 1862; veteran, March 26, I864; corporal; mustered out September 15, 1865. James Hendricks, enlisted March 29, 1862; veteran, March 26, 1864; mustered out Septemler 15, 1865. Patrick O'Brien, died at Nashville, Tennessee, March 27, 1862. Oren M. Corey, Tyrone, enlisted January 25, I864; mustered out September 15, i865. Asa Cornell, Tyrone, enlisted January 8, 1864; died of disease at Nashville, May I3, 1864. George H. Fletcher, Tyrone, enlisted March 17, I865; died of disease at Nashville, June 29, 1865. Frank Cranston, Tyrone, enlisted January 25, 1864; mustered out September 15, 1865. John Damon, Putnam,'enlisted January 5, 1864; mustered out September I5, I865. Harrison Love, Tyrone, enlisted January 27, 1864; mustered out September 15, I865. George H. Plillips, Putnam,enlisted December 23, 1864; mustered out September 15, 1865. John B. Taylor, Putnam, enlisted December 28, I864; mustered out September 15, 1865. Newell L. Tallmadge, Tyrone, enlisted January 29, 1864; died at Tyrone, August 15, 1864. Eugene Slayton, Tyrone, enlisted March 15, 1865; mustered out September 15, 1865. Comntany I. Francis A. Clark, Brighton, enlisted August 15, i86; discharged for disalility, April I9, I862. Hugh S. Anderson, mustered out Septemher 15, 1865. Peter Ackerman, Brighton, enlisted August 15, 86i; mustered out at end of service, October 14, I864. Sampson Carpenter, Brighton, enlisted August I5, I86i; mustered out at end of service, October 14, I864. Finley Chamlerlin, Brighton, enlisted August 15, I861.; veteranl, December 7, 1863; sergeant; mustered out September 26, 1865. Isaac Crippen, Brighton, enlisted August I5, I86i; veteran, December 7, I863; sergeant; mustered out September I5, I865. Alonzo Cushing, Brighton, enlisted Augtust I5, I86I; mustered out September 15, 1865. James Haywood, Oceola, enlisted August I5, I86i; died of disease at Nashville, December, 1862. Eli Lewis, enlisted August 15, i86; discharged at end of service, October 14, I864. Alfred C. Moon, Hamburg, enlisted August 15, 186; discharged at end of service, October 14, 1864. Edwin R. Murray, Brighton. enlisted August 15, i86I; prisoner at IMufreesloro', July 13, 1862. Nathan Platt, Brighton, enlisted August 15, 86I; prisoner at Murfreesboro', July 13, 1862. John Rossiter, Hartland, enlisted August I5, I86i; discharged at end of service, October 14, 1864. Francis M. Stockwell, Brighton, enlisted August I5, i86I; died of disease at West Point, Kentucky, November 21, I86I. Lorenzo Youngs, Oceola, enlisted August 15, I86; veteran, December 7, 1863; died of disease at Nashville, Tennessee, September 15, 1865. Henry Crippen, enlisted August 15, I86i; veteran, December 7, 1863; corporal; mutered out September 15, I865. Charles A. Kelly, enlisted August 15, I86; sergeant; promoted to sergeant-major, January I, I865. William I. Morris, HIamburg, enlisted February 12, I864; mustered out September 15, I865. Harrison Crippen, enlisted August 15, I86I; discharged for disability, November I, 1862. Francis D. Rogers, Brightoln, enlisted January 26, I864; mustered out September 15, I865. William H. Spencer, Brighton, enlisted January 14, 1864; discharged by order, May 15, 1865. David Stage, Conway, enlisted January 23, 1864; died of disease, August i6, I864, at Lookout Mountain, Tennessee. James Greer, Putnam, enlisted December 28, 1863; mustered out September 15, 1865. Ernest Crippen, Brighton, enlisted September 12, 1864; discharged by order, April 29, I865. Fillmore Crippen, Brighton, enlisted September 12, I864; discharged by order, June 20, I865. 84 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. John Gott, Handy, enlisted March 15, 1865; discharged by order, September 23, 1865. Samuel House, Iandy, enlisted March 15, I865; mustered out September 15, 1865. Conpany K. John A. Tanner, captain, October 12, i86I. Thomas J. Conely, first lieutenant, October 12, i86I; captain, July 28, 1862. Second Lieutenant Lewis V. Curry, Brighton, resigned December 20, 1862. Sergeant Josiah Hayner, Brighton, enlisted August I6, I861; transferred to Invalid Corps, April 10, 1864. Sergeant John G. Gould, Handy, enlisted August 30, i86I; veteran, February 20, 1864; promoted to second lieutenant, Company C. Sergeant Charles Tanner, Handy, enlisted September 23, i861; promoted to quartermaster-sergeant. Sergeant Albert Benjamin, Conway, enlisted September 24, i86I; discharged for disability at Detroit. Corporal George L. Fisher, Handy, enlisted September 20, I86I; sergeant; discharged at end of service, October 14, 1864. Corporal Melvin Munson, Handy, enlisted September 24, I86I; died at Elizabethtown, February 22, I862. Corporal George Fowler, Brighton, enlisted August I6, i86i; promoted in 1st Regiment, S. S., March II, 1863. Corporal Jerome G. Buckland, Howell, enlisted Septeml)er 25, 186I; died at Tullahoma, Tennessee, of disease, August 25, 862. Corporal George Stafford, Howell, enlisted September 27, i86I; veteran, December 7, 1863; sergeant; mustered out September 15, 1865. Corporal Aaron G. Sherman, Conway, enlisted October 3, 1861; died of disease at Murfreesboro', Tennessee, 1862. Corporal Zenas Palmerton, Handy, enlisted September 14, i86I; mustered out September 15, I865. Musician IHenry C. Tanner, Handy, enlisted August 22, I861; veteran, December 7, 1863; appointed March 6, 1864. Musician William I. Taylor, HIandy, enlisted October 9, I86I; discharged at end of service, October 14, 1864. Wagoner Samuel Pardee, Handy, enlisted September 21, i86I. Privates. Charles Avis, Conway, enlisted September 24, i86I; died of wounds received in action at Murfreesboro'. Marvin Benjamin, Handy, enlisted September 14, i86i; discharged for disability, March I, I863. William Emerson Bennett, Howell, enlisted October I, i86I; mustered out September 15, 1865; veteran, December 7, 1863. Eli Bowen, Handy, enlisted October 4, i86I; corporal; mustered out September 15, 1865; veteran, December 7, 1863. Oren Bowen, Handy, enlisted October 5, I86I; corporal; discharged by order, September 28, 1865; veteran. Winten B. Brooks, Howell, enlisted October 9, I86I; sergeant; mustered out September 15, 1865; veteran, December 7, 1863. James Culiton, Brighton, enlisted September 21, I86I; discharged for disability, March 6, I862. John G. Copeland, Conway, enlisted September 23, i86I; discharged at end of service, October 14, 1864. James W. Cole, Conway, enlisted September 26, i86I; discharged August 12, I862. Wadwell Chase, Conway, enlisted October I, i86I; veteran, December 7, 1863; discharged by order, August 30, 1865. Lyman Carl, Handy, enlisted October I, i86I; died at Murfreesboro', Tennessee, January 16, 1863. Joseph Duffy, Howell, enlisted October I, I86I; died at West Point, Kentucky, October, 1861, John De Forest, Handy, enlisted September 20, i86I; veteran, December 7, 1863; mustered out September 15, 1865. Jacob Dingman, Conway, enlisted September 20, i86I; discharged at end of service, October 14, I864. George W. Hoyt, Handy, enlisted August 22, i86I; discharged for disability, November 5, I862. Richard lH. Jones, Handy, enlisted September 21, i86I; discharged at end of service, October 14, I864. William Knowles, Handy, enlisted October 8, i86I; died of wounds received at Murfreesboro', Tennessee. HIenry Munson, Howell, enlisted September 26, 186I; discharged at end of service, October 14, I864. John H. Mills, Howell, enlisted October 5, i86i; discharged at end of service, October 14, 1864. Calvin Moon, Handy, enlisted October I0, I86I; discharged in I861. George Newberry, Hartland, enlisted September 23, I86I; killed in action, July 13, I862. William Otto, Brighton, enlisted September II, i86I; died of disease at Louisville, Kentucky. William H. Ostrom, Conway, enlisted September 27, i86I; veteran, December 7, 1863; sergeant; mustered out September I5, I865. George H. Phillips, Conway, enlisted October 7, i86I; corporal; discharged at end of service, October 14, 1864. Samuel Rust, Conway, enlisted September 24, i86I; killed in action, July 13, I862, at Murfreesboro'. William H. Renn, Handy, enlisted August 22, i86I; veteran, Iecember 7, 1863; mustered out September 15, 1865. George Schaffer, Marion, enlisted October 9, I861; died of wounds received in battle at Murfreesboro'. Milton Sawyer, Cohoctah, enlisted September 26, i86I; died at Elizabethtown, Kentucky, February 22, 1862. Allen Slayter, Handy, enlisted September 25, i86; veteran, December 7, 1863; discharged by order, August 28, r865. Francis M. Smith, Conway, enlisted September 21, i86; veteran, December 7, 1863; mustered out September 15, 1865. Alvin Stage, Conway, enlisted September 23, i86; discharged at end of service, October 14, I864. James F. Stage, Conway, enlisted September 21, i86i; discharged at end of service, October 14, 1864. Gardner S. Smith, Howell, enlisted October 5, i861; died at Murfreesboro', Tennessee, June, 1862. Edmund L. Fuller, Conway, enlisted September 21, i86i; veteran, December 7, 1863; corporal; mustered out September 15, I865. Reuben C. Smith, Howell, enlisted October 7, i86I; died at West Point, Kentucky. Everett Sargent, Howell, enlisted October 8, 186I; veteran, December 7, 1863; December 31, 1864, promoted to second lieutenant, Company B. Gardner Vanzile, Ilandy, enlisted October 2, i86i. Henry Wirt, Handy, enlisted September 23, i86I. Jesse Wilcox, Conway, enlisted September 27, 1861. Amos Weller, Handy, enlisted October 8, i86I. Charles P. Lake, enlisted October I6, I86I; veteran, Decemler 7, I863; mustered out September 15, 1865. Ienry Lake, enlisted October 16, I86I; veteran, December 7, 1863; discharged by order, September 28, 1865. Barnard Rider, enlisted October I6, i86I; veteran, I)ecember 7, I863. William R. Thompson, enlisted October 26, i86i. Daniel G. Olmstead, enlisted March 13, 1862. Recritis. Henry B. Appleton, Cohoctah, enlisted February I6, 1864; mus tered out September 15, 1865. Richard Bristol, IHandy, enlisted January 2, 1864; mustered out September 15, 1865. NINTH AND FIFTEENTH INFANTRY. 85 Elijah Dunn, Handy, enlisted January 5, I864; discharged by order, September 28, I865. Lewis Dickinson, Handy, enlisted January 5, 1864; mustered out September 15, 1865. Gilbert Demarest, Handy, enlisted January 2, 1864; discharged by order, September 28, I865. James F. Fuller, Cohoctah, enlisted January 28, I864; mustered out September 15, 1865. Thomas Gilchrist, Handy, enlisted September I6, 1864; discharged by order, September 28, 1865. John E. Kenny, Handy, enlisted February 26, I864; mustered out September 15, 1865. James P. Larowe, Howell, enlisted February 27, I864; mustered out September 15, 1865. Isaac Morse, Handy, enlisted January i6, 1864; mustered out September 15, I865. James McGuire, Hamburg, enlisted April 22, I864; discharged by order, April 9, 1865. IHenry Ortner, Ilandy, enlisted January 2, 1864; died at Nashville, February Io, I864. Iarvey D. Palmerton, Handy, enlisted February 2, I864; died at Fowlerville, January 19, 1865. Cecil Parsons, Handy, enlisted September o1, 1864; dischargedby order, June 20, I865. James Reed, Handy, enlisted February I, 1864; mustered out September 15, 1865. William Renn, Handy, enlisted January 4, 1864; mustered out September 15, 1865. Derrick Slater, Handy, enlisted September I6, 1864; discharged by order, June 20, 1865. Nathan R. Scott, Handy, enlisted January 23, I864; mustered out September 15, I865. James R. Weller, Putnam, enlisted February 6, I864; mustered out September 15, I865. FIFTEENTH INFANTRY. The number of Livingston County men serving in the ranks of the Fifteenth was more than equal to a maximum company, but they were divided among at least eight companies of the regiment; the principal part, however, being found in "D" company, commanded by Captain Erastus A. Pratt. The regiment was raised and organized under Colonel J. M. Oliver, in the fall of I861, and had its rendezvous at Monroe. It left its camp of instruction for the front on the twenty-seventh of March, and was transferred directly from the peaceful parade-ground at Monroe to the storm of battle at Pittsburg Landing. It arrived the evening of the fifth of April, 1862. The next day the battle opened, and the Fifteenth was hurried to the front, taking an active and gallant part, and having thirty-three officers and men killed and sixty-four wounded, while seven were reported missing. The regiment served through the siege of Corinth, and was on duty in the vicinity until that place was attacked by the rebel generals Price and Van Dorn, on the first and second of October, 1862. It was then on outpost duty, ten miles northwest of Corinth, and was assailed by the whole rebel force. It fell back, contesting the ground inch by inch, and with some other regiments held the enemy in check during the whole of that day, giving ample time for General Rosecrans to prepare for the next day's conflict, in which he won a complete victory over the rebel army. The casualties of the Fifteenth were thirteen killed, thirty-two wounded, and five missing. The regiment served in Northern Mississippi until June, I863, when it was ordered to Vicksburg. Having been assigned to the Ninth Corps, it took part in the siege of that city, sharing the hardships and dangers, which were at length rewarded by the surrender of the place, with the whole army of General Pemberton, on the ever-memorable Fourth of July, 1863. The Fifteenth remained in Central Mississippi during the summer, and in October was sent with the Fifth Corps to reinforce the Army of the Cumberland. It was stationed in Northern Alabama until February, 1864, when a portion of the men re-enlisted, and the regiment was sent home on veteran furlough, returning, to take part in Sherman's Georgia campaign, in May. After unnumbered wearisome marches and many skirmishes, the Fifteenth found itself in the Fifth Corps, in front of the enemy, near Decatur, Georgia. The rebels drove back the Seventeenth Corps, which was on the left of the Fifth. The Fifteenth Michigan was ordered to take possession of an exposed position some distance from the line of its corps. On the regiment's arriving near the point indicated, it was found to be in possession of the enemy. The men 'of Michigan did not hesitate, but moved gallantly forward, and after a brief but sharp conflict captured the position, with seventeen rebel officers, one hundred and sixty-seven men, and three stands of colors. The loss of the Fifteenth was only four killed and six wounded. On the twenty-eighth of July the regiment won another victory over an assailing force of the enemy, which was driven off with heavy loss, leaving its dead and wounded on the field. Still another triumph was gained near Jonesboro' on the thirtyfirst of August, when the enemy attacked the fortified camp of the Fifteenth, and was most decisively defeated. After the surrender of Atlanta the regiment went to Northern Alabama to operate against the rebel general Hood, but returned in time to " march to the sea" with Sherman. It also marched through the Carolinas with that general; went from Washington to Little Rock, Arkansas, in June and July, 1865; returned to Detroit in August, and was discharged on the first of September. OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS FROM LIVINGSTON COUNTY. Company A. Orlando G. Crandall, Deerfield, enlisted December 29, 1864; mustered out August 13, 1865. 86 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Abram Eberhart, enlisted February 24, 1862; discharged at end of service, April 9, 1865. Albert Frank, mustered out August 13, 1865. Charles Hamilton, enlisted February 21, 1862; died of disease July 17, 1862. Benjamin Paulding, enlisted April 13, 1864; died in Andersonville prison-pen. Abithene G. Randall, Handy, enlisted January 5, 1862; died of disease July 12, 1862. Company B. William A. Brenner, Oceola, enlisted April IO, 1865; mustered out August 13, 1865. Samuel Carpenter, Genoa, enlisted April 8, 1865; mustered out August I3, 1865. Charles Cook, Genoa, enlisted April 1o, 1865; mustered out August 13, 1865. Glover Dorr, Deerfield, enlisted April 8, 1865; mustered out August 13, 1865. Daniel A. Ellingwood, Howell, enlisted April I, 1865; mustered out August 13, 1865. George Heckler, Oceola, enlisted April 1o, 1865; mustered out August 13, 1865. Preston Mills, Deerfield, enlisted April II, 1865; mustered out August 13, 1865. And. McVey, Deerfield, enlisted April 1o, 1865; mustered out August 13, 1865. John Woods, mustered out August 13, 1865. David C. Young, mustered out August 13, 1865. Company C. John W. Andrews, mustered out August 13, 1865. Job Durfee, discharged for disability, June 12, 1862. William Woods, died of disease at Corinth, Mississippi. Coompany D. Captain Erastus A. Pratt, Brighton, October I, 1862; first lieutenant October 22, I86I; tral.sferred to Company A; mustered out December 24, 1864. First Lieutenant Andrew J. Bishop, Iowell, October I, 1862; second lieutenant December 5, I861; promoted to captain; mustered out as first lieutenant January 28, 1865. Sergeant William L. Collins, Handy, enlisted November 9, 1861; discharged for disability, August 3, 1862. Corporal Jacob S. Burgess, Putnam, enlisted November 5, 186I; died of disease at St. Louis, Missouri, May 17, 1862. Corporal Charles Brockway, Howell, enlisted December 9, 1861; died of disease at St. Louis, Missouri, May 22, I862. Corporal Martin Galvin, Putnam, enlisted November 5, 1861; died of disease at Shiloh, Tennessee, April 28, 1862. Corporal James P. Jacoby, Putnam, enlisted November 9, 1861; discharged June 25, 1862. Corporal Peter Smith, Putnam, enlisted November 5, 186I; discharged for disability, October 14, i862. Corporal William Robertson, Putnam, enlisted November 5, 1861; service ended December 24, 1864; discharged. Corporal Thomas Moran, Putnam, enlisted November 5, i861. Musician Elias E. Brockway, Howell, enlisted December 9, 1861; veteran, February 15, 1864; mustered out with company, August 13, 1865. Edward Allen, Brighton, enlisted March 17, 1862; veteran, February 2, 1864; mustered out August 13, 1865. Patrick Burns, Brighton, enlisted March 17, 1862; veteran, February 2, 1864; killed by cars, April 30, 1864. William Blackman, died of disease in Michigan, March, 1863. Thomas Barry, IIowell, enlisted December 30, 186i; veteran, February 2, 1864; discharged by order, January 17, I866. George F. Brockway, Howell, enlisted December 9, I86I; veteran, February 15, 1864; mustered out August 13, 1865. Jesse Bowers, Handy, enlisted November 19, i86i; died of disease at Corinth, Mississippi, May 31, 1862. William H. Bentley, Brighton, enlisted November 30, i86I; died of disease at Camp Monroe, February 6, 1862. John N. Bartholomew, Putnam, enlisted November 4, 1861; killed in action at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Nelson Beardsley, Howell, enlisted December 19, i86I; killed in action at Corinth, October 3, i862. William P. Briggs, died of disease in Howell, July 18, 1862. William E. Blackburn, missing in battle. Hiram Bristol, Handy, enlisted November 30, i86i; discharged for disability, July I, 1862. Francis J. Clark, Hamburg, enlisted November 5, i86i; discharged at end of service, May 30, 1865. Erastus HI. Carr, died of disease July 2, I862. Isaac Countryman, Howell, enlisted November 6, 1861; discharged for disability, August I9, I862. Horace E. Barbour, Howell, enlisted December 9, 1861; discharged for disability, January 19, 1863. John C. Coleman, Handy, enlisted December 5, i861; discharged August 3, 1862. Henry Chalmers, mustered out August 13, 1865..John Daniels, Howell, enlisted November 19, i86I; veteran, February 2, 1864; mustered out August 13, 1865. William Denson, Handy, enlisted November I9, i86I; discharged August 3, 1862. Marsalus Dickinson, Handy, enlisted December 7, i86i; discharged for disability, June 12, 1862. George Decker, Putnam, enlisted November 7, i86i; killed in action at Shiloh, April 6, I862. Franklin E. Fox, Handy, enlisted September 6, 1864; discharged by order, MAy 30, 1865. George Fox, Howell, enlisted February 10, 1863; mustered out August 13, 1865. Schuyler E. Goodrich, Putnam, enlisted February 17, 1862; died October 14, 1862, of wounds, at St. Louis, Missouri. Henry Gardener, Putnam, enlisted November 9, i86i; discharged at end of service, Decemler 24, 1864. Cornelius C. Helms, Howell, enlisted December 9, I861; discharged for disability, August 9, I862. Henry C. Ielms, Howell, enlisted February Id, 1863; mustered out August 13, 1865. Jerome D. Helms, mustered out August 13, 1865. Martin Galvin, died of disease at Shiloh, April 28, 1862. William Herrick, Putnam, enlisted February I, 1862; died of disease at Corinth, Mississippi, July 7, I862. Philander Hill, Putnam, enlisted November 19, 1861; discharged for disability, December 3, 1862. Ransom Kelsey, died of disease at Memphis, October 19, 1863. George Kimball, Howell, enlisted February IO, 1863; mustered out August 13, 1865. Clark Lounsberry, enlisted February 8, 1862; discharged for disability, August 3, I862. Michael Lyons, Putnam, enlisted November 5, i86I; veteran, February 2, 1864; mustered out August 13, 1865. John Lake, Howell, enlisted February IO, 1863; died of disease at Camp Sherman, September 2, 1863. Enon Love, mustered out August 13, 1865. Henry C. Norton, enlisted February 6, 1862; died May 29, 1862. George Paddock, enlisted January 12, 1862; killed in action at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Silas Placeway, Putnam, enlisted February I, 1862; mustered out August 13, 1865. Eli Shaver, discharged for wounds, March 2, 1865. Fred. Frowl, Putnam, enlisted November 19, i86I; killed in acton at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. John I). Vaughn, Cohoctah, enlisted March 31, 1864; died of dis ease at Marietta, Georgia, September 16, 1864. William Vanorden, Putnam, enlisted November 5, 1861; discharged for disability, August 9, 1862. TWENTY-SECOND INFANTRY. 87 -1 James E. White, Putnam, enlisted November 5, I86I; discharged for disability, June 30, 1862. Bruce Welton, killed in action at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Theo. Washlurn, Howell, enlisted March 31, 1864; killed in action near Atlanta, Georgia, July 28, 1864. Albert H. Worthington, Oceola, enlisted Iecember 30, I861; corporal; died of disease August 9, 1862. Jacol Zeely Howell, enlisted December 30, I86I; died of disease May 8, 1862. Conspany E. Albert G. Dorrance, mustered out August 13, 1865. Nicholas G. Holt, Howell, enlisted April 4, I865; mustered out August 13, 1865. George Slroepper, mustered out August I3, I865. Company F. Samuel Axtell, Howell, enlisted December 30, I86i; died of disease at Cincinnati, Ohio, April 23, 1862. George Bunting, mustered out August 13, 1865. Lawrence Cronan, Deerfield, enlisted January I8, I862; discharged at end of service, January 29, 1865. Alonzo Evans, enlisted January 12, 1862; discharged for disability. Almon Iolcomb, mustered out August 13, 1865. Albert E. Newman, mustered out August 13, I865. Hamilton W. Davis, Green Oak, enlisted March 31, 1864; killed in action at Atlanta, Georgia, July 20, 1864. Theodore R. Staley, Howell, enlisted April 4, I865; discharged by order, July 3, 1865. Company G. William Dorrance, mustered out August 13, 1865. John Porter, mustered out August I3, 1865. William Sprigg, enlisted March 29, 1865; discharged by order, August 15, 1865. William Watson, discharged by order, July 12, 1865. Company Ax. John Hard(ing, Deerfield, enlisted December 29, 1864; mustered out August 13, 1865. Ilenry HIolihan, mustered out August 13, 1865. Samuel Wallace, Ilartland, enlisted March 29, 1865; mustered out August I3, I865. Solomon Bragg, Deerfield, died of disease in 1862 at Keokuk, Iowa. Isaac Felton, Deerfield, enlisted January 3, 1862; died of disease about June I, 1862, at St. Louis. William Goodale, died of disease in 1862 at Mound City. James Kempton, Deerfield, enlisted January 2, 1862; died of disease in 1862, at Pittsburg Landing. CHAPTER IX. TWENTY-SECOND INFANTRY. Livingston County Volunteers in the Twenty-second-Rendezvous at Pontiac-Departure for the Theatre of War-Reception at Cincinnati-Campaigning in Kentucky-Capture of Prisoners -Long Stay at Lexington-Sickness in the Regiment-Death of Colonel Wisner-March to Nashville, and Long Stay there -March to Bridgeport, Chattanooga, and Rossville, GeorgiaTerrible Battle of Chickamauga-The Killed, Wounded, and Captured in that Fight-Return of the Remnant to Chattanooga -Under Artillery Fire at Moccasin Point-Arduous Duty on Short Rations-Moving Pontoon-Trains-Battles of Lookout and Mission Ridge-Recruiting the Regiment-The Atlanta Campaign, and Occupation of that City-Return to Chattanooga -Seven Months of Fatigue Duty at that Place-Muster Out and Discharge of the Regiment. A LARGE number of Livingston County volunteers entered the Twenty-second Infantry during the war of the Rebellion, serving in several of its companies, but principally in " H" company, which went into the service under command of Captain Henry S. Dean, of Green Oak, First Lieutenant William A. Smith, of Marion, and Second Lieutenant Lewis Brown, of Howell, as its original commissioned officers. Captain Dean, who was afterwards promoted successively to the grades of major and lieutenantcolonel of the Twenty-second, is now a resident of Ann Arbor. He is probably more fully acquainted with the history of the regiment than any other person now living, and he has kindly furnished the following narrative of its organization, anl its honorable services in the great struggle. On the fifteenth of July, I862, the Governor of Michigan, as commander-in-chief of its forces, issued General Order No. I54, calling into service six regiments of infantry, and designating the Fifth Congressional District as the one in which the Twenty-second Michigan Volunteer Infantry should be raised; located the camp at Pontiac, and appointed ex-Governor Moses Wisner its commandant. On the eighth of August, 1862, Governor Wisner was commissioned colonel of tile Twenty-second; Heber Le Favour, Lieutenant-Colonel; William Sanborn, Major; A. P. McConnell, Surgeon; Edgar Weeks, Adjutant; T. C. Boughton, Quartermaster; Wells B. Fox, Assistant Surgeon; and A. E. Mather, Chaplain,, On the 3 st of July following, commissions were issued to the line officers, and on the z9th of August, I862, the regiment had its full quota of officers and men mustered into the United States service. Every member of the regiment remembers the many acts of courtesy and kindness extended to them by the citizens of Pontiac during the time the regiment was encamped there. September 4, I862, the regiment left its camp on the Fair-Grounds and marched, one thousand strong, to the depot. At two P.M. the train on which the Twenty-second was embarked left the depot, followed by the best wishes and prayers of thousands of loyal men and women, and sped on its way to the field of duty. Late that evening it took the boat for Cleveland, at which place it arrived on the morning of September 5th. From that place to Cincinnati the regiment went by rail, arriving at midnight. It was marched (as seemed to the marchers) through nearly every street in Cincinnati. At two o'clock A.M., September 6th, the regiment was given a public breakfast by the city authorities at the Fifth Street Market-house, and, what will seem hardly credible to an old soldier, 88 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. the men had to be told to fill their haversacks before leaving the table. This, however, was an order that it was never necessary to repeat thereafter. After breakfast the regiment crossed the Ohio to Covington, Kentucky, and retired to rest upon the paved streets of that town. Hard as was the bed, sweet was the sleep of one thousand tired men unaccustomed to carrying arms and knapsacks. During the forenoon of that day the regiment marched to the front, and at noon formed line of battle on the well-remembered ground of the " Cabbage Hill Fight." Skirmishers were thrown forward to feel of the enemy. After feeling some time they captured two prisoners of their own command heavily laden with rebel turkeys. The battle raged until midnight, resulting in fearful loss of Southern cabbage. At midnight the regiment retired in good oider to the cover of a fort. Not having any ammunition, it did not fire a shot in this engagement. Sunday, September 7th, it remained at the fort until late in the evening, when it marched a mile to the front, pitched tents, and lay down until one A.M. At that hour the bugle sounded "strike tents," which it did, and marched back to Camp Wallace. Here it had its first experience in building fortifications, and was engaged in that work until September I8th, at which date it marched five miles to Florence, Kentucky, and went into camp on the Fair-Ground at that place. It was there that one of the line officers discovered a new use for tin plates. September g9th, it marched nine miles south of Florence, and encamped on the farm of one Poor, whose property received the protection of the regiment that night. On the twentieth of September it marched in a southerly direction eight miles and camped for the night. September 2Ist it was marched back over the route it had come to within twelve miles of Covington, and pitched its tents in what was called Camp Walton. It was supposed by some that this retrograde movement was made for the purpose of familiarizing the regiment with the character of the country in which it was operating. From the twentyfirst of September to October 9th, the regiment remained at Camp Walton; forming line of battle from one to five times a night to meet the attacks of John Morgan's cavalry, which were never made. From Camp Walton it marched to Williamston and there pitched tents, naming its resting-place Camp Wells. There it remained until eleven o'clock P.M., October I4th, when all who were fit for duty marched for Cynthiana, arriving at that place on the fifteenth of October, at nine P.M. The detachment left at Camp Wells marched for Lex ington, Kentucky, on the seventeenth of October, and arrived at that place on the twenty-first. At Georgetown, through which the detachment passed, the regiment had its first experience upon the subject of returning slaves to their masters. This they were ordered to do by General Q. A. Gillmore, the only general (with one exception) who ever asked or ordered the Twenty-second Michigan Infantry to act the part of slave-catchers. On the night of October I6th, one company of the regiment moved under orders from Cynthiana to Townsend Bridge, arriving there at daylight on October I7th. On the afternoon of that day this company wvas ordered to march for Paris, Kentucky, arriving there at four o'clock A.M., October 18th. With the aid of a detachment of the Tenth Kentucky Cavalry one hundred prisoners of Humphrey Marshall's command were captured. At seven o'clock A.M. information was received from Lexington that John Morgan was moving upon Paris with two thousand cavalry and one battery of light artillery. Three negroes were dispatched to Cynthiana by hand-car to notify Colonel Wisner of Morgan's movements. At two o'clock P.M. of that day Colonel Wisner left Cynthiana with the regiment, and arrived in Paris at seven P.M., making the march of eighteen miles in five hours. That march secured to the Twenty-second the title of the "marching regiment." John Morgan, as was usual with that general when he had reason to expect an equal force, did not make his appearance. From Paris the regiment marched in pursuit of Humphrey Marshall, who was retreating from Kentucky into Virginia by way of Pound Gap. It passed through Lancaster to Athens, Kentucky, where it received orders to proceed to Lexington. It did so, and arrived at that place October 26, I862. Welcome to the regiment was the sight of its tents pitched by the detachment which had reached Lexington in advance of the main body. When it left Camp Walton, October 9th, it did so in " light marching order," the meaning of which every old soldier understands and will not soon forget, if the ground be covered with snow as it was in this instance. Tents were a luxury, and one that it had not enjoyed for seventeen days. From October 26, 1862, until February 2T, 1863, the regiment remained in Camp Ella Bishop, at Lexington, Kentucky. Here it learned the terrible fact that the enemy's bullets were not the only dangers incident to the life of a soldier. The four months spent in Lexington were attended with a great deal of suffering, and but slight good to compensate therefor. The rigid performance of picket duty in open fields without the shadow of a shelter TWENTY-SECOND INFANTRY 89 from the cold and storms of winter, without fires, sleeping on the damp ground, not permitted to use straw that through the generosity of citizens was offered to the regiment, brought sickness, suffering, and death upon it. Scores of noble men lie sleeping in the cemetery at Lexington, who died in consequence of exposure in picketing their own camps to prevent Union soldiers from entering the town of Lexington, for there was not an armed enemy within the State at that time. On the fifth of January, I863, occurred the death of one whom the people of Michigan loved to honor; one who, if he had been spared, would have added another to the roll of noble soldiers Michigan furnished in her country's dark hour of trial. Colonel Moses Wisner breathed his last at Lexington, Kentucky, on that day, after a lingering and painful illness. His last words were full of love for his country, and of sympathy and hopes for the well-being of his regiment. LieutenantColonel Heber Le Favour was promoted to the colonelcy of the regiment upon the death of Colonel Wisner, and Major William Sanborn was made lieutenant-colonel. A major* was taken fi-om among the line officers. February 21, 1863, the regiment marched to Hickman Bridge, on the Kentucky River, camping that night on what was called the Scott Farm upon ground covered with snow. Soon after the tents were pitched several hay-stacks in the vicinity melted away. From appearances the next morning part of the hay must have lodged beneath the tents of the men. It was reported by a member of the regiment who called upon Mrs. Scott that her favorite chicken, Zolicoffer, was a room-mate of the old lady's on that stormy night. February 22d the regiment marched fi-om Hickman Bridge to Danville, and remained there until the afternoon of the twenty-third, when it marched back to Hickman Bridge, arriving there at midnight nearly worn out. The men lay down in open air to sleep if they could. Scarcely had they done so when a dispatch was received from our general, Q. A. Gillmore, ordering the regiment to return to Lexington as soon as possible. At one o'clock A.M. it was moving in the direction of Lexington. The camp-equipage was unloaded from the wagons at the bridge, and as far as it was possible those who could not march farther were taken into the wagons. At daylight the Twentysecond reached Nicholasville and took the cars for Lexington. Upon its arrival at the latter place Companies B, E, G, and K were ordered to proceed to Cynthiana to guard that place against a threat * Captain Ienry S. Dean. 12 ened attack. The detachment reached Cynthiana in the afternoon of February 25th, tired and hungry, without rations, and with no government stores to draw upon. Through the kindness of a loyal man, the officer commanding the detachment was furnished with the names of six rich rebels, who were requested to furnish and cook rations for the men, which they did with as good a grace as could be expected under the circumstances. To the credit of those parties be it said that for the two days that they kept boarding-house for Union soldiers they set a good table. In the absence of better fortifications the detachment occupied a couple of stone churches and a school-house which commanded the town and its approaches. As the vandalism of Northern soldiers is sometimes spoken of, it is proper to mention here that the mark of pencil or knife or any other defacement was not left in any of the buildings referred to, nor did a valuable set of astronomical instruments bear the slightest trace of injury received at the hands of the soldiers quartered in the room where they were kept. The detachment returned to Lexington on the twenty-sixth of February, where the rest of the regiment had remained since its return from Danville. On the twentyfirst of March the regiment again moved to Danville, to look after General Pegram's raiding-party. It accomplished the march from Lexington to Danville, forty miles, in eighteen hours. It was quartered in the churches of the latter place on the night of the twenty-third of March. Early the next day it was moved out a mile on the Stanford road and went into camp. At eleven o'clock A.M., March 25th, the enemy made his appearance and opened fire upon the regiment from his mountainhowitzers. Line of battle was formed, but it was soon apparent that the enemy had designs upon our baggage-train, which had been put in motion in the direction of Hickman Bridge. The bugle sounded "strike tents," and the regiment fell back through Danville to protect the rear of the train. The roads were in a terrible condition, ankle-deep with mud, and rain began to fall in torrents. The enemy made frequent attacks from among the timber which skirted the road upon which the train and troops were moving. Under these trying circumstances the regiment was hurried back to Hickman Bridge. In this skirmish the regiment had two men wounded and one captured. Late at night, tired and hungry, the regiment reached the bridge, and lay down in the rain and mud to sleep. The next morning, upon the heights on the north side of the Kentucky River, the favorite war-steed of one of the line officers was found dead. Whether the wound in his side, through which his 9g HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. life-blood flowed out, was inflicted by a bayonet or bullet history does not record. For two days the regiment remained in the vicinity of the bridge, the enemy making occasional demonstrations on the picket-line. On the twenty-eighth of March it moved back to Nicholasville, and from there marched to Camp Dick Robinson and camped. The next day it marched to Lancaster, and on the thirtieth, marched to Crab Orchard. Here the regiment slept in buildings then lately occupied by the rebels, and on the morning following some of the plainest and most unassuming men of the command were accompanied by bodyguards, which for numbers were unsurpassed by those of any of the generals of the army. With the character of those guards few old soldiers are unacquainted. March 3Ist, the regiment moved towards Somerset, on the Cumberland River, in which direction Pegram was endeavoring to escape with his plunder. That night it encamped at Buckhorn Creek in the snow, without tents. Whoever had direction of affairs in that campaign appeared to be full in the faith that infantry could keep pace with cavalry, and the regiment was but eight miles in the rear of our cavalry when it overtook the enemy at Somerset and captured four hundred prisoners and the cattle he had stolen. Under orders to proceed to Tennessee the regiment took up its line of march for Lebanon, Kentucky, on the first of April, and arrived there on the ninth. At that place it saw and heard the last of the negro question. It was detained thirty-two hours by Brigadier-General Manson, because it refused to give up the colored servants who had been with it since its first arrival in Kentucky. This officer went so far as to order out troops to enforce his demand for the negroes with the regiment. Its commanding officer firmly refused to give them up, and the matter was referred to General Burnside, who ordered the regiment to proceed at once to Nashville, which it did, taking its servants along. To-day it hardly seems possible that a brigadier-general in the United States army could be found who would order Union soldiers to load their arms for the purpose of enforcing such a demand. There was such an one, however, in command at Lebanon, Kentucky, on the tenth of April, 1863. From Lebanon, Kentucky, to Nashville, Tennessee, the regiment proceeded by rail, arriving at the latter place on the evening of April 13, I863. The survivors of the regiment who were with it on that occasion will not forget the cheers that went up when it crossed the line dividing loyal Kentucky from rebel Tennessee. At Nashville the regimeqt remained doing interior guard duty until September 5, I863, at which date it was ordered to Chattanooga. It went by rail as far as Bridgeport, Alabama, where it camped on SevenMile Island, in the Tennessee River, and remained there until September I3th, when it marched to Chattanooga, distant twenty-eight miles, leaving its camp and garrison equipage on the island. The country lying between Bridgeport and Chattanooga is the roughest probably over which the regiment ever marched. Early on the morning of September I4th it was on what has since become historic ground-Lookout Mountain-from which it could look down upon Chattanooga Valley with the town of that name twenty-two hundred feet below it. It passed to the right of Chattanooga and camped at Rossville, Georgia. The march of thirty miles was made on the thirteenth of September and the night following, without halts, save such as are more fatiguing to a soldier than steady marching, viz.: halting for a baggage-train to move on, not knowing at what moment it will start, while the men are kept standing in readiness to march as soon as it does move. Every soldier that has marched in the rear of a train over rough roads fully understands how fatiguing is such a march. At Rossville, when the commands halt, front, stack arms, were given, every musket that left Bridgeport was placed in stack, and not a man was out of his place. On the seventeenth of September the forces under General Steadman, of which the Twentysecond was a part, were ordered to feel of the enemy gently in the vicinity of Ringgold, Georgia. At PeaVine Creek, near that place, the enemy was found in force, and artillery practice was indulged in on both sides. Having accomplished all that was intended by the movement, the forces fell back, and went into camp about five miles from Ringgold. Just as the regiment had rolled itself in its blankets for the night, it was aroused by the dropping of rebel shell into the camp. The pickets fell back upon the main body at double-quick, which created some confusion. The staff officer who established the picket-line ordered the picket to fall back in that manner if attacked, for which he was dismissed from the service, it being a direct violation of the orders he had received from the general commanding. The pickets were sent out again, and the remainder of the night was passed in quiet, the enemy having withdrawn. On the eighteenth of September the regiment returned to Rossville, and from there it again marched in the direction of Ringgold. On the nineteenth of September it had some skirmishing with the enemy near McAffee's Church, which, as some who were present remember, was not confined to musketry alone. That TWENTY-SECOND INFANTRY. night the regiment lay on its arms near the church. On Sunday morning, September 20, 1863, five hundred and one men of the Twenty-second Michigan Infantry drew rations and marched with the Reserve Corps, under General Gordon Granger, to the support of General Thomas, whose forces were heavily engaged with the enemy to the right of McAffee's Church. At two o'clock P.M. the regiment made a charge upon the enemy, who was pressing round General Thomas' right wing, and for five hours held its position. Between four and five P.M. its ammunition was exhausted. Information to that effect was sent to the general commanding, who sent back the order, " Hold the ground with the bayonet." This was done by repeated charges upon the enemy, when he made an effort to drive the regiment fiom its position. Under cover of the smoke of battle and the gathering darkness of night the rest of our forces were withdrawn, leaving a devoted little band-consisting of the Twenty-second Michigan and an Ollio regiment-to hold the battle-field of Chickamauga. Soon after dark fourteen officers and one hundred and seventy-eight enlisted men, all that were left of the regiment who went into the engagement, were surrounded by overwhelming numbers and made prisoners. Colonel Heber Le Favour commanded the brigade, of which the Twenty-second was a part, during the action. Lieutenant-Colonel Sanborn, commanding the regiment, was severely wounded in the early part of the engagement. Captain A. M. Keeler assumed command when brave Sanborn fell. Captains Snell and Smith fell mortally wounded. The report made at the time was one officer killed, two wounded, and fourteen missing; of enlisted men, thirty-seven killed, eighty-seven wounded, and two hundred and thirty-three missing in action. That short but appalling sentence, missing in action, included many who fell to rise no more. But for the fact that one company was ordered to remain as guard at General Granger's headquarters, there would hlave been but few left to tell the tale. What there was left of the regiment fit for duty camped at Rossville on the night of September 20th, and the next day marched to Clattanooga and crossed to the north side of the Tennessee River. One hundred and ninety-three officers and men of the regiment went into rebel prisons. The seventeen months and eleven days that their captivity lasted, carried a large proportion of their number down to nameless graves. If on the day they entered the rebel prison-pen a child had been born that slhould not die until it had lived the aggregate number of years spent in prison by the Twenty-second Michigan Infantry, that child would have been two hundred and seventy-three years, eight months, and seven days old on the day of its death. During the week following the battle of Chickamauga the regiment was engaged in throwing up fortifications on Moccasin Point, where it went into camp September 27, 1863, numbering one hundred and eighty-seven officers and men fit for duty. This number was soon increased to three hundred by General Thomas' order, directing detailed men to be returned to the regiment. On the eighth of October the enemy opened a heavy fire upon the command, from his batteries at the base of Lookout Mountain. The Tenth Indiana Battery which the Twenty-second was supporting, returned the fire with interest, and that night the enemy moved his batteries up the mountain. The next morning the enemy's artillery practice commenced from Point Lookout upon the camp, and was kept up fiom that day until the battles of Lookout Mountain and Mission Ridge drove him from his guns. For six weeks there was hardly an hour in the day or night that rebel slell did not screech over or into the camp. There were many narrow escapes, some dodging of heads and sudden reclinings at full length, but, what seemed almost miraculous, no one was hurt. From September 27th until after the battle of Mission Ridge the regiment knew what it was to be hungry. Three-fourths of one ration was issued to each man, and that had to last four days. It is hardly necessary to say that the fourth day after the issue of rations was a day of fasting to every man in the regiment. That small amount of food could not be made to last beyond the third day. The regiment was hungry, ragged, and bare-footed, but its Michigan grit failed not. On one occasion one-half the usual short ration was issued. Late in the evening of the second day afterwards an order was received from brigade headquarters announcing that there would be no more rations issued for two days. In the darkness of night the regiment formed in line to have the order announced to it. After the order was read the commanding officer said to the men that on the march and on the battle-field they had proven themselves true soldiers, and that two days fiom that time he could tell them whether they were good soldiers when hungry and without rations. With such a state of facts staring them in the face, who would not honor and love men who could send up a cheer such as did those men on that dark and dreary night?... On the night of October 27th the regiment was ordered to lie upon its arms at one o'clock A.M. The roar of artillery and rattle 92 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. of musketry gave notice that the enemy had discovered the Union forces crossing the Tennessee River at Brown's Ferry. At four o'clock A.M., October 28th, the regiment, with the brigade to which it was attached, moved to the assistance of General Hooker, who was fighting to open the " HardTack Line," as the boys called it. At daylight it crossed the pontoon-bridge laid at Brown's Ferry, and was soon after ordered to take possession of a hill in front of General Hooker's right flank, which it did, and for once the front proved the safest place, for the enemy's shot and shell either struck the ground below them or went over the hill and fell among the troops in the rear. As the regiment was moving to its position, some of the troops just over from the Eastern army took occasion to make remarks more pointed than complimentary concerning the clothing of the Michiganders. " You may wear better clothes, but you can't do any better fighting," was the reply made to those remarks. On that day the regiment ate the first full meal it had had in a long time; it consisted of wheat and corn in the ear. On the twenty-ninth of October the regiment returned to Moccasin Point, again on short rations and hard work, building corduroyroad from Brown's Ferry to Chattanooga. It was engaged in this work until November 21, 1863, when it was assigned the duty of moving a pontoon-train to a point on the Tennessee River four miles above Chattanooga, preparatory to the crossing of General Sherman's forces to take part in the battle of Mission Ridge. At nine o'clock P.M. of the dark and stormy night of November 2ist, a heavy train of pontoon wagons and boats was delivered to the regiment to be taken to the point designated on the river. The most profound secrecy was enjoined. The mules that were to move the train were so reduced by starvation that some of them could scarcely stand alone. The road was mud, axle-deep. Before starting, the regiment was told that upon its exertions for the next thirty hours depended in a great measure the success of the movement about to be made against the enemy. That if weak mules could not move the wagons, men must,-if wagons were broken they must be repaired at once. The missing wheels from General Palmer's ammunition-train, which was parked beside the road on which the train was moving, gave proof that the order to repair breakage was promptly obeyed. When wagons were capsized they were quickly righted by the strong arms of brave men. When mules and wagons were mired, men kneedeep in mud pushed or pulled them out. The task was not completed when day began to break on the morning of November 22d. Wagons and boats were quickly concealed in thickets, behind hills, or by piling brush over them. The men, tired, hungry, and without rations, lay down in the underbrush to await the darkness of another night. On the night of November 23d the same experience was repeated, and the pontoon-train parked in its position. Some idea of the skill and secrecy with which the movements preceding the battle of Mission Ridge were carried out may be derived from the fact that the men of the Twenty-second had not the least knowledge that General Sherman, with fifteen thousand troops, lay concealed just over the hills, forty rods to their left; nor did the enemy get the slightest inkling of what was going on until one of General Sherman's captains made the grand rounds of their picket-line on the south side of the river. At one o'clock A.M., November 26, I863, the regiment was under arms to take part in meeting any resistance the enemy might make to the laying of the pontoon-bridge. But the movement had been conducted with such secrecy that the enemy's pickets did not discover the first landingparty until they did so as prisoners. Before the bridge was completed, five thousand men had been thrown across the river in pontoon-boats, and at nine o'clock A.M. General Sherman's whole force was on the south side of the Tennessee River. As soon as the crossing was effected, the regiment was ordered to take the pontoon-train back to Chattanooga and lay a bridge at that point. Those who were present will not forget the advance of General Thomas in the centre on the first day; the roar of battle while General Hooker and his men were above the clouds on the second day; nor the five-mile line of battle that charged up the side of Mission Ridge on the third and last day of the battle, just as the last boat was placed in position, which completed the bridge over which a goodly number of Bragg's army marched as prisoners. On the twenty-eighth of November the regiment left its camp on Moccasin Point and encamped at the junction of Chattanooga Creek, with the Tennessee River one mile below Chattanooga. From that date until May 28, 1864, it was engaged in building railroad-bridges, storehouses, magazines, and saw-mills. It used to be said, if you want anything made, from a watch to a saw-mill, go to a Michigan regiment, and they will do it; and the Twenty-second was not an exception to the rule. It would require a long narrative to tell all that the regiment accomplished in that line. Suffice it TWENTY-SECOND INFANTRY. 93 to say that it was never idle, and that when it worked, no men accomplished more than the Twenty-second Michigan Infantry. On the sixteenth of January, 1864, the cars began to run fiom Bridgeport to Chattanooga, at which time the long season of short rations ended. Through the efforts of a recruiting-party, sent home to Michigan under command of Captain Atkinson and Lieutenant Breidenbach, the reginment was filled up to something near its old quota during the months of March and April, 1864. May i9th it went into camp on Lookout Mountain, where it remained until May 26th, when it received orders to report to General Thomas in the field, and took up its line of march to the front. It proceeded by rail as far as Kingston, Georgia, and firom there marched three and a half miles on the Cassville road, and camped at sunset, May 28th. Just as the regiment was comfortably settled for the night, a dispatch was received from the postcommander at Kingston, stating that the regiment was on the wrong road, and in imminent danger of being attacked, and advising an immediate return to Kingston. After a brief consultation it was decided to throw out pickets, and sleep or fight in that place. There was some good sleeping done that night, but no fighting. May 29th it marched back in the direction of Kingston, crossed the Etowah River, four miles from that place, passed through the beautiful little town of Euharley, and at five P.M. camped at Altoona Creek. May 3oth it crossed the Altoona Mountains, and camped that night on a creek four miles from Dallas, Georgia. " On the thirty-first of May it marched two miles to the right of Dallas and reported to General Thomas, who ordered the regiment to report to General Howard, who directed it to support a battery on its right. Here the recruits of the regiment first heard the whistle of bullets, and, as a rule, few ever forgot how they sounded the first tirme they were heard. On the first of June, 1864, the regiment was assigned to the Reserve Brigade, Department of the Cumberland, Colonel Heber La Favour commanding brigade, to report direct to General Thomas. It remained in this brigade until after the object of the campaign was accomplished, viz., the capture of Atlanta. From the time of the organization of the brigade until the fall of that place there was almost continuous battle. The days on which there were no battles were exceptions to the rule. New Hope Church, Brown's Mill Creek, Morris Hill Church, Big Shanty, Pumpkin-Vine Creek, Kenesaxv Mountain, iarietta, Rough-and-Ready Station, Vining's, Chatta hoochie River, Peach-Tree Creek, the battles of July 22d and 28th in front of Atlanta, and Jonesboro', September 1st, will be remembered as the names given to some of the engagements at which the regiment was present, but, as the name of its brigade will indicate, it was held as a reserve. Fortunate it was for the regiment that the Union forces were successful, for when disaster comes any position in an army is preferable to that of reserves,-a fact of which the Twenty-second was made fully aware at Chickamauga. July I8th, the regiment was halted on the banks of the Chattahoochie River and ordered to build a bridge across it. The material for the bridge was growing on the margin of the river when it arrived, and sixty hours thereafter, when it marched away, those trees had been converted into a doubletrack bridge two hundred and eighty feet long, at an elevation of ten feet above the water, and of sufficient strength for the passage of heavy artillery. July 20th, the regiment built a bridge across Nancy Creek, two miles from the Chattahoochie. On the twenty-second of July, 1864, it went into camp too near to the enemy's works in front of Atlanta to render the camp a pleasant one. It remained in front of Atlanta until four A.M., August 25, 1864, when, with the rest of the army, it made the flank movement to the south of that place. The men carried four days' rations in haversacks, and the regimental transportation carried ten days' more. On the twenty-ninth of August it reached Red Oak, a small place on the Montgomery Railroad. Early that morning the Twenty-second, with the rest of the army, proceeded to the destruction of that road. In a few hours thirteen miles of railroad was destroyed, thus breaking another of the enemy's lines of communication with Atlanta. On the thirty-first of August the regiment camped at Renfrew's, near Jonesboro', and on the first of September it stood to its arms in readiness to move at a moment's notice to take part in the battle of Jonesboro', which was won on that day by the Union forces.... The battle of Jonesboro', fought twenty-five miles south of Atlanta, gave to the Union forces the key to the Confederacy, and on the third of September the regiment began to retrace its steps to the latter place. On the morning of September 8, 1864, the brigade of which the Twenty-second was a part marched into the city of Atlanta with light hearts, colors flying, and bands playing. The prize that had been fought for, inch by inch, for four months, was won at last. It was one, too, at a time when the people of the North were dis heartened and despondent. A shout of joy went up throughout the North, and none knew how 94 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. great was the reason for rejoicing better than did the Union soldiers. On the fourteenth of October, while the teamsters of the regiment were grazing their animals just outside the picket-line at Atlanta, a squad of rebel cavalry dashed down upon them and captured six men, five horses, and twenty-nine mules. One of the men who made his escape reported that " all the mules are captured but me." A detachment was immediately sent in pursuit, but the enemy made good his escape with prisoners and booty. The regiment left Atlanta, on its return to Chattanooga, October 31, 1864, and arrived at that place at noon, November 6th, having accomplished a march of one hundred and forty miles in six and a half days, through a rain-storm which made the roads horrible. On the night of November 6th the regiment lay down to rest in the mud and rain without shelter.... The regiment remained at Chattanooga until June 21, I865. While it remained at that place it cut, rafted, and sawed lumber sufficient to erect twenty-five buildings, of sufficient capacity to quarter one thousand officers and men. These buildings were erected by the regiment, and occupied by it at the time the order for its muster out of service was received. In obedience to this order, it proceeded to Nashville by railroad, where it arrived July 22, I865. On the twenty-sixth of that month, the muster-out rolls being perfect, it was ordered to Detroit for final payment and discharge, and on Tuesday morning, July 27, I865, it left Nashville by rail homeward bound. The men of the regiment whose terms of service did not expire on or before October I, I865, were transferred to the Twenty-ninth Michigan Infantry, in which regiment they served until its final muster out. Although they had joined the Twentysecond after it had been in the field some time, by their cheerful discharge of duty and rapidlyacquired soldierly bearing, they had endeared themselves to the older members of the regiment, and it was with feelings of regret that they were left at Nashville. On the arrival of the regiment at Indianapolis it was detained twenty-four hours for want of cars. Many will remember the hearty cheers, that went up as the train of coaches (not cattle-cars), bearing the familiar letters M. C. R. R., ran down to the Soldiers' Home in Indianapolis, where the regiment was quartered while in the city. It quickly got on board the cars, and was soon speeding away for Michigan, comfortably seated in passenger-coaches for the first time in three years. At Marshall the citizens had dinner ready when the train arrived, and, although it was not intended to stop there, they would not take no for an answer, and the regiment did such justice to the many good things spread before it as only old soldiers know how to do. At Jackson, also, there was a dinner awaiting the regiment; but when it was known that it was to go to Detroit to be paid off, the then mayor of that city said that unless the regiment was paid off at Jackson it could not eat the dinner. The men had two days' rations of bacon and hard-tack in their haversacks, and thought they could live on that until they reached Detroit. The regiment went on board its train without tasting the dinner, in justice be it said, much to the regret and mortification of the citizens of Jackson. It arrived in Detroit at a quarter past eight P.M., was marched to the supper-room in the Michigan Central Railroad Depot, where so many of the returning regiments were the recipients of the hospitality of the City of the Straits. The welcoming speeches were made; the cow-bell that had seen three years' service was rung for the last time; the log-chain which Joseph Le Bot found in Southern Georgia, and carried through all his marches because he thought it would be handy on his farm was exhibited; and the regiment sat down to the last supper that it ever ate as a regiment. It slept that night on the Michigan Central Railroad wharf, and the next day nominally went into camp at the barracks on Clinton Street. July Io, r865, it was paid off, and the Twentysecond Michigan Infantry no longer had an existance. From the day of its organization to its muster out there were fi'fteen hundred and forty men mustered into its ranks; their average height was five feet eight and a quarter inches, their average age twenty-three years and nine months. Nine hundred and ninety-eight were born in the United States, two hundred and forty-three in Canada, eighty-one in Ireland, fifteen in France, one hundred and eighteen in Germany, two in Wales, one in Peru, and nineteen in Scotland. From the time the regiment left the State until it returned it marched two thousand two hundred and forty miles. MEMBERS OF TIlE TWENTY-SECOND INFANTRY FROM LIVINGSTON COUNTY. 1'ield and S/aft. Lieutenant-Colonel Henry S. Dean, Green Oak, June 7, 1864; mustered out June 26, 1865; major, January 5, 1863; captain, July 31, 1862. Assistant Surgeon Wells B. Fox, Hartland, August 21, 1862; promoted to surgeon 8ti Regiment Michigan Volunteer Infantry, March 6, 1863; mustered out June 24, 1865. Comnzany A. Gustavus Baetcke, Genoa, enlisted January 5, 1864; transferred to 29th Intantry; mustered out September 6, 1865. TWENTY-SECOND INFANTRY 95 John Dellenl)augh, Genoa, enlisted January 5, 1864; transferred to 29th Infantry; mustered out September 6, 1865. Joel H. Dykes, Genoa, enlisted January 5, 1864; transferred to 29th Infantry; mustered out September 6, 1865. Robert Boylan, Genoa, enlisted March 17, 1865; transferred to 29th Infantry; mustered out Septemler 6, 1865. Ienry Baker, Brighton, enlisted March 17, 1865; transferred to 29th Infantry; mustered out Seltember 6, 1865. Samuel J. Harwood, Green Oak, enlisted August 15, 1864; trans-.ferred to 29th Infantry; died of disease, July 4, 1865. Jeremiah Carpenter, Genoa, enlisted March 15, 1865; transferred to 29th Infantry. Alden G. Carpenter, Genoa, enlisted March 15, 1865; transferred to 291h Infantry; mustered out September 6, 1865. ILewis 1I. Westphall, Genoa, enlisted January 5, 1864; transferred to 29th Infantry; mustered out September 6, 1865. Godfrey Westphall, Genoa, enlisted January 5, 1864; transferred to 29th Inlfalntry; 1mu tered out Septembler 6, 1865. Jeptha Tucker, Oceola, enlisted September 20, 1864; transferred to 29th Infantry; mustered out June 26, I865. Conmjany B. Onin S. Arnold, Unadilla, enlisted March 2, I865; mustered out July 26, I865. William McWithey, Genoa, enlisted September 2, 1864; (lied of disease, May 27, 1865. Jay Sweet, Marion, enlisted September 12, 1864; mustered out July 17, I865. Conpany G. Rollin R. Bell, Unadilla, enlisted January I, 1864; transferred to 29th Infantry; mustered out September 6, 1865. 1liram Debar, Unadilla, enlisted January I, 1864; died of disease at Louisville, Felruary 14, 1865. John Debar, Unadilla, enlisted January i, 1864; mustered out July 27, 1865. Companjy I. Captain Henry S. Dean, Green Oak, July 31, 1862; promoted to major, January 5, 1863. Captain William A. Smith, Marion, January 5, 1863; (lied of wounds, October I I, 1863, received at battle of Chickamauga, September 20, 1863. First Lieutenant William A. Smith, Marion, July 31, 1862; promoted to captain, January 5, 1863. First Lieutenant Lewis Brown, Howell, January 5, 1863; prormoted to captain, Company K, April I, 1865. Second Lieutenant Lewis Brown, Howell, July 31, 1862; promoted to first lieutenant. Second Lieutenant Alfred R. Barrett, Marion, January 5, 1863; resigned November 10, 1863, for disability. Sergeant Alfred R. Barrett, Marion, enlisted August 6, 1862; promoted to second lieutenant. Sergeant Edward C. Silsby, Conway, enlisted August 6, 1862; killed in battle of Chickamauga, September 20, 1863. Sergeant Oscar M. Bentley, Green Oak, enlisted August I, 1862; mustered out June 26, 1865. Corporal Ienry F. Lake, Marion, enlisted August 9, 1862; mustered out June 9, I865. Corporal John G. Ferguson, Unadilla, enlisted August 5, I862; discharged for disability, May 8, 1863. Corporal Richard A. Stansell, Green Oak, enlisted August 8, 1862; killed in battle of Chickamauga, September 20, 1863. Corporal Mark S. Smock, Marion, enlisted August 14, 1862; mustered out June 26, 1865. Colporal-Frank Griggs, Conway, enlisted August 14, 1862; dis charged for disability, July 27, 1863. Corporal Junius S. Smith, Marion, enlisted August II, I862; mustered out June 26, 1865. Privates. Milo M. Abbott, Marion, enlisted August 14, 1862; mustered out June 26, I865. Felix Andrews, Green Oak, enlisted August 14, I862; mustered out June 26, 1865. Francis M. Albro, Green Oak, enlisted August II, 1862; died in Andersonville prison, July 20, 1864. Giles T. Brown, Green Oak, enlisted August 15, I862; discharged for disability, December 6, 1862. George Bush, Marion, enlisted August 14, 1862; mustered out June 26, I865. Jacol Billings, Conway, enlisted August 13, 1862; mustered out June 26, 1865. George L. Bennett, Green Oak, enlisted August I, I862; mustered out June 26, 1865. Samuel Brigham, Oceola, enlisted August II, 1862; mustered out June 26, 1865. Charles Brigham, Oceo!a, enlisted August 14, I862; mustered out June 26, 1865. Leonard Clark, Green Oak, enlisted August 9, 1862; died of disease at Lexington, Kentucky, April 14, 1863. Ienry Craft, Green Oak, enlisted August 15, 1862; mustered out June 26, 1865. Charles 11. Clark, Conway, enlisted August I4, 1862; missing in action at Chickamauga. Thomas Craft, Green Oak, enlisted July 26, 1862; mustered out June 26, 1865. Michael D. Day, Marion, enlisted August II, 1862; transferred to Invalid Corps; mustered out June 29, 1863. George XV. Day, Marion, enlisted August 14, 1862; died in Andersonville prison, September 30, 1864. Oliver C. Ellsworth, Marion, enlisted Auglust 14, 1862; died of disease at Nashlille, March 12, 1864. James J. Holmes, Oceola, enlisted August 5, 1862; died in Andersonville prison, August 15, 1864. John lHugheston, Green Oak, enlisted August 14, I862; died October 9, 1863, of wounds received at Chickamauga. David Iliscott, Iow\ell, enlisted August 14, 1862; died October Ii, 1863, of wounds received at Chickamauga. Charles Iiooker, Green Oak, enlisted August 9, 1862; died of disease at Nashville, November I8, 1863. John J. Hooper, Green Oak, enlisted August IO, I862; died March I, 1864, of wounds at Chickamaulga. Eustace Kincaid, Green Oak, enlisted August 15, 1862; died of disease at Lexington, March 20, 1863. Charles MI. Kenyon, losco, enlisted August 2, 1862; killed in battle of Chickamauga, Septenmber 20, 1863. William Loomis, Green Oak, enlisted August II, 1862. Iarlow B. Ianning, Green Oak, enlisted August I, 1862; killed in battle of Chickamauga, Septeimber 20, 1863. Isaac T. Lockwood, Marion, enlisted March 14, 1862; died of disease at Lexington, February I8, 1863. David W. Iyons, Marion, enlisted March II, 1862; died of disease at Lexington, January I8, 1863. Amasa Lampman, Oceola, enlisted March II, 1862; transferred to Invalid Corps, March 22, I864. Felix McCabe, Green Oak, enlisted March 15, 1862; died in Andersonville prison, August 15, 1864. Stephen P. Mills, Conway, enlisted March 14, 1862; killed in battle of Chickamauga, September 20, I863. Edward McKinley, Marion, enlisted March 15, 1862; transferred to Invalid Corps; mustered out June 30, 1865. Norton M. Monroe, Howell, enlisted March 14, 1862; died December 8, 1863, of wounds received at Chickamauga. John Oborn, Green Oak, enlisted March II, 1862; died of disease at Chattanooga, November 5, I863. John Ohlle, Green Oak, enlisted March II, 1862; mustered out June 26, 1865. Thomas H. Pier, Green Oak, enlisted March 9, 1862; mustered out June 26, I865. 96 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I John Purdy, Green Oak, enlisted March I, 1862; died of disease at Lexington, April 6, 1863. Jedde O. B. Pier, Green Oak, enlisted August 15, 1862; died of wounds, October 17, 1863, Chickamauga. Richard Pier, Green Oak, enlisted August 15, 1862; mustered out July I, 1865. William H. Robinson, Green Oak, enlisted August 8, 1862; died in Andersonville prison, May 5, 1864. Peter A. Rohrabacher, Cohoctah, enlisted August 20, 1862; mustered out June 26, 1865. Edwin M. Switzer, Marion, enlisted August 9, 1862; killed in battle of Chickamauga, September 20, I863. Job S. Sherman, Handy, enlisted August 14, 1862; discharged for disability, December 26, 1862. Eben A. Springstein, Deerfield, enlisted August 13, 1862; discharged for disability, January I, I863. Joseph Southard, Handy, enlisted August 9, 1862; died of disease at Lexington, March 23, 1863. William B. Taylor, Conway, enlisted August 15, 1862; killed in battle of Chickamauga, September 20, 1863. Orson W. Tock, Green Oak, enlisted August 9, 1862; mustered out June 13, 1865. Henry Turrell, Green Oak, enlisted August 9, 1862; died in Andersonville prison, May 31, 1864. Samuel Van Dyke, Conway, enlisted August 9, 1862; died of disease at Louisville, Kentucky, July 21, 1863. George W. White, Handy, enlisted August 14, 1862; mustered out June 26, 1865. William Wasburn, Green Oak, enlisted August II, 1862; died of disease at Chattanooga, April 3, 1864. Jolin Woll, Marion, enlisted August 14, 1862; mustered out June 26, i865. Gustavus AI. Washburn, Green Oak, enlisted August I, 1862; transferred to Invalid Corps, July 29, 1863. Jacob Ward, Iosco, enlisted August 14, 1862; (lied of disease, June i6, 1863. Peter O. Walker, Conway, enlisted August 9, 1862; died of disease at Lexington, Kentucky, November Io, 1862. And. J. Wickman, Conway, enlisted August 14, 1862; mustered out June 26, 1865. Amos Dexter, Tyrone, enlisted January 12, 1864; died of disease at Kingston, Georgia, August 25, 1864. Jerome Clark, Green Oak, enlisted March 30, 1864; transferred to 29th Infantry. Lawrence A. Flansberg, Genoa, enlisted September 14, 1864; mustered out June 26, I865. Samuel S. Howard, Green Oak, enlisted August 15, 1864. Compan y. Captain Frederick W. Kimbark, Brighton, July 31, 1862; resigned December 8, 1863. Sergeant Myron G. Hodges, enlisted August 6, 1862; died in Andersonville prison, September 25, 1864. Musician Joseph Burch, enlisted August 12, 1862; mustered out May 31, 1865. William Abrams, Brighton, enlisted August II, 1862; killed at battle of Chickamauga. Nelson Abrams, Brighton, enlisted February 25, 1864; transferred to 29th Infantry; mustered out September 6, 1865. James Abrams, Brighton, enlisted August II, 1862; mustered out June 26, 1865. Medad Blaisdell, Brighton, enlisted August 14, 1862; mustered out June 22, 1865. Henry Davis, Brighton, enlisted August II, 1862; discharged for disability, February 20, 1865. Thomas Moneypenny, Hartland, enlisted August 9, 1862; mustered out June 26, 1865. Robert Park, Hamburg, enlisted August 12, 1862; mustered out June 26, 1865. Richard C. Smith, Hartland, enlisted August 13, 1862; mustered out June 26, 1865. Richard M. Toncray, Green Oak, enlisted January 25, 1864; transferred to 29th Infantry; mustered out September 6, 1865. Edward E. Woodruff, Brighton, enlisted February 25, 1864; transferred to 29th Infantry; mustered out September 6, I865. Charles Phelps, died of disease at Lexington, Kentucky, November 26, 1863. Company K. Captain Lewis Brown, April I, I865. CHAPTER X. TWENTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. Recruiting for the Twenty-sixth in Livingston County-Muster at Jackson-Presentation of Colors-Departure of the Regiment, and arrival in Virginia-Provost Duty at Alexandria-"Our Camp Journal"-Death of Lieutenant Burch at AlexandriaMovement to Suffolk, Virginia-Fight at Windsor and Death of Captain Culver-Movement from Suffolk to the Peninsula, and thence to New York-Pleasant Camping at Tarrytown-Return to the Army of the Potomac-Mine Run-Winter QuartersCampaign of the Wilderness-Charge at Spottsylvania-North Anna, Tolopotomoy, and Cold Harbor-Crossing of the JamesOperations in front of Petersburg-Campaign of 1865 to Close of the War-March to Washington and Grand Review-Muster Out and Return Home-Experience of a Soldier of the Twentysixth at Andersonville-Livingston County Members of the Twenty-sixth. Two companies of the Twenty-sixth Infantry were raised almost entirely in Livingston County. In the summer of I862 recruiting for a company was commenced by Stephen B. Burch and Washington W. Burch, of Pinckney, and Lucius H. Ives, of Unadilla, and the work of enlistment progressed so rapidly that the company was sufficiently filled for acceptance in August. The men of this company were largely from the south part of the county. The other Livingston company which joined the Twenty-sixth was raised principally in the north part of the county, the three men most interested in recruiting it being John C. Culver, of Hamburg; Edwin Hadley, now of Adrian; and Charles E. Grisson, of Hamburg. Mr. Hadley commenced enlisting men at Howell in the latter part of July or first part of August; the expectation being that the company when filled would join the Twentysecond Regiment, then in process of organization at Pontiac. The ranks were filled with comparative ease, and on the twentieth of August the company moved by way of Fentonville to the regimental rendezvous at Pontiac. Nine companies of the Twenty-second were already organized and mustered in, and there was room for but one more company,-a place which the men from Livingston fully expected to take, but were much disappointed to find that a company from another county had already secured it, and that they must therefore be debarred fi-om joining the regiment of their choice. TWENTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. 97 The only alternative then presented was to join the Twenty-sixth Infantry, then organizing at Jackson, and this was finally decided on after some days of deliberation and inquiry. On the fourth of September the company left Pontiac and proceeded to Jackson, where, on the tenth of September, it was mustered and designated as E Company of the Twenty-sixth. Its first commissioned officers were John C. Culver, Captain. Edwin Hadley, First Lieutenant. Charles E. Grisson, Second Lieutenant. Their rank dated from September st. In the mean time the other Livingston company had preceded this to Jackson, and was mustered and designated as B Company of the Twenty-sixth; its commissioned officers (dating also from September Ist) being Stephen B. Burch, Captain. Washington W. Burch, First Lieutenant. Lucius H. Ives, Second Lieutenant. The Twenty-sixth was mustered as a regiment by Captain Mizner, U. S. A., with the followingnamed field and staff officers, viz.: Judson S. Farrar, Colonel. H-enry H. Wells, Lieutenant-Colonel. William O'Donnell, Major. Ennis Church, Surgeon. Mahlon H. Raymond, Assistant Surgeon. Charles D. Fox, Adjutant. Charles E. Crane, Jr., Quartermaster. Jonathan Blanchard, Chaplain. The ceremony of a presentation of colors to the regiment, while preparing for departure for the front, is thus described by General John Robertson in his " Flags of Michigan:" "While the Twenty-sixth was in camp at Jackson, and immediately preceding the march of the regiment to the front, it received from the fair hands of the ladies of Jackson a magnificent silk flag,-the field of blue, wi:h letters of gold. The presentation speech was ma.de in good taste by the Hon. Fidus Livermore, who had been commissioned by the Governor, as commander of tle camp, to raise the regiment; and which was responded to in a patriotic manner by Colonel J. S. Farrar, commanding the regiment. The flag was borne by the Twenty-sixth through many sanguinary fields, and what is left of it is now in the archives of the State." The regiment, nine hundred strong, left Jackson on the thirteenth of December, 1862, and proceeded, by way of Cleveland, Ohio; Elmira, New York; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; and Baltimore, to Washington, where it arrived on the eighteenth. A day or two later it crossed the Potonac and marched to Alexandria, where it remained a short I3 time and moved out to Union Mills, which place was reached on the twenty-first. It was supposed that this would be its winter quarters; but on the twenty-ninth it was moved back to Alexandria, and detailed for duty as provost-guard, LieutenantColonel Wells being made provost-marshal of the city. The camp of the regiment was in the suburbs of Alexandria, and here it remained for about four months,-a period which is remembered by the survivors of the regiment as among the most agreeable of any in their war experience. It was while the regiment was stationed at this place that the small newspaper called Our Camrp yournal was started,-its editors being Lieutenant L. D. Burch, Lieutenant C. H. Holden, and Henry H. Smith. The first number appeared under date of April I, I863, and it was afterwards occasionally issued at several different camps of the regiment. One event of a peculiarly sad nature, however, occurred to cast a gloom over the regiment during its stay, which was the death of Lieutenant Washington W. Burch, of one of the Livingston companies. A notice of the event, and a just tribute to the character of the dead lieutenant, was published in the special correspondence of the Detroit Advertfiser and Tribune immediately afterwards, as follows: "The saddest incident of all our history as a regiment was the death of First Lieutenant W. W. Burch, of Company B, which occurred on the morning of February 7th. He was a brave, generous, and highminded officer, and by his gentlemanly bearing had won the admiration of the entire regiment. How much we loved him, and how greatly he had endeared himself to us all, no words of mine may ever tell. But when our work as soldiers is done, and we are ' home again,' full of the sad and joyous memories of all we have seen and felt and heard, not the least of them will be the recollection of our chivalrous lieutenant, whose pure nature was incapable of wrong." On the twentieth of April, I863, the Twentysixth, under marching orders, embarked at Alexandria on board the steamer "Zephyr," and proceeded down tle Potomac, bound for an unknown destination. At night the steamer had reached the mouth of the Potomac, and there anchored. In the morning she resumed her way, and that night (April 2 ISt) the regiment was disembarked at Norfolk, Virginia. From this place-on the twentysecond-it proceeded to Suffolk, Virginia, which place was then threatened by the enemy, under General Longstreet. The Twenty-sixth arrived at Suffolk at ten o'clock P.M., and on the following morning made its camp on the western outskirts of the town. It was assigned to duty with the Third Brigade (General Terry), First Division, HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Seventh Army Corps, in the department of General Dix. On Friday, April 24th, the men had their first glimpse of the horrors of actual war, in seeing a large number of wounded brought in from tlhe front past its camp, on their way to the hospital in Suffolk. On the sixteenth of May the regiment left its camp at Suffolk and moved out ten miles, to " Deserted House." Here was the New York Sixtyninth (then under command of Colonel Corcoran), and a number of other regiments. On the twentythird of May the Twenty-sixth was ordered to the front, and became engaged in a skirmish with the enemy in the vicinity of Windsor. A member of the regiment who was in this fight wrote of it as follows: " Our brigade, with two others, went out on a reconnoissance towards Blackwater River. WVe did not find the enemy in very heavy force, although it was reported that Longstreet had several thousand men in that vicinity. Our pickets had one or two slight skirmishes with the rebels, but without anything disastrous occurring to us. While our men were out on picket the enemy made a charge on our line, at a post where Company A was on duty, near the edge of a narrow strip of woods. The rebels charged through the woods, yelling like ten thousand demons, thinking thus to intimidate our boys, who were now for the first time hearing and seeing 'gray-backs' face to face on the field of battle. But they stood their ground like veterans. When the enemy came in sight of our men, they found they had a foe to contend with ' well worthy of their steel.' Although the enemy outnumbered us three to one, yet on seeing the firmness with which we stood our ground, they thought 'discretion the better part of valor,' and returned back faster than they came; and, as turn about is considered fair play, our men now charged on them, and sent them back again beyond the woods." In this affair Captain John C. Culver, of E Company, was mortally wounded, while in command of a detachment, scouting in the woods outside the picket-line. The ball took effect in his right arm, between the shoulder and elbow, and though it was not at first thought to be dangerous, amputation became necessary, and the brave captain died in the hospital at Suffolk in the afternoon of Sunday, the twenty-fourth of May. By this casualty the command of the company devolved on Lieutenant Hladley, who was immediately afterwards commissioned as its captain. During its stay on the Blackwater the regiment was engaged in another skirmish (June 17th), in which, however, it sustained little or no loss; and on the nineteenth of June it left Suffolk by rail for Nor folk, where it was embarked the same night on board the steamer " Utica" and transported to Yorktown, on the Virginia peninsula, where it became a part of the force under General E. D. Keyes. It was disembarked at ten P.M. on Saturday, the twentieth, and on the following Monday was moved out on the road to Williamsburg, which town it passed through on the twenty-third, and camped eight miles beyond. From this place it marched to Cumberland Landing and White House. Moving from the latter place on the first of July, it marched up the Peninsula to the vicinity of Bottom's Bridge, on the Chickahominy, where it remained for eight days on the plantation formerly of ex-President John Tyler. Nothing of much importance happened there, and on the eleventh the regiment, with the other forces of General Keyes' command, reached Yorktown on the return. At eleven o'clock in the evening of the same day the Twenty-sixth embarked on a steamer at Yorktown, destined for Maryland and Pennsylvania, as the officers and men thought; but the opinion proved unfounded. At nine o'clock the next morning it arrived at Washington, and soon after left by railroad for the North. It was now understood that its destination was New York City, being moved there in view of the necessity of using its power to quell the lawless and murderous hordes who were inciting resistance to the military draft. Arriving in New York on the sixteenth it was first quartered in the Park Barracks, then in the old arsenal on White and Centre Streets, and was shortly afterwards moved to Fort Richmond, Staten Island. Shortly after the encampment of the Twentysixth on Staten Island, three companies (D, E, and G), with a battery, were transported by steamer to Tarrytown, on the Hudson River. Here, at their pleasant " Camp Irving," they remained some two or three weeks, which was a season of great enjoyment, and of very little laborious duty to the soldiers, so that marching orders, when they came, were received with much regret. A member of the command, in writing of the stay at Tarrytown, and the scenes immediately preceding their departure from it, said, " There is not an officer or soldier of our little battalion, or the battery, but has some peculiar and pleasant attachment to Tarrytown. When it was known that we had marching orders, the ladies purchased and presented to the battalion a stand of colors, which presentation was made the occasion of a large patriotic gathering. The Rev. Mr. Wines pre sented the flag on behalf of the ladies of Tarrytown, as a pledge of their devotion to their country, and an earnest of their future labors in its cause. TWENTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. 99 He spoke in flattering terms of the conduct of the soldiers during their brief sojourn at Camp Irving, and was pleased to bear testimony to the intelligence and honor of Michigan soldiers. Rev. Mr. Todd followed in an enthusiastic and powerful speech, and Lieutenant Burch responded on the part of Captain Dailey and the officers and soldiers of his command. In behalf of Captain Dailey and his command, of Colonel Farrar and his regiment, of Governor Blair and the ladies of Michigan, he thanked the patriotic ladies of Tarrytown for the banner, and for the kindness and courtesy they had extended. In the hearts of these officers and soldiers henceforth Tarrytown and its loyal citizens would be canonized. The memory of all they had seen and felt and heard would go with them to their graves. The flag, the ladies, and the speakers were loudly cheered, and our work in Tarrytown was done. Long and pleasantly shall we remember and speak of our visit on the Hudson, of the happy hours we passed in Camp Irving, of the pleasant evenings with the Clevelands, of our sail upon the river in Walter Byron's yacht, of Captain Storm and his kindness, and all the warm hearts and sunny faces of Tarrytown." The Twenty-sixth was not called on to perform the duty for which it was transported to New York, and after a very pleasant stay of about three months, mostly passed amid the invigorating breezes of the lower bay, it left on the thirteenth of October, proceeding south by railroad to rejoin the Army of the Potomac. In due time it reached Alexandria, and marched thence to Warrenton, Virginia, where it went into camp, and was assigned to the First Brigade, First Division of the Second Army Corps. On seventh of November the regiment moved thence to Stevensburg, where it again went into camp, and there remained until the twentysixth, when it moved forward with the army on the expedition to Mine Run. It crossed the Rapidan at Germania Ford, and reached Robertson's Tavern on the twenty-seventh. On the twentyninth it had reached the front of the hostile works at Mine Run. The story of its assault of one of the enemy's positions is thus told by an officer who was present: "Shelling and sharpshooting, skirmishing and reconnoitering are the order, until Sunday morning the twenty-ninth of November, when, dropping down upon the left of the line at White Hall Church, our brigade is thrown in the advance, and, forming into a strong skirmish-line, move forward under Colonel Miles and drive the enemy's pickets to within a mile of his main works, when we are ordered to halt in full view of his line of battle. Colonel Miles, commanding the brigade, Colonel Farrar, of the Twenty-sixth, and Colonel McKean, of the Eighty-first Pennsylvania, were repeatedly shelled by the enemy's batteries as they rode out upon the field to reconnoitre. Eighty rods to our front, and between us and the enemy's right, a piece of pine-woods was held by a force twice our strength, both in numbers and advantage of position. After a half-hour's halt we were ordered to charge the enemy from this position, and to hold the wood with our brigade. To charge across an open field for eighty rods exposed to a raking fire of musketry from the woods and shell firom the batteries is no mean work, even for veterans; but the First Brigade knew how to do it, and so across they go with a yell and a will that puts the enemy to flight, and in ten minutes they hold the wood within easy musket range of the rebel intrenchments. Repeatedly they try to dislodge us from this position; but it is worse than useless, for amid the bursting of shells, the hissing of balls, and the falling of boughs, the men of the First Brigade are coolly holding their position, and Colonel Miles is not solicitous about the result. This charge cost us some noble blood. Captain Phillips, of the Eighty-first, is among the killed, and Lieutenant McKinley, of the same regiment, ten of our own, and several from the Sixty-first New York, and other regiments, are wounded. From our great exposure to musketry and shell, it was only the bad practice of the enemy's gunners and infantry that prevented a hundred or more of us from being cut down." The Mine Run expedition was but a reconnoissance in force, and upon its completion the Twentysixth returned (December 3d) to its encampment at Stevensburg, where it remained in winter quarters, engaged only in picket duty (and in an expedition to Morton's Ford, February 6th and 7th), until the opening of the historic campaign of the Wilderness in the spring of 1864. On the third of May at eleven P.M. the regiment marched away with its brigade from the Stevensburg camp, and took the road to the Rapidan, each man carrying five days' rations and sixty rounds of ammunition. It crossed the river at Ely's Ford on the following day, and at night bivouacked on the old field of Chancellorsville. On the fifth, the march was resumed at an early hour, and by the middle of the afternoon the roar of battle was heard to the southward all along the front. The Twenty-sixth formed in line of battle, but was not engaged during this day. That night, and through the following day, it was employed in throwing up defensive works. On the seventh, Company E was sent out, and met the enemy in some force, but, having driven them a short distance and killed one officer and several men, retired again, finding it 100 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. impracticable to hold the position against the superior number of the Confederates. Then the regiment advanced, supported by the One Hundred and Fortieth Pennsylvania, and drove the enemy back, capturing two prisoners and some important dispatches, and losing one man from Company A. On the eighth of May the regiment marched to Todd's Tavern, threw up some works, and then moved out towards Corbin's Bridge, skirmishing and losing one man wounded, after which it retired to the works at Todd's. On the ninth it crossed the Po River, and advanced about two miles to the immediate front of the enemy's line, and there lay on its arms through the night. In the morning of the tenth it covered the crossing of the Po River. On the eleventh it recrossed that stream, reconnoitred the enemy's position, became sharply engaged, and lost eighteen killed and wounded. In the memorable and successful assault of the Second Corps on the enemy's works at Spottsylvania, on the twelfth of May, the Twenty-sixth took active and gallant part, charging with the bayonet, fighting hand to hand, capturing two brass guns with their gunners, and being the first regiment to plant its colors on the hostile works. It was also engaged in the desperate fight that followed the assault of the defenses, and assisted in the capture of a large number of guns, colors, and prisoners. In this day's work the loss of the regiment was one hundred and twenty-five killed and wounded and fourteen missing, it being afterwards found that the greater part of those reported missing were among the slain. Following are the lists, as published at the time, of the killed, wounded, and missing from the two Livingston companies of the Twenty-sixth in the slaughter of the twelfth of May. COMPANY B. Killed. J. W. Wilson. Wounded. COMPANY E. Killed. Samuel B. Appleton. R Eli Rambo. J( Daniel Meekin. Wounded. Lieut. C. E. Grisson. D Albert Bates. N Edwin Butler. S3 John Bennett. Jc Aaron Slater. C] B. F. Batcheler. A.ufus H. Wines. >hln Olds. ). E. Hathaway. elson T. Hinckley. ylvester Bates. )seph Low. harles E. Royce. shley C. Elder. ewton T. Kirk.* Missing. George Petteys. NT George Petteys. John M. Rice. The above lists, being official, are believed to be correct, though it is possible that they are not entirely so, having been made on the field, immediately after the battle. On the night of the twentieth of May the regiment left its position at Spottsylvania Court-House and marched to the North Anna River, reaching that line on the twenty-third. The next day it crossed that stream at Jericho Bridge under a heavy artillery fire, and drove the enemy into his works, losing fourteen in killed and wounded. It recrossed the North Anna in the night of the twenty-sixth and marched to the Pamunkey River, which it crossed on the morning of the twentyeighth, and advanced to a position near Hawes' Shop, which it at once fortified. On the twentyninth it moved to a reconnoissance of the enemy's position on Tolopotomoy Creek, in which movement three companies became engaged, and lost four men killed and wounded. The regiment reached Cold Harbor on the second of June, and in the fighting of that and the following day lost fifteen wounded and five missing. The following nine days were passed on the skirmish line and in the intrenchments, and during that time the loss of the regiment was ten in killed and wounded. On the thirteenth it moved across the Chickahominy. In the night of the fourteenth it crossed the James near the mansion of Dr. Wilcox, and reached the front of Petersburg in the morning of the sixteenth. On the day of its arrival there, it took part in the assault by which the first line of Confederate rifle-pits were carried. In this attack it lost twelve in killed and Charles R. Dutton. J. M. Kearney. James W. Fife. James D. Burgess. Josiah H. Munick. Orlando H. Sly. W. S. Holmes. David Frink. Thomas Lister. Watson Lister. Squire Holt. James Waters. James A. Wilder. G. E. Farnum. W. H. Dakin. J. H. Oaks. James Metcalf, John Dago., Missing. Samuel D. Wood. * Mr. N. T. Kirk, the present county clerk of Livingston, was taken prisoner at Spottsylvania, in the battle of that day, and spentt some months in Andersonville prison, as is mentioned in another place. TWENTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. IO1 ------------------- ---------------— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---~~~~~~~~~~ wounded; among the latter (mortally) being its commanding officer, Captain James A. Lothian. Again, on the seventeenth it took part in the assault and capture of a line of works, and lost nine killed and wounded in the charge. On the eighteenth it skirmished with slight loss, and it was a part of the force which sustained and repulsed a determined attack of the enemy on our lines, on the twenty-second, near the Williams House. In the morning of the twenty-sixth of July the regiment marched with its brigade to Deep Bottoll, where, on the twenty-seventh, it participated in the assault and capture of the enemy's works, with four pieces of artillery and a large number of prisoners. On the following day it was engaged in a reconnoissance from Deep Bottom in the direction of New Market, and on this expedition it attacked and routed a largely superior force of Confederates, and compelled them to take refuge within their fortifications. It was not again seriously engaged until the sixteenth of August, at which time, near White Oak Swamp, it encountered the enemy, and in the sharp action which resulted lost seventeen killed and wounded, and seventeen prisoners, among the latter being Captain Dailey, its commanding officer. The Twenty-sixth recrossed to the south side of the James River on the twentieth of August, and on the following day took its place in the lines fronting Petersburg. It moved to the Weldon Railroad on the twenty-second, and energetically worked at destroying the track until the twentyfifth, when the force was furiously assaulted at Ream's Station by the enemy, and driven from its defenses, which were, however, retaken by a determined charge, in which the Twenty-sixth took part, with considerable loss. From the fifth of September until the ninth of October it was employed in constructing earthworks near the Williams House, but on the latter date moved to a position farther to the right, and from the latter part of October for about five months it was daily employed in picket and fatigue duty in front of the invested city. On the twenty-fifth of March, 1865, immediately after the furious Confederate attack on Forts Steadman and Hancock, the Twenty-sixth Regiment, with its brigade, made a charge on the hostile works in its front, carrying a part of the line, and captured a considerable number of prisoners. The brigade occupied this position until the army commenced its flanking movement to the left, when the Twenty-sixth moved as skirmishers in front of the corps during the twenty-ninth, thirtieth, and thirtyfirst of March, being heavily engaged in skirmish ing during a good part of the last-named day. From the first to the fourth of April it was engaged in the pursuit of the retreating enemy, and fighting every day. On the sixth of April the regiment attacked a train of two hundred and sixty wagons loaded with amunition and provisions, all of which were captured. At the surrender of General Lee, the Twentysixth was in the skirmish line, and the flag of truce, which arranged the terms of the surrender, passed through the regiment's line. "From March 28thl until April 9th the regiment had captured over four hundred prisoners, and during that time its losses had been, in killed and wounded, about sixty, or more than one-fourth of its number present for duty; and had often been complimented by the brigade and division commanders as the best skirmishing regiment in the corps." It remained with the brigade at Appomattox for eight days after the surrender, parking the captured artillery and guarding the trains of captured arms and ammunition. It rejoined the army at Burkeville on the eighteenth, and remained there till May 2d, when it proceeded by rail through Richmond and Fredericksburg to WVashington, D. C., where it arrived on the thirteenth, and took its place in the grand review of the Army of the Potomac on the twenty-third of May. It was mustered out of service on the fourth of June, reached Jackson, Michigan, on the seventh, and was paid and disbanded on the fourteenth of the same month. EXPERIENCE OF A SOLDIER OF THE TWENTYSIXTHl AT ANDERSONVILLE. Among the members of the Twenty-sixth Regiment who were unfortunate enough to fall into the hands of the enemy during the terrible struggle at Spottsylvania on the 12th of May, 1864, and to find their way to the prison-pen at Andersonville, was Newton T. Kirk, of Company E, who spent several months in confinement there. Mr. Kirk (who is the present county clerk of Livingston) has written an account of the experience of himself and fellow-prisoners in that frightful place, and extracts from that account are here given. There were other Livingston County men besides Mr. Kirk who suffered within that hideous inclosure, and his narrative of the atrocities which they there endured in. common, cannot fail to be read with interest. "This prison," says Mr. Kirk, "was located in what has been called the Empire State of the South, on the railroad leading from Macon to Americus, and about sixty miles from the former place. Its location was selected in the latter part of 1863, after the rejection of several places more 102 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. suitable to the health and comfort of the prisoners, and with the intention, as was asserted, of building a pen for the Yankees where they would rot faster than they could be sent. In January, 1864, a stockade was erected of pine-logs, about twenty feet in height, inclosing an area of about seventeen acres; to this was given the name 'Camp Sumter.' In the following July the inclosure was enlarged to afford room for the confinement of an increased number of prisoners, which was accomplished by extending the stockade about forty rods to the north; the work being performed by the inmates of the prison. With the addition, the stockade embraced about twenty-three and a half acres. Across this, from west to east, and about onethird of the distance from the southerly end of the stockade, ran a sluggish stream of water, five or six feet wide, and bordered on the north by a low swamp, embracing an area of perhaps four or five acres. This swamp became in time the receptacle for the offal which naturally drained into it from the surface of the camp, as well as the wash and waste of the camps and cook-houses outside. Outside the stockade, near where the stream entered it, the cook-house was located, and farther up, the rebel guards were accustomed to wash and bathe, while close to the stockade, animals were permitted to die and rot in its waters. This stream was the only place, with the exception of.a few shallow wells and springs, from which the prisoners could procure water for general use. When the stream entered the stockade, it was covered with a mantle of filth, grease, and drippings that continually floated upon it when the creek was at its ordinary stage. From this pure and invirgorating stream the prisoners drew their main supply of water. Outside the main stockade were two other lines built for defense and protection, in case of attempts to escape on the part of the prisoners; one being twelve, the other sixteen feet in height. The hospital was situated outside the lines, some distance from the southeast corner of the camp, having been erected in June, 1864. There were two entrances to the stockade, both on the westerly side, one north, and the other south of the stream, secured by strongly-constructed gates. It was guarded and garrisoned by rebel troops, whose camps were on the west side. Thirty-five sentry-boxes, well sheltered from sun and rain, were provided for the guards, and placed on the top of the stockade, at intervals of one hundred feet, so that the sentinels could see all that transpired among the prisoners within. On an eminence on the southwest corner, commanding the camp, were forts well supplied with artillery. The country around Andersonville prison was a thick forest of pines, the space occupied by the camp having been cleared away for the purpose of its 'location. " A crowd of several hundred men, mostly wounded, went into the stockade on the twelfth of July, 1864. [This was the party of which Mr. Kirk was one,-having come there, by wearying and painful stages, from the place of his capture, on the battle-field of Spottsylvania.] We were weak from wounds, and tired and jaded from a ride of more than a thousand miles in crowded cattlecars; but we were thrust in among thirty thousand prisoners, and left to our fate. The scene within I have not words to describe. It is true that over the gates were not written in so many words 'abandon hope all ye who enter here,' but it was a fact that a fearfully large proportion of those who did enter never passed out alive. The first inquiries of the prisoners were in regard to the cause they loved so well, and for which they were suffering and dying. What of its victories and defeats? Does Father Abraham still live? Does the old flag yet wave? And as listening thousands gathered round, and the stories of the successes and triumphs of the Union arms were repeated, shouts ascended from gladdened hearts, and they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. They suddenly remembered that they were Union soldiers, with higher aims than that of starving and dying in Andersonville. Many had been there for long months. No letters had been received or sent, and they were intensely anxious for news from home. Letters were the soldier's life in our own camps; what joy they would have brought to suffering hearts here! Our detachment of several hundreds was directed to a certain part of the stockadethe northeast corner-where we would find some vacant ground. After a long search we found the point indicated, and proceeded to spread our blankets, but there was hardly room enough for all to lie down at night. After this, I went to the creek for water, and when I returned I could not find my place. The ground was all covered with sleepers, and all looked alike to me. I roused one and another, hoping to find my comrade and blanket, but had to give up the search, and finally camping on an unoccupied corner lot, two feet by six, went to sleep. The next morning I found the object of my search about twenty feet from me. The more I explored this place, the more I disliked it. The tales told of its unhealthfulness were not encouraging to a sickly person, and reports as to the bill of fare were not satisfactory to a delicate one, and-I wanted to go home. But thousands had died with that same cry upon their lips, and my request was not granted. TWENTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. o103 "During July the weather became hotter and hotter; at midday the sand burned the feet; the skin blistered under the sun's rays, and cracked open, and the flies were then a cruel torment. The loathsome swamp grew in offensiveness with every hour, and disease struck down its miserable victims on every side. During these months of July, August, and September, one could see in every direction numbers of men in the last stages of rotting death. The entire lack of vegetable food caused the scurvy to rage among the men in a fiightful manner. The gums would become diseased and rot away, and men with strong, healthy teeth could pull them out with their fingers. The limbs would swell to twice their natural size and become red as blood and almost putrid; yet, in cases as bad as these, I have known a halfbushel of sweet potatoes, eaten raw, to effect almost an entire cure. If we could have had the precious privilege of picking out from the refuse of the kitchen at home the potato-parings, applecores, and crusts of bread, hundreds of lives would have been saved to their country and their friends. I knew there in the stockade a German watchmaker from Philadelphia. Knowing that among the rebels were hundreds of old watches that required constant tinkering to keep them in motion, he made for himself some rude tools, and started a shop. His price for cleaning and repairing a watch was twenty dollars, and he took his pay in sweet potatoes at twenty dollars a bushel, Confederate money. He was constantly at work. Watches came to him from every quarter, and sweet potatoes followed. Aside from his own necessities, they were distributed among the suffering, and doubtless hundreds were relieved, and many lives saved, by his industry, skill, and humanity. I had the pleasure of meeting him afterwards in 'God's Country,' and of congratulating him on the good work he was permitted to accomplish. "Inside the stockade, parallel with the lines, and about sixteen feet distant, was the 'dead-line,' marked by strips of boards nailed upon upright posts which were planted in the ground at regular intervals. It was rightly named-the line of death; to pass it, to encroach upon the fatal spot beyond, brought the penalty of death to all, without distinction. The purpose of its establishment was to guard the stockade against the approach of the prisoners, either singly or in numbers; and the violation of the rule brought instant punishment. Many a soldier, weary of his wretched life, crazed with hunger, and despairing of release, deliberately crossed the dead line, and from the bullet of the guard met the death he sought. Day by day we heard the crack of the deadly rifle, and the remark would pass along the line that another soldier had received his discharge. But the greatest number met their death at the point where the dead-line crossed the creek on the west side. Those wanting water would go to this spot and reach as far up the stream as possible, to get the least filthy water, and as they could reach nearly to the dead-line, this furnished an excuse to such of the guards as were murderously inclined to fire upon them. I think I am not out of the way in saying that for many weeks at least one man a day was killed at this place. The murders became monotonous; we could hear the crack of the gun, and the piercing shriek of the victim, and hundreds of throats would yell out curses and cry, 'Oh, give the rebel a furlough!' It was our firm belief that any guard who shot a prisoner got a thirty days' furlough. Prisoners whose tents were near this point-this fact giving them a good opportunity for observationhave stated to me that after a soldier had been shot, the particular guard who did it would not be seen on duty again for some weeks. " I was at the creek one day for water, and two soldiers, each eager to get the best place for filling their canteens, began crowding and pushing each other. In the scuffle they came near the dead-line (or where it would have been had it been continued across the creek), and in a moment the sound of the rifle was heard, and the poor victim paid a fearful penalty for his thoughtlessness. Most of the guards were very young boys or old men. The more able-bodied were in Lee's or Johnston's army, and the cradle and the grave had been robbed in forming these home regiments. Their ignorance was simply wonderful; they could hardly comprehend that it was any more harm to kill a Yankee than a deer of their own forests. Their minds had been so worked upon by those who wished to create just such impressions, that they believed it was a meritorious act to exterminate them as fast as possible. It seemed to be the aim of those who inaugurated this system of things to use every available means to diminish the number of Union soldiers. The condition of prisoners here was well known to those in high authority, as well as the extreme cruelty of those who had charge of them. When the rebel general Winder left the scene of his crimes at Richmond, to take charge of Andersonville, the Ric/lmond Examiner, a paper never suspected of any partiality for Yankees, exclaimed, 'Thank God that Richmond has at last got rid of old Winder! May God have mercy upon those to whom he is sent!' "The life we were compelled to live here was barely endurable. Multitudes died because they 104 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. had nothing to do, nothing to read, nothing to engage their attention but misery and death. Many yielded to the long strain of privations and exposure. Their faculties shrunk under this waiting and longing, until they forgot their companions and regiments, the date of their capture, and finally their very names. Many sunk into this imbecile condition, and had to be carefully guarded by their comrades from running into danger. To our minds the world contained but two grand divisions: the space over which our flag floated we called 'God's Country;' that covered by the Confederate flag was designated by the strongest epithets at the speaker's command. To get from the latter to the former was the highest object of our desires; better be engaged in the most menial services under the Stripes and Stars, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness under the hateful Southern Cross. To take the lowest place in the field would now be a delightful change. We did not care to go home; we would not ask for furloughs, if we could only get to that blessed place within our own lines; once there, there would be no more grumbling at guard duty, no more fault-finding about rations. We would endure cheerfully all the privations that soldier's flesh was heir to. To thousands, hanging on the verge of eternity, this question meant life or death. "Between July Ist and November Ist, twelve thousand men died, the most of whom would doubtless have lived had they been able to reach our lines. There were only two ways by which this object could be accomplished,-escape and exchange. And there were so many perils attending the former, and so many failures connected with it, that our hopes were mainly centered on the latter. Every day there came something to build up the hope that exchange was near at hand, and every day brought something to extinguish the hope of the preceding one. Hope deferred maketh the heart sick, and the desponding and sickly sank down and died under these repeated discouragements. We had rumors, from time to time, of Sherman breaking loose from Atlanta, and of his march eastward; and we prayed that his route might take in Andersonville. Our ears were constantly open for the faintest sound that might indicate his approach. There was hardly an hour of the night passed without some one fancying he heard the sound of distant firing. One would jump up and say, 'Now, if I ever heard musketry firing in my life, there's a heavy skirmish line at work, and not more than two or three miles away, either.' Then another would say, 'I don't ever want to get out of here, if that don't sound just like the skirmishing at the Wilderness the first day of the fight.; it rattled exactly as that does now.' One night there came two short, sharp peals of thunder, sounding almost precisely like the reports of rifled field-pieces. We sprang up in a frenzy of excitement, but the next peal went off in the usual rumble, and the excitement gradually subsided. "A few days later, in the evening of September 6th, the rebel sergeant who called the roll entered the stockade, and addressed the prisoners about as follows: 'I am instructed by General Winder to inform you that a general exchange has been agreed upon; twenty thousand men will be sent immediately to Savannah, where your vessels await you; detachments one to ten will be ready to march early to-morrow morning.' I was in my tent when I first heard the cheering, and hastened over to where the crowd had gathered. The excitement was simply indescribable, and it increased in volume as the crowd increased in numbers. The prisoners had endured their sufferings with manly firmness, but the emotions which sickness and pain could not develop, joy could; and the boys sang and shouted and danced and cried as if in delirium. God's country, fairer than the promised land of Canaan appeared to the rapt vision of the Hebrew prophet, was spread out in the far vista before the mind's eye of every one. It had come!-that which we had dreamed of, longed for, prayed for, schemed, planned, and toiled for, and for which had gone up the last, earnest, dying wish of the thousands of our comrades who would now know no exchange, save into that eternal God's country to which they had gone. " In the morning of September 7th several thousands passed out, but our enemies were such measureless liars that many believed that they were only being sent to another stockade, to be out of the way of Sherman's threatened march. On the seventh, eighth, and ninth of September about ten thousand were sent away; and this gave us more room, so that we could have some exercise. We fervently hoped that our comrades had really been exchanged; that they had carried to our friends in the North some news of our whereabouts and condition; but knowing so well the character of those people we were not greatly surprised when we found our friends in the stockade at Millen, Georgia, about two months later. " As hopes of exchange declined activity in tunneling increased. Escape was a perpetual allurement to those who had some health and strength left; it afforded an opportunity for active possibil ities. Far better to die in making the attempt than to starve and rot in inactivity; but we could not but acknowledge that their plans to guard TWENTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. Io5 I against our escape were well-nigh perfect, as was attested by the fact that out of the fifty thousand prisoners who were, from first to last, at Andersonville, only about three hundred and twentyeight succeeded in getting to our own lines.... There were hundreds of patrols, pickets, and guards passing around at all times, watching and guarding every avenue. Several packs of hounds also formed an important part of the establishment of the prison-keepers. The human rebel might be escaped, but it was not so easy a matter to get clear of their canine assistants. One man now living in this county has told me that on one occasion three prisoners (of whom he was one), accompanied by a single guard, went out for wood, when they seized and gagged the guard, and bound him so that he could not give the alarm; then ran for life and liberty, keeping as much as possible along the stream, where the hounds could not follow the scent. After some hours the guard succeeded in getting free, and gave the alarm; the hounds were immediately put upon their track, and when they heard them in close pursuit they separated and took to the trees; but the hounds followed by their masters, soon came up, and the men were brought-down. This Inan was just on the point of getting down from the tree and joining the others, when he thought he would wait until invited to come down. To his great surprise the entire party turned about and retraced their way to the prison camp. As soon as they were out of sight he pursued his way to freedom, and finally succeeded, with much assistance from the colored men, in reaching our lines. We always found the colored people true friends, and there was no corner of the Southern Confederacy so remote but that they had heard of ' Massa Linkum' and his 'mancipation proclamation. " In Septeniber an event happened which brought to the minds of all familiar with Bible history the narrative of Moses bringing water from the rock. The stockade was very much crowded, and as there was considerable ground covered by the marsh along the creek that could not be occupied, some of the men asked and obtained permission from the rebel officers to dig down the hill along the dead-line and wheel the dirt down into the marsh, thereby gaining an acre or two of ground, which was afterwards used to very good advantage. They were busily engaged in this work when, deep in the hillside, they struck a fine spring of water, as cool and refreshing to the parched lips of the sick and dying of the prison as the waters of Meribah to the Israel ites of the wilderness. The news spread that the waters were bursting forth, and as the maimed and 14 sick crowded round the healing pool of Bethesda in Christ's time, so did these sick and dying ones come here for a draught of pure, cold water. So great was the crowd that a police force was organized, and the last who came were obliged to fall in the rear of the line. But there was no need of hurrying, for the water poured forth in a steady, constant, endless flow,-fit emblem of the blessings that should flow from the liberties which men were dying to perpetuate. " For me, this long period of hoping and watching and waiting finally came to an end early in November. An order came that every man must be at his tent, as the doctors were going to examine and send to our own lines those who would not be fit for future service. The doctors soon came in, and were quickly surrounded by maimed and wounded men, with wounds full of gangrene and limbs swollen almost to bursting with scurvy and dropsy, all of them imploring and beseeching the doctors to send them home before they died. From such a sight I turned away. I thought I had no chance in that crowd, but the sergeant of our ward insisted on the doctors seeing my wounds, and to my great surprise they put my name down for exchange. The next morning the bugle sounded for us to fall in. Our names were called and we were marched out of the stockade and again crowded into the cars. As our train left the depot we could see through the trees the fields where more than thirteen thousand of our soldiers were buried,-victims, not of necessity, but of the inhumanity of those who had them in charge. " Our train ran to Macon, and then turned on the road leading to Savannah. We arrived at that city on Sunday morning, November 20, 1864, and were soon drawn up in line on the dock, to sign articles of parole not to take up arms again until duly exchanged. These preliminaries duly arranged, we got on board a small tug and started down the Savannah River to the point where our vessel lay. As we rounded a point in the river we came in sight of a fort over which our flag floated. Our men, almost frantic with the sight of the stars and stripes, rushed to that side in such numbers that the vessel almost capsized, and the rebel officer drove them back with his sword. We finally arrived in the bay, where we saw our own steamers, laden with clothing for the naked, food for the famishing ones, mdicine for the sick and dying, and waiting to convey all to home and friends again. We sprang over the narrow plank that separated the vessels, and were at home. What a night we passed on board that vessel! Men shouted and prayed and sang as if in delirium, and some died, from very joy. Whenever I awoke io6 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. during the night, the voice of singing came to my ear, and my heart joined in the melody. What a delightful sense of comfort and rest we experienced for a few days! Food was given us sparingly, but we knew there was plenty in reserve when we were able to bear it. The day after we came on board we threw our rags into the ocean, and received a new suit of blue. We were then transferred to another vessel and started North. The very elements were propitious, and we had a delightful voyage, singing with glad hearts' Homeward Bound.' Very few were sea-sick, and about dark on Saturday, November 26, 1864, we reached Annapolis, where our wants were all provided for, and we received everything that our condition required." MEMBERS OF THE TWENTY-SIXTH INFANTRY FROM LIVINGSTON COUNTY. Field and Staff. Adjutant Charles E. Grisson, Hamburg, April 15, 1864; wounded in battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia, May 12, 1864; promoted to captain, Company A, July 29, 1864. Adjutant Harris H. Hickock, Howell, first lieutenant and adjutant, July 29, 1864; captain, June 9, 1865; mustered out as adjutant, June 4, 1865. Non- Commissioned Staff. Sergeant-Major Herman Preston, Howell, enlisted September 6, 1862; promoted to second lieutenant, Company H, March 20, 1863. Sergeant-Major William G. Smith, Hartland, promoted to second lieutenant, Company E, May 24, 1863. Sergeant-Major Lupton C. Culver, Hamburg, discharged for disability, May 4, 1864. Sergeant-Major Charles S. Fall, Hamburg, honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Principal Musician Valdmer Grisson, Hamburg, honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Conmpany A. Captain Charles E. Grisson, Hamburg, July 29, 1864; brevet major United States Volunteers for gallant and meritorious services in the field; mustered out April 19, i866. Conrpany B. Captain Stephen B. Burch, Pinckney, August 27, 1862; discharged for disability, April 15, 1864. Captain Lucius H. Ives, Unadilla, April 26, 1864; promoted to major, March 7, 1865; mustered out as captain, June 4, 1865. First Lieutenant Washington W. Burch, Pinckney, August I3, 1862; died at Alexandria, Virginia, February 7, 1863. First Lieutenant Lucius H. Ives, Unadilla, February 7, 1863; promoted to captain, April 26, 1864, Company B. First Lieutenant Thomas C. Chase, Iosco, June 26, 1864; promoted to captain; mustered out as first lieutenant, June 4, 1865. Second Lieutenant Lucius H. Ives, Unadilla, August 22, 1862; promoted to first lieutenant, February 7, I863. Second Lieutenant Thomas C. Chase, Iosco, February 7, 1863; promoted to first lieutenant, June 26, 1864. Sergeant Thomas C. Chase, losco. Sergeant Albert W. Messenger, Iosco. Sergeant Enos S. Steadman, Unadilla, enlisted August 6, 1862; taken prisoner in action at Deep Bottom, Virginia, August i6, 1864; died of starvation in Salisbury prison-pen, December 12, 1864. Sergeant C. Henry Smith, Putnam, enlisted August 6, 1862; died at Washington, May 27, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsylvania, Virginia, May 12, 1864. Corporal Samuel H. Martin, Putnam, promoted to sergeant; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Corporal Charles R. Dutton, Iosco, killed in action near Petersburg, Virginia, June 17, 1864. Corporal Andrew J. Rounds, Marion, discharged October 14, 1863. Corporal Thomas J. Hayes, Unadilla, died of disease at home, March 16, 1864. Corporal Henry Arnold, Putnam, discharged for disability, October 27, 1863. Privates. Ira P. Annis, Putnam, enlisted August 3, 1862; died at Alexandria, Virginia, March 17, 1863, of disease. Henry A. Kay, Putnam, enlisted August 3, 1862; honorably discharged May 22, 1865. William Anderson, Putnam, enlisted August 3, I862; discharged for disability, June 19, 1863. Burdick J. Abbott, Iosco, enlisted August 3, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. George W. Barton, Unadilla, enlisted August 3, 1862; transferred to Company G. William E. Burns, losco, enlisted August 3, 1862; discharged for disability, June 2, 1863. James D. Burger, Putnam, enlisted August 3, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Myron J. Chalker, Unadilla, enlisted August i6, 1862; died of disease at Stevensburg, Virginia, January 14, 1864. George W. Chalker, Putnam, enlisted August 6, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. John G. Chalker, Putnam, enlisted August 15, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. William S. Chalker, Putnam, enlisted August I6, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. And. J. Chovin, Iosco, enlisted August 1, 1862; died of disease at Yorktown, Virginia, July I6, 1863. Edwin B. Easton, Unadilla, enlisted December 28, 1863; killed in action near Petersburg, Virginia, June 17, 1864. George E. Farnham, Putnam, enlisted January 4, 1864; honorably discharged May 22, I865. George P. Foster, Iosco, enlisted August 9, 1862; died of disease at Alexandria, Virginia, March i6, 1863. George R. Finch, Iosco, enlisted August II, 1862; discharged for disability, October 27, 1863. Wilkinson Green, Iosco, enlisted August 13, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, I865. Henry O. Green, Unadilla, enlisted August 6, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Orein Green, Unadilla, enlisted August 6, 1862; mustered out July 13, 1865. Richard B. Garrison, Unadilla, enlisted August 7, 1862; killed in action at North Anna, Virginia, May 24, 1864. William S. Holmes, Unadilla, enlisted August 7, 1862; discharged by order, May 18, 1865. Edward A. House, Handy, enlisted August ii, 1862; discharged by order, May 13, 1864. Russell Hastings, Iosco, enlisted August 18, 1862; honorably discharged May 22, I865. John M. Kearney, Putnam, enlisted August 7, 1862; sergeant; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. And. S. Lobdell, Putnam, enlisted August 20, 1862; discharged April 9, 1863. Hiram D. Lee, Putnam, enlisted August 14, 1862; honorably dis charged June 4, 1865. Watson Lister, Iosco, enlisted August 13, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. TWENTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. 107 Thomas Lister, Iosco, enlisted February 24, 1864; died August 7, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsylvania. Francis J. Lincoln, Unadilla, enlisted August 21, 1862; transferred to Company G; died of disease at Hampton, Virginia, June 26, 1863. Charles Lockwood, Iosco, enlisted August 14, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Wesley H. Mosier, Iosco, enlisted August 1I, 1862; died of disease at Tompkins Centre, Michigan, October 14, 1864. Jedediah Miner, losco, enlisted August 15, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Hlenry Mills, Putnam, enlisted August 6, 1862; discharged for disability, January 30, 1863. Asher G. Miller, Putnam, enlisted January 4, 1864; mustered out June 24, 1865. James Metcalf, Putnam, enlisted August 14, 1862; killed May 12, 1864, in battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia. Isaac S. McIntosh, Unadilla, enlisted Auguit 15, 1862; died of disease at Yorktown, Virginia, July 7, 1863. James Moore, Unadilla, enlisted August 8, 1862; transferred to Invalid Corps; mustered out July 3, I865. James J. Mann, Putnam, enlisted August 15, 1862; died August 19, 1864, of wounds received at Cold Harbor, Virginia. Josiah Minick, Putnam, enlisted August 6, 1862; killed April 7, 1865, in action at Farmville, Virginia. Frank C. Martin, Putnam, enlisted August 21, 1862; died of disease at Fortress Monroe, September 3, 1863. John P. Miller, Iosco, enlisted August 22, 1862; discharged June I, 1863. John H. Oaks, Iosco, enlisted August 9, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Seth Porter, Unadilla, enlisted August 15, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Andrew Robinson, Putnam, enlisted August 15, 1862; discharged for disability, November Io, 1863. Lewis H. Sweet, Handy, enlisted August 20, 1862; honorably discharged June 9, I865. Augustus Ht. Stiles, Unadilla, enlisted August I4, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. George Strayer, Marion, enlisted August 8, 1862; sergeant; honorably discharged June 4, I865. Daniel Sprague, Unadilla, enlisted August 7, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Thomas E. Allison, Putnam, enlisted August ii, 1862; died of wounds received at Spottsylvania, Virginia, May 12, 1864. James Waters, Iosco, enlisted August 9, 1862; killed in action at Spottsylvania, Virginia, May 12, 1864. John W. Willson, Iosco, enlisted August 9, 1862; killed in action at Spottsylvania, Virginia, May I2, 1864. James A. Wilder, Putnam, enlisted August ii, I862; killed May 12, 1864, in action at Spottsylvania. George J. Wilhelm, Iosco, enlisted August 9, 1862; honorably discharged May 31, 1865. Company C. First Lieutenant John M. Royce, Hamburg, October I, 1864; promoted to captain, June 9, 1865; mustered out as first lieutenant. Comopany G. Francis J. Lincoln, died of disease at Hampton, Virginia, June 26, 1863. Lewis E. Whitaker, Oceola, enlisted November 21, 1862; transferred to Invalid Corps; discharged June 17, 1865. Isaac McIntosh, died of disease at Yorktown, Virginia, July 7, I863. Conpany H. Second Lieutenant Heman Preston, Howell, March 20, 1863; lischarged for disability, December 3, 1863. Private Loomis Dillingham, Conway, enlisted August 20, 1862; died of disease, January 12, 1864, at Stevensburg, Virginia. Coompany I. First Lieutenant Thomas J. Thompson, Hamburg, January 2, 1865; mustered out June 4, 1865. Second Lieutenant John M. Royce, Hamburg, April 13, 1864; promoted to first lieutenant, Company C, October I, 1864. Second Lieutenant Thomas J. Thompson, Hamburg, November 17, 1864; promoted to first lieutenant, Company I, January 2, 1865. CompAany E. Captain John C. Culver, Hamburg, August 21, 1862; died at Suffolk, Virginia, May 24, 1863, of wounds received in action near Windsor, Virginia, May 23, I863. First Lieutenant Charles E. Grisson, Hamburg, May 24, 1863; promoted to adjutant April 15, 1864. Second Lieutenant Charles E. Grisson, Hamburg, September I, 1862; promoted to first lieutenant. Second Lieutenant William G. Smith, Hartland, May 24, 1863; promoted to first lieutenant; resigned June 26, 1864. Second Lieutenant Albert W. Messenger, Iosco, December 5, 1864; sergeant, Company B; mustered out June 4, 1865. Sergeant William G. Smith, Hartland, enlisted August 14, 1862; promoted to sergeant-major April 23, 1863. Sergeant Robert Howlett, Hamlurg, enlisted August 4, I862; transferred to Invalid Corps September I, 1863. Sergeant Henry H. Bishop, Hamburg, enlisted August 4, 1862; honorally discharged June 2, 1865. Sergeant John M. Royce, Hamburg, enlisted August 4, z862; promoted to second lieutenant, Company I, April 13, 1864. Corporal Ileman Preston, Howell, enlisted August 14, I862; transferred to Company K and promoted to sergeant-major. Corporal Charles Purdy, Jr., Ilartland, enlisted August II, 1862; discharged to accept promotion in United States Colored Troops. Corporal Philo B. Wines, Howell, enlisted August 8, 1862; mustered out June 30, 1865. Corporal William Gregg, Hamburg, enlisted August 15, 1862; discharged for disability, July 31, 1863. Corporal Thomas J. Thompson, Hamburg, enlisted August 4, 1862; promoted to second lieutenant, Company I, November 17, 1864. Corporal Newton T. Kirk, Hartland, enlisted August II, 1862; sergeant; commissioned in United States Colored Infantry. Corporal Myron Kriesler, Genoa, enlisted August 12, 1862; discharged for disability, October 26, 1863. Privates. Jos. Abbott, Hamburg, enlisted August 8, 1862; died of disease at Alexandria, March 12, 1863. Edwin D. Alger, Cohoctah, enlisted August 22, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, I865. Samuel B. Appleton, Hamburg, enlisted August t, 1862; killed in action at Spottsylvania. Benjamin F. Bachelor, Oceola, enlisted August II, 1862; promoted into United States Colored Infantry. Jerome M. Baker, Hamburg, enlisted August 5, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Albert Bates, Tyrone, enlisted August 14, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Sylvester Bates, Deerfield, enlisted August 14, 1862; discharged for disability, May 13, 1865. Mark Barnard, Hamburg, enlisted August 5, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Albert Burnett, Green Oak, enlisted August II, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. James Burnett, Hamburg, enlisted August 14, I862; died of disease at Fort Richmond, New York, October I4, 1863. io8 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Benjamin Buffum, Hamlurg, enlisted August 12, I862; died of disease at Jackson, Michigan, November I8, 1862. Edwin D. Butler, Hamburg, enlisted August I5, I862; discharged for disability, January 9, 1865. Max. A. Buck, Hamburg, enlisted August 9, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Eugene A. Briggs, Cohoctah, enlisted August I4, 1862; discharged for disability, September 13, 1863. John J. Bradley, IHartland, enlisted August 21, 1862; discharged for disability, July 26, 1863. Leander F. Brown, Cohoctah, enlisted August I1, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, I865. Melvin Brookfield, Cohoctah, enlisted August 22, 1862; died of disease at Washington, March o1, 1863. Nathan Clark, Genoa, enlisted August 22, 1862; hon6rably discharged June 9, 1865. Lanson E. Clark, Hartland, enlisted August 15, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, I865. Webster K. Cole, Oceola, enlisted August 14, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Lupton C. Culver, Hamburg, enlisted August 15, 1862; promoted to sergeant-major, May 24, I863. Stephen C. Culver, Hamburg, enlisted August 15, 1862; died of disease at Washington, July 23, 1863. Lewis Cobley, Marion, enlisted August 21, 1862; discharged for disability, February 16, 1865. Hiram De Wolf, Hamburg, enlisted August 11, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Elias Durfee, IHartland, enlisted August 14, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. John Duffy, Green Oak, enlisted August 5, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Adolph Engle, Putnam, enlisted August 9, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Hiram C. Elliott, Handy, enlisted August Ii, 1862; discharged for disability, September 2, 1863. Charles S. Fall, Hamburg, enlisted August 6, 1862; promoted to sergeant-major, January 18, 1865. James W. Fulton, Green Oak, enlisted August 5, I862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Frederick N. Galloway, lowell, enlisted August 15, 1862; corporal; promoted into 27th Infantry. William Gilbert, Conway, enlisted August 7, 1862; died of disease at Jackson, Michigan, September 16, 1862. Valdmer Grisson, Hamburg, enlisted February 9, 1864; promoted to principal musician, April i, 1865. Harris H. Hickock, Howell, enlisted August 20, 1862; promoted to first lieutenant and adjutant, July 29, 1864. Nelson T. Hinckley, Hamburg, enlisted August 8, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, I865. Thomas Hall, Oceola, enlisted August 14, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, I865. William H. Halleck, Hamburg, enlisted August 14, I862; promoted into United States Coloied Troops September Io, 1864. Dwight E. Iathaway, Hartland, enlisted August 25, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, i865. Ira M. Hardy, Oceola, enlisted August 18, 1862; honorably discharged Jun: 4, 1865. Araswell Lamb, IHartland, enlisted August 14, I862; discharged for disability, April II, 1864. George W. Lake, Howell, enlisted August 8, 1862; died at City Point, Virginia, September 8, 1864, of wounds received at Ream's Station, Virginia, August 25, 1864. James B. Litchfield, Cohoctah, enlisted August 22, I862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Selah Mapes, Tyrone, enlisted August 14, 1862; died of disease at Fort Richmond, New York, November 23, 1863. Andrew J. McKean, Howell, enlisted August 15, 1862; honorably discharged June I0, I865. Robert S. Mountain, Howell, enlisted August I7, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, I865. Daniel McKean, Deerfield, enlisted October 7, 1862; killed in action at Spottsylvania, Virginia, May 12, 1864. John T. Olds, Conway, enlisted August 14, 1862; prisoner from May to November, 1864; mustered out June 20, 1865. Isaac Page, Howell, enlisted August 7, 1862; discharged for disability, February 3, 1865. George Pettys, Hamburg, enlisted August 21, 1862; killed in action at Spottsylvania, Virginia, May 12, 1864. Frank Pettys, Hamburg, enlisted August 16, 1862; died of disease, February 2, 1863, at Alexandria, Virginia. Edgar L. Rathbun, Oceola, enlisted August 14, I862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Eli Rambo, Howell, enlisted August I4, 1862; killed in action, May I1, 1864, at Po River, Virginia. David Spaulding, Deerfield, enlisted October 15, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Allen B. Springstein, Deerfield, enlisted August 14, 1862; mustered out in Arkansas, June 25, 1865. Aaron B. Slater, Handy, enlisted August 7, 1862; killed in action at Spottsylvania, Virginia, May 12, 1864. Delos Stimson, Putnam, enlisted August 6, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. John W. Sweeny, Hamburg, enlisted August 20, 1862; honorably discharged June 3, 1865. John W. Tompkins, Howell, enlisted August 22, 1862; discharged for disability, May I5, I865. Harvey P. Wing, Howell, enlisted August 8, 1862; honorably discharged May 26, 1865. Josiah W. Willis, Hamburg, enlisted August 5, 1862; honorably discharged June 4, 1865. Martin Woll, Howell, enlisted August 8, 1862; transferred to Invalid Corps, September 30, 1863. George E. Wright, Howell, enlisted August 8, I862; discharged for disability, January 2, I865. CHAPTER XI. THIRD AND SIXTH CAVALRY. The Peculiarly Arduous Service Required of Cavalry-Organization of the Third Cavalry-Departure for the Front in November, I86I-Winter Quarters at St. Louis-Campaigns of 1862 in Tennessee and Mississippi-Campaigns of I863-Long Marches and Heavy Captures of Prisoners-Winter Quarters at La Grange, Tennessee-Veteran Re-enlistment and Furlough-Provost Duty at St. Louis-Service in Arkansas-Winter Quarters, I864-65, at Brownsville-Services under General Canby-Frontier Duty in Texas-Muster Out and DischargeLivingston County Members of the Regiment-The Sixth Cavalry-Organization and Departure from Michigan-Services in the Vicinity of Washington-Assignment to Duty in the Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac-Its Campaigning in 1863 -Winter Quarters at Stevensburg-The Richmond Raid-Continuous Campaigning in I864-Campaign of I865-General Pickett's Opinion of a Charge made by the Sixth-Movement to North Carolina-Return to Washington and Participation in the Grand Review-Transfer to Fort Leavenworth-Service on the Plains-Muster Out and Discharge-Members of the Sixth from Livingston County. ALTHOUGH the cavalry branch of the army was not brought into as many general engagements as the infantry, and consequently suffered less in killed and wounded, yet its service was of an ex THIRD AND SIXTH CAVALRY. Iog tremely arduous nature, compelling men to be almost constantly in the saddle, riding day and night for hundreds, and sometimes for a thousand, miles in a single expedition. But the character of this service, being that of almost constant marching and change of station and duty, renders it impracticable to follow and trace the movenients of cavalry with as much of precision and detail as can be done in the case of infantry regiments. THIRD CAVALRY. The Third Cavalry contained between eighty and one hundred men from Livingston County; these being most numerous in Company G, but a considerable number being found in Companies I and L, and a few in other companies. The regiment was raised in the summer and fall of I86I, having its rendezvous at Grand Rapids. It left that place more than a thousand strong, November 18, i86I, and proceeded to St. Louis, Missouri, where it remained in winter quarters at the Benton Barracks. In 1862 it moved south, and participated in the operations at New Madrid and Island Number Ten, also in the siege of Corinth, and the subsequent campaign in Northern Mississippi, where it remained during the entire season, capturing in that series of operations twelve hundred and eighty-six prisoners of the enemy, among whom were five field- and thirty-two lineofficers. It passed the winter in Northern Mississippi, and in 1863 was again employed in that State and Western Tennessee in almost continuous marching, fighting, and raiding, and by the first of November in that year had taken an additional number of prisoners, sufficient to make the whole number captured by it since its commencement of service two thousand one hundred, of whom about fifty were officers. " During the year (from January i to November I, 1863) the regiment marched a distance of ten thousand eight hundred miles, exclusive of marches by separate companies and detachments." Accompanying the Third in its movements, was a light battery of twelve-pound howitzers. On the first of January, I864, the regiment arrived at La Grange, Tennessee, where it prepared winter quarters, and where, during January, nearly six hundred of its members re-enlisted as veterans, and received the usual furlough,-to rendezvous at Kalamazoo. From that place they moved, with their numbers largely augmented by recruits, to St. Louis, where they remained about two months on provost duty in the city, while awaiting the arrival of new horses and equipments. Still dismounted, the regiment moved May I8th, and proceeded to Arkansas, there joining the army of General Steele. It was mounted and armed I with the Spencer repeating-carbine on the first of August, and from that time until winter was engaged in scouting and outpost duty in that State. Its winter quarters were at Brownsville Station, on the Memphis and Little Rock Railroad. On the fourteenth of March it was transferred from Arkansas to the military division of West Mississippi, under General Canby, to move with the forces designed to operate against Mobile. After the fall of that city the regiment was employed on outpost duty till after the surrender of Lee and Johnston, and was then detailed as the escort of General Canby, on the occasion of his receiving the surrender of the Confederate General Taylor and his army. It moved across the country from Mobile to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, arriving there May 22, 1865. On Sheridan's assuming command of the Division of the Southwest, the Third was ordered to join troops designed for Texas, and left Baton Rouge June Ioth, moving by way of Shreveport, and across Texas to San Antonio, where it remained, employed in garrison duty, scouting expeditions for the protection of the frontier, and other similar duty till February 15, 1866, when it was dismounted and mustered out of service. The men returned via Victoria, Indianola, New Orleans, and Cairo, Illinois, to Jackson, Michigan, and there received their final payment, March 15, i866. MEMBERS OF THE THIRD CAVALRY FROM LIVINGSTON COUNTY. Comtpany G. Second Lieutenant James R. Pinckney, Iamburg, September 21, 186I; promoted to first lieutenant; mustered out February 12, I866. Quartermaster-Sergeant Henry Pinckney, Hlamnburg, enlisted September 17, i861; promoted to second lieutenant, Company L. Sergeant Daniel P. Barker, enlisted September 14, I86I; died of disease at St. Louis, Missouri, October I8, I862. Sergeant David A. Wilson, enlisted October Io, I86; discharged for disability, June 30, 1862. Corporal Edward M. Hall, enlisted September 6, I86I; discharged for disability, October 15, 1862. Corporal Asa Smith, enlisted September 6, I86I; veteran, January 19, 1864; discharged for disability, November 26, i864. Corporal Witman S. Hall, enlisted September 6, I86; veteran, January 19, 1864; mustered out February 12, I866. Privater. Samuel Avis, Green Oak, enlisted February 24, 1864; mustered out February 12, 1866. Alanson A. Brown, enlisted September Io, 1861; veteran, January I9, I864; mustered out February 12, i866. Marshall Borden, enlisted September 6, I86; veteran, January I9, I864; mustered out February 12, i866. John G. Barlow, enlisted February I8, 1864; mustered out February 12, i866. La Fayette Bennett, enlisted February 15, I864; mustered out February 12, i866. Ambrose W. Brown, enlisted February 22, 1864; mustered out February I2, i866. George Clinton, Putnam, farrier; veteran, January I9, 1874; mustered out February 12, I866. 110 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. John F. Cunningham, enlisted September 28, 1861; died of disease at Rienzi, Mississippi, June 30, 1862. Charles Connor, enlisted September 23, t86I; veteran, January 19, 1864; mustered out February 12, i866. William M. Cole, enlisted December I, 186I; veteran, January I9, 1864; mustered out February 12, i866. Christopher Clinton, Putnam, enlisted December 16, 1861; veteran, January 19, 1864; mustered out February 12, i866. John Fitzgerald, Brighton, enlisted February 25, 1864; mustered out February 12, i866. Murray Grady, enlisted September 6, 1861; veteran, January 19, 1864; mustered out February 12, I866. James L. Hawley, enlisted September 17, 186I; discharged for disability, November o1, 1862. William Keene, enlisted January 26, 1864; mustered out June 30, 1865. David A. Livingston; discharged for disability, October 15, I862. Thomas Lound, Hamburg, enlisted September 18, 1861; veteran, February 8, 1864; mustered out September 25, 1865. Henry Olsaver, Green Oak, enlisted September 17, 186I; discharged for disability, November 16, 1862. William C. Olsaver, Green Oak, enlisted February 24, 1864; mustered out February 12, 1866. David R. O'Neal, Brighton, enlisted February o1, 1864; mustered out February 12, i866. Thomas D. Osborn, Green Oak, enlisted February 27, 1864; mustered out February 12, 1866. Lucien Power, Hamburg, enlisted February IO, 1864; mustered out February 12, i866. Joseph Placeway, Brighton, enlisted February IO, 1864; mustered out September 29, 1865. Orrin Palmer, Putnam, enlisted Octoler 17, 1861; died of disease in Ohio, July 20, 1862. Sylvester Smith, Hamburg, enlisted October 22, I86; veteran, January Ig, 1864; mustered out February 12, i866. Daniel L. Smith, veteran, January 19, 1864; mustered out February 12, i866. Erastus Smith, enlisted September I8, 186I; veteran, January I9, 1864; mustered out February 12, 1866. Andrew I. Sawyer, Hamburg, enlisted February 14, 1864; mustered out February 12, x866. Samuel F. Shannon, Green Oak, enlisted February 18, 1864; mustered out February 12, 1866. Thomas Trainor, enlisted September 24, 186i; veteran, January I9, 1864; mustered out February 12, 1866. Charles D. Williams, enlisted October 22, 186i; veteran, January 19, 1864; mustered out February 12, i866. La Fayette Winans, Green Oak, enlisted February 22, 1864; died of disease in Green Oak, Michigan, August I, 1864. Company. Captain Henry J. Pinckney, Hamburg, October 24, 1864 (first lieutenant, August 13, 1863; second lieutenant, December 20, 1862); mustered out February 12, i866. Second Lieutenant C. W. Tenny, Hartland, mustered out February 12, i866. David W. Adams, Hartland, enlisted September 7, 1861; discharged for disability, January 25, 1862. Amos J. Beebe, Oceola, enlisted September I9, I86I; veteran, January 19, 1864; mustered out February 12, 1866. Eugene Bly, enlisted August 28, 1861; veteran, January I9, 1864; mustered out February 12, x866. Harrison Chase, enlisted October 25, I861; veteran, January 19, 1864; mustered out February 12, 1866. Jerome Carrier, enlisted September 2, 186I; veteran, January 19, 1864; mustered out February 12, i866. John Cranston, Tyrone, enlisted February I6, 1864; mustered out February 12, 1866. Charles Crippen, enlisted September 13, I86i; discharged at end of service, October 24, 1864. John Ford, Oceola, enlisted February 27, 1864; mustered out March 16, I866. Quintus Foster, Hartland, enlisted January 16, 1864; mustered out March x6, i866. Thomas Graham, Hartland, enlisted September 17, 1861; veteran, January 19, 1864; mustered out February 12, 1866. John Graham, Hartland, enlisted January 4, 1864; mustered out February I2, I866. Robert Graham, Hartland, enlisted January 5, 1864; mustered out February 12, 1866. Charles W. Hamilton, Tyrone, enlisted January 27, 1864; mustered out February 12, i866. James R. Price, Hartland, enlisted September 18, i86I; discharged for disability. Edwin Rogers, Brighton, enlisted February 27, 1864; mustered out February 12, 1866. Jacob Shook, Tyrone, enlisted February 4, 1864; mustered out February 12, i866. Peter Shook, Tyrone, enlisted February I, 1864; mustered out February 12, i866. Martin V. Stewart, Hartland, enlisted October 9, i86I; died in action at Iuka, Mississippi, September 13, 1862. John Sayers, Hartland, enlisted January 4, 1864; died of disease at St. John's, Missouri, July o1, I865. David C. Smith, Hartland, discharged for disability, April 4, I863. James Welch, Hartland, enlisted January 4, I864; mustered out February 12, i866. Company L. Edward Clinton, enlisted October I, i86i; discharged for disability, February, 1862. Robert W. Caskey, Iosco, enlisted October I, i861; veteran, January I9, 1864; mustered out February 12, i866. Ezra A. Fox, Handy, enlisted October I, I86; died of disease in Indiana, May I, 1862. David W. Kennedy, Hamburg, enlisted August 27, 1862; mustered out June 2, 1865. Charles M. Loree, Handy, enlisted October 9, i86; veteran, January 19, 1864; mustered out February 12, i866. Joseph C. Loree, Handy, enlisted October I, i86i; veteran, Jan uary I9, 1864. Alvin Loree, Handy, enlisted October 9, i86; died of disease, July 20, 1862, in Tennessee. Michael McManus, sergeant, Handy, enlisted September 20, i86I; discharged for disability, April 15, I862. Thomas Moore, Iandy, enlisted October I, I86I; died in action at Moulton, Alabama, July 21, 1862. D. R. Newman, Handy, enlisted November 9, i86I; veteran, January 19, I864; mustered out February 12, i866. James L. Tubbs, farrier, enlisted October I, i86; discharged for disability, April 15, 1862. George J. Whitehead, Handy, enlisted October I, i86i; mustered out February 12, i866. Other Companies. Edward Denson, Company B; enlisted September 9, i86i; veteran, January 19, 1864; died of disease on Mississippi River, October 17, 1864. William Drumm, Howell, Company B; enlisted March 5, i864; mustered out February 12, 1866. Daniel Campbell, IIartland, Company E; enlisted February 15, I864; discharged for disability, October I, 1864. Emanuel Kirby, Green Oak, Company F; enlisted January 3, 1864; died of disease at Duvall's Bluff, September 19, 1864. Charles W. Tenney, sergeant, veteran, January I9, 1864; promoted to second lieutenant, Company I. Bradley B. Norton, Hartland, Company A; enlisted January 14, 1864; died of disease at Duvall's Bluff, June 21, 1864. George M. Wallace, Hamburg, Company D; enlisted January 25, 1864; mustered out September 19, 1865. THIRD AND SIXTH CAVALRY. IlI SIXTH CAVALRY. The Sixth Michigan Cavalry, which was organized at Grand Rapids in the autumn of 1862, carried on its rolls the names of more than fifty men from Livingston County, the largest number being in Company D. The regiment was mustered into the United States service with twelve hundred men, under Colonel George Gray, on the thirteenth of October in that year, and on the tenth of December following left the rendezvous for Washington, District of Columbia, mounted and equipped, but not armed. It remained in the vicinity of Washington through the winter, and on the opening of the campaign of I863 joined the cavalry corps of the Army of the Potomac, being assigned to the Second Brigade of the Third Division. During the campaign of that year it experienced much of active service in Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, taking part in engagements and skirmishes as follows: Hanover, Virginia, June 30th; Hunterstown, Pennsylvania, July 2d; Gettysburg, July 3d; Monterey, Maryland, July 4th; Cavetown, Maryland, July 5th: Smithtown, Boonsboro', Hagerstown, and Williamsport, Maryland, July 6th; Hagerstown and Williamsport, July loth; Falling Waters, Virginia (where, according to official reports, it was highly distinguished for gallant behavior), July 14th; Snicker's Gap, July I9th; Kelly's Ford, September 13th; Culpeper CourtHouse, September I4th; Raccoon Ford, September I6th; White's Ford, September 21st; Jack's Shop, September 26th; James City, October I2th; Brandy Station, October I3th; Buckland's Mills, October Igth; Stevensburg, November I9th; and Morton's Ford, November 26th. From the latter date it remained in winter quarters at Stevensburg until the twenty-eighth of February, 1864, when it joined the cavalry column of Kilpatrick, on his great raid to the vicinity of Richmond. Returning from that expedition to camp at Stevensburg, it was transferred to the First Cavalry Division, and soon after moved camp to Culpeper. It was engaged, and fought bravely, near Chancellorsville, May 6th, and skirmished on the seventh and eighth. On the morning of the ninth it moved with General Sheridan's command on the raid to the rear of the Confederate army, holding the advance. From this time until the close of the year its history is one of almost continuous movement, which may be summed up by the enumeration of the fights and skirmishes in which it took part, as follows: Beaver Dam, Virginia, May gth; Yellow Tavern, May Ioth and I ith; Meadow Bridge, May 12th; Hanover Court-House, Virginia, May 27th; Hawes' Shop, May 28th; Baltimore Cross-Roads, May 29th; Cold Harbor, May 3oth and June 1st; Trevillian Station, June I Ith and I2th; Cold Harbor, July 2Ist; Winchester, August IIth; Front Royal, August i6th; Leetown, August 25th; Shepherdstown, Virginia, August 26th; Smithfield, August 29th; Berryville, September 3d; Summit, September 4th; Opequan, September I9th; Luray, September 24th; Port Republic, September 26th, 27th, and 28th; Mount Crawford, Virginia, October 2d; Woodstock, October 9th; Cedar Creek, October i9th; Madison Court-House, December 24th. On the opening of the spring campaign it moved with the other cavalry forces of Sheridan, February 27, i865, towards Gordonsville, and fought at Louisa Court-House, March 8th. Then the command moved by way of White House Landing to and across the James River, and joined the Army of the Potomac in time to take part in the final battles of the war, being engaged at Five Forks, Virginia, March 30th, 3Ist, and April Ist; at Southside Railroad, April 2d; Duck Pond Mills, April 4th; Sailor's Creek, April 6th; and Appomattox, April 9th. In one of these engagements the rebel general Pickett was captured, and he afterwards spoke of the charge of the Sixth on that occasion as " the bravest charge he had ever seen." After Lee's surrender the regiment moved to Petersburg, thence to North Carolina, and then north to Washington, District of Columbia, where it marched in the great review of May 23d. Immediately after it was ordered West, and moved with the Michigan Cavalry Brigade, via Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and the Ohio, Mississippi, and Missouri Rivers, to Fort Leavenworth. There it received orders to move over the Plains, westward, on duty in the Indian country. The officers and men were greatly disgusted at this, but they would not soil their noble record by disobedience, and so they moved unhesitatingly to the performance of the disagreeable duty, on which they remained till the seventeenth of September, I865, when the men of the regiment whose term did not expire before February I, I866, were consolidated with the First Michigan Cavalry, and the remainder of the command was ordered back to Fort Leavenworth, where it was mustered out of service, November 24, I865. Returning to Michigan, it arrived at Jackson, November 30th, and was there disbanded. MEMBERS OF THE SIXTH CAVALRY FROM LIVINGSTON COUNTY. Company A. William M. Bigham, Brighton, enlisted August 4, I862; mustered out June 21, 1865. Charles H. Dean, Brighton, enlisted August 9, 1862; mustered out June 21, 1865. 112 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON.COUNTY, MICHIGAN. John Holcomb, Brighton, enlisted August 12, 1862; died in Andersonville prison, September 6, I864. Sergeant Erastus J. Horton, Brighton, August 7, 1862; discharged for disability, October 23, 1862. Ira C. Horton (non-commissioned staff), Handy, enlisted August 7, 1862; mustered out November 23, 1865. William Palmeter, Handy, enlisted August 12, 1862; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps September I, 1863. Charles S. Palmer, Oceola, enlisted August 15, 1862; mustered out June 21, 1865. Corporal Richard Parshall, Brighton, enlisted August II, I862; mustered out June 21, 1865. William R. Radford, Brighton, enlisted August 4, 1862; mustered out June 21, I865. John T. Sprague, Brighton, enlisted August 15, 1862; died in prison at Richmond, February 9, 1864. Amos Ward, Brighton, enlisted August 15, 1862; died in prison at Richmond, February 17, 1864. Companny B. Captain Nelson C. Thomas, Brighton, enlisted as private August 14, 1862; promoted to sergeant, and from that grade to first lieutenant, July 14, 1863; to captain, January 5, 1865; mustered out November 24, 1865. Corporal John A. Platt, Brighton, enlisted August 12, 1862; died in Richmond prison, February 9, 1864. Przivales. Archibald Campbell, enlisted September 8, 1862; discharged for disability, December 14, I864. Philip Cunningham, Brighton, enlisted August 14, 1862; mustered out October Io, 1865. Homer Goucher, Hartland; died in Andersonville prison, October 13, I864. Charles Goucher, Hartland; died of disease at Stevensburg, Virginia, February 21, 1864. Jacob H. Smith, Brighton, enlisted December 5, 1863; mustered out May 19, 1865. Company D. First Lieutenant Luther C. Kanouse, Cohoctah; promoted from sergeant, July i, 1864; mustered out November 24, 1865. Sergeant Jared L. Cook, Howell, enlisted September 5, 1862; discharged by order, July 18, 1865. Privates. Justus F. Boyd, Cohoctah, enlisted August 14, 1862; promoted to corporal, September 5, 1862; discharged for disability, March 24, 1863. Lyman Blodgett, Deerfield, enlisted September 5, 1862; died in Richmond prison, January 29, 1864. Martin N. Brayton, Cohoctah, enlisted January 25, I864; mustered out March 25, 1865. Jared L. Cook, Iowell, enlisted September 5, 1862; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, March 31, 1864. Augustus C. Fox, Deerfield, corporal, enlisted September 7, 1862; discharged for disability, January 26, 1864. Henry Fisher; mustered out May 15, 1865. Farris G. Fairbanks, Cohoctah, enlisted February 20, 1864; died in Lynchburg prison, July 5, 1864. James Gordon, Conway, enlisted October 8, 1862; died in Andersonville prison, June 28, 1864. Charles E. Huff, Cohoctah, enlisted September 4, 1862; discharged for disability. Benjamin B. Head, Howell, teamster, enlisted October 2, 1862; discharged for disability, March 24, 1863. Conrad C. Hayner, Cohoctah, enlisted February 20, 1864; mustered out June 14, i865. John Jordan, Oceola, enlisted September 7, 1862; mustered out August o1, 1865. Henry Kelly, Cohoctah, enlisted February I, 1864; mustered out March 25, 1865. L. C. Kanouse, Cohoctah, sergeant; discharged by order, August 6, 1864. Hiram Moore, Cohoctah, enlisted February 20, 1864; died of disease at Cleveland, Ohio, March 28, 1864. William W. Olds, Conway, enlisted September 9, 1862; mustered out June 9, 1865. Amos Pratt, Cohoctah, enlisted September 6, 1862; mustered out January 12, 1865. John W. Randall, Cohoctah, enlisted September 8, 1862; mustered out November 24, 1865. Carlos Rider, Deerfield, enlisted September o1, 1862; died in action at Trevillian Station, June ii, 1864. John W. Soule, Cohoctah, enlisted September 6, 1862; died of wounds received in action, July 8, 1863. Joseph Shafer, Cohoctah, enlisted September o1, 1862; died in Richmond prison, February 12, 1864. Francis Sackner, Oceola, enlisted February 23, 1864; mustered out June 23, 1865. Samuel Scripture, Iandy, enlisted August 30, 1862; mustered out May II, I866. Company G. Francis Clark, Brighton, enlisted August 5, 1862; mustered out July 27, 1865. Joseph W. Cole, Oceola, enlisted March I8, 1865; mustered out February IO, I866. Company I. T. C. Cranston, Tyrone, corporal, enlisted September 12, 1862; died in action at Trevillian Station, June II, 1864. W. Johnson, Hartland, enlisted September 9, 1862; died of disease at Seneca, Maryland, June 11, 1863. R. H. Payne, Tyrone, enlisted August 25, 1862; died in Andersonville prison-pen, June 15, 1864. D. Whalen, Hartland, enlisted September 9, 1862; died of disease at Seneca, Maryland, June Ii, 1863. Robert B. Garner, Tyrone, enlisted August 25, 1862; mustered out November 24, 1865. Companzy K. Taylor Parslall, Oceola, enlisted March 14, 1865; mustered out March 25, 1865. CHAPTER XII. OTHER LIVINGSTON COUNTY SOLDIERS. First Michigan Light Artillery-First, Second, Third, Seventh, Eighth, Tenth, Eleventh, Fourteenth, Sixteenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-first, Twenty-third, Twentyfourth, Twenty-seventh, Twenty-eighth, Twenty-ninth, and Thirtieth Infantry Regiments-First, Fifth, Eighth, Tenth, and Eleventh Cavalry-First Sharpshooters-One Hundred and Second United States Colored Troops-United States Sharpshooters. BESIDES the regiments which have been mentioned above, there were several others which contained soldiers from Livingston County, whose record is equally bright and honorable, though serving in regiments in which the county repre sentation was less numerous. Of the men who served in these regiments, a list is given in this chapter. FIRST MICHIGAN LIGHT ARTILLERY. 113 FIRST MICHIGAN LIGHT ARTILLERY. This regiment contained a comparatively large./ number of Livingston County men, but these wer.e scattered through several of the batteries of which the regiment was composed, and the histories of the batteries are as distinct, and as unconnected with each other, or with the regimental organization, as are the histories of the same number of infantry or cavalry regiments. Therefore the First Light Artillery cannot be mentioned as a whole. The battery which contained a larger number than any other-and in fact a larger number than all the others-of Livingston County soldiers, was Battery H. This battery was organized at Monroe, under Captain Samuel De Golyer, and left that place March 13, 1862, with orders to report to General Halleck, at St. Louis, Missouri. It remained in service until July 22, 1865, and the battles and skirmishes in which it was engaged during those three years are recorded in the office of the Adjutant-General of Michigan, as follows: "Thompson's Mills, Mississippi, May I, 1863; Raymond, Mississippi, May 12, 1863; Jackson, Mississippi, May I4, 1863; Champion Hills, Mississippi, May 16, I863; Siege of Vicksburg, May 18 to July 4, 1863; Brownsville, Mississippi, October, 1863; Clinton, Mississippi, February, I864; Big Shanty, Georgia, June I4, 1864; Kenesaw, Georgia, June 27, 1864; Nickajack Creek, Georgia, July 5, 1864; Peachtree Creek, Georgia, July 22, 1864; Siege of Atlanta, July 22 to August 25, I864; Jonesboro', Georgia, August 31, I864; Lovejoy's Station, Georgia, September I, 1864." Equally dangerous and creditable service was performed by Livingston County men in the other batteries. Following is the list of soldiers from this county, serving in the several batteries of the Light Artillery organization: BATTERY C. Asa McFall, Howell, enlisted October II, I86t; discharged for disalility, February 9, 1862. Reuben McFall, Howell, enlisted December I, 186i; died of disease at Iuka, Mississippi, September 3, 1862. George H. Miles, Howell, enlisted December io, I86i; discharged at end of service, December i8, 1864. Joseph H. Preston, Howell, enlisted December 8, i861; discharged for disability, November 6, 1862. Allen C. Stearns, Howell, enlisted December 12, i86i; veteran, December 28, 1863; sergeant; mustered out July 22, 1865. BATTERY G. Willard L. Preston, Unadilla, enlisted December 28, 1863; mustered out August 6, 1865. Corporal John W. Scriver, Hamburg, enlisted September I4, 1864; mustered out August 6, I865. BATTERY H. First Lieutenant Asa E. Waterman, Hartland, December 27, 1864; second lieutenant, April 25, 1864; mustered out July 22, 1865. O' I Sergeant-Major Quintus Foster, Hartland, enlisted October 17, 1861; discharged for disability, September 20, 1862. Henry C. Andrews, Hartland, enlisted September 12, 1864; mustered out July 22, 1865. Corporal Edwin A. Bullard, Hartland, September 12, 1864; mustered out July 22, 1865. William Burch, Unadilla, enlisted October 17, I86i; discharged for disability, September I, 1862. David H. Cleveland, Unadilla, enlisted December 28, 1863; mustered out July 22, 1865. Eugene W. Champlin, Oceola, enlisted September 12, 1864; mustered out July 22, 1865. Llewellyn Chalker, Unadilla, enlisted August 25, 1864; discharged by order, May 30, 1865. Morris Davis, Unadilla, enlisted December 28, 1863; died of disease at Cairo, Illinois, June, 1864. Henry A. Dibble, Unadilla, enlisted November 20, i86i; discharged for disability, August 22, 1862. James E. Durkee, Unadilla, enlisted December 28, 1863; mustered out July 22, I865. Henry C. Ellis, Unadilla, enlisted December 30, 1863; mustered out July 22, I865. W. Eggleston, Unadilla, enlisted March 17, 1864; mustered out July 22, 1865. Nathaniel C. Etheridge, Hartland, enlisted November 14, i86I; sergeant; discharged for disability. Hubbard W. Franklin, Hartland, enlisted September 12, 1864; mustered out July 22, 1865. William H. Fay, Unadilla, enlisted December 28, 1863; mustered out July 22, I865. Fred. Griswold, IHartland, enlisted October 20, I86I; discharged for disability, January 8, I863. Robert Griswold, Hartland, enlisted January I, 1862; veteran, January I, 1864; mustered out July 22, 1865. William Griswold, Hartland, enlisted November 15, i86t; discharged for disability, July 24, 1862. William J. May, IHartland, enlisted November 17, i861; discharged at end of service, January 30, 1865. Elias McOmber, Hartland, enlisted September 12, 1864; mustered out July 22, 1865. Alvah T. Phillips, Hartland, enlisted September 12, 1864; mustered out May 12, 1865. James Sayres, Ilartland, enlisted September 7, 1864; mustered out June 8, 1865. Samuel Sayres, Hartland, enlisted October 24, 186i; veteran, January I, 1864; mustered out July 22, 1865. Zina B. Slocum, Hartland, enlisted November 20, I86i; died of disease at New Madrid, Missouri, June 5, 1862. Stephen D. Stedman, Howell, enlisted December 2, i86i; discharged for disability, February, 1863. John Stamp, Unadilla, enlisted August 22, 1864; died at Chat tanooga, May 12, 1865. George H. Tryon, Unadilla, enlisted November 6, I86I; veteran, January I, 1864; mustered out July 22, i865. Thomas A. Tisdale, Hartland, enlisted January I, 1862; discharged for disability, June 3, 1862..Frederick Wildt, Hartland, enlisted January 3, 1862; discharged by order, October 26, I863. John G. Williams, Iartland, enlisted September I2, 1864; died at Hartland, Michigan, May 8, 1865. Lewis Warren, Hartland, enlisted October 8, 1864; mustered out July 22, 1865. BATTERY I. Jacob Maumee, Iosco, enlisted September 27, 1864; mustered out July I4, 1865. John F. Peterson, Oceola, enlisted September 24, 1864; mustered out July I4, I865. BATTERY M. Alfred Bradley, Putnam, enlisted September 5, 1864. Andrew Baker, Putnam, enlisted September 5, 1864. '5 I '4 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Lawton Babcock, Putnam, enlisted September 5, 1864. Daniel R. Jeffreys, Marion, enlisted March 10, 1864. THIRTEENTH MICHIGAN BATTERY.* Second Lieutenant Jack Blakesly, Deerfield, January 2, 1865; mustered out July J, 1865. Lewis L. Chubb, Putnam, enlisted September 15, 1863; sergeant; mustered out July I, 1865. FIRST INFANTRY. George II. Annis, Handy, Company H; enlisted October 29, 1861; discharged September I, 1862. William W. Collins, Company F; enlisted September 7, i86I; discharged for disability, March ii, 1863. William H. Fields, Company I; discharged on account of wounds, October x6, 1862. Joseph Philips, Company F; enlisted July 17, i86i; mustered out November 3, 1865. Jonathan Shadd, Company F; enlisted September 5, I86I; discharged for disability, May 2, 1863. SECOND INFANTRY. Marshall Bennett, Genoa, Company I; enlisted March 27, 1864; mustered out August 28, 1865. James Coe, Company E; mustered out July 28, 1865. Peter Cameron, Howell, Company F; enlisted March 28, 1864; mustered out July 20, 1865. John French, Company I; discharged for disability. Thomas Howard, Deerfield, Company I; enlisted April 23, 1864; mustered out June 7, 1865. James Hamlin, Deerfield, Company G; enlisted March 28, 1864; discharged for wounds, May 15, 1865. Joseph Neely, Cohoctah, Company F; died of disease at Washington, District of Columbia, April i, 1865. Theo. Neely, Cohoctah, Company E; enlisted March 28, 1864; mustered out July II, 1865. Isaac Van Loon, Company H; discharged at end of service, January I, 1865. Henry P. Wimbles, Company H; discharged by order, June 5, 1865. Franklin Goodrich, Howell, Company K; enlisted March 26, 1864; discharged for disease, May i, 1865. THIRD INFANTRY. Coompany C. Oren W. Trembly, musician, enlisted June IO, i86I; died of disease at Harrison's Landing, Virginia, July 24, 1862. REORGANIZED THIRD INFANTRY.t Major John C. Hall, Oceola, January 1, 1865; resigned June 14, i865. Company A. Albert H. Whiting, Marion, enlisted March 20, 1865; discharged at end of service, March 3, i866. Company C. Franklin O. Beach, Marion, enlisted March 28, 1865; mustered out March 26, i866. Edward C. Brown, Marion, enlisted March 28, 1865; corporal; mustered out March 26, i866. D. Ingraham, Brighton, enlisted September 17, 1864; died of disease at Nashville, January 20, 1865. * Not a part of the First Artillery. t This regiment was not mustered into the service until October 15, 1864. It left the rendezvous at Grand Rapids, October 20, and proceeded to Nashville, Tennessee. It afterwards did good service in Tennessee, Alabama, and Texas. Its battles and skir mishes recorded in the adjutant-general's office are " Decatur, Alabama, October 28, 29, and 30, I864; Murfreesboro', Tennessee, November 39 to December 2o! 186t." Company D. James Cooper, Marion, enlisted March 20, 1865; mustered out by order, August 22, 1865. William W. Kenyon, Marion, enlisted March 25, 1865; mustered out August 30, 1865. Arthur W. Wimbles, Marion, enlisted March 25, 1865; mustered out March 27, i866. Company E. John Beckwith, Brighton, enlisted September 15, 1864; mustered out May 25, i866. Lemuel Chipman, Conway, enlisted September 15, 1864; mustered out May 25, i866. Simon Durkee, Brighton, enlisted September 14, 1864; mustered out May 25, i866. Samuel Rowling, Conway, enlisted September I6, I864; mustered out May 25, i866. James M. Wilson, Brighton, enlisted August 30, 1864; corporal; mustered out May 25, i866. Company F: Jacob B. Boyer, Conway, enlisted September 15, 1864; discharged by order, October 4, 1865. James W. Bigelow, Oceola, enlisted September 22, 1864; sergeant; discharged by order, October 4, 1865. George Catlin, Oceola, enlisted September I7, 1864; mustered out May 25, i866. Douglas Ingraham, Brighton, enlisted September 17, 1864; died of disease at Murfreesboro', April IO, 1865. James Latimer, Oceola, enlisted September 17, 1864; mustered out May 25, i866. Henry Wood, Oceola, enlisted September 22, 1864; corporal; mustered out May 25, 1866. Andrew Warren, Unadilla, enlisted March 8, 1865; mustered out May 25, i866. Comtpany G. Captain John C. Hall, Oceola, August 15, 1864; promoted to major, January I, 1865. Sergeant Walter L. Hallett, Brighton, enlisted September 5, 1864; discharged for disability, March 29, 1865. Sergeant John McKay, Deerfield, enlisted September 8, 1864; promoted to second lieutenant; mustered out as sergeant, May 25, i866. Charles Buzzell, Oceola, enlisted September I9, 1864; corporal; mustered out May 25, I866. Alvin A. Hall, Brighton, enlisted September 5, 1864; mustered out May 25, i866. Lemuel Rumsey, Brighton, enlisted August 5, 1864; mustered out May 25, i866. John Tufts, Oceola, enlisted September 24, 1864; mustered out May 25, i866. Emmett M. Hopkins, mustered out May 25, i866. Isaac S. Tower, mustered out May 25, i866. Company H. Arthur H. Fish, Genoa, sergeant; second lieutenant, November 28, 1864; first lieutenant June 15, I865; mustered out May 25, I866. John McKenzie, Brighton, enlisted October 4, 1864; discharged for promotion. Company I. Nathaniel Allison, Brighton, enlisted August 29, 1864; transferred to Company F; discharged by order, November I, 1865. Robert Acson, Genoa, enlisted August 31, 1864; mustered out May 25, i866. William H. Austin, Green Oak, enlisted September I6, 1864; mustered out May 25, i866. Samuel C. Brockway, Genoa, enlisted September 8, 1864; discharged by order, August 28, 1865. OTHER LIVINGSTON COUNTY SOLDIERS. I 15 I Peter Dyckman, Green Oak, enlisted September 8, 1864; discharged by order, September 5, 1865. John Dyckman, Green Oak, enlisted October 7, 1864; died at Murfreesboro', December 29, 1864. Solomon Dyckman, Green Oak, enlisted September 6, 1864; mustered out May 25, I866. HIenry Dougherty, Putnam, enlisted September 12, 1864; transferred to Company H, 4th Infantry; died at San Antonio, Texas. Charles Hall, Green Oak, enlisted September 5, 1864; died of disease at Knoxville, April, I865. Freeman Haynes, Green Oak, enlisted September 6, 1864; mustered out May 25, i866. William J. Knight, Green Oak, enlisted September I, I864, sergeant; mustered out May 25, i866. James J. Meehan, Unadilla, enlisted September 7, I864; died at Green Lake, Texas, July 23, I865. William F. Robinson, Oceola, enlisted September 17, 1864; absent, sick; not mustered out with company. John Stansell, Green Oak, enlisted August 27, 1864, corporal; mustered out May 25, I866. James Shanks, Green Oak, enlisted September 3, 1864, sergeant; mustered out May 25, i866. Albert Ward, Unadilla, enlisted September 17, 1864; mustered out May 25, I866. Ernest Winter, Genoa, enlisted September 12, 1864, corporal; mustered out May 25, I866. James A. Wilson, Green Oak, enlisted August 30, 1864, corporal; mustered out May 25, i866. Wendell Willis, Putnam, enlisted September 24, 1864; mustered out May 25, I866. Compalny K. John F. Walter, Brighton, enlisted October 6, I864; discharged by order, June 8, I865. SEVENTH INFANTRY. Warren S. Berry, Company F; died of disease at Glendale, Virginia, June 30, 1862. Oscar Blood, Company F, enlisted August 22, 1861; died of disease at Camp Benton, Maryland, February I, 1862. James Barnhart, Howell, Company G, enlisted March 3, I863; transferred to Invalid Corps, February 15, I864. Henry Armstrong, Company F, enlisted August 22, 1861; corporal, May 12, 1862; discharged for disability, February 6, 1863. Andrew I. Forester, Company F, enlisted August 22, I861; service ended September 5, I864; discharged. Henry A. Catlin, Company F, enlisted August 22, I861; service ended August 22, 1864; discharged. George O. Cole, Company F, enlisted August 22, 1861; discharged for disability, February II, i863. FIRST REGIMENT ENGINEERS AND MECHANICS. Company K. Henry Devereaux, Howell, enlisted November 23, I86I; died of disease at Nashville, Tennessee, February 20, I862. Franklin Goodrich, Howell, enlisted November 22, 1861; discharged by order, May 28, 1862. Oliver Lampman, Howell, enlisted November 21, 1861; discharged for disability, February 4, I863. Truman Munson, enlisted June 3, 1863; mustered out September 22, 1865. Davis Smith, enlisted December 5, I86I; discharged for disability. David Wright, Howell, enlisted December 5, I86I; discharged for disability, January 24, 1863. EIGHTH INFANTRY. Company B. Charles P. Bachelor, Oceola, enlisted February 29, 1864; died of wounds, July 22, 1864, received at Cold Harbor, June 3, i864. Simon Dolph, Howell, enlisted February 29, 1864; died in Andersonville prison, August 14, 1864. Thomas Eager, Hartland, enlisted February 23, 1864; mustered out July 30, 1865. George R. Griswold, Hartland, enlisted February 29, 1864; died of disease at Annapolis, Maryland, March 22, 1864. Thomas A. Hastings, Hartland, enlisted March 22, 1864; mustered out July 30, 1865. Henry Hetchler, Oceola, enlisted February 25, 1864; discharged by order, May 3, I865. Charles Miller, Hartland, enlisted February 29, 1864; corporal; mustered out July 30, I865. Hiram Merrill, Hartland, enlisted February 26, 1864; mustered out July 30, i865. Charles Murdock, Hartland, enlisted February 18, 1864; mustered out July 30, I865. Calvin Murdock, Hartland, enlisted February 27, 1864; died of disease in Vermont, August 30, I864. Patrick O'Connell, Deerfield, enlisted February 22, 1864; mustered out July 30, I865. Chauncey Pursell, Hartland, enlisted February 27, I864; corporal; mustered out July 30, I865. Dunford Parker, Oceola, enlisted February 26, I864; discharged by order, May 3, 1865. James H. Reese, Iartland, enlisted February 27, I864; discharged by order, May 3, 1865. Timothy Russell, Hlartland, enlisted February 9, I864; died of disease at Cincinnati, Ohio, March 18, 1864. Williamn Snell, Oceola, enlisted February 25, 1864; discharged by order, May 3, 1865. John S. Welsh, Hartland, enlisted February 27, I864; discharged by order, May 3, 1865. Company C. Elnathan Doane, Green Oak, enlisted August I6, 1861; corporal; discharged to enlist in regular army, October 26, I862. Company E. Addison D. Skinner, Hartland, enlisted January 6, 1864; discharged from Invalid Corps, October 3, 1865. Conmpany G. Henry Smith, Oceola, enlisted December 13, 1864; corporal; discharged by order, May 3, 1865. Company H. Edward C. Marsh, Hartland, enlisted February I8, I864; lost a leg; discharged August 12, I865. Daniel A. Neely, Cohoctah, enlisted January 25, 1864; discharged by order, June i6, 1865. John Rushby, Oceola, enlisted February 25, 1864; corporal; mustered out July 30, 1865. George F. Stephens, Conway, enlisted February 29, 1864; died of wounds at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 25, 1864. Comtpany. George B. Avis, Conway, enlisted May 2, I864; killed in battle of Wilderness, May 6, I864. William H. Brock, Hartland, enlisted September 19, I86I; veteran, December 29, 1863; discharged for disability, March i9, 1865. Thomas Blindson, Oceola, enlisted September 17, i86i; veteran, December 29, i863; sergeant; mustered out July 30, I865. Andrew Bly, Tyrone, enlisted August 18, 1862; discharged February 3, I863. Vettal A. Baker, Hartland, enlisted February i6, I864; mustered out, date unknown. McD. M. Griswold, Hartland, enlisted September 19, I86i; veteran, December 29, 1863; sergeant. HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Royal D. Hinds, Hartland, enlisted September i9, 1861; killed on James Island, June i6, 1862.. Willard II. Kessler, Hartland. Ezra M. Martin, Iartland, enlisted September 15, 186I; absent, sick; not mustered out with company. Asa Parshall, Hartland, enlisted September 15, 186I; discharged for disability, December 14, i862. John P. Willett, Hartland, enlisted February 25, 1864; died of disease at City Point, Virginia, May I8, 1865. Cyrus H. Rogers; died of disease at Washington, March 7, 1863. Company K. Philo Jones, Conway, enlisted February 22, 1864; died of disease at Alexandria, October 8, 1864. Isaiah Rathbone, Brighton, enlisted February 29, 1864; prisoner; not mustered out with company. TENTH INFANTRY. Conmpany A. Bradford Cook, Cohoctah, second lieutenant, enld ted October 4, 1861; first lieutenant, May 25, 1862; promoted to captain, Company E, May 13, i863. Sergeant Ira Brayton, Cohoctah, enlisted October 23, 1861; discharged for disability, 1862. Corporal James Devlin, Cohoctah; died of disease in hospital. Martin Brayton, Cohoctah, enlisted October 9, 1861; discharged for disability, October 2, 1862. Lyman V. D. Cook, Cohoctah, enlisted October i6, i86I; veteran, February 16, 1864; mustered out July 19, 1865. Gideon Cassidy, Conway, enlisted October 30o 1861; discharged for disability, March 2, I863. Corporal Benjamin Coburn, Conway, enlisted October 9, i861; mustered out July 19, 1865. Sheldon Dickson, enlisted October 9, i86i; died at Farmington, Mississippi, July 22, 1862. Israel Ellsworth, Cohoctah, enlisted October 22, 186I; discharged for disability, March 12, 1862. William Fuller, Conway, enlisted November 18, 186I; died at Farmington, Mississippi, July I, 1862. Rufus Griswold, enlisted November 12, I86I; died at Roseville, Georgia, May 5, 1864. Edward A. Hart, Howe!l, enlisted October 21, 186i; discharged July 2, 1863. Sherwood Hart, Howell, enlisted October 26, 1861; died of disease at Nashville, Tennessee, November 17, 1862. David Lord, enlisted October II, 1861; discharged for disability, February 8, 1862. William H. Hall, Cohoctah, enlisted October 19, I86I; died at Detroit, 1864. Hugh McKeever, Howell, enlisted October 27, I861; discharged for disability, June 21, 1862. David Palmer, Cohoctah, enlisted October 12, 1861; discharged for disability, July 22, I862. Christopher Palmer, Cohoctah, enlisted October 0o, 186I; veteran, February 6, 1864; died of wounds received at Dallas. John Pickins, Cohoctah, enlisted October II, 1861; died at Cincinnati, Ohio, July 29, 1862. William B. Forbes, enlisted October 14, 1861; discharged at end of service, February 6, 1865. Andrew Williams, Jr., enlisted October ii, I86I; discharged at end of service, February 6, I865. Cormpany B. James Coleman, Conway, enlisted February 8, 1864; transferred to i9th Infantry; mustered out July 19, 1865. George Simpson, Conway, enlisted February 8, 1864; transferred to i9th Infantry; absent, sick; not mustered out with com Company E. Captain Bradford Cook, Cohoctah, May 13, 1863; June 29, 1864, died of wounds received at Kenesaw, Georgia. Company F. Henry W. Thompson, Tyrone, enlisted April 15, 1864; mustered out July 19, 1865. Lewis Webber, Oceola, enlisted December 27, 1864; mustered out July I9, 1865. Company G. Silas K. Hanse, enlisted November 26, 1861; discharged at end of service, February 6, 1865. William Kennedy, Putnam, enlisted October 2I, I86I; discharged for disability, May 6, 1863. Ira Mitchell, enlisted October I6, I861; veteran, February 6, 1864; discharged April 28, I865. Charles E. Towsley, Putnam, enlisted March 28, 1864; mustered out July 19, 1865. ELEVENTH INFANTRY. Company D. Jos. Burroughs, Hamburg, enlisted March 15, 1865; died at Chattanooga, April I9, 1865. Sibley R. Case, Hamburg, enlisted March 15, 1865; discharged by order, May 3, 1865. Henry E. Hoagland, Marion, enlisted March 14, 1865; discharged by order, August 5, 1865. Eugene Humphrey, Hamburg, enlisted March 15, I865; discharged by order, September i6, 1865. Charles E. Johnson, Hamburg, enlisted March 8, I865; discharged by order, September I6, 1865. Company K. George Lane, Unadilla, enlisted March 7, 1865; sergeant; discharged by order, September I6, 1865. William Pyper, Unadilla, enlisted March 7, 1865; discharged by order, September I6, i865. FOURTEENTH INFANTRY. James Abbott, losco, Company K; enlisted November 22, I861; discharged for disability, July I, 1862. Joseph Barnes, Company K; enlisted February 17, 1862; discharged at end of service, April IO, 1865. Edward Downer, Company E; enlisted December 3, I86I; discharged at end of service, March 14, 1865. Edward Haney, Howell, Company B; enlisted April 19, 1864; mustered out July I8, 1865. Henry Hopson, Company I; died of disease at Ypsilanti, July 27, I862. Leonard Helms, Company D; enlisted December 5, 186I; veteran, January 4, 1864; mustered out July I8, 1865. Philander Helms, Company D; enlisted December 26, i86I; died of disease at Farmington, Mississippi, August 3, I862. John McNally, Cohoctah, Company E; enlisted December 7, i86I; discharged for disability, July I, 1862. Benoni L. Ward, Marion, Company K; enlisted January 8, I862; veteran, January 4, 1864; mustered out July i8, 1865. Martin E. Wilson, Deerfield, Company I; enlisted September 28, 1864; mustered out July 18, 1865. SIXTEENTH INFANTRY. Company 3. Peter Malosh, Howell, enlisted March 23, 1865; mustered out July 8, 1865. Company C. Arthur M. Hodges, enlisted August 2, i86i; veteran, December 24, I863. pany. OTHER LIVINGSTON COUNTY SOLDIERS. "I7 Comnpany D. Benjamin L. Cook, discharged by order, June 22, 1865. George Maxfield, mustered out July 8, 1865. Henry A. Vose, mustered out July 8, 1865. Company E. James Barney, Howell, enlisted March 29, 1865; mustered out July 8, 1865. Samuel Fisher, Cohoctah, enlisted March 31, 1865; mustered out July 8, 1865. Edward Lightall, mustered out July 8, 1865. Company G. John M. Caldwell, Deerfield, enlisted February IO, 1863; mustered out July 8, 1865. Alexander Fisher, Deerfield, enlisted March 29, I865; mustered out July 8, 1865. Marsena Holmes, Deerfield, enlisted February 28, 1863; mustered out July 8, 1865. Charles Johnson, Putnam, enlisted February 2, 1865; mustered out July 8, 1865. Charles Moore, Howell, enlisted March 28, 1865; mustered out July 8, 1865. William Moore, Cohoctah, enlisted March 28, 1865; mustered out July 8, I865. William Robinson, Howell, enlisted March I8, 1865; mustered out July 8, I865. Company I. Franklin Abbot; veteran, December 22, 1863. Phineas Butler, Cohoctah, enlisted December 9, I86I; died ii action at Gaines' Mills, June 27, 1862. Edmond Breford, Cohoctah, enlisted October 22, 1861; discharged for disability, June 29, 1862. James Bogart, Putnam, enlisted December o0, I861; died in battle at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 3, 1863. John Carney, Howell, enlisted January 2, I862; discharged for disability, August 24, 1863. John Mandling, Hartland, enlisted March 28, 1865; mustered out July 8, 1865. George Reed, Howell, enlisted December o1, I86I; discharged February 18, 1863. John Smith, Putnam, enlisted March 25, I865; discharged by order, June 8, 1865. Company K. S. M. Craw, Oceola, enlisted February o0, 1863; discharged at end of service, November 21, 1863. EIGHTEENTH INFANTRY. Company B. Donald H. Bliss, Company H; died of disease at Lexington, Kentucky, December 30, 1862. Uriah Carpenter, Marion, enlisted September 7, 1864; mustered out June 26, I865. NINETEENTH INFANTRY. Company G. James Coleman, Conway, enlisted February 8, 1864; mustered out May 20, 1865. George J. Simpson, Conway, enlisted February 8, I864; transferred to loth Michigan Infant,/, June o1, I865. TWENTIETH INFANTRY. Company H. William A. Snow, Hamburg, enlisted August II, 1862; missing at Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864. TWENTY-FIRST INFANTRY. Coompany H. Giles T. Brown, discharged for disability, December 6, 1862. Job S. Sherman, discharged for disability, December 6, i862. TWENTY-THIRD INFANTRY. George F. Snapp, Tyrone, Company A; enlisted September 5, 1864; transferred to 28th Infantry, June 28, 1865. George A. Losee, Tyrone, Company B; enlisted September 2, 1864; transferred to 29th Infantry; mustered out June 28, 1865. Benjamin Loomis, Genoa, Company B; enlisted September 28, I864; sick in Washington, February II, I865. Blenker L. Barker, Conway, Company H; enlisted August 13, 1862; mustered out June 28, 1865. Stephen D. Harrington, Howell, Company H; enlisted September 9, 1862; mustered out June 28, 1865. TWENTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. Company E. Hosea Birdsai., Tyrone, enlisted March 14, 1865; mustered out June 30, 1865. Israel Buzzell, enlisted March 22, 1865; mustered out June 30, I865. Levi Banckman, enlisted March 22, 1865; mustered out June 30, 1865. George A. Bidwell, mustered out June 30, 1865. Milo Crawford, mustered out June 30, 1865. Ezra C. Crane, Brighton, enlisted March 29, I865; mustered out June 30, 1865. Augustus S. Denton, Tyrone, enlisted March 14, 1865; mustered out June 30, 865. Charles E. Durfee, Brighton, enlisted March 29, I865; mustered out June 30, I865. William Carter, Tyrone, enlisted March 22, 1865; mustered out June 30, 1865. Daniel Harrington, Tyrone, enlisted March 14, 1865; mustered out June 30, 1865. Amos Rogers, mustered out June 30, 1865. Henry G. Thompson, mustered out June 30, i865. Jos. T. Van Amburg, mustered out June 30, I865. James E. Whalen, Tyrone, enlisted March 14, 1865; mustered out June 30, 1865. TWENTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. Henry Hagadorn, Howell, Company G; enlisted February Io, 1863; died of disease, June 9, 1864. Charles W. Payne, First Independent Sharpshooters; died of disease, October 25, 1864. Ralph C. Selman, Brighton, Company B; enlisted February 23, 1864; discharged for disability, February 23, 1865. Henry D. Stansell, Company B; mustered out July 26, 1865. James Ferguson, Company B; discharged November 19, 1863. TWENTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. Eugene Billings, Handy, Company E; enlisted September 20, 1864; mustered out June 3, I865. William Campbell, Howell, Company K; enlisted September 22, 1864; mustered out September 13, 1865. George W. Lincoln, Howell, Company K; enlisted September 22, 1864; died of disease at Nashville, July IO, 1865. William Mershon, Howell, Company E; enlisted September 20, 1864; mustered out June 13, 1865. Avon Selleck, Howell, Company A; enlisted September 12, 1864; mustered out June 5, i865. Myron Simpson, Howell, Company K; corporal; enlisted September 22, 1864; mustered out June 6, 1865. Palmer G. Tripp, Howell, Company F; enlisted September 24, I864; mustered out May 30, i865. I I HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Alfred Wright, Howell, Company F; enlisted September 26, I864; mustered out June 5, 1865. John Walker, Howell, Company K; enlisted September 26, 1864; mustered out June 5, 1865. Levett J. Wood, Howell, Company H; enlisted August 30, 1864; mustered out June 5, I865. TWENTY-NINTH INFANTRY. Sergeant Hamilton Bogardus, Tyrone, Company D; enlisted September 3, 1864; discharged for disability, February 25, 1865. Hugh Alexander, Deerfield, Company K; enlisted September I7, I864; mustered out May I6, i865. William H. Childs, Cohoctah, Company H; enlisted September 15, I864; mustered out September 6, I865. Jerome Clark, Green Oak, Company H; enlisted March 30, 1864; mustered out September 6, 1865. Henry Decker, Tyrone, Company H; enlisted September 17, I864; died of disease at Murfreesboro', September 6, I865. Calvin D. Draper, Tyrone, Company E; enlisted September 3, 1864; mustered out September 20, 1865. John Flake, Deerfield, Company K; enlisted September I7, I864; mustered out September 6, I865. John Kean, Putnam, Company K; enlisted September 21, 1864; mustered out September 6, 1865. Herman Mann, Hartland, Company K; enlisted October 3, 1864; mustered out September 6, I865. Elisha Reynolds, Hartland, Company K; enlisted October 3, 1864; mustered out September 6, i865. Sergeant James Palmer, Deerfield, Company H; enlisted September 14, I864; mustered out September 6, 1865 John W. Reed, Tyrone, Company H; enlisted September 10, 1864; mustered out September 6, 1865. Jay Rosencrans, Genoa, Company H; enlisted March 15, 1865; mustered out September 6, 1865. Samuel F. C. Ross, Deerfield, Company K; enlisted September 29, I864; mustered out September 6, I865. Thomas Warren, Deerfield, Company K; enlisted September i8, I864; mustered out September 6, I865. Charles Sutton, Deerfield, Company F; enlisted September 3, 1864; mustered out May 6, 1865. Lewis Sutton, Deerfield, Company F; enlisted September 3, 1864; mustered out September 6, I865. Simon J. Watson, Cohoctah, Company E; enlisted August 27, I864; mustered out September 20, 1865. THIRTIETH INFANTRY. David Burner, Conway, Company A; enlisted November 23, 1864; mustered out June 30, 1865. Marvin Benjamin, Handy, Company F; enlisted December 13, 1864; mustered out June 30, 1865. James L. Collins, Handy, Company F; enlisted December 12, 1864; mustered out June 30, 1865. James E. Kennedy, Putnam, Company A; enlisted November 30, 1864; mustered out June 30, 1865. William H. Kennedy, Putnam, Company A; enlisted November 23, I864; sergeant; mustered out June 30, 1865. Peter R. Miller, Conway, Company A; enlisted November 29, 1864; mustered out June 30, I865. Israel Miner, Conway, Company F; enlisted December 21, I864; mustered out June 30, I865. Oliver J. Sawyer, Conway, Company A; enlisted November 23, 1864; mustered out June 30, 1865. Nelson Wright, Ilandy, Company F; enlisted December 20, 1864; mustered out June 30, 1865. Charles F. Williams, Handy, Company F; enlisted December 24, I864; mustered out June 30, 1865. FIRST CAVALRY. Sergeant Adelbert F. Parsons, Brighton; promoted to second lieutenant; mustered out as sergeant. Thomas Moran, Putnam, Company A; enlisted January 4, 1864; died in action at Hawes' Shop, Virginia, May 28, 1864. Joshua Robinson, Putnam, Company M; enlisted January 3, 1864; mustered out March 25, 1865. SECOND CAVALRY. Robert Armstrong, Putnam, Company A; enlisted November I8, I863; discharged by order, June 20, 1865. Theodore Arthur, Deerfield, Company A; enlisted November 18, 1863; mustered out August 17, 1865. Edwin A. Burch, Howell, Company B; enlisted November 19, 1863; died in action at Oxford, Alabama, April 28, I865. Orrin B. Demming, Genoa, Company A; enlisted November Io, I863; died in action at Linnville, Tennessee, December 14, 1864. John Dubois, Hartland, Company I; enlisted November 7, 1863; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, April 3, 1865. Abram De May, Hamburg, Company H; enlisted November 7, 1863; discharged for disability, July I, 1863. Martin Forward, Tyrone, Company I; enlisted November 4, 1863; mustered out June 6, 1865. George Gleason, Deerfield, Company D; enlisted November 24, 1863; mustered out August 17, 1865. James Ingalls, Genoa, Company D; enlisted November 17, 1863; mustered out May 24, 1865. John Jones, Genoa, Company D; enlisted November I9, 1863; mustered out May 12, 1865. Joseph Krozier, Howell, Company E; enlisted November 20, 1863; mustered out April 22, 1865. Clark Phelps, Marion, Company B; enlisted November 8, I863; mustered out by order, June I6, I865. Charles H. Pease, Hartland, Company I; enlisted November 7, I863; died of disease at home, October, 1864. Paris L. Pray, Green Oak, Company L; enlisted November 21, 1863; died of disease at Nashville, Tennessee, December 22, 1864. Christian Rupert, Hartland, Company E; enlisted November 9, 1863; mustered out August 17, 1865. Amos Smith, Deerfield, Company Ii; enlisted November 20, 1863; mustered out May 15, 1865. John Smith, Tyrone, Company K; enlisted November 19, I863; mustered out May 15, 1865. Joseph Smith, Unadilla, Company K; enlisted November 20, I863; died of wounds at Columbia, Tennessee, December 25, 1864. Alexander Truckey, Putnam, Company L; enlisted November I9, 1863; mustered out August 17, 1865. Francis Crandall, Howell, Company E; enlisted November 20, 1863; mustered out August 17, I865. FIFTH CAVALRY. Gilbert Abel, Putnam, Company F; enlisted March 29, i865; transferred to First Cavalry; mustered out May I, I866. Daniel B. Bennett, Putnam, Company B; enlisted March 29, 1865; transferred to First Cavalry; mustered out. Elbridge G. Fish, Putnam, Company B; enlisted March 29, I865; transferred to First Cavalry; mustered out April 5, I866. Nelson D. Potter, Putnam, Company L; enlisted March 29, 1865; transferred to Seventh Cavalry. James Rice, Green Oak, Company D; enlisted August 22, 1862; mustered out June 22, 1865. Alvin Root, Putnam, Company D; enlisted March 29, I865; transferred to First Cavalry. Lewis Randolph, Putnam, Company D; enlisted March 29, I865; transferred to First Cavalry. Elliott Stedman, Company C; enlisted August 19, I862; trans ferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Charles Sykes, Putnam, Company F; enlisted March I9, 1865; transferred to First Cavalry. OTHER LIVINGSTON COUNTY SOLDIERS. II9 7 - George Stocking, Putnam, Company F; enlisted March 29, 1865; transferred to First Cavalry; mustered out March o1, 1866. Marvin Whiting, Green Oak, Company D; enlisted August 21, 1862; mustered out June 22, 1865. Seymour Wymans, Green Oak, Company D; enlisted August 21, 1862; died of disease at Warrenton Junction, August 15, 1864. Edward H. Phillips, Green Oak, Company H; enlisted August I9, 1862; died in action, Trevilian Station, June II, 1864. EIGHTH CAVALRY. Corporal Martin V. Avery, Unadilla, Company E; enlisted December 27, 1862; mustered out September 22, I865. Elisha Alden, Oceola, Company K; enlisted September 23, 1862; mustered out June 6, 1864. Charles Birdsall, Tyrone, Company D; enlisted January 20, 1864; mustered out September 22, 1865. Hiram Birdsall, Tyrone, Company D; enlisted January 20, 1864; mustered out September 22, 1865. Melvin Comstock, Marion, Company E; enlisted January 7, 1863; died of disease at Nashville, Tennessee. Oscar Demott, Marion, Company E; enlisted January 7, 1863; mustered out May 26, 1864. William Fitzgerald, Putnam, Company E; enlisted November I6, 1862; mustered out June 13, 1865. Franklin Goodman, Tyrone, Company I; enlisted April 4, I865; mustered out September 22, 1865. Sergeant Francis M. Iart, Unadilla, Company E; enlisted December 27, 1862; mustered out September 22, I865. Lawrence C. Hayes, Unadilla, Company E; enlisted December 23, I862; mustered out September 22, 1865. Simon W. Hagar, Marion, Company E; enlisted December 27, 1863; mustered out June 13, 1865. Sergeant Frank S. Howard, Putnam, Company E; enlisted November 16, 1862; died in Andersonville prison, January 29, 1865. Daniel Kelley, Hartland, Company K; enlisted February 14, 1863; mustered out June 13, 1865. Corporal James E. Lipscomb, Putnam, Company K; enlisted September 3, 1864; mustered out June 6, 1865. Thomas J. McCullough, Putnam, Company K; enlisted September 3, 1864; mustered out June 6, 1865. Charles II. Stevens, Unadilla, Company E; enlisted November 20, 1862; mustered out September 22, 1865. Sergeant Harrison Stiles, Unadilla, Company E; enlisted November 22, 1862; discharged for disability. Alfred Wiley, Unadilla, Company E; enlisted December 27, 1862; discharged for disability, June 22, I865. Wagoner James W. Buckley, Marion, Company E; died of wounds at Athens, Tennessee, October 2, 1863. Sergeant Albert L. Hathaway, Hartland, Company K; promoted to sergeant-major; promoted to first lieutenant, January -8, 1864; taken prisoner on Stoneman's raid, August 12, 1864; exchanged September 27, 1864; promoted to captain, Company 1, December 27, 1864; mustered out September 22, 1865. TENTH CAVALRY. Company B. Peter Butler, Brighton, enlisted September 5, 1863; mustered out November II, 1865. Comtpany H. James Grover, Cohoctah, enlisted September 7, I863; died in Andersonville prison, April 15, 1864. Edward Hadsall, Cohoctah, enlisted September 7, 1863; dis charged by order, July 18, 1865. Jacob Sherman, Conway, enlisted August 28, 1863; discharged for disability, May 18, 1865. James H. Worden, Conway, enlisted August 17, 1863; discharged for disability, August II, 1865. Alonzo Wiseman, Conway, enlisted August 22, 1863; died of disease at Camp Nelson, Kentucky, March 4, 1864. Company K. Captain Andrew J. Itsell, Marion, July 25, 1863; resigned October 6, i865. Sergeant John T. Hodgman, Putnam, enlisted August 29, 1863; mustered out November II, 1865. Sergeant Paul C. T. Itsell, Marion, enlisted September 5, 1863; mustered out November II, 1865. Sergeant Stephen G. W. Itsell, Marion, enlisted September 5, 1863; mustered out November II, 1865. Sergeant Moses Lyon, Marion, enlisted September I, 1863; mustered out November II, 1865. Gilbert Angus; discharged by order. William H. Babcock, Iosco, enlisted October 9, 1863; died of disease at Camp Nelson, Kentucky, March 15, 1864. George Bennett, Hamburg, enlisted September 5, 1863; died of disease at Knoxville, Tennessee, June 28, 1864. Levi Bush, Marion, enlisted September 5, 1863; died of disease in Knoxville, January 7, 1865. Ephraim B. Chubb, Putnam, enlisted August 31, 1863; mustered out November I, 1865. Leonard Fowle, Unadilla, enlisted September 4, 1863; mustered out November II, 1865. Chester Goodrich, losco, enlisted September I, 1863; mustered out November 29, 1865. Herbert H. Glass, Howell, enlisted August 29, 1863; mustered out November II, I865. Edgar J. Hendricks, Hamburg, enlisted September 3, 1863; mustered out November I I, 1865. Hiram Kennedy, Putnam, enlisted September 28, 1863; mustered out November I, 1865. Adelbert Peavey, Hamburg, enlisted September 3, 1863; mustered out November I, 1865. John Swanger, Howell, enlisted April 26, I864; died of disease in North Carolina, January I7, 1865. Reuben H. Warren, Howell, enlisted September 9, 1863; mustered out November I, 1865. Samuel Waring, Howell, enlisted October 16, 1863; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, May I, 1864. Comupany L. Stephen A. Ball, losco, enlisted September 12, 1863; died of disease at Detroit, March 7, I864. Andrew Bly, Tyrone, enlisted September I, I863; mustered out November II, I865. John G. Clark, Genoa, enlisted October 2, 1863; mustered out November 9, I865. Alexander Clark, Handy, enlisted October 17, 1863; discharged for disability, February 17, 1864. George Cranston, Tyrone, enlisted August 29, 1863; died of disease at Camp Fenton, Michigan, June 27, I865. James B. Grant, Handy, enlisted October 17, 1863; mustered out November I, I865. Corporal Jesse M. Harris, Tyrone, enlisted September I, 1863; died of disease at Camp Burnside, March 20, I864. Sergeant Roswell S. Ingham, Tyrone, enlisted August 25, 1863; mustered out November 21, 1865. C. C. Merritt, Handy, enlisted October I7, i863; mustered out November 21, 1865. Jno. McKinstry, Tyrone, enlisted October 19, i863; mustered out November 21, 1865. Sergeant Benjamin G. Munson, Handy, enlisted September I, 1863; died of disease at Camp Nelson, Kentucky, January 5, 1864. Francis A. Sargent, Unadilla, enlisted October 8, 1863; mustered out November 22, 1865. 120 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Franklin Watkins, Handy, enlisted October 17, 1863; mustered out November II, 1865. Lyman Welcker, Handy, enlisted September 8, 1863; died of disease at Somerset, Kentucky, February 26, 1864. Alvarado Warzey, Handy, enlisted October 17, 1863; died of disease at Camp Nelson, Kentucky, January I5, I864. ELEVENTH CAVALRY. Company A. Samuel Barber, Green Oak, enlisted March I8, I865; mustered out June 26, 1865. William Corey, Green Oak, enlisted March I8, I865; mustered out September 22, I865. Wallace H. Case, Brighton, enlisted March 17, 1865; mustered out September 22, I865. Ellsworth W. Hall, Hamburg, enlisted March i5, I865; mustered out October 10, I865. W. W. Hendricks, Hamburg, enlisted March 22, I865; mustered out October o, 1865. Seth A. Pelteys, Hamburg, enlisted March 22, 1865; mustered out September 22, I865. Charles H. Smith, Green Oak, enlisted March I8, I865; mustered out September 22, 1865. James H. Smith, Green Oak, enlisted March 18, 1865; mustered out September 22, I865. Company B. William M. Houghton, Cohoctah, enlisted October 5, 1863; died in Richmond prison, December, 1864. Isaac G. Jenks, Cohoctah, enlisted October 5, I863; mustered out June I6, I865. Charles S. Newman, Cohoctah, enlisted September IO, 1863; discharged for disability. Lester Newman, Cohoctah, enlisted October 5, I863; discharged by order, August 10, I865. Companies E, C, and F. Sergeant J. W. Anderson, Deerfield, Company E; enlisted September 19, i863; mustered out September 22, 1865. James S. Barkman, Tyrone, Company E; enlisted April 4, I865; mustered out September 22, I865. Charles W. Cate, Green Oak, Company E; enlisted March I8, i865; mustered out September 22, I865. Richard Butler, Hamburg, Company C; enlisted March I8, I865; mustered out September 22, I865. Charles E. Cushing, Brighton, Company F; enlisted March 17, I865; mustered out September 22, I865. Romanzo Sawyer, Hamburg, Company C; enlisted March 8, 1865; died of disease at Knoxville, May 8, 1865. Jno. McNamee, Green Oak, Company F; enlisted March 29, 1865; mustered out September 22, I865. Company G. Thomas Addison, Brighton, enlisted October 28, 1863; mustered out September 22, I865. Myron Buck, Hamburg, enlisted September 21, 1863; mustered out July 20, 1865. James Cust, Hamburg, enlisted September 23, 1863; mustered out September 22, 1865. Gilbert Drown, Brighton, enlisted November 3, 1863; mustered out August o1, 1865. William W. Pentlin, Brighton, enlisted September 8, 1863; mustered out May 24, 1865. Bronson C. Soule, Brighton, enlisted March 17, 1865; mustered out September 22, I865. Nelson G. Tupper, Green Oak, enlisted November 6, I863; mus tered out September 22, I865. Corporal William Wynn, Hamburg; enlisted September 23, I863; mustered out May I3, I865. Company I. James A. Cavell, Hamburg, enlisted March 24, I865; mustered out September 22, 1865. Lyman Cate, Green Oak, enlisted March I8, 1865; mustered out June 15, I865. Richard Maltby, Green Oak, enlisted March x8, 1865; mustered out September 22, I865. Albert R. Maltby, Green Oak, enlisted March 18, 1865; died of disease at Knoxville, Tennessee, April 26, 1865. Freeman Sackner, Cohoctah, Company I; enlisted November 2, 1863; mustered out September 22, 1865. Company L. Corporal Jno. Smith, Hamburg, enlisted September 5, I863; died of disease, July 3I, I864, at Covington, Kentucky. FIRST MICHIGAN SHARPSHOOTERS. George Demarest, Handy, Company B; enlisted February I4, 1863; died in Salisbury, North Carolina, February 8, I865. William Dingman, Handy, Company E; mustered out July 28, I865. William Gott, Handy, Company B; enlisted February 12, 1863; mustered out July 28, 1865. Thomas D. McCall, Handy, Company B; enlisted February 21, 1863; mustered out July 28, 1865. William W. Sly, Handy, Company B; enlisted February i0, I863; mustered out July 28, I865. Peter Stevens, Handy; enlisted February I, I863; mustered out July 28, I865. ONE HUNDRED AND SECOND UNITED STATES COLORED TROOPS. First Lieutenant Samuel B. Curtis, Howell; November 23, I863; resigned August I3, 1864. John A. Foster, Putnam, Company A; enlisted February 28, I865; mustered out September 30, 1865. James Finley, Unadilla, Company D; enlisted March 8, I865; mustered out September 30, 1865. Amos S. Grayson, Company A; died in Beaufort, South Carolina, May I6, I865. Richard Philips, Hartland, Company K; enlisted January 5, 1864; mustered out September 30, I865. UNITED STATES SHARPSHOOTERS. First Lieutenant Luther H. Frink, Howell, Company I; December I4, 1864. CHAPTER XIII. AGRICULTURE-FARMERS' ASSOCIATIONSPOPULATION. Early Agriculture in Livingston-Cattle-Improved BreedsSheep-Breeding-Pure-Blooded Sheep-First Livingston County Agricultural Society-Present Agricultural Society of the County -Livingston County Horse Association-Livingston County Mutual Fire Insurance Company-Livingston County Council, Patrons of Husbandry-Population of the County at Different Periods. EARLY AGRICULTURE IN LIVINGSTON. THE earliest agriculture of Livingston was in no respect different from that of other counties of the State, where, as in this, the pioneer immigrants were largely from the " Genesee Country" of Western New York,-that fertile region which had been AGRICULTURE. 121 reputed to surpass all others in richness of soil and adaptability to the purposes of agriculture, particularly to the production of wheat. Emigrants from that section invariably gauged the new countries to which they went by comparison with that which they had left; and to them the one principal proof of the excellence of a soil was its capability to produce wheat,-as much wheat in quantity and as good wheat in quality as could be raised on the same area of land in that garden-spot of the world, the Genesee Valley of New York. And in their application of this test to the county of Livingston the result was so satisfactory that some of them avowed the belief that the new country was equal to the old in this most essential particular. The first care of the farmers who came to till the virgin soil was, of course, to provide subsistence for their families, and so the first crops which they planted or sowed in the openings, or in the small clearings in the timber, were exclusively such as were required for this purpose, and chief among these was wheat. Potatoes and other esculents were provided for, but the article of prime necessity was wheat, and to it a great proportion of the tilled area was devoted. The abundant crops which they obtained at once relieved their necessities and placed them beyond the reach of possible want, and then, from the surplus of the first and succeeding crops, they began to realize a revenue in money, though the very redundancy of the yield of wheat in this and adjoining sections of the country brought the price so low at times that the remuneration for the labor of raising, harvesting, hand-threshing, and transporting the grain to a distant market* seemed discouragingly small. The experience of later years, however, has shown that the immigrant farmers of the early days were not far fi-om right in their estimate of the importance of wheat culture upon such a soil as that of Livingston County, where its constantly increasing, and almost uniformly successful, cultivation has been the foundation of so large a proportion of the agricultural wealth and prosperity. Below are given statistics of the wheat production of Livingston County at several periods, from 1837 to I873. as shown by the census reports of the years next following the dates given, viz.: Bushels. Wheat harvested in I837....................... 40,835 " I 1839....................... 84,943." 1849....................... 303,594 I853...................... 360,425.... 1859...................... 273,545 * It was sometimes the case that farmers of Livilngton County, after hauling their wheat over the long and weary road to Ann Arbor, were compelled to sell it there at three shillings a bushel. These were extreme cases, and it was not very often that wheat Sol(I in that town at less th 'n fifty cents per bushel. i6 Bushels. Wheat harvested in 1863....................... 290,734 (. " 1869....................... 671,969... I873....................... 568,580 The following are the statistics of the Indian corn product of Livingston County in the years mentioned: Corn raised in I.ivingston in 1837........................ I839.................. f" " " 1849..................... " 1853................. " " " I859............... c "c. 1 i863.................. it. t i. 1873................. Bushels. 19,483 82,081 I73,197 200,779 268,743 317,896 5I1,568 The total amount of all other grains than wheat and corn raised in the county in 1873 was four hundred and thirty-eight thousand five hundred and twenty-one bushels. CATTLE. There are few counties in which, at the time of their early settlement, the number of cattle was as great in proportion to the number of inhabitants as it was in Livingston. This was due to the fact that the great quantity of wild-marsh grasses found here furnished food on which animals could be kept from the first without waiting for the production of grain or fodder fiom tilled land. This fact was discovered by those who prospected the county to make their selections and enter their lands, and so when they returned, bringing their families, nearly all of them brought also a number of horned cattle,-some having no more than a yoke of oxen, others having more, and some as many as ten or twelve head, including oxen, cows, and young stock; so that in the year 1840, only four years after immigrants began to arrive here in any considerable numbers, the number of neat cattle in the county (as shown by the census returns of that year) was seven thousand nine hundred and thirtyone. Three years later, the old Livingston County Agricultural Society offered separate premiums for different classes of cattle, and about I846 the stock of the county had so much increased that droves of cattle were collected in Livingston, and taken hence to Buffalo for the Eastern market. One of the first of these droves-if not the very first-was purchased by Almon Whipple and William Dorrance, of Howell, in 1845 or 1846, and disposed of in the East. IMPROVED BRIEEDS. The first cattle of imported breed introduced into the county were a few Devons, purchased about 1848, from Mr. Crippen, a rather famous breeder, of Coldwater, Michigan, by David B. Power, of Hanburg. After breeding these for about ten years, Mr. Power procured a fine Durham bull, and bred the Durham-Devon cross for 1 2 IHISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. about five years, until he had a herd of considerable size. At that time he sold his herd to his son-in-law, William Ball, of Hamburg. About the same time that Mr. Power purchased his first Devons, or a little later, Mr. John Sellers, of Deerfield, also purchased a few of the same breed, and became the owner of a small herd. Mr. C. L. Crouse, of Hartland, brought in three or four pure Durhams from New York State about I855; and Mr. Wakeman, of the same town, also bred a small herd of Durhams-all bulls. Mr. Crouse increased his purchase to quite a numerous herd, but this has since been dispersed. From the herds above mentioned came most of the blooded stock in the county down to the year 1860. The records of the Agricultural Society, from 1854 to i860, show a large number of names of persons who received premiums on, or entered, improved stock in the exhibitions of the society during the years mentioned. The names given below are taken from those records, and printed here as showing who were among the principal of the breeders of such stock at that time. It is proper, however, to say that very few of the animals were pure bloods, even when mentioned as such: 1854.-Premiums on short-horns, to Charles P. Bush, George Taylor, Loren Boutell, J. B. Hammond, P. L. Smith. On crosses of full blood, to William Sexton, Job Cranston, G. B. Armstrong, Thomas B. Brooks, D. Case, William Stedman. On Devons, to Ralph Fowler and D. B. Power. 1856.-Premiums on full-blood cattle, to Daniel Jackson, Luther Boyden, William Placeway, J. Nichols, J. S. Bliss, Austin Wakeman, James R. Sage, L. E. Beach & Co., Job Cranston, John Griffon, D. B. Power, L. C. Crittenden. On grades, to Ely Barnard, W. C. Shaft, Sanford Marble, C. L. Crouse, R. F. Glass, Mrs. A. P. Jewett, L. E. Beach, Jr., Austin Wakeman. I857.-Entries of Devons and Durhams, by James R. Sage, J. Brown & Co., Daniel Harpley, William Steadman, L. C. Crittenden, Austin Wakeman, D. B. Power, E. Buckel, K. S. Bingham, William Placeway, C. W. Burwell, R. H. Bennett, Job Cranston. 1858.-Entries of short-horns, by D. B. Power, R. Wrigglesworth, K. W. Bingham, Austin Wakeman, George W. Peck, C. L. Crouse, R. Bigham. Entries of Devons, by D. B. Power, William Ball, J. 0. Fonda, J. J. Bennett, Jr., William Placeway. Entries of full-blood foreign cattle, by J. B. Arms, H. Masson, and C. A. Jeffries. 1859.-Entries of short-horns, by C. L. Crouse, K. W. Bingham, A. Wakeman, E. Buckel, R. Wrigglesworth, Entries of Devons, by W. G. Smith, D. B. Power, William Ball, J. 0. Fonda, J. J. Bennett, Jr., R. H. Bennett, R. Bigham. I860.-Entries of short-horns, by W. Sexton, R. Wrigglesworth, E. Buckel, F. S. Wyckoff, A. Wakeman, D. Sherwood, J. B. Skilbeck, Alva Preston, George Coleman. Entries of Devons, by B. G. and W. M. Smith, and William Ball. Soon after the purchase of Mr. D. B. Power's herd- by William Ball, as above mentioned, the latter gentleman disposed of all these animals with the intention of breeding pure short-horns and none other, an object which he has since fully carried out. He has bred and sold large numbers of these cattle, and has now a herd of about forty head on his farm in Hamburg. The other breeders of pure Durhams in Livingston County are as follows: Alexander McPherson, of Howell, has a fine herd; Ephraim J. Hardy and son, of Oceola, a herd of about ten head; Charles Fishbeck, of Genoa, a herd of about twenty; Horace Halbert, of Conway, a herd-number not known; Heman Bump, of Howell, the same; B. F. Batchelor, of Oceola, a small herd; Aaron Holt, of the same township, a herd-number not known; L. K. Beach, of Marion, a fine herd, from which he has recently made public sales; Charles Love, of Putnam, Carroll Woods, of Green Oak, Thomas Granger, of the same township, W. and F. Hyne, of Brighton, and Richard Wrigglesworth, of Conway, all have small herds of the same breed. George Coleman, of Marion, has a few Galloways, and Ebenezer Kellogg, of Oceola, has a small herd of -Ayrshires. The owners of fine crosses and grades in the county are too numerous to mention separately. SHEEP-BREEDING. Sheep-raising and wool-growing were among the earliest of the agricultural industries in Livingston, being entered into to some extent by the farmers of the. county soon after settlement, and generally, as soon as their circumstances had been improved and the comfort of their families assured, by the production of a few crops of wheat and other necessaries. In I840 there were nineteen hundred and three sheep in the county, as shown by the census report of that year, and the wool product was three thousand nine hundred and forty-five pounds. In 1850 the wool produced in the county was, as reported, eighty-six thousand six hundred and eighty-six pounds, and the whole number of sheep had increased to thirty-two thousand two hundred and eighty-two. In i860 the number of sheep reported was fifty-six thousand six hundred and eighty-one, and the wool-clip in the county had increased to one hundred and sixty AGRICULTURE. 123 seven thousand and twenty-eight pounds. In I864 the number of sheep reported was one hundred and two thousand two hundred and sixteen over six months old, and the pounds of wool shorn three hundred and fifty-eight thousand five hundred and eighty-six. The last census (that of I874) shows that ninety thousand four hundred and eighty sheep were shorn in the county in the previous year, and that the wool produced was four hundred and thirty-five thousand one hundred and seventy-one pounds. Sheep-breeding and wool-growing at the present time, although not prosecuted with as much of enthusiasm as during the period of inflated prices produced by the war of the Rebellion, is still a leading agricultural industry in Livingston County; and it must remain a profitable one, if the product and prices of future years should prove equal to those of I879. PURE-BLOODED SHEEP. Among the first Merino sheep brought into Livingston County were those introduced, about 1848, by David B. Power and Ira Jennings. The latter gentleman brought in several Spanish Merinos from Vermont, and bred them successfully until his death, after which it was continued by his son till about I86o, when his flock was sold to William Ball, of Hamburg. The sheep introduced by Mr. Power were French Merinos, purchased in Washtenaw County from a flock which had been brought there by Mr. Patterson from New York State. Mr. Power bred these with Spanish Merinos, and continued breeding them until about I86o, when Mr. Ball also purchased his flock, as he had about the same time purchased that of Mr. Jennings; and he has kept the flock up, and replenished it by purchases, until the present time. His purchases have been made principally from the Moore, the Rich, the Tottingham, and the Burwell flocks in Addison County, Vermont. He has now a flock of between two hundred and three hundred sheep, all of pure blood, and so registered. All the history of the introduction of pureblooded Merinos into Livingston County, and of the breeding of them for a number of years afterwards, is included in the above mention of the purchases of the Spanish and French sheep by Mr. Jennings and Mr. Power, respectively, and of their subsequent purchase, and the continuation of the business by Mr. Ball, of Hamburg. In later years the following-named breeders have become the owners of thoroughbred flocks entitled to registration, viz.: About six years ago, Ephraim J. Hardy & Son, of Oceola, purchased twenty-five improved Spanish Merinos from Mr. Ball, and supplemented this purchase by another of about fifty animals from the noted flocks in Addison County, Vermont. They now have a fine flock of about two hundred. Ebenezer Kellogg, of Oceola, commenced at about the same time with Mr. Hardy. His purchases have all been made from Mr. Ball, and his flock now numbers about one hundred sheep. Mr. E. Merithew, of the same township, has also a flock of fine Spanish Merinos. Henry T. Ross, of Brighton, commenced breeding some six or eight years since. His purchases were from the Martin flock, of Rush, Monroe County, New York, and from Mr. Ball. He has now a flock of more than fifty thoroughbreds, besides a number of fine high-grade sheep. Henry Doane has a thoroughbred flock of about fifty sheep, bred from some ten or twelve originally purchased from Mr. Ball. Horace Halbert, of Conway, Lyman K. Beach, of Marion, and William Smith, of Oceola, have recently commenced in pure bloods, and each of these gentlemen has now a flock of fine sheep. There are, perhaps, some other small flocks of thoroughbreds in the county, but it is believed that those above mentioned comprise all or very nearly all which are strictly of pure blood. Not much has been done in the county in the way of breeding coarse-wool sheep, but there are several farmers who breed them, and among these may be mentioned Mr. Wesley Garlock, of Genoa, who has some fine Leicesters and Hampshire Downs. THE FIRST LIVINGSTON COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. There are now but few persons in Livingston County who are aware that, some years prior to the formation of the present county agricultural society, there existed here an older organization under the same name, and which included in its membership some of the most prominent farmers of the county. The fact, however, is unquestionable that such a society had an existence of several years, and it seems probable that its commencement was in the year 184[ or 1842. In the Livingston Courier, of May o1, 1843, there appeared a notice, having reference to the business of this old society, as follows: Livingston County Agricultural Society. (The Executive Committee of the Livingston County Agricultural Society for 1843 held their first meeting, on call of the president, at the schoolhouse, in the village of Howell, on the second day 124 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I of May. Present: Rial Lake, Esq., president of the society, and Messrs. Glover, Gay, O. J. Smith, J. W. Smith, and Pierce, of the committee. The premium list for 1843 was made out, revised, and ordered to be published, as follows: For the best acre of Second Best. W heat.....................$........................... $300 $.50 Corn...................................................... 2 00.oo Oats.........................................................oo 50 Potatoes.................................................... 1.o 50 One half-acre flax...................................... I.oo 50 t " rutabagas.................................oo 50 One quarter-acre carrots.............................. 50 25 Best stud-horse.......................................... 3.00 1.50 " breeding-mare.................................... 2.00 I.00 " pair working-horses.............................. 2.00.00 colt, with regard to age, under three years old............................................... 2.00 I.00 " bull............................................ 2.00. working-cattle................................... 2.00 I.00 cow................................................. I.00 50 " calf.................................................. 50 25 ( pair three-year old steers........................ 2.00 I.00 " buck................................................ 2.00.00 " ewe......................................... I.00 50 (" specimen (not less than fifty pounds) of cheese......................................00 " butter (ten pounds)............................. I.00 ' piece of woolen cloth (not less than five yards) manufactured in the county........ 2.00 " piece of linen cloth (five yards)............... I.oo " managed farm, considering all circumstances....................................... 4.00 "By order of the Committee. "GEORGE W. JEWETT, "Rccording Screltary." In the same newspaper, under the date of March 20, 1844, appeared a notice of a meeting of the Livingston County Agricultural Society, to be held in the Presbyterian church in Howell, on the ninth of the following month; with the announcement that " Addresses appropriate to the occasion may be expected. "By order of the Executive Committee, "GEORGE W. JEWETT, Secretary." No subsequent allusion to this society or to any of its transactions has been found. It seems a little remarkable that these matters, and even the fact of the existence of the society, should have so completely faded from the memories of the many persons still living in the county who were at that time of mature age, and actively engaged in agricultural pursuits. THE PRESENT LIVINGSTON COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. On Thursday, the twenty-fourth of February, 1853, a meeting of farmers and others, citizens of Livingston County, was held at the court-house in Howell, pursuant to a previously published call, for the purpose of forming a county agricultural society. The meeting being organized by the choice of Freeman Webb, Jr., as Chairman, and James M. Murray, Secretary, a resolution offered by W. A. Buckland, declaring "That it is expedient at the present time to organize a County Agricultural Society," was adopted without a dissenting voice; and, on motion made by E. F. Burt, and approved by the meeting, the chair appointed a committee of seven to report a constitution for such a society. This committee-composed of E. F. Burt, W. A. Buckland, Loren Boutell, J. R. Goodrich, R. C. Rumsey, A. W. Olds, and V. R. T. Angel-reported a constitution, which was adopted, and of which the first two articles were as follows: "ARTICLE i.-This society shall be called The Livingston County Agricultural Society, auxiliary to the Michigan State Agricultural Society, and the same is organized and established for the encouragement and advancement of agriculture, manufactures, and the mechanic arts. " ARTICLE 2.-Any person may become a member of this society by signing the constitution and paying one dollar into the treasury, and may continue a member by paying annually thereafter the sum of fifty cents.* Life memberships may be obtained on payment of the sum of ten dollars; and all certificates of membership shall include the family of the person to whom they are given. The officers elected upon the organization of the society shall be considered members for one year." After the adoption of the constitution, the first officers of the society were elected as follows: President, Ira Jennings, Green Oak. Vice-Presidents. Job Cranston, Brighton. David Bush, Conway. Loren Boutell, Deerfield. Royal C. Rumsey, Green Oak. Ely Barnard, Genoa. Chauncey L. Crouse, Hartland. Marvin Gaston, Handy. Stoddard W. Twichell, Hamburg. Odell J. Smith, Howell. Daniel Person, Iosco. E. N. Fairchild, Marion. Joel B. Rumsey, Oceola. Freeman Webb, Jr., Putnam. Jacob Kanouse, Tuscola (now Cohoctah). John C. Salisbury, Tyrone. V. R. T. Angel, Unadilla. Treasurer, Wm. A. Buckland. Secretary, Elijah F. Burt. Executive Committee. Nelson G. Isbell. James M. Murray. Ephraim J. Hardy. John How. Alonzo W. Olds. * Amended to read "seventy-five cents," October to, 1856. AGRICULTURE. I25 The following is a list of the members of the society in the first year of its existence: L. Judson. L. C. Pratt. C. A. Jeffries. I,. H. Jones. William McCauley. R. H. Bennett. Sherman Bennett. J. J. Bennett, Jr. Daniel Case. N. L. Emory. Rev. C. Osborn. S. M. Conely. Thomas Dailey. C. L. Crouse. A. R. Crouse. G. W. Cropsey. David Thompson. L. B. Fonda. L. C. Pratt. S. W. Twichell. William Olsaver. Charles Smith. J. Brown. EI. N. Fairchild. H. H. Smith. Jacob Fishbeck. Caleb Sawyer. W. S. Conely. Miss Celia Ann Conely. James McLaughlin. L. W. Kinney. Floyd Williams. Job Cranston. R. S. Hall. Joseph Doane. D. B. Power. William D. Corson. William R. Griffith. Gustave Baetcke. Dr. Benck. E. Doane. I. Armes. William T. Tunis. P. S. Hendricks. Thomnas Gilks. A. P. Dickinson. HIiram Dickinson. -- Paddock. Ely Barnard. D. Person. E. Latson. L. Walker. Henry G. Love. Joseph F. Jennings. J. B. Hammond. M. Bird. T. Bridgeman. Nelson G. Isbell. A. Angel. David Gallatian. E. Case. E. D. Morse. O. Morse. Simeon Lawrence. William H. Bennett. G. Truesdale. B. Carpenter. E. S. Field. Albert Tooley. M. W. Randall. Charles P. Bush. H. H. Hoyt. John Fewlass. Ira Brayton. N. S. Benjamin. Jesse Hall. William Placeway. Hiram Wing. William Valentine. S. Warner. J. Cordley. N. House. F. J. Lee. N. J. Hickey. J. H. Galloway. S. N. Winans. James Swiney. John Monohan. Loren Boutell. D. Boutell. Lyman Lee. William White. William Jubb. Smith Tindale. P. L. Smith. L. Foote. George Lemen. J. D. Gale. T. B. Brooks. C. Goodspeed. D. Kellogg. William Brown. W. B. Conely. William E. Thompson. Mark Jacobs. R. S. Hayner. W. W. Smith. D. S. Lee. P. Y. Browning. J. W. Botsford. Calvin Murdock. A. McIntyre. William Steadman. Harvey Rhodes. S. Sears. W. Sears. Kinsley S. Bingham. William C. Shaft. Alexander Carpenter. John S. Johnson. Gardner Bird. L. C. Crittenden. O. H. Winegar. William Waits. Victory W. Gay. Nicholas Kriseler. Patrick Bogan. N. Gilks. Edward Beurman. Isaac Brown. Hiram Goodrich. D. D. Carr. M. D. L. Townsend. Emil Beurman. H. C. Briggs. A. Wakeman. De Witt Denton. William Schaed. D. Dexter. Hannibal Lee. Ira P. Bingham. William Morse. John Fulmer. C. W. Pease. Jacob Kanouse. Isaac W. Appleton. R. D. Power. L. K. Hewett. A. C. Noble. 0. A. Fuller. Morris Bennett. Van RensselaerT. Angel. P. W. Dey. John Sigler. George Pullen. J. A. Van Camp. J. Fishbeck. E. W. Woodruff. William Crawford. George Burnett. William Payne. George J. Griffin. C. L. Myers. A. Maltby. George L. Gage. Charles Spencer. John S. Bryant. J. Miller. Gaines Fuller. 13. 3. Durfee. H. H. Norton. A. Campbell. J. Paddock. Peter Kanouse. J. W. Kellogg. M. McCabe. Jacob Sigler. A. L. Munsell. Aaron Monroe. L. Door. W. Lewis. George W. Peck. A. F. Albrecht. Simon Abrams. David Dickerson. William Davis. Stephen Dailey. William Bitten. J. 13. Kneeland. S. S. Moore. S. Morgan. George Gready. George Miles. J. Chamberlain. Lee Nutt. E. W. Grant. David Bush. Stephen M. Winans. George Cropsey. William W. Dean. Warren Parker. James Hammill. James McLaughlin. Joseph Hodgman. Smith Henry. T. J. Rice. E. Holloway. B. G. Smith. J. F. Harrington. Jesse Marr. J. P. Farnsworth. S. H. Hazard. Charles Smith. Henry Griswold. John Arms. Thomas Dailey. John Lakin. Gardner Wheeler. 1-26 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. John Graham. J. Case. G. N. Barker. John Bush. M. W. Randall. James Barber. William Osborn. W. L. Webb. J. F. Jennings. J. M. Holden. Daniel Pierson. Isaac Smith. Perry G. Ross. James Clark. M. Chubb. F. Baetcke. G. H. Chambers. John Laughlin. William Elliott. David Hazard. John R. Mason. Hiram Wing. Moses Fuller. Eli Annis. Ralph Fowler. John Hartman. Mark Jacobs. E. Watrous. John Euler. Richard Walker. Luther Jefferds. C. Goodrich. F. A. Grimes. D. Kellogg. Richard Berhnes. H. N. Lewis. H. H. Hanse. W. S. Russell. John Hooper. Henry George. The board of directors (composed of the president, secretary, and executive committee of the society) held their first meeting March 12, 1853, at Howell, on which occasion, after adopting a code of by-laws, the board "Resolved, That the first annual fair of the society be held in the month of October next, in that township in the county which will raise and pledge to the board of directors, on or before the last Saturday in April next, the largest amount of means towards defraying the incidental expenses of the said fair," and the secretary was instructed to open a correspondence with citizens of the several townships upon that subject. At a meeting, held pursuant to adjournment on the seventh of May, the board "Resolved, That the time for receiving offers and proposals with reference to the place of holding the first annual fair be extended to and until the fifteenth of June next," and, after some further business, adjourned to that day; when, upon reassembling, it was by the board "Resolved, That whereas the township of Brighton has offered the largest sum (one hundred and forty dollars) for the location of the first annual fair at that village, that the said first annual fair of the society be held at said village of Brighton on the sixth and seventh days of October next." The fair was accordingly opened at Brighton, at ten A.M., on Thursday, October 6,.1853, under direction of William R. Cobb, chief marshal, and continued during that and the following day. The exercises of the second day embraced a grand plowing match at nine A.M., election of officers of the society for the ensuing year at eleven A M., and at two P.M. an address by the Hon. George W. Peck, immediately after which came the reading of I the reports of the several viewing committees, and the announcement of their awards. A list of persons to whom premiums were awarded at this first fair of the society, being regarded as of some interest to the farmers of the county, is here given as follows: Field Crops.-E. N. Fairchild, Jacob Fishbeck, wheat; H. H. Smith, "Marion wheat, a new variety;" A. Monroe, corn; O. Morse, potatoes. Cattle.-William Sexton, P. L. Smith, J. B. Hammond, Jacob Fishbeck, Daniel Case, W. W. Smith, Ely Barnard, Rev. Mr. Osborn; J. W. Botsford, F. Fishbeck, Charles P. Bush, J. Monohan, C. Sawyer, W. B. Kellogg, D. B. Power, working oxen; C. A. Jeffries, two premiums on Durham cattle. Horscs.-W. C. Shaft, H. G. Love, stallion; T. Holloway, H. H. Norton, brood mare; D. D. Carr, W. E. Thompson, D. S. Iee, F. Monroe, Floyd Williams, Hiram Wing, Thomas Dailey, T. Holloway, colt; K. S. Bingham, P. L. Smith, span of matched horses; I. P. Bingham, E. Deidmer, single horses; Captain P. E. Tuhn, full-blood mare; Captain P. E. Tuhn, matched pair trotting horses. Discretionary Premliums onI Horses.-Kanouse & Fuller, stallion "Young Duroc;" J. R. Goodrich, stallion " Black Hawk;" F. Monroe, C. Smith, span matched colts; J. Cole, G. C. Fuller, C. Corson, E. Latson, W. E. Thompson, colts; A. Tooley, span matched horses. Sheep.-P. Y. Browning, best French buck; S. W. Twichell, second best French buck; J. Cranston, Merino ewes; K. S. Bingham, Merino ewes (Spanish); L. C. Crittenden, buck lambs (Spanish); William Brown, buck lambs (Leicester and Southdown); I. & J. F. Jennings, ewe lambs (Spanish); H. Goodrich, ewe lambs (Spanish); Bingham & Olds, French Merino bucks. Swine.-Royal C. Rumsey (two premiums), C. L. & R. C. Crouse (two premiums), L. B. Fonda, A. Angel. Poultry.-J. H. Galloway, Shanghais; N. J. Hickey, Cochin Chinas; N. J. Hickey, Chittagongs; Fred. J. Lee, Dorkings. Farm Implements.-D. Kelly, Nelson House, William Placeway, Hannibal Lee, K. S. Bingham, D. Thompson, L. B. Fonda, W. C. Woodward, Ira Brayton, N. Toncray, Israel Arms. Butter and Cheese.-T. Bridgeman, D. Gallatian, D. Case,* butter; J. F. Jennings,* cheese. Sugar and Honey.-J. Ridenger, best ten pounds of honey; N. Chrisler, second best ten pounds of honey; M. W. Randall, maple-sugar. Domestic Manufactures. -First variety: T. * Discretionary. AGRICULTURE. 127 Bridgeman, Miss Jane M. Gallatian, B. Carpenter, Miss C. Twichell, Miss E. Carpenter, Mrs. E. Annis, Mrs. J. R. Mason, Miss A. C. Isbell, Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. Osborn,* Mrs. J. M. Murray.* Second variety: John Miller, William Waits, James Swiney, W. R. Griffith, Ira Brayton.* Third variety: L. Walker, L. Judson, A. Hubbard. Fruits and Vegctables.-R. Lyon, J. Brown, H. Wing, apples; R. Lyon, S. M. Conely, peaches; N. S. Benjamin, quinces; W. S. Conely, pears; Gustave Baetcke, grapes; D. Boutell, G. W. Cropsey, L. W. Kinney, T. B. Brooks, R. S. Hall, Loren Boutell, T. Bridgeman, R. S. Hayner, C. S. Crouse, 0. Morse,* Thos. Gilks,* Dr. Benck,* vegetables. Plowing Matclh.-William White, first premium for best quarter-acre plowed; A. P. Dickinson, second premium. The financial result of this fair was quite satisfactory to the society, the receipts and expenditures being as follows: RECEI PTS. Subscription by citizens of Brighton............... $I40.00 Sale of membership tickets........................... 424.00 " single tickets................................. 94.44 ( fruit donated................................... 8.24 Donation by C. L. & R. Crouse..................... Io.oo $676.68 DISBURSEM ENTS. Expense of preparing Fair-Ground... $168.41 Amount of premiums awarded........ 45.00 "( paid W. B. Smith, for printing.............................. 6.00 " paid Secretary, for services and expenses................. 25.00 Other expenses of fair................... 38.57 Value of lumber left on hand....................... Excess of receipts over expenditures............... The ground selected was the public square in Howell, and the fair was held there on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, October 3, 4, and 5, I854. The address was delivered by the Hon. F. W. Curtenius, on the last day of the fair. At the fair of 1853 no premium had been awarded for the best cultivated farm, but in this second exhibition that premium was awarded to Alva Preston, who also secured the same prize at the fairs of 1855 and 1856. At the settlement with the treasurer at the end of the year, that officer made return of a balance of four hundred and ninety-four dollars and fortythree cents in his hands, and the marshal returned a net amount of one hundred and one dollars and seventy-five cents. This was turned over to George W. Lee, treasurer for the ensuing year, and thus the society commenced the year I855 with a fund of five hundred and ninety-six dollars and eighteen cents, besides six dollars in uncurrent money and twenty-three dollars in notes and orders. In 1856 the fair was given to the village of Howell, in consideration of a subscription by the citizens to the amount of one hundred and fifty dollars. The exhibition was held on the eighth, ninth, and tenth of October. A. W. Smith, marshal. It was also held at Howell in I857, one hundred and twenty-five dollars being raised there by subscription. In the awards of this year the two-hundred-acre farm of Joseph Rider, Jr., was especially mentioned by the committee "as an example for the farmers of Livingston County to work after." The fair of 1858 was held at Brighton on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, October 6th, 7th, and 8th. Spaulding M. Case, Marshal. In 1859, citizens of Brighton sent in to the executive committee of the society two proposals to secure the location of the exhibition of that year at their village. The first was an offer of one hundred dollars in money, and the second a written proposal, signed by Ira W. Case, C. W. Barber, F. D. Acker, and N. Kennedy, offering to inclose a suitable ground and erect all necessary buildings as directed by the officers of the society. The last-named proposition was accepted, and the fair was held at Brighton on Tuesday, the twentyseventh of September, and the two following days. On October I4th, in the same year, Elijah F. Burt, Almon Whipple, and Nathan J. Hickey were appointed a committee "to look out suitable ground for permanently locating the annual fairs of the society at or near the village of Howell." In March, 1860, the following action was taken by the directors of the society: 392.98 $283.70 383100.00 $383-70 In March, 1854, the society resolved that its second fair should be held at Howell, provided the citizens of the place should pledge to the society the sum of two hundred dollars towards defraying the incidental expenses. In case such pledge was not given on or before April I5th, the fair was "to be held in that village in the county whose citizens shall pledge the highest amount." On the second of May the subscription of the people of Howell was laid before the board of directors, "which was deemed a compliance with the terms of the offer made them, and it was voted that the second annual fair of the society be held at Howell." N. J. Hickey was appointed marshal, and authorized to select grounds for the fair, "by and with the advice of Nelson G. Isbell and Elijah F. Burt, who are hereby appointed a committee of the board for that purpose." * Discretionary. -128 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. "Resolved, By the board of directors, that they permanently locate their fair at or near Howell, provided the citizens of that place raise and secure a donation of four hundred dollars towards paying for six acres of land (said selection of land to be made in the vicinity of Howell), and that the citizens of Howell have until the fourteenth day of April instant to raise the abovenamed amount. "Resolved, That in case the above resolution is not complied with by the citizens of Howell, that the secretary advertise for proposals from the several villages in the county, and that the society hold their fair for I860 at the village in the county where the citizens thereof raise and secure to the society the largest amount toward defraying the expenses of said fair,-said proposal to be made to the secretary on or before the first day of June.next." The necessity for prompt action by the people of Howell was now apparent, and a number of citizens of the village promised that the necessary amount should be raised. Upon this, on the twenty-eighth of March, the directors voted to purchase six acres of land near the toll-gate, east of the village of Howell, for the sum of five hundred dollars, to be used as a permanent fair-ground, "provided the citizens of Howell raise and pay to Mr. Whipple four hundred dollars towards the same, and that the citizens of Howell have till the eighteenth of April next to raise said amount." On the second of June following, the board of directors received the donation of four hundred dollars in compliance with the above-named conditions, and closed the contract with Mr. Whipple for the six acres of land near the toll-gate; paying over to him the amount of the donation, and agreeing to pay him the balance of one hundred dollars by the first of February, I86I. The amount was paid to Mr. Whipple before the time specified, and he conveyed the land to the society by deed dated January 14, I86r. This was the first of the several purchases by which the society has acquired its present fairground; the subsequent purchases of adjoining lands having been made from Mr. Whipple, Mr. S. F. Hubbell, and McPherson & Mills. The ground purchased from Mr. Whipple was fenced and prepared, and some buildings erected, all under supervision of Nathan J. Hickey, marshal for the year, and on the twenty-sixth, twentyseventh, and twenty-eighth days of September, i86o, the society first held its fair upon its own grounds. Since that time the annual fairs have been regularly held here. The fair-grounds are very eligibly located, on the north side of Grand River Street, a short distance east of the compact portion of the village of Howell, but within the corporation limits. They embrace an area of about twenty acres, containing a half-mile track and the buildings usually found in grounds devoted to agricultural exhibitions. On the seventeenth of May, I866, the fair-ground was leased for a term of thirty years to the Livingston County Horse Association, to be used for its meetings and festivals, the Agricultural Society, however, retaining the right to use it for the annual fairs and other meetings. The first annual sheep-shearing festival of the society was held on Tuesday and Wednesday, the fifteenth and sixteenth of May, I866. The attendance was not very large, on account of the unpropitious state of the weather, but the festival was regarded as very successful, several of the best flocks in the county being represented. Several champion shearers entered the ring and contested for the premiums, which were awarded as follows: first premium, A. A. Brockway, Green Oak; second premium, D. Dailey, Putnam; third premium, -- Eaton, Oceola. No proper record of the weight of animals and fleeces was kept. Since that time the annual sheep-shearing festivals have been continued, but less interest is felt in them than when they were first inaugurated. In the report of the board of directors of the society for the year 1876 (after the purchase of the last addition to the fair-grounds) they mentioned that the expense during the year had been great, owing to the purchase of land, and fencing the same, rebuilding cattle-sheds and sheep- and swinepens, and erecting a ticket-office, and they add: "We now have about twenty acres of choice land, which, with buildings and fixtures, are worth at least six thousand dollars... The number of life members having certificates and entitled to the same to this date is four hundred and fifty-six." On the thirty-first of January, 1878, the number of life members of the society was four hundred and eighty-three, and at the present time (October I, 1879) is four hundred and eighty. The recent location of the State society fairs at Detroit, and the custom of holding them a few days earlier than those of the Livingston County society, has undoubtedly injured the latter to some extent, but their fairs continue to attract a very large attendance, and that of the present year yielded to the society the handsome sum of fourteen hundred and nineteen dollars. The principal officers of the society from its organization, in 1853, to the present time, have been: I853.-President, Ira Jennings; Treasurer, W. A. Buckland; Secretary, Elijah F. Burt; Executive Committee, Nelson G. Isbell, E. J. Hlardy, A W. Olds, James M. Murray, Jolln How. AGRICULTURE. I29 1854. —President, Ira Jennings; Treasurer, Ely Barnard; Secretary, Nelson G. Isbell; Executive Committee, John R. Goodrich, Elijah F. Burt, Austin Wakeman, James M. Murray, P. L. Smith. IS55.-President, Robert Crouse; Treasurer, George W. Lee; Secretary, L. K. Hewett; Executive Committee, John R. Goodrich, Job Cranston, Royal C. Rumsey, P. L. Smith, Ralph Fowler. I856.-President, Robert Crouse; Treasurer, W. C. Rumsey; Secretary, Elijah F. Burt; Executive Committee, R. D. Power, F. G. Rose, J. B. Rumsey, L. K. Hewett, Ely Barnard. 1857.-President, Nelson G. Isbell; Treasurer, William McPherson; Secretary, Elijah F. Burt; Executive Committee, P. L. Smith, David B. Power, F. G. Rose, C. L. Crouse, Daniel Case. I858.-President, N. G. Isbell; Treasurer, Odell J. Smith; Secretary, Elijah F. Burt; Executive Committee, Francis Monroe, Ira Jennings, S. G. Ives, J. Kenyon, Jr., E. N. Fairchild. 1859.-President, Ely Barnard; Treasurer, F. J. Lee; Secretary, Lyman Judson; Executive Committee, J. F. Jennings, F. Grisson, J. R. Mason, E. N. Fairchild, C. L. Crouse. I860.-President, Ely Barnard; Treasurer, F. J. Lee; Secretary, Lyman Judson; Executive Committee, J. F. Jennings, F. Grisson, Austin Wakeman, E. N. Fairchild, C. L. Crouse. I86I.-President, Austin Wakeman; Treasurer, B. H. Lawson; Secretary, Henry P. Crouse; Executive Committee, F. Grisson, Isaac H. Smith, Daniel Case, Joseph Rider, Jr., H. H. Norton. I862.-President, Austin Wakeman, Tyrone; Treasurer, William B. Smitl, Howell; Secretary, Henry P. Crouse, Hartland; Board of Directors, Daniel Case, Howell; Samuel G. Ives, Unadilla; Joseph Rider, Jr., Genoa; Ephraim J. Hardy, Oceola; H. H. Van Leuvan, Brighton. 1863.-President, Ephraim J. Hardy, Oceola; Treasurer, William B. Smith, Howell; Secretary, Henry P. Crouse, Hartland; Directors, Francis Monroe, Howell; K. W. Bingham, Green Oak; E. N. Fairchild, Marion; Samuel G. Ives, Unadilla; H. HI. Van Leuvan, Brighton. 1864.-President, Ephraim J. Hardy, Oceola; Treasurer, William B. Smith, Howell; Secretary, Henry P. Crouse, Hartland; Directors, Sylvester Andrews, Howell; William Ball, Hamburg; K. W. Bingham, Green Oak; W. S. Conely, Brighton; E. Buckle, Howell. 1865.-President, James M. La Rue, Putnam; Treasurer, William B. Smith, Howell; Secretary, Elijah F. Burt, Howell; Directors, John Sigler, Putnam; Sylvester Andrews, Howell; E. J. Hardy, Oceola; E. N. Fairchild, Marion; Albert Tooley, Genoa. I7 I866.-President, James M. La Rue, Putnam; Treasurer, William B. Smith, Howell; Secretary, Albert Tooley, Genoa; Directors, William Ball, Hamburg; William F. Lemen, Hartland; Francis Monroe, Howell; M. D. Carr, Putnam; W. R. Melvin, Howell. 1867.-President, K. W. Bingham, Green Oak; Treasurer, N. J. Hickey, Howell; Secretary, Albert Tooley, Genoa; Directors, M. D. Carr, Putnam; William Ball, Hamburg; H. C. Cady, Brighton; B. W. Cardell, Howell; E. J. Hardy, Oceola. 1868.-President, Francis Monroe, Howell; Treasurer, L. C. Smith, Howell; Secretary, Albert Tooley, Genoa; Directors, S. Andrews, Howell; E. N. Fairchild, Marion; Ebenezer Kellogg, Oceola; Daniel Case, Howell; Asa Van Kleeck, Genoa. 1869.-President, Francis Monroe, Howell; Treasurer, Orin H. Winegar, Howell; Secretary, Albert Tooley, Genoa; Directors, Daniel Case, Howell; H. P. Crouse, Hartland; K W. Bingham, Green Oak; John Meyer, Genoa; F. Webb, Putnam. 1870.-President, Sylvester S. Andrews, Howell; Treasurer, Asa Van Kleeck, Howell; Secretary, Albert Tooley, Genoa; Directors, Linus Reed, Marion; William White, Howell; Lewis Meyer, Genoa; E. J. Hardy, Oceola; Chas. Curtis, Marion. I87i.-President, Ira D. Crouse, Hartland; Treasurer, Asa Van Kleeck, Howell; Secretary, Albert Tooley, Genoa; Directors, William White, Howell; E. J. Hardy, Ooeola; Linus Reed, Marion; Lewis Meyer, Genoa; H. G. W. Fry, Oceola. I872.-President, Ira D. Crouse, Hartland; Treasurer, James A. Preston, Howell; Secretary, 13. F. Batcheler, Oceola; Directors, William White, Howell; Stephen Teeple, Putnam; Linus Reed, Marion; Lewis Meyer, Genoa; R. Wrigglesworth, Cohoctah. I873.-President, Edwin B. Winans, Hamburg; Treasurer, W. I-. Newell, Howell; Secretary, B. F. Batcheler, Howell; Directors, E. W. Grant, Marion; D. F. Crandel, Howell; Francis Monroe, Howell; Myron Mitchell, Marion; D. O. Taft, Oceola. 1874.-President, Edwin B. Winans, Hamburg; Treasurer, H. G. W. Fry, Howell; Secretary, B. F. Batcheler, Howell; Directors, J. A. Preston, Howell; William White, Howell; Charles Fishbeck, Genoa; Myron Mitchell, Marion; Jacob Sigler, Pinckney. I875.-President, Charles Fishbeck, Genoa; Treasurer, HI. G. W. Fry, Howell; Secretary, Albert Riddle, Howell; Directors, William Ball, Hamrburg; P. T. Gill, Genoa; E. W. Hardy, Oceola; E. B. Hosley, Oceola; L. K. Beach, Marion. -30 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 1876.-President, Charles Fishbeck, Genoa; Treasurer, H. G. W. Fry, Howell; Secretary, Albert Riddle, Howell; Directors, B. F. Andrews, Oceola; James Harger, Marion; B. F. Batcheler, Marion; P. T. Gill, Genoa; S. W. Dickerson, Marion; A. M. Wells, Howell. 1 877.-President, William Ball, Hamburg; Treasurer, Charles Curtis, Howell; Secretary, Frank 0. Burt, Marion; Directors, B. F. Andrews, Oceola; B. F. Batcheler, Oceola; P. T. Gill, Genoa; James Harger, Marion; A. M. Wells, Howell; Halsted Gregory, Howell. I878.-President, Williamn Ball, Hamburg; Treasurer, Charles Curtis, Howell; Secretary, Frank 0. Burt, Marion; Directors, B. F. Batcheler, Oceola; Giles Lee, Green Oak; James Harger, Marion; H. Gregory, Unadilla; A. M. Wells, Howell; B. F. Andrews, Oceola. 1879.-President, Myron Mitchell; Treasurer, Alexander McPherson; Secretary, Frank 0. Burt; Directors, B. F. Batcheler, Oceola; Giles Lee, Green Oak; James Harger, Marion; Halsted Gregory, Unadilla; A. M. Wells, Howell; E. B. Winans, Hamburg. THE LIVINGSTON COUNTY HORSE ASSOCIATION. This association, having for its object the promotion of improvement in the breeding of horses, was organized April I, i866, the following-named persons being the original share-holders, viz: Vice-Presidents. Isaac W. Bush. Nathan J. Hickey. Fred. J. Lee. Henry H. Norton. On the seventeenth day of May next following the organization the association leased, for the term of thirty years, the Fair-Grounds of the Livingston County Agricultural Society, and on these grounds their meetings and festivals have since been held. The enthusiasm and public interest in these periodical gatherings was great during the first few years, but has declined latterly, though they are still well attended, and regarded with favor by the people of the county. The present officers of the association are: Benjamin H. Rubert, President. Sardis F. Hubbell, Treasurer. Leander C. Smith, Secretary. Vice- Presidents. L. K. Beach. N. J. Hickey. Fred. J. Lee. R. H. Rumsey. Sardis F. Hubbell. Frederick J. Lee. Elbert C. Bush. W. R. Melvin. Henry H. Harmon. H. P. Wheeler. G. Tucker. John H. Galloway. Charles Bailey. Henry H. Norton. I. C. Huntley. Nathan J. Hickey. Alexander McPherson. D. Embury. H. E. Cady. K. W. Bingham. A. Teasdale. W. W. Carpenter. J.,H. Wilcox. Charles W. Barber. Harvey & Coleman. E. McGunn. Orin H. Winegar. Dennis Shields. Royal H. Rumsey. Isaac W. Bush. L. D. Smith. Almon Whipple. William L. Wells. L. L. Wing, William McPherson, Jr. Leander C. Smith. V. R. T. Angel. John M. White. L. Haynes. Mylo L. Gay. L. K. Beach. William Sexton. N. A. Smith. D. Case. THE LIVINGSTON COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. This company, formed for the purpose of insuring farm buildings and property, and no other, has now been in existence for more than sixteen years, and has proved so eminently successful, so advantageous to those interested in it, that it is regarded with much satisfaction and pride by its members and the people of Livingston County. It is admitted that the formation of the company was due to the efforts of Elijah F. Burt, of Marion, in greater degree than to those of any other person. The first meeting to take into consideration the formation of such a company was held on the twenty-fourth of January, 1863. Articles of association were agreed upon and entered into, and E. F. Burt was appointed secretary pro tempora. On the twenty-third of February, 1863, the first public notice of the corporators was published. On the twenty-third of April following, the commissioners appointed by the Secretary of State reported that the corporators had complied with the statute, and on the second day of May the secretary filed with the county clerk the certificate of the Secretary of State, with papers required by law, which authorized the company to proceed to the election of permanent officers and the transaction of the business of insurance. Agreeably to the published notice required by law, the first meeting of the members of the company was held at the court-house in Howell, on the sixteenth of May, 1863, at which meeting the permanent officers were elected, as follows: The first officers of the association were: Sardis F. Hubbell, President. Charles W. Barber, Secretary. Alexander McPherson, Treasurer. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. 131I President, Ephraim J. Hardy. Vice-President, Francis Monroe. Secretary, Elijah F. Burt. Collector, John Sigler. Director, Lyman Judson. On the eighteenth of May, 1863, the secretary commenced issuing policies, and on the first of November succeeding, the company had two hundred and twenty-nine policies in force, embracing property insured to the amount of four hundred and six thousand four hundred and thirty dollars, belonging to two hundred and twenty-four members. The first annual meeting of the company was held at the court-house in Howell, November 7, 1863, when the following officers were elected: President, Ephraim J. Hardy. Vice-President, Francis Monroe. Secretary, E. F. Burt. Collectors, John Sigler, L. C. Crittenden. Directors, E. J. Hardy, J. M. La Rue, E. F. Burt. Prudential Committee: Brighton, L. Judson; Cohoctah, J. Kanouse; Conway, Henry Snyder; Deerfield, Calvin T. Burnett; Genoa, C. W. Burwell; Green Oak, Isaac H. Smith; Hamburg, R. H. Bennett; Handy, M. Gaston; Hartland, C. H. Mercer; Howell, B. W. Cardell; Iosco, D. Person1; Marion, E. N. Fairchild; Oceola, Aaron V. Holt; Putnam, Gilbert Brown; Tyrone, Austin Wakeman; Unadilla, John Fulmer. The great increase of the business of the company is shown by the report of the mutual fire insurance companies of the State; the following figures, taken from that report, having reference to the condition of the Livingston County company on the thirty-first day of December, 1878, viz.: Membership.................................... 859 Risks in force at that date.................. $3,889.92 Assessments levied, 1878.................. 5,640.99 Per cent. of assessment........................ooI5 The total losses of the company since its organization have been as follows: 1864............................................. $6.75 1865............................................ 3,050 15 I866.............................................,128.80 I867............................................ 1,864.45 x868................................ 651.00 1869..................................... 2,292.41 1870............................................ 3,588.25 I871....................................... 1,440.75 1872........................... 2,834.30 1873............................................. 2,854.25 I874......................................... 2,138.55 1875............................................. 3,112.55 1876.......................................... 7,941.05 1877.......................................... 7,832.76 1878.................................. 4,992.00 1879 to June 1st.............................. 3,558.63 $49,286.65 All these being within the county of Livingston. An amendment to the company's charter and by-laws was adopted September 14, 1872. Under this amendment provision is made for payment of "loss and damage by lightning to buildings of farmers, and property therein," and that "the company is not holden for any damages occasioned by the use of steam threshing-machines; and all persons using such steam machines do so at their own risk." The officers of the company under the amended charter are " a president, vice-president, a secretary, who shall act as collector, and a board of three directors, of which number the president and secretary shall ex officio be two, and such other officers as said directors shall at any time deem it necessary to have or appoint." The present officers of the company are: President, Lyman Judson. Secretary and Treasurer, William Suhr. Director, E. W. Grant. LIVINGSTON COUNTY COUNCIL, PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. This organization, first named and known as "Union Council,* Patrons of Husbandry," was formed at a meeting held in the village of Unadilla, December 5, I873, pursuant to a call emanating from Unadilla Grange, No. 6. The meeting was composed of delegates from adjacent granges as follows: Unadilla Grange, No. 6: Royal Barnum, W. M. Stilson, William Watts. Eureka Grange, No. 2: E. Croman, B. W. Sweet, E. Skidmore. Iosco Grange, No. o09: Milton Bradley, John Elliott, Isaac Stow. Pinckney Grange, No. I7: Freeman Webb, C. M. Wood, Jacob Sigler. Lafayette Grange, No. 92: R. Buchanan, W. W. Williams, E. A. Nordman. Genoa Grange, No. 76: Joseph Rider, Charles Fishbeck, William Holt. Stockbridge Grange, No. 7: Wm. H. Stevens, H. H. Brewerton, P. Rowe. Howell Grange, No. o9: Henry Barnard, Daniel Case, Theodore Welcker. Royal Barnum, of Unadilla Grange, was called to the chair, and Isaac Stow, of Iosco, was chosen secretary. A permanent organization of the meeting was afterwards effected by the choice of C. L. Whitney as Chairman; Isaac Stow, Secretary; W. * The name was changed, and the present one adopted by unanimous vote of delegates present at the annual meeting of the council, February 6, I877. 132 IIIS.TORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Williams, Overseer; Thomas Howlett, Steward; Joseph Kirkland, Gate-Keeper. A committee, composed of the chairman, the Masters of the several granges represented, and J. Webster Childs, of Washtenaw County, was constituted for the purpose of drafting articles of association and a constitution, which (after a recess) were reported to the meeting and adopted; the preamble and first two articles being as follows: "Whereas, Other classes and professions of men have associations to protect their own interests; therefore, to form a more perfect union, secure our own rights, and protect our own interests against the encroachments of all combinations, we, the delegates of the subordinate granges, do hereby form ourselves into a council, and adopt the following articles of association: "ARTICLE I.-This association shall be called the Union Council of the Patrons of Husbandry. "ARTICLE 2.-The objects of this council shall be the promotion and attainment of united and uniform action of the granges of which it is composed in all matters affecting their interests and welfare, and in bringing the producers and consumers of agricultural implements and products closer together, by buying and selling through this council, or through such parties as may make arrangements with it, to buy or sell such articles or implements as we may need, and to transact such other business as may be necessary to secure these ends." It is elsewhere declared in the articles of association that the object of the order is to secure social and intellectual advantages to its members, no less than to promote their financial interests. The first officers of the council elected at this meeting-were: Master, C. M. Wood; Overseer, William Stevens; Steward, Charles Fishbeck; Assistant Steward, H. N. Stilson; Chaplain, L. J. Whitcomb; Treasurer, B. W. Sweet; Secretary, Isaac Stow; Gate-Keeper, T. Howlett; Executive Committee, C. M. Wood, Isaac Stow, Freeman Webb, Royal Barnum, M. Bradley. The following is a list of the officers of the council, elected in succeeding years, to the present time: 1874.-Master, C. W. Haze; Overseer, Charles Fishbeck; Steward, B. W. Sweet; Assistant Steward, H. N. Stilson: Chaplain, L. J. Whitcomb; Treasurer, Royal Barnum; Secretary, Isaac Stow; Purchasing Agent, W. K. Sexton; Gate-Keeper, T. Howlett; Executive Committee, W. W. Williams, Thomas Copeland, William Stevens, Charles Curtis, Theodore Welcker. I875.-Master, Charles Fishbeck; Overseer, Peter T. Gill; Steward, Theodore Welcker; As sistant Steward, H. O. Barnard; Chaplain, Thomas Copeland; Treasurer, Charles Curtis; Secretary and Purchasing Agent, William K. Sexton; Executive Committee, William Fishbeck, Charles Curtis, Henry Lake. 1876.-Master, Charles Fishbeck; Overseer, James Harger; Steward, A. M. Wells; Assistant Steward, H. O. Barnard; Chaplain, Linus Reed; Treasurer, Charles Curtis; Gate-Keeper, S. M. Dickerson; Secretary, Mrs. W. K. Sexton; Purchasing Agent, W. K. Sexton; Executive Committee, Charles Curtis, William Fishbeck, Charles Fishbeck, W. K. Sexton, F. W. Munson. 1877.-Master, Stevens Person; Overseer, A. M. Wells; Steward, G. M. Smith; Assistant Steward, Joel Briggs; Chaplain, Thomas Stanfield; Treasurer, Joseph Rider; Secretary, Mrs. W. K. Sexton; Gate-Keeper, S. M. Dickerson; Purchasing Agent, W. K. Sexton; Executive Committee, Peter T. Gill, James Harger, Linus Reed. 1878.-Master, W. K. Sexton; Overseer, A. M. Davis; Steward, M. Sabin; Assistant Steward, Minor Hosley; Chaplain, S. Bidwell; Treasurer, J. S. Briggs; Secretary, Mrs. W. K. Sexton; GateKeeper, W. R. Cole; Purchasing Agent, W. K. Sexton. I879.-Master, J. S. Briggs; Overseer, A. J. Wickman; Steward, A. Newman; Assistant Steward, A. M. Wells; Chaplain, S. Bidwell; Treasurer, L. Meyer; Secretary, Mrs. W. K. Sexton; Gate-Keeper, W. K. Cole; Purchasing Agent, W. K. Sexton. One of the principal objects had in view in the formation of the council was to secure for its members, through concert of action, greater advantages and nlore favorable terms than they had before been able to obtain in the purchase of farmers' supplies and the sale of farmers' products, as set forth in the second of their articles of association. The first action taken by the Livingston (then the Union) Council towards the accomplishment of this object was the appointment of Mr. W. K. Sexton as purchasing agent, in the fall of I874, and the opening by him (through, and in connection with the State grange) of negotiations for the purchase of plaster for fertilizing purposes. The price of plaster was then four dollars per ton at Grand Rapids. The Patrons believed this pr-ice to be exorbitant, and that the article might and ought to be furnished at three-fourths, if not at one-half that figure; but, when they made an attempt to obtain it at a reduction, they were met by the refusal and determined opposition of all the manufacturers, who at once entered into a combination, embracing the plaster companies of Michigan and Ohio. In this combination a certain territory was assigned to each company, in which territory only - PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. 