POLAR BIA~k s c AT4 N+ 4;4444 POLAR "BEAR ASSOCIATION (organized in Detroit, May 29, 1922) A comipendiumn of the life of the POLAR BEAR ASSOCIATION embracing the Constitution, By-Laws and Notes of General Interest also names of PAST PRESIDENTS AND HONORARY MElMBERS Prepared by a committee of three appointed by President Hugh D. McPhail on May 30, 1956 to tabulate all the records of all the conventions from May 29, 1922 up to and including the convention of May 30, 1956. The Committee: Michael J. Macalla Hugh D. McPhail Adolph Anselmi, Chairman Dated: Detroit May 11 1958 INDEX PAGES GENESIS 1-3 RULES & REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS 4 THE CONSTITUTION OF THE POLAR BEAR ASSOCIATION 5-9 AMENDMENTS 10-13 BY LAWS 14-17 PRECEDENTS ESTABLISHED AND GENERAL NOTES 18-27 ORDER OF BUSINESS, FIRST SESSION 28-29 ORDER OF BUSINESS, SECOND SESSION 30 FINANCIAL REPORT FORM 31 PAST PRESIDENTS, YEARS AND CONVENTION CITIES 32 HONORARY MEMBERS 33 f GENESIS (The beginning) of the POLAR BEAR ASSOCIATION Polar Bear Reunion, May 29, 1922 by Joel R. Moore At First Session - 11O00 AoMo "At eleven AoMo Monday, May 29, 1922, which was the third day of the reunion, Clo Jo Brooks Nichols, our general chairman of the Reunion Committee that had brought the first great meeting of Polar Bears to pass, called the business meeting to order in the spacious ballroom of the Hotel Tuller with a thousand happy and expectant veteran Bolo chasers present. First, Mayor Couzens was introduced, With characteristic grace and geniality he presented the city's welcome and (cellar) keys to the veterans. For two days and nights Detroit had been showing greatest of hospitatliy, but this was the Mayors official greeting. Colo Nichols made an equally happy response, especially thanking the City of Detroit and its officials for the aid and cooperation given to the local reunion committeeo Governor Alex Groesbeck was then introduced. He spoke on "Michigan's Part in The War," dwelling emphatically upon the sterling service of the Michigan men who did their bit where the fortune of war cast them in North Russia~ General Richardson reviewed at length the record of the American units of the North Russian fxpedition. He gave us some excerpts from his confidential reports to the government, which he hopes at some time in the future will be published. Our rotund and robust old Commanding Page one General had some heavy blows for the craven critics of the Yank fighters in North Russia. He was cheered repeatedly by the boys. Chairman Nichols then appointed committees on Resolutions, Constitution, Nominations and Reception of the Flag, after which business meeting recessed to meet again at 2:30 Po M." At Second Session - 2:30 P.M. "The afternoon session quickly settled down to the chief business of the reunion, namely, to adopt a constitution. Walter Dundon, of the local reunion committee, had been chairman of a committee to draw up a plan of organization. TIts plan was found acceptable to the Constitution Committee of which Lieut, Albert E. May was chairman. With a few changes in it, and after some debate that was admirably guided by our chairman and old field officer, J. Brooks Nichols, the constitution was unanimously adopted - - - - - - - - - - - - Elections - Col J. Brooks Nichols, elected 1st President. First flag presented to the Polar Bear Association by Mr. R. K. Davis, former chief of registration draft. Mr. Davis was elected first honorary member. Telegrams from Col, Craig, Gen, Ironside, Capt. Carrier and Lieut. John Cudahy were read. Then these three resolutions were adopted: 1. Vote of thanks to all who made the first reunion possible. 2. Association to petition the Federal Gov't. to establish one of the new Gov't. Veteran Hospitals in or near City of Detroit. 3. Association voted in faror of the Federal Bonus Plan. Page Two After various announcements of coming events on the reunion program and of company reunions in the evening, and of the order of Mlarch for the Memorial Day parade, the business meeting adjourned leaving to President Nichols and the Board of Governors the calling of the next reunion either in one year or in two years, as they may determine best" For a complete story of the business meeting and other evcnts see the "THE POLAR BEAR" publicat ion volume one, number two, Sept. 1922 at the Veterans' Memorial Buildi' Page Three RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE POLAR BEAR ASSOCIATION January 21, 1923 RULE 1 The Board of Governors shall meet at least three times a year, i.e. Japuary, May, and September, and on the third Tuesday of that month, if possible, for the transaction of business. RULE 2 Five shall constitute a quorum. RULE 3 Special meeting of the Board of Governors may be called at any time, by the President, or in his absence, by any Vice-President, or in their absence, by the Secretary. RULE 4 The Auditor shall inspect the books of the Treasurer and submit to the Board of Governors, at such regular meeting, a written report showing the amount of cash on hand, also an itemized list of revenue and expenseso RULE 5 These rules may be amended or added to, at any meeting in which at least seven membersof the Board of Governors are present, SUBMITTED BY: John C. Evans, Chairman APPROVED Sept, 29, 1922 A. Anselmi Whitney McQuire Present: Walter I. McKenzie, Vice-Pres, John C. Evans, Bd, of Govo Ao Anselmi, Sec'y Whitney McQuire, Auditor E. A. Ballard, Vice-Pres. Fred C. RopLequet, Bd, of Govo Joel R. Moore, Vice-Pres. Thomas Battle, Authorized Section* C. L. Aldrich, Bd. of Gov. A. A. Muntz, Treas. Copies mailed to: J. Brooks Nichols, Pres. Po S. Morris, Vice-Pres. Jonas Longley, M.D., Vice-Pres. Fo W. Juergens, Bd. of Gove Dwight L. Pistler, Bd. of Gov. Ao Anselmi, Secretary The above officers made up the first Board of Governors. * The Constitution provides fpr one member from each Authorized