I ii~~46 Avua~~~~~~~! +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f m TY olp~~~~~~~~ V1111 S _l "A t VJ &or + + IM -4 - + THE MILES GLORIOSUS 014' T. MACCIUS PLAUTUS. THE -" MILES GLORIOSUS OF1 T. MACCIUS PLAUTUS: A REVISED TEXT, WI'TH NOTES. BY ROBERT YELVERTON TYRRELL, M. A., FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, AND REGIUS PROFESSOR OF GREEK IN THE UNIVERSITY OF DUBLI-. iLonbon MACMILLAN AND 188r. CO. [The Right of 7'ranslation zs reservcd.r _ _ DUBLIN: PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, BY PONSONBY AND WELDRICK. PREFACE. THIS Edition aims at two ends. Firstly, it seeks to supply scholars and critics with an adequate apparatus criticus. Such an apparatus can be had only in Ritschl's ed. of the Miles, which is long since out of print. The present edition gives the readings of BCD throughout, and those of A whenever they are recorded by Ritschl, Geppert, or Studemund. Moreover, it aims at embodying the results of the most important critical labours on the Miles from the time of Ritschl's ed. to the present year. For this purpose I have carefully studied the German periodicals which have appeared since the ed. of Dr. Brix, I875. Dr. Brix remarks how rich in Plautine criticism was the quarter of a century which intervened between Ritschl's ed. and his own. Even since Brix much has been done: indeed, so great is the energy with which Plautine studies are being prosecuted in Germany, that no edition can claim to represent the best text of a play of Plautus for more than a few years vi PREFA CE. after it is published. For instance, on the verse, Cur. 317 -os amarum habeo, dentis plenos, lippiunt fauces fame, Koch elegantly conjectured lacrumarum for os amar-um. This was evidently a step in the right direction, and it was at once accepted by Lowe, Gotz, and Scholl, in their new ed. of Ritschl's Plautus (Curculio, 1879). But there is in the Rheiisches Museum for this year, p. 7z, an emendation by Fr. Biicheler, which bids fair to oust the conjecture of Koch from the position which it has just won. For os amarum, Biicheler reads gramarum, a word which contains more of the letters of the ms reading than lacruma-um, and which most admirably suits the context. Grama = X4/uV is attested by Festus, Nonius, and several other Grammarians, and is just the word which would have puzzled the copyist, who would have recognised a familiar Latin word in the last letters of gr-amarum, and would have substituted os by an easy conjecture for the perplexing gr-. On an important passage, therefore, the L6we-G6tzSch6ll ed. of Ritschl's Plautus is already antiquated. Truly the Plautine critic writes in sand. In Introd. III I have given an account of the chief places in which I introduce into the text conjectures of my own, or vindicate the reading of the mss from the conjectures of others. My principle, it will be seen, is always to adhere as PREFA CE. Vii closely as possible to the authority of the mss. I have in every case presented the reading of the mss (for an account of which see Introd. III), so that the scholar can always have before him the means of forming a judgment of his own, and of criticising the judgments of others. My second aim has been to provide students with a fit introduction to the study of Plautus. For this purpose I have been careful to comment on those peculiarities of accidence and syntax, which make the beginner fancy that in studying Plautus he is studying almost a new language, or at least a new dialect. And I think I have left no difficulty unexplained. The work of P. Langen which has just appeared, Beitrdge zuir Kriti'k uznd Erkldrung des Plaulus, is extremely useful as a treatise on Plautine syntax and phraseology. My constant guides have been the edd. of Aug. Lorenz, 1869, and of Julius Brix, 1875. To these, and especially to the latter, I own the largest indebtedness. The ed. of Brix, especially for illustration, is invaluable. In this part of an Editor's task, this preeminent Plautine critic has left little to be done by his successors. But the text of the Aiiles has been much improved since his work appeared; indeed he himself, writing in the various continental periodicals, has largely contributed to this improvement. And an emended text of course calls for a new commentary. A comparison of the present text with viii PREFAI CE. that of Weise in 1847 would give one a vivid impression of the extent to which PIautine criticism has been revolutionised in thirty years. I have referred to the plays of Plautus (except the Miles) according to Acts and Scenes, because there is no edition of all the plays in which the verses are numbered continuously; but I have referred to the plays of Terence as numbered throughout. In Introd. V will be found some attempts of my own at versifying in the style and manner of Plautus. INTRODUCTION. T. THE Miles Gloriosus is, as we learn from verse 86 of the play, founded on the 'AXatv of some Greek poet now unknown to us. But it seems highly probable that Plautus in this play resorted to contamzinaio, and introduced into the first scene some portion of a different Greek original, which may have been the Ko'Xa of Menander, or (as Ritschl suggests) the A'pOLr-i-XE7X of Diphilus. The latter hypothesis perhaps derives some weight from the fact that in 1055 the lz'/es is addressed as Vi-bcape, which (as well as the name of the il/es, Pyrgopolinices) would be a literal rendering of the Greek atprcr-EitXS. Moreover, Plautus affects Diphilus rather than Menander, whom he rarely selects for his model. The Bacczhdes probably was taken from the Ahs 'Ear7raarv of Menander; the Poenulus from the KapxSovwos0; and the Sz'chus from the 4LXCta8e&Xt; but apparently no other of the extant plays owes its origin to Menander. In any case, we may assume that the introductory scene is due to contamninai/o, for we can hardly otherwise account for the fact that Artotrogus so completely vanishes from the scene after he has fulfilled his function of eliciting an illustration of the vanity and stupidity of the Braggart Captain. X INATR OD UCTION. In one respect the Mules closely resembles the Czstellaria: as in the Mt'les the introductory scene, in which the gasconading Pyrgopolinices figures so amusingly, is followed by an explanation of the plot quite in the style and fashion of a prologue; so in the Cistellaria the play opens with an admirable scene, in which the characters of Silenium and Gymnasium disclose themselves in a conversation with the Lena; and it is only in the third scene (the Lena having in the second told the story of Silenium) that the goddess Auxiliuzm speaks the prologue. This feature would no doubt be found in the Greek exemplar; indeed this treatment of the prologue was originated (as has been observed) by Euripides in his Iphzigenia in Auhis.t The prologues prefixed to the Plautine plays are no doubt, as a rule, spurious. This is proved by the style, which exaggerates the ruggedness of Plautine diction and metre, and by frequent references to Plautus in a manner which seems to imply that he is no longer living (see, -* The prologues prefixed to the plays of Plautus are far more Euripidean than those of Terence, who uses them as vehicles for a defence of his own literary views, and to rebut the strictures of adverse critics. In this respect the latter rather resemble the parabasis of Greek comedy. The former are subservient to the explanation of the plot (as with Euripides), but are often disfigured by cumbrous attempts at humour, and ponderous bantering of the audience. Most of the prologues are post-Plautine; and even the genuine ones are full of additions and interpolations, as may be observed in the prologues of the Mercator, Trinummus, and Truculentus. Plautus follows Menander in often assigning his prologue to some god, as to the Lar in Aulularia; to Arcturus in the Rudens; to Luxuria in the Trinummus; sometimes, also, to one of the personae, as in the Mercator; or to an actor speaking in the name of the poet, as in the Truculentus. The Terentian prologues are spoken by an actor dressed for the purpose, and bearing an olive branch as a suppliant for the favour and indulgence of the spectators. INT2R OD UCTI ON. xi for instance, the prologues to the Asinaria, Menaechmi, Casina, Pseudulus); but the most definite proof of the post-Plautine origin of many of the prologues is that adduced by J. L. Ussing,- namely, that many of them clearly refer to a sitting body of spectators, whereas we know that in B. c. 154, thirty years after the death of Plautus, when Cassius Longinus began, in his censorship, to build a theatre of stone, the senate prohibited him, and enacted: " ne quis in urbe propiusue passus mille subsellza poszusse sedensue ludos spectare uellet."t In this play the speech of Palaestrio, which does duty for a prologue, consists of three parts-(i) 79-87, which was probably part of a post-Plautine prologue prefixed to the play, and not spoken by Palaestrio; (2) 88-94, a part of another alternative prologue used by another company of actors; (3) 95-155, the remains of the original Plautine speech of Palaestrio. This is not the only place in which this play bears traces of incompleteness, and of the want of a final revision. At 185 Periplecomenus says dxz' ego zstuc, though he could not possibly have communicated with Philocomasium, because he has not left the stage-a fact which he recognises when he says nuntlabo in 196. Moreover, it is most unnatural that at such a critical moment Periplecomenus and Palaestrio should waste so much time on general reflections on the female sex, instead of at once apprising Philocomasium of her danger. Again, from 600-765 the action of the piece absolutely stops while Periplecomenus, hardly interrupted by an occasional exclamation from Pleusicles and Palaestrio, indulges in a very prolix, though very clever, diatribe on the * Prolegonmena, p. I63, to his ed. of PI., vol. i., 1875. t Val. Max. ii. 4. 2. Xll INTR OD UCTION. blessedness of celibacy, the affectations of society, and the shallowness of its refinement. In fact, as 0. Ribbeck observes, the whole second act is, in the subsequent progress of the piece, virtually ignored. Even the injunctions, 805 ff., never come to anything. And it is not till verse 1175 that the instructions are given to Palaestrio on which he really acts, in carrying out his part in the overreaching of the Miles. These and other inconsistencies are too great to be ascribed to that greedy carelessness which was noticed by Horace; ` and they have led Dziazko to the conclusion that the play is the result of elaborate conlaminalho; perhaps, however, they may be best explained by the theory of the existence of a second acting edition-a theory which certainly falls in with the character of the prologuespeech already referred to, and seems in itself a far from improbable hypothesis. Yet, in spite of these defects, the play is excellent reading, and we must remember that such blemishes in artistic execution would be hardly noticeable in a piece which must have far more resembled an opera bouffe than a modern comedy. The plays of Plautus 'were acted without any division into acts and scenest or any pause, except when the plot required that an actor should leave the stage at the end of one scene and appear again at the beginning of the next. In these cases a libzcen entertained the spectators while the stage was empty. This is expressly referred to in the Pseudulus at the end of the first Act, and no doubt under these circumstances the tlibicen was always resorted to; but except in such cases there was no pause in the acting. Another * Gestit enim nummum in loculos demittere.-Ep. ii. I. 175. t The modern division into acts dates from the ed. of John Baptist Pius, Milan, 1500 foll. IN VTR OD UCTION. XU1 feature, too, in a Plautinefabula presents a strong contrast to the modern comedy. All the play, except scenes written in iambic senarii, was sung to the accompaniment of a /ibia, for it seems certain that all the scenes except those written in iambic senarii were can/tla, and the senarii alone were diverbzia. It will be seen, therefore, that a very small portion of the Miles was spoken like a modern comedy; by far the larger part was sung, short scenes being occasionally spoken, as in the modern opera bouffe. In many respects the lMiles Gloriosus is the most interesting of the plays of Plautus. We meet, in the broad burlesque of the first scene of the play and the second scene of Act III, excellent specimens of the characteristic vis comzca of Plautus; and we have, in the elaborate moralising of Periplecomenus, 600 if., a scene which might well have been written by Terence in his happiest vein. It was not the favourite play of Plautus himself, or even one of his favourite plays. Cicero (De Sen. 50) says that he delighted most in the works of his old age: guam (gaudebat) Truculento Plauhls, quam Pseudulo! And we find, in a curious passage in the Bacchides, where the playwright steps out of his way to inveigh against some incompetent actor, that the favourite drama of Plautus was the Epdiczust-another instance to show that authors are not the best judges of the comparative merits of their own works. The Miles Gloriosus is interesting as affording the only instance of a personal allusion to be found in the plays of Plautus. This is the reference to the * Ussing, proleg. 172. t Non res sed actor mihi cor odio sauciat. Etiam Epidicum, quam ego fabulam aeque ac me iszsum ano, Nullam aeque inuitus specto, si agit Pellio.-ii. 2. 36 ff. xiv.INTR 0 UCTIO0. imprisonment of Naevius (ziz if.). From this allusion has been deduced an anterior limit for the date of the production of the play; and it has been attempted to deduce a posterior limit from the allusion to the secret society of the Bacchae in verse o 101 6. But neither inference gives a very definite period: see notes on 212. The plot of the play is as follows:Pleusicles, a young Athenian, is in love with an Athenian girl, Philocomasium. During the absence of Pleusicles on a public mission to Naupactus, Pyrgopolinices, the Braggart Captain who gives to the play its name, meets Philocomasium at Athens, and finally succeeds in carrying her off to Ephesus. He keeps her in his house at Ephesus against her will, and without the knowledge of her mother. Palaestrio, the faithful slave of Pleusicles, determines to acquaint his master with the abduction of Philocomasium, and accordingly he takes ship for Naupactus. The ship is captured by pirates, and Palaestrio is sent to Ephesus as a present from his captor to the Miles. He recognises Philocomasium, and they begin to concert a plan for her deliverance. Pleusicles, on receiving a letter from Palaestrio, comes to Ephesus, and resides at the house of Periplecomenus, a hospitable and cultivated old gentleman, a nextdoor neighbour of the M'iles. Periplecomenus heartily throws himself into the scheme for restoring Philocomasium to her lover. And in the meantime, to secure their immediate access to each other, they open a secret door in the party wall which separates the house of Periplecomenus from the chamber in the house of the Miles in which Philocomasium is imprisoned. Now begins the action of the play, the scene of INTR OD UCTION. XV which is Ephesus throughout. The stage shows the houses of the Miles and of Periplecomenus. Sceledrus, a slave of the Miles, especially charged with the safe keeping of Philocomasium, while walking on the roof, which in ancient houses seems to have been a favourite lounge for idle servants, witnesses through the zimphtz'uam one of the interviews between Pleusicles and Philocomasium. This is a serious mishap, and Palaestrio addresses himself to the task of obviating evil results therefrom. If Sceledrus should tell the Miles what he has seen they are undone. There is no resource but to persuade him out of belief in the evidence of his senses. Accordingly Palaestrio persuades his fellow-slave, Sceledrus, that Glycera, a twin-sister of Philocomasium, as like her as is one drop of milk to another, has come to Ephesus, and is living with her lover at the house of Periplecomenus. Philocomasium pretends to be Glycera. It is managed that she shall be seen by Sceledrus sacrificing to Diana of the Ephesians, in gratitude for her preservation from the dangers of the deep, and her safe arrival in Ephesus. Sceledrus is fully persuaded that he was mistaken in supposing that he had seen Philocomasium in the house of Periplecomenus, and is much alarmed about the punishment which may be inflicted on him at the instance of Philocomasium for his mistake. Here ends Act II, which is virtually the first Act of the play; for Act I consists of only one scene, in which the stupidity and vanity of the Miles is displayed in a very well-written dialogue with a parasite, Artotrogus, who does not afterwards appear. With Act III the play takes a wholly new departure. * According to Dziazko there was, in some acting editions at least, a third house on the stage, belonging to Acroteleutium. xvi INTR O0D UCTION. Palaestrio undertakes the task of overreaching the Miles himself. For this purpose he conceives the design of persuading the Miles that he is loved to distraction by the wife of his neighbour, Periplecomenus. The part of the wife is assigned to a clever merelrix, Acroteleutium. Thus ends the third Act, which is 850 verses in length. Yet the action of the piece hardly moves at all. Most of the Act consists of a long canzicum, in which Periplecomenus discourses on marriage and society in general; this monologue, as it may be described, though very clever and amusing, is quite irrelevant. There is an amusing diverbium (812-873), in which the drunkenness of Sceledrus is brought into prominence, to account for the facility with which Philocomasium eludes his surveillance. In Act IV Palaestrio informs the Mlli'les of his bonne fortune, and persuades him that he ought to send away Philocomasium, to clear the way for the enamoured wife of his neighbour. He tells the Mliles that the mother and sister of Philocomasium have just arrived at Ephesus, and wish to convey away the girl, so that an opportunity offers for making room for the wife of Periplecomenus. But Philocomasium affects to be overcome with grief at the prospect of parting from the Miles, who, to console her, gives her very handsome presents to take with her, and, at her request, allows Palaestrio to accompany her. Accordingly she is conveyed away by her lover Pleusicles, who assumes the disguise of the skipper of the ship which is to carry her, her mother, and her sister to Athens. The Miles is then introduced by Milphidippa (who pretends to be the servant of the unfaithful wife) into the house of Periplecomenus, on the pretence that he is there to meet his innamorala. Thus ends Act IV. INTR OD UCTION. xvii In Act V, which consists of one short scene, the Mt7es is discovered in the house of Periplecomenus, and after a sound cudgelling is allowed to escape only after he has taken an oath that he will not attempt to seek any satisfaction for the injuries he has incurred. Sceledrus discloses to the Miles that the pretended skipper was no other than the lover of Philocomasium, gives his verdict for the poetical justice of the denouement, and points out the moral lesson to be drawn from the play. It will be seen thus that the play is not well constructed. The whole of the second act might have been omitted, as dealing with a very minor incident. The third is nearly all surplusage-even the interview between Pleusicles and the Miles which is contemplated in vv. 805-8I3 comes to nought; nor does Pleusicles meet the Miles after this until he appears disguised as the nauclerus. It is the very great cleverness of the dialogue, and the vigour with which the characters, especially the female characters, are drawn, which has secured for the Miles Glorzosus so leading a position among the plays of Plautus. Acroteleutium closely resembles Fidicina andAcropolistis in the Epidicus, as regards her cleverness, her impudence, and her candid avowal of complete depravity. Plautus does not fail to express his condemnation of her class in verse 786: Quoique sapiat pectus: nam cor non potest quod nulla habet, just as in the Cistellaria i. I. 66 Gymnasium asks: unde est tibi cordolium, obsecro, quod neque ego habeo neque quisquam alia mulier ut perhibent uiri. In her cynical avowal of depravity, Acroteleutium may be classed with Cleaereta in the Asinaria, and b Xviii I TR OD UCTION. Phronesium in the Truculentus. Philocomasium, in her faithfulness to Pleusicles, and her contempt for the wealthy Miles, is a representation of that comparatively high type of meretrzx which Plautus often draws. Such is Meflaenis in the Cistellaria; and Gymnasium in the same play has a redeeming feature in her love for her mother and Silenium. Philenium in the Asznaria, and Lemniselene in the Persa, like Philocomasium, entertain an honest passion, and, like her, are constrained. Philocomasium is a cleverer Pasicompsa, and is, on the whole, one of the most pleasing of the girls of Plautus. Unquestionably the most agreeable portrait of a girl of this class is to be found in the Abosellarna in Philematium, whose love for Philolaches, and girlish delight in dress, are very natural and charming. Many of the names of the characters explain themselves. Pyrgopolinices is probably a reminiscence of Apr7aLoreCXYs, even if the first scene be not taken from that play of Diphilus. Other Milies Glorzosi in Plautus are Polymachaeroplagides (Pseud.); Anthemonides, or Antamynides (Poen.); Therapontigonus Platagidorus (Cur.); Cleomachus (Bacch.); Stratippocles (Epid.); Stratophanes (Truc.). Artotrogus (aprov TrpWyw), " Trencherman," is a natural name for a Parasite. Thrason and Gnatho are the corresponding titles for Braggart and Parasite in Ter. Eun. Palaestrio is from raXtaro-'rpa. Palaestra is found as a girl's name in the Rudens (cp. Gymnasium in the Cistellarla). Periplecomenus (i.e. 7rEpLTrXQEKOLEvoS) until the ed. of Ritschl was written Periplectomenes, as it is found in the mss, which in their treatment of this word exemplify two of their most besetting errors: first, the name was written Pernzleccomenes by a doubling of the c; then one of the c's was mistaken for a /: see note on o00. Pleusicles is generally written Pleusides in INTR OD UCTIONX xix the mss, owing to the common confusion between d and cl in cursive mss; thus we find dibeo for ciipeo, dicentam for chlen/am, danculum for clanculum. He is called Pleusicles, probably, in allusion to his disguise as a nauclerus. We meet a Pleusidippus in the Rudens. Sceledrus is, probably, so called that a play may be made on sceels, as is done in 289, 330, 494. See n. on 289. Philocomasium would naturally be "fond (or favourite) of the Kiwfi/o," and -asium is a common termination of female names, as in Adelphasium in the Poenzlus. For Lurczo, see notes on 842. For the termination of Milphidippa, we have a parallel in Pleusidippus (Rudens) and Philippa (Epidicus). The name seems to have no further meaning. The name Acroteleutium (cp. Acropolistis in Epid.) is generally supposed to refer to the "extreme finish" of her powers of deception; more probably she is called " Mistress Fagend " in reference to her degraded condition. Cario is named from his nationality; cp. Geta, Lydus, Syrus. It was the custom on the Roman stage that old men should appear in white wigs. Periplecomenus is albicapillus in 63I. Young men wore black wigs, slaves red; hence Geta says: s' quis me quaeref rufus Ter. Ph. 5. These wigs were sometimes worn instead of masks. It may perhaps be conjectured, from the description of the meditating Palaestrio, 200 ff., that masks were not worn in the acting of this play. The Parasite wore the black or grey cloak which is assigned to his calling in Comedy.'' The Mi'les wore the erteLo-Eros (KO/Try), or comic mask, with hair hanging over the forehead; and the'rest of his trappings consisted of thepetasus, * Lor. quotes Koxac e Ka2l wrapdoa'ros e4EXaves Pollux iv. I48; nec minus niger.... quCua ille Terentianus est Phormio Cic. pro Caec. 27. b2 XX IXTR OD UCTION. the chlamys, and the machaera. The other characters wore the usual Greek dress.'Y The scene is Ephesus, the street in front of the houses of Periplecomenus and the Miles, which latter was to the left of the spectator, as may be inferred from verses 36i, i216. Before the house of Periplecomenus was the altar which usually stood on the Greek stage; it was in strictness sacred to Apollo, but could be used for sacrifices to other deities; as, for instance, to Diana in this play, 411 if. II. THAT the prosody of Plautus differs widely from the prosody of the Augustan poets is universally acknowledged. Many attempts have been made to mitigate this difference, or at least to bring the various discrepancies under a few rules. In carrying out such attempts editors have sometimes resorted to conjecture in the most unsparing fashion, and in many cases have finally been forced to give up some of their rules, to introduce others, and indeed not so much to modify their former views as to propound altogether new ones. This will appear clearly from a comparison of Ritschl's Preface to the Trinummus (prefixed to his ed. of i848) with his Neue Plautinische -Excurse, 1869. The broad discrepancies between Plautine and Augustan prosody may be classified under four heads:(A) Long vowels found short in Plautus. (B) Short vowels found long in Plautus. (C) Large tolerance of hiatus in Plautus. (D) Large tolerance of synizesis in Plautus. * Lor. Introd. 7-Io. The Miles but slightly resembles Bobadil in Ben Jonson's Every man in his humour. The denouement reminds us of the Merry Wives of Windsor. INTROD UCTIOi. Xxi I will take each of these in order. (A).-LONG VOWELS SHORTENED. We find in ancient Latin Comedy vowels long both by (a) nature and (/D) by position scanned as short, as (a) nouo liberlo: (/3) pater zienzi. Now to meet this difficulty four courses have been taken. (a) It has been attempted to emend all the verses in which these irregularities occur; (b) a sort of slurring pronunciation has been supposed whereby nouo, paler were pronounced as one syllable; (c) it has been held that the law of position was neglected by the early poets; (d) it has been accounted for by the influence of accent on early Latin metre. The first (a) is obviously most unscientific. After we have emended hundred of places, hundreds more will remain to defy emendation. Yet this very unscientific method has been largely followed by the earlier edd. of Plautus. Wherever the remedy was easy, they made the verse conform to Augustan prosody, but where it was difficult they left the anomaly untouched, and attributed it to the licentious and barbarous versification of the early poets; for instance, in ita hic senex Mil. 267, Pylades restores the metre, as he thinks, by omitting hzc, yet he leaves untouched scores of places in the ilfMiles, where the same apparent anomaly exists, but where no obvious remedy presents itself. The second course (b) has found a champion in the late Prof. Keys. He holds that soror was pronounced soor, and paler paer, and appeals to the Romance languages where soror and pater appear as soeur, pere. But this theory would be applicable to only a very limited number of words if Xxii INTR OD UCTION. it were applicable at all, and does not (as Ritschl pointed out) account for the fact that mater andfra/er are not found as monosyllables in Latin Comedy, though in French they are treated in exactly the same way as pa/er pere. The third theory (c), namely that the early Latin poets often neglected the law of position, at first seems plausible. But against the theory that the law of position was neglected by Plautus there lies this great objection, that it explains only one of two sets of phenomena which seem to be closely connected: it would, if true, explain the shortening of a vowel long by posi/zon, but not the shortening of a vowel long by nature. We come therefore (d) to the last course left open to the investigator of the peculiar features of Plautine prosody. We must seek some explanation of his strange shortening of long syllables whether long by nature or long by position. And if one theory will serve to explain all these phenomena, that theory will, of course, the more recommend itself to our acceptance. Such a theory was first suggested by the great Bentley in his Schediasma on the metres of Terence, and this constitutes one of the greatest achievements of that illustrious scholar, though the treatise, as the name imports, was only a hastily executed brochure on a subject calling for close and prolonged observation and research. Bentley observed that the natural prose accent of the word almost always coincided with the ic/us of the verse; land, to bring out this more clearly in his edition of Terence, he for the first time indicated each arsis of the verse by an acute accent. Bentley, no doubt, pushed his principles much too far; and he resorted far too unsparingly to conjecture in the attempt to reduce Terence to a complete conformity with his rule. But the root of I1NTR OD UCTION. xxiii the matter was in his view. The key to the apparent license of Plautine prosody is to be found in the influence of accent on early Roman poetry-an influence which in the subsequent literature was completely subordinated to the rigorous classification of every syllable as long or short. The influence of the accent on archaic prosody has been excellently explained and illustrated by Dr. Julius Brix in his Introduction to the Trinummus. The following views are mainly those of Dr. Brix, and do not claim any originality except in the statement of the rules, which I have endeavoured to make as general as may be without being cumbrous. Two general rules may be formulated as follows:(i). In words, or combizna/zons of words, forming in ordinary prosody an iambus, if the accent (or ictus metricus) be on the first syll., the long unaccented syll. is shortened whether it be naturally long or long by Wsition, as noou liberlo, pr-ocl recedas, pol hzc quidem, quod znelleexzi; and this rule holds good even though the long unaccented syll. be fused by elision with another word, as nouo irnalzu. This rule illustrates the influence of the accent forward on a succeeding syll. The second illustrates the influence of the accent backward on a preceding syll. It may be stated as follows:(2). In words orcombizations of words similarly forming a bacchius (, - -), if the accent (or ictus metricus) be on the third syll., the second is shortened, whether it be naturally long or long by position, as nouo quodam, taberndculo, senect/iz ferentdriun, per dnnnanm, sed uixoremn; and this rule holds good also in cases of elision, as sczio bsiirde, ita ut dicis. It will be convenient here to refer to several exemplifications of this rule in the Anapaestic passage, 1011-1093:-tibi ex6ptatum ioI; breuln an Iozo; INTR OD UCt7TION. maxume c6ncinnum o24; amat mulier o026; impera s 1031; adimuflier 1037; dignir fuit 1043; nisi hul uerri 1059; talentuim 1o61; mer b6llatores 1077; abls quando xo85; abls abeo 1o87; gubernabunt o091. These rules account for 90 per cent. of the instances of long vowels shortened by PI. The remaining instances coming under the heading A will be accounted for by one of the following rules:(a') s may be always omitted in Plautine scansion, e. g. saluos sis, estis nunc, ludzficatls sit. This license is of course familiar to students of early Latin. It occurs once in Catullus, often in Lucretius, Lucilius, &c., and three times in one verse of EnniusTurn lateralis dolor certissumus nuntius mortis. (/') Ancient inscriptions testify to the fact that in early Latin certain final consonants were dropped in very common words: for apud guidem parum soror caput dedit enim we find apu quide paru soro capu dedi (y') Words in very common use, such as ille, isle, unde, inde, nempe, esse, ecce, ergo, profecto, lose the length of the penult; indeed ille sometimes vanishes in elision. So also exclamations, as edepol, which is often treated as a dissyll. (8') With instances of long vowels shortened may be classed the fact that in early Latin a syll. naturally short cannot be lengthened by standing before a mute and a liquid. Hence the verse Si falsa dices, Lucrio, excruciabere cannot be Plautine, and has been corrected by the change of Lucrio into Lurczb. * The rule operates even when the last long syll. of the bacchius is resolved, as in am6r misericordia Ter Andr. i. 5. 26. INTR OOD UCTION. XXV (E') Frus/rd is found in six passages in PI., as also in Prudentius. (') Imperatives are short, as ama, iube, lene, abi, reperi (226). B.-SHORT VOWEL LENGTHENED. We now come to the second heading, (B)-short vowels found long in P1. The influence of Accent is not in this case operative, and we shall simply have to give a list of archaic long vowels. (i). a is long in nom. and voc. sing. of ist decl., chiefly in proper names, as Sosia, Leonida, but possibly also in common nouns. Fleckeisen defends the mss where they give epistuld, liberd, zieptia, lessera; but Ritschl, Muller, and Ussing correct these passages. (2). es, gen. i/is, is sometimes long, as mzles; and es from sum is always long, but ad&s 1030. (3). or is long in substantives, as amor; comparatives, as auctior; verbs, asfaleor; and even particles, as ecas/or. (4). i is long in 5th decl., as fide Aul. 575. (5). e in abl. of 3rd. is sometimes long, e.g. zixore MIil. 699; morte 707. (6). -bas in dat. and abl. plur. is defended by some editors. (7). In adverbs and conjunctions modo is common; immo is always long; zrz'iir is defended by some edd. (8). In verbs, -e of the infin. is sometimes long, as promere Mil. 848; diceri 1346; -c/, -e/, -t/, and -is in pres. perf. and fut. ind. and subj. So -cr, -or (and, according to some, -iir). Es from sum, as we have seen, is always long in PI.; and in fieri (ferem), &c. the first syll. is long. xxvi ITINR O.D UCTION. C.-HIATUS. Hiatus has always been, and probably will long be, the chief subject of difference among Plautine scholars. To obviate hiatus, Ritschl, in his ed. of I848, resorted very largely to conjecture; and afterwards, in his Neue Plautinische Excurse (I869), he rashly introduced an ablatival d, not only into nouns, adjectives, and pronouns, but also into adverbs, prepositions, and imperatives. By means of this device, together with the hypothesis of a nom. plur. of ist decl. in -as, and the introduction of forms like cubi, cunde, for ubi, unde, Ritschl almost drove hiatus out of the plays of Plautus. But soberer councils now prevail, and in the following cases hiatus is admitted by all judicious edd.:(I). At a change of speakers. (z). In the ccesura of the verse. (3). In the diceresis of the verse; that is, in those verses which fall naturally into two parts, as octonarian and septenarian iambics and trochaics, and cretic tetrameters. To these may be added (though by no means generally admitted)(4). Hiatus (Fleckeisen's) after monosyllables ending in a long vowel or m, the long vowel which suffers hiatus being shortened, as qui sis tam pulcer. uel illae quae hen pallio. id duim ero amanti seruos nuntiare uolt. (5). Hiatus (Spengel's) after dissyllables in a resolved arsis, the long vowel being shortened, as here Athenis Mil. 439; mihl amantz 62I. INTR OD) 7UCTIONZ. xxvii (6). Hz'atus in the thesis of the fifth foot in senarii, as utinam fortuna nunc anatina II utercr.-Rud. ii. 6. 49. nam fulguritae sunt alternac ([ arbores.-Trin. ii. 4. 138. Ritschl utterly rejects this hiazus. In the first verse quoted he would read ana//nad; in the second he introduces alZernas as a nom. plur. of ist decl. (7). Haz/us in the interests of the sense; when there is a full stop, and a new clause begins, as Sed iixorem ante aedis eccam. Ei misero mihi; * or when the actor is intended to pause, as nunc edepol demum in memoriam regredior quom cogito quasi per nebulam j| Hegionem patrem meum uocarier. In this case editors usually read nebulas; Weise actually supposes the first syll. of nebulam to be lengthened. But it may well be supposed that the actor was intended to pause after nebulam in his dreamy retrospect of childhood, just as Hamlet says: Miust give us pause. There's the respect, where a whole foot is left out to bring into prominence the fact that after the word pause the sense requires a lengthened stop. For the same reason, that the structure of the verse may, by a moliminous movement, reflect the thought, Euripides writes: "ArTas 6 XaAIKeoorL vc&TOLs ovpav4v, where he might, of course, have easily written instead: 'ArTasc 6 VCTroLs xaAXte'olro ovpavt6v. * If we scanned uxorem, and made no hiatus, the accent would be violated throughout. xxviii INTROD UCTION. (8). After vocatives, as in Mil. 1326: nam nil miror si lubenter, Philocomasium, hic eras, where, however, tu is usually inserted before hic eras. Bx reads cum hoc eras. Hiatus after interjections is common to all poetry. D.-SYNIZESIS. All the dissyll. cases of the following may be pronounced as monosyll.:-Deus, meus, tuus, suus, is, so quoius, huius, re, dies, diu,fui, ait, eat, and even eunt, trium, duas, cluens, scio, prius. So deorum, &c., are dissyl., as well as nescio, fuisli, puella, eamus, istius, duellum (which is never trisyll.). Diutius, exeundum are trisyll., as well as quieuerint (quiesce is sometimes dissyll.) and obliuzsci. Compounds always suffer synizesis, as proinde, praeopfare, deerrare, dehortor. Such contractions as fiyo, gaudyo, grafyas are found only in the difficult metres. Grathis and ingratz's are always free from synizesis. Ei may be scanned either ez, ei, or as one syll.; eidem is eidem, eidem, or dissyll. Subjoined is a description of the metres found in the Miles: I-155 Iambic Senarii (= Iamb. trim.). I56-353 Trochaic Septenarii (= Troch. tetram. cat.). 354-425 Iambic Septenarii (= Iamb. tetram. cat.). 426-480 Trochaic Septenarii. 48I-595 Iambic Senarii. 596-812 Trochaic Septenarii. 813-873 Iambic Senarii. 874-946 Iambic Septenarii. 947-IOIO Trochaic Septenarii. IIIo-1093 Anapaestic Septenarii. I094-II36 Iambic Senarii. II37-1215 Trochaic Septenarii. INTZR OD UCTION. xxix I216-1283 Iambic Septenarii. I284-13I1 Iambic Senarii. 1311-1377 Trochaic Septenarii. I378 —393 Iambic Senarii. 1394-I437 Trochaic Septenarii. The metre changes in the middle of a scene at 426, I Io, o94; at the last place Brix makes a new scene commence. III. The mss of the Miles, of the readings of which a record is given in the critical notes, are:(i). B, the codex vetzs of Camerarius, a cursive ms of the I Ith century. It contains all the extant plays. It was discovered by Camerarius in the middle of the i6th century. It is now in the Vatican. (2). C, the codex decur/atus of Camerarius, now at Heidelberg. It is also cursive, and was written in the I2th century. It contains only the last twelve plays. It should be explained that when one speaks of the first eight plays of Plautus one means Amphztruo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Caplivi, Casina, Cistellarza, Curculo, Epidicus; and the last twelve are Bacchides, lMenaechmi, and the remainder in alphabetical order. The plays follow each other in the mss in alphabetical order, the only exception being the Bacchides, where the chronological order has been substituted for the alphabetical. (3). D, the codex Ursinianus or Valicanus, a cursive ms of the I2th century. Early in the I5th century it was brought from Germany by one Nicholas of Treves to Cardinal Orsini at Rome, by whom it was lodged in the Vatican, where it now is. It contains the last twelve plays of Plautus, with the Amphi/rruo, Asinaria, AuZularia, and half the Captzvi (to iii. 2. 4). This ms was for a long time the only authority XXX INTiR OD UCTIOI. for the last twelve plays of Plautus; only the first eight plays were known in the beginning of the 5th century; the last twelve had disappeared. D closely agrees with C, so that it seems probable that they come from a common archetype. (4). A, the codex Ambrosianus, now in the Ambrosian Library at Milan. It was discovered by A. Mai in the Ambrosian Library. It is probably of the 5th century; but in the 8th century it was washed and scraped to receive a copy of the Book of Kings. Thus the original writing was greatly obliterated, but much of it has been deciphered by the successive labours of Mai himself, Schwarzmann, Ritschl, Geppert, and Studemund. BCD, which are sometimes called the Vatican, Palatine, or Roman ' codices, I have for brevity in my notes designated by M (as the first letter of manuscript). M signifies BCD together, and I use it as a singular-" M has," &c. When I speak of the mss singly I call them, as usual, B, C, D. I give the reading of A wherever it is recorded: A (R) = A as read by Ritschl; A (Gepp.) = A as read by Geppert; A (Stud.) =A as read by Studemund. In addition to the above, Ritschl sometimes gives the readings of G and H (Roman codices) and E (bought by Ritschl in Etruria). These, as being admittedly of altogether inferior value, I never include in my apparatus criticus. But R gives throughout a full collation of two other authorities, which I occasionally quote, but do not give throughout; they are:(5). F, the codex Lipsiensis, a ms of the 15th century, in the possession of the senate of the University of Leipsic. This is hardly deserving of the name of a ms; it ought rather to be called a state * B and D are now in Rome; C was removed to Heidelberg in the beginning of the present century. INTR OD UCTION. Xxxi edition, for it was made in the earlier half of the 15th century, probably (says Teuffel) by order of Alfonso I. of Naples; and represents nothing more than the authority of the scholars who constructed it. It abounds in conjectures-some good, some wretched; the emendations are very arbitrary; the editors (as they may be called), one of whom was probably Francis Poggio, had hardly any knowledge of Plautine prosody, and they remove his metrical irregularities whenever an easy conjectural emendation presents itself, but allow them to stand when they do not seem easily corrected. (6). Z, the edhzio prznceps, by G. Merula, Venice, 1472, represents almost the same text as F, and has proved, therefore, a great stumbling-block to the earlier editors of Plautus, who were not aware of the worthlessness of the so-called ms on which it was no doubt founded. An interesting exemplification of the way in which FZ misled the early edd. will be had by referring to my critical foot-note on v. 50, and at the same time the paramount value of A in Plautine criticism will be illustrated. The verse in M ran: at peditas telu quia erant si uiuerent. F gave, evidently by a conjecture: at pedites relliquiae erant si uiuerent; hence the earlier edd., even to Weise: at peditatus relliquiae erant, si uiuerent. This verse was supposed to mean "yet they were but the refuse of the infantry if they were suffered to survive," which is, of course, neither good sense nor good Latin. Comparing this with the reading of A as testified to by Studemund, Atpeditastelli'quia erant sizi uiueren/, we at once see how different is the value of M (i. e. BCD) and FZ; M only divided the xxxii IxNTii ROD UCTION. words wrongly, gave telu for -lelli, and omitted one of two identical syllables in juxtaposition in sivI vIuerent (this I call lipography in my notes; its converse is dittography); telu meant nothing and could mislead no one; but F sought to get sense out of the words, and, by introducing relliquiae, misled all edd. prior to Ritschl. The great importance of A will be seen everywhere in my critical notes: when we have its evidence we should rarely look beyond it. But M, too, is very valuable, chiefly by reason of the ignorance of the copyists, which prevents them as a rule from indulging in conjectures. However, they sometimes seem to have known just enough Latin to lead them into error; for instance, in v. 1262, uideres pol si amares, B gives the words uidere spolia mares, words which have a meaning, but one utterly alien to the context. A does not divide the words at all; and we may suppose that similar was the exemplar used by the copyist of B; seeing before him VIDERESPOLSIAMARES, he divided it carelessly uidere spolsia mares, then knowing that spolsia was not a Latin word, he corrected it to spohia, the word nearest to it in form. Very many cases like this may be seen by referring to the critical notes. As a rule, however, M gives the right letters (subject to the adverse influences of dittography, lipography, and ablepsy); but the division of the words is nearly always perversely wrong. In the ms B the different characters are indicated by letters of the Greek alphabet. Thus the character who appears first is called A throughout, the character who appears next is called B, and so on. In the Trinummus and in the plays of Terence the letter Q is prefixed to the word "Plaudite." This probably designates merely the actor who left the stage last. CANTOR is usually inserted before the word plaudile in the editions, because Horace, A. P. 155, has the words donec cantor ' uos plaudite' dical. INTR OD EUCTION. xxxiii Hence it has been questioned whether it was one of the actors who said plaudce, or a person introduced for this special purpose, and called cantor. It may be that Horace by the name cantor designates the zibicen referred to above. Most probably 0 really only indicates the actor who left the stage last. BCD of course present the errors common to all mss, namely, dittography, as zmu me cogis for ui vme cogis 454; autem milia for au/em illa; see also 595; lipography, as mortem ale for mor/em male i63; si vizerent for si' uizierent 50; simile sciat for si miles sciat 309: ablepsy, as zudificand' for ludifaciundi 99I; pu/atur for sput/aor 647. But they labour under a proneness to other errors some peculiar to cursive mss may be pointed out here. (i). They confuse cl and d: see on i. (2).,, c and /: see on Ioo, 620. (3),, in and m: see on 648. (4).,, u and b: see on 853 -(5). All these mss, but especially Ba (see p. xlii), are prone to add a t to the terminations -esse, -isse in verbs, as meruisset for meruzisse 547 (6). They erroneously supply or omit the horizontal stroke over a vowel, which stood for m: see 658, where B preserves the right reading, conZra cum, while CD, combining errors (2) and (6), give contramtum, whence arose the reading contra emptum in FZ, and contra empsim, the conjecture of Lipsius. See also cr. note on 738, 784. (7). They often give the wrong person of a tense: see 923, 926. (8). Also at and ad, habeo (habes &c.) and abeo, moechum and mecum, are often confounded. Good illustrations of the worthlessness of FZ may be found in these places:(a). 343. For clam se, CD by error (i) gives dam se. Hence eadem (a very bad conjecture) FZ. c xxxiv INTR OD TTCTION. (b). 884. For deasciari CD give deascdari, by a mistake of one letter, d for z. F gives deas dare; Z oleas dare. (c). 99I. M gives rightly hasce ante aedis circust; F (followed by Z) misunderstands the metaphorical use of circus, though it is explained by the rest of the verse, and reads, by an absurd conjecture, hircus, by which word the Miles is supposed to be designated. (d). 1255. Scio edepolfacile; CD present faczo for facile; F, by a wretched conjecture, reads olfacio, and is followed by Z. (e). 359. muliebres mores discendi; obliuiscendi stralio/tci. Here, for strat/otici, B gives statriosi; CD statriost; F (followed by Z, as usual) gives for the corrupt word a conjecture tu. The editors of F did not know that in scansion obliuiscendi forms a quadrisyllable. Accordingly I have never allowed the testimony of FZ to weigh for a moment against MA. Yet a reference to crit. note on 693 will disclose a passage where all editors from the earliest times have sided with FZ against the testimony of M and A, supported by Festus. The following are the principal cases in which I have taken a different course from other edd. in the recension of the text:100. For matre I read acre. 231. I restore ad me of the mss, striking out te, usually inserted without ms authority. 236. I read with the mss ego mi istuc scio. 312. I read mussabo for mussitabo. 587. A verse is suggested to fill up the lacuna. 604. After quippe I supply qui, not si or enmn. 606. Afterfacere I supply re, not turm or ill[. 693. I defend quae of M, A, and Festus, against quo of FZ. 779. I defend non of all the mss against nunc, the INTRi OD UCTION. XXXV conjecture of Acidalius, which has been accepted by all subsequent edd. 994. I read cural for cure/. 995. I read uzuit for zital. 880. I read moriunz instead of R's loream formoram of the mss. 1054. I read Acilhes for the metre. 1058. I restore pollicilares of Dc. 1247. After uzdeo I supply eos, not zam or ego. I289. I read Achzles, retaining znam of the mss, and showing that the vulg. enim is un-Plautine. Several new suggestions and explanations by others and by myself will be found in the critical notes and the commentary, but need not be referred to here. They will be found especially at I, 24, 25, 187, 221, 355, 374, 4'36, 514, 584, 631, 799, 823, 856, 974, 1432, IV. Students may practise themselves in the application of the rules given in Introd. II by the scansion of the following verses:2. Id dum ero amanti seruos nuntiare uolt 3. Legato peregre, ipsus captust in mari 4. Et eidem illi militi dono datust. I7. Quoius tu legiones difflauisti spiritu. I9. PY. Istuc quidem edepol nihil est. AR. Nihil hercle hoc quidemst. 45. Py. Edepol memoria's optuma. AR. Offae monent. 55. Qui sis tam pulcer. uel illae quae heri pallio. I I. Quam erus meas amabat. nam is illius filiam. I67. Ita hic senex talos elidi iussit conseruis meis. 182. I seis, iube transire huc quantum possit, se ut uideant domi. xxxvi I1TR O.D UCTION. 186. Profecto ut ne quoquam de ingenio degrediatur muliebri. I95. Domi dolos, domi delenifica facta, domi fallacias. 196. Ego istaec, si erit hic, nuntiabo. sed quid est, Palaestrio. I98. Dum ego mihi consilia in animum conuoco et dum consulo. 222. Coge in obsidium perduellis, nostris praesidium para. 237. Nunc sic rationem incipissam, hanc instituam astutiam. 239. Dicam Athenis aduenisse cum amatore aliquo suo. 242, Vt, si illic concriminatus sit aduorsum militem. 262. Nam ille non potuit quin sermone suo aliquem familiarium. 280. Solus: nam ego istam insulturam et desulturam nil moror. 282. PA. Quod id est facinus? Sc. Inpudicum. PA. Tute scias soli tibi. 290. Sc. Profecto uidi. PA. Tutine? Sc. Egomet, duobus hisce oculis meis. 293. Verum enim tu istam, si te di ament, temere hau tollas fabulam. 303. PA. Certumst facere. Sc. Hic te opperiar: eadem illi insidias dabo. 308. Dum ego in tegulis sum, illaec suo se ex hospitio edit foras. 323. Caecu's, non luscitiosus: nam illam quidem uidi domi. 355. PA. At metuo ut satis sis subdola. PH. Cedo uel decem edocebo. 376. Vnde exit haec? PA. Vnde nisi domo? Sc. Domo PA. Me uide. Sc. Te uideo. 397. Sc. Timeo quid rerum gesserim: ita dorsus totus prurit. 404. Resipisces. si ad erum uenerit haec res, peribis pulcre. 4I0. Sed fores uicini proxumi crepuerunt; conticiscam. 439. PH. Egone? Sc. Tu ne. PH. Quae heri Athenis Ephesum adueni uesperi. 441. Quid hic tibi in Epheso est negoti? Ph. Geminam germanam meam. INTR ODD UCTION. xxxvii 448. An ista non sit Philocomasium atque alia similis eius siet? 457. Sceledre, e manibus amisisti praedam: tam east quam potis. 534. Conplexum atque osculantem. PE. Ean est? Sc. Nescio. 621. Mihi amanti ire opitulatum, atque ea te facere facinora. 663. Opusne erit tibi aduocato tristi, iracundo? ecce me. 696. Tum obstetrix expostulauit mecum, parum missum sibi. 707. Mea bona in morte cognatis didam, inter eos partiam. 