133 it was permitted to make sales; and each was pledged to make no sales under any circumstances, and in no matter how large quantity, at less than four dollars per ton. This price the manufacturers at Grand Rapids told the purchasing agent was the lowest at which plaster could be manufactured; and they said if any one should sell it for less than that price, " they would make it cost him a good deal more money." Previously the State grange had succeeded in obtaining a contract from the Grand River Valley Plaster Company to deliver plaster in large quantities at a reduced price, but when the fact became known this company was forced into the manufacturers' combination, and refused to carry out their agreement. Mr. J. T. Cobb, secretary of the State grange, in a circular which he was instructed by the executive committee of the State grange, to address to the subordinate granges, in mentioning this bad faith on the part of the Grand River company, said,"You are all aware that the first act of bad faith of which we complain, on the part of manufacturers of pllaster in this State, was the refusal of the Grand River Valley Plaster Company, whose works are located at Grandville, to comply with a contract made with said company, duly signed and sealed with their corporate seal, on the twentieth day of March, I874. The same week the contract was signed, this company became a party to, and a part of the Grand River Valley Plaster Association, which included every manufacturer of plaster in the State. "This association placed itself at once in direct antagonism to the farmers of the State, by discriminating against them and treating them as not only irresponsible but unreliable, demanding payment of Patrons before plaster was shipped, while to their agents it was sulpllied on their order without a question. "As Patrons we did not ask credit, but as Patrons we were unwilling that a half-dozen manufacturers in the State should say to us, that you must buy of our established agents, and pay whatever price they demand, or submit to conditions that, by implication at least, declare us irresponsible and unworthy of confidence. The combination fixed the price at four dollars per ton at Grand Rapids, and held steadily to their arrangements through the winter and spring of 1875, and we had to comply with the terms, or do without plaster." In August, I875, Mr. H. O. Weston, of Grandville, proposed to the executive committee of the State grange to develop a plaster-bed which he owned at that place, and to furnish plaster to the Patrons at three dollars per ton; stipulating only that they should furnish orders to the amount of eight thousand tons, and he promising to be ready to commence shipment by the commencement of the year 1876. Before the desired result was accomplished, however, his available means became exhausted, and, as he stated to the committee of the State grange, "his credit had been so impaired by the representations of the members of the [combined plaster manufacturers] association, that he could not go on with his enterprise without pecuniary aid from some quarter." Upon this, the matter was, at the meeting of the State grange in 1876, referred to a committee of five members, who reported a plan of action, and the meeting "Resolved, That the State grange will sustain the executive committee in any efforts they may make to help H. O. Weston develop his plaster-bed for the use of the Patrons of Husbandry, pecuniary or otherwise." This resulted in the sum of four thousand dollars being advanced to Mr. Weston, with the agreement that he should furnish plaster at three dollars per ton; receiving two dollars and twenty-five cents per ton in cash, leaving seventy-five cents per ton to be applied on account of the money advanced. But the project did not prove successful under this arrangement, although Mr. Weston did his best to carry it through; and in April, 1876, he sold his entire interest in the plaster-bed, with the mill, fixtures, and business, to Day & Taylor, who assumed Mr. Weston's obligation to the Patrons, and continued the former arrangement as to prices and shipments. This firm prosecuted the business successfully, and have furnished large quantities of plaster to the Patrons at and considerably below the price originally established in the agreement with H. O. Weston. In regard to the success of the Patrons in their determined effort to reduce the price of plaster, Secretary Cobb, in a circular issued in 1878, said,"You all know that on account of a most wicked combination of manufacturers four years ago to compel the farmers of Michigan to pay four dollars per ton for plaster at the mills, and a discrimination against Patrons, requiring that cash should accompany a grange order, that through the vigorous measures adopted by the executive committee of the State grange the combination was broken up, and that not only Patrons, but all farmers in the State, have had cheap plaster now for three years. The stand taken by us has saved very many thousand dollars to the farmers of Michigan, and this result could not have been reached without the aid and co-operation of Messrs. Day & Taylor. That they have been faithful and true to their agreement with the order, have done all they possibly could to accommodate, and have always been ready to make good any claim for shortage, loss, or damage by delay or otherwise, even when the claim was not always quite reasonable and just, from my knowledge of the business has seemed to me true; and that they have 134 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. claims on the order that we cannot ignore is recognized by every well-informed member,.. The result of our efforts to break the combination was to throw two of the old companies into bankruptcy, and the properties fell into the hands of the mortgagee, the Union Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Maine. This new interest, together with another new firm, have undertaken with cheap plaster to capture the whole trade. The price with them does not seem to be at all important, for plaster is being sold by them from eighty-five cents to one dollar and fifty cents per ton without regard to cost." The members of the Livingston Council have participated, with others, in these advantages which have resulted from the opening of the Weston plaster-beds at Grandville, and are now receiving their plaster from Day & Taylor at two dollars per ton, or one-half the price they were formerly compelled to pay. Their shipments are received at Howell, Brighton, and Fowlerville, and at the first and last-named places they have storehouses built and paid for solely from the profit realized on purchases and sales. The council also purchases the salt required by its members; contracting for large quantities and obtaining material reduction in prices. All purchases and sales are made by the purchasing agent, W. K. Sexton, who has performed the business to the entire satisfaction of the Patrons, and has several times received the council's vote of thanks " for the correct manner in which the accounts have been kept, and the success attained in the business through his faithfulness." In the matter of sales by the purchasing agent for account of members of the council, the principal item is that of wool, which is now shipped hence by the agent, and sold to heavy buyers in Boston, Massachusetts. The first movement in this direction was made in I878, when the wool of thirty-one producers in this county was shipped and sold in Boston by Mr. Sexton. The same was done for ninety-five shippers in the present year (1879). The lots of the several shippers are separately graded in Boston, and an accurate accountsales is rendered to each, and the results in both 1878 and 1879 have been so satisfactory that these shipments to the East by Patrons are likely to be continued and largely increased in the future. Besides the granges which were represented by their delegates at the organization of the council in 1873, a number of others (including some from adjoining counties) have since been admitted to its membership. Those located in Livingston County which joined the council have been the Conway, Oceola, Hartland, Oak Grove, West Handy, and Brighton Granges. Of those which have at some time held membership, some have withdrawn to unite with other organizations and some have ceased to exist. The granges which are now (August, 1879) in membership with the council are: Oak Grove, No. 57; Conway, No. 114; Howell, No. go; West Handy, No. 613; and Brighton Grange. The total individual membership of the council is now three hundred and thirty. Their meetings are held at Knapp's Hall, in Howell village. POPULATION OF THE COUNTY AT DIFFERENT PERIODS. It has been stated, on what appears to be excellent authority, that the entire population of Livingston County at its organization, in the spring of 1836, did not exceed five hundred and fifty persons of all ages. But it was augmented to more than six times that number by the unprecedented immigration of that year, and the increase continued to be rapid during several successive years. The population of the county at different periods from 1837 to 1874 is shown by the several censuses to have been: in 1837,* 5029; in 1840, 7430; in 1845, 10,787; in 1850, 13,485; in 1854, I4,14I; in I860, I6,851; in 1864, 16,16o; in 1870, I9,336; in I874, 20,329. * The population of the several townships in that year being as follows: Byron, now Oceola...................3................. 317 Deerfield...................369 Genoa......................................................... 361 Green Oak........................................... 1435 Hamburg.................................................... 490 Hartland..................................................... 404 Howell (including Iandy, Conway, and Cohoctah) 442 Marion....................................................... 202 Putnam....................................................... 367 Unadilla............................................. 642 Total............................................. 5029 I~~~~c LVtINGSTON COUNTY COURT HOUSE. HOWELL UNION SCHOOL. HOWELL, LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICH. HISTORY OF THE VILLAGES AND TOWNSHIPS OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY. VILLAGE OF HOWELL. TIE incorporated village of Howell, the countyseat of Livingston, embraces within its boundaries an area of territory equal to three square miles, lying in the form of a parallelogram, two miles long by one and a half miles wide; its longer lines running east and west, and its southeastern corner being the territorial centre of the county. A fine sheet of water, known as Thompson Lake, forms part of its eastern boundary. The old Grand River road passes diagonally through it in a northwesterly direction, and forms the principal business street, which is named after the old territorial thoroughfare. The limits of the village, as established by the legislative act, which erected it a town corporate in I863, were made to include the whole of sections 35 and 36, and the south half of sections 25 and 26, of the township of Howell. The names of the original purchasers from the United States of the lands embraced within these limits, and the dates of their respective purchases, are here given: On Section 35. C. C. Trowbridge, of Detroit, the east half of the southeast quarter, June 26, I833. John D. Pinckney, of Dutchess Co., N. Y., the east half of the northeast quarter, Dec. 3, 1833. George T. Sage, of Washtenaw Co., Mich., the west half of the northwest quarter, the west half of the northeast quarter, the east half of the southwest quarter, the west half of the southeast quarter, and the east half of the northwest quarter, Dec. 3, 1833. Benjamin Babbit, of Livingston County, the remainder of the section,-being the west half of the southwest quarter,-July 8, I834. On Section 36. John J. Eaman, of Jackson Co., Mich., the west half of the southeast quarter, Oct. I, 1833. John D. Pinckney, the southwest quarter, the east half of the southeast quarter, and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, Dec. 3, 1833. Moses Thompson, of Herkimer Co., N. Y., the east half of the northwest quarter, May I5, I834. Morris Thompson, of Oakland Co., Mich., the west half of the northeast quarter, Aug. 5, I834. William Rood, of Montgomery Co., N. Y., the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter, Oct. 3, 1835. Moses Thompson, of Livingston Co., Mich., the east half of the northeast fractional quarter, May 26, I836. On Section 25. Moses Thompson, of Herkimer Co., N. Y., the west half of the southeast quarter, May 15, 1834. Elizabeth Thompson, of Oakland Co., Mich., the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, July IO, I835. Moses Thompson, the east half of the southwest quarter, July 10, I835; and the west half of the same quarter, Sept. 3, 1835. Morris Thompson, of Livingston Co., Mich., the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, July 9, I847. On Scction 26. John Haze, of Oakland Co., Mich., the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, Feb. 13, I834. William McCreery, of Washtenaw Co., Mich., the east half of the southwest quarter, Dec. 2, 1834. Thomas West, of Niagara Co., N. Y., the west half of the southeast quarter, July 17, 1835. Jonathan Austin, of Herkimer Co., N. Y., the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter, Aug. 8, 1835. Moses Thompson, of Livingston Co., Mich., the east half of the southeast quarter, Aug. I8, 1835. FIRST SETTLEMENT AND EARLY SETTLERS. The first actual settlements within what is now the village of Howell were made by George T. Sage, John D. Pinckney, James Sage, and David Austin, in the year 1834. John D. Pinckney was a native of Dutchess Co., N. Y., and remained a resident of that county until 135 I36 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. the year I833, being then located with a wife and two children, at the village of Hughsonville, engaged in the business of his trade, which was that of butcher. Having determined to emigrate to the West, he started in the year named, and came by the Erie Canal and Lake Erie to Detroit, and thence to Salem, Washtenaw Co., where his father and brothers were then living. At that place he also found George T. Sage, who was, like himself, desirous of purchasing eligible government lands on which to establish a farm and a home. With that object in view, these two men, accompanied by Mr. Pinckney's brothers, struck out towards the northwest, over the Indian trail, into the wilderness of Livingston, which had then recently been erected a county, though not yet organized as such. Whether they were in any degree influenced in their explorations by the prospect of future advantages to arise from the probable location of the county-seat is not known, but it is certain that about the end of the second day's journey they found themselves at the geographical centre of the county, as shown by the surveyors' marks and numbers, and were soon engaged in prospecting among the inviting oak-openings which stretched away from the shores of the little lake, over and beyond the present site of Howell village. On or near the spot now occupied by the residence of Hon. Mylo L. Gay, in the western part of the village, they hastily built a rude, temporary shelter -a bark-roofed cabin-in which they slept, and made their headquarters for about a week, while engaged in exploring the neighboring region and choosing the lands for location. It was almost wholly a matter of choice with them, for all the lands in the vicinity were open for entry (except the two eighty-acre tracts which had previously, in the same year, been entered by C. C. Trowbridge and John J. Eaman, on sections 35 and 36, respectively), and nowhere in all the region was there any sign of clearing or settler, nor any traces of the work of human hands, except the blazings and marks left by the government surveyors. Having made and noted their selections of lands the party returned to Salem, and thence Pinckney and Sage proceeded without delay to the land-office in Detroit, where they entered and purchased the tracts, as above noticed, on sections 35 and 36. Mr. Pinckney then went to his home in the East (where he arrived after an absence of nearly two months), and Mr. Sage returned to Salem; and both began their preparations for removal and settlement on their new lands in Livingston County. In the month of May, I834, George T. Sage and his father, James Sage, with their fanmilies, came up from Salem and settled upon the lands pur chased by the former in the previous year,-James Sage building his log house on or near the spot where the mansion of William McPherson, Jr., now stands, and opposite this, on the south side of the Grand River road (which was then but a mere trail), stood the primitive dwelling of George T. Sage. Its location is said to have been directly in the present track of Grand River Street, which, by straightening, was afterwards made to pass over the site of the old Sage cabin. These two families were the pioneer settlers in what afterwards became the village of Howell, as they were also the earliest in the township. The date of their arrival here was May I4th, in the year named. The sons of James Sage were George T., James R., and Chester A. The last two were but boys at that time. Chester is now dead, and James R. is living in Ann Arbor. James Sage, the father of the family, died June 29, 1839. George T. Sage died in Marion township Aug. 2I, I852. At the time of his settlement here he was but recently married to Miss Louisa Austin. Their son, George L. Sage, was the first person born in the village or township of Howell. The date of his birth was Jan. 23, 1835. He became a printer, and carried on that business for some time in Howell. He is now living in Albion, Mich. On the ISt of June following the arrival of the Sage families, David Austin, from Salem, Washtenaw Co. (but previously from East Bloomfield, Ontario Co., N. Y.), came in with his family and settled about half a mile west of Sage's, on the west half of the northwest quarter of section 35, a tract which had been entered by his son-in-law, George T. Sage; the place where Mr. Austin located being the same where Mr. Fishbeck now lives. On that farm he spent the remainder of his life, and died there Feb. I, 1847, at the age of sixtyseven years. His wife survived him about one year. Their children were five in number, viz., David (who never came to settle in Michigan), Jonathan, Louisa, Malvina, and Sally T. The last named became the wife of Merritt S. Havens; Malvina became Mrs. George Sewell; Louisa was the wife of George T. Sage, and after his death was married to the Rev. George Jenks. She is now living in Brighton. Jonathan Austin, who had reached the years of manhood when he came with his father to Howell, purchased and settled on the northwest part of section 35, the land which is now the farm of Mr. Gilk. His name appears frequently as an officer in the records of school district No. I, of Howell and Marion. He remained here for many years, but finally removed to the Lake Superior region of the State. VILLAGE OF HOWELL. i37 During the winter and spring of 1834 Mr. John D. Pinckney had completed his preparations for emigrating, and in May of that year he left his old home in New York, with his family, and again turned his face towards the West. They came by the Erie Canal to Buffalo, then by steamer on Lake Erie to Detroit, and thence by wagon to Salem, where Mr. Pinckney left his family at the house of his father, and then came on to Livingston County, to clear and prepare his lands and build a house. Not having come into the new country emptyhanded, as was the case with many of the pioneers, lie brought with him from Salem two men (one of whom was his brother Thomas, who afterwards settled in Genoa) to assist in the heavy preliminary labor on the land, and in the erection of his house. He also brought with him four yoke of oxen and a team of horses, with harnesses and a wagon; all of which he had purchased in Detroit. These horses were the first which were brought into the townslhip of Howell.* Mr. Pinckney had, of course, no trouble in keeping his cattle, during the summer, on the abundant feed and browse of the openings, and in anticipation of the coming winter, he cut an ample supply of the rank grasses growing along the margin of the lake, and stacked the hay thus easily obtained for use in the season of frost and snow. From the several entries of lands made by him in 1833, he selected the eighty-acre tract in the southeast corner of section 36 for the location of his farm and home, and built his house at a point near the east line of the township, a considerable distance to the north of the present Grand River road, and between it and the southern end of the sheet of water now called Thompson Lake; the spot being directly east of the Livingston County Agricultural Society's fair-grounds, and a part of what was known in later years as the "Wilber farm." The trail at that time, bending north from the present line of the road, passed di rectly by the house. In the December next following their arrival in Michigan he moved his family up from Salem and occupied the dwelling which he had prepared for them. It Was similar to other homes of pioneers at that time,-a log house of a single room,-and was without floor, door, or window when they first took possession, blankets being hung over the apertures, and a fire being lighted before the cabin at night to keep away wolves. The boxes in which their household articles had been brought from the East were used as tables and a bedstead was made of tamarack-poles. The family of Mr. Pinckney at that time were: his wife, Margaret (daughter of Alexander Fraser, of whom further mention will be made), and two daughters.-Alice, aged seven years, and Gertrude, aged three years; also Seaman Fraser, Mrs. Pinckney's brother, a sickly youth of about eighteen years of age, who remained here a few years and returned to die in New York City. After Mr. Pinckney's settlement here his family was increased by the birth of three daughters, two of whom (now Mrs. Knapp and Mrs. Goodrich) are living in Howell, and the third (unmarried) is living in Jackson, Mich., with her elder sister Alice (now Mrs. Elmore Dennis). The daughter Gertrude died unmarried in Howell. Mr. Pinckney died Feb. II, I86I, in Howell village, where he had removed from his farm in 1842. Mrs. Pinckney is still living in Howell, being the only resident in the village or township who came here prior to 1835. LIVINGSTON CENTRE-SETTLERS OF I835. When the families of Sage, Austin, and Pinckney made their settlement here, the locality became quite extensively and generally known as Livingston Centre," though (until the arrival in the following year of other immigrants, who settled on the west part of section 36) the name seems to have had more particular reference to the farm and house of Mr. Pinckney, not only because it was very nearly on the actual centre of the territory of Livingston, where it was believed by many that the county-seat would be established, but because he was in a manner compelled (much against his inclination) to furnish shelter and accommodation to the rapidly-increasing swarm of land-seekers, to whom his house thus became an objective point from which they pushed their explorations on towards the west and north. The year 1835 brought important accessions to the settlement of Livingston Centre; not so much on account of the number of the immigrants (though the population of the two sections and two half-sections was fully trebled during that sea *It is stated, in Mr. Smith's historical sketch of Howell, that the first team of horses in the township were those brought in by Moses Thompson; but this is entirely disproved by a recollection of Mrs. John Pincknley, who is now a resident of Howell village. She remembers that on the occasion of sickness in the family of George T. Sage, at the birth of his son, George L. Sage, Jonathan Austin, brother of Mrs. Sage, came to the house of Mr. Pinckney to borrow one of his horses, to ride to Kensington, to procure the services of Dr. Curtis, of that place; but as the horses were away, at Salem, he was compelled to make the journey to Kensington on foot. As the date of the birth of George L. Sage was Jan. 23, i835, and as Moses Thompson, in coming out to make settlement here, did not reach Detroit tuntil May 25th of that year, and did not arrive in Livingston County until several days later, it seems clear that Mr. Pinckney was working his horses here several months before Mr. Thompson came. I38 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. son) as because they included among their numbers those who came prepared to establish a mill and other necessary enterprises, and others who took the first steps towards the founding of the village which was to become the county-seat of Livingston. The first of the settlers who arrived here in that year was Moses Thompson, with his numerous family. His previous home had been in Herkimer Co., N. Y., from which place he came to Michigan, in 1833, prospecting for lands, but from some cause made no purchases in this region, and returned East for the winter. lie again came West in 1834, and purchased on sections 25, 35, and 36 in this township, as has been noticed. He also purchased other lands in the township outside the limits of the present village. In the following year (1835), in the month of April, he set out from Herkimer County with his son, Lewis Thompson, and his daughters, —Rachel and Lucinda,on their way to a home in Micligan; it being arranged that the remainder of the family should follow a few weeks later. Crossing the Niagara River, Mr. Thompson, with his son and daughters, made the remainder of the journey to Detroit through Canada, traveling in a lumber-wagon drawn by a pair of large, strong horses, and reaching Detroit on the 25th of May. The remainder of Mr. Thompson's family, consisting of his wife, their sons, Morris and Edward, their daughters, Maria, Elizabeth, and Jane, with Mr. Thompson's nephew, Ezra J. Mundy, left Herkimer County for Michigan on the 29th of May, traveling by the Erie Canal and steamer on Lake Erie, and on the 7th of June arrived at Detroit, where they found and rejoined the family party who had preceded them by the land route. On the loth of June they started out from Detroit with the horse and ox-teams (Mr. Thompson having purchased five yoke of oxen in Detroit) and went to Lyon, in Oakland County, where the family remained several days, and then came on to Livingston Centre, arriving on the 23d of June. Mr. Thompson had preceded them by several days, and commenced the construction of a log house on his land, in section 25. A part or all of the family lived at George T. Sage's while their house was being built, but it was soon completed, and they moved into it between the 1st and the 4th of July, I835. The location of this house was where Mr. E. J. Mundy now lives, and a part of the log structure is still standing there. Moses Thompson was a man of energy and enterprise,-the projector and owner of the first mill in the village and township. He was honorable, upright, and generous, and was always held in high esteem by his fellow-townsmen. He lived only about seven years after his settlement here, and died Dec. 2, I842. His son Edward was also a man of enterprise, and the proprietor of one of the additional plats in the village of Howell. lHe died April 16, 1852. His brother, Lewis Thompson, was the first mail-messenger between Howell and Detroit, and served in that capacity through several of the earlier years of the existence of the village. He was never married, but lived a bachelor at the homestead, with his mother, after his father's death. Hon. Jerome W. Turner, who, from the days of his boyhood in Howell, remernbers Lewis Thompson and his mother, mentioned them in a recent address, as follows: "And there, too, was Lewis Thompson, an old bachelor, who had the Thompson farm, by right of primogeniture; a strange, silent, unfashionable old man, who did not say much to little boys, or they to him, for he left them with the impression that he belonged to the family of Elisha, and possibly had fourteen bears near by to devour too familiar children. There, too, was his old mother, a large and fleshy woman, kind and motherly, and I remember that, after passing Lewis in the lane, and getting into the kitchen where she was, I felt perfectly safe, and I knew instinctively that she would guard me fiom all the bears in the world.... Shortly after I left the county, I learned that Lewis Thompson was found dead on a seat under a tree near the old farm-house, and somehow his death in that especial way did not seem to me to be unexpected, and I listened to it as though I had been familiar with it beforehand. He died right out in one of the ways and attitudes of the living, and his death made no more sign than his quiet, unostentatious life. His mother fell from a chair in the garden, and, by reason of her great weight, injured herself so that she died. The two seemed inseparable, and I have often thought that, while sitting on his seat in the yard, he caught sight of her, and finally went to join her, as he would have moved through the soft grass of his pastures to milk his cows." Morris Thompson, the other son of Moses, became engaged in milling. He was for a time the sawyer in the mill which his father built, and afterwards, with others, he erected a flour-mill above, on the same stream. He lived many years in Howell, and died there recently. Of the daughters of Moses Thompson, one married Alvin L. Crittenden, another became Mrs. Ezra Frisbee. Alexander Fraser, the father of Mrs. John D. Pinckney, came to Livingston Centre in December, 1835. He was a native of Scotland, but emigrated early to America, and went into business as a coal VILLAGE OF HOWELL. 139 ~~~~~~~-~ ---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ merchant in the city of New York. As early as 1824 he bought a country-seat seven miles from Poughkeepsie, N. Y., where he was accustomed to spend the summer season with his family, and where his daughter Margaret became the wife of Mr. Pinckney. When Mr. Fraser came to Livingston County, in I835, he first lived with his daughter and son-inlaw in their house near the south end of the lake. He afterwards built a good house of hewn logs, on the south side of the road, near the southeast corner of section 36, but never occupied it, as it had been his intention to do. This house afterwards became known as the Shope house, and later wvas kept as a tavern by S. B. Sliter. Mr. Fraser had an interest in, and in fact was understood to be the owner of, most of the lands entered by John D. Pinckney in I833. He liked the country at and around Livingston Centre, but never made his permanent residence here on account of his wife's disinclination to leave her Eastern home. He remained in Michigan some four or five years, and then returned to the city of New York, where lie died, at the age of sixty-six years. Another who came to Livingston Centre in I835 was Alvin L. Crittenden, though he did not permanently settle here, but after a stay of about a year purchased and located upon lands in the township of Howell, a short distance north of the village. He is still living, a widely-known and respected preacher of the Gospel. In a short address made by him before the Livingston County Pioneer Society, at its latest meeting (June i8, I879), he related the incidents of that first journey of his to Livingston Centre, and how the place appeared to him in I835. He said," In the fall of 1835 I left the State of New York to seek a home in the West, wending my way to the then Territory of Michigan, and on the I6th of November I passed through the village of Ann Arbor, and that night put up at a log tavern six miles north of it. Having some acquaintances in Livingston County, I left the hotel on the morning of the 17th for Livingston Centre, the county-site of Livingston County. I was afoot and alone. Passing north, in the course of a few hours I came to the Huron River, but theie was neither bridge or boat, and it was necessary for me to gain the opposite shore. I suited myself to the situation as well as I could. I pulled off my boots wald socks, rolled up my pants as far as possible, and waded in. I succeeded in reaching the north shore of the river without getting my clothes wet. Readjusting my clothes, I walked on and called at a house some miles from the river to inquire the way; received directions that when I got to a certain place I was to take an Indian trail; and on inquiry found it was nine miles to the next house. There was but one incident that occurred during the nine miles' travel that made any particular impression on my mind that I now recollect. When I had traveled a long time, or so it seemed to me, I began to look at every turn of the trail for the house. I saw a man coming towards me, and when he came within hailing distance he called out and said, ' Hallo, friend, it looks good to see a man! How far is it to a house?' I replied, ' I think it must be nine miles, for they told me at the last house I passed that it was nine miles to a house, and I think I have traveled that distance; how far is it the other way to a house?' He answered, 'I think it must be about nine miles.' After talking with each other for a few minutes we concluded that we must be about half-way through, and I thought afterwards that we were. We separated, and each of us traveled on. Arriving within about a mile of the present village of Howell, I came to a wagon-track,-it could hardly be called a road, for it went crooking around the trees and swamps. I soon came to a log house, which I afterwards learned was occupied by Mr. John D. Pinckney and family. Here I was directed to take the left-hand road near the lake. Traveling about a mile, I came to a house in the midst of the woods, several large trees standing near enough to have fallen on the house if they had fallen in the right direction. [This was Amos Adams' tavern-house, mentioned below.] I went to the place for a door, and shoved aside some boards that were set up for a door, and inquired of some mechanics at work on the inside of the building for the countyseat of Livingston County, and received the reply that it was right here. I inquired for some old friends who had settled near there, and was informed of their whereabouts; but the men thought I would find them half a mile west raising a barn. " Going out of the house, I looked around, and there was not another building in the village. There were plenty of stakes standing in the woods in every direction to designate the several blocks, lots, and streets of the village, which was afterwards named Howell, for as yet the town was not organized or the village named. Leaving the village, I traveled westward about half a mile, and found nearly all of the men of the region round about busily engaged in raising a log building [at Sage's]. Finding my old acquaintance, I spent a few days very pleasantly visiting, and then hired to George T. Sage for one year, and commenced work for him on the 24th day of November, I835." THE CRANE AND BROOKS PURCHASE-HOWELL VILLAGE. On the 2d of July, 1835, the west half of the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 36, in township 3 north, of range 4 east (Howell), were sold and conveyed by Alexander Fraser (the lands having been entered by John D. Pinckney for Fraser, to whom the duplicates were assigned) to David Wetmore and Edward Brooks, of Detroit. On the I7th of September, in the same year, Edward Brooks and wife and David Wetmore (the latter by Charles G. Hammond, his attorney) sold and conveyed one undivided third of both the above tracts to Flavius J. B. Crane, of Detroit; and on the 29th of October following, David Wetmore, by his attorney, Hammond, conveyed his remaining interest to Edward Brooks. By these transfers,* Crane and Brooks became joint proprietors-the former having a one-third, and the latter a two-thirds, interest-in the abovedescribed tracts, upon which they proceeded to survey and lay out a village plat,-the original plat of the village of Howell,-and to file the same in the office of the Register of Oakland County.t The acknowledgment upon the plat is as follows: * On the 18th of July, I836, John D. Pinckney and wife deeded whatever interest they had in these lands to Crane and Brooks. t In the erection of Livingston County, in 1833, the north half of it (in which Howell is situated) was taken from Shiawassee; 140 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. " MICHIGAN, " WAYNE COUNTY, SS. " On this Ioth day of November, 1835, personally appeared blefore me Edward Brooks and Flavius J. B. Crane, proprietors of the west half of the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 36, in township 3 north, of range No. 4 east, and acknowledged that they had signed the annexed or above map or plat of a part of said land lying north and south of the Grand River Road, so-called, which is designated on said plat as Grand River Street, and declare that the said streets and square shall be and remain open for the use of the public as laid out on said map. "ASHER B. BATES, J. P. W. C. M. T." The territory embraced in this original plat of the village was bounded as follows: on the west by the west line of section 36; on the east by a north and south line drawn through the centre of the southwest and northwest quarters of the same section; on the north by Higgins Street and the north line of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the same section; and on the south by Livingston Street. The "public square," which was laid out by the proprietors (doubtless with the expectation that the county buildings of Livingston would be located upon it) to "be and remain open for the use of the public,"* was the square or block of land bounded by Grand River, Walnut, Sibley, and Centre Streets. The prospective village thus laid out by Crane and Brooks was named by them HOWELL, in honor of Thomas Howell, a friend of Mr. Crane, and a son of Judge Howell, of Canandaigua, N. Y. The name, however, did not immediately come into general use, and the place continued to be known as Livingston Centre for a considerable time afterwards. The first building erected within the limits of the village plat was a two-story frame house, built by the proprietors in the fall of 1835, the lumber for its construction being hauled through the openings from Evert Woodruff's mill in the township of Green Oak. At the time of their purchase of the land from Fraser and Pinckney (the latter being understood to be a party interested in the sale), they had agreed to erect a tavern-house upon their tract, to relieve Mr. Pinckney's family from the necessity of furnishing food and lodging (as they had in a manner been compelled to do) for the ever-increasing throngs of land-seekers. It was in pursuance of this agreement-though probably quite as much for the purpose of giving but that county, although " laid out" by Governor Cass' proclamation, in September, 1822, had never been organized, and its territory therefore remained attached to Oakland. In the same manner the part which Livingston had taken from Shiawassee remained attached to Oakland until the organization of Livingston in 1836. * This public square, not having been used for the purposes for which it was donated, and "the public" having performed no act constituting a legal acceptance of the gift, reverted to the original proprietor%, or thejr represenrtatives, m.any years afterwards. a start to their village-that Crane and Brooks built the frame building above mentioned on the southeast corner of Grand River and Walnut Streets, and caused it to be opened as a publichouse. This was the " house in the midst of the woods" mentioned by Mr. Crittenden, where he found the mechanics engaged upon its inside work on his first arrival at Livingston Centre. The first boarders in the " Eagle Tavern," as it was called, were F. J. B. Crane and Alexander Fraser, and its lodgers and transient customers were the crowds of men who came to Livingston in search of government lands. The landlord who opened this house about December I, I835 (who was also the first settler within the boundaries of the village plat), was Amos Adams, who came here in the autumn of that year from Geneseo, Livingston Co., N. Y. On the organization of the town and county he was elected one of the first justices of the peace, and also county treasurer and surveyor. The lastmentioned office he held in the county for a number of years, having several times been re-elected. Judge Turner makes mention of him as "our old surveyor who made for us these imaginary yet impassable lines in the wilderness, which bounded our property, and divided all the untilled soil,-a brave man and true, who took upon himself such labors here in our young county as perhaps no one else would have been adapted to perform." He kept the " Eagle" for only about two years, it being sold to Joseph H. Steel in 1837. Mr. Adams afterwards became proprietor, with Joseph Porter, of a saw-mill on the Shiawassee River, on section 27 in Howell township, and also built a frame house, which he opened as a tavern on the south side of the Grand River road, near the bridge which crosses the Shiawassee, and on the west side of that stream. In this house he died, May 14, I855. His son, Amos S. Adams, also became a hotel-keeper in the village, and at one time held the office of Register of Deeds of Livingston County. Another son, John Q. Adams, is now living in California. Of the daughters of Amos Adams, Abigail, who was the first school-teacher in Howell, married Enos B. Taylor, and removed with him to California, where she is still living. Angeline, another daughter, is also living in California, unmarried; and Eveline, their sister,-now Mrs. Metcalf,-is living in the village of Fowlerville. An important and most interesting event, occurring in the year I835, at Howell (or Livingston Centre, as the place was still called), was the commencement of religious worship,-the first public religious observance, not only in the village, but VILLAGE OF HOWELL. 141 in the township. It was brought about by the efforts of Deacon Israel Branch, a pious man, who had settled on the northeast quarter of section 2, in Marion, on the town line, about half a mile south of the centre. The story of that first gathering for divine worship is thus told by the Rev. A. L. Crittenden: "( Deacon Branch thought he could not live without religious meetings, even in the wilderness, and hence he took it upon himself to commence them. lie went to Esquire Adams, our nol)le landlord, who kIept the hotel in the village,-for by this time the house was nearly finished, and Amos Adams occupied it for a hotel,-and ol)tained consent to have religious meetings held in the sitting-room, the only building in the village. Notice was accordingly given, and on Sabbath morning (I cannot give the date, but I think it was in the month of December, 1835) the people assembled, sotme coming four or five miles, and the sitting-room was pretty well filled. Deacon Branch conducted the meeting, reading one of Dr. Payson's sermons. At the close of the services, he called for a volunteer to close by prayer. No one came to his help, but the deacon was not (liscourage(l. He gave notice for a meeting the next Sabbath. On the second Sabbath I volunteered to close the meeting with prayer. Thus it happened that I was the second person who took a part in a religious meeting in Howell. After that, if the deacon had to be away from the meeting any Sabbath, he brought to me a volume of Dr. Palyson's sermons, with a request that I should conduct the services, which I did several times that year." And so the close of that year saw Howell village established at Livingston Centre, with defined streets, a public square, a hotel, and a number of settlers enjoying the privilege of religious worship; the observance of which has been continued from that time without interruption. PROGRESS IN 1836. The spring of 1836 opened auspiciously for the village of Howell. Its dignity was greatly augmented by the establishment, on the I5th of January in that year, of the Howell post-office, with Flavius J. B. Crane as its first postmaster, who located the office in the tavern of Amos Adams. About the 20th of March a mail-route was established between this village and Kensington, on the west border of Oakland County, and soon after the route was extended westward from Howell to Grand Rapids. The mail-contractor for the former route was Lewis Thompson, who carried the mails on horseback. The first mail-carrier between Howell and Grand Rapids was James R. Sage, then a youth of about seventeen years, who on his first trip lost his way (there being only a bridlepath or trail to guide him), and was compelled to pass the night in the woods. The mail-service between Howell and Kensington was weekly; that over the western route was bi-weekly; but even this was a vast improvement on the transient and uncertain manner in which the settlers had previously received and forwarded their letters. I Nearly simultaneously with the establishment of the post-office and the mail-routes the Legislature had passed (March 24th) an act to organize the county of Livingston, and there could be no reasonable doubt that the county-site would be permanently located at Howell, though the claim to its location was vigorously advanced by the people of Brighton, and was never wholly relinquished by them until the county buildings had been actually erected in this village, twelve years later. But notwithstanding all opposing claims, Howell at once assumed the dignity of the county-seat. The election of county officers was held in May, 1836, and resulted in the choice of Justus J. Bennett for sheriff, F. J. B. Crane for county clerk, Ely Barnard for register of deeds, and Amos Adams treasurer and surveyor. Of these offices, three were held by residents of the village, and Mr. Barnard, the newly-elected register of deeds, immediately became a citizen of Howell by removal here from Genoa. The election of township officers was also held at the same time, and, although Howell then comprised three-eighths of the territory of the county, a majority of the officers elected were residents within the present corporation limits. The erection of the first mill and the opening of the first store and the first blacksmith-shop in Howell, in I836, were events of no small consequence to the settlers at the county-seat and in its vicinity. A saw-mill, to supply building lumber, was an indispensable adjunct to the projected village, and a store is considered almost a necessity in such places, while the first blacksmith-shopalways an important establishment in new settlements-proved doubly so in this place, fromn the fact that one of the two blacksmiths who opened the shop in that year (and who may properly be termed the first of the trade in the town, because he was the first who permanently located here) became a leading citizen of Howell,-one who, during a subsequent honorable career of forty-three years in this place, has benefited the village in a hundred ways, and placed himself at the head of her wealthiest and most respected men. This pioneer blacksmith of Howell was William McPherson, a native of Scotland, who emigrated to America in 1836, and soon after his arrival in the country came to Howell, with his wife, their daughter, Isabella (now Mrs. H. H. Mills), and their two sons, William and Alexander, these being all of his family at that time. They arrived on the 17th of September, and boarded with the family of James Sage, while Mr. McPherson and his sons built a dwelling for their use. This house (a log structure) was built on a lot in the west part of the village plat, where William Cooper 142 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 'now resides, and was finished and occupied by the family before the closing of winter. On the same lot and adjoining Mr. McPherson's house, the blacksmith-shop before alluded to had been built, during the summer of the same year, by Andrew Riddle, who was also a Scotchman and a blacksmith, and was the father of Mrs. McPherson. After having settled his family in their new house, Mr. McPherson commenced work in this shop with his father-in-law, and continued to do so until the following spring, when Mr. Riddle removed fi-om Howell to settle upon lands which he had purchased in Byron (now Oceola). His son, William, remained in Howell, being employed in the Register's office. He was afterwards one of the principal merchants of Howell, and is now a merchant in Detroit. After the removal of Andrew Riddle and family, Mr. McPherson occupied the shop alone and carried on the blacksmithing business for a time; but his health became poor, and he removed temporarily to Oceola, but soon after returned to Howell. In 184I he, in partnership with Josiah Turner, opened a small mercantile business, and continued in it for nearly a year. After this he carried on blacksmithing for a short time, and again embarked in merchandising,-this time in partnership with Enos B. Taylor. At the end of about two years Taylor withdrew, and Mr. McPherson, alone at first,afterwards with Mr. Riddle, for four years under the style of McPherson & Riddle, and lastly in partnership with his sons,-has continued in the business until the present time, the firm being now known as William McPherson & Sons. He has been uniformly successful, and as uniformly honest, honorable, liberal, and public spirited. Howell has every reason to be proud of her pioneer blacksmith. The store referred to above as having been opened in Howell in this year was hardly entitled to be called such. Mr. F. J. B. Crane had brought in a small lot of goods and opened them in a room of Mr. Adams' tavern, but the business was too small to support itself, and after two or three months it was closed, and the remnant of the " stock" was stored in the attic. The saw-mill above mentioned as having been put in operation in I836 was built by Moses Thompson, on the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 25, on the stream which forms the outlet of that body of water which is now called Thompson Lake in his honor. Originally here were three small lakes or ponds, connected by a marsh and stream, but the building of the dam across the outlet by Mr. Thompson raised the water, submerged the marsh, and formed the present lake. He had purchased the adjacent land with the intention of building a mill here, and having that object in view, had brought with him the necessary mill-irons and gearing when he came from Herkimer Co., N. Y., in the previous year. He dug the raceway and finished the dam during the spring and summer, but the mill was not completed until some months later. The millwright employed was Joseph Porter, who had entered lands in section 7, Howell township, in July, 1834, and came into Livingston from Washtenaw County. He received from Mr. Thompson for his services as millwright the sum of $3 per day, which in those times was regarded as a very large if not an extravagant price. He finished the mill and put it in successful operation about the beginning of winter, and the very first boards sawed were purchased by Mr. William McPherson for the purpose of laying a floor in his new log house. Mr. Thompson, when entering his lands in I834, had the foresight to secure not only a mill-seat, but also a considerable quantity of lands in section 34, which were covered with pine-timber of excellent quality. He well understood that when he should get his saw-mill in operation, these tracts, being the only pine-lands in this region, and located near the county-seat, must prove convenient and valuable. The result showed the soundness of his calculations; the pine-lands, besides being profitable to their owners, facilitated building operations in Howell village, by furnishing large quantities of lumber of a kind and quality which before the days of railroads was an exceedingly scarce article in nearly all parts of Livingston County. An event of some interest, if not of any great importance, to the few inhabitants of Howell at that tinie, was a wedding,-the first which occurred in the village or township. This was the marriage of Merritt S. Havens to Sally T. Austin, daughter of David Austin, which took place at the house of Mr. Austin, in the evening of the 15th of January, 1836; the ceremony being performed by Kinsley S. Bingham, J.P., afterwards Governor of Michigan. It will be noticed that this wedding was not celebrated in what was then. known as the village of Howell; and it is proper to mention here that this history of the village is intended to be a narrative of past events within all the territory now embraced in the corporation limits, and not merely to apply to the compactly-settled portion of it. Among the immigrants of 1836, besides those already named, were Enos B. Taylor, Sherburn Crane, Joseph H. Steel, Peter B. Johnson (located on village lot No. II6), John Russell, Watson G. Thomas, Oliver Reed (section 35), Simon P. Shope, Gottlieb Schraft, Jacob Schraft, Giles Tucker, and RESIDENCE OF SOLOMON HILOEBRANT, HOWELL, LIVINGTSTON CO., MICH. ~ RESIDENCE OF W'Y M2 PHERSON, J!V HOWELL, MICHIGAN. VILLAGE OF HOWELL. I43 Joseph Tucker. The last two here named were carpenters by trade, and on that account were very useful accessions to the village population. Giles Tucker afterwards became a merchant in Howell, and sheriff of the county of Livingston. Hle is now (or was recently) living in Eaton Co., Mich. Joseph Tucker died in 1862. Simon P. Shope located on section 36, on land purchased fiom Alexander Fraser, and lived in the house which Mr. Fraser had built for his own use. The two Schrafts were unfortunate Germans who paid to Shope their small savings in the expectation of becoming proprietors of lots in an imaginary village which the latter pretended to be about to lay out in the southeast corner of the section. They soon became objects of charity, and were assisted by Moses Thompson and others until they were able to leave the place. W. G. Thomas contracted for village lots, but did not become a permanent settler, and is said to have left the village in a discreditable manner soon after. Mr. Steel made permanent settlement here, and in the following year became proprietor of the hotel built by Crane and Brooks. He was afterwards landlord of one or more of the other public-houses of the village. He died here more than a quarter of a century after his first arrival, having been constantly a resident of Howell, excepting some five or six years, during which he lived in Oceola. E. 13B. Taylor married Abigail, daughter of Amos Adams, and became a merchant and somewhat prominent man in the village. Afterwards he removed to California, and died there. David H. Austin, who had come into the township in 1835, and made some preparation to settle on section 20, removed to the village in I836, and took a small tract of land on section 35. He was not a relative of David and Jonathan Austin, near whom he located. He remained here for several years, held some public offices, and was quite a prominent man in early school matters. From Howell he afterwards removed to Farmington, Oakland Co. His son, George Austin, lives in the southwest part of Howell township. SETTLEMENTS AND OTHER MATTERS, i837 TO 184o. By the township assessment roll of I837 the tax-payers then resident within the present boundaries of the corporation are shown to have been the following: David Austin, 60 acres on section 35. Jonathan Austin, I40 acres on sections 35, 26, and 27; residence on section 35. David H. Austin, 30 acres on section 35; valuation, $120; value of personal property, $20. Amos Adams, lot and tavern-house in village plat, $550. F. J. B. Crane, various parcels of land amounting to 380 acres, $1200. Benjamin Babbitt's heirs, 80 acres on section 35. Alexander Fraser, village lots Nos. 117 and 121. Peter B. Johnson, village lot No. 116. William McPherson, village lot No. I29. James Sage, II2 acres on sections 35 and 23, $516; residence on section 35. George T. Sage, 200 acres on section 35. Simon W. Shope, 412 acres in townships of Howell, Oceola, and Marion; residence on section 36, Howell. Moses Thompson, 1280 acres on sections 25, 26, 36, 12, and 13; residence on south part of section 25. Morris Thompson, 120 acres on sections 34 and 36; residence on south part of section 25. Watson G. Thomas, village lots Nos. 17, 31, 32, 33, and 49. Besides these there were 137 village lots assessed to non-residents, showing that at least that number, in addition to those held by residents, had been sold by the proprietors of the plat. These lots were assessed at a uniform price of $25 each. The other lands included in the above list were assessed at $4 per acre, where not otherwise specified. The list above given, having been made in the spring of 1837, does not, of course, include the immigrants who settled here during that year. Mr. Edward F. Gay, a native of Connecticut, who had emigrated thence to Michigan, and settled at Ann Arbor in I831, left the latter place early in the spring of I837, and on the Ist of April, in that year, arrived and located with his family on a farm which he had purchased of the heirs of Deacon Israel Branch, then recently deceased; this farm being about half a mile south of the Crane and Brooks settlement. It was the same property which was afterwards known as the "Isbell farm," and located south of the Howell line, in the township of Marion; but as Mr. Gay was from the first entirely identified with Howell, and afterwards removed here, and lived and died in the village, it seems proper to include him in the mention of the early settlers of the place. How he came here on his first prospecting tour in the previous autumn, and what and who he found here, when he removed with his family, was narrated by him in an address before the Pioneer Society in I872, in these words: " I entered the county at Hamburg. From thence I was to proceed on horseback upon the ' Strawberry Point Trail' to Howell. But I soon lost the trail, and after wandering for some time among the bluffs, I brought up at Brighton. After spending the night with mine host, Ben. Cushing, at his log hotel, situated on the hill, I again started for Livingston Centre, on a plainer path. The old adage ' there is no great loss without some small gain' was here verified; for I soon came upon two former residents of Ann Arbor, who had left there in my delbt. To their honor I would say that each paid me; one being the venerable Robert Bigham, the other, Dr. Fisher, who had studied medicine with Dr. Denton, and wish ing to get married, I had trusted him for a wedding-suit, but had not till now learned his location. " But one house now intervened between Uncle Robert's and 1444 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY,. MICHIGAN. my destination, to wit, Peet's Log Hotel' in Genoa, some seven miles east of Howell. At sundown I had arrived within three miles of that place..... About dark I approached a log house, situated on the plain some distance east of the Wilber residence, towards the lake, and inquired for the renowned Livingston Centre. This house was occupied by John Pinckney, and was owned by old Mr. Fraser (then recently from New York), together with the farm known as the Fraser farm, alias the Shope farm, afterwards the Wilber farm. "Though now becoming anxious to reach the ' Centre' I was doomed still to wander on the verge. I was on the trail, though among brush, and meandering the lake. Beholding a light, hope revived, but to be again extinguished, for before it was reached, the light disappeared, for the very good reason that Mr. Moses Thompson and family had retired to bed. Not being willing to be thwarted in this, my second day's attempt to reach Livingston Centre, I hallooed for light under difficulties. The old gentleman soon put me upon the right trail again, saying that after crossing a ravine and again rising the bluff I would behold the light at the Centre. which had so often guided the lost and weary traveler. I found it as he had said, and soon beheld Livingston Centre, in the person of that noble landlord and life-long hotel-keeper, Amos Adams. One single frame building as a hotel, without a barn, together with three or four log houses, constituted Livingston Centre. My horse was fastened to a small oak-tree, against which a log was lying, with troughs cut in the side to feed the grain.... The only families which I now recollect, then residing in Howell or vicinity, besides the Adams family, were Mr. McPherson, Watson G. Thomas, Mr. Sage and son, David Austin and son, Mr. Fraser, Mr. Pinckney, David 1. Austin, Sardis Davis, Huram Bristol, and Moses Thompson. The single men were Lewis, Morris, and Edward Thompson, Mr. Crittenden, Mr. Frisbee, Ely Barnard, John Russell, and Conrad Woll." Some of these, mentioned by Mr. Gay, although living within what might be termed the neighborhood, were outside the limits of the present village; as, for instance, Huram Bristol, who lived on section 34, Sardis Davis, whose location was across the township line in Marion, and Conrad Woll, who also lived on the south side of the Marion town line. Ely Barnard first settled in the township of Genoa, but having been elected register of deeds at the first election of county officers (1836) had removed to the county-seat immediately afterwards. While residing in Howell he purchased village lots, and on one of these (at the northwest corner of Grand River and East Streets) built a small house. Afterwards he returned to his farm in Genoa. Mr. Gay had been a merchant in Ann Arbor from the time of his settlement there until 1836. He commenced in the same business in Howell in I837, immediately after his arrival here, and his was the pioneer store of the village, though he did not bring in the first lot of goods. In the address, before referred to, he said," It has been believed that I opened the first goods at Howell, and that I had the honor of being the first merchant here. This is not so. I found $300 or $400 worth of dry-goods in the garret, at the tavern, brought here by Mr. F. J. B. Crane. I afterwards purchased these, together with $600o worth more of Messrs. Ward & Jewett, making a stock of $2000 worth, fresh from New York, inasmuch as they had not been opened since they were packed, as their remnant, in Western New York. I found it easy, with such an ample stock, to take frequently $roo a (lay, but I was not so easily sure that the [' wild cat'] money would be worth one dollar the next morning, and was quite sure it would not be when Lewis Thompson arrived with our weekly horseback mail from Detroit. The store I built was the second frame building put up in Howell, and is now [1872] standing, and occupied by Mr. Samuel Bal. com as a dwelling. It has done good service, having served at one time as store, lawyer's office, post-office, and shoe-shop, and at another time as store, minister's residence, place for holding religious meetings, etc.; no school-house being yet built." This first store in Howell, referred to as having been built by Mr. Gay, stood (and still stands in a changed form) on the south side of Sibley Street, a little west of Centre Street, and nearly opposite -diagonally-to the southwest corner of the old "public square." John T. Watson, who was one of the settlers who came to Howell in that year, was employed by Mr. Gay as clerk in the establishment. He was a good citizen and a resident of this village for some years. He afterwards moved to Hartland and died there. Richard Fishbeck, a shoemaker by trade, came to Howell in 1837, and was the first to establish that business in the village. James White, a cabinet-maker, also came in that year, and built a shop in which he worked at his trade. He built the dwelling-house on Clinton Street, which was afterwards owned by Abram Rorabacher, and is now the property of Mrs. Margaret Pinckney. Orrin J. Field and Josiah P. Jewett were among the settlers who came to the village in I837, as was also George W. Jewett, who became one of the leading citizens of Howell. Mr. Jewett was a native of Durham, Conn. The family, whom he brought with him to Michigan, were his wife and three children, one of whom died at Ann Arbor before reaching their place of destination. The two who survived and came with their father to Howell were Sarah (now Mrs. Z. F. Crosman) and William B. Jewett, both of whom are still residing in the village. Mr. George W. Jewett was elected to the office of county treasurer in I838, and to that of register of deeds in I840, and filled other positions of honor and trust in county and township. He died in Howell, Feb. 12, I85I, at the age of fifty years. Ebenezer West and Matthew West were among those who came to Howell in I837, they settling on the southeast quarter of section 26, now the place of Mr. A. V. Holt. The name of Matthew West is found frequently among the township and school district officers of Howell,-particularly among the latter. He died Jan. 9, 1849. Ebenezer West died a few months later in the same year. Howell's first school-house was built, and first district school opened, in I837. The school-house VILLAGE OF HOWVELL. I45 VILLAGE-~~~~ OF —~ HOWELL. '45~I was erected on a lot (No. 36 of the plat) which had been donated by Mr. Crane for the purpose. In this school was opened in the summer of that year by Amos Adams' daughter, Abigail. She was succeeded in the teacher's office by Justin Durfee. It is not, however, improbable that Miss Adams had taught a few scholars in her father's house before the building of the school-house. The first term of the court in Howell was held in the new school-house of the village on the 8th of November in the same year. This was regarded as quite an important event, and a step towards the firm establishment of Howell as the county-seat of Livingston. The school-house became not only the usual place for the holding of the courts, but also for the religious services of all denominations, and for elections and other public meetings of every kind. After I837 the settlers became too numerous for all to be mentioned here individually and in detail, especially as many of them were transient persons, not heads of families, and did not remain here permanently. In the early part of 1838 two church organizations-the Presbyterian and the Baptist-were formed, in addition to the one (Methodist) which had been formed in the spring or summer of 1836. All these small congregations held their worship in the frame school-house built in the preceding year. The village gained additional consequence, and assumed more of the appearance of a county-seat, by the arrival and settlement here of its first attorney, Wellington A. Glover, who opened his office in Mr. E. F. Gay's store building in I838. The court for the county, which had first convened here in the school-house in the previous year, now held its terms regularly in the village. Another event of considerable importance to the people of Howell and vicinity was the settlenent among them of their first resident physician, Dr. Gardner Wheeler, who also came in 1838. Before this they were compelled to go to Oakland, or Washtenaw County, or at least to Brighton, where Dr. Fisher had then recently located, to obtain medical attendance when it became necessary. The second physician of Howell, Dr. Charles A. Jeffries, came in the following year. Both these gentlemen are mentioned more fully in the account, elsewhere given, of the early physicians of Livingston County. Dr. Gardner Mason also came here from Salem, Washtenaw Co., in 1838, and made his first location in the village, living near where is now the residence of William McPherson, Jr. His health was poor, and he did not practice his profession. After a comparatively short residence here he removed to the "Six Corners," in Howell township. During all his residence in the village and township he was one of the most prominent and useful members of the Baptist Church. The Rev. Henry Root, from Ann Arbor, became pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Howell, and settled here in 1838. The Rev. Thomas Baker,.from Highland, Oakland Co., became pastor of the Baptist Church here in the same year. Almon Whipple-afterwards, for nearly forty years, a well-known and highly-respected citizen of Howell-removed to this village from the township of Handy in I839, he having been elected in the preceding autumn to the office of county clerk. He was born in Hardwick, Mass., in the year I8oo, and remained in that State until the year 1825, when he removed to Otsego Co., N. Y. There he carried on a mercantile business from 1828 till 1835, when his health became poor, and he emigrated to Handy, in this county, in I837. In I838 he opened a store in that town, and in the following year removed to Howell, as mentioned above. On the I4th of January, 1840, he married Mary Curtis (daughter of Victory Curtis), with whom he lived for nearly thirty-seven years. Upon his settlement in Howell, he engaged in mercantile business in partnership with John Curtis, under the firm-name of Curtis & Whipple. They purchased the business of Edward F. Gay, and became his successors in the store built by the latter, near the southwest corner of the old public square. His partner died in 1841, and Mr. Whipple afterwards removed to the main street of the village, and remained in the business of merchandising until I86o, when he retired from it, but continued to engage in real estate and other operations during the remainder of his life, and was successful in amassing a comfortable fortune. Besides the office of'county clerk he also held that of county treasurer, and was for some years postmaster of Howell. He died Feb. 14, I878. " He was one of the early settlers of Livingston County, and ever manifested an active interest in the welfare of his adopted State. His record was honorable, and he enjoyed the confidence and esteem of all who associated with him. He was ever the poor man's friend. Honesty, generosity, and charity were his marked characteristics." Rev. Edward E. Gregory became a resident in this village in I839. lie says he lived at first in Rev. Henry Root's unfinished house, "and cooked by a stump in the street," and he adds, " I farmed it at arms' length three miles away, but found old Nature in her soil more stubborn than I anticipated. So 'what I know about farming' is quick 19 l6 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. told, and yet deficient; as it is, it may allow me to rank among the pioneer farmers as doing the best I could, though I never got rich by it." Mr. Gregory became pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Howell in 1844, and remained in that charge for a term during that year and I845. He has lived in Howell since his first settlement here, except an interval spent at Owosso. He is now among the oldest, as he is also among the most respected, of the citizens of Howell village. Joseph B. Skilbeck, an Englishman by birth, is another of the residents of Howell who came here to settle in I839. He was by trade a shoemaker, and followed that business here for several years. Afterwards he became one of the merchants of the place, and finally retired from business on a competency. One of his daughters is Mrs. Andrew D. Waddell. Mr. Skilbeck, although the owner of a good farm, is still residing in the village, which has been his home for the past forty years. John R. Neely and Joseph Rowe became settlers in Howell in the same year as Mr. Skilbeck. Mr. Neely was a mason, and the first of his trade who settled here. Mr. Rowe was a tailor, and immediately after his arrival commenced business in that line,-his being the first tailor-shop opened in the village. Early in the year 1840, Josiah Turner, then a young and aspiring lawyer, now well known to nearly every adult citizen of Livingston County as Judge of the Seventh Judicial Circuit, came to Howell to establish himself in the business of his profession. At first he lived, with his family, at the public-house of Shubael B. Sliter, on the Grand River road, east of the village, and had his office in the wooden building that stood on the northeast corner of the old public square, but soon after he occupied a log house near the present Methodist church, and later built a dwelling-house and office, the latter being a small building which stands on the west side of East Street, a little north of Grand River Street, near the engine-house. In this and in the former office on the square he did so flourishing a law business that he still speaks of the first eight or ten years of his practice in Howell as being, pecuniarily, the most prosperous period of his professional life. Besides the practice of his profession in those years, he was at different times engaged in mercantile business; first in partnership with William McPherson, and afterwards with Nelson G. Isbell. But these merchandising enterprises were of comparatively short duration, and he finally. relinquished that business altogether. Of the official positions which he has since filled, and of the evidences of their respect and confidence which his fellow-citizens have shown him during nearly forty years of public life in Livingston County and adjoining portions of the State, a more full account is to be found in a short biographical sketch on another page of this history. Judge Turner recollects that when he first came to Howell, the village-by which term was then meant only the cluster of buildings on Crane & Brooks' plat and in its immediate vicinity-was spoken of as containing but thirteen families; and he enumerates the heads of these families as follows: Dr. Gardner Wheeler, George W. Jewett, William McPherson, Joseph B. Skilbeck, Dr. Charles A. Jeffries, Richard Fishbeck, Orrin J. Field, Wellington A. Glover, John Curtis, Edward E. Gregory, Rev. Henry Root, Enos B. Taylor, Allen C. Weston. This recollection of the judge, however, doubtless has reference to the time when he came here (probably in the last days of 1839 or very early in 1840) on a prospecting visit, preliminary to bringing his family here from Ann Arbor; and this will account for the omission of the name of Almon Whipple, who, prior to the I4th of January, 1840, was not the head of a family, but became such at that time (the date of his marriage), and was certainly a merchant in the village of Howell at that time. There were also during that year a very considerable number of other persons living in the village (though probably not all, or nearly all, householders), as appears by the following transcript from the township assessment roll for I840, which was probably made out considerably later in the year than the time when Judge Turner arrived here: " Owners and residents* of village lots in the village of HowellCharles A. Jeffries, Wellington A. Glover, Ely Barnard, Allen C. Weston, Richard Fishbeck, Joseph Rowe, Enos B. Taylor, Orrin J. Field, Elijah Coffren, Curtis & Whipple, John Curtis, Abram Rorabacker, Mary Curtis, Edward F. Gay and H-enry Root, Brown & Clark, William Butler, Joshua Boyer, Richard Carlton, Augustus Chaston, Joseph H. Cobb, Robert W. Dunn, Harriet W. Elwell, Francis Eldridge, Peries Ellis, Alfred Tanner, Augustus Goodell, Samuel Goodell, Ednard E. Gregory, Willis S. Garrison, Charles Holder, James M. Hawley, Daniel 0. Hager, Robert Hilton, John Habercorn, Walter Hubbell, Jason G. Jackson, William M. Johnson, John R. Kellogg, Henry Leroy, Thomas M. Ladd, H. McLaughlin, Henry M. Miller, Chauncey Morse, David Prindle, William Phillips, Gideon Paul, Carl Pollard, Nathaniel Prouty, Patrick Pierce, John J. Peterson, Theobald Ungerer, Cornelius Rierson, Frederick Reuhle, Samuel Reed, Thomas Shally, John Scott, Samuel Smith, R. Emerson, Silas Titus, George B. Turner, David Thorn, William Waycott, Joseph Ward, Alpheus White, Cornelius Ward." * Although this purports to be a list of resident taxpayers (there being another and entirely separate list of non-resident taxpayers on the same assessment roll), it seems evident that not all those named in this list were actual residents in Iowell in the year 1840. RESIDENCE 6k SEYMOUR E. HOWE, HoWELL, LIVINGSTON CO., MICH. RESIDENCE OF M. L. (YAY, H ow ELL, MI CH. VILLAGE OF HOWELL. I47 By the same assessment roll the resident taxpayers on lands outside what was then known as the village, but within the present limits of the corporation, were (in addition to the Sages, the Austins, the Thompsons, and Mr. Pinckney, as enumerated above, from the roll of 1837) as follows: Gardner Wheeler, on section 35; Joseph B. Skilheck, on section 26; Shubael B. Sliter, on section 36; Matthew West, on section 26; George W. Jewett, on section 35, and al o taxed on village lots 24 and 194. Amos Adams had then removed from the village, and was a resident taxpayer on section 27, Howell township. VILLAGE EXTENSION. About eight years after the survey and location of the plat of Howell, by Crane and Brooks, the village began to extend eastward beyond its original limits; not because the number of actual settlers was too great to be accommodated with lots upon the plat which was first recorded, but owing largely to the fact that speculators-among whom were many who were supposed to be of the farseeing kind, like Peter J. Desnoyers, of Detroit, and others-had absorbed a large number of the lots here, with no intention of settlement, but in the expectation of realizing a handsome advance on their investments at the county-seat of Livingston. So, in the year 1843, Mr. Peter A. Cowdrey, who had acquired the title to the east half of the southwest quarter of section 36, platted and laid out that tract as an addition to the village of Howell,* and commenced the sale of lots. On the I4th * This plat-known as the "first Cowdrey Addition"-was not recorded, however, until Jan. 4, 1848. It embraced the remainder of the southwest quarter of section 36, not included in the original plat, joining that plat on the east, and also joining tile south side of Thompson's Addition to the Village of Howell, which had previously been platted by Edward Thompson, proprietor of the east half of the northwest quarter of section 36, which had been entered by his father, Moses Thompson, May 15, I834. Thompson's Addition was platted on the southwest part of the land above described, and the plat was acknowledged and offered for record by its owner Feb. 27, 1847. Cowdrey's Second Addition, being a plat " of the division of the east half of the northeast quarter of section 35," was surveyed Nov. I6, 1852, and filed by the administrator of the estate of P. A. Cowdrey Oct. 26, 1853. This addition, containing 49 acres, has its west boundary on the Byron road, its north on the north line of the quarter-section, its east on the east line of section 35, and its south on Grand River Street. Wilcox's Addition lies south of Livingston Street, and contains 32 lots. This was laid out by Joseph H. Wilcox, and by him offered for record Aug. I, 1867. Two additions have been laid out on the east side of the village, on lands of Almon Whipple, in the west half of the southeast quarter of section 36. The first of these, lying on the north side of Grand River Street, and bounded by Cowdrey's first addition on the west, and by the Livingston County Agricultural FairGrounds on the east. This addition is dated Jan. 27, I868. The of August, I844, he advertised his addition in the Livingston Courier, as follows: "LOTS AT HOWELL FOR SALE. "The plat of the eastern part of the town, and in which the site of the county buildings is located by an act of the Legislature, can be seen at the store of A. Whipple, with the prices and terms. "P. A. COWDREY." The act of Legislature referred to in this advertisement was that (approved March 20, I841) which extended the limits of the county-site so as to embrace all of the west half of section 36. The result of this enactment, together with Cowdrey's timely platting of" the Eastern Part of the Town," was to extend the settlement eastwardly along Grand River Street, and eventually to carry the business of the village away from the " public square," around which the projectors had expected to see it located. HOWELL IN 1844. Within a period of ten years from the time when the Sages, the Austins, and John D. Pinckney built the first cabin here, Howell had increased in size, and attained the proportions of a very respectable village, not only in population, but in regard to the business transacted within it, as will be seen from the following summary of its principal business and business men, as they were in the autumn of the year I844. First in importance on the list here (as at all county-seats) come the lawyers. Howell's first attorney, Wellington A. Glover, had died in 1843, but five others were here at the time named, of whom the senior (with respect to date of establishment in the county) was Josiah Turner, whose second Whipple Addition, dated Sept. 4, 1871, lies opposite the first, on the south side of Grand River Street, and also has its west boundary on Cowdrey's first addition. Jewett's Addition lies in the west part of the platted portion of the village, being on both sides of Washington Avenue, and bounded on the east by the original plat. This addition, containing 64 lots, was laid out by the heirs of George W. Jewett, an(t offered for record May 23, i868. McPherson's First and Second Additions extend from Mill Street, on the west, to the lake and Oak Grove Cemetery, on the east. The first dates April 17, I868, and the second Aug. 24, I874. Mcl'herson's first and second Prospect Place Additions were laid out and offered for record in August, 1874. The first mentioned lies north of Grand River Street, and west of the Byron road, and the latter is on the south side of Grand River Street, opposite the first. Cardell's Addition lies adjoining the second Prospect Place Addition on the east. T. W. Mizner's Washington Heights Addition to the village of Howell contains nineteen blocks, situated on the east half of the southeast quarter of section 36, north of Grand River Street, near. the fair-grounds, dated Sept. 23, I875. Two additions to the vil lage have been laid out adjoining the corporation, but outside its limits, in the township of Marion. These are William and Alexander McPherson's Addition, Feb. I8, I871, and Joseph B. Skilbeck's Addition, May 30, 1874. 148 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. L business card announced him as "Attorney and Counselor-at-Law, Master in Chancery, County Clerk, and Justice of the Peace; Office, north side of the Public Square." Then, there were L. H. & L. K. Hewett, "Attorneys and Counselors-atLaw, and Solicitors and Counselors in Chancery;" Richard B. Hall, "Attorney and Counselor-at-Law and Land-Agent;" and James H. Ackerson, "Attorney and Counselor-at-Law." Of physicians residing and practicing here there were Dr. Gardner Wheeler, the pioneer practitioner of Howell; Dr. William Huntington, successor to the office and practice of Dr. Charles A. Jeffries (who had removed), and Dr. E. F. Olds, " Physician and Surgeon,-Residence at Morris Thompson's Office, at E. B. Taylor's store," his advertisement having been issued and dated while Mr. Taylor was alone in business, before his partnership with Mr. McPherson. The tailors of the village were Mulloy & Harrington, whose shop was located on Main Street. They guaranteed good fits and low prices in clothing. Andrew L. Hill was carrying on " Wagon-Making in all its branches, from an ox-yoke to Buggies of a superior kind, at the old Stand, west of the Presbyterian church," and he also announced that " he designs in future to keep constantly on hand and make to order Cabinet-Ware of every description; and from much experience and practice he feels assured that both in Style and durability his work will compare with that done at the East." Eli Carpenter announced " to the City of Howell, and the inhabitants of the surrounding Country, that he is prepared to furnish Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, Trunks, Valises, and Harness of every description." Hickey & Galloway had then just commenced the foundry business, and manufactured stoves, agricultural castings, etc. Their foundry-building was located on East Street, north of the main thoroughfare. The Livingston Couricr, having been established in Howell for about a year, was then enjoying a good patronage. Its office of publication was on Main Street. Proprietor, Nicholas Sullivan; Editor, L. H. Hewett. Job printing-office connected with the establishment. The Howell Lyceum was in full tide of successful experiment, and weighty questions were being discussed at stated times by the ablest disputants to be found among the citizens of the village. The old frame school-house on lot 36 had over-. flowed, and other rooms were then rented for the use of the surplus scholars who could not be accommodated within its walls, but no select schools had yet been established in the village, as they were a year or two later. There were three church organizations,-. Methodist, Baptist, and Presbyterian; but only the last named had a house of worship,-the others holding their services in the village school-house. These churches will be found more particularly mentioned in following pages. Of merchants, the senior was Almon Whipple,he having commenced the business in Massachusetts in 1825, and in Howell in 1840. He, with his partner, John Curtis, had been the successors of Edward F. Gay, at the store southwest of the public square, but Mr. Curtis had died in 1841, and not long after, Mr. Whipple had abandoned the old store as a business stand, and had removed to a wooden building standing where is now the store of George Greenaway & Son, at the northeast corner of East and Grand River Streets. At that time the name of " Grand River Street"-although so designated on the Crane & Brooks plat-appears not to have been in use by the people of the village, as the advertisements of merchants and others located on it invariably mentioned their places of business as " on Main Street, Howell." Riddle & Hinman's store was in a building known as the "Old Fort," which stood on the south side of the main street, where S. F. Hubbell's block now is. This mercantile firm was composed of William Riddle and Derastus Hinman. The firm had previously been styled William Riddle & Co., and was then composed- of Riddle, Hinman, and L. K. Hewett; but Hewett retired from the partnership, April 15, 1844, leaving the firm as above named. The store of Taylor & McPherson (Enos B. Taylor and William McPherson, successors to E. B. Taylor) was on the north side of the main street, at or near the corner of Walnut Street, and a short distance west of the present store of William McPherson & Sons. The firm of Turner & Isbell, composed of Josiah Turner and Nelson G. Isbell, were then in business here as merchants, the partnership having been formed September 25th in that year. In their first business card, issued at that time, they announced themselves as " general merchants, and dealers in drugs and medicines, in the store lately occupied by Josiah Turner;" and they pledged themselves " to sell as low for cash or produce as can be bought this side of Lake Erie." Their store (where H. C. Briggs' jewelry-store now is) was the same in which Judge Turner and Mr. Mc Pherson had commenced merchandising in I841, with a small stock of goods which they purchased of Wellington A. Glover, who had himself been a VILLAGE OF HOWELL. 149 merchant here in a small way, and for a short time. Turner & McPherson had sold out, after a few months of unsuccessful business, to Giles Tucker, who removed the stock to Shiawassee County. Mr. Turner had commenced again (alone) in the same business and same building, in the early part of 1844, and received Isbell as a partner in September of the same year, as above stated. Mr. Isbell had arrived in Howell in the preceding summer, from Charleston, Saratoga Co., N. Y. At the same time (the fall of 1844), William R. Melvin, besides being engaged in the business of blacksmithing and carriage-ironing, was also a merchant in the village, and announced himself in his business advertisement as " Dry Grocer, Main Street, Howell." His store was on the north side of the street, where H. H. Mills is now doing business. He was succeeded at that place a few months later by "Chester Hazard, Dry Grocer," as is learned from the business card of the latter, dated in the following April. The mercantile firm of Lee & Brother (George W. and Frederick J. Lee) had not commenced business in Howell in I844, but was established here in the following year. With them, as a clerk in their store, came Leander C. Smith; and all three of these gentlemen achieved pecuniary success, and became leading citizens of Howell. Among all the residents of the village, from I835 until the present time, few have done as much towards its prosperity and the advancement of its material interests as Col. George W. Lee. Ile has since removed, and is now a resident of Washtenaw County. Mr. F. J. Lee and Mr. L. C. Smith still live in Howell, both widely known and wealthy. Of public-houses in Howell, at the time mentioned, there were three, including one on the Grand River road, something more than a halfmile east of the centre, but still within the limits of the village, and two more were added during I845. Further mention of these public-houses will be found below. HOWELL THE HOME OF HILARITY. It was about this time, and during the other years of the decade which succeeded 1840, that the village of Howell acquired much of the reputation which seems to have been universally accorded her of being the home and headquarters of unlimited and unrestrained fun and jollity. The Hon. Jerome W. Turner, in the address from which a quotation has before been made, said, " Howell was a town from the start, with a grin on its countenance, which never relaxed but continually flowered into guffaws. MIen from the East, who had no design of settling here, staged it out fiom Detroit, or over from Dexter, to spend a few days in laughing. One man I know, who resided in the city of New York, who has since told me that he was accustomed to travel through almost every town in the United States large enough to hold a meeting-house, without finding one that could equal Howell for fun. There was an abandonment about it, too, that gave it zest; men laughed in hearty, deep-chested tones here in the woods, and assembled to see the perpetration of a practical joke in more numerical strength than they did at a funeral. Nobody was in a hurry; no one was careful, or troubled about many things; we had actors and an audience. Men forsook what little business they had for simple sport. One man I knew-Elijah Coffren, who now lives in Greenville, Montcalm Co., a carpenter and joiner by trade -who would come (lown fronm the roof of a promising job to join in a little hilarity, and not be able to get away from it so that lie could return in a month. The super-urgent business was fun; that was a complete plea to any declaration for damages on account of delay in work. Even ' shows,' which are supposed to carry about with them a sort of stereotyped humor which can make an hour passable, were tame concerns here in these early days, and it was two to one that something laughable would happen to them before they left the place. Subjects of mesmerism underwent copious inundations of cold water; the magic-lantern cuirass suddenly grew cloudy with ink, and the return of pewter and tin sixpences astonished the showman when he counted up after the performance. Apropos of this, there were at an early day, organized in Howell, companies of 'squirters,' armed with pint and quart squirt-guns, with which they deltuged all bibulous individuals. A man could get on a drunk in the daytime, but he had need to watch the sun very closely, and not be seen around after nightfall. "Some of the subljects of this sport were somewhat ugly; for instance, Levi Bristol, a square fighter, a man who would have been known as an athlete among the Thebans, but who usually got 'corned' when he came to town. He was emphatically an ugly customer, and he asserted, in all forms of forcible inelegance, that 'the first man who squirts any water onto me '11 get his head knocked off.' I remember, as though it were but yesterday, his standing one afternoon nearly in front of Mills' dry-goods store,present location,-and he looked like one of Dumas' 'colossal wrestlers' in the Olympic ring, as he dared the whole town to fllrnish him an antagonist who should come bearing a tin squirt-guln. Boy as I was, I had read the story of Goliath of Gath, and when I saw a single person, a stripling in size, emerge from a building on the street, with a quart tin squirt-gun at ' present arms,' and advance towards this gawk, I must confess I thought I could see a complete repetition of that historical incident. I do not know that I was certain then, or that I am entirely positive now, who the lad was who went out against him, but lie had a wonderful similarity to one Leander Smith, who once lived in Howell, so similar as to puzzle people as to the question of identity. A fine stream from the youth's gun struck Bristol fair and square in the eyes! Bristol plunged down like a kingfisher, and whirled himself along in knots and spirals through the dirt of the street, uttering the most abominable yells that ever issued from human lips. He did not seem to know where he was going, or to have the least care. He burst through the front door of Elisha Hazard's grocery, knocking over the counter, and roaring like a bull of Bashan! Well, whisky and pepper-sauce, in equal parts, is not a very pleasant eye lotion, and Bristol's visits to Howell became more and more infrequent, and of a less turbulent character... The general store was the rendezvous, and its mammoth stove became somewhat of a social shrine. There the people gathered, and there they brought out their jewels, like the toads, after dark. These jewels served our purpose then, let us hope they may not be entirely unregarded now." Another phase of the peculiar jocularity which reigned in Howell in the early days is thus described by Judge Turner: 150 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. "There lived here, a good many years ago, a man who was familiarly called 'Old Cuff Simons,' of genial good-nature, but who was prone to take too much liquor. The boys, on certain occasions of his intoxication, would deluge the old man with water to an extent which would satisfy any reasonable Thompsonian. One evening they were engaged in this pastime in a hotel kept by George Curtis, in this place, and an elderly stranger, who happened to be present, thinking it to be an imposition on the old man, strongly remonstrated with the boys against what he termed 'such shameful conduct.' But what was his surprise when Simons turned upon him with an open jack-knife, saying, ' You're a transient person (hic), mind your own (hic) business; the boys are going (hic) to have their sport.' In New York or Boston such interference might have been regarded as timely by a besieged drinker, but at Livingston Centre it was resented by the victim with far more warmth than by his persecutors." To many people of the present day it will doubtless seem like a very questionable compliment to a village or a community to say of its people that they " forsook what little business they had for simple sport," or that they collected in numbers to witness the perpetration of that most objectionable of all forms of " fun,"-a practical joke. It might have been more profitable as well as more creditable to the early residents of this village if, instead of assembling in force to witness the persecution of a poor unfortunate drunkard, they had devoted half the amount of time to bring about his reformation, and the other half to attending to " what little business they had." And as to the mechanics of the place, it cannot be denied that if, instead of abandoning promising jobs for a month at a time, for the sake of " hilarity," they had continued steadily at work it would have been better for themselves, their families, their employers, and the community. The sport-such as it was-frequently took place at the village stores, or perhaps quite as often at the public-houses; as in the case of " Cuff Simons," above narrated, and as in another instance, of a less pitiable and more ridiculous character, which is related by Hon. J. W. Turner, as follows: " In those early days ' court week' was the occasion of the new county. Everybody was at court. The crowd that gathered at Sliter's at such times was far beyond all his limited sleeping accommodations. His bar-room was literally covered with jurors and witnesses during the nights. One night, when the floor was about as densely populated as it could be with sleepers, two lawyers (rumor says from Ann Arbor) crawled out the back way, and by inducements, in the shape of Indian corn, succeeded in calling two large hogs to the bar-room door, and getting them inside. They then starte(l Sliter's bull-dog after the hogs, and quietly but swiftly retired to their beds by a rear passage. If Sliter's dog ever had any failings they could not be urged against his persistence as a biter. Some canines you can call off, but Sliter's had to be choked off. His dental grip was in every way thorough. The scene that followed would probably baffle description. The squealing of a captured porcine is always very thrilling, but when dinned into the ears of sleeping men at the dead of the night, and accompanied lby various kicks and thumps on their bodies, it is alarming. It was no doubt a night of great watchfulness,-at least after this occur r rence. It is said that the innocent causes of this nocturnal disturbance were George Danforth, a man of pleasant memory, and Olney Hawkins, Esq., yet living. I regard the statement, however, as calumnious." PUBLIC-HOUSES IN HOWELL. SLITER'S. The old Sliter Tavern, mentioned above as the scene of the swine-hunt among the sleepers, was situated about three-fourths of a mile east of the centre of the village, on the south side of the Grand River road, where Charles Wilber afterwards lived. The landlord, Shubael B. Sliter, a native of Antwerp, Jefferson Co., N. Y., emigrated from that place to Michigan as early as 1835, and located at Ann Arbor. From thence he removed, in the fall of i839, to this place, and purchased from Simon P. Shope a tract of land which included the house which Shope had purchased from Alexander Fraser, and which the latter had built for his own occupancy. To this Sliter built a log, and afterwards a fi-ame, addition, and made of it the well-known pioneer tavern, which, although located at so considerable a distance from the " Centre," and approachable only " by crossing about as bad a specimen of corduroy-road as ever was traveled," became one of the well-known " institutions" of early Howell, and, as appears, was well patronized, and frequently even overcrowded, particularly during sessions of the Circuit Court, and on occasions of other public gatherings. On such occasions a free carriage of some sort was run by Sliter between his tavern and the court-room. Mr. Turner, in describing its landlord, says," Shubael was a man who turned his quid of tobacco slowly in his mouth, as though a too sudden and abrupt removal would disturb the continuity of his ideas. To all appearances he was a slow-moving manl; it was only apparent, however. Hle adopted Sir Francis Bacon's maxim for his motto: ' Let us go slow, that we may get there the sooner.' He seemed to loaf, as sporting men say of a horse who lingers along the track; and yet he was the paradox of rapidity. He moved like the seemingly-spent cannon-ball, which takes off the foot, if it is reached out to stop it. Aside from his sharpness at a trade, which was universally conceded, he was famous as a litigant. Sliter was either plaintiff or defendant in more suits, at an early day in Howell, than all the rest of the men combined. L. K. Hewett was his attorney, and to him he went, simply asking him to write down what was necessary for him to prove. The result was that somebody else always paid the costs, because Sliter invariably proved it." Mr. Sliter, however, was never a man of any prominence, and would now hardly be mentioned, or even recollected as among the pioneers of Howell, but for his proprietorship of the well-remembered old tavern-stand. Soon after I850 he removed to Deerfield, and afterwards to Kent Co., Mich. Recently he came to Howell to revisit the scenes of his earlier years, and he died here Octo VILLAGE OF HOWELL. 5 I ber 2Q, I879. The old house which he once kept as a tavern was eventually destroyed by fire. THE EAGLE HOTEL. The erection of the old Eagle Hotel (or tavern) by Crane and Brooks, and its opening as a publichouse by Amos Adams, in I835, has already been mentioned. Originally it was about 20 by 40 feet in size, but was afterwards increased by additions until it became, during its day, the largest publichouse in Howell. Besides its legitimate purpose as a house of entertainment, it was made to do duty in its early years as a place of holding elections, public meetings of various kinds, and religious worship, and at different times it also contained the post-office of the village, some of the county offices, and a store, the last named being kept in it by Mr. F. J. B. Crane, who put in an exceedingly meagre stock of goods, and, after continuing for a very short time, abandoned the project. The tavern was sold in 1837 to Joseph H. Steel, who became its landlord. His successors in the proprietorship were George Curtis and Hezekiah Gates; after which Gates retired, and the house was carried on by Curtis alone. After Mr. Curtis' death (Oct. 4, 1848) it was managed by Mrs. Curtis and her brother, Marvin Gaston; then by Mr. Gaston alone; then by William E. Huntley; and later, by W. E. Huntley & Son, under whose proprietorship it was burned September, 1857. THE OLD STAGE HOUSE. The hotel known as the old "Stage House," and located on the south side of Grand River Street, about midway between East and Walnut Streets, was commenced to be built in 1840, by Allen C. Weston, who was the proprietor of a stageline, or of some kind of public conveyance running between Detroit and Howell, and which he had established in the fall of I838. Before the completion of the house, however, Mr. Weston's eyesight had become so badly impaired as to incapacitate him for business, and he exchanged the stage house and stand with Benjamin J. Spring, for property owned by the latter, on section 15, in Howell. Spring moved to the village in 1841, completed the house, and opened and kept it for the purpose intended by Mr. Weston. He also ran a stage-line between Howell and Detroit, making three trips per week (Weston's line had made but one trip per week). He built and put upon this line a clumsy open stage-wagon, which he named the " Red Bird," and which became well known, and somewhat famous in its day. This is described by Hon. J. W. Turner as having been "a vehicle of a bright and tawdry red color, compactly built, for it had to serve not only as a stage on dry land, but also to perform the office of a yawl, through what was known as 'the rapids,' in the vicinity of Detroit." His pet, "Red Bird," was often driven by Spring himself, who was not a little proud of his skill as a reinsman; though his pride in this particular received a heavy blow from a circumstance which occurred in the summer of 1844,-in this way: He was returning from Detroit on the " box" of the " Red Bird," and arriving at Howell rather late in the evening, drove his horses directly into a hole which had been dug during his absence, for the reception of a flagstaff to be reared on the following day, in honor of the Democratic Presidential candidates, Polk and Dallas. The hole, which was near the front line of the present Court-House Square, had been left unguarded, and it was not, perhaps, through carelessness or lack of skill in the driver that the accident occurred, but it furnished an opportunity for the perpetration of innumerable jokes at Spring's expense, and much to his disgust. He finally sold his stage-line and hotel, and the latter being afterwards devoted to other purposes than that of a public-house, was burned in the great fire of September, 1857,-the same which destroyed the Eagle Hotel. After Mr. Spring abandoned keeping the Stage -louse as a hotel, he became landlord of a publichouse in Novi, Oakland Co., where he remained three years, and then returned to Howell. Later, he removed to a part of the James Sage farm, which he had purchased or contracted for, and where he spent the remainder of his life. During his palmy days he was noted among the people of the village and far-famed through all the surrounding country for his inimitable wit, and as a chief promoter of the fun and jollity for which Howell was so much celebrated. And to this day the survivors of the old settlers, who knew him in his prime, warm up at the mention of his name, or of the scenes in which he was a principal actor; and they declare, with unanimous voice, that there never lived a man gifted with keener wit or more mirth-provoking qualities than Benjamin J. Spring. He died at the Sage house, west of the village, on Christmas-day, I853. His widow married Elisha Case, and now resides in Brighton. TIlE TEMPERANCE HOTEL AND ITS PROPRIETOR. The next two public-houses opened in Howell were the Temperance Hotel, built by Edward F. Gay, and the Union Hotel, by Hezekiah Gates. Both these houses were built in the spring and summer, though several citizens of Howell feel confident that Mr. Gay's house (if not the other) 152 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. was built earlier. But all these doubts are set at rest by a paragraph which is found in the Livingston Courier of April 30, 1845, to this effect: "' The enterprising spirit now being exhibited by the citizens of Howell is truly commendable. Building after building is daily going up, and the clink of the mason's hammer, together with the constant thumping and sawing of the carpenter and joiner, is the music with which our ears are constantly filled. Our friends, Messrs. Gates and Gay, are each putting up large and commodious tavern-houses that would grace any of our Eastern cities. Mr. Gates' is 50 by 80 feet. Mr. Gay's will be of brick, but not quite so large on the ground. Several dwellings and stores are going up in the course of the season. All is noise and bustle in Howell." This fixes conclusively the date of the building of the two hotels named. The location of the Temperance Hotel was on the south side of Grand River Street, adjoining the site of the present National Hotel on the west, and directly fronting the street which bounds the west side of the CourtHouse Square. It was the first brick building erected in the village and township of Howell, and has been mentioned as the first of that kind in the county of Livingston. It was certainly the first public-house operated on temperance principles, not only in the county, but in all this section of the State. The bricks for it were burned on the farm of Mr. Gay, south of the village, and the lime for mortar was furnished from the kiln of Mr. Z. M. Drew, near the Marion line. It seemed rather strange that Mr. Gay, who had had no experience in hotel-keeping, and who, moreover, had very little inclination towards the calling, should have suddenly commenced the erection of a public-house; but the matter has since been explained by himself (in his address before the Pioneer Society, before quoted from), and the reasons which lie gave show pretty clearly that he did not regard the practical jokes and roystering which were then prevalent in Howell as being very creditable to the place. He said," Perhaps at no time has our town suffered more on account of intemperance than at this period. Whisky ran riot through our streets. It was about the time of the settlement of the city of Owosso, and as many of the early settlers of that town were former residents of Ann Arbor, their transit to and from those places was through Howell, and they thus came in contact with our hotels, kept by Spring, Gates, and others. These passing travelers, many of whom were my former acquaintances, made bitter complaints to me of our hotels, saying that they were sometimes obliged to resort to the street for safety or quiet on account of the noisy riot within, and quite frequently would resort to my hoiuse, half a mile away, to spend the night, in order to avoid the hotels of Howell. To these old acquaintances I was indebted for the first suggestion to build a temperance hotel in Howell. I will here say that, in common with my fellow-citizens, I liked to make money and become rich, but I liked something else far better. I liked to have a solber and intelligent community. To help promote this object alone induced me to build, and then keep, the Temperance Hotel. " In undertaking this, I was to meet some opposition. Secretiveness was never a prominent characteristic of mine, and when I I had determined upon this undertaking, and chosen my location, it was natural for me to talk the thing over among our citizens, saying I intended to go to Detroit the next morning to purchase said corner lot for the purpose of building the hotel. Neighbor Gates was soon apprised of my intention, and sprang his trap on me, for the next morning I learned he had gone in the night to Detroit and purchased the corner. The only thing for me to (lo then was to take the next best, and I then purchased and built upon the site of the present Weimeister block the first brick building erected in our town, if not in the county, and opened and kept it as a hotel for some eight years, until a better state of things came about. Meanwhile, Gates commenced building on his corner lot, but failed while it was yet unfinished.... It is a pleasure to me to say that, though never sailing under false colors, the Temperance Hotel never suffered for want of patronage. The patronage given to this hotel, though, might not in all cases be credited to temperance men; for, notwithstanding the prominence given to its character by its glaring sign, ' Liberty and Temperance,' still there was sometimes evidence found in the private rooms of the guests that they had made provisions for the dilemma, in the shape of a private brandy-bottle." The builder and landlord of the Temperance Hotel was a brave and noble man. The Hon. C. C. Ellsworth,* who knew him well, mentions hini as " one who, standing almost alone in the new Western life here, raised his standard of reform and nailed his flag to the mast. You will never forget his motto, for he kept it flying in the face of the wild life of this new country when the popular breeze was in the opposite direction. But he never furled his flag for friend or foe, but bravely faced the music, howe'er the winds did blow. 'Liberty and Temperance,'-grand words! Sentiments for which men have dared to die! When freedom to the slave was all unpopular, and bondage was the fate of millions in our land; when it required the pluck and bravery of a Garrison, of a Wendell Phillips, to declaim against the critme of crimes, then Howell had a man who was true to a royal nature and fearlessly proclaimed his hatred of the great national sin; and, thank God! the brave old man lived to behold the great iron doors of the house of American bondage swing wide open and God's burning light of truth pour in upon the poor benighted creatures who had only known imprisonment and stripes before. Temperance, too, was a forbidden theme, and unpopular in our new world; and yet the banner of reform was kept steadily to the breeze, and every man, woman, and child who passed the unpretending Temperance House had sounded in their ears the holy truth which that sign proclaimed. The very air was laden with the silent influence of those thrilling words, Liberty and Temperance, and they have told for good. God would not have it otherwise! Eternity will reveal their saving power!" Many others who were intimately acquainted with Mr. * Now of Greenville, AMich., formerly a prominent lawyer of Howell. VILLAGE OF HOWELL. I53 Gay have borne testimony to his admirable traits of character and sterling virtues. As an index of the high estimation in which he was held by his fellow-citizens the following incident has been related. In the spring of 1838, in the course of a conversation between several persons in Howell in reference to the chances of success between the two political parties at the then-approaching township election, Benjamin J. Spring remarked that he believed the Whigs would be successful, for that the votes of such men as E. F. Gay (who was an uncompromising Whig) would go a great way. He was reminded that Mr. Gay lived in Marion, and could have no vote in Howell. "But for all that," replied he, "his very shadovw will carry a good deal of influence." And certainly Spring could not be suspected of any undue personal bias in favor of the man whom he thus eulogized. Mr. Gay kept the Temperance Hotel until I853. He resided for a short time at Grass Lake, Mich., but returned to Howell and spent the remainder of his life upon a farm which he purchased near the present residence of Alexander McPherson, Esq. He died there April 22, 1873. The Temperance House, after Mr. Gay's retirement from it, became known as the " Livingston Hotel," but was still conducted on temperance principles, and was kept successively by Nathaniel Smith, J. H. Peebles, and Charles Barber. After them came Elbert C. Bush, who called it the Bush House, and kept it until I869, when it was demolished to give place to a brick block built by John Weimeister. UNION HALL. The public-house before mentioned as having been in the course of construction in the spring of 1845 was built by Hezekiah Gates, upon the southeast corner of East and Grand River Streets; this being the location on which Mr. Gay had intended to build the Temperance Hotel, but which Gates had purchased away from him. This house was known as Union Hall. Its first landlord was Mr. Gates. Then the house came into possession of Taylor & McPherson, and was carried on by E. B. Taylor for a short time. The next proprietor after Taylor was S. S. Glover. Those who succeeded Mr. Glover in the proprietorship were James Lawther, I856; George Wilber, J. Smith & Son, Smith & Marble, William E. Huntley & Son, Elisha E. hazard, V. R. T. Angel, B. R. Smith, Jonathan Price, and Roberts & Beach. The building was burned during the occupancy of Mr. Beach, in the year I871. SHAFT'S HOTEL. The hotel now known as the Rubert House, situated on the southeast corner of Court and 20 Grand River Streets, was built some thirty or more years ago, by William C. Shaft, who at one time ran a line of stages-such as they were-between Howell and Detroit, in opposition to Benjamin J. Spring. The writer of this has no knowledge of the standing of the house kept here by Mr. Shaft, but an allusion to it has been found in the shape of a scrap of rhyme, forming one of a series of verses, entitled " Bangle's Stroll about Town" (i.e., the village of Howell), which was printed in the year 1849, in " The B'hoys Eagle," published at Ann Arbor. It was understood that " Bangle," the author of the " Stroll," was a gentleman who was then a law student in Howell, since then a member of Congress, and now a resident of Greenville, Mich. The verse relating to Shaft's ran as follows: "We'll begin down at Shaft's, He keeps Wilber's best; His house is the place Where the scalawags nest. The flower of the rowdies May be seen gathered there, Week in and week out, To drink, gamble, and swear." The next landlord of the house after Mr. Shaft was Elmer Holloway. After him came - Vanderhoof, who was its proprietor at the time of the great fire of I857. Vanderhoof was succeeded by W. E. Huntley & Son, who had been burned out from the Eagle Hotel in that fire. After Huntley came Amos S. Adams, who was keeping the establishment in 1860 as the " Adams House." Adams was sulcceeded by Joseph H. Steel, who was followed by the brothers Cyrus and Handel Winship, who named it the Winship House, and were keeping it as such in i865. A short time afterwards the property was purchased by Benjamin H. Rubert, who added a third story to the building, named it the Rubert House, and has continued as its proprietor to the present time. THE MELVIN HOUSE. The hotel located on the northwest corner of East and Sibley Streets was opened as the Melvin House, by Willian R. Melvin, in 1869. The building had been erected by him in I86I, to be used for mechanic shops, and was remodeled and enlarged for hotel purposes at the time mentioned. In 1874, after Mr. Melvin's death, it came into possession of R. M. Johnston, who carried it on for a time as the Melvin House, and then changed the name to that of Johnston House. After him it was carried on under the same name by A. H. Gibbs, George Lovely, F. S. Davis, and John M. White, the present proprietor, who has recently changed the name to that of Commercial Hotel. 154 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. The National Hotel, on the south side of Grand River Street, opposite the Court-House Square, was built by John Weimeister in 1875; was opened as a public-house Jan. I, 1876, and has been conducted successively by J. P. Hodges, Funston & Trombley, and the present proprietors, Messrs. Gaines & Bell. A small public-house was kept for a time by -- Olds, on the south side of Grand River Street, where Gilbert's harness-shop now is; and a house known as the Barlow House was kept in recent years-for a short time-on the east side of East Street, north of the main thoroughfare. A small house is now kept as a hotel at the railway station. MILLS AND MANUFACTORIES. The pioneer manufacturing enterprise of Howell was the saw-mill built by Moses Thompson in 1836. From his ownership it passed to that of his son Morris. In the year i849, Morris Thompson, in partnership with George W. and Frederick J. Lee, commenced the erection of a grist-mill, on the same stream, above the saw-mill. This, known as the Howell Grist-Mill, was completed and put in operation in 1850. A few years later this, with the old saw-mill property, came into the sole possession of George W. Lee, who afterwards sold to William Williamson, who was the owner of the mills and privileges in i865, and who in that year manufactured more than iooo barrels of flour, in addition to the custom work of the mill, and at the same time did a very thriving business in the saw-mill. Mr. Williamson sold the mills to Zebulon M. Drew, whose successor in their proprietorship was Thomas Birkett, of Washtenaw County. Since Mr. Birkett's occupancy the mills have been owned and operated successively by William Y. Munson and Calvin Wilcox, Munson, Wilcox & Co., and Thomas Hoyland, the present proprietor. As the work required of the mill became much greater in latter years than formerly, and as the supply of water in the stream constantly decreases, a steam-engine was added to the machinery of the mill, and is now in use as an auxiliary to the water-power at times when the latter is insufficient. The Howell Steam Saw-Mill, the location of which was upon the site of the present City Mill, was built in 1850; the proprietors in its erection being D. D. T. Chandler, George W. Kneeland, and Shubael B. Sliter. Mr. Sliter states that the enterprise was conceived and commenced by himself, and that the interests of Messrs. Chandler & Kneeland were sold by him to them. However this may have been, he (Sliter) soon retired from it, and the establishment was owned anJ operated by Chandler & Kneeland, and theirs are the names which appear on the assessment rolls of that time as the proprietors. The mill was destroyed by fire in i85i, and was rebuilt by Judge Kneeland. A large amount of work was done here in sawing plank for the Detroit and Howell and Lansing and Howell plank-roads, which were in process of construction about this time; and it was largely - in anticipation of this work that the first mill was erected. The establishment passed from Judge Kneeland to the ownership of Aiken Holloway, who was running it in i858; and from him to John Hoyt, who was operating it in I86i. The engine by which its machinery was driven was one which had then recently been built for Mr. Hoyt by B. C. & H. B. Curtis, and was the first steam-engine ever built in Howell. The mill afterwards passed into the hands of J. R. Axtell, and from him to John I. Van Deusen. In 1865 it had been refitted, and was carried on by Taylor & Van Deusen, who, in addition to its legitimate business, had added that of the grinding of sorghum sugar-cane for the manufacture of syrup. This enterprise was neither long-lived nor very successful. A few years afterwards stave-, heading-, and shingle-mills -were added, and these were in operation about 1871 by Van Deusen & Whipple. In 1874 the mill was remodeled into a grist- and flouring-mill, with two run of burrs. It was owned and operated in I875 by Latson & Wriglit, who added another run of stones, and improved it to its present excellent condition. It is now run by Mr. Wright. Its location is in the southwestern angle of Walnut and Westmore Streets. FOUNDRIES AND MACHINE-SHOPS. The first iron-working establishment in Howell was the foundry of Hickey & Galloway, which was located on the lot now occupied by the residence of Hon. A. D. Waddell, East and North Streets. This foundry was built in 1844, and made its first castings on Wednesday, Oct. I6th, of that year. Its work was " the manufacture of box, cook, and parlor stoves, plows and hollow-ware," and all kinds of agricultural implement castings. Hickey & Galloway sold to Lemuel Spooner and Edward Thompson, whose successor in the business was W. 0. Archer. Mr. Archer sold to Abijah W. Smith, with whom Dexter Filkins had an interest in the establishment. A few months after coming into Mr. Smith's hands it was destroyed by fire, and was never rebuilt. The " Phoenix Foundry and Machine-Shop," located on the west side of East Street, south, wais built in i857 by A. W\. Smitlh; above men a VILLAGE OF HOWELL. iss tioned as the last proprietor of the old Hickey & Galloway foundry. The Phoenix started in blast about the 5th of May in the year named, and on the 25th of the same month "Smith & Co.," the proprietors, announced to the citizens of Livingston County and the surrounding country that their foundry and machine-shop was then in full operation,-that they were making the celebrated Starbuck, Wayne County Improved, Livingston County, and Michigan Straight-Line Plows; also the double-team plows known as the Bathgate, the Curtiss (several sizes), the North Bend, and "the celebrated Seventy-Six," and " every kind of cornplows that may be wanted." In this line of business the foundry continued until Feb. 22, I86o, when the works were destroyed by fire,-the loss being estimated at $7200, about two-thirds insured. The establishment was rebuilt on the same site by Benjamin C. and Henry B. Curtis in the same year. Tlese proprietors were engaged, more than Mr. Smith had been, in the manufacture of machinery, and in I86I built the first steam-engine ever manufactured in Howell,-it being built for the Howell Steam Saw-Mill of Mr. Hoyt, and placed in operation in that mill in October of tlhat year. Mr. Hoyt, in his advertisement of the refitting of his establishment, spoke of this engine as "comparing favorably with the best engines made in the State of Michigan." In 1862, Curtis sold to Floyd S. Wykoff, who, in I865, was doing business at the place as a "manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of agricultural implements,-reapers, mowers, threshingand wood sawing machines, cultivators, field-rollers, plows, and every variety of castings." After Mr. Wykoff, the foundry and machine-shop was owned by John H. Galloway, and later, by Henry B. Curtis, of the firm of Curtis & Son, who are the present owners. The "Howell Foundry," situated on the north side of Grand River Street, west of Centre Street, was built in 1849 by Stephen Clark. The business carried on by him was the manufacture of stoves and agricultural castings. In 1859 the establishment came into possession of George W. Taylor and George L. Clark. In 1864, Taylor sold his interest to John H. Galloway, and the firm became Clark & Galloway, who, in I865, were doing, in addition to the work of the foundry, a business in *mowers and reapers, horse-pitchers, and every kind of agricultural implements. In the spring of 1867, F. S. Wykoff and Hudson B. Blackman were added to the firm, which afterwards was changed to Wykoff, Clark & Co. (William Williamson being interested). In October, 1874, the firm became Wykoff, Clark & Imman, and in December, 1876, the business was purchased by J. M. Clark, the present proprietor. WAGON-SHOPS. The first wagon-shop in Howell was that opened by Andrew L. Hill, in 1842. He announced himself as a manufacturer of every kind of wagons for farm or other use, "also Buggies, Buffalo Wagons, and Sleighs," all of which he promised to build for customers in a manner and style as thorough and workmanlike as could be procured in any shop east of Lake Erie. The first cutter built in Howell was made by Mr. Hill for Philander Glover, from whose estate it was purchased in 1844 by Judge Turner, and used by him during several winters. The next wagon-shop, after Hill's, was opened by W. R. Melvin and James Lawther, blacksmiths, in I846. After Lawther withdrew from his partnership, Mr. Melvin continued in the business for many years, and as late as I868 was carrying it on at his " Arcade Shops," on East Street, where the Commercial Hotel now stands,-this hotel being, in fact, the old Arcade shop-building remodeled. Benjamin Scofield was another of the early wagonmakers, having his shop on the north side of Grand River Street, west of the present store of William McPherson & Sons. William Sowle was also engaged in wagonmaking in the village at an early date, and since the time of these early manufacturers there have been a number of others engaged in the business in Howell, but none of these establishments have been on a scale sufficiently extensive to require especial mention among the manufacturing industries of the village. The same is true of those above noticed, and they have only been mentioned because they were among the earliest, and, during the time of their existence, were relatively more important than they could have been regarded among the business enterprises of later years. HOWELL PLANING-MILL. John W. Wright built the first planing-mill in Howell village in I869, commencing business on the first of August in that year. This mill was located on Clinton Street between Centre and Walnut. It was destroyed by fire, April 27, I875. Soon after this he built the present Howell Planing-Mill, on East Street, in the extreme southern part of the village, below the railroad track. The business of this mill is the manufacture of sashes, doors, blinds, mouldings, and the dressing of lumber for building purposes. It is still owned and operated by Mr. Wright. i56 IISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. EDUCATIONAL. THE HOWELL PUBLIC SCHOOLS. It is evident that the first settlers in Howell moved promptly and energetically in the matter of providing the means of education for their children. It was in April, 1836, that the organization of the township was perfected by the election of its first officers, among whom were F. J. B. Crane, Jonathan Austin, and Joseph Porter, school inspectors. Before the 2Ist of the following month School District No. I (embracing the village of Howell) had been laid out, and on that day a meeting of the taxable inhabitants of the district was held at the house of Amos Adams, at which meeting a district organization was effected by the election of David HI-. Austin, Justin Durfee, and Amos Adams as Directors, Jonathan Austin as Clerk, F. J. B. Crane as Treasurer, and John D. Pinckney as Collector of the District. Ten days after this meeting another was held at the same place, "for the purpose of deciding upon a Cite for a school-house for said district.... Whereupon the following proceedings were had: F. J. B. Crane, a resident of said district, offered as a present Lot No. 36, in the village of Howell, upon condition that said district should cause to be erected a frame school-house thereon. On motion of Mr. Adams, Resolved, unanimously, that the district accept the offer nade by Mr. Crane;" after which the meeting adjourned, to meet on the 5th of June at the same place. At the adjourned meeting " David H. Austin was appointed Chairman, and Jonathan Austin was present as Clark. Resolved, That 350 Dollars be raised in said district for the purpose of erecting a frame schoolhouse, and completing the same." But for some unexplained reason the schoolhouse was not built until the following year. Probably the reason of the delay was the lack of funds, and the difficulty of obtaining lumber, which could not then be procured nearer than Green Oak or Hamburg. Moses Thompson's mill had then just been commenced, and there was a prospect of its early completion and of a consequent facility for obtaining the necessary lumber. This may or may not have had an influence in causing the postponement of building operations. In the spring of 1837 the school-house was erected on the lot donated by Mr. Crane. Sardis Davis was the master-carpenter, and hewed the timber for the frame. The lumber was sawed by Morris Thompson. The siding and interior finish, desks, and other fixtures, were of whitewood, hauled from Salem or Plymouth. The building was completed during the spring months, and on the I7th of June, 1837, there was held in it a district-meeting, of which David Austin was chairman and Jonathan Austin clerk. At this meeting David H. Austin was elected moderator of the district, Ely Barnard assessor, and Edward F. Gay director; and having made such election, it was "Resolved, That this meeting expect that the director they have chosen will use efforts to have a school commenced in this district without longer delay." The person who first wielded the teacher's rod in Howell was Miss Abigail Adams, daughter of Amos Adams, though whether her first teaching was in the school-house, or in a private house before the school-house was completed, is not entirely certain. There is little doubt, however, that she was the first teacher in the school-house in the summer of I837. The first male teacher in the Howell school was Justin Durfee. Mr. E. F. Burt taught here for four years, commencing in I838. Later came William Pitt Glover, who had the reputation of being unnecessarily severe in the infliction of punishment on his pupils. Among the earliest of the female teachers, besides Miss Adams, were Miss Farnsworth, Miss Waterman, Miss Clarissa Rumsey, and Mrs. Joseph B. Skilbeck. The male teachers who succeeded Mr. W. P. Glover, and taught in the old frame schoolhouse, or in rented rooms, until the completion of the first brick school-house, were William O. Archer, winter terms of 1845-46 and 1846-47; Henry H. Harmon, winter terms of 1847-48; John S. Dixon, winter terms of i848-49. The school-house built in 1837 appears never to have been satisfactory to the people, or adequate to the wants of the school. In the second year after it was built the sum of forty dollars was expended in repairs upon it, and repairs to a greater or less extent were made upon it in every year until its final abandonment as a school-house. At a school meeting, held in the evening of the first Monday of October, 1845, it was "voted to raise two hundred Dollars for the purpose of Erecting a School-IHouse;" and at an adjourned meeting held on the first Monday in the next following month, it was " voted to Locate the School-House on Lotts Nos. --;"* and at the same time it was voted that " the Board be instructed to rent the meeting-house for the purpose of a district school." But at a special meeting of the district held Dec. 15, I845, " the vote passed at the annual [October] meeting to raise Two Hundred Dollars for the purpose of building a School-House was reconsidered; and also the vote for Having two schools was reconsidered." * The numbers of the lots are illegible in the record. VILLAGE OF HOWELL. I57 From that time until the spring of 1847 the school-house question seems to have been less agitated; but at a meeting held March Ioth in the year last named, it was Resolved, " That in the opinion of this meeting the district ought to build a new school-house, and that said house should l)e thirty by forty, and one story high." A committee of five was appointed "to draft a plan of said house, internal and external, and to select a suitable site on which to place it;" and J. IS. Rasco, E. E. Gregory, J. Peterson, William McPherson, and H. S. Hamilton were constituted such committee. This committee, at a meeting held on the 24th of the same month, reported a plan for a brick school-house forty feet long by thirty feet wide, one story, with side walls twelve feet high and one foot thick, with two doors in the front as principal entrances, and (after a long specification of other particulars) " the whole to be crowned in the centre of the roof with a small belfry." This report was unanimously adopted, and J. H. Rasco, Edward F. Gay, George W. Jewett, Alvin L. Crittenden, and Stephen Clark were appointed a committee " to locate a site for said house and ascertain the value thereof." There is no record of the result of the labors of this committee; but at a meeting held on the 9th of September in the same year, William E. Huntley, N. J. Hickey, and Matthew West were appointed "a committee of three to select. a site for a school-house," and it was " voted to raise a tax of three hundred dollars per year for three successive years for the purpose of building a schoolhouse; voted to build said house of brick." And at a meeting held on the 27th, it was " voted that the report of the committee be accepted, and that the location be accepted that is rdcommended by the committee;" though what that location was does not appear upon the record. On the 25th of September, 1848, a meeting was held at the school-house, and at this meeting it was, on motion of R. P. Bush, " Resolved, That the district board be and they are hereby authorized to sell the district school-house within tvwenty days, plovided it will sell for five dollars; and provided further, that the said board can procure a suitable place for a school the ensuing winter." And at an adjourned meeting, held on the 28th, it was "voted that the district board be and they are hereby authorized to engage the room Icnown as the Howell Academy room, for the use of the district, for a school the coming winter, upon the terms proposed by Mr. Clark, to wit, at the rate of forty dollars per annum." At the same meeting it was voted to raise $ ioco " for the purpose of build I ing a school-house for said district; the said amount to be raised in three successive years (commencing with the present year), one-third in each year;" and also the sumn of $200oo was voted to be raised, "to be appropriated in purchasing or procuring a site for the school-house," and $100oo was raised for the purpose of "inclosing the school-house site and erecting necessary outbuildings;" also, $o50 (to be raised in the following year), " for the purchase of a bell for the district school-house." The proceedings of this meeting seem very obscure and hard to understand, for after the passage of the above-mentioned votes, the meeting, on the same evening, proceeded to vote " that a committee of three be appointed by the chair to designate a site for the school-house, with instructions to report at the next adjourned meeting of the district," and the chair appointed as such committee Messrs. George W. Lee, William McPherson, and Elijah Coffren. Another committee was ordered to prepare a plan for a school-house, and H. S. Sparks, R. P. Bush, and Elijah F. Burt were appointed as such committee; whereupon the meeting adjourned for four weeks, " to meet in the Howell Academy Room." At the meeting held pursuant to the above-mentioned adjournment, on the 26th of October in the same year, it was " voted that the action of the District Board in selling the old School-House belonging to the District, and appropriating the proceeds arising therefrom to the payment of the rent of the room engaged for a winter school, and to repairs of the same, is hereby approved;" which shows that Howell had no longer a public schoolhouse, but was dependent on the accommodations of a rented room for the holding of the sessions of its school. At the same meeting the committee to whom was referred the selection of a site for a school-house reported, " recommending that the site be located upon the old public square, provided a title to the same can be obtained." This report was laid upon the table, " after considerable time spent in discussing the subject," and a new committee of five was appointed, charged with the duty of designating a site; the committee so appointed being L. H. Hewett, Fred. C. Whipple, H. S. Sparks, William McPherson, and Nelson G. Isbell. This committee, at a special meeting held for the purpose (Nov. I, 1848), made two reports: " one recommending that the site of the schoolhouse be removed from its present location on lot No. 36, Crane & Brooks' Plat, to land adjoining said lot, offered by Mr. Jewett; and the other recommending that it be removed to the Northwest Corner of the Court-House Square;" but both these reports were rejected by the meeting, and a HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. new committee, consisting of E. F. Burt, George W. Jewett, L. K. Hewett, N. J. Hickey, and Josiah Turner, was appointed, charged with the same duty. Two weeks later, at a meeting held pursuant to adjournment, this committee asked and received leave to hold another session, but the meeting afterwards unanimously " Resolved, That the district board be and they are hereby authorized and directed to purchase for the district lots Nos. 15 and i8 on Crane & Brooks' plat, provided they can obtain the same at an expense not to exceed $130." These lots form the site of the present Methodist church, on Walnut Street. But at the next meeting, held December 8th, the vote directing the Board to purchase them was rescinded; and, at the same time, upon Mr. Galloway's offering a resolution to the effect "that the school-house site be removed from its present location on lot 36, of Crane and Brooks' plat, to the north end of the Court-House Square, provided eight rods in width across the north end of said square can be obtained without expense to the district, except the expense of making the necessary papers," the chairman (George W. Jewett) said he could not entertain it, and resigned the chair; whereupon Edward E. Gregory was made chairman, and put the question, which was decided in the negative. It may be objected that the above is an unnecessarily minute account of the various proceedings had by the district on the subject of a change of site and erection of a newv building, but it has been given for the purpose of showing the long series of tribulations through which the people of Howell passed before attaining the object they had in view. Finally, the question of the location of the school-house site was definitely settled at a meeting of the qualified voters of the district, held Dec. 15, 1848. At this meeting, of which Dr. Gardner Wheeler was chairman, it was " Resolved, That the site of the school-house be removed from lot No. 36 of Crane & Brooks' plat, and located upon the block upon said plat comprising eight lots numbered as follows, to wit, lots Nos. 173 to i80, inclusive; and that the district board be directed to purchase the said lots for that purpose." Upon the first vote being taken on this resolution, it was lost, the necessary number not voting in the affirmative; but this action was afterwards reconsidered, and a second vote taken, which resulted in its adoption by 50 yeas to 17 nays. Thus the school-house site was established,-it being the ample grounds (bounded by Hubbell, McCarthy, Crane, and East Streets) which are now occupied by the noble edifice of the Howell Union School. A site being now definitely fixed upon, a meet ing was held pursuant to public notice, "at the district school-room," Jan. 19, I849, "for the purpose of adopting a plan for a school-house for said district;" and at that meeting it was, on motion of Mr. Jewett, "i Resolved, That the district board be and they are hereby instructed, authorized, and( empowered to erect or cause to be erected a brick school-house on the site located for that purpose, 38 feet by 48 feet, two stories high, with a cellar under so much of the same as they shall deem necessary, and finish and prepare for use so much of said building as the money already voted to be raised [$0ooo] will accomplish." This resolution was adopted by the requisite number of votes, but the end was not yet; for, on the I2th of February next following, George W. Lee and thirty-eight others, taxable inhabitants of the district, addressed to the board a written request that a meeting be called " for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of building a CASTLE for a school-house, and, as the District Board complain that zwe do not direct themz, we will ask them to listen to us for once; and see what the district thinks." Thereupon a meeting was called, and held on the i9th of February, and at that meeting the resolution previously adopted " was reconsidered and indefinitely postponed." A resolution was then adopted by the necessary vote, authorizing and directing the board to cause a school-house to be built on the established site; " said house to be erected upon a suitable foundation, to be built of brick, two stories high, to be twenty-six by thirty-six feet on the ground, and ten feet between joints, and finished complete." This vote was final, and, under the authority conferred by it, the "brick school-house" was built in the summer and fall of I849, on the site now ocupied by the Union school-house. The contract for building the house appears to have been awarded to Elijah Coffren, at $rooo, though the contract price is not mentioned in the district record. The building was nearly or quite completed in September; and at a district meeting held in the Presbyterian meeting-house, in Howell, on the 24th of that month, it was " voted that the sum of six hundred and seventy-eight dollars and seventy cents be raised the present year upon the taxable property of the district for the following purposes, to wit: To pay E. Coffi-en on contract for building school-house.. $333.00 To make the payment due for site.......................... 117.70 To inclose site and purchase a bell............................ I0 0.00 To pay accounts allowed, and for rent........................ 48.00 For extras of school-house and steeple........................ 65.00 For stoves and pipe............................................ I5.00 Total....................... 678.70 The last payment on Coffren's contract, and also the final payment on the school-lhouse site, were -T VILLAGE OF HOWELL. 159 provided for by a vote passed in the following year to raise the necessary amounts. In 1849, a law was passed by the Legislature (approved March 3Ist), enacting that, "in districts containing more than one hundred scholars between the ages of four and eighteen years, the district board may be enlarged by adding thereto four trustees, provided the district determine to do so by a two-thirds vote at any annual meeting." And as this district contained more than that number of children prior to its annual meeting in September, 1849 (the last held before the occupation of the brick school-house), it was at that meeting " voted to elect a board of trustees agreeable to act No. 183, of the session laws of I849;" and the meeting then proceeded to elect George W. Jewett, R. P. Bush, James Lawther, and William McPherson as the first Board of Trustees of the district. At the same time a resolution was passed authorizing the district board " to offer Mr. John S. Dixon the sum of three hundred dollars for his services as teacher of the district school for one year." But it appears that Mr. Dixon did not accept the offer, for the board soon after employed Mr. Willis Wills, who assumed authority as the first teacher in the (then) new brick school-house. But he proved unsuccessful as a teacher, and is represented as having been incompetent and exceedingly cruel. The result was that the school was broken up before the completion of his winter term of I849-50. It became apparent very soon after the first occupation of the new school-house that it was inadequate to the needs of the district, and that it would perhaps, after all, have been better to build the " Castle" as at first proposed. At a district meeting, held Sept. 30, 1850, less than a year after Mr. Wills had opened school in the new building, it was " Resolved, That the district board be authorized, in their discretion, to rent another Room, and employ one or more Teachers in addition to the present number, for the Winter Schools." A room was accordingly rented from Mrs. Frink, at $32.50 per annum, as appears from the record of bills allowed at the annual meeting in 185. Again, in i852, the board was authorized to procure additional room for the winter school, and the sum of $15 was allowed to Josiah Turner for room rent; and at an adjourned meeting, held Oct. 3, 1853, a resolution passed "that seventy-five dollars be raised to procure and furnish necessary school rooms for the ensuing year." The audited accounts of the district for the same year show that over $:80 was spent for repairs on the school house, and that Josiah Turner and Almon Whipple received $25 each for rent of school-room. In September, 1854, at the annual meeting, a committee was appointed consisting of F. C. Whipple, N. G. Isbell, Elijah F. Burt, John H. Galloway, and W. A. Clark, " to report some feasible plan for enlarging the present school-house or building a new one;" and at a special meeting, convened on the 21st of April, 1855, for the purpose, this committee presented their report: "That there is imme(liate and pressing necessity for further school accommodations, and without these, it is impossible to carry out the plan of a Union School with success. Of this there can be but one opinion, and the only question is, how best to secure them, with dlue reference to economy, at the earliest practicable period." They then proceeded to recommend the enlargement of the house " by extending it south, in the same form and size of the present building, forty-eight feet, by taking out the south gable end of the present building, down to the bottom of the upper story; the present school-room in that story can then be enlarged to any desirable extent, with room for one or two recitation-rooms at the south end. And the lower story of the proposed addition can be conveniently divided into two school-rooms of suitable size for small children. By carrying out this plan, ample accommodations will be afforded for all the scholars of tile district for a long time to come. It is deemed of equal importance to the perfection of a Union School that the same, in all its departments, should be under the immediate supervision and control of one principal teacher. This cannot well be done unless the departments are all under the same roof." The cost of the proposed addition, including necessary furniture and fixtures, was estimated at $1000; which sum the committee recommended to have raised in the (then) present year, and that the building be contracted for and commenced with the least possible delay. The report was accepted, and, on motion of F. C. Whipple, was adopted " after an animated discussion by a number of persons." The meeting then voted to raise the sum of $1ooo to be placed at the disposal of the board, who were authorized and instructed to contract for the proposed enlargement of the school-house, to be completed on or before Dec. I, 1855, at a cost not exceeding $1200. The above proceedings and the remarks of the committee on the enlargement of the house are given more at length, because they have reference to the inception of the project for establishing and maintaining a Union School,-an institution which has since been brought to a high degree of excellence in Howell, and of which the people of the village are now so justly proud. The vote to raise $oo000 for the enlargement of the school-house was afterwards (Sept. 24, 1855) reconsidered, and it was voted to raise, instead, the sum of $750 for the purpose, and the board was instructed..to contract for the erection of the addi 160 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I tion to the building on the plan before adopted, the work to be completed and ready for occupancy by the Ist of October, i856, and the whole to cost not exceeding $1500. The contract to construct the building was given to John B. Kneeland, in whose favor orders were drawn in March, i856, for the whole amount ($755) voted to be raised in 185j, viz., on Treasurer of Howell for $6666.32, and on the Treasurer of Marion (in which a part of the district was embraced) for $83.68. The building was completed, ready for use, before the specified time, and then, for a few years, the people of the district experienced comparatively little trouble for lack of accommodations for the schools. But in less than ten years from the time when the old brick school-house was enlarged by an addition considerably more extensive than the original building, it became evident that the erection of a large and commodious edifice could not be much longer delayed. The subject then began to be discussed with a good deal of warmth, and although a strong opposition was elicited at first, this gradually decreased, so that finally, at the annual district-meeting, held Sept. 3, J866, when a resolution was offered by Hon. Sardis F. Hubbell "to authorize the officers of said district, and to direct said officers, to issue bonds against said school district to the amount of fifteen thousand dollars, said bonds to bear an interest not exceeding seven per cent. per annum; the funds so raised to be used for the purpose of erecting a school-house in said district, and that the sum of one thousand dollars be paid annually, with the interest, until the whole amount is paid," the measure was adopted by the meeting, by the decisive vote of 52 in the affirmative to only two votes in the negative. A building committee was then appointed, consisting of H. C. Briggs, Sardis F. Hubbell, Wm. McPherson, Sr., J. I. Van Deusen, and Joseph M. Gilbert. Mr. Hubbell soon after resigned as a member of the committee, and John H. Galloway was appointed in his place. A year elapsed after the passage of this measure without any further decisive action being taken; but at the annual meeting for 1867 (Septeniber 2d) it was voted unanimously, " That there be raised on the taxable property of the district the sum of five thousand dollars as a building fund, to be raised at the rate of one thousand dollars in each year, with the interest; and the bonds to be issued in such sums as above stated, after the fifteen thousand dollars voted at the last annual meeting; said bonds to bear interest not exceeding ten per cent per annum." A finance committee was then appointed, consisting of Alex ander McPherson, L. D. Smith, and William Williamson. Proposals for building the house after a specified plan were advertised for and received; and on these being opened and compared on Feb. 29, I868, the contract was awarded to B. B. Rice, of Detroit, to erect and complete the building in a thorough and workmanlike manner, according to the plans and specifications, for the sum of $15,650, with $700 in addition for finishing the third story, which last-named item had not been contemplated in the original plan. This contract price did not include the brick, stone, rough lumber, and some other building materials, which were furnished by the district. The unsuccessful competitors with Mr. Rice for the contract were Messrs. Kilmer, Coxburn & Ryan, of Jackson; P. Marshall, of Holly; Thomas Lunn & Son, of Pontiac; I. N. Bush, of Lansing; Gassmere & Tooker, of Lansing; Palmer & Gee and Woodrow & Son, of Detroit. The old school-house was demolished and removed in the following March, and the work of erecting the new one was commenced with energy. The contract called for the completion of the building on or before the Ist of November, i868, but it was not entirely finished until about six months after the time specified, as is shown by the record of a special district-meeting, held on the i6th of April, I869, "to take action respecting the raising of money to pay the outstanding indebtedness of said district, and to raise money for the necessary completion of the new Union School Building"; at which time it was voted to borrow $4000 for the purpose named. The building was, however, occupied by the schools for the winter term of I869. Its total cost, including the materials furnished by the district, and all extra expenditures, was more than $3I,000. It is an exceedingly solid and imposing edifice, being of brick, three stories high above the basement, with a French roof, and a tower one hundred feet in height. The house is divided into rooms by appropriate halls. The first story has two halls; one is fourteen feet in width and sixty-five feet in length, the other is eleven feet in width and thirty-five feet in length. There are three school-rooms, and each room is twentyfive feet by thirty-five; two wardrobes each six feet by sixteen. The second story has two halls, one fourteen feet in width and sixty-five in length, the other is eleven feet in width and thirty-five in length; three school-rooms, each twenty-five feet by thirty-five; one room, twelve feet square, for philosophical instrumnents, and one recitation-room, the same size; two wardrobes, each six feet by sixteen. VILLAGE OF HOWELL. The third story has one hall, fourteen feet in width and sixty-five in length; one lecture-room, thirty-five feet by sixty-five; one school-room, twenty-five feet by thirty-five; one room for the director, twelve feet square; and one recitationroom, the same size. The first and second stories of the building are thirteen feet and two inches high in the clear. The third story is sixteen feet high in the clear. The old brick school-house, from the time of its first occupation until its demolition, had been in use for a period of nearly nineteen years. Of the principal teachers who were employed within its walls during that period, it has been found impracticable to make a list absolutely complete, because the district records are defective in this particular, and the recollections of different persons, apparently equally reliable and well informed, who have been applied to for information, have proved to be entirely at variance with each other on the subject. A list, however, is given below, which is nearly complete for the first few years, and is believed to be entirely so for the remainder of the time. It is as follows: W. Wills,-first teacher in the school-house, as before stated,term of I849-50; John S. Dixon,-successor of Mr. Wills, —I850 to I852; Seth Beden, term of 1853-54; J. S. Houston, term of 1855-56; W. F. Munson, 1857; L. Barnes, I858-59. The school had previously been graded into primary, intermediate, and grammar departments. Mrs. Barnes, the wife of the professor and a graduate of Albion Female College, took charge of the intermediate department. D. Cramer, 1859-60; Prof. Charles W. Bowen, I86o to I862. The schools were regraded under Prof. Bowen. Rufus T. Bush, 1862-63. The first course of study for the high school, adopted by the board, was prepared by Mr. Bush. Mrs. Bush was also employed as a teacher in the school. Michael McKernan, engaged July II, 1863; resigned, by request, March 1o, I865. S. S. Babcock, 1865 -66; Joshua S. Lane, 1866-67; L. S. Montague, engaged Sept. 9, 1867, for a term of twenty weeks. At the close of Mr. Montague's term the old schoolhouse was demolished to make room for the new building. When the new house was first occupied by the schools, they were in charge of Prof. S. S. Babcock, who was employed as principal teacher, at a salary of $I500 per annum. Upon the expiration of the time for which he was employed, he demanded an increase of salary, which was not acceded to by the board, who then employed Prof. T. C. Garner, at the same salary. He remained in charge of the school 21 until 1873, when Prof. E. W. Schreeb was employed as principal, at a salary of $1200. He in turn was succeeded, in i874, by Prof. W. Cary Hill, who remained until I877, when he was succeeded by Prof. Elihu B. Fairfield, who has remained in charge until the present time. The Howell public schools are organized in three departments, primary, grammar, and high school, each of four years, aggregating twelve years in the entire course. The grades of the school culminate in the high sclool. Nearly every pupil who enters a primary or grammar grade expects, eventually, to become a pupil in the high school, and hopes to graduate therefrom. Its stimulating influence upon all the grades below is too wide-spread and deep-reaching to admit of computation; nor is it any less difficult to estimate its influence upon the community which sustains it. The graduating exercises excite a larger influence among the people of Howell than any other educational event of the year. The present teachers are Elihu B. Fairfield, B.S., Superintendent; Mrs. Jennie K. Hill, Preceptress; Miss Jane E. Neely, Eighth Grade; Mrs. J. M. Clark, Seventh Grade; Miss Emma W. Lamb, Sixth Grade; Miss Mattie Kerns, Fifth Grade; Miss Mary Parsons, Fourth Grade; Miss Jennie E. Naylor, Third Grade; Miss Mary Williamson, Second Grade; Miss Celia E. Sprague, First Grade. The following are statistics of this school district for the year ending June 27, I879: Population of the district (estimated).......... 3000 Cash value of school property................... $35,000 Amount of money received from local taxation: Two mill tax........................................... Voted on property.................................... Amount received from interest on permanent funds.... Amount received fiom tuition fees........................ Library fund..................................................... Total receipts.......................................... Cost of superintendence and instruction.................. Amount paid Principal.................................. Cost of incidentals........................................... Amount paid for bonds and interest....................... Amount paid for permanent improvements and building....................................................... Number of children in district between five and twenty yeais of age................................................... Actual enrollment in each department, exclusive of those received by transfer: Primary Department.................................. Grammar Department................................. High School Department............................ Received by transfer in Grammar Department.......... Average daily attendance: Primary Department................................ Grammar Department................................ Iigh School Department........................... Total..................................................... Non-resident pupils: Primary Department................................. Grammar Department................................ High School Department........................... $901.31 6,229.05 296 16 383-33 I8 19 $7,828.04 $4,030.00 I,000.00 1,349-48 2,700.00 I9.55 617 281 197 52 29 I75 148 29 352 7 23 24 i162 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. The school officers for 1879 are Edward P. Gregory, Director; Harry J. Haven, Moderator; L. C: Smith, Treasurer. Board of Trustees, IHarry J. Haven, term expires I880; A. D. Waddell, term expires I880; Mylo L. Gay, term expires 1881; Alexander McPherson, term expires I881; Edward P. Gregory, term expires 1882; L. C. Smith, term expires 1882. PRIVATE SCHOOLS IN HOWELL. Various private institutions of learning have had their existence in Howell at different periods, but chiefly during the ten or twelve'years immediately preceding the establishment of the graded system in the public schools of the village. The earliest of these educational enterprises was the "Howell Select School," commenced in i845 by Theodore Bridgman, who advertised that "particular attention will be paid to those desirous of qualifying themselves for teaching, and no pains will be spared to render this school (so far as the teacher is concerned) both pleasant and profitable." The duration of this school has not been ascertained, but it was taught for a time in the old Presbyterian meeting-house, and was remarkable chiefly for the total failure of its principal to perform any of the promises which he made at the time of its commencement. In December of the same year in which Mr. Bridgman had commenced his school, a " Classical Select School" was opened in Howell by the Rev. G. F. McEwen. The principal was a gentleman of good ability and highly educated, but his school was neither long-lived nor very successful. A select school was opened April 6, 1846, by Mrs. Maria L. Charles, "on Grand River Street, one door East of the Courier Printing-Office." It is said to have been a good school of its grade during the time of its continuance. On the 1st of April, in the same year, William Pitt Glover opened a school which he named "The Howell Academy." Mr. Glover announced in his prospectus that he was prepared to teach orthography, reading, penmanship, arithmetic, geography, grammar, history, political economy, mineralogy, zoology, botany, physiology, geology, astronomy, chemistry, philosophy, algebra, optics, physics, rhetoric, criticism, logic, and the Greek and Latin languages. Also that " Declamation and composition will be attended to. Lectures on different moral and scientific subjects will be given at proper intervals. Particular attention will be paid to the moral, as well as the intellectual culture of those committed to his care; and whilst the number to be admitted will not exceed the limits of a private academical family, subject to the rules of a well-ordered domestic economy, the circle and range of instruction, the subjects of study, and the progress to be made in them, will have no other I I limits than the choice of the student, or his friends, and the measure of time, capacity, and diligence which he can bring to their prosecution.... To persons desiring to pursue a collegiate course of education, or to prepare for the practical duties of life, he pledges his efforts to make this institution worthy of future confidence." The institution, however, never became celebrated, and after a brief and rather a languishing career it ceased to exist. A number of private schools have had their day in Howell since those above mentioned. Among the most noticeable of these was the " Howell Select School" of Mrs. Rosina L. Dayfoot, which was in successful operation as early as I857, and so continued for several years after that time. It was taught in the house now owned and occupied by Ira Preston, on Walnut Street, in the southwest part of the village. In 1861 this school was conducted by Mrs. Dayfoot as Principal; Miss Fanny M. Lyon, Assistant Principal; and Mr. L. A. Westphal, Music Teacher. It is said to have been one of the best schools of its kind ever taught in Howell. After leaving here it was established in Fentonville, Genesee Co. The " Howell Academy," a prospective institution of learning (bearing the same name as Mr. W. P. Glover's school of I846, but having no connection with it), was incorporated by act of Legislature, approved March 27, i848, with an authorized capital of $10,000, in shares of $5 each; the corporators named in the act being Josiah Turner, F. C. Whipple, Elijah F. Burt, Alvan Isbell, Gardner Wheeler, George W. Lee, John Kenyon, Jr., Almon Whipple, and Edward E. Gregory. Beyond the procurement of this act of incorporation, nothing was ever done in furtherance of the project. LITERARY ASSOCIATIONS. Several literary associations have existed in Howell at various times. The first of these was the " Howell Lyceum," which was organized as early as 1843, and in that year elected as its officers George W. Jewett, President; William McPherson, Vice-President; Owen W. Griffith, Secretary. The Lyceum was reorganized in November, 1857, with A. D. Waddell as President; John M. Clark, Vice-President; F. W. Munson, Secretary; H. C. Briggs, Treasurer. Besides the Lyceum, there have been the Ciceronians (a debating society existing at least as early as 1860), the Young Men's Lecture and Library Association, the Ladies' Library Association (elsewhere mentioned), and others,-all aiming at literary improvement, and all accomplishing, in greater or less degree, the object for which they were formed. FRANCIS MONROE was one of the earliest settlers of Livingston County. He passed through what is now the village of Howell before a building had been erected there. His father, Lemuel Monroe, was one of the heroes of the Revolution. He served through that memorable war; participated in the battle of Bunker Hill; was present at Burgoyne's surrender, and in many other engagements. He also served in the war of 1812. Was three times married, and was the father of eighteen children, seventeen of whom grew to maturity. In his old age he came to Howell and made his home with his son Francis, at whose residence he died at the advanced age of ninety-seven years and two months. Francis Monroe was the eldest of six children by the third wife of his father. She resided at Mendon, N. Y., when her husband was serving in the war of I812, and for several years thereafter. There Francis was born Aug. 8, I8I3. When a lad he was indentured until he was twenty-one years of age, at which time he received the customary one hundred dollars and two suits of clothes. This important event occurred Aug. 8, I834, and on the I8th day of September of that year he was married to Miss Luana Hicks, of Bristol, N. Y. Her father had died, and from his estate she received one hundred dollars upon her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe then had a joint capital of two hundred dollars, and plans were soon matured for securing a home. They resolved to go to the then Territory of Michigan, and within a week Mr. Monroe started on a tour westward. After prospecting through Eastern Michigan, he located on the southwest quarter of section 28, now the town of Howell. Returning to Bristol he worked by the month some two years, and in the spring of I837, with his wife and two children, moved on to his land, and commenced the task of creating a home from the unbroken forest. With limited means and few neighbors, he was thrown upon his own resources to procure the necessaries of life. He worked out by the day. The first fall after his arrival he went twelve miles to dig potatoes (for one La Grange, in Unadilla), receiving in payment a bushel of potatoes for a day's work! Money was a thing almost unknown. To pay taxes and the twenty-five cents postage on a letter from the East, were grave questions to the pioneer. Wolves were plenty, and soon a bounty of seventeen dollars was offered for their scalps. This was most fortunate for Mr. Monroe, who gave them considerable attention; he took as many as three in a week, which rendered him material financial relief. The progress of the pioneer under these adverse circumstances was necessarily slow; but after the log house was built, the clearing was continued. Year by year improvements were made and other lands added; the small clearing expanded to broad and fertile fields, and the log house has long since given place to a large and commodious brick residence, with such surroundings as indicate the thrifty farmer. By his first wife he had ten children, viz.: Henry O., is a farmer in Wisconsin; F. N., is a hardware merchant in Howell; James M., is a farmer in Ingham County; Norton M., is living on the old homestead; George W., also on a farm in Ingham County; Mary L., married William Bezan, and died at Howell; Luana A. and Helen M., both died unmarried; William H., is a farmer in the town of Howell; Lucinda M., became the wife of B. B. Morgan, a portrait painter and inventor, and resides at Ann Arbor. The present Mrs. Monroe was a Mrs. Brininstoole, formerly of Batavia, N. Y. Mr. Monroe and both his wives were members of the Baptist Church of Howell. His first wife was one of the few who organized the church, and he is still a zealous worker in that organization. In 1871, Mr. Monroe left the farm in charge of his son, Norton M., and purchased a residence in the village of Howell, where he has since resided, enjoying a well-earned competency and the respect of all. I I VILLAGE OF HOWELL. I63 -I I_ THE IADIES' LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF HOWELL. In the winter of I874-75, the " spelling-school" mania, which was at that time at its height in many places in the State, reached Howell, and resulted in the formation of a " school," which became somewhat popular, and continued long enough to yield a small surplus revenue above expenses. After its close, it was determined to apply this fund-supplemented by contributionsto the establishment of this association, which was accordingly organized in May, 1875; the following-named ladies being its first officers: Mrs. Mylo L. Gay, President; Miss Ella Burt, Corresponding Secretary; Miss Millie Hickey, Recording Secretary; Mrs. H. G. Fry, Treasurer; Miss Frank Skilbeck, Librarian. Only 25 volumes were purchased at first, but the number has increased to 3i7 volumes. During the first year of its existence, the association had its rooms in the Sabin block, from which place they were removed to Weimeister block on Grand River Street, and remained there for about nine months, after which they were changed to their present location in Hubbell block. The rooms are opened from three to five o'clock P.M. on Saturdays. At the commencement, the association opened a reading-room in connection with the library, and this was maintained for about one year, after which it was discontinued on account of an apparent lack of interest on the part of those for whose benefit it was designed. The present (1879) officers of the association are Mrs. S. F. Hubbell, President; Mrs. Dennis Shields, First Vice-President; Mrs. Newton T. Kirk, Second Vice-President; Miss M. Burt, Secretary; Mrs. William McPherson, Corresponding Secretary; Miss Jane E. Neely, Treasurer; Miss Helen Williamson, Librarian; Mrs. M. J. McPherson, Assistant Librarian. THE PRESS OF HOWELL. The newspapers of Howell - The Livingston Democrat, by Joseph T. Titus & Son, and Livingston Republican, by L. C. Miller-will be found mentioned in the history of the Press of Livingston County. RELIGIOUS. THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN HOWELL. That the Methodist Church of Howell was the first religious organization effected in the village and township is shown by the best and most unquestionable authority upon the subject,-that of a person who took part in its formation, was one of its first officers, and who recollects better and more clearly than any other person now living the circumstances preceding and connected with that interesting event. This person is the Rev. Alvin L. Crittenden, from whose narrative an extract has been given in the preceding pages, telling how Deacon Israel Branch, with other settlers of several religious denominations, held the first (informal but devout) religious services at Livingston Centre, in the house of Amos Adams, late in the autumn of 1835. In reference to the establishment of worship here by members of the Methodist denomination and the organization of their church in Howell, Mr. Crittenden proceeds as follows: "In the month of April [1836] I learned there was Methodist preaching at Ore Creek, now Brighton. I left my home at Mr. Sage's, half a mile west of the village of Howell, and walked to Ore Creek and listened to Rev. Mr. Bibbins. He gave notice at the close of the services that Rev. Elijah Crane, then traveling Plymouth Circuit, would hold a two days' meeting there in four weeks. After service I walked back to my home; and at the time appointed I walked again to Brighton to attend the two days' meeting, where I first met and formed an acquaintance with Rev. Elijah Crane and Rev. John Cosart, a local preacher of the Methodist Episcopal Church. "While attending the meeting at Brighton, arrangements were made for Rev. Mr. Cosart to come to Howell and preach and form a Methodist class, and send a report to Rev. Elijah Crane, who would represent our wants at the ensuing Annual Conference, and if possilble secure for us regular preaching. By some mistake the notice was given one week too soon; we assembled, but no preacher came. A prayer-meeting was held, and at its close it was thought by the Methodists present that although we were disappointed in not having a preacher with us, we would not be disappointed in regard to having a class formed. Accordingly we organized ourselves into a business-meeting for that purpose, by electing Pardon Barnard chairman, and A. L. Crittenden secretary. Those who had letters from the Methodist Episcopal Church passed them in and they were read, and A. L. Crittenden was elected class-leader. Thus I had the honor to be the first official member of any religious organization ever formed in Howell. But a regular class-book could not be obtained; so I did the next best thing that could be done under the circumstances,-I took a sheet of paper and doubled it together, and recorded the names of the members thereon. Tile original book I still have in my possession, which I exhibited at the Pioneer meeting, in June last. " The next Sabbath Rev. John Cosart preached in Howell, which was the third sermon delivered in Howell, and the first by a Methodist minister. He acknowledged our proceedings to be right, sent on the report of our society as agreed upon, and in the fall of I836 Washington Jackson was sent to Livingston County as a missionary from the Ohio Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church; for at that time all of Eastern Michigan was embraced in the Ohio Conference. " The names as they appear upon the original class-book when the class was formed are: Alvin L. Crittenden, Pardon Barnard, Eliza Ann Barnard, Peter Brewer, Dorcas Brewer, Sylvester Rounds, Polly Rounds, Asahel Rounds, Mary Sage, and Nathaniel Johnson. "Soon after, and before a traveling preacher arrived, there were received by letter Clarissa Johnson, Asahel Dibble, Abigail Dibble, and Abigail Smith. No date appears on the book except 1836 until Washington Jackson arrived upon the mission; but I think the class was formed in June of that year. The first date upon the book is Sept. 5, 1836. It has been said that Pardon Barnard had been licensed as an exhorter in the State of New York before coming to Michigan, which I suppose is correct, al 164 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN..though his credentials were not presented to the Howell society. But on the 4th day of November, 1836, the society voted him and A. L. Crittenden license as exhorters in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and my license is dated as above, and signed by Washington Jackson, missionary. "The first quarterly meeting held in Howell was July 15 and i6, I837, by Rev. W\m. Horr, P. E., of Detroit District. Several changes were made in the membership of the society from time to time, and in the spring of 1837 the following names appear upon the book: A. L. Crittenden, Pardon Barnard, Eliza A. Barnard, Peter Brewer, Dorcas Brewer, Mary Sage, Nathaniel Johnson, Clarissa Johnson, Asahel Dibble, Abigail Dibble, Abigail C. Smith, Elizabeth Thompson, Maria Thompson, Amarilla Crane, S. II. Crane, Matthew West; and in January, 1838, there were received Mary Brewer, Jane Crittenden, Sarah Baldwin, Syrena H. Crane, Joseph Sexton, Janette Sexton, Gertrude Butler, David Dickerson, Lucy Dickerson, and Hannah Hubbard. "In 1840 I left Howell and moved to Hamburg, and Matthew West was appointed leader, which position he held until I842, when he resigned, and I, having moved back to Howell, was reappointed, which position I held until the fall of 1854. The names had been transcribed in a regular class-book before I went to Hamburg, and in another while Matthew West was leader; which book never came back into my hands. The book containing the names of the Howell class from July, 1842, to 1852 is still in my possession, the names having been transferred to another book, which was left in Howell when I commenced traveling in 1854." Since the year 1845 the church has been under charge of the following-named preachers during the years indicated, viz.: Thomas Wakelin, I846; - Stambaugh, I847-48; F. W. Warren, I849; E. W. Borden, I850; 0. D. White, I851-52; Sylvester Calkins, 1853-54; Eli Westlake, I854-55; George Taylor, 1856-57; -- Colby and Green, I858; Riley C. Crawford, 1859; E. R. Haskell, I860; L. H. Dean, 1861-62; A. R. Bartlett, 1863-64; Henry 0. Parker, 1865-67; James T. Davidson, i868; Thomas C. Gardner, I869; F. W. Warren, 1870-72; S. B. Kimmel, 1873-75; Jesse Kilpatrick, 1876-78; John M. Gordon, I879,-the present pastor. In the early years of its existence this church, in common with the other churches of Howell, held its services in the old frame school-house in the southwest part of the village, but occupied the court-house for that purpose for a few years after its completion in I847. The church edifice of the society was commenced in 1850, during the pastorate of the Rev. E. W. Borden, and was completed in the time of Rev. Eli Westlake, being dedicated in March, 1855. Its cost was about $1500. It was enlarged and improved at a cost of about $3500 during the pastorate of the Rev. S. B. Kimmel, and was rededicated March 7, I875. The edifice occupies an excellent and easily accessible site at the southeast corner of Walnut and Sibley Streets. The society owns a good parsonage at the corner of Brooks and Walnut Streets. The present membership of the society is about 260. Connected with this church is a flourishing Sabbath-school having an attendance of about 250, and a library of 500 volumes. The present superintendent is Henry P. Spencer. There are also under the charge and patronage of this church three other Sabbath-schools, viz., one at the Six Corners (West Howell), one in the " Howe neighborhood," and one at the " Barnard school-house." The total number of scholars of all ages connected with the four schools is 547, and the whole number of teachers having these in charge is 58. THE BAPTIST CHURCI OF HOWELL. This church antedates all the other church organizations in Howell, excepting the Methodist. It is also stated, by the Rev. Mr. Crittenden, that the first religious services in Howell, by any regular minister, were held here by the Rev. Jonathan Post, of this denomination. Referring to this matter, Mr. Crittenden says,"In the month of February, 1836, Rev. Mr. Post, a Baptist minister, of Allegany Co., N. Y., came to Howell and spent the Sabbath. -Ie preached the first sermon that was ever delivered here by a living minister. In March or April, Rev. Mr. Kanouse, a Presbyterian minister, spent the Sabbath in Iowell and preached at the residence of Moses Thompson; for.ly this time the meetings were held at various places, the people all being willing to open their doors for religious services." It is proper to say, however, that Mr. Edward F. Gay, who was also excellent authority, mentioned that the first minister who held services here was the Rev. Mr. Page, a Presbyterian, which will be found referred to in the history of that church. Both statements are given without any expression of opinion as to which is the correct one. It is, no doubt, a fact that both these ministers preached here within a few days of the same time. In the year 1838 several persons holding letters from Baptist churches in New York and the New England States, having settled in or near the village of Howell, felt it their duty to organize for the sustaining of religious worship, and accordingly a meeting called for the purpose of taking this matter into consideration was held in the village schoolhouse, on the 14th of April, in the year named. The record of this meeting shows the names of the following persons as present: Rev. Thomas Baker, Silas Dibble, Gardner Mason, Justin Durfee, Joseph A. Dibble, Sardis Davis, Sarah Field, Sarah Durfee, Lydia Austin, and Hannah Austin. These were in reality the original founders of the church, though their names do not all appear as constituent members. At this meeting, after uniting in devotional exercises, and a mutual ex change of views on the propriety of uniting together in the relation of church fellowship, a resolution was unanimously passed, by which they were formed VILLAGE OF HOWELL. I65 into a body to be subsequently recognized, according to the usage of the denomination, as a Regular Baptist Church. A committee was then appointed, consisting of Silas Dibble, Gardner Mason, and Justin Durfee, to present at a future meeting Articles of Faith and Practice, together with a Church Covenant. Rev. Thomas Baker was chairman and Justin Durfee clerk of this meeting. This was the first of the meetings held by what is now known as the First Baptist Church of Howell. From that date to the present regular meetings have been maintained. A meeting was held according to adjournment on the I2th of May following. The committee appointed at the previous meeting made their report, presenting Articles of Faith and a Church Covenant, which was adopted. These are substantially those adopted by all regular Baptist churches. The propriety of calling a council for recognition was discussed, and arrangements were made to this end, at this meeting. The time for the council was fixed on the 21st of June following. The subject of settling a pastor was brought up, and a committee was raised to secure the labors of Rev. Thomas Baker, then residing in Highland. Through this committee arrangements of a satisfactory character were made with him, by which he became the first pastor of this church. His time of service began with the first meeting held by the church. On June 21St the council, previously provided for and invited by action of the church, convened at the village school-house. It was organized by the choice of Rev. E. Weaver, Moderator, and A. N. Kemis, Clerk. The records of this council show a representation of four churches by delegates: Highland, E. Lee, J. Tenny; Hartland, Rev. A. Lamb; Walled Lake, Rev. E. Weaver, J. Coe, N. Daniels; Kensington, Rev. A. P. Mather, D. Seely, E. Cole, A. N. Kemis. Twelve persons presented letters, and requested recognition as a regular Baptist church. The names of these, as they appear on the records, are Silas Dibble, Aaron Sickles, Fanny Dibble, Hannah Austin, Joseph Dibble, Justin Durfee, Rachel Dibble, Lydia Austin, Daniel Case, Anna Dibble, Sarah Durfee, Luana Monroe. Their Articles of Faith having been examined by the council and approved, the usual services of recognition were held on the same day. The sermon was by Rev. E. Weaver, of Walled Lake, from Psalms xxvi. 8: "Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honor dwelleth." The address and hand of fellowship were given to the church by Rev. A. Lamb, of Hartland. Thus occurred the memo rable services by which this church took a position with the churches of the Baptist denomination. Of those who were engaged in the organization of this church, there are some whose memory will be gratefully cherished, whose names do not appear among those of the original members; but they will appear in the course of the first year's history of the church. The " Baptist Society of Howell" was legally organized Dec. 29, I838; the trustees then elected being 0. J. Field, O. F. Olds, Gardner Mason, George W. Kneeland, Daniel Case, O. J. Smith, Justin Durfee; and 0. J. Field was chosen clerk of the society. The labors of Rev. Thomas Baker were closed in December of that year, and Rev. Erick Mosher, then a licentiate, was called to the pastorate. His salary was $ oo a year, with the use of a residence. During the year there were added to the church, by letter, 1. The church was represented by delegates in the Michigan Association, held in the fall of that year at Walled Lake, and on application was received into that body. The first year closed with encouraging success. The membership were happily united under the pastoral labors of Rev. E. Mosher, who was requested by the church to receive ordination. For this purpose a council was called on the 9th of May in the following year. By this council the pastor of the church was set apart to the work of the ministry in the usual order of the denomination. Mr. Mosher continued in the work of the ministry, a faithful, judicious, and successful pastor, up to the time of his death, which occurred while he was pastor of the Baptist Church of Northville, Mich. At the close of the second year the records of the church show that six had been received by letter and three by baptism. The first person who was received into the church by baptism was Harriet M. Sickles, baptized April 14, 1839. Samuel Lyon was received by baptism at about the same time, and is believed by some to have been the first so received into the church. The total number at the close of the year was 32. The pastor's labors were continued with them at the unaninous request of the church. Up to the first of August no permanent action had been taken by the church respecting the election of deacons, the duties of that office being performed from time to time by persons specially chosen. At that time, however, the church having previously so determined, a choice of deacon was made by ballot. The first person appointed to that office was Townsend Drew. About this time many came to the church, asking admission by baptism. Rev. J. A. Keys as i66 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. sisted the pastor in continued meetings, which resuited in large additions to the church. Sixteen were received by baptism and three by letter, making the total membership at the close of the year 5. This year will be remembered as one of prosperity to the church, closing with harmony. and activity among the members. It was followed, however, by one of trials. Some became indifferent, and for the first time in its history the church was obliged to resort to disciplinary action. Church labor was taken up with several members. Some returned to their walk with the church, while with others the final result was exclusion, though not during that year. In the midst of this Rev. Erick Mosher resigned the pastoral care of the church and removed to another field of labor. The year closed leaving the church without a pastor and embarrassed by want of harmony among the members. The numerical changes were additions by letter, 7; the dismissions were by letter, 5; by death, 3; while the total membership was less by one than at the close of the previous year. In May, 1842, they called to the pastorate Rev. N. G. Chase, of Napoleon, Mich., who began his labors at once. The labors of this pastor were acceptable to the church. Several cases of difficulty were amicably adjusted; one was received into the fellowship of the church by baptism, and several by letter, while one was dismissed by letter, making the membership at the close of the year 57. The church continued to enjoy the labors of Rev. N. G. Chase, receiving aid for his support from the Baptist State Convention to the amount of $75. During I843 there were added to the church by letter, I; and dismissed by letter, 3; excluded, I; there being a loss of membership in the aggregate of 4. At this time the ordinary numbers at the covenant meetings were only from 6 to 8. In October, 1844, the pastor resigned, and closed his labors with the body. Rev. J. H. Rasco, of New York, was settled with the church in the following month. At the close of this year the total membership was the same as two years previous,-57. Two were excluded and 5 received by letter. During the year 1845, Revs. A. Lamb and Chapin held a meeting, which proved beneficial to the church. Difficulties were settled, and harmony was restored again. Six were received by baptism and 4 by letter. During the early part of the year 2 were excluded, and 4 dismissed by letter. The membership now only exceeded by one the number three years before. Up to this time, the society having no church edifice, the services of the church had been held in the old frame school-house of Howell village. The need of a meeting-house was severely felt, and the subject of building one had been earnestly discussed at a meeting held on the 7th of December, 1842, and on several occasions afterwards, but nothing had been done to accomplish the object. But now (in the spring of 1846) it had been determined to move actively in the matter, and the trustees of the society took steps towards the building of a house of worship, " 32 by 44 feet, with a gallery on one end, and a proportionate steeple," on the present site near the northwest corner of the court-house square. It was not, however, until five years later that it was occupied; and during this interval the society continued to hold its services in the school-house until the conipletion of the court-house, after which they were generally held in that building. In the fall of 1846 the "Wayne Association" held its annual meeting with this church. The meeting was one of interest to the members of that body, and to the members of the church. The records of the church show the additions of the year to be II, against 6 dismissals, making the total membership on the Ist of April, 1847, 6i. There was a meeting of the church called on the 26th of June, 1847, for the purpose of electing three deacons. The persons chosen to that office were George T. Sage, Justin Durfee, and Ephraim Fowler. Application was made to the Home Mission Society, from whom aid was received in support of the pastor to the amount of $50. This was granted in consideration of the effort the church was making to build a house of worship. In November, the pastor, J. 1. Rasco, offered his resignation to the church, which was accepted. By subsequent action of the church, his ministrations were continued until December, I848. There were 7 additions to the church during this period, making the total membership at the close of this pastorate 6I. The church was without a pastor one year and four months, during which the records show that meetings of the body were maintained with a good degree of faithfulness, and especially considering their destitution of a pastor. In May, 1850, Rev. A. P. Howell, of Highland, was engaged to labor as pastor. The church at this time numbered 64. During the following summer, meetings were held in the new house of worship, though as yet unfinished. The pastoral relation of Mr. Howell with the church closed in May, 1851, covering a period of one year, during which there were added to the body, by baptism and letter, 9; dismissed by letter, 8; died, 2; making the numberofmemb'ers63. Several were granted letters this year to unite with the church in Marion, which afterwards disbanded. VILLAGE OF HOWELL. There now occurs in the history of the church another period of nearly a year when there was no pastor. In April, 1852, the house of worship was completed and consecrated to divine worship. A sermon was preached by Rev. G. W. Harris, of Detroit. Rev. G. Bridge, who was present and participated in these services, was called to serve the church as pastor. He accepted, and entered upon his labors the following month. The church then numbered 61, a year having passed with no addition to its membership. No year had been like it in this respect. Under Mr. Bridge 12 by letter and 2 by baptism were received into the fellowship of the church in the first year of his labor. There was also a diminution of 4, making the total membership in May, 1853, 7. The year following the letter of the church to the Association reported I received by baptism, 9 by letter, against 6 diminutions. The whole number now was 85. The labors of Rev. G. Bridge closed in May, 1854, and he was succeeded by Rev. P. C. Dayfoot, who entered upon his work in May, I855. In October following the church reported to the Association a low state of religious interest; a year and a half had passed with an increase of 4 by letter. Again, in the fall of 1855, the total number was 76. The following year the labors of the pastor were divided between this church and Marion, the church in Howell only enjoying pastoral labor one-half of the time. There appears to have been embarrassment at this time from a debt still unprovided for. Vigorous efforts were made to liquidate this debt, which were but partially successful. The returns to the Association in the fall of 1856 were 70 members. In April, 1857, the church was again without a pastor, and an unsuccessful effort was made to engage the services of the Rev. L. Bath, of Grass Lake, Mich. In May following, the Rev. P. C. Dayfoot was again called to serv.e the church as pastor, laboring here three-fourths of the time. This engagement closed at the expiration of a year, when the church was again left destitute. After the Ist of May, 1858, the desk was supplied at different times by several clergymen, among whom were the Revs. Concklln, Lemon, and Tupper. In October of I859 the membership was reported at 97. In May, 1860, the Rev. A. M. Hunt was elected pastor. His labors being acceptable to the church, a council convened for his ordination, Sept. 20, I86o, when he was set apart for the ministry in the- usual form. He continued here for one year, and closed his labors May I, I86I. In this year the membership reported was 103. Immediately after the close of Mr. Hunt's pastorate, a call was extended to the Rev. John Booth, under whom the church prospered, and who'continued to labor here until March, I864. He is mentioned as a man "to be gratefully remembered by those who enjoyed his ministrations; sound and logical as a preacher, and unusually correct and faithful in all matters of disciplinary character." In the August following the close of Mr. Booth's pastorate the Rev. William Tilley was engaged as pastor of the church, and under him there was great unity and prosperity. He remained until August, I867, when he resigned the charge. During his pastorate the church received large accessions to its membership through the agency of a revival which occurred in the winter of i866; the result of a series of meetings held here by the Rev. J. Moxom. During this time, also, William C. Rumsey and William L. Knapp were elected to the office of deacon (March, 1866). The membership of the church reported in the fall of 1867 was I30. In January, I868, the Rev. J. S. Boyden was invited to settle with the church, and, accepting the call, entered on his work here on the 1st of March following. During that year the church edifice was thoroughly refitted in its interior at a cost of;475, and soon afterwards was repainted outside. But its days were numbered and nearly finished. About four years later it gave place to the present church, which was built on the same site at a cost of about $II,500, and completed, dedicated, and occupied as a house of worship in the year 1873. 'The pastorate of the Rev. J. S. Boyden was followed by that of the Rev. William Putnam, who was succeeded by the Rev. C. H. Remington, the present pastor. The present deacons of the church are James Turner and Cyrus Holt. The membership at the present time (August, I879) is about 200. Connected with the church is a Sabbathschool,-organized in I843,-having a present membership of I40 pupils, and a library of 400 volumes. John Black is the superintendent of the school, and F. W. Rumsey, librarian. THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HOWELL. The Presbyterian Church was, in point of time, the third religious organization formed in Howell; but the ministers of this denomination were among the earliest, if not the very first, regularly authorized preachers of the gospel who held religious worship in the village and township. Mr. Edward F. Gay, himself an original member of this church, named the Rev. William Page as the first minister who preached a sermon here, the services on that i68& HISTORY OF. LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. occasion being held at the house of James Sage; and that the next minister here was the Rev. Jonathan Post (Baptist), who preached at the house of Moses Thompson. The Rev. A. L. Crittenden, however, in his narrative of early meetings in Iowell makes Mr. Post the first minister who preached to a congregation here; this being in February, 1836. There is this to be said in favor of the latter statement, that at the time named, Mr. Crittenden was a resident of Howell, while Mr. Gay did not come here on his prospecting tour until some months later, and did not settle here until the spring of 1837. He may, therefore, have meant that Mr. Page was the first minister who preached here after his arrival; but, however this may have been, the question of priority is an immaterial one. Hon. Mylo L. Gay, son of Edward F. Gay, in a paper read on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the formation of the Presbyterian Church, gave his recollections of that event and of some religious meetings which had preceded it (he being but a boy at the time alluded to), as follows: "My first recollections of attending 'meeting' in the then new town date to a year and three months prior to the formation of this church. In the spring of 1837, I remember following along after my father in a winding path which led through the woods from the farm now known as the ' Reed farm,' down to the' Centre,' tlen winding northward by another path through,he woods to the Thompson log house on the bank of the pond, where meetings were held once in four weeks by Elder Post, who came on horseback,-I think from Plymouth. Also in a fortnight thereafter we followed another trail westward to the small log house of James Sage, situated on the identical spot where now stands the residence of William McPherson, Jr. There I think we occasionally listened to a Methodist preacher; and the particular impression here made upon my mind was the peculiar and quaint style of ' starting the tune' by old Mr. Sage, who, although himself a Universalist, consented to act in the capacity of chorister, and also to accommodate the neighbors with a place in which to hold meetings. Another impression was in regard to the peculiar bent position required to be maintained by the taller persons when standing, to prevent their heads coming in contact with the cross-beams above. "The x6th and 17th days of June, 1838, are still fresh in my memory, as they were memorable days in the history of the little hamlet then known as Livingston Centre. Those days fell on Saturday and Sunday, and the meetings were held in the loft of a one-and-a-half story building which my father had recently erected for a store. The floor of the room above was of rough boards, and the ceiling was nothing but the roof-boards and shingles, in close proximity to the heads of all adults; and the rough tamarack rafters, with their knotty projections, were a constant reminder that all should humble themselves in the business in which they were then about to engage." In the building thus described by Mr. Gay, the Presbyterian Church of Howell was formed by the Rev. Henry Root; the preliminary meeting being held on Saturday, the sixteenth, and the organization perfected on the 17th of June, 1838. Its organization was on the union plan (Presbyterian N. S. and Congregational), and the following-named persons comprised its original membership: David H. Austin, Josiah P. Jewett, Horace Griffith, Artemas Mahan, John T. Watson, George W. Jewett, Edward F. Gay, Price Morse, Andrew Riddle, William McPherson, Charles Clark, Lucretia Jewett, Catharine Griffith, Polly Ann Mahan, Hila Mahan, Julia Mahan, Sarah Mahan, Harriet L. Watson, Anise P. Jewett, Clarissa L. Gay, Elvira Morse, Elizabeth McPherson, Mrs. Moses Thompson, Matilda Clark, Mary Clark. The " rotary system" was adopted in the organization; there were to be chosen three ruling elders, who were also to be invested with the office of deacon. The persons first elected to this double office were George W. Jewett, for one year; John T. Watson, for two years; Edward F. Gay, for three years; and George W. Jewett was chosen clerk. The "Presbyterian Society of Howell" was formed by the requisite legal steps on the 7th of July next following the organization of the church. The first trustees of this society were Edward F. Gay and F. J. B. Crane, first class, for one year; Price Morse and Josiah P. Jewett, second class, for two years; Wellington A. Glover, third class, for three years. This organization of the society was filed in the county clerk's office, Dec. 5, 1838. The earliest meetings of this congregation for religious worship (after those in Mr. Gay's store building) were held in the village school-house. But in the year 1839, the church having become stronger by accessions to its membership, a small frame church building was commenced (and completed in I840), on a site which is described by the Hon. M. L. Gay as being "a little to the west of Mr. Hannah's wagonshops, opposite the school-house square, and fronting to the south, quite a distance off in the bushes." The site proved unsatisfactory, being very difficult of approach in wet and muddy weather, and on this account, the building was not long after removed to the old public square, near its southeast corner. Afterwards, on account of a debt contracted in repairing and remodeling it, it was subjected to a forced sale to the highest bidder, and was eventually removed from the square to the place on East Street where it is now in use as a blacksmith-shop. The interior construction and arrangement of this old church building is thus described by Mr. Gay: "At the right and left of the pulpit were two or three pews, the middle one elevated one step, and the back one still higher, and all at right angles with the body slips, the singers and other musicians claiming the side to the left of the preacher, and the young men in the habit of attending church appropriating the right al VILLAGE OF HOWELL. I69 most exclusively. It was from these elevated seats that a very commanding view of the congregation was to be obtained, it being also an exceedingly well-adapted position for the purpose of making a little vain display, were any so disposed. But whether from compulsion or choice, those seats were always well filled by the young men; and, no doubt, I am relating the experience of many of the gray-heads of to-day when I aver that it was from those conspicuous seats, when occupied by them in youth, that their partners for life were chosen. From the side appropriated to, and occupied by the singers and musicians, we were wont to hear and enjoy good, old-fashioned tunes, sweeter by far than many of modern days, though, perhaps, to the artistic ear, not rendered in the most faultless and scientific style, yet possessing a depth and power vhich neither time nor change have sufficed to efface from the memory." During the first year of its existence-that is, up to the I6th of June, I839-the church' had received accessions to its membership to the number of 17. On the 2ISt of September in that year it was resolved, by a vote of the church, "that, inasmuch as this church is now neither Presbyterian nor Congregational, we hereby become Presbyterian in due form." Thereupon the plan of organization was changed, the church adopted the Presbyterian form of government, and Edward F. Gay, Josiah P. Jewett, and Philester Jessup were elected as the first board of elders under the change of form. From the organization of the church, and through the fifteen months of its continuance on the union plan, its pulpit had been filled most acceptably by the Rev. Henry Root, and now, on the 25th of September, four days after its change in form, he was duly installed, by the usual ceremonies, as the first pastor of the Presbyterian Church. His ministration continued here until October, I842. He was an earnest Christian, a devoted and efficient laborer, a man of kindly and agreeable manner, and universally beloved. The following-named ministers have been his successors in the sacred office as pastors or stated supplies of this church, viz.: Rev. Sylvester Cochran, March, 1843, to March, 1844; Rev. Edward E. Gregory, March, 1844, to July, 1845; Rev. Henry Root,-a second term,-November, 1845, to July, 1847; Rev. H. H. Grannis, October, 1847, to April, 185o; Rev. L. Mills, October, I85o, to October, 1853; Rev. Robert McBride, October, 1853, to September, I860; Rev. J. A. Griffes, September, 1861, to October, 1863; Rev. J. Ford Sutton, February, 1864, to July, I865; Rev. Joel Kennedy, March, 1866, to August, 1867; Rev. Gustavus L. Foster, December, 1867, to December, I872; Rev. George M. Clark, May, 1873, to July, 1874; Rev. Franklin A. Spencer, March to June, I875,-a temporary supply. Rev. James Lewis, the present pastor of the church, began his labors July ii, 1875, and was installed in October of the same year. 22 During the pastorate of Rev. Sylvester Cochran -July 29, 1843-it was "Resolved, That the First Presbyterian Church of Howell be hereafter known and designated as the Congregational Church of Howell, and that this, the said church, be governed by the rules and regulations usually adopted in Congregational Churches." But on the 27th of October, 1845, nearly simultaneously with the commencement of the second pastorate of the Rev. Henry Root, the church again became Presbyterian. From that time it has been in the Presbyterian connection, but had only elders-elect, each chosen for the term of three years, until Sept. 26, 1875, when the elders were duly ordained and installed. William McPherson, however, was ordained in October, 1842, when first chosen elder. The oldest of the ministers now living, who have been pastors of this church, is the Rev. Edward E. Gregory, who resides in Howell village, takes a lively interest in the welfare of the church, and still fills the pulpit most acceptably when occasion requires. Of the clergymen mentioned in the above list as having served this church at various times, the only one who died during the term of his pastorate here was the Rev. Robert McBride, who passed away in the prime of manhood. His death occurred on the 5th of September, I860, at Sparta, Wis., to which place he had gone a short time before on a visit to his parents, and in the hope of improving his declining health. A few days after his death the Sparta Herald-of which his father was editor and publisher-contained the following brief history of his life, and of the scenes and events attending his dissolution. It is reproduced here, because it cannot fail to be read with interest by many who well remember his ministration and his virtues. " Our dearly beloved son had spent but eight years in the ministry-after graduating in theology at Oberlin, Ohio, in i853 -before his mission on earth was cut short by an apparently untimely death, but even this brief period was truly and earnestly devoted to the service of his Divine Master. " Consecrated in early infancy to the service of the Saviour by a devoted, pious mother, who led the way to Christ in death, as she had ever faithfully in life, at great personal sacrifices and privations to both his parents he was early placed in a position to fit him for the work. He pursued his studies for ten years with unusual assiduity, and became a ripe scholar when his term of instruction closed. At the age of sixteen he surrendered his heart to God, during a season of revival in the institution with which he was connected, and from that time on was a true follower of Christ. In 1854 he connected himself in marriage with Miss Abbie Comstock, of Adriah, Mich., who was eminently fitted, in every respect, to aid him in the important work upon which he had entered. " His first year was occupied in the Presbyterian Church at Parma, and the seven subsequent years in the Presbyterian Church at Howell, Mich., where he labored as their pastor to the general I70 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. acceptance to his people and with good success in winning souls to Christ. About three months ago he was attacked with a severe hemorrhage, then supposed to proceed from his throat, which entirely prostrated his energies, and he was compelled to relinquish his labors in the desk. Iis vascular system from early youth being of a feeble, relaxed character,-though enjoying good health generally otherwise,-he became subject to frequent slight hemorrhages, from close application as a student, but not of a serious nature until recently. A journey and rest was recommended, and with his wife and child, he came to Wisconsin about three weeks ago. For the first week of his arrival he appeared to recover rapidly, and confidently expected to return in a few weeks and resume his labors at Howell; but God in his providence had arranged it otherwise, and summoned him to a higher sphere. " The call was sudden and unexpected to himself, as well as to all his sorrow-stricken relatives and friends, but it found him with his lamp trimmed and burning. No serious result was apprehended from a slight fever which affected him for a week or two bly his physician or family, until but a few hours previous to his death. When informed of his condition and that he had but a few hours to live at the most, and might not but for a very few minutes,-his pulse had ceased entirely and extremities becoming cold,-he received it calmly, and at once committed his soul to God. The distress and anguish of his wife and child impressed him strongly with deep emotions for a few minutes, but he soon resumed his composure and endeavored to soothe and administer comfort and consolation to the dear ones he loved with so much tender affection. The Saviour graciously placed underneath him his arms of mercy, sustaining and supporting him in a remarkable manner throughout, so that he was enabled to converse frequently and freely with his afflicted wife and relatives; while in the intervals he appeared to hold close communion with his God. But once he spoke of his great disappointment in being thus early cut off from the sacred mission he had so much at heart, of laboring for souls, but expressed a cheerful submission to the will of his heavenly Father in this, as in all things else. "During a private conversation I had with him for a few minutes, about three hours before his death, I asked him if he had any fear of death, now apparently so nigh, or doubts on his mind of his acceptance with God. He at once replied, ' I cannot say that I have any timid fears of death, but I feel that it is an awful realization to be thus suddenly hurried into the presence of my final Judge. I know that I have fallen far short of my duty to God and his service on earth, but I feel great assurance that I have a precious Saviour who will plead for me, and while I entertain a well-grounded hope of an acceptance with God, I trust that I shall have a clearer manifestation of that acceptance before my departure.' About one o'clock P.M., his extreme exhaustion and short, quick breathing admonished him that his end was nigh. Having affectionately embraced his wife and child, requesting her to remain as calm and quiet as possible, he closed his eyes and lay apparently in deep communion. In a few minutes his yet clear eyes opened wide, and shone with peculiar lustre as le earnestly gazed out, as if seeing or hearing something in the far-off distance; softly but distinctly he said,' I hear the waters roll.' In a few minutes after he again said, ' I see the bright river.' A placid, sweet smile for an instant curved over his lips, his eyes gently closed, two or three scarcely perceptible breaths escaped,-he was asleep in Christ the Saviour." The death of Mr. McBride was sincerely mourned by his church, and by the entire community of Howell, as that of an able preacher, a devoted pastor, and an excellent, influential, and Christian citizen. The accessions to the membership of the Presbyterian Churh of 0Howell are given below, During the first year-ending June i6, 1839 -there were added to the original membership Philester Jessup and wife, Mrs. Butler, Catharine Butler, Sarah Walker, Mary Jessup, Adam Rorabacher, Eunice Curtis, Nancy Waterman, Samuel W. Glover, John Russell, Nancy Rorabacher, Angeline Brown, Elizabeth Gay, Caleb Curtis, Mary Curtis, Samuel Hubbard. In the year ending June 16, 1840: Mrs. Lovina Root, Lydia Ann Sexton, Eleanor Waterman, William Austin, Harriet Fisk, John R. Neely, Elijah Coffren, Salmon Davis, Ruth Davis, Francis Morse, Nancy M. Austin. Year ending June, 1841: Giles Tucker, Rhoda Scofield, Henry D. Benjamin, Mrs. H. D. Benjamin, Diantha Armstrong, Sylvester Sexton, Mary A. Skilbeck, Benjamin Curtis, Elizabeth Waterman, John G. Mason, William Spafford, Mrs. Fanny Kneeland, Esther Willard, Mrs. William Spafford. Year ending June, I842: Zebulon M. Drew, Lucy H. Drew, Wellington A. Glover, Michael S. Brennan, Mylo L. Gay, Allen Stearns, Luther M. Glover, William Sexton, S. Newhall Mahan, Philip Carlton, Mary Carlton, Sarah Moore, Louisa Jessup, John D. Pinckney, James Haddan, Thomas Carlton, Andrew L. Hill, Hannah C. Hill, Jane Stilson, Martha Stilson, Miriam B. Stilson, Elijah M. Hutchinson, Cyrena Hutchinson, Benjamin W. Hutchinson, David Durfee, Josiah Turner, Evaline Turner, Elvira Stilson, Matilda Stilson, Philander Glover, Ruhamah Glover, Mary Jane Glover, Sarah Kneeland, Mabel A. Glover, Sally Ann Darwin. Year ending June, 1843: James Yates and wife, George Lawrence, Joseph B. Skilbeck, Mary Watson. Year ending June, 1844: Margaret Yates, Betsey Bliss. Year ending June, I845: Mrs. Jane Gregory. Year ending June, 1846: Samuel M. Yerkes and wife, Julia Jessup, George McDowell and wife. Year ending June, 1847: None. Year ending June, I848: Mary Cook, Joseph Stafford, Sally Stafford, Polly Stafford, Lucinda Stafford, Mrs. Van Keuren, William Winton, Thomas R. Spence, John S. Dixon, Phebe Dixon. Year ending June, I849: Sally Ann Wilber, Electa Grannis, Huldah Huntley, Emma Spence. Year ending June, 1850: James S. Foster, Augusta Foster, Jacob M. Eager, Emily Eager, Salmon Adams, Mrs. Salmon Adams, Jacob D. Gale, Mrs. Sarah Gale, Mary Gale, David Blackman, Asenath Blackman, Albert Pixley, H. N. Pixley, H. S. Sparks, Eliza Sparks. Year ending June, 1851: Mrs. Eliza Mills, Albert Mills, Lucius F. Mills, Mary E. Mills, Polly VILLAGE OF HOWELL. 171 Hildebrant, Benjamin F. Scofield, Celestia Scofield, Julia C. Scofield, Sarah Ann Scofield, Edefy Scofield, Sarah L. Jewett, Elizabeth McPherson, Jane Rose, Mary V. Jewett, Mary Ann Carl, Rufus W. Scofield, Morris Thompson, Julia Ann Peebles, Lauren K. Hewett, James Mulloy, Dr. Harrington, Hannah H. Mulloy, Sarah Harrington, Silas Beardsley, Theda Beardsley, Julia Brown, Isabel McPherson, Mary Louisa Huntley, Delia S. Huntley, Antoinette Blackman, Helen A. Blackman, Martha H. Balch, Minerva Stafford, Mary E. Skilbeck, Caroline A. Whipple, Joseph H. Steel, Irene Hewett, Samuel Hunt, Royal P. Melendy, Cordelia Melendy. Year ending June, 1852: Philo L. Reed and wife, Olive Hicks, Lyman Melondy, Levi Hicks. Year ending June, I853: Charles P. Holmes, Eliza Holmes, Miranda L. Wadhams, James Hall, Sally Hall, Jared Huntington, Candace Huntington. Three years ending June, I856: If there were any accessions to the membership during these years, they have not been found. Yeaf ending June, 1857: Mrs. Abbie McBride, Mrs. Eliza Sullivan, H. H. Mills. Year ending June, 1858: Dr. H. J. Rumsey and wife, James Smith and wife, William Huntington, Sarah L. Axtell, Ann Eliza Gilbert, Francis A. Skilbeck, Anna M. Sullivan, Lucretia Scofield, Sarah E. Wells, Louisa Merrells, W. K. Sexton, Z. F. Crossman, Ellen A. Jewett, Eliza J. Jewett, Margaret Frisbee, Louisa Mulloy, Laura A. Reed, Maria S. Lawson, Andrew D. Waddell, Hudson B. Blackman, Alexander McPherson, George Wakefield, Alvaro J. W. Thompson, Mary Jane McDowell, Prudence E. McDowell, Lucia Turner, Martha J. Glover, Mary L. McPherson, B. Howard Lawson, Dr. R. C. Hutton, Martha A. Hutton, Dr. Wm. L. Wells, Julia M. Wells, Rachel Blanck, Francis N. Munroe, Julia Gilbert, Sarah McFall, Sarah Wakefield, Hannah Telling, Edward C. McPherson, Herman W. Merrells, Henry B. Curtis, Sarah A. Curtis, Mary Mulloy, Francis E. Reed, Perley D. Skilbeck. Year ending June, I859: Mrs. Emeline Bunnell, Hannah Monroe, Ellen Phillips, Mrs. Sarah Briggs, Henry Baker, Mrs. Cordelia Glover. The accessions to the church during the last twenty years have been too numerous to be conveniently given. The present number of its members is 275. The present (1879) elders of the church are William McPherson, S. M. Yerkes, F. N. Monroe, P. L. Reed, R. P. Melendy, Theodore Welcker, and J. M. Eager. The Sabbath-school connected with the church is organized into 26 classes, and has a very large attendance. Its present officers are: Superintend ent, M. J. McPherson; Assistant Superintendent, H. H. Mills; Secretary, Birt. F. Parsons; Librarian, Ernest D. Hutton; Assistant Librarian, Samuel F. Crosman; Treasurer, Alexander McPherson; Collector, E. Huntley. The church edifice which is the present house of worship of this church was built during the pastorate of the Rev. Robert McBride, having been completed and dedicated in the autumn of 1855. It is a good and commodious brick structure, standing on a site located in the southeast angle of Sibley and McCarthy Streets. The society owns a good parsonage, located on Lake Street, built in the year 1868. THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF HOWELL. This church, which maintained an existence for a number of years in Howell, grew out of the secession of several members from the Presbyterian Church in the spring of I849. These members, with several other persons, having this matter in contemplation, asked advice on the subject of the General Association of Congregational Churches, at Ann Arbor, and received the reply that it was the privilege of the memorialists to invite a council, by letters missive to neighboring churclies, to convene at Howell, examine the case, and give the advice asked. This course was accordingly pursued; the council convened here, and, after deliberation, announced the decision that "it is their privilege and their duty to proceed to organize a Congregational Church at Howell." Acting on this advice, a church organization was formed immediately afterwards, the Rev. Mr. Lockwood, of Dexter, assisting. The original members of the church were the following-named persons: Charles Clark, Mrs. Maria Clark, ZebuIon M. Drew, Lucy Drew, Edward F. Gay, Mrs. Clarissa L. Gay, Benjamin W. Cardell and wife. The Rev. Norman Ackley became their pastor on the I8th of June, 1849, and at the first communion thirteen members were added to the original eight. Mr. Ackley continued with the church for a year and a half, and during this time its membership was increased to fifty-two, twenty-one of whom had been members of the Presbyterian Church. But about the end of the time named, their minister was charged with improper and unministerial conduct; an investigation followed; the charges being sustained, "he was silenced," and his labors with this church were abruptly ended. This had a very disheartening effect, and a number of members withdrew, but soon afterwards the services of the Rev. Enos Rice were engaged, and he remained with them for two years, during which time several new members connected themselves 172 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. with the church, but about an equal number were removed by death. While Mr. Ackley had filled the desk, the church had received the sum of $ioo per year from the Missionary Association of New York, and this sum was increased to $I50 in the first year of Mr. Rice's ministry. For several years after its organization, the church owned no place of worship, and generally held their worship in the court-house. But having purchased a lot at the northeast corner of Main and North Streets, where Mr. E. C. Wright now lives, they commenced to build a church edifice on this in the fall of 1852. The building was of brick, thirty-two by fifty feet in dimensions. The walls were erected before the cold weather set in, but the structure remained unfinished through the winter, and in consequence of this, the work which had been done was somewhat damaged. After a long delay, however, caused by this and some other drawbacks, it was completed and occupied, and served not only the Congregational, but also the Episcopal society, as a place of worship. It was regarded as a good church building, and was surmounted by a tower, in which was placed the first church bell in the village of Howell. After Mr. Rice closed his labors with this church it was without a pastor or regular preaching for about ten years, though during this time services were held occasionally, at irregular intervals, as preachers could be obtained. Among these preachers was the Rev. D. S. Eaton, who served the church longer than any other one during the period named. Below are given the names of members (additional to the original ones) who had joined the church at various periods from the time of its organization to July, 1858, viz.: John R. Neely, Catharine Neely, Caleb Curtis, Mrs. Curtis, Benjamin C. Curtis, Mary Curtis, John Russell, Clarissa Kellogg, Levi Hoyt, Mrs. Hoyt, Mrs. William Sexton, William Telling, Mrs. Telling, David Sprague, Mrs. Sprague, S. D. Pinckney, Mrs. Juliana Ackley, Jesse Davis, Mrs. Catharine Davis, Mrs. Laura Barber, Benjamin F. Scofield, Mrs. C. Scofield, Julia C. Scofield, Hiram Kimball, Mrs. Jane Kimball, William Spafford, Mrs. Spafford, Allen Stearns, Hiram Kellogg, Mrs. Jane Kellogg, Henry Kellogg, Levi Clark, Mrs. Irena Clark, Amelia Spaulding, Edwin Steadman, Eliza A. Steadman, Mrs. Tucker, Philester Jessup, Mrs. Jessup, Mary Jessup, Julia Jessup, Elizabeth Gay, Mr. Tighe, Mrs. Tighe, Mrs. Lawson, Margaret Lawson, Mrs. Drew, Mrs. Henry, James Brott, and Louisa Brott. On the 25th of March, I86I, the Rev. Josiah S. Burt, from the Chicago Theological Seminary, commenced supplying the pulpit for one-half the time, his salary to be raised by subscription. It appears to have been expected that the churches in Pinckney and Oceola would employ the other half of his time, and furnish the remainder of his support; but if such had been the understanding, it was not carried out by those churches, and Mr. Burt was compelled for lack of support to leave at the end of about six months. The Rev. J. J. Gridley, previously a Methodist preacher, but who had withdrawn from that denomination and commenced preaching as a stated supply for the church at Pinckney, became also acting pastor of the Congregational Church at Howell on the 1st of September, 1862, serving both churches, but the precise duration of his ministry here has not been ascertained. In December of that year, Mr. Gridley filled the desk, Charles Clark was deacon, Edward F. Gay, clerk; and besides these there were eleven other resident members of the church, making a total membership of thirteen, but there came a further accession of two members on the first of the following March, viz., Abram Brott and wife. These were the last persons mentioned in the clerk's record as having joined the church, and the record itself ends not long after, the last entry in it being dated April 20, 1865, at which time Benjamin W. Cardell was appointed delegate to the Association, which was to meet at Dexter on the 26th of the same month. After this the existence of the church was not long. The date of the last meeting for services cannot be given, but the organization disintegrated and died, and the church building, having been sold at auction, was demolished in I872, and the building material taken from it was used in the construction of the present Baptist church. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH OF THE TOWN OF HOWELL. This church, of the Protestant Episcopal denomination, was organized on the I2th of December, 1857, at a meeting held at the Congregational church in Howell village; at which meeting there were present the Rev. Henry Banwell (presiding), Abel F. Butterfield, Joseph T. Titus, H. C. Briggs, George Greenaway, George R. Hoyt, William A. Clark, and M. Labouter. The following persons were by a unanimous vote elected vestrymen: Levi D. Smith, George Greenaway, Abel F. Butterfield, Ezra N. Fairchild, H. C. Briggs, George R. Hoyt, William A. Clark. The vestry then elected E. N. Fairchild senior, and William A. Clark, junior warden, and A. F. Butterfield, secretary. The same officers held in 1858, and Henry C. Briggs was appointed treasurer. VILLAGE OF HOWELL. 173 On the 3oth of December, next following the organization of All Saints' Church, the Ladies' Mite Society of that church held a festival at Union Hall in Howell; the object being to apply the proceeds for church purposes. The officers of the society signing the call and invitation were Mrs. John Hope, President; Mrs. William L. Wells, Vice-President; Mrs. George Wilber, Treasurer; and the following-named ladies and gentlemen formed the committee of arrangements: Mr. and Mrs. Mylo L. Gay, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Titus, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Bunnell, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Harmon, Misses Emily Rosenberry, Emma Hickey, Jenny Ranney, Julia Smith, Sophia Fonda, Fanny Fonda, Mary Huntley, Sarah Butterfield, Emily Wheeler, Jannette Peebles, Ann E. Gilbert, Emily Wells, Sophia Pond, Jenny Spooner, Angeline Adams, Mrs. Richard P. Bush, Mrs. William A. Buckland, Mrs. Maria Smith, Messrs. Ira P. Bingham, Harmon Smith, Frederick Galloway, Z. F. Crosman, Edward Morris, Dr. McHench, Andrew D. Waddell, William McPherson, Jr., Burr R. Smith, L. Curtis, Benjamin T. O. Clark, Alexander McPherson, Frank Wells, George Clark, John Clark, Spaulding M. Case, Edward Gregory, Elbert C. Bush. The amount realized from this source was not large, but was a very material addition to the funds of the church at that time. On the 28th of January, 1858, it was voted that the religious services of the church be held in the court-house in Howell; and on the I7th of April following, the sum of $150 per annum, payable quarterly, was voted to the Rev. Henry Banwell, the officiating minister. In April, I859, Henry C. Briggs and W. A. Clark were elected delegates to represent All Saints' Church at the Annual Diocesan Convention at Detroit. At that time the Rev. William King was rector of the church in Howell, having succeeded the Rev. Mr. Banwell in that office. Mr. King was succeeded in the following year by the Rev. George 0. Bachman. In April, 1860, the following-named gentlemen were elected officers of the church: Vestrymen, Ezra N. Fairchild, George Greenaway, Mylo L. Gay, George R. Hoyt, Levi D. Smith, Henry C. Briggs, and William A. Clark; Treasurer, Henry C. Briggs; Secretary, Levi D. Smith; Senior Warden, William A. Clark; Junior Warden, George Greenaway. A vote was passed in April, I86r, to the effect that the church was " well pleased with the labors of the Rev. George 0. Bachman; that his talents and Christian deportment eminently fit him for the building up of the church at Howell, as well as for great usefulness in this field." At the same time a salary of $200 from this church was voted to Mr. Bachman, and a little more than that amount was raised immediately by subscription. In 1863 Mr. Bachman was still here, and the church voted to pay him $250. In April, 1864, a committee was appointed to procure the Congregational meeting-house in Howell as a place of worship, and afterwards the services of the Episcopal Church were generally held in that building, as they never had an edifice of their own. The Rev. G. O. Bachman's "resignation as pastor of this church" was accepted on the I7th of April, 1865, and he was succeeded by the Rev. Albert C. Lewis, who became rector in I866, and continued in that office during the remainder of the church's existence. At the annual meeting, held on Monday, April 13, 1868, it was resolved "to elect no vestry of said church, as articles of agreement are about being entered into for the organization of a new church, to be called St. John's Church of Howell." On the following day the organization of St. John's Church was effected,-the articles being signed by Mylo L. Gay, Joseph T. Titus, Mark J. Staley, L. D. Smith, Silas Beardsley, and "Albert C. Lewis, pastor." These articles were filed in the clerk's office April 15, i868. The first meeting of St. John's Church was held at the residence of Rev. Mr. Lewis, June I, 1868, when Ezra N. Fairchild, Mylo L. Gay, M. W. Barker, L. D. Smith, Joseph T. Titus, Mark J. Staley, and Silas Beardsley were elected vestrymen. The vestry then elected the following officers: Senior Warden, E. N. Fairchild; Junior Warden, Mylo L. Gay; Treasurer, Joseph T. Titus; Secretary, Mylo L. Gay; and E. N. Fairchild and M. W. Barker were elected lay delegates to the Diocesan Convention to be held at St. John's Church in Kalamazoo. This is the last entry on the records of All Saints' and St. John's Churches of Howell, and soon afterwards the Episcopal Church ceased to exist as an organization in this village, its dissolution being hastened by the removal of some of its most active and influential members. Recently (in the latter part of i878), the Board of Missions of the Eastern Diocese of Michigan sent the Rev. R. H. Dennis to Howell, and by him Episcopal services were held in the court-house, with considerable regularity, until about the first of September, I879, when they were discontinued. THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH AT HOWELL. Catholic worship has been held at Howell for many years. Probably the first priest who came 174 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. here was Rev. Father Kelly, who was located at Northfield, and later at Green Oak and Genoa. His first coming into this part of Livingston County is thought to have been as early as 1836 or '37. Other priests followed, and occasional services have been held here in private houses until the present time. Now, however, they are held regularly by the Rev. J. G. Dougherty, who is in charge of the Brighton parish, of which this is a station. The erection of a church was commenced here in August, 1878, and it is now completed externally, though not yet ready for occupancy. Its location is on the south side of Grand River Street, in the eastern part of the village. It is a commodious building of brick with slated roof, and is 40 by 70 feet in dimensions. Its cost when finished will be about $6ooo. CEMETERIES. The first burial-ground in Howell was situated upon the shore of Thompson Lake, near its southern extremity, on section 36, a short distance in a northerly direction from the house in which John D. Pinckney settled in 1834. The land for the purpose was given by Alexander Fraser, Mr. Pinckney, and Moses Thompson. The first person buried in this ground was Miss Davis, a sister of Mrs. Jonathan Austin, but the date of this burial has not been found. A considerable number of other burials were made there subsequently, but nearly all of them have since been removed to the newer grounds. A few remain, but there is nothing to mark the places of their interment. THE OLD CEMETERY. The ground known as the Old Cemetery, located one square directly east from the northeast corner of the court-house square, and at the eastern and northern termini respectively, of North and Bernard Streets, was purchased from Edward Thompson, and laid out as a cemetery in 1840. The first interment in this ground was that of Henry Wheeler (son of Dr. Gardner Wheeler), who died January I6, I841, aged nineteen years. Most of the remains fiom the old graveyard on the lake-shore were removed here, and this continued to be used by the people of the village (and by many in the township) as their burialplace for more than a quarter of a century, until the opening of the new cemetery, on the west shore of Thompson Lake. Since that time, most of the remains have been disinterred and removed to the new inclosure. The old cemetery is now in disuse, and being wholly neglected, has become covered by a thick and tangled copse, which almost entirely hides from view the few memorial stones which still remain there. OAK GROVE CEMETERY. The Oak Grove Cemetery embraces fifteen and forty-four one-hundredths acres of land, which was conveyed by Albert D. Thompson, John H. Galloway, William and Alexander McPherson, William McPherson, Jr., and N. J. Hickey to the Howell Board of Health, April 17, 1867, for the purpose to which it has been devoted. It is situated in the northeastern part of the village corporation, at the east end of Thompson Street, which leads to its main entrance. The ground lies nearly in the form of a triangle, being bounded on its northern, northeastern, and southeastern sides by the sheet of water known as Thompson Lake. Its south and west boundaries are straight lines, meeting in a right angle at the southwest corner. The spot is beautiful by nature, having a rolling surface, well elevated above the waters of the lake, and covered (not too thickly) with forest-trees, among which the oak predominates, as is indicated by the name given to it. On the plan usually adopted in modern cemeteries, this ground is laid out in walks and avenues, and has been considerably beautified by art. Many of the remains originally interred in the old burial-grounds have been removed to this, and upon its tablets are borne the names of many of the pioneers and early settlers of Howell. INCORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE-HOWELL CIVIL LIST. Howell was made an incorporated village by an act of the Legislature of Michigan (approved March 14, I863), which provided "that all that tract of country situate in the township of Howell, in the county of Livingston, in the State of Michigan, which is known and described as follows, to wit: section 35, section 36, the south half of section 25, and the south half of section 26, in township No. 3, north of range No. 4 east, be, and the same is hereby made and constituted, a town corporate, by the name, style, and title of the village of Howell;" the officers of which were specified by the act to be a president, recorder, treasurer, assessor, and five trustees, to be elected annually on the first Monday in May. Under the provisions of this act the first charter election was held on the 4th of May, 1863. Following is a list of the village officers then and there elected, as also of those elected in each succeeding year down to the present, viz.: I863.-President, Sardis F. Hubbell; Recorder, Andrew D. Waddell; Treasurer, Asa Van Kleeck; Assessor, John H. Galloway; Trustees, Marcus B. Wilcox, William R. Melvin, William McPherson, Jr., John Hoyt, Philo Curtis. I864.-President, Joseph M. Gilbert; Recorder, Mylo L. Gay; Treasurer, Frederick J. Lee; Assessor, John Ii. Gallo VILLAGE OF HOWELL. I75 way; Trustees, John Cummi.key, Nathan J. Hickey, George L, Clark, Luther M. Glover, V. R. T. Angel. I865.-President, Sardis F. Hubbell; Recorder, Mylo L. Gay; Treasurer, Frederick J. Lee; Assessor, John H. Galloway; Trustees, James Bowers, William R. Melvin, George L. Clark, William E. Huntley, Marcus B. Wilcox. i866.-President, Mylo L. Gay; Recorder, Janes Bowers; Treasurer, William R. Melvin; Assessor, Isaac W. Bush; Trustees, George Taylor, John Jones, William E. Huntley, Frederick J. Lee, Sardis F. Hubbell. i867.-President, Sardis F. Hubbell; Recorder, Joseph T. Titus; Treasurer, William R. Griffith; Assessor, Oren H. Winegar; Trustees, Andrew D. Waddell, William R. Melvin, Leander C. Smith, William E. Huntley, Geo. L. Clark. x868.-President, Andrew D. Waddell; Recorder, Mylo L. Gay; Treasurer, Royal H. Rumsey; Assessor, Oren H. Winegar; Trustees, Leander C. Smith, William E. IHuntley, George L. Clark, Alexander McPherson, Henry H. IHarmon. I869.-President, Mylo L. Gay; Recorder, Joseph T. Titus; Treasurer, Royal I-. Rumsey; Assessor, Oren H. Winegar; Trustees, William E. liuntley, Edward McGunn, Sylvester Andrews, Henry P. Wheeler, Levi D. Smith. I870. —President, Henry H. Mills; Recorder, Dennis Shields; Treasurer and Marshal, H-. C. Briggs; Assessor, William B. Curtis; Trustees, Albert Riddle, William C. Rumsey, Francis N. Monroe, Calvin Wilcox, Andrew D. Waddell. 187I.-President, Sardis F. Hubbell; Recorder, Andrew D. Waddell; Treasurer and Marshal, Leonard N. Fishbeck; Assessor, William B. Smith; Trustees, Neil O'Hearn, George II. Cooper, Floyd S. Wykoff, Charles G. Jewett, George Greenaway. I872.-President, Sardis F. Hublell; Recorder, Andrew D. Waddell; Treasurer and Marshal, Henry A. Whipple; As. sessor, Calvin Wilcox; Trustees, John W. Wright, George L. Sage, Robert C. Hutton, John M. White, John Jones. 1873.-President, Neil O'Hearn; Recorder, Edward B. Gregory; Treasurer and Marshal, Hiram Hopper; Assessor, Harry J. Haven; Trustees, Francis N. Monroe, Asa Van Kleeck, William Beattie, Sylvester Andrews, Elbert A. Young. I874.-President, Francis N. Monroe; Recorder, Royal II. Rumsey; Treasurer and Marshal, William Barnard; Assessor, Benjamin Ii. Rulert; Trustees, William W. inton, James A. Preston, William E. Watson, E. B. Gregory, George Bush. 1875.-President, Horace Halbert; Recorder, E. P. Gregory; Treasurer and Marshal, William T. Barnard; Assessor, F. G. Hickey; Trustees, John M. White, Roswell Mott, William B. Jewett, Frederick B. Brown, Erastus Watrous. 1876.-President, Harry J. Haven; Recorder, Rollin H. Person; Treasurer and Marshal, record obscure; Assessor, Albert Riddle; Trustees, Asa Van Kleeck, Robert A. Chambers, William L. Knapp, John W. Wright, Neil O' Hearn. I877.-President, Asa Van Kleeck; Recorder, Rollin H. Person; Treasurer and Marshal, Arthur F. Field; Assessor, W. B. Smith; Trustees, R. H. Rumsey, L. N. Fishbeck, Stephen S. More, R. A. Chambers, J. W. Wright. 1878.-President, Neil O'Hearn; Recorder, Royal H. Rumsey; Treasurer and Marshal, Thomas Clark; Assessor, William B. Smith; Trustees, William H. Gilks, Leonard N. Fishlbeck, Harry J. Haven, Frank Kelly, George H. Warren. 1879.-President, John II. Galloway; Recorder, Royal H. Rumsey; Treasurer and Marshal, Thomas Clark; Assessor, Benjamin I-. Rubert; Trustees, Asa Van Kleeck, Mylo L. Gay, William B. Smith, Francis N. Monroe, Leander C. Smith. FIRES IN HOWELL-FIRE DEPARTMENT. For more than twenty years after the laying out of Howell as a village the citizens of the place were peculiarly fortunate in their almost complete exemption from losses by conflagration. Not more than three or four fires had occurred in the village during that time, and none of these resulted in more than comparatively trifling damage; the largest of them being the two fires which consumed Chandler & Kneeland's saw-mill and Smith & Filkins' foundry, the first named of which occurred in I85I. The first fire which inflicted severe loss upon the village occurred in the evening of Monday, Sept. 28, I857, and swept away the Eagle Hotel, the first building erected on the original plat of the village in I835, and nearly the entire line of buildings on the south side of Grand River Street, between Walnut and East Streets. The account of this fire, given by the Democrat in its next issue, was as follows: " A destructive fire broke out in this village at about seven o'clock on Monday evening. It commenced in the ' livery larn,' near Huntley's [Eagle] Hotel, which was soon wrapped in flames. The wind was blowing strongly fiom the northwest. Mr. Huntley's barn caught next, then his hotel, then Balcom's saloon, then Treadwell's saloon, and then the 'Old Stage-House.' All of these buildings were consumed by the flames in about one hour and a half, in spite of the efforts of the citizens. The progress of the fire could not have been arrested here, had they not pulled down the four small buildings that stood on the east part of the same block. Owing to the high winds there was great danger of a large portion of the village being swept away. The burning cinders set fire to buildings nearly half a mile distant, which was happily extinguished. Nearly all the business men on the south side of Grand River Street, as far down as Vanderhoof's Hotel, removed their property into the street, whicl afforded a fine opportunity for thieving, and this the thieves employed. ( No one can account for the origin of the fire. The heaviest loss occurs to Mr. Huntley, who has lost his all. His loss is estimated at $5000. Balcom's saloon was worth about $300, Judge Kneeland's building about $800, Judge Whipple's about $800, and the four small buildings pulled (lown were worth about $IooO. The barn, where the fire originated, was owned by Mr. Green, of * An act (approved March 4, I869) amendatory to the act incorporating the village, provided that the officers to be elected shall b)e a president, recorder, assessor, and five trustees, and ( that the Common Council shall have power to appoint a street commissioner, a treasurer (who shall also be marshal of said village by virtue of his appointment as treasurer), and all other such officers as may be necessary under the provisions of this act," and the time of holding the elections was changed to the first Monday in March in each year. The village elections subsequent to I869 have been held in conformity with this anmendment, and consequently the persons who have held the offices of treasurer and marshal since that year have been appointees of the Common Council. 176 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. ---- -1 Detroit; loss about $200. There was no insurance on any of the buildings. Most of the personal property was saved; much of it in a damaged state from the rashness of men." On the 22d of February, I86o, Howell was again visited by a conflagration, which swept the west side of East Street, south of Grand River Street, destroying a number of buildings, among which were the Phoenix Foundry and MachineShop. The following account of this fire appeared in the Republican of February 28th: " Our village on Wednesday morning last again felt the ravages of the most destructive conflagration we have ever before experienced. The loss of property will not only be deeply felt by the owners and occupants of the various buildings destroyed, but will very much affect the business prospects of the village, and the interests of the farmers and others in this vicinity, who have relied for nearly every useful implement of labor upon the shops, of which nothing now remains but a heap of ashes. The fire originated in the foundry and machine-shop of A. W. Smith & Co., which was totally destroyed. From thence it crossed the intervening space of about sixty feet to the carriage-shop of William R. Melvin, which, together with the blacksmith-shop attached, were almost instantly in flames. These latter were connected with the shed and barn occupied by the Stage Company, and also the barn occupied by William E. Huntley & Son, all of which were owned by E. E. Hazard. The barns being old and filled with hay were soon on fire, and at this time it appeared as though nothing short of a miracle could save the store on the corner owned by W. P. Smith, and occupied byJewett & Crosman; but by the almost superhuman exertions of a portion of the crowd, which by this time had assembled, a part of the rear of the building was removed, and water kept constantly pouring upon it from buckets, so that, although but a few feet from the barn last burned, this building was finally saved, and the ravages of the fire stayed. So far as we have been able to ascertain, the following are the estimates of the various losses: A. W. Smith & Co., loss in building, machinery, stock, tools, etc., $7200; insured for $4000. William R. Melvin, loss in building, stock, and tools, about $3500, no insurance; E. E. Hazard, two barns and shed, about $1ooo; W. B. Smith, damage of building about $200, no insurance; Jewett & Crosman, loss in removal of goods, about $400, insured; J. I. Van Dusen, stock, etc., in the machine-shop, about $125. The cause of the fire is not known, though it is generally supposed to have been the work of an incendiary, from the fact that when first discovered it was some distance from the stove, the only place where there had been any fire during the day; also, we understand, the south door of the building was found to be unfastened, though securely locked by Mr. Van Dusen, who closed the shop for the night about eight o'clock. The severest loss is sustained by Mr. Melvin and Mr. Hazard, and particularly the former, who had, by energy and perseverance, made himself proprietor of a carriage- and wagon-shop second to none in the State. A" With characteristic energy, however, Mr. Melvin commenced a new building while the embers of the old were still burning, and two days had not elapsed ere the 'anvil chorus' was ringing in his new shop." On both the occasions above mentioned the only means employed, or at hand, for arresting the progress of the fire was the demolition of threatened buildings (or the spreading of wet blankets and carpets on their roofs) and the throwing of water from hand-buckets. But even if fire-engines had been on the spot they would have been useless, for lack of an adequate supply of water. Im mediately after the fire which destroyed the Phoenix Foundry a meeting of citizens was held in Howell (March 6, I86o) to take measures for procuring a fire-apparatus for the village; but no results followed. By the provisions of the act incorporating the village the Common Council was authorized and empowered to compel the owners of buildings to procure and keep in readiness such number of firebuckets and ladders as shall be ordered by the Common Council, and also to " establish and organize all such fire-companies and hose and hookand-ladder companies, and to provide them with such engines and other instruments as shall be necessary to extinguish fires and preserve the property of the inhabitants of said village from conflagrations, and to appoint, from among the inhabitants of said village, such number of men, willing to accept, as may be deemed proper and necessary to be employed as firemen,"-the number of men so appointed not to exceed 50 for the management of any one engine. On the 18th of January, I868, the Common Council passed an ordinance establishing and defining, within the village of Howell, certain limits within which the erection of wooden buildings was prohibited. These limits have since been revised and enlarged. The question of procuring fire-apparatus for the village, which had first been seriously agitated at the meeting held immediately after the fire of February, 1860, continued to be held under advisement and occasional discussion for about ten years before any definite action was taken, many arguing (and very reasonably) that it would be useless to procure an engine until some means had been devised whereby such engine could be supplied with water in sufficient quantity to be of service in case of need. This objection of lack of an adequate water supply seemed well -nigh insurmountable, but finally, on the 24th of January, I870, it was by the Common Council "Resolved, That Mr. J. L. Stone be authorized to procure for the village of Howell, and deliver the same on or before one month from this date, a fire-engine, called in the printed catalogue ' The Fire King,' and the Common Council will then pay for said engine; provided that on a fair trial it shall prove to be as good as recommended,-that is to say, the said engine shall throw water one hundred and fifty feet at an angle of forty-five degrees, after being forced through fifty feet of hose, and that the machine shall be a first-class machine in workmanship and material." But the trial of this engine did not prove entirely satisfactory; and there is little doubt that this result was a most fortunate one for the village of Howell, for it induced the adoption of a different and (for this place at least) a more efficient fireapparatus. On the 3d of January, 1874, the Coun VILLAGE OF HOWELL.7 177 cil resolved " that the Champion Fire Extinguisher, now here on trial, be purchased for the sum of $2000; $1ooo to be paid in six months from date, and $1ooo in eighteen months from date; and that the president and recorder issue their orders accordingly." This resolution was duly carried into effect, and so the village was at last provided with an efficient apparatus and equipment for the extinguishment of fires. Having now an apparatus, it became necessary to form a company to have charge of and operate it; and on the 14th of January in the same year, the Common Council "A'esolved, That the following-named persons be constituted a fire-company, to wit: John Neary, John McCloud, William F. Griffith, Patrick IIammill, Thomas Clark, Leonard Fishbeck, George Harrington, Perley Skilbeck, Frank Ackerman, Frank Archer, Charles G. Jewett, Mark Rubert, Homer Beach, Theodore Huntley, E. A. Young, Thomas McEwen, Ienry Wilber, Peter Clark, Burt F. Parsons, Edward Waldron, IH. F. Browning, Edward Greenaway, F. G. Hickey, H. G. Sellman, William Beattie, George L. Clark, G. S. Burgess, R. H. Brown, Cassius Austin, Thomas G. Switzer." On the next day these members met, and organized as "Champion Fire Company, No. I, of Howell," the following being elected as its first officers: John Neary, Foreman; Thomas Clark, First Assistant Foreman; Edward Waldron, Second Assistant Foreman; R. H. Brown, Pipeman; John McCloud, Second Pipeman; E. A. Young, Superintendent of Chemicals; Henry Wilber, Assistant Superintendent of Chemicals; William F. Griffith, Secretary; Patrick Hammill, Treasurer. May 24, 1875, the Common Council passed a resolution to purchase from William McPherson & Sons a lot for an engine-house site, on the west side of East Street, north of Grand River Street25 feet front and 50 feet deep-at $875, payable in three equal payments; and the president and recorder were authorized and directed "to issue orders for said amounts of money." Mr. H. Halbert was appointed building committee, and was instructed " to do all acts and things relative to said building of an engine-house that in his judgment shall be expedient, and that he complete the same as soon as practicable, in such manner and style as shall be appropriate." The contract for building the engine-house was awarded, July 6, 1875, to Franklin Kelly, who completed the work in the fall of that year, and was settled with on the 29th of October, as follows: Amount of contract........................... $2857.7 Cistern............................................ 50.00 Other extras...................................... 10.35 Total cost............................. $2917.52 exclusive of the bell, which was procured afterwards. 