Section. Page Pour THE CONSITTUTION OF THE POLAR BEAR ASSOCIATION ARTICLE I Section 1 - Name The name of this organization shall be "The Polar Bear Association". Section 2 - Objects The purposes of this organization are: (1) To preserve and strengthen comradeship amongst its members. (2) To perpetuate the history of our expedition and the memory of our dead. ARTICLE II Section 1 - Classes of Members The members of this association shall consist of four (formerly three) classes: Active, Associate, Honorary and Junior (see Amendment V adding Junior Page 10). Section 2 - Active Any person who served in the American North Russian Expedition and who is either in active service or has been honorable discharged from the service, and all other persons who were in the Allied North Russian Expedition with like qualificationso Section 3 - Associate Any person who shall have been a member of an organization that took part in the Allied North Russian Campaign of 1918-1919, and who was transferred to another organization or was honorable discharged previous to September 3, 1918. Section 4 - Honorary Members Any person other than those already provided for may by unanimous vote of the Association be elected to honorary membership. (See next page for: 4a, 4b, 4c Page 11.) Page Five Section 4a, 4b, 4c, Polar Bear Cubs Section 4a Lineal Descendants Section 4b Junior and Senior Divisions Section 4c Senior Division participate in social activities at reunion time. (See Amendment VI Page 11). Section 5 - Duties and Privileges Active members shall be entitled to all privileges of the Association. Associate and Honorary members shall be entitled to all privileges of the Association except voting and holding office, ARTICLE III Section 1 - Sections Sections may be formed with the approval of the Board of Governors. Section 2 - Authorized Sections Authorized Sections may hold meetings, elect officers and make by-laws of their own which shall not be in conflict with this Constitution and By-Laws. ARTICLE IV Section 1 - Officers The officers of the Association shall be chosen from the active members and shall consist of a President, five Vice-Presidents (originally four, see Amendment I Page 10), Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Historian (see Amendment III Page 10), and Chaplain (see Amendment IX Page 12). Section 2 - Blection Election shall be by ballot. (Bxception: Secretary to be appointed by President. (See Amendment VIII Page 12). Chaplain to be appointed by President, (See Amendment IX Page 12). Page Six Section 3 - Term of Office All elected officers shall assume their respective duties immediately after the adjournment of the- convention at which they are chosen. They shall serve from the adjournment of one convention to the adjournment of the next. Section 3a - New officers shall assume office within thirty days. (See Amendment X Page 12). Section 3b- Oath of office required. ($ee Amendment XI Page 12). Section 4 - Residence The Secretary shall be a resident of Wayne County, Michigan. Section 5- Board of Governors (composition) The President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Auditor, Historian (See Amendments IV Page 10), Chaplain (See Amendment XV Page 13): and one member from each authorized section, and five members at large, and by resolution all retiring Presidents (see BylLaws 1924 convention, Page 14): These shall constitute the Board of Governors in which the government of the Association shall be vested. Section 6 - Vacancies Vacancies occuring in the list of officers may be filled by the, Board of Governors until the time of the next regular meeting. Section 7 - President The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Board of Governors. He shall appoint all committees whose appointment is not otherwise provided for. He shall with the Treasurer sign all written contracts, or other financial obligations of the Association authorized by the Board of Governors. (Also appoints Secretary -. Amendme nt VIII and Chaplpn - Amendment IX ipage 12). Page Seven Section 8 - Vice Presidents In the absence of the President, his duties shall be performed by the Senior Vice President. In the absence of the President and Vice Presidents, the duties of the President shall be performed by a President pro ter elected at the meeting (See By-Laws 1924 convention Page 14 for seniority of Vice Presidents.) ARTICLE IV Section 9 - Secretary The secretary shall be custodian of all documents and records of the Association. He shall keep a record of the names and addresses of all members of the Association and a history of the organizationd He shall be present at all meetings and shall keep the minutes. He shall perform such other duties pertaining to his office as may be imposed upon him by the Association or Board of Governors. Section 10 - Treasurer The Treasurer shall collect and have charge of all funds and shall deposit the same to the credit of the Association and shall keep book accounts of his receipts and expenditures, which shall be open at all times to inspection by the Board of Governors. Section 11 - Board of Governors (Duties) The Board of Governors shall meet at the call of the President. They shall have power to transact the business of the Association between conventions of the Association. They shall have power to employ a convention manager, See Amendment VII, Section lla, lIb, llc, (Pages 11-12) for the change in the administration. Time limitation. See By-Laws (1940 Convention Page 15) - Board of Governors to determine time and place of Reunions at first meeting of new board. Page Eight See By-Laws (1944 Convention Page 15) Board of Governors to determine time and place of Reunions changed to not le ss than one year prior to the next Reunion. ARTICLE V Section 1 - Meetings The Association shall convene at such time and place as a majority of the members present shall designate~ See By-Laws (1948 Convention Page 16) for the adoption of: (1) procedure to revieW the previous convention minutes (2) the manner of conducting the business meetings- and (3) the cash accounting form to record the money collected and disbursed at all reunions. ARTICLE VI Section 1 - Dues The dues of the Active and Associate Members of the Association shall be $1.00 per year subject to additional assessments by the Board of Governors. Section 2 Pues waived in May, 1924. (See Amendment II Page 10). (See By-Laws 1944 Page 15). Registration fees recommended to be $10.00) ARTICLE VII Section 1- Amendments This Constitution and ByLaws may be amended at any convention of the Association by a two-thirds vote of voting members present. ARTICLE VIII Section 1 - The Oath of Office (Created by Amendment XIV) I, (name) dIo solemnly swear that I will faithfully and diligently execute the office of (name of office) of the Polar Bear Association and will preserve and defend the Constitution and By-Laws of the Polar Bear Association to the best of my ability. This, I ptedge upon my honor as a true comrade and Polar Bear. So help me, God. (Amendment XII Repealed (By Amendment XIV, Page 13) Page Nine AMENDMBNTS Amendment I to Article IV, Section 1. Section 1 shall read: FIVE Vice Presidents instead of four. Adopted Reunion, May 1922, page 10 Amendment II to Article VI, Section 1i Section 1. Dues of $1.00 per year, etc. cancelled by Section 2. Section 2. No dues shall be charged to active or associate members. At each convention such registration fee as may be fixed by the Board of Governors shall be charged. Adopted Reunion, May, 1924, page 6 Amendment III to Article IV, Section 1. Section 1 - Officers There shall be added after "Auditor" the office of "Historian." Adopted Reunion, May 1934, page 21 Amendment IV to Article IV, Section 5. Section 5 -Board of Governors There shall be added after "'Auditor" the position of "Historian." Adopted Reunion, May, 1934, page 22 Amendment V to Article II, Section 1. Section 1- Classes of members. The members of the Association shall consist of four classes: Active, Associate, Honorary and Junior. Adopted Reunion 1940, 2nd Business Session, Page 27. Page Ten Amendment VI to-Article II, Section 4. Sections 4a, 4b, and 4c, were prepared and presented by Resolution Committee, Walter McKenzie, chairman at Grand Rapids, 1940 Reunion, second business session. Pages,27-28. 4a. Junior members to be known as Polar Bear Cubs shall consist of direct lineal descendants of any person who served in the American North Russian Expedition or any person who was a member of the Allied Northern Russian Expedition with such provision for Associate or Honorary as our Association shall determine for itself. 4b. This section shall be divided into two groups: Senior and Junior Divisions. Members fifteen years of age or more shall be known as Polar Bear Cubs Senior Division. Members under fifteen years of age shall be known as Polar Bear Cubs Junior Division. 4c. Members of the Senior Division only shall be provided for and participate in the social activities at the Polar Bear Reunions. Adopted Reunion, 1940.. Second Business Session Pages 27-28 Amendment VII to Article IV, Section 11. Change of Administration (TIME LIMITATION) Section lla. The Board of Governors shall meet at the call of the new President, but in any event, the first meeting of such new Board shall be within thirty days after the close of each Polar Bear Reunion. Section 1lb. In the event the President shall fail to order the first meeting of the new Board within the thirty, days as required by Section lla, the Secretary shall call such meeting within five days after such thirty day period either upon his own initiative or upon receiving a written request so to do signed by three or more members of the Board. Page Bleven Amendment VII (Continued) Section 11c. Upon the failure of the President to call a meeting (any) of the Board when circumstances seem to reqqire it, the Secretary shall call such meeting upon the written request of any five members of the Boart. Adopted Reunion, June 1940, Second Business $Session Page 29 Amendment VIII (so-called) to Article IV Section 2. See By-Laws - 1946 Conventiom Page 15. Resolution to grant the President the power to appoint his Secretary of the Association. Adopted Reunion, 1946 Page 54 Amendment IX (so-called) to Article IV Section See By-Laws - 1946 Reunion Page 16. Resolution to grant the President the power to appoint a Chaplain. Adopted Reunion, 1946 Page 59 Amendment X to Article IV Section 3a. All elected officers shall assume their respective duties within thirty days after the close of each Polar Bear Reuunter. Adopted Reunion, 1948. Pages 4-6. Amendment XI to Article IV Section 3 - Oath of office required. Section 3b. All elected officers shall take the oath of office before assuming office. Their oath shall be administered by the retiring Chaplain or in his absence by the retiring President. In the absence of the retiring Chaplain or retiring President, the oath of office shall be administered by a President pro ten elected by the meeting. Adopted Reunion 1948. Pages 5-6 Page Twelve Amendment XII Created Article VIII of the constitution but was repealed by Amendment XIVo Article VIII as rewritten prescribes the oath of office to be taken by the Officers of the Association, Adopted Article VIII, Reunion 1948 page 5 Amendment XIII Motion was passed creating Amendment XIII that at all sessions of the Association, a verbatim record of all proceedings be kept, either by means of a shorthand reporter, or other acceptable devise and that such verbatim record be available to members upon request, Adopted Reunion 1948, page 6 Amendment XIV This amendment repealed Amendment XII as Amendment XII was found to be in conflict with the definition of Active Members as defined in Article II, Section 2 of the constitution and on motion, Amendment XII was repealed by over two-thirds majority vote of the members present at the 1956 Reunion. (See 1956 Convention Page 36-58). See Article VIII for revised oath, Page 9. Amendment XV to Article IV Section 5. The Chaplain shall be included among the other officers and members which shall constitute the Board of Governors, Adopted Reunion, May, 1956, page 34. Page Thirteen BY-LAWS (By-Laws are agreements or rules as to methods of work among members of an association). The following by-laws. were adopted at the various conventions. 