848. Numquam edepol uidi promere. uerum hoc erat. 906. Ac. Nempe ludificari militem tuom erum uis? PA. Exlocuta's. o19I. Lepide factumst: iam ex sermone hoc gubernabunt doctius porro. II86. Vt, si itura sit Athenas, eat tecum ad portum cito. I216. Mi. Era, eccum praesto militem. Ac. Vbist? M,. Ad laeuam. Ac. Video. 1312. Vbi pulcerrume egi aetatem, indc abeo. PA. Em hominem tibi. I359. Muliebres mores discendi, obliuiscendi stratiotici. I376. Stulte feci, qui hunc amisi. ibo hinc intro nunciam. V. I add a few translations of my own in the style of Plautus. I have purposely introduced such metrical and prosodiacal licenses as I believe Plautus to have permitted himself to use. These translations will, I hope, prove that I have a clear conception of the manner of the writer whose work I have ventured to edit. I cannot help thinking that some modern German editors would do more wisely in thus writing verses of their own than in showing their ingenuity by re-writing Plautus, and then publishing their verses under his name: xxx~iii INTR OD UCTION. BASE COMPARISONS. (HENRY IV., PT. I., ACT II., SCENE 4.) FALSTAFF-PRINCE-POINS. Fal. But, as the devil would have it, three misbegotten knaves in Kendal-green came at my back and let drive at me; for it was so dark, Hal, that thou couldst not see thy hand. Prince. These lies are like their father that begets them; gross as a mountain, open, palpable. Why, thou clay-brained guts, thou knotty-pated fool, thou obscene, greasy tallow catchFal. What, art thou mad? art thou mad? is not the truth the truth? Prince. Why, how couldst thou know these men in Kendalgreen, when it was so dark thou couldst not see thy hand? come, tell us your reason: what sayest thou to this? Poins. Come, your reason, Jack, your reason. Fal. What! upon compulsion? 'Zounds, an I were at the strappado, or all the racks in the world, I would not tell you on compulsion. Give you a reason on compulsion! if reasons were as plentiful as blackberries, I would give no man a reason upon compulsion-I. Prince. I'll be no longer guilty of this sin; this sanguine coward, this bed-presser, this horse-back-breaker, this huge hill of fleshFal. 'Sblood, you starveling, you elf-skin, you dried neat's tongue, you stock-fish! 0 for breath to utter what is like thee! you sheath, you bow-case, you vile standing-tuckPrince. Well, breathe awhile, and then to it again: and when thou hast tired thyself in base comparisons, hear me speak but this. Poins. Mark, Jack. SHAKSPEARE. INTR OD UCTIOi.Y xxxix MILES-PHILOCRATES-STASIMUS. M. Turn tres simitu tunicis herbeis uiri, Dis meis iratis, homines intestabiles, A tergo adorti ualide me infestis petunt Machaeris; nam adeo tenebricosa nox erat Non hercle nosses digitos tuos- P. Eho, plenior Periuriorum quam ipsa Vaniloquentiast, Et mons mendaciormm manufestissume! Quin, totum omentum, dicedum, et totum lutum, Stultiloque, obstupideque, et stercorei sebi hama21~. Quid? Num es cerritus? Quae te intemperiae tenent? Enim tune qui conuincas uera repertus es? P. Dic quidum, qui non potueris digitos tuos Prae tenebris nosse, idem herbea istos cum schema Noris; cedo argumenta. S. Age, amabo loqueredum! M. Moene argumenta inuitum dare et ingratiis! Nollem equidem, si etiam scirem esse in mundo mihi Tot cruciamenta apud Acheruntem quot cluent, Dare argumenta inuitus atque ingratiis. Ita me di amassint, ut, si prae manu foret Argumentorum copia alga uilior, Dare denegarem inuitus atque ingratiis. P. Sed quid ego cesso a me apstinere hoc flagitium? Hic muricidus lurco, lectorum Acheruns, Canteriorum lumbifragium, hic merus adepsM. Vae tibi, ieiuniose! uae aetati tuae, Mastruga, maena, uae ligula muriatica Vitulina!-qui mi uocula rebus suppetat Vnorsis quas tis esse similes autumem!Vaginula, toxotheca, turn nihili uerumP. Anhelitum ergo recipe, et eia! denuo. Et exempla turpia ubi adfatim cumulaueris, Hoc animum aduortas quod loquar. S. Hem! hoc age. XI INTROD UCTION. MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. FALSTAFF-NYM-PISTOL. F. I am glad, I am so acquit of this tinderbox; his thefts are too open; his filching is like an unskilful singer; he keeps not time. N. The good humour is to steal at a moment's notice. P. Convey, the wise it call; steal, foh! a fico for the phrase! F. Well, Sirs, I am almost out at heels. P. WVhy then let kibes ensue. F. There is no remedy; I must cony-catch; I must shift. P. Young ravens must have food. F. Which of you know Ford, of this town? P. I ken the wight; he is of substance good. F. My honest lads, I will tell you what I am about. P. Two yards, and more. F. No quips now, Pistol: indeed, I am in the waist two yards about; but I am now about no waste; I am about thrift; briefly, I do mean to make love to Ford's wife. SHAKESPEARE. INTRI OD UCTION. xli REM QVOCVNQVE MODO REM. Miles. Di me ament ut congerronis uolup est deliquio mei, Purus putus homo est malleolus, nimium in propatulo harpagat; Praue succinit clependo, nihili cantorum modo. N. Ita mecastor bene subripies, dicto ut citius hoc ages. P, Apagesis, non hoc ego empsim uerbum ficu putida! Homines graphici conciliare non subripere se autumant. M. Per soleas dispiciunt calces. P. Sitns igitur lippiant. M. Pol sum ad incitas redactus, uenaturast iam mihi Aliquouorsum faciunda. P. Estur, inquiunt, corniculis. M. Chariclem hic habitantem ecquis nouit? P. Noui callide, et scio Locupletem hominem. M. Scitin igitur quae mihi circumscriptioP. Quinque enim nix cubitis minor. M. Hui! captiones, obsecro, Face conpendi: medio haud quaero quae mihi circum. scriptiost; Sed uobis in medium quaero, mihique; ne longum morer Mulierem mi Chariclis huius in animo est circumscribere d xlii INTiN OD UCTIOiA THE PLAGUE OF A SERVING MAN. A plague of my master to send me out this dreadful dark night to bring the news of his victory to my lady? and was I not bewitched for going on his errand without a convoy for the safeguard of my person? How am I melted into sweat with fear! I am diminished of my natural weight above two stone. I shall not bring half myself home again to my poor wife and family. I have been in ague fit ever since shut of evening, what with the right of trees by the highway, which looked maliciously like thieves by moonshine, and with bulrushes by the river-side that shaked like spears and lances at me. WVell, the greatest plague of a servingman is to be hired to some great loid! They care not what drudgery they put upon us, while they lie lolling at their ease a-bed, and stretch their lazy limbs. DRYDEN. HAMLET. Mar, How is't, my noble lord? Hor. What news, my lord? Ham. 0 wonderful! Hor. Good my lord, tell it. Ham. No, you'll reveal it. Hor. Not I, my lord, by heaven. Ham. How say you then? Would heart of man once think it? But you'll be secret? Hoar. } Aye, by heaven, my lord. Ham. There's ne'er a villain dwelling in all DenmarkBut he's an arrant knave. Hor. There needs no ghost, my lord, come from the grave To tell us this. SHAKSPEARE. INTROD UCTIOAN. xliii NUNTIUS. Di maxumo, ere, te mactent infortunio, Qui tenebricosa hac noctu me emlsti foras, Tuas res bene gestas nuntiatum crae domum. Nae ego hodie infelix dis meis iratissumis Sine ullo praesidio, qui me praestarent fore Incolumem, egressus fuui. Di bene me adiuuent Vt in sudorem soluor prae formidine; Sum iam hercle libris leuior praeut dudum fui Viginti pondo; uix equilem ad proprios Lares Referam me dimidiatum. Hanc noctem perpetem, Quom Vesperugo exortast, quartana horreo, Ita mihi ad lunam ob viam obsitae arbores Quasi fures essent miserum iniecerunt metum, Et tragularum ad exemplum motae arundines. Ecastor pestis nulla adaeque est atque ubi Seruit quis seruitutem apud opulentum erumn; Nam illi quidem lecto malaco malaci obdormiunt, Nec curant quod seruo exhibeant negotium. IAPA IIPOAOKIAN. Mar. Quid agis? Hor. Ecquid nuntias noui? Hamf.z 0 mirificam fabulam! lor. Facti, amabo, face nos simus iuxta tecum gnarures. Ham. Minume. Rem palam feretis. Hor. Non ego, ita di me adiuuent. Ham. Quid ergo? Numquid homini in mentem tale uenturum fuit? Immemorabiles sed eritis? llar. IHuius rei superos deos Facimus testes. Ham. Nemo Athenis uiuit scelerosissumusQuin fuat ueterator idem merus. Hor. Hui! non usus fuit Mortuo qui haec nuntiatum ex Acherunte rebiteret. (xliv ) ABBREVIATIONS. M = BCD; see Introd. III. Ba, Bb, Be = B according to first hand, second, third. A = Ambrosian palimpsest. F = Codex Lipsiensis. Z = Editio princeps of George Merula, 1472. Bx = Brix, his ed. of I875. Ed. = the present Editor. R = Ritschl; A (R) = A according to Ritschl. Gepp. = Geppert; A (Gepp.) = A according to Geppert. Stud = Studemund; A (Stud.) =A according ro Studemund. Fl. = Fleckeisen. Lamb. = Lambinus. Lind. = Lindemann. Cam. = Camerarius. P1. = Plautus, Plautine. Lor. = Lorenz. Scut. = Scutarius. Acid. = Acidalius. Bentl. = Bentley. Rhein. Mus. = Rheinisches Museum. Fl. Jahrb. = Fleckeisen's Jahrbuch. Opusc. = R's Opuscula. N.Pl. Exc. = R's Neue Plautinische Excurse. Philol. = Philolgus. Burs. Jahresb. = Bursian's Jahresbericht. T. MACCI PLAVTI MILES GLORIOSVS. GRAECA ALAZON. PERSONAE. PYRGOPOLINICES MILES ARTOTROGVS PARASITVS PALAESTRIO SERVOS PERIPLECOMENVS SENEX SCELEDRVS SERVOS PHILOCOMIASIVM MVLIER PLEVSICLES ADVLESCENS LVRCIO PVER MILPHIDIPPA ANCILLA ACROTELEVTIVM MERETRIX SERVI PVER CARIO COCVS LORARII CANTOR ARGVMENTVM I. Meretricem Athenis Ephesum miles auehit. Id dum ero amanti s6ruos nuntixre uolt Legato peregre, fpsus captust in mari Et 6idem illi militi don6 datust. Suom arcdssit seruos dominum Athenis 6t forat s Geminis conmunem scite parietem a6dibus, Lic6ret ut clam c6nuenire amantibus. Oberrans custos h6s uidet de tegulis, Ridiculis autem, quasi sit alia, luditur. It6mque inpellit militem Pala6strio so Omissam faciat c6ncubinam, quAndo ei Senis uicini cupiat uxor nibere. Vitro Abeat orat, d6nat multa. ipse in domo Senis prehensus podnas pro moech6 luit. 5. seruos dominum Ath. R; erumna thenis Ba; erum Athenis rest. 6. scite R; sciem C; clamn B, which R transposes to next verse. aedibus in aedibus M. 7. clam R; ut quiret conuenire (with coire written over quiret in B) M; ut qui conu. Acid. 8. oberrans R; obhaerentis M. ARGVMENTVM II. Meretricem ingenuam d6peribat mutuo Ath6niensis iuuenis. Naupactum is domo Legatus abiit: miles in eandem incidit, Dep6rtat Ephesum inuitam. seruos Attici, 5 Vt nintiaret d6mino factum, nauigat: Capitfr, donatur illi captus militi. Ad erum, ft ueniret Ephesum, scribit. dduolat Aduldscens atque in pr6xumo deu6rtitur Apud h6spitem paternum. medium parietem to Perf6dit seruos, c6nmeatus clanculum Qua f6ret amantum: gdminam fingit mlilieris Sororem adesse. m6x ei dominus a6dium Suam cluentam ad s6llicitandum militem Sub6rnat. capitur ille: sperat nuptias, I5 Dimittit concubinam et moechus uapulat. 4. inuitam Saracenus; inuita Ba; inuitat rest. 8. deuortitur R; reuortitur M. I I. geminam Scutarius; geminat M. 2. adesse Pylades; ait esse M. ACTVS I. PYRGOPOLINICES (CVM SATELLITIBVS). ARTOTROGVS. PY. Curate ut splendor me6 sit clupeo clarior, I Quam solis radii esse 61im quom sudumst solent: Vt, ubi usus ueniat, contra conserta manu Praestringat oculorum aciem in acied h6stibus. Nam ego hanc machaeram mlhi consolari uolo, 5 Ne ldmentetur n6ue animum despondeat, Quia se iam pridem f~riatam g6stitem, Quae misera gestit fArtum facere ex h6stibus. Sed ubi Artotrogus hic cst? AR. Stat propt6r virum Fortem atque fortunatum et forma regia. 10 I. clupeo dibeo C; this is a common error: we have dicentamz for clientem in 759, and danculum for clanculum in 934; so also in Pleusides, the common but erroneous form of the name Pleusicles. 4. aciem in acied Bucheler; atiem in atie M (see on Ioo); fostibus Koch, who in 692 reads fariolus for hariolus; and in Truc. i. 2. 68, fostilis for izostilis; aciem acri in acie hostibus R. 8. farturm Muretus with the "'libri veteres" of Lambinus; fratem Ca; fratrem rest; stragem all recent German editors; on the authority of the gloss, 'strages awp4s vEKp&v,' Glossaria Vetera, p. I66; 326, ed. Lond.: see Comm. 6 T. MACCI PL VTI I 1 11-26 Tam b6llatorem Mars se haud ausit dicere Neque adguiperare suas uirtutis ad tuas. Pr. Quemne dgo seruaui in campis Curculi6niis, Vbi Bumbomachides Clutomestoridysarchides s5 Erat imperator summus, Neptuni nepos? AR. Memini: nempe illum dfcis cum armis aureis, Quoius tu legiones difflauisti spiritu, Quasi udntus folia aut paniculum tect6rium. PY. Istic quidem edepol nfhil est. AR. Nihil hercle hdc quidemst, 20 Prae ut alia dicam, tu quae numquam fdceris. Periuriorem hoc h6minem si quis ufderit Aut gloriarum pleniorem quam illic est, Me sibi habeto, egomet ei me mancupi6 dabo. Nisi unum: epityrum illi estur insanum bene. 25 PY. Vbi tu s? AR. Eccum. edepol udl elephanto in India Quo pacto pugno praefregisti bracchium. II. tam Bothe; turn M; tunz bell.; Mars haud ausit Iziseree Lambinus. 13. Curculioniis Bx; curcuslisdonis or curcusculidonis M; gorgonidoniis R. 14. Clut. R; clutumistaridisarchides. itS. 8. aniculum Turnebus; peniculuzm orpenniculum M. 23. ei R. 24. nisi unum M; the punctuation is that of Schreiner (Fl. Jahrb.), who first explained this verse completely: see Comm.; nisi Siculum Umpfenbach and most recent German edd., who seem to have overlooked the fact that they in epityrum (ETil -nUp) is long; it is marked short in Smith's Diet. epityrum... bene R in Fl. Jahrb.; epityr aut apud ilia esturiensa nebene B; esturiens ante bene C; illaesturiens anebene D; INSANUMBENE A. I 1 27-40 MILES GLORIOSVS. 7 PY. Quid bracchium? AR. Illud f6rinur uolui dfcere. PY. At indfligenter iceram. AR. Pol sf quidem Conisus esses, per corium, per uiscera Perque 6s elephanti transmineret bracchium. 30 PY. Nolo fstaec hic nunc. AR. Ne hercle operae pretium quidemst Mihi te narrare, tuas qui uirtutis sciam. Venter creat omnis hasce aerumnas: auribus Perairienda sunt, ne dentes dentiant, Et ddsentandumst, quidquid hic mentibitur. 35 PY. Quid illuc quod dico? AR. Ehem, scio iam quid uis dfcere: Factum herclest: memini fieri. PY. Quid id est AR. Quidquid est. Py. Ecquid meministi? AR. Memini: centum in Cilicia Et quinquaginta, centum in Scytholatr6nia, Triginta Sardeis, s6xaginta Macedones 40 27. illud... dicere R (Opusc. ii.); illud dicere voluhfeunzr M: see Comm. 28. iceram Salmasius; hic eram M. 30. transmineret A (Stud.); transmitteret M; transtineret R. 33. hasce Bx; has M. 34. peraurienda C; peraudienda ABD; perhaurienda Pareus; aerumnas auribus: peraudienda Bugge. 36. ehem A; hem CD; emz B. 39. Scytholatronia Gepp.; insy(i)ckolatronia M; cryphiolathronia R, which seems to be nearer to the almost illegible A; the word would be formed from Kpvtios and Xadfpa. 40. Sardeis A (R); SARDOS A (Gepp.) 8 T H~A C CI PL, A VTI I 1 41-55 Sunt, omnes quos tu occidisti una un6 die. PY. Quanta istaec hominum summast? AR. Septem mflia. PY. Tantum 6sse oportet: r6cte rationdm tenes. AR. At nullos habeo scriptos: sic meminf tamen. 45 PY. Edep6l memoria's 6ptuma. AR. Offa6 monent. PY. Dum tale facies quale adhuc, adsiduo edes: Conmfinicabo semper te mensa mea. AR. Quid in Cappadocia, Abi tu quingent6s simul, Ni heb6s machaera f6ret, uno ictu occideras? s0 PY. At peditastelli qufa erant siui ufuerent. AR. Quid tibi ego dicam, qu6d omnes mortales sciunt, Pyrgopolinicem te inum in terra ufuere Virtute et forma et fdctis inuictfssumum? Amant ted omnes mfulieres, neque iniuria, ss Qui sis tam pulcer. u6l illae quae heri pallio 41. omnes Stud.; homines M. quos tu M; tu quos vulg. una uno R; unah odie C; uno die BD. 45. optuma M; optumad R Bx; but it is quite unreasonable to seek to remove hiatus at a change of speakers. Offae monent A; monet M. 46. edes A; aedis B; edis CD. 47. semper te M; TESEMPER A. 49. occideras A; occideres M. 50. At.. erant Stud., who says that he has thus read A; R read A thus, A...... A. SRELLIQUIAERANT; at peditas teZu quia erant M; at pedites reliquia erant F; at peditatus relliquiae erant Cam., vulg.; satietas belli quia erat or satiatus belli quia eram R. siui uiuerent A; si uiuerent M. 53. inuictissumum inuicttisumis MA. 54. ted Bothe; te M. 55. heri R; HERE A; hercle M. I 1 56-67 JIILES GLORIOSVS. 9 Me r6prehenderunt.. PY. Quid eae dixerufnt tibi? AR. Rogitabant: 'hicine Achilles est?' inquit mihi. 4Immo eius frater' fnquam 'est'. ibi illarum iltera 'Erg6 mecastor pulcer est' inquft mihi 'Et liberalis: ufde, caesaries quam decet: 60 Ne illa6 sunt fortunatae, quae cum illo cubant.' Py. Itane albat tandem? AR. Quae me ambae obsecrauerint, Vt te h6die quasi pompam illac praeterducerem. PY. Nimiast miseria nimis pulcrum esse hominem. AR. Mihi Mol6stae sunt ambae: adeunt, orant, obsecrant, 65 Viddre ut liceat: ad sese arcessi iubent: Vt tu6 non liceat dare operam negotio. 57. mihi A; 6ibi M. 58. ibi R; inuit or innuit M. In v. o04 we find for interibi the corruptions interiuit, interi ut, interi iuit. The omission of illarum, with the introduction of innuit, annuit, or infit, has been the usual course taken by edd. 60. aide Pylades; uida et M. 6I. illo A; isto M. 62. aibat A (Gepp.); a levat M. quae M; quin Bx after Guyet. 63. illac R; ilda M; but zila is not found without correl. hac. 64. mihi R. 65. Molestae... obsecrant Bx; molestae sunt: orant ambiuznt obsecrant M; molestiae sunt, &c., R; but ambiunt cannot be a dissyll.; Isidor Hilberg, reading molestiae with R, suggests orant plorant ambiunt; cp. plorare orare Ter. Ph. 8; clamo postulo obsecro oro ploro atque imploro fidem Cacil. 212; ita plorando orando instando atgue obiurgando me obtudit Coecil. 150; plorat orat Afran. 246; oras ambis Ter. Andr. 373; orant ambae et obsecrant Fritzsche. 66. uidere ut uiderit ut M. 10 T. 1MA CCI PAI VTI I 1 68-78 PY. Hab6n tabellas? AR. Vis rogare? habeo, et stilum. PY. Facdte aduortis tuom animum ad animum meum. 70 AR. Nouisse mores tu6s me meditatd decet Curamque adhibere, ut praeolat mihi quod tu uelis. PY. Vid6tur tempus 6sse ut eamus ad forum, Vt in tabellis qu6s consignaui hic heri Latr6nes, ibus dinumerem stip6ndium. 75 Nam rex Seleucus me 6pere orauit maxumo Vt sibi latrones c6gerem et conscriberem. Ei rei hunc diem mihi 6peram decretumst dare. AR. Age eamus ergo. PY. Sdquimini, satellites. 68-71. Haben-uelis transposed hither from after 37 by Danz and Lorenz. 68. haben A (R); babes M; Gepp. reports A to have habes and to give tabellas to Artotrogus. 69. tuom an. M; AN.TUOM A. 70. tuos me A; me tuos M. 7r. praeolat R; PR. OLATMIHIQUOD A (R); praeuolat mihi quo M; praeuelim quod Acid. 73. hic heri FZ; hic aeri (aeris) M. 77. ei R. 78. age eamus HE; agetemus CD; age tenern B. ACTVS II. PALAESTRIO. Mihi ad enarrandum hoc argumentumst c6mitas, II 1 Si ad auscultandum u6stra erit benignitas. 80 Qui autem auscultare n6let, exsurgat foras, Vt sit, ubi sedeat file qui auscultare uolt. Nunc qua adsedistis causa in festiu6 loco, Como6diai quam nos acturi sumus Et argumentum et nomen uobis 6loquar. 85 Alazon Graece huic n6men est comnoediae: Id n6s Latine gloriosum dicimus. Hoc 6ppidum Ephesust: illest miles meus erus, Qui hinc ad forum abiit' gl6riosus, inpudens, Sterc6reus, plenus periuri atque adfilteri, o Ait s6se ultro omnis mulieres sectarier. Is d6ridiculost, quaqua incedit, omnibus: 84. comoediai Scioppius; comoediae M. quam nos Pylades; quandos C; quam D; quando Ba; quamz modo Bb, which R accepts, but modo is not used = iam. 88. illest Seyffert; ide B; om. CD; izde Bothc. 92. deridiculost Acid.; dericzulus B, deridicust C; derisuzcst D; deridiculust Lamb. 12 T. iLZ CCI PZLA FVT II 1 15-22 Itaque hfc meretricis, labiis dum ductant eum, Mai6rem partem uideas ualgis sauiis. i -Z I* o ' ' Iz 'A %. S,. 95 Nam ego haui diu apud hunc s ruitutem s6ruio. Id u6lo uos scire, qu6 modo ad hunc deu6nerim In s6ruitutem ab e6 quoi seruiuf prius. Date op6ram: nam nunc argumentum ex6rdiar. Erat drus Athenis mfhi adulescens 6ptumus: 200 Is amAbat meretricem acre Athenis Atticis 93. duotanxt Pius; ducant BD; ducunt C. 97. ab eo cuoi Z; 7habeo cui D; habe oculi C; habeo. ci. B. loo. acre Ed.; mat atre M; m; aeque Cam.; itidem Bx. Many other guesses have been made, all travelling wide of M. For the defence of my conjecture (as regards Plautine use) see Comm.; I shall here show that acre and matre are palaeographically (one may say) the same. Acre was corrupted into matre-(I) by the dittography of the final -m of the preceding word meretricem; (z2) by the confusion between c and t. For (I) dittography it will be enough to mention uim me cogis for ui me cogis 454; nostris spolia for nostri spolia 599; ezs statuit for ei statuit 728; culpante et for culpbant et 76I; sit tibi for si tibi 838; uenite eibhesum for uenit ephesum 975; autem milia for autem ila 100oo3; det tunicam for de tunica 1423; carios seruos for cario seruos 1427. (2) We have the following cases of t wrongly written for c in this play:-atiem 4, obitieMus 148, uitino I54, fatiam 157 (and in many other'places), crutitbus 184, audatium I90, fallatia I95, excrutiatum 567, plateat 614, merti 727, portinam 758, mendatium 967, obsetrare 971, sotiuzm 1013, prointia 1159, spetiem 1235, ferotior 1325. Both these errors (dittography and t for c) occur together in Periilectomenes for Periplecomenus passim; in custodit cauto II 1 23-44 JMILES GL ORIOS VS. 13 Et illa ilIum contra: qui 6st amor cultu 6ptumus. Is pAblice legatus Naupactium fuit Magnai rei publicai gratia. Int6ribi hic miles f6rte Athenas aduenit. Insinuat sese ad illam amicam ern mei: lo5 Occepit eius matri suppalpirier Vino, 6rnamentis 6piparisque ops6niis, Itaque intumum ibi se miles apud lenam facit. Vbi prlmum euenit militi huic occasio, Sublinit os illi lenae, matri mulieris, IIo Quam erus m6us amabat. nam is illius filiam Conicit in nauem miles clam matr6m suam Eamque huc inuitam mulierem in Ephesum aduehit. Vt amicam erilem Athenis auectam scio, Ego tdntum quantum possum mihi naudm paro, "I Insc6ndo, ut earn rem Naupactum ad erum nuntiem. Vbi suimus prouecti in altum, fit quod di volunt: Capiunt praedones nauem illam, ubi uectus fui. Prius p6rii quam ad erum udni quo ire occ6peram. Ille qui me cepit, dat me huic dono militi. I20 Hic p6stquam in aedis me ad se deduxit domum, Video illam, amicam erilem, Athenis qua6 fuit. for custodi cauto 467; and-an exactly parallel case-in omnem matiem for omnem aciem I029. 103. magnai... gratia Lamb; magna reipu6blica (publicae) M. I04. interibi Acid.; interiuinternteri ut zinterZ iuit M. I05. mei Cam. Io. illi Scutarius; illos or illis M. 115. tantum R. 17. di Lipsius; sicut uoluerunt R. after Bothe. I2o. qui Beroaldus. 12r. deduccit Cam.; duxit M. 14 T. i ACCIA PiA V TI II 1 45-65 Vbi c6ntra aspexit me, 6culis mihi signum dedit, Ne se appellarem. deinde, postquam occasiost, 125 Conqu6ritur mecum milier fortunas suas. Ait sese Athenas figere cupere ex hic domu: Sese illum amare, m6um erum, Athenis qui fuit, Neque p6ius quemquam odisse quam istum militem. Ego qu6niam inspexi mulieris sent6ntiam, I30 Cepi tabellas, c6nsignaui clanculum, Dedi m6rcatori quoidam, qui ad illum d6ferat, [Meum erum, qui Athenis fuerat, qui hanc amauerat] Vt is huic ueniret. is non spreuit nuintium: Nam et u6nit et is in pr6xumo deu6rtitur 35 Apuid paternum suom h6spitem, lepidum senem. Atque is illi amanti suo h6spiti mor6m gerit Nosque opera consili6que adhortatfir, iuuat. Itaque 6go paraui hic intus magnas machinas, Qui amantis una inter se facerem c6nuenas: 140 Nam unfim conclaue, concubinae qu6d dedit Mil6s, quo nemo nfsi eapse inferret pedem, In e6 conclauid dgo perfodi pirietem, Qua c6nmeatus clam esset hinc huc mfilieri. 126. cupere.. odisse czperet.. odisset M (a very frequent error). 132. erum aerum (as often) CD. I36 atque is R; itaque M. morem mortem C Da. I37. iuuat uiuat (a very common corruption) C. 140. conclaue conclauem M, perhaps rightly; see Comm. on 397. 141. eapse Turnebus; ea se M. 142. conclauid R (N. P1. Exc.); conclauz M; in his edition (1849) he avoids the hiatus by readingperfoo diui for perfodi. I 1 66-2 22 MILES GL ORIOS VS. 15 Et sene sciente hoc foci: is consilium dedit. Nam m6us conseruos 6st homo haud magni preti, '45 Quem c6ncubinae miles custodem addidit. Ei n6s facetis fabricis et doctis dolis Glaucimam ob oculos 6biciemus euimque ita Facimus ut, quod ufderit, ne ufderit. Et m6x ne erretis, ha6c duarum hodie in uicem Iso Et hinc et illinc muilier feret imaginem Atque eadem erit, uerum alia esse adsimulabitur. Ita sublinetur 6s custodi mulieris. Sed f6ris concrepuit hinc a uicin6 sene. Ipse exit: hic illest 16pidus, quem dixi, senex. I55 PERIPLECOMENVS. PALAESTRIO. PE. Ni hercle diffreg6ritis talos posthac, quemque in II 2 t6gulis Videritis ali6num, ego uostra fSciam latera 16rea. 144. sene sciente senem sciente M. 147. facetis Cam.; facitis, factis, facZitiis, facticiis M. 148. glaucumam. This form is preserved in certain codd. used by Priscian, also in Cod. Halberstadiensis and 1Mai Thesarzus Latinitatis; in M we have glaucumaz; in Z glaucomnam (the vulgate form). 149. ne Cod. Halberstadiensis; non M. 153. sublinetur os Guyet; sublinitores (with u superscribed over o) D; sublitores C; suZblizst B; sublintus est FZ. 156. diffregeritis for defr. Ribbeck, who gives diffractos Stich. I. 3. 37, and diffringentur As. I. 4. 28. In Poen. I. 46 Studemund reads dilidam on the authority of A. 16 T. MA CCI PLA TIY II2 3-11 Mi equidem iam arbitri uicini sunt, meae quid fiAt domi: Ita per inpluuium intro spectant. nunc adeo edico 6mnibus: 16o Qu6mque a milite h6c uideritis h6minem in nostris tdgulis Extra unum Pala6strionem, huc d6turbatote in uiam. Qu6d ille gallinam aut columbam se sectari aut simiam Dicat: disperistis, ni usque ad m6rtem male mulcassitis. Atque adeo, ut ne 16gi fraudem faciant aleariae, 65 Adcuratote fit sine talis d6mi agitent conufuium. PA. N6scio quid malefActum a nostra'hic fAmiliast, quantum afdio: 158. mi equidem Becker; mihi quidem M; which R preserves, omitting iam. arbitri uicini sunti R after Cam.; arbitri &' uicis eunt Ba; arbitriae uicis eunt C; arbitri.. u zcis eum Da; arbitri et uicini sciunt Bc, which might possibly be right. i6o. quemque quemquem Bentl. (Eun. v. 8. 34), here apparently forgetting a P1. usage which he recognises at Capt. Iv. 2. 18, viz., quemque= quemcunque. 6I. in uiam Lamb.; in uia M. I63. mortem male mortem ale CD; an example of the very frequent omission of one of two similar letters or syllables in juxtaposition, which I shall call zpography. mulcassitis A; mulcasitis BC: mulcaritis Da; mulzcatis Db. i64. ne legi nec legi Db; ngegieg C. aleariae A; talarie B; alarie CD. I65. sine talis domi M; s....... DOLIS (or DVLIS) A; quae uide num SINE CONDVLIS interpretanda sint, si modo K^vAvXoi umquam sunt pro &oarpaydxots dicti; nam formam condulus Festus testatur." R. I66. hie A; huic M. II 2 12-22 MILES GLORIOSYS. 17 Ita hic senex talos elidi iTssit conserufs meis. Sdd me excepit: nihili facio, quid illis faciat ceteris. Adgrediar hominem. PE. Estne, aduorsum hic qui uenit, Pala6strio? PA. Quid agis, Periplec6mene? PE. Hau multos I70 h6mines, si optandfim foret, Nunc uidere et c6nuenire quam te mauellem. PA. Quid est? Quid tumultuas cum nostra familia? PE. Occisi sumus. PA. Quid negotist? PE. R6s palamst. PA. Quae r6s palamst? PE. De tegulis M6do nescio quis inspectauit u6strum familiarium Per nostrum inpluuiurt intus apud nos Philocoma- I7 sium atque h6spitem Osculantis. PA. Quis homo id uidit? PE. TUos conseruos. PA. Quis is homost? PE. Nescio: ita abripuft repente sdse subito. PA. Suspicor r67. ita hic senex M; ita senex Pylades. elidi. Bx conjectures dilidi; cp. I56. 169. aduorsum... Pal. Fritzsche; ADVORSVMHICQVIAVENIT A; aduorsum est quasi M; thus Fr. has followed A, supplying Palaestrio, and giving (with Fl.) uenit for aduenit, which is not found with aduorsum; R, following hI more closely, reads itne aduorsum hic qui aduenit? quasi ad me adit. 170. hau A (Stud.) foret A;fueritM. 171. nuno mauellem A; quite corrupt in M. 172. This verse is found in A only. I74. quis quisis Ba Da; a case of dittography. 176. quis is homost A; quis is erit homost M. C 18 T. MlA CCI PLA VTI II 2 23-34 Me periisse. PE. Vbi abit, conclamo: 'heus, quid agis tu' inquam 'in t6gulis?' Ille mihi abiens ita respondit, s6 sectari simiam. iSo PA. Va6 mihi misero, quol pereundumst pr6pter nihili b6stiam. Sed Philocomasium hicine etiam nfinc est? PE. Quom exibam, hic erat. PA. I seis, iube transire huc quantum p6ssit, se ut uideant domi Familiares: nisi quidem illa n6s uolt, qui seruf sumus, Pr6pter amorem suom omnis crucibus c6ntubernalls dari. 85 PE. IDixi ego istuc: nisi quid aliud uis. PA. Volo. hoc ei dicito: Pr6fecto ut ne quoquam de ingenio d6grediatur muliebri Earumque artem et disciplinam abstfneat colere. PE. Quem ad modum? PA. Vt eum, qui se hic uldit, uerbis uincat, ne is se uiderit: Si quidem centi6ns hic uisa sit, tamen infitias eat: I8o. est FZ; sit M. I82. i seis iube A (Gepp.) transire hue M; HVCTRANSIRE A. 184. omnis oms B. dari cari C; see on verse I above, where we find dibeo for clipeo. I86. Found in A only, and judged spurious by R. I87. abstineat colere R; optineat colerem (colorem B Db) M; color est F Z. 188. This verse is thus found in A; it is quite corrupt in M. I89-195. These verses are arranged in the order proposed by B. Schmidt, quoted by Bx. II 2 35-48 MILES GL ORIOS VS. 19 bs habeat, linguam, perfidiam, malitiam atque auda- 190 ciam, C6nfidentiam, confirmitatem, fraudul6ntiam, Qui arguat se, eum contra uincat iure iurand6 suo. Nam mulier holit6ri numquam supplicat, si quSst mala: D6mi habet hortum et c6ndimenta ad omnis moreu maleficos, D6mi dolos, domi delenifica facta, domi fallacias. '3 PE. Ego istaec, si crit hic, nuntiabo. sed quid est, Pala6strio, Qu6d uolutas tute tecum in c6rde? PA. Paulisp&r tace, Dum ego mihi consilia in animum c6nuoco et duni c6nsulo Quid agam, quem doluim doloso c6ntra conseru6 parem, Qui illam hic uidit 6sculantem: id uisum ne uisIfmt oo siet. PE. Quaere: ego hinc absc6ssero abs te huc interim. illuc sfs uide, Quem ad modum adstitft seuero fr6nte curans, c6gitans. Pectus digitis pultat: cor credo 6uocaturfist foras. I90. habeat Schmidt; zabet M. 194. mores A (Stud.); molis M; ollas Palmasius. 200. siet A; sit M. 202. adstitit A; abstitit M. curans A; curas M. C 2 T..MA CCI PLA VTI II 2 49-62 Ecce auortit: nisam laeuo in f6mine habet laeuAm manum. 205 Dxtera digitis rationem c6nputat: feruft femur D6xterum, ita uehementer icit: quod agat, aegre sfppetit. C6ncrepuit digitis: laborat, crdbro conmutat status. Eccere autem capite nutat: n6n placet quod repperit. Quidquid est, inc6ctum non expr6met, bene coctfim dabit. 210 Ecce autem aedificat: columnam mento suffigft suo. Apage, non placdt profecto mfhi illaec aedificatio: Nam 6s columnatum poetae esse indaudiui bArbaro, Quol bini cust6des semper t6tis horis 6ccubant. Efige, euschemehercle ddstitit et dilice et como6dice. 215 Habet, opinor. age, si quid agis: ulgila, ne somn6 stude: Nisi quidem hic agitare mauis uarius uirgis uigilias. Tibi ego dico: ah, f6riatus n6 sis, heus, Pala6strio, 204. nisams Guyet; NIXVS A; nisus M; rusus R; avortit risus Bothe; Bugge defends NIXVS of A, explaining " with feet firmly pressed to the ground." 205. feruit Stud.; FERIT A; feries M. 206. dexterum... agat A (Stud.). 209. expromet A (Gepp.); expromiti M. 210. suffigit A; sufutlsit M. 2 2. inda-udiui Bothe; AVDIVI A; inaudizi M. 213. occubant M A; accubant Hahn; cf. Bacch. 72. 214. dulice Gulielmus; duke M A, which after this verse give the words numquam hodie guiescet priusquamz id quod perfecit, expelled by Ribbeck as a gloss on 209. 216. uigilias aigilas or uigila M. 217. ah... Palaestrio Madvig, after Pylades; anheriatus uestis heus te adloguipalaestrio M; an, heureta, me hauscis te adloqui, Palaestrio R. II 2 63-68 MJILES GL ORIOS S. 21 Vfgila inquam, expergfscerenquamq: lucet hoc inquam. PA. Auidio. PE. Viden hostis tibi addsse tuoque t6rgo obsidium? c6nsule, Arripe opem auxiliumque ad hanc rem: pr6pere hoc, 220 non placide decet. Anteuenito aliqua, aliquo saltu cfrcumduce exdrcitum. Coge in obsidium perduellis, n6stris praesidiuim para. Interclude t c6nmeatum t inimfcis, tibi moeni uiam, 219. uiden uident M; uiden ti Miiller; cp. 1045. tergo Pylades; ergo M. consule F Z; consul M. 220. hoc Acid. 221. anteuenito Cam.; anteueni CD; ante zueniet B; antemoeni Putsche. aliquo saltu A. Kiessling (Rhein. Mus. xxiv. I15) and A. Palmer (E1erzathena, No. v. p. 262); aliquos aufti (auftu) M; aut tu Madv. (Adv. Crit. ii. 7), but tu is quite otiose; anteueni aliqua, atque aliquo actutum circ. ex. R; cp. Truc. iv. 4, 31. 222. coge in Cam.; corin (cor in) M; czrre in Pylades, which might be defended by regarding curre in obsidium as governing perduellis, as in quempiam iniexit nmanum, Pers. i. 2. I8; this construction is common in Greek. 223. interclude FZ; intercludite M. intercludito Cam. conmeatum inimicis R; inimicis commeatum M. I have given the reading of R, which is closest to M, but it is far from satisfactory; conmeatus, being repeated in next verse, can hardly be right. The following are all unsatisfactory: interclude iter inimicis at tu tibi moeni uiam Madv.;... cate tibi moeniuiam Lorenz; interclide inimicis omnes aditus (cp. Cic. Tusc. v. 27) Koch; a reviewer of Lorenz quoted by Bx makes a suggestion which would be good if the rhythm were better: intercludito inimicis meatun; Kohler suggests interclude iter inimicis; commodum moeni uiam, taking commodum = ad tempuis, cp. I I98. 22 T. lA CCI PLA4 VTI 1I 2 69-77 Qua cibatus c6nmeatusque ad te et legion6s tuas 22 Tfito possit p6ruenire. hanc r6m age: res subittriast. Rdperi, conminisce, cedodum calidum consiliium cito. Quae hic sunt uisa, ut ufsa ne sint, facta ut facta ne sient. [Magnam illic, homo, rem incipissis, magna moenis mo6nia.] Th unus si recfpere hoc ad te dicis, confid6ntiast 230 N6s inimicos pr6fligare p6sse. PA. Dico et recipio Ad me. PE. Et ego impetrare dico id qu6d petis. PA. At te IJppiter B6ne amet. PE. Auden participare m6 quod conmentf's? PA. Tace, 226. conminisce, cedodum S. Miller; comminiscere cedo M, unrhythmically. P1. very often uses active instead of deponent forms: see on 172. 227. ut facta ne sient Spengel; facta infecta ne sient M. 228. homo rem Mearsius; honorem M. incipissis Gruter; inci.pis sed M. moenis Bothe; munitis M; Bx would either expunge this verse or place it after 3x4, in place of the verse expelled by Ribbeck. IHic, indeed, can hardly be disjoined from homo. We should therefore either expel the verse or read (with considerable authority from M) incipissit and moenit, which would perhaps be the best course. 229. tu Bx; tude M. 230. posse possit M. 231. Ad me... Iuppiter Ed. with M, except that M gives egom and dicom for ego and dico; for which see crit. n. on 648. All edd. from Bothe omit Ad me, and insert te before impetrare, against M. 232. auden...commentu's Bugge; aut inparte mici (amzici) pare (par) ze quod M. II 2 78-89 MILES GLORIOSVS. 23 Dum in regionem astutiarum mearum te induco: ut scias Iixta mecum m6a consilia. PE. Salua sumes indidem. PA. Erus meus elephanti corio cfrcumtentust, non suo, 235 N6que habet plus sapientiae quam lapis. PE. Ego mi istuc scio. PA. Nufnc sic rationem incipissam, hanc instituam astutiam, Vt Philocomasio hanc sororem gdminam germanam alteram Dfcam Athenis aduenisse cum amatore aliqu6 suo, Tam similem quam lacte lactist: apud te eos hic 240 deu6rtier Dfcam hospitio. PE. Euge, euige, lepide: laudo conmentum tuom. PA. Vt, si illic concriminatus sit aduorsum mlitem Mveus conseruos, se eam uidisse hic cum alieno oscularier, Arguam hanc uidisse apud te contra conseru6m meum 236. ego mi istuc scio Ed.; egom.. stuc scio Ba; egom. istuc scio Bc; aego mist uescio C D; see Comm. Cp. 282, 331; Capt. iv. 2. 87. 238. ut Phil. hanc Bx; ut philocomasium hanc M; ad Ph. huc R. 240. quam lacte lactist F Z; tam lacti est (with qu. lac superscr.) M. te FZ; om. M. 242. illic M; illanc with Bothe R. 243. se ear R; ear Z; eum B C; cum D. uidisse Dc; uidisset (by a common error) rest. oscularier Bothe; osculari eum B; earn CD. 244. hanc Bothe. 24 T. AZA CCI PLA2 YI II 2 90-101 245 Cim suo amatore Amplexantem atque 6sculantem. PE. Immo 6ptume. idem ego dicam, si ex me exquiret miles. PA. S6d simillumas Dicito esse: et Philocomasio id praecipiundumst it sciat: Ne titubet, si exquiret ex ea miles. PE. Nimis doctrim dolum. Sed si ambas uidere in uno miles concili6 uolet, 250 Quid agimus? PA. Facil6st. trecentae p6ssunt causae conligi: 'N6n domist: abiit ambulatum: d6rmit: ornatfr: lauat: Prandet; potat: occupatast: 6perae non est: n6n potest.' Quantum uis prolationumst: dum modo hunc prime uia Inducamus, u6ra ut esse cr6dat quae mentibimur. 255 PE. Placet ut dicis. PA. Intro abi ergo et, si istist mulier, eamr iube Cito domum transire atque haec ei dice, monstra, praecipe, 245. optume Bentl.; ut optume M. 246. ex R, and again in 248. 247. praecipiundumst Pius; recipiendz M. 250. conligi A; conlici, conici, concili, concini, rest. 252. potat Bb Db; potest rest. At end of verse Bb gives potat again for potest. 254. mnentibimur B; mentibitur C D and (apparently) A, perhaps rightly, mulier being understood. 256. haec. praecipe Stud.; dice om. M. 1I 2 102-114 MILES GLORIOS VS. 25 Vt teneat consilia nostra, quem ad modum exorsi sumus, De gemina sor6re. PE. Docte tibi illam perdoctam dabo. Numquid aliud? PA. Intro ut abeas. PE. Abeo. PA. Et quidem ego ib6 domum Atque hominem inuestigando operam huic dissimu-260 labiliter dabo, Quf fuerit cons6ruos, qui hodie sit sectatus simiam. Nam file non potuit quln sermone suo aliquem familiarium Participauerit de arica erili, se uidisse earn Hic in proxumo osculantem cum Alieno adulescdntulo, Noui morem egom6t: 'tacere n6queo solus quod 265 scio.' Si Inuenio qui ufdit, ad eumr uneam pluteosque agam. Res paratast: ui pugnandoque h6minem caperest c6rta res. Si ita non reperio, ibo odorans quasi canis uenaticus Vsque donec p6rsecutus ul6pem ero uestigiis. 259. abeas... abeo habeas... zabeo (a very common error) M. 260. hominem M, rightly; homini R. dissim. dabo A (Stud.); dissimulando M; Lorenz had conjectured dabo. 26I. sit Bothe; siet M. 262. quin A; quiM. 263. erili se uidisse IKCoch; ERISESEVIDISSE A; se uidisse B; qui vidisset C D. 265. egomet A; ego et rest. solus quod A; om. quod M. 266. uineam A; uineas M. 26 T. MA CCI PLA VTI 1I 2 115-3 8 270 Sed fores crepu6runt nostrae: ego u6ci moderab6r meae: Nam illic est Philocomasio custos, m6us conseruos, qui it foras. SCELEDRVS. PALAESTRIO. II 3 Sc. Nisi quidem ego hodie ambulaui dormiens in t6gulis, C6rto edepol scio m6 uidisse hic proxumae uicfniae Phflocomasium erilem amicam sibi malam rem qua6 -rere. 275 PA. Hic illam uidit 6sculantem, quantum hunc audiuf loqui. Sc. Quis hic est? PA. Tuos cons6ruos. quid agis, Sc6ledre? Sc. Te, Pala6strio, V6lup est conuenisse. PA. Quid iam? aut quid negotist? fac sciam. Sc. M6tuo.. PA. Quid metufs? Sc. Ne hercle hodie, quantum hic familiariumst, Maixumum in malum cruciatumque fnsuliamus. PA. Tu sali 270. crepuerunt A; concrepuerunt M. uoci mod. A; voce moderabo M. 271. qui it Acid.; atque it (id) M. 273. proxumae MA; proxume R. 274. malam rem A, Bentl.; aZium M. 275. loqui Cam.; loquere, loquentj M. 277. quid negotist M; QVIDHICNEGOTIST A; quid hoc negotist Fl. 278. quantum hic fam. M; A om. hic. 279. cruciatumque M; que is omitted (I know not why) by R and Bx, who, to avoid hiatus, inserts hic after cruciatum, with Fl. Bugge proposes consuliamus. 1I 3 9-18 AMILES GL ORIOS VS. 27 S6lus: nam ego istam fnsulturam et desulturam nil 2s moror. Sc. Ndscis tu fortasse, apud nos facinus quod natuimst nouom. PA. Qu6d id est facinus? Sc. Inpudicum. PA. Tute scias soli tibi: Mfhi ne dixis: scfre nolo. Sc. N6n enim faciam quin scias. Sfmiam hodie sum sectatus n6stram in horum tegulis. PA. Edepol, Sceledre, homo sectatu's nfhili nequam 285 b6stiam. Sc. Df te perdant. PA. Te istuc aequomst-qu6 -niam occepisti, 6loqui. Sc. F6rte fortuna per impluuium huic despexi in proxumum: Atque ego illi aspicio 6sculantem Philocomasium cum altero N6scio quo adulesc6nte. PA. Quod ego, Sceledre, scelus ex te auidio? 280. nil moror M; nil hi2 moror M; doubtless a case of dittography, for C has nihil hiz. 282. scias Haupt; scis M; sci Bothe. soli tibi Cam.; solite tibi or soli te tibi M. 283. dixis dixit or dixti M. 285. sectatu's R; sectatur M; sectatust Luchs (Hermes xiii. p. 500); sectatus vulg. nihili mihi B. 286. quoniam Cam.; quo or qm M; quomodo FZ. The punctuation of the text is that of Lorenz, who first fully explained this passage. See Comm. 28 T. lA CC6I PLZAT t II 3 19-28 29oSc. Pr6fectouidi. PA. Tutine? Sc. Egomet, du6 -bus hisce oculis meis. PA. Abi, non ueri simile dicis n6que uidisti. Sc. Num tibi Lippus uideor? PA. M6dicum tibi istuc m6liust percontarier. V6rum enim tu istam, si te di ament, t6mere hau tollas fAbulam. Tuis nunc cruribus capitique fraAdem capitalem hinc creas; 295 Nam tibi iam, ut pereas, paratumst dupliciter, nisi supprimis Tu6m stultiloquifm. Sc. Qui uero dupliciter? PA. Dicam tibi. Primumdum, si falso insimulas Philocomasium, hoc p6rieris: fterum, si id uerfimst, tu ei custos additus disp6 -rieris. Sc. Quid fuat me nescio: hoc me uidisse ego certo scio. 290. hisce Bx; his M; for the rest the verse is given as in M; R om. duobus and reads polprofecto; Fl. hercle for profecto; but priofcto is undoubtedly Plautine. 292. tibi istuc R; istuc tibi M, which reading R accepts in Praef. Stich.; but tibi istuc is by far the more usual order. 295. nam tibi iam Cam.; iam tibi ian M. 296. dicam Guyet; hic dictam M. 297. falso Cam.; falsom B; falszi M. 298. disperieris Bx; perieris M; Ribbeck suggests bis perieris; Seyffert hoc per.; and R and Fl. change the order of the words; Luchs (Herin. xiii. p. 500) proposes quom ei custos additu's, hoc perieris. II 3 29-38 JIILES GL ORIOS VS. 29 PA. P6rgin, infelix? Sc. Quid tibi uis dicam, nisi 3oo quod uiderim? Quin etiam nunc intus hic in pr6xumost. PA. Eho, an n6n domist? Sc. Vise, abi intro tuite: nam ego iam mihi nil credi postulo. PA. C6rtumst facere. Sc. Hic te opperiar: eadem illi insidias dabo, Quim mox horsum ad stibulum iuuenix r6cipiat se a pabulo. Quid ego nunc faciam? custodem me illi miles 30o addidit: Nunc si indicium facio, interii: inzferz, si taceo, tamen, Si h6c palam fuerit. quid peiust muliere aut audacius? Dum ego in tegulls sum, illaec suo se dx hospitio edit foras. Edepol facinus fecit audax. hoc nunc si milds sciat, 301. eho, an non M; R omits an. 302. iam mihi nil R; mihi iam nihil B; mihi nihil rest. 304. quam mox horsum Cam.; quam (or quom) uxor M. iuuenix R; iuuenis M; iuuenci Bentl.; iunix Saracenus. se a. Bothe; se e Cam.; se M. 305. addidit Dousa; tradidit M. 306. interii. The second interii is not found in M, but is obviously to be supplied. It is usually supplied after taceo; Klotz rightly places it after interii, thus accounting for the corruption. 308. illaec... foras Bx; illachec se osbitio B; iliac haec sum ospitio C; iliac hec sunmtospicio D. 309. hoc nune R; hoc me and hocine M. si miles Pius; simile M, the s having dropped out before the s of sciat: a case oflipography. Cp. mortem ale for mortem male I63. 30 T. HA CCI PLA VT I1 3 39-45 31o Credo hercle hasce aedis sustollat t6tas atque me in crucem. Hercle, quidquid 6st, mussabo p6tius quam inteream male. N6n ego possum, quae fpsa sese u6nditat, tutarier. PA. Sc6ledre, Sceledre, quis homo in terrast alter ted audacior? Quis magis dis inimicis natus quam tu atque iratfs. Sc. Quid est? sI5 PA. Ilben tibi oculos exfodiri, quibus id quod nusquamst uides? Sc. Quid "nusquam?" PA. Non 6go tuam empsim uftam uitiosa nuce. 3Io. This verse runs thus in M: credo ercle assus tollat aedis totas si (or tota si) tollat atque (or at guem) in crucem. I have given Fleckeisen's arrangement of the verse. The si tollat was probably a variant on sustollat, which crept into the text. 311. nmussabo Ed.; zmussitabo M; quidquid est is always a cretic; hence Bx (iHerm. xiv.) proposed quid id est to save the metre, but the device adopted in the text is perhaps better. 313. in.... ted R; interemat ialter M. Perhaps the line should run: Sceledre, quis homo in terra natust alter ted audacior; Bentley in terris te alter est. 314. quam tu Cam.; quantum M. 315. iuben tibi iublent tibi Ba C Db; a clear case of dittography; see v. 1oo. 316. tuam empsim uitamLindemann; empso Bentl.; mutuam ea ipsituitam (tuttd CD) M. The MSS here changed tuam to mutuam, wrote ai for m in empsim, and altered the person of the verb (as in verse 319). The first corruption is probably intentional-the copyist thought he had detected the right word lying hid under tuam; the other errors, as well as the wrong division of words, are simply errors of sight. II 3 46-57 MIILES GLORIOSVS. 31 Sc. Quid negotist? PA. Qufd negoti sft rogas? Sc. Cur n6n rogem? PA. Non tu tibi istam pra6truncari lfnguam largiloquAm iubes? Sc. Quam 6b rem iubeam? PA. Phflocomasium eccam domi, quam in pr6xumo Vfdisse aibas te 6sculantem atque amplexantem cum 320 altero. Sc. Mirumst lolio ufctitare t6 tam uili trftico. PA. Quid iam? Sc. Qufa luscftiosu's. PA. V6rbero, edepol tu quidem Caecu's, non luscitiosus: nam fllam quidem uidi domi. Sc. Quid domi? PA. Domi hercle uero. Sc. Abi, ludis me, Pala6strio. PA. Turm mihi sunt manus inquinatae. Sc. Quidum? 325 PA. Quia lud6 luto. Sc. Vae capiti tu6. PA. Tuo istuc, Scdledre, promitt6 fore, Nisi oculos orationemque alia conmutAs tibi. S6d fores concrepuerunt nostrae. Sc. At 6go illas obseruiuero: 318. non tu tibi Bentl.; n7 tlute tibi, non metibi, novi &' ibi M. 319. iubeam iubeat M. 320. aibas Bentl.; aiebas M. 321. lolio Fulgentius; olio M. 323. caecu's cetus D; cecus rest; see v. Ioo. illam quidem uidi FZ; aillaz quidemn illa M; uiden' illam Bentley. 325. turn Bc; tar rest; iam R. 326. tuo Fl. 328. illas obs. i/a uoseruis fores C D; ilico obseruifores B A; illas obseruaui fores Bc; illas obseruo fores F Z. 32 T. iAzC CC PLA VTI II 3 58-68 Nam nihil est, qua hinc hic transire ea p6ssit, nisi recto 6stio. 330PA. Quin domi eccam: n6scio quae te, Scdledre, scelera suscitant. Sc. Mlhi ego uideo, mihi ego sapio, mzhi ego credo plfrumum: M6 homo nemo d6terrebit, quin sit ea in hisce a6dibus. Hic obsistam, ne inprudenti huc 6a se subrepsft mihi, PA. M6us illic homost: deturbabo iam dgo ilium de pugnaculis. 335Vin iam faciam ut t6 stultiuidum tuite fateare? Sc. Age face. PA. N6que te quicquam sapere corde n6que oculis uti? Sc. Volo. PA. Ndmpe tu isti ais 6sse erilem c6ncubinam? Sc. Atque arguo Eam me uidisse 6sculantem hic fntus cum alien6 uiro. PA. Scin tu nullum c6nmeatum hinc hzc esse a nobis? Sc. Scio. 330. quin Z; quem rest. quae te Cam.; utque te M. 33I. mihi Pylades. 332. deterrebit Haupt.; deterutiB; detere uti C D; deterruerit Cam., R. 335. uin.. fateare Bx; ut stultiuidum CD; ut stultiuidum te ut B. 337. isti ais Acidalius; isticas M. esse esset Ba (a common error in these MSS): uidisset is found for uidisse in next verse, hence the corruption uidisse te. 339. hinc huc Miller; huc hine R; the huc is omitted in M; Miller's is the usual order; hinc isto (cp. 337, 342) Luchs. II 3 69-80 MILES GLORIOSyS. 33 PA. N6que solarium neque hortum nisi per inplu- 340 uiium? Sc. Scio. PA. Quid nunc? si ea domist, si eam facio ut 6xire hinc uideas domo, Dignun es uerb6ribus multis? Sc. Dignus. PA. Serua istas foris, N6 tibi clam se subterducat fstinc atque huc transeat. Sc. Consiliumst ita facere. PA. Pede ego iam illam huc tibi sistam in uiam. Sc. Agedum ergo face. uolo scire, utrum egon d 345 quod uidi uiderim An illic faciat qu6d facturum dfcit, ut ea sit domi. Nam 6go quidem meos 6culos habeo n6c rogo utend6s foris. S6d hic illi supparasitatur sdmper: hic eae pr6xumust: Primus ad cibum uocatur, primo pulmentum datur. Nam illic noster dst fortasse circiter tri6nnium: 350 Ndc quoiiquam quam flli in nostra m6liust famulo fimilia. 341. quid nune? si Bx; quidsi nunc si M; quid? nuncsiR. But Bx's is the right order. See Comm. earn facio R; facio earn C D; fatio sedeam B. See on 100oo. 343. clam se dam se C D; so above, v. I, C gives dibeo for clipeo. Hence the eademn of FZ. 344. pede Acidalius; pedes M. in uiam Z; in uia F; inuita M. 345. ergo A M; this is the usual contraction for ergo. egon A; ego rest. 347. rogo utendos A; roga uWendi CD; rogat utende (utenda) B. 348. eae A; ez or ea M. 351. quoiiquam Bx; cuiquam M1; quoiquama alii R; quoiquam aeque Miuller. D 34 1' MACCI PLA VTII II 3 81-4 7 Sed ego hoc quod ago, id me agere oportet, h6c obseruare 6stium. Si hic obsistam, hac quidem pol certe udrba mihi numquam dabunt. PALAESTRIO. PHILOCOMASIVM. SCELEDRVS. II 4 PA. Praec6pta facito ut m6mineris. PH. Toti6ns monere mfrumst. 355 PA. At mdtuo ut satis sis subdola. PH. Cedo udl decem edocebo Minumd malas ut sint malae mihi solae quod sup6rfit. PA. Age nfnciam insiste fn dolos: ego abs te procul rec6dam. Quid afs tu, Sceledre? Sc. Hanc rdm gero: habeo auris, loquere quiduis. PA. Credo 6go istoc exempl6 tibi esse pdreundum extra p6rtam, 36o Dispessis manibus patibulum quom habdbis. Sc. Nam quam ob rem istuc? 353. si hie R; sic B; hic rest. 354. totiens Cam.; tolles M. 355. decem Taubmann; dice me or doce me M. 356. minume Bergk; memini M. mihi solae quod superfit A (Stud.); sola equo superfit M; solaest quod superfit vulg. and R. Christopher Cavallin, quoted in Bursian's Jyahresbericht, I876, and Luchs (Hermes xiii. 50o), have recognised the absolute correctness of the reading of A. See Comm. 358. ais tu A; astu Ba; astas or stasrest. 359. pereundum A (R); eundum actutum si M. 360. dispessis Z; dispensis A; dispersis M. istuc Fl., cp. Cur. iii. 72. 1I 4 8-17 MILES G ORIOSVS. 35 PA. Respfcedum ad laeuam: illadc quis est mulier? Sc. Pro di inmortales, Eri c6ncubinast haec quidem. PA. Mihi qu6que pol ita uid6tur. Age nunciam, quand6 lubet. Sc. Quid agam? PA. Peri praepr6pere. PH. Vbi ist6st bonus seruos, quf probri me mixumi innoc6ntem Falso insimulauit? PH. Em tibi: hic mihi dfxit 365 hoc quidem. PH. Dixtin Tu te uidisse in pr6xumo hic, sceleste, me osculanter? PA. Ac cum alieno adulescentulo dixit. Sc. Dixi hercle udro. PH Tu me uidisti? Sc. Atquc hfs quidem hercle oculis. PH. Carebis credo, Qui pluis uident quam quod uident. Sc. Numquam hdrcle deterrebor Quin ufderim id quod uiderim. PH. Ego stulta et370 mora multum, 36I. illaec quis Bothe; quis illaecM. 363. praepropere Bentl.; perpropere M. 364. probri A, Bentl.; prodiuit B; prodit C; proditi D. 365. em.... quidem A (Gepp.); iddixit tibi quern M; dixit te hic quidezm-(with an aposiopesis) Bugge. dixtin R; DIXTI A; dixit M. 367. ac R (praef. Stich.); quin R (in Ed.); atque M. 368. tu.. credo A (Gepp.); tun zidisti:: atque his quidem oculis:: oculis carebis credo R. 370. stulta et mora multum A (Gepp.) Ba; stulla moror multum R, with rest. D 2 36 T. MAi CC1 PLA VTI II 4 18-27 Quae cum h6c insano fibuler, quem p61 ego capitis pdrdam. Sc. Nolf minitari: scfo crucem futu6ram mihi sepilcrum: Ibi mei sunt maiores siti, patdr, auos, proauos, abauos. Non p6ssunt mihi minis tuis hisce 6culis exfodfri. 375 Sed paficis uerbis t6 uolo: Palaestrio, obsecr6 te, Vnde 6xit haec? PA. Vnde nfsi domo? Sc. Domo. PA. M6 uide. Sc. Te ufdeo: Nisi mfrumst facinus, qu6 modo haec hinc huc transire p6tuit. Nam c6rte neque solariumst apud n6s neque hortus ullus Neque fdnestra nisi clatrata, nam certe 6go te hic intus ufdi. 380 PA. Pergfn, sceleste, intendere hanc arguere? PH. Ecastor drgo 37I. fabuler A;fabulet B;fabulem rest. 374. possunt A and M; potis est R. minis tuis A; minaciis M. hisce oculis AB; hisce oculi CD; hosce oculos R (in Ed.), but he accepts (Opusc. ii. 650) the reading of A given in the Text. Qu. hisce oculi hisce, the first hisce being abl. with minis, the second nom. with oculi. 376. und... uideo A (with uiden for uide, which was suggested by R in praef. Stich.); hac huc for haec M. 377. nisi mirumst M; NIMISMISERVM A. haec hinc hue A; haec hic M. potuit A; potuerit M. 379. nisi clatrata Angelius; clathrata Scut.; clarata M; NEQVECLARATA A. certe A, Bentl.; certo M. 380. intendere A; intenderet or intendere et Mf. ergo A; ego M. 11 4 28-40 2MI;LES GL ORIOS VS. 37 Mi hau falsum euenit s6mnium, quod n6ctu hac somniaui. PA. Quid s6mniasti? Pu. Ego eloquar: sed amabo aduortito animum. Hac n6cte in somnis m6a soror geminast germana ufsa Venisse Athenis in Ephesum cum siuo amatore qu6 -dam. Ei ambo h6spitio huc in pr6xumum deu6rti mihi 385 sunt ufsi. PA. Pala6strionis s6mnium narratur. perge p6rro. PH. Ego la6ta uisa, qufa soror uenisset, propter eandem Suspicionem maxumam sum ufsa sustin6re. Nam arguere in somnis m6 meus mihi fAmiliaris uisust, Me cum alieno adulesc6ntulo, quasi nunc tu, esse39o osculatam, Quom illa 6sculata m6a soror gemina esset suompte amicum. Ita me fnsimulatam p6rperam probri 6sse somniaui. PA. Satin dadem uigilanti expetunt, quae in s6mnis uisa m6moras? 