23 The village has now a good fire apparatus, well housed, and in charge of an efficient company, whose officers for 1879 are Thomas Clark, Foreman; L. Ebner, First Assistant Foreman; Thomas Fraser, Second Assistant Foreman; Thomas Winegar, Treasurer; W. A. Tucker, Secretary; H. D. Wilber, Superintendent of Chemicals; M. L. McKinley, Assistant Superintendent of Chemicals; W, R. Knapp, First Pipeman; R. H. Brown, Second Pipeman. HOWELL POST-OFFICE AND POSTMASTERS. The Howell post-office was established by the Post-Office Department, on the I5th of January, I836. Following is a list of its several postmasters, with the dates of their appointments: Flavius J. B. Crane, appointed Jan. 15, 1836. Under Mr. Crane the office was kept in the Eagle Hotel of Amos Adams. Ely Barnard, appointed June 13, I839. Under Mr. Barnard, the office was first located in the frame building which stood on the northeast corner of the "old public square," but afterwards made John Curtis his deputy, and removed the office to the E. F. Gay store building, opposite the southwest corner of the same square. Almon Whipple, appointed Feb. 9, 1841. Mr. Whipple, under this appointment, held the office less than four months, and during that time the business was continued in the Gay store, where it had been located by John Curtis, under Mr. Barnard. Wellington A. Glover, appointed May 31, I841. During his term the office was continued in the same place. Mr. S. F. Hubbell, who was then reading law in the office of Mr. Glover, recollects acting for a time as his deputy. Almon Whipple (second term), appointed Sept. I, I843. During this term Mr. Whipple kept the office in his store on the north side of Grand River Street,-the place now occupied by the store of Greenaway & Son. George W. Lee, appointed April 14, 1849. Office located in the store of Lee & Brother, where F. N. Monroe now is. Derastus Hinman, appointed June 7, 1853. Mr. Hinman removed the office to his store, in the building known as the "old fort," on the south side of Grand River Street. Frank Wells, appointed Feb. 25, I855. The office was kept by Mr. Wells in the drug-store, south side of Grand River Street, where now is Griffith's furniture-store. Leander C. Smith, appointed March I6, I86I. For four years, under Mr. Smith, the office was located where it had been kept by George W. HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Lee. After that time it was removed to the south side of Grand River Street, just west of Alexander McPherson's bank. Henry T. Clark, appointed March 8, I866; reappointed June I, I868. The office was continued where it had last been kept by Mr. Smith, until the building was destroyed by fire, when it was removed to a building standing on what is now the site of the National Hotel. William W. Kenyon, appointed Aug. 20, I868; reappointed Dec. IO, 1873, at which time the Howell Post-Office became presidential. Under Mr. Kenyon the office was first located on the north side of Grand River Street, one door west of the store of William McPherson & Sons; it was next removed to the south side of the street, where now is the drug-store of Spencer & Hutton; next to the Cardell Block, and finally to the quarters which it has occupied to the present time. Julius D. Smith, appointed Dec. 14, 1877, and the present postmaster of Howell. Mr. Smith has continued the office in the place where last located by Mr. Kenyon, south side of Grand River Street, a few doors west of the National Hotel. COURT-HOUSE AND COUNTY OFFICES. The county buildings, consisting of the courthouse, the office of the County Clerk and Register of Deeds, and the office of the Judge of Probate and County Treasurer, are located on the courthouse square, which lies on the north side of Grand River Street, with Main Street as its western, and Court Street as its eastern, line. The laying out of this square and the erection of the county buildings on it have already been noticed in the general county history. BANKS AND BANKERS. The village of Howell luckily escaped the misfortune which was visited upon many other Michigan towns about forty years ago,-the establishment of a "wild-cat bank" within its borders. It is said that at one time (in 1837) a plan was suggested for the establishment of such an institution here; but it failed of encouragement, and the disaster to the village and vicinity was averted. The banks of Howell have all been private enterprises. The first of these was the " Exchange Bank," of Brockway, Embury & Co., which was established here in the fall of I863; located on the south side of Grand River Street, where H. N. Beach's store now is. From this place, in 1865, it was removed by the proprietors to a building, which they had erected for the purpose, on Grand River Street above East,-the same which is now occupied by McPherson's Bank. The Exchange Bank was discontinued in I868 by sale of business, fixtures, and real estate to Alexander McPherson. The bank of Alexander McPherson & Co. was opened in June, 1865, for the purchase and sale of government bonds, sale of exchange on New York and all Eastern and Western cities, and the transaction of a general banking business, for which its capital was and is ample. The banking-rooms at first occupied were on the north side of Grand River Street, in the building previously occupied as a store by William Riddle. At the end of about four years they were removed to the present location of the bank (previously the bankingrooms of the Exchange Bank), south side of Grand River Street, just west of East Street. The bank of Weimeister & O'Hearn (John Weimeister and Neil O'Hearn) was opened for a general banking business in October, i868, receiving its first deposit on the Igth of that month, and issuing its first draft on the following day. The business was commenced in a wooden building that stood on a part of the site now occupied by the National Hotel. From this place it was removed, in November, 1869, to Weimeister Block, a few doors farther west; and on the 9th of August, 1879, was removed to its present quarters in the brick building (owned by the proprietors of the bank) on the south side of Grand River Street and adjoining the National Hotel on the east. ORDER OF ODD-FELLOWS. HOWELL LODGE, No. 44, I. O. O. F. The original petition, praying for the establishment of this lodge, is found on file with the archives of the Grand Lodge of the State of Michigan. Of this document-which marks the first step taken towards the organization of a lodge of the order in Livingston County-the following is a copy: " T THE GRAND MASTER OF TIlE GRAND LODGE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN, OF THE I. O. OF O. F.: "The petition of the undersigned, holding withdrawal Cards from Lodges legally recognized by the Grand Lodge of the State of Michigan, respectful y represents that it would be consistent with the advantage of the Order to establish a subordinate Lodge, to be located at Howell, in the State of Michigan. " Wherefore your petitioners pray that a warrant may be issued, in pursuance of the Laws of said Grand Lodge. "Dated at Howell, this 21st day of August, 1849. (Signed) "JOSIAH TURNER. JAMES MULLOY. LEMUEL SPOONER. JOHN B. DILLINGHAM. L. K. HEWETT. JOHN A. WHEELER. JAMES SWINEY." Whereupon, on the 24th of August in the same year, John Chester, Grand Master of the Grand VILLAGE OF HOWELL., I79 Lodge of the State, issued a dispensation authorizing and empowering the above-named petitioners "to constitute a Lodge in the village of Howell, Livingston County, and State of Michigan, to be known and hailed by the title of HOWELL LODGE, No. 44." How and when the lodge was instituted is shown by the report made by N. B. Nye, D. D. Grand Master, to Joseph E. Hyde, R. W. Grand Secretary, as follows: "ANN ARBOR, Sept. o1, 1849. "DEAR SIR AND BRO.,-By direction of the M. W. Grand Master, I proceeded on the 5th Inst. to Institute Howell Lodge, No. 44, at the Village of Howell, Livingston County, assisted by D. D. G. M. Little, of District No. 15, and P. G. Grenville, of Washtenaw Lodge, No. 9. After initiating nine new members, and conferring the Degrees upon a number, I installed the Officers Elect for the current term as follows, viz.: "N. G., Josiah Turner. "V. G., L. K. Hewett. "Sec., J. B. Dillingham. "Treas., Lemuel Spooner. "There were quite a number of Brothers from the neighboring Lodges in attendance, and everything passed off in the true spirit of the Order. From my own acquaintance with the Officers and Members of Howell Lodge, No. 44, as well as their reputation, I doubt not that Lodge will become an ornament to the Order. "Respectfully "Yours in F. L. and T., "N. B. NYE, "D. D. G. M.3d Dist." On the 3Ist of December, I849, the lodge contained the following-named members in good standing, viz.: Josiah Turner, P. G. Scarlet members: Lauren K. Hewett, N. G.; Lemuel Spooner, V. G.; Elisha E. Hazard, Sec.; James Mulloy, Treas.; Joseph H. Peebles, Warden; John B. Dillingham, Con.; Charles C. Ellsworth, P. Sec.; William B. Smith, O. G.; John A. Wheeler, Fred. J. Lee, Joseph B. Skilbeck, James Swiney, John Kenyon, Jr., Norman W. Hodges, Stephen Clark, Abijah W. Smith, George A. Smith, David Blackman. Member of the Fourth Degree: Chester Hazard. Member of the Third Degree: John D. Blanck. Members of the Second Degree: Gabriel Scott, John M. Ten Eyck. Members of First Degree: Henry Carnes, Roswell Barnes. Members in the Initiatory Degree: Silas Beardsley, James Fitz Jerould, John L. Wing, Henry H. Norton, Marvin Gaston, A. Sidney Hollister, Luther M. Glover, William A. Dorrance, William O. Archer, George Taylor, Austin Wakeman. The above names are copied from the official list made at that time by E. E. Hazard, Secretary, and by him certified to the R. W. Grand Secretary. It has been found impracticable to obtain any information additional to the above concerning Howell Lodge, No. 44, excepting that it continued in existence for a number of years, and is now defunct. LIVINGSTON LODGE, No. i85, I. 0. O. F. This lodge was organized at Howell, June 5, I872, with the following-named charter members: Amos Eager, Lafayette Snow, Thomas Jeffrey, James A. Preston, E. B. Hosley, Martin Lignian. The following is a list of its Past Grands, viz.: Walter D. Whalen, T. B. Knapp, L. Snow, R. H. Rumsey, E. B. Vanderhoof, William R. Griffith, J. C. Axtell, George Blackburn. The present officers of the lodge are M. Vanzile, N. G.; John Black, V. G.; C. V. Bebee, R. S.; E. B. Vanderhoof, P. S.; W. D. Whalen, T. The lodge now numbers 47 members. HOWELL ENCAMPMENT OF PATRIARCHS, No. 61, I. O. O. F. This organization was formed at Howell, Dec. 30, 1873, with seven charter members, namely, Walter D. Whalen, Amos Eager, N. Brayton, M. S. Davis, T. B. Knapp, E. B. Hosley, A. T. Frisbee. The present number of members is 40, and its officers are: C. P., W. D. Whalen; S. W., J. C. Axtell; S., R. H. Rumsey; T. S., T. B. Knapp; T., E. B. Vanderhoof. MASONIC ORGANIZATIONS. HOWELL LODGE, No. 38, F. AND A. M. This lodge commenced working under dispensation from the Grand Lodge of the State of Michigan in the year 1849. It was chartered Jan. I, 1850. The regular communications were held first in " Hinman Block," Grand River Street, where Hubbell Block now stands. After a year or two they were held in the third story of the " Lee Block," on the north side of the main street of Howell. Here they were continued for several years, and then held in Greenaway's Hall. From this place, after a few prosperous years, the lodge removed to Weimeister Block, and regularly held its communications there until I875, when it was removed to the quarters which have been occupied until the present time,-Masonic Hall, Andrews and Winans' Block, north side of Grand River Street. The lodge has now a membership numbering 88. Its officers for I879 are: W. M., Sardis F. Hubbell; S. W., Edwin Hudson; J. W., John W. Wright; Sec., William C. Rumsey; Treas., Benjamin H. Rubert; S. D., Robert H. Brown; J. D., Thomas Clark; Tiler, Flavius J. Henshaw. l8o HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Following is a list of the Worshipful Masters of the lodge from the commencement of its working until the present time: 1849, Amos Adams; 1850 -53, Gardner Wheeler; I854-55, Henry H. Harmon; 1856-58, Frederick C. Whipple; I859-60, Sardis F. Hubbell; I86I, Frank Wells; 1862-63, Sardis F. Hubbell; 1864-65, Mylo L. Gay; 1866 -68, Joseph T. Titus; I869, William C. Rumsey; 1870, Joseph T. Titus; I871-72, Albert Riddle; 1873-74, Sardis F. Hubbell; I875-76, Albert L. Hathaway;* 1877-79, Sardis F. Hubbell. LIVINGSTON CHAPTER, No. 30, ROYAL ARCH MASONS. This organization was formed in Howell, April 16, 1863, with nine charter members, viz., C. W. Haze, Henry H. Harmon, Sardis F. Hubbell, Warren B. Green, M. B. Wilcox, George Wilber, Wm. A. Clark, Joseph T. Titus, C. L. Farnum. The chapter, now numbering 62 members, holds its regular convocations at Masonic Hall, Howell. Its officers for 1879 are William C. Rumsey, High Priest; William W. Kenyon, King; Perley H. Sexton, Scribe; Edwin Hudson, Captain of the Host; John W. Wright, Principal Sojourner; C. L. Vandercook, Royal Arch Captain; Sardis F. Hubbell, Treas.; Hugh Conklin, Sec.; H. H. Clark, Grand Master Third Veil; Thomas B. Clark, Grand Master Second Veil; J. L. Cook, Grand Master First Veil. HOWELL COMMANDERY, No. 28, OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. This organization was formed April 7, 1870, the following-named being its charter members: Sardis F. Hubbell, Mylo L. Gay, Henry N. Spencer, T, C. Garner, W. H. Mallory, John Weimeister, B. H. Lawson, C. W. Haze, G. W. Hoff. At present the commandery embraces 24 members, with the following-named officers for 1879: Mylo L. Gay, Eminent Commander; Sardis F. Hubbell, Generalissimo; Edwin Hudson, CaptainGeneral; Henry N. Spencer, Senior Warden; John W. Wright, Junior Warden; Edwin B. Winans, Treas.; William W. Kenyon, Recorder; Henry 11. Harmon, Prelate; Perley H. Sexton, SwordBearer; Ira 0. Marble, Standard-Bearer; Halsted Gregory, Warden; W. C. Loehne, Sentinel. HOWELL EASTERN STAR FAMILY. This society, Masonic in its nature, was organized by Mrs. Mary A. Brown, at Masonic Hall, in Howell, March 6, 1867, with 14 members. The first officers of the society were: Patroh, Warren Green; Patroness, Mrs. Z. F. Crosman; Conductor, * During 1876 Mr. Hathaway removed from Howell, and his erm was filled by William L. Knapp, Senior Warden. Joseph Finsterwald; Conductress, Mrs. E. B. Gregory; Recorder, Mrs. W. W. Carpenter; Treasurer, Miss Emily Wheeler; Jephtha's Daughter, Mrs. M. B. Wilcox; Ruth, Mrs. S. F. Hubbell; Esther, Mrs. H. H. Harmon; Martha, Mrs. Eliza Richards; Electa, Mrs. Joseph M. Gilbert. On the 7th of March, 1867, an Eastern Star degree was conferred on Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shively, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wisner, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Crandall, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Chandler, Mrs. C. W. Barber, Miss Julia Winegar, E. E. Hazard, W. L. Knapp. The society received accessions until at one time it numbered 60 members; but no charter was ever applied for, and it finally went down, the last meeting being held June IO, I868. The officers for that year were H. H. Harmon, W. Patron; Mrs. Z. F. Crosman, W. Patroness; Mrs. F. S. Wykoff, Conductress; Mrs. William C. Rumsey, Chaplainess; Mrs. O. Cole, Treas.; Mrs. C. W. Barber, Sec.; Mrs. M. B. Wilcox, Jephtha's Daughter; Mrs. S. F. Hubbell, Ruth; Mrs. H. H. Harmon, Esther; Mrs. Elbert C. Bush, Martha; Mrs. Joseph M. Gilbert, Electa; F. S. Hardy, Watchman. GOOD TEMPLARS. HOWELL LODGE, No. 8ii, I. O. OF G. T. This lodge was organized in the Presbyterian church, in Howell village, by Past Grand Worthy Chief Templar Charles Russell, October 8, 1874, with J. D. Smith, Worthy Chief Templar; Mrs. H. G. Fry, Worthy Vice-Templar. The meetings were held for six months in S. Andrews' Hall; then for two years in Greenaway's Hall; from whence, in October, 1877, the lodge removed to its present quarters in Knapp's Block. The membership of the lodge is now 87. The officers for I879 are W. D. Whalen, W. C. T.; P. O'Brien, Sec'y; T. B. Knapp, Treas.; E. B. Vanderhoof, Deputy. THE HOWELL SHOOTING CLUB. The Howell Shooting Club was organized on the 13th day of February, in the year I878, with the following members: H. B. Blackman, B. II. Rubert, Charles G. Jewett, E. F. Mulliken, J. P. Titus, H. D. Wilber, H. N. Beach, L. S. Montague, P. D. Skilbeck, F. J. Lee, J. H. Galloway, G. L. Woolcott, A. D. Waddell, Judson Hall, B. F. Parsons, R. H. Rumsey, E. G. Angel, H. Gregory, A. K. Tooley, J. M. Hoagland, Dennis Shields, and E. D. Galloway. At the same time a constitution and by-laws were adopted, and the following officers were elected: President, H. B. Blackman; Viee-President, L. S. Montague; Secretary, C. G. Jewett; Treasurer, B. VILLAGE OF.HOWELL. I~~~~~~~~~ H. Rubert; Executive Committee, H. B. Blackman (ex offcio), H. Gregory, H. D. Wilbur, B. H. Rubert, C. G. Jewett. The object of the club is to enforce the laws for the protection of game and fish, and the encouragement among its members and others of the healthful sports of hunting and fishing by the active pursuit thereof in the field, supplemented by practice on the grounds of the club. Many others soon after became members of the club, until the membership at present is more than fifty, including nearly all professions and vocations of life. True to its purpose, the club soon after its organization began to prosecute all violations of the game and fish laws which came to its notice, irrespective ofpersons. It met some opposition at first, but soon the public were generally convinced of the impartiality and unselfishness of its course, and lent much assistance to it, until a very healthy feeling has taken possession of the community in favor of the enforcement of these laws, as being for the benefit of all. The club has not been content merely to preserve, but has been active in increasing the supply of game and fish. It has caused 250,000 white fish, 0,ooo000 salmontrout, and 5000 Hudson River eels to be deposited in the lakes and rivers of this county, and wild rice to be sowed in the shallow lakes to attract ducks and other water-fowl, and has the satisfaction of knowing that, from its measures of protection, propagation, and encouragement, game and fish are perceptibly increasing in this county. Soon after its organization the club became a member of the Michigan State Sportsmen's Association, and has been ably represented by delegates in every meeting of such association since, and thereby has had a direct influence on the legislation and sentiments of the whole State upon the subjects of game and fish. The club has done very much to promote good marksmanship and to familiarize the public with the use of the gun in the field. In addition to the numerous trialsof skill for prizes, special purses, etc., the club held a grand pigeon-shooting tournament of three days, beginning Aug. 7, I878, and a grand glass-ball shooting tournament of three days, beginning Aug. 6, I879, both of which were largely attended by sportsmen fron all parts of this State, and from many other States, in which the club showed of what material it was composed by its members taking a majority of the purses offered. While a large number of its members have distinguished themselves by their skill in marksman ship, it will not detract from any to make particular mention of one,-C. G. Jewett. Mr. Jewett, having excited comment by his particularly fine shooting, entered in the match at Chicago, on May 26, I879, for the badge offered by Capt. A. H. Bogardus for the best glass-ball shot in America, and won it by a decided victory over all competitors. He was soon after challenged by Capt. Bogardus on behalf of George Buzzard, of Chicago, to shoot for the badge and $500. This match took place on the grounds of the club, in Howell, on Aug. 7, I879, Mr. Jewett making the unprecedented score of ninety-eight out of one hundred balls, thrown from three Bogardus traps set ten yards apart, leaving him the undisputed champion glass-ball shooter of America. The present officers of the club are: President, H. N. Beach; Vice-President, L. S. Montague; Secretary, C. G. Jewett; Treasurer, B. H. Rubert; Executive Committee, H. N. Beach (ex officio), Calvin Wilcox, C. G. Jewett, E. F. Mulliken, and R. H. Rumsey. The club is on a firm financial basis, and has a broad field of usefulness before it which it will not fail to improve. THE DETROIT, LANSING AND NORTHERN RAILROAD. The construction of this road and its opening in I871 have been noticed in the general history of the county. Passing in a northwesterly direction through a corner of Marion, it enters Howell village across its southern line, a little east of the centre, continues in the same general direction for about one and three-eighths miles through the territory of the corporation, and then crosses its west line into Howell township. Its passenger station is located at the foot of Fleming Street, and contiguous to this are the other buildings of the company. This railroad line has been of great advantage to Howell during the eight years of its operation. The township and village of Howell together contained 2813 inhabitants, by the census of t874, and now the village alone contains —by estimation -nearly or quite that population. There are few villages in this or in any State which occupy better or more eligible locations than that of Howell,-few of its size which present a more attractive and imposing appearance on approach from all directions. It is well built, containing an unusual number of large and substantial brick structures, and among its mercantile establishments there are some which cannot be surpassed by any, in the same line of trade, in any town or city of Michigan. ift HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. HON. JOSIAH TURNER. HON. JOSIAH TURNER, JUDGE OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. This distinguished gentleman was born on the first day of September, A.D. 18I i, in the old patriotic township of New Haven, Addison Co., in the State of Vermont, and received his academical education at the famous schools of Middlebury and St. Albans, immediately after which he entered his name and commenced his legal studies in the office of his uncle, Hon. Bates Turner, formerly one of the judges of the Supreme Court of that State. He was admitted to the bar in the fall of 1833, and opened his office in the village of West Berkshire. In January, 1835, he married a daughter of Dr. Ellsworth, of Berkshire, Vt., and in I840 followed the great tidal wave of emigration to this State, and settled at Howell, the county-seat of Livingston County, where he at once resumed the practice of his profession. Two years after taking up his new residence he was elected clerk of the county, and held the office fr six years; and also held in rapid succession the honorable positions of justice of the peace, twnship clerk, and master in chancery. Upon the establishmet of the County Court system, in I846, he was elected judge of Livingston County, an d the position with great credit to himself u t:he change was made in the judi ciary of the State by the adoption in I850 of the new constitution. At the general State election in I856 he was elected Judge of Probate for the same county. His personal popularity was such, added to his professional character, that notwithstanding the Democratic party held a very large majority in the county he was triumphantly elected, although running on the opposition (Republican) ticket. In May, I857, he was appointed by the well-deserved favor of his old friend, Gov. Kinsley S. Bingham, to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court bench, and in the same year was elected Circuit Judge for the Seventh Judicial Circuit, for the term of six years, at the expiration of which he was again nominated and elected, and re-elected in I869; and with increasing satisfaction to the profession and to the public, he was again, and for the fourth period, in I875, re-elected without any opposition,-thus making, if he lives to the end of his present term, a continuous occupancy of a judicial position for twenty-four years and nine months. Judge Turner has held the Circuit Court in forty counties of the State, and in every circuit but one., In I860, with the view of getting nearer the centre of his circuit, Judge Turner changed his residence to Owosso, in the county of Shiawassee. Here he served the municipality of that city as k a /I 07Z WILLIAM McPHERSON, of Howell, Livingston Co., Mich., was born in Gortlich, in the parish of Boleskin, in Invernessshire, Scotland, Jan. I6, 1804. His parents were Martin and Elizabeth (McIntosh) McPherson. His father was a blacksmith. In 1813 he removed with his family to the city of Inverness, where he carried on his business of blacksmithing for several years. Here William attended school and received a fair common-school education. After leaving school he was employed for about five years as shepherd and as servant and attendant to the minister of the parish. When he was about nineteen years of age he commenced work in his father's shop, and learned the trade of blacksmith of him. After acquiring his trade, he worked for several years as journeyman blacksmith in different places in the north of Scotland. In 1829, when he was twenty-five years of age, he established himself in business and opened a shop of his own in the village of Aberchirder, in Banffshire. April 7, I831, he married Elizabeth Riddle, of the parish of Grange, Banffshire. He continued in business in Aberchirder for about seven years, during which time, by hard work and constant attention to business, he accumulated a small property. Here his three eldest children, Isabella, William, and Alexander, were born. In 1836 he emigrated to America with his family. He came direct to Michigan and settled at Howell, then called Livingston Centre, arriving there September I7th of the same year. The village of Howell at that time consisted of one frame building. This building was used as a hotel. In it were also located the county offices of the new settlement and a small store kept by F. J. B. Crane. Mr. McPherson at once built himselfa log house, and in a log shop adjoining, commenced work at his trade of blacksmithing. In this he continued for about six years. In I84I he and Josiah Turner, now circuit judge of the seventh circuit of Michigan, opened a small store, Mr. McPherson contributing part of the capital and Mr. Turner managing the business, Mr. McPherson at the same time continuing his blacksmith business on his own account. After contin uing the merchandise business with Mr. Turner for about a year, they sold out to Giles Tucker. In 1843 he bought a half-interest in the stock and store of E. B. Taylor, and, discontinuing his blacksmith business, turned his attention entirely to trade. They did business for about two years together, under the firm-name of Taylor & McPherson. After being thus associated for about two years, he bought his partner's interest in the business. From this time he has continued uninterruptedly and with success in the mercantile business. From 1852 to I856 he was in partnership with William Riddle in the firm of McPherson & Riddle. In I856 he associated his eldest son, William McPherson, Jr., in business with him, under the firm-name of William McPherson & Co. In 1864 another son, M. J. McPherson, was admitted to the business. In I867 another son, E. G. McPherson, was admitted. Since I864 the name of the firm has been William McPherson & Sons. From 1856 this firm has had a steady growth and has done an increasing business. It has long been noted for enterprise and reliability. As a business man Mr. McPherson's marked characteristics have been energy, industry, and prudence. In I864, when the Detroit and Howell Railroad Company was organized for the construction of a railroad from Detroit to Howell, Mr. McPherson was elected a director, and treasurer of the company. In this position he continued for about five years, doing much hard and difficult work. The original company were unable to carry out their project, but a new company composed principally of Eastern capitalists completed the work, and the road is now known as the Detroit, Lansing and Northern Railroad. He assisted in the organization of the First Presbyterian Church of Howell in 1838, and has been a member ever since. He has four sons, William, Alexander, Martin John, and Edward G. All are living in Howell. Three are associated with him in the mercantile business, and one is engaged in banking. He has also four daughters,-Isabella, wife of H. H. Mills; Elizabeth, wife of E. P. Gregory; Mary L., wife of H. T. Browning; and Ella, wife of Fred A. Smith. SEYMOUR E. HOWE. Seth Howe, father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Connecticut in 1776, where he spent his early childhood, and from whence his parents moved to Pennsylvania. There he grew to manhood and married a Miss Washburn, by whom he had several children. Then, hearing glowing stories of western New York, he emigrated thither, accompanied by an elder brother, settling on what was then called the " Holland Purchase." His farm was situated in the town of Elba, Genesee Co. There his family increased to the number of ten children, Seymour E. being the ninth child. Four years after this event his wife died. Mr. Howe had a severe struggle, the country being new, heavily timbered, and sparsely settled, with a large family to provide for, a wilderness-farm to clear, and help scarce. Yet he never faltered. Working hard during the week, on the Sabbath he would gather the neighbors together and preach to them the glad news of salvation. This he kept up for forty years, or as long as he lived. Two years after the death of his first wife, he married a Mrs. Dunning, by whom he had one child, a daughter. Seymour E., when about six years old, went to live with his oldest brother, who was married and followed farming and painting. With him he was associated until his sixteenth year, and received some knowledge of both occupations. At this time many of his older brothers and sisters were married and scattered. Three of them, having gone to Michigan, had settled at Dexter, Washtenaw Co. Soon after Seymour attained the age of sixteen years, he, too, started for Dexter. He was then living about forty miles from Buffalo, which distance he accomplished on foot, carrying his worldly all in a small knapsack. He took pass age on the steamboat " Columbus" to Detroit, the trip taking over six days. He was still fifty miles from Dexter, where his friends lived. This distance he walked, as he had not money enough to hire a public conveyance. Arriving at Dexter, his brothers and sisters gave him a very cordial greeting, one of whom, a carriage-maker, offered him employment, which he. accepted and commenced work at once. He soon after went to work for another brother, in the clock business. He remained with his brother nearly seven years and then returned to the home of his childhood. He found his father and friends well, and received the prodigal's greeting. His father wishing him to remain with him while he lived, he concluded to do so, and soon after married Miss P. A. Boutell, with whom he is still living. Here they remained until after the death of his father, which occurred on the I4th of June, I852. Oct. I4, I856, he started again for Michigan, and in due season arrived and located in the town of Howell, Livingston Co., upon section 15. Through the kindness of David Blackman and family, he obtained a comfortable log house free of rent the first winter. But the usual casualties and hard struggles incident to a new country and climate awaited them, and for the first five or six years it was living from hand to mouth. But, by the blessings of a kind Providence, a change came; they were again blessed with health. The older children became helpful, and from that time to the present it has been one continued season of prosperity. The log house has been displaced, and a large and convenient dwelling erected, and their vessel is now under full sail, with a fair prospect of a happy termination of life's voyage. VILLAGE OF HOWELL. i83 mayor in 1864, and was again chosen in the following year. At the Constitutional Convention, held at Lansing in 1867, he was elected for the county of Shiawassee, and became at once an active and valuable member,-serving on the committee of the judiciary, and chairman of the committee on schedule. Throughout the long period of his public and judicial life, from its very commencement up to the present period, Judge Turner has been distinguished by patience and industry, and a determination to do what is right whenever and wherever that could be known, and it is this principle which has won from those who administer the law the respect and confidence of the people. To the members of the bar, whether old or new practitioners, he has ever exhibited a kindliness of disposition, an unwavering courtesy of demeanor, and a display of characteristics which so happily become a judge, whether sitting in equity, at nisi prius, or in the performance of professional duties in chambers. The family of Judge Turner consisted of five children, three of whom are now living, viz., Hon. Jerome Turner, of Owosso, State Senator from 1868 to I870, and now mayor of that prosperous and enterprising city; Lucia, the wife of Hon. H. M. Newcomb, of Ludington; and Miss Nellie Turner. SARDIS F. HUBBELL. The gentleman whose name stands at the head of this sketch, has been a resident of the village of Howell for more than a quarter of a century, and is one of the. prominent members of the Livingston County bar. He was born June 1o, I820, at Newburg, Ohio, a place which is now embraced within the limits of the city of Cleveland. His father, Adoniram Hubbell, was a native of Connecticut. His mother, Laura (Fuller) Hubbell, born in Granville, Washington Co., N. Y., was a lady of rare intellectual ability and culture. She died April I, I850. In or about the year I819, Adoniram Hubbell emigrated West and settled in Ohio, where he worked at his trade-that of a hatter-until the year 1835, when he removed with his family to Hartland, Livingston Co., Mich., located a piece of land, and engaged in agricultural pursuits, in connection with the business of his trade, which he carried on in the winter seasons, until 184I, after which he gave his whole attention to farming. He died Aug. 8, 1852. His son, Sardis F., to whom this sketch has especial reference, had at tended the common schools of Newburg, Ohio, until he reached the age of fifteen years, at which time he removed with his parents to Hartland. Here he attended a select school for a time, and after leaving it, assisted his father in business until about 1839, when he was nineteen years of age. He then entered the office of Josiah Clark, M.D., for the purpose of studying medicine, but finding this uncongenial to his taste, he abandoned it after a year's trial, and in 1840 commenced reading law in the office of Wellington A. Glover, of Howell, then prosecuting attorney of the county of Livingston. In this he applied himself so closely that at the end of a year he found his health impaired, and as a consequence he was compelled to suspend study for about two years. On the 15th of May, 1843, he entered the office of Augustus C. Baldwin, of Milford, Oakland Co., where he studied hard for more than three years. He was admitted to the bar in Pontiac, Dec. I6, 1846, and at once commenced practice in Oakland County, where he continued for eight years, having been during that time (November, I850) elected representative in the State Legislature. In the spring of I854 he removed from Milford to Howell, where he at once engaged in the business of his profession. In the fall of that year he was elected Circuit Court Commissioner, and in the fall of 1858 was elected prosecuting attorney of Livingston County. He was again elected to the same office in 1862, and re-elected in I864. Mr. Hubbell has been closely identified with the interests of Livingston County, and in particular, with those of Howell. He has filled the office of president of the village for three terms, and that of director of the school board for two terms. He has always taken a deep interest in the advancement of education. In religious belief he favors that of the Baptist denomination, and attends the services of that church. In politics he is and always has been a Democrat. In 1854 he joined the Masonic fraternity, and was Master of the Howell Lodge from I859 to 1863 inclusive, and again from I876 until the present time. He took part in the organization of the Chapter of Royal Arch Masons at Howell, and was elected its High Priest. He assisted in organizing the Commandery of Knights Templar, and filled the office of Eminent Commander for two terms. He was also District Deputy Grand Master for the Sixth Masonic District for the years I873 and 1874. He has been twice married: first, Aug. 14, 1848, to Miss Emily A. Mowry (who died Dec. 29, r862), and the second time, to Mrs. Helen M. Carlin, Aug. 14, 1864. Of his three children by the first marriage, two sons are now living. HOWELL TOWNSHIP. THE township of Howell is that which is designated on the United States survey as No. 3, north of the base line, in range 4, east of the principal meridian of the State. It is bounded on the west by the township of Handy, and on the north by Cohoctah. Its eastern line-against the township of Oceola-and its southern boundary, on which it joins Marion, are the central lines of Livingston County, the former traversing it from north to south, and the latter from east to west. The water-courses of Howell are not numerous, nor is their supply more than moderately abundant. The principal of these is the south branch of the Shiawassee River, which, taking its rise in the lakes of Marion, flows north, nearly through the centre of Howell, into Cohoctah. This is here a sluggish stream, and for a considerable part of its course through Howell is bordered by swamps; but it furnishes two water-powers of small capacity, which have, in past years, done some service to the people of the town, by propelling mills for grinding grain, sawing lumber, and dressing cloth. The east branch of Cedar River also enters the township from Marion, and, crossing the three southwestern sections of Howell, passes into Handy, where it joins the main Cedar. Thompson Lake lies partly within the original township, but in that part which is now included in the village corporation of Howell, as has already been mentioned in that connection. From the north end of this lake issues an outlet stream, which passes north and east through the north part of section 25 and the southeast part of section 24 of this township, and enters Oceola, but returns into Howell on section 12, and then flows north, through that and section I, into Cohoctah, where it is known as Bogue Creek, and where it finally joins the Shiawassee River. The surface of Howell township is undulating, but cannot be termed hilly. The altitude of some parts of it is perhaps nearly as great as that of any part of the county, but the elevations of land are less abrupt, and not so high with reference to surrounding country, as is the case in some of the other (particularly the southeastern) townships of Livingston. A great part of the area of Howell was originally covered with " oak-openings,"' and 184 in these the soil, although not so strong as that of heavy timbered lands, was of a quality well adapted to the purposes of agriculture, and more profitable for settlers than that lying beneath the denser forest growth, because it could be made available for crops in less time and with less labor. The swampy lands along the streams, and in some other parts of the township, are justly regarded as blemishes upon the face of the country, yet they were positive blessings to the pioneer farmers who settled here, for they were enabled to feed their stock on the coarse wild marsh grasses during the time which necessarily elapsed before the lands could be cleared and crops raised for their subsistence. I LAND-ENTRIES. The first entry of land in this township was made by Orman Coe, of Genesee County, New York, May 20, 1833, and embraced the east half of the southwest quarter of section 27. The next* was by Checkley S. Palmer, of Genesee Co., N. Y., it being the west half of the northwest quarter of section 25. The later entries are shown by the following list, which is of the names of all purchasers from the United States of lands on the several sections in Howell township, with the dates and descriptions of their purchases: SECTION I. Bickford P. Hutchinson and Silas Titus, of Wayne Co., Mich., Feb. I8, 1836. Southeast quarter and northeast fractional quarter. Edward Peck, of Genesee Co., N. Y., May 23, 1836. West half of the southwest quarter. Joseph Heath, of Monroe Co., N. Y., June 9, 1836. Northwest fractional quarter. Daniel Boutell, Onondaga Co., N. Y., Nov. 14, 1836. East half of the southwest quarter. SECTION 2. William W. Shutes, Oakland Co., Mich., Oct. 19, 1835. South part of northwest fractional quarter. Ezra Frisbee, Montgomery Co., N. Y., Oct. I9, 1835. North part of northwest fractional quarter. - In mentioning this as the next entry in the township after that of Mr. Coe, it is meant that this was the next made in the township, except such as were made on sections 35 and 36, and the south half of sections 25 and 26, which have been named in the history of Howell village. So in regard to all matters pertaining to the history of the township, this is to be understood as a narrative of events occurring in the territory of the township outside the corporation limits of Howell village, but embracing nothing within those limits. I HOWELL TOWNSHIP. William S. Gregory, Wayne Co., Mich., May 23, 1836. South part of northeast fractional quarter. Patrick Tobin, Livingston Co., Mich., May 28, 1836. Southwest quarter. Horace Ieath and Apollos Smith, United States, June Io, 1836. North part of northeast fractional quarter. Harvey S. Bradley, Niagara Co., N. Y., Oct. 22, 1838. East half of southeast quarter. Joseph Bradley, Wayne Co., Mich., Nov. 2, 1838. Northwest quarter of southeast quarter. Maria Bradley, Wayne Co., Mich., Feb. 5, 1839. Southwest quarter of southeast quarter. SECTION 3. John Sanford, Oakland Co., Mich., July 8, 1834. Northwest fractional quarter. William Carpenter, Niagara Co., N. Y., May 21, 1836. West half of southwest quarter. Ebenezer Warren, Livingston Co., N. Y., May 21, 1836. West half of southeast quarter and east half of southwest quarter. Henry W. Randall, Niagara Co., N. Y., May 21, 1836. East half of southeast quarter. John Sanford, Livingston Co., Mich., June 8, 1836. North part of northeast fractional quarter. David Hyde, Livingston Co., Mich., Sept. i6, I846. Southwest quarter of northeast quarter; Feb. 23, 1848, southeast quarter of northeast quarter. SECTION 4. Samuel M. Spencer, Livingston Co., N. Y., May 7, 1836. West half of southwest quarter. Garret S. Lake, Livingston Co., N. Y., May 28, 1836. Southwest quarter of southeast quarter. Mark Healy and B. B. Kercheval, United States, May 28, 1836. East half of southwest quarter, east half of southeast quarter, northwest quarter of southeast quarter. Purdy Williams, New York City, June 15, 1836. West half of northwest fractional quarter. William Hyde, Livingston Co., N. Y., Nov. 17, 1854. East half of northeast fractional quarter. Almon Whipple, Livingston Co., N. Y., Nov. 23, I854. East half of northwest fractional quarter, west half of northeast fractional quarter. SECTION 5. Nathan Chidester, Genesee Co., N. Y., May 4, 1836. Northeast fractional quarter. William Slater, Livingston Co., N. V., May 5, 1836. Northwest fractional quarter, west half of southwest quarter, northeast quarter of southwest quarter. Samuel N. Spencer, Livingston Co., N. Y., May 7, 1836. East half of southeast quarter. William Slater, Livingston Co., N. Y., May I3, 1836. Southeast quarter of southwest quarter. John W. Pierce, Wayne Co., Mich., June 24, 1836. West half of southeast quarter. SECTION 6. Joseph B. Craft, Livingston Co., N. Y., May 5, 1836. Northwest fractional quarter. Justus Boyd, Genesee Co., N. Y., May 5, 1836. Northeast fractional quarter, east half of southeast quarter, and northwest quarter of southeast quarter. Charles P. Bush, Tompkins Co., N. Y., June 9, 1836. North part of southwest fractional quarter. William Horton, New York City, June 15, 1836. South half of southwest fractional quarter and southwest quarter of southeast quarter. SECTION 7. Joseph Porter, Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 21, 1834. West part of southwest fractional quarter. 24 John Bennet, Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 14, I835. Northwest fractional quarter. Jeremiah Greenfield, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Oct. 10, I835. East part of southwest fractional quarter and southwest quarter of southeast quarter. Nathan Chidester, Genesee Co., N. Y., May 4, 1836. East half of northeast quarter. Stephen S. Bullock, Wayne Co., Mich., June 14, 1836. East half. of southeast quarter and west half of northeast quarter. Garret S. Lake, Livingston Co., Mich., April 13, 1837. Northwest quarter of southeast quarter. SECTION 8. William H. Townsend, New York City, Oct. I, 1835. Southeast quarter. William C. Blackwood, Seneca Co., N. Y., May 6,1836. Northwest quarter. Ramsey McHenry, B. B. Kercheval, Mark Healey, and 0. T. Smith, United States, May 14, 1836. Northeast quarter. Healey & Kercheval, United States, May 28, 1836. Southwest quarter. SECTION 9. Isaac R. Stone, Ontario Co., N. Y., Oct. 16, I835. West half of southwest quarter. William R. Spofford, Genesee Co., N. Y., May 20, 1836. West half of northwest quarter. Lester K. Gould, Genesee Co., N. Y., May 20, 1836. East half of northwest quarter and east half of southwest quarter. Garret S. Lake, Livingston Co., N. Y., May 28, 1836. Northeast quarter. Edward C. Douser, Livingston Co., N. Y., June 27, 1836. West half of southeast quarter. William Bloodworth, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Jan. 9, x837. East half of southeast quarter. SECTION Io. Harry W. Phillips, Niagara Co., N. Y., May 2I, 1836. South half of section. William Carpenter, Niagara Co., N. Y., May 21, 1836. North half of section. SECTION I. Moses Thompson, Herkimer Co., N. Y., Sept. 3, I835. East half of southeast quarter. Anthony Shaw, Saratoga Co., N. Y.. May 21, 1836. Northwest quarter. Patrick Tobin, Livingston Co., Mich., May 28, 1836. Southwest quarter. Aaron Sickels, May 8, 1838. Southeast quarter of northeast quarter. John F. Sickels, May 8, 1838. Northeast quarter of northeast quarter. Odell J. Smith, Livingston Co., Mich., Aug. 4, 1838. Southwest quarter of northeast quarter and northwest quarter of southeast quarter. Levi D. Smith, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. I, 1855. Northwest quarter of northeast quarter. * Charles L. Ferguson, July 5, I853. Southwest quarter of southeast quarter. Levi D. Smith, Livingston Co., Mich., February 24, 1854. Northwest quarter of northeast quarter. SECTION 12. Moses Thompson, Herkimer Co., N. Y., Sept. 3, I835. West half of southwest quarter. Ezra J. Mundy, Livingston Co., Mich., April 30, 1836. South west quarter of southeast quarter. John F. Sickels, Wayne Co., N. Y., May i8, I836. Northeast quarter and northwest quarter, east half of southwest quarter, east half of southeast quarter, and northwest quarter of southeast quarter. i86 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. SECTION 13. George W. Teeple, Steuben Co., N. Y., July 7, 1835. Southwest quarter of southwest quarter. Ezra J. Mundy, Livingston Co., Mich., April 30, 1836. West half of northeast quarter and east half of northwest quarter. E. Thompson, Livingston Co., Mich., May 27, 1836. Northeast quarter of northeast quarter. Lewis Thompson, Livingston Co., Mich., May 27, 1836. Northwest quarter of southwest quarter and east half of southwest quarter. Patrick Tohin, Livingston Co., Mich., May 28, 1836. West half of northwest quarter. Levi Hotchkiss, Livingston Co., Mich., July 28, 1836. Southeast quarter and southeast quarter of northeast quarter. SECTION I4. George W. Teeple, Steuben Co., N. Y., July 7, 1835. Southeast quarter of southeast quarter. Orrin H. Harding, Niagara Co., N. Y., Sept. 28, 1835. Southwest quarter. Elijah Gaston, Livingston Co., Mich., May 2, x836. West half of northwest quarter. Edward Peck, Genesee Co., N. Y., May 23, 1836. West half of northeast quarter. William S. Gregory, Wayne Co., Mich., May 23, 1836. East half of northeast quarter and northeast quarter of southeast quarter. Patrick Tobin, Livingston Co., Mich., May 28, 1836. East half of northwest quarter. Victory Curtis, Livingston Co., Mich., Sept. 24, 1836. West half of southeast quarter. SECTION 15. Orrin H. Harding, Niagara Co., N. Y., Sept. 28, 1835. East half of southeast quarter. Mortimer B. Martin, Wayne Co., Mich., Feb. 15, 1836. Northwest quarter. George Curtis, Livingston Co., Mich., May 2, 1836. East half of northeast quarter. John Curtis, Livingston Co., Mich., May 2, 1836. West half of northeast quarter. Ramsey McHeniy, B. B. Kercheval, Mark IIealey, O. T. Smith, May 24, 1836. Southwest quarter. Benjamin J. Spring, Livingston Co., Mich., June 24, 1836. West half of southeast quarter. SECTION i6. SCHOOL LANDS. Mary Jones, Jan. 2I, I848. Southeast quarter of southwest quarter. J. La Grange, April 17, 1848. Northwest quarter of southeast quarter. A. La Grange, June 14, 1848. Southwest quarter of southwest quarter. William Moore, June 12, I849. Northeast quarter of northeast quarter. Anson La Grange, March II, a851. Southeast quarter of southwest quarter. O. P. Brayton, April 30, I85I. Southeast quarter of northeast quarter. Chas. O. Reed, June 28, I851. North half of southwest quarter. John Ia Grange, Aug. I6, I85I. Southeast quarter of northwest quarter. Nicholas Lake, Jr., Jan. 4, 1853. Southeast quarter of northwest quarter. William Moore, Jan. 19, 1853. Southwest quarter of northeast quarter. C. A. Dorrance, Oct. 8, 1853. Northwest quarter of northwest quarter. J. McDaniels, Oct. 14, 1853. Northwest quarter of northeast quarter. E. Marr, Oct. 17, I853. Southwest quarter of northwest quarter. Robert McLean, Oct. 20, 1853. Northeast quarter of northwest quarter. J. Whipple, Aug. 7, i854. Northeast quarter of northeast quarter. SECTION 17. Chilson Sanford, Washtenaw Co., Mich., April 25, I834. East half of southwest quarter. Whitely Woodruff, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 27, I834. Southwest quarter of southwest quarter. Samuel Waddell, Oakland Co., Mich., July 14, 1835. East half of southeast quarter. Clement Stebbins, Oakland Co., Mich., Sept. 29, 1835. Southwest quarter of southeast quarter. William H. Townsend, New York City, Oct. I, 1835. Northeast quarter. Flavius J. B. Crane, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 27, x835. Northwest quarter of southwest quarter. Abram A. Van Nest, Washtenaw Co., Mich., March I6, 1836. Northwest quarter. Henry Lake, Livingston Co., Mich., June I7, 1836. Northwest quarter of southeast quarter. SECTION 18. James Hiscock, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Dec. 18, 1834. East half of southeast quarter. Alfred A. Dwight, Wayne Co., Mich., July I7, I835. West half of southeast quarter. Bickford P. Hutchinson and Silas Titus, Wayne Co., Mich., July I7, 1835. East half of northwest quarter. Morgan Lyon, Chenango Co., N. Y., Sept. 28, 1835. Northeast quarter. Edwin Hubbard, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 14, 1835. East half of southwest fractional quarter. Harvey Hubbard, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 14, 1835. West half of northwest fractional quarter. Ebenezer Demmon, Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. 25, 1837. West part of southwest fractional quarter. SECTION 19. Clement Stebbins, Oakland Co., Mich., Sept. 29, 1835. East half of northeast quarter. Mark Healy and B. B. Kercheval, United States, May 28, 1836. Southeast quarter, southwest fractional quarter, northwest fractional quarter, and west half of northeast quarter. SECTION 20. Chilson Sanford, Washtenaw Co., Mich., April 25, 1834. Northwest quarter. Sterry Lyon, Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 21, 1834. East half of northeast quarter. Nancy Gregory, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 20, 1835. West half of northeast quarter. Charles S. Gregory, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 20, 1835. West half of southeast quarter and southeast quarter of southeast quarter. Bickford P. Iutchinson and Alfred A. Dwight, Wayne Co., Mich., July 17, 1835. Northeast quarter of southeast quarter. Flavius J. B. Crane, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 27, 1835. Southwest quarter. SECTION 21. Elisha H. Smith, Ontario Co., N. Y., Nov. 6, 1834. West half of southwest quarter. Villeroy E. Smith, Ontario Co., N. Y., May 22, I835. West half of northwest quarter. John W. Smith, Ontario Co., N. Y., May 22, 1835. Southeast quarter of southwest quarter. Robert Pixley, Ontario Co., N. Y., Oct. 15, I835. East half of northeast quarter, southwest quarter of northeast quarter. HOWELL TOWNSHIP. IS7 -------------------- I I. - Isaac R. Stone, Ontario Co., N. Y., Oct. I6, 1835. Southeast quarter. Jarvis W. Carr, Ontario Co., N. Y., Oct. I6, I835. East half of northwest quarter. Josiah Snow and George W. H. Fisk, Wayne Co., Mich., Feb. 8, 1836. Northeast quarter of southwest quarter. John W. Smith, Livingston Co., Mich., Oct. 12, 1837. Northwest quarter of northeast quarter. SECTION 22. Dennis Hogan, Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 23, I835. Southwest quarter. Paul D. Cornell and Alonzo Cornell, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., July I, 1835. West half of northwest quarter and northeast quarter of northwest quarter. Peter Brewer, Niagara Co., N. Y., Sept. 9, I835. Southeast quarter of southeast quarter. Daniel Case, Livingston Co., Mich., March 10, 1836. Northeast quarter of southeast quarter and southeast quarter of northeast quarter; April 4, 1836, northeast quarter of northeast quarter. Luther B. Willard, Wayne Co., Mich., April 23, 1836. West half of northeast quarter; Aug. 6, 1836, southeast quarter of northwest quarter. Paul Stowell, Genesee Co., N. Y., March 9, 1837. West half of southeast quarter. SECTION 23. Agnes Wood, Niagara Co., N. Y., June 2, 1836. Northeast quarter of northwest quarter. Victory Curtis, Livingston Co., Mich., Sept. 24, 1836. West half of northeast quarter. Bickford P. Hutchinson and Silas Titus, Wayne Co., Mich., July 17, 1835. East half of southeast quarter. Moses Thompson, Herkimer Co., N. Y., Aug. I8, I835. East half of northeast quarter. Sally Johnston, Livingston Co., Mich., Aug. IO, 1835. Southeast quarter of southwest quarter. David Wadhams, Madison Co., N. Y., Sept. 3, 1835. Southwest quarter of southeast quarter. Peter Brewer, Niagara Co., N. Y., Sept. 9, 1835. West half of southwest quarter. Justin Durfee, Monroe Co., N. Y., Oct. 26, 1835. West half of northwest quarter. James Sage, Livingston Co., Mich., May 9, 1836. Southeast quarter of northwest quarter. Patrick HIefferman, Wayne Co., Mich., May 28, 1836. Northwest quarter of southeast quarter and northeast quarter of southwest quarter. SECTION 24. George W. Teeple, Steuben Co., N. Y., July 7, I835. West half of northwest quarter. Alfred A. Dwight, Wayne Co., Mich., July 17, I835. West half of southwest quarter. Samuel Riddle, Jr., Washtenaw Co., Mich., April 26, I836. East half of northwest quarter and west half of northeast quarter. William Packard, Wayne Co., Mich., May i6, I836. East half of southwest quarter. William J. Pease, New York City, Nov. I6, I836. East half of northeast quarter. Alvin L. Crittenden, Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. 14, I836. North half of southeast quarter. Aaron Saunders, Livingston Co., Mich., July II, 1846. Southeast quarter of southeast quarter; Oct. 17, 1849, southwest quar ter of southeast quarter. SECTION 25. Cieckley S; Palmer, Genesee Co., N. Y., Oct. 7, 1833. West half - of northwest quarter. Robert R. Rowland, Wayne Co., N. Y., May 30, I835. South half of northwest quarter. Elizabeth Thompson, Oakland Co., Mich., July o1, I835. Southwest quarter of northeast quarter. Edward Thompson, Livingston Co., Mich., May 27, 1836. Southeast quarter of northeast quarter. Joseph R. Thompson, Oakland Co.o Mich., May 31, t839. Northeast quarter of northeast quarter. Morris Thompson, Livingston Co., Mich., July 9, 1847. Northwest quarter of northeast quarter. SECTION 26. Itha J. West, Niagara Co., N. Y., Sept. 9, I835. West half of northwest quarter. Bickford P. Hutchinson and Alfred A. Dwight, Wayne Co., Mich., July 17, 1835. East half of northeast quarter. Clarissa Johnson, Livingston Co., Mich., Aug. I8, I835. East half of northwest quarter. David Wadhams, Madison Co., N. Y., Sept. 3, 1835. West half of northeast quarter. SECTION 27. Orman Coe, Genesee Co., N. Y., May 20, 1833. East half of southwest quarter. Henry S. Lamed, Livingston Co., Mich., June I5, 1835. Southwest quarter of northwest quarter. Bickford P. Hutchinson and Alfred A. Dwight, Wayne Co., Mich., July I7, I835. West half of southwest quarter. Henry S. Larled, Livingston Co., Mich., July 21, 1835. Northwest quarter of northwest quarter. George W. Pennock, Upper Canada, Aug. 3, I835. West half of southeast quarter. Itha J. West, Niagara Co., N. Y., Sept. 9, 1835. Northeast quarter of northeast quarter. Jonathan Austin, Iivingston Co., Mich., Oct. 28, I835. East half of southeast quarter. Harvey Metcalf, Livingston Co., Mich., June 4, 1836. West half of northeast quarter and east half of northwest quarter. John Haze, Oakland Co., Mich., Sept. I6, I837. Southeast quarter of northeast quarter. SECTION 28. Francis Monroe, Ontario Co., N. Y., Nov. 6, I834. Southwest quarter. John W. Smith, Ontario Co., N. Y., May 22, I835. Northeast quarter of northwest quarter. Israel Powers, Ontario Co., N. Y., June 8, 1835. West half of northeast quarter. B. L. Powers, Yates Co., N. Y., June 8, I835. East half of northeast quarter. Jacob Leroy, Genesee Co., N. Y., Aug. I I, I835. Southeast quarter. Flavius J. B. Crane, Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. 13, I836. West half of northwest quarter and southeast quarter of northwest quarter. SECTION 29. Eliphalet Lewis, Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 14, I835. East half of northeast quarter and northwest quarter of northeast quarter. Mark Healy and B. B. Kercheval, United States, May 28, 1836. Northwest quarter, southwest quarter, southeast quarter, and southwest quarter of northeast quarter. SECTIONS 30, 31. Mark Healy and B. B. Kercheval, United States, May 28, I836. Entire sections. SECTION 32. Rial Lake, Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 12, 1835. Southeast quarter. Mark Healy and B. B. Kercheval, United States, May 28, 1836. Northeast quarter, northwest quarter, and southwest quarter. 188 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. SECTION 33. Jacob Leroy, Genesee Co., N. Y., Aug. II, I835. East half of northeast quarter. Rial Lake, Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 12, 1835. West half of southwest quarter. Leonard Collar, Orleans Co., N. Y., Oct. 26, 1835. West half of northeast quarter. Edward E. Gregory, Washtenaw Co., Mich., April 26, 1836. Southeast quarter. William M. Gregory, Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 24, 1836. East half of southwest quarter. Mark Healy and B. B. Kercheval, United States, May 28, 1836. Northwest quarter. SECTION 34. Moses Thompson, Herkimer Co., N. Y., May 9, 1834. North. east quarter, east half of northwest quarter, and northeast quarter of southwest quarter. Morris Thompson, Herkimer Co., N. Y., May 15, I834. Northwest quarter of southeast quarter. Brown Bristol, Genesee Co., N. Y., July 4, I835. East half of southeast quarter. Hezekiah Carpenter and Socrates W. Carpenter, Genesee Co., N. Y., Aug. ii, 1835. West half of northwest quarter. Edward E. Gregory, Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 24, 1836. Southwest quarter of southwest quarter. Joseph S. Crispel, Livingston Co., Mich., June I2, 1845. Southeast quarter of southwest quarter. Rice Tyler, Livingston Co., Mich., July o1, 1852. Southwest quarter of southeast quarter. E. G. Almy, Livingston Co., Mich., certificate assigned to Enos Sowle, Jan. 9, 1854. Northwest quarter of southwest quarter. EARLY SETTLEMENTS AND SETTLERS. At the beginning of the year 1835 there had been no settlement made in Howell west or north of the present village limits, but during the spring and summer of that year a considerable number of immigrants came in and located themselves in different parts of the township. To which of them belonged the honor of being the first settler in the township cannot be stated, as several came in at nearly the same time. Mr. Samuel Waddell, from Steuben County, N. Y., and a soldier of the war of 1812, was one who settled here in the fall of that year. His location was on the east half of the southeast quarter of section 17, which he had entered in July, 1835. Mr. Waddell died on the 30th of May, 1837, his being the first death that occurred among the settlers in the township. It was the result of injuries received at the raising of the frame of a barn at Amos Adams' Eagle Tavern. He was buried on his farm; but his remains were afterwards removed to the burial-ground in Howell village. In the autumn of the same year, his widow, with her family of seven children, returned to Pultney, N. Y., from whence they had emigrated two years before. She is still residing there at the age of more than eighty years. Andrew D. Wad dell, the fifth of her seven children, returned to the village of Howell in 1855, commenced the study of law, wag lmitted to tlhe bar in the fol lowing year, and is now one of the leading members of the bar of Livingston County. Joseph Porter, from Washtenaw Co., Mich., came in the same year, and located on the southwest quarter of section 7, but did not long continue at that place. He was a millwright by trade, and was employed in 1836 in building the sawmill of Moses Thompson on the outlet of Thompson Lake. Afterwards he was proprietor, with Amos Adams, of a saw-mill which they erected on the Shiawassee, on section 27. Villeroy E. Smith, John W. Smith, and Elisha H. Smith, three brothers, from Ontario Co., N. Y., came here in May, 1835. They were men of respectability, and stood well in the estimation of their fellow-townsmen. The first and last named located on section 2I. John W. settled on section 28. He was one of the first justices of the peace elected in the township, and afterwards held the office for sixteen years in succession. Villeroy E. Smith was a school-teacher by profession, and died while employed in that calling in the town of Marion, Dec. 30, 185 I. Elisha H. Smith was one of the earliest explorers of this region, he having come through here on foot, with Mr. Francis Monroe, searching for government lands, in the fall of I834. He is still living on the northeast quarter of section 21. Three sons of his-Gardner S., Reuben C., and Edwin H. Smith-died in the service of their country, in the war of the Rebellion. Mr. Smith is probably the best informed person in Howell in reference to pioneer matters in the township, Much information and assistance has been obtained from him in the preparation of this history of Howell; for which he has the thanks of the writer. Justin Durfee, from Henrietta, Genesee Co., N. Y., came to Howell in 1835, and settled on the northwest quarter of section 23. When he first came to Michigan from New York State (a year or two earlier) he had settled temporarily in Oakland County, where he was employed in schoolteaching. He was also the first male schoolteacher in the village and township of Howell, being employed to teach the pioneer school in District No. I, in I837. At the spring election of 1836 (the first in the township) he was elected to the offices of assessor and highway commissioner, and held some offices (especially in the school district) afterwards. He remained a resident in Howell until I851, when he returned to New York State, and is now (or was recently) living there. Merritt S. Havens, a carpenter and joiner by trade, settled in 1835 on section 23. His marriage HOWELL TOWNSHIP.' I89 with Sally T. Austin, daughter of David Austin, Jan. I5, 1836, was the first celebration of nuptials in the township or village of Howell. Daniel Hotchkiss and Levi M. Hotchkiss were settlers of 1835, both locating on section 28. Francis Field and Nathaniel Johnson settled during the same season on section 23. Mr. Johnson died Jan. 25, I852. Whiteley Woodruff, from Washtenaw Co., Mich., settled in the summer of 1835 on the southwvest part of section 17, the locality now known as the "Six Corners;" and at about the same time David H. Austin began preparations for settlement on the northeast quarter of section 20, where Mr. Bump now lives. Very soon after, however, Mr. Austin removed from section 20, and located on section 35, within the present village corporation. After living for some years on section 35 he removed to Farmington, Oakland Co. His son, George Austin, is now living in the southwest part of the township. The above-mentioned persons are believed to have been all-and they were certainly very nearly all-who settled in the township prior to the commencement of 1836. It has been stated by an old resident of Howell,* that at the end of 1835 there were but 22 adult males living in the whole of the township (that is, including the territory of the present village). But if we add to the above list of settlers the names of those who were then living within what are now the corporate limits of Howell, viz., Moses Thompson with his three sons, James and George T. Sage, David Austin, Jonathan Austin, Messrs. Pinckney, Adams, Crane, and Ezra J. Mundy, we have one or two more than the number said to be resident in the township at that time. It may therefore be claimed with considerable confidence that the above mention includes all who had settled in the township down to the time named. ERECTION AND ORGANIZATION OF THE TOWNSHIP. The act erecting the township of Howell was passed by the Legislature at the session of 1836, and approved March 23d, in that year. It provided " that all that portion of the county of Livingston designated by the United States survey as townships three and four north, of ranges three, four, and five east, be and the same is hereby set off and organized into a separate township by the name of Howell, and the first township-meeting shall be held at the dwelling-house of Amos Adams, in said township." The territory thus set off to form the township of Howell comprises, in addition to the present limits of the township, all of the present towns of Handy, Oceola, Deerfield, Cohoctah, and Conway. It has been since reduced to its present dimensions by the setting off of Byron (now Oceola) and Deerfield in March, 1837; and Handy, Tuscola (now Cohoctah), and lena (now Conway) in March, I838. The name of Howell was taken from that of the village, which had been so named when platted a year and a half before. The first township-meeting was held, in accordance with the provisions of the act, at the tavern-house of Amos Adams on the first Monday in May, 1836. Sugar-bowls, borrowed from the landlady, were used as ballotboxes, and in these, thirty-six votes were cast, resulting in the election of Philester Jessup (of the township now Oceola) as Supervisor; F. J. B. Crane, Town Clerk; Amos Adams, Ezra Sanford, Harley H. Graves, and John W. Smith, Justices of the Peace; Francis Field, Collector; Justin Durfee, David Austin, and George T. Sage, Assessors; Joseph Porter, F. J. B. Crane, and Jonathan Austin, School Inspectors; John Sanford, Justin Durfee, and George T. Sage, Highway Commissioners; John D. Pinckney, F. J. B. Crane, Francis Field, and Elisha H. Smith, Constables. A list of persons who have held township offices since that time and until the present is given below, but it is incomplete for the years between 1836 and I850, for the reason that the old township record covering those years has been lost or destroyed, and only a partial and defective list of officers elected during that period has been gathered from other sources. Such as are given, however, are known to be authentic, viz.: 1837.-Supervisor, John W. Smith; Town Clerk, Jonathan Austin; Justices of the Peace, George W. Kneeland, John W. Smith. 1838.-Supervisor, Rial Lake; Town Clerk, John W. Smith; Justices of the Peace, John T. Watson, Odell J. Smith, Wellington A. Glover. 1839.-Town Clerk, Morris Thompson; Justice of the Peace, Allen C. Weston. 1840.-Town Clerk, Morris Thompson; Justice of the Peace, Gardner Wheeler. 184I.-Town Clerk, Morris Thompson; Justice of the Peace, John W. Smith. I842.-Supervisor, George W. Kneeland; Town Clerk, M. S. Brennan; Justice of the Peaee, Josiah Turner. 1843.-Supervisor, George W. Kneeland; Justice of the Peace, Odell J. Smith. I844.-Supervisor, Rial Lake; Town Clerk, Gardner Wheeler; Justice of the Peace, James H. Ackerson; Treasurer, William McPherson; School Inspector, Edward E. Gregory; Directors of the Poor, Derastus Hinman, Victory Curtis. I845.-Supervisor, Odell J. Smith; Town Clerk, Gardner Wheeler; Justices of the Peace, John W. Smith, Nelson G. Isbell (to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Josiah Turner). I * Mr. Daniel Case. I9o HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 1846.-Supervisor, Gardner Wheeler; Town Clerk, Lauren K. Hewett; Justice of the Peace, William Lewis. 1847.-Supervisor, Odell J. Smith; Town Clerk, L. K. Hewett; Justices of the Peace, Richard B. Hall, Samuel M. Yerkes (to fill vacancy). 1848. —Supervisor, Frederick C. Whipple; Town Clerk, D. D. T. Chandler; Justices of the Peace, Lauren K. Hewett, George W. Kneeland (to fill vacancy). 1849.-Supervisor, William McPherson; Town Clerk, Henry H. Harmon; Justice of the Peace, John W. Smith. 1850.'-Supervisor, Gardner Wheeler; Clerk, Henry H. Harmon; Treasurer, John B. Kneeland; Justice of the Peace, Henry Lake; Commissioner of Highways, Edward Thompson; School Inspector, John A. Wheeler; Directors of the Poor, Richard P. Bush, Josiah Turner. I851.-Supervisor, Derastus Hinman; Clerk, John A. Wheeler; Treasurer, John B. Kneeland; Justices of the Peace, John H. Galloway (full term), William More (to fill vacancy); Highway Commissioner, David Carl; School Inspector, Gardner Wheeler; Directors of the Poor, James M. Murray, William L. Wells. 1852.-Supervisor, Richard P. Bush; Clerk, Mylo L. Gay; Treasurer, John B. Kneeland; Justices of the Peace, Gardner Wheeler (full term\, William More (to fill vacancy); Highway Commissioner, Elisha H. Smith; School Inspector, William A. Clark; Directors of the Poor, John D. Gifford, Josiah Turner. 1853.-Supervisor, Richard P. Bush; Clerk, Mylo L. Gay; Treasurer, John B. Kneeland; Justice of the Peace, L. K. Hewett; Highway Commissioner, Samuel M. Yerkes; School Inspector, Gardner Wheeler. 1854.-Supervisor, Gardner Wheeler; Clerk, Mylo L. Gay; Treasurer, John B. Kneeland; Justice of the Peace, William More; Highway Commissioner, Daniel Case; School Inspector, William A. Clark. 1855.-Supervisor, William C. Rumsey; Clerk, Mylo L. Gay; Treasurer, John B. Kneeland; Justice of the Peace, Odell J. Smith; Commissioners of Highways, Dexter Filkins, Wm. Lake; School Inspector, Wm. B. Jewett. I856.-Supervisor, William C. Rumsey; Clerk, E. Rollin Bascom; Justice of the Peace, Mylo L. Gay; Treasurer, Nathan Pond; Highway Commissioner, Charles Root; School Inspector, George P. Root. 1857.-Supervisor, John B. Kneeland; Clerk, E. Rollin Bascom; Treasurer, Andrew Blanck; Justice of the Peace, Daniel Case; Highway Commissioner, David Lewis; School Inspector, George Huslon. I858.-Supervisor, John H. Galloway; Clerk, Henry C. Briggs; Treasurer, John W. Richmond; Justice of the Peace, Andrew D. Waddell; Highway Commissioner, Dexter J. Filkins; School Inspector, B. Howard Lawson (full term), William B. Jewett (to vacancy). 1859.-Supervisor, John H. Galloway; Clerk, E. Rollin Bascom; Treasurer, John W. Richmond; Justice of the Peace, John Marr; Highway Commissioners, Charles Root, Stephen S. More; School Inspector, J. A. Pond. I86o.-Supervisor, John II. Galloway; Cler!k, E. Rollin Bascom; Treasurer, John W. Richmond; Justices of the Peace, Mylo L. Gay (full term), William Lake (to fill vacancy); Highway Commissioner, Stephen S. More; School Inspector, Andrew Blanck. I86I.-Supervisor, William C. Rumsey; Clerk, E. Rollin Bascom; Treasurer, Henry C. Briggs; Justice of the Peace, Daniel Case; School Inspector, Jabez A. Pond; Highway Commissioner, Solomon Hildebrant. 1862.-Supervisor, William C. Rumsey; Clerk, E. Rollin Bas com; Treasurer, Giles Tucker; Justice of the Peace, Dennis Shields; Highway Commissioner, George Wakefield; School Inspector, Henry H. Harmon (full term), J. Bruce Fishbeck (vacancy). 1863.-Supervisor, Giles Tucker; Clerk, E. Rollin Bascom; Treasurer, Leonard B. Wells; Justices of the Peace, William Lake (full term), William More (vacancy); Highway Commissioners, Stephen S. More, George Wakefield; School Inspectors, Ebenezer B. Bunnell (full term), George Wilber (vacancy). 1864.-Supervisor, Giles Tucker; Clerk, E. Rollin Bascom; Treasurer, Leonard B. Wells; Justice of the Peace, Mylo L. Gay; Highway Commissioner, Solomon Hilde. brant; School Inspectors, Elijah F. Burt (full term), Dennis Shields (vacancy). 1865.-Supervisor, Almon Whipple; Clerk, E. Rollin Bascom (died during this term, which was completed by Wallace W. Carpenter); Justice of the Peace, Daniel Case; Treasurer, Leonard B. Wells; School Inspectors, W. W. Carpenter (full term), Dennis Shields (vacancy). I866.-Supervisor, Isaac W. Bush; Clerk, Royal H. Rumsey; Treasurer, Lorenzo H. Sullivan; Justice of the Peace, Wallace W. Carpenter; Highway Commissioner, Stephen S. More; School Inspector, Dennis Shields. i867.-Supervisor, Oren H. Winegar; Clerk, Royal H. Rumsey; Treasurer, Elbert C. Bush; Justice of the Peace, Fredei ick C. Whipple; Highway Commissioner, Solomon Hildebrant; School Inspector, Wallace W. Carpenter. 1868.-Supervi.or, Oren H. Winegar; Clerk, Henry T. Clark; Treasurer, Elbert C. Bush; Justice of the Peace, Nicholas Lake; Highway Commissioner, Jesse Marr; School Inspector, Philander Bennett. I869.-Supervisor, O. H. Winegar; Clerk, Royal H. Rumsey; Treasurer, William B. Smith; Justice of the Peace, William More; Highway Commissioner, S. S. More; School Inspector, Ferdinand W. Munson. I870.-Supervisor, William C. Rumsey; Clerk, William II. Wells; Treasurer, Edward B. Gregory; Justice of the Peace, James H. Martin; Highway Commissioner, Geo. B. Raymour; School Inspector, Philander Bennett. i87I.-Supervisor, William C. Rumsey; Clerk, William H. Wells; Treasurer, Royal H. Rumsey; Justice of the Peace, Albert Riddle; Highway Commissioner, Jesse Marr; School Inspector, Rollin H. Person. 1872.-Supervisor, Calvin Wilcox; Clerk, William H. Wells; Treasurer, Orrin J. Wells; Justice of the Peace, Charles P. Lake (full term), Edward B. Gregory (to fill vacancy); School Inspector, John J. McWhorter. I873.-Supervisor, Harry J. Haven; Clerk, Henry G. Selliman; Treasurer, Orrin J. Wells; Justices of the Peace, William More (full term), Charles Hildebrant (three years), Ezra C. Hatton (one year); Highway Commissioner, George B. Raymond; School Inspector, Philander Bennett. I874.-Supervisor, Benjamin H. Rubert; Clerk, Royal H. Rumsey; Treasurer, Orrin J. Wells; Justices of the Peace, Ezra C. Hatton (full term), Gilbert L. Wolcott (to fill vacancy); Highway Commissioner, Timothy Smith; School Inspector, Robert Smith. I875.-Supervisor, Albert Riddle; Clerk, Royal H. Rumsey; Treasurer, Orrin J. Wells; Justices of the Peace, Harry J. Haven (full term), D. C. Kneeland (to fill vacancy); Highway Commissioner, James F. Moody; School Inspector and Township Superintendent of Schools, C. Harlow Person. 1876.-Supervisor, Albert Riddle; Clerk, Royal H. Rumsey; Treasurer, Orrin J. Wells; Justices of the Peace, Dexter J. Filkins (full term), Edward B. Gregory (to fill vacancy); Township Superintendent of Schools, C. Harlow Person; School Inspector, Orlando II. Bushnell; Highway Commissioner, John Casterton. 1877.-Supervisor, William B. Smith; Clerk, Edward Green: away; Treasurer, Homer N. Beach; Justice of the Peace, C. H. Person; Township Superintendent of HOWELL TOWNSHIP. I9I Schools, Thomas Gordon, Jr.; School Inspector, Patrick Hammond; Commissioner of Highways, Orlando S. Brewer. I878.-Supervisor, William B. Smith; Clerk, William F. Griffith; Treasurer, Homer N. Beach; Justices of the Peace, Isaac W. Bush (full term), Neil O'Hearn (to fill vacancy); Township Superintendent of Schools, Thomas Gordon, Jr.; School Inspector, Patrick Hammell; Highway Commissioner, David P. Lake. I879.-Supervisor, George W. Fitch; Clerk, William F. Griffith; Treasurer, Thomas G. Switzer; Justice of the Peace, Edward B. Gregory; Township Superintendent of Schools, Thomas Gordon, Jr.; School Inspector, Chas. A. Phillips; Highway Commissioner, William J. Walbran. SETTLEMENTS SUCCEEDING THE TOWN ORGANIZATION. Among the first of those who came to make their homes in the township in the year 1836 were Henry Lake and Garret S. Lake, two brothers, from Mount Morris, Livingston Co., N. Y., who came with their families to settle in Howell in June of that year. It is recollected by the few who remain of those who were here at that time, that when these two families arrived at the place where the Grand River road crosses the Shiawassee River, they found that the rude and frail log bridge which had previously been thrown across that stream had been swept away by a recent freshet, and as the river was too much swollen for fording, they were compelled to build a raft, on which their wagons and household goods were slowly and tediously ferried across, while their teams were forced to swim to the opposite shore. Henry Lake, the elder of the two, settled on section 8, near where Isaac Henry now lives. He afterwards removed to the farm now owned by Heman Bump, on section 20. When he came to Howell in 1836, his family consisted of himself, his wife, and five children,-William, Garret, Anson, Teresa, and Malvina. Of these children, William and Anson are now living in California, and Malvina-now Mrs. Hamilton Benedict-resides in Fowlerville. Of the children of Mr. Lake who were born after their settlement in Howell, Wesley Lake is in California; Lilian (Mrs. James P. Spencer), and Rosa, an unmarried daughter, are living in Fowlerville; another unmarried daughter resides in Lansing; Adelia is the wife of Mr. John Knight, of Grass Lake, Jackson Co., Mich.; and George and 'Horace L. are residents of Howell. Garret S. Lake, the younger of the two brothers who came here in I836, settled on the Shiawassee River, on the northeast quarter of section 9; his location being the same which is now embraced in the farm of P. J. Dean. There he lived in the comfort of an independent farmer's life, and there he died. On this farm, in 1838, he manufactured the first bricks made in Howell township. His son, Garret S. Lake, is now presiding elder in the Church of the United Brethren, and is living in Charlotte, Eaton Co., Mich. Another son, Andrew, is a farmer in Barry Co., Mich. A daughter, Hannah (now Mrs. Henry Moon), also resides in Barry County. Cornelia (Mrs. George Louk) still resides in Howell. Daniel Case, a native of Monroe Co., N. Y., settled in Howell in the fall of I836, on the east half of the northeast quarter of section 22, this tract having been purchased by him from government in the preceding March. He had come to Michigan in the fall of 1835, but spent the winter at Toledo, working at his trade, which was that of carpenter and joiner. Early in the spring of I836 he set out on a prospecting tour, and came by way of Monroe, Detroit, and Oakland County to Livingston Centre, which was then much talked of. Here he employed Mr. James Sage to assist him in his explorations, and having made several selections he hurried back to the land-office in Detroit, where he succeeded in entering the lands on which he had fixed his preference. He then returned to Toledo, and worked at his trade until the middle of May, when he started back to Detroit, and from there took stage to Ann Arbor, from which place he came up through the woods, by way of Pinckney and Livingston Centre, to'the lands which he had purchased, and which on a second inspection he liked better than ever, and decided to settle upon them. About the first of June he started back on foot, by way of Ann Arbor and Detroit, bound for Livingston Co., N. Y., to make preparations for removing West. On the 20th of September following, he set out on his return to Michigan, bringing with him his father, Job Case, his mother, and his wife (previously Miss Jane E. Fish, of Wyoming Co., N. Y., to whom he was married August 24th, in that year). The incidents of his journey were afterwards related by Mr. Case, as follows: " At Buffalo we went on board the steamer 'Daniel Webster.' She was loaded heavily, and just as she was ready to start out five teams with their loads, all the way from Massachusetts, sought a passage to Toledo, as they were going to the south part of the State. The captain of the steamer told them he could not take them, on account of the heavy load, but the mate said they might come on board, if we all went down together. So on board they came, horses, wagons, and all; and the steamer did come near sinking, though after many struggles with winds and waves she arrived safely at Detroit, not being able, on account of the heavy load and bad weather, to put in at Toledo.... We hired Mr. A. B. Markham, of Plymouth, to take a load of about fourteen hundred pounds and my wife and mother to Liviigston Centre, for which service I paid him thirty dollars in gold. They came by way of Plymouth. I bought a yoke of oxen in Detroit, and loaded on my wagon what we most needed, and started out on the Grand River road, which was turnpiked for ten miles, and then the I92 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. timber lay thick in the road to the ' Sand Hill.' I had to drive through the woods anywhere to get my wagon through between the trees. I reached Livingston Centre on the 8th day of October, and I drove the first team over the road from Else's Corners to William Smith's. "Winter was approaching, and I had to build me a house, with no lumber to do it with. But I went to work with a will. I felled the trees and hewed the timber on two sides for a house I8 by 22 feet, split out ribs to shingle on, and then split oak shingles to cover it. The boards of the boxes I had brought with me furnished me with lumber for doors. For the lower floor I split logs and hewed them out for boards. When we had finished a place large enough to set a bedstead on we moved in, and completed the house afterwards. Mr. Thompson's mill commenced running about that time, and Morris Thompson had charge of it; and that all the settlers might be served alike, he would let each man have just boards enough for an upper floor, and no more, till they had all procured upper floors, and then divide again. I hired Benjamin J. Spring with his oxen to go with me to Detroit for the load of goods we had left there. About the middle of November we took up our line of march with two yoke of oxen and a wagon for them. From here to New Hudson the road was not cut out, and we followed the trail around marshes and swamps till we came to the Huron River. We got to Detroit the fourth day at night. The next morning we loaded our goods, and got back to the NineMile House that night. We were gone from home ten days, and I paid Spring one dollar and fifty cents per (lay, besides expenses. Our expenses alone were over twenty-five dollars for the trip, making forty dollars, besides my time. I mention these bills to show what it cost the first settlers to come here, and to furnish a contrast to the present cost of a trip to Detroit." Mr. Case went energetically to work on the land where he settled, and became a prosperous farmer. He removed in 1844 to Howell village, where he remained five years, and returned in 1849 to his farm, where he died July 21, I874. He was twice married; first to Miss Fish, as mentioned, and the second time to Exalla A. Stebbins, of Madison Co., N. Y., a sister of Mrs. B. J. Spring. He had two children by the first marriage and eight by the second. Of the latter two are living, Mrs. William Saunders, of Howell village, and Mrs. Theodore Pettibone, who resides on the farm of her father. Benjamin J. Spring, a native of the town of Eaton, Madison Co., N. Y., and one of the most widely known of the early residents in Howell, came to this township in July, I836, and settled on the west half of the southeast quarter of section 15, which he had purchased from government in the same year. His wife, whom he married in New York State, was Miss Sophronia Stebbins, a sister of the second Mrs. Daniel Case. The farm on which they settled is the same which is now owned by Lafayette Barnhart, of Lansing. On this farm he remained until 1840, and then exchanged it with Allen C. Weston for the hotel property of the latter, known as the Stage House, in Howelt village, to which Spring then removed. He remained in the hotel business in Howell for some years, afterwards removed to Novi, Oakland Co., in the same business, but returned to Howell, and died on the James Sage farm in 1853. Another of the settlers of 1836 was Victory Curtis, who came from Madison Co., N. Y., in that year in company with Benjamin J. Spring, and settled on section 14, owning also an adjoining eightyacre tract in the northeast quarter of section 23. He was a good farmer, and an estimable and highly. respected man. He lived on his farm until his death, which occurred Aug. 13, 1848. Mr: Curtis' sons, George and John, were married men when they came to Howell with their father in 1836. Besides these he had four other sons,-Benjamin, Alonzo, Loyal, and Alfred,-and three daughters, who became respectively Mrs. Almon Whipple, Mrs. L. M. Glover, and Mrs. John Dewey, of Shiawassee County. George and John Curtis both settled as farmers on section 15; the former having the east half of the northeast quarter, and the latter the west half of the same quarter. A few years after, however, both removed to Howell village, where John became the successor of Mr. Edward F. Gay in merchandising, but continued only a short time in the business, as he died Dec. 7, 184I. George was engaged in the business of hotel-keeping in the village for several years, and died Oct. 4, 1848. Their brother Benjamin died some years since in the township of Handy. Alfred is now living in Saginaw, and Alonzo and Loyal reside in Genesee County. Hiram Bennett was one of the immigrants of 1836. He came in the spring of that year, with a party of land-seekers, from Livingston Co., N. Y., and selected for himself a tract on section 6, where he settled. He was killed by an accident, which occurred in a well which he was engaged in digging, June 9, 1855. John B. La Rowe also came from Livingston Co., N. Y., and settled in the spring of I836 in what was then the town of Howell, though the place where he located is just across the township line in the present town of Handy. He, however, regards himself as having been a citizen of Howell from the first, and it does not seem improper to mention him as such, among the settlers of that year, for he soon after removed to the farm on the southwest quarter of section 5 in this town, which he has occupied until the present time. At a recent pioneer reunion in Howell village, he narrated some of the incidents of his first trip to Michigan and subsequent settlement as follows: "In the spring of 1836 I started, in company with six others, from the town of Mount Morris, Livingston Co., State of New York, for the Territory of Michigan. One of our company was to carry us through with his team, and we were to bear his expenses. We came to Buffalo, crossed over the river at Black Rock, on the Canada side, got as far as Niagara Falls, where the team gave out HOWELL TOWNSHIP. 193 and we had to take it afoot.... When we went over the river to Detroit the air seemed more genial; we breathed easier and felt more at home. We started out from Detroit afoot in search of government land. We stopped at a farm-house five miles northeast of Ann Arbor. I-ere we learned there was plenty of government land in Livingston County. We came by the way of Whitmore Lake to Howell. There was but one house here then. Amos Adams was the occupant. We employed Mr. Adams to show us government land. He brought us to the corners of Howell, Handy, Conway, and Coloctah; here our company located land. WVe slept by the side of an old log five nights, and put up the body of a log house; then we all started out to get team and tools. Our stoppingplace was at Ore Creek, now Brighton, where we stopped with Mr. Bigham, and we bought two yoke of oxen of him, a breaking-up plow, and some log-chains. Here we separated, and they all started for home (New York) except Mr. Bennett and myself I started to Kensington to get my plow-irons sharpened, and Mr. Bigham started for Ann Arbor, with the money we gave him, to buy whisky,-and I believe he has been in the whisky business ever since. I kept bachelor's hall that summer; broke up twentyfive acres of ground; went to Scio, beyond Dexter, for my seed; sowed the wheat, went back to York State in the fall, was married, and came back the same fall. The first gospel sermon tlat I heard was preached by Mr. Cosart. Livingston County was then a Methodist Episcopal missionary field. The first doctor that I employed was Dr. Fisher, he living at Ore Creek, now Brighton. Tile first sick man that I sat up with was Mr. Waddell, Andrew Waddell's father, he living on the farm that Sanford More now lives on. He died there. The first blacksmithing I had done in Howell was done by Mr. McPherson. William Riddle blew the bellows and McPherson heated and hammered the iron. He lived in one-half of the house and blacksmithed in the other. The first grist that I took to mill I took to Ann Arbor with an ox-team, and was gone a week, my wife staying alone while I was gone. Her nearest neighbors were the Indians, and our nearest white neighbor was a man by the name of Porter; the next was Garret S. Lake. The first white child born west of the Shiawassee was Isabel Waddell, and the next was my daughter Lydia, now Mrs. Dorrance.... I have raised a large family, and have ten living children. I might tell some wolf stories, and of catching a large bear, but I will not weary your patience with them." George W. Kneeland and his brothers, Nathan T., Ichabod, and John B., were settlers in Howell, who came in the fall of I836. Another brother, Warren, came a little later. John B. settled on section I8, and Ichabod and Nathan T. on section 13. George W. Kneeland also settled on the section last named, but afterwards removed to the village of Howell, where, in 1850 and later, he was engaged in the running of a steam saw-mill, in company with his brother-in-law, D. D. T. Chandler. A number of years later he owned a similar establishment in the town of losco, to which place he removed, and died there. He was a man of enterprise, intelligence, and public spirit, and during the years that he lived in Howell received many proofs of public confidence. He was elected judge of probate in I840, was re-elected to the office, and also held several other public positions, among them being that of representative in the State Legislature. Ezra Frisbee became a resident of Howell in the same year. Perhaps he should be accounted 25 I as belonging in the village at that time, as he was then working for Moses Thompson, whose daughter he married. He, however, located soon after in the township, on lands which Mr. Thompson had entered from government, on section 34. From this farm he afterwards moved to Cohoctah, and is now one of the wealthy men of that town. Peter Brewer, from Niagara Co., N. Y., came to Howell in 1836, and settled on the southeast quarter of section 22, which, with an adjoining tract of 80 acres, he had purchased from government in the fall of 1835. Mr. Brewer and his wife were active members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in New York State before their removal West, and were among the earliest members of that church in Howell. The timber for the first Methodist house of worship in Howell was hewed by him. His first wife having died, he was married in March, 1865, to Mrs. Abigail Munger, with whom he removed to Shiawassee County. This second wife died in 1878, and Mr. Brewer then returned to live with his son on the farm in Howell, where he settled forty-three years ago, and where he is still living at a very advanced age. Other settlers in Howell in 1836 were Huram Bristol, on the southeast quarter of section 34; Morgan Lyon, on section I8; James E. Head and Henry Pettengill, on 28; Solomon Pettengill, on 27; Job Case, on 22; and Clement Stebbins, on the northeast quarter of section 19, near the little hamlet now known as Fleming. Following is a list of resident tax-payers in Howell (outside the present village limits) in 1837, with the number of acres owned or occupied by each, the section on which located, and valuation; copied in full from the township assessment-roll made out in the spring of that year. The list, of course, does not include the settlers of I837. Names of Possessors. Section. Huram Bristol........................... 34 Peter Brewer.............22:.1..... 23 Daniel Case............................. 22 Victory Curtis........................... John Curtis.............................. 15 George Curtis.......................... 15 Justin Durfee............................ 23 Francis Field............................ 13 Daniel Hotchkiss....................... 13 Levi M. Hotchkiss..................... 13 Nathaniel Johnson.................... 23 George W. Kneeland.................. 13 Nathan T. Kneeland.................. 13 Garret S. Lake.......................... 9 Henry Lake............................. 8 Morgan Lyon........................... I8 Harvey Metcalf......................... 27 Joseph Porter............................ 7 Benjamin J. Spring................... 15 Clement Stebbins.................... 7 {:I Acres. 80 120 120 240 80 80 80 40 40 120 120 200 80 200 i60 160 i60 82 80 120 Valuation. $320 360 360 720 240 240 240 120 120 360 360 600 240 600 480 480 480 246 240 36o I94 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Names of Possessors. Section. Acres. Valuation. John W. Smith.......................... 2 8o 240 Elisha H. Smith........................ 21 8o 240 Samuel Waddell..................... 17 8o 240 The rate of taxation for the year 1837 was 35T3 cents on $1oo. Justus Boyd, from Genesee County, N. Y., became a settler in Howell in I837. He located on section 6, the northeast quarter and three-fourths of the southeast quarter of which he had purchased from government in May of the previous year, he having been one of a party of seven who came together from New York searching for eligible lands. In the spring of I837, he, with Sherburn Crane and Mr. Dibble (who located in Genoa), and their families, set out from " York State" and traveled with ox-teams through West Canada to Detroit, and thence to Livingston County. During the year of his settlement Mr. Boyd cleared a tract of a few acres and prepared it for crops, and having done this, he started for Genesee County, N. Y., to collect money which was due him there. The journey proved a fatal one for him, for he embarked at Detroit for Buffalo on the steamer " Washington," upon that trip during which she was destroyed by fire. Mr. Boyd escaped the fire by jumping overboard, and, securing a plank, floated at last to the shore near Silver Creek, but in so exhausted and perishing a condition that he died almost immediately after reaching the land. His widow was thus left alone to struggle for the support of a family of nine children, of whom the oldest was then but a boy of seventeen years. But the situation was bravely met; the farm was cleared and brought to a state of productiveness, and the family became prosperous and highly respected. Mrs. Boyd is still living in Howell, with her daughter, Miss Angeline M. Boyd. Another daughter is the wife of the Rev. L. H. Dean; and five sons of Justus Boyd, viz., Lewis V., John N., Norman W., Hiram, and Henry P. Boyd, are living in the township, on the section where their father settled. Alvin L. Crittenden is properly mentioned among the settlers in Howell township in 1837, though he came to Howell village in the fall of 1835, as has been before stated. The story of how he procured the means to purchase his farm in the township is told by himself, as follows: "I spent a few days very pleasantly visiting, and then hired to George T. Sage for one year, and commenced work for him on the 24th day of November, 1835. I received for that year's work $140, which bought me eighty acres of land on section 24 in the township of Howell." The tract which he so purchased was the north half of the southeast quarter of the section in question, which he entered Dec. 14, 1836, but had not occupied in time to be included in'the list of resident taxable inhabitants of the township on the assessment roll which was made up in the spring of 1837. Mr. Crittenden married a daughter of Moses Thompson. He removed to Hamburg in 1842, but soon after returned, and remained in Howell till 1854, when he commenced traveling as a preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is now located at Springport, Jackson Co., Mich. Rial Lake, of Philadelphia, Pa., purchased the southeast quarter of section 32, in August, 1835, and came to settle upon the tract in I837. He was a man of liberal education and much intelligence, and by his enterprise and industry became wealthy. He was president of the first agricultural society in 1843, and was several times elected to township offices. He died Dec. 29, 185 1. William Hudson was a settler upon the same section with Mr. Lake, and in the same year. Henry Tobias came to Howell in 1837, and settled on section I7, where S. S. More now lives. Mr. Tobias was from Mount Morris, N. Y., where he had married a sister of Garret S. Lake. The farm on which he located in Howell was that previously owned by Mr. Samuel Waddell, who had then recently died. Abraham A. Van Nest and his brother, Christopher Van Nest, came from Cayuga Co., N. Y., and settled in Livingston County in I837. Abraham located himself on the northwest quarter of section 17, in Howell, this land having been purchased by him from the government in the previous year. He became a prosperous and wealthy farmer, and died in September, 1878. The farm where he settled in 1837 is still owned and occupied by his family. Christopher Van Nest made his first settlement in the township of Marion, but removed to Howell about I844, and settled opposite his brother on the northeast quarter of section I8, where George W. Fitch now resides. John, Aaron, James, and William La Grange became settlers in Howell in 1837. They were brothers, all unmarried, and came from Rensselaer Co., N. Y. Aaron and James took farms on section 21, and their two brothers were employed with them. Aaron died Dec. 9, I853, and James died May 9, 1857. John La Grange married Mary Robinson, and they had one child, James, who is now living in the township. Maria La Grange, a sister of the four brothers above named, married John Lasher, who settled in the township a few years later. Francis Monroe, from Bristol, Ontario Co., N. Y., was a settler of 1837. His location was on the southwest quarter of section 28, which he entered from government in November, 1834, and which he still owns. When he came on his pros HOWELL TOWNSHIP. 195 pecting tour, in the fall of 1834, he was accompanied by Perez Walker, of Salem, Mich., John Knapp, of Bristol, N. Y., and Elisha H. Smith, from East Bloomfield, N. Y. Of these Mr. Smith became a settler in Howell, as has been noticed. Mr. Monroe, after entering his farm, returned to New York and remained there two and a half years, returning here to settle, with his wife and two children, on the Ist of June in the year named. He recollects that at the time of his arrival Mr. Artemas Hosmer, of Wayne County, had just completed a bridge across the Shiawassee River, where the Grand River road crosses the stream. When Mr. Monroe settled on his land this wild tract comprised all his worldly possessions, and it was not until he had realized a revenue from bounties on the scalps of wolves which he had caught that he was enabled to procure (otherwise than by borrowing) the necessary implements for use upon his farm. He was for several years quite famous as a slayer of wolves, and on one occasion, in the winter of 1837-38, came near losing his life in a desperate encounter with a large old black wolf, which he found in his trap one cold morning, on the northeast quarter of section 32. This encounter took place on the ice, in the swamp, where the wolf, being brought to bay, and unable to get away on account of the trap with clog attached to it, turned upon him ferociously, and it was by a narrow chance that Mr. Monroe came off victor. As it was, he added one more scalp to his trophies. It was not long before his farming became far more profitable than the capturing of wolf-scalps, and after some years of close attention to business he found himself a rich man. Hle has now retired from agriculture, and is living on his ample means in the village of Howell. His son, F. N. Monroe, is a merchant in that place, and Norton M., another son, occupies the noble farm on which his father settled in poverty forty-two years ago. Lemuel Monroe, the father of Francis, came into the township in May, 1849, and lived with his son. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and died April 29, 1854, at the age of ninety-five years, one month, and twenty-nine days. Odell J. Smith settled here in I837, on section I. He was a man of enterprise and a good farmer. He was several times elected justice of the peace, and filled other township offices. He died Jan. 23, I86I. Aaron and William Sickles were early settlers in Howell, but it cannot be stated with certainty whether they came in I837 or the previous year. Hezekiah Gates, from Eaton, Madison Co., N. Y., settled in Howell in 1838. His location was on section I5, in the immediate vicinity of that of his life-long friend, Benjamin J. Spring. The wife of Mr. Gates was Caroline Clark, whom he married in the State of New York. A few years after his settlement he was elected constable, and removed to Howell village, where, in 1845, he built the public-house known as Union Hall, but continued only a short time as its proprietor. He afterwards was a contractor in the construction of the Detroit and Grand River road, and later removed to Williamston, Ingham Co., where he commenced building a hotel, but died before it was completed. His remains were brought to Howell village for interment. Ira Brayton came to Howell in I838. At first he was the owner of 80 acres on section 9, but afterwards purchased where he now lives on section 22, on the Shiawassee River. He has since become owner of all the water-power and mills on that stream within the township. Solomon C. Sly, a Canadian refugee of the Patriot war, came here in 1838, or about that year, and settled on 40 acres of land purchased fi-om Garret S. Lake on section 7, where now is the farm of Noah Drew. He afterwards removed to the " Four Corners," on the Grand River road, where he opened a public-house. From that place he moved to Shiawassee County. John Marr came from Canada to Howell in I839. His first location was on section 17, but in I841 he removed to a tract of land in the northeast quarter of section 8, which he had purchased from Henry Hubbard, of New Hampshire, a speculator. Mr. Marr was the father of seven children when he came to Michigan, and three were born to him after his settlement here. Of these children, Cyrus, the oldest son, now lives on the farm which his father purchased of Hubbard; Harlem Marr, another son, lives on section 8; Enos lives in the township of Cohoctah; a daughter, Mrs. Dustan, lives in Sheboygan Co., Mich.; Randall, a son born after his parents came to Howell, went to Texas, and on the opening of the war of the Rebellion joined the Confederate army, and is supposed to have lost his life in that service. Another son, Thomas J. Marr, born in Howell, entered the Union service in the 5th Michigan Infantry, and while in that service was captured by the enemy, and died in one of the Southern prisons. Five of the ten children of the family are now living. David Hight came from Steuben Co., N. Y., and built his cabin in Howell, as one of the settlers of i839. He was a married man, and with him and his wife was also a family of five children, two of whom were married at the time of their settlement here. Three of these are now living. i96 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Caleb Curtis was born in Canaan, Columbia Co., N. Y., and removed thence to Steuben County, in that State, where he married Eunice Cook, of New York City. They remained in Steuben County till I837, when they emigrated to Livingston Co., Mich., and settled in Genoa. There they remained for three years, and removed in I840 to the township of Howell. With them came four children. One of these, Philo Curtis, died on the battle-field of the Wilderness, in I864. Two other sons, Benjamin C. and H. B. Curtis, are well-known foundrymen and machinists; and a daughter, Mrs. Mason, is also still living. Nathaniel Tomlinson-previously from the State of New York-came from Washtenaw Co., Mich., and settled at Brighton about 1837, but removed thence to Howell, and settled on the southwest quarter of section 7, in this township, in I840. He was not long a resident in the township, for he died in I845, leaving a widow and three children. Joseph Hogle, from Linden, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., in I835, and later of Washtenaw Co., Mich., came to this township in the fall of 1840, and settled where he still lives, on section I8. Both he and his wife have always been devout and consistent members of the Methodist Church, in which denomination he has been at various times leader in at least three different classes. He was a poor man —it may be said a very poor man-when he came to Howell, but he was temperate, frugal, industrious, and honest; and these virtues in his case brought the reward which they usually bring, -respect and competency. He is now the owner of a good farm, three-fourths of a mile in extent, and is not only reckoned among the well-to-do farmers of the township, but also among those whose word is as good as their bond. Such, at least, is the testimony borne concerning him by his neighbors in West Howell. Robert Hildebrant, from Niagara Co., N. Y., settled in Howell in I842. He then had nine children, and two more were born to him afterwards. He at first rented a farm on section I5, and died while making preparations for removal to a farm which he had purchased on section Io,the same which is now owned and occupied by his son Solomon. At the death of Mr. Hildebrant, his widow removed with her children to their own property, where she is still living with her eldest son. Ruel Hildebrant, another son, enlisted in the 9th Indiana Infantry in the war of the Rebellion, and, having been transferred to an Indiana battery, was killed while on duty with it at the battle of Chaplin Hills, Ky., Oct. 8, I862. His brother, John, was a member of the 5th Michigan Infantry, and died while serving with that regiment in I864. David Carl came to Howell at the same time as Robert Hildebrant, and settled on the south part of section io. This half-section had been entered by H. W. Phillips, of Niagara Co., N. Y., in the spring of 1836, and had been afterwards sold by Charles A. Phillips to Jonathan Burch and Silas Morse, from the latter of whom Mr. Carl made his purchase. Burch's land was purchased by Mr. Hildebrant, who was preparing to remove to it at the time of his death, as before mentioned. Mr. Carl lived about sixteen years on the farm purchased from Morse, and died there in September, I858. The place is now occupied by John H. Diamon, and the widow of David Carl is still living there. Her son, John Carl, is living in Howell. Two other sons, Henry and Andrew J., died in the United States service in the war of the Rebellion. Dr. Gardner Mason, who had located in the village of Howell in I838, removed a few years later to the west part of the township, and settled on the southeast quarter of section 19. Here he set out a nursery, which was perhaps the first in this part of the township. He had previously started a nursery on the Sage farm, where he first located on coming to Howell. He lived here during the remainder of his life, and died here Aug. 30, 1852, at the age of sixty-five. His son, John G. Mason, is now a resident of Howell village. Ephraim Fowler, from the eastern part of New York State, settled about I845 on a farm on the southeast quarter of section 2o, at the point known as the " Four Corners." There he lived and died. The farm, which he made a good one, is now owned and occupied by his son. Nicholas Lake came from Mount Morris, Livingston Co., N.Y., to Howell in I849. He cannot, therefore, be properly placed on the list of early settlers in the township, but is mentioned among them because he was a brother of two of the very early immigrants who took their families across the Shiawassee to find homes in the woods to the westward of that stream, viz., Henry and Garret S. Lake. William Lake, another brother, came at about the same time with Nicholas, and lived on the land of his brother Garret. Nicholas Lake purchased 8o acres of land of Orra La Grange at the Four Corners, and is now living there at an advanced age. Mr. La Grange, from whom he purchased in I849, removed then to section I6. THE FOUR CORNERS-PUBLIC-HOUSES-FLEMINGTHE RAILROAD. The " Four Corners" here mentioned is a crossroads cluster of buildings in the western part of HOWELL TOWNSHIP.:I97 the town, where a north and south section-line road crosses the Grand River turnpike. The cluster is not large enough to be termed a village or even a hamlet, and what little importance it has or ever had is due to the existence there of a hotel, or tavern. This public-house was first opened by Solomon C. Sly-as already noticedabout the year I851. It was afterwards kept by Mortimer Townsend, and after him by William Brundage. Its present proprietor is Thomas Gilchrist. Another public-house in the township was opened on the south side of the Grand River road, just west of the bridge over the Shiawassee, by Amos Adams, in or about the year I838, soon after Joseph H. Steel had succeeded him in the Eagle Tavern, in Howell village. This old tavern on the Shiawassee was kept by Mr. Adams until his death, in May, 1855, and after him it was kept by Jesse Childs. Afterwards it was removed to the north side of the plank-road, and is still standing there. The "Six Corners," more generally known at the present time as " Fleming" or West Howell, is a cluster of buildings somewhat more pretentious than the " Four Corners," which it lies to the northwest of, and is also located on the Grand River road, which is here intersected by other roads forming six angles, from which circumstance came the name of the settlement. The pioneer settler here was Clement Stebbins, and it is mentioned by Ralph Fowler, Esq., of Fowlerville, that when he came down from there to Howell, in I836, he found Mr. Stebbins' dwelling to be the only one on the road (then little more than a trail) between the two places. From the name of this first settler it was also known in the early years as "Stebbins' Corners," and seems to have been accounted a place of some little importance as a point of departure. In 1844, Mr. Elum M. Bailey advertised that he had "opened a new tailoring establishment on the premises of Henry Lake, one and a half miles north of Stebbins' Corners on the Grand River road, five miles west of Howell," and that he was prepared to furnish clothing fashionably cut and well made on short notice. One of his earliest jobs was the furnishing of uniforms (or some. portions of them) for the Howell Rifle Company, in that year. This fashionable tailoring establishment, however, could hardly be considered as belonging to the Corners, though its proximity to that place was evidently regarded by its proprietor as being a rather important circum stance. The Six Corners does not appear to have been a place of any more consideration than its more easterly rival which boasts only two-thirds its number of angles; but since the opening of the railroad and the establishment of the Fleming Station, it has (from that circumstance more than from any increase of business or population) taken a little start ahead. It has a post-office, and a public-house is also about being opened. If it ever attains the proportions of a small village, it will probably be by settlements extending along the road between the corners and the railroad station, which is a short distance to the south, almost exactly where Dr. Gardner Mason settled when he moved to the west part of the township from Howell village. The Detroit, Lansing and Northern Railroad, passing through Howell village, enters the township in its southern part, and runs across it in a northwesterly direction, passing out at the northwest corner of section 19, into Handy. Its only station in this town west of Howell village is the flag-station of Fleming. The road was completed and opened for traffic in August, I871. It has proved a decided advantage to the farmers of the township; sufficiently so, no doubt, to reimburse them for the taxes paid to make up the sum of about $t7,ooo, the amount of bonds voted by Howell in aid of its construction. MILLS IN THE TOWNSHIP. The first manufacturing establishment in Howell outside the village limits was a saw-mill, erected in the year I838 by Joseph Porter and Amos Adams, on the Shiawassee River, a little to the north and east of the centre of section 27. Mr. Porter was one of the earliest settlers in Howell, and was the first and for a considerable time the only millwright in the township, and had been the master-workman in the construction of Moses Thompson's mill in I836. Mr. Adams had been the proprietor of the Eagle Tavern in the village, which establishment had then recently been sold to Joseph H. Steel, leaving Mr. Adams free to engage in this new project. The mill was never a very efficient one, but it was perhaps equal to the requirements of the region, and it did very good service to the people of the vicinity for a number of years. In 1854, Enos B. Taylor and Amos S. Adams became owners of the property and rebuilt the mill. After them the next proprietor was Joseph M. Gilbert, who established a carding and cloth-dressing mill there, in addition to the saw-mill. In i866, Ira Brayton became owner of the water-power and mills. The location is about three-eighths of a mile below and north of the point where the Grand River road crosses the Shiawassee. One mile north of the mills above described and lower down on the same stream is another mill 198 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. site, on which, in I844, Luther B. Willard, of Detroit, commenced the construction of a grist-mill. In this enterprise he took in partnership with him Ezekiel H. Sabin, who had been engaged, in Southfield, Oakland Co., in a similar project, which had proved disastrous to him on account of defect in title to the property on which it was located. He brought with him to this place some of the machinery and fixtures which had been in his establishment in Southfield. The mill building on the Shiawassee was raised in October, I844, but Willard & Sabin never got the mill in successful operation, and on the 7th of May, 1845, the partnership between them was dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Sabin afterwards emigrated to California. In 1848 the mill property was purchased by Benjamin Cardell and Sylvanus Lake, who built a saw-mill on the dam. In I851 the water-power was purchased by James G. Hollis, who completed the flouring-mill. The property afterwards came into possession of Ira Brayton. About I876 the machinery was taken out of the mill and removed to the western part of the State. In the year 1856, William, Albert, and Aaron Dorrance built a steam saw-mill on the east part of the northeast quarter of section I7. It afterwards passed into the possession of William B. Smith and Franklin Kelly. It was never a very profitable investment, and has now ceased to be operated. THE MILITARY RECORD OF HOWELL. The following in regard to military matters in Howell is furnished by Mr. Elisha H. Smith, and is here given, verbatim, as furnished. It is proper to mention that it has reference to the township and village of Howell, taken together: "A rifle-company was organized in the township of Howell in 1844. The commissioned officers of the company were William Lewis, captain; Ira Brayton, first lieutenant; and Emmet Smith, second lieutenant. The first military parade of this company was at the residence of John W. Smith, on section 28. A few years after the company was organized, military duty was not required by the State government, consequently the company was disbanded. In the year I86I, and in the succeeding three years, the following persons of the township and village enlisted and were mustered into the United States service in the war of the Rebellion: "Andrew J. Bishop, promoted to a captaincy. "Solomon T. Lyon, captain. "William Brown, captain. "Hudson B. Blackman, first lieutenant and quartermaster. "Andrew D. Waddell, first lieutenant. "Harris A. Hickok, adjutant. "Frederick T. Angel, second lieutenant. "Everett Sargeant, second lieutenant. "James Mulloy, second lieutenant. "Jahesh A. Pond, sergeant; killed. " Bernard Ryder, sergeant; died of disease. "Jonathan Sharp, sergeant; taken prisoner and died. " William Pullen, wounded. "Sergeants returned.-George Stafford, Stephen Fishbeck, Luther Frink, James Fitzgerald, Franklin Goodrich, Charles Lake, Jared L. Cook, Edgar Noble. "Corporals killed, wounded, or died of disease.-Joseph Pruden, Jerome Buckland, Edwin Hart, Gardner S. Smith, John Lake. "Privates killed or died of wounds.-Jerome Phillips, Simon Dolph, Sylvanus Dolph, Thomas G. Marr, Eli Rambo, Abraham Swils, Jerome Barrett, George Lake, Edwin II. Smith, Chester Albright, Isaac Felter, James Canfield, Samuel Sutton, Merritt Pullen, Charles Smith, Peter Woll, Theodore Washburn, Amizee Axtell, Henry Carl, Philo Curtis, James Dewitt, Henry Preston. " Privates died of disease.-Lyman Carl, Andrew J. Carl, John Hildebrant, Sherwood Hart, Jacob Zeely, Philander Helms, Charles Brockway, Reuben McFall, Simon Child, George Pennell, Reuben C. Smith, John Cummings, William Curtis, John Dorn, George Newton, William L. Whited, Daniel Morse. " Privates wounded in battle.-David Robertson, William Cooper, William Cooper, Jr., Frederick Zeits, George W. Axtell, Norton Monroe, Noah Boothley, Sidney Carpenter, Charles Culver, John Tompkins, Alvah G. Blood, James Monroe, Vernon C. Smith. "Privates who returned safe.-Peter May, Franklin B. Abbott, Orrin G. Wells, Andrew Woll, Peter Woll, Jr., Thomas Gilchrist, Henry Lake, Robert S. Mountain, Andrew J. Allen, Charles Hildebrant, Cyrus Carpenter, George Reed, James Reed, Cornelius Helms, John Daniels, Marion Hart, Jerome Helms, Ieonard Helms, Henry Helms, Edwin Ware, William Clayton, Giles Donnelly, Joseph Preston, Chester F. Goodrich, William E. Bennett, Frank Whipple, Erwin Child, Marcus Child, Andrew J. Whitaker, George Wright, Henry Wright, David Wright, Theodore Huntley, George Bronner, Julius D. Smith, J. B. McLean, Henry Stansell, Amos Smith, Isaac Van Loon, Howard Glover, William Bennett, Martin Woll, Frederick Galloway, John Park, Edmund Hart, Edwin McKinley, Daniel Ellenwood, Elias E. Brockway, George F. Brockway, James E. White, Asa McFall, Ezra Whitaker, Azel Carpenter, William Brooks, James Larowe, Henry Larowe, George Blackman, Lewis Tupper, Henry Musson, William Tate, Asa Wilson, Orson Deniing, John Ferguson, Reuben Warren, Henry Boothby, Rinaldo Balcom, Sidney Harrington, Silas Peterson, Vertell Baker, George Whited, William Vandercook, John Boothby, Thomas Donnelly, Franklin Jordan, Andrew McKeene, Allen Stearnes." HOWELL GRANGE, No. go, PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. This grange was organized in Howell, Oct. I3,. I873, with 21 charter members, viz.: William J. Jewell, W. K. Sexton, Delilah Jewell, Mrs. Mary A. Lake, Mrs. C. L. Sexton, Daniel Case, B. S. Person, Alice Person, Mrs. E. Case, C. H. Person, Theodore Welcker, Mrs. Lucinda Person, H. O. Barnard, Mary A. Barnard, N. J. Holt, George Coleman, F. W. Munson, Eliza Coleman, Mrs. F. R. L. Munson, Henry F. Lake, Miss Emma A. Case. The object for which these persons associated themselves together is declared to be "for mutual instruction and protection; to lighten labor by diffusing a knowledge of its aims and purposes; for improvement intellectually, morally, and financially; to develop a better and higher manhood HOWELL TOWNSHIP. 199 and womanhood among farmers; to enhance the comforts and attractions of home, and strengthen attachment to their pursuit; to foster mutual understanding and co-operation." The first officers of this grange were: Master, Theodore Welcker; Overseer, C. H. Person; Lecturer, Henry F. Lake; Steward, W. K. Sexton; Assistant Steward, Henry O. Barnard; Chaplain, Daniel Case; Treasurer, George Coleman; Secretary, F. W. Munson; Gate-Keeper, N. J. Holt; Ceres, Mrs. Daniel Case; Pomona, Mrs. H. O. Barnard; Flora, Mrs. W. K. Sexton; Lady Assistant Steward, Miss Emma A. Case. On the 9th of February, 1877, "W. K. Sexton was elected purchasing or business agent for the Howell Grange, and a resolution was passed for uniting individually and collectively in purchasing goods for cash at wholesale." This resolution was first put in effect on the 5th of March next following, and since that time purchases have been continually made, and their amount has steadily increased. On the 5th of October, 1878, the Genoa Grange united with Howell Grange for greater convenience, and in order to secure more effectually the objects of their association. The present membership of the Howell Grange is 115. The grange meets on the first, third, and fifth (when a fifth occurs) Saturday afternoons in each month, in Knapp's Block, Howell village. The present officers of the Howell Grange are: Master, James Harger; Overseer, Charles Fishbeck; Lecturer, Peter T. Gill; Steward, George W. Fitch; Assistant Steward, Henry J. Sweet; Chaplain, Theodore Welcker; Treasurer, Freeman Fishbeck; Secretary, Mrs. H. J. Sweet; GateKeeper, Simon Wl. Dickerson; Ceres, Mrs. Jasper Coleman; Pomona, Mrs. Charles Fishbeck; Flora, Mrs. E. Brown; Lady Assistant Steward, Mrs. David O. Smith. RELIGIOUS. THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCHI IN WEST HOWELL. A Methodist Episcopal class was organized in West Howell in 1845 by Rev. Riley C. Crawford. John Clayton was the first class-leader, and the members of the class were, as nearly as can be ascertained, the following-named persons: Mr. and Mrs. Clayton (parents of the class-leader), Joseph Hogle and wife, William Brundage and wife, Mrs. John Clayton, Martha Clayton, and Jane Smith. Their first preaching was by the Rev. John Cosart, the first class-meeting being held in a log building owned by Clement Stebbins, and which was then or afterwards used as a school house. In I850, Mr. Clayton was succeeded as class-leader by Joseph Hogle. The preachers, after Rev. John Cosart, were Rev. Thomas Wakelin (about one year), Revs. Isaac Collins, Curtis Green, R. C. Crawford, Eli Westlake (circuit preachers), and others. A number of the clergymen who served with the Methodist Church at Howell village preached here also. The class-book of 1859 shows the members of the class in that year to have been Joseph Hogle, Martha Hogle, William Brundage, Elizabeth Brundage, Oliver Reed, Louisa Reed, Rachel Stevens, Jane W. Smith, Nicholas Lake, Getty Lake, John Lasher, Mary Lasher, Ann Lasher, Charles Lasher, and Elizabeth Lasher. This book, under date of July 2I, I859, shows this class to be then embraced in the West Howell Circuit, Owosso District, Detroit Conference, and is signed at that place by " Riley C. Crawford, Pastor." The class declined on account of the removal of several members, and ceased to exist about 1865. Another Methodist Episcopal class was formed at West Howell in I877, with Leonard Hoke as class-leader. It has about 15 members, holds its meetings for worship in the school-house at Fleming, and is connected with the Methodist Church of Howell village. PROTESTANT METHODIST CHURCH OF WEST HIOWELL. This church was organized with about 40 members in the winter of I869-70, and was incorporated July 12, 1871. Its first pastor was the Rev. A. C. Fuller, whose successors have been the Revs. James McKinley, E. England, Israel Mudge, Robert N. Mulholland, Jason Gee, Jared Warner, and C. B. Clark, the present pastor, who is also in charge of the classes at Lake, Thayer, and Marion, all embraced in the West Howell Circuit, having a membership of 80, with about 45 adhering members in addition. The church at Fleming (or West Howell) embraces 30 members, with Alonzo E. Ferrin as class-leader. Their place of worship is at present in the school-house of the district, but a church building is soon to be erected here, and also two others at other points within the circuit. The parsonage, located at Fleming, is valued at $6o0, paid for in full, and is occupied by Rev. Mr. Clark, the preacher in charge of the circuit. The salary of his office is $500 per annum. The usage of the church is Congregational, and the pastor is elected, for a term of three years, by a majority vote. CEMETERIES. The Oak Grove Cemetery, at Howell village, is used by many of the inhabitants of the township 200 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. as a place of interment, but there are three public burial-grounds in the township outside the village. The oldest of these is located on section 8, and was laid out as a place of burial in 1848; another on section 17 was commenced in I850, and a third, laid out in 1853, is situated on section 22. In these the remains of many of the early settlers of the township have been laid away to their final rest. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH ES. PETER BREWER, one of the earliest settlers and oldest pioneers of Livingston County, now in his eighty-fifth year, is entitled to special mention in this local history. He was born in Otsego County, New York, Jan. 27, I795. When he was some seven years of age wife died Feb. 25, 1863. He was again married, March I, I865, to Mrs. Abigail Munger, with whom he lived in Shiawassee County some thirteen years, when she died, and he returned to the old home in Howell, to live with his son Almon. By his first wife Mr. Brewer had six children: one died in infancy; a daughter married William L. Jones, and they both died in I848, leaving two children; Orlando S. married Mary Jane Moore in I849, daughter of William Moore, from New York, he settled in Howell in 1847; Almon married Olive Whitbeck, and lives at the old homestead; Eber is a farmer in Shiawassee County. All are respected citizens, and well settled in life. SOLOMON HILDEBRANT was born at Lockport, N. Y., Sept. 5, I826. His father, Robert Hildebrant, emigrated to Livingston County in the fall of I842, and purchased eighty acres of land where Solomon now resides, upon which there was no improvement. Mr. Hildebrant rented a place about one mile south until he could make improvements on his own land. There he died Jan. 28, 1848. He had built a log house and cleared several acres of land on his own place, but had not moved at the time of his death. When the family came to Michigan there were nine children; two more were added after they came to Howell, all of whom are now living except two sons. Ruel enlisted in the 9th Indiana Regiment, was transferred to a battery, and killed at Chaplin Hills, Ky. John was in the 5th Michigan Infantry; was in the battle of the Wilderness, where he was taken sick and died on his way to the hospital. Solomon is the oldest of the children. To him the heroic mother looked for assistance. They moved the family to the then new log house, and continued the struggles begun by the father to secure a home. By their industry and good management ease and comfort have been secured, other lands added, the log house superseded by a fine and commodious one with comfortable out-buildings and pleasant surroundings. Here the mother makes her home, but is relieved fi-om all care of business. Solomon Hildebrant is among the substantial and leading men of Livingston County. He was married, April 7, 1863, to Miss Harriet A. Coleman, who was born at Chemung, N. Y., April 21, 1839, daughter of Joseph Coleman, who now resides at Howell. Mr. and Mrs. Hildebrant are active and consistent members of the Methodist Church of Howell. PETER BREWER. his father moved to the then remote wilderness of Genesee Co., N. Y., where Peter grew to manhood. In the war of 1812 he was drafted, and served a short time. He adopted the vocation of a farmer; purchased some land in Niagara County, where he was married, May o1, 1821, to Miss Dorcas West. In I835 he came to Howell and located one hundred and twenty acres of land; returned to New York, and in 1836 came on with his family and commenced the improvement of land. Himself and wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in New York, and assisted to organize the first class and Methodist Church in Howell. He hewed the timber for the first house of worship of that church. In 1837 he was assessor and highway commissioner. His I I ,kN==Ab!11,x - 7 I I I ---- rl I iff-ft If 1 It PUBLIC SCHOOL, BRIGHTON, MICHIGAN. VILLAGE OF THE village of Brighton embraces within the limits established in its incorporation, a rectangular tract of land, approximately one and a half miles in length by one mile in width, taken fiomn the southwest corner of the township of Brighton. Its length is on the west line of the township, adjoining Genoa, and its width is on the south line, adjoining Green Oak. The line of the old Grand River road passes through, and makes a somewhat abrupt angle in the village, and the post set by the commissioners to mark this angle has been mentioned as the centre, around which clustered the few scattering buildings which formed the nucleus of the village of Brighton. The original purchasers from the government, of lands lying within the present limits of the village, and the dates of their several purchases, were as follows: Maynard Maltby, of the State of New York, about 66 acres, August, 1832; Horace H. Comstock, Kalamazoo Co., Mich., 80 acres, March, 1833; John M. Coe, of Oakland County, 80 acres, June, I834; Anthony Gale, of Hartford, Conn., 80 acres, September, 1834; Josiah Leonard, of Niagara Co., N. Y., 40 acres, May, 1835; Truman B. Warden, of Wayne Co., Mich., 80 acres, June, 1835; Philip Stewart, 40 acres, June, 1835; Elijah Fitch, of Washtenaw Co., Mich., about 66 acres, July, 1835; Elizabeth Cushing, of Wayne Co., Mich., 135 acres, May, 1835; Wm. Noble, of Hartford, Conn., 40 acres, July, 1835; Philip Stewart, of Wayne Co., Mich., 120 acres, October, 1835; Samuel R. Dakins, of Wayne Co., Mich., 40 acres, January, I836; Anthony Gale, of Livingston Co., Mich., 40 acres, January, 1836; Ezra Rood, of Wayne Co., Mich., 40 acres, September, 1836. The first two settlers within the present corporation limits were Maynard and Almon Maltby, from New York State, the latter of whom still survives, and resides in Green Oak township. Maynard purchased 65 acres of land on section 31, Brighton, in the summer of I832, as noticed above. The following year they erected a log house, and inclosed with a fence, six acres, which they had sown with wheat. In the fall the brothers repaired to New York State and taught school during the winter. In the following spring they returned to their Western home. Maynard Maltby (having meanwhile married) brought his wife with him to 26 BRIGHTON. Brighton. With his brother he soon after began the erection of a saw-mill upon the stream known as Ore Creek, running through the embryo village. Much of the material used in the construction of the early houses of the vicinity was sawed at this mill, which was known for years after as the " Old Maltby Mill." At the first township election Maynard Maltby was elected justice of the peace, and continued to hold the office until his death, which occurred in January, 1840. Mrs. Maltby, who is now Mrs. D. C. Marsh, of Brighton, has a very vivid recollection of early days, and especially of tle annoyances experienced from the numerous bands of Indians that passed between Detroit and the camping-grounds westward. Though not dishonest, they were very destructive, and were especially fond of terrifying the ladies by brandishing their tomahawks and marking the doors of Mr. Maltby's house in a mysterious manner, as though some dire punishment were to be visited upon the family, yet no serious results followed their visits. At a later-date, when the demand for Western land became greater, and land-lookers viewed every eligible acre in the county, Mr. Maltby's house afforded them a welcome shelter. John Cushing came to the village (or rather to the place where the village now is) in 1835, and built a log house, which he occupied for a long time, but afterwards purchased and removed to a house on Grand River Street, where he spent the remainder of his life. His son, Benjamin Cushing, resided for a while on the farm of his father, but finally purchased the ground where the Brighton Hotel now stands, and erected a tavern, of which he was for some years the landlord. He then retired to the farm, and after a brief interval returned to the tavern. Mr. Cushing also kept, for one year, the first log tavern built in the village, by William Dutcher, on the site now occupied by the residence of John Becker on Grand River Street. He bore a reputation as a genial landlord, and was regarded as a man of very marked social traits. His death occurred in the village in 1860. Robert D. Power was one of the earliest settlers, and his erection and opening of a public-house, in I836, was one of the first steps taken towards giving the place the character of a village. His tavern-house was a log structure that stood oppo201 202 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. site the present site of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Power was a man of much force of character and intuitive shrewdness, and, being somewhat inclined towards politics, exerted a considerable influence in that direction among the early settlers of the neighborhood. He was afterwards elected to the offices of representative in the State Legislature, and sheriff of Livingston County. Brighton assumed still more the character of a village by the arrival and location there of its first physician (who was also the first in the county), Dr. Wilber Fisher, in the year 1836. His practice extended for a circuit of many miles, and his faithful steed was called upon constantly to exercise his powers,-more of endurance than speed. Malarial fevers were incident to the clearing of the new country, and the doctor's attendance was in frequent demand. Dr. Fisher was a peculiar character. It was rumored that he possessed no diploma, though he was certainly a member of an adjoining county medical society; but with this he was able to inspire his patients with a certain confidence in his skill. His medicines were certainly given in sufficiently large doses to cure, if quantity were the desideratum. Altogether, Dr. Fisher was not an unsuccessful practitioner, and his presence in those early days cheered many a quaking victim of the ague. William Noble, Jr., was one of the early settlers in Brighton. He came from New England, and brought with him many Puritanic ideas. He was very scrupulous in his religious duties, and held the use of liquor in abomination, which, in those tippling days, was sufficient to confirm his reputation for eccentricity. Anthony Gale was another of the earliest settlers in the village. He is described as a man of irascible temper, quick to resent a real or fancied wrong, but withal kind-hearted, and a keen and active man of business. He was the owner of the land on which the original plat of the village was laid out. This he sold to William Noble, Jr., who surveyed from it the first, or " Noble Plat" (known as the " Lower Town"), and recorded the same July 3, 1837. He also sold ten acres lying in the form of a square, on both sides of Grand River Street, to William Dutcher, who soon after laid out an additional plat upon it. On the i9th of July, 1838, Anthony Gale laid out upon his unsold lands the "Gale Plat" of the "Upper Town," and recorded it *in the same year. A large number of the lots were sold to various purchasers, and the remainder was sold in one parcel to Harvey T. Lee.* I I In the original village plat of 1837 the first two lots were purchased by Almon and Maynard Maltby. The one purchased by Almon Maltby was the lot now occupied by Mr. S. Dubois on Grand River Street, and on this was erected the first frame house within the limits of the village corporation. The year I837 saw the erection of the first school building, which was located upon ground now occupied by Patrick Donley on Grand River Street. The first teacher in this was a Mr. Jerald, who taught for two successive winters, and was succeeded by Miss Sophie Olney, who had charge of the school during the summer of 1838. This young lady arrived at the settlenent on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Harwick, and was induced to remain as teacher. The first regular religious services in Brighton were commenced by Rev. William A. Clark, D.D., who came from New York City and settled in the township in the spring of I837. Occasional services had, however, been held here before that time by Elder John Cosart of the Methodist, and by Rev. Jonathan Post of the Baptist, denomination, as well as by some other clergymen. Lewis M. Curry and wife came from Bradford Co., Pa., and in May, 1837, located within the village, as it was called even then, though it contained but very few settlers. Most of the Noble plat was still covered with the original forest-trees, and these the owner would not allow to be felled until the lots were purchased. The young boys of the neighborhood, determining that some of them should come down at all hazards, assembled one night, built a fire, and feigning to be on a hunt for coons, began a vigorous chopping of the trees to secure the animals, as they pretended. One unsuspecting citizen rushed out with his gun and fired several shots before he comprehended the ruse. Mr. Curry purchased a lot on the corner of Grand River and North Streets, and erected upon it a house of unusual pretensions for those times. Some of the lumber for this house was drawn from Farmington, Oakland Co., and the remainder was supplied by Maltby's saw-mill, on Ore Creek. After Mr. Curry had been here a brief time, the prospects of the village not equaling his expecta the " McCauley addition" was platted. "( McPherson's addition" was made Dec. 8, i871. Soon after, fine maps of this plat were distributed through the country, and after much advertising the lots were offered at auction, many inducements having been extended to attract purchasers. A large number of the lots in this plat were sold in that way, and some of them have since had comfortable and elegant residences built upon them, the sales having been mainly effected by the prospective growth of Brighton, incidental to the completion of the railroad, which runs nearly through the centre of the " McPherson plat." * Oin the 9gth of December, i868, a plat was made by J. B. Lee, known as the "J. B. Lee addition," and about the same date VILLAGE OF BRIGHTON. 2o3 tions, he rented his house for a year and returned to the East, resaming his residence in Brighton at the expiration of that time. He spent but a portion of his time in the village, his occupations calling him much from home. Though making no pretensions to excellence above his neighbors, he established a reputation for kindness and generosity, and many instances of the substantial aid he afforded the needy and suffering are related. An incident illustrative of his character was related to the writer by Mrs. Curry, who is now Mrs. David Thomson, of Brighton township. Mr. Curry had subscribed towards the support of religious services, and his wife concluded one pleasant Sabbath morning that she would attend meeting. and perhaps, if invited, assist in the singing, for which she had an excellent voice. Arraying herself in her black silk gown, with her best bonnet adorned with bright flowers, relics of a more luxurious life at the East, she proceeded to the primitive church. On arriving she found herself late and the door closed against her. The steward confionted her with the question, "Are you a member of the church?" She replied, " No, but we help pay the preacher, and I've come to join in the worship." "Are you seeking religion?" he added. "No," she replied, and (being probably a little incensed at the question) intimated that she would find very little of it in that church if she were. The steward informed her that the doors were closed, and she could not be admitted. Filled with indignation, Mrs. Curry returned to her home, and was met by her husband, who inquired the trouble. Benjamin Cushing, who from his house opposite had observed her on her departure, and wondering at her sudden return, came over to inquire also as to its cause. She replied, relating the facts. Mr. Curry was very angry, and, with some strong expressions, remarked that he would soon make an opening in that church-door. He went to the fence and, securing a stout rail, summoned Cushing to his aid. Together they departed for the church with the rail on their shoulders, determined to batter down the door. On their arrival one of the deacons appeared, and, asking them the occasion of their formidable preparations, was informed of their errand. He assured them that an easier entrance could be obtained, and, throwing open the door, invited them in. They entered, and remained till the service was over, while Mrs. Curry remained at home to cook a good dinner for the deacon. Lewis V. Curry, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Curry, was born Oct. 25, I837,-the first white child born in Brighton village. The first death in the village was that of Tru man B. Warden, who died Nov. 29, 1837. He had come to Brighton in I836, and located on the spot now occupied by the Methodist parsonage. The second death was that of Ebenezer G. Fox, on the I9th of the following April. The first marriage in the village also occurred in 1837, it being that of a Mr. Winchell to a widow lady, whose name has not been ascertained. The ceremony was performed by Maynard Maltby, J. P. William R. Cobb came from Vermont to Brighton in the fall of I838, and opened a store on the present site of the Methodist church on Grand River Street. Later he removed to a building which he had purchased, standing on the present site of Cobb & McHench's Block. The building was removed to make room for the new block, and it is still standing on Mill Street. Mr. Cobb retired in I864. His present residence is on East Street, where he has a tract of some 24 acres of land. Daniel C. Marsh, one of the oldest and most highly esteemed of the early pioneers, and who still survives, established himself in Brighton, May, I839. He was the first attorney in the village and township. In I841 he was appointed prosecuting attorney and master in chancery for the county of Iivingston. He is still residing in Brighton, but is not actively engaged in the practice of his profession. John D. Appleton arrived in I839, and followed the occupation of carpenter and joiner. He built the residence on Grand River Street, just below the Presbyterian church, and later erected a public-house of considerable size opposite the Brighton Hotel. The building is generally known as the Appleton Block. Harvey T. Lee came early, and was both farmer and hotel-keeper. He afterwards followed his calling of landlord at Byron, Mich. Robert McLester was a pioneer of 1837, and engaged in the sale of dry goods soon after in partnership with William R. Cobb. The earliest blacksmith was Abram Fralick, whose shop stood on the site now occupied by the Appleton Block. Among others who resided in the village in 1839 were A. P. Dickinson, who for many years served as constable, and died in 1878; Charles Spencer, who died the same year in the suburbs of the village; John G. Spencer, who died during the war of the Rebellion; Elijah Fitch, who was an early merchant, but removed from the place; John Wilson, a mason; J. D. Davis and S. S. Saunders. Frederick C. Whipple, the second attorney of the village, and who became the most brilliant 204 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. of the lawyers of L ivingston County, came to Brighton in I840. He was the first editor of the old Livingston Courier, which was established in this village by Nicholas Sullivan in I843, and became prosecuting attorney, circuit court commissioner, and judge of probate of Livingston County. He was associated in business with George W. Peck, another eminent lawyer, who came a year or two later to Brighton and afterwards held several high offices, among them being that of representative in the Thirty-fourth Congress. Both those gentlemen left Brighton early, Mr. Whipple removing to Howell in I846. He died in Oceola township in I872. Among the settlers who came to the village in or about I840 were Horace Lee, Warren Hill, Warren Acker, Daniel S. Lee, Sanford Beacroft, William Moon, Malcolm Fitch, Peter Fitch, Sum- - ner Ross, F. D. Acker, Amrrod Moon, and William McCauley, —the latter of whom attained considerable political distinction and filled several offices, among which was that of State Senator, to which he was elected in I852. Orson Quackenbush, an early settler in the village, erected, in I840, the flouring- and grist-mills now owned by Albright & Thomson, on Ore Creek. This enterprise was a great advantage to the people of the neighboring settlements and an advancement of the interests of the village. David Thomson, having visited Brighton in its earliest days, and being favorably impressed with its prospects, became a permanent resident in I843. He leased a building where the Presbyterian church now stands, and converted it into a foundry, which was the first one established in the county, and which he soon after purchased in connection with Charles Spencer. In 1856 he built the present brick foundry, on the corner of Grand River and North Streets. He resides upon a farm in the suburbs. Ira W. Case came to the county in 1840, and to Brighton in I847. He has been since that time actively engaged in mercantile pursuits. The rivals in trade at this early day were Robert Thomson, a typical Scotchman, and William Noble, Jr., who recorded the first plat of the village. Both were characters in their way. Thomson kept a small store, suited to the wants of his customers, and exercised considerable ingenuity in the marking of his goods, the value being generally governed by the scarcity of the commodity. The store which he built was planned by the eccentric Daniel Jones, who, it was said, whittled the model of the building from a pine block with his pocketknife. Mr. Thomson did not achieve any success in mercantile pursuits in Brighton. Hugh Gordon, a corpulent son of the Emerald Isle, was the proprietor of a distillery in Brighton, in its early days. He was an exceedingly popular man, for the commodity which he manufactured was always kept by him free, at the disposal of his numerous friends, who quaffed many a glass to the health of the burly host. Ira P. Bingham, M.D., came to Brighton as early as I835, but did not remain. In I841 he returned and effected arrangements for a permanent residence the following year. Since that time he has been one of the influential citizens of Brighton. He enjoys an enviable reputation in his profession, which he has not followed assiduously since the cares of other business have absorbed his attention. Thomas Lee, a Yorkshireman, was a quaint character. He was a tailor by occupation, and kept in connection with his shop, a small grocerystand. Thomas established an unenviable reputation for beating his wife, and when the unfortunate victim timidly exclaimed that "she had no rights," he replied, with an additional blow, " Yes, you have; you have the right to do just as I bid you." Erastus A. Pratt came from Lapeer County in 1844, and followed the vocation of blacksmith in the village of Brighton for twenty-two years, during which time he made most of the plow-irons used in the surrounding country. His first shop was located where the foundry of Mr. David Thomson now stands. There was but a small portion of the village built when Mr. Pratt first came, preaching being held at the house of Daniel C. Marsh for want of a church edifice. A schoolhouse had been built in the upper portion, the building being still standing, and used as a barn, lower down on Fitch Street. In I867 Mr. Pratt bought a farm in Green Oak, on the banks of Silver Lake, and has resided there since, enjoying the retirement which a life of labor has brought him. I-e relates an incident,which afforded him some amusement at the time, in connection with a series of Spiritualist meetings which were held in the village. Some wags had informed an itinerant exponent of that belief that Mr. Pratt and his family were ardent believers. He accordingly presented himself at their house, accompanied by his wife, bearing a letter of introduction and claiming their hospitality. Not at all dismayed by their presence, Mr. Pratt gave them a cordial welcome, and aided them in securing a place in which to hold meetings. The place was filled night after night, and the lecturer and medium were told that the house of their host was open to them, until what was intended as a joke, resulted in the most popular gathering of the season. VILLAGE OF BRIGHTON. 205 L. Corydon Pratt, brother of Erastus, came from Fredonia, N. Y., in 1845, and has since resided in Brighton. He has served as postmaster of the village, but has now retired from active business. Egbert F. Albright came into the county with his father, Amos F. Albright, who located at Hartland Centre, building the first house at the village and also the first grist-mill. The son, after pursuing for several years his trade of millwright in various parts of the State, came on the first day of May, 1848, to the township of Brighton, and in July, 1853, located in the village. After a brief interval in the mercantile business, he purchased, in connection with his partner, the flouring-mills built by Orson Quackenbush. His clear recollection of early events has aided greatly in the compilation of the village history. Brighton became an incorporated village in 1867, with the limits before mentioned. The platted area is not compactly built, but it contains many good and substantial, and some elegant, residences. Ore Creek, which flows through the central part of the village in a southerly direction, furnishes water-power to the mills within the corporation. For many years the village itself bore the name of this stream, being known as "Ore Creek" settlement, or village, and even at the present time an old settler will sometimes find himself employing this old name, when speaking of Brighton village. An impulse was given to Brighton by the building of the Detroit, Lansing and Northern Railroad, and property advanced considerably on that account. A reaction subsequently took place, and the village has not since that time made any material advance. Sketches of the various churches and public and private organizations of Brighton are appended, together with mention of some of the leading business enterprises. RELIGIOUS. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The early settlers of this locality embraced a large number of individuals of both sexes who had previously united with the Methodist Episcopal Church elsewhere, and a class of members of this church was early called together. Among those who presided at these early services may be mentioned Elder Cosart, a local preacher, and Elder Bibbins; and in the year 1837, Elders Fleming and Gillet were delegated to the neighborhood, each remaining one year. In 1843 was held the first quarterly meeting in the village. It was convened at the house of D. C. Marsh. The house, having at that early date been inclosed, but not yet occupied, afforded a comfortable and convenient place in which to hold worship. It is still standing at the corner of the Grand River and Ann Arbor road, and is occupied, as formerly, by Mr. Marsh. This meeting was presided over by Rev. Mr. Colclaser. Rev. James S. Smart, a clergyman of some prominence in the denomination, became pastor of the charge at Brighton in 1847, and combined with his clerical labors the profession of teacher, in which he won a deserved reputation. Rev. John Levington, having been called from Milford, his residence, to minister on a funeral occasion at the house of Daniel S. Lee, in December, 1852, was invited to preach at Brighton, semi-monthly, until the meeting of the next Annual Conference. He accepted the invitation and organized a class of seven members, embracing Mrs. D. S. Lee, Mrs. A. Clark, Roswell Bains, Joseph Placeway, Mrs. Placeway, and Mrs. D. C. Marsh. Mr. Levington was a man of talent and an efficient worker in this new field. In 1853, Conference assigned Rev. William Benson and Elias Prindle to the Brighton church for one year. They were succeeded, in 1854, by Rev. William M. Hevener, under whose pastorate the little flock was separated from the Milford charge, with whom they had been formerly associated, and were accorded a distinct identity under the title of the Brighton charge. At this juncture the society organized itself under the State law as the Methodist Episcopal Church of Brighton. The first trustees were John G. Spencer, Israel Arms, Hannibal Lee, Jasper H. Buck,Hendig, and Roswell Barnes. Desiring to have a permanent place of worship, the trustees, aided by their pastor, Rev. Mr. Hevener, purchased ground and erected their first house of worship and parsonage, the former of which was on its completion dedicated with interesting ceremonies, the Rev. Seth Reid presiding. Since that time to the present the following pastors have been in charge of the church: Rev. L. C. York, who came in I856, and remained two years, and was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Birdsall and Rev. J. M. Crippen, who filled a term of one year in 1858. In 1859, Rev. Jacob Dobbins officiated, and was followed by George Foote, who acted as supply for a year. Rev. J. O. Bancroft remained two years, and in 1863, Rev. J. S. Salton acted as pastor until his successor, Rev. D. A. Curtis, came in i865, who remained two years. In I867, Rev. Thomas Nichols was assigned to the charge, and remained one year, when Rev. W. J. Clack filled the pulpit for two years, and was followed by Rev. John Levington in 1870. In 1872, Rev. L. C. York became pastor. Rev. F. W. Warren officiated in a2o6 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 1874, and his successor, in 1876, was Rev. A. F. Hoyt, who remained one year; and after him, Rev. D. J. Odell was installed as pastor. In 1878, Rev. James Kilpatrick was assigned to the field, and is at present acting as pastor. Connected with the church is a flourishing Sabbath-school, under the superintendence of L. B. Stewart. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. The nucleus of a Roman Catholic Church was first formed in the township of Green Oak at an early date, the visitations having been made by Rev. Father Morrissey, who made his circuit not oftener than once in three or four months. He was succeeded by Rev. Father Cullen, who resided in Ann Arbor, and held a monthly service, and instructed the children in the catechism. He was followed by Rev. Father Patrick Kelley, who became a resident priest, and held service and instructed the children in the catechism at private houses until the autumn of 1838, when a log church was built, which' was located in Green Oak, nearly two miles north of its centre. Subsequently the service, which had been previously held during the week, became an established Sabbath service. As suggestive of the scantiness of the worldly outfit of the holy father, it may be mentioned that his effects consisted of the vestments which he carried in a small satchel, and a trunk full of books. Oceola, Deerfield, and Beneker Hill were also a part of his mission, to which places, for many years, he repaired on foot, but finally his means permitted the purchase of a horse and saddle, which afforded him more comfortable means of travel. His old friend and parishioner, Mathew Brady, having removed to Genoa, prevailed upon Father Kelley to remove to that township, as being more central than his former residence. Here he purchased 40 acres of land adjoining that of his friend, and resided with him until 1857, when he was appointed parish priest of Dearborn, where he remained until his death. Rev. Father Lambert next succeeded to the vacant field, who resided at Deerfield and made a post at Brighton, where he held service for two years at the houses of Thomas Kennedy and John Collins. In the year 1859 he was replaced by Rev. Father F. X. Pourett, who at first resided in Deerfield, but ultimately removed to Oceola, and continued his monthly visits to Brighton, the congregation having meanwhile steadily increased until it was found necessary, in 1862, to have more room. A vacant house was secured, in which service was held until 1864, when a site for a church was purchased from Ira W. Case, embracing one acre of ground. Nicholas Kennedy, of Brighton, prepared a subscription paper with a view to raising funds for the erection of the new edifice, and presented it to Rt. Rev. P. P. Lefevre, bishop of Detroit, for approval, who very generously headed the list with a gift of $1oo. Many Protestants also contributed and showed much kindly interest in the new project. The following list embraces some of the subscribers towards the enterprise: John Long, Patrick F. McCabe, John Duane, John Laughlin, Rev. F. X. Pourett, Brian Timmons, Nicholas Kennedy, J. B. Lee, Ira W. Case, W. R. Cobb, Lyman Judson, L. C. Pratt; Moore, Foot & Co., and Oliver Bourke, Detroit. There were other subscription papers circulated by Nicholas Kennedy, John Duane, and Niel O'Hearn, who resided near the site of the new edifice, and consequently lent a willing hand to the work. The pastor was also assiduous in his labors, and contributed not only in actual labor, but in zeal and enthusiasm, greatly to the success of the undertaking. The progress of the new edifice towards completion was rapid. Every individual who had the interests of the church at heart gave cheerfully, either of his substance or in such labor as he was able to perform. Ere long they were able to enjoy the fruit of their efforts in the completion of the exterior of the building, and service was held within its walls before the interior was finished. Father Pourctt continued his ministrations to the little flock at Brighton until 1870, when he was placed in charge of the church at Redford, near Detroit, and was succeeded by Rev. Father Rafter, who brought with him the same zeal and enthusiasm that had made the presence of his predecessor so invaluable in the Brighton-field. He devoted his energies to the liquidation of the debt, and very soon was afforded the satisfaction of witnessing the church building free of incumbrances. He was called to Bay City in 1872. His successor was Rev. Father Wheeler, who made Fentonville his residence until 1876, when the bishop instructed him to occupy the residence that had been completed in Brighton. Father Wheeler was very successful in his work, having endeared himself greatly to his people. He left very tangible evidence of his labors in the diminished debt, and the decided improvement in the morals of the Catholic portion of the community. In 1877 he was appointed parish priest at Owosso, and was succeeded by Rev. J. G. Dougherty, in March of that year, who entered upon his labors with a debt of $iooo confronting him. Bringing much energy to the work, he succeeded the first year in liquidating the obligation, and soon VILLAGE OF BRIGHTON. 207 -I I after remodeled the church, ornamented it with stained-glass windows, at an additional cost of $800, and made a very perceptible improvement in the grounds. Evergreens were planted, the street graded, and a substantial and ornamental iron fence inclosed the lawn. The society this present year is entirely free from debt, and the congregation has grown so rapidly as to necessitate the building of a considerable addition to the church. A vestry and steeple are also among the improvements contemplated. In addition to the Brighton field, Father Dougherty has charge of the missions at losco, Oceola, White Oak, and FIowlerville. At Howell a new and elegant church has just been completed, and the one in Oceola has been thoroughly remodeled. In Brighton there are 70 families, go in Oceola, 38 in Howell, 14 in Iosco, 20 in White Oak, and 14 in Fowlerville. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHI-I. In giving a history of the First Presbyterian Church of Brighton, it would seem proper to give an idea of the state of society and the causes which conduced to its organization. In the autumn of I852, a little more than a year previous to the organization of the church, the Rev. Chauncey Osborn and wife, of Grand Blanc, Mich., came here with a view to establishing permanent religious worship. There had been previous efforts made by other leading denominations, but they had not been successful. Brighton, like many other villages in a new country, had an unenviable reputation, both religiously and morally. It was much like the town that Sandy resided in, who, being inquired of as to the state of religion in his village, replied, " It is very low, very low, only myself and Davie, and I have my doubts about Davie." During the first year of Mr. Osborn's labors, the Rev. John Levington, of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Milford, organized a class in Brighton. Mr. Osborn being asked what induced him to come, replied that he had heard "they had no minister, never had, and did not intend to have;" but he came in the name of his Master, who said, " Go into all the world and preach the gospel; and lo! I will be with thee always." Trusting in him, he came. Mr. Osborn held two services in the school-house each Sabbath during the year. Mrs. Osborn opened a select school at their residence to assist in their support, her husband having no stated salary at that time. On Saturday, Dec. 10, 1853, the following persons assembled at the residence of Mr. Osborn, and were examined for reception into the church: Jason Clark and Mrs. Mary Clark, his wife, by letter from Presbyterian Church, Green Oak; Mr. Isaac Smith and Mrs. Catharine Smith, his wife; Mrs. Lydia Benjamin, by letter; Mr. John T. Watson and Mrs. Harriet Watson, his wife, from Presbyterian Church, Howell; Mrs. Samantha B. Lee, Congregational Church, Farmington; Mrs. Susannah P. Osborn, Congregational Church, Grand Blanc; and Miss Mariah Osborn, Congregational Church, Monson, Ohio. These formed the nucleus of the First Presbyterian Church of Brighton, of whom, at this writing, July, 1879, three only are living, viz., Mrs. Samantha B. Lee, Mrs. Lydia Benjamin, and Mrs. Harriet Watson. The following persons were chosen as officers of the church: Jason Clark, Isaac Smith, and John T. Watson, as elders; Jason Clark and Isaac Smith were chosen deacons; John T. Watson, Treasurer, and Isaac Smith, Clerk. The articles of faith and covenant of Washtenaw Presbytery were adopted, and sixteen by-laws for the government of the church were adopted. The organization of the church was consummated on Sabbath-day, Dec. 18, 1852, by the foregoing members publicly giving their assent to the articles of faith and covenant of the church, after which the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered by the pastor. Feb. 15, 1854, the church was received under the care of the Washtenaw Presbytery. Eighteen members were added the first year, and $75.24 swas contributed to the Incidental and Benevolent Fund, which will compare favorably with more recent contributions. The first death among its members was that of Mrs. Baetcke, Aug. 24, 1855. The first baptism was administered Sept. 6, 1857, to Charles S. Lee, William 0. Lee, and Walter E. Lee, sons of J. B. and S. B. Lee; also to William S., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Kellogg. The Methodist congregation, now having a regularly appointed minister from Conference, with the Universalist denomination, occupied the schoolhouse a part of the time; Mr. Osborn, therefore, opened his own house to his congregation. In February, 1855, the Masonic Hall was secured for one year. In June following, Mr. Osborn's health failing, he went East and remained until the next March, when he returned and occupied the schoolhouse again, the lease of the hall having expired. During the greater part of his absence services were kept up by ministers from Washtenaw Presbytery, sermons being read by some of the members. r 208 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. In the winter of 1857 the subject of building a house of worship was agitated, and a society was organized in February for that purpose. March 23, 1857, a committee was appointed to act with the trustees of the society,-Mr. J. B. Lee, Deacon J. Smith, and Hiram Kellogg. A subscriptionpaper was circulated and enough subscribed to warrant the trustees in entering into a contract with Mr. Frederick D. Acker to build a house of worship 32 by 48 feet, with i8-feet posts, for $1500. In June, the corner-stone was laid with appropriate ceremonies by Mr. Osborn. The church was completed and dedicated March 3, 1858. The dedicatory sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Hoyt, with prayer by the pastor; the Rev. Mr. Foster preaching in the evening,-all of whom " rest from their labors and their works do follow them." The Ladies' Benevolent Society contributed their share (as they usually do) in carpeting and furnishing the church. The society received $300 from the Church Erection Fund, without interest, on condition that there be a collection taken up yearly until it was all repaid. The conditions have been fulfilled. Mr. Osborn's last sermon was preached March 14, 1858. He received for his labors $400 a year, about one-half of which was paid by the American Home Missionary Society. Mr. Osborn gave onetenth of his income to benevolent objects. He was an accomplished scholar, a sound theologian, and a great worker in his Master's vineyard. Mr. and Mrs. Osborn's religious influence was perceptibly felt for many years. A man residing in the village was heard to say that "he used to chop wood on the Sabbath, and thought it no harm; but, somehow, since Mr. Osborn came, it did not seem respectable." Mr. Osborn removed to Dearborn, near Detroit, where, after a few years of faithful labor, he, with his wife, were called home to receive their reward, The Rev. D. L.i Eaton, of Howell, succeeded, preaching his first sermon March 28, I858. He preached every alternate Sabbath, in Pinckney, for the first year. He with Mr. O. Parker, of Flint, held a revival-meeting for three weeks, hopefully converitrg fifty-five persons. Mr. Eaton closed his labors April I, 1860. The congregation was without a pastor about four months, when the Rev. William King, of Jackson, preached his first sermon Aug. 5, i860, and remained with the church until March, i86I. He also has gone to his rest. Mr. King was succeeded by Rev. R. G. McCarthy, a licentiate of Detroit Presbytery, who preached Sabbath afternoons at New Hudson. He was ordained by the Washtenaw Presbytery, June 5, 186i. He closed his labors in March, 1864. The Rev. Benjamin Franklin, of Saline, began his labors as pastor July 23, 1864. He preached in the afternoon at different times at Pleasant Valley, Bitten's School-House, and Hartland Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin were great workers in the church, having a large congregation and Sabbathschool. Mr. Franklin did much to improve the church edifice and build up the congregation. He remained with the church nearly six years, preaching his last sermon April 24, I870. The Rev. William Grandy, of Lansing, was then called to the pastorate, preaching his first sermon April 2, I871. He had a large congregation, and was a very popular preacher. He also made many improvements in the church edifice. He preached his last sermon in July, I874. The Rev. E. W. Borden, of Midland, Mich., succeeded Mr. Grandy, commencing his labors in February, 1876, the church being without a pastor nearly two years. He remained with the church two years, when he removed to Ann Arbor to educate his children. At the present time (July, I879) the congregation has no pastor. The whole number received into the church since its organization is I77 (on profession, I24; by letter, 53); during the same time the number dismissed has been 83,-by letter, 62; by death, 2r. The present membership is 70. Stated pulpit supply, twenty-one years; amount paid for the same, $1o,800. Original cost of house, grounds, and furnishings, $i8oo; repairs and improvements, $750; contributions to benevolent objects, $1ooo; incidentals, $800; total, $15,150. The church celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary on Dec. 10, I878, the Rev. D. L. Eaton, of Ovid, Mich., preaching the sermon, and Mr. J. M. Holden, of Green Oak, reading the church history. THE FIRST WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH.* This church is situated on the" west side," corner of Washington and Fourth Streets, and has the following history: There were a few members of the Pleasant Valley Wesleyan Church residing in and near the village of Brighton, and others in sympathy with their principles, who desired the labors of the Pleasant Valley pastor, Rev. J. H. Canfield, in the ministration of the Word, where it could be more conveniently enjoyed. To accomplish this he was invited to establish an appointment at the village, and the old Appleton Hall was secured, and supplied with temporary seats, a drygoods box being used for a pulpit; and under these circumstances the first Wesleyan Methodist services were held in the village of Brighton. * Prepared by the pastor. VILLAGE OF BRIGHTON. 209 In this hall, on April 5, I874, the First Wesleyan Methodist Society was organized, with a membership of 7 persons, and 2 received on probation. Notwithstanding the disadvantages connected with their place of worship, they were happy in being able to worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences. On one or two occasions they came to the place of meeting and found the seats removed from the room, and they were compelled to bring in boards wagon-seats, etc., to furnish seats for the congregation. During the week the seats were restored to their proper place in the hall, ready for the next service. After using the " dry-goods box" pulpit a short time, a young mechanic volunteered to make a pulpit, which, when it was finished, looked very much like a grocery-store counter; but it answered the purpose, and was thankfully received by the society. One of the members then furnished an old-fashioned sofa, which was covered with common calico, and with this fitting out for the pastor and congregation, they started on the road to prosperity. They were soon apprised, however, of the fact that they were meeting with opposition on every hand. The members had all belonged to the Methodist Episcopal Church in the village, and had severed their connection therewith on account of its association with secret societies; and because of their unpopularity in this respect they suffered much annoyance. They continued their meetings in the hall, with encouraging prospects, until the man who had control of it began buying wool and storing it away in the back end of the room. The odor from the wool was so offensive that they were compelled to abandon the hall, and were left without a place to hold their services. A short time after this the Presbyterian Society kindly offered them the use of their church, and they continued their appointments there until their own house of worship was completed. The society enjoyed prosperity, and on the Ist day of November had increased its membership to 27. June 30, 1874, a legal organization was effected, and in a short time steps were taken for building a house of worship. To encourage the building, Mr. E. G. McPherson, of. Howell, donated two lots on the corner of Washington and Fourth Streets, and subscribed $ioo towards building the church. Other friends of the cause came nobly forward with a helping hand, and notwithstanding unforeseen, embarrassments, which were very discouraging, the house was completed. The contract for the building was given to Enos H. Buck by the Board of Trustees, consisting of 27 Alanson P. Dickenson, Ambrose M. Sweet, and Charles Barnhart, Sept. 3, 1874, and work on the building began immediately. The church is 50 by 32 feet, and the posts are 20 feet high. The belfry and tower extend about 40 feet above the roof of the building, and have a device at the top consisting of a hand with the forefinger pointing upward. Tlhe cost of the building was $1475, exclusive of the wall, which was built by the society and not included in the contract. The building was dedicated Jan. 30, i875, Rev. L. N. Stratton, of Syracuse, N. Y, editor of the Amterican Wesleyan, officiating. Brighton Church was made one of the appointments on Kensington and Brighton charge, and in view of the number of appointments on the charge, services were held here only on alternate Sabbath mornings. Notwithstanding this disadvantage the society witnessed a goodly degree of prosperity. In the fall of 1875 Rev. D. A. Richards became their pastor, and, like his predecessors, labored hard to build up the cause and the societies under his care. He moved his family to Brighton and secured a residence near the church; the attachment between pastor and people became very strong. Revival meetings were held at the church the following winter, which resulted in much good, and some accessions to the church; congregations increased, and though the society were meeting with persistent opposition, the sun of prosperity shone more brightly on them than ever before. A good organ, of the "Sterling" manufacture, was purchased, and a suitable choir selected; these made no small addition to the interest of the society in connection with their public services. In the fall of 1875 the Michigan Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist connection was held at Brighton, and notwithstanding the fact that the attendance was unusually large, all were well cared for by the people of Brighton and vicinity. The devotional exercises of the Conference were very interesting and profitable, and the society was permanently benefited by them. The number of ministers and delegates in attendance, and the earnestness manifested in the work of salvation, were among the noticeable features connected with the Conference, and had a tendency to decrease the prejudice that had previously existed against the society. In the fall of i877 a change of ministers again took place, and Rev. E. W. Bruce (the present incumbent) became pastor of the charge. He also moved his family to Brighton and dwells among his people. At a quarterly meeting held during the spring of 1878, the Quarterly Conference voted to so arrange the appointments as to give the 210 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. church at Brighton an appointment every Sabbath mnbrning, and the result of the change was very soon perceived in the increased congregation and interest that followed. At the regular yearly reorganization of the Sabbath-school the pastor was chosen superintendent, and was re-elected to the same position the present year (1 879). The Sabbathschool has been, and still is, in a prosperous condition, and assists very materially in sustaining the interests of the church. During the past year the church edifice has been somewhat beautified and improved by putting new carpet on the floor, and hanging beautiful mottoes upon its walls. A goodly number of persons have been added to the membership of the church, and in the fall of 1878 the work was enlarged so as to require the services of two preachers. Rev. M. Cuthbert was called to a part of the field. There has been a regular interchanging of appointments between the two pastors during the past year (1879), which has been both agreeable and profitable. From the commencement to the present date this society has had many difficulties, ordinary and extraordinary, to contend with, but it is believed that for it there is a prosperous future, on the conditions of purity and fidelity. BAPTIST CHURCH. The Baptist Society of the village of Brighton is a comparatively recent organization, the denomination, though represented in the persons of several prominent citizens, never having taken measures to effect a permanent foothold in the community. The society was at a later date reorganized by a council and admitted to the Wayne Association on that occasion, its constituted members being G. W. Jenks, Lewis Scott, Lyman Banks, Charles C. Jenks, Abagail Thomas, Louis Jenks, Amanda Fuller, Sarah E. Burgess, Sarah H. Cook, Susannah Banks, Kate Trune, Helen Anthony, and Clarissa G. Scott. Rev. G. F. Ellis has preached to them since the organization of the church, the service being held on Sabbath afternoon in the Methodist Episcopal church, which is secured for the purpose. The present membership is 25. The society are preparing to erect a house of worship on lots purchased for the purpose. Mrs. G. S. Burgess is church clerk. THE SCHOOLS OF BRIGHTON. The first school-house in the village of Brighton was erected in the summer of i837, upon ground now occupied by the dwelling of Patrick Donley, on Grand River Street. In some mysterious way, unknown to the present generation, though, seem/, I. I ingly, not at all to the surprise of the past, this school-house was built before the organization of the district, that not having taken place until the year 1838. Strange as it may seem, however, the truth of this statement is established beyond a doubt by the records, in which it is seen the inspectors call a meeting of the voters of the district on the 30oth of April, 1838, only ten days after the time of organization, this meeting to be held in the school-house. It is also noticeable in the records that the name of Wm. Noble as director is found appended to several reports preceding the one in which he is recorded as elected to that office. It is but another instance of the peculiar faculty the pioneers of knowledge in Brighton seemed to have had of reversing the natural order of things,-in fact, of putting the cart before the horse. However, these seeming inconsistencies are in a manner explained by the fact that the oldest inhabitants have a vague remembrance of a district organization, with Maynard Maltby as director, which existed at the time of the building of the first school-house. But if there ever existed such a body, it seems to have disdained all records or written reports of its meetings. This school-house was used by the district until the year I847, when, becoming dissatisfied with it for various reasons, it was sold. The building was moved by Orlando A. Fuller to the south side of Fitch Street, west of Grand River Street, on a lot now owned by John Becker and occupied by Manfred L. Derby. It was used for a blacksmithshop until the year 1878, when it was moved to the rear of the lot and since used as a barn. For the ensuing three years the district owned no school-house, but rented houses for school purposes. A house called " The Old Largee House," situated in a field on a line with the eastern continuance of Fitch Street, was rented by Daniel C. Marsh, director, for a temporary school-room. This is the only house recorded as rented in the three years intervening between the sale of the old school-house and the building of a new one, though it is hardly supposable that it was the only one rented during that period. Finally the district became weary of shifting the school " from pillar to post," and determined to possess a building of its own, in which the village lads and lasses might have ample opportunity for the expansion of their minds. At a district school-meeting, held Nov. 20, 1847, the first move was made towards the building of a new school-house. But nothing seems to have been accomplished until 1849, when, at the VILLAGE OF BRIGHTON. 2I I annual meeting, on the motion of Joln D. Appleton, it was resolved to build a new school-house the ensuing year. It was also voted to raise by tax the ensuing winter $350 to build the same. William Cushing and John M. Ten Eyck were appointed a committee to act in conjunction with the district board, James B. Lee, John 0. Appleton, and Roswell Barnes, as building committee. The building was completed and occupied late in the fall of the year I85o. It was located on the northeast corner of East Street and Spencer Road. It was used by the district until i868. In July, I870, it was sold to Elisha Case for $376. It was afterwards used by Charles A. Withey as a carriage-shop. In the year 1873 it was burned to the ground. At the annual school-meeting, held Sept. I6, 1863, the first steps were taken towards the building of the present school-house. At this meeting it was voted that $1500 be raised by tax for the erection of the same. At an adjourned meeting, held October 14th of the same year, a committee was appointed, consisting of Egbert F. Albright, James B. Lee, and Everett Wilson, for the purpose of selecting a site. Nothing, however, was actually accomplished until Sept. 24, I866, when it was voted " to locate the site for a new school-house on lands west of the Ann Arbor road, south and east of lands and dwelling owned by D. C. Marsh, and north of land owned by Charles Baetger; and also that the sum of $2500 be raised by tax on the taxable property of the district for the purpose of purchasing a site and buying materials for building a school-house in said district." At a session of the Legislature, held early in the year 1867, an act was passed authorizing the trustees to issue the bonds of the district to the amount of $7500 for the purpose of building a school-house. These bonds were issued and negotiated, furnishing, together with the tax voted, the money for building the house. At a meeting of the board of trustees, held Feb. 7, 1867, the site selected by the committee was bought of Ira W. Case and Spaulding N. Case, and the sum of $487.50 paid for the same. Proposals for building the house by contract were advertised for and received, but all were rejected. The building was commenced early in the spring of 1868, under the superintendence of the board of trustees, which embraced the following gentlemen: William R. Cobb, Henry W. Pipp, William H. Naylor; Ira P. Bingham, Moderator; Egbert F. Albright, Director; and John E. Weichers, As, sessor; and was completed at an expense of $10,400, exclusive of the site, and occupied the first Monday in December, i868. The early schools in Brighton partook largely of the nature of all other first district schools,that is, were extremely primitive in their character. Their teachers were not required to be familiar with many studies besides "the three R's,-reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic,"-and generally were not very learned individuals. A lady was employed to teach the summer school; but a gentleman was always engaged for the winter, partly, no doubt, because he was supposed to be wiser and more capable of instructing the older class of pupils that attended at that season, but principally because he was endowed with strength to subdue the "big boys" if any insubordination should arise. The school-house was a cheap and small structure, capable of holding only a limited number of pupils. The first settlers, no doubt, felt the need of a school; witness the following copy of a teacher's certificate given by the school inspectors. It is taken verbatim from the recording-book of the district: " The undersigned School inspectors of the Township of Brighton Do Certify that A regular meating of the Boarard of School inspectors on the 15 Day of April, Did personely Examon Miss Marrett S. Hoges in respect to Moral Charractor, Larning, And Co., And find her well qualified to teach A primery Skool In District No. 5, in the township of Brighton for one year from the date here of, unles the inspectors for the tim Being Shall Sooner Revoke or Cansel this Certificate. Give under our hand And Seel this 15 Day of Aprile, I844." But as years went by the educated portion of the community constantly increased, and consequently the school became of a more elevated character, until finally it was graded, and teachers were employed capable of giving instruction in the languages, sciences, etc. TEACHERS, The following is a list of the teachers who have taught in the public schools, and is as nearly perfect as to names and dates as it is practicable to make it. X838.-Mr. Jerald, Sophia Olney. I839.-Mr. Jerald, John C. Culver. 1840.-John C. Culver, Miss E. Clark. 1841,-Mr. Williams. I842.-Miss Mary Ann Hinckley. 1843.-Corydon Lee. 1844.-Corydon Lee, Miss Mariette Hodges. 1845.-Corydon Lee, John Gilluly. 1846.-John Gilluly, Daniel C. Marsh. 1847.-Daniel C. Marsh. 1848.-Amos Foster. 1849.-Nathan Ames, Miss Ella Nichols. 850, —Frederick Carlisle, 1851.-Otis Whitney, Jr., Miss Margaret Gilluly. 1852.-William Marsh. 1853.-Norman L. Embury, Miss Sarah Dana. 1854.-Martin Cranston, Miss Esther Foster. 212 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 1855.-Henry Pierson, Miss Margaret Gilluly, Mrs. Fanny M. Gilluly. I856.-Orlando B. Wheeler, Mrs. Lucy Spencer, Miss Caroline Gregory. i857.-John Gilluly, Mrs. Lucy Spencer. 1858.-John Whitbeck, Sinclair Hamlin. 1859.-Darius F. Boughton, Sinclair Hamlin, Miss Auriella Judson. 186o.-Levi D. Cook, Miss Mary Case. 186. —Levi D Cook, Miss Carrie O. A. Jaques, Miss Marian Jones. 1862.-Egbert Mapes, Miss Orzilla Acker. 1863.-Darius F. Boughton, Miss Adelaide Judson, Richard J. Lyon, Miss Orzilla Acker. 1864.-Darius F. Boughton, Miss Florence Chadwick, Miss Mary Tock, Miss Orzilla Acker. x865.-Lucius Ball, Miss Marian Jones, Miss Ann Woodruff. 1866.-Miss Adelaide Judson, Miss Marian Jones, Miss Florence Chadwick. 1867.-John W. Crippen, Miss Juliette Fonda, Miss Adelaide A. Pease. 1868.-Orson W. Tock, Miss Juliette Fonda. 1869.-George A. Cable, Miss Hannah J. Dartt, Miss Adelaide Judson, Miss Florence Pratt. I870.-G. J. Holbrook, Miss Hannah J. Dartt, Miss Adelaide Judson, Miss Carrie Withey. 1871.-Benj. F. Hickey, Miss Mary L. Sprout, Miss Emma E. Thurber, Miss Lizzie Potter. 1872.-Benj. F. Hickey, Miss Mollie Blanck, Miss Emma E. Thurber, Miss Althea Pitkin, Miss Viola Cook. 1873.-George A. Cady, Miss Lizzie Foster, Miss Emma E. Thurber, Miss Lizzie Potter, Miss Adelaide A. Pease. I874.-Hiram S. Reed, Miss Emma E. Thurber, Miss Lizzie Potter, Miss Helen M. Elliotte. 1875.-Hiram S. Reed, Miss Lizzie Potter, Miss Eugenie Halleck, Miss Helen M. Elliotte. 1876.-John Whitbeck, Miss Emma E. Thurber, Miss Lizzie Potter, Miss Martha Weichers. 1877.-John Whitbeck, Miss Emma E. Thurber, Miss Elizabeth A. Lignian, Miss Ettie Underwood, Miss Martha A. Weichers, Miss Elizabeth H. Buck. 1878.-Harry S. Myers, Miss Mary McNamara, Miss Ettie Underwood, Miss Elizabeth H. Buck, Miss Martha A. Weichers. 1879.-Harry S. Myers, Miss Mary McNamara, Miss Ettie Underwood, Miss Lucy Smith, Miss Flora Stewart. Of the various teachers who have been employed to mould the young ideas of the village of Brighton but little can be said. The records for several of the first years are very imperfect, and, in fact, the name of the first teacher does not appear at all, but is recalled by some of the first settlers and scholars in both of the forms given in the list. John C. Culver formerly resided in Green Oak, on the farm now occupied by Isaac H. Smith. Corydon Lee was a resident of the village of Brighton, and at different times filled the offices of township clerk and school inspector. John Gilluly graduated from the law school in the University of Michigan, entered upon the practice of law in the village of Brighton, represented the county of Livingston in the Legislature, enlisted as captain in the 5th Michigan Infantry in I86I, was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel of the same regiment, and was killed at the battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Daniel C. Marsh is still living in the village of Brighton. Martin Cranston now lives on a farm in the township of Tyrone. Mrs. Fanny Gilluly went with her husband, James Gilluly, to Kansas, where she is now living, at Lawrence. Many of the citizens of Brighton well remember Miss Caroline Gregory, of Northville, who taught school in 1856. She was somewhat strong in mind and body, and defied the directors' efforts to dismiss her from the school. Mr. Lee having locked her out of the school-room, she broke the door open, and, after thus forcibly effecting an entrance, went on with her school with few or no scholars. A compromise was finally effected, hostilities ceased, and Miss Gregory returned to her home in Northville. Mrs. Lucy Spencer, wife of John G. Spencer, is living in the State of New York. John Whitbeck, after teaching in I858, was for several years principal of one of the ward schools of Detroit, and is at the present time living on his farm in the township of Hamburg. Darius F. Boughton, after leaving Brighton, studied medicine, became an M.D., removed to Wisconsin, and now holds the position of superintendent in the State Asylum for the Insane. Miss Aureilla Judson, wife of George G. Smith, still resides in the village. Levi D. Cook filled the office of township clerk and school inspector. He removed to Le Roy, N. Y., where he died some years since. Miss Mary Case was a resident of Hamburg, and has been dead some years. Miss Carrie O. A. Jaques was a resident of Nankin, Wayne Co., and returned to her home after teaching in Brighton. She is still living, and is the wife of Charles Church, a preacher of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Miss Marian Jones, now the wife of Willard Hendrick, resides in Hamburg. Miss Orzilla Acker, wife of Andrew Fuller, is now residing at Au Sable. Miss Adelaide Judson and Richard J. Lyon are yet residents of Brighton, and are almost the only teachers of ten years ago who have not found a mate. Miss Florence Chadwick has since married, and is now living in Illinois. Miss Mary Tock, now deceased, married Henry Lake. Ann Woodruff, wife of George P. Dudley, is still living in the village. John W. Crippen is yet living, and is a preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Juliette Fonda removed to Saginaw City, where she has been for many years, and is yet teaching in the Union School. Adelaide A. Pease has taught more or less since her term in 1867, and is still a maiden lady. Orson W. Tock studied medicine, graduated at the University of Michigan, and-is now practicing at Gaines. George A. Cable, when last heard from, was studying medicine in Cleveland. VILLAGE OF BRIGHTON. 213 - Hannah J. Dartt was a graduate of a normal school of Pennsylvania, married Frank Holden, and died in I877. Florence Pratt, wife of Elvin Stiles, resides in Green Oak. G. J. Holbrook, when last heard of, was residing in New Jersey, and was agent of a life insurance company. Carrie Withey, wife of George Wagner, now lives in Flint. Benj. F. Hickey married, removed to Kansas, lost his wife, returned to Michigan, and is now a resident of Oakland County. Emma E. Thurber is still a resident of Brighton. Mollie Blanck when teaching here was a resident of Howell. Lizzie Potter, since I876, has been teaching in the public schools of Jackson. George A. Cady lives at Wayne, and has developed into a lawyer. Viola Cook married James Phillips, and now resides at Grand Rapids. Lizzie Foster, a former resident of Howell, married Wilbert Smith, and now resides at Big Rapids. Hiram S. Reed was and still is a resident of the township of Marion. Helen M. Elliotte, wife of Spencer D. Albright, resides at Stanton. Mrs. Eugenie Halleck is still living in Brighton. Martha A. Weichers, Ettie Underwood, Elizabeth H. Buck, Mary McNamara, Lucy C. Smith, and Flora Stewart are as yet misses of Brighton. Elizabeth A. Lignian is living at Ovid. Harry S. Myers, the last principal, at the close of school, took the memorable advice of Horace Greeley, and at once " went West." LIST OF DISTRICT OFFICERS. - paring the figures of the earlier with the later years, in the following table: Children in district between 5 and 20 years. 1838...... 46 S840..... 6i 1850..... 67 1855...... 80 186...... 129 1865..... 148 1870...... 206 1875...... 278 I879..... 267 Amount paid Paid for buildteachers. ing, repairs, etc......... $5.00 $70.00 15.00 80.00 350.00 157.00 45.00 238.00 48.00 310.00 120.00 179500 185 00 1494-00 266.00 147o.00 342.00 Primary money received. $24 40 25.50 53-76 58.42 64.80 96.60 130.00 128.16 Moderator. 1837............... 1838.............Elijah Fitch. 1839.............. J. Goodspeed. 1840.............. Orson Quackenbush. 1841...............Lewis B. Fonda. 1842.............. 1843..............William Noble. 1846-47.......... " ( 1848............... Robert D. Power. 1849..............James B. Lee. 1850........... " I851........... " 1852............. Lyman Judson. 1853-54..........Win. McCauley. 855...............Erastus A. Pratt. I856............ Friederick D. Acker. 1857..............David Thomson. 1858.............. 1859-60..........Ira W. Case. 86-62.......... " 1863...............James B. Lee. 1864............... " 1865............. " 1866............ Ira W. Case. 1867-69........Ira I'. Bingham. 1870...............William J. McHench. 871...............Lewis B. Fonda. 1872............... " 1873............... " I874............... " 1875-77..........Ira W. Case. 1878...............Lucien B. Stewart. 1879............. Director. Maynard Maltby. William Noble. William McCauley. Charles Spencer. Wilber Fisher. James B. Waits. Truman D. Fish. I)aniel C. Marsh. John D. Appleton. Stephen K. Jones. Robert D. Power. David Thomson. Stephen K. Jones. James B. Lee. Win. R. Cobb. James B. Lee. David Thomson. Egbert F. Albright. Frederick D. Acker. Luther C. Pratt. Lyman Judson. Egbert F. Albright. William J. McHench. Lyman Judson. Royal C. Rumsey. Wm. R. Cobb. Nicholas Kennedy. I Since 1838 the district has expended for teachers' wages, $20,625; for buildings, repairs, and contingent expenses, $16,32I; and the amount of primary money received aggregated $2385.13. SELECT SCHOOLS. The first of the select or private schools of Brighton was taught by Miss Mary B. Pratt, in the second story of the " Balch House," now occupied by Morris Du Bois as a blacksmith-shop. Miss Pratt was a graduate of Fredonia Academy, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., fiom which place she came with her brother, Erastus J. Pratt (now of Green Oak), in I845, and opened the first term of her school soon after her arrival. She taught several terms so acceptably that the public school was closed part of the time that she taught in Brighton. Sickness intervened. She closed school in 1847, returned to her home in Fredonia in the winter of I848, and died in the spring of the latter year. She was succeeded by James Smart, who taught one term, either in the first school-house erected, or in the " Worden House," which stood on the site of the present Methodist Episcopal church. It is thought by some of the pioneers that Amos Foster taught a select school in the year I848 or I849. William Marsh, brother of Daniel C. Marsh, kept a private school during the summer of 1852 in the second story of the dwelling now occupied by Thomas T. Tunis. Mr. Marsh was assisted by Miss Carrie Sharp and Miss- Chamberlain. lie was succeeded in the same school-room by Miss Maria Osborn, sister of the first pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Miss Lavinia B. Fuller (now Mrs. Fonda) taught a select school during the summer of I863 and I864, in the " McCauley store," on the southwest corner of Grand River and North Streets. Miss Mattie Cope opened a private school in the building on the northwest corner of Grand River and North Streets, now occupied by Simeon B. Lockwood as a furniture-store, and taught one or more terms. Miss Adeline A. Pease kept a private school in John E. Weichers' store. John A. Weichers has been assessor since 1866. The growth of the district will be seen by com 214. HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY; MICHIGAN. Miss Sarah Ellen Case taught an infant school for a short time, in a room in the first story of the Appleton Block. John D. McLawlin taught several terms of select school, first in a room in the dwelling of James B. Lee, afterwards in " Weichers' store," also in the second story of John Duane's grocery, and in the Appleton Block. He was recently tutor in a commercial college in Detroit. Rev. Christian Warth taught a private German school in the dwelling of John E. Weichers, in the year 1864. Rev. Carl Schmalz, in the fall of i875, kept open for one term, a German school, in the brick building on the west side, formerly used by Charles Schmidt as a bakery. Miss Paulina Ragoetzky also taught a German school, from July, 1878, to February, I879. She has recently (July, 1879) opened her school for another term. For the above comprehensive view of the schools of Brighton the historian is indebted to Miss Kate C. Albright. MASONIC. BRIGHTON LODGE, No. 42, received its charter Jan. 9, 185 I, the officers named therein being William McCauley, W. M.; Robert D. Power, S. W.; John Ross, J. WV. The first regular communication was held Jan. i6, i85i, at which meeting the officers for the ensuing year were chosen, as follows: George W. Peck, W. M.; John G. Spencer, S. W.; Charles Butterfield, J. W.; Roswell Barnes, Sec.; Wm. McCauley, Treas.; Charles Spencer, S. D.; Samuel D. Sayre, J. D.; Frederick Carlisle, Nathaniel G. Butterfield, Stewards; Truman D. Fish, Tiler. In 1857 the charter of the lodge was surrendered and a reorganization effected later under the title of BRIGHTON LODGE, No. 247. A dispensation was granted Feb. 3, I858, to the following officers: Adolph Buch, W. M.; John A. Meyer, S. W.; Egbert F. Albright, J. W. The first regular communication was held March 2, i868, and a charter obtained bearing date Jan. 15, I869, the officers being the same as under the dispensation. The first communication under the charter was held Jan. 25, 1869, the officers being installed by Charles W. Haze, of Pinckney, as follows: Adolph Buch, W. M.; John A. Meyer, S. W.; Egbert F. Albright, J. W.; Chester Thomson, Treas.; Wm. J: McHench, Sect.; Benj. T. 0. Clark, S. D.; Louis Meyer, J. D.; Robert J. Mountain, Tiler; Samuel H. Conely, John W. Stiles, Stewards. The present officers are William M. Power, W. M.; William W. Mann, S. W.; Thomas F. Lown, J. W.; Egbert F. Albright, Sec.; Chester Thomson, Treas.; Orson Toncray, S. D.; Freeman Vanderlip, J. D.; W. R. Cobb, Samuel P. Moon, Stewards. THE BRIGHTON CITIZEN was established in September, I871, and was first published under the name of the Brighton Bulletin by A. G. Blood, and printed in the office of the Howell Independent. The same year it was purchased by George W. Axtell, then of Howell, who at the same time secured a complete outfit for a printing-office and removed to Brighton, where he issued the paper until Nov. i8, i877. Its title was by -him changed to the Citizen, the first number of which appeared Jan. 2, i872. The task of publishing successfully a weekly paper in Brighton was a difficult one, and with its slender income the proprietor found its revenues hardly sufficient to meet the daily wants of his family; but with perseverance came success, and the Citizen soon became an established and profitable fact. Its circulation rapidly increased, and its columns, filled with advertisements of the business men of the county, were evidence of the hold it had obtained upon the popular regard. It had at first been issued as a seven-column folio, but its publisher soon found it necessary to change it to a five-column quarto. In November, I877, W. H. Bowman, of Howell, and J. D. Ellenwood, of Brighton, purchased the Citizen of G. W. Axtell, and continue to publish it under the firm-name of Bowman & Ellinwood. The circulation has considerably increased since their management of its columns, and it now ranks among the leading papers of the county. Connected with the office is a job-printing department, where the various styles of work are executed with a promptness that has given universal satisfaction and won for the office much patronage. BRIGHTON GUN CLUB. The country which surrounds Brighton presents a most attractive aspect to a lover of sport with the gun and fishing-rod, the numerous beautiful lakes abounding in various kinds of fi.lh, while their banks, together with the adjoining woods, are frequented by woodcock, wild duck, partridges, etc. With a view to enjoying these sports in their season, and at the same time establishing such rules as would lead to the preservation of game and the prevention of indiscriminate shooting out of season, a number of the residents of Brighton have organized the Brighton Gun Club. It has an elaborately drawn constitution and by-laws, which each member is required to sign, while at the same time he pays a nominal entrance fee. VILLAGE OF BRIGHTON. 215 Its membership is divided into three classes,active, life, and honorary,-no individual being eligible to the latter distinction who is a resident of the county. Its first meeting was held Aug. 15, I877, at which the following officers were elected: G. J. Baetcke, President; F. T. Hyne, Vice-President; R. E. Baetcke, Secretary; Charles Cushing, Treasurer; Luther Frink, Prosecutor; and Henry Soule, 0. W. Babcox, Henry Rohn, George W. Thomson, Directors. As affording an opportunity for practice, the club have made special arrangements for glassball shooting, the adjoining fair-grounds affording a fine opportunity for this diversion. The club has a membership of 31. THE BRIGHTON FIRE DEPARTMENT. In February, I876, a committee of nine were appointed by the Common Council of the village, pursuant to a public call at the office of S. H. Conely & Co., for the purpose of organizing a hookand-ladder company, to be called the " Brighton Hook-and-Ladder Company, Number I," for the protection of the village against fire. George G. Smith was chosen chairman, and S. H. Conely secretary of this committee. A subcommittee was appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws, consisting of W. W. Lewis, R. J. Lyons, Jr., and S. H. Conely. The following gentlemen enrolled their names as the first members of the company: George Carpenter, William Mann, A. Giles, W. W. Lewis, S. H. Conely, George G. Smith, C. Dewitt, Gib Abrams, R. J. Lyons, George Ratz, Ira Thomson, H. Soule, August Schmidt, A. A. Reed, G. W. Sweet, James Van Loon, Robert Jolly, C. A. Birge, William Sutherland. The first officers were chosen by ballot, as follows: Samuel H. Conely, Foreman; W. W. Lewis, Assistant Foreman; R. J. Lyons, Secretary; Clinton De Witt, Treasurer. The matter of purchasing a hook-and-ladder truck and other appointments incidental to a complete equipment of the fire company having come before the Council, after much discussion it was decided to purchase one of Babcock's hook-andladder trucks, with four complete ladders and eight patent fire extinguishers,-four on either side,the cost of which was $90o. James Thomson was elected keeper of the chemicals. A uniform was adopted, consisting of a black silk cap, red shirt, and patent-leather belt, and on the 4th of July of the year of organization the company made its first public parade in its new uniform. Many compliments were bestowed upon their fine appearance, and to the ladies they were especially indebted for floral offerings and other decorations. I For the year 1877, Samuel H. Conely was elected Foreman; Clinton De Witt, Assistant Foreman; F. J. Lown, Secretary and Treasurer; and Henry Soule, Keeper of Chemicals. For the year 1878, Henry Soule was chosen as Foreman; Eugene Slayton, Assistant Foreman; T. F. Lown, Secretary; C. E. Cushing, Treasurer; G. W. Thomson, Keeper of Chemicals. The present officers are Henry Soule, Foreman; Eugene Slayton, Assistant Foreman; Thomas F. Lown, Secretary; Charles E. Cushing, Treasurer; George W. Thomson, Keeper of Chemicals; and 0. A. Birge, his assistant. The following names comprise the department as it at present exists: Henry Soule, Luther Frink, Thomas F. Lown, Ira Thomson, Charles E. Cushing, Eugene Slayton, Peter Fay, William W. Pentlin, John Hutchings, William Stanfield, Thomas Williams, Henry Rohn. BRIGHTON CORNET BAND. The association which embraces this band was formed Jan. I, I875, the gentlemen who comprised it being S. Davis, R. J. Lyons, Charles Withey, S. J. King, R. M. Fillmore, G. W. Thomson, and George Wagner. It was deemed best to raise as far as possible, by subscription from the townspeople, a portion of the funds necessary to purchase instruments. This was done, and $I 12 very willingly subscribed, after which the instruments were secured, and an addition to the membership occurred. With their advent, the band was regarded as fully organized, embracing the following names: George W\agner, S. J. King, William Bigham, George W. Thomson, C. Kuhner, William Sturburg, C. A. Withey, R. J. Lyons, J. D. Ellenwood, and John Donley. George Wagner was chosen as leader, and the services of John Kinsman, of Milford, were obtained as instructor, under whom the band made rapid progress. Their first public appearance was made on the following Independence Day, and a festival for their benefit was given in the evening, which resulted in an addition of $50 to their treasury, and materially aided them in the purchase of a bandwagon, which became, with the frequent calls from abroad, a necessity. -In August of the same year, George Wagner resigned, and J. D. Ellenwood was elected to the position of leader. At the expiration of four months the members concluded to dispense with the further services of an instructor, and depend upon their leader and regular practice to attain proficiency. Their services were in much demand during the summer of 1876, and funds were secured which enabled the band to pay all its indebtedness. 2i6 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Early in the fall of the same year an effort was made by several residents of the village to organize another band, and for a time with so much success that James Savage, of Detroit, was secured as instructor, a set of instruments were obtained, and considerable progress was made by the members. It soon became apparent, however, that Brighton was not a village of sufficient compass to sustain two musical organizations, and with the expiring year ended the existence of the new band. In the early part of the year 1876, Mr. Ellenwood resigned the position of leader and his membership, and C. H. Coe became his successor. In the spring of 1878 a complete uniform was purchased, which enabled the organization to present themselves fully equipped on public occasions. The Brighton Band, after having passed through many vicissitudes, is still a perfect organization, and at the present time has a reputation commensurate with the perseverance and skill of its membership. Its present organization is Walter Acker, Edgar Weichers, S. J. King, H. A. Coe, R. J. Lyons, E. F. Albright, Herman Loehne, Nelson C. Thomas, and Charles H. Cobb. Herman Loehne acts as leader, but during his temporary absence J. D. Ellenwood fills the position. THE BRIGHTON MILLS, known for a brief time after their erection as the Ore Creek Mills, are at present owned by Albright & Thomson. They were built and owned by Orson Quackenbush in 1840, and sold in December of that year to William A. Clark. In 1845, Mr. Clark resold the mill to its original owner, who remained its proprietor until I847, when it was sold to Evert Woodruff. Two years later Lyman Judson purchased it. The mills had been run previously by a breast water-wheel of a fashion long since rendered obsolete, but with Mr. Judson's advent as proprietor, a French turbine wheel was introduced in 1852, and the mills enlarged, the north wing having been added. In 1856 the present proprietors took possession, and have owned them since that time. They are almost exclusively devoted to custom work, and two run of stones are employed. The mills are located at a central point in the village of Brighton, and are largely patronized by the surrounding comm unity. Under the proprietorship the old turbine wheel has been replaced by three others of improved style, and considerable addition has been made to the capacity of the mills. C. T. HYNE & SON. This firm, which is composed of Charles T. Hyne, and his son, Frederick T., are buyers and shippers I I of grain and farm produce, and dealers in lime, plaster, coal, etc. They ship about I 50,00 bushels of wheat annually, which is loaded by an elevator connected with their storehouse, run by horsepower, which enables them to transfer the grain direct to the cars without intermediate handling. It is shipped by the Detroit, Lansing and Northern Railroad, whose track runs directly past their establishment, and finds its way to Detroit, and from thence to the Eastern market. They are also large buyers of wool, and may be regarded as among the important business enterprises of Brighton. CONELY & SMITH'S STEAM PLANING-MILL. This firm confines its business principally to the manufacture of mouldings, flooring, siding, ceiling, and are also dealers in lath and shingles. The timber, which is procured in Montcalm County by rail, is received in the rough state, after sawing, and by them dressed and converted into more finished material. They employ a steam-engine of twelve horsepower, and find a ready home market for all their product, though a limited quantity is shipped by rail to adjoining towns. This firm are also dealers in agricultural implements, and the various appliances connected with them. B. H. LAWSON & COMPANY'S BANK was organized in April, 187I, under the name of B. H. Lawson's Bank. In June, 1873, it was reorganized under the style of B. H. Lawson & Company's Bank. It has most of the patronage of the village and the surrounding country. THE GLOBE IRON-WORKS enjoys the distinction of being the first foundry within the limits of the county. Mr. David Thomson became a citizen of Brighton in I843, and early sought an opportunity to engage in the mechanical pursuits he had followed in his native land. He obtained the lease of a building whose location was accessible, and converted it into a foundry, which he soon after purchased, having taken into business with himt a partner, the firm being known as Thomson & Spencer. Finding the increasing trade required more spacious quarters, he built, in i856, the substantial brick foundry corner of Grand River and Fitch Streets, and removed to it. At the time Mr. Thomson first embarked in business farmers were obliged to depend upon Ann Arbor and Dexter for all agricultural implements which were necessary to the cultivating and breaking of the soil, and even the sharpening of plow-irons necessitated VILLAGE OF BRIGHTON. 217 a journey of twenty miles. It will readily be seen that Mr. Thomson's foundry was a source of much congratulation, and many demands were made upon his skill. Most of the wares manufactured are such as are used in agricultural pursuits, the staple article being plows. Wheelbarrows are also made, and the demand for them has been considerable in the immediate vicinity. An engine of ten horse-power is employed in the building, and the market for the products of the foundry is principally found in this and adjacent counties. All the implements made have established the reputation of the proprietor for the excellence of his work. THE WESTERN HOTEL was erected in 1873, and is now owned by P. D. Skillbeck, the present proprietor, R. M. Filmore, having leased the building from him. It is a substantial brick structure, three stories in height, with numerous spacious rooms, and conveniently located within walking-distance of the depot. It enjoys a liberal share of patronage from the traveling community. THE BRIGHTON HOTEL was built as early as I850, by Benjamin Cushing, and additions have been made to it since that time. It is located in the centre of the village, on Grand River Street, and is kept by M. C. Case. Having been long established and well maintained, it enjoys a reputation that brings to it a considerable portion of the custom of the neighboring country as well as much from abroad. VILLAGE OFFICERS. The village officers elected since Brighton obtained a village charter, are as follows: I867.-Daniel C. Marsh, President; Benj. T. O. Clark, Clerk; Christopher C. Caine, Stephen K. Jones, Everett Wilson, John E. Weichers, Eli L. Soule, Wm. I-I. Naylor, Trustees; Egbert F. Albright, Wm. J. McHench, Assessors; Chester Thomson, Treasurer; John Jones, Marshal; Franklin Smith, George C. Tanner, Street Commissioners; A. P. Dickinson, Fire Warden; John B. Wood, Poundmaster. I868.-James B. Lee, President; Herman C. Iouse, Clerk; John E. Weichers, William R. Cobb, William H. Naylor, Patrick Donley, David Thomson, Everett Wilson, Trustees; William B. Cu-hing, Treasurer; Joseph E. Placeway, Marshal; Ira W. Case, Assessor; Allen Norton, Eli L. Soule, Street Commissioners; Wallace Case, Fire Warden; Edgar Mair, Poundmaster. 28 1869.-Henry W. Pipp, President; H. C. House, Clerk; Luther C. Pratt, William B. Cushing, F. D. Acker, Nelson C. Thomas, Everett Wilson, John Duane, Trustees; Geo. P. Dudley, Treasurer; Ira P. Bingham, Wm. R. Cobb, Assessors; Henry Becker, Benj. T. O. Clark, Allen Norton, Street Commissioners; Alanson P. Dickinson, Marshal; William H. Naylor, Patrick Donley, Fire Wardens. 1870.-Henry W. Pipp, President; II. C. Iouse, Clerk; John E. Weichers, Patrick Donley, Richard Lyons, John Duane, William B. Cushing, Nelson C. Thomas, Trustees; George P. Dudley, Treasurer; Nicholas Kennedy, Marshal; William J. McHench, Thomas Lown, Assessors; Allen Norton, Henry Becker, Chester Thomson, Street Commissioners; John W. Power, William H. Naylor, Fire Wardens; John Krause, Poundmaster. I87I.-Ira W. Case, President; Milton Thomas, Clerk; John E. Weichers, Assessor; George 1'. Dudley, Treasurer; E. F. Albright, Patrick Donley, John W. Power, Luther C. Pratt, Elisha Case, William J. McIIench, Trustees.; Allen Norton, Street Commissioner; John Jones, Marshal. I872.-Luther C. Pratt, President; Milton Thomas, Clerk; Thomas F. Lown, Treasurer; James Durbary, Joseph C. Burch, Byron S. Knapp, Trustees; Nelson C. Thomas, Street Commissioner; John E. Weichers, Assessor; Warren D. Belding, Marshal. I873.-Richard Lyon, President; Milton Thomas, Clerk; George P. Dudley, Treasurer; William W. Lewis, Arthur E. Boylan, James B. Wilkie, John W. Power, Trustees; B. Howard Liwson, Assessor; Warren D. Belding, Marshal; Chester Thomson, Street Commissioner. 1874.-Henry C. Pipp, President; B. T. 0. Clark, Clerk; Myron II. Knapp, William Pipp, William R. Cobb, John E. Weichers, Assessor; George P. Dudley, Treasurer; Asa Smith, Street Commissioner; George W. Thomson, Marshal. 1875.-B. Howard Lawson, President; Max Brewer, Clerk; James B. Lee, Thomas F. Lown, Grant S. Burgess, Trustees; Solomon I. King, Treasurer; John E. Weichers, Assessor; Philip Standlick, Marshal; Clinton De Witt, Street Commissioner. 1876.-L. N. Clark, President; Ienry P. Martin, Clerk; Samuel Phelps, Augustus Reiner, William D. La Bonta, Trustees; Nicholas Kennedy, Treasurer; John E. Weichers, Philip Standlick, Marshal; Asa Smith, Street Commissioner. I877.-Benjamin T. O. Clark, President; I. P. Martin, Clerk; Rudolph Baetcke, Charles E. Cushing, Ira W. Case, Trustees; Nicholas Kennedy, Treasurer; John C. Weichers, Assessor; James Anderson, Street Commissioner; John Soule, Marshal. i878.-Benjamin T. O. Clark, President; Augustus Reiner, Clerk; Frederick T. Hyne, Henry Alvord, John A. Meyer, Trustees; Nicholas Kennedy, Treasurer; Thomas F. Lown, Assessor; James Anderson, Street Commissioner; Peter Hartman, Marshal. 1879.-Benjamin T. O. Clark, President; Augustus Reiner, Clerk; James D. Ellenwood, George W. Cushing, Patrick Donley, Trustees; Joseph E. Placeway, Thomas F. Lown, Assessors; John IHutchings, Street Commissioner; John Jones, Marshal, BRIGHTON TOWNSHIP. BRIGHTON, though not the oldest, is by no means the least considerable of the townships of the county of Livingston. Like many other townships it had at first no separate organization, but composed an important part of the township of Green Oak, and it was not until April of 1838 that it was accorded a distinct existence. The first meeting was held at the residence of Daniel Lane, on section I7, William A. Clark, D.D., being chosen moderator, and the first supervisor elected was Richard Lyons; William Noble, Jr., being made township clerk, and Maynard Maltby and Philip S. Hubbell elected justices of the peace. Following are the names of the original purchasers of land embraced in the present township, with dates of purchase: Elijah Marsh, Nov. 1832. Eliza Ann Tenny, June, 183". Philip S. Hubbell, Nov. 1835. Stephen Baker, Nov. 1835. Jacob Peters, Aug. 1836. N. Thurston, Aug. 1836. Fred. W. Goodenoe, Nov. 1833..Eliza Ann Tenny, June, 1835. P. S. Hubbell, Nov. I835. Aurelia Goodenoe, Dec. 1835. Nelson W. oIuse, May, I836. Franklin Dait, May, I836. Jude Field, Aug. 1836.. Nath. Thurston, Aug. I836. F. W. Goodenoe, Oct. 1838. Peter W. Smith, Jr., Jan. 1835. IIiram Goodspeed, Mar. 1835. Isaac Bisbee, April, 1835. H. Goodspeed, May, 1835. Reuben Moore, Sept. 1835. R. Moore and W. N. Carpenter, May, 1835. Gotleib Nieman, Aug. 1835. Jude Field, Aug: 1835. Isaac S. Platt, Aug. 1835. G. M. Jackson, Feb. 1835. John Williams, April, 1835. Fred. Ringe, June, 1835. W. Jackson, March, 1837. Floyd Williams, Aug. 1837. Jerusha Fox, June, 1838. Philetus Smith, June, 1833. Charles Rolinson, June, 1833. Benjamin Blain, Nov. 1833. Seth Bidwell, Sept. 1835. Benjamin Blain, Jan. 1836. Harriet Winchell, Feb. 1836. V. H. Ketchum, July, 1836. Fred. Ring, Afg. 1836. 2l8 William A. Clark, Jan. 1837. Charles Rol)inson, June, x833. Benjamin Blain, June, I833. Aaron H. Kelly, June, 1833. Charles Robinson, July, 1834. Wm. S. Conely, Aug. 1835. Leonard Burnham, Oct. 1835. 11. McCloud, May, 1836. Nath. Thurston, Aug. 1836. Benjamin Tanner, Sept. 1836. Aaron H. Kelly, Nov. 1833. Jacob Winchell, Sept. I834. Win. S. Conely, Aug. I835. S. T. Williams, Aug. I835. Arnold Douglas, Sept. 1835. William XVinchell, Sept. I835. Win. A. Clark, Sept. 1836. Seth Bidwell, Sept. 1835. Jacob Winchell, Feb. 1836. Charles Spencer, March, 1836. F. A. Iouse, June, I836. Samuel Waldoe, Aug. 1836. Arnold Douglas, Aug. 1836. Allen Mcl)onald, Aug. 1836. Wmn. N. Clark, Sept. 1836. Elijah Clark, Feb. 1834. Cath. Thompson, March, 1834. Chas. W. Pease, April, 1834. E. Chamberlain, July, I836. Isaac Van Voorhies,.Aug. 1836. Thos. J. Le Count, Sept. I836. I. H. Warner, Nov. I836. Elijah Clark, Feb. 1834. Richard Lyons, Sept. 1834. E. D. Fisher, Sept. 1834. John S. Johnson, Oct. 1835. Julia A. Armes, April, I835. Geo. W. Burch, June, 1836. Horace Braster, June, 1836. Fred Ring, Aug. 1836. Richard Lyons, Aug. I836. H. H. Warner, Nov. 1836. H. V. Libhart, Oct. 1832. Gardner Bird, Feb. 1833. Aaron Beach, Oct. 1833. Smith Beade, Oct. 1833. John Van IHeuven, Nov. 1834. Isaac Bisbee, April, 1835. Ibrook Tower, April, 1835. Isaac Bisbee, May, 1835. Ibrook Tower, May, I835. Jacob Petus, Aug. 1836. Jude Field, Aug. 1836. Elijah Marsh, Oct. 1832. Job Cranston, Oct. 1832. Ezra McComber, Oct. I833. Jol Cranston, Oct. I833. Gaines Fuller, July, I835. Mary L. Cranston, July, 1835. Elijah Marsh, Oct. 1835. R. Harrington, Feb. 1835. Marcus Pultz, June, 1836. Anson Cranston, July, 1836. Henry Thurston, Aug. 1836. R. Harrington, Feb. I837. Andrew Wohtrabe, Feb. 1837. Gardner Bird, Feb. 1833. Melzer Bird, July, I833. Gardner Bird, Nov. 1834. Hiram Johnson, Nov. 1835. L. Fuller, March, 1836. Win. N. Betts, Aug. 1836. John C. Allstadt, Aug. 1836. H. II. Warner, Nov. 1836. Cath. Thompson, March, 1834. Wm. S. Conely, Nov. 1834. Isaac L. Platt, June, I835. Cyrus Jackson, June, 1836. Wm. N. Betts, Aug. 1836. Peter Lane, Dec. I835. Nehemiah Paine, June, 1836. Florus A. House, June, 1836. John M. Kenzie, Aug. 1836. William Tunis, Aug. 1836. Orman Coe, May, 1833. WWm. Winchell, Sept. 1834. Hugh Gordon, Nov. I834, and Feb. 1835. Wmn S. Conely, Sept. 1835. Wm. Winchell,:Sept. 1835. Wm. S. Conely, July, I836. Abram Pietch, Aug. 1836. George Post, July, 1836. E. C. Allen, May, 1833. John Cronet, Aug. I835. Erastus Kellogg, Feb. 1836. Jolin Moore, July, 1836. John Dean, Nov. 1836. Elias Sprague, Nov. 1836. Oliver Sprague, Nov. I836. George Moon, April, 1837. Rastus HI. Ransom, April, 1837. Samuel II. Fox, June, 1838. B. B. Kercheval, Nov. 1836. John S. Winkler, Aug. 1836. Joshua Sheffield, June, 1835. Abel Palmer, June, I835. William Palmer, June, I835. Orange Bruce, Sept. I835. Sarah Knowles, Sept. 1835. Samuel M. Conely, Sept. 1836. Elias Sprague, Jan. 1836. Simeon Carpenter, June, 1836. John Powell, July, 1836. Salmon Porter, Aug. I836. William Paul, Aug. 1836. 'Benj. W. Conklin, Sept. 1834. Robert L. Lam, Sept. 1834. Peter Wetlmill, Sept. I834. Geo. N. Kuckle, March, 1835. John S. Johnson, April, 1835. Isaac S. Platt, June, 1835. Peter Wemmill, Aug. I835. Samuel D. Tuthill, Aug. I833. Aaron Beach, Oct. I833. Smith Beade, Oct. 1833. Richard Lyons, Sept. 1834. Wm. Valentine, June, 1835. Richard Lyons, Sept. 1835. Abram J. Andrews, June, 1834. H. C. Andiews, May, 1835. Otis Durfee, July, 1835. IIiram Johnson, Nov. 1835. Robert L. Lain, July, 1836. Jacob Bindermagle, Aug. 1836. Andrew Wohbrake, Sept. I836. Hiram Johnson, June, I833. George Bailey, Nov. I833. Jacob lBindermagle, Aug. 1836. Andrew Wohbrake, Feb. 1837. Jacob Bindermagle, Feb. I837. lienry Thurston, Sept. 1836. William Sterling, May, I835. Philip I. Johnson, June, I835. Elijah Johnson, Sept. 1835. John Arnold, June, 1835. Caleb Carr, Jr., Oct. I835. W. W. T. Ward and others, April, 1836. Garret Martin, May, 1836. John McConncll, May, I833. David Durfee, July, 1834. Robert Edgar, Nov. I834, and Aug. I835. Henry C. Andrews, Feb. 1836. Obd. J. Norton, Feb. I836. Joseph Flanders and Samuel S. Kitchan, July, 1836. Robert L. Lam, July, 1836. RESIDENCE Or F J. SLR5 BRIGHi;JN,LUVNGST C uS iDL'N{I-, M iu5ti. BRIGHTON TOWNSHIP. Isaac S. Platt, Aug. 1836. Reuben IIickox, Sept. 1833. Richard Lyons, Sept. I834. F. T. Le Count, Sept. I834. William S. Conely, Oct. I834. Richard Lyons, March, 1835. Moses Lyon, March, I835. Isaac L. Platt, June, I835. Joseph Flanders and S. S. Kitchan, June, I835. Evander T. Fisher, Sept. 1834. Moses Lyon, Sept. 1834. William T. Tunis, Sept. 1834. William S. Conely, Oct. I834. Moses Lyon, March, I835. Mark Healey and B. B. Kercheval, May, 1836. Elijah Bancroft and Benjamin Flanders, Nov. I835. Robert S. Bowne, July, 1836. Joseph Williams, Sept. 1836. Daniel Dean, March, I837. Charles Ross, Aug. I837. A. M. Fox, Feb. 1838. John G. Spencer, Sept. 1838. Robert Thomson, Dec. I843. Grace Sitler, Sept. I844. K. S. Bingham and Robert Warden. Andrus and Ezra Rood, Sept. 1836. Eli M. Fergo, Sept. I834. Josiah Leonard, May, 1836. William Noble, June, 1836. John S. Mundy, Dec. 1832. Mary Fuller, June, 1835. Orlando A. Fuller, June, 1835. Jacob Lewry, Aug. 1835. John Henry, Feb. 1836. Edward Mundy, May, I836. P. C. Bartlett, Jan. 1836. William Tunis, Aug. 1836. Lewis B. Fonda, Oct. 1832. Stephen Bunnell, May, I833. John Henry, Oct. 1833. George M. Cracken, Sept. I834. Moses Lyon, Oct. 1835. Mark Healey and B. B. Kercheval, May, 1836. Joseph L. Briggs, Aug. 1836. William Wagner, Aug. 1836. Evert Woodruff, March and April, I833. George W. Glover, May, 1833. Iugh Alexander, Dec. 1833. Smith Parks, Jr., Jan. 1834. Richard Toncray, May, I835. Joseph L. Briggs, Oct. I835. Daniel Marlatt, March, 1836. John Davis, April, 1836. Horace Toncray, July, I836. Luther Parshall, May, I833. Richard Toncray, May, I833. John W. Peavey, May, 1838. James Co)rey, May, I835. Horace Toncray, May, I834. Luther Parshall, Dec. 1835. Joseph Watkins, Aug. 1836. Orlando Rogers, June, 1836. Isaac L. Platt, Aug. 1836. Thomas Curtis, Dec. 1835. George W. Glover, May, I833. Luther Parshall, Nov. 1833. Joseph Wood, April, I834. Thomas Curtis, June, I834. John S. Beach, June, 1834. Joseph Wood, June, I834. Emma Parshall, July, I834. Garry Griswold, June, I835. Thomas Curtis, Oct. 1835. I I corded him by his neighbors. After this he returned, and in April brought his family, Mrs. Bird being the first married lady who took up her residence in the township. Meanwhile, Messrs, Marsh and Cranston had returned for a visit to their families, and Mr. and Mrs. Bird were left the sole occupants of the forest of Brighton from April until the following September. Mr. Marsh, as soon as he was able, employed two men to split rails with which to inclose a portion of the land he had purchased, and on his return from the East made a comfortable home for his wife and children in the shanty he had occupied. Three children were born after the removal of Mr. and Mrs. Marsh to Michigan, the first of whom, born April 22, 1834, was among the first in the township. Mr. Marsh might be termed a Yankee peddler, and followed this calling soon after he became a permanent settler in the township, loading his primitive cart with such marketable wares as were in demand among his patrons, and depending upon his faithful oxen to carry him from point to point. The nearest blacksmith-shop was eighteen miles away, and Ann Arbor the nearest market town. Mr. Marsh died in I857, and his son, Richard J., now occupies a fine farm opposite his father's former home. Mr. Bird remembers the difficulties he encountered in reaching his new home; and the absolutely unbroken condition of the country. Deer and wolves roamed the forests at pleasure, and forty of the former were seen by him on his way to his new possessions. After the land was sufficiently cleared to admit of being broken, the plow became a necessity, and he was compelled to travel to Dexter, twenty-two miles away, to have the irons sharpened and repaired when necessary. Mr. Bird, before coming to Brighton, had resided for a brief season in Webster, Washtenaw Co. On one occasion, when coming from there to Brighton, he brought with him a hog and nine pigs, driving them the distance of eighteen miles. After remaining a few days to split rails, he returned to Webster, leaving, as he supposed, his recent acquisition of stock behind, but his surprise was great to find that they had followed him and arrived almost as soon as himself, much preferring the comforts of civilization in Washtenaw County to pioneer life in the wilds of Brighton. While Mr. Bird was breaking up his land the lad he employed to drive the ox-team was confined to the house by illness, but the work was not impeded, for Mrs. Bird herself went into the field with the oxen and assisted to plow four acres. Joseph Bird, their oldest son, born in Michigan, was among the SETTLEMENTS AND SETTLERS. It seems an established fact that Elijah Marsh was the first settler in the township of Brighton outside the village limits. He left Hadley, Mass., in I832, and purchased from the government, on the 20th of October of that year, the southwest quarter of section 12. Later he added 40 acres on section I. With Mr. Marsh came Job Cranston, who shared with him all the privations of his pioneer life, having entered at the same date 80 acres on the same section. These two settlers for a brief period lived alone, with no neighbors save the migratory Indians, who paid them brief visits, and furnished them venison and other game for the very scanty returns they were able to make. Soon, however, their loneliness was cheered by the presence of Gardner Bird, who reached the county in February of the following year, and entered 16o acres on sections II and 17. Mr. Bird devoted himself at once to clearing a tract of land whereon to erect his cabin and sow his grain. Meanwhile he enjoyed such rude hospitality as was cheerfully ac PM HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. first children born in the township, the date of his birth being October, 1834. In the year 1833, Melzer Bird, a nephew of Gardner Bird, was induced, by the emigration of his uncle to Michigan and the advantages the State offered to young men of energy, to place his name upon the roll of pioneers. He arrived from Ontario County, N. Y., in I833, and entered 120 acres on section 14. In May of the following year he started in a wagon drawn by oxen and laden with his wife and two children, and such household goods as he could bring, and wended his way to the tract of land which was henceforth to become to them a home. They came by way of Detroit and were exceptional in the fact that they experienced very little difficulty in reaching their destination. They followed the Indian trail, which was an unerring guide, and on their arrival found a welcome to the home of Gardner Bird until Melzer could erect a shanty for himself. The same summer he cleared 10 acres and sowed it with wheat, fencing three sides of the lot, the fourth side joining his uncle's land, which rendered fencing unnecessary. He was rewarded by a harvest of 200 bushels, which he regarded as a very satisfactory return for his industry, and Mr. Bird, in the winter, recalled with gratitude the progress he had made during his first season as a pioneer. Indeed, he and his family seem to have been fortunate in escaping many of those deprivations and annoyances which are incident to early emigration, and in a very pleasant interview with this venerable gentleman, the writer was unable to recall to his mind any memories of early days which did not afford a pleasing retrospect. A post-office was established very early in the neighborhood, which was known as the Pleasant Valley office, and for years Elijah Marsh held the position of postmaster. His successor was Peter Delamater, who, not wishing to qualify, transferred the emoluments of the office, together with its honors, to Melzer Bird, who held it for six years and distributed the not very weighty mail which arrived weekly from Brighton, or Ore Creek, as it was then designated.: The first residents of the township early turned their attention to the means of education for their children, and erected, in 1834, on government land, on section I, a small log school-house, in which the little ones of the neighborhood were congregated under the supervision of Miss Sarah Hunt ley, of Hartland. The teacher enjoyed in turn the hospitality of all het patrons, and was certainly the earliest instructothe township, as the building in *hic he as unquestionably the first sch-h.sae intlh.. t o w;:nsip The little community were saddened by a death which occurred June 13, I835, at the house of Mr. Robert Edgar. A young man, named Abram L. Andrews, twenty-seven years of age, had been induced, by the hope of improved health, from the active exercise that the clearing of a new country necessitated, to enter 80 acres of land on section 23. He lived but three weeks in his new home, and there being at the time no clergyman to perform the funeral rites, Mr. Edgar officiated on the occasion and delivered an address. Melzer Bird took from his barn the boards with which to make the coffin. This was the first death which occurred in the township. One of the earliest settlers mentions another early death,-that of Abel Whalen, a teacher, which occurred in a house on the hill north of the Woodruff mill. Benjamin Blain emigrated to the State of Michigan from Orleans Co., N. Y., in I833. Having a brother in Green Oak, he repaired to his house, on the banks of Silver Lake, and remained with him a brief time, meanwhile locating 160 acres of land on sections 5 and 6, in the township of Brighton. For a year and a half he was employed by Kinsley S. Bingham and Robert Warden, but being desirous to establish a home for himself, he began, in October, I834, the erection of a log house on his land. This house, though simple in design, required as much time and labor in the construction as many more elegant habitations of the present day. Very few tools were procurable with which to assist the work, but Mr. Blain made stakes for the roof and cut sticks for the chimney, and in the ensuing spring secured boards enough at Woodruff's saw-mill with which to lay two floors,-a ladder serving as staircase from the lower to the upper story. Four acres of the land were cleared and planted with potatoes. The first winter his quarters were shared with Seth Bidwell and Leonard Barnham, the latter gentleman afterwards becoming sexton of All Saints' Church, of New York City. Upon the occasion of Mr. Blain's first visit to the place not a tree had been felled from the forest standing on the site of the future village of Brighton. The Indian trail followed the course of the present Grand River Street, turning to the left near the house now occupied by George Cushing, crossing the creek just above the residence of John A. Meyer, and returning in a line nearly parallel with the street. Mr. Blain was skillful in the use of the rifle, and found in the forests of Iivingston County an ample range for the gratification of his favorite pastime. -The first year of his residence, eighty deer were among the trophies of his skill. For six years he continued the isolated life of the hunter, varied occasionally by long pil i. iL RESIDENCE OF THE LATE AA H. KELLLLY, BRIGHTON LIVINGiSTON UOUNTY, MIVUH. 7 -.7.7. -4 OF U.N.VAIN AMt5UHUL, IJRIiHI-UN, MIVJUrIIJMN. U BRIGHTON TOWNSHIP. 221 grimages in search of land. He seemed a veritable Leather-Stocking, a kindly, silent soul, delighting in hunting, and loving solitude. His present home is far from the traveled thoroughfare, and accessible only through a succession of fields and gates. On the west bank of a beautiful lake is located his quiet residence, where, with an oldtime hospitality, he welcomes his friends and enjoys with them the recollection of his early years. In the spring of 1833, Evert Woodruff entered i60 acres on section 34, and took up his residence upon it, with his family, on the last day of May of that year. To Mr. Woodruff the township is largely a debtor for the enterprise he manifested in the erection of mills, which aided greatly in its development. In the fall of the same year of his arrival he built a saw-mill, and a grist-mill was erected the year following, being supplied with water-power from a stream on which it was built, known generally as Woodruff's Creek. It was at that time the most northerly mill in the county, all the other mills being in the southerly range of towns. Evert Woodruff bore a reputation far and wide for sound business principles, probity, and honesty. His dealing with his customers was modeled after the good old golden rule, and no charge was ever made that too much toll was exacted at the Woodruff mills. His son, Egbert Woodruff, was the first child born in the township, and soon after, Richard McConnell was born in the neighborhood, a very early birth, and possibly the second. Mr. Woodruff's miller, Mr. Scollard, was a man whose eccentricities were only equaled by the fidelity with which he served his employer. Ile was a man of muscular frame, and the weighty bags of grain were lifted and tossed as easily by him as though his employment were a mere diversion. Combined with a certain brusqueness of manner was an earnest desire to satisfy all customers, and to receive a snubbing fiom the miller rendered it by no means certain that the grist would meet a similar indifferent handling. Mr. Woodruff and his miller are both remembered by the survivors of those early days for many acts of kindness in the neighborhood, to whose comfort they were large contributors. On one occasion a settler appeared at the house of Mr. Scollard with an urgent request that he should depart from his inflexible rule to grind no grists on Sunday. He was told at once that the Sabbath was a day of rest, and that both mill and miller were entitled to the respite fiom labor which the fourth commandment enjoined upon them. The man explained that he had started the previous Friday from home, a distance of many miles, hoping to return on Saturday, and on the way he had met with an accident which had rendered haste impossible; at home were his wife and children entirely destitute, and depending upon the flour which he should bring them for food. The heart of the miller relented, the grist was ground, and the man went on his way rejoicing. The first marriage-service was performed by Justice Peavey. This event occurred in 1834, and the happ — ouple were named respectively Mr. Joseph I Briggs and Hester Fisher, the marriage taking place at the house of the justice. Fred. W. Goodenoe entered land on section 2 in I833, and added to it in 1836. He made rapid progress in the improvement of his possessions. Soon after his arrival he cleared 25 acres, and when his nearest neighbor came, in 1835, had already erected a house and barn and dug a well. None of the early pioneers were better known or more distinctly remembered than Robert Bigham, or "Uncle Robert," as he was more frequently called. He was born near Belfast, Ireland, in 1789, emigrated in I8Io, came to this township in 1834, and for years kept a house of entertainment about one mile north of the village. Many of his surviving neighbors recall the quaint old sign "Call and C," which was planted some distance beyond his house to attract the eye of the traveler in search of food and shelter. This' old sign was long a landmark, and those who responded to its invitation to "Call and C" Uncle Robert always found a warm welcome. His bearing was cordial alike to rich and poor. He possessed all the qualities that make the excellent landlord, and, together with the good cheer which his wife provided with a liberal hand, his unfailing humor was always a source of diversion to his guests, and his tavern a resort for some of the most prominent characters in the State. Mr. Bigham purchased a tract of land of the late Governor Kinsley S. Bingham, but by mistake settled upon land adjoining, to which John Cushing afterwards laid claim and obtained, Bigham retiring to the tract of 147 acres, which he afterwards occupied. Later still he purchased the land on which the tavern was located, and at the time of his death, which occurred Sept. 30, 1876, was living in the village of Brighton, having been the proprietor of the present Brighton House, Aaron H. Kelly, lately deceased, entered 63 acres on section 6, and 208 acres on section 7, in I833. He built a substantial house and a sawmill, and made many improvements on the land he owned. Richard Toncray came from Oswego Co., N. Y., in 1833, and entered 80 acres of land on sec 222. HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. tion 35, and two years later 40 on section 34. His brother Horace also located 80 acres on section 35, and a year after 40 on the adjoining section. Many members of the family have since died, and others left the township. Another character of prominence in the township was Sherman D. Dix, who resided upon a fine farm east of Woodruff's Mills, and was well known in connection with the Kensington Bank, of which he was cashier and director. He was a man of much polish of manner, adroit in business, with a keen eye for a bargain, and withal one of the most generous and kindly Nreighbors that an early settler could desire. The bank scheme, of which he and Alfred A. Dwight were the originators, finally brought disaster, and he repaired to Texas and engaged in cattle speculations. At one time he projected the idea of making the point where the Woodruff mills are located, a village, which was to supersede Brighton, and with that end in view, he had maps made of a village plat, with regularly laid out streets and all the appointments of a growing town, including a large flouring-mill and an equally large hotel, which he took to New York, and easily disposed of the lots to parties in search of Western investments. It was christened Livingston. Henry T. Ross emigrated fi-om Ohio in I835, and purchased I6o acres of his present farm, which had been previously entered firom government, and had lo acres cleared and a shanty erected. This he occupied until he was able to erect a substantial farm-house. At this time there were many Indians in the immediate vicinity, and their camp-fires were often seen upon the grounds of Mr. Ross, though they congregated in larger numbers upon the banks of Long Lake, in Hartland. The wolves at this time were the especial enemies of the sheep, as well as of calves and yearlings, and the neighbor of Mr. Ross experienced so much difficulty in raising them that, after the gradual depletion of his flock of sheep, he gave up all further efforts. Finally, but one old ram of all his fine flock remained, who seemed proof against all the ravages of the destroyer. His days were, however, numbered, the hungry pack having one day surrounded and destroyed him in broad daylight, under the very eyes of his owner. Mr. Ross established a reputation in early life as a skillful hunter. He is also well known as a lover of bees, which he turns to very profitable account. Having caught a swarm,the first year of his arrival, he has never been without them since. Benjamin Blain entered, in i853, 80 acres on section 5, and in 1836, 40 acres on the same sec t-ion. Some years later he removed to Hartland township, where he now resides. Seth Bidwell located 80 acres upon the same section in i835, and a like number of acres upon section 8, at the same date, and still resides upon it. In the year I836, Rev. William A. Clark, D.D., arrived in the township from New York City, and made large entries of land on sections.5, 6, 7, and 8, and in the following year arrived with his family, and took up his residence in Brighton. Mr. Clark had been the rector of an Episcopal Church in New York City previous to coming to the State. He at first located upon section 7, but in I839 purchased the mill now owned by Albright & Thomson, and also erected a saw-mill on section 5. He introduced the first sheep into the township, having purchased a large flock in Ohio and distributed them throughout the neighborhood. Mr. Clark, who was the father of the present postmaster of Brighton, B. T. O. Clark, Esq., did much by his capital and enterprise to develop and improve the township. He opened a store for the accommodation of the numerous men whom he constantly employed, and he had also through his influence a post-office established near his residence, which was called the Mont Lake Post-Office. His death occurred in Brighton, Sept. I3, 1842. Another early settler was Lewis B. Fonda, who came from Plattsburg, N. Y., in October, I832, and entered the west half of the southwest quarter of section 32, and still occupies this ground with the additions he has made to it. He arrived first at Detroit in the old steamer "Superior," and from there walked to Ann Arbor, where he remained five years. At the expiration of that time he removed to his land, having in I834 erected upon it a frame house, said to have been the first in the county, which was at the time regarded as a dwelling of considerable pretension. The timber with which it was built was drawn from Ann Arbor, a distance of eighteen miles, with ox-teams. At the time that Mr. Fonda entered his land, the only near neighbor he had was a man named Cornish, who had preceded him and entered I6o acres across the lake in the township of Green Oak, which was subsequently owned by George W. Walker. The government road had previously been surveyed, and caused much excitement among lookers for land, who discovered in the forests lying adjacent to the road a fine opportunity for speculation. Mr. Fonda on his arrival enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. Stephen Lee, who had previously located in Green Oak. The country was then almost entirely unbroken, and numerous Indian wigwams dotted the banks of the lake now 'BRIGHTON TOWNSHIP. 223 known as Fonda's Lake. In 1833 a man was placed upon the farmn to split rails, and the house having been built the following year, the family of Mr. Fonda, on their arrival in I835, found the place in something like a habitable condition, though it was not until two years later that they made it a permanent home, meanwhile residing in Ann Arbor. Ezra Macomber, a native of Massachusetts, settled in Pleasant Valley in 1834, having entered land in the vicinity of that occupied by Richard Marsh. He is now residing in Tuscola County. E. G. Durfee came from Orleans Co., N. Y., to Washtenaw Co., Mich., in I83I, and removed in 1835 to the township of Brighton, where his father had leased a farm on section 34. In the year I849 he purchased a farm on sections 10 and 20, and has also a blacksmith-shop, to which he devotes a portion of his time. Cyrenus Morgan, one of the active spirits of the township, was from Jefferson Co., N. Y., from whence he came to Brighton in September, I837. He bought 104 acres on section 28, and later disposed of it and purchased the farm he at present occupies, embracing I50 acres. Mr. Morgan has been deputy-marshal and auctioneer, which positions have given him an extended acquaintance throughout the county. In the early days of his settlement here he was a peddler, and traded quite extensively with the Indians in Shiawassee County. In the year 1833 the cholera prevailed to such an extent in New York City as to induce many people to think of seeking homes away from the metropolis. Among them were a number of gilders and other artisans who had heard of the advantages offered to settlers in Michigan, and determined to purchase land in the Territory, some of them intending to become residents here. With that end in view, one of their number, Richard Lyons, of New York, was intrusted with about $8000 with which to make purchases in the county of Livingston. He came in 1835 and located many hundred acres, and with such entire satisfaction to those for whom he had acted, that in the following year he was intrusted with a similar commission. The aggregate number of acres purchased by him was nearly 20,000, most of it being in this county. Mr. Lyons, who settled later upon a portion of this land, was preceded by William Valentine, for whom he entered I60 acres on section 22, and who took possession of his land in 1836. He does not seem to have met a very happy experience in his efforts to become a pioneer farmer, for at the end of one year the club of gilders, of which he was a member, by a subscription of $Io apiece, raised a sufficient sum to enable him to return to New York and resume his former occupation. The following is a list of the parties for whom Mr. Lyons entered land, together with the sections on which they were located: Francis J. Le Count, 80 acres on section 7 and 200 acres on section 9; Samuel M. Conely, 80 acres on section 27; Wm. Porter, 40 acres on section 20; Isaac L. Platt, I60 acres on section 21, I60 acres on section I5, 80 acres on section 3, and the same number on section 27; William T. Tunis, I6o acres on section 28 and 320 acres on section 17; Isaac Van Voorhes, I6o acres on section 9; William S. Conely, 80 acres on section 27, 80 acres on section 28, and 80 acres on section I5; Evander D. Fisher, 80 acres on section 28; Moses Lyons, a gold-beater, 160 acres on the same section; N. T. Thurston, a gilder, 35 acres on section 6, I6o acres on section 4, 80 acres on section I, and 120 acres on section 13; J. McKinsey, I6o acres on section 17; Allan McDonald, 80 acres on section 8; - Ring, 40 acres on section 5; B. W. Conklin, 80 acres on section 21; Robert L. Lane, 80 acres on section 21; Peter Hemmel, an upholsterer, I60 acres on section 21; George W. Ruckle, 40 acres on section 21; W. N. Betts, 80 acres on section I5, and 80 acres on section 14; Lemuel F. Williams, I60 acres on section 7; H. Thurston, 40 acres on section 24; Jacob Bendernagle, 480 acres on the same section and 240 acres on section 23; A. Woolrabe, 80 acres on section 23 and 120 acres on section I3; Robert Lane, 80 acres on section 21, 80 acres on section 23, and 40 acres on section 26; William Paul, 80 acres on section 20; J. S. Winkler, 80 acres on the same section. Mr. Lyons entered for himself I60 acres on section 22 and an additional 120 acres on section 27. Of this number Messrs. S. M. Conely, Lyons, Fisher, William S. Conely, Tunis, and Rogers came in I837, and became permanent residents. William Paul, a gilder, found that his land embraced the waters of a lake in the township, and returned to the city in disgust. Mr. Rogers worked upon the farm of William S. Conely until he purchased for himself 40 acres on section 20, and later he added to it another 40 acres, which he secured from Conely and Le Count. William S. Conely added to the land he entered 200 acres on section 7, I60 acres on section I8,and 65 acres on section 6. Much of this land was bought on speculation, while upon a portion of it the owners settled some years later. Richard Lyons with his family and the settlers from New York who accompanied him, left Detroit on the I6th of June, 1837, for their homes in 224 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Livingston County, the portion of the township they located in having been known as upper Green Oak, until it was later set off as Brighton. Before leaving Detroit Mr. Lyons had provided himself with two farm-wagons, two yoke of oxen, three milch cows, their calves, and a man to assist him in clearing his farm. They arrived at their destination in Brighton on the i9th of June, I837. The log house built by William Valentine during the brief time he remained on his farm afforded them all a comfortable shelter until they could erect cabins on their own land. In this little house twelve persons took refuge, and a few weeks later the number had swelled to twenty-two, by the arrival of Samuel W. Conely's family from New York City, whose land was adjacent to that of Mr. Lyons. William S. Conely and Isaac L. Platt joined the little colony a few years later. Both of these early settlers are since deceased. Most of these settlers built for themselves comfortable frame houses the same year of their arrival, and in these houses early religious services were held until a school-house was built in the neighborhood, which was for years known as the Lyons School-house. The first clergyman who ministered to the early settlers was Elder Cosart, though Elders Bibbins, Fleming, and Gillet also held services during the first settlement of the township. Father Padley also held very early services in the house of Mr. Scollard, near Woodruff's mills The second township-meeting was held at the house of Richard Lyons, whose hospitable wife on that occasion prepared a dinner for the electors, making preparations for sixty, but the whole number present did not exceed forty, who partook with grateful hearts of her hospitality, and re-elected her husband to the office of supervisor. The farming experiences of these settlers from the city of New York were certainly novel, and their ignorance of everything pertaining to their calling was a source of much diversion to their more practical neighbors. They persevered, however, and with each year came the wisdom which is born of experience, until bountiful crops rewarded their industry and they became prosperous and contented. Evander Fisher, one of the New York emigrants, let his farm, and remained in Detroit to follow his trade of cabinet-maker, and with him Mr. Samuel M. Conely and family remained for a time. In fact, Mr. Fisher's house seems to have been the hospitable headquarters of nearly all the early emigrants who left the comforts of New York City for the privations of the Western wilderness. After pur-.chasing an ox-team, wagon, flour, pork, and such:other. goods as they might need, Mr. Conely, with his wife, sister, and four children, started on his journey, not knowing the way, and depending entirely upon the uncertain guide which might be obtained from the blazed or marked trees along the way. Not being accustomed to oxen, they had much trouble in managing them. On one occasion they became so refractory that he was wholly unable to guide or control them, and he called to his assistance a woman whom they passed on the way, and who very soon brought the stubborn beasts to terms. On reaching the end of their journey they found the farm entirely unbroken. Mr. Valentine's log house afforded them shelter, though it seemed already to be more than full, Mr. Lyon and family, Mr. Tunis, and Mr. Rogers being already domiciled within its walls. For three weeks the little hovel contained 22 people,-the men being sent to the upper story for lodging, while the ladies occupied the more luxurious quarters below. But soon a house was completed with the aid of Allan McDonald, to which Mr. Rogers and Mr. Tunis transferred the families. Elder Post, a Free-Will Baptist, came very early from Allegany Co., N. Y., and located on section I8. He held religious services soon after his arrival, and is thought by one or two old residents to have been the first preacher in the township, though it is almost certain that he was preceded by Elder Cosart. Elder Atwood and Rev. Mr. Morgan, father of Cyrenus Morgan, were also early ministers. The farm of Elder Post was purchased by Charles Prosser, who made the first brick in the township, which were used for chimneys, no resident at that time having aspired to the luxury of a brick dwelling. Ansel Crippen arrived in the township from New York State in 1836, and purchased 120 acres on section 7. The same year came Edward Mundy from Washtenaw County, and settled on section 35. Robert Edgar settled on 80 acres on section 26, and still resides there. He is'prominently connected with the first clearing of the township, and is known as an able expounder of divine truth. John McConnell entered I60 acres on section 26, which he subsequently sold and became the proprietor of a hotel on what is known as the Gravel road, in Green Oak township. Timothy Warner on his arrival here from Livingston Co., N. Y., in July, 1837, purchased a farm,to which he has since added until it now embraces 500 acres. His brother, H. H. Warner, entered 40 acres on section I. Smith Beach, of Ontario Co., N. Y., entered 16o acres on section 22 in 1833, but did not occupy it until 1839. His family came with him, and his son, Willard Beach, now resides upon the farm, his father having died in I849. Aaron Beach came in ;. t.-;W-",'~I~;:~ — ::; - ".;~:::F ~~::~1:: i? i ";.cg '' ~' -1. I: ~ RESIDENCE oF GEO. W. CONELY, BRIGHTON, MICHIGAN:~~~r~_~_ i.:;...L..i:.~~ ~?:;;,:.:: ~-. ~: ~~ ~: —:i -`'~'~~i-;t'~;' i-;: ~j __-I i._I~ ~ — f ~r- -:i~~ih-I 8 ~:,;~-t':~r: i:-- ~-~- ~14~-'..~~.-.. i.~:I ~. '"9;-"~-. ~~'i:~::~';I~:~?.~:~::;~,,,;;,.,1~ -:~~~~;:::::., ~-.:::'i.;':-\:::::;`;;.' ii-i:;~~::~~r; ~-I:'~' `~1;:::~~~::~:I~-v -!-:t..-.~r:. '.... ~:. -~1. -~~.;: f ~:'::::::~ RESIDENCEoF SAMUEL M. CONELY, BRIGHTON, LIVINGSTON CO.,MIcH. BRIGHTON TOWNSHIP. 225 1838, and located upon the southeast quarter of section 22, and is still living there. An event occurred in the year I841 which cast its gloomy shadow over the entire community, and threw one of its families into the most profound mourning. Merlin Doyen, from New Hampshire, came into the township in 1839, and being for the time unable to obtain a house, moved with his family consisting of his wife, her father, and a lad named Mortimer, who was nearly four years old, into the house with Richard Lyons' family. At the expiration of one year, finding the quarters rather limited for two families, Mr. Lyons built a small house for Mr. Doyen, allowing him to work a portion of his land. The occupants took possession of the dwelling, which was half a mile from the farm-house, early in November of I841. About a week from that time Mrs. Doyen had occasion to go to the garden of their former home and allowed the lad to accompany her, wrapping a shawl closely about him as a protection against the November winds. The little fellow started full of happiness, and suggested to his mother that he intended running away from her. Finally, discovering his father not far away from their destination, he obtained permission to join him, she meanwhile awaiting his return in the garden. He remained with his father a while, who finding him a hindrance to his labor, told him to run back to his mother. Meanwhile, Mrs. Doyen, having completed her task in the garden, repaired to the house for a short call upon Mrs. Lyons. The child not finding his mother in the garden, started in pursuit. In his haste he chose the wrong path, which led him away from his home. It was supposed that after discovering his mistake he attempted to return to his father, and becoming bewildered chose a cross-path, which led him a mile from home. Here the child sat down upon a log, the prints of his little feet being distinctly visible in the sand, as they were also in the path. From there he crossed a wide marsh which brought him near the house of Mr. Tunis, who distinctly heard his cries as the darkness approached, as did also his grandfather several hours before. After wandering for some hours he finally reached a swamp, where, probably firom exhaustion or fright, he lay down to the sleep from which he never awoke. Here he was found the morning of the third day of his absence. Meanwhile, the neighborhood had been aroused, and for miles around came kind friends to aid in the search for the lost one. On the second day it was arranged that signals should be fired to indicate their success-one shot if he were alive-two, if not. The distracted mother had been apprised of these signals, and was with one of the parties engaged in 29 the search. She heard the firing of a gun, and, not waiting for a second shot, flew to embrace her little one. The scene is described as inexpressibly painful as the truth was imparted to her. She never recovered from the shock, and the settlers who still survive, describe the event as the most heart-rending of their early recollections. The following is a list of the names of resident tax-payers in the township of Brighton in 1843, being taken from the assessment-roll for that year: Israel Arms. John Andrews. Harry A. Andrews. John Appleton. Edwin Ackley. Setl Bidwell. Melzer Bird. Gardner Bird. Stephen Baker. John B. Burnham. George W. Burch. George D. Bailey. John S. Beach. William Brown. Smith Beach. Ansel Crippen. John Cushing. Benjamin Cushing. Mrs. Curry. William Cushing. William Cobb. William Cooper. James Covey. Job Cranston. Dr. Thomas Curtis. Mary Carpenter. Samuel M. Conely. Cushing & Gordon. Jacintha Clark. John Dean. A. P. Dickinson. Fred. Dickinson. Jacobus Davis. Edward Durfee. Sherman D. Dix. Franklin Dart. H. Doine. Peter Delamater. Robert Edgar. L. B. Fonda. Wilber Fisher. Fields & Appleton. Nelson Fuller. J. Goodspeed. Malcomnb Fitch. W. R. Field. Barak Gibbs. Hugh Gordon. F. W. Goodenow. Michael Gaffney. Eben Hand. Jabez Haight. Warren Hill. Nelson House. John Henry. Godfred Hyne. Edmund Johnson. John Johnson. David Jolly. Jos. M. Johnson. Marsena Jourden. Barnard Kelley. Aaron H. Kelley. Robt. and Mary Kennedy. John Lane. James B. Lee. Alvin N. Loveridge. J. B. & D. R. Lee. Harvey T. Lee. Thomas Lea. Richard Lyon. R. L. Lane. Jacob Leroy. Moses Lyon. William McCauley. William Noble. Charles Norton. Norton & Power. Issacher Osborn. John Osborn. Osborn & Post. Jacob Peters. Granger Pease. John W. Peavey. William Parker. Luther Parshall. Owen Pierce. R. D. Power. Daniel Lane. Lectus Lane. William Moore. Ezra Macomber. Jesse Matteson. Elijah Marsh. D. C. Marsh. Allen McDonald. William Palmer. Abel Palmer. Jonathan Post. Nehemiah Paine. Amos Rogers. Sumner Ross. O. A. Ross. H. P. Ross. B. Searle. Robert Sleaford. Allen Stephens. Elias Sprague. James Seed. J. A. Sterling. N. Sullivan. Andrew Shiner. Joshua Sheffield. Benjamin Sawyer. 2-6 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Charles Spencer. Joshua Sheffield. Gayley Spencer. Alva Ferry. Horace Toncray. John Toncray. Richard Toncray. Robert Thomson. James Taylor. Alva Perry. Perry & E. Marsh. Grace Thompson. William Tunis. John Van Luven. The largest tax was paid amount being $45.71. Mary Valentine. Evert Woodruff. William Wood. Joseph Wood. Williamn Ward. Mrs. Warden. Elias Withley. Whipple & Peck. F. C. Whipple. J. B. Waite. Jacob Winchell. Robert Bigham. Crawvford Fox. Ross & Norton. by Jacintha Clark, this The soil of the township of Brighton varies greatly in localities, and may be generally described as a gravelly loam with an occasional mixture of sand and streaks of clay. The crops that it yields, though not always abundant in quantity, are generally of a superior quality. The surface is undulating, comprising some level stretches of excellent land varied by gentle slopes. Many very picturesque lakes add variety to the surface, chief among which are Beach Lake and School Lake in the centre; in the southern portion, Woodruff Lake and a portion of Fonda Lake; and Mont Lake on the western side; and numerous smaller bodies of water are scattered throughout the boundaries of the township. Ore Creek rises in Long Lake, Hartland township, flows in a southerly course until it reaches the township, when it meanders along its western boundary. RELIGIOUS. KENSINGTON BAPTIST CHURCH. The Baptist denomination have had for more than a quarter of a century a society in the township of Brighton. Previous to that time, the attendants upon the Baptist services worshiped at Kensington, hence the name of the organization. In the year 1854, the membership in Brighton having reached nearly 30 in number, it was deemed expedient to erect a house of worship. A plain but commodious structure was built, and since that time the condition of the church has varied. Five years ago the Rev. G. T. Ellis filled a pastoral relation with the people, and infused new life and energy into the society. His labors have been greatly blessed, both spiritually and in a temporal sense. The house has been remodeled and greatly improved, and the membership has reached 80. A flourishing Sabbath-school is also maintained in connection with the church. Gardner Spring is the church clerk. THE PLEASANT VALLEY WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH.* This church is located in Pleasant Valley, about five miles east of the village of Brighton, on the road to Milford. The society was organized March 9, 1873, by Rev. John C. Martin, of Williamston, Ingham Co., who took charge of the church as its pastor, and labored arduously to promote the interests of the work committed to his care. At the time of its organization there were 24 members, nearly all heads of families, and they found that much persistency was required to stem the tide of opposition that set against them. The society held their services at that time in what is known as the Lyon School-house, and notwithstanding the persistent opposition, their numbers increased, and they steadily and confidently looked ahead to the prosperity that awaited them. In the fall of 1873, Rev. J. H. Canfield was invited to serve them as pastor, and during the following winter his labors among them resulted in a powerful revival of religion, the influence of which was widely felt. In the spring of 1874 a project was entered into to build a house of worship, and through the energy and persistent efforts of the pastor, assisted by some of his members, sufficient subscriptions were raised to cover the entire expense of the contemplated building. They looked upon the " payas-you-go" system as being safest in the end, hence all bills were promptly paid; and when the church was completed, it was dedicated to the Lord as free property, without a mortgage or debt. The church is 48 feet long by 32 feet wide, and the posts are i8 feet high. The seats are so arranged as to comfortably seat about 250 persons. Mr. Thomas Hunter took the contract for building, and the work was executed conscientiously, and to the entire satisfaction of the committee. It was completed and dedicated in the fall of 1874, and a large congregation listened to the dedicatory sermon preached by Rev. Adam Crooks, of Syracuse, N. Y., who was called a few months after to enter his eternal rest. The whole cost of building the church, as reported by the board of trustees, was $1727.50. The society having a house of worship of their own, took new courage, and as they put forth increased efforts to improve the moral condition of the community, they were permitted to see a corresponding degree of increase in the interests of the society. New members were added from time to time, and many who had not been in sympathy with them attended their meetings. * Prepared by the pastor. r I c r r s c D c I c r c c c c c I ": j BRIGHTON TOWNSHIP. 227 - In 1874 another society was formed in the village of Brighton by the pastor, and 8 of the members of the Valley Church, who resided near Brighton, withdrew and united with that church. They were somewhat weakened by the withdrawal of these members, but were comforted with the thought that they were sending a part of their number to labor in an adjoining community for the extension and establishment of those principles which they had struggled so hard to defend. Shortly after the organization of this new society, another society was formed in Milford township, the three societies thus established being connected with an older society at Kensington, six miles from Brighton, and the whole formed a charge or circuit, to be known as the Kensington and Brighton charge. Rev. J. H. Canfield served the charge as pastor until September, 1875, when Rev. D. A. Richards became his successor, and entered upon the duties assigned him. He was the first Wesleyan pastor whose family had accompanied him to the charge, and they soon found a residence in the village of Brighton, and a home in the hearts of the people. The church at Pleasant Valley was much the strongest, numerically and financially, and they assumed more than one-third (nearly one-half) of the pastor's salary, which proportion they have continued to assume, and it may be said to their credit that they pay promptly the amount of their apportionment. The congregations increased under the labors of the new pastor, and the attachment between pastor and people became very strong. On one occasion they manifested their appreciation of his services by meeting at the church for a donation, and leaving for his benefit about $150. He held a series of meetings, at which time several members were brought into the church as a result of his labors. He served the church as pastor two years. In September, 1877, they again exchanged pastors, and called to the work Rev. E. W. Bruce, who still labors with them as pastor of the charge. He moved his family also to Brighton, and dwells among his people. Two series of meetings have been held by him with the church at the Valley, each being attended with a measure of success and resulting in some conversions and accessions to the church. The first year the people expressed their esteem by a donation, leaving for the benefit of the pastor and family about $165, and repeated their appreciative act during the present year by a similar donation amounting to $20I.25. The society commenced with 24 members, and an average attendance at services of from 30 to 35. Since that time the membership has reached 76, and there is now an average attendance of from I20 to I30 persons. From the 76 members received one has died, eleven have been granted letters of dismissal, and three have been dropped from the membership without letters. In the spring of I879 the society purchased a Beatty organ, and the use of it in the church is productive of increased interest in connection with the Sabbath services. At the last Conference, in September, 1878, an associate pastor was obtained, in the person of Rev. M. Cuthbert, whose services were rendered necessary because of new ground that had been entered upon, thus making too large a field for one pastor, and an exchange of appointments has been so arranged that he preaches at the Valley Church once in three weeks. The united labors of the two pastors have been attended with success, and the future prospects of the Pleasant Valley Society are encouraging. BRIGHTON GRANGE, No. 336. The Brighton Grange charter bears date March 25, 1874, and is signed by the following officers of the National and State Granges: National Grange, Dudley W. Adams, M.; O. H. Kelley, Sec. State Grange, S. F. Brown, M.; J. T. Cobb, Sec. Charter members: J. B. Thurber, M.; W. H. H. Dean, O.; D. Thomson, L.; A. D. Newman, S.; Ira Bradley, A. S.; S. Bidwell, C.; C. Jacobs, T.; G. Bradley, Sec.; E. C. Sears, G. K.; Mrs. N. E. Bidwell, Ceres; Mrs. M. L. Dean, Pomona; Mrs. A. L. Palmer, Flora; Mrs. S. A. Thomson, L. A. S.; G. A. Blain, L. G. Bitten, Charles Hyne, Jeannette Newman, Eunice Jacobs. The Brighton Grange has devoted itself more especially to the discussion of agricultural topics and subjects which should interest farmers, and has aimed by frequent intercourse to develop the social qualities of its members. The secretary has furnished the following statistics: cost of hall, $300; amount of goods for one year, $247; amount of farm implements, $215; amount of musical instruments, $390; amount of seeds, $I76.6; plaster for three years, o3 tons per year, $301.50; 25 tons refuse salt, $1oo. Goods were purchased for but one year, the grange not desiring to engage extensively in mercantile transactions. The following are the officers for 1879: S. Bidwell, M.; G. Bradley, 0.; J. B. Thurber, Lee.; J. McClements, S.; D. S. Kiernan, A. S.; S. McClements, C.; G. A. Bidwell, T.; William Palmer, Sec.; J. C. Newman, G. K.; Miss Maggie McClements, Ceres; Miss Minnie S. Kiernan, Flora; Miss Julia Sleaford, Pomona; Mrs. Rachel Newman, L. A. S. The following is a list of township officers elected in Brighton since its organization: HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. - 1838.-Richard Lyon, Supervisor; William Noble, Township Clerk; Melzer Bird, Benjamin Blain, William Palmer, Assessors; Maynard Maltby, Philip S. Hubbell, Justices of the Peace; Elias Withey, Collector; F. W. Goodenoe, Ezra Macomber, Directors of the Poor; Joshua Sheffield, Abram Dean, Malcolm Fitch, Highway Commissioners; William W. Ward, Elias Sprague, Cyrenus Morgan, School Inspectors. 1839.-Richard Lyon, Supervisor; John G. Spencer, Township Clerk; Elias Sprague, Treasurer; Warren J. Acker, Melzer Bird, Richard Lyon, Assessors; Joshua Sheffield, Elias Sprague, H. A. Armstrong, Highway Commissioners; William Noble, John G. Spencer, Maynard Maltby, School Inspectors; Charles Prosser, Collector. 1840.-John W. Peavey, Supervisor; Wilber Fisher, Township Clerk; O. A. Fuller, F. W. Goodenoe, R. Toncray, Assessors; Elijah Fitch, Justice of the Peace; E. Woodruff, Job Cranston, Seth Bidwell, Highway Commissioners;. L. B. Fonda, Collector; J. A. Sterling, A. Whalen, Charles Sentill, School Inspectors; William McCauley, Treasurer. 1841.-Smith Beach, Supervisor; John G. Spencer, Township Clerk; Aaron Beach, Treasurer; Elisha Billings, Justice of the Peace. 1842.-John W. Peavey, Supervisor; Charles S. Norton, Clerk; Benjamin Cushing, Treasurer; Lewis B. Fonda, Israel Arms, Assessors; J. H. Buck, Horace Toncray, Directors of the Poor; F. C. Whipple, Ira P. Bingham, George W. Peck, School Inspectors. 1843.-Seth Bidwell, Supervisor; Corydon Lee, Township Clerk; Benjamin Cushing, Treasurer; William Brown, Job Cranston, Assessors; Fred C. Whipple, Ira P. Bingham, School Inspectors; Israel Arms, Robert D. Power, Justices of the Peace. 1844.-John W. Peavey, Supervisor; Corydon Lee, Township Clerk; Horace Toncray, Treasurer; Jasper H. Buck, Aaron II. Kelly, Assessors; Wilber Fisher, School Inspector; Robert D. Power, Justice of the Peace..1845.-George W. Peck, Supervisor; Wn. R. Cobb, Township Clerk; Orlando A. Fuller, Treasurer; Horace Toncray, Justice of the Peace; Aaron H. Kelly, Solomon S. Sanders, Assessors; William A. Clark, School Inspector. I846.-Smith Beach, Supervisor; T. D. Fish, Township Clerk; Erastus A. Pratt, Justice of the Peace; John D. Appleton, Treasurer; Nelson Fuller, Elias Sprague, Assessors; Ira P. Bingham, William Noble, School Inspectors. 1847.-Spaulding M. Case, Supervisor; Moses B. Hess, Township Clerk; Israel Arms, Justice of the Peace; William Cushing, Treasurer; Amos Foster, School Inspector. 1848.-Spaulding M. Case, Supervisor; Truman D. Fish, Township Clerk; Robert D. Power, Justice of the Peace; John Toncray, Treasurer. 1849.-William A. Clark, Supervisor; Jasper H. Buck, Township Clerk; Benjamin P. Vealey, Treasurer; Horace Toncray, F. Williams, Justices of the Peace; Nelson Fuller, Job Cranston, Assessors; Truman D. Fish, School Inspector. 1850.-Nelson Fuller, Supervisor; John R. Butterfield, Township Clerk; Ira W. Case, John Yerington, Justices of the Peace; Benjamin P. Vealey, Treasurer; Ira P. Bingham, School Inspector. i851.-Lyman Judson, Supervisor; Rosiell Barnes, Township Clerk; Floyd Williams, Justice of the Peace; Nelson Toncray, Treasurer; George W. Peck, School Inspector. 1852.-Lyman Judson, Supervisor; John R. Butterfield, Township Clerk; Nelson Toncray, Treasurer; Robert D. Power, Justice of the Peace; Ira P. Bingham, School Inspector. 853-Lyman Judson, Supervisor; Orlando A. Fuller, Township Clerk; John Yerinlbtn, Justice of the Peace; Fred. D. Acker, T rerrN tNelsg Toncray, School Inspector I 1854.-Lewis B. Fonda, Supervisor; John R. Butterfield, Township Clerk; Samuel M. Conely, Treasurer; Lyman Judson, Justice of the Peace; George E. Smith, School Inspector. I855.-Lewis B. Fonda, Supervisor; John R. Butterfield, Township Clerk; Samuel M. Conely, Treasurer; John E. Weichers, School Inspector; William S. Conely, Chester Thomson, Justices of the Peace. I856.-James B. Lee, Supervisor; John R. Butterfield, Township Clerk; Fred. D. Acker, Treasurer; Ira W. Case, Nelson Toncray, Justices of the Peace. I857.-Spaulding M. Case, Supervisor; William J. McHench, Township Clerk; Frederick D. Acker, Treasurer; Ira P. Bingham, School Inspector. 1858.-Lewis B. Fonda, Supervisor; George W. Rose, Township Clerk; Samuel M. Conely, Treasurer; Roswell Barnes, Justice of the Peace; Augustus Reiner, School Inspector. 1859.-Spaulding M. Case, Supervisor; Egbert F. Albright, Township Clerk; Eli L. Soule, Treasurer; Lyman Judson, Spafford E. Woodhull, School Inspectors. i86o.-Lyman Judson, Supervisor; Levi D. Cook, Township Clerk; Eli L. Soule, Treasurer; Daniel C. Marsh, Justice of the Peace; Egbert F. Albright, School Inspector. 186I.-Lyman Judson, Supervisor; John G. Spencer, Township Clerk; A. Sears, Treasurer; Willard A. Beach, Justice of the Peace; Richard Lyon, School Inspector. 1862.-Lyman Judson, Supervisor; William J. McHench, Township Clerk; Myron G. Hodges, Treasurer; Ira W. Case, Justice of the Peace; Levi D. Cook, School Inspector. 1863.-Wheaton Hicks, Supervisor; William J. McHench, Township Clerk; Timothy Warner, Treasurer; John Carter, Justice of the Peace. 1864.-Record incomplete. I865.-John Carter, Supervisor; Herman C. Ilouse, Township Clerk; Willard A. Beach, Justice of the Peace; Timothy Warner, Treasurer; R. J. Lyon, School Inspector. I866.-John Carter, Supervisor; George P. Dudley, Township Clerk; Edgar G. Durfee, Treasurer; William J. McIlench, School Inspector; Herman C. House, Justice of the Peace. 1867.-Wheaton J. Hicks, Supervisor; Solomon I. King, Township Clerk; John Carter, Samuel M. Conely, Justices of the Peace; William King, Treasurer; Orson W. Tock, School Inspector. 1868.-Wheaton Hicks, Supervisor; Herman C. House, Township Clerk; Benjamin T. O. Clark, Justice of the Peace; Joseph E. Placeway, Treasurer; Richard Lyon, School Inspector. I869.-Wheaton Hicks, Supervisor; John W. Power, Township Clerk; Samuel M. Conely, Justice of the Peace; Joseph E. Placeway, Treasurer; Orson W. Tock, James W. Edgar, School Inspectors. 1870.-Wheaton Hicks, Supervisor; William B. Cushing, Township Clerk; Herman C. House, Justice of the Peace; Thomas F. Lown, Treasurer; Egbert F. Albright, School Inspector. 187.-John Carter, Supervisor; Milton Thomas, Township Clerk; John Carter, Justice of the Peace; Thomas F. Lown, Treasurer; Richard J. Lyon, School Inspector. 1872.-John Carter, Supervisor; Milton Thomas, Township Clerk; Joseph E. Placeway, Treasurer; Eugene Hicks, School Inspector; Robert Warder, Justice of the Peace. i873.-James B. Thurber, Supervisor; John W. Power, Township Clerk; Wheaton Hicks, Justice of the Peace; Joseph E. Placeway, Treasurer; Richard J. Lyons, School Inspector. 1874.-Lyman Judson, Supervisor; John E. Weichers, Township Clerk; Charles A. Holdridge, Treasurer; Eugene Hicks, School Inspector. ~:-~~ -":'~4-i~1X.. '~:-~:- ~~-~ ~ ~~;;::~ s,;-lwz~:r?i-'*'r.:;_,~nl " I~~ ~-I: ":.. ~ ~;~. -: ~::::: -.-.;::-~ ~:-~ -~~~; - i-i;.~r I: ~~::; -::::: i:;. —.ic.:i_I' ~ RESIDENCE 'o JOHN CARTER, BRIGHTC 9~~~~~BIH~ LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 229 BRIGHTON TOWNSHIP. - x875.-Wheaton Hicks, Supervisor; John E. Weichers, Township Clerk; Charles A. Holdridge, Treasurer; Lucian B. Stewart, Superintendent of Schools; Eugene Hicks, School Inspector. x876.-Wheaton Hicks, Supervisor; Henry P. Martin, Township Clerk; G. C. Westphal, Treasurer; William M. Power, David. Pitkin, Justices of the Peace; Lucian B. Stewart, Superintendent of Schools; Eugene Hicks, School Inspector. 1877.-James B. Thurber, Supervisor; Nicholas Kennedy, Township Clerk; Godfrey C. Westphal, Treasurer; Wheaton Hicks, Justice of the Peace; Lucian B. Stewart, Superintendent of Schools; Augustus Reiner, School Inspector. 1878.-John Carter, Supervisor; Charles H. Brown, Township Clerk; Augustus Reiner, Treasurer; Thomas T. Tunis, Justice of the Peace; Eugene Hicks, School Inspector. I879.-Eugene Hicks, Supervisor; Charles H. Brown, Township Clerk; Augustus Reiner, Treasurer; John Carter, Geo. W. Stewart, Justices of the Peace; Lucian B. Stewart, School Superintendent; Richard J. Lyon, School Inspector. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. HON. JOHN CARTER is of Irish birth and parentage. His father, Julian Carter, emigrated to this country from Ireland in 1821, and settled in Oswego, N. Y. He was a farmer, merchant, and lumber-manufacturer, and was actively engaged in business until his death, which occurred in I873. John, his only child, was born in Queens Co., Ireland, Oct. I0, 1820. Soon after his birth his mother died, and he was reared by his grandparents. He attended school until he attained his eighteenth year, when he joined the "constabulary," a corps of men employed by the government to preserve order; he served in this organization until 1845, when he came to America, where he joined his father, with whom he was associated in business for three years. At this time he made an extended tour through Michigan, preparatory to choosing a home there. The following spring he removed to Milford, Oakland Co., and was engaged in a flouring-mill until the spring of 1850, when, deciding to engage in farming, he purchased eighty acres of partially improved land, upon which he remained until 1856, when he sold and removed to Pleasant Valley, where he purchased two hundred acres of land which he now owns. He has since added to it two hundred acres; his present farm is considered to be one of the most valuable in the county. Mr. Carter not only occupies a prominent position among the representative men and leading farmers of the county, but has identified himself largely with the politics of his district, county, and town. For several years he represented Brighton upon the Board of Supervisors, where he was considered an able and efficient member. He was elected to the Legislature in 1872, and served in the extra sessions of I873 and 1874. He was again nominated in 1874, and although Livingston County is largely Democratic, he was defeated by only fifteen votes. In his own town his integrity and ability have won for him an enviable position, as is evidenced by the fact that at his election in I875, as magistrate, he received every vote in the township but three. April I9, 1849, Mr. Carter married Jeannette, daughter of John and Jane Lambie, of Camden, N. Y. She was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, Jan. 30, 1827. In I83 the family emigrated to this country, and settled in Camden, Oneida Co., N. Y., where Mr. Lambie pursued his former avocation, that of a dairyman and stock-dealer; he was a shrewd, enterprising man, and possessed of more than ordinaryenergyand determination. He died in Camden in I834. It may be truly said of Mr. Carter that he has been "the architect of his own fortune." Commencing life in a new country, with only his natural resources for his capital, he has attained success in all his undertakings. AARON H. KELLEY. Aaron H. Kelley was born in the town of Shaftsbury, Bennington Co., Vt.;June o0, I805, and first came to Michigan in the spring of I830. He returned to Vermont the subsequent fall, and remained there until 1833, when he again came to Michigan and lived in Dixboro', Washtenaw Co., until 1837, during which year he removed to the farm he had located in Brighton township. He also built, in 1837, a saw-mill and operated it for some time. This mill, operated by water-power, was known far and wide in those early days, and furnished the lumber for many of the first buildings erected in Livingston County. About the last work done by this pioneer mill was sawing a quantity of plank for the Detroit and Howell Plank-road. Mr. Kelley sold his first purchase, known as the Clark farm, and purohased one adjoining of the Winchells, taktinglsession of it in 1837; he occupied a log house buit by Jacob Winchell, and one of the first in Brighton) until I846, when he removed to a frame house near his mill. In 1836, while residing in Dixboro', he married Miss Emeline Grimes,a native of New York. She, his faithful companion in the hard pioneer struggle of early years, died in 1849. In 1851 he was married to Miss Mary I. Murray, who, before her marriage, had been engaged for several years in HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 230 - - -- -- -- ~ --—; —;- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -i school-teaching. She taught three months in Green Oak township, and for eight years was a preceptress in various school-rooms, both in Livingston and Oakland Counties. Mrs. Kelley was the daughter of Frederick Murray, and was born in the town of Victor, Ontario Co., N. Y., in 1825. She accompanied her father and the other members of the family to the township of Farmington, Oakland Co., Mich., where Mr. Murray purchased eighty acres of land. In 1841 he moved to Green Oak township, Livingston Co., and bought one hundred and twenty acres. His death occurred in the latter township. All of Mrs. Kelley's family are now deceased except herself and two brothers, one residing on the old farm in Green Oak, and the other in Le Roy township, Ingham Co., Mich. Their father was a farmer, and had a family of eight children. Mr. Kelley is also deceased,-his death occurring Oct. 26, 1877. REV. IRA WARNER, a minister of the denomination known as Christians, and who traces his ancestry back to Col. Seth Warner, of Revolutionary fame, was born in Van Buren, Onondaga Co., N. Y., Nov. 0o, 1809, and is one of a family of four children. His education was derived from the common schools of the time. At the age of nine years (Aug. I6, I818) he was deprived of a father's care, the latter's death occurring at that date. The son remained upon the farm until he was eighteen, and on the 27th of December, 1829, when a little past twenty years of age, was married to Miss Laura Foster, the eldest of a family of thirteen children, and herself but sixteen years old. The same winter Mr. Warner preached his first sermon in the school-house where he had first attended school. After that he did not preach again for ten years, paying his whole attention to his farm. After changing his location several times, he moved with his family, in I839, to Monroe Co., Mich., and settled in the township of Milan, where he purchased sixty acres of heavilytimbered land. Before clearing it up he began preaching, his calls being so numerous he could not attend to them all. After remaining ten years in Milan he traded his place for a farm of one hundred and twenty acres in Brighton township, Livingston Co., to which he removed, and upon which he now lives, his wife of nearly fifty years occupying it with him. Mr. Warner has preached in nearly every school-house in Livingston County, and at tended all the funerals in the neighborhood, yet for thirty-nine years' preaching and various services he has not received a total compensation of three hundred dollars. During one of his engagements, which required his presence every alternate Sunday, the distance to the place being twenty-five miles, he succeeded in procuring a horse, but no saddle, and in lieu of the latter used blankets, with strings of basswood-bark for stirrups. He has twice received the appointment of missionary to this portion of the State. The summer of 1879 was the first for many years that he did not fill regular appointments for preaching, but ill health prevented. Mr. and Mrs. Warner are the parents of six children, of whom one died, and the others are married and living in homes of their own. MELZER BIRD was born in Berkshire Co., Mass., in April, 1805, being one of a family consisting of seven girls and five boys. His ancestors were English. In i815 his father removed to Ontario Co., N. Y., with the family. The son was employed on his father's farm until he was seventeen years of age, when he began learning the cooper's trade with his uncle Winslow, remaining with the latter seven years. For three years subsequently he conducted a shop of his own. On the 26th of October, 1829, he went to Rome, N. Y., and was married to Miss Laura A; Wentworth. Returning to his home, he continued working at his trade until 1833, when he came to Livingston Co., Mich., and purchased the one hundred and twenty acre farm upon which he now resides, in the township of Brighton. He has since purchased two, hundred and forty acres additional. In the spring of 1834 he brought his wife and two children to their home in the West. During his residence in this State he has erected one hundred and three buildings for various parties, and for the first ten years every coffin used within a radius of ten miles was made by his hands. His children are eight in number, viz., Francis A., Catharine, Julia, Adeline, Gilbert (deceased), Oliver (deceased), Margaret (deceased), and Harriet (deceased). His faithful and loving wife died April 23, 1869. Mr. Bird's barn was the first one built in the township of Brighton, and his log house the fourth one in the same territory. Mr. Bird has been a member of the Presbyterian Church since I826. In politics he is a sturdy, staunch Republican. THOMAS WOULDS. South Kyme, Lincolnshire, England, is the birthplace of the gentleman named above. He was one of the oldest in a family of nine children, his father being a farmer. The son, until he was REV. IRA WARNER. MRS.IRA WARNER. MELZER BIRD. MRS.MELZER BIRD. 23f BRIGHTON TOWNSHIP. twenty-one years of age, worked by the year at farming, and after attaining to that age was employed for three years on public works. Sept. 21, 1852, he was married to Miss Anna Abbott, and three weeks later embarked in a sailing-vessel for America. After reaching New York City he proceeded to Honesdale, Pennsylvania, where he remained one and a half years. He then came to Michigan, and, in company with his brother John, purchased two hundred and forty acres of land in the township of Brighton, where he now lives. This was in the fall of I855. His brother died in I858, after giving a deed for his share of the place to Thomas. In 1867, Mr. Woulds, in company with Mr. Warner, bought the old "Woodruff Mill," and after expending considerable money in repairs, operated it about five years. Connected with the mill was a farm of one hundred and ten acres. In 1872 the copartnership was dissolved, and Mr. Woulds retained the mill, while Mr. Warner took the farm. In the spring of 1878, Mr. Woulds sold the mill to Mr. Nye, and returned to his farm, upon which he has since remained. His place contains one hundred and sixty acres, including eighteen acres of timber, and is finely improved. Miss Anna Abbott, who became the wife of Mr. Woulds, was one of a family of seven children, and the daughter of a farmer. Her sister married a man named Young, and emigrated with him to America, and they induced Mr. and Mrs. Woulds to follow them, with what success is seen in the foregoing. GEORGE W. CONELY. George W. Conely was born in New York City, on Christmas-day, 1828. His father, S. M. Conely, was a carver and gilder by trade, and in company with a large number of his fellow-tradesmen came to Livingston Co., Mich., in 1837. G. W. Conely stayed with his father and worked on the farm in Brighton until he was tWenty-one, after which he worked out at farming for three years, receiving eleven dollars per month for his services the first year and twelve the other two. Oct. 25, I853, he was married to Miss Eliza N. Warner, daughter of Rev. Ira Warner, an early settler in the township of Brighton. One son and four daughters were born to them; two of the children are now deceased. After his marriage Mr. Conely rented a farm near his father's for one year, and during the time purchased the farm upon which he now resides. He has added to it forty-eight acres, making one hun dred and twenty-eight acres altogether. Twentythree years after he was married his wife died, leaving him and three children to mourn her loss. Two years later (March I2, 1878) he was married to Mrs. Alice Lemonion, daughter of Cornelius Wiltse, one of the pioneers of Shiawassee Co., Mich. This lady was born in Shiawassee County, July 27, 1846, and is one of a family of four children. At the age of twenty-one her first marriage was consummated, her husband dying eight years later. By him she had one child, which is now living with her. Her marriage with Mr. Conely took place on the same day with the golden wedding of the latter's parents, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Ira Warner, father of Mr. Conely's first wife. Mr. Conely's eldest daughter, Ella, died at the age of twenty years, shortly after her return from Detroit, at which city she had been perfecting herself in music. When, in I854, Mr. Conely moved upon his present place, not a tree had been cut nor any improvements made; but the lapse of twentyfive years has witnessed its transition into a productive and finely-improved homestead. SAMUEL M. CONELY. Mr. Conely was born in the city of New York, on the 26th of September, I806, and early learned the trade of a carver and gilder. His father, Jeremiah Conely, was a seaman, and was born at a place called Snow Hill, in Maryland, about I766. His mother was born at the east end of Long Island. His ancestors were among those who came to America with the famous Lord Baltimore. Mr. Conely was one of a family of seven children,-three sons and four daughters,of whom all are deceased except his sister Eleanor and himself. His father died when the son was fifteen years old, and the latter, at the age of sixteen, was apprenticed on Fulton Street, New York City, to learn the trade above spoken of. There he remained until he was twenty-one. On the I2th of March, 1828, he was married to Miss Rebecca Southard. For several years thereafter he continued to work at his trade. In I837 he started, with his wife and four children, for Livingston County, Mich., and after a passage to Buffalo by canal, thence to Detroit by steamer, they purchased a yoke of cattle, a wagon, a cow, and a barrel each of pork and flour, loaded up and drove through to their new home. Mr. Conely purchased one hundred acres of government land, which has since been his home. His children are eight in number, as follows: George W., married and living in Brighton township; William B., a portrait painter, married and residing in Detroit; Benjamin F., living on a farm of his own in this township; John A., living on his farm in Illinois; Francis M., occupying a farm in Brighton town 232 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. ship; Thomas J., on his own farm in Brighton; Henry, deceased; and Mary E., married and living in this township. Henry died at his father's house, Feb. 14, I873. Mr. Conely has twenty living grandchildren. During three winters after his settlement in Michigan, he returned to New York and worked at his trade to earn money with which to provide for his family. Mrs. Conely was one of nine children, and was born on Long Island, July 5, I809. Her ancestors were among the first settlers of the island. Both her own and Mr. Conely's mother died in Michigan. The house first built by Mr. Conely is yet standing; but he now occupies a new and more modern structure erected in 1876. In 1878, Mr. and Mrs. Conely celebrated their golden wedding, and at the happy gathering guests were present from Nebraska, Illinois, and Lansing and Detroit, Mich. A large number of presents commemorative of the occasion were received by the aged pair, who for fifty years-much more than the average length of man's existence-have together buffeted the reverses, and tasted the joys of life. O. K. VAN AMBURG. An example of what can be accomplished by perseverance and stern determination is presented in the case of Mr. Van Amburg. He was born Dec. I6, 1803, in Milton, Saratoga Co., N. Y., and his father supported the family by day labor, having fourteen children dependent upon him. The son, when twelve years of age, left his home and worked by the month at farming until he was twenty-one. Shortly after attaining his majority he started for Michigan on foot, in company with his oldest brother, Matthew. After a hard journey of fifteen days, they arrived in Oakland County, in the latter State. The first job was one in which they worked four days for an axe. They then took a job of clearing and fencing twelve acres of land, in order to earn some money. The younger brother, with the proceeds of his work, purchased eighty acres of timbered land in the township of Novi. During the first two years of his residence in the State he was sick fourteen months. March 15, 1829, he was married to Miss Mary Ann Taft, daughter of one of the first settlers of Novi. For a year he worked with his father-in-law, and then moved upon his own place. Four years later he sold out and entered one hundred and sixty acres of government land in the same township, upon which he remained until 1845. In the latter year he exchanged for a farm of one hundred and seven acres on the Detroit and Grand River Turnpike. In December, I850, his wife died, after having borne him seven children. In August, I85I, he married Miss Amanda M. Brown, who became the mother of two children. His children by his first wife were Louisa M., Orston T., Harriet Ann, William H., Joseph T., Henry W., and Daniel O.; by his second wife, Albert A. and Charles W. Mr. Van Amburg's ancestors lived for many years in Saratoga Co., N. Y. His parents both died in Michigan, at the home of their son. His children all reside in Livingston County, except two,-a married daughter in Oakland County and a married son in Ogemaw County. In 1857, Mr. Van Amburg exchanged his last-mentioned farm for one of two hundred and forty acres in Brighton township, Livingston Co., and is now living just across the line from his first building-spot in this county. For ten years he was a justice of the peace, and also for a number of years commissioner of highways. W. C. SEARS. Mr. Sears was born in Fabius, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1812, being one ofa family of six children. His father, who was a farmer, moved to Ann Arbor, Mich., in I829, and purchased forty acres of land near that place. The son worked for his father several years. At the age of twenty-one he commenced to work at the carpenter's trade, continuing for a short time. In February, 1846, he came to the township of Brighton, Livingston Co., purchased about two hundred acres of land, and built a log house, the remains of which are yet standing. About twelve years later, he built the house he now occupies. March I4, 1853, he married Miss Elvira Toncray, who. bore him a son,-Pitt,-his birth occurring Feb. 3, 1854. The son is now living with his wife on the farm, he having married Miss Ada Traverse, Dec. I ', 1878. Mrs. W. C. Sears died July I7, 1878. Even at the date Mr. Sears settled in Brighton the country was yet new, and no improvements had been made on the land he purchased. Deer, wild turkeys, and wolves abounded. Mr. Sears carried his wheat to Detroit, and sold it for fifty cents a bushel, making the trip with his team of oxen. He has at present one hundred acres of land under cultivation. ".:::. I;~;:-~.;~i" -;;i:':s; 1;-::::~_:,:TI::i".l-':'r ~~`: "?l'-',.r.; -.i~~;~l~,-:-:;.,~,;:;I;-:I -~~ ~:i, -- ~-..-~:::2 Fif: p rfw _H f MRS. MARVIN 'GASTON. RESIDENCE F MARVIN GASTON, HANDY, MICHIGAN. HANDY TOWNSHIP. THE territory designated in the field-notes of the United States survey as township No. 3 north, of range No. 3 east, was organized as a separate township in 1838, and derived its name from Calvin Handy, its first settler. It is situated upon the west border of Livingston County, north of the centre. Adjacent township organizations are Conway on the north, Howell on the east, Iosco on the south, and Leroy and Ingham Counties on the west. The surface, while comparatively level, undulates sufficiently to allow good surface-drainage; the more elevated portions being found in the northern part. The principal water-courses are the Cedar River and its branches. The main stream, or that which bears the name of Cedar River proper, enters the town by crossing the south line of section 34; thence it flows in a northerly direction through the central part of the township, until reaching the centre of section 10, when its course is changed to the northwest, finally passing into Conway from the north line of section 5. It again enters Handy, and forms a junction with the west branch in the north part of section 6. The East Branch enters from Howell township, and intersecting sections 24, 13, 14, and 23, makes a junction with the main stream in the north part of section 22. The West Branch first makes its appearance by crossing the south border of section 31, and flowing to the northwest, cuts the southwest corner of the same section, and passes into Ingham County. It re-enters the township by crossing the west line of section 19, and thence continues northerly, through the west tier of sections, until joining the main stream' near the extreme northwest part of the township. Springs abound in many places, and, taken altogether, the township is well watered; yet no lakes are found within its borders, and its area of swamp surface is comparatively small. In a state of nature it was heavily timbered with the deciduous trees common to this portion of the State; consequently its soil is strong and rich, well adapted to grazing, and the successful cultivation of corn, fruits, and the various cereals, and in the quality and quantity of its productions per 30 acre, Handy is not surpassed by any township in Livingston County. It contains the thriving village of Fowlerville, and in 1874 the census reported a total population of 2144. The present voters are 600 in number, and the present total population will aggregate 3000. ORIGINAL LAND-ENTRIES. The following comprises a list of names of those who purchased of the general government lands situated in the township of Handy, with the sections on which they purchased and the dates of the several purchases. Those designated by an asterisk (*) became residents in the township. SECTION I. Horace W. Vaughn, Oakland Co., Mich., March 25, 1836. William Barnett, Monroe Co., N. Y., April I, I836. Joseph B. Craft, Livingston Co., N. Y., May 5, 1836. George Curtis, Livingston Co., N. Y., May 9, 1836. Joseph B. Craft, Livingston Co., N. Y., May 13, 1836. Joel Banfield, Tompkins Co., N. Y., June 9, 1836. Richard P. Bush,* Tompkins Co., N. Y., June 9, 1836. SECTION 2. Waity Smith,* Livingston Co., N. Y., Nov. 5, 1835. Ralph Fowler,* Livingston Co., N. Y., Nov. 5, I835. Calvin Handy,* Tompkins Co., N. Y., March 25, 1836. Franklin Moore and Zachariah Chandler, Wayne Co., Mich., June 4, 1836. Charles P. Bush,* Tompkins Co., N. Y., June 9, 1836. SECTION 3. Ralph Fowler,* Livingston Co, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1835. Charles P. Butler, New York City, April 2, 1836. SECTION 4. John B. Fowler,* Livingston Co., N. Y., April 18, 1836. Henry W. Delavan, Saratoga Co., N. Y., Sept. 23, 1836. Nicholas Grumback, Wayne Co., Mich., April 25, 1838. Phineas Silsby,* Wayne Co., Mich., Aug. 7, 1838. SECTION 5. Cornelius Israel, Wayne Co., Mich., July 15, 1836. John W. Edmonds, Columbia Co., N. Y., Oct. 26, 1836. Gustave De Neven, Genesee Co., N. Y., Nov. 5, 1836, and April 13, 1838. SECTION 6. Henry W. Delavan, Saratoga Co., N. Y., Sept. 23, 1836. Ebenezer McCormick, Genesee Co., N Y., Nov. 5, 1836. Gustave De Neven, Genesee Co, N. Y., April 14, 1838. George E. Adam,, Dec. 13, 1853. John Thomas, Dee. 13, 1853. 233 234 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. SECTION 7. Polly Sanders, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 28, 1835. John B. Fowler,* Livingston Co., N. Y., April i8, 1836. Nathan Jenks, Ontario Co., N. Y., June I4, I836. John W. Edmonds, Columbia Co., N. Y., Nov. 4, 1836. Mathew Straight, Wayne Co., Mich., Jan. 24, 1837. George W. Lee, Livingston Co., Mich., April 15, 1853. SECTION 8. John B. Fowler,* Livingston Co., N. Y., April 18, 1836. Flavius J. B. Crane, Livingston Co., Mich., April 23, 1836. Nathan Jenks, Ontario Co., N. Y., June 14, i836. William C. Blackwood, Seneca Co., N. Y., July 13, 1836. Samuel Blackwood, Oakland Co., Mich., July I3, 1836. George W. Israel, Wayne Co., Mich., July 15, 1836. Samuel Bryant, Wayne Co., Mich., Jan. 24, 1837. SECTION 9. Peter A. Cowdrey, New York City, Oct. 23, I835. George McIntosh, Oakland Co., Mich., March 26, 1836. Joseph Lawrence, New London, Conn., May 2, I836. Russell Forsyth, Albany Co., N. Y., Oct. 26, 1836. SECTION io. Ralph Fowler,* Livingston Co., N. Y., Aug. 27, I835. Peter A. Cowdrey, New York City, Oct. 23, 1835. Henry W. Delavan, Saratoga Co., N. Y., Sept. 23, I836. Amos Adams, Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. 28, 1836. SECTION II. Chilson Sanford, Washtenaw Co., Mich., April 25, I834. Ralph Fowler,* Livingston Co., N. Y., Aug. 28, 1835. Harvey Metcalf,* Livingston Co., N. Y., Nov. 28, 1835. Charles P. Bush,* Tompkins Co., N. Y., March 26, 1836, and April i, 1836. Loren Tainter, Livingston Co., N. Y., May 7, 1836. SECTION 12. Flavius J. B. Crane, Livingston Co., N. Y., Nov. 27, 1835. Francis Field, Livingston Co., N. Y., Jan. 1I, 1836. William J. Hamilton, Cayuga Co., N. Y., April 25, 1836. Mary Tainter, Livingston Co., N. Y., May 7, 1836. Joel Banfield, Tompkins Co., N. Y., June 3, I836. James E. Head,* Livingston Co, Mich., Sept. 23, 1836. Stephen Avery,* Livingston Co., N. Y., Dec. 8, 1836. Charles S. Harrison, Livingston Co., N. Y., Dec. 8, 1836. SECTION 13. James M. Hitchings, Monroe Co., N. V., June 10, I836. Amos Chaffee, Wayne Co., Mich., July 15, 1836. Morris Tompkins, New York City, Sept. 24, 1836. Daniel O'Conner, Columbia Co., N. Y., Oct. 25, 1836. Wells Brockaway, Ontario Co., N. Y., Oct. 27, 1836. Victory Curtis and Almon Whipple,* Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. 27, 1837. SECTION 14. Sanford Britton, Wayne Co., Mich., April 25, 1836. Peleg Oatman, Orleans Co., N. Y., May 17, 1836. James M. Hitchings, Monroe Co., N. Y., June 1o, 1836. James Hanmer, Wayne Co., Mich., Sept. 23, 1836. Victory Curtis and Almon Whipple,* Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. 27, 1837. SECTION 15. Ralph Fowler,* Livingston Co., N. Y., Aug. 27, 1835. Nathaniel Dorr, Norfolk Co., Mass., Aug. 28, 1835. NathanielJenks, Ontario Co., N. Y., June 14, 1836. I I SECTION I6. W. H. Miller,* Oct. 5, 1852. Fowler & Power,* July 26, I854. James Hawley,* Dec. 10, 1852. R. E. Adams, Nov. 23, 1853. M. W. Fradenburgh, Dec. 23, 1853. J. T. Sprague, Dec. 23, 1853. Charles Whitney,* I870. John M. Ruggles,* 1870. James Castillon, Dec. I, 1852. D. W. Adams, Nov. 23, 1853. David Dunn,* Oct. 9, i866. P. H. Barber,* Oct. 9, 1866. Jonathan Fox,* Oct. 9, I866. N. Coffey,* July 31, 1854. Edwin Schooley,* Malch 7, 1854. Belden Lyman, March 7, 1854. SECTION 17. Charles Place, New York City, Dec. 4, 1835. Henry Barber, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 6, 1836. John and James Mulholland, Washtenaw Co., Mich., July I, 1836. David A. McFarlan, Wayne Co., Mich., April 4, 1837, and April 5, 1837. John M. Ruggles,* Livingston Co., Mich., Sept. 23, 1857. Daniel S. Lee, Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. 27, 1854. E. Knickerbocker,* Livingston Co., Mich., Aug. 3, 1854. SECTION I8. Charles Place, New York City, Dec. 4, 1835. Benjamin P. Vealy,* Wayne Co., Mich., June 14, 1836. Alanson Knickerbocker,* Wayne Co., Mich., June 17, 1836. Hannah Knickerbocker,* Wayne Co., Mich., June I8, 1836. George M. Rich, Wayne Co., Mich., Feb. 8, 1837. Almira Collins, Livingston Co., Mich., April 14, 1849. Martin Coffey,* Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 22, 1854. SECTION 19. Alanson Knickerbocker,* Wayne Co., Mich., June 17, 1836. Ebenezer J. Penniman, Wayne Co., Mich., June 17, 1836. Gabriel Dean, Jackson Co., Mich., June 25, 1836. Hannah Knickerbocker,* Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. 9, I837. Harry Meech,* Livingston Co., Mich., March I, I837. Timothy Lyon, Wayne Co., Mich., March I, 1837. SECTION 20. Leonard Parker,* Genesee Co., N. Y., May 23, I836. Charles Jennings, Genesee Co., N. Y., May 23, I836. James McGregor and John A. McGaw, city of Boston, May 24, 1836. Alanson Knickerbocker,* Wayne Co., Mich., June 17, 1836. Ebenezer J. Penniman, Wayne Co., Mich., June I7, I836. Charles Strong, Livingston Co., N. Y., Aug. 3, 1836. Timothy Lyon, Wayne Co., Mich., March I, I837. SECTION 21. James McGregor and John A. McGaw, Boston, Mass., May 23, 1836. Clark C. Boutwell, Wayne Co., Mich., May 23, 1836. James McGregor and John McGaw, Boston, Mass., May 24, 1836, and June 4. 1836. Nelson Coffey,* Livingston Co., Mich., Aug. 3, 1854. SECTION 22. Hosea B. Thorp, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., May I9, 1836. James Williams, Wayne Co., Mich., May 30, 1836. Abram Bockhoven, Morris Co., N. J., June 9, 1836. HANDY TOWNSHIP. 235 SECTION 23. John Cosart, Livingston Co., Mich., July 14, 1836. Spaulding M. Case, Wayne Co., Mich., Aug. I, 1836. IIosea L. Strong, Wayne Co., Mich., Oct. 25, I836. Russell Forsyth, Albany Co., N. Y., Oct. 26, 1836. Samuel Kilpatrick, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 27, I836. Hosea L. Strong, Wayne Co, Mich., Jan. 21, I837. William Guthrie, Washtenaw Co, Mich., July 24, 1838. SECTION 24. Marshall Chapin and John Owen, Wayne Co., Mich., July 14, 1836. Thomas O'Conner, Wayne Co., Mich., Oct. 25, 1836. John McKinney, Livingston Co., N. Y., Oct. 25, 1836. Samuel Kilpatrick, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 27, 1836. SECTION 25. Elijah Crane, Wayne Co, Mich., July 14, 1836. Rufus A. Leonard, State of New York, Dec. 20, 1837. George W. Hanmer, Tompkins Co., N. Y., March 16, 1837. Charles P. Bush,* Ingham Co., Mich., Nov. 17, 1854. SECTION 26. Seth Belknap, Genesee Co., N. Y., June 6, 1836. George B. De Graff, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Jupe 13, I836. Elijah Crane, Wayne Co., Mich., July 14, 1836. John Cosart, Livingston Co., Mich., July 14, 1836. Jason W. Powers, Madison Co., Mich., Aug. I, 1836. David Phelps, New York City, Sept. 24, 1836. Russell Disbrow, Genesee Co., N. Y., June I, I837. SECTION 27. Milo M. Stockwell, Cayuga Co., N. Y., May I9, 1836. Jeremiah De Graff, Cayuga Co., N. Y., June 13, 1836. Hiram H. Slawson, Seneca Co., N. Y., Aug. I, 1836. Charles Andrews, Wayne Co., Mich., March I6, I837. Israel S Spencer, Madison Co., N. Y., Feb. I5, 1838. Mathew Knowles,* Wayne Co., Mich., June 22, I839. Leonard Morse, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Aug. 27, 1847. Leonard Noble, Livingston Co., Mich., Feb. 5, I853. SECTION 28. Alanson Church,* Genesee Co., N. Y., May 23, 1836. Clark C. Boutwell, Wayne Co., N. Y., May 23, 1836. Andrew King, Orange Co., N. Y., June I, 1836. Jesse Norton,* Genesee Co., N. Y., July 2, 1836. SECTION 29. Orson Church,* Genesee Co., N. Y., May 23, I836. James McGregor and John A. McGaw, Boston, Mass., May 24, 1836. Lewis \Vestfall,* Wayne Co., Mich., June 27, 1836. James S. Kimberly, New York City, July I6, 1836. Samuel Porter, Oakland Co., Mich., March I6, 1837. Richard Parish, Wayne Co., Mich., June 25, 1836. SECTION 30. Lewis Westfall,* Wayne Co., Mich, June 27, 1836. John Whaley, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 30, 1836. Richard Parish, Wayne Co., Mich., June 25, 1836. David A. McFarlan, Wayne Co., Mich., March i8, I837. Losson Gordon, Wayne Co., Mich., March 28, 1837. Alexander Grant, Wayne Co., Mich., April 24, 1838. Flavius J. B. Crane, Livingston Co., Mich., June 27, 1836. SECTION 31. Lewis Westfall,* Wayne Co., Mich., June, 1836. John Orr, Washtenaw Co:, Mich., June 23, 1836. SECTION 32. John B. Banta, Montgomery Co., N. Y., June 23, I836. Roswell Shurtluff, Windsor Co., Vt., June 29, I836. Orestes II. Wright, Addison Co, Vt., July I, 1836. Flavius J. B. Crane, Livingston Co., Mich., July 5, I836. Orestes H. Wright, Addison Co., Vt., July 9, 1836. SECTION 33. Dennis Conrad,* Oakland Co., Mich., May 21, 1836. Lewis W. Decker,* Ontario Co., N. Y., May 31, I836. Joseph and Willard Blanchard, Onondaga Co., N. Y., June I, 1836. Adolphus Brigham, Wayne Co., Mich, June I, 1836. William Martin, Wayne Co., Mich., June I, 1836. Orestes H. Wright, Addison Co., Vt., July 9, I836. James S. Kimberly, New York City, July 16, 1836. Nathaniel Andrews, Oakland Co., Mich., March i6, I837. Joseph S. Stockwell, Oakland Co., Mich., March I6, 1837. SECTION 34. Dennis Conrad,* Oakland Co., Mich., May 19, I836. Silas Munsell, Wayne Co., Mich, May 30, 1836. Joel Choate,* Genesee Co., N. Y., July 2, 1836. Joseph S. Stockfield, Oakland Co., Mich., March I6, 1837. SECTION 35. Joel H. Prescott, Ontario Co., N. Y., March 25, 1836. Benjamin Smith, Wayne Co., N. Y., March 25, 1836. Reuben S. Durfee, Wayne Co., Mich., March 25, 1836. Luther Harmon, Ontario Co., N. Y., May 30, 1836. Joseph Morrow, Ontario Co., N. Y., May 30, 1836. SECTION 36. Dana Shaw, Orleans Co., N. Y., April 9, I836. John A. Buckland, Orleans Co., N. Y., April 9, 1836. Daniel P. Biglow, Orleans Co., N. Y., April 9, 1836. Samuel Hill, Orleans Co., N. Y., April 9, 1836. Francis Middleberger, Oakland Co., Mich., June it, 1836. Aaron Lawrence, Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 17, 1836. James S. Kimberly, city of New York, July 15, 1836. THE FIRST SETTLEMENTS. On the 25th of March, 1836, Calvin Handy, a native of Bennington, Vt., then of Danby, Tompkins Co., N. Y., purchased from the United States government the southeast quarter and the south part of the northeast fractional quarter of section 2 in this township. He immediately began preparations for making a permanent settlement upon his purchase. Early in May of the same year he shipped his household goods, together with a wagon and some agricultural implements, via the Erie Canal and Lake Erie to Detroit. His family, which consisted of himself, his wife, Patience, and children, Polly, Homer, and Eliza, traveled by the same route and mode to the City of the Straits. All arrived safely. He then bought a yoke of oxen, loaded his effects and the members of his family upon the wagon, and began a tedious journey over the Grand River Turnpike towards the western part of the newly-organized county of Livingston. During the latter part of May they arrived at the log cabin'of Sardis Davis, who was then living a HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. short distance south of the present village of Howell. But the last day of their journey was marred by an accident which befell Mrs. Handy. The roads were very bad, full of ruts, roots, stumps, and mud-holes, and on the wagon, perched above the goods, sat Mrs. Handy, with her children. An unusual jolt of the wagon threw her, with her youngest born, to the ground, and before the vehicle could be stopped one wheel passed over her foot. A stout shoe protected the member sufficiently, however, to prevent dislocation or the bones from being crushed, but she was rendered lame and almost helpless for some weeks afterwards. Mr. Handy's.family remained under the hospitable roof of Sardis Davis-the pioneer of Marionfor some three weeks, or until his own cabin could be erected and rendered habitable. This was accomplished on the I6th of June, 1836. The same afternoon Frederick B. and Cecil D. Parsons, with four other men as companions, arrived at the cabin, and, after engaging the services of Charles P. Bush as guide to show them land in the present town of Conway, requested of Mr. Handy the privilege of sleeping on his floor through the night. He answered them in the negative. They seemed much astonished at this peremptory refusal; and when the spokesman had recovered sufficiently to inquire why, they were quietly informed that his cabin possessed no floor, but that his wife would endeavor to make them as comfortable as possible. Mrs. Handy-the first white woman to reside in the township, and at present a resident of the village of Fowlerville-relates that she then took from some of the packing-boxes beds and bedding, and -spread upon the ground, in the centre of the cabin, a bed, upon which these six weary men reposed their heads and shoulders, while their lower extretnities swung around the circle ad libitum. The children, meanwhile, were made cosy by stowing -them away in the half-emptied packing-boxes. Thus passed the first night in the first settler's.habitation in the township of Handy. Helen, another daughter, was born to them a few years after their settlement here. In 1839, Mr. Handy.became the second supervisor of the township which bears his name. In later years he filled nany other official stations, and during a long residence was ever held in high and deserved esteem for his genial qualities and obliging nature. He was born in 1798, and died May 29, 1874. Charles P. Bush reached the settlement one week later than Mr. Handy. He was also from Danby, Tompkins Co., N. Y., and, after building a log house, clearing land, and sowing a crop of wheat,:retnu:ed to 'New York, In June,:837, he again came to Handy, and with his family settled upon the northwest quarter of section II. He was a gentleman possessed of a keen and discriminating intellect, which he had matured by reading and reflection. Ready in expedient, and always foremost when occasion required, nature stamped him as a leader, and he became at once the counselor and friend of the early settlers. A few years later he became one of the most prominent men in this part of the State. In I840 he was elected to represent Livingston County in the State Legislature, and was re-elected three successive terms. In 1845 he was elected State Senator from the district of which Livingston County formed a part. He became president of the same body in 1847, and by the election of Governor Felch to the United States Senate, Lieutenant-Governor Greenly filled the office of Governor, and Senator Bush became Acting Lieutenant-Governor of the State. His vote decided the location of the capital at Lansing, and he presided over the last senatorial session in the old capitol in Detroit, as also the first which sat in Lansing. Soon after the location of the capital in Lansing, Mr. Bush removed thither, and until his death was identified with the history and public interests of Ingham County. Harvey Metcalf, a veteran of the war of 1812, and son-in-law of Amos Adams,-one of the conspicuous pioneers of Howell,-purchased the southeast quarter of section I i, Nov. 28, 1835. Early in the spring of 1836 he came on from Geneseo, Livingston Co., N. Y., and began an improvement upon his premises. He boarded with Mr. Adams, and succeeded during the summer in clearing a few acres, sowing the same to wheat, and building a substantial log cabin. James E. Head was another immigrant to the township during 1836. He purchased lands situated upon section 12, and until the settlement of his family, in 1837, boarded, while here, with Calvin Handy. In the spring of 1836, John B. Bowler and Martin W. Randall set out on foot from Geneseo, Livingston Co., N. Y., and proceeding through Canada, finally arrived at Howell, Mich. By the aid of Amos Adams, they located lands on section 33, in Conway, and on sections 4, 7, and 8, in Handy. Mr. Ralph Fowler has recently prepared for publication a comprehensive sketch relating to the early settlement of Handy, from which much valuable information has been obtained. The following is his account of the journey, and the'sub sequent settlement of himself and Martin W. Randall during the month of November, 1836. In September, 1836,: the brothers Ralph and Z;o C/7 I,l t I HANDY TOWNSHIP., ' '237 John B. Fowler, Mrs. Harvey Metcalf, and her sister, Mrs. Winship, started from Geneseo, Livingston Co., N. Y., for a journey to Livingston Co., Mich. Mrs. Metcalf purposed joining her husband already here, while the Fowler brothers were to determine by a view of the country upon the propriety of settling upon lands previously located for them by Amos Adams. At Buffalo they took passage for Detroit on the steamer " Commodore Perry," which required three days and nights to accomplish. The United States Hotel, and Eagle Tavern, in Detroit, were so full of speculators, land-lookers, and mud, that they could not obtain lodgings, but these were finally found at the City Hotel. The next morning, after much difficulty, a chance was found for the women to ride through to Howell; while the Messrs. Fowler, and their brother-in-law, J. G. Knight, journeyed along on foot. Their route led them over the Grand River road, upon which government employees were then at work, between Detroit and Grand Haven, and they found the road muddy and lonely. The first night was p5assed at "Uncle Rodgers'," at the "Home," whom many will remember. The travelers were hungry and weary. So, after refreshing themselves, they quickly retired for much-needed rest. But Uncle Rodgers, wishing to make things pleasant and agreeable, got out a martial band, which made the wild woods ring, much to the disgust of his guests, however. The second day the team reached Howell, but the pedestrians came short, and sought shelter for the night at Mrs. Lyons', who lived in a little shanty on the shore of Long Lake. A bare floor was all the accommodation the house afforded. A short walk in the morning brought them to the house of Amos Adams, in Howell, where a good breakfast and rest awaited them. After resting one day, the brothers, accompanied by Amos Adams as a guide, started out to look at their lands in Handy and Conway. We here continue the narrative in Mr. Fowler's own words:* " When we struck the line between sections IO and I I in Handy, Mr. Adams said, ' Boys, if you live to be as old as I am you will see a village here as large as Geneseo, N. Y., called Fowlerville.' We had taken with us a small quantity of bread and pork, expecting Mr. Metcalf to come up to his place that day, bringing provisions, etc. So we ate our lunch and traveled all day in the woods. Towards evening Mr. Adams started on his return home to Howell. My brother and myself went to Mr. Metcalf's house that night; he had not yet arrived, but we slept in his house. The next morning we ate the remainder of our lunch, and started for Conway to see our lands on section 33, expecting Mr. Metcalf would come that night surely. "Towards night we again returned to the empty house, only to meet disappointment; being very weary and hungry, and not daring to start for Howell at so late an hour, the route being designated * From an address delivered before the Livingston County Pioneer Association, June 19, I878. only by marked trees, we concluded to go to Mr. Calvin Handy's house-the only family as yet living in the township-to try and get something to eat. Mrs. Handy said her husband had gone for provisions, and she was expecting him home at any moment; that she had a little flour and a wild turkey, killed that day by Mr. J. E. Head, and she would divide with us. We were very glad to get a cup of tea, and returning to Mr. Metcalf's cabin, slept the second night on the ground between the sleepers. About midnight the wolves commenced to howl around us. It seems that Mr. Metcalf, while breaking ground for his wheat, had the misfortune to lose an ox by death, and it seemed then as if the wolves had gathered by thousands at the spot where its carcass lay, or had lain. This was the first howling of the wolves we had yet heard. The turmoil finally ceased, and we slept on till morning. Soon after daylight we arose, and started for Howell, feeling as if we were fifty or sixty years old, and beginning to think that we already had about enough of Michigan. "There was but one house on the road to Howell, and that at the Six Corners, occupied by Mr. Stebbins. One of the greatest difficulties encountered on this expedition was in obtaining water to drink. All the surface water was full of wigglers, and the only way we could keep them from slipping down our throats was by spreading our handkerchiefs upon the water and drinking that which came through the meshes. " When we arrived at I-owell we learned that Mr. Metcalf's oxen had strayed away, and that he had been searching for them the past two days, which accounted for his non-appearance at the cabin, and our fast. Mr. Adams soon announced breakfast. It was then about ten o'clock in the forenoon. We went in and found upon the table some coffee, bread, and butter. lIe said, 'eat this and then go to bed.' 'We followed his advice, and arose at supper time feeling very much refreshed. The next morning we started on our return to Detroit, not yet fully determined as to the undertaking of making Michigan our home. We wanted large farms of our own, however, and as we walked through the townships of Salem and Plymouth, and saw the crops and the enterprise of the people settled there, we came to the firm conclusion, before reaching Detroit, to make Michigan our permanent place of residence. From the latter city we took passage on the steamer ' Sandusky' for Buffalo, arriving there in two days and three nights,-a very short trip for those days. "Upon arriving at our home it was settled that Martin W. Randall and myself, with our families, should start upon a journey to Michigan in the fall. All arrangements were completed as rapidly as possible, and, early in the morning of October 17, I836, we bade adieu to our families in Geneseo, and with two covered wagons-two yoke of oxen hitched to one, and a span of horses to the other-began our return trip to the Peninsular State. We traveled through Canada, and had a good time. On the 4th of November we arrived in llandy,-then Howell township. Our house, which Mr. Adams had hired built for us, was only partially completed. A roof covered but one side, and there was no floor. Mr. tHarvey Metcalf had got settled in his house, and we stayed with him two or three days. We moved into our house with only half of the floor laid. Except the door, the house was built with. out using a board. Oaken shakes and shingles constituted the roof, gables, and upper floor. The lower floor was made from basswood logs, split through the centre, spotted on the ends so as to rest firmly on the sleepers, and, being hewed smooth on top, made a good finish. A mud-and-stick chimney, the fireplace embellished with wooden crane and trammels, completed the first appointments of the cabin. " Our goods had been shipped from Geneseo to Detroit, and we expected to find them in the latter city on our arrival, but, to our great disappointment, they had not yet arrived. After the completion of our cabin, Martin W. Randall, with his horse-team,the first ever owned in the township,-returned to Detroit, expect ing to find the goods surely at that time, but still they were not there. " Here we were, in the woods, sixty miles from where anything 238 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. could be obtained,-Mr. Randall, wife, and one child, and myself, wife, and two children,-with no cooking-utensils, or anything to sleep upon, except a quilt or two which we had brought along in our wagons. I think Mr. Randall had part of a bed. ' Necessity is the mother of invention,' and this, with kind neighbors, over came a great many difficulties. We borrowed a few plates, knives, and forks from Mrs. Handy and Mrs. Metcalf,-the lady representatives of the only families then in the township,-and from the Indians a baking-kettle. In a shanty in the west part of Howell, where some men had been chopping, we found a three-pail kettle, which we also took, and with a tin bake-oven, which we had bought in Detroit, our kitchen utensils were complete. " Now for sleeping accommodations. We found, by way of Mr. Adams, that a young man by the name of Flavius J. B. Cranethe proprietor and original owner of part of the village plat of Howell-had a piece of factory-cloth. We bought it, made a bedtick of the same, also some sheets, and filled the tick with marsh hay. A bedstead was made of ironwood poles and bark, and by the help of quilts, before mentioned, and a good fire, we managed to pass the winter very comfortably. " Mr. Randall, after a few weeks, built a shanty on the east half of the southwest quarter of section eleven, on lands owned by John B. Fowler. Thus situated, with but four families in the township, viz., Messrs. Handy, Metcalf, Randall, and myself, was passed a very pleasant winter. "We were well surrounded by Indians, there being three winter-camps near us,-two on section ten, and one on section two. There must have been as many as forty or fifty Indians in th2 three camps, and they had thirty ponies running in the woods. The question naturally arises, ' Were you not afraid of the Indians?' Never but twice. The first time was when they had all been to Detroit to transact some business with the government, and on their return came to our place, on their main trail to Grand River and the western part of the State. They came along about the middle of the afternoon, some one hundred of them, with fifty or sixty ponies and many trappings, the snow being some six inches deep. Many of their sleds were made of deer-skins, by spreading them on the snow with the hair-side down, filling them with all they could lay on, and then lashing the load fast with ropes made from basswood-bark, passing them through holes made in the edge of the skin, and then over to the other side. It was surprising to see the amount they would pile upon one skin. Then they would hitch a rope to the neck of the skin, and the same again to a pony's neck, making quite a good running sled. "Thus they came upon us. We had not seen many of them before, and were somewhat afraid as they came in, filling the house like a town-meeting. We put on a big fire and let them work. Putting bells on their ponies, they turned them out, which made the woods ring with their jingle. " Soon they began to cut poles, peel basswood bark, and prepare their quarters for the night. They stuck stakes on each side of a large oak-tree that we had felled near the house, tied poles near the top of these stakes, laying others on them and back on the ground, covering all with a kind of web-cloth made from flags or rushes, for some fifty feet on each side of the log, then built a fire along the front, after which they spread down their bear and deer skins and blankets, making the whole look very warm and comfortable. -After eating their supper of venison, cold boiled squirrels, and musk-rats, they went to bed. " It was quite a sight for us to see them. Each one of full size had his blanket, which was tucked in at the edge over the head, and under the feet. " In the morning Okemos and his tribe, or those that were with him, went on to the place now called Okemos, while the others, being a part of the old Shiawassee tribe, went into the three camps before mentioned. "There was one very old man with the latter party, some nine three years old as near as we could judge from marks and signs. He was sick, and had every appearance of having the consumption. Ilis camp was pitched on section 2, northeast of John A. Tanner's log house. He finally died, and the funeral ceremonies lasted for some time. He must have been one of much distinction, as other tribes came from long distances to attend his funeral. After his death they wrapped him in a clean, white blanket, and laid him in a little place divided from the main camp by hanging blankets around him. One of the old squaws sat by the body nearly all the time for each evening for four or five evenings. Others would play and beat their musical instruments all night. These instruments were of different kinds, one being made of red cedar, and resembling a clarionet. This was split in the centre, a hollow dug out the size they wanted it, curves were cut around between the finger holes, and then the whole fastened together with the sinews of animals. Another instrument was made by stretching a deer-skin over a hoop similar to a tambourine, and others still had drums very similar to our bass and tenor ones. They made a fearful noise, and could be heard a mile or more. A grave was dug to the depth of three feet, in it was placed some elm-bark, and then, when the body was deposited, the same was filled with the mould of the forest, and covered with round poles some six inches in diameter, neatly notched together at the corners. About two feet from the head of the grave, they set a post about three inches thick and three feet high, on the side of which next to the grave they cut a notch, and painted above the notch the picture of a turkey, and below it that of a deer. " For some three weeks after the burial, some one of the squaws kept a fire between the head of the grave and the post, made of sticks about six inches long, split fine, and set upon end in a round form. This fire was kept burning daily. After the funeral they also climbed to the top of a large beech-tree and there hung their musical instruments, where they remained four or five weeks after the funeral ceremonies. "The second fright we had arose from the doings of a young man who brought whisky into or near their camps for the purpose of selling it to the Indians. Early the next morning the Indians caught their ponies-a thing they had not done for months-and came galloping to our houses, demanding ' Whisky! whisky! Shemokeman whisky! Wishicheere whisky!' Some of them, when refused and informed that we had no whisky, seemed determined to search the house; but we finally satisfied them that we had none, and away they went in search of it in other directions. We soon found a keg of the young man's fire-water, to which an axe was applied, and thus ended our second fright. "On the ist of May, 1837, John B. Fowler and family, Ruel Randall and wife, and John A. Tanner, then a boy seventeen years of age, and in the employ of John B. Fowler, arrived in the township. They came from Geneseo, N. Y., with ox-teams, through Canada. The first Sunday morning after their arrival, my brother and myself strolled through the woods and came to a cleared spot or an opening of about an acre, where we sat down under a large oak and talked of our mother, who had been a Methodist all her days. ' Right here,' my brother says, ' if we live long enough, we will have a Methodist church.' When the village plat was surveyed, the stump of the same tree still remained there. Remembering the conversation of my brother and myself, I marked the lots for a Methodist church, and in about twenty years the church was built upon that site." Charles P. Bush, Richard P. Bush, and John Bush, from Danby, Tompkins Co., N. Y., arrived June I, I837. The former, as before mentioned, settled upon section I I, while Richard settled upon section I, and John upon section 2. Stephen Avery, from Livingston Co., N. Y.; Alanson Church, from Genesee Co., N. Y.; Alanson Knickerbocker, from Wayne Co., Mich.; Sey mour and Jesse Norton, from Genesee Co., N. Y.; John B. La Rowe and Elijah Gaston, all settled in the spring and summer of the same year (I837). HANDY TOWNSHIP. 239 The resident tax-payers in 1837, the sections upon which their lands were located, the number of acres owned, value of real and personal estate, and the amount of tax paid by each, are shown by ton, Daniel Benjamin, Andrew Miller, Ezekiel Little, Perry Dorrance, James Grimes, George B. De Graff, William Marsh, Marshall Porter, A. Cook, Joel C. Choate, Philetus Brown, and Enoch H. Marble. The resident tax-payers in 1845 were the following table: Names. Sectior Stephen Avery.................................. 12 Alanson Church................................ 28 Ralph Fowler.................2, 3, o0, II, 15, 28 John B. Fowler.................................4, II Elijah Gaston................................. I Calvin Handy.................................... 2 James E. Head................................. 12 Alanson Knickerbocker........................ I9 John B. La Rowe............................... I Harvey Metcalf.............................. I, II Seymour Norton and Jesse Norton.......... 28 A Valuation of n. cres. Real Estate. 80 $240 80 240 80oo 2400 320 960 80 240 240 720 80 240 342 1026 80 240 240 720 240 720 This assessment was made while Handy was still a part of lowell township. The total assessed valuation of real and personal estate in township 3 north, of range 3 east, was $55,300, and the amount of tax levied upon the same was $I94.82. Prior to the first township election, which was held April 2, I838, the following additional settlers were already here, a majority of whom had come in before the beginning of the winter of 1837 and 1838, viz.: Samuel Conklin, Benjamin It. Briggs, Dennis Conrad, William Nash, George Austin, William Bumfrey, William Benjamin, and Almon Whipple. The latter gentleman was a native of Hardwick, Mass. With his father he removed to Otsego Co., N. Y., in 1817, where he remained until 1837, when he came to Michigan and settled in the northeastern part of Handy, or the Gaston neighborhood. In I838 he purchased goods in New York, and opened the first store in the township. During the fall of the same year he was elected clerk of Livingston County. He then removed to the village of Howell, where he continued to reside until his death, which occurred Feb. 14, I878. At about the time that Mr. Whipple established his store, Elijah Gaston opened his house to the public as a tavern, and received the appointment of postmaster. People in the vicinity anticipated the building up of a village. They had some reason to expect it, as the highway for general travel and the hauling of freight west from Howell led in the same direction. Among other early settlers who came in during the years from 1838 to I844 were Hiram Mace, James W. Armstrong, Joseph S. Schofield, David C. Griswold, William I. Bowen, Eleazer C. Tucker, -the first blacksmith,-John D. Van Blaricom, David Fredericks, John M. Jones, Harley Bement, H. B. McCumber, John Everts, John Ray, Edward H. Jubb, Ira Sargent, Benjamin Curtis, Levi Bristol, Orson Swift, William T. Davis, Rial Hysling Sec. Marvin Gaston................. I Richard P. Bush............I, 12 John Bush......................2, 3 Calvin Handy.................. 2 John A. Tanner.....2, 3, 13, 14 James E. Head................ 12 Benjamin Curtis............. 12 Harvey Metcalf............ o, 1I Ralph Fowler...2, 4, 10, II, 15 Benjamin W. Lawrence...... I George Porter..............17, 8 Samuel Conklin............... 18 E. H. Julbb..................... 9 William Benjamin...........14 Hiram Bristol.................. 13 David Bowen.................. 25 Levi Bristol..................... 23 John M. Jones..............4, 23 David C. Griswold............ 22 David P. Dorrance........... 20 Alfied Woodward............ 20 Alanson Parker................ 20 B. H. Briggs.............. I9, 20 Henry Telling.................. Albert Knickerbocker........ 20 John T. Watson............... 20 Calvin Knickerbocker...... 19 Thurston Simons.............. 3 Sec. John Ray.................. 26 Harmon Ray............. 26 George B. Degraff........... 26 Joel C. Choate.............. 34 Silas B. Munsell............... 34 Mathew Knowles.........27, 33 Alma Marble................ 27 John Loree................... 3, 34 Ezekiel Page................... 33 Henry Vangorder........3, 34 John Brown.................... 33 Philetus Brown.............. 33 William J. Bowen............. 33 Almon S. Norton.............. 28 Seymour Norton............ 28 Alanson Church.............. 28 Orson Church.................. 29 Orson Swift........... 29, 30 William T. Davis............ 30 John M. Winegar..2.......... 28 Ezekiel King.................. I M. Simons...................... 8 Henry North............... 3 Phineas Silsly.................. 4 William Marsh................. 12 Isaac Taylor................... 23 Richard Hilton................ 35 Simon Tupper............. 34 Additional tax-paying inhabitants in 1846 were Sec. William Alsbro................ 8 William R. Spafford.......... I8 Samuel B. Douglass.........35 John Fewless................... 34 Lambert Slaughter............ 33 William Walker.............. 27 Ienry Wood................... 30 David Sprague................ 20 Sec. Benham Knickerbocker...... 19 William P. Grover............ 20 Marshall S. Gould............ 8 William Marsh................. 12 James H. Brown............... 12 Lewis C. Sutton............ 3, 14 James Costello.................. 33 Timothy Hollaway............ I IN 1847. Sec. Michael Miller................. I Ruel Randall.................. 3 Amos Barnard.................. 3 Flora Sowle.................... 3 Samuel G. l'alnerton........ 7 William King.................. 12 Levi Coffey.................... 18 Otis Marsh...................... 17 Sec. J. J. M. Newcomb............ 2 Thomas Demmon.............27 Freeman Page.................. 28 William R. Ward............34 Job Tupper.................... 34 Joseph Loree.................. 34 Richard Storms................ 3 IN I848. Sec. Sylvester Tanner.............. 2 Russell Hodges............... 12 HIenry Tupper................ 13 William H. Fowler............ 22 David Brown, Jr............... 23 Seth Pettys..................8, 19 Israel Green.............. 35 Sec. Charles Fisk.................... 28 Jabez Willard................. 28 Nathan Kinney............33, 34 William M. Clark.......Personal Clark & Hopkins........Personal Edwin Smith............ Personal Orra Grover..................... 2I The increase in population during the years to 1850, however, was slow, and the faces of the inhabitants were constantly changing. Many came, and after a residence of but a year or two, removed to some other locality where markets were more accessible. The soil was good, and large crops greeted the toiling husbandmen when harvest 240 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. came, but the profits were consumed in the struggle to reach distant avenues of commerce.. In I842 the State appropriated a small sum for opening a road between Fowlerville and Lansing. It was expended under the supervision of Mr. Mullett, of Detroit, but the benefits arising from it amounted to but little, and, as it was not used as a through route of travel, it soon grew up to brush in many places and became practically closed. At last, in the spring of I849, Messrs. Ralph Fowler, of Handy, and 0. B. Williams, of Williamston, went over the line of the present Grand River road and solicited subscriptions for opening the said road west from Fowlerville. They obtained, in goods and money, subscriptions to the amount of $600. Special township-meetings were held in those towns lying along the line of the road, viz., Leroy, Wheatfield, Phelps, and Meridian, and sums varying from $200 to $250 were raised in each. Messrs. Fowler and Williams then began anew the struggle against nature's obstacles and the noisy opposition of those who were interested in the northern route already established. Bridges were built over the two Cedars and the streams west of the Meridian line. Mr. Williams then commenced at the Meridian line with three men and two yoke of oxen, while Mr. Fowler began at Fowlerville with the same amount of help. The brush was again cleared away, and the wet and miry places corduroyed. At the expiration of three weeks' time they met at Williamston. Then, in order to get the mail-route changed from the Howell and Okemos road to the present Grand River road, Messrs. Seymour, of Lansing, O. B. Williams, of Williamston, Ralph Fowler and George Curtis, of Fowlerville, and Hezekiah Gates, of Howell, established a stage-line, and placed upon the new road a stage to run between Howell and Lansing. The stage consisted of a lumberwagon drawn by a span of horses. It made triweekly trips, or out one day and back the next, and they let no man walk for want of money. This enterprise was continued one year. The prime movers had then accomplished their object, viz., the establishment of post-offices at Fowlerville and Williamston, and they then sold out. Mr. Fowler relates that lie kept one man and a team of horses on the road during the time mentioned, that he lost one horse valued at$125, owed the company $Io at settlement, and that he came out by far the best 6f any one in the company. In 1849 the Howell and Lansing Plank-Road Company began laying planks over the same road, and completed their work in 1852 and '53. From the latter time can be dated the beginning of Handy's prosperity. The village of Fowlerville was platted, David Lewis was appointed postmaster, and places of business sprang up on several corners. But the busy life of the plank-road was of but short duration. The building and opening of the Detroit and Milwaukee and the Jackson and Saginaw Railroads suddenly shut off the travel from the plank-road, and then succeeded several years of dull times, and the hauling of produce from twenty-five to thirty-five miles, which, together. with the war of the Rebellion, helped to retard the growth of business and population. In I865 the people began discussing the question of extending aid to railroads, but it was not until the summer of I871 that their fondest hopes were realized by witnessing the iron-steed race across the borders of their township. Since the latter period, remarkable changes have taken place. The population has more than doubled. Acres hitherto lying waste have been brought under cultivation. The primitive log cabin, and the but little better small framed house, have given place to commodious residences, rich in finish and architectural design. Herds of blooded stock crop the rich pasturage which everywhere abounds, and large, well-stored farm-buildings inform him who would note it that the citizens of Handy of to-day are in the full enjoyment of that prosperity which is the sure reward for those who industriously and intelligently cultivate the soil. But very few of the pioneers of 1836 and 1837 now remain, and it is not our purpose or province to individualize a few in disparagement of the many. Therefore, we believe that we but echo the best sentiments of her citizens when we assert that to the sterling worth, the broad and liberal teachings, and unswerving integrity of such pioneers as Ralph Fowler and John A. Tanner, is due the present proud position which Handy occupies among Livingston County townships. The latter gentleman, besides holding many other positions of trust and honor, has represented his township sixteen times as supervisor, and was one of the very few Livingston County representatives who marched under the folds of the starry banner as it waved victoriously over the plains of Mexico. FIRST EVENTS. Among some of the first events not already mentioned, we here add that Calvin Handy owned the first cow and oxen. The first steam saw-mill was built on section 18 by William R. Spafford in 1847; later it was owned by Conway & Wilbur. Elijah Gaston built the first framed barn on section I. Richard P. Bush erected the first fiamed house on section I2 in I853. The first log school 777d~a~^^S'SS~ *'Sk** 70 '.'- '"'; -7 'D'' ^' -'' S;S — - -^i Id ^' * r^-A;~-:~I~;~:~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~, I O. ~:* GEORGE LOVELY. MRS. GEORGE LOVELY. FARM & RESIDENCE Od GEORGE LOVELY, HANDY, MICHIGAN. HANDY TOWNSHIP. 241 house was built on section I in I839, and the first framed school-house on the same section in I844. Alanson Church owned the first hog, Peter Winchell the first fowls, and Ruel Randall the first cat. Ralph Fowler, in 1839, owned the first sheep. He purchased thirteen of Losson Gordon, and soon afterwards the wolves killed all but one. Mr. Fowler also brought in the first improved cattle in 1844. They were Devons from a Clinton County herd. Lorenzo Palmerton erected the first brick building-a store —in the village of Fowlerville. The first birth was that of Charles Fowler, son of Ralph, who was born in June, 1838. Mrs. Ruel Randall, during the same year, was the first to depart this life in the township. Early marriages were those of Benjamin Curtis to Mary A. Bush and William Ferris to Amanda Miller, who were married by Ralph Fowler, Esq., in I840. CIVIL AND POLITICAL. Section 4 of an act to organize certain townships, and approved by the State legislative body then in session, March 6, 1838, reads as follows: " All that portion of the township of Howell as now organized in the county of Livingston, designated in the United States survey as township number 3 north of range numler 3 east, be, and the same is hereby, set off and organized into a separate township by the name of Handy; and the first township-meeting therein shall be held at the house of Ralph Fowler in said township." On the 2d of April, 1838, the legal voters of the township, to the number of fourteen, assembled at the house of Ralph Fowler, and proceeded to elect the first board of township officers. The records relating to the proceedings of the first election have been lost, yet the following is believed to be a correct list of those elected: Ralph Fowler, Supervisor; Richard P. Bush, Township Clerk; John B. Fowler, Richard P. Bush, William Benjamin, Seymour Norton, Justices of the Peace; John B. Fowler, Richard P. Bush, John B. La Rowe, Assessors; Ruel Randall, Collector; Harvey Metcalf, Richard P. Bush, Seymour Norton, Highway Commissioners; John B. Fowler, Seymour Norton, Richard P. Bush, School Inspectors; Elijah Gaston, John Bush, Poormasters; Ruel Randall, John B. La Rowe, Constables. The first assessment roll was completed early in the summer of 1838, and the following tabulated statement describes the names of the resident taxpayers, their lands, etc.: Names. Sectio........." in. Acres. V R w El Jo Ri Jo Ca W R, Ja w Vi Cu H Al H; illiam Nash.4.............................. I 47 lijah GastonI................................ I 33 hn B. La Rowe................................ 80 ichard P. Bush................................. I 80 hn Bush.................................... 2.46 ilvin Handy.................................... 2 240 aity Smith....................................... 2. 8o hn B. Fowler4................................ 4 124 eorge Austin............................ 8 So arvey Metcalf.............................. o, I 240 illiam luumfrey............................... 8 80 alph Fowler........................ I., II, 15 460 hn B. Fowler............................. II 320 ephen Avery................................. 12 80 mes E. Head................................. 12 80 illiam Benjamin.............................. 14 I6o ctory Curtis and Almon Whipple......... 13 40.rtis and Whipple........................... 14 40 annah Knickerbocker........................ 18 80 lanson Knickerbocker........................ 18 8 annah Knickerbocker 0........................ 9 03 The total amount of tax levied was $268. 13. aluation of eal Estate. $141 249 240 240 138 720 240 372 240 720 240 138o 960 240 240 480 120 120 240 240 309 HIGHWAYS. The first highway laid by the authorities of Handy was surveyed by Amos'Adams, June 7, 1838, and described as follows: "Beginning at the corners of sections eleven, twelve, thirteen, and fourteen in the township of Handy, and running thence north on the section line one mile to the corners of sections one, two, eleven, and twelve in said town. Magnetic variation, three degrees, forty-five minutes." On the same day a road described as " Beginning at the corners of sections ten, eleven, fourteen, and fifteen, township of Handy, and running thence south on section line one mile to the corners of sections fourteen, fifteen, twenty-two, and twenty-three in said town," was surveyed and laid out by the same authority. On the following day a road described as " Beginning on the corners of sections twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty-two, and thirty-three, in the township of Handy, and running thence west on section line one mile, sixty-two chains, fifty links, to the corners of sections thirty and thirty-one in said town." TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. The following is a complete list of the officers elected in the township of Handy, for the years from 1838 to 1879, inclusive: SUPERVISORS. 1838, Ralph Fowler; I839, Calvin Handy; 1840, Ralph Fowler; 1841, John Bush; 1842, Richard P. Bush; 1843, Calvin Handy; 1844-46, Ralph Fowler; 1847, John T. Watson; 1848, Benjamin W. Lawrence; 1849, Ralph Fowler; I85o, Benjamin W. Lawrence; I851-52, John A. Tanner; 1853, Benjamin W. Lawrence; 1854-58, John A. Tanner;* 1859 -60, Henry N. Spencer; 1861-62, Seth H. Judd; j863-64, Alexander H. Benedict; 1865-66, John A. Tanner; i867, Seth H. Judd; I868-70, John A. Tanner; 1871-72, Seth H. Names. Section. Acres. Valuation of Real Estate. Alanson Knickerbocker....................I9, 20 200 $600 Samuel Conklin....,............................. 8 80 240 Albert Knickerbocker................ 20 40 l20 Benjamin It. Briggs......I................. 19, 2 60 480 Alanson Church................................ 28 80 240 Seymour Norton.............................. 28 80 240 Dennis Conrad............................. 33, 34 120 360 31 * Resigned in December, 1858; Henry N. Spencer appointed to fill vacancy. HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I Judd; 1873-74, John A. Tanner; 1875, Seth H. Judd; 1876, Spiridon S. Abbott; I877-78, John A. Tanner; 1879, Edwin Nichols. TOWNSHIP CLERKS. 1838, Richard P. Bush; 1839, Almon Whipple; 1840, Seymour Norton; 1841, Richard P. Bush; 1842, John A. Tanner; 1843, Seymour Norton; 1844-45, David C. Griswold; 1846, Seymour Norton; 1847, John A. Tanner; I848-52, John T. Watson; 1853, John A. Tanner; 1854, Josiah Turner; 1855-56, Truman D. Fish; I857-59, Eri M. Spencer; 1860 -66, George W. Palmerton; I867-70, William C. Spencer; 1871, James P. Spencer; I872, Walter Fowler; 1873, James P. Spencer; 1874, Walter Fowler; 1875-76, James P. Spencer; I877, Charles E. Spencer; 1878, Willard H. Hess; 1879, William B. Gale. TREASURERS. 1838, none elected; 1839-42, John B. Fowler;* I843, Orson Swift; 1844, John A. Tanner; 1845, Orson Swift; 1846, William Marsh; 1847-49, John M. Jones; 1850, John A. Tanner; I851-54, Ruel Randall; 1855, Caleb T. Power; 1856-58, Benjamin W. Lawrence; 1859, Pierson W. Dey; 186o-62, Ruel Randall; i863-64, Peter P. Carmer; I865 -66, Charles L. Collins; 1867-68, Samuel Conklin; I869, Calvin Mather; 1870, Seth H. Judd; 1871-72, Amos Barnard; 1873-74, Joel S. Briggs;.1875, John C. Ellsworth; 1876-77, Joshua Dunn; 1878, Judson A. Canfield; 1879, Orville H. Jones. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Richard P. Bush, William Benjamin, John B. Fowler, Seymour Norton, 1838; Dennis Conrad, 1839; Seymour Norton, Ralph Fowler, 1840; John B Fowler,J- 184I; Orson Swift, 1842; Richard P. Bush (in place of Ralph Fowler, resigned), Seymour Norton (in place of Dennis Conrad, moved away Aug: I, 1842), and John M. Jones (in place of John B. Fowler, deceased), September, 1842; Seymour Norton, John M. Jones, Ralph Fowler, I843; Ralph Fowler, I844; Benjamin W. Lawrence, I845; David C. Griswold, 1846; William P. Grover, I847; William H. Fowler, I848; Benjamin W. Lawrence, 1849; John A. Coniway, William tH. Evans, I850; Orson Church, I85I; William H. Fowler, 1852; Wm. A. Dorrance, 1853; Samuel Conklin, Ralph Fowler, 1854; Orson Church, James H. Myers, 1855; William II. Fowler, Henry N. Spencer, 1856; Peter I'. Carmer, Truman D. Fish, 1857; Orlando A. Fuller, I858; John P. Hildreth, Caleb T. Power, 1859; Jerome Church, i86o; Ralph Fowler, Benjamin W. Lawrence, 186I; John lluston, 1862; John P. Hildreth, Daniel R. Glenn, i863; Jerome Church, 1864; Ralph Fowler, John P. Hildreth, 1865; Alexander H. Benedict, I866; Benjamin H. Briggs, I867; Jerome Church, Henry N. Spencer, 1868; George W. Palmerton, Jefferson Weller, I869; Daniel R. Glenn, 1870; Ilugh Conklin, i871; George W. Palmerton (elected in November, 1871, to fill vacancy), Henry S. Worthington, Jefferson 11. Weller, 1872; John A. Tanner (elected November, 1872, to fill vacancy caused by resignation of D. R. Glenn), Jared L. Cook, 1873; John A. Tanner, Enoch M. Marble, Lafayette Maben, 1874; John G. Gould, 1875; Henry S. Worthington, 1876; Enoch M. Marble, 1877; John Conner, 1878; John G. Gould, 1879. THE RAILROAD. At a special township-meeting, held at the office of Ralph Fowler, Esq., Sept. 9, 1865, for the purpose of voting for or gainst the proposition of extending aid to the Detroit and Howell Railroad, the whole number of votes polled was I32, of which I3I were in favor of pledging the credit of the township for a sum not exceeding five per cent. of the assessed valuation of real and personal property, and I against the proposition. Although railroad matters agitated the minds of the people to a great extent, we find that the building of railroads, or extending township aid for the same, was held in abeyance until April 6, 1869, when 38 tax-paying electors, viz., M. H. McManus, George W. Palmerton, Samuel G. Palmerton, John Lamoreux, Freeman Rohrabacher, A. B. Lockwood, William H. Spencer, Nelson A. Glenn, E. E. Walton, A. McFisher, William Head, Walter Fowler, Daniel Dunn, John M. Tucker, L. H. Westfall, Charles Moore, James A. Brown, George Wyatt, J. D. White, W. Craig, John G. Gould, David Force, W. L. Collins, W. C. Spencer, A. D. Benjamin, George L. Fisher, Samuel Gillam, Charles Fowler, Ralph Fowler, P. T. Hildreth, W. Hildreth, C. S. Mastick, W. Stickles, T. Stickles, William Davis, Alexander H. Benedict, W. H. Pullen, and M. Savage, presented a petition to John A. Tanner, Supervisor, requesting him to call a special meeting of the electors of the township to vote upon the proposition of extending aid to the Detroit and Lansing Railroad by bonding the township for the sum of $9500, provided a depot be located and maintained within one-half mile of the village of Fowlerville. In pursuance, a special township-meeting was held in the village of Fowlerville, Wednesday, May 5, I869, and on the proposition to pay five per cent. of $9500, 204 votes were recorded in favor, and 17 votes against. Bonds to the amount of $6500 were issued by the township, to assist in the construction of the Detroit, Howell and Lansing Railroad, in May, 1870. The road was completed to Fowlerville in the summer of I87I, and the event was celebrated Aug. 3 of the same year. The township has experienced some difficulty with its railroad indebtedness, but matters have been amicably arranged, and with the lapse of time their railroad will be looked upon as the power which uplifted them from the Slough of Despond, and made the township and village the thriving communities as they now exist. EDUCATIONAL. The first board of school inspectors, composed of John B. Fowler, Seymour Morton, and Richard P. Bush, at a meeting held in the office of the township clerk, during the winter of 1838-39, Died in office; Orson Swift elected to fill vacancy. 't Died in office; William Borsen elected to fill vacancy. I\ I: HANDY TOWNSHIP. 243 established two school districts, the boundaries of which were described as follows: "School District No. I, of the township of Handy, shall embrace all the land on the north and east side of Red Cedar River, in said town. School District No. 2 shall embrace the southwest quarter of said town." This action of the inspectors was recorded by the township clerk Feb. 26, 1839. Early in March of the same year the same inspectors caused to be placed on record the following: "School District No. I shall be so altered as to take in the northeast quarter of said township of Handy." A small log school-house was erected near the northeast corner of section I in the spring of 1839, and in it Miss Angeline Adams-a daughter of Amos Adams-taught the first school, the following summer. Michael Handy taught in the same house during the winter of I839-40. On the I9th day of October, 1839, Elijah Gaston, James W. Armstrong, and Seymour Norton, school inspectors, met at the house of Elijah Gaston, and completed the first annual school report of the township of Handy, which report was as follows: W hole number of organized districts.............................. I Number from which returns have been made................... I N umber of district..................................................... I Numler of children attending school between the ages of five and seventeen years.................................... 24 Number attending school under five and over seventeen years............................................................... I9 Whole number attending school during the year............... 43 Number of months school has been taught by a qualified teacher............................................................. 6 Amount of public money received................................. none " raised in the district for school purposes......... $50 School District No. 3, embracing sections 27, 28, 33, and 34, except the northwest quarter of section 28, was organized Jan. 23, I840. At the same time the boundaries of District No. 2 were changed, so as to embrace within its limits the west half of section 21, the whole of 20, east half of 19, northeast quarter of 30, north half of 29, and northwest quarter of 28. Fractional School District No. 2, comprising portions of the townships of Howell and Tuscola, was enlarged, Jan. 23, 1840, by additions from the townships of Iena and Handy. School District No. 4 of Handy was organized Nov. 21, I840, and originally comprised sections I0, II, 14, and 15. Dec. 25, 1840, the school inspectors, in a special report, said," That a sum of $35 ought to be raised in school district No. 2, in addition to the $Ioo raised by the inhabitants of said school district, for the purpose of building a school-house in the same." On the 22d of January, I841, they further reported: "In our opinion a sum of $ I5 ought to be raised in district No. 4, in addition to the $Ioo that the district officers have already raised, for the purpose of building a school-house in said district." In November, 1843, the township was redistricted, making the number of districts still being four. The first mention made of granting certificates occurs in the year I844, when the township clerk made the following entry: " Jane Watson Inspected for a School-teacher, and received a Sirtificate off the following School inspectors. " HANDY, July the I3th, 1844." S. Norton received a teacher's certificate Dec. 17, I844, and Eva A. Putnam the same, Jan. I8, 1845. On the 3d of May, 1845, Hannah Boyd and Susan Steadman were granted certificates to teach in districts I and 3, respectively. From the school inspectors' annual report, made Oct. 5, 1846, which includes districts I, 2, and 3, are gathered the following statistics: children of school age, 98; whole number who have attended school during the year, 93; amount of money received from township treasurer, $28.83. Teachers: District No. I, Lucy King; District No. 2, Seymour Norton; District No. 3, Delia Hempsted; average duration of schools, three months. Amelia Stearns was granted a teacher's certificate May 23, 1846. Other early teachers were granted certificates, as follows: John Loree, March 15, 1847; Augustus Dorrance and Dyer Austin, March 19, I847. School District No. 5, comprising sections I8, 17, west one-half of sections 5 and 8, and the whole of sections 6 and 7, was formed April 17, 1847. Samuel Conklin was appointed to attend to the organization of this district. April 22, 1848, the boundaries of this district were changed so as to include sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, the west one-half of 3, and the west one-half of I0. Nancy Maria Gould received a teacher's certificate at the same date. Angeline Conway and Mary Fales received teachers' certificates April 14, 1849. Sections I7 and I8 were organized as School District No. 6 April 26, I849, and discontinued by order of the inspectors Oct. 6, 1849. On the 6th of January, 185I, District No. 6 was again organized, comprising parts of sections 9, 10, II, 14, and 15. Ralph Fowler was appointed to notify the taxable inhabitants of the district, and to attend to other matters pertaining to its organization. This was the first school district organized in the village of Fowlerville, and at the time it first assumed a vil lage aspect, John H. Hand was given a teacher's certificate,Jan. 22, I85 I. Also William W. Mitchell, April 29, I 85j. Emma Grover and Polly Stafford were granted teachers' certificates May I2, 1851. 244 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN.:The following statistics will show the condition of schools for the decades ending I86o and 1870: i86o. Teachers licensed to teach during the year: H. M. Mather, J. L. Cook, A. L. Hollister, C. Munson, Susan Fish, Elizabeth Briggs, Ellen Sowle, Mary J. Ludden, Mattie F. Hamilton, Louisa Havens, Sarah C. Boothby, Daniel Higby, Miss E. Boothly, and Otis Obert. Whole number of districts...................................... Children of school age residing in the township........... " attending school during the year................... Amount of primary-school fund, received and apportioned " received from two-mill tax and apportioned...... I870. 9 358 274 $157 72 $317.54 Number of whole districts....................................... 6 " fractional districts................................... 5 " children of school age residing in township.. 498 Primary-school funds received and apportioned............ $244.02 The following statistics, taken from the annual report of the township Board of Education for the year ending Sept. I, 1879, show the condition of schools* at the present time: Number of whole districts...................................... " fractional districts................................. Frame school-houses.......................................... Value of school property......................................... Children of school age residing in township................. Male teachers employed during the year...................... Female teachers employed during the year.................. Months taught by males........................................ " " females....................................... Paid male teachers................................................. * female teachers...................................... 6 2 8 $475~ 725 6 12 27 66 $Io6o $1346 properly begin until Nov. 7, I849. On the date mentioned, Amos Adams, surveyor, under the instructions of Ralph Fowler, surveyed and platted lots situated on both sides of Grand River Street, the lots numbering from one to twenty-nine, inclusive. The surveyor in an explanatory note remarked: "These lots are situated on the west half of the southwest quarter of section eleven, and the east half of the southeast quarter of section ten, of township three north of range three east. Each lot contains one-fifth of an acre, except lots five, six, eight, nine, twenty-four, and twenty-five, which contain one-tenth of an acre." During the same year Russell Fuller began the construction of a saw-mill upon a lot containing six acres, which had been donated by Mr. Fowler. Mr. F. also boarded the workmen gratuitously, while people of the township scored and hewed the timbers for the frame-work. But Mr. Fuller, before its completion, sold the mill to Mr. Fowler, who finished it. Those people who then resided in the embryo village or its immediate vicinity were Ralph Fowler, A. S. Denson, William Sherwood, a blacksmith, William H. Evans, David Lewis, tavernkeeper and postmaster, and members of the firm of Clark & Hopkins, who kept for sale a very light general stock of goods. The village of Fowlerville was first mentioned on the assessment roll in 1851, and those who were then assessed for property lying within the village plat were Ralph Fowler, Charles Lewis, John M. Minker, Morgan M. Randall, A. S. Denson, Joseph Grant, R. A. Cowell, and Richard Bristol. The additional tax-paying inhabitants in 1852 included John T. Watson, Samuel G. Palmerton, the firm of Randall & Sherwood, Chelsey Tupper, William A. Dorrance, and Josiah Turner. At this time the plank-road from Lansing to Howell was completed. This event created much enthusiasm among those owning real estate in and around the village, as indications pointed to thenow-established-fact that ere many years it would become a commercial centre of no mean importance. As the plank-road company required a building for office purposes and the sale of goods, Ralph Fowler erected a store on the corner now occupied by D. R. Glenn & Co. After one or two years of occupancy the company vacated the premises, and the same building was then occupied by the Hon. Josiah Turner, who was the first individual merchant in the village to carry a stock of any mag nitude. At this period, too, came Caleb T. Power and Benjamin P. Vealey fromn Brighton. They immediately began the construction of the famous RECEIPTS. From moneys on hand Sept. 2, 1878, two-mill tax, primary-school fund, and district taxes for all purposes......................................................... $4 83.09 EXPENDITURES. Teachers' wages.................................................. $24 6.oo For repairs and other purposes............................. I469.52 Cash on hand Sept. I, 1879..................................... 30757 Total.$............................................. $4183.o09 VILLAGE OF FOWLERVILLE. The village of Fowlerville, as now established, embraces within its corporate limits portions of sections i0, II, 14, and 15, and by referring to the list of land-entries it will be found that the first purchase of land within its boundaries was made by Chilson Sanford, of Washtenaw Co., Mich., who entered the southwest quarter of section I I, April 25, 1834. The remainder of the village site was covered by the original entries of Ralph Fowler, Amos Adams, Harvey Metcalf, Charles P. Bush, Sanford Britton, and James H. Hastings, and all of it was vested in individual ownership prior to Jan. I, 1837. The history of the village, however, does not * These statistc inclqde the graded schools of the village of F ow-lervil - HANDY TOWNSHIP. 245 old hostelry, known for years as "Independence Hall." The plank-road was soon afterwards completed through to Detroit, and it then became one of the most thronged thoroughfares in the State. A fourhorse stage-coach passed each way twice a day, and the accommodations of Independence Hall were taxed to the utmost. Other minor enterprises soon followed, while the population of the little village steadily increased. Among those who settled during the years I853, I854, and 1855, were H. C. Stoddard, Hiram Bodine, Peter Bush, Henry G. West, Henry N. Spencer (the first resident physician), James Stoneham, George Taylor, John A. Stout, Oscar D. Weller, Samuel Hubbard, C. S. Collins, William Collins, Ezekiel King, James Hawley, Elmer Holloway, Sidney Carpenter, N. L. Embury, David Bissell, Truman D. Fish, Marshall A. Porter, Patrick Maloy, Joseph H. Steel, Jr., Joseph Edmonds, William Walker, Oscar Williams, Benoni Knickerbocker, R. C. Crane, Lewis Moore, and Jonathan Terwilliger. The first grist-mill was built in I855-56, by Messrs. Fish and Palmerton, and Joseph H. Steel, Jr., & Co. established their iron-foundry at the same period. From the time that the opening of the Detroit and Milwaukee and the Jackson and Saginaw Railroads took the business from the plank-road until the near completion of the Detroit, Lansing and Northern Railroad, the growth of the village was slow and unimportant. The rolls show that the resident tax-payers in I86o were but 57 in number, as follows: N. E. Green, M. A. Porter, Truman D. Fish, Samuel P. Lee, David Johnson, Richard Roff, George Wyatt, William Fulford, John Haws, Eleanor Curry, Amrod Moon, Ransom Grant, Fred. Carlisle, Pat. Maloy, Lambert Williams, A. B. Lockwood, Hiram Bodine, Almira Collins, Charles Ortner, John White, Caleb T. Power, David Hamilton, Daniel Fuller, Benjamin P. Vealey, James M. Long, Morgan M. Randall, William L. Collins, John Houston, Eri M. Spencer, John Bush, James Wilson, Ransom Ackley, Hiram Elliott, William Winegar, Thurston Simmons, Samuel G. Palmerton, Power & Carlisle, George W. Palmerton, Warren Clark, Hodge & Williams, John B. Wilson, Henry N. Spencer, Isaac Page, J. T. Gridley, Major Bentley, Solomon Sly, Enoch W. Curry, George Cameron, Ralph Fowler, C. L. Northrop, Samuel Hubbard, Edwin Hitchcock, Peter Bush, W. P. & G. W. Stow. Five years later-in 1865-there were but 64 names upon the rolls. In following the increase of population still further, we find that the total I I --- —-— ~ --- — number assessed for taxation in the year I871 was go, and in the following year 174. INCORPORATION. The village of Fowlerville was incorporated by act approved April 15, 1871, which provided" That all of that district of country in the county of Livingston, in the State of Michigan, described as follows, to wit: Sections number ten, eleven, fourteen, and fifteen, in township number three north, of range number three east, is hereby constituted and declared a body corporate, under the name and title of ' The Village of Fowlerville,' in the county of Livingston." Under the act of incorporation, the electors of the territory so incorporated, to the number of 49, viz., A. H. Benedict, David Force, Samuel Scripture, A. S. Denson, John G. Gould, David West, William Denson, Byron Defendorf, Horace Chalker, Orrin Barber, Henry Elliott, Hiram Bodine, Orville Goss, O. H. Babcock, William Gott, Charles Geweye, E. M. Spencer, Rufus Fowler, Zenas Palmerton, William Fulford, Freeman Rohrabacher, O. H. Jones, Ralph Fowler, Harvey Metcalf, William Pullen, S. S. Munson, Robert M. Davis, George Bush, Edwin Bowen, Lorenzo Palmerton, Benajah J. Tuttle, Frederick Saunders, Gilbert Demarest, Jesse Pulver, Williamn L. Collins, Lewis Westfall, James Lockwood, Edwin Munson, Charles Moore, C. T. Power, Levi Bristol, George W. Palmerton, R. A. Patton, Frank G. Rounsville, Hiran Elliott, Frederick Hyne, Martin Camp, E. H. Brockway, and R. B. Boylan, assembled at the office of George W. Palmerton, on Saturday, June 3, 1871, and organized the meeting by choosing Lewis H. Westfall and Charles Moore inspectors of the election, and William L. Collins clerk. This meeting resulted in the election of the following-named officers: Frederick Saunders, President; William M. Beach, Uriah Coffin, Samuel Gillam, Hiram Bodine, Benajah J. Tuttle, James A. Brown, Trustees; John A. Tanner, Ralph Fowler, Assessors; Frederick Hyne, Treasurer; Wm. L. Collins, Clerk; Samuel G. Palmerton, Gilbert Demarest, Jesse Pulver, Street Commissioners; John G. Gould, Marshal. RE-INCORPORATION. By act No. 269, approved April 30, 1873, the village was re-incorporated, and ample provision made for all requirements. By the same act thecorporate limits were reduced to the boundaries described as follows: "All that district of country in the county of Livingston, in the State of Michigan, described as follows, to wit: The southeast quarter of section ten, and the south half of the northeast quarter of section ten, and the southwest quarter of section eleven, and the west half of the southeast quarter of section eleven, and the south half of the northwest quarter of section eleven, and the northwest quarter of section fourteen, and the northeast quarter of section fifteen, in township three north, of range three west, be, and the HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. same is hereby constituted a body corporate, by the name of the village of Fowlerville." The annual village charter election was held Monday, March 3, 1873. But meanwhile the new charter was passed, and under its provisions a new election was held at thle office of John A. Tanner, Monday, May 5, 1873, which resulted in the election of officers as given in the list for the year I873. Since the completion of the railroad in 1871, the growth of the village has been rapid and healthy. Several handsome brick blocks now grace its business avenues, and as a point of general trade, and a market for wheat, live stock, wool, and shooks, it stands second to none in the county of Livingston, In business pursuits the people are active and enterprising, and in the adornment of their homes and surroundings much taste and refinement are displayed. The village now contains two church edifices,Methodist Episcopal and Baptist,-a union graded school building, two grain-elevators, steam gristand saw-mills, planing-mills, an exchange bank, a weekly newspaper,- The Review,-an iron-foundry, some fifteen or twenty stores, where goods of all descriptions are sold, four hotels, various and many small mechanical shops, and a population of 1200 inhabitants. It is an important station on the line of the Detroit, Lansing and Northern Railroad, and is distant sixty miles from Detroit, and nine miles from Howell, the county-seat. The following comprises a list of the village officers from 1872 to I879, inclusive: PRESIDENTS. 1872, Caleb T. Powers; i873, Jared L. Cook; 1874-75, William W. Starkey; I876, W. M. Horton; 1877-78, George W. Palmerton; 1879, Wm. M. Iorton. CLERKS. 1872-74, Benjamin F. Button; I875-78, Frank G. Rounseville; 1879, William B. Gale. TREASURERS. 1872-73, Walter Fowler; 1874-75, John C. Ellsworth; 1876-79, Frank H. Starkey. TRUSTEES. Uriah Coffin, Charles Moore, Byron Defendorf, Albert D. Benjamit, George W. Palmerton, Iiram Bodine, 1872; Eri M. Spencer, Byron Defendorf, John M. Tucker, George L. Fisher, Walter J. Webb, George W. Place, 1873; Albert D. Benjamin, Daniel E. Watts; Andrew D. Cruickshank (full term), William F. Close (to fill vacancy), 1874; Uriah Coffin, William F. Close, Nelson B. Green (full term), Daniel R. Glenn (to fill vacancy), 1875; Andrew D. Cruickshank, Stephi Daley, Henry Greenaway, 1876; James P. Spencer, Jamf san, Christopher Y. Peek, 1877; lugh Conklin, Rus-:sell. ell, Charles J. Glenn, 1878; Edwin E. Walton, Isaac: Pgef rank G. Rounseville, Charles E Spencer, I879. STREET COMMISSIONERS. Edwin E. Walton, John M. Tucker, Freeman Rohrabacher, 1872; Frederick C. Hyne, 1873; John A. Tanner, 1874; Caleb T. Power, 1875; Millen J. Dunn, 1876-78; James H. Place, 1879. ASSESSORS. John A. Tanner, 1872-73; Walter J. Webb, 1874; Albert D. Benjamin, 1875; John A. Tanner, I876-79. FIRE-WARDENS. Jared L. Cook, 1872; William H. Spencer, 1873; Albert S. Leland, 1874; Caleb T. Power, 1875; John A. Tanner, 1876; Christopher Y. Peek, 1877-79. MARSHALS. Jared L. Cook, 1872; William H. Spencer, 1873; Albert S. Leland, I874-75; William Head, 1876; Conrad C. Ilayner, 1877-79. ADDITIONS TO ORIGINAL VILLAGE PLAT. Since the survey of the original plat several additions have been made, viz., Ralph Fowler, May 27, 1858. Ralph and Charles Fowler, June 9, I868. George W. Palmerton, Dec. 6, I870. Albert D. Benjamin, Dec. 6, 1870. Richard A. Hale, June 2, 1871. Ralph Fowler, June 20, 1871. Ralph Fowler, Aug. 20, I871. Albert D. Benjamin, Dec. 26, 1871. A. M. Abbott, March 29, 1872. John W. Galloway and Martin W. Camp, April 19, 1872. Albert D. Benjamin, Oct. 29, 1872, and Harvey C. Button's alteration, May 24, I873. FIRE DEPARTMENT. The village has been visited by several disastrous fires, though none of a general nature. Of those occurring in recent years, was the burning of the planing-mills in 1874, and in February, 1877, the destruction of the Reason House, the new name for the time-honored institution long known as "Independence Hall." Fire apparatus, consisting of hooks, ladders, ropes, and buckets, were early supplied by the village authorities, cisterns were dug, and on March 23, 1874, the following resolution passed the Council: "That every business place in the village of Fowlerville be required to keep a barrel of water and a pail in readiness to be used in case of fire." Yet no fire company was regularly organized until July 2, 1879, when Protection Hook-andLadder Company, No. I, was formed and officered as follows: Christopher Y. Peek, Foreman; John McLeod, Assistant Foreman; Henry F. Higgins, Secretary; Ruel Curtis, Treasurer; A. H. Cummings, Steward. The company numbers 30 members. EARLY HIOTEL-KEEPING. As previously mentioned, Independence Hall was the first hotel erected in the village, and for adecade or two was the only one. Its proprietorship HANDY TOWNSHIP.::~47 changed frequently, yet the habitues of the village tavern, their faces and manners, remained nearly the same until the advent of the locomotive, in 1871, instituted the beginning of a new era. Fowlerville at an early day in its history was noted in all the country around for its balls, and the spirit which animated the hotel proprietor and his guests during such festivals of mirth and jollity. Jerome W. Turner, Esq., of Owosso, in an address delivered before the Livingston County Pioneer Association, June 19, 1878, related the following incident descriptive of one of these assemblages. Its humor is suggestive, and we deem it appropriate to this place in the village annals. "Fowlerville wore the belt for the promiscuous country-dance. I must confess to a liking for those old balls. There were no tame walk-arounds in those days. Feet had to go somewhere, and they went. White ankles flashed like calcium lights; and over all, and under all, and bearing all, came the waves of music from the fiddlers' stand. One class went to dance good square dancing, and get tired out. Another class intended to, but never got any farther than the bar-room. One sitting ill the ball-room could now and then hear an ominous crash of glasses in the room below, or a particularly sharp exclamation of somebody who was just going to take ' one more.' In the morning the ' one-more' boys, as the saying is, 'lay in all shapes.' It was in the morning that I went into the bar-room on the occasion referred to, and the bodies were lying around, as they might have lain in the gray dawn on the heights of Inkermann. One man survived, but he stood against the outside of the bar to hold himself up, while the landlord braced himself on the inside for the same reason. They stood there looking in a dazed and distant way at each other. The pupils of their eyes swam along on the edges of their upper eyelid, like a feeble sun on the horizon, and their long slow winks were little more than efforts at consciousness. The one on the outside at last said, ' I've mixed drinks all night, and tried to get a man to stand afore me, but's just my confounded luck, couldn't find nobody.' ' Sam,' said the proprietor, in a mysterious way, 'do you want an almighty thrashin'? No man ever stopped with me and wanted anything but what he got it, and I'm d d if I let the reputation of the house suffer just after a big dance; so if you ws'ant a lickin', you can hev it iust as quick 's a meal of vittles.' Simultaneously they tried to start towards each other, and at the same time each fell on the floor, while I made my way out, and am unable to say whether they ever got up or not." PROFESSIONAL MEN. The first resident to attend the wants of those whose bodily ailments required attention was Ruel Randall. He was termed a Thomsonian, and was not a regularly educated physician. However, we may believe that he often did much good, and in cases where he failed he certainly did not make them much worse. Dr. Henry N. Spencer was the first physician to settle in the village, and came here as early as 1853. Those who have since practiced here at various periods were Drs. James A. Brown, J. M. Long, Ezra J. Bates, Byron Defendorf, Fitch, H. N. Hall, Abel S. Austin, Aaron W. Cooper, and William R. Mead. The physicians of the present are Drs. Brown, Defendorf, Austin, Cooper, and Mead. The first lawyer, Benjamin F. Button, settled in the village in 187I. The fraternity are represented at the present time by Messrs. B. F. Button, Henry F. Higgins, Andrew D. Cruickshank, John Connor, and Fred. Warren. BANKING. In March, I873, Messrs. Gay & Ellsworth established the banking institution which they still control. It has been of great assistance to those doing business in the village and its vicinity, and has added materially to the development and growth of Fowlerville. This firm does a general exchange and banking business, their correspondence extending to all the commercial centres of the Union. FOWLERVILLE CORNET BAND. This band was first formed in June, I874, and Henry Greenaway elected leader. In March, 1877, a reorganization took place, and John C. Ellsworth became the leader. It is now composed of eighteen pieces, and the names of the members are as follows: John C. Ellsworth, Frank Curtis, Henry Greenaway, I. B. Turner, W. C. Hyne, Elmer Chambers, Fred. Greenaway, J. Walton, A. J. Beebe, Charles E. Spencer, Hawley Pullen, John Van Verst, George L. Adams, Fred. Warren, Charles Bush, Frank Palmerton, Richard Fowler, Edward Greenaway. A commodious band hall is now in course of construction. The citizens have responded liberally when called upon to assist in uniforming and equipping the members of the organization, and they are now in the possession of one of the most elegant band uniforms in the State. SHOOK-MANUFACTORY. This, the most important manufacturing enterprise in the village, was established by William W. Starkey, in July, 1871. Mr. Starkey is an extensive dealer in red and white oak staves, and manufactures shooks for sugar, molasses, fish, cart, and rum hogsheads. Power is derived from a forty horse-power steam-engine, and the capacity of the works amounts to from 75,000 to 00o,ooo shooks per year, all of which are shipped to the West India Islands. Steady employment is here given to twenty-five men, while as many others are engaged in various parts of the State getting out material. A fire in October, I878, destroyed property to the amount of $4000, but its ravages were immediately repaired, and the factory is now run to its fullest capacity, night and day. 248 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Mr. Starkey is also the owner of a valuable stock-farm of 240 acres, situated within the village limits, and is becoming well known throughout the State as the breeder of fine horses. Chief among his stock is a Kentucky brood-mare, by Duvall's Mambrino, and two fillies, the get of the famous trotting stallion Pasacas, also owned in Fowlerville, and who took the stallion trottingrace at the Michigan State Fair in Detroit, September, 1879. NEWSPAPERS. The Fovlerville Review was established by Willard H. Hess and George L. Adams in 1874, the first issue bearing date June i9th of the same year. The paper was continued under this management until Oct. I, I877, when Mr. Adams transferred his interest to Mr. Hess. The latter continued alone until Jan. I, 1879, when Mr. Adams again became connected with the paper as sole owner and publisher, and continues the same to the present time. The paper was first issued in the form of a four-column quarto, was changed to a sevencolumn folio in January, 1874, and to its present form, a five-column quarto, in October, 1877. It is neutral in political matters, is published on Fridays, and has a weekly circulation of 550 copies. MASONIC. Fowlerville Lodge.-The first meeting of Fowlerville Lodge, No. 164, F. and A. M., was held Oct. 29, 1864. A charter was granted by the Grand Lodge of the State of Michigan, Jan. I3. 1865. There were nine charter members, and the following-named comprised the first board of officers, viz.: Henry N. Spencer, W. M.; R. M. Cadwell, S. W.; E. E. Walton, J. W.; Geo. W. Palmerton, Treas.; A. H. Benedict, Sec.; S. H. Judd, S. D.; Hiram Pearsons, J. D.; P. P. Carmer, Tiler. Henry N. Spencer continued as W. M. until 1872. He was succeeded by James A. Brown, who held the office during the years from 1872 to 1875, inclusive, and from the latter period until the present time, Joseph L. Cook has officiated in the same capacity. The officers for 1876 are Joseph L. Cook, W. M.; M. W. Davison, S. W.; J. P. Spencer, J. W.; D. A. French, S. D.; F. G. Rounseville, J. D.; A. H. Hughes, Sec.; H. Pearsons, Treas.; and James Reed, Tiler. Regular communications are held in their lodgeroom, in the village of Fowlerville, Tuesdays on or before the full moon of each month. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD-FELLOWS. r:wlerlle Lodge, 4 No. 86, IO.O. F., began work er a dispensation granted by the Grand Lodge of the State of Michigan, June 2, 1862. The first board of officers were installed by Grand Master B. W. Dennis, and were as follows: Henry N. Spencer, N. G.; James A. Armstrong, V. G.; N. R. Glenn, Past Grand; Eri M. Spencer, Rec. Sec.; David Bush, Per. Sec.; Ruel Randall, Treas. A charter was granted Jan. 2 1, 1864, and those named as charter members were Henry N. Spencer, Benj. W. Lawrence, Marvin Gaston, Eri M. Spencer, David Bush, Nelson R. Glenn, J. A. Armstrong, Ruel Randall, S. O. Sowle, and Jesse Pulver. The following comprises a list of the presiding officers of the lodge from its organization to the present time: Henry N. Spencer, 1862-63; Eri M. Spencer, 1864; Marvin Gaston, I865; David Bush, I866; Amos Barnard, 1867; John P. Hildreth, I868; William C. Spencer, 1869; Jesse Pulver, 1870; James A. Brown, 1871; Guilford Randall, 1872; Jos. L. Cook, 1873; Hiram B. Davis, 1874; William H. Pullen, I875; Truman Randall, 1876; Andrew D. Cruickshank, I877; Joseph L. Cook, 1878; Miles W. Davison, I879. The present board of officers are Miles W. Davison, N. G.; Charles E. Spencer, V. G.; Joseph Franks, Rec. Sec.; Jared L. Cook, Per. Sec.; Albert H. Tanner, Treas. The lodge includes a present membership of 6o, and regular meetings are held in their hall in the Palmerton Block alternate Saturday evenings. The hall is elegantly furnished, and is occupied jointly by the Masons and Odd-Fellows. ANCIENT ORDER OF UNITED WORKMEN. Handy Lodge, No. 39, A. O. U. W., was organized with 22 charter members, by W. H. Jewett, Grand Master Workman of the State of Michigan, March 4, 1878. The officers first installed were D. E. Hills, P. M. W.; William M. Horton, M. W.; Geo. L. Fisher, G. F.; Joshua Dodge, G. 0.; Hugh Laughlin, G. R.; A. H. Benedict, G. R.; A. W. Cooper, G. F.; William H. Spencer, G. G.; Ruel Curtis, I. W.; W. A. Benjamin, 0. W. The present officers are George L. Fisher, P. M. W.; Andrew D. Cruickshank, M. W.; Joshua Dodge, G. F.; Ruel Curtis, G. 0.; George Bush, G. R.; Hugh Laughlin, G. R.; William M. Horton, G. F.; Chas. Hopkins, G. G.; Mathew Alsbro, I. W.; and Wm. A. Benjamin, O. W. Regular meetings are held in their hall, in the Palmerton Block, every Wednesday evening, except during the months of June, July, and August, when the meetings are held the first and third Wednesdays. ORDER OF IMPERIAL KNIGHTS. -— _-_ iLodge, No. 36, O. of I. K., was instituted by District Deputy, Dr. Sanborn, Oct. 9, I879, and HANDY TOWNSHIP. 2491~ the officers installed were as follows: D. R. Glenn, Director-in-Chief; Emeline Baldwin, Senior Director; Theron Metcalf, Junior Director; Ellen E. Glenn, Past Director-in-Chief; Giles G. Tucker, Recorder; B. F. Button, Financier; H. D. Glenn, Treasurer; Orlando Philo, Senior Sentinel; Joseph Tunnard, Junior Sentinel. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. Wlst Handy Grange, No. 6I 3, P. H., was granted a dispensation Jan. 5, 1876, a charter April 4, I876, and was regularly incorporated according to the laws of the State Sept. I, 1878. Those mentioned in the articles of incorporation were Joel S. Briggs, Frank B. Osborn, John W. Smalley, E. W. Noble, Oscar D. Weller, John Cole, Judson A. Canfield, of Handy, and Daniel Herrick, H. H. Warren, Wells Warren, Charles Warren, Almon A. Huston, Thomas B. Frear, of Ingham County. VILLAGE POSTMASTERS. The first postmaster was David Lewis, who received the appointment in 1849. John T. Watson succeeded him, who in turn was succeeded by Truman D. Fish. In April, I86I, William P. Stow received the office fi-om Fish, and continued in the performance of its duties until May, i866, when William H. Pullen became his successor. Mr. Pullen held the office until November, I875, when George L. Fisher, the present incumbent, received the appointment. It is a money-order office. Mails are received twice daily, and it is the distributing office for those residing in the townships of Handy and Conway. EDUCATIONAL. The following statistics are from the directors' annual report of school district No. 6, for the year RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Here, as in many other localities, the circuit preachers of the Methodist Episcopal Church were the pioneers in religious matters. Elder John Cosart, of the above-mentioned church, who resided in the township of Hartland, held the first religious services in the house of Richard P. Bush in 1838 or I839. He visited the people in this and adjoining settlements once in four weeks. After the building of the first school-house a majority of the early meetings were held there, yet quite frequently at the residences of John B. Fowler, Ralph Fowler, and others. A Methodist class, quite strong in numbers, was formed soon after Elder Cosart began his preachings, among whom were John B. Fowler, leader, who continued the same until his death, in 1842; Richard P. Bush and wife, John Bush, wife, and children, Ralph Fowler, Mrs. Calvin Handy, Mrs. Elijah Gaston, John B. La Rowe, Martin W. Randall and wife, and James E. I-ead. This class existed for a brief number of years, and then went down. A sect called the Unionists then took the field, and flourished for a short time. They were followed by the Wesleyan Methodists, who also enjoyed but an evanescent life. After the platting of the village of Fowlerville, in 1849, and the donation of a site for a Methodist house of worship by Ralph Fowler, a new interest was aroused in religious circles, which culminated in the reorganization of the Methodist Episcopal society as the First Methodist Episcopal Church in the village of Fowlerville. The earliest written records obtained concerning this society are from the miscellaneous records on file in the office of the county clerk, which shows that on the i6th day of November, 1853, Thomas Wakelin, preacher in charge, appointed Phineas Silsby, Joseph Ogle, Levi H. Bigelow, John A. Stout, George Stout, Henry N. Spencer, and Lott Pratt a board of trustees of the First Methodist Episcopal Church in Fowlerville, "for the purpose of erecting a house of worship on a lot in the village of Fowlerville." The stewards' book begins Oct. 22, 1855, and informs the reader that at the first quarterly conference-meeting of the Fowlerville District, Flint Circuit, held at the Parsons school-house, on the day mentioned, George Smith, presiding elder, was present, and opened the meeting with singing and prayer. On motion, Cecil D. Parsons was appointed secretary. Others present were C. W. Murray, Circuit Preacher; Thomas Stanfield, Exhorter; Cecil D. Parsons and Phineas Silsby, Stewards; Frederick B. Parsons and George L. Wilson, Leaders. The Conference then proceeded to form a board of stewards, which was composed ending Sept. I, I879: Number of children of school age residing in the district. Frame school-houses........................................... Value of school property....................................... Male teachers employed during the year..................... Femhle teachers employed during the year.................. Months taught by males......................................... Months taught by females........................................ Paid male teachers...................................... Paid female teachers........................................... RECEIPTS. Moneys on hand Sept. 2, I878............................... From primary-school fund.................................... From tuition of non-resident scholars........................ From two-mill tax and district taxes for all purposes included...................................................... From all other sources.......................................... 327 I $2100 I 3 10 30 $6oo $840 $115.59 172.1I 48.65 2215.00 200.00 Total....................................................... $2752.05 EXPENDITURES. Teachers' wages................................................... $1440.00 Building and repairs............................................ 528.30 Bonded indebtedness...................................... 560.00 Other purposes........................................... 177.47 Cash on hand Sept. i, I879.................................... 46.28 Total........................................................ $2752.05 Total bonded indebtedness of the district Sept. i, 1879. $1400 32 250O HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. o Henry N. Spencer and Levi Bigelow, Stewards, and Cecil D. Parsons and Phineas Silsby, Recording Stewards. It was estimated that the salary of the preacher in charge and other expenses would amount to $450, which was apportioned among the different appointments as follows: Fowlerville, $Ioo; Silsby's, $75; Boyd's, $75; Pratt's, $50; Parsons', $o0o; North Conway, $50. In 1867 the church edifice was commenced and the society regularly incorporated. Those named as trustees in the articles of incorporation were Ard. K. Smith, Isaac T. Wright, Martin R. Foster, Benjamin W. Lawrence, Phineas Silsby, Adam Rohrabacher, and John M. Potts. The church edifice was dedicated March I4, 1869. Rev. J. S. Smart, of Adrian, conducted the services, assisted by Revs. T. J. Joslin and William Fox, of Fentonville. In 1874 a parsonage was built, and the church repaired to some extent, after which a rededicatidn took place, the services being conducted by Rev. B. I. Ives, of Auburn, N. Y. The church cost originally about $3500, and has sittings for nearly 400 people. The property owned by the society at the present time is valued at $4000, and the present members are go in number. The following is a list of the pastors who have officiated in the Fowlerville district since 1855, showing also the year of their settlement: C. W. Murray, 1855; William Goss, I857; Lyman Dean, 1858; S. P. Lee, 1858; J. H. Castor, 1860; James Armstrong, I86I; Jesse Kilpatrick, I863; C. M. Anderson, 1864; P. L. Turner, I865; Samuel J. Brown, 1866; R. C. Crane, I867; William H. Brockway,* 1869; C. W. Austin, 1872; S. P. Warner, 1873; N. W. Pierce, 1874; F. W. Warren, I876; H. O. Parker, 1879. This district includes the South Handy class, the members of which hold meetings in the "Mormon School-house." The two classes include a total membership of about I50 communicants. The official members at the present time are Byron Defendorf, William Craig, John M. Potts, Lyman Stewart, Isaac Page, William Macox, Uriah Coffin, Milo Davis, Amasa Bowen, Stewards; and Byron Defendorf, William Craig, Uriah Coffin, John M. Potts, Isaac T. Wright, Amasa Bowen, Isaac Page, Trustees. Flourishing Sunday-schools exist, of which Dr. Byron Defendorf is superintendent. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. This society was organized May 27, I869, the constituent members being Lewis Dean' and wife, John Swartwout and wife, Mary Dean, William H. Faunce, Sophia J. Faunce, Olive Van Buren, Charles Mastick, Delia Mastick, and Orlando Bushnell. June 29th of the same year the society was regularly incorporated, and S. C. Dean, Edward Bailey, Theron Metcalf, William H. Faunce, John Swartwout, Charles Moore, Charles Mastick, Graham N. Barker, and Martin Van Buren were named as trustees. The first meetings were held in the old school-house, which was situated just south of where the Reason Block now stands. Their present church edifice was completed in 1873, and dedicated September 7th of the same year. It has sittings for 200 persons, and cost $I IO. The pastors who have officiated here are named in the order of their succession, as follows: George W. Jenks, William Bassett, Charles F. Weston, David E. Hills, and T. H. Cary, who is the present incumbent. The present members of the society number 70. An interesting Sunday-school of 85 scholars is maintained, of which Graham N. Barker is the superintendent. MORMONS. It may properly be mentioned in this connection that, during the years from 1840 to 1842, apostles of the Mormon Church held meetings in the house since known as the " Mormon Schoolhouse." Their proselyting resulted in inducing 13 families to leave their homes in Handy and Iosco, and join the Latter-Day Saints, then colonized at Nauvoo, Ill. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. JAMES CONVERSE. Elias Converse was born in Vermont. In his boyhood he went to the State of New York, where he followed farming for a livelihood. In I840 he moved to the town of Commerce, in Oakland Co., Mich. Here he remained but one year, when he came to the town of Conway, Livingston Co., Mich., and bought a new farm, which he improved. This farm he sold, and then returned to Oakland County. Seven years later he again sold, and returned to Conway, purchasing a farm, on which he lived until his death. James Converse, the subject of this sketch, was born Sept. 30, 1838, in the town of Conquest, Cayuga Co., N. Y. He lived with his father until he was of age, when he started out in life for himself. He worked by the month on a farm one year, then rented a farm, by which means he obtained his start in life. In 1864, Mr. Converse purchased a * Iln 836, an Indian missionary and the only preacher of the Meth$ist Episcopal Church in the counties of Lapeer, Genesee, 'iiwasseet, iand Sagnaw. HANDY TOWNSHIP. 251 II wild tract in the town of Cohoctah, which he soon traded for an improved farm in the town of Conway. This he sold in 1867, buying the farm on section 5, in Handy, which he now owns. It was then nearly new, with only log buildings. He has improved the land and built fine buildings, and although his farm is small, consisting of but fortyfive acres, he has done better than many on farms of three times the size. That he has now so fine a place is due solely to the energy and industry of himself and wife. Mr. Converse has never taken an active part in politics, but votes with the Democratic party. He was married July 15, i860, to Miss Emily Miner, who was born Sept. 28, i838, in Hartland, Mich. She is a daughter of Ezra and Anna M. (Skidmore) Miner. HARVEY METCALF, the second white settler in the town of Handy, was born in Worthington, Mass., Dec. 20,- I795. After the death of his father, which occurred when time. But becoming satisfied that an old settled country like New York was a hard place for a poor man to get a start, he determined to go to a new State, where land was plenty and cheap. In the spring of 1836, having sold out his business, he came to the town of Handy and bought of the government one hundred and sixty acres of land, for which he paid down. During the summer of 1836 he made a small improvement, sowed ten acres of wheat, and put up a log house. In the fall he returned to Geneseo for his family, whom he at once brought to the new home in the forest. At that time there was but one family in the town of Handy. The country around was entirely new save the small clearing made by Mr. Handy. There were no roads save Indian trails, while deer and all kinds of fish and game were abundant. The wolves made night hideous by their howling, although they were not a source of much danger. With the exception of the Handy family their only neighbors were the Indians, with whom they lived on friendly terms. Although everything was new and strange to them, and they endured many privations and hardships, still they were contented and happy. So says Mrs. Metcalf, who is still living, a hale and hearty old lady of nearly seventy. Under Mr. Metcalf's energy and industry the wilderness home was soon made to " blossonl as a rose," and peace and plenty prevailed. At the first town-meeting held in the township Mr. Metcalf was elected road commissioner. But political offices were not to his taste, and he never held one by his own wish. In the schools of his town he always took an active interest, and was generally one of the school board. In politics Mr. Metcalf was first a Whig and then a Republican. He departed this life March 28, 1878, respected and esteemed by his neighbors and friends for his many good qualities. On the 9th day of June, I831, he was married to Miss Eveline Adams, who was born in Geneseo, N. Y., March 26, I8Io. She was the daughter of Amos and Elizabeth (Wright) Adams. There have, been born to them the following-named children: Theron, born March 25, 1832; Amanda F., born' Jan. I8, 1834; Angeline, born April 29, 1836; Adelaide, born Aug. I4, 1840; Edwin A., born June 27, I844; Cornelia, born March 9, 1848, died June Ig, 1872; and Emma L., born Sept. 5, 85-1, died Jan. 17, 1878. Theron Metcalf enlisted in September, 1864, in Company H, 4th Cal. Volunteers, and served one year, mustered out as.asistant commissary sergeant in September, i865. Edwin A. Metcalf enlisted Aug. 6, i861, in CQmpany K, 9th Michigan' Infantry. Was taken prisoner at Murfreesboro' and HARVEY METCALF. he was quite young, he found a home with his grandfather until he was fourteen, when the death of his grandfather left him without a home. He then lived among the farmers, working at whatever he could get to do and for what they chose to give him. Under such circumstances his chances for an education were necessarily very limited. He was drafted during the war of 1812, and served until his company was mustered out at the close of the war. Soon after his discharge he went to West Bloomfield, Ontario Co., N. Y., where he found employment on a farm. From there he went to Geneseo, Livingston Co., N. Y., and engaged in the livery business, which he followed for some :0v HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. paroled; discharged September I6, I862; re-enlistedin Company D, same regiment, Sept. IO, 1864; discharged May 17, 1865. RALPH FOWLER was born in Trenton, Oneida Co., N. Y., Oct. 26, I808. His father, Walter Fowler, who was born in Massachusetts, was a major in the war of 1812, but saw no active service. David Fowler, Ralph's grandfather, was a captain in the Revolutionary war. Of his services but little is known. Ralph grew to manhood in Trenton, where his father him with his family in the new home in the wilderness. There were then only the families of Mr. Handy and Metcalf in the town. With his accustomed energy he at once commenced the improvement of his farm; soon cleared fields, made beautiful with growing grain, took the place of the wilderness. Mr. Fowler took an active part in the organization of the town, and was chosen its first supervisor, which office he held many years. For several years there was no road to his place; but, after the building of the capitol at Lansing, the State road from Detroit to Grand Haven was opened through the county to the Meridian line, a stage-route was established, and a post-office opened at Fowlerville, principally through the efforts of Mr. Fowler and Mr. Williams. Mr. Fowler also took an active part in the building of the plank-road, taking a thousand dollars in stock, and also furnishing the plank to construct the road from Howell to Fowlerville. When the first saw mill in Fowlerville was built he gave six acres of land and boarded the hands free. He afterwards bought and finished the mill. Mr. Fowler has also assisted liberally in building the churches of his village. In 1853 he laid out thirty acres of land in the village of Fowlerville, and gave away every alternate lot to any one who would build a good house thereon. He built the first store in, and has since added many buildings to, the village: Mr. Fowler has filled the most of the offices in his town, and served as a Representative in the Legislatures of 1843-44, of 1851-52, and in the special session of 1854. He served as chairman of the Committee on Claims, on the special Committee on the Liquor Law, and was second on the Committee of Ways and Means, filling the position with credit to himself and his constituents. For his second wife, Mr. Fowler married Mrs. Mary Fowler, Dec. 10, 1846. His children by his first wife were George, born July 22, 1833; Lucy, born Aug. 18, 1835, died July 21, 1842; Charles, born June I I, 1837; Joanna, born October, 1839; Walter B., born Nov. 6, I843; and Walter, born Nov. 6, I846. George Fowler served as a non-commissioned officer, subsequently as lieutenant and captain, during the Rebellion, and was twice wounded. GEORGE LOVELY was born in the State of Ohio, April 12, I840. When he was three years old, his father moved to Wayne Co., Mich., where he bought a farm. George lived with his father on the farm until lie was nineteen, when the death of his father threw him upon his own resources. He worked among RALPH FOWLER. worked at farming. Unable to give his son an education, Ralph had but a winter's schooling until after his marriage. When twenty-two years old, Mr. Fowler commenced life for himself. He hired out on a farm for eight months. After his time expired, he, with his brother-in-law, rented a dairy-farm, which they worked for two years very successfully. On the I4th day of November, 1832, he married Miss Martha Smith, and the following spring, with his wife, moved to Geneseo, Livingston Co., N. Y. He rented a farm of General Wadsworth, which he carried on for a year and a half when he became home-agent for the general, having charge of a part of his large estate. The general sent him to a night-school, three nights in a week, six months each of the two years he was in his service, and in this way Mr. Fowler acquired a fair education. In I835, Mr. Fowler found himselfthe possessor of two thousand dollars, and being anxius to have a home of his own he came Michiganand bought of the government eight lof landid, on a porti of which the village of l;lnow stands.; - The fall of 1836 found HANDY TOWNSHIP. S$3 the farmers around Dearborn until 1862, when he came to Putnam, Livingston Co., without a dollar. The first year he rented a farm. He afterwards bought it; but soon sold it, making a nice profit, thereby getting his start. Mr. Lovely then came to Fowlerville and engaged in business He has been engaged in various branches of business, and has been successful in whatever he undertook. He built the opera-house, has done much to advance the growth and prosperity of his village, and is ranked among its most enterprising citizens. Mr. Lovely is now engaged in buying and selling agricultural implements, buggies, wagons, etc. He also owns and manages a fine farm of two hundred acres, a view of which appears on another page of this work. EDWIN NICHOLS. The ancestors of this gentleman were among the early settlers of New England. John Nichols, the paternal grandfather of our Subject, emigrated when a young man to Otsego Co., N. Y., where he was married to Susan Wilson. They were the parents of one child, named Jeremiah, who was born in Otsego in I80o. On reaching manhood he was married to Ruth Tupper, of the same place. In I831 he emigrated to the Territory of Michigan, and settled at Novi, in Oakland Co., where he remained five years. He then removed to Livingston County, and was one of the first to settle in the township of Iosco. He afterwards, at various times, removed to other places in Livingston County, and for the last eleven years he has resided in the township of Handy. In 1862 he was bereaved in the death of his wife, who died at the age of fifty years: She was the mother of ten children, viz., Angeline, Edwin, Eliza, Ezekiel S., Albert, Martha J., Philena, Mary A., Charles H., and Seth A. Of these, Angeline, Edwin, Ezekiel, Mary, and Seth are living, all married, and have families. The old gentleman's second marriage was with Mrs. Amelia Ross, of Iosco, with whom he is now living on his farm in Handy,-one of the few remaining old pioneers of 183I. Edwin Nichols was born at the old Otsego home in New York, Aug. I5, 1828, and at three years of age was brought to the wilds of Michigan. His boyhood was passed in the forests of Oakland and Livingston Counties, with but poor facilities for obtaining an education. He was early inured to all the rude labor and hardships of a pioneer life in the woods, and from early boyhood until he reached his majority he remained with his father, bearing his full share in chopping, logging, burning off the timber, and in breaking up new land. On becoming of age he went out for himself: for two years he followed jobbing, such as breaking up new land by the acre. During this time he became acquainted with Miss Sarah M. Smith, of Iosco, to whom he was united in marriage, Nov. 27, 1850. He then purchased eighty acres of partially improved land, in the township of Handy, about four miles southwest of Fowlerville, on which was a small frame house. After his marriage he moved on to his farm, and since that time has made farming his business, in which avocation he has been very successful,-at different times adding tract after tract to his farm, until he now has two hundred acres, of which one hundred and fifty acres are improved and under cultivation. His farm is noted for many miles around as being one of the finest and most fertile in the county, upon which there is one of the finest groves of sugar-maple in the State, and from which he annually makes about one thousand pounds of maple-sugar. The residence, barns, etc., are all comfortable and convenient, making one of the most beautiful farmhomes in that part of the county. Mr. Nichols is a man of much influence and consideration in his township, and is at this time (1879) supervisor,he being the first and only Republican ever elected to that office in the town. He and his esteemed wife are the parents of ten children, viz., Oscar, Jeremiah, Hilliard and Willie (twins), Edwin S., Rhoda J. and Jay (twins), Sarah E., Ariadne, and John R. Of these all are living except Willie and Jay. The three eldest sons have left home to do for themselves, and the others remain with their parents. The family are attendants of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which Mr. Nichols has been a member many years. On another page a view of the farm-home, and the portraits of Mr. Nichols and his wife, may be seen. MARVIN GASTON. The ancestors of Mr. Gaston were of Irish origin, and were among the early settlers of Massachusetts. Robert, the paternal grandfather, was born in 1747; after his marriage he removed to Madison Co., N.Y., where he resided until his death in I829, at eighty-two years of age. His widow died in 1835, at the age of seventy-seven years. They were the parents of eight children, named Rhoda, Electa, Chauncey, Lydia, Phoebe, Elijah, Alanson, and Almira. Elijah was born at the old Massachusetts home, June II, I793. He was reared in Madison Co., 2C4 S:' Dw HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. - N. Y. At the age of nineteen (Oct. I, I812) he married Susannah Padelford. She became the mother of three children, named Amanda, Caroline, and Marvin. Her death occurred Nov. I3, 1829, at the age of thirty-six years. Elijah Gaston June 16, i830, married Mrs. Polly North, a sister of his deceased wife. By this union there was one child, named Dwight. In 1836, Mr. Gaston emigrated to Michigan, and with his son-in-law, George Curtis, located two government lots in Howell, which they exchanged a few months later for some wild land in the township of Handy. In the month of February following Mr. Gaston and his son, Marvin, erected a log shanty on their new land. During the five days they were building it they camped out, with some boxes for shelter at night, and their oxen chained to a tree. Caroline, the youngest daughter (now Mrs. Dr. Randall), was installed as housekeeper, as Mrs. Gaston was still in New York. Their nearest neighbor westward, Capt. Scott, of Dewitt, was thirty-five miles distant, but in the next few years settlers poured in, log houses and shanties were erected in all directions, roads cut through the forests and swamps, bridges built over the streams, and where but a few years before all was an almost unbroken wilderness, was now fields of waving grain and the homes of happy and prosperous families. Elijah Gaston only lived to the age of forty-eight years, dying Oct. 15, 1841. His widow died in I856, aged sixty-one years. Marvin Gaston was born Aug. 29, I820, at Morrisville, Madison Co., N. Y. His boyhood was passed in attending school, and in assisting on the farm. At sixteen years of age he came with his father and the family to Michigan. From that time he was engaged in active labor, alternately at home and for others, until the death of his father. He was at that time about twenty-one years of age, and by the advice of the other heirs, he took possession of the little property left by his father, val I ued at seven hundred dollars, with demands against it for about the same amount. About the same time he sought and obtained the hand of Miss Phylinda W. Parsons, daughter of Levi and Phylinda Parsons, old pioneers of the town of Conway, they having settled in Livingston County in 1837. After his marriage, Mr. Gaston engaged in farming for two years, and for six years in the potash business, during which time he was twice burned out. About the time he quit the latter business, George Curtis, husband of the eldest sister of Mr. Gaston, died; he was at that time keeping a hotel in Howell. After the death of Mr. Curtis, Marvin Gaston went to Howell'and took charge of the business, purchasing an interest therein. He remained two years, when he sold and returned to his farm in Handy. Soon after, he purchased more land, becoming for a time involved in debt; but by industry and economy, coupled with good management, he has succeeded in paying all claims, and is to-day the owner of one of the finest farms in Livingston County, beautifully situated, and on which may be found all the modern improvements and conveniences. The names of the children that have been born to Marvin Gaston are Elijah F., Ellen M., Vienna C., Mary E., Henry L., George H., Charles O., and Ernest C. Of these, but two are living,-Vienna C. and George H. Vienna is the wife of Luther C. Kanouse, and they reside on their farm in the township of Cohoctah. George H. is married to Alice Campbell, of Handy, and lives on the old home-farm of Marvin Gaston. The latter has practically retired from active labor, and his son has the charge and management of the farm. Mr. Gaston and his excellent wife are respected and esteemed by a wide circle of friends and relatives. A view of their farm-home, with their portraits, may be found in this work, a tribute to the memory of an old pioneer family. V~~~~~~~~~~~77777-7 V. /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "V t I '4 I -1 i,v - 1, - "I" — ol ISAAC STOW. K' M RS. ISAAC STOW. WAku -, 7 - I R~sID2NGE 5 — ISAC STOW,!OSCO, MCH-i IOSCO TOWNSHIP. Iosco, the Cltippewa name for the small stream now known as Cedar River, is the present title of territory designated in the field-notes of the United States survey as township number 2 north, of range number 3 east. It is situated on the west border of Livingston County, south of the centre, and adjoining township organizations are Handy on the north, Marion on the east, Unadilla on the south, and White Oak in Ingham County on the west. Its surface is slightly rolling and of the character so common to this portion of the State. The principal water-courses are the Cedar River and the West Branch of the same stream. The former enters the township by crossing the south line of section 36, and flows on in a general northerly course through the east half of the town. The latter stream flows in the same direction through the western part of the township. These streams afford no water-power privileges, are sinuous and sluggish in their course, especially the former, which is bordered by bottom-lands and swamps many acres in extent. Iosco, or School Lake, containing about 40 acres, is situated upon section I6, and denominated the school section. Another small lake lies upon the line dividing sections 25 and 26. The lands of this township originally were termed by the early settlers "heavy-timbered openings," and the task of subduing and making farms of them was tedious and prolonged. The different varieties of oak common to Michigan predominated; but elm, ash, hickory, basswood, soft maple, and tamarack were plentiful, while black walnut, whitewood, cottonwood, cherry, beech, sycamore, hard maple, and sassafras abounded in most sections. The soil is of an excellent quality, and yields large returns as the result of intelligent culture, the principal products being wheat, corn, potatoes, fruits, etc. The soil and grasses are also well adapted to grazing and draining,-one of the two cheese-factories of Livingston County being established here. This factory was built by John Elliott in 1874, and he first began the manufacture of cheese in May, 1875. At the present time milk is used from ioo cows, though in previous years the factory has received the product of twice that.number. The cheese manufactured is shipped I principally to the New York City market, where it compares favorably with the dairy products of oti er portions of the Union. The factory, and the large farm upon which it is situated, now belong to the Samuel Medbury estate. Iosco, a post-office station, otherwise known as Parker's Corners, is situated upon portions of sections 8 and 17. Here are the church edifices of the Methodist Episcopal and Protestant Methodist societies, a store of general merchandise, district school-house, cider-mill, a blacksmith-shop, and some half-dozen dwelling-houses. The population of the township in 1874 was 943. It now has a voting population of about 275, and the r sent total population will approximate 1150. ORIGINAL LAND-ENTRIES. The first land entered in township 2 north, of range 3 east, was by Alonzo Platt, of Washtenaw Co., Mich., Aug. 12, I835. His selection embraced the east one-half of the southeast quarter of section 12, and is now owned and occupied by Joseph Loree, Jr. Elbert Parker entered the southeast quarter of section 8, Oct. 29, I835. This location is now known as Iosco, or Parker's Corners. Samuel and William Ranney, from Franklin Co., Mass., purchased a portion of the same section Nov. 5, I835. A description of their lands will be found in the following complete list of land-entries. John Wood, from Washtenaw Co., Mich., purchased the southwest quarter, the west one-half of the northwest quarter, and the southeast quarter of the same quarter on section I, Nov. 24, I835. On the 27th of November, I835, Robert J. Barry, of Washtenaw Co., Mich., entered the northeast quarter and the east one-half of the northwest quarter of section 17. ' - These included all the entries for public lands in this township during the year.835. The next year —836-nearly the entire township was located, or, at least, all the desirable lands. Emigrants from New York, New England, Pennsylvania, and Ohio arrived during the spring and fall in considerable numbers, and then began that tedious struggle with the primitive forests which to subdue and transform into pleasant homes, surrounded by fruitful fields and orchards, as we see 255 256 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. them to-day, required years of toil and privation, such as their posterity or successors, now enjoying the fruits of their labor, can form no adequate idea. The following is a complete list of those who purchased from the general government lands situated in this township; showing also their place of residence, and date of entry. Those whose names are particularized with a star (*) became actual settlers. SECTION i. Horace Ieath, Wayne Co., Mich., June o1, 1836. Hiram P. Spencer, Columbia Co., N. Y, July 2, 1836. Guy C. Lee, Livingston Co., Mich., July II, 1836. William M. Olcott, Madison Co., N. Y., Nov. 17, 1836. Roger Glenen, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 18, 1837, and Dec. 20, 1837. John O'Hara, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Feb. 13, 1838. Henry H. Norton, Livingston Co., Mich., Sept. 6, 1853, and Dec. 13, 1853. SECTION 2. Sterling Armstrong, New York City, May 20, 1836. Hiram P. Spencer, Columbia Co., N. Y., July 2, 1836. Silas B. Munsell,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 4, 1836. George W. Lee, Livingston Co., Mich., June 15, 1837. Sarah L. Kilborn, Livingston Co., Mich, April 22, 1854. George W. Clark, Livingston Co., Mich., Sept. 6, 1855. SECTION 3. William R. Spafford, Genesee Co., N. Y., May 19, 1836. William H. Redfield,* Ontario Co., N. Y., May 30, 1836. Lewis W. Decker, Ontario Co., N. Y., May 31, 1836. Andrew King, Orange Co., N. Y., June I, 1836. Erasmus D. Keyes (afterwards major-general), New York City, July 15, 1836. SECTION 4. William H. Redfield,* Ontario Co., N. Y., May 30, I836. Joseph and William Blanchard, Onondaga Co., N. Y., June I, 1836. Lucius H. Emery, Erie Co., N. Y., June 11, 1836. Josiah Loree,* Steuben Co., N. Y., Aug. I, 1836, and Aug. 3, 1836. Seth Hart, Monroe Co., N. Y., Sept. 23, 1836. Samuel H. Dodge, Seneca Co., N. Y., Nov. 16, 1836. Cornelius Bonter, Livingston Co., Mich., April 4, 1839. Mathew Knowles, Wayne Co., Mich., June 22, 1839. Joseph B. Cole, Livingston Co., Mich., Aug. 13, 1839. SECTION 5. John H. Northrop, Oneida Co., N. Y., June 13, 1836. Amos P. Gridley, Oneida Co., N. Y., June 14, I836. William Pease, New York City, Nov. 14, 1836. Asa C. Tuttle, Oakland Co., Mich., Jan. 24, I837. Alexander Richmond, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Dec. 9, 1837. Henry Nooden, Livingston Co., Mich., June 28, 1848. Merrill Colby, Wayne Co., Mich., July 31, 1853. SECTION 6. Patrick Conner,*Livingston Co., Mich., Sept. 2I, 1836. Michael Mulveny, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. I, 1836. William Faulk, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 22, 1836. Jonathan 0. Hathaway, Oakland Co., Mich., Jan. 31, 1837. John Colby, Livingston Co., Mich,, Nov. 8, 1853. Michael Flinn, Livingston Co., Mich., June 9, I854, and June 1,., IMi1854.ch 21 James Lindsey, Livingston Co., Mich., Aug. 2I, 1855. SECTION 7. Samuel H. Dodge, Seneca Co., N. Y., Nov. I6, 1836. B. B. Kercheval, Wayne Co., Mich., Nov. 26, 1836. Emery Beal,* Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. II, 1837. John Foster, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Jan. 19, 1837. Joab Grover,* Wayne Co., Mich., July 9, 1836. Dotha Barnum, Livingston Co., Mich., July 17, 1838. SECTION 8. Elbert Parker,* Livingston Co., Mich., Oct. 29, 1835. Samuel Ranney, Franklin Co., Mass., Nov. 5, 1835. William Ranney, Franklin Co., Mass., Nov. 5, 1835. James Abbott,* Monroe Co., N. Y., Sept. 23, 1836. Peter Chase, Oakland Co., Mich., Sept. 14, 1836. SECTION 9. William Kirtland, Wayne Co., Mich., Jan. I, 1836. Seth Spencer, Onondaga Co., N. Y., May 19, 1836. Theodore H. Drake, Ontario Co., N. Y., May 23, 1836. Samuel Carpenter, Allegany Co., N. Y., Sept. 21, 1836. Moses Keyes, Seneca Co., N. Y., Nov. I6, I836. John J. Smith, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Jan. 12, 1838. Jonah Poyer, Jr.,* Livingston Co., Mich., Oct. 10, 1844. SECTION Io. William Kirtland, Wayne Co., Mich., Jan. I, 1836. Ilenry Brower, Genesee Co., N. Y., May 20, 1836. Sterling Armstrong, New York City, May 20, 1836. Enoch Terhune,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 31, 1836. Henry M. Wood,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 5, I836. SECTION II. John Wood,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 24, 1835. John W. Ililton, Oswego Co., N. Y., May 13, 1836. George Sewell, Niagara Co., N. Y., May 28, 1836. Henry M. Wood,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 5, 1836. Isaac S. Tuttle, Oakland Co., Mich., Oct. 30, 1839. Thomas Schoonhoven, Livingston Co., Mich., June 23, 1842. Martha Ann Wood,* Livingston Co., Mich., May 7, I845. SECTION 12. Alonzo Plait, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Aug. 12, I835. John H. Le Count, Wayne Co., N. Y., March 25, 1836. Wallace Goodwin, Ontario Co., N. Y., April 5, 1836. Richard Storms, Livingston Co., N. V., July 15, 1836. William M. Olcott, Madison Co., N. Y., Nov. 17, 1836. Thomas B. Hoyt, Livingston Co., Mich., March 22, 1837. Abel W. Walker, Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 30, 1837. James H. Woods, Ontario Co., N. Y., Sept. 4, 1838. Philetus Stark, Livingston Co., Mich., Sept. 30, 1852. Cornelius Y. Ross,* Livingston Co, Mich., Feb. 15, 1853. William Gorton,* Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. 17, I853. SECTION 13. Lyman E. Beach,* Erie Co., N. Y., April 23, 1836. William Davis, Erie Co., N. Y.', April 23, 1836. Samuel Cooley, Genesee Co., N. Y., May 24, 1836. William Vanocker, Genesee Co., N. Y., May 24, 1836. Joseph H. Gorton, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 14, 1836. Hiram Ward, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. I8, 1836. James M. Himes, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Feb. 10, 1838. William Himes, Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 28, 1838. William Gorton, Dec. 15, 1853. SECTION 14. William Miller,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 23, 1836. Joseph Marriott, Monroe Co., N. Y., May 28, 1836. George Sewell, Niagara Co., N. Y., May 28, 1836. Joseph Hubbard, Orleans Co., N. Y., May 30, 1836. g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- a~::i:~l::::::::: t:: r: 331:::::;:: - i: t:f:E f~~~~~fffft 00 0 fTU00: 00 T0V00; i- 0:: 0 I~~~i ~:: I:.: 0 0: 0,-,0-... D:::~x~,,, i.l~ ~ i l ~ i,......,: S~hI I,>,,W:....? r, -' ' 4 -. -! < ~ ~. ~- ~,~~ i w i,: ~ ~ ~,~ ~ ' ~i!~i~~~-lll" —'~ H?!!:n ~ ~rlYJ~9'U ~ I~J~E~"iC~I ~- "~U1"-~-~~:;~"~I ~l -I ~-~- L~~~~~ "'~isepF-~"~ -' "~'1J~~~ i~'~'~!~,i~,!~g ~ Ll ~~~,i~i!!,!~~~ I I IOSCO TOWNSHIP. 257 Silas Munsell,* Wayne Co., Mich., May 30, 1836. Joseph Loree,* Livingston Co., Mich., June 30, 1837. SECTION 15. Jeremiah Nichols,* Oakland Co., Mich., Feb. I5, 1836. George W. McIntosh,* Oakland Co., Mich., Feb. I5, 1836. Jeremiah Nichols,* May 12, 1836. Andrew Lytle,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 23, 1836. Levi W. Munsell,* Wayne Co., N. Y., June 6, 1836. John I. (or J.) Traver, Schenectady, N. V., June 13, 1836. Amos P. Gridley, Oneida Co., N. Y., June 14, 1836. Adolphus Coburn, Allbany Co., N. Y., Aug. 6,.836. SECTION I6. T. Lockwood,* Nov. II, I846. J. Acker,* Oct. 28, 1847. J. R. Goodrich,* Nov. i6, 1853. W. H. Simonns,* Oct. 6, 1847. R. Simons, Oct. 6, 1847. R. Acker, Oct. I9, 1847. Walter Wright,* Felb. IO, 1848. I. S. A. Wright,* May 6, 1846. John W. VWright,* April 24, 1854. S. and N. Tracy,* Nov. II, 1846. R. and J. Acker,* May 6, 1846. S. and N. Tracy,* May 9, 1846. P. L. Wilhelm,* Feb. 17, 1847. I. S. A. Wright,* Oct. I9, 1847.. SECTION 17. Robert J. Barry, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 27, 1835. Henry M. Wood,* Washtenaw Co., March 12, 1836. Robert J. Barry, May 13, 1836. Peter L. Wilhelm,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 27, 1836. Hiram Dewey, Steuben Co., N. Y., June 27, 1836. Henry M. Wood,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Aug. 3, 1836. SECTION 18. John A. Kemp, Livingston Co., N. Y., July 9, 1836. Emery Beal,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Sept. 21, 1836. John B. Stimpson, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Jan. II, 1837. Joseph Voorhies, Oakland Co., Micl., Jan. 24, 1837. Joab Grover,* Wayne Co., Mich., July 9, 1836. Enoch Smith, Ingham Co., Mich., Oct. 25, 1843. SECTION 19. Richard M. Guggins,* Livingston Co., Mich., May 30, 1836. Robert L. Taylor, New York City, June 13, 1836. David H. Richardson, Ontario Co., N. Y., Sept. 21, 1836. Richard Price, Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. I9, 1853. SECTION 20. Grace Fasquelle, Livingston Co., Mich., May 2, 1836. Jean Louis Francois Benoit Fasquelle, Livingston Co., Mich., May 2, 1836. Richard M. Guggins,* Livingston Co., Mich.,June 13, 1836. Orilla Guggins,* Livingston Co., Mich., June 18, 1836. Hiram Dewey, Steuben Co., N. Y., June 27, 1836. Ieonard Barton, Franklin Co., Mass., Oct. 4, 1837. Francis Crawford, Wayne Co., Mich., Jan. II, I855. SECTION 21. Grace Fasquelle, Livingston Co., Mich., May 2, I836. Richard M. Guggins,* Livingston Co., Mich., May 13, 1836. Luther Haven,* Addison Co., Vt., May 28, 1836. Orilla Guggins, Livingston Co., Mich., May 30, I836, and June I8, I836. Hiram Dewey, Steuben Co., N. Y., June 27, 1836. Marvin Cadwell, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Sept. 21, 1836. 33 Emery Beal,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Sept. 21, 1836. Moses Kies, Seneca Co., N. V., Nov. I6, 1836. SECTION 22. John Loree,* Livingston Co., Mich., Feb. 29, I836. Joseph Loree,* Livingston Co., Mich., March 21, 1836. Reuben Rhodes, Wayne Co., Mich., May 20, 1836. William R. Spofford, Genesee Co., N. Y., June 20, 1836. Stephen Sherwood, Orleans Co., N. Y., June 30, 1836. Chauncey Eqgleston, Genesee Co., N. Y., June 3, I836. Jesse Tuxlury, Wayne Co., Mich., June 4, 1836. Marvin Cadwell, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Sept. 21, 1836. SECTION 23. James Miller,* Steuben Co., N. Y., May 21, 1836. Joseph Loree,* Ivingston Co., Mich., May 23, 1836. Nathan Field, Genesee Co., N. Y., May 30, 1836. James B. Barnard, Orleans Co., N. Y., May 30, 1836. SECTION 24. Daniel Person,* Erie Co., Pa., April 23, 1836. Alijah P. Backus, Erie Co., Pa., May 14, I836. Iorenzo Backus,* Erie Co., Pa., May 14, 1836. Columbus A. Morgan, Herkimer Co., N. V., Nov. 14, 1836. David Rogers, Ingham Co., Mich., Feb. 23, I837. Robert Robinson, Wayne Co., Mich., Nov. 30, 1836. Iawson Judson, Livingston Co., Mich., Oct. 30, 1837. William J. Jewett, Livingston Co., Mich., Oct. 29, 1845. SECTION 25. Amos H. Breed, Cayuga Co., N. Y., May 13, 1836. Warren Seeley, Cayuga Co., N. Y., May 13, 1836. Tunis R. Pardee, Monroe Co., N. Y., May 18, 1836. E. Coleman, Dec. 13, 1853. T. C. Bell, March 15, i865. SECTION 26. Erastus Holloway, Wayne Co., N. Y., May 20, 1836. Seth G. Wilson,* Addison, Vt., May 28, 1836. Peter J. Kuhn,*''Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 27, 1836. Alfred Denio,* Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. I6, 1836. Enoch Webster, Steuben Co., N. Y., May 4, I837. SECTION 27. Seth G. Wilson,* Addison Co., Vt., May 28, 1836. Luther Haven,* Addison Co., Vt., May 28, 1836. Elsley W. Fuller, Onondaga Co., N. Y., June 6, 1836. Jabez Paul,* Onondaga Co., N. Y., June 6, 1836. Josiah P. Fuller, Cortland Co., N. Y., Juue 6, 1836. SECTION 28. Luther Haven,* Addison Co., Vt., May 28, 1836. William S. Caskey,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 28, 1836. Bastion Williams, Washtenaw Co., Mich., July II, 1836. Marion Cadwell, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Stpt. 21, 1836. Adeline Haviland,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Jan. II, I837. Harrison P. and John R. Goodrich,* Livingston Co., Mich., Oct. 5, 1847. Joseph S. Post,* Livingston Co., Mich., Feb. 3 and 24, 1854. SECTION 29. Seth Spencer, Onondaga Co., N. Y., May 19, 1836. James Wright,* Onondaga Co., N. Y., May 19, 1836. SECTION 30. Richard M. Guggins,* Livingston Co., Mich., May 30, I836. Nathan Jones,* Livingston Co., Mich., March I, I837. Ard Osborn,* Washtenaw Co., Mich, May 19, 1836. James Wright,* Livingston Co., Mich., April I, 1846. 258 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. SECTION 31. Ard Osborn,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 19, I836. John Cool, Livingston Co., Mich., June 7, 1837. Samuel Case, Livingston Co., Mich., July 3, I837. David Dutton, Livingston Co., Mich., July 15, 1844, and June 3, 1847. Elizabeth Ann Dyer, Livingston Co., Mich., Dec 14, I853. Jos. L. Dyer, Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. 14, 1853. John S. Dyer, Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. I4, 1853. SECTION 32. Philip Dyer, Livingston Co., Mich., June 7, 1836. Daniel V. Van Sickel,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 20, 1836. Marvin Cadwell, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Sept. 21, I836. David H. Richardson, Ontario Co., N. Y., Sept. 21, 1836. SECTION 33. Joseph P. Jewett, Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 5, 1836. Putnam Smith,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 11, 1836. Marvin Cadwell, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Sept. 21, 1836. Emery Beal,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Sept. 21, I836. B. 13. Kercheval, Wayne Co., Mich., Nov. 26, 1836 David A. McFarlan, Wayne Co, Mich., April 4, 1837. L. D. Preston, Oct. 22, I857. W. H. Chapman, Ingham Co., Mich., March 13, i866. SECTION 34. Alfred Denio,* Addison Co., Vt., May 28, 1836. Martin Sprague, Erie Co, N. Y., July 12, 1836. Frederick Bolles, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 27, 1836. Patrick Farley, Livingston Co., Mich., Oct. 8, I837. David Denio, Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. 3, I838. SECTION 35. Anna Sutherland, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 8, 1836. George Reeves, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 8, 1836. Ambrose Crane, Genesee Co., N. Y., June 23, 1836. Amherst Crane, Genesee Co., N. Y., June 30, I836. Alvin Mann,* Genesee Co., N. Y., Sept. 21, 1836. Frederick Bolles, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 27, 1836. Thomas W. Harford,* Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. 6, I853. Hiram Backus,* Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. 13, I855. James F. Williams, Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. 13, 1855. Andrew Love, Livingston Co., Mich., March 3, 1854. SECTION 36. Jean Louis Francois Benoit Fasquelle, Livingston Co., Mich., May 2, 1836. Simeon Backus,* Erie Co., N. Y., May 14, 1836. Hiram Ward, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 29, 1836. Olive Ward, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Jan. 6, 1837. Moses Fuller, Livingston Co., Mich., March 23, I837. Benjamin Nichols, Columbia Co., N. Y., June 17, 1836. Moses Fuller, Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. 31, I839. John Conner, Livingston Co., Mich., March 8, I847. Samuel G. Sutherland, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Dec. 13, I848. Charles Bailey, Oakland Co., Mich., Dec. 13, 1853. Eli Annis, Feb. 15, I868. N. C. Barton, Feb. 12, I867. THE FIRST AND OTHER EARLY SETTLEMENTS. It is conceded by all early residents that George C. Wood was the first inhabitant of the territory now known as the township of Iosco. His father, John Wood, then a resident of Ann Arbor, Mich., made the fourth entry of lands in township No. 2 north, of range 3 east, by the purchase of the southwest quarter, the west one-half of the northwest quarter, and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section I I, Nov. 24, 1835. Upon this purchase, and in a house now owned and occupied-in part-by James Fewlass, George C. Wood began his residence late in May, 1836. As much interest attaches to the journey and settlement of the first settler, the following narration of M;r Wood's removal from Ann Arbor to his new home, furnished for publication in the Livingston Democrat, March, 1874,-by the late Daniel Case, of Howell,-is inserted. Mr. Case had then just arrived in Ann Arbor, while on his way to view, for a second time, lands in Howell, Livingston Co., previously purchased by him: " We put up at the Western Hotel in Ann Arbor, a small, low house, built in the early days of the Territorial road to Chicago. I thought it was not a very large village. There was not a house from the court-house square to the bridge, and the road was not fenced in. While looking alout in the morning, down near the hill towards the river, I saw Mr. George C. Wood, who, with three yoke of oxen, was plowing on the south side of the road. I in quired of him about the county of Livingston, as I wanted to go and see the land I had purchased. He said he was going to within seven or eight miles of my land to live, and would start the next day with a break-up team, and if I would stay and help him finish plowing the piece he was then engaged upon, he would be glad to have me for one of the company: "That was my first experience in driving a break-up team. We got it done, and commenced to load the wagon with potatoes, corn, pork, and other kinds of provisions, a break-up plow, etc., making a big load for four yoke of oxen. The next morning we fixed a place for Mrs. Wood to ride on top of the load, hitched on the oxen, and started. Arriving at Dexter, we turned north, and here left civilization behind us for the land of the Indian, wolf, and deer. At noon we halted beside a marsh in the shade of a tree, unyoked the oxen and let them feed on the tender marsh grass. Our lunch was taken from the wagon, and eaten with as good a relish as in the best dining-room in the State. After the oxen had rested we again started on our way, and at night stayed at a small yellow house, where Dover Mills now are. We put the bells on the oxen, turned them on the marsh to graze, and in the morning they were ready to go on again. "We had to go around the west side of Portage Lake, and arrived at Mr. Sigler's house at noon next day. Sometimes we had to go miles out of our way to get around marshes and swamps. Mrs. Wood was as happy as a lark, and often made the woods ring with her songs. The second night we found shelter at a small log house, situated a few miles north of the village of Pinckney, and the only one in the neighborhood. " It was a common thing for three or four families to stop at one house overnight, and sometimes stay till they could get a log house up, and there was always plenty of room. The next day, after making bridges,- going around swamps, and fighting mosquitoes without cessation, we arrived at the Cedar River, west of the lands afterwards occupied by Lyman E. Beach, Jr. " It took three days to get that load over the river and marsh, up to Mr. Wood's house, which was situated upon the premises now owned by James Fewlass, Esq. I worked upon the house for a few days, and there I first heard the howl of a wolf. I thought all the dogs in the country were loose. On the trail from there to Livingston Centre I saw the first naked Indians, and there were large numbers of them." SIMON P. KUHN. Few men in Livingston County have risen to usefulness and independence through greater trials and obstacles than he whose name stands at the head of this brief narrative. He was born in Livingston Co., N. Y., Jan. 8, 1820, and came to Michigan with his father, Peter J. Kuhn, in 1834. Lived in Washtenaw County two years, and came to losco in the spring of I837, taking one hundred and twenty acres of land from government, on section 26. The family, consisting of eight children,-four boys and four girls, -were in limited circumstances. The first five acres of land cleared was done without the help of a team; this was sowed to wheat the first fall. From this small beginning a large and productive farm was made, on which the old couple died,-Mrs. Kuhn on Sept. I6, 1875, and he on May ii, I876. Simon P., the immediate subject of this sketch, met with an accident when a boy which made him a confirmed cripple. He lived with his father until he was thirty-six years of age. Being ambitious to do something for himself, his father gave him one hundred dollars, and he purchased eighty acres of land where he now resides. Upon this land there was a heavy growth of timber; to remove this, make a living, and improve a farm without means, and being obliged to walk with two canes, was a grave question. All this has been done, other lands added, fine, commodious buildings erected, with such surroundings as indicate the "well-to-do farmer." Mr. Kuhn has been twice married. His first wife was Mrs. Lucinda Rounds, formerly Miss Green, of Marion. She died Dec. 28, I872, leaving one son, Claude M. The second.marriage was May 7, I879, to Mrs. Eliza Monk, formerly Miss Richer, of the county of Norfolk, England. Mr. Kuhn and his present wife are active and consistent members of the Protestant Methodist Church, and take a prominent part in the Sabbath-school. S.P. KUHN. 1-111-111.1" —.-_ F --— ~ II ___ _._.__II_ _._1___ 11_1____ ________.____ I 7 ---7 —. ----777777 -77777`7 777 — - --- ---- - - ~?; r ~-~ -_: —. — -'..i:: iil::~~.';:''-;-:: ~;-:::::.:.,i:;'l;::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~V... -:L..:l::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.-:~i-:_: I::,.-::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::'::r-:i: ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t HESIDElNCLOF;. r. t\UHN, IOSCO, MICHIGAN. IOSCO TOWNSHIP. 259 Mr. Wood removed from the township at an early day, and is now a resident of Milwaukee, Wis. During the latter part of the summer and early in the fall of 1836, several other families took up their residence in the township, the exact date of whose settlement cannot be readily ascertained. Among them were Ard Osborn and his son Nelson. The former was the first supervisor and treasurer of the township, and purchased several hundred acres, situated upon sections 30 and 3I. Richard M. Guggins purchased lands upon sections 19, 20, and 2I, early in the summer of I836, and during the same season settled early enough to harvest a crop of marsh hay. George W. Mcintosh, from Oakland County, and Andrew Lytle, from Washtenaw County, also setted at about the same time. Asel Stow, from Weybridge, Addison Co., Vt., first visited the township in June, I836, and purchased from Richard M. Guggins, land situated upon section 19. He then returned to Vermont, and in September of the same year, accompanied by his wife and two children, viz., Isaac and Eliza Ann, Seth G. Wilson and wife,-Mr. Wilson being his brother-in-law,-began a journey to his home here in the wilderness. The travelers journeyed via the Erie Canal and Lake Erie. At the same time, Nathan Jones, another brother-in-law, started from Vermont with a horse-team and wagon belonging to Mr. Stow. He accomplished the long drive in safety, and brought in the first team of horses owned in the township. Mr. Wilson is still a resident here. Asel Stow, during his lifetime, was prominently identified with the public interests of the township he assisted to found. He was one of the first assessors elected in 1838, and was re-elected during all the succeeding years until 1852, when the office was discontinued. His son, Hon. Isaac Stow, the present supervisor of the township, has also been prominent in all undertakings, both public and private, which had for their object the advancement of the best interests of his townsmen. He was an early teacher and school inspector, and since I865 has filled the position of supervisor nine terms. In January, 1878, he prepared an able and interesting sketch concerning pioneer life in Iosco, which was read before the Livingston County Pioneer Association, and to which we are indebted for much valuable information. James Wright, a native of Dutchess Co., N. Y., emigrated from Manlius, Onondaga Co., N. Y., to this township in 1836, arriving here October 24th. He was accompanied by a large family of sons, viz., William, Isaac S. A., Walter, John W., Elisha C., Thomas, Lewis J., and Leonard W.; Richard Acker, a son-in-law, and Abram Van Buren, who had married his niece. Mr. Wright was the first settler upon section 29. He was an earnest and sincere member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and at his house, in the spring of I837, were inaugurated the first religious meetings ever held in the township. It is believed that prior to the beginning of the winter of I836-37, John Wood, the father of Geo. C.Wood, had settled upon the southeast corner of section 17, near where the creek crosses the highway. Here he anticipated the establishment of a village, and tradition saith that a village-on paper was laid out, as W'oodville or W)oodbriZdge, and lots in the same sold to parties in the East at quite a handsome premium. The Woods exercised considerable sharp practice in their land speculations and the ownership of the same, but the purchasers, we believe, all resided east of Lake Erie. John Wood became the first postmaster about I838, and the road from his residence south into Unadilla township was the first opened. In the spring of 1837 he was elected justice of the peace and school inspector of Unadilla township, and with Jeremiah Nichols, who at the same time was elected highway commissioner, were the first township officers resident in the territory now known as Iosco. In March, 1837, Daniel Person, with his family, came in from Erie Co., Pa., and made the first settlement upon section 24. His purchase included the northeast quarter. He was a native of Windsor, Vt., and the son of a talented Universalist minister. Mr. Person was conspicuous in the early history of Iosco, and universally respected. He died in 1874. During the remainder of the year 1837, and prior to the first township election, which was held at the house of Jeremiah Nichols, April 2, 1838, the population was largely augmented by the arrival and settlement of many families; the first assessment roll, made in May, 1838, showing 53 resident tax-payers. Among the pioneers not previously mentioned, and who were here prior to April, 1838, were Peter J. Kuhn, Henry M. Wood, Silas B. Munsell, Levi W. Munsell, Putnam Smith, Peter Chase, James Grimes, Elbert Parker, Peter L. Wilhelm, Daniel V. Van Sickel, Isaac T. Wright, James Miller, Jeremiah Nichols, Simeon Backus, Caleb Barber, Samuel Barber, Lorenzo Backus, Henry Canoll, Lorenzo Canfield, William S. Caskey, Simeon Disbrow, Alfred Denio, David Denio, William Davis, S. Ferguson, John Green, Joab Gro 260 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. ver, John W. Hilton. Thomas Hoyt, Lawson Judson. Josiah Loree, John Loree, Wm. Miller, Anson Niles, Patrick Quinn, David Storms, Henry W. Sharp, James Upton, and Joseph C. Williams. Prior to and including I840, additional settlers were Alfred Wells, Lyman E. Beach, William C. Post, Elisha H. Noble, Lorenzo Davis, Joseph B. Cole, Washington Wing, Joseph Post, William Himes, Isaac Ray, and A. M. Odell. The following comprises a complete list of those who were assessed as resident tax-payers in 1844, showing, also, the section upon which their lands were situated: IN 1846. Sec. Acker, Richard........... 29 Brownson, Richard........... 13 Bonter, Cornelius............. Bonter, James.................. 4 Backus, Simpson..........25, 36 Barber, Caleb................... 24 Backus, Widow............... 36 Babcock, Eli S............. 24 Beach, Lyman E...........12, 13 Bagby, Joseph................. 4 Britton, John.................. 4 Bliss, E. and Joseph.........2, Io Beattie, William.............. 32 Bradford, Charles............. 24 Canoll, Henry........... 25 Canfield, Lorenzo............. 25 Chase, Peter.................... 8 Conrad, )ennis............... 3 Conner, Patrick......... Cook, Orrin.................... 2 Chapman, Peter.............. 22 Clements, C. B................ Carson, William............... Caskey, William S.........28, 33 Davis, William............. 3, 8 Disbrow, Simeon........... 22 Dickinson, Amos.............. 9 Douglass, S. B................ 17 Foster, Martin R.............. Fewlass, John.................. 5 Ferguson, Thomas............ 35 Guggins, Richard M......20, 21 Gorton, William............ 13, 24 Goodrich, H. P............29, 30 Glenning, Roger.............. I Gleason, Warren.............. 9 Himes, William............... 13 Hoyt, Emeline................. 12 Hilton, John W............... I Hartford, Charles..........34, 36 Haven, Luther.........21, 27, 28 Haviland, L. J..2I, 22,28, 32, 33 Haviland, Jacob............... 18 Hilton, John............ Personal Hatfield, James............... 4 Jewell, William............... 30 Kuhn, Peter J.................. 26 Kuhn, Leonard D............ 26 Loree, Joseph...............22, 23 Loree, George................. 4 Lewis, Stephen B............. 35 Lewis, Isaac............ Personal Sec. Loree, Josiah.................. 3, 4 McIntosh, George W.........3, 4 Miller, William................ 14 Munsell, L. W.............I4, 15 Munsell, Silas B.............. 15 Miller, James.................. 23 Nichols, Jeremiah.........15, 22 Niles, Ansel.................... 22 Noble, Elisha I.............. 27 Osborn, Nelson S............. 3 Osborn, Horace............... 30 Oslorn, Ard.................. 30 Odell, Augustine M........... 7 Plummer, Amos............... 25 Person, Daniel................. 24 Parker, Elbert................. 8 Post, William C............... 9 Post, Johnson........... Personal Post, Joseph S................. 29 Palmateer, George..... Personal Quinn, Patrick................. 6 Ray, Isaac..................... 25 Ray, William I............... 35 Robinson, Robert............. 24 Redfield, William HI.........3, 4 Smith, Ard..................... 29 Shattuck, Asa.................. 14 Sharp, Henry.................. 31 Sharp, William................ 31 Stow, Asel...................19, 30 Sigsby, David................. 33 Smith, Putnam F.............. 34 Smith, James............ Personal Tupper, Chelsey.........Personal Tupper, Simeon............... Van Brunt, Isaac.............. 9 Van Blarcom, I. D.....Personal Van Sickel, D. V.........32, 33 Wood, John............17, 20, 21 Wood, D. T. and Alexander I I Wilhelm, Peter L...........7, I8 Wilhelm, Peter................ 17 Ward, Jacob.................... 22 Ward, Eli....................... 14 Ward, Alvin................. 15 Wright, Thomas............ 20, 29 Wright, Isaac T............20, 29 Wright, James............29,30 Wilson, Seth G...........26, 27 Wells, Alfred.................. 27 Williams, Joseph.............. 28 Wing, Washington....... 12, 13 Sec. Bailey, Joseph................ 4 Conover, Joseph............... Clements, Edward............ 19 Drumm, Lawrence............ II Dunn, James................... 14 Douglass, Everett.......... 15, 17 Davis, H. G.................... 9 Hartford, William...... Personal Isham, Augustus.............. 33 Miller, Zachariah.......Personal Marble, Russell.............. 22 Munsell, A. S................. 15 Newcomb, Wesley............ 25 IN it Sec. Abbott, James.................. 8 Brownson, Persons............27 Davis, William............... 13 llarford, Thomas............. 27 Hilton, Richard.............. 3 IHempsted, Myron............ 8 Himes, James................ 13 Kuhn, William.............. 27 Loree, Nathan.............. 22 IN i} Sec. Allen, Lucius B............... I7 Allen, James.................... 8 Backus, Hiram................. 36 Burt, E. F....................... 24 Clark, Daniel.................. II Dutton, David................. 31 Freeman, Albert......... Personal Fewlass, James.......... Personal Ferguson, P..................... 35 Haviland, Charles A......... 28 Haven, Stephen................ 6 IHall, W. S...................... 31 Lewis, Peter.................... 35 Sec. Odell, Charles.................. 7 Post & Smith............28, 32, 33 Person, H. C............Personal Sagar, Edward................. 17 Simmons, Win. H............. 9 Stow & Carson..........2I, 27, 28 Taft, James................... 2 Vanblarcom, John............ I I Williams & Lincoln.......... 17 Ward, Alva........... 22 Ward, William R.......Personal Whitehead, Michael.......... 35 Wilhelm, John................. 32 847. Sec. Lockwood, Zachariah........ 16 Lee, George W.............2, 0o Osborn, David F.............. 30 Sleight & Halsted.........I2, 13 Tracy, Samuel................. I6 Wright, Joseph................ 29 Wooding, William............ 5 Wright, I. S. A............... i6 Sec. Lyman, William............... 2 Poyer, Jonah, Jr............3, 4, 9 Palmer, L. & L. A............ 19 Sleight, Albert........... Personal Sagar, Thomas..........Personal Simmons, Charles............. 6 Slaughter, --.............. 3 Tracy, N. T..................... 16 Vangorder, Henry...... Personal Williams, Parkus.......Personal Williams, Frederick... Personal Wright, Walker............... I6 SOME OF THE FIRST EVENTS. The first dwelling-house was built by George C. Wood, on section 11, in the spring of 1836, and a part of it at least now remains, and is occupied by James Fewlass. The first framed barn was built in the summer of I838, on section 20, by Richard M. Guggins, and the second by Asel Stow, on section 19, early in the spring of I839. The first birth in the township was a son of Abram Van Buren, in January, I837. The boy was christened Martin, which made him a full namesake of the President of the United States at that time. The first marriage solemnized was that of William Wright and Miss Lucy Osborn, in the summer of 1837. Both were residents of the township. The ceremony was performed by Elder Sayre at the residence of the bride's father, Ard. Osborn, Esq. The first death was a child of Richard M. Guggins, which occurred early in the' spring of I837. The first sheep were introduced from Ohio in the fall of 1839. They were "natives," well adapted to the country at that time, and furnished the base from which some fine flocks were afterwards produced. Jabez Paul was the first resident who attended to Additional residents assessed for taxes in 1845 were: Sec. Burch, George................. 29 Beach, Elisha F............... 13 Goodrich, Ashbel..........20, 21 Goodrich, Joshua..........20, 21 Green, Israel............Personal Hempsted, Nathan........... 8 Hempsted, Charles.....Personal Hart, Isaac..................... 9 Munsell, Henry G......Personal Sec. Poyer, Jonah.................. 3, 9 Rima, Christopher............ 12 Ross, Cornelius.............. 9 Sutton, Lewis C.........Personal Ward, Henry E............... 14 Wood, George................. i Williams, Philetus P...Personal Wright, William............ 29, 30 5,g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~''t" ~ V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,V A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A w IOSCO TOWNSHIP. 261 the bodily afflictions of the people. He believed in the practice of Thompson, and steamed and sweated his patients without stint. Dr. John R. Goodrich was the first regularly educated physician, and began his practice here about 1842 or I843. He has been succeeded by Drs. Schuyler, Cooper, Cruickshank, and Cannon. PRIVATIONS AND DIFFICULTIES OF PIONEER LIFE IN IOSCO.* The trials and privations of those pioneers who settled here from 1836 to 1845 were many and severe. The new-comers usually arrived with very few of the trappings considered indispensable in the ordinary household of older communities; often with no more than could be drawn on one wagon, together with the family and a few boards. These boards were a necessity, as they furnished the only shelter for the pioneer, his family, and effects until a house could be erected. They were arranged by placing one end on the ground or a convenient log, the other on a pole supported by forks driven into the ground. This, with a fire in front, sufficed until a better could be provided. The dwellings were almost invariably of the same type, and, with the exception of nails and a few boards, were built of logs and such other material as could be obtained from the forests without the aid of mechanics. With no roads, no bridges over streams, blazed trees or perhaps an Indian trail was the only guide to distant markets and settlements. No flour or other provisions of any kind could be had nearer than Ann Arbor, a distance of thirty or thirty-five miles. Those who had teams frequently drove to Detroit for supplies,-a journey which, in those days of bad roads, required about a week's time to accomplish. Flour at that time was worth $I6 per barrel; pork, from $I2 to $15 per hundred; potatoes, $I per bushel; butter, 40 cents per pound, and other articles proportionately high. Those who had exhausted their means in getting here and purchasing their lands had a hard struggle for the following two or three years to keep that gaunt spectre, hunger, from the door, and sometimes suffered for the necessaries of life. The long and disastrous depression of industrial interests, and the depreciation in values which followed the financial crash of 1837, was a trying ordeal for this township, but yet in embryo. Not until the summer of I837 had any produce been raised, the few settlers of the previous year not arriving in season to plant any crops, with the exception of four or five small pieces of wheat, prob * Extract from Hon. Isaac Stow's address to the Livingston County Pioneer Association, January, 1878. ably not more than twenty acres in all the township, and this was nearly a failure. The prostration of business generally effectually checked emigration, and many disheartened emigrants returned to their former homes in the East, consequently the township increased but little in population during the three succeeding years. After the harvest of 1838, considerable surplus wheat was on hand, but the cost of marketing was nearly as much as could be realized for it when there; a load of wheat, requiring four days with oxen to Ann Arbor, would bring from ten to fifteen dollars, but people in those days "cut the garment to the cloth," or, in other words, kept their expenses within their income. Notwithstanding the many and serious difficulties which these brave and dauntless pioneer men and women had to overcome, they were generally happy and contented. It would seem almost as though they were especially designed and prepared for their work. They made little of the dark passages of life, and much of its bright ones. All within a radius of miles were neighbors and well acquainted. No aristocracy then; the man with forty acres of land had as large a revenue as the one with a half section,-for wild lands produce no earnings,-and was his peer socially. It was a customary practice to gather together on the long winter evenings at each other's dwellings and have a merry good time. These free-and-easy social gatherings, devoid of the dictum of fashion or pride of dress, were very enjoyable affairs, and no doubt contributed largely to that fraternity of feeling and interest in each other's welfare which forms so prominent a feature in isolated and sparsely-settled communities. CIVIL HISTORY. Iosco was formed from Unadilla by an act of the State Legislature, approved March 6, 1838. The act reads as follows: "SECTI(N 44. All that portion of the County of Livingston designated in the United States survey as township number two north, of range number three east, be, and the same is hereby set off and organized into a separate township by the name of Iosco; and the first township-meeting therein shall be held at the house of Jeremiah Nichols, in said township." Under the provisions of this act, the legal voters of the new township, on Monday, April 2, 1838, assembled at the house of Jeremiah Nichols for the purpose of electing township officers. An organization was effected by choosing Ard Osborn, Moderator; George C. Wood, Levi W. Munsell, and Joab Grover, Inspectors; and Lawson Judson, Clerk. This election resulted in the choice of the following officers: Ard Osborn, Supervisor; Elbert Parker, Township Clerk; Asel Stow, Levi W. 262 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iadpr Munsell, Lorenzo Backus, Assessors; Seth G. Wilson, James Wright, Lawson Judson, Justices of the Peace; Joab Grover, Chelsey Tupper, Washington Wing, Highway Commissioners; William Wright, Henry Canoll, Simeon Disbrow, School Inspectors; Josiah Loree, Collector; Richard M. Guggins, Lawson Judson, Directors of the Poor; Caleb Barber, Josiah Loree, Constables. Overseers of Highways.-George C. Wood, District No. I; Peter Chase, No. 2; Peter L. Wilhelm, No. 3; Jeremiah Nichols, No. 4; Lawson Judson, No. 5; Alfred Denio, No. 6; Ard Osborn, No. 7; Daniel Person, No. 8. At the general election held Nov. 5 and 6, 1838, the whole number of votes polled was 47, of which Hezekiah G. Wells, a candidate for the office of Representative to the United States Congress, received 22 votes, and Isaac E. Crary, a candidate for the same office, received 25 votes. The first township accounts were audited the last Tuesday of September, 1838, when bills to the amount of $39.31 were allowed. EARLY ROAI)S. The highway known at an early day as Wood's road was surveyed by John Farnsworth (since a distinguished politician of the State of Illinois), Sept. 20, 1836, and was the first opened to travel in the township. Other roads, known locally as the Centre, Kuhn's, Backus', Beal's, Osborn's, Dyer's, Smith's, and Carson's, were all laid prior to the formation of Iosco township. The following is a list of those whose names appeared upon the assessment roll as resident taxpayers of the township of Iosco in May, 1838, and shows also the amount of real and personal estate possessed and the taxes paid by each. Those designated with a star (*) are the only survivors. Miller and Wilson reside in Iosco, Nichols in Handy township, and Denio in Wayne County. Re; SOD Jones, Nathan......................... Kuhn, Peter J......................... Lytle, Andrew....................... Loree, John.......................... Loree, Josiah........................ Miller, William....................... Munsell, Silas B..................... McIntosh, George W............... * Miller, James....................... Munsell, L. W......................... Osborn, Ard......................... Osborn, Nelson....................... * Nichols, Jeremiah.................. Niles, Ansel........................... Parker, Elbert......................... Person, Daniel......................... Quinn, Patrick........................ Stow, Asel............................ Storms, David........................ Smith, Putnam I.................... Sharp, Henry W..................... Upton, James.......................... Van Sickel, D. V..................... Wright, James........................ Wright, Isaac T.................... Wright, William..................... W ilhelm, Peter L.................... * Wilson, Seth G..................... Wood, George C..................... Wood, John......................... Wood, Henry M...................... Williams, Joseph C................. al and pernal estate. $I32 426 86 292 727 334 500 51I 324 510 593 444 56i 260 612 594 264 888 184 52 480 280 607 744 650 252 252 572 II77 838 480 344 Taxes paid. $I.75 2.43 0.50 1.66 4.i6 1.90 2.86 295 1.85 2.95 3.40 2.55 3.20 1.49 3.50 3.40 1.52 5.09 1.05 0.30 2.75 i.6o 3-48 4.25 3-44 1.44 1.44 3.27 6.74 4.75 2.75 1.97 TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. The following is a complete list of township officers from I838 to 1879, inclusive; showing also the whole number of votes polled each year for candidates for the office of Supervisor: SUPERVISORS. 1838-40, Ard Osborn; 1841, Lawson Judson; I842-43, Lyman E. Beach; 1844-45, Ard Osborn; 1846, Sam uel B. Douglass; 1847, Ard Osborn; 1848, Joseph Loree; 1849, Martin R. Foster;* 1850-51, Henry G. Davis; 1852, Dennis Conrad; 1853-54, Darwin A. Palmer; 1855, Henry G. Davis; I856, John W. Wright; 1857-58, Samuel A. Mapes; 1859, Ard R. Smith; 1860, Samuel A. Mapes; 1861-62, Harry J. Haven; I863-64, Cornelius H. Person; 1865-67, Isaac Stow; I868, John W. Wright; 1869-71, Isaac Stow; I872, Albert W. Messenger; 1873, Anson A. Stow; I874, Isaac Stow; 1875-77, Albert W. Messenger; 1878-79, Isaac Stow. TOWNSHIP CLERKS. 1838-39, Elbert Parker; 1840-42, Alfred Wells; 1843, Luther Haven; I844, David T. Wood; 1845, William C. Post; I846 -48, Peter L. Wilhelm; 1849, J. R. Goodrich; I850, Simeon Disbrow; 1851, S. S. Chipman; 1852-55, John W. Wright; 1856-57, Allen O. Haven; I858, Martin R. Foster; 1859-60, John W. Wright; I861-62, Simeon B. Merrill; 'I863-66, Russell M. Cadwell; 1867, Albert W. Messenger; I868, Stephen M. Hayner; 1869-71, Albert W. Messenger; 1872 -73, John Elliott; I874-75, R. R. Russell; I876-78, John Elliott; 1879, Lyman K. Hadley. TREASURERS. 1838, None elected; 1839-40, Ard Osborn; 1841, Lyman E. Beach; 1842-44, Alfred Wells; I845-48, Horace Osborn; I849, Darwin A. Palmer; 1850, Jonah Poyer; 1851, E. Barnum; I852, Jonah Poyer; I853-54, Joseph L. Post; I855 -56, Peter Lamoreaux; 1857-58, Simon P. Kuhn; I859, Peter Lamoreaux; I860, Hiram Parker; I861, Jno. W. Ward; 1862-63, Barnard Denio; 1864-65, Alison A. Stow; I866, * Resigned; Dennis Conrad elected to fill vacancy, Sept. 30, 1849. Real and personal estate. Acker, Richard..................... $120 Backus, Simeon...................... 292 Barber, Caleb......................... 282 Barber. Samuel....................... 52 Backus, Lorenzo..................... 156 Canoll, Henry........................ 504 Canfield, Lorenzo................... 615 Caskey, William S................... 560 Chase, Peter.......................... 464 I)isbrow, Simeon................... 280 * Denio, Alfred.................... 612 Denio, David................ 560 Davis, William........................ 564 Ferguson, S...................... 344 Grimes, James..................... 12 Green, John........................... 1377 Grover, Joa)........................... Guggins, Richard M.............. 1341 H}ilton, John W...................... 417 Hoyt, Thomas B..................... 120 Judson, Lawson.................... 861 Taxes paid. $o.69 1.67 1.6i 0.30 o.88 2.88 3-53 3.20 2.65 i.60 3.51 3.20 3.25 1.96 0.07 8.00 7.67 2.40 0.69 4.92 WM. S.CASKEY. MRS.WM.S.CASKEY. WILLIAM S. CASKEY was born in Roxbury, N. J., Feb. ii, i8ii. He lived with his father, Robert Caskey, who was a farmer, until he was twenty-one years of age. He came to Michigan in 1833, and took up a tract of eighty acres of land. He worked by the month for others until May ii, 1843, when he was married to Clarissa Wasson, who came with her father from Genesee Co., N. Y., in 1836, and settled in Unadilla. In 1844, Mr. Caskey commenced improving his land. He and his young wife moved into a log house on adjoining land and occupied it the first year, during which time a few acres of land had been cleared, and a log house of the rudest sort had been erected on his own land. From this small beginning, by the strictest economy and industry, a fine farm has been developed from the wilderness. Mr. Clark and his wife were members of the Presbyterian Church at Plainfield; he assisted in its organization, and was for many years one of its deacons. He was charitable and kind hearted. He died Aug. 21, 1873, leaving four children,-three sons and one daughter. The oldest, Robert W., is a farmer in losco. He enlisted in Company L, Third Michigan Cavalry, and served until February, i866. Jonathan B. is a farmer in losco. William S. and Sarah B. live at the old home with their mother, the latter now in her sixtyfourth year, who shares with them the cares and responsibilities of the farm. William S. Caskey was a just man and much respected. IOSCO TOWNSHIP. 263 Jno. W. Ward; 1867-71, Stephen S. Westcott; 1872-73, George Laible; 1874-75, Silas C. Merrill; 1876-77, Freeman C. Peterson; 1878, Horace Mapes; 1879, La Fayette Peet. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Seth G.* Wilson, James Wright, Lawson Judson, 1838; Lawson Judson, 1839; James Wright, 1840; John Wood, 1841; Seth G. Wilson, 1842; Dennis Conrad, 1843; Daniel Person, 1844; Asel Stow, 1845; A. M. Odell, 1846; Levi W. Munsell, 1847; Daniel Person, 1848; Everett Douglass, 1849; James Wright, 1850; Levi W. Munsell, I851; Eli S. Babcock, 1852; Everett Douglass, 1853; Asel Stow, 1854; Levi W. Munsell, Horace Osborn, Ard R. Smith, I855; Lyman E. Beach, I856; Martin R. Foster, Eli S. Babcock, 1857; John E. Mapes, 1858; Levi W. Munsell, 1859; Eli S. Babcock, Robert G. Martin, 1860; Gillert Caswell, Isaac Stow, I861; Isaac Stow, 1862; Allen O. Haven, 1863; Hiram Backus, Patrick Cummiskey, 1864; Ard R. Smith, 1865; Elisha C. Wright, 1866; John W. Wright, 1867; Daniel Person, I868; Milton Bradley, William H. Simpson, 1869; Elisha C. Wright, Thomas W. Harford, 1870; Patrick Cummiskey, Dennis Conrad, I871; Thomas W. Harford, William H. Simpson, 1872; Isaac Stow, 1873; Milton Bradley, 1874; Gilbert Munsell, 1875; Lyman K. Hadley, I876; Stephen B. Person, 1877; William Willard, I878; Gilbert Munsell, John Oakes, 1879. HIGHWAY COMMISSIONERS. Joab Grover, Chelsey Tupper, Washington Wing, 1838; Joab Grover, Levi W. Munsell, Washington Wing, 1839; Washington Wing, Levi W. Munsell, Joab Grover, 1840; Daniel Person, Asel Stow, John Loree, 1841; Daniel Person, Luther Haven, Dennis Conrad, 1842; Washington Wing, Asel Stow, Iarrison P. Goodrich, 1843; James Wright, Martin R. Foster, William Gorton, 1844; Jonah Poyer, Ard R. Smith, Simeon Backus, 1845; Dennis Conrad, Simeon Backus, Isaac T. Wright, 1846; Simeon Backus, Dennis Conrad, A. S. Munsell, 1847; A. S. Munsell, 1848; Ard R. Smith, John Fewlass, 1849; Robert Roberson, 1850; Everett Douglass, 1851; William S. Caskey, 1852; Cornelius H. Person, 1853; Dennis Conrad, 1854; Asahel Goodrich, 1855; Charles Coleman, 1856; Dennis Conrad, 1857; Isaac T. Wright, 1858; Rufus S. Griffin, 1859; Dennis Conrad, I860; Charles Coleman, I86I; Myron Parker, Daniel Person, 1862; Ard R. Smith, 1863; Dennis Conrad, 1864; Jo-eph Loree, 1865; Ard R. Smith, 1866; Dennis Conrad, 1867; Isaac Stow, I868; Hiram Parker, 1869; Stephen S. Westcott, 1870; Dennis Conrad, 1871; Hiram Parker, 1872; Stephen S. Westcott, 1873; Philander Bull, 1874; Stephen S. Westcott, 1875-77; Freeman C. Peterson, 1878; Leander Purdy, 1879. ASSESSORS. Asel Stow, Levi W. Munsell, Lorenzo Backus, 1838; Asel Stow, Lorenzo Backus, John Wood, 1839; William S. Caskey, Asel Stow, Peter Chase, 1840; Peter Chase, Asel Stow, Daniel Person, 1841; Lyman E. Beach, Levi W. Munsell, Peter Chase, 1842; Asel Stow, Joseph Loree, 1843; John Wood, Lyman E. Beach, 1844; A. M. Odell, Daniel Person, 1845; Asel Stow, D. V. Van Sickel, 1846; Samuel B. Douglass, D. V. Van Sickel, 1847; E. H. Noble, William Wooden, 1849; Daniel Person, Asel Stow, 1850; Emery Beal, Asel Stow, 1851, supervisors, have performed the duties of assessors from 1852 to I879, inclusive. COLLECTORS. Josiah Loree, 1838; William C. Post, 1839-40; Ansel Niles, I84I.* SCHOOL INSPECTORS. William Wright, Henry Canoll, Simeon Disbrow, 1838; Lawson Judson, Daniel V. Van Sickel, John Wood, 1839; Alfred Wells, William C. Post, E. H. Noble, 1840; John Wood, Lawson Judson, Elisha H. Noble, 1841; Lawson Judson, David T. Wood, William C. Post, 1842; Jonas W. Wing, David T. Wood, 1843; Elisha H. Noble, Cornelius H. Person, 1844; Cornelius H. Person, 1845; Thomas Ferguson, 1846; Henry G. Davis, 1847; Cornelius H. Person, 1848; J. S. Wright, 1849; John W. Wright, Cornelius H. Person, 1850; B. F. Chipman, 1851; Harry J. Haven, 1852; Isaac Stow, 1853; Harry J. IIaven, 1854; Thomas Wright, 1855; John W. Wilson, 1856; B. F. Chipman, 1857; Henry G. Davis, 1858; James C. Ferguson, 1859; Martin R. Foster, 1860; James C. Ferguson, I86I; Cornelius II. Person, Albert W. Messenger, 1862; Elisha C. Wright, 1863; Isaac Stow, Wolcott S. Haviland, 1864; James C. Gray, 1865; Elisha C. Wright, I866; John W. Wright, 1867; Elisha C. Wright, I868; A. W. Cooper, 1869; John Lamoreaux, 1870; John Connor, 1871; William E. Watson, 1872; R. R. Russell, Lyman K. Hadley, 1873; John Lamoreaux, 1874; Frank L. Wright, 1875; Ashbel W. Elliott, 1876-77; William Mapes, 1878; Jonathan B. Caskey, 1879. TOWNSHIP SUPERINTENI)ENTS OF SCHOOLS. David J. Odell, 1875; La Fayette Peet, 1876; George C. Bradley, 1877; Eugene A. Stow, 1878-79. DIRECTORS OF TIlE POOR. Richard M. Guggins, Lawson Judson, 1838-40; Richard M. Guggins, Elbert Parker, 1841; Elbert Parker, Lawson Judson, 1842; Samuel 1B. Douglass, Joseph Loree, 1843; James Wright, Joseph Loree, 1844; Asel Stow, Washington Wing, 1845; A. M. Odell, Joseph Loree, 1846; Simeon Disbrow, Jacob Ward, I847; Jaco! Ward, Peter J. Kuhn, 1848; Jacob Ward, 1849; Daniel Person, Jacolb Ward, I851; Joseph Wright, Jacob Ward, 1852; HIrry J. Hlaven, William S. Caskey, 1853; Ard R. Smith, I854; Jeremiah Nichols, Emery Beal, 1855; Cornelius Ht. Person, Russell Marble, 1856; Ard R. Smilh, Jonah Poyer, 1857; Jeremiah Nichols, Seth G. Wilson, 1858.t DRAIN COMMISSIONERS. James Sayles, 1872; Silas C. Merrill, 1873; James T. Hoyt, 1874; Lyman K. Hadley, I875-76; Milton Bradley, 1878; John Elliott, 1879. CONSTABLES. Josiah Loree, Caleb Barber, 1838; William C. Post, Lorenzo Davis, 1839; William C. Post, Ansel Niles, 1840; Joseph B. Cole, Ansel Niles, 1841; Ansel Niles, Chelsey Tupper, 1842; Chelsey Tupper, Ansel Niles, 1843; Chauncey B. Clements, Ansel Niles, 1844; Everett Douglass, Putnam T. Smith, Ansel Niles, 1845; Everett Douglass, Putnam T. Smith, D. F. Osborn, 1846; Albert Freeman, William Lincoln, J. M. IHimes, 1847; Albert Freeman, Thomas Sager, Albert Sleight, William Davis, Jr., 1848; Thomas Sager, Henry Wooden, J. C. Post, William Davis, Jr., 1849; Thomas Sager, Henry G. Davis, S. P. Kuhn, John W. Jewell, 1850; Thomas Sager, Levi Ward, I851; William W. Wells, Jonah Poyer, 1852; James B. Odell, Alvin Ward, Joseph S. Post, Leroy Backus, 1853; Charles Odell, Alvin Ward, Ichabod Chase, William Davis, Jr., 1854; Alvin Ward, Charles Coleman, Thomas Sharp, Peter Lamoreaux, 1855; John W. Ward, Peter Lamoreaux, Charles Coleman, Ard Osborn, 1856; Gilbert Munsell, Simon P. Kuhn, William Simons, Alvin Ward, 1857; Gilbert Munsell, William H. Wilcox, Alvin Ward, Simon P. Kuhn, I858; William HI. Wilcox, Gilbert Munsell, John W. Ward, Thomas Sager, 1859; George D. Odell, Hiram Parker, * Office has since been abolished. t- Office has since bden abolished. 264 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I Gilbert Munsell, Hiram Perry, I86o; Andy Pearson, John W. Ward, Anson A. Stow, Hiram A. Parker, I86I; Barnard Denio, June Holcomb, Thomas R. Simpson, Anson A. Stow, I862; Daniel Miller, Barnard Denio, Elias Jackson, Anson A. Stow, 1863; Thomas R. Simpson, Anson A. Stow, Charles Conrad, Joseph Loree, Jr., 1864; Joseph Loree, Jr., Anson A. Stow, Thomas R. SiTnpson, William F. Mead, 1865; Joseph Loree, Jr., William P. Drumm, Stephen M. Hayner, John W. Ward, i866; Stephen S. Westcott, John W. Ward, John Witty, Reuben Williams, 1867; Anson A. Stow, John Witty, John W. Ward, Jay Redfield, I868; Stephen S. Westcott, William H. Richmond, William M. Hart, Gilbert Munsell, 1869; William M. Hart, Stephen S Westcott, Watson Lister, Aaron W. Cooper, 1870; Harry J. Haven, Levi Fewlass, Edwin W. Acker, B. S. Person, I871; James Hoyt, E. W. Noble, Gustavus Foster, Freeman C. Peterson, 1872; Philander Bull, Gustavus Foster, Jay Redfield, John Dutcher, 1873; James T. Hoyt, Stephen S. Smith, Jay Redfield, Gustavus Foster, 1874; Albert P. Foster, John M. Bradley, James T. Hoyt, John Rathbun, 1875; Gustavus Foster, Charles E. Peterson, William Ogle, Robert Elliott, 1876; William H. Mapes, Silas C. Merrill, David Green, George Phillips, 1877; George D. Odell, William Bird, Israel Bennett, Philander Bull, 1878; George 1). Odell, William Rector, Hlaver Lerg, 1879. EDUCATIONAL. The first school districts were formed Nov. 27, 1837, while this town still formed a part of Unadilla township. Four districts were organized the same day, three of which are now known as the Munsell, Wilson, and Mapes districts. Others were formed soon after. Which district is entitled to the honor of building the first house for school purposes cannot with certainty be told. However, tradition says it belongs to the Munsell district. The first records of any schools are for the year I839, and show reports from four districts as having had schools for at least three months by a qualified teacher, and this would indicate that several houses were constructed the same season and at about the same time, which is the more probable. The whole number of scholars reported fiom the four districts was 57, and the amount of public moneys received was $22.80, an average of $5j.7 to each district, or 40 cents per scholar. As to the first school taught in the township, however, there can be no question. This school was held in the summer of 1837 or I838,-probably the former,-in a private dwelling on section 17, and was taught by the lady of the house, Mrs. Henry M. Wood. This does not seem to have been a district school, or if so, the pupils were not confined to any particular part of the town, and it was undoubtedly a private enterprise. The first schoolhouses were usually built of logs, quickly and cheaply, with a large, open fireplace on a hearth of clay or stone, and with planks split from logs for flooring. The seats were benches made from logs opened in halves, dressed on the flat side with an axe, and legs secured in two-inch auger holes I at either end. The desks were long boards or planks fastened to the inside walls. No taxes seem to have been levied for building purposes, or at least no record can be found of any, and it is very probable that the first school-houses were in most cases built by the volunteer labor of those inhabitants residing within their respective districts. (The foregoing sketch concerning early schools is an extract from a paper prepared by the Hon. Isaac Stow, of Iosco, for the Livingston County Pioneer Society.) The teachers first mentioned in the records as receiving certificates were Miss Victoria A. Lyman and Miss Margaret Foster, who, on the 9th of May, 1844, were granted certificates to teach primary schools. In November of the same year C. H. Person received a teacher's certificate. The Inspectors' Annual Report for the year I845 furnishes the following statistics as to the number of children of school age residing in the township, and the amount of public money disbursed: District No. 3, 34 scholars, $10.23; District No. 4, 22 scholars, $6.62; District No. 6, 22 scholars, $6.62; District No. 7, 53 scholars, $I5.95. Teachers receiving certificates in 1845 were Charlotte M. Kirtland, Russell Brown, and Jonathan Foster. In 1846, Ellen Richmond, Lucinda Stafford, Polly Stafford and John Wright. In 1847, Charlotte Moon, Emily Clark, Betsey Bliss, C. H. Person, and John Wright. Misses Rhoda Wilhelm, Keziah Woodin, and Mary Beal were also licensed prior to I850. At the latter date, districts I to 5 inclusive reported I6I scholars, and the amount of money received from county and township treasurers was $78 36. Among those who received teachers' certificates during the years from I850 to I855 were Isaac Stow, Jonathan Foster, Elisha C. Wright, Mary Ann Cool, Sophronia Haven, Annette Chipman, Rhoda Wilhelm, Dennis Wright, Lydia Granger, Daniel Cobb, Thomas Seeley, Harry J. Haven, Mary Smith, Margaret Ferguson, Thomas Wright, Mary Martin, Emily Emery, Miss H. Smith, and Caroline J. Morrison. The number of scholars reported in I860 were 235, and the amount received from the primaryschool fund $Io8.00. In 1870 districts I to 5, inclusive, reported 211 scholars, and the amount of primary-school money received and apportioned $I04. 6. The following statistics are taken from the annual report of the township board of education, for the year ending Sept. I, I879: Number of districts, one being fractional..................... Children of school age residing in the township............ 5 219 AMANDA DOUGLASS, a woman well known through Livingston County for her enterprise and good common sense, was born in Rensselaer Co., N. Y., Nov. 4, 1804. Her maiden name was Vredenburgh. Her ancestors were Hollanders, and emigrated to America before the Revolution. When she was two years of age her father moved to Washington Co., N. Y., and settled on a farm near White Hall, where she lived until she was married, Jan. 22, 1823, to Samuel B. Douglass. His father was also a farmer, and lived near White Hall. Samuel remained with his father until he was twenty-five years of age, when he went to Wayne Co., N. Y., with his wife and one child, and engaged in the mercantile business for fifteen years. He there made a trade for one hundred and sixty acres of land in Handy, Livingston Co., Mich. Upon this land he had a log house built, and moved there in August, 1840, where he remained one year, when he purchased three hundred and twenty acres of land, upon which there was a frame house and some sixty acres partially cleared, at what is now known as Parker's Corners, in the town of Iosco. He at once built a barn, and commenced improving the land. Not being a practical farmer, and his time largely occupied with other matters, he had made little progress on the farm when he died, Sept. II, 1847, in his fiftieth year, leaving a wife and five children. Mr. Douglass was a man of large busi ness capacity, and by his own exertion had acquired a good business education. Was a practical surveyor, had a good knowledge of the law, and became quite famous for his success in the pioneer courts. Politically, he was a Democrat. In all town matters he took an active part, filling some of the offices, among them that of supervisor. Upon his death, Mrs. Douglass assumed the responsibility of the family, and nobly has she performed the duties devolving upon her. The large tract of native forest has been transformed into broad and fertile fields, the many wants of the family have been supplied, and their position in the community maintained. She is charitable and hospitable to all local public enterprises. She gives liberally to the Protestant Methodist Church at Parker's Corners; she gave the land, and contributed liberally to its erection and support. She has been the mother of six children; one died while the family lived in New York. Everett, the oldest son, is a prominent business man at Big Rapids, Mich.; Helen married Thomas Segar, a farmer, who lives adjoining the old home; Sarah married Myron Parker; she died, leaving three children, who live with their grandmother; Robert died at the age of eighteen years; Samuel was killed by a falling tree. And now, after a long and industrious life, this venerable pioneer, upon whose head have fallen the frosts of seventy-five winters, looks back with the satisfaction of having acted well her part, as she enjoys a large circle of friends and a well-earned competency. AMANDA DOUGLASS.I,::~;-~:~. - ~- ---: -—.~ ~_' '~ ii ~~ r I-~::: r,J rl: 9lirqLa`r r r C"LC.-, +N' 3fC* irk t i ~ RESIDENCE _0b AMANDA DOUGLASS, IOSCO, LIVINGSTON CO.,MICH. IOSCO TOWNSHIP. 26S i Children attending school during the year................. Frame school-houses.......................................... Value of school prope ty......................................... Qualified male teachers employed during the year......... Qualified female teachers employed during the year..... Months taught by male teachers................................ Months taught by female teachers.............................. Paid male teachers........................................ Paid female teachers..................................... YEARLY RECEIPTS. Money on hand Sept. 2, 1878............................... Two-mill tax..................................................... Primary-school fund............................................. District taxes for all purposes.................................. 2r3 5 $1400 5 7 I7~ 23Y $458.70 273.50 $169.23 255.88 o16.56 541.86 Total resources for the year............................. $1073.53 EXPENDITURES. Teachers' wages............................................. $732.20 Repairs of buildings...4....................................... 4.97 For other purposes.......................................... 23.90 On hand September I, 1879.................................... 212.46 $1073.53 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL SOCIETY OF IOSCO. The first religious meetings were held at the residence of James Wright, in the spring or early summer of 1837, by Elder Sayre. He continued his ministrations for a year or more, holding meetings here, and in adjoining settlements, about once in four weeks. The first class contained a membership of some nine or ten, among whom were James Wright and wife, Richard Acker and wife, William Wright, Seth G. Wilson and wife, Abram Van Buren and wife, and Ard Osborn. During the same summer Elder Sayre organized a class in the Munsell neighborhood. The Wright class kept up its organization, slowly but surely increasing its membership, worshiping in school-houses and the dwellings of its members, until May, I854, when measures were taken for building a church edifice. Rev. William E. Bigelow, presiding elder of the Ann Arbor district, thereupon appointed Joseph S. Post, William Wright, Joseph Wright, Elisha C. Wright, James Wright, Horace Osborn, and Enoch Smith trustees of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Iosco, and the society was regularly incorporated. Soon after, a small church was erected upon the east side of section 20. In I874 it was deemed advisable to remove the church to losco, or Parker's Corners. This was finally accomplished, and it was then rebuilt at a cost of $600o. It has sittings for 300 people. THE PROTESTANT METHODIST CHURCH OF IOSCO.* This society was organized by Revs. R. Bamford and M. Munn in 1845. The members of the *From information furnished by D. F. Osborn, son of Ard Osborn. 34 I I I first class were William Simnons and Angeline, his wife; William C. Post and Ursula, his wife; Margaret Wilhelm, and Delia Hempstead. This class then belonged to the Ingham Circuit, and remained a part of the same until I857, when it was set-off from Ingham and embraced in the Livingston Circuit. The pastors of this society and the dates of their coming are shown as follows: John A. Parks, 1846; R. R. Ransom, 1847; John A. Parks, I848; B. Bayne, I849; J. R. Savage, M. L. Perrington, 1851; M. L. Perrington, J. Card, 1852; J. K. Stevenson, 1853; Wm. D. Tompkinson, 1854; Jesse Kilpatrick, I856; H. H. Johnson, I857; J. A. Nichols, 1858; H. H. Johnson, I86o; Thomas Plackett, i86i; J. H. Morton, 1862; M. D. Angell, 1863; S. Clark, 1865; H. W. Hicks, 1866; J. S. McKinley, 1868; A. C. Fuller, 1870; J. F. Kellogg, 1872; Wm. D. Tompkinson, 1873; J. F. Kellogg, 1875; Samuel Riley, the present lastor, I877. A neat church edifice with sittings for 300 persons was built in 1873, at a cost of $2800. The society has a present membership of 40, and a flourishing Sabbath-school numbering 70 scholars and teachers, of which Enoch S. Osborn is superintendent. A class of Protestant Methodists was formed in the south part of the township in 1850. They hold meetings in the Wilson School-house. FIRST SABBATH-SCHOOL. Elder Piper, a Presbyterian or Baptist divine, held meetings at the house of John Wood, on section 17, in 1838 or 1839. Mr. Wood with his daughters are entitled to the honor of organizing and conducting in the summer of i838, in their dwelling, the first Sabbath-school, and it was a very successful one. CEMETERIES. The Munsell Burying-ground Association was organized and incorporated according to the laws of the State of Michigan, March 17, 1854. The officers first elected were Peter J. Kuhn, President; Martin R. Foster, Clerk; Seth G. Wilson, Collector; and John Fewlass, Treasurer and Sexton. The original plat is described as follows: " Commencing at a stake on the quarter-post line running east and west through section fifteen in township two north, of range three east, said stake being situate in the centre of the public highway running east and west on the said quarter-section postline, and about fifty rods from the eastern post of said section fifteen; thence running north sixteen rods; thence east nine rods: thence south sixteen rods to the centre of the said public highway; thence west to the place of beginning." Other places of burial are situated upon sections 3 and 29. :266i 6HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. j BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. LUANA STOW, one of the early pioneers of Livingston County, was born Nov. 30, 1807. Her parents, Calvin and Elizabeth Wilson, emigrated from the State of Massachusetts to Vermont in 1785, about six years before the admission of that State as the fourteenth member of the Union. But little is known of her early ancestors, except that they emigrated from Ireland at a very early period in the history of this country, and that they were Protestant in their religious views. birthplace until September, 1836, when, with her husband and family of two children, she removed to Livingston Co., Mich. At this time the country was new,.and its forests unblemished by the march of industry and civilization. Mrs. Stow, reared in a home of plenty, felt keenly the loss of the many privileges deemed indispensable in older communities. In the summer of 1838, and again 1856, she visited her former home and friends in New England. Of a family of six children four only survive,three sons and one daughter. Her husband, Asel Stow, died in August, 1854, aged fifty-two years. He was a robust, energetic, and determined man, and seemed especially fitted for pioneer life. A man of more than ordinary business talent, he be came influential in public affairs, and filled many of the responsible township offices. Mrs. Stow still resides at her old home with her second son, Anson A. Stow. An exemplary I Christian and- devoted mother, she, in her declining years, is surrounded with plenty and many loving friends. HON. ISAAC STOYW, eldest son of Asel and Luana Stow, was born on the loth day of December, 1830, in Weybridge, Addison Co., Vt. In the autumn of I836 he emigrated with his parents into the western part of Livingston Co., Mich., then an unbroken wilderness, inhabited only by the red man and wild beasts of the forests. The family, accompanied by Seth G. Wilson and wife, after a tedious journey by canal and lake, arrived at Detroit about the middle, of September. Here they were soon joined by Nathan Jones and family, an uncle who had driven his father's team overland from the State of Vermont, and made their way, over roads that to other than the indomitable pioneer would have appeared simply impassable, to their future homes on the very borders of civilization. To relate the thrilling incidents and severe trials of Mr. Stow's early pioneer life would prolong this sketch beyond its allotted bounds; we will, therefore, only add that he continued to reside with his parents during his minority in the township where they first settled, since known as Iosco, assisting in making from the unsubdued wilds of nature what in time became a home of plenty, and where his aged mother still resides. At an early age Mr. Stow exhibited those studious traits of character which have since made him a man of position and influence in the community where he resides, and a valuable aid in the development of a new country. Before leaving New England he had attained to more than ordinary proficiency in his studies for one of his age (not yet six years); but for several years after his arrival in Michigan he enjoyed very limited educational advantages, schools being few and usually of an inferior type. However, during his boyhood he was a constant student, giving his spare moments to study,-often carrying text-books with him while laboring in his father's fields. At the age of sixteen, mostly by his own unaided efforts, he had mastered those branches usually taught in the high schools and academies of the country, and became a successful teacher. At the age of eighteen he became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. His correct deportment and studious habits won him many friends, and prepared him well for life's earnest work. After reaching his majority he began business on a new farm in the township of White Oak, Ingham Co., of which, at the expiration of one year, I IOSCO TOWNSHIP. 17 he disposed, and at the earnest solicitation of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Seth G. Wilson,who were childless,-resided with them about two years. Here he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land adjoining that received from his uncle, making a fine estate of two hundred and eighty acres. In November, 1853, he was married to Miss Ruhamah Palmer, of Washtenaw Co., Mich., who still lives, a devoted wife and mother, and a useful member of society. On the death of his father, which occurred in August, 1854, he yielded to the tearful entreaties of his mother and returned to the old homestead, taking charge of the estate, of which he was soon after made administrator. Here he remained until his younger brothers arrived at manhood, when he purchased a tract of land not far distant, of which, by industry and perseverance, he and his energetic companion have made a desirable home. The family, consisting of four sons and two daughters, three of whom have attained their majority, still remain beneath the parental roof. They are well advanced in scholastic attainments, of good deportment, and fitted to take prominent positions in any community. Eugene A. now fills the office of superintendent of schools with credit and honor to himself and his constituents. Mr. Stow, early in life, took a leading position in the public affairs of his township, and during the Rebellion spent much time and money in filling the several quotas of troops called for by government, and his liberality, when acting officially in the care of the families of enlisted soldiers, was unsuccessfully used to defeat him at the next election. He has given largely of time and money to the support of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Iosco, and to the building of its neat and tasty church edifice. Although affiliating with the political party usually in the minority, he now holds and has filled the office of supervisor a large share of the time for the last fifteen years, and has been prominent in the affairs of the county. In 1874 he was elected to the Legislature, and was a member of that body when that memorable and closelycontested election of United States Senator occurred which ended in the defeat of Hon. Zachariah Chandler and the election of Judge Christiancy. Mr. Stow has good business qualifications, and with a mind more logical than brilliant, seldom arrives at false conclusions, or fails to succeed in whatever he attempts. He has many friends, and enjoys the proud satisfaction of having largely assisted-in laying the foundations of the material and religious prosperity of the community about him. As a citizen, he contributes his full share in the defense of right and virtue, and towards the suppression of vice and immorality in every form. In sketching briefly the life thus far of such a man, we must conclude that, however unpretending, it has been eminently useful, and that without men of stout hearts and inflexible purpose the wilderness-the rude frontier-would never be transformed into prosperous communities, where the heterogeneous elements of pioneer life are changed and blended into beautiful harmony, indicative of a much higher order of civilization. SETH G. WILSON was born at Weybridge, Vt., Nov. 30, I798. He lived with his father until he became of age, but worked out by the month a portion of the time. Sept. 19, 1823, he was married to Philena Sturdevant. Mr. Wilson, with his father, purchased a SETH G. WILSON. farm, where he worked until the spring of 1836. He then sold out and came to Iosco, in company with Asel Stow, who had married Mr. Wilson's sister. Mr. Wilson located one hundred and sixty acres of land, where he now lives. In the fall of I836 he built a log house, and commenced the improvement of what is now a fine and fertile farm. He was present at the first town-meeting, and was elected justice of the peace, an office he held for eight years. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Vermont; they brought letters and united with the same church at Munsell's, and assisted in organizing the Wilson class. Mr. Wilson has been a class-leader for more than thirty years. 268 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. __;...._-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i - ~ — ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Having no children, and feeling the need of some assistance in their old age, they made an arrangement with Silas C. Merrill, in 1863, by which he received their property, and, in consideration therefor, was to care for them during their natural lives. Mrs. Wilson died Nov. Io, I866. Mr. Wilson, upon whose head have fallen the frosts of fourscore winters, is still in the enjoyment of good health, and looks back upon the past with the satisfaction of having acted well his part. His successor on the old farm, Mr. Merrill, was born in Butler, N. Y., Oct. 8, I833. He came to losco with his father, Benjamin Merrill, who died Nov. 18, 1841, leaving a wife and two sons. Simeon enlisted in the 5th Infantry, and died at Andersonville prison. Silas C. has been twice married. His first wife was Harriet Conrad, who only lived a few months after their marriage. His present wife, Mrs. Adelaide Stewart, formerly Miss Miller, was a daughter of Wm. Miller, who settled in Iosco in the spring of I836, and who died in September, I874. WILLIAM H. KUHN. MRS. WILLIAM H. KUHN. WILLIAM H. KUHN was born in Livingston Co., N. Y., Jan. 30, 1822. He came to losco in the spring of 1837 with his father, Peter J. Kuhn, who was a man of limited means, and had a family of eight children,-four sons and four daughters. They were among the earliest settlers in the town, and their success may be attributed to their industry and good management; as the boys grew up to manhood they sought homes for themselves. April!2, 1846, William H. Kuhn was married to Miss Mairtha Wilson, daughter of Warren Wilson, who came from Vermont and settled in White Oak, Ingham Co., about 1838. In the summer of 1846, Mr. Kuhn purchased eighty acres of land, of which there were a few acres cleared, but no buildings. fMaking a small payment, and working out as be;st he could to get money for the other pyments and the necessaries of life, it was two yeas fre he was enabled to build a log house, nd thien it was of the rudest kind. But by persistent energy the improvements wer, made and otfr- aIdi did until a fine farm is the result. lg::wsewas deemed too small and ionve nient; a new and substantial residence was planned and all preparations made to build, when Mr. Kuhn was taken sick, and died May 28, 1871, leaving a wife and eight children,-four sons and four daughters. The entire responsibility of the family and of the farm fell upon the mother, who has courageously discharged her trust. The house has been completed according to the original plan, the farm has been carried on, and the affairs of the family so conducted as to reflect great credit upon the mother and the children, who co-operate with her. Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn were members of the Protestant Methodist Church, in which he was a class-leader for several years. JAMES WOODEN ranks among the enterprising men of Iosco who have contributed towards the development and improvement of Livingston County. His father, William Wooden, was a farmer in Waterloo, N. Y., who subsequently came to losco, cleared up a farm on section 5, where he died in December, 186, in his sevententy- th year. PUTNAM TOWNSHIP. - 269 James Wooden was born in Waterloo, N. Y., April 8, 1823. He came to Iosco with only one hundred dollars, and purchased a piece of wild land. He had cleared a few acres and built a log house when he married Lydia C. Hart, in January, I854. His location on section 5 was covered with heavy timber, which required years of labor to remove, and render the land available for tillage. With energy and industry, this farm was developed into one of the finest in the county,-embracing three hundred and sixty acres, with large improvements, spacious buildings, and pleasant surroundings,-a view of which may be seen among the Iosco illustrations. WILLIAM J. JEWELL was born in Warren Co., N. J., Nov. 19, i8i8. His parents died when he was young, leaving him without means or protection. He was reared among strangers. When twenty-two years of age he came to Hillsdale Co., Mich., where he worked by the month for two years, from the wages of which labor he saved three hundred dollars. He then came to losco and purchased eighty acres of land, where he now lives. This was in 1842. February 17th of that year he was married to Delilah Smith, daughter of Robert Smith, who came from Cortland Co., N. Y.; and settled in Ingham County, where he died at the age of seventysix years. Soon after Mr. Jewell was married he built a rude log house. Being almost destitute of means, the early improvements were made only by the greatest exertion; the progress although slow, has been sure. The original eighty acres has expanded to one hundred and sixty, with large and commodious buildings, and with such surroundings as indicate an abundance of this world's goods. Mr. Jewell has been the father of two children, -a daughter, who died when fourteen years of age, and a son, Fobes C., who was born June IO, 1864. 0 tft - PUTNAM TOWNSHIP. PUTNAM, one of the earlier formed townships of Livingston County, lies on its southern border, and is bounded west, north, and east by the townships of Unadilla, Marion, and Hamburg, and south by Washtenaw County. It includes township No. I north, in range No. 4 east of the principal meridian, as shown on the United States survey. Southeast from the centre is located the village of Pinckney, in a picturesque valley on the north bank of Portage Creek. The survey of the proposed Michigan Air-Line Railway crosses the township from east to west, passing to the north of Pinckney. The surface of the township is, in its greater portion, hilly and broken, although in the west and northwest is an extensive and beautiful plain, upon which are found excellent and highly-improved farms. Honey Creek passes nearly through the centre of the town, from northwest to southeast, and discharges into Portage Lake on section 36. Portage River, fed by numerous small lakes, traverses the southern portion of the township, and, after crossing into Washtenaw County, empties into Portage Lake, which is a large, fine sheet of water, covering several hundred acres, and lying partly in each county. Among the other lakes of the township are Mud, Bentley, Duck, Little and Big Barber, and Gosling. Parts of Half-Moon and Patterson Lakes also lie in the southwest corner of the town. Good power is furnished by Portage River and Honey Creek, and mills have been erected in several places. LAND-ENTRIES. The following is a list of those who entered land in what is now Putnam township, arranged by sections, with years in which the entries were made: SECTION I.-1835, Maj. Chubb; 1836, Barry Butler, Henry A. Nagle, Thomas Crawford, John Norton, Elijah Bennett; I837, Ira Chubb; 1838, Lewis Butler; I847, John H. Watson. SECTION 2.-1835, Maj. Chubb; I836, Thomas L. Jewett, James M. Soverhill, Thomas Crawford; 1838, Nathan Pond. SECTION 3.-1835, George Corselus, Benjamin Eaman; 1836, James Kingsley, Aaron Younglove, Joseph Pixley, James W. Stansbury; 1838, Horace Alderman; 1855, Philander Monroe. SECTION 4.-1835, Thomas Martin, Thomas Weller; 1836, William Kirtland, John S. Farrand, Aaron Younglove, Thoma Crawford, Henry A. Nagle, William W. Stansbury. SECTION 5.-I835, Hiram Weller; 1836, John G. Peters, le-. uel Bryant; 1840, John D. Hughes, Moses Fuller. SECTION 6.-I836, Freeman R. Burden, Erastus Blanchrd, Caleb Lynden; 1837, Freeman R. Burden; 1838, Patrick Kelly; 1852, William Boyle; 1853, Frederick Williams. :; io HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. SEct roN 7.-1835, Cassius Swift, James Grieve; 1836, Sylvanus P. Germain, John Cameron. SECTION 8.-I1835, Freeman Webb, Benjamin Annis, Samuel Burgess; 1836, William Kirtland, Richard M. Bayley, Antha Weller, Reuben Robie. SECTION 9.-1835, Hiram Weller; 1836, William Kirtland, R. M. Bayley, Patrick Monks, Reuben Robie, Cassius Swift; 1836, Patrick Monks, William Moore; 1838, Furman G. Rose, Freeman Webb. SECTION I. —1836, Henry G. Bush, Maj. Bentley; 1837, Ezekiel Page; 1849, Thomas Gawley, James Speer; 1854, David White; 1867, William A. Hall. SECTION 11.-1836, Maj. Bentley, Samuel Nash, Samuel S. Fitch; 1837, William O'Hara; 1838, Joel S. Mead, Samuel S. Fitch, Jesse D. Hause; i848, William S. Wait; 1853, Wm. S. Wait. SECTION 12.-1836, Ralph Swarthout, Silas Hodgins; 1837, B. B. Kercheval, R. Swarthout; 1839, Samuel S. Fitch. SECTION 13.-1836, Joseph Kirtland, Joseph Abel, Robert Dunlap; 1837, Samuel S. Fitch. SECTION 14.-1836, Ira A. White, Henry G. Bushy Joseph Kirtland; 1837, John Dunn, George B. Martin, William Moore. SECrIoN 15.-1835, Linus Arnold, Evelina Arnold; 1836, Nelson Barber, Nelson Jenkins; 1837, Luke Hemenway, Christopher Monks, James Burke; 1842, Joseph Kirtland; 1854, David Hyaman. SECTION 16 (school lands).-I839, W. H. Stevens, F. G. Rose, J. Brooks, William Kirtland, C. Britain; 1841, J, S. Nash; 1844, I847, 1848, 1850, F. Webb, Jr. SECTION I7.-1835, Abner Bruan, L. Foster, Samuel M. C. Hinchey, John S. Hinchey, Stiles Perry, William Iughson, Freeman Webb; 1836, William Kirtland. SECTION I8.-1834, Alfred Hartshorn; 1835, Leander Foster, James H. Woods, Sanford Marble, Benjamin Eaman; 1836, William Kirtland. SECTION 19.-1836, James G. Peterson, Alexander Stephens, Bennett Sewell, James Grieve, Otto S. Bagnell; 1837, John Flinn; 1852, John Patterson; 1854, Gideon Webb. SECTION 20.-1835, John S. Hinchey, Charles M. Moses; 1836, Abner Bruan, Warren Rogers; 1837, Michael McFadden, Moses Babcock, John Flinn, Chester F. Parsons; 1849, Henry Gardiner; 1853, Thomas C. Webb. SECTION 21.-1834, William White and James S. Nash; 1835, Alvin A. Holcomb, Samuel M. C. Hinchey, Anson B. Chipman; I836, Joel Brooks, Robert Dunlap, Warren Rogers; 1837, Michael McFadden, Nelson Jenkins. SECTION 22.-1834, Sanford Marble, John O'Brien, Joel Brooks; 1835, John Sykes, Linus Arnold; 1836, William Kirtland, William White, Samuel Kilpatrick. SECTION 23.-1828, Solomon Peterson; 1834, Benjamin Weller; 1835, Jefferson J. M. Newcomb, Alvah Burgess, Furman G. Rose, James Smith, Michael Murray, Grant T. Perry; 1836, John Murray. SECTION 24.-1835, Elijah Whipple, Aaron Vance; 1836, Wm. Kirtland, Kenneth Davidson, Joseph Kirtland. SECTION 25.-1831, James Pullen, Solomon Peterson; 1835, Samuel Cole, Elijah Whipple, Alvah Burgess; 1836, James Dwyer, Chester Ingalls; 1837, James Love. SECTION 26.-1828, Solomon Peterson; 1831, Jacob Corey, S. Mallery; 1832, Richard M. Guggins; 1834, Elnathan Canfield; 1835, Clarinda Parker, James Kingsley; 1836, William Kirtland. SECTION 27.-:834, Enathan Canfield, Joel Brooks; 1835, Daniel Towner, Matthew Saul; 1836, James W. Stansbury, William Kirtland, John H. Platt, James Jacoby, Lydia Jacoby, Francis Hoban, Elizabeth Stansbury. SC'oN 28. 1835, William White, Moses M. Crane; I836, Thomas e James E. Crane, Francis Hoban, Robert '**' jEW:ffDuln~0arp.nt t-.:, h;nSTIo.-18Wiliatm White; 1836, William Bartnt, Jhnso:n Tiptadyl am Io, Roer Dun SECTION 30.-1835, Otto S. Bignall, Solomon L. Bignall, William Noulin; 1836, Silas Barton, Patrick Dillon, Robert Dunlap; I853, George Howell. SECTION 31.-1835, Otto S. Bignall, Solomon L. Bignall, Richard Bignall, John Patterson; 1836, Samuel W. Foster, Isaac Titus; 1837, James Gaunt. SECTION 32.-I835, Lothrop Hubbard, Solomon L. Bignall, Moses Nash; 1836, Moses M. Crane, SamueJ-W. Foster, Robert H. Titus; 1837, John Farmer, Moses Babcock, S. L. Bignall, George B. Martin. SECTION 33.-1831, Levi Rodgers, Ebenezer Boyden; 1835, John Harris, Burr S. Northrup; 1836, Thomas Nixon, Martin Harris, Hugh Clark, William Saul; 1837, James Jones. SECTION 34.-1828, Flavona Wright; 1834, Henry Harris; 1835, Adna Shaw and Lucius S. Farrand; 1836, Isaac B. Towner, Charles Kingsley, John Ilarris. SECTION 35.-1833, Jacob Sigler, Francis Ingramn; 1835, Selden Pullen; 1836, Andrew Nowland, Oscar Greenman, William Kirtland, Martin Davis, James M. Soverhill. SECTION 36.-I836, William Kirtland, James Giblons, Rol)ert Dunlap; 1837, John Wallace; 1842, Pomeroy Boyden; 1853, Sarah M. Johnson; 1854, Millard F. Darrow. By reference to the foregoing it will be seen that the first entries in the township were made in 1828. They were 16o acres on section 23, and i60 acres on section 26, by Solomon Peterson, of this State, entered May I3th; and 80 acres by Flavona Wright, of Wayne Co., N. Y., dated May 14th. No other entries were made until 183I. The entries in 1828, as mentioned, were the first in the county. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. Col. Solomon Peterson, who had been commander of a regiment of militia in the State of New York, and who entered land in Putnam, as above mentioned, is said to have immediately settled upon it. This being the case, he was beyond doubt the first settler in Livingston County. He is also given the credit of having built the first house and barn in the county, both being frame structures. The colonel was, without dispute, the first white man who made his home within the limits of what is now Putnam township. His buildings were on the bank of Portage Creek, immediately southeast of the village of Pinckney. The colonel, who was a bachelor, was chosen first supervisor of Putnam after its organization, and was one of the foremost among its prominent citizens. He finally moved to the town of Dexter, Washtenaw Co., where his death occurred within recept years. James Jacoby, from the town of Hunter, Greene Co., N. Y., landed with his family at Detroit, Nov. 13, 1 833,-thebirthday of his wife. A tavern was rented twenty-four miles out of Detroit, and kept by Mr. Jacoby about two'years. In 1835 the family removed to Putnam township, and settled west of the village of Pinckney, where he- died about i865. His widow yet resides on the old PUTNAM TOWNSHIP. 271 place, and has reached the advanced age of eightysix years. Henry Harris, from Somerset Co., N. J. (both himself and wife natives of Ireland), purchased land on section 34, in this township, in 1834, and settled upon it immediately. Colonel Peterson and John Sigler were then the nearest neighbors, the latter living a short distance east, on section 35. Mr. Harris has been dead over twenty years. His brother, John Harris, settled northwest of him, on the Portage River, near the subsequent location of Reeves' grist-mill. He died in the winter of I878-79, in the village of Dexter, Washtenaw Co., whither he had removed. His son, John Harris, now lives in the township of Webster, in the lastnamed county. Henry Harris' son, also named John, resides near his mother, on the old farm. Both the Harris brothers followed agricultural pursuits principally during their life in this town. Henry cleared and improved the three " eighties" he originally purchased, together with another, which he bought afterwards. When he came with his family he followed a "blazed-tree" trail, the road not yet being cut out, through from Dexter. He built a log house a few steps south of the frame residence now occupied by his widow. They had at that time but one child,-a daughter,-who is now living in Jackson. Other children were born to them, but the family became scattered during the war of the Rebellion ( 86 I-65). One son died at Union City, Branch Co., Mich., and another in Minnesota. John Harris is the only son now living in the neighborhood where his father settled nearly half a century in the past, and the farm has never in that time been out of the hands of the family. Hugh Clark, a native of Ireland, emigrated to America in 1832, and settled in Somerset Co., N. J. In the fall of I836 he came to Michigan, and settled in Putnam township, on the farm he still owns and occupies. He was then unmarried. He purchased 80 acres of land from government, afterwards adding to it by different purchases from other hands. The log house he built and lived in stood immediately south of his present frame dwelling. He continued to live here in the solitude of bachelorhood until 1842, when he was married. His brother, William Clark, was here part of the time, and finally settled in the township, but moved subsequently to Missouri, in which State he still resides. When Mr. Clark came, the Messrs. Root, of Ann Arbor, were operating a saw-mill a short distance southeast of his place, on the Portage River. The mill-dam was crossed by the county line, and the mill itself stood in Washtenaw County. This mill was kept very busy cutting lumber for the settlers, who at that time were arriving rapidly. West of Mr. Clark's was another saw-mill, built in I835, probably by Solomon Bignall and Moses Babcock. George Reeves, of Pinckney, began a three-story frame grist-mill, near the saw-mill, in 1840, and finished it in December of that year, or the next. It contained four run of stones, and for years the business was large and profitable. The mill finally became the property of Reeves & Rose, and during the latterfyears of its existence its custom decreased, and but little grinding was done. It was destroyed by fire in the latter part of January, I879. The saw-mill is yet standing. When the grist-mill was completed, ready for use, a considerable number of settlers assembled in it and held a holiday-party. Its first grist was ground during the same afternoon. George Reeves, from Orange County, N.Y., came with his wife and three children to Michigan in 1826, and located at Lima Centre, Washtenaw Co., where he remained until some time in I837, when he removed to Pinckney, and entered the mercantile business. The mill property, which he subsequently purchased, had been originally settled and improved by Solomon L. Bignall, who bought it from government in 1835. Upon removing to the latter place Mr. Reeves took his stock of goods with him, and in company with his wife's brother, Timothy R. Allison, established a store. He also entered into partnership with Samuel Minot in the same business, and the three persons carried on two stores, Reeves & Minot owning one, and Reeves & Allison the other. Both have long been discontinued, and Mr. Reeves is now deceased. His family occupies the old place. Sanford Marble, a native of Massachusetts, and for some years a resident of Connecticut, emigrated from the latter State to Michigan in I833, and settled on the site of the village of Pinckney. After one year he removed to the farm upon which his son, James M. Marble, now resides, on the plain in the western part of the township. When he first entered the township it contained but nine families, and when he moved to the present farm his only neighbor was a man named Foster, who lived on the present C. M. Wood place. The father of the last-named gentleman, John Wood, settled early in Iosco township, and subsequently moved into Putnam. The Wood place was also at one time owned by the father of Benjamin Eaman. The latter, who came to the township while Mr. Marble was living in Pinckney, was taken out by Mr. Marble to look at his land, and the two lost their way in the woods, remaining out overnight. They finally succeeded in finding what they were searching for. Benjamin ^:m% HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Eitan is now deceased, and his son James lives on the place opposite the Marble farm. When Mr. Marble came to this farm no one lived nearer to him in a northern direction than eight miles away, on Provost's Plains," in Marion township. The next farm south of that taken by Mr. Marble was settled by James Grieves, who sent men to build a log house upon it the same year Mr. Marble located. Mr. Marble first bought a farm on the east side of the road, south of the one named, but in a short time sold it to Louis Fasquelle, a Frenchman. Mr. Marble's widow is living with his son on the old place. Freeman Webb, from Jefferson Co., N. Y., purchased his first land in Putnam in 1835, including 80 acres of the farm now occupied by his widow, on section 8. In the spring of 1836 he removed with his family to this State, and located near Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County. In the spring of I837 he moved upon the farm in Putnam. At that time Samuel Burgess lived a mile north of him, and Cooley and Hiram Weller lived in the same neighborhood with Mr. Burgess. Benjamin Annis, who had moved into Michigan at the same time Mr. Webb came, and also lived near Ann Arbor, owned. the farm next west of Mr. Webb's, but did not settle upon it until 1839. Mr. Webb, whose position in the township was that of one of its most prominent citizens, died in May, I877. Samuel Burgess, who has been mentioned, was one of the first settlers in the neighborhood of Pinckney, having lived a mile east of that village for some time previous to his removal to the farm in the north part of town. S. M. C. Hinchey, from the town of Gates, near Rochester, Monroe Co., N, Y., and a native of Saratoga County, came to Michigan in the fall of 1835, and settled in the township of Scio, Washtenaw Co. He purchased land in Putnam, cleared and broke 80 acres of it, built a log house and a barn, and moved upon it in the summer of 1838. The breaking was done by a man whom he had hired for the purpose, and who also helped about building. The barn which was then erected is yet standing, on the north side of the road, on Mr. Hinchey's place. When Mr. Hinchey bought his land, in 1835, but few settlers had come into the township. The first white child born in the township-and the honor is claimed also concerning the entire county-was Julia E. Pullen, daughter of Levi and Nabby Pullen, whose birth occurred in the month of April, 1832. Joseph Fletcher came from Ontario Co., N. Y., to Putnam in 184o, and resided in the township t h^i.sd dIeath, which occurred at a comparatively 2\~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~. C;S0:~ 00300 t\000;00S090t0ff0 tf ie recent date, when he had reached the age of seventy-eight years. He was an exemplary and respected citizen, and, as in the instance of the death of many others, his loss was deeply felt. Levi Pullen, a native of the State of Maine, settled in this town in August, I831. Among other early settlers were the following: Mrs. Sarah Brower, native of England, settled in May, 1835. Jesse J. Hanse, native of New York, settled in June, 1836. Morris Fuller, native of Massachusetts, settled Nov. I, 1836. T. C. Fuller, native of Massachusetts, settled April Io, I836. William More, native of New York, settled In October, I84I. Mrs. Elizabeth Noble, born in township in August, I841. William Brower, native of New York, settled in November, 1842. M. F. Darrow, native of New York, settled in October, 1843. The above names are taken from the records of the Livingston County Pioneer Association. Others who came early were M. S. Chubb, on section I; F. R. Burden, section 6; G. Bennett, section II; Ralph Swarthout, section 12, died in township; Samuel S. Fitch, section 13; John Dunn, section I4; Harry Gardiner, section 20; J. S. Nash, now deceased; S. A. Barton, section 50; and others. Many of the persons who entered land in this township, and probably a large majority of them, became actual settlers, while others, as was the case in all localities, purchased for speculative purposes, and never aided in the work of settling the wilderness. The early settlers of this town were men from high and low positions, and of numerous nationalities. The merchant, the soldier, the politician, the mechanic, and the farmer were here, and from various Eastern States, and even from across the ocean, came bold and hardy men, all with the true pioneer spirit, and by their hands a noble work was accomplished. The following persons comprised the resident tax-payers of the township of Putnam in 1844: Affleck, John. Barton, Daniel. Annis, Benjamin. Chubb, Major. Able, Joseph. Conway, John A. Able, Oliver. Corey, Jacob. Able, John N. Chalker, O. B. Allen, Stephen V. R. Clark, Hugh. Allen, Lafayette. Couchman, David. Bryant, Lemuel. Chalker, Abner E. Brown, Gilbert. Davis, David. Burdon, Freeman R. Dunn, John. Boile, William. Dunn, James. Burgess, Samuel. Decker, James. Buffington, Preserved. Davis, James H. Brown, Uriah. Eaman, Benjamin. Britton, Claudius. Fairchild, Samuel D. Brower, Henry. Fuller, Moses. Burgess, Peter. Fitch, Samuel S. Beals, Bernard. Fletcher, Isaac. Birtwessell, John. Fasquelle, Louis. Baton, Silas. Fletcher, Joseph. Babeock, Simon. Grieves, James. PUTNAM TOWNSHIP. 273 Hughs, John D. Harris, Jesse J. Hicks, Valorus. Hughs, Enoch. Hood, Andrew. Hinchey, Samuel M. Hinchey, John S. Hughston, William. Holcomb, Alvin A. Hicks, Solomon. Hanch, Alexander. Harris, Henry. Harris, Peter. Harris, Martin. Harris, John. Hitchcock, Nathan. Irwin, Nelson. Ingram, Thomas. Ingram, Thomas, Jr. Jenkins, Nelson. Jacoby, James. Jacoby, Albert. Lemon, Elmira. Loosey, Thomas. Ia Rue, James M. Lavy, Bryant. Monks, Christopher. Moon, William. Marble, John. Marble, Sanford. McMillan, Ebenezer. Maloney, Lawrence. Minot & Reeves. Minot, Samuel. Metcalf, Sylvanus. Morton, Thomas. Newcomb, J. J. Nash, James S. Nash, Marcus J. Nash, Carlos. Olmstead, Solomon. Pond, Nathan. Pullen, George. Pettis, Seth A. Perry, Stiles. Parks, Thomas. Pullen, James. Pullen, Selden. Parker, George. Patterson, John. Richmond, Mary. Reeves, George. Reeve; & Minot (merchants). Smith, John J. Salmon, William. Swarthout, Ralph. Swarthout, John. Smith, James. Sikes, John. Stansbury, James W. Siglar, John. Siglar, Jacolb. Weller, Hiram. Weller, Cooley. Weller, Benjamin. Webb, Freeman. Weller, Tlhomas. Winans, William. Wilson, William. Wilson, Thomas. Waite, David. I i d Democrats were the political opponents of that day, and between them was the usual strife. The Whigs were jubilant over the fact that they held the preponderance of power,-or supposedly so,-and made their nominations in caucus, apportioning two or three offices to some of their number. Of that proceeding they partially repented, and offered some of the lesser offices to the Democrats, who refused them and made their own nominations. The result was a tie vote on some of the officers, the Democrats holding the winning hand otherwise, and at a special election to overcome the tie but one Whig vote was cast. The first annual township-meeting was held at the house of Jacob Sigler, May 2, 1836. The following officers were elected, viz.: Supervisor, Solomon Peterson; Township Clerk, Furman G. Rose; Assessors, George Bennett, John A. Conaway, Hiram Wellar; Constable and Collector, Selden Pullen; Overseer of the Poor, James Canfield; School Commissioners, Thomas Ingram, Solomon L. Bignall, Alvin A. Holcomb; Justices of the Peace, F. G. Rose, James S. Nash, Pierpont L. Smith, Hiram Wellar; Commissioners of Highways, Alvin S. McDowell, James S. Nash, Levi Pullen. The following is a list of township officers for Putnam from 1837 to 1879, inclusive: SUPERVISORS. 1837, Aaron Palmer; 1838, George Reeves; 1839, Amos H. Breed; 1840-41, George Reeves; 1842-44, Timothy R. Allison; 1845, James M. La Rue; 1846, Lemuel Bryant; 1847, Andrew Hood; 1848, George Reeves; 1849, Freeman Webb, Jr.; 1850-55, James Rice; 1856, F. G. Rose; 1857-58, William D. Crofoot; 1859-6r, George W. Crofoot; 1862-69, Freeman Webb; 1870, George W. Crofoot; 1871, Stephen G. Teeple; 1872, George W. Crofoot; 1873, Freeman Webb; 1874-75, George W. Crofoot; 1876, Freeman Webb; 1877 -78, James Marble; 1879, George W. Crofoot. TOWNSHIP CLERKS. 1837-38, Furman G. Rose; I839-40, Richard J. Connor; 1841, Alvin Mann; 1842, F. G. Rose; 1843, Alvin Mann; 1844, F. G. Rose; 1845, John W. Angel; 1846, Charles W. Haze; 1847-48, Robert Crawford; 1849-50, Francis A. Grimes; I85I, Jason W. Kellogg; 1852, John Broughton; 1853-54, Thompson Grimes; 1855-56, Paschal P. Wheeler; 1857-60, Thompson Grimes; 1861-63, Robert Le Baron; 1864, Grattan H. Sigler; 1865-68, James Markey; 1869-71, Edward A. Mann; 1872, William H. Martin; 1873, George W. Teeple; 1874-75, H. Fred. Sigler; 1876-78, F. A. Sigler; 1879, Charles N. Plimpton. TREASURERS. 1837, James W. Stansbury; 1839-40, Rufus Thompson; 1841, Jacob Cory; 1842, Nathan Pond; 1843-47, Hiram Weller; 1848-49, Levi D. Smith; 185o, George A. Hood; 1851, John A. French; 1852, William Costello; 1853, Benjamin Weller; 1854, Uriah Brown; 1855, John Broughton; 1856, William E. Thompson; 1857-58, Joseph Abel; 1859-6o, Solomon Hicks; 1861-62, Charles D. Van Winkle; I863, Lowrey B. White; 1864, Joseph Sykes; 1865, John Harris;:866, Lowrey B. White; 1867, Samuel B. Leddick; 1868, Addism VILLAGE OF PINCKNEY. Allison, Timothy R. Brown, Isaac. Bennett, Henry S. Brooks, Joel. Canfield, James. Colom, Charles. Eaman, James. Hughs, James. Hood, George A. & Co. Judd, Henry. Mann, Alvin. Mann & Eaman (merchants). Noble, Leonard. Rose, F. G. Stansbury, James V. (agent). CIVIL ORGANIZATION-LIST OF OFFICERS. By an act of the Legislature, approved March 23, 1836, the township of Putman was organized, including the present townships of Putnam and Marion; the latter being set off March II, I837. There being objections against the name of the township, owing to its incorrect orthography, the letters were transposed by the Legislature, March 6, 1836, and the correct name, Putnam, substituted for the old one. It was directed in the act organizing Putman township that its first election should be held at the house of Jacob Sigler, and there the meeting was accordingly convened. The politics of the voters were not at that meeting allowed to dictate the choice of officers, as the inhabitants were too few in number. The second year, however, matters were different, owing to a gratifying increase of population. The Whigs and 35 "I.v, 4 A"l:040 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. JWheeler; 1869, Clark A. Wheeler; I87o, Daniel Richards; 1871, John Sykes; 1872, Daniel Richards; 1873, Samuel Sykes; 1874-76, Charles N. Plimpton; 1877, W. P. Wilcox; 1878-79, Charles Love. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. I837, F. G. Rose, S. L. Bignall, H. Weller; 1838, Louis Fasquelle; I839, Solomon L. Bignall; 1840, James S. Nash; 1841, James W. Stansbury; 1842, Louis Fasquelle, Silas Barton; 1843, George Reeves; 1844, Freeman Webb, Jr.; I845, James W. Stansbury; 1846, James M. La Rue; 1847, Samuel S. Fitch; 1848, Freeman Webb, Jr.; 1849, James W. Stansbury; I850, Levi D. Smith, Gilbert Brown; I851, Furman G. Rose, John Swarthout; 1852, George Reeves; 1853, Francis A. Grimes; 1854, Freeman Webb, Jr.; I855, Furman G. Rose; 1856, James M. La Rue, George Reeves; 1857, S. S. Fitch; I858, James M. Eaman, William A. Hall; 1859, Thomas W. Palmer; I860, Moses Fuller; I86i, Thompson Grimes; I862, Furman G. Rose; 1863, George Reeves; 1864, Eli Annis; I865, J. W. Hinchey; I866, Millard F. Darrow; 1867, Thompson Grimes; I868, Eli Annis; 1869, James W. Hinchey; I870, Millard F. Darrow; I87I, Furman G. Rose; 1872, Charles D. Van Winkle; I873, Thompson Grimes; 1874, James Markey; 1875,L. B. Coste; 1876, Ira V. Reeves; 1877, Furman G. Rose; 1878, John M. Kearney; 1879, Thompson Grimes. At an election held in November, I866, it was decided by a vote of 232 to I to raise $36,ooo in the township to aid the " Grand Trunk Railway of Michigan," the track to pass within one mile of Pinckney village. The scheme was remodeled, and it was proposed to build the " Michigan AirLine Railway." The sum of $20,000 was voted in its aid by the township, and excitement ran high. Real estate along the line, and especially at Pinckney, advanced fabulously in prices, and the prospects were that the road would certainly be built at the earliest possible date. But the great expectations of the people were destined to be disappointed. The road-bed was graded into the township from the west, but further operations were suspended, and Pinckney and the surrounding region settled back to its ante-railroad excitement status, where it has since remained. VILLAGE OF PINCKNEY. Joseph Abel, from Steuben Co., N. Y., came to the township in the spring of 1836 (April I8th), and located two miles northeast of the village, on a farm he purchased after he arrived. Six years subsequently he moved into the village, where his widow, who is also now the widow of James M. La Rue, at present resides. The old Abel farm is occupied by William H. Placeway. James M. La Rue, also from Steuben Co., N. Y., settled at Dexter, Washtenaw Co., Mich., as early, probably, as I830. In the neighborhood of 1840 he moved into Putnam and located southeast of tinckney, where his son, Charles F. La Rue, at present resides. Mr. La Rue subsequently moved in the village, where his death occurred. Furman G. Rose, from Bath, Steuben Co., N. Y., came to Michigan in the fall of 1835, landing at Detroit the first day of October. He settled in Putnam the same fall, on a farm east of the present village of Pinckney, just one month from the day he set foot in Detroit. Ile was accompanied by his wife and one child. In 1837 he moved to the village and entered the mercantile business, establishing the second store in the place. About 1847-48 he built the present "Globe Hotel," moved into it in the fall, and kept it four years. He had previously conducted the hotel business in a building which stood in the south part of the village, near the mill-race. It had been built by the founder of the village, William Kirland, for both a store and hotel, and in it Messrs. Reeves & Minot placed the first stock of goods brought into the place, and opened the first store. Andrew and George Hood started the third store some time after Mr. Rose had begun business. When Mr. Rose arrived here in 1835, the inhabitants of the immediate vicinity were Benjamin Weller, Claudius Britton, Sanford Marble, and James Canfield, who all lived on ground now occupied by the village plat. Marble moved to the western part of the township, as previously stated; Weller afterwards removed to the township of Handy, where he died; and Britton and Canfield both died at Pinckney. Marble owned 40 acres southwest of where the " Globe Hotel" now stands; Weller lived east of him, on the south side of what is now the main street of the village; and Britton lived a little farther east, on the north side of the street. The plat of the village of Pinckney was recorded Aug. 9, 1837, William Kirland, proprietor. His grist-mill was then standing at the south end of Mill Street, near its intersection with Water Street. The following concerning the new village was written on the plat by Mr. Kirtland: " The village of Pinckney is situated in the southern part of Livingston County, on Portage Creek, two miles from its entrance into Portage Lake. It is in the midst of one of the finest and best settled agricultural districts in the State, and is already the natural centre of business for not less than two hundred or three hundred families. A Flcuring-Mill is now in operation, which has just been constructed at a cost of from Seven to Eight Thousand Dollars, and there is no mill nearer than ten miles, and in some directions it will command the business for twenty miles. A good Temperance Tavern and Store have also been erected, and other buildings are in progress. A healthier spot is not to be - found in Michigan. Te State Road from Saganaw to ti Chicago Rd at Clinton passes through this place, and the Grand River and Allegan State Road is expected to intersect the former at this point.The lots are 66 feet in front by 132 feet in depth. The streets are four rods in width, and the Public Square is sixteen rods square." J. W. Hinchey's first addition to Pinckney was laid out on the northeast quarter of the southwest PUTNAM TOWNSHIP. 275 quarter of section 23, April I, I868. A second addition by the same person was recorded March I, I87I, and is laid on the west half of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 23. William Kirtland came to this place from the city of New York, in I836. In company with a man named Davidson he set about building a gristmill, the timbers for which were brought to the site by Furman G. Rose and his brother-in-law, Joseph Abel. Davidson soon after sold his interest to Kirtland, and the latter finished the mill in 1837. The same structure is yet standing, but has been enlarged and improved to some extent. It originally contained two run of stones, and now has three. Mr. Kirkland also built a cooper-shop, which he rented to workmen of that trade. Seth A. Petteys, now of Petteysville, Hamburg township, was the millwright who erected the mill. When Mr. Kirtland laid out the village he sold lots rapidly for a time, a number of them being taken by mechanics, among whom were Messrs. Bertwhistle, Schoonmaker, and others. He subsequently returned to New York, and met his death by accidentally walking off one of the docks into the river and being drowned. He was quite nearsighted, which fact was the cause of the fatal accident. I k.- + '.i. Mr. Kirgand's wife was a lady possessed of much literary ability, and is well remembered by those acquainted with her during her residence here. Under the norm de plume of " Mary Clavers," she at one time wrote a volume, entitled " A New Home-Who'll Follow? or, a History of Montecute." The book has been both commended and severely criticised. About I86o the firm of Thomas & Bates commenced the manufacture of "Climax FanningMills" at this place, the business passing afterwards into the hands of Thompson & Richards. The original proprietors erected a building, and for two or three years conducted a good business. The manufacture of buggies and wagons has also been carried on here to some extent. Thompson Grimes began the business, and Daniel D. Richards and others worked at it afterwards. It is still continued by Messrs. Sykes & Son. Thompson Grimes is now a member of the Legislature from Livingston County. A post-office must have been established at the village as early as 1838-39. Mail was carried on horseback from Dexter, by James Pullen. James W. Stansbury, brother of Mrs. Kirtland, was the first postmaster. The office was kept at a later day in a store which belonged to James M. Eaman, in the south part of the village. It appears that a good-natured political strife was in order in the village during its earlier years, and even the appointment of a postmaster was not unattended with some difficulty and sharp practice. Furman G. Rose, a Democrat, was appointed to succeed Mr. Stansbury, who was a Whig, and a talented lawyer. The latter heard that Rose had been appointed, but was loath to recognize the fact, and continued to administer the affairs of the office. Rose finally outwitted him, however, and obtained possession of the mail, and the office was turned over to him. The citizens had been watching the tide of affairs anxiously. Freeman Webb, a staunch Whig, had loaded a small cannon, ready to fire, when the dispute should be settled, one way or the other, but one of the Pullens, probably averse to any noisy demonstration, so effectually dampened the powder in the gun that the salute was indefinitely postponed. The present incumbent of the office is Mrs. Sarah Young, who was appointed to succeed her husband, Charles C. Young, who died in office. James W. Stansbury, who located here in I837, and was agent for William Kirtland & Co., was the first person who practiced law in the place. He became prominent in the county, and was elected and served one term as judge of probate. He removed from here to Ithaca, N. Y., but is now residing at Danville, Ill., where some member of Mr. Kirtland's family is interested in coal-mines. Another early lawyer in the village was Sylvester W. Barnes, who remained one or two years. Marcus B. Wilcox settled as a lawyer in Pinckney soon after 1850. He afterwards removed to Howell, and died there. Others have practiced at different times, but at present (I879) the place cannot boast of having a member of the legal fraternity in its midst. The first disciple of Esculapius to locate in the village was Dr. William Stevens, who came from the State of New York, and remained here ten or twelve years. His ability as a physician was questioned by the people among whom he lived. Drs. Stansbury and Angell came afterwards and practiced for a considerable length of time. Dr. Charles W. Haze, now residing at Pinckney, is a native of Wilson, Niagara Co., N. Y., and settled here April 20, I845, when twenty-five years of age. He has continued in the practice of his profession during his residence in the place,-with what success the esteem in which he is held by his acquaintances will testify. Among other physicians who have at different times practiced here are Drs. E. J. Roberts (homceopathist), Silsby, and Sigler. The business of Pinckney in March, I858, was mentioned in an article published in the Livinst Republican of that time, as follows: HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON aCOU, MICHIGAN. -- ~ ~ ' L The village of Pinckney is situated about a mile to the southeast of the centre of the township of Putnam, and is built around a very fine public square. The land upon which the village stands, and the immediate vicinity, is very level, rendering it a beautiful place. The inhabitants are an intelligent, hospitable, and enterprising people,-such as have given it peace and amiability at home, and an unblemished reputation abroad " The business of the place is as follows: There are three drygoods stores, one grist- and flouring-mill, two blacksmith-shops, one hotel, two boot- and shoe-shops, one harness-shop, one grocery, one cabinet-shop, one tailor-shop, one jeweler, one cooper-shop, and two wagon-shops. "The first store we mention is the firm of T. Grimes & Co., successors to A. Mann & Co. This firm has an extensive trade. There is probably no heavier firm in the county, outside of Howell. " The second is the firm of Fiquett & Coleman; this is also a heavy firm, and does a large amount of trade. " The third is that of J. M. Eaman. Mr. Eaman has long been a resident, and formerly one of the first merchants in Pinckney; but he is now closing up the mercantile trade, and giving his attention to the honorable occupation of farming. " The grist- and flouring-mill is owned by our old and venerable citizen, A. Mann. It has two runs of four and a half feet stones, and does a large amount of gristing and flouring. During the last summer we understand that Mr. Mann has built a fine water-wheel to the mill, at a very heavy expense; and we are also informed that he contemplates covering it anew the coming season, which will add much to its appearance and also to the appearance of the village. " The two blacksmith-shops are carried on,-one by L. Noble, long an enterprising citizen of Pinckney. Mr. Noble has carried on blacksmithing, and will continue it, very extensively. " The other is carried on by D. Richards, late of Dover. In connection with an extensive blacksmith business, Mr. Richards has associated with him in the wagon and carriage business Mr. Wm. R. Bertwhistle, who aK now manufacturing wagons and carriages second to none in the county, and at very reasonable prices. We advise all who wish to purchase to give Messrs. Richards & Co. a call. " The other wagon establishment is carried on by J. & I. Sykes, who are doing quite an extensive business, especially in the way of repairing, in a prompt and workmanlike manner. "To say nothing of the character of the hotel for a few of the past years, we can now say the present proprietor, Mr. L. F. Rose, keeps one of the best hotels to be found in the interior of the State. Mr. Rose has lately taken to himself a ' partner for life,' under whose direction the household affairs will be well managed. 4' The two boot- and shoe-shops are carried on by T. Grimes & Co., and Fiquett & Coleman, extensively in connection with their dry-goods trade. " The harness business is carried on in all its various branches by Mr. Charles Clark, who is one of the best workmen in the county. "Mr. A. Hinchey drives the sole trade in the grocery business. In connection with this he has a jewelry-shop. "We have but one cabinet-shop in the place. This is owned by Mr. Silas S. Carroll, who does quite an extensive business. "The tailoring business is carried on by Mr. N. F. Picket. Mr. Picket has long been engaged in the business in Pinckney to quite an extent. "The cooper-shop is owned by Mr. A. Mann, who drives the business of barrel-making the year round for the supply of his flouring-mill. \, "To add to the beauty and appearance of the place, we have a Conereoeational and a Methodist Episcopal Church.-two as fine -I "In the line of professional men we have two M.D.'s,-Drs. Haze and Rogers,-and one lawyer, Hon. M. B. Wilcox. " The village is surrounded with a good farming country and an intelligent and industrious set of farmers, giving a good support to the business of the place." MASONIC. LIVINGSTON LODGE, No.. 76, F. AND A. M., was chartered Jan. o1, 1856, with the following officers: M., Charles W. Haze; S. W., John R. Goodrich, M. D.; J. W., Furman G. Rose. The membership on the 3Ist of July, I879, was 78, and the officers were as follows: W. M., William A. Sprout; S. W., H. F. Sigler; J. W., C. D. Van Winkle; Treas., Thompson Grimes; Sec., F. A. Sigler; S. D., Cary Van Winkle; J. D. Samuel Gilchrist; Tiler, William Balch. The rooms of the fraternity are in the third story of the fine brick block built by W. S. Mann, and are neatly furnished and pleasant. PINCKNEY CHAPTER, No. 86, R. A. M., was organized Sept. 6, I872, with I2 members. Its first officers were: H. P., C. W. Haze; K., William Ball; S., William H. Martin. Its membership in the summer of I879 was 27. The following are the present officers: H. P., C. W. Haze; K., G. W. Hoff; S., F. G. Rose; Capt. of the Host, William A. Sprout; P. S., M. H. Twichell; R. A. Capt., T. Grimes; M. 3d Veil, R. E. Finch; M. 2d Veil, Ira V. Reeves; M. 1st Veil, Gershom Swarthout; Sec., G. W. Teeple; Treas., Thompson Grimes; S., R. E. Finch. An " Eastern Star Lodge" was formed March I, I868, and continued about five years. Mrs. Delia Hinchey was its president during the entire time. It had during its most flourishing period a membership of over 200, but finally ceased to exist for want of general interest.* A flourishing grange of "Patrons of Husbandry" also exists in the village. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. The First Congregational Church of Pinckney was organized in 1848, and at some time before I858 built its present frame house of worship. The society is now free from debt, and has a membership of 45, of which number 12 are males and 33 are females. An excellent bell hangs in the belfry, and a good organ has been purchased for use in the church and Sabbath-school. The latter has an average attendance of 40. The present pastor of this church is Rev. Thomas J. West, whose predecessor was Rev. James Campbell. A flourishing Methodist Episcopal society also exists in the village, and has a frame church which was built previous to I858. The present pastor is Rev. L. L. Houghton. A substantial brick church anywhere in the interior of the State. f:: * Information by Dr. C. W. Haze. PUTNAM TOWNSHIP. I ~ll,s been erected by the Catholics in the northern rtion of the village.* The Baptists at one time ild meetings in the place, but never built a church, and their services were finally discontinued. SCHOOLS. Some time between 1835 and the latter part of 1837 a log school-house was built on the corner of the Marble farm, where the present frame building in fractional District No. 9 stands. Miss Kitty Grieve, daughter of James Grieve, was perhaps the first teacher; she was at least one of the first. Southeast of the above, on the road to Pinckney, a frame school-house was built about 1839, but previous to either of these, a school had been taught in a log dwelling owned by Louis Fasquelle, near Mr. Marble's place. About 1839 a log school-house was built a short distance north of the site of the present building, in District No. 8, on section 5. The first or second teacher in this district was a Miss Joslyn. Two sisters in this family, named Sarepta and Samantha, taught, one in the district last named, and the other in what is now District No. 4. As early as I835-36 a log school-house was built in the Harris and Sigler neighborhood, north of the residence of John Sigler. In this was taught the first school in the township. The present frame building in the district-No. I-is located in the southwest part of section 35. A log school-house was built near the Dexter road, southeast of the village plat of Pinckney, about 1837, and in it the first school in the immediate neighborhood of the village was taught. The following statement of the condition of the schools of the township is taken from the report of the school inspectors for the year ending Sept. 2, 1878: Number of whole districts.......................................... 5 " fractional districts................................... 4 " children in each district of school age.......... 445 Attendance during year............................................. 458 Days of school taught............................................ 1358 Number of school-houses (frame)................................ 9 Value of property................................................... $3900 Number of male teachers...................................... 5 " female teachers....................................... 13 Amount paid male teachers....................................... $1024. " ( female teachers....................................... 827 Total receipts for year.. $2590.6 Total receipts for year..................................... 2590. 6 0 Amount on hand Sept. 2, 1878............................... 269.67 Total expenditures, less amount on hand.................. $2320.93 CEMETERY. The cemetery at Pinckney contains the dust of many of the township's pioneers and respected citizens, among them being the following, viz.: * More complete accounts of these churches are not given, owing to the failure of interested parties to ftrnish the information which was expected. i. Samuel S. Fitch, died Sept. 6, 1872, aged 68 years. Caroline E., his wife, died Sept. 15, 1864, aged 43 years. Freeman Webb, died May I, 1877, aged 65 years. Jacob Sigler, died Jan. 14, 1849, aged 58 years. Lydia M., his wife, died Jan. 8, 1851, aged 26 years. Eli P. Carr, died Jan. 30, 1859, aged 68 years. James Pullen, died Aug. 9, 1864, aged 78 years. William W. Fields, died Oct. 4, 1871, aged 74 years. Elenor, his wife, died March 23, 1870, aged 52 years. Lydia, widow of Isaac Brown, died March 4, 1859, aged 75 years. John R. Goodrich, M.D., died April I, 1856, aged 45 years. Mehitable Wheeler, died Sept. 12, 1856, aged 86 years. Paschal P. Wheeler, died Jan. 23, 1857, aged 58 years. Charlotte Wheeler, died May 5, 1868, aged 71 years. Philena, wife of Murray T. Speer, died Feb. 17, 1847, aged 19 years. Marilla, wife of Benjamin Annis, died Jan. I, I861, aged 64 years. Gideon Webb; died Aug. 25, 1862, aged 57 years. Almina Miller, died Sept. 5, 1864, aged 74 years. Levi Annis, died Dec. 18, I860, aged 41 years. Elizabeth Coleman, a native of Mount Hope, Orange Co., N. Y., died Aug. 19, 1865, aged 72 years. Henry M. Wood, died Aug. 29, 1860, aged 47 years. Deacon John Wood, a native of Brookfield, Mass., died March 23, 1864, aged 75 years. Anna T., his wife, a native of Leicester, Mass., died Feb. 6, x86o, aged 70 years. Dr. Isaac Brown, died Jan. 24, 1862, aged 69 years. Luther Campbell, (lied July 5, 1871, aged 77 years. Alvin A. Holcoml, died Jan. 23, 1869, aged 6o years. Joseph M. Gilbert, died Nov. 9, 1867, aged 54 years. Ursula, his wife, died March 7, 1858, aged 37 years. James M. La Rue, died Nov 29, 1874, aged 65 years. Fanny, his wife, died Jan. o1, I869, Ed 60 years. John Sykes, died Oct. 5, 186I, aged 74 years. Hannah, his wife, died Nov. 27, 1870, aged 70 years. Rev. R. S. Kellogg, (lied Nov. 7, 1856, aged 26 years. Isaac 0. Thompson, died June 4, I874, aged 83 years. Penelope, wife of Henry Brower, died Feb. xI, 1851, aged 63 years. Nelson Jenkins, died Oct. 6, 1870, aged 63 years. Selden Pullen, died Sept. 5, I863, aged 50 years. Harriet 0., his wife, died June 6, 1844, aged 22 years. Charlotte L., his wife, died March 23, 1852, aged 25 years. Olive M., his wife, died April 1o, 1854, aged 33 years. George Parker, died Aug. 22, 1849, aged 49 years. Alanson Hinchey, died June 12, I875, aged 6o years. Jane Metcalf, died Sept. -, 1849, aged 66 years. Abigail D. Mead, died Jan. 19, 1875, aged 60 years. Joseph Abel, died March 25, 1871, aged 71 years. J. B. Duer, died July 23, 1862, aged 55 years. Theophilus Gross, died Oct. 29, 1865, aged 92 years. Jemima, his wife, died Jan. 13, 1865, aged 88 years. Henry Stiles, died June 1o, 1877, aged 67 years. John Bertwhistle, died Feb. 12, 1856, aged 57 years. Susanna, his wife, died Dec. 23, 1858, aged 57 years. Claudius Britton, Sr., died Feb. 22, 1850, aged o9 years. Claudius Britton, Jr., died Feb. 22, 1851, aged 53 years. Thomas Ingram, died Aug. 3, 1847, aged 69 years. Dorcas, his wife, died July 4, 1861, aged 79 years. STATISTICAL. In 1837 the population of Putnam was 367, In 1874 it was 1213. From the census of the latter year are taken the following items: Number of acres of taxable land.....................*..... 2,o0.. " owned by individuals and comipaies...;o 13 .:S8 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Namber of acres improved land....................... t" land exempt from taxation................ Value of same, with improvements....................... Number of acres in school-house sites........................ "i " church and parsonage sites........... s '." burying-grounds....................... " " d public park............................. " wheat raised in 1874.................... " " " " 1873..................... " " corn ( I873..................... " bushels of wheat raised in 1873................. " " corn " 1873................. '" all other grain raised in 1873...... i " " potatoes raised in 1873............... " tons of hay cut in 1873........................... " pounds wool sheared in 1873.................... t.. pork marketed in 1873.................. t t" cheese made in 1873.................... " " butter made in 1873......................... a fruit dried for market in 1873.......... " acres in orchards.................................. " bushels apples raised in 1872..................... 10,895 13 $o0,ooo 5 3 4 1 2,972 2,626 1,299 26,799 35,265 20,170 4,995 1,380 35,908 50,131 250 11,225 I7,373 343 10,250 Number of bushels apples raised in 1873................... o,85 " sheep over six months old........................ 6,991 " " sheared in 1873................... 5,984 " flouring-mills in township in 1874............... 