1924 Convention page 5. President Nichols Resolution. Comrade McKenzie then took up the question of recognizing the services to the organization of J, Brooks Nichols and moved that all retiring Presidents be made a member, Ex-Officio, of the Board of Governors. The motion was seconded and carried. 1924 Convention page 3. Motion made and carried that in determining the seniority when voting for five (5) Vice Presidents, the rank for each Vice President would be determined by the number of votes each received. (See 1934 By-Laws - Defeated candidates for President cannot automatically run for Vice President. Election must be by ballot). (See 1934 By-Laws - One name on one ballot for Vice Presidents will only count for one vote and not five.) 1928 Convention President Moore Page 59 At the election of officers only two minutes are allowed for nominationso (See 1934 By-Laws. Nominating speeches are ruled out). (See 1954 By-Laws. Nominating speeches are limited to two minutes) 1934 Convention President McKenzie Page 14 All resolutions are to be presented in writing to the Reso lution Committee. Page Fourteen Page 56 Page 78-79 Page 85 BY-LAWS (cont.) 1934 Convention (continued) The Detroit City Council is to be petitioned three months before a Reunion for permission to allow Polar Bear employees to attend the Reunion. Passed. Motion by Comrade Salter. Resolution passed to rule out Nominating speeches. Candidates running for President cannot automatically run for Vice Presidents. Election must be run by ballot. One name on a ballot for Vice President will only count for one vote and not five votes. The 310th Engineers (Russia) should have representatives elected - at least one on Board of Governors. -- --- -- --- Page 47 1936 Convention President Mead Resolution passed that two counsellors be elected to aid and direct Polar Bear Cubs in their endeavors as far as reasonable necessary. ~-- ----- -- -- Page 36-37 (2nd Bus. Session) 1940 Convention President Anselmi Resolution passed that the Board of Governors at its first meeting after the Reunion shall determine the time and place for the next Reunion. (See 1944 By-Laws - Time changed to one year). -- -I- - Page 40 Page 40 1944 Convention President McQuire Resolution passed that the selection of the time and place of the next Reunion be put off no less than one year prior to the next Reunion. Motion passed that recommendation be made to Board of Governors to have the registration fee set at $10.00. Page Fifteen Page 54 Page 59 BY-LAWS (Cont.) 1946 Convention President Cronberger Moved by Comrade Williams that the Constitution or By-Laws be amended to eliminate from the elective office and inserting therein a provision in lieu thereof that the President shall have power to appoint his Secretary f rom the membership. Passed by unanimous vote. See Amendment VIII. Moved by Comrade Hunter that the president be empowered to appoint a Chaplain. Passed by unanimous vote. See Amendment IX. 'I I- ~- -~ 1948 Convention President Streng Page 6 (2nd Session) Resolution passed that at all pgoceedings a verbatim record by kept either by means of a short hand reporter or other acceptable recording device and that such verbatim record by available to members upon request. Page 7 Motion passed that the Secretary be insturcted to review the minutes and prepare in synopsis form the high points of such proceedings and present them to the convention assembled. This action was taken to avoid reading all the minutes. Page 8,9-13 Motion passed to adopt a regular procedure to conduct the business of the convention for both the first and second session as presented by the constitution committee. Page 15 Motion passed to adopt the form of accounting presented by the constitution committee for its report to the Board of Governors at its first meeting. (Copies of the forms above referred to are in the back of this compendium Pages 28-31 Incl.) Page Sixteen BY-LAWS (conto) 1948 Convention (Continued) Constitution committee presented a resolution that immediately after a Reunion each member of the Association be mailed a list of newly elected and appointed officers with the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the President, Secretary and Chaplain in order that a member may be able to reach one of the officers in the event of serious sickness or deatho Carriedd Remarks by Comrade Bischoff of 310th Engineers (guest) that a motion to table a motion or an amendment or to adjourn is always in order and is not debatable~ 1954 Convention Motion made that nominating speeches be limited to two minutes. Page 58 Page Seventeen Precedents established and Notes on Convention Proceedings 1922 Convention (President Nichols) Page 3 Jo Brooks Nichols was elected the first president. Quotation from Preso Nichols"Those are and always will be a few men who will give their time, energy, money and brains to making future reunions a success if they are given a little helpp from those who come to enjoy them " Augus-tt 1., 1922 Polar Bear Cub Organization was startved in Detroit. September, 1.922, $14. 