385. hospitio M; HOSPITIVM A. 386. M and A give this verse to Sceledrus. 39I. suompte Gruter; sumptu Ba; sutum rest. 392. perperam probri R; perperum falsum MA. 393. uigilanti A (Gepp.), Bentl.; uigilantis M; INVIGILANTI A (R); idgilantem Biese. T. A CCI PLA VTI II 4 41-51 Eu, h6rcle praesens s6mnium: abi intro et conprecare. 395 Narrandum ego istuc mfliti cens6bo. PH. Facere certumst: Neque m6 quidem patiar probri falso inpune insimulatam. Sc. Time6 quid rerum gesserim: ita d6rsus totus prurit. PA. Scin te periisse? Sc. Nunc quidem domi c6rtost: certa r6s est Nunc n6strum obseruare 6stium, ubist. PA. At, Sceledre, qua6so, 400 Vt ad id exemplum s6mnium quam simile somniauit Atque it tu suspicatus es te eam ufdisse osculantem. Sc. Nesclo, quid credam egom6t mihi [iam]: ita qu6d uidisse credo, Me id iam non uidisse arbitror. PA. Ne tu h6rcle sero, opfnor, Resipisces. si ad erum uenerit haec r6s, peribis puilcre. 394. praesens somnium A; tpdent soniumn B; praesentia omnia rest. 396. probri Cam.; PROBI A; prodi M. 397. dorsus totus M; DORSVMTOTVM A; cf. 371, where CD preserve the older form (perhaps the genuine one), infabulem for fabuler. 399. ubist Acid.; tbisset and ubi isset M. 400. quam simile Cam., Bx.; quia simile and quasi simile M.; consimile ("scriptum olim quomsimile") R. 401. te R. 402, 403. A (Stud.); Fl. brackets iam, probably rightly. 404. uenerit haec res R; A has HAECRESPRIVSDEVENERIT; M gives after res the words prius et oculos, which are repeated II 4 52-5 7 MILES GLORIOS VS. 39 Sc. Nunc demum experior mi 6b oculos caliginem 405 obstitfsse. PA. Dudum 6depol planumst h6c quidem: quae hic usque fuerit intus. Sc. Nihil hibeo certi quid loquar: non ufdi earn, etsi ufdi. PA. Ne tu 6depol stultitiA tua nos pa6ne perdidisti: Dum td fidelem facere ero uoluisti, absumptu's paene. Sed f6res uicini pr6xumi crepuerunt: conticiscam. 410 PHILOCOMASIVM. PALAESTRIO. SCELEDRVS. PH. Inde fgnem in aram, ut Ephesiae Dianae laeta Ii 5 laudes Gratisque agam eique ut Arabio fumificem odore amo6ne, Quae me in locis Neptuniis templisque turbulentis SeruSuit, saeuis fluctibus ubi sum adflictata multum. Sc. Pala6strio, eho Paladstrio...PA. Eho Sc6ledre, 45I Sceledre, quid uis? Sc. Haec mulier, quae hinc exit modo, estne erilis concubina Philoc6masium, an non dst ea? PA. Hercle opinor ea uid6tur. after experior in v. 405. 405. mi R; MIHI A; prius M. obstitisse A (Gepp.); obtigisse M. 406. hoc M; id (cp. Capt. 562) Bx. hie Cam.; hinc M. 407. uidi ear Cam.; videamM. 408. perdidisti Cam.; perdidit M. 411. laeta laudes Bergk.; latas laudes M. 40 T. MXAC CI P LAPZTI II 5 8-18 Sc. Sed facinus mirumst, qu6 modo haec hinc hfc transire p6tuit: PA. Si quidem east. Sc. An dubium fd tibist ear essc hanc? PA. Ea uidetur. 420 Sc. Adeamus, appellmus. heus, quid istiuc est, Philocomdsium? Quid tfbi istic in istisce a6dibus debdtur? quid neg6tist? Quid nuinc taces? tecfim loquor. PA. Immo 6depol tute t6cum: Nam haec nil respondet. Sc. Te adloquor, uiti probrique pl6na, Quae cfrcum uicinos uagas. PH. Quicfm tu fabulare? 425 Sc. Quicum nisi tecum? PH. Qufs tu homo's? aut mecum quid est neg6ti? Sc. Me rogas, homo quis sim? PH. Quin ego hoc rogem quod n6sciam? PA. Quis ego sum igitur, si huinc ignoras? PH. Mihi odiosu's, quisquis es, Et tu et hic. Sc. Non n6s nouisti? PH. Nefitrum. Sc. Metuo maxume 418. This verse is rightly assigned to Sceledrus by 0. Ribbeck. hine hue R; hic nunc M. potuit R; potuerit M. 420. adeamus Pylades; at eamus M. 421. in istisce 0. Seyffert; insce and in hisce isc e; sce in Cam. R. 423. probrique F Z, Nonius; pro~pinque M. 424. uagas Ba; uaga es rest; uagas or uaga's Bentl. 426. rogas, homo Acid.; rogassem M; rogas hem vulg. quis Bx; qui M. 427. si huinc Pylades; si tu hue and si tu hunc M. II5 19-31 MILES GL ORIOS VS. 41 PA. Quid metuis? Sc. Enim n6 nos nosmet p6rdiderimus uspiam: Nam nec te neque md nouisse ait ha6c. PA. Persec- 430 tari h6c uolo, Sc6ledre, nos nostri an alieni simus: ne clam qufspiam Nos uicinorum fnprudentis aliquis inmutauerit. Sc. CUrte equidem nost6r sum. PA. Et pol ego. Sc. Qua6ris tu, muli6r, malum. Tfbi ego dico: heus, Philocomasium. PH. Quae te intemperia6 tenent, Quf me perperam perplexo n6mine appells? 435 Sc. Eho, Qufs igitur uocare? PH. Glycerae n6men est. Sc. Iniuria's: Falsum nomen p6ssidere, Philocomasium, p6stulas. Abi scelesta: n6n decet te et m6o ero facis iniuriam. PH. Egone? Sc. Tu ne. PH. Quad heri Athenis Ephesum adueni uesperi Cum meo amatore, aidulescente Atheniensi? Sc. Dfc 440 mihi, Quid hic tibi in Epheso 6st negoti? PH. G6minam germanam meam 429. nos omitted in M before nosmet. 436. Glyceran Pareus; AtKaiC Spengel; uocare? PH. dicere B; uocare philocomasium dicere C D. iniuria's Donsa; iniuria g M. 438. abi..... iniuriam R and Koch; a dice testu non (or i) dicat ei et meo ero non (or n) facis iniuriam M; bsic os es tu non L tcaia Spengel. 439. ne R. 42 T. IIA CCI PLA VTI II 5 32-41 Hic sororem esse indaudiui: earn u6ni quaesitum. Sc. Mala's. PH. Immo ecastor stulta multum, quad uobiscum fibuler. Abeo. Sc. Abire n6n sinam te. PH. Mitte. Sc. Manufestaria's: 445N6n omitto. PH. At iam crepabunt mihi manus, mala6 tibi, Nisi me omittis. Sc. Quid, malum, astas? qufn retines altrinsecus? PA. Nil moror neg6tiosum mlhi esse tergum. qui scio, An ista non sit Phflocomasium atque alia similis efus siet? PH. Mittin me an non mittis? Sc. Immo ui atque inuitam ingratiis, 45o Nisi uoluntate ibis, rapiam t6 domum. PH. Hosticum h6c mihi Domiciliumst, Athdnis domus est. Sc. At erus hzc. PH. Ego istam domum 443. fabuler all but B, which gives fabulem, and is followed by R in praef. Stich, perhaps rightly; cf. 424. 444. manufestaria's R; manufestaria res e M. 445. malae Pius; male M. 446. quin retines Pylades; quidetenes BaCD; quid tetenes Bb; quinr defines F Z; quin tenes Bentl. 448. similis eius siet R; eius similis sit M. 449. inuitam FZ; uita BD; una C. 450. uoluntate ibis Cam.; uoluptate ibi M. 45I. hic R (Praef. Stich.) II 5 42-53 MILES GLORIOSVS. 43 Neque moror neque u6s duos qui h6mines sitis, noui n6que scio. Sc. L6ge agito; te nufsquam mittam, nisi das firmatam fldem, Te huc, si omisero, intro ituram. PH. Vi me cogis, qulsquis es. Do fidem, si omittis, isto me intro ituram quo 45 iubes. Sc. Eicce omitto. PH. At ego abeo omissa. Sc. Mfliebri fecit fide. PA. Sceledre, e manibus Amisisti praedam: tam east quaim potis N6stra erilis c6ncubina. uin tu facere hoc strenue? Sc. Quid faciam? PA. Ecfer mihi machaeram hue intus. Sc. Quid facies ea? PA. Intro rumpam r6cta in aedis: quemque hic intus 460 ufdero Cum Philocomasio 6sculantem, eum ego 6btruncabo extempulo. Sc. Visan est ea 6sse? PA. Immo edepol plane east. Sc. Sed qu6 modo Dissimulabat. PA. Abi, machaeram hue 6cfer. Sc. Iam faxo hic erit. 452. duos added by Miiller; R after Guyet reads qui sitis homines. 456. omissa Fl.; missa AM. fecit R; feci and fecisti M; fexti Bentl. 457. east quam ea siqueam M. e Fl. 461. extempulo Cam.; extemplo M. 44 T. iA CCI PLA VTFI. II 5 54-62 PA. Neque eques neque ped6s profectost quisquam tanta audacia, 465 Qui aeque faciat c6nfidenter quicquam quam muli6r facit. Vt utrobique orationem doctam meditate institit: Vt sublinitur 6s custodi incauto, conseruo meo. Nimis beat, quod c6nmeatus transtinet trans pArietem. Sc. Heus, Palaestrio, machaera nihil opust. PA. Quid iam haid opust? 470 Sc. D6mi eccam erilem c6ncubinam. PA. Quid domi? Sc. In lect6 cubat, PA. Edepol ne tu tibi malam rem repperisti, ut pra6 -dicas. Sc. Quid iam? PA. Quia istam attingere ausu's mAlierem hinc e pr6xumo. 465. confidenter... facit Luchs (Herm. xiii. 501); confidenter qui quanquam mulieres faciunt M; quidquam quam quae mulieres R after Cam. omitting faciunt. But Luchs points out that P1. uses mulier, not mulieres, in cases like this. Cp. vv. 307, 887, 894, 1292, 1294. 466. doctam... institit Koch.; ducta. dit. it intua Ba; docte edidit intud Bb; ducta ediuit ut tua C; ducte edunt ut tud D; docte et astute edidit R; docte diuisit suam L. Mi'ller. 467. incauto Bugge in Philol. xxx. 642 as M has it, or ut before cauto. 469. quid iam haud opust L. Miller; quid iam haud quid opus estM; quid iam? aut quid est? R. This form of double question does occur, Epid. i. I, 54, but is unsuitable here. 472. quia istam for quia hanc Bx, who shows that hic and iste are often interchanged by copyists, e.g. Mil. 421, 754; Men. ii. 3, 28; Most. i. 3, I8, &c. II 5 63-6 5 MILES GLORIOSVS. Sc. Magis hercle metu6. sed numquam quisquam faciet quin soror Ista sit germana huius. PA. Ear pol tu 6sculantem hic ufderas: Id quidem palamst earn esse, ut dfcis. Sc. Quid475 propius fuit Quam it perirem, si elocutus 6ssem ero? PA. Ergo si sapis, Mussitabis. plus oportet scfre seruom quam loqui. Ego abeo a te, n6 quid tecum c6nsili conmfsceam: [Atque apud hunc ero uicinum: tua6 mihi turbae n6n placent.] Erus si ueniet, sf me quaeret, hfc ero: hinc me48s arc6ssito. SCELEDRVS. PERIPLECOMENVS. Sc. Satin abiit ille n6que erili neg6tio I 6 Plus currat quasi non s6ruitutem s6ruiat? Certe illa quidem hic nunc intus est in aedibus: Nam egom6t cubantem eaim modo offendi domi. Certum dst nunc obseruationi operam dare. 485 473. quin FZ; qui M. 475. id quidem A (Stud.); et M. esse est M. 476. elocutus Miller; locutus M. 479. apud A; ad M: the verse is bracketed as spurious by Bx. It seems to be composed of glosses on following verse. 480. quaeret Pylades; quaerit M. 481. erili negotio Bx; erzle nzegotium MA. 482. quasi ABa; quam si rest. 46 T. XiA CCI PLA VTI II 6 6-24 PE. Non hetrcle hisce homines me marem, sed f6minam Vicini rentur esse serui militis: Ita m6 ludificant. meamne hic in uia h6spitam, Quae heri huc Athenis cum h6spite aduenit meo, 490 Tractatam et ludificatam, ingenuam et liberam? Sc. Perii hercle: hic ad me r6cta habet rectam uiam. Metuo ilaec mihi res ne malo magn6 fuat, Quantum huinc audiui fScere uerborfim senem. -PE. Acc6dam ad hominem. tun Sceledre hic, scelerum caput, 495 Meam ludificauisti h6spitam ante aedis modo? Sc. Vicine, ausculta qua6so. PE. Ego auscult6m tibi? Sc. Expurigare v6lo me. PE. Tin te expurig6s, Qui facinus tantum tamque indignum f6ceris? An qufa lactrocinamini, arbitramini 5oo Quidufs licere facere uobis, u6rbero? Sc. Licetne? PE. At ita me di deaeque omnes ament, Nisi mfhi supplicium ufrgarum de t6 datur Longam diutinumque a mane ad uesperum: Quod meas confregisti imbrices et tegulas, 486. hisce A (Gepp) M. 488. in uia F Z; INVITAM A; inzuita and inuitant M. 497 euriga. expurigare. e riges R (Opusc. ii. 431); expurgare uolo me. PE. tune te expurges mili M. 502. uirgarum Bx with M; uirgeum R after Bentl. II 6 25-41 MILES GLORIOS VPS. 47 Ibi dum condignam t6 sectatu's sfmiam: 505 Quodque inde inspectaufsti meum apud me hospitem, Ampldxam amicam quom 6sculabatur suam: Quod c6ncubinam erflem insimulare auisus es Probrf pudicam meque summi flagiti: Tum qu6d tractauisti h6spitam ante aedis meas: s51 Nisi mfhi supplicium stfmuleum de te datur, Deddcoris plenforem erum faciam tuom, Quam magno uento pl6numst undarum mare. Sc. Ita sum coactus, Pdriplecomene, ut n6sciam, Vtrum me expostulIre tecum aequ6m siet, 5I5 An, si istaec non est hiec neque haec uisast mihi, Me dxpurigare haec tibi uidetur a6quius: Sicut etiam nunc n6scio quid ufderim: Ita istast huius similis nostraf tua, Si quldem non eademst. PE. Vise ad me intro: 520 iam scies. Sc. Licetne? PE. Quin te iubeo: ei, placide n6scita. 505. sectatu's Bx; sectatus M; sectaris with Servius R. 507. amplexam Bothe; amrxpexum M. 508. quod C; quodque B D; quin R. 5r. de te datur Lamb., Bentl.; datur B; dedatur CD. 515. tecum aequom siet Stud.; jrius tecum aequom sit M. 516. an, si R; nisi M. haec uisast R; istastM. 517. expurigare R (Opusc. ii. 431); ex2iurgare M. 519. ita... tua R; itast ista C; itast istac D; istas Ba; ista Bb; ita istaec huius similis est nostrae tua Bothe; ita istast ihuis consimilis nostrae tua Bentl. 521. licetne. Quin licetne. Nequin M (dittography); hence neque F Z. iubeo uiueo and iuueo M (a common error). ei Bx; et M; i et R. 48 T. A CCI P; L VT1T II 6 42-61 Sc. Ita facere certumst. PE. Hefus, Philocomasium, cito Transcirre curriculo ad nos: ita neg6tiumst. Post, quando exierit Sc6ledrus a nobis, cito 525 Transcurrito ad uos rusum curricul6 domum. Nunc p61 ego metuo, n6 quid infuscauerit. Si hic n6n uidebit mflierem % l - " " " " ~ ~ aperitur foris. Sc. Pro di inmortales, similiorem milierem 530 Magisque eandem, utpote quae n6n sit eadem, n6n reor Deos facere posse. PE. Quid nunc? Sc. Conmeruf malum. PE. Quid igitur? ean est? Sc. Etsi east, non 6st ea. PE. Vidistin istam? Sc. Vidi et illam et h6spitem Conpldxum atque osculantem. PE. Ean est? Sc. Ndscio. 535 PE. Vin scire plane? Sc. Cuipio. PE. Abi intro ad u6s domum Contfnuo: uide sitne istaec uostra intfs. Sc. Licet: Pulcre admonuisti. iam ego ad te exib6 foras. PE. Numquam edepol hominem qu6mquam ludificarier Magfs facete uidi et magis miris modis. 540 Sed dccum egreditur. Sc. Periplecomene, te obsecro Per de6s atque homines perque stultitiam meam 534. conplexum Acid.; comjplexam M. 537. admonuisti. iam si Jam BC; siam D; sciam F Z. II 6 62-75 MILES GLORIOSVS. 49 Perqu6 tua genua.. PE. Quid obsecras me? Sc. Inscitiae Meae dt stultitiae ign6scas. nunc demuim scio Me fuisse excordem, ca6cum, incogitabilem: Nam Philocomasium eccam fntus. PE. Quid nunc, 545 ffircifer? Vidistin ambas? Sc. Vidi. PE. Erum exhibeas uolo. Sc. Meruisse equidem me maxumum fate6r malum Et tua6 fecisse me h6spitae aio iniuriam. Sed m6am esse erilem c6ncubinam c6nsui, Quoi m6 custodem erus addidit miI6s meus. 550 Nam ex uno puteo similior numquam potis Aqua a6que sumi, quam ha6c est atque ista h6spita. Et m6 despexe ad t6 per impluuifim tuom Fate6r. PE. Quid ni fatearis ego quod ufderim? Sc. Et ibi 6sculantem me dpud te hanec udisse hospi- 555 tam. 542. tua genua A; tuagea M. The rest of the verse follows M, which R needlessly alters. 547. equidem me AFZ; te guidem et Ba; le quideme (quideme) rest; the te probably arose from the fact that Ba, according to its usual perversity, gave meruisset for meruisse, especially as Ba gives fecisset for fecisse in next verse. 548. aio iniuriam hospitai Bentl. 55I. ex uno A, Bb, Dc; exumo rest; hence e summo FZ. 552. aeque A (Spengel, O. Ribbeck); aquae, aque, atque M; hence aquai Bentl., Bothe, R. sumi summis M. 554. fatearis A; fateare Db; fatearet rest; hencefateare tz Miiller. 555. This verse and the next are found only in A; the italicised letters are conjectured by R, being illegible in E 50 T. M4 CC1 P2;A VTZ II 6 76-88 PE. Vidfsti? Sc. Vidi: cuir negem quod ufderim Sed Phflocomasium m6 uidisse c6nsui. PE. Ratun 6s tu me hominem esse 6mnium minumi preti, Si ego m6 sciente paterer uicin6 meo 560 Ear fieri apud me tam insignite iniuiriam? Sc. Nunc d6mum a me insipi6nter factum esse arbitror, Quom r6m cognosco: at non malitios6 tamen Feci. PE. fmmo indigne: nam hominem seru6m suos Domit6s habere op6rtet oculos 6t manus 565 Or.tionemque. Sc. Ego nunc si post hunc diem Muttfiuero, etiam quod egomet cert6 sciam, Dato 6xcruciandum me: 6gomet me dedam tibi. Nunc h6c mi ignosce qua6so. PE. Vincam animium meum, 558. ratun 0. Ribbeck; ratus ne M. es tu Bx; istic M. 56o. insignite M; INSIGNITAM (and v. 569 MALITIOSAM) A; but the adverb is used by PI. in these cases. 563. seruom suos B (as a correction and over an erasure); SERVOSSVOS A; seruo suos CDFZ. The omission of one of two identical letters in juxtaposition (which I call lipography) is so very common that one might look on all the codices (except B) as according with A. Moreover, the order of these words elsewhere in PI. is always homo seruos, I believe (see Capt. iii. 5, 7; Ep. i. i, 58; iii. 1, 7; Stich. i. 2, i). The fact that with other words, such words as homo caitiuos, the order is reversed does not prove that the order was a matter of indifference. 568. mi mihi MA. II 6 89-105 MIIILES GLORIOSVS. 51 Ne malitiose fActum id esse abs te arbitrer. Ign6scam tibi istuc. Sc. At tibi di faciant bene. 570 PE. Ne tu h6rcle, si te di ament, linguam c6nprimes Posthac: etiam illud quod scies nesciueris Nec uideris quod ufderis. Sc. Bene m6 mones: Ita facere certumst. sed satin oratu's? PE. Abi. Sc. Numquid nunc aliud m6 uis? PE. Ne mes7h noueris. Sc. Dedit hfc mihi uerba. quaim benigne grAtiam Fecit, ne iratus 6sset. scio quam r6m gerat: Vt, miles quom extemplo a foro adueniat domum, Domi conprehendar. uina hic et Pala6strio Me habent uenalem: sensi et iam dudum scio. 580 Numquam h6rcle ex ista nassa ego hodie escam petam. Nam iam aliquo aufugiam aut me occultabo aliqu6t dies, Dum hae consilescunt turbae atque irae lniunt. Nam uni capizulo plus nimio merui mali. [Verum tamen, de me quidquid est, ibo hinc domum.] 585 574. sed satin oratu's A (Gepp.), Acid.; and so M with the obvious errors of esset for est set, or the omission of set after est. 577. scio quam sodos quamz (qua) CD; s. cios qua (i. e. socios qua R) Ba. 579. conprehendar A (Gepp.), Acid. R. 58r. nassa AZ Festus; massa rest. escam petam AZ Festus; capetam CDF; caliar B. 582. aut Bx; et M, which however gives aut before aliquot. 583. hae Bx with CD; hec B. 584. nam... mali. So Geppert reads A, supplying capitulo, which is illegible; populo impio M; hence pipulo improbo R; et plus nimio FZ. 585. Justly condemned by 0. Ribbeck. E2 52 T.. H ACCI PLATI II 6 106-115 PE. Illic hinc abscessit. sat edepol cert6 scio Occisam saepe sapere plus mult6 suem, Ii% %, -l % % *G % % Qui adeo Admutilatur, ne id quod uidit ulderit. Nam illius oculi atque atres atque opfnio 590 Transffgere ad nos. usque adhuc actumst probe: Nimium festiuam mulier operam praehibuit. Redeo in senatum rusum. nam Paladstrio Domi nunc apud mest, Sc6ledrus nunc autdmst foris: Frequ6ns senatus p6terit nunc hab6rier. 59s Ibo intro: ne, dum absum, illis sortitus fuat. 588. qui adeo admutilatur R; quod adimatur or ei adimatur or inadimitatur M; quoi id adimatur Madvig; cum manducatur FZ. If one could accept the reading of FZ, one could transpose with Acidalius (a transposition which long ago occurred to myself) the clause ne id quod uidit uiderit and usque adhuc actumst probe. But it is better with Lorenz to mark a lacuna before v. 588. On this whole passage see Comm., where a theory is put forward as to the meaning of the lost verse. 59I. praehibuit A; 1peribunt M. 592. in senatuim rusum A; rursus B; insinuatz rursus CD. 593, 594. In these verses the words domi nune apsud mest and frequens senatus are transposed in M. 595 illis sortitus fuat R; multi (multis) sortito fua BC; multi sortita suz D; illi sortitifuant or in sortio sient Acid.; illis sortito fuam Cam.; illis sortitio fuat Lamb. The multi(s) probably arose from a dittography of the m in absum: see on Ioo. Bugge suggests ne mihi multa insortito fuat, omitting dum absum as a gloss, and making mihi insortito = miihi qui non sortitus sim; cp. intestatus. ACTVS JII. PALAESTRIO. PLEVSICLES. PERIPLECOMENVS. PA. C6ibete intra Iimen etiam u6s parumper, Pleu- In 1 sides. Sinite me prius pr6spectare, ne uispiam insidia6 sient, C6ncilium quod habdre uolumus. nam 6pus est nunc tuto loco. Vnde inimicus nequis nostri spolia capiat c6nsili. [Nam bene consul/tm consilium sfrripitur saepis-6oo sume, Si minus cum cura aft cautela locus loquendi 16ctus est:] NAm bene consultum inconsultumst, si fd inimicis uisuist, N6que potest quin, sf id inimicis usuist, obsft tibi. 599 nostri nostris M, by a dittography of the s in spolia; hence consiliis. consili A; consiliis B; auribus C D. 600, 6oi. Condemned by R (Praef. Stich.); consultum added by Bothe. 6o0. aut cautela locus Bentl.; aut catalogos (catalogo) M; aut Kcar Adyovx Salmasius; perhaps aut minus caute locus. 603. id Cam. quin si Z; qui nisi M. 54 T. [A CCIPL AI 1TI III 1 9-18 Qufppe qui si r6sciuere inimici consilium tuom, 605 Tu6pte tibi consilio occludunt linguam et constringunt manus Atque eadem, quae illis uoluisti facere, re faciunt tibi. Sed speculabor, ne quis aut hinc a laeua aut a d6xtera N6stro consilio uenator adsit cum auritis plagis. St6rilis hinc prospectus usque ad fltumam plateAmst probe. 6o Euocabo. heus, Periplecomene et Pleusicles, progredimini. PE. Ecce nos tibi obo6dientis. PA. Facilest imperium in bonos. S6d uolo scire: eodem consilio, qu6d intus meditatf sumus, G6rimus rem? PE. Magis n6n potest esse aliud ad rem utibilius. 604. quippe qui Ed.; qui is omitted in M; qui'pe si hercle Miiller; quizpe enim Bentl.; I have added qui, which would easily be omitted after quippe by a copyist ignorant of Plautine usage, for which see Comm. si resciuere FZ; scire siuere (which is merely a mistake in the position of c) M. tuom FZ; suom M. 606. re Ed.; turn was added by Bx; illi by R after Guyet. But there is no reason why these should have fallen out. In quae illis uoluisti facere, re faciunt tibi, there is an antithesis between uoluisti and re, "intention" and actual C" experience "; and of course re would be very likely to fall out after facere. 613. gerimus rem P M; si gerimus rem R with FZ. The rest of the verse is given by Bx according to B, which has magis i potest e e at (ad) re ut sibile (with the s erased). III 1 19-28 MILES GL ORIOS yS. 55 PA. Immo quid tibi? PL. Qu6dne uobis placeat, displiceat mihi? Qufs homo sit magfs meus quam tu es? PE. L6quere 615 lepide et c6mmode. PA. P61 ita decet hunc facere. PL. At hoc me facinus miserum macerat Meumque cor corpusque cruciat. PE. Quid id est quod cruciat? cedo. PL. M6 tibi istuc aetatis homini facinora puerflia Obicere, neque t6 decora n6que tuis uirtuitibus A te expetere, ex 6pibus summis mef honoris gratia 620 Mihi amanti ire opitulatum, atque da te facere facinora, Qua6 istaec aetas f6gere facta magis quam sectarf solet. Eam pudet me tibi in senecta obfcere sollicitudinem. 615. meus quam tu es FZ; meus quamus (quamtus, guamtuus, quamuis) M. 617. cruciat cedo Cam.; cruciant ced- (with an erasure) Ba; cruciant ted Bb; cruciat te rest. Here the whole corruption arose from the very common confusion of c and t. 620. A te R; ea te M; face in Ba arises from the frequent confusion between c and t. For t standing in place of c see on Ioo; we have c for t in the following cases (among many others):-ecrem = et rem 724; uictas = uittas 792; stercas = stertas 820; amiciciam = amicitiam 1200; cestibus = testibus I426; as well as in the proper name Acroteleucium for Acroteleutium. 621. mihi amanti Ed.; mihique am. M; but this is an undoubtedly admissible hiatus; see 620. T. MA CCI PLAF VTI III 1 29-39 PA. N6uo modo tu homo amas. si quidem te qufcquam quod faxis pudet, 625 Nihil amas, umbra's amantum migis quam amator, Pleusicles. PL. Hancine aetatem exercere mez me amoris gratia? PE. Quid ais tu? tam tibi ego uideor 6ppido Acherunticus? TaIm capularis? tamne tibi diu ufdeor uitam ufuere? Nam 6quidem haud sum annos nAtus praeter qufnquaginta et quattuor: 630Claire oculis uide6, sum pernix pedibus, manibus m6bilis. PA. Si albicapillus hic uidetur, ne utiquam ab ingenio senet: Inest in hoc amufssitata sua sibi ingenua fndoles. PL. P61 id quidem experi6r ita esse ut praedicas, Pala6strio: Nam benignitas quidem huius 6ppido adulesc6ntulist. 624, 625. These verses usually spoken by Periplec. are with much probability assigned to Pal. by 0. Ribbeck, 625. amantun amantis Niemeyer. 626. mei Lindemann. 627. tam Nonius; itane M. 628. capularis P tamne Cam.; copularis tam me Ba; capularis tamine rest. 630. pernix.. mobilis Guyet. M transposes these words, thus sacrificing the alliteration. 631. senet Koch (Rhein. Mus. xxiv. 620); ibi ingenio senex M; ab ingeniost senex R. 632. amussitata Pius; emusitata M. 634. adulescentulist Cam.; adolescentules(e) M. III 1 40-51 1MILES GLO.RIOSVS. 57 PE. Immo, hospes, magis qu6m periclum facies, 635 magis nosc6s meam C6mitatem ergO te amantem. PL. Quid opust nota n6scere? PE. 3 Vt apud ted ex6mplum experiundo habeas, ne quaeras foris. NAm nisi qui ipse amauit, aegre amantis ingenium inspicit. Et ego amoris aliquantum habeo um6risque etiam in 640 c6rpore N6quedum exarui ex amoenis rdbTs et uoluptariis. V6l cauillat6r facetus u6l conuiua c6mmodus Item ero: neque ego sum 6blocutor Alteri in conuiuio. Incommoditate abstinere me apud conuiuas c6mmodo C6nmemini, et meae orationis iustam partem p6rse- 645 qui Et meam partem itid6m tacere, quom alienast oraitio. 636. comitatem erga Cam.; comilante merce (mearce) M. 638. ted... experiundo Ribbeck; te and experiundi M. ne quaeras Luchs; negis and ne.. as M; hence ne roges R; nejpetas Cam. But Luchs' conjecture is better metre, as P1. avoids u - u - at the end of a verse. 639. nisi qui ipse Gruter, Bentl.; ipsi quod (qui) ipse B; qui ipse CD; qui ipse haud Cam. 640. etiam FZ; me (meo) etiam M. 643. sum R; omitted in M. 644. commodo R; quomodo M; commode FZ; commodos Miiller. 645. conmemini commeminit (and in next verse taceret) M. 58 T. MA CCI PLA VI III 1 52-60 Minume sputator, screator sum, itidem minume miccidus: Neque ego cumquam alidnum scortum sibigito in conufuio: Neque praeripio pulpamentum ndque praeuorto p6culum: 65o Ndque per uinum umquam ex me exoritur discidium in conuluio. Sf quis ibist odi6sus, abeo d6mum, sermonem segrego. Vdnerem, amorem amodnitatemque accubans ex6rceo: P6st, Ephesi sum natus, noenum in Apulis, noenum Aminulae. PA. 0 lepidissumum h6minem, si, quas memorat, uirtutis habet: 655sAtque equidem plane dducatum in nitricatu Vdnerio. 647. sputator screator D; putatur Ba; minimis putatur C; potator scortator B mrg. muccidus C; succidus rest. 648. cumquam R; umquam M. subigito in Cam.; subigitom M; the similarity of in to m caused the corruption. This is a very common error, e. g. in aZam for malam, Cic. Att. i. 19. 2: in hercule for mehercule Att. i. 12. 3; esses sin for esses me Att. i. Io. 6. 653. noenum... Aminllae Biucheler in Fl. Jahrb., 1863, p. 774; non enim in apulis non suminimula M. 654. 0 lep. hominem Bx; lepidum semine B; lepidum semisemne CD; o lepidum semisenem (( old boy") F and Bothe; edepol lepidum senicem (taken as an archaic accus. of senex) Scutarius. memorat uirtutis Scutarius; memoratur tuis M. 655. educatum Bothe; eductum M. III 1 61-71 MILES GLORIOSVS. 59 PE. Plus dabo quam praddicabo ex me venustatis tibi. PL. Tu quidem edepol 6mnis mores ad venustatdm veges. PA. Cedo tris mi horines aurichalco c6ntra cum istis m6ribus. PL. At quidem, illuc aetatis qui sit, n6n invenies alterum Lepidiorem ad 6mnis res nec magis qui amnico amf- co cus sit. PE. Tute me ut fatedre faciam esse Adulescentem m6ribus: Ita ego ad omnis c6nparebo tibi res benefactifs frequens. Opusne erit tibi aduocato tristi, iracundo? dcce me. Opusne leni? ldniorem dices quam mutumst mare, Liquidiusculusque ero quam uentus est fau6nius. 653 Vel hilarissumum conuiuam hinc fndidem expromam tibi, 657. tu BCDa; etDb. ueges Bx; uacet B; zicet C; uegit Db; tzi... ualent with Cam. R. 658. contra cum B; contramtum (the scribe erroneously supplied a horizontal stroke over a in contra and read t for c in cum) CD, hence contra emptum FZ; contra emzpsim Lipsius. 660. magis.. sit Bergk; nec magis qd amicus amicos sint magis Ba CD. magis amicus amico szt Bb. 662. ego ad R; apucd M. 663. opusne R; opus nec M. 664. dices dicis M. 665. liquidiusculusque Cam.; liquidius cuiusque Ml 666. conuiuam FZ; conuiuium M. hinc indidem Cam.: hinc indidd M. 60 T. MA2CCI PLA VTI III 1 71-81 Vel primarifm parasitum atque 6bsonatorem 6ptumum. Turn d saltandum n6n cinaedus malacus aequest atque ego. PA. ufid ad illas artis optassis, si 6ptio eueniat tibi? 670 PL. Hufc pro meritis ut referri pariter possit gratia Tibique, quibus nunc m6 esse experior suimmae sollicitufdini. Xt tibi tanto sumptui esse mihi molestumst. PE. M6rus es. Nam in mala uxore atque inimico sf quid sumas sumptus est: In bono hospite atque amico qua6stus est quod sumitur, 675 [Vt quod in diufnis rebus sumptumst sapienti lucrost.] Defm uirtute est te uinde hospitio accipiam apud me comiter. Es, bibe, animo obs6quere mecum atque 6nera te hilaritudine: 668. saltandum FZ; salutandum M. malacus... ego magicus egestant (equestant) que ego M; malacus aeque est is quoted by Nonius; quam ego was conjectured by Lipsius; the text above R ascribes to Rittershusius quoted by Scioppius. 669. optassis, si Cam.; optes or optis si M. 673. sumas sumptus est sumat sumptus (sumptu) e M. 675. sumptumst R; sumas sumptus M; the verse is justly bracketed by Bx. 676. est... comiter Haupt; e tasenunde (transewntem F) hospitio accipiem apud me commitas (comitas) M; est eundem hospitio accipiam Nonius; for transeuntem Bentl. conjectured et mea unde. es FZ; est M. hilaritudine Nonius; hilarissime B; hilaritus me CD. III 1 82-93 MIILES GLORIOSVS. 61 Liberae sunt a6des, liberum autem ego me volo vivere. Nam mihi deum uirtute dicam propter diuitias meas Lfcuit uxordm dotatam gdnere summo ducere: 68o S6d nolo mi oblatratricem in aedis intro mittere. PL. Cur non uis? nam pr6creare liberos lepidumst opus. PE. H6rcle uero Iiberum esse, id nfmio multost I6pidius. Nam bona uxor, si qua educta sic sit usquam gentium, Vbi ea possit inueniri? u6rum egone ear ducam 685 domum, Qua6 numquam hoc dicat: ' eme, mi uir, lanam, tibi unde pallium Malacum et calidum c6nficiatur tinicaeque hibernae bonae, Ne algeas hac hieme': hoc numquam u6rbum ex uxore afdias: Verum prius quam galli cantent, qua6 me e somno suscitet, 678. liberum.. uiuere Haupt; liber sum autem egomet uolo (ego me tu uolo C D) libere M. 682. lepidumst opus Toupius; lepidissimzst Bb; lepidus sonus rest. 683. nimio R. 684. si... usquam Bx; sua deducta e' qua Ba; su deducta sit usqua Bb; suac deductust situs quam CD. 686. quae numquam Bx; quae mihinumquam M. lanam Z; tanam M. 687. tunicaeque. In M mihi appears to have stood after tunicaeque. 689. e Fl. T.: iA CCI PLAV TI III 1 94-98 oo Dfcat: 'da mihi, uir, kalendis meam qui matrem luverim: Da qui farcit, da qui condit: da quod dem quinquatribus Pra6cantatricf, coniectrici, ariolae atque aruspicae: Flagitiumst, si nil mittetur: quo supercilio spicit. 690. iuverim Bx; ueneriC D; uenerit (with iuuerit superscribed) B. 69r. da... condit Bothe; da quifaciat condiat da M (except Ba, which gives the obviously corruptfaciat conclamando); R followed by most recent edd. gives da gui faciam condimenta. A. Palmer has shown (Zermathena, No. v. p. 263) that in Most i. 2. 37 faciunt should be replaced by farciunt. The conjecture of R is as improbable as his transposition of v. 693 to after v. 697. 692. praecantatrici CDFZ; racecatrici B; praecantrici R after Scaliger and Bentley, thus leaving a hiatus, to avoid which Koch reads fariolae (see v. 2). B leaves out one syllable as in patricamn for plicatricem in 694; obstrex for obstetrix 696. 693. quo sup. spicit FZ. I am loth to change this reading, which all editors give; but I am convinced it is wrong. FZ are full of bad conjectures. B CD with A give quae, which Festus also preserves (R says " quae non quo mirum est etiam Festum testari "). I believe there is an ellipse of ei before quae (as A. Palmer has suggested to me), just as twice in 69I; and that either (I) quae supercilio spicit describes some woman who practised some obscure mode of divination from eyebrows; or (2) we should read quae supercilia auspicat, "who augurs from (the twitchings &c. of) eyebrows"; auspico is used with accus. Stich. iii. 2. 46 in this sense, where auspicare mustellam means " to draw an omen from a weasel"; and we find in Pseud. i. l. Io5 that the twitching of the eyebrow was a sign that a hope would be fulfilled, quica futurrumst ifa supercilium salzt. The same superstition is re III 1 99-107 i]ZLES GLORIOSVS. 63 Tuim plicatricem clementer non potest quin muinerem: Iam pridem, quia nihil abstulerit, suiscenset toraria: 695 Turm 6bstetrix exp6stulauit m6cum, parum missium sibi: Quid? nutrici n6n missuru's qufcquam, quae uernas alit?' Hadc atque horum sfmilia alia damna multa mulierum Me uixore prohib6nt, mihi quae huius similis sermones serat. PA. Di tibi propitii sunt: nam hercle si istam semel 700 amfseris Lfbertatem, haud ficile in eundem rusum restitu6s locum. PL. TU homo et alterf sapienter p6tis es consulere et tibi: ferred to in Theocr. iii. 37: aiAAeXTa oqi0axiaos /tEv o E ios' apa y'!5(r5. 694. plicatricem A(Stud.) patricam M; piatricem vulg. potest quin mun. Lamb.; potest (pota est C Db) hinc quam (quin Bb) munerem M; pota est inquit nzunere FZ. 695. toraria Salmasius; ceraria M; celaria F (hence cellaria); geraria Turnebus. 696. obstetrix obstrex M. 697. quid? nutrici A; quiinutrici, qui nutrici, quin nutrici M. 698. horum R; huius M; but HORvs A (Gepp.). 700. sunt.. amiseris A (Gepp.). 701. in eundem Bx after A; in te eundem M. facile eacile CD; cp. 620, where eate is forface. restitues locum FZ; restitue siccum Ba; restitues iccum Bb; uocum CD. 702. Transposed hither by R from after 683. 64 T. iA CI TPLAVTI III 1 108-119 At illa laus est, magno in genere et in diuitiis maxumis Liberos hominem 6ducare, g6neri monumentum 6t sibi. 705 PE. Quando habeo mult6s cognatos, quid opus sit mihi liberis? Ninc bene uiuo et f6rtunate atque uit uolo atque animo ut lubet. M6a bona in mort6 cognatis didam, inter eos partiam: Ei apud med adsuint, me curant, uisunt quid agam, quid uelim: Prius quam lucet, adsunt, rogitant, n6ctu ut somnum c6perim. 710 [Eos pro liberis habebo, qui mihi mittunt munera.] Sacruficant: dant inde partem mihi maiorem quam sibi, Abducunt me ad 6xta, me ad se ad prandium, ad cenam uocant. Ille miserrumum se retur, minumum qui misit mihi. Illi inter se certant donis: 6gomet mecum mussito: 707. didam Haupt; DEDAM A (Gepp.); dicam M. in mea M. partiam Cam.; piartim M. 708. ei... uelim Bx; HIAPVDMEADERVNTMECVRABVNTVISENTQVIDAGAM QVIDVELIM A; M gives Ii for hi; ederunt for aderunt; and B. has hic for quid, agant for agam, and uelint for uelim 7Io. A spurious verse arising from glosses on 705, 7I5. 712. exta CD; extra BFZ. III 1 120-128 MIL~ES GLORIOSVS. 65 ' B6na mea inhiant: at certatim nutricant et mune- 715 rant.' PL. Nimis bona rati6ne nimiumque ad te et tua multum uides, Et tibi sunt gemini 6t trigemini, si te bene habes, filii. PE. P61 si habuissem, satis cepissem miseriarum e liberis. C6ntinuo excruciarer animi: sfn forte ei fuisset 72 febris, C6nserem emori: cecidisset dbrius aut de equo ispiam, M6tuerem ne ibi diffregisset crura aut ceruicfs sibi. PL. Hufc homini dignimst diuitias 6sse et diu uitam dari, 7I5. at. Read by Gepp. in A; it is omitted in M, and was supplied by R on conjecture. 716. Bx assigns to Pleusicles this and following verse, usually given to Palaestrio. There is no note here in M indicating the speakers. multum Cam.; multam or multa 7L. 718. e R. 720. ei Bergk. 72. cecidisset.... uspiam Bx; cecidissetne M. 722. diffr. Ribbeck; defr. M. After 722 the following obviously irrelevant verses appear in some edd.:Turn ne uxor mihi insignitos pueros pariat postea Aut uarum aut ualgum aut compernem aut pactum aut broncum filium. The verses are quoted by Festus: "e Plauti Sitellitergo," and were first inserted here by Saracenus. 723. dari A; dare M. F 66 T.. IACCI PLA VTI III 1 129-137 Qui et rem seruat 6t se bene habet sufsque amicis usuist. 725 PA. 0 lepidum caput. ita me di dea6que ament, aequ6m fuit De6s parauisse, uno exemplo ne Omnes uitam ufuerent. Sicut merci pretium statuit, quist probus agoranomus: Qua6 probast mers, pretium ei statuit, pro uirtute ut u6neat, Quae inprobast, pro mdrcis uitio d6minum pretio pauperet: 730otidem diuos dispertisse uitam humanam aequ6m fuit: Quf lepide ingeniatus esset, uftam ei longinquam darent, Qui fnprobi essent et scelesti, is adimerent animam cito. 724. se A; qui M. usuist. This is a conjecture of R put forward in his notes, but not admitted into his text; it is confirmed by A (Gepp.). For usuist we have uult in BC; vule in D; uot bene Cam. 726. parauisse parasse ut Lorenz, not improbably, for A seems to have VT. 727-9. A preserves v. 727; but after probast in 728 goes on with pro mnercis uitio in 729 (a case of parablepsy of improba). 728 is preserved by Nonius as in text. M gives the passage thus:Sicut merci pretium statuit pro uirtute ut ueneat Quae improba sit pro mercis (mercedis B) uitio dominum pretio pauper erit. pauperet Acid.; pauperat Z, Nonius; pauper erit M. 731. ingeniatus A; ingenuatus L4. III 1 138-148 MILES GLORIOSFVS. 67 Si h6c parauiss6nt, ethomines 6ssent minus multi mali Et minus audact6r scelesta facerent facta: et p6stea, Qui homines probi 6ssent, esset is annona uflior. 735 PE. Quf deorum consilia culpet, stAltus inscitusque sit. * * n ninciam istis r6bus desisti decet: Nunc uolo obsonare ut, hospcs, tua te ex uirtute et mea Meae domi accipiam benigne, lepide et lepidis uictibus.,PL. Nil me paenit6t iam, quanto sumptui fuerim 740 tibi. Nam hospes nullus tam in amici hospitium deuorti potest, Qufn, ubi tridu6m continuom ferit, iam odiosus siet: VWrum ubi dies dec6m continuos sit, east odiorum Ilias: 733. et Bothe. 737. R suggests that set dies it may have been the beginning of this verse. He rightly expels, as a gloss on 734, quique eos uituperet, which is found in M. 738. uolo uolom M; so properem for propere 220; and dicom for dico, egom for ego 23I. In these cases probably some fortuitous mark or blot in the mss. was mistaken for the horizontal superscribed stroke which meant m (e. g. propere = properem). 740. sumptui Cam.; sznmptu or szuimtzi M. 741. in amici Scutarius; inimici M. 743. sit. Ilias. This is a conjecture of Koch, which Studemund states to be the reading of A; ite asto dornum illas M. R, too, testifies that the last letters of the verse in A are VILIAS; but he gives in his text restans odzo familiaest. F 2 T. iLAC CI PLA VTI III 1 149-159 Tam 6tsi dominus non inuitus patitur, serui muirmurant. 745 PE. S6ruientis seruitutem ego s6ruos instruxi mihi, H6spes, non qui mi imperarent quibusue ego essem obn6xius. Si illis aegrest, mihi quod uolup est, me6 rem remigi6 gero: Tamen id, quod odi6st, faciundumst cAm malo atque ingratiis. Nfnc quod occepi 6bsonatum p6rgam. PL. Si certumst tibi,. 750 C6mmodulum obsona, ne magno sfmptu: mihi quiduis sat est. PE. Quin tu istanc orationem hinc u6terem atque antiquam amoues? Pr61etari6 sermone nunc quidem, hospes, Atere. Nam f solent, quando accubuere, ubi c6na adpositast, dicere: 'Quid opus fuit tibifstoc sumptu tanto nostra gratia? 744. inuitus patitur A; inuitus (uitus) sit patilur M. 745. instruxi A; introuxiC; introduxi rest. 747. illis aegrest Cam.; illizs egressi M. mihi quod FZ; mihi inicit (incit C) quod B; mi/ziimett zuod D. 748. odiost Gruter; odiosae C; odiose rest. 750. magno sumptu Z; magnum sumplumz M. sat sata M here and in 755. 75I. ueterem FZ; uerem BC; uerem with te superscribed D. 752. prol. sermone R; nam proletario sermone M, apparently through ignorance of the quantity of proletario. 754. fuit tibi istoc R; fuit hoc M; fzit hoc hospes Cam. II 1 160-169 IZILES GZLORIOS VS. 69 Insaniuisti h6rcle: nam idem hoc h6minibus sat er.t 755 decem.' S6d eidem homines numquam dicunt, quamquam adpositumst aimpliter: ' Iube illud demi: t6lle hanc patinam: r6moue pernam, nfl moror: Aifer illam offam porcinam: pr6bus hic conger frigidust: Remoue, abi, aufer': n6minem eorum haec adseuerare auidias, SMd procellunt s6se in mensam dimidiati, dum appe- 760 tunt. Qu6d eorum causa 6bsonatumst, culpant et comedunt tamen. PL. Fit pol illuc ad illud exemplum: ut d6cte et perspect6 sapit. PA. B6nus bene ut mal6s descripsit m6res. PE. Haud centdnsumam Partem dixi atque, 6tium rei si sit, possum expr6mere. 756. eidem R; idem, iidem M. 758. porcinam M (except that CDa have portinam, which is the same: see on Ioo); penitam Z, vulg. hie hinc M. conger Z; concer BC Da; cancer DbF. 760. sed... mensam R; sed procellsunt se etprocumnbunt M. The verse is repeated after 777 in this form: sedprocunubunt in mensam. From a combination of these the right verse is deduced by R. The comma is rightly placed after, not before, dim. by Klotz. 761, 2. Rightly transposed hither by Bothe from after 755. 764. rei si sit Pylades; reisistit M;,mihi si sit Bx. T. MACCI PLEAVI III 1 170-180 765 PA. Igitur id quod agitur, huic rei primum praeuorti decet. Nfnc hoc animum adu6rtite ambo. mlhi opus est opera tua, P6riplecomene: nam ego inueni lepidam sycophantiam, Qui admutiletur miles usque ca6sariatus, atque uti Huic amanti ac Phflocomasio hanc ecficiamus copiam, 770Vt hic earn abducat habeatque. PE. Dari istanc ration6m uolo. PA. At ego mi anulum dari istunc tu6m uolo. PE. Quam ad rem usuist? PA. Quando habebo, igitur rationem mearum fabricarim dabo. PE. Vtere, accipe. PA. Accipe a me rusum rationdm doli, Quam fnstiti. PE. Perpuirigatis damus tibi ambo operam auribus. 775 PA. Erus meus ita magnus moechus mulierumst, ut neminem 765. huic rei Bx; hAc M; huice R. 767. lepidam Cam.; lepide M. 768. miles usqlue Cam.; milesque M. 769. Philocomasio Gruter; philocomasium M. 770. habeatque abeatque (as often) M. dari dare M. 771. quam ad rem Cam.; quamatre M; at often stands for ad, and re for re is common. 774. institi.. auribus Fl.; institui perpurgatis ambo damus tibi operam M. III 1 181-189 M'ILES GLORIOSVS. 71 Fuisse adaeque n6que futurum credam. PE. Credo ego istuic quidem. PA. Atque is Alexandrf praestare praedicat forma6 suam, Itaque omnis se ultro sectari in Epheso memorat mulieres. PE. Edepol qui te d6 isto multi cuipiunt non mentfrier: Sed ego ita esse, ut dicis, tenco pulcre. proin, 780 Paladstrio, Quam potis, tam u6rba confer maxume ad conpendium. PA. Ecquam tu potfs reperire f6rma lepida mulierem, Quof facetiarum cor corpusque sit plenum 6t doli? PE. Ingenuamne an libertinam? PA. Aequi istuc faciam, dum modo 776. fuisse adaeque Gruter; fuisse (fuisset) atque (aeque) M. quidem Miller; idem M. 777. atque is R; itaque M; cp. 136. formae Guyet; forma C; formam rest. 779. non MAFZ; nunc Acidalius and all subsequent edd. I have explained in the Commentary the reading of all the mss., which I have restored. 783. facetiarum Cam.; fatiarum BC; faciarum D; fallaciarum FZ. cor Cam. 784. an F; hanc M. aequi... dum modo R; atque istuc faczundiz modo B; atque istuc faciom dummodo C. It is quite as probable that we should, with C, read facio: see 220, 231, 738, where m is wrongly appended to words ending in a vowel. Bx givesfaciam in his ed., but acceptsfacio in Hermes xiv. T. M4 CCI PLA 7TI III 1 190-200 785 Eam des quae sit quadstuosa, qua6 alat corpus corpore Quoique sapiat pectus: nam cor n6n potest, quod nulla habet. PE. Lautam uis an quae nondum sit lauta? PA. Siccam, at sucidam: Quam lepidissumam potis quamque aidulescentem maxume. PE. Habeo eccillam meam cluentam, m6retricem adulescntulam. 790 SMd quid ea usus est? PA. Vt ad ted earm iam deducas domum, Itaque ear huc ornatam adducas ad matronarfim modum: Capite compto crfnis uittasque habeat adsimuldtque se Tuam esse uxorem: ita pra6cipiundumst. PE. Erro, quam insistas uiam. PA. At scies. sed dcquae ancillast flli? PE. Est adprime cata. 795 PA. Ea quoque opus est. ita praecipito mulieri atque ancillulae, 786. nam FZ; iam M. 787. at R. 788. quam~que Z; qudgui (qud) M. 790. usus A; ausus M. ted Bothe; te M. 791. ad... modum A (Gepp.); matronarum modo M; ut matr. modo R. 793. tuam FZ; tum M. 794. scies. sed Bothe; scietis sed (set) CD; stetisset B. adprime Scaliger; primi M; prime R. 795. praecipito Saracenus; praecipio M. III 1 201-209 MILES GLORIOS VS. 73 Vt simulet se tuam esse uxorem et ddperire hunc mflitem: Quasique hunc anulum suae faueae d6derit, ea porr6 mihi, Mfliti ut dar6m: quasique ego ei rei sim interpres. PE. Audio: N6 mi ut surdo udrbera auris: dgo recte edoctas meas T'bi dabo. PA. A tua mi uxore dicam delatum Ct Soo datum, Vt sese ad eum conciliarem. ille-efus modistcupi6t miser, Qui nisi adulterio studiosus ref nulli aliaest inprobus. PE. Non potuit reperfre, si ipsi S6Ii quaerundas dares, LUpidiores duas ad hanc rem quam dgo habco. habe animum bonum. 797. faueae Scaliger, who recognised the true reading in a gloss "fauea tr8iicriKn,faueus 7ra-s;"fame se ancille (forfamae suae ancillae) CD, which probably took Fcama for a proper name, and supplied ancillae as an explanation; famose ancille B. 798. ei R. 799. n... tua Bx; ne me sudzum uerberauit si audis ego recte (rectis C) meis dabo lua (tuam B) M; ne.... aures; egomet recta semita I ad eum ibo R: perhaps e.... aures; egomr.rrectas meas I tibL dabo; or ego recte arrectas Jzeas I tibi dabo. 80r. ut sese ad cum FZ; at for ad D, aut C; ut sedeat mecumr B. eius modist ML, which Madvig has completely defended in Adv. Crit. ii. Io; efus domi R. 803. potuit Pylades; polui M. 804. habeo. Supplied by Miiller; a much better expedient than writing egomet for ego, as R does. 74 T. MA CCI PLA VfI III 1 210-2 2 805 PA. Ergo adcura, s6d propere opus est. nunc tu ausculta, PleAsicles. PL. Tibi sum oboedi6ns. PA. Hoc facito: miles domum ubi adudnerit, M6mineris ne Philocomasium n6mines. PL, Quem n6minem? PA. Glyceram. PL. Nempe eandem quae dudum c6nstitutast. PA. Pax, abi. PL. M6minero: sed quid meminisse id r6fert, rogo ego t6 tamen. 810 PA. Ego enim dicam tim, quando usus p6scet. intere4 tace: 't tur quom etiam hic aget actutum partis defendas tuas. PL. Eo ego intro igitur. PA. El, praecepta s6brie adcures face. PALAESTRIO. LVRCIO. III 2 PA. Quant[s res turbo, quintas moueo michinas! Eripiam ego hodie c6ncubinam militi, 805. adcura, sed propere Bx; accuras etproperas (properd B) M; adcures: properato R. 806. hoc facito huc facito B; hoc facto rest. 808. Glyceram Lipsius; diceam M; dic ear FZ. abi Cam.; abis M. 809. rogo Bx. 8I1. tum R. aget R; agit M. S2. eo ego R; ego ego IM. ei Gulielmus; et M; i et R. adcures R; ut cures M. III 2 3-15 MILES G; ORIOSYS S. 75 Si c6nturiati bene sunt manuplar6s mei. 815 Sed illum euocabo. heus Sceledre, nisi neg6tiumst, Progrddere ante aedis: te uocat Palaestrio. Lv. Non 6peraest Sceledro. PA. Quid iam. Lv. Sorbet dormiens. PA. Quid 's6rbet'? Lv. Illud 'stertit' uolui dicere: Sed qufa consimilest quom stertas quasi s6rbeas.. 820 PA. Eho, an d6rmit Sceledrus intus? Lv. Non naso quidem: Nam eo magnum clamat. PA. T6tigit calicem clanculum: Depr6mpsit nardini amphoram cellarius. Eho tu, sceleste, qui illi suppromu's: eho. 825 Lv. Quid ufs? PA. Qui lubitumst illi condormiscere? Lv. Oculis, opinor. PA. N6n te istuc rogit6, scelus. Proc6de huc: iam perifsti nisi ucrum scio. 8I5. manuplares Pareus; manipulares M. 8I6. euocabo Muller; uocabo M. 817. tocat FZ; uoca B; uoco CD. Bx in his crit. note has shown that 3rd pers. in these cases is the Plautine usage. 818. operaest Cam.; opere or opera M. 823. deprompsit Lamb.; dormis ita B; donzi sita CD; dimisit FZ; demisit Dousa. nardini Lamb.; mardimin, mardinimin, arclizin (cl for d) M. Bugge proposes dormit e nardini amphora cellarizs, comparing ex uino uacillantes, Cic. ap. Quintil. viii. 3. 66; grauida e Pampzilost Ter. Andr. 216. It must be admitted that the reading in the text is objectionable, both from its conjectural character and from the abruptness of the sentence. 826. qui Beroaldus; quid M. 76 T. M CCI PLA, VTI III 2 16-31 Prompsisti tu illi ufnum? Lv. Non prompsi. PA. Negas? 830 Lv. Nego hdrcle uero: nam file me uotuit dfcere. Neque equidem heminas octo exprompsi in urceum, Neque file calidum hic dxbibit in prandium. PA. Neque tu bibisti? Lv. Df me perdant, si bibi, Si blbere potui. PA. Quid iam? Lv. Quia enim obs6rbui: 835 Nam nimis calebat, amburebat gutturem. PA. Alii ebrii sunt, alii poscam p6titant: Bon6 suppromo et pr6mo cellam creditam! Lv. Tu idem hdrcle faceres, sf tibi esset credita: Quoniam aemulari n6n licet, nunc inuides. 840 PA. Eho, an umquam prompsit antehac? respondt, scelus. Atque ut tu scire possis, edico tibi: Si filsa dices, Lurcio, excruciabere. Lv. Itan udro? ut tu ipse m6 dixisse ddlices: 845 Post e sagina ego eiciar celiaria, 831. heminas Saracenus; seminas M. 832. ille calidnum hic Fl.; ille hic calidum M. exbibit Guyet; exiuiit, exiuit, and biuisti in next verse, M. 834. potui FZ: otuisti I. 835. calebat, amburebat Cam.; caluit ambuiretat B; cale uitam bureuat CD. 836. poscam potitant Acid. and Lips.; alia poscd potuitd D, postquam potato B; potest (esz erased) campota itam C. 838. idem hercle Acid.; hercle diem M. 84I. edico Cam.; dico AM. 842. dices R; dicis M; dixis Cam. Lurcio Fl.; otius I)c; uocio, votio rest; Lucrio Gron.; ocius Lipsius; see Comm. 843. itan R; ita M. 845. e R. eiciar FZ; eicia M. III 2 32-44 M'ILZES GL ORIOS VS. 77 Vt, tibi qui promptet, alium suppromum pares. PA. Non ddepol faciam: age 6loquere audact6r mihi. Lv. Numquam ddepol uidi pr6mere. uerum hoc erat: Mihi imperabat, dgo promebam p6stea. PA. Hoc illi crebro capite sistebant cadi. 850 Lv. Non h6rcle tam istoc ualide cassabant cadi, Sed in c6Ila paulum 16culi erat nimis lubrici: Ibi erat bilibris aula sic propter cados: Ea sa6pe deciens c6nplebatur 'n die: s8 Vbi bacchabatur aula cassabant cadi. PA. Abi, abi intro. iam vos in cella uinaria Bacchanal facitis: iam hercle ego erum adducam a foro. Lv. Perii: excruciabit me erus, domum si uenerit, 846. qui promptet R in adn. crit.: qui promptis B'; si proptis CD; quipronmpsit R in text; sipromptes vulg. suppromum pares FZ; szppromis pares M. 847. eloquere Pareus; te loquere M. 85o. hoc illi crebro Bx; hic illecebro B; hic illi celebro CD. sistebant Beroaldus; sistebat B; sistebas CD. 852. sed... lubrici Fl.; erat2paulum nimis loculi lubrici M. 853. bilibris Dc; uilibris rest. Throughout this scene all the codd. but Dc constantly give u for b. aula sic R.; auilis iic M; aqualis hic Z; but in 856 M gives auia, which points to aula. 854. in die R; die M; de die Bothe. After 855 follows a verse rightly condemned by R, as probably compounded of a gloss on 855, and the erroneous reading of B, uidi for ubi, in 856. The words are ea plenam atrue inanem fieri plena msaxuma uidi. 858. adducam a foro Pylades; adducla fore B; adducatafore CD. 78 T. MA CCI PLA VTI III 2 45-58 &6o Quom haec fScta scibit, qufa sibi non dixerim. Fugiam h6rcle aliquo atque hoc in diem extollhm malum. Ne dixeritis 6bsecro huic uostram fidem. PA. Quo t6 agis? Lv. Missus sum alio: iam huc reu6nero. PA. Quis misit? Lv. Philocomaisium. PA. Abi: actutum redi. 865 Lv. Quaes6 tamen, tu meam partem, infortfinium Si diuidetur, me absente accipit6 tamen. PA. Modo lntellexi, quam rem mulier gesserit: Quia Sc6ledrus dormit, hunc subcustod6m suom Foras ablegauit, dum ab se huc transiret: placet. 87o Sed Periplecomenus quam ei mandaui mulierem Niris 16pida forma ducit. di hercle hanc rem adiuuant. Quam digne ornata incedit, haud meretricie. Lepide hoc succedit sub manus neg6tium. 86o. dixerim dixerit, and in 86i extollat, M. 861. diem Cam.; die M. 863. quo te Pius; quot tu, quod tu M. 865. meam... infort. Spengel; meam partem infortinum M; tu parlem infortuni meam R. 868. hunc hue M. 869. foras Lamb.; foris M. transiret transire M, reversing the usual error. 87I. adiuuan.t adiuuat B; atuiuat C; iut uiuat D; Zt uiuant FZ. III 3 1-9 MILES GLORIOS VS. 79 PERIPLECOMENVS. ACROTELEVTIVM. (MILPHIDIPPA.) PALAESTRIO. PE. Rem omnem tibi, Acroteleutium, tibique fina, III 3 Milphidippa, Domi d6monstraui iam 6rdine. hanc fabricam falla- 875 ciasque Minus si tenetis, d6nuo uolo p6rcipiatis plane: Satis si intellegitis, Aliud est quod p6tius fabul6mur. Ac. Stultitia atque insipientia mea quidem sententia hadc sit, Me ire in opus alienum aut tibi meam 6peram pollicitari, Si ea in 6pificina n6sciam aut mala esse aut fraudu- 880 lenta. PE. At m6liust te monerier. Ac. Meretricem conmoneri Quam sane magni r6ferat, nil clamst. quin egomet ultro, 875. iam ordine Miiller; in ordine M. 878. stultitia......sit Bx; insipientia falsta (falsa B) hae sit M. 880. si ea in Cam. si earn M. For the confusion between in and m see on 648. nesciam nesciat M. 88r. te R. 882. nil M; mizi Lamb. quin egomet ultro Acid.; qui ego insustro B; quin ego infrustro C; quid, egonefrustra after Bothe, R. The conjecture of Acid. is recommended by the confusion between in and m, for which see on 648; quin, ego nifrustror, I priusquam Madvig. T. M2ACCI PLA TI III3 10-19 Postquam adbibere aur6s meae tuae m6rium orationis, Tibi dixi, miles quem ad modum potisset deascidri. 