2 t" persons employed in same........................ 4 Capital invested..................................................... $20,00 Number of barrels of flour made............................... 1,5oo Value of products....................................... $12,000 Among those who have kindly furnished information embodied in the foregoing are F. G. Rose, Esq., Dr. C. W. Haze, Mrs. La Rue, and others, at Pinckney; Mrs. Henry Harris, Hugh Clark, Mrs. George Reeves, Mrs. Sanford Marble, Mrs. Freeman Webb, S. M. C. Hinchey, and others, in various parts of the township. To all the sincere thanks of the writer are due and tendered. HAMBURG TOWNSH IP. HAMBURG occupies a position in the southern tier of townships of Livingston County, and is bounded north, east, and west, respectively, by the townships of Genoa, Green Oak, and Putnam, and south by Washtenaw County. It contains the villages of Petteysville and Hamburg and the neighborhood on section 12 known as "Newburg." The Ann Arbor road crosses the township in a varied route from north to southeast. The water area of Hamburg is larger than that of any other township in the county, and numerous extensive marshes exist, yet the improvements in the better portion rank with the best. Strictly speaking, this is an agricultural township, although mills have been built in several places and the waterpower utilized. The shores of the Huron are generally marshy. From the northeast enters Ore Creek, which, after spreading on section 13 into what is known as Ore Lake, finally joins the Huron River near the centre of town on the east. The latter stream has a general southwest course and enters Washtenaw County from sections 31 and 32, where it expands into a lake, which has been given the name of Base Line Lake. Above this are Whitewood, Buttermilk Rapids, Loon and Strawberry Lakes, all expansions of the river. Among the other lakes in the township to which names have been gven are Appleton, Roff, Walker, Long, Round, Lime, Rush, Travf, Mercer's, Pleasant,:;ut, Islan, Buck, Silver, Zucky, Bass, Cordley, -: X-Mo c.,: and a:portion of Portage Lake:"N8-; f {t- tit01^^1-Sf00:tf0Sf 1/ '1:*'.-'0S;'1 1 -; lies in the southwest corner. Traversing the township diagonally from northeast to southwest is a long range of high, and in places abrupt, gravel hills, which have a rugged appearance from a distance. LAND-ENTRIES. The following is a list of those who entered land in what now constitutes the township of Hamburg, together with the sections and the years of entry: SECTION I.-1836, Amrod Moon, Robert L. Spear, Nelson H. Wing; 1837, Sanford Britton, George Walker. SECTION 2 -I836, Franklin Hopkins; 1838, Joseph Brown; 1839, Joseph Nute; 1840, Ezekiel Case, William Purvis; 1845, Isaac W. Appleton, Ezekiel Case; 1847, Ezekiel Case; 1849, Ezekiel Case; 1853, Timothy Phillips; 1854, Isaac W. Appleton, John S. Bennett, Luther Jeffers. SECTION 3.-1836, John Stewart, Mary Stewart, Horace Griffith, Ralph Swarthout; 1837, Jabez Hopkins; 1842, Luther Jeffers; I845, Chauncey A. Stewart, Luther Jeffers; 1850, James Humphrey; 1854, Chauncey A. Stewart, Luther Jeffers. SECTION 4.-1834, Justus J. Bennett; I835, Timothy II. Pettit, J. J. Bennett, Eastman Griffith, Christopher Hoagland; 1837, John Spalding; 1838, Mitchell C. Case. SECTION 5. —1836, Joseph Case, Elisha Case; 1838, Samuel Case, Simeon D. Salmon, Spalding M. Case, Daniel Halleck, Rodman Case; 1841, Elisha Case. SECTION 6.-I836, William White; 1837, Samuel Taylor; 1838, Lorenzo Jordan; 1839, James V. Simons; 1841, Joseph N. Case; t847, Simeon D. Salmon; 1853, James Haynes, William H. Prame. SECTION 7-1835, William H. Bennett; 1836, Henry Farrell, Richard Burke, Amariah Hammond, David Bennett, Elizabeth M. White, Ann Potter; 838, Jesse D. Hause. SECTION 8.-1834, Justus H. Bennett; 1835, John Davis, Elijah Bennett, George Mercer, Robert Saunders; 1837, Henry R. 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~bI LAN,&RSIDENC, Lit 0NNiS CRY Y, HAMBURGJ MlCI&AN z. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HAMBURG TOWNSHIP. 279 Wheeler; 1838, Simeon D. Salmon; 1839, Henry Farrell; 1854, Elias Davis. SECTION 9.-I834, Justus J. Bennett, Daniel B. Harmon, Reuben H. Bennett; 1835, J. J. Bennett, George Mercer; 1836, George Mercer, Wm. H. Bennett, Cornelius Wickware; 1845, Edward M. Cust; 1846, Justus J. Bennett; 1854, Daniel S. Bennett. SECTION IO.-1836, Edward Bishop, Spaulding M. Case, John Webber, Thomas Loomis, William Coolbaugh; 1847, William B. Scott; I85I, Edwin M. Cust; 1854, Isaac T. Vanduser. SECTION II.-1835, David Parker; 1836, John Basset, Reuben Newland, Franklin Hopkins, Daniel C. Kingsland. SECTION 12.-1832, Abraham D. Peck; 1835, Abraham Bennett, David Parker; 1836, Joseph H. Bennett, Conrad Haner, Henry Kellogg, Abraham D. Peck; 1837, Garry Spencer, David A. Parkhill; 1850, Bradford Campbell. SECTION I3.-1834, George J. Grisson; 1835, Alonzo Gunn, David Parker; 1836, Miner Kellogg; I837, Jacob C. Haner, John Pickard; 1838, Benjamin F. Foster; 1842, David Parker; 1854, Russell S. Haner, George E. Hall; 1859, Jean Louis Fasquelle. SECTION I4. —835, Conrad Haner, Sophronia Perry; I836, Sophronia Perry, Emory Richardson, N. Kellogg; I837, Levi Townsend; 1842, David Wilkie; 1851, George Galloway, Thomas Featherly, Deborah Ann Cole; 1854, Russell S. Haner. SECTION I5.-1834, George Galloway, Susan Galloway; 1835, Adonijah Harmon; 1836, Eleanor Collyer, George Galloway, Timothy H. Pettit, Jacob C. Haner, Edward Bishop, Margaret Peacock, B. B. Kercheval; 1855, Thaddeus S. Mapes. SECTION I6 (school lands).-I842, Seth A. Petteys; 1845, L. M. Rollison; 1847, George Howard, Seth A. Petteys, E. S. Whitlock, D. M. Rollison, Eliza Hess; I850, William Crowe,John Conner; 1851, Mary Mercer, George Mercer; 1852, William Mercer; 1853, Robert Conner. SECTION 17. -I835, Zebulon M. Drew, Gideon Cross; 1836, Elizabeth-C Cross, Daniel Bennett; 1837, Henry R. Wheeler, Jerusha Payne; 1838, Tamma Butts, Norman A. Allen; 1854, Cephas Dunning, Joseph Quinn; 1853, John Dunn. SECTION I8.-1835, William H. Bennett, Aaron Vance; 1836, Daniel S. Bennett, Reuben HI. Bennett, David Bennett, Timothy R. Bennett, William H. Bennett; 1837, Mansell Hurlbut; 1838, Samuel S. Fitch, Hezekiah Allen; 1850, John H. Forth; 1847, Joseph Quinn. SECTION I9.-I835, Samuel Cole, Elijah Whipple, John Marsh; 1836, Ransom C. Robinson, Israel C. Trembley, Joseph Quinn, Henry P. Rosebeck; 1837, Ephraim Harger, John Wallace, Thomas Burns. SECTION 20.-1835, Matthew C. O'Brien; I836, Enoch Jones, James D. W. Palmer, Erasmus D. Whitlock, Joseph Quinn. SECTION 21.-1836, Daniel W. Kellogg, Daniel Larkins; I837, John Larkins; 1848, Reuben R. Decker, John F. Oliver; 1853, William Placeway, R. R. Decker; i858, R. R. Decker; 1866, John C. Shaw. SECTION 22.-1833, Christopher L. Culver; 1836, Edward Bishop; 1837, James G. Crane, Dennis Shehan; 1838, Francis Mackie; 1843, Edwin M. Cust; 1853, Edward Bishop, George Galloway; 1854, Edward Bishop. SECTION 23. —833, John Henry, Asenath Burnet; 1835, Edward Mundy; 1836, Christopher L. Culver, Miner Kellogg, Edward Mundy; 1837, James Gillmore; 1845, Stoddard W. Twichell. SECTION 24.-1833, Thomas Schoonhoven, Asenath Burnet; 1834, George G. Grisson; 1836, George Butler, Horace Barnum; 1837, George Butler, George G. Grisson. SECTION 25.-1831, Calvin Jackson, Jesse Hall; i832, Lester Burnet; 1833, James Burnet, Jason G. De Wolf; 1834, Ebenezer Bishop. SECTION 26.-I832, Daniel Hall; 1833, George Sessions, Christopher L. Culver, David B. Power. SECTION 27.-1832, Benjamin Lewitt; 1833, David B. Power, Christopher L. Culver; 1837, B. B. Kercheval; 1840, Anson L. Power. SECTION 28.-1836, Cyrus Pierce, Daniel Sullivan; I837, Patrick Gallagher, John Courtney, James Gallagher, B. B. Kercheval. SECTION 29.-1835, James Cordley, Robert Finch, Andrew Shanahan, Cornelius O'Brien, Robert Crooks; 1836, Ann Cordley; 1837, James Gallagher, Robert Marsh. SECTION 30.-1835, William W. Edminster, Cornelius O'Brien, Aaron Vance; 1836, Jonathan Stone, Jr.; 1837, Thomas Daly, Olney Butts, Nathaniel Teachworth,'Bryan Farley, Owen Farley, James Fagan, Ephraim Harger; 1854, George W. Brown. SECTION 31.-1832, Cyrus Pierce; I834, James W. McGrath; 1835, William W. Edminster, Thomas Burns, Matthew Burns, Elias B. Root, John Youmans, Asahel Smith, Cornelius O'Brien; 1836, Patience Newton; 1837, Luceba Pierce, Asahel Smith. SECTION 32.-I831, Felix Dunlevy; 1832, Patrick Gallagher; 1835, Matthew C. O'Brien, Felix Donely, William W. Edminster, Palmer Force; 1837, Patrick Gallagher, Matthew C. O'Brien. SECTION 33.-1832, Patrick Gallagher, James Gallagher; 1833, Cornelius Morrow; 1834, John Ryan; I835, Cornelius Morrow, Patrick Conner; 1836, Patrick Conner, Patrick Gallagher, James Gallagher, Cornelius O'Mara. SECTION 34 —1833, Stoddard W. Twichell, Abner Butterfield; 1834, Willis Hale; 1835, Daniel Larkin, S. W. Twichell; 1836, Jacob Vandewalker, Levi Knight, Daniel Sullivan, Calvin Swift. SECTION 35.-I831, Heman Lake; 1833, Abner Butterfield, Cornelius Olsaver; 1834, Hiram Mason, William II. Twichell; 1836, George W. Case, John A. Bothwell, Samuel Vanderford, Elizabeth Hall; 1837, Richard E. Butler. SECTION 36.-183I, Cornelius W. Miller, Heman Lake; 1832, Augustus Hall; 1833, Jesse Hall, Philemon H. Hills; i836, Thomas J. Rice, Samuel Gardner; 1838, Thomas J. Rice. From this list it is seen that the first entries were made in the southern portion of the township as early as 1831, many of them being south of the river. The reasons why this was the case are twofold. First, the region farther south, in Washtenaw County, was settled first, and as the population increased it pushed northward into Livingston. Second, a glance at the farming region south and north of the Huron, in Hamburg, leads the observer to choose the southern portion on account of its superior adaptability to the uses of agriculture. However, after passing the immediate vicinity of the Huron, with its lakes, swamps, and gravel-ridges, an excellent farming country opens before the husbandman,-and as soon as this fact was known, and conveniences for reaching it were established, it became the abiding-place of many of the most influential settlers in the township, and at present bears evidence, by its improvements and general air of prosperity, to the wise choice of its pioneers in locating there. EARLY SETTLEMENTS-PIONEER INCIDENTS. The following "Ieaf of Hamburg's Dry Early History" was furnished to the Pioneer Association in January, 1878, by Thomas J. Rice: 'z8o. HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. "During the interval between the years I830 and 1836 the southern portion of our beautiful peninsula, which was then comparatively unoccupied territory, was not only being very much talked about, but actually being settled upon with a rapidity never before exampled in American history; and, as a legitimate consequence of this unprecedented rush of immigrants thereto in search of new homes, I found, when I first entered Hamburg as a resident,-which was on the first day of May, 1836, and only four and a half years from the day on which the first white settler therein planted himself and family upon its soil,-instead of a few discouraged, half-starved settlers, widely separated from each other, in a state of isolated loneliness, a regularly organized town, with its governmenial machinery in good running order, and containing fully one-third as many inhabitants as it does to-day.... It will therefore be obvious that it is but little, very little, that I know from my own observation or experience about the toils, privations, and hardships of actual pioneer life; and consequently it will readily be seen that for the correctness of most of the statements which I am about to make I am compelled to rely upon traditional evidence and such other testimony as I have been able to glean from individuals who, from their weight of years, are liable to be somewhat confused in their recollection not only as to days and dates, but also in reference to events and circumstances long since past. "According to the best-light I have, then, upon the subject, it was on or a little before the middle of Octobor, 1831, that Jesse Hall, Esq., the first actual white settler in Hamburg, first sat himself down with his wife and children within his rude cabin, erected on the west half of the northeast quarter of sec'ion 25, and near the edge of the bank of what is now known as Hall's Creek. And on or about the 1st of November of that year, Mr. Heman Lake, who followed close after Mr. Hall, planted himself and family upon the east half of the southeast quarter of section 35. At the time when these first tw(t hardy pioneers established themselves in Hamburg, there were not to exceed a dozen actual settlers, including themselves, in all four of the towns bordering upon the south side of the county, and not one in any of the twelve towns lying north of these, and which constituted the balance of the county. Thus it will be seen that these two men, both of whom are now gone to their rest, were not only pioneer settlers in our beloved town of Hamburg, but also in our beloved county of Livingston. Of course everybody understands that the mere fact that some certain pieces of land were purchased from government at an earlier day than were those purchased by Mr. Hall and Mr. Lake, and on which they almost immediately settled, is no proof that such certain pieces, thus earlier purchased, were also more early settled upon, nor, in fact, that they have ever been actually settled upon, either by the original purchasers or anybody else. " That Elizabeth Lake, daughter of Heman Lake, born some time in the summer of I832 (the exact date I cannot give), was the first white child born in Hamburg, admits not of a doubt, but whether or not she was the first one born in the county I am not prepared to say. "That Mr. Cornelius W. Miller raised, in I834, on the place where I now reside, the first apples that were grown within the limits of this now famous apple-producing town of Hamburg, it is confidently believed; and I think I am not mistaken when I say they were also the first that were ever grown within the limits of Livingston County upon trees of white man's setting. " The first large frame, hay, and grain barn erected in Hamburg was built by Mr. Martin Olsaver in 1836, on the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 35. "- The first persistent and well-directed effort made in Hamburg to improve the breed of horned cattle, and also of sheep, was made by Mr. David B. Power, now dead; and it is also deemed worthy of remark that the noble example in that direction, by that good man thus early set, is still being followed up with increased vigor and success by his enterprising son-in-law, the Hon. William:Tht first uevsor elected in Hamburg was Mr. Christopher I I I I I I T L. Culver, who, the noble man that he was, came to an untimely death many years ago by being crushed at a barn raising. " The first county officer selected from Hamburg was Mr. Justus J. Bennett, sheriff, and the first State officer selected therefrom was the Hon. Edwin M. Cust, senator, who for many long years has been lying in his grave. "In conclusion I will merely add that, in addition to the first two pioneer settlers in Hamburg, spoken of, and the several other gentlemen of whom honorable mention has already been made, there were many other good and worthy men who planted themselves in the town at quite an early day. A few of the more active and prominent among the number, I will here beg leave just to name Stoddard W. Twichell, Esq., Mr. Anson L. Power, James Burnett, Esq., dead; Mr. George G. Grisson, Ferdinand Grisson, Esq., Mr. George Galloway, dead, and Mr. Bradford Campbell, also dead. These few individuals have been named because I cannot for one moment doubt but that these men, aided by their respected wives, did much, very much, by the noble example which they set of minding their own business and letting that of others alone, not only towards making the town that quiet, orderly, and thrifty one which, when I came into it in I836, I found it to be, but also towards causing it to be and remain, until this day, a town in which there are but few crimes committed, few lawsuits prosecuted, and few neighborhood quarrels or other disturbances of any kind. And long therein may the effects of the influence of their noble example continue to live." At the meeting of the Livingston County Pioneer Society, held June i8, 1879, the following facts relating to the history of the township of Hamburg were given by Hon. Edwin B. Winans: "My first acquaintance and recollections of the township of Hamburg date from the fall of 1843. I then came from the township of Unadilla, to live with my sister, Mrs. Leland Walker, and to attend the winter term of school taught by Horace Griffith, in the Bennett School-house, in District No. 2. Griffith was a married man, and lived on the farm now owned by Orville Sexton, in the same school district. At that time Hamburg had been long settled, comparatively speaking, and offered educational facilities of which I desired to avail myself. I cannot, therefore, relate any pioneer experiences of my own, but only such recollections of the actual pioneers of the town as were then upon the active stage of life. My first impressions then as a stranger were that Hamburg people were mostly Bennetts, Cases, and Halls,-and it seemed to me in about equal proportions,-and some of the Halls struck me as being very beautiful and attractive. Of course I was young and my experience very limited; but though many years and some travel have enlarged my experience, I still shall insist that the elegantly furnished Halls of to-day have not the fascination and attraction or charm for me as had those young and beautiful Hall girls of Hamburg, in those days of my early manhood. " At the head of the Bennett family I may place Justus J. Bennett, a veritable Nestor, who lived to see three generations of his children, who, together with his brothers, John, Joseph, and Abram Bennett, and their families of stalwart sons and daughters, gave him quite a patriarchal position with the clan Bennett. He was the first sheriff of Livingston County, and at that time owned a large farm on section nine, and lived in a story-and-a-half farmhouse with a wing on each side; and it seemed to me to be a veritable mansion, such as I had read of in the old romance of ' Thaddeus of Warsaw,' and the ' Scottish Chiefs.' It stood on the hill, as you cross Mill Creek going south, and was known far and wide as the ' Big White House.' I well remember the first time I was invited to the house,-it was to a social party, given by the younger members of the family,-and how I was bewildered by the many rooms, and the brilliant tallow dips glimmering in the far recesses, and the many nooks, angles, and corners of the house. I was more than ever impressed with the superiority of Hamburg style HAMBURG TOWNSHIP. 28 over the one-room log house of my father in Unadilla, in the chamber of which I had been used to sleep and listen to the singing of the woodland birds or the patter of the soft rain upon the roof, with no ceiling or plastering between me and it to dull the soothing sounds. Bennett was surrounded by a large family of grown children, some married and settled on good farms in the near vicinity, others still under the paternal roof. The married sons, William Reuben, Justus J. Jr., and Royal, were men in the heyday and prime of life, with children of their own growing up about their own health-stones; while Sherman, Joseph, and Charles were then single; and life, blright, fair and wide, was all before them. The old man, full of years, was gathered to his fathers about a year ago, and now lies buried in the church-yard of the little Union Church round the corner from his old farm in Hamburg. Of his brothers, John, Joseph, and Abram, I was best acquainted with the family of John Bennett. He owned a splendid farm on section twenty-four, on the banks of the beautiful Huron River, one mile north of Hamburg village,-the farm now owned by his son John W. Bennett and Stephen Galloway. lHe was a mighty hunter and trapper in those days, and none knew better how to supply his larder with the spoils of lake and forest than Uncle John Bennett. He lived to a good old age, and died about four years ago, and is buried in the cemetery at Hamburg village, where many of the early pioneers rest by his side. His soifs, six in number,-Isaac, Helem, Alfred, Henry, John, and Horace,-all married, and to them were born children who perpetuate the name and family traditions in Hamburg. The family may be said to be long lived; for Alram, John, and Justus J. each lived to be upwards of ninety years. "The Case family was nearly as numerous in Hamburg ill those days as the Bennett. Samuel Case, the patriarch, had a large family of sons and daughters. Elisha, Joseph, Rodman, Spaulding, Crandall, Ira, Jonathan, Norman, and Rufus Case at that time were all young or middle-aged men. Elisha, Joseph, Rodman, and Crandall were married, and had farms on sections four and five, which they or their children own to-day. The Cases were active, thrifty men,-good farmers, mechanics, and business men. I think Spaulding or Ira, or both, kept store at the old homestead. I know there was a Case's store kept there for the country trade, but about that time it was removed to Brighton, where Ira still does business. The Case family bad something to say it those days about how matters went in town, for they were active, energetic men, who had their own opinions about matters, and were not at all diffident about expressing them. The father was then an old man, and he has been dead these many years; but the sons, I think, are all living except Spaulding, Joseph, and Norman. " The Hall brothers, Jesse, James, Augustus, and D)aniel, settled near Hamburg village, in the south part of the town. Jesse was among the earliest settlers in town. He took up a large tract of land, on which he lived till his death, and where his widow and youngest daughter still reside. He had a large and interesting family of sons and daughters, as also had his brother Daniel, who was located on a farm just west of Hamburg village, now a part of Hon. William Ball's farm. Jesse Hall being wealthy for a pioneer, and being of a social, hospitable disposition, many of the early settlers made his house their home till they had time to build a house of their own, and I have heard Mrs. Galloway, my wife's mother, say, that two, and sometimes three families at a time found shelter and a temporary home at his house. She and her husband, George Galloway,* being of those who shared his hospitality in those early (lays, and till they had built for themselves a house on the farm where I now reside. The Hall families were important factors in Hamburg society in those days. The boys were stalwart and the girls were beautiful, and I was so favorably impressed with the condition of affairs that I determined to attend the next winter term in the same school district, which I did; and I liked the place so well that I made the town my home from that time, settling with my mother (my father having died the previous year) in the present village of Petteysville, I having engaged with Seth A. Petteys to work in his woolen-mill for the term of three years, from April, I845, to April, I848, which contract I fulfilled. A longer and wider acquaintance showed me that, though numerous and important, the Bennetts, Cases, and Halls were not all the people in Hamburg worth knowing. At that time George Galloway leld a prominent position in the town, both socially, politically, and in enterprise and wealth. An early settler, he soon became somewhat of a leader in public affairs. He was treasurer of the township for eleven successive years, and he was known far and wide for his o(pen handed hospitality. Iis judgment was relied upon, and his advice and olinion valued by his neighbors and townsnmen, and no man stood better or had a fairer prospect of success in life than George Galloway; but he died in the prime of life, suddenly, with the cholera, in the year 1854, while on a business trip to New York. lie left a wife and six children, all now living. "In the same school district, and joining farms with Galloway on the south, lived Col. Edward Bishop, a man well known to the people of this county, from having held the office of sheriff for two terms. The colonel was a man of remarkable memory, and with the faculty of relating the events of his life with wonderful minuteness. He could make the story as interesting as an Arabian Nights' tale, and I have often been a delighted listener as he narrated the many incidents of his varied life. He was a wagonmaker by trade, aln(l had a shop on his farm, where he and his son, Edward, made and repaired wagons. I well remember the sign, nailed to a tree in the woods at the forks of the road as you came west fronm Hamburg village, ' E. Bishop & Son, Wagon-Makers.' He also raised a family of ten children,-five boys and five girls,all bright, witty, and promising children. I taught school in that district in the winter of 1846 and 1847, and the Bishop, Galloway, Hendrick, and John Bennett families could send twenty children to school. Theirs were about average families in those days. That is how the country had men to fight her battles. In these degenerate days of luxury and refinement, a family of two or three, or four at most, is considered about the respectable thing. Well, the colonel and his wife are now both at rest in the little cemetery at Hamburg village, where we laid them quite recently, after more than fifty years of wedded life. They were separated for a little while only, he going before, a pioneer into the unknown.land. "Another of my early Hamburg acquaintances was George Mercer and his family, consisting of Mrs. Mercer and four sons and one daughter. He was a cultured English gentleman, who had located on section seventeen, near the present village of Petteysville. He was a man better fitted by birth and education to move in the older and more cultivated walks of life than to be a pioneer. But somehow he had been caught in the tide of emigration and had drifted away out West, and had pitched his tent in the wilderness. But the great West was omnivorous, and all was fish that was gathered in its net, and so the accomplishments and qualifications of Mercer were of use in building up and developing this country. He was for years the book-keeper and confidential clerk of William S. Maynard, of Ann Arbor. But his family never quitted the farm; and after he left Maynard's he was almost continuously kept in town office up to within a few years of his death. He died at a ripe old age a few years ago, respected and mourned by all who knew him. His wife and children, who still survive him, reside in the same vicinity. His sons, William, Alexander, and Robert, are enterprising, wealthy farmers; and the Mercer family has taken deep root and developed all the sterling qualities of the old English race. "Speaking of Petteysville, its founder, builder, and prime mover is Seth A. Petteys, who is still at the helm, and guides and governs affairs, notwithstanding his threescore years and ten. He first settled in Putnam, on the farm now owned by Hon. George Crofoot; but being a millwright, he was engaged by the Grissons, of Hamburg, to build their mill, and in going from his farm in Putnam to Hamburg village he noticed the water-power, and bought the school land on which his mill now stands. He first * George Galloway settled in I834. 36 282 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. put in machinery for wool-carding and cloth-dressing, and for ten or twelve years did a thriving business in that line. That is where your humble servant put in four years of his yor'hful days. I hired to him for three years at ten dollars per month, to learn the business, and I to live in his family; but after one year my mother came to me, and we lived in our own house (a log one), and he paid me four dollars per month additional, and I board myself. Many a seck of wool I carded for the wives and daughters of this county, to spin and weave into cloth for men and women's wear, and many yards of flannel I have dyed and pressed for dresses, fulled and dressed for suits for the boys to go courting in. I took especial care to have the cards clean and in order to make the rolls for the girls of my acquaintance to spin, because if they were knotty, and did not run free, I was sure to hear from them in such a way as was not at all flattering to my vanity. Petteys has extended and improved his business till now through his efforts and enterprise a little hamlet has grown up around his mill; there is now a grist- and flouring-mill, a cider-mill, with all the improvements, a blacksmith- and carriage-shop, two stores, a postoffice, shoe-shop, school, and church facilities for the fifteen or twenty families who live in the village. He has raised a family of four sons and daughters. Three of his boys went at their country's call in the great civil war, but only one returned at the close, and one daughter has died since. The remaining children are settled in and around the little village that bears the family name. Long may he be spared to see and to enjoy the fruits of his toil. "Going east from Petteysville, over the rolling country into the valley of the Huron, past the homes of George Galloway and Col. Bishop, at the foot of Pleasant Lake, in those days lived Peter S. Hendrick, another of the Hamburg pioneers; but he too has 'joined the innumerable throng who assemble around the Throne.' His widow and his youngest son now live in the old home at the foot of the lake. Hendrick was a mechanic as well as farmer, and many of the late houses, and more of the earlier barns, were planned and built by him. Such men in those days were indispensable, and his services were in constant demand. He raised and educated a family of eight children, all now living, and by his industry he left, at his death, for their inheritance, a good farm, a good name, and a record for liberality in all matters of public interest. He was a soldier in the war of I812, and Mrs. Hendrick now receives from the government a late recognition of her husband's services. " Leland Walker, the owner of the saw- and flouring-mills of North Hamburg, was a man, in those days, who filled a large space in society; a man of acute mental power, he had much to do in shaping matters of public interest. For many years he was supervisor of the town, and took a strong interest in all educational matters; later in life he took an interest in the study of medicine, and having graduated at a medical school, he removed to Dexter to practice his profession, but soon after died suddenly of heart disease His death was a serious loss to the community. The limits of this paper will not permit even the casual mention of all the worthy dead and gone pioneers of the town; but, with your indulgence, I will mention the names of a few as they occur to me, who have not passed over the dark river, and are still living in the township, and are to-day prominent and active citizens, fully abreast with the times, and who, it seems, could as ill be spared as any of the younger generations now on the stage of life. " There are the brothers, Stoddard W. and Hobart A. Twichell, two men with the proverbial New England thrift, farmers pure and unmixed, who by strict attention to their own business are now possessed of a large competency. S. W. Twichell, the eldest, lives on section thirty-six, where he first located, and Ho bart A. on section twenty-three, where he first settled. Both have often held the highest offices in town, and had they been ambitious in that way, could readily have gone higher. They are of the solid and reliable men of the town. Ferdinand Grisson is an educated, genial German gentleman, the only one remaining in Hamburg of the four brothers of that name, who came from Germany and settled in a very early day on section twenty-five, by whom the town was named for their beloved Hamburg in the fatherland, the founders of Hamburg village. He still remains an indispensalle member of our society. He is, and has long been, our postmaster; for years he has been the only justice of the peace who does much, if any, business. He does the insurance and conveyancing for the count y round about; he is the leader of our choir. He occasionally marries a couple, but oftener helps to bury our dead. He makes himself so generally useful that, though a strong partisan and his party in the minority in our town, he can always be elected by a large majority. That is the kind of a man he is. ' May hle live a thousand years and his shadow never grow less.' George Burnett is a quiet, intelligent farmer, who livesjust out of the village, and may well be classed with the most worthy of pioneeis. Of genuine merit anl probity, he has lived a blameless life, and always is ready and answers to the call of duty. "There is Thomas J. Rice; the history of Hamburg will never be complete without mention of him. Educated to the law, he is well versed in literature and history, and is himself an author; but modest, retiring, and unassuming, he hides his light in his study on the banks of Silver Lake, andi unless he is dug out by his admiring friends he prefers to remain in retirement. ' Full many a gem of purest ray serene, The dark, unfathomed caves of ocean bear.' "A near neighbor of Rice is Charles H. Hankins, who is a very deserving citizen, w ho, for many long years, has contributed his quota to the industry that has gradually made for Hamburg a reputation for having a law-abiding, industrious, thrifty population. He is a good mechanic, and has a shop on the banks of Silver Lake, where all and any jobs of repairing in almost any line can be done with neatness and dispatch. Hi e owns a fine cider-mill run by steam, and is largely engaged in making cider vinegar. He is always on hand to serve his customers himself, and they are sure to be well served. " In the witter of '46 I first knew George S. Butler, a farmer, who, then as now, lived about three-fourths of a mile north of Hamburg village. I was teaching school in his district, and he and his wife made their home so pleasant for me that in my memory the hospitality dispensed in the log houses of those days is not surpassed in the sumptuously furnished houses of these latter times. ' The humblest fare where love is, is better than a stalled ox with envy,' and Mr. Butler is a rare man, who for more than forty years has pursued the even tenor of his way with ' Good will for all and offense toward none.' " The following is from the pen of Col. Edward Bishop, of Hamburg township, and was furnished to the County Pioneer Society in January, 1876. After narrating the events of his first prospecting tour (in I832) from Yates Co., N. Y., to Michigan, Col. Bishop proceeded: " In July, 1836, I again started for Michigan, with my wife and eight children, designing to settle in the State. We stayed in Detroit six weeks, when we moved to Plymouth Corners, where we resided three years and a half. In 1836 I had purchased land in Hamburg (sections to and 22), and soon after built a house on it, into which I moved on the 2d day of May, 1840, where we have resided the greater part of the time ever since. I think I manufactured the first lumber-wagon, or wagons, ever made in Livingston County. Being in moderate circumstances, I labored early and late to improve my land and to provide for the wants of a large family,-then consisting of ten children (two children having been added to the number since our settlement in Michi gan), my wife, and myself. We succeeded as well as we could expect. Seven of our children are still living, and all but one are married or have been. I believe my wife and myself are the 0 I,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'le.Co~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..1,Arl 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g I,,~ ~~~~~~~-A~~~-K H 4 HAMBURG TOWNSHIP. 283 oldest couple living in Haml)urg,-she being seventy eight last August,* and myself eighty the same month. We were married on the 27th of April, 1816.... " I have in the course of a long life met with a number of gentlemen who have been my friends, for which I feel very thankful. I have also seen a few rogues, but from the latter I have been quite exempt; though while I was sheriff of Livingston County I had a prisoner who was very anxious to escape, but found he was watched too closely, and he offered me in advance one thousand dollars in gold if I would go away from the jail and stay one night. I declined the offer, and told him I should watch him more closely. His name was Elijah Badgero, who was sent to the State-prison for a term of years. "I( have improved two farms, erected suitable dwellings and raised orchards, but at present I own only a house and two lots at Petteysville; am free from debt and enjoy the comforts of life. I draw a pension of ninety-six dollars per year from the United States, for services rendered during the war of I812-I5. My health is now poor, but if my life is spared I think of writing a history of the events through which I have passed since the year I800." Elijah Bennett, from Steuben Co., N. Y., settled in the north part of the township in the spring of 1835, on the place now owned by Meyer Davis. His widow is still living, and his daughter is the wife of Nathan Hight, of Genoa. Abram Bennett settled in Washtenaw County in I829. At a comparatively recent date he moved into Hamburg, and took up his residence with his daughter, Mrs. George Cole. His wife died here, and his own death occurred at a late date, when he had reached the great age of one hundred and three years. In the fall of I835, Garner Carpenter lived in the northern part of town, on a farm he afterwards (1836 or I837) sold to Samuel Case, who settled upon it. Mr. Carpenter and Mr. Case are both now deceased. The latter's sons, Joseph and Elisha, long resided in the township. Joseph is dead and Elisha is a citizen of Brighton at present. The latter's son occupies his father's old farm, and Oren Case, son of Joseph, lives in Genoa. Samuel Case's sons settled in Hamburg before their father came, probably in the fall of 1836. Rodman Case, another son, came later and purchased land from second hands. Justus J. Bennett, from Steuben Co., N. Y., came to Michigan in the fall of 1833 and located in Washtenaw County, where he remained until the spring of I835, when he moved into Hamburg township. He located large tracts of land in Hamburg and Marion. The old homestead in Hamburg is now occupied by George L. Hull, and is owned by Governor Felch, of Ann Arbor. Mr. Bennett had a family of ten children when he came to the county. One son, Daniel S. Bennett, now lives in Ionia County, and another, William H., in Ham burg. One daughter is now the wife of Seth A. * I875.-Both Col. Bishop and his wife have since deceased. Petteys, of Petteysville, and she and her brother William are the only ones of their father's children at present residing in the county. Daniel B. Harmon settled in 1835 north of Petteysville, on a farm now owned by Mr. Buek, a German. A year or two later he sold his place to George Mercer and removed to Shiawassee County. The farm was afterwards purchased by Edwin M. Cust.t Christopher Hoagland and Eastman Griffith, also Timothy Pettit, were early settlers in the north part of town, and all three were residing there in the fall of I835. Griffith returned to Steuben Co., N. Y., where he died; Pettit died in Clinton Co., Mich. (his home at the time being in De Witt); and Hoagland is also deceased. George Mercer, a native of England, afterwards for a number of years a resident of New York City, and finally of Rush, Monroe Co., N. Y., came to Michigan in the fall of I835, and settled a mile north of where his widow now lives, on the place now occupied by Adolph Buek, whose wife is the daughter of Edwin M. Cust, also an Englishman, to whom Mr. Mercer sold in the spring of I836, Cust moving upon it in the summer following. Mercer had been a merchant in the city of New York, and soon tired of life in the wilderness of Michigan, where there was no society, and his family also were averse to the life of pioneers. The nearest physician was Dr. Halleck, at Whitmore Lake, nine miles away. Mrs. Mercer was born in the city of London, and country life was entirely new to her. The nearest post-office was also at Whitmore Lake. The finishing lumber and brick for the chimney of his house Mr. Mercer procured at Ann Arbor. The nearest mill was at Plymouth, Wayne Co., thirty miles away. The Pinckney and Hamburg mills, built soon afterwards, supplied a great need, and in those days did a large business. When Mr. Mercer sold out to Mr. Cust, he removed to Swartzburg, Wayne Co., where he remained about one year. Mr. Cust finally prevailed upon him to come back and purchase the lot upon which Mrs. Mercer now lives, and a log house was built thereon, into which the family moved. The materials for a frame house had been brought to the site from Ann Arbor; but as it was impossible to find a carpenter at any point nearer than the last-named place, the log house was built instead; it stood a few feet east of the present frame dwelling. The neighbors of the Mercer fatily, when they first came (I835), were Justus J. Bennett, James M. Davis, and George Galloway,-the first two north and the latter east. t See Mrs. Mercer's statement. - 284 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Mr. Mercer's business capabilities and fine education were the means of securing him important positions after his settlement in Michigan. He held numerous township offices, and for a number of years was book-keeper for William S. Maynard, a prominent merchant of Ann Arbor. He died in September, I873. Hon. William Ball's father, Samuel H. Ball, was among the early settlers of Washtenaw County, coming from Cayuga Co., N. Y., in 1833. The son at present resides in Hamburg, on a fine farm south of the Huron River, and is extensively engaged in breeding and dealing in fine stock, his specialties being short-horn cattle and full-blood Merino sheep. Some time during the Rebellion (186I-65) he purchased from parties in Vermont 25 ewes, paying $ioo per head, and one buck costing $500, with which he began the business which has been so successful. About 1871-72 he started with a small herd of shorthorns, and his private sales of these cattle for two or three years have averaged from 20 to 30 head annually. He has at present 40 head of shorthorns and about 250 sheep. His father-in-law, David B. Power, who settled in town with his brother, Anson L. Power, in i834, dealt to some extent at an early day in French Merino sheep and Devon cattle, and Mr. Ball had a few of that variety when he first started. David B. Power settled upon and cleared the place now owned by his brother, Anson L. Power, and the latter located upon and cleared part of the place now owned by William Ball. Lupton Culver, brother to Mrs. D. B. Power, cleared the present homestead of Mr. Ball. He met his death some time afterwards at a barn-raising. D. B. Power is also deceased. Stoddard W. Twichell, a native of Connecticut, and later a resident of the town of Sullivan, Madison Co., N. Y., came to Hamburg in May, 1833, and purchased the place he still owns and occupies. The Power brothers came with him and entered their land at the same time, although they did not settle until the following year. Mr. Twichell remained in town during the summer, living with Lupton Culver in a small shanty on the place taken by the latter, who had also come with him, and in the fall he went to New York after his wife, returning with her in November of the same year (I833). A log house was built during the fall, on Culver's place, and the two families occupied it till the autumn of 1834, when Mr. Twichell moved into the log house he had erected on his own place. The latter building is yet standing, west of his present frame residence, and is one of the oldest structures in the township. Mr. Twichell sowed ten acres of wheat in I833. His nearest neighbors at that time were the brothers Jesse and Daniel Hall, the former already noticed as Hamburg's first settler; the latter came in 1833, and resided on the place now owned by Jesse Bennett. His brother owned a farm which included the site of Hamburg village. Three brothers from St. Lawrence County, N. Y., viz., James, Lester, and Jonathan Burnett, came at a very early date to this county. Lester settled on what is now the Silsby farm, in Hamburg, but afterwards sold to the Messrs. Grisson, and moved to Highland, Oakland Co. Jonathan settled in Green Oak, where he still lives. James lived on the place, near Hamburg village, now owned by his son, George Burnett, and built the log house still occupied by the latter. He afterwards moved to the place where Jesse Bennett now lives. George Burnett has lived with his own, family in the old house since about i842. His wife came to Michigan in September, i836, and lived with her sister, Mrs. Ball, in Webster, Washtenaw Co., having come alone from Cayuga Co., N. Y. The locality known as " Newburg," or "Campbellville," was originally settled by Abel Peck and Bradford Campbell, soon after the grist-mill was built at Hamburg village. They built a mill on Ore Creek, which is now owned by Toncray Brothers. Peck and Campbell are both deceased. Among other settlers in the township were David Hyatt, from New Jersey, June, 1835; Mrs. Emily Pullen, New York, same date; James Davis, came with a large family of boys in the spring of i836; Charles F. Conrad, September, 1839; James Parker, October, 1839; William Williamson, England, 1840; Hobart A. Twichell, May, I844; A. Moon, I837; S. M. Whitcomb, now of Pinckney, i834; W. Placeway, now of Pinckney; T. Schoonhoven, 1833,-located the present S. Galloway place. Following is an alphabetical list of the resident tax-payers in the township of Hamburg in the year 1844: Abels, Russell. Angell, Cyrus. Bennett, John. Bennett, Joseph W. Bennett, William H. Bennett, Reuben H. Bennett, Justus J. Bennett, John S. Berk, E. A. Bennett, Gershom. Burgess, Hiram. Brown, A. M. Brown, Isaac. Brown, Erasmund. Burgess, William. Bennett, David. Bennett, Hammond. Bennett, T. R. Bennett, Jesse H. Bishop, Edward. Bennett, George. Butler, George. Burnett, James. Butler, Richard E. Butterfield, Abner. Burnett, John. Culver, John C. Case, George W. Crane, F. J. B. Crooks, Robert. Cordley, James. Case, Elisha. HOBART A. TWICHELL. MRS. HOBART A. TWICHELL. HOBART A. TWICHELL, son of Joseph Twichell and Phoebe Atkins, was born in the town of Wolcott, New Haven Co., Conn., Aug. 9, I820. The elder Twichell was born July I5, I769. He married Electa Hopkins, July 8, I770, by which union there were three children,-Polly, Lois, and Hopkins. Jan. I3, 1803, Mrs. Twichell died, and he married Phoebe Atkins, Feb. I9, I804. To them were born six sons,Joseph A., Stoddard W., Edward, William H., Dwight, and Hobart A. Mrs. Phoebe Twichell died Dec. 5, I823, and in March following occurred the death of her husband. Hobart was reared by his sister Lois. He obtained a good common-school education, and was early taught lessons of industry and thrift, which have become salient points in his character. He was bred a farmer, which occupation he has since followed. At the age of twenty-five he came to Livingston County and purchased the place on which he has since resided, now one of the most valuable farms in the county, but then entirely unimproved. The finely cultivated fields and commodious buildings of to-day are the result of his own industry. Dec. 29, 1844, Mr. Twichell was married to Miss Hannah M. Wilner, of Portage, Wyoming Co., N. Y. She was born in Livingston Co., N. Y., Nov. 5, I823. She was one of the pioneers of the county, and endeared herself to a large circle of friends by her sterling qualities of mind and heart. As a wife, mother, neighbor, and friend, she performed all her duties and obligations with personal unselfishness. Mr. and Mrs. Twichell were blessed with four children, three of whom are living,-Alcena P., now Mrs. Henry Depue; Lois C., now Mrs. G. J. Osgood; Deigracia (deceased), and Mortimer H. Mr. Twichell is possessed of much business acumen, good judgment, and keen discrimination; these qualifications, added to industry and a laudable ambition to attain prominence both in busiI ness and social circles, have resulted in his securing not only a well-earned competency, but a marked social position. He is esteemed by all for his innate kindness of heart, liberality, and proverbial hospitality. Among the brotherhood of Freemasons, Mr. Twichell occupies an elevated position. He is a member of the " Grand Sovereign Consistory" of the order of "Scottish Rites," a prominent member of the " Ann Arbor Commandery, No. 13, Knights Templar," and of "Pinckney Chapter, No. 86, R. A. M." He is one of the oldest Masons in the county, and for four years was Master of the Livingston Lodge, No. 76. When we consider that he has been the architect of his own fortune, that all his duties both public and private have been honestly and faithfully discharged, and that he is enabled to spend the later part of his life in ease and retirement, free from the cares and anxieties of business, in the enjoyment of the undiminished confidence and respect of all who know him, we must pronounce his a useful and worthy life. S. W. TWICHELL. MRS. S. WV. TWICHELL. STODDARD W.\T TWICHIELL. Among those who may be appropriately called the founders of the town of Hamburg, the subject of this narrative occupies a prominent position. He was born in the town of Wolcott, New Haven Co., Conn., Dec. 27, i806. He was the second in the family of Joseph and Phoebe (Atkins) Twichell, which consisted of seven sons. The elder Twichell was bred a merchant, but in the later portion of his life became a farmer. When Stoddard was sixteen years of age his father died, by which event he was thrown upon his own resources. He secured a situation in a button-factory, where he remained two years, when he went to Madison Co., N. Y. From this time until his emigration to Michigan, in 1833, he followed various occupations, in which he was moderately successful. At this time Michigan was considered a most desirable portion of the West, and Mr. Twichell, foreseeing the advantages of cheap land and a virgin soil, determined to come West. Accordingly, in May, 1833, he left his business and came to Hamburg. Being favorably impressed with the southern part of the town, he I located eighty acres of land. He remained during the summer and in the month of October following returned to Madison County, where he married Miss Dorcas Mathewson, a native of Smithfield. She was born April 3, i8io. They immediately returned to their new home, where they have since resided. The life of Mr. Twichell has been comparatively uneventful, and marked by few incidents save such as occur in the lives of most men. Two years subsequent to his settlement the town was erected, and he assisted in its organization. He was elected its first clerk, and has since held various positions of trust and responsibility, the duties of which he discharged with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of his fellow-townsmen. Prominent points in the character of Mr. Twichell are his energy, thrift, and marked business ability. In his chosen occupation, that of a farmer, he has been eminently successful. Commencing life at sixteen, with only his natural resources for his capital, he has by his own unaided efforts secured a well-earned competency. HAMBURG TOWNSHIP. 285 Case, Joseph. Larkin, Daniel. Cunningham, James. Lytle, Andrew. Cust, Edwin M. Lake, Truman. Case, Ezekiel. Mercer, George. Case, Samuel. Mackey, Francis T. Case, Spaulding M. Moon, Amrod. Case, Ira W.- Moon, John. Case, Mitchell C. Munday, Ezra. Case, Rodman. Melvin, Martin. De Wolf, Jason G. Newton, Samuel. Dayley, Thomas. -Nute, Joseph. Dunlevy, Felix. Near, Charles. Davis, James D. Olsaver, Martin. Davis, Elias. O'Conner, Patrick. Ferrel, Henry. O'Mara, Cornelius. Foster & Walker. Obran, Matthew C. Foster, Benjamin F. Power, David B. Fagan, James. Power, Anson L. Farley, Barney. Patterson, Ralph. Gallagher, Patrick. Petteys, Seth A. Gallagher, James. Purvis, William. Grisson, George G. Parker, Esther. Grisson, Ferdinand. Peck & Campbell. Gidley, Robert. Quinn, Joseph. Gidley, Lorenzo. Rice, Thomas J. Gillman, John. Ryan, John. Gilbert, Norman M. Richmond, David. Griffith, Eastman. Stewart, John. Gallula, Thomas. Salmon, Simeon D. Galloway, George. Sullivan, Daniel. Hall, Jesse. Schmidt, Adolph. Hall, Daniel S. Stage, Nicholas. Haskins, Charles. Shannegan, Andrew. Hall, Daniel. Stone, Jonathan. Hall, Elizabeth. Teachworth, Rachel. Hayner, Jacob C. Twichell, Stoddard W. Hoagland, Christopher. Weller, Henry. Hendrick, Peter S. Wallace, John. Hines, James. Walker, Leland. Inslee, John. Weller, William. Jefferds, Luther. Wilkie, David. Jordan, Lorenzo. Williamson, William. Kirtland, William. VILLAGE OF HAMBURG. George G. Grisson. G. M. Armstrong. Charles Ormsby. Revo C. Hance. David Page. Isaac De Forest. John S. Bennett. John C. Steinman. W. Nottingham. John Pickard. Conrad Epley. John F. Grisson. Jason G. De Wolf. Charles Howard. NAMING AND ORGANIZATION OF TOWNSHIPCIVIL LIST, ETC. At a meeting held previous to the organization of the township, to choose a name for it, I9 persons were present; 8 of them wished to call it Steuben, while 8 others preferred Lenox, and the remaining 3, who were Germans,* had no choice, until finally 8 of those who could not agree, gave the Germans the privilege of naming the township, consenting to vote with them. They chose the name of their native city,-Hamburg,-and as such the town was organized. As originally formed, it included the * The Messrs. Grisson. present township of Genoa, the organizing act being approved March 26, I835. Genoa was taken off March II, I837. " The electors of the township of Hamburg met at the house of James Burnett-the place appointed in the law to meet-on the third Monday of April, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, for the purpose of holding their first township-meeting. The meeting organized by choosing Stoddard W. Twichell Moderator, and James Burnett Clerk of the meetingpro ten., and Christopher L. Culver Assistant Clerk, and after being sworn into office by George W. Dexter, Esq., opened the poll for choosing township officers."t The following were the officers chosen, viz.: Supervisor, Christopher L. Culver; Township Clerk, Stoddard W. Twichell; Assessors, George Galloway, Daniel Hall, Lester Burnett; Collector, George Galloway; Directors of the Poor, Justus J. Bennett, Jesse Hall; Commissioners of Highways, Justus J. Bennett, Daniel B. Harmon, Augustus Hall; Constable, George Galloway; FenceViewers, James Burnett, Christopher L. Culver, William H. Bennett; Poundmaster, James Burnett; Commissioners of Common Schools, Christopher L. Culver, Lester Burnett, Daniel B. Harmon; Inspectors of Common Schools, Lester Burnett, Stoddard W. Twichell, Christopher L. Culver, James Burnett, William H. Bennett; Overseers of Highways, James Burnett, Hiram Mason, Daniel Hall, Miner Kellogg. " Voted, That our township-meeting be adjourned to George Grisson's dwelling-house, ftr eighteen hundred and thirty-six, first Monday in April." In I836, at the annual election, it was " Voted, That fifty dollars be raised by tax for the purpose of building a bridge across the Huron River, near George G. Grisson's dwelling-house." At the meeting for I838 it was "Voted, That fifty-four dollars and twenty cents, with interest on the same from the first day of February, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, be raised by tax and paid to James Burnett, it being due him for building the bridge across the IIuron River, near George G. Grisson's, in the town of Hamburg. "Voted, That fifty dollars be raised by tax for the purpose of building a bridge across the Huron River, on the State road, whenever it shall be ascertained that the State road has been laid out and established according to law." It appears to have been some time before the fact of this road being laid was definitely settled, for it was not until I840 that it was finally concluded to raise the money, as witness the record for that year: " Voted, To raise fifty dollars to build a bridge across the Huron River, on the State road." In the previous year it had been " Voted, That the sum of fifty dollars be raised to build a bridge across the Huron River, between Christopher L. Culver's and George Galloway's." May I, 1843.-" At a meeting of the board held this day, pur suant to notice, it was agreed to fix the price of Five Dollars for t Town records, 1835. 286 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. persons applying for licenses to keep tavern, and to storekeepers to retail liquors, &c. Samuel Case made the application, which was granted." May 3, I843.-" By order of the majority of the board, granted a license to John Pickard to keep tavern; received his note of Five Dollars for the same." Sept. 23, 1843, licenses were granted to George G. Grisson to keep tavern, and to Spaulding M. Case to sell liquors, wines, etc. The following is a list of township officers fi-om 1836 to 1879, inclusive: SUPERVISORS. 1836, Christopher L. Culver; 1837-38, Thomas J. Rice; 1839, Bradford Campbell; 1840, Stoddard W. Twichell; 1841, David B. Powers; 1842, John F. Grisson; 1843, Bradford Campbell; 1843, Spaulding M. Case; 1845-46, Bradford Campbell; 1847, Thomas J. Rice; 1848, Leland Walker; 1849, Thomas J. Rice; 1850, Leland Walker; 1851, Thomas J. Rice; 1852-54, Leland Walker; I855-56, Cephas Dunning; 1857-58, Stoddard W. Twichell; 1859, Leland Walker; 1860-62, George Mercer; 1863-64, William Ball; 1865-66, Stephen Galloway; 1867-68, Ely Snyder; 1869-71, Stephen Galloway; 1872-73, Edwin B. Winans; I874-78, Stephen Galloway; 1879, James Van Horn. TOWNSHIP CLERKS. 1836-39, Stoddard W. Twichell; 1840-41, Leland Walker; I842-47, George Mercer; 1848, David F. Hess; 1849-50, William Williamson; 1851-52, J. H. Buck; 1853-34, Cephas Dunning; 1855-56, William Williamson; I857-59, George Mercer; 186o-61, Hobart A. Twichell; 1862-63, Stephen Galloway; 1864, George Mercer; 1865-66, James Cunningham; 1867, Bates W. Goodfellow; 1868-69, George Mercer; 1870, Hobart A. Twichell; 1871, William D. La Bonta; 1872, George Mercer; 1873, Henry W. Rolason; 1874-76, John McDevitt; 1877-78, John Ryan, Jr.; 1879, William Peters. ASSESSORS. 1836, Ely Barnard, Timothy It. Pettit, Daniel Iall; 1837, Samuel Gardner, Garner Carpenter, George W. Case; 1838, John F. Grisson, George W. Case, Reuben H. Bennett; 1839, Reuben H. Bennett, Robert Gridley, D. B. Power; I840, George Mercer, D. B. Power; 184I, Anson L. Power, George Mercer; 1842, Reuben H. Bennett, John C. Culver; 1843, Daniel Hall, Daniel Larkins; 1844, David B. Power, Norman M. Gilbert; 1845, R. H. Bennett, Daniel Hall; 1846, R. II. Bennett, Patrick O'Conner; 1847, Elias J. Smith, Bradford Campbell; 1848, Bradford Campbell, David B. Power; 1849, R. HI. Bennett, William Placeway; 1850, John Ryan, William Placeway; 1851, R. H. Bennett, H. A. Twichell; 1852, R. E. Butler, William Placeway. COLLECTORS. 1836-37, George Galloway; 1838, George W. Case; 1839-41, George Galloway. TREASURERS. 1839-41, Eastman Griffith; 1842-49, George Galloway; I85o-51, Horace Griffith; 1852, William Williamson; I853-54, Reuben H. Bennett; I855-56, R. S. Hall; I857-58, Daniel S. Bennett; 1859-60, John Pickard; I86I, Isaac De Forest; 1862 -63, Joseph Quinn; 1864-65, Daniel S. Hall; I866, Joseph Culy; 1867, tie vote between Chester 0. Burgess and James Van Horn; record does not decide who was elected; I868, James Van Horn; I869-70, Nathan S. Butler; 1871-72, D. S. Bennett; 1873-74, Bernard McCloskey; 1875-76, Jacob Humphrey; 1877, James Van Horn; 1878-79, Moitimer H. Twichell. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1836, Ely Barnard, Timothy H. Pettit, James Burnett, David B. Power; 1837, Ransom Robinson, D. B. Power; 1838, Abram D. Peck, Jesse Hall; 1839, C. L. Culver, E. M. Cust; 1840, George M. Richmond; 1841, E. M Cust, S. W. Twichell, Isaac Brown; 1842, Leland Walker; 1843, S. W. Twichell, George Mercer, Peter S. Hendrick; 1844, Peter S. Hendrick; 1845, Isaac Brown; 1846, Eastman Griffith, Isaac Brown; 1847, J. D. Stevens; 1848, Peter S. Hendrick, Stoddard W. Twichell; 1849, Isaac Brown; 1850, Eastman Griffith; I85I, R. S. Hall; 1852, Ferdinand Grisson, Manley Smith; 1853, Isaac Brown, Charles H. Cavil;* 1854, Manley Smith, Leland Walker; 1855, Ferdinand Grisson; 1856, Edward Bishop; 1857, Isaac Brown; I858, Leland Walker; 1859, Ferdinand Grisson; I860, George Burnett; I86I, Daniel Larkins; 1862, Leland Walker, Joseph Culy; 1863, George Mercer; 1864, George Burnett; 1865, F. Grisson, Eli Snyder; I866, Edward Bishop; 1867, George Mercer; 1868, C. H. Cavil; 1869, F. Grisson, Keiron McDonnell; 1870, Valentine Wiegand; 1871, Robert Stackable; 1872, Keiron McDonnell; 1873, Charles II. Cavil, John Donahey; 1874, Edward Bishop; 1875, William -; 1876, Robert Stack file; 1877, Hlelern Bennett, Joseph Culy; I878, Daniel Larkin, F. Grisson; 1879, George L. Hull. VILLAGE OF HAMBURG. In 1835, E. F. Gay, a merchant residing in Ann Arbor (afterwards of Howell, and father of Mylo L. Gay, now of that place), together with Amariah Hammond, purchased 30 acres of land of Jesse Hall, including a portion of the site of the present village. The purchase was made with the view of improving the water-power, and as soon as possible a dam was constructed and a saw-mill built. Subsequently, Mr. Gay disposed of his interest to Mr. Hammond, and the latter, in turn, sold to the Messrs. Grisson. This was one of the first waterprivileges improved in Livingston County, but few antedating it, and Mr. Gay, in an address before the Pioneer Society, expressed the opinion that it was the very first. That is, however, an error, as will be found by reference to other pages in this volume. John Frederick Grisson, William Grisson, George G. Grisson, Samuel Grisson, and Ferdinand Grisson, brothers, from the city of Hamburg, Germany, all settled at different times in this township. The first two named came in the spring of 1834, after having stopped a short time in Oneida Co., N. Y., and were followed in the fall of the same year by their brother Ferdinand. George bought and settled north of the village, near the bridge across the Huron, and Ferdinand on the same side of the river, above and joining his brother, to whom he afterwards sold and moved into the village. J. F. Grisson lived in Ann Arbor and Detroit, and died in the latter place. William stopped only a short time in this country. George returned to Germany about 1873-74, and Ferdinand is the only one of the * This name spelled.also on records, Cavel, Cavell, and Cavill. ELIAS DAVIS. M RS. ELIAS DAVIS, MARY E. DAVIS, H-AMBUROi, MICH. 287 HAMBURG TOWNSHIP. brothers now residing in town. John F., William, and Samuel are deceased. After selling his Huron River farm to his brother, Ferdinand Grisson purchased the Lester Burnett farm, including the site of the village, or most of it, and, in company with his brother, John F. Grisson, bought Amariah Hammond's saw-mill (built by Hammond & Gay), and also built and opened the first store at the place. They erected the gristmill and the hotel, which are now standing, and gave the latter to their brother William, who had been unfortunate and lost his property in the old country. The hotel is now known as the " Rogers House," George Rogers, proprietor. The gristnill and saw-mill are yet in operation, the former having two run of stones, as originally it had. The first store burned down, but was rebuilt by the same parties who erected the first one; the second building is now used as a wagon-shop. The village plat of Hamburg was laid out April 27, 1837, on the west half of section 25, and recorded May 2d, following. Its proprietors were John F. Grisson, Ferdinand Grisson, Isaac De Forest, Lester Burnett, and Elisha W. Brockway, one of the associate judges of Livingston County. Hamburg post-office was established in the neighborhood of I840, with John Frederick Grisson as first postmaster. The present incumbent is Ferdinand Grisson, who has held the office since I86i, except during President Johnson's administration, when R. S. Hall was in charge. The early settlers in this locality were never long blessed with the presence of a physician among them, but had to secure the services of those living at Whitmore Lake. Samuel Grisson studied with Dr. Halleck at the place named, went to Geneva, N. Y., where he received his diploma, came to Hamburg and practiced a year or two, finally removing to Freedom, Washtenaw Co. One Dr. Goodenough, still a resident of some other portion of the county, was also here a short time, and Dr. Miller practiced a few months. These were all who ever settled in the village, which has no resident physician at present (1879). VILLAGE OF PETTEYSVILLE. Seth A. Petteys, a native of Montgomery Co., N. Y., and for three years a resident of Rochester, Monroe Co., came to Michigan in May, 1836, with his father, Thomas Petteys, and settled in Putnam township, Livingston Co. Mrs. Petteys, Sr., died in that township, and her husband's death occurred in Hamburg, where he was living with his son. S. A. Petteys came to Hamburg in 1843, and built a carding- and fulling-mill on the outlet of Walker Lake. In 1849 he added a run of stones, and did grinding in connection with his woolen manufactures. From I843 to I863, Mr. Petteys continued to operate his fulling-mill; but in the latter year he added a second run of stones, and converted the whole institution into a grist-mill. The building now standing is the one erected in I843. Mr. Petteys engineered the work, being himself a millwright by trade, and in two months and six days from the time the first timbers were cut the mill was completed and running. The lumber was partly sawed at Leland Walker's saw-mill, in the north part of the township, and part was procured in Ingham County. The timbers used were cut on Mr. Petteys' own place, near the site of the mill. The building is three stories high, with a basement. In 1846, Mr. Petteys built a saw-mill, but removed it at a subsequent date, owing to the scarcity of timber. In I86o he built a cider-mill, which is yet in use. Mr. Petteys also manufactures applejelly. In I850 he built a blacksmith-shop. The place now contains a blacksmith-shop, a wagonshop, two stores, a post-office, a grist-mill, a cidermill (both owned by Mr. Petteys), and a school building. The village received its name from the following circumstance: Mr. Petteys procured some stencil-plates with which to mark his flour-barrels, and the person who made them, wishing some name for the mills, proposed " Petteysville," after the proprietor, and it was cut on the stencil-plate and adopted as the name for the settlement. No village plat has yet been laid, but Mr. Petteys has sold numerous building-lots, his object being to induce mechanics to settle here. The first store in the place was opened by David F. Hess in the building still occupied for like purposes by Samuel M. Fletcher. For a number of years, mail was received by the citizens of this locality at the Pinckney post-office in Putnam, but about 1863 Petteysville post-office was established, with Valentine Wiegand as postmaster, and that gentleman still continues to discharge the duties of the office. The first mail was carried by subscription. Mr. Petteys, who also built the grist-mills at Pinckney and Hamburg villages, discovered the site of Petteysville while engaged at the second-named village, and subsequently purchased the west half of the northwest quarter and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section I6, and upon a portion of this land his mills and the village are located. David Van Horn, living immediately south of Petteysvi!le, came from the State of New Jersey in I85o, and settled upon the place he now occupies. William Williamson, now of Howell, had formerly 288 HISTOR'Y OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. IIII --— i -I fi - lived on the same farm, and still earlier it was occupied by Mr. Wilson. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. At Hamburg village, meetings were held at an early day by the Presbyterians, Universalists, and others, but no society had effected an organization until the formation of "St. Stephen's Protestant Episcopal Church," with the Grissons and others among its prominent members. A frame church is owned by this society, which latter is in a fairly prosperous condition. It is the only one in the county except an organization of the same denomination which meets in the court-house at Howell. The Methodists also have a society and a church building at Hamburg.* UNION CHURCH, PETTEYSVILLE. In I845 the Methodists held meetings at this village, in the building standing opposite the residence of Mr. Petteys, now used as a wagon-shop. The same building was a little later used for school purposes. After the new school-house was built the Methodists occupied it until the fall of I878, a period of over thirty years. In the latter year a frame church was erected one mile north of the village. Rev. Mr. Sayre, a local preacher, and the first who held services here, went to California finally, and met his death at the hands of an assassin, whose object was to secure his money. The class at Petteysville was organized at some date succeeding the first meetings by Rev. Mr. Warren. The society held at one time a membership of over 40. The present pastor resides at Pinckney, in Putnam township, where he also has charge of a church. The building erected near Petteysville is a neat frame church, costing about $I500. It was built for use as a union church, but dedicated as a Congregational. That denomination and the Methodists hold their meetings in it, while all societies or sects have a right to occupy it as a place in which to hold religious services. SCHOOLS. The first school in the township of Hamburg was taught in a log school-house, one-fourth of a mile west of the site of the present frame building in District No. I. The exact date is not recollected, nor the teacher's name. When, in the year 1835, Daniel B. Harmon located upon his land north of what is now Petteysville, he built a small shanty, which he occupied * It is regretted that no more complete account can be given of the religious societies at Hamburg village, but the written informaon which was promised failed to be forthcoming, whence its non-appearance. until a-log house could be constructed. Some time in the same year, after moving into the house, a school was taught in the vacated shanty by a female teacher. The expenses of this school were paid by subscription, as it was before the district was organized. At Petteysville, in the summer of I844, Mrs. George Mercer taught a school at her own house, and after that was closed the children were obliged to go two and a half and three miles to school, -sometimes to the "north district" and sometimes to the "south district." In I845 the daughter of Rev. Mr. Sayre taught a school in a building then standing on Mr. Petteys' place, afterwards converted into a dwelling. In the fall of 1846 a frame school-house, I8 by 26 feet, was built, and is still in use. The present district, No. 9, was organized about the same time. The term taught by Mrs. Mercer was the first school in the neighborhood, and it is remembered that she was an amiable and excellent teacher. The schools in the " north" and " south" districts-one north and the other south of Petteysville, hence their names -had been in existence for several years before one was organized at the village. From the report of the school inspectors of the township for the year ending Sept. 2, 1878, the following statement is taken, showing the condition of the schools at that time: Number of whole districts....................................... 4 "< fractional districts............................... 3 "( children of school age............................ 252 c" school-houses (frame)............................. 7 Value of property.................................................. $2825 Number of male teachers........................................ 6 " female teachers..................................... 8 Total paid male teachers........................................ $707.. As female teachers....................................... $364.25 Total receipts for year........................................ $1473.74 Amount on hand Sept. 2, 1878................................ I98.50 Total expenditures, less amount on hand............. $1275.24 CEMETERIES. The township contains two cemeteries, one on section 19 and the other on section 25. The latter, located south of Hamburg village, was laid out on an acre of land taken from the farm of Jesse Hall. At an early day the " First Hamburg Burial Association" was formed, and still has charge of this cemetery. Ferdinand Grisson was for many years its president. The present officers are, President, James Cunningham; Vice-President and Secretary, Ferdinand Grisson; Treasurer, Dennis Cory; Sexton, William Potterton. In this ground repose the remains of many of the pioneers of the neigh borhood, with others who were prominent at different periods in the history of the township. Among those buried here are the following: HAMBURG TOWNSHIP. 289 Elisha W. Brockway, a native of Lyme, New London Co., Conn., died July I, I86I, aged 71 years. Mary L., his wife, a native of Geneseo, Ontario Co., N. Y., died July 28, 1874, aged 72 years. Ann G., wife of W. C. Broclway, a native of Wayne, Steuben Co., N. Y., died Oct. I9, 18'74, aged 50 years.. Ferdinand H., son of F. and S. Grisson, born June 6, 1837; died Aug. 9, 1842. Leonard Cooley, died July 26, 1847, aged 68 years. Daniel Hall, died April 26, 1857, aged 67 years. Letty, his wife, died Jan. 29, 185I, aged 47 years. Peter P. Galatian, M.D., a native of Coldenham, N. Y., died at Green Oak, Michigan, May I, I862, aged 68 years. Sarah, wife of Stephen Haight, died Oct. 7, I853, aged 75 years. Susan, wife of William Haight, died Oct. 2, I874, aged 63 years. Thaddeus S. Mapes, died Nov. 23, 1875, aged 64 years. Jacob C. HIayner, died April 9, 1862, aged 78 years. Elizabeth, his wife, died Dec. 10, 1867, aged 76 years. Edward Bishop, died Aug. 24, 1876, aged 8I years. Lovina, his wife, died Dec. 21, 1878, aged 81 years. John S. Bennett, died May 24, 1871, aged 8I years. Martin Olsaver, died Aug. 4, 1862, aged 85 years. Frances, his wife, died May 4, I860, aged 71 years. Rev. A. S. Hollister, died Jan. 4, I856, aged 60 years. David B. Power, died Fel. 28, 1864, aged 58 years. Harriet, wife of A. L. Power, died March 31, x850, aged 41 years. Peter S. Hendrick, died May 9, 1869, aged 70 years. Christopher L. Culver, died April 7, 1839, aged 39 years. Lucy H., his wife, died March 7, 1848, aged 29 years. Abner Butterfield, died March I9, 1873, aged 65 years. Richard E. Butler, died Nov. 5, I866, aged 74 years. Cornelius Olsaver, died Jan. 19, 1875, aged 65 years. Jesse Hall, died Aug. 8, 1872, aged 78 years. Rev. S. M. Rigl, died June 26, 1848, aged 44 years. Sarah Corey, died Sept. 22, 1870, aged 85 years. Thomas A. Galloway, died Sept. 2, 1847, aged 68 years. Mary, wife of Rev. Ephraim Sawyer, died Nov. 19, I847, aged 73 years. James Burnett, died March 29,; I860, aged 77 years. Asenath, his wife, died March IO, 1852, aged 56 years. RAILROADS. Various projects have been considered for railways to cross this township and furnish an immediate market for the products of its farms. A proposition was submitted at one time to have the Grand Trunk Railway continue its line through this town to pass within one mile of Hamburg village, but, when the vote on the subject of raising $36,000 to aid the road was taken, the scheme was defeated. The Michigan Air-Line Railway, to extend from Jackson to Port Huron, was afterwards talked of, the route being intended as a direct airline from the connection with the Grand Trunk Railway, at Port Huron, through to Chicago. June I9,;1869, pursuant to printed notice, an election was held to determine whether the sum of $8,000oo should be raised by the township in aid of the road, and the result stood 128 votes in favor, to 25 against. Bonds were subsequently issued, and it was confidently expected the road would- at once be built. It was graded from the west into the township of Putnam, and property 37 I in the village oe inckney, which lay on the route, advanced rapidly. The failure of the entire project caused the prices of property along the line to decline as rapidly as they had risen, and Pinckney especially felt the blow. The bonds issued by Hamburg, as well as by other townships, were cancelled, and the people settled back into their former state of suspense and anxious waiting for the time when the iron horse should thunder through their domain and transport to distant markets the products of their broad acres. The extension of this road from Jackson to Niles is owned by the Michigan Central Railway, and is laid on almost the exact route originally surveyed. Grading was also done at the eastern end of the route, from Port Huron to Romeo. CENSUS STATISTICS. In 1837 the township of Hamburg contained a population of 490. Thirty-seven years later, in I874, the number of inhabitants was 887,-males, 464; females, 423. From the State census for 1874 the following statistics are gathered: Number of acres of taxable land in township................ 2,617." i' land owned by individuals and companies.................................... 21,621 d" " ( improve(d land............................ 10,391 "( " land exempt from taxation............. 4 Value of same, including improvements..................... $8,000 Number of acres in school-house sites........................ 3 " " uchurch and parsonage sites............ I... < wheat raised in 1874........................ 2,748.. ".. 1 I873........................ 2,880 " " corn ''........................ 1,030 Number of bushels wheat raised in....................... 28,r48 " "( corn "................... 36,060.t I' all other grain........................ I5,305 t " I potatoes...................... 5,455 " tons hay cut....................... 1,841 " pounds wool sheared.................... 27,770.. ( pork marketed "....................... 49,790 6 " " butter made.......... 48,360.( " fruit dried for market in 1873..;.:. 8,280 " barrels cider made in 873.................... 457 " acres in orchards "..363 " bushels apples raised in 1872................. 4,825...... I873..................... I1,950 Value of fruit and garden vegetables, 1872.................. $4,000 " " (." I873.................. $4,500 Number of horses one year old and over, 1874............ 405 " work oxen, 1874..................................... 8 milch cows, "4 395 " milch cows, " ~................................... " neat cattle, one year old and over, other than oxen and cows, 1874............................. 428 " swine over six months old, 1874......... 429 " sheep " ".................... 4,921 " i" sheared in 1873.............................. 5,050 Number of flouring-mills in township....................... 3 Number of persons employed................................ 3 Capital invested.....................$............ $3,500 Number of barrels of flour made........................... I,1 Value of products........................................... $8,ooo Number of saw-mills.i............................................ Number of persons employed in same....................... Capital invested...................................................,500 Feet of lumber sawed........................................ 20,000 Value of products........................................ $300 The following persons are among the many who have contributed information in this township, and to all who have thus aided sincere thanks are due and tendered: Daniel S. Bennett, of Ionia County, HIST LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIG son of Justus J. Bennett; SetfF"A.Petteys, Mrs. George Mercer, and others, at Petteysville; Hon. William Ball, Mrs. Stoddard W. Twichell, Ferdinand Grisson, Mrs. George Burnett, and others, at Hamburg village and vicinity, and others in various portions of the township. Indebtedness is also acknowledged to the Pioneer Society of the county, and to Hon. Edwin B. Winans, present judge of probate. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. MAJOR GEORGE MERCER. Among the early settlers and prominent citizens of Hamburg the subject of this narrative during his lifetime occupied a conspicuous position. He was born in Devonshire, England, in 1795. His father, William Mercer, was a cloth-merchant, a successful business man, who gave his children hardships and trials. Being city-bred and without practical experience as a farmer, he was beset with difficulties almost insurmountable. It is needless to say that, as a farmer, Mr. Mercer was unsuccessful, and a few years after, he accepted a situation as book-keeper in the drug and dry-goods house of W. S. Maynard, of Ann Arbor, where he remained for fifteen years. Oct. 26, I831, Mr. Mercer was married to Miss Mary, daughter of William and Mary Williamson, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. Williamson was a merchant, and came to Brooklyn in 1825, where he resided until his death, which occurred in May, 1827. Mr. Mercer was a man of more than ordinary ability and acquirements. He creditably filled many positions of trust. In 1846 he was elected supervisor, and for many years he served the town as magistrate and clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Mercer reared a family of five children, three of whom are living in the vicinity of the old home. HON. WILLIAM BALL. This gentleman, one of the prominent agriculturists of Livingston County, was born in Niles, Cayuga Co., N. Y., April 7, 830. Wlien six years of age his father emigrated with his family to Washtenaw County, settling in the township of Webster. William received but very little adventitious aid in making a future for himself; he obtained, however, a collegiate education, and inherited from his parents a robust constitution and industrious habits, and with these as his exclusive capital he commenced life for himself. After finishing his education he was for several years engaged in teaching, but the profession not proving congenial, and having a decided taste for farming, he resolved to make that his business for life. In I858 he purchased, in the town of Hamburg, one hundred and forty-seven acres of land, which is a portion of his present farm of, five hundred acres. As a farmer and stockgrower Mr. Ball has been very successful, and holds a deservedly prominent position among the leading farmers of the State. He is president of the Michigan Sheep-Breeders' and Wool-Growers' Association, and of the Livingston County Agricultural Society, and for two years has officiated as a director in the State and Central Michigan Agricultural Societies. He is extensively known as a successful breeder of short-horns and Spanish Merinos, has done much to improve the sheep and cattle interests of Livingston, and his stock is considered among the best in this section of the State. Notwithstanding his extensive agricultural oper MAJOR GEORGE MERCER. liberal advantages, and reared a family of five children,-four sons and one daughter. George received a collegiate education, and was associated with his father in business until about I820, when he came to this country, settling in New York City, where for many years he did business as an importer and jobber of cloths.. His business ventures were unsuccessful, and in 1833 he went to Monroe Co., N. Y., and engaged in farming. Here he lived until i836, when he removed to Hamburg, Mich., with his family, and purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land, upon which he resided until his decease. The pioneer life of Mr. Merer was one of unusual j A - RE-SIDENCE o OF.W. SEXTON, HAMBURG, MICHIGAN. 2!)l GENOA TOWNSHIP. ations, Mr. Ball has always manifested an interest in public affairs, and the people have shown their appreciation of his services by electing him to various positions of influence and responsibility, which he has filled with scrupulous fidelity. In his political belief he was originally a Whig, and upon the organization of the Republican party he espoused its cause, and has since labored in that organization. In 1863 he represented Hamburg upon the Board of Supervisors, where he was acknowledged an able and efficient member. In 1864 he was elected to the representative branch of the Legislature. In i866 he was re-elected, serving as chairman on the committee of towns and counties. In i874 he was elected county superintendent of schools,'which position he filled acceptably until that office was abolished by act of the Legislature. In 1858, Mr. Ball was married to Miss Catherine, daughter of David B. and Sarah (Culver) Powers, who settled in Hamburg in 1831, and whose names are prominently associated with its early history. Mr. Ball is a self-made man, and one of whom the Latin phrase, "Faber sucefortunew," is eminently true. Commencing life with only his natural resources for capital, he has in a few years attained an enviable position among the representative men of Livingston County. DENNIS COREY was born in the town of Edinburg, Saratoga Co., N. Y., Jan. i8, 1824. His parents, John D. and Parney (Armstrong) Corey, had a family of thirteen children,-six sons and seven daughters. When Dennis was seven years of age his father came with his family to Michigan, settling in Wayne County. Dennis remained with his father until he was nineteen years of age, when he purchased his time, and commenced life for himself as a farm laborer. He followed- that occupation, however, but a short time, subsequently acquiring the trade of an engineer, which he followed until I852, when he purchased the farm upon which he now resides. The land for the most part was unimproved, and the fine farm of to-day, with its finely cultivated fields and commodious buildings, is the result of his own, energy and industry. In 1854 he was married to Miss Luzette, daughter of Heman Lake, one of the town's first settlers. In 1858, Mrs. Corey died, and in i860 he was married to Catharine Corey, of Otisco, Onondaga Co., N. Y., where she was born, December, i824. By his first wife Mr. Corey had one child, Parney E, now Mrs. George Banghart. Mr. Corey has been successful, and his farm (a view of which we present on another page) evidences his thrift and enterprise. ELIAS DAVIS was born in the town of Tyrone, Steuben Co., N. Y., in I8 3. In I834 he came to Michigan, and purchased eighty acres of land in the town of Hamburg, upon which he resided until his decease, June 30, I845. He was married to Mary Ellen Myer, of Seneca Co, N. Y., where she was born, in the town of Lodi, Oct. 4, I818. Mr. Davis was a successful farmer, and acquired, by his own industry and good management, a valuable farm of two hundred acres, which he left to his widow and children. He had three children, viz., Caroline, now Mrs. Henry Poulsen, Deborah C., and Myer A. GENOA TOWNSH I P. THE northwest corner of Genoa township is at the geographical centre of Livingston County. The township is bounded north by Oceola, east by Brighton, south by Hamburg, and west by Marion. It is crossed diagonally, near the centre, from southeast to northwest, by the Detroit, Lansing and Northern Railroad, upon which is a flag-station at the corner of sections 14, 15, 22, and 23. The old "Grand River road," now a toll turnpike, extends across the northern portion of the town, and through some of its best-improved parts. On section 6 the Ann Arbor road leaves the first-named highway, and after a course of several miles enters Hamburg from section 33. The water area of Genoa is extensive, although no streams of note flow within the township. Numerous lakes, which are peculiar to and characteristic of Michigan, exist, of greater or less area. Of these the finest is Long Lake, on sections 3, 4, 9, 10, and I i. Its shores are for the most part wooded, and abound in pleasant camping and fishing resorts. Much of the lake is shallow, and filled with the grassy growth common to the waters of the county. This pleasant sheet of water was one of 292 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. the prominent landmarks known to the early settlers, and more than one pioneer camped with his family on its shore and admired its beauty. The origin of its name is apparent when a glance is taken at the map, or at the lake itself. Its length is about one and three-fourths miles, and its average width in the neighborhood of one-fourth of a mile. Crooked Lake, lying south of the centre of the township, on sections 21, 22, 27, and 28, is a large body of water, of such peculiar form as to render its name appropriate. In its southern arm are several small islands, as shown on the map. Its outlet flows south, and furnishes power at least at one point before it joins the Huron, viz., at Petteysville, in Hamburg township. Peet, Lime, and other lakes in the township, some of which are not possessed 6f names, are of lesser area. Round Lake lies partially in Oceola and partly in the northwest part of Genoa. Ore Creek, after leaving the township of Brighton, crosses the southeast corner of Genoa, in which it receives one or two small tributaries. Tamarack swamps are common in portions of the township, and open marshes are met with in numerous places. The general surface of the township of Genoa is undulating, with occasional fertile plains, and, in the southern portion, high gravel ridges. Its soil is generally productive, and many of its farms are improved to an extent which gives evidence of their value, as well as the thrift and enterprise of their owners. The township has not as large an area available for agricultural purposes as some others in the county, yet it ranks among the first in importance, and is strictly a farming township. LAND-ENTRIES. The following is a list of those who entered land in what is now Genoa township, together with the sections upon which they located and the years in which the entries were made: SECTION I.-1835, Alvin F. Benjamin, William S. Conely; 1836, Peter Duross, Erastus Kellogg, Alvin Norton, Andrew Lamb, John W. Williams, Valentine Strack, Horace R. Hudson; I837, William Placeway. SECTION 2.-1835, Chester Hazard; 1836, James M. Murray, Erastus Kellogg, Abram, Hankins, Joseph Placeway, John White; i837, Amasa Dean; 1838, John Clark. SECTION 3. —835, John L. Martin; 1836, Benjamin Earl, Benjamin J. Boutwell, Erastus Watrous, Richard Brown, John White; 1837, William Jacobs; 1853, Charles P. Bush, J. J. Bush. SECTION 4.-1835, Samuel West, John Ellis, John L. Martin; 1836, Benjamin Earl, John Earl, John Ellis, John F. Law. son; 1837, Cornelius W. Burwell. SECTION 5.-1833, John Drew; 1835, John Ellis, Asahel Dibble; t836, Asahel Dibble, John Ellis; 1837, Cornelius W. Burwell, Orson Elliott. SECTION 6.-1835, Asa Cobb, William Shaft, Asahel Dibble, Flavius J. B. Crane; 1836, Horace M. Comstock, Mark Healey, B. B. Kercheval. SECTION 7.-1834, Ely Barnard; 1835, Edward Latson, William Shaft; 1836, Asahel Dibble, William Burr Curtis, Peter Shaft; 1837, Dalvid Parker, Asahel Dibble. SECTION 8. —834, Ely Barnard; 1835, John Ellis, Asa Cobb, Jr., Jacob Vandewalker. SECTION 9.-1834, Zachariah Sutton; 1835, Samuel West, Neil F. Butterfield, Lucius H. Peat; I836, William P. Patrick; 1837, John F. Lawson. SECTION 10.-1833, John Whyte; 1834, Jehiel Barron; 1835, John White; I836, Horace II. Comstock; 1837, Steward H. Hazard; 1853-54, Charles P. Bush. SECTION i I.-835, Jacob Euler, Lavina Robbins, Thomas Pinckney, Chester Hazard; 1836, Steward Hazard, Oren Rhoades, Iucius H. Peet, Pamelia, Lavina, and Jane E. Ward, John White. SECTION 12.-1835, Alvin F. Benjamin, Peter Euler, George Henry Zulauf, Aaron H. Kelley, John Euler; 1836, Peter Duross, John J. Brown, Elisha Hodgman; 1837-47, Lawrence Euler. SECTION 13.-I834, Alexander Fraser, Thomas Pinckney, Charles A. Green; 1835, Mansing Hathaway, Alvin F. Benjamin, Roswell Barns; 1836, Horace H. Comstock, Benjamin J. Boutwell, Nehemiah Boutwell. SECTION I4.-I835, Lucius H. Peet, Neil F. Butterfield, Isaiah P. Robbins, Abigail A. R. Pinckney; 1836, Mark Healey and B. B. Kercheval; 1837, Philip Coon. SECTION 15.-1835, Isaiah P. Robbins, Peter McDerby; 1836, William Miller, Mark Healey and B. B. Kercheval, Jacob Fishbeck, Charles Benedict, Patrick Bogan, Samuel Sewall. SECTION I6 (school lands).-I846, Freeman Fishbeck; 1851, Jacob Fishbeck, Charles Benedict; 1853, Hans Russell, William Crostick, John E. Dorn, William Van Blarcom, James O'Hara, John Duffy, John Bogan, Freeman Fishbeck; 1854, Catharine McGark, Charles Benedict. SECTION I7. —834, Ely Barnard; 1835, Asa Cobb, Pardon Barnard, Elias Davis, Joseph Rider; 1836, Isaac Morse, David Pierce, Henry Williams. SECTION I8.I-834, Ely Barnard; 1835, Pardon Barnard, Jr., Josiah Ward; I836, George Babcock, Timothy R. Bennett, William T. Curtis, Lawrence Noble, Asahel Dibble; 1854, Richard Britten. SECTION I9. —835, Timothy R. Bennett, Reuben Moore; 1836, Richard Britten, John Tompkins, Enoch Webster, Samuel W. Baldwin, Joseph Bower, Lawrence Noble, Samuel Sewall; I837, Consider Crapo. SECTION 20.-1835, James H. Cole; 1836, Elias Davis, Amariah Hammond, Hubbard McCloud, Henry S. Lisk, Margaret Cantine, Caleb Curtis; 1838, Wm. T. Curtis; 1854, James Welch. 1 SECTION 21.-I835, Freeman Fishbeck, David Pierce, Jemima Fishbeck; 1836, William B. Yauger, Charles Benedict, Abram Cantine, Freeman Fishbeck, Philip Fishbeck; 1854, William Suhr, Alexander Carpenter. SECTION 22.-1835, Peter McDerby; 1836, Chauncey Symonds, Lawrence Euler, John Magee, Gardner Carpenter; 1837, Daniel Jones, Peter Coon; 1840, Rodman Stoddard; 1850, Lewis Dorr; i854, William Suhr, Joseph M. Gilbert. SECTION 23. —836, Henry Smith, Martin Hartman, Charles Conrad, Hazard Newton; 1837, Henry Smith, George Ranscher, Catharine Hartman, Henry Foster, William Hacker; 1838, Moses 0. Jones; 1839, Henry Bush; i852, Jacob Conrad. SECTION 24.-1835, Cbester Hazard; 1836, Benjamin J. Boutwell, Mark Healey, B. B. Kercheval, Charles S. Emerson. SECTION 25.-1833, Almqn Maltby; 1835, Joseph Brown, Jr.; 1836, Mark Healey, B.' B. Kercheval, Hiram Olds; 1837, Truman B. Worden; 1839, Grace Thomson; 1 847, John '.. Cushing.:::.. GENOA TOWNSHIP. 293 SECTION 26.-I836, Nathaniel Carr, Henry Earl, Justin Willey; 1838, Francis W. Brown; 1839, Daniel S. O'Neal; 1840, Nathaniel Carr; 1854, John Bauer, Gustav Baetcke. SECTION 27. —835, Herman C. Hause; 1836, Nathan Hawley, John D. Robinson, Luther H. Hovey, Henry Hand; 1837, Charles Weller; 1838, Moses O. Jones, Betsey McMulling; 1856, Philip Conrad. SECTION 28.-1835, Nicholas Kristler, William Harmon, Herman C. Hause; 1836, Justus J. Bennett, Amariah Hammond, Daniel B. Harmon, Norman L Gaston, Abner Ormsby, Margaret Cantine; 1854, Alexander Carpenter; 1857, Edward N. H. Bode. SECTION 29.-1835, Nicholas Kristler, David Hight, Daniel Jessup; 1836, Reuben Haight, Ira White, Caleb Curtis, Byram Timmons, Patrick Smith, Asahel Dibble. SECTION 30. —835, Reuben Moore; 1836, Richard Britten, John Jennings, Enoch Webster, Patrick Smith, Samuel Sewall, William L. Tompkins; 1837, Jonathan P. King, Nicholas Fishbeck; 1846, Jacob D. Gall; 1854, Matthew Brady. SECTION 31.-1837, John B. Britten, Samuel Dean, Michael Fuhay; 1838,James Collins, Joseph Gruver; 1847, Seymour Phillips; I850, Matthew Brady; 1853, Philip Brady. SECTION 32. —836, Parley Phillips, Henry Phillips, )avid Hight, David Wells, Francis A. Fisk; 1837, William Bloodworth, John B. Britten, Denison Tisdale; 1838, Joseph Gruver; 1853, Timothy Phillips. SECTION 33.-1835, Garner Carpenter, Eastman Griffeth; 1836, Daniel B. Harmon, Miletus H. Snow, Fanny L. Snow, Eastman Griffeth, Reuben H. Bennett, Christopher Hoagland, Caleb Curtis, Jonathan Stone, Rodney D. Hill; 1837, Denison Tisdale, Jr. SECTION 34.-1836, Nelson Hawley, David Whitney, Rodney D. Hill, B. B. Kercheval, Luther H. Hovey; 1837, George J. Moon. SECTION 35.-1836, Samuel E. Chapman, Levi Hanley; 1836-37, Joseph Charles. SECTION 36.-I835, Elijah Fitch, William H. Townsend, Philip Stewart, Amy Hawkshurst; 1837-54, George J. Moon. EARLY SETTLEMENT. Although the first entries of land in Genoa were made by Almon Maltby* and John White in May and July, respectively, in the year 1833, yet it was not until the second year afterwards that a settlement was made. The veil of uncertainty is thrown around the first improvements and their projectors, but the following are the facts as near as can at present be ascertained: In the summer of 1835 the township received the advance guard of its pioneer army in the persons of Thomas Pinckney and Pardon and Ely Barnard,-the latter two named being brothers,all since deceased. Pinckney came from Dutchess Co., N. Y, and the Barnards from Madison County, in the same State. It has been the general opinion heretofore that Pinckney's log house was the first structure built in the township for the use of a white family, and such is probably the case, al though it can have the precedence by only a few days to that built by the Barnards. Both were built in the summer of 1835. Thomas Pinckney was a brother of John D. Pinckney, one of the * Maltby settled in Brighton. early settlers of Howell, in which village the latter's widow yet resides. In the fall of 1834, Ely Barnard visited Genoa, and entered considerable quantities of land for himself and his brother. Ely Barnard was at the time a single man, and, with his brother, "kept bachelors' hall" in 1835 in the log house they had erected. Pardon Barnard had come in the spring of that year to the State. He was a native of the town of Lenox, Madison Co., N. Y., where he was born Jan. II, I812. In I832 he was married to Eliza A. Curtis, of Morrisville, N. Y., and in 1834 was licensed as a Methodist preacher. In November, 1835, he moved his family into the log house in Genoa, his wife's brother, Burr Curtis, coming with them. The father of the latter, William T. Curtis, moved into town in June, 1836, with his wife and daughter,-the latter afterwards becoming the wife of Ely Barnard, who was much of a sportsman and a true lover of the chase. He was also a man of remarkable business capabilities, and one of the foremost citizens of the town and county in which he had made his home. Burr Curtis is now a resident of Howell, where also dwell Pardon Barnard's widow and one son, William. A second son, Henry, lives at Brighton, to which place he moved, from Howell, in August, 1879. Mrs. Barnard, Sr., relates that from the time when she came to Genoa it was six weeks-and long enough they seemed to her-before she saw another white woman. The farms of the Messrs. Barnard were upon the Ann Arbor road, and are now owned by Henry Spencer and William Bell. Thomas Pinckney's place was in the eastern part of town, on the Grand River road, and is the present property of Andrew Pless. Joseph A. and Asahel Dibble were among the pioneers of the last-mentioned part of the township, arriving in June, I837. The latter is deceased and the former resides north of Howell. John W. Lawson settled west of Long Lake in the summer of I836, and built his house in the fall of the same year, it being well under way in November, when C. W. Burwell arrived. Mr. Lawson's son, John, occupies the old place at present. In this locality are some of the bestimproved farms in the township. A plain of considerable area offers special attractions and advantages to the agriculturist, and the settlers were not slow in appreciating them. Two of the most attractive places along the Grand River road in Genoa are those owned by William and Albert Tooley. The latter came from Wayne Co., N. Y., in June, 1841, and settled on the farm east of the one on which his brother located in September, 1844. William Tooley was.~ -~ I~i~ B.I 294 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I accompanied by his wife. The land on which these gentlemen settled was originally located by their half-brother, Samuel West, but he made no improvements whatever upon it. The two brothers are still residing upon the homesteads they originally settled, and which they have so extensively improved. The following sketch of the early history of Genoa was prepared by Mrs. C. W. Burwell in 1877, and read before the June meeting-in that yearof the Pioneer Association: " The first location was made in what is now Genoa, on section 25, near Biighton village, May 13, 1833, by Almon Maltby, and sold by him to B. Cushing, in 1841. Mr. Maltby is still living in the town of Green Oak; has held the office of supervisor of that town, and other offices; is to-day one of our best citizens. "The second location was made on section 10, July 22, 1833 (land now owned by Henry Weimeister, on Long Lake), by John White, an Englishman and a bachelor. He built a small log house and then went to Detroit to live, where he died in 1847. After his death, A. Harvey, of Detroit, an administrator of White's estate, sold the land to C. P. Bush. "The third location, 240 acres on section 5, by John Drew, Aug. 13, 1833. These were the only lands located in 1833, and the first in the township as above stated. "The fourth location was made Aug. 9, 1834, by Alexander Fraser, of New York City (father of Mrs. John D. Pinckney, of Howell), on section 13, now owned by N. S. Benjamin. "The fifth location was made by Thomas Pinckney, on section 13, Sept. 30, 1834. Mr. Pinckney soon settled on his land, and there the first white child in Genoa was born. This land is now owned by A. Pless. " The sixth location, October 24, on section 9, by Zachariah Sutton, and sold to John F. Lawson, July 9, i836, who settled on it that year. It is now owned by his son, J. W. Lawson. "Charles A. Green located on section 13, Aug. 22, I834, forty acres, now owned by Louis Meyers. Ely Barnard, of Madison Co., N. Y., located on sections 7, 8, 17, and 18, in all 240 acres. " Chester Hazard located the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 3, and other lands, Nov. 3, 1835. Mr. Hazard still lives on and tills, or oversees the tilling of his farm, and is now a very old but hale man. "C. W. Burwell located lands in x837 on sections 4 and 5. "Thomas Pinckney built the first house in the town, and Pardon Barnard the second, I believe. Mr. F. Curtis was the first supervisor of the town of Genoa under that name in i837. "Ely Barnard was the first register of deeds for the county and clerk of the first Board of Supervisors in I836. Ite was afterwards a member of the State Legislature, and one of the members to amend the constitution in 185o. The first year after the town was organized the valuation was $6o,ooo; no town tax; $I8 State, and $ 10o county tax. "John Ellip located in I835, where C. W. Burwell now lives; Samuel West, where the Tooleys live, afterwards the Bush farm, where C. P. Bush settled in 1837, first in a log house on the site of what is now the Widow Sweet's house and farm. Afterwards he built the first frame house* in Genoa, in 1838 or '39,-a part of it is yet standing on the farm now owned by Kinsley Tooley, in full view of our beautiful Long Lake. C. P. Bush settled first in the town of Handy, and then here, in the fall of I837. He was a ' mighty hunter.' The first winter of his residence here he shot thirty-three deer, besides other game, and his neighbors well remember the savory bits he sent so often... * See Chester Hazard's statement,-latter's frame house built in 1837. "Mr. David Hight is still living, aged ninety-six or over. The writer and family came to Michigan and settled in Genoa in the autumn of 1836. The face of the country was even then very pleasant. These openings were not at all like timbered woods, but like trees set in a park, as they were by the All Father. One could walk anywhere he pleased, as there was fo uiderbrush. We stayed in Ypsilanti a short time. In the mean time Mr. Burwell came out to Livingston and engaged a man to put up for us a log house. It was to be finished in three weeks. Within half a mile of our place were two families (transient settlers) living in shanties, one on the site of our neighbor's (Mr. Crostick's) old house, the other exactly opposite. The last-mentioned family agreed to vacate and rent to Mr. Bush for twenty-five cents. lHe paid in advance, and when we came we took possession. It was about 17 by I4. There were eight in our family, including three little children. There we stayed six weeks. Our —goods, except some of our beds and bedding, were still in Detroit, and our journey to Detroit in those days was about like going to California now. Mr. Fraser, our nearest neighbor west, and the only one between here and Howell, kindly lent us a small iron kettle and spider, a teakettle, and a tea-pot without any cover. Of our ' opposite neighbor' we borrowed one plate, one knife and fork, and one chair, all of which we courteously left for the mistress of the mansion. The rest used cleaned chips for plates, and pocket-knife and fingers for forks. The meat was fried in the spider and served in the same. Thanks to our Michigan appetites, nothing before nor since was ever eaten with a better relish than was that fried meat, wellwatered gravy, excellent potatoes, bread, cheese, etc. Can't remember that we had a spoon; think that we all dipped our morsels in the same dish,-said spider. We brought a cow with us, and to change our diet occasionally made a dish of thickened milk, the milk well diluted with water, to make it go further, until about the color of clear-starch, delicious nevertheless. " There are few evils so bad but some good comes out of them, and when at last our house was so we could move into it, no room I ever was in (thanks to our shanty experience) seemed to me so grand and spacious as did that log house, with its clean hewn logs, rough board floor, a partition for bedrooms, a fireplace, the back of which took in almost the whole end of the house; a stick chimney, through which we could look up and see the stars; round stones for a hearth,-no others could be got at that time of the year, -and such fires! as high as our heads, made of oak limbs and logs, crackling and sparkling, making the room glow like a fairy palace. The pine boxes were soon converted into closets and shelves for dishes and books, by the ingenious hands of the hired man that came with us from York State; with old white muslin for curtains, it all looked indeed homelike and cosy. Thanks again to the shanty, it magnified by comparison every after-comfort and convenience. We can never fully appreciate the value of what we have never had. There is nothing like a new country experience to make us appreciate home comforts, as they are brought about one by one by our own exertions. And the greatest blessing of all, we were in perfect health; especially were the children so much better than they ever were in New York. That alone would have reconciled us to any amount of discomfort, but we were resting very comfortably after we got settled. The winter was very mild, with only snow enough to be pleasant, as were many of the succeeding winters. The deer were very numerous,-would come sometimes almost to the door, and if we went only a little distance from the house we were almost sure to see two or more of the graceful creatures. Once, and only once, we were surrounded by wolves. We did not seek for nor admire them as we did the deer. Game of all kinds was very plenty, also fish in great abundance in our numerous lakes,-a great help and luxury to new-comers. Our nearest neighbor, until after the Tooleys came, was the family of John T. Lawson, about three-quarters of a mile east of us, where his son, John W. Lawson, now lives. They came in the spring of the same year we did. I think Mr. Pardon Barnard came a year before; he lived about three miles from us,-near neighbors in those days,-and we visited them and others often, and they us, 295 GENOA TOWNSHIP. with oxen and sleds. The sleighing was good, and riding through among the trees very pleasant, oxen notwithstanding. Mr. Curtis, too,-Mr. Barnard's father-in-law,-lived near them, and came soon after we did, One knows how to value good neighbors and pleasant intercourse with them in a new country. Before the next winter the Hon. Charles P. Bush settled near us, as I mentioned elsewhere. He was one of the first to represent our county in the Legislature, and helped to bring about the removal of the capital from Detroit to Lansing, Ingham Co., then a ' wild wood,' and very few settlers between Howell and there. A few years after, Mr. Roswell Pettibone settled and lived many years on the place now owned by Mr. Conrad Shoenhals. He now lives in Oceola, but is a near neighbor yet. Our neighbor, Rev. William Stedman, came in a few years later than we did; he settled on the place owned now by Mr. Fitch, and resided there until recently; he lives now in the village of Howell. Mr. Brewster Carpenter came still later, and settled about one mile, I think, from what was the Buckland place, on the Ann Arbor road, and is still living on the old homestead. Mr. A. Dibble also settled on the same road in either 1836 or '37, but has left long ago; the place is now owned by Mr. Garlock. Mr. William Shaft settled on the adjoining farm, now owned by Mr. Wesley Garlock. "' Mr. William A. Buckland, now deceased, located and resided for many years on the corner of Grand River and Ann Arbor roads, now owned by the Messrs. Hubbard. Mrs. Buckland was the daughter of Dr. Wheeler, of Howell, still well remembered by pioneers of Howell and Genoa. Mrs Buckland resides at present with her family in the village of Howell. " For several of the first years we all went visiting and to meeting (as we sometimes had preaching at our different houses), and to church at Howell,-after one was organized there,-with our own ox-teams. A horse at the church door was a rare sight. We could not boast of their speed, but they were safe, especially if a man was at their heads, and their lack of speed was only a source of merriment, as was every other annoyance from what we had not, but hoped some time to have.... " In the spring of 1839 we commenced our first school in District No. 2, consisting of three families,-Lawson, Bush, and Burwell,-nine children in all, part of them hardly old enough to go, but we must send all we could of those nine. All are still living, and heads of families, except George Lawson, who died in early manhood. Our first school-house (log, of course) was nearly opposite Mr. Lawson's house, and on his land. Our first teacher was Miss Electa Bush, a daughter of John Bush, of Handy, and mother of Mrs. John W. Lawson. She was then a very young girl. C. W. Burwell, being director, went after her with his pony. She rode and he walked back, a distance of fourteen miles. A killing matter that would be now, but teachers were not so plenty then. District No. 2 built the second school-house in Genoa, I think, that in the Benjamin district being the first...." Mr. Burwell and his family still reside on the place they settled in 1836, and he has grown old in the land of his adoption. Chester Hazard, from Steuben Co., N. Y., came to Genoa in 1835 and purchased land, returning afterwards for his family. July 4, 1836, he left his home and started on the overland journey to Michigan, accompanied by his family. His wagon was drawn by two yokes of cattle, and nine additional head were driven. The trip was made thlrough Canada, and in the course of time Detroit was reached. Mr. Hazard's brother, Stewart Hazard, was then living in Wayne County, and with him the family stayed until some time in the month of August, when they proceeded to the new home in the wilderness. One child had been buried before leaving New York; but four sons and three daughters accompanied their parents to Michigan, and aided in the conquest of the difficulties which there beset them. On the place adjoining Mr. Hazard's, at the east, a log house had been erected by Mr. Butterfield, of Kensington, Oakland Co., but it had not been completed. Mr. Butterfield informed Mr. Hazard that if he chose to finish it up he was welcome to the use of it until he could build for himself, and his offer was gratefully accepted. William Wood, a carpenter and joiner by trade, who had been one of Mr. Hazard's neighbors in the State of New York, came to Genoa early in 1837. He wished for work to enable hini to purchase some land, and Mr. Hazard employed himn to build the frame house which is still standing on the latter's place. Mr. Hazard cut whitewood (tulip) trees on his own farm, drew the logs to Maltby's mill below Brighton, and had them sawed into lumber. This was in the winter of 1836-37, and it was principally of this lumber that the house was built. Mr. Hazard is of the opinion that his was the first frame house erected in the township. When lie arrived here his nearest neighbors were Thomas Pinckney and Lucius H. Peet. Manning Hathaway came soon after. In early life Mr. Hazard learned the trade of tanner, currier, and shoemaker at Arlington, Bennington Co., Vt., and conducted a moderately extensive business in that line while living in New York, but never after coming to Michigan. In i842 le was elected treasurer of Livingston County, which office he held two successive terms, residing during the time at Howell. While absent from the farm his son-in-law, Abram Upthegrove, kept a hotel in the house he had vacated. In 1848, Mr. Hazard was chosen to the State Legislature, and has also held other offices, having been a justice of the peace for many years, and supervisor of Genoa several terms, etc. Since I849 he has resided upon his farm. Lucius H. Peet for a number of years kept a tavern in the log house he had erected on his place. A frame house was subsequently built by Jacob Euler, who had purchased the property.: The farm is now owned by Henry Ratz, as is also the one near, which was settled quite early by Louis Dorr. The Manning Hathaway place was purchased by Charles and John Myers in 1837, in which year they came, and is now owned by Louis Myers. These two brothers stayed for a short time with Mr. Hazard upon their arrival. Their father. followed themrn, and settled in town in i838. Mr. Hathaway removed from the township. When Chester Hazard came into town with his 296 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. family he left a portion of his household goods in Detroit. He subsequently went after them, and on the way met Patrick Bogan, who was out on a peddling tour, and expressed himself as desirous of purchasing some land. He had a description of a certain tract with him, and was quite free in showing it, and Mr. Hazard advised him to be more quiet about it, or he would run the risk of having some other person reach the land-office and locate it before him. Hazard told Bogan where he lived, and on the return of the former from Detroit the latter came to see him. Mr. I^It ard conducted him to his land, and he settled upon it, and lived there until his death, which occurred about 1876 -77. Mr. Bogan was a native of Ireland, and the father of the present postmaster at Genoa Station. Mr. Hazard mentions the fact that upon his arrival in town he found the deer to be very plenty. He had never in his life killed one, but it tempted him to such an extent to live, as it were, among them, that he finally went to Ann Arbor and had a rifle made. The weapon proved an excellent one, and its owner seldom missed a shot with it at any distance. On one occasion he killed four deer inside of six hours, coming to the house twice in the time. Whenever the supply of fresh meat gave signs of failing, Mrs. Hazard mentioned the fact, and her willing lord, as soon as a leisure moment offered, took his rifle, and soon returned with an addition to the larder. On five successive occasions he went out, and inside of two hours returned with a deer he had slain. Mr. Hazard does not claim to have been the hunter which Charles P. Bush undoubtedly was, as he hunted from necessity many times, while Bush was a genuine lover of the sport, and passed more time in that way than perhaps any other man in the township. Erastus Watrous, from Connecticut, came to the township in June, 1836. He was then a bachelor, but afterwards married a Miss Walker, of Oceola, the ceremony being performed by Chester Hazard, Esq., who was called upon to do the greater proportion of such business in the township during his long service as magistrate. Mr. Watrous, whose home was on the northeast shore of Long Lake, is at present residing in Howell. Richard Behrens, from Hanover, Germany (near Bremen), emigrated to the United States in 1837, and located in New York. In 1845 he came to Genoa and settled on section 14, where he still resides. A few other German families had previously settled in the township. Henry Hartman, from the State of New York, came to Detroit in 1836, and obtained employment at his profession, that of a cook. In 1841 he removed to Genoa -and settled on the farm he still i I I owns, his first house having stood on the opposite (south) side of the road from the site of the present one, or on section 23. His son, John G. Hartman, at present occupies the place, and Mr. Hartman lives in Brighton, where he is engaged in the grain trade. His father, Martin Hartman, entered the land in 1836, and settled upon it with his youngest son, John Hartman, who yet resides on the south line of the same section (23). William Suhr, from the city of Hamburg, Germany, came to Michigan first in 1838, but did not settle until 1842, when he located on the place he now owns and occupies in Genoa, on the eastern and most picturesque shore of Crooked Lake. He was accompanied by his wife. Mr. Suhr, who is possessed of most excellent business tact and is a neat penman and accountant, holds the present position of secretary and treasurer of the Livingston County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, beside numerous others of greater or less responsibility. He has also held the position of town clerk of Genoa since i850, with the exception of the three years from i86i to 1863, inclusive; and without flattery it may be said that the township records of Genoa are the neatest, most thorough, and convenient of any in Livingston County. Gustav Baetcke, also from Hamburg, settled where he now lives in 1837, having previously resided one year in Oceola. The same year in which he located in Genoa, four other Germans settled with their families, viz.: George Ransher, Martin Hartman (who had purchased in 1836), Charles Conrad, and Jacob Euler. These., with Mr. Baetcke, were the first of the nationality to settle in the township. Jacob Euler was the pioneer, having entered his land in I835. The others, except Mr. Baetcke, entered in 1836. William Suhr lives in the frame house he built and moved into in 1842. Like all the dwellings of that day, it originally possessed a huge fireplace, but that has been removed and a stove substituted. The early settlers suffered considerably at times from scarcity of food and clothing, yet, withal, they were sociable and happy. From the beams in the house hung festoons of dried pumpkin, known in the parlance of the day as " Michigan apples," and a frontiersman's house was scarcely homelike in the fall and winter without this appendage.' Most of the pioneers of this township were men in the prime of life, and the heads of families. Joseph Rider, from Oswego, N. Y., in company with his father, Joseph Rider, Sr., came to Michi gan in 1833, and settled in what is now the township of Milford, Oakland Co. In December, 1835, the son removed to the place he at present occu GENOA TOWNSHIP. 297 pies, upon section 17, in Genoa. His mother died several years before the family left the State of New York. While building their log house on the place in Genoa, the Riders boarded with a man named Johnson, who had squatted and erected a log cabin on a piece of land to the eastward, which had been taken up by a man named Cole. Johnson remained but a short time; the place is now owned by Mr. Holtforth. As soon as the Riders completed their house they moved into it. Hay and stock were brought in from Oakland County. The senior gentleman died during the war of the Rebelfion, and the son still lives on the old place. The log house stood about twenty-five rods east of the present frame residence. Another early settler in the same neighborhood was Freeman Fishbeck, who married a sister of Joseph Rider, Jr., while living in Oakland County, to which he had come with the Rider family. He purchased in Genoa a short time previous to the date of Mr. Rider's purchase, and the latter helped him build a house, after which the elder Rider went to Ohio, and his son boarded for a time with Mr. Fishbeck. Mr. Rider, Jr., was soon afterwards married to Mr. Fishbeck's sister, Miss Isabella M. Fishbeck, and was one of the earliest residents of the township who took upon himself bonds hymeneal. The father of Freeman Fishbeck and sister, Jacob Fishbeck, lived in the township of Marion. The son is at this date (I879) a resident of Howell. David B. Pierce, who married a sister of Mrs. Joseph Rider, Sr., came from New York with the other two families, and when Fishbeck first located in Genoa, Mr. Pierce built a house on a portion of his (Fishbeck's) land. He was a carpenter and millwright by trade, and built the mills at Milford and aided in building one in the township of Brighton. He also aided in erecting numerous barns and other buildings. The first mill he built in Michigan was for parties at Kensington, Oakland Co. He is now deceased. Edward Latson settled in the northwest part of the township in 1836, and still resides on the place he then located. The land was purchased from the government in I835. Charles P. Bush came to the township of Handy in I836, in company with Calvin Handy and family, from Danby, Tompkins Co., N. Y.,-his native place. These were the first settlers in the township named, and Mrs. Handy was the first white woman who had ever set foot within its limits. Both men purchased land. Mr. Bush built a log house on his place, and returned to New York for his family. In the spring of 1837 38 he moved with them to the place he had prepared, and was also accompanied by his brother, Richard P. Bush, and their cousin, John Bush, both having families with them. The Bush's were connected with the Platts, of Oswego, N. Y., one of the prominent families of the State. The M':ssrs. Bush all located in Handy. Crops had been put in, and after that of C. P. Bush's was lharvested.-;iSI837, he sold out to John B. Fowler, brother of Ralph Fowler, of Fowlerville, and moved in the fall ofv:he same year to Genoa township, in which he;purchased land on sections 8, 9, and io, and made the first improvements upon it, although buying from second hands. He at one time owned about 1700 acres in this township. The old home in Genoa is now owned by the heirs of Newberry Sweet. Mr. Bush's house was at first half a mile or more back from the Grand River road, south of John Lawson's present place, and there his youngest son, Elbert C. Bush, now of Lansing, was born in 1838. Mr. Bush ere long moved up nearer the highway, and built one of the earliest frame houses in the township. The latter place he owned at the time of his death, which occurred in Lansing, where members of his family at present reside. The only one left in Livingston County is his son, Isaac W. Bush, Esq., of Howell. Mr. Bush has elsewhere been mentioned as a hunter of note. So much of one was he that he would acknowledge but one superior in all this region at the time, and that was " Old Si Badgero," a professional hunter, who lived in Conway township. Elias Sprague, then of Brighton, and now living in Cohoctah, was nearly the equal of Mr. Bush, but the latter always claimed superiority. But few men who ever hunted with Mr. Bush were able to follow him all day in the chase, and he always went on foot. Joel Rumsey, of Oceola, was one wio claimed equal endurance. As a rifle shot Mr. Bush was unexcelled. He finally moved to Lansing, where he was frequently known to cross Grand River in the winter after a deer. His official record will be found elsewhere in this volume. Andrew Sharp, from the town of Bennington, Genesee Co., N. Y. (now in Wyoming County), came to Michigan with his father, Andrew Sharp, Sr., in the fall of 1837. They stopped for one week at Pontiac, and then moved into Genoa, and settled on the place where the elder Sharp's widow and widowed daughter-Mrs. Melvin-now live, on the west line of town. Andrew Sharp, the son, was then but twelve years of age. He at present resides a mile south of the old place. His father purchased his land in Genoa, of a brother, who lived in Eaton County. Mr, Sharp, a blacksmith \2QS. HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. by trade, built a shop on his place, and used it a number of years. The son learned the same trade, and operated a shop two years in Howell. Farming was, however, the principal business of both. Mr. Sharp, Sr., has been dead about ten years. Cyrus Hoyt, from Yates Co., N. Y. (his wife from Steuben County), and a native of Connecticut, came with his wife to Genoa early in June, I846, settled on land he had previously purchased from second hands, built a log house, and is yet living in it. He first came into the township in April, but was unable to prepare a house before June. The first improvements were made upon the place by Mr. Hoyt. Mrs. Hoyt's brother, Jacob N. Switzer, a single man, came with the Hoyts, and at the same time Mr. Hoyt went to Gratiotto purchase land for himself; he bought 80 acres also for Mr. Switzer. The latter did not settle in town, and now lives in the State of New York. David Hight, a native of New Jersey, and for some time a resident of Steuben Co., N. Y., came to Michigan, with his wife and two children, in 1835, and settled on the place where he yet lives. Nathan and Deborah, the two children who came with their parents, were unmarried, while a second daughter, the wife of Reuben Haight, came at the same time with her husband and three children. They arrived in the fall of the year, and during the winter remained with Timothy Pettit, who lived in the edge of Hamburg township, two miles southeast of Mr. Hight's place. During the time thus spent Mr. Hight built a log house, and, in March, 1836, moved into it with his family. The lumber used inside was hauled from Redford, thirty miles away, in the direction of Detroit, and the glass and sash were brought from Detroit. The only house between their place and Howell was that built by Pardon and Ely Barnard. In the opposite direction, between them and Timothy Pettit, lived Christopher Hoagland and Nicholas Kristler, the former in Hamburg; the latter came from Delaware in October, r835. Mr. Hight is now in his ninety-ninth year. His wife died in 1864, at the age of eighty-four. Nathan Hight lives near his father, on the old place. His wife is the daughter of Elijah Bennett, who settled in Hamburg in the spring of 1835. Among those who had settled in this immediate region at that time, and who were pioneer neighbors of those already mentioned, were Garner Carpenter and soon after Samuel Case and his sons, Joseph ad Elisha, the latter at present living in Brighton. Joseph Case's son, Oren Case, owns and occupies a farm in the south part of Genoa; and Elisha Case's son, Nil N. Case, occupies his father's old fawr inHamburg.0 1 * " ' * -:..: * About 1849-50, while the stage-line was yet in operation over the Grand River road, a post-office, called Genoa, was established in the township, and Chester Hazard received the first appointment as postmaster, which position he held several years. Finally, on account of the necessary care it took to see to the office, he wrote to the Department and secured the appointment of John Weimeister in his place. The latter, now of Howell, was then keeping a grocery in Genoa. Old Mr. Myers was his deputy. The office is now near Genoa Station, and James Bogan is the postmaster. One of the later settlers of the township, and one who became prominent in political circles in the county and held numerous offices therein, was Daniel D. T. Chandler, who came from Buffalo, N. Y., in the fall of 1843, and settled on section 4 in Genoa, where John O'Connor now lives. He, was accompanied by two sons, George W. and John K. Chandler. The former at present resides in Lansing, Mich., and the latter at Atchison, Kan. Two sons and two daughters were born in Mr. Chandler's fanily after his settlement, and of these, three are now living, viz.: Lewis C., of Jackson, Mich.; A. J., of Lafayette, Ind., treasurer and auditor of the C. C. & I. C. Railway; and an unmarried sister with George W. Chandler, in Lansing. Mr. Chandler lived in Howell during his terms in county offices, but subsequently moved back to the farm in Genoa, where he died in December, I857. Judge George W. Kneeland, of Howell, was the brother of Mrs. Chandler. Among other early arrivals in the township were Charles E. Beurman, from Germany, August, 1840; H. Kellogg, 1842; G. C. Westphal, I846; and Riley and John Earl. The wife of the latter died in the winter of I835-36, and it is probable that this was the first death among the white population of the township. The grave was dug by Henson Walker, of Oceola. The Earls lived on the north line of the township, and were among its earliest settlers. The following is an alphabetical list of the resident tax-payers in the township of Genoa, for the year 1844: Acker, Frederick D. Abbey, Jerty. Benjamin, Alvin F. Brown, Richard. Butler, Catharine. Burwell, Cornelius W. Buckland, William E. Barnard, Pardon. Barnard, Ely. Bush, Charles P. Bennett, Morris. Benjamin, Nelson S. Brown, Alben G. Benedict, Charles. Bogan, Patrick. Bennett, Elijah. Britton, Richard. Baetcke, Gustav. Behrens, Richard. Barnard, James. Barnard, Amos. Burmann, Willianm l. Britton, John B. Bloodswortb, William. Bradner, John D. Chandler, D. D. T. GENOA TOWNSHIP. 299 Conrad, Charles. Crosman, Frederick G. Carpenter, Garner. Curtis, William B. Curtis, William T. Dean, Amasa. Dibble, Asahel Dibble, Silas A. Dibble, Amos. Dickerson, Alanson P. Dorr, Lewis. Davis, John. Earl, Riley. Earl, William. Elliott, Henry. Ellis, James. Edmunds, James. Euler, Jacob. Euler, John. Euler, Lawrence. Euler & Dickerson. Elliott, Orson. Everetts, Sophia. Fishbeck, Jacob. Fishleck, Freeman. Fitch, Elijah. Fewhey, Michael. Hazard, Clester. Hunt, Joseph. Hartman, lleniry. Hinckley, Benjamin. Hause, Herman C. Hight, David. Jacobs, William. Jacobs, Mark. Jessopl, Daniel. Kristler, Nicholas. Latson, Edward. Lawson, John F. Latson, John. Lawrence, George. Laughlin, John. Murray, James M. Moore, John. Morse, Francis. Morse, Isaac. Morse, Benjamin. Moon, George J. Orr, Joseph. Placeway, Joseph. Pettibone, Roswell. Pless, Andrew. Pierce, David B. Paddock, George W. Padd(lock, Richard. Paddock, John. Stedman, George. Shaft, William C. Steel, Joseph H. Sharp, Andrew. Stedman, William. Sutton, Richard. Snider, Isaac H. R. Suhr, William. Stone, David. Tooley, Albert. Terry, Stephen H. Timmons, Bryan. Upthegrove, Abram. Vealy, Benjamin. Walker & Foster. Weichers, John E. Winter, Theodore. Yawger, William B. i I I "All that portion of the county of Livingston designated in the United States survey as township 2 north, range 5 east, be, and the same is, hereby set off and organized into a separate township by the name of Genoa; and the first township-meeting therein shall be held at the house of Lucius II. Peet, in said township." The first township-meeting was held in and for the township of Genoa, at Lucius H. Peet's inn, on the first Monday in April, 1837, and the following persons were elected to office, viz.: Supervisor, William T. Curtis; Township Clerk, Charles Benedict; Justices of the Peace, Chester Hazard, William Tompkins, Cornelius W. Burwell, David B. Harmon; Assessors, Daniel Jessup, Joseph Placeway, Asahel Dibble; Commissioners of Highways, David Hight, Freeman Fishbeck, Thomas Pinckney; Poormasters, Caleb Curtis, William T. Curtis; Commissioners of Schools, Zebulon M. Drew, David B. Pierce, Isaac Morse; School Inspectors, Z. M. Drew, Pardon Barnard, Jr., Lucius H. Peet; Collector, William C. Shaft; Constables, William C. Shaft, Lucius H. Peet. The following list comprises the officers for Genoa township from 1838 to 1879, inclusive: SUPERVISORS. 1838, Charles P. Bush; 1839, William T. Curtis; 1840, Charles 11e'nedict; 1841-42, Chester Haz.ird; 1843-44, Charles Benedict; 1845-46, James M. Murray; I847, Daniel D. T. Chandler; 1848-49, Charles Benedict; 1850-5r, William A. Bucklland; 1852-54, Henry Hartman; I855, Chester Hazard; 1856-57, Oren H. Winegar; I858-59, James M. MI ray; I860-6r, Cornelius W. Burwell; 1862-63, William a Curtis; 1864, Oren H. Winegar; 1865, Ely Barnard; I86i 67,Chester Hazard; 1868-71, Charles Fishbeck; 1872, Omar HI. Benedict; 1873, William H. Halleck; 1874, Chester Hazard; I875, Charles Fishbeck; I876-77, Gustave J. Baetcke; 1878-79, Louis Meyer. TOWNSHIP CLERKS. 1838, Charles Benedict; 1839, Chester Hazard; 1840-42, Charles Benedict; 1843-46, Joseph Rider, Jr.; 1847, Charles Benedict; 1848, Ely Barnard; I849, Oren H. Winegar; I850 -60, William Suhr; 1861-63, William J. Hazard; 1864-79, William Suhr. TREASURERS. 1839, William T. Curtis; 1840-41, David Hight; 1842-46, John Davis; I847-50, Albert Tooley; 1851-54, John E. Dorn; 1855, 0. H. Winegar; I856, John Hartman; 1857-58, Richard Behrens; I859-60o James Bogan; 1861-63, Lewis Pless; I864-66, Freeman F. Pierce;' 1867-68, Conrad Schoenhals, Jr.; 1869-70, Samuel Stark; 1871-72, William Fishbeck; 1873-74, Gustave J. Baetcke; 1875-76, Charles Grosstick; I877, Frank W. Benedict; 1878, Frederick C. Benedict; 1879, John Seim, Jr. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1838, Chester Hazard, David B. Pierce, Gardner H. Carpenter; i839, G. H. Carpenter, C. P. Bush; I840, Charles P. Bush, Chester Hazard; 1841, Chester Hazard; 1842, Ely Barnard; 1843, G. H. Carpenter, J. M. Murray; 1844, Wm. A. Buckland; 1845, Erastus Watrous, Charles P. Bush; I846, Ely Barnard; 1847, Ely Barnard, Joseph Rider, Jr., H. Hartma; 1848, Joseph Rider, Jr.; 1849, Cornelius W. Burwell; 185o, H. C. Many of these were enrolled among those who had a personal tax to pay only. Among the heavier tax-payers were the following: Total Tax. Total Tax. Chester Hazard.......... $33.62 Morris Bennett............ $14.95 Charles P. Bush......... 13.49 Andrew Ple-s............ Ii.68 William Jacobs............ 4.80 Benjamin Vealy.......... O0.50 John Euler................ 1.12 Lewis Dorr............ 12.79 Euler & Dickerson...... 22.77 Frederick D. Acker..... 12.01 The non-resident tax payers numbered at that time in the neighborhood of 1oo. From some of the early records it is utterly impossible to determine the correct orthography of certain proper names, as many as four or five different ways being often found of spelling the name of but one person. This will account for any errors in that respect which may be discovered. TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION-LIST OF OFFICERS. On the 26th of March, 1835, the township of Hamburg was created by the Legislative Council, including the present township of the same name, together with what is now Genoa. The latter township was formed from the north half of Hamburg, by an act of the Legislature approved March II, 1837, and reading as follows: 3:C~ HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Hause; 1851, Henry Hartman; 1852, Joseph Rider, Jr.; 1853, Cornelius W. Burwell; 1854, H. C. Hause; 1855, James M. Murray; 1856, David B. Pierce; 1857, C. W. Burwell, Wm. B. Curtis; 1858, Oren H-. Winegar; 1859, Chester Hazard; 186o, Ely Barnard; 186I, Ely Barnard, Floyd S. Wykoff; 1862, Oren H. Winegar; 1863, Chester Hazard, Isaac W. Bush; 1864, Cornelius W. Burwell; 1865, Charles Benedict, Samuel Stark; 1866, Charles Dingier; 1867, John A. Meyer, Chester Hazard; 1868, C. W. Burwell, Joseph Rider; 1869, Andrew C. Pless; 1870, Chester Hazard, Newberry H. Sweet; 1871, N. C. Sweet, Richard Behrens; 1872, Joseph Rider, Joseph Birkenstock; 1873, David HIghes; 1874, Peter T. Gill, David Hughes; 1875, James Timmons, John O'Connor; 1876, George A. Whitehead; I877, James Boylan, Henry Ratz; 1878, Joseph Rider, William H. Trowbridge; 1879, George Bauer. ASSESSORS. 1838, Joseph Rider, James M. Murray, Daniel Jessup; 1839, William B. Curtis, James J. Forsythe, Charles Benedict; 1840, William A. Buckland, William B. Curtis, John D. Bradner; 1841, C. P. Bush, C. Hazard, J. D. Bradner; 1842, Ely Barnard, H. C. Hause; 1843, Amos Foster, Daniel Jessup; 1844, J. D. Bradner, E. Watrous; 1845, Albert Tooley, John D. Bradner; 1846, Daniel Jessup, Albert Tooley. COLLECTORS. 1838, Erastus Watrous; 1839-40, Reuben Haight; 1841, John Davis. SCHOOL INSPECTORS. 1838, C. P. Bush, C. Hazard, W. T. Curtis; 1839, C. P. Bush, Lucius H. Peet, G. H. Carpenter; 1840, C. P. Bush, C. llazard, Wm. A. Buckland; 1841, C. P. Bush, C. Hazard, H. C. Hause; 1842, W. A. Buckland, E. Barnard, Wm. Stedman; 1843, Wm. B. Curtis, Wm. A. Buckland; 1844, Wm. H. Beurman, D. D. T. Chandler; 1845, Wm. H. Beurman; 1846, D. D. T. Chandler, Charles Benedict; 1847, William B. Curtis; 1848, William Suhr; I849, Alexander Carpenter; 1850, Charles Benedict; 1851, George A. Lawson; 1852, Alexander Carpenter; 1853, Chester Hazard; 1854, Olympus Spencer; 1855, Ely Barnard; 1856, Wm. J. Hazard, B. H. Lawson; 1857-58, Charles Benedict, Ely Barnard; I859, Omar H. Benedict, W. Wallace Carpenter; 1860, W. Wallace Carpenter; i86I, Smith Benson, J. Bruce Fishbeck; 1862, Ebenezer Culver; 1863, Charles Benedict, Charles Fishbeck; 1864, 0. H. Benedict, Dwight T. Curtis; 1865, Dwight T. Curtis; 1866, A. M. Davis, O. H. Benedict; 1867, Omar H. Benedict; i868, A. M. Davis; I869, 0. H. Benedict; 1870, Conrad Schoenhals; 1871, A. M. Davis; 1872, Peter P. Gill; I873, A. M. Davis; 1874, 0. H. Benedict; 1875, Frank W. Benedict; 1876-77, Henry D. Rider; 1878, Charles T. Barnard; 1879, Henry Holtforth. TOWNSHIP SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS. I875-76, A. M. Davis; 1877-79, Peter T. Gill. The vote on the license question of Genoa in 1845 stood 53 in favor to 19 against. In 1850 the following persons received the number of votes set opposit their names as delegates to the State Constitutional Convention:.~ 5.. S.. Daniel S. Lee...;........... 71 Ira Jennings............... 19 Rbert Crouse................. 6 James W. Stansbury.........9 o!ert'Warde~n, Jr;.:..~;; 66 Pierrepont P. Smith......... 15 El^y;,.A....y;, Austin Wakeman..4...... 14: ~ y ) \ E: D e - X., L L I SCHOOLS.* The present District No. I was the first one formed in the township. Probably in 1836 or 1837, the first school in town was taught in this district by Alexander Carpenter, who was afterwards a school inspector. The school-house, Mr. Hazard thinks, was possibly a frame building, though said by some to have been constructed of logs. It stood near the site of the present frame school-house in the same district. A brick building was subsequently erected, and is now used as a blacksmith-shop. In District No. 3 a log school-house was built about 1839-40. It stood on the south side of the road, a short distance east of the site of the present frame edifice. Mariette Hayner, a lady whose home was in Brighton, was one of the earliest teachers. The log school-house was finally removed. The first school in District No. 5 was taught by George Griffith, in the winter of about 1837-38, or the one following. A log school-house had been built, and was used also as a place in which to hold religious meetings. The building was used a number of years. The first school was not largely attended, as the number of children in the district was few. The first summer term was taught in the season following Griffith's term, by Mary Ann Hinkley, who was retained through several subsequent ones. Griffith returned East not long after his administration as a teacher here had closed. The present stone school-house was built about 1857. The following statement of the condition of the schools as appearing Sept. 2, 1878, is from the report of the township school inspectors for the year ending at that date: Number of whole districts....................................... 22 " fractional districts.................................... I " children of school age............................. 344 Attendance during year.......................................... 307 Number of school-houses......................................... 9 Value of school property......................................... $6000 Number of male teachers employed........................... 8 " female teachers-employed..................... 10 Amount paid male teachers...................................... $821.50 " " female teachers.. h r........................ $370 Total receipts for year................................ $2o96.46 Amount on hand Sept. 2, 878............................... 410.23 Expenditures, less amount on hand.................... $1686.23 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. BAPTISTS. Probably the first religious meetings in the township were held in the fall and winter of 1835-36, in the house of David Hight, continuing, with * See Mrs. Burwell's narrative for account of first school in District No. 2. GENOA TOWNSHIP. 3cn Sabbath-school, for a period of two years or more, or until the school-house was built in District No. 5, when that was made the place of meeting for such services. Elder Jonathan Stone, a Baptist minister, who had previously lived for several years in Webster, Washtenaw Co., purchased Jaid in Genoa, south of Mr. Hight's plaeand in the fall of 1836 built a house upon it, boarding with Mr. Hight during its construction. He, some years later, died on the farm where he had settled. Meetings were held also in the winter of 1835-36, at the house of Justus J. Bennett, in the north part of Hamburg, and Mr. Stone preached both there and in the Hight neighborhood. In a year or two a Baptist society was organized under the leadership of Elder Post. It was given the name " Hamburg," but was subsequently changed to" Hamburg and Genoa." It continued to hold services until about I865-67, when it was finally disbanded. No house of worship had been erected, the "stone school-house" furnishing accommodations for the congregation. "Preaching" was also held in other parts of town at an early day, at the dwellings of numerous individuals, and by ministers of different denolninations. Howell, however, was the principal place at which the settlers attended religious meetings, and has continued to be to the present. GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCH. About 1858 "St. George's German Evangelical Lutheran Congregation" was organized by Rev. Mr. Smith, of Ann Arbor. In 186I, three acres of land were donated by Richard Behrens, on section 14, for a church and burying-ground site, and at a later date three acres on section 13 were given for the use of the minister. Dr. Buck (LL.D.), father-in-law of John Weimeister, of Howell, after the organization of the society, went to Europe to raise sufficient funds to build a church. The sum of $300 was given by Hamburg, Germany, and the present frame building was erected. Dr. Buck succeeded Smith as minister. The succeeding ones have been Revs. Meyer,* of Genoa township, Christopher Watt, Mr. Kramer, and Mr. Sheibly, who is at present in charge. The resident membership of this church in July, 1879, was from 50 to 60, and others attend who do not live in the neighborhood. The church erected by this society is the only one built by any denomination in the township. CEMETERIES. The oldest burial-ground in the township is the one on section 13, off land now owned by Nelson S. Benjamin, and it contains the dust of many of the early settlers of this and neighboring townships. A second one is located in the Benedict neighborhood, in the south part of the town, and is also old; and a third, belonging to the Germang, is near their church on section 14, east of Geno& Station. POPULATION-STATISTICS. The rnumber of white inhabitants in the towni ship of Genoa in I837 was 361. In 1874 the number had increased to 921, including 475 males and 446 females. From the census of the latter year are compiled the following statistics: Number of acres of taxable land in township............." land owned by individuals and companies.......................... " " improved land..................... 4" " land exempt from taxation.....'.. Value of:ame, with improvements....................... Number of acres in school-house sites.................. ' church and parsonage sites......... ' " ( Lburying-grounds.................... (. " railroad right of way and depot grounds.............................." wheat raised in 1874................ ""........ " 4 " i81873................. (" corn " 1873................. "l bushels of wheat raised in 1873........... " " Ccorn " 1873.............. " " all other grain raised in I873....... potatoes raised in 1873........... " tons of hay cut in 1873.......................... pounds wool sheared in 1873......... (... " pork marketed in 1873...................... ( cheese made in 1873.................. butter made in 1873................. " "...frutit dried for market in 1873.......... barrels cider male in 1873....................... " acres in orchards.............. " bushels of apples raised in 1872................. ( " " 1.I873.................. (. " pears, cherries, and strawbelries, I872.................................. ( ". 1)pears, cherries, and strawberries, 1873........................ Value of fruit and garden vegetables, 1872..............." " " 1873............. Number horses, one year old and over, 1874............ " m ules, 1874.......................................... " work oxen, 1874............................ " milch cows, 1874................................. " neat cattle, one year old and over, other than oxen and cows................................... " sheep over six months old....................... "<( sheared in I873............................ Number saw-mills............................................ Persons employed in same............................... Amount of capital invested............................... Number feet of lumber sawed.......................... Value of products........................................... 22,800 22,890.50 11,478 90.50 $11,19 5.50 2 3 80 3,193 2,88I 1,229 38,684 34,446 16,o45 7,964 2,919 27,137 82,772 60 37,483 6,707 307 407 13,282 10,846 126 115 $5,oo1 $5,015 415 8 36 482 373 6,o6o 6,314 I I $1,800 8o,ooo $96o Among the many who have aided in furnishing the facts which are included in the foregoing history of Genoa are C. W. Burwell and wife, Chester Hazard, Isaac W. Bush, Esq., of Howell, Richard Behrens, William Suhr, Joseph Rider, Andrew Sharp, Mrs. Cyrus Hoyt, Miss Deborah Hight (daughter of David Hight), Mrs. Pardon Barnard, of Howell, and numerous others. The thans which are justly due them are hereby tendered. I * Mlyers. 302 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. JOSEPH RIDER. Among the names of those who are conspicuous in the early history of Genoa, and in the various enterprises connected with its interests, none stand higher than Joseph Rider. He has not only witnessed the transition of a thin settlement into a busy and prosperous community, of a semiwilderness into one of the most productive and wealthy towns in the county, but in his own person has typified so admirably the agencies that wrought many of these changes, that no history of Genoa would be complete without a sketch of his life. He was the son of Joseph and Sarah Rider, and was born in the town of De Kalb, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., March 25, I817. The elder Rider was a shoemaker by trade, and previous to his emigration to Rockland Co., N. Y., in I8I0, lived in New York City. When Joseph was ten years of age he removed to Oswego, where he purchased a farm, upon which he resided until his emigration to Oakland Co., Mich., in 1833. He purchased in the town of Milford fifty acres of land, which he sold in I835 and removed to Genoa. Here he located one hundred and twenty acres, which is a part of his present productive farm of two hundred and eleven acres, a view of which is presented in the history of the town. Mr. Rider has been prominently identified with the development of the town and all its material interests. His life has been one of industry, and his aim has been to earn the position he now occupies among the successful and wealthy farmers in the county. That he had a full portion of hardships and privations in his pioneer life, none will deny. In I840, Mr. Rider was married to Miss Isabella M., daughter of Jacob and Elsie Fishbeck, one of the well-known early families of Genoa. Mrs. Rider was born in the town of De Peyster, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., in 1824, and emigrated to Michigan with her parents in 1836. She, like her husband, is one of that noble band of pioneers to whom the present generation is indebted for much that they now enjoy. Mr. Rider is a self-made man. Early in life he learned that the way leading to success was no royal road, but was open to strong hands and willing hearts; that: Honor and fame from no condition rise. A Ac well your part, there all the honor lies." He early established methodical habits, and his energy and perseverance, coupled with integrity of chi er, have rendered his life a success. Politi. cally, he is a Democrat. In his religious affiliations he is a Free-Will Baptist, and manifests a deep interest in religious matters. CHESTER HAZARD was born at Arlington, Bennington Co., Vt., June 23, 1796, being the oldest of a family of nine children. His parents were Evans and Abigail (Hawley) Hazard. His mother belonged to one of the old Puritan families of Connecticut. His father was of Scotch-Irish descent, born in Connecticut in 1774, and lived at various times in the States of New York, Pennsylvania, and Vermont. He finally removed to Michigan, where he died in 1851. Chester Hazard was a studious boy, and acquired a thorough common-school education. In I806 he went to the home of an uncle, with whom he lived until he was seventeen years old. He then spent four years in learning the tanner's and shoemaker's trades. He worked at these trades four years in Cambridge, Washington Co., N. Y. In I82I he took a partner, by whose dishonesty he lost everything he had accumulated. By working his father's farm in Chenango Co., N. Y., two years, and his grandfather's in Broome County, N. Y., five years, he saved five hundred dollars. With this capital he engaged in farming and tanning at Wheeler, Steuben Co., N Y. After ten years of successful labor there, in 1836, he purchased three hundred and twenty acres of wild land in Genoa, Livingston Co., Mich., and worked till 1842 in clearing it. In that year he was elected county treasurer, and removed to Howell. This office he held for two terms, and in 1847 was elected to the State Legislature, where he was instrumental in procuring the passage of the bill appropriating ten thousand acres of land for internal improvements. Since 1849 he has resided on his farm. He has been supervisor of the town and chairman of the Board of Supervisors for many years, and justice of the peace for forty years, besides holding many other offices. He cast his first vote for Andrew Jackson, and has always been a Democrat. Simple in his manner of life, Mr. Hazard has acquired a fortune by honesty, industry, and economy. He is a man of marked character and striking appearance. Now, at eighty-three years of age, he is still hale and vigorous, and his voice is as strong and clear as at the age of forty. No man ever questioned his integrity, and no one more than he deserves the respect which is universally accorded to him. His first wife, to whom he was married Aug. 31, I817, died March 6, 1858, leaving six children. His second wife was Julia A. Buck, to whom he was married Sept. 8, 1863. MRS.JOSEPH RIDER. JOSEPH RIDER. RESIDENCE or JUSLI'-H I U)L., GENOA, MICHIGAN. I I ... 4 I~~~~~11,- l /2 WILLIAM BLOODWORTH. WILLIAM BLOOOWORTH.MRS.WILLIAM BLOODWORTH. 31 0 GENOA TOWNSHIP. CHARLES BENEDICT was born in Cambridge, Washington Co., N. Y., May 4, I809. His father, Isaac Benedict, was a soldier in the war of the Revolution; after the war he settled on a farm at Cambridge, where he died at an advanced age. Charles Benedict lived with his father until he grew to manhood, assisting on the farm, and receiving such educational advantages as were offered by the district schools. When a young man, lie taught school several terms in the neighborhood of Cambridge. In 1830 he emigrated to Michigan, purchasing some land near Dexter, where he remained two years, teaching school a portion of the time. In 1832 he returned to New York, and married Miss Amy Church, of Otsego Co., N. Y. They came to Livingston County in 1836, and settled on section 21, in what is now the town of Genoa. At that time neither the town or State were yet organized. Mr. Benedict at once took an active and important part in the erection and organization of the town. The first town election was heldat his house, when he was elected township clerk, an office he filled for several years. Subsequently lie filled several of the town and county offices, among others that of supervisor; and was for two terms county treasurer. He was a man much respected for his sterling integrity and sound judgment. He died Nov. 22, i870, leaving a family of seven children,-four sons and three daughters. Alexander, the oldest child, lives at Fowlerville, this county; Omer H. married the oldest daughter of the late Ely Barnard, is a farmer, and lives adjoining the old home; Mariette married James Taylor, of Chelsea, Mich.; Martha A. married Freeman W. Allison, a farmer in Putnam; Alida C. married Dwight T. Curtis, a farmer in Genoa; Frank W. married Henrietta Beurman, and died October, i878, in his twentyeighth year; Fred. C. married Julia E. Beurman, lives on the home-farmn with his mother, who is now in her sixty-seventh year, but vigorous and healthy. Having shared in the hardships and privations of pioneer life, and witnessed the transformation of the wilderness into a prosperous community, she now looks back over a long and industrious life with the satisfaction of having acted well her part. ELY BARNARD was born in Madison Co., N. Y., Sept. 9, 1807, and emigrated in company with his brother, Pardon Barnard, to Michigan in 1834, settling on the farm in Genoa, where he died Sept. 9, 1871. Possessing abilities of a commanding order, Ely Barnard soon took a prominent and active part in the early history of the county, and in the formation here of the Democratic party, of which he was an influential member throughout his life. Aside from local offices, at the first election, after Michigan became a State, he was elected to the office of register of deeds, and in 1842 and 1843 he was one of the two members to represent the county in the State Legislature, which then met in Detroit. He was also a member of the State Convention, which met in i850, to revise the Constitution. In all these positions Mr. Barnard commanded the respect and confidence of his fellow-citizens for his signal ability and rigid honesty. After his return from the constitutional convention he refused to accept office again. He retired to his farm, which he cultivated assiduously, and he was considered one of the best agriculturists of the county. In the private relations of life he was held in high esteem. Judge Turner, in an address before the Pioneer Society, said of him, "Well do we remember with what nobility and independence lie always bore himself in all the business of life. He was a man who never abdicated his dignity for a moment, but was a gentleman at all times and on all occasions." Mr. Barnard was married, Jan. 31, I839, to Miss Aristine Curtis, daughter of William Curtis, who emigrated from Madison Co., N. Y., in 1836, and settled on lands adjoining Mr. Barnard, where he died April 8, 1850, in the seventy-third year of his age. Mrs. Barnard has conducted the farm since her husband's death. She has been the mother of nine children, seven of whom are now living,-three sons and four daughters. WILLIAM BLOODWORTH was born in Creeton, Lincolnshire, England, Dec. 3, 1803. His parents, William -and Elizabeth Bloodworth, were farmers, and reared a family of four children,-three sons and one daughter,-Williarn being the youngest. He received the advantages of the schools of his native town, and at the age of nineteen enlisted in the " King's Guard," in which he served twelve years. In i833 he emigrated to this country. He spent the first winter in Ann Arbor, and in the spring following, removed with his family upon the farm which he had located in Genoa the previous fall; here he has since resided. The pioneer life of Mr. and Mrs. Bloodworth was one of much hardship and privation. 304 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Did our space permit we could pen from their lips many a tale of early life in Genoa that to the present generation would sound more like fiction than fact. But they are now receiving the full fruition of their long and successful life; having amassed a competency, they are enjoying the benefits re suiting from a life of industry and economy. Mr. Bloodworth was married in I831 to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of John and Ann Lown. She was born in Little Bytham, Lincolnshire, England, May 4, 1805. They have one child, Mrs. Isaac Sapp, who is living with her husband at the old home. ----- I I- e - UNADILLA TOWNSHIP. UNADILLA, one of the original townships of Livingston County, lies in the southwest corner of the latter, and is bounded north and east respectively by the townships of losco and Putnam, south by Washtenaw County, and west by Inglam County. It includes township I north, in range 3 east, as designated on the government survey of the State. It contains the three villages of Unadilla, Williamsville, and Plainfield, located respectively on sections 35, 28, and 5, Plainfield extending also into section 8. The surface of the township is greatly diversified. Along the various water-courses it is broken by considerable hills, and in places quite extensive marshes are found,-such as are common in, and peculiar to this part of the lower Peninsula. A large portion of the township in the northwest lies on a beautiful plain, where are everywhere found excellent improvements, and in the midst of which is located Plainfield village. The Portage River and its tributaries water the town, and several lakes add t t the variety which is here found. Among the latter are a portion of Bruin or Patterson Lake, on section 36; Woodburn and Bass Lakes, on section 25; Williams Lake, on sections 29 and 32; Morgan Lake, on section io; and several others which have not been named on the map. Portage River furnishes power at Unadilla and Williamsville, and in this town was made the first improvement of water-power in the county. LAND-ENTRIES. The following is a list of the original entries of lnd in this township: SECTION i. Acres. Henry Cassidy, Wayne Co., Mich., Aug 3, 1836............ 40 Thomas Sutherland, Livingston Co., Mich., Sept. 21, 1836. i6o Avery Bruce, Geuelee Co., N. Y., Nov. 2, 1836............ 33.40 ^sa P. Woodard, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 14, 1836.. 80 sKey: ees, eneca Co.,N. Y., No8v. 16, i836............ 80 uryCcazer, Wasltenaw Co.,Mic,. a9, I 836... 80 Owen Martin, Livingston Co., Mich., May 2, 1850.......... Patrick Fay, Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. 15, I853.......... Thomas Fay, Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. I7, 1855......... Acres. 40 33-40 70.12 SECTION 2. Joseph Venu%, Huron Co., Ohio, April 21, 836............. 240 Byron Hart, Wayne Co., Mich., May 28, I836.............. 80 John Sutherland, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 8, 1836..... I50.63 George Reeves, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 8, 1836...... 147.96 SECTION 3. Calel) Munger, New Haven Co., Conn., April 29, 1836... i6o Morris Howe, Genesee Co., N. Y., June 8, 1836........... 8o Solomon Sutherland, Washtenaw Co.,Mich.,June 8, 1836... 72.25 Solomon Sutherland, Livingston Co., Mich., Sept. 21, i836................................. 72.25 James Sutherland, Livingston Co, Mich., Sept. 21, 1836... I39.33 Alfred Denio, Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. i6, I836........ 40 Van Rensselaer T. Angel, Livingston Co., Mich., June 24, I851............................................................ 40 SECTION 4. Chester J. Tuttle, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, Oct. I9, 1835....... Jonathan E. Munger, New Haven, Conn., April 29, 1836.. John C. Sharp, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 7, I836....... Miles A. Hinman, Genesee Co., Mich., June 25, I836..... Emery Beal, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Sept. 21, I836........ Charles Harford, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 3, 1836..... SECTION 5. Samuel Clements, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 8, i835.... Chester J. Tuttle, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, Oct. 19, 1835...... John B. Vandoren, Washtenaw Co, Mich., Feb. 12, 1836. David Dutton, Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 27, 1836...... Philip Dyer, Livingston Co., Mich., June 7, 1836......... Seth Eiston, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Aug. 2, 1836......... 40 I6o 40 214.61 80 49.83 i6o 8o 8o 40 85-37 125.10 SECTION 6. Samuel Townsend, Niagara Co., N. Y., April 22, 1836.... I73.96 John Cool, Livingston Co., Mich., June 7, 1836............. I52.12 John Cool, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 25, I836........... 8o SECTION 7. Levi and George Westfall, Ontario Co., N. Y., June 18, 1834.......................................................... George Westfall, Ontario Co., N. Y., June 19, x835........ Myron H. Rowley, Addison Co., Vt., May 26, 1836........ John Cool, Livingston Co., Mich., June 7, I836............. John Howell, Ingham Co., Mich., March 12, I841......... Calvin Hillock, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Jan. 6, 1854...... I6o 46.30 i60 82.o8 46.30 33.70 SECTION 8. Levi and George Westfall, Ontario Co., N. Y., June I8, 1834.............................................................. 8 William H. Dunn, Warten Co., N. J., June 4, 1835........ i6o Levi Clawson, Richland Co., Ohio, Feb. 15, 1836........... 8o Samuel Case, ivingston Co., ich., March 25, 1836....... 40 ', f I I:, I I - I:, j I i I A. I - I - I i A I,I / D-AVIO D. BIRD. MRS. DAVb D. BIfRD. H'LSiL)NUL O-F D)AVID) U. BIJRD, UNADILLA, LIVINGSTO)N COUNTY, lvICi JAP4. UNADILLA TOWNSHIP. 305 Martin Dunning, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., June 27, 1836... Lorenzo Secord, Washtenaw Co., Mich, July 8, I836...... John T. Rodgers, Genesee Co., N. Y., Sept. 24, 1836...... Mortimer Windsor, Wayne Co., Mich., Jan. 3,-1837........ Geo. W. Richmond, Livingston Co., Mich., Oct. I, I844. Acres. 80 40 80 40 40 SECTION 9. Lemuel F. Chipman, Washtenaw Co., Mich., March 5, 1836................................................. 40 Luther Chipman, Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 24, I836.. 8o Horace A. Smith, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 10, 1836. 40 Abram Abbott, Genesee Co., N. V., June 25, 1836......... 8 Samuel F. Van Sickle, Livingston Co., Mich., June 28, 1836................................................ 80 Lorenzo Secord, Washtenaw Co., Mich,June 30, I836... 40 Daniel S. McGranger, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Aug. 1, 1836............................................................. 40 Sophronia Beal, Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. II, 1837..... 8o James Waters, Livingston Co., Mich., Oct. 1, 1844......... 40 Van R. T. Anllel, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 17, 1847. 40 Hannah M. Chipman, Livingston Co., Mich., May I6, 1855............................................................ 40 Nathaniel Braley Ingham, Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. 13, 1853............................................................. 40 SECTION Io. Lemuel F. Chipman, Washtenaw Co., Mich., March 5, 1836.............................................................. 40 Abner B. Wood, Washtenaw Co., Mich., March 5, 1836... 80 Nathaniel Brown, Genesee Co, N. Y., June 25, 1836..... 40 Abram Abb tt, Genesee Co., N Y., June 25, 1836......... 40 Samuel S. Chipman, Livingston Co., Micll., June 25, 1836 So Solomon Sutherland, Livingston Co., Mich., Aug. 2, 1836 80 Edward Sutherland, Living.ton Co., Mich., Sept. 21, I836 120 Patrick Keenan, Livingston Co., Mich., May 25, 1837..... I6o SECTION iI. Joseph Venus, Huron Co., Ohio, April 21, 1836............ 240 Patrick McCabe, Wayne Co., Mich., May 28, 1836......... 360 James Elsey, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 26, 1836......... 40 SECTION 12. Charles M. Moses, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 25, 1835. 40 Richard Shear, Ontario Co., N. Y., May 12, 1836........... t6o Phineas Prouty, Ontario Co., N. Y., May 12, 1836.......... 80 Iawrence Jones, Wayne Co., Mich., May 28, 1836......... 80 John Shiel, Wayne Co., Mich., May 28, 1836................ 80 Patrick McCabe, Wayne Co., Mich., May 28, 1836.......... 40 James Armstrong, Erie Co., N. Y., July I, 1836............. 40 James Elsey, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 26, 1836......... 120 Acres. V. R. T. Angel, July I, 1844............................. 40 I. B. Fitch, March 19, 1846........................ 40 D. R. Hill, Nov. 14, 1846....................................... 40 D. O. Dutton, June 30,1850..................................... 40 John Grongan, Sept. 17, 1845................................... 40 L. Berean, July 11, I844................................. 40 D. O. Dutton, June 23, I847................................. 40 Joseph Gilbert, Sept. 28, 1846................................. 40 H. Tulford, July 11, 1844...................................... 40 A. L. Dutton, March I8, I846................................ 80 James Birney, June 29, I847...............................40 A. L. Dutton, June 23, 1847................................... 40 V. R. T. Angel, Feb. 26, 1846.................................. 40 SECTION 17. Cyrus Jackson, Wayne Co., N. V., June 23, I834........ 40 Charles Tetley, Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 17, 1834...... 80 John Callahan, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 21, 1834..... 80 Charles Tetley, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 17, 1835......40 James Ganson, Genesee Co., N. Y., June 29, 1835.......... 6o David S. Curtis, Livingston Co., Mich., May 30, 1836.... 40 Jason Swift, Wayne Co., Mich., June 8, 1836............... 80 John G. Soverhill, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 10, 1836. 120 SECTION 18. Cyrus Jackson, Wayne Co., N. Y., June 23, 1834............ William Beattie, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 21, 1834... George Fitts, Niagara Co., N. Y., June 13, I836............ SECTION 19. Thomas Smith, Wayne Co., Mich., lune I6, 1834.......... Eli Rug.iles, Fairfield Co., Conn., July I9, I834........... Chester J. Tuttle, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Oct. 19, 1835........ Jam1es D. Winans, Wayne Co., Mich., March 26, 1836.... Edward llnghaml, Wayne Co., Mich., April 12, 1836...... 349.88 80 Io1.84 62.98 80 I6o 142.98 117.92 SECTION I3. George Bennett, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Sept. 3, I835..... Charles Bullis, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 26, 1835...... Phineas Prouty, Ontario Co., N. Y., May 12, 1836.......... James H. Wood, Ontario Co, N. Y., May 12, 1836........ George Wight, Ontario Co, N. Y., May 12, 1836............ Robert H. Bullis, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Jan. 11, 1838... Henry Stiles, Livingston Co., Mich., July 14, 1838......... Charles Bullis, Dec. 13, 1853.................................... 8o 8o 8o 80 8o 8o 80 8o SECTION 20. Henry Angel, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Aug. 24, 1833...... 120 Patrick Hubbard, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 14, 1833.. 40 Mary Winans, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 27, 1833...... 80 Smliuel W. Holmes, Washtenaw Co., Mich., April 22, 1834 80 David S. Curtis, Washtenaw Co, Mich., May 28, 1835.... 40 James Ganson, Genesee Co., N. Y., June 29, 1835.......... 6o Chester J. Tuttle, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Oct. 19, 1835......... 40 Jason Swift, Wayne Co., Mich., June 8, I836.............. 80 SECTION 21. Francis Lincoln, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Aug. 24, 1833... 320 Philander Gregory, Monroe Co., N. Y., May 20, 1836..... 80 Edward Bingham, Wayne Co., Mich., May 20, 1836....... 240 SECTION 22. Chloe Buck, Onondaga Co., N. Y., July 12, 1834........... 40 John Beadle, Cayuga Co., N. Y., April 17, 1835............ 80 Charles Rutgers, Cayuga Co., N. Y., April 17, 1835........ 80 Blossom and Effner, Erie Co., N. Y., July 2, I835........... I20 Jeremiah Wilcox, Genesee Co, N. Y., May 27, 836....... 80 William S. Martindale, Genesee Co, N. Y., June 25, 1836 40 William S. Martindale, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 2, I836 40 Sarah Curtis, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 22, I836......... 40 Lawrence C. Hays, Washtenaw Co., Mich., April 26, I837 120 SECTION 23. James Livermore, Tompkins Co., N. Y., June 3, 1835..... 40 George Wight, Ontario Co., N. Y., May 12, 1835.......... 80 Noyes Wilcox, Ontario Co., N. Y., May 27, 1835........... I6o Jeremiah Wilcox, Ontario Co., N. Y., May 27, 1835....... 8 Sarah Curtis, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 22, 1835......... 40 Philip H. Gilman, Livingston Co., Mich., July 20, 1838... 40 Charles Rutgers, Livingston Co., Mich., July 5, 1839...... 40 Ebenezer J. Penniman, Wayne Co., Mich., Feb. 29, I840. 40 James Livermore, Livingston Co., Mich., Feb. 26, 1848... 40 Jeremiah B. Swift, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 27, I847.. 40 Seth B. Torrey, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 7, I853....... 40 SECTION 24. George W. Noble, Portage Co., Ohio, July 22, I834........ 8o H. De Graff and W. H. Townsend, Ontario Co., N. Y., July 22, 1834.................................................. 8 James Livermore, Tompkins Co., N. Y., June 3, I835..... 80 Sylvanus P. Jermaine, Albany Co., N. Y., March 4, 1836. 8o Elnathan Botsford, Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 31, 1836. 8o SECTION 14. Ira A. Blossom and E. D. Effter, Erie Co., N. Y., July 2, 1835............................................................ 6o William S. Mead, Cayuga Co., N. V., Oct. 19, 1835........ 40 Joseph Venus, Huron Co., Ohio, April 21, I836............. 200 Julia Ann Kent, Erie Co., N. Y., June 8, 1836............... 80 James Elsey, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 26, 1836......... 80 Henry V. Bacon, Berkshire Co., Mass., Oct. 26, 1836...... 80 SECTION 15. Sally Ray, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Aug. 12, I834........... 80 Blossom and Effner, Erie Co., N. Y., Aug. 3, 1835......... 80 Lemuel F. Chipman, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 2, 1835 I6o Fitch Chipman, Genesee Co., N. Y., Oct. 2, 1835........... 80 Samuel S. Chipman, Genesee Co., N. Y., Oct. 2, 1835..... I6o William S. Martindale, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 2, 1836 40 William Utter, St. Clair Co., Mich., July 20, I846.......... 40 SECTION 16. Dudley Hill, September, 1841, and July, I844............... 40 V. R. Angel, Sept. 16, 184........4........................... 40 39 306 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Acres. Amos H. Breed, Livingston Co., Mich., June 13, 1836..... 8o Phineas Prouty, Ontario Co., N. Y., July 14, 1836........... 8o SECTION 25. Robert H. Titus, Erie Co., N. Y., July 15, 1836............ 80 Samuel Phillips, New York City, August 5, 1836............ 6o Thomas J. Dudley, Yates Co., N. Y., Jan. 31, 1837........ 80 Alexander McPherson, Ontario Co., N. Y., June 19, 1838 80 Gideon Chalker, Seneca Co., N. Y., June 28, 1838......... 120 Joseph Ilartsuff, Livingston Co., Mich., Oct. 24, 1853...... 40 Nelson H. Wing, Wayne Co., Mich., Oct. 31, 1853......... 40 William Sales, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 20, 1854..... 40 SECTION 26. William Woodburn, Wayne Co., Mich., Aug. 23, 1834..... 120 John S. Prouty, Ontario Co., N. Y., May 12, 1836........... 6o Calvin H. Bryan, Livingston Co., N. Y., June 6, 1836...... 120 Hlealey and Kercheval, United States, Aug. 4, 1836........ 8 William S. Mead, Livingston Co., Mich., June 24, 1839... 40 Phoebe Hartsuff, Livington Co, Mich., Feb. 8, 1844...... 40 Thomas Stanfield, Livingston Co., Mich., June 28, 1848... 40 Adam Sales, Livingston Co., Mich., July 30, 185.......... 40 SECTION 27. Richard M. Guggins, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 15,1833 120 John La Grange, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 2, 1834..... 80 Chloe Buck, Onondaga Co., N. Y., July 12, 1834............ 8o David M. Hard and Joseph Peck, Otsego Co., N. Y., June 20, 1834........................................................ i6o Stephen B. Sales, Li.vingston Co., Mich., Sept. 24, 1834... 40 Frederick Hartwig, Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 4, 1837.. 80 Stephen B. Sales, Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. 15, 1846.... 40 Stephen B. Sales, Livingston Co, Mich., Dec. 19, 1850... 40 SECTION 28. David Holmes, Hartford Co., Conn., Aug. I, 1833......... i6o Darwin C. Edson, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Aug. 27, 1833. 8o Stephen Cornell, Dutchess Co., N. Y., Sept. 23, 1833...... I20 Curtis Noble, Otsego Co., N. Y., Oct. 17, 1833............... 80 Richard M. Guggins, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 15, 1833 80 Richard M. Guggins, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Jan. 9, I834 40 Eli Ruggles, Fairfield Co., Conn., July 19, 1834............ 40 James McClear, Hartford Co., Conn., June I8, 1836........ 40 SECTION 29. David Holmes, Hartford Co., Conn., Aug. I, 1833......... i6o Jeremiah Bullock, Orleans Co., N. Y., Aug. 29, 1833...... 16o David M. Hard, Otsego Co., N. Y., Oct. 17, 1833.......... 8o Abram Kern, Livingston Co., Mich., June 14, 1834........ 80 William Turner, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 13, 1834... 8o Stephen Havens, Livingston Co., Mich., May 25, 1836.... 40 Leonard Backus, Livingston Co., Mich., March 27, 1854.. 40 SECTION 30. Mary Winans, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 27, 1833...... 62.92 H. C. Sharp, Livingston Co., N. Y., March 19, 1834....... i6o David D. Bird, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 13, 1834..... I41.60 Elijah Bird, Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 4, 1834........... 146.92 Robert L. Taylor, New York City, Dec. 2, 1835............ 80 SECTION 31. John Davis, Washtenaw Co., Mich., April 2, 1834........... 78.18 James D. McIntyre, Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 10, 1834. i6o Hiram Putnam, Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 21, 1834...... 39.09 John McConachie, Livingston Co., N. Y., June 8, 1835.... 74.54 Peter N. Hard, Livingston Co., N. Y., Aug. 4, 1836....... 40 Joseph N. Schidmore, Ontario Co., N. Y., Sept. 22, 1836.. 30.09 James Schoonhoven, Livingston Co., Mich., Oct. 27, 1836. 40 Ann Schoonhoven, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 14, 1836.. 40 Joseph J. Skidmore, Wayne Co., Mich., Nov. 22, 1836..... 74.54 James McIntyre, Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. 2, I855...... 40 SECTION 32. David M. Hard, Otsego Co., N. Y., Oct. 17, I833........... 8o Sally Turner, Livingston Co., N. Y., June 6, 1836.......... 40 William Turner, Livingston Co., N. Y., June 29, 1836..... 40 James Schoonhoven, Portage Co., Ohio, June 30, 1836..... 8o Jesse McKinney, Tompkins Co., N. Y., June 30, 1836...... 8o Peter N. Hard, Livingston Co., Mich., Aug. 4, 1836........ 8 Maria L. McKinsie, Wayne Co., Mich., Oct. 25, 1836..... 120 Margaret Wright, Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. 23, 1837... 40 Henry Hartsuff, Livingston Co., Mich., June 24, I85..... 40 Henry Hartsuff, Livingston Co:, Mich., June 7, 1855........40 SECTION 33. Acres. Eli Ruggles, Fairfield Co., Conn., June 20, 1833............ 80 I)avid Holmes, Hartford Co., Conn., Aug. 1, 1833......... 6o Mary Winans, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 27, 1833....... 160 Amos Williams, Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 19, 1834.... 40 Warren Spalding, Washtenaw Co, Mich., July 23, 1834... 120 Garry Briggs, Livingston Co., Mich., June 22, 1837........ 40 Anson Denton, Livingston Co., Mich., July 21, 1849....... 40 SECTION 34. James Craig, Hartford Co., Conn., Aug. I, 1833............. 80 Archibald Marshall, Hartford Co., Conn., Aug. I, 1833... 80 Curtis Nolle, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Dec. 20, 1833....... 80 David M. Hard, Otsego Co., N. Y., May 27, 1836......... 6o John G. Gutekunst, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 6, 1836. 40 Phineas Piouty, Ontario Co., N. Y., June 21, 1836......... I6o Joseph L. Hartsuff, Ivingston Co., Mich., Aug. 25, 1841... 40 SECTION 35. Robert Glenn, Seneca Co., N. Y., May 25, 1833............ 80 Robert Minnis, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June II, I835..... 40 John George Gutekunst, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 22, 1835.............................................................. 80 Sally M. Glenn, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Dec. 2, 1835..... 40 Robert Glenn, Washtenaw Co.. Mich., Dec. 2, 1835........ 40 Luke Montague, Cayuga Co., N. Y., May 19, 1836.......... I20 John Drake, Livingston Co., Mich., Oct. 29, 1836........... 40 Robert L. Glenn, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Dec. 7, 1836.... 80o Luke Montague, Livingston Co., Mich., May 15, 1837..... 40 George Davis, Livingston Co., Mich., June 2, 1837......... 40 Junius L. Field, Livingston Co., Mich., Aug. 26, 1841..... 40 SECTION 36. Luke Montague, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Aug. 4, 1836.......... 40 Junius L. Field, Berkshire Co., Mass., Sept. 23, 1836....... 8o Alex. S. Montague, Livingston Co., Mich., May 15, 1837. 40 William Faulk, Livingston Co., Mich., June 2, 1837........ 40 Charles Glenn, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 21, 1839..... 40 Nelson H. Wing, Washtenlaw Co., Mich., June 21, 1839.. 40 Junius L. Field, Livingston Co., Mich., Aug. 26, I841..... 40 Junius L. Field, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 8, 1843....... 40 Daniel L. Glenn, Livingston Co., Mich., Feb. 25, 1853... 40 Joseph L. liartsuff, Livingston Co., Mich., Oct. 24, 1853.. 40 Nelson A. Glenn, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. I8, 1854.. 40 Joseph L. Hartsuff, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 22, I854. 80 James Gaunt, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Jan. 8, 1855.......... 40 J. L. Hartsuff, Livingston Co., Mich, Dec. 26, i86-......... 40 EARLY SETTLEMENT. The following items in the history of this township are extracts from an address delivered by T. R. Shields before the County Pioneer Association, at Howell, June 20, 1877: " Previous to 1833 the land comprising this township was an unbroken wilderness, inhabited by a few half-civilized Indians, who had their camping-grounds on the north shore of the Sutherland Lake, a beautiful little sheet of water situated in the north part of the township, and named after Judge Sutherland, who located land near it, and who was a leading man in the town for a good many years. Those Indians held communication with a tribe in Washtenaw County, and the old trail which they used, together with a peculiar cedar bridge which they built over the Portage River, were objects of interest long after they had disappeared.... The tide of emigration from the East was moving slowly but steadily westward. So favored a spot as Unadilla could not long be neglected, and on the 20th day of June, 1833, one Eli Ruggles, of Brookfield, Conn., became owner of the first farm ever purchased in Unadilla, consisting of 40* acres of land, on which he reared his log hut and commenced his pioneer life. But this life did not agree with him. He sickened, went back to Connecticut, and died. His brother-in-law, Mr. Williams, after whom the village of Williamsville was named, became owner of the land. * Entry reads,-north half of northwest quarter, section 33, eighty acres. UNADILLA TOWNSHIP. 307 Others followed in rapid succession. On August I, I833, James Craig, Archibald Marshall, and David Holmes, all from Hartford Co., Conn., made for themselves homes in Unadilla. David C. Edson located land on the 2d of August, I833. Francis Lincoln and Henry Angel were the next to come. They located Aug. 24, I833. They were followed by Jeremiah Bullock, Aug. 29, 1833. The next was Stephen Cornell, Sept. 23, I833; David M. Hard, October 17th; Patrick Hubbard, November I4th; Richard M. Guggins, November I5th; Mary Winans, November 27th; and Curtis Noble, December 20th; all in I833. Stephen B. Sales, who was for many years supervisor of the town, and who died a few years ago at Lansing, located Sept. 24, I834; Levi and George Westfall, June I8, 1834; William Woodburn, of Wayne Co., N. Y., Aug. 23, 1834; David D. Bird,June I3, 1834; James McIntyre, July o1, 1834; Cyrus Jackson, June 24, i834; and George W. Noble,July 22, I834. In 1835 the locations increased. One of the first to locate in that year was Luke Montague, from Cayuga Co., N. Y. He was followed by Charles Bullis, Oct. 26, 1835; James Livermore, June 3, I835; Abner B. Wood, March 5, 1835; John Shields, May 28, 1835; and William H. Dunn, June 4, 1835. Some of the leading settlers in I836 were the Sutherland boys, four in number, who located Sept. 2I, 1836. Emery Beale located on the same day of the same year; David Dutton, May 27, 1836; Philip Dyer, June 7, I836; Samuel Townsend, of Niagara Co., N..Y., April 22, i836; John Cool, June i9, I836; Levi Clausen, Feb. I5, I836; Luther Chipman, May 24, 1836; A. S. Montague and Patrick Keenan, in i837. "The first town-meeting was held on the first Monday of April, 1835, at the residence of Baxter Collins, and the following-named gentlemen were elected: Supervisor, John Drake; Town Clerk, Peter N. Hard; Justice of the Peace, Elnathan Noble; Treasurer, James McIntyre; Commissioners, Selah B. Collins, Elnathan Noble, and Francis Lincoln. The township election* followed, taking two days,-the first Monday and Tuesday of October of the same year. The opposing candidates for Governor were Stephen T. Mason, who received seven votes, and Edward Mundy, who received one vote. Seven votes were cast in favor of the adoption of the constitution, and three against it. It will be remembered that the town had been connected with Washtenaw County for political purposes, but was changed into Livingston in the year i837.t The places of holding the election were changed to suit the convenience of the people. At one time it was held in Mr. Lincoln's barn, in the west part of the town, again at the residence of Mr. Noble, in the southern part, and still again at Mr. Martindale's, in the north part. Mr. L. S. Montague, now a partner in the law-firm of Waddell & Montague, in this village (Howell), was born while his father was attending the election at the last-named place, in 1847. " The first store started in town was owned by John Drake. It afterwards became the property of one Dibble; it was situated where John Dunning's store now stands, in fact, part of the building occupied by Mr. Drake is now used by Mr. Dunning. The first hotel was kept by Mr. Noble, near the place where Unadilla village now stands. The church and school-house were considered extremely ornamental, as they were the first brick buildings in the village. " The first physician in the town was Dr. Field, a man of good ability, but very eccentric in his ways. Mr. A. Montague tells a very amusing story about the old doctor. A wager was made by the boys that they could make the old man believe he was sick, although in perfect health. They arranged so as to meet him one at a time, each one telling him that he looked very sick, and should go to bed at once. The plan worked admirably. The doctor went home and went to bed, and it Was several days afterwards before he discovered the joke. "The first child born in the town was Minerva Briggs, a granddaughter of Mr. Williams, who is now married and resi(ing in the city of Ypsilanti. The first blacksmith in town was Abner B. * General election. t Livingston County organized in 1836, Wood, who died a few years ago at the age of eighty-three. His shop was situated in the north part of the town, where his son William now resides. The first work which he was called on to do was for a man from Ingham County, who was on his way to Dexter to get some machinery mended, but found that the work could be done by Mr. Wood, and so went no farther. The first land cleared up in town was fourteen acres, now owned by Mr. Montague, on which one of his orchards is situated. It was cleared by Mr. Isaac Ray, who now resides in an adjoining town. It will be seen that I mentioned the names of fourteen persons who located land in Unadilla in the year I833. It is a sad fact that eleven of the fourteen have been 'gathered to their fathers.' Three still remain, one of whom, Mr. James Craig, now lives in the town, and is the proprietor of the Unadilla House. He held the office of township clerk for a great many years, and is still enjoying that honor. The second, David Holmesi or Deacon Holmes, as he is usually called, is now residing in St. Johns, while the third, Mr. Francis Lincoln, who held the office of township treasurer for a number of years, is now living in Chelsea, and is still healthy and vigorous, with faculties unimpaired. "Many are the pleasing anecdotes I have heard my father relate of Col. George Bennett, of Unadilla, while out with the 'boys,' among whom were Peter Morgan, A. S. Montague, Selah B. Fitch, Henry Cassady, Emery Beale, Judge Sutherland, and others. Old boys they are now, and widely scattered. Some in their graves and others waiting patiently their time,-happy in the knowledge that life's great work has been well done, and the reward will surely come. One dark tragedy must be recorded. In the year I845 the community was startled by the report that one Green was shot and instantly killed by a man named Cole, while in the woods near his house. Cole admitted the shooting, but claimed that he mistook Green for a deer and shot him accidentally. This story, however, was not generally believed, and Cole was looked upon as a murderer, although no positive proof was brought against him on the trial. Morally speaking, the town has always had a good standing; litigations are few and far between, while it is a fact worthy of particular notice that intoxicating liquors of any description have not been retailed in the town for the last twenty years, until quite recently.... " In the year 1845 the property in the township was valued at $62,241; in 1846, only one year later, it was valued at $65,647; and thus the increase kept on from year to year, until it reached the sum of $520,275, according to the valuation in 1876, making an average of nearly $500 for every man, woman, and child in the town. From the eight men who cast their ballots in I835 have grown 285 voters.... "The sons of Unadilla have not been backward in winning for themselves positions of honor and trust. Gen. George Hartsuff was a Unadilla boy, and drew in with its fresh, pure air those dreams of greatness which led him on step by step along the rugged pathway of success. Being appointed to West Point, he graduated with honor, entered the service, was in the Florida war, remained hid in a marsh with nothing but his head above water for four days, without food, to escape from the Indians. He entered the war of the Rebellion, and won a reputation as wide as the nation itself. His brother William is postmaster at Port Huron, while another brother is a leading physician in a distant State. S. L. Bignall, one of the leading business men of Chicago, was a Unadilla man, and the Glenn Brothers, who are doing such an extensive business at Fowlerville, were for many years leading men in the town, while J. C. Shields, of Lansing, and E. M. Joslin, of Saginaw, are two more of her sons winning honors in the legal profession." Mr. Shields mentions others who are yet residents of the county, and taking a prominent part in her general affairs, who look back to Unadilla as the home of their earlier years, and remember it when its forests were yet almost unbroken and its inhabitants were very few in number. 308 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. In connection with the history of Williamsville, to be found on a succeeding page, will be found various additional facts regarding the first settlement in the township, which was made at that place. The following interesting narrative concerning the early settlement of the township was prepared by James Craig, of Unadilla, and read before the Pioneer Society of Livingston County. After telling of a preliminary visit made to Unadilla in 1833 with David Holmes, in which they came by way of Ann Arbor to Dexter to find Mr. Nathaniel Noble, to whom they had a letter of introduction, and from thence to where Pinckney village now is, where they found a solitary family residing, Mr. Craig proceeds as follows: " Alexander Pyper came out in 1835, and built a log house and got a piece broken up. My brother William came in the spring of 1836, and built the first frame house in that section. Rev. James Pyper, D.D., Deacon Holmes, and James McLear, with part of his family, came in 1837. Archibald Marshall and family, and my mother and I, came in 1838. We had to go to Dexter or Ann Arbor to do our trading, and pay $I for a bushel of potatoes, 20 cents per pound for salt pork, $i for a hen, and the same for a dozen of eggs, and $10o for a barrel of flour; these were ' WildCat' times. The first wheat I had to sell was in 1842, which I took to Reeves' mill, and sold it for 40 cents per bushel, and had to go three times before I got my pay. I thought then farming was a poor business. " We have had the very best of neighbors; never had a quarrel in either school or road district. A pettifogger came to settle among us over twenty years ago, and tried his best to get us at loggerheads, but he could not come it, so he pulled up stakes and went to California. We used to have very sociable times in the long winter evenings. Charles Dunkin, Philander Gregory, S. B. Sales, Benjamin Sales, Archibald Marshall, my brother William, myself, and others, with our families, would meet at some one's house and spend a happy evening, and after enjoying the good things of this life, and before we parted, would settle at whose house we would meet next, generally about two weeks hence. I believe Unadilla has cost the county less for the support of paupers and the prosecution of criminals than any township in it, and that it has been effected through the influence of religion and temperance. "On the 4th of February, I837, the following-named persons united and organized a church, to be known as the First Presbyterian Church of Unadilla, viz.: Luke Montague, Eunice Montague, Alexander S. Montague, William Craig, Christiene Craig, William Pyper, Agnes Pyper, John Brewyn, Junius L. Field, Maria B. Field, and John Drake. William Craig and Luke Montague were elected ruling elders and acting deacons. A. S. Montague, Mrs. C. Craig, and Mrs. M. B. Field are all that are left of the original members. When I came on in I838, I brought a trunk full of Sunday-school books, which I got from the school that I was connected with in Connecticut and other schools in the neighborhood, swhi erved the school here and at Williamsville and losco for eight or ten years. The Methodists and Baptists soon after organized churches, and now there are two Presbyterian, one Baptist, and three Methodist churches in town. The church members were not generally the richest in this world's goods, and had sometimes to solicit outsiders to help,-those whose worldly interests were most benefited by good society. "The temperance cause always flourished in our town, at first as Sons of Temperance, then as Good Templars, and now as the Reform Club. The first lodge of Good Templars in Michigan was organized in Unadilla, and named Pioneer Lodge, No. I, over thirty years ago." - James Craig, the author of the foregoing, is a native of Scotland. In 183I he came to this country and located in New York City, where he remained six months, moving afterwards into Connecticut. When, in July, 1833, he visited Unadilla and made his purchase of land, not a solitary white person was living in the township, and but forty acres had been entered,-that being the previously described tract taken by Eli Ruggles. Mr. Craig held numerous township offices, among them those of assessor and treasurer, and for thirteen years filled the position of township clerk. He is the present postmaster of Unadilla village. John C. Stedman came to Michigan from Tioga Co, N. Y., in May, 1844, and settled on section 14 in Unadilla, where Joseph Kirtland now lives. He was accompanied by his wife and five children. In 1854 he moved upon the farm he now occupies. In 1846 he returned to New York for his parents, John Stedman and wife, and piloted them to a new home in the West. The elder gentleman, a former resident of Connecticut, lived to the age of eightyfour years, and died in this township. Joseph L. Hartsuff, from Seneca Co., N. Y., came with his family to Michigan in October, 1835, and located at Coldwater, Branch Co. A little more than a year later he moved to Washtenaw County, and in 1837 to the farm in Unadilla now owned by Thomas Milligan, north of Unadilla village and next south of the farm on which Mr. Hartsuff's widow and son (Zenas A. Hartsuff) at present reside. The place, consisting of 120 acres, had been slightly improved by a Dutchman named Gutekunst, of whom Mr. Hartsuff purchased; a log house of small dimensions had been built, and stood on a portion of the ground now covered by the orchard. Gutekunst removed to Dexter, Washtenaw Co. Mr. Hartsuff bought other land in the township, including several parcels from government. A number of years later his brother, Henry Hartsuff, located in town, on a farm he purchased of the former. Henry Hartsuff is at present a resident of Port Huron. His son, George L. Hartsuff, entered the Union service during the Rebellion, attained to the rank of major-general of volunteers, and finally laid down his life in defense of the principles of freedom and union. He was the oldest son. His brother, William Hartsuff, also distinguished himself in the same struggle, and rose to the rank of brigadier-general. A third son, Albert, served as surgeon. The widow of Joseph L. Hartsuff states that even as late as the time of their settlement, Unadilla village was an insignificant place, containing a sawmill and a store, the latter kept by Drake & Dibble, and a log house.:A short distance north of the RFiESDENCE jji H. & P. GREGORY, UNADILLA Th., LiVINGSTON (Co, MiCH. UNADILLA TOWNSHIP. 309 village, in a frame house, lived Dr. J. L. Field, who had come the previous fall (I836). He died in November, I867, one week after the death of Mr. Hartsuff, and had lived and practiced here during the entire time since he first settled, a period of thirty years. James Livermore settled in February, 1836, north of Unadilla village, near the present residence of his son, John J. Livermore. He was from Tioga Co., N. Y. His brother-in-law, John Watson, from the same locality, settled in town in the fall of 1843, staying through the winter with Mr. Livermore. He was accompanied by his father, John Watson, Sr. The son now resides in the village of Unadilla. In August, 1837, Philander Gregory removed to this township from Rochester, Monroe Co., N. Y., and located on section 21, where he still resides. His wife and infant son, the latter only three months old, were with him. From Detroit to Unadilla the journey was made in a lumber-wagon. The son, Halsted Gregory (recently county clerk of Livingston), lives with his father on the old farm, which is among the best improved in the township or county. The first white child born in what is now Unadilla township was Minerva Briggs, daughter of Garry Briggs, her birth occurring May 8, I836. She is now living in Dansville, Ingham Co. Her father came to the township with Amos Williams, and assisted the latter in building his saw-mill at Williamsville. Mr. Briggs, in the summer of 1879, was living at Dexter, Washtenaw Co. Royal C. Barnum settled as early as I836-37, in this township, on a farm near the Gregory place. He subsequently sold out and went to Ohio and engaged in milling operations, but finally came back and purchased Robert Glenn's property, at Unadilla village. His death occurred a number of years since. Before coming to this town he had traveled extensively, and followed the sea for some years. In his contact with the world he acquired all the polish of a perfect gentleman, and his mind became stored with much that was useful. His son, Royal Barnum, at present lives in the village. Samuel G. Ives, who settled west of Williamsville, in April, I835, is now living in Chelsea, Washtenaw Co. He was one of the most prominent and influential citizens of Unadilla, and served as member of the State Legislature before removing from the township. Elnathan Noble, from Geneva, Ontario Co., N. Y., removed to Michigan in the spring of I832, and located at Dexter, Washtenaw Co. In the spring probably of I834 he came into Unadilla, purchased land, built a log house, and moved into it. The house was a large double structure of logs, and was used by Mr. Noble both as a dwelling and a tavern. Mr. Noble had the honor of being the second settler in the township, as no other house had then been built except Williams', at Williamsville. Mr. Noble was accompanied by his son, Sylvester G. Noble, now of Unadilla village. When night first overtook them after their arrival in the township, they sought and found shelter in Williams' log house, sleeping on the floor. Either that season or the next, Stephen Winans built a house on the opposite side of the road from and west of Mr. Noble's. Help was so scarce at that period that "raisings" were successfully completed only by the aid of horses and stout ropes,-the logs being lifted into position literally by " brute force." Mr. Noble was one of the first associate judges for Livingston County. Before the county was organized he was appointed a Territorial justice of the peace by Governor Stevens T. Mason. iHe was concerned in the matter of choosing a name for the county, and to him is also given the credit of naming the township in which he settled, giving it the name of Unadilla, after a township in Otsego Co.,N.Y. It is stated that the first wheat cradled in Unadilla was cut by S. G. Ives and Stephen Haven, but when, or on whose farm, is not made clear. Mr. Haven now lives on the west line of losco township. David S. Denton, from Tompkins Co., N. Y., settled in Ann Arbor, Mich., in 1836. In the fall of 1837 he was followed by his father, Daniel Denton, and the family moved to Henrietta, Jackson Co., where they remained until February, 1838. While there three of the brothers of D. S. Denton died within two or three months after they had settled, having contracted the "ship fever" on the way. D. S. Denton was then unmarried. At the last named date (February, I838) the family removed to the township of Lyndon, Washtenaw Co., and finally, in the spring of 1842, to the farm in Unadilla upon which David S. Denton now resides. The latter place was originally entered by Mary Winans, a widow, who settled upon it with her family and built a log house. One of her sons, John Winans, now resides in Clelsea, Washtenaw Co. A family named Rockwell afterwards occupied the place before Mr. Denton moved upon it. From the south side of the old house, timbers projected for the purpose of building a portico upon. The family clothes-line was fastened, one end to a timber, and the other to a tree. An ox belonging to Mr. Rockwell became entangled in the line one night, and in his efforts to escape pulled the beam partly out, so that one end 3-r0 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 1 dropped upon the floor. The family had retired for the night, but the noise and shock aroused them as effectually as an earthquake would have done. In fact, they were frightened into the belief, for a short time, that no smaller calamity could have happened, and flitting forms in nightly robes ran out in the darkness in a frenzy of terror. The cause of the disturbance was soon discovered, however, and they once more sought their beds, but the amount of sleep which fell to their lot during the remainder of the night is not vouchsafed, and their dreams, if dreams they had, were probably filled with wild visions and strange adventures. Mr. Rockwell was subsequently so unfortunate as to lose his reason, yet he lived to the age of eighty-four years. His death occurred in Waterloo, Jackson Co. He occupied the house where Mr. Denton now lives only until he could build one on his own place, across the line in Washtenaw County. Stephen Cornell, a Quaker, settled early near the Gregory farm, and died there. He was a politician of some note, and strove usually to secure for himself the best places. About 1848 he was successful in procuring the appointment of postmaster, and the office was removed to his place from Unadilla. The neighborhood, however, was not sufficiently strong to retain it, and it was subsequently moved back to the village. Hatil Sharp settled two miles west of Williamsville as early as I834-35, and has sons now living in the township. Orla J. Backus, from Washington Co., N. Y., settled where he now lives in 1837. His brother, Gordon Backus, came in May of the following year, and purchased land of the former, lying on section 21. He lived upon it five years, and finally removed to the place he now occupies on section 20. Gilbert J. Daniels, another early settler, came here from Orange Co., N. Y., and is still a resident of the town. John and Richard Taylor settled in Unadilla in 1840. The former's wife was the widow of James Tettley and sister of Robert Brearley. Mr. Tettley located in 1836 on the farm now owned by his son-in-law. George Taylor, the father of Richard, Zachariah, and Christopher Taylor, settled in July, I84I, on property now owned by his son, Christopher, opposite the residence of the latter. Robert Brearley came with George Taylor, and is now living at Williamsville. Abram Taylor, not related to the others of that name who came to the township, settled in 1843. The Taylors, Robert Brearley, and John Asquith all came from the same neighborhood in Yorkshire, England. Asquith, who settled in 1845, is now deceased. Wm. Barrett, who married one of his daughters, lives on the old place. George, Christopher, and Zachariah Taylor came in I84I, and the three brothers, Richard, Christopher, and Zachariah, with John and Abram, yet reside in the township. George Taylor died in the fall of I863. The land upon which these people settled was all wild except the eighty purchased by George Taylor, and that had been slightly improved by a man named Danser, who built a small shanty upon it. He and his brother, John Danser, both lived in this town a short period; the former removed to the southwest part of the State, and the latter to Waterloo, Jackson Co. John Jackson, now of Pinckney, settled west of the Taylor places, before the latter families came. His son, James Jackson, now occupies the old farm. Francis Lincoln settled early near the centre of the township, and owned a large amount of land. He moved from here to Dexter, Washtenaw Co., and is yet living somewhere in the State, at an advanced age. With him Mr. Dunn, the first settler at Plainfield, stayed while building his house at the latter place. The forests of this region abounded plentifully with wolves, whose chorus of yells resounded nightly, furnishing music, remarkable more for its volume and variety than for its sweetness and harmony. Half a dozen wolves would emit such a mixture of yells, howls, whines, barks and scratches, that it would seem as though the woods were alive with them. They were perfect ventriloquists, too, and even if a mile away in one direction the listener was always willing to aver that he was closely surrounded by them. Clothes left hanging in dooryards were often torn in pieces by these disturbers of the night, and pig-pens were never considered entirely wolf-proof. C. B. Westfall, a native of Phelps, Ontario Co., N. Y., came to Michigan in i838, and located at Plymouth, Wayne Co,, where he resided two years. His father, George Westfall, had come previously from the State oflNew York, and purchased the farm in Unadilla upon which the son now lives. The elder Westfall never lived in this township; his death occurred at Plymouth. His three sons, Levi, C. B., and Reuben, all settled in Unadilla,-the first named in 1839 and the other two in 1840. Reuben was then unmarried, and lived with his brother, C. B. Westfall, nearly two years. He finally removed to the farm now occupied by John Jackson, where he died. Levi, who lived three-fourths of a mile southwest of UNADILLA TOWNSHIP. 3It Plainfield, where his son, Aaron Westfall, now resides, moved finally to Stockbridge, Ingham Co., where he died. He built a tavern at that place, and kept it a number of years. C. B. Westfall and his younger brother, Albert,-the latter of Plainfield,-are the only representatives of their father's family now living in the township. Albert did not move from Plymouth until some years after the others had settled in Unadilla. John Shields, a native of Ireland, emigrated to New York in I832, and in May, I836, removed to Michigan from Watertown, Jefferson Co., in the first-named State. For two or three years he lived at Dearborn, west of Detroit, and in 1840 came to Unadilla, and settled north of the place he now occupies. His present farm, on section 14, was first settled and improved by a man named Chipman, who sold out to Henry Hartsuff. Mr. Shields purchased of the latter. Charles Bullis was one of the earlier settlers in the eastern part of town. His son, Charles E. Bullis, at present resides on section 13. John Winans, from Albany Co., N. Y., removed with his family to Michigan in 1834, settling in the township of Scio, Washtenaw Co. In April or May, 1836, he came to Unadilla, and took up his residence on land previously owned by George Bennett.* Mr. Winans, who engaged exclusively in farming during his life in this town, resided on this farm until his death, which occurred late in the fall of 1843. In I845 his widow and son, Edwin B. Winans, moved into the township of Hamburg, and in the latter, on the south shore of Pleasant Lake, the son now lives. They located at Petteysville, where Mrs. Winans died in July, I852. E. B. Winans worked four years in the carding-mill at the village, owned by S. A. Petteys. He has since become one of the foremost citizens of the county, as he long has been of the township in which he lives. In the fall of i875 he was elected judge of probate for Livingston County, and entered upon the duties of the office in January, 1876. So rapidly did settlers locate in this township that in 1837 it had a population of 642, and bore the appearance of a much older settled commu. nity. Its villages were flourishing, and its forests were rapidly giving place to cultivated farms, The smoke from the chimneys of the log cabins as, cended from many localities over the territory then included in the township, which embraced what are now Unadilla and losco. Previous to the formation of the county, a part of Lyndon, Washtenaw Co,, was also included. The following were residents in what now comprises the township of Unadilla in the year I844: Abbott, Abram. Abbott, Cyrenus. Angel, V. R. T. Angel, Henry. Backus, O. J. Backus, Gordon. Birney, James. Birney, Timothy. Bird, William S. Beale, Emery. Bullis, William. Bullis, Charles. Bullis, Robert H. Bennett, George. Bird, David. Bullock, Rebecca. Bullock, Hezekiah. Cool, John. Cool, William S. Cool, C. G. Calrpenter, William. Clawson, Levi, Chipman, Luther. Chalker, Gideon. Cobb, William S. Coy, John S. Craig, William. Craig, James. Chipman, Simuel S. Chipman, Lemuel F. Crafts, Edward. Carson, William. Caskey, William S. Chilman, Charles. Cole, Alexander. Davis, George. Davis, William. Davis, Robert. Dunkin, Charles. Daniels, Gilbert. Denton, Diniel. Dutton, David, Danser, John. Dyre, Philip. Du Bois, William. I)unn, William I1. Ewers, Tillison. Foster, James S. Foster, Jonathan B. Filch, Sela B, Fay, James. Falk, William. Gregory, Philander. Goodrich, Joshua. Green, Esac, Gladon, Charles. Glenn, Robert. Glenn, Charles. Hase, Lawrence C. Hill, Dudley R. Howell, John. Haworth, Richard. Holmes, David. Hopkins, Philander. Hartsuff, Henry. Isham, Harry. Ives, Samuel G. Ives, Orrin. Jackson, John. Kirtland, Joshua. Keenan, Patrick. Lincoln, Francis. Lyman, Clark. Lyman, Hollis F. Livermore, James. Lewis, Artemas. Montague, Alexander S. Morgan, Peter. Mead, William S. Marshall, Archibald. Montague, Lucas. Marsh, Zenas. McConachie, John. McAlser, Sarah. McIntyre, James D., McCabe, Patrick. McCabe, Edward. Noble, Albert C. Noble, George. Noble, Sylvester G. Pardee, Wheeler. Pyper, Alexander. Richmond, George W. Rodgers, Charles. Riggs, Clinton. Stevens, Henry. Sutton, Hiram. Schenck, William L. Shield, John. Stiles, Henry. Shear, Richard. Sutherland, Solomon. Sutherland, Samuel. Sutherland, Edward. Sutherland, Thomas. Skidmore, Sarah. Sales, Stephen B. Sharp, Hattie C. Schoonover, James. Secord, Lorenzo. Sprout, Rowley A. Townsend, Samuel. Thompson, Elijah C. Tetley, Betsey. Topping, Albert G. Topping, Alexander. Taylor, Richard. Taylor, Isaac. Taylor, John. Titus, Ebenezer. Van Dorn, John B., Esq. Vanatton, Jacob. Van Sickle, Samuel F. Vanderpool, William. Wasson, Samuel. Wasson, John. Wasson, Myron H. Westfall, Levi. Westfall, Cornelius B. Westfall, Reuben. Winans, Theron. Watson, John. Wood, Abner B. Williams, William A. Williams, Amos. * The place was more recently owned by William Wallace, and is now the property of one of the Reasons. 312 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. VILLAGE OF EAST UNADILLA. Field, Junius L. Taylor, George. Montague, Luke. Howell, Charles. Cleveland, J. P. Hartsuff, Joseph L. Dixon, D. R. Kirtland, Benjamin. Tuttle, Chester J. Cornell, Stephen. Babcock, Moses(saw-mill). Among other early settlers in the township, whose names appear on the records of the County Pioneer Society, were the following: Patrick McLeer, native of Ireland, settled November, 1837; T. McLeer, native of Ireland, settled November, 1838; John Wasson, from New York, settled June I8, 1837; Dennis Shields, from Ireland, settled January, I84I; J. Cool, settled in I836; J. Morgan, settled in 1837; J. L. Crosman, 1843; 0. Bangs, 1848; John Marshall, 1845; and others, of whom mention will be found in connection with the villages at or near which they located. Many who were temporary residents of the township, subsequently seeking homes elsewhere, as the pioneer spirit prompted them, would be named here if aught could be ascertained of them definitely, but it is impossible to learn of all, as in many cases no sources of information exist. TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION-CIVIL LIST, ETC. Unadilla was formed, by act of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan, March 26, 1835, and, as mentioned, included what is now Iosco and a portion of Lyndon, Washtenaw Co. On the 6th of March, 1838, Iosco was set off,the county having been previously organized, and the south part assigned to Lyndon, and Unadilla was left in its present shape, including township I north, in range 3 east. By provision of the act erecting this township, its first election was to be held at the house of Elnathan Noble, but it was adjourned to that of Baxter Collins, and the following-named officers were elected: Supervisor, John Drake; Township Clerk, Peter N. Hard; Justice of the Peace, Elnathan Noble;* Treasurer, James Mcintyre; Highway Commissioners, Selah B. Collins, Elnathan Noble, Francis Lincoln. The second annual township-meeting was held April 4, 1836, at the house of Elnathan Noble. At that time it was "Voted, that E. Noble, John Drake, and P. N. Hard be delegates to attend a county convention to nominate county officers." Jan. I, 1844, a license was granted to William S. Mead to keep a tavern in his dwelling-house at the village of Milan (now Unadilla). April I5th, in the same year, a license was granted to C. J. Tuttle " to keep a tavern and vend spirituous liquors * Appointed by Governor Mason. in the house he now occupies in the village of Milan," license to expire on the last day of April, I845. June I8, I869, it was decided-by a vote of I04 to I-to raise the sum of $20,000 in aid to the Michigan Air-Line Railway Company, who should extend their track across this township. The result of this scheme is fully mentioned in other places in this work.t The following is a list of the officers of the township of Unadilla, from 1836 to 1879, inclusive, as compiled from the records: SUPERVISORS. 1836-37, Elnathan Noble; 1838, Solomon Sutherland; 1839, Philander Gregory; 1840-43, John Cool; 1844-46, Henry Angel; '847, John C. Stedman; 1848, Anson Denton; 1849, John Cool; 1850, W. H. Dunn; 1851, S. B. Reynolds; 1852-53, John C. Stedman; 1854, Orla J. Backus; I855, Theron Winans; 1856, S. B. Sales; 1857, John C. Stedman; I858, William S. Bird; 1859, Archibald Marshall; I860, John Jackson; 1861-62, John C. Stedman; 1863-65, John Jackson; I866, Stephen B. Sales; 1867, Jonathan B. Foster; I868, Samuel B. Reynolds; 1869-72, Stephen B. Sales; 1873, Halsted Gregory; 1874, William W. Wood; 1875, John J. Watson; 1876-77, Jonathan B. Foster; 1878-79, Thomas Howlett. TOWNSHIP CLERKS. 1836-37, Peter N. Hard;j 1838, Emery Beal; 1839, John Jackson; 1840, H Irace R. Northrup; 1841-42, Philander Gregory; 1843-44, Albert G. Topping; 1845, George Taylor; 1846-47, Daniel R. Glenn; 1848, James W. Forshee; 1849, S. S. Chipman; 8 I850, 0. D. Chapman; I851, William Rounseville;| 1852, Alexander Pyper; 1853-54, William E. Gregory; 1855, Cyrenus Abbott; 1856, J. H. Marvin; 1857-58, R. C. Marvin; 1859, William W. Wood; I860, Seth B. Torrey; I861-62, James Craig; 1863, C. J. Glenn; 1864-65, S. B. Torrey; 1866-74, James Craig; 1875, Morris Topping; 1876-77, James Craig; 1878-79, Sylvester G. Topping. ASSESSORS. 1836, Jacob Dunn, Francis Lincoln, James D. McIntyre; 1837, George C. Wood, Lemuel F. Chipman, John Drake; 1838, John Sutherland, Samuel Townsend, David Bird; 1839, David Holmes, David D. Bird, Samuel Townsend; 1840, Samuel Tetley, S. Townsend, John Sutherland; 1841, S. Townsend, John Jackson, Robert Glenn; 1842, Joihn Jackson, J. L. Hartsuff; 1843, Samuel Townsend, Philander Gregory; 1844, S. Townsend, William H. Dunn; 1845, Henry Hartsuff, David Holmes; 1846, William H. Dunn, Moses Babcock; 1847, John Cool, S. B. Van Size; 1848, J. C. Stedman, William S. Cool; 1849, J. C. Stedman, O. J. Backus; I850, James Craig, David Holmes; 1851, D. Dutton, J. C. Stedman; I852, S. Townsend, Isaac Taylor; 1859, 0. J. Backus, John Cool. COLLECTORS. 1836, James D. McIntyre; 1837, Samuel G. Ives; 1838, Levi Westfall; 1839, Samuel G. Ives; 184o-41, Van Rensselaer T. Angel. t See histories of Putnam and Hamburg. t In the latter year William S. Martindale was elected in Hard's place, at a special meeting. 4 Removed from town, and John T. Smith appointed to fill vacancy. 11 Removed from State, and George Burchard chosen in his place. ~ ~ — ~ ' ~; ~ 1~ ~~ N, HON. SAMUEL G. IVES. The subject of this sketch, who for over forty years was one of the most enterprising and prominent men of Livingston Co., Mich., was born in Lansing, Tompkins Co., N. Y., Dec. 21, i8I2. The years of his boyhood were spent in his native town. From early childhood he was entirely dependent upon his own efforts for a livelihood, with surroundings not calculated to develop the latent forces within him, except, perhaps, to teach the lesson that if he was to accomplish anything in life it must be by his own exertions. The years of his majority found him with but the rudiments of a primary education, with worldly effects not exceeding in value one hundred dollars, and that invested in a running horse. And now, without doubt, the first step taken was the laying of the corner-stone of his future prosperity and success, and, although but dimly foreshadowed, was sufficiently Ad A; prominent to stimulate mental activity and physical vigor in every effort. By dint of good fortune he exchanged his "racer" for eighty acres of land in the almost unbroken wilds of Michigan, situated in township I north, of range 3 east, now Unadilla, Livingston Co. March 17, 1835, with high hopes and youthful ambitions, he S turned his face toward the setting R sun,-on foot and alone he started for Michigan. The incidents of this journey and the events of the succeeding months are still referred to by him with animation and just pride. After experiencing considerable delay, traveling by various means of locomotion, he finally reached Detroit. From SAMUEL here the journey was toilsome and laborious indeed; however, the variations were quite sufficient to break the monotony. Following an Indian trail, going by "blazed" trees, crossing swollen streams, and, lastly, by the aid of a " land-looker," he was enabled for the first time in life to stand upon his own soil. The site selected for building was soon cleared, a log house sixteen by twenty-two feet rolled up, arrangements for clearing and putting out to wheat about four acres, and Mr. Ives returned to New York. This proved to be the nucleus to his future home, and to it he added, from time to time in after-years, as he was prospered, until he became the happy possessor of one of the finest and most productive stock and grain farms in Central Michigan, with pleasant and attractive rural buildings overlooking the entire estate. August 30, I835, Mr. Ives married Miss Maria Louisa, daughter of Hon. Josiah Hedden, of Lansing, N. Y., and on the sixth of October following they bade adieu to the scenes of their childhood, with all their hallowed influences, for their home "out West." Here they were to live to see the tall, unbroken forests swept away, and in their places come waving fields of grain; to see the long, winding trail of Lo and his followers tran formed into a broad highway, and traversed by commerce and thrift; to see the ever-moving waters of the beautiful streams, which for ages had borne the rude canoe of the dusky fisherman, turning the wheels of industry, and aiding in the development of the country and its resources. Yes, this lone spot in the wilderness, possessing only the beauty and grace of nature, was to become to them the dearest spot on earth,-their home. Here, for nearly forty years, they toiled together, in sunlight and shadow, heart and hand, and NOig; thunder the smiles of a kind Providence, whose overruling power they ever recognized, they were abundantly blessed "in basket i / sand in store." As the fruit of their wedded I lives eight children were born to them, seven of whom grew up to manhood and womanhood, five lof whom are still living. All are married, pleasantly circumstanced, following honorable pursuits, and located within a circuit of a few hours' ride. Mr. Ives has always taken a lively interest in all matters persilent; ^ ^ monitors 1^ f otaining to the growth, development, and prosperity of his adopted county, contributing freely and generously to every enterprise looking to the elevation and wellbeing of society. 3. IVES. To-day, nearly adozen churches, within a radius of as many miles from his old home (whose spires, pointing heavenward, are silent monitors for good), received from him in the course of their erection substantial aid and encouragement. To him is due, perhaps, more than any other, the credit for the erection of the Methodist Episcopal church at Williamsville in 1853, the second church edifice built in Livingston County. For nearly thirty years Mr. Ives has been a prominent and active member of this society. The moulding influence of his life upon his community, in favor of morality, temperance, and religion, will live and be felt long years after he has been laid beneath the beautiful granite shaft that now adorns the family plat at Williamsville Cemetery. Here rests the companion of his youth, the mother of his children, who for nearly forty years was the sharer of his joys and sorrows alike, a helpmate indeed, who departed this life Oct. 4, 1871. Hospitable and liberal, his house was for many years the L ( i; home of the itinerant minister of the gospel; and in the years agone, when the itinerancy meant something more than it does in Central Michigan to-day, such men as Revs. Wm. E. Bigelow, J. M. Arnold, Samuel Clements, Dr. Fisk, T. C. Gardner, and scores of others-many of whom are gone to the mansions above-have found here a hearty welcome and a happy fireside. In this connection it might be well to mention that Mr. Ives is a brother of Rev. B. I. Ives, D.D., of Auburn, N. Y., for many years chaplain of the Auburn State-prison, a man of enviable reputation as an orator, and well known throughout the nation and the Christian world as the "great Methodist dedicator;" the man who has dedicated more churches and raised more money for clearing church debts than any other man on the continent, if not in the civilized world. In politics, Mr. Ives was an Old-Line Whig, and cooperated heartily with that party until the organization of the Republican party, when he at once f adopted its creed, and has ever been a strong advocate of its principles. Mr. Ives has been called to fill many positions of public trust and confidence. He was for sixteen consecutive years j: justice of the peace, and had a happy faculty of settling by arbi-; tration, and without costs to the.:"-:: belligerent parties, a large per- - centage of the cases that came to him in his official capacity. In 1844 or 1845 he, with V. R. T. Angel and Freeman Webb, was instrumental in raising a company of cavalry under the then existing H military laws. At its organization he was elected to a lieutenantcy, and, later, upon the resignation of Capt. Webb, was commissioned by Governor Epaphroditus Ransom as MRS. SAMUI "Captain of Livingston Troops," which position he retained until the disbanding of the company. Mr. Ives was the first Republican representative from Livingston County in the State Legislature. Elected in 1854; was re-elected in I856, and also served at an extra session. Though not a public speaker, by his earnest, forcible manner of argument he became an effective and efficient legislator, an honor to his constituents, and enjoyed the confidence of his political opponents. In 1874 he was unanimously nominated State Senator for his district, but, owing to a complication of circumstances, he peremptorily declined the honor. During the late war Mr. Ives was instrumental in raising and forwarding to the front many soldiers for the Union armies, giving freely of his time, money, and influence. He was appointed by Prov.-Mar. McConnel, of Pontiac, enrolling officer for his district, the perplexing and oft times unpleasant duties of which office he performed with fidelity, meeting the hearty approval of the department. He was particularly prominent in raising men for the 26th Regiment of Michigan Infantry, in which command his son, Maj. L. H. Ives, of Mason, Mich., served with distinction and honor. He was Presidential elector on the Republican State ticket in 1872. Commissioned by Governor Bagley a "commissioner for the additional asylum for the insane" at Pontiac, in I874, he proved a very efficient member of the board during the erection of the buildings; this position he still retains. In 1875 he was appointed by the Governor a trustee to the institution. His elections or appointments to positions of trust and honor were never augmented by having been connected with any organization or society calculated to give him political preferment, but were rather the public recognition of personal fitness, and, though his party in his township and county were oftenest in the - minority, he never suffered a defeat. He was for many years a \ stockholder and director in the projected plank-road from Dexter to Lansing, five miles only of which was ever completed. Strictly speaking, this enterprise was not a financial success. Farming and stock-growing has been his principal occupation, and in these he has demonstrated what may be wrought out by economy, i^'*^BB^ - A industry, and frugality. At various times, however, Mr. Ives has owned a controlling interest in a saw-mill, flouring-mill, a country store, etc., but these have always been secondary. Few men enjoy a right fine team of horses better than Mr. Ives, and very few farmers in Michigan have owned more or better. G. IVES. In I876, having practically retired from active farm life, and in order to better meet the public demands upon his time, he turned over to his son, Frank E.,-who, by the way, is one of the rising, clear-headed young agriculturists of his county, and destined to become one of her solid men,the entire control of the old homestead of three hundred and forty acres of land, and removed to Chelsea, Washtenaw Co., where he still resides. Since living there he has been president of the village and a member of the Common Council. Although having lived out nearly his threescore years and ten, Mr. Ives still retains the full mental and physical vigor of his middle life, and bids fair to live yet many years to enjoy the mercies a bountiful Providence has so liberally bestowed upon him. His present wife, Mrs. Mary A. Duncan, is an estimable lady. Theirs is a happy home, and with an ample competence, surrounded by his children and grandchildren, and hosts of friends, he is enjoying the later years of an active life. El UNADILLA TOWNSHIP. 313 TREASURERS. 1839, Luke Montague; 1840-41, Hezekiah Bullock; 1842, David Holmes; 1843-45, V. R. T. Angel; 1846, Daniel Barton; 1847-48, James Birney; 1849, John Jackson; 1850, Garry Briggs; 1851, W. Bullis; 1852, William S. Cool; 1853, Robert Brearley; 1854, James Craig; 1855, Robert Brearley; 1856, John Fulmer; I857, L. Hopkins; 1858, D. A. Dunkin; 1859, John Shields; 1860, Nelson A. Glenn; 186I, C. G. Cool; 1862, Gurdon Ward; 1863, W. S. Livermore; 1864, G. S. May; 1865, J. B. Foster; 1866, Wm. J. May; 1867, Isaac S. Davis; I868, Wm. D. Hartsuff; 1869, Wm. J. May; 1870, Robert H. Bullis; 1871, Robert Brearley; 1872, La Fayette Peet; 1873-74, Robert Brearley; 1875-76, Joseph Kirtland; 1877-78, George Abbott; 1879, Samuel Placeway. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1836, E. Noble, J. Tetley, J. Dunn, Francis Lincoln; 1837, John Wood; 1838, David Holmes, Solomon Sutherland; 1839, Joseph L. Hartsuff; 1840, John B. Van Doren; I841, John Sutherland, Samuel Tetley (the latter took the place of Elnathan Noble, deceased); 1842, Daniel Denton; 1843, J. L. Hartsuff, John Jackson; 1844, John B. Vandoren; 1845, George Bennett; 1846, Samuel G. Ives, Win. S. Bird; 1847, Joseph L. Hartsuff; 1848, Samuel Townsend; 1849, George Bennett; 1850, S. G. Ives, Theron Winans; 1851, J. L. Field; 1852, G. W. Richmond; 1853, Theron Winans; I854, S. Townsend, S. G. Ives; 1855, J. L. Field; 1856, S. Townsend; 1857, S. P. Reynolds; 1858, D. S. Denton; 1859, J. L. Field; 1860, Morris Topping; I86I, Daniel Wright; 1862, S. G. Ives; 1863, 0. H. Obert; 1864, Morris Topping; I865, Daniel Wriglt; 1866, Archibald Marshall; I867, Junius L. Field, Frederick Sharp; 1868, Royal Barnum, Wm. S. Bird, Jonathan B. Foster; 1869, Win. S. Braley; 1870, Win. S. Bird; I871, Wm. J. May, Halsted Gregory; 1872, Jonathan B. Foster; 1873, Win. S. Braley; 1874, Royal Barnum; 1875, Zenas A. Hartsuff, Win. A. Williams; 1876, C. Nelson Bullis; 1877, Wm. S. Braley; 1878, Wm. A. Williams, D. O. Dutton; 1879, Daniel Barton. SCHOOL INSPECTORS. 1836, Peter N. Hard, John Drake, Jacob Dunn, Elnathan Noble, James Tetley; 1837, James Tetley, Gad C. Dibble, William Wright;* 1838, James Tetley, Gad C. Dibble, David Holmes; 1839, J. L. Hartsuff, Guilson Morgan, John Winans; 1840, James Tetley, Abraham Abbott, Joseph L. Hartsuff; I841 -42, James Tetley, J. L. Hartsuff, Alexander Pyper; 1843, J. L. Hartsuff, Alexander Pyper; 1844, J. L. Rice, A. Beal; 1845, Alexander Pyper; 1846, George W. Noble; 1847, Alexander Pyper; 1848, Joseph L. Hartsuff; 1849, 0. D. Chapman; 1850, Alexander Pyper; 1851, W. W. Wood; 1852, Joseph Hartsuff; I853, T. McLeer;t 1854, Joseph L. Hartsuff; 1855, A. B. Wood; I856, T. M. Joslin; 1857, William W. Wood; 1858, L. Hopkins; 1859, Jonathan B. Foster; i860, James Shields; I86I, Thomas J. Ilays; 1862, Loren Hopkins; 1863, Halsted Gregory; 1864, Oliver L. Smith; 1865, Halsted Gregory; 1866, John 0. Stedman; 1867, William D. Hartsuff; 1868, Ira C. Backus; I869, Geo. Reynolds; 1870, William W. Wood; 1871, Jonathan B. Foster; 1872, Benjamin F. Chipman; 1873, La Fayette Peet; 1874, Thomas Howlett; 1875, Jonathan B. Foster; 1876, John 0. Stedman; 1877, Albert H. Watson; 1878, John 0. Stedman; 1879, William W. Wood. TOWNSHIP SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS. 1875, Halsted Gregory; 1876-78, William F. Bird; 1876, Eli F. Carr. * Fitch Chipman and John Wood chosen at special election. t Also spelled McLear. 40 EARLY ROADS. The following were among the first highways laid out in the township, and the routes of most of them have since been changed. Dunn's road, " commencing at a stake on Tetley's road, south 70 degrees east, 2I chains and 25 links from quarter stake between sections 17 and 18, and terminating at a stake on the north line, 11.50 links from quarter stake between sections 5 and 8, town I north, of range 3 east." Surveyed Ioth of July, 1835, by John F. Farnsworth, Deputy District Surveyor. Tetley's road, " commencing at a stake on the town line, 12 chains and 50 links north of the quarter stake on section 12, town I north, of range 2 east, and terminating at the quarter stake between sections 20 and 21, in town I north, of range 3 east." Surveyed July 9, I835. Drake's road, "commencing at a stake on the Dexter road, south 76 degrees west, 28 chains from the quarter stake between sections 2 and 3, town I south, of range 3 east, and terminating on Peterson road, north 48 degrees east, I8 chains and 25 links from the quarter stake between 26 and 27, in town I north, of range 3 east." Surveyed July II, 1835. Saw-Mill road, "commencing at a stake on Drake's road, on the east side of the mill-yard, south 62 degrees east, 23 chains and 14 links from the quarter stake between sections 34 and 35, in town I north, range 3 east, and terminating on the Dexter road, at a stake south 5 I degrees east, 22 chains and 50 links from the quarter stake between sections 33 and 34." Surveyed July I I, 1835. The foregoing were all the roads surveyed in the township in 1835. Among those laid in I836 were a continuation of Nathan Rose's road, alteration of Collins and Green's road, Palmer's road, Prospect Hill road, Centre road, Base Line road, Hard's road, Chipman's road, Sutherland's road, Broad Trail road, and Ives' road. The last four were surveyed by Richard Peterson, Jr., and the others by John F. Farnsworth. The latter person, who studied law with Judge Turner in Howell in 1842-43, removed soon afterwards to Kane Co., Ill., and became one of its most prominent citizens. He was long a leading legal practitioner, and represented that Republican district fourteen years in Congress. In 1840 what was called the "Beaver Dam Road," angledacross the western portion of Unadilla township, from a point half a mile south of the present school-house in District No. 12, to the farm now owned by John Jackson, thence on to Lansing, Ingham Co. The southeastern terminus of the road was at Dexter, in Washtenaw Co. 314 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Its name came from the fact that after passing the line between Livingston and Ingham Counties, and in the latter, it crossed an ancient beaver-dam, at the outlet of an extensive marsh. Another early road angled more to the north, across what is now the C. B. Westfall place, finally terminating at Plainfield. From the fact that no underbrush was found in the forest, it was possible to see a long distance among the trees, and teams could be driven almost anywhere, except having occasionally to avoid large trees. VILLAGE OF WILLIAMSVILLE. Amos Williams, from the State of Connecticut, came to Michigan in I833, with his brother-in-law, Eli Ruggles, to visit relatives in Pontiac, and also called on Nathaniel Noble, an old acquaintance who was living at Dexter. Mr. Williams was a millwright, and at the instance of Mr. Noble came with the latter to examine the privilege the latter had discovered, at what is now Williamsville. The result was that Mr. Ruggles located the 40 acres already mentioned, and the men returned to Connecticut. In the fall of the same year, Mr. Williams came back, in company with his son, Samuel Williams, his son-in-law, Garry Briggs, and the latter's wife. These were the first settlers in the township, and Mrs. Briggs was the first woman who had set foot within its limits. For four weeks she lived in the wilderness, without seeing another woman of her own color, although Indian squaws were numerous. During that winter the men built a saw-mill, and its operations commenced in the spring of 1834. During the latter year Amos Williams went after his family, returning with them in the fall. Their nearest neighbor, when they first came, was Henry Warner, who lived ten miles southeast, in Washtenaw County. Stephen Stevenson was, at the same time, building a log house on the shore of North Lake, also in the county named. Indian trails or lines of marked trees were the only highways. January 30, 1837, Darwin N. Edson and the heirs of Curtis Noble laid out a village, and called it Unadilla, the same which is now known as Williamsville. Edson lived in Greene Co., N. Y. The work was done under authority of Elnathan Noble, who was attorney for Edson and the heirs of Curtis Noble. The survey* was made by John F. Farnsworth. The saw-mill stood on the river, south of the village plat. Mr. Noble presented a lot to Mrs. Briggs, in honor of her being the first white female inhabitant of the township, and Mr. Williams built a house upon it for her, in which the Briggs family lived a number of years. Mr. Williams' son, William A. Williams, now resides at the village, and a second son, Samuel Williams, is a resident of White Oak, Ingham Co. Large quantities of lumber have been sawed in the old Williams mill, the fiame of which is yet standing, although it has not been in operation for several years. The mill-privilege is said to be an excellent one for a small stream. In the summer of I847 David Holmes built a store at the village, and filled it with goods the same fall. He and Anson Denton entered into partnership, and conducted business about two years. Mr. Holmes, who was a Baptist deacon, owned a fine farm, but was so unfortunate as to lose it in unprofitable mercantile pursuits. His place is now owned by his son, William S. Holmes. Mr. Denton, Holmes' partner, purchased the latter's interest and moved the merchandise into a room in William A. Williams' house, where he continued in trade for a time. James Jamieson afterwards kept a store about a year in the same place, and since then no efforts have been made in the mercantile line in the village. VILLAGE OF FLAINFIELD. Numerous Indian trails crossed each other at or near the site of Plainfield, and the locality seemed to be a favorite camping-ground among the red men. Cranberries abounded here, and this fact doubtless had its weight. The chief best known to the settlers of this region was "Toag," whose followers could not be kept in hand, and were generally thieving and drunken. Instances are related of their entering houses when the men were away from home, and scaring the women into giving them food, and even clothing. Some time in 1835, Jacob Dunn and Levi Clawson started together for the West, from Newton, N.J. Mr. Clawson stopped in Ohio, while Dunn came to Michigan, purchased land and settled upon it, being the first to locate on the site of Plainfield. During the following winter Mr. Clawson came to the same place and purchased, and found Dunn living in a log house on the south of his (Dunn's) farm. He learned afterwards that the road was to be laid on the section line north of him, and moved his house to it. Dunn was the only man living at the place when Clawson entered his land. The latter returned to Ohio, and in May, 1837, removed with his family to his place at Plainfield, where he has since resided. * By an act of the Legislature approved March 25, 1846, all that portion of the recorded plat of Unadilla lying on the east half of the east half of the southwest quarter of section 28 was vacated. No decree of court has been recorded to make this vacation legal, however. LSIUENGE 6F MORRIS TOPPINSR,.. -, I. rl - - 4.7,',,, z t~~~t~~dL)LNUL O~~~~~~~f JV1Ci~~~~~t~~1S TOP~~~~~fNS~~~~. I~~:ESIDENCLErMor.RRI S TOPPI!N~ I-~ VILLAGE Y PLAINFIELD~ MICH UNADILLA TOWNSHIP. 315 I In the mean time Fleet Van Sickel bought land at Plainfield, but soon sold to Philip Dyer, who became the second settler at the place. Dyer was also from New Jersey, and located here in 1836. He and Dunn both kept taverns. The place was originally known as Dyersburg, but upon the establishment of a post-office the name, Plainfield, was given by Mr. Dunn, after a town in New Jersey. John Cool and family came with Dyer and located west of the village, where two of his daughters are now living. Samuel Townsend settled in the fall of 1836 on the farm now occupied by John Van Sickel, who married one of his daughters. Philip Dyer's youngest son, John Dyer, occupies his father's old farm. A daughter of Mr. Dyer is now the wife of A. L. Dutton, living on section i6. David Dutton, from Oneida Co., N. Y., came to Michigan in 1834, and after a short stop in Scio, Washtenaw Co., settled at Lima, in the same county. In May, 1837, he moved to the farm, half a mile northwest of Plaitnfield, now occupied by his son, D. 0. Dutton. He died May 29, i867, and his widow makes her home most of the tinie with her children at Eaton Rapids, Eaton Co., although her sons, D. 0. and A. L., in Unladilla, have her company at times. When Fleet Van Sickel sold his place at Plainfield to Mr. Dyer, he paid the montey to his brother, Samuel F. Van Sickel, who purchased land southeast of the village, where his son, Edgar Van Sickel, now lives. S. F. Van Sickel came from New Jersey in company with Levi Clawson, and after a short stay in Ohio proceeded to Dexter, Washtenaw Co., Mich., finally locating in Unadilla. One other of his sons, David, lives near Edgar, southeast of Plainfield. Samuel Wasson settled northeast of Plainfield in I837. The old farm is divided between his two sons, Myron and John, who reside upon it. Mr. Wasson came from a locality about thirty miles from Buffalo, N. Y. The first physician in the neighborhood was Dr. Morgan, who came at an early day from Ohio, with his family, accompanied by Mr. Tuttle and family. This was previous to 1839. The doctor was much esteemed by his acquaintances, and ranked high as a physician. After the death of his wife he removed to Indiana. He was the only physician who ever lived here any length of time. He had an extensive ride, ranging into the township of White Oak, Ingham Co. The vicinity of Plainfield was always noted for its healthfulness, and Dr. Morgan once remarked that " if it were not for White Oak he should starve to death!" Dr. D. M. Greene located here in the spring of I879. I Albert G. Topping, from Cleveland, Ohio, settled in Plainfield in November, 1839, living for a short time in a house on Philip Dyer's place, while building a log house for himself. That structure occupied the ground upon which now stands the residence of his son, Morris Topping. When not busy on his own place, Mr. Topping was employed by Dyer. He died in 1844, from the effects of the amputation of his leg, rendered necessary by a white swelling. His son, Morris Topping, in the spring of 1853 built the store he now occupies, and began business in October of the same year, having continued in the same place since that time. He is now the oldest merchant in the place; hlas also a large stave-factory and coopering establishment, manufacturing about 20,000 barrels per annum. This business was started about I864. Mr. Topping built his stave-factory first, subsequently adding a saw-mill, and finally a grist-mill. All were burned about 1875, but the stave-factory and grist-mill have been rebuilt. Steam is the motive-power used; the grist-mill has three runs of stone, and does both custom and merchant work. E. T. Bush has a planing-mill and cider-mill, which have been in operation about ten years. The first store in the village was established by Rice A. Beal, since prominent in his connection with the State University at Ann Arbor. He first appeared as a peddler of clocks, etc., but finally built and stocked a store and managed it a number of years. He went afterwards to Howell, where lie owned a fine establishment, and finally removed to Ann Arbor, where he now resides. His father, Emery Beal, settled at Plainfield about I837. Plainfield post-office was established about 1837 -38, with Emery Beal as postmaster, and was kept in the latter's house. Mail was brought from Milan (Unadilla post-office), the route extending fiom Ann Arbor, via Dexter, to Unadilla and return. Some mail was afterwards brought in from Mason, Ingllam Co. A tri-weekly mail is now received from Fowlerville, the route extending from Fowlerville to Unadilla. A man named Burnett, who lived east of Plainfield, held the office a short time, succeeding Beal. Rice A. Beal was subsequently appointed. In 1853, when Morris Topping established himself in business, he received the appointment of postmaster, which position he has since retained. The present hotel at the village was built in 1876 by Morris Topping, and its first landlord was William Oxtoby. The present proprietor is A. D. Spaulding, who has occupied it since the fall of 1878. The building is a frame structure, and the first regular hotel in the place. 316 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. VILLAGE OF UNADILLA. A village, called " East Unadilla,"* was platted April I4, 1837, the survey being made by Richard Peterson, Jr., but it was not recorded until April 21, 1840. The proprietary names on the plat are Robert Glenn and Thomas G. Sill,-the latter the administrator of the estate of John Drake. The plat, as acknowledged, bears date April I6, 1840. The village was originally locally known as Milan; but when it became necessary to establish a postoffice it was ascertained that another office of the same name existed in Monroe Co., and while the office was named Unadilla the village was recorded as East Unadilla, to distinguish it from the Unadilla mentioned elsewhere. John Drake, the founder and one of the proprietors of the village, built a dam across the Portage in 1835, and as soon as possible thereafter erected a saw-mill, the lumber used in its construction being sawed at Williams' mill at Williamsville. Robert Glenn had entered the land, and gave Drake 40 acres on which to build his mill and improve the water-power. Glenn built a grist-mill in 1838, the same being a part of the mill now standing. It had originally but one run of stones, but a second was afterwards added. Glenn subsequently sold a half-interest to Dr. Field. Others were proprietors at different times, and it finally passed into the hands of the present owner, George Hoyland, who inserted a third run of stones. Dr. Field, Charles Duncan,and Seth A. Petteys all had shares in the mill at one time with Glenn. Petteys built the grist-mill for Glenn, and afterwards erected a carding-machine in his own interest, but finally abandoned it, owing to the supply of water being insufficient to run all the mills. The old wheel in the grist-mill was a heavy one of the overshot pattern. An improved turbine wheel is now in use. John Dunning, from the town of Byron, Genesee Co., N. Y., came to Unadilla in December, 1846, and entered the mercantile business, and has continued in the same to the present. With the exception of during the first eighteen months after his arrival, he has occupied the building in which he is now located. It is the first frame building erected in the village, and was built by John Drake for the purpose of a store and dwelling. The store-the first in the place-was kept by Drake & Dibble, and necessarily contained but a small stock. Drake died within a year after the store was built, and its contents were purchased by Mr. Ward, of Ann Arbor, now deceased. Mr. * "Unadilla village" was laid out June I1, 1836, on the east part of section 33, by Mary Winans and Alexander Pyper, the survey being made by John Farnsworth. This was abandoned, and the village of East Unadilla is known at present as Unadilla. I I Drake first lived in a log house which stood near his.saw-mill in the southwest part of the village, a few rods south of the Presbyterian church. W. S. Livermore, one of the firm of O. IH. Obert & Co., at the village, came from Richfield, Tioga Co., N. Y., in 1844, with his uncle, John C. Stedman, now living north of Unadilla. Since July, 1864, he has been engaged in business with his brother-in-law, Mr. Obert. The present brick store occupied by the firm was built in I873. William Gilbert, from Cayuga Co., N. Y., located in Unadilla village in the spring of I837, and established the first blacksmith-shop in the place, on the lot where W. S. Livermore now resides. The frame of the shop is yet standing on the north side of the creek, whence it was removed and since enlarged. Mr. Gilbert's mother and the wife of Luke Montague were sisters. Mr. Montague, also from Cayuga Co., N. Y., located land both in Unadilla and the township of Lyndon, Washtenaw Co.; he also purchased some from Aaron Palmer (son of James Palmer, who had settled with his sons, Aaron and Benajah), who is now living in the village. Mr. Montague purchased in the fall of I836, and returned to New York for his family. When they came back in the spring of 1837 Mr. Gilbert was one of the party. Montague settled first on the Palmer place, across the line in Lyndon, and lived there about a year, building a house on his place in Unadilla in the mean while. In the latter Dr. Field lived for a time, afterwards moving into the village and building a house on the hill in the south part. The doctor afterwards moved to the present W. S. Livermore place, where he died. Mr. Montague sold the Palmer place to his son, Alexander Montague, when he moved to his place in Unadilla. One of the characters of this region at an early day was an old man familiarly known as " Deacon" Barnes. He lived to be about ninety years of age, and died a few years since in Ingham County. He lived at Williamsville, and was a blacksmith by trade. With much satisfaction he would relate his apprenticeship experiences, and his stories led his listeners to understand that he served his apprenticeship before the Revolution. He was a bachelor, and possessed a remarkable memory, but no education. At one time he was employed in a shop at Dexter, Washtenaw Co. PHYSICIANS. Dr. Junius L. Field, the first physician in the township, was a very popular citizen and an excellent physician. For years he was the one sought after by the sick of the vicinity. He was very UNADILLA TOWNSHIP. 317 - careful in his practice, and it has been said of him that his only fault lay in giving too large doses of medicine; but however that may be, his practice of many years was attended by remarkable success. Dr. Foster, who settled about 1845-46, stayed a number of years, finally removing to Ypsilanti, where he died. He came here from Canada, and suffered much with the ague at first, and threatened to leave as soon as he was able. He was finally persuaded to remain, however, and brought in his family. He was also eminently successful in his practice. Several physicians have located at different times, but only remained a short time. Dr. Samuel Du Bois, now of the village, has resided and practiced here many years, and is the only physician in the township, except Dr. D. M. Green, a recent arrival at Plainfield. The only lawyer who ever lived in the village or practiced in the township was a man named Martin. He came from Stockbridge, Ingham Co., and after a short stay and a failure in finding clients he went to California, where he rose to prominence. HOTELS. About 1838-39 a tavern was built by William S. Mead, on the ground previously occupied by Gilbert's blacksmith-shop,-the latter being moved off to give room to the hostelry. This was the same building Dr. Field lived in for a time (and died in), and the one now occupied by W. S. Livermore. In the spring after this was built, a second one was erected by Moses Babcock, and is now standing south of the creek, occupied as a dwelling by George Hoyland. Neither this nor the one first described has been used as a tavern for many years. It was customary in the early days for taverns and stores to sell liquors, and it was quite as customary for each family to " keep a bottle of whisky in the house to drive off the ague." A temperance society (not the subsequent Good Templars) was organized in 1838, the first lecture before it being delivered by Rev. Dr. James Pyper, a Baptist minister, who still resides in the village. Soon after the organization Mr. Gilbert, one of the members, went East and remained one year. Upon his return he met the president of the society, who had in his pocket a bottle of "Golden Seal," to keep off the ague, as he said. The vice-president was armed in the same manner and for the same purpose, as were numerous others belonging to the society, and Mr. Gilbert soon arrived at the conclusion that, as he did not wish to fend off the ague in that way, his name had better be dropped from the rolls. The hotel now known as the Unadilla House, and kept by James Craig, was built for a dwelling, either by Luke Montague, or his son Alexander. Henry Hartsuff, at a later date, had a store in it. It was finally purchased by E. J. Smith, who converted it into a hotel and became its first landlord. Several additions to it had previously been built. Mr. Craig has been proprietor since March, i86i. Unadilla Post-Office was established in I836, with Elnathan Noble, now deceased, as first postmaster. The latter's son, Curtis G. Noble, now a resident of the village, was the first mail-carrier, bringing it on horseback from Dexter, and occasionally having no other receptacle for it than his pockets. No salary was paid the postmaster, nor any commission (it is said), but he was allowed to take whatever he could make out of the office. Letters from the East brought twenty-five cents each when delivered. The office was located at Mr. Noble's proposed village site, west of what is now Unadilla village. His son, George W. Noble, a hatter by trade, built a hat-shop at that place, and a blacksmith-shop was also built and carried on a short time. The frost of competition nipped Mr. Noble's project in the bud. A subsequent change in the location of the road, which had originally followed an Indian trail, left his log house some distance from the highway. His successor in office was W\\illiam S Mead, who lived a mile north of the village of Unadilla. About I848 it is stated to have been taken to a locality northwest of the village, and kept for a short time by the Quaker politician, Stephen Cornell. It was finally permanently located at Unadilla, however, and since July 9, I86i, the duties of the office have been performed by James Craig, the present incumbent. A tri-weekly mail is brought from Chelsea, Washtenaw Co. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN UNADILL.A.* This church was organized Feb. 4, 1837, by Rev. Charles G. Clarke, of Webster, Washtenaw County, with the members named in Mr. Craig's address. In March, i838, Rev. Mr. Smiith became the first pastor, and stayed one year. He was succeeded in 1839 by Rev. D. R. Dixon, who remained several years. In the winter of i 843-44, Rev. Noah Cressy took charge and preached one year, being succeeded by Rev. Mr. Hamilton, whose term of service lasted nearly two years. The next pastor was Rev. Josephus Morton, who was succeeded in the summer of I849 by Rev. Benjamin Marvin. The latter stayed until i858. Rev. S. Carey, of Stockbridge, Ingham Co., preached here a short time, but was possibly never regularly installed as pastor. * Compiled from the church record. l8 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. The church at Stockbridge was originally a branch of the one at Unadilla. Rev. Benjamin Franklin became the next pastor, in I857. Rev. Mr. Alvord came in I859, and Rev. Mr. Bissell in i860. In -September, 1863, Rev. William J. Nutting was installed as stated supply. Rev. Seward Osinga came in 1867, and remained nine years. He was succeeded by Rev. Theodore B. Williams, in December, i877, and the latter is the present pastor. The brick church now standing was built in I846, at a cost of $1400. Meetings had been held previously in the schoolchouse. The membership, in the latter part of July, 1879, was about 55. A Union Sabbath-school is sustained by the Presbyterians and Methodists. Its superintendent is Alexander Marnock, of the Presbyterian Church. METIHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, UNADILLA VILLAGE.* In I836-37 a minister of the Methodist denomination by the name of George Breckenridge was on the circuit that then embraced this section of country. A little band in sympathy with the views of that church were in the habit of gathering together at North Lake, and listening to services held by him when his ride brought him in this region. James Palmer and his wife and Mrs. M. B. Palmer, living at East Unadilla, being interested in the cause, attended services at North Lake, at the house of John Glenn, where a class had been formed, of which Charles Glenn was leader. In April, 1837, Mrs. James Palmer and Mrs. B. M. Palmer joined this class, and on their way home the same day, while following the trail, became lost, and wandered for several hours before regaining it. At that time they persuaded Rev. George Breckenridge to visit the hamlet at East Unadilla and preach for them; which he consented to do upon his next visit, which was in the fall of the same year. Services were held at the house of Mr. B. M. Palmer. But few families lived in the neighborhood. Notice was sent out, and the few that gathered together at that time were Luke Montague, John Bruyn, John Drake, and their wives, who, together with the Palmers, formed the first congregation. The success of that first meeting determined Mr. Breckenridge to hold this place in the meetings of the circuit. He preached here several times before a class was organized. Some time in the year 1838, James Palmer, B. M. -Palmer, Aaron Palmer, and Joseph Hartsuff, with their wives, were constituted a first class. Joseph Hart suff was chosen leader, but he remained a short time only in that capacity. The class-meetings were held in the house of B. M. Palmer, which stood where 'Squire G. Palmer's house now stands; preaching was held in the evening. After Rev. Mr. Breckenridge had finished his term on this circuit he was succeeded by Rev. John Gillette, then a young man, this being his first circuit. He afterwards became one of the foremost men in the denomination in the State. Rev. John Sayre,t an old preacher who held services wherever he could find a congregation, came with Mr. Gillette the first time. The ministers all made Mr. Palmer's house their home. Rev. Henry Colclazer was the first presiding elder, and attended the first quarterly-meeting held in this place, at the schoolhouse where Mrs. Anderson's house now stands. The next quarterly-meeting was held in the grove south of Mr. Obert's house, now the public square. The ministers who succeeded Mr. Gillette were Revs. Mr. Babcock, Adam Minnis (who was the first one to bring his wife with him), John Scotford, Samuel Berrie, -- Pengally, and others. Stephen B. Sayles was class-leader in 1843. In 1846 the class contained 67 members, with Benjamin Sayles as leader; Rev. Thomas Wakelin and J. W. Donaldson were then on the circuit. About I85 Revs. Brockway and Borden were preaching on the circuit. Rev. L. W. Wells, a revivalist from the East, came through this region and visited this place, and a revival was held which resulted in the conversion of about Ioo persons, most of whom remained faithful. Meetings were first held in the schoolhouse, but as the interest increased it was found too small, and the Presbyterian church was used. As many of the congregation at this time lived near what was called Williamsville, it was deemed advisable to remove the class, which was accomplished, and in 1853 a church was built at that place. In I855 another class was organized at East Unadilla, and R. C. Barnum was chosen its first leader. They occupied the Presbyterian church every alternate Sabbath until 1870, when they changed their place of meeting to May's Hall, where they remained until Aug. 10, 1873, on which day they dedicated the house they now occupy. The present pastor of the church is Rev. Mr. Clack, who preaches also at Williamsville, and at North Lake, Washtenaw Co. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, WILLIAMSVILLE. The class which was organized here in I851, or transferred here from Unadilla, consisted of some 30 members, of whom many are since de t Mr. Sayre lived in Pinckney. He was a hatter by trade, and at an early day worked at it in Dexter, Washtenaw Co. He went to California during the great gold excitement, and is said by some to have become reckless and dissipated, and finally died. It is also stated that lie was murdered for his money. * Communicated. I UNADILLA TOWNSHIP. 319 ceased. The first pastor was Rev. Ransom Goodell, now also dead. This class, which has a present membership of about 25, was the strongest one in the vicinity, until after the completion of the new church at Unadilla. BAPTIST CHURCH, WILLIAMSVILLE. The original record of this church is not to be found, and the exact date of its organization cannot be given, but according to the recollection of some of its older members it was not far from the year I835. It therefore ranks among the oldest religious organizations in Livingston County, if it was not the very first. The original membership was 13, and the first pastor was Elder Brunson, well known to the pioneer Baptists of Michigan. Their present brick church was dedicated in 1852. Meetings are still continued, and the society has a respectable membership. The present pastor is Elder Putnam, of Howell. Elder James Pyper, now living in Unadilla village, preached at a very early day. TIHE PRESBY'TERIAN CHURCH AT PLAINFIELD was organized June I, 1838, by Rev. C. G. Clark, of Webster, Washtenaw Co., at the house of Levi Clawson, the original members being Levi Clawson and wife, Samuel Wasson and wife, William S. Caskey, and John B. Van Doren. The first pastor was Rev. H. L. S. Smith, and those since have been the same in charge of the Presbyterian Church at Unadilla. Their present neat frame house of worship was dedicated Dec. 8, I869. The membership is in the neighborhood of 60. A Sabbath-school is sustained, with Robert Gardner as superintendent. METHIODIST PROTESTANT CHURCHI, PLAINFIELD. This society was organized at the Fulmer schoolhouse, in April, 1852, but was transferred to Plainfield the same year, by order of the Quarterly Conference. The original members were G. J. Daniels, wife, and mother, and Benjamin Dutcher and wife. The first pastor was Rev. M. L. Perrington. The present fi-ame house of worship at Plainfield was dedicated Sept. 26, I878. The membership on the 30th of July, I879, was about I40, and the pastor, Rev. Samuel Riley, who came in i876. Classes also exist at the Livermore school-house in Unadilla, and at the Wilson school-house in Iosco, at both of which places Mr. Riley holds service, as he does at Parker's, in losco township. Sundayschools are sustained at the various places of meet ing. The value of the church property at Plainfield, including the parsonage, is $7500, and at Parker's, $500. Many of the members of this so ciety are natives of England. Its pastor in I871 was Rev. R. T. Kellogg, and the church had at that time a membership of 102. Nearly all who formed the original class in April, I852, are still living. SCHOOLS. The first school in the township was probably taught in a shop belonging to Stephen Cornell, by Alonzo Wood, about 1835. About 1836 a log school-house was built, half a mile west of the site of the present brick building in District No. I i, on the farm of Hiram Case. The first teacher therein was Royal C. Barnum. By the time the log house was ready for use the number of children of school age in the neighborhood was considerable. It was several years before the log school-building fell into disuse and a second and more suitable structure was erected. The house now in use is built of brick. At Unadilla village a carpenter, named Murray, had started to build a plank school-house in i837, but he died before it was finished, and it was not until the spring of the next year that the building was completed,-the work being done by another carpenter, named James Wright. The death of Murray was the first one which occurred in the neighborhood. The school-house stood on the west side of the street, on the hill in the south part of the village, the lot having been given by Robert Glenn. He afterwards gave the district a new deed for the lot where the school-house now stands. The first teacher was a Miss Chipman; Miss Samantha Joslin also taught here early. The body of a log school-house was built at Plainfield, in 1837, on ground given by Philip Dyer, being the same lot on which the present frame school-house stands. The first school was taught in it in 1838 by Lois Bissell, daughter of Mrs. Townsend. She had, in the summer of 1837, taught the first school in the neighborhood in the log house of her stepfather, Mr. Townsend. The following statement of the condition of the schools of Unadilla for the year ending Sept. 2, 1878, is from the report of the township school inspectors of that date: Number of whole districts...................................... (( fractional districts................................ 9" children of school age.......................... Attendance for year............................................. Number of school-houses (brick, 4; frame, 5)............ Value of property............................................... Number of male teachers....................................... a( female teachers................................... Total paid male teachers........................................ "( " female teachers................................. 7 2 322 291 9 $3050 7 II $635.50 $667 Total receipts for year.......................................... $2042.70 Amount on hand Sept. 2, I878............................ 264.8i Total expenditures, less amount on hand............ $I777.89 320 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I CEMETERIES. The cemetery at Unadilla village is located on the county line, partly in Washtenaw County. The land was given for use as a public burialground by Luke Montague and Royal C. Barnum. The first burial in it was that of the English carpenter, Murray, who, as stated, died in 1837, while engaged in building the first school-house at that place. A piece of land included in the village plat at Williamsville was purchased by Leonard Backus about 1850, and laid out by him into a cemetery. He sold a number of lots, but finally gave the property to the Methodist Episcopal society. The first burial in it was that of the body of James Schoonover. Burial-grounds on the Williams and Bullock farms had previously been used, but were private property. The first death in this part of the township was that of S. Dutcher, and the second that of the wife of Hilliard Dunn, the two occurring not far apart, at a very early date after the first settlement. The cemetery at Plainfield was taken fi-om the Dyer property about I838-39. The first death in that vicinity was that of a man named Welsh, from the State of New York. His grave was begun on the-south side of the road, but before it was completed Mr. Dyer offered to give half an acre of ground from his farm for a cemetery. The grave was accordingly dug on the site given, and Welsh was the first person there interred. The cemetery is now filled with graves, and marble headstones are reared over the remains of many of the early and prominent settlers of the county. STATISTICAL. From the Michigan State census of 1874 are made the following extracts to show the condition of the township forty-one years after its first settlement: Number of bushels apples raised in 1872.................... 21,567... St" " 1873..................... 23,760 " " other fruit raised in 1872.............. 146."..( " " 1873............. I16 Value of fruit and garden vegetables, 1872................. $4,669., c I8........ 1873.................. $5,055 Number of horses one year old and over in I874.......... 462 " m ules, 1874.............................. 2 " work oxen, 1874.................................... 12 ( milch cows in township, 1874................... 427 " neat cattle one year old and over, other than oxen and cows, 1874............................ 555 " sheep over six months old, 1874................ 9,180. " sheared in 1873.......................... 9,330 Number of flouring-mills....................................... I Persons employed in same................................... 2 Capital invested.............................................. $6,00o Number of barrels flour made............................... 800 Value of products........................................... $4,800 Number of saw-mills............................................. I Persons employed............................................. 2 Capital invested.......................................... $4,ooo Feet of lumber sawed.......................................... 350,000 Value of products............................................. $3,500 Number of planing- and turning-mills........................ I Persons employed....................................... 6 Capital invested................................................. $2,500 Value of products............................................... $3,500 Stave-, heading-, and barrel-factory........................... I Persons employed....................................... 12 Capital invested................................................. $8,000 Value of products.............................................. $15,000 Among the many in this township who have furnished information to the historian, and to all of whom are returned his sincerest thanks for their kindness, are the following: John C. Stedman, Mrs. Joseph L. Hartsuff, W. S. Livermore, John Dunning, William Gilbert, James Craig, John Watson, Halsted Gregory, Sylvester G. Noble, David S. Denton, William A. Williams, A. L. Dutton and his mother, Christopher Taylor, Robert Brearley, Mrs. Gordon Backus, C. B. Westfall, Levi Clawson, Morris Topping, John Shields, and Hon. Edwin B. Winans, of Hamburg. Pastors and members of the various churches have contributed to the work, and a generous fund of information, deemed reliable, is herewith presented to the reader. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. PHILANDER GREGORY was born in Danbury, Conn., March 31, 1807. His father, Joseph Gregory, served with distinction as a first lieutenant in Captain Dunlap's battery in the war of 1812. The battery was raised in Schenectady. Lieutenant Gregory was with his command in several engagements, and at Plattsburg was in command of the battery, which did effective service in the engagement. After the close of the war Lieutenant Gregory removed to Albany, N. Y., and for several years followed his business,-that of tanner and currier,-and was very successful. He engaged afterwards in the same business in Schenectady for four years, but, meeting with re I Population (535 males, 531 females)......................... Number of acres of taxable land in township................ land owned by individuals and companies..................................." " improved land.............................. " land exempt from taxation............ Value of same, with improvements............................ Number of acres in school-house sites.......................... " church and parsonage sites............ " burying-grounds............................" of wheat raised in 1874............... 1873................... " 4 " of corn "........... ( I)bushels of wheat raised in 873................ "" *' corn "................ " all other grain raised in 1873........" potatoes raised in 1873.............. tons of hay cut in 1873...................... o" pounds wool sheared in 1873...................... *.' pork marketed in 1873.................... *. butter made in 1873...................... " ' fruit dried for market in 1873......... c" ' barrels cider made in 1873........................ " acres in orchards............................... i,o66 21,627 21,639 12,626 12 $14,200 4 4 4 2,875 2,738 1,148 32,560 57,195 25,399 4,737 3,084 46,173 56,127 33,825 30,014 364 495 UNADILLA TOWNSHIP. 321 verses and being well along in years, he sold out and joined his son Philander, in Rochester, N. Y., with whom he resided until his son's removal to Michigan. He remained in Rochester until his death in I841. Philander received a common-school education and learned his father's trade. His start in life was made in Rochester, in the glove and mitten business, at which he has worked more or less until the past year. In 1836 his brother purchased for him, of the government, the west half of the southeast quarter of section 2 r, in Unadilla. On the I6th day of July of the same year he was married to Miss Martha Halsted, a daughter of Jacob and Rebecca (Marsh) Halsted, of Johnstown, N. Y., and in August of the following year he, with his wife and infant child, came to the wilderness home. It was then entirely new, as was the most of the township. There were then but few neighbors save the Indians, and no roads. Deer and other game were plenty, the deer often going through their dooryard. A frame house was soon built, and the day that saw his family settled in it was the happiest of his life, as vouched for by Mr. Gregory himself. For several years after their advent in the woods Mr. Gregory kept the wolf from the door by making gloves and mittens, which found a ready sale among the new settlers. In this work he was assisted by his wife, who made the mittens while he tanned the leather. The little frame house has been replaced with a handsome stone structure, while to the eighty acres first bought he has added until he now owns a splendid farm of two hundred and forty acres under good improvement. The forest which surrounded him then has given place to fine farms and luxurious homes. Mr. Gregory, surrounded by all the comforts of life, and held in high esteem by his neighbors and friends,-having passed the time of life allotted to man,-is quietly and peacefully passing the evening of his life. MORRIS TOPPING. Among the early settlers of Unadilla township there are none who have done mlore to advance the best interests of the town than Morris Topping. He was born in Turin, Lewis Co., N. Y., Jan. 20, 1827. His father, Albert G. Topping, married Miss Maria Walters. He was an extensive farmer, and resided in New York until 1837, when he moved to Parma, Ohio. In I839 he moved into Unadilla, and settled near what is now Plainfield village, where he died, in i844. Morris remained with his 'father until he was nineteen, working on the farm and attending school. After the death of his father he taught school three 4I winters, and then assumed the management of the farm. In I853 lie opened a store in Plainfield, which may be called the first one there. In I860 he added to his business the manufacture of staves and barrels, which he still carries on quite extensively, and which gives employment to a large force of men. The wants of the community induced him, in I867, to erect a saw-mill, which was followed, in I873, by the erection of a grist-mill. Two years after, both mills were destroyed by fire, and with them a large quantity of wheat. There was no insurance, and by this misfortune Mr. Topping lost heavily; but, nothing daunted, he soon replaced the mills with new and more commodious buildings. The grist-mill contains three run of stones, and is doing both a custom and merchant business. He has also erected a hotel, blacksmithand wagon-shop, and is now building a large store. To both of the fine churches in the village Mr. Topping has been a liberal subscriber. There is also in the village a planing-mill, cider-mill, three stores, two blacksmith-shops, and other places of business. It is an enterprising village, much of whose prosperity is due to the energy of Mr. Topping, who owns two-thirds of the village,at least of its valuation. In politics Mr. Topping is and ever has been a Democrat. He has been postmaster of the village twenty-five years, also justice of the peace and town clerk. Dec. 25, 1847, he was married to Miss Ellen Richmond, who was born March 28, 1826, and is a daughter of Geo. W. and Laura (Madison) Topping. Their union has been blessed with three children, as follows: Sylvester G., born Oct. 28, 1848; George W., born Sept. 2, 1850, died Nov. 22, I851; and Jennie M. D., born June 23, I869. DAVID D. BIRD was born in the town of Mansfield, Warren Co., N. J., March 4, I813. His father, Furman Bird, who was born in New Jersey, had a family of ten children, of whom David D. was the sixth. About the year 1833, the elder Bird with his family emigrated to Michigan, and located on eighty acres of land near Ann Arbor, then but a small village. On this farm he resided until his death, which occurred in 1840. David D. was twenty years old when his father came to Michigan. He worked on his father's farm summers and attended the district schools winters, after he was large enough to do so, as did most farmer-boys of that day. In October, 1835, he came to Unadilla township and bought of the government one hundred and forty acres, a part of section 30. A log house was soon built, and he at once commenced to clear and im 322 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. --:: ----- I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prove his land. At that time Unadilla was an almost unbroken forest. In the vicinity of Mr. Bird's farm there were no roads or bridges, and in going to or coming from it, streams had to be forded, persons often getting mired, and enduring hardships that would appal the average young men of to-day. In I839, Mr. Bird married, and brought his young wife to the new home. Up to this time he had either hired a family to keep.house for him or had kept bachelor's hall. He commenced life without a dollar, and at the time his land was bought he had only enough to pay for a portion of it; yet the young couple never despaired of ultimate success, and toiled on. Yet they experienced in those times some of the happiest days of their lives. White neighbors were few and widely scattered, while the Indians still roamed over the country. Mr. Bird has lived to see the wild land he then bought, change into a finely-cultivated farm, now embracing over three hundred acres, mostly the work of his own hands; and the township which was then so new and wild, he has seen grow into a thickly-settled and prosperous town. In politics Mr. Bird was in an early day a Democrat, but subsequently became an Abolitionist, and later a Re publican. He has been a member of the church over forty years, and is now connected with the Baptist denomination. He has done much to advance the cause of religion in his township, and now lives in the hbpe of a better world beyond this. On the 6th day of March, 1839, he was joined in marriage to Miss Agnes Pyper, daughter of William and Agnes (Dodge) Pyper. She was born in Scotland, Sept. 12, 18 6. Her parents were natives of Scotland. In 1833 they emigrated to America, and for three years lived in Connecticut. In 1836 they came to Michigan and settled on eighty acres of land in Unadilla, where they resided until their death. There have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Bird six children, as follows: William F., born Aug. 24, 1840; Agnes D., born April I4, 1843, deceased; Mary E., born March 26, 1845; Almira R., born Jan. 25, 1848; Chambers D., born Aug. 24, 1850; and Justin V., born July I, 1853. Mr. Bird has retired from active business, and leaves the management of his farm to his son. In possession of more than a competency, surrounded by his family and friends, respected and esteemed by all, he is passing his days, and looks back upon a life well spent with scarce a regret. GREEN OAK TOWNSHIP. THE township of Green Oak is entitled to distinguished mention among the townships of the county of Livingston not only from the period of Its settlement, which, with one exception, antedates that of any other township in the county, but from the influential position it has maintained in its political and social relations. This is mainly owing to the character of its inhabitants, whose broad and fertile acres are evidence of their industry, as their attractive houses are indicative of taste and intelligence. Green Oak was one of the first three townships organized, having been erected by act of the Territorial Legislature, March 17, 1835, and included at that time townships Nos I and 2, north of range 6, east of the principal meridian, and embracing the territory now known as Green Oak and Brighton, the first meeting of the townships for the election of officers being held at the house of Isaac Smith. The first settler in the township was Stephen Lee, who came from Western New York to Mich igan, September, 1830, and entered 80 acres on section 20. With him came his wife and children, two sons of whom, Charles S. and Solomon, occupy the paternal acres, while another son, Hannibal Lee, resides near by on the same section. Mr. Lee and his sons, on their arrival, immediately turned their attention to the erection of a log house, which was the first in the township, and then devoted themselves to breaking up and improving the land, upon which a crop of wheat was sown that afforded them the means of subsistence the following year. In the month of June of the following year Moses Gleason entered 80 acres on section I9 with a view to settling, but soon after, the Black Hawk war cast its terrors over the neighborhood, and Mr. Gleason regarded the presence of Indians as not altogether conducive to safety or happiness. He never resided upon his land, but found a home in Washtenaw County, which was more thickly populated and less frequented by red men. Mr. GREEN OAK TOWNSHIP. 323 - Gleason was the first clergyman who held service in the township. He was a local preacher of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and the first month of his arrival, June, 1831, conducted a religious service at the house of Stephen Lee, the family of Benjamin Curtis, together with Mr. Lee's household, being his only hearers. Daniel Appleton entered at the same date with Mr. Gleason I6o acres on the same section, but, apparently influenced by a like dread of Indians, he took up his residence in Northfield. This land came subsequently into the possession of Isaac Appleton by the payment of $50 to a young man who was a ward of his father's, and resided in his family. Asahel Hubbard finally became the purchaser of half of this tract, while the remaining 80 acres was purchased by Hannibal Lee, and now forms a portion of his estate. Benjamin Curtis came but a few days later than Mr. Lee, and entered, Oct. 6, 1830, 67 acres on section 20, just across the road from Mr. Lee's. He was a mechanic, and soon after his arrival built a log house and improved the land, which he resided upon until his death. Isaac Appleton entered, Oct.:6, 1830, just twenty days after Stephen Lee's arrival, 127 acres on section 17. He was exceedingly fond of sport, and the following spring built upon the banks of the Huron River a cabin for the purpose of shooting ducks as they congregated on the shores of the river. It was so arranged that, by concealing himself within the inclosure, he was able to secure them in large numbers as they were decoyed within range. With the game which he shot and the bread which Mrs. Lee baked for him, he was able to spread an epicurean repast before the friends who visited his bachelor quarters. One of the restless, energetic spirits of the early days of Green Oak, who also early broke the soil of Brighton, was Sherman D. Dix, who entered, May 14, 1832, 82 acres of land on section 17, and boarded with the family of Mr. Lee. Hannibal Lee aided him in breaking up 40 acres, but discovering in Brighton a wider scope for his powers, at the expiration of a year he removed thither, having sold his land, with its improvements, to Thomas Sargent. Dix was a Bostonian, and when a boy was sent to a school in the suburbs of the city. But his restive spirit would not brook the restraints of a school-room, and his active brain, always fertile in resources, readily devised some scheme whereby he might extricate himself from its confined surroundings. He took a chicken from the master's coop, cut off its head, and allowed the blood to run into a vial he had prepared. He then repaired to his room and, feigning illness, i sent for his father. On the arrival of his parent he immediately had a paroxysm of coughing, accompanied by very dangerous symptoms and apparent hemorrhage. He was immediately released from study and taken home. Fresh air and active exercise was recommended, and a farm was purchased in Michigan. The school-boy was transformed into a pioneer. The paternal Dix was a large boot- and shoe-manufacturer, and among the chattels which young Dix brought with him was a box of those necessary articles, which he disposed of to the neighbors. It was his especial delight to visit the bachelor quarters of Mr. Appleton on foraging expeditions. This gentleman before departing for the fields would prepare his frugal noonday meal, which consisted of a bowl of bread and milk, the crusts meanwhile becoming thoroughly soaked. Dix would help himself to what was to be found, and then quietly enjoy his friend's discomfiture. Nathaniel Potter, a Quaker, entered 40 acres adjoining that of Sherman D. Dix, in May, 1832. Dix broke up Io acres for him, and received in return a yoke of oxen. He did not build a house or take up his residence upon the farm, and finally sold the land. J. B. Hammond entered, in May, 183, I60 acres on section 35, and 80 acres on section 34. A year and a half later he removed from Livingston Co., N. Y., with his brother, to his Western home, and immediately erected a shanty, in which they found a comfortable abode. Their nearest neighbors at this tinle were Charles Place, on the southerly side in Northfield, and Stephen Lee and his sons, who were located five miles northwest. A school-house was early built in this vicinity, which stood just across the township line in Northfield. As nearly as can be ascertained the first schoolhouse was built in the centre of section 10, in thy year 1834. The building, like all others of that early period, was constructed of logs, and the ground upon which it stood was afterwards purchased by John Yerinton. Another early school was that taught by Miss Mary Olds in' a log school-house on section 3, near the Brighton township line. One hundred and twenty acres was purchased by George Gready, who came from Bristol, England, in 1832, and first settled in Oakland County. Later he removed across the road into Brighton, his nearest neighbor at the time being Thomas Dunlap, of the former county. Mr. Gready still resides upon this farm, which he has improved and greatly increased in value. Robert Warden left Greenock, Scotland, in August of the year 1832, for the United States, and after sojourning for a brief time in Onondaga I 324 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. County, purchased, in May, I833, in connection with the late Governor Kinsley S. Bingham, the west half of section 12, embracing 320 acres, and entered by Jay Olmsted. Soon after they entered additional land from the government. Upon their arrival they were domiciled with Joseph Loree, until a log house in process of erection was completed, when they established themselves in it, Mr. Warden living with Mr. and Mrs. Bingham until 1849. They came to their land by way of Whitmore Lake, Mr. Bingham driving the oxen, while Mr. Warden looked after the horses. A coat belonging to one of them containing $50o was carelessly thrown on the wagon and lost on the way. After much search it was discovered by a settler, who, being intoxicated, was not aware of its contents. Few men who were in public life a quarter of a century since have left more honored memories than Governor Bingham. He was a practical farmer, and remarkably successful in agricultural pursuits; skilled in public affairs, and happy in his power of harmonizing his convictions with the strong current of popular feeling. Beginning with the minor office of postmaster of his township, he rose steadily, being elected first judge of probate of the county, then representative in the State Legislature, to which position he was four times chosen, and thrice elected speaker of the House; in I846 elected to Congress, reelected the following term, and in 1854 and 1856 elected Governor. In 1859 he was elected United States Senator, and served but two years, being attacked with apoplexy, which occasioned his death, October, 186I, in Green Oak. He was a man of strong convictions, and in his various public offices displayed a soundness of judgment well calculated to promote the best interests of the State. In the tontest on the slavery question, which followed his re-election to Congress in 1848, he offered strenuous opposition to the extension of slavery into the Territories, and in this he stood alone among the representatives from his own State. His record during this term confirmed him in the popular regard, and made him the people's choice for Governor. His death was a source of universal and profound sorrow. A. W. Olds arrived in the Territory in 1832, and came to the township in 1833. He at first purchased 80 acres of land that had been previously entered by David Meach, and later added to it until his farm embraced an area of 44o acres. On this land he built a saw-mill the year of his arrival, which was the second one erected in the county. Mr. Olds, upon being requested to recall some reminiscences regarding his early settlement, could think of nothing of consequence, except that he on one occasion chased three bears on horseback. This, however, he regarded as a trivial circumstance, in which the writer agreed, since no blood was shed on either side. Few of the pioneers of Michigan attained so venerable an age as did William Lemon, who died in January of the present year, aged ninety-eight years He left Livingston Co., N. Y., in 1831, and arriving in the State entered 293 acres on section 31 in May of that year, and was the third settler in the township. He reached Green Oak via Detroit and Ann Arbor, which latter place was at that date little more than a hamlet, having but one store and a bakery, which Mr. Lemon, finding empty, rented for two weeks for his family, while he went in search of land with Harris Seymour, whom he met bound upon the same errand. Having made his location, lie moved his family temporarily into a shanty on the east side of Whitmore Lake, in Washtenaw County, while a shanty was being built for their permanent abode. In the winter, when more leisure was afforded him, he prepared timber for the erection of a spacious log house. At the raising of this house, on four successive days people came from Ann Arbor and the adjacent country, who rendered valuable assistance. Soon after the Black Hawk war was inaugurated, and the settlers becoming alarmed at the presence of Indians, who, in the event of a successful campaign, might prove dangerous, the whites repaired to Ann Arbor for safety, the farmers meanwhile burying their farming implements to prevent their destruction. Mr. Lemon's oldest son was drafted for this war, which draft happily terminated with no fatal result. When the family started they provided themselves with a year's provisions, and had also a yoke of oxen and two cows. The latter proved a source of much tribulation to them, having disappeared soon after their arrival. A diligent search was instituted, but the wandering bovines were not discovered until the following October, when they were -found staying very contentedly in Ann Arbor. Mr. Lemon shot forty deer in one winter, which were hung from the beams in the house until disposed of otherwise. George Galloway came in 1833, and located on what is now known as the Fields farm, but later moved to Hamburg, on the border of Pleasant Lake. At this period, for three successive years the wheat crop failed, and rye bread was the universal diet, which, however wholesome, was not altogether palatable for constant use, and the year that again brought abundant wheat-harvests was remembered with blessings by the settlers. GREEN OAK TOWNSHIP. - 323 The first social event of distinction that occurred in the township was the marriage, in 1834, of Mr. Hannibal Lee to Miss Mary Hubbard, both of Northfield, which at that time embraced the territory of Green Oak. This was the occasion of a double wedding, Mrs. Lee's sister being united at the same time to Mr. Lee's brother, and Stephen Lee's house being the scene of the festivities. The first male child born was George Hammond, the date of that event being Sept. 17, 1823. The same year occurred the birth of Miss Ann Appleton, but the exact day when the young lady made her debut it is not possible to state. The year which witnessed the happy bridal gathering in the household of Mr. Lee was preceded by an event which for months cast its dark shadow over the family circle. In March, 1833, death entered their happy abode, and Eliza, daughter of Stephen Lee, was laid in the first grave that was made within the bounds of the township. The earliest instruction given to the youth of the township was not preceded by the erection of a school-house. A log house was early built by George H. Emmons, on the banks of the Huron, on section 17, and in this structure Miss Hannah Lee assembled the children of the neighborhood, and laid for them the foundation of knowledge. The good work was later continued by Miss Charlotte Farnsworth, now Mrs. J. M. Holden, who lived at the house of Mr. Hannibal Lee. Isaac Penoyer purchased 80 acres entered by Moses Gleason, and in 1834 added to it 80 acres on section 19. An earlier settler than he, and a most eccentric character, was James Love, who located, December, 1832, upon 71 acres on section 20, now occupied by Carl Woods. George H. Emmons entered 40 acres of land, now embraced in the farm of Giles Lee, on section 20. The farmers of the township were made happy in 1834 by the arrival of a blacksmith in their midst, in the person of John A. Van Camp, who shod their horses and sharpened the plow-irons, which had been previously carried to Ann Arbor or Dexter for the purpose. Linus Clark came from Madison Co., N. Y., in 1833, and located upon 140 acres that had been previously purchased by his father, Norman Clark, of David Meach, who made the entry from government. It was in the southwest portion of section 26, and was entirely unimproved. Mr. Clark, however, began immediately the work of clearing the land and making a home for himself, residing in the mean time with Isaac W. Olds. Ambrose Alexander entered, in December, 1833, 80 acres on section 8; in June, 1834, 80 acres on section 6; and the same month and year, 40 acres on section 29. He rode from Orleans Co., N. Y., on horseback, and arrived on the fifteenth day upon section 8, where he built a log house, improved the land, and resided there until his removal to Barry County, his present residence. Cornelius Corson came from Canandaigua, N. Y., with his son, in 1834, and entered 80 acres on section 14. Arriving at Detroit from the East, they.hired a wagon in the city, which conveyed them safely to their destination. Mr. Corson had oo00 on his arrival, with which he purchased land, and nothing was left with which to transport his family. They possessed, however, the stuff of which the true pioneer is made, and sold a sufficient amount of their household goods to pay their way. Packing the remainder, they started for Michigan, and began the life of toil and deprivation which ultimately led to prosperity. The son, W. D. Corson, now occupies the homestead, and has added to his acres until they number 320. Arnold Hays came also in 1834, and entered 160 acres adjoining Mr. Corson. His sons, Whitacre and Schuyler, now occupy the farm. Jonathan Burnett came in June, 1834, and entered 80 acres on section 19. Mr. Burnett is a Connecticut man by birth, though Tompkins Co., N. Y., was his home before emigrating to Michigan. He came with his family via Detroit, and having two brothers in Hamburg, remained with them until he had completed a log house on the land upon which he has since resided. Miss Clough, a sister of Mrs. Burnett, was one of the earliest teachers, having taken charge of the school in Mr. Stephen Lee's neighborhood soon after its commencement. Caleb Sawyer and E. W. Brockway each entered 66 acres on section 30, the latter having made his purchase in November, 1833, and the former in May, I834. They both erected log houses, and began the process of preparing their land for the abundant harvests which afterwards rewarded their labors. In April, I833, William C. Rumsey entered 20o acres on section 5, and 40 acres on section 6. In that and the following year Royal C. Rumsey entered 80 acres on section 5, and 80 on section Io. After a life of industry, which gained him a competence, he retired to the village of Brighton, where he now resides. In 1835 occurred the famous Toledo war, involving a question of boundary, which considerably agitated the people of Green Oak township. A militia company had been organized, and from this six men were drafted, and prepared themselves for the fray. No blood was shed, however. John Hooper left Cayuga Co., N. Y., in I835, 326 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I- ~ -- — ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and subsequently entered 8o acres on section 25. The first year he broke up io acres and made other improvements. Later he added to his estate until it now embraces 2oo acres, a portion of it being on section 6, upon which he resides. At the annual township election in 1836 the Territorial and State parties came into conflict on the question of jurisdiction. The Territorial law required a year's residence in the county and the payment of a tax before voting, and the State law required but six months' residence. The majority of the Board were Territorial men, and a man who lacked but a month of being a year in the county was deprived of the franchise. The Supervisor withdrew from the Board, and issued a proclamation in accordance with the State law, and organizing a Board proceeded to a barn and opened the polls (the election being held at the house of John W. Peavy), the State party, or "barn party" as it was called by some, casting two-thirds of the township votes. In consequence of this, the township was provided with two sets of officers, both striving to do their duty, making out two sets of assessment rolls and other papers necessary for the proper execution of the law. At the special election, held September I2th, to elect delegates to the convention to meet at Ann Arbor to accept or reject the terms of Congress for the admission of Michigan into the Union, Green Oak held elections in two places and sent up two canvassers and two poll-lists. William C. Rumsey represented the State party, and Isaac C. Smith the Territorial. As county officers elected under the Territorial law could not legally canvass votes for State officers, their returns were rejected. A suit in replevin for the books and papers belonging to the town had been previously brought and adjourned for three months, the extent of the law. The trial was to occur the next day. Meanwhile an amicable arrangement was effected; the contest was abandoned, all parties shaking hands, believing that each had acted in good faith. A harmonious general election occurred in the township in the following November. In the year 1826, Jarvis Gage came to the Territory, and in I837 settled on 120 acres in Green Oak, which he had entered in 1833. Mr. Gage relates many interesting experiences in connection with his early life in the county. He had much to do with the Indians, who were very numerous at the time of his settlement here, and he frequently accompanied them on their hunting expeditions. He found them geerous, kind-hearted, and peace able when not fired by liquor, which the white traders would, in defiance of law, smuggle into bheir camn.*, The first winter of r.lr Gage's ar rival they tanned for him twenty-five deer-skins, the charge for which was two quarts of corn for each skin. These were converted into clothing, it being not only less expensive but much more durable than cloth. Mr. Gage still lives upon the ground he entered from government, and by industry has brought it to a high state of cultivation. In July of 1836 there arrived a pioneer from Livingston Co., N. Y., who materially influenced the destinies of the township of Green Oak by the enterprise and perseverance he manifested on his arrival, and, in fact, during the whole of his business career. This settler was William W. Dean, who now resides upon 200 acres on section 26. He originally entered 80 acres on section 22, and 40 on section 23. Mr. Dean was formerly engaged in mercantile pursuits in New York State, at an early day when the means of transportation for packages of value were not easily obtained as at present. The insurance on his stock having expired, he had set apart funds for a renewal of the policy, and was awaiting the call of a neighbor who was to convey it to its destination. He forgot the errand, and that night a fire occurred which left not a trace of his former possessions. Immediately after this disaster, Mr. Dean set out for the West, entered his land in Green Oak, and broke up 30 acres. Readily discovering a field for trade in his neighborhood, he purchased, in connection with James Hanchett, a stock of goods, and opened what was known as the Green Oak store on section 21, embracing a general assortment of goods for the country trade. Soon after, he built a saw-mill which supplied the wants of the country within a radius of many miles, and in one year sawed 1,500,000 feet of lumber. After building the sawmill, Mr. Dean found himself in debt to the amount of $I500, but with the indomitable energy which is peculiar to him, he soon liquidated this, and placed the balance on the favorable side of the ledger. In I84o he began the erection of a gristmill, which still does a flourishing business under the management of the Messrs. Weatherhead. John Farnsworth entered 67 acres of land in July, 1836, and removed to it with his family, among whom was his son John, who afterwards achieved distinction in the field of politics, and became a member of Congress. Mr. Farnsworth later disposed of his farm to J. M. Holden, and removed to one of the Western States. Jesse Truesdell came in 1842, and purchased I60 acres of William Kernan, on sections 29 and 30. With him came two sons, Zelotes and Ger shom, the latter of whom still occupies the farm, which is mainly devoted to the raising of fruit. Peter and David Galatian, who occupy a farm GREEN OAK TOWNSHIP. 327 on section 20, arrived in the county with their father. He at first rented a farm of Bishop Samuel McCoskry, who entered much land in the neighborhood. Philip Roper left England, his native land, in I850, and four years later purchased Ioo acres on section 28. Though occupied, at a late period the land was still unimproved. Mr. Roper built a log house, and in 1874 erected his present substantial home. Among others who entered land in the township at an early date were John W. Peavy, who purchased 88 acres on section 2, in May, 1833; John S. Beach, Joseph Cole, and Elihu Russel, who entered land on the same section in 1835; Joseph L. Briggs, Wm, Russel, Samuel Cole, and Ansel Clark, who entered land on section 3, and became residents; and J. Harrison Coe, who entered 80 acres on the same section and one adjoining, and later.removed to Brighton, where he introduced the combined thresher and separator now in general use among farmers throughout the county. Horace Cutter entered 80 acres on section 7 in 1834, and Orlando Fuller I47 acres on the same section the following year. Ira Jennings entered land on sections 8 and 9 in 1836, and Isaac Smith on the same sections four years earlier. Terence Roe entered 80 acres on section 9 in I836, and Jason Clark 200 acres on the same section in 1835. Warren Parker, Thomas Hanmer, Enos Cole, and Gilbert Bedell were pioneers on section II; Patrick McMIanus, Michael Casey, and Patrick Brady came to the county in I834, and located on section 15. George I-. Emmons and George Burnett purchased on section 20; and Oliver Carpenter, in I832, entered 40 acres on section 21; Richard Torrey and William Hagadorn bought each 40 acres on section 24; Leroy H. Burt entered 40 acres on section 28 in I836; Edward F. Olds, 120 on the same section in 1833; Gilbert C. Bedell, on the same section, 80 acres in 1836; and Henry Stansell, 40 acres the same year. Levi Knight bought 80 acres on section 29 in October, 1836. Jason De Wolf entered, in October, I834, 40 acres on section 30. Thomas Tuthill purchased 80 acres on section 31 in I833; George Galloway, 80 acres the same year; and Caleb S. Field, 40 acres, in I836, on the same section. John Garrison entered 120 acres on section 32 in 1837; and E. S. Field, Isaac Ela, and J. L. Tuthill land on the same section. Manly Smith entered, in November, 1831, 80 acres on section 35; and Thomas Malone, 120 acres on section 36 in 1836. These gentlemen all settled and resided upon their lands. Much land was taken up by other parties for purposes of speculation. The following is an alphabetical list of the resident tax-payers in the township of Green Oak in the year I844: Alexander, Ambrose. Angel, Aliah. Alderman, Horace. Barber, James. Bunnell, Jonathan. Beach, John S. Beach, Leonard. Bingham & Warden. Bedell, Gilbert C. Brady, Matthew. Brady, M. McCabe. Brady, Garnet E. Brady, Thomas. Brady, Patrick. Bennett, Joseph. Bennett, Isaac. Brown, James M. Borden, Ambrose W. Borden, Giles. Borden, Charles. Burns, Dennis. Bennett, Cornelius H. Butterfield, Abel F. Brockway, Elisha W. Cutler, Horace. Clement, John P. Cole, Enos. Clark, Ansel. Coe, Harrison. Clark, Jason. Clark, Andrew. Corigan, Thomas. Cary, Dan. Casey, Thomas. Corigan, Patrick. Corigan, Michael. Corson, Cornelius. Clark, Linus. Clark, Leonard. Curtis, Lorenzo. Carter, John C. Curley, Michael. Chubb, Ira. Chubb, Lorenzo. Carlton, Dexter. Doane, Erastus. Dunning, Jehiel. Dean, William W. Emmons, Oliver. Emmons, Mrs. Fish, William. Fish & Quackenbush. Farnsworth, James P. Field, Eldad S. Galloway, Thomas. Gage, Jarvis. Garret, Edward. Glover, Mrs. Gonsally, Benjamin. Grady, George. Gage, Wright. Holden, Joseph M. Haight, Jabez. Hammel, Thomas. Hedican, Roger. Hatimer, Thomas. Hays, Arnold. Hammond, John B. Hammond, Josiah. Hammel, James. Hooper, Peter B. Hubbard, Asahel. Hotaling, Garnett. Hotaling, William C. Hooper, John. Hagadorn, John. Hagadorn, George. Hagadorn, Steph}en. Herne, William. Johnson, Edward. Jamieson, Robert. Jennings, Ira. Jennings, Joseph F. Knight, Levi. Leddie, Philip. Loree, John. Lee, Stephen. Lee, Solomon. Lee, Hannibal. Lumbard, Benjamin. Leland, Nathan. Loomis, Squire. Loomis, Thomas. ILemmon, Aaron. Iemmon, Hiram. Lemmon, George. Morgan, Collins. Murray, Frederick. Malone, William. Monahan, John. Mason, Nelson. Malone, Edward. Marble, Russell. Maltby, Aaron. McNamee, Patrick. McDaniel, Kayne. McCabe, Patrick. McCabe, Michael. McCabe, Thomas. McCoskry, Samuel A. Owen, Harmon. Osborn, William. Olds, Alonzo W. Parker, Warren. Pettibone, Elijah. Perry, Sylvester. Perry, Arthur B. Rumsey, Royal C. Russell, William S. Roach, Michael. Roe, Patrick. Roe, Michael. Robinson, Daniel. Rune, John. Sawyer, Caleb. Stuart, Hiram C. Sheffield, Samuel. Stansall, Henry. Snell, Anson. Snell, Joseph. Stansall, Nicholas. Smith, Manley. 3S28 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. / - Smith, Isaac. Towsley, Matthew P. Smith, Harry P. Todd, John. Stuart, Auburn. Vogt, Godfrey. Spencer, James S. Wilson, Everett. Thomas, Ebenezer. Woodruff, Benjamin. Tuthill, Thomas. Yerington, John. Truesdell, Jesse. Yerington, John, Jr. Tuttle, John L. The Green Oak post-office is located on section 26, where there is located a grist-mill and saw-mill owned by William W. Weatherhead, who is the postmaster. The soil of the township of Green Oak is a mixture of clay and gravel, clay predominating in the southwest portion. There is comparatively little timbered land that can be made available, though much of the ground is covered by what may be termed a second growth. The surface is undulating, though to a less extent than is apparent in some of the adjoining townships, and is dotted with many small lakes, chief among which are Silver Iake, Island Lake, Whitmore Lake (the northern portion of which lies in Green Oak), Maltby Lake, Thomas Lake, Mud Lake, half of Fonda Lake, and Crooked Lake. Tlie Huron River enters the northeast corner of the township, flows in a southwest direction, and leaves it from the west side at section 26. The south branch of the Huron enters the southeast corner of the township, and joins the main waters at the northwest corner of section 21. The Detroit, Lansing and Northern Railroad enters the township at the southeast corner of section 13, runs diagonally across, and leaves it at section 5. The station is named Green Oak Station, and is located on section t. At this point are the depot, freight-house, and a small store, and all trains stop upon signal. The following-named persons were the original purchasers of land embraced within the township limits: Acres. Joel Redway, October, 1832........................... 87.02 Ruth Alexander and heirs, January, 1833........... 8o George W. Glover, May, 1833....................... 242.48 Guy N. Roberts, May, 1834.......................... 8o J. P. Clement, May, I834.............................. 80 Guy N. Roberts, May, 1835.......................... 40 A. G. Melvin, October, 1835......................... 40 Joel Redway, October, I832.......................... 88.92 John W. Peavy, May, I833........................... 88.72 James Gage, October, I833............................ 120 John S. Beach, August, 1835......................... 40 William S. Russel, October, I835.................... 40 Joseph Cole, October, 1835............................ 8o Elihu Russel, November, 1835........................ 40 J. L. Briggs, May, I833............................... 168.75 W. S. Russel, May, 1833.............................. 68.95 Samuel Cole, May, 1835............................... 6o Alonzo Bennett, May, 1835........................ 40 Ansel Clark, July, 1835................................ 40 Ansel Clark, July, 1835................................ 40 Harrison Coe, May, 1836......................... 40 John Dally, April, 1833................... 6....... I6o John C. Mundy, July, 1833.......................... 44.40 Harion Coe, ay, 1836........................ 40 I I I I I Acres. Phoebe Burnett, July, I836............................. 44.40 Ira Jennings, December, 1836........................ 8o C. W. Penny, February, 1837..I................ 167.17 T. B. Edmonds, February, 837................ 40 T. B. Edmonds, March, 837.........................40 John Soule, December, I854..........................40 E. B. Cornish, July, 1832......................... 66.36 E. 1B. Cornish, August, 1832....................... 43.62 Wm. C. Rumsey, April, I833.......................... 120 R. C. Rumsey, November, 1834.................. 80 C. M. Eaton, December, I834..................... 80 Augustus Colton, May, 835...........................40 Royal C. Rumsey, June, 1831......................... 80 Harry Meech, April, 1837............................67 John Charles, December, 1836...................... 57.40 Horace Cutter, October, I836...................... 57.4I W. C. Rumsey, April, 1833...........................40 Ambrose Alexander, June, 1834..................... 80 David Kingsbury, October, 1834...................... 40 F. A. House, Novemler, I834....................... 80 W. B. Hopkins, December, I83................... 82.92 David Kingsbury, September, 1835................. 40 Stephen Curtis, June, I836......................... 40 Ira Jennings, June, 136.......................... 40 Ehenezer Thomas, June, I836....................... 67 John Farnsworth, July, 1836........................ 67 Horace Cutter, October, 1834.......................... 80 Mary Fuller, June, 1835................................. 80 O. A. Fuller, June, 1835.............................. I47:40 James Harwick, April, 1836........................... 8 J. J. M. Newcomb. July, I836...................... 40 Harry Meech, April, 1837.............................. I07.40 Elhraim Meech, April, I837.................... 40 William Case, May, 1840.............................. 67.12 Samuel McCoskry, January, 1845.................. 40 II. S. Thomas, June, I847..............................67.I2 Isaac Smith, Jr., December, 1832..................... 40 Samuel Hubbard, June, I833.................... 40 Elon Farnsworth, November, I833.................. 80 N. O. Sargent, December, I833....................... 6o A. Alexander, December, 1833........................ 8 Ira Jennings, June, I836................................ 8 H. Hawkins and V. R1. Hawkins, July, 1836...... 6o Isaac Smith, Decemler, I832.......................... 40 A. Hubbard, May, I834................................ 40 Jason Clark, June, I835................................. 60 Jason Clark, November, 1835.......................... 40 Katharine Smith, Felruary, I836................. 40 Ira Jennings, June, 1836................................ 40 Ira Jennings, June, 1836................................ 80 Mathew Brady, July, I836............................. 80 Bridget Craighan, August, 1836....................... 40 Terence Roe, October, 1836........................... 8 Terence Roe, October, I836........................... 80 Patrick R6e, June, 1832................................. I6o Michael Roche, August, I832......................... 80 R. C. Rumsey, November, 1834...................... 40 Charles Steward, November, I834.................... 80 Richard Toncray, December, I834................. 40 Ansel Clark, July, I835............................... 40 J. A. Van Camp, September, 1835.................... 40 R. C. Rumsey, January, 1836......................... 40 Patrick McNamee, August, 1836...................... 40 Warren Parker, June, x832........................... 120 Thomas Hanmer, June, 1832......................... 6o Alanson Glazier, June, 1832........................... 8 Michael Coirigan, May, I834..................... 40 Enos Cole, November, 1835............... 40 G. C. Bedell, November, 1835........................ 40 G. C. Bedell, January, 1836.......................... 40 Oliver Carpenter, May, 1836....................... 80 Erastus Slude, July, 1836.................. 40 Jay Olmsted, June, 1832......................... 320:'eleg Cory, June, I832............................... i6o Joseph Loree, June, I832........................... I6o John Gates, August, I836......................... 40 Elihu Gunnison, June, 1832.......................... 120 Sylvester Scott, November, I832..................... 8o Nathan Seland, May, I833..................... 40 John Hagadorn, May, 1834............................. 8o Asa Bly,.jr, Jirne, I834................................. 8 Joseph Loree, October, I835....................... 40 Robert Worden, October, I835........................ 40 Kingsley S. Bingham, October, 1835............... 40 John Herrington, Jr., November, I835............. 8o Terence Roe, November, 1833............So.......... 80....... LINUS CLARK. Photo. by Jensen, Howell. MRS. LINUS CLARK. LINUS CLARK. Among the pioneers of Green Oak none deserve more prominent mention than the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He was born in the town of Lenox, Madison Co., N. Y., Feb. 26, 1813. His parents, Norman and Catherine (Moot) Clark, were farmers, and had a family of nine children, -six boys and three girls. The elder Clark was a self-made man, successful in business, and of more than ordinary energy and determination. Benevolence was a prominent trait in his character, and in the Presbyterian Church, of which he was an honored member, he held a conspicuous position. His wife was one of those prudent and thrifty housewives, the acme of her ambition being to provide for her household, and to rear her children in such a way that they would become useful and honorable members of society. Linus lived with his father until he attained his majority, alternating his summer's work on the farm with the usual term at the district school in winter. In i833 he came to Green Oak, and settled upon a tract of land of one hundred and forty acres, which his father had previously purchased. This land is a portion of his present farm, a view of which we present on another page. In 1835, Mr. Clark was married to Miss Phoebe, daughter of Henry Stansell, one of the early settlers of Plymouth, Wayne Co., Mich. After their marriage they moved into a log house, and commenced the improvement of their farm. Mrs. Clark, like her husband, was prudent and indus trious, and success attended their efforts. Working together, they acquired a competency. In their religious belief Mr. and Mrs. Clark were Free-Will Baptists. In 1844 he, with seventeen others, founded the Baptist Church of Green Oak; and of the original eighteen Mr. and Mrs. Deacon Loomis and himself are the only ones now living. Mr. Clark has always manifested a deep interest in educational matters, and has been a liberal supporter of educational interests. He was one of the founders of Hillsdale College, to which he has made generous donations. In his political affiliations he was formerly a Whig, and identified himself with the Republican party upon its formation. He was a strong anti-slavery man. One of the salient points in the character of Mr. Clark is his uncompromising hostility to everything he believes to be wrong. His opinions are formed with deliberation, and when reached are held with tenacity. As a business man he is possessed of quick perception, an intuitive knowledge of men and things, and consequently has been successful in his operations. This, however, has not been confined to the accumulation of property; he has established an enviable reputation for integrity and those qualities which alone can render the position he holds among his fellow-men attainable. Mr. Clark has had two children by adoption,Richard A. Stansell, who lost his life in the defense of his country at the battle of Chickamauga, and Delia, now Mrs. David Page. 7.iL I 4,.~ l — l"', - -1 '11, RESIDENCE0W'zLNU ( 1-1 GR EEN OAK, MICHIGAN. GREEN OAK TOWNSHIP. 329 Acres. Isaac Carmer, March, [834.......................... 40 Cornelius Corson, March, 1834....................... 8o Arnoll Hays, May, 18;4............................... 80 Arnold Hays, June, I834............................... 8o Asa Bly. Jr., July, 1834................................. 80 Michael Corrngan, December, 835................. 40 Benjamin Rogers, June, 1836.......................... 8 K. S. Bingham and Robert Warden, Jr., Noveinber, 1835............................................. 80 K. S. Bingham and Robert Warden, Jr., August, I836...................................... 40 Ammon Blain, August, 1832........................... 40 Thomas Casey, Septeml)er, 1832...................... 8 Roger Hadican, September, 1832.................... 80 John Shearlin, September, I832...................... 40 John Aiken, July, 1833.................................. 40 Elizabeth Aiken, July, 1833........................... 80 Patrick McNamee, May, 1834........................ 80 Michael Casey, May, 1834.............................. 40 Patrick Brady, October, I834......................... 80 K. S. Bingham and Robert Warden, Deceml)er, 1835................................................. 40 James Hemmel, July, I842............................ 40 N. F. McCabe, October, 842......................... 80 John Hannon, July, 1843............................. 40 Thomas Anderson, November, 1845.............. 40 R. Hedican, July, 1847................................ 40 Daniel Cary, July, 1847............................... 40 Thomas Antlerson, January, I848................ 40 N. McCabe, July, 1848.................................40 James Andrews, September, 1848................... 40 J. J. Ryan, December, 1849.......................... 40 Patrick McCabe, May, 1852.......................... 40 F. Andrews, June, 1853............................ 40 H. M. McCabe, April, 1848.......................... 40 Mary Kelley, April, 1855.............................. 80 Horace Barnum, September, 1836.................... 40 Isaac Appleton, Octoler, 1830...................... 127.24 Henry D. Barts, June, I831............................ 77.54 Sherman D. Dix, May, 1832....................... 82.76 Nathaniel Potter, Jr., August, 1832..................40 Benjamin Dix, July, '833.............................. 78.80 Robert Calder, Jr., May, 1834................... 96.75 Harvey P. Smith, July, 1834...........................40 C. C. Trowbridge, Junle, 1836........................ B. B. Kercheval, November, 1836.................. N. 0. Sargent, Decemler, 1833....................... 238.59 N. 0. Sargent, December, 1833....................... 186.96 Robert Calder, Jr., May, 1834........................ I53.15 C. C. Trowbridge, June, 1836.............. 67.46 William B. Hopkins, July, I836.................... 67.96 Moses Gleason, June, 1831........................... 80 Daniel Appleton, June, 1831.......................... 6o Jonathan Burnett, May, 1834........................... 8 J. G. De Wolf, June, I834.............................. 66.98 Thomas Sargent, September, I834................... I35.16 Isaac Penoyer, November, I834................... 40 Isaac Penoyer, March, 1835..................... 40 Phcebe Burnett, July, 1835............................. 8o Nancy Penoyer, February, I837....................... 66.98 Stephen Lee, October, 1830......................... 79.78 Benjamin Curtis, October, 830....................... 67.25 Henry D. Barts, June, 1831.......................... 14.6 James Love, December, 1832.................. 71.15 Geo. H. Emmons, July, I833.......................... 40 George Burnett, June, I836............................ o Clarissa Sears, June, 1836.............................. 80 George Butler, June, 1836.............................. 40 Phoebe Burnett, July, 1836.............................. 80 Paul Sears, June, 836................................... 80 Nathan Gott, October, 1831............................ 80 John D. Borden, February, 1832..................... 8 Oliver Carpenter, September, [832................... 40 Arnold Pain, November, 1832........................ 40 Epenetus Howe, June, 1835........................... 60 Betsey Orton, October, 835........................... 40 Timothy Lyon, March, I836........................... 20 Nathaniel Green, August, 1832....................... 40 A. Blain, June, 1833.................................. 40 Moses Thomson, June, 1833.......................... 8 Sally Ann Bowen, October, 1835..................... 8o Lucy Blain, November, 1835........................ 40 Wm. W. Dean, July, I836................... 8o James P. Clements, September, I836................ 40 J. E. Schwartz, September, 1836..................... 40 James P. Clements, March, 1837..................... 40 42 r Acres. George Menzie, June, 1837............................ o Alonzo W. Olds, June, 1849......................... 40 Stephen Tinker, November, 1855.................... 40 Moses Thomson, June, 1833........................... 8o Ives Smith, July, 1833.............................. I6o Moses Thomson, July, 1833........................... 200 J. M. Brown, April, I836............................. 40 Ives Smith, May, 1836....................o.......... 8o Wm. W. Dean, July, 1836......................... 40 William Hannan, November, I836.............. 40 William Slyfield, May, I838......................... 40 Alexander Duncan, January, I834.................... 40 Nathan Leland, July, 1834............................. 40 Orange Sears, January, 1835.......................... 40 Mary Brown, June, 1835............................... 40 Richard Torrey, June, 1836........................ 40 Joseph Berry, June, I836............................ 8o H. H. Bingham, August, 836........................ 40 Charles Borden, November, 1836..................... 4 William Hagadorne, January, I837.................. 40 Mary Leland, January, 1837.......................... 40 William Slyfield, July, I837......................... 40 William L. Webb, January, 1855..................... 8o John Sayres, January, I853........................... 40 Allen W. Dailey, October, I833...................... 8o James Gready, November, 1833.......................40 Robert R. Thompson, December, 1833........ 40 Ambrose W. Borden, May, 1835.....................8o John Hooper, July, 1835............................... 80 John Hooper, August, 1835........................... 40 James De Forrest, November, 1835.............. 40 j. Marter.itock, December, 1836............ 40 J. Marterstock, January, 1837................ 40 William W. Dean, January, 1837.................... 40 James Hanchett, January, 1837.................. -40 William Slyfield, January, 1837.......................40 George Gready, November, 1854.......... 40 David Meech, June, 1831...........................320 David Meech, July, I831............................... 8 John Cummings, June, 1833........................... 80 Ives Smith, July, 1833...................................40 Seymour Goodale, May, 1834........................ 8o Alonzo W. Olds, May, 1840......................... 40 Ariel Y. Olds, August, I833..................... 40 Alonzo W. Olds, December, 1833.................... 40 Harry Meech, February, 1834..................... 40 Webster Tomer, June, 1835............................ 40 George Meech, October, 1835.............................. 40 John S. Bennett, June, 1836........................... 40 Ezra Robinson, June, 1836............................. 40 Nelson H. Wing, July, 1836........................... o Patrick Hannon, November, I836.................. 40 Warren Clark, April, 1853............................ 4 Stephen Tinker, Jr., January, 1854.................. 40 Jared Haines, April, 1831........................... 6o Nathaniel Gott, August, 1833.......................... 40 Ed F. Olds, August, 1833.............................. I20 Ariel Y. Olds, August, T833........................... 40 Fred Smith, December, 836.......................... 40 G. G. Bedell, January, 1836...........................8o Henry Stansell, July, 1836............................ 40 James Hanchett, September, I836 8................ 8o Leroy H. Burt, September, 1836................. 40 William Leman, September, 183..................... 293 George W. Dexter, August, 1831.................... 80 Cornelius W. Miller, October, 1831.................. 66.50 Thomas Tuthill, May, 1833.............................40 Thomas Tuthill, May, 1833.............................66.50 George Galloway, October, 1833...................... 80 Thomas Tuthill, October, 1833........................ 40 William Leaman, January, 1836......................40 Eldad S. Field, November, 1836.....................40 Thomas T. Pettis, September, 1835.................. 80 John L. Tuthill, August, 1832....................... 80 Thomas Dosset, May, 1833............................40 Isaac Ela, May, 1834....................................40 James Tompkins, June, 1834..........................40 A. B. Perry, December, I83 5................. 40 Eldad S. Field, November, I836................... 40 J. N. Robinson, January, I837.................... 40 John Garrison. January, I837..........................120 G. S. Wheeler, June, I862............................ 4 John McGoiren, August, I838........................ 40 Emery Beal, October, 1839....................... 40 Stephen Lee, September, I830........................ 80 S. R. Perry, August, 1833.............................. 40 330 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. - Acres. John Bogle, November, I833......................... 240 Jas. McMahon, November, 1833..................... 40 Dennis Burns, May, 1834.............................. 40 Patrick Gilligan, August, 1834........................ 40 James Hanchett, September, 1836.................... 40 James Coulon, September, 1847....................... 40 John B. Hammond, May, 1831........................ 80 A. S. Ames, May, 1833................................. 8o James Hynes, September, 1833....................... 80 John S. Bennett, December, 1833..................... 6o Timothy McCarthy, April, 1834.................... 240 John B. Hammond, May, 1831.................... 16o M. W illits, June, 183I.................................. 8o Henry Hayward, June, 183.......................... 80 Manley Smith, November, 183...................... 8o Ephraim Meech, June, 1832........................... I6o John Starkweather, November, 1832............... 80 Benjamin Welch, June, 1831...................... 80 John H. Carlton, June, 1832.......................... 8o Luzen Touzey, June, 1832............................ 8o Elias Dean, August, 1832.............................. 40 A. S. Ames, May, 1833..................... 80 Henry Meech, June, 1833.............................. Alonzo W. Olds, July, 1833...................... 40 Thomas Malone, October, 1836........................ 120 Adam J. Coons, June, 1839................... 40 William Kernan, April, 1832.......................... 240 Ambrose Alexander, June, 1834.................. 40 James Tompkins, June, 1834...................... 120 Parley Gardner, June, 1836........................... 40 William H. Moore, August, 1836..................... 40 James Hanchett, September, 1836.................... 40 Levi Knight, October, 1836.......................... 80 William Kernan, April, 1832....................... 80 Jonathan Haight, October, 1833.................. 80 Elisha W. Brockaway, November, 1833........... 66.60 Caleb Sawyer, May, I834.............................. 66.80 J. G. De Wolf, October, 1834...................... 40 Isaac Pennoyer, March, 1835..................... 40 Stephen Draper, May, 1836............................. 66.80 James Burnett, June, I836.............................. o6.6o George Burnett, June, 1836.. 40 George Burnett, June, 1836............................. 40 Parley Gardner, June, 1836............................ 40 Michael Carberry, October, 1836..................... 8o Zelotes Truesdell, December, 1854................. 40 The following is a list of township officers elected in Green Oak since its organization: 1835.-Isaac Smith, Supervisor; George W. Glover, Township Clerk; Alonzo W. Olds, John McConnell, George W. Glover, Assessors; Ephraim Meach, Collector; Frederick Smith, George W. Glover, Directors of the Poor; Gardner Bird, A. W. Olds, Evert Woodruff, Highway Commissioners; Melzer Bird, Isaac Smith, Sherman Dix, School Commissioners; James A. Sterling, William C. Rumsey, Warren Parker, School Inspectors. 1836.-Kinsley S. Bingham, Supervisor; William C. Rumsey, Township Clerk; John W. Peavy, John Hooper, John Andrews, Elisha W. Brockway, Justices of the Peace; Frederick W. Goodenoe, Thomas Tuthill, Horace Toncray, Assessors; John Henry, Richard Toncray, Directors of the Poor; Joseph Lorn, Collector. 1837.-Elisha Brockway, Supervisor; Robert Warden, Jr., Township Clerk; Job Cranston, Augustus Cotton, Thomas Tuthill, Assessors; Kinsley S. Bingham, Robert Warden, Jr., Warren Parker, School Inspectors; Orlando Rodgers, Collector. 1838.-Robert Warden, Jr., Supervisor; James Hanchett, Township Clerk; John Hooper, Jonathan Burnett, Augustus Cotton, Assessors; Chandler Carter, Warren Parker. Isaac. Smith, Justices of the Peace; Solomon S. Saunders, Collector. 1839.-Robert Warden, Jr., Supervisor; James Hanchett, Township Clerk; John Farnsworth, Treasurer; Joseph Lorn, John Farnsworth, James McMahon, Assessors; James Coe, Collector; K. S. Bingham, Robert Warden, Jr., Jamtes Hanchett, SChool Inspectors; John Hooper, Justice of the Peace. I I I 1840.-John Hooper, Supervisor; John L. Tuttle, Township Clerk; John Yerinton, Treasurer; James McMahon, Assessor; John Hooper, Justice of the Peace; James Coe, Collector; John L. Tuttle, Robert Warden, Jr., School Inspectors. I841.-William W. Dean, Supervisor; John L. Tuttle, Township Clerk; John Hooper, Orlando Rodgers, Assessors; Enoch H. Marble, Treasurer; John Yerinton, Jr., Collector; Kinsley S. Bingham, Robert Warden, School Inspectors; Robert Warden, Jr., Justice of the Peace. I842.-John Hooper, Supervisor; John L. Tuttle, Township Clerk; Isaac Penoyer, Justice of the Peace; John Yerinton, Jr., John Farnsworth, Assessors; A. Hubbard, K. S. Bingham, Robert Warden, School Inspectors. 1843.-Robert Warden, Supervisor; John L. Tuttle, Township Clerk; A. Hubbard, Treasurer; Alonzo W. Olds, Justice of the Peace; Lorenzo Chubb, Robert Warden, Jr., Ira Jennings, Assessors; A. W. Olds, Robert Warden, Jr., School Inspectors. i844.-Ira Jennings, Supervisor; John L. Tuttle, Township Clerk; A. Hubbard, Treasurer; James S. Spencer, A. S. Butterfield, Justices of the Peace; Robert Warden, Warren Parker, School Inspectors. 1845.-Ira Jennings, Supervisor; Gilbert Bedell, Township Clerk; Robert Warden, John L. Tuttle, Justices of the Peace; Abijah Angell, Treasurer; Samuel L. Whiting, School Inspector. I846.-Ira Jennings, Supervisor; William C. Bedell, Township Clerk; Royal C. Rumsey, Justice of the Peace; Roger Hedican, Treasurer; Moses Green, Warren Parker, School Inspectors. 1847.-Ira Jennings, Supervisor; Abel S. Butterfield, Township Clerk; Alonzo W. Olds, Justice of the Peace; Roger Hedican, Treasurer; Jonathan Burnett, School Inspector. I848.-Alonzo W. Olds, Supervisor; Abel F. Butterfield, Township Clerk; John L. Tuttle, John Hooper, Justices of the Peace; Hannibal Lee, Treasurer; Almon Maltby, Moses B. Green, School Inspectors. 1849.-Ira Jennings, Supervisor; Asahel Hubbard, Township Clerk; Robert Warden, Jr., John Hooper, Justices of the Peace; Hannibal Lee, Treasurer; Jonathan Burnett, School Inspector. 1850.-John Hooper, Supervisor; A. F. Butterfield, Township Clerk; S. M. Winans, Treasurer; Everett Wilson, Justice of the Peace; Robert Warden, Jr., School Commissioner; Jonathan Burnett, School Inspector. 185I.-Ira Jennings, Supervisor; A. F. Butterfield, Township Clerk; S. M. Winans, Treasurer; Warren Barker, Isaac Smith, Justices of the Peace; Jonathan Burnett, School Inspector. 1852.-Robert Warden, Supervisor; Niel Q'Heara, Township Clerk; John Hooper, Treasurer; A. F. Butterfield, Jesse Truesdell, Justices of the Peace; Zelotes Truesdell, School Inspector. 1853.-Ira Jennings, Supervisor; George W. Cropsey, Township Clerk; James Hammill, Treasurer; F. L. Clements, Charles Holister, School Inspectors; John Hooper, Justice of the Peace. I854.-Ira Jennings, Supervisor; A. S. Warner, Township Clerk; James Hammill, Treasurer; Ferris L. Clements, Robert Warden, R. C. Rumsey, Justices of the Peace. 1855.-Robert Warden, Supervisor; A. S. Holister, Township Clerk; Peter P. Galatian, Treasurer; Charles Hokster, School Inspector; A. W. Olds, Isaac H. Smith, Justices of the Peace. 1856.-Robert Warden, Supervisor; Byron A. Lumbard, Township Clerk; Peter P. Gallatian, Treasurer; A. Nelson Clark, School Inspector; John L. Tuttle, Almon Maltby, Jesse Truesdell, Justices of the Peaw. I857.-Robert Warden, Supervisor; Byron A. Lumbard, Town 331 GREEN OAK TOWNSHIP. ship Clerk; P. P. Gallatian, Treasurer; Robert Warden, Justice of the Peace; Ferris L. Clements, School Inspector. 1858.-Royal C. Rumsey, Supervisor; B. A. Lumbard, Township Clerk; Henry S. Dean, Justice of the Peace; Andrew Barber, Treasurer; A. N. Clark, School Inspector. i859.-Royal C. Rumsey, Supervisor; B. A. Lumbard, Township Clerk; P. P. Gallatian, Treasurer; Almon Maltby, Justice of the Peace; Richard Stansell, School Inspector. I860.-George S. Wheeler, Supervisor; B. A. Lumbard, Township Clerk; Isaac Smith, Treasurer; John L. Tuttle, Almon Maltby, Justices of the Peace; A. N. Clark, R. A. Stansell, School Inspectors. I86I.-George S. Wheeler, Supervisor; B. A. Lumbard, Township Clerk; Milton G. Field, Treasurer; Ferris L. Clements, Justice of the Peace; Ferris L. Clements, School Inspector. I862.-Franklin Case, Supervisor; B. A. Lumbard, Township Clerk; E. L. Burt, Treasurer; Hannibal Lee, Robert Warden, Justices of the Peace; F. L. Clements, School Inspector. 1863.-Franklin Case, Supervisor; B. A. Lumbard, Township Clerk; E. L. Burt, Treasurer; Hlannibal Lee, Robert Warden, F. L. Clements, School Inspectors. I864.-Franklin Case, Superviior; Giles Lee, Township Clerk; Isaac Smith, Treasurer; John L. Tuttle, Robert Warden, Almon Maltby, Justices of the Peace. 1865.-Robert Warden, Supervisor; Giles Lee, Township Clerk; Ansel N. Clark, School Inspector; Ferris S. Clements, John N. Clark, Jonathan Burnett, Justices of the Peace. I866.-Almon Maltby, Supervisor; Giles Lee, Township Clerk; William D. Corson, Treasurer; Linus Clark, Caleb Sawyer, Justices of the Peace; Daniel B. Stark, School Inspector. I867.-Giles Lee, Supervisor; Robert Warden, Township Clerk; Ansel N. Clark, Treasurer; Almon Maltby, Daniel B. Stark, Caleb O. Willis, Justices of the Peace; Ferris L. Clements, School Inspector. I868.-Giles Lee, Supervisor; Robert Warden, Township Clerk; Ansel N. Clark, Treasurer; Erastus A. Pratt, Justice of the Peace; Daniel B. Stark, School Inspector. I869.-Giles Lee, Supervisor; Robert Warden, Township Clerk; Samuel Barber, Treasurer; F. I. Clements, Justice of the Peace; Clinton J. Burnett, School Inspector. I870.-Giles Lee, Supervisor; Daniel Caldwell, Township Clerk; Daniel B. Stark, Justice of the Peace; D. B. Clark, School Inspector. 187I.-Giles Lee, Supervisor; D. M. Caldwell, Township Clerk; William A. Weatherhead, Treasurer; Almon' Maltly, Horatio A. Barker, Justices of the Peace; Ansel N. Clark, School Inspector. I872.-Giles Lee, Supervisor; D. M. Caldwell, Township Clerk; Wm. A. Weatherhead, Treasurer; Erastus A. Pratt, Justice of the Peace; Marshall Borden, School Inspector. I873.-Giles Lee, Supervisor; Daniel M. Caldwell, Township Clerk; George W. Dean, Treasurer; Ferris L. Clements, Justice of the Peace; Edward Reid, School Inspector. I874.-Giles Lee, Supervisor; Albert G. Burnett, Township Clerk; George W. Dean, Treasurer; Horatio A. Barker, Justice of the Peace; Wm. W. Dean, Drain Commissioner; John Marshall, School Inspector. 1875.-Giles Lee, Supervisor; Albert G. Burnett, Township Clerk; George W. Dean, Treasurer; Almon Maltby, Justice of the Peace; John Marshall, Superintendent of Schools; James D. Stark, School Inspector; Lewis Scott, Drain Commissioner. 1876.-Giles Lee, Supervisor; Albert G. Burnett, Township Clerk; George W. Dean, Treasurer; James W. Edgar, Justice of the Peace; John Marshall, Superintendent of Schools; James D. Stark, School Inspector; Lewis Scott, Drain Commissioner. I877.-Giles Lee, Supervisor; A. G. Burnett, Township Clerk; Charles T. Dewey, Treasurer; Robert Warden, James D. Stark, Justices of the Peace; John Marshall, Superintendent of Schools; James D. Stark, School Inspector. I878.-Giles Lee, Supervisor; Albert G. Burnett, Township Clerk; George M. Field, Treasurer; James D. Stark, Justice of the Peace; John Marshall, Superintendent of Schools; Job H. Scott, School Inspector; Lewis Scott, Drain Commissioner. I879.-Giles Lee, Supervisor; Leslie J. Stiles, Township Clerk; George M. Field, Treasurer; Joseph M. Holden, Justice of the Peace; Job H. Scott, Superintendent of Schools; Hugh T. Smith, School Inspector. RELIGIOUS. FREE-WILL BAPTIST CHURCH. The only church edifice in the town of Green Oak is located near the southern boundary line, on section 35, and the society that it represents is of the Baptist denomination. It was organized March 22, I845, by Elders S. S. Lanning and J. Tyler, the first deacon being M. Thomson. The number of members that formed the first church organization was 17, which number during the years that followed was greatly augmented, until the total number from its beginning reached 124. In i85o the necessity for building a house of worship became apparent, and ground was purchased for the purpose. With the degree of interest manifested in the new enterprise it required but little time to complete the edifice, which was built in a plain but substantial manner, and soon after dedicated. It has been used since that time, but the growing congregation, finding its capacity limited for their wants, have arranged to remodel and enlarge it, and under the supervision of Mr. Linus Clark work will soon be begun. In I848, Rev. William R. Norton was installed as pastor. He was succeeded by Rev. James Bignall, who remained in charge of the church until 1859, when Rev. S. A. Currier became his successor, and two years later Rev. D. Winton filled the pastoral relation. Rev. H. A. Barker was next called to minister to the people, and later Rev. E. G. Chaddock became pastor. Rev. E. J. Howes was next installed, and remained until Rev. L. J. Whitcomb filled his place. Rev. A. W. Ensign was the pastor after this until, in 1876, Rev. H. A. Barker was called for a second time to fill the pulpit, which he did with much acceptance for seven years, when the present pastor, Rev. J. Rodgers, was installed. The deacons are Squire Loomis, Isaac Burhaus, and Linus Clark. 332 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. HON. KINSLEY S. BINGHAM was born in Camillus, N. Y., in December, 1808. His father was a farmer, and his own early life was devoted to agricultural pursuits. He received an academical education, and studied law with Gen. James R. Lawrence, at Syracuse, N. Y. In 1833 he married an estimable lady of Scotch parentage, and soon thereafter emigrated to Michigan, settling on and clearing a farm in the town of Green Oak. He early embarked in local politics, being first chosen to the office of justice of the peace; was then appointed postmaster; was the first judge of probate of his county, and in 1836 was chosen a member of the Legislature, and served four terms. He was speaker of the House of Representatives of 1838 and 1839. In 1846 he was chosen, as a Democrat, to Congress, and was the only practical farmer in that body. In 1848 he was re-elected to Congress, where he strongly opposed the extension of slavery into the Territories and voted for the Wilmot proviso. He was also a member of the Committee on Commerce. His Congressional service continued until 185i. In 1854, in consequence of his anti-slavery course in Congress, Mr. Bingham was given the first distinctively Republican nomination for Governor, and was re-elected in I856. He was known as the "farmer-governor of Michigan." He was a highly popular chief magistrate, and was genial and affable in his disposition. He was instrumental in establishing the Agricultural College. He was chosen to the United States Senate in 1859, and in 186o took an active part in that memorable campaign in behalf of the' election of Abraham Lincoln to the Presidency. He witnessed the commencement of the civil war during his brief Senatorial career, and actively espoused the cause of the Union, dying of apoplexy at his residence in Green Oak, Oct. 5, 1861, much lamented, in the fifty-third year of his age. HANNIBAL LEE. The progenitor of the present Lee family was Stephen Lee, who was born in Rensselaer Co., N. Y., and married Lydia Emmons, aunt of the late Judge Emmons, of Detroit. To them were born the following children: Eliza, Hannibal, Solomon, Sarah, Hannah, Catharine, Lucy, Charles, and Elizabeth. ' 1.' * '?. Mr. Lee, with his wife and children, emigrated to Michigan in September, 1835, and chose the township of Green Oak, in Livingston County, as his abode. Here he broke the first soil in the township, and encouraged by his generous aid and hospitality the efforts of later pioneers. His son, Hannibal Lee, was born in Half-Moon, Saratoga Co., N. Y., in 1812, and accompanied his father in 1830 to Green Oak, assisting him in the improvement of his possessions until he was twentyone. Being ambitious to secure a home of his own, he purchased the farm adjacent to the lands of his father, and upon which he still resides. He was married, Feb. 19, 1834, to Miss Mary Hubbard, the occasion being a memorable one from the double wedding that occurred, Mr. Lee's sister also marrying a brother of Miss Hubbard. Mr. Lee enjoys the distinction of being one of the first anti-slavery voters in the township, and although actively interested in politics was never an office-seeker. He is a man of strong religious convictions, uncompromising in his defense of the right, and possessing the courage to maintain his opinions. He is a prominent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and has for years been one of its leading officers. His son, Giles, was born at the home of his father, Feb. 23, I837. He acquired an academical education, but having a decided taste for farming pursuits, he joined his father in the cultivation of his estate. He was married, March 9, 1859, to Lucy W. Briggs, and some years later erected opposite the paternal abode a spacious residence, which he now occupies. He manifests a keen interest in public affairs, is regarded as possessing sound judgment, and has been honored by his constituents as their favored candidate for supervisor, to which office he has been elected for a period of thirteen successive years. CORNELIUS CORSON was a native of Pennsylvania, and was born about twenty miles from Philadelphia, in the year I793. When a young man he went to Canandaigua, N. Y., where he married Sarah Whittaker, a woman of much energy, and possessed of many excellent qualities. Here he remained several years, working at his trade,-that of a shoemaker. In 1834 the family emigrated to Michigan, and settled upon the farm now owned by his son, William D., which originally consisted of eighty acres, and upon which he resided until his death, which oc~~~~~~~~~~~~~t.,............................................. ir ALMON MALTBY. MRS. ALMON MALTBY. ALMON MALTBY, son of Grove and Cynthia (Inglesby) Maltby, was born in the town of Henrietta, Monroe Co., N. Y., Dec. 27, I814. Up to the age of eighteen years his life, like that of most farmers' boys, was one of unceasing toil in summer, with a respite of a few months at the district school in winter. At the age of eighteen he was apprenticed to the trade of carpenter and joiner, which occupation he followed until he came to Michigan. In the spring of I832, in company with his brother Maynard, he came to Livingston County, and settled in what is now Brighton. The next summer they cleared and fenced six acres, which they sowed to wheat, and in the fall of that year returned to New York. During the winter they taught school. The following spring they returned, and since that time Mr. Maltby has been prominently identified with Brighton and Green Oak. In 1835 he purchased sixty acres of land in Genoa, which was the first purchase in that town. He, however, lived with his brother Maynard until 1837, when he was married to Miss Eliza J. Hawley, of Geneva, N. Y. Shortly after his marriage he removed to the farm he now occupies, which originally consisted of one hundred and eight acres. Mr. Maltby's life has been devoted to agricultural pursuits, in which he has been eminently successful. He now owns a beautiful farm of four hundred and fifty-three acres, under a high state of cultivation. He has been married twice. His first wife died in 1842, and he was again married, in I843,.to Esther Moore. Mrs. Maltby, as well as her husband, occupies a prominent position among the pioneers, having emigrated with her father's family in I833. JOHN HOOPER. IMRS. JOHN HOOPER. JOHN HOOPER, son of Clement and Catherine (Voorhies) Hooper, was born in the town of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., N. J., Dec. 20, 1799. lie is descended from Revolutionary stock, his grandfather, James Hooper, having served as a cavalry officer in the struggle for independence. The parents of Mr. Hooper were farmers, and in 1817 removed to the town of Cato, Cayuga Co., N. Y., where the elder Hooper resided until his death, which occurred in 1837. He reared a family of ten children, eight boys and two girls. He was a man of steady habits, and led a quiet and uneventful life. Being in limited circumstances, his children received slight advantages, and their education was obtained from the bitter school of experience rather than from books. John lived at home until his eighteenth year, when he started in life as a farm laborer. In April, 1827, he was married, in the town of Lee, Oneida Co., to Miss Electa Washburne. She was born Dec. 28, 1805. Her parents, Martin and Martha Washburne, were natives of Massachusetts, and emigrated to Oneida County in an early day, where Mrs. Hooper was born. After their marriage they engaged in farming for several years. Michigan was at this time considered to be the Eldorado of the West, and Mr. Hooper, foreseeing the advantages of cheap land and a fertile soil, resolved to come West and make a home and a fortune. Accordingly, in June, I 1835, he started for Michigan, in company with fouLr other families. Arriving in Detroit, they made a selection of land on Bean Creek, Lenawee Co., six miles west of Adrian. The location, however, was an unfortunate one for Mr. Hooper. The land being heavily timbered, and his health failing him after a short residence, he decided to better himself by the purchase of land more easily improved. He accordingly purchased from the government one hundred and twenty acres of land, onl section 35, in the town of Green Oak, much against the wishes of his friends, who were greatly averse to the loss of a valuable neighbor and friend. Here he has since resided, and to his original purchase he has added eighty acres. Mr. Hooper has been quite prominently identified with Green Oak. He has held various positions of trust and influence, the duties of which he has performed with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of his fellow-townsmen. He was one of the early justices, and for a number of terms represented the town upon the Board of Supervisors. Politically he is a Democrat of the Jacksonian type, and has remained true to his early political convictions. He has led an active life, and in his chosen calling has acquired a competency, the result of industry and thrift coupled with good business ability. Mr. and Mrs. Hooper have been blessed with six children, four of whom are living, two sons and two daughters. I GREEN OAK TOWNSHIP. 333 curred in I859. The elder Corson was an ambitious, hard-working man, and highly esteemed by all who knew him. He was a successful farmer and a worthy citizen. William D. Corson was born in Canandaigua, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1828. Upon the death of his father he succeeded to the estate, to which he has added two hundred and forty acres. In I856 he was married to Miss Cynthia Borden, of Green Oak, by whom he has had eight children. GEORGE GREADY. MRS. GEORGE GREADY. GEORGE GREADY, one of the early settlers of Green Oak, was born in Bristol, England, June 7, 18I. His father, Thomas Gready, was a market gardener, an industrious and successful man, who reared a family of seven children (four sons and three daughters), George being the fourth child. On attaining his majority he decided to emigrate to America. Accordingly, in July, 1832, he, in company with his brother James, sailed for the United States. In September following they settled on the county-line between Lyon and Green Oak. Their land was purchased from government, and Mr. Gready has in his possession the original deed, bearing the signature of Andrew Jackson. His land was a mile and a half from the road, and he was obliged to cut his way to it. For the first few years he endured many hardships and privations. Wolves were numerous, and they howled about his dwelling, making night hideous; bears were also frequent visitors. They lived in a very primitive way, the log house being supplied with a floor made of split logs, and the furniture (if it could be dignified by that name), made by himself, was of the rudest kind. One of the greatest discomforts they had to contend with was the mosquitoes, which were so numerous and aggressive that life was almost unendurable; in fact, they were a greater pest than the rattlesnakes, which would frequently crawl into the house and secrete themselves underneath the beds, revealing their location by their odor and rattle. Gradually, as the country became cleared, they were relieved of these pests. In about three years they began to raise crops, and life became much more endurable. Oct. 2, 1837, Mr. Gready was married to Miss Sophia, daughter of Wright and Mary Gage, of Green Oak. She was born in Ontario township, Wayne Co., N. Y., March 26, I820, and came with her parents to this State in 1834, settling in the town of Lyon, Oakland Co. Mr. and Mrs. Gready are fast approaching the evening of their lives; they have witnessed the transition of a wilderness into a highly productive region, and have in a measure been compensated for the hardships and trials of their early life. Industrious, thrifty, and economical, they have secured a competency, and are surrounded by the comforts and conveniences which they have so well earned. They have been blessed with ten children, seven of whom are living. The life of Mr. Gready has been devoted to the cares of his farm and family. For integrity, industry, and honorable dealing he has acquired an enviable reputation, and is regarded as a thrifty farmer and a valuable citizen. CONWAY TOWNSH I P. THIS township, which was formed as lena by an act of the State Legislature, approved March 6, I838, is situated in the northwest corner of Livingston County. Adjoining township organizations are Antrim, in Shiawassee Co., on the north, Locke, in Ingham Co., on the west, and Cohoctah and Handy respectively, in Livingston, on the east and south. The surface may be described in general terms as of an undulating character, the rolling and more elevated portions being found on the eastern border. The major portion of the township, or perhaps three-fourths of it, was covered originally with a heavy growth of hard wood timber, termed by the early settlers " timbered openings." The soil is of a rich loam, very productive, and the people are uniformly successful in the cultivation of wheat, corn, fruits, and other field products. The streams are unimportant. Cedar River cuts the extreme southwest corner, while one or two small tributaries of the Shiawassee cross its northern and eastern borders. The people are chiefly agriculturists. Well-improved farms and tasteful farm-buildings abound in every portion, and the present population is estimated at about 1200. FIRST AND OTHER EARLY SETTLEMENTS. It seems to be an unsettled question to whom can be ascribed the honor of making the first settlement in this township, priority being claimed for those men who composed the Parsons Company, and Robert Colborn. Without undertaking to settle this unimportant matter, we give both statements as received; though from the fact that Mr. Colborn's name does not appear as a resident tax-payer upon the assessment roll of Howell for the year 1837, we venture the opinion that the Messrs. Parsons, Wait, Strong, and Fay were the first to take up their permanent residence. In the month of May, 1831, the brothers Frederick B. and Cecil D. Parsons-the former accompanied by his wife —left their homes in Franklin Co., Mass., and journeyed by stage to Troy, N. Y. From the latter city a passage was secured on board a canal-boat to Buffalo, thence by lake steamer to Detroit, where they continued their journey by stage to Ann Arbor. They at last 334 I reached Webster, Washtenaw Co., Mich., on foot, where they joined their sister, Mrs. Israel Arms, who, with her husband, had settled in Michigan in 1826. The brothers purchased land in Webster, and continued their residence there without thought of changing, until early in the summer of I836, when, during the great rush of emigration to the new State, they were joined by their father, Levi Parsons, their brothers, Julius F. and Samuel F., their mother and two sisters, Waterman B. Fay, son-in-law of Levi Parsons, Timothy Wait, father-in-law of Julius F. Parsons, and Lorenzo K. Strong. Messrs. Wait and Strong were from Northampton, Hampshire Co., Mass. All the remainder from Franklin County, of the same State. These people all came to Michigan with the purpose of making the Peninsular State their permanent home. As they wished to purchase quite a large tract of government land, situated where all could settle in the same neighborhood, and as no such opportunity presented itself in Washtenaw County, in June, 1836, Frederick B. Parsons, Cecil D. Parsons, Julius F. Parsons, Waterman B. Fay, Timothy Wait, and Lorenzo K. Strong started out on foot for the purpose of locating land in Livingston County. Arriving at Livingston Centre, they learned that desirable lands-not yet entered-were lying in township 4 north, of range 3 east, and that Charles P. Bush, who was then with Calvin Handy in township 3 north, of range 3 east, would act as their guide while exploring the woods. They finally arrived at Mr. Handy's house, found Mr. Bush, and engaged his services for the next day. Mr. Handy had but just occupied his new dwelling,-a small log house,-and in consequence household articles were in some confusion. But Mrs. Handy, who, like other wives of the pioneers, was equal to the emergency, prepared lodgings for her visitors by spreading upon the ground, in the centre of the cabin, a bed; upon it these six stalwart men reclined their heads and shoulders, while their extremities swung around the circle, taking care of themselves. The next morning two or three other land-lookers came up, who wished to accompany the first party in their operations, but Mr. Bush would not permit them without the consent of those who first engaged him. As there was much sharp practice in play in those days RESIDENCE &-WM P. STOW, CONWAY, MICHIGAN. _ _ _ _ _ 'K~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m RESIDENCE OF Wm. D. CORSON, GREEN OAK, MI.CH. 33-5 CONWAY TOWNSHIP. among land-lookers and land-buyers, it will be readily inferred that usually the second party were politely requested to stay behind. As a result of this first visit to the territory now known as Conway, the Messrs. Parsons and their friends concluded to purchase the lands situated upon sections I I, 13, and 14, which are more fully described in an accompanying list of original landentries. Upon the 20th of June, I836, their purchases, consisting of 840 acres, were entered upon the book in the land-office at Detroit. Later, during the same summer, the six men before mentioned again started out for the purpose of opening a road through from Livingston Centre to their new possessions, also to erect a house wherein some of them proposed to pass the winter. They brought with them an ox-team and wagon, provisions for a few days, and boards necessary for use in building, which were obtained at Place's mill, in Webster, Washtenaw Co. Soon after leaving the Centre-now Howelltheir labor began; and at night they had progressed as far as John B. La Rowe's place of settlement on section 6, Howell township. The next day they gained two miles, cut out a road, bridged the creek, and encamped for the night near Sabin's Lake. On the third day they arrived at their destination, the northeast quarter of section 14, on land owned by Julius F. Parsons. Here, within six days, they completed what is claimed to have been the first dwelling erected in the township. This house was i8 by 24 feet in dimensions, covered with oak shingles, which were shaved upon the-spot, and the floor laid with the boards brought from Washtenaw County. This house soon after became noted as the place of birth of the first child born in the township,-son of J. F. Parsons, born January, 1837. Within its walls was held the first religious meeting, and here the people assembled to hold their first township-meeting in April, 1838. Our pioneers, having exhausted their stock of provisions, were compelled to return to Washtenaw County immediately after completing their house. During the fall of 1836, Julius F. Parsons, his father, Levi Parsons, and their families, accompanied by Timothy Wait, Lorenzo K. Strong, and Waterman B. Fay, came on from Webster, Washtenaw Co., fully prepared to take up their residence here in the woods. Land was cleared upon the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 14, and wheat sown the same season. Messrs. Wait and Strong were carpenters by trade; during the period last mentioned they hauled lumber from Farmington, Oakland Co., and built, each for himself, small framed houses, which were completed in the spring of I837. The one built by Mr. Strong burned down several years ago. The other, after having withstood the ravages of time for forty years, finally succumbed to the same element, and disappeared 'mid fire and smoke in May, I877. It was then owned and occupied by William Copeland, who received in payment for his loss the sum of $5o from the Livingston County Fire Insurance Company. Robert Colborn, from Wayne Co., Mich., purchased go acres on the northwest Fart of the northwest fractional quarter of section 5, July 5, I836. His son is authority for the statement that Mr. Colborn, Sr., and his family moved in and took up their residence on the county line in November of the same year; that the route followed by them was along what was then known as the Grand River road up into Shiawassee County, from whence they bore south, cutting out their own road, until reaching the place of their settlement; and that they were the first settlers in the township. As a distance of more than four and one-half miles on an air-line separated those in the Parsons settlement from the locality chosen by Mr. Colborn, the whole covered by dense forests, swamps, and tangled morasses, it is very possible that the latter should be in error in supposing himself the first settler, and that weeks should elapse ere he was aware of others being in the township. Mr. Colborn was a most worthy citizen. He raised up a large family, several of whom reside in the township at the present time. Late in the fall of 1836, Frederick B. Parsons, the eldest son of Levi, came on and built a comfortable log dwelling upon his land, it being the northwest quarter of section 14. In March following, having sold out his possessions in Washtenaw County, he removed here, bringing in his family and household effects upon sleighs. Ledyard S. Adams, from Genesee Co., N. Y., purchased the north half of section 36, May Io, 1836, but did not settle until April i, 1837. He died in the spring of i841, while holding the office of assessor. Martin W. Randall, from Livingston Co., N. Y., whose journey to Michigan is fully described by Hon. Ralph Fowler, in historical sketches referring to the early settlement of Handy township, settled upon the west half of the southwest quarter of section 27, also, early in the spring of 1837. Mr. Randall was a prominent citizen, and closely identified with the early history of Conway. He died in i856, while serving as township treasurer. The following statement, compiled from the assessment roll of the township of Howell, —which 336 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. assessment was made in May, I837,-shows the number and names of the resident tax-payers in township 4 north, of range 3 east, at that period; also a description of their lands and their valuation: Acres. Valuation. Ledyard S. Adams, northeast quarter and northwest quarter of section 36........................ 320 Waterman H. Fay, west half of northwest quarter of section 13.......................................... 80 Julius F. Parsons, southwest quarter of southeast quarter of section i, and northeast quarter of section 14........................................... 200 Frederick B. Parsons, northwest quarter of section 14.................................................. I6o Martin W. Randall, west half of southwest quarter of section 27......................................... 8o Lorenzo K. Strong, southeast quarter of section 14 i6o Timothy Wait, ea-t half of northwest quarter of section 13............................................. 8o John Coughran, from Genesee Co., N. IUI —V —~ V $960 240 6oo 480 240 480 240., the first supervisor of Iena, settled upon the southeast quarter of section 25, May 31, 1837. He is still a resident of the township, honored and respected by all his fellow-townsmen. Cecil D. Parsons joined his brothers and friends in the new settlement Aug. 21, 1837, and soon after began to fell the trees and make an improvement upon the beautiful farm where he at present resides. His house was completed and occupied December I ith of the same year. Timothy Wait and Lorenzo K. Strong, after but a short residence here, removed to Lapeer County. Later still Julius F. Parsons also removed to the same county. Levi Parsons returned to the East, and finally died in the State of New York. Of those six men who came and erected the first house in the township, D. Parsons is the only resident survivor. Prior to the first township-meeting, which was held at the house of Levi Parsons, April 2, 1838, H. Hoyt and William N. Hoyt had settled upon section 29; Stephen Dailey, upon section 25; Lee Nutt, upon sections 35 and 36; Joseph Alexander, upon section 20; and John Bush upon 35. It is stated that seventeen voters were present at the first township-meeting, which probably included all the legal voters then residing in the township. A few additional names appeared as resident tax-payers upon Iena's first assessment roll, dated May 9, 1838, which will be found upon a succeeding page. The first marriage was celebrated Aug. 19, 1838, and the following copy of the marriage license explains itself: " This may certify that Amos Colborn, of lena, hath applied to me for a marriage license, and that marriage is intended between the said Amos, and Hannah Alexander, of the same place; and after a careful examination of the said Amos, as to the legality of the intended marriage, and finding it to be lawful, I do by these presents grant him this license. "Given under my hand this 17th day of August, 1838. "LEVI PARSONS, " Twn Clerk. " Married by me, Aug 19, 1838, Mr. Amos Colborn to Miss Hannah Alexander, both of the town of lena, Livingston Co., Mich. LEVI PARSONS, " 7uslice of the Peace." In December, 1838, Warren G. Grant applied for and received a license "to keep a public-house, and to sell spirituous liquors at his house on the Trail road, for one year from and after the 3ist of December, 1838." Lee Nutt was also an early tavern-keeper, and was first granted a license by the township board Feb. 6, 1841. This was renewed during the years to I844, inclusive. The usual fee paid for tavern license was $1.25 per year. Among other settlers who were here during the year 1838, and not already mentioned, were John Martin, Thomas Martin, Reuben Wood, Warren G. Grant, Chauncey Yaples, Marcus Munn, and Samuel Ball. The following account of the settlement of Warren G. Grant and his family, furnished by his son, Hon. Elisha W. Grant, affords a fair illustration of the way and the difficulties attendant upon pioneer life in this region at that period. " Early in Felbuary, 1838, Warren G. Grant exchanged his farn, in the township of Livonia, Wayne Co., Mich.,-where he had resided for eight years, coming from Massachusetts in I830,-for lands situated in Livingston County. Soon after the exchangewhich was made with Rufus Beach-he made a journey to Conway, or, as it was then called, Howell. He traveled to Livingston Centre by stage, which was then operated by Allen C. Weston. As the Centre was the terminus of the stage-route, he proceeded on foot to John B. Fowler's residence, in Handy, who went with him and showed him his land. On the next day Ralph and John B. Fowler, Harvey Metcalf, Lee Nutt, Elijah Gaston, John Bush, and Calvin Handy, with an ox-team and sled, on which was placed some marsh hay, and provisions for the men, went up to Mr. Grant's new location to prepare another home for a new settler. All went to wrk with a will, and before night set in, the logs were cut and hauled, and the wooden walls of a shanty, I6 by 20 feet, were ready for the roof, which Elijah Gaston agreed to put in place for a few dollars of wildcat money. This roof was made of basswood logs, split in halves, then hollowed out with an axe the entire length. The first tier was laid close together, with the bark side down. The second covered the joints of the first, by being placed with the bark side up, thus dispensing entirely with beams, rafters, roof-boards, shingles or nails, and making a water-proof roof. According to the contract with Mr. Gaston, about three feet of one end was left open for the chjmney,-yet to be built,-and for the passage of smoke until that time. " Having accomplished this much, Mr. Grant returned to Wayne County and made due preparations for the removal of his family to their new home. He purchased a pair of half-broken steers, four years old, a light cart, into which was loaded a sugar-kettle, grindstone, and a few smaller articles. With two-horse teams and wagons to carry the family, household goods, provisions, etc., they started about the second week in April, 1838, for Livingston County. Arriving at Elijah Gaston's, the party stayed all night. The next morning the teamsters were paid, and then started on their return to Wayne County. During the same morning the steers were again hitched to the cart, a few articles were placed therein, and driving besides them two cows, the male members of the family went forward to their new shanty, then distant four miles. " It was found without doors, floors, windows, or chinlkifg. 337 CONWAY TOWNSHIP. Their cattle were driven to the pasture, a small swamp some thirty rods west of the shanty, where the wild grass had already grown to the height of some six or seven inches. "The house was soon made in a habitable condition. The crevices were chinked, split slabs of basswood laid for floors, and a door and a cupboard made from one of the packing-boxes. The door was hung on wooden hinges, had a wooden latch, and scarcely more than a dozen nails were used in its construction. An opening was made for a sixlighted window, which, with the opening in the roof, afforded the necessary light. "The tall oaks towered directly over this cabin, and their branches could be seen swaying back and forth through the opening during the first night of its occupation. On the succeeding day trees that stood in dangerous proximity were felled, a yard was built of poles in which to keep their stock, the floor was completed, and some stones gathered for the construction of a chimney, which was not finished until the logs forming the walls of the house were burned nearly through by the fires used in cooking." This cabin was situated on the "Trail road," near the centre of the east half of the northwest quarter of section 33, and afforded accommodations for the first tavern and the first post-office kept in the township, Warren G. Grant being mine host and postmaster. The Cedar post-office was established about I840. The " Trail road" was the first highway opened in the township, and followed an Indian trail running along the north bank of the Cedar River. It was opened sufficiently for the passage of teams and wagons as early as the spring of 1837, by Erastus Ingersoll, of Farmington, who was then engaged in forming a settlement at a point called "Grand River City,"-now Delta,-some seven miles below the present city of Lansing. At the time of Warren G. Grant's settlement on section 33, his nearest neighbor on the east was Elijah Gaston, who lived four miles distant. To Pine Lake, where lived their nearest neighbors on the west side, it was twenty-one miles. Howell, thirteen miles away, was the nearest post-office. Mr. Elisha W. Grant relates that the first school attended by him was taught by Michael Handy, in the winter of I839 and '40, in a small log shanty, situated upon the northeast corner of section II, in the township of Handy, and distant more than four miles from his home, three miles of which lay through the woods, where his only guide was blazed trees. He was obliged to leave home at daylight in the morning, returning after dark at night. He continued this attendance until the school was closed on account of the illness of the teacher. Among later pioneers, who settled prior to 1842, were Benjamin W. Lawrence, Hiram Wetherell, Charles Thompson, Ezekiel H. Sabin, Bentley Sabin, Graham N. Barker, Levi H. Bigelow, Gaius C. Fuller, Hiram Rust, Eli Balch, Daniel C. House, William Wilkins, Henry Snyder, Joseph A. Ball, Ruel Randall, William Hinman, John Hill, Delsey 43 Benjamin, Earl Camp, Losson Gordon, Edgar Purdy, Derastus Hinman, and Phineas Silsby, a blacksmith and soldier of I812. The names of many other early residents will be found among the lists of land-entries, township officers, etc., to which the reader is referred. Those reported as resident tax-payers of Iena, May 9. i838, were as follows: Section. Acres. Frederick B. Parsons....................... 14 Julius F. Parsons........................... 4, 1 Lorenzo K. Strong................... 14 Cecil I) Parions.............................. 13 W aterman B. Fay............................ 13 Timothy Wait.......................... 13 Joseph Alexander....................... 20 John M artin.................................... 7 Thomas Martin..................... 7, 8 Robert Colborn............................... 5 Henry H. Hoyt................... 29 William N. fiHyt.............................. 29 John Coughra............................... 25 Ledyard S. Adams..........................36 Reuben Wood.................... 36 W arren (;. Grant............................ 33 Chauncey Yaples..............................36 Marcus Munn............................. 23 Sam uel IB ll................................... 23 John Bush....................... 35 Stephen Dailey................................ 25 Lee Nutt............................... 35, 36 158 I97 I58YA i56 79Y+ 82' i6o 120 120 89 8o 100 16o 240 80 i6o 40 8o i60 20 i6o 100 Valuation of Real Estate. $632 788 634 620 317 329 640 480 480 356 320 400 640 960 320 640 I60 320 640 80 634 394 The assessed valuation of the real and personal estate of the township for this period was $78,950. The taxes levied amounted to the sum of $616.27, of which $214.96 were for State and county purposes. The resident tax-payers of the township, as shown by the assessment rolls of 1844, were the following, viz.: Sec. Benjamin P. Sherman........I, 2 G. C. Fuller....................., 2 Isaac Seymour.............. 13, 18 Amasa G. House.............. 0 J(hn Led(dy..................... o Hosea Root..................... 14 Charles Thompson............ 5 John J. Brown.................. 20 William N. Hoyt............. 29 Samuel Young (colored)..... 30 Orrin Morse................. 20 Hiram Parsons................. 4 Cyrus Barker................... 33 Thurston Simmons........... 34 David Busll.................. 35 Morris Richmond............. 33 Orrin Rhodes................. 33 Sec. Earl Camp..................... 34 Warren G. Grant............. 33 Morgan M. Randall.......... 33 Martin W. Randall.......... 27 Elias Converse................ 25 HIiram Wetherell.......... 25 Hiram Rust................ 24 Losson Gordon................ 24 Philetus S. Gordon............ 24 Henry Thomas............... 25 Levi H. Bigelow............. 23 Henry Snyder................. 22 Henry Dixon.................. 33 Bentley Sabin..............23, 22 Delsey Benjamin...........22, 23 Thomas Dailey................ 4 Eri Wetherell.................. 35 IN 1845. Sec. John R. Mason............ 35 Nathan Stage............... 28 Josiah B. Taylor............... 22 Stephen Jackson..............27 Eleazer Slocum................ 25 Edgar Purdy.................... 13 Sec. George Ilayner........ Personal Elijah Root.............. Personal Dennis Mehan................ 25 William B. Converse.. Personal Levi Parsons............ Personal A. B. Bo gert................... 22 IN 1846. Sec. Jacob C. Brown............. 27 William Sabin................ 22 Samuel F. Parsons............. 14 Joseph Whitaker.............. 13 Marshall Slocum.............. 25 Allen Slocum................... 25 Sec. Humphrey S!ocum............ 25 John G. Grant................ 33 Lucius Randall............... 33 Jolhn H. Morse................ 20 Benjamin D. Morse.......... 21 William 11. Kennedy......... 29 338 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Sec. Huntington Kennedy......... 29 Earl Miner.................... 35 Thomas Newton............... 33 Darius Grace........... Personal Patrick Donahoe............... o John Powell........... Personal Sec. Jacob Sherman........... 10 Amos Colborn................. 4 Porter Carpenter............. 9 Eli S. Balch.................... ii M. Hawkins........... Personal IN I847. Sec. Sec. Graham N. Barker.....Personal Albion Brown................. 29 Joseph A. Ball.......... Personal Henry M. Case................ 26 George Camp................. 33 Charles Chase.................. 35 Martin Carpenter.............. 9 James Colborn......... Personal Elisha W. Grant............... 33 Derastus Hinman............ 4 Ezra A. Miner.............. 35 Gilford Randall...............33 E. H. Sabin................ 24 William Slocum............. 25 Daniel Sherwood............ 27 Phineas Silsby.................33 Moses Sayles.................. 13 Sylvester Tanner..............34 Homer Watkins............... 26 IN 1848. Sec. David Stage.................. 29 Michael Miller............. 34 Daniel Simmons............... 34 William Miner...............35 William R. Phillips....Personal Lyman Jackson........ Personal Sec. Thomas L. Hancock......... 17 Lansing Knickerbocker...... 17 Stephen Mills................. 19 William Spinks................ 22 Thomas Dailey.............. 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST TOWNSHIPMEETING. At a meeting of the electors of the township of Iena, held at the house of Levi Parsons, on the 2d day of April, 1838, an organization was effected by choosing Levi Parsons moderator, and Lorenzo K. Strong clerk. It was then voted" 1st. That a committee of five be chosen to make out a nomination for township officers. " 2d. That Stephen Dailey, Ledyard S. Adams, Timothy Wait, Joseph Alexander, and Robert Colborn be said committee. "3d. To adjourn the meeting one hour. "4th. That the following-named persons be declared the township officers for the ensuing year: John Coughran, Supervisor; Levi Parsons, Township Clerk; Henry H. Hoyt, Frederick B. Parsons, Stephen Dailey, Assessors; Ledyard S. Adams, Timothy Wait, Amos Colborn, School Inspectors; Cecil D. Parsons, Amos Colborn, Ledyard S. Adams, Highway Commissioners; Lee Nutt, Frederick B. Parsons, Directors of the Poor; Joseph Alexander, John Coughran, Levi Parsons, Timothy Wait, Justices of the Peace; Lorenzo K. Strong, Constable and Collector. "5th. That the road commissioners divide the town into districts and appoint the pathmasters. " 6th. That four dollars bounty be paid on each wolf killed in this town for one year. " 7th. That the next township-meeting be held at the house of Levi Parsons." LAND-ENTRIES. A complete list of those who purchased of the general government lands situated in this township. Those marked with a star (*) became actual settlers. SECTION I. Benj. P. Sherman,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 31, 1836. Francis Mittleberger, Oakland Co., Mich., June II, 1836. James Haddan, Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 8, 1834. Alvin D. Shaw, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 3, t836. B. B. Kercheval, Wayne Co., Mich., Feb. 15, 1837. Gaius Fuller,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 16, I836. C. Unbiham, Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. 24, 1855. C. W. Butler, Ingham Co., Mich., June I, 1854. SECTION 2. Francis Mittleberger, Michigan, June I, 1836. Samuel Streeter, Wayne Co., Mich., July 9, 1836. James Haddan, Michigan, July 9, 1836. Samuel Streeter, Wayne Co., Mich., July 8, 1836. Mortimer B. Martin, Wayne Co., Mich., Aug. 2, 1836. Benj. P. Sherman,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., June I, 1837. Gaius Fuller,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., May i6, 1836. Benj. P. Sherman,* Livingston Co., Mich., Aug. 25, 1854. C. W. Butler, Ingham Co., Mich., Dec. 23, 1853. SECTION 3. Mortimer B. Martin, Wayne Co., Mich., Aug. 2, 1836. William Bickland, New York City, Sept. 21, 1836. William A. Clark, New York City, Sept. 21, 1836. Cato Alexander, New York City, Sept. 24, 1836. Jeremiah Kennedy, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Sept. 17, 1838. SECTION 4. Miles A. Hinman, Genesee Co., N. Y., July I, 1836. William Graham, Wayne Co., Mich., Aug. 2, 1836. Nancy A. Beausean, New York City, Sept. 21, 1836. William A. Clark, New York City, Sept. 24, 1836. Thomas Dailey,* Genesee Co., N. Y., May 30, 1838. SECTION 5. Miles A. Hinman, Genesee Co., N. Y., July 2, I836. Ralph Lester, Ontario Co., N. Y., July 5, 1836. Robert Colburn,* Wayne Co., Mich., July 5, 1836. Samuel Collister, Madison Co., N. Y., Aug. 2, I836. Nancy A. Beausean, New York City, Sept. 21, 1836. Isaac N. Barker, Oakland Co., Mich., Dec. 29, 1836. SECTION 6. Reuben Robie, Steuben Co., N. Y., Aug. 2, 1836. Thomas Blackmer and Leman Gibbs, Livingston Co., N. Y., Sept. 2I, 1836 William Griswold, Chenango Co., N. Y., Sept. 21, 1836. Dennis Cahill, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Sept. II, 1838. Edward M. Bishop,* Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. I5, 1854. SECTION 7. Reuben Robie, Steuben Co., N. Y., Aug. 2, 1836. Thomas Dudley, Yates Co., N. Y., Aug. 2, 1836. Andrew N. Dewitt, Genesee Co., N. Y., Sept. 21, 1836. John Martin,* Monroe Co., Mich., Sept. 22, 1836. Thomas Martin,* Monroe Co., Mich., Sept. 22, I836. Andrew N. Dewitt, Genesee Co., N. Y., Oct. 22, I841. SECTION 8. Samuel Jessup, New York City, Sept. 21, 1836. Shellick Waterbury, New York City, Sept. 2I, 1836. John Bishop,* Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 15, 1854. A. P. Cook, Jackson Co., Mich., Feb. o1, I855. SECTION 9. William A. Clark, New York City, Sept. 21, 1836. Harriet Nettledon, New York City, Sept. 24, I836. Charles Elliott, Onondaga Co., N. Y., Sept. 24, I836. Michael Harris, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Aug. 20, 1838. John Brennan, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 27, 1838. John Halpin, Wayne Co., Mich., Nov. 14, 1838. SECTION io. Robert Knight, New York City, Sept. 24, 1836. Horace A. Noyes, Wayne Co., Mich., Jan. 9, I837. Rice Tyler, Livingston Co., Mich., Feb. 15, 1839. C. W. Butler, Ingham Co., Mich., April 18, I854. CONWAY TOWNSHIP. 339 SECTION I. Julius, F. Parsons,* Franklin Co., Mass., June 20, 1836. Dan. Barnes, Monroe Co., N. Y., June 22, I836. Lathrop A. G. B. Grant, Orleans Co., N. Y., June 3, 1854. C. W. Butler, Ingham Co., Mich., Dec. 15, 1853. SECTION I2. Ruth Winterton, New York City, Sept. 21, I836. B. B. Kercheval, Wayne Co., Mich., Feb. 15, I837. Edgar Purdy,* Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. 27, 1853. SECTION 13. Cecil D. Parsons,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 20, 1836. Ruth M. Fay,* Franklin Co., Mass., June 20, 1836. Timothy Wait,* Hampshire Co., Mass., June 20, 1836. William Ball, New York City, Sept. 21, 1836. Joseph Cottrell, Wayne Co., Mich., Sept. 20, 1836. James Grant, Oakland Co., Mich., June 21, 1836. SECTION 14. Lorenzo K. Strong,* Hampshire Co., Mass., June 20, 1836. Fred'k B. Parsons,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 20, 1836. Julius F. Parsons,* Franklin Co., Mass., June 20, 1836. Dan. Barnes, Monroe Co., N. Y., June 23, I836. SECTION 15. Slmuel H. Dodge, Seneca Co., N. Y., Nov. 16, 1836. William Merrill, Wayne Co., Mich., Nov. 16, 1836. George Parkill, Nov. 25, I836. Wm. H. Johnson, Washtenaw Co., Mich., March I, 1837. John Warburton, Washtenaw Co., Mich., April 10, 1837. SECTION I6. Benjamin Hodge, March 7, 1870. Henry Ramer,* March 7, I870. Thomas Stanfield,* March 21, 1854. Balch & Spinks,* Nov. 26, 1853. George Harger,* Aug. 12, 1854. G. Daley,* Jan. I9, 1854. George Morse,* Feb. 8, I86i. Jacob Sherman,* Nov. 22, 1853. Frederick Weltz, Oct. 8, 1856. E. B. Barker,* March 9, I854. G. Daley,* Jan. 19, I854. Jacob Sherman,* April 15, 1854. John Wilder,* Sept. 13, 1854. SECTION 17. Thomas Hensett, New York City, Sept. 21, 1836. William Irwin, New York City, Feb. 14, 1837. SECTION i8. Thomas Martin,* Monroe Co., N. Y., Sept. 22, I856. Thomas Kirk, Monroe Co., N. Y., Sept. 22, 1836. John Laffin and Patrick McKaig, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 22, 1837. Chauncey Gaylord, Onondaga Co., N. Y., June 21, 1838. SECTION 19. Samuel Winterton, New York City, Sept. 21, I836. John McQuillen, Monroe Co., N. Y., Sept. 21, 1836. John Kelly, Monroe Co., N. Y., Sept. 21, 1831. Patrick McQuillen, Monroe Co., N. Y., Sept. 21, 1836. John Taffe, Monroe Co., N. Y., Sept. 21, 1836. Patrick Kirk, Monroe Co., N. Y., Sept. 21, 1836. Patrick McKaig, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 22, 1837. John Clark, Ontario Co., N. Y., Feb. 27, 1838. SECTION 20. William A. Clark, New York City, Sept. 21, 1836. SECTION 21. George Henlet, New York City, Sept. 2, 1836. Justus Boyd, Livingston Co., Mich., Feb. 22, 1838. Augustus D. Dorrance, Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. 16, I851. Henry Snyder,* Niagara Co., N. Y., Dec. 23, 1851. Charles P. Bush, Ingham Co., Mich., June 27, 1854, and Nov. 17, 1854. A. P. Cook, Jackson Co., Mich., Feb. 12, 1855. SECTION 22. Isaac L. Ostrom,* Orleans Co., N. Y., May 25, 1836. Moses D. Shaw, Livingston Co., N. Y., May 26, 1836. Eph. Ticknor, Tompkins Co., N. Y., May 26, 1836. Norman Goodale, Ontario Co., N. Y., Nov. 25, 1836. Phoebe Burnett, Ontario Co., N. Y., Nov. 25, 1836. Justus Boyd, Livingston Co., Mich., Feb. 22, 1838. SECTION 23. Philip Eckler, Livingston Co., N. Y., May 20, 1836. Delsey Benjamin,* Oakland Co., Mich., May 26, 1836. Justus Pond, Wayne Co., N. Y., June I, 1836. Henry M. Moore, Genesee Co., N. Y., Aug. 5, 1836. SECTION 24. Morris Tucker, Wayne Co., N. Y., June 1, 1836. Betsey Tucker, Wayne Co., N. Y., June I, 1836. Ruth Pond, Wayne Co., N. Y., June i, 1836. William B. Cogshill, Wayne Co., N. Y., June I, 1836. B. B. Kercheval, Wayne Co., Mich., Nov. 18, 1836. SECTION 25. John Coughran,* Genesee Co., N. Y., May, 1836. Justus N. Pond, Wayne Co., N. Y., June, 1836. Jason Swift, Wayne Co., Mich., July, 1836. Alvin Whedon, Onondaga Co., N. Y. SECTION 26. Isaac L. Ostrom,* Orleans Co., N. Y., May 25, I838. Henry Nelson, Wayne Co., N. Y., May 25, 1836. William Farley, Ontario Co., N. Y., May 25, 1836. Augustus M. Sherwood, Tompkins Co., N. Y., May 26, I836. Henry Sherwood, Tompkins Co., N. Y., May 26, t836. Marshall Chapin and John Owen, Wayne Co., Mich., July 14, 1836. SECTION 27. Martin W. Randall,* Livingston Co., N. Y., April 18, 1836. John Westfall, Jr., Cayuga Co., N. Y., May II, 1836. Smith W. Nelson, Orleans Co., N. Y., May 25, 1836. Enoch Vankirk, Tompkins Co., N. Y., May 26, 1836. Henry Sherwood, Tompkins Co., N. V., May 26, 1836. Delsey Benjamin,* Livingston Co., N. Y., May 1, 1850. SECTION 28. John R. Winterton, New York City, Sept. 21, I836. Charles A. Williamson, Ontario Co., N. Y., Nov. 2, 1836. William Merrill, Wayne Co., Mich., Jan. 12, 1837. Andrew J. Wright, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 15, 1854. C. P. Bush, Ingham Co., Mich., July 6, i854. A. P. Cook, Jackson Co., Mich., Feb. 6, 1855. SECTION 29. William Clark, city of New York, Sept. 21, I836. SECTION 30. Samuel Winterton, New York City, Sept. 2i, i836. Patrick Taffe, Monroe Co., N. Y., Sept. 22, 1836. Conrad Woll, Wayne Co., Mich., May 25, 1837. HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 340 Reuben B. Wood, Livingston Co., Mich., May 25, I837. Truman Johnson, Genesee Co., N. Y., Oct. 27, 1837. Benjamin D. Lefevre, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Feb. 4, 1839. SECTION 31. i Charles Butler, New York City, April 21, 1836. SECTION 32. Charles Butler, New York City, April 21, 1836. SECTION 33. John B. Fowler, Livingston Co., N. Y., April 18, 1836. Philip Coon, Wayne Co., Mich., July 7, 1837. SECTION 34. Homer T. Smith, Huron Co., Ohio, May 26, 1836. Lorenzo Clark, Wayne Co., N. Y., June I, 1836. Oliver Reed, Wayne Co., N. Y., June 1, 1836. Hiram Adams, Livingston Co., N. Y., June 4, 1836. Samuel Bibbins, Wayne Co., Mich., July 14, 1836. Henry Ellsworth, New York City, Sept. 21, 1836. SECTION 35. Alvin Hanmer, Wayne Co., Mich., May 20, 183'. Homer T. Smith, Huron Co., Ohio, May 26, 1836. Benjamin M. Alliger, Ulster Co., N. Y., June 7, 1836. John Bush,* Tompkins Co., N. Y., June 9, 1836. Henry Ellsworth, New York City, Sept. 21, 1836. SECTION 36. James Jones, Livingston Co., N. Y., May I, 1836. Elijah Clough, Onondaga Co., N. Y., May I, 1836. Ledyard S. Adams,* Genesee Co., N. Y., May 1o, 1836. Alvin Hanmer, Wayne Co., Mich., May 20, 1836. Richard P. Bush, Tompkins Co., N. Y., June 9, 1836. CIVIL AND POLITICAL. By an act of the State Legislature, approved March 6, 1838, this township was formed from Howell. Section 3, of an act to organize certain townships, reads as follows: " All that portion of the county of Livingston designated by the United States survey as township number four north, of range number three east, be, and the same is hereby set off and organized into a separate township, by the name of Iena, and the first townshipmeeting therein shall be held at the house of Levi Parsons, in said township." The inhabitants became dissatisfied with this name, because of its similarity to Ionia, and for other reasons, and by a special act, approved March 20, 184I, it was changed to Conway. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. The following is a nearly complete list of township officers elected during the years from 1838 to 1879, inclusive: SUPERVISORS. 183840, John Coughran; 1841, Benjamin W. Lawrence; 1842, Hiram Wetherell; 1843, Charles Thompson; 1844-46, Hiram Wetherell; 1847-49, Ezekiel H. Sabin; 1850-51, John Bush; 1852, Hiram Wetherell; 1853-55, David Bush; 1856-57, Benjamin P. Sherman; I858-6o, Elisha W. Grant;* 186I* Resigned t accept office of county clerk. Graham N. Barker appointed to fill vacancy Nov. 24, 1860. 62, Benjamin P. Sherman; I863, Elisha W. Grant; 1864, Erasmus D. Smith; 1865, Elisha W. Grant; I866, Nelson B. Green;t 1867, Elisha W. Grant; 1868-69, Thomas Copeland; 1870-72, Horace HIalbert; 1873, William P. Stow; 1874, David Bush; 1875-77, Elisha W. Grant; 1878-79, Joel A. Chapman.$ TOWNSHIP CLERKS. i838-40, Levi Parsons; I84I, Derastus Hinman; 1842-46, Samuel Ball; I847-49, Henry M. Case; 1850-52, David Bush; 1853-57, Elisha W. Grant; I858, Seth W. Miner; 1859-62, Frederick B. Parsons; 1863, Charles Benjamin; 1864, Delamer Salin; I865-66, Thomas Copeland; 1867, Charles L. Gordon; 1868-69, Eugene A. Bush; I870-71, Elisha W. Grant; I872-73, Joel A. Chapman; 1874, Eugene A. Bush; 1875-77, Joel A. Chapman; 1878-79, William P. Stow. TREASURERS. 1839, William N. Hoyt; I840, Frederick B. Parsons; 1841-42, John Coughran; 1843-44, Ruel Randall; 1845, Henry H. Hoyt; I847-49, John Bush; 1850, Martin W. Randall; 185I, Graham N. Barker; 1852-56, Martin W. Randall; I857 -60, Hiram Wetherell; 1861-63, George E. Adams; 1864-76, William R. Miller; 1877-78, Andrew J. Wickman; 1879, Truman Randall. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Joseph Alexander, John Coughran, Levi Parsons, Timothy Wait, 1838; Warren G. Grant, Levi Parsons, I839; John Coughran, 1840; Benjamin W. Lawrence, John Coughran, 1841; Benjamin W. Lawrence, Derastus Hinman, 1842; Chas. Thompson, Sam'l Ball, Martin W. Randall, 1843; Hiram Wetherell, 1844; Benjamin P. Sherman, 1845; Frederick B. Parsons, Martin W. Randall, 1846; Samuel Ball, Bentley Sabin, 1847; Charles Thompson, Graham N. Barker, 1848; Ezekiel II. Sabin, Henry H. Hoyt, Henry Snyder, 1849; Martin W. Randall, William N. Hoyt, 1850; Samuel Ball, Phineas Silsby, Amos Colbori, I851; Henry H. Hoyt, 1852; Hiram Wetherell, 1853; Henry M. Stephens, Henry M. Case, I854; Samuel Ball, Martin W. Randall, I855; Henry H. Hoyt, 1856; Phineas Silsby, Cecil I). Parsons, 1857; Benjamin P. Sherman, 1858; William P. Stow, 1859; Cecil D. Parsons, William N. Hoyt, 1860; Israel B. Colborn, I86I; Benjamin P. Sherman, 1862; Charles Welcker, 1863; William Sabin, 1864; Nelson B. Green, 1865; William P. Stow, Benjamin H. Mowers, I866; Israel B. Colborn, Benjamin H. Mowers, 1867; William Sabin, William Dillingham, I868; Robert Anderson, 1869; Henry R. Miller, Elisha W. Grant, 1870; Israel B. Colborn, Charles L. Gordon, 1871; William Sabin, 1872; Elisha W. Grant, Cecil D. Parsons, Jr., 1873; William R. Miller, Ira Snyder, 1874; Cecil D. Parsons, Jr., Charles L. Gordon, 1875; Andrew J. Wickman, 1876; Jeremiah Casady, 1877; Israel B. Colborn, 1878; Cecil D. Parsons, Jr., 1879. ASSESSORS. Henry H. Hoyt, Fred'k B. Parsons, Stephen Dailey, 1838; Fred'k B. Parsons, Stephen Dailey, Henry H. Hoyt, 1839; Ledyard S. Adams, Fred'k B. Parsons, Henry H. Hoyt, 1840; John Hill, Ruel Randall, Ledyard S. Adams,[l 1841; Losson Gordon, Delsey Benjamin, 1842; Henry H. Hoyt, Edgar Purdy, 1843; Edgar Purdy, Henry H. Hoyt, 1844; Frederick t Resigned. David Bush appointed to fill vacancy Nov. 28, I866. I Died. Elisha W. Grant appointed to fill vacancy July 8, 1879. | Died in office. Graham H. Barker appointed to fill vacancy July 26, I856. II Died in office. F. B. Parsons appointed to fill vacancy May 3, 1841. CONWAY TOWNSHIP. 341 B. Parsons, Stephen Dailey, 1845; David Bush, Frederick B. Parsons, 1846; Eli S. Balch, Henry Kennedy, 1847; Charles Thompson, David Bush, 1848; Thurston Simmons, Cecil D. Parsons, 1849; Samuel Ball, Henry H. Hoyt, I850. See list of supervisors from 1851 to 1879, inclusive. SCHOOL INSPECTORS. Ledyard S. Adams, Timothy Wait, Amos Colborn, 1838; Bentley Sabin, Frederick B. Parsons, Warren G. Grant, 1839; Julius F. Parsons, Henry H. Ioyt, Cecil D. Parsons, I840; Derastus Hinman, Eli S. Balch, Samuel Ball, 1841; Ruel Randall, Bentley Sabin, Derastus Hinman, 1842; Henry H. Hoyt, Henry Snyder, 1843; Graham N. Barker, 1844; Stephen Dailey, Graham N. Barker, Henry IH. Hoyt, 1845; Graham N. Barker, David Bush, 1846; Elisha W. Grant, 1847; Sylvester Tanner, I848; David Bush, I849; Sylvester Tanner, George R. Sayles, 1850; Bentley Sabin, 185I; Elisha W. Grant, 1852; Graham N. Barker, David Bush, I853-54; Bleecker L. Barker, I855; Edwin Hitchcock, 1856; Smith Benson, Albert A. Fisk, 1857; Elisha W. Grant, 1858; Seth W. Miner, Edwin Iitchcock, 1859; Elisha W. Grant, i860; Seth W. Miner, Obadiah S. Parsons, I86I; Edward C. Silsby, 1862; Charles L. Gordon, Elisha W. Grant, 1863; Thomas Copeland, 1864; Roger Sherman, Wilbur F. Parsons, 1865; David Bush, Ariel Bigelow, 1866; Henry C. Colborn, 1867; David Bush, 1868; Montraville Sabin, 1869; David Bush, Charles L. Gordon, 1870; Henry C. Colborn, 1871; Eugene A. Bush, Edward B. Barker, 1872; Charles L. Gordon, Fayette Grant, 1873; Maltise Dillingham, 1874; Fayette Grant, I875; Edward Doolittle, 1876; Cecil D. Parsons, Jr., 1877; Julian B. Fuller, 1878-79. TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. Henry C. Colborn, 1875-76; Wilbur F. Parsons, 1877-79. DRAIN COMMISSIONERS. Robert Anderson, Daniel Sherwood, 1871; Losson Gordon, 1872; William Sabin, Sr., 1873-74; John Parker, I875; Samuel S. Tower, 1876; George Morse, 1877; Charles Coleman, 1878; Thomas Stanfield, I879. EARLY HIGHWAYS. As before mentioned, the first road opened for general travel was the Trail road, which passed over a portion of the southwest part of the township. The opening of this route was a private enterprise, we believe, over which the township authorities of Howell exercised no authority. At the first meeting of the Board of Highway Commissioners of Iena, composed of Cecil D. Parsons, Amos Colborn, and Ledyard S. Adams, held May 17, I838, they decided to establish four road districts, the boundaries of which were described as follows: "District No. I. Beginning at the northeast corner of section one, and running west three miles; thence south three miles; thence east three miles; thence north three miles to the place of beginning. "District No. 2. Beginning at the northeast corner of section twenty-four, and running west three miles; south three miles; east three miles; and north three miles to the place of beginning. " District No. 3. Beginning at the northeast corner of section twenty-one, and running west three miles; south three miles; east three miles; and north three miles to the place of beginning. "' District No. 4. Beginning at the northeast corner of section four, and running west three miles; south three miles; east three miles; and north three miles to the place of beginning. The districts to be within the said boundaries." On the 24th of the same month, at a meeting where the commissioners of the townships of Iena and Antrim were present, was projected the first highway wherein officers of Iena used their authority as such. A joint road was laid out, described as "commencing at the section corners of 3I and 32 of Antrim, and 6 and 5 of Iena; thence east along the county line one-half mile." Alexander's, Parsons', Yaples', Ball's and several other roads were laid out prior to the spring election of I839. At that time three additional road districts were established, making seven, of which Cecil D. Parsons, Robert Colborn, John Alexander, Bentley Sabin, Stephen Dailey, Chauncey Yaples, and Warren G. Grant were the respective pathmasters. EDUCATIONAL. Early in February, 1839, a majority of the first Board of School Inspectors met and organized School District No. I. The following notice explains their action: " To Frederick 13. Parsons, a taxable inhabitant of School District No. I, in the township of Iena. " Sir, you will hereby take notice that we, Lee Nutt and Timothy Wait, school inspectors of said township of lena, have formed a school district in said township, numbered it, and bounded it as follows, to wit: sections number 12, II, Io, 15, 14, 13, 24, 23, and 22 shall constitute School District No. t, and the first meeting of said district will be held at the house of Levi Parsons, in said town of lena, on Monday, the i8th day of February, at one o'clock of that day, A.D. I839. And you will, in pursuance of the law, notify every qualified voter of said district, either personally or by leaving a written notice at his place of residence, of the time and place of said meeting, at least five days before said meeting, then and there to transact such business as the law requires." The first school-house, a small log shanty, was built on the south side of section 14, and in it Miss Abigail Ball, daughter of Samuel Ball, taught the first school,* for which she received $I per week. But whether the house was built and a school taught, before the erection of the district, as some claim, or later, as one would naturally suppose, we do not undertake to answer. Sections 33 and 36 were annexed to fractional School District No. 2, of the townships of Howell, Tuscola, Handy, and Iena, Jan. 23, I840. In 1840 the people, at their spring election, voted to raise $25 for primary schools, which was the first money raised by tax for school purposes. Territory comprising sections 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, and 34 were organized into School District No. 3, Feb. 28, 1842. The first consolidated report of * It has been stated that this school was taught in the spring of 1838. 342 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. township schools was made in October, 1843, and the number of school districts, number of children of school age then residing in the township, and the amount of primary-school fund apportioned, was as follows: District No. I, I0 scholars, $3.95; District No. 2, I7 scholars, $6.69; District No. 2 (fractional), 10 scholars, $3.93; District No. 4, 10 scholars, $3.93. In May, 1847, the records first mention the granting of teachers' certificates, and we learn that Miss Jane Boardman, Miss Mary Meendy, and Mrs. Sarah Huggins received at that time certificates to teach primary school. Reports from Districts Nos. I, 3, 4, in October, 1848, show that 78 children of school age then resided within their boundaries, and that the amount of primary-school money apportioned was $26. 0. Teachers receiving certificates in 1850 were Elizabeth Boyd, Laura Ann Hardy, Charlotte A. Fay, Julia A. Jessup, Charles Adams, Almon Tucker, Edwin Hitchcock, and Clarissa Gould. In 1851, Mary Coder, Ellen Adams, Sophia A. Cook, Helen Stafford, Angeline Boyd, John S. Pitts, Graham N. Barker, and Hannah Boyd were licensed as teachers. Other early teachers are mentioned by years, viz.: 1852, Philinda E. Parsons, Isabella McPherson, Amos Pratt, Cynthia Wetherell. In 1853, Henry M. Case, Elisha W. Grant, Amos Pratt, Alvin Y. Jones, Clara Phillips, Emma Grover, Lucy Fowler, Almira Barker, Ellen Adams, and Cynthia Wetherell. Prior to I856, Amanda M. Randall, Electa Hitchcock, Caroline E. Hitchcock, Joseph L. Cook, Adaline Hatch, Mr. Steadman, Miss Uhler, Miss Fraser, Philinda E. Parsons, William A. Sprout, L. C. York, John Leek, Emma Green, Abby Pond, Sarah E. Rumsey, Julia Brown, Miss Stafford, Mary A. Boothby, Mr. Barnes, Amos Pratt, Julia A. Gilbert, 0. H. Benedict, Lewis E. Wright, Emma S. Hickey, Edwin Parsons, Adelia Grant, Angeline Boyd, Miss Briggs, Mary A. Cross. In I858, Mrs. Coe, George Gooding, Obadiah Parsons, Sarah E. Rumsey. In 1859, Henrietta Bigelow, Laura Sabin, Laura Bogert, Miss Lyon, Miss Sowle, Sarah Winegar, Wm. P. Parsons, J. J. Hitchings, G. B. Chandler. In 86o, Nancy Locke, Eliza R. Grant, Mary A. Pratt, Maria Randall, Eliza J. Randall, and Ellen Baker. The annual report for the year I860 shows the following number of children of school age residing in the township, and the amount of public moneys apportioned: District No. I, 54 scholars, $24.84; No. 3 (fractional), 34 scholars, $I5.64; No. 5, 46 scholars, $21.I6; No. 6, 59 scholars, $27.I4; No. 7, 37 scholars, $I7.02; No. 8, 48 scholars, $22.08; No. IO, 22 scholars, $IO.12. I870.-District No. I, 46 scholars; No. 2, 3I; No. 3 (fractional), 48; No. 5, 52; No. 6, 57; No. 7 (fractional), 35; No. 8 (fractional), 65; No. 9 (fractional), 23; No. 10 (fractional), 37. Amount of primary-school funds apportioned during the year, $196.o6. From the annual report of the township Board of Education for the year ending Sept. I, 1879, are taken the following statistics: Number of whole districts.................................. " fractional districts................................ " children of school age residing in the township............................................... (" children attending school during the year... " children non-residents attending school during the year...................................... " brick school-houses............................ " frame "............................... Seating capacity of houses..................................... Value of school property..................................... Male teachers employed during the year.................... Female " " " ".................... Months taught by males...................................... " ( females....................................... Paid male teachers.................................... Paid female teachers.......................................... 4 5 421 357 9 I 9 474 $4300.00 8 12 29 36 $765.00oo $381.62 RECEIPTS. From moneys on hand Sept. 2, 1878, two-mill tax, primary-school fund, district taxes for all purposes, and from all other sources...................................... $2500.15 EXPENDITURES. Paid teachers..................................................... For building, repairs, and other purposes.................. Cash on hand Sept. I, 1879................................... Total........................................................ $1146.62 640,13 713 40 $2500. I5 PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. CONWAY GRANGE, No. I14, P. OF H., received its dispensation from the National Grange, Oct. 30, 1873; its charter, March I, 1874; and was duly incorporated in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan, Jan. 20, I876. Those members named in the articles of incorporation were A. J. Wickman, Thomas Copeland, Harriet L. Wickman, Cecil D. Parsons, Jr., Thomas Stanfield, Charles L. Benjamin, Mary A. Benjamin, John G. Copeland, Joel A. Chapman, Henry Snyder, Robert Copeland, Etta J. Copeland, Dwight Gaston, Oren B. Green, C. Sherwood, James L. Gordon, and Wilbur F. Parsons. Their hall is situated on the southeast corner of section 22, and the society still continues in a flourishing condition. RELIGIOUS. In the fall of 1837, Rev. Washington Jackson, a circuit preacher of the Methodist Episcopal Church, visited those people residing in the I B.P. SHERMAN. MRS. B. P. SHERMAN. ( DECEASED.) MRS. B.P. SHERMAN. PHOTOS. BY BROWN, HOWELL, M1CH. CONWAY TOWNSHIP. 343 Parsons settlement, and held the first religious services, in the house of Levi Parsons. Before concluding his visit, a class of that denomination was formed, of which Frederick B. Parsons and wife and Cecil D. Parsons and wife composed the original members. Revs. Isaac Bennett and John Cosart were also very early preachers. Among other early members were Amasa G. House and wife, Levi H. Bigelow and wife, Thomas Stanfield and wife, and Mrs. Jacob Sherman. This society has continued its organization with varying success to the present time, and a flourishing Sabbath-school is maintained. Their meetings are held in school-houses. Among other religious denominations which have an existence and a following in the township are the Methodist Protestants and United Brethren. CEMETERIES. The first place of burial in the township was the Coughran burying-ground, on the southeast quarter of section 25. Other places of interment have since been established on the northeast corner of section 27, the west side of section 29, and the Conway and Antrim burying-ground on the north side of section 2. Within recent years the township authorities have purchased a tract for cemetery purposes, containing nearly 20 acres, and situated on the west side of section 15; but as yet no improvements have been made upon it. BIOGRAPIICAL SKETCHES. BENJAMIN PORTER SHERMAN. Among the representative men of Livingston County who have, by their own exertions, taken important positions and made the county what it is, should be mentioned him whose name stands at the head of this brief sketch. Benjamin P. Sherman was born in Palmer, Mass., Dec. 22, I8II. His boyhood and early manhood was passed upon a farm. When twenty-three years of age he came to Michigan, and worked on a farm in Washtenaw County. While thus engaged he located some three hundred acres of land, where he now resides. He was married April 26, I841, to Mary E. Dudley, and immediately proceeded to occupy his land, upon which he had built a log house, and partially cleared some twenty acres of land. The latter was sowed to wheat and oats, but was not a success, yielding only about double the amount of seed sowvn. Notwithstanding this discouraging beginning he did not retreat, nor rely upon his neighbors, in fact, his nearest neighbor then was one and a half miles distant,-but with a persistence which has characterized him throughout life, he kept steadily onward, year by year pushing back the forest and improving his land, until ease, comfort, and wealth have been secured. His wife died Nov. 15, 1872, leaving one son, Roger Sherman, who married Emma Swarthout, of Handy, and who resides on an adjoining farm. Mr. Sherman lost a daughter, Mary Augusta, who died in 1867, aged eighteen years. Mr. Sherman was again married Sept. I, 1873, to Mrs. Rhoda L. Lowry, formerly Mrs. Comstock. Politically, Mr. Sherman is a Republican. He has held several town offices, among others that of supervisor during the first two years of the war. Mr. Sherman is ranked among the substantial citizens of Livingston County, and has justly earned that distinction. LUTHER CHILD. Charles T. Child, the father of the above, was a native of Woodstock, Conn., and the father of thirteen" children. He was a farmer, and in comfortable circumstances. Photo. by Brown, Howell. LUTHER CHILD. Luther Child, who was born July 19, 1815, remained on the home-farm until he was twenty-two years of age, at which time he journeyed to the home of his brother-in-law, in Steuben Co., N. Y., and worked at various occupations about three years. Jan. 10, I84i, he was married to Miss A. Coates, of Steuben County, and for the following fifteen years carried on a farm and engaged in lumbering. In i855 he removed to Michigan with 344 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. his wife and six children, and settled in Novi township, Oakland Co. For two and a half years he continued farming in that and Plymouth townships (the latter in Wayne County), and in I858 came to Howell, in Livingston Co., where his wife died in 1863. For the past five years Mr. Child has attended to the affairs of a two-hundred-acre farm belonging to his son, Marcus B. Child, who is engaged in the lumber business in Kent County. Mr. Child, Sr., who is in his sixty-fifth year, is yet as active as in middle age, and performs most of his own work. WILLIAM P. STOVW. This gentleman, the son of a farmer, and one of a family of four children, was born in September, I830, in Patterson township, Putnam Co., N. Y. H is father, David L. Stow, moved in 1834 to Livingston Co., N. Y., where he purchased one hundred acres of land and lived for twenty-two years. In the spring of 1856 he removed, with his wife, son, and daughter, to Howell, Livingston Co., Mich., purchased a house and lot of L. D. Smith, and lived but one year afterwards. William P. Stow worked on the farm with his father until he was twenty-four years old, attending school winters. Before he left home, on March I, 1855, he married Miss B. B. Hillman, daughter of Benjamin L. Hillman, an early settler in Livingston Co., N. Y. She was the youngest but one in a family of four children, and with her husband lived on the old farm until the fall of I856, when they came to Michigan and located in Conway township, Livingston Co., moving into the log house which they still occupy. Their children are two in number,-George F., born in'December, i856; now married to Miss Nancy Bailey, and living half a mile south of his parents' old farm, on the place formerly owned by George W. Stone. Willie E., born in August, 1858, and now living at home. They have also an adopted daughter, Lizzie B. Stow. Mr. Stow, who is a Republican in politics, has held numerous township offices, among them that of supervisor one term, justice of the peace two terms, commissioner of highways one term, and township clerk two terms. In I860 he went to Fowlerville in company with his brother, George W. Stow, and the two opened a store, carrying a full line of dry goods, groceries, and drugs. William P. Stow was also postmaster. In January, I863, he sold out his interest in the store, and in September returned to the farm. Jan. 2, 1864, he enlisted in the 9th Michigan Infantry, and remained in the service until Sept. 27, I865, leaving his wife and two small children on the farm. While in the army and acting as company clerk, he was detailed by Gen. Thomas as clerk in the Military Conductor's office, and assisted in making out muster-out rolls. After the war he was postmaster at Fowlerville for several years, finally resigning. LEVI H. BIGELOW was born in Batavia, N. Y., July 2, 1817, at which time his father, Abel Bigelow, was sheriff of that county. He subsequently moved to Canada, and from thence to Michigan, settling in West Bloom Photo. by Brown, Howell. LEVI H. BIGELOW. field, Oakland Co., in I825, where he died in I866. Levi H. lived at home until he was eighteen years of age. He then worked on a farm for three years, at one hundred and fifty dollars per year, from which he saved three hundred dollars; with this he purchased eighty acres of land, where he now lives, in November, I837. In November, 1840, he married Mary Capron, formerly of Niagara Co., N. Y. The next fall William Bigelow moved on to his land, where he has since resided. His wife died Aug. i6, 1876, leaving nine children, one son, Howard Bigelow, having previously died while in the army; he enlisted in the I2th New York Cavalry, and died of fever, Dec. 4, 1864. Mr. Bigelow was again married in May, 1878, to Mrs. Eliza Ann Mathews, formerly Miss Cornick, of Niagara, Canada. Other lands have been added to the original eighty, which have been subdivided, leaving one hundred and twenty acres with the old home. The children are all married except the three youngest sons, who live at home. CONWAY TOWNSHIP. 345 Photos. by Brown, Howell. CECIL D. PARSONS. MRS. CECIL D. PARSONS. CECIL D. PARSONS was born in Conway, Mass., March I2, I808. His paternal grandfather, Joel Parsons, was one of the earliest settlers in that town. He was born in Somers, Conn., June 28, I753, married Triphena Booth in July, I775, and removed to Conway, Mass., in the summer of that year, making the journey on horseback, and carrying his wife on the horse behind him. Here he located on a farm, but for many years worked at blacksmithing, which was his trade. He raised a large family of children, of whom Levi, the father of Cecil D. Parsons, was one of the oldest. Levi raised a family of seven children, Cecil D. being the second son. The latter came to Michigan in 183, and entered land in Washtenaw County, where he remained six years, when his father, Levi Parsons, came on with the family. Frederick B., Cecil D., and Julius F. were married. Samuel F. was the youngest. Ruth M. married Waterman B. Fay. They all came to Webster, Washtenaw Co., where Cecil D. was then living. Desirous of all being neiglbors, he sold out, and they all went farther into the forest. They took up lands adjoining, in all about one thousand acres, in what is now the town of Conway. After secur44 ing their lands they returned to Webster. In the month of June, 1836, the young men went on to their land, and built a log house for the old people. This was the first house in the town of Conway. In the fall of 1837, Cecil D. moved on to his land,one hundred and sixty acres,-where he has since resided. He was married while he lived in Webster, Oct. 21, I834, to Elizabeth Munger, who was born in Claremont, N. Y., Feb. 14, I816. Her father died when she was a child; her mother came to Oakland County, where she died in I833. Mr. and Mrs. Parsons have been the parents of eleven children, eight of whom are now living, viz.: William P. is a farmer in Shiawassee County; Cecil D. is a farmer, and has a part of the old farm; Charles L. is a farmer in Shiawassee County; Edward HI. is a farmer in Orleans County, N. Y.; Elvira J. married Orin B. Green, a farmer in Kent County; Louis A., Joel F., and Frederick N., the three youngest, live at the old home. Mr. and Mrs. Parsons are the only surviving couple of the original colony. They have witnessed the entire growth of the town, and procured the naming of it after the town they came from in Massachusetts. They are consistent members of the Methodist Church, and assisted to organize the first class in the town of Conway. MARION TOWNSHIP. THIS township was formed from Putnam in I837. It is one of the four interior divisions of Livingston County, and lies directly southwest of its geographical centre. Adjacent township organizations are Howell on the north, Genoa on the east, Putnam on the south, and losco on the west. By the original United States survey, it was designated as township No. 2 north, of the base line of range No. 4 east, of the principal meridian. Its present name, although suggested by one* who had formerly resided in the town of Marion, Wayne Co., N. Y., is, with the latter organization, derived really from Gen. Francis Marion, a gallant American officer, who, as the "Swamp Fox of the Carolinas," gained much celebrity and distinction during the war of the Revolution. " Well knows the fair and friendly moon the band that Marion leads The glitter of their rifles, the scampering of their steeds. 'Tis life to guide the fiery barb across the moonlit plains; 'Tis life to feel the night wind that lifts their tossing manes. A moment in the British camp-a moment and away Back to the pathless forest before the peep of (lay." -From Byanl's Song of A/trion's Metn. The general surface, which here reaches the greatest altitude of any portion of the county,over five hundred feet above Lake Erie,-is diversified with plains, bluffs, and ridges, dotted with numerous small lakes, and intersected by streams whose surplus flow, here divided by Nature's watersled, starts in opposite directions, and ultimately finds its way to Lakes Erie, Huron, and Michigan. The original timber consisted principally of white and red oak, hickory, beech, and maple, on the higher grounds, while black and white ash, whitewood, and elm predominated in the lowlands. Openings of light, dry soil, known at an early day as Prevost's, Boyden's, Hubbard's, and Chubb's plains, besides others of lesser note, occurred in various parts of the township. These, interspersed with more heavily timbered belts, the meandering brooks abounding with excellent fish, and numerous beautiful, clear lakes, fed by springs and rivulets, made this region in early summer a most enchanting spot. Wild-flowers grew in great pro* Hiram Wing. 346 I I fusion, which, with a considerable growth of palegreen grass, rendered the carpet nature had created more lovely than an artificial one. Deer and wild fowl were very plentiful,-the former as tame as domestic animals not especially well treated. In the low timbered places wild grapes climbed to the tree-tops. Whortleberries and cranberries were to be found in numerous swamps, and along the higher banks of the streams apples and wild plums abounded. These bounties of nature, here so lavishly displayed, enticed the Indians to tarry within her borders, and contributed much to the ofttimes scant larder of the pioneers of Marion. Cedar Lake was a favorite resort of the aborigines during the hunting and fishing seasons. Two trails crossed to the north of the lake, and on a high hill or bluff, still farther to the northwest, was their usual camping-ground. Near by this was a place of burial, and here many of their weapons of wai and the chase have been found. The principal water-courses of Marion are the Cedar and Shiawassee Rivers. The former takes its rise from the lake of the same name, and flows northerly through the west half. The latter starts from Coon Lake and flows in a general course towards the north through the east part. Some eighteen lakes are found in the township, a majority of them being in the southern part. Among the most considerable are Cedar, Pleasant, Coon, Grass,Triangle,and Mud Lakes. Horseshoe Lake, the largest body of water in the northern part, is situated on section IO. The total lake surface of the township is not far from 700 acres. Springs generally abound, and in all respects the locality is well watered. The soil consists of the alternate belts of sand and clay loam usually found in Michigan. It produces abundantly, and in the quality and amount of its agricultural products Marion stands in the front rank of Livingston County townships. Her people are chiefly engaged in the pursuits of agriculture, and numbered in I874-the last census-I 162. THE FIRST SETTLEMENTS. Sardis Davis, one of the pioneers of Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., purchased the northwest part of the w., - , _5:,!.. -,; -,., 1. qll- 1,., CY,, T."" -N '.;. !,, - 711 MARION TOWNSHIP. 347 north part of the northwest fractional quarter of section 2, Sept. 15, I834, and we have reason to believe that he became the first resident of township 2 north, of range 4 east, during the same season. It is related by those who were personally acquainted with Mr. Davis that he was about forty years of age at the time of his settlement here; an invaluable pioneer, generous in the extreme, whose door was ever open to those in need of a shelter or sustenance, and who more than once divided his bread with the hungry to the extent of going to sleep without an evening meal. He was one of the most active in procuring the organization of the new township of Marion, and, as will be further noticed,* was one of the first justices of the peace and highway commissioners elected. Mr. Davis was a carpenter by trade, and one of the first framed barnst in the township was erected by him in I837. He harvested the first crop of wheat in 1836. His wife, a most estimable lady, died the same year,-hers being the first death in the town. In 1839 or 1840, Mr. Davis removed to Wisconsin, and his further history is unknown. In the summer of 1835, Deacon Israel Branch, of Ann Arbor, purchased the southeast quarter of section I from the government, and of James T. T. Allen and David Godfi-ey the northeast fractional quarter of section 2. He settled upon the latter section during the early part of the fall of 1835, thus becoming the second settler of the township. Some time during the year 1836, while visiting Ann Arbor, he died. The lands situated upon section 2 were soon after purchased of his heirs by Edward F. Gay, who settled here in I837. Before the winter of 1835-36 had fairly closed in, Major Francis I. Prevost, Alexander Boyden, Jean Louis Franrois Benoit Fasquelle, and Stoddard Smith, all from Washtenaw Co., Mich., moved in, and erected for themselves log habitations in the northwest part of the town. All of these settlers last mentioned purchased their land from the general government. Major Prevost remained here but a short time, having sold his possessions to Ebenezer Stearns in the spring of 1837. Mr. Fasquelle also remained here but a brief period (one winter), having sold his lands and improvenients to Guy C. Lee. In 1836 he returned to Ann Arbor, where, as Professor of Modern Languages, he served in the State University for many years. He was the author also of a valuable work entitled " Fasquelle's French Series." Stoddard Smith, father of Pierpont L. Smith, -- settled upon the east half of the southwest quarter of section 7, remaining there until his death. The history of Alexander Boyden is well known to nearly every present resident of Marion. " Boyden's Plains" has ever been a landmark in the township annals. A favorite variety of wheat, propagated by him and bearing his name, was extensively cultivated by people of the county. His location was admirable and his lands were readily brought under cultivation, but his great delight was in threading the intricacies of the forests in pursuit of the game with which they then teemed, and it is related that during the winter of 1835 and '36 he killed more than Ico wolves and deer. He died in i877, upon the farm where he began the first improvements more than forty years previously. Sylvester Rounds, from Wayne Co., Mich., was the next settler in the township. He made the first entry upon section I9, Jan. 14, 1836, being the northwest fractional quarter, or i66 acres, and, during the same winter, built a log house and settled his family here. He was a man well versed in the amenities and duties of life, and a consistent member of the Methodist Church. At his house the itinerant minister always found a hearty welcome. Among the members of his family was an elder son, by the name of Jabez, who, like most young men, was fond of company and the gatherings which usually terminated in an exhibition of the " light fantastic." One evening there was to be a prayer-meeting held in the neighborhood, and, at another house, a dance. The family possessed but one horse, an Indian pony, which the father usually rode to " meetings," and which he proposed to do on this occasion. On the other hand, Jabez required the pony to take his girl to the dance. Long and loud were the arguments between them, which was finally ended by Jabez exclaiming, " There is no use talking, father, the stoutest man takes the horse!" and Jabez departed with the pony. Robert Munns, a son-in-law of Mr. Rounds, settled in the same vicinity in February, 1836, and became one of the first highway commissioners of the township. On the 6th of May, 1836, Hiram Wing, his brother, John L. Wing, and their father, Barker. Wing, a veteran of the war of 1812, arrived in the township. The brothers had purchased a portion of section 15 in October, 1835. Upon this they. erected a log house, and began the herculean work of hewing out a home in the wilderness. They were from Marshfield, Plymouth Co., Mass., originally, but in years subsequent to 1824 had resided in Oneida and Wayne Counties, N. Y. * See list of township officers. t An informant states that barns were built by Sardis Davis and Sylvester Rounds at the same time. 348 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Hiram Wing, aged seventy-five years, now resides in the village of Howell, having removed from his farm in Marion eight years ago. In the quiet possession of a modest competency, good health, and all his faculties, he bids fair to remain, for years to come, one of the respected and honored landmarks of the past, one of the very few now living who saw Marion in 1836, and witnessed its many transitions to the present. The first township-meeting was held in his house in 1837, at which he officiated as clerk, and was the same day elected township clerk and justice of the peace. He relates many incidents illustrating the difficulties and hardships which beset the paths of those who chose Marion as their home prior to 1840; but as none are of a startling nature, were shared in common by all residents, and have been many times related at home firesides, we forbear their repetition. He is quite certain, however, that at the time of his settlement none had preceded him other than those already named, viz.: Messrs. Davis, Branch, Prevost, Boyden, Fasquelle, Smith, Rounds, and Munns. During the summer and fall of I836 the population of the township was further increased by the arrival and settlement of some 20 or more additional families. Among them were Miles Chubb, who settled in the southeast part. Townsend Drew, from Steuben Co., N. Y., who still resides on the land then purchased by him, it being upon the highest elevation in the town. He early devoted much attention to fruit culture. He also built the first framed house, in the fall of I836, Mr. Barker Wing doing the carpenter work. Henry G. Love, James Bavin, Nehemiah Gilks, Thomas Love, William Love, Elisha Love, Stephen T. Probet, Adam Rubbins, and Joseph Brown were all from England. Thomas L. Hancock, from Washtenaw Co., Mich. Dr. Thomas Hoskins, the first physician, and the first supervisor of Marion, was also from Washtenaw County. He is described as having been an able man, a practitioner of the old school, rigid in his treatment, yet withal a genial gentleman. He removed to Scio, after continuing here but two or three years. George P. Jeffreys, from Washtenaw County. Samuel Lyon, firom Steuben Co., N. Y., who, as " Deacon Lyon," became well known throughout the county for his many estimable qualities. Guy C. Lee, with his sons, George W., Henry B., and Frederick J., were from Madison Co., N. Y. This family became one of the most prominent in the township. They soon made large im provements, and to their example and inculcation may be attributed much of the high Imoral character for which the people of Marion have ever been noted. Guy C. Lee was a gentleman respected by all men, and his voice was ever heard in behalf of the right. Free speech, free labor, free Christianity, in fact, universal freedom, were themes upon which he never wearied, and probably no other man brought so much moral power into the township. One of his daughters taught the first school; and foremost among the early residents of the town was his elder son, George W. Lee, who, as one of the first justices of the peace, assessor, teacher, and postmaster, was conspicuous in the first years of Marion's history. In later years he settled in Howell, where he engaged in merchandising. From thence he moved to Detroit. During the war of the Rebellion he received the appointment of paymaster, and is now performing the duties of Indian agent. Other settlers of I836 were Peter Merrihew, Elisha Martindale, William R. Marshall, and Artemas Mahan, all of whom came in from Washtenaw County; Price Morse, from Genesee Co., N. Y.; Nelson A. Smith, from Erie Co., Pa.; George Sewell, from England; Chas. Van Winkle, from Allegany Co., N. Y.; William Younglove -a prominent pioneer-and his son Aaron, from Washtenaw Co., Mich.; Mrs. Rebecca Green and family, from Massachusetts; and Henry H. Smith, from Genesee Co., N. Y. Of Artemas Mahan, just mentioned, Mr. Edward F. Gay, in some pioneer reminiscences, published in 1872, related the following incident: - But one house now intervened between Uncle Robert's [Robert Bigham's, in Brighton] and my destination, to wit, ' Peet's Log Hotel,' in Genoa, some seven miles eaAt of Howell. At sundown I had arrived within three miles. At this place I discovered a shanty covered with bark, and in a locality which had been previously desci ibed to me by an acqu.intance by the name of Mahan, who had recently located in Marion, a short distance from Howell. He said that after preparing his future home in Marion, he returned to his former residence, expecting soon to move his family. While on his return, on foot and alone, at this spot, in midday, he was approached by two men, each armed with a hand-pike, and his money or his life was demanded. Without parleying, he gave them all of his money except some small change, which he begged them to allow him to keep, together with his life, which they generously consented to do, while he hastened to leave them without making any attempt to know who they were, or why they had thus treated him. Mr. Mahan always after seemed reluctant to discuss this incident, though considered a man of the strictest integrity." Before taking leave of the settlers of 1836 a perusal of the following facts, furnished by Thomas Love, will be of general interest to Marion people, showing as it does the inception and commencement of the " English Settlement." Henry G. Love and his family arrived in New York City from England on the Ioth of June, 1836, and immediately began a journey westward, with the intention of settling in Illinois. Proceeding to PI 41" / THOMAS LOVE - THOMAS LOVE. ~~~~~MRS. THOMAS LOVE. R~ESIDENCEd Il-THOMAS LOVE, MARION, LIVINGSTON CO., MICH. MARION TOWNSHIP. 349 Albany by steamer, they disembarked, and again continued their journey to Rochester, N. Y., via the Erie Canal. At the latter city the female portion of the family were left in comfortable quarters, while the father and his son, Thomas, kept on via the canal to Buffalo; thence by lake steamer to Detroit. In Detroit they met some English friends who had already entered land in township 2 north, of range 4 east, and were persuaded by them, on their representations, to enter lands in the present town of Marion. Henry G. Love purchased four lots on the west half of section 33, situated south of Cedar Lake. Of their friends, Edwin M. Cust bought on the west side of the lake, or the south half of section 29; Stephen T. Probet, east of the lake; and Joseph H. Steel, north of the lake; while James Bavin located lots situated upon sections 22 and 23. The party then purchased in Detroit four yoke of oxen, two wagons, provisions, plows, axes, and other necessary implements, and then began their journey towards their locations in the new township via the Grand River road. Mr. Love declares that it was a grand road. Straight out from Detroit, as far as the eye could reach, led this highway, which had been improved to the extent of cutting down the trees and filling the low and marshy places with the trunks, terming the same " causeways." Over this route they rumbled along until reaching Ore Creek, now Brighton; then leaving the Grand River road, they turned westward and finally arrived at the residences of the Messrs. Carpenter, Hoagland, and Bennetts, in the present township of Hamburg, where they remained for a Sunday's rest. Here the little party lost the further companionship of Mr. Cust, as he bought some land of Mr. Bennett, and concluded to settle in Hamburg. The remainder, consisting of Henry G. Love, his son Thomas, and nephew, William Love,* Stephen T. Probet and nephew, James Bavin and brother, Adam Rubbins, Joseph Brown, and their guide, whose name is now unknown, continued their journey on Monday, July 4th, and before nightfall reached the east side of Cedar Lake, and camped on the land entered by Mr. Probet. Probably this was the first party who crossed the east line of the township for the purpose of settling. All who preceded them had come in from the south, through Washtenaw County. I Ii A shelter was soon arranged with boards brought with them, and then they attacked the forest with the purpose of cutting out logs for houses. They were not good choppers at that time, however, and at first were obliged to hire some help who were to the manor born. But, as Mr. Love remarks, they soon learned the " Yankee trick," and ere many days the strokes of the axes in the hands of the Englisli colonists resounded as loud, regularly, and with as good effect as any, as shown by the immediate clearing of five acres on the land of Henry G. Love. A cabin was built upon the Probet place, and the family left at Rochester soon canie on, accompanied by Nehemiah Gilks. A crop of wheat was sown the same fall, but it proved to be too late in the season, and was a failure. About the first thing done, after getting settled, was the cutting of the largest whitewoodtree to be found on Mr. Bavin's premises; this was fashioned into a huge canoe, and launched upon Cedar Lake. This was the first boat placed upon the lake by white men, and proved a source of great benefit to the settlers, for, as one of them remarks, " there was an abundance of fish in Uncle Sam's waters, and but a small amount of pork in the barrels at home." During the winter of 1836-37 the English settlers cleared about I5 additional acres with their four yoke of oxen; the land was plowed the following summer, the whole sown to wheat, and a good crop resulted. In the summer of I837, Thomas Love broke five acres for Henry H. Smith, the first ground plowed on Smith's land. At this time it was very difficult to obtain the nmost common articles of food. Flour was worth $15 per barrel, and corn $I.75 per bushel. Provisions were obtained at Dexter, Scio, and very frequently none nearer than Ann Arbor. Thus have we briefly traced the settlement here of a small company of English people,-men and women of sterling worth,-who, to the present time, have honored themselves and the land of their adoption. In January, I837, Thomas B. Brooks settled upon section I, and prior to the first township election, which was held April 3d of the same year, Edward F. Gay came. Ebenezer Stearns, who brought in from Ohio the first horses and sheep, Thomas Schoonhoven, who made the first improvements on the farm afterwards occupied by Elijah F. Burt, Cornelius Potter, the first blacksmith, William Hudson, and James Hoadley were all domiciled in various portions of the township. There were about 20 voters present at the first township-meeting, of whom 16 received office. The whole number of names reported upon the first assessment roll, dated * Wm. Love came from Berkshire Co., England, in 1834, and after two years' residence in New York State, the latter portion of which was spent in the city of Rochester, his brother, Elisha, came on from England. The brothers joined the English settlers of Marion in i836. In 1839, William Love was married to Miss Keziah Bennett, a dau hter of John Bennett. 350 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. May I, 1837, as resident tax-payers was 34, and the total population of the township for the same year, according to the State census, was 202. Of the settlers last mentioned, Edward F. Gay perhaps became the most prominent. He was a native of Connecticut, and first came to Michigan in 183I, settled at Ann Arbor, and engaged in merchandising. He remained there until I837, when, having meanwhile purchased the premises in Marion previously occupied by Deacon Branch, he removed there April 1, 1837. During the same year he built and occupied a store in Howell, which was the second framed building erected in the village. Hle was an active and respected citizen in every particular, and served as Marion's supervisor during the years 1841 and I842. Further mention of Mr. Gay and family will be found in the history of Howell village. Ezra N. Fairchild, another well-known pioneer, the first surveyor, and prominent during his whole residence here as a township officer, settled in May, 1837. HIe came from Genesee Co., N. Y., and died at Battle Creek, Mich., in 1875, fiom a chronic disease contracted while surveying land in Livingston County. Other settlers of I837 were George D. Baker, Waters Clark, fi-om Monroe Co., N. Y.; David Dickerson, who settled on section 14, Seth C. and Seth A. Darwin, from Livingston Co., N. Y. The latter brought in a stock of dry-goods, which were sold at " Darwin's Corners," in 1837 or 1838. William Davis, fiom Erie Co., Pa., was another settler of 1837; also Horace Griffith, from Steuben Co., N. Y.; Joseph Walker, from Allegany Co., N. Y.; James Haddan, Samuel Hubbard, Jeremiah Kent, Hiram Mitchell, from Madison Co., N. Y.; Myron Mitchell, his son; Lewis Pardee, from Monroe Co., N. Y.; Thomas Ross, Walter R. Seymour, from Wayne Co., Mich.; William, Joseph, and Parley H. Sexton, William J. Webster, and Conrad Woll. Ashbel A. Winegar came from Cayuga Co., N. Y., to Michigan in the fall of i837. He drove the entire distance, bringing two teams of horses. The journey required thirty days. He says that emigrants moving West filled the roads in many places for miles, and his experience in traversing thirty miles through the "Maumee Swamp" will never be forgotten. The roads generally were about as bad as could be, and many of the farmers living along the route stood in readiness, with teams yoked or harnessed, to assist-if well paid for itthose whose teams were stalled. Among the settlers of 1838 were James T. Bash ford, Zebulon M. Drew, Nathan Fields, Josiah P. Jewett, Noah Drew, Jesse Shafer, James Sloan (who was another early blacksmith), Patrick Smith, and Lyman E. Beach, Jr. The latter was a native of Madison Co., N. Y. In years just prior to his removal to Michigan he had resided in the counties of Chautauqua, N. Y., and in Erie, Pa. During the month of March, I838, accompanied by his young wife, he arrived here and settled upon lands that had been located by his father in April, I836. The entire distance was accomplished with an oxteam and wagon,-a great achievement, considering the difficulties then attendant upon a passage through the terrible " Maumee Swamp." A log shanty was erected upon the southeast corner of section 7, which possessing neither floor, door, nor window, was occupied in that condition until the frosts of winter came on. This primitive structure gave place in later years to a more comfortable log dwelling, which in turn was succeeded by a framed house. Mr. Beach and his estimable wife experienced all the vicissitudes incident to pioneer life. But when, after a few years of industry and economy, they were standing on the threshold of prosperity, just entering upon the full fi-uition of their most ardent hopes and aspirations, both were called to that bourne from whence none return. Mrs. Beach died in I856, aged forty years. Mr. Beach followed the partner of his joys and sorrows three years later, dying at the early age of forty-three years. Their children-four sons and one daluglter-all reside in Livingston County at the present writing, the elder son, William M., being the present efficient County Register of Deeds. During the three succeeding years, viz., I839, 1840, and I841, the population of the town was still further augmented by the settlement of Elias H. Bristol, Isaac Baker, Joseph H. Best, Ebenezer Bliss, Joseph D. Bull, James C. Baker, Hiram P. Baker, Charles Clark, Ephraim C. Hendee, Merritt S. Havens, Jonathan Lee, Ozro F. Olds, Asahel Rust, Eli A. Roberts, William Spafford, William L. Tompkins, John T. Watson, Lorenzo Smith, Julius D. Smith, and Ephraim Smith. The latter was a veteran of the war of the Revolution, the grandsire of Henry H. Smith, and lived to the great age of ninety-nine years and thirteen days. Hon. Pierpont L. Smith, who throughout his whole residence in Marion has been one of the best known and most respected citizens of the township, purchased lands here in I835,-as shown in list of land-entries,-but he did not become a permanent resident until some three or four years later. He has occupied many offices in the gift of his fellow-townsmen, and has borne a conspic uous part in the advancement of Marion to her present proud position. Elijah F. Burt came to the village of Howell, MRS. E. BASING E. BASING. RESIDENCES- E.5BASINO, MARIONt MICH MARION TOV~HIP. 351 from Rockingham, Windham 'Co., Vt., in I838. During the succeeding four years he was engaged as the village school-teacher. In October, I842, he returned to Rockingham and married Miss Fanny Olcott, of the same place. Returning to Michigan soon after, he purchased Thomas Schoonhoven's farm, where he remained until his election as county clerk, in 1846. After serving two terms as county clerk, lie retired to the pleasant premises now occupied by his widow and children. Besides holding other township offices, he represented this township on the Board of Supervisors seven terms. Other settlers here prior to 1844 were James Abbott, Hiram Barton, Thomas Bush, Daniel S. Grosvenor, Loton Hiscock, Ezra Ingram, James Muir, Patrick McEaneany, David Parker, and Alfied Woodward. Robert Holland, from Lincolnshire, England, settled upon the north part of section 29 in 1847. NOTEWORTHY EARLY EVENTS. Among the first most notable events not already mentioned, we may here add that James Bavin built the first saw-mill, since known as the Drew mill, in 1838. Hiram Wing, in 1836, was the first shoemaker in the west half of the county, and made the first maple-sugar, in 1837. The first birth occurred during the last week of October, 1836, being a daughter of James Bavin. Mary F. Wing, daughter of Hiram Wing, and now Mrs. Clark, of California, was born Nov. 3, 1836, she being the second child born in the township. The first marriage, probably, was that of John L. Wing to Miss Olivia Smith, in I837 or '38. The ceremony was performed by Elder Cosart. The Marion post-office was first established about I837, and George W. Lee appointed postmaster. Hiram Wing succeeded him. Pierpont L. Smith owned the first mowing-machine, and has ever been noted as one of the first to introduce improved agricultural implements. David Dickerson burned the first lime, about 1842. Z. M. Drew was also engaged in burning lime in 1844 Edward F. Gay made the first brick, as shown by the following fiom an early number of the Livingston Courier: " The subscriber would inform all who are interested that, notwithstanding the unfavorable season, he has made and lurnt IOo,0oo brick this season, which are now ready for delivery for cash or approved notes, at his kiln, half a mile south of the village of Howell. "E. F. GAY. HOWELL, June I9, I844." The following are the names of those appearing as resident tax-payers on the first assessment roll of the township of Marion, dated May I, I837, together With a description of their land, etc.:.Names. Section. Acres. Valuation of Real Estate. Alexander Boyden.............................. 5 172 $56 Thomas B. Brooks............................. 80 240 James lIavin................................22, 23 400 I200 Miles Chubb................................ 35, 36 334 1002 Sardis Davis.................................. 2 38 132 Townsend Drew 4........... 3......395 1185 Nehemiah Gilks................................. 32 294 882 Edward F. Gay................................. 2 232 928 William Hudson................................ 5 233 701 James I-oadley. Thomas L. Hancock........................... 8 40 120 Thomas iHoskins............................31, 32 240 720 George P. Jeffries..........................33, 34 I20 360 Henry G.,ove.................................. 33 320 960 Samuel Lyon.................................... 0 I6o 480 Guy C. Lee...........7, 8 360 I200 George W. Lee.................................. 8 40 120 Robert Munns.............................9, 20 80 240 Artemas Mahan................................. 120 390 Elisha Martindale. Peter Merrihew................................. 200 650 Win. R. Marshall............................... 22 80 240 Price Morse...................................... o 80 280 Cornelius Potter................................ 7 43 129 Sylvester Rounds................................ 1 66 498 Ebenezer Stearns..............................5, 6 268 972 Stoddard S ith.................................. 7 80 240 Nelson A. Smith................................. 17 8o 240 Thomas Schoonhoven......................... 6 206 812 George Sewell................................... 8 6o 480 Charles Van Winkle............................ 27 70 210 Hiram W ilg.................................5, 21 I20 360 Aaron Younglove.................. 33, 34 IO8 324 William Younglove.................34, 33 240 720 The total assessed valuation of real and personal estate, including resident and non-resident owners, amounted to $65,868, and the amount of tax levied upon the same was $213.66. Those denominated resident tax-payers in I844, and their location by sections, were as follows: Sec. Austin, George................ 6 Abbott, James...............26, 27 Bentley, Rich rd.............. 25 Bentley, G. B.................. 12 Brooks, Thomas B........... I Beardsley, Hiram..........I I, 12 Bull, Joseph D.............. 29 Brannan, M. S.............. 22 Brown, Joseph................. 22 Baker, Isaac.................... 19 Bucknell, John.............. 28 Beach, Lyman E.,Jr.........7, 8 Bashford, James T............ 8 Bashford, Joshua N........... Boyden, Alexander........... 5 Bush, Thomas.................. 21 Buiden, Enos................. 32 iturt, E. F.................6, 7, 12 Barrett, William............... 9 Bavin, James...............22, 23 Crandall, Laban.............. Coleman, Eri................ 30 Cameron, George.............. 17 Coffey, Levi.................... Io Coffey, Nelson................ 10 Carson, William.............. 5 Chubbs, Miles........... 35 Clark, Charles............ 13 Drewry, Richard........... 28 Darwin, Seth C........I7, 20, 21 Darwin, Seth A............... I7 Drew, Townsend.............. 3 Drew, Noah.................o, II Sec. Drew, Z. M.............. 3, I, 14 Dickerson, David............. 14 Ellsworth, Edward............ 8 Eves, John..................... 8 Fairchild, Ezra N.........22, 28 Fitch, William P...........22, 27 Foster, Samuel.........27, 34, 35 Field, Nathan................. II Field, Timothy................ I Fishbeck, Levi................. 25 Fishbeck, Elsey.............. 25 Gay, Edward F............... 2 Gilks, Nehemiah............5, 32 Griffith, Horace........23, 24, 25 Green, Rebecca............... 26 Grosvenor, Daniel S......... 3 Hunn, Gideon.............. 23, 24 Hubbard, Samuel............. 2 Hendee, E. C..............35, 36 Havens, M. S................. 9 Hancock, Thomas L......... 8 Hiscock, Loton............... 3 Hudson, William.............. 5 Haddan, James..............5, 9 Itzell, Andrew................. 8 Ingram, Ezra...............20, 21 Jewett, S. P.................... 2 Jewett, Lucretia............ 2 Jewett, George W............2, 3 Jackson, Mary................ 24 Knickerbocker, Alanson..... Kochlar, Abram............ 8 Lee, Hezekiah F.............. 2 352 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Sec. Sec. Lee, Jonathan..............33, 34 Sellman, Thomas............. 36 Lee, Guy C............... 7, 8 Sexton, William............... 14 Lee, Henry B.................. 7, 8 Sexton, Joseph................. 14 Lee, Frederick................. Sexton, Parley H.............. Love, William................. 15 Smith, Patrick................. 13 Love, Elisha............4, 32, 33 Sloan, James.................. 25 Love, Henry G............... 33 Saunders, Frederick.......... 32 Love, Thomas................. 29 Shaffer, Jesse (agent).....31, 32 Lyon, Samuel.................. o Swarthout, Justus............. 26 Lyon & Thomas............... IO Smith, H. H................... 21 Lake, Rial.................6, 8, 9 Smith, Lorenzo E............. 21 McEneany, Patrick............ I Smith, John..................... 15 McDowell, George.......... I2 Smith, P. L................... 7 Moore, Samuel................. Smith, N. A..................8, 17 Munns, Robert................. 30 Sewell, George................. I8 Mitchell, Spencer............. 20 Spafford, William R.......... 8 Muir, James.................... 20 Stearns, Henry P..............5, 6 Mitchell, Hiram............... 20 Stearns, Allen C...........5, 6 Miller, Zachariah.............. 22 Stearns, Ebenezer............. 2 Olds, 0. F............9, I4, I5 Walker, Joseph.............19, 20 Pinckney, John................ 2 Wing, John L.................. 22 Pardee, Lewis................. 30 Wing, Hiram.................. 15 Pardee, Silas................... 30 Wing, Barker...............12, 2I Ritter, Berry I................. 6 Woll, Conrad................, o Roberis, Eli A............. 6 Watson, John T............... 4 Roberts, Eli A., Jr............ Woodward, Alfred............ II Rounds, Jabez..................19 W illis, Daniel.................. I1 Rounds, Sylvester............. I9 Webster, William J........... 13 Rounds, Joseph.......... Winegar, Ashbel A........35, 36 Ross, Thomas......... 22, 27, 34 Woll, Peter..................... o1 Rust, Asahel................... 29 Younglove, William........4, 33 Rulbbins, Adam............23, 25 Younglove, Aaron......... 3, 34 LAND-ENTRIES. The following is a complete list of those who purchased of the government lands situated in this township. Those marked with a star (*) became actual residents. SECTION I. John D. Pinckney, Dutchess Co., N. Y., Dec. 3, 1833. Ira A. Blossom and Elijah D. Efner, Erie Co., N. Y., Sept. 2, 1835. John Fraser, New York City, Oct. 26, 1835. Flavius J. B. Crane, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 27, 1835. Heman Harrington, Oakland Co., Mich., March 14, 1836. William C. Shaft, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 9, 1836. Fred Carey, Lenawee Co., Mich., July I4, 1836. SECTION 2. Jonathan Easterbrooks, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., May 14, I834. Sardis Davis,* Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., Sept. 15, 1834. Samuel Hubbard,* Livingston Co., N. Y., May 13, 1835. James T. Allen and David Godfrey, Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 26, 1835. David W. Wetmore, New York City, June 30, I835. George W. Jewett, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 9, I835. Samuel Hubbard,* Livingston Co., Mich., Aug. 25, I835. Ira A.'Blossom and Elijah D. Efner, Erie Co., N. Y., Sept. 2, 1835. SECTION 3. Jonathan Austin, Livingston Co., Mich., July 8, 1834. James Hiscock, Washtenaw. Co., Mich., Dec. I8, 1834. George W. Jewett, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 9, 1835. Isaac R. Stone, Ontario Co., N. Y., Oct. 21, 1835. Townsend Drew,* Steuben Co., N. Y., May 20, I836. Robert F. Randall, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Jan. 9, 1837. James A. Hicks and Samuel T. Buell, Wayne Co., Mich., March 16, 1837. SECTION 4. Rial Lake, Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 12, 1835. John D. Riddle and Reuben Moore, Washtenaw Co, Mich., I Rial Lake, Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 4, 1836. Townsend Drew,* Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. 9, 1837. Joseph Collier, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Jan. 20, 1837. Joseph Collier, Washtenaw Co., Mich., March 2, 1837. Luke Hemingway, New York City, March 27, I837. John Bennett, Livingston Co., Mich., Oct. I, 1851. SECTION 5. James Haddan,* Livingston Co., Mich., May 25, 1837. Alexander Boyden,* Livingston Co., Mich., April 19, 1837. Rial Lake, Philadelphia, Pa., June I5, 1837. Francis I. Prevost,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 17, 1835. Alexander Boyden,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 17, 1835. John Ballard, Wayne Co., Mich., July 25, 1835. Charles A. Bogart, Ontario Co., N. Y., Sept. 30, 1835. Mary Ann Prevost, Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. 2, 1836. Benjamin Smith, Livingston Co., Mich., June 29, 1836. Rial Lake, Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 4, I836. Gaines Dayton, Wayne Co., Mich., March 2, 1837. SECTION 6. Francis I. Prevost,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 17, 1835. Gaines Dayton, Wayne Co., Mich., March 2, 1837. Thomas Schoonhoven,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., March 20, I837. James Haddan,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 25, I837. Rial Lake, Philadelphia, Pa., June 15, 1837. Rial Lake, Philadelphia, Pa., June 28, 1837. Samuel P. Jewett, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Jan. 3, 1838. Rial Lake, Livingston Co., Mich., April 6, 1838. George W. Keeler, Livingston Co., Mich., March 15, 1855. H. H. Norton,* Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. 13, I853. SECTION 7. John Ballard, Wayne Co., Mich., July 17, 1835. Pierpont L. Smith,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Aug. 7, 1835. Alonzo Platt, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Aug. 12, I835. Stoddard Smith,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Sept. 16, 1835. Jean Louis Francois Benoit Fasquelle,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 9, 1835. Pierpont L. Smith,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Dec. 5, 1835. Guy C. Lee,* Madison Co., N. Y, April 18, 1836. Lyman E. Beach, Erie Co., Pa., April 23, 1836. Cornelius Potter,* Livingston Co., Mich., April 28, 1836. SECTION 8. Charles A. Bogart, Ontario Co., N. Y., Sept. 30, 1835. James T. Bashford,* Wayne Co., N. Y., March 25, 1836. Guy C. Lee,* Madison Co., N. Y., April 18, 1836. Lyman E. Beach, Erie Co., Pa., April 23, I836. Thomas L. Hancock,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 8, 1836. George W. Lee,* Livingston Co., Mich., July Ix, I836. Israel S. Spencer, Madison Co., N. Y., Sept. 24, 1836. Rial Lake, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 28, 1836. Richard Day,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 30, 1852. SECTION 9. James Collins, Genesee Co., N. Y., Sept. 25, 1835. Rial Lake, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 28, 1836. Conrad Woll,* Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 26, 1836. B. B. Kercheval, Wayne Co., Mich., Dec. 15, 1836. George Corselus, Wayne Co., Mich., Dec. 26, 1836. Ozro F. Olds,* Livingston Co., Mich., June 25, 1839. SECTION 1o. Price Morse,* Genesee Co., N. Y., Oct. 23, 1835. Samuel Lyon,* Steuben Co., N. Y., May 20, 1836. William Gibbs, New Haven, Conn., June 3, 1836. Oct. 29, 1835. I KESIDENCE OF A. VAN FATTEN, MARION, MICH. MARION TOWNSHIP. 353 ~- -- -- I -— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Roswin Kingsbury, Monroe C,)., N. Y., July 6, 1836. Samuel Lyon,* Steuben Co., N. Y., July 7, 1836. Conrad Woll,* Livingston Co., Mich., Oct. 27, I836. Jonathan Seeley, Wayne Co., Mich., Nov. 15, 1836. Edward Esteys, Wayne Co., Mich., May 12, 1837. Zebulon M. Drew,* Livingston Co., Mich., Oct. 8, 1838. SECTION I. Israel Branch,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 10, 1835. John D. Riddle and Reuben Moore, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 29, 1835. Israel Branch (2d), Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 23, 1835. Charles Mosely, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 27, 1835. Israel Branch,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 27, 1835. Elisha S. Avery and Charles Eldredge, Wayne Co., Mich., Jan. II, I837. SECTION 12. John M. Brown, Ontario Co., N. Y., July i6, I835. John P. Thornton, Wayne Co., Mich., Nov. 14, 1835. Adna Sawyer, Yates Co., N. Y., June 4, 1836. Giles Church, Monroe Co., N. Y., June 13, 1836. Enoch Webster, Steuben Co., N. Y., June 22, 1836. Edward G. Wilber, Columbia Co., N. Y., June 23, 1836. Verry Goldthwait, Washtenaw Co., Mich., March Io, 1837. SECTION 13. John M. Brown, Ontario Co., N. Y., July 16, I835. Dwight Hawks, Oakland Co., Mich., March 17, 1836. William J. Webster,* Steuben Co., N. Y., June 22, 1836. Edward G. Wilber, Columbia Co., N. Y., June 23, 1836. William J. Webster,* Livingston Co., Mich., Oct. 30, 1837. William C. Decker, Livingston Co., Mich., April 15, 1853. SECTION 14. John M. Brown, Ontario Co., N. Y., July 16, 1835. Walter R. Seymour,* Wayne Co., Mich., Nov. 14, 1835. John P. Thornton, Wayne Co., Mich., Nov. 14, 1835. Aaron Seymour,* Wayne Co., Mich., Jan. 20, 1836. Edgar M. Galloway, Wayne Co., Mich., March I4, 1836. William Clay, Wayne Co., Mich., June I6, 1836. Edward Estes, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 18, I836. Zebulon M. Drew,* Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. 9, 1837. Joseph Sexton,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Sept. 25, 1837. Parley H Stevens, Livingston Co., Mich., Oct. 13, 1846. SECTION 15. Hiram Wing* and John L. Wing,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 26, 1835. Josiah Doty, Monroe Co., N. Y., Nov. 19, I835. William Kirtland, Wayne Co., Mich., Jan. I, 1836. Jeremiah Kent,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 31, 1836. Kinneth Davison,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 7, 1836. SECTION I6. William Huntington,* Dec. 20, 1854. J. N. Bashford,* Sept. 26, 1849. S. W. Coffey,* Oct. 24, 1848. M. S. Havens,* Sept. 16, 1841. Lyman Clark,* March 14, 1849. Nelson Coffey,* May 8, 1849. James Harger,* Nov. 29, 1858. H. C. Mallory,* July 22, 1857. C. Coleman, Oct. 9, I850. Pierce Elwell,* Nov. I, I856. A. T. Albright, March 8, I855. James Harger,* Nov. 29, I858. Chester Goodrich, Nov. 29, 1858. 45 SECTION 17. Seth C. Darwin,* Livingston Co., N. Y, Oct. 27, 1835. Lyman E. Beach, Erie Co., Pa., April 23, 1836. Asahel W. Prior, Madison Co., N. Y., Jan. 14, 1837. Waters Clark,* Madison Co., N. Y., June I, 1837. Nelson A. Smith,* Erie Co., Pa., June 20, 1836. Lyman Clark,* Livingston Co., Mich., March 2, I849, and Sept. I, 868. SECTION I8. Jeptha Jewett, Wayne Co., Mich., Oct. 2, 1835. Alvin S. McDowell, Niagara Co., N. Y., Oct. 14, I835. IIiram Fisk, Niagara Co., N. Y., Oct. 14, 1835. George and Livy Rash, Washtenaw Co, Mich., Dec. 29, I835. George Rash, Washtenaw Co., Mich., April 15, 1836. William Davis,* Erie Co., Pa., April 23, I836. Robert Munns,* Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. 28, 1838. John A. Ezel, Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. 4, 1847. SECTION 19. Sylvester Rounds,* Wayne Co., Mich., Jan. 14, 1836. Robert Munns,* Wayne Co., Mich., Feb. 8, 1836. Hiram P. Baker,* Monroe Co., N. Y., May I8, 1836. Joseph Walker,* Allegany Co., N. Y., May 23, 1836. William Hines, Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 12, 1838. SECTION 20. Seth C. Darwin,* Livingston Co., N. Y., Oct. 27, 1835. Joseph Walker,* Allegany Co., N. Y., May 23, I836. Robert Munns,* Livingston Co., Mich., May 23, 1836. George Mitchell, Madison Co., N. Y., June I, 1836. Hiram Mitchell,* Livingston Co., Mich., June I, 1836. Spencer Mitchell, Madison Co., N. Y., June 1, 1836. Hiram Mitchell,* Livingston Co., Mich., June 4, I836. George Bates, Plymouth Co., Mass., June 18, 1836. SECTION 21. Seth C. Darwin,* Livingston Co., N. Y., Oct. 27, 1835. Hiram Wing,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., March 8, 1836. Samuel Clark, Wayne Co., N. Y., May 18, 1836. Henry Van Geison, Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 31, 1836. George Bates, Plymouth, Mass., June 18; I836. Henry H. Smith,* Genesee Co., N. Y., June 3, 1836, and May 16, 1837. David T. Wood,* Livingston Co., Mich., April 15, 1847. SECTION 22. George Rash, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Dec. 29, 1835. John L. Wing,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., March 8, 1836. William R. Marshall,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 6, 1836. Charles Van Winkle,* Allegany Co., N. Y., June 6, 1836. Ezra N. Fairchild,* Macomb Co., Mich., June I, 1836. Joseph H. Steel, Wayne Co., Mich., June 24, 1836. James Bavin,* England, June 25, I836. SECTION 23. George W. Moore, Ontario Co., N. Y., Oct. 22, 1835. Edgar M. Galloway, Wayne Co., N. Y., March 14, 1836. Morris K. Henry, Wayne Co., Mich., June I6, 1836. Jason Butterfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., June I8, 1836. Jenks Chase, Ontario Co., N. Y., June I8, I836. James Bavin,* England, June 24, 1836. John C. Bull, Wayne Co., Mich., July 1, 1836. SECTION 24. Timothy R. Bennett, Livingston Co., Mich., July 24, 1835. Justus E. Brown, Columbia Co., N. Y., Oct. 22, 1835. Horace Griffith,* Steuben Co., N. Y., May 26, I836. Eastman Griffith, Livingston Co., Mich., June 8, I836, 354 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Jenks Chase, Ontario Co., N. Y., June 18, 1836. Horace Griffith,* Steuben Co., N. Y., June 22, 1836. Catharine Griffith, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 3, 1836. William L. Tompkins,* Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. 29,1836. Jacob D. Gale, Livingston Co., Mich., Aug. 24, 1846. SECTION 25. James Sloan,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 17, 1836. Jenks Chase, Ontario Co., N. Y., June I8, 1836. Christopher Hoagland,* Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 3, I836. Jacob Fishbeck,* Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. 20, 1837. Levi Fishbeck,* Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. 20, 1837. Adam Rubbins,* Livingston Co., Mich., July 14, 1837. James D. Gale, Livingston Co., Mich., June 9, 1847. Richard D. Bentley,* Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. 3, 1853, and Feb. 8, 1854. SECTION 26. Reuben H. Bennett, Livingston Co., Mich., May 26, 1836. Eastman Griffith, Steuben Co., N. Y., May 26, 1836. James Sloan,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 17, 1836. Jenks Chase, Ontario Co., N. Y., June 18, 1836. Verry Goldthwait, Washtenaw Co., Mich., March o1, 1837. SECTION 27. William Forshee, Cayuga Co., N. Y., May 25, 1836. C. Hoagland* and H. Griffith,* Steuben Co., N. Y., May 26, 1836. John Holden, Providence, R. I., May 30, 1836. Charles Van Winkle,* Allegany Co., N. Y., 1836. Stephen Thomas Probet,* England, June 1o, 1836. SECTION 28. Ezra N. Fairchild,* Genesee Co., N. Y., May 23, i836. Stephen Thomas Probet,* England, June o1, I836, and June II, 1836. Joseph H. Steel, Wayne Co., Mich., June 24, I836, and June 28, 1836. SECTION 29. Silas Raymond, Erie Co., N. Y., June 13, 1836. Edwin M. Cust, England, June 20, 1836. Elijah F. Burt,* Windham Co., Vt., June 15, 1837. Joseph H. Steel, Wayne Co., Aug. 14, 1837. Eri Coleman,* Livingston Co., Mich., Sept. 3, 1849. SECTION 30. Jesse Shaffer,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Jan. 13, 1836. Stephen Averill, Erie Co., Pa., April 23, 1836. Henry Bower, Genesee Co., N. Y., May 13, 1836. Lewis Pardee,* Monroe Co., N. Y., May 18, 1836. Benjamin Hill, Wayne Co., Mich., April II, I837. Rial Lake, Philadelphia, Pa., June 15, I837. SECTION 31. Thomas Hoskins,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 17, I836. Benjamin Nichols, Columbia Co., N. Y., June 17, 1836. Caleb Rice, Yates Co., N. Y., Sept. 23, 1836. Jeremiah D. Samson, Wayne Co., Mich., Aug. o1, 1837. Ira Annis, Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 30, 1852. SECTION 32. John S. Farrand, Cayuga Co., N. Y., May 30, 1836. Lemuel Bryant, Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 31, 1836. William Wing, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., May 31, 1836. Thomas Hoskins, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Sept. 21, I836. Horace H. Smith, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 29, 1836. Wiiam Love,* Livingston Co., Mich., May, I837. Eiaeh i Basing,* Livingston Co., Mich., July 15, 1844. i SECTION 33. George P. Jeffries,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 31, i836. Aaron Younglove,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., June I, 1836, and June 4, x836. Russell Palmer, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 17, 1836. Henry G. Love,* England, June 25, I836. SECTION 34. George Corselus, Wayne Co., Mich., March 14, 1836. William Forshee, Cayuga Co., N. Y., May 25, 1836. John Holden, Providence, R. I., May 30, 1836. George P. Jeffries,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 31, 1836. Aaron Younglove,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., June I, 1836. Randall Holden, Providence, R. I., June 8, 1836. SECTION 35. Miles Chubb,* Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. 14, I835. Ephraim C. Hendee,* Livingston Co., N. Y., June 9, 1836. John Holden, Providence, R. I., June 9, 1836. Randall Holden, Providence, R. I., June 28, 1836. SECTION 36. Miles Chubb,* Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. 14, 1835. Ephraim C. Hendee, Livingston Co., N. Y., June 9, 1836. James Tate, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Dec. 14, I836. Lewis Austin, Wayne Co., Mich., Jan 10, 1837, and Jan. 14, 1837. Thomas Morrissey, Washtenaw Co., Mich., April 26, I837. CIVIL AND POLITICAL. By an act of the State Legislature, approved March 23, 1836, the township of Putnam was formed, and included the present towns of Putnam and Marion. One year later, Marion was organized as a separate township by the same authority. The act of organization, approved March I, I837, provides as follows: "All that portion of the county of Livingston, designated in the United States survey as township two north, of range four east, be, and the same is, hereby set off and organized into a separate township, by the name of Marion, and the first township-meeting therein shall be held at the house of Hiram Wing." Under the organizing act the legal voters of the township of Marion assembled, for their first township election, at the house of Hiram Wing, on the 3d day of April, I837. Guy C. Lee was called to the chair, and Hiram Wing appointed clerk. On motion of Thomas Hoskins, William Younglove, Sardis Davis, and Thomas Hoskins were elected inspectors of the election, and the result of the balloting was the election of the following officers: Thomas Hoskins, Supervisor; Hiram Wing, Township Clerk; Price Morse, George W. Lee, William Younglove, Assessors; Samuel Lyon, Collector; Sylvester Rounds, William Hudson, Directors of the Poor; Guy C. Lee, Sardis Davis, Robt. Munns, Highway Commissioners; Sylvester Rounds, Edward F. Gay, Cornelius Potter, School Commis sioners; Sardis Davis, William Younglove, George W. Lee, Hiram Wing, Justices of the Peace; Aaron Younglove, Price Morse, George Sewell, Thomas GEO. BMILKINSON. C~~EO. BWILK!NSON. ~~~MRS.GEO. B.WILKINSON. RESIDENCE -0' GEC. B.WILKINSON, MARION, LIVINGSTON CO-MICH. MARION TOWNSHIP. 355 Hoskins, William R. Marshall, School Inspectors; Samuel Lyon, Constable. On motion of Sardis Davis, it was voted " that a bounty of five dollars be paid out of the township treasury to any and every person who shall prove to have killed or destroyed a wolf in the township of Marion." On motion of Sylvester Rounds, the sum of one dollar and seventy-five cents was allowed Sardis Davis for expenses incurred in dividing the township. On motion of Price Morse, it was voted " that the next annual township-meeting be held at the house now occupied by Hiram Wing, and that this meeting do now adjourn." On the 2Ist of May, 1837, a special townshipmeeting was called to elect officers to vacancies existing by reason of the non-qualification of persons elected at the first meeting. Thereupon, Elisha Martindale was elected constable, and Wm. Younglove, Price Morse, and George W. Lee inspectors of schools. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. The following is a list of township officers from 1837 to 1879, inclusive: SUPERVISORS. 1837, Thomas Hoskins; 1838, George W. Lee; 1839, Guy C. Lee; 1840, George W. Lee; 1841-42, Edward F. Gay; 1843, Elijah F. Burt; 1844. Horace Griffith; 1845, Ge,rge W. Lee;* 1846, Ezra N. Fairchild; 1847, William Younglove; 1848, Pierpont L. Smith; 1849, Hiram Wing; 1850, Pierpont L. Smith; 1851-53, Elijah F. Burt; 1854, Lyman E. Beach, Jr.; 1855-56, Pierpont L. Smith; 1857, Elijah F. Butrt; 1858, Nelson G. Isbell; 1859, Pierpont L. Smith; I860, Elijah F. Burt; 1861-64, Nelson A. Smith; 1865-68, H. J. Haven; 1869-70, Nelson A. Smith; 1871-72, Theodore Welcker; 1873-74, George Coleman; I875, David O. Smith; 1876, Jonathan M. Hoagland; I877-78, George Coleman; 1879, Thomas Ross, Jr. TOWNSHIP CLERKS. I837-39, Hiram Wing; 1840-42, John T. Watson; 1843, Lyman E. Beach, Jr.; 1844, George Sewell; 1845, Lyman E. Beach, Jr.; 1846-47, Hiram Wing; 1848, George Sewell; 1849, James R. Sage; I850, Peter L. Wilhelm; 1851, David Parker; 1852-53, Hiram Wing; 1854, Frederick Saunders; 1855, John Van Winkle; 1856, James R. Sage; 1857, Ezra N. Fairchild; 1858-59, James Harger; I860, Peter L. Wilhelm; I861-66, Ezra N. Fairchild; 1867, Harvey Harrington; I868, Edward C. Brown; 1869, A. N. Faircliild; 1870, Theodore Welcker; 1871-72, Silas Smith; 1873-75, Theodore Welcker; 1876-78, Albert N. Fairchild; I879, Frank 0. Burt. TREASURERS. 1839, Price Morse;t 1840-42, Henry H. Smith; 1843, John L. Wing; I844, Samuel Lyon; 1845, William J. Webster; I846 -47, Lyman E. Beach,Jr.; 1848, William Tompkins; 1849, Hiram Beardsley; 1850, David Parker; I851, John L. Wing; 1852, Thomas Love; 1853, Frederick Saunders; I854-56, I Alexander M. Boyd; I857-58, John M. King; 1859, James W. Dickerson; 1860, Asa Van Kleeck; 1861, George W. Smock; 1862, Asahel A. Abbott; 1863, William C. Criss; 1864-65, Leonard S. Haynes; 1866, Stephen II. Aldrich; 1867, Augustus R. Sewell; 1868-69, Lyman K. Beach; 1870-71, John Lee; 1872, John Stoddard; 1873, William T. Ely; 1874, Adelbert Smith; 1875-76, John IH. Rubbins; 1877-78, Albert Welcker; 1879, Henry G. Bucknell. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Sardis Davis, William Younglove, George W. Lee, Hiram Wing, 1837; Miles Chubb, Edward F. Gay, 1838; George W. Lee, 1839; Edward F. Gay, 1840; Seth C. Darwin, 1841; Horace Griffith, 1842; George W. Lee, 1843; John T. Watson, 1844; Wi Iliam Younglove, 1845; Nelson G. Isbell, Sylvester Rounds, Zebulon M. Drew, 1846; Miles Chubb, 1847; Ezra N. Fairchild, 1848; William Tompkins, 1849; George T. Sage, George H. Switzer, I850; Aaron Younglove, 1851; Ezra N. Fairchild, 1852; George 1. Switzer, Ezra N. Fairchild, George Cameron, 1853; George Cameron, 1854; David Dickerson, 1855; William T. Totten, John Van Winkle, 1856; William Younglove, 1857; Pierpont L. Smith, 1858; George H. Switzer, George Cameron, 1859; George Coleman, 1860; William Younglove, 1861; Stephen H. Aldrich, Thomas Love, I862; Joseph Brown, 1863; George Coleman, 1864; Charles Bailey, 1865; Iliram Beardsley, 1866; George [H. Switzer, 1867; George Coleman, 1868; no record for 1869; Hiram Beardsley, 1870; John Stoddard, 1871; William Gilks, 1872; James Harger, 1873; George Smock, Theodore Gorton, 1874; Robert H. Holland, 1875; George Younglove, Andrew Rounds, 1876; Asahel A. Ahbott, John Brigham, Alexander Smock, 1877; Henry Padley, John T. Oliver, Charles O'Connor, 1878; Israel Bailey, Nathan Fields, 1879. ASSESSORS. Price Morse, George' W. Lee, William Younglove, 1837; Price Morse, William Younglove, Horace Griffith, 1838; Horace Griffith, William Younglove, Ebenezer Stearns, 1839; Charles Clark, Joseph Walker, Ebenezer Stearns, 1840; Ebenezer Stearns, Joseph Walker, Horace Griffith, 1841; Ephraim C. Hendee, Pierpont L. Smith, 1842; Edward F. Gay, William Younglove, i843; Ebenezer Stearns, Hiram Mitchell, 1844; Elijah F. Burt, Edward F. Gay, 1845; Elijah F. Burt, Hiram Beardsley, 1846; Daniel Bentley, Lyman E. Beach, 1847; Thomas Love, William T. Totten, 1848; Ezra N. Fairchild, Ebenezer Stearns, I849; Chester Goodrich, Samuel Lyon, 1850. See list of supervisors 1851 to 1879, inclusive. SCHOOL INSPECTORS. Aaron Younglove, Price Morse, George Sewell, Thomas Hoskins, William R. Marshall, 1837; Ezra N. Fairchild, George W. Lee, Edward F. Gay, 1838; George W. Lee, Edward F. Gay, Horace Griffith, 1839; Ephraim C. Hendee, John T. Watson, Horace Griffith, 1840; George W. Lee, Horace Griffith, Ephraim C. Hendee, 1841; Horace Griffith, J. H. Cardell, George W. Lee, 1842; Ezra N. Fairchild, Horace Griffith, 1'843; Horace Griffith, 1844; Elijah F. Burt, Allen C. Stearns, 1845; Sylvester Sexton, 1846; John W. Stedman, 1848; John Rodgers, 1849; James Harger, Lyman E. Beach, Jr., 1850; Elijah F. Burt, 1851; Lyman E. Beach, Jr., 1852; Elijah F. Burt, 1853; Thomas Gilks, 1854; Elijah F. Burt, I855; James Harger, 1856; Lyman E. Beach, Jr., 1857; William K. Sexton, i858; Andrew I. Itsell, Jonathan M. Hoagland, 1859; Wm. M. Beach, 1860; Myron Rogers, I86i; Wm. M. Beach, 1862; H. J. Haven, 1863; Wm. M. Beach, 1864; Wm. J. Hazard, H. J. Haven, x865; Milo M. Abbott, 1866; Wm. K. Sexton, 1867; Milo M. Abbott, 1868; Theodore Welcker, 1869; George Coleman, 1870; Hiram E. Reed, 1871; John Rubbins, 1872; John Clements, * Resigned; Elijah F. Burt appointed to fill vacancy, Oct. 13, 1845. t Resigned; Horace Griffith appointed to fill vacancy, Sept. 26, 1839. 356 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. i -- — ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - t -- — ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1873; John Faulk, 1874; Frank 0. Burt, J875-76; Hiram E. Reed, 1877; Frank 0. Burt, 1878; Irving J. Abbott, I879. SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS. Sylvester Rounds, E. F. Gay, Cornelius Potter, 1837. COLLECTORS. Samuel Lyon, 1837; John L. Wing, 1838; Elias H. Bristol, 1839; Ozro F. Olds, 1840; Samuel Lyon, 184I. DRAIN COMMISSIONERS. Robert H. Holland, 1871; Philo L. Reed, 1872-73; William Wilcox, 1874-75; Eugene Brown, 1876; Ira A. Marble, 1877; John Lee, 1878-79. TOWN SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS. John E. Clements, 1875-77; Hiram E. Reed, 1878-79. HIGHWAYS. The first highway laid in the township was opened in 1835 or 1836. This road followed no section lines, but, starting on the south line of Marion, ran north to what was then termed Prevost's Plains, its general course being about one-half mile east of the west line of the township. It is difficult to determine whether this road was laid by the town of Dexter in 1835,as claimed, or by the town of Putnam in 1836, for no transcribed records relating to it are to be found on the Marion books. The first highway projected by the township authorities of Marion was surveyed by Ezra N. Fairchild, June 16, 1837, and described as follows: " Beginning at the southwest corner of section nineteen, township two north of range four east; thence east on the south line of said section to the centre of a highway running north and south. Distance, 27 chains, 23 links. Variation, 3~ 30' to the right." During the succeeding twelve months eighteen more highways were laid by the highway commissioners, and surveyed by Mr. Fairchild. The town was first divided into road districts in 1838, as follows: District No. I contained sections I, 2, 3, 4, 9, and Io; Samuel Hubbard, Overseer. District No. 2, sections II, 12, 13, and 14; Joseph Sexton, Overseer. District No. 3, sections 23, 24, 25, 26, 35, and 36; Horace Griffith, Overseer. District No. 4, sections 32, 33, 34, 27, 28, and 29; Ezra N. Fairchild, Overseer. pistrict No. 5, sections 21, 22, 15, 16; Henry H. Smith, Overseer. District No. 6, sections 5, 6, 7, and north half of section 8; Alexander Boyden, Overseer. District No. 7, sections 17, 18, and south half of section 8; Nelson A. Smith, Overseer. District No. 8, sections 19, 20, 30, and 31; Hiram Mitchell, Overseer. A town-house, situated nearly one mile south of the geographical centre of the township, was completed in 1856, costing about $500. WAR BOUNTIES. On the Ioth of February, 1864, a petition, signed by B. E. Mitchell, George Younglove, George H. Switzer, David Dickerson, James W. Dickerson, Hiram Wing, James Harger, Henry Bucknell, Daniel Jeffrey, Robert Holland, Robert Holland, Jr., Leonard S. Haynes, George Driver, Joseph Brown, and William Younglove, was presented to the town board, asking that a special township election be held at the earliest practicable day, " to determine by vote what sum of money shall be raised as a bounty fund to be paid volunteers enlisted and mustered into the military or naval service of the United States from this township; also to determine by vote whether such sum shall be raised by tax or a loan." In accordance, a special election was ordered to be held in the town-house, on Saturday, Feb. 20, 1864. This meeting failed of being a legal one, in consequence of not posting up a sufficient number of notices. Another petition, signed by James Harger and fourteen others, was thereupon presented to the town board on the day last mentioned, and an election was ordered to be held at the town-house, Monday, March 7, 1864. At this meeting 89 votes were polled, of which 84 were cast in favor of a loan, and 5 against a loan. On the 15th of August, 1864, James Harger, Hiram Wing, S. W. Dickerson, Theodore Welcker, Charles O'Connor, Philip Prior, Samuel Lyon, William P. Fitch, J. W. Dickerson, William Sexton, David Dickerson, Harvey Harrington, and Aaron Younglove presented another petition to the honorable body composing the township board, calling upon them to appoint a special election to determine " whether a bounty of $Ioo be paid each volunteer who enters the military service of the United States upon the President's call for 500,ooo men, dated July 18, 1864, and also to determine whether the money be raised by tax or loan." In pursuance, notices were posted designating Wednesday, Aug. 31, 1864, as the time for holding at the town-house a special election. At this election 8I votes were polled, and all of them were for a tax. Soon after, the proper township authorities issued township bonds to the amount of $I9oo, payable in two years, with interest at seven per cent. SCHOOLS. It is probable that the first school-house was built on "the plains," near the central part of section 7, in I838, and that Miss Laurella Lee, a daughter of Guy C. Lee, taught the first school in ~ -:,-I~.- ~ j~ ,,.: i:rl::-:'l-i;-;-::l;-~.::i;c;::i::'::-:,-.1:-:-_-: ''::::: 8F -:c::id3rs C;p.~:;~ -~~;p rr:l:,I ~= i -i —: Pli il,-;;.~:~:~~-~:~:?5i`l' ~; —;i-~:~~:~::-::~::: -:;-;::::::"::.:, _;: -1-I::::::::::.I;:::..::;:-:: (;;;-:;-;:-;:I;=::-:-:-_.::::::-:;i.:_-!:::1. — i::-:;;:li-.i~:.;:l:.:'':u::::~:::::;.::1:;: -:;~ ;'`:I:)I I:'~.~~.~~:;sll S..il-~:i:,::. ;;:::;;I.;: --- :: -j: I~I;: -1:~~ -:::::~-::::.::.`:1:'-:: ~:::; ~-:~;:I;~:_;~;: ~_-; ~.~.. ~~(.r-., C;~:~::-~ ~; ' i~i ~'~ ~:~~'1;*I;: ~-~~-~ ~':,:._:: 'It;hi" ~~ I~:'i -~:.. -~ ~~::::':: ': -.;.i~ 1: r-:i:;~;~ `.~.:~:.ii.;U _1.* ~; ~~-r 1 114' 1w ''. - ",-",,-.1,I-, ., e"'-. " '-'. --— '.""",'...Z. "., —. —,, ---.,.-,-."".,I.""".'.tI -—:.f, -,-, ":_' -'':' -: —,' -".' - I:, -:-,' 't',". "'-:-,, -.",,, mt,,,,-, -,,,, -: .'. ':' - 1,':."'. '"-.:;'.'-"" .,.-,,,-.'l-,,.,'.",,,.i,"',,-,','- -":.:"".-,,',,'.,i,.",,i'.',', -7',-,,.' ; I. 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The following statistics, taken from the annual report of the school inspectors, show the condition of the township schools for the year ending Sept. I, 1879: Number of whole district................................... " fractional districts............................... Children of school age residing in the township.......... Children attending school during the year................. Frame school-houses........................................ Stone "............................................. Value of school proper;y...................................... Qualified male leachers employed duringOthe year....... Qualified female " (...... Months taught by males...................................... " " c females...................................... Paid male teachers...................................... Paid female teachers............................................. 4 6 484 430 8 2 $3650.00 7 14 27.25 49 $768.00 $617.25 RECEIPTS. Moneys on hand Sept. 2, 1878................................ $277.5I Two-mill tax......................................... 534.87 Primary-school fund.............................................. 223 52 District taxes for all purposes................................. 793.8I From other sources......................6............... 6.95 Total resources........................................... $1836.66 EXPENDITURES. For teachers' wages, building, and repairs, on bonded indebtedness, and all other purposes................... $661.28 Amount on hand, Sept. I, 1879............................... I75.38 Total expenditures...................................... $1836.66 RELIGIOUS. Although no house of worship has ever been erected within the limits of this township, the pioneers and their descendants have not been neglected in a religious sense. As early as 1837, Rev. Washington Jackson, a missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church, visited the settlements, and preached at irregular intervals in the dwellings of Elisha Love and Guy C. Lee. Elder Cosart, who lived in the town of Hartland, was also a pioneer preacher of the Methodist Episcopal denomination. He held meetings in 1838, and, for a few years immediately succeeding, in the houses of Sylvester Rounds, Guy C. Lee, Horace Griffith, David Dickerson, and Elisha Love. Later, classes and organizations of various denominations have been formed, who held meetings in district school-houses. The First Baptist Society of Marion was regularly incorporated Jan. 5, 1853, and Thomas Love, J. D. Bull, John Van Winkle, Ezra N. Fairchild, George Sewell, T. Bennett, and Lyman Clark elected trustees. CEMETERIES. The first place of burial was on the Pinckney: road, near Joseph Walker's residence. The Lake Burying-Ground, situated upon section 5, was also a place for early interments. The grounds of the East Marion Burying-Ground Corporation, containing one acre, and situated near the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of section 23, were surveyed by Ezra N. Fairchild, March I5, 1849. On the 9th of February, I878, these grounds were incorporated under the foregoing title, and the following officers elected: Joseph Brown, President, James Harger, Clerk; Alfred Wright, Treasurer; and James W. Dickerson, Sexton. The Putnam and Marion Burying-Ground Corporation was incorporated March 17, I85I. The grounds are situated on the northeast corner of section 5, Putnam township. The first officers were William Younglove, President; David Parker, Clerk; John Love, Collector; Elisha Love, Treasurer; and Nehemiah Gilks, Sexton. Other incorporators, Aaron Younglove, Thomas Love, John Larkin, J. Barney, Frederick Saunders, I. H. Shaw, Ezra N. Fairchild, Enos Burden, A. H. Smith, S. H. Hazard, William P. Fitch, Lorenzo Smith, Henry G. Love, and John Van Winkle. This association was reorganized April 10, 1869, and the name changed to the Marion and Putnam Burying-Ground Corporation. Thereupon Ezra N. Fairchild was chosen President, George Younglove, Clerk, and William H. Gilks, Treasurer. The North Marion Burying-Ground Corporation was incorporated Dec. 31, 1864, and the officers then elected were Elijah F. Burt, President; Frederick W. Munson, Clerk; Samuel M. Yerkes, Treasurer; and Henry E. Avery, Sexton. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. GEORGE COLEMAN was born in Orange Co., N. Y., Sept. 7, 1833. His father, Eri Coleman, emigrated to Livingston County in the fall of 1843, with his family, which consisted of a wife and six children,-five sons and one daughter. In April, 1844, they settled on eighty acres of land, where George Coleman now lives. Upon this land there was a small log house, and a few acres improved; that year a frame. huse. was built, and other improvements were madi. As the boys grew up, the farm increased in ratio, until it contained five hundred acres, with a large share under good cultivation. The property was 353 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. then divided, and Mr. Coleman went to Pinckney and engaged in the mercantile business, where he died, Dec. 20, 1863, aged sixty-four years. In the distribution of property, George received the old homestead with two hundred acres of land. He has since added other lands, erected fine buildings, and has what may be termed a model farm. He is a well-read and thinking man, the owner of a good library, and his farm is conducted with intelligence, as are all his affairs. He breeds a good grade of horses, and has a fine herd of Galloways. Politically he is a Democrat; has served as super visor four terms, and as justice of the peace for sixteen years, filling these offices to the satisfaction of all. His official course has been to prevent litigation in the neighborhood. Mr. Coleman was married in I855 to Sarah Rubbins, who died Jan. 30, I86I, leaving three children. He was again married, in September, 1862, to Eliza Rubbins, by whom he has had two children. Both wives were daughters of Adam Rubbins, who came from England, and was an early settler in Marion, where he now lives at an advanced age. Photos. by Brown, Howell. W. K. SEXTON. MRS. W. K. SEXTON. W. K. SEXTON, one of the enterprising and reliable men of Livingston County, was born at Sherburne, N,. Y., Feb. 6, I835. He came to Livingston County in 1837, with his father, William Sexton, who purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land on section 14, now in Marion township, upon which there was an unfinished log house, and a few acres cleared. Having some means, he soon made substantial improvements. Subsequently, he purchased other lands, made other farms, and finally retired to the village of Howell, where he now resides. The immediate subject of this sketch lived with his father until he attained his majority, assisting on the farm, and receiving such educational advantages as were offered by the schools at Howell, and the State Normal School, at Ypsilanti. He taught school one winter, and graduated at the Commercial College, in Chicago, in I858. He was subsequently employed by the Cairo and Fulton Railroad Company, as agent at Charleston, Md. With this education and experience, he was well prepared for the stern realities of life. Returning to his native town, he purchased the old homestead of two hundred and forty acres fi-om his father. He was married Dec. 19, i86o, to Miss Cynthia L. Adams, of Utica, Mich., and since that time has made farming his specialty. His ability, as a business man, is recognized by the farmers of Livingston County, who have for several years made him the business agent of the County Council, and the Howell Grange. The success and prosperity of those organizations, under his management, show that a man may possess business qualifications as well as being a practical farmer. A visit to his fine farm and comfortable home, is convincing evidence that he and his estimable wife enjoy the good things of this world in a sensible and practical manner. They have long been active and consistent members of the Presbyterian Church, of Howell, and have filled some of the most important offices in that body. Politically, Mr. Sexton is a Republican, but has NV —JIH'-)IkN NOINVYV 'NO-LX3S '>I -M -10 3ON-3C1IE;38 p Wil a m A b"d li JR —, 2 7m life, 7 4441,, AO VIW: zc-;,bZ j z 41 Wb MARION TOWNSHIP. 359 never sought political fame. He has held the office of school inspector, and of deputy collector of the United States Internal Revenue for the Fifth District of Michigan. Although yet a young man, Mr. Sexton is widely known throughout Livingston County for his efficiency, enterprise, and good judgment, and enjoys to a large degree, the confidence and esteem of all who know him. THOMAS LOVE was born Jan. 4, I813, in the Parish of Mortimer, Berkshire (Co., England. He emigrated to this country with his father, Henry George Love, who came in May, 1 836, with a family of five children, and settled on a half section of land on the south line of the town of Marion. This has since been known as the Love settlement. There he died in i860. Thomas Love remained with his father until July 24, I839, wvhen he was married to Lavina Basing, who came with her father friom the same neighborhood as did the Loves, in 1838. Thle young couple at once started on their owvn account, their only capital being strong arms, with a very limited outfit of household goods. For a time he operated the Bevins saw-mill on shares, afterwards worked some land on shares for a few years, when he purchased eighty acres of land where he now lives. Upon this land there was an unfinished log house, but no other improvement. For the necessaries of life he worked out by the day, and as the land was not yet paid for, the improvements were made only by the greatest exertion. Mr. Love and his wife each had watches they had brought from the old country,-gifts from friends; with these they paid for splitting the rails which made their first fence. Their first cow was bought on credit, for they had nothing else to buy with. Mr. Love was much employed at his trade, that of a carpenter. He worked on the house of Townsend Drew, said to be the first frame house in town. Through these discouraging years they never faltered. Slowly, but surely, progress was made. The first land was paid for, and other lands added, until at one time he had three hundred and forty acres. The log house has long since given place to a commodious residence. A family of seven children have been reared and given such advantages as are enjoyed by the most enterprising people of the day; and now, after an industrious and exemplary life, this pioneer couple look back to the small beginning and privations of the frontier life with the satisfaction that they have acted well their part,-as they enjoy their pleasant home, a large circle of friends, and a well-earned competency. GEORGE B. WILKINSON is the descendant of a very respectable family of the middle class of society in England. The first of whom we have any record was one Thomas Wilkinsoni, who migrated from the north of Lincolnshire to the " Fens," in quest of a better condition for his children than his own. He settled on a farm at Moore's Wood, and raised a very numerous progeny. The youngest son was named Thomas Wilkinson (2d). In due time he married a young lady by the name of Martha Wilson. To them were born many children, nine of whom lived to manhood, and did honor to their name. The fifth child, George Wilkinson, was the father of the subject of our sketch. He lived, on a farm, and occupied a house commonly known as the PearTree House, for about forty years. The sharer of his joys and sorrows was Miss Mary Ann Marshall. She was the mother of fifteen children, thirteen of whom are now in the prime of life. Mr. Wilkinson is a man ever ready to speak his mind on all subjects, and fromn youth labored with Cobden, Bright, etc., for every needed reform,-ever battling the idea that distinguished origin was a matter of personal merit, or obscure origin one of reproach. George B. Wilkinson was born in the parish of Long Sutton, Lincolnshire, England,. Feb. 25, I833, being the eldest of the fifteen children. Circumstances early initiated him into the duties of "chore-boy" upon his father's farm, where a rigid performance of every duty was demanded,a severe but good discipline. In the year I85I, being about eighteen years of age, he emigrated to America, coming an unusual route, via Newport, in Wales, to Portland, in Maine, a passenger in the little bark " Richard Youngs." Immediately he journeyed to Western New York, where he sojourned one year and three months. He then moved to Ohio, and wandered a little, staying in the State one year and nine months. In the year 1854 he came to Michigan, residing a short time in Green Oak, but eventually moved into Lyon, Oakland Co., where he lived about eight years. He and his two brothers, Charles and Samuel C., were quite well known in that region. The former enlisted and served three years in the United States army, and was accredited to the quota of that town. In the year i863, George B. Wilkinson married Miss Keziah, third daughter of the late William 360 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Fletcher, of Milford. The union was a happy one. They were blest with five children, of whom three survive,-one son and two daughters. After their marriage they moved on to the farm upon which they now live. Mr. Wilkinson soon became noted as an agriculturist. Within a few months he opened about a mile of ditch, thereby reclaiming much land before considered worthless. To him is accredited the building of the first underdrain in the township. It was an inverted trough, and did good service. On his farm, to his credit it may be said, weeds are seldom allowed to go to seed. Mrs. Wilkinson is very domestic,-a fond mother, refined in her tastes, having a great love of the beautiful. In horticulture she takes great delight, and commands much notice. From her front door may be seen a fine sight, one which needs to be seen to be appreciated. No pen-picture can do it justice. Nature and art combine to make it beautiful. On the flower-stand are many choice domestic and exotic plants, the pride of their possessor, and the admiration of the passers-by. Mr. Wilkinson is conservative in politics, usually acting with the Republican party. He seeks no office, yet has many times been the Republican candidate for positions of trust. His tastes are somewhat literary. While at South Lyon, in Buchanan's hey-day, he gained some little notice by a political satire. Since his residence in Marion he has, for amusement, written considerable for the newspapers. On visiting England he also furnished the press with some incidents of travel. Shortly afterwards he composed the story, "What Hattie did with her New Year's Gift." " An address to the Pioneers of Livingston County" showed much ability, as did also another and more recent address to the farmers, when in council, at a farmers' institute, held in Howell. PIERPONT IL. SMITH eral years and made a good improved farm. While living there he was appointed justice of the peace by Governor Mason. At that time Livingston was attached to Washtenaw County for judicial purposes. While living in Webster he purchased the land where he now lives, in Marion, and in 1840 moved on to it. He at once made substantial improvements, and now has a highly-cultivated farm of three hundred acres. Mrs. Smith died May 28, 1865. She had been the mother of eight children, all of whom grew to maturity, exeept one. Two of the sons were soldiers in the war of the Rebellion. W. Augustus was captain in the 22d Michigan Infantry; was wounded at Chickamauga, and died in hospital. Junius, in the same regiment, was wounded at Chickamauga; he is married and lives on a portion of the old farm. Mr. Smith was a second time married, Jan. 17, 1871, to Mrs. Frances Warner, of Dexter, formerly Miss Porter, of Bridgeport, Conn. GEORGE YOUNGLOVE was born in Ontario Co., N. Y., May 4, I827. His father, William Younglove, emigrated to Washtenaw Co., Mich., in I830, where he remained six years. He then came to Livingston County, and settled on the town line, between Marion and Putnam. That fall (1836) he built a small frame house, which was the first or second frame house in the town of Marion. This is the wing of the present house on the Younglove homestead. William Younglove was a man much respected and honored;. he was justice of the peace, and for many years occupied some position on the town board. He died March I9, 1876. George Younglove was the youngest of five children. He and his brother, William, purchased ninety acres of land with the old homestead, and after William's death purchased his interest. He has added other lands, until he now has nearly three hundred acres. In I857 he was married to Miss Margaret A. Lawson. Her father, John F. Lawson, came from New York City in 1857, and purchased from government five hundred and sixty acres of land in the towns of Genoa and Oceola, where he died. Mr. and Mrs. Younglove are among the pioneers who have witnessed the transformation of the primeval forest into a prosperous community, and remember well when the Indian and the wolf were not an uncommon sight, where now is a thicklysettled town. was born in Greene Co., N. Y., June I6, I805. His father, Stoddard Smith, was a lawyer in Greenville, N. Y. He came to Marion in I836, and settled on a farm, where he died Dec. 17, I842, aged seventy-five years. When Pierpont was fifteen years of age he went to New York City, where he was a clerk in a drygoods store until I826, when he came to Michigan and located on land in Washtenaw County. He returned to New York City in August that year, and married Letitia M. Degarmo. They came to Webster, Washtenaw Co., where they resided sev GEO. YOU N GLOVE. MRS. GEO. YOUNGLOVE. P. L. SMITH. I I IL-, I I o i I ?t I -X I I e, I 36i MARION TOWNSHIP. AARON VAN PATTEN was born in Herkimer Co., N. Y., July 24, 1828. When he was seven years of age his father moved to Onondaga County, where he died in i844, leaving a family of nine children. Aaron remained with the family some ten years after his father's death, but worked out a portion of the time. Wishing to get a home of his own, he came to ' Livingston County in 1854, and purchased eighty acres of land upon which there was a small house and a few acres partially improved. He had money to make a small payment, but nothing left to make further improvements. For the necessaries of life he worked out by the day. Before this " eighty" could be paid for, an adjoining one was offered for sale, and Mr. Van Patten desirous to possess a larger farm, borrowed the money and purchased it. In those days the money-lender was master of the situation, and the heavy interest he was obliged to pay added other and more serious burdens to his already heavy load. At this juncture he received material aid by marrying, March 15, 1857, Miss Phoebe Ann, daughter of Ira P. Annis, who enlisted in the 26th Michigan Infantry, and died in hospital, March I7, 1863, aged forty-eight years. For several years after Mr. Van Patten was married the struggle was severe and progress slow, but by frugal habits and persistent industry the land has been paid for, large and substantial buildings erected, the farm put under a high state of cultivation, and a handsome interest account running in his favor. Mr. and Mrs. Van Patten are consistent members of the Methodist Church. To them have been born eight children, five of whom are now living,-one son. and four daughters. 46 ELDRED BASING was born in Berkshire Co., England, April 4, I82r. His father, Joseph Basing, came to America in 1838, with his family, consisting of a wife and nine children. One other child was born after they came to this country. He purchased one hundred and twenty-three acres of land near the Love settlement, Marion, where he still lives at the advanced age of ninety-six years. His wife died May 29, 1878, aged eighty-six years. Eldred Basing lived at home until he was twentyfour years of age, when he went out to work by the month for a few years. He then purchased eighty acres of unimproved land. He cleared some twenty-five acres, when he sold and purchased one hundred and twenty acres on the corner where he now lives. Upon this land there was a log house and sixteen acres cleared. With this start he determined to have a home. He worked bravely and alone for three years, when he took a copartner by marrying Cordelia Burden, Dec. 22, I853. She died Oct. 27, I865, leaving four children,-three daughters and one son. Mr. Basing was again married, Nov. 21, I867, to Mrs. Priscilla Merritt, formerly Priscilla Fields, daughter of William Fields, who came from Erie Co., Pa., in i848, and settled in Livingston County. He died in losco, in 1873. The history of Mr. Basing shows what may be accomplished by industry and economy. There has been no sudden accession of wealth, but by his own exertions, year by year, the improvements have been made. The progress, although slow at first, has been sure, until a fine farm, a pleasant home, and an abundance have been secured. Mr. and Mrs. Basing are consistent members of the Methodist Church, and respected by all who know them. HARTLAND TOWNSHIP. THE township of Hartland is described as township 3 north, range 6 east, and Lies on the eastern side of Livingston, bordering on Oakland County. The reminiscences of Hartland are intimately associated with the latter county, and its early settlers were frequently called upon to extend courtesies to their neighbors, whose entrance to the Territory as pioneers bore a much later date,-Hartland having remained an unbroken stretch of wood and plain for some years after the settlement of Oakland. The earliest entries of land, with a single exception, were made in I833, and the larger proportion of them not earlier than 1835 and 1836, while many bear a much later date. Though arriving at a period subsequent to the settlement of the adjoining townships, they were not the less thrown upon the resources of their own ingenuity. Their dwellings were also rude cabins made of logs, sometimes rough, sometimes hewn, and isolated as they were from all communication with the world of civilization, with their stout hearts and willing hands the wilderness was soon made fruitful, and comfortable homes ere long replaced the primitive log structures. The township of Hartland seems to have derived its name from a township of like name in the State of New York, which was the former home of some of its early settlers. Its separate existence dates from I836, when it became an independent township and held its own elections. The writer has been unable to discover any early arrival antedating that of Col. Samuel Mapes, who came from Niagara Co., N. Y., to the Territory of Michigan, and located in Washtenaw County. In 1831 or I832 he was attracted by the rich lands of Hartland and removed thither, entering at first a tract of 8o acres, and subsequently adding to it. At this early period the country was almost an unbroken wilderness, a pilgrimage of six miles being necessary to hold intercourse with a single human being. With Col. Mapes came his son, Samuel, who aided him in breaking up the land and establishing a home. They arrived in winter, and their labors were first directed to cutting timber with which to build a shanty, and later a saw-mill. They succeeded in erecting a comfortable habitation, and the following year they were followed by the family, who became permanent residents. Rufus Tenney also located land very early, and was among the earliest of Hartland's pioneers. Eli Lee came late in the fall of I833, from Monroe Co., N. Y., and entered I25 acres on section 25. With him came his family, including five sons, but one of whom survives. With Mr. Lee came E. J. Smith,.of the same county in New York State, who located lands upon sections 24 and 5, each 8o acres. Mr. Smith built a comfortable shanty upon section 20 soon after his arrival, and as soon after as practicable a house. Neither of these gentlemen found any road to guide them to their destination, and were able to reach their lands only by following the Indian trail, which indicated the direction of their travels, while the axe was in constant demand to provide a pathway for the oxen. Their neighbors were all residents of the township of Highland, in the adjoining county. Mr. Lee's house was, during the early years of his settlement, constantly the rendezvous of landlookers, and it was not unusual to find the floor covered at night with their slumbering forms, being grateful for even such meagre cheer as it was possible to offer. In the spring of I834 a child was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Smith, which they christened Frances, and who afterwards became Mrs. Myron Curdy. This child enjoyed the distinction of being the first white child born within the limits of the township. Menzo Smith arrived in I834, and located on section 23. Soon after he lost a child, which was buried on his land, and is believed to be the earliest death that occurred in the township. The exact date is not known, but thought to be the latter part of the year 1834 or early in I835. William E. Huntley was a native of New York State, and early removed to Ohio, where he remained one year, and then came to the county of Livingston and settled in Hartland, arriving with the pioneers of I834. He immediately took an active interest in the growth of the county, and in i846 was elected sheriff, which office he held for four years. He removed later to Howell, and died in that village in April, i8j2. Elias Armstrong came to the township from Connecticut in 1834, and died on the farm he at first purchased. 'kv~~~ HARTLAND TOWNSHIP. 363 Norman Brainard came with his family from Genesee Co., N. Y., in May of I835. From Buffalo to Detroit they traveled by steamboat, his original intention being to proceed to Illinois and there purchase a farm. Meeting at Detroit a band of settlers from Highland, who extolled the advantages of Michigan, he was induced to prospect in the State. He procured a 4eam and came via Birmingham (then rejoicing in the cognomen of Piety Hill) to Commerce and Milford. From Commerce there was no road, but the route was marked by blazed trees. No special incidents marked the progress of the party, who arrived ere long at the house of Deacon Jesse Tenney in Highland. The following day, leaving the family at this hospitable house, Mr. Brainard, together with the deacon and a neighbor, departed in the search of land, and were so successful that the succeeding day Mr. Brainard repaired to Detroit and located I2I acres on section 2i. He immediately began the erection of a log house, the family remraining during the interval at the house of Deacon Tenny for four weeks until its completion. When first occupied it had neither floors, doors, or windows. However, two windows were very soon improvised, the sash and glass having been brought with the household goods. The children could not overcome their fear of the wolves, which prowled around the house and made night hideous with their cries, especially since there was no door to prevent their entrance. The boards were consequently taken from a box in which the goods were brought, and a floor was rudely constructed upon the beams overhead. There the children slumbered in less fear of wild beasts, but in imminent peril of tumbling out of bed and breaking their necks. A lower floor of puncheons was soon in place, and before winter approached a few boards were obtained, from which a door.and upper floor were made. The following fall, after the first crop of wheat was harvested and threshed, Mr. Brainard took the grist to a mill four miles north of Pontiac to be ground, and was absent four days. During his absence his family consumed their last loaf, and by employing the coffee-mill were able to grind a sufficient amount of wheat to supply their needs until the flour arrived. When the pork barrel was empty, the want could always be supplied through the Indians, who constantly offered fresh meat for barter, and thus kept the larder abundantly filled. Mrs. Grace Brainard (wife of Mr. Brainard) organized at her home the first Sabbath-school in the township, to which the children came a long distance through the woods when there was no road. A Sunlday-school cele bration was held during the summer of the first year of its existence, which proved a very interesting occasion, and may with propriety be characterized as the first event of like character in the county. Addresses were made by the older ones present, and at the close of the exercises 24 of the little ones sat down to a sumptuous repast prepared by the willing hands of Mrs. Brainard. Charles Smith came to HIartland in 1834, and located 200 acres on section 25. He was known as a successful farmer, and continued to improve his land until his death, which occurred in I875. Adoniram Hubbell was also one of the pioneers of i835, having removed from Newburgh, 0., and purchased 200 acres on section 26,-reaching his possessions via Detroit, from whence he drove an ox-team and a covered wagon. He was accompanied by two sons and a daughter. He followed the path marked by blazed trees, as had the few who preceded him. He arrived in October, and occupied an old dilapidated shanty one mile east of his land. However, before the winter closed they had erected a log house of their own, which, though primitive, was an improvement on the one they vacated. There were no doors; sheets suspended from the top being the only protection. The wolves at times seemed determined to effect an entrance, when hot coals would be thrown at them. This served for a time to intimidate them. Mr. Hubbell was a hatter by trade, and plied his calling vigorously during the winter season. He and his sons-Sardis F. and Ephraiml A.-also broke up much of the adjoining land for the owners, keeping five yoke of oxen for the purpose. The younger son, Ephraim A., now resides on section 23, and Sardis F. is a prominent lawyer of Howell. John Whalen removed from the northern part of Ohio to Michigan, and settled in Hartland in October, I835, on an additional 40, on section 12, on which he established himself. Mr. Whalen had six children, but one of whom is at present living in the county. He was a surveyor of much repute, and made many surveys of lands in Livingston County. His death occurred June 20, I85 1, in his sixty-fourth year. Hubbard Bullard came from Monroe Co., N. Y., in 1834, and located 40 acres on section 13, and purchased an additional 40 on section 24. He accomplished the whole journey from his former home with teams, and on his arrival made a brief sojourn with Eli Lee until the completion of his own log house. He owned four yoke of oxen, and for years engaged in the occupation of breaking land for the neighboring settlers. Mr. Bullard well remembers the first log school-house, wiich 364 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. was built in 1836, and which he assisted in erecting. The earliest instructor was Miss Sarah Huntley, who followed the custom of teachers of the day and "boarded 'round." John R. Williams was the companion of Mr. Bullard in his pioneer experiences, and located I60 acres on sections 14 and 23,-80 acres on each. His father, John Williams, located 80 acres on section 24. He was one of the soldiers of the war of I812, and lost a limb in one of the early battles. Mr. Williams died in I837. John and James Brophy were among the earliest pioneers, arriving in the township in 1835, and immediately entered 320 acres of land, which was divided equally and upon which they each erected a log house. Elihu Haynes left his home in New York State in I836, and purchased from government 80 acres in Hartland, to which he subsequently added 80 acres. He has since continued to reside upon his purchase. One of the oldest pioneers of Hartland, Mr. O. E. Chambers, still survives, and resides within its limits. He came from Monroe County, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1836, via Detroit, traveling the whole distance with an ox-team, his father having the previous May located 80 acres upon sections 10 and I 1, and erected a log house. There were no roads at this early period, and the surrounding country, Mr. Chambers states, was a continuous stretch of black soil, the result of fires, which had swept vegetation for years previous. The year of his arrival a decided increase in population occurred, and it was not unusual to be summoned to a raising every day, his services as carpenter and joiner being in especial demand. His nearest neighbor was Thomas Hall, who located i60 acres on sections 14 and I5, and lived but a short time after his advent. His was the first interment in the cemetery at Hartland Centre. In October of 1837 James Gleason entered I6o acres on sections 19 and 30. He left his former home in Orleans Co., N. Y., with an ox-team, coming via Detroit, and remaining with his friends, the Brophy brothers, until hle had completed his log house. As his family increased he replaced this with a house of more ample proportions, in which he still resides. Mr. Gleason was elected to the State Legislature in 1853, and though not now an active politician, still maintains his interest in the public events of te day. The first Roman Catho lic service in the township was held at his house, the rooms being barely large enopgh to accommo:ei the worshipers. Father Morrissey, of Ann Arbo-, was the officiating clergyman. Amos F. Albright left Monroe Co., N. Y., for the West in 1832. He remained in Ohio until 1836, when he proceeded to Michigan, and engaged in his occupation of millwright. Having purchased land on section i6, he removed to Hartland and made his temporary abode with Norman Brainard while he erected a log house upon his land. This house stood upon the site now occupied by the residence of Mrs. Chauncey L. Crouse. After completing a habitation he immediately began the erection of a grist-mill, which was completed and in working order the following fall. This mill, though a source of much accommodation to the surrounding farmers, was prematurely built as a matter of profit to the owner. Mr. Albright, finding himself involved, disposed of it in 1841 to Chauncey L. and Robert D. Crouse. He subsequently removed from the township, and now resides in Isabella Co., Mich., hale and hearty, though having reached the advanced age of seventy-eight years. Hiram Scollard, whose peculiar characteristics have been more fully touched upon in the history of an adjoining township, entered land on sections I and 2 in 1836. He established a reputation as the eccentric miller, at Woodruff's Mills, in Brighton. Dr. Josiah Clark was the first resident who practiced the healing art. During the early years of his practice he resided on section 25, but died at Hartland Centre. The earliest saw-mill within the boundaries of the township was erected by Mapes & Bursley in I836. It stood upon section 7, on the banks of North Ore Creek, and enjoyed the patronage of the surrounding country, who were dependent upon it for most of the lumber used in the erection of their houses and barns. William Smith, another of the prominent settlers of I836, came from Pennsylvania with a family of six children, and located on section 6, where he purchased I30 acres of Col. Samuel Mapes, who located the land. He was one of the earliest justices of the peace of the township, in which capacity he officiated for many years, and was also an honored member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He died in Flint in 1852, and was succeeded in his possessions by his son, Elisha G, who died in I870. As nearly as can be determined the earliest divine service was held in the first school-house, already mentioned, the officiating clergyman being that distinguished pioneer in Christian work, Elder Cosart. Elder Jackson, a missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church, preached also at a very early date, and is remembered by many of the older HARTLAND TOWNSHIP. 365 residents riding by on horseback with his portmanteau at his side. Elder Iritton was also an early exhorter, and was accustomed to ride an old horse, with his wife and child seated behind him. Probably one of these gentlemen performed the first marriage ceremony (the date of which remains uncertain) of Mr. George Cornwell to Miss Williams, daughter of John Williams. Another early marriage was that of Lyman Lee to Miss Andrews. Freeman Near emigrated from Oneida Co., N. Y., in i839, and located at Hartland Centre. Discovering here a fine field for his abilities he established himself as a physician, and was the first in the little hanmlet. HIe later married and continued to reside in the place until his death, which occurred some years since. Ira D. Crouse removed fiom Avon, Livingston Co., N. Y., in i843, having been induced by his brothers to assist them in their business at Hartland Centre. As soon as he had accumulated sufficient means he purchased land, and since that time has added to it until he now owns 360 acres. He is one of the representative men of the township, actively interested in all public enterprises, and especially zealous in the advancement of its educational interests. Hiram Bussey removed from Wayne Co., N. Y., in I844, and purchased from his brother, Calvin Bussey, who had preceded him, 60o acres, on sections 4 and 9. At this late date the country was not thickly settled. His neighbors at this time were Calvin Bussey, James Webber, Elder David Youngs, and Le Grand Clark, the latter of whom came but a short time before and located, on section II, 220 acres. Le Grand Clark, one of the prominent farmers of Hartland, came to the township in I841, and purchased the farm upon section I i, where he now resides, and which he has greatly improved. C. A. Weaver became a resident of Green Oak in 1843, and in 1855 removed to Hartland, purchasing the foundry at the village, and owning it for several years. Later he became the proprietor of the leading hotel, which was burned, and rebuilt by him, and finally sold. He now resides upon a farm adjacent to the village. Lorenzo L. Armstrong emigrated to the State in I835, and to Hartland in 1842. In 1845 he went to Milford, but not finding the advantages it offered superior to those of the township he first located in, returned in 1853 and purchased a farm embracing 480 acres, and took up his residence upon it. He has since that time been a leading spirit in all that pertains to the welfare of the township. The soil of Hartland is a gravelly loam, fertile, and well adapted to the growth of wheat, of which abundant harvests repay the toil of the farmer. The surface of the township is undulating, with broad acres of level land interspersed with gently sloping hills, which give variety and beauty to the landscape. Several lakes dot the surface of the ground, chief among which are Round Lake, Long Lake, Brophy Lake, Whalen Lake, and Dunham Lake. North Ore Creek also affords a water-power in the southern portion of the township. On the map of the township may be seen a narrow neck of land on the line of sections 27 and 28, between Long and Round Lake. On this isthmus, partially covered with trees, dwelt in a certain rude independence old Shakaw, the retired chief of a remnant of the tribe that once peopled the wilderness embraced in the present county of Livingston. When the advance of civilization turned these wild lands into beautiful fields, the ranks of the tribe were broken, and the chief, having separated himself from his followers, repaired to the beautiful spot mentioned, to spend in retirement the remnant of his days. Here he constructed a primitive abode, made entirely of bark. The family of Shakaw consisted of one son and two daughters. Near the hut of Shakaw was a similar one constructed of bark, in which the friend of the chief, Portabeek, with his family, consisting of two daughters and two sons, made their abode. He was a man of lofty bearing, which, accompanied by a commanding form and a strong will, made him feared and respected by the brethren of his tribe. When Shakaw chose this secluded spot on the banks of the two lakes for his home, Portabeek followed his friend into retirement. Neither seemed disturbed by the progress of civilization around them, and the axe and plow had little influence in changing their primitive life. The ground they occupied was left untilled, and the woods and streams continued to supply their meagre wants. It would seem natural that to complete the romance in the lives of these two life-long friends, the daughters of Shakaw should be wooed by the dusky sons of Portabeek. But history does not thus record it. These Indians are well remembered by many of the older white settlers. They finally removed to the northward, and it is said that old Shakaw died at a comparatively recent date in Isabella County. Annexed is a list of individuals who made original entries of land within the township of Hartland: SECTION I. Acres. William Thompson, April, 1836...................... 2o8..56 A. F. Albright, June, 1836............................ 8 366 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Acres. H. R. Scollard, June, I836............................ 8o Ledyard Flint, June, 1836.............................. 16o Ledyard Flint, December, 1836...................... 205.28 SECTION 2. W. H. Townsend, October, 1835.................. 198.24 William Thompson, April, 1836 6............ 195.72 SECTION 3. John I. Blackman, April, 1836........................ 1 8.65 Henry Hawkins.......................................... Van R. Hawkins, June, 1836...................... 8o Levi Andrns, July, 1836................................ i6o J. C. Whalen, October, 1836.......................... 117.03 Jacob Westervelt, October, 1836................... 40 O. E. Darrow, October, 1836...................... 80 Alanson Olds, January, 1837........................... 8o Samuel Cowles, April, 1837............................ 40 SECTION 4. James Webber, October, 1835....................... Major Curtis, January, 1836........................... Franklin Curtis, March, 1836.......................... Austin Wakeman, March, 1836...................... H. and V. R. Hawkins, June, 1836.................. Calvin Bussey, Septemler, 1836....................... Thomas Bussey, September, 1836..................... Jacob Westervelt, October, 1836...................... SECTION 5. Isaac Parshall, September, 1835..................... Ezra Gleason, October, 1835........................... John I. Rice, November, 1835........................ Major Curtis, December, 1835....................... David Curtis, March, I836....................... 120 156.21 40 117.52 80 80 40 80 179.92 80 80 197.93 40 SECTION 6. E. Gleason, May, 1836.............................. 40 J. Maplebeck, June, 1834.................... 79 54 Samuel Mapes, December, 1835..................... 40 William Chapman, April, 1835..................... 59.52 Calvin Bussey, June, 1835............................. 40 Abel Hyde, October, 1836.............................. 8 Russel Morton, January, 1836......................... 56.17 SECTION 7. A. and R. Tenney, October, 1832...................... 97.6 John T. Brown, February, 1835...................... 157.o8 Abby Mapes, June, 1835............................ 40 J. T. Brown, August, 1835........................... 120 Asa Parshall, September, 1835........................ 8 Samuel Bidleman, September, 1835.................. 40 SECTION 8. J. Maplebeck, November, 1837....................... 40 Garry Griswold, May, 1837.......................... 40 B. Townley, December, 1836........................ 40 Abram Dean, December, 1836...................... 40 Samuel Mapes, December, 1834..................... 40 Abby Mapes, October, 1835.......................... 40 Nehemiah Lamb, November, 1835................... 80 Nehemiah Lamb, December, 1835................... 80 B. M. Towsley, June, 1836........................... 4 William Gannon, July, 1836........................... 40 Daniel Griswold, July, 1836.......................... 40 John Van Derhoop, October, 1836................... 40 Abram Dean, November, 1836........................ 40 Dennis Whalen, November, 1836.................... 40 SECTION 9. Jos. S. Webber, October, 1835......................... 80 - Nichols, November, 1835....................... 120 Cyrus Jackson, June, I836............................. 320 Calvin Bussey, September, 1836....................... 8o Thomas Bussey, December, I836.................... 40 SECTION Io. Jas. Chambers, May, 1836.......................... 40 Cyrus Jackson, June, 1836.......................... 240 Seth I. Smith, June, 1836.............................. 8o Joln Hopkinson, September, 1836.................. I Acres. Z. Shaw, September, 1836............................. 40 Peter Hartman, September, 1836..................... 80 Smith Irish, November, 1836.......................... 40 Dennis Whalen, November, 836.................... 40 SECTION I. John Whalen, November, I836..................... 40 Freelove Adams, April, 1836.......................... 40 James Chambers, May, 1836........................... 40 Samuel Hosford, June, 1836.......................... 40 Samuel L. Hale, June, 1836........................... 8 Jos. B. Enos, June, 1836............................... 120 J. C. Whalen, June, 1836.............................. 40 Royal Baker, June, 1836............................... 40 H. S. Snediker, September, 1836..................... 120 Josiah Hale, October, 1836............................ 40 A. C. Taggart, May, 1836............................. 40 Ledyard Flint, June, 1836.............................. I6o Ledyard Flint, June, 1836............................. 80 H. & V. R. Hawkins, June, I836.................... 8 H. S. Snediker, September, 1836................ 240 John Whalen, October, 1836......................... 40 SECTION 13. Dennis Whalen, July, 1834............................ 40 J. Coburn, May, 1836.................................... 40 Hubbard Bullard, June, 1836................. 40 H. S. Snediker, September, 1836..................... 200 Adolphus Cary, Jr., October, 1836................... 6o James Whalen, October, 1836...................... 40 Noah Cowles, April, 1837.............................. 8 J. C. Russell, Decenxber, 1838....................... 40 SECTION 14. John Williamc, June, 1834 8.............. 80 A. l'helps, July, 1834.................................... 80 Dennis Whalen, July, 1834............................ 8 Eli Lee, July, 1835............................. 80 George Huntley, July, 1835........................... 40 Thomas HJall, May, 1836............................. 120 Elisha B. Hall, May, 1836............................. 80 Moses Taggart, June, 1836............................ 80 SECTION 15. Aaron Phelps, July, 1834............................. 80 Orman Holmes, September, 1835........ 80 C. W. Pierce, October, 1835........................ 8. 80 Thos. Hall, May, 1836.................................. 80 James Snow, June, 1836............................... 80 Cyrus Jackson, June, 1836.............................. I6o George Hastings, October, 1836..................... 40 A. Cary, Jr., December, 1836......................... 40 SECTION 16. A. F. Albright, October, 1837.......................... 80 A. F. Albright, October, 1837......................... 40 Albright & Flint, August, 1839....................... 40 J. Flint, September, 1843............................... 6o H. Gleason, November, 1843.......................... 40 J. D. Crouse, 1845 and 1847......................... 160 Lucy Norton, March, 1848............................ 40 H. H. Middah, July, 1850........................... 40 SECTION 17. Joe Brophy, March, 1835.o....................... 6o James Brophy, March, 1835........................... I6o John Cullen, December, 1835.............3........ 16o Thomas Mackey, December, I835.................... 80 Thomas Sullivan, January, 1836..................... 40 Thomas Kelley, September, 1836.................... 40 SECTION I8. Thomas Tyrrell, March, 1836......................... John Jordan, March, 1835............................. Thomas Tyrrrell, August, 1835....................... Thomas Kelley, December, 1835..................... Thomas Sullivan, January, 1836...................... John Cullen, January, I836............................ William Gannon, January, 1836...................... John Jordan, September, 1836......................... B. 0. Cavanagh, October, 1836........................ James Gannon, May, 1837.............................. 157.25 8o 79.67 40 40 40 80 40 40 39.67 HARTLAND TOWNSHIP. 367 SECTION I9. Benjamin Wait, October, 1835......................... C. Pecoard, January, I836.............................. James McDonnell, March, 1836...................... Elihu Haines, March, I836............................ George Lemon, June, 1836............................ Isaac L. Platt, August, I836............................ J. B. Weeden, September, 1836....................... Hugh McKeever, August, I838........................ Acres. 80 40 39.38 120 120 40 157.84 -39.38 SECTION 20. David F. Hess, October, 1835......................... 40 Halsey Bidwell, May, 1836......................... 200 Joseph Hard, June, 1836............................... 40 Thomas Conlon, June, 1836..........................40 George Lemon, June, I836............................ 80 Dennis O'Reardon, November, 1836............... 40 Patrick Crosby, August, I837..........................40 Hugh McKeever, August, 1838...................... 80 John Cullen, July, 1854................................. 40 SECTION 21. Norman Brainard, June, 1835.........................120 David F. Hess, October, 1835................ 40 N. Brainard, December, I835........................ 40 Solomon Foster, July, 1836............................. 40 Solomon Daillard, August, I83 6............... 240 R. D. Hess, September, 1836......................... 40 N. Brainard, October, 836............................. 40 Relecta Hastings, April, I837................ 40 Patrick Kelley, September, 1837..4............ 40 John G. Horton, May, 1835....................... 120 C. W. Pierce, October, I835.......................... 8o Lavius Tenney, March, 1836.......................... 80 Cornell Lansing, March, 1836...................... 80 Cornell Lansing, May, 1836........................... 80 R. D. Hess, September, I836...................... 40 Lavius Tenney, September, I836............... 40 Laura Hubbell, November, 1836................. 40 SECTION 23. John Williams, June, 1834:............................. 8 George Huntley, June, 1834........................... 80 George Bulkley, June, 1834............................40 Aaron Phelps, July, 1834............................... 6o Rufus Tenney, December, I835....................... 40 Eunice Tenney, January, 1836....................... 40 John B. Smith, May, I836.............................. 40 Bliss Charles, June, 1836................................ 40 C. T. Charles, June, 1836.............................. 40 John Hopkinson, September, 1836.................... 80 Laura Hubbell, December, I836..................... 40 SECTION 24. John C. Russell, December, 838..................... 40 B. B. Kercheval, October, 1836..................... 40 A. Carey, October, 836................................. 40 E. I. Smith, September, I833.......................... 8 George Burnet, April, I834............................40 John Williams, October, I834..........................40 John Williams, February, I835........................40 E. I. Smith, June, 835..................................80 Harriet Smith, June, I835.............................. 40 Crocker Hastings, October, I835.....................40 J. T. Clark, November, I835........................... 40 N. P. Morse, September, 1836........................ 40 S. T. Armstrong, October, 1836.......................80 SECTION 25. Charles Smith, April, 1833............................. 6o Lavius Tenney, May, 1833............................. 80 Eli Lee, May, 1833....................................... 120 E. J. Smith, September, 833.......................... 120 William Kinney, October, 1833...................... 8o E. Armstrong, June, 1835.............................. 40 John C. Morse, November, 1836..................... 40 SECTION 26. John Glines, November, I836....................... 40.,......... o Acres. John Glines, July, 1834............................... 40 Aaron Phelps, March, I835........................... 40 Eber Adams, July, I835............................. I6o A. Hubbell, November, 1835.......................... 40 Jeptha Coburn, February, I836......................... 40 Charles Smith, February, I836........................ 40 E. J. Smith, May, 1836................................ o A. Hubbell, May, 1836............................... 40 William Kinney, September, I836................... 40 A. Hubbell, October, 1836.....4...................... 40 SECTION 27. Abner Hyde, January, I836.......................... 40 N. P. Morse, May, 1836................................ 40 C. B. Phillips, May, 1836............................. 80 Levi Maxfield, May, 1836............................. 40 Isaac F. Brant, August, 1836......................... 120 George Cornell, September, 1836................... 8o John Glines, October, 1836..................... 40 Benjamin Brevoort, October, 1836.................... 40 James Handy, November, 1854............... 40 John Glines, October, 1855........................... 40 L. L. Armstrong, January, 1856....................... 40 James Grubb, January, I860o.......................... 40 SECTION 28. D. F. Hess, October, 1835........................... 8o I. H. S. Hurlbert, Octoler, I835..................... 8 Elisha Mudge, July, 836.............................. 8o I. F. Brant, August, I836............................. 120 Laura M. Hess, September, I836..................... 40 Medad Ferry, January, 1838.......................... 40 John B. Smith, June, i838............................. 40 Laura Lewis, August, 1838............................ 40 Samuel Mapes, November, 1852..................... 40 J. IH. Handy, December, I854........................ 40 H. A. Potter, May, 855................................ 40 SECTION 29. I. H. S. Hurlbert, October, 1835..................... 80 M. McDonnell, May, I836........................... 8o Stephen C. Hathaway, May, I836.................... 8o Thomas Conlon, June, I836......................... 40 Wm. J. Cochrane, August, I836...................... 320 Julia A. Hess, February, 1839........................40 SECTION 30. A. Rogers, Jr., May, I836.............................. M. McDonnell, May, 1836............................. James Gleason, May, I836............................ Mary McGuire, May, 1836............................ Ira C. Hathaway, May, 1836.......................... Silas Hathaway, May, 1836............................ Wm. N. Hoyt, September, I836...................... SECTION 31. R. B. Ruggles, August, 1835........................... Benjamin Tanner, April, I836......................... Henry S. Lisk, May, I836............................. Patrick Mullen, June, 1836............................ Charles Bartley, August, 1836........................ W n. A. Clark, September, I836..................... 39.72 i6o 8o 39.72 I6o 119.95 40 165.54 i6o 8o 120 40 81.90 SECTION 32. Charles Robinson, July, 1834.......................... 8 Joseph Robinson, June, 1835..................... 40 H. S. Lisk, May, 1836.................................. 8 S. Kilpatrick, May, I836.............................. 80 Abm. M. Topping, August, I836..................... 6o Isaac L. Platt, August, I836.......................... 16o Benjamin Blain, November, 1854..................... 40 SECTION 33. Benjamin Tanner, April, 1836....................... 120 Elijah Marsh, June, I836............................... Isaac F. Brant, August, 1836....................... 8o Betsey Marsh, October, I836..4............... Israel Armes, February, 1837.........................40 H. H. Wharner, October, 1837.......................40 368 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Samuel Crippen, May, 1838........................... Morris Whitehout, February, I846................... I. H. Handy, February, 1853.......................... Michael Walsh, August, I853......................... Franklin Walsh, March, x858......................... Robert Sloan, March, 1854.......................... Acres. 40 40 40 40 40 40 SECTION 34. H. Goodspeed, July, 1835.............................. 8o Joseph Young, May, I836...................o........ I6o W. H. Johnston, June, 1836.......................... 8o Chauncey Childs, September, I836.................. 16o Benjamin Brevoort, December, 1836................. 40 Isaac Collins, September, 1838....................... 40 L. M. Armstrong, December, 1853................ 40 H. J. Ross, December, 1854.......................... 40 SECTION 35. Emeline Hewett, June, I839........................... 8o Benjamin Wood, December, 1833.................... 40 Cornell Lansing, March, 1835....................... 80 Ibrook Tower, May, 1835.............................. 40 R. & J. Tenney, July, 1835............................ 120 Charles Smith, November, 1835...................... 40 John B. Smith, December, 1835...................... 40 F. W. Goodman, December, 1835.................... 40 William Kinney, September, 836.................... 40 Solomon Cooper, November, 1837................... 40 Wells Farr, January, 1838.............................. 40 Keyes Child, June, 1838............................. 40 SECTION 36. John Cosart, November, 1836.......................... 40 Alvah Tenney, October, I832........................ 80 Jesse Tenney, April, 1833.............................. 80 John C. Morse, May, I833.......................... 40 Erastus J. Smith, September, 1833................... 40 John Wood, December, 1833.......................... 8 Benjamin Wood, Jr., December, 1833............... 