989.41 was collected to put on the first Reunion 1924 Convention (President Nichols) Page 2 Members voted to have the 1926 Convention in Milwaukee and they elected John Cudahy President. Motion passed that the Secretary send to each Polar Bear who is ill at home or in the hospital a telegram conveying to such Polar Bear the sympathy and best wishes of the Association. Page 5 Motion passed to send petition to the War Department to care for the graves of the members of the American Forces whose remains are still in North Russia. 1926 Convention (President Cudahy) Page 1-2-3 President Cudahy earnestly desired to establish an endowment fund of $50,000.00 - the income from which was to help defray the expenses of future reunions. Both he and Colonel Nichols were willing to start the campaign for funds by each subscribing $5,000.00, Motion was passed to create an Endowment Fund0 (See Notes, Convention 1930). Page Eighteen 1926 Convention (Cont.) Page 9-10-11 The First Battalion 310th Engineers are Polar Bears. The Second Battalion was sent to France. The Engineers wan ted to merge both units to make all members Polar Bears, Motion made to- do so failed to pass. Then another motion was made and passed to have the Polar Bear Association always extend an invitation to the Second Battalion to join with us in future Reunions. 1928 Convention (President Moore) (First time a court reporter took down the minutes.) Pages 2-3 The 310th Engineers (Frane) reported they would hold their convention with the Polar Bear Assno -every two years but would hold their business meeting separately and at different hours so as not to conflicto Page 28 Motion passed to have the next Reunion in Flint, Mich. It was not held there but was held in Detroit, No reason given for the change. Page 29-48 Report on Endowment Fund Association Fund turned over $39077.33 Contri: bcut ions 12 413.36 Total cash and pledges $15,490069 Col. Nichols reported the money was not coming in as expected and asked that the Fund Committee be permitted to employ a canvasser. Approved. Comrade Dundon was appointed Campaign for $50,000o00 to end July 1, 1930o Page 52 Comrade Battle moved that a Committee be appointed to make an effort to bring back our war dead in North Russiao Passed. Pres. Moore appointed Dundon, Shelson, Macalla, Derham and John Evans as Graves Committee, Page 70 President elect Dundon promised to use every effort to reach $50,000.00 endowmento 1930 Convention (President Dundon) Page 1 President Dundon reported efforts to collect $50,000.00 failed. Page 2 President Dundon reported on the expedition to No. Russia to bring our war dead back and that there were thirty-nine bodies remaining in No. Russia. Page Nineteen 1930 Convention (Cont.) Page 6 President Dundon reported that as a result of the efforts of Senator Vandenberg in the U. S. Senate our appropriation of $200,000o000 was passed for the recovery and return of oujr fallen comrades who fought in No. Russia. The Senator was made an honorary member of the Association. Page 8 Resolution passed commending White Chapel Memorial Park Cemetery for the wonderful way in which it had treated the Polar Bear Asstn. in the burying our war dead in a special plot with Polar Bear Monument in White Chapel Cemetery. 1932 Convention (Iresident Battle) Page 2 Prize of a plaque cup to be awarded to that unit having the highest percentage registration at each reunion - year, and the unit's name to be inscribed thereon (page 5) Page 3 Campaign for $50,000O0 Endowment Fund was cancelled on March 31, 1931 and refunds were made to each participant. Amount refunded, $14,807o00o Pages 4-5 Resolution Committee, Major Longley, Chairman, presented and resolutions passed on. 1. Special medal for No. Russian Campaign., 2o Bonus to be paid to all veterans. 3. Repeal of the 18th Amendment. 1934 Convention (President McKenzie) Page 9 & 40, 41, 42 President McKenzie went to Washington, DoC. regarding the special campaign badge for No. Russian Campaign and reported later that Secretary of War Baker found it "constitutionall-y" impossible to grant our request o Page 12 President Roosevelt declared that 'Polar Bear War" in No. Russia ended April, 19200 Page 19-21 Comrade Salter said in his speech to the Convention, "I believe that we owe it to ourselves, I believe that we owe it to our Cubs, that we take steps before this thing slides alo~ng any further - to collect together Page Twenty 1934 Convention Page 19-21 (Cont.) in one CENTRAL PLACE these various things that pertain to our Expedition," Mission accomplished. See Polar Bear Auditorium, 5th Floor Veterans' Building, Detroit. Page 31 President McKenzie reported that there were three authorized sections of the Polar Bear Assn., viz: 1. Polar Bear Post; 2. 310th Engineers Post; 3. Rauschengerger Post, Grand Rapids. (Headquarters Club granted charter 2/1/35). Page 40 -41-42 President McKenzi1e rep eted on his efforts to bring back the remaining 39 bodies in No. Russia. (See pages 68-69) Page 61 Polar Bear Cubs now organized and have adopted a constitution modeled after the Polar Bear Ass'n. Two counsellors are to be elected to aid the Cubs. Pledge made of Polar Bear Ass'n, to cooperate with the Cubs. Page 63-64 68-69 Resolution passed that the next President appoint a committee to work with U.S. Graves Registration Service to bring back the remaining 39 bodies in No. Russia. The committee was not to agitate but to cooperate with the U. S. Government in this efforto Page 71 Resolution passed to extend invitations to widows and orphans to attend all Reunions. Page 78 Cub Miss Betty Lou Storck presented Pres. McKenzie with -a boquet of flowers because the Assn.o made it possible for the Cubs to organize. 