885 PE. At n6mo solus satis sapit: nam ego multos saepe uidi Regi6nem fugere c6nsili prius quam repertam hab6 -rent. Ac. Si quid faciundumst mulieri male atque malitiose, Ibi ei immortalis m6moriast meminisse et sempit6rna: Sin b6ne quid aut fideliter faciindumst, eaedem eueniet 890 Obliuiosae extempulo ft fidnt, meminisse nequeant: PE. Ergo istuc metuo, qu6d uenit uobis faciundum utrfimque: Nam id proderit mihi, militi male qu6d facietis ambae. 883. meae tuae morium morium Ed.; see Commentary for defence of it; meae tuam tioram B; meae et tuam moram C; meca etuti moram D; meae tuae loream R; meae tuae oram Gulielmus, which I think is the only conjecture except my own which has the slightest probability: ora = " edge" (e. g. of a cup in Lucr.). 884. deasciari Paumier; deascdari CD; assecia rei B; deas dare F; oleas dare Z. 886. repertam haberent Lamb. reperta habere M; repertam habere Pylades, which is possibly right. 888. ibi ei R; ea sibi M. meminisse meminisset (as often) M. et semp. M; mem. id sempiterno R. 889. bene quid aut Cam.; bene aut quid aut M. faciundumst eaedem eueniet R; faciundzm si eade (eade) ueniunt M. 890. extempulo ut Bothe; extemplo uti M. nequeant R; nequeunt M. 891. quod R after Acid.; quo M. III 3 20-30 iILES GLORIOSVS. 81 Ac. Dum n6 scientes quid bonum faciimus, ne formida. PE. Mala milier mers est: %? % ~ ' n6 paue, pei6ribus con-895 u6niunt. PE. Ita u6s decet. cons6quimini. PA. Cesso 6go illis obufam ire? PE. Bene 6pportuneque 6buiam es, Pala6strio. em tibi adsunt, Quas m6 iussisti addicere et quo ornatu. PA. Eu, noster 6sto: Venfre saluom gaideo. lepide h6rcle ornata inc6dit. Paladstrio AcroteleAtium salutat. Ac. Quis hic ama- 90o bost, Qui tam pro nota n6minat me? PE. Hic n6ster archit6ctust. Ac. Salue, architecte. PA. Salua sis. sed dic mihi, ecquid hic te Onerauit praeceptis? PE. Probe meditAtam utramque dfico. 893. no scientes Beroaldus; nescientes M. 894. mala.... conueniunt Bx; mala mulier est ne pauet peioribus conueniunt B; mala milla mer est &c. C; mala nulla merestc &c. D. The reading of Bx is compounded of the tradition of B and C; R rightly postulates a lacuna. 898. adducere et quo Z; adduceret et equo (aequo) M. 899. ornata Lorenz; ornatus M; Zepido hercle ornatu Cam. 900. quis hie amabost Cam.; qui sic ambo M. go9. nota nominat me Guyet; nota mittat (minat C) notd B; notam minat ne D; nota nominat (omitting me) FZ. G 82 T. MA CCI PLA TI III 3 31-41 PA. Audire cupio quem ad modum: ne quid peccetis, paueo. o05 PE. Ad tua praecepta d6 meo nil his nouom adposiui. Ac. Nempe lfdificari militem tuom erum uis? PA. Exlocfta's. Ac. Lepide dt sapienter, c6mmode et fac6te res paratast. PA. Atque huius uxorem esse te uolo bdsimulare. Ac. Fiet. PA. Quasi militi animum adi6ceris simulare. Ac. Sic futfrumst. sIo PA. Quasique 6a res per me int6rpretem et tuam ancillam ei cur6tur. Ac. Bonus uates poteras 6sse: nam quae suint futura dicis. PA. Quasique anulum hunc anclllula tua abs td detulerit ad me, Quemr porro ego militi darem tuis uerbis. Ac. Vera dicis. PE. Quid istis nunc memoratis opust, quae c6nmeminere? Ac. M6liust. 905. adposiui Cam.; apfosui M. 906. exlocuta's R; exiocutast M. 907. facete, paratast facite, paratae (parate) M. 908. esse Cam. adsimulare Pylades; adsimulari M. 9I0. ei curetur Ribbeck; eceretur B; ceretur CD; adcuretur R after Lindemann; geratur Cam. 9II. nam Cam.; num M. quae quiM. 913. qluem porro ego R; qua reego B; quem ego CD. III 3 42-53 ZILES GLOaRIOS VS. 83 Nam, mi patrone, hoc c6gitato: ubi pr6bus est 9's archit6ctus, Bene lfneatam si semel carfnam conlocauit, Facile 6sse nauem facere, ubi fundita et constitftast, Nunc ha6c carina satis probe fundata et bene statutast: Adsuint fabri archit6ctonesque ad eam rem haud inperiti. Si n6n nos materiarius remoritur, quod opust qui 92 det, Noui indolem nostri fngeni, cito erit parata nauis. PA. Nempe tfi nouisti mflitem, meum erum? Ac. Rogare mfrumst: Populi 6dium quidni n6uerim, magnfdicum, cincinnatum, Moechum Anguentatum? PA. Num ille te nam n6uit? Ac. Numquam ufdit: Qui n6uerit me qufs ego sim? PA. Nimis ldpide 925 fabulare: E6 potuerit ldpidius pol fieri. Ac. Potin ut h6minem 917. et Cam. 9I8. probe.. statutast Acid.; j5rofundata bene et statutast M. 919. architectonesque... haud R; architectique a te ama (amnea C) ut (i. e. ad earn haut) M; the copyists changed the Greek form architectones to the Latin form, and omitted rem after earn by an oversight. 923. nouerim FZ; nouerint B; nouerit C; nouerat D. 924. ille te nam Bothe; illa ear B; illa et aenam CD. 926. potuerit Cam.; poteuerim M (which often gives the wrong person of a tense, as in 923). G 2 824 I. HA CCI PLA FZTI III 3 54-63 Mihi dds, quiescas c6tera? ni lfudificata ero lepide, Culpam 6mnem in med inp6nito. PA. Age igitur intro abite: Insistite hoc neg6tium sapi6nter. Ac. Alia cura. 930 PA. Age, P6riplecomene, has nfinciam duc intro. ego ad forum illum Conu6niam atque illi hunc anulum dabo 6tque praedicabo A tuAd uxore mihi datum esse eamque ilium deperire. Hanc,d nos, quom extemplo a foro ueni6mus, mittit6te, Quasi clAnculum ad eum missa sit. PE. Faci6mus: alia cfra. 935 PA. Vos m6do curate: ego illum probe iam oneratur huc acciebo. PE. Bene ambula, bene r6m gere. at ego h6c si ecficiam plane, 927. ero lepide Bx; lepide I ero M. 932. tuad Biicheler; the rest of the verse is given as in M, except that M has the common errors of esset for esse, and earn quam for eamque. This is one of the places where Koch would introduce the form uoxor, found twice in B, Trin. iii. 3. 7I, and Truc. ii. 6. 32 (there against the metre). The other places where it has been proposed to introduce this form to obviate hiatus are:-Amph. v. r. 37, 57; As. i. I. I7, v. 2. 44; Cist. ii. 3. 67; Men. v. 5. 6o; Rud. iv. 4. 2: Trin. i. 2. 74, ii. 2 94. 933. hane.. quom.... mittitote hoc.. quam.... mittto M. 935. hue acciebo Dziazko; hunc aciebo M; admouebo Bx; runcinabo R. 936. gere. at FZ; gerat M. ego hoc Seyffert; egone B; ego nec CD. III 3 64-73 MILES GLORIOS S. 85 Vt c6ncubinam militis meus h6spes habeat h6die Atque hlnc Athenas auehat: si hodie hfinc dolum dolamus, Quid tibi ego mittam mfneris? Ac. ' ~; ~:- ~! ' - datne eapse mulier 6peram, 940 Lepidissume et compsfssume confido confuturum. Vbi facta erit conlatio nostrArum malitiarum, Haud u6reor ne nos subdola perfidia peruincamur. PE. Abeamus ergo intro, hadc uti meditdmur cogitate, Vt adcurate et c6mmode hoc quod agundumst ex- 945 sequamur: Ne quid, ubi miles udnerit, titub6tur. Ac. Tu mordre. 938. auehat Dousa; habeat M. si Gruter. 940. ne M; nunc R; but it is somewhat rash to alter a word in an incomplete sentence. eapse Acid.; abse CD; absi B. 941. compsissume Bx; comissume M; comptissume R, "duce glossario Plautino in cuius codicibus hinc excerptum adverbium aut cosisime aut consisse aut consipsime aut cumsipsime scriptum est. It is plain that these corrupt forms point to compsissume. confuturum cumfuturum M. ACTVS IV. PYRGOPOLINICES. PALAESTRIO. IV 1 Py. V61up est, quod agas, si fd procedit Idpide atque ex sent6ntia. Nam 6go hodie ad Seleicum regem misi parasitfim meum, Vt latrones, qu6s conduxi, hinc ad Seleucum d6fceret, 950 Qui 6ius regnum tuitarentur, mfhi dum fieret 6tium. PA. Quin tu tuam rem cuira potius quam Seleuci. qua6 tibi C6ndicio noua, luculenta f6rtur per me int6rpretem! Py. Immo omnis res p6steriores p6no atque operam d6 tibi. L6quere: auris meas profecto d6do in dition6m tuam. 955 PA. Cfrcumspicedum, ne quis nostro hic auceps sermoni siet: Nam h6c negoti clhndestino ut dgerem, mandatfimst mihi. 947. -que ex R. 952. noua luc. noua et luc. M. 955. circumspicedum Guyet; circumspicito cum M. IV 1 11-21 MILES GLORIOS S. 87 Py. N6mo adest. PA. Hunc arrabonem am6ris primum a me accipe. PY. Quid hic? undest? PA. A luculenta atque d festiua f6mina, Qua6 te amat tuamque 6xpetessit pfilcram pulcritfidinem. Efus hunc mi anulum ad te ancilla p6rro ut deferrem 960 dedit. PY. Quid ea? ingenuan an festuca facta e serua liberast? PA. Vah, Egone ut ad te ab libertina esse afiderem internuintius, Qui ingenuis satis r6sponsare nequeas, quae cupifnt tui? PY. Niptan est an uidua? PA. Et nupta et uidua. 965 PY. Quo pact6 potis Nfpta et uidua esse 6adem? PA. Quia adulescens nuptast cuim sene. PY. Edge. PA. Lepida et liberali f6rmast. Py. Caue mendacium. 958. a Acid. 959. tuamque Pius; cumque or tum. gue M. 960. hune Acid.; nunc M; see 771, 797, 9I2, 931, 988, I049. 961. e serua Dousa; seruare B C; seruan D. 962. Vah Wah B; Vae C; ua D. 963. ad te abste or adste M. 964. responsare Gruter; responsaret (as often) M. cupiunt tui Scioppius; capite uti B; cupit uti CD. 966. eadem adenz C; idem B; eas. dem C. T. MA CCI PLA VTI IY 1 22-33 PA. Ad tuam formam illa una dignast. PY. H6rcle pulcram pra6dicas. S6d quis east? PA. Senis huius uxor Pdriplecomeni in pr6xumo. 970Ea demoritur te atque ab illo cupit abire: odit senem. Nunc te orare atque 6bsecrare iussit, ut ear c6piam Sibi potestatdmque facias. PY. Cupio hercle equidem, si illa uolt. PA. Qua6 cupiat. PY. Quid illa faciemus c6ncubina qua6 domist? PA. Quin tu illam iube abs te abire qu6 lubet: sicfit soror 975 Eius huc gemina adudnit Ephesum et mater arcessuntque earn. PY. Ain tu, aduenit Ephesum mater dius? PA. Aiunt quf sciunt. PY. Hdrcle occasionem lepidam, ut mulierem extrudam foras. PA. Immo uin tu d1pide facere? PY. L6quere et consilium cedo. PA. Vln tu illam actutum Amouere, a te ut abeat per grAtiam? 968. ad D; at (as often) BC. 970. cupit Acid., Bentl.; cipit C; incipit rest. 973. quae cupiat Ed. (see 62, 984); quae cupit M; quaen cupiat R; quin cupit Guyet. 975. hue gemnma Gruter; aggeminam M. aduenit Bx; uenit M. 976. ain tu FZ; eon tu BC; eonti D; eho tu aduenitre R. 977. estrudam Lamb.; excludam M. IV 1 34-42 MILES GLLORIOS VS. 89 Py. Cupio. PA. Tum te hoc ficere oportet. tfbisso diuitiarum adfatimst: Iube sibi aurum atque 6rnamenta, quae flli instruxti mulieri, D6no hab6re, auferre et abs te abire, quo lubeat sibi. PY. Placet ut dicis. s6d nc it istam amfttam et haec mut6t fidem, Vide modo. PA. Vah d6licatu's: qua6 te tam quam ocul6s amet. Py. Venus me amat. PA. St, tace: aperitur f6ris: 98 concede huc clanculum. Haec celox illiust, quae hinc egr6ditur, internuntia, [PY. Quae ha6c celox? PA. Ancillula illius 6st quae hinc egreditiur foras: Quae anulum istunc attulit, quem tibi dedi. PY. Edepol ha6c quidem 980. turn is given to the Miles by M. 981. instruxti Cam.; instruxit M. 982. abire Ribbeck (cp. 974, 979, 1208). auferre et Ribbeck; auferet M. quo lubeat quod lubeat D; quo iubeat CD, which in 971 give quod iubet for quo lubet. 983. et Bx; R after Acid. would supply the deficiency in the verse by sed enim, but this combination is not found in P1.; Koch would read nec = ne prohibitive, for which there is no authority. 985. st, tace Cam.; ast tace (tacet) M. aperitur foris Bothe; aperiuntur foris (fores) M. 986. hinc hic M. 987. This verse is condemned by Bx, partly on account of its otiose character, and partly because P1. would either have written quae celox (as quam salutem Pseud. i. I, 44; quam pugnam i. 5, II2), or would have used the substantive verb quae haec celox est. 90 T. ACCI PLA FTI IV 1 43-2 6 B61lulast. PA. Pith6cium haec est pra4 illa et spinturnicium. 990 Vfden tu illam oculis u6naturam facere atque aucupium auribus? MILPHIDIPPA. PYRGOPOLINICES. PALAESTRIO. IV 2 MI. Hisce ante aedis clrcust, ubi sunt ludi faciundi mihi. Dissimulabo, hos quasi non uideam n6que esse hic etiamdfim sciam. PY. Tace: subauscult6mus, ecquid d6 me fiat m6ntio. MI. Num quis hic prope adest, quf rem alienam p6tius curat quam suam, 995 Qui aucupet me quid agam, qui de u6speri uiuft suo? E6s nunc homines m6tuo ne obsint mihi neue obstent Aspiam, 990. oculis uenaturam F, Nonius; oculis ut naturam CD; oculis suae naturam B; oculis mature Z. 99I. hasce Bx (cp. Men. v. 8. 4; Pseud. ii. 2. z; Trin. iv. 2. 24); tam BD; am C; iam FZ; iamst R. circust M; FZ have the absurd conjecture hircus, which they supposed to indicate Pyrgo. polinices. ludi fac. Cam., Bentl.; ludificandi M. 993. ecquid B; ecqui CD. 994. num quis num quis nam hic prope adest (properat e B) M; R reads numqui hic prope adest, and suggests in note numqui hie prope namst. curat Ed.; curet M; see Comm. 995. quid agam Cam.; quid (quit) aqud M. uiuit Ed.; uiuat M; see Comm. 996. obstent FZ; opte B; obtet CD. IV2 7-14 HIILES GLORIOSYS. 91 D6mo sua haec quin huc transbitat quae huius cupiens c6rporist, Quae amat hunc hominem nfmium lepidum et nfmia pulcritudine, Mflitem Pyrg6polinicem. Py. Satin haec quoque me d6perit? Meam laudat speciem. PA. Edepol huius sermo oo * haud cinerem quaeritat. PY. Quo argumento? PA. Qufa enim loquitur lafte et minume s6rdide. [Quidquid istaec d6 te loquitur, nihil attrectat s6rdidi.] Tum autem illa ipsast nimium lepida nimisque nitida f6mina. PY. Hercle uero iam adlubescit prfmulum, Palaestrio. 997. domo... transbitat Luchs (Hermes, xiii. 501); domo. sibit ac dum huc transiuit BD; domus ibit ac, &c. C: domo si bitat dum huc transibit Bothe, which is (one may say) the very reading of M, for the change of c to t and u to b is nothing; see on verses Ioo and 853; however, this reading hardly suits the sense, as ueniat rather than bitat would be the word expected; domina si clam domo huc R; domina ubi actutum huc Haupt; domina domo si clam huc Fl. quae adq: B; atq: CD; which make for Luchs' conjecture, the at in transbitat accounting for the corruption. Iooo. sermo sermonis M (D only has quaeritant, CB quaeritat). I002. quidquid istaec Bothe; quid ait ista hec B; quod ad ista hec CD. sordidi R; sordide M. This line is found in M, but not in A, and is probably spurious. 92 T. lIA CCI PLA VI IV 2 15-23 10oo PA. Priusne quam oculis tuis uidisti? Py. Video id quod cred6 tibi Tur ha6c celoiuailla absente subigit me ut amem. PA. Hercle hanc quidem Nil tu amassis: mi haec desponsast. tibi si illa hodie nupserit, Ego hanc continuo ux6rem ducam. Pv. Quid ergo hanc dubitas c6nloqui? PA. S6quere hac me ergo. PY. P6disequos tibi sum. MI. Vtinam, quoius gratia FoIo F6ras sum egressa, c6nueniundi mihi potestas 6uenat. PA. Erit 6t tibi exoptatum 6btinget: bonum habe animum, ne formida. Homo quidamst qui scit, qu6d quaeris ubi sit. MI. Quem ego hic audfui? PA. Soci6nnum tuorum c6nsiliorum et participem insidiarum. 100oo5. uidisti Bx, who omits illam of M before oculis. 1oo6. tum... amem Bx after Bugge (Philol. xxx. 650); cum hec elocuta (locuta B) illam autem absentem subigit me ut amem M; nam haec lacerta (locusta Kiessling) mullo absente me adigit se ut amem R. 1007. desponsast B; desponsatast CD. Ioo9. gratia Mfiller; causa M. IOIO. euenat R; eueniatM. I013. sociennum Haupt; sotium (= socium) or sociorum M. insidiarumn Haupt; consiliarium M. IV 2 24-32 MILES GLORIOSVS. 93 Mi. Tum pol ego id, quod celo, hafid celo. PA. Immo dtiam: sed non cdlas. MI. Quo argumento? PA. Infid6s celas: ego sfm ioI5 tibi firme ffdus. MI. Cedo signum, si harum Baccharum es. PA. Amat mulier quaedam quondam. MI. Pol istuc quidem multae. PA. At n6n multae de dlgito donum mittunt. Mi. Enim c6gnoui nunc: fdcisti modo mi 6x procliuo planum. Sed hic numquis adest? PA. Vel ad6st uel non. MI. Cedo t6 mihi solae s6lum. PA. Breuin an longinquo s6rmoni? MI. Tribus,02 u6rbis. PA. Iam ad te redeo. PY. Quid ego? hic astabo tantisper cum hac f6rma et factis fristra? PA. Patere,tque asta: tibi ego hanc do operam. Py. Propera: expectando excruicior. I014. sed non celas M; Bx in his ed. reads sic non celas with R; but now he defends the reading of M (Bursian's yahresbericht for 1878). Luchs proposes et celas et non celas (Herm. xiii. 50I), which he might compare to et nuzuta et uidua 965. I o5. firme fidus R; firma fides B; firmafidelis CD; firmefirmus Bugge. IoI6. harurn Bx; harunc M. IoI8. planum Gulielmus; patrem M. 1019. solum solum esse M. I020. sermoni R; sermone M. 1021. frustra Bx; sit frustra B; si sic frustram CD; sic frustra vulg. 1022. expectando R; properando M; properadum Colvius. 94 T. MA CCI PLA VTI IV 2 33-40 PA. Pedetemptin tu has scis tractari solitas esse huius modi mdrcis. Py. Age age, ut tibi maxume c6ncinnumst. PA. Nullumst hoc stolidius sAxum. s025Adeo ad te. quid me u6Iuisti? Mi. Quo pacto hoc occipiam, aperi. PA. Vetus adfero ego ad te c6nsilium, quasi hunc depereat... MI. Teneo istuc. PA. Conlaudato formam dt faciem et uirtutis conmemorato: Ad eamr rem habe omnem aci6m, tibi uti duduim iam demonstraui. Tum cetera cura et c6ntempla et de mels uenator u6rbis. 1030 PY. Aliquam mihi partem hodie 6perae des denique: iam tandem ades igitur. 1023. has scis Bx; haec (hec) scis M; hauscis Haupt. tractari solitas esse R; tractare soleks (soles D) hasce M. 1024. concinnumst R; concinnus (a frequent error) M. 1025. adeo R; redeo M. quo.... depereat Koch, Bx; quo pacto hoc ciliZ (consilium Dc) aperi uelis ut (we;elisit CD) ad te consilium quasi huc depereat M; quo pacto obsidium occipiam i uelim scire. PA. Fero ad te consilium quasi heunc depereat Bugge, who compares Stich. i. 2. 27, quo pacto cum illis occipiam. I028. habe Bx; habeo M. Bx gives this verse and the next to Pal., thus greatly improving the passage. M shows the common errors of at for ad and ut for uti. The words omnem aciem appear as omne matiem (see on v. Ioo), with the variants faciem orfaciam. I029. turn Bx; tu M. cetera M; contra R. 1030. igitur Bx; ilico M. ades CD; ade (= adest) B. IV 2 41-50 MILES GLOlROSVS. 95 PA. Adsum: impera, si quid uis. PY. Quid illaec narriat tibi? PA. Lamentri Ait illam miseram, cruciari et lacrumantem se adflictare, Quia tis egeat, quia t6 careat: ob eam rem huc ad te mfssast. Py. lube adfre. PA. At scin quid tu facias? face t6 fastidi pl6num, Quasi n6n lubeat: me inclamato, quia sic te uolgo 1035 u6ogem. PY. Memini 6t praeceptis parebo. PA. Vocon 6rgo hanc quae te quaerit? PY. Adeat, si quid uolt. PA. Si quid uis, adi, mulier. Mi. Pulcer, salue. PY. Meum c6gnomentum c6nmemorat. di tibi dent quaecumque optes. Mi. Tecum aetatem exigere ut liceat. PRv Nimium 6ptas. MI. Non me dico, Sed eram meam, quae te d6moritur. Py. Alia6 muI- I040 tae idem istuc cuipiunt, I03I. tibi is given by M to Pal.; tibi te lamentari CD. 1033. tis CD; scis B. I034. face te Cam.; facite B; facito CD. 1035. sic te sic tam CD; sictam B. 1036. uocon R (in his notes); uoco MI; zoco ego R in text. I038. conmemorat Hermann; commemorauit CD; quis commerauit B. 1040. te demoritur Pius; dete moritur B; te demeritur CD. This and other readings of B show that its copyist assumed the functions of an editor more than the copyists of C and D; hence B is a less valuable codex. T. ZA CI/ PLA VT1 IV 2 51-60 Quibus c6pia non est. MI. Ecastor haud mirum, si te habes carum, Homin6m tam pulcrum et pra6clarum uirtutte et forma et factis. Deus dignior fuit quisquam homo qui esset? PA. Non hdrcle humanust ergo: Nam u61turio plus humani cred6st. PY. Magnum me fdciam 1045 Nunc, qu6m illaec me sic c6nlaudat. PA. Viden tu fgnauom, ut sese fnfert? Quin tu huic responde: haec illaec est ab illa quam dudum dlxi. Py. Quanam ab illarum? nam ita me 6ccursant multa6: meminisse haud p6ssum. MI. Ab illa, quae digitos ddspoliat suos 6t tuos digitos ddcorat: Nam hunc anulum ab ilia tuf cupienti huic d6tuli, hic ad le p6rro. 050o py. Quid nunc tibi uis, muli6r, memora. Mi. Vt, quae te cupit, eam ne sp6rnas: 1042. praeolarum R; praeclarz B; praeclara CD. I043. deus Bx: heus M. humanust ergo Haupt; humanum stergeo M. I045. quom illaec me sic R; quo (quoniam D) illic me illic M. infert Acid.; inferant B; inferat CD. I046. illaec illic BC; illi D. dixi Reize. 1047. quanam ab Cam.; quam at B; qua ab CD. 1049. cupienti R; cupientis M. ad te R. Io50. te cupit M; tis cupit F1, perhaps rightly. IV 2 61-72 MILES GLORIOSrVS. 97 Quae per tuam nunc uitm uiuit: sit necne sit, spes in te unost. Py. Quid nuinc uolt? Mi. Te conp6llare -t conpl6cti et contrectare. Nam nfsi tu illi fers suippetias, iam ilia animum despond6bit. Age, mi Achiles, fiat, qu6d te oro: serua illam pulcram pulcer. PA. Expr6me benignum ex te fngenium, urbicape, 1055 occisor r6gum. PY. Heu, Hercle 6diosas res: qu6tiens hoc tibi, u6rbero, ego interdfxi, Meam n6 sic uolgo pollicitares operam. PA. Audin tu, mulier? Dixi h6c tibi dudum et nunc dico: nisi huic u6rri adfertur m6rces, Non hic suo seminio quemquam porc6llam inperti- Io6o turust. MI. Dabitfr, quantum ipsus pretl poscet. PA. Talentum Philippum huic opus aurist. Minus ab nemine accipi6t. MI. Heu, ecast6r nimis uilist tandem. I05. uiuit Pius; uolt M. 1054. Achiles Ed.; Achilles M. See 1289. pulcer Pius; pulchre M. o058. pollicitares Dc; pollictare B; polliciteres C Da. Io6o6 porcellam Reize; proculem M; porculeum (cp. eculeus, hinnuleus) Bugge, who explains, "he is not going to give a young pig of his strain [to any woman]." 1062. uilist Acid.; uilest M. H 98 '. JIA 0C l PXVA VFTI IV 2 73-82 Py. Non mihi auaritia umquam innatast: satis habeo diuitiarum. Plus mi auri millest m6diorum Philippi. PA. Praeter thensauros. o065 Tur argenti montis, n6n massas habet: Aetna non aeque altast. MII. Eu, ecastor periurum. PA. Vt ludo? Mi. Quid ego? ut sublecto? PA. Scite. Mi. Sed amAbo me mitte actutum. PA. Quin tu huic respondes aliquid, Aut facturum aut non facturum? quid illam miseram animi excrucias, Quae numquam male de t6 meritast? PY. Iube eampse exire huc ad nos: 1070 Dic me 6mnia quae uolt facturum. Mi. Facis nune ut fe facere adquomsf, Quom, qua6 te uolt, eandem tu uis. PA. Non insulsum huic ing6niumst. Mi. Quom me oratricem hau spreuisti sistique exorare dx te. io64. thensauros R; thesaurus B; tensaurus C D. o165. Aetna... altast Cam.; ethna mon non aeque altus (altos) M; hence Aethina is suggested (Hermes) on the analogy of techina = techna &c. io66. periurum hominem periurum M. ut sublecto Acid.; ui sublectos M; hence ut sublecto os Cam.; but s is a dittography of the next word, scite. io68. animi CD; et amicam B. I069. eampse earn zpse M. 1070. te R. Io07. huic hinc M. 1072. quom me B; cumque me CD; quomque R; but the que is certainly unsound. IV 2 83-95 MILES GLORIOS VS. 99 Quid est, ut ludo? PA. Nequeo hercle equidem risui meo admoderari. Mr. Et ego Ob eaim causam huc abs te duorti. Py. Non 6depol tu scis, mulier, Quantum ego honorem nunc illi habeo. MI. Scio et I075 Istuc illi dfcam. PA. Contra auro alii hanc uend6re potuit operam. MI. Pol istuc tibi credo. PA. Meri bdllatores gfgnuntur, quas hic praegnatis f6cit, Et pueri annos octingentos uiu6nt. MI. Vae tibi, nugdtor. PY. Quin mille annorum perpetuo uiu6nt ab saeclo ad sa6clum. PA. Eo minus dixi, ne haec c6nseret me adu6rsum io80 se mentiri. MI. Peril, quot hic ipse ann6s uiuet, quoius fflii tam diu ufuont? PY. Postriduo natus sum ego, mulier, quam luppiter ex Ope natust. PA. Si hic prfdie natus fordt quam illest, hic hab6ret regnum in caelo. MI. Iam iAm sat amabost: slnite abeam, si p6ssum, uiua a u6bis. PA. Quin ergo abis, quando r6sponsumst? Mi. Ibo o185 atque illam huc adducam, 1073. risu... et ego Schreiner (cp. Bacch. i. I. 59); risum ac moderarier B; ristu med moderarier CD. 1079. quin FZ; qui M. H 2 100 T..MA CCI PLA VTI IY 2 96-107 Propt6r quam operast mihi. nfimquid uis? PY. Ne magis sim pulcer quam sum: Ita m6 mea forma habet s6llicitum. PA. Quid hic nfnc stas? quin abis? MI. Abeo. PA. Atque adeo, audin? dicito docte et cordite. Mi. Vt cor ei saliat. PA. Philoc6masio die, si 6st istic, domum ut transeat: hunc hic dsse. 9~oo MI. Hie cum mea erast: clam n6strum hunc hzic serm6nem subleg6runt. PA. Lepide factumst: iam ex s6rmone hoc gubernAbunt doctius p6rro. MI. Remorare: abeo. PA. Neque t6 remoror neque t6 tago neque te-teceo. Pr. Iube maturare illam 6xire hue: iam isti rei praeuortemur. Quid nunc mi's auctor ut faciam, Pala6strio, 1005 De c6ncubina? nam nullo pacto potest Prius hadc in aedis recipi, quam illam amiserim. PA. Quid m6 consultas, quid agas? dixi equidedm tibi, io86. quam R. Io88. audin adin tu M. ut cor ei saliat CD FZ; curas aluit B; hence cura aliud Cam.; but aliud cura is the invariable order. Io89. istic Bx; hie M. I090. mea Gruter. hinc Muller. I092. remorare... remoror R; moro B; remoro CD; all giving remorare to Pal., and abeo.... remoro to Milph. neque te tago Bothe; neque et ago B; neque te tango CD. 1093. isti istic M. o096. amiserim Scaliger; obmiserit M. IV 2 108-123 MILES GLORIOSVS. 101 Quo pacto id fieri p6ssit clementissume. Aurum atque uestem muiliebrem omnem habeat sibi, Quae illi instruxisti: sumat, habeat, aufierat: 1o~ Dicasque tempus maxume esse, ut eat domum: Sor6rem geminam ad6sse et matrem dicito, Quibus c6ncomitata r6cte deueniSt domum. PY. Qui tu scis eas ad6sse? PA. Quia oculis meis Vid' sororem hic 6ius. PY. Conuenitne eam? oI05 PA. Conuenit. PY. Ecquid f6rtis uisast? PA. Omnia Vis 6ptinere. PY. Vbi matrem esse aiebat soror? PA. Cubare in naui lippam atque oculis turgidis Nauclerus dixit, quf illas aduexit, mihi. Is ad h6s nauclerus h6spitio deu6rtitur. 1110 Pv. Quid is, 6cquid fortist? PA. Abi sis hinc: nam tu quidem Ad equas fuisses scitus admissarius, Qui consectare qua maris qua f6minas. I oo. habeat M; abeat Acid.; which is just as probable, for M very often gives habeo for abeo; however, the following eat is against abeat. IIOI. maxume Scaliger; maxumum M. 1102. geminam adesse Cam.; geminam (geminat) esse M. 1103. quibus cone. Acid.; quibus cum comita Mi; quibuscum conuecta (cp. conuector = "fellowztraveller") Bugge. II04. qui Cam.; quid M. 1105. sororem hic R; sororem esse M. 1107. optinere Cam.; optinare B; opinare CD. IIo. deuortitur Fl.; diuortitur M. II I. ecquid Acid.; ecqui M. 1112. fuisses Dousa; fuisti M. admissarius Cam.; at missarius (a common error) B; emissarius CD. 1113. qua feminas que fern. M. T..MACCI PLA V.T IV 2 124-140 Hoc age nunc. PY. Istuc qu6d das consiliium mihi, 1xIs Te cum illa uerba facere de ista r6 uolo: Nam cum illa sane c6ngruost sermo tibi. PA. Qui p6tius quam tute adeas, tuam rem tute agas? Dicas necessum tibi esse uxorem ducere: Cognatos persuad6re, amicos c6gere. 1120 PY. Itan tu censes? PA. Quid ego ni ita censeam? PY. Ibo igitur intro. tu hlc ante aedis interim Speculare, ut ubi illaec pr6deat, me pr6uoces. PA. Tu m6do istuc cura qu6d agis. PY. Curatum id quidemst. Quin si uoluntate n6let, ui extrudam foras. 2125 PA. Istuc caue faxis. quln potius per gratiam Bonam abeat abs te: atque illaec quae dixi dato. [Aurum ornamenta quae illi instruxisti ferat.] PY. Cupio h6rcle. PA. Credo fdcile te impetrassere. Sed abi intro: noli stare. PY. Tibi sum oboediens. 130 PA. Numquid uidetur d6mutare atque ut quidem i i6. congruost R; congruns C; conguist D; conseruo B; congruit FZ. 1 17. qui... agas Bothe; quipotius qud tu sed e B; qui potius cum (quin D) tute ades C; quid potius guam ut tute adeas R. I II8. necessum tibi esse ux. R (Adn. Crit.); uxorem tibi necessum esse M; tibi uxorem esse necessum R in text. II24. foras Bothe; foris M. 1126. abeat habeat Da; habeatis B; this is a very frequent error; see on IIoo. II27. "A verse made up of o199 and 1147 " R. II28. cupio hercle Cam.; M gives hercle to Palaestrio. II30. atiue ut quidem Bothe, R; aut utique M; aeque atque uti Ribbeck. IV2 141 3 7 MILES GLORIOSYS. 163 Dixi 6sse uobis dudum hunc moechum militem? Nunc ad me ut ueniat isust Acroteleutium, Ancillula eius ac Plefsicles. pro Iuppiter, Satin ut commoditas usquequaque me adiuuat? Nam quos uidere me 6xoptabam maxume, 1135 Vna 6xeuntis ufdeo eos hinc e pr6xumo. ACROTELEVTIVM. MILPHIDIPPA. PLEVSICLES. PALAESTRIO, Ac. S6quimini: simul circumspicite, n6 quis adsit I 3 arbiter. MI. N6minem pol ufdeo nisi hunc quem uolumus conuentum. PA. Et ego uos. Mi. Quid agis, noster architecte? PA. Egone architectus? uah. Mi. Quid est? PA. Qufa enim non sum dignus prae te, ut figam 1140 palum in parietem. Ac. H6ia uero. PA. Nimis facete nimisque facunde malast: Vt lepide deruncinauit militem! MI. At etiam parum. PA. B6no animo es: negotium omne iam succedit sfib manus. 1131. moechum Cam.; mecum M. 1133. ac A; autTiM. 1135. me exopt. exoptabam me M. 1136. eos Ed.; iam R; ego Bothe; uideo exeuntis Acid.; hinc propere e Lindemann. 1140. quia, Dousa; qui M, perhaps rightly. 1141. facunde FZ; faciunde, secunden, secunde M. 1143. es est M. 104 T. Mt AC I PLA VTI IV 3 8-16 V6s modo porro, ut occepistis, dAte operam adiutabilem. "I45 Nm ipse miles concubinam intro abiit oratum suam, Ab se ut abeat cim sorore et matre Athenas. PL. Ef, probe. PA. Quin etiam aurum atque ornamenta, quae fpse instruxit mulieri, Omnia dat dono, a se ut abeat: ita ego consiliim dedi. PL.' Facile istuc quiddmst, si et illa u61t et ille aut6m cupit. 1150 PA. N6n tu scis, quom ex alto puteo strsum ad summum escenderis, Maxumum periclum inde esse ab sfmmo ne rursfim cadas? Nfnc haec res apud sAmmum puteum gdritur: si praes6nserit 1147. instruxit mulieri R; INSTRVXIMVLIERI A; instruxit mulier M. I148. dono a se ut abeat Dc; DONAASf VTHABEAT A (Gepp.); the rest have dono se ut habeat; but habeat is nearly always written for abeat-for instance, CD have habiit for abiit in 1145. consilium dedi Bothe; consiHium turn dedi M; perhaps consultum dedi, as curatum dabo Cas. ii. 83. We also find dare thus used by P1. and Ter. with effectum, coctum, expolitum, explicatum, intricatum, demensum, incensum, inventum. I15. inde esse in die (dono B) esset M. I52. haec res hanc res CD; hanc rem B; see on 1040. IV 3 17-27.MILES GLORIOS S. 105 Miles, nihil ecfieri poterit hius. nunc quom maxume Opust dolis. PL. Domi 6sse ad earn rem uideo silual satis: Mulieres tres: quartus tute's, quintus ego, sexts 1155 senex. PL. Qu6d apud nos fallaciarum s6x situmst, cert6 scio, Oppidum quodvis videtur p6sse expugnarl. PA. Dolis Date modo operam. Ac. Id nos ad te, si quid velles, venimus. PA. LUpide facitis. nunc tibi hanc ego impero prauinciam. Ac. Impetrabis, imperator, quod ego potero, qu6d i6o uoles. PA. Militem lepide et facete el laute ludificarier V61o. Ac. Voluptatem mecastor imperas. PA. Scin quem ad modum? Ac. N6mpe ut adsimul6m me amore istius differri. PA. Tenes. 1153. ecfieri Bugge; hacferre M; ECFERRI A. 1154. siluai Bothe; silue (a commlon error for siluae) CD; salue B; salis FZ. I 156. sex situmst Klotz; sexitz B; sextuzmst CD; structumst ego R. I 157. expugnari Bx, who gives quod... expugnari to Pleusicles, and dolis... operam to Palaestrio; expugnare dolis M. II59. tibi hane Bothe and A (Gepp.); hoc tibi M. 16I, 2. militem... modum Bx with M, except that he adds et before laute, and omits et before scin and tu after it. II63. differri. tenes Koch; differre titenis B; dzfferrediteenis C; dzfferet titenis D; differre athenis Z (a conjecture of the worst kind); dzferri. eu, tenes R. 10G T. iA. CCI PLA VYI IV 3 28-41 Ac. Quasique istius caufsa amoris dx hoc matrim6nio 1165 Abierim, cupidns istius nuptiarum. PA. Omne 6rdine. Nisi modo unum hoc: hasce esse aedis dicas dotalfs tuas: Hfnc senem abs te abisse, postquam feceris diu6rtium: N6 ille mox uereAtur introd ire in alienam domum. Ac. B6ne mones. PA. Sed fbi ille exierit intus, istic te procul II70 fta uolo adsimulare, prae illius f6rma quasi spernas tuam Quasique eius opul6ntitatem reuerearis: 6t simul F6rmae amoenitatem illius, facie pulcritudinem C6nIaudato. satin praeceptumst? Ac. T6neo. satin est, si tibi Mdum opus ita dabo Cxpolitum, ut inprobare n6n queas? 1175 PA. Sat habeo. nunc tibi uicissim quae imperabo, discito. Quom extemplo hoc erit factum, ut intro haec abierit, ibi tu flico Facito uti uenias ornalu ornatus huc nauclerico. 165. istius.... ordine Bentl., supported apparently by A; istius omne ordinis nuptiarum M. I 68. introd R (Neue PI. Exc. i. 8I); huc intro R (in text). II72. formae amoenitatem Bothe; FORMAMOENITATEM A; forma (formam) moenitatis (amoenitatis) M. I 175. quae... discito Pylades; que imperabo non discitos M. 1176. quom quam M ut R. (praef. Stick.); ubiM. rI77. ornatu.... hucR; ornatus (ornatos) huc M. IV 3 42-52 MILES GLORIOS VS. 107 Causiam habeas f6rrugineam et scutulam ob oculos laneam: Palliolum habeas ferrugineum, nam is colos thalassicust: Id conexum in umero laeuo, expapillato bracchio, I80 Conzczens in collumn, tam autem lzmbis subligdculo Pradcinctis, aliqui adsimulato quasi gubernat6r sies. Atque apud hunc senem 6mnia haec sunt: nam is piscatords habet. PL. Quid? ubi ero exornatus, quin tu dicis quid facturus sim? PA. HUc uenito et matris uerbis Philocomasium 1185 arcessito, Vt, si itura sit Athenas, eat tecum ad portum cito Atque ut iubeat ferri in nauim, si quid inponi uelit: Nisi eat, te soluturum esse nauim: uentum operam dare. I178. causiam cause (causae) hanc M. et scutulam A (Stud.); cultura M; culcitam vulg. II79. is FZ; sic, isis M. II8o. conexum Z; conixum B; comixum CD; commissum F. expapillato Z, Nonius, Festus; exfafillato M; expalliato F; exfibulato Meursius. i 81. This is R's verse, which no doubt replents the sense of the missing one. 1182. praecinctis R; precinctus,.. xi85. arcessito Fl.; accersito M. 186. ut.... porlfm ut si itura est tethena se tecum B; ut situra esii aethenase atecurm D; utsutupsia ethena se atecum. ad portum F'; at (ad) jortuum M. 1187. ut iubeat adiubeat B; adiuuet CD. inponi F, Bentl.; impono, ilmponunt M. 11880 eat, te at te Dc; eale rest. 108 T. MA CCI PLA VTI. IV 3 53-63 PL. Satis placet fictura: perge. PA. Ille extemplo illam hortabitur, 190oVt eat, ut proper6t, ne matri mora sit. PL. Multimodis sapis. PA. Ego illi dicam, ut me adiutorem, qui 6nus feram ad portum, roget: Ille iubebit me ire cum illa ad p6rtum: ego adeo, ut tu seias, Pr6sum Athenas pr6tinam abibo t6cum. PL. Atque ubi illo u6neris, Triduom seruire numquam te, quin liber sis, sinam. 195 PA. Abi cito atque orna te. PL. Numquid aliud? PA. Haec ut memineris. PL. Abeo. PA. Et uos abite hinc intro actfitum: nam ilium hinc sat scio lam 6xiturum esse intus. Ac. Celebrest apud nos imperium tuom. PA. Agite abscedite drgo. ecce autem c6mmodum aperitfir foris. HIflarus exit, impetrauit: inhiat, quod nusquamst, miser. 1189. fictura Goeller; jictura M. 190. I t.. sit Bx (in his Critical Appendix); ut eat ut properet nescit matri more M;; for the asyndeton in eat, properet cp. quae uoluit, quae postulauit I205. II93. protinam Benti.;protinus M. 1195. orna te FZ; ora te D; orare CD. II96. hino Luchs conjectures huc, comparing 1338. II97. celebrest celedre e B; sceledre C D. IV 4 1-9 MILES GLO RIOS VS. 109 PYRGOPOLINICES. PALAESTRIO. PY. Quod uolui, ut uolui, impetraui per amicitiam et IV 4 gratiam 1200 A Philocomasi6. PA. Quid te intus fulsse tam dicam diu? PY. Numquam ego me tam s6nsi amari quam nunc ab illa muliere. PA. Qufd iam? PY. Vt multa u6rba feci, ut l6nta materies fuit. Vrunm postremo fmpetraui ut u6lui: donauf dari Qua6 uoluit, quae p6stulauit. e' quoque ei dono dedi. 1205 PA. Etiam me? quo m6do ego uiuam sine ted? PY. Age, animo bono es: Indidem ego te liberabo. nam si possem ullo modo Impetrare, ut abiret nec te abduceret, operam dedi: 12oo. uolui Guyet; uolo M; nolo F. 1201. a.. diu M has nam tam for te, and te for tarn; R rejects a Phil. as a gloss., and gives a me ut abeat instead. 1202. me tam Cam.; mittam B; quid tam C; quid (quidquam) tuam D. 1203. feci Muller; fecit M; but B gives impetraui and uolti, while CD show impetrauit and uoluit; so the rst pers. is probably right in all. R gives fecit, reading lenta ut with Guyet. 1204. donaui dari Bugge; donauidere M; donauique ei Cam., vulg. I205. te... ei Pylades. 1207. indidem Bugge; et idem CD; et ille B; item zllinc R; post. illa Bx. possem Acid.; posset M; B gives impetraret in next verse, and haberet (as often) for abiret. 110 T. 2M CCIT PLAFVTI IV 4 10-5 2 V6rum oppressit. PA. De6s sperabo teque. postrem6 tamen 21ioEtsi istuc mihi ac6rbumst, quia ero te carendumst 6ptumo, Saltem id uolup est quom ex uirtute f6rmal euenft tibi Mda opera super hac uicina, quam 6go nunc concili6 tibi. Py. Quid opust uerbis? libertatem tibi ego et diuitias dabo, Si impetras. PA. Reddam impetratum PY. At gestio. PA. At modic6 decet. ~2L5 Moderare animo: ne sis cupidus. s6d eccam ipsa egreditur foras. ACROTELEVTIVM. MILPHIDIPPA. PYRGOPOLINICES. PALAESTRIO. IV 5 Mi. Era, dccum praesto militem. Ac. Vbist? MI. Ad laeuam. Ac. Video. MI. Aspicito limis, ne ille nos se sdntiat uiddre. 12 I. formas R (Rhein. Mus.); formae M. euenitCam.; uenit M; formae prouenit Spengel. 1212. hac uicina Z, Festus; hanc uicinam M. tibi FZ, Festus; mihi M. 1214. at modice decet Cam.; ac modo decet B; ac modico dice CD; at modico disce FZ. 1215. ipsa Bx; ipsam MR. I216. uideo M; uidedum R. I2r7. aspicito Cam.; aspicio M. limis limis oculis M. sentiat uid. uidere sentiat M. IV 5 3-14 MILES GLORIOS VS. 111 Ac. Video. 6depol nunc nos t6mpus est malas fieri pei6res. M\I. Tu6mst principium. Ac. Obsecro, tute ipsum conuenisti? Ne parce uoci, ut auidiat. Mi. Cum ips6 pol sum I220 locufta Placide fpsa, ut lubitumst mi, otiose, meo arbitratu, ut u6lui. PY. Audin quae loquitur? PA. Audio. quam la6tast, quia te adibit. Ac. O f6rtunata mflier os. PY. Vt amari uideor. PA. Dignu's. Ac. Permirum ecastor pra6dicas, te adisse atque exorasse: Per epistulam aut per nuntium quasi r6gem adiriI225 eum aiunt. MI. Namque 6depol uix fuit c6pia adeundi atque impetrandi. PA. Vt tu fnclutu's apud mulieres. PY. Patiar, quando ita Venus uolt. Ac. Veneri pol habeo grAtiam 6andemque et oro et qua6so, Vt 6ius mihi sit c6pia, quem am6 quemque expet6sso, I2I9. tuomst principium Cam.; tuumn espa incipi2 B; tuum est Initium CD. 1220. locuta secuta M. 1221. ipsa ut FZ; ipse dum MI. 1222. te adibit Bx; quia te adit CD; quia ad te B. 1228. gratiam eandemque Acid.; gratiae andemque B; gratiam tandemque CD. T. MA CCI PLA VTI IV 5 15-28 123oBenfgnusque erga me ft siet: quod cfpiam, ne. grau6tur. MI. Spero ita futurum. quamquam ilium multa6 sibi expetessunt, Ille illas spernit, s6gregat ab se omnis extra te unam. Ac. Ergo iste metus me macerat, quod illic fastidiosust, Oculi iius ne sent6ntiam mut6nt, ubi uiderft me, 1235 Atque eius elegantia meam extfmplo speciem spdrnat. MI. Non fAciet: habe animfim bonum. PY. Vt fpsa se contemnit. Ac. Metuo, ne praedicatio tua nunc meam formam exsfperet. MI. Istuc curaui, ut opinione illius pulcri6r sis. Ac. Si p61 me nolet dufcere ux6rem, genua amplectar 1240 Atque obsecrabo. alio modo, si n6n quibo impetrare, Conscfscam letum: ufuere sine illo scio me non posse. Py. Prohibfndam mortem mfilieri uideo. ultro adibon? PA. Minume. Nam tu te uilem f6ceris, si te ultro largi6re: 1232. segregat ab se Cam.; segregat hasce CD; segregat hic B. 1234. Oculi eius ne Bothe; ne oculi eius M. 1242. mulieri uideo. M gives mulieri uideo. mulieremz (mnulzeri') adibon. ultro Bugge; iam Ribbeck; esse before uideo R. 1243. uilem FZ; velim M. IV 5 29-37 MILES GLORIOS VS. 113 Sine filtro ueniat, quadritet, desideret, exsp6ctet. Nisi p6rdere istam gl6riam uis, quam habes, caue sis 12s5 fixxis. Nam nuilli mortalf scio obtigfsse hoc nisi du6bus, Tibi 6t Phaoni L6sbio, tam mfilieres ut amarent. Ac. Eo intro, aut tu ilium huc 6uoca foras, mea Milphidfppa. Mi. Immo 6pperiamur, dum 6xeat aliquis. Ac. Durare nequeo Quin fntro ean. Mi. Occlusist foris. Ac. Exfrin- I250 gam. MI. Sana n6n es. Ac. Si amiuit umquam aut si parem sapi6ntiam habet ac f6rmam, Per am6rem si quid f6cero, clem6nti ignoscet animo. 1244. exspectet M; R follows Bothe in readini the unrhythmical expetessat; the last syllable of desideret is here (as often) long. 1 I245. nisi R; si non M. I247. tam mulieres ut amarent Bugge; tam uiuere ut amaret B; tar muuete ut amaret CD; tam uesane (uiuide Bothe) ut amarentur R; the passage is not emended yet; qu. tam uiueres ut amatus, or ut tam uiueretis amati: for this use of uiuere cp. 1320. 1248. illum hue Fl.; illuc M. aut an M. 1250. intro earn IR; etiam intro M. occlusast foris R.; occlusae suntforis M. es Pylades; est M. 1251. sapientiam Bx; sapientiam hic M. Rt puts hic before sap., and thus sets the metre right, but the women would not say hic, but ille, of one whom they pretended not to believe to be within earshot. si amanuit Cam.; simulauit M. 1252. clementi ignoscet animo R.; clementi animo ignoscet M.; R (Nene P1. Exc.) prefers clementid animo ignoscet. I 114 T. MAd CCI PL1 VTI IV 5 38-48 PA. Vt quadso amore p6rditast haec misera. PY. Mutu6m fit. PA. Tace, ne afdiat. MI. Quid astitisti obstupida? cur non pultas? 1255 Ac. Quia n6n est intus, quem dgo uolo. Mi. Qui scfs? Ac. Scio edepol fAcile: Nam od6re nasum sentiat, si intfus sit. PY. Ariolatur. Quia m6 amat, propterea Venus fecft ear ut diuin4ret. Ac. Nescio ubi hic prope adest quem dxpeto uiddre: olet profecto. PY. Nas6 pol iam haec quiddm uidet plus quam 6culis. PA. Caeca am6rest. 1260 Ac. Tene me, 6bsecro. Mi. Quor? Ac. N6 cadam. Mi. Quid ita? Ac. Quia stare ndqueo: Itaanimus perocul6s meus mihid6fit. MI. Milit6m pol Tu asp6xisti. Ac. Ita. Mi. Non ufdeo': ubist? Ac. Viddres pol, si amares. MI. Non ddepol tu illum magis amas quam ego amdm, si per te liceat. 1253. haec Cam. 1255. facile Bothe; facul Gruter; faco CD; scio B; olfacio FZ (one of those rash and bad conjectures which male FZ so worthless). 1259. uidet plus Cam.; pblus uidet M. caeca amorest Gruter; ceca ore, horae CD; cecare i B. I26I. meus mihi R; meos M. 1262. uideres... amares CD; uidere spolia mares B. 1263. ego amem si Bx; ego mea si B; ego me si CD; egomet R with FZ. per te Cam; aperte M. IV 5 49-60 MILES GLORIOSVS. 115 PA. Omn6s profecto milieres te amant, ut quaeque aspexit. Py. Nescio, tu ex me hoc audlueris an n6n: nepos X265 sum Vdneris. Ac. Mea Milphidippa, adi 6bsecro et oongr6dere. PY. Vt me uer6tur. PA. Illa ad nos pergit. MI. V6s uolo. Py. Et n6s ted. MI. Vt iussisti, ErAm meam eduxi foras. PY.Vide6. MI.Iube ergo adire. PY. Induxi in animum ne 6derim item ut Alias, quando orasti. MI. Verbum 6depol facere n6n potis,i si acc6sserit prope ad te: '270 Dum te 6btuetur, interim linguam 6culi praeciderunt. Py. Leudndum morbum mfilieri uideo. MI. Vt tremit atque extimuit, Postqum te aspexit. PY. Viri quoque armiti idem istuc faciunt, Ne ti mirere muilierem. sed quid ilia uolt me facere? Mi. Ad se ut eas: tecum ufuere uolt atque aetatem exigere. i275 1265. tu... aud. tu meex hoc audieris M. 1272. leuandum... extimuit Bx with M, except that he omits uideo of M before ut. I274. ne... facere R; ne tu mirere melius mulierem sed quid uult met agere (me tacerit B) M; but it is unsatisfactory to strike out melius and then supply illa; hence Bothe supplies plus after mulierem; perhaps we should read ne tu mirere mtlierem molMmn, sed quid uolt me dgere. 1275. ad se ut eas CD and R in his Ed; ad sedeas B; ad sed eas R. (N. P1. Exc.) 2 116 T. MACCI PLA VTI IV 5 61-68 PY. Egon ad illam eam, quae nUipta sit? uir 6ius est metu.ndus. MI. Quin tua causa exegit uirum ab se. PY. Quid? qui id facere p6tuit? MI. Aed6s dotales huius sunt. PY. Itane? MI. Ita pol. PY. Iube domum ire: Iam ego fili ero. MI. Vide nd sies in Cxpectati6ne: 280 Ne illam inimi excrucies. PY. N6n ero prof6cto. abite. MI. Abfmus. PY. Sed quid ego uideo? PA. Quid uides? PY. Nescio quis eccum incedit, Ornatu quidem thalassico. PA. It ad n6s: uolt te prof6cto. Py. Naucl6rus hic quidemst. PA. Videlicet arcdssit hanc iam hic. PY. Credo. 1276. est met. Cam.; metuendus est B; metuere henda st CD. I277. exegit exigit M. ab se. PY. quid? qui id R; obsequit. PY. quid? B; assequi. PY. quid id (qui id) CD. 1278. aedes quia aedis M. iube R; iubam B; iuuam CD. Hence Bothe not improbably arranges the lines thus:Quia tua causa exegzi uirum a se. Qui idpotuit? Quia aedes Dotales huius sunt. I/an? Ia Ipo. lube earn domumn ire. I279. iam ego illi ero Bothe; ita ego illi ero CD; ita mego illi mero B. sies in exp. Lorenz; sis in exp. F; sis expectatione B; sis inspectatione CD. I282. it ad nos Bx; iam non B; iam n C; iam nos D. 1283. hane iam hic. Credo Seyffert; hac itam hic credo M; hanc. Ita credo vulg. Ita and itam are corruptions of iam in 1279. IV 6 1-19 MILES GLORIOSVS. 117 PLEVSICLES. PALAESTRIO. PYRGOPOLINICES, PL. Alium Alio pacto pr6pter amorem ni sciam Ir 6 Fecisse multa n6quiter, uerear magis 1285 Me am6ris causad h6c ornatu inc6dere. Verim quom multos multa admisse acc6perim Inhonasta propter am6rem atque aliena A bonis: Mitt6 iam ut occidi Achiles ciuis passus est.. Sed eccum Palaestri6nem stat cum mflite: 1290 OrAtio alio mfhi demutandist mea. Muli6r profecto natast ex ips, mora: Nam qua6uis alia, quad morast aequ6, mora Minor 6a uidetur, quam quae propter mulieremst. Hoc adeo fieri credo consuetudine. 1295 Nam ego hanc arcesso Phflocomasium. s6d foris Pultabo, heus, ecquis hfc est? PA. Adulesc6ns, quid est? Quid uis? quid pultas? PL. Phflocomasium quadrito: A mitre illius u6nio. si iturast, eat. Omnis moratur: nSuem cupimus s6luere. o300 Py. Iam dudum res paratast. i, Pala6strio, 1284. ni sciam Gruter; nesciam (nescium) M. 1286. causad R (N. PI. Exc.); causa M. 1288. aliena a alienz a M. 1289. iam M; enim vulg. Achiles Ed.; Achilles M, vulg. See 1054. 1291. alio mihi Cam.; allomihiB; illo mihi CD. I296. arcesso Seyffert; accerso BC; accer. sam D. 1298. quid uis R; quid tu ais B; quid tu CD. I301. paratast. i Seyffert; parata si B; paratast CD. T. MA CCI PJLA VTI IV 6 20-7 1 Duc Adiutores t6cum ad nauim quf ferant Aurum, 6rnamenta, u6stem pretiosam. 6mnia Conp6sita iam sunt qua6 donaui ut auferat. 135 PA. E6. PL. Quaeso hercle propera. PY. Non moribitur. Quid istuic es quaeso? qufd oculo factumst tuo? PL. Habeo 6quidem hercle oculum. PY. At la6uom dico. PL. Eloquar. Am6ris causa hercle h6c ego oculo ut6r minus: Nam si abstinuissem am6rem, tamquam hoc uterer. 3o10 Sed nimis morantur m6 diu. PY. Eccos dxeunt. PALAESTRIO. PHILOCOMASIVM. PLEVSICLES. PYRGOPOLINICES. (SERVI.) IV 7 PA. Quid modi flend6 quaeso hodie flcies? PH. Quid ego ni fleam? 1302, 3. Transposed by Acid. I303. pretiosam. omnia Ribbeck; pretiose (pretiosum CD) omne utferat B, the last words of next verse being here inserted, which confirms the transposition of Acid. I304. ut auferat Ribbeck; auferat B; ut feratCD. 1306. est R. I308. amoris R (N. P1. Exc.); moris M; maris ZR (in his ed.) Bentl. and vulg. minus Cam.; minui B; minem CD. I309. nam.. uterer CD (with abstinuissetand utere); si abstinuissa et amori quem tamquam B; a mari Z; hence in his ed. R gives with Bentl. nam si abst. a mare eo tamquam hoc uterer; and so the passage is usually read. In N. PI. Exc. R reads as in the Text. See Comm. 1311. ni Cam.; ne M. IV 7 2-12 MILES GLORIOSVS. 119 Vbi pulcerrume 6gi aetatem, inde abeo. PA. Em homindm tibi, Qui a matre et sor6re uenit. PH. Video. PY. Audin, Palaestrio? PA. Quid uis? Py. Quin iub6s tu ecferri 6mnia isti quad dedi? PL. Philocomasium, salue. PH. Et tu salue. PL. Ma- 1315 terque dt soror Tibi salutem m6 iusserunt dicere. PH. Salua6 sient. PL. Orant te ut eas: undtus operam dum dat, ut uelum dxplicent. Ndm matri oculi si ualerent, mdcum uenissdt simul. PH. Ibo. quamquam inuita facio, impietas sit, nisi eam. PL. Sapis. PY. Si non mecum aetatem egisset, h6die stulta I320 ulueret. PH. Istuc crucior, a uiro me tali abaliendrier: Nam tu quemuis p6tis es facere ut adfluat facdtiis, 1312. em ab eo homineB; muniC; num D. 1313 audin Guyet; audistin CD; audistis in B. I3I4. isti quae Lorenz, comp. 1338; quae isti M. I317. eas: uentus FZ; aduentus B; eant uentus CD. uelum FZ; uallem B; icallam CD. I318. mecum moechum M; conversely, MI gives mecum for moechum in 1390. uenisset simul FZ; uenissent(cenissent) simul est M. I319. impietas sit, nisi earn Bx; omni pietas sit... eo (scio B) chant CDF; pietas consuadet R; enzm pietas sic hortat Ribbeck; ni pietas cogat Madv.; hoc pietas ni subigat Miller. 1322. quemuis Fl. after Nonius; quamuis M. adfluat R; fluat M. 120 T. M- CCI PLA VTI IV 7 13-19 Et quia tecum erAm propteread Animo eram fer6cior. Emr nobilitatem amittundam uideo. Pr. Ne fle. PH. N6n queo, 1325 Qu6m te uideo. PY. Habe bonum animum. PH. Scio ego quid doleat mihi. PA. Nam nil miror, si lubenter, Philocomasium, curm hoc eras: Si forma huius, m6res, uirtus animum attinuere hfc tuom, Qu6m ego seruos, quando aspicio hunc, lacrumem quia diiungimur. PH. Obsecro, lic6t conplecti, prius quam proficisc6? PY. Licet. 1323. propteread R (N. P1. Exc.); propterea M. animo Nonius; animum M; nimio (in ed.) R. I324. earn... non queo R after Lindemann; nobilitatem amittendam uide oma hec flet. Nequeo B; nobilita te uide haec fe fNequeo C; nobilitatem uideo oma hecfle. Non queo D; a nefle. Nec queo (cp. Accius 620, Caecil. I77) Ribbeck. In I337 atflo in M is corrected by R to adflictor; perhaps here we should do the same with haec (hec)fle (tlet); and, supposing amittundam (found only in B) to be unsound, read nobilitatem ut uideo hanc omnem adflictor. Ne fle. Non queo. Thus adflictor would have been corrupted into haec (hec) fe (fiet) as in I337, and then would have fallen out before the genuine ne fle which follows. 1325. quid inquit M; but below, I343, where these words are wrongly repeated, quid is given correctly. I326. cum hoe Bx; hie M; tu hie R. I327. si Bugge. mores morem M. attinuere hic attinere hie M. 1328. quom... lacrumem R; cum (quem) lacrumum M. diiungimur Cam.; digungitur M. IV 7 20-25 MILES GLORIOSVS. 121 PH. 0 mei oculi, 6 mi anime. PA. Obsecro, tene1330 m6lierem, Ne adfligatur. PY. Quid istuc? PA. Quia, postquam abs te abit, anim6 male Factumst huic rep6nte miserae. Py. Currito intro, ecf6rto aquam. PA. Nihil aquam mor6r: quin malo abscedas: ne interu6neris, Qua6so, dum resipiscit. PY. Capita intdr se nimis nexa hisce habent. N6n placet: labra.b labellis affer: nauta, cAue 335 malum. 1330. 0 mei FZ; Oh mihi M. oculi. R (N. PI. Exc.) reads oculis (see 374), and Muller would supply a 3rd vocative 0 meum cor. tene Gruter; te M. 1331. quia postquam Bothe; quae post qui M. I332. miserae... aquam Bx; miserat currit et intre (introm C) atque certo (cereo D) M; currite, ecferte vulg.; but ecferto better accounts for certo, and is more suitable to the answer of Pal. I333. quin malo R; quot (quod) malone M. abscedas R. I334. resipiscit Z; respicit M. hisce Fl.; hinc M. I335. labra... malum Bugge (borrowing aufer from liiuller); labrd ab lauellis fer ad macellum B; labram ab lauellisfer inaut acemalum C; labra ab labellis (lauellis) feruminat ace malum D; labra a lubellis firmauit acre malum F; labra labellis ferruminauit acre malu Z; labra in labris ferruminat; quid agis, malum R; labra a labellis disferrumina, malun Lowe (Comm. Philol. p. 237). Thus the reading of Bugge given in the text adheres most closely to C: all the other conjectures follow the false tradition of FZ. Perhaps inauta of C is a corruption of manta ("stop"!), not of nauta. The confusion between zn and m is very common: see on 648. 122 T. lMA CCI PLA VTI IV 7 26-34 PL. TUmptabam, spiraretne an non. Py. Afrem admotam op6rtuit. PL. Si magis uis, ear omittam. PY. Nolo: r6tine. PA. Adflict6r miser. PY. Exite atque ecf6rte huc intus 6mnia isti quad dedi. PA. Etiam nunc salfito te, Zar fSmiliaris, prius quam eo. 1340 C6nserui consdruaeque omnes, bdne ualete et ufuite: Bdne quaeso inter u6s dicatis dt amice absentl tamen. PY. Age, Palaestri6, bono animo es. PA. Heu heu, nequeo quin fleam, Quom abs te abeam. PY. Fer aequod animo. PA. Scio ego quid doleat mihi. PH. St, quid hoc? quae rds? quid uideo? o lux salue, salua sum. 1336. spiraretne Becker; spirarent M; spiraretvulg. admotam Cam.; at (ad) nostam M. I33. eam om. R; amomittam M. retine. adflictor R; retineatflo M. 1338. ecferte Pareus; hec (haec)ferte M. isti quae Bothe; quae isti M. I339. Lar Bothe. I341. amice R (Opusc.); me M; mihi R (in Ed.) with Cam. 1342. heu heu Acid.; heu M. nequeo quin fleam FZ; neque (quin) quimfleat M. I343. aequod R (N. P1. Esc.); aequo M. 1344. st Ribbeck; sed M. quae res Cam.; queris M. o lux salue uideo uix (lux CD) salue M. salua sum Bx (in Krit. Anhang); candida Bx in text with R; salua sis Ribbeck; but both these con. jectures lie under the great objection that aslux is generally masc. in Plautus, it would not be made fern. when applied to a man, as here. See Capt. v. 4, II; Cist. ii. r, 49; Ter. Adelph. 