40 John Cosart, October, 1835........................... 120 William Kinney, September, 1836................... 8o H. T. Ross, December, r854.......................... 40 The following is an alphabetical list of the resident tax-payers in the township of Hartland in 1844: Andrus, Rebecca. Cosart, John. Atwood, David. Dyre, Edward. Armstrong, Elias. Dibble, Henry A. Armstrong, Giles. Devine, Robert. Armstrong, Simeon. Flint, Ledyard. Bussey, Calvin. Ferry, William C. Bussey, Hiram. Finney, John. Brown, Walter. Gleason, Elijah. Boulton, James. Griswold, Gary. Brock, Matthew. Griswold, Daniel. Brown, Portius. Griswold, Henry. Brophy, John. Graves, Harley H. Brophy, James. Graves, Charles K. Brainerd, Norman, Gannon, Richard. Brown, Stephen. Garfield, John. Bradley, Orlando. Gleason, John. Clark, Le Grand. Gillingham, John. Chambers, James. Griffin, George J. Copp, Peter. Gleason, Hiram. Cimmer, Nathan. Gannon, William. Cary, Adolphus. Glines, John. Chambers, James, Jr. Grant, George. Chambers, L. C. Graham, David. Crouse, C. L. & R. Gleason, James. Clark, Josiah T. Griswold, Benjamin. Cullen, John. Hodges, Russell. Cook, Ezekiel. Hodges, Willard. Cloucherty, John. Haynes, Lyman. Child, Chauncey. Hale, Elisha B. Huntley, William E. Holmes, Orman. Huntley, Erastus L. Haines, Stephen. Haines, Elihu. Horton, John G. Huntley, Henry 0. Hubbell, Adoniram. Hathaway, Ira. Hess, David F. IIess, George. Johnson, William S. Johnson, Widow. Jordan, John. Kesler, Jacob. Kelly, Thomas. Kinney, George. Kinney, William N. Kinney, H. R. Littlefield, Anthony R. Lamb, Aroswell. Lennon, Margaret. Lanning, William C. Lyon, Abiel. Lake, Warner. Livermore, Lampson. Lee, Eli. Lee, Adon. Morgan, Dudley. Marvin, Richard. Minor, Ezra. Maxfield, Thomas. Menter, Daniel. McKeever, Hugh. Mapes, Samuel, Jr. Mudge, John. Mudge, Samuel T. Mills, John H. Maxfield, Levi. McDonald, Michael. r Mapes, Hiram. McCormick, Jacob. Near, Freeman. Parshall, Isaac. Phillips, Charles B. Rice, John I. Ross, Charles. Richardson, A. W. Ross. John. Seed, Hugh. Smith, Berial G. Smith, William. Simons, Alfred S. Scollard, Hiram R. Seeley, William D. Shaw, Z. Smith, John B. Smith, Erastus J. Smith, Charles. Townley, Daniel. Thayer, I. R. Townley, Benjamin W. Tyrrell, Thomas. Tenney, Lavius. Thompson, Elias. Whalen, Josiah C. Webber, James S. Westervelt, Jacob. Wakeman, Austin. Webber, Joseph. Whalen, John. Whalen, James. Whalen, Dennis. White, Sandford. Williams, John. Williams, Sally. Waters, Vincent. Wood, John. Youngs, David. HARTLAND CENTRE. This little village, which is located northwest of the geographical centre of the township, was settled not long after the first settlement was made in the township, but it assumed no special importance as a centre of trade until some years later. Rufus Tenney is said to have made the earliest location of land within its limits, and the first store was opened by George J. Griffin, from Rochester, N. Y., in I839. This was for a long time the headquarters of the hamlet, where the news of the day and political topics were discussed, and where various matters relating to the welfare of Hartland had their origin. Township-meetings were also held here for several years, and liquor was freely dispensed. After canvassing the ballots, the elected candidates were accustomed to exercise their hospitality, and a free-and-easy time was the inevitable result; some of the early pioneers who still survive having a vivid recollection of the condition in which they sought their homes after these election revels. Amos F. Albright early erected a grist-mill here, 3$9 HARTLAND TOWNSHIP. and for several years managed its business, but in 1841 disposed of the property to Robert D. and Chauncey L. Crouse. With the arrival of these active business men begins the era of commercial enterprise in the little village, and the growth and prosperity of the place is largely indebted to their presence. Robert D. Crouse came to the State in 1832, and to Hartland in 1842. In connection with the mills, he purchased a large tract of land, and also kept a store with a general stock. This store enjoyed a large trade, and was for a long time a depot for much of the traffic of the township. Mr. Crouse was also one of the stockholders of the East Saginaw Salt Manufacturing Company, and erected in the city of Saginaw the first block of stores, called after him the Crouse Block. Chauncey L. was the brother and partner of Robert D., and was intimately associated with him in his business enterprises. He also became a resident here in 1842. The village contains one tavern, kept by Asa Parshall; one tin-shop, owned by L. Hurlbert; two dry-goods stores, the proprietors of which are Crouse & Co. and W. R. Gannon respectively, both of whom keep, in connection with dry goods, a general stock adapted to country trade; one drugstore, kept by H. Cullen; a general store, by 0. B. Chambers; a harness-shop, by 0. Bowles, and a boot- and sloe-store, by George Darling. The grist-mill which was built by Amos F. Albright, and was afterwards the property of the Crouse brothers, is now owned by V. Parshall & Son. There is also a foundry in the village, which was built in I849, by Lyman Bishop. In 1855 it was purchased by C. A. Weaver, who conducted it until. I860, when it was disposed of to Hildebrant & Carl. The foundry is now owned by Sanford Hildebrant, and manufactures plows, scrapers, and other implements used in farming. There are also three blacksmith-shops, owned by R. Drulard, F. Steadman, and A. McDunagh. There are three physicians in Hartland Centre,Drs. William M. Hayford, Murphy, and J. J. Boyd, -the latter of whom represents the Homceopathic school of practice. The village also contains a flourishing school, under the direction of Prof. Sellman. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. The First Congregational Church of Hartland Centre was organized April, 1844, in a schoolhouse in the immediate vicinity. Eight persons united to form this new society,-six having letters from other churches and two uniting by profession. They were Myron Lovell, Caroline Lovell, John P. Kellogg, Ann J. Kellogg, Elsie Marvin, Margaref Lennon, Sophia Clark, Charles Williamson. 47 The Rev. Albert Worthington, of Milford, Oakland Co., was the officiating minister, and continued to be their pastor for two years,-coming once in four weeks to preach to them. Two months after the organization of the church two more persons united by profession of faith. The church records are then silent until Feb. 21, 1847, when the Rev. A. Smith, also of Milford, preached and administered the sacrament of the Lord's Supper; at this date five persons united with the church by letter. Rev. Mr. Waterbury came July 8, I849 (from what place the records do not state), and preached and administered the Lord's Supper,-four persons uniting witli the clurch at this date. Rev. Mr. Ackley, of Howell, preached Oct. 29, I849, and administered the Lord's Supper,-four uniting by letter. Mr. Ackley soon after became their pastor for one year. After this the church had no pastor or stated preaching until the autumn of 185, when the Rev. E. T. Branch, who had just completed a long pastorate at Genesee, became the pastor and continued his labors for two years. Both hinself and wife were earnest church-workers, doing good, administering comfort to the afflicted, and causing every one to feel that in then they had sincere friends. The Sabbath-school (which at that time was a union school) was very prosperous during their residence here. All classes were gathered in and became interested in the study of the Bible. Mrs. Branch organized the first Ladies' Home Missionary Society in this place, which was a success; not only were the individuals themselves who thus met benefited, but funds accumulated with which to furnish the prospective church. After Mr. Branch's pastorate the church records are silent until Nov. 3, 1860, a period of seven years. During that interval, however, Rev. Mr. Goodell was pastor of the church one year, and occasional preaching was had by ministers who were pastors of neighboring Congregational Churches. During that time, also, in the summer of I858, their present house of worship was built, the cost of building being $i8oo. This church was fully paid for and free from debt, and was also very well furnished by the ladies of the church and congregation at the time it was dedicated, December, I858..Rev. Mr. Greely, of Grand Rapids, was present on that occasion, and preached the dedicatory sermon. Myron Lovell was their first church clerk,-chosen to that office when the church was organized, and continuing to act in that capacity until February, I847. Their second clerk was Daniel Rich, elected to the office in 1847, and filling the position until his death. 370 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. In the spring of I86o the Rev. M. C. Stanley became the pastor, and remained with the church one year. At the close of his pastorate the Rev. W. W. Robson, of Worth, in this State, became the pastor. He was an able Biblical scholar, and brought well-beaten oil into the sanctuary. Seven persons united with the church while he was pastor,-five by letter and two by profession. His labors with the church closed October, 1863. Nothing more is shown by the records until I868, when the Rev. C. N. Coulter became pastor, and also filled the office of clerk during his stay of one year. Henry Bishop was the fourth clerk, chosen 1869, and held the office until his removal from this place, in 1873. Amos Beebe was the next or fifth clerk for three years, at the expiration of which time Miss S. A. Griffin was chosen clerk, and continues to hold the office at the present date. Rev. W. B. Williams visited this church in 1872, and held meetings for four weeks, preaching every evening, and being assisted by the Rev. Mr. Crane. Soon after the close of these meetings twenty persons united with the church. At that time the Union Sunday-school was divided, each church having a separate school. The Congregational school purchased a large library, and also a fine organ. Rev. H. H. Crane was their pastor in 1868, commencing his labors soon after the protracted meeting closed, and remaining one year. The church was then without a pastor until October, 1874. At that date the Rev. R. W. Fletcher, of Jackson, an earnest, faithful worker, became the pastor. During his stay the edifice was very thoroughly repaired and greatly beautified. The first Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of this church was organized during that year, Mrs. Fletcher taking the lead in the work. It is still doing a good work. During the summer of 1876 the church was without a settled clergyman, but in the autumn of that year the Rev. Mr. Osborne, of Augusta, Hillsdale Co., became their pastor, he occupying this field two years, preaching also in Tyrone each Sabbath afternoon, at which place he organized a Congregational Church. He was followed by Rev. D. A. Strong, of Fredonia, N. Y., who commenced his labors Oct. 20, 1878. He has labored both here and at Tyrone, being pastor of both churches. His work has been very successful, and large numbers have been added to both phurches. This society has, from the very first, kept itself free from debt. The esti mated value of church property at the present date is $o2000. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Hartland Centre embraces 69 members, and is at present in charge of Rev. N. J. Lyon. The church building, which is owned by the society, is a substantial structure, costing about $2500. An effort by the writer to obtain a complete history of the church has proved unsuccessful. PARSHALLVILLE. This active little hamlet lies in the extreme northwest corner of Hartland, and, though the larger portion may be claimed as belonging to the township named, a sufficient portion lies in Tyrone to entitle it to a share of the honor. As in many villages of much larger proportions, the waterplower which the site afforded was the nucleus around which the village was built, it having offered a very attractive prospect to the first settler and founder of the place, Isaac Parshall, and induced him to cast his fortunes in this portion of Hartland in I834. Having surveyed the country carefully, and discovered the opportunities that North Ore Creek offered to a man of enterprise, he immediately entered 400 acres of land, which included the mill-privilege. Later, Mr. Parshall began the erection of a sawand grist-mill, but did not at once settle upon his property. He returned to his home in the East, and in I837 had fully determined to cast his fortunes with the pioneers of Hartland. A mill had previously been built by Calvin Bussey in 1835, one mile south of Parshallville, on section 8. It was upon North Ore Creek, and had sawed much of the timber, during its brief existence, that had been used in the construction of the rude houses and barns of that early day. Later it was bought by Wm. Smith, and its quaint ruins are still seen on the banks of the creek as the traveler passes on his way to Brighton. Having in 1835 erected a frame house and made some improvements in the surrounding land, Mr. Parshall, when he became a resident in 1837, found a wide and inviting field for his energies. He was also a blacksmith, and added to the occupations of miller and farmer the reputation of shoeing a horse as well as any smithy in the county. Mr. Parshall did not entirely monopolize the field, however, but encouraged John Roberts at an early day to embark in trade. He built a small store on the west side, and filled it with a general assortment of goods suitable to the country trade, and enjoyed the honor of having been the first merchant in the village. The west side was not, however, to absorb all the business enterprise of the place, and sbon a HARTLAND TOWNSHIP. 37I similar store was built and opened by Austin Wakeman on the east side. The house built by Parshall was just east of the creek and opposite the mill. Soon after his arrival he induced the government to establish a post-office, of which he was postmaster, the office being in his own house. He had at this time a near neighbor in a Mr. Lewis, who came about the same date, and built a log house within sight of his own home. The hamlet having made a courageous beginning soon grew in size, until a neat little village is the result. It has never been incorporated, its size not warranting such a procedure. It now contains a postoffice, of which J. S. Grisvold is postmaster; two stores, containing a general stock and kept by Griswold & Norbert and W. & I. Hetcheler; a shoe-shop, by Albert White; four blacksmithshops, owned by George Hasper, Ezra Chamberlain, Robert Bryant, and Henry Shaver; a foundry, of which E. Chamberlain is proprietor, which manufactures plows, sleigh-shoes, and castings of all kinds for agricultural use, and has a considerable patronage from the neighboring farmers; a wagonshop, kept by Orlando Galt; a paint-shop, kept by Irving Johnson; and a cheese-factory, which is not managed after the ordinary method of a stock company, but is owned and controlled by Jacob S. Griswold, who was a native of Chemung Co., N. Y., and emigrated with his father to Hartland in 1836. He entered mercantile life at the age of twenty-one, and in 1853 purchased land and devoted himself to farming pursuits, making the raising of fine stock a specialty. The beeves shipped by Mr. Griswold were conceded to be the finest ever raised in the county. He has also been the postmaster at Parshallville since I857, with the exception of two years. Mr. Griswold takes an active interest in the growth of the township, and has held many responsible offices. Parshallville also boasts a graded school. The building is a frame one, located upon an eminence from which is obtained a commanding view of the surrounding country. It is under the direction of Harrison Dunham, with Miss Nellie Britton as assistant. A plat of the village has never been made, all descriptions being dependent upon measurements and boundaries for accuracy. The Parshallville Mlills are located upon the site of those formerly built by Isaac Parshall, on North Ore Creek, and are owned by Walker & Browning, who both being occupied with their farming interests, intrust their management to the head miller, John Symons. The building was erected by Daniel Townley, in I871, and purchased by the present firm in February, I877. It derives its power fiom the creek upon which it is located, and employs four run of stone in its grinding process. Its ordinary capacity is fifty barrels per day. Much feed is ground at the mills, and a large share of custom patronage is also afforded them. THE BAPTIST CHURCH, PARSHALLVILLE,* held its first meeting in the log house of James S. Webber, now residing at East Saginaw, on Feb. 25, I837, of which Rev. Nehemiah Lamb was chosen moderator, and Rev. Aroswell Lamb (son of Rev. Nehemiah Lamb) clerk. At that meeting it was voted to unite in conference, and Articles of Faith and a Church Covenant were adopted. At the second meeting, held March 25, 1837, ten persons gave in their letters as follows: Rev. Nehemiah Lamb, Rev. Aroswell Lamb and Phoebe Lamb, his wife, Isaac Parshall and Seraphina, his wife, James S. Webber and Phcebe, his wife, and Levi, Rebecca, and Elizabeth Andrus. James S. Webber was chosen permanent clerk, Rev. Nehemiah Lamb, permanent moderator, and Rev. Aroswell Lamb, assistant, to serve in the absence of his father. The conference was recognized as a regular Baptist Church, April 26, 1837, by a council representing the churches of Highland, Walled Lake, and Farmington, together with the Rev. Mr. Jones, of the township of Rose, and the Revs. Nehemiah Lamb and Aroswell Lamb, of Hartland. On the same day Patience, Rhoda, and Content Lamb, Elizabeth Roberts, Betsey Townley, and James L. Andrews were received as members, increasing the number to I6. Levi Andrus was chosen deacon April 29th, and Mrs. Westervelt was baptized June 25th, in a small brook running across the farms of James S. Webber and Rev. Aroswell Lamb, a dam having been made near the line on sections 8 and 9. She was the first person ever baptized by a Baptist minister in the town of Hartland. Between April 26, 1837, when the church was recognized, and June 27, 1841, 70 persons were added to the church, as follows: By Letter.-Hannah Lamb, Caroline Washburn, Alanson Olds, Jane Olds, Orson Stephens, Grace S. Stephens, William D. Snapp, Elizabeth Snapp, James Hills, Azuba Bryan, Amos F. Albright, John J. Blackmer, Harvey R. Stephens, Hannah Ann Gale, Solomon Gue, Joanna Gue, Elanor Perry, Rebecca Bunsey, Lavina Hills, Marietta Albright, Samuel Cole, Prudence Cole, Eli Cranston, Sena Mason, Palmer Cranston, Mary Cranston, Elizabeth Cranstdn, Mary Angas, Emily Clark, Polly Roberts, Joseph Cole, Elizabeth Cole, Barbara Wall, Catharine Van Camp, John Garfield, Mary Garfield, Bethawa Littlefield, Hannah Ann Stephens; total, 38. By Baptism.-Roxana Westervelt, Susan Roberts, Job L. Bul lock, Nelson Roberts, Harvey R Stephens, Debborah Ann * Furnished by the pastor. 372 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Haynes, Nathan Cole, Lucettia Townley, Esther M. Cole, Benjamin R. Townley, George Townley, Andrew Townley, Malon Van Camp, William L. Webber, Ira Erastus Thayer, John Blackburn, Eliza Townley, Mary Mason, Martha Van Camp, Isaac T. Cole, Austin Burnett, Eliza Beach, Ada J. Cole, Elizabeth Cassada, Peter Rese, Israel Parshall, Daniel Townley, Minerva Parshall, Delia Chamberlin, Fanny E. Van Camp; total 30. Added by Experience.-Beriah G. Smith and Betsey Smith, who came from the Seventh-Day Baptists; total 2. Adding the 16 original members who were first recognized as a Baptist Church, we have a grand total of 86 persons. During the same period two persons-Patience Lamb and Deacon Levi Andrews-died; 12 persons were dismissed by letter, and I excluded, leaving a membership of 71, on June 27, I841. Rev. Nehemiah Lamb remained in Hartland more than a year after the organization of the church, co-operating with his son, Rev. Aroswell Lamb. After his removal, Rev. A. Lamb continued in charge of the church until the summer of 1856, making a continued pastorate of nearly nineteen and one-half years. During this time, however, owing to the feeble health of the pastor, Rev. J. H. Rasco was called to his assistance for one year, and a young man, not ordained, named Stark, assisted him for a period of several months. Unfortunately, the records were burned a few years since, and no official record of the progress of the church from June, 184I, to the date of the fire is at hand. Thus it is not practicable to obtain details of the history for a period of nearly thirty years. It may be said, however, that for many years the divine service was held in the Smith school-house, on section 5, in Hartland. Later the services were transferred to the school-house at Parshallville, and were there held until the present church edifice was completed in I855. In the erection of the church edifice, a very substantial brick structure, 36 by 50 feet in size, Deacon Isaac Parshall was a leading spirit. Being a man of means and energy, he hired the workmen, purchased the material, personally supervised every part of the work, and paid the bills, with the exception of about $300 or $400, until the work was completed. When finished —it having been erected upon his own land-he deeded the property to the trustees of the church and society, and the seats-having been sold at public auction-he deeded to the indi viduals who purchased them. The sale of seats realized an amount nearly sufficient to repay the deacon for his outlay. 'The Rev. A. Lamb was born in Prattsburg, N. Y., in April, 18I0, and removed to Farmington, Mich., in 1821 or 1822. About a year later he settled on a farm near the east line of Livonia, in Wayne County, and officiated in the Redford Church four years, when, in the latter part of the year 1836, he exchanged his land in Livonia for the farm on section 8, in Hartland, on which he lived for twenty years. During his pastorate of the church in Hartland, now known as the Parshallville Church, he received only a partial support from his ministerial labors; but by careful management and personal labor on his farm, combined with teaching, he was able to rear his family and improve his farm, so that, upon his removal in 1866, he left one of the most attractive homes in the township. After a pastorate of nearly twenty years he left the church with a membership of I45 and a fine church edifice, practically out of debt. His field of labor was very large, extending from Linden and Fenton on the north to White Lake on the east, Brighton on the south, and Oceola and Deerfield on the west and northwest. Shortly after his resignation at Hartland he was called to the charge of the Baptist Church at Salem, Washtenaw Co., where he continued to labor until his death in March, I86o. The church has been in charge of the following persons as pastors or stated supplies since Mr. Lamb's pastorate, I856: Rev. Mr. Adams, I856 -57, one year; Rev. Mr. Atwood, term not certain, probably two years; Rev. Mr. Conklin, stated supply for some months; Rev. J. H. Rares, for one year; Rev. H. Stowitts, from 1862 or 1863 to 1865; Rev. P. C. Dayfoot, from 18 5 to I868; Rev. Wm. White, from I868 to 1870; Rev. S. Gardiner, from I870 or I871 to 1872; Rev. Mr. Lyon for a few months; Rev. Samuel Smith, from I873 to I875; Rev. D. Gastellow, from I876 to I879; Rev. Isaac W. Lamb, began in May, 1879. The church and society now own a fine brick edifice with about an acre of land attached, and twelve good stalls in their shed. The society have also a parsonage with a half-acre of ground attached, which was the gift by will of Deacon Parshall. When the first general effort was made to endow Kalamazoo College in 1863, the Hartland Church raised more than $I600 for that purpose, of which Deacon Parshall and his estimable wife, since deceased, gave $ I oo. The church has been from its beginning hearty in its support of the various missionary, educa tional, and other benevolent Christian enterprises. Its present officers are: Pastor, Rev. Isaac W. Lamb; Deacons, M. D. Bracle, S. E. Dean, Vin 373 HARTLAND TOWNSHIP. I cent Parshall; Clerk, Wells Avery; Treasurer, Marle Bracle. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. There is also in Parshallville a flourishing Methodist Episcopal Church with.a large membership, and owning a church edifice which cost about $2000. Its present pastor is Rev. E. Dawe. Repeated efforts on the part of the historian to obtain facts with regard to it have met no response. CIVIL LIST. The following is a list of the township officers: i836.-Eli Lee, Supervisor; Josiah T. Clark, Township Clerk; Erastus J. Smith, Treasurer; Norman Brainard, Samuel Mapes, Dennis Whalen, William Kinney, Justices of the Peace; Josiah T. Clark, James Whalen, School Inspectors. I837.-Elias Lee, Supervisor; John G. Horton, Township Clerk; Erastus J. Smith, Treasurer; Orman Holmes, Norman.Brainard, Dennis Whalen, Isaac Cornell, Justices of the Peace; Orman Holmes, James Whalen, Josiah T. Clark, School Inslfectors. 1838.-John J. Blackburn, Supervisor; John G. Horton, Town. ship Clerk; William E. Huntley, Treasurer; Norman Brainard, Austin Wakeman, Justices of the Peace; Amos F. Albright, Edward Davidson, James Whalen, School Inspectors. I839.-Eli Lee, Supervisor; John G. Horton, Townhip Clerk; Amos F. Albright, Treasurer; John J. Blackburn, Justice of the Peace; Johni Roberts, Amos F. Albright, James Whalen, School Inspectors. I840.-Eli Lee, Supervisor; George J. Griffin, Township Clerk; Orman Ilolmes, Treasurer; Orman Iolmes, John J. Rice, Justices of the Peace; Edward J. Davidson, Menzo W. Smith, George J. Griffin, School Inspectors. 1841.-John Mudge, Supervisor; John G. Iorton, Township Clerk; Freeman Near, Treasurer; Austin Wakeman, Justice of the Peace; James Whalen, Samuel T. Mudge, Edward J. Davidson, School Inspectors. I842.-John G. Horton, Supervisor; Horace B. Hubbiard, Township Clerk; William E. Huntley, Treasurer; Normin Brainard, Justice of the Peace; Samuel T. Mudge, Edward J. Davidson, George J. Griffin, School Inspectors. I843.-George J. Griffin, Supervisor; John J. Rice, Township Clerk; William E. Huntley, Treasurer; Ira C. Hathaway, Justice of the Peace; Josiah T. Clark, Robert Crouse, School Inspectors. I844.-John G. HIorton, Supervisor; John J. Rice, Township Clerk; John Wood, Treasurer; Orman Holmes, Justice of the Peace; Hiram Mapes, Samuel T. Mudge; School Inspectors. I845.-William E. Huntley, Supervisor; Moses 13. Hess, Township Clerk; John Wood, Treasurer; John J. Rice, Justice of the Peace; Charles Ross, Josiah T. Clark, School Inspectors. I846.-John G. Horton, Supervisor; George J. Griffin, Township Clerk; John Wood, Treasurer; Ledward Flint, Justice of the Peace; Henry S. Worthington, Jacob S. Griswold, School Inspectors. 1847.-John Wood, Supervisor; David Rich, Town Clerk; Erastus J. Smith, Treasurer; Hiram Mapes, Justice of the Peace; Edward Davidson, School Inspector. 1848.-John Wood, Supervisor; George J. Griffin, Township Clerk; John G. Horton, Treasurer; Orman Holmes, Justice of the Peace; Robert Crouse, School Inspector. 1849.-David Rich, Supervisor; David Atwood, Township Clerk; Orman Holmes, Treasurer; John J. Rice, O. B. Chambers, Justices of the Peace; George J. Griffin, Hiram Mapes, School Inspectors. I850.-John Wood, Supervisor; David Atwood, Township Clerk; Orman Holmes, Treasurer; Rufus Tenney, William Smith, Justices of the Peace; Henry Worthington, School Inspector. I85I.-John Wood, Supervisor; H. Mercer, Township Clerk; Hiram R. Scollard, Treasurer; David Rich, Ledyard Flint, Henry Griswold, Ed ward Davidson, Justices of the Peace; Samuel T. Mudge, School Inspector. I852.-John Wood, Supervisor; Charles H-. K. Warren, Township Clerk; Iiram R. Scollard, Tieasurer; Edward Davidson, Justice of the Peace; IIenry Brockway, Charles Ross, School Inspectors. 1853.-Jo-iah Whalen, Supervisor; Henry S. Worthington, School Inspector; Nelson Stevens, Township Clerk; Hiram R. Scollard, Treasurer. 1854.-George J. Griffin, Supervisor; Albert L. Hathaway, Township Ccerk; Samuel Mape<, Jr., Treasurer; Calvin Townley, Adnah Lewis, Justices of the Peace; Charles H. K. Warren, School Inspector. 1855.-George J. Griffin, Supervisor; Albert L. Hathaway, Township Clerk; S. A. Stuart, Treasurer; Henry Griswold, Henry S. Worthington, Justices of the Peace; Charles Ross, School Inspector. I856.-Orman Holmes, Supervisor; Albert L. Hathaway, Township Clerk; Stephen A. Stuart, Treasurer; Daniel Rich, William C. Ferry, Justices of the Peace; C. IH. K. Warren, School Inspector. I857-0. B. Clamnbers, Supervisor; Albert L. Hathaway, Township Clerk; Jacob Carl, Treasurer; Edward Davidson, Justice of the Peace; William M. Hayford, School Inspector. 1858.-Jacob S. Griswold, Supervisor; Albert L. Hathaway, Township Clerk; Jacob Carl, Treasurer; Nelson Stevens, L. L. Armstrong, Justices of the Peace; W. S. Smith, School Inspector. I859.-Henry P. Crouse, Supervisor; Albert L. Hathaway, Township Clerk; Earl E. Walton, Treasurer; David B. Mason, Silas Bullard, Justices of the Peace; Frank Sweet, School Inspector. I860.-Henry P. Crouse, Supervisor; Albert L. I-Iathaway, Township Clerk; John Wallace, Treasurer; 1)avil Rich, Stephen Hungerford, Elisha G. Smith, Justices of the Peace; John B. Tyrrell, School Inspector. I86i.-Lorenzo S. Armstrong, Supervisor; Sanford Hildebrant, Township Clerk; John Wallace, Treasurer; Elisha G. Smith, Ephraim Hubbell, Justices of the Peace; Frank Sweet, School Inspector. I862. -. B. Chambers, Supervisor; Albert L. Hathaway, Township Clerk; Hugh Cullen, Treasurer; Ephraim Hubbell, George A. Whitehead, Justices of the Peace; Newton T. Kirk, School Inspector. 1863.-Ila Knight, Supervisor; Ienry Crouse, Township Clerk; Wm. F. Lemen, Treasurer; Lyman Bishop, Van R. Durfee, Hiram R. Scollard, Justices of the Peace; Morgan L. Andrus, School Inspector. I864.-Ira Knight, Supervisor; Henry Crouse, Township Clerk; Charles H. Mercer, Treasurer; Van R. Durfee, Justice of the Peace; Charles Rose, School Inspector. I865.-Giles Ross, Supervisor; Joseph Blinston, Township Clerk; Samuel Mapes, Treasurer; James Gleason, Justice of the Peace; William M. Hayford, School Inspector. I866.-John Wood, Supervisor; John B. Crouse, Township Clerk; Hiram R. Scollard, Treasurer; Furman B. Clark, Jus tice of the Peace; Newton T. Kirk, School Inspector, J 1867.-Jacob S. Griswold, Supervisor; Newton T. Kirk, Township Clerk; Thomas N. Jones, Treasurer; John Dun 374 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. ham, Justice of the Peace; Allen C. Wright, School Inspector. I868.-Henry P. Crouse, Supervisor; Wilkes S. Stuart, Township Clerk; Amos J. Bebee, Treasurer; Elisha G. Smith, William T. Seaman, Justices of the Peace; Albert L. Hathaway, School Inspector. I869.-Henry P. Crouse, Supervisor; Wilkes S. Stuart, Township Clerk; Peter McKeever, Treasurer; James Gleason, Justice of the Peace; Orman Holmes, J. W. Worthington, School Inspectors. I870.-John Wood, Supervisor; Wilkes S. Stuart, Township Clerk; Henry Nichols, Treasurer; Benjamin R. Townley, Justice of the Ieace; Justin W. Worthington, School Inspector. 187I.-Justin W. Worthington, Supervisor; William M. Chambers, Township Clerk; Peter Fahey, Tlreasurer; O. B. Chambers, Robert McCall, Justices of the Peace; William I1. Hayford, School Inspector. I872.-George W. Stark, Supervisor; James C. Campbell, Township Clerk; Charles 11. Stevens, Treasurer; John Dunham, Chauncey A. Weaver, Justices of the Peace; Justin W. Worthington, School Inspector. I873. —Justin W. Worthington, Supervisor; Major I. Lemen, Township Clerk; Jacob S. Griswold, Treasurer; James Gleason, Justice of the Peace; Harry S. Myers, School Inspector. I874.-ILorenzo L. Armstrong, Supervisor; Z. E. Chambers, Townlship Clerk; Asa Par.shall, Treasurer; HIerman W. Clark, Justice of thle Peace; William M. Hayford, J. W. Worthington, School Inspectors. I875 -Lorenzo L. Armstrong, Supervisor; Herman W. Clark, Township Clerk; Wilkes S. Stuart, Treasurer; Jacob S. Griswold, Nathaniel Ethlridge, Justices of the Peace; HIarry S. Myers, Superintendent of Schools; Newton T. Kirk, School Inslector. I876.-Lorenzo L. Armstrong, Supervisor; Frank J. Birdsall, Township Clerk; Squire Verselius, Treasurer; John Dunham, Justice of the Peace; Harry S. Myers, Superintendent of Schools; Newton 1. Kirk, School Inspector. I877.-Lorenzo L. Armstrong, Supervisor; John Campbell, Townsllip Clerk; Squire Verselius, Treasurer; John Wood, Justice of the Peace; Harvey S. Myers, Superintendent of Schools; Newton T. Kirk, Scholol Inspector. I878.-Justin W. Worthington, Supervisor; Major H. Lemen, Towlnship Clerk; Jacob S. Griswold, Treasurer; Richard Marvin, Justice of the Peace; R. C. Sellman, Superilitendent of Schools; John J. Boyd, School Inspector. I879 -Hitram B1. Thompson, Supervisor; Iemuel IHurlbert, Township Clerk; Jacob S. Griswold, Treasurer; Jacob S. Griswold, Justice of the Peace; John J. Boyd, Superintendent of Schools; William M. Hayford, School Inslector. BIOGRAPHIICAL SKETCHES. CHARLES SMITH, one of the pioneers of the southern part of the town of Hartland, was born in Grimesville, Berks Co., Pa., Aug. 28, I8I. He was the son of Christian and Ann Smith. Up to the age of seventeen he worked on his father's farm, at which time he was apprenticed to the trade of a weaver, which avocation he followed until he came to Michigan, in I834. He worked for Luther Boyden, of Washtenaw County, for three years, when he settled in Hartland, where he located one hundred and sixty acres of land. There he resided until his death, in I875. In 1837 he was married to Miss Ann Smith, who was born in Cherry Valley, Otsego Co., N. Y., April I4, 182I. They raised a family of eight children: Sarah J., Laura A., Reuben C., William A., Charles A., Addie A., Frank L., and Eleanor A. Mr. Smith was a successful farmer, and as a neighbor and friend was fully appreciated by all who knew him. His wife is in every respect a splendid type of the women of the early days, and did her part in developing the farm on which she now resides, which is one of the best in Hartland. ELISHA G. SMITH was born Nov. 25, I826, in Tioga Co., Pa. He was the only son of Willian Smith and Leah Griswold, who reared a family of five children. The elder Smith was probably a native of Pennsylvania, and was born May I0, 1786. When twenty-one years of age he went to Smithfield, Bradford Co., Pa., where he purchased and improved a new farm. After a residence there of several years he removed to Tioga County, and engaged in lumbering, marketing his product in Philadelphia. The business proving unremunerative, he decided to come to Michigan, and in I836 purchased the farm upon which he afterward resided. Returning to Pennsylvania, he came, with his family the following spring, and made a permanent settlement. He was highly esteemed for his sterling integrity and industrious habits; was a man of strong religious convictions, and a prominent member of the Methodist Church. He was magistrate of Hartland for many years, and held many other positions of trust. He died in Flint, Dec. 20, 1852. Elisha G. Snith was possessed of many strong points of character, and inherited from his father many of his distinguishing traits. He was energetic, industrious, and possessed of more than an ordinary amount of business ability. Upon the death of his father he succeeded to his business, which he managed successfully. April 20, 1853, he was married to Miss Cordelia M. Marsh, of Pleasant Valley, where she was born April 19, I833. They reared a family of eight children, seven of whom are living. E. G. Smith died in Hartland in 1870. ELISHA G. SMITH. MRS. ELISHA G. SMITH. WILLIAM SMITH. CHARLES SMITH. HARTLAND TOWNSHIP. 375 LE GRAND CLARK, son of Elisha and Lydia (Root) Clark, was born in Johnstown, Montgomery Co., N. Y., Nov. 25, 1814, and was the second child in a family of three boys and three girls. Elisha, Jr., was born March 25, 1785. Lydia, his wife, was born in I784. He was a shoemaker by trade, and died when Le Grand was but fourteen years of age. But little is known of his history, further than that he was a man of sterling integrity and highly respected. His father, Elisha, Sr., was a native of Old Milford, Conn., where he was born April 15, I746. He married Parthenia Lewis. Le Grand, by the death of his father, was thrown upon his own resources, and up to the age of twenty-three was the head of the family. At this time he was married to Miss Catharine Vrooman, and moved to Victor, Ontario Co., N. Y., where he remained three years. In I842, Mr. Clark camne to Hartland and purchased the farm where he now resides, and which at present consists of two hundred and fifty-four acres. Eight years after his removal to Michigan his wife died, and in I853 he was again married, to Miss Abigail G. Bussey. She was born in Macedon, Wayne Co., N. Y., Sept. 26, I834. Mr. Clark has been a successful farmer and is considered a valuable citizen. He is a Baptist in his religious convictions, and a prominent member of the church of that denomination in Hartland. JACOB S. GRISWOLD. Among the early pioneer families of the town of Hartland the Griswolds are entitled to prominent mention. Henry Griswold, father of the subject of this narrative, was a native of Chemung Co., N. Y., where he was born in the year I8oo00. He married Elizabeth Snell, and reared a family of eight children, Jacob S. being the eldest. In I836 he came to Livingston County, and, being favorably impressed with the soil and the natural advantages, he purchased a farm in the town of Hartland. Returning to New York he disposed of his property, and the following spring emigrated with his family. He at once commenced the improvement of his farm, upon which he resided until his death, which occurred in I877. He was a thrifty, industrious farmer, and a man of excellent principles. Jacob acknowleged obligation to his father in his labor until he attained his majority, when he started in life as a clerk in the store of Austin & Wakeman, with whom he remained six years. In I849 he established himself in trade at Parshallville, where he now resides. In his business operations Mr. Griswold has been successful. In I853 he purchased a farm and engaged in dairying and raising stock, in connection with his mercantile business. In I875 he built a cheese-factory and commenced the manufacture of cheese. In I85I, Mr. Griswold was married to Miss Esther, daughter of Ezra Mason, one of the pioneers of Rochester, N. Y., having settled there previous to the war of I812. He was a miller by trade, but in the later part of his life became a farmer, which business he followed until his death. He was highly esteemed for his integrity and ability. The life of Mr. Griswold has been comparatively uneventful. In his youth he was subjected to the privations and hardships of pioneer life, and early learned lessons of industry, economy, and self-reliance, which were eminently serviceable to him in after-life. He has not only obtained a prominent position among the leading business men of the county, but has won the esteem and confidence of his townsmen, who have elected him to various positions of trust, the duties of which he has faithfully discharged. In 1858 he was elected supervisor of Hartland, and again in I867. He has been postmaster of Parshallville since I857, with the exception of two years. Mr. Griswold is a man of marked liberality and of much public spirit. He has taken a deep interest in the development of his town and county. Socially he is genial and courteous, and his hospitality is proverbial. O C E O LA TO N S H I P. THE township of Oceola lies near the centre of Livingston County, and is bounded north by Deerfield, east by Hartland, south by Genoa, and west by Howell. It is exclusively an agricultural township, having no village within its limits, and its improvements are second to none in the county. Elegant farm-dwellings, substantial and comfortable barns and out-buildings, and well-kept fields are evidences of the prosperity of its inhabitants. The soil is adapted to all its requirements, and the yield of grains and fruit is generally most satisfactory. Timber exists in considerable quantities. The water-courses are few, and frequently become dry during continued drouths. The surface of the township is generally rolling, and capable of excellent drainage. In places the elevations are almost worthy the name of hills, and many beautiful and picturesque locations abound. In an early day game existed in this township in abundance, in common with all the region surrounding, and it was but a question of sure aim to the settler whether or not he should have a bountiful supply of fresh meat. The rifle was the necessary companion of the axe, and the crash of the falling tree was heard in unison with the report of the weapon from which sped the leaden messenger of death towards the noble antlered buck. The deer, which once were plenty, have long since disappeared, yet various portions of the State in which they yet abound have become familiar to the sons of pioneers, who, like their fathers, enjoy the sports of the chase. LAND-ENTRIES. Thee following list includes all who entered land in what is now known as the township of Oceola, according to the Tract Book at the Register's office in Howell. The sections and years in which the entries were made are given: SECTION I.-1835, Israel Parshall, Guy N. Roberts; I836, Russell Morton, Ezekiel Page, John Van Tuyl, Thomas Van Tuyl; 1837, Henry Tripp. SECTION 2.-I835, Samuel Griswold, John Stevens; 1836, Jacob Snell, Peter Martin, Thomas Van Tuyl, John Stevens, John A. Van Camp. SECTION 3.-I836, Daniel W. Leroy, Joseph Merrill, Jacob Snell, Jacob Long, Rodney C. Boutwell, Israel C. Parshall, B. B. Kercheval. SECTION 4.-1836, William Page, Samuel White, Garret Martin. 376 SECTION 5. —836, William Page, Allen C. Hodges, John B. Franklin, Cornelius Neisse. SECTION 6. —836, William J. Hamilton, Roswell Barnes, Conrad Moore, William B. Eager. SECTION 7.-1836, Job W. Durfee, Charles Van Keuren, William B. Eager; 1848, John Curran. SECTION 8.-1835, Asa Parker, Thomas K. Parshall; 1836, John M. Coe, Isaac Munson, William W. Johnson, Robert Edwards; 1837, Moses Beidleman. SECTION 9. —835, Joseph Whitaker, Norman Spellar, Jabez Mead; 1836, Jabez Mead, Joseph Willis, Samuel White, John M. Coe, Robert Edwards. SECTION 10.-I835, Henry S. Chaplin, Benjamin Eldred; 1836, Daniel W. Leroy, Win. Peabody, Asa Parshall, John Crane. SECTION II.-1836, Joseph S. Gibbs, Patrick Toldin, Ann Griswold, Samuel Griswold, Asa Parshall, John P. Bush, Valentine H. Ketchunm. SECTION 12.-1834, George Peters; 1835, John T. Brown, Benjamin Griswold; 1836, Ira Knight, Elisha Griswold. SECTION 13.-1832, William E. Redding; 1834, Charles K. Graves; 1835, Thomas K. Parshall, Charles K. Graves, Archibald Nelson, Jonathan Nelson, Guy N. Roberts, William P. Shannon; 1836, Nathan Jenks, Nehemiah Boutwell. SECTION I4.-1835, Harley H. Graves, Hosea Root, Archibald Nelson, Benjamin Eldred; 1836, Russell Blood, Norman Spellar, Harvey H. Neff, Caroline Austin. SECTION 15.-1835, Polly Fuller, Benjamin Eldred; 1836, Jonas G. Potter, Francis Mittleberger; 1837, George W. Sutton.; 1839, G. Thompson, David Blood; I85I, John L. Lewis. SECTION I6 (school lands).-I848, J. H. Ferguson; I850, William Holmes, H. McKeever; 1851, R. A. Ferguson, B. Feeley; 1853, L. C. Crittenden, W. P. Holmes, Robert Holmes, Isaac Haywood, J. B. Lee; 1854, F. McDonough, P. McKinney; 1856, William Holmes; 1862, Francis McDonough, Jr. SECTION I7.-1836, William Barber, John F. Lawson, Friend Burt, Charles Van Keuren. SECTION I8.-l836, Stephen J. Miller, Volney Hinman, Ezra J. Mundy, Charles Van Keuren, John Crane. SECTION 19.-1836, Flavius J. B. Crane, Jonas M. Wheeler, Volney Hinman. SECTION 20.-I835, Charles Pinckney, Samuel H. West; 1836, James Hughson, Thomas M. Howell, Gabriel Dean; I837, Geo:ge W, Walker. SECTION 21.-1836, Obed Durfee, Anson Nelson, Amasa B. Nelson, Andrew Riddle, Pomeroy Easton, Johni K. Buel. SECTION 22.-1835, Joseph H. Rumsey, James G. Ruinsey, Jes;e B. Rumsey; 1836, Artemas S. Hardy, Amos B. Root; I851, George W. Armstrong; 1854, Barnard Judge. SECTION 23.-1835, Orville Murdock, John P. Springsteen, William H. Johnston, Ephraim Hardy; 1836, Artemas S. Hardy. SECTION 24.-1835, Orville Murdock; 1836, Peter Y. Browning, Charles McDonald, Edmund A. Brush, William P. Shannon, Nathan Jenks, William A. Clark, Sarah Murdock. SECTION 25.-1835, Reuben Moore; 1836, Peter Y. Browning, Orsamond B. Wood, Clark C. Boutwell, Flavius J. B. Crane, Charles A. Wallace, Horace R. Hudson. SECKION 26.-1836, Peter Y. Browning, Harvey Rhodes, Pomeroy Easton, Clark C. B Boutwell, Connor Bergen, Jesse B. Rumsey, Robert Chambers. I I --- -- ' -1 --- - I.'"'- , - I .; o I -' -: ", - ".... ';.':4 ','- ', ' '"""',- ,,,- A - I V,' - I -I,,. 11, ,.:;-:' I I,, I II I I.,,I - I, - . " I, q ";- I 'l.' I. - "I 'l ' . .- I ' I --',-;- - ',-.., ' ,,,,I . " ' ' I —'. ; I- ", I i. I-'.""'-" —"-'-'l -, r.' ..-,, -, ..,"_:','. I.. I.: W ' -'.'!".-,". "A- "i "-' ' I ' t: "I- -1.,. '.""', I-. i..''."1-111-"' -11 I :,.:-,.,;" --.' "':,' I - I I. i'.';:-,'-t"..'-.-.',,,:._ -"':";'.-'.',:''. ":. '.',.,-..' —",'"I - -":",'"' -,.,,,' ';. I' z — '- ' — - -" '.,- - '' -.,. -"' -,_ _, II., .,:- -4,; i I F.. I. ''...-,i.-,,.', ".. -,,,' - ' -'.,..'i':' ---., i- - : I ' ':"""''-' ',,"." 'r ,.'."., .. I,..,. " ": Z !' ' ..";;-:. I I -,, -,,.. .' "', - '';, -' ',.' "'!'' - . I -I..'I" '.'-: '.rl."-7"'.t-. I11 -",, I..1,.1 -' "I.:! `.' ' -1. 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IIFIq- I.- ". — :III -I III.'I' '.: II (0( I I -. -II.' I I I''..:I"I-t4I - 11 1 1. ".. ' " III.', ': ''l...I...I 1. ' I.. I- ' - 'I. X I - -..".ri :- "',' '.,.- '-":Il %'7"1'! ":' ,,, II , ,:I I,, 0 I. ll-," '. --'.",,-, o' I4I,3wl _11; W - I.,.,...o..: ' II " I.II I, I )o:1 1. I. 7-' Ir ':: '.': I. '" ,.,.;,.,, I;',. I..` I rri ""L;-'IZ.,. ".,'i -- x I.1, i; ", t',,,-,-,- "i —',"." ',,-'!J-'I ll. 1,?", ','."-..." - -, ;` - - — i , ,- -'.." '-'.,,, ' " -" I.:' "I"", " lil:. ",.:'!:'"","...-', ",I. 1..1... '-';' -' -: — .'. "'.-"";"""'' '.%-, ..,- -'." ", ;" -, '; '-;l. -' I I-... ' '' 'lI - ' -: -'l""' -"! , , -, ' -,,,-.,.- - " ';' ' " lr,,'.", ' - _,''_:'-:,.',., '-' -'!' ;I I":.. I".._' ". -,. '' d,., '.. i . co..,! I.1 t- - L,.,;".";l'V,,j'" 'p I,: ', " ', -- OCEOLA TOWNSHIP. 377 SECTION 27.-1835, Ellis Luther, Joel B. Rumsey; 1836, Liberty Judd. SECTION 28.-1838, Philester Jessup, Joseph H. Pinckney, Ellis Luther, Milan Glover; I836, Joseph H. Rumsey, Andrew Riddle, Artemas S. Hardy, Joel B. Rumsey. SECTION 29.-1835, Henson Walker, Milan Glover; 1836, Gardiner Mason, Jonas M. Wheeler, William C. Rumsey, Emily L. Rumsey, Solomon Saunders; 1837, James A. Hicks, Samuel T. Buel. SECTION 30.-1835, Addison Lackor, Rensselaer Lackor, Moses Thompson, Mary Thompson; 1836, Gardiner Mason, Jonas M. Wheeler, William C. Rumsey, Emily L. Rumsey, Charles A. Jeffries; 1837, John Lowe. SECTION 3I.-1835, Rufus Nicols, John Fraser, Jacob S. Sorter, Paul D. Cornell, Alonzo Cornell, Alexander Fraser; I836, Joseph H. Steel, Ienry Hawkins, Van Rensselaer Hawkins; 1848, Morris Thompson. SECTION 32.-1835, John Walker; 1836, William Talman, Joseph II. Steel, Jacob W. Moore; 1837, Philester Jessup, Orson Elliott; 1839, Samuel Colborn. SECTION 33.-1835, John Walker, Ephraim Hardy; I836, Benjamin Earl, Noah Briggs, Joseph Whitaker, John W. Roen, John French, Robert Whitacre, Riley Earl, Philester Je-sup. SECTION 34.-1835, Ellis Luther, Ephraim Hardy; 1836, William If. Phillips, Noah Briggs, Joseph Whitacre, Connor Bergen; I837, Alonzo Wilcox, William II. Kimball, Washington Jackson; 1854, William Barbu,,u, Noah Briggs. SECTION 35.-1836, John Stone, John Tlluirvahter, Martin George, Flavius J. B. Crane, Connor Bergen, Edward Nichols. SECTION 36. —836, Erastus Kellogg, Gustav Baetcke, Solomon Gue, Samuel Harned. SETTLEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT. Regarding the first settlement in the territory now known as Oceola township there is some dispute, but from all evidence obtained the version given by Thomas K. Parshall, still living in the township, is thought to be the true one, and is as follows: H. H. Graves came into the township Aug. 31, 1834, and became its first settler. Henry Neff (or Harry, as he was more familiarly known) followed in November of the same year. These two persons, with their families, were the only settlers in the township until the Ist day of June, 1835, which witnessed the arrival of Thomas K. Parshall. On the 4th of the same month the latter settled, with his family, in a log shanty, covered with elm-bark. J. T. Brown arrived in August of the same year (I835), and John Stevens came soon after. The latter built the first shingle-roofed log house in the township. During the winter of 1835-36 the five families* then living in the township occupied one small house and a log shanty, with its covering of elmbark. Sept. 5, 1835, Mr. Neff's son, Jerome Neff, was born, his being the first birth of a white child in the township. The first death was that of a child named Catharine Stevens, daughter of John Stevens, which occurred Nov. I, 1835, soon after Mr. Stevens arrived. Mr. Parshall's father-in-law, Capt. Jeremiah Casady, died in February, I837. Perhaps the first couple married in town were William Dean and wife,-her name not recollected. This was in the spring of 1838; the ceremony was performed by Thomas K. Parshall, Esq., and the occasion was the first of the kind upon which he had been called to officiate. McKinstry Sanders, from the town of Lee, Oneida Co., N. Y., formerly of Martinsburg, Lewis Co., moved to Michigan from the former place in May, I836, and located in La Salle, Monroe Co. In October following he moved to Oceola, and purchased a farm a mile north of the present home of his son, Nathan M. Sanders. The elder Sanders now lives in the village of De Witt, Clinton Co., Mich. His sons, Nathan M. and George, are the only ones of his children at present living in Oceola. Mr. Sanders resided in this town over thirty years. Nathan M. Sanders purchased land in Kent County, went to it, and built a shanty upon it in 1842. At the same time he owned the place where he now lives, and finally disposed of his Kent County land. He has recently transferred a portion of this place to his sons, Albert T. and John F. Sanders. McKinstry Sanders was. noted for his proficiency in the chase, and on one occasion, when coming home with sixty pounds of flour on his back, saw as many as fifty deer on the way. He was one of a quintette of "mighty hunters," composed of himself, Charles P. Bush, of Genoa, Elias Sprague, Nicholas Frink, and Henson Walker, Jr., and these wrought destruction in the ranks of the four-footed denizens of the forest. To Walker many of the settlers were often indebted for choice morsels of venison, which came in time of need. Roswell Pettibone, a native of Vermont, and later a resident of Genesee Co., N. Y., came to Michigan as early as 1828, and settled at Ypsilanti, Washtenaw Co. His wife came to the same county in 1829, from Seneca Co., N. Y., with her brother and mother,-Mrs. Sarah Terhune, a widow. She was married to Mr. Pettibone at Ypsilanti, where they lived until I843, when they removed to the township of Genoa, Livingston Co., and settled on a place lying on the Grand River road. In 1853 they came to the farm they now occupy, which is that formerly owned by Philester Jessup, and afterwards the property of a Mr. Pruden. Mr. Pettibone's son, James L. Pettibone, who is a native of Washtenaw County, resides on a farm west of his parents. The place on which the family located in Genoa was purchased of a man named Guthrie; upon it a log house had been built and an acre or two cleared when they took possession. * See statement of Walker et at. settlement. 48 378 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. In the fall of 1835 four men from Ontario Co., N. Y., came into the township and entered land on sections 28 and 29. These were Henson Walker, Philester Jessup, Joseph Pinckney, and Ellis Luther. They all built shanties, and Mr. Walker settled with -his family almost immediately, the others locating during the winter. Mr. Jessup afterwards became the first clerk of Livingston County. In the spring of 1837, Mr. Walker's daughter, Cassa Ann, was born, being one of the first white children born in the township. She became the wife of Edward Pettibone, and is now living in Ypsilanti, where her husband died. When the Walker family first came to Michigan it stopped a few months at Salem, Washtenaw Co. The elder Walker located his land in Oceola, and his son, John Walker, located the place where another son. Richard Walker, now lives. John Walker did not settle, but went back to Washtenaw County, of which he is still a resident. He sold his place to his brother George, who made the first improvements upon it, and occupied it six or seven years. The latter also now lives in Washtenaw County. Of the nine children-seven sons and two daughters-who came to Oceola with their parents,-Henson Walker and wife,-three sons, Richard, Thomas, and Robert, yet live in the township; one son, Henson, Jr., lives in the Salt Lake Valley, in Utah. The elder Walker died many years since. His widow is living with one of her daughters, in Ypsilanti. Jesse Mapes, an early settler in the north part of town, built one of the first frame houses erected in the township. The first was probably built by John T. Brown, and was standing in 1836. Mapes at first occupied a small temporary shanty for a short time. William Barbour,from Orange County, Vt. (previously from Massachusetts), came to Oceola in I836, and purchased land in sections 33 and 34, which he still owns. Returning East, he moved back with his family in the fall of 1837, and settled upon his place. Mr. Barbour, who was himself a mechanic, concluded it was useless to waste time in building a log house, and therefore erected a frame edifice. The lumber was sawed mostly at Thompson's mill, north of Howell, from whitewood logs cut on his (Barbour's) own place. As there was no snow, they were drawn to the mill on bare ground. Mr. Barbour subsequently built one of the first frame barns in the township, securing help to raise from a distance of six or seven miles. Mr. Hardy's frame barn had been previously erected, and -perhaps one or two others. Mr. Barbour's father, Zebulon Barbour, quite an aged man, came to Oceola with his son, and aided him in building his house. He owned no land here, and has been dead over twenty years. Mr. Barbour stopped for a short time, when he came, with Benjamin Earl, his nearest neighbor, across the line in Genoa. Mr. Earl was a cousin to Riley Earl, still living in Genoa. A Mr. Benjamin, brother of Nelson Benjamin, now of Genoa, was then living in Oceola, or came very soon after, and William Palmer, still a resident of the southeast part of the township, came the same year. Noah Briggs, from the town of Groton, Tompkins Co., N. Y., brought his family to Washtenaw Co., Mich., in June, 1835, locating in the township of Pittsfield, afterwards in Superior, a short distance north of Ypsilanti. During the following winter he located land in Oceola, upon which he moved with his family in the fall of 1838. In March of the same year he had moved into the county and rented a house of William Placeway, in the northeast corner of Genoa, where the latter kept a log tavern. During the fall Mr. Briggs built a log house on his own place, into which he moved. The farm was subsequently purchased by his oldest son, Anson C. Briggs, who now lives in Howell, while another son, H. G. Briggs, owns the property. Mr. Briggs, Sr., aided Joseph Whitacre in building a log house in the summer of 1838, on a tract adjoining his own, and lived with him until he could complete a house for himself, having stayed but a few weeks in Genoa. Mr. Whitacre has one son, David, living in Howell. William C. Rumsey, who had originally settled in Green Oak, sold out in that township in June, 1836, and in the fall of the same year built a log house upon the place he had previously purchased in Oceola (sections 29 and 30), and moved into it in November. The land he owned in this town was all taken from the government except So acres, which he purchased from second hands. In the winter following his settlement he prepared timber for a saw-mill, which necessary institution was built and in running order in June, I837. The first lumber sawed in it was taken by Charles Van Keuren, who yet lives in town. Mr. Rumsey continued to operate his mill until 1847, in March of which year he moved to Howell, having the previous autumn been elected register of deeds for Livingston County. The property was not disposed of for some years, and the saw-mill was kept up until the amount of water in the small stream which furnished the power had lessened to such a degree that it was deemed impracticable to continue it longer. The frame dwelling which Mr. Rumsey now occupies in Howell was built in the spring of 1847, and occupied by him in June of the same year. The hardwood lumber used in its con RESIDENCE 6- ROBERT WALKER, OCEOLA, LiVINGSTON CO..MICH. OCEOLA TOWNSHIP. 379 struction was principally sawed at his mill in Oceola. Mr. Rumsey held the position of register for four years, and was subsequently elected county treasurer, the duties of which office he performed an equal length of time. Daniel Whittaker (name also spelled Whitaker), from Wayne Co., N. Y., came to Michigan as early as I833-34. In 1835 his son, Joseph, entered land in Oceola, and the family moved upop it in the fall of either that year or 1836. The place is now owned by William Whitaker and Thomas Walker. The Whitaker family was a large one, there being fifteen children. Of these, William and Daniel are yet residents of the township, and Ezra lives in Howell. John Powers, the present clerk of Oceola township, although not numbered among the early settlers of this town, is still a pioneer of tie State, having come with his father, Edward Powers, from the State of Vermont in I838 or t839, and settled in the township of Highland, Oakland Co. His residence in Oceola dates only from the year i866. The place now occupied by Mr. Powers was early owned by Anson Nelson, who settled upon it in the fall of 1836 or early in I837. He is yet living with a son in Le Roy, Ingham Co., and has passed the age of eighty-nine years. Charles Van Keuren, a native of Ulster Co., N. Y., visited Qceola in June, 1836, and purchased land. In the spring of I837-having returned East-he started from New York City with his family, consisting of his wife, three sons, one daughter, and his nephew, Tjerick Van Keuren, for the new home in the West. Upon arriving at Buffalo, the ice was found to be so plenty in the harbor that boats could not push through. The family remained in the city, while Mr. Van Keuren and his nephew sought other means of reaching their destination. Proceeding to Cattaraugus Creek, they found the way clear, and taking a steamer at that point, the two soon found themselves in Detroit. The remaining portion of the journey was accomplished on foot. A shelter was necessary, and a phenomenal dwelling was erected, consisting of a few poles set up in cone shape, and covered with marsh hay. They had stopped for a night or two with Louis Norton, who lived on the farm adjoining to the north. Tie latter had come in the winter just preceding. He had a large family of children. On the 4th of July, 1838, Mr. Norton, who had taken a job of clearing in what is now the Batcheler neighborhood, was killed by lightning while at his work in that vicinity. His body was discovered in the evening by Mrs. Hutchinson, who was returning to her home in Howell township, with her husband, from some place at which they had been making a "Fourth of July visit." Mr. Van Keuren and his nephew at once began building a log house, and help was so scarce that they were three days getting it raised. It was not yet completed when Mr. Van Keuren went after his family, with which he returned in August following. When Mr. Van Keuren purchased his land in this town (1836), Capt. Jeremiah Casady was laying up his log house, and when the former returned with his family the worthy captain had been called from earth, and his widow and her family were occupying the place. A man named Kneeland lived a short distance west, in Howell township. William McFail settled south of the Van Keuren place in 1837, shortly before the latter arrived. William B. Eager came with Mr. Van Keuren in June, 1836, and entered land north of the latter's place, where his son, Jacob M. Eager, now lives. Five men had started together from Buffalo, but only the two above named were able to get through. Among other early settlers were Jabez Mead and Dan. Fuller, the latter making the first improvements where Thomas Parks now lives. These were living in town in 1837, on the road extending eastward from the Van Keuren place. Messrs. Chapman and Gibbs were also early arrivals. Andrew Ferguson came about 1840 to the place now owned by Samuel Tomion, and made the first improvements upon it. Roswell Barnes and Montgomery Adams lived in the northwest corner of town, the former on section 6, and the latter on section 5. Both were respected citizens. Their stay in the town was of but a few years' duration. Adams is now a resident of Genesee County. One of the oldest orchards in the township is that on the farm of Charles Van Keuren, which was set out in I839, and is still in good bearing condition. Most of the early settlers planted orchards as soon as possible, and this township is not behind its sisters in the production and quality of its fruit. The first potatoes raised by Mr. Van Keuren were mostly too small for use, yet he sorted out about twenty bushels of excellent ones, and from this it will be seen that the virgin soil was not backward in producing a large yield of whatever was intrusted to its covering. Asa Parker, from Genesee Co., N. Y., emigrated to Michigan as early as 1831, and settled in the township of Lyons, Oakland Co. Several years later, probably in 1835 or 1836, he moved to Oceola and located on the farm now owned by Francis Eager, near the present residence of his son, Danford Parker. Edwin Batcheler says he 380 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. visited Mr. Parker's house in I836, and saw in it a floor of hewed logs.* Daniel O. Taft, from the State of Massachusetts, came to Oceola about 1842-43, and settled on the place now occupied by his son, Noah Taft, where he spent his remaining days. His death occurred in May, 1871. Danford Parker's wife is his daughter. Another son, James Taft, also lives in the north part of the township. Both Mr. Taft and Asa Parker were engaged in agricultural pursuits while they lived here. Harvey Parks carne to Michigan, in 1836, from Madison Co., N. Y., and settled in the township of Mundy, Genesee Co. In 1849 he removed to Oceola, where he died. Part of his family still lives in town. Sallu Riddle, from Genesee Co., N. Y., came to this township in the spring of I839, purchased from second hands the farm now owned by his son, Lucius E. Riddle, on section 15, and built the log part of the house yet standing. He then returned for his family, and brought them back in October of the same year. Although not the original purchaser from government, Mr. Riddle made the first improvements upon his place. John W. Botsford, now living east of Riddle's Corners, settled about I840 Amos Walterhouse came to Detroit in the fall of 1835, stayed in the township of Dearborn, Wayne Co., until the spring of I836, and then settled in Highland, Oakland Co. In January, 1842, he moved into Oceola. He is a native of New Jersey, and came to Michigan from Genesee Co., N.Y. Archibald Nelson, brother to Mrs. Sallu Riddle, came to this township in 1835 with his father, Jonathan Nelson. The former came to the State in 1832, locating in Farmington, Oakland Co. In 1835 he entered land in Oceola, and settled upon it probably in the fall of the same year, cutting his own road through from Highland. Russell Blood, from Alexandria, Genesee Co., N.Y., came with his family to this township in October, 1836. During the time from the preceding June they had lived at Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co. Mr. Blood located upon the place where Amos Walterhouse now lives. He died on the 22d of February, 185I, and his widow subsequently became the wife of Mr. Walterhouse. Peter Y. Browning settled on the place where his widow now lives in I836 or 1838, and became one of the prominent citizens of the township. Samuel and Edwin Batcheler, from East Douglas, ^1.- 11 — _ __..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _~~~ * Other: authority thinks Mr. Parker did not move into Oceola until nine or ten years after his settlement in Lyons. Worcester Co., Mass. (natives of Rhode Island), came to Michigan in I833, arriving in Detroit on the I7th of May, and pushing on to Commerce, Oakland Co., the next day. In that town they settled. In the fall of I836 they sold their property and purchased land in Oceola, upon which they moved in February, I837. Samuel Batcheler lives on a part of the old farm, and Edwin's son, Benjamin F, Batcheler, occupies the other part. The latter served in the Federal army during the Rebellion, first as a private in the 26th Michigan Infantry, and afterwards as first lieutenant and acting captain in a colored regiment. His grandfather was a soldier in the Revolution. The land owned by the Batchelers in Oceola was bought of Hosea Root, who had entered it the same year, but made no improvements upon it. Edwin Batcheler at present resides in the township of Marion, south of Howell. His wife came to Michigan in 1839 with her first husband, Salmon Adams, who had settled at Grass Lake, in Jackson County, in 1835 or 1836. Mr. Adams purchased land in Marion the same year from Flavius J. B. Crane, purchasing also in Oceola at the same time. He lived at Grass Lake until 1839, when he went East and was married, bringing his wife back with him to that place. In I841 they moved to Iowa, where they remained two years. In December, I843, they returned to Grass Lake, and in July, 1844, moved to Oceola, where they resided until I847, when they settled upon the land in Marion which Mr. Adams had bought in 1835 or 1836, it being the same now occupied by Mr. Batcheler. Mr. Adams died Sept. 15, 1850, and his widow subsequently became the wife of Mr. Batcheler. Charles P. Hardy came to the township of Oceola in the fall of I837. After a residence here of three years he removed to Du Page Co., Ill., where he yet lives, in the township of Milton, near Prospect Park, formerly called Danby. Mr. Hardy's father, Ephraim Hardy, entered land on section 23, in I835. Early in 1836 he moved upon it with his family, Joel and Joseph Rumsey coming with their wives at the same time. A log house (not of the best kind) was built on Joseph Rumsey's land, in February, I836, and occupied for a time by all three families, or until other dwellings could be erected. Mr. Hardy worked at intervals upon his own log house, and had it finished and ready for occupancy late in the summer. He had taken pains to clear some ground and plant potatoes, etc., for future use, be fore hurrying much with his house. The old building is yet standing, on section 23, opposite (north of) the present residence of his son, Ephraim I I JW. BOTSFORD. JW. BOTSFORD. ~~~~~MRS. HANNAH BOTSFORD. RESIDENCE OF J.YV. tBUTSPIJUH, UUEULAMIRAIUAN. i4, - -, - C' t RE~sIDENCES R:.V. M. UULULA, MIUHIC(AN. Alg 381 OCEOLA TOWNSHIP. I J. Hardy. It is 18 by 24 feet in dimensions, and was at first covered with " ribs and shakes"-terms which all pioneers well understand. The family consisted of Mr. Hardy and his wife, two sons,Ephraim J. and Cephas,-and one daughter. Joseph Rumsey's wife was also a daughter of Mr. Hardy. At that time there were no other families living in their immediate neighborhood, the nearest being three or four miles away to the southeast, and a few others about the same distance to the northeast. Mr. Hardy died Oct. 12, 1838, and his was the first death which occurred in this part of town. He was at first buried on his own farm, and subsequently removed to the Riddle cemetery. Ephraim J. Hardy, who was eighteen years old when he came here with his father, has made the township and the old farm his home since that time. He is the only one of his father's family now living in town, and he and his brother, Charles P. Hardy, of Illinois, are the only surviving members of that family. E. J. Hardy has voted at every election since he became of age. Oceola Centre post-office was established late in the year I840, after the Presidential election, on a mail-route established at the same time between Howell and Pontiac, via Milford. Hiram Goodrich was the first postmaster. Jesse Rumsey (brother to Joseph) was at the same time keeping a small store near the present school-house site in District No. I. The store was opened that same summer, and an effort was made to remove the post-office to it, but the wrong shade of the storekeeper's politics caused the failure of the scheme. Those who have succeeded Mr. Goodrich in the office are Joseph Rumsey, L. C. Crittenden, John G. Horton, Peter Y. Browning, Edward Browning, and the present incumbent, Ephraim J. Hardy, who took charge in the spring of I86I, soon after the inauguration of President Lincoln. Andrew Riddle, the father of Mrs. William McPherson, of Howell, came from Scotland, and settled in the village named in June, I836, and started the first blacksmith-shop at that place. He brought his family with him; one of his sons is now in business in Detroit. In the spring of I837, Mr. Riddle moved to Oceola township, and not long afterwards built a blacksmith-shop one and a half miles west of Ephraim Hardy's place. His son, Andrew, subsequently carried on the shop. About I855-56, Ephraim J. Hardy also built a blacksmith-shop, which has been abandoned but a few years. Hollon N. Lewis and William Palmer, living in the southeast part of the township, are among its oldest residents. The latter settled in 1837, and the former a little earlier. A Mr. Hecker settled I in the same neighborhood quite early; he lost two sons during the great Rebellion of I86I-65. Harry Neff, who has been previously mentioned, built up a considerable trade with the Indians when he first settled, selling them whisky and other articles, and taking furs in exchange. Harleigh H. Graves, the first settler, was the first justice of the peace in the township, holding the office by appointment from the Governor before the town was organized. His place was on the east line of the township, near John T. Brown's, and is now the property of Mr. Owen. George Wright,* whose sister was Harry Neffs wife, lived in town for a short time, but owned no land. He was a young man, possessed a good education, understood various languages, and was a close student. William E. Redding, who entered land in Oceola in 1832, did not settle until about I836, during which year he helped the Batchelers build their house. Among other early settlers in this town were H. G. W. Fry, from New York, September, 1842; Abram Switz, from New York, May, 1847; E. Kellogg, 1846; Jacob Snell, purchased land in 1836; F. Hetcheler, settled in I845. The list of township officers accompanying this sketch contains the names of many of the pioneers and prominent citizens of the township, of whom the greater proportion have made their last long journey and entered upon the scenes beyond the dark river. The mention of their names must bring to their surviving friends and neighbors a flood of recollections of the days when all were struggling with their might to carve from the forest homes for themselves and a heritage for those who should follow. Those who were then in their prime have nearly all passed from mortal gaze, and the youth of forty years ago is the middle-aged man of to-day,-his locks streaked with the silver that the brush of time alone can paint, and his mind awake to the solemn fact that ere many years he, too, must join the shadowy throng which has preceded him to the unknown hereafter and give place to the advancing generation. The following alphabetical list comprised the residents of Oceola township in I844: Alvord, Americus V. Browning, Peter Y. Bergin, Daniel. Batcheler, Otis. Bergin, Patrick. Balcheler, E. Bergin, Michael. Batcheler, S. Bergin, Conner. Blood, Russell. Beaujeau, Eusebius. Botsford, John W. Barbour, William. Brown, John T. Briggs, Noah. Brown, John T., Jr. Bennett, Abraham. Beidelman, Christian. * This name is also given as William Wright. 1382 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Bennett, Joseph H. Booth, William. Barron, Richard. Chambers, James. Colburn, Samuel. Colburn, Robert. Curdy, James. Cole, Joseph. Chaplain, Henry S. Conklin, Barnard. Casady, Jeremiah. Dean, William. Donahue, Patrick. Durfee, Benjamin B. Earl, Riley. Fail, Elijah R. Frink, Nicholas. Franklin, F. S. Ferguson, Andrew. Ferguson, John H. Fry, Henry L. Goodrich, Hiram. Glover, Luther M. Glover, Samuel S. George, Henry. Grave;, William. Griswold, Reuben. Griswold, Frederick. Griswold, Samuel. Holt, Barzilla. Harker, William. Hardy, E. J. and C. Hardy, Artemas S. Hodges, Norman W. Ilaidy, Francis. Hardy, Francis S. Hodges, Allen C. Hetcheler, John. Kellogg, David. Knight, Ira. Knight & Roberts. Lewis, I-Iollon N. McGuire, Thomas. McFail, John B. McKenny, Patrick. McKeever, Francis. Murdock, Orville. Mapes, Samuel. Mapes, Elisha G. Mason, David B. Mason, Hiram. Martin, Peter. McGivney, John. McFail, William. Merrill, Horace. Merrill, Warren. Miller, Stephen J. Nelson, Jonathan. Nelson, John. Neff, Harry H. Pinckney, Thomas. Parshall, Thomas K. Parshall, Israel. Parker, Asa. Palmer, William. Rhodes, Harvey. Rumsey, Joseph H. Riddle, Andrew. Root, Amos B. Rumsey, Joel B. Riddle, Sallu. Roberts, Guy N. Reese, Henry. Roberts, Mehetabel. Rumsey, William C. Steel, Joseph H. Sanders, Nathan M. Stone, John. Sanders, McKinstry. Snell, Jacob. Sutton, Lewis C. Taft, D. O. Tnubs, Samuel K. V in Camp, Mahlon. Van Camp, John A. V n Camp, Azariah H. Van Keuren, Charles. Walterhouse, Amos. Whitacre, Joseph. Walker, Henson. Walker, George W. Whitney, Lyman. Wakely, John. Whitaker, Daniel. Whitaker, Joseph. Whitaker, Daniel, Jr. Whitaker, James. The territory included had previously formed a part of the township of Howell. On the 6th of March, 1838, the name was changed from Byron to Oceola, which name it has since retained. The change was made because another township named Byron existed in the State. From the original book of records the following entry, describing the first town-meeting in Byron, is transcribed: " At a meeting of the legal voters of Towaship nunmber 3 north, Range number five east, held at the house of Hiram Goodrich, Samuel Mapes was elected Moderator; Artimus Nelson, Clerk, pro tern.; Thomas K. Parshall, Philester Jessup, Joseph H. Rumsey, Inspectors."* At this meeting it was voted "that there shall be a Town Bounty of Three Dollars per head on Wolves caught and killed by an Inhabitant of the Town of Byron, in said township." The following township officers were elected, viz.: Supervisor, Jacob Snell; Town Clerk, Artimust Nelson; Assessors, John Van Tuyl, Russell Blood, Joseph H. Rumsey; Collector, Elisha Griswold; Directors of the Poor, Ephraim Hardy, Ellis Luther; Commissioners of Highways, Peter Y. Browning, Peter Martin, John Stone; Constables, Elisha Griswold, Israel Parshall; Justices of the Peace, Jacob Snell, Thomas K. Parshall, William C. Rumsey; School Commissioners, John Stone, Jacob Snell, Ellis Luther; School Inspectors, Samuel Mapes, William C. Rumsey. At a special election held June 6, 1837, Ephraim Hardy was chosen director of the poor, and Philester Jessup, John Stone, and John Van Tuyl, school inspectors. Before the election for I838 the name of the township had been changed to Oceola. The following list shows the officers of that township from 1838 to i879, inclusive: I838.-Supervisor, Jacob Snell; Town Clerk, Joseph H. Rumsey; Assessors, Russell Blood, John Stone, Samuel Mapes; Collector, Artemas S. Hardy; School Inspectors, William C. Rumsey, Philester Jessup, John Van Tuyl; Justice of the Peace, Joel B. Rumsey. I839.-Supervisor, Jacob Snell; Town Clerk, Joseph H. Rumsey; Treasurer, Jacob Snell; Justice of the Peace, Edwin Batcheler; Assessors, Henry D. Benjamin, A. S. Hardy, Samuel Martin; Collector, Reuben Griswold; School Inspectors, H. D. Benjamin, Joseph H. Rumsey, Jacol) Snell. 1840.-Supervisor, Jacob Snell; Town Clerk, Joseph H. Rumsey; Treasurer, Jacob Snell; Justices of the Peace, Thomas K. Parshall, Jacob Snell; Assessors, Joseph A. Pinckney, Samuel Martin, Thomas K. Parshall; Collector, Reuben Griswold; School Inspectors, H. D. Benjamin, J. B. Rumsey, Hiram Mason. I841.-Supervisor, Roswell Barnes; Town Clerk, Joseph H. Rumsey; Treasurer, Roswell Barnes; Justice of the Peace, Amos Slader; Assessors, A. S. Hardy, Ira Knight, Joel B. Rumsey; Collector, Reuben Griswold; School Inspectors, H. Mapes, Amos S. Slader, Allen C. I odges. * 13 S Norman W. Hodges and Francis Hardy paid in the year given the highest taxes in the township, those of the former amounting in all to $13.73, and of the latter to $15.37, the amount paid by others seldom ranging above four or five dollars. The total taxes for the township in 1844 were but $612.49. TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION.-CIVIL LIST. By an act of the Legislature of the State of Michigan, approved March I, 1837, "All that portion of the County of Livingston, designated in the United States survey as township three north, of ra e east," was set off and organized into a sepa township by the name of Byron, and it was directed that "the first township-meeting therein sh:: fe held at the house of Hiram Goodrich." * i837. -t So spelled by himself on the records. OCEOLA TOWNSHIP. 383 1842.-Supervisor, William C. Rumsey; Town Clerk, Russell Blood; Treasurer, Peter Y. Browning; Justices of the Peace, William C. Rumsey, Roswell Barnes; School Inspectors, H. Mapes, John Mason, Charles Van Keuren. 1843.-Supervisor, William C. Rumsey; Town Clerk, Russell Blood; Treasurer, Reuben Griswold; Justice of the Peace, Thomas K. Parshall; School Inspectors, Joel B. Rumsey, Henry L. Fry. I844.-Supervisor, William C. Rumsey; Town Clerk, Russell Blood; Treasurer, Edward Browning; Justices of the Peace, Norman Hodges, Patrick Bergin; School Inspector, John Nelson. 1845.-Supervisor, William C. Rumsey; Town Clerk, Joseph H. Rumsey; Treasurer, Joel B. Rumsey; Justice of the Peace, Benjamin B. Durfee; School Inspector, David B. Mason. I846.-Supervisor, William C. Rumsey; Town Clerk, John R. Mason; Treasurer, Samuel K. Tubbs; Justice of the Peace, William C. Rumsey; School Inspector, William P. Glover. I847.-Supervisor, Samuel K. Tubbs; Town Clerk, Russell Blood; Treasurer, John W. Botsford; Justices of the Peace, Samuel Mapes, Stephen J. Miller; School Inspector, David Mason. 1848.-Supervisor, S. K. Tubbs; Town Clerk, Russell Blood; Treasurer, John W. Botsford; Justice of the Peace, Patrick Bergin; School Inspectors, John R. Mason, Kelly S. Franklin. I849.-Supervisor, Benjamin B. Durfee; Town Clerk, Lyman Whitney; Treasurer, Ira Knight; Justices of the Peace, Henry W. Fry, John G. Horton; School Inspector, John G. Horton. 1850.-Supervisor, Samuel K. Tubbs; Town Clerk, Albert Riddle; Treasurer, Francis McKeever; Justices of the Peace, Hollon N. Lewis, Kelly S. Franklin; School Inspector, John R. Mason. I85 t.-Supervisor, Samuel K. Tubbs; Town Clerk, David B. Maconl; Treasurer, Ebenezer Cole; Justice of the Peace, Kelly S. Franklin; School Inspector, Albert Riddle. 1852.-Supervisor, Samuel K. Tubbs; Town Clerk, Kelly S. Franklin; Treasurer, Francis McKeever; Justices of the Peace, Edward Browning, Jacob M. Eager; School Inspector, John R. Mason. 1853.-Supervisor, Beniamin B. Durfee; Town Clerk, John G. Horton; Treasurer, Ebenezer Cole; Justices of the Peace, B. B. Durfee, Albert Riddle; School Inspector, Wells B. Fox. 1854.-Supervisor, Samuel K. Tubbs; Town Clerk, Martin E. Miller; Treasurer, Albert Riddle; Justices of the Peace, William Barbour, Myron Curdy; School Inspector, Joseph Blinston. I855.-Supervisor, Kelly S. Franklin; Town Clerk, Albert Riddle; Treasurer, Martin E. Miller; Justice of the Peace, Kelly S. Franklin; School Inspectors, David R. Mason, James Parker. 1856.-Supervisor, Kelly S. Franklin; Town Clerk, Albert Riddle; Treasurer, M. E. Miller; Justice of the Peace, Edward Browning; School Inspector, Jason H. Scott. 1857.-Supervisor, Samuel K. Tubbs; Town Clerk, Albert Riddle; Treasurer. M. E. Miller; Justices of the Peace, Charles Van Keuren, Joseph Blinston; School Inspector, David B. Mason. 1858.-Supervisor, Kelly S. Franklin; Town Clerk, Albert Riddle; Treasurer, Barnard Conklin; Justice of the Peace, Giles B. Armstrong; School Inspector, Calvin B. Shear. 1859.-Supervisor, Albert Riddle; Town Clerk, Joseph Blinston; Treasurer, B. Conklin; Justice of the Peace, Thomas K. Parshall; School Inspectors, James D. Botsford, Martin E. Miller. 1860.-Supervisor, Samuel K. Tubbs; Town Clerk, Joseph Blin ston; Treasurer, John C. Roberts; Justice of the Peace, Joseph Blinston; School Inspector, James McLean. I86I.-Supervisor, Albert Riddle; Town Clerk, Josephus Lare; Treasurer, Aaron Holt; Justice of the Peace, Kelly S. Franklin; School Inspector, Gordon Snell. I862.-Supervisor, Albert Riddle; Town Clerk, Josephus Lare; Treasurer, Anthony Scully; Justice of the Peace, David Powell; School Inspector, John Franklin. i863.-Supervisor, Albert Riddle; Town Clerk, Joseph Blinston; Treasurer, Anthony Scully; Justice of the Peace, James D. Botsford; School Inspector, Thomas Naun. I864.-Supervisor, Albert Riddle; Town Clerk, Joseph Blinston (resigned, and M. E. Miller appointed); Treasurer, Francis S. Hardy; Justice of the Peace, Kelly S. Franklin; School Inspector, James D. Botsford. 1865.-Supervisor, Clark Perce; Town Clerk, Theodore W. Wisner; Treasurer, Francis S. Hardy; Justice of the Peace, Kelly S. Franklin; School Inspector, James D. Botsford. i866.-Supervisor, Clark Perce; Town Clerk, T. W. Wisner; Treasurer, Francis McDonough, Jr.; Justices of the Peace, David Powell, Jason II. Scott; School Inspector, Clark Perce. I867.-Supervisor, James D. Botsford; Town Clerk, Lucius E. Riddle; Treasurer, Francis McDonough, Jr.; Justices of the Peace, James D. Botsford, John A. Van Camp; School Inspectors, Martin E. Miller, Josephus Lare. I868.-Supervisor, James D. Botsford; Town Clerk, Lucius E. Riddle; Treasurer, James Casady; Justices of the Peace, Elijah B. Hosley, Benjamin R. Townsley; School Inspectors, William J. Hazard, David F. Van Sickle. 1869.-Supervisor, William J. Hazard; Town Clerk, L. E. Riddle; Treasurer, James Casady; Justices of the Peace, M. E. Miller, D. S. Curdy, Adam Lare; School Inspector, Thomas J. Tubbs. 1870.-Supervisor, William J. Hazard; Town Clerk, James Casady; Treasurer, John Brophy; Justices of the Peace, Josephus Lare, M. E. Miller, T. R. Pardee; School Inspectors, James D. Botsford, Lucius E. Riddle. I87I.-Supervisor, Horace G. W. Frey; Town Clerk, James Casady; Treasurer, Jeremiah Batcheler; Justice of the Peace, James M. Cook; School Inspector, Cass Hooker; Drain Commissioner, John W. IBotsford. 1872.-Supervisor, Vincent Parshall; Town Clerk, James Casady; Treasurer, Richard E. Par.hall; Justice of the Peace, Elijah B. Hosley; Sch, ol Inspector, Adelbert Hetcheler; Drain Commissioner, Thomas J. Parks. 1873.-Supervisor, Elijah B. Hosley; Town Clerk, James Casady; Treasurer, Miner Bergin; Justices of the Peace, M. E. Miller, George M. Frey; School Inspector, Richard D. Bergin; Drain Commissioner, John \V. Botsford. I874.-Supervisor, E. B. Hosley; Town Clerk, James Casady; Treasurer, Samuel Tomion; Justice of the Peace, Augustus C. Fox, Sr.; School Inspectors, Josephus Lare, Benjamin Frey; Drain Commissioner, John W. Botsford. 1875.-Supervisor, John W. Botsford; Town Clerk, Jeremiah Batcheler; Treasurer, Samuel Tomion; Justices of the Peace, J. D. Botsford, Anthony Scully; Township Superintendent of Schools, Richard D. Bergin; School Inspector, Josephus Lare; Drain Commissioner, Robert R. Warren. 1876.-Supervisor, Vincent Parshall; Town Clerk, Jeremiah Batcheler; Treasurer, Danford Parker; Justice of the Peace, Benj. F. Andrews; Township Superintendent of Schools, W. G. Smith; School Inspector, Josephus Lare; Drain Commissioner, R. R. Warren (two years). 1877. —Supervisor, H. L. Van Camp; Town Clerk, David Powell; Treasurer, Thomas E. Barron; Justice of the Peace, Franklin E. Miller; School Superintendent, P. V. M. Botsfordl; School Inspector, Benjamin Frey. 1878.-Supervisor, Homer L. Van Camp; Town Clerk, David 34 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Powell; Treasurer, Thomas Barron; Justices of the Peace, Anthony Scully, Jeremiah Batcheler; School Superintendent, T. S. S. Curdy; School Inspector, Benjamin Frey; Drain Commissioner, Patrick Feeny. 1879.-Supervisor, Horace G. W. Frey; Town Clerk, John Powers; Treasurer, Stephen J. Miller; Justice of the Peace, Lewis C. Crittenden; School Superintendent, Thomas S. S. Curdy; School Inspector, Benjamin Frey; Drain Commissioner, Bela Scott. OCEOLA GRANGE, No. I64, PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY, was organized about I873. Its first Master was E. R. Merrithew. A building from a locality near by was moved, and used as a grange hall. After an existence of several years the grange became so much reduced in numbers that- it was finally discontinued. THE RIDDLE CEMETERY is the principal one in the township to which it belongs. The spot was selected by Elijah Riddle (father of Sallu Riddle), who came here about 1840 or 1841, and he was the first person buried in it. Others who had died previously, and been buried in various parts of town, were taken up and removed to the cemetery when it was made ready for use. Among the pioneers and aged people buried here are the following, viz.: Harvey Parks and wife; the latter died in 1869. Peter Y. Browning, died June 21, 1873, aged 78 years. John Holmes, died Jan. 20, 1877, aged 63 years. Sarah, his.wife, died March 9, I868, aged 65 years. Jacob Westervelt, died Feb. 8, I866, aged 88 years. Elisha Stockwell, died May 21, 1855, aged 82 years. Charles Chambers, died May 29, 1863, aged 80 years. Mary B., his wife, died Jan. 18, 1863, aged 86 years. Alba Sheppard, died Dec. 5, I866, aged 79 years. Henson Walker, died Nov. 20, 1853, aged 66 years. Sheldon Beebe, died Dec. 8, 1857, aged 71 years. Hannah, his wife, died Aug. 7, 1855, aged 58 years. Celestia, wife of T. K. Parshall, died May 21, 1857, aged 48 years. Hannah, wife of Sam'l Brown, died Oct. 13, 1846, aged 68 years. Andrew Ferguson, died Nov. 7, I865, aged 73 years. Betsey, his wife, died July 14, 1853, aged 52 years. Harriet, wife of E. J. Hardy, died April 5, 1859, aged 36 years. Rebecca, wife of E. J. Hardy, died Jan. 25, I876, aged 51 years. Artemas S. Hardy, (lied Sept. 29, 1846, aged 36 years. Evoline, his widow, and wife of Rev. J. G. Horton, died Aug. 6, 1858, aged 37 years. Ephraim Hardy, (lied Oct. 12, 1838, aged 59 years. Clarissa, his wife, died Nov. 25, 1869, aged 83 years. Cephas Hardy, died Sept. I, I85I, aged 33 years. Susan, wife of Amos Walterhouse, died April 24, 185I, aged 46 years. Sallu Riddle, died Feb. I7, 1863, aged 59 years. Oliva, his wife, died Aug. 24, I860, aged 54 years. Elijah Riddle, died Oct. 10, 1842, aged 70 years. Joseph H. Rumsey, died Oct. 17, 1852, aged 48 years. Mary Ann, his wife, died Sept. 29, 1852, aged 40 years. Abigail, wife of Edwin Batcheler, died March 31, 1854, aged 35 years. Otis Batheler, died April 19, I855, aged 62 years. el Wisi'er, di0d Jan. 8, 1864, aged 73 years. Hannah, his wife, died Feb. 6, I865, aged 72 years. Rev. John G. Horton, died July 30, I870, aged 58 years. Paulina, his wife, died Dec. 25, 1867, aged 50 years. SCHOOLS. The first school in the township now known as Oceola was taught in the summer of 1837, in a log school-house which was built that year on land owned by Andrew Riddle,* in what is now School District No. i, then known as the " Rumsey District." The same land is now the property of Daniel Whitaker. This first school was taught by Fidelia Persons, and was quite largely attended, as the neighboring settlers had generally large families. Especially was it the case with Daniel Whitaker, who was the father of fifteen children. There were pupils also from the families of Samuel Glover, Joseph and Joel Rumsey, Ellis Luther, Henson Walker, Joseph Pinckney, McKinstry Sanders, and probably that of Ephraim Hardy. This was the first school district organized in the township, and still retains the original number,-one. A frame school-house was subsequently built three-fourths of a mile east of the site of the old one. For some time the school in the " Rumsey district" was the nearest one which children fiom the western portion of town could attend. Some of Charles Van Keuren's family went to it in I838. His daughter, Miss Martha Van Keuren, who had enjoyed the educational advantages of New York City, could not easily become accustomed to the ways of a backwoods school, and it was very much of a novelty to her. The log school-house was occupied by Daniel Whitaker as a dwelling after its abandonment for school purposes. On what is now the Browning Place a log school-house was built in the fall of I837, and was very likely the second one erected in the township. One of the earlier teachers-although probably not the first-was Miss Mary Nelson. The log school-houses of the pioneer days exist at present but in the memory of those who helped to raise them, or attended beneath their roofs the primitive schools which there were taught. The buildings of the old model and material long ago gave place to the more modern edifices, and neatlypainted school-houses now exist in the majority of districts. From the report of the township school inspectors for the year ending Sept. 2, 1878, the following table is made, showing the condition at that time of the various schools in the township: Number of whole districts........................................... 6 Number of fractional districts...................................... 3 Number of children of school age................................. 345 * Mr. Riddle was a Scotchman, and, as previously stated, the father of Mrs. William McPherson, of Howell. - - 4 I. I -,, - - -,,. I -,,, ,, -.,,;: , 7, 1 7,,;-,T'v. lw,, - i,; M. " o " -11, - 7; , -!!! : It - , I. - - . - -.111 -,,. --,, 1. ; I I ',. I:.. ", -,,. I j. I, I I., . - I. -,..!,. -,. 1. ..; . 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. - -~~~~.7 I 11.., I -1. I, 11 I I I 11. -," - - _t,,, 'i, '.. M, - *.,A —f , * - .- tl 't, I. I ; ' ` .: -.. I I I qa I -00,.15 $la -, AN-4i I,._v, I. RES1ODENCE~.FE. J. &E.W HAKUT' Y BREEDEIRS Or REGISTERED MEH' IL: ~_ i;___:I -~~::;-:i::..i~i~~:~~1~r; ~..i,ibc.-~~:;~"-; ~i ~"r OLA CENTRE, LIVINGSTON CO.. MICH. & SHORT HORNED CATTLE. SKETCHED FROM LI FE. I I PETER Y. BROWNING. MRS. PETER Y. BROWNING. PETER Y. BROWNING. The gentleman whose name heads this article was one of the most prominent of the early settlers in Oceola township. He was born in the State of Connecticut, in 1794. His father, a farmer, moved at an early day with a large family to Dutchess Co., N. Y. The son, who lived and worked with his father on the old farm for a number of years, was married in November, 1820, to Miss Sarah Ann Cramer, daughter of his nearest neighbor. He shortly after moved to Kinderhook, N. Y., where he stayed one year with his brother. He then hired a farm for seven years, but only remained four years upon it, after which he gave its control into the hands of his brother-in-law. He soon after leased six hundred acres in Livingston Manor, Columbia Co., and engaged for four years in an extensive dairy business. He finally purchased a farm in Henrietta, and lived upon it three years. The " Michigan fever" at last attacked him, and after selling his farm he came through, with a wagon, to this State, purchased four hundred and fifty acres of wild land from the government in Oceola township, and built a log house. At that time the town contained but few settlers. After purchasing his land he had but little left, but in the course of time was greatly prospered. Township offices were given him,-treasurer, etc., and he was also an early postmaster. At his death, in June, 1873, he left his widow in very comfortable circumstances, and she is managing the affairs of her fine farm of over two hundred and seventy-five acres, with her children all living around her. Her daughter married Mr. Armstrong, and is living in the township. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Browning are the following, viz.: EDWARD, born Aug. 23, 1821. JACOB C., born May 14, 1824. ELLEN B., born May 14, 1826. ROBERT B., born Sept. 15, 1828. JEREMIAH, born Nov. ii, 1830. JOHN, born March 23, 1833; died at San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 22, 1 870. JOSEPH, born Jan. 13, 1838. OCEOLA TOWNSHIP. 385 Attendance during year........................................... 306 Number of school-houses (frame)............................. 9 Value of property.................................................. $2880 Number of male teachers employed........................... 7 Number of female teachers employed......................... 12 Amount paid male teachers...................................... 630.25 Amount paid female teachers.................................... 59o oo Total receipts for the year....................................... 2212.39 Amount on hand Sept. 2, 1878................................ 261.31 Total expenses, less amount on hand.................. $95I.08 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. Probably the first sermon preached in the township of Oceola was that delivered in May, 1836, at the house of Henry Neff, by Mrs. Neff's brother, William Wright. In the spring of 1838 the first denominational meetings in town were held by the Presbyterians, at the log house of Ephraim Hardy, Rev. Mr. Clark officiating. He was a young man who then lived in the township of Green Oak. The Presbyterians have at present no society in town. Rev. William Page, a Presbyterian divine, purchased land in Oceola in 1836. He is said to have been the first Presbyterian preacher who delivered a sermon in Howell. The first Methodist class in the township was formed at the Browning school-house, in May, 1840. In the northern portion of town the inhabitants for a number of years joined with others and held meetings two miles north, in Deerfield; but finally, about I850, they organized a separate Methodist class, and convened for worship in the school-house in the Parker and Taft neighborhood. Here their meetings were held until 1873, during which year their present neat frame church edifice was erected, the dedication occurring in the month of August. Among the early ministers who preached here were Revs. Horton, May, Westlake, Kilpatrick, and Millard. The present pastor is Rev. Mr. Birdsall, who has charge also at "The Bogue," in Cohoctah, at Deer Creek, in Deerfield, and in the Green neighborhood, west from the church. The membership of the Oceola society is about 20. UNION CHURCH, OCEOLA CENTRE. The Congregational and Methodist denominations had for some time held meetings in this vicinity, occupying the school-houses. In February, 1870, a gathering was held at the house of Ephraim J. Hardy, and the subject of building a church was brought up. It met with such a favorable reception that a committee was the next day appointed, with executive powers, and the building was soon begun. Upon the Ioth of July following it was dedicated, free from debt, and from that time the society-Union, and not denominational-has had a surplus in its treasury. The two societies 49 which had been previously organized-Congregational and Methodist-furnished the greater portion of the building fund, but were aided largely by outsiders, and the structure, although owned by a Union society, was dedicated as a Methodist Episcopal church. It is a fine frame building, at present occupied regularly by the Methodists, who have a membership numbering about 40. The pastor is Rev. Mr. Lyon, of Hartland, which is also in his charge. A Catholic society has existed for a number of years in the eastern part of town, and has a church and cemetery at the line between Oceola and Hartland, east of Oceola Centre post-office. On section 31 the manufacture of brick and drain-tile is carried on to considerable extent by J. Brayton. The quality of his wares is said by those competent to judge to be excellent. Among the many who have furnished valuable information to the writer in this township are Thomas K. Parshall, Nathan M. Sanders, Mrs. Roswell Pettibone, Richard Walker, Ezra Whitaker (of Howell), Charles Van Keuren and family, Lucius E. Riddle, Amos Walterhouse and wife,the latter formerly Mrs. Russell Blood,-Archibald Nelson, Samuel and Edwin Batcheler, Ephraim J. Hardy, Charles P. Hardy (of Du Page Co., Ill.), Anson C. Briggs (of Howell), William Barbour and William C. Rumsey (both of Howell), and numerous others, to all of whom sincere acknowledgments are tendered. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. EPHRAIM J. HARDY. Prominent among the business men and pioneers of the township of Oceola, is found the gentleman whose name appears above. He is one of a family of six children, and was born in Sudbury, Rutland Co., Vt., in 18I7. His father, Ephraim Hardy, led the life of a farmer. He was a strictly moral man, although he never united with any religious society. In November, 1835, he removed with his family to Michigan, and entered one hundred and sixty acres of land in what is now Oceola township. A log house was built, into which the family moved in the spring of 1836, after having remained in Washtenaw County during the winter. The removal took place May Ist. The log house is yet standing, in a fair state of preservation. Six families settled in the township the same spring, yet the neighbors of Mr. Hardy were of considerable 386 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. distance from his place.* Living so far in the wilderness, the family was necessarily subject to many trials and some discomfort. To get milling done it was necessary to go with an ox-team to Ann Arbor. In the matter of worldly possessions they were, however, better off than many of the pioneers of the region, for their live stock numbered thirteen head of cattle, five sheep, and three hogs. The elder Hardy died at the age of fifty-eight years, and of his children but two are now living, -Ephraim J., on the old farm, and Charles, in Du Page Co., Ill., where he removed at an early day. On the 22d of December, 1841, Ephraim J. Hardy was married to Miss Harriet Haines, who died in I859, after becoming the mother of seven children, of whom but two are now living. July 10, 1859, Mr. Hardy was married to Miss Rebecca Haines, whose death occurred Jan. 25, 1876. In March, 1878, he a third time entered the matrimonial state, being then wedded to Miss Esther Murray. Mr. Hardy owned at one time nearly seven hundred acres of land, but has divided it among his children. In I848 or 1849 he began to breed and deal in fine-wooled sheep, starting with a choice herd purchased in Vermont. He was careful to buy none but the best, and with one exception has bred only the Spanish Merinos. He has had in flock at one time as many as seven hundred, and in the autumn of 1879 was the owner of three hundred. His sheep have generally been awarded most of the premiums at the various places where they have been exhibited, and his farm has also taken the first premium as a model for general improvements and excellence. In 1874, Mr. Hardy began dealing in short-horn cattle, and has at present eight thoroughbreds in his herd. For some years previously his cattle were of a choice grade. Politically, Mr. Hardy is a Republican, having espoused the cause of that party at its birth in 1854, and has been a faithful supporter of its principles to the present day. He has occupied various positions of prominence in his townshipt and county. In i861 he was appointed postmaster at Oceola Centre, and continues to discharge the duties of the office. For a number of years he was Commissioner of Highways, and assisted in laying out most of the roads in the township. His father's house was among the first built in Oceola, but few families having previously settled. Mr. Hardy was one of the original board of directors of the Livingston County Agricultural Society, and has been one of its main-stays in the years which have since elapsed.j HIe was for a number of years its president. lie was also one of the organizers of the Livingston County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and was chosen its first president, serving eight years; and his administration of its affairs was most judicious and beneficial to the company. As a citizen, Mr. Hardy ranks among the most respected in his neighborhood and throughout the region of his acquaintance. His residence is situated opposite (south of) the time-worn log dwelling built by his father, which has received the buffetings of the storms of forty winters. J. A. VAN CAMP. Mr. Van Camp was born in Kingwood township, Hunterdon Co., N. J., in i808. At the age of sixteen he went to the State of New York and hired to Thomas Burt, who owned a farm and a black Photo. by Brown, Howell. J. A. VAN CAMP. smith-shop. After a short time he went to Springport and engaged at blacksmithing. While working at his trade in Ulysses, Tompkins Co., N. Y., he was married, on the I4th of December, I828, to Miss Catharine Cole. In I835 he removed with her to Michigan, and after a short stay in Oakland County, removed to Green Oak, Livingston Co. He made most of the iron-work in the old Woodruff mill, and while there he earned money enough to purchase forty acres of land. He finally sold out 5 Mr. Hardy and Mr. Tully, in the days when the agricultural society was but in its infancy, and its receipts were comparatively inadequate to cover expenses, gave their own notes for its support. The stock business of Mr. Hardy, especially that in which his sheep figure, is quite extensive, and he is well known among firstclass breeders and dealers. * See history of township. t See list of township officers. OCEOLA TOWNSHIP. 387 and built a small house and shop at the toll-gate, where he made most of the iron-work for Peck & Campbell. He at length went to Detroit, and purchased one hundred and ten acres of land in the township of Oceola, on which he is now living. Subsequent purchases have increased the size of his farm to two hundred and seven acres. Mr. Van Camp was perhaps the pioneer blacksmith in the county of Livingston. Politically he is a Democrat; although many times the choice of his townsmen as the person to fill various offices, he would only accept that of Highway Commissioner. WILLIAM HAZARD. Mr. Hazard, who is a native of Steuben Co., N. Y., came with his father, Chester Hazard, to Genoa township in 1836. With the exception of a year spent at school before leaving New York, he I quire an education, he attended the district school during a few months in the winter. He remained at home until twenty-five years of age, and after the death of his father was married to Miss Fidelia Cole, daughter of one of the pioneers of Green Oak township. A short time later he purchased forty acres of wild land, upon which he built a cheap dwelling. A new house was in i871 destroyed by fire, since which he has built another at a cost of fifteen hundred dollars. Mr. and Mrs. Walker are the parents of four children, of whom all except the oldest daughter,-married to Mr. W. Eager,-are living at home. Mr. Walker is now the owner of a fine farm of one hundred and forty acres well improved. RICHARD WALKER. Henson Walker, the father of the above named person, was born in the State of Maryland about 1789, and was a farmer. In 1809 he moved with his family to the State of New York, and rented a farm near Clifton Springs. After moving from place to place for a few years, he finally emigrated with his family of eight children to Michigan. After staying a few months in Washtenaw County he moved into Livingston, and settled in Oceola township, where he built first a shanty and then a log house. This was in the winter of I834-35.* Richard Walker purchased eighty acres of land for himself, and remained with his father until twenty years of age, when he went to Washtenaw County and worked with his brother three years on shares. He then returned to Livingston, and for five years was employed by Mr. Buckland. He was married to Miss Elizabeth Goeway, who bore him five children. She died after they had been married fourteen years, and September 3, 1865, he was married to Mrs. Caroline Cash, by whom he has had four children, she having by her first husband one son. Mr. Walker has at present an excellent farm, containing two hundred and twenty acres. EDWARD BROWNING. Edward Browning was born in Kinderhook, N. Y., in August, 182I, and in the fall of 1836 came with his father to Livingston Co., Mich. The family consisted of seven children, and settled in Oceola. A log house was erected for their accommodation. Edward Browning remained with his father about twelve years, and was then married to Miss Helen Beebe, the daughter of an old settler. For nearly twenty years they continued to live in the old log house. Three children were born to Photo. by Brown, Howell. WILLIAM HAZARD. resided with his father until i856, assisting in the management of the latter's farm. In the year named he was married to Miss Cynthia Wait, of Howell, and this couple are the parents of three children,-one son and two daughters,-all living at home. In 1869, Mr. Hazard was elected supervisor of his township, and held the position three years. He is at present Superintendent of the County Poor, and has continued in that capacity five years. In his own township he has held every office except that of treasurer. Politically, Mr. Hazard is a Democrat. ROBERT WALKER. This gentleman, born in the State of New York, in I831, came with his father to Oceola township, in I835. When of sufficient age to begin to ac * See history of Oceola township. 388 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. them, of which number but one-a son-is living; he married Miss Wealthy Kellogg, and all live in the same home. Mr. Browning was the fourth person to hold the office of postmaster* in the township, being appointed under President Buchanan, and continuing in the position four years. His farm —which first included eighty acres, earned by him in seven years' work for his father-now comprises four hundred acres, of which forty belong to his son John. The latter also owns a half interest with T. A. Walker —another early settler-in a flouring-mill at Parshallville. The farm is one of the best in the township. Wool-growing and wheat-raising are extensively engaged in by Mr. Browning. John, the son, has two children, a son and a daughter. ROBERT BROWNING. This gentleman was born in Dutchess Co., N. Y., Sept. I5, I828, and accompanied his father, Peter Y. Browning, to Livingston Co., Mich., in I836, coming by wagon through Canada. He was one of six children who were with their parents in that journey. The family occupied the log house which was built for them on the farm in Oceola township. Robert Browning remained on the home farm until after he was twenty-one years of age, and in I852 started for the golden land of promise, California. On his arrival at Omaha, he was taken sick and could go no farther. His parents, learning of his illness, went after him and brought him back to his home. In the spring of 1853, he and his brother John started on a much longer journey, their objective point being for Australia. There they remained several years, and Robert, after they had returned to this country, spent four years in Nevada and California, visiting also Oregon, Idaho, Utah, and Washington Territory, and finally returned home, leaving his brother in San Francisco, and worked on the old farm for three years. Aug. 22, I870, he was married to Miss Delia Delano, youngest daughter of Israel Delano, a pioneer of Hartland township, in which the daughter was born. He purchased one hundred and forty acres from his father and Mr. McGuire, built a house, and now resides with his family near the old home. Mr. and Mrs. Browning are the parents of one daughter, who is living at home. TYRONE TOWNSHIP. IN the extreme northeast corner of Livingston County, bordering upon the counties of Genesee and Oakland, lies the township of Tyrone, which contains the highest rolling lands and presents more of the elements of the picturesque in its natural scenery than any other portion of the county to which it belongs. The beautiful rolling lands of Oakland, which have made that county famous in Michigan for its romantic and picturesque landscapes, extend over the line into this county, and in this northern tier of towns, gradually subside into the level lands of Conway and of the adjoining county of Ingham. In the northeastern part of Tyrone these knolls rise to the dignity of hills. The highest point of ground within the limits of the township, where the rise of the swells and knolls finally culminate in a bold, rounded hill, is at a place known as " The Bluff," which lies on the northeast corner of section 15. It is a high, wooded knoll running east and west, and thickly covered with a growth of oak-trees and saplings. From its summit the most extensive view in this vicinity is afforded, embracing parts of four counties,Livingston, Oakland, Genesee, and Shiawassee. It is asserted by some that this is the highest point in the southern peninsula, but a comparison with other points disproves this, for in Osceola County the surface rises several hundred feet higher than here, and in the town of Reading, in Hillsdale County, is the highest land in the State south of the Saginaw and Grand River Valleys. The surface of the town is somewhat difficult to describe correctly, because it is so varied in its character. The eastern and northern parts are the most rolling, and the western and southern parts the least uneven. The roughest part of the town is about the centre, where the hills rise more abruptly and to a greater height. The soil, like the surface, is greatly diversified and very irregular in its distribution, consisting of all varieties, from lightest sand to heavy clay, found mixed and intermingled in all parts of the town. As a rule, * Said also to have been second postmaster, instead of fourth. TYRONE TOWNSHIP. 389 the knolls are made up of a light sandy and gravelly loam, while the lower lands have a clayey loam or alluvial soil. The lands of this town were of the kind known as timbered openings, with a little scattered timbered land in some parts, and considerable marsh and tamarack swamp in the vicinity of the water-courses. In the north part of the town is a chain of small lakes, the waters of which are discharged through a common outlet, which forms a tributary of North Ore Creek, and through that stream reaches the Shiawassee River, in Genesee County. These lakes are all very similar in character, resembling in general features most of the lakes of Southern Michigan, having a sandy or muddy bottom, and being generally surrounded by a marsh of greater or less width. The first of them lies in the east central part of section 13. Its waters pass into Sackner's Lake, which covers some 20 or 30 acres, and lies across the line partly in section 12, but mostly in section 13. Another small lake on section 12 receives the outlet of these lakes and unites their overflow with its own. From it the stream passes in a northwesterly and then in a westerly direction until it reaches another lake, on the north line of section io. From this the stream passes through two small lakes in section 3, and, bending southward, reaches the north end of Runyan Lake, near the northeast corner of section 9. This lake is the largest one in the town, and also possesses the most picturesque features. Lying almost wholly in section 9, it reaches across the line into section o0 at two points, and covers an area of about I60 acres. Its shores are quite bold in some places, and the surrounding marsh is less extensive than about most of the other lakes. In the south part are two pretty little islands that add very much to its beauty. From Runyan Lake the stream passes through the south part of section 4, and enters Hoisington Lake near the south quarter line of section 5. This lake is of about the same size as Sackner's Lake..The stream leaves it at a point nearly opposite its entrance and runs westerly across sections 5 and 6 till it enters Laird Lake, near the south centre of the section. Aside from those already mentioned there are six other small lakes,-one on section 9, one on section 24, one on section 25, one on section 34, and two, known as Corey's Lakes, on section 22. The stream we have described is the second in size in Tyrone, the most important stream being North Ore Creek, which, rising in some of the towns to the southward, enters this town from Hartland at the village of Parshallville, on the southeast corner of section 31, and running in a somewhat irregular northwesterly course through sections 31, 30, 19, and 18, passes into the town of Deerfield, about one hundred rods south of the northwest corner of the last-named section. Its course is through a narrow, marshy valley, bordered by hills, and is marked by a nearly continuous growth of tamarack. It derives its name from the fact that many of the springs along its course, more especially those near its source, are more or less impregnated with iron, giving their waters in many cases quite a tinge of dull-red color. Another creek rising in the same locality, possessing the same peculiarities, and running southward, was first christened Ore Creek, so that this stream, to distinguish between them, is called North Ore Creek. The only other stream of any size in this town is called Cornell Creek, after Isaac Cornell, who first built a mill upon its banks, and takes its rise in the southeast part of the town. Its course is generally westerly, though it makes quite a detour to the north, and leads through sections 34, 27, 28, 33, and 32, to the North Ore Creek, which it joins a few rods south of the west-quarter line of the last-named section. At the time when this town was first settled by the whites, Indians were quite numerous in the vicinity at almost all seasons of the year, but only as they roamed the forest in pursuit of game, or fished upon the placid bosoms of the lakes. Their villages were miles away to the north and south, and when visiting this part of their domain they usually traveled in small companies of one or more. families. They were perfectly friendly in their relations with the whites, and fished, hunted, traded, and associated with them upon the best of terms. Perhaps the best preserved relic of the race in this town is the Indian mound upon the farm of M. M. Hillman, in the north part of section 5. It is a circular mound some i8 or 20 feet in diameter, and has an elevation of 4 or 5 feet above the general surface. Upon it a number of oak-trees are growing, and since the time of settlement no stroke of mattock or spade has been permitted to desecrate the spot, but it has been suffered to remain in its original form, save as the destructive touches of time and the elements may have changed or modified its outlines. Sherman Stevens, of Pontiac, one of the earliest of the Indian traders of this section, said that the mound was the burial-place of a famous Indian chief whose name and deeds have now long been forgotten. Lying, as it did, near the separation of the Detroit and Huron trails, it was frequently visited by parties of Indians, who invariably approached it with reverence, and were peculiarly reticent regarding its nature and use. They were 390 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. always grateful to Mr. Hillman for his care of the spot. We have referred to the Indian trails which crossed this town. They were numerous, but most of them were minor trails leading along the most eligible routes between the different lakes and hunting-grounds. The principal one was the one known as the Shiawassee trail, leading from Shiawassee town to Detroit. Along this the Indians used to travel when going to Detroit on their way to Canada to draw the annuity paid them by the British government. It entered Tyrone at a point about three-eighths of a mile east of the northwest corner of section 5, and followed a nearly southeast course till it left the town near the east quarter-post of section 13. At a point a few rods west of M. M. Hillman's house, on section 5, the trail divided the branch trail, taking a northeasterly course to Fenton, and continuing to the foot of Lake Huron. From this point of separation the main trail was called the Detroit trail, and the other the Huron trail. The course of the former has been preserved by the survey, at an early day, of what is known as the Shiawassee or White Lake road, which follows the old trail very closely. Another trail, known as the Ann Arbor trail, left the Detroit trail near its intersection with the quarter line in the south part of section 4, which followed a southwest course till it reached the east line pf section 8, where it turned and ran directly south till it passed into Hartland. The course of these trails was usually well defined, and notwithstanding the fact that forty years have elapsed since their general use was abandoned, traces still remain in some localities which enable the expert woodman to designate their former position. SETTLEMENT. The town of Tyrone remained in the possession of the wild animals and Indians until the spring of 1834, when the'tide of emigration began to set towards this Western land, and scores, hundreds, and thousands of Eastern men and their families were borne upon its swelling waves to the spots upon which they were to rear homes for themselves and their descendants. Below is given a list of the persons who took up land in Tyrone from the government; those who actually settled in the town being designated by an asterisk (*) to distinguish them from non-resident owners. The entries of land in this town, the names of the purchasers, their several places of former residence, the size of their purchases, and the date when entered will be found in the following list, compiled and copied from the tract-book of Livingston County. The first por tion comprises those persons who made purchases upon more than one section, and is as follows: Charles Neer and Dyer Throop, Saratoga Co., N. Y., June I6, 1836, 317.45 acres on section I, 80 acres on section II, and 440 acres on section 12. Phineas H. Smith, Orange Co., N. Y., June 9, 1836, 80 acres on section 2, and 80 acres on section I I. Henry Isaacs, I-illsborough Co., N. H., June II, 1836, 557.83 acres on section 2, and June I, 1836, 480 acres on section I0. Henry and Van Rensselaer Hawkins, Genesee Co., N. Y., June I4, I836, section 25, 640 acres, and June 27, 1836, 120 acres on section 3, i60 acres on section 8, and 200 acres on section 32. Jirah Hillman,* Lewis Co., N. Y., May IO, 1836, 96.36 acres on section 4, and 49.45 acres on section 5. William Beamer,* of this county, Dec. I, 1853, 40 acres on section 9, and Nov. I8, 1854, 40 acres on section 5. Isaac Morton,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 9, 1836, I84.92 acres on section 7, and May I7, 1836, 80 acres on section I8. Darius Lamson, Wayne Co., Mich., Aug. 3, 1836, 320 acres on section 27; Sept. 24, 1836, 8o acres on section II, and Oct. 25, 1836, 8o acres on section II. William Thomson,* Seneca Co., N. Y., April 12, 1836, I6o acres on section 13, and i6o acres on section 24. Henry Druse, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June I8, 1836, 8o acres on section 14, and I6o acres on section 26. Bennett D. Tripp, Wayne Co., N. Y., June 27, 1836, I6o acres on section 14, 120 acres on section 15, and 360 acres on section 22. Benjamin B. Kercheval, Wayne Co., Mich., Oct. 29, 1836, 35.54 acres on section 31, and Dec. 17, 1836, 8o acres on section 14. James Love,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., July I, I835, 80 acres on section 27, 40 acres on section 28, 40 acres on section 33, and 40 acres on section 34. Francis Morse, Livingston Co., N. Y., May Io, 1836, 80 acres on section 20, and May I6, 1836, 8o acres on section I7. Henry and Morris M. Seabott, Cayuga Co., N. Y., May 21, 1836, 80 acres on section I7, and 640 acres on section 21. William N. Austin,* Orleans Co., N. Y., May 5, 1836, 8o acres on section 20, and May 29, 1836, 8o acres on section 19. David L. Babcock,* this county, Oct. 2, 1836, 8o acres on section 19, and Oct. 29, 1836, 8o acres on section 20. James McKeone,* Wayne Co., Mich., Oct. 26, 1836, 40 acres on section 30, and Nov. 14, 1836, 109.32 acres on section 19. James Murphy,* Wayne Co., Mich., Nov. 26, 1836, 40 acres on section 19, and 40 acres on section 30. John J. Dickson, Wayne Co., N. Y., June 6, 1836, 240 acres on section 20, 89 acres on section 22, and 129 acres on section 29. Jacob Chrispell,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Dec. 29, 1835, 8o acres on section 29, and Feb. 20, 1839, 40 acres on section 20. Cyrus F. Kneeland and Henry Ball, Monroe Co., N. Y., June 13, 1836, 80 acres on section 22, and the whole of section 23. Hiram Bellows, Franklin Co., Vt., June 14, 1836, 8o acres on section 24, and 320 acres on section 36, and June 25, 1836, 80 acres on section 22. Ira Bellows, Monroe Co., N. Y., June 14, 1836, 320 acres on section 24, 320 acres on section 36, and June 25, 1836, I6o acres on section 22. John A. Wells,* Wayne Co., Mich., Sept. 17, 1835, 320 acres on section 26, and 640 acres on section 35, and Sept. 23, 1836, 120 acres on section 27. Isaac Cornell,* this county, March 20, I835r 40 acres on section 28, 80 acres on section 29, and 120 acres on section 32. Henry A. Cornell,* this county, March 20, 1835, 40 acres on section 33, and Sept. 23, 1836, 8o acres on section 30, and 40 acres on section 32. George H. Blumberg, Oakland Co., Mich., April 9, 1863, 80 acres on section 32, and 40 acres on section 33. DAVID COLWELL. GEORGE CORNELL. DAVID COLWELL was born in the town of Richfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., Jan. 21, I8oo. He was the son of Daniel Colwell and Thankful Paine, both natives of Rhode Island. They emigrated to Otsego previous to their marriage, which took place about the year I799. When David was eighteen months old his father moved to Ontario County and settled near Geneva, where he died in I823. But little is known of his history further than that he was a farmer, lived a comparatively uneventful life, but was a remarkable man physically,-a giant in stature, his usual weight being three hundred and sixty pounds. When sixteen years of age David was apprenticed to the trade of cloth-dressing, which occupation he followed many years. In 1825 he went to Allegany Co., N. Y., where he built a mill and established himself in his business. The project proving unremunerative, he removed to Coshocton, where he resided until his emigration to Michigan. His first visit to the Peninsula State was made in I834, at which time he purchased the farm upon which he now resides. Returning to New York he followed his business until I836, when he came on with his family, which consisted of his wife and six children, David G., of Fenton, being the eldest. Since that time he has been a resident of the town and one of its prominent pioneers. The life of Mr. Colwell has been devoted strictly to the cares of his business and his family. It is in keeping with the self-abnegation of such men that they retire to the background and quietly look on as the great and varied interests, of which they laid the foundation, grow in prominence and utility. In May, I824, Mr. Colwell was married to Hannah A., daughter of John Gilbert, Esq., of Benton, Ontario Co., N. Y. She was born in Fayette, Seneca Co., N. Y., in August, I803. They have reared a family of eight children, five of whom are living, viz.: David G., Thankful A., wife of A. B. Donaldson, of Fenton; Hannah A., now Mrs. William Owen; Elvira E., wife of E. H. Dickerman; Mary A., wife of Benjamin Byron. John P. died at the age of twenty-two years. Mr. Colwell is now in his seventy-ninth year, and apparently hale and hearty. For forty-three years he has been identified with the interests of Tyrone, and is well worthy of the position he holds among the founders of Livingston County. GEORGE CORNELL, whose name is mentioned in the history of Tyrone as one of its early settlers, and who has been prominently identified with the town, was born in Washington Co., N. Y., Nov. I, I812. At the age of sixteen he started out in life for himself without a cent of capital. He worked at farming and as a teamster until the fall of 1834, when he came to Tyrone and entered a tract of eighty acres of land, opposite that of his brother Isaac. In I836 he was married to Miss Eliza Williams, by whotn he has had five children, two sons and three daughters. Mr. Cornell is one of Tyrone's best citizens, a man universally respected for his sterling qualities. He has well performed his part in the development of the town, and his record as a citizen and a neighbor is untarnished. He is a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. TYRONE TOWNSHIP. 391 SECTION I. Acres. agara Co., N. Y., May 28, I836......... 80 Wayne Co., N. Y., Feb. 20, I838...... 80 Chester Wilson, Orleans Co., N. Y., June 3, 1836, 40 acres on section 33, and 240 acres on section 34. The second portion of the list is, for convenience, given by sections, and includes the persons who made purchases on one section only: SECTION I. Acres. Joseph C. Blake, Monroe Co., N. Y., June 3, 836.......... 80 Egbert Hoffman, Monroe Co., N. Y., June 4, I836......... 8 Moses Warren Scott, Saratoga Co., N. Y., June 25, I836.. 159.66 SECTION 3. Charles Wright, Ni William Dunning, Seth N. Howell,* Oakland Co., Mich., March I, 1838..... Leonard Brooks, Genesee Co., Mich., March 3, 1855...... 8o 80 SECTION 12. Henry Larned,* Yates Co., N. Y., May 25, I836........... 40 Philip Brewer, Niagara Co., N. Y., May 28, I836........... 6o SECTION 13. Ezra Thayre, Oakland Co., Mich., May 2, 1836............ 40 John Blair, Seneca Co., N. Y., June 13, 1836.............. 320 Elias B. Holmes, Monroe Co., N. Y., June I4, 1836....... 120 SECTION 14. George Dibble,* Lapeer Co., Mich., March 18, 1834....... Daniel D. Runyan,* Oakland Co., Mich., Feb. 19, 1836... Catharine Runyan,* Oakland Co., Mich., April 23, I836.. Melvin Dorr, Oakland Co., Mich., June i6, 1836............ Marshall J. Bacon, Wayne Co., Mich., Aug. 2, I836....... Isaac S. Taylor,* Oakland Co., Mich., May -, I837....... SECTION 4. Julian Bishop, Genesee Co., Mich., July 9, I835............ Vincent Runyan, Oakland Co., Mich., July I6, 1835....... Isaac Ayres,* Oakland Co., Mich., Nov. 9, I835........... Robert Ayres,* Oakland Co., Mich., Nov. 9, I835.......... Consider Warner, Genesee Co., N. Y., Feb. 20, 1836...... Harriet Bryan, Genesee Co., Mich., May 7, 1836............ David Colwell,* Steuben Co., N. Y., June 4, 1836.......... John Thomas, Wayne Co., N. Y., Sept. 23, I836............ 88.o5 8o 40 80o 163.80 8o David N. Blood, Monroe Co., N. Y., June i8, I836........ William R. Mudge, Monroe Co., N. Y., Dec. I6, 1836.... Levi Stockwell, Oakland Co., Mich., May 17, 1839......... William B. Stockwell, Oakland Co., Mich., May 17, 1839. 8o 80 80 80 86.49 80 40 80 86.49 40 8o 8o SECTION 5. Elisha Larned,* Allegany Co., N. Y., Nov. I8, 1835...... 49.45 Elijah Crane, Wayne Co., Mich., March 4, I836............ 03.42 Hiram M. Rhodes,* Oakland Co., Mich., June 4, 1836.... 8o Anna Rhodes,* Oakland Co., Mich., June 4, 1836......... 80 Delos Davis, Wayne Co., Mich., Sept. 23, I836............. 80 Jonathan Irwin,* Livingston Co., Mich., Jan. 30, I837..... 80 Ebenezer Sterns, Yates Co., N. Y., March 9, I837.......... I20 SECTION 6. SECTION 15. Ellery Shaw, Wayne Co., Mich., May 17, 1836............... 200 John O'Neil,* Wayne Co., Mich., Nov. 21, I836............ 8 Michael Healey,* Wayne Co., Mich., Nov. 21, 1836....... 80 Abram Cook, Wayne Co., N. Y., Nov. 26, 1836............ 80 Edward Hopper,* this county, Oct. II, I839................ 40 Norton L. Miller, Macomb Co., Mich., Oct. 13, 1854...... 40 SECTION 16. Thomas Love,* June 12, I847.................................... 80 A. E. Cranston,* June I6, 1849.................................. 40 Brount & Bailey, June 4, 850.................................... 80 J. N. Barnes,* Nov. 13, I850..................................... 80 C. B. Thomas,* Nov. I5, 850.................................... 40 D. W. Love,* July 26, I853...................................... 80 Jacob Love,* Sept. 20, 1853....................................... 40 D. Canfield,* Oct. 10, 1853....................................... 40 William Van Wagner,* Oct. 24, 1853........................... 40 Peter Schad, Jr.,* June 2, 1854................................ 40 William Schad,* Aug. 23, 1854.................................. 40 Stephen W. Downer,* Oct. 24, 86o........................... 40 SECTION 17. John Westfall,* Cayuga Co., N. Y., May 17, I836.......... 6o Henry Seabott, Cayuga Co., N. Y., May 21, 1836............ 6o James Kearns, Oswego Co., N. Y., June 27, I836........... 8 Moses Taggart, Genesee Co., N. Y., June 27, I836.........80 SECTION I8. Jefferson H. Downer,* Oakland Co., Mich., Oct. 9, I835... Elisha W. Postall, Macomb Co., Mich., Jan. 2, 1836........ Elijah Root, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Feb. Ig, 1836......... Ebenezer J. Penniman, Wayne Co., Mich., March 4 and 18, 1836.......................................................... William Hyatt,* Oakland Co., Aug. 2, 1836.................. N. A. Littlefield,* of this county, Jan. I4, 1854.............. William Owens, of this county, June 13, I854............... 53 62 53.62 82.44 82.44 80 80 40 SECTION 7. Washington D. Morton, Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 9, 836............................................................... 3.9 Jona'n L. Wolverton,* Steuben Co., N. Y., June 20, 1836 I6o Elijah Clough, Jr.,* Onondaga Co., N. Y., June 28, I836.. I6o SECTION 8. George F. Roberts, Cayuga Co., N. Y., June I, 1836...... 6o Henry D. Garrison, Wayne Co., Mich., Oct. 26, I836...... 320 SECTION 9. Elisha Beach, Oakland Co., Mich., Jan. 6, I836.............. 8 Willard S. Fellsham, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 29, I836 I20 Isaac Throop, Jr., Genesee Co., Mich., June 30, 1836...... 40 Joseph Allbright, Ohio, Dec. 17, 1836.......................... 80 David Murphy,* of this county, Oct. 25, I839.............. 40 William Smith, of this county, July 6, I846.................. 40 John W. Mapes,* of this county, May 2, 1850................ 40 Daniel Odell, Genesee Co., Mich., Nov. 30, 1852.......... 40 Christopher Rogers,* of this county, Nov. 23, 1853......... 40 Nancy F. Biggs, of this county, Sept. 4, I855................ 40 SECTION Io. Sanford Billings,* Oakland Co., Mich., March 5, I838, and January 9, 1839.......................................... 8 Almerin Smith, Wayne Co., N. Y., Oct. 17, 1839........... 40 Matthias T. Talmadge,* of this county, Nov. 15, 1854.... 40 John C. Morse, Oakland Co., Mich., May 5, 1836........... Nancy Morton,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 9, 1836...... Edwin Soonberger, Monroe Co., N. Y., June I6, 1836..... Dillis Dexter,* Monroe Co., N. Y., July I, 1836............ John Fish, Oakland Co., Mich., Dec. 5, 1836................. Sam'l G. Sutherland, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 3, I837 Adam B. Bailey,* of this county, May 25, 1838............. I6o 80 80 80 68.48 33.22 33.22 SECTION I9. David Bangs, Monroe Co., N. Y., May 5, 1836.............. 269.44 David Bangs, Monroe Co., N. Y., Nov. 14, 1836............ 40 SECTION 20. Philo Joyner, Berkshire Co., Mass., June 16, 1836........... 8o Hugh R. Hogle,* of this county, Nov. 15, 1838............. 40 SECTION 22. Daniel Blood, Monroe Co., N. Y., June 18, I836........... 6o SECTION 24. James Bellows, Monroe Co., N. Y., June 14, 1836......... 80 SECTION 26. William B. Alvord, Wayne Co., Mich., Sept. 22, 1836..... I6o 392 -~~~ HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I SECTION 27. Acres. William D. Snapp,* Cayuga Co., N. Y., May 30, 1836.... 8o Peter H. Link,* Oakland Co., Mich., June II, I836........ 40 SECTION 28. George Cornell,* Livingston Co., N. Y., Oct. 31, I834...... 8 William H. Berry,* Shiawassee Co., Mich., Feb. 18, 1835 40 Joseph M. Becker,* Oakland Co., Mich., March 20, 1835 80 Eli Conklin,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. I8, I835...... I20 David Austin,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 18, 1835.... 200 James Willis, Oakland Co., Mich., Dec. 2, 1836............ 40 SECTION 29. Shadrach S. Austin, Orleans Co., N. Y., May 5, 1836...... I20 Mercy Chrispell,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 8, I836... 8o James E. Chrispell,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 8, 1836 40 George Allen, Madison Co., N. Y., June 17, 1836......... 20 SECTION 30. Joseph Chamberlin, Livingston Co., N. Y., May 3, I836... Nathaniel C. Austin,* Orleans Co., N. Y., May 5, I836... Nathaniel C. Austin,* Orleans Co., N. Y., Oct. 29, I836.. Philo H. Munsonj Livingston Co., N. Y., June 6, 1836... James Agan,* Wayne Co., Mich., Nov. 14, I836............ George Abbott, Wayne Co., Mich., June 2I, 1837.......... SECTION 31. Major Curtis,* Oakland Co., Mich., Jan. 4, I836............ Thales Dean, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Jan. II, I836........ Jas. E. Chrispell,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Jan. 25, 1836.. Solomon Lewis,* Wayne Co., Mich., April 6, 1836......... William Winter, Genesee Co., N. Y., May 3, I836......... Anson Pettibone, Genesee Co., N. Y., May 4, I836......... 68.56 120 40 69.04 I20 40 40 35-54 40 i6o 80 229.24 SECTION 32. David Curtiss,* Oakland Co., Mich., March 17, 1836...... 40 Joseph Tireman, Wayne Co., Mich., May 9, I836........... i6o SECTION 33. Louisa Wakeman,* Oakland Co., Mich., March 29, I836.. I6o Austin Wakeman,* Oakland Co., Mich., March 29, 1836.. 40 Isaac De Graff, Cayuga Co., N. Y., May 30, 1836........... 6o Charles Colton,* of this county, May 30, I836............... 40 George Babcock, Livingston Co., N. Y., June 6, 1836...... 80 SECTION 34. William Dawson,* Oakland Co., Mich., Dec. I9, 1834..... 80 Robert Dawson,* Oakland Co., Mich., April 6, I836....... 8o Willard Daniels, Oakland Co., Mich., April 2I, 836...... 40 John J. Blackmer, Monroe Co., N. Y., April 27, 1836...... 6o From this list it will be seen that the first entries were generally made by actual settlers, and that the great rush of the speculators to obtain land in Tyrone did not occur until the summer of 1836. George Dibble, March I8th, George Cornell, October 3Ist, and William Dawson, December i9th, were the only purchasers in 1834, and they all made settlement,-Cornell in the fall of that year, and the others in the following spring. In I835 fifteen persons made purchases, and thirteen of these became residents of the town, and were real pioneers. These were William H. Berry, in February; Joseph M. Becker, Isaac Cornell, Henry A. Cornell, in March; James Love, in July; John A. Wells, in September; Jefferson H. Downer, in October; Isaac Ayres, Robert Ayres, David Austin, Eli Conklin, Elisha Lamed, in November; and Jacob Chrispell, in December. In 1836 there Aimf;t 0 000.: were one hundred and thirty-one entries, including most of the available land, and bringing a flood of settlers. In 1837 there were five entries; in 1838, five; in 1839, six; in I846, '47, '49, one each; in 1850, four; in 1852, one; in 1853, six; in 1854, seven; in I855, two; and in I860, one. There is now in the town a small remnant of government land,-which, like the Irishman's farm, is mostly under water,-4o acres on section 9, 80 acres on section 7, and 200 acres on section 6. The first white resident of the town was George Cornell, who has passed forty-five years of his life within its limits, and still remains a citizen of the town with whose history his name is so intimately connected. The family of Cornell, from whom he and his brothers, who afterwards settled here, were descended, was of English origin, and first settled in this county in the State of Rhode Island. A succeeding generation located in the town of White Creek, in Washington Co., N. Y., from whence their descendants removed to Chautauqua County, and settled in the town of Ripley. The three brothers, George, Isaac, and Henry A., came to Michigan in September, 1834, in search of a place in which to settle. In their wanderings, in company with a brother-in-law, Joseph M. Becker, they came to the timbered openings of Tyrone, and were all well pleased with their looks. They, however, returned without entering any of the land, Isaac and Henry A. going back to New York, while George and Becker stopped at the latter's home in Highland, Oakland Co. In October, George Cornell and Joseph M. Becker again visited the town, and each made a selection of an eightyacre lot. George went to Detroit, and entered his land on the last day of that month, while Becker did not make his entry until the following spring. After his return from Detroit, George and Mr. Becker came and put up a rude log shanty on his place, and this furnished him a home through the winter while he was cutting rails and preparing some of his land for the plow, he paying occasional visits to his brother-in-law's house in Highland, and bringing back each time a goodly supply of provisions. Though Mr. Cornell was at this time the only white resident of the town (unless, as some assert was the case, George Dibble was then living here), he was not the only resident. On section 34 was a marsh of considerable extent, on which each year was produced a heavy growth of rank grass, which, though quite unfit for feeding to horses, yet furnished a kind of hay that cattle could live upon through the long cold winters, when the snow covered the earth and prevented them from grazing. Near Orchard Lake, in Milford, Oakland Co., MRS. JOHN KENYON. HON. JOHN KENYON. HON. JOHN KENYON. Among the truly representative men of the town of Tyrone, few, if any, have been more intimately associated with its material development than Judge Kenyon. He not only witnessed the transition of a thin settlement into a highly prosperous agricultural section, but in his own person typifies so admirably the agencies that wrought many of those changes, that no history of Livingston County would be complete without some sketch of his life, labors, and character. Mr. Kenyon was born in the town of Queensbury, Washington Co., N. Y., July 28, i8o6. He was the son of John and Mary Kenyon, who were the parents of a family of ten children,-five sons and five daughters. Mr. Kenyon, the elder, was a member of the Society of Friends, and a strict observer of the tenets of his religious faith, the precepts of which he early taught his children. No doubt this instruction exerted a marked influence over their future lives, and to it, in a large measure, their enviable positions in business and society may be attributed. When John was a child the family removed to the town of Scipio, Cayuga Co., N. Y., where he resided until his emigration to Tyrone in I840. His early life, like that of most successful men, was one not only of close application, but of self-reliance and self-denial. His father being a farmer, John's work on the farm in summer was alternated by'the usual term at the district school in winter. When twenty-three years of age he married Miss Julia Purdy, of the town of Sempronius. She was born in Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., July 9, I807. Five children were born to them, namely: Cordelia, Isaac O., Frank P., Rachel, and Mary S. He early resolved to follow farming as a life voca tion, believing it of all the trades and professions to be the most conducive to health and happiness. That he was eminently successful in his chosen calling, his finely cultivated fields and commodious buildings attest. His farm which he purchased on coming into the county was then entirely new, as was the larger part of the town at that time. Here he resided until his death, which occurred in 1874. Mr. Kenyon figured quite conspicuously in State and county politics. In I849 he was elected to the representative branch of the Legislature, serving on the important committee of "State affairs." In I854 he was elected to the State Senate. For nine years he represented Tyrone upon the Board of Supervisors, in which body he was fully appreciated for his sound judgment and sage counsels. Honesty and a laudable ambition to succeed were prominent traits in the character of Judge Kenyon; in fact, they were the essential means of his success. He evinced excellent judgment in all his transactions, and sterling honesty was the basis of his operations. This is high testimony, and while to those who were not acquainted with him it may seem peculiarly the language of eulogy, it will be readily recognized by his friends as a plain, uncolored statement of the strong points of his character. Mr. Kenyon never enjoyed the advantages of a liberal education, but being naturally intelligent, and endowed with a large amount of common sense, industry, perseverance, and ambition, he succeeded in building a reputation as wide-spread as it was enviable; indeed, it may be truly said that his entire career was one worthy the emulation of the young, and a fitting example for all men to follow. TYRONE TOWNSHIP. 393 was a Mormon settlement, and they had quite a large lot of cattle to provide for. So in the fall of I833 they sent a drove of cattle to this locality in charge of two brothers named Teeple, and their families. They built a small log house near the north line of the section, and lived there during that winter, returning to Orchard Lake in the spring, leaving the house empty through the following summer. This house, which was the first dwelling erected in Tyrone, was about 14 by 20 feet in size, and covered with a trough roof. Soon after Mr. Cornell began to live in his shanty, a colored man by the name of William H. Berry came from Shiawassee County with his wife and two children, aged about six and ten years respectively, and moved into this vacant house, where they lived until the following spring, when they removed into a house they had hired Harrison Coburn to build for them, on a farm of 40 acres in the southeast corner of section 28, which they had purchased of the government in February. In the spring of 1835 the little settlement was augumented by the arrival of the families of Joseph M. Becker, William Dawson, and Henry A. Cornell, and another settlement was started in the north part of the town by George Dibble and Daniel D. Runyan. Later in the season Isaac Cornell and James Love were added to the number. From that time on the settlements were rapidly multiplied, and in a few years extended to all parts of the town. We have not the space necessary to give a detailed sketch of all these settlers who took up new farms, and with axe and plow, and a liberal use of time and muscle, brought them into a productive state, neither have we been able to secure the facts indispensable to such an undertaking. We are able, therefore, to give but a brief history of a few of the pioneers of this town, taking them as near as may be in the order of their settlement. George Cornell was, at the time of his settlement here, a single man, and lived with his brother Henry A. until, in 1836, he married Eliza Williams, of Hartland, and set up household gods of his own. He is still living in Tyrone, having removed in I867 from the old homestead to his present fine farm on section 32. He has reared a family, and established them in homes of their own, and has lived the life of an honest, upright, just and generous Christian citizen, in a manner to win the confidence, respect, and love of all who know him. He has been prominently connected with the Methodist Church in this vicinity, and has done much to advance its interests in the community. Henry A. Cornell was for many years a respected and honored resident of Tyrone, holding the offices 50 of constable, assessor, supervisor, and treasurer at different times, and died in the winter of I848, while serving his seventh term and sixth consecutive term in the last-named position. He left a wife and two sons, all of whom still survive him, his widow and son, Alonzo, residing in Tyrone, and the other son living in Ohio. Isaac Cornell, the oldest of the three brothers, came from Chautauqua County in the spring of I835, in company with Henry A., traveling with their own conveyances. The snow was very light, and as the " breaking up" was not yet at hand the wheeling was very good. They arrived on the Ioth day of March, and Henry A. moved into his brother George's shanty, while Isaac left his family at Highland till he had built a house on the farm he purchased of the government on the 20th of that month. He then moved on to his place near the northeast corner of section 32, and is still occupying the place. He is a recognized leader among the Seventh-Day Adventists of this region, and a man of exemplary character. The exact time of George Dibble's settlement is not known, but it was either in the fall of 1834 or spring of I835. He remained here about ten years and then moved to Shiawassee, where he is still living. Joseph M. Becker, with his wife (formerly Eliza Cornell) and one child, came from Ripley, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., to Michigan in the fall of 1833, and settled in the town of Highland, in Oakland County. They lived there until the spring of 1835, and then moved to their home in this town on section 28, where they arrived about the 17th of April. He built a house on the south end of his lot, about forty rods west of the quarter-post. He was a shoemaker by trade, and his services were in great demand among the settlers, who were glad to exchange work with him, and were not always careful to exact an equal amount of time. He was the first supervisor of the town, and was re-elected at the expiration of his first term. In I862 he removed to Fenton, and a couple of years later returned to Tyrone. In 1867 he again moved to Fenton, where he still resides. But two of his children are now living, and they are both residents of this town,Peter on the homestead and Wallace on section 26. William H. Berry was a man of a very roving disposition, and did not long remain in this town. He made frequent flittings from one point to another, and finally brought up in Pontiac, where he became permanently located, through the intervening hand of death. The place on which he settled is now owned and occupied by Peter Russell. William Dawson was a native of Cambridge, 394 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Washington Co., N. Y., and came from Scipio, Cayuga Co., N. Y., to Troy, Oakland Co.,.Mich., in the fall of I831, and made his home with his brother-in-law, Elias Daniels. While living there he formed the acquaintance of Miss Henrietta Perkins, a native of the town of Locke, Cayuga Co., N. Y., who came to Michigan with her brother, Benjamin L. Perkins, from Springwater, Livingston Co., N. Y., and hired out to work for Mr. Daniels. Thrown together in constant companionship, their mutual liking grew into the more ardent passion of love, and on the 26th of February, I832, they were united in the bonds of matrimony, and went to live on a farm they hired to work on shares. In the fall of 1834, Mr. Dawson came to the town of Highland, where Michael Beach was living, and got him to accompany him in a search for land. They struck out to the westward, and in this town found a piece of land that seemed to possess all the natural advantages desirable, it having some timber and some opening, a stream to furnish water, and a marsh to furnish hay, and getting a description of it, they returned home, Mr. Dawson continuing on to Detroit, where he entered the land on the I9th day of December. Another advantage of the land thus selected was that on it was situated the cabin built by the Mormons, which would furnish shelter while the work of clearing and breaking up was going on. The colored family of Berrys had been living there about two weeks at the time of Dawson and Beach's visit. On the 20th of April, I835, the Dawson family, consisting of father, mother, and two children,-a daughter of two years and a son a few months old,-reached their new home, and moved in with the Berrys, who were not ready to move out because of the unfinished condition of their house. So for a period of about two weeks the two families occupied the same habitation. In the spring of that year Mr. Dawson planted an acre of corn, a few potatoes, and sowed a small piece of buckwheat. He also raised a few roots to feed his stock, which at that time consisted of one cow, one yearling, and a yoke of oxen. Following the usual course of the settlers in developing his farm, Mr. Dawson pontinued to reside in Tyrone until the fall of 1856, when he removed to Rockford, Floyd County, Ia., where he lived five years, and then went to Dubuque. From the latter place he returned to Tyrone in 1864, and purchased the farm on section T3, where he qow resides. Mr. Dawson had five sons who enlisted in the Union army during the Rebellion,-a fact upon which a well - founded pride is felt by the members of the family. Frederick enlisted in the regulars in 1862, and served in the campaign of that year against the Indians in Minnesota and Iowa. After a service of five years he was mustered out, and now lives in Savannah, Andrew Co., Mo. Pliny B. enlisted in the 3d Iowa Infantry in June, I86I, was mustered out on account of ill health in 1862, and is now living in this town. Alphonso D. enlisted in the I2th United States Infantry, was stationed at Fort Hamilton, New York, and afterwards served in the Army of the Potomac. At the battle of Yellow House, in August, 1864, he was taken prisoner and sent to Andersonville to endure the inhuman tortures there inflicted upon helpless, unarmed prisoners until he was exchanged in March, I865. He died March 3 I, 865, from the effects of the inhuman treatment he had received at the hands of his captors. William E. enlisted in February, I864, in the 7th Iowa Infantry, and served in the Department of the West. In the campaign around Atlanta, on the 4th of August, 1864, he was wounded so badly as to necessitate the amputation of his left arm below the elbow. He was mustered out in January following, and is now living in Rush Co., Kan. Arnold W. also enlisted, but the regiment being more than full, his company was disbanded, and before it was reorganized as a battery of artillery he was sent home sick. He is now living in Rockford, Ia. James Love was formerly from Chili, Monroe Co., N. Y., but came to this town from Whitmore Lake, Washtenaw Co., in July, 1835, settling on the northeast corner of section 33, about twenty rods south of the school-house, which has always been known as "The Love School-house." He was a pensioner of the war of 1812, and lived here a number of years. After his death the family became scattered, and none of his immediate descendants are now living here. Daniel D. Runyan settled on section 3 in the spring of 1836, building his log house near the southwest corner of the section. By some accident or disease he had become crippled, and had but a very imperfect use of his limbs, and to eke out the scanty living he was able to get by his farming operations he opened his shanty as a tavern, and dispensed liquors there with more pecuniary profit to himself than moral gain to his customers. Runyan's tavern became quite noted throughout the region, and, report says, was frequently the scene of almost brutal drunken orgies, which gave it a rather unsavory reputation among the more moral and respectable classes of the community. Runyan kept the inn until his death, which occurred about I848-50, and it was then continued by his widow, who was said, in a bad sense of the phrase, to have been the best man of the two, and was known as "Aunt Kate's." She survived her husband about ten years, and then TYRONE TOWNSHIP. 395 died in this town. One son is still living, and resides in Troy, Oakland Co. Jacob Chrispell and his son, James E., with their respective families, settled in the southwest part of the town in 1836. The former was a millwright, and worked at his trade and at carpenterwork a good deal. He died several years ago. The latter is still living on his original homestead. Eli Conklin was the first blacksmith in the town. lie came in I836, and built a house and shop on the north line of section 28, about forty rods west of the quarter-post. Here he worked at his trade, shoeing horses and oxen, sharpening plowshares, repairing broken implements, and doing the thousand and one jobs that always gravitate towards the blacksmith-shop, and enlivened the hours of labor, which sometimes reached well into the night, with story and song. Mr. Conklin remained in Tyrone till about the year I85 I, when he removed to the neighboring town of Rose, in Oakland County, where he resided until his death, which occurred Sept. 26, I876. Clark Dibble settled first in Fenton, where he built the first saw-mill in the vicinity, and from there came to Tyrone in I836, and settled on section 4, about eighty rods west of Runyan's tavern, on the Shiawassee road. He at once opened a public-huuse for the entertainment of travelers, of whom many were daily passing along the Shiawvassee road, which was a thoroughfare for emigrants and speculators going to the Grand River region. He was a man of good business tact and ability, but of a very generous, liberal nature, which prevented his accumulating wealth. He was one of the first justices of the peace of the town, and was re-elected in I840. His death occurred in June, I842, and resulted from an accident. In company with Lauren Riggs he visited the woods to cut some timber suitable to be made into cradle-fingers, and while pursuing their way they scared up a woodchuck, which sought refuge in a hollow oak-tree growing on a side-hill. They proceeded to fell the tree, and in falling it split off a large splinter, which flew and struck Mr. Dibble with such force as to fell him to the ground. The body of the tree also rolled over him, crushing him badly. His companion with much difficulty succeeded in freeing him from the tree, and procured assistance to get him to his home; but his injuries, which were mostly internal, proved fatal, and he died from them a day or two after the accident occurred. One of the most prominent families of the town has been the Cranston family, the first members of which came to Tyrone in 1837. Caleb Cranston, the father of all the others who settled here, was a grandson of John Cranston, who was one of the early Governors of the State of Rhode Island. His father, Samuel, was a soldier of the Revolution, and in 1793 emigrated with his family to Delaware Co., N. Y. In 1829, at the age of forty years, Caleb moved to Wayne Co., N. Y., and lived there till he came to Michigan. His children were nine in number, arid were named Eli D., David E., Sarah J., Gilbert D., Palmer B., Herman I., Betsey, Orrin, and Martin. Orrin died in New York, and all the others came to this town in the following order: Eli D., Gilbert D., and Herman I., in 1837; Palmer B., in I838; and Caleb, with Betsey and Martin, in 1839. David E. was the last one to remove here, and did not come till about 1844. All of the children were married, either before coming here or afterwards. Eli D. and Gilbert D. married sisters,-Elizabeth and Louise Chase; Sarah J. and Betsey married brothers,-Joseph and William Corey, and settled in this town; David E. first married Mary E. Davis, and his second wife was Miss Ann E. Smalling; Herman I. married Adaline Guptill; Palmer B. married Emeline Love; and Martin married Abby Chapin. Of these children none are now living in Tyrone, al-l of tliem having died or removed. Caleb was an ardent Methodist, and a man of irreproachable character. He died, June 30, i872, at the ripe age of eighty-three years, and was thus spoken of in his obituary notice: "He was a man of strict honesty, kind to all, and a keen sympathizer with those in suffering. A true, generous citizen and devoted Christian, whose traits of character made him respected and beloved by all who knew him." He was twice married, his first wife, Abby Davis, dying in New York, and his second wife, Mary Thayer, dying in this town, Sept. i8, I866, at the age of eighty years. Charles Colton, of Cayuga Co., N. Y., an uncle of William Dawson, settled in this town in October, 1837, and resided here till his death, about fifteen years ago. Isaac Morton was a native of the Green Mountain State, and came from Williston, Chittenden Co., Vt., to this State in the early fall of i83I. In company with his brother-in-law, William Tyler, he traveled by team to Burlington; from thence to Whitehall, by steamer, on Lake Champlain; then by the Champlain and Erie Canals to Buffalo, where they again embarked on a steamer which landed them in Detroit, where they once more started their teams and reached their destination in the town of Saline, Washtenaw Co., in the month of September. He lived there a little more than six years, and then, in December, i837, moved to his place in the west part of section 7, jo6.Z HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. where he has since resided. The journey from Ann Arbor was made over muddy roads through a driving rain-storm, and the oxen had hard work to pull the load through ten miles of distance in a day's time. The route he followed led him along the west bank of North Ore Creek, and when he arrived at the section line which, followed east, would bring him to his land with but one and a half miles' travel, he found the stream so badly swollen by the rains as to be impassable. Following along its course till he came to a place of crossing, and then around other swamps and watercourses until he could get past them, he traveled thirteen miles before reaching his new home. Since that time Mr. Morton has remained a resident of Tyrone, and engaged in agricultural pursuits, except that he has at times traveled circuit as a preacher of the Protestant Methodist Church. His wife died about a year ago, and he is waiting, at the end of a long, well-spent, and useful life, the summons that shall reunite them in the better land that lies beyond the grave. Jonathan L. Wolverton was for many years one of the prominent men of the town. He came, in the spring of 1837, from -the town of Tyrone, Schuyler Co., N. Y., and settled on the southeast quarter of section 7, where he built a house a few rods west of the section corner. For many years the corners and school-house located there bore his name, and it is not now by any means obsolete. In politics he was a Democrat, and this agreeing with the sentiment of the majority in the town he was frequently called to official positions. He was one of the first justices of the peace, and held the office for a period of nine years, being re-elected in I839 and in I843. He was also overseer of the poor for a number of years. About fourteen years ago he sold his farm and moved to Fenton. Five or six years later, having unfortunately lost his property, he went to Ingham County, where he is now living with his son Lewis. Two of his sons -Sylvanus and Andrew J.-are still residents of Tyrone. Joseph B. Jackson came from Seneca Co., N. Y., in the spring of 1837, and settled on the southwest quarter of section 8, which he bought of Henry and Van Rensselaer Hawkins, who had purchased it of the government. He brought with him a family of three sons and four daughters. He was something of a pettifogger, and was almost invariably engaged on one side or the other in every lawsuit in the vicinity. He eventually met with reverses, lost his property, and became a county charge for several years before his death. His remains were brought here for burial, and interred in the cemetery on a portion of what was once his farm. One son, Joseph B., Jr., left this town about 1842-43, and lived several years in Cohoctah, where he kept a public-house. He finally ran away with a widow, leaving his wife and family to shift for themselves, and is supposed to have died with the cholera a short time after. None of the Jackson family are now residing in this vicinity. One of the most amiable, upright, and honorable citizens whom the town of Tyrone ever numbered among its people was Dillis Dexter. Lovable in his nature, he possessed one of those well-rounded characters that command the respect and compel the admiration of all, and by careful, earnest, and judicious application to his studies had developed his capacity, and fitted himself for his duties as a surveyor and a school-teacher, in both of which fields of labor he spent a considerable portion of his life. Differing fiom the political majority of the town, he was yet elected to the office of town clerk, justice of the peace, and school inspector. He settled in this town in 1837, on the southeast quarter of section I8, which he bought of John C. Morse. In the fall of 1838 his brother, Amos, came and settled on the same place, Dillis living with him. In I839 another brother, Charles, came, who died of consumption about a year afterwards. Another brother, Horace, settled in the Cornell neighborhood, in the south part of the town, some twenty-five years ago, and both he and his wife died of consumption several years since. Dillis died in this town some twelve or fourteen years ago, and Amos in the spring of 1879. Several of the descendants of these brothers are still residing in this town. In the latter part of the fall of 1837, three brothers-Nathaniel C., William, and Brackett Austincame from Orleans Co., N. Y., and settled on adjoining farms, the first two on section 30, and the latter on section 29. They all removed from the town, Nathaniel C. returning to New York in about ten years, William going to Genesee County in about twenty years, and Brackett moving to Wheatfield, Ingham Co., about I844-45. The two former are dead, but the latter is still living. William D. Snapp came from Owasco, Cayuga Co., N. Y., in 1838, and settled on the south line of section 27, where he continued to reside until I863-64, when he moved to a farm in the town of Hartland, where he died Oct. 25, I876. His wife was Betsey Dawson (a sister of William Dawson), and on the 7th of June, I876, they celebrated their golden wedding. Mrs. Dawson is still living, residing with her adopted daughter, Mrs. Heman Clark. One of the oldest residents of Tyrone at the present time is John C. Salsbury, Esq., who has ai~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ISAAC CORNELL. MRS. ISAAC CORNELL. ISAAC CORNELL. This gentleman may be appropriately called one of the founders of the town of Tyrone, having settled where he now resides in I834. He was born in the town of White Creek, Washington Co., N. Y., Aug. 4, I8o3. He was the son of Joseph Cornell and Abigail Allen, who had a family of eight children,-five sons and three daughters. The elder Cornell was a pioneer in Washington County, having emigrated from New Bedford, R. I., before the Revolution. The grandfather of our subject was a Quaker, noted for his piety and integrity. Isaac lived with his father until he was twenty years of age, when he went to Chili, Monroe Co., N. Y., where he purchased a new farm. After a residence of five. years, he sold and removed to Chautauqua Co., N. Y. After several changes of location he decided to come to Michigan. Accordingly, in the fall of I834, he, in company with his two brothers, Henry and George, came to Tyrone and entered two hundred acres of land, which he now owns. He then went back to New York, but returned the following spring with his family. The Cornells were the first settlers in the south part of the town, and were obliged to cut their road from the Tenney settlement in Highland, Oakland County. Mr. Cornell has been prominently identified with the town of Tyrone; he was elected its first justice of the peace, a position which he filled acceptably for five terms. In I825 he was married to Miss Sarah Eaton, of Arlington, Vt. She was born in the town of Cavendish, Vt., in I803. They were blessed with five children. In July, I836, Mrs. Cornell died, and he subsequently married Margaret M. Larmon, a native of Cambridge, Washington Co., N. Y. She was born in October, I819. By this union there were six children. Mr. Cornell is a self-made man, and the position he holds among the best men of the county is due solely to his own exertions. He has acquired by his own efforts a competency and an honorable reputation. In his religious affiliations he is an Adventist, and his eldest son is an able exponent of the doctrines of that church. 397: TYRONE TOWNSHIP. resided here since the month of January, I838. Born in Greenville, Greene Co., N. Y., June I, 1813, he grew to young manhood in that healthgiving climate until, at the age of seventeen years, he started with his father and family for the new Territory of Michigan. The family came by way of the canal and lake, but John came with a team through Ohio, traveling in company with James Dedrick, his brotler's father-in-law. They all reached Ypsilanti on the 8th day of August, I830, and went from there to York, in Washtenaw Co., where they settled. While living there John married Miss Catharine Basom, their nuptials being celebrated Oct. 23, 1834, and in the fall of I837 traded his property in York, with Henry Druse, for 240 acres of land on sections I4 and 26 in this town. He built a house that fall, and sowed eight acres of wheat, and in January brought his family and began life as a citizen of Tyrone. In 1841 his wife died, and he subsequently married Mary A. Colton, daughter of Charles Colton, of this town, who died July I9, I847. His third wife was Sarah E. Merrill. From the time of his settlement here Mr. Salsbury has been one of the leading men of the town in his occupation of farming, as well as in political matters and the promotion of public interests. Elected as one of the first justices of the peace, lie held that office by virtue of successive re-elections for a period of twelve years, and by subsequent elections has increased his incumbency of that office to a total of twenty-seven years. He has served as overseer of the poor for seven years, commissioner of highways for five years, and supervisor for three years. In addition to his work of farming, he has done considerable surveying, and, acting as a land agent, lias negotiated the sale of a large amount of land, both in this town and in other parts of the State. In the southwest part of the town several families of Irish emigrants settled at an early day. According to the best information now obtainable, John McKeone came in 1837, James McGuire, James Agan, and James McKeone, in 1838, and James Murphy in 1840. John McKeone was a native of county Longford, Ireland, and was there married to Bridget Riley, emigrating to this country in 1833, and settling in Williamsburg, N. Y. Hearing of the fertile and low-priced lands in Michigan, he came West in the summer of 1836 and purchased some land, returning East and coming on with his family in the fall of I837. The family resided in Tyrone until 1865, when their present house was built, and they moved across the road into Deerfield. Their children were eight in number: Bernard and Charles still reside in Tyrone; Mrs. Margaret Hogan in Fenton; Bridget is a Sister of Charity in New Orleans, and the other living children-Mrs. Mary Smith and James McKeone-reside in Deerfield. Mr. McKeone and his wife are still living among the scenes of the trials and tribulations that marked their pioneer life. James McKeone died in Deerfield a few years since; James Agan became disgusted with frontier life, returned to Brooklyn, N. Y., and died there; James McGuire emigrated to the State of Texas; and James Murphy is still living on his homestead on section 30, where he now owns 260 acres of fine productive land. David Colwell, a native of Otsego Co., N. Y., came to Tyrone from Ontario Co., N. Y., in May, 1838, settling on the farm which he still occupies, on the southwest quarter of section 4. Hiram M. Rhodes came to Tyrone early in the spring of I838, and settled on section 5, where he resided for about ten years. He was at one time a very prominent man in the town, and a political leader among the Democrats, who frequently elected him to office. He was the first town clerk, and held several other offices at different times. He removed from the town about 1848, and, having met with misfortunes, is now in his old age an inmate of the county-house. Elijah Clough was a native of Springfield, Mass., and, in I814, moved with the rest of his father's family to Manlius, Onondaga Co., N. Y. In 1836 he caime West in search of a good place to locate, and traveled in company with a man who was acquainted with Horace H. Nottingham, who had recently settled in Deerfield, and was led by that circumstance to come to this part of the State. Being pleased with the looks of the country, Mr, Clough bought 80 acres in Conway, and I6o in this town, and returned to the East. Three years later he came with his mother, his sisters Sarah, Mary, and Ann Eliza,and his brother Warren, and settled on the northeast quarter of section 7. His mother died in less than a year, his sisters married and moved into adjoining counties, and, about 1848, his brother moved to Shiawassee County, where he is now living. In 1844 Mr. Clough married Sabina Littlefield, who died in March, 1852. His second wife was Catharine Carmer, and his third wife, who is still living, was Lovina Irish. He has replaced his first log house with a fine brick residence, and increased the size of his farm to 248 acres. On the south side of the county line, on section 5, at the point where the White Lake or Shiawassee road intersects it, stood what was for many years the most famous hotel on the line of the Shiawassee trail. It was known as the " Grove House," and was kept by Jairah Hillman, who was a model 398 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. host. He was formerly from Lowville, Lewis Co., N. Y.; located his land in this town in the spring of I836; moved to Plymouth, Wayne Co., in this State, in the spring of 1837; made 40 acres of improvement in 1838; and in the spring of I839 moved on to his farm with his family of one son and six daughters. His house was not built with the intention of making it a public-house, but fastidious travelers, not satisfied with the accommodations furnished at the regular taverns, would not be turned away; and as soon as it was found that they could be accommodated there, the run of custom was largely increased, and travelers made it a point to get to the Grove House at nightfall, where they were sure of a hearty welcome, a bountiful supper, and an evening of pleasant, cheerful social intercourse. In the work of clearing the land of its growth of oak timber, Mr. Hillman selected the finest of the trees in the vicinity of his house and left them standing, to the number of a hundred or more. These trees added very much to the beauty of the place, and gave the inn the name it afterwards bore for so many years. Not the least attraction of the place in the eyes of the better class of people was the fact that it was a strictly temperance house. Mr. Hillman was an intelligent man, gifted with pleasing conversational powers, and possessed of a generous, hospitable spirit, all of which rendered his companionship enjoyable. He was a man of mliore than ordinary ability, and his success as an agriculturist proved conclusively that brains and " book learning" are no detriment to the farmer. He died at his home, July 6, 1861, and the property, originally containing 340 acres, was divided among his heirs, the homestead falling to the only son, M. M. Hillman. His wife (formerly Elizabeth Holladay) died in Detroit, in September, 1877. Of his children, M. M. married Miss Emily Lane, in Portage Co., O., in i86I, and is now living on the homestead, occupying an elegant residence built on the site of the " Grove House," which was destroyed by fire on the 5th of July, 1877, and is one of the leading farmers of the vicinity; Mrs. Clarissa Sadler died in Fenton; Mrs. Julia Lamed lives in Fenton; Caroline married Albert Holladay, who died in Otsego, Allegan Co., and is now the wife of Dr. Cole, of Ludington; Mrs. Louisa Clement died in Detroit, in 1865; Mrs. Adaline Joslin lives in Byron, Shiawassee Co.; and Mrs. Delia Cook lives in Detroit. David L. Babcock, with his two step-sons, Harvey R. and Orson B. Stevens, came to this town in the fall of 1837 or early spring of 1838. Babcock was a carpenter, an d worked at his trade, besides working his farm of 80 acres on section 19. He removed to Lapeer County about the close of the war. Harvey R. Stevens was an early schoolteacher and one of the first school inspectors of the town. He served in that position a number of years. He enlisted in the Union army in the time of the Rebellion, and falling beneath the stroke of a rebel bullet upon the field of battle, gave his life as a token of his patriotism and devotion. Orson B. lived on section 30 until about ten years ago, and then removed to Greenville, Montcalm Co., where he died a short time since. One of the foremost citizens of the town, if not the most prominent of all, was John Kenyon, Jr., well known as Judge Kenyon, a title which he earned by virtue of having served as side judge of the county court. He came from Niles, Cayuga Co., N. Y., in 1840, arriving here the 2d day of June, and settled on section 33, where he had the year previous purchased of a Mr. Starks the I60 acres originally taken up by Isaac Degraff. Upon his arrival here he at once assumed a prominent place among his fellow-townsmen, and was the next spring elected supervisor of the town. He was frequently elected to office, holding the positions of highway commissioner, justice of the peace, supervisor (seven terms), second or associate judge, Representative in the Legislature, and State Senator, and in all deported himself creditably, and discharged the duties connected with them in a careful and conscientious manner. As a farmer he was.successful; as a business man able and energetic; and as a citizen public-spirited, upright, and honorable. Born of Quaker parentage, he inherited and acquired a respect and admiration for the principles of that sect, and though unconnected with any church organization remained a Friend in principle until his death, which occurred Nov. 12, 1874, at the age of sixty-eight years. Thomas Love, from Monroe Co., N.Y., with a wife and five children, came to Tyrone in I842, and lived for several years on a part of his brother James' farm. He afterwards purchased some land on the school section and lived there until I866, when he moved to Tawas, Iosco Co., where he is now living. One son, Jacob, still resides in Tyrone. Dexter Farnham was a native of New Hampshire, and with his wife and three children came to Tyrone from Grand Blanc, Genesee Co., in the fall of I842, locating on section 17. He came to Grand Blanc from Pembroke, Genesee Co., N. Y., in 1836. He died in this town in July, 1876, at the age of sixty-nine years, having survived his wife by about one year. One of his sons, Marcellus, lives in Ingham County, and four-Henry, Hiram, John, and Robertson —are ranked among the most thriving farmers and respected citizens of this town. 399 TYRONE TOWNSHIP. Amilo Gardner came from Herkimer Co., N.Y., in 1851, and bought the David Austin farm at a sale under foreclosure of mortgage. He is still living on the place, which has, by careful and thorough cultivation, become one of the best farms of the town. In I855-56, Mr. Gardner was appointed as postmaster, and has served continuously in that position down to the present time, with the exception of a period of about three months in I86I. Of course, this does not by any means conclude the list of settlers, but it includes all about whom we have been able to learn any particulars. In this connection we also give a copy of the tax roll of I844,-the earliest one now in existence,omitting the names of all except the resident taxpayers of the town in that year. This list gives the names of the actual residents and propertyholders at that time, showing the sections on which their property was located, the number of acres owned, and its valuation. The list is as follows: Names. Sectio Alonzo Ayers.................................... 4 Bradley Angus................................... I Nelson Adams................................... 12 Huldah Austin................................ 4 William Austin..............................19, 30 Daniel B. Austin............................... 30 John Agan.........................9, 30 Anson Austin.................................... 22 Abram Bailey.................................3*, 33 Sanford Billings................................. I William Beemer............................. 4 David L. Babcock...................Ig9, 20 Joseph M. Becker.............................. 28 Dyer Beebe........................................ 27 David Colwell........................ 4, 9 Calel Cranston............................. 15 David E. Cranston............................ I5 Gilbert D. Cranston............................. 15 Eli D. Cranston............................ 15 James Carmer................................. 21 Elijah Clough.................................... 7 William Carr..................................... 7 Eli Conklin...................................... 28 John Connell.................................... 17 Franklin Curtis.......................... 31 Jacob Chrispell................................ 29 George Cornell................................. 28 Henry A. Cornell...................... 29, 32, 33 Isaac Cornell............................. 28, 29, 32 Almond Colton................................... 33 Humphrey Church............................. 34 Porter Colton.............................. 33 George Dibble.................................. 3 Dillis Dexter................................. 8 Jasper Dood...................................32, 33 William Dawson................................. 34 Peter S. Dates.................................... 27 Dewitt Denton............................2, I 12 Uriah Emmons................................... 13 Dexter Farnham................................. 17 Edward Fuller................................... 31 Hugh Hamilton............................... 3 Seth M. Howell................................ II Edward Hopper................................ 15 John B. Hamilton............................... 9 Michael Haley................................ 15 John W. Hiatt...................................4, 5 Jairah Hillman..............................4, 5 Zachariah Hiatt................................. 6 * Town 5 north, range 6 east. n. Acres. Valuation. 80 $206 80 200 i6o 320 10 20 100 260 100 320 160 340 i6o 330 8o 260 80 i60 150 340 i6o 440 80 440 6o 155 I20 300 20 6o 40 Ioo 50 175 90 300 80 175 16 6oo00 146 416 120 340 So 170 Y2 25 i60 440 75 290 120 455 240 950 40 80 80 80 40 I0 80 242 240 550 I00 200 So 270 I00 274 400 68o 80 60 5~ 118 50 II 55 I0 43 87 80 60 40 o00 40 80 80 200 I20 300 300 Iooo I73 521 Names. Section. Acres. Valuation. Washington Hoisington...................... 6 82 $210 Horatio V. Holmes............................. 18 40 80 Charles Hooker....................... 34 40 85 Lester Jennings................................ 13 40 10o Joseph B. Jackson........................... 8 157 500 John Kenyon, Jr.............................. 33 I6o 520 John P. Kellogg................................ 34 I6o 680 John Kinney..................................... 27 40 85 Myron Lovell.................................. 21 240 510 Solomon Lewis................................... 31 100 280 James Love......................... 27, 28, 33, 34 163 526 Thomas Love.................................... 33 40 80 Edmond M. Marsh............................. 2 I6o 300 David Mutrphy................................... 2 80 60 Isaac M orton................................. 8 I20 360 James Murphy...............................19, 30 80 220 James McGuire............................... 19 55 185 John McKeone................................... 9 55 65 James McKeone............................ 30 40 I34 Fernando Mapes................................ 31 36 72 John O'Neil............................ 15 80 200 Linus Pratt.................................... 15 80 220 M ark Pratt..................................... 10 40 90 Collins J. Pines.................................. 20 40 80 Aaron Parks....................................... 34 40 80 Amasa Parks..................................... 27 20 52 Philatha Parks.................................... 28 40 104 Daniel 1). Runymn.........................3, 9, 10 321 700 F. F. Riggs....................................... 4 172 575 Hiram M. Rhodes............................. 5 80 224 Lyman E. Rhodes.............................. 5 8o 240 Peter Ru-sell............................... 33, 34 200 508 Harvey R. Stevens....................... 7, 2t II2 270 Isaac Seymour..................... 7, 8 6 12 Stephen B. Street............................... 17 i6o 400 John C. Salsbury................................ 26 i6o 410 Williani D. Snapp.............................. 27 80 230 Orson B. Stevens.............................. 30 8 200 Alonzo Slayton................................... 27 240 720 W illiam S. Taylor.............................. 34 i6 60 Isaac W,lverton................................. 7 71 200 J. I. W olverton................................ 7 157 474 John W estfall................................... 17 16o 360 Austin Wakelman........................... 27 I 30 Carlton W heeler............................ 33 20 45 John A. Well-.................... 26, 35 960 2460 Alfred W hite..................................... 28 40 I20 Total State and county tax..................... $263.2I Township expenses............................. 166.32 Township library................................. 25.00 School tax, District No. 8.................... 8.00 Total.......................................... $634.53 The settlement of all new countries is attended with about the same amount of hard and trying experiences, but the early settlers on these oakopening lands did not have to endure the heavy toil, nor the tedious waiting, nor the painful privations that settlers in a timbered country inevitably meet. There was scarcely a farm in the town on which there was not some land that could be cultivated the first season, and made to yield a portion, at least, of the provision necessary for the sustenance of the family. Then, too, the miry roads through a trackless forest had not to be endured, for here the oaks grew well apart, and a wagon could be driven through the woods in any direction with very little inconvenience. Mills and markets were, as a matter of course, at first hard to get at, and necessitated long and tedious jour neys, occupying days and sometimes almost weeks t Town 4 north, range 6 east. 400 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. in their accomplishment. For general market most of the early settlers went to Detroit,-Pontiac, Ann Arbor, and Ypsilanti being but small places, where but an indifferent and limited stock of goods was to be found. Pontiac and other places in Oakland County furnished milling accommodations, and lumber was furnished by Clark Dibble's mill at Fenton, which was then known as Dibbleville. In the line of wild fruits the settlers were well provided for. Apple-trees and a few other kinds of domestic fruits were procured at Ypsilanti, and set out, and in a few years began to yield an abundant supply of fruit. The Cornells and Joseph M. Becker set out orchards in 1837 or I838, and most of the settlers followed their example as soon as they could conveniently do so. The first settlers depended upon oxen almost entirely for the performance of their team-work, as the marsh hay was not fit for food for horses, and there was no other hay to be had at first. The first horse brought into the town is said to have been an Indian pony which was owned by Isaac Cornell. The first death among the pioneers was that of Mrs. Isaac Cornell, which occurred in July, 1836. She was afflicted with goitre or tumor on her neck, which finally grew so bad as to necessitate a surgical operation for her relief, and while on the way to Ann Arbor, where the operation was to be performed, she became suddenly worse and expired. The first birth of a white child in Tyrone was that of George Love, which occurred on the Ioth of December, I835. He was a son of James and Evelyn (Shipley) Love, and grew to manhood in this town. In 1856 he was killed by a falling tree, while engaged in working in a pinexy north of Flint. It is not known who were the first couple married in Tyrone, for, at first, it seems to have been the practice of the would-be Benedicts to seek a life-partner from among the fair daughters of the neighboring town of Hartland. At least two of the earliest marriages of residents of this town were contracted in that manner,-George Cornell marrying Eliza Williams in the spring of 1836, and Alfred White marrying Nancy Bidleman in 1837-38, both ceremonies being performed at the residences of the parents of the respective brides in Hartland. Game of all kinds was quite plentiful for several years after settlements were begun here, and the supplies of meat thus furnished formed a by no means small part of the pioneer's living. Most of the settlers were proficient with the rifle and spent I a portion of their time in hunting None enjoyed this sport with greater zest or prosecuted it with better success than William Dawson, and numerous tales of his prowess and adventures are related. It was his habit to load his gun rather heavily, and it was said by one who had inadvertently been induced to discharge it, that it always kicked so that it left the shooter stunned for half an hour, and would, at a distance of ten yards, scatter over a space fifteen yards in width. It is hardly necessary to say that the piece which could do such execution in the rear was equally dangerous at the muzzle, and that the deer at which it was aimed fell a victim to its shower of missiles. There were other wild animals in the forest besides the timid and harmless deer. Wolves were quite common, though never known to attack any person, and bears occasionally visited the openings, especially in the berry season. Among the peculiar experiences of the early settlers was that of the family of Henry Lamed, now living in the town of Rose, Oakland Co. When they first came they found an Indian wigwam standing on their land on section 12, and moving into it, made their home there until a log cabin was built for their use. CIVIL AND POLITICAL. In the winter of 1837-38 the citizens of town 4 north, of range 6 east, began to think of organizing themselves into a separate town, and circulated a petition for that purpose, obtaining numerous signatures, and forwarded it to the Legislature. Before the petition was sent a meeting was appointed for the purpose of fixing upon a name for the proposed town. It was held at the house of Joseph B. Jackson, on section 8, and, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather (the snow being leg deep and a cold storm prevailing), was quite largely attended. William Dawson proposed the name of Ripley; William D. Snapp preferred Owasco; Jonathan L. Wolverton mentioned Tyrone; and some one else selected Wheatland; all being taken from towns in New York in which the ones who proposed them had formerly lived. The name of Tyrone was finally settled upon, and was ratified by the Legislature. It was taken from a town of that name in Schuyler Co.,-N. Y., which is said to have derived its name from county Tyrone, Ireland, from whence a number of its early settlers came. The earliest records of the township relations of Tyrone are found in the acts of the Legislature of 1835, when, by an act approved by the Governor, March 26, I835, it was attached to the town of Highland for purposes of township government, in con 404, TYRONE TOWNSHIP. nection with all that part of the county of Livingston then attached to the county of Oakland for judicial purposes. March II, 1837, it was made a part of the town of Deerfield, and a year later was separately organized by the following act of the Legislature, which was approved by the Governor March 6, I838, viz.: " SEc. Io.-All that part of the county of Livingston designated in the United States survey as township number four north, of range number six east, be, and the same is, hereby set off and organized into a separate township by the name of Tyrone; and the first township-meeting shall l)e held at the house of Eli Konklin, in said township." In accordance with this act the first meeting was held at the regular time, the first Monday in April, at the house of Eli Conklin, a few rods west of the north quarter-post, on section 28. But little is known regarding the circumstances surrounding and the incidents attending this meeting, but all passed off without any unusual event, and the business was conducted in a harmonious manner. ~The record of this meeting has been preserved and reads as follows: "The first Township-Meeting of Tyrone held at Conkiill's. "At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tyronie, for the purpose of Electing Township Officers for said Town, Joseph B. Jackson was chosen Moderator, an(l Henry A. Cornell and Isaac Ayres was Chosen Clerks for said meeting pro teon. The following persons were elected a- town officers for said Townl: For Supervisor, Joseph M. Baecker had 23 votes. For Township Clerk, Hiram M. Rhodes had 14 votes, and Joseph B. Jackson, Jr., had 13 votes. For Justices of the Peace, Isaac Cornell had 15 votes; Jonathan L. Wolverton had 22 votes; Clark Dibble, I9; Daniel Runyan, 6; HIenry A. Cornell, 14; John C. Salsbury, 26; Joseph B. Jackson, 5; Isiac Ayres, 2. Inspectors of Common Schools, F. F. Riggs had Io votes; Isaac Cornell had 21 votes; Harvey R. Stevens, 27 votes; Clark Dibble, 19 votes; Nathaniel C. Austin, 6 votes. For Commissioners of Highways, Isaac Ayres had 20 votes; William D. Snapp, 28 votes; George Cornell, 24 votes; Joseph M. Becker, 4 votes; Hugh R. Hogle, 4 votes. For Collector, Isaac Morton had 12 votes; Joseph B. Jackson, Jr., 17 votes. For Assessors, Henry A. Cornell, 21 votes; Frederick F. Riggs, 23 votes; Isaac Morton, 23 votes; Joseph M. Becker, 2 votes. For Constables, Joseph B. Jackson, Jr., I6 votes; Harvey R. Stevens, I6 votes; Isaac Morton, 9 votes; Washington Hoisington, 9 votes; Hiram M. Rhodes, I vote, singular. For Directors of the Poor, Washington Hoisington, 26 votes; William Dawtson, 26 votes. "JOSEPH B. JACKSON, MAoderator. "ISAAC AYRES, Clerks. "HENRY A. CORNELL, " H. M. RHODES, 7bwn Clerk. "Voted, by the Electors of Tyrone, that the next Annual Township-meeting should be heldl at Eli Cranson's, on section 15." The town-meetings and elections of Tyrone have been of a migratory character, traveling about from year to year to different parts of the town at the caprice of the voters at each preceding meet ing. In 1838 the town-meeting was held at Eli Conklin's, on section 28; in I839 and 1840, at Eli D. Cranston's, on southwest quarter of section 15; I in I841, at Runyan's tavern, on section 3; in 1842, at John Westfall's, southwest quarter of section 17; in 1843, at Stephen B. Street's, north part of same section; in 1844, at Runyan's tavern; in I845, at the Love school-house, northeast corner of section 33; in 1846, at Aunt Kate's (Runyan's) tavern; in 1847, at the Love school-house; in I848 and 1849, at Thomas Love's, near the school-house; in 1850, at David E. Cranston's, near the west quarter-post of section 22; in I85I, at Alonzo Slayton's, northwest corner of section 27; in 1852, at Thomas Love's; from I853 to I856, at Alonzo Slayton's, and in the last-named year the meeting was adjourned from that place to the Cranston school-house, on the southwest quarter of section 15, leaving Charles Colton at Mr. Slayton's to notify all persons of the place of adjournment; from I856 to I86I, at the Cranston school-house; from 1862 to I866, at the house of Amilo Gardner, near the east quarter-post of section 28; and since that time,-now a period of twelve years,-at the house of Saul Kinsman, three-quarters of a mile south of the centre of the town. As a matter of inter-est we here insert a list of names of officers of the town from its formation to the present,-a period of forty-two years. This list has been carefully prepared, after a thorough research of the township records, and may be relied upon as correct in all essential points. It is as follows: CIVIL LIST OF TYRONE. I838.-Supervisor, Joseph M. Becker; Town Clerk, Hiram M. Rhodes; Collector, Joseph B. Jackson, Jr.; Justices of the Peace, Jonathan L. Wolverton (one year), Clark Dibble (two years), Isaac Cornell (three years), John C. Salsbury (four years); Assessors, Henry A. Cornell, Frederick F. Riggs, Isaac Morton; School Inspectors, Isaac Cornell, Harvey R. Stevens, Clark Dibble. 1839 -Supervisor, Joseph M. Becker; Town Clerk, Dillis Dexter; Collector, Lyman Curtis; Treasurer, Henry A. Cornell; Justice of the Peace, Jonathan L. Wolverton; Assessors, Frederick F. Riggs, Eli D. Cranston, Alfred White; School Inspectors, Nathaniel C. Austin, Hiram M. Rhodes, Isaac Cornell. 1840.-Supervisor, Lyman E. Rhodes; Town Clerk, Hiram M. Rhodes; Collector, Lyman Curtis; Treasurer, Daniel D. Runyan; Justice of the Peace, Clark Dibble; Assessors, Isaac Morton, Frederick F. Riggs, Nathaniel C. Austin; School Inspectors, Nathaniel C. Austin, Charles T. Crane, H. M. Rhodes. 1841.-Supervisor, Henry A. Cornell; Town Clerk, Charles T. Crane; Collector, Peter Russell; Treasurer, Daniel D. Runyan; Justice of the Peace, John Kenyon; Assessors, Wilks L. Stewart, Sanford Billings, Eli D. Cranston; School Inspectors, Charles T. Crane, Orson P. Stevens, Dillis Dexter. 1842.-Supervisor, Lyman E. Rhodes; Town Clerk, Charles T. Crane; Treasurer, Ienry A. Cornell; Justice of the Peace,* John C. Salsbury; Assessors, Wilks L. Stewart, I --------- * In June, I842, Clark Dibble died, and on the 13th of July Frederick F. Riggs was elected justice of the peace, to fill the vacancy thus created. 51 402 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Isaac Morton; School Inspectors, Harvey R. Stevens, Charles T. Crane, Orson 13. Stevens. I843.-Supervisor, Alonzo Slayton; Town Clerk, Hiram M. Rhodes; Treasurer, Henry A. Cornell; Justice of the Peace, Jonathan L. Wolverton; Assessors, Sanford Billings, Wilks L. Stewart; School Inspectors, Orson B. Stevens, Harvey R. Stevens, Sanford Billings. I844.-Supervisor, Alonzo Slayton; Town Clerk, Hiram M. Rhodes; Treasurer, Henry A. Cornell; Justice of the Peace, Lyman E. Rhodes; School Inspector, Harvey R. Stevens. I845.-Supervisor, Jirah Hillman; Town Clerk, Dillis Dexter; Treasurer, Henry A. Cornell; Justice of the Peace, Isaac Cornell; Assessors, Elijah Clough, Stephen B. Street; School Inspectors, John B. Hamilton, James McGuire. I846.-Supervisor, John Kenyon, Jr.; Town Clerk, Sanford Billings; Treasurer, Henry A. Cornell; Justice of the Peace, John C. Salsbury; School Inspector, David E. Cranston. 1847.-Supervisor, Austin Wakeman; Town Clerk, Dillis Dexter; Treasurer, Henry A. Cornell;* Justices of the Peace, Hiram M. Rhodes (full term), Isaac Ayres (vacancy); School Inspectors, Hiram M. Rhodes (one year), John B. Hamilton (two years). 1848.-Supervisor, John Kenyon, Jr.; Town Clerk, De Witt Denton; Treasurer, Charles Blackinton; Justices of the Peace, Hiram M. Rhodes (full term), Joseph B. Jackson (long vacancy), Frederick F. Riggs (short vacancy); School Inspectors, Hiram M. Rhodes (full term), Harvey R. Stevens (vacancy). 1849.-Supervisor, Austin Wakeman; Town Clerk, Dillis Dexter; Treasurer, Charles Blackinton; Justices of the Peace, Isaac Cornell (full term), Robert Fisher (vacancy); School Inspector, Herman I. Cranston. 185o.-Supervisor, John C. Salsbury; Town Clerk, M. W. Gardner; Treasurer, Palmer B. Cranston; Justices of the Peace, Frederick F. Riggs (full term), Peter Russell (vacancy); School Inspector, David E. Cranston. 1851.-Supervisor, John, C. Salsbury; Town Clerk, M. W. Gardner; Treasurer, Palmer B. Cranston; Justice of the Peace, John W. Ingram; School Inspector, Herman I. Cranston. 1852.-Supervisor, John Kenyon, Jr.; Town Clerk, M. W. Gardne; Treasurer, Palmer B. Cranston; Justices of the Peace, Peter Russell (full term), John C. Salsbury (vacancy); School Inspector, D. V. Van Syckle. I853.-Supervisor, John Kenyon, Jr.; Town Clerk, M. W. Gardiner; Treasurer, Palmer B. Cranston; Justices of the Peace, Alonzo Slayton (full term), Peter Russell (vacancy); School Inspector, Harvey R. Stevens.t 1854.-Supervisor, John Kenyon, Jr; Town Clerk, George Leroy;; Treasurer, Palmer B. Cranston; Justice of the Peace, Frederick F. Riggs; School Inspector, M. C. Chase. 855. —Supervisor, John W. Ingram; Town Clerk, David E. Cranston; Treasurer, Palmer B. Cranston; Justices of the Peace, John C. Salsbury (full term), Elijah Clough (vacancy); School Insrectors, J. I. Hosmer (full term), William Thompson, Jr. (vacancy). 1856.-Supervisor, John W. Ingram; Town Clerk, David E. Cranston; Treasurer, Josiah C. Whalen; Justices of the Peace, De Witt Denton (full term), Austin Wakeman (three years), Elijah Clough (two years); School Inspector, Sanford Billings.| 1857.-Supervisor, John W. Ingram; Town Clerk, Herman I. Cranston; Treasurer, Josiah C. Whalen; Justices of the Peace, Richard Marvin (full term), Stephen B. Street (three years), Jarvis C. Rogers (two years); School Inspectors, De Witt Denton (full term), William Thompson (vacancy). I858.-Supervisor, John C. Salsbury; Town Clerk, Orlando Topping; Treasurer, Peter Russell; Justices of the Peace, Frederick F. Riggs (full term), Francis Drummond (vacancy); School Inspectors, Darius A. Smith, Donald V. Van Syckle. I859 -Supervisor, Austin Wakeman; Town1 Clerk, Ierman I. Cranston; Treasurer, Daniel Adams; Justices of the Peace, John R. Walker (full term), Chester A. Preston (long vacancy), Rufus Z. Smith (short vacancy); School Inspector, Rufus Z. Smith. 186o.-Supervisor, De Witt Denton; Town Clerk, Jeptha C. Carmer; Treasurer, Daniel Adams;lj Justices of the Peace, Josiah C. Whalen (full term), Rufus Z. Smith (vacancy); School Inspector, Harvey R. Stevens. I86I.-Supervisor, De Witt Denton; Town Clerk, Jeptha Carmer; Treasurer, Alonzo May; Justices of the Peace, John W. Ingram (full term), John Kenyon (vacancy); School Inspector, Ocar G. Jayne. 1862.-Supervisor, David G. Colwell; Town Clerk, Mortimer D. Gardner; Treasurer, Alonzo May; Justice of the Peace, Frederick F. Riggs; School Inspector, Geo. G. Perry. 1863.-Supervisor, David G. Colwell; Town Clerk, Mortimer D. Gardner; Treasurler, Frederick Fredenburgh; Justice of the Peace, Isaac Cornell; School Inspector, Franklin B. Riggs. I864.-Supervisor, David G. Colwell; Town Clerk, William D. Gardner; Treasurer, Frederick Fredlenburgh; Justice of the Peace, Peter Russell; School Inspector, John A. Soberi- (full term), Samuel H. Ellinwood (vacancy). 1865.-Supervisor, Austin Wakeman;** Town Clerk, Mortimer D. Gardner; Treasurer, Sealor Dedrick; Justices of the Peace, William Beemer (full term), Isaac Morton (vacancy); School Inspectors, Martin C. Cranston (full term), George G. Perry (vacancy). i866.-Supervisor, John Kenyon; Town Clerk, Palmer B. Cranston; Treasurer, John C. Runyan; Justices of the Peace, John C. Salsbury (full term), Knowlton B. Nye (vacancy); School Inspector, Mortimer D. Gardner. tt I867.-Supervisor, De Wilt Denton; Town Clerk, Jeptha C. Carmer; Treasurer, Alonzo E. Gardner; Justice of the Peace, John W. Ingram; School Inspector, George G. Perry. * In the winter of I847-48, Henry A. Cornell died, and on the 24th of February the Town Board appointed Amos Dexter to the office of treasurer, for the unexpired term. On the IIth of September a special meeting was held to elect two justices of the peace to fill vacancies, and Frederick F. Riggs and Dillis Dexter were elected. t On the 21st of June, De Witt Denton was appointed by the Town Board to the office of school inspector, to fil the vacancy of D. V. Van Syckle. 2 George Leroy removed from the town and M. C. Chase died, leaving vacancies in the offices of town clerk and school inspector. Frederick F. Riggs and Amilo Gardner were appointed to the respective offices. Q Sanford Billings died, leaving a vacancy in the office of school inspector, which was filled October II, by the appointment of De Witt Denton. II Daniel Adams resigned the office of treasurer, and on the i9th of February, i86i, Thomas Fletcher was appointed to fill the vacancy. TT Resigned, and George G. Perry appointed. ** Removed from the town, and John Kenyon appointed to fill the vacancy. tt During the year John C. Runyan, Treasurer, and Martin C. Cranston, School Inspector, resigned their respective offices, and Alonzo E. Gardner was appointed treasurer, and George G. Perry school inspector, to fill the vacancies. TYRONE TOWNSHIP. 403 i868.-Supervisor, De Witt Denton; Town Clerk, John T. Carmer; Treasurer, David E. Cranston; Justice of the Peace, Peter Russell; School Inspector, Mortimer D. Gardner. I869.-Supervisor, De Witt Denton; Town Clerk, John T. Carmer; Treasurer, David 0. Cranston; Justice of the Peace, William Beemner (full term), John Kenyon (vacancy); School Inspector, Darius A. Smith. I87o.-Supervisor, John T. Carmer; Town Clerk, Saul Kinsman; Treasurer, William Pearson; Justice of the Peace, John C. Salsbury; School Inspector, George G. Perry. 187I.-Supervisor, Elihu Wait; Town Clerk, James M. Fikes; Treasurer, William Pearson; Justice of the Peace, John Sackner; School Inspector, Mortimer D. Gardner (full term), Darius A. Smith (vacancy).* I872.-Supervisor, John T. Carmer; Town Clerk, James M. Fikes; Treasurer, Peter J. Becker; Justice of the Peace, John W. Ingram; Drain Commissioner, De Witt Denton; School Inspector, George G. Perry. I873.-Supervisor, James M. Fikes; Town Clerk, Robert J. Petty; Treasurer, Frederick Fredenburgh; Justices of the Peace, Charles Scribner (full term), Elihu Wait (vacancy); Drain Commissioner, DeWitt Denton; School Inspector, Jeptha C. Carrmer. 1874.-Supervisor, John T. Carmer; Town Clerk,.J. Clark Carmer; Treasurer, Frederick Fredenburgh; Justices of the Peace, John H. Bristol (full term), George Hogan (vacancy); Drain Commissioner, Richard Seaton; School Inspector,,t Fred C. Wood. I875.-Supervisor, John T. Carmer;+ Town Clerk, John W. Archbolld; Treasurer, Matthew Tuma; Justices of the Peace, John Sackner; Drain Commissioner, Edward Williams; School Superintendent, Henry J. Hoffmian; School Inspector, Darius A. Smith. I876.-Supervisor, John Sackner; Town Clerk, John W. Archbold; Treasurer, Matthew Tuma; Ju-tice of the Peace, George G. Perry; Drain Commissioner (for two years), Butler S. Tubbs; School Superintendent, Fred. C. Wood; School Inspector, James B. Murphy. 1877.-Supervisor, John Sackner; Town Clerk, J. R. Gardner; Treasurer, William P. Carmer; Justice of the Peace, John T. Carmer; School Superintendent, Fred. C. Wood; School Inspector, James B. Murphy. 1878.-Supervisor,John T. Carmer; Town Clerk, J. R. Gardner; Treasurer, William P. Carmer; Justices of the Peace, Elihu Wait (full term), fH. B. Street (vacancy); Drain Commissioner (for two years), Butler S. Ttbbs; School Superintendent, Robert D. Lemon; School Inspector, Orlando B. Topping. 1879.-Supervisor, John T. Carmer; Town Clerk, John W. Archbold; Treasurer, Edward H. Dickerman; Justices of the Peace, Dennis McCarthy (full term), Darius A. Smith (long vacancy), John Foley (short vacancy); School Superintendent, Robert D. Lemon; School Inspector, Valentine McGuire. The first juror list was prepared May 20, 1839, and contained the names of eight persons, as follows: Isaac Cornell, Henry A. Cornell, George Cornell, William Dawson, John C. Salsbury, * Jeptha C. Carmer appointed. t J. C. Carner resigned the office of school inspector, and B. C. Wait was appointed, April 7, to fill the vacancy. I Mr. Carmer being unable by reason of sickness to perform the duties of his office for a time, the Town Board on the 20th of April appointed John Sackner to serve till Mr. Carmer should recover. Joseph M. Becker, Nathaniel C. Austin, and Joseph Bolles. The first record of an estray was the following: "A Stray Horse taken up by Edward Fuller, December the g9th, 1838. Description: A dark Bey, Black Mane and Tail, two years old past." The political status of the town at the present time is Democratic, by an average majority of from I5 to 30 votes. When first organized it was Democratic, and so remained until the Republican party was organized, when that assumed political control for a time, and then began to lose ground, until their old-time opponents regained their former vantage. The leaders in the two parties have been as follows: On the Democratic side, John Kenyon, Hiram M. and Lyman E. Rhodes, Alonzo Slayton, Clark Dibble, John C. Salsbury, Jonathan L. Wolverton, Frederick F. Riggs, Sanford Billings, and others. On the Whig and Republican side, Isaac Cornell, Isaac Morton, Dillis Dexter, John W. Ingram, Elihu Wait, De Witt Denton, and others. Tyrone township lies, as before stated, in the extreme northeast corner of the county, and is centrally distant thirteen miles northeast from Howell, the county-seat. On the north it is bounded by Fenton, Genesee Co., on the east by Rose, Oakland Co., on the south by Hartland, and on the west by Deerfield. Its total area, according to the United States survey, is 23,013.37 acres,and the census of 1874 reports of taxable land 22,902 acres, exempt land 9 acres, 5 acres in burial-grounds, and I 1,760 acres improved. In the quantity of its productions, as compared with the other towns of the county, it ranks as the sixth town. In wheat and potatoes it holds second place; in other grains and butter it is fifth, in pork seventh, in hay and wool tenth, and in corn twelfth. In I873 it had 3524 acres of wheat, yielding an average of 13.I4 bushels to the acre, ranking as the tenth town of the county. In the same year it had 872 acres of corn, yielding an average of 30.36 bushels to the acre, giving it the fifth place. The following is a statement of the quantity of its products in I873: Bushels of wheat........ 46,296 Pounds of wool.......... 23,15 " corn.......... 26,475 " pork......... 66,013 " othergrains. 27,843 " butter......... 54,040 (" potatoes.... 9,714 " dried fruit... 1,560 Tons of hay............... 2,oo6 Barrels of cider......... 342 The number of acres of orchard was that year reported at 538, and the yield of apples at 10,870 bushels. The year previous the yield was I2,000 bushels. The population of the town in I850 was 867; in 1860 it had grown to 1I76; in I870 it had still 404 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. further increased to I222, of whom Io89 were native, and 133 foreign born; and in I874 the number had fallen to II66. It is believed that the census of i88o will show a considerable increase in the number of inhabitants. The first road in the town was one opened from the Cornell settlement to the Tinney settlement in the town of Highland, Oakland Co. It was not regularly surveyed, but was marked by ",blazes" on the trees. At first there was no need of regularly, opened roads, for the woods were so open as to allow of conveyances passing from one point to another, without any serious hindrance. But as the lands were taken up and began to be cultivated, it would not answer to continue this way of traveling, and roads had to be surveyed and established. These roads, as far as considered practicable, were laid out on section or quarter section lines, but owing to the lakes and marshes they were often, especially in the north part of the town, quite crooked in their courses. The second road was opened to enable the settlers in the south part of the town to get to Fentonville. The regular survey of roads began, according to the town records, in the summer of I837. At that time Amos Adams was the county surveyor, and in July he made a survey of two roads in this town. The first surveyed on the I9th was a portion of the Deer Creek and Fentonville road, which, coming across the town of Deerfield, kept to the south of Bennett's Lake, and entered this town at a point eight chains and thirty-three links (thirty-three and one-third rods) south of the northwest corner of section 7, and running southeast till it reached the quarter line, followed it to the east line of section 8, where it turned to the northeast, and ran a crooked course to its intersection with the Shiawassee road, at a point twelve chains and forty links (nearly fifty rods) from the southeast corner of section 4, in a direction sixty-nine degrees west of north. On the 21St of that month he surveyed the White Lake or Shiawassee road, following pretty closely the route of the Indian trail heretofore described, and on the same day another road extending south from the Love school-house till it reached the town line. In 1838 several roads were opened. In May, Henry P. Adams surveyed what was called Dawson's road, which extended one mile across the north side of section 34. It was recorded May 27th. Dillis Dexter surveyed a road, on the 25th of September, leading north from the southeast corner of section 2 until it reached the north part of section 15, where it turned to the northeast and crossed sections 15 and Io till it intersected the Shiawassee road. The Deer Creek and Fenton road was continued from the quarter-post on the west line of section 9 to the northeast corner of section 4 by two surveys, one-the part south of the four corners, on section 4-September 25th, and one-north of the four corners-December 29th. Also in September a road across the north part of sections 6 and 5 from the town line to the Shiawassee road, being a part of the Argentine and Fentonville road; a road from Isaac Cornell's-northeast corner of section 32-to the Deer Creek and Fenton road, at the west quarter-post of section 9; and another from the southwest corner of section 9 two miles west to the Deerfield line, opening a thoroughfare for the Mortons, Wolvertons, and Jacksons, and a branch from the southeast corner of section 7 onehalf mile north to the Deer Creek road. On December I2th a road was surveyed from James McGuire's south along the Deerfield line, starting sixty rods south of the quarter-post of section 19 and running to the section corner. In 1839 the roads opened were as follows: March 27th, record was made of the road between Tyrone and Hartland, surveyed by Henry P. Adams, under the direction of the highway commissioners of the two towns,-Austin Wakeman, Henry P. Adams, George Cornell, and Williamn D. Snapp; March I6th, a re-survey of the Shiawassee road, which was then called for the first time the White Lake road, describing it as commencing thirty-six rods west of the north quarter-post of section 5, running a southeast course of six and three-quarter miles, and passing into Rose a little south of the quarterpost on the east line of section 13; the Wells road, from the southeast corner of section 35 to the northeast corner of section 2, surveyed by Dillis Dexter April 24th and 25th; the Fenton and Tyrone town-line road, May I6th; the Parshall and Jackson road, from the southeast corner of section 31 to the Wolverton school-house, southeast corner of section 7, July 13th; the Curtis, Stevens, and Chrispell road, from the saw-mill, near the centre of section 32, to the north quarter-post, and from there to the northwest corner of the section; the Kearney and Cranston road, from the south quarter-post of section I7 to the centre of the town; and the Babcock and Conklin road, from the Cornell road across the south ends of sections 20 and 19 to the town line. These were the highways opened for the public use previous to the year I840. From time to time, as the needs of the settlers demanded, new roads were opened and old ones altered to suit their convenience. In 1845 the State road, authorized by the Legislature, was opened from Brighton to Fenton. The part running through this town was surveyed 405 TYRONE TOWNSHIP. by Morril Ripley under the direction of the commissioners appointed by the State,-Alonzo Slayton and Elisha Holmes. As first surveyed it commenced at the southeast corner of section 33, and ran north on section lines to the northeast corner of section 28; from there it ran across to the northeast corner of section 14; and then north on section lines to the county line, its whole course being a little over seven miles. May 6, 1848, under direction of Hiram Mapes, Alonzo Slayton, and Robert Leroy, the course was changed. The diagonal part of the old road was discontinued, and from the northeast corner of section 28 it was continued over its present course along the east line of sections 21 and I6, across sections 15, 0I, II, and 2, to the county line of the last-named section. SCHOOLS. The first school in the town was kept by Alvin Cornell, in the summer of 1838, in the first schoolhouse built in the town, which stood on Joseph M. Becker's land on section 28. Ruth Chrispcll and Mary Mapes also taught early schools there. The following extract from the record shows the first division of the town into school districts: "TYRONE, April the loth, 1838. "At a Meeting of the Inspectors of common Schools for the Township of Tyrone, who Organized according to law by choosing Isaac Cornell chairman, and proceeded to divide Said Township into districts as follows, viz: Sections I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, Io, II, and 12, be, anl the same is made a Separate School district, to be called No. one. "Also Sections 7, 8, I8, and 17, 15, I6, be, and the same is made a Separate district, Styled No. two. "Also Sections 19, 30, 31, and w. X of 20, w. 4 of 29, and the w. 2 of 32, be, and the same is Made a Separate district, Styled No. three. "Also e. Y of section 20, e. 2 of 29, e. 2 of 32, and sections 33, 28, and 21, w. of 22, w. 2 of 27, and the w. 2 of 34, be, and the same is Made a separate district, Styled No. four. "And Sections 13, 14, 23, 24, 25, 26, 35, and 36, the e. Y of 22, e. '/ 27, and the e.,Y of 34, be, and the same is made a separate district, St)led No. 5. "ISAAC CORNELL, " CLARK DIBBLE, "H. R. STEVENS, " Inspectors of Schools. "By H. M. RHODES, 7Tzon Clerk." Many changes in boundaries and many renumberings of the districts have been made, so that it would be a difficult, as it is a practically useless, task to attempt to trace themn connectedly. The first reports of the districts were made in October, 1839, and only three districts made any reports. These were as follows: District No. I, David Colwell director, reported i6 scholars be tween the ages of five and seventeen years, and that they had raised the following sums of money: $300 for a school-house, $70 for support of the school, and $IO for library purposes. District No. I (firactional), Gardner L. Downer director, reported 15 scholars and $50 raised for a school-house. District No. 4, Henry A. Cornell director, reported 18 scholars, 16 of whom had attended school; $325 raised for a school-house, $30 for teachers' wages, $12 for books and a library case; that school had been kept three months; and that the books used were " Webster's Elementary SpellingBook, Adams' Arithmetick, Woodbridge's Geography, and the English Reader." At the present time the school system of the town embraces eleven districts, five of which are fractional, and nine of the number (having schoolhouses located in this town) report in Tyrone. The schools are all common district schools, making no pretensions beyond the imparting of knowledge in the common branches of an English education. They are conducted with a laudable degree of efficiency, but on the part of the people with none too great a spirit of liberality towards the profession of teachers. The school-houses are a credit to the town, three of them being built of brick, and the rest frame buildings. District No. I is fiactional, part of it lying in the town of Fenton. In this town it embraces section 3, and portions of sections 4, 7, and Io. The brick school-house is valued at $IOOO. District No. 2 lies in the west part of the town, and embraces sections 7, 8, 17, 18, and parts of sections 9, I6, and 20. Its school-house is a neat wooden structure, known far and wide as the "Wolverton School house," is located on the southeast corner of section 7, is capable of seating 60 scholars, and is valued at $900. The first school-house in this district was built in November, I839, the residents working out their tax, and the material being purchased with the money received from non-resident tax-payers. It remained in use until the present one was built on the same site, some twelve or fourteen years ago. Harvey R. Stevens taught the first school in the district in the winter of I839-40, and Jane Bush and Dr. Fairbanks also taught early schools there. District No. 3 is fractional, part of the district being in Fenton. The school-house is located o( the northwest quarter of section 5 in Tyrone. This is a frame building, well built, and cost about $1 1oo. The amount expended for schools in this district was $232.36 for the year ending Sept. 30, 1879. District No. 4 is located in the southwest corner of the town. Its school-house is an exceedingly pretty brick building, just completed in the fall of I879, at a cost of about $Iooo. It stands about forty or fifty rods south of the northeast corer of section 30. 4X6 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. District No. 5 is a long, narrow district east of No. 4. The school-house is a wooden building, with accommodations for 40 scholars, is valued at $425, and stands a few rods north of the southeast corner of section 29. District No. 6 is fractional, embracing a little land in Hartland. The schoolhouse first stood on Joseph M. Becker's land on section 28, and was built as early as the summer of 1839. Miss Olive Blood taught the first school in it, and Morgan White and Alvin Cornell also taught early schools there. The log house was soon after replaced by a frame one, which became well known as the " Love School-house." The present house is a frame building, standing on the northeast corner of section 33. It is valued at $700. District No. 7 is the central district of the town. The school-house for many years has been known as the " Cranston School-house," and stands about sixty rods north of the southeast corner of section 15. It is a frame building, valued at $500, and fitted to receive Ioo pupils. District No. 8 is in the northeast part of the town. It was formed, in nearly its present shape, May 3, 1848, and contains sections 2 and i, the west half of sections I and 12, the greater part of sections 13 and 14, and a part of section IO. The school-house is a brick one, a little south of the west quarter-post of section 12, capable of seating Ioo scholars, and valued at $iooo. District No. 9, the largest in the town, is in the southeast corner. It was first formed as a separate district Nov. 6, I849, and was changed to very nearly its present form Sept. I6, I850. The first school-house was erected soon after on the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of section 25, and Miss Eleanor Hodges taught the first school in it. In 1865 it was replaced by the present fine frame building, which will seat 68 sclholars, and is valued at $800. In the foregoing we have made casual mention of some of the earliest teachers, and, to give equal honor to others just as deserving of mention, we add a list of teachers licensed by the inspectors, including, as far as we are able to learn, the names of:all licensed previous to the year 1850. These pioneer laborers in the school-room were: Eliza A. Leroy, Harvey R. Stevens, Melinda H-amilton, John Kenyon, Lucinda Hart, Mary J. Galloway, Elsie Tretmper, D. Cranston, Dr. Fairbanks, - Hicks, John Ha^iilltn, Thomas Denton, Eliza S. Huntley, Clarissa E. Haynes, Eliza M. Hicks, James L. Topping, Charles C. Ellsworth, Abigail Royce, E. E. Jones, Sylvester Morrison, Elizabeth iorehouse, Medinda Bitlilgs, Helen M. Holmes, Almira Macomber, Mary J. Spencer, O.Rhodes, George L. Mapes, Orlando Topping, Cordelia Kenyon, E. W. Stevens, and Hannah Sweeney. INDUSTRIES. There is little to say of Tyrone under this head more than to designate it as an agricultural community devoted to farming in all its branches, and making a specialty of no particular one. On account of its lack of water-power, mills have never been built to any extent. The first and only mill in the town is a small saw-mill near the centre of section 32. It is a water-mill, the power being furnished by Cornell Creek, on the north shore of which it is built. It was erected by Isaac Cornell in I84I. After operating it about fifteen years, he sold to Peter Cartier, who sold to the present owner, Jacob S. Griswold, in the spring of I879. The mill has done a considerable amount of custom sawing for the accommodation of the people of this vicinity, and aside fiom ordinary repairs, is still standing as originally built. Other than this and blacksmithing, but two other business enterprises have been started. William Dawson has done considerable in the line of raising garden-seeds for market, selling largely to D. M. Ferry & Co., of Detroit, and putting up a good many in his own packages; and a little cigarmaking has been done by Mr. Gardner on section 27. No villages have ever grown up in this town, and its trade has contributed to the prosperity of villages in adjoining towns,-as Parshallville, Hartland Centre, Holly, Fenton, and Linden. A small part of Parshallville, containing a half-dozen dwellings and one or two mechanic shops, lies on section 31 in this town, but most of the village, including the churches, mills, furnace, stores, etc., is on section 6 of Hartland. An attempt was made many years ago to start a village in the northeast corner of section 31. Some time early in the forties, a man named Norman Hodges left his farm in Oceola and purchased some land in that part of this town. He built a saw-mill, a store, a clothiery (cloth-dressing and carding-mill), and seven dwelling-houses, and things looked quite lively for a while; but finally his dam was found to interfere with the Parshallville power, a mile above on Ore Creek, and he got into trouble with the proprietor of that mill, which at last drove him from the vicinity. He left about five years after coming here, and no one knows what became of him. With his departure the growth of the village stopped, and now it presents no unusual appearance to the passer-by, although the locality still retains the name of " Hodgeburg," in honor of its former owner, TYRONE TOWNSHIP. 407 The first and only post-office in Tyrone bears the town name, and was established at the Grove House, with Jairah Hillman as postmaster, as early as i852-53. It was kept by him for a time and then transferred to James Carmer, who kept it at his house, on section 21, till it was turned over to Alonzo Slayton and removed to the northwest corner of section 27. From Slayton it went to the present incumbent, Amilo Gardner, in 1855-56, and has been kept by him at his house on section 28 since that time, with the exception of a few months in 186i, when it was kept by Rev. John A. Sober. Twice in its history hlas the town been agitated by attempts to bond it in aid of railroads, but each time the project has met with crushing defeat The first attempt was made in the winter of 1864, in the interest of the Detroit and Howell Railroad, and the proposal was voted down unanimously at the town-meeting on the 4th of April. The second attempt was made in behalf of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Saginaw Railroad in i866. A special town-meeting was called and held at the Cranston school-house, Sept. 13, I866, and the question of raising the money was submitted to a vote, with the result that the proposal was defeated by a vote of 134 to 7. During the dark days of the war of the Rebellion Tyrone remained true to the principles of liberty and equality, and sent her sons forth in defense of their country. Some of them returned to tell the stirring tale of the camp-fire, the march, and the field of battle; but some came not back, but left their blood to enrich the Southern sod on which they fell and beneath which their bones now lie, awaiting the summons of the last great day. Several special town-meetings were held at different times between December, I863, and February, i865, the result of which was the raising of a sufficient amount by tax and bonding to pay to each man-volunteer, drafted man, or substitute-mustered into the service, and accredited.to this town, the sum of $00oo bounty. In accordance with such action, bonds were issued as follows: Feb. I, 1864, 17 bonds of $ioo each, bearing interest at 7 per cent., and becoming due Feb. I, I865; Sept. I,. 1864, 12 bonds of a similar character, due Feb. I, i866; and Jan. 16, i865, 14 bonds, due Feb. i, 1867; making a total of $4300. Several physicians have resided in Tyrone at different times, most of them at Parshallville. Among them were Dr. Daniel V. Van Syckle, now living in Tennessee; Dr. Drummond, now of La peer; Dr. Matthews, and Dr. Steele. Another-Dr. Ryker, now of Fenton-lived several years in the north part of the town. SOCIETIES. At the time when the Red Ribbon movement swept over the State the wave reached this town, and aroused to activity those who had been rather negligent regarding the matter of pressing forward the car of reform. Through the efforts of Professor C. L. Van Dorn, of Fenton, principal of the Baptist Seminary at that place, the Tyrone Centre Reform Club was organized about the 15th of June, 1877, with a membership of 75. The first officers were as follows: President, Amos Wolverton; VicePresidents, Eugene Bly and Mrs. Lodema Archbold; Secretary, George Hoffman; Treasurer, Frank Corey. These officers have been re-elected and are still serving. The club meets every other Tuesday evening, and has been quite prosperous, having reached a membership of I50. The Wolverton Club was formed at about the same time, at the Wolverton school-house, with a goodly number of members and the following officers: President, Fred. C. Wood; Vice-Presidents, John H. Cox, Orlando Topping; Secretary, Mrs. Linda Doolittle; Treasurer, Hiram Farnham. It had but a short existence, as, owing to its failure to receive the support to which it was entitled at the hands of the temperance community, it lived only a couple of months, and was then broken up. A third club, the Grove House Reform Club, organized in District No. I, in May, 1878, occupied the field left vacant by the disruption of the Wolverton Club. It had a membership of about 75, which has been increased to a present active membership of about ioo. Its meetings are held fortnightly on Tuesday evenings, alternating with those of the Tyrone Centre Club. The first officers were Lafayette Thompson, President; Frank Sissons, Michael Kelleher, Daniel Stirnson, Vice-Presidents; Lina Stimson, Secretary; Joseph Mount, Treasurer. The officers are elected quarterly, and the present ones are as follows: President, Fred. C. Wood; Vice-Presidents, Frank Sissons, Daniel Berry, H. P. Van Wagoner; Secretary, Ida Sissons; Treasurer, Lina Stinison. KINSMAN'S CORNET BAND. This band, which has earned a splendid reputation, and proved itself one of the best in this part of the State, was first organized in June, I871. Mr. Kinsman's family were gifted with considerable musical talent, and though most of his children were daughters, they learned to play as well as the members of the sex who are generally allowed to monopolize the playing of band nmusic. The band as first organized consisted of nine members, seven of whom were members of one family. Their names were Saul Kinsman, leader, William, Floyd 48 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Mary, Emma, Helen, and Jennie Kinsman, A. R. and J. R. Gardner. They played together for several years, and became quite famous, both on account of the unusual presence of ladies and because of their really fine playing. On account of changes in the family relations of some of the members, the band was dissolved, and in March, I878, was reorganized with twelve members, as it still remains. These twelve persons are as follows: Mortimer D. Gardner, president; Saul Kinsman, leader, and E-flat clarionet; A. R. Gardner, secretary, treasurer, and first B-flat cornet; J. R. Gardner, tuba; Amilo Gardner, second B-flat cornet; William Kinsman, baritone; Floyd Kinsman, first E-flat cornet; John Slayton, first B-flat tenor; Cleman Kelly, first E-flat alto; Fred. Wright, second A-flat alto; Perry Shook, bass-drum; Calvin Gostello, side-drum. Since its reorganization it has sustained its former reputation, and wherever it has appeared in public has won applause and praise from the people and the press. CEMETERIES. There are three cemeteries in Tyrone, all of them owned and cared for by the town. The order in which they were bought is not known to the writer, but it seems probable that the first one would have been that known as the Tyrone Centre burying-ground, located on the north part of the west half of the southwest quarter of section 27, opposite the Methodist church. It contains one acre of ground, which was purchased of Peter Dates for the sum of $8. It is pleasantly situated, and contains many graves, some of them marked with elegant marble headstones. The Colwell burying-ground is located on the south side of the Shiawassee road on the southwest quarter of section 4. It contains one acre of ground which was purchased of David Colwell and Isaac Ayres, one-half from each, in I84I. The first burial here was that of Olive J. Colwell, aged eleven years, a daughter of David Colwell. She was buried in 1841. The other burying-ground is known as the Wolverton burying-ground. It is located on the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of section 8. It was formerly a part of the Jackson farm, and was given by Mr. Jackson,.to Rev. Isaac Seaman, a Protestant Methodist local preacher, who came here to find a home. He afterwards sold it to Elijah Clough, who sold it to the town, about thirty-five years ago, for a burial-ground. Previously a piece of ground near the Wolverton school-house had been bought, and several interments made in it, but it was found to be unfit for the purpose, and so the site was changed, and the: I IA p se I I I I I I remains of those buried there were removed to the new ground. Among those thus taken up were a Mrs. Thomas, John Cox, and others. The first death in the vicinity was that of Mary Dexter, a daughter of Amos Dexter, who was buried on her father's farm till the new ground was bought, when her remains were moved and reinterred in it. RELIGIOUS HISTORY. The first religious meetings in this town were held under the auspices of that pushing, active, and zealous denomination called Methodist Episcopals. Hardly had the first strokes of the settler's axe awoke the ringing echoes of the startled forest, and scarcely had the column of dark smoke first risen from the stick chimney of the settler's rude log cabin, ere the form of the circuit rider appeared on the scene, anxious to lay the foundation for a future tower of the temple of the Master's kingdom. As early as the summer of 1836 one of these devoted men appeared in Tyrone. This was Rev. Washington Jackson, a missionary, traveling at will through this part of the State. He came to the house of George Cornell, and preached there the first sermon delivered in the town. Not long after, regular meetings being desired, a young man in Hartland, who afterwards became well known as a preacher in this region,-Rev. J. G. Horton,-was invited to come and preach. He was then simply a local preacher or exhorter, and felt so much diffidence at this, his first attempt at preaching, that the appointment was not given out until the Saturday before the day set, in order that the news might not reach his neighbors and thus insure him an audience of strangers before whom to test his talent as a preacher. Rev. John Cosart also preached here at an early day. The first meetings were all held at George Cornell's until the school-house was built, when they were held there. At that school-house the first class was formed in I836 by Rev. Washington Jackson, and was known as the CORNELL CLASS. It had but five members,-George and Elizabeth Cornell, Jacob Chrispell and wife, and Eli Conklin. Mr. Cornell was chosen or appointed class-leader, and the first Methodist Church in Tyrone was commenced. The class grew in numbers as the years rolled along, and continued to hold its meetings at the school-house until the appointment was taken up some twelve or fifteen years ago, and the class was transferred to Parshallville. At this point the history of this class in connection with the town of Tyrone ends, but it may not be considered out of place to briefly continue it down to TYRONE T( the present time, as it is an outgrowth of the town, though not now exactly within its limits. Since its -removal to Parshallville the class has grown largely in numbers, and has built a fine brick church and purchased a parsonage. George Cornell, the present class-leader, has held that honorable position upwards of thirty-five years. At first the class was connected with the Farmington circuit, but was soon changed, and has been successively an appointment on each of the following circuits: Milford, Highland, White Lake, Rose, Fenton, Hartland, Byron, and Linden. In I875 it was made the headquarters of a new circuit, called Parshallville circuit, and is still continued as an appointment on that circuit. The following list of pastors, taken mostly from memory, as was necessary in the absence of any written record, is very likely to be somewhat imperfect. The names are given as nearly as may be in the order of their service, and are as follows: Revs. Washington Jackson, John Cosart, Baker, - Bennett, J. G. Horton, Benjamin H. Hedger, Orrin Whitmore, Lyman Dean, Alfred Allen, James R. Cordon, Alexander Gee, B. H. Wightman, James H. Curnalia, James H. Caster, Joseph W. Holt, William H. Benton, O. H. P. Green, Thomas Seeley, Robert C. Lanning, Thomas J. Joslin, Charles L. Church, Henry W. Hicks, Andrew J. Richards, James Balls, Orlando Sanborn, William Birdsall, Edwin Daw, Orlando Sanborn. The latter was appointed by the Conference of I879. THE WOLVERTON CLASS. This was the second class in the town, and was organized about forty years ago (I839), with Jonathan L. Wolverton as class-leader and steward. It then had about a dozen members, which increased quite rapidly till it once reached upwards of 30. At the present time the number of members is about 20. Among the earliest members were Jonathan L. and Hannah Wolverton, Robert McGarry, and Dexter Farnham. Since its formation the class has maintained regular fortnightly services at the school-house. The pastors who have preached here came from the different circuits to which the class has been attached at different times, including in the list Fenton, Highland, Hartland, Groveland, and Parshallville, and for one year was supplied from Oak Grove. Though not able to give a full list of the pastors, we mention those who we know served at some time, though perhaps not in the regular order of their service. They are as follows: Revs. Al fred Allen, Richard Kerr, Joseph W. Holt, E. Westlake, R. Campbell, James H. Caster, William Buxton, Charles Simpson, E. Clough, Brown, —: 52 OWNSHIP. - 49 Worcester, William A. Blades, Giles Belknap, and, since I874, the preachers on Parshallville circuit, as before given. Hiram Farnham is the present class-leader and steward. A Sabbath-school has been connected with the church for many years. It was organized first as many as thirty-five years ago as an undenominational school, under the superintendency of John Knox. Soon after it was reorganized as a Methodist school, and Dexter Farnham was elected as its first superintendent. It had a large field to occupy, and at one time numbered 40 or 50 scholars. During the past summer (I879) the average attendance has been about 20. The present superintendent is Wesley Barnum, and Hiram Farnham is the assistant. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF TYRONE. This church sprung from the third class organized in this town about thirty-five years ago, at the Cranston school-house, and was called the Cranston or Tyrone Centre Class. The first class-leader was David E. Cranston. Among the first members were Caleb, Gilbert, and David Cranston, and J. N. Barnes, and probably other members of their families. In all, the class then numbered about a dozen members. Its meetings were held regularly at the Tyrone Centre school-house for many years, and the class grew to be the strongest in the town. It had other points at which occasional services were held, generally at school-houses in the respective localities. At one of these a class was formed, and an appointment kept up for several years; it was called the Germany or East Tyrone Class, and held its meetings in the school-house in District No. 9. John C. Salsbury was the first class-leader. It was organized in I869, and the appointment was taken up and the class merged in the Tyrone Centre Class in I878. The circuit relations of the different classes have been very much mixed, and it is almost impossible to tell with any approach to accuracy who have been the pastors of any particular class. The following list embraces the names of those ministers whom we suppose to have held the pastoral relation to what is now the First Methodist Episcopal Church. It is as follows: Revs. Alfred Allen, Jo seph W. Holt, Eli Westlake, William A. Blades, Giles N. Belknap, Alfred Allen, - Browne, Wells (or Wales), B. H. Wightman,J. Harvey Caster, Thomas Wilkinson, Benjamin H. Hedger, Curtis Mosher, - Cross, Thomas Seeley, J. Kilpatrick, William H. Benton, Charles L. Church, James R. Cordon, Joseph W. Holt, O. H. P. Green, 4to HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN.: I -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ James H. Curnalia, J. Kilpatrick, Charles Simpson, Andrew J. Richards, William Buxton, Richard Kerr, Eli Westlake, W. W. Washburn, - Hitchcock, James Balls, Orlando Sanborn, William Birdsall, Edwin Daw, and Orlando Sanborn, the present pastor. The class has been connected with Fenton, Highland, Hartland, Traphagen, and Parshallville circuits. In 1874 it was decided to build a church, and at a quarterly meeting of the circuit, held at Deerfield Centre on the 29th of October, the following trustees-proposed by Rev. James Balls, preacher in charge-were elected: John C. Salsbury, William Shook, J. B. Cramer, Peter Becker, and W. D. Gardner. There was considerable difference of opinion regarding the location of the site of the new church, a large share of the members preferring a site near the centre of the town, while others wanted it farther south. It was finally decided to build upon section 28, opposite the burying-ground, where Amilo Gardner offered an acre of ground for a church-site. In the spring of 1876 work was begun on the church,-Albert Kenyon being the carpenter in charge of the job,-and it was rapidly pushed to completion, being ready for occupancy in August. It is 32 by 50 feet, tastily designed and well constructed, and cost, including furnishing, about $2500. It was dedicated in August, 1876, by the pastor, Rev. O. Sanborn, assisted by Rev. E. E. Caster, of Saginaw. The present membership is about 50, and the officers are: John C. Salsbury, Class-leader; Peter Becker and William Shook, Stewards; John C. Salsbury, William Shook, J. B. Cramer, Peter Becker, W. D. Gardner, Daniel Betts, and Heman Gillett, Trustees. The Sabbath-school was first organized about I840, at the Cranston school-house, as a union school. It was soon changed to a Methodist school, and when the church was built was reorganized there with William Shook as the superintendent. He is also the present one. The other officers are: Henry A. Cornell, Secretary; P. J. Becker, Treasurer. The school has a good library of 75 or 8o volumes, and a membership of about 75 scholars. Two other Methodist Sunday-schools have been started in Tyrone. The one at the Love schoolhouse, about twenty-one years ago, with John C. Salsbury as superintendent, lasted only a couple of years. The other was organized several years ago at the No. 9 school-house, with the same gentleman acting as superintendent. It is still in existence, and George G. Perry is the superintendent.: At the time when the East Tyrone class was broken up, in the fall of 1878, Rev. S. A. Northrop, the Baptist minister of Fenton, began preaching at the school-house in District No. 9, once in two weeks. These services have been kept up since that time with gratifying success. A four weeks' series of nightly meetings was held in February and March, I879, and resulted in the conversion of 20 or more persons. It is now intended to organize a church there in the spring of I88o. THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS. This sect of Christians once had a church in this town which disappeared many years ago, although some of its members still remain residents of this town. The first step which led to the organization of this church was the coming of Rev. Charles C. Foote, in the spring of 1850. He was a recent graduate of Oberlin College, and a very ardent and zealous worker. He instituted a series of meetings at the Love school-house, at the close of which he organized a union church with a membership of 13 persons. This church lingered along a few years, but became somewhat reduced in numbers and interest. Just at this time, about I856-57, Rev. Mr. Seymour and his wife, from Ohio, came and held a series of meetings and preached the Advent doctrines to the people. These meetings were successful in reviving the spiritual ardor of the attendants upon them; but no steps were taken to organize a church. About a year and a half later, Rev. James White and wife came and held a two days' meeting in William Dawson's barn, which still further advanced the cause and aroused new interest in the peculiar doctrines of the Adyentists. The field being thus thoroughly prepared, Rev. John N. Loughborough came and organized a church with about 15 members. Among them were Jacob Chrispell, John P. Kellogg, William and Maria Lockwood, Elkanah and Arvilla Stone, William and Henrietta Dawson, and several others. Officers were chosen soon after, and William Lockwood was elected as the first elder, and Mr. Jones as the first.deacon, of the church. The meetings were kept up at the Cornell schoolhouse with considerable regularity for seven or eight years, during which time the society was known as "The Seventh-Day Adventist Church of Tyrone," and then it was moved to Holly, where it now is. The discipline of the sect does not recognize the establishing of pastoral relations between the ministers and churches of the sect, so that no list of preachers is to be had. Among those who TYRONE TOWNSHIP. 411 have preached here are Revs. Bates, James White, J. N. Loughborough, and Merritt Cornell, a son of Isaac Cornell, who has been a minister of the denomination for twenty-five years. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF TYRONE. When the membership of the Methodist Church was so much interested in discussing the question of a site for the new church, the differences of opinion became so decided that, when it was decided to locate at the southern point, the class divided and made application to have an appointment continued at the Cranston school-house, in addition to the one at the church. But the officers of the Conference refused to grant this request, thinking that it would lead to the reunion of the divided class by compelling the seceding part to go without preaching or to attend the meetings at the church. But they were not to be coerced in the matter, having made up their minds that they were entitled to preaching in their own locality, and they at once invited the Congregational minister at Hartland, Rev. William H. Osborn, to come and preach to them. He came, and on the 17th of December, 1876, organized "The First Congregational Church of Tyrone" with 15 members, whose names were as follows: Sylvester P. and Victoria Harvey, Albert and Mary A. Fletcher, Robert and Catharine Petty, Joseph and Mary Barnes, William S. and Martha A. Buxton, Eliza Chase, Frances Cranston, Emma Love, Frances Holmes, and Mrs. Lodema Archbold. At this first meeting, Sylvester P. Harvey and Robert Petty were chosen to act as deacons, and Albert Fletcher was elected scribe. Articles of Faith and Covenant were read and adopted. The annual meeting of the church was fixed for the first Saturday in December in each year, at I o'clock P.M. The first preparatory lecture was given on the 27th of January, 1877, by Rev. W. H. Osborn, the first pastor of the church. At that time Almon L. Chase was elected treasurer. Rev. W. H. Osborn continued to preach till the summer of I878, when he resigned his pastoral charge, and a committee of five was appointed to confer with a similar committee from the church at Hartland Centre to make arrangements for the hiring of a pastor. Messrs. Robert Petty, Joseph Barnes, Sylvester P. Harvey, Albert Fletcher, and Adam F. Andrews constituted the committee. As a result of their deliberations, Rev. D. A. Strong was called to the pastorate, and is still serving. Up to the winter of i878-79, the meetings had been held at the school-house, but the society, I deeming themselves able to undertake the work of building a house of worship, decided to do so, and called a meeting to incorporate, preparatory to that step. This meeting was held at the school-house on the 15th of February, 1879, Rev. D. A. Strong presiding, and Frederick C. Wood acting as clerk. The following trustees were elected to hold office at the pleasure of the church, until removed by death, resignation, removal, or misdemeanor, viz., Philo B. Street, Amos Wolverton, Silas Fletcher, Armstrong Reid, and Frederick C. Wood. This board chose officers as follows: Amos Wolverton, Chairman; Frederick C. Wood, Clerk; Armstrong Reid, Treasurer. The meeting then empowered the trustees to secure a site for the church, to be "the most eligible one on the State road, from the centre one-half mile north," and instructed them to have inserted in the deed the following clause: ": That the Congregational society shall have full control of the premises by their board of trustees, but shall not debar any evangelical or orthodox church from holding occasional services thereon." The trustees selected a site on the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of section i6, and purchased one-half acre of Edward Williams for the sum of $50. Work was begun on the church early in the spring of I879, and it was completed about the first of October following. The building is of elegant design, beautifully proportioned, and built in a substantial and workmanlike manner. The main part is 32 feet in width and 47 feet long, with a vestibule io by I4 feet in front. The roof is of Gothic style, and the whole structure is surmounted by a handsome steeple and spire, reaching upward 84 feet from the ground. The total cost, including furnishing, was about $I825. It was dedicated on Sunday, Oct. I9, 1879. At the present time the membership of the church is 76, and a spirit of harmony and peace pervades the society. The present officers are as follows: Sylvester P. Harvey and Robert Petty, Deacons; Adam F. Andrews, Scribe; Almon L. Chase, Treasurer; Amos Wolverton, Frederick C. Wood, Armstrong Reid, Philo B. Street, and Silas Fletcher, Trustees. There is a flourishing Sabbath-school carried on in connection with the church. To all the kind friends who assisted the writer in his work of gathering historical matter in Tyrone he returns his sincerest thanks, and wishes for them that they may ever meet with as kind a welcome and as generous a hospitality as that with which they met him when his business called him to their doors. 42I HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. BI'OGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. REV. ISAAC MORTON. MRS. ISAAC MORTON. REV. ISAAC MORTON. Among the venerable pioneers, who by their energy and industry laid the foundation for the present wealth and enterprise of the town of Tyrone, none are more worthy of a conspicuous place in its history than Isaac Morton. He was born in the town of Williston, Chittenden Co., Vt., April 3, 1807. His parents, Isaac and Nancy Morton, were of New England origin, and reared a family of nine children. They were farmers, useful and honorable members of society, and worthy members of the Baptist Church. As was customary in those days, Isaac acknowledged obligation to his father in his labor until he attained his twenty-first year, when he started in life for himself as a farmer. But the rugged hills and impoverished soil of Vermont gave him very unsatisfactory returns for his hard labor, and he resolved to come to Michigan. Accordingly, in September of 183, he started with his family, which consisted of his wife and one child,-Minerva (now Mrs. Hoysington, of Fenton), -for what was then considered to be the far West. The journey was made by boat from Burlington to Whitehall, and from thence to Buffalo via the Erie and Northern Canal, and from Buffalo to Detroit by lake. He first settled in the town of Saline, Washtenaw Co., where some of his friends had preceded him. Being in extremely limited circumstances, he was obliged to rent a farm. At the expiration of his lease (two years) he purchased a new farm, in the town of York, which he improved, and upon which he resided until his emigration to Tyrone, in January, I837. The journey was made with an ox-team, and occupied five days. As the country was for the most part a wilderness, they were obliged to ford the streams. The following spring the town was organized, and Mr. Morton was elected its first assessor. He has been a resident of the town since 1837, and has been largely identified with its development. Dec. 3, 1828, Mr. Morton was married to Miss Harriet Abbey. She was born in East Windsor, Conn., March 23, 18I i. She was an estimable woman, a worthy helpmeet, a devoted wife, and an affectionate mother. She died Sept. 27, 1879, leaving her husband and five children to mourn her loss. In his religious affiliations Mr. Morton is a Methodist Protestant. In 1849 he was ordained a minister of that faith, and has preached for many years. He never had the advantages of education, but is possessed of good, sound common sense, and is a man of much natural ability. He has a decided taste for poetry, and has composed many poems. We append a few stanzas, written on the death of his wife: "Sleep, darling, in thy narrow bed, Thus Christ has sanctified and blest; Thy mouldering place rich flowers will spread,Forget-me-nots upon thy breast. "Thy smiles in sickness and in health, Would vanquish sorrow fast away; The hand that plied the many cares, Now mingles with its mother-clay. DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP. 4r3 "Can I forget that dreadful night? Clasp'd to my bosom there she fell; She saw my tears, bid me not weep,'I bid you one and all farewell.' "For fifty years we lived in love, I love her, claim her still as mine; With her I took my pledge of love, She left with me her love behind. "This love's a ring that ne'er will break, It did our hearts together twine; Though sorrow's path I alone must take, I will the hill of Zion climb." JOHN T. CARMER was born in the town of Ellery, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Sept. 3, I831. His parents, Daniel Carmer and Bethiah Turner, reared a family of eleven children,-six sons and five daughters. When John was four years of age the family removed to Crawford County, where they resided until June, 1849, when the elder Carmer removed to Tyrone, purchased the farm now owned by his son, John T., and resided there until his death, which occurred in I879. He was born in New Jersey, Sept. 3, I789, and married Bethiah Turner in 1820. She was born in New York, Feb. 17, I802, and is still living. The elder Carmer was a very exemplary man, strictly honorable in all dealings, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. John received a good common-school education, and his life has been devoted to his chosen calling, that of a farmer. He has earned an enviable reputation for integrity and ability, and is prominently identified with the political history of the town of JOHN T. CARMER. Tyrone. In I870 he was elected supervisor, and re-elected in the years 1872, I874, 1875, 1878, and again in 1879. On the Board he is recognized as an able exponent of the interests of his town. He has filled the office with credit to himself and to the entire satisfaction of his constituents. - - - DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP. THE town of Deerfield embraces a territory a little more than six miles square, lying on the north line of the county of Livingston, just east of the centre. In the United States survey, it is known as township 4 north, of range 5 east. It is centrally distant from Howell, the county-seat, nine miles in a northeasterly direction, and is bounded on the north by the town of Argentine, in Genesee Co., on the east by Tyrone, on the south by Oceola, and on the west by Cohoctah. It is of the kind of land known as timbered oakopenings, and presented such a peaceful beauty to the eyes of the land-lookers that it is no wonder they were led to come and settle beneath the shades of its beautiful oaks. The whole upland of the town was like one immense grove, where the majestic trees, standing wide apart, let the sunlight of heaven in upon the earth, to produce the luxuriant growth of grass and flowers that delighted the eyes of the beholder. Through the wide aisles of this forest the startled deer fled precipitately before the tread of the settler; the saucy squirrels whisked their bushy tails, and chattered loudly from their high perches in the tree-tops, as if protesting against the rude invasion of their sylvan domain; the sober-plumaged partridge crept stealthily from its nest and suddenly whirred away through the trees; and the shy wild turkeys stole like black ghosts into the undergrowth, and hid from the sight of their foes. The general surface of the town is lightly rolling, becoming more hilly in the northwest and west parts, and subsiding to more level lands in the central and southern parts. The soil is varied in 4~4 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. its character, and distributed somewhat in streaks, running east and west across the town. These streaks are of a light, sandy nature, and between them are corresponding streaks of a heavier soil, a sort of clayey loam, which predominates largely in the southern part of the town. The soil is well adapted to the cultivation of general crops, and well rewards the husbandman for his toil, and the heavier soil is especially well adapted to the growing of wheat. The streams are more rapid than is usually the case in Michigan, and two of them furnish millseats in their course through this town. The principal stream is the south branch of the Shiawassee River, which enters from Cohoctah near the northwest corner of section I8, runs north to the north line of section 7, then east a half-mile, and then north till it passes into Argentine. Where it crosses the line between sections 6 and 7 the stream has a considerable fall, and affords the finest waterpower in the town, and the only one that is utilized. From the Shiawassee, going eastward, we next reach the stream known as Yellow River. The Indian name, which had the same signification and was probably given it on account of the color of its waters, was "Saw-ick-sah." This stream takes its rise in a small lake in the north part of Oceola, which bears the name of Lown's Lake, from an early settler in that vicinity. Another branch of it rises in the south part of section 35, and flows west to about the centre of the south half of section 34, where it joins the outlet of the lake, and the combined streams follow a westerly, northwesterly, and northerly course, till it enters the southern extremity of Indian Lake. It leaves the lake, passing in a northerly course, crosses the county line, and unites with the Shiawassee River in the town of Argentine. Next east of Yellow River we come to Cranberry Creek, so called because it had its rise in a cranberry marsh. It rises in section 36, and is the outlet of Payne's Lake, on that section. Its general course through the town is northwesterly, and near a point seven-eighths of a mile north of the southwest corner of section 4 it empties into the Yellow River. On sections 15 and IO it passes through a string of four lakes, and is augmented by their overflow. As we approach the eastern boundary of the town we reach another stream, more particularly described in the history of Tyrone, which is only second in importance to the south branch of the Shiawassee, if, indeed, it does not outrank it. It is North Ore Creek, and enters the town from Tyrone about eighty rods south of the not-h4eat corner of section 13, pursuing a northerly cour till it enters Bennett Lake, on the southeast quarter of section I. It once more leaves the lake, in the northeast quarter of section 2, and, running northwest, crosses the county line into Argentine, where it affords a very fine mill-seat at Argentine village. Its waters join the east branch of the Shiawassee in Argentine. The other streams of the town are little brooks, tributary to these larger streams. The land along these water-courses is generally more rolling than elsewhere, and in some parts the knolls and ridges are almost worthy to be designated as hills. The town has rather more than the usual number of lakes. The largest is called Indian Lake, from the fact that an Indian family lived for many years upon its bank, and was known among the Indians as Portabeek's Lake. It lies west of the centre of the town, and contains an area of about 450 acres of open water. The marshes upon its shore are more or less overflowed at certain times. Most of the lake is on section 17, but its southern extremity reaches a few rods into section 20, and a limb extends north into section 8. Its length from north to south is about two miles, and its average width not far from three-eighths of a mile. Its outline is very irregular. Its outlet is the Yellow River. The next one in importance is sometimes called Laird Lake, but should be called Bennett Lake, after William Bennett, the first settler along its shore. The practice seems to have obtained here of calling these lakes by the names of those residing nearest them, changing the name every time the property is transferred to some new owner. This is a reprehensible practice, and should be discouraged. If-as would have been the best waythe Indian names for these lakes and streams could not be learned and perpetuated, it might answer to name them after the first settlers upon their shores; but once named, that name should be continued through all time, unless some more appropriate or better name should be, by common consent, conferred upon them. In this work we follow the rule, as far as possible, to call these lakes and streams by their earliest names, believing that they are the ones that should be preserved. Bennett Lake is very irregular in form, surrounded, generally, by a wide marsh, and extends for a considerable distance into Tyrone. Its greatest length is from east to west, a distance of a little over two miles, and its average width is only about a quarter of a mile, though in places it widens out to nearly a half mile. It contains upwards of 300 acres of open water, exclusive of all marshes. Its western extremity is marked by a bolder shore than those of any other lake in the vicinity. Its outlet is North Ore Creek. It lies on sections 2 and I in this town, and 6 in Tyrone. qSHIP. 415 DEERFIELD TOWI Ryan Lake lies in the northeast part of section 3, and contains about 80 acres. It is of rounded outline, and its outlet, running from its northwest side, empties into the Yellow River in Argentine. It is longest from northeast to southwest, and is surrounded by marshes. Its name was derived from John Ryan, an early settler in that vicinity. Leonard Lake lies in the west part of sections 15 and 10, and was named after Samuel Leonard. It is three-quarters of a mile long, and a quarter of a mile in width, and contains an area of about 60 acres. The rest of the lakes are small, and of comparatively little note. One of them lies across the county line on section 5; another across it on section 2; one lies in section 9, near the southeast corner; one near the centre of section 36; one near the northwest corner of section 29; one south of Bennett Lake, on sections I and 2; two on section 10; and one, sometimes called Cranberry Lake, on the corners of sections 3, 4, 9, and 10. All of these bodies of water are marked by the same general features. They are surrounded by marshes and tamarack swamps, have muddy or sandy bottoms, and average from 30 to 40 feet in depth. They were formerly well stocked with fish,-pickerel, and the different species of bass preponderating, but many other kinds being found in greater or less numbers. Though the fishing is not now as good as when the country was new, still there are enough fish in the lakes to make the sport interesting, if not profitable in a monetary sense, and, to the true sportsman, the question of pecuniary profit is ever one of the minor considerations. In addition to these natural ponds there are two artificial ponds that should be mentioned. The first, and the only one wholly in this town, is the Deer Creek Pond, which overflows about 60 acres, on sections 6 and 7, forming the pond of the Deer Creek mills. The other lies on section 2, and is a portion of the Argentine Mills pond. Having glanced thus briefly at its natural features, we naturally turn our attention to the steps taken to bring about the settlement of the town, and towards the development of its resources. From the beauty of its contour and appearance, as well as from the apparent fertility and ease of cultivation of its soil, it very naturally attracted the early attention of those who were traveling over the State in search of land on which to settle, or purchase for purposes of speculation. And scarcely was it thrown into the market before they eagerly seized upon the choicest of its lands, so that in a short time the whole of them had passed from the control of the government into the hands of private parties. These entries of land extended through a period of thirty-four years, but more than seventenths of them were made in the one year of 1836. The first entry was made by John How, on the 27th of September, 1833, and was the only one made that year. In 1834 two entries were made, one of them by the same party, and the other by William Peel, both on the 7th of June. Then in 1835 the rush began, and continued from October, 1835, till the spring of 1837. In 1835, John How, William and Benjamin Bennett, Horace H. Nottingham, William Hatt and his son, William Hatt, Jr., Caleb Wood, and Bishop W. Sherwood, made purchases in this town. The purchases in 1836 were 152 in number. The rest of the entries were, in 1837, 9; in 1838, 3; in I839, 2; in 1841, 2; in 1842, I; in 1847, 3; in I848, 5; in 1849, 5; in I85o, I; in I851, 2; in I852, 2; in I853, 2; in I854, 4; in I855, 4; in i86I, I; and in I866, 2. The following is a complete list of all the entries, giving the name and former residence of each purchaser, and the date, description of land, and number of acres of each entry, the names of those who actually settled here being marked with an asterisk (*). The first part consists of those uwo entered land upon more than one section, and the second part of those who made entries on only one section. The list is made from the records as found in the Livingston County tract-book, and is as follows: Joseph Weiss,* Oakland Co., Mich., Aug. 2, 1836, 67.75 acres on section I and 71.86 acres on section 2; March 7, I855, 40 acres on section I. Elijah Crane, Wayne Co., Mich., March 4, 1836, 80 acres on section 36 and 80 acres on section 35; June 7, I836, 127.67 acres on section I and 80 acres on section 15. Julius K. Blackburn,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 2, i836, 120 acres on section 12; Aug. 2, I836, 80 acres on section 2. James Pratt,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 9, I836, 40 acres on section 3 and 236.26 acres on section 2. Ebenezer J. Penniman, Wayne Co., Mich., March 4, 1836, I6o acres on section 4; March 18, 1836, 80 acres on section 4; April 20, 1836, 80 acres on section 4 and 80 acres on section 5; May 9, 1836, 40 acres on section 5; Nov. I8, 1836, 80 acres on section 4. John How,* Westchester Co., N. Y., Sept. 27, 1833, 480 acres on section 7 and I6o acres on section 8; June 7, I834, i6o acres on section 6; May 13, 1836, 100.03 acres on section 5; and Oct. 30, 1835, 28.42 acres on section I8. Vespasian Adams,* Madison Co., N. Y., Jan. I2, 1837, 85.74 acres on section I8 and 56.48 acres on section 7. Daniel Boutell,* Jr., Onondaga Co., N. Y., Nov. 5, 1836, 6I.o8 acres on section 30 and 59.06 acres on section 19; Nov. 14, 1836, 58.26 acres on section 19; and March I, 1837, 56.24 acres on section 7. Joseph Coon, Wayne Co., N. Y., Aug. I, 1836, 120 acres on section 8 and 40 acres on section 9. Edmund Flood, Wayne Co., Mich., Dec. 2, I836, 40 acres on section 8 and 40 acres on section 9. Ira Lamb,* of this county, Sept. 7, 1847, 40 acres on section 9; March 4, 1848, 40 acres on section I6. Benjamin Bennett,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Dec. Io, I835, 320 acres on section XI, Jan. I9, 1836, 40 acres on section to. Horace H. Nottingham,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 23, 835 4I6 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. -- - --- -- - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So acres on section 12, 8o acres on section 13, and 8o acres on section 14. William Hatt, Sr.,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 24, 1835, 80 acres on section 12 and I6o acres on section 13; May 27, I836, 40 acres on section 12. Charles D. Topping,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 20, 1836, 40 acres on section 12 and 8o acres on section 22; July 7, 1836, 40 acres on section 12. Eliphalet S. Tooker, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 2, I836, 8o acres on section 12; June 3, 1836, 40 acres on section 13. Joseph Welch* and George Green,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., March 9, I836, 80 acres on section 23, 8o acres on section 24, and 80 acres on section 25; March I8, 1836, 8o acres on section 35; July I2, 1836, 40 acres on section 12; Nov. 5, 1836, 40 acres on section 27. Samuel Leonard,* Monroe Co., N. Y., April 14, 1836, I60 acres on section 14 and 8o acres on section I5. Abram Cook, Wayne Co., N. Y., Nov. 26, I836, 8o acres on section 17, 80 acres on section I8, and 80 acres on section 20 Benjamin B. Kercheval, Wayne Co., Mich., Oct. 29, 1836, 80 acres on section 18 and 120 acres on section 30. Daniel Miller, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 28, 1836, 40 acres on section ISland 80 acres on section 30. Myron H. Warner, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 3, I836, 80 acres on section I9, 80 acres on section 29, and 120 acres on section 31. Robert Chambers,* Monroe Co., N. Y., May 21, I836, 80 acres on section 20 and 80 acres on section 29. John H. Sanford,* of this county, July 8, I836, 80 acres on section 30; Sept. 23, I836,40 acres on section 30; Sept. 20, I84I, 40 acres on section 20. Isaac N. Hedden, of this county, Sept. 24, I836, 40 acres on section 20 and 40 acres on section 31. Orrin Cartwright, Monroe Co., N. Y., April I, I836, 40 acres on section 22, 40 acres on secti6n 23, 80 acres on section 26, and 8o acres on section 27. Thomas C. Smith, New York, Aug. 2, 1836, 120 acres on section 22 and 40 acres on section 23. Abram Fairchilds, Wayne Co., N. Y., June 14, 1836, 80 acres on section 22 and 8o acres on section 23. Charles Kellogg, Cayuga Co., N. Y., July I6, 1836, 8o acres on section 23 and I6b acres on section 26. David Bangs, Monroe Co., N. Y., May 5, 1836, i60 acres on section 24 and 8o acres on section 25. Dennis McCarthy,* Wayne Co., Mich., Feb. 29, 1836, i6o acres on section 25 and I6o acres on section 36. Thomas Lewitt, Washtenaw Co., Mich., May I6, 1836, 8o acres on section 24 and 8o acres on section 36. William Jubb,* Monroe Co., N. Y., May 24, 1836, 8o acres on section 29 and 40 acres on section 30. George Grant, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., June 3, 1836, 8o acres on section 29 and 40 acres on section 31. William B. Wright, of this county, June II, 1836, 80 acres on section 30 and 80 acres on section 32. Garrett Martin, Yates Co., N. Y., May 21, 1836, 80 acres on section 35 and I6o acres on section 36. The remaining entries are for more convenient reference arranged by sections, as follows: Acres. Benjamin I,. King, Wayne Co., Mich., Aug. I, I836....... 