1936 Convention (President Mead) Christmas bulletin 1935 to the members of the Polar Bear Association recites, - "President Mead appointed a committee, in accordance with the vote of the previous Convention, consisting of himself, Howell, Parks, Erickson, Vandenbergh and Derk to go to New York in Sept., 1934 to receive the remains of nine bodies and with fitting tribute were buried in the White Chapel Polar Bear Plot on Armistice Day, 1934." In the same bulletin, Pres. Mead wrote "the Cubs could be trusted to carry on when we are gone." Page Twenty-one Page 18 The date of President Wilson's order sending us to No. Russia was July 23, 1918. Page 25 The city of London, Ont. invited the Polar Bears to have the Reunion there in 1938. Page 29-30 For the election of officers, President Mead ordered the count of members present in order to tally with the votes cast. Page 36 Polar Bear Post #436 V.F.W. presented flag to the Polar Bear Ass'n. through Mrs. Spring. Page 44 Medical Detachment von the Cup Plaque for highest per cent registration in 1932 and 1934. Page 47 Comrades Dr. Howell and Frank Evans were elected counsellors for the Cubs. 1938 Convention (President Whalen) 1st Session Page 3 Speaker Eugene VanAntwerp welcomed the Canadian Polar Bears and gave the keys to the city of Detroit to the Polar Bears. 1st Session Page 10 This was the first time the minutes were waived (53 pages). 2nd Session Page 17 Medical Detachment won the cup Plaque for the highest per cent attendance. (Board of Governors elected Comrade Kollar as counsellor to the Cubs.) 1940 Convention (President Anselmi) (Notes from Board of Governors proceedings - "Mervin W. Tomlin was elected President and Adolph Anselmi was elected Senior Vice President at the 1938 Convention. Pres. Tomlin died in the summer of 1938 shortly after the 1938 Reunion and the Senior Vice President was elected President on NoV. 26, 1938. Proper Resolution was prepared by the Board of Governors and was presented to the family of Comrade Tomlin at White Chapel Cemetery on Memorial Day, 1940.") Page Twenty-two (Board of Governors Meeting in Grand Rapids on Jan. 13, 1940 voted "the Convention city for 1940 to be Grand Rapids." Resolution offered by Comrade Williams and adopted that Comrade Steinman be made Reunion manager. Complied with Section II of Art. IV. 1st Session Page 20. Comrade Kollar, on Cubs Committee, reported he could make no report as there was nothing in the Constitution about them and further there was no money appropriated for them. 2nd Session Page 27-28 Chairman McKenzie of the Constitution Committee presented and the Association passed Amendment V making Cubs Junior members of the Association and Amendment VI creating Section 4a, 4b, & 4c defining the composition of the Cubs anrid providing for the Senior and Junior members. Page 33-34 With reference to the acti.on taken by Amendments V and VI Comrade Cox asked, "As I understand it, they - (the Cubs, sons and daughters), were made part of the organization. They have a right to vote"? Chairman McKenzie replied, "They have the right to vote". "Not quoted correctly by Reporter", says Walter McKenzie (AAl-31-58) "See Amendment VI Sec. 4c". Page 36 The Board of Governors at its next meeting shall elect two counsellors to assist the Cubs. The new board elected Comrades Kollar and Juergens counsellbrs and representatives for the Cubs. 1942 Convention (President Taylor) President Taylor unable to attend the Reunion and First V. P. Whitney McQuire conducted the meeting. Pages 6,7,8 On motion made and passed on the floor, proposed that one man be delegated to deliver the old 339th Infantry colors to the new 339th Infantry in Mississippi. Comrade Moore was appointed by the Chair to make such delivery. Page Twenty-three Page 9-15 Moved and seconded in connection with having a Reunion to be held every year that the entire membership be asked by mail and the ballot returns be advisory only to the Board of Governors. Page 33 Plaque was presented to Navy because its percentage attendance rating was highest. Page 35 Comrades Steinhauer and Fitzgerald were elected cub counsellors. 1944 Convention (President McQuire) Pages 3-9 Past President Dundon conducted the meeting. The 310th Engineers situation in connection with the Battalion in No. Russia and the Battalion in France - There was considerable discussion on the merging of the two Battalions into the Polar Bear Association. Finally, Art. II, Section 1 defining the classification of active membership was strictly interpreted limiting the membership to veterans of the North Russian Expeditionary Force. However, programs at Reunion time are to be arranged at different hours of the day so each organization may have the respective business meetings not in conflict with each other. Page 22-24 The 310th Engineers, Polar Bear Section, has an authorized section representative who can always attend all the Board of Governors meetings when this Section elects a representative and so informs the Secretary of the Polar Bear Association. This entire action confirmed the action taken in 1926 in Milwaukee with John Cudahy as President to keep the organizations separate. 1946 Convention (President Cronberger) Page 10-24 Comrade Williams of Grand Rapids proposed a "POLAR BEAR CLUB" to be organized in Detroit with a capital outlay of $10,000.00 to serve liquor and refreshments to members of the Polar Bear Ass'n and their friends. After discussion it was voted that the Board of Governors study the proposal and if approved by the Board of Governors then the entire membership be consulted by mail for its approval or disapproval. See 1948 Convention Notes. Rejected. Page Twenty-four Page 25-30 Comrade Bischoff, guest9 presented his views on Veterans' Legislation and asked help of the Association to support legislation allowing a credit of 10% over the examination mark. It was reported passed by Pres. Streng at 1948 Convention. Page 48-49 Motion passed to support Comrade McKenzie for Judgeship in Federal Court. 