841. IV 7 35-47 MILES GLORIOS VS. 123 PL. Iam resipisti, Philocomasium? PH. Obsecro, I345 quem amplexa sum H6minem? perii. sumne ego apud me? PL. N6 time, uoluptas mea. PY. Quid istuc est neg6ti? PA. Animus hanc modo hic rellquerat: M6tuoque et time6, ne hoc tandem pr6palam fiat, nimis. PY. Quid id est? PA. Nos secAndum ferri ninc per urbem haec 6mnia, N6 quis tibi istuc uftio uortat. PY. M6a, non r3o illorum dedi: PArui ego alios fdcio. age, ite cum dis beneuol6ntibus. PA. Tua ego hoc causa dico. Py. Credo. PA. Iam uale. PY. Et tu bdne uale. PA. Ite cito: iam ego adsequar uos: cim ero pauca uolo loqui. Quamquam alios fideliores semper habuisti tibi Quum me, tamen tibi hbeo magnam grAtiam rerum r355 6mnium: Et si ita htbi sentdntia esset, tibi seruire mauelim Multo quam alii libertus 6sse. PY. Habeto animum bonum. 1345. Phil. Acid. I348. propalam Cam.; proilla B; proalla CD. I350. tibi istuc Lichs; tibi hoc M; hoc tibi vulg. I351. alios Bothe; illosM. age ite R; agite M. I353. ero F; ego M. uolo loqui R; eloqui M. I355. tamen tam Fl. 1356. tibi R. mauelim FZ; malui B; maui CD. I357. habeto Bx; habeo M; habe vulg. 124 T. 'zA CCI PLA FTI IV 7 48-58 PA. Hef mihi, quom uenit mi in mentem, ut m6res mutandi sient, Mfiliebres mords discendi, oblifuiscendi strati6 -tici. 136o PY. FAc sis frugi. PA. Iam non possum: amfsi omnem lubidinem. PY. I, sequere illos: n6 morere. PA. B6ne uale. Py. Et tu b6ne uale. PA. Qua6so ut memineris: si forte liber fieri occ&perim, Mittam nuntium ad te: ne me d6seras. PY. Non dst meum. PA. Cogitato id6ntidem, tibi quam fidelis ffierim.:365 Si id facies, tum d6mum scibis, tibi qui bonus sit, qui malus. Py. Scfo: perspexi sa6pe uerum, quom antehac, turn hodie maxume. PA. Immo hodie me u6rum factum faxo post dices magis. PY. Vfx reprimor, quin t6 manere ifibeam. PA. Caue istuc feceris. I358. hei mihi Bothe; haeum M. 1359. stratiotici Scutarius; statriosi B; stratiost CD; tui FZ. 1362. fieri occeperim FZ; fieri occeperit (acceperit) M. I364. identidem FZ; dent idem M. I366. tum FZ. I367. immo hodie me uerum Bx; scies immo hodie (hodiem CD) eorum M. Bx holds scies to be a gloss on dices, and accepting the uerum of Cam., inserts before it me, which is betrayed by hodiem. IV 7 59-67 IzILES GL ORIOS VS. 125 Dfcant te mendacem nec uerum 6sse, fide nulla dsse te: [Dicant seruorum praeter med 6sse fidelem n6mi- 37o nem.] NAm si honeste censeam te ficere posse, suddeam. Vdrum non pot6st: caue faxis. PY. Abi: iam patiar, quidquid est. PA. B6ne uale igitur. PY. Ire meliust str6nue. PA. Etiam nunc uale. Py. Ante hoc factum hunc sum arbitratus sfmper seruom p6ssumum: Eum fidelem nihi esse inuenio. quom (gomet 375 mecum c6gito, Stulte feci, qui hfinc amisi. ibo hinc intro nunciam Ad amores meos. s6d quis exit? s6nitum hinc fecerunt fores. 1369. dicant R; dicent M. esse, fide nulla FZ; esse (esset) fidele nzula CD; essetfidelent zlla B. 1370. med Guyet; me M. The verse is justly condemned by Ribbeck. I37I. censeam censeat M. I373. meliust strenue meliust e trenue M. I374. hune hue M. I375. inuenio Pius; inuenlo M. quom egomet Cam.; cum ego et M. 1376. feci D; fecit BC; amisit BCD. I377. ad amores FZ; at mores BD; acmoresC. sed quis exit? sonitum hinc Ribbeckl; et sensit hinc sonisur M; et, sensi, hinc sonitum R after Gruter; quis exit hinc FZ. 126 1T. M.A CCI C PLA VTI IV 8 1-14 PVER. PYRGOPOLONICES. IV 8 Pv. Ne me moneatis: m6mini ego officitm meum. Ego iam conueniam militem, ubi ubist gdntium, I380 Inuestigabo eum: 6perae non parcAm meae. PY. Me quaerit illic: ibo ego huic puero 6buiam. Pv. Eh6m, te quaero: sAlue, uir lepidissume, Cumulate commoditate, praeter c6teros Duo di quem curant. PY. Qui duo? Pv. Mars {t Venus. 13s5 P. Facdtum puerum. Pv. Intro dd se te ut eas obsecrat; Te u61t, te quaerit, tdque expectans expetit; AmAnti fer opem. quid stas? quin intro is? PY. Eo. Pv. Ipsus illic sese iam inpediuit in plagas. ParAtae insidiae sunt: stat in statiu senex, 1390 Vt adoriatur moechum, qui formAst ferox, Qui omnis se amare cr6dit, quemque asp6xerit: I379. iam.... militem Muller; nam..ilzum M; iam iam conuenam illuncR. I380. eum PR. parcam Cam.; parco M, 1381. ego Bx. I385. ad se Bugge. 1386. teque expectans expetit Pareus; te expectat B; teque expectans petit CD; teque exspectans deperit vulg., R. 1388. ilic sese illicese B; illic se CD. 1389. stat in statu senex Pareus; instatus ad B; in statu stat CD; in saltu stat Saracenus. 1390. moechum Z; mecum M. formastforma si M. I39I. quesmque CD; queque B; hence R gives, and Pennigsdorf defends, quaeque; but queque may stand for quemque, not for IV 8 15, 16 MILES GLORIOS S. 127 Quem omnes oderunt qua uiri qua mulieres. Nunc in tumultum ibo: intus clamorem audio. quaeque, in which case there would be no ms authority for quaeque, though it is found in 1264. I392. quem omnes Guyet; muliere B; mulieres eum CD; all omit quen. ACTVS V. PERIPLECOMENVS. PYRGOPOLINICES. CARIO. LORARII. SCELEDRVS. V 1 PE. Ducite istum: sf non sequitur, rapite sublim6m foras. 1395 Facite inter terram atque caelum ac/utum sit: discindite. PY. Obsecro hercle, P6riplecomene, te. PE. Nequicquam hercle 6bsecras. Vide ut istic tibi sit acutus, Cario, cult6r probe. CA. Quin iam dudum g6stio moecho h6c abdomen adimere. Vfn faciam quasi pfero in collo pdndeant crepundia? 1400 PY. P6rii. PE. Haud etiam: numero hoc dicis. CA. Iamne ego in hominem inuolo? PE. Immo etiam prius u6rberetur fastibus. CA. Multum quidem. I395. actutum sit Bx (Hermes xiv.): cp. Most. ii. I. 39; Cas. ii. 6. 48; so in Capt. iii. 5. I. actutum is supplied; ut sit M; uti siet Bx (in his ed.) with Bothe and R. I397. sit acutus Saracenus; siet acutus Bentl.; si tactus B; sit actus CD. T398. gestio Cam.; gestit M. 1399. vin faciam Seyffert; utfaciam M; faciam uti R. I400. ego Fl. V 9-18 MILES GL ORIOS VS. 129 PE. Cuir es ausus subigitare alienam uxorem, fnpudens? PY. Ita me di ament, ultro uentumst,d me. PE. Mentituir: feri. PY. Mane, dum narro. PE. Quid cessatis? PY. Non licet mihi dlcere? PE. Dic. PY. Oratus sum, ad eam ut irem. PE. Qu6r 4~5 ire ausu's? 6m tibi. PY. Olei, satis sum u6rberatus: 6bsecro. CA. Quam m6x seco? PE. Vbi lubet: dispennite hominem dfuorsum et distennite. PY. Obsecro hercle t6, mea uerba ut audias, prius quam secat. PE. Loquere, dum non nihili factu's. PY. Viduam illam esse c6nsui: Itaque ancilla, c6nciliatrix qua6 erat, dicebat mihi. 14o1 PE. Iura te nociturum non esse h6mini de hac re n6mini, 1402. Here again Koch would introduce uoxorem to obviate the hiatus. 1405. ad ear ut irem Ribbeck; ad te uenire B; ad te amuttire CD; huc nenire R. quor ire ausu's Seyffert; quare (quirere) ausus ML; quare's ausus R. I406. oiei Bentl. in Eun. iv. 4. 47; olei BC; olri, odre D; ohe D. marg. mox seco Cam.; mox ego CD; exego B. I407. dispennite.... distennite Meursius; dispendite.... dispendite B; distendite.... dispendite CD. I408. mea uerba ut Acid.; ut mea uerba M. 1409. dum non nihili factu's R; nondum nihiblo factus B; nondumn donec factum est CD; but why not nondum nihili factus? illam Fl. I411. nociturum non R; non nociturum M, homini A; homine.. nemini B; hominem neminem CD. K 130 T.1 LA CCI PLA VTI V 19-29 Quod tu hic hodie u6rberatu's aAt quod uerberabere, Si te saluom hinc Amittemus Venerium n6potulum. PY. Iuro per Iovem 6t Mauortem, m6 nociturum ndmini, 1415 Qu6d ego hic hodie uapularim: iureque id factum arbitror: Et si hinc non abeo intestatus, bene agitur pro n6xia. PE. Quid, si id non faxis? PY. Vt uiuam semper intestabilis. CA. Verberetur 6tiam: postibi amittundum c6nseo. Py. Di tibi bene faciant semper, quom aduocatus b6ne mi ades. 1420 CA. Ergo des minam airi nobis. PY. Quam 6b rem? CA. Saluis testibus Vt ted hodie hinc amittamus V6nerium nep6tulum. Aliter hine non ibis, ne sis frustra. Py. Dabitur. CA. Magis sapis. I4I2. hie hodie Bothe; ihodie hic M. uerberabere Cam.; uerberare M. I4I3. amittemus Bothe; mittimus M. 1414. Iovem et Mau. A (Stud.); pidam et Martem C; pidu B; piaae (with Zovem superscribed) C; perDionam et Martem Cam. 1415. uapularim... arbitror Cam.; uapulari iure qui B; uapulo sed mihi id eque CD. I416. hil... intest. R; intestatus non abeo hinc M. 1418. postibi A; post tibi MI. amittundum FZ, Bentl.; amitte dum M. I4I9. bene mi ades R; mihi bene ade B; bene mihi es CD; MIHIBENEEST A. 1421. ted hodie Guyet; te hodie M. 1422. hine non ibis A (R); inc a nobi B; aliter... dabitur is found only in A and B. magis sapis M; Nonius quotes modice sapis from the Miles; perhaps to be referred to I9go, or to at modice decet above. v 30-39 MILES GLORIOSVS. 131 De tunica et chlamyde 6t machaera ne quid speres: n6n feres. Lo. Verberone etiam an iam mittis? PY. Mitis sum equidem fistibus: Obsecro uos. PE. Soluite istunc. PY. Gratiam hercle 425 habe6 tibi. PE. Si posthac prehendero ego ted hic, carebis t6stibus. PY. Causam hau dico. PE. Edmus intro, Cario. PY. Seru6s meos Eccos uideo. Philocomasium iSm profectast? dic mihi. Sc. Iam dudum. PY. Iei mihi. Sc. Magis id dicas, sl scias quod ego scio: Namque illic, qui ob oculum lanam habebat, nauta 1430 n6n erat. Pv. Quis erat igitur? Sc. Philocomasio amator. PY. Qui tu scis? Sc. Scio: Nam postquam portam 6xierunt, nil cessarunt ilico 1423. machaera ne quid Cam.; muzcrone qui Db; macrane guid rest. 1424. an iam mittis Bx; ani amittis B; animd amiltis CD; an iam amittis Haupt. I425. hercle Muller. 1426. carebis testibus A (Stud.); arebo (arcebo) cestibus M; separabo a testibus R. 1429. magis id dicas Bentl., Eun. ii. 3. 65; magis discas MA with A. 1430. namque illic Acid.; NAMILLEI A; nam illo M. ob oculum lanam A (Gepp. and Stud.); lanam ob oculum M. 1432. portam exierunt A; exierunt is omitted in CD; porta exierunt B: see Comm. 132 2'. 2XA CCIZ PLA VTI V 40-44 Osculari atque amplexari inter se. PY. Vae miser6 mihi: V6rba mihi data esse uideo: sc6lus uiri Palaestrio, 435 Is me in hanc inlexit fraudem. Sc. Ifire factum iudico: Sf sic aliis moechis fiat, minus hic moechorum siet: Magis metuant, minus has res studeant. PY. Eamus ad me. CANTOR. Plafudite. 1434. uiri A; tir M. I435. in... fraudem A; inlexitfraude in B; hinc illexitfraude CD. 1436. si sic sic sic M. fiat A; fuit M. 1437. This verse is wanting in A according to Geppert. NOT E S. THE ARGUMENTS. THE Arguments to the plays of Plautus are of two kinds(I) the acrostichal argument, which is found before all the extant plays except the Bacchides, the beginning of which is lost. (2) A non-acrostichal argument, which was, no doubt, originally prefixed to all the plays, but has perished except in the ziles, Amphilruo, Aulularia, and Mercator. The Ambrosian palimpsest preserves also such an argument to the Pseudulus, and traces of one to the Persa. These last always consist of fifteen senarii (except in the lAmphitruo, in which perhaps five verses are lost, as Ritschl thinks: nothing, however, is wanting for the explanation of the play). It is believed by R and others that they are the work of Sulpicius Apollinaris of Carthage, the teacher of Gellius and Pertinax, and the author of the -'eriochae prefixed to the plays of Terence in twelve senarii, and the arguments, in six hexameters, prefixed to the Books of the Aeneid. Whether the acrostichs are of the same or a different period it is impossible to determine. F. Ossan and others hold the acrostichs at least to be the work of Aurelius Opilius, in the seventh century A. u. c., about Ioo years after the death of Plautus. Gellius (iii. 3. i) mentions him as author of indices to the Plautine plays, and probably such was the nature of his Pinax, which contained an acrostich on the name Opilius. Both classes of Argument (especially perhaps the acrostichs) out-Plautus Plautus in their roughness of diction and license of metre-a fact which perhaps should lead us rather to assign their origin to the Antonine period, when an imitator would be more likely than in the Sullan Epoch to get an exaggerated impression of the archaism of Plautus. MILES GLORIOS VS. ARGUMENT I. 3. peregre means in Plautus (a) "to a foreign land"; (b) "from a foreign land"; (c) "in a foreign land," when it should be written peregri; the word is an old locative, originally peregrei (Corssen, i. 776). The third was its original meaning. Other adverbs having two meanings in Plautus are(I) nusquam, which means no whither as well as no where; (2) so usguam, cp. Most. iii. 2. I72, hand usquam abscedam; (3) intus, which means (a) within, (b) from within; but does not, like peregre, ever convey the sense of motion to; intus cannot = intro (eo intus et intro sum soloecismi sunt, Quintil. i. 5. 50); therefore imzmo intus potius sequere hac me As. v. 2. 90 is certainly corrupt. 5 eidem. Eihas three metrical values in Plautus-(i) spondee, as here; (2) iambus, as in the fourth verse of this Argument, and in Io88; (3) one long syllable, which is its usual metrical value. Ei in eidem is generally spondee, as here. 6. geminis, an un-Plautine usage. Plautus uses geminus only with pater, soror, flius (but Terence has geminas nuptias Andr. 674). Other un-Plautine usages in these two Arguments are pointed out by Lorenz: (I) ridiculis v. 9, for which Plautus would have written ridiczuariis or ridiculis modis (we find, however, ridiculi causa Amph. iii. 2. 36; and per ridiculum True. ii. 2. 8); ridiculus, masc. sing. and plur., always means "wag"; (2) poenas luit, v. 14, for poenas pendere, sufferre. In the Second Argument we have (I) mutuo, v. i, which is not found before Cicero and Varro, though we have mutuMm ft 1242: Plautus would have used contra, as in o10. (2) subornat, I4, for which Plautus would have probably written dat, as in 785. (3) dimittere, 5, would mean in Plautus "( to allow to disperse," and can properly be used only of a plurality; Plautus would have used amittere. Moreover, for oberrans Arg. i. 8, Plautus would have most probably written ambulans; for omissam faciat (I I) missam (or amissam) faciat; for deportat (Arg. ii. 4), avehit; forfingi (i ), simulat; and for sollicitandum (13), suZectandum, as in Io66; sollicitare in Plautus means "L to torment," not "to cajole." 8. tegulis. The Roman houses were undetached, with party walls in common, and the roofs being much more accessible than in modern houses (St. Luke, v. I9), it was easy to pass from one housetop to another. Idle slaves seem to have been fond of frequenting the tegulae and prying into neighbour NO7TES. 135 ing houses, as may be gathered from the tone of Periplecomenus, I56, if. Imbrices, which are mentioned with tegulae in 504, and in Most. I. 2. 28, were the semicylindrical tiles which were used to cover the lines of junction between the rows of flat tiles (tegulae). II. omissam faciat; habere, facere, dare, reddere, cu-rare, iradere, are often used by Plautus and Terence, with the past participle to denote a completed action. The first two only are thus used in classical Latin (Draeger, HIist. Syn. i. 295). The ellipse of ut before faceia and before abeat in 13 is quite Plautine: cp. datum fzihi esse... nunlirs praesim ac luco' Amph. Prol. 12; uide qzod opustfiat Men. ii.. 3 3 This ellipse is frequent after uellefacere and sinere (see 50), but very common also after optumumst, e. g. scin quid facias ontumumst Men. v. 5. 44; optumumst loces Aul. iii. 6.31; adeam optuuumst As. ii. 4. 42; tacear optuumumst Epid. i. I. 59; capllumze promittam optumumzst Rud. ii. 3. 46; so also after iuslum in Bacch. iv. 9. 7I, iustumst tuos tibi seruos seruiat; and after decretumst in Poen. ii. 53; we find ellipse of ut after adigere Rud. iii. 3. 9; inzpetrare Trin. ii. 4. 9o; suadere Trin. iii. 2. 55; orare Amph. i. I. IOI; dicere Stich. iv. 2. 44; mandare Mere. ii. 2. 92; rogare Most. iii. I. 150. We have, moreover, cedo bibam in Most. ii. I. 26; and date bibat in Stich. v. 5. I6. ARGUMENT II. r. ingenuam. Philocomasium was not inevnua, as is plain from all the references in the play. The writer of the Argument was misled by 490, where not Philocomasium, but the pretended twin-sister of Philocomasium, is described as ingenua et libera. Hence patre et matre Atticis, the reading of Lorenz in v. Ioo, can by no means be accepted. 5. uit nuntiaret. naiuigat. This sequence of tenses (common in classical prose after a Praesens historicrn) is not infrequent in Plautus. Conversely, we have below, 13r, dedi... u deferat. ACT I.-SCENE I. r. clupeus was the circular iron shield adopted from the Etruscans, the Argive or Doric aoiris: the scutum, of wood covered with leather, and four-cornered, was borrowed from the MILES GL ORIOSVS. Samnites. After the Servian reorganization of the army, the clupeus disappeared entirely, the circular parma, made of leather, being supplied to the uelites instead.-Guhl and Koner, p. 57I. For clupeo, dat. instead of gen.: cp. 4, 271, 735, 1431; iussin in splendorem I dari bullas has foribus nostris As. ii. 4. 20; oculis dolorem v. I. 4; factis monumentum suis Cur. iii. 7 1; benefactis... architectus Amph. Prol. 44; ei rei argumenta dicam Most. i. 2. 9; uerbis falsis acceptorfui Trin. i. 2. I67. So also, no doubt, should be explained non lubes... epulas fouerifoculisferuentibus Capt. iv. 2. 67, where fcula must be = nutrimenta, as in Pers. i. 3. 24 (the only other place where this word is found); tr. "won't you order a hot supper to be dressed?" 2. olim quomr. In old Latin olim = illo tempore, and is related to ille as aliquando to aliquis, and quondam to quidam. sudumst = evsa; sudus = serenus. 3. contra. See on Ior. 4. praestringat, "dazzle": cp. lingua gladiorum aciem praestringit domi, Truc. ii. 6. ii, where praestr. = "outdazzles." acied. R, in his New Excursuses on Flautus, has advocated the frequent introduction of a final d, not only in nouns, adjectives, and pronouns, but also in adverbs, prepositions, and imperatives. Corssen distinctly rejects the final d, except on the authority of mss., which only give med, ted, sed (acc. and abl.). In prepositions antid and postid are defended by many; and we have sed, red, andprod in compounds. For adverbs we have no authority but facilumed in the Sctum de Bacanalibus. It is perhaps safe with Biicheler (Lat. Decl.) to recognise d in med, ted, sed, and all ablatives, but not elsewhere. Koch would here read fostibus for hostibus, and fariolus for hariolus 692. This is rather a strong measure, though Festus tells us "foedum antiqui dicebant pro haedo, folus pro holere, fostem pro hoste, fostiam pro hostia"; and Varro says that hircus was fircus in Sabine, and fedus was a provincial pronunciation of edus (haedus). Quintilian speaks offordeum as a form of hordeumn. A play such as that on aciem and acied is very frequent in Plautus: cp. gestitem... gestit 7; and meo malo a mala abstuli hoc Men. i. 2. 24. A modern playwright would probably write, "That the foe's array be dazzled by its rays." Ajeu 2O TES. 137 de mots in Amph. i. I. 212 may be rendered much more neatly: M. Aduenisti, audaciai columen, consutis dolls. S. Immo equidem tunicis consutis huc aduenio, non dolis. M. " You have come, you-you height of audacity, with your tissue of lies." S. " Nay, I come with no tissue of lies, but tissue of good cloth." 5. mihi ethical dat. 6. lamentetur: cp. 103I, where, as here, the verb denoting the external expression of grief is put before the verb denoting the internal sensation; we have aedes lamentariae = "house of mourning" in Capt. i. I. 28. 7. quia. Quia, not quod, is used by Plautus after verbs of feeling; cp. 1328. Bx recognises only one case of quod, namely, ne miremini quod non triumpho Bacch. iv. 9. 150. We have, however beat quod Mil. 468. Conversely, we have once in Cic. the Plautine quia in reprehendis me quia defendam Sull. 50. Earn would be regular; but se makes the phrase more vigorous: "me iampridem feriatam gestitat " would be the very words of the sword's wail. 8. misera cp. Soi, I199. Fartum facere is "to make mincemeat of"; farturn is properly " stuffing"; cp. Most. i. 3. 13 non vestem amatores amant mulieris sed uestis fartum; hence the minced meat of which sausages are made. R, followed by all recent German editors, reads stragem for fartum on the very uncertain authority of Glossaria Vetera, explaining strages cwpbs veKcpwv.' But there is no evidence that this gloss refers to this passage, where the mss. do not preserve a trace of stragem and give eitherfartucm or an obvious corruption of it. Surely the alliteration withfacere more than accounts for the use by a comic poet of a word in a peculiar sense-a sense, too, strongly defended by the passage quoted from the Mostellaria, and possibly paralleled by qui farcit below, 69I, on which passage consult Comm. 9. ubi hie, "whereabout here": cp. I258; ubi tu hichabitas Rud. iv. 3 95; quaero in his regionzbus ubi habitet Trin. iv. 2. 31. o1. fortem often means "fine, braw " in Plautus: cp. Io66; sed Bacchis etiam fortis tibi uisast Bacch. ii. 2. 38; Nonius explains for/is as formosus, perhaps not quite accurately; he MILES GL ORIOS VS. also gives locuPles as an explanation offortis, and certainly this meaning seems to suit Trin. v. 2. 9, and Pers. v. 2. o II. tam bellatorem: cp. tamn in amici 74I; tam pro nota go; tam matula Pers. iv. 3. 64; parum leno Ter. Phorm. 507. So in Cic. Epp. quis est tan Lynceus Fam. ix. 2. 2; sometimes, too, without any word to qualify, as in zaec ego tam esse quam audio non puto Q. Fr. i. 2. 9; utinam tam (sc. integra) in periculo fuisset Att. iii. 13. 2; so ita (sc. uectigales) fuerunt Q. Fr. i. I. 33. The Latinity of Cicero in his more familiar letters naturally finds its closest parallel in the Latinity of the Comic stage, which reproduces the familiar conversation of everyday life in Rome. I have dwelt at greater length on this point in my edition of Cicero's Letters (Vol. I., Introd. p. lxxx.). 12 ad = rapcd, wpos -= "in comparison with": cp. 968; ad sapientiam huius ille nimius nugator fiuit Capt. ii. 2. 25; ut emerem sibi (ancillam) ad istamfaciem Merc. ii. 390; so Cic. nihiZ ad Persium De Or. ii. 25; aequiperare is always followed by dat. of cum with abl., so it must not be taken here closely with ad suas. 13. Curculioniis from curculio, sometimes written gurgulio, which means both " a throat " and " a weevil." In Trin. iv. 3. II there is a play on currere which demands the form curculio, while the sense demands the meaning " throat." Curculioniis is a comic coinage; the reading is very uncertain, as also in next verse: see critical note. 14. uumbomnachides " Bombastes Furioso." Clut. KAv7roUotrwpsivcapXi8t7s, and is compounded of KXvrbs aTrwop and vacapXia. This personage was not a pdr0rwp oWBolo, like the Homeric heroes, but a j-Ta'rwp uvaapXias (riot, mutiny); or perhaps vacapXpits is a patronym. from a coined ra-apXos (imperi incapax); or else we should read 5vaapriT7ss = "ungovernable." In these words I have given the form nearest to the best mss, and have not recorded the many guesses of the edd. Such coinages are made chiefly for their sound, like Chrononhotontotonthologos and Aldiborontiphoscophornio. The scene should be compared with Poen. ii., where Anthemonides recounts his exploits. Other Milites in Plautus are Therapontigonus Platagidorus in the Curculio, Cleomachus in the Bacchides, Stratippocles in the Epidicus, and Stratophanes in the Truculentus. s5. Neptuni nepos. "An allusion," says Bergk, "to Antigonus Gonatas, son of Demetrius Poliorcetes, who called him NOTES. 139 self the son of Neptune." But perhaps the allusion is rather a general one: cp. "praestantissimos uirtute Iouis filios poetae appellauerunt, ferocissimos et immanes et alienos ab omni humanitate tamquam a mar genitos Neptuni filios dixerunt" Gell. xv. 2; so also, "I Quid de sacrilegis, quid deimpiis periurisque dicemus Tubulus si Lucius umquam, Si Lupus aut Carbo [aut] Neptuni filius ut ait Lucilius, putasset esse Deos, tam periurus aut tam impurus fuisset?" Cic. Nat. Deor. I. 63. 16. cum in Plautus often couples the attributes or properties with the subject where, later Latin would use an adjective or participle: see 658, and Poen. iv. 2. 30 haud amice fads pq2 cum onere (= onusto) offers moram. I8. paniculum tect. properly "reed-down," here probably used for the reeds themselves which were employed for thatching; see quinz tu in paludem is, exsiccasque arundinem, I gui pertegamus uillam dum sudumst Rud. i. 2. 34. Paniculus is always feminine, panicula, except here. The following nouns neuter in later Latin are masculine in Plautus:-collus, corius (sometimes corium), dorsus, guttar, lac (lactes = intestines, but iacte is always the nominative form and is probably neuter), pazpaver, sinus (a bowl): on the other hand we find nasum for nasus, pane for panis, and artza from artis; again praesepe is praesepis (fem.) in Cur. ii. I. I3; in Mil. 140 the mss give conclauem, perhaps rightly; and sinapis is feminine in Pseud. iii. 2. 28. Nonius says that Plautus uses tergum masculine, misunderstanding habeo familiarem e tergum As. ii. 2. 53: frons "a forehead" is masculine 202, and is quoted as having been used as masculine in the Origzines of Cato, the Subditiuos of Caecilius, and other old writers. Lux is generally masculine in Plautus. 20, prae ut.. feceris, < in comparison with other feats that I could tell of-your not having done." From tu quae numquam to bene, 24, the words of Art. are aside. 21. periuriorem periurus is simply "a liar" in Plautus, not "a perjurer," which is rather expressed by mendax. In this sense mendax is followed by gen. of object, si huius rei me essev mendacem inuenerix As. v. 2. 5; credere has the same construction As. ii. 4. 53, quoi omnium rerum ipsus semper credit. 140 MILES GLORIOSVS. 22. gloriarum, "fuller of his own doughty deeds": cp. ita sunt gloriae meretricum True. iv. 4. 36; gloriae = " boasts" is post-classical; Gell. uses the word in this sense, has ille inanis glorias cum flaret i. 2. 6: in classical usage gloriae, plural = (I) "glory achieved in more than one case" Cic. Plan. 6o; (2) = gloriationes. Gloria (sing.) = (I) "glory"; (2) "pride." hoc... quam illic est. Instances of this strengthened form of comparison are frequent in Cic., e. g. quid hoc tota Sicilia est larius quam omnes.. conuenisse Verr. iv. 77; quid ergo hoc fieri turpius aut dicipotest quam De Or. i I69, quid enim hoc miserius quam eum... fieri consulem non posse Att. iv. 80. 2; quo nihil turpius physico quam fieri quidquam sine cause dicere Fin. i. 19. Bx compares Trin. iv. I. 13, where absque te foret is resumed after four verses by ni tua propitia paxforet praesto; so also below, 51I. hoc... illic. This variation of the pronoun, though referring to the same person, is common enough in Plautus: see ilzum... is I3I; ili... eae 348; illi... i Capt. prol. 2;... isic... hic...ilic iii.. 4 15-61; istic.. hic iii. 5. 75; illic... istunc Rud. iii. 5. 30. A good example in Greek is Thuc. i. 132. 6 7rca&lca 7roe Iv airoO Kal rlaT'rTaros KeitYy. 24. nisi unum... bene. "The only thing is thishis olive-salad eats a ravir." "Bar one thing" as we might say. For this elliptico-adversative use of nisi cp. 378, nisi mirumst facinus = "yet still it is a wonder how" &c.: see also Trin. ii. I. 8; Rud. iii. 4. 45; and even in Cic. nescio: nisi hoc uideo Rose, Am. 99. The verse was first properly punctuated and explained by E. Schreiner (Fl. 7ahrb. xcvii, 34I), who compares nisi modo unum hoc: hasce esse aedis dicas dotalis tuas I I66; and nisi unum: palla pallorem incutit Men. iv. 2.46: epityrumz (7rl TrOpC), a salad eaten with cheese: estur = editur: for insanum used as adverb "ravishingly," see on I00: illi = illic. See crit. note. 25. eccum, sc. me, " here I am." When eccum is joined with a noun and there is no verb, the noun is in accusative: see 470, 1216. nel, " for instance": cp. 55 below. This usage of uel, like ueluti, aviKca, is common in Plautus, e. q. uel hic qui insanit quam ualuit paulo prius Men. v. 2. 120; uel ille seruom se meum esse aibat Men. v. 7. 53. Not unlike is the Plautine NOTES. 141 usage of sicut illustrated in note on 974. For another idiomatic employment of uel, see on 355, cedo uel decem, " give me, aye even half a score, if you wish ": see also uel ade/t uel non IOI9. In Amph. i. I. 28, there is a passage where uel cannot be defended, though it does not seem to be generally questioned:tarn consimilist atque ego I sura pes statura tonsus oculi nasunm uel labra \ malae mentum barba collus torus; we should here, perhaps, for uel labra readpalpebrae, or palpebra, which Nonius quotes as an old form of the plural. The broad resemblance between uel labra and papebra would account for the corruption. 26. bracchium. Artotrogus says "arm " for "thigh," purposely using the wrong word to raise a laugh; so ualgis sauiis, "crooked-legged mouths " 94; sorbet for sternit 8r8; dormiuni for coniuent Most. iii. 2. 145; subztZoltrium for subaquilum Rud. ii. 4. 9. When these intentional blunders are made it is the habit of Plautus to correct them in the next line. However we have saturiate ebrius Capt. i. I. 41, and gramarum habeo dentis plenos lizpiuntfaucesfame Cur. ii. 3. 39, without a subsequent correction, as well as ual-gis sauiis in 94. The old commentators miss the point in taking bracchium for ' trunk," though Lucretius calls the elephant anguizmanus. 27. quid bracchium, " why arm,' i.e. "' why (do you say) arm ": cp. quidc nusquam 316. illud... dicere. I have here accepted R's correction (see ctit. n.); but it is not for metrical reasons, for Bx has shown that illud d'cere uolruifemur can be abundantly paralleled in Plautus, that is, that words forming a dactyl or ending in a dactyl often have the ictus metricus on the last syllable. I have accepted R's conjecture because illud feminur uolui dicere gives the proper order of words in this formula corrizgendi. Not only is this the order in the passages referred to in note on 26, but also in Pseud. ii. 4. 21; iii. 2. 54; and in Amph. i. i. 228, where Fl. rightly reads nam zillu Amp hitruonis socium me esse uolui dicere. R has defended the old form feminur for femur in Opusc. ii. 437 foll. 29. conisus, " if you had put your strength into it." transmineret a/ira Elp. formed like eminere, imminere, prominere; cp. transtinet 468. 3. nolo istaec. sc. dicere not dici, as may be seen from next verse. 1-12 ILES GLORIOS VS. 33-36. aside. 34. peraurienda. This word and dentiant are comic coinages to suit auribus and dentibus like ruri rurant Capt. i. I. I6; domi domitus Men. i. I. 29; exauspicaui....edauspicandum Capt. iii. 5. 109. 35. mentibitur: cp. scibit 860 Capt. iii. 4. 86; audibis Capt. iii. 4. 86; in Pers. i. I. 15, we have congrediar and adgredibor in same verse. 39. Scytholatronia, from Scythes and latrones = "mercenaries." R reads Cryphiolathronia ({cp;6ios Ad0pa), which would mean the land that is hidden from men's eyes, "Kennaquhair," 7 " Weissnichtwo"; cp. Cur. iii. 74-76, where Perediam et Perbibesiam may be rendered "Eatanswill," and where Contenebroniam supplies perhaps a reason for reading Cryphiola-.hronia here. 40. Sardeis. This is an archaic form of nom. plur. 2nd decl. = Sardi, which Plautus uses (instead of Sardiani) to mean " the natives of Sardes.'" Sardi in later Latin means " Sardinians." This archaic form of nom. plur. occurs again in 374 hisce oculis, in Men. ii. 2. I7 sacres sinceri, and v. 9. 96, where fundis = fundi should be read; it is the invariable form in hisce illisce. We find in Inscriptions Minuceis, magistreis, ubliceis, conscripteis, gnateis, facteis = Mzinucii &c. Even in the A decl. R and Bx would introduce a similar form in alternas arbores for alternae Trin. ii. 4. 138. 4I. una uno die. The adverb una always refers in Plautus to an action taking place at one time and in one place, as has been thoroughly shown by P. Langen, Beitrage zur Kritik und Erklzrung des Plautus (Leipzig, I880), p. 243. Hence Langen here accepts the unscientific and obvious expedient of Pylades, the transposition of tu and quos, because, as he thinks, the succeeding words uno die are inconsistent with this view of the Plautine usage of una. But they are not inconsistent with it. They serve to heighten the comic hyperbole of the passage. The stroke that slew all these men was but one stroke, delivered in one place and at one time, but the time necessary for the delivery of this portentous passado was one whole day. 43. tantum. The neuter is common in Plautus, especially after sums of money: cp. minas quadraginta... eo Trin. ii. NOTES. 143 4. a; argenti nummos... id Aul. i. 2. 30; also after any numerical statement, as here and annos sexaginta natus es aut plus eo Ter. Heaut. 63; so also even when there is no enumeration, as in Aul. prol. 8, where argenti thensaurum is followed by id, and tot meas iniurias quae Ter. Hec. iii. T. So also in Cicero's Letters, sermonibus... quae Fam. ii. 8. 2; reprehensionem... in quo Fam. i. 9. 7; gravias... cu.. comitate. ea Q. Fr. i. I. 23; accensus... hoc ib. 13; publicani et socii... ea ib. 36: cp. also musici Jforuerunt, discebantque id omnes, Tusc. i. I. 4; tritici modium LX milia... dare debebant; abs te solun remissum est Verr. iv. 20; ab neutra parte sescentis plus peditibus et dimidzum eius equitum cecidit Liv. xxi. 59; cum quinque millibus quod secum traiecturus erat Liv. xliv. I. rationem, "your calculation is correct ": cp. rationemr puta Most. i. 3. 141; puta/ur ratio Aul. iii. 5. 53 44. sic, "even so, without a written record ": cp. qui nunc sic tam es molestus ("now, even without my owing you anything ") Pers. ii. 44; nolo is iterate, sat sic (without repetition) ftunt longaefabulae Pseud. i. 3. 154. So Cic. Fam. v. 20. 4. 45. optuma. R here reads optumad; but hiatus is absolutely admissible at a change of speakers. offae. Offa is " a bit, " ".a mouthful"; inter os atque offam multa interuenire possunt Cato ap. Gell. xiii. 17 = "'twixt cup and lip there's many a slip." Mionent = "jogs my memory." For the sentiment, cp. nil tu me salurum monueris; memini et scio Cur. iii. 3. 14. 47. communicabo. The usual construction is corn. aliquid cum aliquo, or inter se, but also corn. aliquid alicni. 49. Foret forfuisset, see Madv. Lat. Gram. 347; occideras for occidisses, see Madv. 348. 50. peditastelli, diminutive of peditaster (which, however, is not found). Peditaster, formed from pedes, as oleaster from olea, would mean a "wretched foot-soldier"; the diminutive form (cp. agellus, cultellus, ocellus, &c.) expresses a still greater decree of contempt. So in Epid. v. I. 14 we find grauastells = " of an ugly iron-greyish colour," which is thus formed; grauus (rauus) - "iron grey "; grauaster = "ugly iron-grey;" grauastellus = "ugly iron-greyish." The term -aster, in a depreciatory sense, is found in Terence in parasitaster; in Cicero in 144 MTILES GL ORIOS VS. surdaster, Fuzuiaster, Antoniaster; and we are familiar with it in our own word poetaster; and in French opiniatre = " obstinate "; verddtre, " greenish "'; blanchaitre. " whitish." siui uiuerent. For the ellipse of ut see above on il. The critical note on this verse should be carefully read; it well exemplifies the value of the Ambrosian palimpsest in the criticism of Plautus. 52. unumm. Vnus is often used to strengthen the superlative in Plautus, as in unam... optumam, unam... audacissurmam &c.; but also with positive, as in unum pollens atque honoratissumum Capt. ii. 2. 28; solus is used with positive in same sense often in Terence. 55. uel. See on 25. 57. hicine, "is not this Achilles "? ne = nonne, which is not found in old Latin. 58. eius frater. Achilles had no brother; the relationships of the Olympian deities are comically misrepresented: e. g. Juno is called louis fila in Cist. ii. I. 45 ff. ibi, " thereupon ": cp. Trin. ii. I. 19, 2r, ibi ille cuculus, and ibipendentem ferit. 59. ergo, " that is why he is so handsome " (because he is the brother of Achilles); ergo often thus refers (see 380) to a preceding statement, sometimes also to a following clause, as in ergo quia sum tangere ausus Aul. iv. IO. 25. It is a mistake to suppose that the Latins ever used ergo = =p-y. 62. quae me obsecrauerint. " Is it after their imploring me?" i. e. " (do you ask such a question about women) who have implored me? &c. This is a common ellipse in Plautus: see below, 406, 973, 985; ne is also sometimes added, as in quodne amem (= id non osculer quod amem) Merc. iii. 3. 12. Very similar to this usage is the Hibernicism sure, "sure they both asked me." 67. dare operam has two meanings in Plautus-(I) " to be at one's service, to give one's services" (the proper meaning of the phrase); (2) "to give one's attention, to listen." In 774 we have tibi damus operam auribus. The phrase has the first meaning in Cic. Epp. (Fam. vii. 24. 2; Att. xiii. 49. I). NO TE S. 145 68. rogare = milites conscribere, "to enlist recruits"; the full phrase is sacramento militenm rogare. R, for once stooping to explanation, gives this strange remark: uzis rogare est utendas petis." But the words could not bear tlat meaning; and these words, rightly intcrpreted, lhow tlhat this verse should stand here, not after 37, where I places it, following the mss. 7I. praeolat mihi, "that I should scent beforehand what you want," i. e. that I should kiiow what you want before you mention it, as a dogy knows his master befoie lie sees him. Praeolat is impersonal. O/ere and its compounds are found in Plautus to conform generally to the 2nd conjugation, but sometimes (as here) to the 3rd. So we have exfidiri, 314, as if the verb were of the 4th conjugation; paririe for Jpar-re Vidul. Fr. 21; moriri and aggrediri often; cuzpiiet Lucr. i. 71; and effugiri in Publ. Syr. 8 5. 72. tempus ut eamus, 'time to go": cp. IIOr. 74. latrones, (I) "mnl ccnal ies"; qui co7zducti7ilitztaatiSEt Festus; (2) robbers; (3) latrones and latrzzzculi also mean "'draughtsmen.'' LatrociZari == (I) to rob; (2) to serve as a mercenary. Latrocinizz'7t = (I) mnC1ceInary SCer\CC; (2) a game of draughts; (3) robbery; (4) a band of robbers. ibus, archaic for eis, on the analogy of quizibus, except that ibus has the penult. long. So ibzus = Ihs Cur. iv. 2. 20. For construction see on lIo. 75. Seleucus. No special Sclcucus is referred to; the name is used just as alizuetm ad regent in Trin. iii. 2. 96. 78. ago eamnus: cp. ae. ag abite 928; so cane for caucee Men. v. 7. 5; and cane diruztpanis Poen. prol. 17. ACT II. This speech of Palaestrio is really a pr/logue. In only one other of the extant plays of Plautus is the prologue deferred until the audience is made acquainted with the leacing charactesistics of one or more of the chief dramatis personae. In the Cistellaria it is only after Silenium and Gymnasium have, in an opening scene of much power, disclosed their different characters, and the Lena, in a second scene, has related the story of Silenium that the prologue proper is spoken by the goddess L IZES GZ ORIOS VS. Auxilium. So that the prologue is in effect divided between the Lena and Auxilium. Euripides, in the Iphigenia in Aulis, has taken a somewhat similar course. The whole speech of Palaestrio seems to be made up of three parts-(I) 79- 87, whichwas probably part of a post-Plautine prologue prefixed to the play, and not spoken by Palaestrio; (2) 88-94, a part of another rival pro logue used by another company of actors; (3) 95-I55, the remains of the original Plautine speech of Palaestrio. 80. benignitas: cp. date benigne operam mihi As. prol. 14. The post-Plautine imitator probably copied Men. prol. I6, where benignitas is used in its Plautine sense (though the prologue is not Plautine), not in the sense of" kindness" required here; benignztas in Plautus means "generosity, openhandedness"; and malignitas, "stinginess, niggardliness"; benigne in As. quoted above = "kindly "; but the prologue of the Asinaria is not by Plautus. 8I. exsurgat foras. For this pregnant use of exsurgo, cp. ne quoquam exsurgatis Bacch. iv. 4. Io6; surgedum hue Most. v. I. 53. 82. sedeat. It is certain that in the time of Plautus there was no sitting accommodation in the Roman theatres; yet we find even in undoubtedly Plautine passages (e. g. Aul. iv. 9. 6) references to a sitting public. We must therefore suppose that the spectators either brought with them stools and chairs, or seated themselves on the ground. Val. Maximus says distinctly (ii. 4. 2), that in the censorship of Messalla and Cassius (599), when it was proposed to erect a stone theatre, the proposal was rejected on the motion of Scipio Nasica: atque etiam Scto cautum est ne quis in urbe propiusue passus mille subsellia posruisse sedensue ludos spectare uellet, ut scilicet remissioni animorum standi uirilitas propria Romanae gentis iuncta esset. The Theatrum Pompei, the first stone theatre, was built just a hundred years after this Sctum. 83. qua causa; cuius causa wonld be plainer, but the comoedia is itself the causa why the spectators took their seats in the theatre. 84. comoediai. We find this form very often in Plautus, both in nouns, adjectives, and pronouns, especially in proper names of Greek origin, such as Charmidai: this form is also used by Ennius, Lucretius, Cicero in his poems, and Vergil; but not by Terence in any certain passage. NOTES. 147 87. id. That Greek term Aa.\(v we players translate into the Latin term gloriosus." 89. qui hinc ad forum abiit. These words make it probable that the prologue, of which 88-94 is a part, was spoken after the first scene. 9o. stercoreus. a7raE elp.; but lutum, hiteus, and such words, are common terms of abuse in Plautus: see 325; True. iv. 4. I; Most. v. 2. 45. Cp. tcK6rpEiOS. Impurus is the Plautine adjective. 94. maiorem partem: see 644, and me haud centensumain partem landat Capt. ii. 3. 6I; used of temporal duration in Poen. i. 3. 4, maiorem partem in ore habitas meo. sauiis, here "lips," generally "kisses "; nuagis sauiis is explained by Gram.: labrisforas uersum tumenZbus: see on 26, above. 95. seruitutem seruio. This figure is common in Plautus; among the most remarkable examples are Mil. 228, 381, 699; and turbas turbare Bacch. iv. Io. I; pietatem piare As. iii. I. 3; cenam cenare Rud. ii. 6. 24; prandium prandere Poen. iii. 5. I4; also gaudium gaudere Ter. And. v. 5. 8, which is found as well in Cic. Fam. viii. 2. I, one of the many coincidences between the diction of Cic. Epp. and the Comic stage. 96. deuenerim, "found my way by chance: cp. Cic. Att. i. 9. I; and Brut. 157: consideranti ad quos ista non translata sint sed deuenerint. 98. date operam: see on 67. Ioo. acre: see critical note, in which I have shown that acre is, in effect, palaeographically the same as matre, the unintelligible reading of the mss. We find amatur... acriter in Pseud. i. 9. 39; and acre for acriter is found in Persius, iv. 34; and in acre iznadunt Sall. Frag. This usage is very common in Plautus, as in prouenisti futtize Stich. ii. 2. 73; and in Capt. ii. 3. 78, where we have the express testimony of Nonius: "fidele pro fideliter: Plautus Captivis." Now I am far from saying that we should always accept as certainly Plautine every Nonian quotation; I even believe that he often quoted verses from memory, and erroneously; but I am confident that he never ascribes to Plautus a peculiar grammatical usage, on the ground of a certain passage, without making sure that he quotes L 148 JIILES GL OIIOS S, at least the significant part of that passage correctly. I believe therefore that in Capt. ii. 3. 78 we should read with Lind. fac fidele (= fideliter) sisfidelis. Fzdele (= fideliter) fidelis is of ourse thoroughly Plautine: cp. firme firmnus, misere miser, inpudenter in]nuZdens, sapienter sapere &c. Again, celere is undoubtedly an adveib in Cur. ii. 3. 4, and probably in Tcr. Ph. I79, though in the former passage editors have sought to make celere an adjective by reading froperum for propere, or subitum for subito. Quite similar is the use of insanum for insane in 24, above; insanum mnalun Trin. iii. 2. 47; insanum magnumz Bacch. iv. 5. I; insanum bona Most. iii. 35; and insanun ualde un erque deamat Nervol. Fr. 7- Nonius also quotes zimmne for immaniter. Athenis Atticis. This epithet of Athens is found also in Epid. iii. 4. 46; Truc. ii. 6. IG; Rud. iii. 4. 36; Pseud. i. 5. 2. It is, no doubt, merely conventional, and cannot have been used to distinguish the celebrated Athens from other towns so called in Boeotia and Euboea. Ior. contra, always an adverb in Plautus, Terence, and old dramatists (so iztxta, see 234). It means (I) ( opposite, vis-avZs' ( 123); (2) " reciprocally " (as here); (3) "in return, retaliation" (199); (4) "on the contiary" (243). It is very fiequent with amnar, deperire, &c., in the sense which it bears here. As language grows older adverbs acquire prepositional usage; for instance, coram is only an adverb in Cicero, though afterwards generally a preposition. In mizhi contra adstitit Capt. iii. 5. 6, mizii is the ethical dative. I02. legatus fuit = legatus sutm, very common in Plautus; so we find fueramt for eram of the pluperfect passive, fuero for ero &c. 103. magnai: see on 84. 104. interibi for interim; often in Plautus but not found in Terence. io5. insinuat sese ad. This phrase is found again in Cist. i. i. 9I, and without se ibid. 94; inde in amicitiam insinuauit cum rmatre et mecum simul. 18. itaque, "and so": see 1410; itaque seems sometimes to = ita, especially in the emphatic sense of ia = " so much, so true is it that": e. g. itaque omnis exegitforas = ita Aul. iii. I. 7; itaque detandebo = ita det. Bacch. ii. 3. 8. NOTES. 149 ibi apud: cp. 113, 134, 138, 161. IIO. sublinit os. One of the very numerous expressions for "befooling, cajollng" in Plautus. Nonius says it is tractum a genere ludi quo dormzientibus ora pinguitur: cp. Greek III. is. Is is pleonastic since it is followed by miles in next verse: cp. qui tu id prohibere me potes ne suzsicer Trin. i. 2. 50; so haec.... ulier below, 149. 112. clam governs three cases in Plautus-accusative, genetive, and ablative. 113. in Ephesum. Plautus sometimes prefixes the prepositions in, ex, to the name of a town, sometimes not; we find him omitting the preposition even in the name of a country, Alis, in Capt. ii. 2. 8o; iii. 4. 41. This is a peculiarity of early Latin; nequlinont Graeciam redire Liv. Andr.; so Chersonnesum mitere, Aegyptuim proficisci in Nepos. Cic. Att. vii. 3. IO recognises the rule that in should be omitted before the name of a town, but defends in Piraeum on the ground that Piraeus was a deme. 114. ut temporal is common in Plautus (see 178), and in Cic. Epp., as ut Brundisio profectus es nullae mihi abs te sunt redditae litterae Att. i. 15. 2. 1I6. inscendo. Used absolutely, as conscendo in Cic. Epp. II8. uectus fLui: see on 102. II9. peril, " I was lost": cp. utinam te di priusperderent qgtam periisti e patrin tua Capt. iii. 4. 5; quibuscum parua Athenis periit Rud. iv. 4. 67. A strange use of perire is found inptppis pereundastprobe Epid. i. I. 77: cp. abstandus Trin. ii. I. 30, and placenda dos est Trin. v. 2. 35. Perbitere often takes the place ofperire in Plautus. 122. iliam amicam erilem: cp. 127, I68, 242, and ilium..atrem imeum Men. v. I. 46. 123. contra: see on IO1. 124. postquam: cp. tit.. s. C S 11 for temporal particle with praesens historicum. 150.ILES GLORIOS S. 125. mecum. So orare cum aliquo, osculari cum aliquo, mentionem7 facere cum aliquo, postulare cum aliuo: see on 243. 128. peius odisse: cp. male odisse Men. i. 3. 7; male taedet Most. i. 4. 4; male metuere Aul. i. I. 22; male formidare Capt, iv. 4. 5: so bene amare Capt. i. 2. 35; bene profuerit Capt. ii. 2. 65. 129. quoniam often has its original temporal signification in Plautus. I31. deferat, dedi... deferat...veniret affords an example of tense-sequence quite unclassical, but frequent enough in Plautus, and found in Terence occasionally, generally to suit metrical exigencies. This peculiarity attracted the attention of the imitators of Plautus, who very largely avail themselves of this license, e. g. it amittaturfecit Arg. Capt. illum... is: see on 21. 134. in proxumo, "next door"; de, e, proxumo, in proxumum are frequent in Plautus. 137. opera consilioque: cp. Aoy Kal epytp, of which the Ciceronian equivalent is re et oratione. adhortatur iuuat. For the asyndeton see 202, 689 f., 707, 1232; labitur liquitur Trin. ii.. I7; turbant miscent Trin. ii. 2. 8; adplicant adglutinant Men. ii. 2. 67: for similar asyndeton with substantives and adjectives, see on 647. 139. qui is used for all genders and numbers in Plautus = quo, qua, quibus. I40. unum conclaue, attracted into case of relative, as in Araucratem quem conuenire uolui in naui non erat Amp. iv. I. I; hence in eo conclaui follows, just as quos consignaui... latrones, ibus 74. This attraction generally is into the accusative in Plautus, as istum quem quaeris ego sum Cur. iii. 49; but also into the nominative, as isti qui ludunt... omnis subdam sub solum Cur. ii. 3. 17; and the dative, as te reddam madidum tibi quoi decretumst bibere aquam Aul. iii. 6. 38; so indidem unde = ibidem unde "in the same place from which" Cist. i. I. 63. For conclaue, see on 18. 141. eapse = ea ipsa, sometimes edpse. We also have in NOTES. 151 Plautus eumpse, eampse, eopse, and no doubt the same formation is to be recognised in the old legal expression sirempse Amph. prol. 73. 145. nam. The ellipse is (" there is no difficulty il carrying out our plans) for "preti, "of no account." In As. i. I. 60 this word bears its old sense of a place in an enumciation: tuprimzus sezntis; nos tamen in pretio sumus, "wve are in the running" (in sagacity) = C" nos quoque adnumerandi sumus." So in Poen. 327, primuin prima salva sis I et secunda tu secundo salve in preiio; tertia salve extra pretium; so Sedigitus in Gell. xv. 24, Naeuius... pretio in tertiost. I46. addidit, a uox proprcia for the imposition of a guard over any one: cp. Teucris addila Juno. 148. glaucumam, literally a sort of cataract or opacity of the crystalline lens of the eye, which tlhen becomes of a dull greyish colour: here it means "we shall so hoodwink him": cp. use of x4ari. It comes fiom Greek, yavXicrwia, and conforms, by reason of its termination, to the a declension in Latin: so schezma (abl.) Amph. prol. 117 (where also the e is short, Hesych. quotes: o-Xe/a for o'ix7ia; cp. a-Xe's); Priscian also quotes syrmna (abl.) from Valerius, diademam from Pomponius, dogmamn from Laberius. 149. faciemus ut... ne. V" e shall bring him into such a state as not to have seen what he has actually seen ": so Ep. iv. 2. 36, exitialem /huncfaciamzz ztfiat diem; Pseud. iii. 2. 79 sorbitione faciam ego hodie te mea I item uit;ledea Peliamn concoxit senem; Amph. i. I. 242 it mne izlos hodie numquam facies quin sim Sosia. 15o. mox ne erretis. There should not be a stop after mox, as appears from Men, prol. 47, ne mox eretis iam nunc praedico prius. I5I. hine, a milite, " in the soldier's house," illinc, a zczino, "next-door"; hinc and zllinc ale used, not hic and illic, on account of this idiomatic usage of a = chez; hence undest? a luculenta 958; and the expression amanzt a lenone Pseud. i, 2. 69. 154. concrepuit, Greek ~oqei?; these expressions are used for a noise coming from within the house and betokening the exit of 152 MILES GL ORIOS VS. an inmate, while pultare, Kdrretv, denote the knocking of one seeking entrance. But to explain concrepare,ope^v of a tap given by the outcoming person, to warn passengers that the door was about to be opened, is quite wrong, for the following reasons:-(I) such a practice would be childish and meaningless in any case; (2) in private houses the doors always opened inwards, not outwards; (3) the fores O6pa, to which concrepare /opEeY apply, did not give on the street at all, but on a passage leading to the outer door, iatna, ostium, which was always open by day; in Amph. iv. a. 9, Amph. expresses his surplise that aedes occltserunt; so sed quid hoc occlusa ianuast interdius Most. ii. 2. 14; so Stich. ii. r. 36. Hence Euclio is always careful to enjoin the shutting of the door. Fores concr. and GOpa foE76 refer to the creaking made by the fores in opening; they were hung not on hinges but on pivots (cardines), which were made of wood, generally elm, and made considerable noise when moved (Marquardt Privatalt. i. 233). Hence we find in Cur. i. 3. 