40 Hiram T. Blackbum,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Aug. 2, 1836..............................................................40 John Rise, of this county, Dec. 6, I836........................ 40 SECTION 3. Caleb Wood,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Dec. I, 1835....... Isaac Pratt, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 9, I836............ Elias Davenport, Wayne Co., Mich., Aug. I, 1836..... Josiah Dort, Wayne Co., Mich., Aug. 3, 1836.............. Russell M. Ormsbee, Wayne Co., Mich., Nov. 4, I836..... Rebecca Cramer,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Aug. 15, 1838.. 240 80 80.31 80.34 170.79 120 SECTION 4. Clement Shaw, Saratoga Co., N. Y., May 21, 1836......... 78.72 Clark C. Boutwell, Hillsboro Co., N. H....................... 267.4 SECTION 5. William Peel,* Westchester Co., N. Y., June 7, I834...... 80 Bishop W. Sherwood,* Westchester Co., N. Y., Oct. I, I835............................................................... 240 Jonathan How,* of this county, May 13, I836............... 9o.o Sidney M. Hawley,* of this county, March II, 1841....... 97.5 George Fairbanks,* Genesee Co., Mich., Feb. 26, 1852.... 48.75 Levi Warner, Genesee Co., Mich., March 17, 1852......... 50.02 Peter Crosby,* of this county, March I, I853................. 48.75 SECTION 6. Clark C. Boutwell and Reuben Moore, of the United States, M ay 25, 1836.......................................... 558.37 John Myers, of Cayuga Co., N. Y., Jan. 23, 1839........... 102.52 SECTION 8. Lawrence Jones, Wayne Co., N. Y., Aug. 3, 1836.......... 80 William Bain,* Wayne Co., Mich., Jan. 21, 1848, April 18, I854, and Aug. 8, I855.................................. I20 John Thonlpson,* of this county, July I3, I854.............. 40 Eli Howard, of this county, Oct. 27, I855..................... 40 SECTION 9. Esick Pray, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 21, 1836......... 320 Terence Hancock, Wayne Co., Mich., Dec. 2, 1836....... 8 Jacob J. Debar,* of this county, Aug. 27, I85............... 40 Bartimeus Packard, of this county, June 3, I836............ 8 SECTION o0. Philo Strickland,* Erie Co., N. Y., April 14, I836......... 8 Lothrop Briggs, Lenawee Co., Mich., May 7, I836.......... 80 James Van Benschoten,* Cayuga Co., N. Y., June 3, I836 i6o Nathan Cole,* of this county, Dec. 2, 1836................... 80 Joseph Cole, of this county, Dec. 9, 1836..................... 40 Philo Bradley,* of this county, June 23, 1851................ 40 Samuel C. B. Bradley,* of this county, Nov. II, I853..... 40 Franklin Bradley,* of this county, July 3, i855.............. 40 Silas Lindley,* of this county, March Io, 1854............... 40 SECTION I. Samuel Hogg, Washtenaw Co., Mich., March 18, 1836... Lyman Purdy, Orleans Co., N. Y., April I9, 836............ John S. Delano, Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 16, 1836.... Daniel D. Smith, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 2, 1836.... Dwight Kellogg, Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 16, 1836... SECTION 12. William Hatt, Jr.,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 24, I835.. Washington D. Morton, Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 17, I836............................................................... 8o 8o 80 40 40 8o 40 SECTION I. Hugh Gordon, Washtenaw Co., Mich., July I6, I836...... Abiram Blackburn,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 21, 1836. Jefferson Eddy, Genesee Co., Mich., March 9, 1837........ Ebenezer Sterns, Yates Co., N. Y., March 28, 1837......... David S. Tomlinson, Allegany Co., N. Y., June 26, 1837. SECTION 2. Acres. 187.75 8o 40 40 80 SECTION 13. Anson Pettibone, Genesee Co., N. Y., May I2, I836....... 240 Abram Speers,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 18, 1836..... 8o Isaac L. Platt, New York City, Aug. 3, 1836................. 40 SECTION I4. Jabez Lindley,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 20 and Sept. 19, 1836................................................. 8o Reuben Pease, Cayuga Co., N. Y., June 27, 1836............ 8o Jeriah G. Rhodes, Cayuga Co., N. Y., June 27, I836....... 8o Daniel R. Rhodes, Cayuga Co., N. Y., June 27, 1836...... I6o Witam Bennett,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 6, 1835.. 188.12 a Sprague, Wayne Co., Mich., May 4, 1836............... 40 DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP. 417 r\fAXT -o. ' t"r' SECTION 15. Acres. Darius Lewis,* Erie Co., N. Y., May 2, 1836, and Aug. 8, 1849............................................................... 200 Leonard Lockwood, Steuben Co., N. Y., July 5, 1836...... 8 Phineas and John B McCrary, Steuben Co., N. Y., Aug. 3, 836............................................................ i6o SECTION I6. C. W. Leonard,* June 16, 1842.................................. 40 Thomas McKinley,* June II, 1847............................. 40 R. Cramer, June II, 1847....................................... 40 R. T. Young," June 13, 1848.................................... 80 Eli Ward,* Oct. II, I848.......................................... 40 James Cameron,* Nov. 25, I848, and March 30, 1849..... 8o IIugh Anderson,* March 21, 1849, and July I, i86....... 120 L. Lampson,* Aug. 25, I849.................................... 40 M. Sackner,* Oct. I, 1849.................................... 40 James II. Page,* April I6, 866................................. 20 A. D. Boyce,* April I6, 1866.................................... 60 l.t. 1 i11 27. Acres. Joseph Gilman,* Monroe Co., N. Y., April I, 1836......... 6o James Henry, Wayne Co., Mich., June 7, 1836............... 120 Friend Burt, Genesee Co., N. Y., June 13, 1836............ 80 Preston H. Smith, Madison Co., N Y., June 20, 1836..... 80 Nelson A. Smith, Madison Co., N. Y., June 20, 1836...... 80 SECTION 28. William P. Finch, Saratoga Co., N. Y., May 21, I836..... 240 David S. Ireland,* Monroe Co., N. Y., May 21, 1836...... 320 Rhoda Davis, Washtenaw Co., Mich, May 30, 1836....... 8o SECTION 29. William Pike,* Monroe Co., N. Y., May 21, I836.......... 80 Austin Delano, Livingston Co., N. Y., June 3, 1836........ 80 Robert Sowders,* Livingston Co., N. Y., June 4, 1836.... 8o Montgomery P. Adams,* Madison Co., N. Y., Nov. 14, I836............................................................... 80 SECTION 30. Margaret Cooper,* Madison Co., N. Y., Nov. 14, 1836.... 40 Dennis Murphy, Wayne Co., Mich., Nov. 26, I836......... 62.72 SECTION 31. Joseph Hosley,* Wayne Co., Mich., June I, Sept. 23, and Nov. 14, 1836................................................ 411.40 SECTION 32. James Miller, Oakland Co., Mich., April I, 1836............ 6o Harry II. Neff, of this county, June II, 1836................. 40 John Cram, Erie Co., N. Y., June 28, 1836................... 120 Dennis J. Rockwell, Wayne Co., Mich., Oct. 27, 1836..... i6o David F. Rockwell, Wayne Co., Mich., Oct. 27, 1836... SECTION 33. SECTION 17. William B. Hopkins, Monroe Co., N. Y., June 3, 1836.... Flavius J. B. Crane, Monroe Co., N. Y., June 13, 1837... Joseph Sibley, Caytga Co., N. Y., Sept. I, 1838............. Sands Libbey,* Cayuga Co., N. Y., May I, I850............ Henry Robb,* Cayuga Co., N. Y., Aug. I, 1854........... SECTION I8. Lyman Morelle,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Aug. 2, 1836.... Edwin P. Spencer,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Aug. 2, 1836 Charles S. Hutchins, Madison Co., N. V., Jan. 10, 1837.. Robert Craig, Washtenaw Co, Mich., April 4, 1838........ SECTION 19. Joseph Willis, Oakland Co., Mich., June II, 1836.......... Lucius Willis, Oneida Co., N.................................. Aaron Abner, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June IS, 1836....... Lorenzo Bannister, Ontario Co., N. Y., July I, 1836........ Warren M. Worden,* Wayne Co., Mich., Oct. 26, 1836... 80 80 40 40 40 80 8o 80 40 80 80 80 80 80 SECTION 20. Freeborn Luce,* Oakland Co., Mich., Feb. 26, 1836, and April 14, 1836................................................... 120 Dean Phillips,* Montgomery Co., N. Y., May 9, I836... 80 Luther Houghton, of this county, July 8, 1836.............. 8 Ezra Sanford, of this county, July 8, 1836..................... 8o Hannah Blood,* Monroe Co., N. Y., May i6, 1839......... 40 SECTION 21. Matthew Shannon, Steuben Co., N. Y., May 12, 1836....... 16o Thomas Sharp,* Seneca Co., N. Y., May 12, 1836........... 6o Robert McKinley,* Steuben Co., N. Y., May 12, 1836.... I6o Jacob Cole, Wayne.Co., Mich., June 20, I836............... 80 Job Stafford, Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 13, 1836......... 80 SECTION 22. James Lewis, Erie Co., N. Y., May 2, 1836................. I6o Alfred White, Livingston Co., N. Y., May 24, 1836......... 8o Rensselaer Pomeroy, Wayne Co., N. Y., June 14, 1836... 8o SECTION 23. William S. Spalding,* Cayuga Co, N. Y., June 27, 1836. 16o Hall Deland, Genesee Co., N. Y., Aug. 2, 1836............ 6o SECTION 24. James Tyler, Tompkins Co., N. Y., June 2, I836............ 8o Sophia Smalley, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 3, 1836...... 40 Charles Wright, Jefferson Co., N. Y., June 6, I836.......... 6o Adam Bayley, of this county, May 5, 1837.................... 40 SECTION 25. Russell Morton, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Jan. II, 1836...... I6o Joseph Chamberlin,* Livingston Co., N Y., May 3, 1836. 80 Philo H. Munson, Livingston Co., N. Y., June 6, 1836... 8o SECTION 26. Eli H. Evans, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Feb. 29, I836....... 6o Elisha G. Mapes, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Feb. 29, 1836... i6o Samuel L. Walden, New York, Aug. 2, 1836................ 80 53 Ezel Merrill, Oakland Co., Mich., May 2, I836.............. 40 Stephen C. Goff, Wayne Co., Mich., May II, I836......... 6o George Faussett,* Seneca Co., N. Y., May 12, 1836........ 80 Henry Faussett,* Seneca Co, N. Y., May 12, I836......... So Thomas Faussett,* Seneca Co., N. Y., May 12, 1836....... 6o Benjamin Merrill,* Wayne Co., Mich., Sept. 23, 1836...... 40 Hiram Merrill,* May 3, I837.................................... 80 Hiram Merrill,* May 3, 1837.So SECTION 34. Henry Lown,* Genesee Co., N. Y., April 18, 1836......... 6o Michael Bennett,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 4, I836.. 320 Richard H. Caniff, New York City, Aug. 4, I836........... 6o SECTION 35. William Payne,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 16, 1836... 80 John Van Tuyl, Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 27, 1836..... 80 Hugh Gilshenan, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 4, 1836... I6o Electa A. Hedden, of this county, Sept. 24, 1836............ 80 SECTION 36. Thales Deane,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Jan. II, 1836..... 80 John Winter, Genesee Co., N. Y., May 3, 1836.............. 80 In the foregoing, the names of those who are known to have become actual residents of the town are distinguished by a (*). In most cases considerable time intervened between the date of entry and the date of settlement. And in some instances this space was lengthened into months and years. As will be seen, by any one whose curiosity prompts them to carefully examine the list, there is still some land that has never been purchased from the government. This embraces what might well be termed submarine farms, as it is mostly, if 418 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. not entirely, composed of the bottoms of the lakes, with perhaps a little strip of the bordering marshes. The total amount of land thus left unoccupied is 479 acres and a fraction, and is distributed as follows: on section I, 79.4 acres; on section 2, 40.01 acres; on section 8, 40 acres; on section 15, 40 acres; and on section 17, 280 acres. SETTLEMENT. We of the present generation are wont to pay but little heed to the generations that have preceded us along the pathway of life. In the rush and whirl of active life, the past, with its people, their wants and wishes, hopes and dreams, fears and troubles, joys and sorrows, are forgotten and ignored. And yet it is always well to look back upon the pathway of the world's progress, study the events and experiences of the past, with a view to seeing their logical results, and thus to profit by what others have learned only through trial and suffering. Turn back upon the footsteps of time but little more than one generation and mark the contrast presented by this part of our land. Here was a vast wilderness, unpeopled save by wild beasts and savages, with beautiful openings and impenetrable forests mingled together in a seemingly endless succession, with thousands of beautiful, placid lakes hid in the bosom of the forest, and smoothgliding streams, running stealthily along, with the forest trees frowning darkly upon their own reflected forms. And this had been the inheritance of a people rude and uncultured, but having all the attributes of the race which, by its reason and conscience, was made fit for the position assigned it by the Creator's fiat, as ruler over all the earth. These aborigines have passed away, leaving their loved hunting-grounds to become fertile and fruitful farms, and we scarcely give their memories a passing thought. We know that they existed, and occasionally have the fact recalled to mind by the discovery of some relic that the plow brings forth from its earthy hiding-place, but we take no pains to perpetuate their memories or preserve their histories. Will the future inhabitants of this' continent in ages to come be as careless and indifferent regarding us? Though Deerfield was in many respects an excellent hunting-ground, and was, therefore, frequently visited by roving bands of Indians, it was not the site of any of their villages. The only Indian who resided here was an old chief who bore the name of Portabeek, and had a habitation, half-wigwam, half-shanty, upon the west bank of the Yellow River, near Indian Lake. There he lived with his old squaw and a widowed daughter, I I I who had two or three children. He was of fine appearance, unusual size, and possessing more than the usual amount of intelligence. He was of a jovial disposition, thoroughly honest and reliable, and always lived on the best of terms both with his red brethren and pale-faced neighbors. For some five or six years after the advent of the white settlers he continued to reside in his cabin, hunting, fishing, and trafficking with the pioneers, and then the family in some way became broken up, and Portabeek and his wife commenced a roving life, that lasted till the Great Spirit called them to the happy hunting-grounds. After his wife died he rambled about in his loneliness, spending most of his time in Tyrone, where he died; but the event was looked upon as of so little importance that neither the time of his death nor the place of his burial can now be learned. The first white settler of Deerfield came to reside here in 1834, and his family was for a year or more the only family in town. This man's name was John How, and a brief sketch of his life will no doubt be of interest to the readers of this work in the present, as it must ever be to future generations of the descendants of the pioneers of this vicinity. He was an Englishman by birth and education, and learned the trade of cotton manufacturer and machinist. In 1820 he emigrated to this country, hoping to find a better market for his labor, and a field of operations that presented more hope of accumulating a competency. Soon after his arrival in New York lie found a position in a cotton-factory near Yonkers, in Westchester County, and remained there for thirteen years, most of the time holding the position of agent in charge of the factory. During this time he had accumulated some property, and had been able to afford his children good school privileges; but now his sons were approaching the age when they would desire to start in life for themselves, and he thought the most feasible plan to promote his own and their interests was to push out into the undeveloped Western country, and invest his surplus capital in the cheap but well-reputed lands there so plentiful. He no doubt felt the itching to become a landed proprietor, which is so marked in those of our citizens who come from that country where only the wealthy and titled are privileged to hold a title to the soil. Leaving his son, John, in charge of the factory, he started for Michigan in the summer of 1833, and came by public conveyance over the usually traveled water-courses till he landed in Detroit, where the United States land-office was situated. Hiring a guide and an Indian pony each for the guide and himself, he left Detroit on the Shiawassee trail to look up a j)i,,D ~,: 8. rb ~C,~ in Ir~ JOHN POW. JOHN HOW. John How was born near Carlisle, England, in the village of Dalston, April 19, 18t4. His father, also named John, was a machinist by occupation, and reared a family of six children,-four sons and two daughters,-our subject being the eldest. In I82I the family emigrated to this country, and settled in New York City. The following year the elder How removed to Yonkers, Westchester Co., N. Y., where he established a cotton-factory, which he operated successfully for about thirteen years. In 1833 he came to Michigan. Arriving in Detroit, he secured the services of a guide and started on a pedestrian tour in search of a home in the wilderness. At this time the government had disposed of most of its desirable lands in the southern part of the State, and it was not until they reached Deerfield that Mr. How found a suitable location. Here he entered about six hundred acres of land. He soon after returned to New York, and the following year returned with his family, which was the first in the township, their nearest neighbor being at White Lake, Oakland Co. The elder How was a man of great industry and ability. He was the first supervisor of the town, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He died in Deerfield, in I850, in the sixty-first year of his age. At the date of the emigration of his father, John, Jr., was twenty years of age. He had obtained in New York a good common-school education; this, coupled with a hardy constitution and industrious habits, were of eminent service to him in his new home. In the entire county no single individual will be found, perhaps, who has taken such an active and prominent position in the history of his town as has Mr. How in Deerfield. He has been prominently identified with its political history. He represented the town upon the Board of Supervisors for many years, and of that body was considered to be an able and efficient member. In 1857 he was elected to the representative branch of the Legislature, and has filled many other positions of trust and responsibility. In I84I, Mr. How was married to Miss Eunice Jones, who was born in Middlefield, Otsego Co., N. Y., Feb. 22, 1822. Her parents, Levi and Betsey Jones, were pioneers of Salem, Washtenaw Co. Mr. and Mrs. How have been blessed with three children, one of whom, James, is living at the old home. 419 DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP. satisfactory location. He wanted to find a locality where the soil should be light enough to cultivate easily, and yet heavy enough to bear successive cropping, and still yield a remunerative return for the labor of cultivation. The plains he considered too light, and the timbered lands, as a whole, too heavy for his purpose, but hoped to find on the timbered openings, near the edge of the timber belt, a soil that would suit him. Not unmindful of the advantages of a healthful location, where the too prevalent chills and fevers were less common than in some parts, he sought for a situation well towards the sources of the streams, judging that there their courses would be more rapid and their waters more pure. Then, too, as he was a practical mill-wright and machinist, he thought that a good water-power would be an excellent thing to own, as it would furnish motive power for saw- and grist-mills for the accommodation of the coming settlers, and might in the future, when the resources of the State became more fully developed, become valuable for purposes of manufacture. With all these things in view he traveled along the Shiawassee trail to Owosso, without finding a satisfactory stopping-place, and turned upon his track, determined to follow some of the streams towards their sources, and see if something suited to his mind could not be found. Arrived at Byron they left the trail and followed along the east bank of the South Branch of the Shiawassee River till they reached this town, and found a country which answered to Mr. How's preconceived notions. He finally decided th it he had found a spot that possessed all the desirable qualities and natural advantages that could be expected anywhere, and made minutes of the description of the pieces he wanted to purchase. Mounting their ponies he and the guide retraced their steps and followed the Detroit and Shiawassee or Walled Lake trail to Detroit, where Mr. How entered a section of land, embracing the east three-fourths of section 7, and the west quarter of section 8. Having tlus secured his land, which was the first taken up in the town, he returned to the East to settle up his business and prepare his family for removal. It was the Ist of May following before they were ready to begin their journey, which was made by steamboat up the Hudson to Albany, by canal to Buffalo, and steamer to Detroit. The party consisted of John How and wife, four sons,-Jonathan, William, Thomas, and John, Jr.,-two daughters,-Susannah and Mary,-and a hired man, named William Peel, and his wife. Upon their arrival at Detroit, Mr. How hired a teamster to carry his goods to Birmingham, and purchasing an ox-team and wagon loaded in himself and companions and proceeded to Birmingham. He looked about for a place to live in while he was preparing a house on his land, and finding an unoccupied house near Orchard Lake, in Bloomfield, hired it of its owner, Mr. Harris, who was also a former acquaintance, and moved there. Then with his three sons,-John, William, and Jonathan,-and Mr. Peel, he went on to his land to build a house. They succeeded in finding the place without much difficulty, and Mr. How at once recognized the land he had chosen, and pointed it out to them. John had made something of a study of the plan of the United States survey, and knew all the marks of section lines, corners, quarter-stakes, etc, and he at once informed his father that if it was the land he had selected it certainly was not the land he had entered A close examination of the plat proved this to be the case. In some way (thought to be the fault of the guide) a mistake had been made, and Mr. How's section was just a half-mile south firom where he intended it to be. He was vexed, and also alarmed lest some one else had appropriated his selection, and taking a careful description of it he hastened back to the land-office in Detroit. He found that the plat was still unbroken, except by his former purchase, and at once entered the southeast quarter of section 6, and William Peel entered the west half of the southwest quarter of section 5. These entries were made June 7, I834. They then returned to Deerfield. The first trip from Orchard Lake to Deerfield occupied a week's time, as they were careful to make a good road through the woods, and though following the trail to the crossings of the streams, yet succeeded in straightening it a good deal, and freed the track from logs, stones, and underbrush. It was marked throughout by "blazes" on the trees. When they reached their destination, work was immediately begun both upon the house for the family, and upon a clearing for a potato-patch. The potatoes were planted as quickly as possible, and in the fall gave a satisfactory yield. The site decided upon for the dwelling was about eighty rods west of the southeast corner of section 6, and, while the work of putting it up was in progress, the workmen lived in a small tent they had brought with them for that purpose, and sheltered their tools in a small bark shanty, erected immediately after their arrival. This first white man's dwelling in the town was similar in construction to the log cabins of the period. The logs were sawed flat on two sides, and notched at the ends to bring their unsawn sides as closely together as possible. Then, with mud and split basswood or poplar poles, the spaces between were 420 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. securely chinked and plastered. It was provided with a stick chimney, and what was rather unusual in those days,-a board roof. The lumber for the roof, floors, door, and casings for the door and windows, was brought from Pontiac. It was the irtention to finish up the house in time to get back to Pontiac to celebrate the "fourth of July." It was necessary to take two days for the return trip, stopping over one night on the road at White Lake. So, when the morning of the 3d dawned, they packed up and started for Pontiac. Before they reached White Lake, in the early evening, they began to hear the regular booming of cannon, and thought that the Pontiac boys were commencing their celebration a little earlier than usual. But when they reached the settlement they found to their disgust and chagrin that they had somehow lost a day in their reckoning, and would arrive in town the day after the celebration. As soon as possible the family and goods, together with three yoke of oxen, two cows with calves, and a pony, were transported to Deerfield, and the regular pioneer life was begun. While the house was building, ten acres were cleared and sown to wheat, being the first wheat sown in Deerfield. When harvested the next summer it yielded about 20 bushels to the acre. The work of clearing was rather more arduous than was usually the case in this "opening" country, because the timber was heavier than on most of the surrounding sections. Of the experiences of their first winter we are not able to speak in detail, but imagination draws a pleasant picture of the cosy cabin, snow-shrouded, with a column of fleecy smoke rolling from its stick chimney into the azure vault, while within were the comfort, and quiet, and pleasant peace of " home." Then there were the rude but healthful labors in the clearing, and the exciting hunting scenes, as the settlers pursued the deer, or lay in wait for the turkeys, all of which added a charm to the new life on the frontier. The boys soon formed the acquaintance of old Portabeek and other Indians, and used to hunt and fish in their company, furnishing the family table with by far the greater share of its supply of meat as the result of their efforts. Succeeding years passed in nearly the same way, though the family, like nearly all the pioneers, was gradually growing into better circumstances, and had to endure less and less privation with each succeeding year. They were the only residents of the town till the fall of 1835 or (as seems more probable to the writer) spring of 1836, when Wil liam Hatt, William Hatt, Jr., and Horace H. Nottingham moved into the eastern part of the town. Soon after the completion of his house, Mr. How rigged up a "pit-saw," and began cutting pinetrees, numerous on his land, and sawing them up into boards. This was the first mechanical industry of the town. John How was a self-made man, and possessed the virtues of honesty, energy, thoughtfulness, and good judgment to a marked degree. He was capable as a manager, as well as industrious as a workman, and in his brief connection with public affairs acquitted himself with credit. Upon the organization of the town he was elected its first supervisor, and held the office for three successive terms. Appointed as the first treasurer, in 1839, he held that office seven successive terms, and then retiring from public life devoted his time to the management of his farm and mills until his death, which occurred Jan. 21, I848, at the age of fifty-nine years, eight months, and fourteen days. His wife died two years before him, April 7, 1846, at the age of fifty-six years. Jonathan How married Lucinda Bennett, of this town, Jan. 7, I838, the ceremony being performed by David Dickson, Esq., and settled on a o9 acre farm he had bought on the northwest quarter of section 5. He died there in I846, leaving a wife and three sons, the youngest but ten months old. William How married Iovisa Anable, May 21, 1848, and lived on a part of the old homestead till his death, Feb. 5, I864, in his fifty-seventh year. He left a wife and four children. Thomas How married Sarah C. Bristol, March 7, 1848, and settled on the place where he still lives, on the east half of the southeast quarter of section i8. John How, Jr., to whom the writer of this sketch is much indebted for invaluable assistance, was the one member of the family who has particularly distinguished himself. Jan. 14, 184I, he was united in marriage with Miss Eunice Jones, and settled on 300 acres of land lying mostly on section 7. His residence was built on the east half of the northeast quarter of that section, and is still standing near the more modern residence that has supplanted it. On the same place Mr. and Mrs. How are calmly enjoying the pleasures of later life, surrounded by children and friends. Mr. How entered early into the arena of public life, his first appearance being in the role of school inspector, in I839. He then held the office of town clerk for three years, and was elected as supervisor in 1848. He has served twelve years as supervisor at different times, and in 1856 was elected a Representative in the State Legislature. In all of these positions he discharged his duties with zeal and fidelity, winning the good opinion of his political foes, as well as of the members of his own 421Z DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP. party. A more complete sketch of his life appears elsewhere in this work. John How, Senior's, two daughters were married and lived in this town, and are still residents here. Susannah married Philander Sackner, who died Feb. 25, 1862, and is now living with her daughter. Mary married Ira 0. Marble, and has since resided in the south part of the town. The second company of settlers consisted of William Hatt and his son-in-law, Horace H. Nottingham, and their respective families, who came early in the spring of i836. William Hatt built a house near the south quarter-post of section 12, and Nottingham built his near the southwest corner of the same section. Mr. Hatt lived here until he removed to Argentine, where he died a few years since. His son, William Ilatt, is now living on the homestead. Nottingham was a well educated man, one of the earliest school-teachers of the region, and held the office of school inspector several years. Some twenty or twenty-five years ago he lost his wife, and soon after removed to Grass Lake, Jackson Co. At about the same time the Bennett family made a settlement here. William and Benjamin Bennett were sons of Robinson Bennett, and were formerly from Springfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., coming early with their parents to Michigan, and settling in Salem, Washtenaw Co. After their parents' death they decided to locate new farms, and came to Deerfield, in the fall of i835, to locate their land. In April, 1836, Benjamin came with his wife and children, and built a large, double log house near the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of section 10, into which they moved and where they lived for a good many years. It was at that time and for several years thereafter the largest and best house in the town. The public business was transacted there because of its size, which made it more convenient than other buildings. In a little more than a year after coming here his wife sickened and died, her's being the first death in the town, so far as known to the writer. He remarried, as is shown by the following extract from the town records, which we give entire, as being an interesting memento of the early times: "STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF LIVINGSTON, SS. " I, David Dickson, Justice of the Peace, Do hereby certify that Benjamin Bennett and Catharine Wise Were Married by me on the 26th day of November, 1837, in the Township of Deeifield, David Dickson, Justice of the Peace, in and for the Township of Deerlfield. "EDWIN P. SPENCER, Town Clerk." So far as known this was the first marriage solemnized in Deerfield, and the parties are both living, after forty-two years of wedded life, on their original homestead. Their present residence is on section II, nearly opposite the site of the old log house. George Bennett, a son by his second wife, and Mrs. Matilda H. Wesley and Mrs. Christina Deitz, children by his present wife, are also at present residents of Deerfield. William Bennett was captain of a vessel on the lakes, and followed that calling for a number of years. He came to Deerfield, with his wife and three children, a few weeks later than his brother Benjamin, and built his house on the west side of North Ore Creek, at the foot of Bennett Lake, which received its name in honor of him. There he lived for fifteen years, when he removed to Argentine, went from there to Saginaw, and finally brought up in Detroit, where he died, Dec. 25, 1876. His wife survived him, and is now living in the city of Jackson. One of his objects in purchasing the land at the foot of the lake was that he expected to be able to utilize its outlet for a water-power, and dur-ing his life here he tried to fulfill this expectation by building a dam preparatory to the erection of mills at that point. But some one at Argentine had been a little more expeditious in utilizing the stream, and had built a dam that sent the backflow of water to the foot of Mr. Bennett's dam, who, seeing the folly of proceeding further, at once abandoned the project. James Pratt was another settler of 1836, coming from Salem, Washtenaw Co, with his wife (niee Clarissa Thompson) and one child. He was (though as a boy) one of the early residents of Michigan, coming with his father, Dr. Pratt, from Monroe Co., N. Y., in 1826. Upon his arrival here he built a log house on the southwest corner of section 2, where, several years later, he built his first frame house,-still standing, and now occupied by his son Allen. He was quite a prominent man in the town, though never a very ardent politician, and was elected to several town offices. In the fall of i866 he sold his place to his son, Allen, and moved to Fenton, where he has since resided. His family consisted of four sons,-John E., who lives in Tyrone; Edwin S., in Traverse City; Jay F., in Argentine; and Allen, on the homestead. Joseph Walsh was a native of Lancashire, England, born and reared near Blackburn, and emigrated to this country with his wife and three children in 1828. After living a while on Long Island, N. Y., he came to Michigan, which was then a Territory, and took up some land in the towns of Lodi and Scio, in Washtenaw County. From there he kept writing back to his cousin, George Green, urging him to leave the old country, and come to America, where land was cheap and there was a good chance to do well. George's 4i2 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN.: I --- -- I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ---- I brother, William, much impressed with the statements contained in these letters, decided to come, whether his brother did or not; and in January, 1832, he started for Liverpool to embark, his brother accompanying him, though not intending, at least at that time, to leave England. But after they had got aboard the vessel, George concluded that he too would cross the ocean, and remained on board. The letter containing the directions for them to reach their destination had become badly worn, and upon their arrival in New York, the emigration officers hastily concluded that it must mean "Scio, Allegany County, N. Y.," and sent them to that place. The brothers arrived there and made inquiries for Joseph Walsh, but unsuccessfully, and finally learned their mistake. Being somewhat short of funds, and also determined to be independent and pay as they went, they both hired out to work for Judge Church, William as the gardener, and George as the family coachman. Mr. Walsh learned of their mishap, and came to Scio, expecting to take them back to Michigan with him, but the judge would not release them unless they forfeited their wages, which they would not consent to do. So Mr. Walsh returned to Michigan, where George followed him in the fall of 1832. William became disgusted with America, and, in June, I832, returned to England. Walsh and Green lived together in Scio till 1836, when they came to Deerfield. They first came in March, and entered 320 acres of land on sections 23, 24, 25, and 35, and built a log house, which stood near the site of the present residence of Mr. Green. They hired Thomas Parshall, Mr. Neff, and Samuel and Benjamin Griswold, all of Oceola, to break up 30 acres of the land on the west half of the northeast quarter of section 35, where there was a considerable plain. In the fall of 1836 they moved the family and goods, and occupied their house. In the spring of 1837 they built the first frame barn in the town, and a year later a large frame house, about thirty rods south of the log house, which was the first frame dwelling erected in Deerfield. Both these buildings are still in existence, and the latter is occupied by John Walsh, a son of Joseph. Joseph Walsh died in February, I848. Of his children, Mrs. Ann, wife of Frederick Gurdon, Mrs. Jane, wife of Edward Bunting, Mrs. Ellen, wife of George Green, John and James Walsh are still residents of Deerfield; Mrs. Martha O'Connell lives in Tyrone; Mrs. Mary Cottrell in Fenton; and Joseph Walsh in Conway. George Green married Ellen Brindle, a step daughter of Mr. Walsh, in the summer of 1842, and continued to live with the family till I856, all the b;iness of both families having been transacted I in common under the firm-name of Walsh & Green till after Mr. Walsh's death. Soon after this event the property was divided, and in 1856 Mr. Green built himself a house a little north of the old log house, and went there to live. In February, 1872, this house was burned, and in the summer following the present residence was built. Both himself and wife are still living there in the enjoyment of peace and plenty, after many years of laborious toil to secure them. Four of their children are also residents of Deerfield. Their names are William and James, Mrs. Mary A. Hatt, and Mrs. Alice Holcomb. Among the settlers of 1836 were the Faussetts, who were of Irish. descent, and who came here from Lodi, Seneca Co., N. Y. In the spring of 1836, Thomas and George Faussett, brothers, their brother-in-law, Henry Faussett, and their cousin, Thomas Sharp, came through Pennsylvania and Ohio to Oceola, where they hired Asa Parker to guide them through the surrounding country in search of land. On the I2th of May they entered their land, George and Henry purchasing 80 acres each, and Thomas and Sharp each taking a quarter section. They then worked on the Michigan Central Railroad until harvest time, when all but George returned East. Soon after, Thomas Sharp married Mary Faussett, a daughter of Richard Faussett, of Dundee, and in September a party was made up to start for Michigan. Thomas Faussett and his widowed mother, Thomas Sharp and his wife, Henry Faussett with his wife and one child, and William Faussett (a brother of Henry's who settled in Clinton County) composed the party. In Oakland County they were joined by George, and all came on to Deerfield together. They had to camp in the woods while a house was being built, which required several days to accomplish. The site selected was a little north of the Yellow River and near the centre of the northeast quarter of section 33. There they all lived until the next spring, when Sharp and Henry Faussett built houses of their own, the former on the southeast corner of section 2I, and the latter on the northwest corner of section 33. Mr. Sharp died on his place about twenty-one years ago. Mrs. Faussett died March 6, I838, a little over sixty years of age. Thomas Faussett was married, Sept. 16, 1841, to Miss Mary A. Marvin, of New Hudson, Oakland Co., and continued to live in the old log house till about I846, when he built a better and larger log house near the northeast corner of section 33, on the site of his present residence, which was erected in I86I. Henry Faussett and wife, and George Faussett, who has never married, are also among the pioneers of the town, who are still its citizens. I DEERFIELD Caleb Wood settled in 1836, on the corner of section 3, opposite James Pratt's, and lived there till about twenty years ago, when he moved to Mundy, Genesee Co., where he is now living. One of the most prominent of the early settlers in Deerfield was Charles D. Topping, familiarly known as "Judge" Topping,-a title he obtained by having served as a side judge of the County Court. He was a native of Mentz, Cayuga Co., N. Y., and settled in Scio, Washtenaw Co., in 1832-33. He entered his land, on sections I2 and 22, June 20 and July 7, 1836. Preparations having been made for the removal of the familythen consisting of himself and wife and six children-late in the fall or early in the winter of that year, they and the household effects were loaded into three wagons, drawn by oxen, and started for their new home through a blinding snow-storm that continued nearly the whole of the three days that they spent on the road. They met with the usual experiences of the settlers, suffering some privations and having their full share of the fever and ague, but had no serious troubles. Mr. Topping was a very sedate, candid, and conscientious man, carefully exact in his speech, because he so greatly despised exaggeration and deception, industrious in his habits, but not over anxious to accumulate wealth, a respected citizen, and an honored member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. During his life in this town he held several offices, was treasurer one year, supervisor three years, and justice of the peace upwards of a score of years. He accumulated a competency, and afforded his large family of nine children the best education within his means. He sold his farm here and moved to Fenton, where both he and his wife died. Of his children, Mrs. Ellen S. Gardner, Mrs. Eliza Caruthers, Mrs. Kate Barber, and Albert D. Topping live in Newburgh, Shiawassee Co.; John F. and Charles H. live in Deerfield, the latter on the old homestead; James L. and Orlando live in Fenton; and William W. lives in East Saginaw. James L. and William W. served in the Union army, the former as second lieutenant of the I6th Michigan Infantry, and the latter as a private in the 2oth Illinois Infantry. While the latter was sick in the hospital he was nursed back to health by the woman who, after the close of the war, became his wife, and is doing so much to make pleasant the life she was instrumental in saving. Henry I. Lown came from Western New York in the fall of I836, and settled on the southwest quarter of section 34, building his house about one hundred rods from the present residence of Ira 0. Marble. He became insane about nine years after coming here, and a couple of years later disap TOWNSHIP. 423 peared, and has not since been heard from. About the year 1852 his family returned to their former home in New York. Samuel Leonard was one of the first comers in the spring of I837. He was a native of Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., Mass. About 1812 he started in life for himself, selecting the town of Brighton, Monroe Co., N. Y., as the field of his operations. There he met Miss Margaret Lindley, a daughter of a New Jersey family, to whom he was united in marriage. In 1826 he bought a 50 -acre farm near the village of Penfield, in the same county, where he lived till he came to Micligan. In January, I836, he came to Deerfield, selected his land, and returned East in the spring, stopping at Detroit to enter the three lots he had selected. After harvesting his crops and settling up his business he packed up and moved to Michigan. In the fall Mr. Leonard and his eldest son, Calvin W., came on and cut logs enough for a house, and in March, 1837, they again came on, and with the help of the Hatts and Nottingham, put up the house. As early as possible the family and goods were brought on and occupied the house, which stood on the northwest corner of section I4. Here they continued to live till the fall of I866, when the place was sold, and they moved to Linden, Genesee Co. In the fall of I868, Mrs. Leonard died, and from that time till his own death, in the spring of I869, Mr. Leonard lived witl his son, Calvin W., at Deerfield Centre. Four childrenCalvin W., William, Orange W., and Mrs. Mary Bagg-are now living in this town. Mr. Leonard was a Whig in politics, and was not, therefore, called to office in this Democratic town, as he would otherwise undoubtedly have been. In his religious belief he was a Baptist, though not connected with any church here, and his wife at the time of her death had been a member of that connection upwards of forty years. Joseph Wise was of German ancestry-the name being more properly spelled Weiss, but the anglicized form being adopted by the present generation. He came fi-om Prattstown, Steuben Co., N. Y., in the spring of I835, settling in Southfield, Oakland Co. Two years later he moved to this town, where he purchased I80 acres of land. His house was built on the northwest quarter of section I. He was accompanied by his wife, two sons, and a married daughter with her husband, Daniel T. Hyatt. Another daughter, Catharine, was then living in Marshall. He remained a resident of the town till his death, in 1867. His wife survived him about five years. Of his children, Joseph and Mrs. Benjamin Bennett are still residing in Deerfield; John lives in Argentine; Mrs.i 424 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Maria Hyatt, in Fenton; and Mrs. Christina Moore, in Genesee, Genesee Co. Daniel and Lorenzo Boutell were among the settlers in the spring of I837. They were from Onondaga Co., N. Y. Daniel, with his wife, two sons, and one daughter, settled on the west half of the northwest quarter of section 30, and built his house at the southwest corner of the quarter section. He at once assumed quite a prominent part in town affairs, and frequently held office. He was the first collector, and served five years in that position. He also held the offices of assessor, highway commissioner, constable, and supervisor In 1856 he removed to Saginaw County, and a couple of years later to Bay City, where he died eleven or twelve years ago, and where his wife and several children still reside. One son, George T., remained in this town, and died here but a few years ago, at the age of thirty-two years. Daniel was a great fisher and hunter, a fluent talker, and the most amiable of men in family and society. He was one of the first members of the Oak Grove Methodist Church, and lived an exemplary Christian life. Lorenzo Boutell settled on the west half of the southwest quarter of section 19, and built his house near the southeast corner of his lot. He was three times married, and by his third wife had one child,-a son,-named Chauncey, who is now living with his widowed mother on the homestead. Mr. Boutell's second wife was Mrs. Sarah Chapman, who died in 840, and his third wife was Mrs. Polly Hart. He moved to Fenton eleven or twelve years ago (I867-68), and died there in Septemnber, 1875, having been an invalid for several years. He was a very social, agreeable, and benevolent' man, much interested in church matters, and a member of the Methodist Church. He was not very deeply interested in the strifes of politics, but was elected to the office of overseer of the poor fifteen years, and, with the exception of three years, these elections were consecutive. Having no family of his own, he yet was very fond of children, and made this of practical use by taking a number of children at different times, and keeping them until they were able to do for themselves. Michael Bennett, with his wife and three small children, came from Northfield, Washtenaw Co., in the spring of I837, and built a house near the north quarter-post of section 34. He was of Irish birth, and had lived for some time in Eastern New York before coming to Michigan. He purchased the north half of section 34 the year before he came here, and subsequently sold 120 acres to James Conklin, who came here with hilm. He and his wife died some four or five years ago. Two of their sons are living on the homestead, and one in \! St00 0;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Z3 daughter, Mrs. Mary Downey, also lives in the town. James Conklin commenced living on the place he bought of Mr. Bennett, in 1839, and his mother, two brothers,-Patrick and Thomas,-and two sisters came at that time and lived with him for two or three years, when his sisters married, and his brothers went to live on section 27, where Patrick had bought a farm. The mother remained with James, and died in I843. In 1844 he married Margaret Dougherty, of White Lake, Oakland Co., and lived here till his death, which occurred some six or seven years ago. His wife survived him till the spring of I879. Their children-two daughters and a son-are now living on the homestead. Robert Chambers and wife, and David S. Ireland, with a wife, four sons, and two daughters, came in company from Scottsville, Monroe Co., N. Y., in the spring of I837, and settled in this town. Mr. Chambers settled on the northeast corner of section 29. He was for many years a prominent man in the town, was one of the first justices of the peace, and was once elected supervisor. He was a successful farmer, and brought his land under a state of high cultivation. About ten years ago he moved to Fenton, and died there in 1877. His widow is now living at Deerfield Centre. David S. Ireland bought the north half of section 28, and built his house on the northwest corner of the section. He died in I848, and the family moved to Holly, Oakland Co., some time during the war. Bryan Corr, Dennis and Timothy McCarthy, John Ryan, and John Lyons were all Irish emigrants, who came here at different times and settled in different parts of the town. Corr is still living on section 24, where he settled in 1836. John Ryan settled on the county line, on section 3, at an early day, and died there in I875. The McCarthys and Lyons came in 1837 and settled on sections 25 and 36. Timothy was killed at an early day by a falling tree, and Dennis died in this town some twenty years ago. Several other brothers and sisters have lived in Deerfield some portion of their lives, but none of them are here now, with the exception of one of them, Charles McCarthy. Samuel L. Bangs, with his wife and one child, and his brothers, Benjamin and Mark, came from Monroe Co., N. Y., and settled on the northeast quarter of section 24, in I837. Lyman was quite prominent as a leader among the Whigs during his short stay here. In 1839-40 he moved to Ann Arbor. He subsequently emigrated to Illinois, where he is now living. Benjamin lived on what is now the McKeone farm till I859, and then moved to Fenton, where he is still living. Mark left here COL.C. SUTHERLAND. COL. CASTLE SUTHERLAND. Among the early settlers of the city of Ann Arbor no name is more familiar to the people of Washtenaw than that of Col. Sutherland, and perhaps it may be said that no name is more carefully treasured or will be longer remembered by those who knew him. Col. Sutherland was born in Geneva, N. Y., Nov., I790. In 1828 he came to Ann Arbor, where he remained until 1834, when he removed to the town of Deerfield, where he purchased a farm, and where he lived until about I85o, when he returned to Ann Arbor, where he resided until his death, which occurred July 13, 1 62. Col. Sutherland was a gentleman of the old school, a man of sterling integrity, witi a firm and unswerving devotion to the right. Patriotism was one of the prominent points in his character. He enlisted in the war of I812, and was employed by the government in making and repairing guns, which avocation he subsequently followed many years. During the war of the Rebellion he was frequently heard to express regret that he had not strength to bear arms in the defense of his country. Col. Sutherland was prominently identified with Deerfield. He held many positions of trust, and was everywhere recognized as a man of ability, a kind neighbor, and a firm friend. Solomon Sutherland, the youngest in a family of eleven, was born in Scio, in I833. He resided in Deerfield until he came to Green Oak in i86o, where he now resides. He married Miss Myers, a granddaughter of John Myers, one of the town's first settlers. DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP. 425 I in 1840, went to the State ofNew York, and from there to Illinois, where he engaged in the practice of the law. He has risen to considerable prominence there, having been a candidate for Governor. Castle Sutherland was formerly from Geneva, Ontario Co., N. Y., settled in Ann Arbor, in i832, and came to this town in 1837, locating on section 12. He was a man of more than ordinary ability, and was familiarly known as " Colonel," a title derived from militia service, or perhaps from actual service in the war of I812. He lived here some twelve or fifteen years, and then, his wife dying, he returned to Ann Arbor, and lived with his sons until his own death occurred, a score or more of years ago. One of the self-made men of this town is Joseph Chaniberlin, who is now residing on the farm on which he originally settled forty-one years ago. He was formerly from Lester, Livingston Co., N. Y., and first came to this State in August, I831, wor-king in Saline, Washtenaw Co., for two years, and then returned to New York. Having purchased his time from his father, he worked until he had saved enough money to pay for two 8o-acre lots of government land, and in May, 1836, bought the east half of the southeast quarter of section 25, in this town, and 8o acres adjoining it, in Tyrone. In 1838 he married Delia Kittle, of Groveland, Livingston Co., N. Y., and in November of that year came here, stopping eight weeks with Orson B. Stevens, in Tyrone, while building his house on the southeast corner of section 25. In 1874 he built his present tasty and commodious residence. During his life he has added 400 acres to his original purchase, and, having disposed of a portion of it, still retains upwards of 240 acres. Commencing life as a poor man, he has, by faithful industry and economy, succeeded in accumulating a competency, and has earned the reputation of a public-spirited citizen. Darius Lewis was a settler of I838. In company with Nathaniel and Jabez Lindley, he came to locate his land in the spring of 1836. In October, 1838, he came from Newstead, Erie Co., N. Y., with his wife and two children, and settled on his land on section 15. There he lived until I863, when he moved to Deer Creek, on section 6, and lived there till his death, January I, I871. He was rather a peculiar man, full of a nervous energy, and exceedingly tenacious in accomplishing anything he undertook to do. He was engaged in farming, but also practiced law in the justice's courts of this and adjoining towns, and acquired considerable reputation as a successful pettifogger. He was the first postmaster at the Centre, and enjoyed the distinction of being the only 54 I I I r Whig or Republican ever elected to the office of supervisor of this town. His widow and two sons, Hartwell and Philander, are still living in Deerfield. The Marbles have been among the most prominent families of the town since their arrival, in April, I840. Ira Marble was a native of East Douglass, Mass. When a youth the family moved to Dixfield, Oxford Co., Me., and there lhe afterwards married Miss Hannah Park. With her and three sons, in 1829, he came to Nelson, Madison Co., N. Y., rented a farm, and lived on it one year. Then lie came to Ann Arbor and took up an 80 -acre farm. Five years later he sold that, and took up another new farmt of 80 acres, which he also cleared before coming to Deerfield. In 1840 he traded his Ann Arbor property with a Mr. Jones for i60 acres on section 26, in this town, and moved into the house he had built, about twenty rods east of the southwest corner of the section. Here he devoted his life to farming and dealing in real estate At one time lie owned 760 acres of land in this town. fHe was supervisor of the town three years, and retired from the office only because lie would not accept it again. He gave each of his children a farm, or its equivalent, and retained a homestead of 170 acres. He died June 26, I870, and his wife died Dec. 26, I873. He had six children,-four sons and two daughters. The eldest of these, Moses P., married Elizabeth, a daughter of John Anderson, of this town, and is now living on the homestead with his second wife, formerly Mrs. Rhoda Graves; Enoch M. married Theresa Pike, a daughter of William Pike, and lived in this town till, some seven or eight years ago, he moved to his present home in Handy. He was quite prominent as a political leader of the Democratic party of this town, and served one year as constable, six terms as school inspector, two terms as highway commissioner, three years as town treasurer, four years as town clerk, and one year as supervisor. Ira 0. married Mary, daughter of John How, Sr., in I849, and is now living on section 34, on the farm he purchased from the heirs of Henry I. Lown. He has been prominent in political life, having held the offices of constable, school inspector, highway commissioner, treasurer, justice of the peace, and sutpervisor in this town,-the last-named office for four terms,-and has served one term as treasurer of the county. Oscar V. married Margaret, a daughter of John Anderson, and is now living in Nebraska, where he moved in 1878. Polly E. mar ried John H. Bristol, and died in this town in September, 1869. Maria married John Merrill, and is now living on section 21, in this town..: -~e 426 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I I William A. Hull and his son, Mishal, came from Newark, Wayne Co., N. Y., in the spring of 1845, and settled on section 22, on land they had bought of Rensselaer Pomeroy, who entered it in 1836. They were originally from New Jersey. In I866, William A. removed to Hartland village, and died there a few years since. Mishal is still a resident of Deerfield and one of its prominent men, and is living on section 30, having removed there in September, 1878. No doubt there are others among the earlier residents who are worthy of special mention, and whom we would gladly give a place in this sketch had we material in hand to enable us to do so. Among them would appear the names of the Adams's, David Dickson, Joseph Hosley, B. W. Sherwood, Edwin P. Spencer, the Sellers family, E. F. Cooley, Sidney M. Hawley, Alfred Holmes, William Pike, Robert McGarry, Freeborn Luce, John W. Locke, James Van Benschoten, Lyman Lee, David Royce, William Payne, Bela Fenner, David B. Bradley, James Scullin, and others of more or less prominence in the subsequent history of the town. But it is impossible to go into detail, as we have already transcended the usual limit of space assigned to this branch of the work. Before proceeding farther, however, we will give the earliest tax-roll of the town now to be found, or, rather, so much of it as contains the names of resident tax-payers. The earliest roll, of which any record has been preserved, was made in 1838, and a warrant for the collection of taxes, hereafter mentioned, was issued to Daniel Boutell, collector, by the Board of Supervisors, on the 6th day of October. It was signed by John How, Jacob Snell, Richard Lyon, Andrew Osborn, Robert Worden, Jr., Ralph Fowler, John J. Blackner, George W. Lee, Joseph M. Becker, and Solomon Sutherland. The tax included the following items, viz.: For township expenses, $I20.75; for township poor, $25. To which was added the State and county tax, the amount of which was not specified, and an additional sum of five per cent. for collector's fees. Only a small portion of this roll, containing the names of non-resident taxpayers, has been preserved, and for the first complete roll we are obliged to take that of I844. We copy from that the names of the resident taxpayers, with the number of the section on which they were located, the number of acres assessed to them, the valuations of their real and personal estate, and the amount of their tax. The list is as follows: Name Section. Philo Bradley................................ 9 Benjamin Benn-ett...........................10, 11 Adam B. Bailey................................. 2 Julius K. Blackburn...............I.........., 12 Abiram Blackburn...........................I, 12 Amos Ball.....................................12, 14 Thomas A. Burt............................... 23 George Burr....................................... 24 Benjamin Bangs............................19* 24 Hiram Blackburn........................... 24 Lorenzo Boutell.................19, 24,4 25,t 30 Daniel Boutell....................25, 30, 30t Peter Bush...................................... 26 Michael Bennett................................ 34 John Cramer...................................... 3 Alexander Cramer............................... Catharine Colburn........................... II Bryan Car.......................................... 24 E. F. Cooley...................................... 22 Robert Chambers....................... 20, 29 Rufus Clark..................................29, 31 James Curdy..................................... 32 Janies Clark.......................................... Jon Clark.......................................... Joseph Chamberlin............... 25, 30* James Conklin................................27, 34 Samuel Cole....................................... 33 Nathan Cole.................................... 33 David Dickson................................. 5 Jacob J. Debar................................... 28 William Edwards............................... 35 Bela Fenner....................................... 22 Broughton Fenner............................ 22 Henry Faussett...............................32, 33 George Faussett.................................. 33 Thomas Faussett............................... 33 Elisha Gleason................................... 23 Henry Gibson.................................. Daniel T. Hiatt................................ 2 Sidney M. Hawley.............................. 5 John How, Sr........................... 5, 6, 7, 8 John How, Jr.............................. 7 Jonathan How......................... 5 William llHatt................................12, 13 Henry Iumph rey.............................. 23 Noel Har-ington.................................... Sylvester Hull.................................... 18 William How and A. Jones..................... James L. Hills....................... 30, 32 William Hosley................................. 3 Joseph osley.................................... 3 laniel S. Ireland........................... 28 Nelson Johnson.................................. 2 Bennett Joy..................... 3 William Judd.................................... i8 Henry Jubb l..................................... 20 William Jubb.................................29, 30 John Knox........................................ 12 Allen Leonard....................... 3 Daniel Locke................................... 2 Samuel Lindley.................................... Andrew W. Lewis.............................. 4 Jabez Lindley.................................... II Nathaniel Lindley........................... O, 14 Samuel Leonard........................I4, 15 Darius Lewis..................................... Calvin W. Leonard.......................... Freeborn Luce.................................. 20 Lyman Lee....................................29, 31 John Lyons....................................... 25 James H. Murray......................... 3, 10 Robert McGary.................................. 13 Robert McKinley......................... 21 Timothy McCarthy.............................. 36 Benjamin Merrill..............................33 Ira Marble........................ 26, 35 Moses Marble....................... 26, 35 E. M. Marlle........................................ John McCarthy................................. 32 Jeremiah McCarthy............................. 32 Charles McCarthy...........................25, 36 Dennis McCarthy................................ 25 Horace Merrill.................................. 33 Acres. 220 280 40 120 80 145 15 40 130 40 322 321 80 200 120 40 40 80 I6o 120 30 I48 i6o 110 50 80 IX I0 80 80 120 120 120 30 I0 97 846 140 90 100 10 80 170 252 I6o 238 55 80 80 i6o 120 60 40 76 120 80 i6o 160 237 120 120 80 I18 i6o i6o 120 40 320 i6o 40 8o 60 6o 80 Valuation. $570 770 100 280 136 380 40 100 263 107 502 751 325 445 200 104 91 210 460 350 6o 346 370 400 205 220 40 I50 225 193 280 I90 240 6o 395 20 i67 1620 250 I80 280 20 200 410 534 343 540 114 200 203 328 270 140 80 176 220 80o 320 480 789 340 375 I90 286 490 390 355 95 925 355 8o 170 130 150 160 I Name. Section. Austin Allen...................................... William Bennett............................... 2 William Bradley................................. 4 Acres. Valuation. 80 $255 i6o 320 40 68 * Town 4 north, range 6 east. t Town 4 north, range 4 east. i " PnOTC-S. BY J h PHIPPSFfNI40N, MIICH. 1~ ~~ C-!,~~) ~42 ~ "1 7~~~ Ctlc -~ n_ C ~fI ~?~~ue~272 JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN. Joseph Chamberlain, one of the pioneers of the town of Deerfield, was born in the town of Scipio, Cayuga Co., N. Y., May 13, 1814. He was the son of Eeekiel Chamberlain and Sally A. Palmer, who had a family of eleven children. The elder Chamberlain was a native of Thetford, Vt., and settled in Scipio in a very early day. He was an industrious, thrifty farmer, and highly esteemed. His father, Benjamin Chamberlain, was a Revolutionary soldier, who served seven years and participated in many of the decisive battles of the war. At its close he settled in Thetford, Vt., where Ezekiel was born, about 1764. When Joseph was six years of age his father removed to Livingston Co., N. Y. Up to the age of seventeen he worked on the farm, with an occasional term at the district school. Frequently, after chopping all day, he pursued his studies far into the night by the light of hickory barks. At the age of seventeen he resolved to commence life for himself He purchased his time of his father for the sn a of one hundred dollars, and, with a scanty wardrobe and a few dollars in money, started for Michigan. He went to Saline, Washtenaw Co., where he engaged himself to work as a farm-hand at ten dollars per month. At the expiration of two years he returned to New York, where he remained several years. In 1836 he made a second visit to Michigan, and located one hundred and fifty acres of land where he now lives. He again returned home, and in the autumn of 1838 removed with his family, which consisted of his wife and one child. Here he has since resided, and in his chosen occupation has been very successful. He now owns a fine farm of three hundred and ten acres. The life of Mr. Chamberlain has been devoted to the cares of his farm and his family. He has never courted political advancement, preferring the quiet of the farm to the excitement of politics. In 1878, Mr. Chamberlain was married to Miss Fanny Reed, a lady of much culture and refinement. She was born in Virgil, Cortland Co., N. Y., April 29, I836. When she was a babe her parents emigrated to Michigan and settled in Jackson County. Mr. Chamberlain is emphatically a self-made man. Commencing life in a new county, with only a strong pair of hands and a robust constitution, he has attained success in whatever he has andertaken. DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP. 427 Name. Section. Horace H. Nottingham...............12, 13, 14 Daniel O'Connell........................ 26 James Pratt...................................2, 3 Nathan B. Porter............................... Dean Phillips................................ 20 William Paine............................... 35, 36 William L. Pike............................... 29 Elijah Root...................................... 4 John Ryan...................................3, 34* Patrick Ryan..................................... 3 John P. Springsteen............................. 5 Brinsley Stevens.................................10 Philo Strickland................................. Samuel Stout.................................... 2 Castle Sutherland....................... 1,, 2,13 William Smalley................................... Bishop Sherwood................................ 5 Cornelius Slate................................. 23 William Snow.................................. William S. Spalding............................ 23 Calvin Spalding..............................14, 23 Thomas Sharp.................................... 21 Orson Smith..................................... Marcus Sackner.................................. James Scullen.................................... 28 John H. Sanford............................ 30 Robert Sowders...................... 29 Joel S. Stillson................................. 30 John Sellers.........................22, 23, 26, 27 C. I). Topping.................................... 12 Cyrus B. Thomas................................... William Thomas........... I I............... David Tenney................................... 24 George Van Valkenburg....................... Stephen Wilson............................., 6 Joseph Wise, Sr................................, 2 Joseph Wise, Jr................................ Caleb Wood..................................... 3 Warren M. Worden............................. 19 J. Walsh and G. Green................24, 25, 35 Acres. 240 i6o 240 80 80 i6o 80 240 240 40 80 17 8o 80 i68 200 25 3 80 95 I59 80 120 80 5 240 8o 40 80 8o 207 12 50 I05 80 508 Valuation. $520 320 8IO i60 175 355 273 528 510 80 220 46 190 i6o 440 480 70 6 203 215 348 i6o 275 136 30 788 320 80 80 534 24 ii8 360 194 1870 Of the experiences of the pioneers we can speak but briefly, though the trials and adventures they met with would be sufficient to fill a volume. The nearest trading point was at Pontiac for a number of years, and some went even so far as Detroit to find a market for their produce, and a satisfactory stock of goods from which to select what they wanted. When Howell was made the county-seat, and stores were established there, this trade was gradually transferred to that point. The grain market was at Pontiac until the building of the Grand River plank-road afforded a better transportation route from Howell. The pioneers had to go to Pontiac, too, to get their milling done, and each trip occupied at least four days, and.often a week's time would be necessary to complete it. On one occasion John How had to go to mill, and before going had to get wheat at Farmington. The trip was a long one, and before he returned the family's stock of provision had run very low, and for a few days they lived on bran pancakes and on buckwheat cakes, made from flour ground in a coffee-mill and screened in a flour-sieve. The boys, who were hard at work splitting oak-rails, used to speak feelingly of the unsatisfactory character of this kind of food as a strength-producer. The How family-used to dress in deer-skin, and, * Town 5 north, range 5 east. t Town 4 north, range 6 east. before they learned to prepare the skins for themselves, used to go to Shiawassee, where Alfred Williams kept a trading post, and get of him skins he had purchased of the Indians. Game of all kinds was abundant, and the usual supply of small fruits was found to assist the pioneers in providing a variety for their tables. The Irish settlers were strangers in a strange land, and did not understand the customs of the country. This ignorance, coupled with the natural superstition of their minds, made them very suspicious and fearful of everything they could not at once understand. Of course this has worn away, as time and experience have shown them its uselessness, but it was often the cause of curious misunderstandings and laughable mistakes. One of them had a large lot of hay to sell, and, hearing of it, one of his Yankee neighbors who was not known to him went to buy some. Coming up to him, he said, " Well, squire, I hear you have some hay to sell. How much do you ask a ton for it?" The unwonted appellation sounded so strangely to the foreigner's ears as to alarm him, and he refused to have anything to do with the person whose use of such a title in connection with his name he deemed to be a covert underhanded attempt, in some mysterious way, to deprive him of or abridge his liberty. CIVIL AND POLITICAL. When the county of Livingston was organized, this town formed a part of the township of Howell, and so remained till the spring of I837. In-the winter of 1836-37, the inhabitants began to think that they were entitled to become a separate political division, and held a meeting at the house of Charles D. Topping to consider the question. The meeting was held in the evening, and was attended by about a half-dozen persons. A petition was drawn up and signed preparatory to its presentation to the Legislature, and several nanes were proposed. This petition was duly forwarded, and the Legislature, ignoring all of the names proposed, gave the town the name that it pleased them to select. The act of erection read as follows: "SECTION 3. All that part of the county of Livingston, designated by the United States Survey as township four north, of range five and six east, be, and the same is hereby set off and organized into a separate township, by the name of Deerfield; and the first township-meeting therein shall be held at the house of Benjamin Bennett, in said township." As will be seen, the territory thus set off embraced the present town of Tyrone, which a year later was taken off and made into a new township. Pursuant to the provision of the act, the first town-meeting was held at the house of Benjamin Bennett; but the record of the meeting being kept I 428 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. --- on loose paper, has, along with those of several succeeding years, become lost, thus making the task of procuring a list of officers laborious and perplexing. CIVIL LIST OF DEERFIELD. The following list contains the names of all the officers of the town of Deerfield, fiom its organization in 1837 to the present year, 1879, as far as it has been possible to learn them from any trustworthy source, either from records, or from memory when records failed. The books of this town, like those of most other towns, have generally been kept in a careless and slovenly, and utterly unbusiness-like manner, and the work of gleaning from them the statistics needed for a work of this character has been laborious, vexatious, and unsatisfactory. The present clerk, Mr. Cameron, is an exception to the general rule. His books are kept in a tasty, methodical, and careful manner, rendering them ready for reference, and reliable as to statement. For the benefit of future historians it is to be hoped that the citizens of Deerfield will continue so capable and efficient an officer in that position as long as he can be induced to accept it. With these preliminary remarks, we now introduce the list of officers, by years, as follows, viz.: I837.-Supervisor, John How, Sr.; Town Clerk, Montgomery P. Adams; Collector, Daniel Boutell; Justices of the Peace, Robert Chambers (one year), Charles D. Topping (two years), Samuel L. Bangs (three years), David Dickson (four years).* 1838.-Supervisor, John How, Sr.; Town Clerk, Edwin P. Spencer; Collector, Daniel Boutell; Justice of the Peace, Robert Chambers; School Inspectors, Alfred Holmes, Lorenzo Boutell, David Dickson. t 1839.-Supervisor, John How, Sr.; Town Clerk, Edwin P. Spencer; Collector, Daniel Boutell; Treasurer, John How, Sr. (appointed); Justice of the Peace, Charles D. Topping; Assessors, Elhanan F. Cooley, Samuel L. Bangs, Daniel Boutell; School Inspectors, Edwin P. Spencer, John How, Jr., Samuel L. Bangs. 1840.-Supervisor, Charles D. Topping; Town Clerk, Edwin P. Spencer; Collector, Daniel Boutell; Treasurer, John How, Sr.; Justice of the Peace, John Lyons; Assessors, Daniel Boutell, Samuel Leonard, Sidney M. Hawley; School Inspectors, Edwin P. Spencer, Darius Lewis, James Pratt. I84I.-Supervisor, Alfred Holmes; Town Clerk, Edwin P. Spencer; Collector, Daniel Boutell; Treasurer, John How, Sr.; Justice of the Peace, David Dickson; Assessors, Sidney M. Hawley, Joseph Walsh, Rufus Clark; School Inspectors, Edwin P. Spencer, Horace H. Nottingham, John How, Jr. 1842.-Supervisor, Alfred Holmes; Town Clerk, Edwin P. Spencer; Treasurer, John How, Sr.; Justice of the Peace, John Sellers; Assessors, Samuel Leonard, Ira Marble, Alfred Holmes; School Inspectors, Horace H. Nottingham, John H. Sanford, Edwin P. Spencer. 1843.-Supervisor, Robert Chambers; Town Clerk, John How, Jr.; Treasurer, John How, Sr.; Justice of the Peace, I Charles D. Topping; Assessors, Robert Chambers, John Ryan, Freeborn Luce; School Inspectors, Joel S Stilson (two years), J. H. Downer (one year). I844.-Supervisor, Ira Marble; Town Clerk, John How, Jr.; Treasurer, John How, Sr.; Justice of the Peace, John Ryan; Assessors, Ira Marble, John Ryan, George Green; School Inspector, Sidney M. Hawley. I845.-Supervisor, Ira Marble; Town Clerk, John How, Jr.; Treasurer, John How, Sr.; Justice of the Peace, David Dickson; Assessors, Ira Marble, Robert Chambers, Sidney M. Hawley; School Inspector, Benjamin Bangs. 1846.-Supervisor, Ira Marble; Town Clerk, James Vanbenschoten; Treasurer, Lyman Lee; Justice of the Peace, Robert Chambers; Assessors, John W. Locke, Freeborn Luce; School Inspector, Horace H. Nottingham. 1847.-Supervisor, Darius Lewis; Town Clerk, John Sellers; Treasurer, Lyman Lee; Justice of the Peace, Charles D. Topping; Assessors, Daniel Boutell, William Payne; School Inspector, Benjamin Bangs. 1848.-Supervisor, John How (formerly Jr.); Town Clerk, James Scullin; Treasurer, Bela Fenner; Justice of the Peace, John Lyons; Assessors, Sidney M. Hawley, William Payne; School Inspectors, Benjamin Bangs (full term), John Bennett (vacancy). 1849.-Supervisor, Charles D. Topping; Town Clerk, James Scullin; Treasurer, Bela Fenner; Justice of the Peace, David Dickson; Assessor, no record; School Inspector, James L. Topping. I850.-Supervisor, John How; Town Clerk, James Scullin; Treasurer, Enoch M. Marble; Justice of the Peace, John Anderson; Assessors, William Payne, John W. Locke; School Inspector, Enoch M. Marble. 1851.-Supervisor, John How; Town Clerk, James Scullin; Treasurer, Enoch M. Marble; Justice of the Peace, Charles D. Topping; School Inspector, Simeon Kittle. I852.-Supervisor, John How; Town Clerk, James Scullin; Treasurer, Enoch M. Marble; Justice of the Peace, Ira O. Marble; School Inspectors, Enoch M. Marble (full term), Orlando Topping (vacancy). 1853.-Supervisor, John How; Town Clerk, James Scullin; Treasurer, George Bunting; Justices of the Peace, David Dickson (full term), Robert Chambers (vacancy); School Inspector, John Bennett. 1854.-Supervisor, Daniel Boutell; Town Clerk, Darius Lewis; Treasurer, John D. Converse; Justices of the Peace, Augustus C. Fox (full term), Robert Chambers (vacancy); School Inspector, Benjamin Bangs. I855.-Supervisor, Charles D. Topping; Town Clerk, Enoch M. Marble; Treasurer, John W. Locke; Justices of the Peace, William A. Hull (full term), Oscar V. Marble (vacancy); School Inspectors, Orlando Topping (full term), Mishal Hull (vacancy). 1856.-Supervisor, John How; Town Clerk, Enoch M. Marble; Treasurer, John W. Locke; Justice of the Peace, Charles D. Topping; School Inspector, James Scullin. I857.-Supervisor, Sidney M. Hawley; Town Clerk, Enoch M. Marble; Treasurer, Charles D. Topping; Justices of the Peace, Franklin Bradley (full term), D. T. Hyatt (vacancy); School Inspectors, Orlando Topping (full term), James Cameron (vacancy). 1858.-Supervisor, Sidney M. Hawley; Town Clerk, Enoch M. Marble; Treasurer, John W. Locke;j Justices of the Peace, Augustus C. Fox (full term), John Ryan (vacancy); School Inspectors, James Cameron (full term), John Howi (vacancy). I Refused to serve, and the Town Board thereupon appointed Charles D. Topping to fill the vacancy on the 22d of April. & How vacated the office, and on the I Ith of October the Town Board met and appointed Ira 0. Marble to fill the vacancy. I~ ~~~~~~~~~~ * No record of assessors or school inspectors. t No record of assessors. DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP. 429 1859.-Supervisor, Enoch M. Marble; Town Clerk, John F. Topping; Treasurer, James Scullin; Justices of the Peace, Philander Sackner (full term), John Ryan (long vacancy), Sidney M. Hawley (short vacancy); School Inspector, Enoch M. Marble. I860.-Supervisor, Sidney M. Hawley; Town Clerk, John F. Topping; Treasurer, James Scullin; Justices of the Peace, Joseph Wise, Jr. (full term), George Boutell (vacancy); School Inspector, Cornelius Bennett. I86I.-Supervisor, John How; Town Clerk, George Bunting; Treasurer, James Pratt; Justices of the Peace, A. D. Royce (full tern), Azariah II. Van Camp (vacancy); School Inspector, Orlando Topping.* I862.-Supervisor, John Sellers; Town Clerk, Robert Chambers; Treasurer, Ira 0. Marble; Justices of the Peace, Simeon Kittle (full term), William How (vacancy); School Inspectors, Cornelius Bennett (full term), James Cameron (vacancy). 1863.-Supervisor, John Sellers; Town Clerk, Robert Chambers; Treasurer, Ira 0. Marble; Justices of the Peace, John Ryan (full term), Thomas How (vacancy); School Inspector, John Scullin.t I864.-Supervisor, John How; Town Clerk, John F. Topping; Treasurer, George G. Rich; Justice of the Peace, Joseph Wise, Jr.; School Inspector, Henry 0. Caldwell.~ I865.-Supervisor, Ira 0. Marble; Town Clerk, Robert Chambers; Treasurer, George G. Rich; Justice of the Peace, George Douglass; School Inspectors, William B. Skinner (full term), James Cameron (vacancy), Ellsworth S. Bennett and Enoch M. Marble, appointed May 9th. 1866.-Supervisor, Ira 0. Marble; Town Clerk, Robert Chambers; Treasurer, James Pratt; Justice of the Peace, Simeon Kittle; School Inspectors, James Cameron (full term), Henry 0. Caldwell (vacancy). 1867.-Supervisor, IraO. Marble; Town Clerk, James Cameron; Treasurer, John Ryan; Justice of the Peace, Augustus C. Fox; School Inspector, Henry 0. Caldwell. I868.-Supervisor, John IHow; Town Clerk, James Cameron; Treasurer, John Ryan; Justice of the Peace, Luther Field; School Inspector, Enoch M. Marble. 1869.-Supervisor, John How; Town Clerk, James Cameron; Treasurer, William W. Henderson; Justices of the Peace, David Royce (full term), Wiltsie Glaspie (vacancy); School Inspector, William B. Skinner. 1870.-Supervisor, John How; Town Clerk, James Cameron; Treasurer, William W. Henderson; Justice of the Peace, John F. Topping; Drain Coinmissioner, John Ryan; School Inspector, Enoch M. Marble. I87I.-Supervisor, Elias H. Sellers; Town Clerk, Stephen B Cooley; Treasurer, William W. Henderson; Justice of the Peace, John R. Bunting; Drain Commissioner, John Ryan; School Inspectors, John Sweeney (full term), James Cameron (vacancy). I872.-Supervisor, John How; Town Clerk, Stephen B. Cooley; Treasurer, Charles H. Topping; Justice of the Peace, James Bennett; Drain Commissioner, John Ryan; School Inspector, James Scullin. I873.-Supervisor, John How; Town Clerk, Henry Robb; Treasurer, James McKeone; Justice of the Peace, Wil* Removed from town the following winter, and on the Ist of March, I862, the Town Board appointed John F. Topping to fill the vacancy. t He failed to qualify, and William Harper was appointed in his stead. t Refused to qualify, and on the x6th of April the Town Board filled the vacancy by the appointment of Sidney M. Hawley. Q During the following summer William Harper removed from the town, and on the 24th of September the Town Board appointed Ellsworth S. Burnett school inspector to fill the vacancy. liam B. Skinner; Drain Commissioner, John Ryan; School Inspector, not recorded. 1874.-Supervisor, James Cameron;1 Town Clerk, Henry Robh; Treasurer, James McKeone; Justices of the Peace, John F. Topping (full term), William B. Skinner (vacancy); Drain Commissioner, John Ryan; School Inspector, Stephen B. Cooley. 1875.-Supervisor, E. Henry Stiles; Town Clerk, James Cameron; Treasurer, Minor J. Hosley; Justice of the Peace, Mishal Hull; Drain Commissioner, John Ryan; School Superintendent, John R. Sweeney; School Inspector, Stephen B. Cooley. I876.-Supervisor, E. Henry Stiles; Town Clerk, James Cameron; Treasurer, Minor J. Hosley; Justice of the Peace, James Bennett; Drain CommiSsioner, Sidney M. Hawley; School Superintendent, John R. Sweeney; School Inspector, William B. Skinner. 1877.-Supervisor, Ira 0. Marble; Town Clerk, James Cameron; Treasurer, James McKeone; Justices of the Peace, William Leonard (full term), Frederick W. Bredow (vacancy); Drain Commissioner, Charles Lamb;** School Superintendent, Charles H. McKeone; School Inspector, William B. Skinner. I878.-Supervisor, E. Henry Stiles; Town Clerk, James Cameron; Treasurer, James McKeone; Justices of the Peace, John R. Bunting (full term), Matthias Cummins (vacancy); Drain Commissioner, David B. Bradley; School Superintendent, Charles H. McKeone; School Inspector, William B. Skinner. 1879.-Supervisor, E. Henry Stiles; Town Clerk, James Cameron; Treasurer, Charles Lamb; Justices of the Peace, Alfred V. D. Cook (full term), Joseph Wise (three years' vacancy), James Lanning (two years' vacancy); Drain Commissioner, William Robb; School Superintendent, Timothy F. Sweeney; School Inspector, William B. Skinner.tt The places at which the annual town-meetings have been held are as follows: in I837-38, at Benjamin Bennett's; 1839, at Robert Chambers'; I840, at Elhanan F. Cooley's; 1841-46, inclusive, at Darius Lewis'; the I846 meeting was adjourned to the school-house at Deerfield Centre, and from that time till I863 the meetings were held there; I864, at Calvin W. Leonard's; and since 1865, at the town-house. It seems, from an examination of the records, that it was at first customary to furnish liquor upon the occasion of town-meetings and elections, and sometimes, it is said, a noticeable degree of hilarity was produced in some who were most fain to partake of the enticing beverage. On one occasion two elderly citizens had become so overcome by the united effects of politics and whisky as to be nearly oblivious to their external surroundings. As their homes lay in the same direction they, mindful of the motto, "United we stand, divided we fall," took hold of hands in Resigned April 13, and E. Henry Stiles appointed in his stead. T Mr. Ryan (lied in office, and Joseph Wise was appointed to fill the vacancy. ** He failed to qualify, and Joseph Wise was appointed. tt Failing to qualify, John R. Sweeney was appointed to fill the vacancy. 430 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. order to assist one another homeward. The result proved the truth of another adage, "When the blind lead the blind," etc.; for "both" fell "into the ditch," and in falling they became separated. Each struggled to his feet, but with their faces turned in opposite directions. Each insisted that his way was right, and as neither could convince the other of the "error of his way," finally trudged away in opposite directions. Through the intervention of friends both finally reached home safe and sound. Warnied by such occurrences as this, the voters determined to pursue a different policy, and in I843, and for several years thereafter, annually voted that no liquor should be furnished at elections. But this action does not fairly represent the position of the town on the liquor question, for it has generally been a liquor-trafficking and liquordrinking community, at least to a more marked degree than most of its sister towns. The only records bearing upon the matter are those of votes taken at four different times. The first, in 1845, was I7 voted for license, and 15 against it. The second was taken in I846, and resulted for license, 25, against license, 48 The third was the vote of I850, when 66 votes were cast for license, and only 14 against it. The last was that taken in I868 as to changes in the constitution of the State, when the vote for the prohibitory clause was 23, and the vote against it was I85. In the matter of building a town-house, the first public action was taken at the town-meeting in I863, when $300 was voted for the purpose of building a town-house, and a committee of five, consisting of Ira Lamb, James Pratt, James Cameron, John Sellers, and William Payne, was appointed to select and procure a site as near the centre of the town as possible. The committee purchased a site of Bela Fenner. At the townmeeting of I864, $300 was voted to apply on the job, and the committee were instructed to build a new house, to cost not more than $800. The committee sold back to Mr. Fenner the lot purchased of him, and bought of Mr. Leonard one-half acre of ground a little west of the northeast corner of section zr, for the sum of $20. The contract was let to the lowest bidder, Jethro Shout, for $790, April 28th, and on October 15th, the job being completed, the house was accepted, and was occupied for the election. The total cost of the building and lot, including furnishing, amounted to about $920. A special meeting was held Feb. 22, i868, to consider the question of issuing town-bonds to the amount of $15,0oo, in aid of the "Chicago and fMichigan Grand Trunk Railway." The project met with a chilling reception, being negatived by a vote of 126 to 46. At the annual town-meeting of the same year, the proposed changes of the constitution were voted upon with the following result: in favor of the new constitution, 35; against it, I85. For annual sessions of the Legislature, o; for biennial sessions, I9I. For prohibition, 23; against it, 185. Another vote on constitutional amendments was taken Nov. 5, 1872, and the following votes were cast: for the payment of railroad bonds, 13; against it, I98. For the re-division of the judicial districts of the State, 12; against it, 200. For the proposed change in the salaries of State officers, 14; against it, 197. During the war for the suppression of the Rebellion this town did its best to fill its quota under the several calls for troops, and to accomplish this result held several special township-meetings. The first of these meetings was held in response to a petition signed by prominent citizens. It was held at the house of Calvin W. Leonard, Feb. 20, 1864, and a resolution was passed to raise $ioo bounty for every man enlisted and credited to the town till its quota was filled, by a vote of I 1 to 19. March 21, I864, another petition, bearing the names of 29 citizens, was presented, praying for action at the town-meeting to extend this provision to others. At the town-meeting held April 4, 1864, it was accordingly voted to raise by loan a sufficient sum to pay each volunteer who had enlisted or should enlist in the United States service and be credited to the town, on any quota, under calls of the President made since Jan. 7, I864, the sum of $ oo, the bonds to bear 7 per cent. interest, and to be payable in one, two, and three years. Another special meeting, held at Mr. Leonard's, Aug. 6, 1864, extended the same provisions to drafted men, or those who furnished substitutes, subsequent to Feb. 4, 1864. Previous to June Io, I865, the sum of $5425 had been contributed to clear the town of its liability under the call for 500,000 men, and a meeting was held on that day to take some action regarding the refunding of such contributions by raising a sufficient sum by tax, and also to pay drafted men in I863, '64, and '65, who served or furnished substitutes, the sum of $100 each. A motion to raise the tax, and also one to pay the bounty, was negatived by a vote of 91 to 44. The population of Deerfield in 1850 was 822. In 186o it had increased to IoI5. In I870 it was II28, of whom 988 were natives, and 140 were of foreign birth. In 1874, for some unexplained reason, the population showed a falling DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP. 431 off, as it was then reported at 1043. This number was divided as follows: Males, under five years, 78; from five to ten years, 60; from ten to twentyone years, 153; from twenty-one to forty-five years, 177; from forty-five to seventy-five years, 96; from seventy-five to ninety years, 9; total, 573. Females, under five years, 64; from five to ten years, 63; from ten to eighteen years, 96; from eighteen to forty years, 145; from forty to seventy-five years, 98; over seventy-five years, 4; total, 470. Their condition in life was reported as follows: Males, from ten to twenty-one, all single, 1 53; over twentyone, single, 67; married, i99; widowers and divorced, i6: Females, from ten to eighteen years, single, 95; married, I; over eighteen, single, 38; married, 184; widows and divorced, 25. Total, married, 384; single, 618; widowed and divorced, 41. From the census of 1874 we also glean some interesting statistics regarding the town, its resources, and productions, which are given in as concise a form as possible. Deerfield then possessed an area of taxable lands of 21,659* acres, of which I2,078 acres were improved and 49 acres were exempt. Three acres were devoted to places of burial for the dead, and 2 2 acres to church- and parsonage-sites. There were then in the town 184 farms, averaging an area of 117.71 acres each, the average being a little higher than is that of most towns. In I873, 3021 acres of wheat were harvested, yielding an average of 14.47 bushels to the acre, giving the town fourth rank in the county; and 1022 acres of corn produced an average of 27.55 bushels per acre, giving the town the twelfth for corn. In the quantity produced it holds rank among the towns of the county as follows: it is third for wheat and all other grains, except corn, and for pork, fourth for cheese, fifth for potatoes, ninth for wool, eleventh for corn, thirteenth for butter, and fifteenth for hay. In a general average it stands as the seventh town of Livingston County. The following table shows the quantity of its products for I873: Bushels of wheat........ 43,725 Pounds of pork.......... 81,o6o " corn......... 28,152 " cheese....... 245 " othergrains 32,102 " butter........ 35,525 tl potatoes..... 8,976 " dried fruit... 3,430 Tons of hay.............. 1,326 Barrels of cider......... 324 Pounds of wool......... 24,704 There was then 424 acres of orcharding, and the yield of apples for that and the previous year was reported at 14,394 bushels in 1872, and 9634 bushels in i873. The amount of stock kept was for that year; horses, 517; mules, 5; working oxen, 52; milch cows, 417; other neat cattle, 677; swine, 731; sheep, 5498. As will be seen from this, the towns-people are pursuing a diversified system of farming,-paying, perhaps, as great attention to dairying and sheephusbandry as to any particular branch, and are bringing their town to rank well with the other towns of the county. That the soil is fertile, and yields a liberal return for the toil of the husbandman, and that the people are possessed of thrift and public spirit, is evidenced by the many pleasant dwellings and commodious barns that are scattered about the town. From its organization down to the present time the town has been uniformly Democratic in its political bias, though from 1845 to i850 the Whig party made strenuous efforts to overcome their opponents, and came so near accomplishing their object that it put their opponents upon their mettle to retain their supremacy. The Democratic majority at the general election has ranged from 30 to 6o since that time. The political hosts on the Whig and Republican side have been marshaled under the leadership of Darius Lewis, Samuel Leonard, Calvin 'F. Burnett, Joseph Chamberlin, Calvin W. Leonard, and others, while the leaders of the Democracy have been Hon. Charles D. Topping, Hon. John How, Sidney M. Hawley, Ira 0. and Enoch M. Marble, Robert Chambers, John Sellers, E. H. Stiles, and others. Never but once have the Democrats failed to elect their candidate for supervisor (though often being defeated for some of the minor offices), and that memorable event occurred in 1847, when Darius Lewis was elected by the Whigs. Neither the Know-Nothings or the Greenbackers have ever had an existence as a party in the town. POST-OFFICES. The first post-office in Deerfield was established in I837-38. It was intended to call the office by the name of the town, but the department having already established an office in Lenawee County under that name, issued a commission to Alfred Holmes as postmaster of " Deer Creek" post-office. It was then kept in his blacksmith-shop, a little south of the west quarter-post of section I7. In 1843 the office was transferred to John How, and moved to his house on section 6, where it re. mained for about seventeen years. In 1848, Mr. How died, and was succeeded by his son William, who retained it till his death, in I864. His widow kept it a few months, and then it was transferred to Darius Lewis, who, for private reasons, kept it * By the United States survey the area of the town is reported at 23,871.25 acres, the sections on the north overrunning, and those on the west falling short of the true area of a section. Neither the lakes nor the streams were "t leandered," which accounts for the apparent discrepancy. 432 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I for a while on his front stoop. His successor was Alexander Bain, who kept it at his ashery, and was succeeded by the present postmaster, William W. Henderson, in 1870, since which time it has been kept in the store. Daniel Boutell first carried the mail over this route, which led from Howell to Shiawassee, embracing the offices of Deer Creek and Byron. Oak Grove, Cohoctah (at first called Tuscola), Argentine, and Madison were added when they were established, and the northern terminus of the route transferred to Linden, so that the present route embraces five offices, and is more than thirty miles long. The round trip is made from Linden to Howell and return on Thursday and Friday of each week. The Madison post-office was early established at Deerfield Centre, but the exact date is not known. It was probably during the early part of Harrison's administration, as the first postmaster, Darius Lewis, was an ardent and zealous Whig, and would hardly have been selected for the post by a Democratic administration. Why the name Madison was given it is not known, though it was without doubt in honor of the ex-President. Mr. Lewis kept the office several years at his residence on section I5, and then it was turned over to John Anderson, and removed a half-mile west of the Centre. It was then brought back to the Centre and kept a couple of years by Calvin W. Leonard, and afterwards by Lewis until his removal to Deer Creek, in I863, when Luther V. Field was appointed to succeed him. Since Field, the office has been kept successively by Mishal Hull, Edwin Townsend, Leroy Dean, and the present postmaster, George Gibson. At first it was on a special route to Argentine, but was afterwards changed to the Howell and Linden route, to which it now belongs. INDUSTRIES. The first mechanical industry in the town was the manufacture of lumber, and was inaugurated by John How, who rigged and operated a "pitsaw" for that purpose in I834. This primitive style of sawing did not long remain in vogue, for in the winter of I835-36 he commenced work on a saw-mill. The first step was the building of a dam across the Shiawassee River, and"'the spot fixed upon was that where the stream crossed the south line of section 6. The line of the dam lay diagonally across the section line, and it was about Ioo00 feet long. It was built of logs held in place by small trees, whose butts rested upon the logs of the dam, and whose untrimmed tops extended upstream, and were anchored by dirt and stone dumpd upon them. It was necessary at times to I do this work of filling in by cutting holes through the ice that formed and dumping the ballast through them. In the spring, when the sun began to warm up the earth and streams, the water began to work through the half-frozen, lumpy mass, and soon undermined the dam, which, as the freshet increased in volume, was nearly all swept away. It was rebuilt as soon as the high water subsided, and in the following summer the mill was built and commenced operations. This mill was about 20 by 42 feet in size, furnished with an old-fashioned "flutter-wheel" and a "sash" saw, and was run simply for custom sawing, though Mr. How afterwards bought some land on Section i8, on which was some fine timber, and did a little lumbering. But even this lumber was used for building purposes by the settlers of this and adjoining towns. After Mr. How's death the mill property passed through several ownerships, and finally came into the possession of Isaac L. & D. N. Roberts, who, about I852-53, built the first grist-mill in the town. Since that time the property has had several owners, and has been divided. The grist mill has been owned by Philander Sackner, David B. Bradley, Isaac L. Roberts, William Sturgis, Isaac L. Roberts, Darius Lewis, George Green, and is now owned by Holcomb & Green. It is a building 36 by 44 feet in size, two stories high, with a basement, and fitted up with two run of stones and the usual accompanying machinery. It has three iron turbine water-wheels, furnishing an aggregate of about 40 horse-power. It has a capacity for grinding I5o bushels of wheat and 300 bushels of feed per day, and is doing a good custom business. The saw-mill has been owned, since the property was divided, by Philander Sackner, Joseph Rider, George G. Gibson, and Simeon Kittle, who is the present proprietor. Before the division it was rebuilt as it now stands. Its annual product was put down in i874 at Ioo,ooo feet. It now does but a limited custom business in times of high water. In I838 a distillery was built by Joseph Walsh and George Green, on section 25. They began operating it in the fall of 1839, and for nearly thirty years it was kept running for about nine months in the year. Its daily consumption of grain was about eighteen bushels. After Mr. Walsh's death the business was continued by Mr. Green until 1867, when it was given up on account of the high tax imposed, and because, from its location away from the arteries of commerce, it was difficult to get supplies to it, and to ship its product. An ashery was operated at Deer Creek several years ago by Alexander Bain, and was subse DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP. 433 quently moved to his land on section 17, where it was run for a while and then abandoned. The first blacksmith in the town, so far as known, was Alfred Holmes, who had a shop on section 17 as early as I837. William Snow had a shop near the Centre as early as 1840. The first store was kept by William Edwards, who bought a few acres of ground on section 35, of William Payne, and opened a store on the corner opposite the old Cole's tavern in Oceola, about the year 1844. VILLAGES. In an agricultural community villages are usually of slow growth, and rarely attain to any considerable size, unless, by means of manufactories and railroads, a foundation is laid, and an impetus given to the trades and branches of business that build up a place. And yet, to the citizens of the vicinity, the growth of these little hamlets possess a degree of interest that renders a history of them, however brief, desirable. DEER CREEK, which received its name from the post-office, lies in the northwest part of the town, mostly on the southeast quarter of section 6, but extending a little on to the northeast quarter of section 7. It is very pleasantly located on high, lightly-rolling ground, on the east bank of the south branch of the Shiawassee River, and contains a population of about 75 souls. The name most commonly applied to it by people of the vicinity is " Howburg," derived from the name of John How, the original owner of the land on which it is built. The first step towards the building up of the village was the erection of the mills already described and of houses to accommodate the owner and employees. While Isaac L. Roberts was operating the mills he opened the first store in the place in a building he had erected on the site of Mr. Henderson's present store. On that site stores have since been kept by John Davis and the present merchant, Mr. W. W. Henderson. Another store was opened soon after the close of the war by James Rooney, on the corner just north of Henderson's building. The building was afterwards used for a cabinet-shop, a saloon, and other purposes, and Oct. I, 1878, was again opened as a store by Adelbert D. Chase, acting in the capacity. of agent for Leslie Lewis, of Fenton. Just before the war, Jotham Brefford opened a blacksmithshop at this point, but soon after was succeeded by Horace Soper. The first wagon-shop was started by a Mr. Bentley, some ten or twelve years ago, in a small building on the north side of the road near the grist-mill. In I877, Isaac Hopper built a new shop on nearly the same site, and 55 is doing a moderate business. At the present time the village consists of one grist-mill, one saw-mill, one wagon-shop, two blacksmith-shops, two stores, and fifteen dwellings. DEERFIELD CENTRE, as its name implies, is located at the centre of the town, and is but a little huddle of dwellings, with a store and blacksmith-shop. It commenced in 1842, when Calvin W. Leonard made the first purchase of land on the school section, and built the first house in the village. It was located on the site of Mr. Leonard's present handsome residence. At that time the nearest houses were Bela Fenner's, a half-mile south, and Elhanan F. Cooley's and Elias B. Holcomb's, about the same distance east. A couple of years later Mr. Fenner sold two small lots on the north line of section 22 to Addison Sutherland and Mishal Hull. Each of them built a house on his lot, and Sutherland, who was a blacksmith, also put up a small shop on his lot, and went to work at his trade, Hull working in the shop with him. The next building erected was the stone building on the southwest corner of section 15, which was intended for a school-house, but not used as such,* the district voting to not accept the building, and subsequently purchased another site of Mr. Leonard, and on that erected their present frame school-house, one of the best in the town, at a cost of about $800. Next, the town-house was built in the summer of 1864, and soon after John R. Bunting, a returned soldier, who had lost one foot in the service of his country, erected the present store building, and opened a grocery. He soon after sold to Mishal Hull. Since then it has passed through several hands, and is now owned by a Mr. Giddings, of Gaines, Genesee Co., Mich. In 1874 the Methodist church was built. The present statistics of the village show that it contains one church, one school-house, one town-house, one store and postoffice, one blacksmith-shop, about a dozen dwellings, and a population of about 50. HIGHWAYS. The first road in the town was the one opened by the How family, leading north from their settlement to the Shiawassee road, or trail as it then was. Of course this was not surveyed, but was cleared of rubbish and marked by "blazed trees" as a private undertaking. The first recorded surveys of roads * Some time about I869 the stone building and one acre of ground was purchased by Mr. Leonard, who finished it off for a blacksmith-shop and sold it to George Knickerbocker, who worked in it for some time. After several changes of owners it was finally bought by Mishal Hull and fitted up for a store-room in connection with the store,-a use to which it has ever since been devoted. 434 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. were made by A. Adams, between the 5th and 20th days of May, 1837, and were opened in the following order: first, a road in continuation of the one running east from Oak Grove, which crossed sections 31 and 32 in a southeast direction, and passed into Oceola; second, a road running on section line from the northeast corner of section 31 to the west line of Tyrone; third, one across the town a mile north of the second road; fourth, one connecting these two, running from the northeast corner of section 32 to the northeast corner of section 29; fifth, one running west, three-quarters of a mile from the east quarter-post of section 18; sixth, one running from the northeast corner of section 31 to the southeast corner of section 6. These roads were, of course, supplemented by others as fast as the needs of the pioneers made them necessary. In 1847 the non-resident highway tax was appropriated "to build a bridge across Ore Creek at Bennett's dam," which is now one of the most important bridges in the town, it being on the direct road to Linden and Fenton. The present fine bridge at that point was erected in the centennial year. The How bridge across the Shiawassee was built in 1851. SCHOOLS. The division of the town into school districts was a work which extended through a considerable length of time, and since their first formation many changes in their boundary lines and numbers have been made from time to time, so that it would be a laborious task, as it would be a practically useless one, to try to trace them all from their organization to the present. We will therefore give but a brief resume of the most salient points in the history of each. District No. I was formed May 5, 1838, and then embraced sections 3, IO, and 15, and the west half of sections 2, I, and 14. It now contains section Io, the greater part of sections 2, 3, and I I, and small parts of sections 14 and 15. Samuel Leonard was the prime mover in getting this district organized. A log school-house was built, in the summer of I838, by John Anable and " BeeHunter" Johnson. Edwin P. Spencer taught the first school there,-which was also the first in the town,-in the winter of I838-39. Some twentysix years ago the school-house was replaced by the present brick building, which will seat 35 pupils, and is valued at $750. Ann Stephens and Alma Debar were early teachers in this district. District No. 2 was formed Oct. I, 1839, and consisted of sections 24, 25, 26, 35, and 36, and the east half of section 23. It now embraces sections 24 and 25, three-quarters of sections 26 and 36, seven-eighths of section 23, and the east half of section 35. The first school-house was built on section 24, in I839; it was burned down and replaced by another, which gave place to the present frame building some twelve or fourteen years ago. This house will accommodate go scholars, and is valued at $700. District No. 3, as first formed, Oct. 3, 1838, embraced sections 33 and 34 in this town, and sections 3 and 4 in Oceola. It is now entirely in this town, and is known as No. II. It contains section 34, seven-eighths of sections 27 and 33, three-quarters of section 28, the west half of section 35, threeeighths of section 32, and one-fourth of sections 26 and 29. The first school-house in this district was a log building, which stood about eighty rods from the town line, on section 34. In I850-51 the district got into turmoil over the question of selecting a site for a new school-house, the question was carried to the courts, and even before the Legislature, and finally two buildings were erected, one on the northwest corner of section 34, and another near the town line. It resulted in a disruption of the district, and the establishing of the northern lot as the regular site. The building erected there was a small one, and cost about $Ioo, exclusive of the voluntary labor performed on it by the citizens. The present frame house, built in I866, will seat 50 pupils, and cost about $iooo. District No. 4 was formed Oct. 24, 1838, and consisted of sections I, 12, and 13, and the east half of sections 2, II, and I4. It now contains the whole of sections 12 and 13, and parts of all the others, but is considerably smaller than at first. The school-house is a frame building, capable of accommodating 50 pupils, and is valued at $50o. It stands near the north quarter-post of section 13. District No. 5 was formed Jan. 5, I849, and was made a fractional district by the addition of some territory in Tuscola (now Cohoctah) on the i8th of December, I841. By subsequent changes it has been made the largest district in the town, now embracing sections I8, 19, 20, 30, and 31, and portions of sections 17, 21, 28, 29, and 32. The schoolhouse is a frame building, capable of seating 125 pupils, valued at $600, and stands on the northeast corner of section 30. District No. 6 was formed Oct. I, 1839, and contained the whole of sections 22 and 27, and parts of sections 14, 15, i6, 21, and 23. The first meeting recorded was held May 6, I844. This is the central district of the town, and now embraces the whole of section I6, the greater portion of sections 15, 21, and 22, and parts of sections 9, I7, and 14. The school-buildings in this district have been mentioned heretofore. The present one will accommodate 70 scholars, and is valued at $500. DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP. 435 District No. 7, now obsolete, was organized March 2, 1839, from sections 20, 21, 28, and 29. District No. 8 was formed Feb. I6, 1841. It now contains sections 5, 6, 7, and 8, and parts of sections 4 and 9. The school-house is a rather dilapidated frame building, seated for 65 scholars, and reported to be worth $700. It is situated in section 5. District No. 9, now obsolete, was formed of section 32 in Deerfield and adjoining territory in Oceola, Jan. I4, I843. Another district was formed May 2, 1846, with this number (containing parts of sections 7, 8, I8, and 17), which has also become a thing of the past. District No. 12 is fractional with Argentine, and comprises in this town parts of sections 3, 4, and 5. The school-house, valued at $250, is a frame building, fitted for 40 scholars, and located in section 4. The first full report of the districts to the school inspectors was made in 1843, and whatever comparisons are made in the following statistics are made between the years I843 and I879. No record of the total expenditures for support of schools in I843 is to be had, but in I879 the amounts in the several districts were reported as follows: No. I, $194.84; No. 2, $378.26; No. 4, $I86; No. 5, $308.44; No. 6,$278.05; No. 8, $239; No. II,$I77.50; No. I2, 218.58; total, $I980.67. The following list is composed of the early teachers of the town, and embraces all to whom certificates were granted by the school inspectors previous to the year I850, so far as any record has been preserved. The first seven were commissioned in I844. The names are Horace H. Nottingham, Matilda B. Nottingham, Matilda Humphrey, Mary Nelson, Rhoda F. Packard, Theresa Pike, Sarah Gibbs, Graham N. Barker, Jasper Bentley, Harvey R. Stevens, Cynthia and Caroline L. Royce, James Vanbenschoten, John Curran, Mary and William Clark, Emeline Sprague, Abby F. Jones, Joel A. Chapman, Lucinda M. Hart, John Bennett, Emeline Youngs, James Andrews, Sophia Topping, Maria Chrispell, Theda Y. Hazard, Martha A. Leet, Herman I. Cranston, John How, Martha J. Vankeuren, Esther M. and Nancy J. Batcheller, Mary G. Sutherland, Esther Marvin, John F. Topping, Hudson B. Blackman, and - Corey. RELIGIOUS HISTORY. In the late fall of I836, the first religious meeting in the town of Deerfield was held, at the house of Reuben Pease, on section 14, in the Top ping neighborhood. Rev. Washington Jackson, the pioneer Methodist preacher of this vicinity, had given out the appointment, in connection with several others in this region, some time before. It was a Sunday appointment, and a severe wintry storm which set in and continued through the preceding night, and was unabated on Sabbath morning, promised to prevent the meeting. But the people were hardy pioneers, used to and fearless of storms, and load after load of people came from different directions through the snow-drifts, the ox-teams and drivers hoary with snow and frost. In spite of the inclement weather a large congregation got together; the meeting was one of unusual interest, and long held a place in the remembrance of those who attended it. No regular class was formed in this town until October, I846, when the FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF DEERFIELD was organized at the Centre. It had but a few members, among them being Mrs. John Anderson, John D. Converse and wife, Reuben Young and wife, and William A. and Elizabeth Hull. Mr. Hull was the first class-leader. What its first circuit relation was is not known. Upon the organization of the Oak Grove circuit, in 1855, it was connected with that circuit, and so remained until 1874, when it was transferred to the new Parshallville circuit. It has had quite a varied experience, meeting with, perhaps, more than the usual amount of alternating periods of prosperity and adversity, but still maintains its position upon the battlements and floats the pure white banner of the Saviour to guide repentant sinners to the pathway leading to life eternal. Its present membership is about 25. No class-leader has been appointed since the position was vacated some time ago, and the preacher in charge of the circuit consequently acts in that capacity. The pastors of the church since 1855 have been as follows: I855, William Birdsall; I856, Lyman H. Dean; 1857, L. P. Murch; 1858-59, James H. Caster; I860, F. Brittan; 1861-62, Samuel P. Lee; 1863-64, James R. Cordon and J. G. Horton, two months; I865-66, D. O. Balls; I866-68, Joseph W. Holt and J. G. Horton in the latter year; 1869-70, Alexander Gee; I871-74, James Balls; I875, Orlando Sanborn; 1876, William Birdsall; 1877-78, Edwin Daw; 1879, Orlando Sanborn. Under the preaching of Rev. E. E. Caster, O. H. P. Green, and Edwin Daw there were revivals, that under Caster being the most notable and extensive. The meetings were held principally at the school-house at the Centre, until the building of the church in I874. This edifice was built as a sort of union church, but has been controlled by the Methodists, and is such practically. It is 436 4HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. legally known as the " First Church in Deerfield." The ground on which the church was erected, consisting of one-half acre on section 21, was purchased of Calvin W. Leonard for $50, and the church was built by Robert Chambers, of Howell, and Charles Chambers, of Cohoctah, and cost altogether, including furnishing, about $2400. The ceremony of dedication took place Oct. 27, 1874, Rev. Mr. McEldowney, of Flint, preaching the discourse, and Revs. W. E. Bigelow, P. E., John Hamilton, and James Balls participating on the occasion. The formal incorporation occurred Feb. i6, 1875, when, at a meeting of the Quarterly Conference of Oak Grove Circuit, Flint District, Detroit Annual Conference, held at Deerfield Centre, Daniel 0. Taft, Danford Parker, Josephus Lair, John Hetcheler, Mishal Hull, Wiltsey Glaspie, and William Leonard were elected as the first board of trustees. The first four were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The present board is composed of George Bunting, Nelson Lamb, Abram Major, Hiram Farnham, Calvin Spalding, John F. Topping, and James Tamlin. BAPTIST. A Baptist society was formed some time between I845 and 1850, at the school-house in District No. I, it being a branch of the church at Parshallville. Its membership was small, and contained, among others, Horace H. Nottingham and wife, Mrs. Samuel Leonard, Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Jemima Downer, Abiram Blackburn, wife, and mother, and Jethro Shout and wife. Preaching was kept up once a month, at the school-house, for a few years, and then the society was broken up, its individual members transferring their membership to other churches of the connection. At the present time, Baptist services are held every two weeks at the church in Deerfield Centre, by Rev. I. W. Lamb, pastor of the Parshallville Church. ROMAN CATHOLIC. There were a number of Irish emigrants among the early settlers of Deerfield, all of whom were communicants of the Church of Rome, and as soon as they could see their way clear to do so, they set at work to erect a church. Preparatory to this undertaking a church was organized in June, I846, by Rev. Patrick Kelly, a missionary sent out to organize churches among the Catholics of this State, which then numbered 13 families, most of them being young married people. James McKeone wasth leader of the enterprise, and among the others who assisted in the work were Denius and Timothy McCarthy, Bryan Corr, John McKeone, Edward Sweeney, Michael Bennett, Patrick and James Conklin, James Scullin, James Murphy, James McGuire, and John Ryan. Joseph Walsh, who was not a member of the church, gave two acres of ground on section 25 for a church site, and on it the church was erected that season. The frame was put up and inclosed and an altar built so that services could be held in it, and then the work stopped, and was not resumed until in 1862, when it was finished. A few years ago it was thoroughly repaired. Its first cost was about $400, but at the present time it is valued at $2000. In 1857 two acres of ground on the southeast corner of section 26 was purchased, and on that a parsonage was built, at a cost of about $ I000. This church was first connected with six other appointments, Oceola being one, and is now a mission of the Fenton Church. In connection with the churches of Fenton and Gaines, they are now building a church in the west part of the town of Cohoctah. The present membership includes 76 families. The pastors have been Revs. Patrick Kelly, Francis X. Vanpalmer, Joseph Lambert, F. X. Pourette, Thomas Rafter, James Wheeler, and William Kilroy. Although not incorporated,-the priest, according to the rules of the church, holding the title,the church is known as "St. Peter's and Paul's Roman Catholic Church of Deerfield." CEMETERIES. There are but three burying-grounds in Deerfield, and two of these have been regularly incorporated. The first is called THE DEERFIELD CENTRE BURIAL-GROUND. As has been mentioned, the first death in town, so far as known, was that of Mrs. Achsah (Wood) Bennett, the second wife of Benjamin Bennett, who died in June, I837. The second is believed to have been that of Mrs. Nancy Faussett, widow of James Faussett, and mother of Thomas and George Faussett: she was the first person buried in this ground. Her death occurred March 6, 1838. Other early deaths were those of Mr. Joseph Wise's father, date unknown; Lydia E. Luce (daughter of Freeborn and Eunice Luce), an infant, Aug. 2, I838; and Mrs. Sarah Boutell, second wife of Lorenzo Boutell, Oct. 9, 1840. Mrs. Faussett's nephew, Thomas Sharp, was one day talking with her when she broached the subject of death, and said that she would soon be called away, and wanted to select a pleasant place of burial before she died. Mr. Sharp told her that, if she had no objection to being buried upon COHOCTAH 1 his farm, he would give her an acre on any part of his land she should select, to be used as a burying-ground for the neighborhood. She made her selection, taking a piece near the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of section 21; and there, within two years' time, she was buried on the very spot selected by herself, where a marble slab marks her resting-place. From time to time other interments have been made, until the original lot became so well filled as to necessitate an addition being made, which was accordingly done. The ground is well kept and contains a number of neat and tasty monuments and tombstones. The first transfer of the title was made Jan. 20, I855, when the ground was deeded to John Sellers, E. F. Cooley, and Darius Lewis, trustees of the Deerfield Centre Burying-Ground. The formal incorporation took place at a meeting held May I6, I863. The officers elected were: President, Elhanan F. Cooley; Secretary, Simeon Kittle; Treasurer, John Sellers; Sexton, John Merrill. At that time, Ira Lamb, A. D. Royce, John F. Topping, William Leonard, E. B. Holcomb, Calvin W. Leonard, John Anderson, Luther V. Field, and Samuel Leonard, in addition to those already named, were members of the association. The present officers are: President, Elias B. Holcomb; Vice-President, Christopher Nicholson; Secretary, Almeron Holcomb; Treasurer, Mishal Hull; Sexton, John Merrill. COWNSHIP. 437 DEER CREEK BURYING-GROUND. This is located on the northeast quarter of section 7. It contains about I.I acres. The ground was first opened in I846, by John How, as a family and neighborhood burial-place, and was finally incorporated at a meeting held in the Deer Creek school-house, Oct. 30, I875. After adopting a name, officers were chosen as follows: President, John How; Vice-President, William W. Henderson; Secretary, Frederick Bredow; Treasurer, David B. Bradley; Sexton, John G. Gibson. These officers hold their position at the pleasure of the association until removed for cause. No change has yet been made in the official board. CATHOLIC CEMETERY. Around the Catholic church, on section 25, is located the third burying-ground in Deerfield. It contains nearly two acres, and has numerous graves, over many of which have been erected beautiful and costly monuments. It looks somewhat neglected. With a little effort and watchful care, it could very easily be made the prettiest cemetery in the town. In closing, the writer desires to return grateful thanks to John How, James Cameron, Calvin W. Leonard, Joseph Chamberlin, and others, for courtesies extended, facilities afforded, and assistance rendered in this work. Deerfield and its citizens will long be pleasantly remembered. COHOCTAH WHEN the rigor of the winter of I832-33 had been subdued by the ever higher mounting sun of spring, and the soft-falling rains and balmy southern breezes began to wake to renewed life the long dormant energies of Nature, an adventurous pioneer,-one of those genuine videttes of an advancing host, whose energetic, restless, impatient nature forced him to the front in anything he was led to undertake,-made his appearance in that part of the country now known as the township of Cohoctah. That man was an Indian trader, named Gilbert W. Prentiss, and he was the first settler in this township. In the entering of his land he was preceded three days by Lyman Boughton, who made his entry of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter and northwest quarter of the TOWNS HI P. northeast quarter of section 34, on the 6th day of April, while Prentiss made his on the 9th, and a second entry on the 15th. His first entry was 40 acres, —the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 22, and his second was of 80o acres, it being the east half of the same quarter section. At that time the whole extent of the territory now comprising the town of Cohoctah was an unbroken wilderness, a wild of low-lying marshes, dark, gloomy tamarack swamps, sunny plains, and beautiful openings, with a bordering of heavier timber, reaching almost entirely around its outskirts. The foot of the wandering Indian hunter, the white hunter, trapper, and trader, the government surveyor, and, perhaps, a 438 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I few land-lookers, had alone trod the mazes of its forest, and forded its water-courses. The wild game wandered at pleasure beneath the inviting shade of its spreading oaks, or fearlessly quenched their thirst from the sparkling waters of its meandering streams, not yet having learned to fear the presence of man, as the death-dealing rifles of the pioneers soon taught them to do when the settlement began. Township 4 north, of range 4 east, as this town was designated by the United States survey, comprises a territory nearly six miles wide from east to west, and a little over six and three-eighths miles long from north to south, containing an area of 24,538 acres. It is the west central town on the north line of the county, and centrally distant eight and three-quarters miles from the county-seat. The town of Burns, Shiawassee Co., adjoins it on the north, the town of Deerfield on the east, the town of Howell on the south, and the town of Conway on the west. Its surface is generally quite level, lightly rolling in some parts, and was originally badly cut up by numerous swamps and marshes, many of which have, by the clearing up of the country and the improvements made in the drainage system of the town, been reclaimed and made tillable and productive. Probably from oneseventh to one-twelfth of the township was originally covered with these marshes and swamps. At present the largest marshes are in the south part of section 33, along the course of the outlet of Cook's Lake, and along Teller's Creek in section 21. The soil is varied, following very closely the lines that marked the boundaries of the different kinds of lands. In the central part, where were the plains, it is of a very light, sandy nature; towards the north line, where were mixed timbered lands and timbered openings, the soil is of a heavier nature, a sort of clayey loam; in the eastern part it is made up of mingled sand ridges, and marshes or swamps; in the southeast corner, where the timber on the openings was very heavy, the soil is also heavier and tempered with some clay; along the south line this continues with intervening swamps, till in the southwest part comes a more elevated surface, which was originally timbered opening, and where the soil is light, and yet strong and fertile; and along the west line of the town, where were mixed marshes and openings, the soil is correspondingly varied. The soil is well adapted to the cultivation of general crops, and the real agricultural worth of the township has not been fully developed. The lakes of Cohoctah number but seven, and are none of them of any considerable size. The largest of them, on section 32, from the peculiar formation of its bottom, is named Sand-Bottom Lake. It is connected with Cook's Lake, which lies south from it, and which is of nearly the same size. It, however, unlike the former, has a muddy bottom, and a good deal of marsh about its shores. The outlet of both joins the Shiawassee River, on section 34. Another lake of nearly the same size lies on section I9, and is called Devil's Lake. It is surrounded by wide marshes and has a muddy bottom. Its outlet is Sprague's Creek. Lime Lake is a small body of water lying on section 14. It derives its name from the fact that its shores and bottom is composed of a kind of marl that, by burning, can be converted into an indifferent sort of lime. It has a bolder shore than any of the other lakes. Its outlet connects it with Mud Lake, lying a few rods south on the same section. This lake has a muddy bottom, a marshy shore, and its waters have a peculiar turbid look, which gives the lake its name. Its outlet enters the Shiawassee, near the southwest corner of the section. Thatcher's Lake is a small body of water on section 4. It covers an area of about four acres, and was named after Michael Thatcher, who settled near it at an early day. Its outlet runs southward into another smaller lake, lying across the south line of the section, which is called Crawford's Lake. It then continues south till it joins Sprague's Creek. There is also one artificial pond at Chemungville, on section 36, covering several acres, and affording a fine water-power. The principal stream is the south branch of the Shiawassee River, which enters the town from Howell, about fifty rods east of the southwest corner of section 34, and runs northerly through wide-spreading marshes on sections 34, 27, and the south half of 28, where its banks rise abruptly to a considerable height above the stream, and so continues along its course until it reaches the quarter line of section 21, and again finds a marshy bed, which continues throughout its onward course through the town into Deerfield. Its current in this town is quite sluggish, and its entire course quite tortuous and some nine miles in extent. Its principal tributary is the second stream in importance in the town. It is commonly called " Bogue" Creek, a corruption of the Indian name " Bo-bish-enung." As to the significance of the name we are not able to speak. It enters this town near the southeast corner, and runs a northerly course of about three miles till it joins the river, in the north part of section 4. At Chemungville it affords a fine water-power. Sprague's Creek, the third stream in importance, is made up of two branches, the principal one being the outlet of Devil's Lake; COHOCTAH the united streams flow in a variable southeast and east course through sections 9, Io, and 15, and empty into the Shiawassee in section 22. Teller's Creek, on section 2 I, the outlets of Cook's and Mud Lakes, and a tributary of the " Bogue," on section 25, constitute the remainder of the streams of Cohoctah. The history of the aboriginal owners and inhabitants. of the town is hid beneath the shrouding mystery of the past. At the time of settlement no Indians were permanently residing in the township, though many were frequently seen on their way to Detroit, or on hunting excursions. Time was, however, when they had homes, and probably a village here, for traces of their former occupancy were found in abundance by the white settlers. Aside from the usual relics in the form of arrow and spear heads, stone hatchets and knives, there were other and more striking. tokens of their presence in the shape of Indian orchards, gardens, cemeteries, and dancing-grounds. On section 22, in the southeast corner of the northwest quarter, was a piece of ground containing about a quarter of an acre, which had been leveled and trod down until the surface was hard and smooth as a floor. It was circular in form, about eight rods in diameter, and surrounded by a ring of earth which was elevated a little above the general surface, and appeared to have been formed from the earth removed in the process of leveling. It was a subject of great curiosity to the early settlers, and they only learned its use when they made inquiries regarding it of the Indians whom they met. Here the stalwart savages celebrated their " war-dances" before departing on some bloody errand of conquest or revenge; or when returning successful with bloody trophies of their prowess they celebrated the occasion with the riotous "scalp-dance;" or being unsuccessful, mourned with blackened faces and shrouded forms, and slowly trod the melancholy measures of the " death-dance." The Indian burying-ground was situated on the north bank of the Shiawassee River, near the west line of section 27. It covered one half-acre of ground, and contained some fifty or sixty graves, all marked with two tamarack poles, placed one at the head and the other at the foot, their tops drawn together and crossed, being fastened together with strips of bark. The orchards and places bearing marks of cultivation were in different places, but all in that section of the town. There was but one trail of any prominence through this town. This was a branch of the Detroit and Grand River trail, that left the main trail somewhere in the neighborhood of Howell, and reached this town a quarter of a mile west of the southeast corner of section 34. From that point it followed very nearly the course of the I TOWNSHIP. 439 present road due north to the centre of section Io where it turned towards the northwest, and at the east quarter-post of section 5 turned a little to the northward and ran on till it reached Shiawassee town. On section 5 the trail forked, the other branch leading westward across sections 5 and 6, running to Dewitt, and thence to the Grand River. Neither of these were main trails, but they were frequently used and their courses well defined. When the territory we have endeavored to describe was thrown upon the market, the lands were bought up by two classes of purchasers. The first, though not the most numerous, were those who bought with the purpose in view of settling on their purchases and assisting in the development of the country; the second class were those men of means who thought that money invested in these lands would eventually pay a larger interest, and would certainly be safer, than if used in the speculations then so rife, and which were driving the financial American world into the current which, in I837, swept it into the vortex of the panic of that year. The first class steadily pursued their purpose, while the others were wary purchasers until the thickening crowd of on-coming settlers seemed to assure the success of the undertaking, and then with a grand rush they swooped down upon the country and seized upon all the available and valuable land they could find. This is shown by the fact that three-fourths of the land in this town was taken up within the space of one twelvemonth, beginning with May, I836, and that more than three-eighths was taken up in the two months of May and June, 1836. The first entry was made, as before stated, by Lyman Boughton, April 6, 1833, and the next two by Gilbert W. Prentiss, on the 9th and I5th of the same month. These were the only purchasers in that year. The purchasers of the following year, I834, were Benjamin Crawford, John and James Sanford, and Antony Clark. In I835 the following persons entered land: John and Mary Sanford, Ezra Sanford, William W. Shutes, William Riker, Ephraim Crawford, Ezra Frisbee, and Dyer Rathbun. There were one hundred and twenty-one entries in I836. The year I837 brought twentytwo purchasers. The other entries were made' as follows: one in I838, four in I839, one in 1841, one in 1850, two in 1853, one in 1854, five in I855, one each in I856, I857, I86o, I867, I869, and 870o, and two without the date being given, making a grand total of one hundred and sixty-eight entries, averaging over 146 acres each. The size of these entries tells a tale of speculative greed, and explains the reason why only fifty-six of these purchasers ever became residents of the town. <0N HISTORY OF 'LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. The following list comprises all the entries of land in the town of Cohoctah. First we give a list of the purchasers on more than one section, with their places of residence, description and area of their purchases, and the dates of entry. In both this and the following list the names of actual settlers are marked with an asterisk (*): Ezra Sanford,* Oakland Co., Mich., July 4, I835, I6o acres on section 21 and 80 acres on section 27; Nov. 15, 1836, 291.85 acres on section I and 40 acres on section 2. Flavius J. B. Crane, of this county, July 5, 1836, 240 acres on section 2, i6o acres on section 3, and 80 acres on section II. Alva Preston,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Dec. 13, 1836, I44.36 acres on section 2 and 80 acres on section I I. Benjamin B. Kercheval, Wayne Co., Mich., Nov. I8, I836, 80 acres on section II and 80 acres on section 18; Dec. 6, 1836, 80 acres on section 12; Dec. I5, 1836, 40 acres on section 2; Feb. 15, 1837,80 acres on section 30; and Feb. 17, 1837, 8o acres on section I2. James Waldron, Yates Co., N. Y., May 20, 1836, i6o acres on section 3 and I6o acres on section o1; Sept. 20, 1836, 40 acres on section 9. Elisha Cross, Wayne Co., Mich., June 4, 1836, 289.10 acres on section 3 and 288.44 acres on section 4; Nov. I8, 1836, 104.70 acres on section 3 and 80 acres on section 5. George Bisbee, Ottawa Co., Mich., June 6, 1836, 80 acres on section 3 and 120 acres on section I0. Simeon Andrews, Wayne Co., Mich., June 17, 1837, 80 acres on section 5; Jan. I8, 1837, 80 acres on section 14 and 80 acres on section 33. John G. Kanouse, Washtenaw Co., Mich., May o1, 1836, 120 acres on section 8 and 120 acres on section 9. Thomas P. Briggs, Yates Co., N. Y., May 20, 1836, I6o acres on section 4 and 40 acres on section 9. Aretus G. Smith, Onondaga Co., N. Y., May 20, 1836, 80 acres on section 9 and i6o acres on section 1o. Isaac Pratt,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 14, 1836, 320 acres on section 12 and 40 acres on section 13. William Cooper, New York, Aug. 2, 1836, I6o acres on section 13 and i6o acres on section 14. Miles P. Lamson, Genesee Co., N. Y., Oct. 25, 1836, 320 acres on section 13, I6o acres on section 14, i6o acres on section 15, and 40 acres on section 22. Matthew Gooding, Wayne Co., Mich., Dec. 17, 1836, I6o acres on section 17; and Jan. 16, 1837, 80 acres on section 15. Isaac S. Kidder, Steuben Co., N. Y., June 27, 1836, i6o acres on section 18, 80 acres on section 29, and I6o acres on section 30. James Grant, Oakland Co., Mich., May 23, 1836, 8o acres on section 35; and June 21, 1836, I49.88 acres on section I8. Alvah Ewers, Wayne Co., Mich., May 30, 1836, I6o acres on section 19 and 240 acres on section 20. Gottlieb Nieman, New York City, Aug. 2, 1836, 318.96 acres on section 19 and 80 acres on section 20. Frederick Ring, New York City, Aug. 2, 1836, 158.12 acres on section 19 and I6o acres on section 20. William Packard,* Wayne Co., Mich., May o1, I836, 8o acres on section 24; May 12, 1836, i6o acres on section 24, 80 acres on section 25, and 8o acres on section 26; May 16, 1836, 8o acres on section 24; and May 23, 1836, 40 acres on section 23 and 8o acres on section 26. Daniel Boutell, Onondaga Co., N. Y., Nov. 5, 1836, 40 acres on section 24 and o acres sectioection 25; March I, 1837, 40 acres on section 24 and 40 acres on section 25; April 26, 1837, o acres on section 24; and Jan. io, 1839, 40 acres on section 25. Chinee D. Fisher,* Washtenaw Co., Mic., May 30, 1836, So' acres on section 25, 80 acres on section 35, and 40 acres on section 36. Joseph Hosley,* Wayne Co., Mich., June 6, I836,40 acres on section 36; June 9, 1836, 8o acres on section 36; Sept. 23, 1836, 80 acres on section 25; and Dec. 29, 1836, 8o acres on section 25. Thomas Goldsmith,* Monroe Co., N. Y., May 13, 1836, 120 acres on section 26 and 80 acres on section 27. Levi and Ambrose Mosher, Monroe Co., N. Y., May 27, 1836, I6o acres on section 26; June 10, 1836, 40 acres on section 26 and 120 acres on section 36. John Sanford,* Oakland Co., Mich., July 8, 1834, 80 acres on section 27 and 320 acres on section 34; May 27, 1835, 80 acres on section 27 and 80 acres on section 34. David W. Sheldon, Ontario Co., N. Y., May 12, I836, 40 acres on section 28 and 120 acres on section 29. Horace Heath and Apollos Smith, United States, June o1, 1836, 320 acres on section 35 and 80 acres on section 36. The remaining entries are, for sake of convenience, classed by sections, as follows: SECTION I. Acres. James McGregor and John A. McGan, Boston, Mass., June 4, 1836........................................................... 214.38 Philander Bird, Wayne Co., Mich., June 18, 1836......... 8 Thomas Bussey, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 28, 1836.... 80 Amos Huff, of this county, Nov. 15, I836.................... 8 Orrin Cole, Oakland Co., Mich., Dec. 5, 1836.............. 80 Wm. H. Johnson, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Dec. 24, 1836.. 80 SECTION 2. Elias Litchfield, Hartford Co., Conn., Dec. 13, I836....... Isaac Dunn, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Jan. 19, I837.......... George W. Allen,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., May 10, 1837. 144.36 80 209.64 SECTION 3. Nelson Coston,* Oakland Co., Mich., Nov. 18, 1836....... 104.71 SECTION 4. John F. Maxson, Genesee Co., N. Y., May 25, I836........ 240 John Kemp, Levi Bayley,* and Charles George, Genesee Co., N. Y., June 27, 1836.................................... 209.03 SECTION 5. Dyer Rathbun,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., Oct. 29, 1835.... Seth Dunbar, Onondaga Co., N. Y., June 8, 1836.......... Michael Thatcher,* of this county, July 27, I837............ David Sanford,* of this county, Jan. 8, 1838.................. Michael Downey,* of this county, Nov. 29, I854............ SECTION 6. John Edmonds, Genesee Co., N. Y., June 14, 1836......... Nehemiah M. Alien, of this county, June 14, 1836.......... Jedediah D. Commins, Portage Co., Ohio, June 15, 1836. Levi Mosher. Monroe Co., N. Y., June 15, I836............ Mortimer B. Martin, Wayne Co., Mich., Aug. 2, 1836..... Adolphus Coburn, Albany Co., N. Y., Aug. 6, 1836....... George P. Tyson, Oakland Co., Mich., Feb. II, 1837..... SECTION 7. James B. Cooley, Monroe Co., N. Y., July 5, I836......... Levi Cooley, Monroe Co., N. Y., July 5, I836.............. Henry and Van Rensselaer Hawkins, Genesee Co., N. Y.. 208.85 289.70 i6o 40 40 OIo. 18 80 198.17 ioi.i8 IOI.I8 153.20 I6o 75.84 I6o I53.56 312.60 SECTION 8. Israel V. Harris, Wayne Co., Mich., Oct. 26, 1836......... 240 William White, Wayne Co., Mich., Jan. 20 and 26,1837.. 240 Daniel Sculley,* of this county, Sept. I2, 1837............... 40 SECTION 9. Elam Moe, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 14, 1836......... 8o Joseph H. Steele, Wayne Co., Mich., July 5, 1836.......... 80 David Guile,* Oakland Co., Mich., Oct. 26, 1836, and July 6, 1839.. 2..0........................................ 20 AAl T-T COHOCTAH TOWNSHIP. SECTION Io. Acres. Abram Kanouse,* Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 25, 1836.. 40 Josiah Bates, Yates Co., N. Y., Sept. 20, 1836............... 120 George W. Albee, of this county, May 13, 1837............. 40 SECTION I. Hosea Root, of this county, June 28, I836..................... 8o Thomas M. Howell, Canandaigua, Ontario Co., N. Y., July 5, 1836......o...................... I6o Sarah Stoddard,* Wayne Co., Mich., Aug. I, 1838......... 40 Nathaniel W. Brayton,* of this county, Sept. 7, 1855...... 120 SECTION 12. Leavans S. Hutchins, Madison Co., N. Y., Jan. I6, I837.. I6o SECTION 13. Harris Hickok, Madison Co., N. Y., March 3, I837........ 120 SECTION 14. Harrison Cox, Livingston Co., N. Y., June o1, 1836........ 6o Patrick Gallaghan,* of this county, April 8, I837........... 80 SECTION 15. Josiah and Stephen D. Beers, Tompkins Co., N. Y., May 27, I836......................................................... 400 SECTION I6. Elias Sprague,* May 3, 1850, and March II, 1853......... 80 R. Grant,* Sept. 12, 1853.................................... 40 J. Ramer,* May 21, 1855, and April 12, I86o................ 120 George Palmer,* May 29, 1855................................... 20 S. Carpenter,* July 7, 1855....................................... 40 Peter and William Deane,* March 28, 1856.................. 40 E. C. Sprague,* May 13, 1857................................... 40 Edwin and Delos Alger,* Oct. I, 1869................... 40 Henry Thomas,* Jan. 5, 870.................................... 40 SECTION 17. Isaac Green, Wayne Co., Mich., July 5, 1836................ 6o Gaius Dayton, Wayne Co., Mich., Nov. I, 836............ 320 SECTION I8. Conrad Hayner,* Oakland Co., Mich., Dec. 29, 1836...... I6o George C. Hayner,* of this county............................ 8o SECTION 20. Joseph Hines,* Lenawee Co., Mich., June 15, 1836, and M ay I6, I837................................................... 6o SECTION 21. Mary Sanford,* Oakland Co., Mich., May 27, 1835, and June I8, 1836.......................8...... 80 Cornelius Neafie, Orange Co., N. Y., June 20, 1836....... 560 SECTION 22. Gilbert W. Prentiss,* Shiawassee Co., Mich., April 9, 1833, and April 15, I833................................... 20 Nathaniel Prouty, Wayne Co., Mich., March 23, 1836..... 120 Ira Walker,* of this county, June I8, 1836................... 40 Horace R. Iudson, New York City, Sept. 24, I836........ 8 SECTION 23. William Riker,* Steuben Co., N. Y., Oct. 6, 1835.......... 240 Ephraim Crawford,* Steuben Co, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1835..... 80 David Thompson, Wayne Co., Mich., Feb. 3, 1836....... 120 Leah Packard, Wayne Co., Mich., May o1, I836............ 8 William Stroud,* of this county, Sept. 23, 1836, and Nov. I, 1836............................................................ 80 SECTION 24. Ephraim Whitney, Oakland Co., Mich., June 15, 1836..... 40 Calvin W. Hart,* of this county, June 14, I837.............. 80 Lorenzo Boutell, of this county, June 14, I837................. 40 56 SECTION 25. Acres. Samuel C. Klump, Wayne Co., Mich., Oct. 26, 1836....... So William Hosley,* of this county, Dec. 29, 1836............. 40 John Jones,* of this county, Oct. 26, 1839..................... 40 SECTION 26. Joseph Neely,* Monroe Co., N. Y., May 27, 1836........... 16o SECTION 27. Benjamin Crawford,* Macomb Co., Mich., June 13, 1834. 320 SECTION 28. Antony Clark,* Oakland Co., Mich., Aug. 4, 1834, and Jan. I, 1836.................................................... 120 Isaac I. Sheldon, Ontario Co., N. Y., May 12, I836......... 240 Isaiah Vandebogart, Tompkins Co., N. Y., June 18, I836. 80 Abraham Riker,* Livingston Co., N. Y., Nov. 14, 1836... 80 Tbbias C. Howland,* Livingston Co., N. Y., July 9, 1841 40 SECTION 29. Hugh Gilshenan, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 14, I836... i6o John Vandebogart, Tompkins Co., N. Y., June i8, 1836... 40 Nelson Pettibone, Genesee Co., N. Y., July I, 1836........ 80 Roger Glinan, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Nov. 14, 1836...... I6o SECTION 30. Lott Pratt,* Genesee Co., N Y., May o1, 1836.............. 59.64 Sylvanus West, New York State, May to, I836............ 80 Chas. L. Harrison, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Sept. 23, 1836 79 82 James Hooper, Washtenaw Co., Mich., March 2, I837..... 79.72 SECTION 31. Justus Boyd,* Livingston Co., N. Y., May 5, I836.......... Warner Lake, Livingston Co., Mich., May 5, 1836......... John Coughran, Genesee Co., N. Y., May Io, I836......... I6o 158.20 319.20 SECTION 32. Nathan Chidester, Genesee Co., N. Y., May 4, I836....... 240 William Slater, Livingston Co., N. Y., May 5, 1836........ 80 Simon Westfall, Cayuga Co., N. Y., May II, I836......... 8 William Horton, New York City, June 15, I836............ 240 SECTION 33. Purdy Williams, New York City, June 15, 1836............. I6o Charles Pope, New York City, June 15, I836................ I6o John Dunlap, Oakland Co., Mich., July ii, 1836........... 40 Rees Lewis, Washtenaw Co., Mich., March 21, I839...... 8o William P. Cone, of this county, May 30, 1855.............. 80 William McPherson, of this county, March 2, 867......... 40 SECTION 34. Lyman Boughton, Oakland Co., Mich., April 6, 1833...... James Sanford, Oakland Co., Mich., July 8, I834............ Edward McMaken, Wayne Co., Mich., Sept. 21, 1836..... 80 8o 80 80 SECTION 35. William W. Shutes, Oakland Co., Mich., July 8, 1835..... 40 Ezra Frisbee,* Montgomery Co., N. Y., Oct. 19, 1835..... 40 Adam Fisher, Cayuga Co., N. Y., May 30, I836............ 80 SECTION 36. William Northrup,* Wayne Co., Mich., June 6, 1836...... 40 John W. Farrand, Tompkins Co., N. Y., April 25, 1837... 240 SETTLEMENT. The first settler in Cohoctah was Gilbert W. Prentiss. Some time in the season following the entry of his land he erected a small shanty near the northwest corner of his first purchase, about eighty rods north and a little east of the middle of section 22, and there began the business of an In - - ; 442 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. dian trader, doing a little trapping and hunting to occupy his spare time, for, of course, customers were scarce, and the demands of the business did not take up all the time of even one person. But little is known of this man, his character, or career. We know he flourished here for a brief period, possibly a year or more, and then vanished Regarding the reason of his departure, which was very suddenly taken, and was not, in a true sense, entirely voluntary, we are informed that, in his trading operations, the Indians invariably demanded what was due them should be paid in " shu-ni-ah," or silver money, the only kind they were acquainted with and would receive. There seemed to be no lack of " Shu-ni-ah" in the Prentiss treasury, and all demands were promptly met with a ready supply of the shining metal coins. But, alas for the honesty of the trader and the confidence of the Indians, it soon transpired that these coins would not pass current at other stores and trading-posts, in short, the Indians discovered that they were counterfeits. Then the savage blood began to boil, and the savage spirit to demand revenge. A plan was concocted for a descent upon the trader's cabin and a despoliation of its contents, and probably the person of the dishonest trader might not have passed unscathed through the ordeal, had not he got wind of the proposed visitation and hastily fled from the threatened danger. The Indians came, but their game had gone, and they were disappointed in their expected scheme of revenge and reprisal. The cabin was, however, committed to the flames, and so perished the last token of the residence of the first settler in the town. The land was afterwards owned by Nathaniel Prouty, who also owned adjoining lands on the west, making his whole possessions on that section 240 acres. He lived in Detroit, and once came here with his family and goods, intending to settle on his land. But one night's experience of the new county was enough for them, and, with the rising of the morning sun, they returned to their home in Detroit. Recently the place passed into the hands of William B. Eager, who died there Sept. 19, 1879, and it is now in the possession of his family. The second settler, and the first permanent resident, was John Sanford, who came from Wayne, Steuben Co., N. Y., in 1832, and remained two years in Salem, Washtenaw Co., before coming to Cohoctah, in the summer of I834. He commenced what was known as the Sanford settlement, on section 27, and which was for some time the centre of population of the town. Before levigSae h ngge mnnae Irl leaving Salem he engaged a man named Ira Walker to come with him to assist in clearing iand breaking up his farm, so that the party that started from Salem consisted of John Sanford and wife, their son James, their daughter Mrs. Antony Clark and her husband, and Ira Walker and his wife, and two children. While on their journey Mrs. Sanford fell from the load of goods, and was so severely injured that when they arrived at William Bennett's, in Hamburg, she remained there with their daughter, who was Mr. Bennett's wife. The rest of the company continued their journey and arrived safely at their destination. They immediately set to work on a house, and soon had one ready for their accommodation. It was a fairsized log house, and stood on the west side of the Indian trail, close to the south line of section 27. It was the first real dwelling erected in the town, and for a time furnished a home for this first colony of settlers, eight in number. Soon after their arrival Mr. Clark built a house on his land, on section 28, and with his wife went there to live. In the fall or winter following Mrs. Sanford recovered sufficiently to enable her to join the family in their new home.' In 1835, Mr. Walker built a house about three-eighths of a mile west of the centre of section 27, just west of the small creek that runs southward across the quarter line of the section, and, after living there about a year, left for some other part of the country. John Sanford lived the life of a pioneer farmer until he saw the development of this part of Michigan well begun, and then, having reached a good old age, was gathered to his fathers, in November, 1845. He was an energetic and successful farmer, and brought his land to a good state of cultivation in the ten years of his life here. He accumulated a fine property, and added to his original purchase till he owned IOOO acres of land, besides what he distributed among his children. His wife survived him many years, and remained a widow to the time of her death. She lived to the age of ninety-two years, and died in April, 1877, at the house of her daughter, Mrs. William Bennett, in Hamburg. James Sanford remained here several years, and then went to California, where he was living when last heard from. Antony Clark died in this town in I851, and his wife removed to Hamburg, where she is now living with her sister, Mrs. William Bennett. The Sanford family was originally from the State of Pennsylvania. The progenitor of that branch of the family which settled here was Ephraim Sanford, father of John and Ezra, who was a patriot during the Revolutionary war, while his two brothers were Tories of the most bitter type. After the close of the war he removed to the State of Vermont, and afterwards to Steuben Co., N. Y. He was a Baptist preacher, having a wide COHOCTAH TOWNSHIP. 443 reputation for his eloquence and piety. The New York State Gazetteer says of him, that " he was a silver-tongued preacher, who used to pass the sacrament in pewter tankards;" and adds the misanthropic remark, that "nowadays the order is often reversed, and that many churches have silver tankards and pezvter preachers." His wife was a cousin of the famous Maj. Moses Van Campen, whose name and fame are so intimately connected with the history of Southwestern New York, where he was several times a captive of the Indians and forced to run the gauntlet. Ezra Sanford did not leave the State of New York until three years after his brother John, but came directly to this town, after spending a few weeks visiting with friends in Salem, Wasltenaw Co., arriving here July 9, 1835. With him came his wife, five sons, and two daughters, one of them accompanied by her husband, Ziba Stone. For several nights after their arrival they slept in their wagons, and then moved into a house they had erected on the east side of the trail, about twenty rods north of the centre of section 27. There they all lived together through that sumnmer and part of the winter of 1835-36, when they separated, Stone and his wife going to a new dwelling they had erected on their place, on the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of section 22. Ezra Sanford was a respected and honored citizen, and a deacon in the Baptist Church. He was also a preacher of no mean ability, and on some occasions preached at the church in the town of Burns, and often at his own house. He died in this town, Jan. 2, 1844, and his wife survived him about eleven years. Before his death, Mr. Sanford gave each of his sons a quarter-section of land in this State. John H., another son of Ezra, came to this town in 1836 and remained one year. After spending one winter in New York, he settled in Deerfield in the spring of 1838, and lived there about ten years, and after several removals is now living in Wright, Ottawa Co., engaged in farming, surveying, and preaching, being a minister of the Universalist Church. The rest of Ezra's children we mention, as follows: Ezra, Jr., has been a prominent and honored citizen of this town down to the present time, and is now living on section I, engaged in the practice of medicine.. David remained here several years, but finally moved away, and is now living in Flushing,.Genesee Co., Mich., practicing law, and also having an interest in a mercantile business. Ephraim H. studied law at Ionia, and from there went, to Ann Arbor, where for four years he published a journal known as The Gem of Science. He went from there to Ohio, and at last settled in Wabaunsee Co., Kan., where he is now living, practicing law, and acting as land- and claim-agent. He has risen to considerable eminence in his new home, and besides several other offices, has once held the honorable position of judge of the Circuit Court. James remained on the homestead until after the death of his parents, and then removed to California, where he is now living. Samuel, who was a young man of much promise, went to Kansas, when the strife between Freedom and Slavery was at its height in that State, and was brutally murdered by one of the border ruffians, being shot down in cold blood, without any provocation or opportunity for defense. His death occurred in the summer of 1859. Esther was the wife of Ziba Stone, and is still a resident of the town. Mr. Stone died in 1852, and she afterwards married Daniel Barlow, who died some fifteen years ago. Possessed of good health, and in the full possession of all her faculties, she promises to remain yet many years among the scenes where so many years of her life have been spent. Emily married William Stroud, in this town, and still continues to reside here, where her husband died in 1853 or I854. Elizabeth, then married to Luther Houghton, came to this town in 1836, and after living with her father's folks two or three years, they moved to their land on section I. Mr. Houghton died about twenty-eight years ago, and his widow after a time was married again, her second husband being John Lane, who died in this town in 1878. She is still living in town, but is an invalid suffering from a broken back, caused by her slipping and falling across a door-step, about two years ago. The Crawford family, of whom Samuel Crawford was the head, came to Michigan in September, 1836, and settled on what is known as the Preston farm, on section 23, in this town. They came from the town of Wayne, Steuben Co., N. Y., via Buffalo and Detroit, and from the latter place followed the Shiawassee trail, by way of Pontiac and White Lake, till they crossed the Shiawassee River at Nagg's bridge, and followed an Indian trail into this town. All of his children made settlements in this town, and after his wife's death he lived with them until his own death, some ten years ago. All but one of them have moved to other parts. That one is Edmund D., who married Mrs. Alsmeda Kelly, a daughter of Dudley Woodworth, and is now living on a fine farm on section 9, where he has resided for the past twenty-four years. Another settler in I836 was David Guile, who settled on the south central part of section 9. He came from Novi, Oakland Co., with a family of a wife, two married sons-David and Joseph-with 444 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. iwives, and- a grandson, William G. Phares. Mr. Guile's family were all great hunters, and spent much time in the forest in pursuit of game. His wife died about thirteen years later, and he then returned to Novi, selling his property here to Elias Sprague, and died there several years after. His grandson, William G. Phares, remained a resident of Cohoctah a long time, and was a very stirring, active man, respected by his neighbors, and was frequently elected to the office of constable. Perhaps his most peculiar characteristic was a readiness to trade, it being said of him that he never refused an opportunity to exchange. His wife once proved to him by actual count that they had moved as many times as they had been married years, which was upwards of thirty. He is now living in the town of Genoa, in this county. William Northrup, formerly of Sullivan, Madison Co., N. Y.,came from there in the fall of 1836, and settled in Cohoctah on section 36, near the Deerfield line. In 1837 his wife died. He continued to reside there till 1865, when he moved to Aurora, 11., where he died about six years ago. Some of his family are now living here. Justus Boyd came to this town in 1837, and had not the hand of death cut short his career,.would have been one of its most important citizens. He was a native of the town of Newburgh, Orange Co., N. Y., and when a young man came West to Conesus, Livingston Co., N. Y. He married Miss Almira Nutt, of Cayuga County, and in 1822 moved on to a new farm in the town of Mount Morris, where he lived fifteen years, when -he came to this State and settled in Cohoctah. In the spring of 1836 he came to Michigan in company with Joseph C. Craft, Daniel P. Lake, and William Slater, in search of land. Each of them made a purchase, but only Mr. Boyd came here to live. He returned to New York, and, in the early summer of 1837, began his journey hither with his wife and nine children,-six sons and three daughters,-the eldest, Lewis B., a boy of eighteen. In company with them came his brother-in-law, Lee Nutt, with his wife and three children, and a Mr. McFail, with his wife and four children. They -reached Mr. Boyd's land, on section 31, on June 12th, having been one month on the road. Before "returning East for his family, Mr. Boyd had engaged a Mr. Porter, of Howell, to build him a house on section 31, and this was ready for their occupancy when they arrived. Mr. Nutt lived with Mr. Boyd- for a time, and engaged to clear a piece: pf ground and sow it to wheat, taking -the crop in part payment for his labor. He then built a shanty on the south side of the road, in Howell, and moved into it with his family. e I At the election in the spring of 1838, Mr. Boyd was elected to the offices of overseer of the poor and assessor, and just a year from the time of his arrival here started for his former home to settle up his business affairs there. At Detroit he took passage for Buffalo on the ill-fated steamer "Washington," which, when about twenty-two miles from its destination, caught fire and was destroyed. Mr. Boyd exerted himself to the utmost in efforts to extinguish the fire and to save the passengers, and when nothing more could be done leaped overboard and swam ashore. The sudden chill caused by leaping into the cold water while heated and perspiring from his efforts, coupled with the exhaustion incident to such violent and prolonged exertions, proved too great a strain upon his vital powers, and he died a few minutes after reaching the shore at Silver Creek. He was a farmer, but was also a capable and competent business man of fair educational attainments. His widow resides in Howell, with her daughter, Miss Angeline Boyd. She is now eighty years old. Of Mr. Boyd's children two have died,William and Hannah; Lewis B. married Charity, a daughter of Jared L. Cook, and is now living on section 3I, in this town; John N. married Lucinda Holloway, and lives on the same section; Hiram married Matilda Creshaw, of Handy, and lives on the same section; Henry P. married Elizabeth Briggs, and lives on the homestead; Norman married Rhoda Scofield, and lives on section 32; Elizabeth married Lyman -H. Dean, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is now a resident of Salem, Washtenaw Co. Alva Preston was for many years one of the substantial citizens of Cohoctah. He was a native of Windham Co., Conn., and soon after his marriage came to Michigan, settling in Ann Arbor in 1829. In December, I836, he purchased two lots of land of the government,- on sections 2 and i I, and algo 40 acres on section 23, of William Riker. In the following spring he came with his wife and two children, and occupied a house- he had built on the north bank of the river, near the quarter line. During that -summer, he, in company with Edward F. Gay, of Howell, built the first saw-mill in the town, having it ready to commence operations that fall. The mill was a moderate sized one, having a "sash-saw" and " flutter-wheel," and did a considerable amount of custom sawing for a number of years. It stood near Met Preston's house, while the dam was a long ways up the stream, near the south line of section 14.. After operating the mill about six years he sold it to William S. Ellis, who kept it running some fourteen or fifteen years, or until his death, when ICOHOCTAH TOWNSHIP. AAC,-VW through neglect it was permitted to go to ruin. In character, Mr. Preston was a firm, resolute, industrious, and conscientious man, having an extensive influence and an unblemished reputation. His political faith was pinned to the doctrines of the Whig party, and to his efforts may be ascribed in a great measure the success of that party in this town. He was often called to serve his townsmen in an official capacity, being the first supervisor, and one of the first justices of the peace, and holding at different times the offices of school inspector, overseer of the poor, assessor for five years, and treasurer for four years. Formerly he was connected with the Presbyterian denomination, but after coming here joined the Methodists, and remained a consistent and prominent member of that body to the time of his death, May i6, 1862, in his sixtieth year. His first wife died Sept. 30, 1846, and he subsequently married Rachel Houghtaling, who survived him a number of years, and died in Howell. One of his sons, Alphonso, died at the -age of three years, and six other children died in infancy. John L. enlisted in the Union army during the Rebellion, and died in the hospital at De*troit, of congestion of the brain, Jan. i6, I862, at the age of twenty-six years. James A., the only living member of the family, remained a resident of Cohoctah for many years, and served in the offices of school inspector and treasurer. He married Sarah J. Clarity, of Owosso, and is now living in Howell. Alva Preston was very fond of children, and took a number of them at different times to bring up. At one tinie, it is said, that including his own children, he had youthful representatives of five different families gathered at his fireside. The name of this friend of the fatherless will long be a treasured memory in the hearts of those whose lives his loving care has aided to brighten and bless. Michael Thatcher came from Caneadea, Allegany Co., N. Y., and settled on the southeast quarter of section 5 in this town. He was a native of the State of New Jersey, and while living in Western New York had married Hannah, a daughter of Ezra Sanford. With his wife and three children, -two daughters, aged respectively thirteen and three years, and a son of eight,-he came through Canada to Detroit, and followed the Grand River road to Brighton and Howell, and the Indian trail from there through Sanford's Corners to his land, where they arrived July 15th, having been twentyeight days on the road. - Upon their arrival they built a small log shanty near the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the section (stopping in the mean time at Ziba Stone's), where they lived till February, I838,'when they moved into a new log house they had built a few rods east; of it, which furnished them a home for many years, and is still standing, the only log house in the town built by any of the earliest pioneers. Michael.Thatcher remained a resident of the town to *the day of his death, Feb. 9, 1854. His wife lived on the place till Nov. 29, i878, when she died at the ripe age of seventy-nine years. Both daughters are dead, and the son, Michael Thatcher,* who is the present supervisor of the town, lives on the homestead with his wife, formerly Miss Abigail P. Sears, to whom he was married in I875. Among the settlers in the summer of I837 was Thomas Goldsmith, with his father, Elisha, and his sisters, Sally and Elizabeth. They were from the town of Rush, Monroe Co., N. Y., and, coming to Michigan, settled on rented land in Redford, Wayne Co., near Detroit, where they lived till the time of their coming here. Elisha died in this town in I85 1, Sally married Robert Sowders, and Elizabeth married Joseph Brown. Both of these ladies are now dead. Thomas is still living on the homestead, on section 26. He has been a prominent citizen of the town and a frequent office-holder, lhaving been elected twenty-two times. His official career includes one year's service as assessor, two as highway commissioner, six as town clerk, twenty-one as justice of the peace, and eight as supervisor. He is also the only voter now living who was present and participated in the first townmeeting in 1838. Jared L. Cook was a native of Oneida Co., N. Y., and moved, when a young man, to the town ot Clarendon, Orleans Co., N. Y., where he settled upon and cleared up a new farm. In 1836 he came to Michigan and settled in Calhoun County. A year later he sold his farm to -his brother Elijah, and moved on to a new farm on section 32, in this town, bringing with him a family of four sons and three daughters. Here he passed through:the usual trials met by the pioneers, and became an influential member of the society formed of the townspeople. He held the office of supervisor four years, and served repeatedly as treasurer, assessor, and as highway commissioner. In New York he had served with honor as colonel of a militia regiment. He was a man of more than ordinary ability, a firm, outspoken Christian, and died Jan. 29, I849, at the age of forty-nine years, lamented and mourned by all. His wife, Mrs. Orrilla Cook, is now living with her youngest son, on the homestead, at the age,.of seventy-six years. Their family embraced the following children: Horace * For his co opetation and willing aid in the work of collecting the material for this sketch he merits and receives our hearty thanks. i - I; 446 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. L. is now a hardware merchant in Byron, Shiawassee Co. He was a prominent citizen during his residence here, and held several town offices, among them that of supervisor for three terms. Bradford was a gallant soldier in the Union army, and gave his life for his country. He was mustered into the service as second lieutenant of Company A, loth Michigan Volunteer Infantry; he was promoted to a first lieutenantcy, and afterwards to the captaincy of Company E; he was wounded in the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, June 27, I864, died from the effects of his wound on the 29th, and was buried on the field of battle. His remains were afterwards taken up and re-interred in a national cemetery. Jared L., Jr., now lives in Fowlerville, where he is engaged in the hardware trade. He, too, served in the war for the suppression of the Rebellion, enlisting Sept. 5, I862, and serving to the close of the war, in Company D, 6th Michigan Cavalry. Joseph L., the youngest son, is living on the old homestead, and is one- of the substantial men and successful farmers of the town. Charity, the oldest daughter, married Lewis B. Boyd, and lives in Cohoctah. Ruth died in Illinois, in October, 1872, but was brought home and buried in the family burial-place in Conway. Sophia died in Clarendon, Calhoun Co., in the year 1855. The first settler in the vicinity of Chemungville was Adam Fisher, who came from Montezuma, Cayuga Co., N. Y., in the fall of 1837, and settled on the north half of the northeast quarter of section 35, which he had purchased from the government in the spring of 1836. His family consisted of a wife and four children, one of whom-his son Edward-is still living in the town. He died on his place in September, 1853, and his wife died there in the winter of I860-6I. William Riker settled in 1837 on the northwest quarter of section 23, of which he owned all except the northeast 40 acres, which he had sold to Alva Preston. After living here ten or fifteen years he moved to Ionia County, where he died several years ago. His brother, Abraham Riker, settled in the fall of 1838 on the east half of the northwest quarter of section 28, and died there eight or nine years afterwards, leaving a family of a wife and five children, who, soon after his death, removed to Ionia County, and subsequently to Muskegon. Isaac Van der Cook arrived in Cohoctah, March I8, 1838, and settled on the present Frisbee farm. He came from Clarkson, Monroe Co., N. Y., in April, 1832, and moved to La Salle, Monroe Co., Mich., from which place he moved to Kensington, Oakland Co., in 1834. While living in Kensington he married Mrs. Fisher, widow of Chauncey D. Fisher, who took up the Frisbee farm from the government, in 1836, and at the time of coming here had a family of four children, three of them being step-children. The farm was entirely new, and they built a log house that spring, into which they moved. They met with many trials and hardships, and were forced to undergo many privations. Especially was this true of the hard winter of 1842, when many cattle were lost from exposure and insufficient feed, and when all would have died but for the browse afforded by cutting down small trees and letting them eat the tender twigs. Mr. Cook went that winter to the town of Lyons, from whence he came here, a distance of twenty-five miles, after a load of straw. He procured a small load, and on his way home met a man who offered him seven dollars for it, which he refused. There were plenty of deer in the woods that winter, and store-hogs were kept through the cold weather by being fed deer carcasses from which the people had cut the'hams and other choice pieces for their own use. Mr. Van der Cook and his estimable wife are still residents of the town, living in the village of Chemungville, where lie has considerable property. They have reared a large family of children, some of whom are prominent citizens of this town. Of these children, Cornelia married Edward Fisher, and lives in Cohoctah; Sarah A. married Alanson Blood, and now resides in De Witt, Clinton Co.; Esther M. married Henry Fay, and lives in the same place; William H. married Frances Martin, and resides on section 14, in this town; Lyman H. married Harriet Neely, and lives on section 35; Chauncey L. married Lucy J. Sessions, and lives in Howell; and Alfred F. married Margaret E. Frisbee, and resides in the town of Deerfield. Conrad Hayner, a descendant of one of the early Dutch families of the valley of the Hudson, came to the town of Parma, Monroe Co., N. Y., in the early days of its settlement. There he lived several years, until, in I840, he moved to and became a resident of Michigan. Previous to his removal here he came, in company with some others, and assisted in the work of running a threshingmachine, in which they all owned equal interests, and which was one of the first, if not the very first, machines operated in this State. He purchased his land on section I8 in I836. It was a strip of eighty rods wide, extending across the section just west of the centre. He came to Cohoctah in the spring of 1842. From Sanford's Corners he was guided to his land solely by aid of a pocket con pass and the surveyors' marks. He found it to be an excellent lot of land, free from swamps and marshes, and there established a home, in which COHOCTAH TOWNSHIP. 447 he lived out the remainder of his days and reared a family of ten children. He was a man of fair educational qualifications and good business ability. Though politically opposed to the majority of his townsmen, he nevertheless was elected to several offices, and served as highway commissioner for eight years. He was always strenuous on the point of opening roads only on regular section or quarter section lines, instead of allowing them to run haphazard, as was the practice at first adopted. For many years he was a notary public, and did an immense amount of conveyancing. He died in December, 1870, and his wife in the spring of 187. Four of his children, Cyrus G, Mrs. Merinda Kelly, Mrs. Asmerelda Sawyer, and Mrs. Euretta Hendryx, are still living in Cohoctah, the former being the present town clerk and a merchant at the Centre. Elias Sprague, formerly of East Douglass, Mass., came to Michigan in 1832, and settled in West Bloomfield, Oakland Co. He came to Brighton, and from there came to Cohoctah in I849, when he settled on the David Guile farm, on section 9, which had been more recently owned by Joshua D. Sheffield. He has since continued to reside there, working principally at farming, but at one time owned an interest in the steam saw-mill at Cohoctah. During his early life he was a famous hunter, and his cabin was the general rendezvous for people who came from a distance to participate in the exciting sport of deer-hunting. The number of deer he has killed is enormous, it being over 600 when he stopped keeping any account, and he used to hunt them for many years after that. Jacob Kanouse was one of the early settlers in the town of Burns, Shiawassee Co., and became a resident of this town in 1844. He has been a leader among the Republicans of the town, and has fi-equently been called to offices of trust and responsibility. He has served seven years as supervisor, and was once elected as probate judge of the county. In another part of this work a detailed sketch of his personal history will be found. Joseph Hosley first settled in Deerfield in 1837, and moved to this town some years later, living here a number of years previous to his death, which occurred May 22, 185 5, at the age of seventy-eight years. There were other pioneers whose names are worthy of special mention, but whose families have become extinct through death or removal, and whose history there was no means of readily obtaining. REMINISCENCES. The first white child born in this town was a daughter of Ira and Eliza Walker, who was born in September,-I836. She was christened Anna, and removed with her parents to Milford, Oakland Co. Of her subsequent history nothing is now known. The second white child, and the first white male child, born in Cohoctah was John H., son of William and Emily Stroud. He was born in I837, grew to manhood in the town of his birth, married Louisa Ward, and died in this town in the fall of 1867, leaving a family of a wife and two children. He was an excellent citizen, a man of peculiar energy, and well qualified for the office of constable, to which he was elected many times. The first and only marriage license recorded is the following, no date being given: " Marriage License has been applied for on the sixteenth day of April, by James Litchfield, of the town of Lima, County of Washtenaw, to be joined in marriage to Miss Almira Pitt, of the town of Tuscola, in the County of Livingston, State of Michigan,therefore License was granted by me. "MASON PHEIPS, Towen Clerk." The first wedding celebrated in this town was at the house of Ezra Sanford. The parties most deeply interested in the ceremonies incident to the occasion were William Stroud and Emily Sanford. The ceremony was performed by Amos Adams, Esq., a justice of the peace in the town of Howell, on the 27th day of July, 1836. Of all those present as spectators, but one, Mrs. Esther Barlow, is now living in Cohoctah. It was a rare circumstance in the infant settlement, and great pains were taken to honor the occasion with the best the country afforded. The groom furnished a bountiful supply of wine, and aside fiom the more substantial articles of food, the table was supplied with an excellent appetizer in the shape of sauce made from the wild gooseberries found in the clearings. Some seventeen years later Mr. Stroud died, but his faithful companion still survives. The first death in town is believed to have been that of Mrs. William Northrup, in I837. She was buried in what was called the Boutell buryingground, on section 24. The pioneers had many things to contend against in their work of building up the prosperous community that has resulted from their perseverance and enterprise. The distance traveled in going to market to sell surplus produce or purchase needed supplies, was by no means the least of their disadvantages. Detroit, Pcntiac, and Ann Arbor were the nearest points where trading and milling could be done, and the journeys, especially in times when the roads were bad, involved great expense of time and labor. Wild animals abounded, and not always of the most peaceable description. As illustrating this, we mention a couple of incidents that 448 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. transpired in the early days of the settlement. Abram Kanouse lived on what is called the Sand Hill, on the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 10. One night, after the family had retired, the noise of a fierce fight, in which their dog was evidently taking part, fell upon their ears. Mrs. Kanouse hastened out and found the dog and a large wolf engaged in a fierce conflict. Near the scene of the fight work had been begun on a well, and a hole, some five or six feet deep, had been excavated. Into this Mrs. Kanouse succeeded in forcing the wolf, and there kept him until help arrived and he was killed: At another time Mr. Thatcher's family was startled at hearing a loud squealing in the woods, a little distance from the house, where the old sow, on whom they depended for their future supply of porkers, was feeding. Mr. Thatcher hastened towards the scene, and, seeing that it was a bear that had attacked his pig, shouted for the others to bring the axe. Arrived at the scene, he found the bear standing with his forepaws on the prostrate, squealing animal, and vigorously masticating a piece of fat and tenderloin that he had bitten from its back. As the rest of the family arrived his bearship became alarmed, and, taking a parting bite from his prostrate victim, turned and plunged into the forest. The most wonderful part of the whole performance was that the torn and bitten porker, though unable to walk to her pen, was placed in a sheltered position behind a large log, and was there cared for until she recovered from the effects of her adventure. And, though not thereafter particularly elegant in form, she lived to bring into the world a numerous progeny, and performed all her maternal functions as successfully as though she had not met with so narrow an escape and furnished a bear with a breakfast. The first bridge that spanned the waters of the Shiawassee in this town was built in the spring of 1836, near the old fording-place on the line between sections 15 and 22. Dyer Rathbun, who was moving to settle in the town of Burns, Shiawassee Co., arrived at Ezra Sanford's, and found the river swollen so greatly by the freshet as to be impassable. So he and his sons assisted by Mr. Sanford and his hired man, set to work during the four days of their enforced stay and built the bridge, which enabled them to cross the stream and pursue their onward journey. It was a rude structure built of. poles and logs, and after serving the pioneers as a place of crossing for two or three years, was abandoned in favor of a new, permanent bridge, nearly on the site of the present one. The first resident physician was Dr. Joel S. Stilso. He first settled in Deerfield. About 1845 he settled at Chemungville, and continued to reside there until his death, which occurred nearly twenty years ago. Another physician settled there in I852-54, by the name of Paschal. He did not remain long, and for some irregularity in his views regarding the rights of personal property obtained the name of " the wool doctor." The first public-house was kept at John Sanford's. The house was, however, known as James Sanford's house, and the first town-meeting was held there in 1838. At Ezra Sanford's, too, entertainment for man and beast was furnished, but no liquor, as was the case at John Sanford's. The second town-meeting was held at the house of Ziba Stone, for two reasons: it was nearer the centre of population, and there no liquor would be furnished, and the settlers, who were principally temperate men, preferred to have the election conducted without the demoralizing influence of drinking attending it. At a later period there were two taverns in town, known as Davenport's and Jackson's taverns. At these liquor was freely dispensed, and they became pestilential in the eyes of the moral people of the community, who at last rose in their might and crushed them out. At Davenport's the travelers used frequently to stop, water their teams, warm themselves, and then go on without purchasing anything. At last this grew intolerable to the landlord, and calling the local artist to his aid, a sign was prepared and placed in position that was intended to notify the traveling public that warming for nothing was a thing of the past, and that " free as water" meant a reasonable compensation for the trouble and expense of maintaining facilities for furnishing water for the public use. It is true that the sign was not the masterpiece of a modern Raphael, and did not reflect the greatest credit upon the literary ability of its author, but it was expressive, and served the purpose for which it was intended, and attracted the notice, if it did not command the admiration, of all who passed that way. As near as the types will permit of its reproduction, it reads as follows: "wORMING aND WAttERING HeaR sixPeNce." The work of stopping the sale of liquor and thus cleaning out these places was largely performed by Judge Jacob Kanouse. Upon his election to the office of supervisor in I848, he caused proceedings to be commenced against them, and procured indictments at the first grand jury meeting that year. He then suspended the prosecution provided they would stop selling, a promise the tavern-keepers were very glad to make, and which, so far as outsiders could learn, was carefully fulfilled. COHOCTAH TOWNSHIP. 449 CIVIL AND POLITICAL. Upon the organization of this county, this town was made a part of the town of Howell, and so continued until the spring of 1838, when the following act passed the Legislature, and was approved by the Governor, March 6th, viz.: " SEC. 9.-All that part of the county of Livingston designated in the United States survey as township number four north, of range number four east, be and the same is hereby set off and organized into a separate township, by the name of Tuscola; and the first township-meeting shall be held at the house of James Sanford, in said township." According to this provision the first meeting was held at James Sanford's (which was John Sanford's residence), which fact is shown by the following record of the proceedings of that meeting: "At the first township-meeting of the electors of the township of Tuscola, in the county of Livingston, State of Michigan, held at the house of James Sanford's, on the 2d day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, Calvin W. Hart was chosen moderator and Hiram Rix clerk of said meeting. "Names of TownshZip Officers.-Alva Preston, Supervisor; Mason Phelps, Town Clerk; Alva Preston, Calvin W. Hart, Lott Pratt, Justices of the Peace; Justice* Boyd, James Sanford, Hiram Rix, Assessors; Calvin W. Hart, Thomas Goldsmith, Robert Sowders, Commissioners of Highways; Calvin W. Hart, Hiram Rix, Alva Preston, Inspectors of Common Schools; James Sanford, Collector; James Sanford, William Riker, Abram Kanouse, Constables; Justice* Boyd, Elisha Goldsmith, Overseers of the Poor. TOWNSHIP LAWS. "Voted, that the Path Masters serve as fence-viewers, PoundKeepers, and appraisers of Damage. ( Voted, that every Path Master's yard shall be called a Pound for the ensuing year. " Voted, that a fence four feet and a half high shall be a lawful fence. " Voted, that the next annual Town-Meeting be held at the house of Ziba Stone's. "This I assert to be a true copy of the original. "Recorded this fourth Day of April, A.D. 1838. "MASON PHELPS, Towit Clerk." The place of holding town-meetings has always been of a migratory nature in this town, embracing the following range: in 1838 it was held at James Sanford's, on section 34; in 1839, at Ziba Stone's, on section 22; in 1840, at David H. Pearson's; in 1841-42, at Robert Ireland's; in 1843, at Anthony Clark's, on section 28; in 1844, at school-house in District No. 4; in 1845, at Nathaniel Smith's; in 1846, at Nathan A. Townsend's; in 1847, at Nathaniel Smith's; in 1848, at Nathaniel Davenport's; in 1849, at Mr. Fletcher's, on Ziba Stone's place; in I850, at Dudley Woodworth's; in I851, at Benjamin Crawford's; in 1862, at school-house near Mr. Crawford's; in 1853, at Chemungville; in 1854-55, at Nathan Grant's; and so it continues to shift about to the present day. The following list contains the names of all the officers of the town from its organization in I838 till the present year of 1879: CIVIL LIST OF COHOCTAH. I838.-Supervisor, Alva Preston; Town Clerk, Mason Phelps; Collector, James Sanford; Justices of the Peace, Lott Pratt (four years), Alva Preston (three years), Calvin W. Hart (two years), Ezra Sanford (one year);t Assessors, Justus Boyd, James Sanford, Hiram Rix; School Inspectors, Calvin W. Hart, Hiram Rix, Alva Preston.: I839.-Supervisor, Calvin W. Hart; Town Clerk, Robert Sowders; Collector, Ezra Sanford; Treasurer, Jared L. Cook; Justice of the Peace, Sylvester Stoddard; Assessors, Jared L. Cook, Isaac Pratt, Nicholas F. Dunkle; School Inspectors, Jared L. Cook, Calvin W. Hart, Lott Pratt. I840.-Supervisor, Noah Ramsdell; Town Clerk, Sylvester Stoddard; Collector, William Jenks; Treasurer, Jared L. Cook; Justices of the Peace, Orrin Stoddard (full term), Benjamin Crawford (vacancy); Assessors, Alva Preston, Isaac Pratt, Jared L. Cook; School Inspectors, Iliram Rix, John Jones, Orrin Stoddard. I841.-Supervisor, Noah Ramsdell; Town Clerk, William H. Ramsdell;,Collector, Orville H. Jones; Treasurer, Jared L. Cook; Justice of the Peace, John Jones; Assessors, Alva Preston, Jared L. Cook, Isaac Pratt; School Inspectors, Orrin Stoddard, John Jones, Hiram Rix. I842.-Supervisor, Jared L. Cook; Town Clerk, David Sanford; Treasurer, Benjamin Crawford; Justices of the Peace, Chester Townsend (full term), Isaac Pratt (vacancy); Assessors, Thomas Goldsmith, Warren Hitchins; School Inspectors, Thomas E. Jeffries, Warren Hitchins, Andrew T. Green. 1843.-Supervisor, William Chase;lj Town Clerk, Thomas Goldsmith; Treasurer, Sylvester Stoddard; Justices of the Peace, Benjamin Crawford (full term), Isaac Pratt (vacancy); Assessors, Alva Preston, Ezra Sanford, Jr.; School Inspectors, Homer L. Townsend (one year), Warren Hitchins (two years); Fence-Viewers, Sylvester Stoddard, Noah Ramsdell, Chester Townsend. 1844.-Supervisor, Jared L. Cook; Town Clerk, Thomas Goldsmith; Treasurer, Sylvester Stoddard; Justice of the Peace, Nathaniel Smith; Assessors, Alva Preston, Hiram L. Stoddard; School Inspector, William Knapp.f[ I845.-Supervisor, Jared L. Cook; Town Clerk, Thomas Goldsmith; Treasurer, James Sanford; Justice of the Peace, William L. Jones; Assessors, Alva Jones, Chester Townsend; School Inspector, Warren Hitchins. I846.-Supervisor, Jared L. Cook; Town Clerk, Thomas Goldsmith; Treasurer, Nathan A. Townsend; Justice of the Peace, Chester Townsend; Assessors, Alva Preston, Hiram L. Stoddard; School Inspector, Horace L. Cook. 1847.-Supervisor, Chester Townsend; Town Clerk, Thomas Goldsmith; Treasurer, Nathan A. Townsend; Justice t Held over, being a justice of Howell township at the time the towns were divided. + In the summer of this year, Justus Boyd was lost on a steamer burned on Lake Erie, and Mason Phelps moved from the town.' The vacancies thus created in the town offices were filled on the 5th of August, by the appointment of Abram Kanouse to the office of assessor, and Robert Sowders to that of town clerk. i The treasurer's office became vacant for some reason, and the Town Board, on November Ist, appointed Sylvester Stoddard to fill the vacancy. II Died in office, and on August 23d Noah Ramsdell was appointed to fill the vacancy. ~ Removed from town, and on Feb. 15, I845, Horace L. Cook was appointed to fill the vacancy. * Justus. 57 45O HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. of the Peace, Benjamin Crawford; Assessors, Joseph B. Jackson, Jr., Jared L. Cook; School Inspector, Warren Hitchins. 1848.-Supervisor, Jacob Kanouse; Town Clerk, Hiram L. Stoddard; Treasurer, John N. Boyd; Justices of the Peace, Thomas Goldsmith (full term), Jacob Kanouse (long vacancy), Aaron Brunson (short vacancy); Assessors, John Jones, William P. Laing; School Inspector, Horace L. Cook. 1849.-Supervisor, Jacob Kanouse; Town Clerk, Hiram L. Stoddard; Treasurer, John N. Boyd; Justice'of the Peace, Jacob Kanouse; School Inspector, Lewis B. Boyd. 1850.-Supervisor, Jacob Kanouse; Town Clerk, Hiram L. Stoddard; Treasurer, John N. Boyd; Justice of the Peace, Warren Chase; School Inspector, Horace L. Cook. 185I.-Supervisor, Thomas Goldsmith; Town Clerk, Hiram L. Stoddard; Treasurer, David L. Winton; Justices of the Peace, Guy N. Roberts (full term), Lott Pratt (vacancy); School Inspector, Jared L. Cook. 1852.-Supervisor, Thomas Goldsmith;* Town Clerk, William E. Winton; Treasurer, David L. Winton; Justices of the Peace, Thomas Goldsmith (full term), John N. Boyd (vacancy); School Inspector, Joel A. Chapman. 1853.-Supervisor, Jacob Kanouse; Town Clerk, Joel A. Chapman; Treasurer, Holland C. Hosley; Justices of the Peace, Luther Pratt (full term), Benjamin Crawford (one year), Conrad Hayner, (two years); School Inspector, Lewis B. Boyd.t I854.-Supervisor, Horace L. Cook; Town Clerk, William E. Winton; Treasurer, Holland C. Hosley; Justice of the Peace, Dudley Woodworth; School Inspector, Joel A. Chapman. 1855.-Supervisor, Thomas Goldsmith; Town Clerk, William E. Winton; Treasurer, Holland C. Hosley; Justices of the Peace, John D. Blank (full term), Dudley Woodworth (vacancy); School Inspector, James A. Preston.t I856.-Supervisor, Hiram L. Stoddard;~ Town Clerk, Thomas Goldsmith; Treasurer, Alva Preston; Justices of the Peace, Joshua D. Sheffield (full term), Thomas Goldsmith (vacancy); School Inspector, Joel A. Chapman. 1857.-Supervisor, Jacob Kanouse; Town Clerk, William E. Winton; Treasurer, Alva Preston; Justices of the Peace, Luther Pratt (full term), Isaac V. D. Cook and Charles Drum (vacancies); School Inspector, Bradford Cook. 1858.-Supervisor, Horace L. Cook; Town Clerk, William Palmer; Treasurer, Alva Preston; Justices of the Peace, Seaman O. Soule (full term), Jacob Kanouse i(vacancy); School Inspector, Joel A. Chapman. 1859.-Supervisor, Horace L. Cook; Town Clerk, William E. Winton; Treasurer, Alva Preston; Justice of the Peace, Charles Drum; School Inspector, Bradford Cook. I86o.-Supervisor, Van Rensselaer Durfee; Town Clerk, Michael Thatcher; Treasurer, Orrin F. Sessions; Justice of the Peace, Robert J. McMillan; School Inspector, Joel A. Chapman. 1861.-Supervisor, Van Rensselaer Durfee; Town Clerk, Michael * Being disabled by sickness, Jacob Kanouse was appointed, April 24th, to act as supervisor until his recovery, The treasurer, Daniel L. Winton, was also prevented by sickness from attending to the duties of his office, and Jan. I8, I853, Joseph Brown was appointed in his stead. February 9th he resigned, and Mr. Winton was appointed. t Resigned, and April 9th Horace L. Cook was appointed to fill the vacancy. Lewis B. Boyd was appointed school inspector, April i6th, in place of J. A. Preston, who did not qualify. The supervisor being disabled by sickness, Jacob Kanouse was apinted to that office, Otober 3d. April i8th, William E. Wintonwas appointedto the office of school inspector. Thatcher; Treasurer, Orrin F. Sessions; Justice of the Peace, Luther Pratt; School Inspector, Joseph L. Cook. 1862.-Supervisor, Thomas Goldsmith; Town Clerk, Ezra Frisbee; Treasurer, Joel A. Chapman; Justice of the Peace, Seaman 0. Soule; School Inspector, Amos Pratt. I 1863.-Supervisor, Thomas Goldsmith; Town Clerk, Alonzo T. Frisbee; Treasurer, Joel A. Chapman; Justice of the Peace, Michael Thatcher; School Inspector, Joseph L. Cook. 1864.-Supervisor, Thomas Goldsmith; Town Clerk, George E. Houghtaling; Treasurer, Joel A. Chapman; Justice of the Peace, Thomas Goldsmith; School Inspector, Wm. C. Randall. I865.-Supervisor, Thomas Goldsmith; Town Clerk, George E. Houghtaling; Treasurer, James A. Preston; Justice of the Peace, Luther Pratt; School Inspector, Schuyler E. Randall. I866.-Supervisor, Thomas Goldsmith; Town Clerk, Julius D. Smith;~f Treasurer, James A. Preston; Justices of the Peace, Seaman 0. Soule (full term), George Cameron (to fill vacancy of Luther Pratt, who resigned March 30th); School Inspector, Luther C. Kanouse. I867.-Supervisor, Alonzo T. Frisbee; Town Clerk, Augustus W. Britten; Treasurer, Lyman V. D. Cook; Justice of the Peace, Michael Thatcher; School Inspector, James A. Preston. I868.-Supervisor, Alonzo T. Frisbee; Town Clerk, Augustus W. Britten; Treasurer, Lyman V. D. Cook; Justice of the Peace, William McMillan; School Inspector, Albert D. Thompson.** I869.-Supervisor, Alonzo T. Frisbee; Town Clerk, Martin L. Davis; Treasurer, Lyman V. D. Cook; Justices of the Peace, Charles A. Potter (full term), Oliver Sprague (vacancy); School Inspector, James A. Preston. I870.-Supervisor, Luther C. Kanouse; Town Clerk, Martin L. Davis; Treasurer, Frank Purdy; Justices of the Peace, Richard Wrigglesworth (full term), Isaiah Goodenough (vacancy); School Inspector, Oscar T. Keller. I87I. —Supervisor, Luther C. Kanouse; Town Clerk, Abel S. Austin; Treasurer, Amos M. Eager;tt Justices of the Peace, William 0. Hendricks (full term), George 0. Austin (vacancy); Drain Commissioner, Michael Thatcher (appointed May 20th); School Inspector, Winfield Kanouse. 1872.-Supervisor, Alonzo T. Frisbee; Town Clerk, Abel S. Austin; Treasurer, George E. Houghtaling; Justice of the Peace, William McMillan; Drain Commissioner, Michael Thatcher; School Inspector, Oscar T. Keller. I873.-Supervisor, Roger Sherman; Town Clerk, William McMillan; Treasurer, Alfred F. V. D. Cook; Justices of the Peace, Warren Chase (full term), Hartwell Lewis (vacancy); Drain Commissioner, Lewis Grant; School Inspector, Winfield Kanouse. 1874.-Supervisor, Roger Sherman; Town Clerk, William McMillan; Treasurer, Alfred F. V. D. Cook; Justice of the Peace, Richard Wrigglesworth; Drain Commissioner, Lewis Grant; School Inspector, Joseph L. Cook. I875.-Supervisor, Roger Sherman; Town Clerk, William McMillan; Treasurer, Frank M. Pardee; Justice of the jJ Enlisted in the Union army, leaving a vacancy, which was filled, October 2d, by the appointment of Joel A. Chapman. ~[ Mr. Smith resigned on account of his moving from he town, and December 24th Horace L. Cook was appointed. Mr. Randall died, leaving a vacancy in the office of school inspector, and December 15th Thomas Shelton was appointed. ** Mr. Thompson removed from town and, April I ith, Charles A. Potter was appointed in his stead. tt Resigned, and George E. Houghtaling was appointed Nov. 6th to fill the vacancy. COHOCTAH - --- cl-~ --- —-— F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace, Thomas Goldsmith; Drain Commissioner, James McKane; School Superintendent, Joseph L. Cook; School Inspector, Winfield Kanouse. 1876.-Supervisor, Joseph Browning; Town Clerk, Martin L. Davis; Treasurer, Luther C. Kanouse; Justices of the Peace, Michael Thatcher (full term), Cyrus G. Hayner (vacancy); Drain Commissioner, George E. Houghtaling;* School Superintendent, Joseph L. Cook; School Inspector, Fillmore M. Kanouse. 1877.-Supervisor, Joseph Browning; Town Clerk, Martin L. Davis; Treasurer, Truman Sprague; Justices of the Peace, William V. D. Cook (full term), Ames Pratt (vacancy); Drain Commissioner, Michael Thatcher; School Superintendent, Fillmore M. Kanouse; School Inspector, John Q. Faulk. I878.-Supervisor, Amos M. Eager; Town Clerk, Cyrus G. Hayner; Treasurer, Alva P. Ellis; Justice of the Peace, Richard Wrigglesworth; Drain Commissioner (for two years), Michael Thatcher; School Superintendent (for two years), Fillmore M. Kanouse; School Inspector, John Q. Faulk. 1879.-Supervisor, Michael Thatcher; Town Clerk, Cyrus G. Hayner; Treasurer, Alva P. Ellis; Justice of the Peace, Amos Pratt; Drain Commissioner, Lyman V. D. Cook; School Inspector, William H. Erwin. An effort was made in the spring of 1868 to have a town-house built. At the town-meeting a committee, consisting of Jacob Kanouse, Lewis B. Boyd, Arthur F. Field, Wm. Haskell, and Amos M. Eager, was appointed and empowered to locate a site, and post up notices containing specifications for the building, and to institute other necessary proceedings. They were to report at the next annual meeting. Their report stated that they had selected a site on land owned by J. N. Teller, near Mrs. Davenport's. At this stage of the proceedings, for some reason, the project was abandoned, and was not revived until April IO, I876, when a petition signed by 2I freeholders was presented, praying for a special town-meeting, to vote a tax of $6oo, for the purpose of building a townhouse. The meeting was called and held at Daniel Neely's, on Saturday, April 29, 1876. The proposition to raise the tax was voted down, 39 voting for the tax and 96 against it. The first jury list was prepared by the assessors and town clerk, May 21, 1839, and contained three names,-Anthony Clark, Eliel Stoddard, and Ezra Sanford, Jr. In I837, while yet a part of the town of Howell, an assessment roll was prepared, which was the first one of which any trace now exists. The assessors by whom it was prepared were David H. Austin and Peter Brewer. The following portion of it contains the names of the resident tax-payers, the non-residents being omitted as of no particular interest in this connection: rOWNSHIP. 451 Names. Sections. Acres. Valuation. - Baldwin.................................... 22 8o 240 Anthony Clark................................. 28 120 360 Benjamin Crawford....................... 27 320 960 Ephraim Crawford............................ 23 80 240 Thomas Goldsmith.........................26, 27 200 6oo Abraham Riker.................................. 28 8o 240 William Riker.................................... 23 240 720 John Sanford........................3, 21, 27, 34 I046 3138 Ezra Sanford...........................2, 22, 27 571 1713 Ziba Stone......................................... 22 80 240 William Stroud................................. 23 80 240 Ira Walker.......................................... 22 40 120 Totals....................................... 2937 $881 Real estate valuation................. $65,405.00 Personal property....................... 500.00 Total..................................... $65,905.00 Tax on resident roll........................ $32.88 Tax on non-resident roll................... 206.60 Total............................... $239.48 The first complete roll of this town was that of 1840, the names and taxes of the resident taxpayers being as follows: Names. Sections. Lorenzo Boutell..................... 24 Lewis B. Boyd............................ 31 Almira Boyd....................... 3I1, 6Q Bond Bigelow.............................. 12 David Brown............................... 12 Joseph Brown................................. John H. D. Blank......................... o Horace L. Cook.............................. Samuel Crawford........................ 23 Isaac V. D. Cook................25, 35, 36 Benjamin Crawford.................. 27 Warren Chase....................30, 31 Jared L. Cook............................32, 5~ Anthony Clark.............................. 2 Peter Cramer.............................. 5 Ephraim Crawford...................... Eli Carpenter............................ 35 James Chambers........................... 20 Jacol) B. Debar..................... 3 Nathaniel Davenport..................10, 15 Charles Davenport........................... Daniel Develin.................... 28 Jesse Davis................. 23 William S. Ellis...........1...... I4 Michael Fisher........................35, 2 Adam Fisher....................... 35 David Guile, Jr................... o1 David Guile............................... 9 Nathan Grant............................5, 7 Thomas Goldsmith...........23, 26, 27, 28 Francis George................... 35 Patrick Gallaghan......................... 14 Warren Hitchins.................. 32 Calvin W. Hartl........................... 24 Holland Hosleyll................25, 3I,~ 36 Thomas Hynes........................ 20 Luther Houghton.......................... I John V. & Asa Harmon..............., 12 Samuel Hunt............................... 4 Conrad Hayner............................ I8 Ira Hotchkiss.............................. 7 Alva Jones..............................3, Io William L. Jones.................. 3 Joseph B. Jackson, Jr.................... 7 Sally Jenks................................ 5 John Jones..............................24, 25 John Kimball.................. 3 Jacob Kanouse................. 5 Winchester Merriam................ II Joseph Neely.................... 26 Acres. Valuation. 25 $37.50 80 177 407 890 40 80 40 6o 40 I60 40 120 200 376 240 560 180 415 370 744 50 124 40 128 80 I38 2 10 120 305 25 92 240 420 120 250 80 I90 x60 300 I49 279 77 208 40 72 i6o 320 240 481 290 705 i6o 200 80 80 I6o 266 I60 315 420 919 40 69 i6o 347 120 318 80 156 i6o 341 80 144 I80 394 40 120 72 183 40 I63 230 282 80 132 288 576 80 120 159 363 * Resigned on the 3d of May, and Ezra Frisbee was appointed to fill the vacancy. He resigned May 22, and, June 20, Michael Thatcher was appointed in his stead. t In place of Michael Thatcher, who resigned April 7th. t In Howell. 11 Increased by school tax. I Town 3 north, range 4 east. ~ Town 4 north, range 5 east..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 " f W~~ 4p* HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. L V P A JC Jc H N A N E D E D E E Be Zi Ja Jo Sa E1 N; M Cl Jo Pe Jo Names. Section. Acres. Valuation.,ott Pratt......................... 30 159 $408 Villiam Packard.......................... 23 120 270 reston & Gay.............................. 23 40 600 lva Preston.................... II, 23, 24 190 511 ohn Powell................................ 9 40 66 ashua Poyer............................3, 4 I75 217.50 liram B. Rathburn....................... 5 128 349 'oah Ramsdell...............23, 24, 25, 26 585 1112.50,braham Riker...................... 28 80 156 Tathaniel Smith....................3, 9, I 320 635 zra Sanford.............I.............. 2 224 411 }avid Sanford.............................. 5 40 60 William Stroud............................ 2 40 60 non Shippey............................, 12 160 362 aniel Sculley......................... 8 200 345 phraim Starr........................3, 9, IO 280 342. & H. L. Stoddard.....................2, 3 120 250 enjamin F. Scofield...................... 23 80 195 ba Stone...............................21, 22 200 305 tm es Sanford................................... )hn Sanford....................................... Irah Sanford...........................22, 27 320 678 lias Stillson*.............................. 36 40 I10 athan A. & J. C. Townsend...3t, 27, 34 925.87 1718.29 ichael Thatcher.........................4, 5 I90 309 hester Townsend.....................31, 32 165 410 hn C. Townsend.....................................!ter Vanderhoof.......................... 12 120 140 seph Whitaker.......................... 7 80 I8o Total............... 0,345.87 $23,42979 This tax was levied for the following purposes: For township expenses.................... For school taxes.......................... For highway purposes..................... For rejected taxes.......................... For State and county taxes............... For collector's fees......................... Total................................. Amount of resident tax and fees........ Amount of non-resident tax and fees.. Total tax............................. Valuation of real estate................... c" personal estate.............. Total valuation..................... $I85.40 66.44 123.23 9.20 313-53 13.72 $7IT.52 $337.02 374.50 $711.52 $39,679.00 2,125.00 $41,800.00 Total valuation 1879.............. $724,520.00 From the foregoing statements we learn that in the eight years intervening between the first two assessments mentioned the proportion of resident to non-resident tax increased thirty-four per cent., while at present the non-resident tax is a comparatively small amount. The valuation has increased in the forty-two years that have elapsed since the first assessment more than one thousand per cent. The first year's audit of accounts was as follows, part being audited March I9, 1839, and the rest March 26th: Mason Phelps, Town Clerk.................... $1.38 Robert Sowders................ 9.32 i" " Highway Commissioner.... 32.13 Hiram Bennett.................................... 4.20 Justus Boyd............................... 3.00 Amos Adams, Surveyor....................... 6.00 Jared L. Cook................................... 4.24 Lott Pratt......................................... 5.07 Hiram Rix......................................... 8.24 Ezra Sanford................................. 4.50 James Sanford.................................... 4.00 J. W. Smith, Town Clerk of Howell....... 3.00 ItCreased lby school tax. t Town 3 north, range 4 east. I I I I The reason for the giving of the name "Tuscola" to the town is unknown. It was probably chosen by some admirer of the aborigines, in honor of the Indian tribe of that name. On account of there being a Tuscola County in the State, it was thought best to have the name changed, and a petition was presented to the Legislature in the winter of 1856-57 for that purpose. An act was passed, and approved Jan. 29, 1857, which gave the town the name of " Bristol." This it retained only a short time, for, Feb. 5, 1867, the Governor signed a bill conferring on it its present name, " Cohoctah," which, it is supposed, was the name of a former Indian chief. The reason for this change is "one of those things, you know, that no fellow can find out.' The town-meeting of I841 evinced its good sense, literary taste, and appreciation of the usefulness of the press by voting that " the town should defray the expense of a State paper, to be kept at the office of the town clerk." The following explains itself: "The Township Board of the Township of Tuscola met agreeable to previous appointment at the office of the Township Clerk for the purpose of providing to obtain Weights, Measures, Scales, and beams for the Township of Tuscola, and to appoint a sealer. The board agreed to procure dry measure of copper, Liquid Measures of Tin, and common scales, weights, and beam-and a Drill and seal similar to those used by counties and Towns of this State. And we hereby appoint John Jones Sealer of said town. The Board agree to raise Fifty Dollars to obtain the above-named Articles and Contingent expenses. "TUSCOLA, May 7, 1841. "ALVA PRESTON, De.t. 7. C. "BENJ. CRAWFORD, " OREN STODARD, C" NOAH RAMSDELL, " Town Board." On the question of temperance the town has usually been quite evenly divided, though it is now believed that the majority-and a larger majority than ever before-are opposed to the traffic. The only recorded votes on the question are three in John Farnsworth, Surveyor................... Abram Kanouse, Jr., for ballot-boxes and services........................................ Isaac Pratt......................................... James Rathbun................................... B. F. Scofield.................................. Thos. Goldsmith, Highway Commissioner Calvin W. Hart, " Alva Preston, Supervisor....................... Eliel Stoddard.................................... Josiah Ward...................................... David Guile....................................... Elisha Goldsmith, for necessaries furnished for the support of Patrick Donoho and family, town paupers........................ Elisha Goldsmith, Overseer of Poor........ John Sanford, Overseer of Poor............. Nicholas F. Dunkle............................. Compensation of the Board................... 10.67 5.00 5.60 4.00 6.00 $4.32 6.28 1.40 1.56 1.48 18.25 9.00 12.10 1.34 1.10 1.32 1.32 Total amount............................ $174.40 COHOCTAH TOWNSHIP. 453 -1 number: in April, 1845, 36 voted for license, and 33 against it; in 1849 the vote stood 44 for license to 32 against it; and June 24, I853, the vote for the prohibitory law was 36, while the vote against it was 39. The following statistics have been gleaned from the census returns of the several years referred to, the latest being from the State census of I874. The population in I850 was but 544, iln 860 it was 856, and in 1870 it had risen to a total of I 176, of whom 1042 were natives, and 134 were of foreign birth. In 1874 there was a falling off, the total number reported being only II44. These were divided as follows: males under five years, 69; from five to ten years, 73; from ten to twenty-one years, 147; from twenty-one to forty-five years, 20; from forty-five to seventy-five years, 97; from seventy-five to ninety years, 2; total, 589. Females under five years, 73; from five to ten years, 75; from ten to eighteen years, 90; from eighteen to forty years, 203; from forty to seventy-five years, I I I; from seventy-five upwards, 3; total, 555. These were classified according to condition in life, as follows: nales under twenty-one years, single, 147; married, none; over twenty-one years, single, 53; married, 239; widowers and divorced, 8. Females under eighteen years, single, 90; married, none; over eighteen years, single, 45; married, 236; widows and divorced, 36. Total, single, 625; married, 475; widowed and divorced, 44. The taxable lands in 1874 were reported at 23,727 acres, of which 1o,946 acres had been improved, two acres were devoted to church and parsonage sites, and one and one-half acres to burying-grounds, and the whole was divided up into 224 farms, averaging a little less than 103 acres each. It is believed that the next census will show a considerable increase in. the population, and also in the percentage of improved lands, as well as in the quantity of crops of all kinds produced. In 1873 there was harvested in Cohoctah 2527 acres of wheat, the average yield on which was I47 bushels per acre. This made the town rank as the fifth town of the county in its average for wheat. Of corn, that year saw harvested 812 acres, averaging 29-3Q-7 bushels to the acre, which gave Cohoctah seventh place for the average yield of corn. On a general averaging the town falls into the fourth place as compared with the other towns of the county. In the quantity of its products, in 1873, it ranked as follows: fourth for all grains except wheat and corn; sixth for hay, pork, and cheese; seventh for potatoes; eighth for wheat; ninth for butter; twelfth for wool; and fifteenth for corn. The quantities of its products are as follows: wheat, 35,414 bushels; corn, 24,010 bushels; other grains, 29,466 bushels; potatoes, 8394 bushels; hay, 2302 tons; wool, 21,911 pounds; pork, 66,8Io pounds; cheese, 200 pounds; butter, 44,940 pounds; dried fruits, 9565 pounds;'cider, 282 barrels. From 455 acres of orcharding the product was Io,8oo bushels of apples. The year before (1872) the yield was 20,025 bushels. The number of head of the different kinds of stock kept in 1874 was as follows: horses, 489; working oxen, 80; milch cows, 499; other neat cattle, 628; swine, 649; sheep, 4399. In political matters the town was at the time of its organization, and for several years thereafter, strongly Whig. Then there was a few years of Democratic rule, until the birth of the grand old party of freedom and equality,-the Republican party,-which at once won the support of the best men of both the old organizations, and placed it in a position to control the town; a position which it has honored and from which it has never been deposed. At the present time the Republican majority is about 50 on a fair vote. In I860 it gave to the martyred Lincoln a majority of 102 votes, the largest majority ever given to any candidate in this town. During the war of the Rebellion, Cohoctah took an active interest in the success of the efforts of the loyal North to crush the wicked conspiracy against the nation's life and integrity. She gave of her wealth to feed and clothe our armies and to carry on the affairs of government. She sent many of her brave and noble sons to uphold the starry banner of freedom, and encouraged them to deeds of valor by her unfaltering devotion to the cause and faith in its final triumph. Two special town-meetings were held Feb. 13, and Sept. 3, 1864, at which by nearly unanimous votes it was decided to raise money by tax and loan to pay each volunteer or drafted man who should be credited towards filling the town's quota under the several calls for troops the sum of $oo00 bounty, in addition to all other bounties to which they might become entitled. In the matter of building railroads, or rather in assisting in their construction, Cohoctah has been thrice called upon to give expression to her sentiments. The first time was when in the fall of I865 it was proposed to build a railroad from Detroit to Howell. A meeting was held Dec. 2I, i865, and a proposition submitted to pledge the credit of the town to the amount of 3 per cent. of its assessed valuation to aid in the construction of the road, in accordance with the provisions of act No. 49, of the Sessions laws of I865. The vote stood 6 in favor of the loan and 82 opposed to it. The same proposition was again submitted to vote on the A:454A HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 21st of April, i866, when 59 voted for the proposition and 93 in opposition to it. Feb. 12, I868, a petition signed by i6 tax-paying citizens was presented, praying for a special town-meeting to consider the question of raising $i6,ooo by bonds or tax, to aid the " Chicago and Michigan Grand Trunk Railway" in building a road from Ridgeway to the Indiana line viz Lansing and St. Joseph. The vote on the project stood 21 for the aid to 125 against it. This settled the fate of that scheme. Dec. 8, 1869, another petition was presented, signed by 31 freeholders, praying for a special meeting, to vote aid by loan or donation to assist the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Railroad Company to build their road, provided the road should run direct from Byron to Howell, north and south through this town. The vote stood i66 in favor to 19 against loaning the railroad company $I6,200. In compliance with this action bonds were issued to the proposed amount. The bonds were placed in the hands of the State Treasurer, who was to turn them over to the company when they presented a certificate from the Governor that the road was completed. The interest-coupons then due were to be detached by him and returned to the town. The panic of 1873 was not directly chargeable with the failure of this enterprise, but the growing stricture in the money market that preceded it no doubt had its effect in choking off the proposed road. At least, the date named found the road unbuilt, and at the townmeeting, April 7, i873, Joseph L. Cook was "authorized and requested" to demand of the State Treasurer the bonds issued, and instructed to turn them over to the town clerk to be canceled and filed in his office. So terminated this town's connection with the railroad enterprises of the day, but who can tell how long it will be before the reviving business of the country will again bring these projects into life, and send the iron tramways, with their snorting engines and rumbling cars, across its now quiet and peaceful bosom? HIGHWAYS. Regarding the earliest roads, the records are not as explicit as might be, but from them we learn, what the early settlers state to have been the case, that the first regular highway in Cohoctah was the road running north through the Sanford settlement. We learn that this road was first surveyed by Amos Adams, county surveyor, on the 9th of July, 1836, and extended from Howell to the south quarter-post of section 27 in this town,-that is, to John Sanford's residence. In September, I837, it was extended northward as far as the south quarter-post of section 10, and from that point to the r north line of the town on the I2th of June, 1839. The second road was called the Howell and Fisher road, and ran from Howell to the northwest corner of section 36 in this town,-where Chauncey D. Fisher's farm lay. It was surveyed by the same party Dec. Io, 1836, and Sept. II, 1837, was continued north a quarter of a mile, till it reached the terminus of a road surveyed east from the Sanford settlement some time that summer. A road running north two miles from the southwest corner of the town was surveyed Sept. I I, I837, by A. S. Adams, acting for the county surveyor. Henry P. Adams surveyed, April 27, 1838, the " Calvin Hart road," running westward across sections 24, 23, and 22 till it joined the Sanford road at the south quarterpost of the last-named section. It connected the Sanford and Boutell settlements, and passed by the site of the Boutell burying-ground. During the years 1838-39 there were seventeen other roads surveyed through different parts of the town by A. S. Adams, acting for the regular county surveyor. A bridge was built across the Shiawassee near Preston and Gay's saw-mill in I841, $ioo being voted at the annual town-meeting to partially defray the expense. The first division of the town into road districts was made by the highway commissioner, April II, 1838, and was as follows: District No. I consisted of sections 21, 22, 27, 34, and the west half of section 35, with Mason Phelps as overseer; District No. 2 was made up of sections 7, 17, i8, 20, 28, 29, and 33, Abraham Riker, overseer; District No. 3, sections 19, 30, 3I, and 32, Lott Pratt, overseer; District No. 4, sections 2, I, 14, 23, 26, and the east half of section 35, Nicholas F. Dunkle, overseer; District No. 5, sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 15, Michael Thatcher, overseer; District No. 6, sections I, 12, 13, 24, 25, and 36, Calvin W. Hart, overseer. In 1840 a more uniform division was made. The sections in the districts and the overseers of each were as follows: No. I, sections I, 2, II, I2, 13, and 14, Isaac Pratt; No. 2, sections 3, 4, 9, 10, 15, and i6, Oren Stoddard; No. 3, sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, and I8, Paul Coffin; No. 4, sections I9, 20, 29, 30, 31, and 32, Chester Townsend; No. 5, sections 21, 22, 27, 28, 33, and 34, Benjamin Crawford; No. 6, sections 23 and 24, and the north half of sections 25 and 26, Alva Preston; No. 7, sections 35 and 36, and the south half of sections 25 and 26, Adam Fisher. The present division is into 38 districts, and the list of overseers is as follows: No. I, Harry Houghton; No. 2, Peter Rohrabacher; No. 3, Hubert Blodgett; No. 4, A. H. Jones; No. 5, H. Grant; No. 6, Asa Petteys; No. 7, George Houghtaling; No. 8, James R. Fisher; COHOCTAH No. 9, William C. Hosley; No. 10, John J. Barlow; No. II, Samuel Slider; No. 12, Parmenio Adams; No. 13, George Soule; No. 14, Isaac Teller; No. 15, William Dunkle; No. i6, Henry Stoner; No. 17, Joseph Lamoreaux; No. i8, Edward Antliff; No. 19, John Wiggins; No. 20, John D. Blank; No. 21, Edward Fisher; No. 22, James Gilland; No. 23, John Dunstan; No. 24, Alexander T. Frisbee; No. 25, Charles Dean; No. 26, Adam Shaler; No. 27, Lewis B. Boyd; No. 28, Henry Brigham; No. 29, Charles E. Dunstan; No. 30, Moses Jones; No. 31, Israel Ellsworth; No. 32, Thomas Goldsmith; No. 33, Jesse Moley; No. 34, Waterbury Ostrander; No. 35, Fred Steinacher; No. 36, Samuel G. Houghtaling; No. 37, F. L. Rohrabacher; Npo. 38, William Patterson. VILLAGES AND POST-OFFICES. In the spring of I849 two brothers, Guy N. and Abner Roberts, came from Chemung Co., N. Y., and bought a tract of 40 acres of land in the north part of section 36, in this town, with the intention of founding thereon a village. The first thing to which they turned their attention was the building of a grist-mill, to utilize the water-power furnished by the Bo-bish-e-nung Creek, which at this point had a fall of over thirteen feet, affording one of the finest powers, on a stream of its size, within the limits of the State. While getting out the timbers for the mill, a house was built on the north side of the present highway for the use of Guy N. Roberts, and another one on the opposite side of the way for the occupancy of Abner's family. The former building, which was the first in the place, is now a part of the residence of Isaac V. D. Cook, while the other is now the residence of Martin L. Davis. From this small beginning has sprung the pleasant little village of CHEMUNGVILLE. The mill-frame was raised in July, and the dam was finished at about the same time. In September the mill was completed and ready to commence operations. During that summer the Roberts' built a small store, and offered a general stock of goods for sale therein. In a couple of years the village began to show signs of growth, and Messrs. Roberts decided to plat a village, and offer lots for sale, to attract mechanics and artisans to build up the place. The plat was surveyed by the county surveyor, Amos Adams, July 13, 1852, and recorded on the 14th, in the county register's office, in liber i8, pages 30, 31. It contained about 8 acres, and the lots were surveyed on either side of a street running first northeast and then east from the creek. It was platted by Guy N. and Susan and Abner and Priscilla Roberts, and called Chemungville, after the county they came from in New York. An addition was platted by Isaac V. D. and Abigail Cook, Nov. 2, i871, and surveyed by E. N. Fairchild, county surveyor. It was on a street running north, at right angles with the main TOWNSHIP. 455 street, contained about 27 acres, and was recorded Dec. 14, 1871. The mill and store property was sold by the Roberts', some time about 1854-5 5, to Burton Durfee, who soon after sold to David Mason. After owning it two or three years he sold to John Weimeister. During his ownership he found the store too small for his use, and about 1865 built a larger one near it, which is now the store of Martin L. Davis. Soon after he built another building on the east side of the old store, which he rented for a billiard-room, and which is now occupied as a dwelling by William Kleckler. The third dwelling was the present Methodist parsonage, and was erected by Robert Souders. The first blacksmith-shop was a building put up for an ashery by the Roberts', and sold by them to a Mr. Zela, who worked there with Simon Dolph. In 1867, Messrs. J. & T. Pearce bought the mill property of John 'Weimeister, a saw-mill, built by William and Holland C. Hosley, having meantime been added, and began a successful business career as millers, lumbermen, and merchants. In 1869, Isaac V. D. Cook built a store on the corner near his residence, and his sons, William and Lorenzo, opened a grocery there. It was subsequently occupied by William Kleckler, and then, as a harness-shop, by Winthrop Cook, in 1875. Since August, 1879, it has been occupied by Myron Doolittle, as a wagon-, repairing-, and cabinetshop. In 1871, David Bissell put up a small building, and started a shoe-shop. It was afterwards sold to a Mr. Angell, and is now occupied as a storeroom by Pearce Brothers. Messrs. Pearce built their present fine store in 1876. The school-house was built in i86i, and the church in 1872. The grist-mill is now in excellent condition and presents a fine appearance. It is called " Bogue Mill," and stands on the east side of the stream. Its size is 35 by 45 feet, two and a half stories above the level of the street, and one story and the wheel-pits below that. It is furnished with two runs of stones and the usual accompanying machinery; has a X capacity for grinding 10 bushels of wheat and 20 bushels of corn per hour. It is run simply for custom work at present. The necessary power is furnished by two iron turbine wheels, each 42 inches in diameter. The saw-mill building is 20 by 50 feet in size, and furnished with one muley saw, with a cutting capacity of about 3500 feet of hard-wood lumber per day. Its product is used mostly for home consumption. The village is pleasantly situated on lightly rolling ground, and contains, at the present time, two stores, a gristmill and saw-mill, two blacksmith-shops, one cabinet- and wagon-shop, one shoe-shop, a school 405 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. huse, a Methodist Church, and about twenty-five dwellings, six of them west of the stream, and consequently not in the platted part of the village. The population is about I25. The post-office at Chemungville is called Oak Grove, a name it has always borne. It was first established some thirty years ago,. at the house of the first postmaster, a Mr. Fry, who resided near the northwest corner of the town of Oceola. He was succeeded, in 1833, by Arthur A. Field, who lived in the southeast part of section 36, in this town. His successor was Joel S. Stillson. From his possession, it was transferred to Holland C. Hosley, at the village where it has since remained, passing successively through the hands of Robert McMillan, Isaac V. D. Cook, John Weimeister, Martin L. Davis, and back to Isaac V. D. Cook, the present incumbent, who was last commissioned in I874. It is now kept at J. & T. Pearce's store. The only other village in the town is the little hamlet in the western centre of section 9, called COHOCTAH, though the more common name applied to it is the less euphonious one of "SPRUNGTOWN." This last name is not, as some might suppose, a sarcastic fling at its origin, but was merely conferred upon it in honor of one of its most prominent citizens, Mr. Isaac Sprung. The first building erected here was a small log shanty which was put up by William G. Phares, for a dwelling, about thirty years ago. Its location was upon the corner of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 9, near the site of the present blacksmith-shop of Michael Meier. It was occupied by different parties, until it became too dilapidated for a dwelling, and was then allowed to go, quietly and undisturbed, to decay. The next house was not commenced until war times. It was begun by James Gilland, and was finished by William G. Phares, in I861-62. It is still standing opposite the post-office, and is used as a dwelling. Another small dwelling was soon after put up by Daniel Hoyt, Mr. Phares' son-in-law. These were the only buildings in the village previous to the real birth of the place, which may with justice be said to have occurred when, in I868, the steam saw-mill was built by Messrs. Elias Sprague, William G. Phares, and Isaac Sprung. During that same year several dwellings were built, and a building was erected by Thomas White, in which he opened the first store in the place. In this building David Niles afterwards kept a wagon-shop. He sold to J. E. Phillips, who a second time stared it as a store, sold to D. B. Harrinon, bought it back a couple of years after wards, and has since kept it himself. The second store was built by Jason McFail, who at the time owned an interest in the saw-mill, in 1874, and was occupied by him for a dwelling. In the spring of 1877, having been purchased by Cyrus G. Hayner, it was opened by him as a grocery-store. The first blacksmith-shop was a small one built about I869-70 by David Niles, who occupied it for several years, when he built a larger shop a little farther north, the present shop of J. H. Bowden. Another larger shop was built near the site of William G. Phares' first home, in I878, by Michael Meier. The mill is a steam mill, and was built for custom work. For a couple of years it was run pretty strong, and did a very good business. Then Mr. Sprung left the firm, and since that time it has done but a limited amount of business. It has been owned by a number of different parties, and is now the property of Harrison Trowbridge, who operates it about four months.in the year. The village once enjoyed a brief season of bright prospects, when the railroad through the town was being talked of, but since that project was (for the time, at least) abandoned has remained in statu quo. It now contains a saw-mill, two stores, two blacksmith-shops, and a dozen dwellings, and boasts a population of about fifty souls. One half-mile south is the church of the United Brethren, while the school-house of the district is three-eighths of a mile still farther south. The post-office, now located in Cohoctah, bears the name of the town. It was first called Tuscola, and was established some thirty years ago, at the house of Hiram L. Stoddard, who was the first postmaster. It was turned over at the time of his death (1857-58) to his brother Eliel. Then came other postmasters in the following order: Alva Jones, Marcus Burkhart, Robert Wrigglesworth; all of whom kept the office at their residences, in the northeast part of the town. At this time (874) the office was moved to the village, and Jason McFail was appointed as postmaster. He was succeeded in I876 by D. B. Harrington, and he by the present incumbent, Cyrus G. Hayner, in the spring of I877. The name was changed from Tuscola to Cohoctah in the winter of I857. Both this office and the one at Chemungville-the only offices in the town-are on the Howell and Linden route, and receive two mails per week, on Tuesdays and Fridays. SCHOOLS. The formation of school districts in this town was a work of time. No general division of the town was attempted, but as the interests of the people demanded, new districts were formed from COHOCTAH TOWNSHIP. 45Y time to time, or the lines of the old districts were altered to suit the requirements of the case. District No. I was organized April 18, 1838, and contained six sections,-21, 22, 27, 28, 33, and 34, and three half-sections, west half of 23, 26, and 35. It now contains sections 22, 27, and 34, and parts of sections 21, 23, 26, 28, and 33. The school-house is a frame building, valued at $400, will accommodate 40 pupils, and stands a few rods south of Sanford's Corners, on the southwest quarter of section 27. The first school-house in this district was one built by the citizens on the northwest corner at Sanford's Corners. In it the first school in the town was kept by Laura Gardner, of Salem, Washtenaw Co., in the summer of 1837. District No. 2 is fractional with the towns of Conway, Handy, and Howell. In this town it comprises section 32, and parts of sections 29, 31, and 33. The school-house stands on the southwest corner of section 32. It is a frame house that can accommodate 40 scholars, and is valued at $200. It was built in I855, on a site donated for the purpose by Norman Boyd, under the form of a durable lease. The first school in this part of the town was kept in the summer of 1838, in the small shanty occupied by Ledyard S. Adams, while he was building his log house. The name of the teacher is not remembered. The first winter school was taught by Hiram Rix, in a log house on section 3I, near the present residence of L. B. Boyd. The next winter Homer Townsend taught, and before the term was finished the house burned down. The citizens then got together and organized a district, at a meeting held Jan. 23, 1840, at the residence of Elijah Gaston, in the town of Handy, and built a school-house (of logs) about eighty rods east of the southwest corner of the town, where the term was finished and school was kept up until the present house was built. District No. 3 was formed Jan. I, 1840, and was made up of sections 14, 23, and 35; the west half of sections 13 and 24; the west quarter of sections 25 and 36; and the east half, southwest quarter, and southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 26. Alva Preston was appointed to notify the inhabitants that the first meeting would be held at Noah Ramsdell's, on the I8th of January, 1840, at six o'clock P.M. At the present time the district embraces sections 13 and 14, nearly all of section 23, and parts of sections 24, 25, and 26. The school-house stands near the north quarter-post of section 23, and is a frame building of neat and tasty appearance, fitted to seat 50 pupils, and valued at $700. District No. 4 is fractional with Burns, and con58 tains section 5 and parts of sections 4 and 6 in this town. It was first organized at a meeting of the school inspectors of the two towns, held on Jan. 24, 1840, at the house of Thomas P. Green, in Burns. Frederick I. Provost, Gustavus Brown, Lott Pratt, and Jared L. Cook were present. The bounds of the district were fixed as including sections 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9 in this town, and sections 31, 32, and 33 in Burns. At first the school-house was located on the west line of the northwest quarter of section 4, where the building, known as " the old red school-house" is still standing. It was built in 1840. It has been superseded by a very nice and well-designed frame building, valued at $1300. It was built in 1872, and will comfortably seat 60 scholars. District No. 5 is fractional with Deerfield and reports in that town. It embraces a little more than the east half of sections 24 and 25. District No. 6 was formed from fractional District No. 5 and part of District No. 3. It now contains sections 35 and 36, the southeast quarter of 26, and the southwest quarter of 25. The school-house is located at Chemungville, near the north centre of the section, and is a frame building, valued at $400, and fitted for 48 pupils. District No. 7 comprises sections I and 12, and the east half of sections 2 and i. The schoolhouse is a plain frame building, capable of seating 50 pupils, is valued at $400, and stands on the southeast corner of section 2. District No. 8 contains sections 3 and o1, the east three quarters of 15, the west half of 2 and I, and parts of sections 4 and 9. The school-house, built in 1852, stands near the south quarter-post of section 3. It is a rather dilapidated frame building reported at $40 valuation, and will accommodate 40 scholars. District No. 9 was first formed April I6, I846, and contained sections 7, I7, i8, and the south half of section 8 in this town, and some adjoining territory in Conway. The first meeting was appointed at the house of Joseph B. Jackson, Jr., April 23, 1848, at two o'clock P.M. It is still a fractional district, and comprises section I8 and parts of sections 7, 8, 17, and 19. The school-house is a frame building valued at $20, capable of seating 50 pupils, and located at the centre of section 18. District No. Io, containing parts of sections I9, 29, 30, and 31 in this town, is fractional with Conway, and reports in that town. District No. i is the central district, and is made up from section I6 and parts of sections 8, 9, 15, 17, and 2. The school-house, on the northwest quarter of section I6, is a frame building accommodating 65 pupils, and is valued at $3oo. 480 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. District No. 12 is fractional with Conway, and embraces in this town the south part of section 6 and the north half of sections 7 and 8. The schoolhouse stands eighty rods west and twenty south from the northeast corner of section 7. It is a log house fitted for 40 pupils, and valued at $Ioo,-a price at which, no doubt, the district would be very glad to sell it. District No. I 3, the last one in Cohoctah, is formed from section 20, and parts of sections 17, 19, 21, 28, 29, and 30. The present school-house, which was the first one in the district, was built in the spring of 1874, and is located eighty rods east of the centre of section 20. It is a frame building, accommodating 40 pupils, and is valued at $400. Among the early teachers in the town previous to the year 1850, we find Horace L. Cook, H. C. Stoddard, David Bush, Elizabeth Goldsmith, Elizabeth Ramsdell, Hannah Boyd, Ruth A. Cook, Franklin Kelly, Oscar 0. Stoddard, Sarah J. Head, Eliza A. Stoughton, Reuben Huggins, Graham Barker, Margaret A. Chapman, Lucinda Tomlinson, Angeline Phelps, and Jared L. Cook. The first report of the school inspectors was made Oct. 12, 1839. It was very meagre in details. There were then two districts, but only one -No. 2-reported. In that district there were 24 scholars, of whom 17 attended school. School was kept four months, and the following sums were expended: Teachers' wages, $90; school expenses, $12; for library, $10; for book-case, $3; and for collector's fees, $5.75; making a total of $120.75. The books then in use were Kirkham's Grammar, Olney's Geography, Daboll's Arithmetic, and Webster's Elementary Spelling-Book. We institute the following comparisons between the reports for i850 and for I879: the number of persons of school age in 1850 were 175; in i879 were 438. The number in attendance at school in 1850 were 138; in I879 were 412. The amounts expended in support of school in 1850 was $286.26; in I879 was $1960.76. In 1879, 5 male teachers taught an aggregate of eighteen months at an average compensation of $24.11 per month; and 20 female teachers taught sixty-four months for $13.12Yi2 per month. CEMETERIES. The burial-grounds of Cohoctah are two in number. The first one opened was the one on section 24, known as the Boutell burying-ground, where Mrs. William Northrup was buried, in I837. It is located near the centre of the section on the north side of the road, a little east of the point where it crosses Bobishenung Creek, and contains about one acre of ground. I The second one, the " Sanford Burial-Ground," which contains one acre of ground, is located on section 27, about fifty rods east of the centre of the section. At an early day John Sanford gave a half-acre of ground to the town for a public burying-ground, deeding it to the board of health. About the year i845 it became necessary to enlarge the ground, and he gave another half-acre, but deeded it to an association formed for the purpose of holding the title and caring for the grounds. In 1859 this organization became practically defunct, and remained so until 1873, when a reorganization was effected, under the name of the " Sanford Burial-Ground Association," which has since controlled the part of the ground that does not belong to the town. The officers elected were Joseph B. Brown, President; Thomas Goldsmith, Sexton; Michael Thatcher, Secretary; Alexander Peckins, Treasurer. Substituting the name of Marcenus Peckins as treasurer in place of the former incumbent, the same board of officers are now serving. RELIGIOUS HISTORY. The first religious service held in this town was at thehouse of Ezra Sanford, in September, I835, about two months after his arrival there. Rev. Mr. Monett, a transient Methodist preacher, happened along, and was prevailed upon to hold a meeting. Word was sent to all the neighbors, and a congregation of about seventeen persons was got together to listen to the preaching of the gospel. A year later, in the summer of 1836, regular circuit preaching was established at the same place. The first class organized was known as the Boutell class, and from it has grown THE OAK GROVE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH at Chemungville. It was organized probably as early as 1837, with Alva Preston as class-leader. The principal members were the Boutell, Preston, Ramsdell, and Ellis families. The meetings were alternated between the Ramsdell and Boutell school-houses, and were maintained until the appointment was transferred to Chemungville, probably at the time the Oak Grove circuit was organized, in September, I855. From that time on the history of the church has been intimately connected with the history of the circuit of which it has been the headquarters, and it is therefore proper to treat more particularly of the circuit's history. Oak Grove circuit was formed at a meeting of Conference, held in the city of Flint, in September, i855, and became a part of Flint District. When the Conference was divided it fell into Owosso District, of the Detroit Conference, a relation which it COHOCTAH TOWNSHIP. 459 still retains. In 1857 the circuit reported 130 members, i6 of them being probationers, and seven Sunday-schools with 118 scholars. In 1862 there were five appointments on the circuit, viz., Oak Grove, Green's, Boyd's, Deerfield Centre, and Topping's. In 1863, Topping's was discontinued, and Hetcheler's was added. In i864, Rev. J. G. Horton, of Oceola, supplied the pulpit for two months, while the pastor was absent in Washington and in the Shenandoah Valley, working with the United States Christian Commission. Aug. 5, 1865, Recording Steward John D. Convis died in hospital, at Duvall's Bluff, Va., of disease contracted in the military service of his country. In i868 the circuit was enlarged by the addition of appointments at Argentine, Deer Creek, and Graham's, and an. assistant, Rev. J. G. Horton, of Hartland, was employed. Graham's was soon discontinued, and Linden was added, while Green's was transferred to Perry circuit. Then other changes were made, and the appointments continued were as follows: Oak Grove (every Sabbath), Hetcheler's, Deerfield Centre, Argentine, and Deer Creek. In I869, Hetcheler's was discontinued, Parker's, in Oceola, added, and Argentine was attached to Linden. The membership of the circuit was then reported as follows: Oak Grove, 24; Parker's, 31; Deerfield Centre, 17; and Argentine, 16. In 1870, Green's was re-attached to this circuit. The preachers on this circuit have been Revs. William Birdsall, i855; Lyman H. Dean, 1856; L. P. Murch, 1857; James H. Caster, I858-59; F. Brittan, i860; Samuel P. Lee, i861-62; James R. Cordon, 1863-64; D. 0. Balls, 1865-66; Joseph W. Holt, 1867-68; Alexander Gee, I869-70; James Balls, I87I-73; Alfred Allen, i874; William Cook, 1875-76; William Birdsall, i877-78; James E. Withey, I879. The present parsonage was procured in i868, at a cost of $1200. The old parsonage was sold at the same time. In the winter of I87I-72 the need of a church at this point began to be seriously felt, and a subscription was circulated, material collected, and the necessary preliminary steps gone through with, and on the I7th of May work was actively begun. July I3th and I4th the building was inclosed, and the regular quarterly meeting was held there on those days. It was finished during the fall, at a cost of $2000. Its size is 32 by 50 feet. It was dedicated Jan. 22, I873, Rev. W. E. Bigelow preaching in the morning, and Rev. Orlando Sanborn in the evening. On this occasion the sum of $00ooo was raised to clear the church from debt. The first trustees recorded, appointed March 15, 1859, were Lorenzo Boutell, Benjamin B. Durfee, Nicholas Braden, John D. Convis, Lavoris Gray, William R. Knapp, and Joseph L. Cook. The present trustees are Joseph A. Russell, George E. Houghtaling, David Moody, D. 0. Taft, and George 0. Austin. The present membership is 23, and 18 probationers. Joseph A. Russell. is the present class-leader; and the stewards are David Moody and George E. Houghtaling. THE GREEN CLASS is located in the north part of the town, and have always held their meetings at the school-house, in District No. 4. It was organized thirty years ago, with about a dozen members, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. William Jenks, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Braden, Mrs. 0. Wolcott, and Miss Anna Green. William Jenks was the first class-leader, and Nicholas Braden the first steward. In I856 the membership had become very much reduced, there then being but six female and two male members, but under the preaching of Rev. Lyman H. Dean, in the winter of I856-57, a glorious revival was experienced, large numbers were converted, and about 30 new members joined the class. Since that time it has been generally prosperous, keeping its membership at from 30 to 50, the latter being about the present number. About i864-65 an effort was made to build a church. A site was selected on the north side of the county line road, on lands of Thomas P. Green, but misfortune befell Mr. Green, in that his dwelling was destroyed by fire, preventing him from assisting, as he had intended, and others becoming dissatisfied, the project fell through, and has never been revived. This class was first on the Byron circuit, then on the Oak Grove circuit, then for one, year on Perry circuit, and then was again re-attached to Oak Grove circuit. With the exception of the year 1867, when J. H. Caster was the minister, the pastors have been the same as those at the Chemungville Church. The present officers are Giles Borden, ClassLeader; Judson Warner, Hiram Rathbun, Giles Borden, Stewards. THE PROTESTANT METHODISTS formed a class at the Hayner school-house (District No. 9) in the winter of I856-57, Rev. Mr. Nichols officiating. He, assisted by Rev. Isaac Morton, of Tyrone, had held a series of meetings for three or four weeks previous, at which a large number of converts had been made, and from these and a few older professors the class, numbering about 30, was formed. David Miller was chosen class-leader, and Cyrus G, Hayner, steward. For about three 460 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. years the class maintained an existence, holding fortnightly meetings, and then from removals and other causes it became so reduced in numbers that it was given up. The preachers during that time were Revs. Nichols and Hulbert, and another whose name is forgotten. About ten years ago another small class was organized at the same place, by Rev. Ashford Diamond, and preaching was again established and maintained for about three years, the ministers, after Mr. Ashford, being Revs. Parshall, Gillam, and Warren, with the close of whose pastorate the life of the appointment also came to an end. Among the most prominent of the early members of this denomination were the following persons: William G. Phares and wife, David Miller, Cyrus G. Hayner, Elsie Hayner, Waterbury Hendryx, Waterbury Hendryx, Jr., Amanda Smith, Lucinda Stowell, Matilda Miller, and Miss Sturgis. FIRST CHURCH OF THE EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION OF COHIOCTAH. There being a number of German families in the west central part of the town, many of whom had but a limited knowledge of the English tongue, and all of whom felt a desire to listen to the preaching of the gospel in the loved language of the fatherland, an effort was made to establish a German church. The Lutherans were the first in the field, in the person of Rev. Mr. Schmid, of Ann Arbor, who came and preached and went back, leaving matters in such a shape that if invited to do so, he would arrange to supply them with stated preaching. Before returning to Ann Arbor he organized a church, as will be seen by a perusal of the following copy of a document filed in the office of the clerk of this county: " On the 14th day of May, A.D. 1858, after the publication required by law, a publick meeting was held in the Town of Cohoctah, County of Livingston, State of Michigan, Rev. Schmid being elected President, and Mr. John Drosten, Secretary. " In said meeting an Evangelist Lutheran Congregation was organized under the name of ' Saint Bethlehem Congregation,' and it was resolved to adopt the mode and rules of worship of the Lutheran Church. " The following members were chosen Trustees of said congregation, to wit,-Johs Seiler, Hy. Zahn, John Drosten. "JOHN DROSTEN, Secretary. "COHOCTAH, May 14, I858." With this organization the matter was dropped, and Mr. Schmid, not receiving encouragement, did not return. Then Rev. Joseph Raehm, of Cleveland, came as a missionary in the interest of the Evangelical Association, and held a series of meetings, mostly at the residence of John Shedel. As a result ofi::hits, in the fall of that year this chu ws formed at the house of Mr. Shedel, with 15 members. Their names were John and Catharine Shedel, John and Barbara Bohm, Henry and Anna Unbahonin, George and Mary Schepfer, Charles and Henrietta Greener, Henry and Hannah Zahn, John and Mary A. Drosten, and Margaret Stelzer. John Bohm was the first class-leader, and Henry Unbahonin was the first steward. From the time of organization until the church was built, in I864, meetings were held every two weeks at Mr. Shedel's. The church, a plain, onestory frame building, 20 by 30 feet dimensions, was commenced early in the spring and was finished in the early fall, having cost about $600. The site, containing one acre, was donated by George Schepfer, who retained the use of one-half of it until it should be needed for a parsonage site. It is located on the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 29. The church was dedicated in September, I864, by Rev. John Miller, presiding elder of Owosso district. The first minister of the denomination who preached here was Rev. Freidrich Seller, who left an appointment for regular preaching, which was kept up until Conference met in the spring of I859, when Rev. Joseph Raehm was put on the circuit. The pastors since that time have been Revs. John Houck, John Mack, John Fox, Christopher Dull, Stephen Hayner, Joseph Raehm, John Fox, Schwitzer, John Fry, Joseph Pidner, - Hess. The latter is the present pastor. This was the first church of the denomination in Livingston County. It has belonged to the following circuits: Flint, Owosso, Pierpont, and Howell. The present circuit embraces six appointments,-two in Lansing and one each in Genoa, Howell, Cohoctah, and Byron. The church has met with the usual ups and downs incident to the lives of all, but has maintained its membership at from I4 to 30. The present number is about 20. It was incorporated in 1864 with John Shedel, Louis Ketchum, and George Schepfer as Trustees. They also acted as a building committee. The present officers are Samuel Sliter, Class-leader; John Shedel, Steward; Henry Zahn, Michael Meier, Wolf Stelzer, Trustees. The Sabbath-school in connection with this church was organized under Mr. Raehm's second preaching in I860 with John Shedel as Superintendent. It is now running as a union school, with an average attendance of from 50 to 55 members, and the following officers: Superintendent, W. H. Brigham; Assistant Superintendent, Louis Ketchum; Secretary, John Faulk; Treasurer, George Witherell. I EZRA FRISBEE. EZRA FRISBEE. ~~~~MRS.EZRA FRISBEE. A L0I4ZO T. FRISBEE. E.A. FRISBEE. E.A. F~~iSBEE. ~MRS. MARGARET E. VANl DERCOOK. COHOCTAH TOWNSHIP. 4`01 "FIRST CHURCH OF THE UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST OF COHOCTAH," commonly known as "the Sprague class," was the result of a revival meeting held by Rev. Benjamin Morgan, of Brighton, at the Sprague school-house (District No. II) in the winter of 1863-64. Most of the first members were new converts brought out at these meetings. The organization was effected at the school-house by Rev. Mr. Morgan, and about 25 persons joined. Their names, as found on the class-book, were Dudley and Elizabeth Woodworth, William G., Harriet A., Milo, and Lucina Phares, Alonzo Keyser, Thomas White, Edwin Ackley, Benjamin and Margaret Sliter, Samuel and Melissa Houghtaling, Mrs. Merinda Chambers, Clarissa Allbright, Phoebe and Mary A. Palmer, Israel Ellsworth, Elias and Emily Sprague, Cyrus G. and Cynthia Hayner, Oliver, Nancy, and Truman Sprague. Elias Sprague was chosen as the first class-leader, and Oliver Sprague as the first steward. Preparatory to the building of a church, the society was incorporated, Nov. 16, 1872, under the general statutes, and the article of incorporation filed in the county clerk's office. The first trustees were G. G. Cook, Alonzo Gleason, Elias Sprague, Eli Tindall, and B. H. Mowers. A site of one-half acre on the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 9, was donated by Elias Sprague, and in the spring of 1873 work was begun on the church. It was not completed until the fall of 1875, and is a frame building, size 30 by 40 feet, with a seating capacity of 200, and cost about $I200. The dedicatory service was held Jan. 12, 1876, Rev. B. Hamp, presiding elder, officiating, assisted by the pastor, Rev. William Duryea. The parsonage was built in the fall of I879, on the west side of the church lot, at a cost of about $355. A separate board of trustees was appointed, Nov. 24, 1877, to have charge of the parsonage, who were Alonzo Gleason, Marcus Burkhart, and Martin Bennett. Substituting the names of M. H. Brigham for Marcus Burkhart, and Cyrus G. Hayner for B. H. Mowers, the two boards of trustees remain at the present writing the same as when first appointed. The church belongs to the Conway circuit, which has two appointments in this town, the other one being at the Gleason school-house, on section 7. The names of the pastors, as nearly as can be ascertained in the absence of any record, are Revs. Benjamin Morgan, Stephen Ferguson, --- Davis,. — Ross, William Duryea, W. N. Bridenstein, William P. Cool, B. H. Mowers, A. Shaffer, H. S. Elliott, William Duryea, R. W. Keeny, D. J. Holbrook, and Mr. Lower, the present pastor. The present membership is 47, the class-leader is Cyrus G. Haynes, and the steward is James Gilland. A Sabbath-school was organized in connection with this church in the summer of I864, with Cyrus G. Hayner as superintendent. With the exception of three years, when he was living elsewhere, Mr. Hayner has been the superintendent of the school, and is the present incumbent of the office. The present membership is about 60, and the average attendance over 50. The other officers are as follows: Assistant Superintendent, Alonzo Gleason; Secretary, Ellery Gleason; Treasurer, Miss Clara Gilland; Collectors, Cora Meier and Charlie Johnson. COHOCTAH SABBATH-SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. This association was formed Aug. II, 1878, for the purpose of begetting and fostering a spirit of union, harmony, and good-fellowship between the workers in the schools of the different denominations, and also to increase the interest felt in the prosecution of the Sunday-school work. But two schools have yet become actively connected with the association, though others are expected to join as they become conversant with the purpose and workings of the society. Meetings were held every four weeks during the first year, but now are held only once in eight weeks. The first officers were Giles Borden, President; Cyrus G. Hayner, Vice-President; William Randall, Secretary; Martin Bennett, Treasurer; Henry Jackson, M. H. Brigham, Alonzo Gleason, Directors. Substituting the name of Luther Pratt for that of Henry Jackson as a member of the Board of Directors, the present officers are the same as the first. To all the kind friends who have assisted the writer in his efforts to get a correct history of the town, and who did so much to render pleasant his brief sojourn amongst them, he returns his most heartfelt thanks; and only hopes this imperfect sketch will meet with as warm a welcome and as considerate treatment as was extended to him. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. EZRA FRISBEE was born in the town of Canaan, Columbia Co., N. Y., Aug. 14, 1812. His father, Roswell Frisbee, died when Ezra was but five years old, leaving a wife and six children, and in destitute circum HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. stances. Ezra went to live with his uncle, Dr. Edward Dorr, of Chatham village, with whom he remained one year. Mr. Frisbee then went to live with another uncle, Ezra Frisbee, with whom he resided until he was of age. During the winter months he attended the district school of his neighborhood, studying nights by the light of the fireplace fire. In this way he obtained enough education to fit him for the successful business life he has since led. Arrived at his majority, his uncle gave him one hundred and eighty dollars, which was his start in life. This money he at once placed at interest, and then went to work to earn more; worked on a farm, in mills, and also taught school, each year adding to his small capital. In 1836 he came to Howell township, Livingston Co., and bought of the government one hundred and sixty acres of land, on sectiol 2 in Howell, and section 35 in Cohoctah. May 23, 1839, he was married to Miss Lucinda Thompson, who was born Nov. 5, I815. She was the daughter of Moses and Margaret (Morris) Thompson. Mr. Thompson, one of the pioneers, had located a large tract of land in Livingston and Oakland Counties, and was then one of the most prominent and wealthy men in the county. The village of Howell now stands on part of Mr. Thoipson's original purchase. His death, soon after his settlement, deprived the county of one of its most valuable citizens. After his marriage, Mr. Frisbee located on a quarter-section of land one and one-half miles west of Howell village, which was given to his wife by her father. On this farm he built the first frame house erected in the township outside the village. And, what was then of rare occurrence, his house was painted, which made Mr. Frisbee an aristocrat, and the wonder of the passers-by. This farm he cleared, improved, and added to, until he at one time owned three hundred and fifty acres, part of which he now owns. He lived on his farm or in the village of Howell twenty-two years, and has seen the village grow up from its infancy. Mr. Frisbee was a juryman in the first suit tried by the present Judge Turner, who was then a young lawyer in a new country, with limited means, and but few clients. And Mr. Frisbee gives a graphic description of the judge as he then appeared in his suit, made of the cloth then known as "hard times," and set off by a chip hat, all crown and hat-band. The young lawyer has become a judge, and is widely known, respected and honored, while the juror has become one of the most successful and wealthy farmers of his town, loved and respected for his many good qualities, and his rugged honesty of purpose. In 1860, Mr. Frisbee moved into Cohoctah, and bought the farm he now occupies. He now owns over five hundred acres of fine land, mostly under cultivation. In politics he has always been a Republican, and has filled different town offices, although he has never sought or cared for office. His oldest son, Alonzo T., graduated at the Union school in Howell, also at Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College in Detroit. He has been town clerk and supervisor, filling the latter office for six years. He has also been the candidate of the Republican party for the office of register of deeds, but, his party being in the minority, was not elected. He now owns a fine farm of eight hundred acres in Isabella County, part of which is under cultivation. He was also supervisor of his township in Isabella County. To Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Frisbee there have been born three children,-Alonzo T., born Oct. 12, I840; Margaret E., born March 24, 1842; and Edward, born July 6, I849,-all of them born in Howell township. ,-'f~,-~v <1? $ C '4 I A ~47 -A — 4~" i - 1 A Awr~~