1948 Convention (President Streng) 1st Session Page 2 President reported that the "Polar Bear Club" idea, as proposed by comrade Williams in 19469 was onsi 1ered by the Board of Governors and found its use was an inadvisable venture and the Board tabled it indefinitely. Page 2 The Board of Governors voted to join and was accepted into membership of the Allied Veterans Council. Page 2 "Death Testimonial Certificates" - President Streng reported that Board of Governors adopted "death Certificates" to be presented to the family of deceased comrades wherever located and would be signed by the President and Secretary of the Ass'n. 2nd Session Page 18 Motion passed to accept "Cub Funds" in the amount of $48.33 in Ass'n. hands and merge with the funds of the Association. 1950 Convention (President Macalla) Page 5 Secretary Shand reported that as a result of mailing cards with the names of the officers, he received a number of names of Comrades who had died in the last few years0 Page 28 President reported he had no report on the Cubs as no counsellors were appointed. Pages 11-25 Incl. He also reported that the Board of Governors was the first paying tenant in the new Veterans' Building and that he was able to have the Memorial Hall Commission change the room number 514 to "Polar Bear Room," Page Twepty-five Page 59-61 Chairman McKenzie of the Constitution Committee proposed an amendment ot the Constitution by adding at the end of Art. II, Sec. 2 (active members) the words "or the sons of any of them" in order to perpetuate the organization. Discussion on this amendment went on from pages 67-74 and then was tabled to be brought up at the next reunion. 1952 Convention (President Shand) Page 34 Association received from London Rifle Brigade of England a "beautiful cup." Resolution passed expressing appreciation and a letter be sent to Brigadier T. Fairfax Ross in Lordon. THEB CUP IS IN THE POLAR ROOM IN THE VETERANS' BUILDING. Page 62-63 Question of taking in sons of members into the Association was brought up by the President in accordance with the vote of the 1950 Convention. Since no committee was appointed to look into the matter it was voted to table the proposition again. Page 65 Discussion on H. R. 1140 concerning all veterans' benefit "Acts" being merged with another Federal Agency was held and after consideration the Ass'n. voted that Congress should vote this action down. 1954 Convention (President Curry) Page 23 The President reported that Comrade Sal ter had turned over to the Ass'n. a volume of articles written by Honorary Member Douglas Martin on the Polar Bears as well as all the issues of the "American Sentinel", - the American newspaper printed in Archangel - and that all these priceless possessions are now stored in the memorial case in the Polar Bear Room in the Veterans Building. Page 28 & 33 The President reported on Highway #10 (Woodward Avenue) starting at the Detroit River and ending in Ludington concerning which attempts were made to have this highway named "Polar Bear Highway". Comrade Comar reported that the highway is now known as "Veterans Memorial Highway." Page 30 Comrade Dundon reported that veterans of 60 years of age and over with a combination of disabilities of 50% or more with a minimum of income Page Twenty-six will receive payments of $63.00 per month if the case can be approved by the Veterans Bureau. Page 66-67 Oath of office - Comrade McKenzie said a "foreigner" who is an active member of the Association would take a chance if he swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States. 1956 Convention (President McPhail) Page 9 The President reported that a Plaque was presented to the Polar Bear Ass'n. by Comrade Walters of London, Ont. in recognition of the fact that the Ass'n had the largest attendance of American ex-soldiers at the 100th anniversary of the City of London, Ont. The Plaque is now in the Polar Bear Room in the Veterans Building. age 27 Comrade Shand reported that the past presidents had formed an association known as the Zdrosvitye Club. Page 63 Resolution passed in favor of pension sponsored by the V.F.W. and other national veterans organizations that the Federal Government award to W.W.I. veterans a pension of $100.00 regardless of their economic status. Pages 64 & 81 kesident McPhail appointed a committee of three: Adolph Anselmi, chairman; Michael J. Macalla and Hugh D. McPhail to' review all convention proceedings, by-laws and amendments and assemble them in proper order and have available by Memorial Day 1958 for the members. Page Twenty-seven Order of Business. There shall be inaugurated the following order of business and it shall be the duty of the President to comply with it. ORDER OF BUSINESS First Session A. Opening 1. Call to order by President. 2. Placing of colors. Members to stand in salute. President to appoint Sergeant-at-Arms and Color Guard to function at all business meetings. 3. Opening remarks by President. 4. Introduction of distinguished guests and citizens and ask each to give a brief speech. 5. Announce names of Veteran Organizations present. (The above finishes public business.) 6. Chaplain will now recite our Prayer. B. In memory of Departed Comrades. 1. Secretary to read names of Comrades who died since last reunion. 2. Chaplain to read the following prayer: - (Audience to rise.) "Thou Great Commander of the Universe, who art the Lord of Hosts, the God of Peace, we ask thy blessing upon these Comrades here assembled. We thank Thee for the privilege of meeting here today, seeing old friends and perpetuating friendships formed on the field of battle". In this hour let us not forget the men who have gone before. "God of Battles, Father of all, amidst these moments of the dead we see thy hand. In the depth of our sorrows we realize the truth of the inspired words: "I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live". As Comrade after Comrade departs, we march with ranks growing thinner. Help us to be faithful unto Thee and to one another. Look in mercy on the widows and children of our deceased Comrades, and with Thine own tenderness console and comfort those bereaved by the hand of death. Give them the oil of joy for the morning, the garland of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Heavenly Father, bless our country with freedom, peace and righteousness, and through Thy sovereign Holy Spirit's favor may we all meet at last before Thy throne of Grace in Heaven, and to Thy great name be praise forever and forever. Amen." 3. Appropriate music if possible. 