3 that water is used to prevent the sonitumn forium et crepitum cardinum; so also in Ar. Thesm. 487, eiyb 8e Karaxeaa ro TO pdarpEWS '5wp I eiAxov. If the hinge had been iron, oil, not water, would have been requisite. ACT II.-SCENE II. r56. Periplecomenus speaks from within the house, I5-i65. So Hegio, Capt. ii. 2; Callicles, Trin. 39. quemclue = quemcunque: see I6o, 460; Capt. iv. 2. 17. i8, ad quemque icero... quezque offendero. Conversely, we find unuim quidquid for unum quidque As. ii. 2. 62; so Aul. ii. 2. 21, Most. iii. 2. 146, Ter. Ad. 590, unum quidquid. hercle; frequent in Plautus in threats and prohibitions. diffregeritis. He uses sujfringere Truc. ii. 8. 8: cp. crurifragus Poen. iv. 2. 64. 157. lorea, c"I will cut your hide into thongs": cp. nos futuros ulmeos (As. ii. 2. 96) = "beaten with elm rods": ulmi were the ancient analogue to the birch of modern discipline: cp. Amph. iv. 2. 9, where a slave is called ulmorum A cheruns: so ulnitriba Pers. ii. 4. 7; ulmea pigmenta Epid. v. 1. 20. I58. equidem. Bentley, when he laid down that equidem NOTES. 153 up to the time of Nero is only found with the Ist person, was misled by an erroneous theory that equidern etymologically ego quidem. But, eqzuidean egro and ego equidem are often found together, and Priscian was certainly right in denying this etymoIogy, and in holding that equidemn cal be used with 2nd and 3rd person (and even plural number, as in Verg. Aen. x. 29). The following aic the places where equidemn is founld against Bentley's rule in poetry (for in prose the change to quzidem is always possible):-Vcrg. Aen. x. 29; Pi op. ii. 31. 5; Pers. v. 45; Luc. viii. 824; and in Plautus (omitting many passages where the mss i\ e equidel;, but the metre allows qzudean) we have the followilng, where tle metre rejects quzidem:-Aul. ii. I. I9; Epid. iv. 2. 26; Men. iii. 3. 27; Pers. iv. 4. 84; with atque the mss always gile equidem, whatever the number or person. The fact is, that equidem is a stiengthened foim of quidem, as ehemn of hez, elie of ezt, enmn of heof z. arbitri, "' witnesses": cp. locus efftsi late maris arbiter Hor. Ep. i. I I. 26; so arbzirari, "to witness," in Aul. iv. I. 21; Capt. ii. I. 28: cp. lVh/ile over-head the MAoon sits arbitress Milton, Paradise Lost, i. 785. I59. impluuium. The aperture in the roof through which the smoke passed out; the rain which was admitted thereby fell into the conmpluuiu/m. nunc adeo. Adeo here strengthens the nunc, " now, what's more"; so atque adeo I64; and neque adeo Capt. ii. 2. 98. In later Latin adLo has merely a corrective foice, as in ego -princeps atque adeo seculmdus Cic. Att. I. 17. 9; quZod ad te antea atque adeo prius scripsi Att. xv. 13. 3, where the words mean "or rather," not " and what's more." 162. quod ille dicat: cp. quod quispiam ignen quaerat Aul. i. 2. 13; and As. iv. I. 12-51; the difference between quod with subjunctive and quod with indicative may be perceived by comparing these passages with Mil. 504, 5o6, 50S, 510, III4. gallinam. The habit of keeping fighting cocks is at least as old as Pindar and Aeschylus: we find civoyaxas &kaxerwp 01. xii. 20: and 6evoulcdu ' pyreOos ovb Ayw stdaxrV Eum. 866. Aelian, Hist. ii. 28. says that after the Persian Wars the Athenians established a law that there should be a public cock-fight on one day every year in the Theatre, Themistocles having been impressetd by tlie cock's love of victoiy, and supposing that it would afford an instructive example to his fellow-countrymen. 154 MILES GLORIOS VS. 163. mulcassitis = mulcaueritis. This form is common in Plautus. For mnale, see on I28..lfale with a verb intensifies; with an adjective often negates, as male sobrius = eblrius. 164. atque... aleariae, " Aye, more-don't let there be an ankle-bone among them at supper: then they can't elude the Gambling Act." The Roman dice were tali, azrpdayaXot, "ankle-bones." They bore numbers on four sides, the two ends being left blank; the numbers were I, 3, 4, 6; the lowest throw was four aces; the highest was either when the four sixes turned up, or (according to a different way of playing the game) when the numbers were all different. The Latin names were unio, ternio, quaternio, senio. The best throw was called Venus, basilicus (because the king of the feast was appointed by it); the worst throw was uolturii, canes: see iacit uolturios quatuor Cur. ii. 3. 78; quaerenti Venerem per iactus usque secundos I damnosi semper subsiluere canes Prop. iv. 9. 17. Fraudem, which in later Latin means " treachery," in Plautus means harm, a colloquial usage which we also find in Cic. Att. vii. 26. 2: id mihi fraudem tulit; elsewhere only in the phrase s. f. (= sine fraude) esto in laws, and fraudi esse. The phrasefaciofraudem is also found = " I elude," as here, in Cic. Att. iv. 12: facio fraudem Scto. 167. ita... iussit, "so strict were his orders to." 168. illis ceteris; probably dative, as quid tu mihi facies Cas. I. 29; but often ablative is thus used, e. g. 973; so with fuat 299; we have quid mihi futurumst Men. iv. 2. Ioo; and quid me futurumst Truc. ii. 4. 63. For ilis ceteris, see on 122. I69. estne = nonne est; the particle nonne is post-Plautine. Satin also is often used for nonne. 172. tumultuas = tumultuaris. Such a treatment of deponent verbs is a very characteristic feature of early Latin. Hence, in Cic. Att. iv. I6. 6, sortita = sorte ducta is quite right if the word be regarded as forming a part of the Sctum, and therefore belonging to archaic language. A very long list of such verbs might be constructed from the early dramatists. The following are found in Plautus alone:-adgredio, adsentio, amplecto, amplexo, arbitro, aucupo, auspico (exauspico), comminisco, congraeco, contemplo, crimino, cuncto, fabrico (perfabrico), fabulo, fluctuo, frustro, horto, indipisco, insecto, intermino, lucto (delucto), ludifico, lucro, mereo, inmro, minito, NO TTS. 155 morigero, munero, nicto, nutrico, opino, pacisco, partio, philosopho, perscruto, pollcitare, potio, proficisco, sciscito, sortio, suspico, tuto, uago, uenero. On the other hand, we have in a few cases, as deponent, verbs afterwards not deponent:-caletur Capt. i. I. 12; copulantur Aul. i. 2. 38; mendicarier Capt. prol. 13; obsonari Aul. ii. 4. I6; praesagitur Bacch. iv. 4. 28. Palpari, exiricari, and even cluear, have ms authority, but are universally rejected. Many of the above forms are repudiated by most edd. Indeed very few are accepted by all; but all have ms authority. occisi, " we are lost": cp. occisa est haec res Capt. iii. 4. 7; occisissumus Cas. iii. 5. 52. I74. uostrum = zuostrorum; so mezun, iuom, suom, nostrum = meorum &c.; and conversely, uostrorum = nostrum Most. i. 3. I23; Amph. prol. 4; so uostrarum Stich. i. 2. 84; Ter. Hec. 240; nostrornm Amph. iv. 3. 6; Poen. iv. 2. 39; nostrarum Truc. ii. I. 40; Ter. Eun. 678. " Vost-roIzn multifariam sciiptum est pro uestrznzm" Gell. xx. 6. I2. I76. osculantis; construction, (I) absolute; (2) osccuari aliquem; (3) osculari ctm aliquo; (4) osculari inter se. I77. repente... subito. We find in Plautus propere ocius, propere cilo, propere celeriter, propere strenue, continuo protizam, una simul, exinde iico, and even subito propere celere (Cur. iii. 3. 4). I8o. nihili, "worthless": see 285; cp. nihili cana culex Cas. ii. 3. 25; nihili decrepitum meum uirum Cas. iii. 2. 29; unde is, nihili Cas. ii, 3. 31, which last strongly confirms the conjecture of Studemund, tace, nili for face, noli, on Cur. i. 2. 41; however, perhaps tace, nolo is better, as Phaedromus had said a few verses before tace, nolo huic male dici. The ape was a type of contemptibleness in Latin literature: cp. 504, and clurznum pecus (clura == rirzcos) Truc. ii. 2. 14. 182. quantum possit. Quantum = guam celerrume; possit is impersonal. se, for earn, as in I88: the personal and possessive reflexive pronoun belongs not only to the grammatical subject, but to the objective or logical subject, not only in Plautus, but also in Cicero, Cesar. and Livy (Draeger, Hist. Synt. i. 67). I84. contubernalis, "admitted to the Companionship of the Cross": cp. te dedam discipulam cruci," apprentice to," Aul. iL MILES GL OIOS VS. I. 20. The slaves in Latin Comedy jest on their punishments, just as in modern argot, "to dance upon nothing" = "to be hanged "; etarnzuer dans le sac = "to be guillotined." 185. nisi depends on an ellipse: "I have given the order [and so I will go], unless you have any further commands." Per. could not, however, have "given the order," for he has not left the scene: hence nuntiabo in I96. This scene is carelessly written; it is very unnatural that Per. and Pal. should waste so much time in talk at such a critical moment. I86. profecto is found in four places in Plautus, where there is no eason to suspect the text of corruptness-(I) here; (2) 280; {3) Pseud. i. 2. 67; (4) Poen. iv. 2. 85. Profecto is found passiz. Hence Ribbeck substitutes porro in these four places, and Fl. ingeniously suggests corgo, which is explained by the word profecto in Paul. Fest. 37. The shortening of the penult may, however, be accounted for by the fact that the word was so very much in use; and, probably, if all the passages where it occurs were examined, it would be found that it should much oftener be regarded as short. I87. earumque, taken out of muliebri: cp. 753, and non matronarumn oJiciumst sed meretricium Cas. iil. 3. 22. abstineat, sc. (ut ne) abstineat: cp. abst. inuidere Cur. i. 3. 24; so Suet. Tib. 23. Abstinere talkes (I) accusative, as abstinere manumn, anorein 1309; (2) ablative, as abstinere censione Aul. iv. I. IS; (3) abstinere aliquem aliqua re below, 644; Amph. iii. 2. 45; (4) it is followed by the infinitive, as here. I88. ut... uincat. " By outfacing him from having seen the woman he saw." So quenm ad modum? ut mihi des Pers. i. I. 36; haztd decorum.. facs.. u.t inuideas Aul. ii. 2. 43: cp. tuZ me alhenabis numquam quin noster szem Amph. i. I. 242. Eat and habeat also depend on ut, and must be ren-dered " by denying, by having." 190. os, "impudence." linguam, " glibness." malitiam, shrewdness." s alus shrewd " in Plautus: see below, 193, 356, 880, 141. I91. confirmitatem. a ra ElpyEvo7 v =- "obstinacy." NO TS. 157 192. qui, wherewithal" = quibus, as well as for quo and qua; see I39. arguat: here used in very unusual sense = "to defend heiself, make good her case," usually to "; accuse, convict ' Amph. iii. 2. 2, 4; participle argoutus and adCjective ariutus ((' sllewd ") are played upon in LEcquzd argutuzft? 2 /zaloruNz faczloarunz saepzssumne Pseud. i. 56, which one might render, "A tried fellow? Aye, often for his life." AIrogZ/s generally means "glib " in Plautus: see Truc. ii. 6. I2, 13, 14. 193. holitori numiLquam supplicat. The inventor of a plot or plan is often compared by Plautus to a cook or seasoner of viands: see 209, and ibo zz/tro ut id quod ahlis condizt cocos... condianz Cas. ii. 8. 75. A woman who is ma/a, " shrewd" (which has two senses in Shakspeare, like m/al in 1P'lautus), has no need to go be-ging to the dealer in the matciials whlierewith to "' b ew misciief "; she has a plentiful suppiy of them about her (domi). The matleials of tile cocus would be iol/ra, flom the holitor; the woman's are doll &c. 194. domni: cp. jhaic ego de m1e coniectuZ77am domzi facio, ne quaeram foris Cist. ii. I. 2; co02ec/tua'tzm domii. facio zlaois quanm ex aizzdiis Cas. ii. 8; also donzo, as zid IzZ/ic experior doam atqUze zpsa de mlze scio Amph. ii. 2. 5, So Cicero, domzi est Att. x. I4; d/omo petes Fam. vii. 25. [So in Cat. xxxi. d. I, I think we should read Gazidele, zzosquze zldiate lacs tzintae r?Idele quidzqzd est dom i achic/zori,, "{reijoce, ye waves of the lake, and smile all the smiles ye have" (literally, " have about you, keep a stock of"). In lxiv. 274 cac/iTinIZZzs = the ripple of a wave." Perhaps Scaliger's I/diae might be defended by coimparing (pcssuli) file causaz. Izea ludi barba-ri Cur. i. 2. 62. Or perhaps (Lydiaze being retained) lacus was possibly feminine (and then we could read laczs for palis in H-or. A. P. 65); in that case lacus would stand in agreement with Lydiae in the genetive.] I99. contra, an adverb, "in retaliation ": see on ioi 201. illuc = illud, neuter from illic = ille. 202. fronte: see on I8. curans cogitans: see on I37. 203. pultat, " knocks at the door of his breast." cor, "intelligence": see 336, 783, and cordate o088. So 158 MILES GL ORIOS VS. Ennius has egregie cordatus homo catus Aeliu' Sextus; Ennius was said to have tria corda because he understood three languages, Latin, Greek, and Oscan. 204. auortit: cp. 1074; = auortit se, as Verg. Aen. i. 104, prora auertit; and auertens ib. 401. So uortat in the common phrase quae res b7ene uortat. Bx takes auortit as the perfect of the deponent auorti; but it is much better to regard it as used intransitively for auortit se, especially as the present is used throughout, except in concrepuit, which stands alone as indicating a momentary act. For adstii is always used as a present in Plautus. It is the perfect of adsisto, and means "I stand, orwtca." A good instance is Men. v. 2. II2, iam adstitiin currum, iam lora teneo: see also below, I254. Adstiti never. means " I stood" in Plautus, though it does in Ter. Ph. 867, placide ire perrexi, accessi, adstiti. With auortit = auortit se, cp. leniunt 583; resoluas (sc. te) Amph. ii. 2. 73; insinuat (sc. se) Cist. i. I. 93; rugat (sc. se) Cas. ii. 3. 32. 205. feruit; feruere is always 3rd conjugation in Plautus: cp. for the sense, quem... faciamferuentem flagris Amph. iv. 2. I0. 208. eccere, "there now"; originally ecce rem, the m dropped as in postmodo, propemodo. Postmodum is found in Pseud. i. 342. 209. incoctum... coctum: see 193. 212. os columnatum. The attitude of Palaestrio, who supports his head on his hand and arm, as if on a column, reminds Plautus of his brother-poet Naevius, imprisoned for his lampoons on the aristocracy. The imprisonment of Naevius is placed about 21I-207 B. c.; so that we have the date of the Mfiles very nearly, if we supposed it to have been produced during the imprisonment: in any case it must have been after the imprisonment began; but the reference put into the mouth of Periplecomenus may, of course, be to a bygone event. A posterior limit has been sought in the allusion in verse Ior6 to the Bacchae, whose exposure took place about i86 B. c. But there is no reason why such an allusion as that in verse Ioi6 should not be made after the criminal practices of the Bacchae had been made the subject of prosecution, as well as before. indaudiui. Indaudiui means "to overhear by chance, to catch a part of (a discourse)." So imbutus litteris = " with a BNOTES. 159 tincture of learning," and imbuere always refers to the informal teaching of nature as contrasted with the formal teaching of art. So also informata = "in outline, in its first rude shape ": cp. for the form indigpiscor, indugredi, iuduperator. barbaro = Romano. Plautus uses barbarus in the meaning it would have in the mouth of his Greek originals, i. e. " not Greek-speaking ": cp. Maccius uortit barbare As. fi; barbarica lege Capt. iii. I. 32; barbaricae urbes iv. 2. 104; so in Barbaria = in Italia Poen. iii. 2. 2r, where a curious custom is alluded to, namely, that lupines passed for gold on the stage: "it is gold," says Collybiscus, "stage gold; the sort of gold on which Italian beeves grow fat when it is soaked in water; but for the present it must enact the part of a Philip." Cic. Orat. 60o has barbaris casibus. Plautus uses barbarus in a distinctly depreciatory sense = rudis, indoctus in Bacch. i. 2. 13; and yet, in the next verse but one, he uses it as a synonym for Romano. 213. bini custodes, i. e. the chains on his hands and feet. totis = ozmnibus. 2I4. adstitit: last syllable long, as often in Plautus. For the Plautine use of this word, see on 204. euscheme. These adjectives come from Greek (evboyXu/w s, Bovuxiiws &c.), but are inflected as if they were Latin adverbs: cp. compsisssume = KoFrtTara 941; basilice =,3aoAtzXcs Poen. iii. I. 74; ineuscheme (according to mss) Trin. iii. I. 24: other instances of Greek words with Latin inflections are-musice, more, prothyme, graphice, pancratice,. athletice, pugilice; and the substantives, prothymias Stich. ii. 2. I; eccheumatis Poen. iii. 3. 88; and morium 883, below. 215. age... agis. A common form of exhortation to haste: cp. bibe si bibis Stich. v.. 51; facsifacisMost. i. 47. I: quin datis si quid datis, Cas. iv. I. 7. 216. uarius uirgis: cp. cras Phoenicium phoenicio corio inuises pergulam Pseud. i. 2. 97. 217. tibi ego dico, the usual form for bespeaking attention, like our "I say." Cic. uses narro tibi in the same way. Feriatus means "idle," as in verse 7, above. 218. hoe, "the sky,"' 6esKrKcs; cp. hoc...luce lucebit Cur. i. 3. 26. 160 MILES GL ORIOS VS. audio, often in Plautus an expression of impatience when one wishes not to be addressed: see 79i, Capt. ii. i. 47; Cur. v. 2. 12; Tcr. Phorm. i. 3. 8. 220. decet: sc. agi, cp. at mzodice decet (gestire) I214. 221. aligua: sc. utia. saltu. This correction of autu (autzu) of the mss was made independently by A. Kiessling, in the Rhein. Mzus., and A. Palmer, in Hermathena. It is generally accepted as quite certain, carrying out, as it does, the mi/litary metapho s in which the passage abounds, and involving a very slight change. The meaning is "lead round your army by a pass"; saltus is used in this meaning in Cur. i. I. 56; Men. v. 6. 21 (where it means a pass leading out of a danger). See crit. note. circumduce, ducere, dicere, facere, and their compounds, often tale e in imper., butferre never. 222. perduellis, always trisyllable in Plautus; duelurm is alway s dissyllable. 223. tconmeatumt, certainly corrupt, especially as conmeatutin occurs in next verse: see crit. note. 225. hanc rem age = hoc age, "Attention"! res subitariast, " sharp's the word"; subitumst and res subitast are common in Plautus; here subitaria is used as having a military sound, and recalling milites subitarii. 226. conminisce: see on 172. cedodum: dium found generally after imperatives, but often, also, after adverbs of time (dudum, interdumn, nondum, primundum, niuxdum) is, according to Corssen, the accusative of dius, an old form of dies (cp. noctu diuque, znterdius, diur-nus, where r tales the place of s), and means " a while." calidum, " struck off at a white heat, not allowed to grow cool": cp. calidis minis = "raised in a hurry" Ep. i. 2. 39; calide... age ii. 2. 99; calidum mendacium Most. iii. I. 136. The use is explained in Poen. iv. 2. 92, nihil est nisi dum calet hoc agitur. 229. confidentiast = confido; so sps est, tubido est = spero, lubet. NOT.ES. 161 recipere... dicis: sc. dicis te recepturum esse ad te, "That you will take this on yourself, undertake it." Verbs of promising, hoping, &c., are often followed by present infinitive, not future infinitive in Plautus, e.g. promisi dare, minatur sese abire, adiurat se monstrare, me inferre Veneri uoui. This usage is also found in Terence, and is one of the colloquialisms which Cicero in his Letters has borrowed from the stage, or rather from the conversation ofevery-day life, which is reproduced on the stage. 230, 231: see crit. note. 23I. impetrare = sc. te impetraturum esse. 232. auden = uin = "won't you?" sodes (si audes) = sis; non audes mihi subuenire As. ii. 4. 70 = "won't you help me?'" The verb is, no doubt, connected with auidus. quod, sc. eo quod; for participare is followed by abl.; see part. sermone 262. On the ellipse of the antecedent, see 356, where the passage was long misunderstood through the overlooking of this usage. 233. regionem: cp. 886, "bring you into the direction of my plots," i.e. " give you some sort of knowledge how the land lies in my machinations." 234. iuxta mecum, "as well as I," also in Sail. Cat. 58; iuxta like contra is always an adverb in Plautus, and is always found with cum: we find pariter, aeque mecum in the same sense (in one place, iuxta tecum aeque Pers. iv. 3. 83) with verbs, scire, nescire, tenere, curare. salua... indidem. Metaphor from a deposit, which is more fully expressed in Trin. i. 2. Io8, miii quod credideris sumes ubiposiueris. 235. erus... suo. "My master is as thick-skinned as an elephant." 236. lapis: cp. saxum, I024. ego mi istuc scio. By inserting mi, of which there are clear traces in the mss, I have avoided the expedient (usually adopted) of writing sapientiai for sapientiae, which I object to here, not on account of the genetive form -ai, which is common (see on 84), but because the line is very unrhythmical as it is given by Bx. For the phrase, ego mi istuc scio cp. 282, 33r; mi equidem X 162 MILES GLORIOS VS. esurio, non tibi Capt. iv. 2. 86. For ega, cp. Amph. i. I. 44; so modo sometimes has the last syllable long, and immo always. There are many places (e. g. Capt. v. 4. 24; Cist. iv. 2. 80; Pseud. i. 3. 37; Epid. iii. 4. 17) where ego should be held to have the last long, though Miller and others would in these cases alter the text. 238. ut... dicam, "by saying": see on 188. 239. aduenisse followed by dative is not same as adu. ad aliquem. Here Phil. is the dat. commodi; tr. "Phil. has her twin-sister on a visit." 240. lacte, old form of Zac which is not found in Plautus. lactist = lactis est, as rest = res est, &c. In two places (Men. v. 9. 30, Amph. ii. i. 54) the mss give lacti, but in both cases lactis is read by R., who maintains that similis, consimilis, dissimilis, never take a dative in the comic poets. There is a parallel Greek proverb quoted by Cic. Att. iv. 8b. 2, 5~sqC 4a r'Yv 4^Atrpa ouicov oovb 'v J oVTWS 'toioYv yeyoYeY. 242. ut... arguam, ' by proving," as ut dicam, 238. illic: see on I22. concriminatus sit. Sit has its original quantity; concriminatus is &r. esp. Plautus affects strange words compounded with con, as condignus, 505; confuturum, 941; concastigare Trin. i. I. 3; consuadet ii. 4. 126; confulgeo Amph. v. I. I5; condecet Truc. ii. I. I6. 243. cum alieno oscularier: cp. amplexari cum in 245; and conqueritur mecum, 125; expostulare tecum 525; we find in Plautus, orare, postulare, curm aliquo often; and mentionem facere cum aliquo Cist. i. 2. 15; Aul. iv. 7. 3; so perdere (and seruare) fidem, cauere, pignus dare, mutuom facere, experiri, cStare, iudicem (arbitrum) capere, cum aliquo. 248. doctum, "clever," as often in Plautus. 250. quid agimus, a more emphatic way of speaking than quid agamus; so quid ago: see 449 and note. This too is among the colloquialisms of Cicero's Letters: see Att. xvi. 7. 4, nunc quid respondemus. trecentae. The number more commonly used in Latin to express an indefinite number = FLvpoif, " a thousand," is sescenti, which we have in an exactly similar passage to this Trin. iii. 3. 62; we have also ducenti in this sense, and even quingenti NOTES. 163 (Aul. iii. 6. 17, Cur. iv. 4. 3I). "A couple of days" is duos aliquos dies; "some three weeks," uiginti aliquos dies. Where we should say " only a week or so" the Latin has unos sex dies (see Trin. i. 2. 129; CiAt. ii. I. 22); and when we should say " about a fortnight," Latin has quindecim dies (Trin. ii. 4. I); so in Fr. quinzejours. 252. operae non est: see 318, " she is not at leisure for it," literally, "it is not a thing (a case) of work," = "it is not a thing about which she feels bound to trouble herself." Operae is the genetivus generis. This phrase is quite different from operae (pretium) est. The phrase opera mihi est is also found as the opposite of opera non est here, and means, "I have leisure " (i. e. the matter is a work to me, a thing which claims my attention): cp. si operast auribus Merc. prol. 14; dicam si uideam tibi esse operam aut otium, where operam comes to mean very much the same as otium: cp. operae mi ubi erit ad te uenero True. iv. 4. 30. Slightly different is propter quam operast mihi, ' for whom I am exerting myself;" ro86. non potest, "it is impossible," impersonal, as often in Plautus. We have also non potis est in same sense. So non potest quin, 603, 693. 253. prima uia, " at the first go off"; literally "at the beginning of the whole business ": cp. a meo primo nomine Trin. iv. 2. 35, and rzima uespera, prizma fabula; so Primum digitum, "finger-tip " Cat. ii. 3 (cp. dig-i ulis prinsoribus Bacch. iv. 4. 24); prima lingua, " tip of tongue " Plin. H. N. xi. 172. 255. istist = istic est as illi = illic. 256. dice, monstra, praecipe. The words occur again together, Capt. ii. 2. Io9. 258. docte perdoctam: cp. parce parcus, inzudenter inpudens, misere miser, scite scitus, fidelefideis. For dabo, see on Arg. i. II. 259. numquid aliud, elliptical, see 575; so, also, numquid me aliud Ter. Eun. ii. 3. 72; the most usual form of the phrase is numquid uis; this was a polite form of leave-taking. Donatus on Ter. Eun. ii. 3. 49 says, abiluri ne id dure facerent numquid uis dicebant ius quibuscum constifissent. The phrase quid nunc uis on the contrary was distinctly rude, as we may gather from Amph. iv. 2. 5, Quid, nunc uis? to which the reply is, sceleste, at etiam quid uelim id tu me rogas. M 2 MILES GL ORIOSrS. ut abeas, depends on uis, understood in numquid aliud. 260. hominem: sc. conseruom, explained further by the words quifuerit conseruos. inuestigando, ablative of gerund. huic: sc. Periplecomeno. dissimulabiliter, "covertly, secretly" &ir. eip. formed like perplexabiliter Stich. i. 2. 28; pollucibiliter Most. i. I. 23; cruciabiliter Pseud. iv. I. 40. Plautus affects adverbs in -ter; we have amiciter, ampliter, auariter, blanditerfirmiter, largiter, munditer, saeuiter, beside the classical amice, &c. Dissimulabiliter is not given in Lewis and Short. 263. se uidisse. Explanatory of serrone. 265. noui... scio. " I know their way (their motto is): Ican't keep a secret that I have all to myself." 266. uineam pluteosque. For the military metaphor, cp. 219-226. 268. quasi canis uenaticus. Metaphors from the chase are frequent in P1. We have three others in this play, 608, 99o, 1029. 270. sed. Sometimes atque is thus used, as in atque aperi. untur aedes Amph. iii. 2. 74; so atque eccam uideo, atque izse egreditur. 27I. Philocomasio. For the dative instead of genitive, see on1 I. ACT II.-SCENE III. 273. certo... scio. According to Klotz (Cic. Sen. i. 2) certo scio = certum est quod scio, 'my knowledge is accurate "; certe scio = cerium est me scire, "I am certainly convinced." Certo is found only in Comic Poets and Cic. (chiefly in his Epp.); certe is found in all periods and in all kinds of composition. proxumae uiciniae. This is not a partitive gen. depending on hic, but a locative case, as militiae, Athenis, Carthagine, Romae, Corinthi. We have the phrase without hie in Bacch. ii. 2. 27. We very often have hic inproxumo, huc inproxumum. cp. hinc a uicino sene I54. NOTJES. 165 malam rem = malum 433. This conjecture of Bentley for alienun is now actually found in A. This is the only place in this play where Bentley has hit on a true reading, not arrived at by others independently, whether before or after his time; he has made some 220 conjectures on the MilZes. The words sibi malam rem quaerere occur Cas. ii. 3. 48. 275. hie.. huno; so han... hac 1007. 277. uolup, an adverb, nearly always with est, like bene est, aegre est; but used twice with facere and once with uictitare. It cannot be spelt uolupe, as it sometimes stands at the end of a verse: cp. facul for facile. quid iam: see 322. 279. maxumum in malum: see 53I, 86r; cruciatumque further defines the malurm "punishment." We find maxumum malumr below, 547; Cas. iv. 4. 6; Rud. iii. 4. 70. insuliamus = insiliamus, "plunge into," an exaggerated expression for incurramus: cp. crucisalus Bacch. ii. 3. I28. 282. scias, one syllable, as sciat in As. iv. I. 48. For tibi, see on 236. 283. faciam quin: see on I49, and Amph. i. I. 242 there quoted. This is a kind of confusion between non faciam quin dicam and non patest quin scias = "I won't have you not to know it." enim, emphatic = "surely, I tell you"; it often stands first in a sentence in Plautus. See on 1289. 286. te istuc aequomst. I-e was about to retort on Sc. with "it is you the gods should confound," but he changes his mind, and says-" it is you that should go on with your story, as you have begun it." So in Capt. iv. 2. 88 Ergasilus is about to retort the curse of Hegio, but checks himself and gives the sentence another turn; so Epid. i. I. 21 Di teperdant. Te uolopercontari: cp. also Pseud.. I. 35, at te di deaeque quantumstseruassint quidem. 287. forte fortuna. This is perhaps an example of the usage commented on above, I35. 288. altero. This should properly mean one of two others beside herself; but it is used as here, Rud. prol. 74; Cist. iv. MILES GL ORIOS VS. 2. 30. Propertius often uses alter of a rival, referring, of course, to himself as the first. 289. Sceledre scelus. Aparonomasia: see 330, 494. So faciet Crucisalum me ex Chrysalo Bacch. ii. 3. 28; Lyde, ludo i. 2. 21; non Charznus nzi hic quidem sed Copia, with a play on carere, Pseud. ii. 4. 46; while in the same scene (verse 22) there is a play on Charinus and dpwv. Also damnumz in Epidamno Men. ii. I. 42; Phoenicium phoenicio corio Pseud. i. 2. 97; Sosiam... socium Amph. i. I. 227; and so Lucrio... excruciabere 842, below, if the old reading Lucrio be retained; but see note on that verse. 290. profecto: see on I86. tutine = tutene; short e final, when in comp. with a consonant, becomes i, as undique, indidem, isticine, quippini, antidhac, antidit, antistare; so Bx writesfacilin for facilene, seruirin for seruirene, usquin for usquene. 29I. abi, here a word of dissent or reproach: so 324 "get ou ": very often, however, it has quite the opposite meaning, laudo patrissas, abi "that will do: you are a chip of the old block" Ter. Ad. 564. In both cases abi means " you may go now," "you have satisfied me" (whether the conclusion arrived at be for or against the person addressed). In the same way, scin quomodo, scin guam generally means (i) "you have no idea to what an extent what I have told you is true"; as in Bacch. iv. 2. 12, at scin guam iracundus siem; Amph. ii. 2. 39, bono animo es. Scin guam bono animvo simn, "keep a good heart. You've no idea what a good heart I'1l keep"; but (2) sometimes also the phrase is merely a threat, "I'll tell you what," as in Rud. iii. 5. I8; Aul. i. I. 8-io; and scin quomodo at end of play. (3). We find, also, scin quam cinaedus sim, "I'll show you what I am whom you call cinaedus" Poen. v. 5. 40; SA. posterius istuc tamen potest. To. Scin guam potest, "It can be put off. Can it? I'll let you know whether it can or not," Pers. i. 3. 59. From this passage, as well as Bacch. iv. 2. I2, it may be seen that this phrase may be followed either by indicative or subjunctive. 293. tollas, "Lord love you, don't be in a hurry to father that report." Literally, " if the gods were well disposed to you, you would not rashly" &c. Tollere is best explained by quod erit natum tollito Amph. i. 3. 3. Sc. is advised not to take on himself the responsibility of the report. Bx holds that tollere = NOTES. 167 ferre (cp. manum si protollat pariterproferto manum Pseud. iii. 2. 71), and explains tollas here = feras, comparing Pers. iii. I. 23, nam inimici famam non ita ut natastferunt. 294. tuis... creas: cp. quis mihi subueniet tergo aut capiti ant cruribus Cas. ii. 5. 29; the danger to the legs may be explained by I56-I65, above, or else perhaps it refers only to fetters, as in Capt. iii. 4. I 8; capiti = "one's very life ": see Aul. iv. 7. 20, de capite meo sunt comitia. 296. stultiloquium. We also find in Plautus stultiloquentia, and stultiloquos = morologus (which also occurs). Plautus is fond of compound with -loquos, e. g. uaniloquos, uaniloquentia, multiloquos, multiloquium, largiloquam (318). 297. primumdum: see on 226. hoc, ablative, "for this reason": cp. Aul. ii. 2. 58: Amph. i. I. 98, hoc adeo hoc commemini magis quia illo die inpransus fui. 299. fuat me: see on r68. 301. eho, only with imperatives and questions: in the latter case it is always combined with an, and expresses astonishment. 302. postulo = arit, generally in phrase ne postules = "don't think it, don't expect it." 303. eadem: sc. opera, "at the same time, as part of the same business, while I am about it": cp. eadem biberis; eadem dedero tibi ubi biberis sauium Bacch. i. I. IS. The phrase una opera has a different meaning: una edepol opera in furnum calidum condito, "you might as well," &c. Cas. ii. 5. I; qua opera credam tibi una opera adligenz Pseud. i. 3. 1oo; iztbeas una opera me piscari in aere As. i. I. 85; una opera ebur atramento candefacere postules Most. i. 3. 102. In one passage, haec una opera circumit per familias, True. ii. 4. 56, una opera appears to be = eadem opera; but eadem opera is never used in the sense "you might as well," which una opera bears in the places above quoted. 304. quaam mox, "how soon"; also used in direct questions. horsum, ho-uorsum (ho = hoc = huc), "' hitherward." The stem is ho. iuuenix, old form of iunix: cp. iuuenca, 5dao/xts, tob6Xos. 168 MILES GLORIOS VS. a pabulo: cp. Hamlet iii. 4. 66, Could you on this fair mountain leave to feed, And batten on this moor? 306. tamen. For tamen, standing in the clause to which it does not in sense belong, cp. Lucr. v. Io88 (coguntur) muta tamen quom sint uarias emittere uoces. So 8/zcW often. 309. facinus fecit: see on 95. 311. quidquid est, "come or go what will": cp. quidquid est errabo potius quam perductet quispiam Most. iii. 2. i6o; again in this sense at Cur. v. 3. I6; quidquid futurumst Truc. ii. I. 42; quidquid est occurs very often as the object of the verb, and is always a cretic. mussabo, " I shall be mum ": cp. Aul. ii. I. 2; mussabo = "to mutter" Merc. prol. 49; so mussito = (i) "to whisper, mutter to oneself," as in 714; (2) " to be silent about a thing," egone haec mussitem Truc. ii. 2. 57. 312. uenditat, "prostitutes herself," as qui ipsi sese uenditant Cur. iv. I. 21. 315. exfodiri, archaic for effodi: see on 71. 316. quid " nusquam," "why nowhere?" See Cas. iii. I. 1-5, where this figure is very copiously exemplified. empsim = emerim. According to Corssen the original form was emisim, whence emerged two formations-(r) empsim, through the dropping of the vowel in the middle of the word; (2) emerim, through the very common substitution of r for s between two vowels. 321. mirumst... tritico. "It is a wonder that you live on darnel when wheat is so cheap." Darnel was bad for the eyes (Ov. Fast. i. 691). Sc. means "you must have been living on darnel, or your eyes would not serve you so badly." tam uili tritico, an abl. of attendant circumstances. Bx well compares rebus uilioribus multo Ter. Phorm. 79; but totidem litteris Trin. ii. 2. 65, which also he cites as similar, is, I think, quite a different construction; pol pudere quam pigere praestat totidem litteris, means (I think) "ipudere is better than pigere by as many letters as the words consist of," that is, " every letter of pudere is better than pigere." This is more forcible than to render "though the AO TES. 169 words have the same number of letters," making itteris an abl. of attendant circumstances, as Bx does. According to my view, litteris is the Ablativus mensurae, as it is called by Draeger (Historische Syntax, ii. p. 562); it is the same abl. as we have in multis partibus maior Cic. N. D. ii. 36). For the phrase, cp. meis orationibus omnibus litteris, " in my speeches, every letter of them," Cic. Att. i. 14. 3. 322. quid iama. Bx is disposed, here and in other places, to take quid as the abl. with the old ablatival d; so that quid would = quidum, ' how do you mean, how do you make that out?" So in 277, 469, 472, 8I8, 834, 1203. 324. quid domi, "W hat do you mean by at home? as in 316. 325. Into: see on go90. 326. capiti tuo, a common periphrasis for tibi: cp. capitulo 584. Another common periphrasis is aetai tuae = tibi: cp. uetustate uino edentulo aetatem irriges, "moisten your clay with wine mellowed by age (toothless from old age)," Poen. iii. 3- 87. 327. alia: sc. oratione, "change for another," not the adverb alia, though it occurs in Rud. prol. IO. 329. nihil est qua = nulla uia est qua, on the analogy of nihil est cur = nulla causa est cur. 330. quin, "< why there she is," in denial of the last words of Sc. In Cas. iii. 4, we find quin repeated a great many times, until Alc, says numquanz ibi hodie quin erit plusquam mihi, " I promise you you won't have a why more than I." 33I. mihi: see on 236. 332. quin sit, for quin credam earn ease: cp. 188. 333. subrepsit: see on 316. 334. meus illic homost, " I have him on the hip" (he is in my power); so meus hic est, hamunm uorat Cur. iii. 6I in 6i5 meus homo has a quite different sense = "a man after my own heal t." So noster esto is often a phrase of high commendation = "commend me to you"; but noster est (350) = "belongs to our household, is one of us." 170 MILES GL ORIOS VS. 336. corde: see on 203. 337. isti = istic: see 255. 340. solarium, generally "a sun-dial," here "a terrace or balcony" (so called from being exposed to the sun, or from being the place where the sun-dial stood) by which one could pass into the next house. neque hortum, because if there were a hortus there would be a posticum (06pa K7noara). The passage is elliptical: "nor a terrace, nor a garden (nor any way to pass from one house to the other), except by the impluuium." 341. quid nunc leads up to a further question: see 53I, 545. earn facio: cp. I256, and nec otui tamen I propitiam Veneremfacere re ea ut esset mihi Poen. ii. 5; so haec me sut confidamfaciunt Cic. Q. Fr. ii. 14 ( 5 b). In the quotation from Poen. ii. 5 re ea is inserted on my own conjecture: it would have fallen out after the last syllable offacere. 344. pede... sistam, " I shall place her standing before you"; on the analogy of pede stare, capite sistere (Cur. ii. 3. 8). 347. nec rogo utendos foris, "I have not to go a-borrowing for a pair of eyes ": cp. habeo opinorfamiliarem tergum ne quaeram foris As. ii. 2. 53, where familiarem = conseruom, and we must not suppose P1. to have made tergum masc. 348. eae = ei, Philocomasio; proxumus = "her right-hand man." 350. noster est: see 334. 35I. qLuoiiquam, trisyllable, so quoii, aliquoii. 352. quod ago.. agere: see on 2I5. ACT II.-SCENE IV. 354. mirumst, "I am surprised": cp. 321. 355- uel decem, "aye, half a score if you wish"; uel is common in this sense with numerals: cp. tribus zterbis te uolo. Vel trecentis Trin. iv. 2. 121; uel quingentos Cur. iv. 4. 3r. Tr. " give me half a score of girls without a particle of knavery I NO1TES. 171 in them-I'll make them mistresses of knavery, and keep an abundant supply for myself over and above "; literally, " out of that which is superfluous in myself alone (without going to anyone else to eke it out)." For the ellipse of the antecedent ex eo before quod, cp. 691, o077, II56; quod te misi (sc. de eo ob quod) Cur. ii. 3. 48; dare mercedem qui (sc. ei qui) iv. 4. 34; quod benefecisti (sc. ob id quod) Capt. v. I. 20; quod ego fatear pudeat v. 2. 8; quod male fecz crucior v. 3. I9. 356. solae = soli: cp. eae 348, aliae 802; so istae, alterae; we also find ulli, uni, nulli, isti as genetive. 357. nunciam is not nunc iam, but nunci-am. It is related to nunc (originally nunci, cp. nuncine Ter. Andr. iv. I. 59) as quoniam to quom (originally quoni), and etiam to et; we find the same am in quis iam, palam, coram, clam. procul, not "to a distance," but "a little way off," as in quoia uox sonat procul Cur. i. 2. I8; oboluit Casina procul Cas. iv. 3. 21: see below, I 69. 358. quid ais tu. "I say." This phrase bespeaks attention in P1.; literally, "what have you to say (to the remark I am going to make?") FIanc ren gero is "you see I am minding my business." Sc. stands before the door with his arms spread out to prevent the passing of anyone. Hence the joke of Pal. in next verse. 359. extra portam, probably the Esquiline, the abode of the carnzfices, vespillones, and coriarii, where was the buryingground of the poor, and where executions took place. The allusion to a gate of Rome, though the scene is laid in Ephesus, is quite consistent with Plautine habit. So we find frequent allusions to Tresuiri, Aediles, and Praetors; and Lyco, a banker of Epidaurus, is made to do obeisance to Aesculapius capite operto (Cur. iii. 3. I9), a distinctly Roman and non-Greek custom (Plut. Quaest. Rom. Io). 360. dispessis, from dispendo for diJpando (cp. perpetioa and patior). This verb occurs in the form dispenno in 1407. Slaves were forced to carry through the city the cross on which they were to be executed. nam quam = quamnam. 36r. quis, feminine in old Latin; so quem, quisquis, quisquam, quemquam, quemuis, quempiam, quisque, quemque are all used as feminine. 172 MILES GL ORIOS VS. 363. lubet: sc. perire. Praepropere is not found elsewhere in P1. The prefix of prae- to adjectives and adverbs is not frequent in PI., and is, indeed, characteristic more of the postclassical, than the ante-classical and classical periods. We have, however, praeclarus below, 1042, praepotens Poen. v. 4. 9, both which words are also found in Attius, who also has praeferuidus; praemature occurs in Most. ii. 2. 69, praematurus and praeualidus in Afranius, praegrandis in Pacuvius. 364. bonus, ironical, as often in Pi.: cp. Xpryros. probri, especially applied to unchastity in women: cp. Amph. i. 2. I5; Aul. i I. 36. 365. em tibi. "There he is for you"; em is another form of en (ace. of dem. pron. is), and is quite different from hem, an emotional interjection, expressive either of sorrow or joy. Em not hem should be read with imperatives, like uide, specl, tene, accipe, serua; em serua, "take that," constantly betokens in P1. the infliction of a blow. 368. atnue. " aye," a corroborative force common in atque adeo. credo, " you'll lose them, I'm thinking "; so in 203, and Ep. i. I. 32; it is sometimes distinctly ironical, as in credo misericors est Amph. i. I. I41. 370. stulta et mora: cp. more hoc fit atque stulte Stich. v. I. I. Sum is understood; a common ellipse in P1. 371. capitis perdam. On the analogy of capitis accusare, damnare; the phrase occurs again in As. i. 2. 6, Bacch. iii. 3. 86. 373. maiores. A slave was nullo pare in Roman law; hence the joke of the long enumeration of ancestors. Sit = " buried," siti dicuntur ii qui conditi sunt. The poorer persons were generally buried, not burned (Guhl and Koner, 59I). 374. hisce: see on 40. 375. te uolo: sc. conloqui. This very common ellipse is made the basis of a joke in Pseud. i. 3. 20, luppiter te perdat quisquis es. Te uolo. At uos ego ambos, where te uolo and at uos ego ambos (uolo) are ambiguous, and may mean either te uolo (conloqui), or te uolo (Iuppiter perdat). 376. me uide. "You may trust me" (do I look as if I were .NOTES. 173 deceiving you?); hence te uideo = "I believe you." So taceas: me spectes, "dont say a word; tiust me" (see if I look as if I would let him off) As. iii. 3. 90; reddam ego te ex fera fame mansuetam: me specta modo, "trust me for that" As. i. 2. I9. 377. nisi: see on 24. 379. fenestra. Fenestra occurs thrice in P1. and once in Ter. Festus and Macrobius say thatfestra was the old form of the word; but whether it was so written or only so pronounced it is impossible to decide. Sometimes movable shutters were used to close the windows, as is proved by the movable frames found beside the windows of the house of the "Tragic Poet," at Pompeii: in other cases thin tablets of clay served this purpose, of which, also, several specimens have been preserved at Pompeii: we further hear of a transparent stone (lapis specularis) being used; and window panes of artificial glass have been found at Pompeii (Guhl & Koner 366). Bars or lattice were also used for the same purpose, as appears from this passage. The windows were small and few, and were chiefly on the second storey. Glass became common under the Empire. nam, the ellipse is (yet she was not where she now is all along) "for I surely saw her in here." 380. intendere, "to persist in." ergo: see on 59. 381. noctu here =nocte, generally an adverb. Conversely we find nox as an adv. = noctu in As. iii. 3. 7; so si noxfurtunr faxsit xii. Tabb.; si luci si nox Ennius ap. Prisc.: cp. pernox. Zac noctu = " last night," so TrO'be vucrds. 382. aduortito. She addresses Pal. ouly, see 370, 371. 385. hospitio hue deuorti, " came here on a visit." 386. Palaestrionis... narratur. Pal. says aside, "My own dream (i. e. the dream I invented myself) is being told me," then aloud "Proceed!"; there is, perhaps, an allusion to the proverb robipJbv veipov eyoi (meaning "you're telling me what I know already"), quoted by Cic. Att.vi. 9. 3. 391. ilia: see on 122. MILES GL ORIOS VS 392. perperam =falso in PI.; so perperas =falsas in True. iii. I. 9, if the text is not corrupt. 393. satin often supplies the place of nonne, which is postPlautine, expetunt, " fall out, come true "; for the constructions used with expetere, see on I386. 394. praesens, accus. after the interjection: cp. o056, io66 = " apt," as praesens apologus Stich. iv. I. 38 is " applicable "; for the custom of offering supplication to the gods on the fulfilment of dreams, see Amph. ii. 2. Io6, Cur. ii. 2. 20 395. censebo. A politer, because less decided, form than censeo, = "I would suggest"; so dices is "you will be good enough to tell"; sperabo I209, "I would fain hope"; uolam Cur. iv. 2. 7. In non credibile dices Trin. iii. I. 5 if dices is to be read, I would rather explain it "you will be found to be mistaken (making an incredible statement)," as in hic inerunt (" will be found to be ') uiginti minae As. iii. 3. I44; so conueniet, "you'll find it right" Phorm. 53; quiescet Iuv. i. 126; sic erit is common = " so it will be found to be" in P1. For the use of censebo, cp. Hor. Ep. i. 14, 44, censebo, exerceat artem. 397. dorsus: see on I8. 400. ut... osculantem. Two constructions are mixed together: Pal. might have said () quam simile somnium somniauit atque ut tu suspicatus es, or he might have said ut ad id exemplum somnium somn. atque ut tu susp. es (for atque ut cp. 1130); but he has mixed both together as in ut apologum fecit quamfabre Stich. iv. I. 64; ut adsimulabat Sauream med esse guam facete As. iii. 2. 35. Vt ad id exemplum... ut without atque would also stand: cp. Merc. ii. I. 41 (amaui) ad hoc exemplum numquam ut nunc insanio. 404. pulcre, "nicely," "finely": cp.pulcre occidi Cur. i. 3. 58; pendebit hodie pulcre Bacch. iv. 6. 23; miles pulcre centuriatus est expuncto in manipulo Cur. iv. 4. 29. So probe often. 406. dudum, "just now "; so always in P1.; also found in Cic. Epp.; iam dudum has the same meaning; quam dudum is found = quam diu; but dudum is to be carefully distinguished from diu and pridem, and iamdudum from iampridem. hoc. Bx would now (Herm. xiv.) read id here, comparing Capt. iii. 4. 32, polplanum id quidemst. NOTES. 175 quae hic usque fuerit: see on 62. 408. nos. We see from I83, 278, 310, above, that the whole establishment of slaves were sometimes punished for the fault of one. ACT II.-SCENE V. 411. inde, imper. from indere, to put in; huc inde Epid. v. 1. 26. 413. locis: cp. quom (Neptunus) me ex suis locis... expediuit I templis que reducem Rud. iv. 2. 3. Templa = loca in old Latin. 415. eho, like our hullo! used both in the first address and in the reply to it. 421. quid... debetur. " What business have you?"; so quid tibi isti homines debent Trin. iv. 2. 48, "what business have you with them? "; in Most. iii. r. 9o quid illi debeturis probably " what is owing to him?" though it might possibly be taken in the same sense as here. 423. uiti plena: cp. mali uiti probrique plena Rud. ii. 2. 13; and Most. i. 3. 56, where uitique plena is probably to be read. 424. uagas: see on 172. 426. quin... nesciam, "why should I not ask when I don't know?"; nesciam is attracted into the mood of rogem as in quin uiderim id quod uiderim, 570. 427. odiosus, "a bore"; so odium in the common phrase odio me enicas; cp. odiorum Ilzas 743, and iam hic me abegerit suo odio As. ii.. 4. 40; so non res sed actor mihi cor odio sauciat Bacch. ii. 2. 35; and quod erat odium? quae superbia? Cic. Cluent. og9. 429. enim: see on I289. Enim is always a corroborative (not an illative) particle in P1.; it may stand first in the sentence, and is often combined with other particles, e. g. at enim, quia enim, non enim, nil enim, nunc enim, certe enim, enim uero, and even namque enim Trin. i. 2. 23. It may sometimes be 176 MILES GL ORIOSrS. rendered "( yes," as in Cas. ii. 4. 2 te uxor aiebattua me uocare. ST. ego enim uocari iussz. 429. nos nosmet. Nosis the object and nosmet the subject, as appears from Truc. i. I 38, quom rem fidemque nosque nos. met perdimus. perdiderimus, not "have ruined oneselves," but " have lost our identity "; so ubi ego perii? ubi immutatus sum? ubi ego formam perdidi Amph. i. I. 300; and caue sis ne tu te usu perduis, " lose the title to yourself" Amph. ii. 2. 215, with a play on usu capere. 430. persectari, frequentative ofpersequi is r-. iep. = "to follow up a matter "; the simple persequi is used in this sense in Cist. i. 3. 35. 431. nostri an alieni, "whether we belong to ourselves or to some one else " (i. e. whether we are ourselves or not): so noster = " myself," 433. quispiam... aliquis: cp. for the pleonasm quis me Athenis nunc magis quisquamst homo quoi di sint propitii Aul. v. I. 3; so quid... quicquam As. iv. I. 40; Most. I 3. 99; quam... aliqucam Ep. ii. 3. 8. Lorenz reads quipiam 434. intemperiae, "fits"; so Zaruae, insanicae; also in same sense is used quae te res agitat, quae te mala crux agitat. 435. perplexo, "wrong" (mistaken) name; verbum _perplexabile, As. iv. I. 47, is a double entendre (literally "leading to mistake"). 436. Glycerae, dat.; iniuria is fer. of adjective iniurius - "' you are wrong." 439. tu ne, " yes, you." This is the asseverative particle, sometimes written nae; it stands before the word or words it qualifies except in cases like this, where a rhetorical question goes before. 442. mala's, "you're a shrewd one." Hence the reply, "no, but a great fool." 444. manufestaria's: cp. furem manufestarium Aul. iii. 4. Io. 445. mihi manus, malae tibi. Chiasmus. NOTES. 177 446. astas, " why the plague do you stand doing nothing?": this is the proper sense of astare: cp. 7repiiPevEP. 447. negotiosum mihi esse tergum, "to get my back into trouble." Exhibere negotaum is the P1. phrase for 7rpdylarTa 7rapexetv. 448. atque, c" how do I know whether this be, not Ph. but another like her?"; The Lat. employs a copulative particle where we should use an adversative: cp. Cas. iii. 3. 12, metuo ne non sit surda, atque haec audiuerit. 449. mittin me. Latin uses prcs. where we should use the fut.; so in tacen anz non laces, iuben anz non iubes, redzn an non redis: cp. omitto 445. ingratiis, always quadrisyll. in P1.; gratiis always trisyll.: in later Lat. always gratis, ingratis. These words are ablatives from gratia, ingratta; and gratis has two meanings-(I) "for nothing, without pay," as in Capt. i. I. 102, and always in P1.; (2) "pleasantly," as in nam gratis anteactafuzt tibi uita Lucr. iii. 935; ingratiis always means "willy nilly" (against the will), as here. 450. hosticum = peregrirznum, "strange"; so hoste = stranger" Cur. i. I. 5; Trin. i. 2. 65; but hosticzs = hostilis Capt. ii. I. 49. 452. duos. The insertion of duos is a better expedient than(r) the too obvious transposition of hiomines and sitis; (2) the introduction of the old form homrones, found in Livius; (3) the introduction of quis, a supposed archaic nom. plur. of qui(see on 40). R would adopt (2), Ribbeck (3). noui neque scio: cp. for the pleonasm, metuo et timeo I348; quid secus est aut quid interest Trin. i. 2. 93; salutifuit atque isprofuit Capt. iii. 4. 23; accede alque adi Rud. i. 4. 22; abiz abscessit True. iv. 4. 31; neque malis neque improbis Aul. ii. 2. 36; inlocabilem I neque earn queo locare Aul. ii. 2. 14. 453. nusquam: sec on Arg. i. 3. 456. abeo, into the house of Per., though she had promised to go into the house of Pyrg.; hence muliebrifecitfide. 457. e manibus amisisti, "you have let your prize slip through your fingers ": cp. reip. statum... elapsum scito esse de manibus Cic. Att. i. I6. 6; remp. funditus amisimus Cic. Q. Fr. i. 2. 15. N MILES GLORIOS VS. tam east quam potis, " she is as certainly as possible the master's mistress": quam potis = quam potis est (i.e. potest) fieri: see 55I, 781, 965. 460. quemqcue = quemcunque. 463. iam... erit; faxo may in this sense be followed by the fut. ind. or the subj. without difference of meaning: see Amph. i. i. i99; i. 3. 13. I.am, "presently," goes with erit, notfaxo. 465. lqui aeque faciat confidenter. Lit. (No man, horse or foot, was ever of such audacity) "as to carry out anything as coolly as a woman does." Aeque in P1. is treated like an adj. or adv. in the comparative degree; hence it can be followed by guam (as here), or by the abl., as nullus hoc meticulosus aeque Amph. i. I. I37; me aeque Cur. i. 2. 54; quo nemo adaeque... esthabitusparcus Most. i. I. 29. Confidens, confidenter, confidentia (with compounds, as confidentiloquos), are always used in a bad sense in P1. 466. utrobique, both as Phil. and Glycera. institit: cp. insistant itinera Capt. iv. 2. 14; rectam institit (sc. uiam) Epid. iii. 3. 35; meditate is often used of skill in acting a part. 468. nimis beat, " it is delightful," here impersonal, but personal in Capt. i. 2. 34. For quod, see on 7. transtinet: cp. 30, and commeatus continet Stich. iii. 1.44 -470. quid domi: see on 316. 471. ut praedicas, "if I may judge by what you tell me"; so ut mihi rem narras, ut rem uideo, ut perspicio, ut uerba audio, ut uerba praehibes, are used by Pi.: see 493. 473. faciet quin: see 283. 477. mussitabis: see on 311. 479. turbae, "machinations," as often in P1.; so turbas dare is I" to intrigue" Bacch. ii. 3. 123, like pugnam dare ii. 3. 39: cp. especially 813. .NOTES. 179 ACT II.-SCENE VI. 481. satin, " so he has gone"; an indignant exclamation = satisne est eum abiisse, that is, "is it not enough (i. e. enough to make one indignant) that he has gone?" for which in familiar speech is substituted, "has he not gone enough?" The use of satin in 393 is not quite the same. 482. curat is followed by dat. as well as ace. in PI.; so uilare as uitabis malo, infortunio, and auscultare 496. On the other hand, many verbs take an irregular accus. in old Lat. For carere with accus. see Cur. i. 3. 46; Ter. Eun. 223; egere Cato ap. Gell. xiii. 24; frui Ter. Heaut. ii. 4. 21; fungi Amph. ii. 2. 206 (it is never followed by abl. in Ter.); inseruire Most. i. 3. 33; parcere Cur. iii. 3. 33; potiri Ter. Ad. v. 4. 7; uti Rud. iv. 7. 15; impendere Ter. Ph. i. 4. 2; inhiare Mil. 715; occursare 1047; accumbere Men. iii. 2. II; obrepere Trin. 60; incumbere Cas. ii. 4. 29; instare Poen. iv. 2. 96. Cupere,fastidire (in Ter.), studere, uereri take gen. quasi = quam si, is found again Aul. ii. 2. 54; and in Truc. ii. 3, 20 with a negative preceding, as here; after tam in tam a me pudicast quasi soror mea sit Cur. i I. 51; it occurs with a pleonastic si (cp. nisi si) in non secus est quasi si Amph. v. I. 26; aeque maestum quasi dies si dicta sit As. v, I. I I; quasi si esset ex se nata non multo secus Cas. prol. 46 (where A gives quasi esset). 485. obseruationi. In the case of long words, as here and in I91, caesura is neglected. 486. hisce homines... serui: see on 122. 488. meamne... tractatam, "To think that my guest should have been thus rudely treated," the interjectional infin. with ne; esse is omitted: see on 370. 49I. recta... rectan: sc. uia: cp. ne nimio opere sumat operam Cur. iv. I. 7; lepidum lepide ib. I; nouo modo nouom aliquid Pseud. i. 5. 156. See on 258, 799. 493. quantum... senem: see on 471. 494. scelerum caput. Servius (on Verg. Aen. ix. 486) takes scelerum as an adj. = sceleratum, but there is no other authority for scelerus but a very doubtful passage, teritur sinaN 2 180 2MILES GL ORIOS PS. pzsscelera Pseud. iii. 2. 28. On the other hand, we find the genetive usually in this phrase; indeed, one passage in which this phrase is followed by a gen. is almost decisive against the theory that scelerum is an adj.: scelerum caput I ut tute's item omnis censes esse periuri caput Rud. iv. 4. 55. If scelerum were an adj., it might be compared with uerbereum caput Pers. ii. 2. 2. 496. auscultem tibi: see on 482. It seems strange to us that a slave should address one in the position of Periplecomenus as uicine. There was no respectful form of address to superiors in Rome; even kings and queens, as A-mphitruo and Alcumena, are addressed by their slaves as Amphitruo and Alcumena, and this, too, though the master and mistress held over the slave the power of life and death. 497. expurigare = expurgare; so iurigare, with its compounds, for iurgare, psurigare for purgare: these are formed on the analogy of nauigare, remigare &c. 501. licetne, "may I (speak)": cp. pater Zicetne pauca (loqui) Ter. Andr. v. 3. 22; in 521 the ellipse is of dicere: see on 536. 502. uirgarum, rods (generally of elm) used for chastisnig slaves. mihi supplicium... de te datur = mihi datur ins supplici de te sumendi: cp. As. ii. 4. 73-76. 505. condignam te: see 285, homo sectatu's nihili nequam bestiam. This word is always used by PI. in a depreciatory sense. 507. amplexam, passive: see on 172. 51I. supplicium stimuleum, " The knout." Punishment was inflicted on slaves with-(I) uirgae, or rods chiefly of elm; (2) leather thongs, scutica, lora; (3) with theflagrum (flagellum), a whip, with lashes knotted and perhaps wired. This last is often spoken of as stimuli, and may be rendered the I" knout." For the form stimuleum, cp. hospitio pugneo Amph. i.. 140: tibi messis in ore fiet mergis pugneis Rud. iii. 4. 58. 512. dedecoris pleniorem, i. e. I shall cover him with infamy by taking an action for damages against him. 514. ita sum &c. " I am reduced to such a strait, that Iam .NO TES. 181 (as) uncertain whether I ought to argue out the matter with you-or whether, if this stranger is really not Phil., and I have not seen Phil. at all, you would rather expect that I should apologise to you-I am, I say, as ignorant of this as I am uncertain what I saw." Istaec is the hospiaz, haec is Phil. I have translated the passage in accordance with the explanation of Bx, who tales ut nesciam and sicut nescio closely together. This, however, would be a very complicated expression, and hardly suited to the easy flow of P1. dialogue. It would be simpler, I think, to take sicut etian nune nescio quid uiderim separately from the foregoing words, rendering sicut by some such phrase as " that is," I mealn," "even still, I mean, I don't know what I saw." Szcut is used quite in this sense in Men. iv. 2. 20, sicut me hodie nimis sollicitum cluens quidam habuit; so in Poen. iii. I. 3; v. 4. 2I; Most. ii. r. 34. In all these places sicut is used to develope, elucidate, or illustrate a foregoing preposition, as Langen (p. 249) has clearly shown. See note on 974, where this same view of the meaning of sicut is used to explain a very difficult passage. Aequom siet and an uidetur aequius (and indeed the construction itself, uit nesciam an uidetur) will seem very strange to a novice in Plautine usage. But there are instances of this usage too numerous and too unmistakeable to admit of emendation, and certainly not to be explained as indicating subtle shades of difference in meaning: e. g. nescis quid te instet boni j neque quam tibi Fortuna faculam lucrifera adlucere uolt Pers. iv. 3. 45; rem uide quae szn et quae fui ante Most. i. 3. 42; scio qua me ire oportet et quo uenerim noui locum Most. iv. 2. 53; eloquere... et quid tibi est et quid uelis Cist. i. I. 59. In these and like cases it is idle to seek for a difference in meaning corresponding to the difference in mood; and emendation is quite out of place. It has been laid down that indirect interrogations are put in the ind. when the question is rhetorical, as audzz tu utdelzramenta loquitur Men. v. 5. 21; but in the subj. when the question is a real one, as non scis quis ego sim? Men. ii. 2. 23; yet in Men i. 3. 24 we have scin quid uolo when the question is apparently not rhetorical. So in sentences where a verb of seeinzg, feeling, has for its object a sentence beginning with an interrogative, the ind. and subj. are used indifferently; cp. uidee....quid potestpecunia Stich. iii. I. 9, with uidete quam mihsi ualde placuerit Merc. 102; and scio quid dictura's Aul. ii. I. 52, with sczo quid siet rei Men. v. 2. I4. The fact seems to be that there is often in PI., owing to the carelessness of his dialogue, a halting between direct and indirect regimen, as in die miZi uerumZ serio: Ecquis al/us MILES GLORIOS VS. Sosia intust Amph. ii. 2. 218. So one often hears in English the mixed expression, "do you think will it rain?" Becker and others would resort to conjecture, so as to make the language of P1. conform to the rules of later Lat.; but Bx and Ussing rightly refuse to bring the colloquialism of every-day dialogue under the rules of formal composition. 520. ad me, "to my house": see on ISr. Cic. in his Letters uses ad me to indicate particularly his house in Rome, as distinguished from his country seats. 521. licetne: see on 50I; quin = "nay more" (not only will I permit it, but I enjoin it on you): ei = i, imper. of eo. 523. curriculo, lit. " with running" (as in unum curriculum face Trin. iv. 4. II); generally, as here, it means "quickly," and is used not only with currere, but with uenire, ire (and its compounds), sequi, uolare, adferre, and even with fui in Stich. ii. 2. 13. ita negotiumst, "that's what you've got to do." In 8r6 ntsi negotiumst = " unless you have something (else) to do." 525. rusum, archaic for rursum; so for prorsus, prosus and prosum. 526. infascauerit: sc. mulier; "make a mull of it"; infuscare is to spoil wine by too copious infusion of water, as we see from Cist. i. I. 20; so if our phrase, to make a mull of a thing, refers to mulled wine, it is a fairly adequate rendering of infuscare. 527. The sense of the lacuna is thus supplied by R:Si hic non uidebit mulierem hisce zi aedzbus Omnzs er-t res ipalam. Sed aperitur foris. 530. utpote quae non &c., " For a woman who is not the same," "considering that she is not one and the same." Exactly the same use is found in Rud. ii. 5. 5, satis nequam sum utpote qui hodie anmare inceperim, "for one who began (considering I began) to intrigue to-day." The only other place where the phrase occurs is a very suspicious passage, Bacch. iii. 4. I3, amo hercle opino utpote quod pro certo sciam, where if we are to ascribe the same meaning to the phrase as it bears here and in the Rudens we must render "I am in love, I think (which I am justified in saying), as I am sure of it." NOTES. 183 531. quid nunc, "Well, what have you to say for yourself now?" 532. ean est, "Is it Phil.?" 533. uidistin istam, " Do you still hold to your story that you saw a girl kissing a stranger?" Sc. replies that he does; whereupon Per. again asks, " Was it Phil.?" a question which Sc. again evades. 536. licet, " very well" = rO'-re: see an amusing passage, Rud. iv. 6. 3-I7, where licet is repeated about twenty times in the sense of "very well," until finally Daemones exclaimsHercules istnum infelicet cum sua licentia, "with his verywelling"; where, moreover, a play is prob. intended on infeLICET. 544. excordem, " stupid": see on 203; incogitCbilis has the active signification. Other instances are adiutabilis = "serviceable" 1144; uoluptabilis = "pleasureable" Epid. i. I. 19; impetrabilis = "successful" Most. v. 2. 40; immemorabilis "mum" Cist. ii. 2. 3 (also non memorandus Capt. prol. 54, another P1. usage with regard to adj. in -bils); exitiabilis = "fatal" Ep. iv. 2. 36. So uinczbilis ("telling, winning"), pilacabilis, tolerabilis (?) in Ter., geni/abilis, mactabilis in Lucr.; penetrabilis Verg.; anzabiis, dissociabilis, illacrimabilis Hor.; permitiabilis Liv. Tac.; reparabiizs Pers.; exitiabilis Cic., who also, in Nat. Deor., uses animabilis = " quickening," insatiabilzs = " never producing satiety." Incogitatus is found in Bacch. iv. 3. I = incogitabilis here; and incogitantia "stupidity" occurs in a suspicious passage, Mere. i. i. 27. 552. aeque. For the redundant aeque with compar. cp. homo me mznierior nullus est aeque Merc. ii. 3. I; astztioren aeque ut Cas. v. I. 6; so adaeque melius Capt. lii. 5. 42; adaequefortunatior iv. 2. 43. The usage is to be accounted for by the fusing together of the two expressions, aeque similis and similior: see on 400, 514, for similar fusions'of expressions; cp. also Most. i. I. 30. 553. despexe = despexisse, common in P1.; we find surrexe Hor. Sat. i. 9. 73. 559. si ego. The ellipse is (as I should indeed be) "if I allowed," &c. me sciente: cp. the phrase me uiuo Bacch. iii. 3. I5; Most. i. 3. 73. Vicino meo refers to the Miles. 184 MILES GLOIIOS VS. 563. hominem seruom; seruos homo is always the order in P1.: see crit. note. 564. manus, because he had treated Phil. roughly: see 444 if. 568. uincam,.. meum, ' I will force myself into not believing ": cp. I88; so vYav,.... Ws Ar. Nub. 1445. 570. at... bene. Otherformulae of gratitude in P1. are di tibi omnes omnia optata oferant Capt. ii. 2. I05; so di te ament, amabunt, seruassint, as well as the phrases benignefacis, bene facis, which last is to be distinguished from ecte facis, which is a form of commendation. 572. nesciueris, not perf. subj. used as imper., but fut. perf. depending, like comprimes, on si te di ament. 575. ne me noneris: sc. uolo. Per. affects to desire to have no more dealings of any kind with Sc. 576. gratiam fecit ne, "dispensed with "; the more common constr. is genetive of the thing, as iuris iurandi uolo gratiam facias Rud. v. 3. 58; argenti Pseud. v. 2. 41; or de, as de cena facio gratiam Most. v. 2. 9. 578. quom extemplo, e7re TaXI'TCra: an alternative phrase ubi ilico is found once, Pseud. i. 5. 75. 580. habent uenalem, " have cajoled me, have bought and sold me." So iendere and uenire; but uenditare 312 is different. 581. nassa, "a creel," or wicker basket in which fish are trapped. Esca = SiAcap, " bait." 583. irae. Other abstract substantives in plur. are oputentiae Trin. ii. 4. 89; parsimoniae iv. 3. 21; perfidiae Capt. iii. 3. 7; industriae Most. ii. I. I; paces Pers. v. i. I; superbiae Stich. ii. 2. 27: cp. iracundiae, auaritiae Cic. Q. Fr. i. I. 39, 40. leniunt: se. se: see note on auortit 204. Vnde agis (sc. te) and res habet (sc. se) are common enough in P1., while lauare, uortere, mutare, are used reflexively even in classical Lat.: cp. demurare 1130. 584. uni capitulo, a periphrasis for mihi uni: see on 326: cp. scibam huic te capitulo hodie facturum satis As. ii. 4. 89. NOTES. 185 Pipulo improbo, the conjecture of R, is not justified by the interview between Sc. and Phil. above, nor by the habitual usage of the word pipsulo; moreover, A is against it. See crit. note. 585 must be corrupt, as Ribbeck pointed out, for it distinctly contradicts 582, 586, 593. 587. occisam... suem. A reference to the crit. note will show how various have been the attempts of successive edd. to impart sense to this passage. Lorenz was the first to perceive that a verse must have dropped out. But even though we postulate a lacuna here, supplying the sentiment which Bx and Lor. supply, no satisfactory sense emerges. For let us suppose the lost verse to have contained words answering in sense to "I than this fool Sceledrus"; then the sense of the whole passage would be:-" I am quite sure that a slaughtered sow has often more sense than this blockhead, who is choused into not seeing what he saw." But-(I) occisa sus is not among the many types of stupidity in PI., and is not at all likely to be so used; and (2) what is to be done with saepe? If it be taken into account, we should rather expect sapisse than sapere. Can there be in the passage any allusion to the custom referred to in Men. ii. 2. 16, and testified to by Varro (R. R. iv. i6), of offering pigs to obtain the restoration of a sound mind? The passage (with a slight modification of 587) would then have run somewhat thus: Sat edepol certo scio Occisa saepe sapere plus multo sue Insanos; sed szline opzus est liena hara suom Qui adco admutilatur ne id quod uidit uiderit? "I know that madmen often become much more sensible through the slaughter of a sow, but would not thisfellow require a whole stye to be sacrzficed for him, since he is cajoled into not having seen what he actually has seen?" I need not add that the italicised words are merely intended to represent the sort of sentiment that might have been conveyed by the lost verse. Of as course line = nonne illi; as P1. does not use nonne. 588. admutilatur, lit. " to shave close": cp. me usque admutilasti ad cutem Pers. v. 2. 53. Similar metaphors are common in P.: as senex est in tonstrina Capt. ii. 2. i6; detondebo auro Bacch. ii. 3. 7; and attondit in same play. 592. senatum, " consultation": cp. quid tu te solus e senatze seuocas Aul. iii. 6. 13; iam senatum conuocabo in corde consiliarium Epid. i. 2. 56. 186 HILES GL ORIOS VS. 595. de... fuat, "lest they cast lots in my absence"; an allusion to the sortiico prouinciarum in the Roman senate. At the conference there would be assigned to each one his or her part in carrying out the overreaching of the Miles, as. the provinces were allotted to the different magistrates. ACT III.-SCENE I. 598. concilium, for concilia, by attraction to the case of the relative; see on I40. 599. nequis. Ne is a negative particle found in nemo, ne utiquam, ne umquam, nullus, noenurm = ne unum: cp. the archaic use of nec in nec recte dicere, " to abuse "; nec ullun = nullum Trin. ii. 2. 5; nec utrum = neutrun Lucr.. 839. Nec survives in negotium, neglegentia, necopinus, and in old Law phrases, as res nec mancipi furturn nec manufestum. Spolia capiat = surripere in 6n. Military metaphors are abundant here (see 597, 6II); so above, 219 if. See metaphor in Index. 602. inconsultumst, "our deep-laid plans are no better than indiscretions'" (to use two phrases employed correlatively by Hamlet). 604. quii: see 779. PI. and Ter. often attach qui as a corroborative to particles of asseveration: cp. horumn tbi istic nihil eueniet quippe qui ubi quid subripias nihil est Aul. ii. 5. 22; quippe qui \ magnarum id saepe remedium aegritudinumst Ter. Heaut. 538; guipjpe gui nemo aduenit Bacch. iii. r. 2; so also guippe ego gui Epid. iii. 2. 31; quippe qui Rud. ii. 3. 53; True. i. I. 49. This asseverative particle in later Lat. is only found in the compound atqui. In P1. it is found not only with quippe, but frequently with ut, pol, ecastor, edepol, hercle; in many places it has been perversely expelled, but the usage is now completely recognised by scholars. In the phrase at pol gui it is not right to assume a Imesis of atqui, but to look on qui as the asseverative particle, as here. Qui is most frequent with hercle, with which it is found in at least ten undoubted passages. 605. tuopte. The suffix -pte is found in P1. with the cases of the possessive pronouns in the singular, and once with the personal pronoun mepte. NOTES. 187 6o6. re, "The very things which you meant to do to them, they actually do to you." There is an antithesis between uoluisti and re. For re, cp. nam de te neque re neque uerbis merui ut faceres quod facis Aul. ii. 2. 45; rem (actual experience) potiorem uideo (sc. uerbis) iv. 7. 12; haec res ag'etur nobis znobzs fabula Capt. prol. 52; ant consolando aut consilio aut re iuuero Ter. Heaut. i. 134; res, aetas, usus Ter. Ad. v. 4. 2. So nonz re sed opinione Cic. N. D. iii. 53. Re, which is not found in the mss, no doubt was omitted through inadvertence, as it immediately follows a word ending with re, namely, facere: cp. a very similar passage in True. iv. 4. 24, factum cupio; nam re facere si uelim non est locus. 608. Metaphors from the chase are common in P.: see 268, 990, 994. For consilio gen. would have been more regular; but see on I. 609. ultumam has only spatial, not temporal, signification in P1. and Ter.; probe strengthens sterilis, as it strengthens meditatam in 904 and acutus in 1397; it is also used ironically, as pulcre (see on 404). For the position ofprobe as far as possible from the word to which it refers, cp. 1348 and Capt. ii. 3, 95, at etiam dubitaui hosce homines cenerem an non emerem diu. 6II. imperium in also occurs Men. v. 7. 41; Pers. iii. i. I5. 613. utibilius. Vtibilis is frequent in PI., but occurs only once in Ter. (Phorm. iv. 4. 0o); the double comparative is very common in P1.; so also aeque and adaeque with the comparative: see on 552. 614. immo, "No but, what do you think?" Pal. indicates that it was the opinion of Pleus., not of Per., which he chiefly wished to learn. 6r5. meus, " after my own heart": see on 334. commode, "rightly, suitably, tastefully": see 642; so coinmodiorem nzztioremque Cic. Q. Fr. i. I. 39. Commodus with sums of money means "of full weight," " current coin of the realm." CoiJnnodo and conmmodum mean " opportunely." 616. facinus, merely " thing, circumstance," as in 377, 418, and often in P1. 617. cor corpusque: see 783; used together merely for the alliteration. 188 MILES GL ORIOS VS. 618. istuc aetatis = tam grandaeuo; it is used as if it were an adj. qualifying homini; so hoc, id, illuc aetatis, hoc noctis, id temporis; istuc &c. are accusatives. 619. te decora. Decere in P1. takes not only accus. but abl. and dat.; decora is here followed by abl.; so dignus in P1. and Ter. takes accus. as well as abl. Capt. v. 2. 6; As. i. 2. 23; Ter. Phorm. 5I9. 620. summis opibus, " with all your might." The classical expression is summa ope, omni ope, which P1. does not use. Opem, ope in PI. have no meaning but that of " aid, help "; for of course ope uostra censerier (Cas. prol. 15) is not Plautine. We have ex summis opibus uiribusque Merc. i. 2. I; opibus omni copia As. i. 3. 92; summis opibus atque industriis Most. ii. i. I; omnibus opibus Stich. i. r. 44. Cic. Tusc. iii. 25 has omnibus uiribus atque opibus. Obicere, expetere, ire, facere all depend on cruciat; the asyndeton is to be noticed. For expetere see on 1386. mei honoris. The same hiatus is found in qui simulauit mei honoris mittere huc causa coquos Aul. iii. 4. 4, in mihi amanti 621, and very frequently in P1. Mei honoris gratia is "through regard for me"; honor is "regard, respect"; in Capt. ii. 3. 32 honor (according to my view of the passage) is personified, Honore honestiorem affording an example of a P1. usage well illustrated in As. ii. 2. 2, lubentioresfacianm quam Lubentiast, "more joyous than Joy herself." 622. quae... solet, "Things which a man of your age usually leaves off if practised before, instead of involving himself voluntarily in them, as you are doing." 625. nihil amas, "you are no lover": cp. quid ames, quid simules " how far you are in love " Pseud. i. I. 7r. This might also have been expressed by nullus amas, a common idiom in PI., and found also in Cic. Epp. frequently. umbra's, "only the pale reflection of a lover." Vmbra is used in a strange sense in Pers. ii. 4. 27, where Paegnium says umbra mea intus uapulat, i. e. " I am on the point of a beating" (so near that my shadow feels it even now). 627. Acherunticus, "such an old Death's head." The first syll. of Acheron is long in P1.: cp. aioXTirwv in Aesch. NO2TES. 189 628. capularis: cp. cajpuli decus As. v. 2. 42, and rT',uJos ypwov Eur. Med. I209, which I believe means " old tomb," as. in 7yepcv Au,/os, X&.yoy, jxlos, s 7reros. 631. albicapillus. It was the custom on the Roman stage that old men should appear in white wigs, young men in black, slaves in red. These wigs (galearia) were often worn instead of masks (personae), and we may conjecture that personae were not worn in this play, as this would be inconsistent with the description of Pal. plunged in thought, above, 200 if. Per. is albicapi/ztus, though only fifty-four years of age, and is always spoken of as senex. senet = senescit, found in Pacuvius 275, 304; Attius 612; Catullus iv. 26; and Persius vi. 6. In the last passage (Persius vi. 6) Conington seems, I think, to have taken senes for a veib in his translation; but Prof. Nettleship explains it as a subst. in the commentary. Cp. anet' she is an old woman" Merc. iv. 4. I5, where an excellent verse is restored by the restoration of this verb anere "to be an old woman." The verse satis scitum filum m/ulieris; uirum hercle aziet has been thoroughly emended by reading for the last three words uerum hercle anet, "a good figure of a woman; but, i' faith, she's old." Ab ing'enio = "C on the score of, as regards, mind," is common in P1. and Cic. Epp. e. g. a pecunia Aul. ii. 2. 9; innoxius ab aliquo ib. 44; ab anima perire True. i. I. 28; copioso a frumento Cic. Att. v. i8. 2. Anere is not in Lewis and Short. 632. sua sibi. Sibi is to be taken closely with sua as part of an expression = " his own ": cp. suo sibi = suo ipse Capt. prol. 5; and suo sibi gladio hzun iugulo Ter. Ad. 958. amussitata: cp. examussim disputem Men. prol. 50: examussimst optuma Amph. ii. 2. 23; actae probe examussim Most. i. 2. 20. 634. oppido, ob pedom " along the level plain"; hence plane in origin and sense = plainly, clearly, without doubt." 635. periclum facies, "make trial of me." 636. nota noscere: cp. acturn agere Ter. Ph. 419; inuenturn inueni Cap. ii. 3. 8I; perditum perdamus Cic. Fam. xiv, I. 5, 640. umoris, "sap, freshness," hence exarui. 642. commodus: see on 615, "tasteful, gifted with tact." MILES GL ORIOS VS. 643. ero, "I shall be found to be": see instances of this usage in latter part of note on 395. 644. abstinere me: see on I87. Commodo = "duly." 646. meam partem: cp. maiorem partem 94 and 764; so meam uicem P1.; humanam uicem Hor. oratio, "right (turn) to speak "; these verbals are very common in PI., and they take the case of the verb from which they -come; the verbal exitio, which occurs in True. ii. 6. 30, is very rashly expelled from Capt. iii. 3. 4, where it governs exitium; exire tales an accus. in P1., as in 1432. 647. For the asyndeton, cp. turbas lites As. iv. 2. 5; miseriis laboribus Men. v. 9. 74; dolos perfidias Pseud. ii. I. 7; donis hostits Rud. 23. So Lucr. has proelia pugnas edere ii. Ii8. So also in P1. we find gratis gratias, armzs arte duellica, fictorconditor, uentus turbo, congrum muraenam. The same asyndeton in adjectives is to be observed in 663 and 952 below; and in dubiis egenis Capt. ii. 3. 46; piscatu probo electili Most. iii. 2. 4I; oratione uinnula uenustula As. i, 3. 70. 648. cumcquam, old form of umquam; sc. cubi, cunde, cusgue, cusquam, cuspliam, for ubi &c.; alicubi= ali-cubi, not aligutbi, and sicubi = si-cubi. R has introduced these old forms into certain passages of PI., where hiatus seemed to indicate their original existence. 65r. odiosus: see on 427. sermoner segrego, "break off the conversation"; so segrega sermonem Poen. i. 2. 139. There is a gvfTepov rpdTepoY in abeo domum, sermonem segrego. 652. uenerem, "charm of manner": cp. Stich. ii. 2. 5, amoenitatis omnium uenerum. So uenerio, uenustatis 655, 6. 653. Aminulae, " Aminula urbs paruarum opum fuit in Apulia" Fest. Paul. 25. Per. says he was born in Ephesus, not Apulia. It seems from Cas. prol. 72 that Apulia had acquired a certain amount of Hellenism; so that Per. here means to say, "my Hellenism is pure, not an uncouth imitation." 654. See crit. note. 655. atque equidem. This, not atgue quidem, is the phrase in P1.; so quando equidem, not quando quidem. It has been shown above that it is a mistake to suppose that equidem can NOT/ES. 191 accompany only the first pers. sing., or that ego quidem is the etymology. 656. plus... tibi. This is in answer to 654 siquas memorat uirtutis habet. Per. says "I shall show myself not only as good as my word, but better." For dabo ex me tibi cp. hine indidem expromam tibi 666. 657. neges. This is a transitive form of uigere found in old Lat. = "to cause to be," it should be recognised in Lucr. v. I298 = "'to guide": so here" you guide all your principles in conformity with (you make them conform to) charm of manner": cp. aeguora salsa veges ingentibu' uentis Enn. ap. Non. 658. aurichalco contra, "I would give their weight in gold for." This word is a corruption of opeciXaAfos " mountain copper," and the corruption was caused by a false etymology from aurum. It is often found in PI. in this phrase, is used in quite the same sense as auro, and is introduced merely for the sake of varying the expression, cum: see on I6. 659. illuc aetatis: see on 6i8. 662. conparebo, "I shall show myself rich in good offices for all purposes" (in every capacity). Conparree also = " to be forthcoming," ut qNuae inperes conpiareant Amph. ii. I. 83. 663. tristi iracundo. For the asyndeton see on 647. 665. liquidiusculusque. Bx enumerates the foil. examples of this sort of comparative in Pl. and Ter.: maiusculus, meliusculus, nitidiusculus, plusculus, tardiusculus, unctiusculus; and in Cic. longiusculus, minusculus, putidiusculus. 666. hinc indidem, '" from the same source (ex codem me) I will produce for you the festive guest," that is, "I will show you that I can act the star of the dinner table as well as the learned counsel." Cp. 656. 669. optio, "choice," a'lpEais; in As. i. I. 88. optio means "' an assistant, adjutant," as often in Tac. Ad = "in addition to." 672. tibi. Here Pleus. turns to Per. 676. deum uirtute, " Thank Heaven." The phrase is found again, Aul., Capt., Pers., Trin.; and tua uirtute occurs in the same sense in Truc. 192 IMILES GL ORIOS VS. 677. es... aedes, "Eat, drink, enjoy yourself, be full of gaiety, this is liberty hall." Onerare = "to fill to overflowing." We find onerare aliquem uoluptatibus, laetitia, amoenitate, com. moditatibus in the Comic Drama. 681. oblatratricem, " a scold." Latrare, " to bark," is used in the sense of " to crave, demand vehemently" in Lucr. ii. 17 nil aliud sibi naturam latrare nisi ut &c. In Cas. prol. 34 Latine (scripsit) Plautus cum latranti nomine, the joke (such as it is) rests on the fact that there was a breed of dogs called plauti. Artemona (As.), Cleostrata (Cas.), Dorippa (Rud.), and the wife of Menaechmus are oblatratrices. 682. opus, "act, deed, business": cp. miserumst opus Most ii. I. 2.; tr. " it is a pleasant thing." 683. nimio multost. We find in Trin. nimium saeviter, nimio plzuris, multo pluris; but nimio and multo are not found together except here. 684. educta = educata. 686. mi uir. The ideal wife says mi uir, a term of endearment; the wife whom he would actually be likely to have is made to call him simply uir in verse 690. 689. uerum prius. The constr. is: uerum (egone earn ducam domum) quae me e somno suscitet priusquam galli cantent. The words hoc... audias in 688 are parenthetical. suscitet dicat. For the asyndeton see on I37. 690. kalendis: sc. Martizs Hor. Carm. iii. 8. I. This was the New Year's Day of the old Roman year; on it the Roman matrons celebrated the festival of the Matronalia with offerings to Juno, and gifts to each other. qui iuuerim, "wherewithal I may gratify my mother." 69r. qui farcit: sc. da (ei) qui farcit. So (ei) qui condit. For the ellipse cp. 355 and note; also 1077, where quas stands for ex iis quas; and the very similar construction in Cur. iv. 4. 34, cupio dare mercedem qui (i. e. ei qui) illunc ubi sit commonstret mihi. R followed by all recent German edd. has transposed v. 693 to after 697 without any gain whatever, and for the words in the text reads da qui faciam condimenta: see crit. n. Above in v. 8 I have retained fartum as an expression strongly defended by ms authority, _TO STES. 193 and by the alliteration in which the scene abounds, and quite justified by the license of comic usage. Here I believe that qui farcit means the sausage-maker, a&Aavro7rcx-r{s, "he who makes chopped c oeat into sausages," "the dealer in morelurn, alliatui," which was the staple food of the Roman middle classes. But quifarcit may also mean " the dealer in fat poultry," as in galuzlas et anseres sic farcito Cato R. R. 8I9; so Varr. R. R. 3. 9; Col. vili. 7. 4. Quz condit is "the cook": cp. non ego item censam condzo ut alzi coci Pseud. iii. 2. 21; escas quas consditero ib. 41; quom condizut I non condimentis condiunt sed striz/ibus ib. 30. R's. faciam condimenta is not only against the mss, and itself objectionable as a phrase, but is also out of keeping with the rest of the passage, in which the wife is made always to ask for money to make presents, or satisfy creditors, not to spend on manufactures of her own; condimenta in PI. always means " spice, seasoning," and facere condimenta really has no meaning. quinquatribus. The quinqzatrus maiores here referred to was a festival in honour of Minciva, held from g9th to 23rd of March (5th day after the Ides, whence the name). The Quin. mninusculae were held on the Ides of June, and lasted for three days, but were called by the same name as the greater, quod tibicines turn feriati zagantur per ztrbem et conueniunt ad aedem Mfineruae. 692. praecantatrici, "sorceress": see crit, n. coniectrici, interpreter of dreams": cp. somnizm conicere Cur ii. 2. 3. 693. flagitiumst. These words are supposed to mean "it is a shame if nothing is sent to her: how cross she looks." This, it will be allowed, does not give a very apt sense, even granting that these words can have this meaning. But quae, not quo, is the reading of all the mss worthy of the name. See critical note, where I have defended quae supercilio spicit, and suggested as an alternative a conjectural emendation of the passage. 694. plicatricem, lit. "clothes-folder": cp. uestiplica Trin. ii. I. 26; "lady's maid," or perhaps "ironer, laundress.' clementer... munerem. "It is impossible in common decency not to tip ": cp. namque hercle honestefieri ferme non potest I ut Trin. iii. 3. 3. Non iotest impers.: see 262. AMune. rem: see 172. 0 194 M2ILES G ORIOS VS. 695. quia... suscenset. PI. generally has quia for quod after verbs of feeling, as lacrunmem quia diiungimur 1328; but (very rarely) the regular quod, as nimis beat quod 468. toraria, "nurse," 'iar. Ep.: preserved in gloss "toraria, wA&vorp6dos " from torus, weayr. 698. damna mulierum, "losses arising from (occasioned by) women"; daminum is for damZinum, neut. of old participle of dare, according to R. Op. ii. 710; it is constantly opp. to lucrum in Pi.: see Capt. ii. 2. 77, where damnum facere = "to suffer a loss." I do not believe in R's etymology. 699. usore: for uxore cp. morti 707, and see Introd. ii. sermones serat: see on 95. 70I. rusum = rursum. restitues: sc. Zibertatem. 705. sit, <" what could I want children for?" cp. 515. 707. didam... partiam. For the asyndetic coupling of the verbs see on I37. 7II. inde: sc. "of the offering made." Inde refers to a substantive implied in sacruficant: cp. 753 -712. ad exta, "to the sacrificial feast." 714. mussito, "I say to myself." Generally mussitare means "to be silent." 715. inhiant. For inhiant with accus., see n. on 482. Observe nutrcant. 716. nimis... uides. Nimis and nimium often mean "4 very " in PI. Nimium multum uides is " you are very clearsighted." 717. et.. * liberis. The meaning is "if you find yourself so pleasantly circumstanced, you are as well off as if you had twins or triplets of your own." 719. The verse which has fallen out here has been conjecturally supplied by R as follows (cp. Ter. Ad. i. I. Io):Si mihi filius reuorti forte cessasset domum. 720. fuisset, dissyll.: see Introd. ii. NOTES. 195 722. ceruicis, usually found in plur. in ante-Augustan prose, but found in sing. in Ennius and Pacuvius; never found in sing. in Cic. 727. quist = qui est. 728. mers =merx: so pausillus, sescenti =pauxillus, sexcenti. Statuit: sc. agoranomus. 729. uitio. Vitium was the legal term for a defect or blemish in a ware furnished, a failure to comply with sample or contract. pauperet: sc. ut. 731. darent. This verb and adimerent are jussive, "they should give": cp. Trin. i. 2. 96-98. 732. is - eis: so in 735. 735. annona uilior. Pal. ends with a joke which relieves the moralising of the last ten verses, and reminds the audience who the speaker is. 737. The words quique eos uituperet begin this verse in the mss. R rejects these as an obvious gloss on ui... culpet, and suggests that the verse may have begun with the words sed dies it. 738. obsonare: see on 172. Ex is "suitably to," as in ex sententia Capt. ii. 2. 96; ex illius more zivere Ter. Heaut. 203; ex sua lubidine ib. 2I6; quod esse uolunl e uirtute Cic. Fin. ii. 34: ex opinione homznum Farm. xii. 4. fin. 740. nil... tibi, "I think I have already caused you enough expense "; literally, "I am not discontented with the amount of expense to which I have put you."' aenitet in P1. takes either a genetive or a dependent clause, as here; e. g. quoius me non paeniteat True. ii. 4 77; paenitet exornatae ut simus Poen. i. 2. 72. Paenitet does not include the idea of "penitence, repentance, remorse" in P1. or Ter.: cp. nostri nosmet paenitet Ter. Phorm. 172. 74r. tam in amici: see on II. 743. dies, one syll.: see Introd. ii. odiorum Ilias. A phrase talen from the Greek expression 'IXLas KaKwv, "a whole Iliad of disasters": cp. tanta malorum impendet-'Itds Cic. Att. viii. 11. 3; tunc uero longas condimus fliadas Prop. ii. I. 14. Odium is " a bore "; odio me enicas is 2 196 MILES GL ORIOS VS. " you are boring me to death": cp. tundendo atgue odio A" by dinning and boring " Ter. Hec. i. 2. 48; iam hic me abegerit suo odia As. ii. 4. 40; iam huic uoluptati hoc adiunctumst odium Cur i. 3. 34. If the phrase odiorum Ilias is sound here, it is probably a literal translation of the Gk. original. 745. seruientis seruitutem: see on 95. 747. meo rem remigio gero, "I take the matter into my own hands." The constant recurrence of metaphors taken from nautical life betrays the adventitious character of Roman Comedy. These figures, so natural to the ears of a seafaring Athenian audience, are quite foreign to the habits of Roman life: cp. the constant metaphorical usage of celocemn (e. g. 986, As. ii r. I ), and the elaborate nautical figures in As. iii. I. I6, Epid. i.. 47. See also below, 915-921. 749. quod occepi = ut occepi. 752. ueterem atque antiquam. Veterem is hackneyed, worn out," as in uetus fabula, ueteres nummi; but antiquam is merely "old, of old standing," not necessarily the worse for the wear, and it is generally used in a good sense as artes antiquae Trin. i. 2. 34, antiqui mores ib. ii. 2. i8. 752. proletario, "common, low, vulgar" = plebeio, uili. 753. i: sc. plebei, uiles homines, taken out of proletrio; so earum refers to mulieres, implied in muliebri 187. 756. ampliter: see on 260. 758. probus, generally of moral qualities as in 735, but applied to architectus to denote technical skill in 915, and to mers in 728, and in Poen. 2. 129; so affer huc duas clauas sedprobas Rud. iii. 5. 20; nummi probe numerati Pers. iii. 3. 33. 760. dimidiati. Cato applies this word to persons buried in earth "up to the waist"; here it means "from the waist up." 764. atque, "in comparison with what I could tell," like prae ut, so in I130: cp. also 400. The Latins say "I can tell," where we should rather say "I could tell "; so longum est dicere is the Lat. for "it were tedious to tell." P1. uses in the same way moorast Capt. iv. 3. 6, inscitiast Poen. iv. 299, parumst Trin. v. 3. Io, segnities merast Trin. iii. 3. 67, nimis longus sermost Men. v. 2. 8; non est locus Truc. iv. 4. 24. 2ON TES. 197 For si sit possum cp. nec Salus nobis saluti zam esse si cupiat potest Most. ii. r. 4. 765. praeuorti in PI. is followed by accus. of pronouns; dat. of substantives. In Cist. v. 8 we have praeuorti hoc certumst rebus aliis omnibus. igitur refers to otium si sit, " then, as we have not leisure." 766. hoc = huc, acc. to Bx, and undoubtedly hoc often = huc in P1.; but it is possible that here the phrase animum aduortere is treated as one word, and governs hoc in the accus., so we have ubi quadruplator quempiam iniexit manum Pers. i. 2. 18. This constr. is common in Gk. 768. admutiletur: see 588. Vsque is found with probe in Capt. ii. 2. 13, usque admutilabit probe; more fully in usque admutilauisti ad cutem Pers. v. 2. 53; as here in attonsae quidem ambae usque sunt Bacch. v. 2. 7. 772. igitur, "then." 774. institi, perf. of insistere: for accus. cp. 793, 929. 777. Alexandri. The Trojan Paris is referred to. Alexander the Great is mentioned Most. iii. 2. 88, and has there the epithet magnus. 778. ultro, "unasked." 779. edepol qui: see on 604. De isto = de ista re: cp. de istoc quietus esto Cur. iv. 2. 6. Nunc, the conjecture of Acidalius, has been accepted for non by all subsequent commentators down to the present day. Wrongly, as I think. Non is the reading of all the mss, including even F and Z. It has been hastily assumed that non is an obvious slip, because at first sight it seems inconsistent with the required sense. Yet a careful consideration will show that it is nunc which is inconsistent with the whole tone of the play, while non is a thoroughly Plautine touch, and gives a sentiment entirely suited to the character of the speaker. Palaestrio says that the Miles boasts "that all the women in Ephesus uninvited run after him." Now if we read nunc, Periplecomenus replies, "Aye, faith there's many a man in Ephesus would fain thou wert now lying," and thus he pays a tribute to the attractions of the Miles, and represents him as really a lady-killer and successful rival of husbands. Yet the Mliles is throughout depicted as a MILES G1 ORIOS VS. MAalvolio without any of Malvolio's refinement-one who fancies himself irresistible, while he is really intolerable to women of every class for his vanity, his stupidity, and his perfumed curls. This is plainly put in I39I, 2: Qui omnis se amare credit quemque aspexerit, Quem omnes oderunt qua uzWi quaa muleres. Again, in 923, Acroteleutium says Populi odium quidni nouerim magnidicum cincinnatum. And lastly, observe the closely parallel passage, 91-94, which, though probably not by Plautus, yet shows what view was taken of the character of the AMiles by the actors of the play:Ait sese ultro omnis mulieres sectarier: Is deridiculost quaqua incedit omnibus: Itaque hic meretricis labiis dum ductant eum Videas maiorem partem ualgis sauiis. The conjecture nzne is, therefore, certainly wrong. But what meaning would non, the reading of all the mss, give to the sentence? A meaning, thoroughly consistent with the character of Periplecomenus, on painting which Plautus has spent already much pains; and he might therefore fairly expect the idiosyncrasies of Per. to be now familiar to the audience. Per. has been carefully described (670-720) as an opponent ofmatrimony and an upholder of the superior blessedness of a celibate life. Now, on hearing that the Miles boasts that all the women go after him unasked, he observes, "I' faith, there's many a man in Ephesus would fain your words were true;" that is, there is many a husband would be glad enough to find himself rid of his wife by reason of the attractions of the Miles-glad enough to see his wife running after the Miles or anyone else, provided only she left him. Of course Per. uses sectarier in a slightly different sense from that which it bears in the mouth of Palaestrio. But that heightens rather than lowers the probability of this view. 780. ita esse: sc. eum. 781. confer ad conp. "cut short": see Cas. iii. I. 3-5. 784. aequi faciam, " I am indifferent ": cp. aequi boni facit Cic. Att. vii. 7. 4. 786. cor: the seat of the feelings; generally in P1. of the intelligence: see on 203. For sentiment, see Cist. i. I. 67. NOTES. 199 787. lautam = quae Lucinam experta sit: cp. Amph. ii. 2. 37 ad aquam praebendam commodumn adzeni domum Z decumo post mense; and Ter. Andr. 483 nznc primznum fac isla ut lauet. Per. originally meant to ask does Pal. need a "swell" woman, but then plays on the meaning of /aua,just explained. Pal. again, affecting to understand lautam literally, replies siccam at sucidam, "dry but juicy": these words also have a double meaning, and describe a state of body which we might call "in good hard condition, but not overtrained ": cp. corpus solidumr et suciplenum Ter. Enn. 318. Siccus also means "sober" in PI., and is opposed to mad'idus " drunken." 792. crinis. "Married ladies in Rome used to arrange their hair in a high toupe called tutulus fastened on the top of the head by means of ribbons. This, at least, seems to us the right explanation of the description of the tutzzlus by Varro (vii. 44), ttuulus appellatur ab eo quod mnatres familias crines conuolutos ad ztertcem capitis quos habent uitla uelatos, dicebant tutulos, siue ab eo quod id tuendi capilli causa febat, sive ab eo quod altissimum in urbe quod est, ar.x, tulissimzum uocalur" Guhl and Koner, p. 49I. Hence capere crlines n= ubere in Most. i. 3. 69; Festus tells us scnis crinzbus nubentes ornantur: cp. uixit et e acceptas alZera unila comas Prop. iv. II. 33. 793. erro, " I am at a loss." 794. adprime, ante and post-classical; never found in class. writers except (perhaps) in Nep. Att. xiii. 4. Ancilla is used by P1. as the fern. of seruus; serua is very rare, but conserua is often used. So Cic. Off. i. 31. seruoruzm ancillarumque. 797. quasique. The constr. after simzulel is here varied: cp. 992. faueae, " fauea,rari'ac77, faueus 7raes." Gloss. 798. interpres, "a go-between," from inter and Sanscr. root prat "to spread abroad," with which are connected AXarTVs latus. Curtius connects opdaw with this root. 799. meas: sc. the girl and the servant-maid promised in 789 and 794: see, however, critical note, where I have suggested ego recte arrectas mieas (sc. auris) tibidabo. This would be much nearer to the mss, and recte drrectas would be very Plautine: cp. rfir firmus, misere miser, inpudenter inpudens, sapienter sapere, &c.: see note on 258, and especially recta... rectam, 200 MILES GL ORIOS S. 491, and note. Recte arrectas would be closely parallel to docte perdoctam in 258. 80o. eius modist. These words are parenthetical: cp. 921; the usage is common in P1.: see, e. g. Amph. i. I. 286, ii. I. 45; As. iv. I. 43, v. 2. 85; Men. iv. 2. 52: there is a longer parenthesis in Cur. ii. 3. 75. 802. studiosus, not found elsewhere with dat.; it here follows the regimen of the verb studere; it is found with ad and in, and absolutely. aliae = alii. 807. quem, fem. in old Lat. 8o8. pax, "enough." Hesychius explains 7rd4 by T7'Xos xeet. The word of course has nothing to do with the Lat. word pax. In Trin. iv. 2. 49 paxperiisse ilico we may translate "hey presto, gone." So pax: nil amplius Ter. Heaut. 717. 8I0. enim: see on 428, 1289. 811. defendas, " sustain your role." 812. ei = i imper. of ire. ACT III.-SCENE II. 813. turbo: see on 479. 816. nisi negotiumst, " if you have nothing else to do": cp. mihi negotiumst Amph. iv. 3. 4. 818. operaest: see on 252, For quid iam, see 322. 819. quid 'sorbet,' "why 'gulps"'? See 316. illud stertit uolui dicere: see on 27. 823. tetigit. Tango sometimes means to lay hands on for the purpose of theft, hence tagax = "light-fingered" Cic. Att. vi. 3. I. 824. nardini. Nardznum (sc. uinum) is " wine flavoured with nard "; nard and myrrh were often used for perfuming wines. 825. suppromra's, "you are under-butler." So in Pseudolus Subballio = " Vice-Ballio." 2NOTES. 201 826. qui, " How came it that he went asleep? VWith his eyes." The same joke recurs in Mere. i. 2. 72. 830. uotuit = Uelzuit. So uocare is the archaic form ofuacare. Hence the play on the word uocent in Cas. iii. I. 13:St. Fac habeant linguam tuae aedes. AZ. Quid ita? SI. Quom ueniam uocent. 83I. heminas. The hemina = half a sextarius. 832. in prandium, "for his luncheon." 834. quia enim: see IooI. "Why! because." Enim is corroborative, not illative: see on I289. 835. gutturem: see on I8. 842. Iurcio. So Fl. spells the name of this slave. He holds that such characters should always have a Greek name; but a stronger reason for giving up the ordinary reading, Lucroz, is that that word would of course come from lucrum, which has the za naturally short. Now, Plautine prosody does not permit the lengthening of a natnu ally short vowel by a succeeding mute and liquid. Lucrio discruciabere can hardly be admitted either, for a dactyl in this part of the senarius is avoided by P1. Yet Lucrio would give an excellent sense to an otherwise somewhat pointless verse, "in spite of your auspicious name, you will come to the rack." PI., moreover, is fond of playing on names. We have in the BacchJdes a play on Avuas and ludus; in the Persa on arupiwyv and aZur; in the Pseudulus on Zi/xias and simia. 844. itan uero, " Oh, yes!" ironical. delices, '" blab" = deliques = clarify or strain, hence clear up, explain. 845. sagina... cellaria, "my storeroom-cramming." 846. promptet = promat. 848. uerum, " but this is how it was." 850. hoc - hc de cause, and li = illic; " that was the reason why the winc-ja. s so often stood on their heads there" (i. e. were tuined upside down, to empty them of their contents). See on 297; so istoc in next verse = ista de causa. 851. cassabant = quassabant: cp. delices = deliques; "that was not the reason why the jars were so unsteady." 202 MILES GL ORIOS V. 852. loculi, "spot," dimin. of locus. P1. has some strange dimin., e.g. recula "a trifle" (Frag.); specula "a gleam of hope " Cas.; uxorcula Cas.; ralla (= rarula) Epid. 853. aula = olla. sic, 8EICTKrKs. 855. conplebatur = comjlebat se. 856. ubi... cadi, The Roman cadi and amphorae were long, slender vessels, ending in a point. They were usually buried in the ground to one-half or two-thirds of their length, or put up against the wall of the cellar in an oblique position, to prevent them from falling (Guhl and Koner, p. 458). The latter position is probably the one referred to here, for thus only can the joke (such as it is) be explained. The slave pretends that there was one slippery spot, owing to which the cadi sometimes slipped from their position, and emptied their contents into the pitcher, aula, which stood hard by; hence, when the aula began its revels the cadi tottered, whereas usually the drinking and staggering are done by the same person. 857. iam, "by this time, it has come to this that": iam in the next verse and 863 means " presently." 862. This verse, like 113I, is addressed to the spectators: huic refers to Pal. For the unnatural position of hzuic, cp. illic hoc homo denuo uoltpallium detexere Amph. i. I. 138; there is a similar hyperbaton in Amph. ii. 2. 16; As. i. I6. 865. infortunium, "the punishment"; Lurcio makes over his share of it to Pal. 873. succedit sub manus, " comes to hand" (lends itself to my manipulation), a metaphor probably taken from pottery. ACT III.-SCENE III. 875. ordine, "from beginning to end." 88. meretricem... clamst, " everyone knows how much good there is in reminding a woman like me." An ironical remark. Literally, "' it is no secret (ironically) how much good there is in reminding one like me." But nil clamst is a very doubtful expression, and probably we should read me or mi clamst. In PI. clam is followed by dat. accus. and abl. NOTES. 203O 882. ultro, "unasked." 883. morium, " a particle." Morium is the Latinized form of uS4piov, a particle. P1. very often gives a Greek word a Latin inflexion-as in dulice, euschenze, comoedice, compsissume-in this play; and prot/zymiam Stich. ii. 2. II; eccheumatis Poen. iii. 3. 88. We also find munsice, basilice, more (ojwpcs), prothyme, iancratzce, athletice. Ritschl's loream, which has been generally accepted, is not at all like moram of the mss, and such an expression is utterly unsuited to Acr.: "the small thin wine of your discourse " is much too high-flown for Acr., and is not in any way borne out by her other words. Adbibere auribus is such a very common figure that it does not in any way justify the introduction of loream. In fact, adbibere auribus can hardly be called a figurative expression at all. The use of Gk. words with Lat. inflexions is quite a characteristic of Old Lat., e. g. schemam (ox/ua) Amph. prol. 117; glaucumam ('yAicwcoua) Mll. 148; and Priscian quotes syrmam from Valerius; diademam friom Pomponius; dogmami from Laberius; so lampadis (abl.) should probably be read in Men. v. 2. 