4. Motion to send greetings to Comrades in Hospitals. C. Business Meeting (All Committee reports to be in writing for the record.) 1. Secretary to read minutes or summary thereof of previous meeting. 2. Motion to approve the short summary of the minutes. 3. Report of President, if any. Suggestions (a) Summary of Board of Governors Activities; (b) Disposition of action required from previous convention. (c) Etc. 4. Report of Secretary, if any. (President could delegate above report to him.) 5. Appointment of Committees. (a) Constitution Committee - Announce names, when and where to meet. (b) Resolution Committee - Announce names, when and where to meet. (c) Plaque Committee - This custom seems to have died out. During the 1940 Convention, plaque was awarded to Navy as (it was reported) two men were the strength of the Navy. One (Hollister) was present thereby attaining 50% representation. Page Twenty-eight Tables of organization as of 8/8/17: - Regimental Hdqs. 2; HCqs. Co. 301; Supply Co. 178; Machine Gun Co. 178; 3 - Battalion Hdqs. 24; 12 Rifle Cos. (236 to a-company) 3,072; Medical Detachment 31; 1st Battalion 310th ' g. A. B. & C. (230 to a company) 750: 337th Ambulance 126; 337t'h Field Hospital 126. Grand Total 4,750. (d) Polar Bear Cub Committee. This seems to have died out also but the Constitution calls for the laison. (e) Visitation Committee to 310th Eng. (f) Nominating Committee, - Announce names, when and where to meet. A chairman and 2 vice-chairmen should be appointed to assure functioning because the committee is large. Following units should be represented on Com. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, Hdqs; Supply; Machine Gun; Medical Det; 337 Amb; 337 F. Hdqs; A, B, C, 1st Bn, 310th Bng.; Navy; and Can. Art. Total 23 Units. 6. Association Treasurer's Report. (Including high points of previous Convention cash,) 7. Historian's Report. 8. Final Announcements from Chair. Announce next meeting. 9. Adjournment. (Meeting should last no longer than 1-1/2 hours.) Page twenty-nine ORDER OF BUSINESS SECOND SESSION Provision should be made to have blackboard, chalk, exasers, tables & chairs for tellers. Business Meeting Continued 1, Call to order by Presidento 2. President to invite to head table the following and t o make short speech if any are willing:Commander Polar Bear Post New Officers of 310th Engineers Any distinguished Polar Bears or guests 3. Interim report from Reunion Committee as to finances, attendance, etc. 4. Committee Reports (in writing:) (a) Constitution Committee (b) Resolution Committee (c) Plaque Committee (d) Polar Bear Cub Committee (e) Visitation Committee to 310th Engineers (f) Nominating Committee to elect (appoint tellers) President; 5 V.P.; Treasurer; Auditor; Historian; 5 members at large to Bd. of Governors; and 2 Counselors to Cubs* (Secretary and Chaplain appointed by President) 5. Announcements 6. Retire the colors. 7. Adjournment (meeting should last no longer than two hours.) Page Thirty ~9' FORM OF ACCOUNTING FOR POLAR BEAR REUNI;NON Registration - ~Attehdahce Members in attendance 0 $________ Guests 0 _ $ $5 Banquet Members & Guests 0 - -----~-------~~~-- _ -____ _ ___ -.____. ____ __. __;____ _ ~ I-PL--------~ ~--- NOMA"-~ CASH RECRIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS A4vance by Association Registra;tipn as above Banquet as v~bove Program Advertising Gif ts Mi. s ce 1 lane ou s Total Receipts $ $ rl $ Disbursements: Office Bxpense "Salaries, Telephone, Stamps, etc. (2 Mos.) Printing & $t~amps -., letters to members badges ( W ORT Program piages and ______rograms 0@$ Commission on ads,--2O% Entertainment at banquets Company Rooms & Ball Room $W.- _ - Banquet Secretary's Misc. Expense Miscellaneous Return advance by Association $ (Nos of memberS),(,Size of Program) '` - - ~- - -~ - --- ~~~~~- --- --~~-~ Total Disbursements $ Profit $ This type of accountinig shows at a glance details of attendance and unit costs of expense all of which is valuable for future reunions. D ated at Submitted by,*. APPROVED: Secretary or Maniager "; r Page eneral Ohairmeu Page Therty--.oneE lrý POLAR BEAR ASSOCIATION Past Presidents Years Hotel Convention Cities (Organization meetings started in 1919 for first reunion in 1922) J. Brooks Nichols 1st Meeting Jo Brooks Nichols John Cudahy Joel Ro Moore Walter Dundon Thomas L. Battle Walter Io McKenzie Harry Ho Mead Joseph T. Whalen Marvin W. Tomlin Adolph Anselmi Bradley Taylor Whitney McQuire David Cronberger Truman Streng Michael Jo Macalla Donald Shand Joseph Curry Hugh D. McPhail Co Verne Walters (19th. Biennial) 1920-22 1922-24 1924- 26 1926-28 1928-30 1930-32 1932-34 1934-36 1936-238 Deceased 1938-40 1940-42 1942-44 1944-46 1946-48 1948-50 1950-52 1952-54 1954-56 1956.58 Tuller Tuller Pfister Tu ller Tuller Book Cadillac Book Cadillac Pantlind Fort Shelby 1938 Pantlind Book Cadillac Book Cadillac Pantlind Book Cadillac Fort Shelby Book Cadillac Detroiter Fort Shelby Fort Shelby Detroit Detroit Milwaukee Detroit Detroit Detroit Detroit Grand Rapids Detroit Grand Rapids Detroit Detroit Grand Rapids Detroit Detroit Detroit Detroit Detroit Detroit Page Thirty-two HONORARY MMBBBRS 1922 R. K. Davis Ty Cobb Presented the first flag at Navin Field 1924 Governor Groesbeck Dr. T. B. Broderick John Co Lodge John Stevenson Will "am Bradley Joseph A. Martin 1930 Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg 1932 Governor Brucker Governor Green C. T. Sanger W. Mac Jones George Gunn Joe Martin 1936 George Watson 1952 Mayor Cobo W. Mac Jones Judge Moynihan 1954 Walter F. Keip Page Thirty-three