28, and lam7badamz Cas. iv. 4. G6: cp. also architectus in 90o, though we find archilectones 919, architectonem Most. iii. 2. 73. So also Tranius for Tranio, Al/cmeus for 'AAitcuWv, Electrus for 'HheTrp6coYv. 884. potisset =potesset =posse/; so potissit =possit, potisse = posse. deasciari. This word means " to hue or cut with an axe," and is usually applied to the removing of rough excrescences; hence = "to smooth or polish "; so deruncinare, II42, means "to plane off." These words may both be translated by our slang phrase, "to polish off"; the phrases mean "to cheat, cajole," the victim of the imposture being compared to the wood which the joiner fashions as he pleases, just as the cunning slave makes the Aziles believe what he pleases. The idea underlying the phrase succedit sub manus negotium ("accommodates itself to my manipulation ") is somewhat similar. 886. regionem: see on 233. 888. memninisse == wre uLievrUOac:' cp. celerem sequi Hor. Carm. i. 15. 18; catus iaculari, celer exczpere Ib. iii. I2. 891. ergo... utrumque, "that is why I am afraid of this very thing (viz. forgetfulness), because in this case what we have to do partakes of both qualities" (good and bad). 204 MIILES GLORIOS VS. 896. ita uos decet. These words of course refer to the sentiment expressed in the words now lost, and must, as well as ne... conueniunt, remain unexplained until the lost words are discovered. 898. noster esto: see on 334. 901. architectust: see on 883. 903. onerauit, "crammed" (with instructions): cp. dolis astutiisque onustam Epid. iii. 2. 29. meditatam, especially used of practising a role: cp. nugas meditari Pseud. iv. 7. 107. Except in PI., the participle = i studied," not " practised," as here. 909. animumn adieceris, " have taken a fancy to." 914. conmeminere: sc. Acr. et Milphidippa. 920. materiarius, "the timber-merchant," who would supply the timber for the ship; the Miles is referred to, who would supply the materies on which they should exercise their craft; architectus refers to Pal.; fabri arch. to the women and Per.; nauis (the end or object of the work) is the overreaching of the Miles; carina is the lan by which they mean to carry out that end. 92I. indolem... ingeni, "ingenium is related to indoles as \ seed to bud," Doederlein quoted by Bx. 926. potin ut = potisne estfieri ut. 928. age... abite: see on 78. 929. insistite: cp. 774. 933. hano; sc. Milphidippam. 935. oneratum, t" crammed " (with lies). Onerare is one of the many phrases meaning " to deceive, cajole" in P1.; sarcinam imponere is used in the same sense in Most. ii. I. 83; and afterwards, in same play, senex uehit clitellas: cp. our phrase *' to impose on." 938. dolamus: see on 884. 941. compsissume, from Kco/iks: see on 883 and crit. note. confuturum, found only here; we have confore Ter. Andr. s67. Note the recurrence of con- in this verse and the next; NOTES. 205 yet it can hardly be intentional, for if it were, the poet would surely have increased the assonance by writing nostrorum consiliorum for nostr. mal. ACT IV.-SCENE I. 952. condicio, gen. "a match, matrimonial contract," here "an amour, intrigue, bonne fortune." In Capt. i. 2. 71 condicio is " an engagement to dinner." So Mart. xi. 52. i, Cenabis belle, Iuli Cerealis, apud me; | condicio melior si tibi nulla, ueni. 956. clandestino, dir. eap.: cp. cotlidiano Capt. iii. 5. 67 -Another archaic adv. is nox As. iii. 3. 7; and principium Capt. v. 4. 29, though there prin. is taken by Bx as a subst. in apposition with id. 957. arrabonem, "earnest of her love "; art. is a part of the purchase-money given in advance: pignus is a pledge to be restored on the carrying out of the contract, for security of which it was given; arr. is from Hebr. tr "Ito give security." 958. a: see on 151. 959. pulcram pulcritudinem: cp. amoena amoenitate, Capt. iv. I. 7; miserruma miseria Amph. ii. 1. 43; uenus uenusta Most. i. 3. 5. 96r. festuca = uindicta; here, as often, Pi. introduces Roman customs into Greek life. See on 1435. 964. cupiunt. Studere, uereri, fastidire are also found with gen. in Old Latin. See on 482. 968. ad; ad = wpds gives the standard by which the value of a thing is estimated, as in nihil ad Persium Cic. De Or. ii. 6. 25. So Capt. ii. 2. 25, ad sapientiam. 971. earn copiam = eius rei copiam. 973. quae cupiat: see on quae me ambae obsecrauerint above, 62. 974. sicut. Bx and Lorenz here ascribe to sicut a causal signification, or at least an accessory idea of cause, and render 206 MILES GL ORIOSVS. "inasmuch as (especially as) her sister has arrived," &c. This usage is ascribed to sicut only in one other passage in Latin literature, Epid. ii. 2. 87, for Pers. i. 3. 57 is a highly doubtful passage. Langen (Beitrdge, p. 249) rightly denies the possibility of this usage of sicut, and adduces passages in which sicut is used to introduce an explanation or illustration of what goes before: see above on v. 5I8, where he would render sicut... nescio 'I I mean, I do not know." Epid. ii. 2. 87 easily falls in with his theory, nunc occasiostfaciundipriusquam in urbem aduenerit, j sicut cras hic aderit; hodie haud uenerit, "before he comes to the city, I mean before to-morrow," " morgen nimlich wird er hier sein." Here the sentence is elliptical. Pal. would naturally have said, "Tell her to go where she pleasesI mean, tell her to go with her sister and mother, who are waiting for her." What he does say is, " tell her to go where she pleases (and an opportunity offers itself), " I mean (for instance) her mother and sister are here," &c. The sentence is better explained by supposing sicut to rest on some such ellipse as I have postulated, than to ascribe to sicut a most unnatural and quite unexampled signification. Langen supplies a slightly different ellipse, "Ich gebe dir diesen Rath, die Mutter und Schwester sind namlich da, um sie zu holen.' We might reproduce the idiom by a French phrase, "Tell her to go where she pleases; a propos her mother and sister are here, and want to take her." 977. occasionem....ut: cp. spes ut Bacch. iii. I. 3; cause est ut Capt. ii. 2. 7. Extrudam is the conjecture of Lambinus for excludam of the mss, which perhaps it is wrong to reject; extrudam has been (perhaps hastily) accepted on the Lambinian canon extruditur qui intus est, excluditur qui uolt quidem introire sed prohibetur introitu." Yet from one point of view, extrudere " to put out" is hardly so suitable here as excludere, "to put out and keep out "; and indeed excludam might be defended by the use of prohibebo in an analogous passage in Ter. Phorm. 425, aut quidem cum uxore hac ipsum prrohibebo domo. 979. per gratiam, "amicably," so in II25, I20o. 983. nmutet fidem, "break faith," as in Phorm. 512. 984. Vah... amet, "Tut! you're joking; why you are the apple of her eye." For quae amet, see on 62. For oculos, cp. I330, and oculissumum Cur. i. I. I6 (= carissumum, cp. NOT.ES. 207 ipsissumus Trin. iv. 2. 146; geminissumus Pers. v. 2. 49; patruissume Poen. v. 4. 36; so Poenior Poen. v. 2. 31). ACT IV.-SCENE II. 992. quasi: cp. 797. 993. ecquid, " at all": cp. rro6, Iinr. 994, 5. ecquis... so, "i Is there any one here to pry into my doings, who concerns himself with other people's business, who lives at his own charges (and, therefore, not having to look after his own affairs, has plenty of time to devote to other people's)?" This passage is usually rendered unintelligible by corrupt ms readings, curet and uiuat. I have corrected these. They were, no doubt, assimilated to the mood of aucupet-a very common error of copyists. Vesperi is the evening meal, and qui de uesperi uiuit suo is one who can live on his own resources, and therefore has the more time for busying himself about other people's affairs. Cp. a very similar passage, and one which throws much light on this, True. i. 2. 40, 41:A. Nimis otiosum te arbitror hominem esse. DI. Quianam arbitrare? A. Quia tuo uestimento et cibo alienis rebus curas. So that gui de uesperi uiuit suo means pretty much the same as otiosus homzo. If we read curet and uiuat it would be necessary to translate, "Is there anyone here to pry into my affairs, to concern himself with other people's business, to live at his own charges?" which obviously runs counter to the meaning of the passage. Iooo. cinerem. Ashes were used to clean and brighten plate. Her remarks want nothing to make them more clear. Ioo0. quo.. enim, "How do you mean? Why, because" &c.: see I289. o003. illa ipsast, "the mistress." When Pal. thus speaks of the mistress, the Miles says that he "begins to feel a fancy for her." "What," says Pal., "before you've seen her?" " Oh," replies the Ariles, "it is all the same as if I were looking at her, so completely do I trust your account of her. Moreover, this little craft, as you call her (Milphidippa), inclines me to love in absence." Pal. "Not (to love) her; she is betrothed to me; if the mistress weds you to-day, I shall at once make the 208 iILES GL ORIOS VS. maid my wife." The Miles meant to say that the soubrette disposed him to amorous thoughts about the mistress, though not present. Pal. understands him to say that in the absence of the mistress the maid inspires him with love for her (the maid). So Bx understands the passage, but both reading and meaning are doubtful. On the whole, I am disposed to think that the Miles does express amorous feelings for the maid in the absence of the mistress. Such a trait is consistent with his character as elsewhere pourtrayed in the play. Cp. IIo5-1115. Celocula dimin. of celox (as Milph. has been called, 986). Ioo8. conloqui generally takes accus. in P1. 1oIo. euenat, Old Latin for eueniat; so euenant for eueniant, and in other compounds of uenire, as peruenat, aduenat. 1012. homo.. sit, "There is one (that is, I, Pal.) who knows where is what you (i. e. the Miles) want." 1014. immo etiam, " Just so. And yet you do not keep it dark." For immo etiam, cp. 140I; also immo etiam; uerum quantum adtulerit nescio Bacch. ii. 3. 82; Rud. ii. 4. 23; and Poen. i. I. 60. IOI6. signum, "watchword, parole" = avuqfuca: cp. cum signum nzeum acceperit Tac. H. i. 38. It was the custom for the Emperor to] give the watchword signum dedit OPTIMAE MATRIS Tac. Ann. xiii. 2. Baccharum. The secret society of the Bacchae was broken up about 568; hence it has been argued that this play must have been written before that year. It must have been written after 550, as may be inferred from the allusion to Naevius (v. 21 I); but this verse can hardly be held to give any datum for fixing a posterior limit, as of course the reference to the Bacchae might well have been only a reminiscence of their practices, merely suggested by the allusion to a password. o107. istuc: sc. faciunt: cp. quod ancillas meas \ suspicabar (sc. facere) As. v. 2. 38. IoI8. ex procliuo planum; procliuus (classically procliuis) is " downward sloping"; when contrasted withp lanus, as here, and Rud. iv. 4. 28, it means " difficult "; yet when it stands by itself it means "easy," as in tarn hoe quidern tibi in procliui quam imnber estCapt. ii. 2. 86. It is wrong here to explain, with Lindemann, "easy as it was, you have made it easier." The NOTES. 209 fact is, that planum has two meanings — " evident" and "level," and ex proclzo is introduced merely to supply a play on planum, without any thought of the comparative difficulty of going downhill or travelling along a level plane; but in the passages where it occurs by itself, the idea of the facility of downward motion is clearly present to the mind of the writer. For enim, see on 1289. IoIg. uel adest uel non, "As you please, whatever you wish," and as it is clear that the speaker desires the absence of eavesdroppers, the phrase is equivalent to a statement that there is no fear of a surprise. See on 25. 1020. tribus uerbis. Tribus is used where we should say "(a couple" Cic. Fam. ix. I9. I. Longinzquo = longo, "protracted," as in Cic. Caes. Liv.; so longinquoin loqui Merc. iii. 4. 25. lam ad te redeo is addressed to the Afiles. 1028. aciem, "sharpness." 1029. uenator, " take your cue from me" (lit. " pursue the plan according to what I say "). 1033. tis, 0. L. for tui; so mis for mee Enn. Ann. 13r. 1043. deus... esset = homgo quisquamn fit dinzior dens qui esset, " worthier to be a god," a curious hyperbaton, if indeed the reading is right. ergo, " then he is not human at all-(aside) a vulture has as much humanity as he." Volturius is generally a type of rapacity; Cic. calls Veires uolturius prouinciae; so also in Trin. i. 2. 64; here it is merely an expression of detestation. 1044. magnum me faciam, used in same sense as carum te habes above. 1047. quanam ab. Anastrophe of the prep. is very frequent in P1. occursant: see note on 482. 1054. Achiles. The mss give Achilles, which Bx retains, scanning fiat as one syllable. It is, however, very probable that here and at 1289 Plautus followed the alternative Greek form 'AgXAEIs. In 57 either form may stand: see note on I289. I058. pollicitares: see on 172. 1o6o. quemquam, fem. B 210 MILES GLORIOS S. I06I. Philippum = Philipporum = nummorum Philippeorum, 'golden Philips," auri depends on Phil.: cp. Louis d'or. 0o63. auaritia, "rapacity, greed"; our word avarice connotes rttiher the desire to keep, but auaritia in Latin expresses the desire to acquire. Hence auaritia may be a quality of the most lavish spendthrift. o064. mille, always subst., never adj. in P.; so mi'lle annorum I079. ro65. montis, " not blocks (ingots) of gold, but whole mountains ": cp. mnonti' auri Ter. Phorm. 68. Io66. sublecto, "wheedle," frequentative from sublicere; so we have electare fiom elicere As. ii. 2. 29 (as well as electare from elzgere True. ii. 6. 27); oblectare in P1. = "to support, sustain." 1072. sisti, perf. ind. 2nd pers. from sino. 1077. quas: for ex izs quas, see on 355. Io8I. perii. "Bless me," an expression of astonishment: see I 9. 1087. sollicitum, from sollus cieo, " thoroughly roused"; sollus =- oAos, is also found in soll-ers soll-ennis. Io88. cordate, "cleverly"; cor in same verse is the "heart," so that there is a sort of play on the two meanings of cor, "heart" and " intelligence." Io89. istic1," in the house of Per."; hic in next verse is "in the house of the 'iles." I092. tago, old Latin for tango; hence tagax, "lightfingered " Cic. Att. vi. 3. I. 1096. amiserim, "let her go "; this is the usual meaning of amittere in P1. Io98. clementissume, "most decently "; cp. 693. II05. conuenitne earn, "has she (the sister) visited her?" (Philocomasium). II06. fortis, "fine": cp. "braw lassie." See on Io. 11I4. istuc quod: cp. 765. The natural construction would have been de isto quod das miJi consilio uolo te cum illa uerba HNO TES. 211 facere; when isto consilio is attracted into the case of the relative quod it becomes necessary to resume the abl. in the pleonastic words de ista re. I I6. nam... tibi, "for you know thoroughly how to talk to her." rrI7. qui... adeas. This is an elliptical expression for quipotius ego cum illa ucrba faciam quam tute adeas. 1128. impetrassere, old fut. infin. for impetraturum esse. 1130. numquid... iilitem, addressed to the spectators, "do you think he at all fail, to realise the description I gave you of this amorous captain just now?" (i.e. in 775 and loll. vv.) Atque is used on account of the comparison implied in demutare; so szmile atque is found above. 1134. satin ut, here = nzonne; the use is slightly different in 48I. commoditas. Commioditas is found only in sing. in PI., and always means "convenience, opportune appearance": see on 1383. ACT IV.-SCENE III. 1136. eos. After uideo R inserts iamt, Bothe ego, to obviate the hiatus. I read eos, which would easily fall out after the last letters of uideo. Eos often suffers elision and synzesis together, e. g. in 240 tam similem quam lacte lactist: apud te eos hic deuortier. I I37. arbiter, "witness" (from ar = ad and root b6 in bito eo). Horace, it will be remembered, speaks of locus late maris arbiter= "commanding a view of," and he also calls Notus arbiter Hadriae. It will be instructive for the student to trace the successive steps which led from the one notion to the other. simul. The form simzzi is common in P1. Weise has carefully altered each passage where the word occurs so as to make the penult. short: simitu occurs at the end of a hexam. in Lucilius. 1138. et ego uos: sc. uolo conuentas. Nimmem is dissyll. 1140. quia... parietem, " Why because, in comparison with you, I am not fit to drive a spike into the wall " (i.e. to be called a common workman, much less an architect). P2 212 MILES GL ORIOS VS. 1141. heia uero expresses gratification at what is said, mixed with an expression of doubt of its truth, something like, " Oh come now, you don't say so." Heia by itself can express either of these two feelings which are combined in eia vero; it is used (I) in simple admiration; (2) in gentle remonstrance, as heia, mea Iuno, non decet te Cas. ii. 3. 14. It is also (3) used ironically, as heia credo Capt. v. 2. 9, and (4) in strong exhortation, as in heia age. 1142. deruncinauit: see on 884. I44. operam adiutabilem, "yeoman's service." 1149. istuc, that is, " her departure." 1153. nihil huius, nihil huius eius istius (rarely), as well as quod quidquid huius, &c., are found in PI. Quoad (quod) eius fieri potest is very common in Cic. Epp., and is one of the many coincidences between the diction of the Comic Stage and the Letters of Cic. 1154. siluai, "material," like Gk. VA,. II56. quod = eo quod: see on 355. Situm is a uox propria for money deposited in a bank to be drawn upon. " WVe six have a fund (stock, capital) of artifice to draw on large enough for the capture of any town": cp. apud tarpessitam situmzst (argentum) Cur. ii. 3. 66. 1158. id, "for that reason"; frequently after verbs of motion id = ideo, and quod = quamobrem: cp. id huc reuorti Amph. iii. 2. 28; nunc hoc quod ad te noster me misit senex Most. lii. 2. 6o. II59. prouinciam, "office" cp. fontinali praefcio prouinciae Stich. iv. 4. I6. I I60. quod... oles, " what you require so far as I can": the second quod = quoad. 1165. omne ordine: sc. tenes. I166. nisi, " however, there is one other point": see on 24. 1169. intus, "from within." Intur in P1. never signifies motion into a place, only motion from and rest in. See p. 134. procul. She is to keep "a little aloof" from the Miles, and to affect to be overcome by a sense of his superiority. N O T~ES. 213 1172. facie, genetive: this form of the gen. and dat. is common in P1. We have fide often, also dze and even re. II75. tibi: sc. to Pleusicles. 1176. ibi = turn: cp. Amph. i. I. 94, Cur. v. 2. 47, Ter. Andr. 379, Eun. 26I, Hec. 128. We find turn ibiin Cur. v. 2. 48, and zbi turn in Andr. o06: cp. Cic. pro Caec. 27 quom Aebutius Caecinae malum minaretur, bzi turn Caecinam postulasse. 1178. causiam... ferrugineam, a dark-grey Macedonian hat; it had a broad brim as a protection against the sun, and was worn by the lower classes, especially sailors. scutulam, "a patch"; scztula (dimin. from scutra) means properly "a flat dish or platter of nearly square form," then ' any lozenge-shaped figure." The classical word for a patch is splenium (Plin. Epp. vi. 2. 2). II80. expapillato, "with one arm bared to the breast." The etw4is is here described, a garment which had a sleeve for the left arm, but let the right arm quite free. The verse in italics was supplied by Ritschl to represent the sense and construction of some verse which must have fallen out here. II82. aliqui = wTws, " make shift somehow to disguise yourself as a skipper." II87. inponi, "to be put on board." I 88. te soluturum, depends on some word like die, implied in arcessito. operam dare, " serves." 1189. fictura, "the plan," = resficta, the result of the verb fingere, as pictura of pingere; but in Trin. ii. 2. 86 fictura means "contrivance," actus ingendi, the process ofingere. II19. illi: sc. to Philocomasium; onus is her "luggage." 1193. prosum... protinam. Prosus (prosum) refer to space, "straight to Athens"' as in non prosus uerum transuorsus cedit quasi cancer solet Pseud. iv, I. 45: protinam refers to time, "straightway": we find ilicoprotinam Cur. ii 3.92; continuo protinam Bacc. iii. i. 7. 1195. Ut memineris: sc. uolo. 1197. celebrest = celebratur =.leduzlofi; celebrate = stre MILES GL ORIOS VS. nuO, sedulofacere. cp. intro abite atque haec celebrate Pseud. i. 2. 35 -ACT IV.-SCENE IV. 1207. indidem, "From that service, too." He promises him to emancipate him from the service of his departed mistress no less certainly than he would fiom his own; so Thehis indidem means "likewise from Thebes" Nep. Epam. v. 2. 1209. oppressit, "she carried her point": cp. institit. oppressit, non renisit Cic. Verr. iii. I35. 12I0. quia follows acerbumnst because it is an expression of a state of feeling. 1211. formas, old genetive. I212. super hac uicina. These words are explanatory of id, " that matter, the affair of (r-b irepp) our neighbour." This is one of those passages in which one feels the want of an article in Lat. 1214. decet: sc. gestire: cp. 220. I2I5. eccam = ecce earn; the nom. is generally used when a verb follows, as ipsa here. Not so, however, in I290. When there is no verb, eccum (eccam, &c.) must be followed by the accus., as in 470, I2I6. ACT IV.-SCENE V. I2I7. limis: SC. oculis. 1232. spernit has a physical sense here, and is pretty nearly synonymous with segregat: cp. spes.. a me segregant spernuntque se Capt. iii. 3. 2. 1233. ergo, " that is what makes me so much afraid, I mean his exclusiveness ": quod.. est is explanatory of ergo. I235. elegantia, "his fastidiousness." 1238. opinione, " than he had supposed." 1240. alio modo. These words are explained by the follow NO TES. 215 ing si non quibo.. imjpelrare, just as s-I'f i, explained by quod... est in 233, and hoci in 1246 by tan... amarent I247. 1245. sis = si uis, "pray do not do it." 1253. mutuom fit, "it is reciprocated by me." So mu/uag fiunt in Pers. v. I. I4; and mutuom mnecurn facit Trin ii. 4. 37; but in Cur. i. I. 47 Phaedromus refines on the )hiase in the passage ea me deperizl ego autez cuns sila facere tno/ mu/tuom a Pal. Quid ita? Ph. Quia propriumfacio. This passage is usually wrongly explained, as ifnmuluomn frcere meant "to bon' ow "; but it means " to return." The real meaning may be thus conveyed-" She loves me to distraction; and I return-no, I don't return her love." " PAL. How do you mean?" " PH Because I won't part with any of it; I mean to keep it all myself.' "To borrow" is mutluom sumzere, as in sipudorzs eoeas sumas mutuom Amph. ii. 2. I87: cp. "affect a xirtue if you have it not " (though of course this sentiment would require careas, not egeas). The phrases slnmzere inutuom and facere mszItuoe z are sharply differentiated. 1256. nasum: cee on i8. ariolatur -= dizuinat; so alwzes in Plautus. Ariolari never =nugas agere in Plautus, though that meaning emerges in Terence (Phorm. 49; Ad. 202). Cic. uses the word in the Terentian sense, non hariolans ut illa czi nizero cr'edi'dit Att. viii. I. 3. Ennius and Pomponius adhere to the Plautine use. The word is probably connected with lzrae " entrails," Gk. Xop -8_, XoA -dSes: cp. arsuspex. The only other places wheie the word occurs in P1. are, As. ii. 2. 5o; iil. 2. 33; v. 2. 74; Cist. iv. 2. 8o; Rud. ii. 3. 17, 46; iv. 4. 96. A reference to these passages will show that Pl. never uses arioJarn in the sense of nugas agere. The etymology makes for the oithography har-. I257. fecit earn ut: see on 341. 1258. nescio ubi hic, "somewhere hereabout." olet: sc. is quenz expeto. Olere is generally personally in PI., and means " to reveal oneself by the smell." I261. per oculos, "by reason of my eyes": see I27I. 1262. ita, "yes," usually itast. I270. potis: sc. erit. 216 MIILES GLORIOS YS. 1279. illi = illic. sies in expectatione, "See that you don't keep us waiting ": cp esse inz quaestione alicui, " to keep people looking for one" Capt. ii. 2. 3; in mora esse alicui Trin. ii. 2. 3. ACT IV.-SCENE VI. I287. admisse = admisisse. 1289. Achiles. In the mss the verse runsMitto iam ut occidi Achilles ciuis passus est, and the usual expedient has been to read enim for iam, so as to preserve the metre. I have adopted the far simpler correction of striking out one I in Achilles (see on o054). The reading enim is not only unlikely as a conjecture (for why would enim have been corrupted into iam of the mss?), but it is absolutely inadmissible. Langen (Beztrige, pp. 261-27I) shows that enim in Plautus is never causal (never = nam), but always corroborative; though in Terence it is used in the same sense as nam (e. g. Hec. 833; Ad. 647). Hence Langen rejects Geppert's nanctum enzm for namque enim of the mss in Trin. i. 2. 23; and rightly explains enzim as corroborative in some passages where it might seem to be causal. I find he suggests the same correction as had occurred to me in this passage. The correction had been made in my critical notes before his Beitrdge had appeared. I293. nam, " for instance." Nam often introduces a case in point after the statement of a general maxim. I295. hoc... consuetudine, "so completely is dilatoriness their habit ": cp. id nuzcfacis hau consuetudine Trin. ii. 2. 83. But that verse is very probably an interpolation. I309. abstinuissem. For the construction see n. on 187. The old edd. (whom even Lorenz follows) read thus:Marzs causa hercle istoc ego oculo utor minus Nam si abstinuissem a nmare, co tamquam hoc utercr; they suppose there is a play on amare " to have a love affair," and a more " from the sea." Pleusicles is made to say, "It is the sea which has injured my eye; if I had kept awayfrom the sea (if I had kept out of love being his real meaning), it would NOTES. 217 be just as good as the other." But this would be an utterly un-Latin pun. The pronunciation of a mnre must have been quite unlike dnmdre. We do not find in P1. puns which are puns only for the eye, and not the ear. The real point of the passage is, that PI. tells the actual truth, but in language which does not betray him. ACT IV.-SCENE VII. I320. stulta introduces a sort of play on sapis of the preceding verse. In the mouth of Pleusicles it means " you are right;" Pyrg. takes it as if it meant "how wise (clever, sensible) you are"; and Phil. in her reply follows his lead. Viaeret = esset. 1322. quemuis, fem.; for the construction, see 341, 1256. 1323. ferocior, "set up, elated": cp. 1390; As. ii. 4. 62; ferox est uzigzwi minaz s meas tractare sese, "his head is turned by the feel of my minae "; and dote fretae feroces "hoitytoity, bumptious" Men. v. 2. 17; so ne te mzhi faczis ferocein, " don't give yurself airs " Cur. iv. 3. 7; feroceiz facis te quiaz te erus amat Most. iv. 1. 44. 1324 earn nobilitatem, "that distinction, boast," of belonging to the Miles. non queo: sc quin fleamn: cp. 1342. 1325. scio.. mihi, " No one but myself knows the anguish I feel." I326. nam, "(I can understand it) for," &c. 1327. attinuere, "bound you to him." 1328. lacrumem quia: see above, on 7. 1329. proficisco: see 72. I331. adfligatur, " dash herself to the ground." postquam... abit. The historical present after postquam quom is a common idiom in PI., e. g. po.stquam sczmus Cur. ii. 3. 46; grauidamn... relzzui quom abeo Amph. ii. 45; so Men. prol. 24, 29; Ter. Andr. 513; Hec. 826. animo male factumst, "she felt faint, had a turn": cp. animo malest; aqum a telzm Amph. v. I. 6; animo msalest. Vin MILES GL ORIOS VS. aqzuam Cur. ii. 3. 33. The more dignified word for "to swoon" is inqui animo or linqui: cp. Linquor et ancillis excipienda cado Ov. H. ii. I30. So ammus relzquerat I347. I334. habent: sc. Pleusicles and Philocomasium; the lovers are supposed to forget themselves, and embrace even in the presence of the Miles. 1335. labra ab labellis. Labra are the man's lips, labella the woman's, according to Bx, who quotes Pseud. v. I. 14, labra. ad labella adiungit; however, we have labra a labris nusquam auferat Bacc. iii. 3. 76. 1345. resipisti, for resipiuisti, which is the old form of resipuisti; so imposiui = impnosui. I346. apud me, "in my senses" cp. Gk. iv eavur eJyia Ar. Vesp. 642; this phrase is common in Ter. 1349. nos secundumm,' "carried after (behind) us through the city." Secundum is not elsewhere found as a prep. in this sense, except in a fragment of PI. quoted by Priscian, secundum ipsam aram aurum abscondidi; it is often used as "behind" adverbially. For the anastrophe, see 1047. I355. gratiam rerum omnium. Gratiam is generally followed by pro, ob, quod, quom, quoniam; it takes accus. with infin. only in ante-classical Latin. I do not know of any other case in which it is followed by the gen. when it means " thankfulness, gratitude." Gratia, followed by the gel., means "excuse, release, pardon, forgiveness "; and this sense would suit the present passage, but that graham facio would be required instead of gr. habeo. P1. has a predilection for constructions with the gen.; we find a gen. after credere, As. ii. 4. 53; so also after mendax andfalsus. Gratias is always used with agere; but with habere, referre, debere always gratiam, except when thanks are given by more than one person, or to more than one person, e. g. As. iii. 2. I, perfidiae laudes gratiasque habemus merito magnas q quom, where he expressly adds that he speaks for himself and his conlega; Trin. ivx. I. I, Neptuno [ gratis gratiasque habeo etfluctibzbs salsis. Poen. i. I. 6, fateor deberi tibi et libertatem et multas gratis gratias, cannot be taken as an exception to the rule, because the expression is designedly hyperbolical and comic. The passage in the text is nearly paralleled by nec tu earn habebis gratiam Most. iii. 3. 23, where earn gratiam = eius rei gratiam, just as ean copianm = NOTES. 219 eius rei copiam above, 971. By far the most usual constr. after habere (referre, debere) gratiamn is quom;; we have proinde ut Capt. v. I. 13; ut Must. i. 3. 57; '. Capt. ili. 5. 53; also simple dat., as in Amph. i. I. 26. 1359. obliuiscendi = quadrisyll.: sec Introd. ii. 1363. non est meumn, "that is not the sort of man I am"; so tuoZo Trm. ii. 4. 45; hor L/z0zoI Most. iii. 2. J02; Uostrumi Ter. Eun. Io66. 1364. fuerim, fzierim. So fili 754; pl/terat Men. prol. 63. In these cases there were two roots, fz andfziv, fplz and p/lzlu (which root is perhaps found in pl/r-are). Varro says that the pres. and perf. of phut and lz.i z were distinguished by the quantity of the u. 1366. nerum, honest "; in 1369 it is " truthful." 1369. fide has e. 1373. etiam nunc, "once more, for the last time ": cp. 1339. ACT IV.-SCENE VIII. 1383. cumulate commoditate Commoditas has generally been wrongly explained, as if it meant ' advantage, benefit," or again, "complaisance, agreeableness." The word is used in these senses in the plural by Ter. (Phorm. 841; Andr. 569); but in Plautus it is only used in sing., and always means " convenience, opportuneness," as above, 1134. Here commoditas is used in reference to the "opportune appearance" of the Miles. In Men. i. 2. 31 Men. says non potuisti magis per tempus mi aduenzire quaz aduenis, to which Pe. replies, ita ego soleo: commoditatis (= euvtcaLpias) omizzs artzculos scio; such, also, is the usage of commnoditaternz in Poen. iv. 2. 94. In Men. i. 2. 28 o mnea commodzits, o niea opportunitas salue, we have a good instance of the proper meaning of this word in PI. Again, Milphidiscus is addressed as nea commoditas in Poen. i. 3. 13; and Epidicus in Epid. v. i. 8. Here cumulate comm. is an intentionally giotesque and inflated expression, "richly blessed with opportuneness." 1386. expetit, "longs for": cp. Enn. apud Cic. Ac. ii. 89 assunt, me expelunt. This word in P1. means (I) "to demand," as in 620, also with object clause; (2) " to light upon," 220 MILES GL ORIOS VS. with accus. with in, and dat., Amph. i. 2. 33; ii. I. 42; (3) absolutely, "to fall out, happen, occur," as in 393; (4) "to outlast," as malo si quid bene facias id beneficium interit: I bono si quid malefacias aetatem expetit Poen. iii. 3. 23, with which compareThe evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones. — ulius Ccesar, 80, 8r. 1389. in statu, "has taken his stand," an expression derived from fencing, "he is en-garde": so mouere hostem de statu Liv. xxx. I8; minaci Porphyrion statu Hor. Carm. iii. 4. 54: cp. " Thou knowest my old ward; here I lay, and thus I bore my point."-Shakspere, Hen. IV. Pt. I. 215. 139I. quemque = quamcunque. ACT V. 1394. rapite sublimem foras, " take him up, and pitch him out." 1397. sit: for sit see Introd. ii. I398. hoc: sc. cultro. abdomen = testis; so corpus in Hor. and Phaedr.: cp. ile Cat. lxiii. 5. 1400. haud etiam. " Not yet; you speak too soon," i.e. in comparison with what is about to happen, yourperii is too strong a word for your present state; when we have done with you then you may say, perzi. inuolo. The indic. is often used in early Lat. for the deliberative conjunctive: so seco 1406, how soon am I to use the knife?" 1405. em tibi, as usual, signifies that a blow has been inflicted. quor = cur. 1407. dispennite, vulgar form of dispendite (dispandite): so we have tennitur a variant of tenditur Ter. Phorm. iii. I. I6. 1409. nihili factus = castratus. K2OTES. 221 1413. nepotulum: see 1265; the dimin. indicates contempt, as in muliercula, uocula, "my poor voice" Cic. Att. ii. 23. I. I4I7. ut uiuam: sc. faxz'M, "I will undertake to live," &c. 1422. ne sis frustra, "so don't make any mistake about it": cp. ne postules. I424. mitis, beaten to a jelly." There is a play on mittis and mitzs: cp. mollisfulstibzis Aul. iii. 2. 8. Lorenz compares lrerova ala'CryWiv Corn. Frag. 1427. causam hau dico. "I have not a word to say against it, I accept the terms." I43I. Philocomasio, dat. for gen.: see note on I. 1432. portam. I have preserved the accus. which is found in A. We find exire limen in Ter. Hec. 378. Hence I believe that in Capt. iii. 3. 4 the right reading is neque exitium exiliost, that exizio is a verbal from exire (= Ecaiaas), and that it governs exitium in the accus.; tr. "there is no escape from ruin." In later Lat. exire with accus. means " to get out of the way of" as in tela... ext Verg. Aen. v. 438; so Lucr. v. 1330; vi. 1217. I434. scelus uiri. PI. sometimes pushes this usage very far; e.g. hallex uiri Poen. v. 5. 31; hominun mendicabula Aul. iv. 83. 1435. iure factum iudico, "my finding is, 'a true bill'"; the Miles is pronounced guilty of the offences laid to his charge, and deserving of the punishment which he has met. This is a Roman law expression. We have in this play several allusions to Roman institutions (mingled with Gk. ones, e. g agoranomus 727), such as lex aleariat I64; portam 359; frequens senatus s94; Apuli 653; kalendae, quinquatrus 690; cluenta 789; manuplares 815; festuca 96I; ludi in the circus 991; Bacchae IoI6; imperare prouinciam 1159; Lar I339; intestabizzs I420; as well as the allusion to the imprisonment of Naevius, 212 ff. See also n. on 359. 1437. studeant with accus. is common in early Latin and in Cic. Epp., but only with neuter pronouns and adjectives; has 222 X1LES GLO 01OS VS. res here is in sense the same as a neuter pronoun; however, we have z'lum student Truc. ii. 3. i6, and res Graecas studet is quoted from Titinius. cantor. In the ms B the different characters are indicated by letters of the Greek alphabet. Thus the character who appears first is called A throughout, the second B, and so on. Now, if one of the actors said plaudite, it would be always the actor who left the stage last; so that he might well be designated by the last letter of the Gk. alphabet. Because Hor. in a well-known passage (A. P. I55) says, donec cantor "uos plaudite " dicat it has been questioned whether it was one of the actors who said plaudite or a person introduced for this special purpose and called cantor. In Terence and in the Trinummus of Plautus the letter w is prefixed to the speaker of the word plaudzte; in the other plays of Plautus no designation of the speaker of the wordplaudite is found. Cantor is inserted on conjecture. See Introd. III. INDEX OF WORDS COMMENTED ON IN THE NOTES, AND OF RARE WORDS, OR WVORDS USED IN AN UNUSUAL SENSE, IN TIHE TEXT. THE numbers refer to the verse of the play and notes thereon, critical and explanatory, except where p. is prefixed, when the page of the book is indicated. a = chez, 151. abdomen, I398. abi, 291. Ablative (of attendant circumstances), 321. Ablative mensurae, 32I. abstinere, 187. Acherunticus, 627. Achiles, 0I54, I289. acies, 4, 0I28. acre, Ioo. ad = 7rps, in comparison, 12, 968. adbibere auribus, 883. addidit, 146. adeo, I59. adfligatur, I331. adjectives in -bilis, 544. adiutabilem, 1144, 544 -adlubescit, I004. ad me, 520. admissarius, 11 2. admisse, 1287. admutilare, 388, 588. adprime, 794. adstitit, 204. aduenisse (with dat.), 239. acque, 465, 562. aequi (facere), 784. aequiperare, 12. aetas tua (= tu), 326. Aetna, 1065. age (foll. by plur.), 78. ago (for agam), 250. agoranomus, 727. -- ai (gen.), 84. Alazon, 86. albicapillus, 631. alearia (lex), 164. Alexander, 777. aha (not adv.), 327. aliac = aii, 802. aliqua (via), 22I. aliqui = rws, 1182. alliteration, I, 3, 8, 10, 26, 70, 630, 747, 941, 942. altero, 288. Aminulae, 653. *0.. 0: ' 224 INDEX. amittere, 457, 1096. ampliter, 756, 260. amussitata, 632. anastrophe,of prep., 1047,1349. ancilla, 794. anet, 63I. annona, 735. apud, I346. Apollinaris (Sulpicius), p. I33. aposiopesis (with change of orig. sentiment), 286. arbiter, I58, I I37. architectus, 901, 919. arguat, 192. Arguments, p. I33. argutus, T92. ariolari, I256. arrabonem, 957. arrectus, 799. astas, 446. - aster (term.), 50. asyndeton, 137, 647. attinuere, 1327. atque (instead of an adversative), 448. atque = praeut, 764. atque ut, 400, II30. attraction, 140, 765, 1114. auaritia, o163. auden, 232. audio, 218. aula, 853. auortit, 204. Aurelius Opilius, p. I33. aurichalco, 658. ausculto (dat.), 496. auspicat, 693. Bacchae, IOI6. 1435. Bacchanal, 858. Barbaria, 212. barbaricae, 212. barbaro, 212. beat, 468. benignitas, 80. bonus (ironical), 364. bracchium, 26. Bumbomachides, 14. cachinnus, 194. caesura neglected, 191, 485 -calidum, 226. cantor, I437. capite, 29. capitis (perdere), 371. capitulo, 580. caput (as periphr.), 326. capularis, 628. carina, 920. cassabant, 85I. causam, 1427. causiam, I I78. cedodum, 226. celebre, I 97. celocula, Ioo6. celox, 986. censebo, 395. certe, certo, 273. ceruicis, 722. chiasmus, 445. cinerem, Ioco. circumduce, 22I. circus, 991, 14'5. clam, 112, 88r. clandestine, 956. clatrata, 379. clemrenter, 694, 1098. cluenta, 789, 1435. clupeus, I. Clutomestoridvsarchides, 14. coctum, 193, 209. columnatun, 212. comitas, 79, 636. comiter, 676. commodi, 6I5. commoditas, I383. commodculum, 750. comparison (strong form of), 22..:... INDEX. 225 compsissume, 941, 883. con-, 242. conclaue, I8. concomitata, 1103. concrepuit, I54. concriminatus, 242. condicio, 952. condignam, 505. condit, 69I. confidentia, 222, 465. confirmitatem, 191. confore, 94r. confuturum, 94I. congruost, 1115. coniectrix, 692. conjugation irregular, 35, 7I, 142, 163, 205, 316, 333. conloqui, Ioo8. conmeatum, 223. connimisce, 172. conmunicare, 47. conparebo, 662. conpendium, 78r. conprecare, 394. consuetudine, 1295.,onsutis, 4. contempla, 172, 1029. conticiscam, 410. contra, 10I. contubernalis, I84. conuenas, 139. conuenit, II05. copiam, 971. cor, 203. cor corpusque, 617. cor nulla habet, 786. cordate, 1088. corpus, 1398. cottidiano, 956. credo (with gen.), 21. credo (ironical), 368. crepundia, I399. crinis, 792. cruribus, 294. Cryphiolathronia, 39. cum, 243. cumquam, 648. cumulate, 1383. curat (with dat.), 482. cupiunt (gen.), 482, 964. Curculioniis, 13. curriculo, 523. custodes, 2I3. damna, 698. dat. for gen., 1. dat. instead of ace. after verbs, 482. deasciare, 884. debetur, 421. decet, 220. decora (abl.), 6r9. dedecoris, 512. defendas, 8 I. delenifica, I95. delices, 844. delicatus, 984. dentiant, 34. deponent verbs not deponent in PI., 172. deruncinare, rr42. despexe, 553. despondeat, 6. desultura, 280. desideret, 1244. deuenerim, 96. deus, 1043. diademam, 883. dice, 256. dicere (illud.. uolui dicere), 27. dies (one syll.), 743. differri, io6. diffregeritis, 156. dignus (abl.), 619. dimidiati, 760. diminutives, 853. disferrumina, 1335. 226 INDEX. dispennite, 1407. dispessis, 360. dissimulabiliter, 250. docte (perdoctam), z58. doctus, 248. dogmam, 883. dolare, 938. domi, 194. dorsus, 18, 397. dudum, 406. dulice, 214. eadem opera, 303. eae = ei, 348, 356. eccere, 208. eccum, 1215. educta, 684. eho, 301. ei = i, I go,' 812, eidem, p. I34. eiusmodist, 801. electo, 1066. elegantia, 1235. ellipse of sum, 370, 1041., antecedent, 356., dicere, 31, 50I., facere, 10I7., fieri, 220., gestire, 1214., t, II. em, 365, I405. empsim, 316. enim, not illative, 1289. eos in elision and synizesis, I136. epityrum, 24. equidem, 158. ergo, 59. es = eat,' 677. esca, 58I. estur, 24. etiam, 1400. euenat, 10O. euscheme, 214. ex, 113, 738. exarui, 641. exbibit, 832. excordem, 544. exfodiri, 71, 315. exitio (-onis), 646, 1432. expapillato, I 80. expectatione (esse in), 1279. expetere, 1386. expetesso, I229. expurigare, 497. exsurgat (pregnant), 81. exta, 712. extempulo, 461. extollam, 861. extrudam or excludam? 977. facere, I35. facere.. ut, 149, 341. faciam quin, 283. facie (gen.), 1172. facinus, 6x6. farcit, 691. fartum, 8. fastidire, 482. fauea, 797. femine, 204. feminur, 27. fenestra, 379. feriatus, 217. ferox, 1323. ferrugineam, 1178. feruit, 205. festra, 379. festuca, 961, 1435. fictura, 1187. fide, I369. flagitium, 693. f6culis, I. foras (rapite), 1394. foret (for fuisset), 49. foris (quaerere), 638. formas (gen.), 1211. forte fortuna, 287., on - -.. " 9 I ", " *. 4 0 t " 0 IN.DEX. 227 fortem, IO. fraus (capitalis), 294. fronte (masc.), 18, 202. frustra, 1422. fuat me, I68, 299. filerim, I364. fuit (for est), 102. fumificem, 412. future (for pres.), 395. galearia, 631.,gallinam, I62. geminis, p. 134. gender (varieties of in 0. L.), 18. glaucumam, 148, 883. gloriae, 22. Glycerae, 436, 808. gratiam (per), 979. gratiam habere, &c., and gratias agere, I355. gratiam (facere), 576. gratiis, gratis, 449. gratitude (formulae of), 570. grauaster, 50. gutturem, 835, I8. heia, 1141. hemina, 83r. Hiatus, 45, 534, 62I, 1012, 1028, 1216, 1312, 1330, 1376, 1402. hic (ubi hic), 9. hic (alternating with ille), 22. hircus, 991. hisce, 40. hoc = caelum, 218. hoc = hac de causa, 297, 850. hoc = huc, 766. holitor, I93. homo (meus), 334. homones, 452. Honore honestiorem, 620. honoris, 620. horsum, 304. hortum, 340. hosticum, 450. hyperbaton, 862. i (nom. plur.), 753. iam, 857, 863. ibi =tum, 58, I176. ibus, 74. iceras, 28. id= ideo, 1158. igitur, 765, 772. ile, i398. Ilias, 743. ilico, 578, 1193. illuc = illud 201. imbrices, 504. immo (etiam), I014. imperium in, 6II. impetrare (for fut. inf.), 231. impetrassere, 1128. impurus, 90. in before towns, 113. incogitabilem, 544. inconsultum, 602. indaudire, 2r2. inde, imper. of indere, 4II. inde, 7 I. indefinite numbers, 250. Indicative used for subj., 5I4. Indicative to be used instead of sub., 994, 5. indidem, 666, 1207. indoles, 921. infortunium, 865. infuscauerit, 526. ingeniatus, 731. ingenuam, p. 135. ingratiis, 449. inhiant, 7I5. iniuria, 199. inmutauerit, 432. inponi, 1187. inpluuium, I59. lNDEX. insanum, 24, TOO. inscendo, 16. insinuat, 105, 204. insuliamus, 279. insultura, 280. institit, 466. intemperiae, 434. intendere, 380. interibi, 104. interii interii, 306. interpres, 798. intestabilis, 1420, I435 -intus, I 69. inuolo, I4oo00. ipsa, 00oo3. irae, 583. is = eis, 732. is (pleonastic), i I. isto = ista re, 779. istoc = ista de causa, 857. istuc (aetatis), 618. itaque, o08. iure (factum), I435. iuuenix, 304. iuxta, 234. jussive mood, 731. Kalendis, 690, I435. labra (labella), I335. lacte, 240. lacuna, 527, 586-8, 719, 737. lacus, 194. laeuam, 36I. lamentariae, 6. lamentetur, 6. lampadam, 883. lapis, 236. Lar, I339, 1435. largiloquam, 318. latrare, 681. latrones, 74 - latrocinamini, 499. lautam, 787. leniunt, 583. licet, 536 -limis, 1217. lineatam, 916. lingua, 190. linqui, I331. liquidiusculus, 665. loculi, 85. lolio, 321. litteris (totidem, 321. lorea, I57. 16rea, 883. ludiae, I94. lupines, 212. Lurcio, 842. ludi, 991, I435. luit, p. 134. luscitiosus, 322. luto, 90, 325. omnibus>) machinas, 138. maiorem (partem), 94. maiores, 373. magnum (facere), I044. magnidicum, 923. malam (rem), 273. male, 128. male (factumst animo), 1331. malitia, I9o. malum, 279. manufestaria, 444. manuplares, 815, 1435. materiarius, 920. materies, I203. meditatam, 903. meminisse, 888. mendax (with gen.), 21. mentibitur, 35. mers, 728. metaphors from ships, 747, 920 ff 980, 1004. IN~DEX. 229 metaphors from the chase, 268, 608, 990, 1029. metaphors from war, 219 ff, 266, 334, 597, 815, II56. metaphors from handicrafts, 873, 884, 938, 1140, 1142. metaphors from fencing, 1389. meum (est), 1363. meus (homo), 334. mi, 236. mi uir, 666. mille, 1064. mirumst, 354. mis, 1033. mitis, 1424. mittin, 449. mixed constructions, 400. moenis, 228. montis, Io65. m6ra, 370. morium, 883. morte, 707. mox (quam), 304. musso, 311. mussito, 714. mutet (fidem), 983. mutuo, p. 34. mutuom, 1253. Naeuius, 212. nam (with ellipse), 379. nam quam = quamnam, 360. nardini, 824. nassa, 581. nasum, 18, 1236. nauclerus, 1177. nauis, 920. ne = nonne, 57. ne (tune), 439. ne (negative particle), 599. negotiosum, 447. negotium, 523, 8i6. neminem (dissyll.), 1138. nepos (Neptuni), I5. nepotulum, 1413. neuter with sums of money, 43. nihil amas; 625. nihil est qua, 329. nihil huius, 1153. nihili, 180. nihili factus, 1409. nimio, 683, 716. nisi, 24. nobilitatem, 1324. noctu, 381. non of the muss restored instead of the conjecture nunc, 779. nos nosmet, 429. noster = myself,' 431, 433. noster esto, est, 334. nota noscere, 636. nox (adv.), 381. numquid, 259. nunciam, 357 -nusquam, 453. oberrans, p. I34. oblecto, Io66. obliuiscendi (quadrisyll.), 1359. oblatratricem, 681. obsonare, 738. obstupida, 1254. occisi, 172. occursant, 482, 1047. odi male, peils, 128. odiosus, odium, 427. offa, 45, 758. olet, 1258. olim, 2. onerare, 677, 903, 935 -onus, I191. ope, opibus, 620. opera (una, eadem), 303. operae (esse), 252. operam, 67. operam (dare), II88. 230 INDEX. opificina, 880. opinione, 1238. oppido, 634. oppressit, 1209. optio, 669. opulentitatem, I17r. opus, 682. oratio, 646. oratricem, 1072. ordine, 875. os, 190. osculari, 176. pabulo, 304. paenitet, 740. palum, 1140. paniculum, I8. parma, I. paronomasia on names, 289. pauperet, 729. pax, 808. pede, 344. peditastelli, 50. peraurienda, 34. perdiderimus, 429. perduellis, 222. peregre, p. I34. periclum, 635. peril, 119, io8r. Periochae, p. I33. periurus, 21. perperam, 392. perplexo, 435. perpurigatis, 774. persectari, 430. Phaoni, 1247. Philippum, Io6r. Pinax, p. 133. pipulo, 185. planum, 1oi8. play on words, 4, I65, 289, 325, I416, I424. pleonasm, 431, 452. plicatricem, 694. pluteos, 266. pollicitare, 172, 1058. pompam, 63. Pompei Theatrum, 82. porcellam, io6o. portam, 359, 1432 -posca, 836. postquam, 124, 1331. postulo, 302. potest, impers., 252. potin ut, 926. potis, 457. potisset, 884. praecantatricem, 692. praedicas (ut), 471. praeolat, 7I. praepropere, 361. praesens, 394. praestringat, 4. praetruncari, 318. praeuorti, 765. pres. ind. for delib. subj., I406. pres. for fut. inf., 231. preti, I45. prima uia, 253. primumdum, 297. principium, 956. probri, 364. probus, 758. procellunt, 760. procliuo, 1OI8. procul, 357. profecto, 186. proficisco, 172, I329. proletario, 752. promer6, 848. promptet, 846. prosum, 1193. protinam, 1193. prouinciam, II59, I435. -pse suffix, I41. -pte suffix, 6o5. pugnaculis, 334. pulcram pulcritudinem, 959. INDEX. 231 pulcre, 404. pulmentum, 349. pulpamentum, 649. quae (with subjunct. in ellipse), 62. quasi = quam si, 482. quemquam (fer.), Io60. quemque = quemcunque, 156, 460. quemque quamcunque, 139I. quemuis (fer.), 1322. qui = quo qua quibus, 139. qui, with particles, 604. quia, after verbs of feeling, 7, 1210. quid, 322. quid ais tu, 358. quid nunc, 34I. quidquid est, 3 1. quin, 'why,' 330. quinquatrus, 691, 1435. quis, fer., 361, 807. quis, nom. plur., 452. quispiam aliquis, 43r. quod = quoad, II60. quod, after verbs of feeling, 7. quod = quamobrem, I 58. quod, with subj. and ind., I62. quoiiquam, trisyll., 351. quom extemplo, 578. quoniam temporal, 129. quor = cur, I405. re, 606. recta.. rectar, 491, 258, 799 -recipere (ad te), 229. regionem, 233, 886. rem (malam), 273. remigio, 747. repente subito, I77. resipisti, I345. resolvas, 204. rhetorical questions, 514. ridiculis, p. 134. rogare, 68. rogo (utendos), 347. Roman institutions alluded to, I435 -rugat = rugat se, 204. rusum, 525. saltu, 221. sagina cellaria, 845. salua sumes indidem, 234. sapis, 13 9. Sardeis, 40. satin, 393, 481 -saunis, 94. Sceledre scelus, 289. scelerum, 494. scelus viri, I434. schemam, 883. scias (one syll.), 282. scin quam (quomodo), 291. scutulam, II1178 scutum, I. Scytholatronia, 39. se (for ear), I82. seco, 1406. secundum, 1349. sed, 270. sedeat, 82. segrego, 65r. seminio, io60. semisenem (senicem), 654. senet, 631. senatum, 592, I435. sequence of tenses, I3I. seruos homo (the usual order), 563. sic, 45, 853. siccus, 787. sicut = a propos, 514, 974. signum, ioI6. siluai, 1 54. 232 INDEX. simiam, 162. similis (never with dat.), 240. simitu, II37. sis, 1245. sisti, fr. sino, 1072. sit, 1397. Sitellitergo, 722. siti, 373. situm, 1156. sociennus, 1013. sodes, 231. solae = soli, 356. solarium, 340. sollicitum, 1087. sollicitandum, p. I34. soluturum, 1188. somnium, 386. sorbet, 8I9. sortitus, 595. specta me, 376. specula, 852. spernit, 1232. spicit, 693. spinturnicium, 989. splenium, 1178. stabulum, 304. statu, 1389. stercoreus, 90. sterilis, 609. stimuleum supplicium, 511. stratiotici, 1359. studere, with gen., 482.,,, accus., 1437. studiosus, with dat., 802. stultiloquium, 296. stultiuidus, 335. sua sibi, 632. subballio, 825. subcustodem, 868. subitaria, 225. sublecto, 1066, p. 134. subligaculo, I8 I. sublimis, 1394. sublinit, Io. subrepsit, 333. succedit sub manus, 873, 884. sucidus, 787. sudum, 2. super, with abI., 1212. supercilia, 693. superfit, 356. supparasitatur, 348. suppromus, 825. sus occisa, 587. sustollat, 3Io. synizesis, 282, ii86, I359. syrmam, 883. tagax, 823. tago, 1092. tali, I64. talis (play on), I65. tam (with substantives), I. tamen, 306. tegulis, p. 134. templa, 413. tennitur, 140. tetigit, 823. thalassicus, I179. tis, 1033. tollas, 293. toraria, 695. totidem (litteris), 321. totis = omnibus, 213. transbitat, 997. transmineret, 29. transtinet, 468. trecentae, 250. tribus, I020. tritico, 321. tumultuas, 172. tumultum, I393. turbae, 479. tutine, 290. tutulus, 792. uagas, 172, 424. ualgis, 94. INDEX. 233 uarius, 216. ueges, 657. uel, 25. uelle allquem, 1071. uenalem, 580. uenaticus, 268. uenator, 1029. uenaturam, 990. uenditat, 3r2. uenerem, 652. uenereus, 655, 1413. uerear, with accus. and inf., 1285. uereri (gen.), 482. uerum, 1366, I369. uesperi, 994. uetus (and antiquos), 751. uiciniae, 273. uide me, 376. uineam, 266. uir and mi uir, 686. uirtute deum, 676. uiti plena, 423. uitiosa nux, 316. uitium, 729. uiuere = esse, 678, 1247, 1320. uiuere, 1275. ultro, 778. ultumam, 609. umbra, 625. umoris, 640. una, 41. una opera, 303. uinde, 376. unus, with superl., 52. un-Latin pun, I309. un-Plautine usages in Arguments, p. I34. uocare = uacare, 830. uolo, with ellipse, 375. uolpem, 269. uolturius, 1043. uolup, 277. uoluptariis, 441. uostrum n uostroram, I74. uotuit = uetuit, 830. uoxor, as a form of uxor, 932. urbicape, 1055. usque, 768. ut (ellipse of), TI ut (temporal), 14. utibilius, 613. utpote, 530. utrobique, 466. uxorcula, 852. uxore, 699. 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